Cedefop - European Training Thesaurus (only Dutch-English)
- Original source: https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/publications/4114 (retrieved 2024-07-29)
- Full version archived at: https://michaelbeijer.co.uk/archives/Cedefop_
Dutch | English | Domain |
aanbod van arbeidskrachten | labour supply | Labour |
aanbod van een baan | job offer | Labour |
aanstelling | job placement | Labour |
aanstellingsvoorwaarden | conditions of employment | Labour |
aantal stagiaires | number of trainees | Administration |
aanwezigheid tijdens de lessen | course attendance | Training |
aardrijkskunde | geography | Sciences and technology |
absenteïsme | absenteeism | Enterprise |
academische graad | academic degree | Learning |
academische studie | university studies | Education |
accountant | accountant | Occupations |
accreditatie van opleiding | accreditation of training | Training |
accreditatie van opleidingsorganisatie | accreditation of education and training providers | Training |
achterstandsgroep | disadvantaged group | Society |
actieonderzoek | action research | Auxiliary terms |
Adapt | Adapt | European Union |
administratie | administration | Administration |
administratief medewerker | clerical worker | Occupations |
administratief werk | clerical work | Economic activities |
administratieve opleiding | clerical training | Training |
administratieve structuur | administrative structure | Administration |
adverteerder | advertiser | Occupations |
adviesorgaan | guidance service | Training |
adviseur voor beroepsoriëntering | vocational counsellor | Occupations |
afgestudeerd trainee | graduate trainee | Training |
afgestudeerde hoger onderwijs | higher education graduate | Education |
afstandsonderwijs | distance learning | Learning |
agentschappen en andere organen | agencies and other bodies | European Union |
alfabetisering | literacy | Education |
algemeen vormend onderwijs | general education | Education |
alternerend onderwijs | alternating training | Training |
ambachtsman | craftsman | Labour |
ambtenaar | civil servant | Labour |
analfabetisme | illiteracy | Education |
analyse van de opleidingsbehoeften | training needs analysis | Training |
anciënniteit | seniority | Enterprise |
Anerkennung von Abschlüs- sen | recognition of qualifications | Learning |
arbeid | labour | Labour |
arbeidersklasse | working class | Society |
arbeidscontract | labour contract | Labour |
arbeidsklimaat | work environment | Enterprise |
arbeidskrachten | manpower | Labour |
arbeidsmarkt | labour market | Labour |
arbeidsmarkthervorming | labour market reform | Labour |
arbeidsongeval | occupational accident | Enterprise |
arbeidsstatistie-ken | labour statistics | Administration |
arbeidsstudie | work study | Enterprise |
arbeidstijdverkorting | reduction of working hours | Enterprise |
arbeidsveiligheid | occupational safety | Enterprise |
arbeidsverhoudingen | labour relations | Enterprise |
arbeidsvoorwaarden | working conditions | Enterprise |
arbeidsvoorziening | labour administration | Administration |
arbeidswetgeving | labour legislation | Administration |
architect | architect | Occupations |
architectuur | architecture | Economic activities |
armoede | poverty | Society |
atlas | atlas | Document type |
attitude van instructeurs | trainers’ attitude | Enterprise |
attitude van ouders | parental attitude | Society |
attitude van stagiairs | trainees' attitude | Enterprise |
audiovisueel hulpmiddel | audiovisual aid | Learning |
audiovisuele industrie | audiovisual industry | Economic activities |
audiovisuele methode | audiovisual method | Learning |
automatisering | automation | Sciences and technology |
automobielindustrie | automobile industry | Economic activities |
avondcursus | evening class | Training |
banenaanbod | job vacancy | Labour |
bankactiviteit | banking | Economic activities |
bankpersoneel | banking personnel | Occupations |
basiskennis wiskunde | numeracy | Education |
basisscholing | basic training | Training |
basisvaardigheid | basic skill | Learning |
bedrijfsbeëindiging | company closure | Enterprise |
bedrijfseconomie | business economics | Sciences and technology |
bedrijfsleiding | company management | Enterprise |
bedrijfsopleiding | intercompany training | Training |
bedrijfspsychologie | industrial psychology | Sciences and technology |
bedrijfssociologie | industrial sociology | Sciences and technology |
beëindiging van het werkverband | termination of employment | Labour |
begaafd persoon | gifted person | Society |
begroting | budget | Economy |
begroting van de Gemeenschap | Community budget | European Union |
beheer | management | Administration |
beheer van opleidingen | training administration | Administration |
bekrachtigen van leerresultaten | validation of learning outcomes | Learning |
bekwaamheids-proef | aptitude test | Training |
belangengroep | interest group | Society |
belasting | tax | Economy |
beoordelen van leren | valuing learning | Learning |
beoordeling van de beroepsvaardigheid | vocational assessment | Enterprise |
beoordeling van de leerresultaten | assessment of learning outcomes | Learning |
beroep | occupation | Occupations |
beroepenclassificatie | job classification | Enterprise |
beroepenvoorlichting | vocational information | Training |
beroepsambitie | vocational aspiration | Enterprise |
beroepskeuzebe-geleider | guidance officer | Occupations |
beroepskeuzebegeleiding | vocational guidance | Training |
beroepskwalificatie | vocational qualification | Labour |
beroepsleven | working life | Enterprise |
beroepsmobiliteit | occupational mobility | Enterprise |
beroepsonderwijs | vocational education | Education |
beroepsopleiding | vocational training | Training |
beroepsoriëntering | vocational counselling | Training |
beroepsprofiel | occupational profile | Labour |
beroepsrehabilitatie | vocational rehabilitation | Training |
beroepsstatus | occupational status | Labour |
beroepsstructuur | occupational structure | Labour |
beroepssucces | occupational success | Enterprise |
beroepsvereniging | professional association | Administration |
beroepsvoorbereiding | vocational preparation | Training |
beroepsziekte | occupational disease | Enterprise |
beschermen van de werkgelegenheid | employment protection | Administration |
bestuurder | driver | Occupations |
bevoegdheidsgraad | level of qualification | Labour |
bevolking | population | Population |
bevolkingsafname | population decline | Population |
bevolkingssprei-ding | population distribution | Population |
bevordering in een loopbaan | promotion | Enterprise |
bibliografie | bibliography | Document type |
bibliotheek | library | Economic activities |
bijscholing | upskilling | Training |
bijzonder onderwijs | private education | Education |
bijzonder onderwijs | special needs education | Education |
biologie | biology | Sciences and |
bioloog | biologist | Occupations |
biotechnologie | biotechnology | Sciences and technology |
bosbouw | forestry | Economic activities |
bouwindustrie | construction industry | Economic activities |
bouwvakker | construction worker | Occupations |
buitenlands beleid | foreign policy | Administration |
buitenlandse student | foreign student | Education |
buitenschoolse vorming | out of school education | Education |
Bureau voor Officiële Publicaties der Europese Gemeenschappen | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | European Union |
burgerrechten | civil rights | Administration |
case study | case study | Auxiliary terms |
catalogus | catalogue | Document type |
Cedefop | Cedefop | European Union |
centrale overheid | central government | Administration |
centralisatie | centralisation | Administration |
centrum voor beroepsrehabilitatie | vocational rehabilitation centre | Training |
certificerende instantie | awarding body | Administration |
certificering van verworven competenties | certification of learning outcomes | Learning |
Chat | chat | Document type |
chemische industrie | chemical industry | Economic activities |
civiele techniek | civil engineering | Sciences and technology |
cognitief proces | cognitive process | Learning |
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst | collective agreement | Enterprise |
