All pages
- 's avonds
- (Vernieuwd) Overzicht militaire afkortingen (military acronyms)
- (hoofd)aannemers, onderaannemers, nevenaannemers
- (water)bouw woordenlijst (
- .dsl
- 0-9
- 1,016 Dutch-English technical terms
- 1,154 Abbreviations used in the Construction Industry
- 1,826 3-letter acronyms (TLAs)
- 124
- 2,335 Dutch abbreviations
- 268 mainly Dutch acronyms.xls
- 3-KVP
- 305 French, German, English entries
- 383 French, German, English entries
- 3GPP LTE Abbreviations Dictionary.ld2
- 42 Dutch-English entries
- 497 Dutch-English sewing terms
- 5985958 (382 Dutch-English terms)
- 5 terms
- 67 random Dutch-English terms
- 764
- 909 random Dutch-English entries CLT.doc
- A-Z Begrippenlijst - Gokkasten (Dutch slot machine glossary)
- ABR-formulier
- ADP: Human Resources Lexicon: payroll & HR administration terms.
- AGARD - Multilingual Aeronautical Dictionary, Acronyms and Abbreviations
- AGROVOC Thesaurus
- ANNEX 31 - Glossary terms relating to the energy-related environmental performance of buildings
- AR, A.R.
- AS3000
- A Bibliography of Dutch Dictionaries, by Frans Claes & Peter Bakema
- A Comprehensive Dictionary of the World (Thomas Wright; Mittal Publications, India)
- A Contrastive Grammar of English and Dutch (1987)
- A Dutch Vocabulary (Bruce Donaldson, 1985)
- A Glossary of Common Terms for Land and Land Tenure
- A Glossary of Plastics Terminology in 6 Languages
- A Glossary of Plastics Terminology in 8 Languages (Wolfgang W. Glenz)
- A Glossary of Selected Fiber and Textile Terms (
- A Glossary of Weaving Terms (Weaver House)
- A Pirate’s Glossary (from ‘abaft’ to ‘yo-ho-ho’)
- A Pocket Guide to Call Center Terms and Acronyms
- A to Z of Diamonds Glossary (
- Aan- en uitloop
- Aan de hand van
- Aan kant maken, aan kant hebben, aan kant houden
- Aanbrengen
- Aanduiding
- Aanhangig
- Aanlegvlak
- Aanlooptijd
- Aanspreekcultuur
- Aansteekbrander
- Aanvullen, aanvulling
- Abbreviation
- Abbreviation management and search
- Abbreviation of ‘versus’
- Abbreviations Used In Hotels
- Ablation
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Acetone
- Ach
- Acquisitie
- Acronyms, Abbreviations and Initialisms (defined)
- Acronyms (some).xls
- Acronyms used in the CISA Exam
- Actieve aangeslotene ofp-iorp
- Addenda bij woordenboek Scheeps- Regel- en Installatietechniek (J. Delévaque)
- Adelaarsvleugels
- Advies
- Afgeschuind
- Afkortingen (
- Afkortingen BOA (
- Afkortingen en definities - Beleidsdraaiboek Klassieke Varkenspest & Afrikaanse Varkenspest
- Afkortingen in de GGZ ( 850 abbreviations used in Dutch mental health care)
- Afkortingen kosten (Koninklijk Besluit van 30 november 1976)
- Afkortingen vakken (Huygens College)
- Afkortingenlijst (found 2020-01-14)
- Afkortingenlijst Belgische Juridische Tijdschriften V&A
- Afkortingenlijst t.b.v. Supply Chain Management, Inkoop en Logistiek (2010) by Hessel Visser
- Afkortingenlijst van Team Taaladvies (de taaladviesdienst van de Vlaamse overheid)
- Afkortingenlijst voor Engelse tijdschriften (181 entries)
- Afvoer; afvoeren, drainage, draineren, drainering
- Agentuur
- Air cargo terms
- Aircraft Systems - Abbreviations and Acronyms (Prof. Dieter Scholz)
- Algemene Aannemingsvoorwaarden voor uitvoering van bouwwerken
- Algemene Maatregel van Bestuur
- Algemene vergadering 3 types belgium
- Alle Bouwplaats Risico’s verzekering
- Alpex Textile Glossary
- Alternatievenonderzoeksnota
- Ambient conditions
- American Mathematical Society (annser.csv)
- American and British English spelling differences
- Amo Institute of Sciences
- Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Glossary (2,143 Dutch-English terms)
- Analyse van op fijn stof gesorbeerde toxische organische micropolluenten (Wim Geeraerts)
- Animal adjectives (avian, canine, cygnine, etc.)
