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BEIJER.rystb (Part 3)

From michaelbeijer.co.uk
Back to: BEIJER.rystb (various sources)
Date: 2022-11-14
Dutch = English
eindfalanx = distal phalanx
eindfase = final phase
Eindfase = Decline stage
eindgebruik = end-use
Eindgebruikanalyse = End-use analysis
eindgebruiker = end user
eindgebruiker = end-user
eindgebruiker {de} = end user
Eindgebruiker en installateur = End user and installer
eindgebruiker en integrator = end user and integrator
Eindgebruiker referenties = End-user references
eindgebruiker van wetenschappelijke gegevens = end-user of scientific data
Eindgebruiker(s) = End Users(s)
"eindgebruiker, installateur, technische dienst" = "end user, installer, technical department"
eindgebruikergroep = end user group
eindgebruikers = end users
eindgebruikers = end-users
eindgebruikers = end user
eind-gebruikers van onze ringwikkelaars = end-users of our ring wrappers
eindgebruikers van palletiseren = end-users of palletisers
eindgebruikersapparatuur = end user equipment
eindgebruikerstoepassingen = end-user applications
eindgesprek = do not translate literally
eindgesprek = "instead, specify the point of the meeting/interview/etc., e.g. a thesis d"
eindgesprek = "[DS] vermijd deze term, specificeer het doel van het gesprek. Bijv. verde"
eindgesprek = graduation interview
eindheffing = final levy
eindhouder = end bracket
Eindhoven School of Education = Eindhoven School of Education
eind-huls = end sleeve
eind-hulzen = end sleeves
eindig = finite
eindig = confined
Eindig = Limited
eindige bezettingsplanning = finite loading
eindige boogsinus-verdeling = finite arc sine distribution
eindige capaciteit = finite capacity
eindige capaciteitsplanning = finite scheduling
Eindige Eeuwigheid = ‘Eindige Eeuwigheid?’ (‘Finite Eternity?’)
eindige elementen = finite elements
eindige Markov-keten = finite Markov chain
eindige populatie = finite population
eindige rij = finite series
eindige sectie = finite section
eindige-differentiemethode = finite difference method
eindige-elementenmethode = finite element method
eindige-elementenmethode = finite element method: FEM
eindige-elementennetwerkgeneratie = finite element mesh generation
eindige-elementensysteem = finite element system
Eindigen = End
eindigen de verplichtingen zoals opgenomen in dit artikel = the obligations contained in this article end
eindigend = ending
Eindigend op = Ending on
eindigende van rechtswege = ends by operation of law
eindige-toestandovergangsdiagram = finite state transition diagram
eindige-toestandsmachine = finite state machine: FSM
eindigheid = finitude
eindigheidscorrectie (voor een populatie) = finite multiplier
eindigheidscorrectie (voor een populatie) = finite population correction
eindigheidscorrectie (voor een populatie) = finite sampling correction
eindigt = ends
eindigt dan = will then en
eindigt de Overeenkomst automatisch van rechtswege = the Agreement will automatically terminate by operation of law
eindigt deze overeenkomst van rechtswege = this Agreement shall terminate by law
eindigt deze Verwerkersovereenkomst automatisch = this Data Processing Agreement shall automatically end
eindigt in de volgende gevallen = terminates in the following cases
eindigt in ieder geval op de dag waarop = will in any event end on the day
eindigt onmiddellijk zonder opzegging = will terminate immediately without notice
eindigt op het moment dat je partner = ends when your partner
eindigt op het moment dat je partner de AOW gerechtigde leeftijd bereikt = ends when your partner reaches state pension age
eindigt ultimo = ends at the end of
eindigt van rechtswege = legally ends
eindinspectie = final inspection
eindinspectiestukken = final inspection pieces
Eindinstelling = End setting
eindisolatie = final insulation
eindje = bit
Eindkap = End cap
Eindkap glasvezelbuis = End cap glass fibre tube
Eindkap reflector = Reflector end cap
eindkapitaal = final capital
eindkappen = end caps
eindkeuring = final inspection
eindkeuring en -beproeving = final inspection and testing
eindkeuringen = final inspections
eindklant = final customer
eindklant = end customer
eindklant of opdrachtgever = end customer or client
eindklanten = end customers
eindklem = end clamp
eindklemmen = end clamps
eindknooppunt = leaf node
eindknop = terminal bud
eindknop = apical bud
eindknop = top bud
eindknop (aan gordijnrail) = final
eindkontrole = final inspection
eindkwalificaties = exit qualifications
eindlaag = final layer
eindleeftijd = age at maturity
eindleeftijd = ceasing age
Eindloonregeling = Final Salary Pension Scheme
eindloze lus = endless loop
eindloze-luscassette = endless-loop cartridge
eindlus = end loop
eindlussen = end loops
Eindmaat = (m.b.t. meettechniek) gauge block
Eindmaat = Gauge block
Eindmaat = Gauge block
eindmaatblokje = gauge block
eindmateriaal = final material
eindmetingformulieren = final measurement forms
eindmontage = final assembly
eindnadering = final approach
Eindnadering met continue daling (CDFA) = continuous descent final approach (CDFA)
eindniveau = exit level
eindniveau = graduation level
eindnoordboomstuk = hipped roof terminal tile
eindonderhandelingen = final negotiations
eindontvanger van een partij gedroogde voedergewassen = final consignee of a lot of dried fodder
eindontwerp = final design
Eindoordeel = Final assessment
Eindoordeel = overall assessment
eindoordeel of totaalqualificatie (R&O term) = final evaluation or final qualification
eindoplevering = completion
eindoplevering = final acceptance
eindoplevering = final completion
eindoplevering = final walk-through
eindoplossingen = final solution
eindopslag = final storage
eindoverbenging = final drive
Eindoverdracht systeem = Final transfer of system
eindpaneel = end panel
eindpauze = end break
eindpauzetijd = end break time
eindpauzeveld = end break field
eindpeiling = final evaluation
eindpentode = output pentode
eindperiodiek = highest level
eindplaat = end organ: a specialized structure at the peripheral end of some motor or
eindplaat = epiphyseal plate
Eindplaat rijgklem = Endplate for terminal block
eindplanning = final assembly schedule: FAS
eindpositie = end position
eindpresentatie = final presentation
eindpresentatie (van afstudeerproject) = final project presentation [DS: Graduation Project Presentation]
eindpresentatie (van afstudeerproject) = graduation project presentation
eindpresentatie (van afstudeerproject) = graduation project presentation [DS] Graduation Project Presentation
eindprijs = final price
eindproduct = end product
eindproduct = end-product
eindproduct = final product
eindproduct = finished product
eindproduct = finished good
eindproductanalyse = finished product analysis
eindproductbeschrijvingen = end product descriptions
eindproducten = finished good
eindproducten = finished goods
eindproducten = final products
eindproducten = finished products
eindproducten = end products
eindproductenverpakkingsmachine = finished product packaging machine
eindproductspecificatie = final product specification
eindproductvrijgave = final product release
eindpunt = endpoint
eindpunt = terminus
eindpunt = end point
Eindpunt = Bus terminal
Eindpunt = Terminal
Eindpunt = End-of-the-line
eindpunt = primary event
eindpunt = primary outcome
eindpunt schatting = end-point estimation
eindpuntactiebeleid = endpoint action policy
eindpuntactiegegevensbeleid = endpoint action data policy
eindpuntadres = endpoint address
eindpunten = endpoints
eindpuntsbepaling = endpoint assay
eindpuntstation = point of termination station
eindrand = trailing edge
eindrapport = final report
Eindrapportage = Final report
eindrapportage = final reporting
eindrapportages = final reports
Eindredacteur = Editor
eindredacteur = final editor
Eindredacteur = Editor in Chief
Eindredactie = Final editing
eindredactie = executive editor
eindreflectieverslag = final reflection report
eindreiniger = final cleaner
eindreiniging = final cleaning
eindresultaat = final result
eindresultaat = end result
eindresultaten = final results
eindrijm = end-rhyme
eindroutine = leaf routine
eindsamenstelling = final assembly
eindsamenstellingsplan = final assembly schedule: FAS
Eindschakelaar = End switch
eindschakelaar = limit-switch
eindschakelaar = limit switch
eindschakelaar = end of travel switch
eindschakelaar = limit switch
eindschakelaar = end of travel switch
eindschakelaar = limit switches
eindschakelaar = end-of-travel switch
eindschakelaar horizontale beweging = horizontal movement end switch
eindschakelaar verticale beweging = vertical movement end switch
Eindschakelaars = Limit switches
eindschijf = end disc
eindschoonmaak = final cleaning
Eindschot kabelgoot = End piece for cable tray
Eindschot kabelladder = End piece for cable ladder
Eindschot leidingkanaal = End cap for installation duct
Eindschot plintgoot = End piece for skirting duct
Eindschot wandgoot/zuil = End piece for wall duct
eindscore = final score
eindscores = final scores
eindscriptie = thesis / final paper
eindscriptie = final paper
eindscriptie = Bachelor's/Master's thesis
eindsensoren = end sensors
eind-situatie = final situation
eindsnelheid = final velocity
Eindspel = Final
eindstaal = finished steel
eindstadium = final stage
eindstand = end position
eindstand = final position
eindstand = limiting position
eindstand = stop position
eindstand = final figures
eindstandig = terminal
Eindstandige sterielfiltratie = terminal/endmost sterile filtration
eindstation = terminus
eindstation = end-of-the-line
eindstation = terminal
eindstation van het netwerk = network termination point
Eindsteun rijgklem = End bracket for terminal block
eindstop / eindplug / einddop = end plug
eindstreep = finish
"eindstreep, finish, meet" = finish (end)
Eindstuk = end piece
Eindstuk bedradingskoker = End plate for wiring duct
Eindstuk hoekkanaal = End piece for corner duct
Eindstuk prikkabel = End piece for illumination cable
Eindstuk vloergoot = End piece for underfloor duct
eindstukken = end pieces
eindterm = attainment target
eindterm = course objective
Eindtermen = Learning outcomes
eindtermen = exit qualifications
eindtest = final test
eindtijd = end time
eindtijd filter = end time filter
eindtijd rapportkolom = end time report column
eindtijd van het evenement = end time of the event
eindtijdroosterveld = end time schedule field
eindtijdveld = end time field
eindtijdveld eigenschappen = end time field properties
eindtoestand = final state
eindtoestand = ending status
eindtransistor = output transistor
eindtrap = final stage
eindtrap = output stage
einduitloper = final lead
Einduitschakeling = Limit switch
einduitspraak = final award (in arbitrageprocedure)
einduitspraak = final decision
einduitspraak = final judgment
einduitspraak in kort geding = final judgment in preliminary relief proceedings
eindverantwoordelijk = principal
eindverantwoordelijk = final responsibility
eindverantwoordelijk = ultimately responsible
Eindverantwoordelijk voor = Final responsibility for
eindverantwoordelijk zijn = carry/hold ultimate responsibility
eindverantwoordelijk zijn voor = person holding ultimate responsibility
eindverantwoordelijk zijn voor = person ultimately accountable
eindverantwoordelijk zijn voor = person ultimately responsible
eindverantwoordelijk zijn voor = process owner
eindverantwoordelijke = person holding ultimate responsibility
eindverantwoordelijke = person ultimately accountable
eindverantwoordelijke = person ultimately responsible
eindverantwoordelijke = process owner
eindverantwoordelijkheid = ultimate accountability
eindverantwoordelijkheid = ultimate responsibility
eindverantwoordelijkheid = final responsibility
eindverantwoordelijkheid hebben = carry/hold overall responsibility
eindverantwoordelijkheid hebben = carry/hold ultimate responsibility
eindverantwoordelijkheid hebben = be ultimately accountable
eindverantwoordelijkheid hebben = be ultimately responsible
eindverantwoordelijkheid voor de dagelijkse leiding = final responsibility for the day-to-day management
Eindverantwoording = Final responsibility
Eindverantwoording afschuiven = Pass the buck
eindverantwoording afschuiven naar = pass the buck to the
Eindverbinder = End connector
eindverbinding = termination
eindverbruik = final consumption
eindverbruik van energie = final consumption of energy
eindverbruiker = end user
Eindvergrendeling = Locking device (mechanical tools)
eindverhandeling = final thesis
eindverpakkingen = final packages
eindverpakkings- of opslagsysteem = end-of-line packaging system or storage system
eindverpakkingslijn = final packaging line
eindverpakkingslijnen = end-of-line packaging lines
eindverpakkingslijnen = final packaging lines
eindverpakkingslijnen en/of verschillende pallets = final packaging lines and/or different pallets
eindverpakkingsmachine = end-of-line packaging system
eindverpakkingsmateriaal = end-of-line packaging material
eindverpakkingsproces = end-of-line packaging process
eindverpakkingsproject = end-of-line packaging project
eindverpakkingsprojecten = end-of-line packaging projects
eindverpakkingssysteem = end-of-line packaging system
eindverpakkingssysteem = final packaging system
eindverpakkingssystemen = end-of-line packaging systems
eindverpakkingssystemen = final packaging systems
eindverpakkingssystemen en material handling systemen = end-of-line packaging systems and material handling systems
eindverpakkingssystemen en opslag- en orderverzamelsystemen = end-of-line packaging systems and storage and order picking systems
eindversie = final version
eindverslag = final report
eindversterker = output amplifier
Eindversterker = Power amplifier
eindvignet = tail ornament
Eindvonnis = Final judgment
eindvoorraad = closing stock
eindwaarde = end-mark
Eindwaarde meetbereik = End value measuring range
Eindwaarde meetbereik (inductief) = End value measuring range (inductive)
Eindwaarde schaal (inductief) = End value scale (inductive)
Eindwaarden = End values
eindwals = end stand
eindwalsgroep = finishing train
eindwalstemperatuur = finish rolling temperature
eindwerk = final work
Eindwerkstuk = Final project
Eindwerkstukken = Final projects
eindzekering = end stop
Eingangsschirm = Eingangsschirm
eingebruikerstevredenheid = end-user satisfaction
Einherjar = Einherjar
E-ink = E-ink
E-ink display = E-ink display
Einrichten = EINRICHTEN
E-installateur = electrical technician
E-installateur = electrical installer
E-installatie = Electrical installation
E-installatie = Electric installations
E-installatieadviseur = Electric installations consultant
E-installaties = electric installations
Einsteinium = Einsteinium
Einstein-verschuiving = Einstein shift
einzelgänger {de} = loner
EIP = "First Intervention Team ('Eerste Interventie Ploeg', EIP)"
eiproduct = egg product
eirond = ovate
eirond = oval
eis = petition
Eis = Request
Eis = Application
Eis = Demand
Eis = Requirement
Eis = Required
eis = claim
eis {de} = demand
eis {de} = requirement
eis der wet met redenen omkleed = substantiated in accordance with the requirement(s) of the law
eis in reconventie = counterclaim
eis in reconventie = cross-petition (echtscheiding)
eis inzake ecologisch ontwerp = Eco-design requirement
Eis of Wens = Required or Desired
eis tot schadeloosstelling = claim for compensation
eis tot schadevergoeding = claim for damages
eis tot vergoedingen = damages
eis van schriftelijkheid = requirement for X to be in writing
eis van schriftelijkheid van de volmacht = requirement that the power of attorney is set out in writing
eis voor wat betreft de weerstand = resistance requirement
eisen = to demand
eisen = require of
eisen = require
eisen = to require
eisen = desire
eisen = demands
eisen = demand from
eisen = requirements
eisen = claim
Eisen = Request
eisen = claims
eisen = demand
eisen (zelfstandig naamwoord) = requirements
eisen aan = demands of
Eisen aan = Requirements for
Eisen aan de bedienaar = Operator requirements
Eisen aan de beschikbaarheid/beschikbaarstelling van data = Data availability requirements
eisen aan de digitale infrastructuur = demands on the digital infrastructure
eisen aan de informatiebeveiliging = information security requirements
Eisen aan de inschrijving = Tender requirements
Eisen aan de monitoring = Monitoring requirements
Eisen aan de omgeving = Requirements concerning the surroundings
eisen aan de server-side applicatie = requirements imposed on the server-side application
eisen aan de software = requirements imposed on the software
Eisen aan de terreinvaardigheid = On-site performance requirements
eisen aan het voertuig = requirements imposed on the Vehicle
Eisen aan Plannen = Requirements for Plans
Eisen aan Prestatie Meet Systeem = Requirements for Performance Measurement System
eisen die de wet stelt = statutory requirements
eisen die gesteld worden ten aanzien van veiligheid en gezondheid = health and safety requirements
Eisen en beproevingen = Requirements and tests
Eisen en richtlijnen = Requirements and guidelines
eisen en verwachtingen = requirements and expectations
eisen en voorwaarden = requirements and conditions
eisen en wensen = requirements and wishes
eisen en wensen van gebruikers = user requirements and wishes
eisen facturen = invoice requirements
eisen gesteld aan procesgegevens = process data requirements
"Eisen inzake het zoeken naar werk, beroepsopleiding en attitudeveranderin" = "Requirements for job search, vocational training and behaviour modificati"
Eisen levensmiddelen Hygiëne = Food hygiene requirements
Eisen met betrekking tot = Requirements with regard to
Eisen met betrekking tot de facturatie = Invoicing requirements
Eisen met betrekking tot rapportage = Reporting requirements
eisen t.a.v. contaminatie = contamination requirements
eisen van de standaard = requirements of the standard
eisen van goed vakmanschap = requirements of good craftsmanship
eisen van norm = requirements of standard
eisen van welstand = building regulations regarding external appearance of buildings
eisen van wetgevers en toezichthouders = regulatory requirements
eisen van zorgvuldigheid = standards of due care
eisen vanuit het beroep of vanuit de maatschappij = professional or societal demands
Eisen voor beproeving = Requirements for testing
Eisen voor constructie = Requirements for construction
eisen voor het ter beschikking houden van de technische documentatie = requirements around ensuring the technical documentation is always availa
Eisen voor medische elektrische apparatuur en medische elektrische system = Requirements for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical syst
eisen voor plaatsing van antennes = antenna erection requirements
Eisen voor vertrouwelijkheid = Confidentiality requirements
"eisen, gedingen en procedures" = "demands, actions or proceedings"
"eisen, oplossingen, ontwerpen en planningen" = "requirements, solutions, designs and schedules"
"eisen, voorwaarden en procedures" = "requirements, conditions and procedures"
eisenanalyse = requirements analysis
eisenblad = requirements sheet
Eisende partij = specifying party
eisende partij = party stipulating requirements
eisende partij volgens dagvaarding bij exploot = claimant according to the summons
eisenfase = requirements phase
Eisenhart-modellen = Eisenhart models
eisenspecificatie = requirements specification
eisenspecificatietaal = requirements specification language
eisenstandaard = requirement(s) standard
eisenstellend = normative
eisenstellend document = normative document
Eiser = Requisitionner
Eiser = Claimant
Eiser = Requester
eiser = plaintiff
Eiser = Plaintiff
eiser = Claimant
"eiser in conventie, gedaagde in reconventie" = "the plaintiff in the main action, defendant in the counterclaim"
eiser in hoger beroep = appellant
eiser in hoger beroep = party bringing the appeal
eiser in hoger beroep = Claimant lodging an appeal
eiser op incidenteel beroep = claimant on cross appeal
eiser te veroordelen = to order the Claimant
eiseres = claimant
Eiseres concludeert tot gegrondverklaring van het beroep = The claimant moves that the appeal be upheld
eiseres in conventie = claimant in the original action
"Eiseres in conventie, gedaagde in reconventie" = "the claimant in the original action, defendant in the counterclaim"
"Eiseres in conventie, gedaagde in reconventie, hierna te noemen" = "the claimant in the original action, defendant in the counterclaim, herei"
eiseres in reconventie = claimant in the counterclaim
eiseres in reconventie = counterclaimant
eiseres op derdenverzet = plaintiff in third-party proceedings
eiseres op verzet = defendant/counterclaimant (in an action to set aside a default judgment)
Eiseressen = Claimants
Eisers = Plaintiffs
eisteddfod = eisteddfod
eitjes = eggs
eivastneemorgaan = egg pickup means
eivastneemorgaan van het overbrengmechanisme van de overbrengmachine = egg pickup means of the transfer mechanism of the transfer machine
eivastneemorganen = egg pickup means
eivorm = egg shape
eivormig = ovoid
eivormige leiding = egg-shaped conduit
eiwit = protein
eiwit = albumen
Eiwit = Egg white
Eiwit (darmverteerbaar) = Protein (digestible in the intestines)
eiwit {het} = egg white
eiwit-energieverhouding = energy-protein ratio
eiwitgehalte = protein content
eiwithoudend = albuminous
eiwithoudend product = protein product
eiwithoudend product = protein products
eiwitpoeder = protein powder
eiwitrijk = protein-rich
eiwitrijk eten = high-protein foods
eiwitrijke voedingsmiddelen = high-protein foods
eiwitten = proteins
eiwitten in het dagelijks eten = dietary proteins
ejaculaat = (noun)  ejaculate
Ejaculatie = Ejaculation
ejaculatie {de} = ejaculation
ejaculeren = (verb) to  ejaculate
ejakulatie = ejaculation
ejecteur = ejector
Ejectiefractie = Ejection Fraction
ejectiefractie: hoeveel bloed het hart per hartslag uit de linkerkamer we = ejection fraction: the measurement of the blood pumped out of the ventric
ejectiefractie: hoeveel bloed het hart per hartslag uit de linkerkamer we = measuring ventricular contractility
ejectiessnelheid = ejection rate
ejectorcondensors = ejector condensers
EJR = annual result
EJR = "Annual Emissions Report (Emissie Jaar Rapport, EJR)"
EK = Electrical Components
EK voetbal 2020 = The 2020 UEFA European Football Championship
EK voetbal 2020 = UEFA Euro 2020
e-kabel = power cable
E-kabel losmaken = disconnect power cable
E-kabels = power cables
ekeliede = married couple
E-kern = E core
EKG elektroden met natte gel = ECG wet gel electrodes
eklamptisch = eclamptic
ekster = magpie
Ekster = European Magpie
Ekster = Pica
ekster {de} = magpie
Eksteroog = Horn
Eksteroog = Keras
Eksteroog = Corn
ekstirperen = to  extirpate
el = tbsp
El = Alder-tree
El = Yardstick
El = Alder
El Dorado = Eldorado
El Greco = El Greco
El Paso (Texas) = El Paso
El Salvador = El Salvador
Elaad = Elaad
e-Labelling = e-Labelling
e-Labelling = e-Labeling
Elaboratie = Elaboration
Elaboration likelihood = Elaboration likelihood
Elaboration Likelihood Model = Elaboration Likelihood Model
E-Ladepark = E-charging park
elaeticiteitsgrens = elastic limit
elaidinezuur = elaidic acid
Elam = Elam
elan = panache
elan = dynamism
elan = élan
elan = momentum
elan = spirit
Élan = Elk
Élan = Moose
elan {het} = elan
eland = moose
Eland = Elk
eland {de} = moose [Am.] [Alces alces]
eland {de} = elk [Alces alces]
elandantilope = eland
elandtest {de} = moose test
elandtest {de} = elk test
elastaan = elastane
elastaangaren = elastane yarn
elastantie = elastance
elastase = elastase
elastic region = elastisch gebied
elastiche koppeling = flexible coupling
elasticiteit = elasticity
elasticiteit = elasticity
Elasticiteit = Elasticity/ Fluidity
elasticiteit coëfficiënt = coefficient of elasticity
elasticiteit van de vraag = elasticityof demand
elasticiteit van het aanbod = elasticity of supply
elasticiteitemodulus = Young's modulus
elasticiteitemodulus = modulus of elasticity
elasticiteitsbehoud = retention of elasticity
elasticiteitsgrens = "elastic limit, yield point"
elasticiteitsgrens = elastic limit
elasticiteitsleer = theory of elasticity
elasticiteitsmodulus = Young's modulus
elasticiteitsmodulus = "Young's modulus, modulus of elasticity"
elasticiteitsmodulus = modulus of elasticity
elasticiteitsmodulus = Young’s modulus
elasticiteitsmodus = modulus of elasticity
Elastiek = Elastic
elastiek = rubber band
Elastiek = Rubber
Elastiek = Elastic band
Elastiek = Springy
elastiek = elastic band
elastiek rijgdraad = elastic thread
Elastiek van de binders = Binder elastic
elastieke vezels = elastic fibers
Elastiekjes = Rubber bands
elastine: een proteïne bestaande uit fibrillen = elastin: a glycoprotein randomly coiled and cross linked to form the elas
elastisch = elastic
Elastisch = Elastic band
Elastisch = Springy
Elastisch = Rubber band
elastisch aandrukken tegen = press elastically against
elastisch gedrag = elastic behavior
elastisch geheugen = elastic memory
elastisch gevoegd = pointed with elastic material
elastisch materiaal = elastic material
elastisch vervormbare = elastically deformable
elastisch vervormen = deform elastically
elastisch vervormen = elastic deformation
elastisch vormherstel = elastic recovery
elastisch weefsel = elastic tissue
elastische = resilient
elastische band = elastic band
elastische banden = elastic ribbons
elastische botsing = elastic collision
Elastische compatibiliteit = Elastic compatibility
Elastische deformatie tensor = Elastic strain tensor
elastische eigenschappen = elastic properties
elastische eigenschappen van de folie = elasticity of the film
elastische film = elastic film
elastische golf = elastic wave
elastische koord = elastic cord
elastische laag = elastic layer
elastische lijn = deflection curve
elastische lijn = elastic curve
elastische rek = elastic elongation
Elastische ringen = Elastic rings
elastische terugvering = elastic recovery
"elastische verbanden, draagbanden en steunverbanden en -kousen 10" = "elastic, suspensory and support bandages and stockings"
elastische vervorming = elastic deformation
elastische vormv. arbeid = elastic strain energy
Elastische vraag = Fluid demand
Elastohydrodynamische smering = EHL
elastomeer = elastomer
elastomeer = elastomer: an elastic material that resembles rubber
elastomeer = elastomeric
elastomeer materiaal = elastomeric material
elastomeer steunpunt = elastomeric bearing pad
elastomeervezel = elastomer fibre
elastomeren = elastomers
elastoplastisch = elastoplastic
elasto-plastisch gedrag = elastic plastic behavior
elastorrhexis generalisata = Groenblad-Strandberg syndrome
elastosis dystrophica = elastosis dystrophica
"elatief, elatieve naamval" = elative case (case used to indicate movement out of something)
Elba = Elba
Elbe = Elba
Elbe = Elbe
Elbow Bracket = Elbow Bracket
elbow coupling = elbow coupling
Elbroes = Mount Elbrus
Elburg = Elburg
elco = elco
elco in torsie-uitvoering = twist-prong elco
elders = elsewhere
elders = off-site
Elders = Again
elders ontwikkelde = developed elsewhere
Eleanor Roosevelt = Eleanor Roosevelt
e-learning = e-learning
E-learning = E-Learning
e-learning leermateriaal = e-learning content
e-learningmodule = e-learning module
e-learningmodules = e-learning modules
e-learnings = e-learning
"e-learnings, congressen, nascholingen en andere activiteiten" = "e-learning courses, conferences, refresher courses and other activities"
"e-learnings, congressen, nascholingen en andere activiteiten" = "e-learning, conferences, refresher courses and other activities"
electief = optional
Electief = Elective
electieve chirurgie = elective surgery
electieve chirurgie = elective surgical procedure
electragevaar = electrical hazards
Electravoorzieningen = Electricity supply
electric motors = elektromotoren
electrical = elektrische
Electrical Components = Electrical Components
Electrical Components Verification = VB
Electrical Design = Electrical Design
Electrical Detail Engineering = Electrical Detail Engineering
Electrical Diagram = Electrical Diagram
Electrical Engineering = ET
Electrical Engineering = Electrical Engineering
Electrical Machines = Electrical Machines
Electrical WEC Model Development & Application = Electrical WEC Model Development & Application
electricien = electrician
electriciteitskabel = power cable
electriciteitsproductie en -distributiebedrijf = Electric power generation and distribution
Electriciteitsverbruik = Electricity consumption
electricity = electricity
electrisch = electric
electrisch aangedreven = electric powered
electrisch aansturen = electrically controlling
electrisch onstekingssysteem = electronic ignition system
electrische brandstofpomp = electric fuel pump
electrische koelventilator = electirc cooling fan
electrische magneetklep = electrical solenoid valve
electrische rolstoelen = electric wheelchairs
electrische stroom = electric current
electro = electrical
electroacupunctuur = electroacupuncture
electrocardiogram = ECG
electrocardiogram (ECG) = EKG
electrocardiogram is erg spitsig = the  EKG is spiky
electrocardiogram is erg spitsig = EKG is quite jagged
electrocardiogram is erg spitsig = EKG is too noisy
electrocardiogram van de epicardium = epicardial electrogram
electrocardiogram van de epicardium = epicardial electrocardiogram
electrocardiotachometer = electrocardiotachometer
electrochemische = electrochemical
electrochemische analysetechnieken = electrochemical analysis techniques
electrochromatografie = electrochromatography
electrocoagulatie = surgical  diathermy
electrocoagulatie = electrocoagulation
electrocoagulatie = thermic cauterization
Electroconvulsieve therapie = Electro convulsive therapy
electrocutie met hartstilstand = electrocution with cardiac arrest
electroforetisch = electrophoretic
electrofusion couplings = elektrofusie-koppelingen
electrokatalyse = electrocatalysis
electroklinisch = electroclinical
electrokymografie = electrokymography
electroless = electroless
electroless vernikkelen = electroless nickel plating
electroluminescente lamp = electroluminescent lamp
electrolyse = electrolysis
electrolytisch verzinkt = electrolytically galvanised
electrolytisch verzinkt staalplaat = electrolytically galvanised steel plate
Electromagnetic compatibility = Electromagnetic compatibility
electromagnetisch = electromagnetic
electromagnetische klep = solenoid operated valve
electromagnetische zuiger = solenoid plunger
electromedicijn = electromedicine
electromoffen gelaste verbindingen = muffs with electro welded joints
electromontage en electrotechniesch bankwerken = electrical assembly and electrotechnical fitting
electromyografie = electromyography
electromyogram = electromyography
electron dispersieve X-straal analyse = electron dispersive X-ray analysis
electron dispersieve X-straal analyse = EDAX
Electron polarisatie-analyse = Electron polarization analysis
electronarcose = electronarcosis
electroneurodiagnostisch = electroneurodiagnostic
electroneuromiografie = electroneuromyography
electronic banking adviseur = electronic banking adviser
Electronic Banking Manager = Electronic Banking Manager
Electronic commerce = E-commerce
"electronic commerce, e-commerce" = e-commerce (commercial activity conducted via the Internet)
Electronic Data Interchange = electronic data interchange
Electronic data interchange (EDI) = EDI
Electronic data interchange (EDI) = Electronic data interchange (EDI)
Electronic Funds Transfer = electronic funds transfer
Electronic Ice Maker (SxS) = Electronic Ice Maker (SxS)
electronic instructions for use = e-IFU
electronic instructions for use = electronic instructions for use
electronic instructions for use = e-IF
Electronic newsletter = Electronic newsletter
Electronic Newsletters = Electronic newsletters
Electronic Product Code = Electronic Product Code
electronica = electronics
Electronics Engineering = SE
Electronics Workshop = EW
electron-impact-ionisatie = electron impact ionization
electronisch gegevensverkeer = electronic data transfer
electronisch geregelde luchtvering = electronically controlled air suspension
Electronische aanlevering = Electronic submission
Electronische aanlevering via de Bank = Electronic submission via the Bank
electronische betalingen = electronic payments
electronische componenten = electronic components
Electronische contrastversterking = Electronic contrast enhancement
Electronische Footprint = electronic footprint
electronische leeromgeving = electronic learning environment
electronische leeromgeving = virtual learning environment
electronische leeromgeving = electronic learning environment Elektrotechniek (bacheloropleiding)
Electronische mail = E-mail
electronische ontsteking = transistorised ignition system
electronische portemonneee = electronic wallet
electronische postbak = electronic mail boxes
electronische regeleenheid = electronin control unit
Electronische sigaretten = Electronic cigarette
Electronische verkoop = E-commerce
electrooculografie = EOG
electro-oxidatie cel = electro-oxidation cell
electropathologie = electro-pathology
electrophoretisch = electrophoretic
electrophoretische bewegelijkheid = electrophoretic mobility
electropunctuur = electrostimulation
electro-scheikunde = electrochemistry
electrostatische kracht = electrostatics
electrostatische kracht = electrostatic force
electrostatische lading = electrostatic charge
Electrostatische Ontlading = Electrostatic Discharge
electrotherapie = electrotherapeutics
Elegant = Stylish
elegant = elegant
Elegant = Terse
Elegant = Fancy
Elegant = Rarefied
Elegant = Flossy
elegant systeem = elegant system
"elegant, sierlijk, gracieus" = elegant {adj} (exhibiting elegance)
elegante en uniforme uitstraling = elegant and uniform appearance
elegante productlift = elegant product lift
elegantie {de} = elegance
elegie = elegy
elektolyse oven = "electrolysis furnace (also commonly referred to as an 'electrolysis pot',"
elektr. componenten = Electrical components
Elektr. toebehoren voor tuin-/voetpadverlichtingsarmatuur = Electrical accessories for bollard
elektra = electricity
elektra = electrical system
Elektra (mythologie) = Electra
Elektra gevaar = Electrical hazard
"elektra, gas, water" = "electric, gas and water"
elektradoossparingen = electrical box openings
elektradraden = electrical wires
Elektra-installatie = Electricity
Elektrameter = electricity meter
elektra-opwekking = electricity generation
Elektratussenmeter = Electricity sub-meter
elektraverbruik = electricity consumption
Elektravoorziening = Electricity supply
elektravoorzieningen = Electrical facilities
elektriceren = to electrify
elektriche plintconvector = floor-level electric convector
elektrici- teit = electricity
elektricien = electrician
elektricien / elektromonteur = electrician
elektricien {de} = electrician
Elektriciëns-schaar = Electrician cable shears
elektriciteit = current
elektriciteit = electricity
elektriciteit (f) = electricity
elektriciteit {de} = electricity
Elektriciteit die jaarlijks opgewekt wordt door de zonnepanelen = Electricity generated annually by the solar panels
Elektriciteit die jaarlijks opgewerkt wordt = Electricity that is generated annually
elektriciteit koopovereenkomst = power purchase agreement
elektriciteit tarief hoog = high rate electricity
elektriciteit uit hernieuwbare energiebronnen = electricity from renewable energy sources
elektriciteit uit hernieuwbare energiebronnen = electricity produced from renewable energy sources
elektriciteit uit warmtekrachtkoppeling = electricity from cogeneration
elektriciteit voerende delen = live parts
Elektriciteit voorziening = Electricity supply
"elektriciteit, gas en warmte" = "electricity, gas and heat"
"elektriciteit, stroom" = current
"Elektriciteit, verwarming, zonne- en kernenergie" = "Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy"
elektriciteit/warmteratio = power to heat ratio
Elektriciteit-isolerende delen = Electrical insulating fittings
elektriciteits- en gasaansluiting = electricity and gas supply
elektriciteits- en gasverbruik = electricity and gas consumption
elektriciteitsaansluiting = electricity connection
elektriciteitsbedrijf = electricity company
elektriciteitsbeheer = electricity supply industry
Elektriciteitsbenodigdheden = Electricity supplies
elektriciteitsbuis = conduit
Elektriciteitsbuizen = Electric conduit
Elektriciteitscentrale = Power plant
elektriciteitscentrale = power station
elektriciteitscentrale = electric power plant
elektriciteitscentrale = Electric power station
elektriciteitscentrale = power station* (*Plant <AE> )
Elektriciteitscentrale = Generating station
elektriciteitscentrales = power stations
Elektriciteitsdiensten = Electrical services
Elektriciteitsdistributie = Electricity distribution
Elektriciteitsdistributie en aanverwante diensten = Electricity distribution and related services
elektriciteitskabel = electricity cable
elektriciteitskabel = cable
elektriciteitskabel = (electric) cord
elektriciteitskabels = electric cables
Elektriciteitskasten = Electricity boxes
elektriciteitsleiding = power line
elektriciteitsleiding = mains
elektriciteitsleiding = electricity mains
"elektriciteitsleiding, kabelnet" = mains
elektriciteitsleidingen = electricity conduits
elektriciteitslevering = electricity supply
elektriciteitslevering en -voorziening = electricity supply and distribution
elektriciteitsleveringscontract = electricity supply contract
elektriciteitsmeter = electricity meter
Elektriciteitsmeter (elektromechanisch) = Mechanical kilowatt-hour meter
Elektriciteitsmeter (elektronisch) = Electronic kilowatt-hour meter
Elektriciteitsmeter modulair = Electricity meter for service distribution board
elektriciteitsmeters = electricity meters
elektriciteitsnet = electricity grid
elektriciteitsnet = grid
elektriciteitsnet = electrical energy network
elektriciteitsnet = power grid
elektriciteitsnet {het} = electricity network
elektriciteitsnet {het} = electricity grid
elektriciteitsnetten = electricity grids
elektriciteitsnetten met nulgeleider = a power grid with a neutral
elektriciteitsnetwerk = power grid
elektriciteitsopwekking = electricity generation
elektriciteitsopwekking = power generation
Elektriciteitspalen = Electricity poles
elektriciteitsprijzen = electricity prices
elektriciteitsproductie = electricity production
elektriciteitsrekening = power bill
elektriciteitssnoer = (electric) cord
elektriciteitssnoer = power cord
elektriciteitsstoring = power breakdown
elektriciteitsverbruik = electricity consumption
elektriciteitsvoorziening = electricity supply
elektriciteitsvoorziening = electric power supply
Elektriciteitsvoorzieningsinstallaties = Electricity supply installations
Elektriciteitsvoorzieningssysteem = Electricity supply system
Elektriciteitswet = Electricity Act
elektriciteit-warmteratio = power-to-heat ratio
elektrificatie = electrification
elektrificeren = electrify
elektrisch = electrically
elektrisch = electrical
elektrisch = electric(al)
Elektrisch = Electric
Elektrisch  gevaar = Electrical hazard
elektrisch aangedreven = electrically driven
Elektrisch aangedreven = Electrically powered
elektrisch aangedreven wegvoertuig = Battery electric road vehicle
elektrisch aansluiten = plug (ww)
elektrisch aansluiten = electrically connecting
elektrisch aansturen = electrically controlling
elektrisch analogon = electric analogue
elektrisch bedienbare- en verwarmbare ramen = electrical operated and heated windows
elektrisch bediend = electrically operated
elektrisch bediende dakpanelen = Power-operated roof panel systems
elektrisch bediende dakpanelen = Power-operated roof-panel systems
elektrisch bediende ramen = electric windows
elektrisch bediende ruiten = Power-operated windows
elektrisch bediende scheidingssystemen = Power-operated partion systems
elektrisch bedrijfsmiddel = electrical equipment
elektrisch circuit = electric circuit
elektrisch contact = electric contact
elektrisch contact = electrical contact
Elektrisch deurslot = Electrical door opener
elektrisch filter = electrical filter
Elektrisch fornuis = Electric stove
elektrisch geladen = electrically charged
elektrisch geleidend contact = electrically conductive contact
elektrisch geleidend materiaal = electrically conductive material
elektrisch geleidende = electrically conductive
elektrisch geleidende verbindingen = electrically conductive connections
elektrisch geleidingsvermogen = electrical conductivity
elektrisch geleidingsvermogen = electric conductivity
elektrisch gereedschap = power tools
elektrisch gereedschap = electric tool
elektrisch gevaar = electrical hazards
elektrisch gevoede = electrically powered
Elektrisch haardvuur = Electrical chimney fire
elektrisch hoofdbord = electric main board
elektrisch ingangssignaal = input signal
elektrisch installateur = electrical technician
elektrisch instelbaar = electrically adjustable
Elektrisch kleed = Heated carpet
Elektrisch koken = Electric cooking
elektrisch koken = cooking with electric
elektrisch kookgerei = electric cooking utensils
Elektrisch kussen = Electric pad
elektrisch lasapparaat = electric welder
elektrisch lassen = electric welding
Elektrisch luchtgordijn = Electric air curtain
elektrisch materiaal = electrical equipment
Elektrisch mes = Electric knife
elektrisch moment = electric moment
elektrisch netwerk = electrical network
elektrisch of mechanisch = electrical or mechanical
elektrisch onderhoud = electrical maintenance
elektrisch onderhoud na 4 jaar = 4-year electrical maintenance
elektrisch onderstation (transformatorolie) = Electrical substation (transformer oil)
elektrisch procédé = electrical process
elektrisch product voor verlichting = electrical lighting product
elektrisch rijden = driving electrically
elektrisch samenstel = electrical assembly
elektrisch samenstel volgens het eerste aspect van de onderhavige uitvind = electrical assembly according to the first aspect of the present inventio
elektrisch samenstel voor montage in of aan een plafond = electrical assembly for mounting in or on a ceiling
elektrisch scheerapparaat {het} = electric razor
elektrisch schema = electrical diagram
elektrisch signaal = electric signal
elektrisch systeem = electrical system
elektrisch systeem keuken = kitchen electrical system
elektrisch te bekrachtigen = electrically energising
elektrisch toestel = plug-in
Elektrisch tuingereedschap = Electric garden tool
elektrisch uitleesbare = electrically readable
elektrisch varen = electric sailing
elektrisch variabele inductor = electrically variable inductor
elektrisch variabele weerstand = electrically variable resistor
Elektrisch veld = Electric field
elektrisch veld = electric field
elektrisch verbonden = electrically connected
elektrisch vermogen = electric power
elektrisch vermogen = electrical power
elektrisch vermogen = potential
elektrisch vermogen-overbrengingsas = electric power transmission axis
elektrisch verstelbaar = electrically adjustable
elektrisch verstelbare- en verwarmbare spiegels = electrical adjustable and heated mirrors
"elektrisch verstelbare- en verwarmbare spiegels Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12,2" = electrical adjustable and heated mirrors Magiq 13 - 14 - RHD 12.2
elektrisch verstelbare tafel = electrical adjustable table
Elektrisch vervoer = Electric transport
Elektrisch verwarmd = Electrically heated
elektrisch verwarmd oogkompres = electrically heated compress for the eyes
elektrisch verwarmde = electrically heated
elektrisch verzinkt = electrogalvanised
elektrisch voertuig = electric vehicle
elektrisch voertuig = electric car
elektrisch voertuig met automatisch uitleensysteem = self-service electric vehicle
elektrisch wordt aangedreven = is electrically driven
"elektrisch, elektronisch en/of mechanisch" = "electrical, electronic and/or mechanical"
elektrisch/elektronisch systeem = Electrical/electronic system
elektrische = electric
Elektrische = Electrical
elektrische = electrical
elektrische (gloei-)lampenfabriek = Incandescent and other lamps industry
elektrische (land) centrale = stationary power plant
elektrische aandrijflijn = Electric power train
elektrische aandrijving = electric drive
Elektrische aandrijving voor vermogensschakelaar = Motor operator for power circuit-breaker
Elektrische aansluiting = Connecting to the power supply
Elektrische aansluiting = Power supply
elektrische aansluiting = electrical connection
Elektrische aansluiting met connectorsysteem = Electrical connection with connector system
elektrische aansluitingen = electric connections
elektrische aantrekking = electrical attraction
elektrische accommodatie = electrical accommodation
elektrische accu’s = electric accumulators
elektrische accumulator = electricity storage device
Elektrische accumulatoren = Electric accumulators
elektrische afstand = electrical distance
elektrische afstemming = electric tuning
elektrische anode = electric anode
elektrische apparaten = electrical apparatus
elektrische apparaten = electrical devices
elektrische apparaten en instrumenten = electrical apparatus and instruments
elektrische apparaten en instrumenten (voor zover begrepen in klasse 9) = electric apparatus and instruments (included in class 9)
elektrische apparaten voor het terugspoelen = electrical rewinding apparatus
elektrische apparaten voor het terugspoelen van magneetbanden of bioscoop = electrical rewinding apparatus for magnetic tapes or cinematographic film
Elektrische apparaten voor lichaamsverzorging = Electrical domestic appliances for use with the human body
elektrische apparatuur = electrical equipment
Elektrische apparatuur voor het schakelen of voor het beveiligen van stro = Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits
elektrische arbeidsmiddelen = electrical work equipment
elektrische auto = battery car / electric car
elektrische auto = electric car
elektrische auto’s = electric cars
elektrische batterij = electric battery
elektrische batterij = electrical storage device
elektrische batterijen = electric batteries
elektrische bedieningskast = electrical control cabinet
elektrische bedieningskasten = electrical control cabinets
Elektrische bedieningsleiding = Electric control line
Elektrische bedrading = Electrical wiring
elektrische bedrijfsruimte = electrical equipment room
elektrische belasting = electrical load
Elektrische benodigdheden en toebehoren = Electrical supplies and accessories
Elektrische benodigdheden voor specifieke doeleinden = Special-purpose electrical goods
elektrische benodigdhedenfabriek n.e.g. = "Electrical components industry, other"
elektrische bias = electrical bias
elektrische blikopeners = electric can openers
Elektrische bodemverwarmingstoestellen = Electric soil-heating apparatus
elektrische boor / boormachine = electric drill
elektrische boten = electric boats
Elektrische bouwgroepen = Electrical modules
Elektrische bovendeken = Thermal over blanket
elektrische brandstofpomp = electric fuel pump
Elektrische broodroosters = Electric toasters
elektrische buisaandrijving = electric tubular motor
Elektrische bussen = Electric buses
elektrische capaciteit = capacitance
elektrische centrale = power station
Elektrische centrale verwarming = Electro central heating
elektrische circuit = electrical circuit
elektrische communicatieapparaten en -instrumenten = electrical communication apparatus and instruments
elektrische componenten = electrical components
elektrische componenten of toestellen = electrical components or devices
Elektrische condensatoren = Electrical capacitors
Elektrische conformiteit = Electrical compliance
elektrische connectors = electrical connectors
Elektrische contacten = Electrical contacts
elektrische contacten = electrical contacts
Elektrische convector = Convector (electric)
elektrische decoupeerzaag = electric jigsaw
elektrische deken = electric blanket
Elektrische deken/-kussen/-voetwarmer = Electric blanket/pillow/foot warmer
elektrische dekens = electric blankets
Elektrische delen van machines of toestellen = Electrical parts of machinery or apparatus
elektrische documentatie = electrical documentation
Elektrische dompelaar = Immersion heater (electric)
elektrische draad- en kabelfabriek = Electric wire and cable industry
Elektrische draadbomen voor motoren = Electrical wiring looms for engines
elektrische draadcommunicaties = power line communication
elektrische draad-en kabel = electrical wires and cables
elektrische draadsnijapparaat (loodgieterij) = electric hand die
Elektrische draaiomvormers = Electric rotary converters
elektrische draden = electric wires
elektrische draden en kabels = electric wires and cables
elektrische eenheid = electrical unit
elektrische eenheid ingangsbereik toren = tower entrance electrical unit
elektrische efficiëntie = electrical efficiency
elektrische eigenschappen = electrical properties
Elektrische eigenschappen = Electrical characteristics
elektrische en elektronische = electrical and electronic
elektrische en elektronische amusementsapparatuur = electrical and electronic amusement apparatus
elektrische en elektronische apparaten = electric and electronic devices
elektrische en elektronische apparaten en instrumenten = electrical and electronic apparatus and instruments
elektrische en elektronische apparaten en instrumenten (inclusief draadlo = electrical and electronic apparatus and instruments (including wireless)
elektrische en elektronische apparaten en instrumenten (voor zover begrep = electric and electronic apparatus and instruments (included in Class 9)
elektrische en elektronische apparatuur = electrical and electronic equipment
elektrische en elektronische besturingsapparaten en -instrumenten 9 = electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments
elektrische en elektronische communicatie- en telecommunicatieapparatuur  = electrical and electronic communications and telecommunications apparatus
elektrische en elektronische componenten = electrical and electronic components
elektrische en elektronische componenten (voor zover begrepen in klasse 9 = electric and electronic components (included in class 9)
elektrische en elektronische connectors = electrical and electronic connectors
Elektrische en elektronische onderdelen voor oorlogsschepen = Electronic and electrical spare parts for warships
elektrische en elektronische toestellen en instrumenten voor het invoeren = "electrical and electronic apparatus and instruments for the input, storag"
elektrische en elektronische toestellen en uitrustingen = electrical and electronic apparatus and equipment
Elektrische en Instrumentatie dienst = E&I
Elektrische en Instrumentatie dienst = Electrical and Instrumentation
elektrische en mechanische storingen = electrical and mechanical failures
Elektrische en mechanische vergrendeling = Electrical and mechanical locking
elektrische en optische gegevensverwerkende apparatuur = electrical and optical data processing equipment
elektrische en videospelapparaten en -instrumenten = electrical and video amusement apparatus and instruments
elektrische en wetenschappelijke apparaten = electrical and scientific apparatus
elektrische en wetenschappelijke apparaten en instrumenten = electrical and scientific apparatus and instruments
elektrische en/of mechanische apparaten = electrical and/or mechanical devices
elektrische energie = electrical energy
Elektrische Energietechniek = Electrical Power Engineering
elektrische flux = electric flux
elektrische fluxdichtheid = electric flux density
Elektrische fouten = Electrical faults
elektrische gedeelte = electrical part
Elektrische geisers of boilers en dompelaars = Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters
elektrische geleidbaarheid = electric conductivity
elektrische geleider = electrical conductor
elektrische geleider = strand
elektrische geleiders = electrical conductors
elektrische geleiding = electrical conduction
elektrische gelijkstroom = electrical current
elektrische gelijkstroommotor = electric direct current motor
elektrische generator = electric generator
elektrische generator = electrical generator
elektrische generatoren = electric generators
elektrische generatoren = electrical generators
elektrische gereedschappen = power tools
elektrische gevaren = electrical hazards
Elektrische gitaar = Electric guitar
elektrische gitaren = electric guitars
Elektrische gloeilampen = Electric filament lamps
elektrische golflengte = electrical wavelength
elektrische graad = electrical degree
elektrische haarkrullers = electric hair curlers
Elektrische handendrogers = Hand-drying apparatus
elektrische hersenactiviteit = electrical activity of the brain
Elektrische Hobbyartikelen = Electric hobby item
elektrische hoek = electrical angle
Elektrische hoogwerkers = Electric access platform
Elektrische huishoudelijke apparaten = Electrical domestic appliances
Elektrische huishoudelijke apparaten voor voedsel = Electrical domestic appliances for use with foodstuffs
Elektrische Huishoudelijke Artikelen = Electric household article
elektrische industrie = electrical industry
Elektrische infraroodstraler = Electric infrared radiator
elektrische infrastructuur = electrical infrastructure
elektrische inrichting = electrical device
elektrische inrichtingen = electrical devices
elektrische installatie = general electrical system
elektrische installatie = electrical installation
elektrische installaties = electrical systems
elektrische installaties = electrical installations
Elektrische Installaties = Electrical Installations
elektrische installaties voor het op afstand besturen van industriële we = electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations
Elektrische installaties voor laagspanning = Safety provisions for low-voltage installations
Elektrische installaties voor spoorwegen = Electrical installations for railways
"elektrische installaties, bestaande uit een combinatie van voornoemde toe" = electric installations consisting of a combination of the aforementioned 
Elektrische installatiewerkzaamheden voor elektrische distributietoestell = Electrical installation work of electrical distribution apparatus
Elektrische installatiewerkzaamheden voor filteruitrusting = Electrical installation work of filtration equipment
Elektrische installatiewerkzaamheden voor pompuitrusting = Electrical installation work of pumping equipment
Elektrische installatiewerkzaamheden voor transformatoren = Electrical installation work of transformers
Elektrische installatiewerkzaamheden voor verwarming en andere elektrisch = Electrical installation work of heating and other electrical building-equ
elektrische instrumenten = electric instruments
elektrische integratie = electrical integration
elektrische isolatie = electrical insulation
elektrische kabel = electric cable
elektrische kabels = electric cables
elektrische kast = electrical cabinet
elektrische ketels = electric kettles
elektrische kettingtakel = electric chain hoist
elektrische keukenmachines = electric kitchen machines
elektrische keukenrobots = electric food processors
elektrische keukenrobots = food processors
Elektrische klepaandrijvingen = Electric valve actuators
elektrische koelventilator = electric cooling fan
elektrische koffiemolens = electric coffee grinders
Elektrische koffiezetapparaten = Electric coffee makers
elektrische kookplaat = electric hob
elektrische kookplaten = electric hobs
elektrische koppeling = electrical coupling
elektrische krachten = electric forces
elektrische krachtlijnen = electric flux lines
elektrische krachtlijnen = electric lines of force
elektrische kwaliteit = electrical grade
Elektrische lading = Electric charge
Elektrische lading = Electrical charge
elektrische ladingstoestand = Electric state of charge
elektrische lamparmaturen = electric light fittings
elektrische lampen = electric lamps
elektrische lampen en buizen en verlichtingsbenodigdhedenfabriek = "Lamp, tube and luminaires industry"
elektrische lasapparaten = electrical welding equipment
elektrische lasapparaten = electric welding apparatus
Elektrische lattenbodems = Electric bed slats
elektrische leiding = electric line
elektrische leiding = power line
Elektrische leidingen = Electricity power lines
elektrische leidingen en beveiligingen = electrical cables and safeties
Elektrische levensduur (stuurcontacten) = Electrical lifespan (control contacts)
elektrische lier = electric winch
elektrische lokaal = electrical room
Elektrische luchtverwarmer voor ventilatiesystemen = Electrical air heater for ventilation systems
elektrische machine = electric machinery
elektrische machine- en apparatenindustrie = Electrical machinery and appliances industry
elektrische magneetklep = electrical solenoid valve
Elektrische materialen = Electrical materials
elektrische membraan-potentiaal = membrane potential
elektrische membraan-potentiaal = transmembrane  electrical potential
elektrische messen = electric knives
elektrische metingen = electrical measurements
Elektrische mobiliteit = Electric mobility
elektrische momentsleutel = electric torque wrench
elektrische motor = electric motor
Elektrische naverwarming = Electrical reheating
elektrische nul = electrical zero
elektrische of elektronische = electrical or electronic
elektrische of elektronische component = electrical or electronic component
elektrische of elektronische spelapparatuur met munt- of penninginworp = coin or token operated electrical or electronic amusement apparatus
elektrische of pneumatische = electrical or pneumatic
elektrische of pneumatische = electric or pneumatic
elektrische of pneumatische deur = electric or pneumatic door
elektrische omvormer = electrical transducer
Elektrische onderdeken = Thermal under blanket
elektrische onderdelen = electrical components
Elektrische onderdelen = Electrical parts
elektrische ongeluk = electric accident
elektrische ontlading = electrical discharge
elektrische oplaadpunten = electric charging stations
Elektrische ovens = Electric ovens
Elektrische pallettruck = Electric pallet truck
elektrische pallettruck = electric pallet truck
elektrische polarisatie = electric polarization
elektrische polariteit = electrical polarity
elektrische pomp = electric pump
Elektrische pompen = Electric pumps
elektrische potentiaal = electrical potential
elektrische printplaat = electrical circuit board
Elektrische radeermachines = Electrical erasers
Elektrische radiator = Radiator (electric)
elektrische radiators = electric radiators
elektrische relais = electric relays
elektrische representatie = electrical representation
elektrische rijders = electric drivers
elektrische ruis = electrical noise
elektrische ruitensproeierpomp = electric screen water pump
elektrische samenstellen = electrical assemblies
"elektrische schakel-, regel- en beveiligingsapparatuur" = "electrical switching, control and safety equipment"
elektrische schakelaars = electric switches
Elektrische schakelborden = Electric switchboards
elektrische schakeling = electrical switching
elektrische schakelingen = electrical circuits
elektrische scheerapparaten = electric razors
elektrische schema = wiring diagram
Elektrische schema’s = Electrical diagrams
elektrische schok = electric shock
elektrische schokken = electric shock
elektrische schrijfmachine = electric typewriter
elektrische schroefmachine = electric drill
elektrische sensor = electrical sensor
Elektrische sensoren = Electric sensors
elektrische sensoren = electrical sensors
Elektrische signalisatie-uitrusting voor motoren = Electrical signalling equipment for engines
Elektrische signalisatie-uitrusting voor spoorwegen = Electrical signalling equipment for railways
elektrische slagmoersleutel = electric impact wrench
Elektrische soeppan = Electric soup pan
elektrische soldeerbouten = electric soldering irons
elektrische spanning = electrical voltage
Elektrische spanning = Voltage
elektrische spanning = potential
elektrische spanning = electric tension
elektrische standaarduitrusting = standard electrical equipment
elektrische stapelaars = electric stackers
elektrische startmotor = electric starter
elektrische stekkers = electric plugs
Elektrische stoel = Electric chair
elektrische stoelverstelling = electrical seat adjustment
elektrische stofzuigers = electric vacuum cleaners
elektrische storing = electrical interference
elektrische storing = electric breakdown
elektrische storing = electrical fault
Elektrische storing = Electrical malfunction
elektrische straling = electric radiation
Elektrische strijkijzers = Electric irons
elektrische stromen = electrical currents
elektrische stroom = electric power
elektrische stroom = current
Elektrische stroom = Main
elektrische stroom = electric current
elektrische stroomdensiteit = electrical current density
Elektrische tandenborstel = Electric toothbrushe
Elektrische theezetapparaten = Electric tea makers
elektrische thuisinstallatie = home electrical installation
elektrische titanium anode = titanium powered anode
Elektrische toebehoren = Electrical accessories
Elektrische toebehoren voor downlight = Electrical accessories for downlight
Elektrische toebehoren voor explosieveilig armatuur = Electrical accessories for ex-luminaire
Elektrische toebehoren voor fiber optic systeem = Electrical accessories for fibre optic system
Elektrische toebehoren voor halstraler = Electrical accessories for high bay luminaire
Elektrische toebehoren voor laagspannings-kabelsysteem = Electrical accessories for low voltage cable system
Elektrische toebehoren voor lichtlijnsysteem = Electrical accessories for light-line system
Elektrische toebehoren voor noodverlichtingsarmatuur = Electrical accessories for emergency luminaire
Elektrische toebehoren voor oriëntatieverlichtingsarmatuur = Electrical accessories for orientation luminaire
Elektrische toebehoren voor pendelarmatuur = Electrical accessories for pendulum luminaire
Elektrische toebehoren voor plafond- en wandinbouwarmatuur = Electrical accessories for ceiling-/wall luminaire
Elektrische toebehoren voor plafond- en wandopbouwarmatuur = Electrical acc. for surface mounted ceiling/wall luminaire
Elektrische toebehoren voor schijnwerper = Electrical accessories for spotlight
Elektrische toebehoren voor signaleringsarmatuur = Electrical accessories for signing luminaire
Elektrische toebehoren voor spanningsrail = Electrical accessories for track
Elektrische toebehoren voor spot = Electrical accessories for spot
Elektrische toebehoren voor straatverlichtingsarmatuur = Electrical accessories for road luminaire
Elektrische toebehoren voor TL-montagebalk = Electrical accessories for fluorescent batten
Elektrische toebehoren voor tubelight systeem = Electrical accessories for tube light
Elektrische toebehoren voor tunnelverlichtingsarmatuur = Electrical accessories for tunnel luminaire
Elektrische toebehoren voor wandarmatuur = Electrical accessories for wall luminaire
Elektrische toebehoren voor waterdicht verlichtingsarmatuur = Electrical accessories for watertight luminaire
Elektrische toestellen voor lijntelefonie of lijntelegrafie = Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy
Elektrische toestellen voor ruimteverwarming = Electric space-heating apparatus
elektrische tosti-ijzers = electric sandwich toasters
elektrische tracing = electrical tracing
elektrische transmissie = electrical transmission
elektrische trapondersteuning = electric power-assisted bicycles
Elektrische uitrusting = Electrical equipment and apparatus
elektrische uitrusting van machines = Electrical equipment of machines
Elektrische uitrusting voor bovengrondse installatie = Overhead electrical equipment
Elektrische uitrusting voor motoren en voertuigen = Electrical equipment for engines and vehicles
elektrische vector = electric vector
Elektrische veiligheid = Electrical safety
Elektrische veiligheid van machines = Electrical safety of machinery
elektrische veld = electric field
elektrische veldsterkte = electric field strength
elektrische veldsterktedichtheid = electric field strength density
elektrische ventilator = electric fan
elektrische ventilators = electric fans
elektrische verbinding = electrical connection
Elektrische verbindingen = Electrical connections
elektrische verdamper = electric evaporator
elektrische verdeelborden = electrical distribution boards
Elektrische vergrendeling = Electrical locking
elektrische verhittingsmiddelen = electric heating means
elektrische vermogenoverdracht = electric power transfer
elektrische vermogensbron = electric power source
elektrische verplaatsing = electric displacement
Elektrische verwarmingsweerstanden = Electric heating resistors
elektrische vlamboogoven / vlambooggloeioven = electric arc furnace (EAF)
elektrische voeding = power supply
elektrische voeding extractor = electric power extractor
elektrische voedingsbronnen = electrical power supplies
Elektrische voertuigen = Electric vehicles
elektrische vonk = spark
elektrische wagen = electric car
Elektrische wagens = Electric cars
elektrische wals = electric roller
elektrische weerstand = electrical resistivity
elektrische weerstand = electrical resistance
Elektrische weerstand = Resistance
elektrische weerstand = electrical resistor
Elektrische weerstand (component) = Resistor
Elektrische weerstand (eigenschap) = Electrical resistance
Elektrische weerstanden = Electrical resistors
elektrische werkzaamheden = electrical work
elektrische zaklantaarns = electric torches
elektrische zekeringen = electric fuses
elektrische zoemers = electric buzzers
"elektrische, cinematografische, optische, controle- (inspectie-) en onder" = "electrical, cinematographic, optical, checking (supervision) and teaching"
"elektrische, elektronische, optische toestellen en instrumenten, en meet-" = "electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, checking (supervisi"
"elektrische, fotografische, cinematografische en optische toestellen en i" = "electric, photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instrum"
"elektrische, hydraulische en pneumatische" = "electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic"
"elektrische, magnetische, thermische" = "electrical, magnetic, thermal"
"elektrische, pneumatische en vacuüm" = "electrical, pneumatic and vacuum"
elektro = electrode
Elektro = Electro
Elektro kast = Electrical cabinet
Elektro oxidatie = Electro-oxidation
elektro oxidatie = electro-oxidation
elektro oxidatie cel = electro-oxidation cell
elektro oxidatie stap = electro-oxidation step
elektro schema’s = electrical diagrams
Elektro/-bouwset/-schakeling/-regeling = Electro/- mounting set/- circuit/- control
elektro/hydraulisch ventiel = electro/hydraulic valve
elektro/hydraulische klep Aquaclime-unit = Aquaclime-unit electro/hydraulic valve
elektro/hydraulische klep koelventilator = cooling fan electro/hydraulic valve
elektro/koelmiddelklep airco chauffeur = electro/coolant valve driver's airco
elektro/luchtklep ABS linksachter = left rear ABS electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep ABS linksvoor = left front ABS electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep ABS rechtsachter = right rear ABS electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep ABS rechtsvoor = right front ABS electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep achteras = rear axle electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep deur sluiten = electro/pneumatic valve close door
elektro/luchtklep deurbediening = door control electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep middendeur = central door electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep retarder stand 1 = retarder postion 1 electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep retarder stand 2 = retarder postion 2 electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep retarder stand 3 = retarder postion 3 electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep sleepas backup = trailing axle back up electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep sleepas links = trailing axle left electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep sleepas rechts = trailing axle right electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep vooras = front axle electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/luchtklep voordeur = front door electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/mechanische deurvergrendeling = electro/mechanic door locking
elektro/mechanische waste gate = electro/mechanic waste gate
elektro/olieklep retarder opslagcilinder = retarder reservoir electro/oil valve
elektro/pneumatisch reset ventiel = electro/pneumatic reset valve
Elektro/pneumatisch ventiel = electro/pneumatic valve
elektro/pneumatisch ventiel tbv bagageruimte vergrendeling links = electro/pneumatic valve for left luggage compartment locking
elektro/pneumatisch ventiel tbv bagageruimte vergrendeling rechts = electro/pneumatic valve for right luggage compartment locking
elektro/pneumatisch ventiel tbv centrale vergrendeling bagageruimte = electro/pneumatic valve for central locking luggage compartment
elektro/pneumatisch ventiel tbv deur = electro/pneumatic valve for door
elektro/waterklep achterste ondervloerkachel = rear underfloor heater electro/water valve
elektro/waterklep Aquaclime-unit = Aquaclime-unit electro/water valve
elektro/waterklep dakunits = roof-units electro/water valve
elektro/waterklep voorste ondervloerkachel = front underfloor heater electro/water valve
elektro/waterklep voorverwarmer = pre-heater electro/water valve
Elektro-aansluiting = Electro-connection
elektroakoestiek = electroacoustics
elektroakoestisch = electroacoustic
elektroakoestische eenheid = electroacoustic device
elektroakoestische koppelfactor = electro-acoustic coupling impedance
elektroakoestische koppelfactor = electro-acoustic force factor
elektroakoestische omvormer = electroacoustic transducer
elektroakoestische transducer = electro-acoustic transducer
elektro-anesthesie = electro-anesthesia
elektrobiologie = electrobiology
Elektrobuizenrail = Rail for electrical installation tubes
elektrocardiografie = heart monitoring
Elektrocardiografie = Electrocardio-Graphy
elektrocardiografische bewaking = ECG screening
elektrocardiografische bewakingsapparatuur = electrocardiograph
elektrocardiografische bewakingsapparatuur = electrocardiographic monitoring equipment
Elektrocardiogram = Electrocardiogram
elektrocardiogram in rust = resting  electrocardiogram
elektrocardiogram in rust = resting EKG
Elektrochemie = Electro-chemistry
Elektrochemie = Electrochemistry
elektrochemisch = electrochemical
elektrochemisch = electrochemical
elektrochemisch vormen = electrochemical milling
elektrochemische = electrochemical
elektrochemische activiteit = electrochemical activity
elektrochemische bewerking = electrical and chemical machining
elektrochemische cel = cell
elektrochemische cellen en batterijen = electrochemical cells and batteries
"elektrochemische cellen en batterijen, controletoestellen voor batterijen" = "electrochemical cells and batteries, battery testers, power monitoring an"
elektrochemische condensator = electrochemical capacitor
elektrochemische corrosie = electrochemical corrosion
elektrochemische omvormer = electrochemical transducer
elektrochemische oxidatie = electrochemical oxidation
elektrochemische reactor = electrochemical reactor
elektrochemische reactoren = electrochemical reactors
elektrochirurgie = surgical diathermy
elektrocoagluatie slib = electrocoagulation sludge
elektrocoagulatie = surgical diathermy
elektrocoagulatie = electrocautery
elektrocoagulatie = electrocoagulation
elektrocoagulatie = galvanocautery
elektro-coagulatie = electro-coagulation
elektrocoagulatie cel = electrocoagulation cell
elektrocoagulatie effluent = electrocoagulation effluent
Elektrocoagulatie effluent = Electrocoagulation effluent
elektrocoagulatie effluent en elektrocoagulatie slib = electrocoagulation effluent and electrocoagulation sludge
elektrocoagulatie effluent en slib = electrocoagulation effluent and sludge
elektrocoagulatie slib = electrocoagulation sludge
elektrocoagulatie van de blaashals = electrocoagulation of the bladder neck
elektrocoagulatiecel = electrocoagulation cell
elektrocoagulatiecellen = electrocoagulation cells
elektrocoagulatiecellen met een aluminium elektrode = aluminum electrode electrocoagulation cells
elektrocoagulatieinlaat = electrocoagulation inlet
elektrocoagulatieopstellingen = electrocoagulation setups
elektrocuteren = to  electrocute
elektrocutie = electrocution
elektrode = electrode
elektrode {de} = electrode
elektrode afstand = electrode gap
elektrode cellen = electrode cells
elektrode van titanium = titanium electrode
elektrode van titanium of roestvrij staal = titanium or stainless steel electrode
elektrode van titanium or roestvrij staal = titanium or stainless steel electrode
elektrode-admittantie = electrode admittance
elektrodecapacitantie = electrode capacitance
elektrodedissipatie = electrode dissipation
elektrode-efficiëntie = electrode efficiency
elektrodegeleiding = electrode conductance
elektrodehouder (b.v. bij lastransformator) = electrode holder
elektrode-impedantie = electrode impedance
elektrodekarakteristiek = electrode characteristic
elektrodemateriaal = electrode material
Elektroden = Electrodes
elektroden = electrodes
elektroden afstand = spark plug gap
elektroden voor elektrisch lassen = electrodes for electric welding
elektroden voor medisch gebruik = electrodes for medical use
elektrodenafstand = electrode spacing
elektrodeneerslag = electrodeposit
elektrodenruis = valve noise
elektrodensysteem = electrode system
elektrodepijpen = electrode pipes
Elektrodepositie = Electroplating
elektrodepositie = electrodeposition
elektrodermale activiteit = EDA
elektrodermale activiteit = electrodermal activity
elektrodermale respons = electrodermal effect
elektrodespanning = electrode voltage
elektrodessicatie = electrodehydration
elektrodestroom = electrode current
elektrodeweerstand = electrode resistance
elektrodialyse = electrodialysis: using an electric field across the dialysis membrane to 
elektro-dialyse = electro-dialysis
elektrodynamiek = electrodynamics
elektrodynamisch = electrodynamic
elektrodynamische luidspreker = electrodynamic loudspeaker
elektrodynamische luidspreker = moving-coil loudspeaker
elektrodynamische luidspreker = moving-conductor loudspeaker
elektrodynamische microfoon = electrodynamic microphone
elektrodynamische microfoon = moving-coil microphone
elektrodynamische microfoon = moving-conductor microphone
elektro-ejaculatie = electro-ejaculation
elektroencefalografie = electroencephalography
Elektro-Encefalo-Grafie = Electroencephalo-Graphy
elektroencefalografisch = electroencephalographic
elektroerosie = electroerosion
elektro-excisie = electro-  excision
elektrofilter = electrical filter
elektroflotatie = electroflotation
Elektroflotatie = Electroflotation
elektrofoon = electrophone
elektroforese = cataphoresis
elektroforese = dialectrolysis
elektroforese = dielectrolysis
elektroforese = electrophoresis
elektroforese van de cerebrospinale vloeistof = electrophoresis of cerebrospinal fluid
elektroforese van de cerebrospinale vloeistof = electrophoresis of the proteins of cerebrospinal fluid
elektroforese van hemoglobine = hemoglobin electrophoresis
elektroforese van tranen = electrophoresis of human tears
elektroforese van tranen = electrophoresis of tears
"elektroforese, de electroforese" = cataphoresis
"elektroforese, de electroforese" = dielectrolysis
"elektroforese, de electroforese" = electrophoresis: phoresis
"elektroforese, de electroforese" = iontophoresis
"elektroforese, de electroforese" = isotacoforesis: a process in which molecules can be separated according t
elektroforeseverf = electropaint
elektroforetisch = electrophoretic
elektroforetisch verven = electrocoating
elektroforetisch verven = electropainting
elektroforetisch verven = electrophoretic painting
elektroforetische analyse = electrophoretic analysis
elektrofotografie = electrophotography
elektrofotografische printtechnologieën = electrophotographic printing technologies
elektrofotometer = electrophotometer
elektrofusie = electrofusion
elektrofysiologie = electrophysiology: observation and measurement of the electrical impulses
Elektrofysiologisch = Electrophysiological
elektrofysiologisch = electrophysiologic
elektrogram = electrogram
Elektrohydraulisch aggregaat = Electro hydraulic power unit
elektrokabels = electrical cables
elektrokast = electrical cabinet
elektrokast bagageruimte linksvoor = electro box left front luggage compartment
elektrokast bagageruimte rechtsvoor = electro box right front luggage compartment
elektrokast motorruimte = electro box engine compartment
elektrokast toilet/keuken = electro box toilet/kitchen
elektrokasten = electrical cabinets
elektrokinetica = electrokinetics
elektrokinetische energie = electrokinetic energy
elektrolasapparatuur = electrofusion welding equipment
elektroliseren = to electrolyze
elektroluminescentie = electroluminescence
Elektro-luminescentie = Electro-luminescence
Elektrolyse = Electrolysis
elektrolyse = electrolysis
elektrolyse oven = electrolysis pot
elektrolyseoven = "electrolysis pot, electrolysis furnace"
elektrolyseproces = electrolytic process
elektrolyseren = to electrolyze
elektrolyse-ruimte = electrolysis space
elektrolyt = electrolyte
elektrolyt = electrolyte: a solution which conducts electricity & that dissociates int
elektrolyten = electrolytes
elektrolytenbalans = electrolyte equilibrium
elektrolytisch = electrolytic
elektrolytisch beitsbad = electro-brightening bath
elektrolytisch beitsbad = electro-brightening solution
elektrolytisch beitsbad = electrolytic pickling bath
elektrolytisch beitsen = electrolytic pickling
elektrolytisch etsen = electrolytic etching
elektrolytisch glanzen = electrolytic brightening
elektrolytisch metabolisme = electrolyte metabolism
elektrolytisch ontroesten = electrolytic rust removal
elektrolytisch ontvetten = electrolytic degreasing
elektrolytisch ontvetten = electro-cleaning
elektrolytisch ontvetten = electrolytic cleaning
elektrolytisch ontvetten = to electro-clean
elektrolytisch ontvetten met ompoling = reverse current cleaning
elektrolytisch ontvetten met periodieke ompoling = periodic reverse current cleaning
elektrolytisch ontvettingsbad = electro-cleaner
elektrolytisch ontvettingsbad = electrocleaning solution
elektrolytisch polijstbad = electropolishing bath
elektrolytisch polijstbad = electro-polishing solution
elektrolytisch polijsten = electrolytic polishing
elektrolytisch polijsten = electro-polishing
elektrolytisch polijsten bij wisselstroom = AC electro-polishing
elektrolytisch slijpen = electrolytic grinding
elektrolytisch verwijderen van de metaallaag = electrolytic deplating
elektrolytisch verwijderen van de metaallaag = electrolytic stripping
elektrolytisch verzinken = electrogalvanising
elektrolytisch verzinken = electroplating
Elektrolytisch verzinkt = Galvanic/electrolytic zinc plated
Elektrolytisch verzinkt en gecoat = Galvanic/electrolytic zinc plated and coated
Elektrolytisch verzinkt en hostaflon-gecoat = Galvanic/electrolytic zinc plated and hostaflon coated
elektrolytisch verzonken = electrogalvanised
elektrolytisch walshuid verwijderen = electrolytic descaling
elektrolytische cel = electrolytic cell
elektrolytische cel en / of coagulatie cel en / of elektro oxidatie cel = electrolytic cell and/or coagulation cell and/or electro-oxidation cell
elektrolytische cellen = electrolytic cells
elektrolytische condensator = electrolytic capacitor: elco
elektrolytische depositie = electrolytic deposition
elektrolytische depositie = electroplating
elektrolytische geleiding = electrolytic conduction
elektrolytische laagverwijdering = electrolytic stripping: dissolving a metal coating electrolytically by ma
elektrolytische verzinking = electrogalvanisation
elektromagneet = electromagnet
elektromagneet = solenoid
elektromagneet/spoel = solenoid
elektromagneten = electromagnets
elektromagnetica = electromagnetics
elektromagnetisch = electromagnetic
elektromagnetisch = electromagnetically
elektromagnetisch = electromagnetical
Elektromagnetisch absorberend materiaal = Electromagnetic absorbent material
Elektromagnetisch compatibiliteit richtlijn = Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
elektromagnetisch component = electromagnetic component
elektromagnetisch instrument = electromedical equipment
elektromagnetisch materiaal = electro-magnetic equipment
elektromagnetisch materiaal = electromagnetic equipment
elektromagnetisch materiaal = electromagnetic material
elektromagnetisch momentum = electromagnetic momentum
elektromagnetisch pick-up element = electromagnetic phonocartridge
elektromagnetisch pick-up element = electromagnetic pick-up element
Elektromagnetisch spectrum = Electromagnetic spectrum
Elektromagnetisch veld = Electromagnetic fields
elektromagnetisch veld = electromagnetic field
elektromagnetische aantrekking = electromagnetic attraction
elektromagnetische afbuiging = electromagnetic deflection
elektromagnetische afscherming = electromagnetic shielding
elektromagnetische communicaties = electromagnetic communications
elektromagnetische compatibiliteit = electromagnetic compatibility
elektromagnetische compatibiliteit = electromagnetic compatibility: EMC
elektromagnetische compatibiliteit = EMC
elektromagnetische constante = electromagnetic constant
elektromagnetische emissies = electromagnetic emissions
elektromagnetische energie = electromagnetic energy
elektromagnetische flux = electromagnetic flux
Elektromagnetische geofysische instrumenten = Electromagnetic geophysical instruments
elektromagnetische golf = electromagnetic wave: EMW
elektromagnetische golfsnelheid = electromagnetic wave velocity
elektromagnetische golven = electromagnetic waves
elektromagnetische immuniteit = Electromagnetic immunity
elektromagnetische inductie = electromagnetic induction
elektromagnetische interactie = electromagnetic interaction (electromagnetic interaction)
elektromagnetische interferentie = electromagnetic interference
elektromagnetische kerncomponenten = electromagnetic core components
elektromagnetische klep = solenoid-operated valve
elektromagnetische klep = solenoid valve
elektromagnetische koppeling = electromagnetic coupling
elektromagnetische kracht = electromagnetic force
elektromagnetische luidspreker = electromagnetic loudspeaker
elektromagnetische luidspreker = electro-magnetic speaker
elektromagnetische luidspreker = moving- iron loudspeaker
elektromagnetische luidspreker = moving-iron speaker
elektromagnetische massa = electromagnetic mass
elektromagnetische microfoon = electromagnetic microphone
elektromagnetische omgeving = electromagnetic environment
elektromagnetische puls = electromagnetic pulse: EMP
elektromagnetische schadelijke invloed = electromagnetic interference
elektromagnetische spoelen = electromagnetic coils
elektromagnetische storing = electromagnetic disturbance
elektromagnetische storing = electromagnetic interference
elektromagnetische straling = electromagnetic radiation
elektromagnetische straling = electromagnetic wave
elektromagnetische straling = nonparticulate radiation
Elektromagnetische straling = Electromagnetic radiation
elektromagnetische stralingsbron = electromagnetic radiation source
Elektromagnetische unit = Electromagnetic unit
elektromagnetische velden = electromagnetic fields
elektromagnetische velden (EMV) = electromagnetic fields (EMF)
elektromagnetische vermogenstechnologie = electromagnetic power technology
Elektromagnetische verschijnselen = Electromagnetic phenomena
elektromagnetische weerstand = electromagnetic resistance
elektromagnetische zuiger = solenoid plunger
elektromagnetisme = electromagnetism
elektromechanica = electromechanics
elektromechanisch = electromechanical
Elektromechanisch handgereedschap = Hand-held electromechanical tools
elektromechanische centrale = electromechanical exchange
elektromechanische energie = electromechanical energy
elektromechanische koppelfactor = electromechanical coupling impedance
elektromechanische koppelfactor = electromechanical force factor
elektromechanische omvormer = electromechanical transducer
elektromechanische oscillator = electromechanical oscillator
elektromechanische randapparatuur = electromechanical peripheral apparatus
elektromechanische rem = electromechanical brake
elektromechanische transducer = electromechanical transducer
Elektromechanische uitrusting = Electromechanical equipment
elektromechanische versterker = electromechanical amplifier
elektromedische apparatuur = electromedical equipment
elektrometallurgie = electrometallurgy
elektrometer = electrometer
elektrometerbuis = meter tube
elektromonteur = electrical technician
elektromonteur = skilled electrician
elektromonteur voor vastgelegde werkzaamheden = qualified electrician
Elektromotor = Electric motor
elektromotor = electric motor
elektromotoren = electric motors
elektromotoren (niet voor landvoertuigen) = electric motors (not for land vehicles)
"Elektromotoren, elektrische generatoren en elektrische transformatoren" = "Electric motors, generators and transformers"
"elektromotoren-, generatoren- en transformatorenfabrieken" = "Electric motor, generator and transformer industry"
elektromotorenfabriek = Electric motor industry
elektromotorenreparatiebedrijf = Electric motor repair services
elektromotorisch = electromotive
elektromotorische kracht = voltage
elektromotorische kracht = electromotive force: emf
elektromotorische kracht = electromotive force
elektromotorische kracht = emf
elektromusculaire = electromuscular
elektromyograaf = electromyograph
Elektromyografen = Electromyographs
elektromyografisch = electromyographic
elektromyografisch potentieel = electromyographic potential
elektromyogram = a test which measures muscle response to nerve stimulation
elektromyogram = electromyogram
elektromyogram = electromyography
elektromyogram = EMG
Elektron = Electron
elektroncefalografie (EEG) = electroencefalography (EEG)
elektronegatief = electronegative
elektronegatieve = electronegative
Elektronegativiteit = Electronegativity
elektronegativiteiten = electronegativities
elektronenbeweeglijkheid = electron mobility
elektronenbeweging = electron motion
elektronenbuiging = electron diffraction
elektronenbuis = vacuum tube
elektronenbuis = cathode ray tube: CRT
Elektronenbuizen = Valve tubes
elektronenbundel = electron beam
elektronenbundel-patroongenerator = electron-beam pattern generator
elektronenconcentratie = electron concentration
elektronendiffusielengte = electron diffusion length
elektronendonor = electron donor
elektronenemissie = electron emission
elektronenflitser = electron ic flash
elektronengekoppelde oscillator = electron coupled oscillator: ECO
elektronengolfbuis = electron-wave tube
elektronenkanon = electron gun
elektronenkoppeling = electron coupling
elektronenlens = electron lens
elektronenmassa = electron mass
elektronenmicroscoop = electron microscope: a microscope that uses a parallel beam of electrons 
elektronenmicroscoop = electron microscope
Elektronenmicroscopen = Electron microscopes
elektronenmicroscopie = electron microscopy
Elektronenmicroscopie = Electron microscope
Elektronenmicroscopie = Microscope
elektronenoptiek = electron optics
elektronenoverdrachtketens = electron transfer chains
elektronenpakket = bunched electrons
elektronenparen = electron pairs
elektronensnelheid = electron velocity
elektronenspin = electron's spin
elektronenstraal = electron beam: parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation
elektronenstraal = electron beam
Elektronenstraal/analoog = Electronic beam/analogue
elektronenstraalaftaster = electron-beam recorder
elektronenstraalaftasting = electron-beam scanning
elektronenstraalbuis = electron-beam tube
elektronenstraalgenerator = electron-beam generator
elektronenstraal-microanalyse = EPMA
Elektronenstraalrecorders = Electron-beam recorders
elektronenstraalregistratie = electron-beam recording
elektronenstroom = electron current
elektronentheorie = electron theory
elektronentheorie van de materie = electron theory of matter
elektronenvalenties (all senses) = electrovalency
elektronenvanger = electron catcher
elektronenversneller = electron accelerator: a collider that accelerates & collides electrons an
elektronenversterker = electron-multiplier tube
elektronenvervoer = electron transport system
elektronenwolk = electron cloud
elektroneurografie = electrodiagnosis
elektrongelden = subsidies for library (database) digitalisation
Elektronica = Electronic
Elektronica = Electronics
elektronica = electronics
elektronica {de} = electronics
elektronica AV-schakelaar = electronics AV switch
elektronica en bedrijfsbeheer = electronics and business management
elektronica producten = electronics products
"elektronica, automatisering en technologie" = "electronics, automation and technology"
Elektronica/mechanica = Electronics/mechanics
elektronica-eenheid = electronics assembly
Elektronicakast = Electronic cabinet
elektronica-subsysteem = electronics sub-system
elektronicus = electronic engineer
elektronisch = electronic
elektronisch afval = electronic waste
elektronisch afval = electronic scrap
elektronisch apparaat = electronic device
elektronisch bankieren = electronic banking
elektronisch bankieren dienst = electronic banking service
elektronisch bankieren diensten = electronic banking services
Elektronisch bedienbaar = Electronic controllable
Elektronisch bedieningspaneel = Electronic adjustment
Elektronisch Berichtenverkeer = electronic communication
Elektronisch Berichtenverkeer = electronic data interchange
elektronisch bestuurbare koppelingseenheid = electronically-controllable coupler
elektronisch bestuurde speelgoedvoertuigen = electronically-operated toy motor vehicles
elektronisch betaalinstrument = electronic payment instrument
elektronisch betaalmiddel = electronic funds transfer
elektronisch betaalsysteem = electronic funds transfer system (EFTS)
elektronisch betaalsysteem = EPS
elektronisch betalingssysteem = system of electronic financial transactions
elektronisch betalingsverkeer = electronic funds transfer: EFT
elektronisch betalingsverkeer = electronic flow of payments
elektronisch betalingsverkeer = electronic funds transfer
elektronisch boek = electronic book
elektronisch brein = electronic brain
elektronisch brokersysteem = electronic broking system
elektronisch circuit = electronic circuit
elektronisch communicatienetwerk = electronic communications network
elektronisch communicatienetwerken = electronic communications networks
elektronisch component = electronic component
Elektronisch controlesysteem = Electronic control system
elektronisch document = electronic document
elektronisch document management = electronic document management
Elektronisch doorstroomverwarmingselement = Electronic instantaneous water heater
elektronisch en fysiek is beschermd = electronically and physically protected
elektronisch factureren = electronic billing
elektronisch factureren = electronic invoicing
Elektronisch factureren aan de Rijksoverheid = Submitting electronic invoices to the Dutch Government
elektronisch factureren en betalen = electronic billing and payment
elektronisch filter = electronic filter
elektronisch formulier = electronic form
elektronisch formulier = e-form
elektronisch gedeelte = electronic part
Elektronisch geïntegreerde schakelingen en microschakelingen = Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies
elektronisch gekoppeld = electronically coupled
elektronisch gekoppeld aan = electronically coupled to
elektronisch gekoppeld oscillator = electron-coupled oscillator: ECO
elektronisch geld = emoney
elektronisch geld = e-money
elektronisch geld = digital cash
elektronisch geld = e-cash
elektronisch geld = electronic cash
Elektronisch geld (e-money) = Electronic money (e-money)
elektronisch geregelde = electronically controlled
elektronisch geregelde dieselmotor = electronically controlled diesel engine
elektronisch geregistreerd = recorded electronically
elektronisch getekend = electronically signed
elektronisch getekende document = digitally signed document
elektronisch girosysteem = electronic transfer system
Elektronisch groepschakelaar = Electronic group switch
elektronisch handelsverkeer = electronic commerce (E-commerce)
elektronisch i-DEPOT = online i-DEPOT
elektronisch ingangssignaal = input signal
elektronisch ingediend = submitted online
Elektronisch inlichtingensysteem = Electronic intelligence system
Elektronisch kabellabelapparaat = Electronic cable labeller
elektronisch kladblok = spreadsheet
elektronisch klantenbestand = customer database
elektronisch kompas = electronic compass
Elektronisch labelapparaat = Electronic label maker
elektronisch materiaal = electronic material
elektronisch mechanisme voor bediening van de lichtbron = Electronic light source control gear
elektronisch medisch dossier = electronic health record
Elektronisch met afvalvalvertraging = Electronic with release delay
Elektronisch met multifunctie = Electronic with multi function
Elektronisch met uitschakelvoorwaarschuwing = Electronic with switching-off pre-warning
Elektronisch of hogefrequentievoorschakelapparaat = Electronic or high frequency ballast
elektronisch onderdeel = electronic component
elektronisch onderhoud = e-maintenance
elektronisch ontstekingssysteem = electronic ignition system
elektronisch orgel = electronic organ
elektronisch patiëntendossier = electronic patient record (EPR)
elektronisch plaats reserveringssysteem = electronic seat-reservation system
elektronisch product = electronic product
elektronisch publiceren = electronic publishing
elektronisch publiceren = "DTP, desktop publishing"
Elektronisch publiceren = Desktop publishing
elektronisch rekentuig = electronic computer
elektronisch relais = electronic relay
Elektronisch schakelaar = Electronic switch
elektronisch schakelsysteem = electronic switching system
Elektronisch serieschakelaar = Electronic series switch
elektronisch signaal = electronic signal
elektronisch slot = electronic lock
elektronisch snelheisbeheersingssysteem (esb) = electronic speed managing system
elektronisch speelgoed en elektronische spellen = electronic toys and electronic games
elektronisch te beschermen = electronically protecting
elektronisch tijdschrift = web magazine
elektronisch tijdschrift = webzine
elektronisch tijdschrift = electronic magazine
elektronisch toegangscontrolesysteem = electronic access control system
elektronisch toestel = electronic device
elektronisch toezicht = electronic monitoring
elektronisch tot stand komt = is concluded via electronic means
Elektronisch uitgeven = Computer-assisted publishing
Elektronisch uitgeven = Desktop publishing
Elektronisch uitgeven = Electronic publishing
elektronisch vastgelegd = recorded electronically
Elektronisch veiligheidsslot = Electronic security lock
elektronisch verkrijgbaar = available in electronic format
elektronisch verrekeningssysteem = electronic settlement system
Elektronisch verwerkbaar formaat = Electronically exploitable format
Elektronisch visitekaartje = Electronic Business Card
elektronisch visserijlogboek = electronic fishing logbook
Elektronisch voor centrale besturing = Electronic for centralized control
elektronisch winkelcentrum = electronic mall
elektronisch worden aangeleverd = submitted electronically
elektronisch wordt gesloten = is concluded electronically
elektronisch zwaar = "Electronic, strong"
"elektronisch, magnetisch of optisch opgenomen gegevens, geluid en/of vide" = "electronically, magnetically or optically recorded data, sound and/or vid"
"elektronisch, magnetisch of optisch opslagmedium" = "electronic, magnetic or optical storage media"
Elektronisch-analytische balansen = Electronic analytical balances
elektronische = electronic
elektronische (ver)storing = electronic jamming
elektronische aanbiedingen = electronic offers
elektronische aangifte = electronic filing
elektronische administratie = electronic accounting system
elektronische afstemming = electronic tuning
elektronische amusementsapparatuur = electronic amusement apparatus
elektronische apparaten = electronic devices
elektronische apparatuur = electronic equipment
elektronische apparatuur = electronic apparatus
elektronische apparatuur en instrumenten = electronic apparatus and instruments
"elektronische apparatuur en instrumenten, allemaal voor het verwerken, lo" = "electronic apparatus and instruments, all for processing, logging, storin"
elektronische apparatuur met gebruik van computers voor onderwijsdoeleind = electronic apparatus utilizing computers for educational purposes
elektronische apparatuur voor gebruik met computers = electronic apparatus for use with computers
elektronische archivering = electronic filing
elektronische archivering = electronic archiving
elektronische archiveringsdienst = electronic archiving service
elektronische ballast = electronic ballast
elektronische ballasten = electronic ballasts
elektronische bankhandeling = electronic banking
elektronische bankoperaties = electronic banking
elektronische bedrijfsvoering = e-business
Elektronische behuizing = Electronic enclosure
elektronische bekrachtiging/legalisatie = electronic authentication
Elektronische benodigdheden = Electronic supplies
elektronische berichten = electronic messages
Elektronische berichten- en informatiediensten = Electronic message and information services
Elektronische berichtendiensten = Electronic message services
elektronische besturingsapparaten en -instrumenten = electronic control apparatus and instruments
elektronische betaalpas = electronic cheque guarantee card
elektronische betaalsysteem = electronic payment system
elektronische betaalsystemen = electronic payment systems
elektronische betaling = electronic funds transfer
elektronische beveiligingsmaatregelen = electronic security measures
elektronische beveiligingsmiddelen = electronic security devices
elektronische bewijsmiddelen = electronic evidence
elektronische boeken = electronic books
elektronische boeken en publikaties = electronic books and publications
elektronische boekhoudmachine = electronic accounting machine
elektronische brievenbus = electronic mailbox
elektronische broodplank = electronic breadboard
Elektronische bulletin boards = Electronic bulletin boards
elektronische communicatie = electronic communication
elektronische communicatiedienst = electronic communications service
elektronische communicatiemiddelen = electronic means of communication
elektronische communicatienetten = electronic communications networks
elektronische communicatiesector = electronic communications sector
elektronische componenten = electronic components
elektronische componentenmateriaalfabriek = Electronic components materials industry
elektronische computer- en spelinstallaties = electronic computer and games apparatus
elektronische connectors = electronic connectors
Elektronische copyboards of toebehoren = Electronic copyboards or accessories
Elektronische datadrager voor schakelinrichting = Electronic data medium for switchgear
elektronische deceptie = electronic deception
elektronische deler = electronic divider
Elektronische detectieapparatuur = Electronic detection apparatus
elektronische digitale computer = electronic digital computer
elektronische documentatiemachine = electronic editor
elektronische documenten = electronic documents
elektronische eenheid = electronic device
elektronische eenheid = electronic module
elektronische en elektrische apparaten = electronic and electrical apparatus
Elektronische en elektrische onderdelen voor militaire lucht- en ruimteva = Electronic and electrical spare parts for military aerospace equipment
Elektronische en elektrische onderdelen voor militaire voertuigen = Electronic and electrical spare parts for military vehicles
"elektronische en elektromechanische apparatuur, allemaal voor gebruik met" = "electronic and electromechanical apparatus, all for use with computers"
"elektronische en elektromechanische randapparatuur, allemaal voor gebruik" = "electronic and electromechanical peripheral apparatus, all for use with c"
elektronische enkelband = electronic ankle bracelet
elektronische enquête = electronic survey
elektronische fabricage = e-manufacturing
elektronische factuur = electronic invoice
elektronische gegevens-/informatieverwerking = automatic dataprocessing
elektronische gegevens-/informatieverwerking = electronic dataprocessing
elektronische gegevensbanken = electronic databases
elektronische gegevensdragers = electronic data carriers
elektronische gegevensuitwisseling = electronic data interchange: EDI
elektronische gegevensverwerkende apparatuur = electronic data-processing apparatus
elektronische gegevensverwerking = electronic data processing: EDP
elektronische geleiding = electronic conduction
elektronische gelijkrichter = electronic rectifier
Elektronische geluidsgenerator = Electronic sound generator
elektronische gezondheidszorg = cyberhealth
elektronische gezondheidszorg = e-health: the combined use of electronic communication & information tech
elektronische gezondheidszorg = telehealth
elektronische global snapshot = global electronic snapshot
Elektronische handel = E-commerce
elektronische handel = electronic commerce
Elektronische handel = Digital commerce
Elektronische handel = Electronic commerce
elektronische handspellen = electronic hand-held game units
elektronische handtekening = electronic signature
elektronische hardware = electronic hardware
elektronische hulp = electronic aid
elektronische indiening van belastingaangifte = electronic tax filing
elektronische industrie = electronics industry
elektronische informatiecommunicatie = communication of information by electronic means
Elektronische informatiediensten = Electronic information services
elektronische informatienetwerk = electronic information network
elektronische informatieverwerking = electronic information processing
Elektronische informatieverwerking (EDP) = Electronic data management (EDM)
elektronische installatie = electronic system
elektronische installaties = electronic systems
elektronische insteekkaarten = electronic plug-in cards
elektronische instrumenten = electronic instruments
elektronische integrator = electronic integrator
elektronische interfaces = electronic interfaces
Elektronische kaarten = Electronic cards
elektronische kaartlezer = electronic card reader
elektronische kasregisters = electronic cash registers
elektronische kleurenschakelaar = sampler
elektronische kleurenschakelaar = sampling pulse generator
elektronische kopieermachines = electronic copying machines
elektronische leeromgeving = electronic learning environment
elektronische lens = electronic lens
Elektronische lichtregelaar = Electronic light controller
elektronische lijnaftasting = electronic line scanning
elektronische machines en instrumenten alsmede hun onderdelen en accessoi = electronic machines and instruments and their parts and
elektronische mailfaciliteiten = electronic mail facilities
elektronische maritieme diensten = River Information Services (RIS)
elektronische medewerkers prikbord = electronic staff bulletin board
"elektronische meet-, regel- en controle-apparatenfabriek" = Electronic measurement and control industry
Elektronische meters = Electronic meters
elektronische meting = electronic measurement
elektronische microfoon = electronic microphone
elektronische module = electronic module
elektronische muziekinstrumenten = electronic musical instruments
elektronische naslagwerken = electronic reference guides
elektronische netregelaar = mains voltage regulator
elektronische nieuwsbrief = electronic newsletter
elektronische nieuwsdiensten = electronic news agency services
Elektronische obstakelherkenning = Electronic obstacle recognition
Elektronische onderdelen = Electronic components
Elektronische oorlogsvoeringssystemen en tegenmaatregelen = Electronic warfare systems and counter measures
elektronische opgave = electronic statement
elektronische opgave van de loonstrook = electronic payslip
elektronische oplossingen = electronic solutions
elektronische oplossingen = electronics solutions
elektronische opteller = electronic adder
elektronische overdracht van gegevens = electronic transmission of data
elektronische overheid = electronic government
elektronische overmaking van fondsen = electronic funds transfers
elektronische overmaking van geldmiddelen = electronic transfer of funds
elektronische paslezer = electronic card reader
elektronische pennen = electronic pens
elektronische persoonlijke systematische agenda’s = electronic personal organisers
elektronische poort = electronic gate
elektronische portemonnee = electronic purse
Elektronische positionering = Electronic positioning
elektronische post = electronic mail: e-mail
elektronische post = electronic mail
elektronische post = email
"elektronische post, verzending van berichten" = "electronic mail, message sending"
elektronische printplaten = electronic circuit boards
Elektronische programmagids = Electronic Program Guide
elektronische publicaties = electronic publications
elektronische publicaties = electronic publishing
elektronische randapparatuur = electronic peripheral apparatus
elektronische regeleenheid = electronic control unit
Elektronische regeleenheid (CNG — brandstoftoevoer) = Electronic control unit (CNG — fuelling)
Elektronische regeling = Electronic controller
elektronische regellessenaars = electronic control desks
elektronische regellessenaars en -panelen = electronic control desks or panels
Elektronische rekenmachine = Computer
Elektronische rekenmachine = Digital computer
elektronische rekenmachine = computer
elektronische rekenmachine = electronic calculator
elektronische rekenmachines = electronic calculators
Elektronische routebewaking = Electronic route monitoring
elektronische scanapparatuur en -instrumenten = electronic scanning apparatus and instruments
elektronische schakelaar = electronic switch
elektronische schakeling = electronic circuit
elektronische schakelingen = electronic circuits
elektronische schakelingen = electronic circuitry
elektronische schakelingen voor televisie = electronic circuits for television
elektronische schakelklok = electronic timer
elektronische schrijfmachine = electronic typewriter
Elektronische schrijfmachines = Electronic typewriters
Elektronische scoreborden = Electronic scoreboards
elektronische sensoren = electronic sensors
elektronische sleutelbeheersystemen = electronic key management systems
elektronische sleutels = electronic keys
elektronische sloten = electronic locks
elektronische spelapparatuur = electronic games apparatus
elektronische spelapparatuur voor zover begrepen in deze klasse = electronic game apparatus included in this class
elektronische spellen = electronic games
"elektronische spellen en toestellen voor ontspanning, niet bestemd voor g" = electronic games and amusement apparatus other than for use with televisi
elektronische spellen voor gebruik in samenhang met een televisieapparaat = electronic games apparatus for use with television receivers or with vide
elektronische spellen voor gebruik in samenhang met een televisieapparaat = electronic games apparatus for use with television receivers
"elektronische spellen, niet bestemd voor gebruik in combinatie met televi" = electronic games other than for use with television receivers
elektronische spelprogramma’s = electronic game programs
elektronische stabiliteitscontrole = electronic stability control
elektronische stabiliteitsregeling = electronic stability control
elektronische stemming = electronic voting
elektronische stilte = electronic silence
elektronische subsysteem = electronic sub-system
elektronische tegenmaatregelen = electronic counter- measures
elektronische tegen-tegenmaatregelen = electronic counter-counter measures
Elektronische temperatuurregeling (wijnbewaarkast) = Adjustable wine storage control feature
elektronische thermometer = electronic thermometer
Elektronische tijdcontrolesystemen = Electronic timekeeping systems
elektronische timer = electronic timer
elektronische toestellen en instrumenten = electronic apparatus and equipment
elektronische toestellen en instrumenten voor invoer en uitvoer van gegev = electronic data input and output apparatus and instruments
"elektronische toestellen voor ontspanning, geschikt voor gebruik in combi" = electronic amusement apparatus adapted for use with television receivers
"elektronische toestellen voor ontspanning, geschikt voor gebruik met LCD-" = electronic amusement apparatus adapted for use with liquid-crystal displa
elektronische toestellen voor opslag en weergave van gegevens = electronic devices for storing and displaying data
elektronische toestellen voor opslag van gegevens = electronic devices for storing data
Elektronische trafo = Electronic transformer
Elektronische trafo DALI = Electronic transformer DALI
Elektronische trafo digitaal = Electronic transformer digital
elektronische transmissie = electronic transmission
elektronische uitrusting = electronic equipment
elektronische veiling = electronic auction
Elektronische veilingdiensten = Electronic auction services
Elektronische vergrendeling = Electronic locking
elektronische vergunning = electronic licence
elektronische vermenigvuldiger = electronic multiplier
elektronische verzending = electronic transmission
elektronische verzending en opslag = electronic transmission and storage
Elektronische verzoeken = Electronic requests
elektronische video-opname = electronic video recording: EVR
elektronische voeding(sbron) = electronic power supply
Elektronische vonkontsteking = Cycle spark ignition
Elektronische weegschalen en toebehoren = Electronic scales and accessories
"elektronische weergave van informatie, berichten, beelden en gegevens" = "electronic display of information, messages, images and"
elektronische weerstand = electronic resistor
elektronische weerstandsmodule = electric resistor module
elektronische woordenboeken = electronic dictionaries
"Elektronische, elektromechanische en elektrotechnische benodigdheden" = "Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies"
elektronische-communicatiedienst = electronic communications service
elektronische-communicatienetwerk = electronic communications network
elektronisch-geldinstrument = electronic money instrument
Elektronisch-technische balansen = Electronic technical balances
elektronystagmografie = ENG
elektro-optica = electro-optics
elektro-optisch = electro-optic
elektro-optisch effect = electro-optic effect
elektro-optisch systeem = electro-optical system
elektro-optische fasemodulatie = electro-optic phase modulation
elektro-optische frequentieresponsie = electro-optic frequency response
elektro-optische modulator = electro-optic modulator
elektro-optische zender = electro-optic transmitter
elektro-osmose = electro osmosis
elektro-osmose = electro-osmosis
elektro-oxidatie = electro-oxidation
elektro-oxidatie cel = electro-oxidation cell
elektro-oxidatie inlaat = electro-oxidation inlet
elektro-oxidatie uitlaat = electro-oxidation outlet
elektro-oxidatiecel = electro-oxidation cell
elektroporatie = electroporation: a method for increasing DNA uptake by protoplasts
elektroporatie = electroporation
elektroresectie = electroresection: resection by electrosurgical means
elektroretinografie = electroretinography
elektroretinogram = ERG
elektroschema's = electrical diagrams
elektroschoktherapie = "electric shock therapy, electroconvulsive therapy"
elektroscoop = electroscope
elektroshock therapie = ECT
elektroshock therapie = electroconvulsive therapy
elektroshock therapie = "electroshock therapy: electrically induced convulsions, no longer used in"
elektrosmog = electrosmog
elektrostatica = electrostatics
elektrostatisch = electrostatic
elektrostatisch component = electrostatic component
elektrostatisch geleidend = electrostatically conductive
elektrostatisch spuiten = electrostatic spraying
elektrostatisch veld = electrostatic field
elektrostatische afbuiging = electrostatic deflection
elektrostatische afstoting = electrostatic repulsion
elektrostatische flux = electrostatic flux
elektrostatische hysteresis = electrostatic hysteresis
elektrostatische inductie = electrostatic induction
Elektrostatische lucht- en gasreinigers = Electrostatic air and gas cleaners
elektrostatische luidspreker = electrostatic loudspeaker
elektrostatische luidspreker = electrostatic speaker
elektrostatische microfoon = capacitor microphone
elektrostatische microfoon = electrostatic microphone
elektrostatische ontlading = electrostatic discharge: ESD
elektrostatische oplading = electrostatic charge
elektrostatische plotter = electrostatic plotter
elektrostatische potentiaal = electrostatic potential
elektrostatische precipitator = (nuclear energy)  electrostatic precipitator
elektrostatische printer = electrostatic printer
elektrostatische voltmeter = electrostatic voltmeter
elektrostimulatie = nerve stimulation
elektrostimulatie van de hersens = electrical stimulation of the brain
elektrostimulatie van de hersens = ESB
elektrotechnicus = electrical engineer
Elektrotechniek = Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Elektrotechniek (bacheloropleiding) = Electrical and Electronic Engineering
"elektrotechniek, elektronica en werktuigbouwkunde" = "electrical engineering, electronics and mechanical engineering"
"Elektrotechniek, Wiskunde en Informatica (faculteit EWI)" = "Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (faculty of EEMC"
"Elektrotechniek, Wiskunde en Informatica (Faculteit, afk. EWI)" = "Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)"
elektrotechnisch bedrijf = electrical engineering firm
elektrotechnisch installatiebedrijf = Electrical engineering installers
elektrotechnisch officier = electro-technical officer
elektrotechnisch vademecum = handbook / manual of / basic guide to electrical engineering
elektrotechnisch werk = electrotechnical work
elektrotechnische = electrical engineering
elektrotechnische = electrotechnical
elektrotechnische apparaten = electrotechnical apparatus
elektrotechnische apparatuur = electrotechnical equipment
Elektrotechnische benodigdheden = Electrotechnical supplies
elektrotechnische en besturingsinstallatie = electrical and control system
elektrotechnische en elektronische apparaten (voor zover begrepen in klas = electrotechnical and electronic apparatus (included in class
elektrotechnische en elektronische apparaten en instrumenten (voor zover  = electrotechnical and electronic apparatus and instruments (so far as cont
elektrotechnische industrie = electrotechnical industry
elektrotechnische industrie = electrical industry
elektrotechnische industrie = electrical engineering
elektrotechnische industrie = electrical goods industry
elektrotechnische installatie = electrical installation
elektrotechnische installatie = electrical system
elektrotechnische installatie = electrotechnical installation
elektrotechnische installaties = electrical systems
elektrotechnische installaties en datanetwerken = electrical systems and data networks
Elektrotechnische installatiewerken = Electrical engineering installation works
elektrotechnische schema = electrical diagram
elektrotechnische schema’s = electrical diagrams
Elektrotechnische schema's = Electrical diagrams
elektrotechnische specialist = electrotechnical specialist
elektrotechnische specialisten = electrotechnical specialists
elektrotechnische systemen = electrotechnical systems
Elektrotechnische tekeningen = Electrical drawings
elektrotechnische tekeningen = electrotechnical drawings
elektrotechnische tekeningen en schema’s = electrotechnical drawings and diagrams
Elektrotechnische uitrusting = Electrotechnical equipment
Elektrotechnische werkzaamheden = Electrical work
Elektrothermische toestellen = Electrothermic appliances
elektrotonus = electrotonus
elektrovalentie = electrovalence
elektroventiel = electrovalve
elektroventiel = solenoid valve
Elektro-verwarmingselement voor warmwatertank = Electric heating element for hot water tank
Elektro-verwarmingsketel = Electric boiler
elektroverzinking = zinc electroplating
elektrovoertuig = electric vehicle
Elektrowit (parelwit) = Electric white
eleltrische ontlading = electrical  discharge
eleltrische ontlading = jolt of electricity
element = chemical element
element = element
element = component
Element Controller = Element Controller
element dat iet bevordert = "enhancer element: in molecular biology, a Cis-acting DNA sequence in the "
element dat iet bevordert = enhancer sequence
element dat inwerkt op de oppervlakte = surface active compound
element van de kostprijs = component of cost
elementair = elemental
elementair deeltje = fundamental particle
Elementair deeltje = Elementary particle
elementair gebied = elemental area
elementair gegevenstype = elementary data type
elementair onderwijs = basic education
elementaire = elementary
Elementaire algebra = Algebra
elementaire begrippen = basic concepts
elementaire eenheid = elementary unit
elementaire epileptische smaak-crise = elementary  epileptic taste crisis
elementaire epileptische smaak-crise = gustatory seizure
elementaire lading = elementary charge
elementaire lijnbesturing = basic mode link control
elementaire productgroep = elementary product group
elementaire vernieuwingsstelling = elementary renewal theorem
elementaire vezel = elementary fibre
elementen = elements
elementen = features
elementen en toepassingen = elements and applications
Elementen met dubbele beglazing = Double-glazed units
elementen of onderdelen = elements or components
elementen toe te voegen = add elements
elementen uit groep 0 = element of group 0
elementen uit groep 0 = noble gas
elementen uit groep I = alkali metal
elementen uit groep I = alkaline
elementen uit groep I = alkaline metal
elementen uit groep I = element of group I
elementen uit groep I (alkalimetalen) = element of group I (alkaline)
elementen uit groep II = element of group II (alkaline earth metals)
elementen uit groep II (aardalkalimetalen) = element of group II (alkaline earth metals)
elementen uit groep II (aardalkalimetalen) = alkaline earth metal
elementen uit groep II (aardalkalimetalen) = element of group II
elementen uit groep III = element of group III
elementen uit groep IV = element of group IV
elementen uit groep V = element of group V
elementen uit groep VI = element of group VI
elementen uit groep VII = element of group VII
elementen van de identificatie- en registratieregeling voor runderen = elements of the system for the identification and registration of bovine 
elementen van de jaarrekening = elements of financial statements
elementen van verschillende benaderingen = elements of different approaches
Elementen voor wijnkelder = Wine cellar fixtures
elementenbouw = semi-prefabricated building system
elementenbouw = element building
elementenbouw = prefab(ricated) building system
Elementengalerie = Elements Gallery
elementenset = array
elementenstroom = elementary flow
element-identificatiecode = unit identification code
elementonderdelen = element parts
element-specifieke code = element-specific code
elementvaneenreminrichting = Braking system component
Elementverbinders geklikt = Element connectors clamped
elementverharding = element paving
elemi = elemi
elemihars = elemi
"elephantiasis filariensis, elephantiasis arabum" = Bancroftian elephantiasis
"elephantiasis filariensis, elephantiasis arabum" = "filarial  elephantiasis, true elephantiasis"
"elephantiasis filariensis, elephantiasis arabum" = lymphatic filariasis
elephantiasis inflammatoria = inflammatory elephantiasis
elephantiasis pyodermatica = elephantiasis pyodermatica
elephantiasis syphilitica: een sterk woekerende gummata = elephantiasis syphilitica
"elephantiasis syphilitica:
een sterk woekerende gummata" = elephantiasis syphilitica
elephantiasis verrucosa = elephantiasis tuberosa
"elephantiasis, de elephantopus" = elephantiasis
eletriptan = eletriptan
elevatie = elevation
elevatie (m.b.t. ECG) = amplitude
elevator = elevator
elevatorbak = elevator barge
Elevators voor vloeistoffen = Liquid elevators
elf = banshee
elf = eleven
Elf = Elf
Elf (mythologie) = Elf
"elf honderd, duizend honderd" = eleven hundred {Number} (one thousand one hundred)
Elfde = Eleventh
elfde = eleventh <11th>
Elfen = Elf
elfproef = eleven test
elf-proef = [account number] validation/verification [check]
Elfstedentocht = ‘Elfstedentocht’ (a 11-city skating marathon in Friesland)
Elft = Shad
Elftal = Side
Elftal = Detachment
Elftal = Gang
Elftal = Shift
Elftal = Reserve team
Elftal = Crew
elftal = team
Elfving-verdeling = Elfving distribution
ELH = life-saving first aid
Elia (profeet) = Elijah
Elia Kazan = Elia Kazan
Elias Canetti = Elias Canetti
elideren = elide
Eligibility Guidelines for Assessing the International Protection Needs o = Eligibility Guidelines for Assessing the International Protection Needs o
eliminatie = elimination
eliminatie = excretion
eliminatie = output
Eliminatie = Elimination
Eliminatie brutowinst tussen segmenten = Elimination of gross profit between segments
Eliminatie omzet tussen segmenten = Elimination of turnover between segments
Eliminatie van blootstelling = Elimination of exposure
Eliminatie van interne aan- en verkopen = Elimination of intra-group sales and purchases
eliminatie van interne aan- en verkopen = elimination of intra-group (intercompany) sales and purchases
eliminatie van interne leveringen = elimination of internal deliveries/supplies/transfers
eliminatie van interne leveringen = intercompany eliminations
eliminatie van interne vorderingen en schulden = elimination of intra-group (intercompany) balances
eliminatie van interne vorderingen en schulden = intercompany eliminations
eliminatie van interne winstuitkeringen = elimination of intra-group distributions
eliminatie van intragroepstransacties en -saldi = intra-group adjustments
eliminatie van onderlinge deelnemingen = elimination of intra-group (intercompany) holdings
eliminatie van onderlinge leveringen = elimination of intra-group sales/transactions
eliminatie van onderlinge leveringen = intra-group eliminations
eliminatie volgens Gauss = Gauss elimination
eliminatiedieet = diagnostic diet
eliminatiehalfwaarde-tijd = elimination half-life
elimineer = eliminate
elimineert deze problemen = eliminates these problems
Elimineren = Eliminate
elimineren van de bacteriële groei in de orale holte = eliminating bacterial growth in the oral cavity
elipsLife = elipsLife
ELISA = enzyme-linked  immunosorbent assay: a sensitive analytical method in whic
Elisie = Elision
elitair = elite
elitaire = elite
elixier = medicated  elixir: a sweetened liquid usually containing alcohol that is 
Elizabeth Taylor = Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabethaans = Elizabethan
Elizabethaanse periode = Elizabethan age
elk = each
elk = any
elk = each one
elk = every
elk = every one
elk = everybody
elk = everyone
Elk = All
elk = a
Elk ander gebruik is strikt verboden = Any other use is strictly prohibited
elk ander geschil ter zake van of in verband met de Overeenkomst = as any other dispute relating to or in connection with the Agreement
elk apparaat dat in de mondholte van een gebruiker kan worden aangebracht = any device that can be placed in the oral cavity of a user
elk denkbaar stapelpatroon = any imaginable stacking pattern
Elk der partijen = Each party
elk der Partijen erkennende er één te hebben ontvangen = each of the Parties acknowledging having received one
Elk element van het systeem = Each element of the system
Elk geschikt extract van deze planten = Any suitable extract from these plants
Elk geschil dat ontstaat in verband met deze = Any dispute arising in connection with this
Elk geschil met betrekking tot de toepassing of interpretatie van = Any dispute relating to the application or interpretation of
elk geval van = any case of
elk gewenste hoek worden gedraaid = rotated any desired angle
elk gewenste spatiëring = any desired spacing
Elk haakelement = each hook element
elk handelend vanuit de eigen verantwoordelijkheid = each acting on the basis of its own responsibility
elk individu binnen mijn team = each individual in my team
elk inwendig impactelement een lengte heeft die korter is dan de lengte v = every inner impact member has a length shorter than the length of the pri
elk jaar = every year
elk kwartaal = every quarter
elk met = each having
elk met = each with
elk met een eerste lengte = each having a first length
elk met een eerste lengte en een eerste breedte = each having a first length and a first width
elk met een plateaubelasting van = each with a shelf load of
elk met hun eigen verwerkingseenheid = each with its own processing unit
elk moment = any time
elk of elk mengsel van = any or any mixture of
elk ogenblik = any time
elk omvattende eenzelfde code = each comprising the same code
Elk onderdeel = Each component
elk overeenkomend met = each corresponding to
elk overeenkomend met een verschillende taal = each corresponding to a different language
elk paar rijen = each pair of rows
Elk Product Elke = Every Product Every
elk punt = each point
elk radiaal zijn opgesteld = are each arranged radially
"elk resultaat dat negatief is, op nul gesteld" = any negative result is assumed to be zero
Elk scenario vertegenwoordigt = Each scenario represents
Elk scherm = Each screen
elk systeem gekend uit de stand der techniek = any system known in the prior art
elk van de = each of the
elk van de één of meerdere = each of the one or more
elk van de één of meerdere nozzles = each of the one or more nozzles
elk van de remote gebruikers in de videoconferentie = each of the remote users in the video conference
Elk van de Vennootschappen is een vennootschap = Each of the Companies is a company
elk ventilatiecollectorblok = each air collector block
elk volgend = every subsequent
elk volgend inwendig impactelement = every subsequent inner impact member
elk volgend uitwendig impactelement = every subsequent outer impact member
elk willeurige = regardless of
elk willeurige = arbitrary
elkaar = each
elkaar = each other
elkaar = one another
elkaar = mutually
elkaar aan het werk zetten = trigger each other
elkaar aanspreken = accountability
elkaar aanspreken = calling each other to account
elkaar aanspreken = calling people to account (‘accountability’
elkaar aanvullen = complement each other
elkaar afwisselen = alternate
elkaar alsmaar sneller op. = are coming faster than ever
elkaar bijstaan = provide mutual assistance
elkaar compenseren = offset each other
elkaar dekken = coincide
elkaar hiervan zo spoedig mogelijk schriftelijk op de hoogte stellen = notify each other thereof in writing as soon as possible
elkaar informeren over en afhandelen van = informing each other of and response to
"elkaar kussen, elkaar zoenen" = kiss  (to touch each other’s lips)
elkaar laten versterken = allowing them to reinforce each other
elkaar nodig = interdependent
elkaar onderling beïnvloeden = influence each other
elkaar ontmoeten = meet
elkaar opheffende = cancel each other out
elkaar opvolgende = consecutive
elkaar opvolgende = successive
elkaar overlappen = overlap
elkaar overlappende dakpannen = weather tiles
elkaar procesmatig opvolgen = follow each other in a systematic order
elkaar ruimte geeft om goed samen te leven = give each other space to live well together
elkaar snijden = intersect
elkaar te verwonden = injure each other
elkaar tegenkomen = meet each other
elkaar uitsluitend = mutually exclusive
elkaar uitsluitende = mutually exclusive
elkaar versterken = mutually reinforcing
elkaar versterken = reinforce each other
elkaar versterken = strengthen one another
elkaar versterken = synergistic effects of XXX
elkaar versterkende = that reinforce each other
elkaar vinden = come to an agreement
elkaar zoveel mogelijk complementeren = complement each other as much as possible
elkaars = each other’s
elkaars = respective
elkaars belangen kennen en respecteren = know and respect each other’s interests
elkander = each other
elkander = one another
elkanders taal en cultuur = each other’s language and culture
elke = all
elke = each
elke = everybody
elke = everyone
elke = every
Elke 20 minuten gaat er een bus = There's a bus every 20 minutes
elke aantijging onderzoeken = investigate every allegation
elke beweging = every movement
elke bloed- of aanverwant in de eerste graad = any relative by blood or marriage in the first degree
"Elke brandstofcilinder is voorzien van een informatieplaat, aangebracht o" = There is an information plate affixed to the collar of each fuel cylinder
elke dag = every day
elke dag of een gedeelte daarvan dat de overtreding voortduurt = each day or a portion thereof the violation continues
elke draaideur = each  hinged door
elke drager = each carrier
Elke eigenaar van aandelen heeft het recht de algemene vergaderingen bij  = Each owner of shares is entitled to attend general meetings and may vote 
elke etage = each level
elke fase gedetailleerd uitwerken = develop each phase in detail
Elke groep wordt aangestuurd door = Each group is controlled by
elke keer dat een Verwerkersovereenkomst wordt gesloten = each time a Data Processing Agreement is concluded
elke logistiek = every type of logistics
elke luchtstroom = each airflow
elke mogelijke bron van lekkage = any possible source of leakage
elke mogelijke gebeurtenis = every possible situation
Elke nieuwe terbeschikkingstelling = Every new work assignment
elke nozzle een hoek naar links of rechts kan vormen = each nozzle can form an angle to the left or right
elke omstandigheid buiten toedoen van ons ontstaan = any circumstance beyond our control
elke oplossing = each solution
Elke Partij kan op elk ogenblik de Onderhavige overeenkomst beëindigen = Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time
elke passeerde drager = every passing carrier
elke praktijk = any practice
Elke regelmodule = Each control valve
elke samengestelde configuratie = Each combination setup
elke schending van de garantie = Any breach of the warranty
elke seconde = every second
elke seconde van de dag = every second of the day
elke storing of elk defect = any breakdown or failure
elke temperatuur gelegen tussen = all temperatures between
elke twee = each two
elke twee maanden = every two months
Elke uitgangsstroomkring = Each output circuit
Elke ventilatiecollector = Each air collector
Elke verdere aansprakelijkheid = Any further liability
Elke verkeersregelaar heeft zijn eigen kruispuntprogramma = Each traffic-signal controller has its own intersection program
elke vertraging = any delay
Elke volle pallet = Each full pallet
elke vordering uit hoofde van = any claim arising from
elke vraag = each question
elke week = weekly
Elke week = Every week
elke willeurige = regardless of
elke willeurige = arbitrary
elke zone met één of meerdere woorden = each single or multiple word zone
elke zonne-energie omvormer op de markt = any solar inverter on the market
Elke-dag-lage-prijzen strategie = Every-Day-Low-Prices strategy
elkeen = everyone
elkeen = anyone
elkeen = each
Ella Fitzgerald = Ella Fitzgerald
ellagitanninen = ellagitannins
ellebogen = elbow
ellebogen = elbows
elleboog = elbow
elleboog / knie (in buizensysteem) = elbow
elleboog {de} = elbow
elleboogcentrum = elbow centre
ellebooggewricht = elbow joint
elleboogjesmacaroni {de} = elbow pasta
elleboogstuk / kniestuk / elleboog = elbow
Ellende = Poverty
Ellende = Straits
ellende = misery
Ellende = Poverty-stricken
ellende {de} = misery
ellende houdt van gezelschap = misery loves company {proverb} (misery is easier when one is not the only
ellendeling = cheat
Ellendeling = Miserable
ellendig = abject
ellendig = awful
Ellendig = Miserable
ellendig = awfully
ellendig = wretched
ellendig = miserably
ellendig = pitiful
Ellesmere = Ellesmere Island
Ellesmere-eiland = Ellesmere Island
Ellips = Ellipse
Ellips = Ellipsoid
Ellips (wiskunde) = Ellipse
ellips in stippellijn = dashed oval
ellipsometrie = Ellipsometry
ellipsvormige opening van de toren = elliptical tower opening
ellipticiteit van een bivariate normale verdeling = ellipticity
elliptisch = elliptical
elliptisch = elliptic
Elliptisch sterrenstelsel = Elliptical galaxy
elliptische baan = elliptic orbit
elliptische luidspreker = elliptic loudspeaker
elliptische naaldpunt = elliptical stylus tip
elliptocytosis: een vorm van hemolytische anaemia = hereditary elliptocytosis: an intrinsic defect of erythrocytes
eLoket = electronic service desk
Eloxal = Eloxal
eloxeren = anodizing
Elrits = Minnow
Els = Alder-tree
els = awl
els = alder
Els (boom) = Alder
Elsalvadoriaan = Salvadorian
Elsalvadoriaans = Salvadorian
Elsalvadoriaanse = Salvadorian
else = else
ELSE-clausule = ELSE-clause
Elskes cast = Elskes Kast
eluaat AP04 = AP04 eluate
Eluaat beschikbaarheid = Eluate availability
eluaat diffusietest = diffusion test elutriate
eluaat/uitloogwater = eluate
elueermiddel = eluant
eluent = eluent
elueren = to  elute
elüf = elüf
Elvis Presley = Elvis Presley
Elyzeese Velden = Elysium
Elzas = Alsace
Elzas = Elsass
Elzas-Lotharingen = Alsace-Lorraine
Elzasser = Alsatian
Elzassisch = Alsatian
Elzassische = Alsatian
elze- = alder
Elzeboom = Alder-tree
elzeboom = alder
elzen = alder
elzen- = alder
elzenhout = alderwood
EM = Storage & Energy Management
EM = E-Module
ém = ém
EM- software = EM software
EM straling = EM radiation
EMA = ethylene methylacrylate
Email = Enamel
email = email
email = enamels
e-mail = email
E-mail = Mail
e-mail {de} = email
email adres = e-mail address
Email adres = Email address
e-mail adres = e-mail address
e-mail adres = email address
email adressen = email addresses
e-mail afhandelingssysteem = email handling system
e-mail afhandelingsysteem = email handling system
email aftiteling = email signatures
e-mail bcc = e-mail bcc
E-mail de wijziging naar = Email the change to
Email en glazuur = Enamels and glazes
e-mail en internet = email and the internet
e-mail- en internetgebruik = the use of e-mail and internet
e-mail- en internetgebruik = email and internet use
email informatie = e-mail information
e-mail inhoud = e-mail content
e-mail met attachements = email with attachments
e-mail of fax = email or fax
E-mail Router-configuratieprofiel = E-mail Router configuration profile
E-mail samenvoegen = E-mail Merge
Email sequence = Email sequence
email succesvol verstuurd = e-mail successfully sent
E-mail support = Email support
e-mail van = e-mail from
"email, glazuur" = enamel
e-mail/post = email/post
e-mailaccount = e-mail account
emailadres = email address
e-mailadres = email address
E-mailadres = Email address
e-mailadres contactpersoon = contact email
emailadres en paswoord = email address and password
e-mailadres van de primaire contactpersoon = primary contact email address
emailadres van Nuffic = Nuffic email address
e-mailadres van Windows Live ID = Windows Live ID e-mail address
e-mailadres(sen) = email address(es)
emailadressen = email addresses
e-mailadressen = e-mail addresses
e-mailadressen = email addresses
emailadressen / mobiele nummers = email addresses / mobile numbers
e-mailadresveld = e-mail address field
e-mailbericht = e-mail message
e-mailbericht = email
e-mailbericht/brief = email/letter
e-mailberichten = emails
E-mailbeveiliging = junk e-mail protection
e-mailbevestiging is mislukt = email confirmation failed
e-mailbom = e-mail bomb
e-mailcorrespondentie = email correspondence
E-maildiensten = Electronic mail services
e-mailen = email
e-mailen = to e-mail
e-mailen = to email
E-mailen naar site = E-mail to Site
e-mailers = mailshots
e-mailfilter = e-mail filter
e-mailgeadresseerde = mail recipient
E-mailgebruik = Email usage
e-mailgebruiker = mail user
e-mailhandtekening = e-mail signature
Emailing = mailen
Emailing = Het mailen van
e-mailings = e-mailings
e-mailinhoud = email content
e-mailinstellingen = e-mail settings
emaille = enamel
emaille lakverf = enamel
emaillebedekking = enamel coating
emailledraad = enamelled wire
emailleerfabriek = Enamel industry
Emailleren = Varnish
emailleren = enamel (to)
Emailleren = Enamel
emailleren = to enamel
emailleverf / emaillak = enamel paint
emailleweerstand = enamelled resistor
e-maillijst = distribution list
e-mailmarketing = e-mail marketing
E-mailmarketing = Email marketing
e-mailmarketingservice = E-Mail Marketing Service
E-mailplatform = Email platform
e-mailprogramma = e-mail program
e-mailprogramma = mailer
e-mails = emails
E-mails en alle bijlagen beschermen met een wachtwoord = protect emails and all attachments with a password
e-mailserver = mail server
e-mailserver = email server
e-mailserver = e-mail server
e-mailservice = email service
e-mailsneltoets = e-mail quick key
e-mailstroom = mail flow
e-mailsysteem = mail system
E-mail-systeem = E-mail system
emailtemplates = email templates
E-mailtips = MailTips
emailwerkerij = Enamelling workshop
E-maintenance = E-maintenance
EM-algoritme = EM algorithm
EM-algoritme = estimation-maximisation algorithm
EM-algoritme = estimation-maximization algorithm
emamectine-benzoate = emamectin benzoate
emanantie = emanation
emancipatie = emancipation of a minor
Emancipatie = Department for the Coordination of Emancipation Policy
Emancipatie = Liberation
Emancipatie = Freeing
Emancipatie = Emancipation
emancipatie = equal opportunity
emancipatie {de} = emancipation
emancipatie van de vrouw = women's liberation
emancipatie van vrouwen = women's liberation
EMAS = Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
EMAS-verordening = EMAS Directive
emballage = wrapping
Emballage = packaging
emballageadministratie = packaging administration
emballeren = pack
Embargo = Embargo
embedded = embedded
Embedded control platform = HW platform (control components)
embedded programmeren = embedded programming
embedded programming = embedded programming
embedded software = embedded software
embedded software architect = Embedded Software Architect
Embedded Software Architecture = ESW structure
embedded software engineer = Embedded Software Engineer
embedded system = embedded system
embedded system = Embedded System
Embedded System board = Embedded System board
embedded systemen = embedded systems
Embedded Systems = Embedded Systems
Embedded Sytemen = Embedded Systems
Embedded Windows NT = Embedded Windows NT
Embedded Windows XP = Embedded Windows XP
embleem = emblem
embolectomie van een slagader = pulmonary  embolectomy
embolectomie van een slagader = Trendelenburg's operation
embolectomie van een slagader = embolectomy: surgical removal of an obstructing clot or foreign material 
embolectomie van een slagader = arterial  embolectomy
embolie = embolism: sudden blocking of an artery
Embolie = Embolism
embolie door vreemde lichamen in de bloedvatten = foreign body embolism
embolie in de long = pulmonary  embolism
embolie wegens bacterië = bacterial  embolism
emboliën = emboli
embolisatie van de bloeding = hemostatic embolization
embolisatie van de takken van de arteria carotis externa = embolization of the external branches of the carotid artery
embolisatie van een vasculaire tumor = embolization of a vascular tumor
embolisatie van een vasculaire tumor = embolizing a vascular tumor
embolisatie van het aneurysma = coil  embolization of the aneurysm
embolisch = embolic
embolisch-metastatische encephalitis = embolic metastatic encephalitis
embrasse voor gordijnen = curtain tie backs
embrasure (vesting) = embrasure
embryo = embryo
embryobiopsie = biopsy of the embryo
embryobiopsie = embryo biopsy
embryoblaste = embryoblast
embryocyste = embryocyst
embryogenese = embryogenesis
Embryologie = Embryology
embryonaal = embryonal
embryonaalschild = embryonic disc
embryonale inductie = embryonic induction
embryonale restje = embryonic vestige
"embryonale toestand, in" = embryonic
embryonale tumor = embryonal tumor
embryonale ziekte = embryonic disease
embryopathie = embryopathy: a developmental abnormality of an embryo or fetus
embryopathie door hypoxie = hypoxic embryopathy
embryopathie door hypoxie = anoxic embryopathy
embryotisch = embryonic
embryotomie = (in veterinary medicine)  embryotomy: cutting a dead fetus into pieces wi
embryotoom = (in veterinary medicine)  embryotomy instrument
embryotoxisch = embryotoxic
embryotransplantatie = embryo transfer
embryotransplantatie = transfer of an embryo to the uterus
EMC = electromagnetic compatibility
EMC concept = EMC model
EMC richtlijn = Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive
EMC-kabel = Electro Magnetic Compatibility cable
EMC-kabel = EMC cable
EMC-klem = EMC clamp
EMC-richtlijn = EMC directive
EMC-richtlijnen = EMC directives
EMC-trekontlasting = EMC strain relief
EMC-uitvoering = EMC-version
EM-deelnemer = EM Participant
EM-deelnemersgroep = EM Participant Group
EM-dienst = EM service
EMEA-autoleasebeleid = EMEA Vehicle Lease Policy
EMEA-Car Allowance beleid = EMEA Car Allowance Policy
emedastine = emedastine
Emergency stop = EMERGENCY STOP
emergency stop-knop = emergency stop button
emergency switching off-knop = emergency switching off button
Emergentie = Emergence
emerierol = emery roller
emeriseren = grind with emery
emeritaat = retirement
emeritus = retired person
emeritus = emeritus professor
emeritus hoogleraar = professor emeritus
Emesis = Emesis
E-Meter = E-Meter
emeticum = a substance or medicine that induces nausea & vomiting
emeticum = emetic
Emeticum = Emetic
emetine = methylcephaeline
emfatisch = emphatic
EMFF = European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
Emfyseem = Emphysema
emfyseem = emphysema
emfysemateuze blaasjes = emphysematous bullae
EMGO = Institute for Research in Extramural Medicine
emigrant = emigrant
emigrant = expatriate
emigratie = expatriation
emigratie = emigration
emigratietoeslag = expatriation allowance
Emigreren = Emigrate
Emiliano Zapata = Emiliano Zapata
Emilia-Romagna = Emilia-Romagna
Emily Dickinson = Emily Dickinson
Eminent = Eminent
Eminent = Ladylike
Eminent = Distinguished
Eminent = Highbred
Emir = Emir
emir {de} = emir
emiraat {het} = emirate
Emirati = Emirati
emissarium = emissarium
emissarium = emissary veins
emissie = emission
emissie {de} = emission
Emissie aandelen = Share issue
Emissie aandelen (na aftrek kosten) = Share issue (after subtraction of costs)
Emissie aandelen inclusief preferente aandelen = Issue of shares including preference shares
Emissie aandelenopties = Issuance of stock options
Emissie cumulatief preferente financieringsaandelen = Issuance of cumulative preferred financing shares
emissie door middel van inschrijving = issue by tender
emissie door vliegtuigmotoren = aircraft engine emission
emissie eisen = emission requirements
Emissie gewone aandelen = Issuance of common shares
emissie met voorkeursrecht = issue with preferential subscription rights
emissie met voorkeursrecht = rights issue
emissie met voorkeursrecht = rights offering
Emissie opbrengst = Proceeds from share issue
Emissie van aandelen = Issue of shares
emissie van aandelen of obligaties van lagere rangorde = junior issue
emissie van de nieuw uitgegeven aandelen = issuance of the newly issued shares
emissie van EM straling = emission of EM radiation
emissie van in series aflosbare obligaties = serial bond issue
emissiebeeld = emission image
emissiebeheer = emission control
emissiebeheersingssysteem = pollution control device
emissiebeperkingsstrategie (ECS) = emission control strategy (ECS)
Emissiebeperkingsstrategie bij storing = Malfunction emission control strategy (MECS)
emissiebron = emission source
emissieconcentratie = emission concentration
emissie-consortium (syndicaat) voor het op de markt brengen van effecten = distributing syndicate
emissie-eisen = emission requirements
emissiefactor = emission factor
emissiefactoren = emission factors
emissiefase = emission phase
emissiefrequentie = emission frequency
emissiegegevens = emission data
emissiegerelateerd defect = emissions-related defect
emissiegerelateerd onderhoud = emission related maintenance
emissiegolflengte = emission wavelength
emissieloos = emission-free
emissieloos = emission free
emissieloze auto’s = emission-free cars
emissiemeter = emission tester
emissiemetingen = emission measurements
emissieniveaus = emission levels
emissienorm = emission standard
Emissienorm Zonnepark = Solar Park Emission Standard
emissienormen = emission standards
emissieontvangstbereik = emission intercept range
emissiepunten = emission points
emissierechten wegens overmacht = force majeure allowance
emissiereductie = emission reduction
emissieregeling = emission control
emissieregels = emissions standards
emissieregister = emission register
emissies = emission
Emissiespectrometers = Emission spectrometer
emissiespectrum = emission spectrum
emissiestroom = emission current
Emissietest = Emissions test
emissietoestand = emission situation
emissievermogen = emission power
emissievoorspelling = emission forecast
emissiewaarde = emission value
emissiewetgeving = emissions legislation
emissiewetgevingen = emission regulations
Emittent = Emissive
emitter = emitter
emitter-basisjunctie = emitter-base junction
emitterbias = emitter bias
emitterdiffusie = emitter diffusion
emitterdoorlaatvoorspanning = emitter forward bias
emitteren = issue
emitteren = to emit
Emitteren = Send out
emitterende bank/instelling = house of issue
emitterende laag = emissive layer
emitter-gekoppelde logica = emitter-coupled logic: ECL
emitter-gekoppelde transistorlogica = emitter- coupled-transistor logic: ECTL
emitterjunctie = emitter junction
emitteroppervlak = emitter area
emitterpatroon = emitter pattern
emitterrendement = emitter efficiency
emitterspanning = emitter voltage
emitterstroom = emitter current
emittertegenvoorspanning = emitter reverse bias
emittervolger = emitter follower
emittervoorspanning = emitter bias
emitterweerstand = emitter resistance
emittor = emitter
emittorschakeling = emitter circuit
emittorstroom = emitter current
emittorvolger = emitter follower
emittorweerstand = emitter resistance
Emma Goldman = Emma Goldman
Emmanuel Levinas = Emmanuel Levinas
Emmeloord = Emmeloord
Emmen = Emmen
Emmental = Emmental cheese
Emmental = Emmental
emmer = bucket
Emmer = Bucket tool
emmer = pail
emmer {de} = bucket
emmerbaggermolen = bucket dredger
emmerinhoud = bucket capacity
emmerladder = bucket ladder
emmerladder = bucket elevator
emmerrooster = bucket grating
Emmers = Buckets
"emmers, kratten of jerrycans" = "buckets, crates or jerrycans"
emmetropie = emmetropia: the normal refractive condition of the eye
e-module = E-module
E-Module = E-Module
emoe = emu
emoes = emus
emolliens = emollient
E-monteursset = E-mechanic set
emoticon = charm
emoticon = smiley
Emoticon = Emoticon
emoticons = Featured emoticons
Emoticons in expresberichten weergeven = Display Emoticons in Instant Messages
Emotie = Emotionally
Emotie = Emotion
emotie = affection
emotie {de} = emotion
emotiebeheer = emotion management
"emotieloos, zonder uitdrukking" = deadpan {adj} (deliberately impassive or expressionless (as a face or loo
emoties = emotions
emotional selling points = emotional selling points
emotioneel = affecting
Emotioneel = Emotional
emotioneel en spiritueel welbevinden = emotional and spiritual well-being
emotioneel gestoord = emotionally disturbed
Emotioneel motief = Emotional motive
emotioneel verband tussen dier en mens = human-pet bonding
emotioneel verband tussen dier en mens = emotional attachment of humans and pets
emotioneel welbevinden = emotional well-being
emotionele = emotional
emotionele afasie = emotional aphasia
emotionele deprivatie = emotional  deprivation
emotionele en gedragsproblemen = emotional & behavioral difficulty
emotionele en gedragsproblemen = emotional & behavioral issues/problems
emotionele en geestelijke gezondheid = emotional and mental health
emotionele impact = emotional impact
emotionele impact van ASS = emotional impact of ASDs
emotionele impact van leerlingen met ASS = emotional impact of students with ASDs
emotionele instabiliteit = emotional instability
emotionele intelligentie = emotional intelligence
emotionele intelligentie = emotional IQ
emotionele intelligentie = emotional quotient
emotionele intelligentie = EQ
emotionele intelligentie = EQ
emotionele intelligentie = emotional intelligence
Emotionele kwetsbaarheid = Emotional vulnerability
emotionele labiliteit = emotional lability
emotionele labiliteit = emotional instability
emotionele mishandeling = Abuse - emotional abuse
emotionele moeilijkheden = emotional difficulties
emotionele ondersteuning = emotional support
emotionele ongevoeligheid = emotional  insensitivity: inability to respond appropriately to affective
emotionele onrijpheid = emotional  immaturity
emotionele opvoeding = emotional education
emotionele reactie = emotional response
emotionele spanning = emotional stress
emotionele spanning = emotional tension
emotionele stabiliteit = emotional stability
emotionele wederkerigheid = emotional reciprocity
emotioneler = more emotional
Empathie = Empathy
empathie en sociale vaardigheden = empathy and social skills
empathisch vermogen hebben = have empathy
Empatisch vermogen = empathy
Empedocles = Empedocles
emperisch statistisch model = empirical statistical model
emphysema pulmonum = bullous  emphysema
Empire = Sway
Empire = Empire
Empire State Building = Empire State Building
empire... / empirestijl = Empire (style)
empirie = empirical
empirisch = experimental
Empirisch = Empiric
empirisch = empirical
empirisch bewijs = empirical evidence
empirisch kwantitatief onderzoek = quantitative empirical research
Empirisch onderzoek = Empirical research
empirisch onderzoek = empirical research
empirisch ontwerp = empirical design
empirische analyse = empirical analysis
empirische associatie = empirical association
empirische Bayesiaanse procedure = empirical Bayes' procedure
empirische Bayesiaanse schatter = empirical Bayes' estimator
empirische exponentiële familie = empirical exponential family
empirische formule = empirical formula
empirische likelihood = empirical likelihood
empirische methode = empiric method
empirische prestaties = empirical performance
empirische probit = empirical probit
empirische relatie = empirical relationship
empirische verschijnselen = empirical phenomena
empirische-analytische = empirical-analytic
empirisme = empiricism
emplacement = yard
emplacement = marshalling yard
emplacement = staging yard
emplacement = terminal
emplacement = terminal complex
emplacement = emplacement
emplacement en/of aan boord = terminal complex and/or ferry
Emplooi = Job hunting
Emplooi = Job
Emplooi = Employment
"emplooi, werk, benutting" = employment (the work or occupation for which one is paid)
employability = employability
Employé = Worker
employé = employee
Employee Benefits Consultant = Employee Benefits Consultant
employee benefits en verzekeringen = employee benefits and insurance
Employee Representative = Employee Representative
Employee Representatives = Employee Representatives
employee wellness beleid = employee wellness policy
Employee’s share of the pension contribution = werknemersaandeel in de pensioenpremie
Employer Branding = Employer Branding
employers and employees in the education sector = onderwijswerkgevers en werknemers
employment placement = arbeidsbemiddelings- en/of werving
Employment Request = Employment Request
Empower = Empower
empoweren = empower
empowerment = assuming responsiblity
empowerment = empowerment: developing one's abilities with a view to participating acti
empowerment = empowerment
emprosthotonos = emprosthotonos
Empty box = Empty box
empty boxes = empty boxes
empty pallet = empty pallet
empty pallet transport = empty pallet conveyor
empty transport = empty pallet conveyor
EmptyHouse = EmptyHouse
EMP-weerstand = electromagnetic pulse resistance
empyeem = pyemia
Empyeem = Empyema
empyeem = collection of pus
empyeem = empyema
empyeem van de galblaas = cholecystic empyema
empyeem van de galblaas = empyema of the gallbladder
empyema pleurae = pleural  empyema
EMS (Europees Monetair Stelsel) = EMS (European Monetary System)
Ems-diensten = Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) services
EM-software = EM software
em-streepje = em dash
EMS-wisselkoersmechanisme = EMS exchange-rate mechanism
EM-toezichthouder = EM Supervisor
emu = Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
EMU-convergentiecriteria = EMU convergence criteria
emulatie = emulation
emulatieprogramma = emulation program
Emulatiesoftware = Emulation software package
Emulator = Rivalry
Emulator = Emulator
Emulator = Emulation
Emulator = Contention
emulatorgeneratie = emulator generation
emuleren = to emulate
emuleren = emulate
emulgatie = emulsification
emulgator = emulsifier
emulgator = emulsifying agent
emulgator = emulsifying agent
emulgator = emulsifier
Emulgator = Emulsifier
emulgator voor levensmiddelen = food emulsifier
emulgatoren = emulsifiers
emulgators = emulsifiers
emulgeerbaar = emulsifiable
emulgeerbaar concentraat = emulsifiable concentrate
emulgeerbaar granulaat = emulsifiable granule
emulgeerbaar poeder = emulsifiable powder
emulgeerbaarheid = emulsifiability
emulgeermiddel = emulsifying agent
emulgeermiddel = emulsifier
emulgeren = to  emulsify
Emulgeren = Emulsify
emulgeren = emulsify (to)
emulgeren = to emulsify
emulgerende was = emulsifying wax
emulgering = emulsion
emulgeringsproef = emulsification test
emulsie = emulsion
emulsie = suspension of one liquid in another
emulsie in water = emulsion in water
emulsie van maken = to  emulsify
emulsie van maken = turn into an emulsion
emulsie-ontvetten = emulsion cleaning
emulsie-ontvettingsvloeistof = emulsion cleaner
emulsie-ontvettingsvloeistof = emulsifiable cleaner
emulsiepolymerisatie = emulsion polymerization
emulsiepolymerisatie = emulsion polymerisation
emulsies = emulsions
Emulsies voor fotografisch gebruik = Emulsions for photographic use
emulsieverf = emulsion paint
emulsiewas = emulsion wax
emulsiezijde = emulsion side
EMU-saldo = EMU balance
EMU-schuld = EMU debt
EMU-schuldquote = EMU debt ratio
EMU-tekort = EMU shortage
EMV = EM field
EMV = electromagnetic fields
EMV score 8 = GCS 8
EMVI = Most economically advantageous tender
EMVI = Most Economically Advantageous Tender (EMVI in Dutch)
EM-voorziening = EM facility
EMV-regiem = EMF scheme
emylcamaat = emylcamate
En = And
en = and
én = and
en (logisch) = and (logical)
en (of) = and/or
en (tijdlijn) = and (timeline)
en / of = and/or
EN 12457 = AND 12457
EN 12811-1 = EN 12811-1
EN 13432 = EN 13432
EN 13445 = EN 13445 unfired pressure vessels
EN 13445 voor unfired pressure vessels = EN 13445 unfired pressure vessels
EN 60068-2:2010 = EN 60068-2:2010
EN 619:2010 (Transporteurs - Veiligheids- en EMC-eisen) = NEN-EN 619+A1 Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety and EMC 
EN 826:2013 = EN 826:2013
en aan de andere kant = and on the other hand
en aansluit bij = and compatible with
En aanverwante artikelen = And related articles
en aanverwante services = and related services
en afgedragen aan de daartoe bevoegde instanties = and paid to the competent authorities
en afgelegd = and deposited
en afgeleide termen = and derivative terms
en afgewerkt met = and finished with
en afhankelijk van conclusie = and dependent on claim
en afsnijden = and cut it off
en afzonderlijk verkoopt = and sells them separately
en al helemaal niet = and certainly not
en al hetgeen in het kader daarvan tussen de werkgever en de werknemer ge = and everything that applies between Employer and Employee in the context 
en al hetgeen met vorenstaande verband houdt of daartoe bevorderlijk kan  = and anything related to or conducive to the above
en al wat daarvan niet naar behoren functioneert = anything that doesn’t work properly
en aldaar ingeschreven onder nummer = where they are registered under number
en alle andere bedrijfsruimten bij de commanditaire vennootschap in gebru = and all other business premises used by the limited partnership
en alle andere nog te laten gelden = and all other reasons to constitute proof
en alle noodzakelijke acties ondernemen = and take all necessary actions
en alleen op plekken waar dit beschikbaar is = and only in places where it is available
en alles wat daar bij komt kijken = and all that it entails
en als zodanig = and as such
en als zodanig is geregistreerd = and registered as such
en andere = and other
en andere actiefbestanddelen = and other assets
en andere bedrijfsruimte = and other business premises
en andere bedrijfsruimte in de zin van artikel 7:230a BW = and other business premises within the meaning of Section 7:230(a) of Boo
en andere bronnen = and other sources
en andere componenten = and other components
en andere gebieden = and other areas
en andere instanties = and other bodies
en andere intellectuele eigendomsrechten = and other intellectual property rights
en andere kennisgevingen = and other notifications
en andere metingen = and other measurements
en andere obstakels = and other obstacles
en andere vormen van klantcommunicatie = and other forms of customer communication
en andere waarden zijn eveneens mogelijk = and other values ??are also possible
en andere waarden zijn eveneens mogelijk = and other values ​​are also possible
en anderen = et al.
