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CINOP terminologielijst NL-EN (81 Dutch-English entries)

From michaelbeijer.co.uk
CINOP (Centrum voor Innovatie van Opleidingen) is a Dutch educational consultancy and research agency for lifelong development.
Dutch English
Schooldecaan career teacher (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decaan_(studieadviseur))
A&O-fonds Labour Market and Training Fund
AOB Regional Career Guidance Offices
AOC-raad Association of Agricultural Education Centres
APL Accreditation of prior learning
Basisvaardigheden Basic skills
BOL school based pathway
BBL dual pathway
Beroepsonderwijs Vocational Education and Training (VET)
BSA Binding recommendation issued to students after their first year in higher education
BVE Vocational and adult education and training
CAO Collective (labour) agreement
Cedefop Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training)
CMI Career Management Institute
COG Career Orientation and Guidance
CTC Skills Assessment Centres
Cursus lezen en schrijven / taalcursus Literacy course
ECBO Expertise centre for vocational education and training
EL&I (Ministry of ) Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation
ELGPN European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network
ET2020 Education and Training 2020
EZ (Ministry of ) Economic Affairs
Geletterdheid Literacy
HAVO senior general secondary education
HBO higher professional education/applied sciences
HBO-raad Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences
HO Tertiary education
ISO Association of students in higher education
IVA Advisory organisation that conducts policy research
JOB Association of students in senior secondary vocational education (MBO)
Laaggeletterd Low-literacy, low literacy skills
LAKS Association of secondary school students
LBSV Union of university students
LDC Formerly, the National Centre for Career Issues
LIFT Mobility and knowledge-sharing network
LNV (Former Ministry of ) Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
LOB Career education and guidance : CEG (literally: career exploration and guidance)
Loopbaanvaardigheden Career management skills
MBO upper secondary vocational education
MBO Raad Netherlands Association of VET Colleges
NOLOC Netherlands association of career guidance professionals
NSE National Student Survey
NVS-NVL Netherlands Association of School Guidance Practitioners
Ongeletterd Illiterate
O&O fonds Education and Training Fund
OCW (Ministry of ) Education, Culture and Science
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OOM Training and career development fund in the metal working industry
OTIB Training and career development fund for registered fitters and electricians
PDP Personal Development Plan
PO Primary education
PUUR A regional network for employee mobility
ROA Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market
ROC regional education and training centre
RWI Council for Work and Income
SAM Cooperating for Mobility
SBB Foundation for cooperation between vocational education, training and the labour market
SBO Centre of expertise for educational staff
SER Social and Economic Council
SPV a partnership between the platforms for vocational preparatory and vocational introductory programmes in pre-vocational education
Stichting Lezen & Schrijven Reading & Writing Foundation
Stimuleringsplan Incentive plan
SZW (Ministry of) Social Affairs and Employment
UWV Social Security Agency
VM2 Experiment in which the upper years of pre-vocational education are combined with level-2 senior secondary vocational education
VMBO pre-vocational education
VNG Association of Netherlands Municipalities
VO secondary education
VO-raad Dutch Secundary Education Council
VSNU Association of Universities in the Netherlands
VSV Drop-out
VvSL Association of Career Guidance Practitioners in secondary education
VWO Pre-university education
WAJONG Invalidity Insurance (Young Disabled Persons) Act
WAO Invalidity Insurance Act
WAZ Invalidity Insurance (Self-Employed Persons) Act
WEB Adult and Vocational Education Act
WIA Work and Income (Fitness for Work) Act
WO university education
WVO secondary Education Act
WW Unemployment Benefits Act