- Animals (Dutch, English and Latin - 7,197 entries)
- Anlaufzeit
- Annual report terms (251 Dutch-English entries)
- glossary of paper industry terms (Dutch, English, French and German)
- Antiquarian Dictionary in four languages (
- Appearance notice
- Apple glossary (45,000 Dutch-English entries)
- Apple glossary (45,000 Dutch-English entries) - Part 1
- Apple glossary (45,000 Dutch-English entries) - Part 2
- Apple glossary (45,000 Dutch-English entries) - Part 3
- Application, apply (English-Dutch)
- Aqueous
- Aquo-lex Waterwoordenboek
- Archives2
- Arthropod
- Associated
- At-home vs in-office
- Automotive terms (W.P. Barendsen & D. Belau, 2001)
- Autowoordenboek: viertalig technisch woordenboek voor de auto- en motorrijwielbranche (S. van Renssen)(Kluwer, 1959)
- Avans University of Applied Sciences - Terminologielijst Avans Hogeschool
- Axle counter system abbreviations (in patent ‘Redundancy switching of detection points’)
- BABEL: A Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms (by Irving Kind)
- BEIJER.rystb (2)
- BEIJER.rystb (Part 1)
- BEIJER.rystb (Part 2)
- BEIJER.rystb (Part 3)
- BEIJER.rystb (Part 4)
- BEIJER.rystb (Part 5)
- BEIJER.rystb (Part 6)
- BEIJER.rystb (various sources)
- B (misc.)
- Backup and sync software
- Banking glossary (165 Dutch-English terms)
- Bedrijventerrein
- Begrippenlijst (
- Beijer
- Beijerdeas
- Belastingdienst - Engelse termenlijst
- Belichten
- Berekening
- Bestaansrecht
- Bestuursrechtelijke procedure
- (Van aanmaakwater tot zwavelzuuraantasting)
- Bezet-spoor
- Bibliografie van lijsten met Nederlandstalige vakterminologie (Voorzetten 18)(L. van de Poll, 1988)
- Bicycle Dictionary (Dutch-English) by Edwin Seldenthuis
- Bid for work
- Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
- Bilingual concordancers
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap acquisition
- Bore (noun)
- Bouwen aan de toekomst
- Bouwkundige termen Nederlands-Engels-Frans-Duits (
- Brandpuntsafstand
- Breekplaat
- Breekring
- Breekspanning
- Breisel
- Brochure
- Brouw Terminologie in het Engels en Duits (
- Bulk density
- Buyer Safety Experience (BSX)
- CAT tools
- CE, Ce
- CIMAC Lexicon
- CINOP terminologielijst NL-EN (81 Dutch-English entries)
- CONTACT CENTER DEFINITIONS: Glossary of contact center, call center and customer experience terms
- CSV editors
- Calculus 2 voor Bouwkunde (Calculus Glossary) (191 Dutch-English entries)
- Call Center Glossary: Learn Key Call Center Terms with Accurate Always (
- Call Center Metrics: Glossary of Terms (North American Quitline Consortium, 2010)
- Cambridge Handbook of Educational Abbreviations and Terms
- Capillary
- Automotive Expressions (310 English abbreviations)
- Typical BMW Technical Expressions (402 English abbreviations)
- Typical Mercedes Expressions (79 English abbreviations)
- Cartridge
- Category tags
- Cation
- Cedefop - European Training Thesaurus
- Cedefop - European Training Thesaurus (only Dutch-English)
- Cedefop acronyms (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training)(51 Dutch-English acronyms)
- Centistokes
- Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs (CROHO)(Dutch-English)
- Change all "straight quotes" to ‘curly’ with Find and replace (regex mode) in memoQ (in one replacement)
- Chemical elements (in Dutch and English)
- Civil-Coastal Engineering eng dut.doc (9092 Dutch-English entries)
- Clean vs dirty earthing systems
- Two-letter language codes explained
- Clipboard managers and Text expanders
- Clothing industry glossary (AMTS Technique de Confection)(NL-FR-EN-DE)(Part 1: A to F)
- Clothing industry glossary (AMTS Technique de Confection)(NL-FR-EN-DE)(Part 2: G to K)
- Clothing industry glossary (AMTS Technique de Confection)(NL-FR-EN-DE)(Part 3: L to R)
- Clothing industry glossary (AMTS Technique de Confection)(NL-FR-EN-DE)(Part 4: R to Z)
- Clothing industry glossary (AMTS Technique de Confection)(NL-FR-EN-DE)(in 4 parts)
- Coating
- Coconut
- Collapse
- Collect
- Collection
- Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities (CAO-NU) - some terms
- Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)(ANNEX V)(Dutch-English glossary)
- Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)(Dutch-English)
- Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) (Dutch-English glossary)
- Compatible
- Compendium of Translation Software - directory of commercial machine translation systems and computer-aided translation support tools (John Hutchins)
- Complex project
- Complex project ‘Kustvisie’
- Comprehensive Dictionary of Industry and Technology (Graham P. Oxtoby)
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - A
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - B
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - C
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - D
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - E
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - F
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - G
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - H
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - I
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - J
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - K
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - L
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - M
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - N
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - O
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - P
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - Q
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - R
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - S
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - T
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - U
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - V
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - W
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - X
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - Y
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - Z
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch⇄English)
- Compressed
- Concordancers (bilingual/monolingual)
- Concordancers (bilingual/monololingual)
- Concordancers (bilingual and monololingual)
- Conservatoir of executoriaal derdenbeslag leggen
- Construction industry acronyms (4,209 entries)
- Contain
- Coronavirus Glossary (Dutch-English)
- Corpus analysis software
- Covid-19 Terminology: English-Dutch, Engels-Nederlands (Oxford Languages)
- Crypto glossary (58 entries in English, Dutch, German, Spanish, French and Italian)
- Cryptopedia Glossary
- Csv
- Cure rate (concrete etc.)