collectieve onderhandeling | collective bargaining | Enterprise |
combineren van meerdere banen | multiple employment | Labour |
commercieel personeel | commercial personnel | Occupations |
communautair advies | Community opinion | European Union |
communautair beleid | Community policy | European Union |
communautair programma | Community programme | European Union |
communautair recht | Community law | European Union |
communautaire aanbeveling | Community recommendation | European Union |
communautaire activiteit | Community activity | European Union |
communautaire deelneming | community participation | Administration |
communautaire externe betrekkingen | Community external relations | European Union |
communautaire financiën | Community finance | European Union |
communautaire instellingen | Community institutions | European Union |
communautaire resolutie | Community resolution | European Union |
communautaire richtlijn | Community directive | European Union |
communautaire verordening | Community regulation | European Union |
communautaire wetgeving | Community legislation | European Union |
communicatie | communication | Information and communication |
communicatie | Committee of the Regions | European Union |
communicatie-industrie | communications industry | Economic activities |
communicatiemiddel | communication medium | Information and communication |
communicatieve vaardigheid | communication skill | Learning |
competentie | competence | Learning |
compilatie | compilation | Document type |
computer | computer | Information and communication |
computerge- stuurd onderwijs | computer based learning | Learning |
computergestuurd ontwerp | computer aided design | Information and communication |
computergestuurde fabricage | computer aided manufacturing | Information and communication |
computergrafiek | computer graphics | Information and communication |
computerindustrie | computer industry | Economic activities |
computernetwerk | computer network | Information and communication |
computeropleiding | computer training | Training |
computerpersoneel | computing personnel | Occupations |
computertechniek | computer engineering | Information and communication |
computertoepassing | computer application | Information and communication |
concept | draft | Document type |
concurrentie | competition | Economy |
congresvoordracht | conference paper | Document type |
consultant | consultant | Occupations |
coöperatie | cooperative | Enterprise |
coördinatie van opleidingsbeleid | training policy coordination | Training |
creativiteit | creativity | Learning |
culturele dienstverlening | cultural service | Economic activities |
culturele identiteit | cultural identity | Society |
culturele integratie | cultural integration | Society |
cultuur | culture | Society |
cultuurbeleid | cultural policy | Administration |
curriculum | curriculum | Learning |
curriculum vitae | curriculum vitae | Enterprise |
curriculumonderzoek | curriculum research | Learning |
curriculumontwikkeling | curriculum development | Learning |
cursusopzet | course design | Training |
databank | database | Document type |
decentralisatie | decentralisation | Administration |
deel van een monografie | monograph part | Document type |
deelname van stagiairs | trainee participation | Training |
deeltijdarbeid | part time employment | Enterprise |
deeltijdcursus | part time course | Training |
demografie | demography | Sciences and technology |
demografische trends | population trends | Population |
derde cyclus academisch onderwijs | postgraduate study | Education |
deskundigheidsontwikkeling | staff development | Enterprise |
detachering | secondment | Enterprise |
detailhandel | retail trade | Economic activities |
didactiek | didactics | Sciences and technology |
dienst voor arbeidsbemiddeling | employment service | Labour |
dienstensector | services | Economic activities |
digitaal alfabetisme | computer literacy | Training |
digitale kloof | digital divide | Society |
diploma | certificate | Learning |
discriminatie | discrimination | Society |
discriminatie op grond van geslacht | sex discrimination | Society |
discussieforum | discussion list | Document type |
docent in het beroepsonderwijs | vocational teacher | Occupations |
docent in het hoger onderwijs | higher education teacher | Occupations |
documentatie | documentation | Information and communication |
documentatiesysteem | information service | Economic activities |
doelgroep | target group | Training |
doelmatigheid van de opleiding | training effectiveness | Training |
doeltreffendheid | efficiency | Learning |
dokwerker | docker | Occupations |
drankenindustrie | beverage industry | Economic activities |
drukwerkindustrie | printing industry | Economic activities |
duaal systeem | dual system | Training |
duur van de werkloosheid | unemployment duration | Labour |
duurzame ontwikkeling | sustainable development | Economy |
ecologie | ecology | Sciences and technology |
economie | economy | Economy |
economie van het onderwijs | economics of education | Training |
economisch beleid | economic policy | Economy |
economisch stelsel | economic system | Economy |
economische crisis | economic crisis | Economy |
economische hulpbron | economic resource | Economy |
economische ontwikkeling | economic development | Economy |
economische planning | economic planning | Economy |
economische sector | economic sector | Economy |
economische statistiek | economic statistics | Economy |
economische toestand | economic condition | Economy |
economische wetenschappen | economics | Sciences and technology |
economische wetgeving | economic legislation | Administration |
educatief spel | educational game | Learning |
educatiewetenschappen | sciences of education | Sciences and technology |
een leven lang leren | lifelong learning | Learning |
eerste cyclus academisch onderwijs | undergraduate study | Education |
eerste tewerkstelling | initial employment | Labour |
EG interne markt | EC internal market | European Union |
EG-beschikking | Community decision | European Union |
eigenwaarde | self esteem | Learning |
eLearning | eLearning | Learning |
elektricien | electrician | Occupations |
elektriciteitsindustrie | electricity industry | Economic activities |
elektrische industrie | electrical industry | Economic activities |
elektronica | electronics | Sciences and technology |
elektronische handel | electronic commerce | Economic activities |
elektronische industrie | electronics industry | Economic activities |
elektrotechniek | electrical engineering | Sciences and technology |
elementair onderwijs | basic education | Education |
elite | elite | Society |
Document type | ||
emigratie | emigration | Population |
empirisch onderzoek | empirical research | Auxiliary terms |
encyclopedie | encyclopedia | Document type |
energie-industrie | power industry | Economic activities |
enquête | survey | Auxiliary terms |
Erasmus | Erasmus | European Union |
ergonomie | ergonomics | Sciences and technology |
erkenning van leerresultaten | recognition of learning outcomes | Learning |
ethiek | ethics | Society |
etnische groep | ethnic group | Society |
Europass | Europass | European Union |
Europees Agentschap voor Veiligheid en Gezondheid op het Werk | European Agency for Safety Health at Work | European Union |
Europees Bureau voor personeels-selectle | European Personnel Selection Office | European Union |
Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité | European Economic and Social Committee | European Union |
Europees jaar van de talen | European year | European Union |
Europees kwalifi-catiekader | European qualifications framework | European Union |
Europees Parlement | European Parliament | European Union |
Europees systeem voor het verzamelen en overdragen van studiepunten | European credit transfer and accumulation system | European Union |
Europees systeem voor overdracht van leerresultaten voor beroepsonderwijs en -opleiding | European credit system for vocational education and training | European Union |
Europees Verdrag | European Treaty | European Union |
Europese Be-stuursschool | European Administrative School | European Union |
