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Show new changes starting from 01:27, 16 January 2025
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15 January 2025

 m   09:24  omtrek diffhist +22 M.Beijer talk contribs

14 January 2025

     17:41 Deletion log M.Beijer talk contribs deleted page Inbouwhoogte, inbouwdiepte (content was: " See also: Inbouwdiameter, zaagmaat === Dutch === * inbouwhoogte, inbouw-hoogte, inbouw hoogte * inbouwgrootte (built-in size) === English === * recess depth<ref>‘The Star Series LED downlights feature a '''shallow recess depth''' that facilitates the integration into the ceilings with limited installation space.’</ref> * overall height<ref>(Comprehensive Dictionary...", and the only contributor was "M.Beijer" (talk))
N    17:41  inbouwhoogte, inbouwdiepte, inbouwgrootte diffhist +1,236 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created page with " See also: Inbouwdiameter, zaagmaat === Dutch === * inbouwhoogte, inbouw-hoogte, inbouw hoogte * inbouwgrootte (built-in size) === English === * recess depth<ref>‘The Star Series LED downlights feature a '''shallow recess depth''' that facilitates the integration into the ceilings with limited installation space.’</ref> * overall height<ref>(Comprehensive Dictionary of Industry and Technology, Graham P. Oxtoby)</ref> * build in height, built-in height * installat...")
N    16:55  omhullende omtrek 2 changes history +229 [M.Beijer (2×)]
16:55 (cur | prev) +78 M.Beijer talk contribs
16:55 (cur | prev) +151 M.Beijer talk contribs (English)
N    11:40  kabeldoorgang diffhist +319 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created page with "__NOEDITSECTION__ === Dutch === * kabeldoorgang * kabeldoorvoer === English === * cable bushing * cable entry * cable passage * cable duct === Usage examples === * === External links === * ---- === References === <references /> Category:Terms Category:Terms: K Category:Technical {{Back to the top}}")

13 January 2025

N    17:28  striklint 3 changes history +1,223 [M.Beijer (3×)]
17:28 (cur | prev) +8 M.Beijer talk contribs
17:28 (cur | prev) +1,101 M.Beijer talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
17:27 (cur | prev) +114 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created page with "tie belt, sash, or ribbon belt Category:Clothing Category:Terms Category:Terms: S {{Back to the top}}")
 m   17:25  kleed diffhist +9 M.Beijer talk contribs
 m   17:13  Michael Beijer’s blog 2 changes history +128 [M.Beijer (2×)]
17:13 (cur | prev) +35 M.Beijer talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
17:10 (cur | prev) +93 M.Beijer talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
N    17:12  Category:Prompt engineering diffhist 0 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created blank page)
N    17:12  Category:AI diffhist 0 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created blank page)
N    17:12  Category:CotranslatorAI diffhist 0 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created blank page)
N    17:12  Indication of number of words/characters entered into ad-hoc prompt in CotranslatorAI? 2 changes history +1,182 [M.Beijer (2×)]
17:12 (cur | prev) +223 M.Beijer talk contribs
17:10 (cur | prev) +959 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created page with " ==== Indication of number of words/characters entered into ad-hoc prompt?   ==== {| class="wikitable" |- | ----Michael Beijer 10:08pm   #1409   Hi guys, I have been using CotranslatorAI extensively in my work, on all kinds of different texts, and it has really supercharged my productivity. It takes a while to construct a decent initial prompt, but after that, the translation I'm left with is often nearly flawless! Anyway, I have a small feature request. It would...") Tag: Visual edit
N    16:38  blazer 4 changes history +620 [M.Beijer (4×)]
16:38 (cur | prev) +12 M.Beijer talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
16:37 (cur | prev) +6 M.Beijer talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
16:37 (cur | prev) +1 M.Beijer talk contribs
16:37 (cur | prev) +601 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created page with "‘blazer’ (English/Dutch) niet-gevoerd sport­jas­je (oor­spron­ke­lijk in de club­kleu­ren), soms met gro­te blin­ken­de kno­pen (Van Dale) 1. a coloured jacket worn by schoolchildren or sports players as part of a uniform: ‘one supermarket offered a school blazer for just £10’ 1.1 a plain jacket not forming part of a suit but considered appropriate for formal wear: ‘the actress donned a black v-neck top which she paired with a matching b...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
 m   16:34  497 Dutch-English sewing terms diffhist +4 M.Beijer talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
N    14:18  vest 4 changes history +284 [M.Beijer (4×)]
14:18 (cur | prev) 0 M.Beijer talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
14:17 (cur | prev) −9 M.Beijer talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
14:16 (cur | prev) +122 M.Beijer talk contribs
14:15 (cur | prev) +171 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created page with "# ''kledingstuk zonder mouwen'' '''waistcoat''' ''(Amerikaans-Engels en handelsjargon)'' vest # ''gebreid jasje'' '''cardigan''' # ''(België)'' ''colbert'' '''jacket'''") Tag: Visual edit
N    14:14  broekrok 5 changes history +1,915 [M.Beijer (5×)]
14:14 (cur | prev) +16 M.Beijer talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
14:07 (cur | prev) −1 M.Beijer talk contribs
14:06 (cur | prev) +27 M.Beijer talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
14:05 (cur | prev) +1,626 M.Beijer talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
13:57 (cur | prev) +247 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created page with "__NOEDITSECTION__ === Dutch === * broekrok === English === * gaucho === Usage examples === * === External links === * ---- === References === <references /> Category:Terms Category:Terms: B Category:Clothing {{Back to the top}}")
     14:06 Upload log M.Beijer talk contribs uploaded File:culottes.png