en andersom = and vice versa
en andersom ook = and vice versa
en begint met hoofdletter = and starts with a capital
en beiden partijen voornemens zijn een voorstel in te dienen m.b.t. dat a = and both parties intend to submit a proposal on that clause
en beschadigingen = and damage
en betreft dus een bruto uitkering = is therefore a gross benefit
en bevestig met = and fasten with
en bewaar ze vertrouwelijk = and store them confidentially
en beweegt langsheen de tweede wand in de richting van het eerste en het  = and moves along the second wall toward the first and second ends
en beweegt mee met het verplaatsen van de behuizing = and moves with moving the housing
en biedt business continuïteit = and ensures business continuity
en bij gebreke daarvan = and failing that
en bij grootste voorkeur minstens = and most preferably at least
en bij grootste voorkeur ten hoogste = and most preferably at most
en bij grotere voorkeur = and more preferably
en bij meer voorkeur minstens = and more preferably at least
en bij nog meer voorkeur hoogstens = and even more preferably at most
en bij nog meer voorkeur minstens = and even more preferably at least
en bij nog verdere voorkeur = and even more preferably
en bij verdere voorkeur hoogstens = and more preferably at most
en bij voorkeur een of meer pompen daarvan = and preferably one or more pumps thereof
en bij voorkeur hoogstens = and preferably at most
en bij voorkeur van alle segmenten = and preferably of all segments
en bij voorkeur volledig = and preferably entirely
en bij zelfs nog meer voorkeur = and even more preferably
en bij zelfs nog meer voorkeur hoogstens = and even more preferably at most
en bij zelfs nog meer voorkeur hoogstens 1.0 mm = and even more preferably at most 1.0 mm
en bij zelfs nog meer voorkeur minder dan = and even more preferably less than
en bij zelfs nog meer voorkeur minstens = and even more preferably at least
en bijbehorende maatregelen alsmede procedures en processen = "and associated measures, procedures and processes"
en bijgevolg tegen lekken = and therefore against leaks
en bijsturen van = and adjusting
en bijvoorbeeld = "and, for example"
En Bloc clausule = en-bloc clause
en borg de positie door de moer vast te zetten = and secure the position by tightening the nut
en borg deze met = and secure it with
en borg deze met een = and secure it with a
en bovenal = and above all
en combinaties ervan = and combinations thereof
en combinaties van deze kanalen = and combinations of these channels
en compacte palletlift = and compact pallet lift
en configuraties = and configurations
en controleer de uitvoering = and check its performance
en daar moet verandering in komen = This is something that has to change
en daar zit hem nu net de kneep = that is precisely the crux of the matter
en daarbij behorende noodstroomaccu = and associated backup battery
en daarbuiten = and beyond
en daardoor comprimeren = and thereby compress
en daardoor zijn de kettingen slap komen te hangen = which has caused the chains to slacken
en daarmee bijdrage aan = and thus contribute to
en daarmee de capaciteit van de = and thus the capacity of the
en daarmee in een groep verbonden maatschappijen = XX and its group companies
en daarmee ook = and thus also
en daarmee samenhangende betalingsverplichtingen = and any payment obligations associated therewith
en daarmee verband houdende overeenkomsten = and related agreements
en daarna opnieuw de 'RESET' knop indrukken = and then press the ‘RESET’ button again
en daarna worden vast gedraaid = and thereafter be tightened
en daarnaast = together with
en daaropvolgend een kalibratie moet plaatsvinden = and subsequent calibration must take place
en daarvoor zijn we u bijzonder erkentelijk = and for this we are very grateful to you
en dan zeker = and in particular
en dat aansluit bij de vraag van de opdrachtgever = and that is in line with the client’s requirements
en dat alle deuren gesloten zijn = and that all doors are closed
En dat brengt mij bij het volgende punt. = And that brings me to the next point.
en dat de = and that the
en dat een kit volgens het tweede aspect = and that a kit according to the second aspect
en dat maakt je trots op je werk = which makes you proud of your work
en dat onderdeel uitmaakt van = and which forms part of
en dat rechtstreeks mechanisch verbonden is met = and which is directly mechanically connected to
en dat verder een configureerbaar meetsysteem volgens het tweede aspect o = and further comprising a configurable measuring system in accordance with
en dat verder een configureerbaar meetsysteem volgens het tweede aspect o = and further comprising a configurable measuring system in accordance with
en dat zij vrij zijn van zichtbare en onzichtbare gebreken = and that they will be free of patent or latent defects
en de = and the
en de aanwending van zodanige meststoffen = and the use of such manure
en de andere partij daarvan niet op de hoogte heeft gesteld = and failed to inform the other party thereof
en de andere vennoten zich hier niet tegen verzetten = and the other partners do not oppose this
en de auto is geregistreerd bij de RDW = and the vehicle is registered with the National Vehicle and Driving Licen
"en de auto zowel in- als uitwendig in een goede, verzorgde staat te houde" = "and keep the vehicle in a good, well-kept condition both internally and e"
en de benodigde componenten = and the required components
en de bereikte voordelen = and the advantages achieved
en de bescherming van de rechten van Betrokkenen is gewaarborgd = and so that the protection of the rights of Data Subjects is guaranteed
en de bijbehorende = and the associated
en de bijbehorende = and its comprising
en de bijbehorende elementen = and its comprising elements
en de bijbehorende rente = and the corresponding interest
en de bijbehorende stappen = and its comprising steps
en de bijbehorende uitrusting = and associated equipment
en de buitenluchtklep = and the outdoor air valve
en de combinaties corresponderen aldus eveneens met uitvoeringsvormen vol = and the combinations thus also correspond with embodiments according to t
en de combinaties corresponderen aldus eveneens met uitvoeringsvormen vol = and the combinations thus also correspond with embodiments according to t
en de condities waaronder dit plaatsvindt = and the conditions under which this shall take place
en de contactsleutel verwijderen = remove the ignition key
en de daarbij behorende bijlagen = and its appendices
en de daarbij behorende diensten = and related services
en de daarin gestelde regels te zullen naleven = and to comply with the rules set out therein
en de daarop berustende bepalingen = and the regulations based on it
en de daarop berustende bepalingen = and the provisions based on it
en de draagarm = and the support arm
en de draagarmen = and the support arms
en de één of meerdere = and the one or more
en de eerste richting = and the first direction
en de effectiviteit hiervan = and their efficacy
en de effici?ntie verhoogd = and the efficiency increased
en de efficiéntie verhoogd = and the efficiency increased
en de efficiëntie verhoogd = and the efficiency increased
en de effici�ntie verhoogd = and the efficiency increased
en de eventueel te vervangen elementen = any elements requiring replacing
en de eventuele nieuwe ICT-dienstverleners = and any new ICT service providers
"en de facto, wereldwijd" = and in fact worldwide
en de gegevens van je partner = and your partner’s details
en de geschatte leveringstermijn = and the estimated delivery time
en de gezamenlijke in de consolidatie opgenomen ondernemingen = and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole
en de goederen meenemen = and carry along the goods
en de goederen op het draagoppervlak van de overnametransportband meegeno = and the goods are carried along on the bearing surface of the transfer co
"en de haak, het oog, de klem of het andere geschikte middel vast op de ac" = "and the hook, eye, clamp or other suitable means is fixed to the active r"
en de hieruit voortvloeiende richtlijnen en maatregelen = and the resulting guidelines and measures
en de hydraulische verbinding en ventilatiekanalen aangesloten zijn = and the hydraulic system and ventilation ducts have been connected
en de informatiebeveiligingsfunctionaris = and the information security officer
en de interpretatie van deze waarden = and their interpretation
en de invulling ervan = and their completion
en de kraag in de behuizing vastzetten = and secure the collar in the housing
en de laatste gemeten bitrate boven de grens ligt = and the last measured bitrate is above the limit
en de leerlingen van een vrijeschool = and the students of a Steiner school
en de loonkost = and labour costs
en de maximale werkdruk = and the maximum working pressure
en de met haar verbonden onderneming = and its business
en de mogelijkheid om back-up en antivirus te integreren = and the option of integrating backup and antivirus
en de online applicatie = and the online application
en de oorzaak van de vertraging aangeven = and indicate the cause of the delay
en de opening = and the aperture
en de partijen stemmen ermee in = and the parties agree
en de Quality Coördinator = and the Quality Coordinator
en de resultaten spreken voor zich = and the results speak for themselves
en de schade bij de politie te melden = and report the claim to the police
en de schuimplaat = and the foam panel
en de score voorts gebaseerd is op genoemde beschikbaarheidschema’s = and the score is furthermore based on said availability schedules
en de stelschroef = and the adjusting screw
en de storingsmelding verdwijnt = and the error message will disappear
en de uit die wet voortvloeiende regelingen = and the regulations arising from that Act
en de uitvoering ervan waarborgen = and guaranteeing its implementation
en de uitvoeringsbesluiten hiervan = and its implementing decrees
en de uitwerking daarvan = and its implementation in
en de veiligheidsinstructies = and the safety instructions
en de verplichtingen van de andere partij = and the obligations of the other party
en de verwachting is dat = and it is expected that
en de verwarmingsketel = and the central heating boiler
en de verwerking van de omgekeerde overname = and the processing of the reverse takeover
en de volgende medewerkers = and the following staff members
en de volgende methoden = and the following methods
en de voorgeschreven termijnen en formaliteiten in acht zijn genomen = and the prescribed deadlines and formalities have been observed
en de werking daarvan = and the operation thereof
en de werknemersorganisaties = and the trade unions
en de zaak in beraad genomen werd = and the case was considered
en de zon nog schijnt op mijn zonnepanelen = and the sun is still shining on my solar panels
en derden = and third parties
en dergelijke = and so on
en dergelijke = and the like
en dergelijke = etc.
en dergelijke = and the like
en dergelijke = etc
en dergelijke = ", etc."
en dergelijke = and the like
en dergelijke = and the like
en dergelijke <e.d.> = and the like
en dergelijken = and similar items
en dergelijken = and suchlike
en dergelijken = and the like
en dergelijken = "etc.,"
en derhalve eindigend = and thus ending
en derhalve nietig is = and is therefore null and void
en desgevallend = "and, if necessary"
en deze aan de werkgever heeft verstrekt = and has provided it to the employer
en deze informatie niet te onthullen = and not to disclose this information
en deze niet toereikend is voor de gemaakte kosten = and it is not sufficient to cover the costs incurred
en die bestand zijn tegen = and capable of withstanding
en die bevestigd is aan een zijwand = and which is attached to a side wall
en die de aanwezigheid niet uitsluiten of beletten van andere componenten = and which do not exclude or prevent the presence of other components
en die de aanwezigheid niet uitsluiten of beletten van andere componenten = "and which do not exclude or prevent the presence of other components, cha"
en die de aanwezigheid niet uitsluiten of beletten van andere componenten = "and which do not exclude or prevent the presence of other components, cha"
en die de uitvoering van de overeenkomst onmogelijk maken = and that make execution of the contract wholly impossible
en die dienen om naburige bouwelementen onderling te verbinden = and which serve to interconnect neighbouring building elements
en die functioneert als spiegel voor infrarood licht = and which functions as a mirror for infrared light
en die meer in het bijzonder het milieu betreffen = "and concerning, in particular, the environment"
en die niet bedoeld zijn of geïnterpreteerd mogen worden = and which are not intended to and should not be interpreted as
en die niet bedoeld zijn of geïnterpreteerd mogen worden om de omvang va = and which are not intended to and should not be interpreted as limiting t
en die niet bedoeld zijn of geïnterpreteerd mogen worden om de omvang va = and which are not intended to and should not be interpreted as limiting t
en die opgebouwd zijn uit = and that are constructed from
en die primair als doel heeft = and that serves primarily
en die specifiek zijn aan de klant = and which are specific to the customer
en die tevens voldoen aan de kwaliteitseisen van artikel = and who also satisfy the quality requirements of clause
en die tot uiting komen in = and which are reflected in
en die valt onder het toepassingsgebied van = and falling within the scope of
en die valt onder het toepassingsgebied van deze Overeenkomst = and falling within the scope of this Agreement
en die van degenen die voor ons werken of met ons samenwerken = and those who work for us or work with us
en die worden geretourneerd voor verder gebruik = and which are returned for further use
en dienen als zodanig te worden behandeld = and should be treated as such
en dient derhalve niet nader te worden toegelicht = and therefore does not need to be further explained
en dient een extra trekontlasting gemonteerd te worden = and an additional strain relief must be installed
en dient getekend retour ontvangen te worden = and must be signed and returned
en dies meer = and the like
en disciplinaire maatregels = and disciplinary measures
en dit afsluiten bij levering = and arrange this in a contract concluded on delivery
en dit helemaal gratis = and all for free
en dit kunnen toepassen = and ability to apply it
en dit kunnen toepassen = and be able to apply it
en dit ongeacht = and this regardless of
en door als tweede de bout voor het eerste paar aan te draaien = and by tightening secondly the bolt for the first pair
en door de geclaimde uitvinding in de praktijk te brengen = and by implementing the claimed invention in practice
en door hen genodigden = and those invited by them
en draai daar een stelschroef = and screw in a retaining screw
en dringen gedeeltelijk door in een oppervlak = and partly penetrate a surface
en dringen gedeeltelijk door in een oppervlak aan een binnenkant van de o = and partly penetrate a surface at an inside of the upwardly extending pos
en druk dan = and then press
en druk het aan = and press it down
en druk op = and press
en druk op OK = and press OK
en dus = and thus
en dus bijgevolg uitwisselbaar is tussen meerdere = and is therefore interchangeable between a plurality of
en dus de = and thus the
en dus de geassocieerde kost in effici?ntie en energieverbruik = and thus the associated cost in efficiency and energy consumption
en dus de geassocieerde kost in efficiéntie en energieverbruik = and thus the associated cost in efficiency and energy consumption
en dus de geassocieerde kost in efficiëntie en energieverbruik = and thus the associated cost in efficiency and energy consumption
en dus de geassocieerde kost in effici�ntie en energieverbruik = and thus the associated cost in efficiency and energy consumption
en dus een grotere veiligheid = and therefore greater safety
en dus een grotere veiligheid = and thus greater safety
en dus geen overkoepelende systemen = rather than overarching systems
en dus met elkaar in botsing kunnen komen = and can thus collide with each other
en dus niet beschadigd kan raken in de verpakking = and consequently cannot be damaged in the packaging
en dus niet eenvoudig door de transportband kunnen worden meegenomen = and therefore cannot be easily carried along by the conveyor belt
en dus uitwisselbaar = and thus interchangeable
en dus van een dergelijke = and thus of such a
en dus verlengd moet worden = and therefore needs to be extended
en een = and a
en een = and an
en een beetje = and a little
en een binnenste profiel = and an inner profile
en een blokkeringsvlak = and a blocking surface
en een breedte en een hoogte = and a width and a height
en een eerder bemonsterde versnelling = and a previously sampled acceleration
en een externe controle-eenheid die draadloos verbonden is met de smart g = and an external control unit wirelessly connected to the smart glasses
en een gebruik = and a use
en een gebruik van = and a use of
en een gebruik voor = and a use for
en een hieraan gerelateerd = and a related
en een hieraan gerelateerd smartphone applicatie product = and a related smartphone application product
en een hoge mate van standaardisatie = and high degree of standardisation
en een leven lang leren = and lifelong learning
en een moderne vreemde taal = a modern foreign language
en een niet-ontplooid colon descendens en sigmoid = ... and a non-expanded colon descendens en sigmoid
en een of meerdere waarden = and one or more values?
en een of meerdere waarden = and one or more values​
en een onlosmakelijk geheel vormen met deze detacheringsovereenkomst = and shall form an integral part of this Secondment Agreement
en een opzegtermijn van ten hoogste één maand = and a notice period of up to one month
en een plank of plaat = and a plank or board
en een signaalverwerkingseenheid = and a signal processing unit
en een tegenoverliggend tweede uiteinde = and an opposite second end
en een temperatuurbereik tot = and a temperature range of up to
en een tweede = and a second
en een tweede been = and a second leg
en een tweede bindmiddel = and a second binding agent
en een tweede deel verbonden met het eerste deel = and a second part connected to the first part
en een tweede tegenoverliggende zijde = and a second opposite side
en één van hogere kwaliteit = and one of higher quality
en één van normale kwaliteit = and one of normal quality
en een veelheid van paren = and a plurality of pairs
en een veelvoud van = and a plurality of
en een veelvoud van horizontale balken = and a plurality of horizontal beams
en een vereiste temperatuur van = and a required temperature of
en een verlaging van de operationele kosten = coupled with a reduction in operating costs
en een werkwijze volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvinding = and a method according to embodiments of the present invention
en een Ziektewet- of WGA-uitkering ontvangt = and receives a benefit under the Sickness Benefits Act (Ziektewet) or the
en eender welke combinatie daarvan = and any combination thereof
en eigen bijdrage voor privé-gebruik = and personal contribution for private use
en eindigende op = and ending
en eindigt derhalve van rechtswege = and shall consequently end by operation of law
en eindigt van rechtswege = and ends legally
en eindigt van rechtswege zonder dat opzegging nodig is = and legally terminates with no notification being required
en elkaar laten versterken = and allowing them to reinforce each other
en elke deel-levering afzonderlijk te factureren = and to invoice each partial delivery separately
en er geen budgettaire verrassingen komen = and there are no budgetary surprises
en er geen gebreken aan zijn = and has no defects
en er geen onderhoud nodig is = and no maintenance is required
en er geen vooruitzicht bestaat op spoedig herstel = and there is no prospect of speedy
en er geoordeeld werd dat het ontslag of de eenzijdige wijziging van de a = and it was deemed that the discharge or unilateral change of the terms of
en er wordt geen verklaring of garantie gegeven = and no representation or warranty is given
en er zijn vestigingen in = and has branches in
en eveneens losmaakbaar zijn = and also be detachable
en eventueel aan die in één of meerdere andere richtingen = and optionally to that in one or more other directions
en eventueel bij te vullen = and possibly top them up
en eventueel daarmee samenhangende overeenkomsten = and any related agreements
en eventueel nieuwe stapelpatronen programmeren = and program new stacking patterns if necessary
en eventueel spannen = and tension if necessary
en eventueel vervangend vervoer = and any replacement vehicle
en eventuele nieuwe ICT-dienstverleners = and any new ICT service providers
en eventuele randapparatuur = and any peripherals
en evenwijdig met elkaar = and parallel with each other
en feitelijke bevallingsdatum = and actual delivery date
en flexibele slangen = and flexible hoses
en fotovoltaïsche systemen = and photovoltaic systems
en gebaseerd op het huidige prijspeil = and are based on current prices
en gebaseerd op je persoonlijke situatie = and based on your personal situation
en gebruik ervan = and its use
en gebruikt daardoor minder energie = and therefore uses less energy
en gecomprimeerd worden = and be compressed
en gecontroleerd op zijn goede werking = and checked for proper operation
en geeft weer = and illustrates
en geen afschriften daarvan te bewaren of aan derden te verstrekken = and not to keep any copies thereof or to provide such copies to third par
en geen andere verheelde reden = and no other concealed reason
en geldt = and the following applies
en gemakkelijk bereikbaar = and easily accessible
en gericht naar het bevestigingsgat = and oriented towards the fixing hole
en gesorteerde Folies hieruit verkregen = and sorted films obtained therefrom
en gesorteerde folies hieruit verkregen = and sorted foils obtained therefrom
en getoond in = and shown in
en goedkoop in aanschaf is = and low in price
en haar geïntegreerde dienstverlening = and its integrated services
en haar rechtsopvolgers = and its legal successors
en haar sterke positie in Europa behouden = and maintain its strong position in Europe
en hebben andere beperkingen = and have other limitations
en hebben andere beperkingen bij lage temperaturen = and have other limitations at low temperatures
en hebben betrekking op = and relate to
en heeft geen zeggenschap over = and shall have no control over
en heeft gelijkaardige voordelen = and has similar advantages
en helpen u met kennis van zaken keuzes te maken = and help you make informed choices
en herhaling van dat probleem in de toekomst te vermijden = and to avoid the problem recurring in future
en herstart = and restart
en het = and the
en het bijbehorende lawaai dat met deze mechanische trillingen gepaard ga = and the resulting noise that accompanies these mechanical vibrations
en het bijbehorende lawaai dat met deze mechanische trillingen gepaard ga = and the resulting noise that accompanies these mechanical vibrations
en het computersysteem = and the computer system
en het computersysteem 540 = and the computer system 510
en het CV-circuit = and the boiler circuit
en het draagoppervlak van de overnametransportband en de pinnentransportb = and the bearing surface of the transfer conveyor belt and the spiked conv
en het ex-situ sensorsysteem = and the ex situ sensor system
en het financieren van overnames = and to finance acquisitions
en het gebruik hiervan = and the use thereof
en het geknikte gedeelte = and the bent portion
en het handhaven hiervan = and their enforcement
en het helpen in het begrijpen van één of meerdere van de verscheidene  = and aiding in the understanding of one or more of the various inventive a
en het helpen in het begrijpen van één of meerdere van de verscheidene  = and aiding in the understanding of one or more of the various inventive a
en het helpen in het begrijpen van ��n of meerdere van de verscheiden = and aiding in the understanding of one or more of the various inventive a
en het helpen in het begrijpen van ��n of meerdere van de verscheiden = and aiding in the understanding of one or more of the various inventive a
En het is lekker handzaam = And it’s a handy size
en het jaarinkomen van de medewerker = and the annual income of the employee
en het laden en instellen van de geassocieerde set parameters = and loading and setting the associated set of parameters
en het liefst tussen = and most preferably between
en het maximaal mogelijke drukverschil = and the maximum possible pressure differential
en het meest bij voorkeur = and most preferably
en het meest bij voorkeur minstens = and most preferably at least
en het niveau boven het oppervlak waar de impact kan worden verwacht = and the level above the surface where the impact can be expected
en het overeenkomstig aanpassen van de magneten = and adjusting the magnets accordingly
en het ter beschikking stellen van werknemers = and the posting of employees
en het toegekende netwerkadres = and the assigned network address
en het toestel kan worden vrijgegeven = and the unit can be released for operation
en het tussen te komen vonnis niet uitvoerbaar bij voorraad te verklaren = and declare the judgment not provisionally enforceable
en het tweede tandwiel = and the second sprocket wheel
en het verzenden van de ruimtelijke locatie-informatie naar de server. = and the transmission of the spatial location information to the server
en het voorlaatste = and the penultimate
en hier vorm aan weet te geven = and are able to give shape to it
en hierdoor de hals (2) van de lamp (18) verbergt = and thereby hides the neck (2) of the lamp (18)
en hiertoe is geen besluit genomen noch enige procedure aangevat = and no decision has been taken or proceedings instituted to this end
en hoe deze van toepassing kunnen zijn = and how these may apply
en hoe die elk moeten worden behandeld = and how each of these should be handled
en hoe raar het ook mag klinken = and as strange as it may sound
en hoe u het beste uw netwerk opzet = and how to best structure your network
en hoe wij deze hebben beoordeeld = and how we have assessed them
en hogere capaciteit = and higher capacity
en hoogstens = and at most
en houdt zich bezig met klachtenafhandeling = and deals with complaints
en hun derivaten = and their derivatives
en hun estervormen = and their ester forms
en hun eventuele rechtsopvolgers = "and their legal successors, if any"
en hun gezinsleden = and their family members
en hun mengsels = and their mixtures
en hun respectievelijke = and their respective
en identificeert door gebruik van beeldherkenning = "and, using image recognition, identifies"
en ieder jaar daaropvolgend = and every year thereafter
en ik de uitvoering controleer = and I monitor its performance
en ik weet zeker dat ze dat ook in de toekomst zullen blijven doen = and I’m certain they will continue to do so in the future
en in andere gevallen = and in other cases
en in de plaats krijgt men een nieuw onderdeel = and a new part given in its place
en in dezelfde ruimte als de = and in the same room as the
en in die richting geïmmobiliseerd zijn = and are immobilized in that direction
en in een bepaalde richting = and in a certain direction
en in een daartoe bestendigde tank overgepompt en opgeslagen = and pumped into and stored in a tank that is suitable for this purpose
en in een richting evenwijdig met = and in a direction parallel to
en in een tegenovergestelde vierde richting = and in an opposite fourth direction
en in enkele gevallen = and in some cases
en in het bijzonder ten hoogste = and in particular at most
en in het geval van meerdere uitwendige impactelementen = and in the case of multiple outer impact members
en in het openbaar uitgesproken = and pronounced in open court
en in hoofdzaak loodrecht op = and substantially perpendicular to
en in overeenstemming met = and in accordance with
en in rekening brengen bij de medewerker = and charge it to the employee
en in tweevoud getekend = and signed in duplicate
en in tweevoud voor akkoord ondertekend = and signed in duplicate for agreement
en in verband daarmee = and in connection therewith
en in welbepaalde omstandigheden = and in specific circumstances
en indien een dergelijk besluit er niet is = and in the absence of such a decision
en indien een masker beschikbaar is dat overeenkomt met de geïdentificee = and if a mask matching the identified medical unit is available
en indien nodig corrigeren = and correct if necessary
en indien nodig kan vervangen worden = and replaced if necessary
en indien van toepassing = and where appropriate
en ingehouden op het salaris van de medewerker = and deducted from the salary of the employee
en ingeschreven in het handeisregister onder nummer = and registered in the Dutch Business register under number
en ingezet kan worden als = and can be used as
en ingezet kan worden als verticaal sorteersysteem = and can be used as a vertical sorting system
en ingrepen = and other activities
en installatievoorschriften = and installation requirements
en inzage in de boeken bescheiden der vereniging te geven = and to allow it to inspect the Association’s books and records
en is = and is
en is aangegaan voor onbepaalde tijd = and is an open-ended contract
en is actief in verschillende Europese landen = and is active in several European countries
en is bevestigd aan zowel = and is attached to both
en is dagelijks beschikbaar = and is available daily
en is de hals van de lamp onzichtbaar is = and the neck of the lamp is invisible
en is de kromming van de ring in de eerste en/of tweede gespannen vorm = and the curvature of the ring in the first and/or second stressed shape
en is derhalve verantwoordelijk voor = and is therefore responsible for
en is deze overeenkomst van rechtswege ontbonden = and this agreement is terminated by operation of law
en is dus eigenlijk beter dan = and is therefore actually better than
en is een kwestie van ervaring = and is a matter of experience
en is er geen menselijke tussenkomst noodzakelijk = and no human intervention is necessary
en is geldig voor de aangeduide duur = and is valid for the indicated period
en is geschikt = and is adapted
en is geschikt om = and is adapted to
en is gevestigd in = and is based in
en is het niet noodzakelijk dat het productieproces moet stilgelegd of on = and there is no need to shut down or interrupt the production process whe
en is het resultaat niet goed = and result in a poor result
en is klaar voor gebruik = and is ready for use
en is mede daarom = and this is one of the reasons why
"en is niet bedoeld om de onderhavige leer, hun toepassing of gebruik te b" = "and is not intended to limit the present teachings, their application or "
en is uitermate geschikt voor = and is ideally suited for
en is uitstekend toe te passen als = and is perfect as
en is verantwoordelijk voor = and is responsible for
"en is verantwoordelijk voor de tijdsbesteding, aansturing, bewaking en re" = "and is responsible for time use, management, monitoring, and results"
en is voorzien van = and is provided with
en is zodanig ontworpen dat = and is designed such that
EN ISO 13 849-1:2006 = EN ISO 13 849-1:2006
EN ISO14971:2012 = EN ISO 14971:2012
en iv) de uitschakelkarakteristiek (de tijd van de loskoppeling afgezet t = and (iv) their typical tripping curve (reflecting tripping time as a func
en je te informeren over het verloop daarvan = and to inform you about its progress
en kan aan het identiteitsverschil tussen hen voorbij worden gegaan = and any distinction between their separate legal personalities can be dis
en kan daarom relatief eenvoudig gemonteerd worden = and can therefore relatively easily be mounted
en kan dus koppel leveren = and can therefore provide torque
en kan een beroep doen op = and can appeal to
en kan een gekwalificeerde inschatting maken = and can make a qualified estimate
en kan eenvoudig opnieuw geopend worden = and can easily be opened again
en kan er een kaart van het terrein worden gecreëerd = and a map of the terrain can be created
en kan het toestel gebruikt worden = and the device can be used
en kan worden aangepast = and can be adjusted
en kan worden aangepast onder = and can be adjusted under
en kanalen = and channels
en kantoorhoudende = and with its principal place of business at
en kantoorhoudende te = and with its principal place of business at
en kijk als = and check whether
en kit hem af = and seal it
en kit het af = and seal it
en Klant een redelijke termijn is gegund om alsnog aan zijn verplichtinge = and Customer has been given a reasonable period in which to still comply 
en klik op = and click on
en klik op de items die je wilt selecteren = and click the items you want to select
en klik op OK = and click OK
en kliniek = in the hospital (or clinic)
en knip het op maat = and cut it to size
en komen het volgende overeen = and agree as follows
en komen overeen als volgt = and agree as follows
en koppelstukken = and couplings
en kunnen blijven evolueren = and may continue to evolve
en kunnen daar soms gedurende lange periodes aanwezig zijn = and can sometimes be present there for long periods
en kunnen voorzien worden van = and can be supplied with
en lager is dan of gelijk is aan = and is lower than or equal to
En last but not least = And last but not least
en laten dus een gemakkelijk en ongecompliceerde aanpassing toe = thus allowing for easy and uncomplicated adjustment
en later opnieuw inladen = and load them later
en latere wijzigingen = and subsequent amendments
en legt uit = and explains
en legt ze laag voor laag af op de pallet = and deposit them on the pallet layer by layer
en lid van = and member of
en lid van de = and member of the
en liefst vrij te verkrijgen = and preferably freely available
en logistieke omgevingen = and logistics environments
en logistieke processen = and logistics processes
en lopende tot en met = and continuing up to and including
en maak gebruik van onze speciale aanbieding = and take advantage of our special offer
en maakt het aanbrengen van schoren overbodig = and obviates the need to use struts
en maakt integraal onderdeel uit van = and is an integral part of
en maakt integraal onderdeel uit van deze Uitzendovereenkomst = and is an integral part of this Temporary Employment Contract
en maandelijks wordt samengesteld = and compounded monthly
en maatschappelijk organisaties = and civil society organisations
en mag deze zowel aan de vuurbelaste zijde als de niet-vuurbelaste zijde  = and can be used both on the side subject to fire load and the side not su
en mag niet aan derden verstrekt worden = and may not be distributed to third parties
en mag niet bevooroordeeld en geen getuige zijn = and must not be biased or a witness
en makkelijk te reinigen is = and is easy to clean
en meer = and more
en meer bij voorkeur = and more preferably
en meer in het bijzonder = and more in particular
en meer van dat soort zaken = and the like
en meer van dergelijke zaken = and the like
en meerdere stralingsdetectoren = and multiple radiation detectors
en meest in het bijzonder ten minste = and most in particular at least
en meng deze nog een keer = and mix again
en mengsels daarvan = and mixtures thereof
en met de meeste voorkeur = and most preferably
en met de meeste voorkeur minimaal = and most preferably at least
en met de meeste voorkeur ten hoogste = and most preferably at most
en met meer voorkeur = and more preferably
en met meer voorkeur tussen = and more preferably between
en met nog meer voorkeur = and even more preferably
en met nog meer voorkeur maximaal = and even more preferably at most
en met nog meer voorkeur ten minste = and even more preferably at least
en met schriftelijke toestemming van = and with the written consent of
en met terugwerkende kracht = and retroactively
en met verdere toebehoren = and other accessories
en met verwijzing naar bepaalde tekeningen = and with reference to certain drawings
en met verwijzing naar bepaalde tekeningen = and with reference to particular drawings
en minder krachten op de pinnen en het terugkeeroppervlak worden uitgeoef = and less forces are exerted on the spikes and the return surface
en minstens één = and at least one
en moet daarom = and should therefore
en moet deze kunnen voorleggen bij controle = and be able to present them for inspection
en moet door de aanwezige personen zo veel mogelijk vermeden worden om te = and the persons present should avoid interacting with other objects as mu
en moet door de aanwezige personen zo veel mogelijk vermeden worden om te = and the persons present should avoid interacting with other objects as mu
en mogen na beëindiging van het leasecontract niet worden verwijderd = and may not be removed after termination of the lease
en ��n van hogere kwaliteit = and one of higher quality
en ��n van normale kwaliteit = and one of normal quality
en naar aanleiding hiervan een meerjarenbegroting opstellen = and will draw up a long-term budget as a result thereof
en natuurlijk per truck = and of course by truck
en neem uw kinderen gratis mee = and take your children for free
"en neemt deze,onder dankzegging, voor kennisgeving aan" = acknowledge (its contents) with thanks
en nemen de goederen mee = and carry along the goods
en niet (tijdlijn) = and not  (timeline)
en niet enkel zoals uitdrukkelijk in de conclusies naar voor gebracht = and not merely as explicitly set out in the claims
en niet in contact zijn geweest met = and have not been in contact with
en niet in de laatste plaats = and lastly
en niet ook de lastdrager = and not the product carrier
en niet: in afwijking van = rather than contrary to
en nog meer bij voorkeur = and even more preferably
en nog meer bij voorkeur van = and even more preferably from
en of = and/or
en of dit verantwoord is = and whether this is justified
en of wij jullie kunnen assisteren = and if we can assist you
en om een relatie te kunnen opbouwen = and to build a relationship
en om eventuele schades te voorkomen = and to avoid any damage
en om maskers te maken en te bewerken = as well as to create and edit masks
en om op basis daarvan = and on the basis thereof
en omgekeerd = and vice versa
en omlaag tot de hoogte = and down to the height
en omvat de werkwijze een stap = and the method comprises a step
en omvat de werkwijze verder een stap = and the method further comprises a step
en omvat de werkwijze verder een stap = and the method further comprises a step of
en omvat minimaal volgende interfaces = and includes at least the following interfaces
en omvat verder = and further comprises
en omvat verder een = and further comprises a
en onder dezelfde arbeidsvoorwaarden = and under the same terms and conditions of employment
en onder normale omstandigheden = and under normal conditions
en onder verwijzing naar = and with reference to
en onder voorbehoud van het recht van de Aannemer om een hoger percentage = and subject to the Contractor’s right to demonstrate a higher percentag
en onder wetgeving wordt hier ook verstaan = and legislation is here taken to mean
en onderneem volgende stappen = and take the following steps
en ons toch niet te veel ‘au sérieux’ nemen = and don’t take ourselves too seriously
en ontvangen graag uw positieve reactie = and look forward to receiving your reply
en ontvangst van betaling = and receipt of payment
en onverminderd het haar verder in rechte toekomende = and without prejudice to its other rights and remedies
en onverminderd het recht = and without prejudice to the right
en ook = and also
en ook de = as well as the
en ook de = as are the
en ook niet strikt noodzakelijk = and also not strictly necessary
en op basis daarvan = and on the basis thereof
en op basis hiervan gedetermineerd of de beeldkwaliteit te hoog (of te la = and based on this it is determined whether the image quality is too high 
en op basis hiervan gedetermineerd of de beeldkwaliteit te hoog (of te la = and based on this it is determined whether the image quality is too high 
en op basis van door Klant te verstrekken gegevens = and based on information supplied by Customer
en op een kwaliteitsaanduiding van de verschillende talen = and an indication of the quality of the different languages
en op welke wijze ze moeten worden uitgevoerd = and how they should be performed
en opdrachten zorgvuldig en met grote ijver uit te voeren = and to carry out the assignments carefully and with great diligence
en Opdrachtnemer hierover te informeren = and immediately inform Contractor of the situation
en opgeroepen kunt worden voor interventies in uw regio = could be called on to perform work in your area
en opgeslagen in de maskerdatabase = and stored in the mask database
en opgesplitst naar de volgende categorieën = and divided into the following categories
en optioneel de bron = and optionally the source
en optioneel voorzien van verdere instructies = and optionally provided with further instructions
en opvang - de vensterschool als = Integral Youth Policy (professorship) portaal (lectoraat)
en overige IT-specialisten = and other IT specialists
en overige regelingen = and other arrangements
en palletlift = and pallet lift
en pas aan indien nodig = and adjust as appropriate
en pas daarna los te laten = and only then releasing them
en passen deze in elkaar = and they fit together
en perfect geworden op = and the incorporation formalities completed on
en plaats deze in de behuizing = and place it in the housing
en plaats deze op de = and place it on the
en probleem oplossing = and problem solving
en produceert = and produces
en rechten daarop = and rights thereto
en reinig deze met IPA = and clean them with IPA
en relatieve vochtigheid = and relative humidity
en relevante informatie opvragen = and request relevant information
en resulteerde in betere prestaties = and resulted in better performance
en risico inventarisatie = and risk assessment
en schetst een beeld van = and paints a picture of
en schriftelijk heeft ingestemd ze na te leven = and has agreed in writing to abide by them
en secundair = and secondarily
en secundair in geval van gelijkspel = and secondarily in case of tie
en secundair op basis van de overlap van de gematchde trefwoorden voor de = and secondarily based on the overlap of the matched keywords for the sear
en serveer = and serve
en SnowWorld International B.V. = and SnowWorld International B.V.
en soortgelijke ruimten = and similar spaces
en soortgelijke zaken = and the like
en spanrollen = and stretching pulleys
en spreekt in begrijpelijke taal = and speaks in plain language
en spreken we van = and have what is referred to as
en staan op een afstand = and are at a distance
en staat genoteerd aan de = and is listed on the
en steeds mijn medewerkers op een eerlijke manier behandel = and always treat my staff fairly
en stelt haar schadeloos = and holds it harmless
en structuur = and structure
en stuur onderstaande informatie = and send the following information
en te kiezen voor de optie = and choosing the option
en technische beschikbaarheid = and technical availability
en tekent voor vrijgave van het instrument = and signs to release the device
en ten blijke daarvan = and in evidence thereof
en ten minste = and at least
en tenslotte = and finally
en ter vervanging van = and replacing
en tertiair = and tertiarily
en terug = and back
en terug het hoofbedieningsmenu weer te geven = and return to the main control menu
en tijdige levering van materialen = and timely delivery of materials
en toch = and still
en toebehoren = and accessories
en toont = and shows
en toont een andere uitvoeringsvorm = and shows another embodiment
en toont een andere uitvoeringsvorm van = and shows another embodiment of
en tot intrekking van = and repealing
en tot wijziging van diverse wettelijke bepalingen = and amending various legislative provisions
en treedt in de plaats van alle andere overeenkomsten = and replaces all other agreements
en twee verwerkingseenheden = and two processing units
en uitsluitend op verzoek van = and only at the request of
en uitwisselbaar is met = and is interchangeable with
en uitwisselbaar is met andere = and is interchangeable with other
en valt storingsrelais af = error relay is de-energized
en van = and from
en van de werkwijze volgens de uitvinding = and the method according to invention
en van een = and of a
en van maximaal = and of at most
en veerring = and spring washer
en veilige afscherming = and safety fencing
en ventilatiekanalen = and ventilation ducts
En verder = Also coming up
en verder = et seq.
en verder = and further
"en verder C4, C5, C7, C8 en C9, of esters , zouten of een mengsel daarvan" = "and further C4, C5, C7, C8 and C9, or esters, salts or a mixture thereof"
en verder ten minste = and further at least
en verder ten minste tussen = and further at least between
en vergelijkbare gelegenheden = and similar occasions
en vergrendel deze = and lock it
en vergrendelen met een hangslot = and lock it with a padlock
en vermeld uw lidnummer = quoting your membership number
en vervang deze zo nodig = and replace it if necessary
en vervolgens afgekoeld = and subsequently cooled
en vervolgens afkoelen = and subsequent cooling
en vervolgens drogen met stikstof = and then dry with nitrogen
en vervolgens jaarlijks = and thereafter annually
en vervolgens weer drogen met stikstof = and then dry again with nitrogen
en verwijder het = and remove the
en verwijzend naar bepaalde tekeningen = and with reference to certain drawings
en verzekerd te houden = and keep them insured
en vijf detectoren die zich onder het substraat bevinden = and five detectors that are located under the substrate
en voor alle subklassen = and for all subclasses
en voor de bepaling van de verzekeringspremie = and for determining the insurance premium
en vóór de ondertekening van deze uitzendovereenkomst = and before signing this temporary employment contract
en voor diens rekening en risico = and for its account and risk
en voor parttimers naar evenredigheid = and pro rata for part-timers
en vooral veel ervaring = and above all extensive experience
en vooral zonder het vacu?m te hoeven verbreken = and above all without having to break the vacuum
en vooral zonder het vacuém te hoeven verbreken = and above all without having to break the vacuum
en vooral zonder het vacu�m te hoeven verbreken = and above all without having to break the vacuum
en vooral zonder het vacuüm te hoeven verbreken = and above all without having to break the vacuum
en voordat de overeenkomst op afstand wordt gesloten = and before the distance contract is concluded
en voorzien van een = and features a
en vormen daar als zodanig één geheel mee = and as such form part of it
en vraagt om = and requires
en vul online het declaratieformulier in = and fill in the online claim form
"en waarbij de 2 die er niet boven liggen, maximaal 20% onder de grens lig" = and the 2 not above are at most 20% below the limit
"en waarbij de 2 die er niet boven liggen, maximaal 20% onder de grens lig" = and the 2 not above are at most 20% below the limit
en waarbij de aansluiting contact maakt met de genoemde vorm van het twee = and the connection making contact with said shape of the second element
en waarbij de derde laag gepositioneerd wordt in de middenzone van de op  = and in which the third layer is positioned in the middle zone of the firs
en waarbij de derde laag volledig omsloten wordt door de eerste en tweede = and wherein the third layer is completely enclosed by the first and secon
"en waarbij de medische gebruiker een draagbare, handenvrije beeldsensor d" = "the medical user wearing a wearable, hands-free image sensor"
en waarbij de set parameters wordt opgeslagen geassocieerd aan de twee- o = and storing the set of parameters associated with the two- or three-dimen
en waarbij de werkwijze verder een stap omvat = and wherein the method further comprises a step
en waarbij een binnenste profiel een horizontaal ondersteuningsvlak omvat = and wherein an inner profile comprises a horizontal support surface for s
en waarbij een hoogte van zijn buitenste kamer gedefinieerd is als een ko = and wherein a height of its outer chamber is defined as a shortest distan
en waarbij een hoogte van zijn buitenste kamer gedefinieerd is als een ko = and wherein a height of its outer chamber is defined as a shortest distan
en waarbij het = and wherein the
en waarbij het eerste deel en het tweede deel zijn verbonden door een cir = and wherein the first part and the second part are connected by a circula
en waarbij zink aanwezig is in de polymeercompositie = and wherein zinc is present in the polymer composition
en waarin de draaglat een uitsparing omvat = and the support slat comprising a recess
en waarom = and why
en waartegen = and against which
en waarvan de oorzaak aan anderen dan aan = and whose cause is attributable to others than
en waarvan een model is aangehecht als = a model of which is attached hereto as
en waarvan zij uit hoofde van haar functie redelijkerwijze kan aannemen d = and of which it can reasonably be assumed by virtue of her position that 
en waarvoor de Inlener aansprakelijk zou zijn geweest indien hij de werkg = and for which the Host would have been liable if it had been the employer
en waarvoor Klant aansprakelijk zou zijn geweest = and for which Customer would have been liable
en wanneer de = and when the
en wanneer het deksel wordt bevestigd op de opening = and when the cover is mounted to the aperture
en was er minder kans op fouten = and there was less chance of errors
en Washer = and Washer
en wat verder al niet komt kijken = and anything else relevant
en wat zijn uw belangrijkste = and what are your main
en weer beschikbaar te maken = and make it available again
en weerbaarheid afnemers = customer resilience
en weggetrokken = and pulled away
en wel met = by as much as
en wel met = namely by
en wel op een zodanige manier dat = and in such a way that
en welke delen overeenkomen met de = and which parts correspond to the
en welke methoden effectief zijn = and which methods are effective
en wens u veel succes met uw = and wish you every success with your
en werk deze eventueel bij = and adjust them if necessary
en werkwijze om deze te produceren = and method of producing the same
en werkwijzen van sputteren = and methods of sputtering
en wij nemen contact met u op = and we will contact you
en wij zullen deze service uiteraard blijven continueren = and we will of course continue to provide this service
en wijziging van = and amending the
en worden er zelden nog fouten gemaakt = and mistakes are rarely made anymore
en worden niet door de transportband meegenomen = and are not carried along by the conveyor
en worden niet expliciet benoemd = and are not explicitly mentioned
en worden stap per stap opgeleverd = and are delivered incrementally
en wordt aangegaan voor onbepaalde tijd = and is entered into for an indefinite period of time
en wordt aangegaan voor onbepaalde tijd = and is entered into for an indefinite period
en wordt de controle over de videoconferentie voor een deel overgedragen  = and control of the videoconference is partially transferred to the remote
en wordt de controle over de videoconferentie voor een deel overgedragen  = and control of the videoconference is partially transferred to the remote
en wordt de recycleer-fractie toegevoegd aan de ingang van de tweede trom = and the recycle fraction is added to the entrance of the second rotary sc
en wordt de uitvinding geïllustreerd aan de hand van voorbeelden = and the invention is illustrated by way of examples
en wordt dit probleem verholpen = and this problem is solved
en wordt dus ondersteund op = and is thus supported on
en wordt geacht daarvan deel uit te maken = and will be deemed to form part of it
en wordt gezien als deel van = and is seen as part of
en wordt jaarlijks aansluitend stilzwijgend  verlengd = and is tacitly renewed annually thereafter
en wordt onderbouwd door = and supported by
en wordt verder gehandeld conform = the process in Clause × will be followed accordingly
en wordt verder gehandeld conform artikel 7 = and the process in Clause 7 will be followed accordingly
en wordt verder versterkt = and is further strengthened
en wordt vermeld als aanvrager = and is mentioned as applicant
en wordt vervolgens toegankelijk gemaakt = and then made accessible
en zal de Dienstverlener desgevraagd bewijs van dergelijke betalingen ver = and will provide the Service Provider with evidence of such payments upon
en zal de hoge CO2 concentratie optimaal zijn werk kunnen doen = and the high CO2 concentration will be able to do its job optimally
en zal de medewerker verzoeken = and will ask the employee
en zal dus vrijlopen = and will therefore rotate freely
en zal gelden voor zolang de Overeenkomst duurt = and will apply for as long as the Agreement lasts
en zal groeien = and will grow
en zal groeien naar ongeveer = and will grow to approximately
en zal handelen conform de inhoud hiervan = and will act accordingly
en zal het volgende omvatten = and will include the following
en zal hiernavolgend aangeduid worden met = and will be referred to below as
en zal zich ook niet als zodanig gedragen = and will not behave as such
en ze leefden nog lang en gelukkig (and they lived long and happily) = happily ever after {adv} (happily until one's death)
en zeer hoge bescherming = and very high protection
en zelfs meer dan = and even more than
en zelfs minder dan = and even less than
en zelfs nog meer bij voorkeur = and even more preferably
en zelfs nog meer bij voorkeur +/-0.1 = and even more preferably approx. 0.1% or less
en zelfs voor haar rekening = and even for her own account
en zet deze nog niet vast = and do not secure it yet
en zet deze vast met = and secure with
en zet deze vast met = and secure it with
en zet deze vast met 2x bzk. = and secure with 2x hex socket-head bolt
en zet deze vast op de = and attach it to the
en zich hierop te beroepen = and to rely on them
en zich radiaal uitstrekken over het binnenste oppervlak = and radially extending over the inner surface
en zich te houden aan regels ten aanzien van veiligheid = and to comply with the rules with regard to safety
en zich uitstrekkend = and extending
en zich vervolgens opstellen als = and subsequently act as
en zien uw berichten met  belangstelling tegemoet = and look forward to receiving your reply
en ziet toe op de vertrouwelijkheid en de veiligheid van de gegevens = and shall ensure the confidentiality and security of the data
en zij blijkens haar aard niet bestemd is voor meer dan één vervoer te  = and it is apparent from its nature that it is not intended to be used for
en zij op verzoek van de koper zo spoedig mogelijk kosteloos worden toege = "and that they will be sent free of charge to the Buyer, as quickly as pos"
en zij tussentijds schriftelijk niet anders verklaren = and they do not declare otherwise in writing in the interim
en zijn binnen enkele dagen leverbaar = and can be delivered within a few days
en zijn daardoor = and are thus
en zijn daardoor minder gevoelig voor slijtage en storingen = and are thus less susceptible to wear and breakdown
en zijn de reacties zeer positief = the response has been very positive
en zijn eventuele subcontractors = "and its subcontractors, if any"
en zijn te raadplegen op = and can be consulted at
en zijn typisch eveneens gemaakt uit = and are typically also made from
en zijn voldoende afgebakend = and are sufficiently defined
"en zijn werknemers, onderaannemers of agenten" = "and its employees, subcontractors or agents"
en zo vervolgens = and thereafter for successive one-year periods
en zo voorts = etc.
en zoals nader bepaald in = and as specified in
en zonder afbreuk te doen aan = and without prejudice to
en zonder in gebreke stelling = and without notice of default
en zonder voorafgaande waarschuwing = and without prior notice
en zonder zich te beroepen op = and without invoking
en zorg ervoor dat anderen dat ook doen = and make sure others do too
en zorgt hij voor een veilige webomgeving = and ensure a safe web environment
en zorgt voor de follow up = and ensures they are followed up
en zorgt voor follow-up = and ensures they are followed up
en zoveel meer = and so much more
en zulks te wijten is aan = and this is due to
"en zullen aan de naleving daarvan hun
medewerking verlenen" = and will cooperate in complying with them
en zullen Partijen in goed overleg de ongeldige of onverbindende bepaling = and Parties will replace the invalid or non-binding provision by another 
en/of = and/or
en/of = and / or
en/of een ester of zout daarvan = and/or an ester or salt thereof
en/of omvat de werkwijze van de onderhavige uitvinding de stap van = and/or the method of the present invention comprises the step of
en/of pensioengevend is = and/or is pensionable
en/of poort = and/or gate
EN13480 = EN 13480 metallic industrial piping
EN13480 voor metallic industrial piping = EN 13480 metallic industrial piping
EnableAnonWin9xConnections geeft aan of er externe toegang zonder veiligh = The EnableAnonWin9xConnections indicates whether remote access without se
Enablement = Enablement
enabler = enabler
enablers = enablers
enabling service = enabling service
E-nacelle = E-nacelle
enalapril = enalaprilic acid
Enantheem = Enanthema
enanthema = vesicular  enanthema
enanthema = "enanthem, enanthema"
enantinezuur = enanthic acid
"enantinezuur (heptaanzuur, C7), caprylzuur (octaanzuur, C8), pelargonzuur" = "enanthic acid (heptanoic acid, C7), caprylic acid (octanoic acid, C8), pe"
enantiomeer = enantiomer
enantiomeer = enantiomorph
enantiomeer = optical isomer
ENB = utility company
en-bewerking = and operation
en-blocclausule = ‘en bloc’ clause (clause stipulating the right to change premium rate
encadreren = frame
encapsulated PostScript = encapsulated PostScript
encapsulatie = encapsulation
Encartage = Outsert
encartage = outsert
encartage = outserts
encefalisch = encephalic: pertaining to the encephalon or brain.
encefalitis = encephalitis
Encefalitis = Encephalitis
encefalomalacie = cerebromalacia
encefalomalacie = encephalomalacia
encefalomalacie = softening of the brain
encefalomeningocele = meningoencephalocele
Encefalopathie = Encephalopathy
encefalopathie = encephalomyopathy
encefalopathie als gevolg van alcoholmisbruik = alcoholic   encephalopathy
encefalopathie als gevolg van alcoholmisbruik = superior hemorrhagic polioencephalitis
encefalopathie als gevolg van alcoholmisbruik = Wernicke's syndrome
encefalopathie veroorzaakt door koude = cold-induced   encephalopathy
"encefalopathie, de hersenontsteking" = brain disease
"encefalopathie, de hersenontsteking" = encephalopathy
encephalomyelitis epidemica = epidemic encephalitis
"encephalopathia saturnina, de lood encefalopathie" = "saturnine  encephalopathy, lead poisoning encephalopathy"
enchondrale-dysostosis syndroom = enchondral dysostosis syndrome
enchondrale-dysostosis syndroom = endochondral dysostosis syndrome
enchondromatose = enchondromatosis
en-circuit = and circuit
enclave = territorial enclave
Enclave = Enclave
encoder = encoder
Encoder Axis = Encoder Axis
Encoder Disk = Encoder Disk
Encoder disk assembly = Encoder disk assembly
encoder pulsen = encoder pulses
Encoder Scale = Encoder Scale
Encoder sensoren = Encoder sensors
encoderen = to encode
encoderkabels = encoder cables
Encoders = Encoders
encoders = encoders
encoderstand = encoder position
encoderwaarde = encoder value
encopresis = encopresis: incontinence of feces not due to organic defect or illness
encrypted = gecodeerde
encrypted channel = encrypted channel
encrypted database = encrypted database
encrypteren en/of decrypteren = encrypt and/or decrypt
encryptie = encryption
Encryptie = Cypher
encryptie = enciphering
Encryptie = Cyphering
encryptie beveiligde communicatie = encrypted secure communication
encryptie- en/of decryptiesleutel = encryption and/or decryption key
encryptiecodelijst = key list
encryptiesleutel = encryption key
encryptiesleutels = encryption keys
encryptievariabele = key variable
Encrypting File System = Encrypting File System
Encryption Control Protocol = Encryption Control Protocol
Enculturatie = Enculturation
Encycliek = Encyclical
encyclopedie = encyclopaedia
Encyclopedie = Encyclopedia
encyclopediebijdrage = encyclopaedia entry
Encyclopedieën = Encyclopaedias
encyclopediepagina = encyclopedia page
end effector = end effector
end effector-hulpstuk = end effector attachment
end effector-hulpstukken = end effector attachments
End of life melding = End of Life Notification
end of term = end of term
end stop = end stop
end stop mounting block = end stop mounting block
End Stops = End Stops
end user awareness sessie = end user awareness session
end user awareness sessies = end user awareness sessions
endarteritis obliterans = Billroth-Winiwarter disease
endarteritis obliterans = Billroth-Winiwarter-Bürger disease
endarteritis obliterans = endarteritis obliterans
endarteritis: een onsteking van de binnenkleding van een slagader = endarteritis
end-diastolische druk = end-diastolic pressure
endeem = endemic
endeem = endemical
Endeldarm = Rectum
Endemie (biogeografie) = Endemism
"endemie, de inheemse ziekte" = endemic disease
Endemisch = Endemic
"endemisch, inheems" = endemic
endemische bovenmatige fluoride-opname in de tanden = endemic dental fluorosis
endemische bovenmatige fluoride-opname in de tanden = endemic fluoride excess
endemische fout = indigenous error
endemische krop = endemic  goiter
endemische soorten = endemic species
endemische verontreiniging = endemic contamination
endemische ziekte = endemic disease
Endhülse = Endhülse
Endless-chain-methode = Endless chain method
"endo-1,4-bèta-glucanase" = "endo-1,4-beta-glucanase"
endocardiografie = "echocardiography: an ultrasonic recording of the size, motion, and compos"
endocarditis = an infection or inflammation of the heart
endocarditis = endocarditis
Endocarditis = Endocarditis
endocarditis serosa = serous  endocarditis
endocavitaire elektrofysiologische exploratie = endocavitary electrophysiological study
endocavitaire elektrofysiologische exploratie = intracavitary  electrophysiological exploration
endocervicitis: de ontsteking van de endocervix = endocervicitis: inflammation of the mucous lining of the uterine cervix
endocervicitis: de ontsteking van de endocervix = endotrachelitis
endocrien = endocrine
Endocrien systeem = Endocrine system
endocrien systeem = endocrine system
endocriene afwijking = endocrinopathy
endocriene afwijking = endocrine disease
endocriene afwijking = endocrine disorder
endocriene cachexie = endocrine cachexia
endocriene cataract = endocrine cataract
endocriene cellen in de gastro-intestinale tractus = endocrine cells of gut
endocriene cellen in de gastro-intestinale tractus = gastrointestinal endocrine cells
endocriene cellen in de gastro-intestinale tractus = endocrine cells of gut: cells in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract
endocriene klier = endocrine gland
endocriene klieren = ductless glands
endocriene klieren = endocrine glands
endocriene multi-adenomatosis = apudomatosis
endocriene multi-adenomatosis = MEN
endocriene multi-adenomatosis = multiple  endocrine adenomatosis
endocriene multi-adenomatosis = multiple endocrine neoplasia
endocriene ziekte = endocrine disease
Endocrinologie = Endocrinology
Endocrinologie en Metabolisme = Endocrinology & Metabolism
endocrinologie: het onderzoek van innerlijke afscheidingen en hormonen = endocrinology: discipline dealing with hormones & other biochemical regul
endocrinologie: het onderzoek van innerlijke afscheidingen en hormonen = hemadenology
endocrinoloog = endocrinologist: a doctor specializing in diagnosis & treatment of hormon
endocrinopathie = endocrine disorder
endocrinopathie = endocrinopathy
endocytose = endocytosis: the capacity of the cell to form food vacuoles
endocytose: de transport door de celmembraan van buiten de cel naar binne = endocytosis: cellular engulfing of large molecules or particulate matter 
endocytose: de transport door de celmembraan van buiten de cel naar binne = the uptake of extracellular materials within membrane-limited vacuoles
endoderm = endoderm
endodontia = endodontics
endodontoloog = endodontist: a dentist specializing in diseases of the dental pulp and ne
endodontoloog = endodontologist
End-of-Life = End-of-Life
end-of-line-systemen en opslag- en orderverzamelsystemen = end-of-line systems and storage and order picking systems
end-of-pipe technologie = end-of-pipe technology
Endogeen = Endogenous
endogeen = endogenic
Endogene grootheid in een model = Endogenous variable in a model
Endogene investeringen = Endogenous investments
endogene opioiden = endogenous opioids
endogene variabele = endogenous variable
endogene variabele = endogenous variate
Endogene variabele = Endogenous variable
endogift = endotoxin: a heat-stable toxin associated with the outer membranes of cer
endolymfatisch foramen = endolymphatic foramen
endolymfatische shunt = endolymphatic shunt
endolymfe = endolymph: the fluid in the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
endolymfe = endolymphatic fluid
endolysine = endolysin
Endometriose = Endometriosis
endometriose van het ovarium = ovarian  endometriosis
endometriose van het ovarium = adenoma endometrioides ovarii
endometriosis externa in de blaas = vesicular  endometriosis
endometritis = endometritis: inflammation of the endometrium due to intrauterine infecti
endometritis puerperalis = puerperal  endometritis
endometritis senilis = senile  endometritis
endometrium- = endometrial
endometriumbiopsie = endometrial biopsy
endometriumcarcinoom = endometrioid carcinoma: a type of adenocarcinoma
endometriumweefsel = endometrial tissue
endomitosis = endomitosis
endomorf = endomorph
endomyocardbiopsie = endomyocardial biopsy
endomyocardfibrose = endomyocardial fibrosis
endomyocarditis = endomyocarditis
endomyocardschaven = endomyocardial stripping
endomysium: het bindweefsel tussen spierbundels = endomysium: delicate bands of connective tissue interspersed among muscul
endoneurium = delicate connective tissue around individual peripheral nerves
endoneurium = endoneurium
endoneurium = sheath of Henle
endoneurolyse = hersage
endonuclease = endonuclease: an enzyme that cleaves nucleic acids at positions within th
END-opdracht = END-statement
endo-peptidase = endopeptidase
endoperoxide = endoperoxide: a peroxide group bridging two atoms that are both parts of 
endoplasma = granular plasma
endoplasmatisch reticulum = a system of cisternae in the cytoplasm of many cells
endoplasmatisch reticulum = endoplasmic reticulum: ER
endoplasmatisch reticulum = ergastoplasm
endoplasmatisch reticulum = ergastoplasma
endopolyploïdie = endopolyploidy: a polyploid state in which the chromosomes divide repeate
endoprothese in de slokdarm = esophageal prosthesis
endorfine = endorphin: a morphine-like neurochemical naturally produced in the brain 
Endorsed mailing = Endorsed mailing
Endorsement-model = Endorsement model
endoscoop = "endoscope: a long, thin instrument for examining the interior of a body o"
endoscoop = borescope
Endoscopen = Endoscopes
Endoscopie = Endoscopy
endoscopie van de speekselklieren = endoscopic examination of the salivary glands
endoscopie van het spijsverteringskanaal = digestive system endoscopy
endoscopie van het spijsverteringskanaal = endoscopic examination of the digestive tract
endoscopie van het spijsverteringskanaal = endoscopy of the digestive system
endoscopie van het spijsverteringskanaal = esophagogastroduodenoscopy
endoscopische chirurgie = endosurgery
endoscopische chirurgie = endoscopic surgery: surgery performed using an endoscope
endoscopische echografie = endoscopic ultrasonography
endoscopische echografie = endosonography
endoscopische retrograde cholangio-pancreatografie = ERCP
endoscopische sclerosis = endoscopic sclerotherapy
endoscopische sclerosis = endoscopic sclerosis: treating varicose veins by injecting a sclerosis ag
endosepsis = endosepsis
endosomatische methode = Tarchanoff method
endosomatische methode = endosomatic method
endosoom = caryosome
endosoom = endosome
endosoom = karyosome
endosperm (voedzaam weefsel in het zaad) = endosperm
endossant = endorser
Endosseerapparaten = Endorsers
endossement = endorsement
endossement/endossering = endorsement
Endosseren = Don
endosseren = endorse
endostale anesthesie = endosteal anesthesia
endostatine = endostatin
endosteum = endosteum
endostose = bone hypertrophy
endosulfan = endosulfan
Endosulfansulfaat = Endosulfansulphate
endosymbiontenhypothese = endosymbiotic theory (the theory that concerns the origins of mitochondri
endosymbiontenhypothese = endosymbiotic theory
Endotheel = Endothelium
endotheelbekleding = endothelium
endotheelcel = endothelial cell
endotheline-1 = endothelin-1: a 21-amino acid peptide
endothelinen = endothelins: 21-amino-acid peptides produced by vascular endothelial cell
endothelioïde cellen = endothelioid cells
endothelioom = endothelioma
endotherme = endothermic
endotherme = endothermal
endotherme reactor = endothermic reactor
endotoxemie = endotoxemia: the presence of endotoxins in the blood
Endotoxisch = Endotoxic
"endotracheaal, binnen de trachea, intratracheaal" = endotracheal
"endotracheaal, binnen de trachea, intratracheaal" = intratracheal
endotracheale intubatie = endotracheal intubation
endotracheale intubatie = intratracheal intubation
endotracheobronchiaal = endotracheobronchial
endovesicaal = endovesical
endovesicale = endovesical
endoxa = "accepted, reputable"
endoxine = endoxin
endpoint = endpoint
endpoint managementsoftware = endpoint management software
endpoint management-software = endpoint management software
endpoints = endpoints
Endress+Hauser = Endress+Hauser
Endrin = Endrin
Endrin-aldehyde = Endrin-aldehyde
Endrin-keton = Endrin-ketone
Endstop = End stop
Endstops = End stops
endswitch = end of travel switch
endswitch = limit switch
Endtijd = End time
end-to-end = end-to-end
end-to-end applicatie management = end-to-end application management
end-to-end connectiviteit = end-to-end connectivity
end-to-end testen = end-to-end testing
end-to-end-communicatie = end-to-end communication
Endtoets = End key
Endura = E+ndura®
Endura bedieningspaneel = E+ndura® control panel
Endura databus ventilatie = E+ndura® ventilation data bus
Endura of verwarmingsketel = E+ndura® or boiler
Endura printkaart = ndura® circuit board
Endurance = Endurance
ene = one
ene of meerdere stiksels = one or more line of stitches
en-element = and element
enema = enema
Enemapreparaten = Enema preparations
enen = ones
ENERCON Documentation App = ENERCON Documentation App
ENERCON Documentation Portal = ENERCON Documentation Portal
ENERCON Documentation System = ENERCON Documentation System
ENERCON E-Charger = ENERCON E-Charger
ENERCON PartnerKonzept = EPK
ENERCON SCADA Bat Protection = ENERCON SCADA Bat Protection
ENERCON SCADA Event Trigger Control System = ENERCON SCADA Event Trigger Control System
ENERCON SCADA Ring Management = ENERCON SCADA Ring Management
ENERCON SCADA Satellite Link = satellite system
ENERCON SCADA Server = ENERCON SCADA wind farm server
ENERCON Service Center = ESC
ENERCON transformatorbescherming = ETFS
energetica = energetics
energetisch = energy efficiently
Energetisch = Energetic
energetisch = energy efficient
energetisch efficiënte = energetically efficien
energetisch meer belastend = less energy efficient
energetisch rendement = energetic efficiency
energetische = energy
Energetische diagnostiek = Energetic diagnosis
energetische kwaliteit = energy performance
energetische kwaliteit van het bezit = energy performance of the property
energetische prestaties = energy performance
energetische renovatie = energy-efficient refurbishment
energetische renovatie = energy-efficient renovation
energetischer = more energy efficient
Energie = Energy (society)
Energie = Energy
energie = vigor
energie = energy
Energie & Management = Energy & Management
Energie & Management (lectoraat) = Energy & Management (professorship)
Energie & Management (lectoraat) = Energy and Management
Energie & Management (lectoraat) = Energy & Management (professorship) Energie & Recht (lectoraat)
Energie & Recht = Energy & Law
Energie & Recht (lectoraat) = Energy and Law
Energie & Recht (lectoraat) = Energy & Law (professorship)
Energie (afd FMVG) = Energy
Energie 7% = Energy 7%
energie bespaard kan worden door minder regelmatig met de server te commu = energy can be saved by communicating less regularly with the server
energie bespaard kan worden door minder regelmatig met de server te commu = energy can be saved by communicating less regularly with the server
Energie Comfort gordijn = Energy Blind
energie consumptie = energy consumption
energie efficiëntieinvesteringsmodellen = energy-efficient investment models
Energie en aanverwante diensten = Energy and related services
energie- en grondstoffenverbruik = energy and raw material consumption
Energie en Healthy Ageing = Energy en Healthy Ageing
energie- en materiaal verbruik = energy and material consumption
energie- en materiaal-besparing = energy and material savings
energie en onderhoud = energy and maintenance
energie- en waterverbruik = energy and water consumption
energie- inhoud = embodied energy
energie kan bespaard worden door minder regelmatig met de server te commu = energy can be saved by communicating less regularly with the server
energie kan bespaard worden door minder regelmatig met de server te commu = energy can be saved by communicating less regularly with the server
energie krijgen tijdens de back-up periode = receive power during the backup period
energie neutraal = energy neutral
energie overdragen = Energy transfer
Energie Prestatie advies = Energy performance advice
Energie Prestatie Raportages = Energy performance report
energie reductie = energy reduction
energie te besparen = save energy
energie uit hernieuwbare bronnen = energy from renewable sources
energie uit hernieuwbare energiebronnen = energy from renewable energy sources
energie van blokkeringsapparatuur = jamming power
energie van een lading = energy of a charge
Energie van het externe veld = External field energy
Energie zuinig opstellen materiaal = Energy-efficient stabling of rolling stock
energie zuinige woningen = energy efficient homes
energie zuiniger = more energy efficient
"energie, water, chemicaliën en onderhoud" = "energy, water, chemicals and maintenance"
energieabsorberende inrichting = energy absorber
energieafgifte = release of energy
energieafname = energy consumption
energieakkoord = Energy Agreement (‘Energieakkoord’)
Energieakkoord voor duurzame groei (Energieakkoord) = Energy Agreement for Sustainable Development
energie-analyse = energetic analysis
energieauditeur = energy auditor
energiebalans = energy balance
energiebalans = energy audit
energieband = energy band
energiebandenschema = energy band diagram
energiebandenstructuur = energy band structure
energiebarrière = energy barrier
energiebedrijf = power company
energiebedrijf = utility company
Energiebegrenzingsklasse = Current limiting class
Energiebeheer = Energy-management services
Energiebeheer = Power Options
energiebeheer = power management
Energiebeheer = Energy management
Energiebeheer van gebouwen = Building Energy Management
energiebeheerschema = power scheme
energiebehoefte = power demand
energiebehoefte = energy demand
energiebehoefte = energy needs
energiebehoefte = calorie requirement
energiebehoefte = operating energy requirements
energiebehoefte = energy requirements
energiebehoud = energy conservation
energiebelasting = energy tax
energiebeleid = energy policy
energiebesparend = energy-saving
energiebesparende = energy-saving
energiebesparende aanbevelingen = energy saving recommendations
energiebesparende maatregel = energy-saving measure
energiebesparende maatregelen = energy-saving measures
energiebesparende mogelijkheden = energy-saving options
Energiebesparende plaatsbepaling en communicatie = Energy-saving positioning and communication
energiebesparende ventilatiesysteem = energy-saving ventilation system
energiebesparing = energy savings
energiebesparing = saving of energy
energiebesparing = energy saving
energiebesparing = energy conservation
energiebesparing (f) = energy conservation
energiebesparingen = energy savings
energiebesparingsproject = energy-saving project
energie-bewarende condensator = energy-store capacitor
energie-bewarende eenheid = energy-storage device
energiebewust bouwen = energy-conscious building
energiebron = energy source
energiebron = power source
energiebronmateriaal = energy source material
energiebronnen = energy resource
energiecalculator = energy calculator
energiecentrale = power plant
"energiecentrale, krachtcentrale" = power plant (a station built for the production of electric power)
energiecentrales Eemshaven = Eemshaven power plants
Energiecentrum = Energy Centre
Energiecentrum Nederland = "Netherlands Energy Centre (Energiecentrum Nederland, ECN)"
energiecertificering = energy certification
energieconsumptie = energy consumption
energieconsumptie = energy use
energieconsumptie = "energy consumption, energy use"
energiecontract = energy contract
energiecontracten = energy contracts
Energieconvenant = Energy Agreement (Energieakkoord)
energiecoöperaties = energy cooperatives
energiecrisis = energy crisis
energiedata = energy data
energiedeskundige = energy expert
energiedistributie = energy distribution
energiediversificatie = energy diversification
energiedoelstelling = energy objective
energiedoelstellingen = energy objectives
energiedrager = energy carrier
energiedranken = energy drinks
energiedrankje = energy drink
energie-efficientere gebouwen = more energy-efficient buildings
energie-efficientie = energy efficiency
energieefficiëntie = energy efficiency
energie-efficiëntie = energy efficiency
energie-efficiëntie = efficient energy use
energie-efficiëntie = energetic efficiency
energie-efficiëntie/vraagzijdebeheer = energy efficiency/demand-side management
Energie-efficiëntiediagnose = Power Efficiency Diagnostic
Energie-efficiëntieklasse = Energy efficiency class
energie-efficiëntieverhouding = EER
energie-efficiëntieverhouding = energy efficiency ratio
energiefactuur = energy bill
energiegebruik = energy utilisation
energiegebruik = energy use
energiegebruik = energy consumption
"energiegebruik, schoonmaak en onderhoud" = "energy use, cleaning and maintenance"
energiegebruiker = energy consumer
energiegebruikspatroon = energy utilisation pattern
energiegerelateerde kenmerking = energy marking
energie-herwinning = energy recovery
energiehoogte = energy head
energiehoogte = kinetic head
energiehoogteverlies = head loss
energiehuishouding = energy management
energie-index = energy index
energie-industrie = energy industry
energie-inhoud = embodied energy
energie-inhoud = energy content
energie-initiatieven = energy initiatives
Energie-intensieve = Energy intensive
Energie-investeringsaftrek = "Energy Investment Allowance (Energie-investeringsaftrek, EIA)"
energiejaarrapport = annual energy report
energiejaarrapportbesprekingen = annual energy report consultations
energiejaarrapporten = annual energy reports
Energiek = Strenuous
Energiek = Aggressive
Energiek = Spirited
Energiek = Drastic
energiek = energetic
Energiek = Emphatic
Energiek = Telling
Energiek = Forceful
energiek iemand = hustler
Energiek in natuur en milieu = Passionate about nature and environment
energiek persoon = hustler
Energiekabel = Energy cable
Energiekamer = DTe/Office of Energy Regulation
Energiekamer = Office of Energy Regulation ('Energiekamer')
energiekosten = energy costs
energielabel = energy label
energielasten = energy costs
energieleverancier = energy supplier
energieleveranciers = energy suppliers
energielevering = energy supply
energielijn = energy line
energieloos = inert
energiemaatregelen = energy measures
energiemanagementsysteem = energy management system
energiemarkt = energy market
energiemerken = energy brands
energie-metabolisme = energy metabolism
energie-metabolisme = bioenergetics
Energiemeter = Energy meter
energiemeter = energy meter
Energiemeters = Energy meters
energiemonitoringsprogramma = energy monitoring program
energienet = energy grid
energienetbeheerder = energy network operator
energienetten = energy networks
energienetwerken = energy networks
energieneutraal = energy neutral
energieneutraal = energy-neutral
Energieneutraal wonen = Energy-neutral living
energieneutrale = energy-neutral
energieneutraliteit = energy neutrality
energieniveau = energy level
energieniveau van elektronen = electronic distribution in energy
energieniveausplitsing = energy level splitting
energieomvormer = energy dissipator
energieomvorming = energy dissipation
energieomzetting = energy conversion
energieonderzoek = energy research
Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland = Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (Energieonderzoek Centrum Neder
energieontvangstmodule = energy receiving module
energieopbrengst = energy yield
energieopbrengst = power output
energieoplossingen = energy solutions
energieopslag = energy storage
energie-opslag = energy storage
energieopwekkend = energy-generating
energieopwekking = power generation
energie-opwekking = energy production
energieoverdracht = energy transfer
Energiepaal = Energy bollard
Energiepact = Energy Pact
energiepeil = energy levels
energieperformanter maken = increasing the energy performance
energieperformantie = energy performance
energieprestatie = energy performance
energieprestatie van een gebouw = energy performance of a building
energieprestatiecertificaat = energy performance certificate
energieprestatiecertificaat = Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ('Certificat PEB')
energieprestatiecontract = energy performance contracting
Energieprestatiecontract = Energy Performance Contract
Energieprestatiecontracten = Energy Performance Contracts
Energieprestatieniveau = Energy Performance Level
energieprijs = price of energy
energieprijzen = energy prices
energieprocessen = energy process
energieproduct = energy-generating product
energieproducten = energy products
energieproductie = energy production
Energieproductie en -distributie = Energy production and distribution
energierecht = energy law
energierecuperatie = energy recovery
energierecuperatie na verbranding van vast brandbaar materiaal = energy recovery after combustion of solid combustible material
energierecuperatiesystemen = energy recovery system
Energiereductie = Energy reduction
energieregisters = energy registers
energierendement = energy efficiency
energiereserve = power reserve
energie-richting = energy vectors
Energierichtingsrelais = Power direction relay
energieschaal = energy scale
energiescore = energy score
Energiesector = Energy sector
energiesimulaties = energy simulations
energiestroom = energy current
energiesysteem = energy system
energietarieven = energy prices
Energietechniek = Energy technology
energietechniek = power engineering
energietechnologie = energy technology
energieterugwinning = energy recuperation
Energietoepassingen = Energy Applications
Energietoepassingen (lectoraat) = Energy Applications (professorship)
Energietoepassingen (lectoraat) = Energy Applications
energietoestand = energy state
energietoevoer = energy supply
energietransformator = energy transformer
energietransitie = energy transition
Energietransitie = Energy Transition
Energietransitie = Energy transition
Energietransitie (lectoraat) = Energy Transition
Energietransitie (lectoraat) = Energy Transition (professorship)
energietransport = energy transmission
energietransport = energy transport
energietransport en energiedistributie = energy transmission and energy distribution
energietransport of energiedistributie = energy transmission or energy distribution
energietransportfaktor = energy coefficient
Energietype = Energy type
energieverbruik = energy consumption
energie-verbruik = Energy consumption
Energieverbruik (bij Bio-Normaal programma) = Current in Bio-Normal-Programme
Energieverbruik (bij Normaal programma) = Current in Normal-Programme
Energieverbruik Bio-eco program = Bio-eco programme energy consumption
Energieverbruik conventioneel (in kWh) = Energy consumption in conventional DIN kWh
energie-verbruik per apparaat = Energy consumption per device
Energieverbruik per dag = Energy by day
Energieverbruik per dag (kWh) = Daily energy consumption (kWh)
Energieverbruik per jaar = Total annual energy consumption
Energieverbruik turbo hete lucht (in kWh) = Recirculation voltage
Energieverbruik turbo hete lucht (in kWh) = EU only
energieverbruikend product (egp) = Energy-using Product (EuP)
energieverdeling = power distribution
energie-vereisende processen = energy-demanding processes
energievereisten = energy requirements
energievergelijking = energyequation
energieverlies = energy loss
energieverliezend medium = lossy medium
energieverpilling = energy dissipation
energieverschil = energy gap
energieverslindend = extremely energy inefficient
energieverslindende technieken = power-hungry technologies
energieverslindende technieken zoals pneumatiek en hydrauliek = power-hungry technologies such as pneumatics and hydraulics
energievoorraad = energy resources
energievoortplantingssnelheid = group velocity
energievoorziening = power supply
energievoorziening = energy supply
energievoorzieningen = power supply
energievraag = energy demand
energiewet = Energy Act
energiewetgeving = energy legislation
energiewinning = energy generation
Energiezuil schakelmateriaal = Energy pole
energiezuinig = energy efficient
Energiezuinig koken = Energy-efficient cooking
energiezuinig koken = energy-efficient cooking
energiezuinig opstellen = energy-efficient stabling
energiezuinige = energy efficient
energiezuinige apparatuur = energy-efficient equipment
Energiezuinige EC-motor = Energy-efficient EC motor
energiezuinige en efficiënte = energy efficient and effective
energiezuinige inductie kookplaat = energy-efficient induction hob
energiezuinige inductiekookplaat = energy-efficient induction hob
energiezuinige kookplaat = energy-efficient hob
energiezuinige materialen = energy-efficient materials
energiezuinige systemen = energy-efficient systems
energiezuinige totaaloplossing = energy-efficient total solution
energiezuinige totaaloplossingen = energy-efficient total solutions
energiezuinige verlichting = energy efficient lighting
Energiezuinigheid = Energy efficiency
energiezuinig-koken = energy-efficient-cooking
Energol = Energol
Energy Analyser = Energy Analyser
energy drink = energy drink
Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place = Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place
Energy Efficiency Rating = EER
Energy Efficiency Rating = Energy Efficiency Rating
energy efficient = energy efficient
Energy Efficiënte Services = Energy Efficient Services
Energy Essentials = Energy Essentials
energy finance markte place = energy finance marketplace
Energy logistic = Energy logistic
Energy Meter = Energy Meter
Energy Performance Contracting = Energy Performance Contracting
Energy prices = Energy prices
energy save modus = energy save mode
energy star rating = Energy Star Rating
Energy Star-etiketteringsprogramma = Energy Star Labelling Program
ENERGY STAR-etiketteringsprogramma = ENERGY STAR Labeling Program
ENERGY STAR-etiketteringsprogramma = ENERGY STAR labelling programme
Energy Transfer Systems = Energy Transfer Systems
"Energy, Civil Engineering, Architecture" = "Energy, Civil Engineering, Architecture"
"Energy, Facility & Building Management" = "Energy, Facility & Building Management"
energydrinks = energy drinks
enerverend = exciting
enerzijds = on the one hand
enerzijds = for one thing
enerzijds = in one respect
enerzijds = on the one side
enerzijds een garantie voor = both a guarantee of
E-net = E-net
E-netwerk = E-network
enfin = now
eng = scary
eng = pokey
eng = scary [coll.]
eng = eerie
eng = narrow
eng roosteren = close scheduling
engagement = betrothal
Engagement = Engagement
engagement = commit
engagement = engagement
Engagement Acceptance = Engagement Acceptance
engagement manager = engagement manager
engagement risk = engagement risk
engageren = to engage
Engel = Angel
engel des doods = angel of death
engelachtig = angelic
Engeland = England
Engeland = English
Engelcurve = Engel curve
Engels = British
engels = english
Engels = English language
Engels {het} = English
Engels nummer = English number
Engels persoon = English people
Engels plein = Engels Plein
Engelse = English rose
Engelse = French seam
Engelse = British
Engelse = Englishwoman
Engelse = Slip away
Engelse = English by Birth
Engelse = English
Engelse = Potatoes
Engelse {de} = Englishwoman
Engelse {de} = English girl
Engelse Antillen = British West Indies
Engelse automobielclub = Royal Automobile Club
Engelse buldog = Bulldog
Engelse bulldog = Bulldog
Engelse Burgeroorlog = English Civil War
Engelse hoorn = Cor anglais
Engelse hoorns = English horns
Engelse maataanduiding = imperial (units of measurement)
Engelse poldergebied Somerset Levels = English Somerset Levels polder
Engelse sleutel = monkey wrench
Engelse sleutel = monkey-wrench
Engelse sleutel = wrench
Engelse sleutel / bahco / verstelbare schroefsleutel / verstelbare moersl = adjustable wrench
Engelse sleutel / bahco / verstelbare schroefsleutel / verstelbare moersl = adjustable S-wrench
Engelse sleutel / bahco / verstelbare schroefsleutel / verstelbare moersl = adjustable spanner
Engelse sleutels = wrenches
Engelse standaard = British standard
Engelse systeem = English system
Engelse taal = English
Engelse Taal en Cultuur = English Language and Culture
Engelse Taal- en Letterkunde = English (Language and Literature)
Engelse tuin = English garden
Engelse versie = English version
Engelse vertaling = English translation
Engelse wals = Valse
Engelse wals = Waltz
Engelsen = English
Engelsen (volk) = English people
Engelsgezind = pro-English
Engelsman = English
Engelsman = Englishman
"Engelsman, Engelse, Engelsen {p}" = English {prop} (person from England)
Engelssprekend Afrika = English-speaking Africa
Engelssprekende = anglophone
Engelstalig = taught in English
Engelstalig onderwijs = English-language education
Engelstalig programma = programme taught in English
Engelstalige = English-speaking
Engelstalige chauffeurs = English speaking driver
Engelstalige literatuur = English-language literature
engelwortel = angelica
engine = engine
engine gedrag = engine behavior
engineadapter = engine adapter
engineer = engineer
Engineer/ Constructeur = Engineer/Developer
engineeren = engineering
engineering = Engineering department
engineering = engineering
Engineering (general) = headstock
engineering department = engineering department
Engineering en Reflectie = Engineering and Reflection
Engineering Tools = ET
engineering werk = engineering work
engineering werkzaamheden = engineering work
engineeringafdeling = engineering department
engineeringafdelingen = engineering departments
engineeringcircuit = engineering circuit
engineeringdepartement = Engineering Department
engineeringkanaal = engineering channel
Engineering-personeel = Engineering staff
engineeringproject = engineering project
engineeringprojecten = engineering projects
engineeringsafdeling = engineering department
engineeringstandaards en -methodes = engineering standards and methods
engineeringswerken = engineering works
engineeringteams = engineering teams
engineeringtraject = engineering path
engineeringwerkzaamheden = engineering work
engineers = engineers
"engineert, installeert en onderhoudt" = "engineers, installs and maintains"
England = United Kingdon
English = English
engobe = engobe
ENG-ploeg = ENG-crew
Engset-verdeling = Engset distribution
engte = narrow
engte = narrow space
Enhanced Document Availability = Enhanced Document Availability
Enhanced Key Usage = enhanced key usage
enhanced mobile broadband = Enhanced Mobile Broadband
enhancing service = enhancing service
e-nieuwsbrief = e-newsletter
enig = sole
enig = single
enig = any
enig = one and only
enig = only
enig = "sole,single"
enig = some
enig = unique
Enig = Oneself
Enig = Alone
Enig = Mere
Enig = Unique
Enig = Own
Enig = Lone
enig = lovely
Enig = One
enig = a
enig = adorable
Enig aandeelhouder = Sole shareholder
enig aanspreekpunt = sole point of contact
enig ander recht hierop te vestigen = establish or assert any right to them
enig bestuurder = sole manager
enig bestuurder = sole director
enig directeur en aandeelhouder = sole director and shareholder
enig gebruik van een onderdeel van = any use of any part of
enig geval = any case
"enig goed dat geheel of ten dele aan een ander toebehoort wegnemen, met h" = "to remove any property belonging in whole or in part to another, with the"
enig incident dan wel een reeks met elkaar samenhangende incidenten = any incident or series of related incidents
enig kind = only child
enig onderdeel van = or any part thereof
enig onderdeel van het Materiaal = any part of the Equipment
enig print & mail bedrijf in Nederland = sole print & mail company in the Netherlands
enig recht of verhaal voortvloeiende uit deze Overeenkomst = any right or remedy under this Agreement
enig recht op de onder eigendomsvoorbehoud geleverde zaken willen vestige = wish to establish or assert any right to the goods supplied under retenti
enig recht van industriële of intellectuele eigendom = any industrial or intellectual property right
enig verlies dat direct of indirect voortvloeit uit = any damage or loss directly or indirectly arising from
"enig verlies, enige schade of enige beschadiging van" = any loss or damage or any damage to
"enig verlies, enige schade of enige beschadiging van een dergelijke vrach" = any loss or damage or any damage to such cargo
enige = any
enige = a few
enige = several
enige = only
enige = some
enige aanspreekpunt = single point of contact
enige aanspreekpunt (contactpersoon) = [SPOC] single point of contact
enige afstand = a short distance
enige afwijking van het sensorsignaal = any deviation of the sensor signal
enige andere relevante fiscale instantie = any other relevant tax authority
enige andersluidende bepaling = any condition to the contrary
enige andersluidende bepaling = any other condition
enige andersluidende bepaling = any other stipulation
enige andersluidende bepaling = any stipulation to the contrary
enige andersluidende bepaling in deze Overeenkomst = any provision to the contrary in this Agreement
enige bepaling van deze Overeenkomst = any provision of this Agreement
enige contactpersoon = [SPOC] single point of contact
enige en forfaitaire vergoeding = single and fixed remuneration
enige feiten of omstandigheden die redelijkerwijs een materieel negatief  = any facts or circumstances that could reasonably have a material adverse 
enige hiaten = some gaps
enige kritische reflectie = some critical reflection
enige met haar verbonden vennootschappen = any of its affiliated companies
enige met haar verbonden vennootschappen/ondernemingen = any of its affiliated companies/businesses
enige overeenkomst uit te voeren = perform any agreement
enige stagnatie in de verkoop = some stagnation in sales
enige substantie of enig voorwerp = any substance or any object
enige toezeggingen van welke aard dan ook te doen = make any commitments whatsoever
enige uitvalpunt = single point of failure (SPOF)
enige vennoot = single shareholder
enige vennoot = sole shareholder
enige verdere of andere = any further or other
enige verdere of andere uitoefening = any further or other excercise
Enige vereiste is een internetverbinding. = The only requirement is an internet connection.
enige verplichting voortvloeiende uit = any obligation arising from
enige versie der statuten = only version of the articles of association
enige werf polis = single site policy
enige wetgeving of regelgeving = any laws or regulations
enigerlei = some kind of
enigerlei schade of verlies = any damage or loss
enigszins = in any way
enigszins = rather
enigszins = sub(....)
enigszins = slightly
Enigszins = To some slight extent
enigszins = somewhat
enigszins = a little
Enigszins = Extent
Enigszins ontevreden = Somewhat dissatisfied
Enigszins tevreden = Somewhat satisfied
enigszins verschillen = vary slightly
Enjambement = Overpass
Enjoy Today = Enjoy Today
enkefalines = enkephalins: one of the three major families of endogenous opioid peptide
Enkel = Flat rate
enkel = solely
enkel = only
Enkel = Mere
enkel = single
enkel = just
enkel = ankle
Enkel (screen) = Single
enkel / een-kant-op = single
Enkel -/quadbeeld = Single-/quad picture
enkel {de} = ankle
enkel aanwezig = only present
enkel aanwezig indien = only present if
Enkel apparaat = Single device
Enkel beeld = Single picture
enkel bij buiten dienst stellen = only when putting out of service
enkel bij eerste opstart = only on initial start up
Enkel circuit = Single circuit
enkel de persoon = only the person
enkel de verwarmingsketel = only the central heating boiler
enkel document = single document
enkel door bevoegde personen = only by authorised persons
Enkel drukcontact = Single push button
enkel en alleen voor intern gebruik = solely for internal use
enkel geldig in de webshop = only valid in the webshop
enkel golfkarton = double-faced corrugated fibreboard
Enkel kleurig = Single coloured
enkel langs boven bereikbaar = can only be reached from above
enkel- of kniegewricht = ankle or knee joint
enkel polyester garens omvat = comprises only polyester yarns
enkel raam = single casement window
Enkel signalen van voldoende kwaliteit = Only signals of sufficient quality
Enkel te gebruiken indien = Only to be used if
Enkel te vermelden indien van toepassing = To be stated only if applicable
enkel ter informatie = for information purposes only
enkel toe te schrijven is aan = is solely attributable to
enkel toe te voegen indien = to be added only if
Enkel wanneer dit proces zonder problemen gebeurt = Only if this process takes place without problems
"enkel-, knie- en heupgewricht" = "ankle, knee, and hip joint"
enkelbaans weg met gesloten verklaring = single carriageway restricted to motorcars
enkelbaans weg voor alle verkeer = single carriageway for all traffic
enkelbaansweg = single carriageway
enkelbed (vlakbreimachine) = single bed (flat knitting machine)
enkel-blind = single-blind
enkelchip CPU = single chip CPU
enkeldaags getij = diurnal tide
enkeldeks pallet = single-deck pallet
enkeldraad = single yarn
Enkele = A number of
enkele = any
enkele = a few
enkele = some
enkele = a number of
enkele 10-tallen = a few dozen
Enkele ader = Single cores
enkele bedding = single river beds
Enkele belangrijke eigenschappen = a few key characteristics
enkele dipool = single dipole
enkele doorgang = single pass
Enkele drukker = Single push button
enkele druppel = single drop
Enkele emmer = Single bucket
enkele folierol  versie = single film version
Enkele gekende voorbeelden zijn: = Well-known examples include:
Enkele geleider klem = Single conductor terminal
enkele honderden brieven in omloop = a few hundred letters in circulation
enkele inbouwbehuizing = single installation housing
enkele in-lijn behuizing = single in-line package: SIP
enkele jaren geleden = several years ago
Enkele keren = A few times
enkele kleine aanpassingen = a few minor adjustments
enkele ladder = straight ladder
Enkele LED = 1 digit LED
Enkele maanden voor het evenement = A few months before the event
enkele meters hoogte boven de rollenbaan = several metres above the roller conveyor
enkele of gedeeltelijke uitoefening = single or partial exercise
enkele of gedeeltelijke uitoefening door een Partij van een recht of een  = single or partial exercise by a Party of a right or remedy
Enkele onderzoeksinstituten = A number of research institutes
enkele precisie = single precision
enkele profiel = single profile
enkele reis = one way
enkele schuinte = single taper
enkele senior executives van Cegeka = A number of Cegeka’s senior executives
enkele speling = clearance
Enkele spruit = Single nozzle
enkele tientallen = a few dozen
enkele tijd = simple time
enkele toepassingen van = some applications of
enkele tot zeer veel = a few to many
Enkele van de nieuwe functies zijn = Some of the new features include
enkele van de uitdagingen = some of the challenges
Enkele veel voorkomende voorbeelden zijn = Some common examples include
Enkele voorbeelden hiervan zijn = Some examples of this include
enkele voordelen en nadelen = a number of advantages and disadvantages
enkele voorgaande geopenbaarde uitvoeringsvorm = single foregoing disclosed embodiment
enkele winding (van boorkop) = single twist
Enkele wip = Single rocker
enkele zijgeleider = Single side channel
enkelfabricage = jog shop production
enkelfase = single-phase
enkelfase-toestellen = single-phase units
enkelfasig = monophase
Enkelfasig = Single-phase
enkelgangig = single-thread
enkelgangige schroefdraad = single-start screw thread
enkelgaren = single yarn
enkelgebruiker = single user
enkelgebruikersysteem = single user system
enkelgewricht = ankle joint
enkeling = individual
Enkeling = Guy
enkelkerend = single retaining
enkelkopsysteem = single-head system
enkellaagkruisslagwikkelen = single-layer cross- winding
enkellaagkruisslagwikkelen = single-layer universal winding
enkellaagkruisslagwikkelmachine = single-layer cross- winding machine
enkellaagkruisslagwikkelmachine = single-layer cross-winder
enkellaagkruisslagwikkelmachine = single-layer universal winder
enkellaagkruisslagwikkelmachine = single-layer universal winding machine
enkellaagwikkelen = single-layer winding
enkellaagwikkelmachine = single-layer winding machine
Enkellaarzen = Ankle boots
enkel-logarithmische grafiek = semi-logarithmic chart
enkel-logarithmische grafiek = semi-logarithmic graph
enkelniveau terugwaarts afboeken = single-level backflush
enkelniveau-stuklijst = single-level bill-of- material
enkelniveau-tracering = single-level where-used
enkelniveau-traceringslijst = single-level where-used list
enkelplaats radiator = single panel radiator
enkelpolig = single pole
enkelpolige schakelaar (zekeringkast) = single pole circuit breaker
enkels = ankles
Enkelslag = Single beat
enkelspoor = single track
enkelspooropname = single-track recording
enkelstrengig glycoproteïne = single chain  glycoprotein
enkel-threaded appartement = single-threaded apartment
enkeltje = single (Br) / one-way (Am) / ticket
enkelverpakking = unit packaging
enkelverwerking = single tasking
enkelvleugelig = Single leaf
enkelvleugelige = single-leaf
enkelvleugelige toegangsdeur = single leaf entrance door
Enkelvoud = Odd
Enkelvoud = Formidable
Enkelvoud = Bizarre
Enkelvoud = Singular
Enkelvoud = Quaint
Enkelvoud = Peculiar
enkelvoud {het} = singular
Enkelvoudig = Flat rate
enkelvoudig = singular
enkelvoudig = simple
Enkelvoudig = Single
enkelvoudig (ongetrapt) systeem = one tier system
enkelvoudig accountantscontrole-onderzoek = single audit
enkelvoudig afgestemd circuit = single-tuned system
enkelvoudig berekend = noncompounded
enkelvoudig bewijs van aandeel = certificate for a single share
enkelvoudig gediffundeerde transistor = single- diffused transistor
enkelvoudig gelust = single choker hitch
enkelvoudig kanaal = single channel
enkelvoudig LC-filter = single-section filter
enkelvoudig LC-filter met condensatoringang = single- section capacitor input filter
enkelvoudig LC-filter met smoorspoelingang = single- section choke input filter
enkelvoudig lineair model = simple linear model
enkelvoudig monster = simple sample
enkelvoudig onverzadigd vet = mono-unsaturates
enkelvoudig product = single product
enkelvoudig steekproefschema = single sampling plan
enkelvoudig werkende cilinder = single-acting cylinder
"enkelvoudig, enkelvoudige" = singular {adj} (grammar: referring to only one thing)
enkelvoudige aselecte steekproef = single random sample
enkelvoudige aselecte steekproeftrekking = simple random sampling
enkelvoudige balans = company balance sheet
enkelvoudige balans en winst- en verliesrekening = non-consolidated balance sheet and profit and loss account
enkelvoudige bewerking = single-step operation
enkelvoudige cel = single-mapped cell
enkelvoudige classificatie = one-way classification
enkelvoudige controle = single check
enkelvoudige diode = single diode
enkelvoudige dosissen = single doses
enkelvoudige effening = first order smoothing
enkelvoudige fase = single-phase
enkelvoudige fractuur = simple  fracture: a fracture in which skin is intact at site of fracture
enkelvoudige fractuur = closed fracture
enkelvoudige frequentie = single frequency
enkelvoudige geleider = uniconductor cable
Enkelvoudige gloeidraad = Single filament
enkelvoudige golf = regular wave
enkelvoudige grijper = single gripper
enkelvoudige hypothese = simple hypothesis
enkelvoudige instructie - meervoudige gegevensstroom = single instruction - multiple data stream: SIMD
Enkelvoudige jaarrekening = Non-consolidated financial statements
enkelvoudige jaarrekening = company financial statements
enkelvoudige jaarrekening = individual financial statements
enkelvoudige jaarrekening = non-consolidated financial statements   (IFRS)
enkelvoudige jaarrekening = separate financial statements (IFRS)
enkelvoudige jaarrekening = single financial statements
Enkelvoudige kanaalstrategie = Single channel strategy
enkelvoudige kinderbijslag = fixed amount of child benefit
enkelvoudige koppeling = single link
enkelvoudige matrijs = single-cavity mould
enkelvoudige montage = single mounting
enkelvoudige onderdelen = elemental parts
enkelvoudige order = single-item order
enkelvoudige overdraagbare stem = single transferable vote (voting system)
enkelvoudige overerving = single inheritance
enkelvoudige registratie = in one simple register
enkelvoudige regressie = total regression
enkelvoudige rente/interest = ordinary interest
enkelvoudige rente/interest = simple interest
enkelvoudige roosterproefopzet = simple lattice design
Enkelvoudige steekproef = Simple random sample
enkelvoudige steekproef = simple sample
enkelvoudige steekproefneming = simple sampling
enkelvoudige tarief = flat rate tariff
enkelvoudige toelevering = single sourcing
enkelvoudige toon = pure sound
Enkelvoudige winst- en verliesrekening = Non-consolidated profit and loss account
enkelvoudige winst-en-verliesrekening = company profit and loss account
"Enkelvoudige, rechtlijnige eindblokken" = "Single, straight-through end-blocks"
enkelwaardige alcoholen = monohydric alcohols
enkelwandig = single-walled
enkelwandig = single walled
enkelwandig bouwen = single-walled construction
enkelwandig olietankschip = single-hull oil tanker
enkelwandige = single-walled
enkelwerkend = single acting
enkelwerkend = single-acting
"enkelwerkend, een kant op" = single
enkelwerkende motor = single acting engine
enkelwerkende remcilinder = single-acting brake cylinder
enkelwerkende wielremcilinder = single-action wheel brake cylinder
enkelzijband = single-sideband
enkelzijband met onderdrukte drager = single-sideband suppressed carrier
enkelzijdig = one-sided
enkelzijdig = single-sided
enkelzijdig = singleface
enkelzijdig / dubbelzijdig aangedreven > single-driven / double-driven? = driven single-ended or double-ended
enkelzijdig gesiliconiseerd = "single-sided, siliconised"
enkelzijdig gesiliconiseerd papier = "single-sided, siliconised paper"
enkelzijdig gesiliconiseerd papier met ANTIMICROBIAL print = "single-sided, siliconised paper with ANTIMICROBIAL print"
enkelzijdige gelijkgerichte stroom = half-wave rectified current
enkelzijdige gelijkrichter = half-wave rectifier
enkelzijdige gelijkrichting = half-wave rectification
enkelzijdige print = single-sided PCB
Enkhuizen = Enkhuizen
Enki = Enki
Enno Zuidema Stedebouw = Enno Zuidema Stedebouw
EN-normeringen = EN standards
en-of graaf = and/or graph
enofthalmie = sunken eye
enolase = enolase: an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of phosphoenol pyruvic ac
enorm = humongous
enorm = glaring
enorm = enormous
enorm = vast
enorm = huge
enorm toegenomen = increased dramatically
enorm voordeel = major advantage
enorme = enormous
enorme efficiëntieverbetering = really sped up the process
enorme kans = massive opportunity
enorme verbeteringen = dramatic improvements
enorme vertrouwensband = a (very) strong relationship of trust
enorme voordelen = major advantages
enossaal implantaat = endosteal implant
enossaal implantaat = endo-osseous implant
enossaal implantaat = endosseous dental implantation
enossaal implantaat = endosseous implant
enossaal implantaat = osseointegrated dental implantation
enostose = enostosis
enoxypropaan = enoxypropane
en-parallellisme = and parallelism
en-poort = and gate
Enquete = survey
enquete = questionnaire
enquete = survey
enquête = survey
enquête = survey / interview / questionnaire
Enquête = Enquiry
Enquête = Investigation
Enquête = Questionnaire
Enquête = Inquiry
enquête = interview
enquête = questionnaire
enquête #YouToo? = #YouToo? survey
enquête {de} = poll [opinion poll]
enquête- en interviewvragen = survey and interview questions
enquête- en/of interviewvragen = survey and/or interview questions
enquête onder vennootschappen = survey of companies
Enquete Quality Awareness = Quality Awareness survey
enquête-cijfers = survey figures
enquêtecommissie = committee of inquiry
enquetekamer = hearing chamber
enquêtes = surveys
enquêteurs = authority conducting the survey
enquêteurs = interviewer
enquêteurs = surveyor
enquêteurs = investigator
enquêteurs = poll taker
enquêteurs = pollster
enqueteverzoek = petition (or application) for judicial examination (or hearing of witness
enquêtevraag = survey question
enquêtevragen = survey questions
Enrico Caruso = Enrico Caruso
Enrico Fermi = Enrico Fermi
Enrollment = Enrolment
enrollment = enrolment
Enrollment Agent = Enrollment Agent
Enrollment/lnschrijving = Enrolment
Enrollmentgegevens = Enrolment data
Enrollmentnummer = Enrolment number
En-route-uitwijkluchtvaartterrein (ERA) = en-route alternate (ERA) aerodrome
En-route-uitwijkluchtvaartterrein voor bijtanken onderweg (fuel ERA-lucht = fuel ERA aerodrome
ensceneren = staging
ensceneringsdoek = simulated fire curtain
en-schakeling = and circuit
ensemble = ensemble
ensemble delen = "ensemble parts, componenten, members or elements"
ensemble gemiddelde = ensemble average
ensemble van draden = ensemble of wires
ensimeren = lubricate
en-streepje = en dash
ent = graft
Ent = Treeman
Ent = Transplant
entablement / hoofdgestel = entablature
"entablement / hoofdgestel (bouwkunde), dakkap (van tempel), kop (van deur" = entablature
"entablement / hoofdgestel, dakkap (van tempel), kop (van deur)" = entablature
entacapon = entacapone: an inhibitor of catechol-O-methyl transferase
entameren = initiate
entameren = bring up
entasis = entasis
en-teken = ampersand
"en-teken (also et-teken), ampersand" = ampersand (the symbol &)
entelechie = entelechy
Enten = Transplant
enten = to graft
enten = inoculate
Enter = Enter
Enter Code = Enter Code
enterale hormonen = enteral hormones
Enterale voeding = Enteral feeds
enteren = hitch on
Enteren = Boarding
enteric-coated = enteric-coated
Enteric-Coated = Entericcoated
enterische vloeistof = enteric solution
enterische zenuwstelsel = enteric nervous system: two ganglionated neural plexuses in the gut wall 
enterische zenuwstelsel = enteric plexus
enteritis = enteritis
enteritis = inflammation of the small intestine
enteritis necroticans = enteritis gravis
Enterobacteriaceae = Enterobacteriaceae
enterobacterieel = enterobacterial
enterobacterieën = enterobacteriaceae
enterobacterieën = enterobacteria
Enterobacteriën = Entero bacteria
enterochromaffine cellen = enterochromaffin cells
enterochromaffine cellen = argentaffin cells
enterochromaffine-achtige cellen = ECL cells
enterochromaffine-achtige cellen = enterochromaffin-like cells: a distinctive type of histamine-containing n
enterocolitis = enterocolitis
enterocolitis = inflammation of small and large intestines
enterocolitis necroticans = necrotising enterocolitis
enterocyt = enterocyte
enteroendocriene cellen = enteroendocrine cells: specialized endocrine cells of the gastrointestina
enterohemorragische Escherichia coli = enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
enterohemorragische Escherichia coli = enterohemorrhagic E. coli
Enterohepatisch = Enterohepatic
enterohepatische circulatie: de circulatie tussen de lever en de darm = enterohepatic circulation
enteropathia = any disease of the intestines
enteropathia = enteropathy
enteropathia exsudativa = exudative enteropathy
enteropathia exsudativa = protein-losing enteropathy
enteropathische AIDS = enteropathic AIDS
entero's = Enterobacteriaceae
enterostomie: de aanlegging van een uitmonding in buikwand = enterostomy: surgery to create a permanent opening through the abdominal 
enterotomie = enterotomy
enterotoom = enterotome
enterotoxaemia = enterotoxemia: a disease caused by the exotoxins from clostridium perfrin
enterotoxaemia = pulpy kidney disease
enterotoxine: de toxine met affiniteit tot het darmkanaal = enterotoxin: a bacterial exotoxin (produced by enterobacteria) that acts 
enterotroop = enterotropic
enterovirus = enteric viruses
enterovirus = enterovirus
Enterovirussen = Enteroviruses
enterprise application integration = enterprise application integration
Enterprise Datawarehouse in Oracle = Oracle Enterprise Data Warehouse
Enterprise Enrollment = Enterprise Enrolment
Enterprise Europe Network = EEN
enterprise informatie systeem = enterprise information system
Enterprise Information System = Enterprise Information System
Enterprise Inschrijving = Enterprise Enrolment
Enterprise Managed Cloud Services = Enterprise Managed Cloud Services
Enterprise Managed Cloud Services-portfolio = Enterprise Managed Cloud Services portfolio
Enterprise Online Dienst = Enterprise Online Service
Enterprise overeenkomst = Enterprise Agreement
Enterprise Overeenkomst voor Overheidspartners = Enterprise Agreement for Government Partners
Enterprise Portal = enterprise portal
Enterprise Product = Enterprise Product
Enterprise Producten en Enterprise Online Diensten = Enterprise Products and Enterprise Online Services
Enterprise Producten of Enterprise Online Diensten = Enterprise Products or Enterprise Online Services
Enterprise Project Management = Enterprise Project Management
enterprise reporting server = enterprise reporting server
enterprise resource planning toepassingen = enterprise resource planning applications
Enterprise schaalbaarheid = enterprise scalability
enterprise social network = Enterprise social network
enterprise social networks = Enterprise social networks
"enterprise social networks, communities, discussieforums en unified commu" = "Enterprise social networks, communities, discussion forums and unified co"
Enterprise solutions = Oplossingen voor bedrijven
Enterprise van de Geregistreerde Gelieerde onderneming = Enterprise of the Enrolled Affiliate
Enterprise Voice-client = Enterprise Voice client
Enterprise-brede aankoop = Enterprise-wide purchase
enterprise-class online back-up = enterprise-class online backup
Entertainer of the Year = Entertainer of the Year
entertainment = entertainment
Entertainment One Benelux BV = Entertainment One Benelux B.V.
Entertainment Software Rating Board = Entertainment Software Rating Board
Entertainmentdiensten dans en toneel = Dance and performance entertainment services
Entertoets = Line Feed
ENTER-toets = ENTER key
enthalpie = heat content
enthalpie = H
Enthalpie = Enthalpy
enthousiasme = enthusiasm
Enthousiasme = Vibrancy
Enthousiasme = Enthusiastically
Enthousiasme = Excitement
Enthousiasme = Zest
Enthousiasme = Grudging
Enthousiasme = Halfhearted
enthousiasme = alacrity
Enthousiasme = Reluctant
Enthousiasme = Unwilling
enthousiasme {het} = enthusiasm
"enthousiasme, geestdrift" = "enthusiasm (feeling of excited, lively interest)"
enthousiasmeert = engender enthusiasm
enthousiasmeren = enthusing
enthousiast = enthusiastically
Enthousiast = Zestful
Enthousiast = Zesty
Enthousiast = Enthusiast
Enthousiast = Enthusiastic
Enthousiast = Fan
Enthousiast = Vibrant
Enthousiast = Enthralled
Entire sentence. = pension commitments
entiteit = entity
Entiteit die de = Entity receiving the
entiteit met bepalende invloed op het financiële en operationele beleid = controlling entity
entiteit van de integrerende infrastructuur = entity of the integrating infrastructure
entiteitattribuut = entity attribute
entiteiten = entities
entiteitinjectie = entity injection
entiteit-relatie-attribuut model = entity- relationship-attribute model
entiteit-relatiediagram = entity-relationship diagram
entiteit-relatiemodel = entity-relationship model: ERM
entiteitsintegriteit = entity integrity
entiteitsrelatie = entity relationship
entiteitssleutel = entity key
entiteitstype = entity type
entitieten = entities
Entity legal form = Entity legal form
entityresolver = entity resolver
entkristal = seed crystal
entodermale-sinustumor = endodermal sinus tumor
Entomologie = Entomology
entomologie = entomology: the study of insects
entoog = smear loop
entorhinale cortex = entorhinal area
Entourage = Family circle
Entourage = Retinue
Entr'acte = Interval
Entr'acte = Intermission
EnTranCe = Energy Transition Centre (EnTranCe
entrance gates = toegangspoortjes
entree = entrance
Entree = Input
entree {de} = entrance
entree op nieuwe afzetgebieden = entry into new markets
entreebijeenkomst = admission gathering
entreebiljet = admission ticket
entreedeur = entrance door
entreegelden = once-only key money
entreeoplossingen = entrance solutions
entreeprijs = entry price
entrees = entrance vestibules
Entreestrategie = Entry strategy
entreeverlichting = Entrance vestibule lighting
entreevoorwaarden = entry requirements
entreezone = entrance area
entresol = entresol
entropie = information
entropie = entropy
entropion: le renversement des paupières en dedans = entropion: turning in of the border of the lower eyelid
entry = entry
entry criteria = entry criteria
entry plot = entry plot
entry point = entry point
entstof = vaccine
enucleatie = enucleation
enumerator = enumerator
Enurese = Enuresis
enurese overdags = diurnal  enuresis: urinary incontinence during wakefulness
enuresis = enuresis
Envelop = Envelope
envelop met weinig overdruk = envelope with little internal overpressure
envelop-formaten = envelope sizes
enveloppe = envelope
enveloppe = financial envelope
enveloppe = national financial envelope
Enveloppe = Envelope
enveloppe {de} = envelope
Enveloppeermachines = Envelope-stuffing machines
enveloppen = envelopes
"Enveloppen, postbladen en blanco briefkaarten" = "Envelopes, letter cards and plain postcards"
enveloppenfabriek = Envelope industry
Enveloppensluiters = Mail sealing machines
enveloptemperaturen = envelope temperatures
envelop-temperatuur = envelope temperature
enveloptemperatuur-meter = envelope temperature gauge
envelopvormig = envelope-shaped
Envirocontrol BVBA = Envirocontrol BVBA
Envirolab = Envirolab
Environment = Environment
Environment & Chemicals Responsible = ECR
Environment Consultative Body = Overlegorgaan Infrastructuur en Milieu (OIM)
Environment Management = Environment Management
environmental = environmental
environmental eisen = environmental requirements
Environmental Health Safety and Quality = EHSQ
Environmental Health Safety and Quality = Environment Health and Safety and Quality
Environmental Health Safety and Quality = Environmental Health Safety and Quality
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions = Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Environmental Permitting Decree = Environmental Law Decree
Environmental Permitting Decree = "Environmental Permitting Decree 2010 (Besluit omgevingsrecht, Bor)"
Environmental Protection Agency = Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency = EPA
"Environmental, Social en Governance" = "Environmental, Social and Governance"
enz. = et cetera
enz. = etc.
"enz. (en zo voorts), etc." = and so forth)
"enz. (en zo voorts), etc." = and the rest
"enz. (en zo voorts), etc." = etc. {adv} (abbreviation of 'et cetera'
enzootie = enzootic disease
enzovoort = etcetera
enzovoort = et cetera
enzovoort = and so on <ASO>
enzovoort = and so on
enzovoort <enz.> = et cetera <etc.>
enzovoort <enz.> = etcetera <etc.>
enzovoort <enz.> = and so forth
"enzovoort, enz., enzovoorts" = et cetera {phrase} (and so on)
enzovoorts = and so on
enzovoorts = et cetera
Enzym = Enzyme
enzym = enzyme: a special type of protein
enzym dat een DNA-molecuul kan knippen waardoor o.a. nieuw stukken DNA ku = restriction  endonuclease
enzym diamine oxidase = histaminase
enzym diamine oxidase = copper-containing amine oxidase
enzym diamine oxidase = DAO
enzym diamine oxidase = diamine oxidase
enzym voor glycogen debranching = "1,4-alpha-  glycogen branching enzyme"
enzym voor glycogen debranching = amylopectin branching enzyme
enzym voor glycogen debranching = glucan branching enzyme
enzym voor stofwisseling van het geneesmiddel = drug metabolism enzyme
enzymactivering = enzyme activation
enzymatisch concentraat = enzymatic concentrate
enzymatisch wordt afgebroken tot = is enzymatically broken down into
enzymatische activiteit = enzymatic activity
enzymatische activiteit = enzyme activity
"enzymatische activiteit, enzyme-werking" = enzymatic activity
"enzymatische activiteit, enzyme-werking" = enzyme activity
enzymatische afsplijting = enzymatic breakdown
enzymatische afsplijting = enzymatic decomposition
enzymatische extractie = enzymatic extraction
enzymatische hydrolyse = enzyme hydrolysis
enzymatische koolstofketenverlenging = enzymatic carbon chain elongation
enzymatische reacties = enzymatic reactions
Enzymatische verkleuring = Enzymatic browning
enzym-deficientie = genetic  enzymatic deficiency
enzymelektrode = enzyme electrode
Enzymen = Enzymes
enzymenadaptatie = enzymatic adaptation
enzymgekoppelde immuunadsorbent-techniek = enzyme-linked  immunosorbent assay: a sensitive analytical method in whic
enzyminactivering = enzymatic inactivation
enzyminactivering = enzyme inactivation
enzyminducerend agens = enzyme-inducing agent
enzyminducerend agens = enzyme inducer
enzyminducerende = enzyme-inducing
enzyminducerende middelen = enzyme-inducing drugs
enzyminducerende stoffen = enzyme inducers
enzyminducerende stoffen = enzyme-inducing agents
enzym-inductie = enzyme induction
enzyminhibitor = enzyme inhibitor
enzymonderdrukking = repression
enzymonderdrukking = end-product repression
enzymonderdrukking = enzyme repression
enzymopathie = enzymopathy
enzymopathie = inborn error of metabolism
enzymreactivator = enzyme reactivator: a compound which restores enzymatic activity by remov
enzymremming = enzyme inhibition
enzymstabiliteit = enzyme stability
enzymsynthese = enzymic synthesis
enzymvervanging = enzyme replacement
enzymvervanging = enzyme replacement therapy
EO = water in oil
E-O transformatie = epistemological fact-object transformation
Eoceen = Eocene
EOGFL-Garantie = EAGGF Guarantee Section
EOGFL-Oriëntatie = EAGGF Guidance Section
Eon (geologie) = Eon (geology)
EONIA (Euro overnight index average) = EONIA (Euro overnight index average)
E-ordering = E-ordering
Eos = Eos
Eos (mythologie) = Eos
eosine = eosine
eosinof = eosinophils
eosinofiel = eosinophilic
eosinofiel adenoom = eosinophil adenoma
"eosinofiel adenoom, het acidofiel adenoom, het eosinofiel adenoma, het ac" = eosinophil adenoma
"eosinofiel adenoom, het acidofiel adenoom, het eosinofiel adenoma, het ac" = eosinophilic adenoma
eosinofiel infiltraat = eosinophilic  infiltrate
"eosinofiele cel, de eosinofiele leukocyt" = acidocyte
"eosinofiele cel, de eosinofiele leukocyt" = acidophil
"eosinofiele cel, de eosinofiele leukocyt" = acidophilic cell
"eosinofiele cel, de eosinofiele leukocyt" = eosinocyte
"eosinofiele cel, de eosinofiele leukocyt" = eosinophil
"eosinofiele cel, de eosinofiele leukocyt" = eosinophil leukocyte
eosinofiele granulocyt = eosinophil granulocyte
eosinofiele leukemie = Löffler's syndrome
eosinofiele leukemie = eosinophilic leukemia: Löffler's disease
eosinofiele leukemie = hypereosinophilic syndrome
eosinofiele oesofagitis = eosinophilic esophagitis
eosinofiele pleuritis = eosinophil pleurisy
eosinofiele pneumonie = pulmonary  eosinophilia
eosinofiele pneumonie = eosinophilic pneumonia
eosinofiele pneumonie = eosinophilic pulmonary infiltration
eosinofiele pneumonie = tropical eosinophilia
eosinofiele stimulatiebevorderaar = ESP:  eosinophil stimulation promoter: a lymphokine that stimulates the m
eosinofilie = eosinophilia
EOV = European Patent Convention (‘EPC’)
E-overheidproject = E-Gov-Project
EP = unit price
EP = unit prices
EP 1 414 291 = EP1414291
EP 2 348 814 = EP 2348814
EP 2 348 814 B1 = EP 2348814 B1
EP10 = EP10
EP1698353A1 = EP1698353A1
EP3127432A1 = EP3127432A1
EPA 335.3 = EPA 335.3
EPA website = EPA website
Epagneul nain continental = Butterfly
Epagneul nain continental = Tag
epaulet = epaulet
Epauletten = Epaulettes
EPB = energy performance and indoor climate
EPB stavingsstuk = EPB supporting document
epb ventilatieberekening = EPB ventilation calculation
EPB-aangifte = EPB declaration
EPB-certificaat = EPIC certificate
EPB-eisen = EPB requirements
EPB-verslaggever = ‘EPB-verslaggever’ (party responsible for inspection and preparation 
EPB-verslaggeving = EPB-reporting
EPC = "Engineering, Procurement, and Construction"
EPC = Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) (Certificat PEB)
EPC = Energy Performance Contract (EPC)
EPC contract = EPC contract
EPC light = EPC light
EPC-berekening = EPC calculation
EPC-contractor = EPC contractor
EPCIP = European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP)
EPD = EPR system
EPDM-folie = EPDM foil
EPDM-folie = EPDM film
E-peil = E level
E-peil van de woning = E level of the home
ependyma = ependyma: a thin membrane that lines the ventricles of the brain & the ce
ependymale cel = ependymal cell
ependymitis = ependymitis: inflammation of the ependyma
ependymoom = ependymoma
ependyoom = ependymal blastoma
epenthesis = epenthesis
EPH gestosis = edema-proteinuria-hypertension gestosis
EPH gestosis = EPH gestosis
ephedra sinica = ephedra sinica: a plant that is a source of ephedrine & other alkaloids
ephedra sinica = joint fir
ephedra sinica = joint pine
ephedra sinica = ma huang
epiblefaron = epiblepharon
epibreren = this is much ado about nothing
epicanthus = epicanthus
epicardium = epicardium
Epicentrum = Epicenter
epicentrum = epicentre
Epichloorhydrine = Epichlorohydrin
epichloorhydrine = epichlorhydrin
epicilline = epicillin
Epicoccum purpurascens = Epicoccum purpurascens
epicondylitis = epicondylitis
epicondylitis = inflammation of the epicondyle
epicondylitis = lateral epicondylitis
epicondylitis = tennis elbow
epicondylus lateralis humeri = lateral  epicondyle of the femur
epicondylus medialis = medial  epicondyle
epicotyl = epicotyl
epicranialis = epicranial: in or pertaining to the epicranium
epicrise = epicrisis
epicritisch = epicritic
Epictetus = Epictetus
epicurisme = "epicureanism, the epicurean school"
Epicurus = Epicurus
epidemie = an  epidemic
epidemie = an outbreak
Epidemie = Epidemy
Epidemie = Epidemic
epidemieën = epidemic
epidemieën = epidemics
epidemiën = epidemics
epidemiologie = epidemiology: the study of determining factors of illnesses or affliction
epidemiologie = epidemiology
Epidemiologie en Biostatistiek = Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Epidemiologisch = Epidemiological
Epidemiologisch model = Epidemiological model
epidemiologisch onderzoek = epidemiological study
epidemiologisch onderzoek = epidemiological survey
epidemiologisch toezicht = epidemiological monitoring
epidemiologische bewaking = epidemiological monitoring
epidemiologische bewaking = epidemiological health surveillance
epidemiologische bewaking = monitoring of epidemiological information
epidemiologische nieuwsbrief = epidemiological bulletin
epidemisch = epidemic
epidemisch = (adjective)  epidemic: occurring suddenly in numbers clearly in excess of
epidemische dierziekten = epizootic diseases
epidemische dierziekten en zoönosen = epizootic diseases and zoonoses
epidermaal = epidermal
epidermaal = "epidermic, epidermous"
epidermaal = epidermoid
epidermaal = skin-related
Epidermaal = Epidermal
"epidermale groeibevorderende stof, de groeifactor" = epidermal  growth factor
"epidermale groeibevorderende stof, de groeifactor" = epidermal cell growth factor
Epidermis = Epidermis
epidermispropje = epidermal plug
epidermodysplasia verruciformis = epidermodysplasia verruciformis
epidermolysis acuta combustiformis = Lyell's syndrome
epidermolysis acuta combustiformis = scalded skin syndrome: a life-threatening exfoliative skin disease
epidermolysis acuta combustiformis = toxic  epidermal necrosis
epidermolysis acuta combustiformis = toxic epidermal necrolysis
epidermolytische hyperkeratose = epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
epidermolytische hyperkeratose = bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma: a type of congenital ichth
epidermolytische hyperkeratose = bullous erythroderma ichthyosiforme
epidermotroop = epidermotropic
"epididymaal, van de bijbal, paratesticulair" = epididymal {adj} (epididymal)
epididymitis = epididymitis
Epiduraal = Epidural
epiduraal hematoom = epidural bleeding
epidurale absces in de wervelkolom = spinal  epidural abscess: a circumscribed collection of suppurative mater
epidurale anaesthesie = epidural block
epidurale anaesthesie = "epidural anesthesia, peridural anesthesia, caudal anesthesia"
epidurale bloedplak = epidural bloodpatch
epidurale injectie = peridural injection
Epidurale naalden = Epidural needles
epidurale pijnverdoving = peridural analgesia
epidurale pijnverdoving = epidural analgesia
epiduritis = pachymeningitis
Epiek = Epic poetry
Epiek = Epic
epifenomeen = epiphenomenon
epifysair = epiphyseal
epifysaire hypertrofie = epiphyseal hypertrophy
epifyse = pineal gland
"epifyse, pijnappelklier {f}" = pineal gland (A small endocrine gland)
epifysectomie = epiphysectomy
epifysiolyse = epiphysiolysis
epifyt = epiphyte
Epifyt = Air plant
epifytisch = epiphytie
Epifytische Diatomeeën = Epiphytic diatoms
Epigastralgie = Epigastralgia
epigastralgie = epigastric pain
Epigastrisch = Epigastric
epigastrische slagader = epigastric artery
epigastrium = epigastrium: the upper central region of the abdomen
epigenetische omgeving = epigenetic environment
epiglottis = epiglottis: a cartilaginous lidlike appendage which closes the glottis wh
epiglottitis = epiglottitis: a bacterial infection of the epiglottis
Epigrafie = Epigraphy
Epigram = Epigram
epigram = witty saying
epigyn = epigyny
"epikondylalgie, pijn in het epikondylus" = epicondylalgia
"epikondylus, het epicondyle" = epicondyle: a bony projection on the side of the distal end of a bone
Epileer systeem = Epilator
epilemma = epilemma
epilemma = neurilemma
epilepsia corticalis = cortical  epilepsy
epilepsie = epilepsy: a disorder marked by disturbed electrical rhythms of the centra
epilepsie = falling sickness
epilepsie = epilepsy
epilepsie van Jackson = Jacksonian  epilepsy
epilepsie van Jackson = Bravais-Jacksonian epilepsy
epilepticus = (noun)  epileptic
epileptisch = (adjective)  epileptic
epileptisch equivalent = epileptic equivalent
Epileptisch insult = Epilepsy
epileptische aanvallen = epileptic fits
epileptische aanvallen = epileptic seizures
epileptische aanvallen = seizures (epileptic fits)
epileptische convulsie = epileptiform convulsion
epileptoïde = epileptoid
epilimnion = epilimnion
epiloog = epilogue
epiloog = epilog
epiloogbreekpunt = epilog breakpoint
Epimetheus (mythologie) = Epimetheus (mythology)
epinefrine = epinephrine
"epinefrine, de adrenaline, de suprarenine" = adrenalin
"epinefrine, de adrenaline, de suprarenine" = epinephrine: a catecholamine that neurohormone of the adrenal medulla
Epinephelinae = Grouper
épinglé = epinglé
epiphysis = epiphysis: the end of a long bone
epirubicin = 4'-epiadriamycin
Epirus = Epirus
Epirus = Epirus (periphery)
episch = epic
"episch gebeuren/verhaal, heldendaden {p}" = epic (events appropriate to an epic)
episch verhaal = epic tale
episcleritis = episcleritis: inflammation of the outer layers of the eyeball
episcleritis = episclerotitis
episcleritis = inflammation of the sclera of the eye
episiotomie = perineotomy
Episiotomie = Episiotomy
episode = episode
episodisch = episodic
Episodische kennis = Episodical knowledge
episomen = extrachromosomal plasmids:  episomes: genetic determinants that can repli
epispadias = anaspadia
epispadias = epispadias of the penis
epispadias = epispadias: a congenital abnormality in males in which the urethra is on 
epistasie = epistasis: suppression of a secretion or discharge
epistatisch effect = epistatic effect
epistatisch geen = epistatic gene
Epistaxis = Epistaxis
epistel = epistel
Epistel = Letter
epistel = epistle
epistel {de} {het} = epistle
episteme = episteme
"epistemisch, epistemologisch" = epistemic {adj} (relating to theory of knowledge)
epistemologie = epistemology
epistyl(us) / architraaf = epistyle
epitaxiale groei = epitaxial growth
epitaxiale laag = epitaxial layer
epitaxiale transistor = epitaxial transistor
epitaxie = epitaxy
epitaxiediffusieproces = epitaxial-diffused process
epitaxiediffusiestructuur = epitaxial-diffused structure
epitaxielegeringsproces = epitaxial-alloyed process
epitaxieproces = epitaxial process
epitaxietechniek = epitaxial technique
epitestosteron = epitestosterone: the 17-alpha isomer of testosterone
epithalamus = epithalamus: the dorsal posterior subdivision of the diencephalon
Epitheel = Epithelium
epitheel = epithelial layer
epitheelcel = epithelial cell
epitheelcel = epithelial cells
epitheelcellen = epithelial cells
epitheeltransplantatie = epithelization: becoming covered with or converted to epithelium
epitheliaal bindweefsel = epithelial cells
epitheliaal bindweefsel = epithelial layer of cells
epitheliaal bindweefsel = epithelial tissue
epitheliaal gezwel = epithelial tumor
epitheliaal propje = epithelial plug
Epitheliaal weefsel = Epithelial tissue
epitheliale = epithelial
epitheliale aanhechting = junctional complex
epitheliale aanhechting = "attachment zone between epithelial cells, typically consisting of the zon"
epitheliale aanhechting = epithelial attachment
epitheliale cyste = epithelial cyst
epitheliale peg = epithelial peg
epithelialisatie = epithelialization: the formation of epithelium
epithelioïd = epithelioid
epithelioïde cellen = epithelioid cells
epithelioïde cellen = contractile epithelioid cells
epithelioom = "epithelial neoplasm, skin cancer"
epithelioom = a skin cancer
epithelioom = epithelioma
epitheliosis = epitheliosis: a proliferation of epithelial cells
epithelisatie = epithelium transplantation
epithelisatie = skin graft
epithelium = epithelium
epithermisch neutron = epithermal neutron
epitoop = epitope: the part of an antigenic molecule to which the T-cell receptor r
epitrochlea = epitrochlea: a projection on the distal end of the humerus
Epizoötiologische eenheid = epidemiological unit
epizoötische kenmerken van de besmetting = epidemiology of the outbreak
EPK-contract = EPK contract
EPK-vervolgcontract = EPK follow-up package
E-plan = E-plan
eplerenon = eplerenone
Epoche = Epoch
eponiem = eponym: something named after someone
eponiem = eponym
epos = epic
EPOS = Experimental Psychology Research School
epos = epopee
epos = epic poem
epovarium = parovarium
epoxiden = epoxides
epoxides = epoxides
epoxy = epoxy
epoxy coating of primer = epoxy coating or primer
Epoxy Kit Part A = Epoxy Kit Part A
epoxy silaan = epoxy silane
Epoxyacrylaathars = Epoxy acrylic resin
epoxyafsluiting = epoxy seal
epoxy-beëindigde = epoxy terminated
epoxycoating = epoxy coating
epoxyconazole = epoxyconazol
epoxydispersie = epoxy dispersion
epoxygiethars = epoxy casting resin
epoxyglasvezelmateriaal = epoxy glassfibre-reinforced material
epoxyglasvezelplaat = epoxy glassfibre-reinforced sheet
epoxyglasweefselplaat = epoxy glassfibre-reinforced sheet
Epoxyhars = Epoxy resin
epoxyhars = epoxy resin
epoxyharsen = epoxy resins
epoxyharsfabriek = Epoxy resin industry
epoxypolymeer = epoxy polymer
epoxysilaan = epoxy silane
epoxysilanen = epoxy silanes
epoxyverf / tweecomponentenverf = epoxy paint
epoxyvernis = epoxy lacquer
epoxyvloeren = epoxy floors
EPP afdekdoppen = EPP sealing caps
EPP buis = EPP tube
EPP buisstukken = EPP pipe segments
EPP-buis = EPP pipe
EPP-buizen = EPP tubes
EPP-onderdelen = EPP components
EP-resolutie = EP resolution
eprinomectin = eprinomectin
e-Procurement platform = e-Procurement platform
EPS = electronic payment system
eps = Earnings Per Share
eps = Electronic Prescription Service
eps = Encapsulated PostScript
eps = Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
EPS beads = EPS beads
EPS en/of bindmiddel = EPS and/or binding agent
EPS granulen = EPS granules
EPS parels = EPS beads
EPS platen = EPS boards
EPS-bouwproducten = EPS building products
epsilon = e
epsilon = ε
epsilon = epsilon
epsilon-HCH = epsilon-HCH
epsilon-ketting immunoglobinen = epsilon immunoglobulins
epsilon-ketting immunoglobinen = epsilon-chain immunoglobulins
epsilon-onafhankelijkheid = epsilon-independence
epsilon-onafhankelijkheid = ε-independence
epsiprantel = epsiprantel: an antiparasitic agent that kills tapeworms
EPS-producten = EPS products
EPS-spouwplaten = EPS cavity boards
Epstein-Barr nucleair antigeen = EBNA
Epstein-Barr nucleair antigeen = Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen
Epstein-Barr-virus = Epstein-Barr virus
EPT = Electric pallet trucks
epulis granulomatosa = granulomatous epulis
EPvE = schedule of e-requirements
EQ = emotional intelligence
eQoS = eQoS
EQR = Engagement Quality Review
EQS = environmental quality standards
equalising value = equalising value
equality = equality
Equalizer = Equalizer
equalizers = equalizers
equating means = equating means
equator = equator
equator {de} = Equator
Equatoriaal Guinea = Equatorial Guinea
equatoriaal klimaat = equatorial climate
Equatoriaal-Guinea = Equatorial Guinea
equatoriale gordel = equatorial zone
Equestrian Centre De Peelbergen = Equestrian Centre De Peelbergen
equidistant = equidistant
equimoleculair = equimolecular
Equine Park Hulsberg = Equine Park Hulsberg
equinormale verdeling = equi-normal distribution
Equinox = Equinox
equipage = carriage
equipe = team
equipment = equipment
Equipment = Equipment
equipment failure = equipment failure
equipotentiaal = equipotential
equipotentiaal verbinden met de aarding = connect(ed) to / bonded(ed) to the equipotential earth (strap/conductor)
equipotentiaal verbonden = equipotentially connected
equipotentiaallijn = equipotential line
equipotentiaalrail = equipotential busbar
equipotentiaalverbindingen = equipotential connections
equipotentiaalvlak = equipotential surface
equipotentiale verbinding = equipotential connector
Equity/Fixed Income/Institutional Clients Manager - Sustainable & Respons = Equity/Fixed Income/Institutional Clients Manager - Sustainable & Respons
"Equity-comit, Equity US-comité" = Equity Committee
equivalence = equivalence
equivalent = equivalent
equivalent = (noun & adjective)  equivalent
Equivalent = Equivalence
equivalent aantal bits = equivalent binary digits
equivalent huishoudelijk koelapparaat = equivalent household refrigerating appliance
Equivalent inkomen = Equivalent income
equivalent koelapparaat = equivalent refrigerating appliance
equivalent netwerk = equivalent network
equivalent transformatorcircuit = transformer equivalent circuit
equivalente afwijking = equivalent deviate
equivalente diameter = equivalent diameter
equivalente dosis = equivalent dose
equivalente fouten = equivalent faults
equivalente lengte = equivalent length
equivalente resistieve belasting = equivalent resistive load
equivalente ruis = equivalent noise
equivalente ruisweerstand = equivalent noise resistance
equivalente spanning = equivalent stress
equivalente steekproeven = equivalent samples
equivalentie = equivalence
Equivalentiebeginsel = Principle of equivalents
equivalentiecoëfficiënt = equivalence coefficient
equivalentie-element = equivalence element
equivalentieklasse = equivalence class
equivalentiepartitie = equivalence partition
equivalentiepartitietest = equivalence partition testing
equivariant schatter = equivariant estimator
Er = Y
E-R = E-R
er ... aan = it
er ... heen = it
er aan een Leaseobject gebreken zijn = a Leased Asset has defects
er achter gekomen = discovered
Er bestaan = There are
er bestaan geen referenties meer = there are no more references
er bij te zetten = add
Er blijkt wel eens verschil van opvatting te bestaan = "In practice, it is not always clear"
Er dienen maatregelen genomen te worden om vocht in de behuizing te voork = Precautions must be taken to prevent moisture from entering the housing
Er dient opgemerkt te worden dat de uitvinding niet enkel beperkt is tot = It should be noted that the invention is not limited to only
er dient rekening te worden gehouden met = consideration should be given to
Er dient voldoende aandacht besteed te worden aan = Proper attention should be given to
Er dient voldoende capaciteit = There should be sufficient capacity
ER dragerschap = the employer's own risk / self-insurance
er duidelijk sprake is van een niet-natuurlijk overlijden = there are clear signs of an unnatural death
"er een handvat aanzetten, vatten" = haft  (fit a handle)
er geen bewegende delen zijn = there are no moving parts
er geen doekjes om winden [fig.] = to not mince matters
Er gelden strenge procedures = There are strict procedures
Er gelden strenge procedures met betrekking tot = There are strict procedures regarding
er gelinkt zijn aan de = are linked to the
er gevaar bestaat voor de gezondheid van de werknemers = there is a risk to the health of workers
er gevaar is voor vallende voorwerpen = there is a risk of falling objects
er goed aan doen = would be well advised to
er goed aan doen = would be well advised to inquire
Er heeft zich een fout voorgedaan = An error has occurred
er heeft zich een fout voorgedaan toen u zich aanmeldde bij = there was an error logging you into
er helemaal klaar voor = ready for action
er is = there is
Er is behoefte aan = There is a need for
Er is behoefte aan een = There is a need for a
Er is behoefte aan een alternatieve manier = There is a need for an alternative way
Er is bijgevolg behoefte = There is thus a need
Er is bijgevolg behoefte aan = There is thus a need for
Er is collegevrijheid = Lecture attendance is not compulsory
Er is derhalve een behoefte aan = "Consequently, there is a need for"
Er is dus = There is therefore
Er is dus nood aan een verbeterde = "Thus, there is a need for an improved"
Er is echter aansluiting gezocht bij de definities van = "However, the definitions in Directive 75/442/EEC have been adhered to"
Er is een aanvraag gedaan voor het maken van een back-up van de opslagpla = An request was made to back up or restore the repository while WinMgmt.ex
Er is één antwoord mogelijk = Only one answer is possible
er is een dampkapverdeeldoos aangesloten = an exhaust hood junction box is connected
Er is een fout opgetreden = An error has occurred
Er is een fout opgetreden bij het aanvragen van = An error has occurred while requesting
Er is een fout opgetreden bij het versturen van het formulier = An error occurred while sending the form
Er is een halte vlakbij de universiteit = There's a stop right near the university
Er is een match = There is a match
"Er is een match, voorwerp gevonden" = "There is a match, object found"
Er is een onbekend object gedetecteerd op de invoerbaan = An unknown object was detected on the infeed conveyor
Er is een onderscheid tussen = There is a distinction between
Er is een programma gekozen = A program was chosen
Er is een risico dat = There is a risk that
Er is gebruik gemaakt van = have not been used
Er is geen actie nodig = No action is required
Er is geen enkele informatie mbt = There is no information at all on
Er is geen evenwichtigheid = There is no balance
Er is geen gedocumenteerde = There is no documented
er is geen jurisprudentie over = there is no case law on this subject
Er is geen lagenkeuze gemaakt = No layer was selected
Er is geen omschrijving van = There is no description of
Er is geen record van = There is no record of
Er is geen samenhang tussen = There is no coherence between
Er is geen sprake van = It cannot be said that there is
Er is gerapporteerd = It has been reported
Er is hier dus sprake van = "Consequently, we have a"
Er is hier dus sprake van = So there is a
Er is hier dus sprake van = We therefore here have evidence of
Er is iets fout gegaan = Something went wrong
Er is in het bijzonder behoefte aan = "In particular, there is a need for"
Er is in het bijzonder nood aan = "In particular, there is a need for"
Er is maar één antwoord mogelijk = Only one answer is possible.