Europese Centrale Bank | European Central Bank | European Union |
Europese Commissie | European Commission | European Union |
Europese constructie | European construction | European Union |
Europese dimensie | European dimension | European Union |
Europese Investeringsbank | European Investment Bank | European Union |
Europese Ombudsman | European Ombudsman | European Union |
Europese Rekenkamer | European Court of Auditors | European Union |
Europese statistieken | Eurostat | European Union |
Europese statistieken | farmer | Occupations |
Europese Stichting ter verbetering van de levens- en arbeidsomstandigheden | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions | European Union |
Europese Stichting voor Opleiding | European Training Foundation | European Union |
Europese Unie | European Union | European Union |
Eurydice | Eurydice | International organisations |
EVA | EFTA | International organisations |
evaluatie | evaluation | Auxiliary terms |
evaluatiemethode | evaluation method | Auxiliary terms |
examen | examination | Learning |
examinator | examiner | Occupations |
experimenteel onderzoek | experimental research | Auxiliary terms |
experimentele pedagogiek | experimental education | Sciences and technology |
expertsysteem | expert system | Information and communication |
export van onderwijs | export of training | Administration |
farmaceutische industrie | pharmaceutical industry | Economic activities |
filmindustrie | film industry | Economic activities |
filosofie | philosophy | Sciences and technology |
financieel beheer | financial management | Economy |
financieel beleid | financial policy | Economy |
financieel middel | financial resource | Economy |
financiële controle | financial control | Economy |
financiële dienst | financial service | Economic activities |
financiering | financing | Economy |
financiering van opleiding | financing of training | Training |
flexibele produc-tieautomatise-ring | flexible manufacturing system | Information and communication |
flexibiliteit | flexibility | Enterprise |
flexibiliteit van de arbeidsmarkt | labour market flexibility | Labour |
flexicurity | flexicurity | Labour |
formeel leren | formal learning | Learning |
functieanalyse | job analysis | Enterprise |
functie-inhoud | job content | Enterprise |
functieomschrijving | job description | Enterprise |
functieroulatie | job rotation | Enterprise |
functievereisten | job requirements | Labour |
functieverrijking | job enrichment | Enterprise |
fundamenteel onderzoek | fundamental research | Auxiliary terms |
gastland | host country | Population |
geavanceerde technologie | advanced technology | Sciences and technology |
gedeelde arbeidsplaats | job sharing | Enterprise |
gedocumenteerd dossier | documentary dossier | Document type |
gedrag | behaviour | Society |
geestelijke gezondheid | mental health | Society |
geesteswetenschappen | humanities | Sciences and technology |
gegevensbeheer | data management | Information and communication |
gehandicapte | disabled person | Society |
gehandicapte werknemer | disabled worker | Labour |
gelegenheids-werker | casual worker | Labour |
gelijke kansen | equal opportunities | Administration |
gelijkheid van beloning | equal pay | Enterprise |
gelijkwaardigheid van diplo- | equivalence of certificates | Learning |
gemeenschappelijke onderneming | joint venture | Enterprise |
Gemeenschapsgelden | Community funds | European Union |
gemeenschapsontwikkeling | community development | Administration |
gemeentebegroting | local finance | Economy |
gemengde economie | mixed economy | Economy |
geneeskunde | medicine | Sciences and technology |
geografische mobiliteit | geographical mobility | Population |
geologie | geology | Sciences and technology |
geprogrammeerde instructie | programmed instruction | Learning |
gereglementeerd beroep | regulated occupation | Labour |
geschiedenis | history | Sciences and technology |
geschiedenis van de opleiding | history of training | Training |
geschiktheid | aptitude | Learning |
geschoold arbeider | skilled worker | Labour |
gespecialiseerd secundair onderwijs | specialised secondary school | Education |
gezin | family | Society |
gezinsmilieu | family environment | Society |
gezinstoelage | family allowance | Administration |
gezondheid | health | Society |
gezondheidsdienst | health service | Economic activities |
gezondheidsopvoeding | health education | Education |
gids | guide | Document type |
glasindustrie | glass industry | Economic activities |
globalisering | globalisation | Economy |
glossarium | glossary | Document type |
godsdienst | religion | Society |
governance | governance | Administration |
grafische kunsten | graphic arts | Economic activities |
grensarbeider | frontier worker | Labour |
grensoverschrijdende samenwerking | crossborder cooperation | Administration |
groenboek | green paper | Document type |
groepsonderwijs | group learning | Learning |
grondwet | constitution | Administration |
groothandel | wholesale trade | Economic activities |
grote onderneming | large enterprise | Enterprise |
Grundtvig | Grundtvig | European Union |
halfgeschoolde werknemer | semi skilled worker | Labour |
handarbeider | manual worker | Labour |
handel | trade | Economic activities |
handel en distributie | commercial distribution | Economic activities |
handelsbeleid | trade policy | Economy |
handwerk | handicraft | Economic activities |
hardware | hardware | Information and |
heffing voor opleiding | training levy | Training |
herintreding | return to work | Labour |
herplaatsing van personeel | personnel regrading | Enterprise |
herscholing | retraining | Training |
herstructurering | reengineering | Enterprise |
het onderwijs | sociology | technology |
het starten van een onderneming | enterprise creation | Enterprise |
historisch onderzoek | historical research | Auxiliary terms |
Hof van Justitie | Court of Justice | European Union |
hoger onderwijs | higher education | Education |
hoger secundair onderwijs | upper secondary education | Education |
hooggeschoolde arbeidskracht | highly skilled worker | Labour |
hotelindustrie | hotel industry | Economic activities |
hotelpersoneel | hotel personnel | Occupations |
houding | attitude | Society |
houtbewerker | wood worker | Occupations |
houtbewerking-industrie | woodworking industry | Economic activities |
huisvesting | housing | Administration |
human resources management | human resources management | Enterprise |
humanisering van de arbeid | humanisation of work | Enterprise |
hypermedia | hypermedia | Learning |
identificatie van leerresultaten | identification of learning outcomes | Learning |
ijzerindustrie | iron industry | Economic activities |
illegale arbeid | illegal work | Labour |
ILO | ILO | International organisations |
immigratie | immigration | Population |
in-company opleiding | in company training | Training |
individualisme | individualism | Society |
individueel onderwijs | individual training | Training |
industrie | industry | Economic activities |
industriebeleid | industrial policy | Economy |
industriële ontwikkeling | industrial development | Economy |
informatica | informatics | Information and communication |
informatie | information | Information and communication |
informatie- en communicatietechnologie | information and communication technology | Information and communication |
informatiebehoeften | information needs | Information and communication |
informatiecentrum | information centre | Information and communication |
informatiegebruiker | information user | Information and communication |
informatiemaatschappij | information society | Society |
informatienetwerk | information network | Information and communication |
informatieont-sluiting | information retrieval | Information and communication |
informatiesysteem | information system | Information and communication |
informatieverspreiding | information dissemination | Information and communication |
informatieverwerking | information processing | Information and communication |
informatiewetenschap | information science | Sciences and technology |
informeel leren | informal learning | Learning |
informele sector | informal sector | Economy |