12 January 2025

N    17:37  Category:Robotics diffhist 0 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created blank page)
 m   17:37  Palletizing Glossary (Columbia, Palletizing.com) diffhist +51 M.Beijer talk contribs
 m   17:37  Palletiser glossary (Palletizing.com) diffhist +50 M.Beijer talk contribs
 m   17:36  Glossary of Terms (Brillopak.co.uk) diffhist +27 M.Beijer talk contribs
N    17:36  Category:ABB diffhist 0 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created blank page)
 m   17:36  Glossary of technical terms commonly used by ABB 2 changes history +90 [M.Beijer (2×)]
17:36 (cur | prev) +22 M.Beijer talk contribs
17:35 (cur | prev) +68 M.Beijer talk contribs
N    17:14  Category:Terminologist diffhist 0 M.Beijer talk contribs (Created blank page) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
 m   17:13  home 2 changes history −2 [M.Beijer (2×)]
17:13 (cur | prev) −4 M.Beijer talk contribs Tags: Manual revert Visual edit
17:13 (cur | prev) +2 M.Beijer talk contribs Tags: Manual revert Reverted Visual edit
 m   17:13  CafeTran diffhist +9 M.Beijer talk contribs (Text replacement - "beijerterm.com/archives/" to "michaelbeijer.co.uk/the-archives/")
 m   17:13  Puzzelwoordenboek: Q diffhist +9 M.Beijer talk contribs (Text replacement - "beijerterm.com/archives/" to "michaelbeijer.co.uk/the-archives/")
 m   17:13  Compendium of Translation Software - directory of commercial machine translation systems and computer-aided translation support tools (John Hutchins) diffhist +9 M.Beijer talk contribs (Text replacement - "beijerterm.com/archives/" to "michaelbeijer.co.uk/the-archives/")
 m   17:13  EDANA Glossary of Nonwoven Terms diffhist +9 M.Beijer talk contribs (Text replacement - "beijerterm.com/archives/" to "michaelbeijer.co.uk/the-archives/")
 m   17:13  Cardiagnostics.be: Typical Mercedes Expressions (79 English abbreviations) diffhist +9 M.Beijer talk contribs (Text replacement - "beijerterm.com/archives/" to "michaelbeijer.co.uk/the-archives/")
 m   17:13  Dictionary of Terms Master (619 multilingual entries) diffhist +27 M.Beijer talk contribs (Text replacement - "beijerterm.com/archives/" to "michaelbeijer.co.uk/the-archives/")
 m   17:13  Puzzelwoordenboek: P diffhist +9 M.Beijer talk contribs (Text replacement - "beijerterm.com/archives/" to "michaelbeijer.co.uk/the-archives/")
 m   17:13  Quanjer’s English dictionary (Blankwaardt & Schoonhoven, 1 Jan. 1910) diffhist +9 M.Beijer talk contribs (Text replacement - "beijerterm.com/archives/" to "michaelbeijer.co.uk/the-archives/")