Er is niets mis met groot te denken = There’s nothing wrong with thinking big
er is nog veel in ontwikkeling = a lot is still under active development
Er is nood aan = There is a need for
Er is nood aan  een verbeterde inrichting = There is a need for  an improved device
Er is nood aan  een verbeterde inrichting en werkwijze = There is a need for  an improved device and method
Er is nood aan een verbeterde inrichting = There is a need for  an improved device
Er is nood aan een verbeterde inrichting en werkwijze = There is a need for  an improved device and method
Er is onder andere gekeken naar = "Among other things, the following were examined"
er is sprake van = there is
er is sprake van = … a X is one where Y …
er is sprake van = This is therefore a case of …
Er is sprake van een onvoldoende evenwichtigheid in de behandeling van de = There is insufficient balance in the treatment of the different component
er is sprake van gewichtige redenen = there are compelling reasons
er is sprake van nalatigheid wanneer = ... constitutes negligence
er is sprake van nalatigheid wanneer = negligence exists if
er is sprake van publiciteit = publicity is held to mean
Er is sprake van voldoende niveau = The level is considered sufficient
Er is te weinig onderzoek om een uitspraak te doen over = Not enough research is available to make a judgement about
Er is telefoon voor u / Er is telefoon voor je = You are wanted on the phone
Er is vermoedelijk nog heel wat potentieel bij deze klant = This customer probably still has a lot of potential
Er is wel data aanwezig = There is data present
"er is, [plural] er zijn" = there is  (third-person singular simple present indicative form of there 
Er kan gekozen worden om te werken met = You can choose to work with
er kan gezegd worden dat er sprake is van een reeds bestaande vertrouwens = a pre-existing relationship of trust can be said to exist
Er kan niet genoeg nadruk worden gelegd op = cannot be over-emphasised
Er kan sprake zijn van het toepassen van een ruilvoet = A benefit conversion rate may be applied
Er kan worden gekozen tussen = There is a choice between
Er kan zoveel meer met een = You can do so much more with a
Er komt een waarschuwing in beeld = A warning message will appear
Er kunnen diverse warmtebronnen worden gebruikt = Various heat sources can be used
er kunnen geen recht ontleend worden aan de bovenstaande informatie = no rights can be derived from the foregoing information
Er kunnen verschillende verlengintervallen voorkomen voor één en dezelf = A single signal state can have different extension intervals.
Er mag geen kwaliteits- en continuïteitsverlies ontstaan = No quality or continuity may be lost
er meteen invliegen = hit the ground running
er minstens drie aanbieden = offer at least three
Er moet beveiligd worden door = Protection should be provided by
Er moet bij de distributie netbeheerder nagevraagd worden = The distribution grid operator must be asked
Er moet een back-upmogelijkheid zijn = There should be a backup facility
er moet een getal ingevuld worden = a number must be entered
Er moet wel opgemerkt worden = "It should be noted, however,"
er motorisch op vooruit = improving their motor skills
er niet in slagen hun geschil minnelijk op te lossen = fail to resolve their dispute amicably
er niet overheen kan = cannot fit over it
er omstandigheden kunnen zijn = there may be circumstances
er ontstaat een overdruk in X = pressure will build up inside X
"er op kunnen rekenen, er van op aan kunnen" = bet  (To be sure of something)
er overheen kan = can fit over it
er sprake is van tekortkomingen van de Dealer bij het verrichten van serv = "the Dealer has failed to perform any servicing, maintenance and/or servic"
er staat geen lucht op de palletbuffer = pallet buffer is not connected to the air supply
er staat geen lucht op de palletmagazijn = pallet store is not connected to the air supply
"er tekortkomingen van de Dealer zijn bij het verrichten van service, onde" = "the Dealer is failing to perform any servicing, maintenance and/or servic"
er tussen het eerste einde en het tweede einde van de overnametransportba = there is a transition zone between the first end and the second end of th
er uit ziet = looks like
er uit zou moeten zien = should look like
er uitzien = look
er uitzien = appear
er vanaf komen met een waarschuwing = to get off with a warning
er vanuit gaande dat dit gelijktijdig met = assuming that this is carried out simultaneously with
Er volgen nu eerst twee vragen = You will now be asked two questions
er voor was = was in favour of
Er waren nieuwe afwijkingen die goed bij longonsteking konden passen = there were new shadows that could well be caused by pneumonia
er was eens = once upon a time
er werd  tijdens het telefoongesprek naar mij geluisterd = my phone call contact was an attentive listener
er werd een onderdeel gerepareerd of vervangen = a component has been repaired or replaced
er werd geen informatie verstrekt = no information was provided
er werd geen lekkage gedetecteerd = no leakage was detected
er werd hem een pensioen toegekend = he was granted a pension
er werd snel gereageerd op mijn e-mails = my emails were responded to quickly
Er werd vastgesteld = It has been determined
Er werd vastgesteld = It was found
Er werden veronderstellingen of insinuaties gemaakt = People made assumptions or insinuations
Er word geproost = They’re toasting
Er worden 4 kopieën van het verslag gemaakt = Four copies of the report will be made
"Er worden microbiologische, chemische en fysische gevaren onderkend." = "Three types of hazards are distinguished: microbiological, chemical and p"
er wordt aangevoerd = is supplied
Er wordt afgesproken = It is agreed
Er wordt de voorkeur gegeven aan = Preference will be given to
Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van = Use is made of
Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van = The student makes use of
Er wordt geen aandacht besteed aan = No attention is paid to
Er wordt gesproken over = There is talk of a
er wordt in het bijzonder verwezen naar = particular reference is made to
Er wordt naar verbruik betaald = You only pay for what you use
Er wordt niet gestructureerd aangegeven = There is no structured indication
Er wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen = A distinction is made between
Er wordt ook verwezen naar de uitvoeringsvorm volgens = Reference is also made to the embodiment according to
Er wordt periodiek een voortgangsrapportage verstrekt aan de Opdrachtgeve = A progress report will be periodically provided to the Client
Er wordt steeds meer belang gehecht aan = More and more importance is being attached to
er wordt uitdrukkelijk overeengekomen = it is expressly agreed and understood
Er wordt uitdrukkelijk overeengekomen = It is expressly agreed
Er wordt uitdrukkelijk overeengekomen en aanvaard = It is expressly agreed and accepted
Er wordt uitdrukkelijk tussen partijen overeengekomen = It is expressly agreed between Parties
Er wordt van uitgegaan = It is assumed
er wordt veel aandacht besteed aan = a great deal of attention is paid to
Er wordt verduidelijkt = It should be noted
Er wordt verwezen naar = Reference is made to
Er wordt wel gestreefd naar = The aim is
Er zal nu in detail worden verwezen naar verschillende kenmerken van de o = Reference will now be made in detail to various features of the present d
Er zal nu in detail worden verwezen naar verschillende kenmerken van de o = Reference will now be made in detail to various features of the present d
Er zal nu in detail worden verwezen naar verschillende kenmerken van de o = Reference will now be made in detail to various features of the present d
Er zal nu in detail worden verwezen naar verschillende kenmerken van de o = Reference will now be made in detail to various features of the present d
Er zal nu in detail worden verwezen naar verschillende kenmerken van de o = Reference will now be made in detail to various features of the present d
Er zal nu in detail worden verwezen naar verschillende kenmerken van de o = Reference will now be made in detail to various features of the present d
Er zij op gewezen = It should be noted
er zijn = there is
er zijn = there are
Er zijn 2 assessoren aanwezig = Two assessors will be present
Er zijn afspraken gemaakt zijn met de politie = Arrangements have been made with the police
Er zijn altijd wel punten voor verbetering = There are always areas that could be improved.
Er zijn diverse producten op de markt die hiervoor geschikt zijn = There are several products on the market that are suitable for this purpo
Er zijn diverse producten op de markt die hiervoor geschikt zijn = There are several products on the market that are suitable for this purpo
Er zijn drie soorten selecties = There are three types of selections
Er zijn een aantal = There are a number
er zijn er teveel = there are too many
Er zijn extra middelen vrijgemaakt = Additional resources have been made available
Er zijn geavanceerde validatieprotocollen uitgevoerd = Advanced validation protocols were performed
Er zijn geen beschikbaarheden opgegeven = Availabilities not specified
Er zijn geen hulpstoffen aanwezig = There are no excipients
Er zijn geen nieuwe = There are no new
er zijn geen nieuwe tekortkomingen vastgesteld = no new shortcomings were identified
Er zijn geen opmerkingen = There are no comments
Er zijn geen plannen om op korte termijn de aandelen te verkopen = There are no plans to sell the shares in the short term
Er zijn geen speciale aandachtspunten. = There are no special points requiring attention.
er zijn geen zekerheden overeengekomen = No repayment schedule and no collateral security have been agreed
er zijn geenbijzonderheden te melden = there are no special items to report
Er zijn genoeg andere opties = There are plenty of other options.
er zijn kosten mee gemoeid = it involves costs
er zijn kosten mee gemoeid = there are costs involved
Er zijn kwaliteitscontroleprocedures = There are quality control procedures
Er zijn kwaliteitscontroleprocedures voor = There are quality control procedures for
Er zijn meerdere antwoorden mogelijk = Multiple answers are possible
"er zijn meerdere wegen om je doel te bereiken, alle wegen leiden naar Rom" = there's more than one way to skin a cat {proverb} (a problem generally ha
Er zijn risico’s geïdentificeerd = Risks have been identified
er zijn te weinig bronnen gebruikt = too few sources have been used
er zijn termen aanwezig = there are grounds
er zijn termen aanwezig = there are reasons
Er zijn veel verschillende vormen van = There are many different forms of
Er zijn vier soorten selecties = There are four types of selections
Er zit een gesprek tussen = The lines are crossed
"Er zit een schroefje los (have a screw loose), ze niet alle vijf op een r" = one brick short of a full load {adj}
Er zou contact opgenomen worden met mij = Someone was supposed to contact me
er zuinig op = (treat) with special care
Era = Era
eraan = attached to it
eraan = on it
Eraan = Y
eraan = it
eraan bijgedragen dat = has helped
eraan gehouden zijn = be obliged
Eraan herinnerend = Recalling
"eraan zijn, klaar zijn, kapot zijn" = "do  (be exhausted, finished, ready)"
ERA-audiometrie = ERA
ERA-audiometrie = evoked response audiometry
erabutoxine = erabutoxin
erandering = change
Erasmus = Erasmus
Erasmus MC = Erasmus MC
Erasmus Medisch Centrum = Erasmus University Medical Center (Erasmus MC
Erasmus Mundus = Erasmus Mundus
Erasmus Mundus programma’s = Erasmus Mundus programmes
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam = Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus+ = Erasmus+
Erasmus+ programma = Erasmus+ programme
Erasmus+ programma’s = Erasmus+ programmes
Erasmusbrug = Erasmus bridge
Erasure = Erasure
Erato = Erato
Eratosthenes = Eratosthenes
erbA genen = erbA genes
Erbarmelijk = Pitiable
erbarmelijk = dismal
Erbarmelijk = Pathetic
erbarmen = compassion
Erbarming = Compassion
erbB genen = erbB genes
erbij = with it
erbij horen = belonging
erbij horend = accessory
erbium = erbium
ERCIC = Ethical Review Committee Inner City faculties (ERCIC)
ERCP Endoscopisch Retrograad Cholangio Pancreaticogram = endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ERCP Endoscopisch Retrograad Cholangio Pancreaticogram = ERCP
ERCPN = Ethical Review Committee Psychology and Neuroscience (ERCPN)
ERDF = European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Erdungsfeder = Grounding spring
ere- = honorary
ere wie ere toekomt = honour to whom honour is due
ere wie ere toekomt = let me give credit to
ere wie ere toekomt = they deserve a lot of credit
ere wie ere toekomt = to give it credit
Erebestuurder = Honorary Member of the Board
Ereboog = Triumphal arch
Erebus (god) = Erebus
Erectie = Erect
Erectie = Erection
erectie hebben = to get an  erection
erectie: de oprichting van het mannelijk lid = penile  erection
erectiel = erectile
erector = erector
Eredienst = Service
Eredienst = Worship
Eredienst = Cult
eredocatoraat toekennen = to confer an honorary doctorate (on)
eredoctor = honorary doctor
ere-doctor = honorary doctor
eredoctoraat = honorary doctorate
ere-doctoraat = honorary doctorate
eredoctoraat toekennen aan = confer an honorary doctorate on
ereleden = honorary members
Erelidmaatschap = Honorary membership
erelonen = fee
ereloon = fee
ereloon = fee-based remuneration
ereloon = fees
eren = honor
eren = to honor [Am.]
Eren = Honour
eren = to honour [Br.]
"eren, huldigen, respecteren" = honor  (to show respect for)
erenaam = honorary title
erepenning = medal
ereprijs = speedwell
erepromotie = conferment of an honorary doctorate
erepromotie = honorary doctoral ceremony
erepromotor = honorary supervisor
erepsine = erepsin: an outdated term referring to a group of peptidases
"eresalvo, saluutschoten {p}" = salvo (salute paid by a simultaneous firing of a number of cannons)
ereteken = order
erethismus = hyperkinetic state
eretitel = award
Erevan = Erevan
Erevoorzitter = Honorary Chairman
erewoord = word of honor
erf = court
Erf = Enclosure
erf = "yard, property, grounds"
Erf = Haw
Erf = Paddock
Erf = Pen
Erf = Close
Erf = Yard
Erf = Fold
erfafscheiding = boundary partition
Erfafscheiding/terreinafscheiding = Boundary partition / site fencing
erfafscheidingen = boundary partitions
Erfafscheidingen markeren = Property boundary mark
erfbelasting = inheritance tax
Erfbouwrecht = Building lease
erfdeel = inheritance
erfdienstbaarheden = easements
erfdienstbaarheden = easement
erfdienstbaarheden te bekrachtigen = attest the easements
erfdienstbaarheid = land easement
erfdienstbaarheid = easement
erfdienstbaarheid = easements
erfdienstbaarheid ten gunste van = easement in favour of
erfdienstbaarheid toe van afwatering = drainage easement
erfdienstbaarheid van openbaar nut = public utility easement
erfdienstbaarheid van openbaar nut = public utility easement (PUE)
erfdienstbaarheid van toegang en doorgang = easement of access and passage
Erfelijk = Heritable
Erfelijk = Hereditary
Erfelijk = Ancestral
erfelijke dyserythropoietische anaemie = congenital  dyserythropoietic anemia
erfelijke dyserythropoietische anaemie = Cooley anemia
erfelijke glycogenose = inherited  glycogenosis
erfelijke glycogenose van type II = type II  glycogen storage disease
erfelijke glycogenose van type II = glycogenosis type 2
erfelijke materiaal = hereditary material
erfelijke veranderingen veroorzakend = mutagenic
erfelijke ziekte = hereditary disease
Erfelijkheid = Heredity
erfelijkheidsgraad = heritability
erfelijlke hydronephrosis = congenital   hydronephrosis
erfelijlke hydronephrosis = nephrohydrosis
Erfenis = Inheritance
Erfenis = Heirloom
Erfenis = Heritage
Erfenis = Bequest
erfenis in de vorm van geld = pecuniary legacy
erfenis van de moeder = hologynic inheritance: transmission of a trait from mother to her daughte
erfgenaam = heir
erfgenaam {de} = heir
erfgenaam in de rechte lijn = direct heir
erfgenaam van = heir to
erfgenaam zijn = to inherit
erfgename {de} = heiress
erfgenamen = heirs
erfgenamen en legatarissen = heirs and legatees
erfgenamen of legatarissen = heirs or legatees
erfgenamen van overlevenden = heirs of survivors
"erfgenamen, legatarissen of rechtverkrijgenden" = "heirs, legatees or successors in title"
"erfgenamen, rechthebbenden of schuldeisers" = "heirs, beneficiaries or creditors"
erfgoed = intangible culture
erfgoed = (tangible and intangible) cultural heritage
erfgoed = cultural property
erfgoed = heritage
erfgoed aan planten = plant heritage
erfgoedbeheer = heritage management
erfgoedbeleid = heritage policy
erfgoedbeleidsplan = heritage policy plan
erfgoedbewustzijn = heritage awareness
erfgoedconsulent = heritage consultant
erfgoedelementen = heritage elements
erfgoedhaven = heritage port
erfgoedmarketing = heritage marketing
erfgoedschepen = heritage vessels
erfgoedschip = heritage vessel
erfgoedschip = heritage vessels
erfgoedspecialist = heritage specialist
erfgoedstudie = heritage study
Erfgoedstudies = Heritage Studies
erfgoedvereniging = heritage groups
erfgoedverenigingen = heritage groups
erfgoedverenigingen = heritage group
erfgoedvloot = heritage fleet
erfgoedwaarden = valuable heritage
Erfgoedwet = Cultural Heritage Act
erfgoedzorg = heritage conservation
erflater = testator
erfopvolging = inheritance
erfopvolgingsakte = deed of succession
erfpacht = long lease
erfpacht = "long (term) lease, building lease"
erfpacht = leasehold
erfpacht = to lease out land
erfpacht- en opstalrechten = rights of leasehold and superficies
"erfpacht en opstalrechten, erfpacht- en opstalrechten" = rights of leasehold and superficies
erfpachtakte = deed creating a ground lease
erfpachtbeleid = ground rent policy
'Erfpachtbeleid inzake samenvoeging van erfpachtrechten' = Ground rent policy on merger of ground leases (‘Erfpachtbeleid inzake s
erfpachtcanon = ground rent
erfpachter = leaseholder
Erfpachtgegevens = Leasehold information
erfpachtrecht = leasehold rights
erfpachtrecht 1 = leasehold 1
erfpachtrechten = leasehold rights
erfrecht = law of succession
erfrechten = inheritance rights
erfstelling = appointment of an heir
erfstelling = testamentary disposition
erfstelling over de hand = fideicommissary succession
erfstellingen = testamentary dispositions
erfstellingen kunnen slechts onder het voorrecht van boedelbeschrijving w = testamentary dispositions may only be accepted under the benefit of inven
erfstuk = heirloom
erfstuk = inheritance
erftoegangsweg = local access road
erfverharding (niet gespecificeerd) = "Hard standing, unspecified"
erfverharding met baggerspecie = "Hard standing, dredging spoil"
erfverharding met grond = "Hard standing, trade and industrial wastes"
erfverharding met houtafval = "Hard standing, waste wood"
erfverharding met kolengruis en/of sintels = "Hard standing, coal breeze or cinders"
erfverharding met puin en/of bouw en sloopafval = "Hard standing, construction and demolition wastes"
erfverharding met slakken = "Hard standing, slag"
erfverharding met zinkassen = Ground paved with zinc ash
Erfzonde = Original sin
erg = badly
erg = evil
erg = ill
erg = very
erg = important
erg = erg
erg = terribly
erg = bad
erg belangrijk = especially important
erg complex = very complex
erg lage frequentie = very low frequency
Erg ontevreden = Very dissatisfied
Erg tevreden = Very satisfied
erg tijdrovend = very time consuming
erg traag = very slow
erg vinden = to mind
"erg vinden (ik vind het niet erg), iets op tegen hebben (ik heb er niets " = "mind  (to dislike, object to, have a contrary opinion toward)"
erg voordelig = very advantageous
erg voordelig in combinatie met = very advantageous in combination with
erg vrolijk = very funny
ergastoplasma = ergastoplasma
ergenomie = ergonomics
ergens = anywhere
Ergens = Some place
ergens = somewhere
Ergens = Someplace
ergens anders = elsewhere
Ergens anders = Again
ergens een samenhangend geheel van maken = make something into a coherent whole
ergens emotioneel achter staan = be emotionally committed to sth.
ergens heen = somewhere
"ergens naar toe gaan, een richting op gaan" = head  ((intransitive) move in a specified direction)
ergens niet op ingesteld zijn = be unprepared / not equipped for something
ergens op het platteland = somewhere in the countryside
ergens terecht kunnen = "can go to, can get information from,"
erger = worse
Erger = Worst
Ergeren = Scandalize
Ergeren = Peeve
ergeren = aggravate
ergeren = annoy
Ergeren = Angry
"ergeren, kwellen, irriteren" = "offend  (to annoy, cause discomfort or resent)"
ergerlijk = aggravating
Ergernis = Dullness
Ergernis = Tediousness
Ergernis = Ennui
ergernis = offence
Ergernis = Vexation
Ergernis = Boredom
"ergernis , droefheid , ascese, irritatie" = "spite (vexation, chagrin, mortification)"
ergernis {de} = irritation
ergernis {de} = annoyance
ergernis geven = shock
Ergo = Therefore
Ergo = Consequently
ergo = accordingly
Ergocare = Ergocare
ergodiciteit = ergodicity
ergodische toestand = ergodic state
ergogenische stof = ergogenic
ergoloïde mesylate = co-dergocrine mesylate
ergometer = dynamometer
ergometer = ergometer
ergometrie = ergometry: measuring the amount of work done usually during exertion
ergometrine = ergonovine
ergometrine = ergonovine
ergonomie = ergonometry
ergonomie = ergonomics
ergonomie = human engineering
Ergonomie = Human-factor engineering
ergonomie = biotechnology
Ergonomie = Ergonomics
Ergonomie/Ergonomisch Ontwerpen = Ergonomics
ergonomisch = ergonomic
ergonomisch gelokaliseerd = ergonomically located
ergonomisch gevormd = ergonomically shaped
ergonomisch toetsenbord = ergonomic keyboard
ergonomisch verantwoord = ergonomically
Ergonomische = ergonomic
ergonomische aanpassingen = ergonomic adjustments
Ergonomische Accessoires = Ergonomic Accessories
Ergonomische gevaren = Ergonomic hazards
ergonomische muis = ergonomic mouse
ergonomische zithouding = ergonomic sitting posture
ergonovinemaleaat = ergonovine
ergonovinemaleaat = ergometrine
ergosterol = ergosterol
ergotamine = C33H35N5O5  ergotamine
ergotherapie = occupational therapy
ergotisme = ergotism
ergotisme = poisoning from ergot fungus
Ergotisme = Ergotism
ergotoxine = ergotoxin
ergotroop = ergotropic
ergotroop-streek = dynamogenic zone
Ergst = The worst
ergst = extreme
Ergst = Worst
ergste-gevalanalyse = worst-case analysis
ergste-gevalvertraging = worst-case delay
erheen = it
Ericales = Ericales
Eridanus (sterrenbeeld) = Eridanus (constellation)
Eriemeer = Lake Erie
e-rijder = EV driver
Erik = Eric
Erik Satie = Erik Satie
erin = therein
eriochroom/zwart = eriochrome black
Eris = Eris
Eris (dwergplaneet) = Eris (dwarf planet)
Eris (mythologie) = Eris (mythology)
erIsEenRij = thereIsAQueue
eritema chronicum migrans = erythema chronicum migrans
Eritrea = Eritrea
Erk. = Approval
erken = recognised status
Erkend = Counsel
erkend = certified
erkend = accepted
erkend = recognised
Erkend = Approved
erkend (instelling) = accredited
erkend (studieprogramma) = accredited
erkend accountant en belastingconsulent = certified accountant and tax adviser
erkend accountant- en belastingconsulent = certified accountant and tax adviser
erkend arts = panel  doctor
erkend bedrijf = registered company
erkend belastingconsulent = authorised tax consultant
erkend beproevingslaboratorium = approved testing laboratory
erkend boekhouder fiscalist = certified accountant and tax adviser
erkend controleorganisme = accredited inspection body
ERKEND CONTROLEORGANISME - Externe dienst voor technische controles op de = CERTIFIED INSPECTION AGENCY - External service for technical inspections 
erkend door = recognised by
erkend elektrotechnisch bedrijf = registered electrical engineering firm
erkend en geaccrediteerd = recognised and accredited
erkend installatiebureau = recognised engineering contractors
erkend keuringsorganisme = accredited inspection body
erkend kind = recognised child
Erkend leerbedrijf = Approved work placement company
erkend leerbedrijf = approved work placement company
erkend leverancier van vluchtbenodigdheden = regulated supplier of in-flight supplies
erkend lid van de productie- en voorraadbeheervereniging = certified fellow in production and inventory management: CFPIM
erkend of bekend leveranciers = recognised or known suppliers
erkend openbaar accountant = licensed public accountant
erkend organisme = certified body
erkend organisme = authorised inspection agency
erkend regionaal samenwerkingsverband (ERSV) = recognised regional collaboration
erkend RENSON installateur = official RENSON® installer
erkende = authorised
erkende beleggingsondernemingen uit een derde land = recognised third-country investment firms
erkende boekhouder-fiscalist = certified accountant and tax adviser
erkende brancheorganisatie = approved inter-branch organisation
erkende controleorganisme = approved inspection body
erkende controleorganismes = accredited inspection bodies
erkende dealer of installateur = authorised dealer or installer
erkende dosis = approved dose
erkende eerste verwerker = authorised primary processor
erkende exameninstelling = accredited testing institute
erkende experts = recognised experts
erkende gekwalificeerde deskundige inzake de gezondheid van waterdieren = approved qualified aquatic animal health professional
erkende gemachtigden = professional representatives
erkende installateur = registered installer.
erkende installateur = qualified installer
erkende installateur = registered installer
erkende instantie = approved body
erkende instelling = certified body
erkende instellingen = recognised organisations
erkende leverancier = regulated supplier
erkende leverancier van vluchtbenodigdheden = regulated supplier of in-flight supplies
erkende lijnmanager op het gebied van werving = accredited recruiting line manager
erkende medische conclusie = Accredited medical conclusion
erkende MER deskundigen = accredited EIA experts
erkende Nederlandse feestdagen = recognised Dutch holidays
erkende normalisatie-instelling = recognised standardisation body
erkende onderwijsinstelling = recognised educational institution
erkende opleidingsinstelling = Accredited training institute
erkende opleidingsorganisatie = Approved training organisation (ATO)
erkende organisme = certified body
erkende patiëntenvereniging = recognised patients' association
erkende regels der techniek = accepted industry codes and practices
erkende schuld = admitted their guilt
erkende servicemonteur = authorised service technician
erkende telersvereniging = recognised producer organisation
erkende testprocedure’s = recognised test procedures
erkendeproducentengroepering = recognised producer group
erkennen = to recognize
erkennen = admit
Erkennen = Acknowledge
erkennen een origineel exemplaar te hebben ontvangen = acknowledge having received an original copy
erkennen en aanvaarden = acknowledge and accept
Erkennen van Verworven Competenties (EVC) = Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)
Erkennende = Recognising
erkenning = accreditation
erkenning = acknowledgement
Erkenning = Recognition
Erkenning = Recce
erkenning = recognition
erkenning (van diploma) = recognition
erkenning en/of vergunning = accreditation and/or licence
erkenning van aannemers = recognition of contractors
erkenning van de opleiding = recognition of studies
erkenning van diploma's = recognition of diplomas
erkenning van een staat = recognition of a state
erkenning van getuigschriften van vakbekwaamheid = recognition of vocational training qualifications
erkenning verworven competenties = accreditation of prior learning
erkenningsakte = approval certificate
Erkenningscomité = Approval Committee (of Pesticides for Agricultural use)
erkenningscommissie = Accreditation Committee
erkenningsregeling = qualification scheme
erkenningsregelingen = accreditation schemes
erkent = recognizes
erkent = acknowledges
erkent dat hem strikte geheimhouding is opgelegd = acknowledges that it has been  bound by strict confidentiality
erkent en gaat ermee akkoord = acknowledges and agrees
Erkentelijk = Appreciate
Erkentelijk = Grateful
Erkentelijk = Thankful
Erkentelijk = Appreciative
"erkentelijk zijn, erkennen" = acknowledge  (To own with gratitude)
Erkentelijkheid = Thankfulness
erkentelijkheid = gratitude
Erkentelijkheid = Thanks
erkentelijkheidstoekenning = recognition award
erker = bay window
erkerraam = bow window
erlang = erlang
Erlang-verdeling = Erlang distribution
Erlenmeyer = Erlenmeyer flask
Erlenmeyerhouder voor schudapparaten = Erlenmeyer flask basket for shakers
Erlenmeyerklemmen voor schudapparaten = Erlenmeyer flask clamps for shakers
ERM II (exchange rate mechanism II) = ERM II (exchange rate mechanism II)
ermee gekoppeld = coupled thereto
ermee in aanraking = introduce it to
Ermelo = Ermelo
ERMES-netwerk = European radio message services network
ernaar handelen = act upon
ernaar handelen = acto in accordance with
ernaar handelen = comply with
ernaar handelen = fulfil
ernaar handelen = to act so that
ernaast = nearby
ernaast kijken dat = overlook
ernaast zitten = err
Ernest Hemingway = Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Rutherford = Ernest Rutherford
Ernst = Ernest
ernst = earnestness
ernst = earnest
ernst = gravity
Ernst = Sternness
ernst = severity
ernst = serious
ernst = seriousness
Ernst & Young = Ernst & Young
Ernst & Young Accountants = Ernst & Young Accountants
Ernst & Young Accountants LLP = Ernst & Young Accountants LLP
Ernst & Young Global Limited = Ernst & Young Global Limited
Ernst & Young Nederland LLP = Ernst & Young Netherlands LLP
Ernst Casimirkazerne = Ernst Casimir barracks
Ernst Casimirpassage = Ernst Casimir Passage
"ernst, ongewenstheid, slechtheid" = badness)
"ernst, ongewenstheid, slechtheid" = severity (degree of something undesirable
Ernstcijfer = Severity rating
Ernstgraad = Severity Rate
ernstgraad = accident severity rate
ernstig = solemn
ernstig = grave
ernstig = gravely
ernstig = earnest
ernstig = pensive
Ernstig = Serious
ernstig = important
ernstig = seriously
ernstig aangetaste gronden = severely degraded land
ernstig beschadigd = badly damaged
ernstig beschadigde = badly damaged
ernstig dalen = fall sharply
ernstig en blijvend letsel = serious and permanent injury
ernstig gehandicapt = severely  handicapped
ernstig gehandicapte mensen = severely  handicapped persons
ernstig incident = major incident
ernstig ongewenst voorval = Serious adverse event
"Ernstig ontploffingsgevaar door schok, wrijving, vuur of andere ontstekin" = "Extreme risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ig"
"Ernstig ontploffingsgevaar door schok, wrijving, vuur of andere ontstekin" = "Extreme risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ig"
Ernstig oogletsel / oogirritatie = Serious eye damage / eye irritation
ernstig tekort schiet aan zijn verplichtingen = is in serious breach of its obligations
ernstig tekort schiet aan zijn verplichtingen onder deze Overeenkomst = is in serious breach of its obligations under this Agreement
ernstig tekortschiet = fails seriously
ernstig tekortschiet in haar verplichtingen = Fails seriously to fulfill its obligations
ernstig tekortschiet in haar verplichtingen krachtens deze Overeenkomst = Fails seriously to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement
ernstig tekortschieten = fail seriously
ernstig tekortschieten = fails seriously
ernstig toerekenbaar tekort is geschoten = held in breach of contract
ernstig verstoord = severely disrupted
ernstig verwijt = serious allegation
ernstig verwijtbaar = seriously culpable
ernstig verwijtbaar handelen = serious imputable act
ernstig vreten = galling
"ernstig vreten, adhesie" = galling
ernstig wangedrag = serious misconduct
ernstig ziek kind = seriously ill child
"ernstig, geen risico's bepaald" = "Serious, risks undetermined"
"ernstig, niet spoedeisend" = "Serious, not urgent"
"Ernstig, niet urgent" = "Serious, not urgent"
"ernstig, spoedeisend, risico's wegnemen en uiteindelijk saneren voor 2015" = "Serious, urgent, eliminate risks, start remediation before 2015"
"ernstig, spoedeisend, risico's wegnemen en uiteindelijk saneren voor 2015" = "Serious, urgent, start remediation before 2015"
"ernstig, spoedeisend, risico's wegnemen en uiteindelijk saneren voor 2015" = "Serious, urgent, elminate risks, start remediation before 2015"
"Ernstig, urgentie niet bepaald" = "Serious, urgency not determined"
ernstige = grave
ernstige = gravely
ernstige = serious
ernstige = seriously
ernstige = severe
ernstige = severely
ernstige acidose = serious acidosis
ernstige ademhalingsmoeilijkheden = severe respiratory difficulties
"ernstige beroepsfou- ten, ernstige beroepsfouten, Ernstige beroepsfout" = grave professional misconduct
Ernstige beroepsfout = grave professional misconduct
ernstige bevindingen = serious findings
ernstige bezwaren tegen = serious objections to
ernstige breuk = compound  fracture
ernstige breuk = open fracture
ernstige cognitieve uitval = severe cognitive failure
ernstige complicaties = severe complications
ernstige fout = serious error
ernstige fout = major defect
ernstige fout in het systeem = serious error in the system
ernstige fouten = serious errors
ernstige geestesziekte = serious mental disorders
ernstige inbreuk op de communautaire wetgeving inzake wegvervoer = serious infringement of Community road transport legislation
ernstige incidenten = serious incidents
ernstige leverinsufficiëntie = severe hepatic insufficiency
ernstige maatschappelijke ontwrichting = severe social disruption
ernstige medische fouten = serious medical errors
ernstige milieuschade = serious environmental damage
ernstige muziek = serious music
ernstige nalatigheid = gross negligence
ernstige ongewenste neveneffecten = serious adverse side effects
ernstige ontregeling van het verkeer = extensive disruptions to traffic
ernstige oogirritatie = serious eye irritation
ernstige redenen = serious grounds
ernstige schade = serious damage
ernstige slijtage = severe wear and tear
ernstige storingen = serious  disturbances
ernstige strafbare feiten = serious criminal offences
ernstige strafbare feiten = serious crime
ernstige tekortkoming = serious shortcoming
ernstige tekortkomingen = serious breaches
ernstige tekortkomingen = serious shortcomings
ernstige vergiftiging na inademing van koolmonoxidegas = serious carbon monoxide poisoning
ernstige verstoring = serious disruption
ernstige verstoring van de binnenlandse vervoersmarkt = a serious disturbance of the internal transport market
ernstige verstoring van de nationale vervoersmarkt in een bepaalde geogra = serious disturbance of the national transport market in a given geographi
ernstige verstoring van de voorziening = major supply disruption
ernstige vervetting van de lever = severe  fatty change in the liver
ernstige verwondingen = serious injuries
ernstige verwondingen van de gebruiker = serious injuries to the user
ernstklasse = severity class
erodeerbare = erodible
eroderen = wear away
Erogeen = Erotogenous
Erogeen = Erogenous
Erogeen = Erotogenic
Erogene zone = Erogenous zone
eromheen = roundabout
Eromheen = Around
eromheen = around it
eronder = below
erop = up it
erop = on them
erop = according to that understanding
erop = on it
erop = on
Erop = Above
erop = onto
erop aangebracht = provided thereon
erop aangebracht = applied thereto
erop nahouden = have
erop staan = insist
"erop volgen, daarop volgen" = ensue  (to have as consequence)
erop volgend = subsequent
Eropaf-benadering = (loosely translatable as ‘get to it’)
Eropaf-benadering = Eropaf approach
Eropaf-benadering = outreach work
Eros = Eros
Eros = "Eros, love"
Eros (god) = Eros (mythology)
erosie = erosion
erosie = ulceration
erosie = wearing away
Erosie = Erosion
erosie door zandmeevoerende wel = piping (seepage)
erosie slijtage = erosion wear
erosiebeheersing = erosion control
erosiebeschermende folie = erosion protection film
erosiebescherming = erosion control
erosiebescherming = erosion protection
Erosiebestrijding = Erosion control
Erotiek = Eroticism
Erotiek = Erotica
erotisch = erotic
Erotisch = Erotic literature
Erotisch = Erotic art
Erotisch = Sexy
Erotisch = Erotomania
erotische inhoud = adult content
Erotisme = Eroticism
Erotogeen = Erotogenous
Erotogeen = Erogenous
Erotogeen = Erotogenic
Erotomanie = Erotomania
eroverheen = over it
ERP = enterprise resource planning (ERP)
ERP (enterprise resource planning) = ERP (enterprise resource planning)
ERP in de cloud = cloud-based ERPs
ERP systeem = ERP system
ERP/MIS oplossingen = ERP/MIS solutions
ERP-bedrijfssoftware = ERP business management software
ERP-integratie = ERP integration
ERP-maatwerk = custom ERP software
ERP-pakket = ERP package
ERP-systeem = ERP system
erp-toepassingen = ERP applications
errata = errata
Error = Error
Error 403 = Error 403
Error code = Error code
Error Log = Error Log
error/warning = error/warning
errorlogs van databases = database error logs
Ersatz = Ersatz
ertegenover = on the contrary
ERTMS = European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS
erts = ore
erts {het} = ore
ertsen = ores
ertsen- en mineralenoverslagbedrijf = Ore and minerals transhipment services
ertsexploitatie = mining of ore
ertshaven = ore harbour
ertslaag = ore deposit
ertsmengsel = ore blend
ertsschip = ore carrier
ertussen = (in) between (it/them)
ertussen = in the middle
erucazuur = erucic acid
eructatio = "belching, burping"
eructatio = eructation
Eructatio = Eructation
erudiet = erudite
erudtie = erudition
Eruit = External
eruit = out
eruit flappen = to blurt
eruit stekend = exserted
"eruitgooien, buitengooien, eruittrappen" = "boot  (computing: disconnect, to be involuntarily removed from an online "
"eruitgooien, buitengooien, eruittrappen" = boot  (forcibly eject)
Eruitzien = Appear
Eruitzien = Seem
Eruitzien = Look
Eruptie = Eruption
eruptiekyste = eruption cyst: a dentigerous cyst that causes a clinically evident bulgin
Ervaar de gebruiksvriendelijkheid = Experience the user-friendliness
ervaarbaar = tangible
ervaart = perceives
ervaart Cegeka tot op heden geen terugval in de bestellingen = Cegeka has not suffered a decrease in orders up to this point
ervan = its
ervan = thereof
ervan = of it
ervan = of the same
ervan uitgaande dat = assuming that
ervan uitgaande dat in het voordeel van SnowWorld wordt beslist = assuming it is decided in favour of SnowWorld
ervan: op delen ~ = on parts of the same
ervan: op delen ~ = on parts thereof
ervaren = accomplished
ervaren = experienced
ervaren = perceived
ervaren = to  experience
Ervaren = Seasoned
ervaren de professionaliteit = experience the professionalism
Ervaren fysieke gezondheid = Perceived physical health
ervaren interactie = perceived interaction
ervaren sociaal-emotionele en ervaren spirituele intelligentie = perceived social-emotional and spiritual intelligence
ervaren tolk = an  experienced interpreter
"ervaren, meemaken, ondergaan, ondervinden, beleven" = experience  (to observe or undergo)
"ervaren, vernemen, te weten komen, op de hoogte gesteld worden" = learn  (to come to know
"ervaren, vernemen, te weten komen, op de hoogte gesteld worden" = to become informed of
"ervaren, vernemen, te weten komen, op de hoogte gesteld worden" = to find out)
ervaring = experience
ervaring = adventure
Ervaring = Experiment
Ervaring = Experience
ervaring {de} = experience
ervaring door de medische gebruiker = perception by the medical user
ervaring en expertise = experience and expertise
ervaring en kennis = knowledge and experience
Ervaring en vaardigheid = Experience and skill
ervaring in de dagelijkse praktijk = hands-on experience
"ervaring in de sector," = industry experience
ervaring mee kan opdoen = experience can be acquired
ervaring met vergelijkbare producten = experience with comparable products
ervaring op het gebied van = experience in
ervaring opdoen = gain experience
Ervaring uit de praktijk = Practical experience
ervaring voor de eindgebruiker = end-user experience
"ervaring, feedback, intervisie en reflectie" = "experience, feedback, peer review and reflection"
ervaringdeskundige = experts
ervaringdeskundigen = experts
ervaringdeskundigen = expert
ervaringen = lessons learned
ervaringen = experiences
ervaringen = experience
ervaringen in de markt = market experiences
ervaringen in de praktijk = practical experience
Ervaringen met het verwerken van verhalen = Experiences with exploring stories
ervaringen uit te wisselen = exchange experiences
ervaringscijfer = empirical figure
ervaringscijfers = empirical figures
Ervaringscurve = Experience curve
ervaringsdeskundige = expert
ervaringsdeskundige = speak from experience
Ervaringsdeskundige in de Zorg (Associate = Expert by Experience in Health & Welfare
ervaringsdeskundigen = experts
ervaringsdeskundigen = expert by experience
ervaringsdeskundigen = patient experts
ervaringsdeskundigen = patient testimonals
ervaringsdeskundigen = patients speaking from experience
ervaringsdeskundigen = patients with first-hand experience
ervaringsdeskundigen = people with practical knowledge and experience
ervaringsdeskundigen = expert
ervaringsgebied = area of activity (onderw.)
ervaringsgebied = area of experience
ervaringsgebieden = areas of activity (onderw.)
ervaringsgebieden = areas of experience
Ervaringsgericht Onderwijs (EGO) = experience-based education
ervaringsjaren = years of experience
ervaringskennis = experience
Ervaringsobject = Object of experience
Ervarings-productkenmerken = Experience product attributes
ervaringsuitwisselin = exchange of experience
ervaringsverval = lapse of experience
erven = yards
erven = to inherit
erven = heirs
erven = inherit
ervicevaluation = service valuations
Ervoor = Formerly
Ervoor = Ahead
Ervoor = In front of
Ervoor = Before
Ervoor = By
Ervoor = Front
ervoor kan zorgen dat wordt voldaan aan = can ensure compliance with
ervoor kiest een elektronisch medium te gebruiken = chooses to use an electronic medium
ervoor zorg dienen te dragen = shall ensure
Ervoor zorgen dat vragen van klanten worden beantwoord = Ensure servicing of customer requests
Erwin Rommel = Erwin Rommel
erwt = pea
Erwt = Peas
Erwt = Polka dot
erwt {de} = pea
Erwten = Peas
erwten = garden peas
erwten {mv} = peas
Erwtenpeulboorder = Pea moth
erwtensoep {de} = pea soup
erwtjes {mv} = peas
erysipelas = erysipelas
erysipelas = "skin infection, Saint Anthony's fire"
erysipelas = early  erysipelas
erysipelas exanthematicum = idiopathic  erysipelas
erysipelas faciale = facial  erysipelas
erysipelas gangrenosum = gangrenous  erysipelas
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae: de verwekker van erysipeloid = erysipelothrix
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae: de verwekker van erysipeloid = Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
Erytheem = Reddening
Erytheem = Erythema
"erytheem, de erithemateuze huiduitslag, eruptio erythematosa, het erythem" = skin  erythema
erythema migrans = erysipeloid
erythema multiforme = erythema multiforme: a skin and mucous membrane disease
erythema nodosum: een huidreactie met blauw worden verdikkingen van huid  = acute dermohypodermitis
erythema nodosum: een huidreactie met blauw worden verdikkingen van huid  = erythema nodoso
erythema nodosum: een huidreactie met blauw worden verdikkingen van huid  = erythema nodosum
erythemateuze blepharitis = erythematous blepharitis
erythorbinezuur = erythorbic acid
erythrasma = bacterial skin infection
erythrasma = erythrasma
Erythrasma = Erythrasma
erythritol: een zoetstof zonder calorieën = erythritol: a four-carbon sugar that is twice as sweet as sucrose & can b
erythrityl-tetranitraat = C4H10N4O12
erythrityl-tetranitraat = erythritol tetranitrate
erythrityl-tetranitraat = erythrityl tetranitrate
erythroblastosis = erythroblastosis: the abnormal presence of erythroblasts in the circulati
erythroblastosis foetalis = fetal  erythroblastosis
erythrocruorinen = erythrocruorins
erythrocyanose = erythrocyanosis
erythrocyten = erythrocytes
erythrocytenstroma = ghost
erythrocytenvlies = erythrocyte membrane
erythrocytenvolume = erythrocyte count
erythrocytenvolume = erythrocyte volume
erythrocytenvolume = red blood cell count
erythrocytosis = erythrocytosis: an increase in the number of circulating red blood cells
erythrocytosis = hypererythrocytosis
erythrocytosis = hypererythrocytosis
"erythroderma ichthiosiforme congenitum, erythrodermia congenita ichthyosi" = congenital  ichthyosiform erythroderma
"erythroderma ichthiosiforme congenitum, erythrodermia congenita ichthyosi" = erythrodermia ichthyosiform congenitum
"erythroderma ichtyosiformis, de hyperkeratosis ichtyosiformis" = congenital  ichtyosiform erythroderma
"erythroderma ichtyosiformis, de hyperkeratosis ichtyosiformis" = congenital keratosis with bullae
"erythroderma ichtyosiformis, de hyperkeratosis ichtyosiformis" = erythrodermia ichthyosiformis congenita
erythroderma maculopapulare = maculopapular  erythroderma
erythroderma maculopapulare = maculopapular scale erythrodermia
erythrodermie-syndroom = erythrodermic syndrome
erythroïde voorlopercellen = erythroid burst-forming units
erythroïde voorlopercellen = erythroid colony-forming units
erythroïde voorlopercellen = "erythroid progenitor cells: committed, erythroid stem cells derived from "
erythrokeratoderma = erythrokeratodermia
erythroleukemie = acute  erythroblastic leukemia
erythroleukemie = acute myeloid leukemia
erythroleukemie = di Guglielmo's disease
erythroleukemie = erythremic myelosis
erythroleukemie = erythroleukemia
erythromelalgia = "erythromelalgia: a disease marked by paroxysmal, bilateral vasodilatation"
erythromelalgia = Mitchell disease
erythromycine = erythromycin: an antibiotic that disrupts bacterial protein synthesis by 
erythroplasie = Queyrat's erythroplasia
erythropoëtine = "EPO,   erythropoietin"
erythropoietische porfyrie = erythropoietic porphyria
erythroprosopalgie = erythroprosopalgia: burning pain and redness in the face
erythrosine = erythrosine
erytritol = erythritol
erytroblast: voorstadium van rode bloedcel = erythroblast: a polychromatic nucleated cell of red bone marrow that synt
"erytrocyt, rode bloedcel {m}" = erythrocyte (a red blood cell)
erytrocytair = (adjective)  erythrocytic
erytrocytaire antigenen = erythrocytic antigens
Erytrocyten in bewaarvloeistof = Red cells in additive solution
"Erytrocyten, buffy coat verwijderd" = "Red cells, buffy coat removed"
"Erytrocyten, buffy coat verwijderd, in bewaarvloeistof" = "Red cells, buffy coat removed, in additive solution"
"Erytrocyten, leukocyten verwijderd" = "Red cells, leucocyte-depleted"
"Erytrocyten, leukocyten verwijderd, in bewaarvloeistof" = "Red cells, leucocyte-depleted, in additive solution"
erytrocytenbeeld = RBC indices
erytrocytensuspensie = erythrocyte suspension
erytrocytopenie = erythropenia
erytrodermie = eczematous dermatitis
erytrodermie = eczematous skin diseases
erytropoëse = erythropoiesis
erytropoëse = red cell production
erytropoëse = the production of erythrocytes in bone marrow
Erytroponse = Erythropoiesis
ES = change key
ES = individual key
es = ash
Es = Ash tree
ESC = Electronic Stability Control
ESC = ENERCON Service Center
ESC Ticket System = ESC Ticket System
escalatie = escalation
escalatie = heightening
escalatie = increase
"escalatie niveaus, procedures en instructies" = "escalation levels, procedures and instructions"
Escalatie vindt plaats als = Escalation occurs if
Escalatiecontract = Escalation contract
escalatie-levels en procedures = escalation levels and procedures
escalatielijnen = escalation lines
Escalatieniveau = escalation level
escalatieniveau ’s = escalation levels
escalatieniveaus = escalation levels
escalatiepad = escalation path
escalatieprocedure = escalation procedure
Escalaties binnen project = Escalations within the project
escaleer = escalate
escaleert = escalates
escaleren = escalate
escaleren = escalation
escaleren wordt voorkomen = escalation is prevented
escape = escape
escapen = escaping
Escapetoets = Escape key
escaping = escaping
escarpe (vesting) = scarp
escarpen = escarpments
eschara = eschar: a dry scab formed on the skin following a burn
escharoticum = (noun)  escharotic: a substance which produces an eschar
Eschatologie = Eschatology
E-schema = electrical diagram
E-schema’s = electrical diagrams
Escherichia coli = Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli = E. coli
ESCOLimburg2020-project = ESCOLimburg2020 project
ESCO-model = ESCO model
Escon = ESCON
ESCO-project = ESCO project
ESCO-projecten = ESCO projects
escort = escort
escorteren = escort
Escorteren van gedetineerden = Prisoner-escort services
ESCO-werking = ESCO solution
ESCO-werking = ESCO projects
ESCO-werking = ESCO operation
Escrow Alliance = Escrow Alliance
escrow-overeenkomst = escrow agreement
Escrow-overeenkomst = Escrow Agreement
Escrow-voorziening = Escrow Facility
ESC-toets = ESC key
escudo = escudo
ESD = Electrostatic Discharge
ESD bescherming = ESD protection
ESD bracelet = ESD bracelet
ESD polsbandje = ESD wristband
esdoorn = maple
esdoorn- = maple
ESD-verpakking = anti-static and conductive packaging (ESD)
e-services = e-service
ESF = European Social Fund
ESF = European Social Fund (ESF)
ES-FLOW flowmeter = ES-FLOW flow meter
ESF-regeling = European Social Fund Regulation
ESF-subsidieregeling = ESF subsidy scheme
ESG = "environmental, social and corporate governance principles (hereinafter "
ESG factoren = ESG factors
ESG-gerelateerde = ESG-related
ESG-integratie = ESG integration
ESG-issues = ESG issues
ESG-risico’s = ESG risks
ESG-risico's = ESG risks
es-groot = E flat major
"es-groot, es-majeur, es grote terts" = E flat major (Major scale of E flat)
"es-groot, es-majeur, es grote terts" = E flat major (Major chord of E flat)
ESI-fonds = ESI fund
ESI-fondsen = ESI funds
e-sigaretten = e-cigarettes
Eskader = Flotilla
Eskader = Flight
Eskadron = Squadron
e-skills = e-skills
Eskimo = Eskimo
Eskimo-Aleoetische talen = Eskimo-Aleut languages
Esmarch-prothese = Esmarch's bandage
E-snaar = E-chord
esoforie = "esophoria: squinting, whereby the eyes tend to turn inward"
esophageal motility disorder = esophageal motility disorder
esophageal motility disorder = nutcracker  esophagus
esoterisch = esoteric
esoterisch = esoterical
esotropie = esodeviation
eSourcing Capability Model voor = eSourcing Capability Model for Service Providers (eSCM- SP)
eSourcing Capability Model voor klanten organisaties = eSourcing Capability Model for Client Organizations (eSCM-CL)
esp = aspen
Espadrilles = Rope-soled sandal
espagnolet = spagnolet
espagnoletsluiting = espangolette lock
esparcette = sainfoin
esparto = esparto
Esperantist = Esperantist
Esperanto = Esperanto
Esperanto {het} = Esperanto
esplanade = esplanade
Esplanade building = Esplanade building
Espoo = Espoo
e-sports = e-sports
Esports Club = Esports Club
Espresso = Espresso
Espresso automaat = Espresso machine
Espresso/cappuccino = Espresso/cappuccino
Espresso/Koffie = Espresso/coffee
Espresso-automaat = Espresso machine
Espresso-maalwerk = Espresso grinder
espressomachine = espresso machine
esprit = wit
ESR’s = ESRs
ESS = Employee Self Service
Essay = Essay
Essay = Trial
essay vragen = essay questions
Esselte = Esselte
Essen = Essen
Essen (Noord-Rijnland-Westfalen) = Essen
essence = essence
Essence = Excerpt
Essence = Fragment
Essence = Extract
essences voor de bereiding van dranken = essences for making beverages
essenhout = ash wood
essenhout = ashwood
essenhout = ash
Essential for Life = Essential for Life
essential requirement checklist = Essential Requirement Checklist
Essential skills = Essential skills
essentialistische’ = essentialist
Essentials = Essentials
essentie = center
Essentie = Species
Essentie = Gasoline
Essentie = Gas
Essentie = Petrol
essentie = essence
essentie = substantially
essentie = essentially
essentie centraal doorheen = essentially centrally through
Essentieel = Principal
Essentieel = Core
Essentieel = State
essentieel = crucial
essentieel = vital
essentieel = essential
essentieel = substantially
essentieel = essentially
essentieel balkvormig = essentially bar-shaped
essentieel bestand = critical file
Essentieel bewijs = Essential evidence
essentieel stuurprogramma voor opstarten = boot critical driver
essentieel volume = critical volume
"essentieel, onontbeerlijk, wezenlijk, belangrijk" = essential {adj} (of high importance)
"essentieel, onontbeerlijk, wezenlijk, noodzakelijk, nodig" = essential {adj} (necessary)
"essentieel, wezenlijk, echt" = essential {adj} (in basic form)
essentiele = substantially
essentiele = essentially
Essentiële = Essential
essentiële arbeidsvoorwaarden = basic working and employment conditions
essentiële bedrijfsfunctie = vital business function (VBF)
essentiële bijdrage = essential contribution
essentiële buitenafmetingen aan de voorzijde = Essential outer front end dimensions
Essentiële cookies = Essential cookies
essentiële eisen = essential requirements
essentiële eisen lijst = Essential Requirements checklist
essentiële eisen voor de producten = essential requirements for the products
essentiële gegevens = essential data
essentiële geneesmiddelen = essential drugs
essentiële hypertensie = essential  hypertension
essentiële hypochrome anemie = hypochrome essential anemia
essentiële medische doeleinden = for  essential medical purposes
essentiële olie = essential oil
essentiële onderdelen = key components
essentiële pentosurie = essential pentosuria
Essentiële prestatieverklaring = Declaration of essential performance
Essentiële prestatieverklaring = Essential Performance Statement
essentiële update = critical update
Essentiële vaardigheden = Essential skills
essentiele vetzuren = essential  fatty acids
essentiële wijziging = essential change
essentiële wijziging = material change
"essentiële, functionele en analytische cookies" = "essential, functional and analytical cookies"
Essex = Essex
Esso = Esso
Est = Estonian
"Est, Estlander, Estlandse" = Estonian (person)
established op de localizer = established on the localiser
Establishment Labs = Establishment Labs
estafedrine = estaphedrin
Estafette = Relay race
estafette = relay racer
Estafettestokjes = Batons
Ester = Esther
ester = ester
Ester (boek) = Book of Esther
Ester (chemie) = Ester
esteramiden = ester amides
esterase = esterase
ester-binding = ester bond
estergetal = ester value
esterificatieproces = esterification process
esters = esters
esters of zouten = esters or salts
esters of zouten of een mengsel daarvan = esters or salts or mixture thereof
esters of zouten of een mengsel daarvan = esters or salts or a mixture thereof
Esters van methacrylzuur = Esters of methacrylic acid
esters van mono- en diglyceriden = esters of mono- and diglycerides
"esters, zouten of mengsels daarvan" = "esters, salts or mixtures thereof"
esterverbinding = ester bond
esterverzeping = ester saponification
estervorm = ester form
estesioneuroom = esthesioneuroblastoma
estheet = aesthete
esthesiometer = aesthesiometer
esthesiometer = compass
esthesiometer = esthesiometer
esthesiometer = measuring caliper
esthesiometer = skinfold calipers
esthetica = "aesthetics, philosophy of art"
Esthetica = Aesthetic
Esthetica = Cosmetic
Esthetica = Esthetic
esthetica = aesthetics
esthetiek = aesthetics
esthetisch = aesthetically
esthetisch = aesthetic
Esthetisch = Aesthetic
esthetisch = attractive
esthetisch blijvers zijn = timeless aesthetic appeal
esthetische = aesthetic
esthetische behandelingen = plastic surgery
esthetische controle = aesthetical inspection
esthetische element = aesthetic element
Estisch = Estonian
Estland = Estonia
Estland {het} = Estonia
Estlander = Estonian
Estlands = Estonian
Estlandse = Estonian woman
Estlandse = Estonian
"estradiol, de oestradiol" = C18H24O2  estradiol: dihydrotheelin: a natural estrogenic hormone that is
estradiolbenzoaat = estradiol benzoate
estradiol-dehydrogenasen = estradiol dehydrogenases
estradioldiacetaat = estradiol diacetate
estradiol-kongeneren = estradiol congeners
estradiolreceptoren = estradiol receptors
estradiolundecylaat = estradiol undecylate
estramustine = estramustine: a nitrogen mustard used to treat prostatic neoplasms
Estrela do Sul = "Star of the South, also known as Estrela do Sul"
Estremadura = Extremadura
estrich = plasterfloor
estriol = estriol succinate
estriolsuccinaat = estriol: a naturally-occurring estrogenic hormone
estriolsuccinaat = estriol succinate
estrogeen substitutietherapie = ERT
estrogeen substitutietherapie = estrogen replacement therapy: the use of hormonal agents with estrogen-li
Ests = Estonian
Estuarium = Estuary
estuarium {het} = estuary
estuariumvervuiling = estuary pollution
Esturia = Estuary
ESV = economic interest grouping
ESV Technisch Adviesbureau BV = ESV Technisch Adviesbureau B.V.
ESW structuur = ESW structure
eszopiclon = eszopiclone
ET = Engineering Tools
et al = et al
et alii (en anderen) = et al.
et cetera = and so on
et cetera <etc.> = etcetera <etc.>
et cetera <etc.> = et cetera <etc.>
et cetera. = etc.
et uitwerken van het schetsontwerp tot een definitief ontwerp = developing the sketch design into a final design
èta = eta
Èta = Eta (letter)
Étable = Cowshed
Etablissement = Concern
Etablissement = Premise
Etablissement = Establishment
Etablissement = Formation
etablissementen = establishments
etage = floor
etage = storey
etage = upper floor
etage = storey
etage = layer
etage = level
Etage = Floor
étage = floor
etage {de} = storey [Br.]
etage {de} = floor
etage-antenne = stacked antenna
Etage-installatierijgklem = Multi level installation terminal block
etagère = cabinet
etages = floors
etages = storeys
etages = levels
etages = layers
Étain = Pewter
Étain = Tin
etalage = show window
etalage = shop window
etalage {de} = window [shop window]
etalage inrichter = shop window fitter
"etalage, uitstalraam, vitrine" = shop window (large window at the front of a shop)
Etalagefunctie = Showcase function
etalage-inrichting = shop-window dressing
Etalagepop = Mannequin
Etalagepop = Fashion model
Etalagepop = Model
etalageren = window dressing
etalages kijken = to window-shop
etalagesite = showcase website
etaleerapparaat = layering unit
etaleren = to display
etaleur-decorateur = window dresser
etallobarbital = etallobarbital
Étalon = Stallion
etamifylline = ethamiphylline
etanidazole = etanidazole: a nitroimidazole that sensitizes hypoxic tumor cells
Etappe = Stadium
Etappe = Stage
etappedruk = posterization
etappes = stages
état de conservation d'une espèce = Conservation status of a species
Etatisme = State control
Etatisme = State socialism
etc. = etc.
etcetera = etc
etchloorvynol = Placidyl®
ETD-apparatuur = ETD equipment
eten = food
eten = dinner
eten = to eat
Eten = Eat
Eten en drinken = Eating or drinking
eten en drinken = food and drink
Eten en drinken op de werkplek = Eating or drinking in the workplace
e-Tendering = e-Tendering
eten-intolerantie = food intolerance
Etensbak = Crib
etenspauze = meal break
Etensresten = Leftover food
etenswaar = food
etentje = dinner party
eter = eater
Eternal Sun = Eternal Sun
ETFS-box = ETFS box
Ethaan = Ethane
ethacridine = ethacridine: a topical anti-infective agent
ethacrylzuur = ethacrylic acid
ethacrynzuur = Edecrin®
ethambutol = ethambutolum
ethamoxytrifetol = ethamoxytriphetol: a non-steroidal estrogen antagonist
ethamsylaat = ethamsylate: a benzenesulfonate derivative used as a systemic hemostatic
ethanercept = Enbrel
ethanoaat = acetate
ethanol = C2H5OH  ethyl alcohol
ethanol = ethanol
ethanolamide = ethanolamide
ethanolamine = ethanolamine
ethanolamine-waterstofchloride = C2H7NO · HCl
ethanolamine-waterstofchloride = ethanolamine HCl
ethanolamine-waterstofchloride = ethanolamine hydrochloride
Ethanolhoudende benzine = Petrol with ethanol
Etheen = Ethene
Etheen = Ethylene
ethenoadenosine-trifosfaat = ethenoadenosine triphosphate
ethenzamide = ethenzamide
ether = ether
ether = Ether
Ether (chemie) = Ether
EtherACT = EtherCAT
etherbindingen = ether bonds
EtherCat = EtherCat
Ethereum = Ethereum
etherfabriek = Ether industry
ethergolven = airwaves
etherisch = airy
Etherische olie = Essential oil
etherische oliën = essential oils
etherische oliën en kruidenoliën = essential and herbal oils
etherische oliën voor persoonlijk gebruik = essential oils for personal use
"etherische oliën, cosmetische middelen" = "essential oils, cosmetics"
"etherische oliën, cosmetische middelen, haarlotions" = "essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions"
etherkrachten = etheric force
etherkrachten = etheric forces
etherlichaam = etheric body
etherlichamen = etheric body
Etherlink = EtherLink
ethernarcose = ether narcosis
ethernarcose = etherization
Ethernet = Ethernet
Ethernet belasting verdeler = Ethernet load divider
ethernet switchen = Ethernet switches
Ethernet-aansluiting = Ethernet-connection
Ethernet-adres = Ethernet address
Ethernetdrivers = Ethernet drivers
ethernet-interface = Ethernet interface
Ethernetkabels = Ethernet cables
Ethernetnetwerk = Ethernet network
ethernetverbinding = ethernet connection
etherradicaal = ether radical
etherreflex = ether reflex
Ethers = Ethers
ethers = ethers
ethical academic practice = goede wetenschapsbeoefening
Ethical Review Committee Inner City faculties = Ethical Review Committee Inner City faculties (ERCIC)
Ethical Review Committee Psychology and Neuroscience = Ethical Review Committee Psychology and Neuroscience (ERCPN)
ethiek = ethics
ethiek = "ethics, morality"
ethiek = ethic
ethiek en technologie = ethics and technology
ethiek in de digitale tijd = ethics in the digital age
"ethiek, gedrag en acceptatie" = "ethics, behaviour and acceptance"
ethiekloos = lacking in ethics
ethinylestradiol = ethinylestradiol
ethinylestradiol = ethinyl estradiol:
Ethiofencarb = Ethiofencarb
Ethion = Ethion
ethionamidum = ethionamide: an antitubercular agent that inhibits mycolic acid synthesis
Ethiopië = Abyssinia
Ethiopië = Ethiopia
Ethiopië {het} = Ethiopia
Ethiopiër = Ethiopian
Ethiopisch = Ethiopian
Ethiopisch = Ethiopic
Ethiopische = Ethiopian woman
ethisch = ethical
Ethisch = Ethics
ethisch besef = ethical awareness
ethisch bewustzijn = ethical awareness
Ethisch Protocol = Ethical Protocol
ethisch verantwoord = ethically responsible
ethische = ethical
ethische basisbegrippen = basic ethical concepts
ethische commissie = ethics committee
ethische consequenties = ethical consequences
ethische evaluatie of toetsing = ethical  evaluation
ethische gedragscode = Code of Ethics
ethische grenzen = ethical boundaries
ethische kwesties = ethical issues
ethische muur = ethical wall
ethische normen = ethical standards
ethische normen en grondrechten = ethical standards and fundamental rights
ethische principes = ethical principles
ethische voorschriften = ethical requirements
ethische vraagstukken rondom = ethical issues surrounding
ethisteronum = anhydrohydroxyprogesterone: a synthetic steroid hormone
ethisteronum = ethisterone
ethisteronum = pregneninolone
ethmoidalis = (adjective)  ethmoid
Ethnic = Ethnic
ethnografisch = ethnographic
ethnolinguistiek = ethnolinguistics: linguistic anthropology which studies the language of a
ethnopsychologie = ethnopsychology: comparative psychology of races and peoples
Ethodimuron = Ethodimuron
Ethofumesaat = Ethofumesate
ethologie = ethology: the scientific study of animal behavior
Ethologie = Ethology
ethopabaat = ethopabate
Ethoprophos = Ethoprophos
ethosuximide = ethosuximide
ethoxylaten = ethoxylates
ethoxyline = epoxy
Ethoxymethoxyethaan = Ethoxymethoxyethane
Ethoxy-methylpropaan = Ethoxy-methylpropane
Ethoxypropanol = Ethoxypropanol
Ethoxypropylacetaat = Ethoxypropylacetate
ethoxzolamide = ethoxzolamide
ethyl = ethyl
"ethyl (Z)-2-chloor-3-[2-chloor-5-(1,3-dioxo-4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoindol-2-" = "ethyl (Z)-2-chloro-3-[2-chloro-5-(1,3-dioxo-4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoindol-2-"
"ethyl 2-chloor-3-[2-chloor-5-[4-(difluormethyl)-3-methyl-5-oxo-1,2,4-tria" = "ethyl 2-chloro-3-[2-chloro-5-[4-(difluoromethyl)-3-methyl-5-oxo-1,2,4-tri"
ethyl ester = ethyl ester
ethyl vinylacetaat = ethyl vinyl acetate
ethyl-2-chloor-5-(4-chloor-5-difluormethoxy-1-methylpyrazool-3-yl)-4-fluo = Pyraflufen-ethyl
Ethylacetaat = Ethylacetate
ethylacetaat = ethyl acetate
ethyl-acetaat = ethyl acetate: a flammable solvent used in pharmaceuticals & perfumes
ethylacetaatfabriek (oplosmiddel) = Ethylacetate industry (solvent)
Ethylacrylaat = Ethylacrylate
Ethylalcohol = Ethyl alcohol
ethylalcohol = ethyl alcohol
ethylalcohol die niet uit landbouwproducten is verkregen = Ethyl alcohol of non-agricultural origin
Ethylalcohol door gisting = Ethyl alcohol by fermentation
ethylalcohol uit landbouwproducten = Ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin
"ethylalcohol uit landbouwproducten en eaux-de-vie uit landbouwproducten, " = "Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of agricultural origin"
Ethylamine = Ethylamine
Ethylbenzeen = Ethylbenzene
ethylbenzeen = ethylbenzene
ethylbenzeen = ethyl benzene
Ethylbenzoezuur = Ethylbenzoic acid
ethylbiscumacetaat = ethyldicoumarol
Ethylbutanoaat = Ethylbutanoate
ethylcellulose = ethyl cellulose
ethylcellulose = ethylcellulose
ethylcelluloseverf = ethyl cellulose paint
ethyl-chlooracrylaat = ethyl chloroacrylate
ethylchloride = chlorethyl
ethylchloride = chloroethane
ethylchloride = ethyl chloride
ethylchloride = monochlorethane
ethyldifenylmethoxyacetaat = ethyl diphenyl-methoxyacetate
Ethyleen = Ethylene
ethyleen polyaminen = ethylene polyamines
ethyleen vinyl acetaat (EVA) = ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)
ethyleencarbonaat = ethylene carbonate
ethyleendeniaminetetraacetaat en zouten = ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and salts
ethyleendiamine tetra-azijnzuur = EDTA:  ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid
ethyleendiaminetetra-azijnzuur = edetic acid
ethyleendiaminetetra-azijnzuur = ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid
ethyleendiaminetetra-azijnzuur = ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
ethyleendiaminetetra-azijnzuur (EDTA) = EDTA
"Ethyleendiaminetetra-azijnzuur (EDTA, totaal)" = "Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA, total)"
"Ethyleendiaminetetra-azijnzuur (EDTA, vrij)" = "Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA, free)"
ethyleenglycol = antifreeze
ethyleenglycol = ethylene glycol
Ethyleenglycol = Ethylene glycol
Ethyleenglycol = Ethyleneglycol
ethyleenglycolbutylether = ethylene glycol butyl ether
ethyleenglycolmethylether = ethylene glycol methyl ether
ethyleenmethylacrylaat = EMA
ethyleenmethylacrylaat = ethylene methylacrylate
Ethyleenoxide = Ethylene oxide
Ethyleenpolymeren in primaire vorm = Primary-form polymers of ethylene
ethyleen-propyleen-dieen-monomeer = EPDM
ethyleen-propyleen-dieen-monomeer = ethylene propylene diene monomer
ethyleen-propyleen-dieen-monomeer (EPDM) = ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM)
ethyleen-propyleen-dien-monomeer = ethylene-propylene-diene-monomer
ethyleen-propyleen-dien-monomeer (EPDM = ethylene-propylene-diene-monomer (EPDM)
ethyleen-propyleen-dien-monomeer (EPDM) = ethylene-propylene-diene-monomer (EPDM)
Ethyleenthioureum (ETU) = Ethylenethiourea (ETU)
ethyleenvinylacetaat = ethylene vinyl acetate
ethyleenvinylacetaat = EVA
ethyleenvinylacetaat = ethylene-vinyl acetate
ethyleenvinylacetaat = ethylene-vinyl acetate
ethyleenvinylacetaat = ethylene-vinyl-acetate
ethyleen-vinylacetaat = ethylene-vinyl acetate
ethylene = alcohol
Ethylene Cracker Residue = ECR
Ethylene Cracker Residue = Ethylene Cracker Residue
Ethylene Cracker Residue = Ethylene Cracker Residue (ECR)
ethylenisch onverzadigde = ethylenically unsaturated
ethylester = ethyl ester
ethylesters = ethyl esters
Ethylfenol = Ethylphenol
Ethylfenol (som ortho + meta + para)) = Ethylphenol (total 2 + 3 + 4
Ethylfenol (som ortho + meta + para)) = Ethylphenol (total ortho + meta + para))
Ethylformiaat = Ethylformiate
ethylglycol = ethylene glycol monoethyl ether
Ethylglycolacetaat = Ethylglycolacetate
Ethylhexanol = Ethylhexanol
ethyl-hydroxycellulose = hydroxy ethyl cellulose
ethylhydroxyethylcellulose = ethylhydroxyethyl cellulose
ethylkwikchloride = ethylmercury chloride
ethylkwikvebinding = ethylmercurial
ethylmaltol = ethylmaltol
Ethylmercaptaan = Ethylmercaptan
Ethylmetacrylaat = Ethylmetacrylate
ethylmorphine = ethylmorphine hydrochloride
ethyloestrenol = ethylestrenol: an anabolic steroid
ethyloleaat = ethyl oleate
ethylparabeen = ethylparaben
Ethylparathion = Ethylparathion
ethyl-p-hydroxybenzoaat = ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate
ethyl-p-hydroxybenzoaat natriumzout = ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate sodium salt
ethylsilicaat = ethyl silicate
Ethyltolueen = Ethyltoluene
Ethyltolueen (som 3 + 4) = Ethyltoluene (total 3 + 4)
Ethyltoluenen (som) = Ethyltoluenes (total)
ethylvanilline = ethyl vanillin
ethylvanilline = ethyl vanilli
ethylvinylacetaat = ethyl vinyl acetate
ethylvinylacetaatrubber = ethyl vinyl acetate rubber
ethylvinylacetaatrubber (EVA = ethyl vinyl acetate rubber (EVA)
ethylvinylacetaatrubber (EVA) = ethyl vinyl acetate rubber (EVA)
Ethyn = Acetylene
ethynodiol-diacetaat = ethynodiol diacetate: a synthetic progestational hormone
e-ticket = e-ticket
e-tickets = e-tickets
etidocaine = etidocaine
etidroninezuur = etidronate disodium
etiket = tag
etiket = label
Etiket = Etiquette
Etiket = Sticker
etiket {het} = tag
etiket {het} = label
etiket beige met centraal slot = beige hard tag with central lock
etiket van een cosmetisch product = label of a cosmetic product
Etiket volgens één der conclusies = The label according to any of the claims
Etiket volgens één der conclusies = The label according to any one of claims
Etiket volgens één der conclusies = "The label, according to any of the claims"
etiketering = labelling
etiketteermachine = labeling machine
etiketteermachine = labelling machine
Etiketteermachines = Label applying machines
etiketteermachines = labelling machines
etiketteersysteem = labelling system
etiketten = labels
Etiketten = Labels
etiketten- en stickersfabriek = Label and sticker industry
"etiketten, niet van textiel" = labels (not of textile)
etikettendrukkerij = Label printing plant
Etikettenprinters = Label making machines
Etikettenverwijdering = Label removal
etiketteren = tag
etiketteren = labelling
"etiketteren, etiketten aanbrengen, prijzen" = label  (put a ticket or sign on)
etikettering = labeling
etikettering = labelling
Etikettering volgens verordening = Labelling according to Regulation
Etiketteringselement = Label element
Etiketteringselementen = Label elements
etiketteringsplicht = obligation to label
etikettype = label type
etilefrine = etilefrine
etiocholanolone = etiocholanolone: a major metabolite of testosterone & androstenedione tha
etiologie = etiology
etiologie = the study of the causes of disease
Etiologie = Aetiology
etiologie van asma = asthma  etiology
etiologisch = etiologic: relating to the etiology of a disease
etiologisch = etiological
etiologisch factor = causal factor
etiologische fractie = attributable risk
etiologische fractie = etiologic fraction
etiprednol-dicloacetaat = etiprednol dicloacetate: an anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid
etiquette = etiquette
Etiquette = Label
etiquette = internet etiquette
ETL = "Extract, Transform, Load"
ETL = "Extraction, Transformation & Loading"
ETL-databank = ETL database
etmaal = twenty-four hours
etmaal = day
etmaal = nychthemeron
etmaal = 24 hour period
etmaalwaarde = per 24 hours
Etna = Mount Etna
Etna = Etna
etniciteit = ethnicity
Etniciteit = Ethnic group
etniciteit = ethnic group
etniciteit {de} = ethnicity
etnisch = ethnic
etnisch = cultural
"etnisch, exotisch, vreemd" = ethnic {adj} (belonging to a foreign culture)
Etnisch-culturele = Ethnic-cultural
etnische = ethnic
etnische afkomst = ethnic origin
etnische discriminatie = ethnic discrimination
etnische discriminatie = ethnic  discrimination
etnische groep = ethnic group
etnische minderheden = ethnic minorities
etnische minderheid = ethnic minority
etnische minderheidsgroepen = ethnic minority groups
etnische minderheidsgroepen = ethnic minority communities
Etnische patronen = Ethnic patterns
etnische verschillen = ethnic variation
etnische zuivering = ethnic cleansing
etnobotaniek = ethnobotany: traditional medicine & the medicinal uses of plants and thei
etnobotaniek = local plant lore
Etnocentrische benadering = Etnocentric approach
etnocentrisme = ethnocentrism
etnografie = ethnography
Etnografie (diergeneeskunde) = Ethnography
etnologie = ethnology
etodrinezuur = disodium etidronate
etofenamaat = etofenamate
etofibraat = etofibrate
Etoile = Star
etomidaat = etomidate: an imidazole-derived anesthetic and hypnotic
etoposide = demethyl epipodophyllotoxin ethylidine glucoside
ETOPS en-route-uitwijkhaven = ETOPS en-route alternate
etretinaat = etretinate: an oral retinoid used in treating psoriasis & keratotic genod
Etridiazool = Etridiazole
Etrimfos = Etrimfos
ETRM = Energy Trading and Risk Management [system]
Etrurië = Etruria
Etruriër = Etrurian
Etrurisch = Etrurian
Etrusk = Etrurian
Etruskisch = Etruscan
Etruskisch = Etrurian
e-Trust = e-Trust
ets = etching
etsbad = etch
etsbeschermende inkt = etch resist (ink)
etsdruk = discharge printing
Etsen = Embed
etsen = pickle (to)
etsen = etching
Etsen = Emboss
etsen = to etch
Etsen = Inscribe
Etsen = Engrave
Etsen = Etch
etsende stoffen = etching substance
etserij = Etching plant
etsfolies = etching foils
etsmachine = etcher
etsmiddel = caustic soda
etsmiddel = etchant
etsnaald = stylus
Etsnaald = Boaster
Etsnaald = Cold chisel
"etsnaald, griffel, schrijfstift" = stylus (tool for writing on clay tablets)
etsoverneemmethode = etching transfer method
ETS-rechten = ETS allowances
etsresist = etching resist
etsvloeistof = etching fluid
etszuur = etching acid
et-teken = ampersand
Ettelijk = Miscellaneous
Ettelijk = Diverse
Ettelijk = Several
Ettelijk = Misclaneous
Ettelijk = Various
Ettelijk = Varied
Ettelijk = Sundry
Ettelijk = Miscealleneous
Ettelijk = Variegated
Ettelijke = Few
ettelijke = a number of
ettelijke = dozens of
ettelijke = innumerable
ettelijke = several
ettelijke = some
Ettelijke = Several
Ettelijke = Number
Etten-Leur = Etten-Leur
Etter = Pus
Etter = Matter
"etter, puistenkop, ellendeling" = pimple (annoying person)
Etterbuil = Abscess
etteren = discharge pus
etteren = to fester
Etteren = Suppurate
etteren = discharge
etterend = serous
ettergezwel = abscess
Etude = Design
Etudes = Engineering
Etui = Case
etui = jug
Etui = Holder
etui = insertion
etui = pencil case
Etui = Pouch
"etui (Netherlands), pennenzak [Flanders]" = pencil case (object purposed to contain stationery)
etuis voor chequeboeken = cheque book cases
etuis voor kammen = comb cases
etuis voor manicures = manicure sets
etuis voor muziekinstrumenten = cases for musical instruments
etuis voor pedicures = pedicure sets
etuis voor schrijfgerei = writing cases
etuis voor stropdassen = tie cases
etuis voor visitekaartjes = business-card cases
etuis voor zonnebrillen = cases for sunglasses
etybenzatropine = etybenzatropine
etymologie = etymology
etymologisch = etymological
etynodiol = etynodiol
Eu = Eu
EU begroting = EU budget
EU Drivers Licence Codes = EU Drivers Licence Codes
EU Ecolabel = EU Eco-label
EU Ecolabel = EU Eco-label
EU- en douanewetgeving = EU and customs legislation
EU Erasmus+ programma = EU Erasmus+ programme
EU GDP Richtsnoer = EU GDP Guideline
EU Guidelines on Good Distribution Practice of medicinal products for hum = EU Guidelines on Good Distribution Practice of medicinal products for hum
EU Guidelines to Good Manufacturing Practice for medicinal products for h = EU Guidelines to Good Manufacturing Practice for medicinal products for h
EU high-level meeting on cybersecurity = EU high-level meeting on cyber security
EU lidstaten = EU Member States
EU Open Innovation Strategy = EU Open Innovation Strategy
EU Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group = EU Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group
EU Persoonlijke gegevens = EU Personal Data
EU richtlijnen = EU guidelines
EU Stage = EU Stage
EU wet- en regelgeving = EU laws and regulations
EU-aanbeveling = European Union recommendation
EUACA = European Airport Coordinators Association
EU-actie = European Union action
EU-Agentschap = European Union agency
eubacteriën = eubacteria
Eubacterium = Eubacterium
EU-beleid = European Union policy
EU-besluit = European Union decision
eubiotiek = eubiotics: the science of hygienic living
EU-breed = EU-wide
Eucalyptus = Eucalyptus
eucalyptushoning = eucalyptus honey
eucalyptusolie = eucalyptus oil
eucalyptusolie voor farmaceutisch gebruik = eucalyptol for pharmaceutical purposes
eucalyptusolie voor farmaceutisch gebruik = eucalyptus oil for pharmaceutical use
Eucentric = Eucentric
Eucentric = TZXR
Eucharistie = Eucharist
eucharistieviering = mass
euchromatine = euchromatin: loosely packaged chromosome regions that are more accessible
Euclides van Alexandrië = Euclid
Euclidische = Euclidean
Euclidische afstand = Euclidean distance
euclidische meetkunde = elementary geometry
Euclidische metriek = Euclidean metric
Euclidische norm = Euclidean norm
EU-conformiteitsverklaring = EC declaration of conformity
EU-conformiteitsverklaring = EU declaration of conformity
eudaimonia = "happiness, success, wellbeing, having a good guardian spirit"
Eudractnummer = Eudract number
Eufemisme = Euphemistically
Eufemisme = Euphemism
EU-flower = ‘EU flower’
euforetica = euphoretics
euforetica = euphoriant agents: psychoactive drugs that produce elation & euphoria
euforetica = euphoriants
euforie = "euphoria: a feeling of elation or well-being (that may be groundless, dis"
Euforie = Euphoria
euforie {de} = euphoria
euforisch = euphoric
Eufraat = Euphrates
eugenese = eugenics
eugenetica = eugenics
"eugenetica, eugenica" = eugenics: the study of human genetics & of methods to improve the inherit
eugenetisch = eugenic
eugenol = eugenol
euglobuline = euglobulin
euglycemisch = euglycemic
EU-Habitatrichtlijn = European Union Habitats Directive
EU-initiatieven = EU initiatives
EU-instelling = European Union institution
EU-instrumenten = EU instruments
EU-internettoegangspunt (APN) = EU-Internet access point name (APN)
EU-kaderrichtlijn Water = EU Water Framework Directive
Eukaryoot = Eukaryotic
Eukaryoot = Eukaryote
eukaryote cel = eukaryote
eukaryote cel = "eukaryotic cell: a cell of a higher organism, containing a true nucleus b"
eukaryote type-II DNA topoisomerasen = eukaryotic type II DNA topoisomerases
Eukaryoten = Eukaryote
EU-land = EU country
EU-landen = EU countries
Euler operaties = Euler operations
Eulerknik = Buckling
Eulers veronderstelling = Euler's conjecture
EU-lidstaat = EU Member State
EU-lidstaat = EU country
EU-lijst van IOO-vaartuigen = EU IUU vessel list
Eulogie = Funeral oration
EU-moederbeleggingsonderneming = EU parent investment firm
EU-moederkredietinstelling = EU parent credit institution
eunuch = castrated man
Eunuch = Eunuch
EU-orgaan = European Union body
EU-politiemissie = EU police mission
EU-programma’s = EU programmes
EU--programma’s en instrumenten = EU programmes and instruments
"EUR 8000,-- + 1,5% over het meerdere boven EUR 1.000.000,--" = "EUR 8000 + 1.5% on the excess over EUR 1,000,000"
"EUR 8000,-- + 1,5% over het meerdere boven EUR 1.000.000,--" = het meerdere
Eur J Wildl Res = European Journal of Wildlife Research
EURAL = European List of Wastes
Euratom = Euratom
Euratom-lening = Euratom loan
Eurazië = Eurasia
EU-recht = European Union law
EU-regeling = European Union regulation
Euregi = Euroregion
Euregio Enschede/Gronau = Euregio Enschede/Gronau
Euregio Maas-Rijn = Euregio Maas-Rijn
Euregio Maas–Rijn = Meuse–Rhine Euroregion
Euregio Rijn-Waal = Euregio Rijn-Waal
Eureka = Eureka
Eureka = light-bulb moment
EU-renseignering = EU disclosure requirements
Eures = EURES
EU-resolutie = European Union resolution
EURIBOR = Euribor
Euribor (Euro Denominated Interbank Offered Rate) = Euribor (Euro Denominated Interbank Offered Rate)
EU-richtlijn = European Union directive
EU-richtlijn = EU Directive
"EU-richtlijn (2014/95/EU), met betrekking tot de bekendmaking van niet-fi" = EU Directive on disclosure of non-financial information and diversity inf
EU-richtlijn voor de bescherming van persoonsgegevens = EU Data Protection Directive
Euripides = Euripides
euro = euro
euro = euros
"euro {de} <EUR, €>" = "euro <EUR, €>"
Euro 0 (brandstof) = Euro 0 (fuel)
Euro 1 (brandstof) = Euro 1 (fuel)
Euro 2 (brandstof) = Euro 2 (fuel)
Euro 3 (brandstof) = Euro 3 (fuel)
Euro 4 (brandstof) = Euro 4 (fuel)
Euro 5 (brandstof) = Euro 5 (fuel)
Euro bedrijfsobligaties = EUR corporate bonds
EURO contrasteker = Euro-socket
Euro ETA = Euro ETA
Euro overheidsobligaties = EUR government bonds
euro speelt in het voordeel van = are benefiting from the Euro
EURO steker = EURO plug
EURO- V = Euro V
Euro-Atlantische Partnerschapsraad = Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
eurobest erkenning = EUROBEST Productivity
Eurobranding = Eurobranding
eurocent = euro cents
Eurocheque = Eurocheque
Euroclear = Euroclear
Eurocode = Eurocode
euro-communisme = Eurocommunism
Euroconsument = Euroconsumer
Eurocontrol = Eurocontrol
Eurocopter Dauphin = Dolphin
Eurocopter Dauphin = Dauphin
Eurocopter Dauphin = Heir apparent
Eurodance = Eurodance
Eurodeviezen = Eurocurrency
Eurodollar = Eurodollar
Euro-emissie = Eurobond
Eurogebied = Euro area
Eurogroep = Eurogroup
Eurogroep (eurozone) = Eurogroup (euro area)
Eurogroep (NAVO) = Eurogroup (NATO)
Euro-house = Euro-house
EuroHPC = EuroHPC
Eurojust = Eurojust
Eurokrediet = Eurocredit
Euroland-Spanningsindicator = Tension Indicator of Eurolands
Euromarketing = Euromarketing
Euromarkt = Euromarket
Euromunten voor verzamelaars = Euro collector coins
Europ Assistance = Europ Assistance
Europa = Europe
Europa = Europa
Europa (maan) = Europa (moon)
Europa (mythologie) = Europa (mythology)
Europa (werelddeel) = Europe
Europa 2020 = Europe 2020
Europa en Milieu = Europe and Environment
Europa van de burgers = citizens' Europe
europallet = euro pallet
Europallet = Euro-pallet
europallets = euro pallets
Euro-pallets = Europallets
Europe = Europa
Europe = Europe
"Europe, Middle-East, India and Africa" = EMEIA
"Europe, Middle-East, India and Africa" = "Europe, Middle-East, India and Africa"
Europeaan = European
European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education = European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education
European Airport Coördinators Association = European Airport Coordinators Association (EUACA)
European Article Number = European Article Number
European Article Number = EAN
European Autopsy Rules = European Autopsy Rules
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development = European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
European Business Centre = European Business Centre
European Case Law Identifier = ECLI
European Case Law Identifier = European Case Law Identifier
European Clothing Association = ECLA
European Clothing Association = European Clothing Association (ECLA)
European Commission = European Commission
European Construction Management (opleiding) = European Construction Management
European Council of Legal Medicine = European Council of Legal Medicine
European Council of Legal Medicine (ECLM) principles for on-site forensic = ‘European Council of Legal Medicine (ECLM) principles for on-site foren
European Credit Transfer System = European Credit Transfer System
European Currency Unit = European Currency Unit
European Data Protection Board = European Data Protection Board
European e-Justice portal = European e-Justice portal
European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive = EPBD
European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive = European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
European Foundation of Quality Management = European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)
European Free Trade Association = European Free Trade Association
European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group = European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group
European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance = European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance
European Maritime Heritage = European Maritime Heritage
European Medicines Agency = EMA
European Medicines Agency = European Medicines Agency
European Myeloma Network = EMN
European Myeloma Network = European Myeloma Network
European network latency guarantee scope = European network latency guarantee scope
European Network of Living Labs = European Network of Living Labs
European normalisatie-instituut = European standardisation body
European Open Science Cloud = European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
European Patent Office = European Patent Office
European Payments Council = European Payment Council
European Portfolio Certificate = EPC
European Portfolio Certificate = European Portfolio Certificate
European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel = European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel
European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) = e Maritime services
European Roundtable of Production and Consumption = European Roundtable on Sustainable Production and Consumption (ERSCP)
European Schoolnet = European Schoolnet
European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) = European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO)
European Tendering Process = European Tendering Process
European Training Foundation = European Training Foundation
European Value Studies = European Value Studies
Europeanisering = europeanisation
Europees = EU-commissioner
Europees = European
Europees Aanbesteden = EU Procurement
Europees aanrijdingsformulier = European accident report form
Europees afgevaardigde = Member of the European Parliament
Europees Agentschap voor chemische stoffen = European Chemicals Agency
Europees Agentschap voor de veiligheid en de gezondheid op het werk = European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Europees Agentschap voor maritieme veiligheid = European Maritime Safety Agency
Europees Agentschap voor netwerk- en informatiebeveiliging = European Network and Information Security Agency
Europees ambtenaar = European official
Europees arrestatiebevel = European arrest warrant
Europees Baccalaureaat = European Baccalaureate
Europees beoordelingsdocument = European Assessment Document
Europees beschermingsbevel = European protection order
Europees Biodiversiteitsrecht = European Biodiversity Law
Europees bosbeleid = European forestry policy
Europees Bureau voor fraudebestrijding = European Anti-fraud Office
Europees Bureau voor visserijcontrole = European Fisheries Control Agency
Europees Bureau voor wederopbouw = European Agency for Reconstruction
Europees burgerschap = European citizenship
Europees Centrum van gemeenschapsbedrijven = European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation
Europees centrum voor parlementair onderzoek en documentatie = European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation
Europees Centrum voor ziektepreventie en -bestrijding = European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Europees Comité van de Regio’s = European Committee of the Regions
Europees Comité voor Normalisatie = European Committee for Standardisation
Europees Commissaris = European Commissioner
Europees Defensieagentschap = European Defence Agency
Europees defensiebeleid = European defence policy
Europees Documentatiecentrum = European Documentation Centre
Europees Ecolabel = EU Eco-label
Europees Ecolabel keurmerk = EU Ecolabel quality mark
Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité = European Economic and Social Committee
Europees economisch samenwerkingsverband = European economic interest grouping
Europees Economisch Samenwerkingsverband = European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
Europees Economisch Samenwerkingsverband (EESV) = European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
Europees Eenheidsverdrag = single European act
Europees eiken = European oak
Europees Energiehandvest = European Energy Charter
Europees Fonds voor aanpassing aan de globalisering = European Globalisation Adjustment Fund
Europees Fonds voor monetaire samenwerking = European Monetary Cooperation Fund
Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling = European Regional Development Fund
Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling (EFRO) = European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Europees fonds voor strategische investeringen = European Fund for Strategic Investment
Europees geharmoniseerd = harmonised at European level
Europees gemachtigde Medpace Medical Device B.V. = European authorised representative Medpace Medical Device B.V.
Europees gemiddelde = European average
Europees Geneesmiddelenbureau = European Medicines Agency (EMEA)
Europees Geneesmiddelenbureau = European Medicines Agency
Europees gezien = "compared with the rest of Europe, compared with other European countries"
Europees handvest = European charter
Europees Hof van Justitie = Court of Justice of the European Communities
Europees Hof van Justitie = European Court of Justice
Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens = European court of human right
Europees Hof voor de rechten van de mens = European Court of Human Rights
Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens = European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
Europees identiteitsbesef = European identity
Europees industriegebied = European industrial area
Europees informatie- en communicatiesysteem voor de bosbouw = European Forestry Information and Communication System (EFICS)
Europees informatie- en communicatiesysteem voor de bosbouw = EFICS
Europees Instituut voor bestuurskunde = European Institute of Public Administration
Europees Investeringsfonds = European Investment Fund
Europees juridisch statuut = European legal status
Europees justitieel gebied = European legal area
Europees kader = European framework
Europees kiesstelsel = European electoral system
Europees landbouwbeleid = European common agricultural policy
Europees landbouwmodel = European agricultural model
Europees leger = Eurocorps
Europees maken = Europeanize
Europees marien observatie- en datanetwerk = European Marine Observation and Data Network
Europees mededingingsbeleid = European competition policy
Europees merk = European trademark
Europees Milieuagentschap = European Environment Agency
Europees Milieurecht = European Environmental Law
Europees model = European design
Europees Monetair Fonds = European Monetary Fund
Europees Monetair Instituut = European Monetary Institute
Europees Monetair Stelsel = European Monetary System (EMS)
Europees Monetair Stelsel = EMS
Europees Monetair Stelsel = European Monetary System
Europees Monetair Stelsel (EMS) = European Monetary System (EMS)
Europees Monetair Stelsel II = European Monetary System II
Europees monetair systeem = European Monetary System (EMS)
Europees monetaire unie = European Monetary Union (EMU)
Europees nabuurschapsbeleid = European neighbourhood policy
EuroPees natuurreservaat = European nature reserve
Europees niveau = European level
Europees normalisatieproduct = European standardisation deliverable
Europees octrooi = European patent
Europees octrooi met eenheidswerking = European patent with unitary effect
Europees octrooi nr. = European Patent No
Europees Octrooibureau = European Patent Office (EPO) (official)
Europees Octrooibureau = EPO
Europees Octrooibureau = European Patent Office (EPO)
Europees octrooibureau = European Patent Office
Europees octrooigemachtigde = European patent attorney
Europees Octrooiregister = European Patent Register
Europees octrooisysteem = European patent system
Europees Octrooiverdrag = European Patent Convention
Europees onderzoeksbevel = EIO
Europees Parlement = European Parlement
Europees Parlement = European Parliament
Europees Parlement en de Raad = European Parliament and the Council
Europees paspoort = European passport
Europees plan voor de veiligheid van de luchtvaart = European Aviation Safety Plan
Europees privaatrecht = European private law
Europees programma voor de veiligheid van de luchtvaart = European Aviation Safety Programme
Europees Publicatieblad = Official Journal of the European Union
Europees recht = European law
Europees Rechtshulpverdrag = European Mutual Assistance Convention
Europees rijbewijs = European driving licence
Europees Rijbewijs = Driving licence
Europees Rijbewijs Comité = European Driving Licence Committee
Europees Ruimteagentschap = European Space Agency
Europees schadeformulier = European accident statement
Europees Sociaal Fonds = European Social Fund
Europees Sociaal Handvest = European Social Charter
Europees Spoorwegbureau = European Railway Agency
Europees staatsburgerschap = European citizenship
Europees Stelsel van Centrale Banken = European System of Central Banks
Europees Stelsel van Centrale Banken (ESCB) = European System of Central Banks (ESCB)
Europees stelsel van rekeningen = European accounting system
Europees subsidieprogramma Horizon 2020 = European grant programme ‘Horizon 2020’
Europees symbool = European symbol
Europees Universitair Instituut = European University Institute
Europees Vakbondsinstituut = European Trade Union Institute
Europees Verbond van Vakverenigingen = European Trade Union Confederation
Europees verdrag = European treaty
Europees Verdrag = European Convention
Europees Verdrag inzake de uitoefening van de rechten van het kind = European Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights
Europees verdrag inzake het internationaal vervoer van gevaarlijke stoffe = ADR
Europees verdrag inzake het internationaal vervoer van gevaarlijke stoffe = The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous
Europees Verdrag tot bescherming van de rechten van de mens en de fundame = European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Fr
Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens = European Convention on Human Rights
Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens en de fundamentele vrijheden = European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Fr
Europees Verkeersveiligheidsplan = European Road Safety Action Plan
Europees Waarnemingscentrum voor drugs en drugsverslaving = European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Europees worden = Europeanize
Europees-Arabische samenwerking = Euro-Arab cooperation
Europees-Mediterraan Partnerschap = Euro-Mediterranean partnership
Europese = European
Europese = bison
Europese aanbesteding = European tender
Europese Aanbesteding = European call for tenders
Europese aanbesteding = European call for tenders
Europese aanbesteding = European invitation to tender
Europese aanbesteding = European tendering
Europese aanbesteding = European tendering procedure
Europese Aanbesteding = Closed European call for tenders
Europese aanbesteding = European tendering (JurLex)
Europese aanbesteding volgens de openbare procedure = European tender according to the open procedure
Europese aanbesteding volgens de openbare procedure voor = European tender according to the open procedure for
Europese aanbestedingsdrempel = European procurement threshold
Europese aanbestedingsprocedure = European tendering procedure
Europese aanbestedingsprocedure volgens procedure van de concurrentie ger = European tendering procedure according to the competitive dialogue proced
Europese aanbestedingsprocedures = European tendering procedures
Europese aanbestedingsregelgeving = European procurement directives
Europese aandelen bijzonder in trek = European equities proving especially popular
Europese aandelen zijn een kopersmarkt geworden = European equities have become a buyers’ market
Europese afvalstoffenlijst = European List of Wastes
Europese afvalstoffenlijst = LoW
Europese Agentschap voor de veiligheid van de luchtvaart = European Aviation Safety Agency
Europese Akte = Single european act
Europese Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming = European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR
Europese artikelnummering = European article numbering: EAN
Europese Associatie van productiviteitscentra = European Association of National Productivity Centres
Europese associatieovereenkomst = European Association Agreement
Europese audiovisuele ruimte = European audiovisual area
Europese Autoriteit voor voedselveiligheid = European Food Safety Authority
Europese bedrijfsactiviteiten = European business activities
Europese begroting = European budget
Europese beleggingsrichtlijn = Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)
Europese beleidsadviescommissie = European policy advisory committee
Europese besloten vennootschap = European private limited liability company
Europese Bestuurskunde = European Public Administration and Public Policy
Europese Betalingsunie = European Payment Union
Europese Betalingsunie = European Payments Union
Europese bewapeningspolitiek = European arms policy
Europese beweging = European Movement
Europese binnenmarkt = internal European market
Europese Binnenvaart Unie = European Barge Union
Europese bureau voor de gezondheid en de veiligheid op het werk = European agency for safety and health at work
Europese Burgerluchtvaartconferentie = European Civil Aviation Conference
Europese burgers en bedrijven = European citizens and businesses
Europese Centrale Bank = European Central Bank
Europese Centrale Bank = ECB
Europese Centrale Bank (ECB) = European Central Bank (ECB)
Europese Chemicaliën Agentschap (ECHA) = European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
Europese Comissie = European Commission
Europese commissie = European Commission
Europese conferentie = European conference
Europese Conferentie van ministers van Verkeer = European Conference of Ministers of Transport
Europese consumentenprijsindex = European consumer price index
Europese consumentenprijsindex = ecpi
Europese context = European context
Europese Conventie = European convention
Europese Conventie voor de Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de F = Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (f
Europese Conventie voor de Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de F = European Convention on Human Rights
Europese Conventie voor de Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de F = European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)
Europese coöperatie = European cooperative
Europese culturele manifestatie = European cultural event
Europese debat = European debate
Europese Digital Economy en Society index = European Digital Economy and Society index
Europese digitale economiebibliotheek = European digital library for economics
Europese digitale interne markt = European digital single market
Europese dimensie = European dimension
Europese doelstellingen = European objectives
Europese ecoflower label = 'European eco-labelling Eco flower'
Europese ecoflower label = European eco-labelling 'Eco flower'
Europese ecologische hoofdstructuur = European ecological network
Europese Economische Gemeenschap = European Economic Community
Europese Economische Gemeenschap: EEG = European Economic Community: EEC
Europese Economische Ruimte = European Economic Area (EEA)
Europese Economische Ruimte = European Economic Area
Europese Economische Ruimte = EEA
Europese Economische Ruimte (EER = European Economic Area (EEA
Europese Economische Ruimte (EER) = European Economic Area (EEA)
Europese eisen = European requirements
Europese eland = elk
Europese EMC richtlijnen = European EMC guidelines
Europese EMC-richtlijnen = European EMC directives
Europese Emissiehandelsysteem (ETS) = EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)
Europese en Nederlandse = European and Dutch
Europese en Nederlandse normen = European and Dutch standards
Europese en Nederlandse wetgeving = European and Dutch legislation
Europese energie directive = European Energy Directive
Europese e-privacy verordening = EU ePrivacy Regulation (ePR)
Europese e-privacy verordening = European ePrivacy Regulation
Europese Erasmus+ programma = European Erasmus+ programme
Europese externe opt-outwebsite = external European opt-out website
Europese fase = European phase
Europese fiscale samenwerking = European tax cooperation
Europese fondsen = European funds
Europese Gedragscode Wetenschappelijke Integriteit = European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
Europese Gemeenschap = European Community
Europese Gemeenschap = EC
Europese Gemeenschap {de} <EG> = European Community <EC>
Europese Gemeenschap voor Kolen en Staal = European Coal and Steel Community
Europese Gemeenschap voor Kolen en Staal: EGKS = European Coal and Steel Community: ECSC
Europese Gemeenschappen = European Communities
Europese GGZ = European mental health services
Europese GGZ = European mental health care
Europese Grondwet = European Constitution
Europese Herstelprogramma = European Recovery Programme
Europese Hof van de Rechten van de Mens = European Court of Human Rights (EHRM)
Europese Hof van Justitie = European Court of Justice
Europese Hoger Onderwijsruimte = European Higher Education Area
Europese HSL Oost - fase 1 = East European HSL - Phase 1.
Europese identiteit = European identity
Europese instituut voor telecommunicatienormen = European telecommunications standards institute
Europese integratie = European integration
Europese interne preventiedienst = European Internal Prevention Department
Europese Investeringsbank = European Investment Bank
Europese Kaderrichtlijn Afvalstoffen = European Waste Framework Directive
Europese Kolen- en Staalcommissie = European Coal and Steel Committee: ECSC
Europese kreeft = Lobster
Europese kritieke (ook wel: = European Critical Infrastructure
Europese Kruidenstempelmassages = European herbal stamp massage
Europese landbouwpolitiek = European agricultural politics
Europese landen = European countries
Europese Liga voor economische samenwerking = European League for Economic Cooperation
Europese luchtvaartautoriteit EASA = European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Europese markt = European market
Europese mededingingstoezichthouder = European competition regulator
Europese meerwaarde van een project = neighbouring country
Europese Milieuraad = European Environmental Council
Europese modelformulier voor herroeping = European model cancellation form
Europese Monetair Fonds = European Monetary Fund
Europese Monetaire Overeenkomst = European Monetary Agreement
Europese Monetaire Unie = EMU
Europese munteenheid = European currency
Europese Muntslang = European Currency Snake
Europese naamloze vennootschap = European public limited company
Europese naamloze vennootschap = European public limited liability company
Europese naamloze vennootschap = Societas Europaea (SE)
Europese Netwerk en Informatie Beveiliging = Directive on security of network and information systems (the NIS Directi
Europese Nitraatrichtlijn = European Nitrates Directive
Europese norm = European standard
Europese Norm EN 1504-3 = European standard EN 1504-3
Europese normalisatie organisatie = European standardisation body
Europese normalisatieorganisatie = European standardisation organisation
Europese Normalisatieraad = Conseil Européen pour la Normalisation: CEN
Europese normen = European standards
Europese octrooiaanvraag = European patent application
Europese octrooiaanvrage = European patent application
Europese ombudsman = European Ombudsman
Europese onderneming = European undertaking
Europese ondernemingsraad = ewc
Europese Ondernemingsraad = European Works Council
Europese Ondernemingsraad (EOR) = European Works Council (EWC)
Europese onderzoeksprojecten = European research projects
Europese Ontwapeningsconferentie = Conference on Disarmament in Europe
Europese Operationele Management Team = EOMT
Europese Operationele Management Team = European Operational Management Team
Europese Operationele Management Team = European Operational Management Team (EOMT)
Europese oproep = European call
Europese Optiebeurs = European Option Exchange
Europese opt-outmechanisme = European opt-out mechanism
Europese opt-outwebsite = European opt-out website
Europese Orgaan van nationale telecomtoezichthouders = BEREC
Europese Orgaan van nationale telecomtoezichthouders = Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC)
Europese orgaanuitwisselingsorganisatie = European organ exchange organisation
Europese organisatie = European organisation
Europese overeenkomst betreffende het internationale vervoer van gevaarli = European agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goo
Europese overeenkomst voor het vervoer van gevaarlijke stoffen over de we = European regulations for the transport of hazardous substances by road we
Europese overheidsdienst = European civil service
Europese overheidsdiensten = European public administration
Europese partij = European party
Europese Politieacademie = European Police College
Europese politieke partij = European political party
Europese politieke samenwerking = European political cooperation
Europese Politieke Unie = European Political Union
Europese privacywetgeving = European privacy legislation
Europese programma voor de bescherming van vitale infrastructuur = European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP)
Europese Raad = European Council
Europese Radio-Unie = European Broadcasting Union
Europese rechtsgebieden = European jurisdictions
Europese regelgeving = European regulations
Europese regelgeving waarin bepalingen met betrekking tot gegevensbescher = European regulations incorporating data protection and privacy provisions
Europese regio = European Region
Europese Rekenkamer = European Court of Auditors
Europese Richtlijn = European Guideline
Europese richtlijn = European Directive
Europese richtlijn inzake de bescherming van het milieu door middel van h = Council Directive on the protection of the environment through criminal l
Europese richtlijn luchtkwaliteit = European air quality directive
Europese Richtlijn Werken op hoogte = European Work at Height Directive
Europese Richtlijnen = European Directives
Europese samenwerking = European cooperation
Europese samenwerkingsassociatie = European Association for Cooperation
Europese samenwerkingsprojecten = European collaborative projects
Europese school = European School
Europese sociale begroting = European social budget
Europese sociale dimensie = European social area
Europese sociale politiek = European social policy
Europese standaarden = European standards
Europese stekker = European plug
Europese Stichting tot verbetering van de levens- en arbeidsomstandighede = European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Europese Stichting voor opleiding = European Training Foundation
Europese stijl opties = European style options
Europese streven = European efforts
Europese Structuur- en Investeringsfondsen = European Structural and Investment Funds
Europese systeem = European system
Europese taal = European language
Europese technische beoordeling = European Technical Assessment
Europese technische goedkeuring = European technical approval
Europese technische goedkeuring = eta
Europese telecommunicatienorm = European telecommunications standard
Europese telecommunicatienorm = ets
Europese telecomrichtlijnen = European Telecom Rules
Europese televisie = European television
Europese toegevoegde waarde = European Added Value (EAV)
Europese Toezichthouder voor gegevensbescherming = European Data Protection Supervisor
Europese toezichthouders = European regulators
Europese Toppen = EU summit
Europese Toppen = EU summits
Europese uitdagingen = European challenges
Europese uitleg = European interpretation
Europese Unie = European Union
Europese Unie {de} = European Union
Europese uniforme benadering = uniform European approach
Europese universum = European universe
Europese variant = European variant
Europese veiligheid = European security
Europese vennootschap = European company
Europese vereniging = European association
Europese Vereniging voor atoomenergie = European Atomic Energy Society
Europese verkiezing = European election
Europese verleningsprocedure = European granting procedure
Europese Verordening = European Regulation
Europese Verordening 1907/2006 inzake de registratie en beoordeling van e = European Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 relating to the Registration and Ev
Europese vitale infrastructuur = European Critical Infrastructure (ECI)
Europese Vrijhandels Associatie (EFTA) = European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
Europese Vrijhandelsassociatie = European Free Trade Association
Europese Vrijhandelsassociatie: EVA = European Free Trade Association: EFTA
Europese werkgelegenheidsstrategie = European Employment Strategy
Europese wetenschappelijke instelling = European scientific institution
Europese Wijk = Brussels European District ('Quartier européen')
Europese zalm = Salmon
Europese zeebaars = Saloon bar
Europese zeebaars = Buffet
Europese zeebaars = Bar
Europese zeebaars = Bass
Europese zeebaars = Sea bass
Europese zeebaars = Saloon
Europeseintermodalelaadeenheid = European intermodal loading unit
Europium = Europium
Europol = Europol
Europol-beveiligingscomité = Security Committee
Europol-beveiligingscoördinator = Security Coordinator
Europol-beveiligingsofficier = Security Officers
Europol-informatiesysteem = Europol Information System
Europor = Europor
europrofiel = euro profile
Europrofiel - Frans versie = Euro Profile - French version
Europrofiel - voor binnendeuren = Euro Profile  - for use in indoor areas
Europrofiel - voor binnendeuren = Euro Profile - for use in indoor areas
euroraket = Euro-missile
Eurorechts = Euroright
euro's = euros
euroscepsis = euroscepticism
Eurostat = Eurostat
Eurosysteem = Eurosystem
Eurotape = Eurotape
Euro-Techno = Euro-Techno
Eurotrash = Eurotrash
Euro-VI = Euro VI
Eurovisie = Eurovision
Euro-werkingsgraad = Euro-performance level
eurozone = euro area
Eurozone = Euroland
Eurozone krijgt wind in de zeilen = Eurozone gets wind in its sails
Eurydice = Eurydice
EU-sancties = EU sanctions
Eusebius van Caesarea = Eusebius of Caesarea
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna = ETA
eustachische buis = eustachian tube
eustatische beweging = eustatic movement
eutectisch = eutectic: having the lowest melting point or freezing point
eutectisch punt = eutectic point
Eutelsat = Eutelsat
EUTELSAT-satellieten = EUTELSAT satellites
Euterpe = Euterpe
euthanaseren = to  euthanize
euthanasie = euthanasia
Euthanasie = Mercy killing
euthanasie = euthanasia: putting to death a person or animal suffering from an incurab
euthanasie {de} = euthanasia
euthymisch = euthymic
euthynteria = euthynteria
euthyreoïdie = euthyroidism
euthyreooteutopisch syndroom = high T4 syndrome
euthyreooteutopisch syndroom = euthyroid-sick syndromes
euthyriotisch = euthyroid
euthyroid sick syndrome = euthyroid sick syndrome: abnormal hormone levels and functions related to
euthyroidie = euthyroidism
eutrofi‘ring = nutrification
eutrofiëring = algal bloom
eutrofiëring = aquatic flora proliferation
eutrofiëring = eutrophication
eutrofiëring = nutrification
EU-typegoedkeuringscertificaat = EU type-approval certificate
EUV = extreme ultraviolet
EUV- licht = EUV light
euvel = abuse
EU'Vend = EU'Vend
EU-Verdragen = EU treaties
EU-verordening = Regulation (EU
EU-vissersvlootregister = EU fishing fleet register
EUV-licht = EUV light
EU-VS privacyschild = EU-US Privacy Shield
EU-website voor het etiketteren van banden = EU tyre labelling website
EV Charging Systems = EV Charging Systems
EV kast (electrische voeding kast) = power supply box/cabinet
ev. = in this town
ev. = next
ev. = married to
EVA = European Free Trade Association
EVA = ‘Education for Women with Ambition’ (Educatie voor Vrouwen met Ambiti
EVA = ethylene-vinyl acetate
Eva Braun = Eva Braun
EVA steunzolen = EVA insoles
Evacuatie = Evacuation
evacuatie = emptying
evacuatie = evacuation
evacuatie {de} = evacuation
evacuatie met reddingshelikopter = emergency transport by helicopter
evacuatie met reddingshelikopter = helicopter ambulance
evacuatie met reddingshelikopter = helicopter rescue
evacuatie van de bevolking = evacuation of the population
evacuatie-assistent = assistant evacuation officer
evacuatielaken = evacuation sheet
evacuatielakens = evacuation sheet
evacuatielakens = evacuation sheets
evacuatiemogelijkheden = evacuation options
evacuatieplan = evacuation plan
evacuatieplattegrond = evacuation plan
evacuatiesignaal = evacuation signal
evacuatietijd = evacuation time
evacuatieweg = evacuation route
Evacueren = Lift out
evacueren = evacuate
Evacueren = Flush
Evacueren = Clear
Evacueren = Vacate
EVA-Hof = EFTA Court
EVA-landen = EFTA countries
Eva-Lanxmeer = EVA-Lanxmeer
evaluatie = evaluation
evaluatie = assessment
evaluatie = review
evaluatie {de} = evaluation
evaluatie bestuulijke hantering = evaluation of management action
evaluatie door leraren = evaluation by teachers
evaluatie door schoolleiders = evaluation by headteachers
evaluatie door studenten = evaluation by students
evaluatie- en beoordelingsgesprekken = evaluation and assessment interviews
Evaluatie en beproeving binnen een risicomanagement proces = Evaluation and testing within a risk management process
Evaluatie en consolidatie van leveranciers = Vendor Evaluation and Consolidation
Evaluatie en onderzoek van systeemkwaliteitsborging = System quality assurance assessment and review services
evaluatie- en toezichtmechanisme van Schengen = Schengen evaluation and monitoring mechanism
evaluatie fase = Evaluation stage
Evaluatie gespek = appraisal interview
evaluatie gesprek = evaluation interview
evaluatie gesprekken = evaluation interviews
evaluatie op middellange termijn = medium-term evaluation
evaluatie van behaald resultaat/behaalde prestatie = performance appraisal
evaluatie van de afhandeling van beveiligingsincidenten = evaluation of the handling of security incidents
evaluatie van de analysemethode = evaluation of the method of analysis
evaluatie van de hulpbronnen = evaluation of resources
evaluatie van de prestaties = performance evaluation
evaluatie van de prestaties van computers = computer performance evaluation
evaluatie van de steun = aid evaluation
evaluatie van een onderwijsinstelling = evaluation of an educational institution
evaluatie van gezondheidstechnologie = health technology assessment
evaluatie van het onderwijssysteem = evaluation of the education system
evaluatie van het werkvermogen = aptitude report
evaluatie van leraren = evaluation of teachers
Evaluatie van mogelijkheden = Evaluation of alternatives
evaluatie van schoolleiders = evaluation of headteachers
Evaluatie van strategische fusie of overname = Strategic Merger or Acquisition Evaluation
evaluatie van studenten = evaluation of students
evaluatie van technologie = evaluation of technology
Evaluatie-adviesdiensten = Evaluation consultancy services
Evaluatieaspecten = evaluation aspects
evaluatiecommissie = evaluation committee
Evaluatiecommissie geestelijke gezondheid = Mental health review board
Evaluatiecriteria = Evaluation criteria
evaluatiecriterium = evaluation criterion
evaluatieformulier = evaluation form
evaluatieformulier gebouwontruiming = building evacuation evaluation form
evaluatieformulier gebouwontruiming Centrumgebied de Uithof = De Uithof centre building evacuation evaluation form
evaluatiefunctie = evaluation function
Evaluatiefunctie geïntegreerd = Integrated evaluation function
evaluatiegespek = appraisal interview
evaluatiegesprek = evaluation interview
evaluatiegesprek = appraisal interview
evaluatiegesprek = job evaluation interview
evaluatiegesprekken = evaluation interviews
evaluatiemethode = evaluation method
Evaluatiemodaliteiten = Evaluation Procedures
Evaluatiemodule Verkeer en Vervoer (EVV) = module for evaluating transport and traffic
evaluatiemoment = evaluation
evaluatiemoment = evaluation date
evaluatiemoment = moment of evaluation (JurLex)
Evaluatiemoment = Scheduled evaluation
evaluatiemomenten = scheduled evaluations
evaluatienota = evaluation report
evaluatienota’s = evaluation reports
evaluatieonderzoek = evaluation research
evaluatie-onderzoeken = evaluation studies
evaluatieoverleg (R&O term) = evaluation consultation
evaluatieperiode = grace period
evaluatieplan = evaluation plan
evaluatieprocedure = evaluation procedure
evaluatieprofiel inzake deskundigheid / bekwaamheid = competency assessment profile (CAP)
evaluatieprogramma = benchmark program
evaluatierapport = evaluation report
Evaluatierapport opstellen = Write evaluation report
evaluatieresultaat = evaluation result
evaluaties = evaluations
evaluaties = assessments
evaluaties en controles = evaluations and checks
evaluatieschaal van handicap = assessment of impairments
evaluatieschaal van handicap = degree of disablement
evaluatieschaal van handicap = impairment rating (WC)
evaluatiesysteem = evaluation system
evaluatievergaderingen = evaluation meetings
evaluatieverslag = assessment report
evaluatieverslag = evaluation report
evaluator = evaluator
Evalueer = Evaluate
evalueert niet alle risico’s = does not evaluate all risks
evalueren = evaluating
evalueren = evaluate
evalueren = evaluation
evalueren en bijstellen = reviewing and updating
Evalueren en verbeteren = Evaluate and improve
evaluerende vragen = evaluative question
evaluerende vragen = evaluative questions
Evanescence = Evanescence
evangelie = Matthew
Evangelie = Gospel
Evangelie naar Lucas = Gospel of Luke
evangelisch = evangelic
Evangelisch = Evangelical
"evangeliseren, uitdragen van de blijde boodschap" = evangelize
Evangelista Torricelli = Evangelista Torricelli
Evans-blauw = Evans blue: an azo dye used in blood volume and cardiac output measuremen
Evans-syndroom = Evans syndrome
EVA-polymeer = EVA polymer
Evaporiet = Evaporite
evaporitische- en kalksteen lagen = evaporitic and limestone layers
Evapotranspiratie = Evapotranspiration
evapo-transpiratie = evapo-transpiration
e-VAR = e-VAR
e-varen = electric sailing
EVC = [DS] Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
EVC = Accreditation of prior learning (APL)
EVC (Elders Erkennen van Verworven = Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment and Competenties)
even = just
even = equally
even = even
even = awhile
even = alike
even = for a moment
Even = Parity (mathematics)
Even = Parity
even = moment
even = even [number]
even (beeld)lijn = even line
even ... als = as ... as
even accuraat geproduceerde = equally accurately produced
even geduld = one moment please
even genummerde klem = even-numbered terminal
even helemaal buiten spel = relegated to the sidelines
even hoog gelegen = equally elevated
even lang zijn = are of equal length
even oud = of the same age
even pariteit = even parity
even stilstaan bij = pause and reflect on
even ver in het benutten van de kansen van = making equal use of the opportunities offered by
Even voorstellen = About us
even: om het ~ = any
even: om het ~ = arbitrary
even: om het ~ = regardless of
even: om het ~ welk patroon = any pattern whatsoever
Evenaar = Equator
evenaar {de} = Equator
Evenaarsprovincie = Equator
evenals = as well as
evenals = just like
evenals alle afschriften hiervan = together with all copies thereof
"evenals alle handelingen die, direct of indirect, in verband staan met de" = as well as any activities that are directly or indirectly related to this
evenals alle hiervan bestaande kopieën = as well as all existing copies thereof
Evenals bij de oplegtafel = As with the feed table
evenals de kosten van het onderhoud = as well as the cost of any maintenance
evenals de schade die de werkgever als gevolg hiervan lijdt = as well as any damage the employer suffers as a result
evenals een beschrijving = as well as a description
evenals hun kenmerken = and their characteristics
evenals specialisten op gebieden als = as well as specialists in areas such as
evenals van de verplichte boeken en leermiddelen = as well as the mandatory books and teaching materials
evenaren = equal
Evenaren = Even up
evenaren = to equal
Evenaren = Match up to
Evenbeeld = Portrait
even-bit pariteit = even parity
Eveneens = Therefore
Eveneens = Likewise
Eveneens = As
Eveneens = On that account
eveneens = also
Eveneens = Well
Eveneens = Too
eveneens = also
eveneens = likewise
eveneens = also
eveneens = also
eveneens aangeduid als = also referred to as
eveneens bereikt worden = are also achieved
eveneens centraal staat = also plays a central role
eveneens door de werkgever gedragen = shall also be borne by the Employer
eveneens gehouden om = also required to
Eveneens gekend is de werkwijze = Also known is the method
eveneens gescheiden door = also separated by
Eveneens is het duidelijk dat = It is also clear that
eveneens kunnen gebruikt worden = can also be used
Eveneens moet er onderscheid gemaakt kunnen worden tussen = It should also be possible to differentiate between
Eveneens nadelig is dat = It is also disadvantageous that
eveneens tot de uitvinding behoort = is also part of the invention
Eveneens zeer voordelig = It is also very advantageous
Eveneens zeer voordelig is dat = It is also very advantageous that
evenement = event
evenement van aanzienlijk belang voor de samenleving = event of major importance to society
evenement van aanzienlijk belang voor de samenleving = event of major importance for society
Evenemente = Events
evenementen = events
evenementen bureau = events office
evenementen en attracties = events and attractions
Evenementen management = Event management
evenementenaanvraag = event application
Evenementenbureau = event organizer
evenementenbureau = event management office
Evenementencoördinatie = Events Coordination
evenementencoördinator = events coordinator
evenementengebied = event area
Evenementenorganisator = Events Organizer
evenementenplanning = event planning
evenementenrichtlijn = event guidelines
evenementenruimte = event space
Evenementinformatie = Event information
evenementteller = event counter
"evenen, gelijkmaken, platmaken" = even  (make even)
Evenhoevigen = Even-toed ungulate
Evenknie = Equal
Evenknie = Similar
Evenknie = Like
Evenknie = Even
Evenknie = Equable
Evenknie = Peer
Evenknie = Alike
"evenknie {f}, tegenhanger, tegenpartij, tegenspeler, equivalent" = counterpart (one which has corresponding functions or characteristics)
"evenknie, dat soort dingen {p}, gelijkaardige dingen{n} {p}, gelijkaardig" = like (something similar to a given person or object)
Evenmatig = Symmetric
Evenmatig = Symmetrical
Evenmens = Similar
Evenmens = Incoming
Evenmens = Nearest
Evenmens = Next
Evenmens = Approach
Evenmens = Alike
Evenmens = Fellow-creature
Evenmens = Like
Evenmens = Forthcoming
Evenmin = Trifle
Evenmin = Dab
Evenmin = Fractionally
Evenmin = Touch
Evenmin = Early
evenmin = neither
Evenmin = Sparsely
Evenmin = Not many
Evenmin = Little
Evenmin = Spot
Evenmin = Not very
Evenmin = Bit
Evenmin = Not much
Evenmin = Short
Evennaaste = Next
Evennaaste = Forthcoming
Evennaaste = Incoming
Evennaaste = Nearest
evennachtslijn = equator
even-pariteitscontrole = even parity check
evenredig = proportional
Evenredig = Proportionate
evenredig = proportionally
evenredig aan elkaar = are commensurate to each other
evenredig in de tijd = at least pro rate to / in proprtion to time
evenredig met = proportional to
evenredig met de hoeveelheid aanwezige microbiële cellen = proportional to the amount of microbial cells present
evenredig verdeelde aantallen in de onderklassen = proportional subclass numbers
evenredig worden gedeeld = shared proportionatel
evenredige {de} = proportional quantity
evenredige consolidatie = proportional consolidation
evenredige vertegenwoordiging = proportional representation
evenredigheid = proportionality
evenredigheid = proportion
evenredigheidsbeginsel = principle of proportionality
evenredigheidsconstante = proportionality constant
evenredigheidsgrens = proportional limit
evenredigheidsgrens = limit of proportionality
"evenredigheidsgrens, proportionaliteitsgrens" = proportional limit
evenredigheidsmethode = proportional method
evenredig-risicomodel = Cox model
evenredig-risicomodel = proportional hazards model
event = event
event history data = event history data
event log = event log
event management = event management
event sourcing = event sourcing
Event Tracing for Windows = Event Tracing for Windows
eventcalendar = event calendar
Eventdriven = Event-driven
Eventim = Eventim
Eventim platform = Eventim platform
eventjes = a while
eventklasse = event class
eventlog = event log
eventlogger = event logger
Eventmanagement = Event Management
eventmanagementproces = Event Management Process
eventratio = eventration: protrusion of the intestine through the abdominal wall
events = events
events updates = event updates
eventteam = event team
Eventualiteit = Contingency
eventueel = if necessary
eventueel = if possible
eventueel = if any
eventueel = if necessary
eventueel = possibly
eventueel = if any
Eventueel = If desired
eventueel = possibly
Eventueel = Eventual
Eventueel = Contingent
eventueel = eventually
eventueel = possibly
eventueel = if necessary
eventueel = if any
eventueel = possibly
eventueel = if any
eventueel = if necessary
eventueel aangevuld met aannames = supplemented as necessary with assumptions
eventueel aanvullende informatie = any additional information
eventueel afgegeven = any final report issued
eventueel aflopend condensvocht = any compensation
eventueel andere dienst = possibly another service
eventueel bericht inzake uitbetaling = "Your notification, if any, concerning payment of the amount of damages .."