ingenieur | engineer | Labour |
initiële opleiding | initial training | Training |
inkomensbeleid | incomes policy | Economy |
inkopen van opleidingen | training purchase | Enterprise |
inschrijving | registration | Education |
in-service opleiding | in service training | Training |
inspecteur | inspector | Occupations |
instelling voor hoger onderwijs | higher education institute | Education |
institutioneel kader | institutional framework | Administration |
instructeur | trainer | Occupations |
integratie in het arbeidsproces | entry into working life | Labour |
integratie van migranten | migrant integration | Society |
intellectuele ontwikkeling | intellectual development | Learning |
intelligentie | intelligence | Learning |
intensieve opleiding | intensive training | Training |
interactief leren | interactive learning | Learning |
interactieve video | interactive video | Learning |
intermenselijke communicatie | interpersonal communication | Information and communication |
intermenselijke relaties | interpersonal relations | Society |
internationaal beleid | international policy | Administration |
internationale betrekkingen | international relations | Administration |
internationale economie | international economy | Economy |
internationale handel | international trade | Economic activities |
internationale migratie | international migration | Population |
internationale organisatie | international organisation | International organisations |
internationale overeenkomst | international agreement | Administration |
internationale samenwerking | international Cooperation | Administration |
internationale uitwisseling | international exchange | Administration |
internet | Internet | Information and communication |
interview | interview | Auxiliary terms |
introductiecursus | induction training | Training |
investering | investment | Economy |
inzetbaarheid | employability | Labour |
jaarboek | yearbook | Document type |
jaarverslag | annual report | Document type |
jeugd | youth | Society |
jeugdbeleid | youth policy | Administration |
jeugdbescherming | youth protection | Administration |
jeugdcriminaliteit | juvenile delinquency | Society |
jeugdhulpverlening | youth aid | Administration |
jeugdige | adolescent | Population |
jeugdopleiding | youth training | Training |
jeugdorganisatie | youth organisation | Administration |
jeugdwerkloosheid | youth unemployment | Labour |
jongere | young person | Population |
jongerenwerker | youth worker | Occupations |
juridisch aspect | legal aspect | Administration |
juridische wetenschap | legal science | Sciences and technology |
juwelier | jeweller | Occupations |
Kamer van Koophandel | chamber of commerce | Administration |
kantoorautomatisering | office automation | Information and communication |
kapitaal | capital | Economy |
kapper | hairdresser | Occupations |
kennis | knowledge | Learning |
kennis van vreemde talen | foreign language skill | Learning |
kennisbeheer | knowledge management | Enterprise |
kennismaatschappij | knowledge society | Society |
kind | child | Population |
kinderopvang | child care facilities | Administration |
kledingindustrie | clothing industry | Economic activities |
kleine onderneming | small enterprise | Enterprise |
kleuteronderwijs | pre school education | Education |
knowhow | know how | Learning |
koper | buyer | Occupations |
kortlopende cursus | short course | Training |
kosten van opleiding | cost of training | Training |
kostenanalyse | cost analysis | Auxiliary terms |
kosten-baten-analyse | cost benefit analysis | Auxiliary terms |
krant | newspaper | Document type |
kunsten | arts | Economic activities |
kunstenaar | artist | Occupations |
kunstmatige intelligentie | artificial intelligence | Information and communication |
kunststofindustrie | plastics industry | Economic activities |
kwalificatie | qualification | Labour |
kwalitatieve analyse | qualitative analysis | Auxiliary terms |
kwaliteit van het arbeidsleven | quality of working life | Enterprise |
kwaliteit van het onderwijs | quality of education | Education |
kwaliteit van opleiding | quality of training | Training |
kwaliteitszorg | quality management | Administration |
lager secundair onderwijs | lower secondary education | Education |
land van herkomst | country of origin | Population |
landbouw | agriculture | Economic activities |
landbouwbeleid | agricultural policy | Economy |
landbouwer | agriculture worker | Occupations |
landelijk gebied | rural area | Administration |
landschapstui-nier | landscape gardener | Occupations |
langdurige werkloosheid | long term unemployment | Labour |
lasser | welder | Occupations |
lederindustrie | leather industry | Economic activities |
leeftijdsgroep | age group | Population |
leeftijdsopbouw | age distribution | Population |
leerbewerker | leather worker | Occupations |
leerkracht | teacher | Occupations |
leerlingwezen | apprenticeship | Training |
leermaterialen | learning material | Document type |
leermethode | learning method | Learning |
leermiddel | training aid | Learning |
leermoeilijkheid | learning difficulty | Learning |
leeromstandig-heden | learning environment | Learning |
leerplicht | compulsory education | Education |
leerstrategie | learning strategy | Learning |
leertheorie | learning theory | Sciences and technology |
leertransfer | transfer of learning | Learning |
leer-werkover-een komst | training employment contract | Labour |
leerwerkovereenkomst | apprenticeship contract | Labour |
leer-werkrelatie | training employment relationship | Labour |
leiderschap | leadership | Society |
lening | loan | Economy |
Leonardo da Vinci | Leonardo da Vinci | European Union |
leren | learning | Learning |
leren door gebruiken | learning by using | Learning |
leren door te doen | learning by doing | Learning |
leren op de werkplek | work based training | Training |
lerende organisatie | learning organisation | Enterprise |
lesgeld voor opleiding | training fee | Training |
lesgeven | teaching | Learning |
letterkunde | literature | Sciences and technology |
levenskwaliteit | quality of life | Society |
levensmiddelenindustrie | food industry | Economic activities |
levensomstandigheden | living conditions | Society |
lichamelijk gehandicapte | physically disabled person | Society |
lichamelijke gezondheid | physical health | Society |
Lingua | Lingua | European Union |
lokaal oplei-dingsinitiatief | local training initiative | Training |
lokale planning | local planning | Administration |
loon | wage | Enterprise |
loopbaan | career | Enterprise |
loopbaanbeschrijving | career record | Enterprise |
loopbaankeuze | career choice | Training |
loopbaanonderbreking | career break | Enterprise |
loopbaanontwikkeling | career development | Enterprise |
loopbaanplanning | career planning | Enterprise |
loopbaanverandering | career change | Enterprise |
loopbaanvooruit-zichten | career prospects | Enterprise |
luchttransportpersoneel | air transport personnel | Occupations |
maatschappelijk effect | social effect | Society |
maatschappelijk werk | social work | Economic activities |
maatschappelijk werker | social worker | Occupations |
maatschappelijke dienstverlening | social service | Administration |
maatschappelijke klasse | social class | Society |
maatschappelijke positie | social status | Society |
maatschappelijke structuur | social structure | Society |
maatschappelijke uitsluiting | social exclusion | Society |
maatschappij | society | Society |
machineindustrie | machinery industry | Economic activities |
man | man | Population |
management counselling | management counselling | Economic activities |
managementattitude | management attitude | Enterprise |
managementopleiding | management training | Training |
managementvaardigheid | managerial skill | Learning |
manager | manager | Labour |
marketing | marketing | Economic activities |
markt | market | Economy |
massamedia | mass media | Information and communication |
mechanisering | mechanisation | Sciences and technology |
medezeggenschap van de werknemers | workers’ participation | Enterprise |
medicus | medical practitioner | Occupations |
meester | mastercraftsman | Labour |