- D.O.G. (Dokumentation ohne Grenzen GmbH)
- DDFT and SDFT (in horses)
- DO
- DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms: Shortened Word Forms
- DUTCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY V.05.2011 - Jerzy Kazojć (2011)
- DUTCH HORIZONTAL MONITORING: The Handicap of a Head Start (FairTax WP-Series) - List of abbreviations
- Verklarende woordenlijst
- Data conversion tools
- De Helianthus - Verklarende woordenlijst
- De Kluijver: Begrippenlijst
- De terminologie van het Nederlands erfrecht in het Engels en in het Frans
- Deelnemen in een onderneming
- Defect
- Definities overheidsopdrachten (
- Delta sync
- Demonteren
- Desktop search tools
- Deutsche Bahn (DB) Anlage 3.1, Wörterliste Deutsch-Niederländisch
- Diamond Glossary (168 Dutch-English entries)
- - 12,101 Dutch-English terms
- Dictation and voice command tools
- Dictionary
- Dictionary for Building Technology Terminology (Technische Universiteit Delft)
- Dictionary of Computer Acronyms and Abbreviations (John C. Rigdon)
- Dictionary of English Abbreviations (5,161 English abbreviations)
- Dictionary of Hydraulic and Hydroelectric Engineering / Woordenboek Waterbouwkunde: English, German, French, Dutch, Chinese (Kluwer, 1992)
- Dictionary of Terms Master (619 multilingual entries)
- Dictionnaire juridique de Serge Braudo - list of abbreviations used in law and legal documents (in French)
- Difference between exploded view and cutaway drawing
- Difference between reagent + reactant (Dutch: reagens + reactant)
- Difference between stoneware and earthenware
- Dimensioneren
- Discutabel
- Document management systems (DMS)
- Doelmatig en doeltreffend, doeltreffend en doelmatig
- Doeltreffendheid
- Doenvermogen
- Dokmar Woordenlijst Engels-Nederlands (Dokmar Maritime Publishers B.V.)
- Draaglager
- Dubbelvouwen
- Dunglish
- Dutch-English-German-Portuguese-Spanish Glossary
- Dutch-English Cardiovascular Glossary - by Marie Brotnov (179 entries)
- Dutch-English and English-Dutch Dictionary in the new spelling, by C.J Van Rijn (1908)
- Dutch-English dictionary created from OmegaWiki database
- Dutch-English glossary (31224 entries)
- Dutch-English glossary (31224 entries)(Part 1)
- Dutch-English glossary (31224 entries)(Part 2)
- Dutch-English glossary with 1,654 entries (origin unknown)
- Dutch medical terms and body parts in Dutch (
- Woordenboek
- Duurzame lig- of standplaats
- Duwschoen, schoen (context: shoe sorters)
- Dwarsverband
- E-numbers - 380 Dutch-English entries
- EASA Glossary (European Union Aviation Safety Agency)(419 Dutch-English entries)
- EDANA Glossary of Nonwoven Terms
- EDANA Translation of Nonwoven Terms
- EENI Global Business School - Foreign Trade Glossary (Dutch-English)
- EUFOFINET Fire Glossary (List of Abbreviations and Acronyms)
- EUROCONTROL - AIRIAL (Air Navigation Inter-Site Acronym List)
- EUROPUMP TERMINOLOGY - Pump Component Names (Elsevier Advanced Technology)
- EU abbreviations and acronyms
- EU terminology - Draft (Ontwerp), Regulation (Voorschrift), Directive (Richtlijn) - in 23 languages
- Eerste nederlandse systematisch ingerichte encyclopædie (1946–52; ‘First Dutch Systematic and Comprehensive Encyclopaedia’)
- Efficacy
- Efficiency
- Eindtoets
- Elongate
- Elsevier’s Dictionary of the Printing and Allied Industries (2nd Edition)(Elsevier Science, 1983)
- Emplacementsbeveiliging
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Encompass
- Encompassment
- Encyclopedia
- Engage
- English-Dutch 53000.html
- Enhance, enhancement
- Ernst & Young Glossary
- Ernst Kers’ ‘Translation of some tram related words’
- medische afkortingen: A
- Eskom Abbreviations List
- Eskom Dictionary for power generation and distribution (English-Afrikaans)
- EuroVoc (Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union)(12,169 Dutch-English entries)