eventueel bijgesteld = possibly adjusted
Eventueel eerder gebeurde incidenten = Any previous incidents
Eventueel extra benodigde uren = Any additional hours required
eventueel gecombineerd met een = possibly combined with a
eventueel gederfde winst = any loss of profit
eventueel gevolgd door = possibly followed by
eventueel hieruit voortkomende schade en/of verwondingen = damage and/or injuries arising from such use
eventueel in combinatie met = possibly in combination with
eventueel in samenwerking met = possibly together with
eventueel ingrijpen = where necessary
eventueel met ondersteuning van = possibly with the support of
eventueel ondersteund door = possibly supported by
eventueel ook = possibly also
eventueel samen met de bron = optionally together with the source
eventueel smeren met IPA = lubricate with IPA if necessary
eventueel spannen = tension if necessary
eventueel te betalen schadevergoeding = any compensation payable
eventueel toegepast = optionally used
Eventueel van toepassing zijnde reis- of onkostenvergoedingen = Any travel or expense allowances applicable
eventueel verschuldigde omzetbelasting buiten de EU = any VAT due outside the EU
eventueel verschuldigde transitievergoeding = any transition payment due
eventuele = if necessary
eventuele = possible
eventuele = possibly
eventuele = where applicable
eventuele = any
Eventuele afspraken betreffende = Any agreements concerning
Eventuele afspraken betreffende een serviceniveau = Any agreements concerning service levels
Eventuele afwijkingen op deze algemene voorwaarden = Any derogations from these General Terms and Conditions
eventuele algemene voorwaarden van de tegenpartij = any general terms and conditions of the other party
eventuele alle verdere toeslagen = any other benefits
eventuele bankkosten en andere heffingen welke van overheidswege worden o = any bank charges and other levies imposed by the government
eventuele beperkingen in de gezondheid = any health problems/restrictions
eventuele bijzonderheden = if any
eventuele bijzonderheden = special features
eventuele bodemverontreiniging in kaart brachtten = mapped out the possible presence of soil pollution
eventuele bodemverontreiniging in kaart brengen = to map out the possible presence of soil pollution
eventuele daaruit voortvloeiende recht op schadevergoeding = any right to compensation arising therefrom
Eventuele defecten in de = Any defects in the
eventuele eigen bijdrage voor privé-gebruik = any personal contribution for private use
eventuele geschillen tussen Partijen = Any disputes between Parties
Eventuele geschillen worden voorgelegd aan = Any disputes will be submitted to
eventuele klachten = any complaints
eventuele kopieën daarvan = any copies thereof
eventuele kosten derden = any third-party costs
eventuele kosten en uitgaven = any costs and expenses
eventuele leegloop uren = any idle hours
Eventuele nadere afspraken tussen Partijen = Any further agreements between Parties
eventuele nadere bijzonderheden over = any further details about
Eventuele niet-gemelde schades = any unreported damage
eventuele nieuwe risico's = potentially new risks
eventuele objecten = any objects
eventuele onderhandelingen = any negotiations
eventuele onjuistheden = any errors
eventuele onrechtmatigheden = any irregularities
Eventuele opmerkingen = Comments
eventuele opvolgers daarvan = any superseding versions thereof
Eventuele overeengekomen afwijkingen = Any agreed changes
eventuele overlast te minimaliseren = minimising any inconvenience
Eventuele problemen die mogelijk bij de indeling zijn ontstaan = any problems that may arise in the classification
eventuele protocolwijzigingen = any protocol changes
eventuele randapparatuur = any peripherals
Eventuele sancties en/of meerkosten = Any penalties and/or additional costs
eventuele schade aan of vermissing van = any damage to or loss of
eventuele schade die hieruit voortvloeit = any damage or loss resulting therefrom
Eventuele slachtoffers = Possible victims
eventuele storing = possible fault
eventuele testen om een vermoedelijke oorzaak te bevestigen = any tests to confirm a probable cause
eventuele theorievorming = the creation of a possible theory
Eventuele toelichting = Additional remarks
eventuele toevoegingen aan of wijzigingen in = Any additions or changes to
eventuele tussentijdse reparaties = any interim repairs
eventuele verdere correspondentie = any further correspondence
eventuele verplichtingen = contingent liabilities
Eventuele verwijzingen in de conclusies = Any references in the claims
Eventuele verwijzingen in de conclusies mogen niet worden opgevat als een = Any references in the claims should not be construed as a limitation of t
Eventuele verwijzingen in de conclusies mogen niet worden opgevat als een = Any references in the claims should not be construed as a limitation of t
Eventuele zichtbare gebreken = Any visible defects
Eventuele zichtbare gebreken betreffende het geleverde goed = Any visible defects in the delivered goods
eventuele ziekteperiode(n) = any period(s) of illness
Evenveel = Likely
Evenveel = Such
Evenveel = Far
Evenveel = All the
Evenveel = So much
Evenveel = Such a
Evenveel = All the more
Evenveel = Much
Evenveel = That kind of
evenveel = that much
Evenveel = All the less
evenveel aandrijvingen = as many drives
evenveel aandrijvingen als een knikarmrobot = as many drives as an articulated arm robot
evenvichtsprofiel = equilibrium profile
evenwaardig = equivalent
evenwel = yet
evenwel = nevertheless
evenwel = however
evenwel = nonetheless
evenwel = still
evenwicht = poise
evenwicht = balance
evenwicht = equilibrium
evenwicht {het} = equilibrium
evenwicht {het} = balance
evenwicht tussen aanbod en vraag = balance between supply and demand
evenwicht tussen werk en privé = work-life balance
evenwicht tussen werk en privé = Balance between work and private life
evenwicht tussen werk en privéleven = work-life balance
evenwicht tussen werk en privéleven = the balance between work and private life
Evenwicht van de consument = Consumers' equilibrium
evenwicht werk/privé = work/life balance
evenwichtig = well-balanced
Evenwichtig = Balanced
evenwichtig en consistent = balanced and consistent
evenwichtig herhaalde replicatie = balanced repeated replication
evenwichtig onvolledig blok = balanced incomplete block
evenwichtig roostervierkant = balanced lattice square
evenwichtig stelsel = balanced system
evenwichtig vernieuwingsproces = equilibrium renewal process
evenwichtig warren = balanced confounding
evenwichtige = balanced
evenwichtige afstemming = balanced coordination
Evenwichtige arbeidsmarkt = Balanced labour market
evenwichtige bootstrap = balanced bootstrap
evenwichtige factoriële proefopzet = balanced factorial experimental design
evenwichtige spreiding = balanced distribution
evenwichtige tandocclusie = balanced  dental occlusion
evenwichtige verschillen = balanced differences
evenwichtige verzameling producten = balanced product set
evenwichtige wisselwerking = trade-off
"evenwichtige, hoogwaardige en uitgebreide" = "balanced, high quality and comprehensive"
evenwichtigheid = balance
Evenwichtsbalk = Beam
Evenwichtsbalk = Girder
Evenwichtsbalk = Joist
Evenwichtsconstante = Equilibrium constant
evenwichtsdiepte = uniform depth
Evenwichts-domeinstrukturen = Equilibrium domains
evenwichtsdraagvermogen = equilibrium bearing-capacity
evenwichtsfles = hydraulic balancer
evenwichtshoutvochtgehalte = equilibrium wood moisture content
evenwichtshoutvochtgehalte = equilibrium moisture content of wood
evenwichtshoutvochtgehalte = equilibrium moisture content (EMC)
Evenwichtsinkomen = Equilibrium income
evenwichtsinrichting = compensator
Evenwichtskoers = Equilibrium rate
evenwichtsoefening = balancing act
evenwichtsorgaan = labyrinth
evenwichtsorgaan = organ of balance
Evenwichtsorgaan- en ooraandoeningen = Ear and labyrinth disorders
Evenwichtsprijs = Equilibrium price
evenwichtspunt = break-even point
Evenwichtsrente = Equilibrium interest rate
Evenwichtssituatie = Situation of equilibrium
evenwichtssituatie = state of equilibrium
evenwichtstoestand = balanced condition
evenwichtstoestand = equilibrium
evenwichtsverdeling = equilibrium distribution
evenwichtsverdelingscoëfficiënt = equilibrium distribution coefficient
evenwichtsvergelijking = equation of equilibrium
Evenwichttoestellen = Balance equipment
evenwijdig = parallel
evenwijdig aan = parallel to
evenwijdig aan de = parallel to the
evenwijdig aan de toplaag = parallel to the top layer
evenwijdig aan elkaar = parallel to each other
evenwijdig aan en tegenover = parallel and opposite to
evenwijdig is met = is parallel to
evenwijdig is met het = is parallel to the
evenwijdig met = parallel to
evenwijdig met de inslaggarens = parallel to the weft yarns
evenwijdig met de laterale zijden = parallel to the lateral sides
evenwijdig met een eerste legplank = parallel to a first shelf
evenwijdig met elkaar = parallel with each other
evenwijdig met het tafeloppervlak = parallel to the table surface
evenwijdig met het vlak = parallel with the plane
"evenwijdig met/aan, parallel met" = parallel {adj} (having the same overall direction)
evenwijdige = in a parallel manner
evenwijdige = parallel
evenwijdige = parallelly
evenwijdige platen = parallel panels
evenwijdige platen = parallel plates
Evenwijdige verschuiving = Parallel shift
evenwijdige vlakken = parallel planes
evenwijdige zijden = parallel sides
evenwijdige zijprofielen = parallel side profiles
evenwijdige zijvlakken = parallel lateral faces
evenwijdige zijvlakken = parallel side faces
evenwijdigheid = parallelism
Evenzeer = Far
Evenzeer = likewise
Evenzeer = Similarly
evenzeer = also
Evenzeer = Well
Evenzeer = Much
Evenzo = Equally
Evenzo = Alike
Evenzo = Similarly
Evenzo = Same
evenzo = likewise
Evenzogoed = Yet
Evenzogoed = All the
Evenzogoed = That kind of
Evenzogoed = Such a
Evenzogoed = That much
Evenzogoed = Nonetheless
Evenzogoed = All the less
Evenzogoed = Likely
Evenzogoed = Far
Evenzogoed = All the more
Evenzogoed = Notwithstanding
Evenzogoed = However
Evenzogoed = Much
Evenzogoed = So much
Evenzogoed = Such
Evenzogoed = Still
ever = wild boar
Ever After = Evermore
Ever After = For evermore
evergreen {de} = "classic [book, film, song]"
Everpure aansluitkop = Everpure filter head
Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing = Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing
everzwijn = wild boar
everzwijn = boar
eVesta = eVesta
evidence based = evidence based
evidence based beroepsproduct = evidence-based professional product
evidence based practice = evidence based practice
evidence based practice = evidence-based medical practice
evidence-based = evidence-based
evidence-based learning = evidence-based learning
Evidence-based management = EBM
Evidence-based management = EBMgt
Evidence-based management = evidence-based management
evidence-based policy = evidence-based policy
evidence-based richtlijnen = evidence-based guidelines
Evident = Obvious
evident = evident
evident = easy
evident = obvious
evident misdrijf = evident crime
evident niet-natuurlijk overlijden = evident unnatural death
"evident, klaar, duidelijk" = apparent {adj} (visible)
evidentie = clear
evidentie = obvious
evidentie = obviousness
evidentie = evidence
evidently = klaarblijkelijk
EV-NL = "Dutch foundation for electric sailing (Elektrisch Varen Nederland, EV-NL)"
EVOA = European Waste Shipment Regulation
evolueren = develop
evolueren = to evolve
Evolueren = Evolve
evolutie = changes
Evolutie = Evolution
evolutie = development
evolutie {de} = evolution
evolutie van de verkoop = sales trend
evolutief onderhoud = evolutionary maintenance
Evolutieleer = Evolution
evoluties = developments
Evolutietheorie = Evolution
evolutieve aandoening = degenerative disease
Evolutionaire economie = Evolutionary economy
evolvente = involute
evolvente vertanding = involute teeth
EVR-cassette = EVR-cartridge
EVR-film = EVR-film
EV-rijder = EV driver
EVRM = European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Fr
EVRM = European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Fr
EVR-reproductie = EVR-reproduction
EVR-speler = EVR-player
EVR-systeem = EVR-system
EVR-videosignaal = EVR video-signal
EVS = European Value Studies
EVSA 1-10V = Electronic ballast 1-10 V
EVSA Multiwatt = Electronic ballast multiwatt
EVSA standaard = Electronic ballast standard
EVSA-DALI = Electronic ballast-DALI
evt = possibly
evt = any necessary
evt = if necessary
evt = if desired
evt = if necessary
evt = possibly
evt = if desired
evt voorkomende gevaren = any hazards that may occur
evt. = and/or
evt. = if any
evt. = if desired
evt. = if necessary
evt. = possible
evt. = possibly
evt. = where applicable
evt. in combinatie met elektrisch = possibly in combination with electric
evt. in overleg met = possibly in consultation with
evt. meerkoste = any extra costs
EWAD = effectieve wekelijkse arbeidsduur
Ewe = Ewe
EWE [Eerste-Werkervaring] = first work experience ( ! Traduction propos?e)
EWE [Eerste-Werkervaring] = first work experience
EWE [Eerste-Werkervaring] = first work experience ( ! Traduction propos�e)
Ewingsarcoon = Ewing’s sarcoma
EWRS = European Weed Research Society
ex = excluding
Ex- = Ancient
ex- = ex-
ex aequo = tie
ex aequo score = equal score
Ex ante = Ex ante
ex artikel = ex Section
Ex bereik 0 = Ex-risk area 0
Ex bereik 1 = Ex-risk area 1
Ex bereik 2 = Ex-risk area 2
ex btw = excluding VAT
ex cathedra = ex cathedra
Ex libris = Bookplate
Ex libris = Ex-libris
ex post = ex post
ex post = ex-post
ex post audit = ex-post audit
ex post audit findings = ex-post audit findings
ex post doelmatigheidsonderzoek = ex post performance audits
Ex posthaggling = Ex posthaggling
ex voto = ex voto
Ex voto = Ex-voto
EX10 = EX 10
exabyte = exabyte
Exacerbatie = Exacerbation
exacerbatie = worsening
exact = accurate
exact = exact
exact aansluiten = fit together exactly
exact op maat = exactly to size
exact test = exact test
Exacte = Exact
Exacte afstand = Exact distance
exacte eisen = exact requirements
exacte kopie = exact copy
Exacte lengte = Exact length
exacte ramingen lopen uiteen = Exact estimates vary
exacte representatie = exact representation
exacte statistische methode = exact statistical method
exacte vakken = science subjects
exacte vakken (school) = science subjects
exacte waarden = exact values
exacte wetenschap = exact science
exacte wetenschap(pen) = exact science
Exacte Wetenschappen = Sciences
Exacte zin = Exact phrase
exactheid = exactness
examen = examination/exam
Examen = Review
examen = examination
examen = degree audit
Examen = Investigation
examen (opgave) = examination paper
examen {het} = exam
examen afleggen = to take an exam (Am) / to sit an exam (Brit)
examen afleggen = take/sit an examination
examen afleggen = take an examination
"examen afleggen, een" = "to take an exam, to sit an exam"
examen afnemen = examine
examen- en toetsbeleid = Examination and Assessment Policy
examen halen = pass an examination
examen maken = do/sit/write an examination
examen opgeven = devise/set an examination paper
examen overdoen = retake/resit an examination
Examen Tester-formaat = ExamenTester format
examen van de Basisopleiding = Basic Training exam
examen voorbereidende = exam preparatory
"examen, de proefwerk, het onderzoek, de verificatie" = examination
"examen, de proefwerk, het onderzoek, de verificatie" = verification
examenaanvraag = examination application
examenbriefje = examination result slip
Examencommissie = Examination Board Assurance Programme
examencommissie = Board of Examiners
examencommissie = Examination Board
examencommissie = examining board
examencommissie = Board of Examiners (BoE)
examencommissie = examination board
examencondities = examination conditions
examencoördinator = exam coordinator
"examendoel (Osiris term, bedoeld wordt: propedeuse, bacherlor, master enz" = degree type [Osiris]
examendossier = transcript
exameneis = examination requirement
examengeld = examination fees
exameninstelling = testing institute
exameninstrumenten = examination tools
examenjaar = graduation year
examenjaar = senior year
examenkandidaat = examination candidate
examenkosten = examination fees
Examenonderdeel = Examination part
examenpakket = examination subjects
examenpresentatie = examination
examenprogramma = study programme [Osiris]
examenprogramma = study programme
examenprogramma = syllabus of a study programme
examenproof = exam-proof
examenregelement = examination regulations
examenreglement = exam(ination) regulations
examenreglement = examination regulations
examenrooster = exam timetable
"examenrooster, tentamenrooster" = exam timetable
examens = "examinations, exams, preliminary exaministions, interim examiniations"
examens = examinations
examenstof = prescribed reading
examensysteem = exam system
examentraject = examination period
Examenvraag = Exam question
Examinanda = Examinee
Examinanda = Aspirant
Examinanda = Applicant
Examinandus = Entrant
Examinandus = Contender
Examinandus = Candidate
examinandus = examination candidate
Examinandus = Aspirant
Examinandus = Nominee
Examinandus = Applicant
Examinandus = Examinee
examinations and/or partial examinations (use this one) = (deel)tentamens
examinator = examiner
Examinator-beoordelaar = Examiner/assessor
examinatoren = examiners
examinatorenbestand = team of examiners
examinatorenbestand = examiners database
examiner = (patent) examiner
examiner = patent examiner
examiner = examiner
Examineren = Explore
examineren = examine
examinering = examination
example input = voorbeeldinput
Examples of this are = Voorbeelden hiervan zijn
ex-ante en ex-post = Before(hand) and after / prospective and retrospective
exantheem = exanthema
exanthemateus = exanthematous
exarticulatie = disarticulation: amputation or separation at a joint
exarticulatie van een vinger = finger exarticulation
exartrose = exarthrosis
Excalibur = Excalibur
Excalibur = Excaliber
excavated soil = uitgegraven bodem
excavateur = navvy
excavateur = excavator
excavatio glaucomatosa = glaucomatous  excavation of papilla
excedent = surplus
excedent = supplementary Occupational Disability Insurance Act cover
excedent bovenbouw-onderbouw = ceiling supplement and lower threshold supplement
excedent pensioensregeling = pension scheme excess regulation
excedent(en)herverzekering = excess insurance
excedent(en)herverzekering = excess reinsurance
excedent(en)verzekering = surplus insurance
Excedentaanvullingspercentage = Percent deductible contribution or Excess/deductible contribution percent
exceedance life test = exceedance life test
exceedance tests = exceedances tests
Excel = Excel
Excel Mobile Viewer = Excel Mobile Viewer
Excel XML-indeling = Excel XML Format
excel-bestand = Excel file
Excel-formulier = Excel form
Excel-kubusfuncties = Excel Cube Functions
excellent = top
Excellent = Excellent
Excellent = Great
excellent = fine
excellente applied scientist = excellent applied scientist
excellente onderzoekers = excellent researchers
excellente studenten = outstanding students
Excellentie in Hoger Onderwijs en Samenleving = Excellence in Higher Education and Society
Excellentie in Hoger Onderwijs en Samenleving = Excellence in Higher Education and (lectoraat)
Excellentie in Hoger Onderwijs en Samenleving  (lectoraat) = Excellence in Higher Education and Society (professorship)
Excellentie in Hoger Onderwijs en Samenleving (lectoraat) = Excellence in Higher Education and Society
excellentiebeleid = excellence policy
excellentieprogramma (wordt niet meer gebruikt = Excellence programme
excellentieprogramma (wordt niet meer gebruikt = Excellence programme
excellentietraject = Honours programme
excellijst = Excel list
Excel-rekenserver = Excel Calculation Server
Excelsheet = Excel sheet
excel-sheet = Excel sheet
Excel-tabel = Excel table
excenter = eccentric
Excenter = Eccentric
Ex-center = Eccentric
Excenter Arret = Eccentric Stop
Ex-center pulley = Eccentric pulley
excenter schuurmachine = orbital sander
excenterblok = eccentric block
excentergroef = eccentric groove
excenterpers = eccentric press
excenters = eccentrics
excenterschijf = eccentric cam
excenterschuurmachine = sanding machine with oscillating action
excenterschuurmachine = random orbit(al) sander
Excentriciteit = Eccentricity
Excentriciteit (wiskunde) = Eccentricity (mathematics)
excentriciteiten = eccentricities
excentriciteitsgreep = eccentricity handle
Excentriek = Eccentricity
excentriek = eccentric
excentriek = cam
"excentriek, buitenissig, afwijkend" = eccentric {adj} (deviating from the norm)
excentriekas = eccentric shaft
excentriekstang = eccentric rod
excentrisch = eccentric
excentrisch = out-of-round
excentrisch / ovaal = eccentricity / ovality
excentrisch contragewicht = eccentric counterweight
excentrisch en/of tangentieel = eccentric and/or tangential
excentrische = off-center
excentrische as = eccentric shaft
excentrische beitel = offset bit
excentrische schijf = eccentric sheave
Excentrische schuurmachine = Eccentric sander
Excentrische schuurmachine (accu) = Random orbital disc sander (battery)
Excentrische schuurmachine (elektrisch) = Random orbital disc sander (electric)
exceptie = exception
exceptie = plea
exceptie in limine litis = objection raised in limine litis
exceptie van niet-naleving = plea of non-compliance
exceptie van onbevoegdheid = motion contesting jurisdiction
exceptie van onbevoegdheid = lack of jurisdiction
exceptie van onbevoegdheid = plea of lack of jurisdiction
exceptiecode = exception handler
exceptief beroep = dilatory plea
exceptief verweer = (defence by way of) objection
Excepties opnieuw opgooien = Rethrowing exceptions
exceptieve toetsing = procedural test
exceptieve toetsing = so-called ‘exceptional scrutiny’ (exceptieve toetsing)
Exception rule = Uitzonderingsregeling
"Exception, RuntimeException of Error" = "Exception, RuntimeException or Error"
exceptioneel transport = oversize loads
exceptioneel transport = special transport
exceptioneel transport = heavy and oversized transportation
exceptioneel transport = special transport or oversize loads
Exceptioneel transport = Special transport
exceptioneel vervoer = special transport
ExceptionInInitializerError = ExceptionInInitializerError
Exceptions en constructors = Exceptions and constructors
Exceptions en overriding = Exceptions and overriding
Exceptions en static initializers = Exceptions and static initialisers
Exceptions kunnen afvangen = Be able to catch Exceptions
excercitieplein (b.v. in vesting) = parade ground
"excerperen, samenvatten" = epitomize  (make an epitome)
excerpt = abridgement
Excerpt = Abstract
Exces = Debauchery
Exces = Surfeit
exces = excess
Exces = Debauch
Exces = Surplus
Excessief = Fulsome
Excessief = Inordinate
excessief = excessive
exchange = exchange
Exchange ActiveSync = Exchange ActiveSync
Exchange Hosted Services = Exchange Hosted Services
Exchange koppeling (wisselwerking) = Exchange coupling (interaction)
Exchange Management Console = Exchange Management Console
Exchange Server = Exchange Server
Exchange System Manager = Exchange System Manager
Exchange via telefoon = Exchange by Phone
exchangeable = exchangeable
Exchange-archief = Exchange store
Exchange-beheerder = Exchange administrator
Exchange-beheershell = Exchange Management Shell
Exchange-modus met cache = Cached Exchange Mode
Exchange-server = Exchange server
Exchange-services = Exchange services
Exchange-webservices = Exchange Web Services
excimere-laser = "excimer laser: a laser containing a noble gas, such as helium or neon, wh"
excipiens = "excipient, carrier, inactive part of drug"
Excipiens = Excipient
excipiënt = excipient
excipientium = excipient
excisie = "excision, resection, surgical removal"
excisie van een aneurisme = excision of an aneurysm
excisie van een kankertumor = excision of a cancerous tumor
excitabiliteit = emotivity
excitabiliteit = excitability: excessive sensitivity of an organ or body part
excitatie = excitation
excitatie = excitement
excitatie = stimulation
excitatie = stimulus
Excitatie = Excitation
excitatiebron = excitation source
excitatie-energie = excitation energy
excitatiespanning = excitation voltage
excitatiestadium = excitation state
excitatiestadium = excitatory state
excitatiestroom = excitation current
excitation = excitation
excitation = excitation controller
excitatorische aminozuren = excitatory amino acids: endogenous amino acids released by neurons as exc
excitatorische aminozuur-agonisten = excitatory amino acid agonists
excitementattribuut = excitement attribute
excitementfactor = excitement factor
exciterende spanning = exciting voltage
exciterende stroom = exciting current
excl = excluding
excl demper = excl. sound dampener
excl VAT = excl. VAT
excl. = excl.
excl. = excluding
excl. BTW = VAT exclusive
excl. btw = excluding VAT
excl. BTW = plus VAT
"excl. BTW, servicekosten en BTW" = "excluding VAT, service costs and VAT"
excl. installaties = excl. installations
exclusie = exclusion
exclusie = isolation
exclusief = exclusively
exclusief = exclusive
exclusief (zonder) uitlotingsrecht = ex drawing
exclusief aan kredietinstellingen = Change / movement in current liabilities (except or excluding credit inst
exclusief aan kredietinstellingen = excluding to credit institutions
exclusief bericht = exclusive message
exclusief BTW = excluding VAT
exclusief BTW en servicekosten = not including CAT and service charges
exclusief de effecten van de beursgang = excluding the effect of the listing
exclusief eenmalige kosten omgekeerde overname = excluding non-recurring costs relating to reverse takeover
exclusief element = exclusive element
exclusief feest = exclusive party
exclusief forumkeuzebeding = exclusive choice of court agreement
exclusief gebruikerscircuit = exclusive-user circuit
exclusief gebruiksrecht = exclusive right of use
exclusief gebruiksrecht = sole right of use
exclusief loonkosten en exclusief brandstofkosten = excluding labour costs and excluding fuel costs
exclusief omzetbelasting = excluding VAT
exclusief omzetbelasting = exclusive of VAT
exclusief omzetbelasting = net of VAT
exclusief omzetbelasting = plus VAT
exclusief omzetbelasting (B.T.W.) = exclusive of VAT
exclusief omzetbelasting (BTW) = excluding value added tax (VAT)
Exclusief programma = Exclusive programme
exclusief reis- en verblijfkosten = plus travel and accommodation expenses
"exclusief reis- en verblijfkosten, uitgaande van normale werktijden" = "plus travel and accommodation expenses, assuming normal working hours"
exclusief renteswap = excluding interest rate swaps
exclusief taksen = excluding taxes
exclusief vakantietoeslag = excluding holiday allowance
exclusief voorbehouden aan = reserved exclusively for
exclusief woon-werkverkeer = excluding commuting
exclusief worden geleverd door = provided exclusively by
exclusief worden geleverd door = supplied exclusively by
exclusieve = highly specialist
exclusieve activa = exclusive assets
exclusieve afname = exclusive purchase
Exclusieve afname Producten = Exclusive purchase of products
exclusieve afnameverplichting = Exclusive purchase obligation
exclusieve content = exclusive content
exclusieve distributie = exclusive distribution agreement
Exclusieve distributie = Exclusive distribution
exclusieve economische zone = exclusive economic zone
exclusieve economische zone (EEZ) = Exclusive Economic Zone
Exclusieve Economische Zone (EEZ) (in de Noordzee) = Exclusive Economic Zone (in the North Sea)
exclusieve economische zone (Nederland) = Exclusive Economic Zone of the Netherlands
exclusieve economische zone van de partijen = Exclusive Economic Zone of the Parties
exclusieve en volledige gezag = exclusive and full authority
exclusieve entree = exclusive entrance
exclusieve gebieden = exclusive areas
exclusieve importeur = exclusive importer
exclusieve informatie = exclusive information
exclusieve intelligentie = exclusive intelligence
exclusieve klantenkring = exclusive customer group
exclusieve leveringsverplichting = Exclusive supply obligation
exclusieve machines = highly specialist machines
exclusieve noch-noch = exclusive nor
exclusieve of = exclusive or
exclusieve rechten = exclusive rights
exclusieve samenwerking = exclusive partnership
Exclusive dealing = Exclusive dealing
Exclusive Economic Zone = exclusieve economische zone (EEZ)
exclusiviteit = exclusivity
exclusiviteit = exclusiveness
exclusiviteit van aankoop = exclusive purchasing agreement
exclusiviteit verstrekken = to grant exclusivity
exclusiviteitsrecht = exclusive rights
exclusiviteitsregel = exclusivity rule
exclusiviteitverbintenis = exclusivity agreement
ExCo sessie = ExCo session
excochleatio = excochleation: removing the contents of a cavity by scraping or curetting
excommunicatie = anathema
excommunicatie = excommunication
Excretie = Excretion
excretie = excretion
excretie = removal of waste
excretie per dier = excretion per animal
Excretiefactor = Excretion factor
excretiefactoren = excretion factors
excretiegedrag = animal  eliminative behavior: behavior associated with the elimination of
excretiegetallen = excretion figures
excretorisch = excretory
excretorius = excretory
excursie = field trip
excursie = field trip [DS: Field Trip]
excursie = field trip [DS] Field Trip
excursie = tour
Excursie = Sightseeing trip
Excursie = Sally
Excursie = Outing
Excursie = Day trip
Excursie = Excursion
Excursie = Jaunt
excuseer = excuse me
Excuseer mij! = Excuse me!
"Excuseer, dat heb ik niet verstaan." = "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that."
"Excuseer, dat heb ik niet verstaan." = "I'm sorry, I didn't get that."
Excuseren = Forgive
Excuseren = Apologetically
Excuseren = Apologize
Excuseren = Pardon
Excuseren = Excuse
Excuseren = Excused
Excuseren = Forgiveness
excuses maken = to apologize
excuus = excuse
excuus = apology
Excuus = Plea
excuus {het} = excuse
ex-drinker = former drinker
EXE-bestand = .exe file
executable code = executable code
executeren = execute
executeren = to execute [kill as punishment]
Executeren = Run
executeur = executor
executeur van een boedel/nalatenschap = estate executor
Executie = Workmanship
executie (hypotheek) = foreclosure
executie bij brandende rubberband = necklace (method of execution)
executie op een computersysteem = execution on a computer system
executie paden = execution path
executie paden = execution paths
executie van een hypotheek = foreclosure (of a mortgage)
executie van zakelijke zekerheid wegens niet-betaling van schuld(en) = debt foreclosure
"executie, terechtstelling, doodstraf" = execution (act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty)
executiekosten = enforcement costs (m.b.t. executie krachtens vonnis)
executiekosten = foreclosure costs (m.b.t. executie door bank)
executiekracht = executive powers
executiemaatregelen nemen = to take enforcement measures
executieschuldenaar = foreclosure debtor
executieve functie = executive function
executieve functies = executive functions
executieve macht = executive power
executieve regelfunctie = executive control function
executiewet = law of enforcement //Code of Enforcement Procedure
executive = executive
Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) = Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)
Executive Board = Executive Board
Executive Function = EF
Executive Function = Executive Functions
executive resource = executive resource
Executive Vice President = EVP
Executive Vice President = Executive Vice President (EVP)
executoriaal = enforceable
executoriaal beslag = attached under a warrant of execution
executoriaal beslag leggen bij iemand = to levy execution against a person
executoriaal beslag leggen bij iemand = to seize under foreclosure
executoriaal beslag leggen op = to levy execution upon
executoriaal verkochte activa = foreclosed assets
executorial beslag leggen op = to take under execution
executorial beslag leggen op = to levy execution upon
executorial beslag leggen op = to levy execution on
executorial beslag leggen op = to take in execution
executorial beslag leggen op = to seize in execution
executorial beslag leggen op = to seize under execution
executorial derdenbesalg = attachment in execution
executoriale = enforceable
executoriale = executory
Executoriale beslaglegging = Levying execution
executoriale beslaglegging = seizure under foreclosure
"executoriale beslaglegging, executoriaal beslaglegging" = executory seizure
"executoriale beslaglegging, executoriaal beslaglegging" = seizure under foreclosure
executoriale maatregelen = take measures for enforcing a judgment
executoriale titel = title to enforcement
Executoriale verkoop = Sale under distress
Executoriale verkoop = Sale under execution
"executoriale verkoop, executie[1]" = "foreclosure ((legal) the proceeding, by a creditor, to regain property or"
exedent = Supplementary pension (sometimes 'Top Hat Scheme')
exempel = exemplar
exemplaar = item
exemplaar = instance
Exemplaar = Copy
Exemplaar = Exemplary
exemplaar met een gering fout = minor defective item
exemplaar met een incidentele fout = incidental defective item
exemplaar met een kritische fout = critical defective item
"exemplaar, artikel, stuk" = item (distinct physical object)
exemplaarniveau = individual copy level
exemplaarprovider = instance provider
exemplaren = copies
exemplarisch = illustrative
EXEMPLARISCHE SCHADE = punitive damages
exemplatief = exemplative (real word?)
exemplatief = illustrative
exemption = ontheffing
exempts = vrijgesteld / cadres= kaderleden?? = exempts
exenteratio = evisceration
exenteratio = exenteration
exenteratio bulbi = evisceratio bulbi
exenteratio bulbi = evisceration of orbit
exenteratio bulbi = evisceration of the eyeball
exenteratio bulbi = orbit evisceration
ex-fabriek = ex works
exfoliatie = desquamation
exfoliatie = exfoliation
exfoliatie = peeling
exfoliatie = shedding of cells
exfoliatief = exfoliative
ex-gebruiker = ex user
"exhauster, de afzuigventilator" = exhaust fan
"exhauster, de afzuigventilator" = exhauster
"exhauster, de afzuigventilator" = extractor fan
"exhauster, de afzuigventilator" = suction pump
"exhauster, de afzuigventilator" = "suction-pipe, ventilator"
exhibitie-incident = procedural issue/action on the provision/production of exhibits
exhibitionisme = exhibitionism
exhibitionniste = (noun & adjective)  exhibitionist
exhibits = exhibits
existentialisme = existentialism
Existentie = Be
existentiële hoeveelheidsbepaler = existential quantifier
existentiële intelligentie = existential intelligence
Exit = Exit
exit beleid = exit policy
exit criteria = exit criteria
exit gesprek = exit interview
exit gesprekken = exit interviews
Exit Plan = Exit Plan
exit traject = exit process
exit-clausule = exit clause
exit-clausules = exit clauses
exitcriteria = exit criteria
exitgesprek = final interview
exit-gesprek = exit interview
exitmaatregelen = exit measures
Exitplan = Exit plan
exit-plan = Exit Plan
Exitplan op hoofdlijnen = Outline Exit Plan
Exitplannen = Exit plans
Exitverplichtingen = Exit obligations
Exitwerkzaamheden = Exit Activities
ex-libris = ex-libris
Exloërmond = Exloërmond
exobiologie = astrobiology
exobiologie = exobiology
exobiologie = extraterrestrial biology
exocervix = exocervix
exocoeloma = exochoelom
exocrien = "exocrine: secreting outwardly, via a duct"
Exocrien = Exocrine
exocriene klier = exocrine gland: glands that secrete externally through a duct
exocrinopathie = exocrinopathy
exocytosis = exocytosis
Exodus = Exodus
Exodus (boek) = Exodus
exo-enzym = ecto-enzyme
Exoftalmie = Exophthalmos
exoftalmie veroorzaakt door thyreotoxicose = endocrine  exophthalmos
exogeen = exogenous
exogeen = with an external origin
Exogene grootheid in een model = Exogenous variable in a model
exogene hyperlipoproteïnemie = exogenous  hypertriglyceridemia
Exogene investeringen = Exogenous investments
exogene variabele = exogenous variable
exogene variabele = exogenous variate
Exogene variabele = Exogenous (explanatory) variable
exogene vergiftiging = exogenic poisoning
exogift = extracellular toxin
exon = exon: expressed region
Exon = Exon
exonuclease = exonuclease: an enzyme that cleaves nucleotides sequentially from the fre
exophoria = exophoria
exophtalmometrie = exophtalmometry
exophytische tumor = exophytic tumor
"exorbitant, buitensporig" = exorbitant {adj} (exceeding proper limits)
Exorcist = Exorcist
Exosfeer = Exosphere
exosmosis = exosmose
exostosis multiplex cartilaginea = "multiple  hereditary exostoses, exostosis multiplex cartilaginea"
exoten = exotic species
exoterisch = "exoteric, external"
exotherm = exothermic
exotherm proces = exothermic reaction
exotherme = exothermic
exotherme en endotherme reactor = exothermic and endothermic reactor
exotherme reacties = exothermic reactions
Exotic = Exotic
Exotisch = Exotic
exotisch = exotically
"exotisch danser, karakterdanser, stripdanser" = dancer (euphemism for stripper)
Exotische dieren opvang = Exotic animal care
exotische ziekte = exotic disease
Exotisme = Exoticism
exotropie = divergent strabismus
Ex-OX meter = Ex-OX meter
Exp ertis ecentrum = Centre of Expertise
expanded memory = expanded memory
expanderen = to expand
expanderen en krimpen = expand and shrink
expansie = distension
expansie = expansion
expansie = growth
expansie = release
expansie = relief from tension
Expansie = Expansion
expansie {de} = expansion
expansie uitloop = expansion outlet
expansie van het bloedvolume = expansion of blood volume
Expansieanalysatoren = Expansion analysers
expansiebocht = expansion bend
expansiebol = expansion bulb
expansiebout = expansion bolt
expansief = expansive
expansiehuls = expansion sleeve
expansieklep = expansion valve
expansiemoer = expansion nut
expansieorgaan = expander
Expansieprijsstrategie = Expansion price strategy
expansieproces = expansion process
expansieriet = expanding reed
expansieschuim = expansion foam
expansiestuk = bellows
expansietype uitlaatdemper = exhaust expansion box
expansieuitlaat = expansion chambers
expansieuitlaten = expansion chambers
expansieuitlaten = expansion chamber
expansie-uitloop = expansion outlet
expansievat = expansion vessel
expansievat = conservator
expansievat = expansion tank
expansievat (b.v.van verwarmingssysteem) = expansion tank
"expansievat 7,5l, 0,75bar" = "expansion vessel 7,5liter, 0,75bar"
expansieve klagende paranoia = expansive querulous paranoia
Expansieve methode = Expansive method
Expansieve open markt operatie = Expansionary open market operation
expansieventiel = expansion valve
expansiewater = expansion water
expat = expat
Expatrianten = Expatriates
Expatriate = Expatriate
expectatief = 1.  expectant: waiting in expectation
expectorans = mucolytic
Expectorans = Expectorant
expectorans = expectorant
expectorans (geneesmiddel dat het ophoesten bevordert) = expectorant
expectoratie = expectoration: the act of expectorating
expediënt = automobile shipper
expediënt = car shipper
Expediëren = Despatch
Expediëren = Ship
Expediëren = Knock off
Expediëren = Consign
Expediëren = Dispatch
Expediëren = Forward
expediteur = forwarding agent
expediteurs als afhandelaren = shipping and handling agents
expediteurs en afhandelaren = shipping and handling agents
expediteursorganisatie = shipping organisation
expeditie = Despatch Department
expeditie = Dispatch Department
expeditie = Forwarding Department
Expeditie = Dispatch
Expeditie = Forwarding
Expeditie = Mailing
Expeditie = Shipment
Expeditie = Shipping
Expeditie = Despatch
expeditie = authenticated copy
expeditie = expedition
Expeditie = Consignment
expeditie = shipping department
expeditieafdeling = shipping department
expeditiebeheer = forwarding management
expeditiecentrum = distribution centre
Expeditiekantoordiensten = Transport agency services
expeditielijst = forwarding list
expeditie-medewerkers van Rotaform = Rotaform forwarding staff
expeditierecht = charge for authenticated copies
expeditierechten = charges for authenticated copies
expedities of uittreksels = authenticated copies or extracts
expeditie-software = shipping software
expeditie-software = forwarding software
Expeditiesysteem = Dispatch system
expeditievloer = forwarding department
expeditievloer = shipping department
expeditionair = expeditionary
expeditionair gebruik = expeditionary use
expeditionaire = expeditionary
experience based = experience based
Experience Center = Experience Centre
Experience claims = Experience claims
experience economie = Experience Economics
experience economie = Experience Economy
Experience Island = Experience Island
Experience points = Experiment
experientieel leren = experiential learning
experiment = experiment
experiment = trial
Experiment = Experience
Experimental Philosophy = Experimental Philosophy
experimente meteorologie = experimental meteorology
experimenteel = experimental
Experimenteel = Experimental
experimenteel model = experimental model
Experimenteel onderzoek = Experimental research
Experimenteel Psychologische Onderzoekschool = Experimental Psychology Research School
experimenteerbepalingen = provisions on experimentation
experimenteerruimte = scope for experimentation
experimenteerruimte = experimentation spectrum
experimenteervergunning = experimentation licence
experimenteervergunningen = experimentation licences
experimenteervergunningen beschikbaar te stellen = making experimentation licences available
Experimentele = Experimental
experimentele behandeling = experimental treatment
experimentele bevindingen = experimental findings
experimentele chirurgie = experimental surgery
Experimentele conditie = Experimental condition
experimentele data-onderzoeken = experimental data research
experimentele diabetes mellitus = alloxan diabetes
experimentele diabetes mellitus = experimental  diabetes mellitus
experimentele diabetes mellitus = streptozotocin diabetes
Experimentele Dierkunde = Experimental Zoology
experimentele gegevens = experimental data
Experimentele groep = Experimental group
Experimentele Kernfysica = Experimental Nuclear Physics
Experimentele ontwikkeling = Experimental development services
experimentele ontwikkeling = experimental development
experimentele pathologie = experimental pathology
Experimentele Psychologie = Experimental Psychology
experimentele studie = experimental study
experimentele variabele = experimental variable
experimentele variabele = observable variable
experimenten = experiments
experimenten en pilots = experiments and pilot projects
experimenten in de volle breedte = experiments across the board
experimenten op mensen = human experimentation
experimenteren = experiment
experimenteren = experimenting
Experimenteren = Experience
Experimenteren = Experiment with
experimenteren = to experiment
Experimenteren = Test
Experiments & Demonstration = Experiments & Demonstration
experiment-specifieke = experiment-specific
Expert = Handled by
expert = expert
Expert = Adept
expert = competent person
expert {de} = expert
expert advies = expert opinions
expert advies = expertise
expert is 3D printing = 3D printing expert
Expert Judgement = Expert Judgement
expert op afstand = remote expert
expert op afstand profiel = remote expert profile
expert op afstandprofiel = remote expert profile
expert op afstandprofiel heeft in de database van experten op afstand = remote expert profile in the remote expert database
expert op afstandprofielen = remote expert profiles
expert/assessor = expert/assessor
experten = experts
experten (BE) = experts
experten op afstand = remote experts
experten op afstand op de lijst van geselecteerde experten = remote experts on the list of selected experts
expertensysteem = expert system
expertgroep = expert group
expertgroep = group of experts
Expertgroep Protonentherapie van het ZiN = ZiN’s Expert Group on Proton Therapy
expertise = loss adjustment survey
expertise = audit (door accountant)
expertise = court-ordered expert examination
expertise = expert opinion
expertise = expert report
expertise = expert’s report
expertise = [expert] audit
expertise = expertise
expertise = expert's examination
expertise = expert appraisal
expertise = expert's assessment
expertise = expertise
expertise = "survey, report"
expertise = survey
expertise en assistentie = expertise and assistance
expertise en ervaring = expertise and experience
expertise en informatie = expertise and information
expertise en technische kennis = expertise and technical knowledge
expertise in huis = in-house expertise
expertise op afstand = remote expertise
expertise op het gebied van HR = HR expertise
expertise opgebouwd in de ontwikkeling van = developed expertise in developing
expertise verkeer en telematica = ‘Afdeling expertise verkeer en telematica’ of the Belgian Roads and T
expertise-afspraak = appointment for an expert inspection
expertisecentra = research centres
expertisecentrum = centre of expertise (Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing)
expertisecentrum = expertise centre
expertisecentrum = centre of expertise
expertisecentrum = research centre
expertisecentrum ALIFE = ALIFE expertise centre
Expertisecentrum Mensenhandel en Mensensmokkel = Expertise Centre for Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling (Expertisecent
expertisedocument = loss adjustment document
expertisedomein = field of expertise
expertisedomeinen = areas of expertise
expertisegebied = "field of expertise, specialism"
expertise-informatie = expertise information
Expertisekosten = Costs of expertise
expertisemaatschappij = loss adjustment agency
expertisemodel = assessment model
expertise-opdracht = instructions (Vanderwal & Joosten BV)
expertisepartner = inspection partner
expertisepartner = loss adjustment agency
expertisepartner = survey partner
expertiseprofiel = expertise profile
expertiseprofielen = expertise profiles
expertiserapport = expertise
expertiserapport = expert report
expertiserapport bouwgrond = geotechnical report
expertises = competencies
expertises = skills
expertiseverslag = survey report
expertkennis = expert knowledge
expertmeeting = meeting of experts
expertmeetings = expert meetings
Expertonderzoek = Expert research
experts = experts
experts uit het bedrijfsleven = industry experts
expertsysteem = expert system
expert-systeem = expert system
expertsysteemgereedschap = expert system tool
expert-workshop = expert workshop
Expiratie = Expiration
expiratie of beëindiging = expiration or termination
Expiratiedatum = Expiry date
expiratorisch reservevolume = inspiratory reserve volume: (NOT complemental air)
expiratorisch reservevolume = inspiratory reserve volume: (NOT 'complemental air')
expiratorische dyspnee = "expiratory dyspnea: difficulty with the expiration, often due to obstruct"
Expire date = Expiry date
explains why = legt uit waarom
explantatie = explantation: removing living tissue to an artificial medium for tissue c
"expletief, vol krachttermen" = expletive {adj} (marked by phrase-fillers)
explicatie = account
explicatie = explanation
expliciet = explicitly
expliciet = explicit
Expliciet = Specific
Expliciet = Express
Expliciet = Absolute
expliciet adres = explicit address
expliciet benoemd = explicitly identified
Expliciet consumentengedragsmodel = Explicit consumer behaviour model
expliciet de controle af te nemen = explicitly taking the control away
expliciet en gedocumenteerd = explicit and documented
expliciet en schriftelijk = explicitly and in writing
expliciet gebaseerd is op een holistisch mens- en wereldbeeld = explicitly based on a holistic image of mankind and the world
expliciet gebaseerd op een holistisch mens- en wereldbeeld = explicitly based on a holistic image of mankind and the world
expliciet ingegaan = explicitly discussed
expliciet inrichten van = explicitly setting up
expliciet inschrijft voor gerichte advertenties = explicitly opts in to targeted ads
expliciet tekenen = explicit draughting
expliciet uitgesloten uit de onderhoudsovereenkomst = explicitly excluded from the maintenance agreement
expliciet verwoord = explicitly formulated
"expliciet, schriftelijk en voor een bepaalde termijn" = "explicitly, in writing, and for a specified period"
"expliciet, uitdrukkelijk" = explicit {adj} (very specific)
expliciete = explicit
expliciete en legitieme doeleinden = explicit and legitimate purposes
expliciete functie = explicit function
expliciete interface-implementatie = explicit interface implementation
expliciete onderlinge relaties = explicit relationships
expliciete programmering = explicit programming
expliciete toestemming = explicit permission
expliciete verklaring = explicit declaration
expliciete-stagnatiebericht doorsturen = forward explicit congestion notification
Explicit Language = Explicit Language
explicit leren = explicit learning
expliciteren = explicate
expliciteren van impliciete kennis = make implicit knowledge explicit
exploded view = Exploded view
exploded-view = exploded view
exploderen = explode
Exploderend = Exploding
Exploderende omtrek = Exploding Outline
exploderende stad = exploding city
exploitant = authority
exploitant = owner
exploitant = proprietor
exploitant = developer
exploitant = licensee
exploitant = restaurateur
exploitant = operator
exploitant = operator/owner
exploitant en mede exploitant = operator and co-operator
exploitant koppelnet = transmission network operator
exploitant van de sector = sector operator
exploitant van een aquacultuurproductiebedrijf = aquaculture production business operator
exploitant van een boorput = well operator
exploitant van een dienstvoorziening = operator of service facility
exploitant van een diervoederbedrijf = feed business operator
exploitant van een GEE-installatie = EEG installation operator
exploitant van een levensmiddelenbedrijf = food business operator
exploitant van een productie-installatie = operator of production installation
exploitant van een vergunninghoudend verwerkingsbedrijf = authorised processing establishment operator
exploitant van het levensmiddelenbedrijf = food business operator
exploitant van het voedingsmiddelenbedrijf = food business operator
exploitant van openbare diensten = public service operator
exploitant/producent = operator
exploitanten = operators
exploitanten van een levensmiddelenbedrijf = food business operators
exploitanten van levensmiddelenbedrijven = food business operators
exploitanten van winkels = shop operators
exploitatie = running expenses
Exploitatie = Operation
exploitatie = exploitation
exploitatie {de} = exploitation
Exploitatie Centrum = IT Operations Centre
exploitatie contract = Membership agreement
exploitatie en onderhoud van diensten = operation and maintenance of services
exploitatie in open lus (kring) = open loop operation
exploitatie in open lus kring = open loop operation
exploitatie kosten = administration fee
Exploitatie opgave = exploitation statement
exploitatie van (natuurlijke) hulpbronnen = resource exploitation
exploitatie van auteursrechten en intellectuele eigendomsrechten voor der = exploitation of copyright and industrial property rights for
Exploitatie van bruggen = Bridge operating services
Exploitatie van bruggen en tunnels = Bridge and tunnel operation services
Exploitatie van casino = Casino operating services
exploitatie van de oceaan = ocean exploitation
exploitatie van de resultaten = exploitation of the results
exploitatie van de zeebodem = sea bed exploitation
Exploitatie van een afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie = Operation of a sewage plant
Exploitatie van een energiecentrale = Operation of a power plant
exploitatie van een evenementenhal = operation of an event venue
Exploitatie van een onderwijscentrum = Operation of an educational centre
Exploitatie van een stortplaats = Operation of a refuse site
Exploitatie van een waterzuiveringsinstallatie = Operation of a water-purification plant
Exploitatie van elektrische installaties = Operation of electrical installations
Exploitatie van gebouwen voor uitvoerende kunsten = Arts-facility operation services
Exploitatie van haven = Port operation services
Exploitatie van havens en waterwegen en aanverwante diensten = Port and waterway operation services and associated services
exploitatie van het paviljoen = operation of the pavilion
exploitatie van intellectuele eigendom = exploitation of industrial property rights
exploitatie van octrooirechten = patent exploitation
exploitatie van onroerend goed = operation of property
Exploitatie van parkeerterreinen = Parking services
Exploitatie van passagiersterminal = Passenger terminal operation services
exploitatie van rechten = administration of rights
Exploitatie van sportaccommodatie = Sports facilities operation services
Exploitatie van totalisator = Totalisator operating services
Exploitatie van tunnel = Tunnel operation services
exploitatie van vastgoed = operation of property
Exploitatie van vliegtuigen = Aircraft-operation services
Exploitatie van wasserij = Laundry-operation services
Exploitatie van watervoorziening = Operation of water supplies
Exploitatie van waterwegen = Waterway operation services
exploitatie vinden = business development /finding customers/clients
exploitatie vormen = exploitation forms
exploitatieactiviteiten = operating activities
Exploitatiebudget = Operating budget
exploitatiefase = operational phase
exploitatiefase = operating phase
exploitatiehuur/verhuur = capital lease
exploitatiehuur/verhuur = direct financing lease
exploitatiehuur/verhuur = operating lease
exploitatiekosten = running cost
exploitatiekosten van een auto = operating cost of a car
exploitatielokaal = operating room
exploitatiemaatschappij = operating revenue
exploitatiemaatschappij = working company
exploitatieovereenkomst = working agreement
Exploitatieovereenkomst / -contract = exploitation agreement / exploitation contract (membership agreement?)
exploitatieoverzicht = review of operations
exploitatieoverzicht = statement of income and expenditure (staat van baten en lasten)
Exploitatieperspectief = Operating perspective
exploitatierechten = exploitation rights
exploitatierekening = statement of income and expenditure (RE 18.6.08)
exploitatierekening = trading account
exploitatierekening = profit and loss account
exploitatieresultaat = operating results
exploitatie-resultatenrekening = operating statement
exploitaties = types of commercial operation
exploitaties = commercial operation
Exploitatiestructuur = Operating structure
Exploitatietekort financiering = Operational deficit financing
exploitatie-uitkomsten = operational results
Exploitatieverbod = operating ban
Exploitatievergunning = operating licence
exploitatievergunning of technische toestemming = operating authorisation or technical permission
exploitatieverhoudingsgetallen = operating ratios
exploitatie-verhoudingsgetallen = operating ratios
exploitatieverlies = operating losses
exploitatiewinst per bedrijfsonderdeel = segment operating profit
exploitatiewinst per bedrijfsonderdeel = to operate
exploitatiewinst per bedrijfsonderdeel = to run (a business)
exploitatiezetel = business address
exploitatiezetel = head office
exploitatiezetel = place of business
exploiteerbaar = exploitable
exploiteerbaar = operable
exploiteerbaar = minable
exploiteerbaar = workable
Exploiteerbaarheid = Exploitability
exploiteert = operates
exploiteren = administer
Exploiteren = Harness
Exploiteren = Farm
Exploiteren = Operate
Exploiteren = Exploit
Exploiteren = Develop
exploiteren = operating
Exploiteren = Utilize
exploiterende luchtvaartmaatschappij = operating air carrier
exploot = bailiff’s notification
exploot = bailiff's notification
exploot = process (US)
exploot = writ of summons
exploot = writ
exploot = writ served by a bailiff
exploot = summons
exploot doende en sprekende met = I have duly served a copy of the enclosed on ... by delivering it to him 
exploot van beslag = garnishment
exploot van dagvaarding = writ of summons
exploot van inbeslagneming = notice of attachment
exploot van rechtsingang = writ of summons
Explootkosten = Cost of service
exploratie = exploration
exploratie {de} = exploration
exploratie van gas en olie = exploration of gas and oil
"exploratie, ontdekkingsreis, ontdekkingstocht" = "exploration (penetrating, or ranging over for purposes of (especially geo"
exploratief onderzoek = exploratory survey
exploratief onderzoek = exploratory research
Exploratiefase = Exploration stage
exploratiewerkzaamheden = exploration activities
Exploratory testen = Exploratory testing
Exploreren = Investigate
Exploreren = Probe
exploreren = to explore
exploreren = examine
Exploreren = Comb
Exploreren = Browse
Exploreren = Explore
explorerend = exploratory
Exploring research = Exploratory research
Explosie = Explosion
explosie bestendige = explosion-proof
Explosie eigenschappen = Explosive properties
explosie proof/bestendig = burst proof
explosieaanzicht = exploded view
explosie-aanzicht = exploded view
explosie-bestand = burst-proof
Explosief = Explosive
explosief = (adjective)  explosive
explosief {het} = explosive
explosief aanzicht = exploded view
explosief mengsel = explosive mixture
explosief process = explosive process
explosiegebied = explosive range (aka flammability range aka flammable range)
explosiegebied = flammability range
Explosiegeteste uitvoering = Explosion-tested version
Explosiegeteste uitvoering Eex-e = Explosion-tested version Eex-e
explosiegevaar = risk of explosion
explosiegevaar = explosion hazard
explosiegevaarlijk = potentially explosive
explosiegevaarlijk = explosive
explosiegevaarlijk gasmengsel = explosive gas mixture
explosiegevaarlijke = potentially explosive
explosiegevaarlijke gasdampen = explosive gas vapours
explosiegevaarlijke omgevingen = explosive environments
explosiegevaarlijke ruimbagage = potentially explosive hold baggage
explosiegevaarlijke stofwolk = explosive dust cloud
explosiegolf = explosion wave
explosiegrenswaarden = explosive limits
Explosieklasse = Ex-class
explosielimiet = explosion limit
explosielimieten = explosion limits
explosiemeter = explosion meter
explosiemeter = "explosimeter (trade name, also used generally)"
explosiemeter = flammable gas detector
explosiemotor = internal combustion engine
explosiemotor = spark ignition engine
explosierisico = explosion risk
explosieteam = explosion experts
explosietekening = exploded view
explosietekening = exploded-view drawing
explosietekening = exploded assembly drawing
explosietesten = explosion tests
explosieve = explosive
explosieve atmosfeer = explosive atmosphere
explosieve stof = explosive
Explosieveilig = Explosion-proof
Explosieveilig = Ex-proof
Explosieveilig armatuur draagbaar = Ex-proof luminaire portable
"Explosieveilig armatuur, vaste montage" = Ex-proof luminaire fixed mounting
Explosieveilig flitslicht = EEx-proof strobe luminaire
Explosieveilig noodverlichtings- en signaleringsarmatuur = Ex-proof emergency and security luminaire
Explosieveilig verkeerslicht = EEx-proof traffic light
Explosieveilig zwaailicht = EEx flashing alarm luminaire
Explosieveilige akoestische signaalgenerator = EEx-proof signal generator
Explosieveilige alarmklok = EEx-proof alarm clock
Explosieveilige elektronische zoemer = EEx-proof electronic buzzer
Explosieveilige omgeving = Ex-proof environment
Explosieveilige signaalhoorn = EEx-proof signal horn
Explosieveilige toepassing = Suited for EX-applications
Explosieveilige ventilator = Explosion proof ventilator
Explosieveilige waarschuwingslichtzuil = EEx-proof warning light pole
Explosieveiligheid = Explosion safety
Explosieveiligheidscategorie voor gas = Explosion safety category for gas
Explosieveiligheidscategorie voor stof = Explosion safety category for dust
explosieven = explosives
explosieven sporen = explosives traces
Explosievendetectiesysteem = Explosives detection system
explosieweergave = exploded view
Explosiewerkzaamheden = Blasting work
explosimeter = "explosimeter (trade name, also used generally)"
explosimeter = flammable gas detector
Explosive Trace Detection = Explosive Trace Detection
Explosive Trace Detection = ETD
Explosives Detection System = EDS
Explosives Detection System = Explosives Detection System
expo ’58 = Expo 58 (Brussels World’s Fair)
EXPO 2020 = EXPO 2020
expodeelname = participation in the fair
exponent = exponent
Exponential smoothing = Exponential smoothing
exponentieel = exponential
exponentieel blijft toenemen = will continue to increase exponentially
exponentieel effenen = exponential smoothing
exponentieel spreidingsmodel = exponential dispersion model
exponentieel verval = exponential decay
exponentieel voortschrijdend gemiddelde = exponential moving average
exponentiële bacteriegroei = exponential bacterial growth
exponentiële curve = exponential curve: the graph of an exponential function
exponentiële effening = exponential smoothing
exponentiële familie = exponential family
exponentiële familie = Koopman-Darmois family
Exponentiële functie = Exponential function
exponentiële functie = exponential
exponentiële golfvorm = exponential waveform
exponentiële groei = exponential growth
exponentiële kromme = exponential curve
exponentiële regressie = exponential regression
exponentiële trendlijn = exponential trendline
exponentiële verdeling = exponential distribution
exponentiële vereffening = exponential smoothing
Expo-richtlijnen = Expo guidelines
Export = Export
Export = Exports (EX)
Export = Exportation
export - 'geluidsdragers geëxporteerd naar..' = sound carriers exported to
Export Control System = Export Control System
Export Control System = ECS
export douaneregeling = export customs procedure
export financieringsmaatschappij = export finance company
export financieringsmaatschappij = export house
Export naar = Export to
Export Plankaart = Export Plan chart
exportbedrijven = exporters
Exportbeleid = Export policy
Exportbeleidsplan = Export policy plan
exportbepalingen = export regulations
exportbeperkingen = export restrictions
exportbestand = export file
Exportbevordering = Export promotions
Exportcertificaat van luchtwaardigheid = Export Certificate of Airworthiness
Exportcombinatie = Export combination
exportcontrole = export monitoring
exportdocumenten = export documents
Exporteer het resultaat van = Export the result of
exporteerbare uitkeringen = exportable benefits
exporteren = to export
exporteren = export
Exporteren naar CSV of PDF = Export to CSV or PDF
exporteren naar een Excel-bestand = export to an Excel file
exporteren van dierlijke meststoffen = export of animal manure
Exporteur = Exporter
exporteurs = exporters
Exportfinanciering = Export financing
exportfinancieringsmogelijkheden = export financing opportunities
exportgoederen = export goods
Exportheffing = Export levy
exportindeling = export format
exportindustrie = export industry
Exportkartel = Export cartel
exportkrediet = export credit
exportkredietverzekering = export credit insurance
Exportmarketing = Export marketing
exportopbrengst = export revenue
exportprijs = export price
Exportpromotie = Export promotions
Exportpromotiemodel = Model for the export promotion activities
Exportquota = Export quota
Exportquote = Export quote
exportregel = export line
exportslachterij = Export abattoirs
exportsteun = export aid
exportsubsidie = export subsidy
Exporttarief = Export rate
exporttransacties = export transactions
exportveld = export field
exportverzekering = export credit insurance
exportzendingen = export shipment
exportzendingen = export shipments
exposant = exhibitor
exposanten = exhibitors
exposanten- en productplatform = exhibitor and product platform
exposé = exposé
exposé = account
exposé = presentation
exposeren = exhibit
Expositie = Exposure
Expositie = Show
expositie = exhibition
expositie = exposure (oorspronkelijk een medisch term)
expositieruimte = exhibition space
expositietechnieken = exposure techniques
Exposure = Exposure
exposures met een korte looptijd = short-maturity exposures
expousre naar aandelen = exposure to shares
Expres = Intentionally
expres = express
expres = on purpose
expres = deliberately
Expres = Purpose
"expres, opzettelijk, met voorbedachte rade [formal]" = "on purpose {adv} (purposefully, with intention)"
expresbericht = express message
Expresberichtgesprek herstellen = Reestablish Instant Message Conversation…
Expresberichtverbinding herstellen = Reestablish Instant Message Connection
exprespost = express mail
express writer = express writer
expressed by nominalization when following an adjective = one {pron} (impersonal pronoun)
expressie = expression
expressieregels = display rules
expressiestructuur = expression tree
expressievak = expression box
Expressieve eigenschappen = Expressive qualities
Expressieve producteigenschap = Expressive product characteristic
Expressieve productfunctie = Expressieve product function
expressievector = expression vector
Expressionisme = Expressionism
expressiviteit = expressiveness
Expressweg = Express way
expressweg = expressway
exprestrein = express
Expresweg = Express way
Expreszendingen = Express Deliveries
expulsieve bloeding = expulsive  hemorrhage
expulsieve bloeding: de acute en dramatische bloeding in het oog = expulsive hemorrhage
expulsio spontanea = spontaneous  expulsion
expulsiva = expulsive
exsiccator = desiccator
ex-situ meetgegevens = ex situ measurement data
ex-situ sensor = ex situ sensor
ex-situ sensorsignaal = ex situ sensor signal
ex-situ sensorsysteem = ex situ sensor system
exstinctio = extinction
exstinctio = extinguishing
exstrophia = eversion
exstrophia = exstrophy
exstrophia = turning inside-out of an organ
exstrophia vesicae urinariae = bladder exstrophy
exstrophia vesicae urinariae = congenital eversion of the urinary bladder
exstrophia vesicae urinariae = exstrophy of the bladder
exstrophia vesicae urinariae = exstrophy of the urinary bladder
exstrophia vesicae urinariae = vesical ectopia
Exsudaat = Exudate
exsudatieve dikoïde dermatose = exudative discoid and lichenoid dermatitis
exsudatieve dikoïde dermatose = oid-oid disease
exsudatieve dikoïde dermatose = Sulzberger-Garbe dermatosis
exsudatieve enteropathie = exudative enteropathy
exsudatieve enteropathie = idiopathic hypercatabolic hypoproteinemia
exsudatieve enteropathie = protein-losing  enteropathy
extase = ecstasy
extatisch = ecstatic
Extended family = Extended family
extended memory = extended memory
Extender = Extender
extenderbesturingselement = extender control
Extending the lifecycle = Extending the lifecycle
extends RuntimeException = extends RuntimeException
eXtensible Application Markup Language = eXtensible Application Markup Language
eXtensible Business Reporting Language = eXtensible Business Reporting Language
Extensible Firmware Interface = Extensible Firmware Interface
Extensible Firmware Interface-systeempartitie = Extensible Firmware Interface system partition
Extensible HTML = Extensible HTML
Extensible Markup Language = Extensible Markup Language
Extensible Rights Markup Language = extensible rights markup language
Extensible Stylesheet Language = Extensible Stylesheet Language
extensie = extension
extensie van fysiek adres = physical address extension
extensieapparaat = expander
Extensiedeel = Extension part
extensie-element voor gedrag = behavior extension element
extensief = extensive
extensief = widely
extensies = file formats
extensiespalk = extension splint
extensieve landbouw = extensive farming
extensieve veehouderij = extensive cattle farming
Extensiewand = Extension wall
extension cable = extension cable
Extension spring = Extension spring
Extension Spring Pin = Extension Spring Pin
extensionaliteit = extensionality
extensometer = extensometer
extentie = extension
extenties = extensions
exterieur = exterior
exteriorisatie = externalization
extern = remote
Extern = External
extern = externally
Extern = Extern
extern aan te sluiten = to be connected externally
Extern accountant = External auditor
Extern accountant = External Auditor
Extern Adviseur = External Consultant:
Extern apparaat = External device
extern bedrijf = external company
Extern beeld = Remote Video
extern beeld = external view
extern beeldscherm = external display
extern beheer = remote management
extern beheerde server = remotely administered server
extern bronsysteem = external source system
Extern bureaublad = Remote Desktop
Extern bureaublad Connection Broker = Remote Desktop Connection Broker
Extern bureaublad IP-virtualisatie = Remote Desktop IP Virtualization
Extern bureaublad-bronautorisatiebeleid = Remote Desktop resource authorization policy
Extern bureaubladen = Remote Desktops
Extern bureaublad-gateway = Remote Desktop Gateway
Extern bureaublad-gatewaybeheer = Remote Desktop Gateway Manager
Extern bureaublad-gatewayserver = Remote Desktop Gateway server
Extern bureaublad-gatewayserverfarm = Remote Desktop Gateway server farm
Extern bureaublad-licentiebeheer = Remote Desktop Licensing Manager
Extern bureaublad-licentiemodus = Remote Desktop licensing mode
Extern bureaublad-licentieserver = Remote Desktop license server
Extern bureaublad-licentieverlening = Remote Desktop Licensing
Extern bureaublad-profiel = Remote Desktop profile
Extern bureaublad-serverconfiguratie = Remote Desktop Server Configuration
Extern bureaublad-serveruitbreiding = Remote Desktop Server Extension
Extern bureaublad-services = Remote Desktop Services
Extern bureaublad-serviceswebsite voor licentieverlening = Remote Desktop Services Licensing Web site
Extern bureaublad-sessiehostconfiguratie = Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration
Extern bureaublad-virtualisatie = Remote Desktop Virtualization
Extern bureaublad-virtualisatie = RD Virtualization
Extern bureaublad-virtualisatiehost = Remote Desktop Virtualization Host
Extern bureaublad-webtoegangconfiguratie = Remote Desktop Web Access Configuration
extern circuit = external circuit
extern elektrisch verwarmde opslagtanks = external electrically heated storage tanks
Extern evenwicht = External balance
extern gegevensbereik = external data range
Extern gegevensitem = External Data Item
extern gegevensraster = External Data Grid
extern geheugen = external memory
extern geheugen = backing store
extern geheugenkaart = external memory card
extern gemonitord inbraakalarm = externally monitored burglar alarm
extern gemonteerd = externally mounted
extern gemonteerd slot = externally mounted lock
extern gericht = externally-focused
extern ingehuurde partij = externally hired party
extern inhoudstype = external content type
extern item = external item
extern laden = sideload
extern lid = external member
extern netwerk = remote networking
extern netwerknummer = external network number
extern object = external object
extern of intern = external or internal
extern opmaakmodel = external style sheet
extern programmageheugen = external auditing
extern programmageheugen = external program storage
extern programmeren = off-line programming
extern project = external project
extern schema = external schema
extern stroomcircuit = excluded electrical circuit
extern symbool = external symbol
Extern systeem = External System
extern systeem en/of apparaat = external system and/or device
extern te monteren = to be installed externally
extern toezicht = external supervision
extern toezichtperspectief = external supervision perspective
extern uitbesteden = external outsourcing
extern vervoer = external transport
extern virtueel netwerk = external virtual network
Extern voorschakelapparaat = External ballast required
extern voorschakelapparaat voor lampen = External lamp control gear
extern zijn opgelegd = externally imposed
External Accountant = External Accountant
External Centre Ring = External Centre Ring
External Providers = External Providers
External Pump = External Pump
external-envelope glycoproteïne = envelope glycoprotein
external-envelope glycoproteïne = external envelope  glycoprotein
externalisering = outsourcing
Externaliteit = External cost
externally hired = ingehuurde
extern-bureaubladserver = remote desktop server
extern-bureaubladserverfarm = remote desktop server farm
extern-bureaubladservergroep = remote desktop server group
externe = external
externe = external party
externe (accountants)controle = external audit
externe aanval = remote attack
externe accountant = external auditor
externe accountant = External Auditor
Externe activiteit = external activity
externe adviseur = external adviser
Externe afhankelijkheden = External dependencies
externe afhankelijkheid = external dependency
externe afnemer = external customer
externe agent = external agent
externe als eigen opleidingen = external and in-house training
externe apparatuur = off-line devices
externe audit = external audit
externe auditor = external auditor
externe auditor = External Auditor
externe begeleider = external supervisor
externe begeleiders = external supervisors
externe beïnvloeding = external influence
externe belanghebbenden = external stakeholders
Externe beoordeling = External review
externe berichtgeving = external reporting
externe besturingsorganen = external controls
externe betrekkingen = external relations
Externe beveiligingsorganisatie = External Security Organisation
externe bevoegdheid van de EG = EC external competence
externe bezoekers = external visitors
externe bliksembeveiliging = external lightning protection system
externe borging = external monitoring
Externe brandprestaties = External fire performance
externe bril = an outside perspective
externe bron = remote resource
Externe Bron = External Source
externe bron = external source
externe circulatiepomp = external circulation pump
externe communicatie = remoting
externe communicatie = external communications
Externe communicatie = External communication
externe component = external component
externe componenten = outboard components
externe computer = remote computer
Externe concurrentie = External competition
externe condensator = external capacitor
externe consultant = external consultant
externe contacten = external contacts
Externe contactpersonen = External Contacts
externe controle m.b.t. veiligheidsaspecten = external security audit
externe controle-eenheid = external control unit
externe database = external database
externe database = remote database
externe derden = external third parties
externe deskundige = external expert
externe deskundigen = external experts
externe dienst = external technicians
externe dienst = field force
externe dienst = field organisation
externe dienst = field staff
externe dienst = field work department
externe dienst = non-office based staff
externe dienst = outdoor staff
externe dienst = sales field department
externe dienst = sales force
externe dienst = sales staff
externe dienst voor preventie en bescherming op het werk = External Department for Prevention and Protection at Work
Externe Dienst voor Preventie en Bescherming op het Werk (EDPB) = Belgian External Prevention and Protection Service
Externe dienst voor technische controles op de werkplaats = External service for technical inspections of the workplace
externe documenten = external documents
Externe effecten = External securities
externe en interne = external and internal
externe én interne = external and internal
externe en interne cliënt = external and internal clients
externe en interne medewerkers = external and internal staff
externe en interne stakeholders = external and internal stakeholders
externe evaluatie = external evaluation
externe evaluatie = external review
externe evaluatiecommissie = external review committee
externe expertise = outside expertise
externe expertise inhuren = hire external expertise
externe fabrikant = external manufacturer
externe financiering = external funding
externe firma = external company
externe fixator = external  fixation device
externe foutopsporing = remote debugger
externe functie = external function
externe funding = external funding
externe gebruiker = remote user
externe gebruiker = remote viewer
externe gegevens = external data
externe gegevensbron = external data source
externe gegevenstoegang = remote data access
externe geometrie = external geometry
externe gerichtheid = external focus
externe grijper = external gripper
externe host = remote host
Externe hulpdiensten = External emergency services
externe hulpverleners = external emergency workers
externe hulpverleningsdiensten = external emergency services
externe hyperlink = external hyperlink
Externe identificaties = External identifiers
externe impedantie = external impedance
externe ingangen = external inputs
externe insteltijd = external set-up time
externe invoer = external input
externe invoer die op XML is gebaseerd = external XML-based input
Externe ISDN aansluiting = External ISDN connection
externe jurist = external lawyer
externe juristen = external lawyers
externe kaarten = external cards
externe klant = external customer
externe klok = external clock
Externe kosten = External costs
externe laagspanningsstroomvoorziening = low voltage external power supply
externe lampspanning 12 Volt de = external lamp voltage 12 Volts DC
externe leverancier = external supplier
externe leveranciers = external suppliers
externe lijn = external line
externe lijst = external list
externe logistieke proces = external logistics process
externe logistieke processen = external logistics processes
externe lus = external loop
externe medewerker = external employee
externe mediastreaming = remote media streaming
externe mediaverbinding = remote media connection
externe meetwaarde = external metric
externe metric = external metric
externe modem = external modem
Externe motor = External motor
externe naam = external name
externe objectidentifier = external object identifier
Externe omgeving = External environment
externe omstandigheden = external circumstances
externe onderzoekers = external investigators
externe ontkalker = external descaler
Externe ontsteker = External ignitor required
externe ontsteker = external igniter
externe ontwikkelingen = external developments
externe oorsprong = external origin
externe oorzaken = external causes
externe opdracht = external command
externe opleiders = external trainers
externe oproepbesturing = remote call control
externe oproep-URI invoeren = Enter remote call control URI
externe opslag = external cold store
externe opslag = external storage
externe opslag = backing store
externe opslagkaart = external storage card
externe optische modulatie = external optical modulation
externe opt-outwebsite = external opt-out website
externe opt-outwebsites = external opt-out websites
externe opvolgende taak = external successor
Externe organisatie = Industrial organisation
externe organisatie = external organisation
externe partij = external party
externe partijen = third parties
externe partijen = external partners
externe partijen = external parties
externe partners = external partners
externe persoon = external person
externe prikkels = external stimuli
externe procedure = external procedure
externe procedureaanroep = remote procedure call
externe processen = external processes
externe profiel = external profile
externe programmaparameter = external program parameter
Externe programmering = External programming
externe regelaar = external controller
externe regelingen = external controls
externe resources = external resources
Externe risico’s = External risks
Externe rotatie = External rotation
externe ruis = external noise
externe schouw van het lichaam = external examination of the body
externe server = external server
externe server = remote server
externe servers = external servers
externe serviceprovider = external service provider
externe sessie = remote session
externe signalen = external signals
externe site = remote site
externe sleutel = external key
Externe spanningsenergie = External stress energy
externe specialist = external specialist
externe specialisten = external specialists
externe spraakbesturing = Outside Voice Control
externe stages = external internships
externe stakeholder = external stakeholder
externe stakeholderdialoog = external stakeholder dialogue
externe stakeholders = external stakeholders
externe stijl = external style
Externe stroomtransformator = External current transformer
externe stroomvoorziening = external power supply
Externe studies = External Studies
externe taak = external task
externe tabel = external table
externe terugkoppeling = external feedback
externe toegang = remote access
externe toezicht = external inspection
externe toezicht = external supervision
Externe URL voor externe publicatie = External URL for external publication
externe URL-toewijzing = external URL mapping
externe vacatures = external vacancies
externe validiteit = external validity
externe veiligheidspartner = external security partner
externe veiligheidspartners = external security partners
externe veiligheidspartners en/of politie = external security partners and/or police
externe verbinding = remote connection
Externe verbindingen = Remote connections
Externe verlichting = Outdoor lighting
externe verliestijd = external delays
externe vermogensbeheerders = external fund managers
externe verplichtingen/schulden = external liabilities
externe verplichtingen/schulden = external reporting
externe verplichtingen/schulden = financial reporting
externe verslaggeving = financial accounting
externe vertrouwenspersoon = external confidential contact person
externe verwerking = off-line processing
externe verwijzing = remote reference
Externe verzelfstandiging = External spin-off
externe voeding = external supply
externe voedingen = external power supplies
Externe voeler = External sensor
externe voorafgaande taak = external predecessor
externe voorzieningen = external facilities
Externe waarde van de euro = External value of the euro
externe website = external website
externe websites = external websites
externe weersomstandigheden = external weather conditions
externe werkruimte = remote workspace
Externe zonnewering = Exterior blinds
Externe-kostenefficiëntie = External cost efficiency
externen = external parties
externen = externals
externe-sleutelbestand = external key file
exteroceptie = exteroception: sensitivity to stimuli originating outside of the body
exteroceptieve reflex = exteroceptive reflex
exteroceptor: de exteroreceptor = "exteroceptor: a sense receptor (touch, temperature, smell, vision, or hea"
exterritorialiteit = extra-territoriality
Extinctie = Extinction
extra = extra
Extra = Extraordinary
extra = tools
extra = additional
extra (handmatig) beheer = extra manual work
Extra aandacht gaat uit naar = Please pay extra attention to
extra aandacht vragend signaal = emergency signal alarm
extra aansluiting = extension connection
extra absorberende laag = additional absorbent layer
extra additieven voor een standaard olie = Aftermarket additives
Extra adres = Additional address
Extra afschrijvingen = Additional depreciation
extra afzettingen bij eventueel gevaar = additional barriers in the event of dangerous situations
Extra apparaat aankoppelbaar = Add-on device
Extra arbeidskracht tijdens drukke periodes = Keytimer
extra bagageruimteverlichting = extra luggage compartment lighting
extra barrière = extra barrier
extra beeldscherm = additional display
extra begeleiding = additional guidance
extra behaalde vakken = additional courses [DS] Additional courses
extra behaalde vakken = additional subjects [DS: Additional Courses]
extra behaalde vakken = additional courses
extra bel = extension bell
Extra belasting = Surcharge
extra belasting = additional load
Extra belasting = Surtax
extra benodigde functionaliteit = required extra functionality
extra beschermende kleding = additional protective clothing
extra beschermingsmiddelen = additional protective equipment
extra betrouwbaarheid = additional reliability
extra beveiligde ruimte = high security area
extra beveiligde ruimten = high security areas
extra beveiligingslaag = extra layer of security
extra beveiligingsrisico = additional security risk
extra bevoegdheden = additional powers
Extra bij te bestellen = Sides
extra bit = added bit
extra blok = added block
extra bouwstroom gerealiseerd = ... additional construction activity is realized
extra brede = extra wide
extra camera aansluiting = extra camera connection
extra campagne = extra campaign
extra capaciteit = extra capacity
extra capaciteit toe te voegen = add extra capacity
extra cerebrale beplakking = additional EEG electrodes
extra code = extra code
Extra codes = Extra codes
extra componenten = additional components
Extra console = Auxiliary console
Extra elektrische verwarming = Additional electrical heating
extra energiebesparing = extra energy savings
extra faciliteit = extension facility
Extra features = Extra features
Extra features en informatie = Extra features and information
Extra fiscale bijtelling = Any additional tax liability
Extra functie = Additional function
extra functionaliteit = additional functionality
extra garantie = additional warranty
extra garantie = extra warranty
extra gaten = additional holes
Extra gegevens = Additional information
Extra gegevens over je verloren voorwerp = Additional information about your lost item
extra geheugen = additional memory
extra gekozen opties = optional features
extra geluidsdemping = additional noise reduction
extra gemaakte kosten = additional costs incurred
Extra gereedschap = Additional tools
extra gezinslid = additional family member
Extra grof = Extra large
Extra grote = Extra large
extra grote flexo-vouwlijmmachine = x-large FFG
Extra grote panelen = Extra large panels
extra handgreep = side grip
extra handgreep (van boor) = auxilliary handle
Extra hoogspanningskabel > 110 kV = Extra high voltage power cable
extra huur = additional rent
extra import regel toevoegen = add extra import rule
extra informatie = additional information
Extra informatie = Further details
extra ingang aansluiting = extra input connection
extra inlaat = additional inlet
extra inrichting = optional feature
extra kentekenplaatverlichting = extra number plate lamp
extra kosten = additional costs
extra kosten gemaakt = incurred additional costs
extra kosten van levensonderhoud = additional costs of living
extra kosten voor levensonderhoud = additional costs for living
Extra koude saus = Extra dip
extra lampje voor bestuurder/hostess = extra light for driver/courier
extra lange = extra long
extra legale voordelen = non-statutory benefits
Extra licht (klasse 1) = Extra light (125 N)
extra luidspreker = extension loudspeaker
extra maatregelen = extra measures
extra maatregelen te treffen = take extra measures
extra materiaal = additional material
extra middelen = additional resources
extra modules = additional modules
extra mogelijkheden = additional opportunities
extra mogelijkheden = extra features
Extra monitor aansluiting = Extra monitor connection
Extra netvoedingsadapter niet noodzakelijk = External power supply not required
Extra netvoedingsadapter noodzakelijk = External power supply required
extra netwerkverkeer = additional network traffic
extra omsteltijden = extra changeover time
Extra omzet = Additional revenue
extra omzet = additional sales
extra omzet aanboren = tap additional revenue streams
Extra omzet en winst = Increased turnover and profit
extra ondersteuning = additional support
extra openstelling = extra opening hours
extra opgespannen = extra tensioned
Extra opmerkingen = Additional comments
extra opties = optional features
extra opties = Extra options
extra opties = additional options
extra overlapping = additional overlap
"extra overleg, indien gewenst" = "additional consultation, if needed"
extra paar = secondary pair
extra parafering = additional initialling
extra pensioen verzekeren = ensure additional pension benefits
Extra personeel = Additional staff
Extra premie (voor verhoogd risico) = Impairment rate
extra puls = afterpulse
extra put = infill well
extra rapportage = additional report
extra rekenkracht = extra computing power
extra resources = additional resources
extra ruime toleranties = extra wide margins of tolerance
Extra ruimte = Extra space
extra schakelaar keukenverbruikers = extra kitchen users switch
Extra schoonmaak = Additional cleaning
extra schoonmaak = Additional cleaning
extra slijtage = extra wear
extra smering = additional lubrication system
extra snelle soldeerbout = high-speed soldering iron
extra sociale zekerheidsbijdragen = additional social security contributions
Extra soepel = Extremely flexible
"Extra softwarecomponenten, laadbaar" = "Additional software components, loadable"
Extra steun = Auxiliary support
Extra stevig = Extra sturdy
extra stevigheid = extra strength
extra stijfheid = extra stiffness
extra te worden afgeschermd = fitted with additional shielding
extra tijd bij een tentamen = extra time during an examination
Extra tijdschakelaar tot 90 min = Extra time switch to 90 min.
extra toegevoegde waarde = extra added value
extra toplichten/routebord = extra top marker lights/destination box
extra transportkosten = additional transport costs
extra trede (i.v.m. no-claim certificate) = (higher/lower/extra) no-claim discount or bonus rating
extra veiligheid = add-on security
extra verdiepingsstof = advanced study material
extra verkoopkanaal = extra sales channel
extra verlichting chauffeursslaapplaats t.b.v. DK = driver's sleeping compartment extra lighting for DK
extra verstevigingen = additional reinforcement
extra vertragingen = additional delays
extra verzwaarde kolom = extra reinforced post
Extra verzwaarde kolommen = Extra reinforced posts
extra voordelen = additional benefits
extra voorraden = additional stock
Extra voorzieningen = Extra facilities
Extra warme saus = Extra sauce
extra werk voor het reinigen van de installatie = extra work for cleaning the system
extra werkzaamheden en/of extra kosten en schade = "additional work and/or extra expenses, loss and damage"
extra willen inzetten op = put extra effort into
extra wit papier = ultra bright white paper
extra zijmarkeerlichten = extra side marker lights
"extra, bijkomend, ondersteunend, hulp- (prefix)" = auxiliary {adj} (supplementary or subsidiary)
"extra-, buitenvaginaal" = extravaginal
extra’s = additional options
extraachteruitkijkspiegel = Additional rear-view mirror
extra-articulair = extra-articular
extraatje = addendum
extracapillaire glomerulonefritis = extracapillary glomerulonephritis
extracapsulair = extracapsular
extracellulair = ectocytic
extracellulair = extracellular
extracellulair = outside cells
Extracellulair = Extracellular
extracellulair matrijs = extracellular matrix
extracellulair pathogeen = exotoxin
extracellulair pathogeen = extracellular pathogen
extracellulaire hyperhydratie = extracellular   hyperhydration
extracellulaire matrix eiwitten = "extracellular matrix proteins: macromolecules (containing carbon, oxygen,"
extracellulaire ruimte = extracellular space
extracellulaire vloeistof = "extracellular fluid: liquid containing proteins and electrolytes, includi"
extracellulaire vloeistof = extracellular liquid
extracelullaire cholesteatosis = extracellular cholesterosis
extrachromosomaal = extrachromosomal: controlled by factors outside the chromosome
extracommunautair handelsverkeer = extra-Community trade
extracommunautaire overbrenging = extra-community shipment
Extracomptabel = Not based on books
Extracomptabele analytische exploitatiemeting = off the books operating analysis
extracomptabele boeking/post = memorandum entry
extracomptabele rekening = memorandum account
extra-contractual = buitencontractuele
extracorporaal = extracorporeal
extracorporaal = outside the body
extracorporaal = extracorporal
Extracorporaal = extracorporeal
Extracorporaal = Extracorporeal
extracorporale circulatie = extracorporeal circulation
extracorporale oxygenatie = ECMO
extracorporale oxygenatie = extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: using a life support system that cir
extracraniaal = extracranial
extracraniële = extracranial
extracraniële tumoren = extracranial tumours
Extract = Species
Extract = Petrol
Extract = Gas
Extract = Essence
Extract = Fragment
Extract = Excerpt
Extract = Extract
Extract = Gasoline
extract = (noun)  extract
extract van monk fruit = monk fruit extract
extracten = extracts
extracten van = extracts from
extractie = extraction
extractie = removal
extractie = abstraction
extractie- en analysemethodes = extraction and analysis methods
Extractie fosfaatverzadiging = Extraction phosphate saturation
extractie met een mengsel van oxaalzuur en ammoniumoxalaat = extraction with a mixture of oxalic acid and ammonium oxalate
extractie met natriumnitraat = extraction with sodium nitrate
extractie van een ingesloten tand = extraction of an impacted tooth
extractie van nutriënten = nutrient extraction
extractie van plantaardige oliën en dierlijke vetten en raffinage van pl = extraction of vegetable oil and animal fat and refining of vegetable oil
extractiedebiet = extraction flow rate
extractieleiding = extraction pipe
extractieleidingen = extraction pipes
extractiepad = extraction pathway
extractiepunt = extraction point
Extractierooster = Extraction grille
Extractieroosters = Extraction grilles
Extractieroosters woningruimte = Extraction grilles living space
extractiesysteem = extraction system
extractietang = extraction forceps
Extractietangen voor tandheelkundig gebruik = Dental forceps
extractieve bedrijfstakken = extractive industry
Extraction Lens = Extraction Lens
"Extraction, Transformation & Loading" = "Extraction, Transformation & Loading"
"Extraction, Transformation, and Loading" = "extraction, transformation, and loading"
extractor = extractor
extractors = extractors
extracurriculair = extracurricular
extrados = extrados
extraduraal = extradural: on or outside the dura mater
"extraduraal, epiduraal" = (adjective)  epidural
"extraduraal, epiduraal" = extradural: in the space where spinal fluid circulates around the cord
"extradural ruimte, het gebeid buiten het harde hersenvlies en de ruimte a" = epidural
"extradural ruimte, het gebeid buiten het harde hersenvlies en de ruimte a" = epidural space
"extradural ruimte, het gebeid buiten het harde hersenvlies en de ruimte a" = extradural: the space where spinal fluid circulates around the cord
extrafasciaal = extrafascial
extraheerbaar = extractable
extrahepatisch = extrahepatic
extrahepatisch = originating outside the liver
extrahepatisch = situated outside the liver
extrahepatische cholestase = extrahepatic cholestasis
extraheren = to extract
extraheren = extract
extrahoogspanningsnet = ultra-high voltage grid
extralegaal pensioen = nonstatutory pension
"extralegaal voordeel, supplementair inkomen" = perquisite (benefit beyond salary)
extralegale = non-statutory
extra-legale = non-statutory
extralegale groepsverzekering = non-statutory group insurance policy
extralegale pensioenverzekering = Non-state pension fund
extralegale pensioenverzekering = pension in addition to the state pension
extralegale pensioenverzekering = nonstatutory pension
extralegale vakantiedagen = non-statutory holidays
extra-legale vakantiedagen = non-statutory holidays
extralegale verzekering = non-statutory insurance policy
extralegale voordelen = benefits exceeding the legal minimum
extralegale voordelen = benefits exceeding the statutory minimum
extralegale voordelen = benefits over and above the statutory entitlement
extralegale voordelen = non-statutory benefits
extra-legale voordelen = non-statutory benefits
Extramurale zorgdiensten = Outpatient care services
extrane = external students
extranei = external students
extraneï = external students
extranet = extranet
extraneus = "external student, student with partial enrolment"
extraneus = ‘extraneus’ (student who takes examinations but does not attend lectu
extraneus = external candidate/student
extraneus = student with partial enrolment
extraneus = external student
extraneus = extraneus (student who is enrolled to take examinations but not to attend
extraneus = non-enrolled student
extraneus/extrane = External examination candidate
extra-oculair = extraocular
extra-oraal = extra-oral
extraparlementaire partij = extra-parliamentary party
extraperitoneaal = extraperitoneal
extraperitonealisering = extraperitonealization
extrapiramidaal = extrapyramidal
extrapiramidaal = part of central nerve system situated outside of and involving descending
extrapiramidaal letsel = extrapyramidal insult
extrapiramidaal stelsel = extrapyramidal system
extrapiramidale dysarthrie = athetoid movements
extrapiramidale dysarthrie = athetosis
extrapiramidale dysarthrie = extrapyramidal dysarthria
extrapiramidale loopstoornis = extrapyramidal gait disorder
Extrapolatie = Extrapolation
extrapolatie = extrapolation
extrapolatie ervan van het ene type naar het andere = extrapolation from one type to another
extrapolatie naar = extrapolation to
extrapolatie-technieken = extrapolation techniques
extrapoleren = to extrapolate
extrapoleren = to  extrapolate
Extrapoleren = Extrapolate
extrarenaal = extrarenal
extrarenaal = outside the kidney
Extra's-bibliotheek = Extras Library
extrasystole = escaped beat
extrasystole = extrasystole
extrasystole = premature heart contraction: a premature contraction of the heart that is
extrasystole = PVC
Extrasystole = Extrasystole
extraterritoriale bevoegdheid = extraterritorial jurisdiction
extraterritoriale kosten = extraterritorial expenses
extrathoracaal = (adjective)  extrathoracic
extrathoracale fractie = extrathoracic fraction
extrathoracicus = (adjective)  extrathoracic
extravagant = flamboyant
extravagant = extravagant
Extravagant = Wacky
extravaginaal: buiten de vagina = extravaginal
extravaginaal: buiten de vagina = outside the vagina
extravasaal = extravascular
extravasatie = escape of blood or fluid into tissue
extravasatie = extravasation
extravasatie = diapedesis
extravasatie van rode bloedlichaampjes = erythrocyte extravasation
extravasatie van rode bloedlichaampjes = extravasation of red blood cells
extravasculair = extravascular
extravasculair = outside a vessel
extravasculaire haematolysis = extravascular  hemolysis: the phagocytosis of erythrocytes by the reticul
extravasculaire vloeistof in de lungen = extravascular fluid
extravasculaire vloeistof in de lungen = extravascular lung water
extraversie = extraversion
extraversio = a state in which attention is largely directed outward from the self
extraversio = extraversion
extraversio = extroversion: concern with what is outside the self
Extraverte personen = Extroverts
Extreem = All-out
extreem = excessive
Extreem = Abject poverty
Extreem = Extreme
Extreem = Utmost
Extreem = Extremist
Extreem = Uttermost
extreem / overdadig / buitengewoon = excessive
extreem bitter en onsmakelijk smaakprofiel = extremely bitter and unpalatable taste profile
Extreem diepstralend = Extreme deep beam
extreem hoge capaciteit = extremely high capacity
extreem hoge frequentie = extremely high frequency: EHF
extreem lage frequentie = extremely low frequency: ELF
extreem lage latency = extremely low latency
extreem lage of hoge temperaturen = extremely high or low temperatures
extreem links = extreme left
extreem of hoog niveau = extreme or high level
Extreem ontvlambaar = Extremely flammable
Extreem rechts = Far right
Extreem rechts = Hard right
Extreem rechts = Far-right
extreem rechts = extreme right
extreem traag = extremely slow
extreem ultraviolet licht = extreme ultraviolet light
Extreem veel waarschijnlijker = extremely more probable
"extreem, extreme, drastisch, drastische" = "extreme {adj} (drastic, or of great severity)"
"extreem, extreme, intens, intense" = extreme {adj} (in the greatest or highest degree
"extreem, extreme, intens, intense" = intense)
"extreem, extreme, overmatig, overmatige" = "extreme {adj} (excessive, or far beyond the norm)"
Extreemlinks = Hard left
Extreemrechts = Far-right
Extreemrechts = Far right
Extreemrechts = Hard right
Extreemtemperatuurbereik = Extreme-temperature range
extremaal gemiddelde = extreme mean
extremaal proces volgens Dwass = extremal process
Extremadura = Extremadura
extremal index = extremal index
extremale = extremal
extremale positie = extremal position
extreme  weeromstandigheden = extreme weather conditions
extreme intensiteit = extremal intensity
extreme omgevingsconditie = extreme environmental conditions
extreme omgevingsconditie = environmental extremes
extreme studentised deviate = extreme studentised deviate
extreme studentised deviate = extreme studentized deviate
Extreme temperaturen = Extreme temperatures
extreme temperaturen = extreme temperatures
extreme waarde = extreme value
extreme waarden = extreme values
extreme weersomstandigheden = extreme weather conditions
extreme weersomstandig-heden = extreme weather conditions
extremen = extremes
Extremisme = Extremism
extremisten = extremists
extremistische partij = extremist party
extremitas superior testis = upper  extremity of the testis
Extremiteit = Extremity
extremofiel = extremophile: (an organism) which thrives under extreme conditions
extremofiel micro-organisme = extremophile microorganism: a microorganism which thrives under extreme c
extrinsiek = extrinsic
Extrinsieke cues = Extrinsic cues
extrinsieke factor = environmental factor
extrinsieke gebeurtenis = extrinsic event
extrinsieke geleiding = extrinsic conductance
Extrinsieke materiaaleigenschappen = Extrinsic material properties
Extrinsieke productkenmerken = Extrinsic product attributes
Extrinsieke productkenmerken = F-indeling
extrinsieke prognose = extrinsic forecast
extrinsieke reactie = extrinsic reaction
extrudaat = extrudate
extruder = extruder
Extruderen = Extrude
extruderen = to extrude
Extruderen = Extrusion
extruderen = extruding
extruderen = extrusion
extruderen = extrusion
extruderen = extrusion
extruderen = extrusion
extruderen = extrusion
extruderen = extrusion
extruderen = extrusion
extrusie = extrusion
extrusie = extrusion
extrusie = extrusion
extrusie = extrusion
extrusie = extrusion
extrusie = extrusion
extrusie = extrusion
extrusieafdeling = extrusion plant
extrusieblaasvormen = extrusion blow moulding
extrusie-blaasvormen = extrusion blow moulding
extrusief = extrusive
extrusie-gebaseerd = extrusion-based
extrusie-gebaseerd productiesysteem = extrusion-based production system
extrusie-gebaseerd systeem = extrusion-based system
Extrusie-gebaseerde systemen = Extrusion-based systems
extrusiekop = extrusion head
extrusiematrijs = extrusion die
extrusiematrijs = extruding die
extrusiemondstuk = extrusion nozzle
extrusienet = extrusion system
extrusiepers = extruder press
extrusiepers = extrusion press
extrusieproces = extrusion process
extrusieprofielen = extrusion profiles
extrusieschroef = extrusion screw
extrusiestempel = extrusion tool
extrusiestraat = extrusion line
extrusietechnologie = extrusion technology
extrusio = extrusion
extubatie = detubation
"extumescentia, de zwelling, de tumescentie, de tumefactie" = extumescence
"extumescentia, de zwelling, de tumescentie, de tumefactie" = swelling
EX-verlichting = Ex lighting
Ex-voto = Ex-voto
EXW = Ex Works (EXW)
ex-werknemer = former employee
exx. = copies
Ex-zone = Ex-zone
EY = Ernst & Young
EY Accountants = EY Accountants
EY Global Audit Methodology = EY GAM
EY Global Audit Methodology = EY Global Audit Methodology
EY kenmerk = EY reference
ey.com = ey.com
EY-breed = EY-wide
EY-cultuur = EY culture
eye opener = eye-opener
eye openers = eye-openers
eyecatcher = eye-catcher
eyeliner = eye liner
eyeliner {de} = eyeliner
eye-tracking = eye tracking
eyetrack-taak = eye tracking task
EYG = Ernst & Young Global Limited
EYG = Ernst & Young Global Limited (EYG)
eylandt {het} [oud] = island
EY-missie = EY mission
"EY-missie, -visie, -strategie en -waarden" = "EY mission, vision, strategy and values"
EY-netwerkreferentieparameters = network reference parameters
EY-organisatie = EY organisation
Eyremeer = Lake Eyre
EZ = Economic Affairs
EZ = "Ministry of Economic Affairs (Ministerie van Economische Zaken, EZ)"
EZ = (Ministry of) Economic Affairs
ezel = easel
ezel = donkey
Ezel = Ass
Ezel (dier) = Donkey
ezel {de} = donkey
ezel {de} [schilderkunst] = easel
ezeldrijver = donkey-driver
Ezelen = Pore
Ezelen = Pyre
Ezelen = Woodshed
Ezelen = Cram
Ezelen = Swot
ezelin = jenny-ass
ezels- = ass's
ezelsbruggetje = mnemonic
ezelsbruggetje = mnemonic device
"ezelsbruggetje, geheugensteuntje, mnemotechniek" = mnemonic (Anything (especially something in verbal form) used to help rem
ezelseen ezel stoot zich in 't gemeen niet tweemaal aan dezelfde steen = "once bitten, twice shy"
Ezelskop = Idiot
Ezelskop = Ninny
Ezelskop = Tit
Ezelskop = Horse around
Ezelskop = Fool
Ezelskop = Imbecile
ezelsoor = dog's ear
ezelsrug = saddlebackcoping
ezelsrug = capping
ezelsrug = saddle back
ezelsrugboog = keel arch
ezien in een richting tegengesteld aan de transportrichting = viewed in a direction opposite to the conveying direction
e-zine = e-zine
e-zine = ezine
Ezra = Ezra
Ezra Pound = Ezra Pound
ƒ = ƒ
F (fluor totaal) = "F (fluorine, total)"
F (letter) = F
F + N = F + N
f het gebruik van een mengsel van een of meer bestanddelen van de kit = or the use of a mixture of one or more components of the kit
F&A = (cluster) Finance & Accounting (F&A)
F&B = F&B
F&B = food & beverage
F&B = Food & Beverage
F&B consumpties = F&B refreshments
F. Scott Fitzgerald = F. Scott Fitzgerald
f.c. = f.c.
f.e. = e.g.
f.t.e. (full time equivalent) = FTE (full time equivalent)
f/filter = f/filter
f/mm2 = f/mm2
F05-PCF = F05-PCF
F05-POF = F05-POF
F07-PCF = F07-PCF
F3000 = F3000
F5 = F5
F6 = F6
F7 = F7
F8 = F8
F9 = F9
Fa = F
Fa = Fah
Fa Fa eenheid = automatic tuning unit
Fa4 = Fa4
Fa6 = Fa6
Fa8 = Fa8
faalanalyse = failure analysis
Faalangst = Anxiously
Faalangst = Bated
Faalangst = Agony
Faalangst = Fright
Faalangst = Fear
Faalangst = Anxiety
Faalangst = Anguish
faalangst = fear of failure
faalangst: de vrees iets niet te kunnen = fear of failure
Faalkosten = Failure costs
faalkosten te reduceren = reduce failure costs
faalt = fails
faalvorm / faaleffect / faalwijze = failure type / effect of the failure / failure process
faalwijze = failure mode
faam = fame
Faam = Glory
faam {de} = fame
FaaS = FaaS
FaaS = Furniture-as-a-Service
fab lab = fab lab
fab labs = fab labs
Fabel = Fable
fabel {de} = fable
fabelachtig = fabulous
fabella = fabella
Fabels en legenden = Fables and legends
fab-fragment = Fab fragment
fab-fragment = fragment antigen binding
fablabs = fab labs
fabr. = manufactured by
fabricaat = make
fabricaat = manufacturer
fabricage = making
fabricage = manufacturing
fabricage = fabrication
fabricage = manufacture
fabricage / bouw / constructie = fabrication
fabricage- en constructiemethoden = manufacturing and construction methods
fabricage- of materiaalfouten = manufacturing or material defects
fabricage van gelaagde voorwerpen = laminate object manufacturing
Fabricage van jacket = Jacket-fabrication work
Fabricage van offshoremodule = Offshore-module fabrication work
Fabricage van palen = Pile-fabrication work
"fabricage, verzending, doorvoer en bestemming" = "manufacture, shipment, transit and destination"
fabricage-afdeling = manufacturing department
fabricagebeheerssysteem = manufacturing control system
fabricagebehoefteplanning = manufacturing requirements planning: MRP
fabricagebeleid = manufacturing policy
fabricagebesturingsfuncties = manufacturing control functions
fabricagebewerking = production operation
fabricageboodschappendienst = manufacturing messaging service: MMS
fabricagecel = manufacturing cell
fabricagecentrum = production centre
fabricage-contract = contract with manufacture clause
fabricagedatum = production date
fabricagedoorlooptijd = manufacturing throughput time
fabricagedoorlooptijd = manufacturing lead time
fabricagefase = manufacturing phase
fabricagefout = manufacturing fault
fabricagefout = manufacturing error
fabricagefouten = manufacturing defects
fabricagegegevens = manufacturing data
fabricagegroep = manufacturing cell
fabricage-handleiding = manufacturing instructions
Fabricagehulpmaterialen = Factory supplies
Fabricagehulpmaterialen = Indirect material
fabricagehulpmaterialen = factory supplies
fabricagehulpmaterialen = processing costs
fabricagehulpmaterialen = production costs
fabricage-informatiesysteem = manufacturing information system: MIS
fabricage-instructielijst = process list
fabricage-interval = manufacturing interval
Fabricagejaar = year manufactured
fabricagekaart = operation layout
fabricagelicentie = manufacturing licence
fabricagemateriaal = manufacturing material
fabricagemethode = manufacturing method
fabricagemethoden = manufacturing methods
fabricagemethoden en -procédés = manufacturing methods and processes
fabricagemiddelenplanning = manufacturing resource planning: MRP
fabricagemogelijkheid = manufacturing feasibility
fabricagenauwkeurigheid = accuracy of manufacture
fabricageniveau = fabrication level
fabricage-opdracht = fabrication order
fabricage-opstelling = manufacturing lay-out
fabricageplanning = production planning
fabricageprocedure = manufacturing procedure
fabricageproces = manufacturing process
fabricageprocesbesturing = manufacturing process control
fabricageprocessen = manufacturing processes
fabricageprogramma = production program
fabricageserie = manufacturing run
Fabricagespecificatie = Manufacturing specification
fabricagestuklijst = production bill-of-material
fabricagetechnologie = manufacturing technology
fabricagetijd = manufacturing lead time
fabricagetolerantie = manufacturing tolerance
fabricagevoorbereiding = manufacturing engineering
fabricagevoorbereiding = production preparation
fabricagevoorschrift = manufacturing instructions
fabricatie = making
fabrication = fabrication
fabrication = manufacture
fabrication = production
Fabrice Wynants = Fabrice Wynants
Fabriceren = Manufacture
fabriceren = to manufacture
Fabriceren = Fabricate
Fabriceren van drukplaten = Print-plate making services
"fabriceren, distribueren en verkopen van consumentenelektronica" = "production, distribution and sale of consumer electronics"
"fabriceren, in bedrijf stellen als onderhouden" = "manufacturing, commissioning and maintenance"
fabriek = factory
fabriek = industrial plant (building)
fabriek = plant
fabriek = mill
fabriek = factory
"fabriek [general], papierfabriek [for paper], staalfabriek[for steel], te" = mill (building)
"fabriek [general], papierfabriek [for paper], staalfabriek[for steel], te" = mill (manufacturing plant)
fabriek {de} = plant [factory]
fabriek of zakengeheim = manufacturing or trade secrets
fabriek of zakengeheimen = manufacturing or trade secrets
fabriek van de toekomst = factory of the future: FOF
"fabriek, werkplaats, kantoor of laboratorium" = "factory, workshop, office or laboratory"
fabriek-klantcontacten = customer returns
fabrieks- en fabricagegegevens = performance and reporting data
fabrieksaardappel = process potato
fabrieksarbeider = factory worker
fabrieksarchitectuur = factory architecture
Fabrieksbaas = Foreman
fabrieksbezoek = factory visit
fabriekscomplex = plant
fabriekscomputer = plant computer
fabriekscontrole = factory inspection
fabrieks-en/of importprijzen = factory and/or import prices
fabrieksgarantie = manufacturer’s warranty
fabrieksgarantieperiode = manufacturer’s warranty period
fabrieksgarantieregeling = manufacturer’s warranty scheme
fabrieksgarantietermijn = manufacturer’s warranty term
fabrieksgebouwen = factory buildings
fabrieksgeheim = manufacturing secret
fabrieksgeheim = industrial secret
Fabrieksgeheim = Trade secret
Fabrieksgoed = Goods
Fabrieksgoed = Trash
Fabrieksgoed = Rubbish
Fabrieksgoed = Freight
Fabrieksgoed = Cheap junk
fabriekshal = factory workshop
fabriekshal = shop floor in the factory
fabriekshal = factory hall
fabriekshallen = factory buildings
fabrieksinformatiesysteem = factory information system: FIS
fabrieksinrichting = plant layout
fabrieksinspecteur = factory inspector
fabrieksinspecteur = labour inspector
fabrieksinspecties = factory inspections
fabrieksinstallatiekopie = factory image
fabrieksinstelling = factory adjustment
fabrieksinstellingen = factory settings
Fabrieksjongen = Laborer
Fabrieksjongen = Blue-collar
Fabrieksjongen = Factory worker
Fabrieksjongen = Operative
Fabrieksjongen = Hand
Fabrieksjongen = Workman
Fabrieksjongen = Labourer
Fabrieksjongen = Worker
fabriekslevering = factory delivery
fabrieksmagazijn = factory warehouse
fabrieksmanager = plant manager
fabrieksmarkering = factory labeling
fabrieksmatig = factory-wise
fabrieksmatige = standardised
fabrieksmatige verificatie = machinery and methods evaluation
Fabrieksmeisje = Factory worker
Fabrieksmeisje = Labourer
Fabrieksmeisje = Hand
Fabrieksmeisje = Worker
Fabrieksmerk = Trademark
fabrieksmerk = manufacturer's trade mark
fabrieksmodus = factory mode
fabrieksnieuwe = brand-new
fabrieksnieuwe = factory-fresh
fabrieksnieuwe = factory-new
fabrieksnieuwe = in its original condition of manufacture
fabrieksnieuwe = newly manufactured
fabrieksorder = shop order
fabrieksorganisatie = factory organization
fabrieksovereenkomst = plant agreement
fabrieksplaatje = factory plate
fabrieksplanning = factory planning
fabrieksplanningsproces = plant planning process
fabrieksprijs = industrial price
Fabrieksprijs = Manufacturer's price
fabrieksrapport = test report
fabrieksrondleiding = guided tour of factory
Fabrieksschepen = Factory ships
Fabrieksschoorstenen = Industrial chimneys
fabrieksterrein = factory premises
fabrieksuitrusting = plant equipment
fabrieksvacantie = factory holidays
fabrieksverrekenprijs = factory standard price: fsp
fabrieksvloer = factory floor
fabrieksvoorraad = factory stock
fabriekswerk = factory work
fabriekswezen = manufacturing trade
fabrikaat = brand
fabrikaat = manufactured goods
Fabrikaat = Finished good
Fabrikaat = Finished product
Fabrikaat = End product
fabrikaat = make
fabrikaat {het} = make
Fabrikant = Manufacturer
fabrikant = manufacturer or owner of a factory
fabrikant = industrialist
Fabrikant = Maker
fabrikant = manufacturer
fabrikant {de} = manufacturer
fabrikant van = manufacturer of
fabrikant van componenten voor material handling systemen = manufacturer of components for material handling systems
fabrikant van consumentenproducten = manufacturer of consumer products
fabrikant van door anderen gemaakte apparatuur = original equipment manufacturer: OEM
fabrikant van het fundament = foundation contractor
fabrikant van medische hulpmiddelen = manufacturer of medical devices
fabrikant van originele uitrusting = Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
"fabrikant, importeur, distributeur" = "manufacturer, importer, distributor"
fabrikant/leverancier = manufacturer/supplier
fabrikanten = manufacturers
fabrikanten van fast moving consumer goods = manufacturers of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
fabrikanten van originele onderdelen = original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)
"fabrikanten, leveranciers of verkopers" = "manufacturers, suppliers or vendors"
Fabrikantenmerk = Manufacturer owned brand
fabrikantennaam = manufacturer's name
facade = facade
facade = facing wall
facade = front face
facade = frontispiece
Façade = Front
façade = façade
façade {de} = façade
facade- en dakelementen = façade and roof elements
Façade Engineering = Façade Engineering
façadegedrag = fake behaviour / sham behaviour
facade-muur = facade wall
facadewand = facade wall
Face/Off = About-face
Face/Off = Switcheroo
Face/Off = Volte-face
Face/Off = About-turn
facebook = Facebook
Facebook Connect = Facebook Connect
Facebook Custom Audience = Facebook Custom Audience
Facebook- gebruiker = Facebook user
Facebook Impressions = Facebook Impressions
Facebook Pixel = Facebook Pixel
Facebook Social Graph = Facebook Social Graph
Facebook Social Plugin = Facebook Social Plugin
"Facebook, Twitter, Instagram" = "Facebook, Twitter and Instagram"
Facebook-account = Facebook account
Facebook-accounts = Facebook accounts
Facebook-advertentievoorkeuren = Facebook ad preferences
Facebook-bericht = Facebook message
Facebook-gebruiker = Facebook users
Facebook-gebruikers = Facebook users
Facebook-gebruikers die zich uitschrijven voor = Facebook users who opt out of
Facebookpagina = Facebook page
Facebook-pagina = Facebook page
Facebook-pixel = Facebook Pixel
Facebook-services = Facebook services
Facebook-tracking = Facebook tracking
facelift {de} = facelift
Facet = Facet
facet (van spiraalboor) = fluted land
Facetimen = FaceTiming
facetkralen = facet beads
Face-to-face = Face-to-face
face-to-face en digitaal = face-to-face and digital contact
facetrepresentatie = facet representation
facettering = faceting
faciaal = facial
Faciaal = Facial
facial tissues = facial tissues
facilitair = Facilities
facilitair = Facility Services
facilitair = facilities management
Facilitair accountmanager = General and technical services account manager
facilitair bedrijf = general and technical services company
Facilitair Bedrijf = Facility Department
Facilitair bedrijf (FB) = Facilities Unit Facility Management (bacheloropleiding)
Facilitair Bedrijf (FB) = Facilities Unit
Facilitair bedrijf (FB) = Facilities Unit
facilitair beheer = facilities management
Facilitair Beheersplan = Facility Management Plan
facilitair management = facility management
facilitair management = technical/systems support management
facilitair management = Facility Management
Facilitair Management en Vastgoed (het domein FMVG) = Facility Management & Real Estate (FMRE)
Facilitair Management Team = Facility Management Team
facilitair manager = Facility Manager
Facilitair medewerker = Facility Services Assistant
Facilitair Service Centrum = Facility Service Centre
facilitairbeheersplan = facility management plan
facilitaire bedrijf = facilities department
facilitaire bedrijf = facilities division
facilitaire bedrijf = facilities unit
facilitaire bedrijf = general and technical services company
facilitaire bedrijf = technical service company
facilitaire beheersaspecten = facility management aspects
facilitaire beheersplan = facility management plan
facilitaire dienst = Facilities Management Department
Facilitaire dienst = Facilitative serive
facilitaire dienst en technische dienst = support service department and the technical department
facilitaire diensten = facilities services
facilitaire diensten = support services
facilitaire diensten = general and technical support services
facilitaire dienstverlener = facilitator
facilitaire dienstverlening = facilities management
facilitaire dienstverlening = facility management
facilitaire dienstverlening = the support service industry
facilitaire dienstverlening = facility services
facilitaire dienstverlening = facility services
Facilitaire Eenheden (afd FMVG) = Facility Units
facilitaire exploitatie = exploitation of facilities
facilitaire instelling = Facilitative Institution
facilitaire ondersteuning = general and technical support services
facilitaire ondersteuning = facility support
facilitaire organisatie = facilities service
facilitaire ruimten = facility areas
facilitaire ruimten = facility spaces
facilitaire technische dienstverlening = general and technical facility management
facilitaire voorzieningen = facilities
facilitaire zaken = facility management
Facilitaire Zaken = Campus Services
facilitator = facilitator
facilitators = facilitators
Faciliteer = Facilitate
Faciliteer interne communicatie = Facilitate internal communication
faciliteert = facilitates
faciliteit = facility
Faciliteit Duurzaam Ondernemen en Voedselzekerheid = Sustainable Enterprise and Food Security Facility (Faciliteit Duurzaam On
faciliteit in Poolgebied = Arctic facility
faciliteit voor het beheer van radioactief afval = radioactive waste management facility
faciliteit voor het beheer van verbruikte splijtstof = spent fuel management facility
faciliteiten = (meerv. ook:) resources
faciliteiten = facilities
faciliteiten = accommodation
faciliteiten (belasting context) = (dividend tax exemption) facilities
faciliteiten- en systeembeheer = facilities management
faciliteiten voor gehandicapten = facilities for the disabled
faciliteiten voor tentoonstellingen en beurzen = facilities for exhibitions and fairs
faciliteiten voor vergaderingen en conferenties = conference and meeting facilities
Faciliteitenbeheer = Facilities management services
Faciliteitenbeheer door computerbewerking = Facilities management services involving computer operation
Faciliteitenbeheer voor onderhoud van computersystemen = Facilities management services for computer systems maintenance
Faciliteitenbeheer voor ontwikkeling van computersystemen = Facilities management services for computer systems development
Faciliteitenregeling en Keuzemodel Arbeidsvoorwaarden = Facilities Regulation and Terms and Conditions of Employment Options Mode
Faciliteitenregeling Personeel = Personnel Facilities Regulation
faciliteitovereenkomsten = facility agreements
faciliteitveld = facility field
faciliteren = provide space for
faciliteren = to facilitate
faciliteren = to make easier
faciliteren = to provide facilities for
faciliteren = provide
faciliterend leiderschap = facilitating leadership
faciliterend optreden = act as a facilitator
faciliterende bedrijven = facilitating companies
Faciliterende betaling = Facilitating payment
Faciliterende betalingen = Facilitating payments
faciliterende processen = Facilitating processes
Facilities = Facilities
facility accountmanager = Facility Account Manager
Facility management = Facility Management
Facility Management = Facility Management
Facility Management & services = Facility Management & Services
Facility Management (bacheloropleiding) = Facility Management
facility manager = facility manager
facility managers = facility managers
Facility Services = Facility Services
facility services = ancillary services
facility services = facilities and services
facility services = facility services
facility services = general and technical support services
facility services = general services (department)
facility services = support service department
facility services = support services
Facility Services (FS = Facility Services (FS
Facings = Facings
facolytisch glaucoom = phacolytic  glaucoma
facsimile = facsimile
facsimile met vlak aftastoppervlak = flat-bed transmitter
facsimile-apparatuur = facsimile equipment
facsimilebandbreedte = facsimile bandwidth
facsimilebeeldsignaal = facsimile picture signal
facsimilecommunicatie = facsimile communication
facsimilegegevenscompressie = facsimile data compression
facsimilemodem = facsimile modem
facsimile-omzetter = facsimile converter
facsimile-ontvangeenheidapertuur = facsimile receiver aperture
facsimile-ontvanger = facsimile receiver
facsimilerecorder = facsimile recorder
facsimilesignaalcontrast = facsimile signal contrast
facsimilesignaalniveau = facsimile signal level
facsimilesysteem = facsimile system
facsimiletransmissie = facsimile transmission
facsimilezendeenheid = facsimile transmitter
facsimilezendeenheidapertuur = facsimile transmitter aperture
fact sheet = fact sheet
factie = cabal
factor = divisor
factor = factor
Factor 1 = Factor 1
Factor 2 = Factor 2
Factor 20 = Factor 20
Factor 3 = Factor 3
factor analyse = factor analysis
factor antithesis = factor antithesis
factor kans = chance factor
factor score = factor score
factor van Rosenthal = factor XI
factor van Rosenthal = factor C
factor van Rosenthal = PTA: plasma thromboplastin antecedent
factor XII-deficiëntie = Hageman  factor deficiency
factor XII-deficiëntie = factor XII deficiency
factor XII-deficiëntie = Hageman trait: a deficiency of blood coagulation factor XII
factorafschrijvingsmethode = factor depreciation method
Factoranalyse = Factor analysis
factoranalyse volgens Boole = Boolean factor analysis
factoren = factors
factoren die bepalend zijn voor = determining factors for
factoren die bepalend zijn voor = factors which determine
factoren die bepalend zijn voor de hoogte van de uitkeringen = determining factors for the amount of benefits
factoren en activiteiten = factors and activities
factoren meetgegevens = adjustment factors for readings
factorenverwisselingstoets = factor reversal test
Factorgewijze beloning = Rewards to factors
factorieel experiment = factorial design
factorieel experiment = factorial experiment
factorieel moment = factorial moment
factorieel moment genererende functie = factorial moment generating function
factoriële cumulant = factorial cumulant
factoriële cumulant genererende functie = factorial cumulant generating function
factoriële som = factorial sum
factoriële verdeling = inverse factorial series distribution
factoriële verdeling = Irwin distribution
factoriële verdeling = factorial distribution
Factorij = Agency
Factorij = Branch
factoring = factoring
factoring van handelsvorderingen = factoring of trade receivables
factorisatie = factorization
factoriseren = factoring
Factorkosten = Factor cost
Factorlading = Factor loading
factorlading = factor loading
factorlading = test coefficient
factormatrix = factor matrix
factorpatroon = factor pattern
factorprovisie = factoring commission
factorrotatie = factor rotation
Factorscore = Factor score
factorscores = factor scores
factorveld = factor field
Factory Acceptance Test = Factory Acceptance Test
Factory Acceptance Tests = Factory Acceptance Tests
Factory Defaults = Factory Defaults
Factory Reset = Factory Reset
"factotum, manusje-van-alles" = factotum (jack-of-all-trades)
"factotum, manusje-van-alles" = factotum (general servant)
Facts & figures = Facts & Figures
FACTS Transmission = FT
FACTS Transmission met Q+-optie = FTQ
FACTS Transmission met Q+-optie en STATCOM-optie = FTQS
FACTS Transmission met STATCOM-optie = FTS
FACTS-eigenschap = FACTS property
Factsheet = Fact sheet
factu(u)r(en) = invoice(s)
facturatie = invoicing
Facturatie & betalingen = Invoicing & payments
facturatie doeleinden = invoicing purposes
Facturatie en betaling = Invoicing and payment
facturatie- en betalingsgegevens = billing and payment data
facturatie geschiedt achteraf = invoicing is in arrears
facturatie van de uitgestelde apparatuur te bekomen = to recover the amounts invoiced for the delayed equipment
"Facturatie, betaling" = "Invoicing, payment"
facturatieadre = billing address
facturatieadres = billing address
Facturatiedata = Invoicing data
facturatiemicrodienst = billing microphone service
facturatiemodule = invoicing module
facturatieproces = billing process
facturatiesoftwarepakket = invoicing software package
facturatiesysteem = invoicing system
factureerbare tijd = billable time
factureert = invoices
facturen = invoices
Facturen dienen te worden betaald = Invoices must be paid
Facturen dienen te worden ingediend in tweevoud. = Invoices should be submitted in duplicate.
facturen of herinneringen = invoices or reminders
Facturen respectievelijk creditnota’s = Invoices or credit notes
facturen van nutsvoorzieningen = utility bills
facturen zijn te betalen = Invoices are payable
facturen/declaraties = invoices/claims
facturenregister = invoice register
factureren = invoiced
factureren = invoice
factureren = to invoice
Factureren = Bill
factureren = invoices
"factureren, in rekening brengen" = invoice  (to bill)
facturering = billing
facturering = invoicing
Facturering en betaling = Billing and payment
Facturering en betaling = Invoicing and payment
facturering met gedetailleerde omschrijving = descriptive billing
facturering naar rato van voortgang = progress billing
facturering naar rato van voortgang van opdracht = progress billing
facturering van mijlpalen = milestone billing
Facturering vindt maandelijks achteraf plaats = Invoicing occurs monthly in arrears
factureringsadres = invoicing address
factureringsclassificatie = billing classification
Factureringsdiensten = Invoicing services
factureringsfrequentie = billing frequency
factureringsgegevens = billing information
factureringsproces = billing process
factureringsrekening = billing account
factureringsrekeningnummer = ban
factureringsschema = invoicing arrangements
factureringsschema = billing schedule
Factureringssysteem = Billing system
factureringsvoorwaarden = billing terms
Facturist = Invoice clerk
factuur = invoice
factuur = account
Factuur = Bill
factuur = statement
factuur {de} = invoice
factuur c.q. declaratie = invoice or claim
factuur- en incassoproces = invoicing and collection process
factuur- en incassoproces = invoicing and debt collection process
factuur- en klantgegevens = billing and customer information
Factuur instructie = Invoicing instructions
Factuur referentie = Invoice reference
factuur respectievelijk creditnota = invoice or credit note
factuur van vooruitbetaling = prepayment invoice
factuur voor verscheidene leveranties = multiple invoice
factuuraanhef = invoice header
factuuradres = billing address
factuuradres = invoice address
factuuradres = bill-to address
Factuuradres = Invoice address
Factuuradres = Billing address
factuurbedrag = invoice amount
factuurbedragen = invoice amounts
factuurbedrijf = invoice company
Factuurbeheer = Billing Manager
factuurdatum = invoice date
factuureisen = invoice requirements
Factuurgegevens = Invoice details
factuurgegevens = invoice data
Factuur-id = Invoice ID
factuurlijsten = invoice lists
factuurnummer = invoice number
factuurpapier = invoice paper
Factuurportaal = Rijksoverheid (Government of the Netherlands) Invoice Portal
factuurprijs = invoice price
factuurprijs tarief hoog voor elektriciteit = invoice price for high rate electricity
factuurprijs tarief laag voor elektriciteit = invoice price for low rate electricity
factuurprijsafwijking = invoice price variance
factuurproduct = invoice product
factuurproject = invoice project
factuurreferentie = invoice reference
factuurvereffening = invoice matching
factuurverwerking = invoice processing
factuurwaarde = invoice value
facultair = "faculty (bijv gebruikt), of the faculty"
facultair contactpersoon internationalisering = the faculty's international representative
facultair IC manager (FIM) = Faculty IT Manager
facultair informatiecoordinator = faculty information manager
facultaire organisatie = faculty organisation
facultaire reglementen = faculty regulations
facultaire studentenraad = faculty student council
facultaire studie-adviseur = faculty-based student advisor
facultaire zwaartepunten = a faculty's core research areas
facultatief = optional
facultatief = discretionary
facultatief studie-onderwerp = elective [Am.]
facultatieve = optional
facultatieve herverzekering = facultative reinsurance
facultatieve lijst = optional list
facultatieve parasiet = facultative parasite
facultatieve posten = optional items
facultatieve symptomen = facultative symptoms
facultatieve varianten = optional variants
faculteit = factorial
faculteit = "faculty (bij een specifieke faculteit wordt een hoofdletter gebruikt, bv "
faculteit = staff
Faculteit = Faculty
Faculteit (Faculteit wordt niet vertaald met 'school/college' omdat dit e = Faculty
Faculteit (wiskunde) = Factorial
Faculteit / Dienst = Faculty / Department
faculteit BBT = "(Faculty of) Business, Public Administration and Technology"
faculteit Bètawetenschappen = Faculty of Science
Faculteit Bètawetenschappen (Bèta) = Faculty of Science
faculteit Bouwkunde = "Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning"
Faculteit Communicatie en Cultuur (vervalt per 1-1-2007) = Faculty of Arts (vervalt per 1-1-2007)
Faculteit der Aard- en Levenswetenschappen = Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences
Faculteit der Aard- en Levenswetenschappen = Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences (Faculteit der Aard- en Levenswetensch
Faculteit der Bewegingswetenschappen = Faculty of Human Movement Sciences
Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen = School of Economics
Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde = Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen = Faculty of Sciences
faculteit der geesteswetenschappen = faculty of arts
faculteit der geesteswetenschappen = faculty of humanities
faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen = Faculty of Humanities
Faculteit der Geneeskunde = Faculty of Medicine
Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid = Faculty of Theology
Faculteit der Letteren = Faculty of Arts
Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen = Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG)
"Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica" = Faculty of Science
"Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica" = "Faculty of Science (Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Inform"
Faculteit der Psychologie en Pedagogiek = Faculty of Psychology and Education
Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid = School of Law
Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid = Faculty of Law
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen = Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculteit der Tandheelkunde = Faculty of Dentistry
Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte = Faculty of Philosophy
faculteit Diergeneeskunde = Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Faculteit Diergeneeskunde (DGK) = Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen = Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
faculteit Geesteswetenschappen = Faculty of Humanities
Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen (GW) = Faculty of Humanities
Faculteit Geneeskunde = Faculty of Medicine
faculteit Geowetenschappen = Faculty of Geosciences
Faculteit Geowetenschappen (GEO) = Faculty of Geosciences
faculteit introductie = faculty introduction
Faculteit Katholieke Theologie = Faculty of Catholic Theology
"faculteit Recht, Economie, Bestuur en Organisatie" = "Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance"
"Faculteit Recht, Economie, Bestuur en Organisatie (REBO)" = "Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance"
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid = Faculty of Law
faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen = Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen = Faculty of Social Behavioural Sciences
Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen (FSW) = Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
faculteiten = faculties
faculteits administator = faculty administrator
faculteitsbestuur = faculty administration
faculteitsbestuur = Faculty Board
faculteitsbestuur (de verantwoordelijkheden) = faculty administration
faculteitsbestuur (het bestuurslichaam) = faculty board
faculteitsbureau = faculty office
faculteitsbureau = Faculty Office/Administration
Faculteitsbureau (Directeur) = Faculty Office (Director)
faculteitsdecaan = dean
faculteitsdirecteur = faculty director/manager
Faculteitsgebonden = Faculty-related
Faculteitsgebonden activiteiten = Faculty-related activities
faculteitshoogleraar = Distinguished Professor of the Faculty of ...
faculteitsoverstijgend = interdepartmental
faculteitsoverstijgend = faculty transcending
faculteitsraad = faculty council
Faculteitsreglement = Faculty Regulations
faculteitsreglementen = faculty regulations
faculteitssecretariaat = Faculty Office
faculteitssecretaris = Faculty Secretary
faculty admin = faculty admin
faculty development programme = Faculty Development Programme
Faculty of Bèta Sciences and Technology = Faculty of Bèta Sciences and Technology
Faculty of Science = FNWI
Fader = Fader
fading = fading
Fado = Fado
Faecaal = Feacal
Faecale coligroei = Faecal coli reproduction
Faecale streptococcen = Faecal streptococci
faecaliënstortplaats = Faecal materials landfill
faeces = "feces, excrement"
faeces = feces
faeces = faeces
"faeces {p}, uitwerpselen" = feces (digested waste material discharged from the bowels)
"faeces {p}, uitwerpselen" = faeces (digested waste material discharged from the bowels)
faecesbacterieën = faecal bacterium
faeculent = fecal
Faeofytine = Faeofytine
Faeroer = Faroe Islands
Faeröer = Faroe Islands
Faeröer = Faeroe Islands
Faeröers = Faroese
FAFA-eenheid = automatic tuning unit
Fafner = Fafner
Fagaceae = Fagaceae
Fagales = Fagales
Faget-kast = FAGET junction box
fagicladosporiczuur = fagicladosporic acid
fagocytose = phagocytosis
fagot = bassoon
Fagot = Bassoonist
fagot {de} = bassoon
Fagus = Beech
Fahrenheit = Fahrenheit
Faience = Faience
faience = crockery
Faience = Earthenware
fail fast-uitzondering = fail fast exception
fail safe = fail safe
failback = failback
failback-beleid = failback policy
failing which = bij ontstentenis
Failissementsafwikkeling = Bankruptcy settlement
failleren = be bankrupt
failliet = went into liquidation
failliet = bankruptcy
failliet gaan = be bankrupt
failliet is gegaan = which went into liquidation
failliet verklaard = declared bankrupt (nat.pers.)
failliet verklaard = put into liquidation (re.pers.)
failliet verklaard door de Rechtbank in Den Haag = has been put into liquidation by the Court in The Hague
failliete of in surséance verkerende = is bankrupt or has been granted suspension of payments
faillietverklaring = liquidation order
faillietverklaring = declaration of bankruptcy or liquidation order
faillietverklaring van of aanvraag tot surséance van betaling = declaration of bankruptcy or application for suspension of payment
faillissement = liquidation
faillissement = liquidation (of a company)
Faillissement = Insolvency
Faillissement = Bankrupt
faillissement = involuntary liquidation or bankruptcy
Faillissement = Bankruptcy
faillissement aangevraagd = file for bankruptcy
faillissement aanvraagt = to file a winding-up petition
faillissement aanvragen = to file a winding-up petition
faillissement aanvragen = to petition for bankruptcy
faillissement aanvragen = go bankrupt
faillissement aanvragen = file a petition for liquidation
faillissement aanvragen = file a petition for the involuntary liquidation of
faillissement aanvragen = file a petition for winding up
faillissement aanvragen = file for bankruptcy
faillissement aanvragen = file for bankruptcy (both legal/natural person in US!))
faillissement aanvragen = petition for bankruptcy
faillissement aanvragen = file a petition in bankruptcy
faillissement aanvragen = present a bankruptcy petition
faillissement aanvragende crediteur = filing for bankruptcy
faillissement aanvragende crediteur = petition in bankruptcy
faillissement aanvragende crediteur = petitioning creditor
faillissement en aanvraag tot surséance van betaling = liquidation and application for suspension of payments
faillissement in civiel recht = civil bankruptcy
faillissement of gerechtelijk akkoord = liquidation or composition
faillissement of liquidatie = bankruptcy or liquidation
faillissement of surséance van betaling = bankruptcy or suspension of payments
faillissement van de Maatschappij = liquidation of the Company
faillissementen = bankruptcies
Faillissementenwet = Dutch Bankruptcy Act ('Faillissementswet')
faillissementsaanvraag = (nat.pers.) bankruptcy petition
faillissementsaanvraag = (re.pers.) winding-up petition
faillissementsaanvrage = winding-up petition
faillissementsadministratie/-boekhouding = bankruptcy accounting
faillissementsadministratie/-boekhouding = bankruptcy attorney [Am.]
faillissementsprocedure = bankruptcy court
faillissementsprocedure = bankruptcy proceedings
faillissementsrechtbank = court of bankruptcy
faillissementswetgeving = insolvency legislation
failover = failover
"fail-over, redundantie en fouttolerantie" = "failover capability, redundancy and fault tolerance"
failovercluster = failover cluster
failsafe = failsafe
Fail-Safe = Fail-Safe
failsafe kettingwielaandrijving = fail-safe sprocket drive
Failure = Fault
Failurecode = Fault code
Failurecode = Failure code
fair = fair
Fair = Honest
Fair coördinator = Fairs Coordinator
fair launch = fair launch
Fair play = Sportsman
Fair play = Sportswoman
Fair play = Sport
Fair use = Fair use
Fair Value Spread-model = Fair Value Spread model
FairChain = FairChain
fairlead = fairlead
FAIR-principes = FAIR principles
Fake = Forgery
Fake = Counterfeit
fakir = faqir
Fakir = Fakir
fakirbed = bed-of-nails
fakkel = torch
fakkel {de} = torch
"fakkel, flambouw, toorts" = link (torch)
fakkelintakkinspunten / intakkinspunten = flare tie-in points
faktoriaal = factorial
Falaise = Cliff
Falangisme = Phalanx
Falanx = Phalanx
Falco = Hawk
Falco (geslacht) = Falcon
falen = abort
falen = failure
falen = to fail
Falen = Strand
falen = fail
falen in het verkrijgen van toegang = access failure
falen van de bloedsomloop = circulatory failure
falen van de therapie = failure of treatment
falen van een blokoverdracht = block transfer failure
falend = failing
falende controle = failing check
faling = bankruptcy
faling = failure
Falklandeilanden = Falkland Islands
Fallback = Fallback
Fall-back = Fallback
Fall-back procedure = Fallback procedure
Fallisch = Phallic
Fallout = Radioactive fall out
fallus = phallus
Fallussymbool = Phallus
false lift = dynamic lift
false lift = false lift
false zodra een van de waarden false is = false as soon as one of the values is false
Falsificatie = Falsification
Falun = Shelly sand
Falun Gong = Falun Gong
FALW = Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences (Faculteit der Aard- en Levenswetensch
falx cerebri = falx cerebri
fam = family company
familiaal bedrijf = family business
familiaal verlof = family leave
Familiaar = Familiar Scroll
Familiaar = Colloquial
Familiaar = Familiar
familiaire dysalbuminaemische hyperthyroxinemie = familial  dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia
familiaire immuniteit = familial immunity
familiaire niet-hemolytische geelzucht = familial nonhemolytic jaundice
familiale belasting = family history
familiale dysautonomie: een erfelijke storing van het autonoom zenuwstels = autosomal recessive familial dysautonomia
familiale dysautonomie: een erfelijke storing van het autonoom zenuwstels = familial  dysautonomia
familiale dysautonomie: een erfelijke storing van het autonoom zenuwstels = Riley-Day's syndrome
familiale hemofagocytaire reticulose = Omenn's reticulosis
familiale hemofagocytaire reticulose = familial histiocytic reticulosis
familiale hemofagocytaire reticulose = histiocytic medullary reticulosis
familiale hemofagocytaire reticulose = malignant histiocytosis
familiale hypercholesterinemie = familial  hypercholesterolemia
familiale neutropenie = Kostmann's disease
familiale opvolging = family succession
familiale overdrachten = family transfers
familiale overname = family takeover
familiale sfeer = family character
familiale vennootschap = family company
Familiar examples include = Bekend zijn onder meer
familie = house
familie = family
familie- = domestic
Familie (biologie) = Family (biology)
familie {de} = family [relatives]
Familie en vrienden = Friends and Family
familie relaties = family relations
Familie van boorddiagnosesystemen voor emissies = Emission OBD family
familie van Latijnse vierkanten = species of Latin square
familie van motornabehandelingssystemen = engine-aftertreatment system family
familie van motornabehandelingssystemen = Engine-after-treatment system family
familie van motornabehandelingssystemen = engine aftertreatment system family
Familie van voertuigtypen = Family of vehicle types
familie zijn van = be related to
"familie, vrienden of collega's" = "family, friends or colleagues"
familie. = family
familiebedrijf = family business
familiebelang = family interest
Familieberaad = Family Council
familiebetrekking = affiliation
familiebezoek = family visit
Familieboekje = Family record book
familiecultuur = family culture
familiedag = family day
Familiefeest accomodaties = Family party accomodation
familiefoto’s = family photographs
Familiekring = Home circle
familie-landbouwonderneming = family farming
familieleden = members of the family
familieleden = relatives
Familieleden of vrienden = family members or friends
familielid = member of the family
familielid = family mourner
familielid = relation
familielid = relative
Familielid = Family member
Familielid = Related
"familielid, bloedverwant" = relative (someone in the same family
"familielid, bloedverwant" = "someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption)"
familiematrix = family matrix
Familiemerk = Family brand
Familiemerkenstrategie = Family brand strategy
familiemigratie = family migration
familienaam = surname
familienaam = "family name, surname, last name"
familienaam = "surname, familyname"
familieomstandigheden = family circumstances
familiepraktijk = family practice
familieraad = family council
familierecht = family law
familierechtelijke betrekking = legally recognised family relationship
Familierechtelijke overeenkomst = Collaborative family-law agreement
families = families
familiestructuur = family structure
familiestuklijst = family bill-of-material
familievermogen = family assets
familiewapen = coat-of-arms
familiewapen = coat of arms
familieweekend = a weekend (spent) with family
familieweekend = family weekend
familieweekend = "family weekend, a weekend (spent) with family"
Family life-cycle = Family life-cycle
family picture = family picture
Family Safety = Family Safety
famotidine = Pepcid®
famulus = aid
fan = sports fan
fan {de} = fan
"fan {f}, bewonderaar, bewonderaarster,liefhebber" = fan (admirer)
Fan Power = Fan Power
Fana = Addict
fanatiek = fanatically
fanatiek = fanatic
fanatiek = fanatical
fanclub = fan club
fanclub {de} = fan club
Fanconi panmyelophthise = Fanconi syndrome
Fanconi panmyelophthise = aplastic anemia with congenital anomalies
Fanconi panmyelophthise = aplastic infantile funicular myelosis
Fanconi panmyelophthise = congenital aplastic anemia
Fanconi panmyelophthise = congenital hypoplastic anemia
Fanconi panmyelophthise = Fanconi's anemia
Fanconi panmyelophthise = Fanconi's pancytopenia
Fanconi panmyelophthise = Fanconi's panmyelopathy
Fanconi panmyelophthise = Fanconi's refractory anemia
FanCube = FanCube
Fancy merk = Fancy brand
fancyfair = bazaar
Fanerozoïcum = Phanerozoic
Fanfare = Fanfare
Fanfarekorps = Fanfare
fanin = fanin
fan-in = fan-in
fanin-circuit = fanin circuit
fanin-netwerk = fanin network
fanin-tabel = fanin table
Fanny Blankers-Koen Vijfje = Fanny Blankers-Koen five-euro coin
fanout = fanout
fan-out = fan-out
fanout-circuit = fanout circuit
fanout-netwerk = fan-out network
fanout-tabel = fan-out table
Fantaseren = Imagine
Fantaseren = Fancy
Fantaseren = Envision
Fantasie = Vagary
Fantasie = Fancy
Fantasie = Phantasy
Fantasie = Imagination
Fantasie = Fantasy
Fantasie en dagdromen = Fantasy
fantasiebinding = fancy weave
fantasiedraad = fantasy yarn
fantasiegaren = effect yarn
fantasiegaren = fancy yarn
fantasiegaren = novelty yarn
fantasiegaren = fantasy yarn
fantasiegaren uit polyester = made of polyester
fantasiegarens = fantasy yarns
fantasiekeper = fancy twill
fantasiekleuren = fancy colours
fantasierijk = fantastic
Fantasierijk = Inventive
Fantasierijk = Imaginative
fantasieslijpsel = fantasy cut
fantasieslijpsel = fancy shapes
fantasieslijpsels = fantasy cuts
fantasieslijpvormen = fantasy cuts (DIAMONDS)
fantasieweefsel = fancy fabric
Fantasmagorie = Phantasmagoria
fantastisch = great
fantastisch = wonderful
Fantastisch = Terrific
fantastisch = superb
Fantastisch = Fantastic
"fantastisch, fijn (can both be used as sarcasm)" = great {interj} (great!)
fantastron = phantastron: phant
Fantasy = Fantasy
fantoom = ghost
fantoomcircuit = phantom circuit
Fantoomdosimeters = Phantom dosimeters
fantoomkanaal = phantom channel
Fantura ontwerp = Fantura design
FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization [of the UN]
FAP (Fahrer Arbeits Platz) = FAP (Fahrer Arbeits Platz)
FAQ-lijst = Frequently asked questions
FAQ-lijst = Faq
FAQ's = FAQs
farad = "farad: F, f, fd"
farad = farad
farad = making
faraday = faraday
farandole = farandole
farao = pharaoh
Farao/ContentMaster platform = Farao/ContentMaster platform
Fard = Make-up
Farm Control Interface = FCI
Farm Control Unit = FCU
farmaceut = chemist
Farmaceut = Druggist
Farmaceut = Dispenser
Farmaceut = Pharmacist
Farmaceut = Dispensing chemist
farmaceutisch = pharmaceutical
farmaceutisch aanvaardbare zouten daarvan = pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof
farmaceutisch actief ingrediënt = pharmaceutically active ingredient
farmaceutisch glazuur = pharmaceutical glaze
Farmaceutisch kwaliteitssysteem = Pharmaceutical quality system
farmaceutisch laboratorium = Pharmaceutical laboratories
farmaceutisch product = pharmaceutical product
farmaceutische = pharmaceutical
Farmaceutische artikelen = Pharmaceutical articles
farmaceutische bedrijven = pharmaceutical companies
farmaceutische en diergeneeskundige producten = pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations
farmaceutische en diergeneeskundige producten en substanties = pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations and
farmaceutische en hygiënische producten = pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations
farmaceutische en hygiënische producten en substanties = pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations and substances
farmaceutische en medicinale producten en substanties = pharmaceutical and medicinal preparations and
farmaceutische en medicinale substanties = pharmaceutical and medicinal substances
farmaceutische en medische producten en substanties = pharmaceutical and medical preparations and substances
farmaceutische en medische producten en substanties voor menselijk gebrui = pharmaceutical and medicinal preparations and substances for human use
farmaceutische en medische substanties voor menselijk gebruik = pharmaceutical and medicinal substances for human use
farmaceutische ethiek = pharmacy  ethics: proper professional conduct with regards to the rights 
farmaceutische faciliteiten = pharmaceutical facilities
farmaceutische goederen = pharmaceutical goods
farmaceutische grondstoffenfabriek = Pharmaceutical raw materials industry
farmaceutische hulpstoffen = pharmaceutical excipients
farmaceutische industrie = pharmaceutical industry
farmaceutische kwaliteit = pharmaceutical grade
farmaceutische nomenclatuur = drugs classification
farmaceutische onderneming = pharmaceutical company
farmaceutische onderneming = stage
farmaceutische preparaten = pharmaceutical solutions
farmaceutische preparaten = pharmaceutical preparations
farmaceutische preparaten en substanties = pharmaceutical preparations and substances
farmaceutische preparaten voor de huidverzorging = pharmaceutical preparations for skin care
Farmaceutische producten = Pharmaceutical products
farmaceutische producten = pharmaceutical products
farmaceutische producten en preparaten voor de = pharmaceutical products and health-care products
farmaceutische producten en substanties voor gebruik door jonge kinderen  = pharmaceutical preparations and substances for human infants’ and inval
farmaceutische producten voor de behandeling van kanker = pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cancer
farmaceutische producten voor de bereiding van dranken = pharmaceutical preparations for making beverages
farmaceutische producten voor menselijk gebruik = pharmaceutical preparations for human use
"farmaceutische producten, waaronder dieet- en voedselsupplementen, dierge" = "pharmaceutical, including dietary and nutritional supplements, veterinary"
farmaceutische productieruimte = pharmaceutical production area
farmaceutische produktenfabriek = Pharmaceuticals industry
farmaceutische samenstelling = pharmaceutical composition
farmaceutische samenstellingen = pharmaceutical compositions
farmaceutische sector = pharmaceutical industry
farmaceutische substanties = pharmaceutical substances
farmaceutische vorm = pharmaceutical form
farmaceutische vorm(en = pharmaceutical form(s
farmaceutische werkzame bestanddeel = pharmaceutically active ingredient
Farmaceutische Wetenschappen = Pharmaceutical Sciences
farmaceutische wetgeving = pharmaceutical legislation
"farmaceutische, diergeneeskundige en hygiënische" = "pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations"
"farmaceutische, diergeneeskundige en hygiënische producten en substantie" = "pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and substances"
"farmaceutische, diergeneeskundige en hygiënische producten, diëtetische" = "pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations, dietetic substances"
"farmaceutische, diergeneeskundige en hygiënische substanties" = "pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary substances"
"farmaceutische, medicinale en diergeneeskundige producten en substanties" = "pharmaceutical, medicinal and veterinary preparations and substances"
Farmacie = Chemist's
Farmacie = Pharmacology
farmacie = pharmacy
farmacie = pharmaceuticals
Farmacie = Dispensary
Farmacie = Drugstore
Farmacie = Dispensing chemist
Farmacie = Chemist's shop
Farmacodynamie = Pharmacodynamics
Farmacodynamische eigenschappen = Pharmacodynamic properties
farmacokinetica = pharmacokinetics
Farmacokineticum = Pharmacokinetic
Farmacokinetiek = Pharmacokinetic
Farmacokinetische = Pharmacokinetic
Farmacokinetische gegevens = Pharmacokinetic properties
farmacologie = pharmacology
Farmacologie en Farmaceutische Wetenschappen = Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Farmacologisch = Pharmacological
farmacologische hypothermie = pharmacological  hypothermia
Farmacon = Pharmacon
farmacoresistent = multiresistant
farmacoresistent = drug-resistant: no longer affected by drugs that are meant to neutralize 
farmacoresistent = multidrug-resistant
Farmacotherapeutische categorie = Pharmacotherapeutic group
farmakologische eigenschappen = pharmacological properties
farmakologische eigenschappen = pharmacological characteristics
farmakunde = pharmacology
Farmatec = Farmatec
Farmmanager = FarmManager
farmoede = lack of initiative
farnesol = C15H26O  farnesol: a fragrant liquid derived from oils of plants such as 
Farnsworthbuis = Farnsworth tube
Faro = Faro
Faryngitis = Pharyngitis
farynxkanker = pharyngeal cancer
fasant = pheasant
fascia / fascie / band / streep (op gevel of fries) = fascia
fascia pelvis = pelvic  fascia
fascia van de oogbol = fascia bulbi
fascia van de oogbol = Tenon capsule
fascia van de oogbol = vagina bulbi
fasciaal = fascial
fasciatie = fasciation
fasciculatie = fasciculation
fasciitis = fasciitis: inflammation of the fascia
Fascineren = Enthral
Fascineren = Enthrall
fascineren = fascinate
Fascineren = Mesmerize
Fascinerend = Intriguing
fascinerend = absorbing
fascinerend = compelling
fascinerende = fascinating
fasciotomie: het klieven van een te strak bindweefselomhulsel van de spie = fasciotomy: surgical incision of a fascia
Fascisme = Fascism
Fascistisch = Fascist
fase = stage
Fase = Phase:
fase = phase
fase = chamfer
Fase (in verkeerskundige context): een fase is een toestand in de regelin = Phase (in the traffic engineering context): a phase is a state of the con
Fase (stof) = Phase (matter)
fase {de} = phase
Fase 1-audit = Phase 1 audit
Fase 1-rapport = Phase 1 report
fase Exit = Exit phase
fase heropenen = re-open phase
fase II-benzinedampterugwinningssysteem = Stage II petrol vapour recovery system
fase modulatie = phase modulation
fase naam = phase name
fase overschrijdend = phase-overlapping
fase van de toetscyclus = phase of the assessment cycle
fase van diepe geheimhouding = stealth phase (of a plan
fase van het groeiproces = stage of the growth
fase verschil = phase difference
fase verschuiver = phase shifter
fase vooraf = advance phase
fase/frequentiekarakteristiek = phase response
fase/frequentiekarakteristiek = phase shift as a function of frequency
fase/frequentiekarakteristiek = phase/frequency characteristic
Faseaansnijding = Phase cut-on
Faseaansnijding/faseafsnijding = Phase cut-off/cut-on
fase-afhankelijk = phase-sensitive
fase-afhankelijke fijnafstemming = automatic tuning
fase-afhankelijke fijnafstemming = phase-sensitive tuning
Faseafsnijding = Phase cut-off
fasebalk = phase bar
fasebewaking = phase monitoring
fasebewaking = phase monitor
Fasebewakingsrelais = Phase monitoring relay
fasebijstelspoel = phase-correction coil
fasebrug = phase bridge
fasecompensatie = phase compensation
faseconditie = phase relationship
faseconstante = phase factor
fasecorrectie = phase correction
fasecorrectiecircuit = phase corrector
fasecorrectieschakeling = phase correcting circuit
fasecorrectiesignaal = phase correcting signal
fasedeler = phase splitter
fasedemodulator = phase demodulator
fasedetector = phase detector
Fasediagram = Phase diagram
fasediagram van Frisch = phase diagram
fasediscriminator = phase discriminator
fasedistortie = phase distortion
fasedomeinen = phase domains
fasedraad = phase wire
fasedraaier = phase shifter
fasedraaiing = phase shift
fasefout = phase error
fase-functie-u = phase function
fasegemoduleerd = phase-modulated
fasegevoelig = phase-sensitive
fasegevoeligheid = phase sensitivity
fasehoek = phase angle
Fasehoek (cos phi) = Step angle (cos phi)
fasehoek van het chrominantiesignaal = colour phase
fasehoekfout = phase angle error
faseinstellingen = phase definitions
Fase-instellingen = Phase settings
fase-insteltijd = phase alignment
fasekabel = phase conductor cable
Fasekoppelaar bussysteem = Phase coupler for bus system
fasekoppeling = phase coupling
faselooptijd = phase delay
fasemodulatie = phase modulation
fasemodulator = phase modulator
fasen = phases
fasenaam = phase name
fasenaamveld eigenschappen = phase name field properties
fasenaijling = phase lag
fasensluiting = phase-to-phase fault
fase-omkeerbuis = phase-inverter tube
fase-omkeerder = phase inverter
fase-omkeerschakeling = phase inverter
fase-omkeertransformator = phase-reversal transformer
fase-omkering = phase inversion
fase-omvormer = phase converter
fase-omzetting = phase transformation
Fase-onbalansfunctie = Phase imbalance monitoring
fase-ongevoelig = phase insensitive
fase-ongevoeligheid = phase insensitivity
fase-opsplitscircuit = phase-splitting circuit
faseovergang = phase change
faseoverschrijdend = phase-overlapping
faseoverschrijdende laag = phase-overlapping layer
faseplanning = phase planning
fasepositie = phase position
faserail = phase busbar
fasereferentie = phase reference
faseregelaar = phase control
faseregeling = phase control
faseren = stage
faseren in de tijd = time phasing
faseresonantie = phase resonance
fasering = phasing
fasering = "organizing in phases, phasing"
fasering van het project = phasing of the Project
faseringen = planning phases
faserings module = phase module
faseringsdatabase = staging database
fases = phases
fases van het = phases of the
fasescheider = insulating plate
Fasescheidingsschot = Phase barrier plate
Faseselectie = Phase selection
fasesnelheid = phase velocity
fase-spectrum = phase spectrum
fasesprong = phase jump
fasestabilisatie = phase stabilization
fasestroom = phase current
fasesynchronisatie = phase synchronization
fasesysteem = phase system (relating to rights built up by a temporary employee)
Fase-uitvalfunctie = Phase failure monitoring
fasevector = phasor
fasevergelijker = phase discriminator
fasevergelijkingsdiscriminator = phase comparison discriminator
fasevergelijkingsschakeling = phase discriminator
fasevergelijkingsschakeling = phase comparison circuit
fase-vergrendeld = phase-locked
faseverhouding = phase relationship
faseverloop = phase shift
fasevermenigvuldiger = phase multiplier
faseverschil = phase difference
faseverschuiver = phase shifter
faseverschuiving = phase lag
faseverschuiving = phase shift
faseverschuivingsgrenswaarde = phase shift limit value
faseverschuivingsmodulatie = phase-shift keying
faseverschuivingsnetwerk = phase-shifting network
faseverschuivingsnetwerk = phase shifter
faseversnelling = phase advancing
fasevertraging = phase retardation
fasevervorming = phase distortion
Fasevolgordebewakingsfunctie = Phase sequence monitoring
fasevoorijling = phase lead
fasevoortgangslijst = progress phase list/progress phase programme
fasezwaai = phase swing
FASFC = (Belgian) Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain
Fast Attack Craft = Patrolman
Fast Ethernet = Fast Ethernet
fast ethernet-verbinding = fast ethernet connection
fast food = fast food
Fast freezing compartment = Fast freezing compartment
Fast Fusion = Fast Fusion
fast moving consumer goods = fast-moving consumer goods
Fast Page Mode DRAM = fast page mode DRAM
Fast Page-Mode RAM = fast page-mode RAM
Fastener Ring = Fastener Ring
Fastfood = Fast food
fastfood {het} = fast food
Fastfoodproducten = Fast-food products
FAT = factory acceptance test
FAT = Factory Acceptance Test
fat = dandy
FAT testen = Factory Acceptance Tests
FAT2 testen = FAT2 testing
FAT32 = FAT32
Fata morgana = Mirage
fataal = fatal
fataal = fateful
Fataal = Damaging
Fatah = Fatah
fatale = fatal
fatale fout = fatal error
fatale termijn = final deadline
fatale termijn = strict deadline
fatale termijn = time is of the essence
fatale termijnen = final deadlines
fatale termijnen = strict deadlines
fatale termijnen = final deadline
fatale termijnen = strict deadline
Fatalisme = Fatalism
fatalist {de} = fatalist
Fatsoen = Decency
Fatsoen = Equity
fatsoen {het} = propriety
fatsoen {het} = decency
fatsoen- en beleefdheidsvormen = the rules of decency and etiquette
Fatsoeneren = Fashion
fatsoeneren = finalize
Fatsoenlijk = In the proper way
fatsoenlijk = decently
Fatsoenlijk = Expedient
Fatsoenlijk = Becoming
Fatsoenlijk = Convenient
Fatsoenlijk = Respectable
Fatsoenlijk = Suitable
Fatsoenlijk = Seemly
Fatsoenlijk = Proper
Fatsoenlijk = Decent
fatsoenshalve = for decency's sake
fatsoensnormen = standards of decency
FAT-systeemtesten = FAT system tests
Fatterig = Nancy
Fatterig = Effeminate
Fatterig = Coxcomb
Fatterig = Effeminate man
Fatterig = Self-satisfied
FAT-test = FAT test
Fatwa = Fatwa
Fault reports = Storingsmeldingen
Fault Ride Through = FRT
Fault Ride Through-test = transmission test
Faultlist = Fault list
Faultlist SEW Movitrac = Fault list SEW Movitrac
Faun = Fauna
fauna = animal life
fauna = fauna
Fauna & Flora = Flora & Fauna
Fauna (dierenleven) = Fauna
faunavervalsing = bastardisation of fauna
Faust = Faust
fauteuil = easy chair
fauteuil = armchair
fauteuils = armchairs
faux ami = faux ami
faux pas = faux pas
favoriet = favorite
favoriet = favourite
favoriet = favorite [Am.]
favoriet = favourite [Br.]
favoriet {de} = favorite [Am.]
favoriet {de} = favourite [Br.]