menselijk kapitaal | human capital | Economy |
mentorschap | mentoring | Learning |
metaalbewerker | metalworker | Occupations |
metaalbewerkingindustrie | metalworking industry | Economic activities |
methodologie | methodology | Auxiliary terms |
meting | measurement | Auxiliary terms |
meubelindustrie | furniture industry | Economic activities |
microcomputer | microcomputer | Information and communication |
microelektronica | microelectronics | Sciences and technology |
middelgrote onderneming | medium enterprise | Enterprise |
midden en kleinbedrijf | small and medium enterprise | Enterprise |
migrant | migrant | Society |
migrante | migrant woman | Society |
migrantenkind | migrant’s child | Society |
migratie | migration | Population |
migrerende werknemer | migrant worker | Labour |
mijnwerker | miner | Occupations |
milieu | environment | Economy |
milieubescherming | environmental protection | Economy |
milieueducatie | environmental education | Education |
milieuwerknemer | environment worker | Occupations |
militair personeel | military personnel | Occupations |
minderheidsgroep | minority group | Society |
minderheidstaal | minority language | Information and communication |
Minerva | Minerva | European Union |
ministerie | ministry | Administration |
ministerie van arbeid | ministry of labour | Administration |
ministerie van onderwijs | ministry of education | Administration |
misdadigheid | delinquency | Society |
mislukking | failure | Learning |
mobiliteit van arbeidskrachten | labour mobility | Labour |
model | model | Auxiliary terms |
modernisering | modernisation | Society |
modulaire opleiding | modular training | Training |
moedertaal | mother tongue | Information and communication |
monetair beleid | monetary policy | Economy |
monitor voor de arbeidsmarkt | employment monitoring system | Labour |
monografie | monograph | Document type |
monteur | mechanic | Occupations |
motivatie | motivation | Society |
multiculturele omgeving | multicultural environment | Society |
multimediasysteem | multimedia system | Learning |
multinationale onderneming | multinational enterprise | Enterprise |
muziek | music | Economie activities |
natuurkunde | physics | Sciences and technology |
natuurkundige | physicist | Occupations |
natuurwetenschappen | natural sciences | Sciences and technology |
niet-formeel leren | non-formal learning | Learning |
niet-traditioneel beroep | non-traditional occupation | Labour |
niet-universitair hoger onderwijs | non-university higher education | Education |
nieuwe technologieën | new technologies | Sciences and technology |
norm | standard | Document type |
nota van toelichting | commentary | Document type |
notulen | proceedings | Document type |
nummer van een tijdschrift | journal issue | Document type |
observatie | observation | Auxiliary terms |
oefenwerkplaats | training workshop | Training |
OESO | OECD | International organisations |
onderaanneming | subcontracting | Enterprise |
ondergekwalificeerde werknemer | underqualified worker | Labour |
onderhoudsreparatie | maintenance repair | Economic activities |
ondernemer | entrepreneur | Labour |
ondernemerschap | entrepreneurship | Society |
onderneming | enterprise | Enterprise |
ondernemingscultuur | enterprise culture | Enterprise |
ondernemingsraad | works council | Enterprise |
ondersteuning bij opleiding | training assistance | Training |
onderwijs aan volwassen | adult learning | Learning |
onderwijs na de leerplichtperiode | post compulsory education | Education |
onderwijsachtergrond | educational background | Education |
onderwijsadministratie | educational administration | Education |
onderwijsbehoeften | educational needs | Training |
onderwijsbeleid | educational policy | Education |
onderwijsdeficit | educational deficit | Education |
onderwijsdoelstelling | educational objective | Education |
onderwijsexperiment | experimentation | Auxiliary terms |
onderwijsfinanciering | financing of education | Training |
onderwijsgevend personeel | teaching personnel | Occupations |
onderwijshervorming | educational reform | Education |
onderwijsinstelling | educational institution | Education |
onderwijskans | educational opportunity | Education |
onderwijskosten | cost of education | Training |
onderwijskundige | educationalist | Occupations |
onderwijsmiddel | educational resource | Education |
onderwijsmiddelencentrum | resource centre | Training |
onderwijsniveau | level of education | Education |
onderwijsontwikkeling | educational development | Education |
onderwijsplanning | educational planning | Education |
onderwijsstatistieken | educational statistics | Education |
onderwijssysteem | education system | Education |
onderwijstechnologie | educational technology | Sciences and technology |
onderwijstheorie | educational theory | Sciences and technology |
onderwijsvernieuwing | educational innovation | Education |
onderwijsvoorziening | educational facility | Education |
onderwijswetgeving | educational legislation | Administration |
onderzoek | research | Auxiliary terms |
onderzoek en ontwikkeling | research and development | Economy |
onderzoek van opvoeding | educational research | Education |
onderzoekcentrum | research centre | Economy |
onderzoeksbeleid | research policy | Economy |
onderzoeksgebied | research field | Economy |
onderzoeksmethode | research method | Auxiliary terms |
onderzoeksprogramma | research programme | Economy |
onderzoekstechniek | research technique | Auxiliary terms |
ongeschoold arbeider | unskilled worker | Labour |
ongeschoolde jeugd | unqualified young people | Labour |
online leren | online learning | Learning |
ontslag om economische redenen | redundancy | Labour |
Ontspanningsdienst | recreation service | Economic activities |
ontwikkelde landen | developed countries | Economy |
ontwikkeling van het platteland | rural development | Economy |
ontwikkeling van opleiding | training development | Training |
ontwikkelingsgebied | developing area | Administration |
ontwikkelingshulp | development aid | Administration |
ontwikkelingslanden | developing countries | Economy |
ontwikkelingstendens | trend | Auxiliary terms |
onvolledige werkgelegenheid | underemployment | Labour |
oordeel | judgment | Learning |
open leren | open learning | Learning |
open universiteit | open university | Education |
openbare dienst voor arbeidsbemiddeling | public employment service | Labour |
opleiding aan migranten | migrant training | Training |
opleiding buiten de werkplek | off the job training | Training |
opleiding in het buitenland | training abroad | Training |
opleiding in meerdere vaardigheden | multi skill training | Training |
opleiding op de werkplek | on the job training | Training |
opleiding van leerkrachten | teacher training | Training |
opleiding van opleiders | training of trainers | Training |
opleiding van personeel | staff training | Training |
opleiding voor gedetineerden | prisoner training | Training |
opleiding voor toezichthoudend personeel | supervisory training | Training |
opleiding voor volwassenen | adult training | Training |
opleidingsaanbod | training supply | Training |
opleidingsadviseur | training consultant | Occupations |
opleidingsapparatuur | training equipment | Learning |
opleidingsbeg roti ng | training budget | Training |
opleidingsbehoeften | training needs | Training |
opleidingsbeleid | training policy | Training |
opleidingscentrum | training centre | Training |
opleidingscentrum onderwijsgevenden | college of education | Education |
opleidingscursus | training course | Training |
opleidingsdoel | training objective | Training |
opleidingsduur | duration of training | Training |
opleidingsevaluatie | training evaluation | Training |
opleidingsfunctie | training function | Training |
opleidingshervorming | training reform | Training |
opleidingsinformatie | training information | Training |
opleidingsinitiatief | training initiative | Training |
opleidingsinstituut | training institution | Training |
opleidingsmanagement | training management | Training |
opleidingsmanager | training manager | Occupations |
opleidingsmarketing | training marketing | Training |
opleidingsmarkt | training market | Training |
