Difference between reagent + reactant (Dutch: reagens + reactant)
Please note: The pages in the ‘Terms’ category contain my own research while translating. I basically use this wiki as a notepad and memory aid, so a lot of the content will be quickly written and potentially far from perfect. If you find anything glaringly incorrect, feel free to drop me a line @ info@michaelbeijer.co.uk!
Reagent (Dutch: reagens)
nl: reagens/reagentia "chemische stof of oplossing van chemische stoffen die dient om een bep. chemische reactie teweeg te brengen als een andere chemische stof aanwezig is, en om deze stof aan te tonen" en: reagent/reagents "A substance or mixture for use in chemical analysis or other reactions:"
Reactant (Dutch: reactant)
nl: reactant/reactanten "chemisch reactieve stof" en: reactant/reactants "A substance that takes part in and undergoes change during a reaction."
• test substance that is added to a system in order to bring about a reaction or to see whether a reaction occurs
• In a chemical reaction, a reagent binds to something and thus triggers a reaction. It is not consumed during this. However, a reactant is consumed.
• substance that takes part in and undergoes change during a reaction