"favoriet, kakkernestje [Flemish, familiar]" = hot favorite (one that is favored above others)
"favoriet, lievelings-, geliefkoost" = favorite {adj} (preferred)
favoriete contactpersoon = favorite contact
Favoriete mappen = Favorite Folders
favorieten = favorites
Favorieten = Favorite
Favorietenlijst = Favourites list
fax = Fax
fax (werk) = work fax
Fax direct = Direct fax
faxapparaat = fax
faxapparaat = fax machine
faxapparaten = facsimile telegraphy apparatus
Faxapparatuur = Fax equipment
Faxbericht = Fax message
faxbericht met ontvangstbewijs = fax with acknowledgement of receipt
faxdiensten = facsimile services
faxgebruikersaccount = fax account
Faxlinten = Facsimile ribbons
Faxmachines = Fax machines
faxmodem = fax modem
faxnummer = fax number
faxnummer contactpersoon = contact fax
faxnummer van de primaire contactpersoon = primary contact facsimile (fax) number
"faxnummer," = fax number
Faxomschakelaar = Fax switch
faxoproep = fax call
fax-overdracht = fax transmission
Faxschakelapparaten = Faxswitch machines
Fax-selector = Fax selector
faxserver = fax server
Faxtoestel = Fax
faxverzending = facsimile transmission
fazant = pheasant
fazanten = pheasants
faze = phase
FB = Facilities Unit (Facilitair Bedrijf)
F-band = F-band
FBE = Faculty of Business and Economics (HvA)
FBE Omgeving = FBE Environment
FBO = Food Business Operator
FB-servers = FB servers
F-bus = F-bus
FC = Finance and Controlling
Fc2 = Fc2
FCC = Faculty of Arts (vervalt per 1-1-2007)
FCC = FCC (Food Chemical Codex)
FCC = Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
FCC (Food Chemical Codex) = FCC (Food Chemical Codex)
FCC (Food Chemical Codex) = Food Chemical Codex (FCC)
FCC-symbool = FCC symbol
FCI = the faculty's international representative
F-connector = F-Connector
FD = General & Technical Services
"FD&C (indicates the FDA has approved the colorant for use in foods, drugs" = FD&C
FD&C Blauw = FD&C Blue
FD&C Geel = FD&C Yellow
FD&C Groen = FD&C Green
FD&C Rood = FD&C Red
FDA = Food and Drug Administration
FDH = familial  dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia
FDM = Fused Deposition Modelling
FDMCI = Faculty of Digital Media and Creative Industries (FDMCI)
FDOV = Sustainable Enterprise and Food Security Facility (Faciliteit Duurzaam On
FDR-data = FDR-data
Fe = Fe
FE 180 = FE 180
Fe/CuNi44 = Fe/CuNi44
Fe2+ = Fe2+
Fe2O3 = Fe2O3
Fe3+ = Fe3+
feature = feature
Feature film = Full-length film
Feature film = Feature film
Feature film = Full length film
Feature film = Feature
Feature-upgrade = Feature Upgrade
FEB = Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
feb. = Feb.
febriel = febrile
Febriel = Febrile
febris catarrhalis infectiosa canum = canine  distemper
febris catarrhalis infectiosa canum = Carre's disease
febris catarrhalis infectiosa canum = catarrhal fever of dogs caused by the canine distemper virus
"febris ephemerica, de ephemera, het febris herpetica" = ephemeral fever
Februari = February
februari = February
februari {de} = February <Feb.>
februari-instroom = February admissions
Februarirevolutie (1917) = February Revolution
fecale colibacteriën = fecal coliform
fecale colibacteriën = fecal coliform bacteria
fecaliën = feces
fecaloïde = fecaloid
fecesonderzoek = (veterinary medicine)  fecal examination
Feder Zug = Feder Zug
federaal = federal
Federaal Agentschap voor de Veiligheid van de Voedselketen = Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FAVV)
Federaal Agentschap voor Kinderbijslag = Federal Agency for Family Benefits (FAMIFED)
Federaal Ministerie van Gezondheidzorg en Ouderen = Department of Health and Ageing - Commonwealth
federaal recht (D) = federal law
Federaal respijtcentrum verzorgers = Carer Respite Centre - Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre
federaal wetenschapsbeleid = federal science policy
Federal Bureau of Investigation = Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Communications Commission = FCC
Federal Communications Commission = Federal Communications Commission
Federal Immission Control Act = Federal Immission Control Act
Federal Information Processing Standard = FIPS
Federal Information Processing Standard = Federal Information Processing Standard
Federal Insurance Company = Federal Insurance Company
Federal Reserve = Federal Reserve System
Federale = Federal
federale bevoegdheden = federal powers
Federale Commissie voor de Verkeersveiligheid = Federal Commission for Road Safety
Federale Commissie voor Verkeersveiligheid = Federal Commission for Road Safety
Federale dienst voor post en telecommunicatie = Federal office for posts and telecommunications
Federale dienst voor toelatingen in de telecommunicatie = Federal office for approvals in telecommunications
federale kamer = federal chamber
federale maritieme recht = federal maritime law
federale overheid = federal authority
Federale Overheidsdienst = Federal Authority
Federale Overheidsdienst = Federal Public Service
Federale Overheidsdienst = Volksgezondheid
Federale Overheidsdienst Binnenlandse Zaken = (Belgian) FPS Interior
"Federale Overheidsdienst Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie" = "Federal Public Service Economy, SME, Self-Employed and Energy"
federale overheidsdienst Justitie = Federal Public Service Justice
Federale Overheidsdienst Justitie = "Belgian FPS Justice ('Federale Overheidsdienst Justitie'), (Belgian) FPS "
federale overheidsdienst Justitie te Brussel = "Federal Public Service Justice, Brussels"
"Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen " = "Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment"
Federale Overheidsdienst Werkgelegenheid = Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg (FOD WASO)
"Federale Overheidsdienst Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg" = "Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue"
federale overheidsdiensten WASO = "Belgian Federal Public Service - Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue ("
Federale Politieschool = Federal Police School
federale regering = federal government
federale republiek {de} = federal republic
federale staat = federal State
Federale Staten van Micronesië = Federated States of Micronesia
federale wetenschappelijke instelling = federal scientific institution
federale wetenschappelijke instellingen = federal scientific institutions
federalisme = federalism
Federatie = Federation
federatie = federation
Federatie Belastingadviseur = Tax adviser registered in the CFE
Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging = Federation of Netherlands Trade Unions
Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging = "Dutch Trade Union Confederation (Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging, FNV)"
Federatie van Technische Universiteiten (3TU) = Federation of Technical Universities (3TU)
federatie van vakverenigingen = federation of trade unions
Federatie voor Nederlandse Export = Federation of Dutch Export
Federatie Wallonië-Brussel = Wallonia-Brussels Federation
federatief = federated
federatieve authenticatie = federated authentication
federatieve chatberichten = federated IM
federatieve contactpersoon = federated contact
federatieve gebruiker = federated user
federatieve samenwerking = federative cooperation
federatieve server = federation server
federatieve serverproxy = federation server proxy
federatieve toepassing = federated application
federatieve zoekactie = federated search
Fédération Aéronautique Internationale = FAI
Fédération Aéronautique Internationale = Fédération Aéronautique Internationale
Federation Service = Federation Service
Federation Service Proxy = Federation Service Proxy
Federbock = Federbock
Federdruck = Federdruck
Federico Fellini = Federico Fellini
Federscheibe gewelt = Wave spring washer
Fedora = Fedora (Linux distribution)
fee = fairy
fee = banshee
Fee Offset = Fee offset
feed = feed
Feed grade = feed-grade
FEED ontwerp = FEED design
Feed trough cover = Feed trough cover
feedback = feedback
feedback altijd zo vlug mogelijk na het gebeuren geven = always give feedback as soon as possible after the event
feedback en communicatie = feedback and communication
feedback en ervaring = feedback and experience
Feedback geven = Giving feedback
Feedback geven = Give us feedback
Feedback geven en ontvangen = Giving and receiving feedback
feedback loop = feedback loop
feedback op prestaties = feedback on performance
feedback richting = feedback to
"feedback-, beoordelings-, belonings-, promotiesystematiek" = "feedback, assessment, remuneration,and promotion methodology"
"feedback, de kritiek" = positive  feedback
feedbackbericht ter validatie = feedback validation message
feedbackdocument = feedback document
feedbackformulier = feedback form
feedbackgesprekken = feedback interviews
feedbackinformatie = feedback information
feedbackinstrument = feedback tool
feedbackloops = feedback loops
Feedbackprogramma = Feedback Tool
feedbackronden = feedback sessions
feedbacksysteem = feedback system
Feedbacktekst = Feedback text
Feeddetectie = Feed Discovery
feeder = feeder
feeder-echoruis = feeder echo noise
feedering = feedering
feed-forward neuraal netwerk = feed-forward neural network
feedhorn = feedhorn
Feed-in frequentiescheider SAT/terrestrial = Feed-in diplexer SAT/terrestrial
Feed-opname = Feed installation
feedstock = feedstock
feedstockproces = feedstock processes
feedstockprocessen = feedstock processes
feedstockprocessen = feedstock process
Feedthrough = Feedthrough
Feedthrough Fixed = Feedthrough Fixed
feed-through flaps = nazuigkleppen
feeën- = fairy
feeëriek = fairy
feeks = shrew
feeksachtig = bitchy
feel and look = look and feel
feest = do
Feest = Party
feest = celebration
Feest = Festival
feest {het} = celebration
Feest- en gedenkdagen = Festival
Feest- en gedenkdagen = Party
Feest- en gedenkdagen = Holiday
Feest van de Arbeid = Labour Day
feest vrijzinnige jeugd = ‘Festivity of the liberal youth movement’ (‘Feest van de vrijzinnig
"feest, party {m}, viering" = party (social gathering)
feestbundel = volume of tributes
feestdag = public holiday
feestdag {de} = holiday
feestdagen = public holidays
feestdagen = holidays
feestdagen {mv} = holidays
feestdagen en verzuim = Public holidays and absenteeism
feestdagenfilter = public holiday filter
feestdagfilter = holiday filter
feestdagvergoeding = public holiday allowance
feestelijk = solemn
Feestelijk = Gorgeous
feestelijk = festive
feestelijk inhalen = welcome
"feestelijk, feestelijke" = "festive {adj} (having the atmosphere, decoration, or attitude of a festiv"
feestelijke = festive
feestelijke gelegenheid = festive occasion
Feestelijke groet = Festive greetings
feestelijke opening = festive opening
"feestelijkheid, festiviteit" = festivity
feesten = parties
Feestgenoot = Guest
Feestmaal = Junket
feestmaal = banquet
feestrede = (official) speech
Feestvieren = Celebrate
feestviering = celebration
Feestvreugde = Joy
Feestvreugde = Gladness
feestweek = celebration week
feestweek = festive / festival week
feestweek = week-long celebration
feestweekend = festive weekend
feestzaal = function room
FEFO (First Expiry First Out) = First Expiry First Out
Feichtinger Architectes = Feichtinger Architectes
Feilen = Fail
Feilen = Shirk
Feilloos = Apple
Feilloos = Perfect
Feilloos = Absolute
feilloos exemplaar = copy in prestine
Feit = Fact
feit {het} = fact
"feit, script én representatie" = "fact, script and representation"
feitelijk = actually
feitelijk = as a matter of fact
feitelijk = in (point of) fact
feitelijk = in effect
feitelijk = in fact
feitelijk = in point of fact
feitelijk = in reality
feitelijk = practically
Feitelijk = Actual
Feitelijk = In fact
feitelijk = factual
feitelijk gebruik = actual use
feitelijk gemaakte toetsen = completed exams
feitelijk handelen = de facto actions
Feitelijk loon bruto = Gross actual wage
feitelijk medegebruik = joint use
feitelijk negatieve opbrengst = actual negative returns
feitelijk niet is opgelost = has not actually been resolved
feitelijk onafgebroken aangehouden = actually held steady
feitelijk samenwonen = domestic partnership
feitelijk samenwonende partner = factual cohabiting partner
feitelijk samenwoont = cohabitant with whom the employee is living in a de facto union
Feitelijk vertrekgewicht = Actual ramp weight
feitelijke = actual
feitelijke atoomafstand = actual atomic spacing
feitelijke bevallingsdatum = actual delivery date
feitelijke concentratie = actual concentration
feitelijke eigenschappen = actual characteristics
feitelijke gedrag van de leerlingen = actual behaviour of the students
feitelijke gedrag van de leerlingen = the actual behaviour of the students
feitelijke gegevens = fact data
feitelijke informatie = substantive information
feitelijke ingebruikname = actual occupation
feitelijke levering = actual transfer
feitelijke levering = conveyance (oz. ook:)
feitelijke liquidatie = de facto liquidation
feitelijke macht = actual control
feitelijke macht uitoefenen over = to exercise actual power over
feitelijke macht verschaffen over = to give the actual control over
feitelijke manager = de facto manager
feitelijke massa van het voertuig = actual mass of the vehicle
feitelijke of technische onjuistheden = factual or technical inaccuracies
feitelijke omstandigheden = factual circumstances
feitelijke omstandigheden = actual conditions
feitelijke omstandigheden = actual conditions
feitelijke onjuistheden = factual inaccuracies
feitelijke oorzaak = actual cause
feitelijke overdracht = actual transfer [shares]
feitelijke overdracht = completion [property]
feitelijke overdracht = actual transfer
feitelijke overdracht = de facto transfer
feitelijke overdracht = handover
feitelijke portefeuilleomvang = actual size of the portfolio
feitelijke vereniging = de facto partnership/ interest group
feitelijke verklaringen = factual statements
feitelijke verplichting = constructive obligation
feitelijke verplichting = events occurring after the balance sheet date
feitelijke verplichting = post balance sheet items
feitelijke volledigheid (van een klasse van beslisfuncties) = essential completeness
feitelijkheden = factualities
feitelijkheid = fact
feitelijkheid = act of violence
Feiten = Facts
Feiten & Cijfers = Facts & Figures
feiten die aanleiding geven tot = circumstances giving rise to
feiten die aanleiding geven tot een strafrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid = circumstances giving rise to criminal liability
Feiten en cijfers = Facts and figures
feiten en meningen = facts and opinions
feiten en omstandigheden = facts and circumstances
feiten en omstandigheden die tot het onderzoeksgebied van de koper behore = facts and circumstances which are for the purchaser to investigate
feiten en/of omstandigheden = facts and/or circumstances
feiten of omstandigheden = facts or circumstances
feiten te interpreteren = interpret facts
feiten van geweld = acts of violence
feiten voorgedaan = have any facts arisen
Feitenblok = FactBox
feitenboekje = police officer\'s companion
Feitenboekje Bestuurlijke strafbeschikking milieu- en keurfeiten = ‘Feitenboekje Bestuurlijke strafbeschikking milieu- en keurfeiten’
feitenboom = causal tree
feitenkwestie = issue of fact
feitenmateriaal = factual material
feitenonderzoek = investigation of facts
feitenonderzoek = factual investigation
feitentabel = fact table
Fel = Harsh
fel = bright
Fel = Tough
Fel = Greedy
Fel = Coarse
fel = abrasive
fel over roepen = overrated or exaggerated
felheid = fierceness
felicitatie = congratulation
feliciteren = congratulate
"feliciteren, gelukwensen" = congratulate  (to express one’s sympathetic pleasure or joy to the pers
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy = Felix Mendelssohn
FelixArchief = FelixArchief (‘Antwerp City Archives’)
Fellatio = Fellate
Fellatio = Fellatio
felle brand = raging fire
fellow perpetrator = mededader
felodipine = felodipine: a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist with positive inotropic 
FELOnlinefaillissement aanvragen = file a petition for liquidation
FELOnlinefaillissement aanvragen = file a petition for the involuntary liquidation of
FELOnlinefaillissement aanvragen = file a petition for winding up
fels = welt
felsbaar = suitable for spinning
felsbus = bearing bush
felsbus = fixing bush
felsen = rivet (to)
felsen = to rivet
felsgereedschap = riveting tool
felshamer = riveting hammer
felskap = crimp cap
felsmoer = insert nut
felsnaad = riveted joint
felsnaad = seamed joint
felsnaad = flat-lock seam
felsnaad = riveted seam
Felsnaadzink = Seamed joint zinc
felsnaaf = insert bush
felsnagel = semi-tubular rivet
felspen = punch
felspotje = riveting cap
felsrand = flange
"felsrand, felsrandje" = "flange, flanged edge, folded edge"
felssoldeerlip = insert solder tag
felsverbinding = riveted connection
Felxibel prijzen = Flexible pricing
FEM eindige-elementenmethode = finite element method:
Female = Female
Female connector = Female connector
Female/bus = Female (bus)
Femelaar = Hypocritical
Femelaar = Canting
Femelaar = Crate
Femelaar = Bigot
Femelaar = Wolf in sheep's clothing
Femelaar = Bunkum
Femelaar = Over-devout
Femelaar = Humbug
Femelaar = Hypocrite
feminism = feminism
Feminisme = Feminism
feminist = feminist
Femme fatale = Sex bomb
Femme fatale = Vamp
femorale driehoek = femoral triangle
Femoralis = Femoral
femorotibiaal = femorotibial
femoxetine = femoxetine
femto = femto
femtocel = femtocell
femtocellen = femtocells
femtolaser: een laser die pulsen kan produceren in de orde van femtosecon = "femtolaser: the fastest laser in the world, producing energy pulses that "
femtolaser: een laser die pulsen kan produceren in de orde van femtosecon = tixapphire laser
femur = femur
"femur, de dijbeen" = the thighbone
femurhalsfractuur = fracture of the neck of the femur
femur-meetcelsimulator = femur load cell simulator
Fenamifos = Fenamifos
Fenanthreen = Fenanthrene
Fenarimol = Fenarimol
Fenbutatinoxide (als Sn) = Fenbutatinoxide (as Sn)
Fenchloorvos = Fenchlorvos
fenchlorazool-ethyl = fenchlorazole-ethyl
Fender = Defence
Fenders = Fenders
Fenders voor de marine = Marine fenders
fenderunit = fender unit
fenegriek = fenugreek: an herb with medicinal properties
Fenegriek = Fenugreek
Fenex = as filed by FENEX (Netherlands Association for Forwarding and Logistics)
Fenex = "Nederlandse Organisatie voor Expeditie en Logistiek (FENEX)
Netherlands "
fenfluramine = C12H16F3N
Feng Shui = Feng shui
Feniciërs = Phoenicia
Feniks = Phoenix
Feniks = Phenix
Feniks = Phoenix (mythology)
Fenitrothion = Fenitrothion
Fenobarbital = Phenobarbitone
fenofibraat = Tricor
Fenol = Phenol
Fenol = Carbolic acid
fenol = phenolic
fenol = phenol
Fenol-bestrijdingsmiddelen = Phenol-based pesticides
Fenolen = Phenols
Fenolen en fenolderivaten = Phenols and derivatives
fenolformaldehydehars = phenolic resin
Fenolftaleïne = Phenolphtalein
fenolhars = phenolic resin
Fenolindex = Fenol index
fenolschuim = phenolic foam
fenolsulfonzuur = phenolsulphonic acid
fenoltaleïne = phenolphthalein
fenolzuren = phenolic acids
fenomeen = phenomenon
fenomeen = phenomena
Fenomeen = Freak of nature
fenomeen {het} = phenomenon
fenomenaal = phenomenal
fenomenen = phenomena
fenomenografisch onderzoek = phenomenographic research
fenomenografische criteria = phenomenographic criteria
fenomenografische leertheorie = phenomenographic learning theory
fenomenografische methode = phenomenographic method
fenomenografische methodieken = Phenomenographic methods
fenomenografische methodologie = phenomenographic methodology
fenomenografische onderzoekhouding = phenomenographic research attitude
fenomenografische onderzoekshouding = phenomenographic research attitude
fenomenografische onderzoeksmethoden = phenomenographic research methods
fenomenografische onderzoeksstrategie = phenomenographic research strategy
fenomenologie = phenomenology
fenomenologisch = phenomenologically
fenomenologische = phenomenological
fenomenologische methode = phenomenological method
fenomenologische methodologie = phenomenological approach
fenoprofeen = fenoprofen: a anti-inflammatory analgesic and antipyretic highly bound to
"Fenoprop (2,4,5-TP)" = "Fenoprop (2,4,5-TP)"
fenoterol = fenoterol
Fenothrin = Fenothrin
fenotype = phenotype
Fenoxycarbonzuren = Phenoxycarboxylic acids
Fenoxyfenol = Phenoxyphenol
fenpipramide = fenpipramide
fenpiverimii bromidum = fenpiverinium bromide
Fenpropathrin = Fenpropathrin
fenprostaleen = fenprostalene
Fenrir = Fenris
Fenrir (mythologie) = Fenrir
fentanyl = phentanyl
Fenthion = Fenthion
Fenthoaat = Fenthoate
Fenvaleraat = Fenvalerate
Fenvaleraat-1 = Fenvalerate-1
Fenvaleraat-2 = Fenvalerate-2
fenyl = phenyl
fenylacetonitril = phenylacetonitrile
Fenylalanine = Phenylalanine
fenylbutadieen = phenylbutadiene
fenylefrine = phenylephrine
Fenylethylalcohol = Phenylethylalcohol
fenylethylalcohol = phenylethyl alcohol
fenylethylhydrazine = phenylethylhydrazine
fenylfenol = 2-hydroxybiphenyl
Fenylfuraan = Phenylfuran
Fenylketonurie = Phenylketonuria
fenylkwikacetaat = phenylmercuric acetate
fenylkwiknitraat = phenylmercuric nitrate
fenylpyrimidine = phenyl-pyrimidine
Fenylureumverbindingen = Phenylurea compounds
fenyramidol = fenyramidol
feodaal = feudal
Feodalisme = Feudalism
"feodalisme, leenstelsel" = feudalism (social system)
Ferdinand de Saussure = Ferdinand de Saussure
Ferdinand II van het Heilige Roomse Rijk = Ferdinand II
Ferdinand Magellaan = Ferdinand Magellan
Ferm = Farm
Ferm = Steadfast
Ferm = Telling
Ferm = Forceful
Ferm = Aggressive
ferm = brave
ferm = smart
ferm = fine
Ferm = Spirited
Ferm = Drastic
Ferm = Energetic
Ferm = Stable
Ferm = Firm
Ferm = Emphatic
Ferm = Farmhouse
Ferm = Strenuous
fermate = fermata
Fermentatie = Fermentation (food)
Fermentatie = Fermentation
Fermentatie = Fermentation (biochemistry)
fermentatie vat = fermentation vessel
fermentatieschuiven = fermentation stacks
fermentatiesysteem = fermentation system
fermentatietank = fermentation tank
fermentatietanks = fermentation tanks
fermentatievat = fermentation vessel
fermentatievaten = fermenters
fermentatievaten = fermentation vessels
fermentatievloeistof = fermentation broth
fermenteren = ferment
fermenteren = fermenting
fermenterende thee = fermenting tea
fermenterende vloeistof = fermenting liquid
fermi = fermi
Fermi-Dirac statistiek = Fermi-Dirac statistics
Fermi-niveau = Fermi level
Fermion = Fermion
Fermi-rand = Fermi brim
fermium = fermium
Fermi-verdelingsfunctie = Fermi distribution function
feromoon = pheromone
feromoonsamenstelling = pheromone composition
ferouderingsproef = ageing test
ferouderingsproeven = ageing test
ferouderingsproeven = ageing tests
Ferrara (stad) = Ferrara
Ferrari e.a. = Ferrari et al.
ferredoxin-NADP reductase = ferredoxin-NADP reductase
Ferreri-verdeling = Ferreri distribution
ferri- = ferric
ferriammoniumsulfaat = ferric ammonium sulphate
ferrichloride = ferric chloride
ferriet = ferrite
ferrietantenne = ferrite aerial
ferrietkern = ferrite core
ferrietkerngeheugen = ferrite core memory
ferrietring = ferrite ring
ferrietschakelaar = ferrite switch
ferrimagnetisme = ferrimagnetism
ferrine citraat = ferric citrate
Ferriprief = Ferriprive
ferriprief = iron-poor
Ferrisulfaat = Ferric sulphate
"ferritine: een eiwit-ijzercomplex, vorm van oplosbaar ijzer, opgeslagen i" = "ferritin: a protein containing 20% iron that's found in the intestines, l"
"ferritine: een eiwit-ijzercomplex, vorm van oplosbaar ijzer, opgeslagen i" = it functions in the storage of iron in the body
ferritisch = ferritic
ferro- = ferrous
ferroammoniumsulfaat = ferrous ammonium sulphate
ferrocarbonaat = ferro carbonate
ferroceptor = ferroceptor
ferroceptorhouder = ferroceptor holder
ferrochelatase = porphyrin-metal chelatase
ferrochloride = ferrous chloride
Ferrochroom = Ferro-chromium
ferrocyanideblauw = ironcyanogen blue
ferrocyaniden = ferrocyanides
ferrodoxin = ferredoxin
ferro-elektriciteit = ferroelectricity
ferro-elektrisch = ferroelectric
ferro-elektrische condensator = ferroelectric capacitor
ferro-elektrische flip-flop = ferroelectric flip- flop
ferro-elektrische stof = ferroelectric material
ferrogluconaat = ferro gluconate
ferrohexacyanomanganaat = ferrohexacyanomanganate
ferroïne = ferroin
ferrolactaat = ferro lactate
ferrolegering = ferro-alloy
Ferrolegeringen = Ferro-alloys
ferromagnetisch = ferromagnetic
ferromagnetische = ferromagnetic
Ferromagnetische koppeling = Ferromagnetic coupling
ferromagnetische platen = ferromagnetic plates
Ferromagnetische resonantie = Ferromagnetic resonance
ferromagnetische stof = ferromagnetic material
ferromagnetisme = ferromagnetism
Ferromangaan = Ferro-manganese
ferromangaan = ferromanganese
ferrometaal = ferrous metal
ferrometaal afval = ferrous metal waste
ferrometalen = ferrous metals
Ferronikkel = Ferro-nickel
ferrosilicium = ferrosilicium
ferrostatisch = ferrostatic
ferroxcube = ferroxcube
ferrule = ferrule
ferry’s = ferries
fertiel = fecondity
fertiel = fertility
Fertiliteit = Fertility
fertiliteitsbevorderende behandelingen = infertility agents
fertiliteitsbevorderende behandelingen = fertility agents: fertility drugs: drugs used to increase fertility or to
fertiliteitsfactor = F episome
fertiliteitsfactor = F element
fertiliteitsfactor = F factor
fertiliteitsfactor = fertility factor
fertiliteitsstoornissen = fertility disorders
fertireline = fertirelin
fertireline-acetaat = fertirelin acetate
ferulzuur = ferulic acid
Ferwerderadiel = Ferwerderadiel
FES-gelden = FES funding
Festijn = Feast
Festijn = Junket
Festijn = Banquet
Festijn = Slap-up
Festijn = Spread
festinatie: het maken van kleine stapjes = festinating gait
festinatie: het maken van kleine stapjes = festination
Festival = Festival
Festival = Show
festival {het} = festival
Festival van Vlaanderen = Flanders Festival
festivals = festivals
festiviteit = celebration
"festiviteit, feest, fuif, viering" = celebration (social gathering for entertainment and fun)
festoen (ornament) = festoon
Festonneren = Overlocking
Fetakaas = Feta cheese
fetch = fetch
FetchXML = FetchXML
fetisj = fetish: an inanimate object or nonsexual body part that is regarded as en
Fetisjisme = Fetishism
Feuilleton = Television serial
Feuilleton = Serial story
Feuilleton = Telecast
Feuilleton = Serial
fexofenadine = fexofenadine
Feyenoord = Feyenoord
Feyenoord Rotterdam = Feyenoord Rotterdam
Feynmandiagram = Feynman diagram
FEZ-verrekeninstructie = settlement instructions of the Financial and Economic Affairs Department 
ff = et seq
ff = ff (pages)
FG = FG (Focus Group)
Fg = Fg
Fg-d = Fragment D
F-getal = Overture
F-getal = Aperture
f-getal = f-number
F-getal = Opening
FGSM = Fixed Global System for Mobile Communications
FGW = Department of Philosophy
FHG = Federation for the Recovery of Raw Materials
FHML = "Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML)"
FHSS = Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
FHSS = Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
fi = phi
fiasco = abortion
Fiasco = Flop
Fiasco = Fiasco
fiasco = washout
Fiat = Authorization
fiat = acclaim
FIAT = Fiat
Fiat = Permission
Fiat Doblo’s = Fiat Doblò
fiat royement = Approval of cancellation
fiat valuta = fiat currency
fiatstelsel = approval system
fiatstempel = approval stamp
fiatteren = authorise
Fiatteren bestelaanvraag = Authorise purchase requisition
fiattering = "approval/vetting/authorisation, etc."
fiattering = approval
fiattering/effectenorders = authorisation of securities orders
fiatteur = approver
fiatteur = approval[s] officer
fiatteur = approving officer
fiatteur = authoriser
fiatteur = authorising officer
fiatteur na escalatie = escalated approver
fiber = fiber
fiber = fiber/fibre
Fiber optic generator = Fibre optic generator
Fiber optic lichtkabel = Fibre optic light cable
Fiber optic systeem = Fibre optic cable light system
fiber ring = fiber washer
Fiberglas = Fibreglass
Fiberoptik-opzetstuk = Fibre optic add-on device
fiberpen = fibre-point pin
fiberscoop = fiberscope
"fiberscoop, de fibroskoop, de endoscoop" = endoscope
"fiberscoop, de fibroskoop, de endoscoop" = flexible  fiberscope
"fiberscoop, de fibroskoop, de endoscoop" = laparoscope
"fiberscoop, de fibroskoop, de endoscoop" = optical-fiber endoscope
fiberscope = fiberscope
Fibersilicaat = Fibre silicate
Fibersilicaatplaat = Fibre silicate plate
Fibonacciselectie = Fibonacci search
fibraat = fibric acid
fibranne = rayon staple fibre
Fibre Channel = Fibre Channel
fibreus bindweefsel = fibrillar collagen
fibreuse = desmoid
fibrillaire collagenen = fibrillar collagens
fibrillatie = fibrillation
fibrillatie = twitching of the heart muscle
fibrillen = fibrils: very small fibers or threads
fibrilleren = fibrilating
Fibrine = Fibrin
fibrine = fibrin: the essential portion of a blood clot
fibrine-lijm = autologous fibrin tissue adhesive
fibrine-lijm = fibrin adhesive
fibrine-lijm = fibrin sealant
fibrine-lijm = fibrin tissue adhesive
fibrine-lijm = human  fibrin glue
fibrineschuim = "fibrin foam: an artificial, sterile hemostatic sponge of fibrin"
"fibrineus exsudaat, het exsudaat dat vezelstof bevat" = fibrinous  exudate
fibrinogeen = fibrinogen
fibrinogeen van de mens = human  fibrinogen
fibrinoïde = fibrinoid
fibrinolyse = "fibrinolysis: a process is which fibrin protein is dissolved, breaking up"
fibrinolysine = fibrinolysin: an enzyme that dissolves the fibrin of blood clots
Fibrinolytisch = Fibrinolytic
fibrinolytisch diathesis = fibrinolytic diathesis
fibrinolytisch diathesis = hyperfibrinolysis
fibrinolytisch diathesis = markedly increased or excessive fibrinolysis
fibrinolytische middelen = antithrombotic agents
fibrinolytische middelen = thrombolytic agents  fibrinolytic agents
fibrinopeptide = fibrinopeptide: negatively charged peptides cleaved from the amino end of
fibrinoplastine = fibrinoplastin: an albuminous substance in the blood which (in combinatio
fibroadenoma = fibroadenoma
fibroblastengroeifactor I = acidic fibroblast growth factor
fibroblastengroeifactor I = class I heparin-binding growth factor
fibroblastengroeifactor I = fibroblast growth factor 1
fibroblastengroeifactor I = HBGF-1
fibroblastengroeifactor I = heparin-binding class I fibroblast growth factor
fibroblastengroeifactoren = FGF: small polypeptide growth factors that have a strong affinity for hep
fibroblastengroeifactoren = fibroblast growth factors
fibroblastengroeifactoren = HBGF
fibroblastengroeifactoren = heparin-binding growth factors
fibrocystische ziekte van de borsten = cystic mastitis
fibrocystische ziekte van de borsten = fibrocystic disease of the breast
fibrocystische ziekte van de borsten = fibrocystic mastitis
fibro-elastisch = fibroelastic: consisting of both fibrous and elastic elements
fibroepitheliale hyperplasie = fibroepithelial hyperplasia
fibroepitheliale hyperplasie = fibroepithelial neoplasm
fibroepitheliale poliep = acrochordon
fibroepitheliale poliep = "fibroepithelial polyp: any small, benign cutaneous lesion"
"fibrolipoma, het fibrolipoom" = fibrolipoma
"fibrolipoma, het fibrolipoom" = lipofibroma
fibroma pendulans = dermatolysis
fibromatose = fibromatosis
fibromatosis gingivae = gingival  fibromatosis: fibromatosis of the gums
fibromusculaire dysplasie van de slagader in de nier = fibromuscular dysplasia of the renal artery
Fibromyalgie = Fibromyalgia
fibromyxoelastosis = endocardial fibroelastosis: hypertrophy of the left ventricle wall & conv
fibronectine = FN
fibronectinen = cold-insoluble globulins
fibroom = fibrous tissue neoplasm
fibroom in de longen = bronchus  fibroma
fibropapilloma: een vlokkig fibroom dat in de urineblaas voorkomt = fibropapilloma
fibroplasie = fibroplasia
fibrose = fibrosis
fibrose = fibrous tissue formation
fibrose van het myocardium = fibrosis of the myocardium
fibroserende alveolitis = alveolitic fibrosis
fibrotische streeptekening beide longvelden = fibrotic lesions in both lungs
Fibula = Broaching tool
Fibula = Pin
Fibula = Spindle
Fibula = Lathe mandrel
Fibula = Pinout
Fibula = Skewer
fibula = "fibula: the smaller bone of the lower leg, lateral to the tibia"
Fibula = Spit
Fibula = Brooch
fibulakop = head of fibula
Fiche = Fiche Internationale
fiche = leaflet
fiche = document
Fiche = Chip
Fiche = Token
fiche = slip
fiche = filing card
fiche internationale = international index card
fiches = data sheets
fiches en dobbelstenen = chips and dice
Fictie = Fiction
fictiebepaling = notional provision
fictief = fictitious
fictief = fictional
fictief = fictive
fictief geweld = fantasy violence
Fictief rendement = Fictitious return
fictieve = notional
Fictieve activa = Fictional assets
fictieve arbeidsovereenkomst = implied contract
fictieve arbeidsovereenkomst = notional contract of employment
fictieve dienstbetrekking = notional employment relationship
fictieve onderzoeksgegevens = fabricated research data
fictieve onzekerheid = fictional uncertainty
fictieve situatie = fictitious situation
fictieve speler = fictitious player (gambling)
fictieve weigering (bij beroep of bezwaar) = fictitious refusal
Ficus = Fig-tree
Ficus = Fig tree
ficus = ficus
Fidel Castro = Fidel Castro
fidelisatieprogramma = loyalty system / program(me) or Frequent user / rewards programme
Fiduciair eigendom = Fiduciairy property
Fiduciair geld = Fiduciary money
Fiduciair Manager = Fiduciary Manager
fiduciaire diensten = trusteeship
fiduciaire diensten = trustee services
fiduciaire eigendomsoverdracht = credit currency [Am.]
fiduciaire eigendomsoverdracht = fiduciary money
fiduciaire eigendomsoverdracht = fiduciary transfer of property rights
Fiducie = Reliance
Fiducie = Confidence
Fiducie = Trust
fiducie hebben in = have faith
fiduciële grenzen = fiducial limits
fiduciële inferentie = fiducial inference
fiduciële verdeling = fiducial distribution
fiduciële waarschijnlijkheid = fiducial probability
fieberweefsel = fibrous fabric
field channel management = field channel management
Field Gate = Field Gate
field lab = field lab
field labs = field labs
field research = field research
field service engineer = field service engineer
Field Service Engineers = Field Service Engineers
field service engineers = field service engineers
Field service manager = Field service manager
field test = field test
Fieldcare = FieldCare
Fieldcheck Basis = Fieldcheck Basis
Fieldcheck WTK contractor = Fieldcheck WTK contractor
fieldlab = field lab
Fieldlab Sportstimulering = Sports Promotion Field Lab
fieldlabs = field labs
fieldresearch = field research
fields of expertise = expertisedomeinen
Fieldstage = Field Internship
Fieldstop = Field stop
Fier = Pride
fier = proud
fiets = bicycle
Fiets = Cycle
fiets = (bi)cycle (bike = US voor motorfiets)
fiets = bike
Fiets- = Cycle-
Fiets / Race- = Bicycle
fiets {de} = bike [coll.: bicycle]
fiets {de} = bicycle
fiets en bromfiets = cycle and motorcycle industry
fiets- en mountainbikefanaten = cycling and mountain biking enthusiasts
fiets- en voetgangersassen = bicycle and pedestrian axes
fiets- en voetgangersbrug = bridge for cyclists and pedestrians
fiets- en voetgangersbrug = bridge for cyclists and
Fiets- en Voetgangersnetwerken = Bicycle and Pedestrian Networks
fiets- en voetgangersverbindingen = bicycle and pedestrian links
fiets- en wandelpaden = cycling and walking paths
fiets- en wandelroutes = walking and cycling routes
fiets met hulpmotor = motorized bicycle
fiets volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvinding = bicycle according to embodiments of the present invention
"fiets, velo [slang, Belgium]" = bike (bicycle)
fietsberging = "cycle racks, cycle shelter"
fietsbrug = bicycle bridge
Fietscomputer = Cyclometer
fietsen = to ride a bike
Fietsen = Bicycles
fietsen = cycle
fietsen = bicycling
fietsen = cycling
fietsen = to cycle
fietsen {het} = cycling
fietsen- en bromfietsengroothandel = Bicycle and moped wholesalers
Fietsen in de bergen = Cycling in the mountains
Fietsen met hulpmotor = Cycles with auxiliary motors
fietsen of motorfietsen = bicycles or motorcycles
Fietsen zonder hulpmotor = Non-motorised bicycles
"fietsen, rijden (general)" = cycle  (to ride a cycle)
fietsenfabriek = Bicycle industry
fietsenhandelaar = bicycle dealer
fietsenkelder = bicycle basement
Fietsenmaker = Bicycle repairer
fietsenmaker = bicycle repairman
Fietsenplan Sensata Technologies Holland BV = Sensata Technologies Holland B.V. Bicycle Scheme
fietsenrek = cycle rack
fietsenrekken = bicycle racks
fietsenstalling = "cycle shelter, bicycle shelter"
fietsenstalling = bicycle shed
fietsenstalling (apart hokje) = bicycle shed
fietsenstallingen = bicycle parking facilities
fietsenvanger = "side underride guard, side underrun guard, side guard"
Fietsenwinkel = Bicycle dealer
Fietser = Cyclist
Fietser / Wieler- = Cyclist / Cyclists'
fietser {de} = cyclist
fietsergometer = ergometric bicycle
fietsergometer = exercise bicycle
fietsergometer = stationary bicycle
fietsers = cyclists
fietsers en voetgangers = cyclists and pedestrians
fietsers en/of voetgangers = cyclists and/or pedestrians
fietsgebruik = bicycle use
fietsgoot (langs trap) = cycle ramp (at the side of a staircase)
fietshelm = bicycle helmet
Fietshelmen = Bicycle helmets
Fietshouder = Bicycle holder
Fietsinfrastructuur = Bicycle Infrastructure
fietsinfrastructuur = cycling infrastructure
fietsknooppuntensysteem = bicycle route [marker] system
fietsleasing = bicycle leasing
fietsnetwerk = cycling network
fietsnetwerken = bicycle networks
Fietsonderdelen = Bicycle parts
fietsongeval = "bicycle accident,"
fietsopstelstrook (opgeblazen) (OFOS) = (expanded) cycle stacking lanes
fietspad = cycle path
fietspad = bicycle path
fietspad = cycle track
fietspad = cycle track / cycle path
fietspad {het} = cycle path
"fietspad, vrijliggend (-)" = "cycle track, separate (-)"
"fietspad: aanliggend fietspad (door zeer smalle tussenberm (<0,7m) gesche" = adjoining cycle track
fietspad: dubbelzijdig fietspad (ook tweezijdig genoemd = fietspaden aan  = double side cycle track (also two sided cycle track)
fietspad: enkelzijdig fietspad (ook wel eenzijdig fietspad of enkelvoudig = "single sided cycle track (also one sided cycle track, singular cycle trac"
fietspad: onverplicht fietspad = voluntary cycle track
fietspad: verplicht fietspad = compulsory cycle track
fietspad: vrijliggend fietspad = separate cycle track
fietsparkeerplaats = bicycle parking spaces
fietsparkeerplaatsen = bicycle parking spaces
fietsparkeerplaatsen = bicycle parking space
fietsparkeervoorzieningen = bicycle parking facilities
Fietsplan = Bicycle plan
Fietspomp = Air pump
fietspromenade = cycle promenade
fietsregeling = bicycle scheme
Fietsregeling UvT = Bicycle Plan
Fietsreparatie = Bicycle Repair
fietsroute = cycle route
fietsroute = bike route
fietsroute = bicycle path
Fietsslot = Safety lock
Fietsslot = Anti-theft
Fietsslot = Proof
Fietssloten = Bicycle locks
fietssnelheid = bicycle speed
fietssnelweg = cycle 'highway'
fietsstallingen = bicycle parking
fietsstrook = cycle lane
fietssuggestiestrook (niet verplicht) = cycle lane (non compulsory or of a different colour)
fietstas = cycle-bag
Fietstas = Cyclebag
fietstassen = bike bags
fietstaxi = pedicab
fietstocht = bike ride
fietstunnel = cycle underpass
fietstunnel = cycle tunnel
Fietsventiel = Valve
Fietsverhuurders = Bicycle rental companies
fietsverkeer = cycle traffic
fietsvoorziening = cycling facility
fietsvoorzieningen = "amenities for cyclists, bicycle facilities"
Fife = Fife
FIFO = "first in, first out"
FIFO (first in first out) = "FIFO (first in, first out)"
FIFO-geheugen = push-up storage
fig. = Fig.
FIG. 1 = FIG. 1
FIG. 10 = FIG. 10
FIG. 11 = FIG. 11
FIG. 12 = FIG. 12
FIG. 13 = FIG. 13
FIG. 14 = FIG. 14
FIG. 15 = FIG. 15
FIG. 16 = FIG. 16
FIG. 17 = FIG. 17
FIG. 18 = FIG. 18
FIG. 19 = FIG. 19
FIG. 2 = FIG. 2
FIG. 20 = FIG. 20
FIG. 21 = FIG. 21
FIG. 22 = FIG. 22
FIG. 23 = FIG. 23
FIG. 24 = FIG. 24
FIG. 25 = FIG. 25
FIG. 3 = FIG. 3
FIG. 4 = FIG. 4
FIG. 6 = FIG. 6
FIG. 7 = FIG. 7
FIG. 8 = FIG. 8
FIG. 9 = FIG. 9
Fig.1 = Fig. 1
Fig.2 = FIG. 2
Fig.2 = Fig. 2
Fig.3 = Fig. 3
Fig.4 = FIG. 4
Fig.4 = Fig. 4
Fig.5 = Fig. 5
figuraal nagevolg = figural aftereffect: how events in one part of the perceptual field affec
figurant = extra
"figurant, nevenfiguur {f}" = walk-on (actor with a small part)
figurantenrol = walk-on part
figurantenrol = walk-on
figuratie = casting
figuratie = figure
figuratie = textures
figuratieve afbeelding = figurative image
figuratieve constante = figurative constant
figuratively = noggin
Figuren = Figures
figuren = figures
Figurenlijst = List of Figures
figureren = play a small part
figuur = picture
Figuur = Countenance
Figuur = Representation
Figuur = Figure
Figuur = Diagram
Figuur = Looked
figuur = fictional character
figuur = drawing
figuur = figure
figuur = Figure
Figuur 1 = Figure 1
Figuur 1 toont = Figure 1 shows
Figuur 1a = Figure 1a
Figuur 1b = Figure 1b
Figuur 2 = Figure 2
Figuur 2a = Figure 2a
Figuur 2b = Figure 2b
Figuur 3 = Figure 3
Figuur 3a = Figure 3a
Figuur 3b = Figure 3b
Figuur 4 = Figure 4
Figuur 4a = Figure 4a
Figuur 4b = Figure 4b
Figuur 5 = Figure 5
Figuur 5a = Figure 5a
Figuur 5b = Figure 5b
Figuur 6 = Figure 6
figuur hiernaast verschijnt = the adjacent figure will appear
Figuur Leggen = Puzzles
figuur: beschrijving van de ~en = description of the drawings
figuurbeschrijving = description of the drawing
figuurbeschrijving = detailed description of the drawings
figuurglas = figure glass
figuurlijk = figurative
figuurlijk = figuratively
figuurlijke = figurative
figuurschaar (loodgieterij) = angle shears
figuurzaag = jigsaw
figuurzaag = fret-saw
figuurzaag / beugelzaag = coping saw
Fiji = Fiji
Fijn = Small
fijn = pleasant
fijn = fine
fijn = nice
fijn = beautiful
Fijn = Ending
Fijn = Thin
Fijn = Ticklish
fijn = delicate
Fijn = Wispy
fijn afgesteld = finely adjust
fijn afstelling = fine-tuning
fijn bewerken = fine tune
fijn detail = fine detail
fijn gedetailleerd = fine detail
fijn geribd piquébreisel = fine rib piqué knit
fijn getand = serrulate
Fijn- of fijnstbedraad = Fine- or extra-fine wire
fijn stof = particulate matter
Fijn stof = Aerosol
Fijn verdeelde metalen = Powdered or finely-divided metals
fijnaardewerk- en porseleinfabriek = Fine pottery and ceramics industry
fijnafstelling = fine calibration
fijnafstemming = fine tuning
fijnbedding = fines bedding
fijnbewerking = finishing
fijnboormachine = precision drilling machine
fijnchemicaliën = fine chemicals
Fijnchemicaliën en diverse chemische producten = Fine and various chemical products
fijne = nice
fijne = tiny
fijne = lovely
fijne = fine
fijne = subtle
fijne draad = filament
fijne druppeltjes = fine droplets
fijne filter = fine filter
fijne golf = fine flute
fijne granulariteit = fine granularity
fijne lopende passing = fine tuning fit
fijne motoriek = fine motor skills
fijne overgangspassing = fine location fit
fijne passing = fine fit
fijne passing = close fit
fijne plamuur = fine paste
fijne samenwerking = the great experience of working together
fijne spiervezel = fine muscle fibre
fijne stof = particulate matter
fijne stof = fine dust
fijne was = fine fabrics
fijne/grove motoriek = "fine/gross motor skills, fine/gross motor control"
fijnere termen = refined search terms
fijnfilter = fine filter
fijnfilter van 10 micron-absoluut = fine filter with an Absolute Micron Rating (AMR) of 10 microns
Fijngeschilderd = fine painting
fijngeslagen = finely stranded
fijngevoelig = delicate
fijngevoelige = delicate
fijngevoeligheid = sensitivity
Fijnhakken = Axe
Fijnhakken = Hash
Fijnhakken = Chop
Fijnhakken = To mince
Fijnhakken = Hack
Fijnhakken = Mince up
Fijnhakken = Mince
Fijnhakken = Chop up
Fijnhakken = To chop
Fijnhakken = To grind
fijnheid = tenderness
fijnheid = fineness
fijnheidsgraad = degree of fineness
fijnheidsmeter = fineness gauge
fijninstelling = precision adjustment
Fijninstellling = Fine setting
fijnkaarde = condenser card
fijnkooks = coke breeze
fijnkorrelig = fine-grained
fijnkorrelige structuur = close grain structure
fijnmaken = pulverize
Fijnmalen = Spray
Fijnmalen = Vaporise
Fijnmalen = Grind up
Fijnmalen = Vaporize
fijnmazig = fine-meshed (distribution network)
Fijnmazig = finely-meshed (distribution network)
fijnmazige filters = finely meshed filters
Fijnmazige machtigingen = Fine-Grained Permissions
fijnmazigheid = granularity
fijnmechanica = precision engineering
fijnmechanisch onderdeel = precision component
fijnmechanische techniek = precision engineering
fijnmechanische werkplaats = precision engineering workshop
Fijnmechanisme = Precision mechanics
Fijnproever = Epicure
Fijnproever = Gourmet
fijnregelaar = fine control
fijnregelbereik = fine-tuning range
fijnregeling = fine tuning
fijnregelingsklep = fine control valve
fijnregelingskleppen = fine conrtrol valves
fijnregelknop = fine-tuning knob
fijnregelkraan = precision control cock
fijnregelkraan = precision regulating cock
fijnslaan = to strand finely
fijnslagige nystagmus ODS = fine jerk nystagmus of both eyes
fijnslijpen = finish grinding
fijnspar = spruce
Fijnstampen = Squash up
fijnstampen = crush
Fijnstampen = Mash
fijnstampen = fine blanking
Fijnstampen = Overwhelm
Fijnstampen = Squash flat
Fijnstampen = Squelch
Fijnstampen = Overwrite
fijnstansautomaat = automatic fine-blanking press
fijnstansmachine = fine-blanking machine
FIJNSTOF = particulate matter
fijnstof = particulate matter
Fijnstof Filtersystemen = Particulates filter
Fijntjes = Shrewdly
Fijntjes = Finely
fijntrekken = fine wire drawing
fijnverdeeld = finely divided
fijnverkruimeld = "fine, crumbly"
fijnverkruimelde = "fine, crumbly"
Fijnzeef = fine screen/fine sieve
fijnzekering = glass tube fuse
Fiks = Fort
fiks = strong
Fiks = Potent
Fiksheid = Sturdiness
Fiksheid = Hardiness
filament = filament
Filament = Filament shape
filament garen = filament yarn
filament-aanvoermechanisme = filament-feeding mechanism
filamenten = filaments
filamenten voor lichtgeleiding = light-conducting filaments
filamentgaren = filament yarn
filamentweefsel = filament cloth
Filantroop = Philanthropy
Filatelie = Stamp collection
Filatelie = Philately
filatelie {de} = philately
file = traffic jam (! congestion = wegverstopping)
file = traffic-jam / tailback / queue
file = file
file = traffic jam
File Allocation Table = File Allocation Table
file beveiligingssysteem = queue warning system
file en/of folder exclusion = file and/or folder exclusion
File Replication Service = file replication service
File Server for Macintosh = File Server for Macintosh
file servers = file servers
File Transfer Protocol = File Transfer Protocol
"file, folder en/of E-mail" = "file, folder and/or email"
"file, stream, database, etc." = "file, stream, database, etc."
filedruk = traffic flow
filedruk = traffic congestion
filegevoelige = congestion-prone
filegevoelige = prone to congestion
filegevoelige = vulnerable to congestion
filegevoelige en sterk belaste snelwegennet = congestion-prone and heavily used motorway network
file-informatie = traffic information
FileMaker 13 Certified Developer = FileMaker 13 Certified Developer
FileMaker Business Alliance = FileMaker Business Alliance
FileMaker Business Alliance Platinum = FileMaker Business Alliance Platinum
FileMaker Developer Conferences = FileMaker Developer Conferences
FileMaker Development & Consultancy = FileMaker Development & Consultancy
FileMaker- en web-hosting = FileMaker and web hosting
FileMaker Server-licence = FileMaker Server licence
FileMaker Server-licences = FileMaker Server licences
FileMaker Server-licentie = FileMaker Server licence
FileMaker Server-licenties = FileMaker Server licences
"FileMaker, webtechnologie of mobiele technologie" = "FileMaker, web technology or mobile technology"
FileMaker-database = FileMaker database
FileMaker-hostingconfiguratie = FileMaker hosting configuration
FileMaker-ontwikkelaars = FileMaker developers
fileprobleem = traffic congestion
fileren = dissect
files en folders = files and folders
"files, mail en Sharepoint" = "files, email and SharePoint"
"files, streams en serialisatie" = "files, streams and serialisation"
fileserver = file server
File-specifieke code... = File-specific code…
Filet = Net
filet = fillet
filet = slice
Filet américain = Beef tatare
Filet américain = Steak tartare
filgrastim = Neupogen
filiaal = agency
filiaal = branch
filiaal = branch office
filiaal = affiliate
filiaal = local house
filiaal = office
filiaal {het} = subsidiary
Filiaalbedrijf = National chain
filialen = shops
filialen = branches
Filibuster = Freebooter
filiform = "filamentous, filiform"
filiform = threadlike
filigrainband = filigreed binding
Filip = Philip
Filipijnen = Philippine
Filipijnen = Philippines
Filipijnen = Philippine Islands
Filipijnenzee = Philippine Sea
Filippijn = Filipino
Filippijn = Philippine man
Filippijn = Philippine
Filippijnen = Philippine Islands
Filippijnen = Philippine
Filippijnen = Philippines
Filippijns = Philippine
Filippijns = Philippine man
Filippijns = Filipino
Filippijnse = Philippine woman
Filippino = Filipino
Filippino = Philippine man
Filippino = Philippine
Filippo Brunelleschi = Filippo Brunelleschi
Filippus = Philip
Filips II van Spanje = Philip II of Spain
Filistijn = Philistine
filled up / filled in = aangevuld
filler = filler
filler = screenfiller
Filling Ring = Filling Ring
film = movie
film = cinema
film = video
film = film strip
film = movies
film = film
Film (cinematografie) = Film
film {de} = film
film {de} = movie
film- en licht apparatuur = film and lighting equipment
Film- en videodiensten = Motion picture and video services
film- en videofilmproductie = film and video tape film production
film- en videoproductie = film and video production
Film- en video-uitrusting = Film equipment
Film voor radiologie = Radiology film
"film-, foto- en geluidsopnamen" = "film, photo and sound recordings"
"film-, geluid-, en televisieproductie" = "film, sound and television production"
"film-, geluid-, video- en televisieproductie" = "film, audio, video and television production"
filmaandrukplaat = film pressure plate
filmafsnijmesje = film cutter
filmaftaster = film pickup
filmaker = film maker
filmarchief = film archive
filmavond = film night
filmavonden = film nights
"filmbaan, -kanaal" = "object stage, guide track"
filmbeeld = frame
filmbeelden = video images
filmbestand = video file
filmbestand = movie file
filmbestanden = video files
Filmbestanden aanleveren = Submitting video files
filmbeweging = film movement
filmblaasextrusie = blown film extrusion
filmblaasvormen = blown film moulding
filmblokje = film rest
filmcamera = camera
Filmcamera = Movie camera
filmcamera = film camera
Filmcamera = Cine-camera
film-camera = cinematographic camera
film-camera = film camera
film-camera = movie camera
filmcamera {de} = movie camera
filmcamera’s = cinematographic cameras
filmcamera’s = film cameras
filmcamera’s = movie cameras
filmcamera’s van post 90.07 = cinematographic cameras of heading 90.07
Filmcamera's = Cinematographic cameras
filmclips in cassettes voor gebruik met handviewers of -projectors 9 = film clips within cassettes used with hand-held viewers or projectors
Filmcoated = Filmcoated
filmcondensator = film capacitor
filmdienst = film service
Filmdistributiediensten = Motion picture distribution services
filmdrager = film base
filmdruk = screen printing
filmdrukker = film printer
Filmen = Film
filmen = to film
"filmen, verfilmen, op de gevoelige plaat vastleggen" = lens  (to film)
Filmer = Movie maker
Filmer = Film maker
Filmer = Filmmaker
Filmer = Film director
filmgeleider = film guide
filmgeleiderstrippen = film guide runners
Filmgenre = Film
filmgevoeligheid = film sensitivity
filmgevoeligheid van de beeldsensor = film sensitivity of the image sensor
"filmgevoeligheid van de beeldsensor, sluitertijd, beelden per seconde" = "film sensitivity of the image sensor, shutter speed, frames per second"
filmhuis = cinema club
filmindustrie = film industry
filminleg = film threading
filmisch = filmish
filmkanaal = film gate
filmkanaal = film channel
Filmklapper = Slike
filmkorrel = film grain
filmkunst = cinema
"filmmaatschappij, platenmaatschappij" = "studio (company or organization that makes films, records or other artist"
filmmaker = filmmaker
filmmakers = filmmakers
filmmateriaal = video material
filmmateriaal = film material
filmmerkschijf = film speed reminder
"filmomhulde (pil, dragee filmtablette)" = "film-coated (pill, tablet)"
filmomhulde tablette = enteric-coated tablet
filmomhulde tablette = tablet with a protective coating
filmoperateur = projectionist
filmopname = shooting
filmotheek = film library
"Filmouderdom, oud" = "Film Age, Old"
"Filmouderdom, ouder" = "Film Age, Older"
"Filmouderdom, oudste" = "Film Age, Oldest"
filmpak = filmpack
filmpje = film strip
filmpje = film
filmpje = video
filmpje {het} = short film clip
filmpjes = videos
filmploeg = film crew
filmposter = film poster
Filmproducten = Film products
filmproductie = film production
Filmprojectiediensten = Motion picture projection services
filmprojecties = film screenings
Filmprojectoren = Cinematographic projectors
filmrecording = film recording
Filmregisseur = Film director
films = movies
films = films
Films met een loodrechte anisotropie = Perpendicular films
films vervaardigd voor vertoning = films prepared for exhibition
filmscenes = movie scenes
filmscharnier = living hinge
filmscharnier (Engels: living hinge) = living hinge
filmscharnieren = living hinges
filmschraapapparaat = film scraping device
filmset = film set
filmsjabloon = stencil film
filmsnelheid = film speed
Filmster = Movie star
Filmster = Star
filmster = celebrity
filmster {de} = film star
filmstijl = film style
filmstrip = filmstrip
filmstrip = film strip
filmstroken = film strips
filmstudio's = movie studios
film-toestellen = cinematographic cameras
film-toestellen = film cameras
film-toestellen = movie cameras
Filmtrailer = Preview
filmtransport = film advance
filmtransport = film transport
filmtransportcontroleschijf = film transport control disk
"filmtransportrol, -as" = film wind sprocket
"filmtransportrol, -as" = film transport sprockets
filmverdamper = film evaporator
Filmverdamping = film evaporation
filmverhuur = motion picture rental
filmvertoning = film screening
filmvormer = filmformer
filmvorming = film formation
filodeeg {het} = filo dough
Filologie = Philology
filosofe = philosopher
filosoferen = philosophize
filosofie = philosophy
filosofie {de} = philosophy
Filosofie in bedrijf = Philosophy in Action
Filosofie van Wetenschap en Techniek = Philosophy of Sciences and Technology
"filosofie, wijsbegeerte" = philosophy (academic discipline)
filosofisch = philosophic
filosofische stroming = philosophical school
Filosoof = Philosophical
Filosoof = Philosopher
filosoof {de} = philosopher
"filosoof, filosofe, wijsgeer" = philosopher (person devoted to studying philosophy)
filter = filter
filter = respirator
filter bubble = filter bubble
filter element / patroon = filter element
filter en filterbox = filter and filter box
filter housing = filterhuis
filter instellingen = filter settings
filter magneet = filter magnet
filter op veld = filter on field
filter part = filter part
Filter Part Assy = Filter Part Assy
filter tekst = filter text
filter van de automatische versnellingsbak = automatic transmission filter
Filter voor afzuigkappen = Filter for cooker hood
Filter voor koffieapparaat = Filter for coffee maker
filter voor ongewenste e-mail = junk e-mail filter
filter voor webinhoud = Web Content Filter
filter waarde = filter value
filteraarde = filter earth
filteraggregaat = filtration unit
"filterapparaten, -instrumenten en -toestellen" = "filtering apparatus, instruments and devices"
filterbak = filter casing
filterbed = filterbed
Filterbehuizing = Filter housing
filterbekken = filter basin
Filterbox = Filter box
Filterbox geïsoleerd EPP = Insulated EPP filter box
filterboxen = filter boxes
filterbuis = filter tube
filtercircuit = filter circuit
filtercondensator = filter capacitor
filtercriteria = filter criteria
filterdemping = filter attenuation
filterdoek = filter cloth
filterdoek = filter fabric
filtereenheid = filter unit
filtereenheid = filtering unit
filterelement = filter element
filterelementen = filter elements
filteren = to filter
filteren = filter
filteren = filtering
filteren op veldinhoud = filter on field content
filteren op webinhoud = web filtering
filteren van een beeld = image filtering
filteren voor trend = pre-whitening
"Filteren, sorteren, zoeken" = "Filter, sorter, search"
Filterfijnheid = Filtration fineness
filtergebied = filter area
Filtergrind = filter gravel
"Filtergrind 1,7-2,5 mm" = filter gravel 1.7 - 2.5 mm
filtergroep = filter group
filtergroepnaam = filter group name
filterhuis = filter housing
filterhulpmiddelen = filtering aids
filtering = filtration
filtering = filtering
filtering van olie = oil filtering
filterinstallatie = filtering installation
filterinstallaties = filter installations
filterkast = filter cabinet
Filterklasse = Filter class
filterkoek = filter cake
filterkop = filter head
filterkoppeling = filter link
filterkoppeling (loodgieterij) = strainer coupling
filterkring = filter circuit
filterkristal = filter crystal
filterlichaam (onder gootsteen) = strainer body
filtermat = filter mat
filtermaterialen = filtering materials
filtermembraan = filter membrane
Filtermodel = Filter model
filternaam = filter name
filternaam eigenschappen = filter name properties
filterolie = filter oil
Filterpapier = Filter paper
filterpart = filter part
filterpatronen = filter cartridges
filterpatroon = fitter cartridge
filterpers = filter press
filterpictogram = filter icon
filterpomp = filter pump
filterreinigingssysteem = filter cleaning system
filters = filters
filters (machine- of motoronderdelen) = filters (parts of machines or engines)
filters in de luchtkanalen = filters in the air ducts
filters instellen = define filters
filters voor ademhalingsmaskers = filters for respiratory masks
Filters voor fixeereenheid = Fuser filters
filters voor motoren = filters for engines
filterschakeling = filter circuit
filterschijf = filter disc
filterschijf = filter screen
filtersectie = filter module
Filterset = Filter set
filtersnelheid = filter velocity
filterspoel = filter coil
filtersysteem = filter system
filtersysteem gebaseerd op discrete momenten = discrete-time filtering system
filtertijd = filtering time
Filtertoestellen = Filtering apparatus
Filtertoestellen voor boorspoeling = Drilling-mud filtering apparatus
Filtertoetsen = FilterKeys
filteruitgangsspanning = filter output voltage
filterveld = filter field
filtervlies = filter fabric
Filtervraag = Filter question
filterwaarde = filter value
filterweefsel = filter cloth
filterwerking = filter action
filterwet = Darcy law
filtraat = filtrate
Filtratie = Filtration
filtratie 0.45 um = Filtration 0.45 um
filtratie en gravimetrie and  en gravimetrie = filtration and gravimetry
filtratie middel = filtration agent
filtratie over een 0.45 µm filter = filtration across a 0.45 µm filter
"filtratie, het filtreren" = filtration
filtratie-fijnheid = filter fineness
Filtratierest = Filtration residue
filtratiesnelheid = filtration rate
filtratiestap = filtration step
"filtreerapparaten, instrumenten en toestellen" = "filtering apparatus, instruments and devices"
"filtreerapparaten, -instrumenten en -toestellen" = "filtering apparatus, instruments and devices"
filtreerbeker = cylindrical jar
filtreermachines = filtering machines
filtreerpapier = filter paper
filtreerpapier = filtering paper
filtreren = filter
filtreren = to filter
filtreren metalen = Filtering metals
filtrering = filtration
fimbriaal kleven = fimbrial adhesion
fimbriae = fimbriae: finger-like projections at the ends of the fallopian tubes & ut
fimbriae van bacterië = "bacterial  fimbriae: short hairlike filaments on bacteria, used to adhere"
fimbriatus = fringed
Fin = Finnish
FIN = "Ministry of Finance (Ministerie van Financiën, Fin)"
Fin = Finn
Fin {de} = Finn
fin box = fin box
fin boxes = fin boxes
finaal = decisive
finaal = concluding
Finaal = Final
Finaal = Ultimate
finaal cluster = ultimate cluster
"finaal, laatste, ultiem" = final {adj} (last
"finaal, laatste, ultiem" = ultimate)
finaciële administratie- en verslagleggingsdoelstellingen van het ESCB = ESCB accounting and reporting purposes
Final = Final
final instance variabele = final instance variable
final publishable report = final publishable report
Final quality control by supplier = Final quality control by supplier
final reference variabele = final reference variable
Final rejection = Final rejection
final say = final say
finale = final
finale = decider
finale (algehele) kwijting = discharge
finale (algehele) kwijting = full discharge
Finale afnemer = End consumer
finale chocoladeproduct = final chocolate product
finale contractbesprekingen = final contract negotiations
finale isolatiemateriaal = final insulation material
finale isolerende laag = final insulating layer
Finale kwaliteit = Final quality
Finale kwijting = Full and final discharge
finale kwijting en decharge = final acquittance and discharge
finale kwijting verlenen voor = to grant/give a full discharge in respect of
Finale vraag = Final demand
finale waardering = final valuation
finalist = finalist
finaliteit = objective
finaliteit = purpose
finalizer = finalizer
finance = finance
Finance & Accounting = Finance & Accounting
Finance & Administration = Finance & Administration
Finance and Controlling = Finance and Controlling
Finance en Administration = Finance and Administration
Finance for non financials = Finance for non-financial managers
finance professional = finance professional
finance professionals = finance professionals
financi?le dochter = financial subsidiary
financi?le kosten = financial charges (financing expenses)
financi?le opbrengsten = financial income
financi?le schulden = financial debts
financi?le vaste activa = financial [fixed] assets
financi?le vennootschap = finance company
financi‘le termen = financial terms
Financial Close = Financial Close
financial guidelines = financial guidelines
Financial Intelligence Unit = Financial Intelligence Unit
Financial lease = Financial lease
Financial Management = Financial Management
Financial Reporting Instance Standard = Financial Reporting Instance Standard
Financial Reporting Taxonomy Architecture = Financial Reporting Taxonomy Architecture
financial risks = financial risks
Financial Services Management (bacheloropleiding) = Financial Services Management
Financial Services Management (bachelor-opleiding) = Financial Services Management
Financial Stability Board = Financial Stability Board
Financial Stability Forum = Financial Stability Forum
Financials = Financials
financieel = financial
Financieel = Financier
financieel = fiscal
financieel = financially
Financieel administratief medewerker = Financial Administration Officer
financieel administratieve gegevens = accounting data
Financieel adviseur = Financial Advisor
financieel adviseur = financial adviser
financieel bedrijfsbeheer = financial management of undertakings
financieel beheer = financial management
financieel beheer voor IT-diensten = financial management for IT services
financieel beheerder = Financial controller
financieel belang = financial interest
financieel belang van de leden = financial interests of members
financieel beleid = financial policy
financieel beroep = financial occupation
Financieel besluit Handelsregister = Financial Decree relating to the Dutch Business Register (Financieel besl
financieel conglomeraat = financial conglomerate
financieel controleur = financial controller
financieel controleur = statutory auditor
Financieel criterium = Financial criterion
financieel dienstverlenende sector = financial services sector
Financieel Directeur = CFO
Financieel Directeur = chief financial officer
Financieel Directeur = finance director
Financieel Economisch Management voor het = Finance and Control in Medium Sized Companies Middenbedrijf (lectoraat)
Financieel Economisch Management voor het Middenbedrijf  (lectoraat) = Finance and Control in Medium Sized Companies (professorship)
Financieel Economisch Management voor het Middenbedrijf (lectoraat) = Finance and Control in Medium Sized Companies
Financieel economische regulering = Financial economic regulation
financieel economist/econoom = financial economist
financieel eindverantwoordelijke = final financial responsibility
financieel en administratief = financial and administrative
financieel en technisch gezien = financially and technically
financieel fonds = financial fund
financieel gezond = financially sound
financieel haalbare oplossing = financially feasible solution
financieel instrument = financial instrument
financieel instrumenten = financial instrument
financieel jaar = financial year
financieel jaarverslag = financial statements
financieel kwartaaloverzicht = quarterly accounts
Financieel Management (minor) = Financial Management Financial Services Management (bachelor-Financial Se
Financieel Management (minor) = Financial Management
Financieel management (proces) = Financial management (process)
Financieel medewerker = financial employee
Financieel medewerker = Financial Officer
Financieel medewerker = Financial Administrator
Financieel Model = Financial Model
financieel nadeel = financial loss
financieel net = financial net
financieel onvermogen = financial inability
financieel overzicht = financial statement
Financieel Overzicht = Financial Overview
financieel plaatje = financial outline
financieel protocol = financial protocol
financieel reglement = financial regulation
financieel sjabloon = financial template document
financieel tegemoet komen = compensate financially
financieel termijncontract = financial future contract
financieel toetsingskader = financial assessment framework
financieel totaaloverzicht = financial overview
financieel van je afhankelijk = financially dependent on you
financieel verantwoordelijk = financially responsible
financieel verlies = financial loss
financieel verslag = financial report
FINANCIEEL VERSLAG Geconsolideerde IFRS jaarrekening = FINANCIAL REPORT Consolidated financial statements IFRS
financieel voordeel = financial benefit
financieel voordeel = financial gain
financieel voordeel = pecuniary benefit
financieel weerstandsvermogen = financial affairs
financieel weerstandsvermogen = financial resilience
financieel weerstandsvermogen = financial strength
"financieel, technisch, communicatie-, commercieel, marketing, algemeen ma" = "financial, technical, communication, commercial, marketing, general manag"
financieel-administratief vakman = accounting professional
financieel-administratief vakman = investigative accounting
Financieel-administratieve recherche = Investigative accounting
Financieel-administratieve recherche = Forensic accounting
financieel-economische crisis = financial and economic crisis
financieel-economische effecten = economic and financial effects
financieel-economische positie = economic position
financieel-economische positie = financial position
financieel-economische tegenwind = financial headwind
Financieel-Economische Zaken = Financial and Economic Affairs Department
Financieel-Economische Zaken (FEZ) = Finance
Financieel-organisatorisch = Financially and organisationally
financieel-organisatorische = financial and organisational
financiële = financial
financiële aangelegenheden = financial accounts
financiële aangelegenheden = money matters
financiële aanpassing = financial equalisation
financiële aansprakelijkheid = financial responsibility
Financiële Administratie = Financial Department
financiële administratie = management accounting
financiële administratie = Accounts Department
financiële administratie = financial accounting
Financiële Administratie = Office for Financial Accounting
Financiële Administratie = Financial Accounting
financiële administratie- en verslagleggingsdoelstellingen van het Euros = Eurosystem accounting and financial reporting purposes
Financiële afhandeling = Financial matters
financiële afhandeling = financial settlement
financiële afsluitcyclus = financial closing cycle
financiële afspraken = financial agreements
financiële analyse = financial analysis
financiële analyse van aandelen = financial analysis of shares
financiële arbitrage = arbitrage
financiële arrangementen = financial arrangements
financiële autonomie = financial autonomy
financiële behoefte = financial requirements
financiële belang = financial interests
financiële belangen = financial interests
financiële beleggingen = financial investment
financiële beoordeling = financial assessment
financiële bijdrage = financial contribution
financiële bijsluiter = financial information leaflet
financiële bijsluiter = key features document
financiële boetes = financial penalties
financiële consequenties = financial implications
financiële consequenties van = financial consequences of
financiële consultancy = financial consultancy
financiële consulting = financial consulting
financiële controle = financial control
financiële controleur = Financial Controller
financiële courtage = financial brokerage
financiële criminaliteit = financial crime
financiële dienst van de post = post office financial services
financiële diensten = financial services
financiële diensten en beleggingsdiensten = financial and investment services
financiële diensten en producten = financial services and products
Financiële diensten i.v.m. vennootschappen en participaties = Corporate finance and venture capital services
financiële diensten verstrekt door bouwverenigingen = financial services provided by building societies
financiële dienstverlener = financial service provider
financiële dienstverleners = financial service providers
financiële dienstverlening = financial services
financiële dimensie = financial dimension
financiële dochter = financial subsidiary
financiële documenten = financial documents
financiële draagkracht = financial standing
financiële eindrapportage = financial final reports
financiële eisen = financial requirements
financiële en andersoortige informatie = financial and other information
financiële en economische draagkracht = financial and economic capacity
Financiele en Economische Zaken = Financial and Economic Departments
financiële en juridische = financial and legal
financiële en maatschappelijk = financial and social
Financiële en verzekeringsdiensten = Financial and insurance services
financiële en verzekeringsdienstverlening = financial and insurance services
financiële en verzekeringssector = financial and insurance sectors
financiële EU-moederholding = EU parent financial holding company
financiële evaluatie = financial evaluation
financiële expertises = financial valuations
Financiële functies = Financial functions
Financiele gang van zaken = Financial business
financiële gang van zaken = financial performance
financiële gegevens = financial information
Financiële gegevens = Financial data
financiële gevolgen = financial consequences
financiële gezondheid = financial health
Financiële Gunningscriteria = Financial Award Criteria
financiële haalbaarheid = financial feasibility
financiële handelingen = financial transactions
financiële handtekening = authorised financial signatory
Financiële hefboom = Financial leverage
financiële hefboomwerking = financial gearing
financiële hulp = financial aid
financiële impact = financial impact
financiële impacts = financial impacts
financiële incentive = financial incentive
financiële informatie = financial information
financiële informatie kunnen lezen en begrijpen = financial literacy
financiele informatiepunt = financial service desk
financiële informatiesystemen = financial disclosure (in annual accounts)
financiële informatiesystemen = financial information systems
financiële instelling = financial institution
financiële instellingen = financial institutions
financiële instrumenten = financial instruments
Financiële integratie = Financial Integration
financiële intermediairs = financial intermediaries
financiële interventie = financial intervention
financiële kaderregeling = Framework Financial Regulation
financiële kengetallen = key financial indicators
financiële kerngegevens = 'key financial data
financiële kerngegevens = key financial data
financiële korting = financial discount
financiële kosten = financial charges (financing expenses)
"Financiële lasten, netto" = Net financial expenses
financiële lease waarbij de leasenemer alle kosten draagt = full payout lease
Financiële leasing = Financial leasing services
financiële markt = financial market
financiële markten = financial markets
financiële middelen = financial resources
financiële moederholding in een lidstaat = parent financial holding company in a Member State
financiële moeilijkheden = financial difficulties
financiële monitoring = financial monitoring
financiële of andere voordelen = financial or other benefits
financiële of andere voordelen van derden = financial or other benefits from third parties
financiële omvang = financial dimension
financiële ondersteuning = financial assistance
financiële ondersteuning = financial support
financiële ondersteuning = sponsorship
financiële ondersteuning door onderneming = corporate sponsorship
Financiële ondersteuning studenten = Financial support for students
Financiele ontwikkeling = Financial development
financiële opbrengsten = financial income
Financiële openheid = Financial transparency
Financiële operaties = Financial operations
financiële ophoging = increase in funding
financiële overeenkomst = financial agreement
financiële pakket = financial package
financiële parameters = financial parameters
financiële planning = financial planning
financiële planning en beheer = financial planning and management
financiële positie = financial position
financiële prikkel = financial incentive
financiële producten en diensten = financial products and services
financiële programmatuur = financial software
financiële randvoorwaarden = financial constraints
Financiële rapportage = Financial report
financiële rapportages = financial reports
financiële rapportering = financial reporting
financiële ratio’s = financial ratios
financiële rechtmatigheid = financial rightfulness
Financiële Regeling Handelsregister = Financial Regulations relating to the Business Register of the Dutch Cham
financiële regelingen van Eurojust = Eurojust Financial Rules
Financiële rekening = Financial account
Financiële rekeningen = Financial accounts
financiële reorganisatie = financial reorganization
financiele resultaten = financial results
financiële resultaten = financial results
financiële richtlijnen = financial guidelines
financiële risico = financial risk
financiële ruimte = financial scope
financiële samenwerking = financial cooperation
financiële sanctie = financial sanction
financiële sanctie = financial sanctions
financiële schade = loss
financiële schade = financial loss
financiële schulden = financial debts
financiële sector. = financial sector
financiële situatie = financial situation
financiële solvabiliteit = financial solvency
financiële sponsoring = financial sponsorship
financiële statistiek = financial statistics
financiële steun = medium-term financial assistance
financiële steun = financial support
financiële steun = contribution
financiële stromen = financial flows
financiële studies = financial studies
financiële stuklijst = costed bill-of-material
financiële systeem BAS = BAS financial system
financiële taxaties = financial appraisals
financiële taxering en waardebepaling = financial appraisals and valuations
financiële tegemoetkoming = financial compensation
Financiële Term Sheet = Financial Term Sheet
financiële termen = financial terms
Financiële Termijnmarkt Amsterdam = Financial Futures Market Amsterdam
financiele toekomstbestendigheid = future financial stability
financiële toewijzing = government funding
financiële toewijzing = government grant
financiële toewijzing = governmental funding
financiële toezichthouder = financial regulator
financiële transactie = financial transaction
financiële transparantie = financial transparency
financiële tussenpersonen = financial intermediaries
financiële uitvoeringsvoorschriften van Eurojust = Eurojust Financial Implementing Rules
financiele vaste activa = financial fixed assets
Financiële vaste activa = Financial fixed assets
financiële vaste activa = financial [fixed] assets
financiele vaste active = financial fixed assets
financiële vennootschap = finance company
financiële verankering = financial basis
financiële verantwoordelijkheid = financial responsibility
financiële verantwoording = financial accounting
financiële verantwoording = letter of representation
financiële verantwoording = financial accountability
financiële verantwoording = financial statements
financiële vergoeding = financial compensation
financiële vergoeding onderzoekers en centra = financial compensation investigators and centres
financiële verhoging = increase in funding
financiële verhoudingsgetallen = financial ratios
financiële verhoudingsgetallen = financial obligations
financiële verliezen = financial losses
financiële verplichtingen = liabilities
financiële verplichtingen = financial obligations
financiële verplichtingen = financial commitments
Financiële verrekening = Financial settlement
financiële verslaggeving = accounting policies
financiële verslaggevingsrisico's = financial reporting risks
financiële verslaglegging = financial reporting
financiële verslagleggingsregels = financial reporting rules
financiële voordeel = financial benefit
financiële voordelen = financial benefits
financiële voorschriften = financial legislation
financiële vooruitzichten = financial perspectives
financiële voorwaarden = financial conditions
financiële wet = financial law
Financiele Wiskunde = Financial Mathematics
financiële zaken = financial affairs
financiële zaken (de afdeling) = financial department
financiële zaken (hoofd) = chief finance officer
financiële zaken (medewerker) = finance officer
financiële zekerheidsovereenkomst in de vorm van een eigendomsoverdracht = title transfer financial collateral arrangement
financiële zekerheidsovereenkomst in de vorm van een zakelijk zekerheids = security financial collateral arrangement
financiële-administratieperiode = accounting period
Financiële-informatiesystemen = Financial information systems
Financiëlemarktdeelnemer = financial market participant
financiëlezekerheidsovereenkomst = financial collateral arrangement
Financien = Financial aspects
financien = financing
financien = finance
financiën = financial aspects
Financiën = Funding
Financiën = Finances
financiën = finance
financiën = finances
Financiën & ICT = Finance & IT
Financiën en Control (domein F&C) = Finance & Control (F&C)
Financiën in het kort = Finance In Brief
financier = financier
financier van startend bedrijf met risicokapitaal = angel (popular language)
financier van startend bedrijf met risicokapitaal = to fund
financierbaarheid = financeability
financierbaarheid = sustainability
Financieren = Sponsor
Financieren = Back
Financieren = Bankroll
financieren = to finance
Financieren = Finance
financieren met schulden = "fund from loans, borrowed capital"
Financierend vermogen = Financing capital
financiering = "financing, funding"
Financiering = Finance
financiering = funding
financiering buiten de balans om = off-balance sheet-financing
financiering buiten de balans om = proprietorial financing (of a small or private company)
financiering door derden = third-party financing
financiering met eigen vermogen = equity financing
financiering met eigen vermogen = instalment sale financing
financiering met zeer korte looptijd = very short-term financing
financiering op korte termijn = short-term financing
financiering op lange termijn = long-term financing
financiering op middellange termijn = medium-term financing
financiering per capita = per capita funding
financiering uit de algemene begroting van de Europese Unie = funding from the general budget of the European Union
financiering van aankopen = financing of purchases
financiering van afbetalingscontract = time sale financing
financiering van beginnende onderneming(en) = nursery finance
financiering van de begroting = budget financing
financiering van de Gemeenschapsbegroting = financing of the Community budget
financiering van de hulp = financing of aid
financiering van de industrie = industrial financing
financiering van de uitvoer = export financing
financiering van een verkiezing = election financing
financiering van groei = financing growth
financiering van landen-kredieten = sovereign risk funding
financiering van lease-contracten = lease financing
financiering van leningen = financing of loans
financiering van niet-beursgenoteerde = financing of unlisted companies
financiering van terrorisme = financing of terrorism
financiering via de kapitaalmarkt = public funding
financiering via de kapitaalmarkt = capital market financing
financieringen = financing services
financieringen en monetaire diensten = financial and monetary services
Financierings preferente aandelen = Finance preference shares
financieringsactiviteiten = financing activities
financieringsarrangement = financing arrangement
financieringsbegroting/-prognose = financial forecast
financieringsbehoefte = required financing
financieringsbeleid = financing policy
financieringsbron = source of funding
financieringsbronnen = sources of funding
Financieringsdesk = Finance Desk
financieringsdocumentatie = financing documentation
financieringsdoeleinden = capital lease [Am.]
financieringsdoeleinden = financing lease
financieringsdoeleinden = funding objectives
financieringsfaciliteit = financing facility
financieringsfonds = financing fund
financieringshuur/verhuur = finance lease
financieringsinstelling = finance charges
financieringsinstelling = financial institution
financieringsinstrumentarium = funding instruments
financieringsinstrumentarium = financial instruments
Financieringsinstrumenten = Financing instruments
Financieringskapitaal = Financing capital
financieringskosten = financing costs
financieringsmaatschappij = finance company
Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden = Financing Association for Developing Countries
financieringsmethode = financing method
financieringsmiddelen van de overheid = government funding
financieringsmodel = financing model
financieringsmogelijkheden = funding options
financieringsmogelijkheden = financial resources
financieringsmogelijkheden = financing opportunities
financieringsofferte = financing bid
financieringsovereenkomst = borrowing arrangement
Financieringsovereenkomst = Financing contract
financieringsovereenkomst = financing agreement
financieringsovereenkomst = finance agreement
financieringsovereenkomst = finance arrangement
financieringsovereenkomst = financing arrangement
financieringsovereenkomst = funding agreement
financieringsovereenkomst = loan agreement
financieringsoverwegingen = financial considerations
financieringsplan = financing plan
Financieringsprincipe = Financing principle
financieringsproces = financing plan
financieringsregelingen = financing arrangements
Financieringsrekening = Financing account
financieringsresultaten = financing results
Financieringssaldo = Financing balance
financieringsstromen = funding flows
financieringsstructuren = financing structures
financieringsstructuur = financing structure
financieringssystemen voor langdurige uitkeringen = financing systems for long-term benefits
financieringstechniek = financing technique
Financieringstekort = Deficit ratio (D B/Y)
Financieringstekort = Deficit ratio
financieringstrategie = financing strategy
financieringstussenpersoon = finance agent
financieringsvoorstel = financing proposal
financieringsvoorwaarden = financing conditions
financieringsvormen = forms of funding
financierings-vraagstukken = financing issues
financieringswijze = financing method
financing = financing
financing models = financing models
finasteride = finasteride
finderrelais = Finder relay
Fine Adjustment = Fine Adjustment
fineer = veneer
Fineer = Veneer
fineer = plywood
fineerbeplakte = veneer coated
fineerfabriek = Veneer industry
fineerlaag = veneer layer
fineerschaar = guillotine
fineersoorten = kinds of veneer
fineerzaag = veneering saw
fineerzaag(je) = panel saw
fineren = to veneer
fineren = laminate
finetunen = fine-tune
finetunen = fine-tuning
finetuning = fine-tuning
Fine-tuning-transactie = Fine-tuning operation
finger = finger
fingeren = simulating
fingeren = invent/ make up
fingeren = feign
"fingeren, voorwenden, veinzen" = feign  (to represent by a false appearance of)
fingerliftband = finger-lift tape
Fingerliftband aanbrengen = Apply finger-lift tape
Fingerliftband verwijderen = Remove finger-lift tape
Finger-opdracht gebruiken = finger
fingerprinting = (website) fingerprinting
fingerprinting = fingerprinting
fingerspitzengefühl {het} = instinctive feeling
finish = finish
finish (to) = brush
finished drug product = finished drug product
finisher = finisher
finishlijn = finish line
finisseur = finisher
finite sample breakdown point = finite sample breakdown point
Finland = Finland
Finland {het} = Finland
Finnen {mv} = Finns
Fins = Finnish
Fins {het} = Finnish
Finse = Finn
Finse = Finnish
Finse {de} = Finn [female]
Finse Golf = Gulf of Finland
Finse sauna = Finnish sauna
Finse taal = Finnish
fintech = fintech
fintech-bedrijf = fintech company
fintech-organisatie = fintech organisation
fintechsector = fintech sector
fioel / finaal / kruisbloem / pinakel = finial
fioel / finaal / kruisbloem / pinakel (bouwkunde) = finial
Fiool = Vial
FIP = feline  infectious peritonitis: FIP: a common coronavirus infection of ca
Fire Brigade = Fire Brigade
Fire Brigades = Fire Brigades
Fire Enclosure Plate = Fire Enclosure Plate
Fire Safety = Fire Safety
Firefox = Firefox
Firewall = Firewall (networking)
firewall = firewall
firewalls = firewalls
firewall-traversal = firewall traversal
FireWire = FireWire
Firm bidding = Firm bidding
Firma = Venture
Firma = Business
Firma = Concern
Firma = Company
Firma = Firm
Firma = Adventure
Firma = Enterprise
firma = firm
firma = plant
firma {de} = company
firma van twijfelachtige reputatie = dicey business
firma van twijfelachtige reputatie = firm of doubtful repute
firma’s = companies
firmabriefhoofd = company letterhead
firmanaam = company name
firmanaam = Company name
firmanaam der vennootschap = partnership name
Firmant = Associate
Firmant = Partner
Firmant = General partner
firmastempel = company stamp
firmware = firmware
firmwarefout = firmware error
firmwareversie = Firmware version
"first come, first served" = "first come, first served"
First contact resolution = First contact resolution
First in first out = First in first out
"first in, first out" = "first in, first out"
First Order Belief = First Order Belief
First party cookies = First party cookies
First right of refusal = First right of refusal
First Solar Inc. = First Solar Inc.
First Time Read Yesterday-methode = First Time Read Yesterday method
first time right = first time right
First version = First version
first-pass = first barrier
first-pass = on the  first pass
First-Pass = Firstpass
first-pass effect (bij werking van medicijnen) = first-pass effect: the proportion of absorbed drug that's removed before 
fiscaal = fiscal
fiscaal = tax
fiscaal advies bij echtscheidingen = tax advice in connection with divorce proceedings
fiscaal aftrekbaar = tax deductible
fiscaal aftrekbaar tijdelijk verschil = tax deductible temporary difference
fiscaal belast = taxed
fiscaal belastbaar inkomen = taxable income
fiscaal beleid = fiscal policy
fiscaal beperkt aftrekbare kosten = Expenses partly deductible for tax purposes
fiscaal bovenmatige pensioenopbouw = exceed the fiscally-permitted maximum
fiscaal bovenmatige pensioenopbouw = excessive accrual for tax purposes
fiscaal bovenmatige pensioenopbouw = fiscal excess
fiscaal bovenmatige pensioenopbouw = pension accrued is considered excessive from a tax point of view
fiscaal delict = tax offence
fiscaal forfaitair bedrag van EUR XXX loonbelasting op loon inhouden = lump sum / flat-rate payroll tax of ...
fiscaal jaar = fiscal year
fiscaal maximaal toegestane staffel = maximum graduated contributions permitted under the tax rules
fiscaal maximaal toegestane staffel = permitted under the tax rules
fiscaal maximale staffel = maximum contributions scale for tax purposes
fiscaal maximale staffel = maximum scale for tax purposes
fiscaal monopolie = fiscal monopoly
fiscaal pensioenjaarloon = annual taxable wage
Fiscaal recht = Tax law
Fiscaal Recht & Economie (bacheloropleiding) = Fiscal Economics
Fiscaal relevante gegevens = fiscally relevant data
Fiscaal resultaat = Fiscal result
fiscaal statuut = tax status
fiscaal toegestane afschrijving = depreciation allowance
fiscaal toelaatbare reserves = fiscal reserves
fiscaal vermogen = net assets for tax purposes
fiscaal verrekenbaar tegoed = tax credit
fiscaal verrekenbaar tegoed in de toekomst = tax credit carry-forward
fiscaal verrekenbaar tegoed in de toekomst = tax free
fiscaal vestigingsklimaat = tax climate
fiscaal voordeel = tax benefits
fiscaal voordelig = fiscally advantageous
fiscaal voordelig = tax advantaged
fiscaal voordelig = tax-friendly
Fiscaal voordelig investeren = Tax-friendly investing
fiscaal vrijstellingsbedrag = tax exempt amount
fiscaal-juridisch = tax & legal
fiscaalnummer = tax number
fiscaalvriendelijke = tax friendly
fiscale = fiscal
fiscale adviezen = fiscal advice (BE/EU)
fiscale adviezen = tax advice
fiscale aftrek voor kantoor aan huis = home office deduction [Am.]
fiscale autoriteiten = tax authorities
fiscale behandeling = tax treatment
fiscale beleggingsinstelling = investment trust
fiscale beleggingsinstelling = simple trust [Am.]
fiscale beleggingsinstelling = unit trust (company)
fiscale bewaarplicht = obligation to retain data for fiscal purposes
fiscale bijtelling = additional tax liability
fiscale bovenmatigheid = exceed the fiscally-permitted maximum
fiscale bovenmatigheid = excessive accrual for tax purposes
fiscale bovenmatigheid = fiscal excess
fiscale bovenmatigheid = pension accrued is considered excessive from a tax point of view
fiscale controle = tax inspection
fiscale controle = tax audit
Fiscale dienstverlening = Fiscal services
fiscale druk = tax burden
Fiscale due diligence bevindingen = Tax due diligence findings
Fiscale Economie = Fiscal Economics
fiscale eenheid = fiscal unity
fiscale en sociale verzekeringswetgeving = tax and social security legislation
Fiscale expansie = Fiscal expansion
fiscale faciliteiten = tax relief (facilities)
fiscale gevolgen = tax consequences
fiscale grondslag = tax base
fiscale gunstregime = preferential tax regime
Fiscale hoedanigheid = Tax status
Fiscale Hogeschool = Fiscale Hogeschool (FHS)
fiscale implicaties = tax implications
Fiscale inkrimping = Fiscal contractoin
Fiscale inlichtingen en opsporingsdienst = Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service (FIOD)
fiscale inlichtingen- en opsporingsdienst = fiscal information and investigation service
fiscale investeringsaftrek = investment tax credit
fiscale investeringsaftrek = tax-basis financial statements [Am.]
fiscale kalender = fiscal calendar
fiscale klimaat = tax climate
fiscale normering personeelstarieven = standardised staff rates for tax purposes
fiscale oudedagsreserve = fiscal retirement reserve
fiscale overheden = tax authorities
Fiscale politiek = Fiscal policy
fiscale printer = fiscal printer
fiscale rechtspraak = fiscal court
fiscale risico’s = tax risks
fiscale ruimte = scope for pension tax relief
fiscale ruimte maximaal benutten = fully utilise the tax allowance
fiscale stakingsvrijstelling = business retirement relief
fiscale stimulans = tax incentive
fiscale stimulering = tax incentives
fiscale taxatie = fiscal assessments
fiscale transparantheid = flow-through method
fiscale transparantheid = rollover provision
fiscale uitsterfregeling = phasing out of the tax exemption
fiscale verplichtingen = tax obligations
fiscale vervangingsreserve = inventory tax allowance [Am.]
fiscale vervangingsreserve = tax rollover reserve account
fiscale vervangingsreserve = tax rollover reserve (account)
fiscale vestigingsklimaat = tax climate for businesses
Fiscale voordelen = Fiscal advantages
fiscale voorwaarden = fiscal conditions
fiscale vrijstellingsbedrag = tax exempt amount
fiscale winst- en verliesrekening = profit and loss account drawn up for tax purposes
fiscaliteit = tax position
fiscaliteit = taxation
fiscaliteit = tax system
fiscaliteit = tax law
"fiscaliteit, belastingen {p}, belastingwezen" = fiscality
fiscaliteiten = tax law
fiscaliteiten = fiscal matters
fiscaliteiten = tax considerations
fiscaliteiten = tax features
fiscaliteiten = tax matters
fiscaliteiten = tax position
fiscaliteiten = tax structure
fiscaliteiten = taxation
fiscaliteiten = the tax system
fiscus = tax authorities
fish sticks = fish fingers
Fisher & Julsing = Fisher & Julsing
Fisher-Hsu-Roy-verdeling = Fisher-Hsu-Roy distribution
Fisher-informatie = Fisher information
Fisher-informatie matrix = Fisher information matrix
Fisher-model = Fisher model
Fisher's B-verdeling = Fisher's B-distribution
Fisher-Yates-toets = exact chi-squared test
Fisher-Yates-toets = Fisher exact test
Fisher-Yates-toets = Fisher-Irwin test
Fisher-Yates-toets = Fisher-Yates test
FISH-techniek = fluorescence in situ hybridization
fisiochemie = physical chemistry
fisiochemie = physico-chemistry
fiskaliteit = fiscality
FIS-Rennstrecke = FIS race track
fissura in ano = anal  fissure: a superficial tear or laceration in the anus that causes i
fissura mediana anterior = anterior median  fissure of medulla oblongata
fissura transversa cerebri = transverse  fissure of cerebrum
fissura vesico-intestinalis = fissura vesico-intestinalis
Fissuur = Fissure
Fistel = Fistual
Fistel = Sinus
Fistel = Fistula
fistel in de slokdarm = esophageal fistula: an abnormal passage communicating with the esophagus
fistel van het spijsverteringskanaal = digestive system fistula
fistelachtig = fistular: shaped like a reed or tube
fistelhaakje = fistula hook
Fistelnaalden = Fistula needles
fistula capillaris = capillary  fistula
fistula colonicus = colonic  fistula
fistula dentalis = dental fistula
fistula gingivae = gingival fistula
fistula hepatica = hepatic fistula
fistula interna = fistula interna
fistula vesico-uterina = vesico-uterine  fistula
Fit = In trim
fit = fit
Fit = On form
fit = healthy
fit for purpose = fit for purpose
fit for use = fit for use
"FIT, Fiscaal Instituut Tilburg" = "FIT, Fiscal Institute Tilburg"
"fit-, knel- en klemsoldeerverbindingen" = "fit, crimp, clamp and soft solder connections"
fithaak = caliper (AE)
fitheid {de} = fitness
fitness & wellness faciliteiten = fitness & wellness facilities
fitness {de} = fitness
Fitness- en wellness centrum = Fitness and Wellness Centre
fitness- en wellnesscentrum = fitness and wellness centre
fitness test = performance test
Fitnessabonnees = Fitness subscribers
fitnessabonnementen = fitness subscriptions
fitnessapparatuur = exercise equipment
fitnesscentra = health clubs
fitnesscentra = gyms
"fitnesscentra, clubs aan het strand en in zwembaden" = "health clubs, beach and pool clubs"
fitnessclub = fitness centre
fitnessclub = gym
fitnessclub = health club
fitnessclub = health spa
fitnessdoelen = fitness goals
Fitnessgewichten = Fitness weights
fitnessstudio = fitness studio
Fitnessuitrusting = Fitness equipments
fitnesszaal = fitness hall
fits = hinge
fitten = adjust
fitter = fitter
fitter (van waterleiding) = plumber
"fitter (van waterleiding), loodgieter" = plumber
fitterij = fitting shop
Fitting = Trimming
Fitting = Lining
Fitting = Top off
fitting = fitting
Fitting = Garnishing
Fitting = Garnish
Fitting = Filling
fitting = screw cap
Fitting = Fixings
fitting = socket
Fitting met NSS-connectorbus = Lamp holder with NSS bus contact
Fitting voor installatiekabel voor onder stucwerk = Lamp holder for in-wall installation cable
Fittingen = Lamp-holders
fittingen = fittings
fittingen voor buizen = pipe fittings
fittinghuis = lamp casting
fittingschroevendraaier = electrician's screwdriver
FIU-Nederland = Financial Intelligence Unit
FIU-Nederland = Financial Intelligence Unit-Netherlands (FIU)
five-euro coin = Vijfje
Fix = Fix
fixatie = rainout
fixatie = value date / dating (with serious reservations: see context)
Fixatie = Fixation
fixatie band = fixation strap
fixatie elementen = fastening elements
Fixatie warmtegeleider = Fixation thermal conductor
fixatie-as = fixing axis
fixatieband = fixation strap
fixatie-elementen = fastening elements
fixatieplaat = fixation plate
fixatiepunt = fastening point
fixatiepunten = fixing points
Fixation Wheel = Fixation Wheel
fixator voor de ledematen = fixation device for the extremities
fixed = fixed
fixed constraint = fixed constraint
fixed liquid level gauge = fixed liquid level gauge
fixed part right side = fixed part right side
fixed price = fixed price
fixed price van slechts = fixed price of only
fixed RF = fixed RF
fixeer elementen = fastening elements
fixeer nokken = fixing cams
fixeerbaar = fixably
fixeerbad = fixing solution
Fixeereenheidskits = Fuser kits
fixeerlip = fixing lug
fixeermachine = fixation machine
fixeermiddelen = fixation devices
fixeermiddelen = fastening means
Fixeermiddelen voor losgeslagen graszode = Divot fixers
Fixeerplaat voor beugelklem = Shell for cable clamp
fixeerpunt = fastening point
fixeerpunt = anchor point
fixeerpunten = fastening points
fixeer-punten = fastening points
fixeerring (van kogellager) = retaining ring
fixeerschroef = locating screw
fixeerstof = fixer
fixeervloeistof = fixer
fixeren = fix
fixeren = to fix
fixeren = attach
Fixeren = Secure
fixeren = fuse
fixeren = fixing
fixerend klemmen = fixing clamping
fixfocus = fixed focus
fixfocus vergroter = fixed focus enlarger
Fixing Plate = Fixing Plate
fixingmarkt = Fixing market
Fixtures = Fixtures
fixusregeling = admissions quota
Fjodor Dostojevski = Fyodor Dostoevsky
fjord = fjord
Fjordenmodel = Fjord model
F-kolom (bouw) = F-column
FKT = Faculty of Catholic Theology
Flaccidus = Flaccid
flaccidus = floppy
Flacon = bottle
flacons = flasks
fladderen = flirt
fladderen = (noun)   flutter (of the heart)
Fladderen = Flutter
fladderthorax = flail chest
flag = flag
flag-day-migratie = ‘flag day’ migration
Flagellata = Flagellates
flagellatie = whipping
flagrante = glaring
flagrante tekortkomingen = glaring shortcoming
flagrante tekortkomingen = glaring shortcomings
Flagstones = Flagstones
Flair = Flair
flakkeren = flicker
Flakkeren = Dither
Flakkeren = Flare
Flakkeren = Totter
Flakkeren = Flare up
Flakkeren = Reel
Flakkerkaarslamp = Flickering candle lamp
flambouw = torch
Flamboyant = Flamboyant
Flamboyant = Blazing
Flame = Flame
flamenco = flamenco
flamingo = flamingo
Flamingo's = Flamingo
Flanders Expo = Flanders Expo
flaneerzone = pedestrian zone
Flanel = Flannel
flanel {de} {het} = flannel
flanellen = flannel
flanellen pantalons = flannels
Flange = Flange
Flange Blanking Aperture = Flange Blanking Aperture
Flange Blanking Apeture = Flange Blanking Aperture
Flange Door = Flange Door
Flange Mount Sensor Activator = Flange Mount Sensor Activator
Flanged Ring = Flanged Ring
flank = flank
flank = edge
flank = side
flank = flank: space between floating ribs and iliac crests
flank (b.v. van vesting) = flank
flank botsing = side collision
flank van de voeg = joint edge
flankcorrectiefilter = colour take-off filter
flankdiameter = pitch diameter
flankdiameter = basic effective pitch diameter
Flankeer-aanval strategie = Flanking attack strategy
Flankeermerk = Flanker brand
flankeertoren (van burcht) = flanking tower
flanken = edges
flankenruimte op flankdiameter = effective diameter clearance
Flankeren = Flanking
Flankeren = To flank
Flankeren = Flank
flankerend beleid = terms and conditions of severance
flankerend beleid = accompanying policies
flankerend beleid = supporting policies
Flankerend geluidoverdracht = Flanking sound transmission
flankerend onderwijs = supportive learning/education/training
flankerende sequentie = flanking sequence
flankhoek = flank angle
flanking-roer = flanking rudder
flankoppervlak = flank surface
flanksteilheid = slope
Flankwapening / Flankstaven = "lateral reinforcement / lateral rods, lateral bars"
flap = slap
flap = blow
flap = flap
Flap = Ticket
flap(pen) = flap(s)
flapdrol {de} [vulg.] [pej.] = jerk [esp. Am.] [coll.]
flappen = flaps
Flard = Shred
Flard = Scrap
Flard = Rag
Flash = Flash
flash = Flash Report
flash = flash
flash geheugen = flash memory
flash pasteurisatie = flash pasteurization
Flashback = Flashback
flash-back = flashback phenomenon
Flash-card = Flash card
FlashFiler 2 = FlashFiler 2
flashgeheugen = flash memory
Flash-geheugenkaart = flash memory card
Flashgeheugenopslagmedia = Flash memory storage devices
Flashpix = Flashpix
flashupgrade op het BIOS toepassen = flash the BIOS
flat = flat
flat = multistory apartment building
flat = multistorey block of flats
flat = apartment
flat = multistory apartment house
Flat = Housing
flat = apartment building
flat (woning) = flat
flat {de} = flat [esp. Br.]
flat {de} = apartment <apt.> [Am.]
Flat Cable Fixation Plate = Flat Cable Fixation Plate
flat container = flat rack container
Flat Face = Flat Face
flat head screw = flat head screw
Flatbedscanner = Flatbedscanner
Flatcable = ribbon cable
Flatcable = Flatcable
flatcable fixation plates = flat cable fixation plates
flatcables = flat cables
Flate Cable Fixation Plate = Flat Cable Fixation Plate
Flater = Slip-up
flater {de} = blunder
flatgebouw = apartment building (block of flats)
flatgebouw = apartment block
flatgebouw = flatbuilding
flatgebouw = block of flats
Flatgebouw = Apartment building
flatgebouw (met koopflats) = condo / concominium
flatgebouw / etagebouw /galerijflat = block of flats
flatgebouw / torenflat = tower block
flatgebouw {het} = block of flats [Br.]
flatgebouw {het} = apartment building [esp. Am.]
flatpack = flat pack
Flat-Pack = Flat-Pack
flatpnt = flatpnt
flatrack = blade replacement flat rack
flatscreen = flat screen
flatteren = embellish
Flatteren = Enhance
Flatteren = Blandish
Flatteren = Beautify
Flatteren = Pride
Flatteren = Sooth
Flatteren = Improve in looks
Flatteren = Flatter
flatulentie = bloating
flatulentie = farting
flatulentie = flatulence
flatulentie = gas
flatulentie = wind
Flatulentie = Flatulence
flauw = dull
flauw = tasteless [boring]
flauw = bland [of flavoring]
flauw = muddled
flauw = insipid
flauw = vague [concept]
flauw = faint [languid]
flauw = silly
Flauw = Obtuse
flauw = tasteless [bland flavor]
"flauw vallen, de onmacht, de syncope" = "fainting spell, blackout, syncope"
flauwe helling (van dak) = shallow pitch
flauwekul = sly joke
flauwekul = nonsense
flauwekul {de} [omg.] = baloney [coll.]
Flauwerd = Contended
Flauwerd = Pleasing
Flauwerd = Ducky
Flauwerd = Amusing
Flauwerd = Nice
Flauwhartig = Coy
Flauwhartig = Timid
Flauwhartig = Retiring
Flauwhartig = Shyly
Flauwhartig = Shy
Flauwhartig = Diffidently
Flauwhartig = Bashful
Flauwhartig = Bashfully
Flauwhartig = Coyly
flauwte = faint
Flauwvallen = Vanish
flauwvallen = to  faint
Flauwvallen = Conk out
flauwvallen = to faint
flauwvallen = fainting
Flauwvallen = Pass out
Flauwvallen = Faint
Flauwvallen = Swoon
"flauwvallen, [formal] bezwijmen" = faint  (to lose consciousness)
flavaspidinzuur = flavaspidic acid
flavine adenine dinucleotide = FAD:  flavin-adenine dinucleotide: the condensation of riboflavin and ade
flavine mononucleotide = flavin mononucleotide
Flavius Josephus = Josephus
flavone = C15H10O2  flavone: a plant pigment that is a potent inhibitor of prostagl
flavonoide = flavonoids: substances of plant origin containing flavones
Flavour Island = Flavour Island
flavoxaat = flavoxate: an antispasmodic used in treating various urinary syndromes
flavoxanthine = flavoxanthin
Flebitis = Phlebitis
Flebografie = Phlebography
flecainide = Tambocor
flecainide-acetaat = flecainide acetate
fleece = fleece
Fleet Management bellen = Call Fleet Management
Fleet Manager = Fleet Manager
Fleet Support Engineering = FSE
fleetgegevens = fleet data
fleetmonitoring = fleet monitoring
fleetvoorwaarden = fleet conditions
Flegma = Stolidity
flegma = indifference
Flegma = Phlegm
Flegmatiek = Phlegmatic
flegmatieke = cool-headed
Flegmone = Phlegmon (Niet: Flegmone)
flegmone van de amandel = throat phlegmon
Flemen = Wheedle
Flemen = Flatter
Flemen = Blandish
Flemen = Pamper
Flemen = Pride
Flemen = Coax
Flemen = Cajole
Flemen = Cuddle
Flemen = Sooth
Flemen = Inveigle
Flemish = dissertation
Flemish = microwave
"Flemish, colloquial" = zonk
Flemming-Viot proces = Flemming-Viot process
flens = outer rim
flens = flared flange
flens = bead
flens = pipe flange
flens = flange
Flens = Flange
flens = FL
flens (op verfkwast) = ferrule
flens / rand = flange
flens van de aandrijfas = driving shaft flange
flens van de machinedrager = main carrier flange
flens van de overbrenging = gear flange
flensaansluiting = flange connection
flensaansluitingen = flanged connections
Flensadapters = Flange adaptors
flensbobijn = flanged bobbin
flensbochten = flange bends
flensbochten met snelkoppeling = flange bends with quick coupling
Flensbout = Self locking screw
flensbrand = flange fire
flensbranden = flange fires
flensdikte = flange thickness
Flensdoorsnede = Flange diameter
flensen = flanges
flensframe = flange frame
Flenskit = Flange mounting set
Flensklem = Flange clamp
flenslager = flange bearing
flenslagers = flange bearings
flenslagers vernieuwd = flange bearings replaced
flensleidingen = flanged pipes
Flensmaat = Flange size
flensmaat = flange size
flensmachine = flanging machine
Flensmoer = Self locking nut
flensmoeren = flanged nuts
flensmontage = flange mounting
flensmonteur = flange fitter
Flensopening = Flange opening
flenspakking = flange gasket
flenspakkingen = flange gaskets
flensplaat = flange plate
flensplaat = flange board
Flensplaat wandgoot = Wall rosette for wall duct
flensrand = flange edge
Flensring = Flange Ring
flensringhouder = flange load ring
flensstukken = flange pieces
flensuiteinde = flanged end
flensverbinding = flange joint
flens-verbinding = flange connection
flensverbinding [1] = flanged joint
flensverbinding [2] = flanged seam
flensverbinding [3] = flange joint
flensverbindingen = flanged connections
Flensverbindingsstukken = Flange jointing sets
Flensvorm = Flange shape
flenzen = flanges
fleroxacine = fleroxacin
fles = bottle
fles {de} = bottle
fles Champagne = bottle of champagne
fles voor vluchtige vloeistof = volatile liquid bottle
fleshouder = bottle holder
flesjeswaterpas = simple levelling device consisting of two bottles interconnected by a hos
Flesopener = Crown cork opener
flesopener = bottle opener
flesopener {de} = bottle opener
flesopeners = bottle openers
flesprijzen = bottle prices
flessedop = bottle cap
Flessehals = Bottleneck
flessen = trick
flessen = rip off
flessen = swindle
flessen = bottles
flessen {mv} = bottles
flessen- en ringenfabriek = Bottle and rings industry
flessen van plastic of glas = bottles of plastic or glass
flessen vloeibaar koolwaterstofgas = liquefied hydrocarbon gas bottles
Flessen voor lpg = Liquefied-gas containers
"Flessen, potten en glazen flacons" = "Bottles, jars and phials"
flessenbergingen = bottle storage facilities
flessenfrigo = bottle fridge
flessenhals = bottleneck
Flessenhouder = Bottle cage
flessenhouder = bottle socket
Flessenkantelbeveiliging = Accessory
flessenkar = gas cylinder cart
flessenkoeler = bottle cooler
flessenopener = bottle opener
flessenpaal = fingerpost
Flessenreiniger = Bottle sterilizer
flessenrek = bottle rack
flessenspoel = bottle bobbin
flessenspoelinrichting = Bottle washing plant
flessenstaal = bottle steel
Flessentrekker = Fraudster
Flessentrekker = Crookster
Flessentrekker = Diddler
Flessentrekker = Swindler
Flessentrekker = Crook
Flessentrekker = Huckster
Flessentrekker = Swindling
flessenwagen = cylinder trolley
flessenwagen (met gasflessen b.v. bij laswerk) = trolley
Flessenwarmer = Baby food warmer
flessluitingenfabriek (metaal) = Metal bottle cap industry
flesvoeding = bottle feeding
flesvorm = bottle form
Flets = Colourless
Flets = Dull
Flets = Drab
flets = pale
fleur = airiness
Fleurig = Buoyant
Fleurig = Busy
Fleurig = Thriving
Fleurig = Blooming
Fleurig = Flourishing
fleurig = abloom
Fleurig = Spirited
Fleurig = Animated
Fleurig = Animate
Flevoland = Flevoland
flex time = flexitime
flex werkplek = hot desking
Flexarbeid = Flexi labour
flexcode = flexcode
flexfuelvoertuig op biodiesel = flex fuel biodiesel vehicle
flexfuelvoertuig op ethanol = flex fuel ethanol vehicle
Flex-houder = Flexible holder
flexibel = hose
flexibel = flexible
flexibel = pliable
Flexibel (geribd) = Flexible (waved)
flexibel aangewend kan worden = can be used flexibly
flexibel element = flexible element
Flexibel en hoog elastisch = Flexible and highly elastic
flexibel en hybride model voor IT-Outsourcing = "flexible, hybrid IT Outsourcing model"
flexibel en modulair = flexible and modular
flexibel en modulair afschermsysteem = flexible and modular safety fencing system
flexibel en vlak = flexible and flat
flexibel fabricagesysteem = flexible manufacturing system: FMS
flexibel gebruik van het luchtruim = flexible use of airspace
Flexibel gedrag = Flexibility
flexibel instelbaar = flexibly adjustable
Flexibel inzetbaar wagenpark = Flexibly deployable fleet
flexibel kan aangewend worden = can be used flexibly
Flexibel kanaalwerk = Flexible ductwork
flexibel materiaal = flexible material
flexibel onderwijs = flexible education
Flexibel Pensioen en Uittreding = flexible retirement (contribution)
Flexibel Pensioen en Uittreding = Flexible Pension and Retirement Scheme
Flexibel Pensioen en Uittreding = flexible and early retirement pension
flexibel productiesysteem = flexible production system
flexibel remslang = flexible brake hose
Flexibel Renteniers Plan = ‘Flexibel Renteniers Plan’
flexibel richting de klant = flexible towards the customer
flexibel tijdslot = flexible time bracket
flexibel verbindingselement = flexible connecting element
flexibel verpakken = flexible packaging
flexibel verpakken in folie = flexible foil packaging
Flexibel wandschakelaars = flexible wall switches
flexibel werken = flexible working
flexibel worden opgenomen = taken flexibly
"flexibel, fris en motiverend" = "flexible, fresh and motivating"
"Flexibel, snel en betrouwbaar" = "Flexible, fast and reliable"
flexibele = flexible
flexibele afvoerbuis van plastic = flexible plastic drainage pipe
flexibele afvoerslang = flexible drain hose
flexibele arbeid = flexible labour
flexibele as = flexible shaft
flexibele authenticatie = flexible authentication
flexibele automatisering = flexible automation
flexibele beloning = flexible remuneration
flexibele beperking = flexible constraint
flexibele bovenste verbindingselement = flexible upper connecting element
flexibele brandstofleiding = Flexible fuel line
Flexibele break-even-analyse = Flexible break-even-analysis
Flexibele buis = Flexible pipe
Flexibele buis voor ventilatiesysteem = Flexible tube for ventilation system
flexibele cryptografie = cryptographic agility
flexibele cryptografie = crypto agility
flexibele dunne film pv-modules = as flexible thin-film PV modules
flexibele dunne film zonnepanelen = "flexible, thin-film solar panels"
flexibele element = flexible element
flexibele en in omvang aanpasbare productieprocessen = flexible and scalable production processes
flexibele en modulaire = flexible and modular
flexibele en veelzijdige = flexible and versatile
flexibele folies = flexible foils
flexibele id = flexible identifier
flexibele id = flexible ID
flexibele kanalen = flexible ducts
flexibele kunststof = flexible plastic
flexibele leiding = flexible duct
flexibele lessentabel = flexible timetable
flexibele machinegroep = flexible machine center: FMC
flexibele massa voeg = flexible plug joint
flexibele onderdelenfabricage met gewapend rubber = flexible reinforced rubber part manufacturing
flexibele ontwikkelomgeving = flexible development environment
flexibele paneel = flexible panel
flexibele panelen = flexible panels
flexibele productie-automatisering = flexible production automation: FPA
flexibele programmering = flexible programming
Flexibele reactiediensten = Flexible responsive services
flexibele rubberen slangen = flexible rubber hoses
Flexibele schacht = Flexible shaft
flexibele schatting = spline estimate
Flexibele schijf = floppy disk
flexibele schil = "flexible, non-core workforce"
flexibele schil = temporary staff
flexibele schil = temporary workforce
flexibele schil van zelfstandige professionals = "flexible, non-core workforce of self-employed persons"
flexibele slang = flexible hose
flexibele slangen = flexible hoses
Flexibele stijgbuizen = Flexible risers
Flexibele tuit = Flexible spout
flexibele verbinding = flexible joint
flexibele verbinding = flexible connector
flexibele verbinding = flexible joint
flexibele verbindingen = flexible connectors
Flexibele verpakking = Flexible packaging
flexibele verpakkingsmachine = flexible packaging machine
flexibele werkduur = variable working hours
flexibele werkplekken = flexible workplaces
flexibele werktijden = flexible working hours
flexibele werktijden = flexitime
Flexibele wisselkoers = Flexible exchange rate
flexibele wisselkoersen = considerable
flexibele wisselkoersen = flexible rates of exchange
flexibele wisselkoersen = substantial
flexibele zonnefolies = flexible solar films
flexibele zonnepaneel = flexible solar panel
flexibele zonnepanelen = flexible solar panels
flexibeler gebruik mogelijk te maken = allow for more flexible use
flexibelere machineafscherming = more flexible machine guard
flexibels = hoses
Flexibel-winstpercentagesysteem = Flexible profit percentage system
flexibilisering = make more flexible
flexibilisering = becoming more flexible
flexibilisering = flexibilisation
flexibilisering = flexibility
flexibiliseringsmogelijkheden = introducing a certain amount of scope for flexibility
flexibiliseringsmogelijkheden = scope for flexibility
flexibiliseringsproject = project to increase flexibility
flexibiliteit = flexibility
flexibiliteit = compliance
flexibiliteit en dienstverlening = flexibility and service
flexibiliteit en het vermogen om te veranderen = "flexibility, and the ability to change"
flexibiliteit en mobiliteit = flexibility and mobility
flexibiliteit en modulariteit = flexibility and modularity
flexibiliteit en productiviteit = flexibility and productivity
Flexibiliteit en schaalbaarheid = Flexibility and Scalability
flexibiliteit en veelzijdigheid = flexibility and versatility
Flexibiliteit en voortdurende verbetering = Flexibility and continuous improvement
flexibiliteit in planning = flexible planning
flexibiliteit in planning en werktijden = flexibility in planning and working hours
flexibiliteit in stapelpatronen = stacking pattern flexibility
flexibiliteit opbrengen = be flexible
flexibiliteit van de arbeid = labour flexibility
flexibiliteit van de werknemer = worker adaptability
flexibiliteit van het verpakken = packaging flexibility
Flexibiliteit vs capaciteit = Flexibility vs capacity
"flexibiliteit, plooibaarheid, buigbaarheid" = flex (flexibility)
flexibiliteitschema = flexibility scheme
flexibiliteitsinstrument = flexibility instrument
flexibiliteitsratio = flexibility ratio
flexibilitiet / mobilitiet = flexibility/mobility
flexibility curve = curve of flexibility
flexibility curve = flexibility curve
flexibiteit in planning = flexible planning
Flexible aftakking/chassisdeeladapter = Flexible branch/chassis part adapter
"Flexible electronics, also known as flex circuits, is a technology for as" = local
Flexible hose = Flexible hose
Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container = Big Bag
Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container = Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container (FIBC)
Flexicurity = Flexicurity
Flexicurity (lectoraat) = Flexicurity (professorship)
Flexicurity (lectoraat) = Flexicurity
Flexie = Flexure
Flexie = Bending
Flexie = Flexion
Flexie = Deflection
flexie {de} = inflection
flexie van de baarmoeder = uterine  flexion
flexie van de baarmoeder = displacement of the womb
flexkoppeling = flexible fitting
flexmedewerkers = flexible workers
flexodruk = flexoprint
flexodruk = flexographic printing
flexografisch printen = flexographic printing
flexor = flexor
flexo-vouwlijmmachine = flexo-folder-gluer
flexowriter = flexowriter
Flexplanning = Flexpool
flexplekken = flex workstations
flexplekken = flexible workplaces
flexpool segment = flexpool segment
flexpool toegangsgebied = flexpool access area
Flexpoolaanvraag = Flexpool request
flexvraagstukken = flex issues
flexwerk = flexible work
flexwerken = flexible working
flexwerker = Contract Worker/Employee
flexwerker = flex-worker
flexwerkplek = flex workstation
flexwerkplekken = flex workstations
flexwerkplekvoorzieningen = flexible workplace facilities
flg = flg
flicker/fusion frequentie = flicker fusion frequency
flicker/fusion frequentie = flicker fusion: the frequency at which all flicker of an intermittent lig
Flight data recorder = Flight recorder
Flight data recorder = Black box
Flight recorder = Flight recorder
Flight recorder = Black box
flight safety officer = flight safety officer
Flightbar = flight bar
flightbar + achteropsluiter = flight bar + rear closing-up device
Flightbar gewenste positie = Desired position of flight bar
flightbar met producten = flight bar with products
Flightbar parameters = Flight bar parameters
Flightbar profinet station offline = Flight bar PROFINET station offline
Flightbar wil homecyclus beginnen = Flight bar wants to start homing cycle
flightbar zonder producten = flight bar without products
Flikje = Pastille
Flikje = Pellet
Flikje = Tablet
Flikken = Patch
Flikken = Patch up
Flikken = Stop up
Flikken = Plug up
flikken = mend
Flikker = Scamp
Flikker = Fly-swat
Flikker = Rascal
flikker = homosexual
Flikker = Faggot
Flikker = Chatterbox
Flikker = Mousetrap
Flikker = Naughty child
Flikker = Carpet beater
Flikker = Chatterer
Flikker = Carpet-beater
Flikker = Fly-swatter
Flikker = Patcher
Flikker = Nancy
Flikker = Slap
flikkereffect = flicker effect
flikkeren = waver
flikkeren = flash
flikkeren = to flicker
Flikkeren = Flickering
Flikkeren = Twinkle
Flikkeren en afdimmen = Flickering and dimming
flikkerfrequentie = flicker frequency
flikkerfront = Fags' Front (Queer Quality)
flikkering = flash
flikkering = flicker
flikkerlicht = flash-light
flikkerlichten = flashing lights
flikkerscotomen = Scintillating scotoma(s)
flink = considerable
Flink = Brave
flink aan de weg timmeren = doing all it can to promote itself
flink in de kosten gesneden = significantly cut costs
flink verkort = significantly shortened
flinke bijdrage = significant contribution
flinke boost lef = solid boost of courage
flinke energiebesparing = considerable energy savings
flinke koersstijging op een verder dalende beurs = bear market rally
flinke koersstijging op een verder dalende beurs = fair demand
Flinkweg = Roundly
Flinkweg = Forthrightly
Flinkweg = Specifically
Flinkweg = Plainly
Flinkweg = Bluntly
Flinkweg = Straight out
Flinkweg = Squarely
Flinkweg = Downright
flintglas = flint glass
flip-flop = flip-flop
Flip-flop = Weighing machine
Flip-flop = Seesaw
Flip-flop = Flip-flop (electronics)
flip-flop generator = flip-flop generator
flipflops {mv} = flip-flops
flipover = flip-chart
flip-over = flip chart
Flipoverblokken = Flipchart pad
flip-overs = flipcharts
flipovervel = flipchart sheet
flipovervellen = flipchart sheets
flipper = flipper
Flipperkast = Flipper
Flipperkasten = Pinball machines
flirt {de} [het flirten] = flirtation
flirt {de} [persoon] = flirt
Flirten = Love affair
Flirten = Flirtation
Flirten = Fling
Flirten = Flirting
flirten = flirt
Flirten = Intrigue
flirten = to flirt
Flirten = Coquettishness
flits = lightning
Flits = Flash
Flitsblokjes = Photographic flashcubes
flitsbuis = flashtube
flitscontact = "flash contact, - socket, - nippel"
flitscontacten = flash contacts
flitscontactstekker = "flash coupler, - plug"
flitsen = flash
Flitsen = Flashing
Flitser = Flash
Flitsers = Flashlights
flitskost = fast food
flitslamp = flash-bulb
Flitslamp = Flash bulb
Flitslampjes = Photographic flashbulbs
flitslicht = flashing light
Flitslicht = Flashlight
flitslicht = flash light
Flitslicht = Strobe luminaire
flitslicht = strobe lights
Flitslichtlamp = Flashlight
flitspuit = atomizer
flitsscheiding = fast-track divorce
flitsschoen = "flash shoe, - sockel, hot -"
Flitsschoen adapter = Strobe shoe adapter
flitssynchronisatietijd = flash sync speed
flitstemperatuur = flash temperature
flitsverlichting = flashing lights
flitsvertraging = flash delay
flng = flng
Floating point datatype = Floating point data type
Floating point datatypen = Floating point data types
floating screed = zwevende dekvloer
floatlosser = float glass unloader
floatlossers = float glass unloaders
flocculatie = flocculation
Flodder = Waste water
Flodder = Dirt
Flodder = Mud
Flodder = Ooze
Flodder = Sludge
flodderen = wade
Floers = Sail
floers = fog
Flonkeren = Sparkle
flonkeren = to sparkle
flonkeren = to twinkle
flonkeren = to glitter
flonkering {de} = sparkle
Flood = Flood
flood control = flood control
Floorprimer = floor primer
floorwalker = floorwalker
Flop = Fiasco
Flop = floppy diskettes
Flop = Bomb
Flop = Flop
flop = abortion
flop {de} = flop [coll.]