opleidingsmateriaal | training material | Learning |
opleidingsmethode | training method | Learning |
opleidingsniveau | training level | Training |
opleidingsnorm | training standard | Training |
opleidingsonderzoek | training research | Training |
opleidingspaspoort | training passport | Learning |
opleidingspersoneel | training personnel | Occupations |
opleidingsplan | training plan | Training |
opleidingsprogramma | training programme | Training |
opleidingsspecificatie | training specification | Training |
opleidingsstatistieken | training statistics | Administration |
opleidingssysteem | training system | Training |
opleidingstheorie | training theory | Sciences and technology |
opleidingstutor | training tutor | Occupations |
opleidingstype | type of training | Training |
opleidingswetgeving | training legislation | Administration |
opslag van gegevens | information storage | Information and communication |
opvoeding en onderwijs | education | Education |
opzichter | supervisor | Labour |
ouderdomsverzekering | pension scheme | Enterprise |
oudere | older person | Population |
oudere werknemer | older worker | Labour |
ouderrol | parental role | Society |
ouders | parents | Society |
outplacement | outplacement | Enterprise |
overdraagbare vaardigheid | transferable skill | Learning |
overdracht van technologie | technology transfer | Sciences and technology |
overgang schoolmaatschappij | transition from school to work | Labour |
overheidsadministratie | public administration | Administration |
overheidsbedrijf | public enterprise | Enterprise |
overheidsdienst | civil service | Administration |
overheidsfinanciën | public finance | Economy |
overheidsonderwijs | state education | Education |
overheidsorganisatie | public body | Administration |
overheidssteun | state aid | Economy |
overheidsuitgave | public expenditure | Economy |
overuur | overtime | Enterprise |
pamflet | pamphlet | Document type |
papierindustrie | paper industry | Economic activities |
papiermaker | paper maker | Occupations |
paramedisch personeel | paramedical personnel | Occupations |
parlement | parliament | Administration |
participatiegraad in opleidingen | training participation rate | Administration |
particuliere dienst voor arbeidsbemiddeling | private employment service | Labour |
particuliere financiering | private finance | Economy |
particuliere sector | private sector | Economy |
pensionering | retirement | Labour |
permanente educatie | continuing education | Education |
pers | press | Information and communication |
persbericht | press release | Document type |
personeel | personnel | Enterprise |
personeel in de informatiesector | information personnel | Occupations |
personeel in overheidsdienst | public service personnel | Occupations |
personeelsbeheer | personnel management | Enterprise |
personeelsbeoordeling | personnel assessment | Enterprise |
personeelsselectie | personnel selection | Enterprise |
personeelsvertegenwoordiging | workers’ representation | Enterprise |
persoonlijke ontwikkeling | personal development | Learning |
persoonlijkheid | personality | Learning |
plaatselijke overheid | local authority | Administration |
plaatsing voor opleiding | training placement | Training |
planning | planning | Administration |
planning van de arbeidskrachten | manpower planning | Labour |
planning van opleiding | planning of training | Training |
plattelandsjeugd | rural youth | Society |
politie | police | Occupations |
politiek | politics | Administration |
politiek stelsel | political system | Administration |
politieke partij | political party | Administration |
politieke wetenschappen | political science | Sciences and technology |
polytechnische vorming | polytechnic education | Education |
polyvalentie | polyvalence | Learning |
positieve arbeidsbeleving | job satisfaction | Enterprise |
positieve discriminatie | positive discrimination | Administration |
postsecundair onderwijs | post secondary education | Education |
praktijkexamen | practical examination | Learning |
praktijkopleiding | practical training | Training |
praktische vaardigheid | practical skill | Learning |
primair onderwijs | primary education | Education |
primaire sector | primary sector | Economy |
probleemoplossing | problem solving | Learning |
producent van plastic producten | plastic products maker | Occupations |
productie | production | Economy |
productiebeheer | production management | Enterprise |
productiemedewerker | manufacturing worker | Occupations |
productiviteit | productivity | Economy |
proefproject | pilot project | Learning |
proefschrift | thesis | Document type |
professionaliteit | professionalism | Labour |
professionele werknemer | professional worker | Labour |
Programma Levenslang Leren | Lifelong Learning Programme | Learning |
Programma voor gelijke kansen | Equal | European Union |
programmatuur | software | Information and communication |
projectmethode | project method | Learning |
psychologie | psychology | Sciences and technology |
psychologie van het onderwijs | educational psychology | Sciences and technology |
psycholoog | psychologist | Occupations |
publieke dienst | public service | Economic activities |
publieke sector | public sector | Economy |
Raad van de Europese Unie | Council of the European Union | European Union |
Raad van Europa | Council of Europe | International organisations |
radio | radio | Information and communication |
rapport | report | Document type |
rassendiscriminatie | racial discrimination | Society |
rassengelijkheid | racial equality | Administration |
recht op arbeid | right to work | Administration |
recht op informatie | right to information | Administration |
recht op onder wijs | right to education | Administration |
recht op opleiding | right to training | Administration |
rechten van de mens | human rights | Administration |
rechten van de vrouw | women’s rights | Administration |
rechten van het kind | children’s rights | Administration |
rechten van migranten | migrants’ rights | Administration |
recyclageindustrie | recycling industry | Economic activities |
reeks | series | Document type |
regering | government | Administration |
regeringsbeleid | government policy | Administration |
regionaal beleid | regional policy | Administration |
regionaal bestuur | regional authority | Administration |
regionale arbeidsmarkt | regional labour market | Labour |
regionale en lokale overheid | regional and local authority | Administration |
regionale ontwikkeling | regional development | Economy |
regionale planning | regional planning | Administration |
regionale samenwerking | regional cooperation | Administration |
regionale werkloosheid | regional unemployment | Labour |
reisbureaumedewerker | travel agency employee | Occupations |
reisgids | travel guide | Occupations |
relatie instructeur stagiair | trainer trainee relationship | Learning |
relatie school bedrijf | school enterprise relationship | Education |
relatie universiteit onderneming | university enterprise relationship | Education |
remigratie | return migration | Population |
rentabiliteit | cost effectiveness | Economy |
restauratie | restoration | Economie activities |
resultaat | performance | Learning |
resultaatsevaluatie | performance appraisal | Learning |
rijkdom | wealth | Society |
rijksbegroting | national budget | Economy |
robot | robot | Sciences and technology |
robottechnologie | robotics | Sciences and technology |
rol van de onderwijsgevende | teacher role | Society |
samenwerkingsverband voor opleiding | training partnership | Training |
satellietcommunicatie | satellite communication | Information and communication |
scheepsbouw | shipbuilding | Economic activities |
scheikunde | chemistry | Sciences and technology |
scheikundige | chemist | Occupations |
scheppen van werkgelegenheid | employment creation | Labour |
scholingsgraad | schooling rate | Education |
schone kunsten | fine arts | Economic activities |
school | school | Education |
school voor beroepsopleiding | vocational school | Training |
school voor primair onderwijs | primary school | Education |
school voor secundair onderwijs | secondary school | Education |
schoolkeuze begeleiding | educational guidance | Education |
schoolleider | headteacher | Occupations |
schoolperiode | schooling | Education |
schoolvak | curriculum subject | Learning |
schoolverlaten | school leaving | Education |
schoonheidsspecialist | beautician | Occupations |
schriftelijke cursus | correspondence course | Learning |
secretaris | secretary | Occupations |
sectoriële opleiding | sectoral training | Training |
secundair onderwijs | secondary education | Education |
secundaire sector | secondary sector | Economy |
segmentatie op de arbeidsmarkt | labour market segmentation | Labour |
segregatie | segregation | Society |
seizoenarbeider | seasonal worker | Labour |
seizoenwerkloosheid | seasonal unemployment | Labour |
selectie van stagiairs | trainee selection | Training |
selectiecriteria | selection criteria | Training |
selectieprocedure | selection procedure | Training |
semioverheidsinstelling | mixed investment company | Enterprise |
simulatletraining | simulation training | Learning |
sleutelcompetenties | key competences | Learning |
sneuveldocument | working paper | Document type |
sociaal achtergestelde persoon | socially disabled person | Society |
sociaal beleid | social policy | Administration |
sociaal gedrag | social behaviour | Society |
sociaal milieu | social environment | Society |
sociaal probleem | social problem | Society |
sociaal recht | social legislation | Administration |
sociaal-culturele groep | sociocultural group | Society |
sociaal-economische omstandigheden | socio economic conditions | Society |
sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek | social research | Administration |
sociale begeleiding | social assistance | Administration |
sociale beweging | social movement | Society |
sociale dialoog | social dialogue | Enterprise |
sociale discriminatie | social discrimination | Society |
sociale economie | social economy | Economy |
sociale herkomst | social origin | Society |
sociale identiteit | social identity | Society |
sociale integratie | social integration | Society |
sociale interactie | social interaction | Society |
sociale mobiliteit | social mobility | Society |
sociale ongelijkheid | social inequality | Society |
sociale partners | social partners | Enterprise |
sociale promotie | social promotion | Society |
sociale rechten | social rights | Administration |
sociale roi | social role | Society |
sociale uitsluiting | marginalisation | Society |
sociale vaardigheid | social skill | Learning |
sociale verandering | social change | Society |
sociale werkvoorziening | sheltered employment | Labour |
sociale wetenschappen | social sciences | Sciences and technology |
sociale zekerheid | social security | Administration |
socialisatie | socialisation | Society |
sociologie | sociology | Sciences and technology |
sociologie van | educational | Sciences and |
socioloog | sociologist | Occupations |
Socrates | Socrates | European Union |
software voor opleiding | training software | Learning |
sollicitatiegesprek | employment interview | Enterprise |
soort onderneming | type of enterprise | Enterprise |
specialistenopleiding | specialist training | Training |
sport | sport | Economic activities |
staat | state | Administration |
staatsburgerschap | citizenship | Society |
staatsdeelname | state participation | Economy |
stadsjeugd | urban youth | Society |
stadsplanning | urban planning | Administration |
stagiair | apprentice | Training |
stagiair | trainee | Training |
staking | strike | Enterprise |
statisticus | statistician | Occupations |
statistiek | statistics | Sciences and technology |
statistisch onderzoek | statistical analysis | Auxiliary terms |
status van de vrouw | female status | Society |
stedelijk gebied | urban area | Administration |
structurele werkloosheid | structural unemployment | Labour |
student | student | Education |
student eerste fase hoger onderwijs | undergraduate student | Education |
studentenaantal | number of students | Education |
studentenmobiliteit | student mobility | Education |
studentenorganisatie | student organisation | Administration |
studentenpopulatie | student population | Education |
studentenuitwisseling | student exchange | Administration |
studieduur | duration of studies | Education |
studiekeuze | choice of studies | Education |
studiepunt voor opleiding | training credit | Learning |
studiereis | study tour | Learning |
subsidie | subsidy | Economy |
succes | success | Learning |
taakdekwalificatie | deskilling | Labour |
taakontwerp | job design | Enterprise |
taakverruiming | job enlargement | Enterprise |
taal | language | Information and communication |
taalbarrière | language barrier | Labour |
taalkunde | linguistics | Sciences and technology |
tandarts | dentist | Occupations |
teamwerk | team work | Enterprise |
technicus | technician | Labour |
technische hulpverlening | technical assistance | Administration |
technische opleiding | technical training | Training |
technische wetenschap | engineering | Sciences and technology |
technologie | technology | Sciences and technology |
technologische verandering | technological change | Sciences and technology |
technologische wetenschappen | technological sciences | Sciences and technology |
tegemoetkoming in de studiekos | student allowance | Training |
tegemoetkoming in studiekosten | training allowance | Training |
tekort aan arbeidskrachten | labour shortage | Labour |
tekort aan vaardigheden | skill shortage | Labour |
telecommunicatie | telecommunication | Information and communication |
telecommunicatieindustrie | telecommunications industry | Economic activities |
telematica | telematics | Information and communication |
televisie | television | Information and communication |
televisieonderwijs | educational television | Learning |
telling | census | Population |
Tempus | Tempus | European Union |
terminologie | terminology | Sciences and technology |
tertiaire sector | tertiary sector | Economy |
test | test | Learning |
textielindustrie | textile industry | Economic activities |
theater | theatre | Economic activities |
thesaurus | thesaurus | Document type |
thuiswerk | work at home | Enterprise |
tijdelijke tewerkstelling | temporary employment | Labour |
tijdelijke werkloosheid | temporary unemployment | Labour |
tijdelijke werknemer | temporary worker | Labour |
tijdschrift | journal | Document type |
tijdschriftartikel | journal article | Document type |
toegang tot de arbeidsmarkt | access to employment | Labour |
toegang tot het onderwijs | access to education | Education |
toegang tot informatie | access to information | Information and communication |
toegang tot opleiding | access to training | Training |
toegepaste wetenschappen | applied sciences | Sciences and technology |
toelage | grant | Economy |
toelatingsexamen | entrance examination | Learning |
toelatingsvoorwaarden | admission requirements | Training |
toerisme | tourism | Economic activities |
toeristisch personeel | tourism personnel | Occupations |
toespraak | speech | Document type |
toezicht op personeel | personnel supervision | Enterprise |
transparantie van kwalificaties | transparency of qualifications | Learning |
tuinbouw | horticulture | Economic activities |
tuinman | gardener | Occupations |
tweedekansscholen | second chance schools | Education |
tweetaligheid | bilingualism | Information and communication |
uitbreiding van de Gemeenschap | enlargement of the Community | European Union |
uitgave | publishing | Economic activities |
uitgaven | expenditure | Economy |
uitstervend beroep | obsolescent occupation | Labour |
uitval van leerlingen in opleidin | training wastage | Training |
uitvoerend kunstenaar | performing artist | Occupations |
uitwisseling van onderwijsgevenden | teacher exchange | Administration |
Unesco | Unesco | International organisations |
universiteit | university | Education |
vaardigheid | skill | Learning |
vaardigheidsanalyse | skill analysis | Learning |
vaardigheidsontwikkeling | skill development | Learning |
vakantie | holidays | Enterprise |
vakbond | trade union | Enterprise |
vakbondsopleiding | trade union training | Training |
vakbondsrol | trade union role | Enterprise |
vakopleiding | craft training | Training |