Floppen = Strand
Floppen = Fail
floppen = abort
floppen = to flop [coll.]
floppy = floppy
"floppydisks, harddisks" = "floppy disks, hard disks"
flora = vegetation
Flora = Flora
flora = plant life
flora (gezamenlijke vegetatie) = flora
flora (gezamenlijke vegetatie) = flora (biology)
flora {de} = flora
Flora- en faunawet = Flora and Fauna Act
Flora- en faunawet (Ff-wet) = Dutch Nature Conservation Act
Flora- en faunawetontheffing = Nature Conservation Act exemption
floraal = floral
floraherstel = flora restoration
floravervalsing = bastardisation of flora
Florence = Florence
Florence (stad) = Florence
Florence Nightingale = Florence Nightingale
floreren = flourish
floreren = be succesful
Floreren = Thrive
Floreren = Prosper
Floreren = Successful
"floreren, welig tieren" = "thrive, to"
florerende = thriving
Floresmens = Homo floresiensis
Floret = Foil
florfenicol: een analoog het antibioticum chloramphenicol / chlooramfenic = "florfenicol: a synthetic, broad-spectrum antibiotic active against many g"
Florida = Florida
Florida (staat) = Florida
Floridamot = "Beet armyworm, Small mottled willow"
Florisil = Florisil
Florissant = Blooming
Florissant = Thriving
Florissant = Flourishing
florotannines = phlorotannins
flotatie = flotation
flotatiebekken = flotation basin
flotteren = floating
Flottielje = Flotilla
flow = flow
flow = workflow
Flow control = Flow control
flow creator = flow creator
flow diagramma’s = process flow diagrams
flow richting = flow direction
flow sensor = flow sensor
flow technologie = flow technology
Flow Turning conveyor = flow turning conveyor
flowalarm = flow alarm
flowchart(s) = flowchart(s)
flowdiagrammen = flow diagrams
flowindicator = flow indicator
flowkast = laminar flow cabinet
flowmeeting = flow measurement
flowmeter = flow meter
flowmeters = gauges
flowmeters en drukmeters = pressure gauges and flow meters
Flow-meting = Flow measurement
flowschema = flow diagram
flowsensor = flow sensor
Flow-sensor = Flow sensor
flowsensors = flow sensors
flowtest = flow test
Flowtransmitter = Flow Transmitter (FT)
Flowunit = Flow Unit
flu?da = fluids
fluanisone = fluanisone: an antianxiety agent
fluanisone = haloanisone
fluateermiddel (behangen) = fluate
Fluazifop = Fluazifop
Fluazinam = Fluazinam
flubendazool = flubendazole
flucinolon acetonide = fluocinolone acetonide
fluclorolon = fluclorolone
fluclorolonacetonide = fluclorolone acetonide
flucloxacillin = flucloxacillin
fluconazole = fluconazole
flucortolon = fluocortolone
fluctuatie = fluctuation
fluctuatie van de baansnelheid = path velocity fluctuation
fluctuatiemarge = fluctuation margin
fluctuatievoorraad = fluctuation inventory
fluctueren = fluctuate
fluctueren = to shuttle
fluctuerende verkeerspatronen = fluctuating traffic patterns
flucytosine = flucytosine
fludarabine = C10H12FN5O4
fludrocortison = fludrocortisone acetate
fludrocortison = fludrocortisone
fludroxycortide = fludroxycortide
Fluent = Fluent
Fluent-gebruikersinterface = Fluent user interface
flufenaminezuur = flufenamic acid
flufenazine = fluphenazine
fluïda = fluids
fluïda = utility department
fluïdaal = fluidically
fluïdaal af te sluiten = fluidically close off
fluïdaal te verbinden = fluidically connect
fluidica = fluidics
fluïdica = fluidics
fluidisatie = fluidization
fluïdisatie = fluidisation
fluidisatiestoringen = fluidization disruptions
fluidisch met elkaar verbonden = fluidly interconnected
fluidisch verbonden = fluidly connected
fluiditeit = fluidity: the property of flowing easily
fluiditeit = liquidity
fluiditeit = the reciprocal of viscosity
fluïdizatie = fluidisation
Fluïdum = Fluid
Fluïdum = fluid
fluïdum = fluid
fluïdumverbinding = fluid communication
Fluisteren = Insinuate
Fluisteren = Swish
Fluisteren = Allude
Fluisteren = Blow
Fluisteren = Rustle
fluisteren = to whisper
Fluisteren = Mutter
Fluisteren = Hint
Fluisteren = Prompt
Fluisteren = Huff
fluisteren = whisper
Fluisteren = Murmur
fluistering = whisper
fluisterpopster = soft-voiced pop artist
fluisterprofiel = sound muffler
fluit = flute
fluit = whistle
Fluit (muziekinstrument) = Flute
fluit {de} = flute
Fluitblazer = Flutist
Fluitblazer = Flautist
Fluiten = Hiss
Fluiten = Musical flutes
fluiten = whistle
fluiten = to whistle
Fluiten = Wheeze
Fluitglas = Flute
Fluitist = Flutist
Fluitist = Flautist
Fluitje = Cat-call
fluitje = whistle
fluitje {het} = whistle
Fluitketel = Kettle
Fluitschip = Flute
flumetason = flumetasone
flumetasonpivalaat = flumethasone pivalate
flumethasone = flumethasone: an anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid used in veterinary medi
flumiclorac-pentyl = "phenyl 2-[2-chloro-(1,3-dioxo-4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoindol-2-yl)-4-fluoroph"
flumioxazine = flumioxazine
flumioxazine (F) = flumioxazine (F)
flumipropyn = flumipropyn
flunarizine = flunarizine: a selective calcium entry blocker with calmodulin binding pr
flunisolide = flunisolide
flunitrazepam = "flunitrazepam: Benzodiazepine, similar to diazepam"
fluocinoloneacetonide = fluocinolone acetonide
fluocinonide = fluocinolide
fluocinonide = fluocinonide: a topical glucocorticoid used to treat eczema
fluocinonide = fluocinonide
fluocortin = fluocortin
fluocortolon = fluocortolone: an anti-inflammatory topical glucocorticoid used to treat 
fluor = fluorine
Fluor [F] (elementair) = Fluor [F] (elementary)
fluor albus = fluor albus
fluor albus = leucorrhea
Fluorantheen = Fluoranthene
fluoratomen = fluorine atoms
fluorboorzuur = fluoboric acid
fluorboraat = fluoborate
Fluorchloridon = Fluorchloridone
fluordifen = fluordiphen
Fluoreen = Fluorene
fluoreen = C13H10
fluoresceine = fluorescein
fluorescent = fluorescent
fluorescent lamp = fluorescent lamp
fluorescente inkt = fluorescent ink (dayglow)
fluorescentie = fluorescence
Fluorescentie is het effect waarbij onzichtbaar ultraviolet licht omgezet = Fluorescence is the effect whereby invisible ultraviolet light is transfo
Fluorescentiebuizen = Fluorescent tubes
fluorescentielamp = fluorescent lamp
fluorescentielamp zonder ingebouwd voorschakelapparaat = fluorescent lamp without integrated ballast
Fluorescentielampen = Fluorescent lights
fluorescentielampen zonder ingebouwd voorschakelapparaat = fluorescent lamps without integrated ballast
Fluorescentiemicroscopen = Fluorescent microscopes
fluorescentiepoeder = fluorescent powder
fluorescentie-polarisatie immunoassay = fluorescence polarization immunoassay
fluorescentie-polarisatie immunoassay = polarization fluoroimmunoassay
fluorescentie-spectrocopie = spectrofluorometry
fluorescentie-spectrocopie = fluorescence spectrophotometry
fluorescentie-spectrocopie = fluorescence spectroscopy
fluorescentiestofverzadiging = saturation of the fluorescent material
fluoresceren = fluoresce
fluoresceren = fluorescing
fluorescerend = fluorescent
fluorescerend scherm = fluorescent screen
Fluorescerende buislampen = Fluorescent tube lamps
Fluorescerende en polarisatiemiscroscopen = Fluorescent and polarising microscopes
Fluorescerende ringvormige lampen = Fluorescent ring lamps
fluorescerende stoffen = fluorescent materials
fluorescerende verf = fluorescent paint
fluorglycofen-ethyl = Fluororglycophen-ethyl
fluorhoudend = fluorinated
fluorhoudende = fluorinated
Fluoride = Fluoride
Fluoride (na destillatie) = Fluoride (after distillation)
Fluoride (totaal) = Fluoride (total)
Fluoride (vrij) = Fluoride (free)
fluoride na LS10 = Fluoride after LS10
fluorideren = to  fluoridate
fluorideren van leidingwater = drinking water fluoridation
fluorideren van leidingwater = fluoridation
fluoridering = fluoridation
fluorideschildje = fluoride shield
fluoridevergiftiging = fluoride poisoning
fluorinated greenhouse gas = F-gas
fluorinated greenhouse gas = fluorinated greenhouse gas
fluorinhoud = fluorine content
fluorisatie = fluorination
fluornitrofen = fluornitrophen
fluorochinolon = fluoroquinolone
fluorodeoxyglucose = FDG
fluorometholon = fluorometholone
fluoropolymeren = fluoropolymers
fluoroscoop = x-ray fluoroscopy
fluoroscoop = fluoroscope
fluoroscopie = fluoroscopy
fluoroscopie = Fluoroscopy
fluorosis dentalis = mottled enamel
fluorosis dentalis = dental fluorosis
fluorosis dentalis = discoloration of teeth due to excessive fluoridation
fluorouracilum = fluorouracil
fluorrubber = fluorine rubber
fluorrubber (FKM) = fluorine rubber (FKM)
fluorverbinding = fluoride compound
fluorverbindingen = fluorine compounds
fluorvrij = fluorine free
fluorvrije = fluorine free
fluorwaterstof = hydrogen fluoride
fluorwaterstoffenfabriek = Hydrogen fluoride industry
fluorwaterstofzuur = hydrofluoric acid
Fluoxetine (Prozac) = fluoxetine hydrochloride
fluoxymesteron = fluoxymesteron
fluoxymesteron = fluoxymesterone: an anabolic steroid
fluoxymesteron = Halotestin
fluperolon = fluperolone
fluprednideen = fluprednidene
fluprednisolon = spirodiflamine
fluprednisolone = fluprednisolone: a synthetic glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory
flurazepam = Dalmane®
flurazool = flurazole
flurbiprofen = Ansaid®
flush = flush
flutamide = niftolid
flutblaadje {het} = rag [low-quality newspaper]
fluthiacet-methyl = "methyl 2-[2-chloro-4-fluoro-5-[(3-oxo-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-[1,3,4]thiadiazo"
fluticason = fluticasone
fluticasone = fluticasone
fluticasonpropionaat = fluticasone propionate
flutter = flutter
fluttersnelheid = flutter rate
Fluvalinaat = Fluvalinate
Fluvalinaat-1 = Fluvalinate-1
Fluvalinaat-2 = Fluvalinate-2
fluvastatine = fluvastatin: an inexpensive cholesterol-lowering drug
Fluvius = Fluvius
fluvoxamine (Luvox) = fluvoxamine
fluvoxaminemaleaat = fluvoxamine maleate
fluweel = cord
Fluweel = Velour
fluweel = velvet
fluweelglans = velvet gloss
fluweelweverij = velvet weaving mill
fluwelen = velvet
fluwelen band = .velvet binding
fluwelig = velvety
fluwelig = velvetlike
Fluwijn = Stone-marten
Fluwijn = Pillow-case
flux = flux
Flux = Flow
Flux collectie (distributie) structuren = Flux collection (distribution) structures
fluxdichtheid = flux density
fluxie = discharge
fluxkoppeling = flux linkage
fluxmasker = fluxing mask
fluxmeter = fluxmeter
Fluxmeters = Fluxmeters
Fluxmeting = Flux measurement
Fluxregeling = Flux controller
Fly Down'-signaal = Fly Down indication
Fly Up' = Fly Up
Flyer = Flyer
flyer(s = flyer(s
flyeren = flyering
flyers = flyers
flying wire = envelope cable
flying wire = flying cables
flying wire = flying wires
flyout = flyout
fly-over (ongelijkvloerse kruising) = flyover / overpass
Flysch = Flysch
FM = frequency modulation
FM = Facilities Management
FM (Frequentiemodulatie) = FM (frequency modulation)
FM Radio = FM radio
FM-AM = frequency modulation - amplitude modulation
FM-AM versterker = FM-AM multiplier
FM-antenne = FM antenna
FMCG = Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)
FMCG = Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)
FM-demodulator = FM demodulator
FM-detectie = FM detection
FM-detector = FM detector
FME = Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (Federatie voor de M
FME = Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (FME)
FMEA = Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
FMG = "Forensic Medical Society (Forensisch Medisch Genootschap, FMG)"
FM-generator = FM generator
FMI Masters = FMI Masters
FMI masters (Academie Minerva) = FMI Masters (part of Minerva Art Academy)
FMI masters (onderdeel Academie Minerva) = FMI Masters (part of Minerva Art Academy)
FMIS = Facility Management Information System (FMIS
FMO = Netherlands Finance Development Company (FMO)
FM-ontvanger = FM receiver
FM-testoscillator = FM test oscillator
FM-TV signalen = FM-TV signals
FMTyywwnnn = FMTyywwnnn
FM-verbeteringsdrempel = frequency modulation improvement threshold
FM-verbeteringsfactor = frequency modulation improvement factor
FM-zender = FM transmitter
FNLI = Dutch Food Industry Federation (Federatie Nederlandse Levensmiddelen Indu
FNLI = Dutch Food Industry Federation (FNLI)
fnuiken = weaken
FNV = "The Dutch Trade Union Confederation (Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging, F"
FNW = "Faculty of Science (Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Inform"
FNW = Fixed Network
FNWI = "Faculty of Science (Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Inform"
FNWI = Faculty of Science
Foam Blocks = Foam Blocks
Foam-Skin-PE = Foam-Skin-PE
foamzeep = foam
fobie = phobia
fobie {de} = phobia
focale dermale hypoplasie (Goltz) = focal dermal  hypoplasia syndrome
focale dosis = focal dose
focale glomerulosclerose = focal  glomerulosclerosis
focale glomerulosclerose = focal sclerosing glomerulonephritis
focale glomerulosclerose = segmental hyalinosis
focale infectie = focal infection: a bacterial infection limited to a specific organ or reg
focale infectie = localized infection
focale ziektecomplex = focal disease complex
Focus = Focus
focus = focal point
focus group = focus group
focus groups- analyse = focus group analysis
focus groups-analyse = focus group analysis
focus op behoefte van de klant = focus on the needs of the customer
focus van besturing = focus of control
focus van het onderzoek = focus of the research
focusafstand = focus distance
focusafstanden = focal lengths
focusbereik = focal range
focus-exaeresis = focus  elimination
focusgebieden = research focus areas
Focusgroep = Focus group
focusgroep studenten = Student focus group
focusgroepen = focus groups
Focusgrootte = Focus size
focusing = focusing
focuslanden = target countries
focuslengte = focus length
focuslengte = focal length
focusplek = focus area
Focuspunt = Focus point
focusseeranode = focusing anode
focusseerbereik = focusing range
focusseerelektrode = focusing electrode
focusseermagneet = focusing magnet
focusseerregelaar = focusing control
focusseerrooster = focus grid
focusseerspanning = focusing voltage
focussen = to focus
focussen op datgene waar we goed in zijn = focus on what we do best
focusseren = to focus
focussering = focusing
focusspanning = focusing voltage
Focusstrategie = Focus strategy
focust op = focuses on
focuszoekterm = focus keyword
FOD = Belgian Federal Public Service
FOD B&B = FPS Budget and Management Control (FPS B&MC)
FOD Binnenlandse Zaken = Federal Public Service Interior
FOD Binnenlandse Zaken = (Belgian) FPS Interior
FOD Budget en Beheerscontrole (FOD B&B) = FPS B&MC
FOD Budget en Beheerscontrole (FOD B&B) = FPS Budget and Management Control
FOD Budget en Beheerscontrole (FOD B&B) = FPS Budget and Management Control (FPS B&MC)
FOD economie = (Belgian) Federal Economics Service
FOD Economie = KMO
FOD Economie = Belgian FPS Economy
FOD Economie – Dienst Vergunning = Licence Service of the FPS Economy
FOD Economie – Dienst Vergunningen = Licence Service of the FPS Economy
"FOD Economie, dienst vergunningen" = Licence Service of the FPS Economy
"FOD Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie" = "FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy"
FOD Financiën = FPS Finance
FOD Justitie = Belgian FPS Justice (Federale Overheidsdienst Justitie)
FOD Justitie = FPS Justice
FOD Leefmilieu = FPS Environment
FOD Mobiliteit en vervoer = FPS Mobility and Transport
FOD Mobiliteit en vervoer = FPS Mobility and Transpor
foedraal = holder
Foedraal = Case
Foedraal = Pouch
foedraal (met filters) = case
Foedralen of kisten of toebehoren voor muziekinstrumenten = Musical instrument pouches or cases or accessories
"foefelen, ritselen, zwendelen" = finagle  ((ambitransitive) to cheat or swindle
"foefelen, ritselen, zwendelen" = "to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with out of))"
foefje = subterfuge
Foefje = Stunt
Foefje = Tip
Foefje = Dodge
Foefje = Contraption
foei = shame
foeilelijk = dismal
foekie-loekie = quirky
foelie = foil
Foetaal = Foetal
foetaal hartje = fetal heart: the heart of a fetus in the postembryonic period
foetaal orgaan = fetal organ
foetale bewegingen = fetal movements
foetale bewegingen = movements of the fetus
foetale dystokie = fetal dystocia
foetale erythroblastose = fetal  erythroblastosis
foetale erythroblastose = erythroblastosis fetalis
foetale erythroblastose = hemolytic anemia of the fetus due to incompatibility between the mother's
foetale hartfrequentie = fetal cardiac rate
foetale hartfrequentie = fetal heart rate
foetale harttonen = fetal heart sounds
foetale hemoglobine = fetal  hemoglobin
foetale hemoglobine = HbF
foetale hemoglobine = fetal hemoglobin: the major component of hemoglobin in the fetus
foetale icterus = fetal icterus
foetale macrosomie = fetal macrosomia
foetale mortaliteit = foetal mortality
foetale nood = fetal distress
foetale nood = intra-uterine asphyxia
foetale ontwikkeling = fetal development
foetale ontwikkeling = embryogenesis
foetale respiratie = fetal respiration: a gaseous exchange between maternal and fetal blood oc
foetale rijping = fetal organ maturity
foetale vliezen = "fetal membranes: membranes that function for the protection, nourishment,"
foetalisatie = fetalism
foetomaternale transfusie = fetomaternal transfusion: transplacental passage of fetal blood into the 
Foetoplacentaal = Foetoplacental
foetor ex ore = halitosis
foetoscopie = fetoscopy: direct observation of the fetus in the uterus using a fetoscop
foetotoxisch = fetotoxic
Foetotoxisch = Foetotoxic
foetsie = gone
foetus = embryo
foetus = fetus
Foetus = Fetus
Foetus = Foetus
foetusdood = fetal death
Föhn = Blow drier
föhn = hot-air gun
föhn {de} = hair dryer
foie gras = foie gras
"foie gras, ganzenlever, eendenlever" = foie gras (fattened liver of geese or ducks)
Fok = Foresail
Fok = Headsail
Fok = Jib
Fok = Foremast
fokdier = breeding animal
fokdier = stud
fokdier (stud in general) = stud (male animal kept for breeding)
fokhengst = stud
fokken = breed
fokken = breeding
Fokken = Rear
Fokken = Elevate
Fokken = Raise
Fokker = Cattle-baron
Fokker = Farmer
Fokker = Breeder
Fokker = Stockbreeder
Fokkerij = Stock farm
Fokkerij = Breeding
Fokkerij = Breeding farm
Fokkerij = Livestock farming
Fokkerij = Livestock breeding
Fokkerij = Cattle breeding
Fokkerij = Farming
Fokkerij = Livestock rearing
Fokker-Planck-vergelijking = Fokker-Planck equation
fokkers = breeders
fokkolonie die zichzelf in stand houdt = self-sustaining colony
fokstier = stud
fokstier = breeding bull
fokstieren = breeding bulls
foktechniek = breeding technique
Fokvarken = Breeding pig
Fokvarkens = Breeding pigs
folaathexaglutamaat = folate hexaglutamate
folder = brochure
folder = leaflet
folder = folder
Folder = Flyer
folderkasten = brochure display racks
foldermateriaal = brochures
folderopbouw = folder structure
folders = flyers
folders = leaflets
Foliatie = Foliation
folie = foil
Folie = Leaf
folie = film
Folie = Sheet
folie / bouwfolie = building plastic
folie aanlevert aan de machine = supplies foil to the machine
Folie afsnij unit = Foil cutting unit
folie afval = film waste
folie afval = foil waste
Folie en vlechtwerk = Foil + braiding
Folie laad inrichting = Foil loading unit
folie- of foeliefabriek (bladmetaal voor op spiegels) = Mirror backing plant
folie voor het achtersegment = TES/spoiler sheet
foliebedrukken = hot foil printing
foliebreedte = film width
foliecondensator = foil capacitor
Foliedruksysteem = Film printing system
folie-extrusie = foil extrusion
folie-fractie = film fraction
foliegeleider = foil conductor
foliekast = foil sheathed cabinet
folielas- en snijsysteem = foil welding and cutting system
folielegger = sheet depositor
foliemateriaal = film material
folierol = film roll
folies = films
folies = film
folies = foils
foliespoel = foil solenoid
folietrimmer = foil dielectric trimmer
folievellen = foil sheets
foliewikkelaar = film wrapper
folie-wikkelaar = foil wrapper
foliewikkelaars = film wrappers
foliewikkelaars en rekhoesmachines = film wrappers and stretch wrappers
foliewikkelmachine = shrinkwrapper
foliewikkelsystemen = foil wrapping systems
folinezuur = C19H19N7O6
Foliumzuur = Folic acid
foliumzuur = C19H19N7O6
Folk = Folk
Folk = Folk music
folklore = folklore
folklore {de} = folklore
Folk-Rock = Folk-Rock
folliculaire atresie = follicular atresia: the degeneration & resorption of an ovarian follicle 
folliculaire cyste = follicular cyst
folliculaire dendritische cellen = follicular  dendritic cells
folliculaire dendritische cellen = cells with extensive dendritic processes found in the B-cell areas of lym
folliculaire fase = preovulatory phase
folliculaire lymfoïde hyperplasie = lymphoid  follicular hyperplasia
"folliculi pili, de haarfollikel, het haarzakje, de haarkiem" = hair  follicle
folliculitis = folliculitis
folliculitis = inflammation of a follicle
folliculitis pustulosa = pustular  folliculitis
follikelcentrum cel lymfoom = large-cell  follicular lymphoma
follikelstimulerend hormoon = follicle-stimulating hormone: a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitar
follikelstimulerend hormoon = FSH
follikelstimulerend hormoon = gonadotropin
follikelstimulerend hormoon = stimulates the gonads & controls reproductive activity
Follow Me = FollowMe
follow up auditrapport = audit-follow-up report
follow-me printing omgeving = follow-me printing environment
Follow-up = Follow-up
follow-up audit = follow-up audit
follow-up geven aan = Following up on
follow-up interview = follow-up interview
Follow-up mailing = Follow-up mailing
follow-up studies = vervolgstudies
Follow-up systeem = Follow up system
follow-up van dossier = file follow-up
Follow-up vergadering van het Beperkt Comité = Follow-up Select Committee
follow-up-planning = follow-up planning
Folly = Foolery
Folly = Silly
Folly = Crazy
Folly = Madness
Folly = Folly
Folpet = Folpet
folteren = agonize
foltering = torture
foltertuig = instruments of torture
FOM = Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (Stichting voor Fundamentee
FOM (stichting voor fundamenteel onderzoek der materie) = Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter
Fomblin = Fomblin
Fomblin RT15 = Fomblin RT15
fomentatio = fomentation
fomepizool = fomepizole
fomesafen = fomesafen
Fomlin = Fomblin
fonctionnaire dirigeant adjoint = deputy senior official
fond = ground
fondant = fondant
fondant (suikerbakkerswaren) = fondants (confectionery)
fonds = fund
Fonds = Till
Fonds = Cash desk
Fonds Economische Structuurversterking (FES) = Economic Structure Enhancement Fund (FES)
Fonds Sluiting Ondernemingen = Fonds Sluiting Ondernemingen (Business Closure Fund)
Fonds uitvoerende kunstenaars = Fund for Performing Artists
fonds van de gewone rekening = current fund
fonds van sociale verzekeringen = social security fund
fonds van vrij besteedbare middelen = discretionary fund
Fonds voor algemene bankrisico's = Fund for general banking risks
fonds voor arbeidsongevallen = Fund for Industrial Injuries
fonds voor bestaanszekerheid = occupational welfare fund
Fonds voor Bestaanszekerheid = Social Security Fund (‘Fonds voor Bestaanszekerheid’)
fonds voor bestaanszekerheid = social security fund
fonds voor bestaanszekerheid van de bouwsector = social security fund for the construction sector
Fonds voor Bestaanszekerheid van de Werklieden uit het Bouwbedrijf = Social Security Fund for Workers in the Construction Industry
fonds voor gemene rekening = mutual fund
Fonds voor interne veiligheid = Internal Security Fund (ISF)
fonds voor onvoorziene uitgaven = contingency fund
fonds waaruit leningen worden verstrekt aan privé-personen = loan fund
fonds waarvan het kapitaal in stand moet worden gehouden = non-expendable fund
fonds waarvan het kapitaal kan worden aangewend = expendable fund
Fonds(en)werving = Fundraising
fondsapotheek = dispensary: a clinic where medicine & medical supplies are dispensed
Fondsbeheerders = Fund managers
fondsbeleid = fund policy
fondsdocumentatie = fund documentation
fondsen = funds
fondsen EG = EC fund
fondsen van de Raad van Europa = Council of Europe fund
fondsen zonder vaste bestemming = unappropriated funds
fondsenbeheer = fund management
fondsenwerver = fundraiser
Fondsenwerving = Fundraising
fondskosten = fund costs
Fondsnaam = Fund name
Fondsnaam en -omschrijving = Fund name and description
fondsportefeuille = fund portfolio
fondsportefeuilles = fund portfolios
fonds-specifiek = fund-specific
fonds-specifieke = fund-specific
fondsspecifieke voorschriften = Fund-specific rules
fondsvermogen = fund assets
fondsvoorwaarden = fund conditions
Fondue = Fondue
Fondue/Wok = Fondue/wok
Fonduerestaurant = Fondue restaurant
fondues = fondues
Fondueset/Wok = Fondue/wok
foneem = phoneme
Fonetiek = Phonetic
fonetiek = phonetics
"fonetiek, klankleer {f}" = phonetics (study of speech sounds and their representation by written sym
fonetisch = phonetic
Fonkelend = Scintillating
Fonofos = Fonofos
fonograaf = cylinder phonograph
Fonograaf = Gramophone
Fonograaf = Phonograph
Fonograaf = Record-player
fonograafopnamen = phonograph recordings
fonografie = sound recording
fonografisch recht = phonographic right
fonogram = phonogram
fonogrammen = phonograms
Fonologie = Phonology
fonologische = phonological
fonologische module = phonological module
fonon = phonon
font = font
Font Cache-service = Font Cache Service
Fontaine = Well
Fontaine = Fountain
Fontanel = Fontanelle
fontcartridges = font cartridges
Fontein = Fountain
fontein = handbasin
fonteinkraan = handbasin tap
fonteinsolderen = fountain soldering
fonteintje = rinsing fountain
fonteintje = handbasi
Fontys = Fontys
Fontys Hogescholen = Fontys University Of Applied Sciences
FOO = "Faculty of Education (Faculteit Onderwijs en Opvoeding, FOO)"
food = food
Food & Beverage = F&B
Food & Beverage = Food & Beverage
food and beverage assortiment = range of food and beverages
Food and Drug Administration = Food and Drug Administration
Food and Drug Administration = FDA
food applications = voedingstoepassingen
Food Defense = Food Defence
food industrie = food industry
food industry = voedingsmiddelenindustrie
Food Plaza = Food Plaza
Food Safety = Food Safety
Food Technology Brain Parc = Food Tech Park Brainport
"food, feed of farmacie" = "food, feed or pharmaceutical industries"
Fooddesk = Fooddesk
food-grade = food grade
foodsector = food sector
foodservice = catering industry
foodservice = foodservice (US)
fooi = tip
Fooi = Service charge
fooi {de} = tip [gratuity]
"fooi, drinkgeld, extra [often in the diminutive]" = perquisite (gratuity)
Fooien = Tips
fooien = tips
foon = phon
Foor = Fun fair
Foor = Market
Foor = Bazaar
Foor = Fair
Foor = Commercial show
Foor = Show
Foor = Trade-fair
Foot = Foot
Foot assy = Foot assy
footcandle = footcandle
Footer = Footer
footlambert = foot-lambert
footlambert = footlambert
footprint = geographical coverage
footprint = footprint
footscan technologie = foot scanning technology
Foppen = Run
Foppen = Operate
fopperij = mystification
fopspeen = comforter
Fopspenen en bijtringen = "Infant soother, pacifier and dummy"
FOR = Tax-deductible retirement fund
for (<initialisatie expressie> = for (<initialisation expression>
for as long as the situation of force majeure continues = voor zolang als de overmacht situatie voortduurt
for reference only = for reference only
For the attention of = For the attention of
fora = forums
foramen caecum dentis = foramen cecum of tooth
foramen caecum medullae oblongatae = foramen cecum of medulla oblongata
foramen magnum = foramen magnum
foramen rotundum = round foramen
foramentaillering = foraminal narrowing
Force = Force
force majeure-gebeurtenis = force majeure event
forceerbank = spinning lathe
forceerijzer = spinning tool
forceerwerk = spinning work
forceplate = force plate
forceren = force
Forceren = Constrain
forceren = to spin
Forceren = Restrain
Forceren = Coerce
Forceren = Compel
Forceren = Impose
Forceren = Bind
forcerende toestand = forcing state
forceringssignaal = duress signal
forecast = forecast
forecasting = forecasting
forecast-proces = Forecasting process
forehand = forehand
Foreign Affairs = Foreign Affai
Foreign connector = Foreign connector
Foreign Process Section = Foreign Process Section
foreignkey = foreign key
forel = trout
forel {de} = trout
forens = commuter
forensen per telecommunicatiesysteem = to telecommute
forensentrein = commuter train
forensenverkeer = commuting traffic
forensisch = forensic
forensisch arts = forensic physician
forensisch arts of forensisch patholoog = forensic physician or forensic pathologist
forensisch artsen = forensic physicians
"forensisch artsen, forensisch pathologen en officieren van justitie" = "forensic physicians, forensic pathologists and public prosecutors"
Forensisch Medisch Genootschap = "Forensic Medical Society (Forensisch Medisch Genootschap, FMG)"
forensisch pathologen = forensic pathologists
forensisch patholoog = forensic pathologist
"forensisch, gerechtelijk, gerechts-" = forensic {adj} (relating to the use of science and technology in the inve
forensische = forensic
forensische accountancy = forensic accounting
forensische antropologie = criminal anthropology
forensische antropologie = forensic anthropology
forensische geneeskunde = Forensic Medicine
forensische kennis = forensic knowledge
forensische onderzoek = forensic research
Forensische onderzoeken = Forensic investigation
Forensische Opsporing = (als afdeling) Forensic Investigation team
forensische opsporingsspecialist = forensic investigation specialist
forensische opsporingsspecialisten = forensic investigation specialists
Forensische orthopedagogiek = Forensic Child and Youth Care Sciences
Forensische Polikliniek Kindermishandeling = Forensic Medical Child Abuse Centre (Forensische Polikliniek Kindermishan
forensische psychiatrie = forensic psychiatry
forensische toxicologie = forensic toxicology
forensisch-medische standaard = forensic medical standard
forensisme = commuting (! forensic = misdaad gerelateerd)
forenzen = commuters
Forenzenlocaties = commuter locations
forest = forest
Forest Stewardship Council = Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
forestconfiguratie = forest configuration
foresthoofddomein = forest root domain
forestvertrouwensrelatie = forest trust
forfait = fixed amount
forfait = fixed sum
forfait = fixed sum/amount/allowance
forfait = on a fixed price basis
forfait en regie = fixed price and on a cost-plus basis
forfait of regie = on a fixed price or cost-plus basis
forfaitair = fixed
forfaitair = flat-rate
forfaitair = lump-sum
forfaitair = total
forfaitair vastgelegd (FF) = FF
forfaitair vastgesteld = calculated as a fixed sum
forfaitair worden begroot = budgeted on a flat-rate basis
forfaitair zijn opgenomen in het contract = that are included in the contract on a fixed price basis
forfaitaire aftrekpost/vermindering = à forfait finance
forfaitaire aftrekpost/vermindering = standard deduction
forfaitaire belasting = flat-rate tax
forfaitaire beroepskosten = flat-rate professional expenses
forfaitaire excretie = fixed excretion
forfaitaire excretie = standard excretion amount
forfaitaire excretie per dier = standard excretion amount per animal
forfaitaire excretiefactor = fixed excretion factor
forfaitaire excretiefactoren = fixed excretion factors
forfaitaire excreties = standard excretion amounts
forfaitaire hoeveelheden = fixed quantities
Forfaitaire Hoeveelheid (FH) = ???
forfaitaire kosten = fixed costs
forfaitaire kostprijs = lump-sum cost
forfaitaire prestaties = flat-rate services
forfaitaire prijs = flat-rate price
forfaitaire prijzen = fixed prices
forfaitaire schadevergoeding = fixed compensation
forfaitaire schadevergoeding = flat-rate compensation
forfaitaire vergoeding = fixed compensation
forfaitaire vergoeding = flat-rate compensation
forfaitaire vergoeding = standard compensation
Forfaitaire werken = Fixed-price work
Forfaitaire werken conform meetstaat = Fixed-price work in accordance with the Bill of Quantities
forfaitaire winstverdeling bij overlijden = fixed appropriation of profits in the event of death
forfaitaire winstverdeling overlijden = fixed appropriation of profits in the event of death
forfaitere werkzaamheden = fixed-price activities
forfaits = fixed amounts
Fork = Fork
Fork Left = Fork Left
Fork Right en Left = Fork Right and Left
forklift afzethoogte = forklift load delivery height
Form = Form
Formaat = Format
formaat = size
formaat = format
formaat = format (boek / papier ook)
formaat = stature/class (figuurlijk)
formaat en het protocol = format and protocol
formaat wijzigen = resize
formaatgreep = size grip
formaatgreep = sizing handle
formaatlijn = format line
formal requirements = formal requirements
formaldehyde = formaldehyde
formaldehyde = formalin
formaldehyde = "formic aldehyde, formol: a typical protoplasmatic poison"
formaldehyde = methanal
Formaldehyde = Formaldehyde
formaldehydefabriek (sterkwater) = Formaldehyde industry
Formaldehyde-uitstoot = Formaldehyde emissions
formalin-desinfectie = formalin vapor disinfection
formaline = formalin
Formaliseren = Formalising
formalisme = formalism
formaliteiten = formalities
formaliteiten inzake sociale zekerheid = social security formalities
formamide = CH3NO
formamide = formamide
formant = formant
formantbereik = formant range
formantfilter = formant filter
Format = Format
Format of the final report). = Format of the final report
formaten = formats
formatie = staffing
formatie = headcount
formatie = manpower
formatie = staffing
formatie = workforce
Formatie = Composition
Formatie = Stratum
formatie = formation
Formatie = Staff
formatie = permanent staff
formatie- en bezettingsoverzicht = staffing and workforce overview
formatieoverzicht = staffing overview
formatieplaats = permanent staff position
formatieplaats = permanent staff position / establishment post
formatieplaats = establishment post
formatieplanning = staff establishment plan
formatieve = formative
formatieve en summatieve toetsen = formative and summative tests
formatieve evaluatie = formative evaluation
formatieve ruimte = space in the staffing plan/structure
formatieve toetsen = formative assessment
Formatieve toetsing = Formative assessment
Formation conveyor = Formation conveyor
formation platform = formation platform
formation pusher = formation pusher
Formation roller conveyor = Formation Roller Conveyor
Formation unit = Formation unit
Formats = Formats
formatteer = format
formatteerprogramma = formatting program
formatteren = format
formatteren = formatting
formattering = formatting
"formed by nominalization of the verb: harden,schrikken, afschrikken" = quenching (rapid cooling of hot metal object)
Formeel = Formal
formeel = center
Formeel = Formally
formeel (tijdelijke steun van boog of koepel in aanbouw) = centring
formeel (tijdelijke steun van boog of koepel in aanbouw) = centre
formeel ‘ziek’ te melden = formally report yourself as ‘sick’
formeel argument = formal argument
formeel bericht = formal message
formeel bewijs = formal proof
formeel bezwaar aantekent = enter a formal objection to
Formeel evenwicht = Formal balance
formeel examen = official exam(ination)
formeel kwalificatiedocument = certificate
formeel loopt er nog een bodemprocedure = proceedings on the merits are still underway
formeel onderwijs = formal education
formeel referentiebestand = formal reference base: FRB
formeel regelmatige = formally correct
formeel regelmatige offerte = formally compliant bid
formeel regelmatige offerte = formally regular tender
formeel vastgelegd = formally recorded
formeel vastgesteld = formally adopted
formeel verantwoordelijk = formally responsible
formeel verantwoordelijk voor de kwaliteit van = formally responsible for the quality of
formeel verstrekt = formally awarded
formeel wijzigingsbeheer = formal change control
"formeel, non-formeel en informeel leren" = "formal, non-formal and informal learning"
formeel-ruimtelijke structuur = formal-spatial structure
formeer = pattern-formation
formeer gegevens = pattern-formation data
formeer snelheden = pattern-formation speeds
formeer systeem = pattern-forming system
formeerbaan = pattern-formation conveyor
formeer-baan = pattern-formation conveyor
Formeerbaan links frequentie regelaar = Frequency controller of left pattern-formation conveyor
formeerbanen = pattern-formation conveyors
formeer-banen = pattern-formation conveyors
formeerfout = pattern-formation error
formeergegevens = pattern-formation data
formeer-schuif = pattern-formation slider
formeersectie = pattern-formation section
formeerstation = pattern-forming station
formeer-station = pattern-formation station
formeerstations = forming stations
formeerstations = pattern-forming stations
formeersysteem = pattern-formation system
Formeersystemen = Pattern-formation systems
formeertafel = pattern-formation table
Formeertafel parameters = Pattern-formation table parameters
formeertafels = pattern-formation tables
formele = formal
formele aanvraag = formal application
formele beëindiging = Formal termination
formele beëindiging van het dienstverband = formal termination of employment
formele besluitvorming = formal decision-making process
formele bevoegdheden = formal powers
formele contract persoon = official contracts manager
formele disciplinaire procedure = formal disciplinary procedure
Formele economie = Formal economy
formele eigendomsoverdracht = closing of title
Formele en informele economie = Formal and informal economy
formele genetica = classical  genetics
formele indiening = formal submission
formele kwalificatie = formal qualification
formele kwalificatiebeoordeling = formal qualification review: FQR
formele liquide middelen = formal liquid means
formele looptijd = formal term
formele managementreview = formal management review
formele offerte = formal bid
formele ondertekening = formal signing
formele opzegging = formal notice
Formele organisatie = Formal organisation
formele parameter = formal parameter
formele parameterlijst = formal parameter list
formele regelmatigheid = formal compliance
formele specificatie = formal specification
formele status = formal status
formele taal = formal language
formele tekenbevoegdheid = signature authority
formele test = formal test
formele verantwoordelijkheden = formal responsibilities
formele verantwoordelijkheid = formal responsibility
formele vereisten = formal requirements
Formele vertegenwoordiger = Official representative
formele vraag = formal request
formele vrijgave = formal release
formele waarheid = formal truth
formeren = forming
formeren = pattern-forming
Formeren = Shape
formeren = develop
Formeren = Form
formeren van pakketten = to kit
formiaat = formiate
formiaat-dehydrogenasen = formate dehydrogenases
formiaat-dehydrogenasen = formate hydrogenlyases
formiaat-tetrahydrofolaat-dehydrogenase = formate-tetrahydrofolate ligase
formiaat-tetrahydrofolaat-dehydrogenase = tetrahydrofolate formylase: a carbon-nitrogen ligase
"formicarium, mierenboerderij" = formicarium (vivarium used for the study of ants and ant colonies)
Forming conveyor = pattern-formation conveyor
formingtable = forming table (Qimarox term)
formingtable = pattern-formation table
formocortal = formocortal
formocresolen = formocresoles
Formosa = Formosa
Formothion = Formothion
formulatie = formulation
formulaties = formulations
Formule = Formula
Formule ankers = Formula anchors
Formule automatisch aanvullen = Formula AutoComplete
formule propositie = formula proposition
Formule ten behoeve van de berekening = Formula for the calculation
formule van Camp = Wilson lot-sized formula
formule van Erlang = Erlang's formula
formule van Macaulay voor het voortschrijdend gemiddelde = Macaulay's formula
formule van Wilson = Wilson lot-sized formula
formule voor de voorwaardelijke som = conditional sum formula
formule-artikel = formula item
Formulebeleid = Retail format strategy
formuleblad = formulae sheet
Formuleert een voorstel of besluit helder en compleet = Formulates proposals or decisions clearly and completely
Formuleert helder en duidelijk = Formulates ideas clearly and unambiguously
Formuleert helder en duidelijk en spreekt in begrijpelijke taal = Formulates ideas clearly and unambiguously and speaks in plain language
"Formuleert in goed lopende, vloeiende zinnen" = "Speaks in correct, nicely flowing sentences"
formulemanager = concept manager
Formulepalet = Formula Palette
Formuleren = Frame
formuleren = formulate
Formuleren = Couch
Formuleren = formulating
formuleren = to formulate
formuleren = formulation
formuleren en rapporteren = formulating and reporting
Formuleren van een probleemstelling = Defining a problem
formulering = drafting (van geschreven tekst ook)
formulering = expression
formulering = formulation
formulering = phrasing
formulering = way of putting sth
formulering = wording
"formulering in de vorm van een bevochtigbaar poeder (WP, ‘wettable powd" = wettable powder formulation
formulering in de vorm van een oliedispersie = "oil dispersion formulation (OD),"
"formulering in de vorm van een wateroplosbaar granulaat (SG, ‘soluble g" = water soluble granule formulation
formulering te verdunnen met een oliefase = formulation to be diluted with an oil phase
formulering van het toepassingsgebied = wording of the scope
formuleringshulpstoffen = formulation aids
formuleringshulpstoffen en -additieven = formulation aids and additives
formuleringstype = formulation type
formuleringstypes = formulation types
formules = formulas
formulevorm = formulated form
formulier = file
formulier = form
formulier = blank
Formulier = Form
formulier (E) (106) = E106 form
formulier (E) 106 = E106 form
formulier (E) 108 = E-108 form
Formulier 17a = Form to register the dissolution of a legal entity (‘Formulier 17a Insc
formulier A1 = Form A1
Formulier aanvraag flexibele werkduur = Form 'Number of hours to be worked'
Formulier Aanvraag Interim Vacature = Interim Vacancy Request Form
Formulier Aanvraag Ouderschapsverlof = Parental Leave Request Form
Formulier aanvraag ouderschapsverlof = Application form for parental leave
Formulier aanvraag spaarloon = Form application salary savings scheme
Formulier aanvraag spaarloon = Application Form salary savings scheme
Formulier aanvraag tegemoetkoming premie ziektekosten = Form on compensation health care contribution
Formulier aanvraag tot deelneming = Request to participate form
Formulier Aanvraag Zwangerschapsverlof = Maternity Leave Request Form
Formulier adreswijziging = Form changing address
Formulier Afronding van de BPV = Practical Occupational Training Completion Form
Formulier D = Form D
formulier dient volledig te zijn ingevuld = form must be completed in full
Formulier functie-informatie = Job information form
Formulier Indiensttreding = Commencement Of Employment Form
Formulier Indiensttreding Océ = Océ Commencement Of Employment Form
formulier kandidatuurstelling = Request to participate form (Tenders)
Formulier Klacht Cijferregistratie = Mark Registration Complaint Form
Formulier loongegevens = wage details form
Formulier melding = Form for reporting a
formulier melding start sanering = form reporting the start of the remediation operation
formulier met persoonlijke gegevens = personal data form
formulier met workflowlijst = workflow list form
Formulier Observatiechecklist = Observation Checklist Form
formulier ongevalsaangifte = accident form
Formulier stopzetten spaarloon = Form salary savings scheme termination
Formulier verkrijging vrijstelling loonbelasting buitenlanders = Form request tax exemption foreign employees
formulier voor de urenregistratie = timesheet
formulier voor verzoek om verbetering = enhancements request form
Formulier Voorgaande Overeenkomst/Enrollment = Previous Agreement/Enrolment Form
formulier 'Voortgangsrapportage' = ‘Progress report’ form
formulier werkhouding = Work Attitude Form
Formulier Werkhouding voldoende = Satisfactory Work Attitude Form
Formulier wijziging bankrekening = Form changing bank account
Formulier wijziging burgerlijke staat = Form to announce a change in civil status/title
formulierbestanden = form files
formulierbesturingselement = form control
formulierbibliotheek = form library
formulierdefinitiebestand = form definition file
formuliereigenschappen = form properties
formulieren = printed forms
formulieren = forms
formulieren  E 106 = E106 forms
formulieren (E) 109 = E-109 forms
formulieren (E)(106) = E106 forms
formulieren E 106 = E106 forms
Formulieren voor QC en R&D = QC and R&D forms
"formulieren, boeken" = "forms, books"
formulierencache = forms cache
formuliereneditor = form editor
formulierfilter = Filter By Form
formuliergebied = form area
formuliergegevensbestand = form data file
formulier-inrichting/ontwerp = form design
formulierkiezer = form selector
formulierkoptekst = form header
formuliermodule = form module
formulieropschuiving = skip
formuliersjabloon = form template
formuliersjabloonbestand = form template file
formuliersjabloonbibliotheek = form template library
formuliersprong = form feed
formuliertoewijzing = form assignment
formulierveld = form field
formuliervoettekst = form footer
formulierweergave = Form view
formullier = form
fornix = fornix
Fornix BioSciences N.V. = Fornix BioSciences N.V.
Fornuis = Kiln
Fornuis = Oven
Fornuis = Furnace
fornuis = stove
fornuis {het} = stove
Fornuisaansluitdoos = Appliance connection box
fors = robust
fors = vigorous
fors = bold
Fors = Stout
Fors = Able-bodied
fors = firm
fors = loud
Fors = Hale
Fors = Lusty
fors = substantial
Fors = Tough
fors = sturdy
fors = considerable
fors lager = considerably lower
fors prijskaartje = comes at a considerable cost
forse besparing = considerable savings
forse CO2-reductie = substantial reduction in CO2 emissions
forse dosis = healthy dose
forse investeringen = substantial investments
forse overbenutting van de wettelijke gebruiksnormen = substantial exceedance of statutory application standards
forse prostaat in kader van BPH = enlarged prostate consistent with BPH
forsythia = forsythia
fort = castle
fort = fortress
Fort = Potent
Fort = Fort
fort = fortification
fort {het} = fort
Fort Lauderdale boatshow = Fort Lauderdale Boat Show
Fort Leopold = Fort Leopold
Fort Napoleon = Fort Napoleon
Fort Worth = Fort Worth
Fortran = Fortran
Fortstraat = Fortstraat
Fortuin = Wealthiness
fortuin = wealth
Fortuin = Luck
Fortuin = Estate
fortuin = fortune
fortuin {het} = fortune [riches]
fortuin {het} = luck
fortuinlijk = fortunate
fortuinlijkheid = fortune
Fortuna = Fortune
Fortuna = Spell
Fortuna = Lot
Fortune Trees = Fortune Trees
forum = designated court
forum = forum
Forum = Newsgroup
forum {het} = forum
forum standaardisatie = Dutch Standardisation Forum [‘Forum Standaardisatie’]
Forum van de eilanden in de Stille Oceaan = Pacific Islands Forum
forum voor Aangemelde Instanties = Notified Bodies Forum
forumdiscussie {de} = panel discussion
forumdiscussies = panel discussions
forumkeuze = choise of competent jurisdiction
forum-keuze = choice of forum
forum-keuze = forum selection
forums = forums
Forward conditioning = Forward conditioning
forward scheduling = forward planning
Forward Services Manager = Forward Services Manager
Fosalon = Fosalon
foscarnet = foscarnet
foscarnet = phosphonoformate
foscarnet = "phosphonoformic acid: an antiviral agent used in the treatment of AIDS, c"
fosfaat = phosphate
fosfaat = phosphorus
Fosfaat = Phosphate
Fosfaat = Phosphorus
Fosfaat (als P) = Phosphate (as P)
Fosfaat (als P2O5) = Phosphate (as P2O5)
Fosfaat (als PO4) = Phosphate (as PO4)
"Fosfaat (totaal, als P2O5)" = "Phosphate (total, as P2O5)"
fosfaat met melkvee te produceren = producing phosphate with dairy cattle
Fosfaat productie = Phosphorus production
fosfaatafzet = phosphorus sales
Fosfaatbalans = Phosphorus balance
fosfaatbenutting = phosphorus utilisation
fosfaatbindende = phosphate-binding
fosfaat-bindende eiwitten = phosphate-binding proteins
fosfaatesters = phosphate esters
fosfaatexcretie = phosphorus excretions
fosfaatexcreties = phosphorus excretions
fosfaatgehalte = phosphorus level
fosfaatgehalten = phosphorus levels
fosfaatgehaltes = phosphorus levels
Fosfaathoudende meststoffen = Phosphatic fertilisers
fosfaatkunstmest = phosphorus fertiliser
fosfaatproductie = phosphorus production
fosfaatrecht = phosphate production rights
fosfaatrechten = phosphate production rights
fosfaatruimte = phosphate budget
fosfaattoestand = P status
fosfaattoestand = phosphorus status
fosfaattoestand van bouwland = phosphorus status of arable land
fosfaatvervanging = substitution of phosphate
fosfaatvervangingsmiddel = phosphate substitute
fosfaatverwijdering = phosphate removal
Fosfaatverzadiging = Phosphate saturation
Fosfamidon-E = Phosphamidon-E
Fosfamidon-Z = Phosphamidon-Z
fosfateervloeistof = phosphoric acid pickle
fosfateerzout = phosphoric pickle salt
Fosfaten = Phosphates
fosfaten = phosphates
fosfateren = to phosphate
Fosfiden = Phosphides
"Fosfinaten, fosfonaten, fosfaten en polyfosfaten" = "Phosphinates, phosphonates, phosphates and polyphosphates"
fosfine = phosphine
fosfine = PH3
fosfoglyceraat-mutase = phosphoglyceromutase
fosfolin-jodide = echothiophate iodide: a cholinesterase inhibitor used as a miotic in the 
Fosfolipide = Phospholipid
fosfolipidemembraan = phospholipid membrane
Fosfonaten = Phosphonates
Fosfor = Phosphorus
fosfor = phosphor
fosfor = phosphorous
Fosfor (als PO4) = Phosphorus (as PO4)
Fosfor [P] = Phosphorus [P]
fosfor en silicium = phosphorous and silicon
Fosfor-bestrijdingsmiddelen = Phosphorus-based pesticides
fosforbrons = phosphor-bronze
Fosforbrons = Phosphor bronze
fosfordoppen = phosphor dots
fosforescentie = phosphorescence
fosforesceren = glow in the dark
fosforescerend = phosphorescent
fosforescerend scherm = phosphorescent screen
fosforesters = phosphoric acid esters
fosforgehalte (TP) = phosphorus content (TP)
fosforhoudend = phosphoric
fosforiserend = phosphorescence
fosforkoper = phosphor copper
fosforlaag = layer of phosphors
fosforpentachloride = phosphorus pentachloride
fosforpunt = phosphor dot
fosforraster = phosphor dot raster
fosforscherm = phosphor screen
fosforstreep = phosphor stripe
fosforus = phosphorus
Fosforylering = Phosphorylation
Fosforzuur = Phosphoric acid
fosforzuur = phosphoric acid
fosforzuurbeitsbad = phosphoric acid pickle
fosforzuuresters = phosphoric acid esters
fosforzuurhoudende meststof = phosphatic fertiliser
Fosfuurzuur = Phosphoric acid
Fosmet = Phosmet
fossa digastrica = digastric fovea
fossa digastrica = digastric fossa
fossa epigastrica = epigastric fossa
fossiel = (noun & adjective)  fossil
fossiel = fossil
fossiele = fossil
Fossiele brandstof = Fossil fuel
fossiele brandstof = fossil fuel
fossiele brandstoffen = fossil fuels
fossiele brandstoffen = fossil fuel
fossiele bron = plane source
fossiele grondstoffen = fossil raw materials
fossiele koolstofbronnen = fossil carbon sources
Foster-criteria = Foster's criteria
Foster-Seeley FM-detector = Foster-Seeley discriminator
FOT = First out of tool
Foto = Photograph
Foto = Photography
Foto = Photo
foto = picture
foto {de} = photo
foto- en filmontwikkelcentrale = Photographic printing and developing services
foto moment = photo opportunity
foto monopod = photo monopod
foto- of schilderijlijsten en spiegels = "photograph or picture frames, and mirrors"
foto- of schilderijlijsten en spiegels = "Statuettes, ornaments"
Foto- of video-opzetstukken voor microscopen = Photo or video attachments for microscopes
foto rechtzetten = straighten a photo
Foto rechtzetten = Straighten photo
Foto uit = Photo from
foto van = photo of
foto van de presentator = presenter photo
foto van de verpakking = Microsoft box shot
"foto, kiekje" = "photograph, print"
"Foto-, video of filmopname activiteiten" = "Filming, photography or video activities"
"foto-, video- of filmopnamen" = "photos, videos or films"
foto´s = photographs
foto’s = photos
foto’s = photographs
foto’s en posters = photographs and posters
foto’s en video’s = photos and videos
Foto’s kunt u downloaden op de internetsite van Qimarox = Photos can be downloaded from the Qimarox website
Foto’s toegevoegd = Photos added
Foto’s toegevoegd in = Photos added in
"foto’s, fotoalbums" = "photographs, photograph albums"
"foto’s, schrijfbehoeften" = "photographs, stationery"
"foto’s, schrijfbehoeften, kleefstoffen voor kantoorgebruik of voor de h" = "photographs, stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes"
fotoalbum = photo-album
fotoalbum = photo album
fotoalbums = photograph albums
"fotoalbums, postzegelalbums" = "photograph albums, stamp albums"
fotoapparaat = camera
fotobericht = photo e-mail
Fotobewerkingsprogramma = Photo editing program
fotoblad = photosheet
fotobuis = phototube
Fotocamera = Camera
fotocamera’s = photographic cameras
fotocel = photocell
fotocel = photocell sensor
fotocel belemmeren = hindering the photocell
fotocel detectie = photocell detection
Fotocel einde baan te lang = Photocell at the end of the conveyor
fotocel is te lang bedient = photocell was actuated for too long
fotocel op de = photocell sensor on the conveyor
Fotocellen = Photocells
fotocellen = photocell sensors
Fotocellen en bevestigingen = photocell sensors and fixtures
Fotocellen en bevestigingen controleren = Check photocell sensors and fixtures
"Fotocellen, benaderingschakelaars en bevestigingen" = "Photocell sensors, proximity sensors and fixtures"
fotocelsensoren = photoelectric sensors
fotochemie = photochemistry
fotochemie = photo-chemistry
fotochemisch effect = photochemical effect
fotochemisch middel = photochemical agent
fotochemische oxidant = photochemical oxidant
fotochemische product = photochemical product
Fotochemische producten = Photographic chemicals
fotochemische produkten-fabriek = Photochemical products industry
fotochemische reactie = photochemical reaction
fotochemische smog = photochemical smog
fotochemische vervuiling = photochemical pollution
fotochemotherapie = photoradiation therapy
fotoconductiviteit = photo-conductivity
fotocopie (gebruik niet: copie) = "photo copy, Xerox"
fotodetector = photodetector
fotodienst = photo service
Fotodiode = Photodiode
fotodiode = phot crystal diode
Fotodioden = Photosensitive diodes
fotodrukbedrijf = Photographic printers
foto-effect = photoelectric effect
fotoelasticiteit = photoelasticity
foto-elasticiteit = photo-elasticity
fotoelastisch = photoelastic method
foto-elektriciteit = photoelectricity
foto-elektrisch effect = photoelectric effect
foto-elektrische cel = photoelectric cell
foto-elektrische constante = photoelectric constant
foto-elektrische omvormer = photoelectric transducer
foto-elektrische versterker = photoelectric amplifier
foto-emaillefabriek = Photographic enamel industry
foto-emissie = photoemission
foto-emitterend = photo-emissive
foto-ets methode = photo-etch method
foto-ets techniek = photo-etch technique
foto-etsen = photo-etching
Fotofobie = Photophobia
fotoforese = photopheresis
Fotogalerie = Photo Gallery
Fotogalerij = Photo Gallery
Fotogallerij = Photo gallery
fotogalvanische cel = photovoltaic cell
fotogalvanische stof = photovoltaic material
fotogeleidend = photo-conductive
fotogeleidend effect = photoconductive effect
fotogeleidende cel = photoconductive cell
fotogeleidende stof = photoconductive material
fotogeleider = photoconductor
fotogeleider = photo conductor
fotogeleidingsvermogen = photoconductivity
Fotogeologische diensten = Photogeology services
fotogevoelige eenheid = photosensitive device
Fotograaf = Photographer
Fotograaf = Camera dealer
Fotograaf = Shot
fotograaf = photographer
fotograaf {de} = photographer
fotografe {de} = photographer [female]
fotografen = photographers
Fotograferen = Photograph
fotograferen = photography
fotograferen = to photograph
fotograferen = to take a photograph
"fotograferen, een foto nemen" = photograph  (to take a photograph)
fotografie = photography
fotografie {de} = photography
Fotografie in boorgat = Downhole photography services
"fotografiën, prenten" = "photographs, pictures"
fotografisch = photographic
fotografisch bedrijf = Photographic services
fotografisch papier = photographic paper
fotografische = photographic
fotografische apparaten = photographic apparatus
fotografische apparaten en instrumenten = photographic apparatus and instruments
fotografische diensten = photography services
Fotografische diensten = Photographic services
Fotografische en aanvullende diensten = Photographic and ancillary services
fotografische en cinematografische toestellen = photographic and cinematographic apparatus
fotografische en cinematografische toestellen en - = photographic and cinematographic apparatus and
fotografische film = photographic film
fotografische films = photographic films
Fotografische fixeermiddelen = Photographic fixers
fotografische geluidsopnemer = optical sound recorder
fotografische geluidsopnemer = photographic sound recorder
fotografische industrie = photographic industry
fotografische instrumenten = photographic instruments
Fotografische ontwikkelaars = Photographic developers
fotografische plaat = plate
Fotografische plaat = Jilt
Fotografische platen en film = Photographic plates and films
fotografische uitrusting = photographic equipment
fotografische weg (langs) = photographically
fotografische zetterij = Phototypesetters
"fotografische, cinematografische en optische apparaten en instrumenten" = "photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments"
Fotogram = Frame
Fotogram = Photogram
fotogrammetrie = photogrammetry
Fotogrammetriediensten = Photogrammetry services
fotogravure = photo-engraving
Fotogravurediensten = Photogravure services
Foto-initiatoren = Photoinitiators
foto-initiëren = photoinitiating
foto-ionisatie = photoionization
fotokamer = photo room
fotokatode = photo-sensitive cathode
fotokopie = photocopy
fotokopie = photoprint
foto-kopie = photocopying
fotokopiediensten = photocopying
fotokopieën = photocopies
Fotokopieer- en offsetdrukmachines = Photocopying and offset printing equipment
Fotokopieer- en thermokopieerapparaten = Photocopying and thermocopying equipment
Fotokopieer- en xerografisch papier = Photocopier paper and xerographic paper
Fotokopieerapparaten = Photocopiers
fotokopieerapparaten = photocopying apparatus
Fotokopieerapparatuur = Photocopying equipment
fotokopieerders = photocopying machines
Fotokopieerdiensten = Photocopying services
fotokopieermachines = photocopiers
fotokopieerpapier = photocopy paper
Fotokopieerpapier = Photocopier paper
fotokopiëren = xerox
Fotokopiëren = Photocopier
fotokwaliteit = photographic grade
fotokwast = photo brush
fotolak = photo resist
fotolakproces = photo-resist process
fotolassen = optical welding / laser welding
Fotolijsten = Photograph frames
fotolyse van DNA = DNA photolysis
fotomasker = photomask
fotomateriaal = photographic material
fotometer = photometer
Fotometric = Photometric
Fotometrie = Photometry
fotometrie (met auto-analyzer) = photometry (with autoanalyser)
fotometrie (met auto-analyzer) na BZV analyse = photometry (with autoanalyser) after BOD analysis
fotometrie (met auto-analyzer) na filtratie = photometry (with autoanalyser) after filtration
fotometrie na bom-destructie (met auto-analyzer) = photometry after bomb digestion (with autoanalyser)
Fotomontage = Photo Montage
fotomontagemal = phot assembly jig
fotomorfogenese = photomorphogenesis
Fotomultiplicator = Photomultiplier
fotomultiplicatorbuis = photomultiplier tube
foton = photon
fotonen = photons
fotonenbestraling = photon irradiation
fotoneutron = photoneutron
fotonica = photonics
Foto-ontwikkelingsdiensten = Photograph processing services
foto-opgroeimethode = photo-transfer method
Foto-opzetstukken voor microscopen = Photo attachments for microscopes
fotopapier = photo paper
fotopisch zien = photopic vision
fotoplotter = photoplotter
fotopolymeer = photopolymer
fotoreportages = photographic reporting
fotoresist = photo-resist
fotorolletje = film
fotos = photos
Foto's = Photos
Foto's = Photographs
foto's = pictures
foto's bewerken = photo editing
foto's en camera = pictures+camera
"foto's, folders, advertenties, websites en andere informatiedragers" = "photos, leaflets, advertisements, websites and other information carriers"
Fotosensibilisatie = Photosensitization
Fotosensibiliteit = Photosensitivity
fotosfeer = photosphere
Fotoshoot = Photo shoot
Fotoshoot in = Photo shoot in
fotosite = photo site
fotospanningscel = photoelectric cell
fotospectrometer = photo spectrometer
fotostandaards = photograph stands
fotostempel = photo stamp
fotosynthese = photosynthesis
fototoestel = camera
Fototoestel = Cine-camera
fototoestel = photographic (not cine-) camera
fototoestel = photographic camera
fototoestel = still camera
Fototoestel = Movie camera
fototoestel {het} = camera
"fototoestel, fotoapparaat, camera {m}" = camera (still pictures)
fototoestellen = cameras
fototoestellen = photographic (not cine-) cameras
fototoestellen = photographic cameras
fototoestellen = still cameras
fototoestellen en filmtoestellen = photographic cameras and cinematographic cameras
fototoestellen van post 90.06 = photographic cameras of heading 90.06
Fototoestellen voor directklaarfotografie = Instant print cameras
fototransistor = photo transistor
Fototransistors = Photo sensitive transistors
Fototropie = Phototropism
Foto-uitrusting = Photographic equipment
Fotovaklab = Professional photo lab
fotovergroting = photo enlargement
fotovermenigvuldiger = photomultiplier
Fotoviewer = Photo Viewer
fotovolta?sche omzetting van zonne-energie = photovoltaic conversion of solar energy
Fotovoltage - (op)laadregelaar = Photovoltaics charge controller
Fotovoltage - autonome wisselstroomomvormer = Photovoltaics standalone inverter
Fotovoltage - compleet pakket = Photovoltaics complete set
Fotovoltage - dakbevestiging = Photovoltaics roof mounting
Fotovoltage - datalogger = Photovoltaics data logger
Fotovoltage - display = Photovoltaics large display
Fotovoltage - lichtnetgekoppelde omvormer = Photovoltaics DC/AC grid inverter
Fotovoltage - montageprofiel = Photovoltaics mounting profile
Fotovoltage - montagesysteem = Photovoltaics mounting system
Fotovoltage - paneel/module = Photovoltaics module
Fotovoltage - verbindings- en bevestigingselementen = Photovoltaics connecting and mounting element
fotovoltaïsch = photovoltaic
fotovoltaïsch materiaal = photovoltaic material
fotovoltaïsche = photovoltaic
fotovoltäische = photovoltaic
Fotovoltaïsche (PV) modules voor aardse toepassingen = Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules
fotovoltäische array = photovoltaic array
Fotovoltaïsche cel = Photovoltaic cells
Fotovoltaïsche cel = Solar cell
Fotovoltaïsche cellen = Photovoltaic cells
fotovoltaïsche installatie = photovoltaic system
fotovoltaïsche installaties = photovoltaic systems
fotovoltaïsche omzetting van zonne-energie = photovoltaic conversion of solar energy
fotovoltaïsche systemen = photovoltaic systems
Fotovoltaïsche zonnecellen = Solar photovoltaic modules
fotovoltaïsche zonnepaneel installatie = photovoltaic solar panel installation
fotovoltaïsche zonnepanelen = photovoltaic panels
fotoweerstand = photo resistor
Fotozetsysteem = Photocomposing system
Foucaultsche stromen = eddy flows
Foudraal = Casing
foudroyant = (adjective)  fulminating
Fouilleercabine = Frisking cubicle
fouilleerder = frisker
fouilleerder = passenger searcher
fouilleerder = person conducting the search
fouilleerder = person searching
Fouilleren = Dig
Fouilleren = Delve
Fouilleren = Excavate
Fouilleren = Poke about
Fouilleren = Pry
fouilleren = search
Fouilleren = Rustle for
Fouilleren = Explore
Fouilleren = Forage for
Fouilleren = Frisk
fouilleren = to frisk
Fouilleren = Scavenge
fouillering = body search
fouillering = frisking
fouillering = search
fouilleringcabine = frisking cubicle
foulard = padder
foularderen = padding
foulardtrog = pad bath
foulardtrog = padding liquor
Foundation = Foundation
foundation = foundation cream
Foundation for Auditing Research = Foundation for Auditing Research
Founders = Changeable
Founders = Changing
Founders = Shift
Founders = Wayward
Four = Bomb
FOURCC-tekencode = FOURCC Code
Fourieranalyse = Harmonic analysis
Fourier-analyse = Fourier analysis
Fourierreeks = Fourier series
Fourier-reeksen = Fourier series
Fourier-representatie van Andrews = Andrews' Fourier-type plot
Fourier-transformatie = Fourier transform
Fourier-transformatie = Fourier transformation
"Fouriertransformatie, Fourier-transformatie" = Fourier transform (mathematics: a process that expresses a function)
Fournier ziekte = Fournier's disease
fout = failure
fout = bug
fout = fault
fout = Error
fout = err
fout = mistake
fout = erroneous
fout = wrong move
fout = FALSE
fout = defect
fout = wrong
fout = error
Fout = Incorrect
fout {de} = error
fout {de} = flaw
fout {de} = mistake
fout beslissen = make a bad decision
fout bufferpositie = Buffer position error
fout georiënteerde = incorrectly oriented
fout gevouwen eiwitten = incorrectly  folded proteins
fout gevouwen eiwitten = misfolded proteins
fout gevouwen eiwitten = wrongly folded proteins
Fout in communicatie = Communication error
fout in communicatie = communication error
fout in communicatie = communication fault
Fout met = Fault in
fout met gemiddelde afwijking = bias
fout met nulgemiddelde = balanced error
fout met omkeerblok = Reversing block error
fout of nalatigheid = error or negligence
fout of nalatigheid van = error or negligence on the part of
fout of nalatigheid van de koper = error or negligence on the part of the Buyer
fout of waarschuwing = error or warning
Fout op Temp. sensor = Fault on the temp. sensor
Fout op Temp. sensor = Fault on temp. sensor
fout opgetreden = error occurred
Fout van de 1. Soort = Error of Type I
fout van de derde soort = error of third kind
fout van de derde soort = type III error
fout van de eerste soort = error of first kind
Fout van de eerste soort = Type I error
fout van de eerste soort = alpha error
fout van de eerste soort = error of first kind
fout van de eerste soort = type I error
fout van de tweede soort = beta error
fout van de tweede soort = error of second kind
fout van de tweede soort = type II error
Fout van de tweede soort = Type II error
fout van de tweede soort = error of second kind
"fout, foutief, verkeerd, onjuist" = wrong {adv} (done incorrectly)
"fout, misverstand, blunder, vergissing, onjuistheid{f}" = mistake (An error )
"fout, onnauwkeurigheid, onjuistheid, onwaarheid" = inaccuracy (inaccurate statement)
"fout, vergissing, onjuistheid" = error (mistake)
"fout, verkeerd, onjuist, mis" = wrong {adj} (incorrect)
foutaanduiding = fault indication
foutaanpassing = mismatch
foutafhandeling = error handling
Foutafhandeling van parameterwaarden van public methoden = Error handling of parameter values of public methods
foutafhandelingsprocessor = interface message processor: IMP
foutafregeling = misalignment
foutafstelling = maladjustment
foutbehandeling = error handling
foutbenadering = error approximation
foutbenaderingen = error approximations
foutbestendig = fault tolerant
foutbestendigheid = fault tolerance
foutboom = fault tree
foutcode = error code
foutcodes = error codes
foutconditie = fault condition
Foutcontrole = Error Checking
foutcorrectie = error correction
foutcorrecties = error correction
foutcumulatie-afhankelijk = error-accumulation-dependent
foutdefinities = error definition
foutdefinities = error definitions
foutdekking = fault coverage
foutdetectie = error detection
foutdetectie = fault detection
Foutdetectors = Fault detectors
foutdiagnose = fault diagnosis
foutdistributie = error budget
foute = incorrect
foute bestellingen = incorrect orders
Foute info = Wrong info
foute leveringen = incorrect deliveries
foute positie = incorrect position
"foute, ongeldige of verboden" = "incorrect, invalid or prohibited"
fouten = faults
fouten = errors
fouten bij het intoetsen = typing errors
fouten bij survey = errors in surveys
fouten controleprocedure = error control procedure
fouten door dataduplicatie = errors caused by data duplication
fouten en gebreken aan de programmatuur = errors and defects in the software
fouten en/of tekortkomingen = faults and/or shortcomings
Fouten gedetecteerd door = Faults detected by
fouten in de constructies = construction defects
fouten in de designfase = Errors in the design phase
fouten in de software = bugs
fouten in de software = software bugs
fouten in het model = error in equations
fouten in lokale toegangscircuits = local tail failures
fouten in stapelpatronen = stacking pattern errors
fouten in verzoek om verbetering = enhancement request errors
fouten of leemten = errors or omissions
fouten of nalatigheden van of zijdens = errors or omissions of or on the part of
fouten of onjuistheden = errors or inaccuracies
fouten opsporen = debug
fouten opsporen = debugging
fouten toevoegen = error seeding
"fouten, onvolledigheden, gebreken" = "errors, omissions, defects"
foutenanalyse = fault analysis
foutenanalyse = failure analysis
foutenbereik = error span
foutenboom analyse = fault tree analysis (FTA)
foutencontrole = error check
Foutencontrole-uitrusting = Error-monitoring equipment
foutencorrectie = error correction
foutendetectie = error detection
foutendetectie en -correctie = error checking and correcting
foutendiagnose = error diagnostics
foutendiagnostiek = error diagnostics
foutendictionaire = fault dictionary
foutendiscussie = "error discussion, error analysis"
foutendriehoek = triangle of error
foutenfrequentie = error rate
Foutengeschiedenis = Fault history
foutengissing = error guessing
foutenherstel = error recovery
foutenherstellende code = error correcting code
foutenkaart = check card
Foutenlijst = Error List
foutenmarge = error band
foutenmarge = margin of error
foutenmarge = error range
foutenmarge = error margin
foutenmodel volgens Berkson = Berkson's error model
foutenopsporing = troubleshooting
Foutenopsporing = Trouble shooting
foutenopsporing = faultfinding
foutenpercentage = per cent defective
foutenpunten = fault marks
foutenrapport = error report
foutenreeks = error range
Foutenregistratie = Error registration
foutensignalerende code = error detecting code
foutenteller = error counter
fouten-tolerant = fault-tolerant
foutenwaardering = fault rating
foutfrequentie = error rate
foutgeheugen = fault memory
Foutgeldteruggave = Fake money restitution
foutgevoelig = prone to errors
foutgevoelige = error-prone
Foutgevoelige processen = Error-prone processes
foutgrens = reject limit
foutherstelbit = error-correction bit
foutherstellend systeem = error-correcting system
foutherstellende code = error-correcting code
fouthersteltoets = error reset key
fouthoek = tracking-angle error
foutief = incorrect
Foutief = Offending
foutief = erroneous
Foutief = The one to blame
Foutief = Faulty
foutief DNA-herstel = mutagenic  DNA repair
foutief exemplaar = defective unit
foutief gebruik = misuse
foutief geleverde = incorrectly delivered
foutief geleverde artikelen = incorrectly delivered items
foutief product = non-conforming product
foutieve aanpassing = mismatch
foutieve afstelling = incorrect adjustment
foutieve geleiding = defect conduction
foutieve gelijkloop = mistracking
foutieve handeling = incorrect action
foutieve handelwijze = incorrect conduct
foutieve informatie = erroneous information
foutieve instelling = misalignment
foutieve login = incorrect login
foutieve logins = incorrect logins
foutieve montage = incorrect installation
foutieve niet-uitvoering = breach of performance
foutieve opstelling = improper preparation
Foutieve output = Corrupt output
foutieve persoonsgegevens = erroneous personal data
foutieve plek = defect
foutieve signaalreeks = error burst
Foutieve uitvoer = Corrupt output
foutieve verlijming = bonding error
foutieve vrijgave = false clear
foutieve waarde = erroneous value
foutieve werking van de verkeersregelaar zelf = malfunction of the traffic-signal controller itself
foutinformatie = error information
foutinjectie = fault injection
foutinplanting = fault insertion
foutkans = probability of failure
foutkans = probability of failure
foutkans = error probability
foutkans = risk of erro
foutkans = chance of error
foutkarakteristiek = fault signature
foutlocalisatie = fault localization
foutlog = error log
foutloos = error-free
foutloos = flawlessly
Foutloos = Impeccable
Foutloos = Faultless
foutloos = zero defect
Foutloos = Mint
foutloos aansprakelijk = strictly liable
foutloos exemplaar = effective unit
"foutloos, [in expression: ... huisje] heilig" = holy {adj} (flawless)
foutloos-werken-aanpak = zero defects
foutloze aansprakelijkheid = no-fault liability
foutloze aansprakelijkheid = liability without fault
foutloze aansprakelijkheid uit nabuurschap = no-fault neighbour liability
foutloze of ononderbroken = uninterrupted or error-free
foutloze of ononderbroken werking van het product = uninterrupted or error-free operation of the product
foutloze orderverwerking = error-free order processing
foutlusimpedantie = earth fault loop impedance
foutmarge = margin of error
foutmarge bij orderpicking = picking errors
foutmaskering = fault masking
foutmelding = failure notification
Foutmelding = Error message
foutmelding = error notification
foutmelding = error message
foutmelding bij compileren = error message when compiling
Foutmelding en probleem oplossing = Fault messages and troubleshooting
foutmelding: inconvertable types = error message: inconvertable types
foutmeldingen = fault messages
foutmeldingen = error messages
foutmodel = error model
foutmodellering = fault modelling
foutmontage = incorrect mounting
foutnummer = error number
foutoorzaakverwijdering = error cause removal: ECR
foutoplossing = troubleshooting
foutoplossing en onderhoud = troubleshooting and maintenance
foutopsporing = troubleshooting
foutopsporing = error detection
foutopsporing = debugging
foutopsporingsorgaan = error detector
foutopsporingsprogramma = debugger
foutopsporingsscherm = debugger display
fout-positief = false positive
foutrapportage = error reporting
foutregeling = error control
foutscherm = error screen
foutsignaal = error signal
foutsignalerend bit = error-detection bit
foutsignalerend systeem = error-detecting system
foutsignalerende code = error-detecting code
foutsignalering = diagnostic message
foutsimulatie = fault simulation
foutsimulator = fault simulator
foutspanning = error voltage
foutstroom = error current
foutstroom = residual current
Foutstroombeveiliging = Fault current protection
foutstroombewaking = generator residual current monitoring
foutstroomdetectie = residual current monitoring
foutstroomdetectie = generator residual current monitoring
Foutstroommeting = Fault current measurement
fouttasten = mistracking
fouttoestand = failure mode
fouttolerant = fault tolerant
fouttolerante heap = fault tolerant heap
fouttolerantie = error tolerance
fouttolerantie = fault tolerance
foutuitlijning = misalignment
foutveilig = fault secure
foutverhouding = error ratio
foutvlag = error flag
foutvoorspelling = error prediction
foutwaarde = error value
foutwaarschuwing = fault messages
foutwaarschuwingen = fault message
foutwaarschuwingen = fault messages
foutweergave = error output
foutzoeken = find errors
fovea = fovea
Foxim = Foxim
FPGA = field programmable gate array
FPGA = field programmable gate array
FPKM = Forensic Medical Child Abuse Centre (Forensische Polikliniek Kindermishan
FPR-0418-01 – OOC report instruments:investigation = FPR-0418-01 – OOC report instruments:investigation
FPS = Federal Public Service
FPS = Federal Public Service (FPS)
fps = Fps
FPU = flexible and early retirement pension
FPU = Flexible Pension and Retirement Scheme
FPU = flexible retirement (contribution)
FPU = early retirement (scheme)
F-Quick = F-Quick
Fraai = Fine
Fraai = Handsome
Fraai = Beautiful
Fraai = Cute
fraai = splendid
fraai afdrukken = pretty printing
fraai vormgegeven = beautifully designed
fraaiheid = beauty
Fraaiheid = Good looks
Fraaiheid = Glamour
Fraaiheid = Glamor
fractaal = (noun)  fractal
fractal = fractal
fractale geometrie = fractal geometry
Fractie = Fraction
fractie = (waste) fraction
fractie = fraction
fractie = fraction
fractie {de} = fraction
fractie c20-c27 = fraction c20-c27
fractie c27-c40 = fraction c27-c40
fractie die bemonsterd wordt = sampling fraction
fractie foutieve exemplaren = fraction defective
fractie foutieve exemplaren in de steekproef = sample fraction defective
fractie intact = fraction effective
fractie verklaarde variantie = coefficient of total determination
fractie weigeringen = refusal rate
Fractiel = Fractile
fracties met lagere en hogere densiteit = fractions of lower and higher density
fractiewaarde = accounting par value
fractionatie = fractionation
fractioneel afbraakpercentage = fractional catabolic rate
fractioneerkolom = fractionating column
fractionele destillatie = fractional distillation
fractionele precipitatie = fractional precipitation
Fractionele reductie = Fractional reduction
fractionering van het plasma van mensenbloed = fractionation of human blood plasma
fractionering van het plasma van mensenbloed = fractionation of plasma from human blood
fractioneringsinstallatie = fractionation unit
fractura non sanata = ununited  fracture
fracturen van de corpus humeri = humeral fractures
fracturering van de dosis = dose  fractionation
Fractuur = Fracture
fractuur {de} = fracture
fractuur van de dijbeen = femoral fracture
fractuur van de dijbeen = fracture of the femur
fractuur van Dupuytren = Dupuytren fracture
fractuur van Galeazzi = Galeazzi's fracture: a fracture of the shaft of the radius (forearm) with
fractuurfixatie: het verbinden van gebroken beenderen = fixation of a fracture
fractuurfixatie: het verbinden van gebroken beenderen = fracture fixation: using metallic devices inserted into bones to hold a f
Fractyl Duodenal Resurfacing System = Fractyl Duodenal Resurfacing System
Fractyl Laboratories Ine. = Fractyl Laboratories Inc.
fragiel = fragile
fragiele of langwerpige producten = fragile or elongated products
fragiele staten = fragile states
fragiliteit {de} = fragility
fragiliteit {de} = fragileness
Fragment = Fragment
Fragment = Bit
Fragment = Snatch
fragment = excerpt
fragment {het} = fragment
fragment uit het schakelschema = wiring diagram detail
fragmentarisch = fragmentarily
fragmentarisch = fragmentary
fragmentarische benadering = deductible
fragmentarische benadering = piecemeal approach
fragmentarische benadering = warranty
fragmentariseren = to fragment
fragmentarisering {de} = fragmentation
fragmentatie = fragmentation
fragmentatie {de} = fragmentation
fragmenten van deze site = fragments of this site
fragmenteren = to fragment
fragmention = fragment ion
fragmentocyt = schistocyte
Fraijlemaborg = Fraijlemaborg building
frake = fraké
fraké = fraké
Framboos = Rubus idaeus
framboos = strawberry
Framboos = Raspberry
framboos = raspberry
framboos {de} = raspberry
Frambozen = Raspberries
frambozen {mv} = raspberries
frambozengalblaas = strawberry  gallbladder
Frambozenjam = Raspberry jam
frambozenstruik = raspberry
"frambozenstruik, framboos" = raspberry (the plant Rubus idaeus)
frame = frame
Frame = Frame
frame (b.v. op nivelleermachine) = overhead frame
Frame controleren op scheuren = Frame checked for cracks
frame grabber = frame grabber
frame lastlier = winch frame
frame per frame = frame by frame
Frame relay = Frame relay
frame relay service level agreement = frame relay service level agreement
frame relay-toepassingen = frame relay applications
Frame Side = Frame Side
Frame support = Frame support
frame van de = frame of the
frame van het machinehuis = machine house frame
frame van het paneel = panel frame
frame van het rotorblad = rotor blade frame
Frame XTRema = Frame XTRema
Frame xtrema assy = Frame xtrema assy
"frame, kozijn" = frame
frame-afregeling = frame alignment
frame-afregelingssignaal = frame alignment signal
frame-afregelingstijdslot = frame alignment time slot
framebouwerij = Frame builders
framedeel = frame member
framedelen = frame members
framefrequentie = frame frequency
frame-multiplexstructuur = frame multiplex structure
frame-opmaak = frame format
framepaal = frame pole
framepaal = frame post
frameprobleem = frame problem
framerelais = frame relay
framerooster = frame grid
Frames = Frames
frames per second = fps
frames per second = frames per second
frames per seconde = frames per second
frames van de videofeed = frames of the video feed
Frames voor mangaten = Manhole frames
Frames voor rolstoelen = Wheelchair frames
frameset = frameset
frameshift-mutaties in het genoom van het organisme = frameshift mutations in the genome of the organism
framesnelheid = frame rate
framesynchronisatie = frame synchronization
framesynchronisatiepatroon = frame synchronization pattern
frametype = frame type
Frameverbinding voor solarsysteem = Solar frame connector
framevoet = foot of frame
framewerk = framework
framework = framework
frameworks en oplossingen = Frameworks and solutions
framing = framing
framycetine = framycetin: a component of neomycin that is produced by streptomyces frad
franc {de} = franc
Française = Frenchwoman
Française {de} = Frenchwoman
Française {de} = French girl
Francesco Petrarca = Petrarch
Franche-Comté = Franche-Comté
franchise = [statutory] offset [to allow for state-provided pension or statutory mini
franchise = state pension disregard
franchise = state pension offset
franchise = deductible (deel van het salaris waarover geen pensioen wordt opgebouwd)
franchise = deductible (in connection with the state pension portion of pensionable i
franchise = deductible (xxxjarry)
franchise = state pension offset
franchise = franchise
franchise = insurance benefit
franchise = excess
franchise = "(belastingvrij bedrag) tax-exempt amount ,tax-free allowance"
franchise = "(deel van het salaris waarover geen pensioen wordt opgebouwd) deductible,"
franchise = (organisatievorm) franchise
franchise = "(verz.) excess, deductible (US)"
franchise (in context) = deductible (in connection with the state pension portion of pensionable i
franchise [bodembedrag/drempelbedrag in pensioenvoorziening afgeleid van  = [statutory] offset [to allow for state-provided pension or statutory mini
franchise [bodembedrag/drempelbedrag in pensioenvoorziening afgeleid van  = deductible (in connection with the state pension portion of pensionable i
franchise [bodembedrag/drempelbedrag in pensioenvoorziening afgeleid van  = old-age pension deductible
franchise [bodembedrag/drempelbedrag in pensioenvoorziening afgeleid van  = portion of the salary over which no pension entitlement is built up
franchise [bodembedrag/drempelbedrag in pensioenvoorziening afgeleid van  = state pension disregard
franchise [bodembedrag/drempelbedrag in pensioenvoorziening afgeleid van  = state pension offset
franchisebedrijf = franchised company
Franchisegever = Franchiser
franchisenemer = franchisee
franchisenemers = franchisees
Franchiseorganisatie = Franchising system
franchiseorganisatie = franchise organisation
franchises = deductibles
Franchisesysteem = Franchise system
Franchising = Franchising
Francis = Francis
Francis Bacon (wetenschapper) = Francis Bacon
Francis Crick = Francis Crick
Francis Drake = Francis Drake
Francis Ford Coppola = Francis Ford Coppola
Francis Poulenc = Francis Poulenc
Franciscanen = Franciscan
Francisco Franco = Francisco Franco
Francisco Goya = Francisco Goya
Francisco Pizarro = Francisco Pizarro
Franciscus = Francis
Franciscus van Assisi = Francis of Assisi
Francium = Francium
Franco = Franco
franco = post paid
franco = carriage paid / freight prepaid
franco huis = free at domicile
franco thuis = free at domicile
franco thuis = free domicile
franco werk = free works
franco-huis = Delivered Duty Paid
franco-huis = free domicile
Francophonie = French-speaking areas
Francophonie = French-speaking world
francoprijs = delivered price
Franekeradeel = Franekeradeel
Franfurter Schule = Frankfurt school
franje = frindge
Franje = Valance
franje = fringes
Franje = Bang
Franje = Fringe
"franje, zoom, buitenkant, zelfkant" = fringe
franje-achtig = fimbriate: having a fringe of slender processes
franje-achtig = fringed
frank = free and easy
Frank = Frankish
Frank = Frank
frank = franc
frank {de} = franc
Frank Alexander de Kiefte = Frank Alexander de Kiefte
Frank Lloyd Wright = Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Sinatra = Frank Sinatra
Frankeerkosten = Carriage expenses
Frankeermachines = Postage-franking machines
frankeermachines = franking machines
frankeerzegel = stamp
Frankenland = Franconia
Frankeren = Stamp
Frankeren = Enfranchise
Frankeren = Put on stamps
Frankeren = Put a stamp on
Frankeren = Emancipate
Frankeren = Free
frankeren = prepay
Frankering = Postage
Frankfort = Frankfort
Frankfort (Kentucky) = Frankfort
Frankfort aan de Main = Frankfort upon the Main
Frankführt = Frankfurt
Frankfurt = Frankfort
Frankfurt = Frankfurt (disambiguation)
Frankfürt = Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main = Frankfurt
Frankfurt an der Oder = Frankfurt (Oder)
Frankfurter worstje = wiener
Frankfurtse effectenbeurs = Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Frankfurtse effectenbeurs (S92) = Frankfurt Stock Exchange (S92)
Frankisch = Frank
Frankisch = Frankish
Franklin Pierce = Franklin Pierce
Frankrijk = France
Frankrijk DOM = French Overseas Departments
Frankrijk LGO = French Overseas Territories
Frankrijklei = Frankrijklei
Frans = Francis
Frans = French
Frans = French <Fr.>
Frans {het} = French
Frans brood {het} [BN] = French bread
Frans brood {het} [BN] = French stick
Frans Consulaat = Consulate
Frans Guyana = French Guiana
Frans Hals = Frans Hals
Frans II van het Heilige Roomse Rijk = Francis II
Frans IP-adres = French IP address
Frans persoon = French people
Frans Polynesië = French Polynesia
Frans Vreemdelingenlegioen = Foreign Legion
"Frans, Francis, Franciscus" = Francis {prop} (male given name)
"Frans, Nederlands, Duits en Engels" = "French, Dutch, German and English"
Frans-Duitse Oorlog = Franco-Prussian War
Franse = French-born
Franse = Frenchwoman
Franse = French lady
franse = french women
Franse = French
Franse Antillen = French West Indies
Franse buldog = Bulldog
Franse frank = French franc
Franse Gemeenschap = French-speaking Community
Franse Gemeenschap van België = French Community of Belgium
Franse hoorns = French horns
Franse investeringsmaatschappij = French investment company
Franse luchtmacht = Air force
Franse luchtmacht = Royal Air Force
Franse minister van economische zaken = French Minister of Economic Affairs
Franse poedel = Poodle
Franse Revolutie = French Revolution
Franse Rivièra = Riviera
Franse sex = oral sex
Franse Staten-Generaal = States General
Franse taal = French
Franse Taal en Cultuur = French Language and Culture
Franse titel = half-title
Franse tuin = French formal garden
Franse Vreemdelingenlegioen = Foreign Legion
Franse Zuidelijke en Zuidpoolgebieden = French Southern and Antarctic Territories
Fransgezind = Francophile
Fransgezinde = Francophile
Frans-Guyana = French Guiana
Fransman = French
Fransman = Frenchman
Frans-Polynesië = French Polynesia
Franssprekend Afrika = French-speaking Africa
Franstalig = French-speaking
Franstalig = Francophone
Franz Kafka = Franz Kafka
Franz Liszt = Franz Liszt
Franz Schubert = Franz Schubert
frappant = striking
Frase = Phrase
Frase = Sentence
frasenlijst = phrase list
Fraser = Fraser
frasi (frame relay interworking) = frame relay interworking (frasi)
Frater = Twite
Fratoria BV = Fratoria B.V
"fratsenmaker, wispelturig iemand,duiveltje, deugniet,roddelaar" = "flibbertigibbet (offbeat, skittish person)"
fraude = fraud
fraude = cheating
fraude = fraudulence
"fraude {c}, fraudeur, bedrieger, bedrog,oplichterij, oplichting, charlata" = fraud (an act of deception)
fraude {de} = fraud
fraude met handtekeningen = signature fraud
fraude op de waterkwaliteit = water quality fraud
Fraude te voorkomen en te bestrijden = Preventing and combating fraud
fraude tegen de Europese Unie = fraud against the European Union
"fraude, bedrieger, oplichter, charlatan" = fraud (one who performs fraud)
"fraude, oplichting of witwassen" = "fraud, scams or money-laundering"
fraude/diefstal = fraud/theft
fraudebestrijding = fraud prevention
fraudebestrijdingsstrategie/-maatregel = fraud response strategies/action
fraudedetectie = fraud detection
fraudeonderzoek = fraud investigations
frauderen = defraud
Fraudewet = Law on Fraud (Fraudewet
frauduleuze = fraudulent
Frauduleuze handelingen = Sham transaction
frauduleuze miner = fraudulent miner
frauduleuze misleiding van die partij tegenover de andere = fraudulent deception of the other party
frauduleuze onderneming/vennootschap = bogus company
Fraunhofer Institut IMS = Fraunhofer Institute of Microelectronic Circuits and Systems (Fraunhofer 
Fraunhofer Institut IMS = Fraunhofer IMS
Fraunhofer Institut IMS = Fraunhofer Institute of Microelectronic Circuits and Systems
Fraze = Sentence
Fraze = Phrase
fr-cookie = ‘fr’ cookie
freatisch = phreatic
Freatisch vlak = Water table
freatisch water = water table
freatisch watervoerend pakket = phreatic (or unconfined) aquifers
freatische lijn = phreatic line
Fréchet-verdeling = Fréchet distribution
Fred Astaire = Fred Astaire
Frederick Sanger = Frederick Sanger
Frederick Soddy = Frederick Soddy
Frederick Winslow Taylor = Frederick Winslow Taylor
Fredericton = Fredericton
Frederik I van het Heilige Roomse Rijk = Frederick I
Frederik II van het Heilige Roomse Rijk = Frederick II
Frederik van Eedenplein = Frederik van Eedenplein
Free alongside ship = Free alongside ship
Free float = Floating
Free from particular average = Free from particular average
free kick {de} = free kick
Free of capture and seizure = Free of capture and seizure
Free on board = Free on board
free publicity momenten = free publicity moments
free running = free running
freecooling = free cooling
free-cooling = free cooling
free-float-herschikking = free float adjustment
Freelance = Self-employed
free-lance = freelance
freelance ontwikkelaars = freelance developers
freelancer = freelance worker
freem = frame
Freeman-Tukey-transformatie = Freeman-Tukey transformation
Freerider-probleem = Free rider problem
Free-riders probleem = Stowaway
frees = cutter
Frees = Cultivator
frees = fraise
frees = milling cutter
frees- en snijbestand = cutter location file: CLFILE
frees- en snijmagneetband = cutter location tape
frees/snijbaan = cutter path
freesarm = milling arm
freesbank = milling machine
freesbeitel = milling cutter
freesbeitel = milling tool
freesdoorn = cutter head
freesgat = mortise hole
freesketting = mortise chain
freeskop = cutter head
Freesmachine = Milling machine
freesmachines = milling machines
freesmotor = router motor
freesradius = cutter radius
freesribben = milling ribs
freesrichting = milling direction
freesspil = milling-cutter arbor
freesspindel = milling-cutter arbor
freesstift = burr
freestechnologie = milling technology
Freestyle = Freestyle
freesuitloop = cutter run-out
Freetown = Freetown
Freeware = Freeware
Freewheel / Cassette = Freewheel
Freewheelafnemer = Block-
Freewheelafnemer = Freewheel remover
freezer = freezer
Fregat = Frigate
freight = freight
Freightway-gebouw = Freightway building
Frejka-kussen = abduction pillow
frekwentie = frequency
frekwentiediagram = histogram
frekwentiekromme = frequency curve
frekwentie-risico = frequency risk
frekwentieverdeling = frequency distribution
"fremitus hydatidis, het teken van Récamier" = hydatid fremitus
"fremitus hydatidis, het teken van Récamier" = hydatid thrill
Frencken H&S = Frencken H&S
Frencken Handel & Service = Frencken Handel & Service
frenulum = frenum
frenulum = orthodontic band
frenulum = frenulum: a small fold of tissue that prevents an organ in the body from 
frenulum labiorum pudendi = fourchette
frenulum labiorum pudendi = frenulum labiorum pudendi
frenulum labiorum pudendi = frenulum of the labia minora
frenulum labiorum pudendi = frenulum of the pudendal labia
frenulum linguae = lingual frenum
frenulum linguae = frenulum linguae
frenulum linguae = frenulum of tongue
frenulum linguae = vinculum linguae
freon = freon
Freon-11 = Freon-11
Freon-112 = Freon-112
Freon-113 = Freon-113
Freon-114 = Freon-114
Freon-12 = Freon-12
Freon-21 = Freon-21
Frequency Division Duplex = FDD
Frequency Division Duplex = Frequency-division duplex
frequency drive = frequency drive
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum = FHSS
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum = Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
Frequency rate = Frequency rate
Frequent = Rampant
Frequent = Oftenheard
frequent = frequent
Frequent flyer programs = Frequent flyer programme
Frequent gekochte consumptiegoederen = Frequently bought consumer goods
Frequent te schakelen = Suitable for frequent switching
frequent testen = frequent testing
Frequent verzuim = Frequent absenteeism
frequente slijtage-onderdelen = frequently wearing parts
frequente verzuim = frequent absenteeism
frequenter = more frequently
frequentie = frequency
frequentie = absolute frequency
Frequentie (waarde) = Frequency (value)
frequentie {de} = frequency
Frequentie bedrijfsspanning van/tot = Frequency operating voltage from/to
Frequentie en duur knipperen = Frequency and duration of flashing
frequentie geregeld = frequency controlled
frequentie gestuurde motor met positie terugkoppeling = frequency-controlled motor with position feedback
frequentie gestuurde rollenbaan = frequency-controlled roller conveyor
frequentie hopping = frequency hopping
Frequentie hulpspanning = Frequency auxiliary voltage
Frequentie ingangsspanning = Frequency input voltage
Frequentie kopen merken = Frequency of buying brands
Frequentie marketing = Frequency marketing
Frequentie meetspanning = Frequency measuring voltage
Frequentie meetstroom = Frequency measuring current
frequentie moduleren = to frequency-modulate
frequentie per jaar = annual frequency
Frequentie radio-ontvanger = Frequency radio receiver
frequentie regelaar = variable-frequency drive
Frequentie stuurspanning 1 = Frequency control voltage 1
Frequentie stuurspanning 2 = Frequency control voltage 2
Frequentie stuurspanning van/tot = Frequency control voltage from/to
frequentie van de gemiddelde entropie = average information rate
frequentie van de gemiddelde fout = average error rate
Frequentie van verspilling = Waste frequency
frequentie van voorkomen = frequency of occurrence
Frequentie voedingsspanning = Frequency supply voltage
Frequentie voedingsspanning van/tot = Frequency supply voltage from/to
frequentie voor lijnschermen = line screen frequency
Frequentieaanduiding = Frequency indication
frequentie-aanpasbare modem = frequency-agile modem
frequentie-afgeleid kanaal = frequency-derived channel
frequentieafhankelijk = frequency-dependent
frequentieafhankelijkheid = frequency dependence
frequentieaftasting = frequency scanning
frequentieafwijking = frequency deviation
frequentieallocatie = frequency allocation
frequentieanalysecompactie = frequency-analysis compaction
frequentieband = waveband
frequentieband = frequency band
frequentiebandbegrenzing = limitation of frequency band
frequentiebandbeperking = limitation of frequency band
frequentiebandbreedte = frequency band width
frequentiebandcompensatie = frequency band compensation
frequentiebanden = frequency bands
frequentiebereik = frequency range
frequentiebereik = frequency domain
Frequentiebereik ingangsspanning = Frequency range input voltage
frequentiebias = frequency bias
frequentiebrug = frequency bridge
frequentiecodemodulatie = frequency code modulation
frequentiecompatibiliteit = frequency compatibility
frequentiecompatibiliteit = Radio frequency compatibility
frequentieconstantheid = frequency stability
frequentieconversie = frequency translation
frequentiecordinatie = frequency coordination
frequentieco'rdinatie = frequency coordination
frequentiedeler = frequency divider
frequentiedeling = frequency division
frequentiedetector = frequency detector
frequentiedetector = pulse-height  discriminator
frequentiedetector = amplitude discriminator
frequentiedetector = discriminator
frequentiedeviatie = frequency deviation
Frequentiedichtheid = Frequency density
frequentiediversiteit = frequency diversity
frequentiedomein = frequency domain
frequentiedrift = frequency drift
frequentie-effecten = frequency effects
frequentiefamilie = frequency family
frequentiefunctie van Pólya van de orde twee = Pólya frequency function of order two
frequentiegebied = frequency range
frequentiegebruikers = frequency users
frequentiegemoduleerd = frequency modulated
frequentiegenerator = frequency generator
frequentiegeregeld = variable-speed
frequentiegeregelde = variable-speed
frequentiegeregelde besturing = variable speed control
frequentiegeregelde besturing en noodstroomaccu = variable speed control and emergency power battery
frequentiegeregelde motor = frequency-controlled motor
frequentiegeregelde motoren = frequency-controlled motors
frequentiegeregelde motoren zonder terugkoppeling = frequency-controlled motors without position feedback
frequentiegeregelde rollenbaan = VFD-controlled roller conveyor
frequentiegeregelde rollenbanen = VFD-controlled roller conveyors
frequentiegeregelde rollenbanen = variable frequency drive controlled roller conveyors
Frequentiegraad = Frequency Rate
frequentiegroepen = grouped frequencies
frequentiegroepentabel = grouped frequency table
frequentiehopping = frequency hopping
frequentie-interval = frequency span
frequentiekalibrator = frequency calibrator
frequentiekanaal = frequency channel
frequentiekant = frequency side
frequentiekarakteristiek = frequency response
frequentiekarakteristiek = frequency characteristic
frequentiekarakteristieken = frequency characteristics
frequentiekiezer = cycle selector
frequentiekromme = frequency curve
frequentielijndiagram = frequency polygon
frequentiemanagement = frequency management
frequentiemediaan = median frequency
frequentiemeter = frequency meter
Frequentiemeter paneelbouw = Frequency meter for installation
Frequentiemeting = Frequency measurement
frequentiemiddeling = frequency averaging
Frequentiemodulatie = Frequency modulation
frequentiemodulatie = frequency modulation: FM
frequentiemodulatie [FM] = frequency modulation [FM]
frequentiemodulatie-vastlegging = frequency modulation recording: FMR
frequentiemodulator = frequency modulator
frequentiemonitor = frequency monitor
frequentiemultiplexmodulatie = frequency multiplex modulation
frequentiemultiplexsysteem = frequency-division multiplex
frequentienauwkeurigheid = frequency accuracy
frequentieomvormer = frequency converter
frequentieomvormer gondelventilator = NFFC
Frequentieomvormers = Frequency converter
frequentieomzetter = frequency changer
frequentie-oppervlak = frequency surface
frequentieoverlapping = frequency overlap
frequentiepolygoon = frequency polygon
frequentiepolygoon = frequency curve
frequentieprioriteit = frequency priority
frequentiequotiënt = relative frequency
frequentieregelaar = frequency regulator
frequentieregelaar = frequency control
frequentieregelaar = frequency controller
frequentieregelaar = frequency controlling device
frequentieregelaar = AC drive
frequentieregelaar = adjustable speed drive
frequentieregelaar = adjustable-frequency drive
frequentieregelaar = ASD
frequentieregelaar = inverter drive
frequentieregelaar = micro drive
frequentieregelaar = variable-frequency drive
frequentieregelaar = variable-speed drive
frequentieregelaar = VFD
frequentieregelaar = VSD
frequentieregelaar = variable speed drive
frequentie-regelaar = frequency control
frequentie-regelaar = frequency controller
frequentie-regelaar = frequency controlling device
frequentie-regelaar = frequency regulator
frequentieregelaars = frequency controlling device
frequentieregelaars = frequency regulator
frequentieregelaars = frequency controller
frequentieregelaars = frequency control
frequentieregelaars = variable speed drives
frequentieregeling = frequency control
frequentieregulering = frequency control
Frequentierelais = Frequency monitoring relay
frequentieresponsie = frequency response
frequentieresponsiekromme = frequency response curve
frequentieruimte = frequencies
frequentieruimte = frequency range
frequentieruimte = frequency spectrum
frequentieruimte = spectrum
frequentieruimte tussen = frequency range between
frequenties = frequencies
frequenties inzetten voor het aanbieden van diensten = use frequencies to provide services
frequenties voor draadloze connectiviteit = frequencies for wireless connectivity
Frequenties voor mobiele communicatie = Mobile communication frequencies
frequentiescanning = frequency scanning
frequentiescheider = frequency separator
frequentieschommeling = frequency drift
frequentieselectie = frequency selection
frequentiesom = frequency sum
frequentiespectrograaf = frequency spectrograph
frequentiespectrum = frequency spectrum
frequentiespreiding = frequency spread
frequentiespreiding = frequency dispersion
frequentiespreiding = frequency dissemination
frequentiesprong = frequency jumping
frequentiestabilisatie = frequency control
frequentiestabiliteit = frequency stability
frequentiestandaard = frequency standard
frequentiesturing = frequency control
frequentiesynthetisering = frequency synthesizing
frequentietabel = frequency table
frequentie-technische kennis = technical frequency-related knowledge
frequentieteller = frequency counter
frequentietoekenning = frequency assignment
frequentietoewijzing = frequency allocation
frequentietolerantie = frequency tolerance
frequentietransformatie = frequency changing
frequentietransformatie = frequency conversion
frequentietransformatie = frequency transformation
frequentietransformator = frequency transformer
frequentietransformator = frequency changer
frequentietransformator = frequency converter
frequentietransmissie = frequency transmission
frequentievariatie = frequency variation
frequentieveelhoek = frequency polygon
frequentieveiling = frequency auction
frequentieverdeler = frequency divider
frequentieverdeling = frequency distribution
frequentieverdeling van het aantal gebeurtenissen = counting distribution
frequentieverdeling van het aantal gebeurtenissen tot tijdstip t = counting process
frequentieverdelingen = frequency allocations
frequentieverdrievoudiger = frequency tripler
frequentieverdrievoudiging = frequency tripling
frequentieverdubbelaar = frequency doubler
frequentieverdubbeling = frequency doubling
frequentievergrendeld = frequency-locked
frequentieverhouding = frequency relationship
frequentieverloop = frequency change
frequentievermenigvuldiger = frequency multiplier
frequentievermenigvuldiging = frequency multiplication
frequentievermenigvuldigingsklystron = frequency multiplier klystron
frequentieverscherving = frequency interleaving
frequentieverschil = frequency difference
frequentieverschuiving = frequency shift
frequentieverschuivingsmodulatie = frequency-shift keying
frequentieverslaggeving = frequency recording
frequentievertaling = frequency translation
frequentievervlechting = frequency interlace
frequentievervorming = frequency distortion
frequentievoorspelling = frequency prediction
frequentiewaker = frequency monitor
frequentieweergave = frequency response
Frequentiewissel = Frequency shunt
frequentiezwaai = frequency sweep
frequentist = frequentist
frequentistische kanstheorie = frequency theory of probability
Frequently Asked Questions = Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs = Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ
fresco = fresco
Fresco (schilderterm) = Fresco
Fresnelgetal = Fresnel number
Fresnel-lens = Fresnel lens
Fresno = Fresno
Fret = Bit
Fret = Gimlet
Fret = Clasper
Fret = Cirrus
Fret = Drill
fret = fret
Fret = Borer
fret = ferret
Fret = Binding band
Fret = Tendril
Fret = Pointed drill
Fret = Spin
Fretboor = Spin
Fretboor = Clasper
Fretboor = Cirrus
Fretboor = Pointed drill
Fretboor = Borer
Fretboor = Tendril
Fretboor = Gimlet
Fretten = Snoop
Fretten = Pry
Fretten = Nose about
Fretten = Rummage
Fretten = Nose around
Fretten = Ferret about
fretzaag / figuurzaag / decoupeerzaag = fret saw
fretzaag / sleutelgatzaag / schrobzaag = keyhole saw
freudiaans = freudian
Freudiaanse verspreking = Slip of the tongue
Freule = Dragonfly
Freule = Maiden
Freule = Rammer
Freule = Miss
Freya = Freyja
Freyr = Freyr
Frezen = Milling machine
frezen = to milling
frezen = work with a cultivator
frezen = to mill
frezen = mill (to)
frezen = clearing
frezen = milling
frezen = mould (to)
frezen = mill
frezen of stansen = milling or punching
frezer = milling machinist
frezing = milling
Frezingen Motorisatie = Milling Motorisation
Frictie = Friction
frictiekoppel = friction torque
frictiekoppeling = slip clutch
frictiekoppeling = friction clutch
Frictie-kosten = Friction costs
frictiekracht = frictional force
frictiekrachten = frictional forces
frictieoverbrengingen = friction gearings
frictiepers = friction-screw press
frictieplaat = friction plate
frictiering = friction ring
frictieschijf = friction disc
frictiestrip (op soldeerlamp) = friction strip
Frictiewerkloosheid = Frictional unemployment
friction angle = friction angle
Friction Ring = Friction Ring
Friction Ringen = Friction Rings
Fridtjof Nansen = Fridtjof Nansen
Friedrich Engels = Friedrich Engels
friemelen = fumble
Friemelen = Finger
Friends of the Earth Netherlands = Friends of the Earth Netherlands
Friend-virus van de muriene leukemie = Friend murine leukemia virus
Friend-virus van de muriene leukemie = Rowson-Parr virus
Fries = Frisian
Fries = Friesland
Fries = Frieze
Fries = West Frisian
fries (versierde strook tegen plafond) = frieze
fries (vlak tussen architraaf en kroonlijst) = frieze
Fries paard = Frisian
"Fries, Westerlauwers Fries" = West Frisian {prop} (language spoken in Friesland)
Friese talen = Frisian
Friese Wouden = Friese Wouden
Friesland = Friesland
Friesland = Frieze
Friesland {het} = Frisia
Friesland Campina Beilen = Friesland Campina Beilen
Friesland Campina Domo Beilen = FrieslandCampina Domo Beilen
Friesland in brede zin = Frieze
Friesland in brede zin = Friesland
FrieslandCampina = FrieslandCampina
FrieslandCampina Domo Beilen = FCDB
FrieslandCampina Domo Beilen = FrieslandCampina Domo Beilen
"FrieslandCampina, Danone, Solvay, Nutricia, Staples, Unilever, Heinz en P" = "FrieslandCampina, Danone, Solvay, Nutricia, Staples, Unilever, Heinz and "
frieslijst = frieze frame
friet = chips
Friet = Chips or french fries
friet {de} [ZvN] = chips [esp. Br.]
friet {de} [ZvN] = French fries [esp. Am.]
frieten = french fries
Frieten = French fried potatoes
frieten = chips
frieten = fries
frieten {mv} [BN] = chips [esp. Br.]
frieten {mv} [BN] = French fries [esp. Am.]
frietjes = chips
frietkot {het} [BN] [ZvN] [omg.] = French fries stall [Am.]
frietkot {het} [BN] [ZvN] [omg.] = chip shop [Br.]
Frieza = Ice-compartment
Friezin = Frisian
Frigg = Frigg
Frigide = Frigidity
frigiditeit = frigidity
frigo = refrigerator
frigo {de} [BN] = refrigerator
frigoruimte = cold store
frijnen = to draft
frikadel {de} [BN] = meatball
fringegebied = fringe area
fris = cold
Fris = Chill
Fris = Costs
Fris = Charges
Fris = Expense
fris = cool
Fris = Fee
fris = freshly
fris = fresh
fris slaatje = fresh salad
frisbees = flying discs
frisdrank = soda
frisdrank = soft drinks
frisdrank = soft drink
frisdrank en sappen = soft drinks and juices
frisdrank en/of sappen = soft drinks and/or juices
"frisdrank, koffie en thee" = "soda, coffee and tea"
"frisdrank, prik, limonade, priklimonade" = soft drink (sweet carbonated beverage)
"frisdrank, prik, limonade, priklimonade" = "soda (a sweet, carbonated drink)"
"frisdrank, vruchtensap, wijn en bier" = "soft drinks, fruit juice, wine and beer"
frisdrankautomaten = soft drinks vending machines
Frisdranken = Soft drinks
frisdranken- en mineraalwaterfabriek = Soft drinks and mineral water industry
friseerijzers = curling tongs
friségaren = frisé yarn
friseren = curl
frisheid = airiness
frisheid {de} = freshness
Frisian Design Factory = Frisian Design Factory
friskijker = someone with a fresh view
frisse = cold
frisse lucht = fresh air
frisse lucht toewaaien = aerate
Frisse salade = Fresh salad
Frisse salade = Green salad
Friteuse = Fryer
friteuse = deep fryer
friteuses = fryers
fritteuse {de} = deep fryer [Am.]
Frituren = Fries
Frituren = Fry in deep fat
Frituren = Crackle
Frituren = Fried fish
"frituur {c}, friture {c}, friettent {c}" = chip shop (UK: a fast food outlet which sells fish and chips)
Frituurolie = Frying oil
frituurpan = deep-fat frier
frituurpan {de} = deep fryer [Am.]
frituurpannen = deep-fryers
Fritz Haber = Fritz Haber
Friuli-Venezia Giulia = Friuli-Venezia Giulia
frivoliteit = frivolity
Frivool = Airy
frivool = frivolous
Frivool = Light
"frivool, lichtzinnig, wuft, onbezonnen" = especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner)
"frivool, lichtzinnig, wuft, onbezonnen" = frivolous {adj} (silly
Fröbelschool = Kindergarten
Fröbelschool = Nursery school
Froissartstraat = Froissart Street
From = From
From Data to Action = From Data to Action
from the start date of the employment = vanaf het moment van indiensttreding
From-component = From clause
frommelen = crease
frommeloor = microtia
frons = frown
frons = wrinkle
frons = furrow
Fronsen = frowning
Fronsen = Pleat
fronsen = furrow
Fronsen = Ripple
Front = Front
Front AV-aansluiting = Front AV-connection
Front cover = Front cover
Front Cover Mounting Plate = Front Cover Mounting Plate
Front Cover Top Plate = Front Cover Top Plate
Front End Engineering Design = FEED
Front End Engineering Design = Front End Engineering Design
Front Feeder = Front Feeder
front office = front office / information desk
Front office = Front office
front projectie = front projection
front service magneeteenheid = magnetic front maintenance unit
front service-eenheid = front maintenance unit
front service-magneeteenheid = magnetic front maintenance unit
Frontaal = Pinion
frontaal bovenoppervlak = frontal upper surface
frontaal kwabsyndroom = frontal lobe syndrome
frontaal weergegeven = frontally shown
frontaalonderwijs = formal lecturing
Frontale aanvalsstrategie = Frontal attack strategy
frontale botsing = head-on collision
frontale botsing = frontal collision
Frontale plafondmontage = Frontal ceiling mounting
Frontale plafondmontage ventilatiecollector = "Frontal, ceiling-mounted air collector"
frontale vlak = frontal plane
frontbeschermingsinrichting = frontal protection system
Frontbevestiging = Front fastening
FrontBridge = FrontBridge
frontconnectoren = front connectors
front-eind = front end
front-eind [ELECTRON.] = front end
front-eind [ELECTRON.]  = front end
Frontelement = Front element
fronten = fronts
frontend = front end
front-end = front end
Front-end analyse = Front-end analysis
front-end computer = front-end computer
front-end processor = front-end processor: FEP
front-end processor = front-end processor
front-end/back-endtoepassing = front-end/back-end application
front-endwebserver = front-end Web server
Frontex = Frontex
frontgewichten = front ballast weights
Frontglas = Front glass
Frontierland = Frontierland
Frontinbouw = Front installation
Frontinbouw met 4-gaten-bevestiging = Front installation (4-hole mounting)
Frontinbouw met centrale bevestiging = Front installation with centre mounting
fronting = fronting
Frontispice = Frontispiece
frontispice / voorgevel / fronton = frontispiece
Frontispies = Frontispiece
Frontkap = Front cap
Frontlader = Front load
frontlens = front lens
frontlensinstelling = front element focusing
frontlijnwerker = front-line worker
frontlinie = front line
Frontmontage = Front mounting
Frontmontageset = Front installation set
frontmuur = headwall
Frontoffice = Front office
Fronton = Parapet
Fronton = Pediment
Fronton = Fronton
fronton (van b.v. kerk) = curved gable
fronton / timpaan / geveldriehoek = pediment
frontoparietale: m.b.t. de pariëtale schedelbenen en de os frontale = frontoparietal: relating to or involving both frontal & parietal bones of
frontoppervlak = front surface
Frontpage extension hosting = Frontpage Extension  hosting
Frontpaneel = Front blind
frontpaneel = front panel
Frontpaneel demonteren = Disassembling the front panel
Frontpaneel naar boven schuiven = Slide the front panel upwards
Frontpaneel/patchpaneel leeg = Front panel/patch panel empty
frontplaat = front panel
Frontplaat breedte = Front plate width
Frontplaat hoogte = Front plate height
Frontplaat voor kast/lessenaar = Front panel for enclosure
Frontring = Front ring
Frontring voor vlakke inbouw = Front ring for flat mounting
frontschuiver = front slider
frontschuivers = front sliders
frontstore = front store or front shop
Frontvorm = Front shape
frontzijde = front end
frontzijde (ketel) = front end
Frosted = Frosted
Frosted uiteinde = Frosted end
Frostfree-systeem = Frost-free system
Frostfree-systeem beschikbaar = Frost-free system available
frovatriptan = frovatriptan
"fructivoor, vruchteneter" = frugivore (animal that eats mostly fruit)
fructosamine = fructosamine
fructose = fructose
fructose = levulose
Fructose = Fructose
"fructose {f}, vruchtensuiker" = fructose (monosaccharide ketose sugar)
fructose en / of kunstmatige zoetstoffen = fructose and/or artificial sweeteners
Fructose en fructoseproducten = Fructose and fructose products
"fructose-1,6-bifosfaat" = hexose diphosphate
fructose-6-fosfaat = fructose-6-phosphate
Fructosebereidingen = Fructose preparations
Fructoseoplossingen = Fructose solutions
fructosestroop = fructose syrup
Fructosestroop = Fructose syrup
fructose-tolerantieproef = fructose tolerance test
fructosurie = essential fructosuria
fructuronaat-reductase = fructuronate reductase
fruit = fruit
fruit {het} = fruit
"fruit en groenten, allemaal geconserveerd, gedroogd, gekookt of verwerkt" = "fruit and vegetables, all being preserved, dried, cooked or processed"
"fruit, groente, zuivel, limonade, snoepen en biologisch eten" = "fruit, vegetables, dairy products, soft drinks, sweets and organic food"
fruitboom = fruit tree
fruiten = fruits
Fruiten = Brown
fruiten = fry
fruithandel = fruiterer
fruitkwekerij/boomgaard = Fruit orchard
fruitmand = fruit basket
Fruitmot = Codling moth
fruitpers = juice extractor
Fruitpers = Juicer
fruitsalade {de} = fruit salad
fruitsap = fruit juice
fruitsappen = fruit juices
fruitteelt = fruit-growing
fruitteelt = fruit cultivation
fruitvlieg = fruit fly
Fruitvliegjes = Fruit flies
frustatie = frustration
Frustratie = Frustration
frustreren = frustrate
frustrerend = frustrating
FRW = Faculty of Law
Frysk = Frisian
Fryslân = Friesland
FS = Facility Services
FS = Facility Services (FS)
FSC = "Facilities Service Centre (Facilitair Service Centrum, FSC)"
FSC gecertificeerd = FSC certified
FSC label = FSC label
FSC Meldformulier = FSC Order Form
FSC Recycled-label = FSC Recycled label
FSC security = FSC-Security
FSC-certificaat = FSC certification
FSC-gecertificeerd = FSC-certified
FSC-gecertificeerde = FSC-certified
FSC-keurmerk = FSC quality mark
FSC-Security = FSC-Security
FSK = Frequency-shift keying
FSK gemoduleerde = FSK modulated
FSK gemoduleerde signalen = FSK modulated signals
FSMA = Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA)
F-SMA-bus = F-SMA-bus
FSO = Financial Services Organization
FSO = EY's Financial Services Office (FSO)
FSR = Faculty Student Council
FSR lid = member of the Faculty Student Council
F-stekker = F-plug
f-stop = f-stop
FSW = Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FSW)
FSW medewerkers laboratoria = FSW lab staff
FT = Fault Tree Analysis
FT = Research & Technology Project Management
ft/s = foot per second
ft/s = ft/s
FTA = Fault tree analysis
FTA = Fault Tree
ftaal = phthalic
ftaalzuur = phthalic
Ftaalzuuranhydride = Phthalic acid anhydride
ftalaat = phthalate
Ftalaatzuur = Phthalic acid
ftalaten = phthalates
Ftalaten (som 13) = Phthalates (total 13)
Ftalaten (totaal) = Phthalates (total)
FTC = Federal Trade Commission
fte = full-time equivalent/job unit
fte = full-time equivalent (FTE)
fte = FTEs
FTE = FTU formazine turbidity unit
FTE = Full time equivalent
fte's = FTEs
F-test = F-test
F-toets = F-test
F-toets = variance ratio test
Ftot = Ftot
FTP over SSL = FTP over SSL
FTP-server = FTP server
FTP-service voor IIS 7.0 = FTP Service for IIS 7.0
FTZ-123 D12 = FTZ-123 D12
FT-zorg = Physiotherapy Care
Fuchs' dimple = Fuchs  furrow
Fuchs' vlek = Fuchs' spot
Fuchsia = Fuchsia
fuchsinekleurstof = triphenylmethane dye
fuchsinekleurstof = fuchsin: a red rosanilin dye used as stain in histology and bacteriology
Fucking = Fucking
"fucking, focking, fakking, kanker" = fucking {adj} (as an intensifier)
fucose = fucose
fucosidosis = fucosidase deficiency disease
fucosidosis = fucosidosis: an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease resulting i
fuel = liquid fuel
fuelgas = fuel gas
fuelstation = fuel station
Fuga = Fugue
fugue = fugue: a dissociative disorder in which a person forgets who he or she is
fugue-toestand = epileptic fugue
fuif = do
fuif = celebration
Fuik = Hoop net
fuiven = celebrate
Fuiver = Fast liver
Fuiver = Raver
Fuji = Mount Fuji
Fuji (vulkaan) = Mount Fuji
Fukuoka (stad) = Fukuoka
fulfilment = fulfilment
Fulfilment house = Fulfilment house
fulfilment of the employee’s tasks = functievervulling
full body check = full body scan
full boxes = full boxes
Full carrier = Full carrier
full color inkjet printer = full colour inkjet printer
full color inkjet printers = full colour inkjet printers
full disclosure = full disclosure
Full Elektrische wagen = Each LLBG Company Car must be ordered with at least the following basic e
Full HD = Full HD
full hdscherm = Full HD screen
full service maatwerk = customised full service solutions
Full spectrum fotografie = Full spectrum photography
full time = full-time
full time equivalent (FTE) = fte (full-time equivalent)
full time professionals = full-time professionals
full-color brochure = full-colour booklet
full-duplex = full duplex
fullfilmentpartner = fulfilment partner
Full-service groothandel = Full function wholesaler
full-serviceconcept = full-service concept
fulltime = full-time
fulltime dienstverband = full-time employment
fulltime stage = full-time internship
Fully Qualified Domain Name = fully qualified domain name
Fully Qualified Domain Name = fully-qualified domain name
Fully quallified name = Fully qualified name
fulminante = red-faced
fulminante hepatitis = fulminant  hepatitis
Fulminaten = Fulminates
fulminzuur = HCNO
fumaarzuur = butenedioic acid
fumaarzuur = fumaric acid
fumaarzuur = Fumaric acid
fumagilline = fumagillin
fumaraat hydratase = fumarase
Fumarole = Fumarole
Fumigatiediensten = Fumigation services
Fun fact = Fun fact
Fun shopping = Fun shopping
Funafuti = Funafuti
functie = position
Functie = Function Responsible and/ or Function group
functie = role
functie = feature
functie = job/position
functie = position
functie = "position, job"
Functie = Position
functie = post
functie = unit / module
functie = job
Functie = Designer
functie = function
functie = job role
functie = duty
Functie = Job title
functie = function
functie = employment
functie = function
functie = function
functie (baan) = position / job
functie (baan) = position (job)
Functie (wiskunde) = Function (mathematics)
functie / (salaris)groep = job or salary grade
Functie 1-fase-hysterese = Function single-phase hysteresis
Functie 1-fase-onderspanning = Function single-phase under voltage
Functie 1-fase-onderstroom = Function single-phase under current
Functie 1-fase-overspanning = Function single-phase over voltage
Functie 1-fase-overstroom = Function single-phase over current
Functie 3-fasen-hysterese = Function three-phase hysteresis
Functie 3-fasen-onderspanning = Function three-phase under voltage
Functie 3-fasen-onderstroom = Function three-phase under current
Functie 3-fasen-overspanning = Function three-phase over voltage
Functie 3-fasen-overstroom = Function three-phase over current
Functie A / Functie B = Function Responsible
functie aanvaarden = "take up a position, accept a position"
Functie afvalvertragend = Function delay on de-energization
Functie akoestisch = Function acoustic
functie bekleden = hold a position
functie blok = function block
Functie blok encoder = Function block encoder
Functie blok specificaties = Function block specifications
functie eisen = job requirements
Functie en arbeidsplaats = Position and place of employment
functie en de werkzaamheden = job and the activities
functie- en taakomschrijving = Job description
Functie gelijkspanningshysterese = Function DC-voltage hysteresis
Functie gelijkspanningsonderspanning = Function DC-under voltage
Functie gelijkspanningsonderstroom = Function DC-voltage under current
Functie gelijkspanningsoverspanning = Function DC-over voltage
Functie gelijkspanningsoverstroom = Function DC-voltage over current
Functie gelijkstroomhysterese = Function DC-current hysteresis
Functie Informatie Systeem = Function Information System
Functie inschakelwissend = Function floating contact on energization
"Functie knipperend beginnend met impuls, vaste tijd" = "Function flashing, starting with pulse, fixed time"
"Functie knipperend beginnend met pauze, vaste tijd" = "Function flashing, starting with pause, fixed time"
functie met geen verantwoordelijkheden = job with no responsibilities
functie met verantwoordelijkheden = job with responsibilities
Functie onderspanningsdetectie = Function under voltage detection
functie ontwikkelingstaken = job development tasks
Functie opkomvertragend = Function delay-on energization
Functie overspanningsdetectie = Function over voltage detection
Functie pulsvormend = Function pulse shaping
Functie ster-driehoek = Function star-delta
Functie stilstandbewaking = Function standstill monitoring
Functie toerentalbewaking = Function rotational speed monitoring
functie toets = function button
functie uit hoofde van zijn positie bij = position by virtue of their position at
Functie uitschakelwissend = Function floating contact on de-energization
functie van de gemiddelde steekproefomvang = average sample number function: ASN function
functie van een dienstverlenende eenheid = function of a service
Functie van het product = Function of the product
Functie Verantwoordelijke (FV) = Lead Designer (Functional lead)
functie vervullen = carry out one’s duties
functie vervullen = discharge one’s functions
functie vervullen = perform one’s functions
functie vervullen = to fulfil one’s duties
functie vervullen van = hold the position of
Functie(naam = Job title
"functie, in zijn/haar functie van" = "position, in his/her capacity as"
"functie, rechten en verantwoordelijkheden" = "position, rights and responsibilities"
Functie-/centraalbouwgroepen (VPS) = Function-/central assembly groups (VPS)
Functie-/technologiemodule voor PLC = PLC function/technology module
Functie-/technologie-softwaremodule voor PLC = PLC function/technology software module
functieaanduiding bij bedrijf = company function title
functieaanduiding contactpersoon = contact function title
functieactiveringsafhankelijkheid = feature activation dependency
functieactiviteit = function activity
functieafhankelijke = job-related
functieafhankelijke profiel = job-related profile
functieafhankelijke profielen = job-related profiles
functieanalyse = job analysis
functiearchitecten = function architects
functieaspecten = job-related aspects
functieassociatie = feature stapling
functieband = functional band
functie-bedienelementen = function control elements
functie-bedieningselementen = function controls
functiebeeld = function view
functiebehoud = functional integrity
Functiebehoud = Circuit integrity
functiebeoordelingsgesprek = job appraisal interview
functiebeoordelingsgesprek = job appraisal review
functiebeperking = disability
functiebeperking = functional limitation
functiebeperking = impairment
functiebeperking [1] = disability
functiebeperking [1] = functional limitation
functiebeperking [1] = impairment
functiebeperking [2] = function restriction
functiebereik = function range
functiebeschrijving = job description
functiebeschrijving = functional description
functiebeschrijving = description of functions
functiebeschrijving/ positiebeschrijving = description of functions/ job description
functiebeschrijvingen = job descriptions
functiebesturing = function control
functiebesturingsteken = function control signal
functiebewaking = operational monitoring
functieblok = function block
functieblokken = function blocks
functiecategorie = job category
functiecategorieën = job categories
functieclassificatie = job classification
Functiecode = Job code
functiecontract = No standard English term found (paraphrased with the word 'full commitmen
functie-cultuur = job culture
functie-cultuur = job or role culture
functiedeel = operation part
functiedelegering = feature delegation
functiedeling = job sharing
functiedeling = work-share
functiedirectory = appointment directory
functiedoelstelling = job duties
Functiedrukkers met LED = Function buttons with LED
Functiedrukkers totaal = Function buttons total
functie-eis = job requirements
functie-eisen = job requirements
functie-eisen = requirements
functiefamilie = job family
functiegebeurtenisontvanger = feature event receiver
functiegebonden risico's = job-related risks
functiegebouw = job classification system
functiegebouw = job description matrix
functiegenerator = function generator
functiegesprekken = performance interviews
functiegroep = function group
functiegroep = job group
functie-groepen = job categories
functie-groepen = job families
functie-groepen = job grades
functie-groepen = job groups
functiegroepenstructuren = job grade matrices
functiegroepenstructuur = job grade matrix
Functiegroepenstructuur binnen de Coffee & Tea organisatie = Job grade matrix within the Coffee & Tea organisation
Functiehersteltijd = Function recovery time
functiehouder = job holder
functiehuis = job description matrix
functiehuis = job structure
functiehuis = job classification system
functie-ID = job ID
Functie-indeling vindt plaats = Jobs are classified
functieindelingssysteem = job classification system
Functie-indicatie = Function display
functie-informatie = job information
functie-inhoud = job content
functie-inhoud = job requirements
functie-inhoud van de medewerkers = employees’ job content
Functie-integrator = Lead Integrator
Functie-integrator = Function Integrator
functie-invoer = function input
functie-invulling = actualization of a function
functie-invulling = job description
functiejaar = year of employment
functiejaar = year of service
functiejaren = years in position
functiekader = function framework
functiekiezer = operation mode selector
"functieklassen, klassen" = job categories
functieknop van tablet = Function tablet button
Functie-LED's = Function lamps
functielijst = list of functions
functiematrix = job description matrix
functiemenging = mix of functions
functiemix = job mix
Functiemodule voor deurstation = Functional module for door station
functienaam = job title
functienaam = function name
functieniveau = job level
functieniveaus = job levels
functieomschrijving = job description
Functie-omschrijving = Job description
functieomschrijvingen = job descriptions
Functieonderzoek = functional examination
Functieonderzoek = job assessment
Functieonderzoek = function analysis
functie-onderzoeksproject = job evaluation project
functie-onderzoeksprojecten = job evaluation projects
"functieordenen, systeem van" = job ranking system
functiepakket = feature pack
functieplaatsen = [number of] permanent jobs
functieplaatsen = [number of] permanent posts
functieplaatsen = [number of] permanent staff places
functieplaatsen = approved number of staff
functieplaatsen = FTE capacity
functieplaatsen = FTE jobs
functieplaatsen = full-time equivalent jobs <FTEs]
functieplaatsen = manpower planning
functieplaatsen = staff levels
functieplaatsen = staff numbers
functieplaatsen = staff places
functieplaatsen = staffing
functieplaatsen = staffing capacity
functieplaatsen = staffing level
functieplan = functional plan
functieponsing = designation punching
Functieprincipe = Function principle
functieprocedure = Function procedure
functieprofiel = job description
functieprofiel = job profile
functieprofielen = job profiles
functieprogramma = utility program
functie-rangorde = job hierarchy
functierelevante competenties = the competencies that are relevant to the position
functierotatie = job rotation
functieruimte = function room
functieruimtes = function room
functieruimtes = function rooms
functies = function
functies = functions
Functies = Positions
functies = function responsibles
functies = function groups
functies = functionality
functies = position
functies = post
functies = duties
functies = job titles (onder bijv. overeenkomst)
functies en data = functions and data
functies en indelingsvoorstellen = jobs and classification proposals
Functies en services = Features and services
"functies op het gebied van verkoop, marketing en klantenservice" = "sales, marketing and customer service functions"
functies ten behoeve van logging = logging functions
Functies van geld = Functions of money
functies van het systeem = functions of the system
"functies van laag, midden en hoog niveau" = "less demanding, relatively demanding and more demanding jobs"
functieschaal = salary scale
functieschakelschema = functional circuit diagram
functie-schakelschema = functional circuit diagram
functiescheiding = Chinese walls
functiescheiding = segregation of duties
functiescheiding = separation of duties
functiescheiding = separation of functions
functiescheiding = separation of responsibilities
functiescheidingen = duty separations
functieschema = functional diagram
functieservice = role service
functiesignaal = function signal
functiespecifiek = job-specific
functiespecifieke = job-specific
functiestoornis = functional disorder
functiestroomdiagram = cross-functional flowchart
functie-subprogramma = function subprogram
functietest = functional test
functietest = functional check
functietesten = function testing
functietesten = functional exploration
functietitels = job titles
Functietoets = Function key
functietoets = function key
functietoetsen = function keys
functie-toetsenbord = function keyboard
functietypering = function definition
functie-uitvoer = function output
functievariabelen = function variables
functieverandering = job change
functieverantwoordelijke = Functional Lead
Functieverantwoordelijke (FV) = Functional Lead
functieverantwoordelijke (FV) = Function Responsible
functieverdeling = function distribution
functieverdeling = multi-use/functional differentiation
functievereisten = job requirements
functievergelijking = mathematical equation
functieverhoging = promotion
functievervulling = job performance
functievervulling = performance of the individual’s duties
functieverwijzing = function reference
Functievisie = Function Vision
functievolwassen = job specific qualifying age
functiewaarde = function value
functiewaardering = appraisal scheme
functiewaardering = job evaluation
functiewaardering = job assessment
functiewaardering = job ranking
functiewaardering = job rating
functiewaarderings- methode = job evaluation method
functiewaarderingscriteria = job evaluation criteria
functiewaarderingsdeskundige = job evaluation expert
functiewaarderingsdeskundigen = job evaluation experts
functiewaarderingsproces = job evaluation process
functiewaarderingsproces en –beleid = job evaluation process and policies
functiewaarderingssysteem = job evaluation system
functiewaarderingssystemen = job evaluation systems
FUNCTIEWEGING = job weighting
functiewijziging op verzoek van = change of position at the request of
functiewijziging op verzoek van de werkgever = change of position at the request of the employer
functiezwaarteverhoudingen = relative job weight
functiezwaarteverhoudingen = relative job weights
Function = Function
function register = function register
functionairs voor gegevensbescherming = Data Protection Officer
functional = functional
Functional Safety Engineer = Functional Safety Engineer
functional safety sheets = functional safety sheets
functionalistisch = functional
functionalistisch (bouwkunde) = functional
functionaliteit = functionality
functionaliteit en de beschikbaarheid van het systeem = system functionality and availability
functionaliteit of uitvoering = functionality or performance
Functionaliteit van het systeem = System functionality
functionaliteit voor meerdere locaties = multisite functionality
"functionaliteit, werking en componenten" = "functionality, operation and components"
functionaliteiten = features
functionaliteiten = functionality
Functionaliteitenbeheer (procescluster) = Functionality management (cluster)
functionaliteitsherstel = restoration of functionality
Functionaliteitsuitbreiding mogelijk = Function extension possible
functionaliteitsvereisten = functionality requirements
functionaris = incumbent
functionaris = official
functionaris = functionary
functionaris = officer
functionaris = jobholder
functionaris = post holder
Functionaris Gegevensbescherming = Data Protection Officer
functionaris met sleutelpositie = key employee
functionaris van hoge rang = senior executive
functionaris voor de gegevensbescherming = Data Protection Officer
functionaris voor de gegevensbescherming = Data Protection Officer (DPO)
functionaris voor gegevensbescherming = Data Protection Officer (DPO)
functionarisnummer = Officer number/ Officer no. / O. no. / Officer#
functionarissen = "officials, functionaries, staff"
functionarissen = high-ranking officials
functionarissen = officers
functionarissen in de operationele lijn en in de beleidslijn = officers in operational and policy-making positions
"functionarissen, werknemers of haar vertegenwoordigers" = "officers, employees or agents"
"functionarissen, werknemers of vertegenwoordigers" = "officers, employees or agents"
functioneel = functional
functioneel applicatiebeheer = functional application management
functioneel applicatiebeheerder = functional applications manager
functioneel beheer = functional management
functioneel beheer = functionality management
functioneel beheer = business information administration
Functioneel Beheer = Information Systems Management
functioneel beheer van de werkstations = physical management of terminals
Functioneel Beheer(der) = Information Systems Management/Manager
Functioneel beheerder = Functional Application Analyst
functioneel beheerder = application administrator
functioneel beheerder = Application Manager
functioneel beheerder = Functional Admin
functioneel beheerder = Functional Administrator
functioneel beheerder = Functional Applications Manager (FAM)
functioneel beheerder = Functional Lead
functioneel beheerder = Functional Supervisor
Functioneel Beheerder = Information Systems Manager
Functioneel Beheerders = Information Systems Managers
functioneel blok = functional block
functioneel concept = functional concept
functioneel contactpersoon = operational contact person
functioneel elektronisch blok = functional electronic block: FEB
Functioneel en Technisch Ontwerp = Functional and Technical Design
Functioneel en technische eisendocument = Functional and technical requirements document
functioneel eten = pharmafood
functioneel gebruiken = functional use
functioneel gebruiken = make use of
functioneel gebruiken = use in a functional manner
functioneel gebruiken = use in a functional way
functioneel georganiseerd = functionally organised
functioneel inhoudelijke inrichting = functional content design
functioneel luchtruimblok = functional airspace block
Functioneel Management = Functional Management
functioneel model = functional model
functioneel monomeer = functional monomer
functioneel netwerk = functional network
functioneel ontwerp = functional design
Functioneel Ontwerp van FinCircle = Functional Design of FinCircle
functioneel ontwerper-projectverantwoordelijkeke = functional designer - project managerer
Functioneel Parket van het OM = "National Public Prosecutor’s Office for Financial, Economic and Environ"
functioneel platform = functional platform
Functioneel Programma van Eisen = Functional Schedule of Requirements
Functioneel Programma van eisen = Functional Requirements Specification
Functioneel Programma van Eisen Aanschaf Metrovoertuig M7 = Functional Schedule of Requirements on the Purchase of M7 Metro Vehicles
functioneel residuele capaciteit = functional residual capacity
functioneel schema = functional diagram
functioneel service-onderdeel = functional service item
functioneel testen = functional testing
functioneel testen = testing the functioning of X
functioneelbeheerorganisatie = business information administration organization
functioneel-ruimtelijke structuur = functional spatial structure
functioneert = function
functioneert als spiegel voor infrarood licht = functions as a mirror for infrared light
functioneert goed = is functioning properly
functioneert niet goed = is not functioning properly
functioneert zeer slecht = works very badly
functionele = operational
functionele = functional
functionele- = functional
functionele (geschikte) termen = functional terms
functionele aanpassingen = operational changes
functionele aanwijzing = functional direction
functionele analyse = functional analysis
Functionele Anatomie = Functional Anatomy
functionele autonomie = functional autonomy
functionele auto's = utility vehicles
Functionele Baseline = Functional Baseline
functionele behoefte = functional requirements
functionele belangen = interests related to an employee’s position
Functionele benadering = Functional approach
functionele beperking = functional disability
functionele beproeving = functional test
functionele berichten = messages of an operational nature
functionele beslissingen = job-related decisions
functionele bewerking van een toepassing = application functional operation
functionele blok = functional block
functionele blokken = functional blocks
functionele carboxylgroepen = functional carboxyl groups
functionele cohesie = functional cohesion
functionele configuratie-audit = functional configuration audit
functionele configuratiecontrole = functional configuration audit
functionele configuratie-identificatie = functional configuration identification
functionele cookies = functional cookies
functionele decompositie = functional decomposition
functionele diagnose = functional diagnosis
functionele diagnose = fonctional  diagnosis
functionele diagnose = dialysis encephalopathy
functionele doeleinden = functional purposes
functionele doeleinden = role-related purposes
Functionele doelstelling = Functional objective
functionele doelstellingen = functional objectives
functionele eenheid = functional unit
functionele eigenschappen = functional properties
functionele eind test = final functional test
functionele eis = functional requirement
functionele eisen = functional requirements
functionele en ruimtelijke indeling = functional and spatial layout
functionele entiteit = functional entity
functionele entiteit van een privé-applicatie = private application functional entity
functionele entiteit van een toepassing = application functional entity
functionele escalatie = functional escalation
functionele fout = functional fault
functionele gebieden = functional areas
functionele geletterdheid = functional literacy
functionele groepen = functional groups
functionele haalbaarheid = functional feasibility
Functionele inkomensverdeling = Functional division of incomes
functionele inspectie = functional inspection
Functionele interdependentie = Functional interdependence
functionele interfaces = functional interfaces
Functionele invaliditeit = Functional disability
functionele invulling = functional implementation
functionele invulling = "functional implementation, functional embodiment"
functionele kenmerken van de schakelindicator = functional characteristics of the GSI
Functionele korting = Functional discount
functionele kostenindeling = cost analysis by function
Functionele kwaliteit = Functional quality
functionele latex = functional latex
Functionele marketingorganisatie = Functional marketing organisation
functionele materiaalstroom = functional flow
functionele mogelijkheden = functional capabilities
functionele mogelijkheden = functionalities
functionele monomeren = functional monomers
functionele norm = functional standard
Functionele ondersteuning = Functional support
functionele ongeschiktheid = functional unfitness
functionele opstelling = functional layout
Functionele organisatie = Functional organisation
Functionele performance = Functional performance
functionele personenauto = utility passenger car
functionele personenauto’s = utility passenger cars
functionele programmering = functional programming
functionele relatie = functional relationship
functionele schaarste = functional scarcity
functionele scheiding = functional separation
functionele scoliose = non-structural (functional) scoliosis
functionele signaleringsverbinding = functional signalling link
functionele simulatie = functional simulation
functionele simulator = functional simulator
functionele specificatie = functional specification
functionele specificatie = functional description
Functionele Specificaties = Functional Specifications
Functionele specificaties ontwikkelen = Develop functional specifications
functionele specificaties-en beschrijvingstaal = functional specifications and description language
functionele sperlaag van kunststof = plastic functional barrier
functionele staat = functional condition
Functionele strategie = Functional strategy
functionele structuur = functional structure
functionele stuklijst = functional bill-of- material
functionele symbolen = functional symbols
functionele taal = functional language
functionele test = functional test
functionele tests = functional tests
Functionele uitleg dienst = Explaining how the service works
functionele valuta-eenheid = functional currency unit
functionele veiligheidskader = functional safety and security framework
functionele verantwoordelijkheid = basic
functionele verantwoordelijkheid = functional responsibility
functionele vereisten = functional requirements
functionele verhouding = functional relationship
functionele verificatie = functional verification
functionele verlichting = functional lighting
Functionele Voedingsingrediënten en Gezondheid = Ingredients and Health
Functionele Voedingsingrediënten en Gezondheid (lectoraat) = Ingredients and Health
Functionele Voedingsingrediënten en Gezondheid (lectoraat) = Ingredients and Health (professorship)
functionele voetlijn = functional baseline
functionele wensen = functional requirements
functionele werkingsoverzicht = functional overview
Functionele-/ fysieke  inspectie = Functional/ physical inspection
functionele-/ fysieke  inspectie = functional/physical inspection
functioneren = functioning
functioneren = performance
functioneren = to operate
Functioneren = Work
functioneren = to function
Functioneren = Operate
functioneren = function
functioneren (v.e. personeelslid) = assessment review
functioneren op de juiste wijze = are functioning properly
functioneren van de medewerker = performance of the employee
functioneren van het systeem in kaart kan worden gebracht = assess the functioning of the system
functionerend = functional
functionerend = active
functionerend = functioning
"functionerend, operationeel, werkend" = functional {adj} (in good working order)
functioneringsevaluatiegesprek = performance review
functioneringsevaluatiegesprek = performance review
functioneringsevaluatiegesprek = performance review
functioneringsevaluatiegesprek = performance review
functioneringsevaluatiegesprek = performance review
functioneringsevaluatiegesprek = performance review
functioneringsevaluatiegesprek = job appraisal interview
functioneringsevaluatiegesprek = performance review
functioneringsevaluatiegesprek = performance appraisal
functioneringsevaluatiegesprek = performance review
functioneringsgesprek = job appraisal interview
functioneringsgesprek = performance review
functioneringsgesprek = performance evaluation interview
functioneringsgesprek = performance interview
functioneringsgesprek = assessment interview
Functioneringsgesprek = performance review
Functioneringsgesprek = performance review
functioneringsgesprek = performance appraisal
functioneringsgesprek (verslag van) = assessment report
functioneringsgesprekken = performance interviews
functioneringsgesprekken = performance reviews
functioneringstest = performance test
functioneringstoelage = merit pay
functioneringsverslagen = performance reports
functions = functions
Fund of Funds = Fund of Funds
fundament = foundation
fundament = element
fundament = foundations
fundament = furnace bed
fundament = fundament
fundament / fundering (van huis / gebouw) = footing
fundament met fundamentbouten = bolt cage foundation
fundament met fundamentkooi = bolt cage foundation
fundament met lastring = load ring foundation
fundament met opwaartse druk = foundation with buoyancy
fundament voor digitalisering = foundation for digitalisation
fundament zonder opwaartse druk = foundation without buoyancy
"fundament, fundering" = foundations
fundamentafdekking = foundation cover
fundamental right to privacy = grondrecht privacy
fundamentalisme = fundamentalism
Fundamentals = Fundamentals
fundamentbeton = foundation concrete
fundamentbeveiliging = foundation fall protection system
fundamentbout = foundation basket
Fundamenteel = Basal
Fundamenteel = Underlying
fundamenteel = fundamentally
Fundamenteel = Prime
Fundamenteel = Fundamental
fundamenteel = cardinal
Fundamenteel = Basic
Fundamenteel = Ultimate
fundamenteel andere kijk = fundamentally different view
fundamenteel en klinisch onderzoek = basic and clinical research
fundamenteel en toegepast onderzoek = basic and applied research
Fundamenteel evenwicht = Fundamental equilibrium
fundamenteel onderzoek = basic research
fundamenteel onderzoek = (as opposed to applied research) fundamental/ basic research
fundamenteel onderzoek = research
fundamenteel structureel testen = structured basic testing
Fundamentele analyse = Fundamental analysis
Fundamentele analyse van aandelen = Fundamental analysis of shares
fundamentele arbeidsnormen = fundamental labour standards
fundamentele arbeidsrechten = fundamental principles and rights at work
fundamentele beginselen = fundamental principles
fundamentele beginselen = basic principles
fundamentele beginselen van het recht = fundamental principles of law
Fundamentele Conventies van de Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie = Fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO
fundamentele definities = basic definitions
fundamentele eisen = basic requirements
fundamentele gezondheids- en veiligheidseisen = essential health and safety requirements
fundamentele grondslagen voor administratieve verantwoording = accounting concepts
fundamentele grondslagen voor administratieve verantwoording = concept
fundamentele identiteit van Wald = Wald's fundamental identity
fundamentele natuurkracht = fundamental interaction (basic forces that act between elementary particl
fundamentele natuurkracht = fundamental interaction
fundamentele natuurkracht = interaction
Fundamentele natuurkracht = Fundamental interaction
Fundamentele ondersteuning = Essential supports
fundamentele principes = fundamental principles
fundamentele research = basic research
fundamentele trend analyse = basic trend analysis
fundamentele trend analyse = to consolidate
fundamentele trend analyse = to fund
fundamentele verschillen = fundamental differences
fundamentele verschillen in mentaliteit = fundamental differences in mentality
fundamentele vragen = fundamental questions
fundamenten = foundations
Fundamenten van de taal Java = Fundamentals of the Java language
Fundament-geluiddemping = Fundament sound-absorption
fundamentgoot = foundation trough
fundamentkooi = foundation basket
fundamentkruis = foundation cross
fundamentplaat = sole slab
fundamentring = foundation ring
fundamentsectie = foundation section
fundamentsjabloon = foundation basket template
fundamentsteun = foundation stand
fundamentvoet = foundation bottom
fundatie = bed
fundatiebout = foundation bolt
Fundatie-einde = Foundation bolt
fundatiepaal = foundation pile
fundatieplaten = bedplate
fundatieplaten = bedplates
fundatieplaten = seat of a machine
Fundatieplaten = Base plates
Fundatieplaten = Base plates (e.g. of cutting/shearing machine)
fundatieresten = foundation remains
Fundatiesokkel = Sunk pedestal
fundatiewerkzaamheden = foundation work
fundementaardingsinstallatie = foundation earthing system
fundement-aardingsinstallatie = foundation earthing system
funderen = erect
funderen = to lay the foundations
Funderen = Establish
funderend energieonderzoek = fundamental energy research
funderend onderwijs = primary and secondary education
fundering = footing
fundering = foundation
fundering = foundations
fundering = raft
Fundering = Foundation
fundering op geboorde pijlers = drilled pier foundation
fundering van een dam = dam foundation
Funderingen = Foundations
funderingen = foundations
funderingen aanbrengen / (aan)leggen = lay (the) foundations
funderingput = building excavation for foundations
funderingsbalk = ground beam
funderingsbout = foundation bolt
funderingsdiepte = foundation depth
funderingsdruk = contact pressure
funderingslaag = subgrade
funderingsmassief = foundation block
funderingsmassieven = foundation blocks
funderingsmateriaal = hardcore
funderingsmateriaal = ballast
funderingsplaat = foundation plate
funderingsplaat / grondplaat = sole plate
"funderingsplaat, funderingsplaat van gewapend beton op slappe grond" = armoured concrete foundation plate
funderingsput = foundation pit
funderingstekening = layout of foundations
funderingstheorie = foundation theory
funderingstype = foundation type
Funderingswerkzaamheden = Foundation work
Funderingswerkzaamheden en boren van waterputten = Foundation work and water-well drilling
"Funderingswerkzaamheden voor (hoofd)wegen, straten en voetpaden" = "Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths"
Funderingswerkzaamheden voor hoofdwegen = Foundation work for highways
Funderingswerkzaamheden voor straten = Foundation work for streets
Funderingswerkzaamheden voor voetpaden = Foundation work for footpaths
Funderingswerkzaamheden voor wegen = Foundation work for roads
funderingtechnisch bedrijf = Foundation engineering contractors
Fund-of-Funds = Fund-of-Funds
fundoplicatie = fundoplication
fundoplicatie = funduplication: surgical plication of the fundus of the stomach around th
fundoplicatie = gastroplication
fundoplicatie = Nissen operation
fundoplicatie = in treating gastroesophageal reflux disease:  fundoplication: mobilizatio
fundus- = fundic
fundus oculi = ocular fundus
funest = fateful
fungeer = function
fungeerden = acted
fungeert = serves
fungeert als een uithangbord = acts as a signpost
fungeert als klankbordgroep = acts as a sounding board
fungeren = function
Fungeren = Operate
Fungeren = Work
Fungeren = Run
fungeren als scharnierpunten = acting as pivot points
Fungerend = Interim
fungerend als = functioning as
Fungi = Mushroom
Fungi = Fungus
Fungi = Fungi
fungibel = "fungible, interchangeable"
fungible = fungible
fungible = interchangeable
fungible = mutually interchangeable
fungible = replaceable
fungible = replaceable by another identical item
fungicide = antifungal
Fungicide = Fungicide
Fungiciden = Fungicides
fungiciden = fungicides
Fungicidum = Fungicide
fungicidum = (adjective & noun)  fungicide
Fungistatisch = Fungistatic
Fungus = Fungus
funiculaire = funicular
funiculus = funiculus
funiculus lateralis medullae spinalis = lateral white column of the spinal cord
funiculus lateralis medullae spinalis = funiculus anterolateralis (medullae spinalis)
funiculus lateralis medullae spinalis = lateral funiculus
funiculus lateralis medullae spinalis = peniculus anterolateralis (medullae spinalis)
funiculus spermaticus = funiculus spermaticus
funiculus spermaticus = spermatic cord
Funk = Funk
funkeleffect = flicker effect
funktiereeksen = job categories
Funktiewijziging = Function change
funnelmanagement = funnel management
funpark = fun park
funshoppen = funshopping
funshopping = funshopping
Funtcioneringsgesprekken = Performance reviews
Furalaxyl = Furalaxyl
furaldehyde = furaldehyde
furan = furan
furan = C4H4O
furanose = furanose: a sugar having an oxygen-containing ring of five atoms
Furathiocarb = Furathiocarb
furazolidon = furazolidone
furazolidon = nifurazolidone: a nitrofuran derivative
furcelleran = furcelleran
Furfural = Furfural
Furfurylalcohol = Furfurylalcohol
furie = shrew
furigana = furigana
Furniture as a Service = Furniture-as-a-Service
furore = craze
furore maken = be a hit
furosemide = Lasix
Furry-proces = Furry process
fursultiamine = fursultiamin
furunculose = boils
furunculose = furunculosis
Furunculose = Furunculosis
Fusacon B.V. = Fusacon B.V.
Fusacon BV = Fusacon B.V.
Fusarium Sulfureum = Fusarium Sulfureum
Fuse = Fuse
Fuse block = Fuse block
Fuse holder = Fuse holder
Fuse holder connector block = Fuse holder connector block
Fuseblock = Fuse block
fusee = swivel
fusee = swivel pin
fuseehuis = swivel pin housing
fuseekommen = swivel balls
fuseepen = king pin
fuseerden = merged
Fuser oil = Fuser oil
Fuser wiper = Fuser wiper
fuseren = merge with
fuseren = merge
Fusers = Fusers
fusidinezuur = fusidic acid
Fusie = Fusing
Fusie = Melting
Fusie = Merger
Fusie = Fusion
fusie = amalgamation
fusie {de} = merger
Fusie agio = Merger share premium
Fusie door aandelenruil = Stock merger
Fusie door aandelenruil = Merger of shares
fusie door aandelenruil = share-for-share merger
fusie door oprichting = incorporation merger
fusie door oprichting van een nieuwe vennootschap = merger by the formation of a new company
fusie door overneming = acquisition merger
Fusie las = Fusion splice
fusie of splitsing = merger or demerger
fusie van ondernemingen = merger of undertakings
fusie van ondernemingen = merger
fusie van virale membranen = fusion of viral membranes
"fusie, de samensmelting" = fusion
"fusie, verplaatsing, inkrimping of sluiting van ondernemingen, vestiginge" = "the merger, relocation, downsizing or closure of undertakings, establishm"
Fusie-agio = Merger share premium
fusie-eiwit = fusion protein
Fusiegedragsregels 2000 = Merger Code 2000
fusiemeerwaarde = merger surplus
Fusiemethode = Merger method
fusieontwerp = merger design
Fusiereserve = Merger reserve
fusies = mergers
fusies & overnames = mergers & acquisitions
fusies en overnames = mergers and acquisitions
Fusietechniek = Fusion technique
fusieverdrag = Merger Treaty
fusiform gyrus = fusiform gyrus
fusilleren = shoot dead
fusilleren = to execute by firing squad
Fusilleren = Firing squad
Fusion = Fusion
Fusion = Melting
Fusion = Merger
fusionele vergentie = fusional movement
Fusobacterium nucleatum = Fusobacterium nucleatum
fust = keg
Fust = Barrel
fustadministratie = packaging administration
Fusten = Casks
Fut = Strength
Fut = Force
Fut = Might
fut = energy
Fut = Strenght
FUT 2 gen = FUT2 gene
Futen = Grebe
futiliteit = trifle
futoshiki = futoshiki
futoshiki’s = futoshikis
Futselaar = Slowcoach
Futselen = Dawdle
Futselen = Dally
Futselen = Dilly-dally
Future = Forward
future = futures contract
Future = Future
Future Economy = Future Economy
future events = toekomstige gebeurtenissen
Future Lab = Future Lab
Future Learning = Future Learning
Future Living = Future Living
Future Society = Future Society
futureproof = futureproof
Futures = Futures
Futurisme = Futurism (art)
futurisme = Futurism
futuristisch = Futurist
futuristisch = futuristic
fuut = great crested grebe
fuut = grebe
FUWA systeem = FUWA system
Fuwa-systeem = job evaluation system
fuzzing = fuzzing
fuzzy = fuzzy
Fuzzy logic = Fuzzy logic
fuzzy logica = fuzzy logic
fuzzy theorie = fuzzy theory
fuzzy-set theorie = fuzzy set theory
FV = Function Responsible
FV = Functional lead
FV = Lead Designer
FV = Functional Lead
FV = continued financing (CF)
FV en hoofd = Functional and Project Lead
F-vergunning = manufacturing authorisation
Fw = Bankruptcy Act
Fw = Bankruptcy Act (Faillissementswet: Fw)
Fw = formula weight 
Fw = Fw
FW: = FW:
F-waarde = F value
FWO = Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)
FX-Forward = FX forward
FX-spot = FX spot
FX-Swap = FX swap
FX-Swaps = FX swaps
FY2016 = FY2016
fyi = FYI
"fylakterion, amulet, beschermmiddel, talisman" = amulet or charm)
"fylakterion, amulet, beschermmiddel, talisman" = phylactery (Small object worn for its power
fysica = physics
fysica {de} = physics
Fysica en Astronomie / Natuurkunde en Sterrenkunde = Physics & Astronomy
Fysica van complexe systemen = Physics of Complex Systems
Fysico-Chemisch = Physicochemical
fysico-chemische analyse = physicochemical analysis
fysico-chemische behandeling = physicochemical treatment
fysico-chemische processen = physicochemical process
fysico-chemische zuivering = physicochemical purification
Fysicometrie = Physicometrics
fysicus = physicist
Fysiek = Physics
fysiek = physically
Fysiek = Physique
fysiek = physical
fysiek {het} = physique
fysiek aanvallen = physically attack
fysiek aanwezige voorraad = on-hand balance
fysiek afleveren = physical delivery
fysiek archief = physical store
fysiek bestandsformaat = physical file format
fysiek beveiligingsprobleem = physical vulnerability
fysiek beveiligingsprobleem = physical security vulnerability
Fysiek blok = Block
fysiek consult = physical consultation
fysiek en organisatorisch = physical and organisational
fysiek etiket = physical label
fysiek gecrosslinked = physically crosslinked
fysiek gegevensmodel = physical data model
fysiek gelabeld = physically labelled
fysiek gescheiden = physically separated
fysiek geweld = physical violence
fysiek maken van kabels = making cables
fysiek minder zwaar = less physically strenuous
fysiek model = physical model
fysiek ontwerp = physical design
fysiek pad = physical path
Fysiek product = Physical product
fysiek ruimtelijk = physical spatial
fysiek systeem = physical system
fysiek toegankelijk = physically accessible
fysiek zwaar = physically demanding
fysiek zwaar werk = physically demanding work
"fysiek, e-mail, web, sms, social media" = "physical, email, web, SMS, social media"
Fysiek-distributiemanagement = Physical distribution management
fysieke = physical
fysieke agressie = physical aggression
fysieke belasting = physical stress (during work)
fysieke beperkingen van een persoon die remote meevolgt = physical limitations of a person monitoring remotely
fysieke beschrijving = physical description
fysieke beveiliging = physical security
fysieke beveiligingsmaatregelen = physical security measures
fysieke computer = physical computer
fysieke configuratie-audit = physical configuration audit: PCA
Fysieke consistentie databases = Physical consistency of databases
fysieke datum = physical date
Fysieke distributie = Physical distribution
fysieke distributie = physical distribution: PD
fysieke documenten = physical documents
fysieke eigenschappen = physical properties
fysieke eis = physical requirement
fysieke en digitale correspondentie = physical and digital correspondence
fysieke en fysische belasting = physical and work environment load
fysieke en psychische wereld = physical and mental world
fysieke exemplaar = physical copy
Fysieke factoren = Physical factors
fysieke geheugenplaats = physical storage location
fysieke grootheid = physical quantity
fysieke handeling = physical action
fysieke handelingen = physical actions
fysieke integriteit = physical integrity
fysieke interacties = physical interactions
fysieke interventie = physical intervention
fysieke klachten = physical complaints
fysieke kwalificatie = physical qualification
fysieke laag = physical layer
fysieke leefomgeving = physical environment
fysieke leeromgeving = physical learning environment
fysieke manipulatie = physical manipulation
fysieke meting = physical measurement
fysieke middelen = physical means
fysieke of virtuele machine = physical or virtual machine
fysieke omgeving = physical environment
fysieke omstandigheden = physical conditions
fysieke ophaling = physical collection
fysieke percentage voltooid = physical percent complete
fysieke producten = physical products
fysieke productieproces = physical manufacturing process
fysieke record = physical record
fysieke scheiding = physical separation
fysieke schijfbron = physical disk resource
fysieke server met hypervisor laag = physical server with hypervisor layer
fysieke simulatie = physical simulation
fysieke stroom = physical flow
fysieke systeemintegratie = physical system integration
fysieke toegang = physical access
fysieke veiligheidsmaatregelen = physical security measures
fysieke verbinding = physical connection
fysieke voorraad = physical stock
fysieke voorraad = physical inventory
fysieke voorstellingen/eisen = physical representations/requirements
Fysieke werkplek afscheiding = Physical workplace separation
fysieke winkels = physical stores
fysieke woonomgeving. = physical habitat
fysieke zintuigen = physical senses
"fysieke, emotionele en spirituele" = "physical, emotional and spiritual"
"fysieke, emotionele en spirituele gezondheid" = "physical, emotional and spiritual health"
"fysieke, sociaal-emotionele en spirituele" = "physical, social-emotional and spiritual"
"fysieke, sociaal-emotionele en spirituele intelligentie" = "physical, social-emotional and spiritual intelligence"
"fysieke, sociaal-emotionele gezondheid en spirituele gezondheid" = "physical, social-emotional and spiritual health"
fysieke-distributiebeheer = physical distribution control
Fysiocraten = Physiocrats
fysiologie = physiology
fysiologie {de} = physiology
fysiologisch = physiologic
Fysiologisch = Physiological
fysiologisch gewogen dreun = physiological-weighted rumble
Fysiologische behoeften = Physiological needs
fysiologische ongeschiktheid = physiological incapacity
fysiologische oplossing = physiological solution (SAL)
fysiologische parameterberekening = physiological parameter calculation
fysiologische zoutoplossing = saline
fysionomie = physiognomy
fysiotherapie = physiotherapy
Fysiotherapie (bacheloropleiding) = Physiotherapy
"Fysiotherapie (bacheloropleiding, formeel: Opleiding tot Fysiotherapeut)" = Physiotherapy
Fysiotherapie / Oefentherapie Mensen met Chronische Ziekten (masteropleid = Physiotherapy / Exercise Therapy for People with a Chronic Disease
Fysiotherapie / Oefentherapie Mensen met Chronische Ziekten (masteropleid = Physiotherapy/Exercisetherapy for People with Chronic Disease
Fysiotherapie en Sport = Physiotherapy and Sports
Fysiotherapie in engere zin = physiotherapy in the strict sense of the word
Fysiotherapie in thuiszorg = Physiotherapy in homecare
Fysiotherapiediensten = Physiotherapy services
Fysisch = Physical
fysisch / chemische eigenschappen = physical and chemical properties
fysisch / chemische eigenschappen van een stof = physical and chemical properties of a substance
Fysisch meetprincipe sensor = Physical measurement principle of the sensor
fysisch milieu = physical environment
Fysisch onderzoek = Physical investigation
fysisch procédé = physical process
"fysisch, chemisch of biologisch" = "physical, chemical or biological"
fysisch-chemisch proces = physic-chemical process
Fysische = Physical
"fysische aspecten, geluid,trillingen, straling" = "physical aspects, noise, vibrations, radiations"
Fysische chemie = Physical chemistry
fysische dampfase depositietechnie = physical vapour phase deposition technique
fysische eigenschappen = physical property
fysische eigenschappen = physical properties
Fysische en chemische = Physical and chemical
fysische en chemische basiseigenschappen = basic physical and chemical properties
Fysische en chemische eigenschappen = Physical and chemical characteristics
Fysische en Theoretische Chemie = Physical and Theoretical ChemistryGeestelijke Gezondheidszorg Buitenamste
fysische geografie = physical geography
fysische meting van milieuvervuiling = physical measurement of pollution
fysische oceanografie = physical oceanography
fysische processen = physical process
Fysische Scheidingen = Separation Technology
Fysische sensor bussysteem = Physical sensor for bus system
fysische testen = physical tests
fysische toestand = physical state
fysische verontreiniging = physical pollution
fysische vervuiler = physical pollutant
Fysisch-Technische Wiskunde = Physical and Technical Mathematics
fytomassa = phytomass
Fytomenadion = Vitamin K
Fytoplankton = Phytoplankton
fytosanitair product = plant health product
fytosanitaire behandeling = plant health treatment
fytosanitaire behandeling = phytosanitary treatment
fytosanitaire controle = plant health control
fytosanitaire wetgeving = plant health legislation
fytotoxiciteit = phytotoxicity
fytotoxische = phytotoxic
fytotoxische effecten = phytotoxic effects
G = G (Good
G (letter) = G
G 10 = G 10
G 8 = G 8
g C/kg = g C/kg
g C/kg d = g C/kg D
g C/kg ds = g C/kg dm
G&V = H&S
G.G.D. = wiskunde [n]: hcf
"G.I.O.W, L.O., K..P. Orde Dienst, Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten" = "G.I.O.W, L.O., K..P. Orde Dienst, Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten"
G.s.m. - aanschaffingswaarde = Mobile phone - cost
G.s.m. - afschrijvingen = Mobile phone - depreciation (-)
G.U.S. = G.U.S.
g/100g = g/100g
g/cm3 = g/cm3
g/d = g/d
g/kg = g/kg
g/kg ds = g/kg dm
g/kg prod = g/kg prod
g/kWh = g/kWh
g/l = g/l
g/m = g/m
g/m² = g/m²
g/ml = g/ml
G?nc? = Ganja
G1 = G1
G10q = G10q
G11 = G11
G12 = G12
G13 = G13
G2 = G2
G2 bewijs dekking aansprakelijkheid = G2 liability insurance cover note
G22 = G22
G23 = G23
G23 (2-pins) = G23 (2-pins)
G24 = G24
G24d-1 = G24d-1
G24d-1 (2-pins) = G24d-1 (2-pins)
G24d-1/GX24d-1 = G24d-1/GX24d-1
G24d-2 = G24d-2
G24d-2 (2-pins) = G24d-2 (2-pins)
G24d-2/GX24d-2 = G24d-2/GX24d-2
G24d-3 = G24d-3
G24d-3 (2-pins) = G24d-3 (2-pins)
G24d-3/GX24d-3 = G24d-3/GX24d-3
G24q-1 (4-pins) = G24q-1 (4-pins)
G24q-1/GX24q-1 = G24q-1/GX24q-1
G24q-2 (4-pins) = G24q-2 (4-pins)
G24q-2/GX24q-2 = G24q-2/GX24q-2
G24q-3 (4-pins) = G24q-3 (4-pins)
G24q-3/GX24q-3 = G24q-3/GX24q-3
G2G = G2G
G2G = G2G (‘Government-to-government cooperation’)
G2G project = G2G project
G3 = G3
"G3,9" = G3.9
G3/8 A = G3/8 A
G38 = G38
G4 = G4
G4 Guidelines = G4 Guidelines
G4 Standards = G4 Standards
"G4/G6,35" = G4/G6.35
"G4/GU 5,3" = G4/GU 5.3
G4/GX5.3/G6.35 = G4/GX5.3/G6.35
G4/GZ4 = G4/GZ4
G5 = G5
"G5,3" = G5.3
"G5,3-4,8" = G5.3-4.8
G53 = G53
"G6,35" = G6.35
"G6PD-deficiëntie, de glucose-6, fosfaatdehydrogenase-deficiëntie" = "g-6-p-d deficiency, glucose 6-dehydrogenase deficiency, G6PD deficiency, "
"G8,5" = G8.5
G9 = G9
"G9,5" = G9.5
ga = go
ga = spouse
GA = General Aviation
Ga als volgt te werk = Proceed as follows
ga dan naar niveau = go to Level
ga dan terug naar stap = go back to step
ga dan verder bij stap = proceed to step
Ga de discussie aan = Discuss the issue
ga de waarden na = check the values
Ga er maar een beetje in mee = go along with them a little
Ga gesprek aan met = Enter into a dialogue with
ga hier voorzichtig mee om = please handle it with care
Ga hiervoor naar = "To do so, go to"
"Ga je een stap verder en ondersteun je gebruikers ook bij het gebruiken, " = "Do you go a step further and also support users in using, setting up and "
ga je een vertrouwen opbouwen = you will build trust
ga je uit van = you must base your calculations on
Ga na wat er gebeurd is = Find out what happened
ga naar = go to
ga naar = Go to
Ga naar de handbediening = Go to manual control
Ga naar de verzamelplaats = Go to the assembly point
Ga naar Inkoop ->Bestellingen -> Overzicht bestellingen = Go to Purchasing > Orders > Overview of orders
Ga naar tab = Go To Tab
Ga verder = Continue
ga verder met stap = continue with step
Ga verder op de = Continue on the
Ga voor meer informatie naar = "For more information, please visit"
"ga weg!, dat meen je niet!, nooit!" = shut up  (I don't believe it!)
gaaf = algemeen [a]: groovy
gaaf = "whole, entire"
gaaf = intact
gaaf = undamaged
gaaf = entire
gaaf = whole
gaaf [omg.] = groovy [coll.]
gaafheid {de} = intactness
Gaai = Jay
gaai {de} = jay
gaan = elope
Gaan = Outward journey
Gaan = Go away
gaan = to leave
Gaan = Go along
Gaan = Go off
gaan = to go
Gaan = Leave
gaan = going to
Gaan = Go
Gaan = Take oneself off
Gaan = To be going
Gaan = Travel
gaan = algemeen [v]: go
Gaan = Depart
Gaan = Fare
gaan = let's go
gaan [lopen] [BN] = to walk
gaan altijd in overleg = must always take place in consultation
gaan bij = vereniging [v]: join
gaan branden = come on
Gaan door = Cross over
Gaan door = Get across
Gaan door = Walk across
Gaan door = Traverse
Gaan door = Cross
Gaan door = Get over
gaan door = cover
Gaan door = Go across
gaan doppen = werkloosheid [v]: go on unemployment
gaan eigendom en risico over naar = ownership and risk are transferred to
gaan gelukkig naar huis = go home happy
gaan gepaard met de nodige inflexibliteit = are not necessarily very flexible
gaan halen = fetch
gaan in = binnenkomen [v]: come in
gaan liggen = lie down
gaan liggen = algemeen [v]: lie down
gaan maffen = slaap [v]: hit the sack [informal]
gaan met = vergezellen [v]: walk
gaan met die banaan! = let's go
gaan naar = advance
gaan naar = richting [v]: head
gaan niet altijd hand in hand = do not always go hand in hand
gaan op = weg [v]: walk on
gaan op een andere manier met elkaar en met informatie om = interact with information and each other in a different way
gaan over = algemeen [v]: concern
gaan slapen = go to sleep
gaan slapen = slaap [v]: go to sleep
gaan staan = opstaan [v]: get up
Gaan staan = Rise to one's feet
Gaan staan = Get out of bed
gaan staan = get up
gaan stempelen = werkloosheid [v]: go on unemployment
gaan wonen in = verblijfplaats [v]: settle in
gaan zitten = sit down
gaan zitten = algemeen [v]: sit down
"gaan, gaan met die banaan! (proverb, literally meaning go with that banan" = let's go {interj} (imperative)
gaand = vast
gaande = algemeen [o]: in motion
gaande = ongoing
gaande van het aanbieden van = ranging from offering
gaanderij = gallery
gaanderij = architectuur [n]: gallery
gaanderij {de} = arcade
gaandeweg = algemeen [o]: in due time
gaandeweg = gradually
gaandeweg in het project = in the course of the project
Gaap = Yawn
gaap = algemeen [n]: yawn
gaap = shed
Gaap = Gape
gaap {de} = yawn
gaapopening = shed opening
gaapvorming = shed formation
Gaar = Crisp
gaar = groenten [a]: done
Gaar = Toasted
gaar = done [fully cooked]
Gaar = Done to a turn
gaar = exhausted
Gaar = Done
Gaar = Cooked well done
Gaar = Cooked
Gaarbak = Cistern
Gaarbak = Reservoir
Gaarbak = Tank
Gaard = Backyard
Gaard = Gardens
Gaard = Pen
Gaard = Garden
Gaard = Yard
gaarkeuken {de} = soup kitchen
Gaarne = Gladly
gaarne = willingly
Gaarne = Pleasure
gaarne = algemeen [o]: gladly
Gaarne = Readily
Gaarne = Cheerfully
gaarne [omg.] = gladly
gaarne oorspronkelijke verdeling UR en MR = original distribution keys for performance and mechanical rights please
gaarne vooraf reserveren = please book in advance
gaartijd = cooking time
gaartijd = coking time
gaas = geneeskunde [n]: gauze
gaas = mesh
Gaas = Gauze
gaas = scrim
gaas {het} = netting
gaas {het} = gauze
Gaasafrastering = Wire-mesh fencing
Gaasafscheiding = Mesh partitions
Gaasafscheidingen = Mesh partitions
Gaasafscheidingen = Mesh partition
gaasdikte = mesh thickness
gaasfijnheid = mesh count
Gaasje = Gauze
gaaslijm = mesh adhesive
gaaspaneel = mesh panel
gaaspanelen = mesh panels
gaaspanelen en buizen = mesh panels and tubes
gaaspanelen en deuren = mesh panels and doors
gaassoort = mesh type
gaasspanapparaat = mesh stretcher
gaasspanapparaat = gauze stretching device
gaasspanningsmeter = mesh tension gauge
Gaasterlân-Sleat = Gaasterlân-Sleat
gaasverband = gauze bandage
gaasvoorbehandeling = screen preparation
gaasweefsel = "mesh, screen fabric"
gaasweefsel = gauze cloth
gaasweefsel = scrim
gaasweefsel (Engels: scrim) = scrim
gaasweefsel-laag = scrim layer
gaasweefsel-lagen = scrim layers
gaat = go
gaat achtereenvolgens in op = deals successively with
gaat akkoord = agrees
gaat akkoord met continuering van de studie = agree to the continuation of the study
gaat de afdeling recruitment op zoek naar externe kandidaten = and the recruitment department starts looking for external candidates
gaat de competitie met jou = starts competing with you
gaat de formele verbintenis aan om = formally undertakes to
gaat de Klant ermee akkoord = the Customer agrees
gaat de Klant ermee akkoord en erkent de Klant = the Customer agrees and acknowledges
gaat dicht = closes
gaat dieper in op = include a closer examination of
gaat doorgaans veel tijd zitten = has a habit of eating up a lot of your time
gaat echter wel ten koste van = comes at the expense of
gaat een stap verder = goes one step further
gaat eerst over = will not be transferred until
gaat gepaard met = is accompanied by
gaat goed om = deals well
gaat heel ver terug = goes back a long way
gaat het hoekje om = he is  flatlining
gaat het om = it is about
Gaat het om = Does it concern
gaat het om = involves
gaat het om de = it is the
gaat het over = this is about
gaat hier het effect vanuit dat = It also makes clear that
gaat hier maar zeer beperkt op in = only deals with this to a very limited extent
gaat in = takes effect
gaat in op = deal with
gaat in op de dag na de bevalling = commences on the day after the birth
gaat in op de dag waarop je = starts on the day you
gaat in op de dag waarop je overlijdt = starts on the day of your death
gaat in op de ingangsdatum = commences on the effective date
Gaat in op huidige situaties = Addresses current situations
gaat mij aan het hart = X is close to my heart
gaat net een stap verder = goes one step further
gaat niet aan = does not light up
gaat niet door = Has been cancelled
gaat nog een stap verder = goes even one step further
gaat om = involve
gaat om de vraag = concerns the question
gaat op een kier = will be opened slightly
gaat op Klant over = shall pass to Customer
gaat Opdrachtgever er mee akkoord = Requester agrees
gaat over = is about
gaat razendsnel = is moving at lightning speed
gaat uit van = bases his work
gaat uit van = is based on
gaat verder = continues
gaat verder dan = extends beyond
gaat voor = aims for
gaat voorbij aan = does not consider
gaat voort op de staat van de virtuele machine na = continues on the virtual machine in the state it was in after
gaat weer opstarten = will restart
gaat zonder problemen vijftien tot twintig jaar mee = can easily last fifteen to twenty years
gaat zorgvuldig om met uw persoonsgegevens = handles your personal data with care
gaat/staat niet boven de wet = [otherwise: does not supersede the law]
gaat/staat niet boven de wet = does not replace the law [<-- if high accessibility to non-native speaker
gaatje = dimple
gaatje = teken [n]: prick
gaatje {het} = little hole
"gaatje, gat, holletje, opening" = hole (hollow in some surface)
gaatjes = holes
gaatjes in het materiaal = holes in the material
gaatjesmasker = shadowmask
GABA-B receptoren = GABA-B receptors
gabapentine = C9H17NO2   gabapentin: an anticonvulsant drug structurally similar to gam
gabardine = gaberdine
gabardine = kleding [n]: gabardine
gabardine {de} = gaberdine
gabardine {de} = gabardine [esp. Am.]
gabarit = profile
gabarit = gauge
gabber {de} [omg.] = mate [Br.] [Aus.] [NZ]
gabber {de} [omg.] = pal
gabber {de} [omg.] = buddy
Gabbro = Gabbro
Gabel = Gabel
gabexaat = gabexate
gabions = gabions (wire mesh encasings)
gabions = gabions
Gabon = Gabon
Gaborone = Gaborone
Gaboye = Gaboye
Gabriël (aartsengel) = Gabriel
Gabriel Jonas Lippmann = Gabriel Lippmann
Gabriel-toets = Gabriel's test
gade = spouse
gadeslaan = keep
gadeslaan = algemeen [v]: watch
Gadeslaan = Point sth out
Gadeslaan = Observe
gadeslaan = to observe
Gadeslaan = Eye
"gadeslaan, in het oog houden" = eye  (to look as if intending to do sthg)
gadget = gadget
gadget = appliance
gadget {het} = gadget
Gadgetgalerie = Desktop Gadget Gallery
gadgets = algemeen [n]: gadgetry
gadodiamide = gadodiamide
Gadolinium = Gadolinium
Gadolinium (Gd) = Gadolinium (Gd)
gadoteridol = gadobutrol
gadoterinezuur = gadoteric acid
Gaea = Gaia (mythology)
Gaelisch = Gaelic language
Gaelisch = Gaelic
Gaelisch = linguïstiek [a]: Erse
Gaetano Donizetti = Gaetano Donizetti
gaf een nieuwe impuls aan = gave a new impulse to
gaf zij mij op te zijn genaamd = she gave her name as
gaffel = landbouw [n]: hayfork
gaffel = fork
Gaffel = Trident
Gaffeldoos = Fork box (gaffel box)
gaffelkop = forked head
gaffeloplegging = forked bearing
gaffelveer = fork spring
gaffelvormig = bifurcate
GAF-score = Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF)
gaga [omg.] = gaga [coll.]
Gagaoezië = Gagauzia
gage = buy out fee
Gage = Wage
Gage = Salary
gage {de} = pay
gage {de} = fee
gage KHV/GHV schaal = Salary scale - Small commercial shipping/ large commercial shipping
gag-genen = group-specific antigen genes
gag-onc fusie-eiwitten = gag-onc  fusion proteins
gag-pol fusie-eiwitten = gag-pol  fusion proteins
Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus = Augustus
Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus minor = Pliny the Younger
Gaius Plinius Secundus maior = Pliny the Elder
Gaius Valerius Catullus = Catullus
gajes {het} [omg.] = riff-raff
gal = gall
Gal = Bile
gal = fysiologie [n]: bile
Gal (stof) = Bile
gal {de} = bile
Gala = Gala
gala- = algemeen [a]: full-dress
gala {het} = gala
gala avond = gala night
Gala Rizzatto = Gala
gala-avond {de} = gala evening
galabal {het} = gala ball
galabanket = algemeen [n]: gala diner
galachtig = geneeskunde [a]: bilious
galachtigheid = geneeskunde [n]: biliousness
galactisch = galactic
galactografie = galactography
galactokinase = galactokinase: an enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of phosphate groups 
galactoplerosis = galactoedema
galactoplerosis = galactoplerosis
galactopyranosyluronzuur = galactopyranosyluronic acid
galactopyranosyluronzuureenheden = galactopyranosyluronic acid units
galactorroe = (gynecology)  galactorrhea
galactorroe = excessive milk production (outside of pregnancy)
Galactorroe = Galactorrhoea
galactosaemia = galactokinase deficiency disease
galactosaemia = galactosemia: uridyl-transferase deficiency disease
galactosaemia = galactosemias: an inherited enzyme deficiency with elevation of galactose
galactosaemia = udpglucose 4-epimerase deficiency disease
galactosaemia = udpglucose hexose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase deficiency
galactosamine = galactosamine
Galactose = Galactose
galactose = galactose
galactose belastingsproef = galactose tolerance test
galactosylceramidase = galactocerebrosidase
galadiner {het} = gala dinner
galant = gedrag [a]: courtly
galant = chivalrous
galant = gallant
galant = fiancé
galanterie = gedrag [n]: gallantry
galanterie {de} = chivalry
galanthamine: een geneesmiddel tegen de ziekte Altzheimer = galantamin
Galanthus = Snowdrop
Galapagoseilanden {mv} = Galapagos Islands
Galappel = Gall
Galati = Galati
Galatië = Galatia
galaturonzuur = galacturonic acid
galblaas = gallbladder
galblaas = gall bladder
Galblaas = Gall-bladder
galblaas = anatomie [n]: gall bladder
galblaas {de} = gall bladder
galblaaskanker = gallbladder neoplasm
galblaasruptuur = rupture of  gallbladder
galblaasziekte = gall bladder disease
galbuis = gall duct
galea aponeurotica = galea
galea aponeurotica = epicranial aponeurosis
galea aponeurotica = galea aponeurotica
galea aponeurotica = the scalp
Galei = Galley
Galei (schip) = Galley
galei {de} = galley
galeislaaf {de} = galley slave
Galeniet = Galena
galenisch = galenical
Galenische oplossingen = Galenical solutions
Galerie = Gallery
galerie = kunst [n]: art gallery
galerie {de} = gallery
galerie Altijd verplaatsen = Always Move gallery
Galerie met basispagina's = Master Page Gallery
galerie met opmaakprofielen = style gallery
galerieën = art galleries
galeriehouder {de} = gallery owner
galeriehoudster {de} = gallery owner [female]
galerij = architectuur [n]: gallery
galerij = arcade
galerij = gallery
galerij (bouwkunde) = gallery
galerij (van flat) = access balcony
galerij {de} = gallery [corridor]
galerij balkonplaat = gallery slab
galerijflat = gallery flats
galerijflat = apartment house (with access balconies)
galerijflat / flatgebouw = apartment building
galerijwoning / flat = gallery appartment
galerijwoning / flat = gallery flat
Galerius = Galley
galette = galette
galetten = (wafer) disks
galfistel = biliary  fistula
galfistel = fistula of the bladder
galg = straf [n]: gibbet
Galg = Gallows
galg {de} = gallows
galgehumor = algemeen [n]: gallows humor
galgenhumor = gallows humor
galgenhumor {de} = black humor [Am.]
galgenhumor {de} = black humour [Br.]
"galgenhumor, groen lachen" = gallows humor (comedy that still manages to be funny in the face of a per
galgje {het} = hangman
Galicië = Galicia
Galicië (Oost-Europa) = Galicia (Central Europe)
Galicië (Spanje) = Galicia (Spain)
Galicisch = Galician
Galicische = Galician
Galilea = Narthex
Galilea = Galilee
galilea / voorkerk / voorportaal = galilee
Galileo = Narthex
Galileo = Galilee
Galileo (ruimtesonde) = Galileo (spacecraft)
Galileo Galilei = Galileo Galilei
Galisisch = Galician
Galjoen = Galleon
galjoen = nautisch [n]: galleon
galjoen {het} = galleon
gal-laktose-vleesbouillon = brilliant  green lactose bile broth
Galle = Gall
Galli = Wales
Gallicisch = Galician
gallicisme = linguïstiek [n]: gallicism
Gallië = Gaul
Gallië = Pole
Galliër = Gaul
Galliër = Gaulish
Galliër = Gallic
gallig = geneeskunde [a]: bilious
galligheid = geneeskunde [n]: biliousness
Gallisch = Gallic
Gallisch = geschiedenis [a]: Gallic
Gallisch = Gaul
Gallisch = Gaulish
Gallium = Gallium
Gallium [Ga] = Gallium [Ga]
galliumarseen = gallium arsenide
galliumarseen-diode = gallium-arsenide diode
gallium-arsenide technologie = gallium-arsenide technology
galliumfosfide = gallium Phosphide
gallon = maten - gewichten [n]: gallon
gallon = gallon
gallon = galloon
gallon {de} {het} = gallon
gallotanninen = gallotannins
Gallotanninen = Gallotannins
galloyl = galloyl
galloylgroep = galloyl group
galloylgroepen = galloyl groups
galluszuur = C6H2(OH)3CO2
galluszuur voor farmaceutisch gebruik = gallic acid for pharmaceutical use
galm = echo
Galm = Sound
Galm = Resonance
galm = klokketoren [n]: peal
Galm = His
Galm = Noise
Galm = Her
Galm = Bran
galm = reverberation
galmbord (b.v. in kathedraal) = louvre-board
galmen = resound
Galmen = Bang
Galmen = Ring out
galmen = geluid [v]: clang
galmen = to reverberate
Galmen = Blare
Galmen = Boom out
Galmen = Cling out
galmgat (kerk) = belfry window
galmkamer = reverberant room
galnoot = gall
Galnoot = Bile
galnoten = gallnuts
Galon = Braids
galop = gallop
galop = paard [n]: gallop
galop {de} = gallop
galopperen = paard [v]: gallop
galopperen = to gallop
galopperen = gallop
galopperend = algemeen [a]: galloping
galopritme = gallop rhythm: a cardiac rhythm characterized by an extra sound
galopritme van Gallavardin = gallop rhythm
galsteen = biliary calculus
galsteen = biliary concretion
galsteen = bilirubin concretion
galsteen = gallstone
galsteen = solid formation in the gallbladder composed of cholesterol & bile salts
Galsteen = Gallstone
galsteen = geneeskunde [n]: gallstone
galsteenileus = gallstone  ileus
GAL-synchronisatie = GAL synchronization
Galton's probleem van verschilbepaling tussen individuen = Galton's individual difference problem
galvanisatie = galvanisation
galvanisatie = metalen [n]: galvanizing
galvanisch = elektriciteit [a]: galvanic
galvanisch = galvanic
galvanisch = plating
galvanisch bad = plating bath
galvanisch proces = electroplating process
galvanisch trommelen = to barrel plate
Galvanisch verkoperd = Galvanic copper plated
Galvanisch vertind = Galvanic tinned
galvanisch vertinnen = to tin plate
galvanisch verzinken = to zinc plate
galvanisch verzinken = electrogalvanising
galvanisch verzinkt = zinc plated
galvanisch voorschrift = plating instructions
galvanische bedekking = electrolytic deposition
galvanische cel = galvanic cell
galvanische cel = elektriciteit [n]: cell
galvanische corrosie = galvanic corrosion
galvanische dekking = coverage
galvanische isolator = galvanic isolator
galvanische laag = electrodeposition
galvanische laag = electrodeposit
galvanische neerslag = electrodeposit
galvanische neerslag = electrodeposition
galvanische scheiding = galvanic isolation
Galvanische scheiding = Galvanic separation
galvanische separatie = galvanic separation
galvanische separatie = galvanically separated
galvanische stroom = galvanic current
galvaniseerafdeling = plating department
galvaniseerafdeling = plating shop
galvaniseerinrichting = plating shop
galvaniseerinrichting = plating department
galvaniseerinrichting = Galvanising plant
Galvaniseermachines = Electroplating machines
galvaniseertechniek = electroplating
galvaniseertechniek = electroplating industry
galvaniseervloeistof = plating bath
galvaniseren = electroplating
galvaniseren = to galvanise
Galvaniseren = Galvanizing works
galvaniseren = electrodeposit (to)
galvaniseren = to  galvanize: to coat with zinc
galvaniseren = metalen [n]: galvanizing
galvaniseren = to electroplate
galvaniseren in vloeibare zink = hot dip galvanizing
galvaniseren in vloeibare zink = hot-dip galvanising
"galvaniseren, verzinken" = galvanise  (to coat with a thin layer of metal by electrochemical means)
galvanisering = galvanization
galvanisering = electroplating
galvanisme = elektriciteit [n]: galvanism
galvanizatie = galvanisation
galvanizeren = to galvanize
galvano = typografie [n]: electrotype
galvanobeschermende inkt = plating resist
galvanocauter = galvanocautery: cautery using a knife or needle heated by running a galva
galvanometer = galvanometer
galvanometer = fysica [n]: galvanometer
galvanometer = microammeter
galvanoplastiek = electroforming
galvanoplastische matrijs = electroformed mould
galvanostegie = metallurgie [n]: electroplating
Galway (stad) = Galway
GAM = EY Global Audit Methodology (EY GAM)
gam global account manager = gam global account manager
Gamal Abdel Nasser = Gamal Abdel Nasser
"gamasch, overschoen, overschoen" = spat (covering or decorative covering worn over a shoe)
Gambia = The Gambia
Gambia = Gambia
Gambia (land) = The Gambia
gambiet = games - schaak [n]: gambit
Gambling = Gambling
game = game
game outcomes = spelresultaten
game-changer = game-changer
Gameet = Gamete
Gameet = Germ cell
gameetherkenning = gamete recognition
Gamemaster = Compère
Gamemaster = Playmaker
gamepad = game pad
Gamepad = Joystick
gamertag = gamertag
games marketplace = games marketplace
Games with a social component = Spellen met een sociale component
gameshow = game show
gametisch = gametic
gametocyt = gametocyte: a cell capable of dividing to produce gametes
gametogenesis = "gametogenesis: the production, development & maturation of sex cells (gam"
gamification = gamification
gaming techniques = kansspeltechnieken
gaming-profiel = gaming profile
gamma = gamma
gamma = range
gamma = alfabet [n]: gamma
Gamma = Alpha radiation
Gamma = Alpha ray
Gamma (letter) = Gamma
gamma hydroxy boterzuur = liquid ecstasy
gamma material handling componenten = range of material handling components
gamma van material handling systemen = range of material handling systems
"gamma, aanbod, productlijn, maatschappij" = "line (products or services sold by a business, or the business itself)"
gamma-aminoboterzuur = GABA
gamma-butyrolacton = gamma-butyrolactone
Gammacamera's = Gamma cameras
gammacellen = gamma cells
gamma-Chloordaan = gamma-chlordane
gamma-coëfficiënten = gamma coefficients
gammacorrectie = gamma correction
gammacurve = gamma ramp
Gammadeeltjestellers = Gamma counters
gammadensitometer = gamma densitometer
gammadensitometrie = gamma densitometry
gamma-diagnostiek = gamma-indicator diagnosis
gammafactor = gamma value
Gammaflits = Gamma ray burst
gamma-functie = gamma function
gamma-gecorrigeerd = gamma corrected
gammaglobuline = biologie [n]: gamma globulin
gammaglobuline = gamma-globulin
gammaglobuline van pertussis = pertussis  gamma globulin
gamma-glutamyl hydrolase = folate conjugase
gamma-glutamyl hydrolase = folyl conjugate synthetase
gamma-glutamyl hydrolase = folylpolygammaglutamyl
gamma-glutamyl hydrolase = gamma-glutamyl hydrolase
gamma-glutamyl hydrolase = pteroyl polyglutamate hydrolase: an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis 
gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase = gamma-glutamyl-cysteine synthetase
gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase = glutamate-cysteine ligase
gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase = γ-glutamylcysteine synthase
gammaglutamyltransferase = GT
gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase = GGT: gamma  glutamyl transpeptidase: an enzyme synthesized by the liver w
gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase = gamma glutamyl transpeptidase: an enzyme synthesized by the liver when th
gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase = GGTP
gamma-HCH = gamma-HCH
gamma-hemolyse = ? hemolysis
gamma-hemolyse = γ hemolysis
gammahydroxybutyraat = sodium 4-hydroxybutyrate
gamma-integraal = gamma integral
gammaknife bestralingsapparaat = gamma knife unit
gammaknife bestralingsapparaat = gamma scalpel
gamma-linoleenzuur = gammalinolic acid
gammamotorisch stelsel = gamma motor system
gammamotorische neurons = gamma motor neurons
gammamotorische neurons = fusimotor neurons
gammamotorische neurons = gamma motoneurons
gammaradiator = gamma emitter
gammaradiator = gamma radiator
gammaregelaar = gamma control
gammaregeling = gamma control
gammastralen = gamma rays
gammastraling = "gamma radiation: powerful, penetrating, high-energy electromagnetic radia"
gammastraling = gamma rays
gammastraling = fysica [n]: gamma rays
gammastraling = gamma radiation
Gammastraling = Gamma ray
gammastudies = social and behavioural studies
gammastudies = Social and Behavioural Sciences
gamma-tocoferol = gammatocopherol
Gamma-uil = Silver Y moth
gammaverdeling = gamma distribution
gamma-verdeling = gamma distribution
gammaversterker = gamma amplifier
gamma-vezels = gamma fibers
gammawaarde = gamma value
gammawetenschappen = social sciences
gammawetenschappen = social and behavioural sciences
gammel = wobbly
Gammel = Null and void
gammel = decayed
gammel = ramshackle
gammopathie = gammopathy
gamont = gamont
Gampelen = Champion
GAMxpert = GAMexpert
ganachetaartje = (chocolate) ganache cake
ganciclovir = ganciclovir: an acyclovir analog and potent inhibitor of the herpes virus
gander = gander
gander = ornithologie - mannelijk [n]: gander
Ganesh = Ganesha
Ganesha = Ganesha
gang = corridor
gang = hall
gang = lane
gang = run
gang = normale gang [n]: tenor [formal]
Gang = Course
Gang = hallway
gang = gallery
gang {de} = hallway
gang {de} = corridor
gang {de} [ruimte] = passage
gang in het hoofdgerecht = cream of the crop
Gang van zaken bij de beroepsprocedure = appeal procedure
gang van zaken vs stand van zaken = evolution and situation
ganganalyse = gait analysis
gangbaar = koers [a]: going
gangbaar = common
gangbaar = running smoothly
Gangbaar = Valid
Gangbaar = Saleable
gangbaar = accepted
gangbaar [woorden enz.] = usual
gangbaarheid = gebruik [n]: currency
gangbare = current
gangbare = customary
gangbare = going
gangbare = prevailing
gangbare = standard
gangbare = usual
gangbare = marketable
gangbare = saleable
gangbare = common
gangbare arbeid = normal employment
gangbare benaderingen = usual approaches
gangbare maat = standard size
gangbare marktwaarde = current market value
gangbare praktijk = common practice
gangbare standaarddosis = customary standard dose
gangbare technische normen = prevalent technical standards
gangbare technische praktijk = common engineering practice
gangbare technische praktijk = standard engineering practice
gangbare term = commonly used term
gangen = paard [n]: paces
gangen = corridors
gangen = hallways
gangen = halls
gangenstelsel = warren
Ganges = Ganges
Ganges (rivier) = Ganges
gangetje {het} = pace
gangliectomie = ganglionectomy
ganglion = anatomie [n]: ganglion
ganglion = ganglion
"ganglion basale, het corpus striatum" = basal  ganglia
ganglion spinale = spinal  ganglion
ganglionblokker = ganglionic blocking agent
ganglioncel-axon = ganglion cell axon
ganglioneuroma = ganglioneuroma
ganglioside = ganglioside: a glycosphingolipid that contains residues of N acetyl
ganglioside GM1 = G(M1)  ganglioside
gangliosidose GM1 = G(M1)  gangliosidosis
Gangmaker = Coach
Gangmaker = Trainer
Gangnauwkeurigheid per dag = Autonomy per day
gangpad = aisle
Gangpad = Pass
Gangpad = Passbeyond
Gangpad = Passage
Gangpad = Aisle
Gangpad = Way through
Gangpad = Excerpt
gangpad {het} = aisle
gangpaden = aisles
gangpaden = corridors
"gangpadverlichting, toilet en betaaltafel" = "aisle light, toilet and ticket table"
gangpatroon = gait pattern
gangraena diabetica = diabetic gangrene
gangreen = "gangrene, necrosis: death & putrefaction of tissue"
gangreen = geneeskunde [n]: gangrene
Gangreen = Gangrene
gangreen {het} = gangrene
gangreneus = geneeskunde [a]: gangrenous
gangreneus = gangrenous
gangreneus absces = gangrenous abscess
gangreserve = spring reserve
Gangreserve-accu = Reserve accumulator
Gangsta = Gangsta
Gangster = Bandit
Gangster = Gangster
gangster = misdaad [n]: mobster
gangster {de} = gangster
gangsterpraktijken = misdaad [n]: racketeering
gangvergelijking = momentum equation
gangwand = corridor wall
gangwanden = corridor walls
gangwerk = klok [n]: movement
gangwissel = gear change
gangzone = corridor zone
ganoderisch zuur = ganoderic acid
gans = whole
gans = entire
Gans = Mutt
gans = groep [a]: whole
gans = goose
gans {de} = goose
Gans het kapitaal is vertegenwoordigd = The entire capital is represented
ganse coating stack = complete coating stack
ganse sputtersysteem = entire sputtering system
ganselijk = entirely
gansje = zoölogie [n]: gosling
Gansje = Turkey
Gansje = Hen turkey
gansje = gosling
Gansu = Gansu
Gantt chart = Gantt chart
Gantt-balk = Gantt bar
Gantt-diagram = Gantt chart
Ganymedes = Ganymede
Ganymedes (maan) = Ganymede (moon)
Ganymedes (mythologie) = Ganymede
ganzebloem = marguerite
Ganzen = Geese
Ganzen = Goose
Ganzen = Mutt
ganzen {mv} = geese
ganzenbord = Goose board
Ganzenbord = Snakes-and-ladders
ganzenei {het} = goose egg
ganzenjong = gosling
ganzenlever = foie gras
ganzenlever = goose liver
Ganzenpas = Goose-step
Ganzenspel = Snakes-and-ladders
ganzenveer = quill
ganzenveer = goose feather
ganzepen = geschiedenis [n]: quill pen
ganzerik = cinquefoil
ganzerik = gander
"ganzerik, gent, gander,mannetjesgans" = gander (a male goose)
Gap = Gap
Gap (Hautes-Alpes) = Gap
Gap analysis = Gap analysis
gap kabel = Gap-type cable
gap kabels = Gap-type cables
gap-analyse = gap analysis
gapen = to yawn
gapen = vermoeidheid [v]: yawn
gapen = yawn
gapen = gape
gapend (scheurend) = gaping
Gap-geleider = gap conductor
Gap-geleiders = Gap-type conductors
gaping = gap
Gaping = Scree
Gaping = Break
Gaping = Glutenite
Gaping = Hole
gaping = breach
gappen = misdaad [v]: filch
gappen = steal
gaps = gaps
garage = car park
garage = huis [n]: garage
garage = garage
garage = garage
garage = garage
garage {de} = body shop
garage {de} = garage
garage krik = trolley jack
Garage Management Systemen = Garage Management Systems
garage sale = huis [n]: garage sale
garagedeur = garage door
Garagedeuren = Garage doors
Garagehouder = Garage proprietor
Garagehouder = Garage owner
Garagehouder = Garageman
garagehouder {de} = garage owner
garagekraan = garage crane
Garagepoortaandrijving = Garage door motor
Garagerock = Garage
garages = car parks
garagewerkplaatsen = garage workshops
garagist = car mechanic
garagist = garage owner
garagist {de} [BN] = garage owner
garancinefabriek = Garancine plant
garandeert = guarantees
garandeert aan = warrants to
garandeert aan de eindafnemer = warrants to the final customer
garandeert onverminderd = warrants without prejudice to
garanderen = ensure
garanderen = guarantee
garanderen = to guarantee
Garanderen = Warrant
garanderen = belofte [v]: assure
"garanderen, verzekeren, waarborgen" = guarantee)
"garanderen, verzekeren, waarborgen" = insure  (to make sure or certain of
garandering continuïteit = ensuring continuity
Garant = Guarantor
garant = hostage
garant staan voor = overeenkomst [v]: guarantee
garantie = guarantee
garantie = warranty
Garantie = Warranty
garantie = assurance (belofte)
garantie {de} = guarantee
Garantie Afdeling Rotterdam = Guarantees (In Dutch: Garantie Afdeling Rotterdam)
garantie bepaling = guarantee condition
garantie bepaling = guarantee clause
garantie bepaling = warranty condition
garantie bepalingen = terms of warranty
garantie bepalingen = warranty terms
garantie bepalingen = guarantee provisions
garantie bepalingen = warranty provisions
garantie binnen de groep = intra-group guarantee
Garantie corrosiebescherming = Corrosion protection warranty
Garantie en Aansprakelijkheid = Warranty and Liability
garantie en schadevergoedingsrechten = warranty and indemnification rights
garantie- of andere aanspraken = guarantee claims or other claims
garantie op de functionele werking van de installatie = warranty on the correct operation of the installation
garantie van comfortgevoel = guaranteed level of comfort
garantie van de machine = warranty on the Machine
garantie van de modules = module warranty
garantie van investeringen = investment protection
garantie van oorsprong = Guarantee of origin
garantie voor geleverde programmatuur = warranty for the supplied software
garantie voor gezondheid = guarantee of health
garantie voor goede afloop = completion guarantee
garantieaanspraken = warranty claims
garantieaanspraken = claim under a guarantee
garantieaanspraken = claim under a warranty
garantieaanspraken = guarantee claim
garantieaanvraag = warranty claim
garantieaanvraagkaart = warranty claim card
garantieaanvraagkaart = guarantee application card
garantieafhandeling = the handling of warranty
garantie-afspraken = guarantee arrangements
garantie-afspraken = warranty arrangements
garantiebepaling = guarantee clause
garantiebepaling = guarantee condition
garantiebepaling = warranty condition
garantiebepalingen = guarantee provisions
garantiebepalingen = terms of warranty
garantiebepalingen = warranty provisions
garantiebepalingen = warranty terms
garantiebewijs = warranty certificate
garantiebewijs = guarantee card
garantiebewijs {het} = certificate of guarantee
garantiebewijzen = guarantee certificates
garantiebewijzen ten name van koper doen stellen = to cause guarantee certificates to be made out in the purchaser's name
garantiecertificaat = guarantee certificate
garantiecertificaat = warranty certificate
garantiedekking = guarantee insurance
garantiedocument = warranty document
garantiedrempel = guarantee threshold
garantieduur = warranty period
garantiefonds voor tegoeden bij banken = deposit protection fund
garantie-instituten = underwriting institutions
Garantie-instituut Woningbouw = Guarantee Institute for Building Industrie
garantie-instrument voor leningen = loan guarantee instrument
garantiekaart = guarantee card
garantiekapitaal = guarantee capital
garantiemaanden = guarantee months'
Garantiemaandenlijst = Guarantee Month List
garantiemaatregelen = guarantees
garantienummer = warranty num
Garantieovereenkomst = Guarantee agreement
garantieperiode = guarantee period
Garantieplan = Warranty Plan
garantieplanvoorwaarden = warranty plan conditions
garantieplicht = warranty obligation
Garantieprijs = Guaranteed price
garantieregeling voor tegoeden bij banken = deposit protection scheme
garantieregistratiekaart = warranty registration card
garantie-registratiekaart = warranty registration card
Garanties = Warranties
garanties = guarantees
garantiestelling voor schuldvorderingen = guaranteeing of debts
garantietermijn = guarantee period
garantietermijn = period of guarantee
garantietermijn = warranty period
garantietijd = warranty period
garantietijdvak = guarantee period
garantietoezeggingen = warranty commitments
Garantieverklaring m.b.t. uitvoering van langlopend contract = Performance bond
garantieverklaring/verzekering m.b.t. uitvoering van (langlopend) contrac = guarantee equity
garantieverklaring/verzekering m.b.t. uitvoering van (langlopend) contrac = performance bond
garantieverlenging = extended warranty
garantieverlenging = warranty extension
Garantievermogen = Guarantee capital
Garantievermogen = Subordinated debt
garantievermogen = callable capital
garantievermogen = capital base
garantievermogen = guarantee funds
garantievermogen = solvency base
garantievermogen = guarantee capital
garantie-verplichting = guarantee commitment
garantie-verplichting = guarantee obligation
garantie-verplichting = obligation under the guarantee
garantie-verplichting = obligation under the warranty
garantie-verplichting = warranty obligation
garantieverplichtingen = warranty obligations
garantie-verplichtingen = guarantee commitments
garantie-verplichtingen = guarantees [accountancy]
garantie-verplichtingen = warranties [products]
garantie-verplichtingen = warranty obligations [products]
garantieverplichtingen jegens verbonden ondernemingen = commitments in respect of affiliated undertakings
garantievoorwaarden = warranty conditions
garantievoorwaarden = guarantee terms
garantievoorwaarden = warranty terms
garantievoorwaarden {mv} = terms of guarantee
Garantievoorwaarden installateur = Warranty conditions installer
garantiewerkzaamheden = warranty work
Garantstelling van leveranciers = Guarantee from suppliers
Garbage collection en foutafhandeling = Garbage collection and error handling
Garbage collection gebeurt = Garbage collection takes place
garbage collection plaats vindt = garbage collection occurs
garbage collection wordt toegepast = garbage collection is applied
garbage collector = garbage collector
Garbage in = garbage out = Garbage in = garbage out
garbagecollection = garbage collection
garbage-collection-mechanisme = garbage collection mechanism
GARCH = generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model
GARCH = generalized autoregressive conditional
Gard = Whip
gard = rod
Gard = Wand
Gard = Switch
Garde = Whip
garde = guard
garde = keukengerei [n]: whisk
garde = whisk
garde {de} [wacht] = guard
garden products = tuinproducten
gardenia = gardenia
gardenia = plantkunde [n]: gardenia
garderobe = cloakroom
Garderobe = Change room
garderobe = theater [n]: cloakroom
Garderobe = Changing-room
Garderobe = Wardrobe
garderobe {de} = wardrobe
garderobe defect = wardrobe malfunction
Garderobehaakjes = Wardrobe hooks
garderobekast bij keuken = wardrobe near kitchen
garderobekast bij middenuitstap = wardrobe near central exit
garderobekast in hoofdbagageruimte = wardrobe in main luggage compartment
garderobekast in passagiersruimte = wardrobe in passenger's compartment
garderobekastverlichting = wardrobe lighting
gardesoldaat = militair [n]: guardsman
gardiaan = archimandrite
gardnerella vaginalis = Corynebacterium vaginale
gareel = paard [n]: harness
gareel = harness
gareel- of haammakerij = Bridle makers
garen = thread
garen = yarn
garen = breien [n]: yarn
garen = woolen thread
garen {het} = yarn
garen en band = haberdashery
garen spinnen bij = turn to account
Garen van plantaardige textielvezels = Vegetable textile-fibre yarn
garenafval = waste yarn
garenafval = yarn waste
garenboom = warp beam
garenbreuk = thread break
gareneinde = remaining thread
garenlaag = yarn sheet
garenlengte = yarn length
garenlichaam = yarn package
garenloop = yarn path
garenloos gebrocheerd = perfect binding
garennummer = yarn count
garennummer = yarn number
garennummering = yarn count
garenonderzoek = yarn examination
garenophoping = thread knot
garenreiniger = slub catcher
garenreiniger = yarn cleaner
garenreiniger = yarn clearer
garenreiniger = clearer
garens = yarns
garens en draden = yarns and threads
garens en draden voor textielgebruik = "yarns and threads, for textile use"
garens met een hoge sterktegraad = high tenacity yarn
Garens met een hoge trekvastheid = High-tenacity yarn
garens met een hoger garennummer = yarns with a higher yarn count
garenspanner = yarn tensioner
garenspanner = thread tension device
garenspanner = thread tensioner
garenspanning = thread tension
garenspanning = yarn tension
garenspoel = yarn bobbin
garenstreep = yarn stripe
garenstreng = yarn hank
garenstrop = thread knot
garenstrop = bal
garentype = type of yarn
garenvoeding = yarn feeding
garenwachter = thread monitor
garf = sheaf
Garfield (strip) = Garfield
gargouille = architectuur [n]: gargoyle
gargouille / waterspuwer = rain spout
Gargoyle = Gargoyle
garimpeiros = garimpeiros (in Brazil) an independent prospector for minerals.
garnaal = schaaldieren [n]: shrimp
Garnaal = Shrimp
Garnaal = Prawn
garnaal {de} = prawn
garnaal {de} = shrimp
garnalen = shrimp
Garnalen = Prawn
garnalencocktail {de} = shrimp cocktail
garnalendrogerij = Shrimp drying industry
garnalenkroket {de} = shrimp croquette
Garnalenkwekerijdiensten = Shrimp farming services
garneren = to decorate
Garneren = Garnish
garneren = to garnish
garneren = kleding [v]: trim
garnering = kleding [n]: trimming
garnering {de} = decoration
garnering {de} = garnish
garnituren van metaal voor deuren = door fittings of metal
garnituur = fittings
garnituur = card clothing
garnituur {de} {het} = garnish
garnizoen = garrison
garnizoen = algemeen [n]: garrison
garnizoen {het} = garrison
Garonne = Garonne
garrigue = garrigue
Garstang Blue Lancashire = Garstang Blue Lancashire
Garstig = Tight-fisted
garstig = rancid
Garve = Wreath
Garve = Barf
Garve = Sheaf
Garve = Spray
Garwood-verdeling = Garwood distribution
gas = algemeen [n]: gas
gas = natural gas
gas = gas
gas / benzine = gas
gas {het} = gas
gas chromatografie = gas chromatography
Gas- en dampmaskers = Breathing mask
gas- en hitte-doorlaatbaarheid = gas and heat permeability
Gas Management System = GMS
gas- of luchtembolie = gas or air embolism
gas- of vloeistoflekkages = gas or fluid leaks
Gas spring = Gas spring
gas transport = gas transport
Gas Tube Close = Gas Tube Close
Gas Tube Open = Gas Tube Open
gas uit hernieuwbare energiebronnen = gas from renewable energy sources
gas voor inademing = inhalation gas
gas zal worden gewonnen = gas will be extracted
"gas-, damp- of stofontwikkeling dan wel het vrijkomen van vloeistoffen" = "emissions of gas, vapour, liquid or dust"
"gas-, stof- of dampontwikkeling dan wel het vrijkomen van vloeistoffen of" = "discharges of gas, dust, liquid, vapour or other substances produced"
"gas,- water- en elektriciteitsmeters" = "gas, water and electricity meters"
"gas, water, elektriciteit" = "gas, water, electricity"
gas/lucht embolieën = gas/air embolisms
Gas/rook/damp/nevel niet inademen = Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapour/spray
Gas/rook/damp/spuitnevel niet inademen (toepasselijke term(en) aan te gev = Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapour/spray (appropriate wording to be specifie
Gas/rook/damp/spuitnevel niet inademen. (toepasselijke term(en) aan te ge = Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapour/spray (appropriate wording to be specifie
Gas/waterdicht = Gas-/waterproof
Gasaansluiting = Gas connection
Gasaansluiting Duitsland/Oostenrijk = Gas connection
gasaanvoer = gas intake
gasachtig = gaseous
gasachtig = algemeen [a]: gaseous
gasachtige brandstof = gaseous fuel
Gasafleider = Gas tube conductor
gasafnameventiel = vapour offtake valve
gasafnameventiel = vapour valve
gasafnemer = gas customer
gasafsluitblaas = gas bag
gasafsluiter = gas valve
gasafsluiter = obturator
gasafvoerinrichting = gas discharge device
Gasalarm = Gas alarm
gasanalist = gas analyst
gasanalyse = gas analysis
gasanalyseapparaten = gas testing instruments
Gasanalyseapparatuur = Gas-analysis apparatus
Gasanalysesets = Gas-testing kits
gasatmosfeer = gaseous atmosphere
gas-ballon = gas balloon
gasbedrijf = gas company
gasbel = gas field
gasbel = gas bubble
gasbelemmerd = gas resistant
gasbellen = gas bubbles
gasbeton = air-entrained concrete
gasbeton = aerated concrete
gasbevoorrading = gas supply
gasbinder = getter
gasblaas = gas bubble
gasblazenkrans = blow hole ring
gasblok = gas valve
gasbrander = gas burner
gasbrander = gas torch
gasbranders = gas burners
Gasbranders = Gas heaters
Gasbrandstof voor aanstekers = Gas fuels for lighters
gasbuis = gas tube
gascategorie = gas category
gascentrale = gas powered plant
Gaschromatografen = Gas chromatographs
gaschromatografie = gas chromatography
gascilinder = gas cylinder
Gascilinders = Gas cylinders
gascitadel = gas citadel
Gascompressoren = Gas compressors
Gasconjer = Gascon
gasconstante = gas constant
gasdetectie = gas detection
Gasdetectieapparatuur = Gas-detection apparatus
gasdetectieapparatuur = gas detection equipment
Gasdetectie-uitrusting = Gas-detection equipment
gasdetector = gas detector
gasdicht = gas-tight
gasdichte afsluiting = gas-tight seal
gasdichte behandelkamer = gas-tight treatment chamber
gasdichte folie = gas-tight foil
gasdiffusieproc?d? = gas diffusion process
gasdiffusieprocédé = gas diffusion process
gasdiode = gas diode
gasdistributie = gas supply
Gasdistributie = Gas distribution
Gasdistributie en aanverwante diensten = Gas distribution and related services
Gasdistributienetwerk = Gas-distribution network
gasdistributiesysteem = gas distribution system
gasdistributiesystemen = gas distribution systems
gasdraad = pipe thread
Gasdraad = Gas-thread
gasdraad = gas thread
gasdruk = gas pressure
gasdrukreduceerinstallaties = pressure reduction installations (PRIs)
gasdrukregel- en meetstation = Gas pressure reduction and measuring station
gasdrukregel- en meetstation = gas-pressure reducing and metering stations
Gasdrukuitrusting = Gas pressure equipment
gasdynamica = gas dynamics
gaselement = gas cell
gasembolie = air embolism
gasembolie = gas embolism: obstruction of the circulatory system caused by an air bubb
gasembolie = gas embolization
gasfabriek = gaswork
gasfabriek = industrie [n]: gasworks
gasfabriek = Gasworks
gasfabriek {de} = gas plant
Gasfabrieken = Gasworks
gasfase = gas phase
gasfasereactie = gaseous-phase reaction
gasfilter = gas filter
Gasfilters = Gas filters
gasfitter / loodgieter = gas fitter
gasfitterstang / pijptang = gas pliers
gasfles = gas cylinder
gasfles = gas cannister
gasfles = gas [n]: gas cylinder
Gasflessen = Gas cylinders
gasfornuis = gas range
Gasfornuis = Gas stove
gasfornuis = keukenapparatuur [n]: gas stove
Gasfornuis = Gas cooker
"gasfornuizen en elektrische fornuizen, stoven en ovens" = "gas and electric ranges, stoves and ovens"
gasgangreen = gas  gangrene: anaerobic myositis
gas-gas-warmtewisselaar = gas-gas heat exchanger
gas-gas-warmtewisselaars = gas-gas heat exchangers
gasgeiser = gas water heater
gasgeïsoleerd middenspanningsschakelsysteem (SF6) = SF6 gas-insulated medium-voltage switchgear assembly
gasgenerator = gas generating unit
Gasgeneratoren = Gas generators
Gasgestookt = Gas-fired
gasgestookte luchtgordijn = gas-fired air curtain
gasgestookte luchtverwarmer = gas-fired air heater
gasgevoede = gas fed
Gasgevuld = Gas-filled
gasgevulde lamp = gas-filled lamp
Gasgeweren = Gas guns
gasgloeikousjesfabriek = Gas mantle industry
gashandel = gas lever
gashoudend = dranken [a]: gassy
gashouder = gasholder
gashouder = gasometer
gashouder = algemeen [n]: gasometer
gasindustrie = gas industry
Gasinjector of -mengstuk = Gas injection device or injector or gas mixing piece
gasinlaat = gas inlet
Gasinspuitingsmodule = Gas-injection module
Gasinstallatie = Gas
gasinstallatie = gas plant
gasion = gasion
gaskabel = throttle cable
gaskabel = accelerator cable
gaskabel bevestigingsplaat = throttle plate
gaskamer = gas chamber
gaskamer = misdaad [n]: gas chamber
Gasketel = Gasometer
gasketel {de} = gasholder
gasklep = gas valve
gasklep = throttle
gasklep bevestigingsplaat = throttle plate
gaskleppen = gas valves
gaskoeling = gas cooling
Gaskoelingssystemen = Gas cooling systems
gaskraan = gas tap
gaskraan {de} = gas tap
gaskwaliteit = gas quality
gaskwaliteitsspecificaties = gas quality specifications
gaslager = aerostatic bearing
gaslager = aerostatic bearing
gaslasscn = gas welding
gasleiding = gas pipe
gasleiding = gas pipeline
gasleiding = gas main
gasleiding (f) = gas pipe
gasleiding {de} = gas mains
gasleiding {de} = gas pipes
gaslek = gas leak
gaslekkage = gas leakage
gaslicht = licht [n]: gaslight
gasloos = gas-free
gaslucht {de} = smell of gas
gas-lucht verhouding = gas/air ratio
gasmakser / beademingsapparaat = respirator
gasmarkt = gas market
Gasmasker = Gas mask
gasmasker = militair [n]: gas mask
gasmasker {het} = gas mask
Gasmaskers = Gas masks
gasmengsel = gas mixture
gasmeter = gas meter
gasmeter = gasmeter
gasmeter {de} = gas meter
GASM-landen = AAMS countries
gasmonster = gas sample
gasmotor = gas engine
gasmotorleveranciers = gas engine suppliers
gasmotorpark = gas engine machinery
gasmotorwarmtekracht- en gasturbinepark = gas engine cogeneration and gas turbine machinery
gasmotorwarmtekrachteenheden = gas engine cogeneration units
gasmotorwarmtekrachteenheid = gas engine cogeneration unit
gasmotorwarmtekrachtpark = gas engine cogeneration machine park
gasmotorwarmtekrachtvermogen = gas engine cogeneration capacity
gasnet = gas main
gasnet = gas grid (gas system)
gasnetwerk = gas network
gasolie = diesel fuel
Gasolie = Gas oils
gasontlading = gas discharge
gasontladingsbuis = ignitron
gasontladingslamp = gas-discharge lamp
gasontspanningsstation = gas expansion station
gasontwikkeling = generation of gas
gasontwikkeling = gas evolution
gasopbrengst = gas yield
gasopnemer = gas sensor
Gasopslag = Gas storage services
gaspak = gas suit
gaspartieeldruk = partial gas pressure
gaspatroon = gas cartridge
Gaspedaal = Booster
Gaspedaal = Throttle
Gaspedaal = Accelerative
Gaspedaal = Accelerator pedal
gaspedaal = auto's [n]: accelerator
gaspedaal = accelerator
gaspedaal {de} {het} = accelerator
gaspeldoorn = plantkunde [n]: gorse
gaspendaal = accelerator pedal
gaspijp {de} = gas pipe
gaspijpen = gas pipes
gaspijpleiding = gas pipeline
Gaspijpleidingen = Gas pipelines
gaspit = gas burner
gaspit = gas ring
Gasproductie = Gas production
gasreiniging = gas cleaning
gasrekening {de} = gas bill
gasreservoir = gas reservoir
gasresten = residual gases
Gasreus = Gas giant
Gasreus = Jovian planet
gasroet = carbon black
gasruimte = head space
gasruis = gas noise
gassamenstelling = gas composition
gassamenstellingen = gas compositions
gasscheidingsmembranen = gas separation membranes
gasschroefdraad = gas thread
Gassen = Gases
gassen = gas evolution
gassen = gases
gassen {mv} = gases
gassen die de verbranding van ander materiaal in grotere mate veroorzaken = Gases which cause or contribute to the combustion of other material more 
gassen en dampen = gases and vapours
gassen of andere vaste stoffen = gases or other solids
"gassen, ontsmetten" = fumigate
"gassen, vloeistoffen of dampen" = "gases, liquids or vapours"
gassendistributiesystemen = gas distribution systems
gasslang = gas hose
gasslot = gas barrier
gasslot (op boiler) = gas tap
Gassoldeerbout = Gas soldering iron
Gassoldeerset = Gas soldering set
Gassoort = Type of gas
Gasspring = Gas spring
Gasspring = Gas Spring
gasstel = keukenapparatuur [n]: gas stove
Gasstel = Gas cooker
gasstel {het} = gas ring
gasstraal = gaseous jet
gasstraat = gas train
gasstromen = gas streams
gasstroming = gas flow
gasstroom = gas flow
gasstroom = gas current
gasstroom = gas stream
gasstroomsnelheden = gas flow rates
gasstroomsnelheid = gas flow velocity
gasstroomtoevoer = gas stream supply
gast = uitnodiging - man [n]: guest
gast = guy
Gast = Guest
gast {de} = guest
gast {de} [omg.] = guy [coll.]
gastaccount = Guest account
gastang = gas pliers
Gastanks = Gas tanks
gastarbeid = migrant labour
gastarbeider = baan - man [n]: immigrant worker
gastarbeider {de} = immigrant worker
gastarbeidster = baan - vrouw [n]: immigrant worker
gastbegeleider = guest supervisor
gastbesturingssysteem = guest operating system
gastcollege = guest lecture
gastcollege {het} = guest lecture
gastcolleges = guest lectures
gastdocent = guest lecturer (short stay) / visiting lecturer (longer stay)
gastdocent = "guest lecturer, visiting lecturer"
gastdocent = visiting lecturer
gastdocent = guest / visiting lecturer
gastdocent (voor 1 college) = guest lecturer
gastdocent (voor een langere periode) = visiting lecturer
gastdocent {de} = visiting lecturer
gastdocenten = guest lecturers
gastdocentschap = visiting lectureship
gaste = uitnodiging - vrouw [n]: guest
gasten = guests
gasten = bezoek [n]: company
gasten = visitors
gasten hebben = intransitief [v]: entertain
gastenboek = hotel [n]: visitors' book
Gastenboek = Guest book
Gastenboek = Visitors' book
gastenboek = guestbook
Gastenpanel = Guest panel
gastenpas = guest pass
gastenverblijf {het} = guest house
Gasterra = Gasterra
Gastgebruiker = Guest user
gastgezin {het} = host family
Gastheer = Guest
Gastheer = Host
gastheer = host computer
gastheer = biologie [n]: host
gastheer {de} = host
"gastheer, gastvrouw, gastgever" = host (person who allows a guest)
gastheercel = host cell: a cell that is infected by a parasite (virus or bacteriophage)
gastheercomputer = host computer
gastheerinterface = host interface
gastheerknooppunt = host node
gastheermachine = host machine
gastheerschap = hospitality
Gastheren = Hosts
gasthoogleraar = visiting / guest professor
gasthoogleraar = visiting professor
gasthuis = hospital
gastland = host country
gastles = guest lecture
gastlessen = guest lectures
gastmentor = guest mentor
Gastmodus = Guest Mode
gastoepassingen = gas applications
gastoestel = gas appliance
Gastoestellen = Gas appliances
gastoestellenrichtlijn = European Gas Appliances Directive (GAD)
Gastoestellenrichtlijn (GAD) = European Gas Appliances Directive (GAD)
gastoevoer = gas
gastoevoer = gas supply
gastoevoer {de} = gas supply
gastoevoerbuis = gas feed pipe
gastoevoerbuis = burner rail
gastoevoerleiding = gas main
gastoevoerleiding = gas delivery pipe
gastoevoerpijp = gas supply pipe
gastouderbureau = host parent office
gastralgie = colic
gastralgie = gastralgia
Gastralgie = Gastralgia
gastransmissieleiding = gas pipeline
gastransportnet = gas transport network
gastric inhibitory polypeptide = gastric inhibitory peptide
gastric inhibitory polypeptide = gastric inhibitory polypeptide
gastric inhibitory polypeptide = GIP
gastric inhibitory polypeptide = glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide
"gastrin: een peptideachtig hormoon, dat uitgescheiden wordt in de maag" = gastrin: a peptide hormone secreted by the gastrin cells in the stomach t
gastrinoom = gastrin-producing tumor
gastrin-releasing peptide: een peptide die gastrin uitscheidt = gastrin-releasing peptide
gastrin-releasing peptide: een peptide die gastrin uitscheidt = GRP
gastriode = gas triode
gastrisch = geneeskunde [a]: gastric
gastritis = gastritis
gastritis = upset stomach
gastritis = geneeskunde [n]: gastritis
gastritis corrosiva = corrosive  gastritis
Gastro-Duodenaal = Gastroduodenal
gastroduodenitis = gastroduodenitis
gastroduodenostomie = gastroduodenostomy
gastroenteritis = gastroenteritis
gastro-enteritis = geneeskunde [n]: gastroenteritis
Gastro-Enteritis = Gastroenteritis
gastro-enterocolitis = gastro-enterocolitis
gastro-enterologie = gastroenterology
Gastro-enterologie en Hepatologie = Gastroenterology & Hepatology
gastro-enterostomia = gastrostomy: creating an artificial external opening into the stomach
gastroenterostomie = gastroenterostomy
gastro-intestinaal = enteric
gastro-intestinaal = gastrointestinal
gastro-intestinaal hormoon = gastrointestinal hormone
gastro-intestinaal hormoon = enteric hormone
Gastrointestinale = Gastrointestinal
gastro-intestinale = gastrointestinal system
gastro-intestinale absorptie = gastrointestinal absorption
gastro-intestinale bloeding = gastrointestinal bleeding
gastro-intestinale bloeding = gastrointestinal blood loss
gastro-intestinale bloeding = gastrointestinal hemorrhage
gastro-intestinale bloeding = GI bleeding
gastro-intestinale endoscoop = gastrointestinal endoscope
gastro-intestinale infectie = enteric infection
gastro-intestinale kanker = gastrointestinal cancer
gastro-intestinale kanker = gastrointestinal neoplasm
gastro-intestinale kanker = stomach cancer
gastro-intestinale middelen = gastrointestinal agents
gastro-intestinale motiliteit = gastrointestinal motility
gastro-intestinale motiliteit = intestinal motility
gastro-intestinale motiliteit = peristalsis
gastro-intestinale stoornis = gastrointestinal ailment
gastro-intestinale stoornis = gastrointestinal disease
gastro-intestinale stoornis = gastrointestinal disorder
gastro-intestinale stromale tumor = GIST:  gastrointestinal stromal tumor: a type of tumor that begins in the
gastro-intestinale tolerantie = gastrointestinal tolerance
Gastrointestinale tumoren = Gastrointestinal tumours
Gastro-intestinale tumoren = Gastrointestinal tumours
gastronome = voedsel - vrouw [n]: gourmet
gastronomie = algemeen [n]: gastronomy
Gastronomie = Gastronomy
gastronomisch = algemeen [a]: gastronomic
Gastronomisch eten = Gourmet food
gastronoom = voedsel - man [n]: gourmet
"gastronoom, gastronome,fijnproever, fijnproefster" = gourmet (connoisseur)
Gastro-Oesofageaal = Gastrooesophageal
gastro-oesofageale = gastroesophageal
gastro-oesofageale reflux = gastroesophageal reflux
gastro-oesofageale reflux ziekte = GERD  gastroesophageal reflux disease: recurrent backwash of stomach cont
gastroparese = delayed gastric emptying
gastroparese = delayed stomach emptying
gastroparese = gastric motor failure
gastroparese = gastric stasis
gastroparese = gastroparesis
gastroparese = paralysis of the muscular coat of the stomach
gastropexie = gastropexy: attaching the stomach to the abdominal wall or diaphragm
gastroplastiek = gastroplasty: surgical treatment to decrease the size of the stomach
gastroscoop = gastroscope
gastroscopie = gastroscopy
gastrula = gastrula
gastrulatie = "gastrulation: a complex, coordinated series of cellular movements during "
gastschrijver = guest author
gastsprekers = guest speakers
gaststudent = guest student
gasturbine = gas turbine
Gasturbines = Gas turbines
gastvrij = gedrag [a]: hospitable
gastvrij = hospitable
gastvrij ontvangen = gast [v]: entertain
gastvrijheid = hospitality
gastvrijheid = gedrag [n]: hospitality
gastvrijheid {de} = hospitality
gastvrijheid verlenen aan = accomodate
gastvrijheid verlenen aan = entertain
gastvrijheid verlenen aan = put up
gastvrijheidsverklaring = hospitality declaration/statement
gastvrouw = vrouw [n]: hostess
Gastvrouw = Hostess
gastvrouw {de} = hostess
gastype = gas type
gasuitlaat = gas outlet
gasuitwisseling = charge cycle
gasuitwisseling = gas exchange (in the lungs)
Gasuni = Gasunie Oil Company
Gasveer = Gas Spring
Gasveer = Gas spring
gasverbruik = gas consumption
gasverdeling = gas distribution
gasveren = gas springs
gasversterking = gas amplification
gasverwarming = gas heating
Gasverwarming infrarood = Infrared gas heating
gasverwarmingstoestel = gas heating appliance
gasvlam = gas flame
gasvoerend = gas-bearing
gasvoordruk = gas pre-pressure
gasvoorspanning = preliminary gas pressure
GASVOORZIENING = gas distribution
gasvoorziening = gas supply
gasvorm = gaseous state
gasvormende = gas-forming
gasvormende bacteriën = gas-producing bacteria
gasvormende toeslag = gas-forming additive
gasvormig = gas
gasvormig = gaseous
gasvormig CO2 = gaseous CO2
gasvormig koelmiddel = gas refrigerant
gasvormig propaan = gaseous propane
Gasvormig propaan wordt bijvoorbeeld aangevoerd als een tank helemaal lee = Gaseous propane is for example supplied if a tank has been completely emp
gasvormig sulfiet = gaseous sulfite
gasvormige = gaseous
Gasvormige anorganische zuurstofverbindingen = Gaseous inorganic oxygen compounds
Gasvormige brandstoffen = Gaseous fuels
gasvormige CO2 = gaseous CO2
gasvormige invoerstroom = gaseous input stream
gasvormige luchtverontreiniger = gaseous air pollutant
gasvormige milieuverontreinigende stoffen = gaseous pollutants
gasvormige propaan = gaseous propane
gasvormige uitvoerstroom = gaseous output stream
gasvormige verliezen = gaseous losses
gasvormige zuurstof = gaseous oxygen
gasvorming = formation of gas
gasvrij = gas-free
gas-vrijstellende chemische verbinding = gas-releasing chemical compound
gasvulling = gasfilled
Gaswarmte = Gas heat
Gas-wasfles = Blow bottle
gaswasser = gas scrubber
Gaswet = Gas Act [Gaswet]
gaswinning = gas production
gaswisselaars = gas exchange devices
gaszuivering = gas purification
gaszuiveringsinstallatie = gas purification plant
gaszwart = gas black
gat = breach
Gat = Overture
Gat = Opening
gat = backside
Gat = Hole
gat = aperture
gat = bum
gat = algemeen [n]: gap
gat = gap
gat {het} = hole
gat snijden = to pierce
"gat, kont, reet, poep [Flemish], achterwerk,achterste" = bum (informal: buttocks or anus)
"gat, leemte, zwakke plek" = "hole (weakness, flaw)"
Gat-/sleufstansing = Hole-/slot punching
gatafdichting = hole seal
Gatbreedte = Hole width
Gatdiameter = Hole diameter
gatdiameter = hole diameter
Gatdiameter centrale bevestiging = "Centre mounting, hole diameter"
Gatdiameter inbouw = Hole diameter built-in
gate = gate
gate-array = gate array
gated blood-pool imaging = equilibrium ventriculography
gated blood-pool imaging = gated blood-pool imaging
gated blood-pool imaging = gated blood-pool scintigraphy
gated blood-pool imaging = gated cardiac blood pool imaging
gated blood-pool imaging = gated radionuclide angiography
gated blood-pool imaging = gated radionuclide ventriculography
gated blood-pool imaging = gated scintigraphy
gatekeeper = gatekeeper
Gatekeepers-rol = Gatekeeper's role
Gatekeeping = Gatekeeping
gatekeeping: de beperking van togang tot de gezondheidsdiensten = gatekeeper function
gatekeeping: de beperking van togang tot de gezondheidsdiensten = gatekeeping: controlling access to health services
GA-tekeningen = General Arrangement drawings
gat-elektronpaar = hole-electron pair
gaten = holes
Gaten centrisch = Hole central
gaten maken in / drevelen / stampen (van gaten) = punch (ww)
gaten overnemen = holes to be in accordance
gatenbeeld = hole pattern
gatenbeweeglijkheid = hole mobility
gatencirkel = circle of holes
gatenconcentratie = hole concentration
gatendiffusie = hole diffusion
gatengeleiding = hole conduction
gatenkaas {de} = cheese with holes
gatenkaas {de} [fig.] = Swiss cheese
gatenmasker = shadow mask
gatenpatroon = hole pattern
gatenplaat = aperture plate
Gatenpons = Tapping punch
gatenpons = punch
Gatenponsset = Tapping punch set
Gatenponstang = Pliers for tapping punch
gaten-recombinatiestroom = hole recombination current
gatenrooster = hole grid
gatenschijf = perforated disc
gatensteek = mortiser
gatenstempel = piercing tool
gatenstroom = hole current
gatentoeneming = hole increment
gatentoets van Tukey = Tukey's gap test
gatenzaag = holesaw
gatenzaag = hole saw
gatenzagen = hole saws
gateway = gateway
gateway {de} = gateway
gatewayadres = gateway address
gatewaycentrale = gateway switching center
gateway-interface = gateway interface
gatewayscript = Gateway script
Gatewaysoftware = Gateway software package
Gathoogte = Hole height
gatifloxacine: een antibioticum uit de quinolone groep = gatifloxacin: a quinolone antibiotic
gatifloxacine: een antibioticum uit de quinolone groep = Tequin
gatkaliber = hole gauge
gatlikken = vleierij [v]: fawn on
gatlikker = sycophant
"gatlikker, kontlikker, kruiper, pluimstrijker,bruinwerker, vleier" = sycophant (one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advanta
gatmaat = size of hole
gatopruimen = reaming
Gatsnijder voor kunststoffen = Hole cutter for plastics
Gatvorm = Punch shape
gatzaag = hole saw
Gatzaaghouder = Hole saw arbour
gaucho {de} = gaucho
gaufreren = emboss
gauge = gauge
gauge (DIAMONDS) = hoekmeter
gaullisme {het} = Gaullism
gaullist {de} = Gaullist
Gaultheria procumbens = Gaultheria procumbens
gauss = gauss
Gaussisch gebied = Gaussian sphere
Gaussische kromming = Gaussian curvature
Gauss-proces = Gaussian process
Gauss-verdeling = normal distribution
Gauss-verdeling = Gaussian distribution
Gauss-verdeling = Gauss division
Gautama Boeddha = Gautama Buddha
Gauw = Rapid
gauw = snelheid [a]: fast
gauw = swift
gauw = quick
gauw = soon
gauw = quickly
gauw gepikeerd = gedrag [a]: touchy
gauw geprikkeld = gedrag [a]: touchy
Gauw wat frisse lucht = A quick breath of fresh air
Gauwdief = Coquettish look
Gauwdief = Trickster
Gauwdief = Swindler
Gauwdief = Diddler
gauwdief = misdaad - man [n]: cunning thief
Gauwdief = Crookster
Gauwdief = Rogue
Gauwdief = Coquettish
Gauwdief = Flirtatious look
Gauwdief = Swindling
gauwdief = pickpocket
Gauwdief = Rascal
Gauwdief = Huckster
Gauwdief = Naughty
Gauwdief = Risqué
Gauwdief = Crook
Gauwdief = Fraudster
Gauwigheid = Hurry
Gauwigheid = Rainfall
Gauwigheid = Precipitation
Gauwigheid = Speed
Gauwigheid = Haste
gave = gift
gave = "whole, intact, undamaged ( > 'gaaf')"
gave = algemeen [n]: talent
Gave = Talent
gave = endowment
gave {de} = talent
gave {de} = gift
Gaviidae = Diver
Gaviidae = Dive
Gaviidae = Plunge
Gävleborg = Gävleborg county
GAVO = GAVO (acronym for Gasinstallatie Voorschriften)
gavotte = dansen [n]: gavotte
gavotte {de} = gavotte
Gawalo = Gawalo
gay = gay [homosexual]
Gay-Lussac’s Law = Gay-Lussac’s Law
gayscene {de} = gay scene
gay-vriendelijk = homosexual friendly
GAZ = Gas
Gaza = Gaza
Gaza stad = Gaza City
Gazastrook = Gaza Strip
gazel = gazelle
Gazella = Gazelle
gazelle = gazelle
gazelle = zoölogie [n]: gazelle
gazelle {de} = gazelle
Gazellen = Gazelle
gazet {de} [BN] = gazette
gazet {de} [BN] = newspaper
gazeus water = aerated water
gazeuse = dranken [n]: soft drink
gazeuse {de} = carbonated water
Gazon = Sod
Gazon = Turf
gazon = lawn
gazon = algemeen [n]: lawn
gazon {het} = lawn
gazonnen = lawns
Gazons = Lawns
gazpacho {de} = gazpacho
GB = aardrijkskunde [n]: Great Britain
gb = not remarkable
GBA (Gearbox Actuator) bedieningscilinder versnellingsbak = GBA (Gearbox Actuator)
G-band = G-band
GBAS-landingssysteem (GLS) = GBAS landing system (GLS)
GBC = GBC (Global Business Centre)
GBF (gemeenschappelijk beleggingsfonds) = CIF (Common Investment Fund)
Gbps = Gbps
GBS a division of GBS Group WA = GBS a division of GBS Group WA
GBS Academy = GBS Academy
GBS Sports Group = GBS Sports Group
GC = Award Criterion
GC = Award Criteria
GC B = Award Criterion B
GC C = Award Criterion C
GC D = Award Criterion D
GC E = Award Criterion E
GC F = Award Criterion F
GCC-landen = GCC countries
GC-ECD/ECD na ASE extractie = GC-ECD/ECD after ASE extraction
GC-FID na ASE extractie = GC-FID after ASE extraction
G-coëfficiënt van Goodman-Kruskal = Goodman-Kruskal G statistic
G-CSF: granulocyten kolonie stimulerende factor = G-CSF: Granulocyte-Colony Stimulation Factor
GDP = Good Distribution Practice
GDP activiteiten = GDP activities
GDP certificaat = GDP certificate
GDP richtsnoer = GDP Guideline
GDP Tekortkomingen = GDP Deficiencies
GDPR-verordening = EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
GDV = Large retail trading establishments (Grootschalige Detailhandelsvestiging
ge = you
ge = generation
ge = thou
GE = Generator
ge [ZvN] [BN] = you [singular]
ge?llustreerd = illustrated
ge?mplementeerd = implemented
ge?mplementeerd als een = implemented as a
ge?mplementeerd in = implemented in
ge?mplementeerd zijn in = be implemented in
ge?nstalleerd = installed
ge?nstalleerd op een wand = installed on a wall
ge?ntegreerde = integrated
ge?ntegreerde fixatiepunten = integrated fastening points
ge?ntegreerde fixeerpunten = integrated fastening points
ge?soleerd = insulated
ge?soleerde = insulated
ge?soleerde bouwelementen = insulated building components
ge?soleerde wand = insulated wall
ge?xtrapoleerde = extrapolated
ge?xtrapoleerde positie = extrapolated position
geaard = grounded
geaard = earthed
geaard / met randaarde = earthed
geaard systeem = grounded system
geaarde aanvoerelektrode = grounded source
geaarde basis = grounded base
geaarde basisconfiguratie = grounded base configuration
geaarde basisschakeling = grounded base circuit
geaarde elektrode = grounding electrode
geaarde emitter = grounded emitter
geaarde emitterconfiguratie = grounded emitter configuration
geaarde emitterschakeling = grounded emitter circuit
geaarde gate = grounded gate
geaarde geleider = earthed conductor
geaarde kwartgolflengte-antenne = Marconi aerial
geaarde kwartgolflengte-antenne = quarter-wave grounded aerial
geaarde source = grounded source
Geaarde steker = Plug with protective contact (SCHUKO)
geaarde stopcontact = earthed socket outlet
geaardheid = orientation
geaardheid = character
geaardheid = karakter [n]: temperament
Geaardheid = Natural
geaardheid {de} [seksuele voorkeur] = (sexual) orientation
geaarzel {het} = hesitation
geabonneerd zijn = have a subscription
Geabonneerd zijn op = Subscribe to
geabsorbeerd = absorbed
geaccentueerd = highlighted
geaccentueerd = algemeen [a]: accented
geaccepteerd = accepted
geaccepteerd = allow list
geaccepteerd (in context) = approved
geaccepteerd domein = accepted domain
geaccepteerd risico = accepted risk
geaccepteerd worden = be accepted
geaccepteerde indicatie = accepted indication
geaccepteerde indicaties = accepted indications
geaccepteerde order = accepted order
geaccepteerde wissel welke als onderpand wordt gehouden = account agent
geaccepteerde wissel welke als onderpand wordt gehouden = collateral acceptance
geaccepteerde wissel welke als onderpand wordt gehouden = credit agent
geaccepteerde wissel zonder voorwaarden = clean acceptance
geacclimatiseerd dier = domesticated animal
geaccordeerd = approved
geaccrediteerd = accredited
geaccrediteerd = toestemming [a]: accredited
geaccrediteerd certificatie-instelling = accredited certification body
geaccrediteerd geneesheer = accredited physician
geaccrediteerd laboratorium = accredited laboratory
geaccrediteerd voor het uitvoeren van = accredited to carry out
geaccrediteerde = accredited
geaccrediteerde opleiding = accredited degree programme
geaccrediteerde parlementaire medewerkers = accredited parliamentary assistants
geaccrediteerde vertegenwoordiger = accredited representative
geaccumuleerd = opgehoopt [a]: accumulated
geaccumuleerd eigen vermogen = accumulated equity value
geaccumuleerd proces = accumulated process
Geaccumuleerd verlies = Accumulated loss
geaccumuleerde (ingehouden) winst = (accumulated) retained profit/earnings
Geaccumuleerde winst = Accumulated profit
geacetyleerd dizetmeeladipaat = acetylated di-starch adipate
geacetyleerd dizetmeelfosfaat = acetylated di-starch phosphate
geacetyleerd dizetmeelglycerol = acetylated di-starch glycerol
geacht = expected
geacht = persoon [a]: respected
Geacht = Expensive
Geacht = Costly
Geacht = Dear
geacht in gebreke te zijn = shall be deemed in default
geacht in goede staat te zijn ontvangen = shall be deemed to have been received in good order
geacht in goede staat te zijn ontvangen = considered to have been received in good condition
geacht met de wijziging in te stemmen = will be deemed to have agreed to the amendment
geacht niet te zijn tot stand gekomen = is deemed not to have been concluded
geacht te zijn geweigerd = deemed to be refused
geacht te zijn ingewilligd = deemed to have been accepted
geacht worden rechtsgeldig te zijn = deemed to be valid
Geachte = briefwisseling - vrouw - formeel [a]: Dear
Geachte = Dear
Geachte heer = Dear Mr
Geachte Heer = briefwisseling - man - formeel [o]: Dear Sir
Geachte heer Janssen (neutraal) = Dear Mr Johnson
Geachte heer of mevrouw = Dear Mr/Ms
"Geachte heer, geachte mevrouw" = Dear Mr/Ms
"Geachte heer, mevrouw" = Dear Sir/Madam
"Geachte Heer, Mevrouw" = Dear Mr/Ms
"Geachte heer, mevrouw (neutraal)" = Dear Sir or Madam
geachte heer/mevrouw = Dear Sir or Madam
Geachte heer/mevrouw = Dear Mr/Ms
Geachte klant = Dear Customer
geachte mevrouw = Dear Sir or Madam
Geachte mevrouw = Dear Ms
"Geachte mevrouw Janssen," = Dear Ms Emms (tenzij ze zelf Mrs aangeeft)
Geachte relatie = Dear Valued Customer
geacquireerd = acquired
geactiveerd = activated
geactiveerd in achtergrond = activated in the background
geactiveerde = capitalised
Geactiveerde = activated
geactiveerde gastheercel = activated  host cell
geactiveerde intercalaire interesten = capitalised interim interest
Geactiveerde intercalaire interesten (-) = Capitalized interest (-)
Geactiveerde interne productie = Fixed assets own construction
geactiveerde kool = activated charcoal
Geactiveerde kosten = Capitalized charges
geactiveerde kostenpost = deferred charge
geactiveerde kostenpost = deferred debit
geactiveerde omvormer = activated converter
Geactiveerde ontwikkelingskosten = Capitalised development expenses
Geactiveerde ontwikkelingskosten = Capitalized development expenses
Geactiveerde overschotten van betaalde belastingen en voorheffingen (-) = Excess of income tax payments and withholding taxes paid included in asse
Geactiveerde prestaties voor het eigen bedrijf = Capitalized performances for own company
geactiveerde procedure = invoked procedure
Geactiveerde productie eigen bedrijf = Capitalised own production
Geactiveerde productie voor het eigen bedrijf = Capitalized production intended for own company
geactiveerde productie voor het eigen bedrijf = capitalised internal production
geactiveerde productie voor het eigen bedrijf = work performed by the company for its own purposes and capitalised
geactiveerde scenario’s = activated scenarios
geactiveert = activated
Geactualiseerd = updated
geactualiseerd overzicht = updated overview
geactualiseerde = updated
geactualiseerde berekening = updated calculation
geactualiseerde berekeningen = updated calculations
Geactualiseerde schatting = Updated estimate
geactualiseerde versies = updated versions
geactualiseerde vluchtpositie = updated flight position
geactueerd = actuated
geadapteerd = aangepast [a]: adapted
geadapteerd inoculum = acclimatized  inoculum
geaderd = blad [a]: veined
Geaderd = Marbled
Geaderd = Blotchy
Geaderd = Veined
geaderd = streaked
geadjungeerde matrix = adjoint matrix
Geadjusteerd voor de effecten van = "Adjusted for the effects of length and gender, 1 kg of weight gain leads "
geadministreerd = administer
geadministreerd = manage
geadministreerd = run
geadministreerd = keep accounts
geadministreerd = managed
geadopteerd = adoptive
Geadopteerd = Adopted
geadresseerde = addressee
Geadresseerde = addressee
Geadresseerde = consignee
Geadresseerde = Recipient
Geadresseerde = Addressee
geadresseerde {de} = addressee
geadresseerde(n) = addressee(s)
geadsorbeerd = adsorbed
geadviseerd = recommended
geadviseerd en ondersteund = advised and supported
geadviseerde = recommended
geadviseerde componenten = recommended components
geaëreerd = landbouw [a]: aerated
Geaffecteerd = Affected
Geaffecteerd = Inflated
Geaffecteerd = Mincing
Geaffecteerd = Artificial
geaffecteerd = taal [a]: mincing
geaffecteerdheid = gedrag [n]: affectation
geafficheerd = posted
geagendeerd = placed on the agenda
geagglomereerd = agglomerated
geagglomereerd  schuim = agglomerated foam
geagglomereerd schuim = agglomerated foam
geaggregeerd niveau = aggregated level
geaggregeerde acquisitietijdsperiode (58) = aggregated acquisition time period (58)
geaggregeerde data = aggregated data
geaggregeerde door de as afgelegde afstand (56) = aggregated axle travelled distance (56)
geaggregeerde inspanningsgroep = aggregated effort group
geaggregeerde monitoringgegevens = aggregated monitoring data
geaggregeerde uitdrukking = aggregate expression
geagiteerd = emotioneel gedrag [a]: enthusiastic
geagiteerd gedrag = agitated behaviour
gealarmeerd = alerted
gealcoholiseerde wijn = muté wine
gealcoholiseerde wijn = fortified wine
gealcoholiseerde wijn = muted wine
gealigneerd = aligned
gealinieerd = aligned
gealkoxyleerde alcoholen = alkoxylated alcohols
gealkoxyleerde alkylaminen = alkoxylated alkylamines
gealkoxyleerde alkylen = alkoxylated alkyls
gealkoxyleerde aminen = alkoxylated amines
Gealkyleerde fenolen (som C-2) = Alkylated phenols (total C-2)
Gealkyleerde fenolen (som C-3) = Alkylated phenols (total C-3)
Gealkyleerde fenolen (som C-4) = Alkylated phenols (total C-4)
geallieerde = Allied
geallieerde invloedszone = Allied sphere of influence
"geallieerde ondernemingen, dochterondernemingen of rechtsopvolgers" = "affiliated enterprises, subsidiaries or legal successors"
Geallieerden = Alliance
Geallieerden = militair [n]: Allied Forces
geallieerden {mv} = allies
gealloceerd = allocated
Gealloceerde = Allocated
Gealloceerde nachtslots = Allocated night slots
gealuminiseerd = aluminized
geamideerd = amidated
geamideerde = amidated
geamputeerde = algemeen [n]: amputee
geamuseerd = amused
geamuseerd = algemeen [a]: amused
geamuseerdheid {de} = amusement
geanalyseerd = analysed
geanalyseerd en gebruikt = analysed and used
geanimeerd = bespreking [a]: animated
geanimeerde advertentie = animated advertisement
geankerde drijvende kieuwnetten = anchored floating gillnet
geankerde drijvende netten = anchored floating net
geankyloseerde wervelkolom = diffuse  idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
geankyloseerde wervelkolom = vertebral ankylosing hyperostosis
Geannoteerd = Annotated
geannoteerde = annotated
geannoteerde beelden = annotated images
geannuleerd = cancelled
geannuleerde bestelling = cancelled order
geannuleerde bestellingen = cancelled orders
Geanodiseerd = Anodized
geanodiseerd = anodised
geänodiseerd = anodised
"geanodiseerde, aluminium tussenprofiel" = anodised aluminium T-section
"geanodiseerde, aluminium tussenprofielen" = anodised aluminium T-sections
geanonimiseerd = anonymised
geanonimiseerd gebruikt = used anonymously
geanonimiseerde = anonymised
geanonimiseerde data = anonymised data
geanticipeerd = anticipated
geantidateerd = backdated
geantidateerd = algemeen [a]: backdated
Gear Housing = Gear Housing
gearceerd = shaded
gearceerd = hatched
gearceerd beeld = shaded image
gearceerd weergegeven = shown shaded
gearceerde strook = hatched strip
gearchiveerd = archived
gearmeerde kabel = armoured cable
Gearomatiseerd = Flavoured
gearomatiseerd melkpoeder voor de bereiding van dranken = flavoured milk powder for making drinks
gearomatiseerde cocktail van wijnbouwproducten = Aromatised wine-product cocktail
gearomatiseerde drank op basis van wijn = Aromatised wine-based drink
gearomatiseerde wijn = flavoured wine
gearrangeerd huwelijk = forced marriage
gearresteerd = arrested
gearresteerde = rechten - man [n]: detainee
gearticuleerd = articulated
Gearwheel = Gearwheel
Geary's contiguiteits verhouding = Geary's contiguity ratio
geassembleerd = assembled
geassembleerd en geïnstalleerd = assembled and installed
geassembleerde = assembled
geassembleerde dwarsbalkset = assembled cross-beam set
geassembleerde en opgehangen = assembled and suspended
geassembleerde onderdelen = assembled components
geassembleerde oorsprong = assembled origin
geassisteerd = assisted
geassocieerd = associated
geassocieerd = bedrijf [a]: associated
geassocieerd aan = associated with
geassocieerd aan = associated to
geassocieerd aan een persoon = associated with a person
geassocieerd land = associated country
geassocieerd lid = associate member
geassocieerd met = associated with
geassocieerd met de persoon = associated with the person
geassocieerd met een begrensde ruimte = associated with a confined space
geassocieerd notaris = associate civil-law notary
geassocieerde bedrijven = associated companies
geassocieerde handel = affiliated retailing
geassocieerde kandidaat-lidstaat = associated candidate country
geassocieerde kost = associated cost
Geassocieerde leden = Associate members
geassocieerde onderneming = associate
geassocieerde oriëntatie/positie = associated orientation/position
geassocieerde vennootschap = associated company
geassocieerde vennootschap = automated
geassocieerde vennootschap = computer-based
geassorteerd = algemeen [a]: assorted
geatrofiëerd = geneeskunde [a]: atrophied
geaudit = audited
Geauditeerd = Audited
Geauditeerde = Audited
geauditeerde bedrijf = audited company
geauditeerde financiële gegevens = audited financial information
geauditeerde financiële gegevens voorleggen = submit audited financial information
geauthenticeerde gebruiker = authenticated user
geautoclaveerd = autoclaved
geautomatiseerd = automated
Geautomatiseerd = Computerised
geautomatiseerd = algemeen [a]: automated
geautomatiseerd bestand = automated data file
geautomatiseerd bestandenbeheer = computerized file management
geautomatiseerd betalingssysteem = automated payment system
geautomatiseerd betalingsverkeer = computerized financial traffic
geautomatiseerd boekingssysteem = computerised reservation system
Geautomatiseerd boekingssysteem = CRS
geautomatiseerd databankbeheer = computerized database management
geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand = computer database or retrieval system
geautomatiseerd geschat = estimated automatically
geautomatiseerd grijpsysteem = automated gripping system
geautomatiseerd informatie- en boekingssysteem voor spoorwegvervoer = Computerised Information and Reservation System for Rail Transport (CRST)
geautomatiseerd informatie- en boekingssysteem voor spoorwegvervoer (CIRS = Computerised Information and Reservation System for Rail Transport (CIRSR
geautomatiseerd logisch schema = automated logical diagram
geautomatiseerd magazijn = automated warehouse
geautomatiseerd ontwerpgereedschap = automated design tool
geautomatiseerd ontwerpverificatiegereedschap = automated design verification tool
geautomatiseerd opslag/uitleversysteem = automated storage/retrieval system
geautomatiseerd productiebeheer = automated production management
geautomatiseerd ruimen van sneeuw = automated snow clearing
geautomatiseerd te schatten = automatically estimate
geautomatiseerd tekensysteem = automated drafting system
geautomatiseerd testen = Automated testing
geautomatiseerd ticketsysteem = automated ticket system
geautomatiseerd valideringssysteem = computerised validation system
geautomatiseerd verificatiesysteem = automated verification system
geautomatiseerd woordenboek = computerized dictionary
geautomatiseerde = automated
Geautomatiseerde = Automated
geautomatiseerde activiteit = automated activity
geautomatiseerde administratieve systemen = automated administrative systems
geautomatiseerde analyse = automated analysis
geautomatiseerde banen = automated conveyors
geautomatiseerde besluitvorming = automated decision-making (GDPR)
geautomatiseerde besluitvorming op basis van groepskenmerken = automated decision-making on the basis of group characteristics
geautomatiseerde bevraging = automated search procedure
geautomatiseerde boekhouding = computerized accounting
geautomatiseerde doelherkenning = automated target recognition: ATR
geautomatiseerde financiële diensten = computerised financial services
geautomatiseerde gebruikersvoorkeursinstellingen = automated user preferences
geautomatiseerde gegevensverificatie = computerised data verification
geautomatiseerde gegevensverwerking = automated data processing
geautomatiseerde gegevensverwerking = computerized data processing
geautomatiseerde generator van testprogramma's = automated test generator: ATG
geautomatiseerde individuele besluitvorming = automated individual decision-making
geautomatiseerde individuele besluitvorming = automated individual decision-making (making a decision solely by automat
geautomatiseerde individuele besluitvorming = (making a decision solely by automated means without any human involvemen
geautomatiseerde individuele besluitvorming en profilering = automated individual decision-making and profiling
geautomatiseerde installatie = automated installation
geautomatiseerde koppeling = automated link
geautomatiseerde logistieke installatie = automated logistics system
geautomatiseerde omgeving = automated environment
geautomatiseerde omgeving = computer environment
geautomatiseerde opslag van zakelijke informatie = computerised business information storage
geautomatiseerde procedés = automated means
geautomatiseerde processen = automated processes
geautomatiseerde productievoorbereiding = automated production preparation
geautomatiseerde provisioning = automated provisioning
geautomatiseerde respons = automatic response
geautomatiseerde systemen = automated systems
geautomatiseerde taak = automated task
geautomatiseerde toegangsinrichtingen = automated access systems
geautomatiseerde unittests = automated unit testing
geautomatiseerde verwerking van persoonsgegevens = automated processing of personal data
geautomatiseerde voorzieningen = automated facilities
geautomatiseerde werken = computer systems
geautomatiseerde werkwijze en inrichting = automated method and device
geautomatiseerde werkwijzen = automated methods
geautoriseerd = authorized
geautoriseerd = authorised
geautoriseerd = toestemming [a]: accredited
geautoriseerd derde land = authorised third country
geautoriseerd en actueel = authorised and current
geautoriseerd inzamelpunt = authorised recycling centre
geautoriseerd personeel = authorised personnel
geautoriseerde = authorised
geautoriseerde aanvrager = authorised applicant
geautoriseerde afwijking van tekening = authorized deviation from drawing
geautoriseerde frequentie = authorized frequency
geautoriseerde gebruikers = authorised users
geautoriseerde instantie = company authorised to train first aiders
Geautoriseerde leveranciers = Authorised suppliers
Geautoriseerde Marktdeelnemer = AEO
Geautoriseerde Marktdeelnemer = Authorised Economic Operator
geautoriseerde medewerkers = authorised staff
geautoriseerde organisaties = authorised organisations
geautoriseerde personen = authorised persons
geautoriseerde Salto = authorised Salto
geautoriseerde Salto = authorised Salto card
geautoriseerde wederverkoper = authorised reseller
geautoriseerde wederverkoper = authorised retailer
geautoriseerde wijzigingen = authorised changes
geavanceerd = gevorderd [a]: advanced
Geavanceerd = Advanced
geavanceerd disk-besturingssysteem = advanced DOS
geavanceerd document management platform = advanced document management platform
geavanceerd elektrisch ontwerp = advanced electrical design
geavanceerd interactief bedrijfssysteem = advanced interactive executive: AIX
geavanceerd materiaal = advanced materials
geavanceerd noodremsysteem = advanced emergency braking system
geavanceerd werken met netwerken op basis van gelijkwaardigheid = advanced peer-to-peer networking: APPN
Geavanceerd zoeken = Advanced Find
geavanceerd zoeken = advanced search
geavanceerde = advanced
geavanceerde architectuur voor een netwerksysteem = advanced network systems architecture: ANSA
geavanceerde bestuurdersondersteunende stuurinrichting = Advanced Driver Assistance Steering System
geavanceerde communicatie tussen programma's = advanced program-to-program communication
geavanceerde communicatiedienst = advanced communication service: ACS
geavanceerde communicatiefunctie = advanced communication function: ACF
geavanceerde datacommunicatie besturingsprocedures = advanced data communications control procedures: ADCCP
Geavanceerde digitale eindapparatuur = enhanced digital television equipment
geavanceerde documentcreatie suite = advanced document creation suite
geavanceerde documentcreatie suite Inspire van GMC = advanced GMC Inspire document creation suite
geavanceerde elektronische handtekening = advanced electronic signature
Geavanceerde Encryptie Standaard = Advanced Encryption Standard
geavanceerde glycerings-eindproducten = advanced  glycosylation end products
geavanceerde glycerings-eindproducten = AGE
geavanceerde lijst = advanced list
geavanceerde mobilofoondienst = advanced mobile phone service: AMPS
geavanceerde mogelijkheden = advanced capabilities
geavanceerde netwerkbeschikbaarheid = end-to-end network availability
geavanceerde programmeerbare interruptcontroller = advanced programmable interrupt controller
geavanceerde rekenomgeving = advanced computing environment: ACE
geavanceerde RISC-architectuur = advanced RISC computing (specification): ARC(S)
geavanceerde software-omgeving = advanced software environment: ASE
geavanceerde softwareoplossingen = advanced software solutions
geavanceerde synchronisatie-instellingen = Advanced Sync settings
geavanceerde technologie = algemeen [n]: high technology
geavanceerde technologie = high tech
geavanceerde technologieën = advanced technologies
geavanceerde transport-telematica = Advanced Transport Telematics
Geavanceerde verbindingsinstellingen = Advanced Connection Settings
Geb = Geb
Geb. datum = Date of birth
gebaande wegen = normal scope
gebaar = gesture
gebaar = sign(al)
gebaar = "gesture: any movement expressive of an idea, opinion, or emotion"
Gebaar = Flourish
gebaar = gebarentaal [n]: gesture
gebaar {het} = gesture
gebaard = algemeen [a]: bearded
Gebaard = Beaver
Gebaard = Bush
Gebaard = Bearded
"gebaard, met weerhaak(met stijve haren)" = bearded
gebabbel = algemeen [n]: gab [informal]
gebabbel = chat
gebabbel {het} = chatter
"gebabbel, geklets, kletspraat" = chat (informal conversation)
gebak = cake
Gebak = Pastry goods
gebak = culinair [n]: pastry
gebak = pastry
gebak = pastries
gebak = baked goods
gebak {het} = pastry
Gebak en cake = Pastry goods and cakes
gebak en koek = pastry and cake
gebak en suikerbakkerswaren = confectionery and pastries
"gebakaromaten, uitgezonderd etherische oliën" = "flavourings, other than essential oils, for cakes"
gebakje = culinair [n]: pastry
gebakje {het} = piece of pastry
gebakjes = cakes
gebakjes = snoepgoed [n]: pastries
gebakkelei {het} = arguing
Gebakken = Baked
gebakken = fried
gebakken = fired
gebakken aardappelen = baked potatoes
gebakken bouwelementen = fired building components
Gebakken champignons = Fried mushrooms
gebakken ei = boiled egg
gebakken getrommelde stenen = Baked polished stone
gebakken in = fried in
gebakken in knoflook = fried in garlic
Gebakken krielaardappeltjes met kruiden = Pan-fried new baby potatoes with herbs
gebakken lucht = hot air
"Gebakken ui, champignons, spek en paprika" = "Fried onions, mushrooms, bacon bits and bell pepper"
gebakschaal {de} = pastry plate
gebaksdoos {de} = cake box
gebalanceerd = in evenwicht [a]: balanced
gebalanceerd = balanced
gebalanceerd circuit = balanced circuit
gebalanceerd filter = balanced filter
gebalanceerd netwerk = balanced network
gebalanceerd station = balanced station
gebalanceerd-draadcircuit = balanced-wire circuit
Gebalanceerde = Balanced
gebalanceerde amplitudemodulatie = balanced amplitude modulation
gebalanceerde band/wiel = balanced tire/wheel
gebalanceerde band/wielcombinatie = balanced tire/wheel assembly
gebalanceerde bewerking op verbindingsniveau = balanced link-level operation
gebalanceerde code = balanced code
gebalanceerde lijn = balanced line
gebalanceerde modulatie = balanced modulation
gebalanceerde steekproef = balanced sample
gebalanceerde transmissielijn = balanced transmission line
gebalanceerde versterker = balanced amplifier
Gebald = Shut
Gebald = Closed
Gebald = Close
Gebald = Off
Gebald = Niggardly
gebalde conclusies = rigid conclusions
gebalk = bray
gebandeerde mierklauwier = barred antshrike (a passerine bird)
gebaremiseerd personeel = salaried staff
gebaremiseerd personeelslid = salaried staff member
gebaren = gestures
gebaren = to gesture
gebaren = teken [v]: beckon
Gebaren = Gesticulate
gebaren = gesture
gebaren maken = to  gesticulate
gebaren van de gebruiker = gestures from the user
gebarenherkenning = gesture recognition
Gebarenherkenning = Gesture recognition
Gebarenherkenning zou de noodzaak van fysieke interactie met de invoermid = Gesture recognition would wholly take away the need for physical interact
gebarenkunst = pantomime
gebarenspel = communicatie [n]: gesticulation
gebarentaal = sign language
gebarentaal = communicatie [n]: sign language
gebarentaal {de} = sign language
gebarsten = cracked
gebarsten oppervlak = cracked surface
gebaseerd = based
gebaseerd op = based on
gebaseerd op CCORE rapport = based on the CCORE report
gebaseerd op de gegevens die nu voorhanden zijn = based on the data currently available
gebaseerd op de huidige fiscale wetgeving = based on current tax legislation
gebaseerd op de ten tijde van de Overeenkomst geldende werkomstandigheden = based on the working conditions prevailing at the time of the Agreement
gebaseerd op een aantal factoren = based on a number of factors
gebaseerd op een drietal pijlers = based on three cornerstones
gebaseerd op een eventuele opdrachtverstrekking voor de totale aanbieding = based on assignment of the total offer
gebaseerd op een holistisch mens- en wereldbeeld = based on a holistic image of mankind and the world
gebaseerd op een of meer van = based on one or more of
gebaseerd op een open begroting = based on a detailed estimate
gebaseerd op een risico-evaluatie = based on a risk evaluation
gebaseerd op genoemde eerste = based on said first
gebaseerd op genoemde eerste controlesignalen = based on said first control signals
gebaseerd op genoemde tweede = based on said second
gebaseerd op genoemde tweede controlesignalen = based on said second control signals
gebaseerd op gezond verstand = based on common sense
gebaseerd op het onderzoek = based on the research
gebaseerd op het ontwerp van de succesvolle = based on the design of the successful
gebaseerd op het totale gewicht = based on the total weight
gebaseerd op het totale gewicht of volume van de samenstelling = based on the total weight or volume of the composition
gebaseerd op het volgende rapport = based on the following report
gebaseerd op hoogwaardige technologie = based on advanced technology
gebaseerd op indicatieve toepassingen = based on typical applications
gebaseerd op je persoonlijke situatie = based on your personal situation
Gebaseerd op locatie… = Based on Location...
gebaseerd op samenwerking = based on cooperation
gebaseerd op SharePoint = based on SharePoint
Gebaseerd op succesverhalen = Based on success stories
gebaseerd op twee doelstellingen = based on two objectives
gebaseerd zijn op = rekenen op [v]: consist in
gebaseerd zijn op het niet nakomen door Klant van verplichtingen genoemd  = based on the Customer’s failure to fulfil its obligations specified in
gebazel {het} = nonsense
gebazel {het} = drivel
gebazel {het} = twaddle
gebazel {het} = gibberish
gebazel {het} = balderdash
gebed = godsdienst [n]: prayer
Gebed = Prayer
gebed {het} = prayer
gebedel = begging
gebedenboek = prayerbook
gebedskleedje {het} = prayer mat
gebedszaal (van moskee) = prayer hall
gebeeldhouwd oppervlak = sculptured surface
gebeente = skeleton
gebeente = anatomie [n]: bones
Gebeente = Bone
gebeente {het} = skeleton
gebeitst = pickled (metal)
gebekt = anatomie - ornithologie [a]: beaked
gebeld = called
gebelgd = affronted
Gebergte = Mountain chain
Gebergte = Mountain
gebergte = aardrijkskunde [n]: chain of mountains
Gebergte = Mountain range
gebergtebeschrijving = orography
gebergte-ecosysteem = mountain ecosystem
gebeten door = with a passion for
gebetonneerde = concreted
gebeurd = happened
gebeurde = event
gebeurde {het} = event
gebeuren = locale
gebeuren = episode
gebeuren = happen
gebeuren = become
gebeuren = to happen
gebeuren = to occur
gebeuren = chance
gebeuren = gebeurtenis [v]: happen
Gebeuren = Event
gebeuren = occur
gebeuren {het} = event
gebeuren {het} = happening
gebeuren met = gebeurtenis [v]: happen to
gebeuren voor = tijd [v]: happen before
gebeurlijk = contingent
Gebeurlijk = Eventual
Gebeurlijk stilzwijgen = Remaining silent
gebeurlijk verhaal = any recourse
gebeurlijke verborgen gebreken = any hidden defects
gebeurlijke zichtbare gebreken = any visible defects
gebeurlijkheid = gebeurtenis [n]: eventuality [formal]
gebeurt = takes place
gebeurt aan de hand van de procedure = takes place according to the procedure
gebeurt adhv de buitentemperatuur = controlled by the outside temperature
gebeurt bij een temperatuur tussen = takes place at a temperature between
gebeurt met derde landen = is with non-member countries
gebeurt middels een inrichting = is done by means of a device
gebeurt op eigen risico = is at your own risk
gebeurtenis = occasion
gebeurtenis = post hoc
gebeurtenis = event
Gebeurtenis = incident
gebeurtenis = algemeen [n]: happening
gebeurtenis {de} = event
gebeurtenis {de} = happening
gebeurtenis {de} = incident
gebeurtenis {de} = occurrence
gebeurtenis die het beeld be‹nvloed = image event
gebeurtenis na balansdatum = subsequent event (after balance sheet date)
gebeurtenis of dit optreden = event or action
gebeurtenis of het ongeval = event or the accident
gebeurtenis voor tracering van de behoefte = pegging event
gebeurtenisadres = event address
gebeurtenisclassificatie = event classification
gebeurtenisconsumer = event consumer
gebeurtenisconsumerprovider = event consumer provider
gebeurteniseigenschap = event property
gebeurtenisfilter = event filter
gebeurtenisframework = event framework
gebeurtenis-gestuurd = event-driven
gebeurtenisklasse = event class
gebeurtenislog = event log
gebeurtenislogboek = event log
gebeurtenislogboekservice = Event Log service
gebeurtenisprocedure = event procedure
gebeurtenisprovider = event provider
gebeurtenisquery = event query
gebeurtenisregistratie = event handler
gebeurtenisregistratie = event registration
gebeurtenisregistratie-item = event registration item
gebeurtenisroutering = event routing
gebeurtenissamenvoeging = event consolidation
gebeurtenissen = happenings
gebeurtenissen = occurrences
gebeurtenissen = events
Gebeurtenissen dan wel het optreden = Events or actions
gebeurtenissen die zich met uiterst hoge snelheid afspelen = ultra-high speed phenomena
gebeurtenissen en de prestaties = events and performance
gebeurtenissen en fouten = events and errors
gebeurtenissen of ziekten = events or illnesses
gebeurtenissenruimte = sample space
gebeurtenisuitgever = event publisher
gebeurtenisverdeler (Eng. message broker = message broker
gebeuzel = algemeen [n]: dawdling
gebezigd = occupied
gebichromatiseerd = bi-chromed or bi-chromated
gebied = algemeen [n]: area
Gebied = Domain
gebied = place
gebied = area
gebied = sphere
gebied = distribution area
gebied = region
gebied = tract
gebied = territory
gebied = sector
gebied = district
gebied = region / district
Gebied = Area:
gebied = range
gebied = extent
gebied (op het gebied van) = field (in the field of)
gebied (op het gebied van) = in the field of
gebied (wetenschap) = field
gebied (wetenschap) = field / area / discipline
gebied {het} = territory
gebied {het} = region
gebied {het} = area
gebied dat voor meerdere doeleinden wordt gebruikt = mixed use area
gebied Domeinen toevoegen = Add Domains area
gebied informatie overdracht = data transfer area
Gebied informatieoverdracht = Data transfer area
gebied Instellingen overbrengen = Transfer Settings area
gebied invoermodule = infeed module area
gebied met beperkingen (restricted area) = restricted area
Gebied met een diversiteit van gewassen = Centre of crop diversity
gebied met een hoge varkensdichtheid = area with a high density of pigs
gebied met een hoger beschermingsniveau = area with a higher security level
gebied met een lager beschermingsniveau = area with a lower security level
gebied met gebruikersinterface = UI part
gebied met negatieve resistentie = negative-resistance region
gebied onder de rechtsmacht van een lidstaat of een land = area under the national jurisdiction of a country
gebied Regelbeheer = Rule Management area
gebied Spamopties = Spam Options area
gebied Stadshaven = Stadshavens district
gebied tussen de hoog- en de laagwaterlijn = intertidal zone
gebied Uitgaande adressen = Outbound area
"Gebied van algemeen belang (Public interest site, PIS)" = public interest site (PIS)
Gebied van de uitvinding = Field of the invention
gebied van de uitvinding = technical field of the invention
gebied van de uitvinding = field of the invention
gebied van de uitvinding = field of the invention
gebied van de uitvinding = field of the invention
gebied voor catalogussamenvoeging = catalog merge area
"Gebied voor eindnadering en opstijgen (Final approach and takeoff area, F" = final approach and take-off area (FATO)
gebiedafschermingen = security fence systems
gebieden = sectors
gebieden = areas
Gebieden = Order
gebieden van doelstelling 1 = objective 1 regions
Gebieden van het voormalige Joegoslavië = Territories of the former Yugoslavia
gebieden van overeenkomsten = area of agreement
gebieden van verandering = change areas
gebiedend = stem [a]: imperious
gebiedende reden = imperative reason
Gebiedende redenen = Imperative reasons
Gebiedende wijs = Overriding
gebiedende wijs = imperative
gebieder = boss
gebieder = leader
"Gebieds-, doelgroep- of themaspecifieke" = "Area, target group or theme-specific"
gebiedsafbakeningen = area demarcations
gebiedsafscherming = fenced area
gebiedsafscherming = fencing
gebiedsafscherming = safety fence
gebiedsafscherming = safety fencing
gebiedsafscherming = area screening
gebiedsafscherming = area guard
gebiedsafschermingen = area shielding
gebiedsafschermingen = safety fence system
gebiedsafschermingen = safety shielding
gebiedsafschermingen = shielding
gebiedsafschermingen = area screening
gebiedsafschermingen = safety fence
gebiedsafschermingen en = safety fence systems and
gebiedsafschermingen rond machines en installaties = safety fence systems around machinery and installations
gebiedsanalyse = site analysis
gebiedsbeveiliging = area guard
gebiedsbewaking = biological monitoring
gebiedsbewaking = ecological monitoring
gebiedsbewaking = environmental monitoring
gebiedscoöperatie = local cooperative society
gebiedsdeel {het} = territory
gebiedsdekking = area coverage
gebiedsexploitatie = area development
gebiedsfonds = regional fund
Gebiedsgericht Benutten (GGB) = area-based planning
gebiedsgerichte = area-oriented
gebiedsgerichte aanpak = area-focused approach
gebiedsherstructurering = area restructuring
gebiedsidentiteit = neighbourhood identity
gebiedsleider = regional manager
gebiedsontsluitingsweg = district access road
gebiedsontwikkelaar = area developer
gebiedsontwikkeling {de} = integrated area development
gebiedsopvulling = area fill
gebiedspromotie = promotion of the area
gebimbam = geluid [n]: ding-dong
Gebit = Teeth
gebit = set of teeth
gebit {het} = set of teeth
gebit {het} [kunstgebit] = dentures
gebitplaat = tandheelkunde [n]: dentures
gebitsbeschermer = mouthguard
gebitselement = molar
gebitsprothese = removable partial  denture: a partial denture designed and constructed to
Gebitsreinigingstabletten = Denture cleaning tablets
Gebitsröntgen = Dental X-ray
gebitsverzorging = dental care
gebitsverzorging = care of teeth
gebitsverzorging = dental health care
gebitsverzorging = dental treatment
gebitsverzorging {de} = dental care
Gebitsverzorgingsmiddelen = Dental care product
gebitumineerde dakbedekking = asphalt-impregnated paper roof(ing)
gebladerd = algemeen [a]: leafy
gebladerte = plantkunde [n]: foliage [formal]
gebladerte = foliage
gebladerte {het} = foliage
"gebladerte, loof" = foliage
geblaf {het} = barking
geblaseerd = gedrag [a]: blasé
gebleekt zetmeel = bleached starch
geblesseerd = injured
geblindeerd = militair [a]: armored
geblindeerd = shuttered
gebloemd = algemeen [a]: flowered
gebloemd = floral
geblokkeerd = verstopt [a]: congested
Geblokkeerd = Disabled
Geblokkeerd = Block list
Geblokkeerd = Blocked
geblokkeerd = barred
geblokkeerd door storing = blocked by fault
geblokkeerd in automatische modus = blocked in automatic mode
geblokkeerd in manuele bediening = blocked in manual mode
geblokkeerd in zijn beweging = blocked in its movement
geblokkeerd isocyanaat = blocked isocyanate
geblokkeerd raken = auto's [v]: lock
geblokkeerd woord = Block phrase
geblokkeerde = blocked
geblokkeerde boekperiode = on-hold fiscal period
Geblokkeerde contactpersonen = Blocked Contacts
geblokkeerde lengte = solid length
geblokkeerde lijst = fixed party list
geblokkeerde polyisocyanaten = blocked polyisocyanates
Geblokkeerde programmalijst = Block Programs List
Geblokkeerde rekening = Frozen account
Geblokkeerde rekening = Account on stop
geblokkeerde tijdbasis = ratchet time base
geblokkeerde voorraad = blocked stock
geblokt = checkered
geblokt = chequered [Br.]
geblokt = checked
geblokt record = blocked record
geblowed = bled
gebluste kalk = slaked lime
gebluste kalk = hydrated lime
geblutst = gedeukt [a]: dented
gebocheld = geneeskunde [a]: humpbacked
gebocheld = hunchbacked
gebocheld = hunch-backed
gebochelde = hunchback
gebochelde = persoon - man [n]: humpback
gebochelde {de} = hunchback
gebod = command
gebod = godsdienst [n]: Commandment
gebod {het} = command
gebod {het} = order
geboden = orders
geboden = requirements
geboden door de onderhavige uitvinding = offered by the present invention
geboden door uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvinding = offered by embodiments of the present invention
geboden en verboden = orders and prohibitions
geboden prijs = price offered
geboden rentepercentage = offered rate
Geboden service bij schade afhandeling = Claims settlement service provided
gebodsbord = mandatory instruction signboard
gebodsborden = mandatory instruction signboards
gebodsteken = mandatory sign
gebodstekens = prohibition pictogram
gebodstekens = prohibition sign
geboefte = rabble
geboeid = fascinated
geboeid = persoon [a]: enraptured
geboekt = recorded
geboekt in voorraad = booked in-stock
geboekt staan als = reputed
geboekt uit voorraad = booked ex-stock
geboekte evenementen = booked events
Geboekte waardeverminderingen = Amounts written down (-)
gebogen = curved
gebogen = lichaam [a]: stooped
gebogen = bent
gebogen beitels = cranked tools
gebogen beitels = bent tools
gebogen golf = diffracted wave
gebogen kromme = non-linear curve
gebogen lopen = lichaam [v]: stoop
gebogen rug = lichaam [n]: stoop
gebogen staafanode = curved bar anode
gebogen traplift = curved stairlift
gebogen vezels = curved fibres
gebogen vlakken = curved surfaces
gebogen vorm = curved shape
gebogen wals = expander roller
"gebogen, ver" = nodding
gebombeerd = bulged
gebonden = bound
gebonden = taak [a]: bound
gebonden = concentrated
gebonden = tied up
Gebonden = Attached
gebonden = bonded
gebonden aan = subject to
gebonden aan = verband [o]: tied to
gebonden betalingsverkeer = constrained financial traffic
Gebonden economie = Controlled economy
gebonden element = bound element
Gebonden en heldere soepen = Soups and broths
gebonden geëxpandeerde polystyreen (EPS) granulen = bonded expanded polystyrene (EPS) granules
gebonden geëxpandeerde polystyreen granulen = bonded expanded polystyrene granules
gebonden geëxpandeerde polystyreengranulen = bonded expanded polystyrene granules
Gebonden hulp = Bound aid
Gebonden inkomensoverdrachten = Bound transfer of incomes
gebonden nylonvezel = bonded nylon fiber
gebonden nylonvezel wiek = bonded nylon fiber wick
gebonden polymeervezels = bonded polymer fibers
gebonden straal = combined jet
gebonden textielvlies = bonded fleece
gebonden vector = fixed vector
gebonden zijn aan = correlatie [v]: be tied to
gebonden zijn aan een leveringstermijn = to be bound by a delivery period
gebondenheid = binding force
gebondenheid = obligation
gebondenheid = restraint
Gebons = Clash
gebons = hart [n]: pounding
Gebons = Crash
Gebons = Impact
Gebons = Shock
Gebons = Brunt
Gebons = Collision
geboord = drilled
geboorde gat = drilled hole
geboorde palen = bored pile
geboorde pijler = drilled pier
geboorte = algemeen [n]: birth
Geboorte = Parentage
geboorte = birth
geboorte- = algemeen [a]: natal
"geboorte- , sterfte- en immigratieproces" = "birth, death and immigration process"
geboorte / voet (van boog / gewelf) = spring
geboorte / voet (van boog / gewelf) = springer
geboorte {de} = birth
Geboorte datum = Date of birth
geboorte- en adoptietoelagen = birth and adoption grants
geboorte- en sterfteproces = birth and death process
geboorte extract = birth certificate extract
geboorte van Christus = godsdienst [n]: Nativity
Geboorte van Jezus volgens Lukas 2 = Nativity
geboorteakte = birth certificate
geboorte-akte = birth certificate
geboorteakte {de} = birth certificate
"geboorteakte, geboortebewijs" = birth certificate (official document certifying the details of a person's
geboortebeleid = birth policy
geboortebeperking = birth control
geboortebewijs = birth certificate
geboortecijfer = births
geboortecijfer = birth rate
geboortecijfer {het} = birth rate
geboortedag = birthday
geboortedata = dates of birth
geboortedatum = date of birth
Geboortedatum = Date of birth
geboortedatum {de} = date of birth
Geboortedatum en –plaats = Date and place of birth
geboortedatumveld = date of birth field
geboortedorp = home town
geboortegolf = baby boomers
geboortejaar = year of birth
geboortejaar = yearOfBirth
geboortejaar {het} = year of birth
geboorteland = country of birth
geboorteland = country of birth/birth country
Geboorteland = Native country
geboorteland = algemeen [n]: native country
geboorteland {het} = native country
geboorteland {het} = country of origin [person]
geboortemaand = month of birth
geboortemaand = monthOfBirth
Geboortenaam = birth name
geboortenbeperking = geneeskunde [n]: birth control
geboortencijfer = statistiek [n]: birthrate
geboortenregeling = algemeen [n]: family planning
geboorteoverschot = "excess (of) births (over deaths), (natural) increase in population"
geboorteplaats = plaats [n]: birthplace
Geboorteplaats = Birthplace
Geboorteplaats = Place of birth
geboorteplaats {de} = place of birth
geboorteplaats en datum = Date and place of birth
Geboorteplaats en -datum = Place and date of birth
geboorteplaats en –datum = date and place of birth
geboorteplek = cradle
geboorteproces = birth process
geboorterecht = algemeen [n]: birthright
geboorteregeling = birth control
geboorteseizoen = birthing season
geboortestad = plaats [n]: hometown
geboortetoeslag = child birth allowance
geboorteverlof = birth leave
Geboortig = Native
geborduurde band = embroidered binding
geboren = gifted
geboren = algemeen [a]: born
geboren = born
geboren op = born on
geboren worden = arise
geboren worden = algemeen [v]: be born
geboren zijn = algemeen [v]: be born
geboren zijn in = land [v]: be a native of
geborgd = guaranteed
geborgd = secured
geborgd = safeguarded
geborgd = secure
geborgd en geïmplementeerd = guaranteed and implemented
Geborgde kennis = Retained knowledge
Geborgen = In safekeeping
Geborgen = Safe
Geborgen = Secure
Geborgen = Under cover
Geborgen = Under shelter
Geborgen = In security
geborgen = secured
geborgenheid = security
gebosseleerd = graveerkunst [a]: embossed
gebotteld in flessen = bottled in bottles
gebottelde wijn = bottled wine
Gebouw = Construction
Gebouw = Build
gebouw = algemeen [n]: building
Gebouw = Building trade
gebouw = building
Gebouw = Edifice
Gebouw = Fabric
gebouw (n) = building
gebouw (zoek op building) = building
gebouw {het} = building
Gebouw … = … Building
Gebouw Beheer Systeem (GBS) = Building Management System (BMS)
gebouw- en locatietype = building and location type
gebouw gebonden brandveiligheidsaspecten = structural fire safety aspects
gebouw gebonden veiligheidsvoorzieningen = building-related safety features
gebouw of complex van gebouwen waarvan het gehuurde deel uitmaakt = building or complex of buildings containing the Leased Space
gebouw of locatie = building or location
gebouw Unnik = Van Unnik building
gebouw voor gemeenschappelijk gebruik = building for collective use
Gebouw voor opleidingsvoorzieningen = Training facilities building
Gebouw voorzieningen = Building facilities
gebouwaankleding = building dressing
gebouwautomatisering = building automation
Gebouwbeheer = Building Management
Gebouwbeheer (afd FMVG) = Facility Management
gebouwbeheerder = building manager
gebouwbeheerder = managing building owner
gebouwbeheerder/ -eigenaar = managing building owner
Gebouwbeheersvoorzieningen = Building management system
Gebouwbeheersvoorzieningen = Building management system (BMS)
gebouwbeheersysteem = BMS
gebouwbeveiligingsinstallatie = building security system
gebouwbeveiligingsinstallaties = building security systems
gebouwconstructie = building structure
gebouwd = algemeen [a]: built
gebouwd = built
gebouwd havenerfgoed = built port heritage
gebouwd volgens het Healthy Building Concept = built according to the Healthy Building Concept
gebouwd worden = constructie [v]: go up
gebouwde = developed
gebouwde bruto vloeroppervlak = built gross floor area
gebouwde havenerfgoed = built port heritage
gebouwde of niet-gebouwde = built or unbuilt
gebouwde of niet-gebouwde goederen = built or unbuilt property
gebouwde omgeving = surrounding structures
gebouwde omgeving = built environment
gebouwde vloeroppervlak = built floor area
gebouwdeel = building part
gebouwdelen = parts of the building
gebouweigenaar = managing building owner
gebouweigenaar = building owner
gebouweigenaren = building owners
gebouwen = buildings
Gebouwen = Buildings and constructions
Gebouwen - aanschaffingswaarde = Buildings - cost
Gebouwen - afschrijvingen = Buildings - depreciation (-)
gebouwen {mv} = buildings
Gebouwen en Civieltechnische Constructies = Building Engineering and Civil Engineering
Gebouwen en Energie = Buildings and Energy
Gebouwen- en energiebeheer = Building and Energy Management
Gebouwen- en faciliteitenbeheer = Building and facilities management services
Gebouwen en terreinen = Land and buildings
Gebouwen en terreinen = Buildings and terrains
Gebouwen en terreinen = Buildings and lands
gebouwen en terreinen = buildings and grounds
gebouwen in de omgeving = buildings in the area
"Gebouwen in verband met gezondheidszorg en sociale dienstverlening, crema" = "Construction work for buildings relating to health and social services, f"
Gebouwen in verband met verschillende middelen van transport = Construction work for buildings relating to various means of transport
Gebouwen in verband met vervoer over de weg = Construction work for buildings relating to road transport
Gebouwen in verband met vervoer over water = Construction work for buildings relating to water transport
Gebouwen in verband met vervoer per spoor = Construction work for buildings relating to railway transport
Gebouwen in verband met vervoer per vliegtuig = Construction work for buildings relating to air transport
Gebouwen in verband met vervoersdiensten = Buildings associated with transport
Gebouwen met bijzondere historische of architectonische waarde = Buildings of particular historical or architectural interest
"Gebouwen met een commerciële functie, pakhuizen en industriële gebouwen" = "Construction work for commercial buildings, warehouses and industrial bui"
gebouwen met een onderwijsbestemming = buildings designated for educational use
gebouwen of andere constructies = buildings or other structures
gebouwen of terreinen = buildings or grounds
Gebouwen Services = Housing Services
Gebouwen voor beeldende en uitvoerende kunst = Construction work for buildings relating to artistic performances
Gebouwen voor de gezondheidszorg = Construction work for buildings relating to health
Gebouwen voor diensten belast met de rechts- of ordehandhaving of voor hu = Construction work for buildings relating to law and order or emergency se
Gebouwen voor noodhulpdiensten = Construction work for buildings relating to emergency services
Gebouwen voor onderwijs en onderzoek = Construction work for buildings relating to education and research
Gebouwen voor parlements- en openbare vergaderingen = Parliament and public assembly buildings
Gebouwen voor rechts- of ordehandhaving = Construction work for buildings relating to law and order
"Gebouwen voor rechts- of ordehandhaving of noodhulpdiensten, en militaire" = Construction work for buildings relating to law and order or emergency se
Gebouwen voor sociale dienstverlening = Construction work for social services buildings
"Gebouwen voor sociale zorg, met uitzondering van tehuizen" = Construction work for social facilities other than subsidised residential
Gebouwen voor tentoonstellingen = Construction work for buildings relating to exhibitions
Gebouwen voor voortgezet onderwijs = Construction work for buildings of further education
"Gebouwen voor vrijetijdsbesteding, sport, cultuur, logies en restaurant" = "Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lod"
Gebouwen voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek = Construction work for research buildings
"gebouwen, machines en inventaris" = property
"gebouwen, terreinen of andere voorzieningen" = "buildings, land or other facilities"
gebouwenbeheersplan = buildings management plan
gebouwenbeveiliging = building protection
gebouwenbeveiliging = building security
gebouwencomplex = building complex
gebouwencomplex de Leopoldruimte = Espace Léopold complex
gebouwencomplexen = blocks of buildings
gebouwencomplexen = building complexes
gebouwencomplexen met gecentraliseerde ventilatiesystemen = building complexes with centralised ventilation systems
gebouwenconstellaties = building configurations
gebouwenonderhoudsdienst = building maintenance service
gebouwenpatrimonium = properties portfolio
gebouwenpatrimonium = property portfolio
gebouwenpatrimonium = real estate portfolio (US)
gebouwenpatrimonium = buildings
gebouwenpatrimonium = property
gebouwenschil = building envelope
Gebouwfunctie = 'building functions
Gebouwfunctie = building functions
Gebouwfuncties = building functions
gebouwgebonden = building-related
gebouwgebonden brandveiligheidsvoorzieningen = building-related fire safety facilities
gebouwgebonden installaties = building-related systems
gebouwgebonden installaties = domestic systems
gebouwgebonden installatietechnische ontwerp = building infrastructure design
gebouwgebonden investeringen = building-related investment
gebouwgebonden technische voorzieningen en installaties = building-related technical facilities and systems
gebouwgebonden voorzieningen = building-related services and equipment
gebouwgebruik = building use
gebouwgebruiker = building user
gebouw-gerelateerde klachten = building related illness
gebouw-gerelateerde klachten = sick building syndrome
Gebouwinspectiediensten = Building-inspection services
gebouwinstallaties = building systems
gebouwmodel = building model
gebouwomhulling = building envelope
gebouwonderdeel = building component
gebouwontruiming = building evacuation
gebouwpatrimonium = property
gebouwpatrimonium = property portfolio
gebouwplattegrond = drawing of building
GEBOUWRONDE = Building inspection round
gebouwschil = building envelope
gebouwtechniek = facility engineering
gebouwtype = building type
gebouwvoorraad = building stock
Gebouwzorg = building maintenance
Gebouw-zorg = Building Maintenance
Gebr. = bedrijf [n]: Brothers
gebraad = culinair [n]: roast
Gebraad = Roast meat
Gebraad = Crisp
Gebraad = Roasted
Gebraad = Joint
gebrabbel = algemeen [n]: gibberish
"gebrabbel, gewauwel, wartaal" = jargon (incomprehensible speech)
gebracht = take
gebracht = bring
gebraden = roasted
Gebraden/Gefrituurd = Fried
gebrand op = gevoelens [o]: eager for
gebrand worden = ignite the burner
gebrand worden = use the burner
gebrand zijn op = intentie [v]: be keen on
gebrand zijn op iets = te be intent on sth.