validering van opleiding | training validation | Training |
variabele werktijd | flexible hours of work | Enterprise |
veeltaligheid | multilingualism | Information and communication |
veiligheidsmaatregel | safety measure | Enterprise |
veiligheidsopleiding | safety training | Training |
verandering in de organisatie | organisational change | Enterprise |
verborgen werkloosheid | disguised unemployment | Labour |
verdeling naar geslacht | sex distribution | Population |
verdeling van werktijd | working time arrangement | Enterprise |
Verenigde Naties | United Nations | International organisations |
vereniging | association | Administration |
vergelijkbaarheid van kwalificaties | comparability of qualifications | Learning |
vergelijkende analyse | comparative analysis | Auxiliary terms |
vergelijkende pedagogiek | comparative education | Education |
verkoper | sales person | Occupations |
verlenging van de schoolperiode | prolonged schooling | Education |
verlies van werkgelegenheid | job loss | Labour |
vernieuwing | innovation | Economy |
vernieuwing van opleiding | training innovation | Training |
verontreiniging | pollution | Economy |
verordening | regulation | Administration |
verouderde vaardigheid | skill obsolescence | Learning |
verpleegkundige | nurse | Occupations |
verslaving | addiction | Society |
verstandelijk gehandicapte | mentally disabled person | Society |
Vertaalbureau voor de organen van de Europese Unie | Translation Centre for Bodies of the European Union | European Union |
vertaling | translation | Information and communication |
vervanging | replacement | Enterprise |
vervoer | transport | Economic activities |
vervroegd pensioen | early retirement | Labour |
verwerkende industrie | manufacturing industry | Economic activities |
verzekering | insurance | Economic activities |
verzekeringspersoneel | insurance personnel | Occupations |
verzendlijst | mailing list | Document type |
video | video | Learning |
visserijindustrie | fishing industry | Economic activities |
visueel leren | visual learning | Learning |
vliegtuigindustrie | aircraft industry | Economic activities |
vluchteling | refugee | Society |
volledige betrekking | full time employment | Enterprise |
volledige werkgelegenheid | full employment | Labour |
voltijdse cursus | full time course | Training |
voltooien van opleiding | completion of training | Training |
volwassene | adult | Population |
volwassenheid | maturity | Learning |
voorspelling | forecasting | Auxiliary terms |
voortgang | progression | Auxiliary terms |
voortgezette opleiding | continuing training | Training |
voortijdig schoolverlater | educational dropout | Education |
voortijdig verlaten van de | training dropout | Training |
vormingsinhoud | content of education | Education |
vormingsverlof | training leave | Enterprise |
vraag naar arbeidskrachten | manpower needs | Labour |
vraagtechniek | questioning | Auxiliary terms |
vragenlijst | questionnaire | Auxiliary terms |
vreemde talen leren | foreign language learning | Learning |
vrij beroep | liberal profession | Labour |
vrije arbeidsmarkt | competitive employment | Labour |
vrije tijd | leisure | Enterprise |
vrijheid van verkeer | freedom of movement | Administration |
vrijwilligersorganisatie | voluntary organisation | Administration |
vrijwilligerswerk | voluntary service | Economic activities |
vrouw | woman | Population |
VWO diploma | A level | Learning |
website | website | Document type |
weg kopen van arbeidskrachten | poaching | Enterprise |
wegvervoer | road transport | Economic activities |
Wereldbank | World Bank | International organisations |
werk op afstand | teleworking | Enterprise |
werkattitude | work attitude | Enterprise |
werken als zelfstandige | self employment | Labour |
werkende jongere | young worker | Labour |
werkervaring | work experience | Labour |
werkgelegenheid | employment | Labour |
werkgelegenheid voor afgestudeerden | graduate employment | Labour |
werkgelegenheid voor jongeren | youth employment | Labour |
werkgelegenheid voor migranten | migrant employment | Labour |
werkgelegenheid voor vrouwen | female employment | Labour |
werkgelegenheidsbeleid | employment policy | Labour |
werkgelegenheidsenquête | employment survey | Administration |
werkgelegenheidskans | employment opportunity | Labour |
Werkgelegenheidsprogramma | Employment programme | European Union |
werkgever | employer | Enterprise |
werkgeversorganisatie | employers’ organisation | Enterprise |
werkgeversrol | employers’ role | Enterprise |
werkloosheid | unemployment | Labour |
werkloosheid onder afgestudeerden | graduate unemployment | Labour |
werkloosheid onder migrerende werknemers | migrant unemployment | Labour |
werkloosheid van vrouwen | female unemployment | Labour |
werkloosheidsbestrijding | fight against unemployment | Labour |
werkloosheidsuitkering | unemployment benefit | Administration |
werkloze | unemployed worker | Labour |
werknemer | worker | Labour |
werknemer | employee | Labour |
werknemer in de bosbouw | forestry worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de culturele sector | cultural sector employee | Occupations |
werknemer in de drukkerij | printing worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de geesteswetenschappen | humanities worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de gezondheidszorg | health worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de glasindustrie | glass worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de journalistiek | journalism worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de juridische sector | law worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de levensmiddelenindustrie | food worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de persoonlijke dienstverlening | services worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de sociale voorzieningen | social services worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de sociale wetenschappen | social sciences worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de techniek | engineering worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de textielindustrie | textile worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de veilig heidssector | security services worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de vervoersdiensten | transport services worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de veterinaire sector | veterinary worker | Occupations |
werknemer in de wetenschap | science worker | Occupations |
werknemer in het bedrijfsleven | business worker | Occupations |
werknemer in het onderwijs | education worker | Occupations |
werknemersattitude | employees’ attitude | Enterprise |
werkorganisatie | work organisation | Enterprise |
werkplek | place of work | Enterprise |
werkprestatie | work performance | Enterprise |
werkprogramma | work programme | Document type |
werkstudent | working student | Education |
werktijd | hours of work | Enterprise |
werktuigbouwkunde | mechanical engineering | Sciences and technology |
werkvergunning | work permit | Labour |
werkzame beroepsbevolking | working age population | Population |
werkzoeken | job search | Labour |
werkzoekende | job seeker | Labour |
werving | recruitment | Enterprise |
wet | law | Administration |
wetgeving | legislation | Administration |
wettekst | legal text | Document type |
winst | profit | Economy |
wiskunde | mathematics | Sciences and technology |
wiskundig model | mathematical model | Auxiliary terms |
wiskundige | mathematician | Occupations |
witboek | white paper | Document type |
woordenboek | dictionary | Document type |
Youth programma | Youth programme | European Union |
zaakregister | directory | Document type |
zakelijke dienstverlening | business service | Economic activities |
zeetransport | sea transport | Economic activities |
zeevaarder | seafarer | Occupations |
zekerheid van arbeidsplaats | job security | Labour |
zelfbestuur | self management | Administration |
zelfevaluatie | self evaluation | Learning |
zelfgestuurd leren | self directed learning | Learning |
zelfstandige | self employed worker | Labour |
zuivere wetenschappen | pure sciences | Sciences and technology |