gebrande kalk = chemie [n]: quicklime
gebrande kalk = calcium hydroxide
gebrande kalk = burned lime
Gebrande koffie = Roasted coffee
gebrandschilderd glas = kunst [n]: stained glass
Gebrandschilderd glas = Stained glass window
Gebrandschilderd glas = Stained-glass window
Gebrandschilderd glas = Stained glass
Gebrandschilderd glas = Glass window
gebreid = knitted
gebreid jasje = kleding [n]: cardigan
gebreide badstof = terry towelling
gebreide en gehaakte stoffenfabriek (tricot) = Knitted and crocheted fabrics industry (tricot)
gebreide kleding = knitwear
gebreide kleding = kleding [n]: knitwear
Gebreide of gehaakte stoffen = Knitted or crocheted fabrics
Gebreide stoffen = Knitted fabrics
gebreide textielsoorten = knitted textiles
gebreide vesten = cardigans
gebreide wollen dassen = mufflers
gebrek = infirmity
gebrek = algemeen [n]: absence
gebrek = defect
Gebrek = Shortage
gebrek = damage
gebrek = dearth
gebrek = lack
gebrek = shortcoming
gebrek {het} = lack
gebrek {het} = deficiency
gebrek {het} = flaw
gebrek {het} aan = lack of
gebrek aan = algemeen [o]: lack of
gebrek aan aandrijfvermogen = lack of drive power
gebrek aan arbeidskrachten = shortage of labour
gebrek aan belangstelling = lack of interest
Gebrek aan beschikbare technologie = Lack of available technology
gebrek aan comfort = fysiek [n]: discomfort
gebrek aan conformiteit = lack of conformity
gebrek aan conformiteit of kwaliteit = lack of conformity or quality
gebrek aan coördinatie = ataxia
gebrek aan coördinatie = coordination impairment
gebrek aan coördinatie = impairment of the ability to perform smoothly coordinated voluntary movem
gebrek aan coördinatie = incoordination
gebrek aan coördinatie = lack of coordination
gebrek aan deelnemers = lack of participants
gebrek aan discipline = lack of discipline
gebrek aan draagvlak = lack of support
gebrek aan eerbied = contempt
gebrek aan eetlust = inappetency
gebrek aan ervaring = ervaring [n]: inexperience
gebrek aan folinezuur = folic acid deficiency
Gebrek aan georganiseerd Knowledge Management = Lack of organised Knowledge Management
gebrek aan hydro-elektrolytisch evenwicht = water-  electrolyte imbalance
gebrek aan hydro-elektrolytisch evenwicht = disturbances of the body's water-electrolyte metabolism
gebrek aan inventiviteit = lack of inventive step
gebrek aan kennis = kennis [n]: ignorance
gebrek aan kwaliteit = lack of quality
gebrek aan loyaliteit = politiek [n]: disloyalty
gebrek aan luchtbeweging = lack of air movement
gebrek aan methodologie = lack of methodology
gebrek aan nieuwheid van de conclusies = lack of novelty of the claims
Gebrek aan overeenstemming = Non-conformity
Gebrek aan personeel = Lack of personnel
gebrek aan respect = oneerbiedigheid [n]: disrespect
gebrek aan specifieke vaardigheden = lack of specific skills
gebrek aan tijd = lack of time
gebrek aan uitvindingshoogte = lack of inventive step
Gebrek aan vertrouwen in = Lack of confidence in
gebrek aan zelfvertrouwen = coyness
gebrek aan zelfvertrouwen = diffidence
gebrek aan zelfvertrouwen = gedrag [n]: shyness
gebrek aan zelfvertrouwen = self-doubt
gebrek aan zelf-vertrouwen = lack of self-confidence
gebrek aan zorg = algemeen [n]: lack of care
gebrek aan zuurstof = lack of oxygen
gebrek hebben aan = voorraad [v]: go short of
gebrek in administratieve verantwoording/verslaglegging = accounting deficiency
gebrek in administratieve verantwoording/verslaglegging = to be in default
gebrek in de prestatie = defect in the performance
gebrek van een hulpmiddel = device deficiency
gebreke aan minnelijke overeenstemming = absence of amicable agreement
gebreken = defects
gebreken = defects or faults
gebreken als gevolg van onjuist of abnormaal gebruik = defects resulting from improper or abnormal use
gebreken betreffende het geleverde goed = defects in the delivered goods
gebreken en defecten = faults and defects
gebreken en tekortkomingen = defects and shortcomings
gebreken en tekortkomingen = deficiencies and shortcomings
gebreken en/of tekortkomingen = defects and/or shortcomings
gebreken en/of tekortkomingen aan de uitgevoerde werken = defects and/or deficiencies in the work
gebreken en/of tekortkomingen aan de uitgevoerde werken = defects and/or shortcomings in the work
gebreken in niet door Yellax geleverde en onderhouden programmatuur = defects in software not supplied and maintained by Yellax
"gebreken in ontwerp, materiaal en constructie" = "defects in design, materials and construction"
gebreken of tekorten = defects or deficiencies
gebreken ten gevolgen van = defects due to
"gebreken, defecten, storingen" = "faults, defects, malfunctions"
"gebreken, fouten en/of onvolkomenheden" = "defects, errors and/or imperfections"
Gebrekkig = Invalid
gebrekkig = redenering [a]: unsound
gebrekkig = poorly
gebrekkig = lame
gebrekkig = deficient
gebrekkig = poor
Gebrekkig = Faulty
gebrekkig = disabled
gebrekkig materiaal = defective products
gebrekkig onderhoud = poor maintenance
gebrekkig product = defective product
gebrekkig worden = be on the decline
Gebrekkige = Cripple
Gebrekkige = Disabled
Gebrekkige = Crippled
Gebrekkige = Infirm
Gebrekkige = Lapse
Gebrekkige = Disabled person
Gebrekkige = Rickety
Gebrekkige = Decayed
Gebrekkige = Invalid
gebrekkige kennis van een onderwerp = deficiency
gebrekkige kennis van een onderwerp = imperfect knowledge of a subject
gebrekkige kennis van een onderwerp = imperfection
gebrekkige machine = defective machine
gebrekkige onderdeel = defective part
gebrekkige ontwikkeling = dysgenesis
gebrekkige ontwikkeling = 1. malformation. 2. infertility between hybrids
gebrekkige samenwerking = poor collaboration
gebrekkige werking van de anale kringspier = fecal incontinence
gebrekkige werking van de anale kringspier = anal sphincter incontinence
gebrekkige werking van de anale kringspier = incompetence of the anal sphincter
gebrekkigheid = defective condition
gebrekkigheid = defectiveness
gebrekkigheid = deficiency
gebrekkigheid = faultiness
gebrekkigheid = inadequacy
Gebrekkigheid of slecht functioneren = Defectiveness or malfunctioning
Gebreksziekte = Deficiency
gebrekziekte = geneeskunde [n]: deficiency disease
gebreveteerde rand = our patended product /edging/border/rim
gebrild = persoon [a]: spectacled
gebrocheerd = sewed
Gebroed = Brood
Gebroed = Litter
"gebroed, legsel, nageslacht, nest" = brood (the young of certain animals)
Gebroeders = bedrijf [n]: Brothers
gebroeders = brothers
gebroeders {mv} = brothers
gebroeders Grimm = Brothers Grimm
gebroken = broken
gebroken = algemeen [a]: broken
Gebroken (reële) getallen = Fractions (real numbers)
gebroken dak / mansardedak = curb roof
gebroken golf = refracted wave
Gebroken korrels of breukrijst = Broken grains or fragments
gebroken mengpuin = crushed rubble
gebroken of onderbroken draad = broken or interrupted wire
gebroken puin = crushed rubble
gebroken rug = back broken
gebroken straal = refracted ray
gebroken waar = handel [n]: breakage
gebroken wielen en gebroken assen = broken wheels and broken axles
gebroken wit = off-white
gebroken wit = kleur [a]: off-white
gebrom = geluid [n]: hum
gebrom = hum
gebronsd = huid [a]: bronzed
gebruik = consumption
gebruik = algemeen [n]: use
Gebruik = Usage
gebruik = custom
gebruik = manipulation
Gebruik = Utilization
Gebruik = Use
gebruik {het} = usage
gebruik {het} = use
gebruik algemeen = general use
Gebruik alleen droge schoonmaak methodes. = Use only dry cleaning methods.
gebruik bij de mens = for  human use
Gebruik buitenterrein = Use of outside area
Gebruik constructies als = Try to use constructions like
gebruik daarvoor speciaal gereedschap = use special tool
Gebruik de machineknop om de machine te stoppen in aanwezigheid van gevaa = Use the machine stop button to stop the machine in the event of a hazardo
gebruik de telefoon = use the telephone
Gebruik deze knop = Use this button
Gebruik deze knop om het veiligheidscircuit / storingen te resetten = Use this button to reset the safety circuit / faults
Gebruik duidelijke volledige namen = "Use clear, full names"
gebruik en beheer = use and management
gebruik en traditie = established practice and tradition
gebruik en verbruiksgoederen = consumer goods and consumables
gebruik en/of onderhoud = use and/or maintenance
Gebruik fouilleercabine = Use of the frisking cubicle
Gebruik geen account zonder wachtwoord = Don’t use an account without a password
Gebruik geen water = Do not use water
gebruik gemaakt = implemented
Gebruik het apparaat alleen voor toepassingen waarvoor het apparaat ontwo = Employ the device only for the uses for which it was designed
gebruik in de staat waarin het verkeert = use as- is
gebruik in schrijnende gevallen = compassionate use
gebruik in strijd met de door ons gegeven voorschriften = use contrary to the instructions given by Us
gebruik komt niet op grote schaal voor = use is not widespread
gebruik kunnen maken van = be able to use
gebruik kunnen maken van = the ability to use
gebruik maakt van = uses
gebruik maakt van = makes use of
gebruik maken van = to make use of
gebruik maken van = suggestie [v]: follow up
gebruik maken van = turn to account
gebruik maken van een recht = to exercise a right
gebruik maken van een recht = to make use of a right
gebruik maken van het buffet = make use of the buffet
gebruik maken van het optierecht = to exercise the option right
gebruik maken van het optierecht = to exercise the right of option
gebruik makend van = making use of
gebruik makend van = using
gebruik makend van = by using
gebruik makend van een dergelijke = making use of such a
gebruik makend van een werkwijze = making use of a method
gebruik makend van het configureerbaar meetsysteem = making use of the configurable measuring system
gebruik niet overeenkomstig het gebruiksdoel = "use, other than for intended purpose"
gebruik nooit de vrije hand als steun op = never lean your free hand on
gebruik of misbruik = use or misuse
gebruik onderwijsinstelling = ‘Gebruik onderwijsinstelling’ (‘Use educational institution’)
gebruik op supervisorniveau = supervisor access level
gebruik static hulpklasse = use static helper class
gebruik te maken van de diensten van derden = make use of the services of third parties
gebruik te maken van deze korting = take advantage of this discount
Gebruik tekening = Use drawing
gebruik underscores voor samengestelde namen = use underscores for compound names
gebruik van = use of
gebruik van (natuurlijke) hulpbronnen = resource utilisation
gebruik van (steunen op) de interne controle = reliance on internal control
gebruik van (steunen op) het werk van een andere accountant = reliance on the work of an other accountant/auditor
Gebruik van 1 databus = Use of one data bus
gebruik van afval als materiaal = use of waste as material
gebruik van afval voor energie-doeleinden = use of waste as energy source
gebruik van afvalwarmte = waste heat utilisation
gebruik van alcohol = consumption of alcohol
"gebruik van alcohol, drugs en medicijngebruik" = "use of alcohol, drugs and medication"
Gebruik van alcoholhoudende dranken = Consumption of alcoholic beverages
gebruik van applicaties = use of applications
gebruik van assets in de software-ontwikkeling = asset source for software engineering technology: ASSET
Gebruik van beide databussen = Use of both data buses
gebruik van cookies = use of cookies
Gebruik van courante standaarden = Use of common standards
gebruik van de auto of andere wijze van reizen = when using a car or other mode of transport
Gebruik van de Dienst = Use of the Service
Gebruik van de elektronische opslag van bepaalde documenten = Use of electronic storage of certain documents
gebruik van de hulp = use of aid
gebruik van de middelen = use of resources
gebruik van de oververhitte stoom als dusdanig = use of the superheated steam as such
gebruik van de ruimte = use of outer space
Gebruik van de ruimte = Use of space
gebruik van de ruimte waarvoor deze verhuurd is = use of the space for the purpose for which it was rented
gebruik van de taal = speech act
gebruik van de verklaring van een andere accountant = using the report of an other accountant/auditor
Gebruik van de werkwijze = Use of the method
Gebruik van de werkwijze volgens voorgaande conclusie = Use of the method according to previous claim
Gebruik van deze informatie is gelimiteerd door de Geheimhoudingsverklari = Use of this information is limited by the Privacy Statement
"gebruik van drugs, overmatig gebruik van alcohol of elke andere substanti" = "use of drugs, excessive use of alcohol or any other substance not prescri"
gebruik van een geslacht zal beide geslachten omvatten = a reference to one gender shall include a reference to the other genders
Gebruik van een inrichting volgens één van de conclusies = Use of a device according to any of claims
Gebruik van een werkwijze = Use of a method
Gebruik van een werkwijze volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = Use of a method according to any of the preceding claims
Gebruik van een werkwijze volgens één van de conclusies = Use of a method according to any of claims
Gebruik van E-mail en Internet = Email and Internet Usage
Gebruik van email en/of internet = Use of email and/or internet
Gebruik van e-mail en/of internet = Use of email and/or internet
Gebruik van Gegevens en Vertrouwelijkheid = Use of Information and Confidentiality
Gebruik van gekeurde materialen = Use of approved materials
gebruik van genetische rijkdommen = use of genetic resources
gebruik van genetische rijkdommen = Utilization of genetic resources
gebruik van gereedschap = using  hand tools
gebruik van gezondheidszorg in een andere lidstaat = use of healthcare in another Member State
Gebruik van het voertuig = Use of the vehicle
gebruik van het warmtegevend vermogen = utilisation of calorific value
gebruik van het water = use of water
gebruik van insektenbestrijdingsmiddelen = utilisation of pesticides
Gebruik van onze diensten = Use of our services
Gebruik van onze producten = Use of our products
Gebruik van persoonsgegevens = Use of Personal Data
gebruik van schijfruimte = disk space utilization
Gebruik van stellingen = Use of scaffolding
gebruik van sterke drank = consumption of spirits
gebruik van tussenblok-informatie volgens Yates = recovery of information
Gebruik van verlichting = use of lighting
gebruik van water = use of water
gebruik van water dat niet voldoet aan de beschreven kwaliteit = use of water that does not meet the prescribed quality
gebruik vanplaatselijke grondstoffen = local resource utilisation
gebruik volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = use according to any one of the previous claims
gebruik volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = use according to any of the previous claims
gebruik voor statistische doeleinden = use for statistical purposes
gebruik waarvoor geen toestemming is verleend = unauthorised use
gebruik waarvoor geentoestemming is verleend = unauthorised use
Gebruik water = Use water
gebruik wenst te maken van deze mogelijkheid = wishes to make use of this option
gebruik wil maken van = wishes to make use of
gebruik(er)svriendelijk = user friendly
"gebruik, verwerking, verkoop, opslag of verhuur" = "use, processing, sale, storage or rental"
gebruik/misbruik van persoonsgegevens = use/misuse of personal data
gebruikaanwijzing = user manual
gebruikelijk = common
gebruikelijk = common
Gebruikelijk = Accepted
gebruikelijk = accustomed
gebruikelijk = usual
gebruikelijk = algemeen [a]: ordinary
gebruikelijk = usual
gebruikelijk = usual
gebruikelijke = common
gebruikelijke = customary
gebruikelijke = in general use
gebruikelijke = obvious
gebruikelijke = usual
gebruikelijke alsdan geldende voorwaarden = then applicable customary conditions
gebruikelijke bestuurder = principal driver
gebruikelijke consumptie = habitual consumption
gebruikelijke formulieren = standard forms
gebruikelijke functiegroepen = standard job grades
gebruikelijke gang van zaken = course of action
gebruikelijke goede landbouwmethoden of -praktijken = usual good farming practice
gebruikelijke hoeveelheid = standard  dosing
Gebruikelijke inname = Habitual intake
gebruikelijke loon en emolumenten = usual salary and bonuses
Gebruikelijke marktpraktijken = Accepted market practices
gebruikelijke methode = usual method
gebruikelijke procedure = usual procedure
gebruikelijke term = uitdrukking [n]: standard term
gebruikelijke verblijfplaats = habitual residence
gebruikelijke verblijfplaats = usual place of residence
gebruikelijke verhoudingen = conventional proportions
gebruikelijke werktijden = usual working hours
Gebruikelijkloonregeling (for directors and major shareholders) = Customary salary scheme
Gebruikelijkloonregeling (for directors and major shareholders) = Customary salary scheme (‘Gebruikelijkloonregeling’)
Gebruikelijkloonregeling (for directors and major shareholders) = Customary salary scheme (for directors and major shareholders)
Gebruiken = Make use of
gebruiken = to make use of
gebruiken = deploy
gebruiken = custom
gebruiken = eat
gebruiken = practices
gebruiken = use
gebruiken = to use
gebruiken = to utilize
Gebruiken = Employ
gebruiken = benzine [v]: use
gebruiken = consume
gebruiken deze kennis om met elkaar samen te werken = use this knowledge to work together
gebruiken dezelfde ground = use the same ground
gebruiken en onderhouden = use and maintenance
gebruiken en tradities = customs and traditions
gebruiken of openbaar maken = use or disclose
gebruiken omtrent huur en verhuur = practices relating to the leasing of business premises
gebruiken van agressieve vloeistoffen of oplosmiddelen = use of aggressive liquids or solvents
gebruiken we geavanceerde technologieën = we use advanced technologies
gebruiken werkwijze = methodology to be used
"gebruiken, verveelvoudigen, verspreiden en openbaar maken" = "used, reproduced, distributed and made public"
"gebruiken, verveelvoudigen, verspreiden en openbaar maken" = "use, reproduce, distribute and publish"
gebruiker = consumer
Gebruiker = User
gebruiker = man [n]: user
gebruiker = user
gebruiker {de} = user
gebruiker in de steriele ruimte = user in the sterile room
gebruiker op afstand = remote user
gebruiker op de plaats van bestemming = destination user
gebruiker ter plaatse = on-site user
gebruiker van de veelheid van gebruikers = user of the plurality of users
gebruiker van een spoorwegovergang = level crossing users
gebruiker van jaarrekening = user
gebruiker van jaarrekening = user of financial statements
gebruiker van luchtvaartnavigatiediensten = user of air navigation services
gebruiker van transportfaciliteiten = transport user
gebruikergebaseerde = user-based
gebruikergerichte diensten = user centered services
gebruikerniveau = user levels
gebruikerniveaus = user levels
gebruikerniveaus = user level
Gebruiker-Particulier = Private User
Gebruikers = Users
gebruikers = consumers
gebruikers = users
Gebruikers bepalen zelf met wie zij hun documenten willen delen. = Users are free to decide who they share their documents with.
gebruikers die hun cookies verwijderden = users who deleted their cookies
gebruikers- en installateurshandleiding = User's and Installer's Manual
gebruikers- en instructiehandboeken voor hardware en software = user and instruction manuals for computer hardware and computer software
gebruikers- en instructiehandboeken voor software = user and instruction manuals for computer software
gebruikers en leveranciers = users and suppliers
gebruikers- en marktwensen = user and market demands
gebruikers gegevens = user data
gebruikers handleiding = user manual
gebruikers- handleiding = user manual
Gebruikers identiteit = User ID
gebruikers in elkaars onmiddellijke nabijheid = users in each other?s immediate vicinity
gebruikers in elkaars onmiddellijke nabijheid = users in each other’s immediate vicinity
gebruikers in elkaars onmiddellijke nabijheid = users in each otherés immediate vicinity
gebruikers in elkaars onmiddellijke nabijheid = users in each other�s immediate vicinity
gebruikers in loco = users in loco
gebruikers interactie = user interaction
gebruikers interface = user interface
gebruikers interfaces = user interfaces
gebruikers met een minder goed zicht = users with less good vision
Gebruikers moeten op de hoogte zijn van = Users should be aware of
gebruikers niet alle aspecten van hun taak volledig dienen te beheersen = users do not have to fully master all aspects of their task
gebruikers op afstand = remote users
gebruikers op beheerderniveau = administrator access level
gebruikers op vertegenwoordigersniveau = agent access level
gebruikers situatie = use case
gebruikers situaties = use cases
gebruikers toe te voegen = add users
gebruikers van Typical Manager = Typical Manager users
gebruikersaccount = user account
Gebruikersaccountbeheer = User Account Control
gebruikersaccounts = user accounts
Gebruikersaccounts worden beheerd = User accounts are managed
gebruikersactiviteit = user activity
gebruikersafhankelijk = user-dependent
gebruikersagent = UA
gebruikersagent = user agent
Gebruikersarchief/Receptenmanagement = User archive/recipes management
gebruikersaspecten = user aspects
gebruikersbehoefte = user requirements
gebruikersbehoeften = user needs
gebruikersbehoeften = user requirements
Gebruikersbeleid = User policy
Gebruikersbeperkingen = User Restrictions
gebruikersbesturingselement = user control
Gebruikersboekje = user manual
gebruikerscohort = user cohort
gebruikersdatabank = user database
Gebruikersdimensie = User dimension
gebruikersdocumentatie = User Documentation
gebruikers-documentatie = user guide
"gebruikersdocumentatie, -handleiding" = user documentation
Gebruikersdokumentatie = user instructions
Gebruikerseigenschappen = Personal identifiers
Gebruikerseigenschappen indelen = Personal-identifier mapping
gebruikerservaring = user experience
gebruikersessie = user session
Gebruikersfilter = User filter
gebruikersformuliersjabloon = user form template
gebruikersfouten = user error
gebruikersfunctie = user function
gebruikersfunctionaliteit = user functionality
Gebruikersgedrag = Usage behaviour
gebruikersgedrag = user behaviour
gebruikersgegevens = user data
gebruikersgegevens opnieuw instellen = reset user data
gebruikersgericht = user-oriented
gebruikersgerichte talen = user-oriented languages
gebruikersgewicht = user weight
gebruikersgroep = user group
Gebruikersgroepen = Usergroups
gebruikersgroepen = user groups
Gebruikersgroepen (passwordbeveiliging) = User groups (password protection)
gebruikershandboeken = user manuals
gebruikershandboeken voor hardware en software = user manuals for computer hardware and computer
gebruikershandboeken voor software = user manuals for computer software
Gebruikershandeling = User action
gebruikershandleiding = user manual
gebruikers-handleiding = user manual
gebruikershandleiding en onderhoudsvoorschriften = user manual and maintenance instructions
gebruikershandleidingen = user manuals
gebruikers-id = user ID
gebruikersidentificatie = user identification
gebruikersidentificatie = user ID
gebruikersinstellingen = user settings
gebruikersinstructie = user instructions
gebruikersinstructie = e.g.: user has been instructed
gebruikersinstructie = user instruction guide
gebruikersinstructie = user manual
gebruikersinstructie = user instruction
gebruikersinstructies = user instructions
gebruikersinteractie = user interaction
gebruikersinterface = user interface
gebruikersinterface van de app = user interface of the app
gebruikersinterfaces = user interfaces
gebruikers-interfaces = user interfaces
gebruikersinvoer = user input
gebruikersinvoerapparaat = user input device
gebruikersisolatie = user isolation
gebruikerskerkhof = inactive user list
Gebruikerskwalificaties = qualified users
Gebruikerskwalificaties = Intended users
gebruikerslasten = tax levied on the use
gebruikerslicentie = user licence
gebruikers-locatie = user location
gebruikersmarkt = user market
gebruikersmelding = user notification
gebruikersmicrodienst = user microservice
gebruikersmigratie = user migration
gebruikersmodel = user model
gebruikersmodus = user mode
gebruikersmodusaccount = user mode account
Gebruikersnaam = User
Gebruikersnaam = Username
gebruikersnaam = user name
gebruikersnaam & wachtwoord = username & password
gebruikersnaam {de} = user name
gebruikersnaam en het wachtwoord = username and password
gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord = username and password
gebruikersnamen = user names
Gebruikersnamen en paswoorden = User names and passwords
Gebruikersnamen en paswoorden mogen niet worden medegedeeld aan derden. = User names and passwords may not be disclosed to third parties.
gebruikersniveau = user level
gebruikersniveau = user’s level
gebruikersniveaus = user levels
gebruikersnummer = UserID
gebruikersomgevingen = user environments
gebruikersomstandigheden = conditions of use
gebruikersonafhankelijk = user-independent
gebruikersonderhoud = user maintenance
gebruikersondersteuning = user support
Gebruikersondersteuning = End user support
Gebruikersondersteuning (proces) = End user support (process)
gebruikersonderzoek = user survey
gebruikersonderzoek = users study
gebruikersonvriendelijk = user-unfriendly
Gebruikersoplossingverpakking = User Solution Packaging
gebruikersorganisatie = user organisation
gebruikersorganisatie = user organization
Gebruikersovereenkomst = User Agreement
gebruikersovereenkomst = user agreement
gebruikersovereenkomst Ipad = iPad User Agreement
gebruikersovereenkomst mobiele telefoon = mobile phone user agreement
gebruikersparameter = user parameter
gebruikersparameters = user parameters
gebruikerspictogram = user icon
Gebruikerspopulatie = User population
Gebruikersprofiel = User profile
gebruikersprofiel = user profile (UP)
gebruikersprofiel = user profile
gebruikersprofiel javascript = user profile java script
gebruikersprofielen = user profiles
gebruikersraad = user board
gebruikersrechten = user rights
gebruikersreferenties = user credentials
Gebruikersrol = User's role
gebruikersrol = user role
gebruikersrolprofiel = user role profile
gebruikerssessie = user session
gebruikerssituaties = user situations
gebruikersspecificatie = user specification
gebruikersspecifiek = user-specific
gebruikerstest = consumer test
gebruikerstesten = user tests
gebruikerstevredenheid = user satisfaction
Gebruikerstoegang en autorisatie = User access and authorisation
gebruikerstoegangsrechten = user access privileges
Gebruikerstoegangstoken = User Access Token
gebruikerstype = user type
gebruikersuitzondering = user exception
gebruikersveiligheid = user safety
gebruikersvoordeel = user advantage
gebruikersvoorkeur = user preference
gebruikersvoorkeuren = user preferences
gebruikersvoorkeursinstellingen = user preferences
gebruikersvoorwaarden = terms and conditions of use
Gebruikersvoorwaarden = Conditions of Use
gebruikersvriendelijk = user-friendly
gebruikersvriendelijk = gegevensverwerking [a]: user-friendly
"gebruikersvriendelijk, gebruiksvriendelijk" = user-friendly {adj} (designed to be easy to use)
gebruikersvriendelijker = more user-friendly
gebruikersvriendelijkheid = user friendliness
Gebruikersvriendelijkheid = user-friendliness
gebruikersvriendelijkheid = usability
gebruikersvriendlijk = user-friendly
gebruikerswachtwoord = user password
gebruikerswens = needs (of user)
gebruikerswens = the wishes of the consumer
gebruikerswens = user requirements
gebruikerswensen = user requirements
gebruikerswensen = "user requirements, the wishes of the consumer, needs (of user)"
gebruikerswensen = needs (of user)
gebruikerswensen = the wishes of the consumer
gebruikerswensen = user requests
gebruikgemaakt = used
gebruikmaken = make use
gebruikmaken = use
gebruikmaken van fiscale faciliteiten in de derde pijler van het pensioen = to utilize the tax facilities in the third pillar of the pension system
gebruikmakend = M.J.W. Beijer
gebruikmakend van = making use of
gebruikmaking van = the use of
gebruiks -en onderhoudsinstructies = instructions for use and maintenance instructions
gebruiks -en onderhoudsinstructies = operating and maintenance instructions
gebruiks- en werkmethoden = software
gebruiksaanduidingen = usage indicators
gebruiksaanwijzing = directions for use
Gebruiksaanwijzing = Operating instructions
gebruiksaanwijzing = instructions for use
gebruiksaanwijzing = manual
gebruiksaanwijzing = geneesmiddel [n]: instruction leaflet
gebruiksaanwijzing = directions (for use)
gebruiksaanwijzing = instructions (for use)
gebruiksaanwijzing = operating instructions
gebruiksaanwijzing = user guide
gebruiksaanwijzing = user manual
gebruiksaanwijzing = instructions for use (x)
gebruiksaanwijzing = operating manual
gebruiksaanwijzing {de} = manual
Gebruiksaanwijzing en besturing = Operating instructions and controls
gebruiksaanwijzing in elektronische vorm = instructions for use in electronic form
gebruiksaanwijzing/handboek = operating manual
gebruiksafhankelijke = usage-dependent
Gebruiksafhankelijke vergoeding = usage-dependent remuneration
Gebruiksafhankelijke vergoedingen = Usage-dependent remuneration
gebruiksanalyse = usage analysis
Gebruiksartikelen = Consumer Articles
Gebruiksartikelen = consumer goods
gebruiksartikelen = consumables
Gebruiksbeheer (procescluster) = Use management (cluster)
gebruiksbelasting = use tax
Gebruiksbelasting = Working load
gebruiksbeperking = restriction on use
gebruiksbeperkingen = usage restrictions
gebruiksbestemming = intended purpose
gebruiksbewijzen = proof of use
Gebruikscategorie = Utility category
gebruikscoëfficiënt = utilisation ratio
gebruikscoefficienten = friction coefficients
gebruikscomfort = comfortable user environment
gebruiks-comfort = comfortable user environment
gebruiks-comfort = user comfort
gebruikscondities = conditions of use
gebruikscontext = context of use
Gebruiksdata = Usage data
gebruiksdata = usage data
Gebruiksdoel = Intended use
gebruiksdoeleinden = intended purposes
gebruiksdoeleinden = purposes
gebruiksdoeleinden = specific uses
gebruiksdoeleinden = uses
gebruiksdoelen = intended purpose
gebruiksdosis = usable dose
gebruiksdruk = service pressure
gebruiksduur = period of use
gebruiksduur = service life
gebruiksduur = useful life
gebruiksduur = durability
gebruiksechtheid = wear-fastness
gebruikseenheid = functional unit
gebruikseenheid = dosage form
gebruiksfaktor = coefficient of utilisation
gebruiksfaktor = Factor of Safety (FOS)
gebruiksfaktor = load capacity
gebruiksfaktor = loading factor (hoisting slings)
gebruiksfaktor = safety factor
gebruiksfaktor = use factor
gebruiksfaktor = utilisation coefficient
gebruiksfaktor = utilisation factor
gebruiksfaktor = utilisation ratio
gebruiksfaktoren = use factors
gebruiksfaktoren = loading factors
gebruiksfase = use phase
gebruiksfunctie = designated use
gebruiksfunctie = function
gebruiksfunctie = functional purpose
gebruiksfunctie = functional use
gebruiksfunctie = the use to which a building is put
gebruiksfunctie = utilization (GWIT)
gebruiksgebied = usage territory
gebruiksgebied = ‘use area’ (‘gebruiksgebied’)
gebruiksgebied buiten koerslijnsector = [AEROSP.] clearance pattern region
gebruiksgegevens = usage data
gebruiksgegevens = data for use
gebruiksgegevens buitenland = foreign usage data
Gebruiksgemak = Installation comfort
gebruiksgemak = user comfort
gebruiksgemak = ease of use
gebruiksgemak en comfort = ease of use and comfort
gebruiksgereed = ready for use
gebruiksgeval = use case
gebruiksgoed = durable good
Gebruiksgoederen = Consumer durables
gebruiksgoederen {mv} = consumer goods
gebruiksgrenstoestand = serviceability limit state
gebruikshandleiding = operating instructions
gebruikshandleiding = user manual
gebruikshandleidingen = user manuals
gebruiksindicatie = intended use
gebruiksinstructie = operating instructions
gebruiksinstructies = Instructions for use
gebruiksintensiteit = intensity of use
gebruiksintensiteit of -prioriteit = intensity of use or priority
Gebruikskennis = Knowledge of usage
gebruiksklaar = in operating condition
gebruiksklaar = in working condition
gebruiksklaar = in working order
gebruiksklaar = operational
gebruiksklaar = ready for operation
gebruiksklaar = ready for use
Gebruiksklaarmaken van installaties voor straatverlichting = Commissioning of public lighting installations
Gebruiksklaarmaken van verwarmingsinstallaties = Commissioning of heating installations
"gebruiksklare (RTU, ‘ready-to-use’) formulering" = RTU formulation
gebruiksklare formulering = RTU formulation
Gebruikskosten = Running costs
Gebruikskosten (energiekosten) = Running costs (energy costs)
gebruikskwaliteit = customer performance
gebruikslease = timesharing
gebruikslicentie = licence for use
gebruikslimieten = operating limits
Gebruikslimieten = Usage limitations
gebruiksmateriaal = starting material
gebruiksmelding = notification of occupancy (JurLex)
gebruiksmelding = occupancy notification (JurLex)
Gebruiksmessen = Utility knives
gebruiksmodel = utility model
gebruiksmodel = Gebrauchsmuster
gebruiksmogelijkheden = application possibilities
gebruiksmoment = consumption moment
gebruiksmonitoring- en controlesysteem = Usage monitoring and control system
gebruiksnorm = application standard
Gebruiksnormen = application standards
gebruiksnormen = application standards
gebruiksnormen = usage standards
gebruiksoctrooi = utility patent
gebruiksoctrooien = utility patents
gebruiksomgeving = operating environment
gebruiksomstandigheden = conditions of use
gebruiksomstandigheden = work environment
gebruiksomstandigheden = operating conditions
gebruiksonderhoud = user maintenance
gebruiksondersteuning en toepassingsplanning van computeroplossingen = application support services and planning of computer solutions
Gebruiksonvriendelijk = User unfriendly
gebruiksonvriendelijke = user-unfriendly
gebruiksopp = usage surface
gebruiksoppervlak = usable floor area
gebruiksopties = usage options
gebruiksperiode = period of use
gebruiksprocedure = procedure
gebruiksprocedures = operating procedures
gebruiksproduct = consumer product
gebruiksproduct = product for use [in Dutch: gebruiksproduct]
gebruiksproducten = consumer products
gebruiksprotocol = usage protocol
gebruiksrecht = (software) license
gebruiksrecht = right of use
gebruiksrecht door Opdrachtgever = Customer’s right of use
gebruiksrecht op de gegevens = right to use the data
gebruiksrecht op de Software = right to use the Software
gebruiksrecht op de software = user licence for the Software
gebruiksrecht van de auto = right to use the car
gebruiksrecht van de ruimte = right to use the space
gebruiksrechten = rights of use
gebruiksrechten en bevoegdheden = powers and rights of use
gebruiksrechten op programmatuur = rights to use software
Gebruiksrechtovereenkomst = Terms
Gebruiksrechtovereenkomst = Terms of use
gebruiksrechtovereenkomst = end-user license
gebruiksrechtset = license set
gebruiksregels = acceptable use policy
gebruiksregels = usage rules
gebruiksregistratie = usage registration
gebruiksrestrictie = restrictions on use
gebruiksrestricties = restrictions on use
gebruiksruimte = application limit
gebruiksruimte = application limits
Gebruikssamenhang = Cohesion of usage
Gebruiksscenario = usage scenario
Gebruiksscenario's = usage scenarios
gebruiksschade = wear and tear
gebruikssensoren = usage sensors
gebruikssleutelwoord = usage keyword
gebruikssnelheid = operating speed
gebruiksspecificaties = specifications of use
gebruikssporen = signs of use
gebruiksstand = position of normal end use
gebruikstemperatuur = operating temperature
gebruikstemperatuur = service temperature
gebruikstemperatuur = application temperature
gebruikster = vrouw [n]: user
gebruikster {de} = user [female]
gebruikstermijn = period of use
gebruikstoestellen = devices in use
gebruikstype = usage type
Gebruiksverbod (het ... kan inhouden dat ...) = Ban on usage (the ... can imply that ...)
gebruiksvergunning = occupancy permit
gebruiksvergunning = permit
gebruiksvergunning = permit for use
gebruiksvergunning = user permit
gebruiksverwachtingen = use expectations
gebruiksvoordelen = features
gebruiksvoorschrift = operation instruction
gebruiksvoorschrift = instructions for safe use
Gebruiksvoorschriften = Operating instructions
gebruiksvoorschriften = conditions of use
gebruiksvoorschriften = (m.b.t. bestemming) prescribed use
gebruiksvoorschriften = instructions for use
gebruiksvoorschriften = operating instructions
gebruiksvoorschriften = user instructions
Gebruiksvoorwaarden = Conditions of Use
gebruiksvoorwerp = voorwerpen [n]: utensil [formal]
gebruiksvoorwerp = article of daily use
gebruiksvoorwerp = consumer item
gebruiksvoorwerpen = articles of daily use
gebruiksvoorwerpen = consumer items
gebruiksvoorwerpen en houders voor huishoudelijk gebruik = domestic utensils and containers
gebruiksvoorwerpen voor huishoudelijk gebruik = domestic utensils
gebruiksvoorzieningen = user facilities
gebruiksvorm = application
gebruiksvormen = types of use
gebruiksvriendelijk = user friendly
gebruiksvriendelijk = user-friendly
gebruiksvriendelijk product = user-friendly product
gebruiksvriendelijke = user-friendly
gebruiksvriendelijke verpakking = user-friendly packaging
gebruiksvriendelijke werkinstrument = user friendly tool
gebruiksvriendelijker = more user-friendly
gebruiksvriendelijkheid = user-friendliness
gebruiksvriendelijkheid = ease of use
gebruiksvriendelijkheid = usability
gebruikswaarde = use value
gebruikswaarde = value in use
gebruikswijze = method
gebruikszekerheid = operational reliability
gebruikszijde = usage side
gebruikt = use
gebruikt = algemeen [a]: used
Gebruikt = Uses
gebruikt = used
gebruikt = uses
gebruikt als uithangbord = used to describe
gebruikt de Diensten niet in strijd met enige wet- of regelgeving = shall refrain from using the Services in violation of any laws or regulat
gebruikt in de huidige methode = used in the present method
gebruikt kunnen worden = can be used
gebruikt kunnen worden = may be used
gebruikt moeten worden = should be used
gebruikt of bestemd zijn om gebruikt te worden = are used or intended to be used
gebruikt of is bestemd om te worden gebruikt = used or intended to be used
gebruikt om de positie te bepalen of te verbeteren = used to determine or improve the position
gebruikt procédés = processes used
gebruikt ter verbetering van onze dienstverlening = ", used to improve our service"
"Gebruikt u naast medicinale zuurstof nog andere geneesmiddelen, of heeft " = Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are using or have recently used any
Gebruikt u nog andere geneesmiddelen? = Using other medicines
Gebruikt u Securyfence als = Are you planning to use the Securyfence as a
gebruikt verschillende technieken = uses a variety of techniques
gebruikt voor beschrijvende doeleinden = used for descriptive purposes
"gebruikt voor de productie, handel of opslag van of andere dienstverlenin" = "used for the production, trade or storage or other services related to we"
Gebruikt voorbeelden ter verduidelijking = Uses examples by way of illustration
gebruikt water = used water
gebruikt wenst te maken van de diensten en werkzaamheden van = wishes to make use of the services and activities of
gebruikt worden = be used
gebruikt worden = are used
gebruikt worden om de positie te bepalen of te verbeteren = used to determine or improve the position
gebruikt worden om een gemiddelde dikte te berekenen = are used to calculate an average thickness
gebruikt wordt voor het doorspoelen van een toilet = is used for flushing a toilet
gebruikt zou worden = would be used
gebruikte auto’s = used cars
Gebruikte banden = Used tyres
gebruikte beitsvloeistof = pickling waste
gebruikte beitsvloeistof = spent pickle
gebruikte bibliotheken = libraries used
gebruikte en te gebruiken = used and to be used
gebruikte en te gebruiken scenario’s = scenarios used and to be used
gebruikte en vereiste = used and required
Gebruikte machines = Used Machinery
gebruikte materiaal = material used
gebruikte materialen = used materials
gebruikte meettoestel = measuring device used
gebruikte pictogrammen = pictograms used
gebruikte symbolen = symbols used
gebruikte symbolen = Overview of symbols used
Gebruikte veiligheid functies per zone = Safety features used per zone
gebruikte veiligheid symbolen = safety symbols used
gebruikte zaken = used goods
gebruind = browned
gebruind = tanned
gebruinde kleur = tan
Gebruis = Rumble
Gebruis = Bellow
Gebruis = Roar
Gebruis = Rumbling
gebruite = consumed
gebrul = geluid [n]: roar
"gebrul, gegil, geschreeuw, geroep" = "holler (By extension, any communication to get somebody's attention)"
"gebrul, gehuil, gejammer" = howl (prolonged cry of distress or anguish)
gebruteerd = grossed up
gebruteerd = grossed (up)
gebruteerd/bruteren = gross-up
gebudgetteerde = budgeted
gebudgetteerde capaciteit = budgeted capacity
gebudgetteerde kosten van gepland werk = budgeted cost of work scheduled
gebudgetteerde kosten van uitgevoerd werk = budgeted cost of work performed
gebudgetteerde kostprijs = budgeted cost
gebufferd = buffered
gebufferd lezen = multi-reading feature
gebufferde uitvoer = buffered output
gebufferde versterker = buffered repeater
Gebuikt = Portly
Gebuikt = Paunchy
Gebuikt = Bulbous
gebukt = persoon [a]: stooping
Gebukt = Bent
Gebulk = Bellow
Gebulk = Roar
Gebult = Humpbacked
Gebult = Humped
Gebult = Hunchbacked
Gebult = Hunchback
Gebult = Hunch-backed
gebundeld = arranged in the form of a bundle
gebundeld = bundled
gebundeld = fascicular
gebundeld = fasicled
gebundeld = fasiculated
gebundeld = combined
gebundeld en vastgemaakt = bundled and tied
gebundeld framesynchronisatiesignaal = bunched frame alignment signal
gebundeld in een rapport = compiled in a report
Gebundelde = Combined
gebundelde aanvraag = combined applications
gebundelde deconcentratie = clustered dispersal
gebundelde deconcentratie = devolution to overspill areas
gebutyleerd hydroxyanisol = butylated hydroxyanisole
gebutyleerd hydroxytolueen = butylated hydroxytoluene
gebuur = neighbour
Gebuur = Nearby
Gebuur = Neighbor
gebuur = neighbour
Gebuurschap = Proximity
Gebuurschap = Vicinity
Gebuurschap = Neighborhood
Gebuurschap = Neighbourhood
gebypassed = bypassed
gec. / geconcentreerd = concentrated
gecacheerde = laminated
gecacheerde dakisolatie = laminated roof insulation
gecacheerde optica = coated optics
gecacht = cached
gecalculeerd gebruik = calculated usage
gecalculeerd op basis van = calculated based on
gecalculeerde capaciteit = rated capacity
gecalibreerd = calibrated
gecamoufleerd = militair [a]: camouflaged
gecanneleerd = versiering [a]: fluted
gecapteerd = recorded
gecarboneerde plaat = carbonized plate
gecarboxyleerd = carboxylated
gecarboxyleerde = carboxylated
gecarboxyleerde latex = carboxylated latex
gecartonneerd = cased boards
gecatalogiseerde procedure = catalogued procedure
gecategoriseerd naar = categorised into
Gecedeerd = Transferred
gecementeerd = cemented
gecementeerde weerstand = cement coated resistor
gecensureerde = censored
gecentraliseerd betalingssysteem = centralized payment system
gecentraliseerd computernetwerk = centralized computer network
gecentraliseerd overzicht = centralized statement
gecentraliseerd ventilatiesysteem = centralised ventilation system
gecentraliseerd voorraadbeheer = centralized inventory control
gecentraliseerde = centralised
gecentraliseerde (werk)uitgifte = centralized dispatching
gecentraliseerde aankoopactiviteiten = centralised purchasing activities
gecentraliseerde aanpak = centralised approach
gecentraliseerde besturingseenheid = centralised control unit
gecentraliseerde data-opslag = centralised data storage
gecentraliseerde gegevensoverdracht = centralized operation
gecentraliseerde infrastructuur = centralised infrastructure
Gecentraliseerde loonpolitiek = Centralised pay policy
gecentraliseerde portier vergrendeling = centralized door locking
gecentraliseerde samenwerking = centralised collaboration
gecentraliseerde ventilatie systeem = centralised ventilation system
gecentraliseerde ventilatie systemen = centralised ventilation systems
gecentraliseerde ventilatiesysteem = centralised ventilation system
gecentraliseerde ventilatiesystemen = centralised ventilation systems
gecentraliseerde verwerking = centralized processing
Gecentraliseerde vraaggestuurde = "centralised, demand controlled"
Gecentraliseerde vraaggestuurde ventilatie = "centralised, demand controlled ventilation"
gecentreerd = centred
gecentreerd moment = central moment
gecentreerde afstand = centred distance
gecentreerd-factoriële momenten = central factorial moments
gecentrifugeerd = centrifuged
gecertificeerd = certified
gecertificeerd arbeidshygiënist = Certified Occupational Hygienist
gecertificeerd arbeidshygiënist = COH
gecertificeerd compostproduct = certified compost product
gecertificeerd connossement = certified annual financial statements
gecertificeerd connossement = certified bill of lading
gecertificeerd en gedistribueerd = certified and distributed
gecertificeerd en goed gecontroleerd = certified and well-controlled
Gecertificeerd lasser = Certified welder
gecertificeerd milieuzorgsysteem = certified environmental-protection system
gecertificeerd moderator = certified moderator
gecertificeerd motorvermogen = certified engine power
gecertificeerd referentievaartuig = Certified reference boat
gecertificeerd volgens de standaarden = certified according to the standards
gecertificeerd volgens de vereisten van = certified in accordance with the requirements of
gecertificeerd voor beveiligd/waarde drukwerk = certified to print secure/valuable documents
Gecertificeerd voor drinkwater en voedingsmiddelen = Certified for use with drinking water and food
gecertificeerd zaad - pootgoed = certified seed
gecertificeerde = certified
gecertificeerde afvalverwerker = certified waste treatment company
gecertificeerde arbodienst = certified health and safety service (provider)
gecertificeerde arbodienst = Certified Occupational Health And Safety Service (Arbodienst)
Gecertificeerde fijnstofafscheider = Certified particulates separator
gecertificeerde FileMaker-ontwikkelaar = certified FileMaker developer
gecertificeerde FileMaker-ontwikkelaars = certified FileMaker developers
gecertificeerde jaarrekening = certified annual accounts
gecertificeerde kwaliteitssysteem = certified quality system
gecertificeerde materialen = certified materials
Gecertificeerde ontwikkelaars = Certified developers
gecertificeerde producten = certified products
gecertificeerde referentiematerialen = certified reference materials
gecertificeerde sleutel = certified key
Gecertificeerde Systeem Partner = Certified System Partner
Gecertificeerde Systeem Partners = Certified System Partners
gecertificeerde systeempartner = certified system partner
gecertificeerde systeempartners = certified system partners
gecertificeerde system partner = Certified System Partner
gecertificeerde system partners = certified system partners
gecertificeerde vloeistofkering = certified liquid barrier
Gecertificeerde voorraad = Certified stock
gecheckt = checked
gechloorsulfoneerd = chlorosulfonated
gechloorsulfoneerd polyetheenrubber = chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubber
gechloorsulfoneerd polyetheenrubber (CMS) = chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubber (CMS)
gechloreerde koolwaterstoffen = chlorinated  hydrocarbons
gechloreerde koolwaterstoffen = chlorinated hydrocarbons
Gechromateerd = Chromated
Gechromatiseerd = Chromated
gecijfer = calculation
gecirculeerd = circulated
geciseleerd = chiselled
geciteerd = cite
geciteerd = summon (to appear in court)
geciteerd = cite/quote
geciteerde = quoted
Geciteerde EHRM-jurisprudentie = ECHR case law cited
geciteerde jurisprudentie = case law cited
geciteerde jurisprudentie = cited case law
Geciteerde jurisprudentie uit andere lidstaten = Case law from other Member States cited
Geciteerde nationale jurisprudentie = Cited national case law
Geciteerde nationale wetgeving = Cited national legislation
geciteerde waarde = quoted value
Geciteerde wettelijke bepalingen = Cited statutory provisions
geciviliseerd = civilized
geclaimd = claimed
geclaimde = claimed
geclaimde maatregelen = claimed measures
Geclaimde Materie = Claimed subject matter
geclaimde uitvinding = claimed invention
geclaimde uitvindingen = claimed inventions
geclaimde uitvoeringsvormen = claimed embodiments
geclassificeerd = classified
geclassificeerd personeel = classified personnel
geclassificeerde = classified
geclassificeerde gegevens = classified information
geclassificeerde inrichting = classified facility
geclassificeerde plaats = classified site
geclassificeerde reclamediensten = classified advertising services
gecloond = cloned
geclusterd = clustered
geclusterd puntproces = cluster (point) process
geclusterde = clustered
geclustered = clustered
geclustered exemplaar = clustered instance
gecoaguleerde verontreinigingen = coagulated contaminants
gecoaguleerde vlokken = coagulated flocs
gecoaguleerde vlokken vervuiling = coagulated flocs of pollution
Gecoat = Coated
gecoat = coated
Gecoat papier = Coated paper
gecoat zijn = are coated
gecoate polypropyleen = coated polypropylene
gecoate stof = coated fabric
gecodeerd = coded
gecodeerd = algemeen [a]: coded
gecodeerd programma = coded program
gecodeerde = encrypted
gecodeerde gegevens = encrypted data
gecodeerde kaarten = encoded cards
gecodeerde kaarten of magneetkaarten voor gebruik met computers = encoded or magnetic cards for use with computers
gecodeerde programma’s voor computers = encoded programs for computers
gecodeerde programma’s voor computers en voor gegevensverwerkende appar = encoded programs for computers and for data processing apparatus
gecodeerde spraak = coded speech
gecodeerde SSL-verbinding = encrypted SSL connection
gecodeerde tekst = ciphertext
gecodeerde telefoonkaarten = coded telephone cards
gecodificeerd = codified
gecodificeerde kennis = codified knowledge
gecodificeerde regels = codified rules
gecoëxtrudeerd polypropyleen = co-extruded polypropylene
gecoëxtrudeerde polypropyleen = co-extruded polypropylene
gecombineerd = combined
gecombineerd = multimodal
gecombineerd = algemeen [a]: combined
gecombineerd afvalwater = combined waste water
gecombineerd antennegebruik = combiner
gecombineerd buffervereiste = Combined Buffer Requirement
gecombineerd continuremsysteem = Combined endurance braking system
gecombineerd effect = combined effect
gecombineerd geneesmiddel voor geavanceerde therapie = Combined advanced therapy medicinal product
gecombineerd leren = blended learning
gecombineerd luchtvervoerprodukt = bundled air transport product
gecombineerd met = combined with
gecombineerd met een afname = combined with a decrease
gecombineerd of geïntegreerd systeem = combined or integrated system
gecombineerd rioolsysteem = combined sewer system
gecombineerd spoorvervoerproduct = bundled rail-transport product
gecombineerd station = combined station
gecombineerd vervoer = combined transport
gecombineerd: stadsverkeer + buitenwegen = combined: urban and rural travel
gecombineerde = combined
gecombineerde activiteit = combined operation
Gecombineerde afleider voor data en M&R = Combined lightning current/surge arrester for data netw./MCR
Gecombineerde afleider voor energietechniek = Combined lightning current/surge arrester f. power supply
gecombineerde B- en I-organisatie = combined B- and I-organization
gecombineerde bodemnetten = combined bottom set-net
gecombineerde cirkel- en handzaag = combined circular saw and handsaw
gecombineerde controle = combined check
gecombineerde controlehandeling = combined annual financial statements [Am.]
gecombineerde controlehandeling = dual purpose (audit) test
gecombineerde controleverklaring = combined auditor’s report
Gecombineerde controleverklaring en assurance rapport = combined audit opinion and assurance report
gecombineerde controleverklaring en assurance-rapport = combined audit opinion and assurance report
gecombineerde controleverklaring en assurance-rapport while van de onafha = independent auditor’s combined audit opinion and assurance report
gecombineerde documentarchitectuur = compound document architecture: CDA
gecombineerde factuur = combined invoice
gecombineerde formulering = co-formulation
gecombineerde fractie = combined fraction
gecombineerde gezondheidswaarschuwing = combined health warning
gecombineerde herbicidesamenstellingen = combined herbicide formulations
gecombineerde Inschrijving = combined Tender
Gecombineerde inzet van deze = Combined use of these
gecombineerde jaarrekening = combined annual accounts
gecombineerde jaarrekening = consolited annual financial statements
gecombineerde jaarrekening = building)
gecombineerde jaarrekening = combined financial statement(s)
gecombineerde jaarrekening = unoccupied (house
gecombineerde jaarrekening = combined annual financial statements
gecombineerde jaarrekening = combining financial statements
gecombineerde living en keuken = combined living room and kitchen
gecombineerde nomenclatuur = Combined Nomenclature
gecombineerde onderwijs/kantoorgebouwen = buildings with combined teaching and office space
Gecombineerde Opgave = ‘Gecombineerde Opgave’ (combined questionnaire)
Gecombineerde opslag = Combi accumulator
gecombineerde spanningen = combined stresses
gecombineerde staande netten = combined bottom-set net
gecombineerde tussenkomst = combined intervention
gecombineerde tussenkomsten = combined interventions
gecombineerde uitvoerstroom = combined output stream
gecombineerde vergunning = single permit
Gecombineerde vingerafsrukscanner/smartcardlezer = Combined smart card and fingerprint readers
gecombineerde waarschuwing = combined warning
gecombineerde werking = combined action
gecommentarieerd = commented out
gecommercialiseerd = marketed
gecommit = that does not have the support of
gecommit (... comitteren = committed (...commit
gecommitteerd = committed
gecommitteerd = has the support of
gecommitteerd om kwaliteit te leveren = committed to delivering quality
gecommitteerde = external examiner
gecommitteerde = commissioner
gecommitteerde = external examinator
gecommitteerde = committed
gecommitteerden = external examiners
gecommuniceerd = mentioned
gecommuniceerd = communicated
gecompacteerd = compacted
gecompartimenteerd = compartmentalised
gecompartimenteerd = fragmented
gecompartimenteerd = segmented
gecompenseerd = nadeel [a]: compensated
gecompenseerd = offset
gecompenseerd door = settled
gecompenseerd intrinsiek = compensated intrinsic
gecompileerd = compiled
gecompileerd binair bestand = compiled binary file
gecompleteerd circuit = closed circuit
gecompleteerd tot = completed or transformed
gecompliceerd = difficult [complicated]
gecompliceerd = probleem [a]: difficult
gecompliceerd = complicated
gecompliceerd = complex
gecompliceerde bezigheid = complicated task
gecompliceerde breuk = geneeskunde [n]: compound fracture
gecompliceerdheid = complexity
gecompliceerdheid = algemeen [n]: complexity
"gecompliceerdheid, verwikkeling, complexiteit" = complexity (That which is complex
"gecompliceerdheid, verwikkeling, complexiteit" = complication)
"gecompliceerdheid, verwikkeling, complexiteit" = intricacy
gecom-posteerd = composted
gecomprimeerd = fysica [a]: compressed
gecomprimeerd = compressed
gecomprimeerd aardgas = CNG
gecomprimeerd aardgas = compressed natural gas
gecomprimeerd bestand = compressed file
gecomprimeerde data = compressed data
gecomprimeerde gegevens = packed format data
gecomprimeerde jaarrekening = condensed annual financial statements
gecompromitteerd = compromised
gecompromitteerde = compromised
gecompromitteerde app = compromised app
gecomputeriseerd gegevensbestand voor runderen = computerised database for bovine animals
gecomputeriseerde numerieke besturing = CNC
gecomputeriseerde numerieke besturing = computer numerical control
gecomputeriseerde numerieke besturing = computer numerical controlled
gecomputeriseerde numerieke besturing = computerised numerical control
geconcentreerd = concentratie [a]: intent
geconcentreerd = concentrated
geconcentreerd component = lumped component
geconcentreerd contact = concentrated contact
"geconcentreerd diepgevroren sinaasappelsap, met een concentratie van niet" = "Frozen concentrated orange juice, of a Brix value not exceeding 50"
Geconcentreerd druivensap = Concentrated grape juice
geconcentreerd druivesap (druivemost daaronder begrepen) = concentrated grape juice (including grape must)
geconcentreerd product = concentrated product
"geconcentreerd steekproefonderzoek (bijv. qua onderwerp, gebied of tijdva" = intensive sampling
geconcentreerde = concentrated
Geconcentreerde belasting = Concentrated load
Geconcentreerde bouillon = Stocks
geconcentreerde druivenmost = concentrated grape must
geconcentreerde en gerichte manier = concentrated and focused manner
geconcentreerde impedantie = lumped impedance
geconcentreerde kracht (puntkracht) = concentrated force
Geconcentreerde marketing = Concentrated marketing
geconcentreerde parameter = lumped parameter
Geconcentreerde sappen = Concentrated juices
Geconcentreerde tomatenpuree = Concentrated tomato purée
Geconcentreerde vruchtensiroop zonder toevoegingen = Fruit squashes
geconcerteerde economie = concerted economic action
geconcipieerd = designed
Geconcludeerd kan worden = It can be concluded
geconcretiseerd = concretised
gecondenceerde melk = culinair [n]: condensed milk
gecondenseerd = fysica [a]: condensed
Gecondenseerde melk = Condensed milk
gecondenseerde melk = concentrated milk
geconditioneerd = conditioned
geconditioneerd = air-conditioned
geconditioneerd circuit = conditioned circuit
geconditioneerd vervoer = conditioned transport
geconditioneerde = climate controlled
Geconditioneerde afvalstoffen = Conditioned waste
geconditioneerde kas = conditioned greenhouse
geconditioneerde lucht = conditioned air
geconditioneerde lus = conditioned loop
geconditioneerde omgeving = conditioned environment
Geconditioneerde reflex = Packaging
Geconditioneerde respons = Conditioned respons
geconditioneerde ruimte = conditioned space
geconditioneerde sprong = conditional branch
geconditioneerde sprong = conditional jump
Geconditioneerde stimulus = Conditioned stimulus
geconditioneerde stoom = conditioned steam
geconditioneerde tweefasemodulatie = conditioned diphase modulation
geconditioneerdeomgeving = conditioned environment
Geconfedereerde Staten van Amerika = Confederate States of America
geconfigureerd = configured
geconfigureerd hiertoe = configured for this purpose
geconfigureerd is voor het uitvoeren van een werkwijze volgens het eerste = is configured to perform a method according to the first aspect of the in
geconfigureerd om voedselelementen van het voedseloppervlak op te nemen = configured to pick up food elements from the food surface
geconfigureerd volgens uw noden = configured according to your needs
geconfigureerd voor = configured for
geconfigureerd voor een hogere snelheid dan = are configured for a higher speed than
geconfigureerd voor het heen en weer bewegen van het draagmechanisme = configured for moving the carrying mechanism back and forth
geconfigureerd voor het minstens gedeeltelijk ondersteunen = configured to at least partially support
geconfigureerd voor het ontvangen van de = configured to receive the
geconfigureerd voor het op en neer bewegen van het overbrengmechanisme = configured for moving the transfer mechanism up and down
geconfigureerd voor het uitvoeren van de volgende stappen = configured to perform the following steps
geconfigureerd voor het uitvoeren van de werkwijze volgens het eerste asp = configured for performing the method according to the first aspect of the
geconfigureerd worden voor = configured for
geconfigureerd zijn om = are configured to
geconfirmeerd bankkrediet = confirmed bank credit
geconfirmeerd bankkrediet = action
geconfirmeerd bankkrediet = attempt
geconfirmeerde = confirmed
geconfirmeerde kredietbrief = confirmed letter of credit
geconfronteerd = confronted
geconfronteerd worden met een forse inkomensachteruitgang = to be confronted with a sharp reduction in income
geconfronteerd zijn = probleem [v]: face
geconjugeerde = conjugated
geconjugeerde brug = conjugate bridge
geconjugeerde complexe getallen = conjugate complex numbers
geconjugeerde dieen = conjugated diene
geconjugeerde dieen monomeren = conjugated diene monomers
geconjugeerde impedanties = conjugate impedances
geconjugeerde Latijnse vierkanten = conjugate Latin squares
geconjugeerde priorinformatie = conjugate prior
geconjugeerde rangordening = conjugate ranking
geconjugeerde verdeling = conjugate distribution
geconnecteerd aan = connected to
geconnecteerd aan één van = connected to one of
geconnecteerd met = connected to
geconserveerd = preserved
geconserveerd tegen corrosie = protected against corrosion
geconserveerd worden tegen corrosie = protected against corrosion
Geconserveerde en/of ingeblikte groenten = Preserved and/or canned vegetables
geconserveerde olijven = preserved olives
Geconserveerde tomaten = Preserved tomatoes
Geconserveerde vis = Preserved fish
Geconserveerde vruchten = Preserved fruits
geconserveerde vruchten en groenten = preserved fruits and vegetables
"geconserveerde vruchten, noten en groenten" = "preserved fruits, nuts and vegetables"
"geconserveerde, gedroogde en gekookte groenten" = "preserved, dried and cooked vegetables"
"geconserveerde, gedroogde en gekookte vruchten" = "preserved, dried and cooked fruits"
"geconserveerde, gedroogde en gekookte vruchten en groenten" = "preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables"
"geconserveerde, gedroogde en gekookte vruchten, noten en groenten" = "preserved, dried and cooked fruits, nuts and vegetables"
"geconserveerde, gedroogde, gekookte en diepgevroren vruchten en groenten" = "preserved, dried, cooked and frozen fruits and vegetables"
geconsigneerd = consign
geconsigneerd = to pay into the consignment office
geconsigneerd = deposit
geconsigneerd aan klanten = consigned to customers
geconsolideerd = consolidate
geconsolideerd = consolidated
geconsolideerd = healed / stabilised / consolidated
geconsolideerd balanstotaal = consolidated balance sheet total
geconsolideerd brondocument = consolidated source document
geconsolideerd jaarverslag = consolidated annual report
geconsolideerd jaarverslag = consolidated funds statement
geconsolideerd kasstroomoverzicht = consolidated cash flow statement
Geconsolideerd mutatieoverzicht = Consolidated statement of changes in equity
geconsolideerd overzicht van de geldstroom = consolidated funds flow statement
geconsolideerd overzicht van de geldstroom = consolidated statement of assets and liabilities
Geconsolideerd overzicht van gerealiseerde en niet-gerealiseerde resultat = Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
geconsolideerd(e) jaarrekening/overzicht van een deelconcern = consolidated annual financial statements
geconsolideerd(e) jaarrekening/overzicht van een deelconcern = sub-consolidation
geconsolideerde = consolidated
Geconsolideerde balans = Consolidated balance sheet
Geconsolideerde balans per = Consolidated balance sheet as at
geconsolideerde balans ultimo boekjaar = consolidated balance sheet at the end of the financial year
geconsolideerde cijfers = consolidated figures
geconsolideerde en de enkelvoudige jaarrekening = consolidated and the company financial statements
geconsolideerde factuur = consolidated invoice
geconsolideerde ingehouden winst = consolidated retained earnings
geconsolideerde jaarrekening = audited annual financial statements
geconsolideerde jaarrekening = consolidated annual accounts
geconsolideerde mutatieoverzicht eigen vermogen = consolidated statement of changes in equity
Geconsolideerde netto opbrengsten = Consolidated net income
geconsolideerde obligatie = consolidated bond
geconsolideerde obligatie = index bond
geconsolideerde obligatie = index-linked bond
geconsolideerde omzet/verkopen = consolidated sales figure
geconsolideerde omzet/verkopen = funded debt
geconsolideerde onderneming = consolidated company
geconsolideerde order = consolidated order
geconsolideerde overzicht van gerealiseerde en niet-gerealiseerde resulta = "consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and ca"
geconsolideerde overzicht van gerealiseerde en niet-gerealiseerde resulta = consolidated statement of comprehensive income
geconsolideerde rekening = consolidated account
geconsolideerde reserves = consolidated reserves
geconsolideerde resultaten = consolidated results
geconsolideerde resultaten over het 1e halfjaar van het boekjaar = consolidated results for the first half of financial year
geconsolideerde resultaten over het boekjaar = consolidated results for the financial year
geconsolideerde resultatenrekening = consolidated income statement
Geconsolideerde resultatenrekening = Consolidated profit and loss statement
geconsolideerde resultatenrekening en balans = consolidated income statement and balance sheet
geconsolideerde staat van herkomst en besteding der middelen = consolidated statement of income
geconsolideerde staat van herkomst en besteding der middelen = consolidated statement of source and application of funds
geconsolideerde staatsschuld = funded public debt
geconsolideerde staatsschuld = under state management
geconsolideerde tussentijdse cijfers = consolidated interim accounts
geconsolideerde tussentijdse cijfers per 30 september xxxx = consolidated interim accounts as at 30 September xxxx
geconsolideerde tussentijdse financiële overzichten = consolidated interim financial report
geconsolideerde tussentijdse financiële overzichten = consolidated interim financial statements
Geconsolideerde winst = Consolidated profit
geconsolideerde winst- en verliesrekening = consolidated income statement
geconsolideerde winst- en verliesrekening = consolidated profit and loss account
geconsolideerde winst-en-verliesrekening = consolidated profit and loss account
geconsolideerde winst-en-verliesrekening = group profit and loss account
geconstateerd = (put / place on) record (door vermelding)
geconstateerd = ascertain (door onderzoek)
geconstateerd = "establish (een feit, de waarheid)"
geconstateerd = "find, detect (ontdekken)"
geconstateerd = "identify, diagnose (ziekte)"
geconstateerd = "observe, see (bemerken)"
geconstateerd = "observed, identified, established, ascertained"
geconstateerd = identified
geconstateerd probleem = identified problem
geconstateerde = observed
geconstateerde afwijking = observed deviation
geconstateerde afwijking(en) = observed deviation(s)
geconstateerde afwijkingen = non-conformities identified
geconstateerde bevinding = finding
geconstateerde bevinding(en) = finding(s)
geconstateerde en geregistreerde = recorded and registered
geconstateerde fouten = errors found
geconstateerde gebreken = faults found
geconstateerde gebreken en tekortkomingen = deficiencies and shortcomings identified
geconstateerde onregelmatigheden = irregularities found
geconstateerde oppervlakte = area determined
geconstateerde oppervlakte = determined area
geconstateerde overtreding = established infringement
geconstateerde overtreding = established violation
geconstateerde overtreding = established offence
geconstateerde problemen = identified problems
geconstateerde projectissues = identified project issues
geconstateerde tekortkomingen = observed shortcomings
geconstateerde werkelijke kosten = Real costs recorded
geconstipeerd = geneeskunde [a]: constipated
geconstrueerd = constructed
geconstrueerd = engineered
geconstrueerd van een geschikt flexibel materiaal = constructed of a suitable flexible material
geconstrueerde ligger / samengestelde draagbalk = built-up girder
"geconstrueerde ligger / samengestelde draagbalk, ligger" = built-up girder
geconsulteerd = consulted
gecontacteerd = contacted
gecontacteerde expert = contacted expert
gecontinueerd = continued
gecontracteerd = contracted
gecontracteerde capaciteit = contracted capacity
gecontracteerde zorgverlener = care provider who has signed a contract with the insured’s insurer
gecontracteerde zorgverlener = contracted care provider
gecontracteerde zorgverlener = contracted health care provider
gecontracteerde zorgverleners = contracted health care providers
gecontracteerde zorgverleners = care providers who have signed a contract with the insured’s insurer
gecontracteerde zorgverleners = contracted care providers
gecontroleerd = audited
gecontroleerd = in a controlled manner
gecontroleerd = subject to rigorous quality controls
gecontroleerd = feit [a]: verified
gecontroleerd = controlled
gecontroleerd afremmen = controlled braking
gecontroleerd afremmen van de natuurlijke vezels op de aanvoerlijn = controlled braking of the natural fibers on the supply line
gecontroleerd dan wel ingevuld = completed or checked
gecontroleerd door het centrale controlemechanisme = controlled by the central control mechanism
gecontroleerd en geconditioneerd = checked and conditioned
Gecontroleerd experiment = Controlled experiment
gecontroleerd gravitair te laten zakken = to lower the door in a
gecontroleerd in de openbaarheid brengen van de kwetsbaarheid = disclose the vulnerability in a controlled manner
gecontroleerd ingevoerd worden op de invoerbaan = fed into the infeed conveyor in a controlled manner
gecontroleerd leren = controlled learning
gecontroleerd luchtruim = controlled airspace
gecontroleerd luchtvaartterrein = controlled aerodrome
gecontroleerd moet gebeuren = take place in a controlled manner
gecontroleerd op beschadigingen = checked for damage
gecontroleerd op de beoogde functie = checked for correct functioning
gecontroleerd op integriteit en volledigheid = checked for integrity and completeness
gecontroleerd op zijn goede werking = checked for proper operation
gecontroleerd postvak = monitored mailbox
gecontroleerd van vesiculaire varkensziekte vrij bedrijf = Controlled swine vesicular disease free holding
gecontroleerd worden op hun goede werking = checked for proper operation
gecontroleerde = controlled
gecontroleerde atmosfeer = controlled atmosphere
gecontroleerde band/wielcombinaties = audited tire/wheel assemblies
gecontroleerde build = checked build
Gecontroleerde circulatie = Controlled circulation
gecontroleerde en beheersbare omgeving = controlled and manageable environment
gecontroleerde en goedgekeurde jaarrekening = audited annual financial statements [Am.]
gecontroleerde en goedgekeurde jaarrekening = certified annual financial statements [Am.]
gecontroleerde en ongecontroleerde passagiers = screened and unscreened passengers
gecontroleerde en veilige = controlled and safe
gecontroleerde en veilige omgeving = controlled and safe environment
gecontroleerde huisvestingsomstandigheden en geïntegreerde productiesyst = controlled housing conditions and integrated production systems
gecontroleerde huisvestingsomstandigheden in geïntegreerde productiesyst = controlled housing conditions in integrated production systems
gecontroleerde jaarrekening = audited annual accounts
gecontroleerde jaarrekening = published annual financial statements
gecontroleerde jaarrekening = audited statement of income [Am.]
gecontroleerde kamertemperatuur = controlled room temperature
gecontroleerde mechanische ventilatie = controlled mechanical ventilation
gecontroleerde omgeving = controlled environment
gecontroleerde onderneming = controlled company
gecontroleerde onderneming = controlled undertaking
gecontroleerde resultaten = audited financial results
gecontroleerde ruimte = controlled space
gecontroleerde ruimtes = controlled spaces
gecontroleerde ventilatie = controlled ventilation
gecontroleerde vrijstelling = controlled release
gecontroleerde winst- en verliesrekening = audited profit and loss account
geconverteerd = converted
Geconverteerd in aandelenkapitaal = Converted to share capital
Geconverteerd meteorologisch zicht (CMV) = converted meteorological visibility (CMV)
geconverteerde = converted
gecooerdineerde luchthaven = coordinated airport
gecoördineerd = coordinated
gecoördineerd kruispunt = coordinated intersection
gecoördineerd kunnen werken = operate in a coordinated manner
gecoördineerd te worden met elkaar = coordinated
gecoördineerde = coordinated
gecoördineerde = amended
gecoördineerde groepen individuen = coordinated groups of individuals
gecoördineerde inzet = coordinated efforts
gecoördineerde kruispunten = coordinated intersections
gecoördineerde regelaars = coordinated traffic signal controllers
gecoördineerde regelingen = coordinated control schemes
gecoördineerde regelingen = coordinated schemes
Gecoördineerde tekst = Coordinated text
gecoördineerde verkeerslichten = linked signals / co-ordinated signals
gecoördineerde verkeersregelinstallatie = coordinated traffic-signal controller
gecoordineerde wetten op het handelsregister = consolidated laws on the commercial regiser
gecoordineerde wetten op het handelsregister = consolidated laws on the trade register
gecorreleerd = correlated
gecorrigeerd = corrected
gecorrigeerd bedrag totale activa = adjusted total assets
gecorrigeerd eigen vermogen = adjusted capital funds
Gecorrigeerd gemiddeld CO2 (65 %) = Average CO₂ (65 %) corrected
Gecorrigeerd Geprofileerd Verbruik (GGV) = Corrected Profiled Consumption (CPC)
Gecorrigeerd hiervoor = Adjusted for this
gecorrigeerd indexcijfer = rectified index number
gecorrigeerd moment = corrected moment
gecorrigeerd naar = corrected to
gecorrigeerd netto actief: = adjusted net assets
gecorrigeerd resultaat = corrected result
Gecorrigeerd voor = Adjusted for
gecorrigeerd voor de omgekeerde splitsing = adjusted for the reverse share split
gecorrigeerd voor wateropname = adjusted for water absorption
gecorrigeerd vorig jaar = corrected previous year
gecorrigeerde = corrected
gecorrigeerde (aangepaste) basis = adjusted basis
gecorrigeerde (aangepaste) basis = on the principle that
gecorrigeerde boekhoudkundige waarde = corrected accounting value
gecorrigeerde drukproef = corrected proofs
gecorrigeerde historische kostprijs = adjusted historical cost
gecorrigeerde prijs = adjusted price
gecorrigeerde prijswaarde = adjusted price value
gecorrigeerde stikstofbenutting = corrected nitrogen utilisation
gecorrigeerde vervangingswaardemethode = depreciated replacement cost method
gecorrigeerde waarde = adjusted value
gecorrigeerde waarde = corrected value
Gecorrigeerde waarde = Adjusted basis
gecorrigeerde waarden = adjusted values
gecorrigeerde winst per aandeel = adjusted earnings per share
gecorrugeerd = corrugated
gecorrumpeerd = moreel gedrag [a]: depraved
gecorseerd = wijn [a]: full-bodied
gecrediteerd = credited
gecreëerd = created
gecreëerde kaart = created map
gecropte = cropped
gecrosslinked = crosslinked
gecrosslinkt = cross-linked
gecultiveerd = landbouw [a]: cultivated
gecumuleerde (ingehouden) winst = retained earnings
gecumuleerde (opgelopen) rente = accrued interest
gecumuleerde (opgelopen) rente = loss brought forward
gecumuleerde afschrijving = accumulated depreciation
gecumuleerde afschrijving(en) = accumulated depreciation
gecumuleerde afschrijving(en) = retained profit
gecumuleerde dagelijkse mortaliteit = cumulative daily mortality rate
gecureerd materiaal = curated material
gecureerde = curated
ged. = part of
gedaagde = rechten - man [n]: defendant
gedaagde = respondent
gedaagde = defendant
Gedaagde = Defendant
gedaagde {de} = defendant
gedaagde in conventie = defendant in the original proceedings
gedaagde in hoger beroep = respondent
gedaagde in reconventie = defendant in the counterclaim
gedaagde partij in conventie in de hoofdzaak = defendant in the principal action in the original proceedings
Gedaagde sub 1 = First defendant
Gedaagde sub 2 = Second defendant
gedaagden = respondents
Gedaagden = Defendants
gedaagden in conventie = defendants in the original proceedings
gedaagden in conventie doen zeggen voor dupliek in conventie als volgt = the defendants in the original proceedings claim and move as rejoinder in
gedaan = done
Gedaan = Perfect
Gedaan = Finish
gedaan = did
Gedaan = Finite
Gedaan = Thorough-paced
Gedaan te = Agreed in
gedaante = vorm [n]: figure
gedaante = shape
gedaante = form
gedaante {de} = figure
gedaanteleer = morphology
gedaanteverandering = metamorphosis
gedaanteverandering = uiterlijk [n]: transfiguration [formal]
gedaanteverwisseling = metamorphosis
gedaanteverwisseling = biologie [n]: metamorphosis
gedaanteverwisseling {de} = transformation
gedacht = thought
gedachte = idea
gedachte = opinion
Gedachte = Thought
gedachte = beschouwing [n]: thought
gedachte {de} = thought
gedachtebepaling = point of reference
gedachte-experiment = thought-experiment
gedachtegang {de} = line of reasoning
gedachtegoed = ideas
gedachtelijn = line of thought
gedachteloos = algemeen [o]: unthinkingly
gedachteloos = thoughtless
"gedachten, zorgen en behoeften" = "thoughts, worries and needs"
gedachtenexperiment = thought experiment
gedachtengang = flow of thought
gedachtengang = line of reasoning
gedachtengang = line of thought
gedachtengang = train of thought
gedachtengang = denken [n]: train of thought
gedachtengoed = body of ideas
gedachtengoed = body of thought
gedachtengoed = ideas
gedachtengoed = range of ideas
gedachtengoed = range of thought
gedachtengoed = thinking
gedachtenis = keepsake
"gedachtenis, herdenking, viering" = "celebration (act or process of showing gratitude, appreciation or remembr"
gedachtenstreep = leesteken [n]: dash
gedachtenstreep = dash (- - endash
gedachtenstreepje = leesteken [n]: dash
gedachtevorming = "As part of its thinking on good governance, the executive"
gedachtewisseling = exchange of ideas
gedachtewisseling = exchange of opinionsroom
gedachtewisseling = exchange of views
gedag zeggen = to say hello
gedagtekend en getekend = dated and signed
gedagvaard = summoned
gedagvaard = served
gedane bevinding = finding
gedane bevinding = findings
gedane bevindingen = findings
gedateerd = dated
gedateerd = old-fashioned
gede‹oniseerd = deionized
gede‹oniseerd water = deionized water
gedeactiveerd = deactivated
Gedeactiveerde = Deactivated
Gedeactiveerde gebruiker = Deactivated user
Gedeactiveerde gebruikers = Deactivated users
gedearomatiseerde = dearomatized
gedearomatiseerde koolwaterstoffen = dearomatized hydrocarbons
gedeblokkeerd = deblocked
gedeblokkeerd = unblocked
gedecentraliseerd = decentralised
gedecentraliseerd computernetwerk = decentralized computer network
gedecentraliseerd netwerk = decentralised network
gedecentraliseerde = decentralised
gedecentraliseerde (werk)uitgifte = decentralized dispatching
gedecentraliseerde applicatie = decentralised application
gedecentraliseerde applicatie = dApp
gedecentraliseerde applicaties = decentralised applications
Gedecentraliseerde besluitvorming = Decentralized decision-making
gedecentraliseerde voorraadbesturing = decentralized inventory control
gedechargeerd worden voor het gevoerde beheer = to be discharged from all liability in respect of management
gedecideerd = gedrag [o]: decidedly
gedeclareerd = declared
gedecodeerd = decoded
gedecolleteerd = kleding [a]: low-necked
gedecompileerd = decompiled
gedediceerde = dedicated
gedeeld = divided
gedeeld = verantwoordelijkheid [a]: collective
gedeeld = parted
gedeeld = shared
gedeeld = separate
gedeeld beeld = split image
gedeeld belang = common interest
gedeeld besturingselement = shared control
gedeeld brondocument = split source document
gedeeld circuit = divided circuit
gedeeld door = divided by
gedeeld door twee = divided by two
gedeeld gebruik van gegevens = data sharing
gedeeld gebruik van informatie = information sharing
gedeeld geografisch frequentiegebruik = frequency geographical sharing
Gedeeld internet = Internet Sharing
gedeeld met anderen = shared with others
Gedeeld registratiesysteem = SRS
gedeeld webonderdeel = shared Web Part
"gedeeld, gezamenlijk, verdeeld" = shared {adj} (used multiply)
gedeeld-bureaubladkader = Sharing frame
gedeelde apparatuur = divided equipment
gedeelde arbeidsplaats = job sharing
gedeelde assembly = shared assembly
gedeelde bewijslast tussen = shared burden of proof
gedeelde bibliotheek = shared library
gedeelde bron = shared resource
gedeelde Business Data Connectivity-service = Business Data Connectivity Shared Service
gedeelde communicaties = joint communications
gedeelde database = shared database
gedeelde diensteenheid = shared service unit
Gedeelde Diensten = Shared Services
gedeelde doelen = shared goals
gedeelde favoriet = shared favorite
Gedeelde foto's = Shared photos
gedeelde gebruikersaccount = shared user account
gedeelde gebruikersprofiel = shared user profile
Gedeelde internetverbinding = Internet Sharing
Gedeelde invoering = Divided inlet
gedeelde livesessie = Live Sharing Session
gedeelde map = shared folder
gedeelde naam = shared name
gedeelde omgeving = shared environment
gedeelde politieke ruimte = shared political space
gedeelde printer = shared printer
gedeelde SBA-site = SBA Sharing site
gedeelde service-eenheid = shared service unit
gedeelde stempelconstructie = split-up die construction
gedeelde taal = shared language
gedeelde taalvaardigheid = shared language proficiency
gedeelde toegang tot het aansluitnet = shared access to the local loop
Gedeelde toepassingen-dia = Sharing slide
gedeelde verantwoordelijkheden = shared responsibilities
gedeelde verantwoordelijkheid = shared responsibility
Gedeelde verbinding herstellen = Reestablish Sharing Connection…
gedeelde visie = shared vision
gedeelde visies = shared visions
gedeelde waarden = shared values
gedeelde weergave = shared view
gedeelde werkelijkheid = shared reality
gedeelde werkmap = shared workbook
gedeelde werkplek = shared workplace
gedeelde werkwijze = shared working method
Gedeelde-kosteneffect = Shared cost effect
gedeelde-toegangstoken = split access token
gedeelde-toepassingenmodus = sharing mode
gedeelte = portion (PATENTS)
gedeelte = part
Gedeelte = Piece
gedeelte = algemeen [n]: part
Gedeelte = Share
Gedeelte = Otherwise
gedeelte = portion
gedeelte / tussenschot = partition
gedeelte {het} = part
gedeelte gericht naar = part oriented towards
gedeelte Trefwoorden beheren = Manage Keywords section
gedeelte van accountantsverklaring met oordeel = opinion paragraph
gedeelte van de = part of the
gedeelte van een binnen de Gemeenschap verricht passagiersvervoer = part of a transport of passengers effected in the Community
gedeelte: omcirkelde ~ = circumscribed part
gedeeltebesturingselement = part control
gedeeltelijk = partially
gedeeltelijk = partly
gedeeltelijk = partial
gedeeltelijk = onvolledig [a]: partial
gedeeltelijk aangebrachte stack = partially applied stack
gedeeltelijk arbeidsgeschikt = partially fit for work
gedeeltelijk arbeidsgeschikt = partially capable of work
gedeeltelijk arbeidsgeschikten = partially capable of work
gedeeltelijk arbeidsgeschikten = partially fit for work
gedeeltelijk arbeidsongeschikt = partially unfit for work
gedeeltelijk arbeidsongeschikte = person partially unfit for work
gedeeltelijk automatisch geschieden = carried out partly automatically
gedeeltelijk bekrachtigd element = disturbed cell
gedeeltelijk bekrachtigd element = partially switched cell
gedeeltelijk bekrachtigd geheugenelement = disturbed cell
gedeeltelijk bekrachtigd geheugenelement = partially switched cell
gedeeltelijk beschikbare codes = partially available codes
gedeeltelijk boven de = partially above the
gedeeltelijk bovengronds opgehangen kabel = aerial insert
gedeeltelijk consistente waarnemingen = partially consistent observations
gedeeltelijk doorsnedezicht = partial cross-sectional view
gedeeltelijk eens = partially agree
Gedeeltelijk elektronisch = Partially electronic
gedeeltelijk endossement = partial endorsement
gedeeltelijk endossement = partially paid-up sharecapital
gedeeltelijk evenwichtig onvolledig blokontwerp = partially balanced incomplete block design
gedeeltelijk evenwichtig roostervierkant = partially balanced lattice
gedeeltelijk evenwichtig samenhangend blokontwerp = partially balanced linked block design
gedeeltelijk evenwichtige arrays = partially balanced arrays
gedeeltelijk flexibele = partially flexible
gedeeltelijk flexibele componenten = partially flexible components
gedeeltelijk gegiste druivemost = grape must in fermentation
gedeeltelijk gegrond = partially well-founded
gedeeltelijk gehard = zone toughened
Gedeeltelijk geïsoleerd = Partially isolated
gedeeltelijk gekleefd = partially adhered to
gedeeltelijk gekwalificeerd rekeningnummer = partially qualified account number
gedeeltelijk ingebracht in = partially inserted into
gedeeltelijk met pensioen te gaan = retire partially
gedeeltelijk naar-buiten keren van de oogleden = partial  eversion of eyelids
gedeeltelijk niet verwerkt afval = partially unprocessed waste
gedeeltelijk of totaal = partially or completely
gedeeltelijk of volledig herstel = full or partial recovery
gedeeltelijk onder = partially below
gedeeltelijk onder de = partially below the
gedeeltelijk op de = partly on the
gedeeltelijk opbouwen van pagina = partial-page rendering
gedeeltelijk opgevouwen = partly folded
gedeeltelijk opgevouwen randen = partly folded edges
gedeeltelijk opstaande = partially upright
gedeeltelijk opstaande oppervlakken = partly upright surfaces
gedeeltelijk opstaande oppervlakken = partially upright surfaces
gedeeltelijk samenhangend blokontwerp = partially linked block design
gedeeltelijk samenvallen = overlap
gedeeltelijk schematisch vooraanzicht = partial diagrammatic front view
gedeeltelijk smelt en in vorm gebracht kan worden = can be partially melted and shaped
gedeeltelijk type = partial type
gedeeltelijk uiteengenomen zicht = partially exploded view
gedeeltelijk uitgevoerde coderegel = partial
gedeeltelijk vergoed = partially reimbursed
Gedeeltelijk verloren gaan = Partial Loss
Gedeeltelijk verloren gaan = Partial Loss clause
gedeeltelijk volgestort aandelenkapitaal = partly paid-up sharecapital
gedeeltelijk vrijgesteld = partially exempt
gedeeltelijk zekergestelde crediteur = partially secured creditor
gedeeltelijke = partial
gedeeltelijke aanstelling = partial appointment
gedeeltelijke afkeuring = partial occupational disability
gedeeltelijke arbeidsgeschiktheid = partial capacity to work
gedeeltelijke arbeidsongeschiktheid = partial disablement
gedeeltelijke arbeidsongeschiktheid = partial incapacitity for work
gedeeltelijke arbeidsongeschiktheid = partialdisability
gedeeltelijke arbeidsongeschiktheid = partial incapacity for work
gedeeltelijke arbeidsongeschiktheid = partial occupational disability
gedeeltelijke beschadiging = partial damage
Gedeeltelijke bestellingen = Partial orders
gedeeltelijke beurs = partial grant
gedeeltelijke blokkage = partial blockage
gedeeltelijke contourmarkering = Partial contour marking
gedeeltelijke correctheid = partial correctness
gedeeltelijke invaliditeit = partial disability
gedeeltelijke klasse = partial class
gedeeltelijke lading = partial load
gedeeltelijke localisatie = partial localization
gedeeltelijke middelgrote fractie = partial midsize fraction
gedeeltelijke nakoming van de Overeenkomst = partial performance of the Agreement
gedeeltelijke of totale = partial or total
gedeeltelijke of volledige = partial or complete
gedeeltelijke of volledige onderhoud = partial or complete maintenance
gedeeltelijke ontlading = PD
gedeeltelijke ontladingsmeting = PD measurement
gedeeltelijke ontlasting sleepas = partial trailing axle relief
gedeeltelijke ontruiming = partial evacuation
Gedeeltelijke opening = Partial opening
gedeeltelijke oplossing = partial solution
gedeeltelijke overdracht = partial transfer
gedeeltelijke overmaatse fractie = partial oversize fraction
gedeeltelijke replica = partial replica
gedeeltelijke replicatie = fractional replication
gedeeltelijke routering = partial routing
gedeeltelijke splitsing = partial division
gedeeltelijke terugbetaling = partial reimbursement
gedeeltelijke toewijzingen = partially allowed oppositions
gedeeltelijke typedefinitie = partial-type definition
gedeeltelijke uitkering = partial benefit
gedeeltelijke verscheping/verzending = partial shipment
gedeeltelijke verversing (in een panel) = partial replacement
Gedeeltelijke werkhervatting = Partial return to work
Gedeeltelijke werkhervatting in een andere functie bij de eigen werkgever = Partial return to work in a different position at the employee’s own em
Gedeeltelijke werkhervatting in eigen functie = Partial return to work in the employee’s own position
Gedeeltelijke werkloosheid = Partial unemployment
gedeeltelijke werkloosheid = short-time working
gedeelten = portions
Gedeelten van een maand = Parts of a month
gedeeltes = sections
gedefinieerd = defined
gedefinieerd aan de hand van = defined according to
gedefinieerd als = is defined as
gedefinieerd item = defined item
"Gedefinieerd punt na het opstijgen (Defined point after take-off, DPATO)" = defined point after take-off (DPATO)
"Gedefinieerd punt vóór de landing (Defined point before landing, DPBL)" = defined point before landing (DPBL)
gedefinieerde = defined
gedefinieerde naam = defined name
Gedefinieerde rijrichtingsbesturing = Defined running direction control
gedefinieerde scenario’s = defined scenarios
gedegen = thorough
Gedegen = Massive
gedegen = firm
gedegen = in-depth
Gedegen kennis = Thorough knowledge
gedegen motivatie = clear reasons
gedegen start = solid start
gedegen theoretische basis = solid theoretical basis
gedegenereerd = degenerate
gedegenereerd beeld = degenerate image
gedegin = native
gedegradeerd = relegated
gedegradeerd = reduced in rank
gedehydrateerde castor = dehydrated castor
gedeïoniseerd = deionised
gedeïoniseerd water = deionized water
gedeisd = calm
gedekt = algemeen [a]: insured
gedekt = insured
gedekt = covered
gedekt risico = insured risk
Gedekte leningstransactie = Secured lending transaction
gedelegeerd = delegate
gedelegeerd = delegated
"gedelegeerd beheerder, gedelegeerd bestuurder" = managing director
gedelegeerd bestuurder = managing director
gedelegeerd bestuurder van de Vennootschap = Managing Director of the Company
gedelegeerd commissaris = delegate member of board of supervisory directors
gedelegeerd commissaris = delegate supervisory director
gedelegeerd commissaris = delegated supervisory board member
gedelegeerd commissaris = delegate member of the board of supervisory directors
gedelegeerd-bestuurder = managing director
gedelegeerde = delegate
gedelegeerde = man [n]: delegate
gedelegeerde = delegate
gedelegeerde = delegate
gedelegeerde {de} = delegate
gedelegeerde beheerder = delegated administrator
gedelegeerde wetgeving = delegated legislation
gedelegeerden = delegate
gedelegeerden = delegates
Gedelegeerdenoverzicht = List of delegates
Gedemagnetiseerde toestand = Demagnetized state
gedematerialiseerde effecten = dematerialised security
gedemilitariseerde zone = demilitarised zone
gedemineraliseerd = desalinated
gedemineraliseerd water = demineralized water
gedemineraliseerd water = demineralised water
gedemobiliseerde ex-strijders = demobilised former soldiers
gedemonstreerd = demonstrated
gedemonteerd = dismantled
gedemonteerd en afgedankt = dismantled and disposed of
gedemonteerd en gemonteerd = mounted and unmounted
gedemonteerd en gemonteerd = assembled and disassembled
gedemonteerde = dismantled
gedemoraliseerd = mentaal gedrag [a]: demoralized
gedemotiveerd = demoralized
gedemotiveerd = demotivated
gedempt = on mute
gedempt = mute
gedempt = filled in
gedempt = licht [a]: subdued
gedempt = filled-in
gedempt = subdued
gedempt [licht] = soft [light]
gedempt reageren = damped response
gedempt reageren = damped reaction
gedempte aanslag = cushion
gedempte golf = damped wave
gedempte reactie = damped reaction
gedempte toon = stem [n]: undertone
gedempte trilling = damped oscillation
gedemyeliniseerd = demyelinated
gedenatureerd = denatured
gedenatureerd eiwit = denatured protein: a protein that has no secondary structure other than r
gedenk- = algemeen [a]: commemorative
gedenkboek = album
gedenkboek = memorial book
Gedenkboek = Memorial
gedenkdag = anniversary
Gedenkdag = Sexcentenary
Gedenkdag = Birthday
Gedenken = Recollect
gedenken = herdenking [v]: commemorate
Gedenken = Remind
gedenken = to remember
Gedenken = Recall
Gedenken = Remember
gedenklichten en kaarsen voor buitengebruik = memory lights and other outdoor burners
gedenkpenning = herinnering [n]: medal
gedenkschrift = memoir
gedenkschrift = keepsake
gedenksteen = herdenking [n]: stone tablet
gedenksteen {de} = memorial (stone)
gedenkteken = keepsake
Gedenkteken = Monument
gedenkteken = memorial
gedenkteken = standbeeld [n]: memorial
gedenkteken {het} = memorial
gedenkwaardig = geheugen [a]: memorable
gedenkwaardig = memorable
gedenkzuil = herinnering [n]: monument
gedepolariseerde anode = depolarized anode
gedeponeerd = deposited
gedeponeerd = (in bewaring geven) deposited
gedeponeerd = registered
gedeponeerd bij de griffie van de Arrondissementsrechtbank te = deposited with the Registrar of the District Court of
gedeponeerd bij de griffie van de arrondissementsrechtbank te Utrecht ond = filed at the Registry of the District Court in Utrecht under no. ...
gedeponeerd bij de griffie van de arrondissementsrechtbank te Utrecht ond = filed with the Registry of the District Court of Utrecht under no. ...
gedeponeerd bij de griffie van de rechtbank te = filed with the court registry of the Court of
gedeponeerd bij de griffie van de rechtbank te ’s-Gravenhage = filed with the court registry of the Court of The Hague
gedeponeerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel = filed with the Chamber of Commerce
gedeponeerd handelsmerk = bedrijf [n]: registered trademark
gedeponeerd handelsmerk = registered trademark
gedeponeerd materiaal = deposited material
gedeponeerd merk = registered trademark
gedeponeerd op een silicium wafer = deposited on a silicon wafer
gedeponeerd ter griffie van de Arrondissementsrechtbank te Amsterdam en R = deposited at the registry of the District Courts
gedeponeerd ter griffie van de collectieve relaties = filed (or registered) at the FPS department for the industrial sector con
gedeponeerd ter griffie van de rechtbank te Rotterdam op = filed with the Court Registry in Rotterdam on
gedeponeerd zijn bij de griffie van de Arrondissementsrechtbank te = deposited with the Registrar of the District Court of
gedeponeerde coating stack = deposited coating stack
gedeponeerde financiële stukken/gegevens = financial filings
gedeponeerde laag = deposited layer
gedeponeerde laagdikte = deposited layer thickness
gedeponeerde merkrechten = registered trademark rights
gedeporteerd = deported
gedeporteerde = deportee
gedeporteerde = rechten - man [n]: deportee
gedeprimeerd = depressed
gedeprimeerd = gevoelstoestand [a]: depressed
gedeprimeerd zijn = gevoelstoestand [v]: be in low spirits
gedeprotoneerde = deprotonated
gedeputeerde = delegate
Gedeputeerde = deputy
Gedeputeerde = member of the Provincial Executive
gedeputeerde = (afgevaardigde) deputy
Gedeputeerde = Representative
gedeputeerde = commissioner
Gedeputeerde Staten = Provincial Executive
Gedeputeerde Staten van Limburg = Provincial Executive of Limburg
gederfd loon = lost wages
gederfde (Chemicaliën oplegger) = loss of use
gederfde inkomsten = loss of income
gederfde winst = loss of profits
gederfde winst = lost profits
gederfde winst = loss of profit
gederfde winst = lost profits
gedesaxeerd = off-center
gedesillusioneerd = disillusioned
gedesillusioneerd = ontgoocheld [a]: disenchanted
gedesinfecteerd = disinfected
gedesinfecteerd effluent = disinfected effluent
gedesinfecteerd volgens de voorschriften = disinfected in accordance with the requirements
gedesorganiseerd = algemeen [a]: disorganized
"gedesorganiseerde schizofrenie, hebefrene schizofrenie" = disorganized schizophrenia (disorganized schizophrenia)
gedesoriënteerd = verward [a]: disorientated
gedestilleerd = distilled
gedestilleerd water = distilled water
gedetacheerd personeel = seconded personnel
gedetacheerde = secondee
Gedetacheerde interim professional = Seconded interim professional
Gedetacheerde interim professionals = Seconded interim professionals
gedetacheerde medewerkers = posted employees
gedetacheerde werknemers = posted workers
gedetaileerde = detailed
gedetaileerde omschrijving = detailed description
gedetailleerd = algemeen [a]: explicit
gedetailleerd = detailed
gedetailleerd = detailed
Gedetailleerd controlebeleid (GAP) = Granular Audit Policy
gedetailleerd in kaart gebracht = identified in detail
gedetailleerd in kaart te brengen = chart out in detail
gedetailleerd ontwerp = detailed design
gedetailleerd overzicht = action
gedetailleerd overzicht = case
gedetailleerd overzicht = detailed statement
Gedetailleerd proces = Detailed Process
gedetailleerd rapport = drill-through report
"gedetailleerd uitleggen, detailleren, gedetailleerd beschrijven" = detail  (to explain in detail)
"gedetailleerd, diepgaand" = elaborate {adj} (detailed)
gedetailleerd: ~e beschrijving = detailed description
gedetailleerde = detailed
gedetailleerde beschrijving = specification
Gedetailleerde beschrijving = Detailed description
Gedetailleerde beschrijving van de uitvoeringsvormen = Detailed description of the embodiments
Gedetailleerde beschrijving van illustratieve uitvoeringsvormen = Detailed description of illustrative embodiments
Gedetailleerde beschrijving van uitvoeringsvormen van de uitvinding = Detailed description of embodiments of the invention
gedetailleerde eisen = detailed requirements
gedetailleerde functionele gebruikersspecificaties = User detailed functional specifications (UDFS)
gedetailleerde garantievoorwaarden = detailed warranty conditions
gedetailleerde gegevens = detailed data
gedetailleerde informatie = detailed information
gedetailleerde inventaris = detailed inventory
gedetailleerde monitoringgegevens = detailed monitoring data
gedetailleerde omschrijving = detailed description
gedetailleerde plan = detailed plan
gedetailleerde planning = detailed scheduling
gedetailleerde processtappen = detailed process steps
gedetailleerde rekening = itemised account
Gedetailleerde uitwerking = Working out the details
gedetailleerde voorstelling = detailed representation
gedetailleerde vragenlijst = detailed questionnaire
gedetailleerder uitgewerkt = elaborated in more detail
gedetailleerdheid = detailedness
gedetailleert = breakdown
gedetailleert = comprehensive
gedetailleert = detailed
gedetailleert = full
gedetecteerd = detected
gedetecteerd en geremedieerd = detected and remedied
gedetecteerde nabijheid = detected proximity
gedetineerde = prisoner
gedetineerde = misdaad - man [n]: convict
gedetineerde {de} = prisoner
gedetineerde persoon = person held in custody
"gedetineerde, gevangene" = "inmate (one confined to institution, such as a prison)"
gedetineerden = persons held in custody
gedetineerden = prisoner
gedetineerden = prisoners
gedetineerdenwerk = prisoner work
gedeukt = geblutst [a]: dented
gedeukt = indented
gedeukte = indented
gedeukte draden = indented wires
Gedeukte draden = Indented wires
gedeukte staven = indented rods
Gedeukte staven = Indented rods
gedeukte strengen = indented strands
Gedeukte strengen = Indented strands
gediacetyleerde = diacetylated
gediacetyleerde monoglyceriden = diacetylated monoglycerides
gediagnosticeerde diabetes = known diabetes
gedicht = schrijven [n]: poem
Gedicht = Toward
gedicht = poem
gedicht {het} = poem
gedichtenbundel = poëzie [n]: collection of poems
gediend = served
gedienstig = hulpvaardig [a]: accommodating
gedienstigheid = favor
gedienstigheid = willingness to please
gedienstigheid = gedrag [n]: complaisance
gedifferentieerd = differentiated
gedifferentieerd aanbod = differentiated range
Gedifferentieerd exportbeleid = Differentiated export policy
gedifferentieerd gedeelte van de restitutie = differentiated part of the refund
gedifferentieerd leerstof = differentiated curriculum
gedifferentieerd leerstofaanbod = differentiated curriculum
gedifferentieerd onderwijs = differentiated teaching
gedifferentieerde belastingheffing = classified taxation
gedifferentieerde contractering = differential contracting
gedifferentieerde doorbelasting = differential charging
Gedifferentieerde internationale marketingstrategie = Differentiated international marketing strategy
gedifferentieerde leren = differentiated learning
gedifferentieerde lesplan = differentiated lesson plan
gedifferentieerde lesplannen = differentiated lesson plans
Gedifferentieerde loonvorming = Differentiated wage formation
Gedifferentieerde marketing = Differentiated marketing
gedifferentieerde school = differentiated school
gedifferentieerde schoolgemeenschap = differentiated school community
Gedifferentieerde verkoopmethode = Differentiated selling method
gediffundeerde collectortechniek = diffused collector technique
gediffundeerde eenheid = diffused device
gediffundeerde junctie = diffused junction
gediffundeerde laag = diffused layer
gediffundeerde optische golfpijp = diffused optical waveguide
gediffundeerde siliciumtransistor = diffused silicon transistor
gediffundeerde structuur = diffused structure
gediffundeerde transistor = diffused transistor
gediffundeerde weerstand = diffused resistor
gedigitaliseerd = digitized
gedigitaliseerd = digitised
gedigitaliseerde informatie = digitised information
gedigitaliseerde spraak = digitized voice
gedijen = plant [v]: flourish
gedijen = accrue
gedijen = to prosper
Gedijen = Successful
Gedijen = Prosper
Gedijen = Flourish
gedijen = thrive
gedijen = succeed
"gedijen, tieren" = "flourish, to"
gedijend = bloeiend [a]: booming
gedilateerde CMP = dilated (or congestive) CMP
gedimd groot licht = dipped light
gedimd licht = dipped headlights
gedimensioneerd = proportion
gedimensioneerd = calculated
gedimensioneerd = dimensioned
geding = litigation
geding = action
geding = case
geding = lawsuit
geding = rechten [n]: case
Geding = Trial
geding {het} = lawsuit
gedingen worden aanhangig gemaakt door dagvaardingen = actions are commenced by a summons
gedingen worden aanhangig gemaakt door dagvaardingen = actions are commenced by a writ
gedingen worden aanhangig gemaakt door dagvaardingen = cases are commenced by a claim form
gedinginleidend = initiating
gedinginleidende = initiating
gedinginleidende dagvaarding = initiating summons to appear in court
gediplomeerd = certified
gediplomeerd = certificated
Gediplomeerd = Graduate
gediplomeerd = diploma [a]: qualified
gediplomeerd in productie- en voorraadbeheer = certified in production and inventory management
gediplomeerd opticien = geneeskunde - man [n]: optometrist
gediplomeerd persoon = qualified person
gediplomeerd verpleegster = geneeskunde - vrouw [n]: Registered Nurse
gediplomeerd verpleger = geneeskunde - man [n]: Registered Nurse
gediplomeerde = graduate
gediplomeerde = qualified
gediplomeerde = middelbare school - man [n]: graduate
gediplomeerde instructeurs = certified instructors
Gediplomeerde verpleegkundige = Nurse - qualified nurse
gedisassembleerd = disassembled
gedisciplineerd = disciplined
gedispergeerd = dispersed
gedispergeerd of opgelost zijn = are dispersed or dissolved
gedispergeerd of opgelost zijn in = are dispersed or dissolved in
gedispergeerde fase = dispersed phase
gedistilleerd = alcoholic drinks
Gedistilleerd water = Distilled water
Gedistilleerde alcoholische dranken = Distilled alcoholic beverages
gedistingeerd = distinguished
gedistingeerd = gedrag [a]: distinguished
gedistribueerd = distributed
gedistribueerd bestandssysteem = distributed file system
gedistribueerd besturingssysteem = distributed control system
gedistribueerd Big Data-netwerk = distributed Big Data network
gedistribueerd component = distributed component
gedistribueerd computersysteem = distributed computer system
gedistribueerd databasesysteem = distributed data base system: DDBS
gedistribueerd grootboek = distributed general ledger
gedistribueerd netwerk = distributed network
gedistribueerd systeem = distributed system
gedistribueerde = distributed
gedistribueerde applicatie-architectuur = distributed application architecture: DAA
gedistribueerde architectuur = distributed architecture
gedistribueerde capacitantie = distributed capacitance
gedistribueerde computergrafiek = distributed computer graphics
gedistribueerde database = distributed database
gedistribueerde denial-of-service = distributed denial of service
gedistribueerde faciliteit in het objectbeheer = distributed object management facility: DOMF
gedistribueerde gegevensinterface van vezel = fiber distributed data interface: FDDI
gedistribueerde gegevensverwerking = distributed processing
gedistribueerde gegevensverwerking = distributed computing
gedistribueerde grootboektechnologie = distributed general ledger technology
gedistribueerde inductantie = distributed inductance
gedistribueerde kunstmatige intelligentie = distributed artificial intelligence: DAI
gedistribueerde netwerken = distributed networks
gedistribueerde objectomgeving = distributed object environment: DOE
gedistribueerde omgeving = distributed environment
gedistribueerde parallelverwerking = parallel distributed processing
gedistribueerde parameter = distributed parameter
gedistribueerde resistentie = distributed resistance
gedistribueerde routeringstabel = distributed routing table
gedistribueerde versterker = distributed amplifier
gedistribueerde verwerking = distributed processing
gedistribueerde wachtwoordverificatie = distributed password authentication
gediversificeerde onderneming = diversified company
gediversificeerde onderneming = diversified enterprise
gediversifieerd concern = diversified group
gediversifieerde portefeuille = diversified portfolio
gedocumenteerd = documented
gedocumenteerd en vastgelegd = documented and recorded
Gedocumenteerd in = Documented in
gedocumenteerd systeem = documented system
gedocumenteerde = documented
gedocumenteerde eisen = documented requirements
gedocumenteerde ervaring met het gebruik van = documented experience with the use of
gedocumenteerde kredietbrief = documentary letter of credit
gedocumenteerde kredietbrief = well-authenticated
gedocumenteerde programmering = literate programming
gedocumenterd = documented
Gedoe = Paraphernalia
Gedoe = Business
gedoe = action
gedoe {het} = hassle
"gedoe, feest, fuif [Flemish]" = "do (function, celebration, party)"
"gedoe, tegenspreken, zever" = "sass (cheek, back-talk)"
gedoemd = mening [a]: foredoomed
gedoemde = lot - man [n]: goner
Gedogen = Allow
gedogen = permit
gedogen = allow on sufferance
gedogen = look the other way
gedogen = tolerate
Gedogen = Tolerate
gedogen = accord
gedogen = to tolerate
gedolven = mined
gedolven steen = quarry run
gedomicilieerd = residing
gedomineerd = dominated
gedompeld in compound = compound dipped
gedonder {het} = thundering
gedood & ernstig gewond = killed & seriously injured (KSI)
"gedoodverfde winnaar, kat in't bakkie" = shoo-in (candidate that is the presumptive winner)
gedoog / gedoogbeleid = tolerate / tolerance policy
gedoogbeleid = policy of tolerance
Gedoogbeschikking = Toleration decision
gedoogbeschikking = temporary exemption order
Gedoogbevel = Toleration demand
Gedoogplicht = obligation to tolerate / tolerance oblogation
Gedoogplicht = Obligation to tolerate
gedoogplichtige = party subject to a tolerance obligation
gedoogsituatie = tolerated situation
gedoogsituatie = tolerance situation / situation of tolerance
gedoogsteun = backbench support
gedoogsteun = passive support
gedoogstrategie = Tolerance Strategy
gedoogvergunning = tolerance permit
gedoopt = baptised
gedoopt = doped
gedoornd = thorned
gedoornd = spinous
gedoornd = thorny
gedoornd = spiny
"gedoornd, met doornen" = spiny
gedoseerd = dosed
gedoseerde chocolade = dosed chocolate
gedoteerd = doped
gedoteerde junctie = doped junction
gedownlinkte luchtvaartuigidentificatie = downlinked aircraft identification
gedownload = downloaded
gedownloade = downloaded
Gedraaid = Twisted
gedraaid = gekronkeld [a]: coiled
gedraaid (in elkaar ..) = twisted
Gedraaid (massief) contact = Massive contact
Gedraaid glas = Twisted glass
Gedraaide contacten = Rotated contacts
gedraaide onderdelen = turned parts
gedrag = behavior
gedrag = behaviour
gedrag = demeanor
Gedrag = Demeanour
gedrag = algemeen [n]: attitude
gedrag {het} = behavior [Am.]
gedrag {het} = conduct
gedrag {het} = behaviour [Br.]
gedrag en sociale interacties = behaviour and social interactions
gedrag m.b.t. het drinken = drinking behavior: behavior associated with ingesting water and other liq
gedrag tijdens bedrijf = operation behaviour
Gedrag tussen verschillende klimaten = Behaviour between different climates
gedrag van binaire elementen = binary behavior
gedrag van de stuurinrichting bij botsingen = Behaviour of the steering mechanism in the event of an impact
gedrag van een gas = behaviour of a gas
gedrag van gassen = behaviour of gases
gedrag verbruiker = consumer behaviour
gedragen = bear
gedragen = carry
gedragen = support
gedragen = supported
gedragen = to behave
gedragen = borne
gedragen = borne
gedragen (here) = critical mass
gedragen als op adelaarsvleugels = ‘carried me on eagles’ wings’
gedragen beleid = policy that will have the support of all parties concerned
gedragen door de gehele organisatie = driven by the entire organisation
gedragen en goedgekeurd = support and approval
gedraging = conduct
gedraging van verontreinigende stoffen = pollutant behaviour
gedragingen = behaviour
gedragingen of nalatigheden = acts of omissions
gedragingen over en weer = reciprocal conduct
gedragingen ten aanzien van = behaviour as regards
gedragingen van haar medewerkers = actions performed by its employees
gedragregels = rules of conduct
gedrags competenties = behavioural competencies
gedrags- en beroepsregels = course (of action)
gedrags- en beroepsregels = line of action
gedrags- en beroepsregels = rules of professional conduct
Gedrags- en gevoelsregels = rules of behaviour and display (of feelings)
Gedrags- en huisregels = Rules of Conduct and House Rules
gedrags- en ondersteuningsvaardigheden = behavioural and support skills
gedrags- en prestatienormen = behaviour and performance
gedragsanalyse = behavioural analysis
gedragsassessment = behavioural assessment
gedragsbeschrijving = BD
gedragsbeschrijving = behaviour description
gedragscode = code of conduct/behaviour
Gedragscode = Code of Conduct
gedragscode = code of conduct
Gedragscode betreffende de bescherming van persoonsgegevens = Code of Conduct on the Protection of Personal Data
Gedragscode computergebruik = Code of conduct for computer use
Gedragscode elektronische communicatiemiddelen = Code of Conduct for Electronic Means of Communication
Gedragscode gebruik persoonsgegevens in Wetenschapsbeoefening = Code of Conduct for Use of Personal Data in Research (Gedragscode gebruik
gedragscode integriteit = Code of Conduct on Integrity
Gedragscode Integriteit UM = UM Code of Conduct on Integrity
gedragscode met betrekking tot de bescherming van persoonsgegevens = Code of Conduct on the Protection of Personal Data
gedragscode onderschrijven = subscribe to a code of conduct
gedragscode promotionele kansspelen = Dutch Code of Conduct for Promotional Games of Chance (Gedragscode Promot
Gedragscode Slimme Meters = Smart Meters Code of Conduct (‘Gedragscode Slimme Meters’)
Gedragscode Universiteit Maastricht = Maastricht University Code of Conduct
gedragscode van de TU Delft = TU Delft code of conduct
Gedragscode verwerking persoonsgegevens financiële instellingen = Dutch Code of Conduct for the Processing of Personal Data by Financial In
Gedragscode voor Informatiebeveiliging = Code of Conduct for Information Security
Gedragscode voor Informatiebeveiliging = Code of Conduct for Information Security (‘Gedragscode voor Informatieb
Gedragscode voor informatiebeveiliging = Code of Conduct for Information Security
gedragscode voor promovendi = Code of Good Practice for PhD Candidates
Gedragscode Wetenschappelijke Integriteit = European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
gedragscompetenties = behavioural competencies
Gedragsconsinstentie = Consistency of behaviour
Gedragsdeterminanten = Determinants of behaviour
gedragsexperimenten = behavioural experiments
gedragsgenetik = behavioral genetics: the study of heritable factors in behavioral pattern
gedragsgericht = behavioral-based
gedragshouding = behavioural attitude
gedragsindicatoren = behavioural indicators
gedragsindicatoren in het assessorprofiel = behavioural indicators in the assessor profile
gedragsinhibitie = behavioural inhibition
gedragsinterventie = behaviour intervention
Gedragsinterventie ondersteuningsteam (BIST) = Behaviour Intervention Support Team (BIST)
gedragskundige = behaviourist
gedragslijn = policy
gedragslijn = procedure [n]: line
gedragsmodel = behavioural model
Gedragsnormen = Standards of conduct
gedragspatronen = behavioural patterns
gedragspatroon = conduct pattern
gedragspatroon = behaviour pattern
gedragspatroon {het} = pattern of behaviour [Br.]
gedragsprobleem = behavioural issues
gedragsprobleem = behavioural problems
gedragsproblematiek = behavioural problems
gedragsproblemen = behavioural issues
gedragsproblemen = behaviour problems
gedragsproblemen = behavioural problems
gedragsregel {de} = rule of conduct
Gedragsregel buitenlandse taal = Code of conduct regarding the use of foreign languages
gedragsregels = code of conduct
gedragsregels = rules of conduct
gedragsregels = rules of conduct / behaviour
gedragsregels en/of reglementen = rules of conduct and/or regulations
gedragsregels inzake het gebruik van = rules of conduct governing the use of
"Gedragsregels, voorschriften en verbodsbepalingen" = "Rules of Conduct, Regulations and Prohibitions"
Gedragssegementatie = Behavioural segmentation
gedragssimulatie = behavioural level simulation
gedragstherapieën = behavioural therapies
gedragstherapieën = behavioural therapy
gedragstudie = wetenschap [n]: ethology
gedragsverandering = behaviour modification
gedragsverandering = change in behaviour
gedragsvoorkeur(en) = behavioural preference(s)
Gedragsvoorschriften = Behavioural requirements
gedragsvoorschriften = code of conduct
Gedragswaaier = Behavioural spectrum
gedragswetenschap = behavioural sciences
gedragswetenschap = behavioural science
gedragswetenschappelijke inzichten = behavioural scientific insights
gedragswetenschappen = behavioural sciences
gedragswetenschappen = behavioural science
GedragsWetenschappen (faculteit GW) = Behavioural Sciences (faculty of)
gedragswetenschappen {mv} = behavioural sciences [Br.]
Gedragswetenschappen en Vergelijkende Psychologie = Behavioral Science & Comparative Psychology
gedraineerde test = drained test
gedrang = activiteit [n]: rush
gedrang {het} = jostling
gedresseerd = trained
gedresseerd = dieren [a]: trained
gedreun = donder [n]: boom
gedreven = driven
gedreven = passionate
Gedreven vanuit een = Motivated from a
gedrevenheid = passion
gedrevenheid {de} = passion
gedrevenheid en professionalisme = passion and professionalism
gedrocht = monster
gedrocht = algemeen [n]: monster
gedrocht {het} = monster
gedrochtelijk = monstrous
gedrongen = crowded
gedrongen = lichaam [a]: chunky
gedrongen bouw = compact construction
gedrongen doorsnede = compact cross section
gedronken = intoxicated
Gedroogd = Dried
gedroogd = uitgedroogd [a]: dried
gedroogd product = desiccated product
"Gedroogd, gepekeld, gerookt of gekruid vlees" = "Dried, salted, smoked or seasoned meat"
gedroogde en/of gekonfijte vruchtenstukjes = dried and/or candied fruit pieces
Gedroogde erwten = Dried peas
gedroogde harsen = dried resins
gedroogde melk = dried milk
Gedroogde peulvruchten = Dried leguminous vegetables
Gedroogde peulvruchten en peulen = Dried leguminous vegetables and pulses
gedroogde pruim = culinair [n]: prune
Gedroogde vis = Dried fish
gedroogde voedergewassen = dried fodder
Gedroogde vruchten = Dried fruit
gedroogde vruchten = dried fruits
gedroom = reverie
gedropt = dropped
gedropt bericht = drop message
Gedrukt = Printed
gedrukt = depressed
gedrukt (van boog) = surbased
gedrukt bedradingspaneel = printed wiring board
gedrukt circuit = printed circuit
gedrukt component = printed component
gedrukt gewelf / segmentgewelf = surbased vault
"Gedrukt kantoormateriaal, met uitzondering van formulieren" = Printed stationery except forms
gedrukt of digitaal = printed or digital
gedrukt reclamemateriaal = printed advertising material
gedrukte = printed
gedrukte bedrading = printed wire
Gedrukte boeken = Printed books
"gedrukte boeken, tijdschriften, dagbladen en regelmatig verschijnende pub" = "books, magazines, newspapers and printed periodicals, bookbinding materia"
gedrukte boog / korfboog = surbased arch
gedrukte brochures = printed brochures
gedrukte computerprogramma’s = printed computer programs
gedrukte condensator = printed capacitor
gedrukte dienstregelingen = printed timetables
gedrukte en geïntegreerde schakelingen = printed and integrated circuits
Gedrukte enveloppen = Printed envelopes
gedrukte handboeken = printed manuals
gedrukte handleidingen = manuals being printed matter
gedrukte media = printed media
Gedrukte omslagen voor röntgenfoto's = Printed X-ray envelopes
gedrukte overdrukplaatjes voor borduurwerk of textielapplicaties = printed transfers for embroidery or fabric appliqués
gedrukte papieren patronen = printed paper patterns
"gedrukte patronen voor kostuums, pyjama’s, sweatshirts en T-shirts 16" = "printed patterns for costumes, pyjamas, sweatshirts and t-"
gedrukte periodieken = printed periodicals
gedrukte printplaten = printed circuit boards
gedrukte programma’s = printed programmes
gedrukte publicaties = printed publications
"gedrukte publicaties, brochures en catalogussen" = "printed publications, brochures and catalogues"
"gedrukte publicaties, folders en brochures" = "printed publications, leaflets and brochures"
"gedrukte publicaties, folders en brochures, instructie- en gebruikershand" = "printed publications, leaflets and brochures, instruction and user manual"
gedrukte rapporten = printed reports
gedrukte schakeling = printed circuit
gedrukte schakelingen = printed circuits
gedrukte spoel = printed coil
gedrukte tekst = typografie [n]: print
Gedrukte vensterenveloppen = Printed window envelopes
Gedrukte vensterloze enveloppen = Printed non-window envelopes
gedrukte zakelijke formulieren = printed business forms
gedruktheid = dejection
geducht = strong
geducht = vijand [a]: formidable
geducht = fearsome
Geducht = Mighty
geduld = patience
geduld = forbearance
geduld = algemeen [n]: patience
geduld {het} = patience
geduld hebben = be patient
"geduld hebben, uithouden, verdragen" = bear with  (be patient with)
Geduld is een schone zaak = patience is a virtue
Geduld is een schone zaak = patience is a virtue {proverb} (it is better to be patient than impatient
"geduld, sterke zenuwen {p}" = nerve (patience)
Geduldig = Forbearing
Geduldig = Uncomplaining
geduldig = patiently
geduldig = gedrag [a]: patient
Geduldig = Patient
geduldige = patient
gedupeerd = cheated
Gedupeerd = aggrieved
gedupeerd = duped
gedupeerde {de} = victim
"gedupeerde {f}, bedrogene {f}" = dupe (deceived person)
gedupeerden = victims
gedupliceerd item = ghosted item
gedupliceerde = duplication
gedurende = for
gedurende = during
gedurende = algemeen [o]: in the act of
gedurende 24 uur in een incubator bij een temperatuur van ongeveer 37 °C = placed in an incubator at a temperature of about 37°C for 24 hours
gedurende 24 uur in een incubator bij een temperatuur van ongeveer 37 °C = placed in an incubator at a temperature of about 37°C for 24 hours
Gedurende arbeidsongeschiktheid = during a period of work incapacity
Gedurende de duur van de overeenkomst = "For the duration of the Contract,"
gedurende de duur van de overeenkomst = during the term of the agreement
gedurende de eerste 6 maanden van het boekjaar = during the first six months of the financial year
gedurende de eerste 6 maanden van het boekjaar 2015/2016 = during the first six months of the financial year 2015/2016
Gedurende de ganse duur van onderhavige overeenkomst = During the entire term of this agreement
gedurende de ganse werkdag = throughout the work day
gedurende de gehele levensduur = throughout the entire life of the product
Gedurende de gehele looptijd = Throughout the term
Gedurende de gehele looptijd van = Throughout the term of
gedurende de gehele looptijd van de overeenkomst = during the full term of the contract
Gedurende de gehele looptijd van deze Overeenkomst = Throughout the term of this Agreement
Gedurende de gehele uitvoering van het project = During the entire implementation of the project
gedurende de hele = tijd [o]: throughout
Gedurende de hele duur van haar indienstneming = Throughout the entire period of her employment
gedurende de in deze Overeenkomst bepaalde periode = for the term defined in this Agreement
gedurende de investeringsfase = during the investment phase
gedurende de loop van de arbeidsovereenkomst = during the course of the contract
gedurende de looptijd van = during the term of
Gedurende de looptijd van de overeenkomst = During the term of the Contract
gedurende de looptijd van deze detacheringsovereenkomst = during the term of this Secondment Agreement
gedurende de looptijd van deze Overeenkomst = during the term of this Agreement
Gedurende de looptijd van deze overeenkomst en een termijn van zes maande = During the term of this agreement and for a period of six months thereaft
Gedurende de looptijd van een investering = Over the life of an investment
Gedurende de looptijd van het contract = During the term of the contract
gedurende de looptijd van het leasecontract = during the term of the lease
gedurende de looptijd van het project = during the life of the project
gedurende de normale werkuren = during normal working hours
gedurende de opleiding = during the master’s
gedurende de overtocht = during the crossing
gedurende de periode en op het grondgebied zoals hierna bepaald = during the period and within the territory as defined below
gedurende de periode van november 2010 tem april 2011 = during Q4 2010 and first half of Q1 2011
gedurende de periode van opschorting = during the period of suspension
gedurende de stage = during the placement
gedurende de tijd dat het voertuig aan boord van de veerboot is = during the time the vehicle is on board the ferry
gedurende de uitvoering van het Project = During the implementation of the Project
gedurende de vereffening blijven deze statuten zo veel mogelijk van krach = during the liquidation these articles of association will remain in force
gedurende de vereiste bewaartermijn = during the required retention period
gedurende de volledige levenscyclus. = throughout their entire lifecycle
gedurende de zomermaanden = during the summer months
gedurende dertig opeenvolgende dagen = for thirty consecutive days
gedurende dewelke = during which
gedurende deze = during this
gedurende deze acquisitietijdperiode = during this acquisition time period
gedurende deze huurvrije periode = During this rent-free period
gedurende deze periode = during this period
gedurende een aaneengesloten periode van één jaar = for a consecutive period of one year
gedurende een afgesproken periode = for an agreed period
gedurende een bepaalde behandelperiode = for a certain treatment period
gedurende een bepaalde periode = during a certain period of time
gedurende een bepaalde tijd = for a specified time
gedurende een bepaalde tijd = for a certain length of time
gedurende een lange periode = [rewrite using 'long-term']
gedurende een langere periode = for a longer period
gedurende een langere periode gecontroleerd = monitored for a longer period
gedurende een levensduur van minimaal = for a minimum service life of
gedurende een maand zonder gevolg is gebleven = remains unanswered for one month
gedurende een ononderbroken periode = for an uninterrupted period
gedurende een overeenkomstige geaggregeerde acquisitietijdsperiode (58) = during a corresponding aggregated acquisition time period (58)
gedurende een periode van = for a period of
gedurende een periode van 12 maanden = for a period of 12 months
gedurende een periode van twaalf maanden = for a period of twelve months
gedurende een periode van twaalf maanden na = for a period of twelve months after
gedurende een periode van twaalf maanden na Aflevering = for a period of twelve months after Delivery
gedurende een periode van twaalf maanden na datum van acceptatie = for a period of twelve months after the date of acceptance
gedurende een periode van zes maanden = for a period of six months
gedurende een vooraf bepaalde periode = during a predetermined period
gedurende eenzelfde periode = during the same period
gedurende en na het einde van de arbeidsovereenkomst = during and after the end of the employment contract
gedurende haar tewerkstelling bij de Vennootschap = during her employment with the Company
gedurende het 1e halfjaar van boekjaar = during the first half-year of financial year
gedurende het afvullen = during filling
gedurende het bestaan van de arbeidsovereenkomst = during the term of the employment contract
gedurende het boekjaar = during the financial year
Gedurende het bouwproces wordt er gebruik gemaakt van mobiele bouwkranen. = Mobile cranes will be used during the construction process.
Gedurende het couverteerproces = During the enveloping process
gedurende het gebruiksrecht van = during the period the employee is entitled to use
gedurende het gebruiksrecht van de auto = during the period the employee is entitled to use the car
gedurende het gehele disciplinaire proces = during the entire disciplinary procedure
gedurende het hele disciplinaire proces = during the entire disciplinary procedure
gedurende het hele proces = throughout the entire process
gedurende het interview = during the interview
gedurende het jaar = during the year
gedurende het kalenderjaar = during the calendar year
gedurende het productieproces = during the production process
gedurende lange tijd = at great length
gedurende langere tijd = for an extended period of time
gedurende langere tijd = over a long period of time
Gedurende meer dan 10 jaar is zij werkzaam geweest in = She spent over 10 years working in
gedurende meer dan vijftien werkdagen = for more than fifteen working days
gedurende minimum één jaar = for at least one year
gedurende normale werkuren = during normal working hours
gedurende openingstijden = during business hours
gedurende optimale zicht en ondergrond condities = during optimal visibility and surface conditions
gedurende werkdagen = during working days
gedurende zeer lange periode = for a very long period
gedurfd = audacious
Gedurfd = Curious
gedurfd = daring
gedurfd = provocative
Gedurfd = Naughty
gedurfd = algemeen [a]: scabrous [literature]
gedurfdheid = audacity
Gedurig = Unceasingly
Gedurig = Continual
gedurig = onafgebroken [a]: ceaseless
Gedurig = Right along
gedurig = abiding
Gedurig = Ongoing
Gedurig = Sustained
Gedurig = Over and over
Gedurig = Continuous
geduwd = pushed
gedwee = submissive
Gedwee = Obedient
gedwee = karakter [a]: meek
gedweeheid = manageability
gedweeheid = karakter [n]: meekness
Gedwongen = Enforced
gedwongen = glimlach [a]: wry
gedwongen = compulsory
gedwongen = wry
Gedwongen afschakeling = Forced switch off
gedwongen arbeid = forced labour
Gedwongen besparingen = Compulsory savings
gedwongen contacten = forcibly guided contacts
Gedwongen koers = Compulsory tender
gedwongen landing = forced landing
gedwongen migratie = forced migration
gedwongen ontslag = round of redundancies
gedwongen ontslag = redundancy
gedwongen ontslag = job cuts
gedwongen ontslagen = forced redundancies
Gedwongen openend = Forced opening
Gedwongen openend contact = Forced contact opening
Gedwongen scheiding (volgens DIN VDE 0113) = Forced segregation (according to DIN VDE 0113)
gedwongen seksuele handelingen = forced sexual acts
gedwongen sparen = compulsory saving
gedwongen tewerkstelling = forced employment
gedwongen trilling = forced vibration
gedwongen verdwijning = forced disappearance
gedwongen verkoop = forced sale
gedwongen verlaging/afboeking van hoofdsom = haircut (popular language)
gedwongenheid = constraint
gedwongenheid = gedrag [n]: constraint
gedwongen-verkoopwaarde = forced-sale value
gedwongen-verkoopwaarde = liquidation value
geef = give
geef = gift
geef = dirt cheap
geef = for nothing
Geef aan of het gaat om = Specify whether it concerns
geef dan meer informatie = please provide more information
Geef de kandidaat iets om te schrijven = Give the candidate something to write on
Geef de kandidaat pen & papier voor de voorbereiding = Give the candidate pen & paper for the preparation
Geef dit dan zo snel mogelijk aan ons door = please let us know as soon as possible
Geef een korte omschrijving van = Give a brief description of
Geef het resetcommando = Give the reset command
geef ik antwoord op de vraag = I answer the question
geef ik kort de conclusies weer = summarise the findings
Geef in het kort aan = Briefly indicate
Geef informatie over = Please provide information on
Geef IT Door = ‘Pass IT on!’ (‘Geef IT Door’
geef je jezelf = you give yourself
geef je toestemming = you agree
Geef kleur aan je dag! = Add some colour to your day!
Geef kleur aan je dag! = Add some colour to your day!
Geef medewerker enkele dagen e tijd = Give the employee a few days
geef mij = give me
Geef minimaal twee voorbeelden = Give at least two examples
Geef minimaal twee voorbeelden dat = Give at least two examples showing that
Geef minimaal twee voorbeelden waar = Give at least two examples showing
geef niet de boodschapper de schuld = don't shoot the messenger {proverb} (the bearer of bad news should not be
Geef Pincode = Enter PIN
geef praktische voorbeelden = give practical examples
geef regelmatig en toepasselijke feedback = "give timely, appropriate feedback"
Geef toe = Give in
Geef toepasselijke feedback = Give appropriate feedback
geefArtikelNamen = returnArticleNames
geëffectueerd = effected
geëffende paden = well-worn pathways
geefKortingsPercentage = returnDiscountPercentage
geefMaximum = returnMaximum
geefObject = returnObject
geefster = vrouw [n]: donor
Geeft = Returns
geeft = provides
geeft = matter
Geeft aan = Indicates
geeft aan een fout te hebben = gives an error
geeft aan niet op run te staan = indicates that it is not in run mode
geeft af = leaves black marks on hands etc
Geeft als leidinggevende het goede voorbeeld = Sets a good example as a manager
Geeft anderen de ruimte om te praten = Gives others space to expressive themselves
geeft dan ook geen uitdrukkelijke of impliciete waarborg = does not give any express or implied warranty
geeft de bevindingen en resultaten weer = contains the findings and results
geeft de fractie weer = represents the fraction
geeft de houder recht op het uitbrengen van één stem = entitles the holder to one vote
geeft de indeling weer = shows the layout
geeft de metadata van een bestand weer = shows the metadata of a file
geeft de mogelijkheid aan = allows
geeft de richting = provides direction
Geeft de status weer = Displays the status
geeft de waarde van = returns the value of
geeft deze leiding aan = supervise
geeft duidelijkheid over = clarifies
geeft een alarmsignaal = sounds an alarm
geeft een compleet overzicht = provides a complete overview
geeft een dergelijke garantie dan ook niet af = therefore provides no such guarantee
geeft een detailweergave = gives a detailed view
Geeft een inhoudelijke meerwaarde = Adds substantial value
Geeft een inhoudelijke meerwaarde aan = Adds substantial value to
geeft een mogelijke uitvoeringsvorm van de uitvinding weer = shows a possible embodiment of the invention
geeft een opdracht = issues a command
geeft een overzicht van = summarises
geeft een overzicht van = gives an overview of
geeft een overzicht van = lists
geeft een perspectivisch aanzicht weer = shows a perspective view
geeft een schematische voorstelling van = shows a schematic representation of
geeft een schematische voorstelling van een inrichting = shows a schematic representation of a device
geeft een stijging van = shows an increase of
geeft een zoete smaak = provides a sweet taste
geeft enkele voorbeelden = gives some examples
geeft garantie op = warrants
geeft garantie op de installatie = warrants the system
"geeft geen garantie, expliciet of impliciet" = "makes no warranties, express or implied"
geeft geen informatie = does not provide information
geeft geen informatie vrij = does not disclose any information
geeft geen juridische adviezen = does not provide legal advice
geeft geen leiding = Does not manage people
Geeft het actuele verbruik van de ventilator weer = Displays the current consumption of the fan
geeft het signaal door naar = will transmit the signal to
geeft het signaal door naar het = will transmit the signal to the
geeft hier invulling aan = gives substance to this
geeft hierbij opdracht aan = hereby instructs
geeft HR Services automatisch door aan het pensioenfonds = HR Services will automatically inform the pension fund
geeft in detail = shows a close-up view
geeft in perspectief-aanzicht een voorbeeld weer = shows an example in perspective view
geeft informatie over = provides information on
geeft je stapsgewijze instructies = contains step-by-step instructions
geeft kans op = can cause
Geeft leiding aan = Supervises
Geeft leiding aan = supervises / manages
geeft leiding aan maximaal = manages up to
geeft niet alleen een goede klantervaring = not only provides a good customer experience
geeft onder andere geen dekking in de volgende gevallen = does not include coverage in the following cases
geeft onvoldoende duiding = does not provide sufficient explanation
geeft perfect de missie van ons bedrijf weer = perfectly reflects our corporate mission
Geeft prioriteit aan resultaten = Prioritises achieving results
geeft recht op één stem = carries the right to one vote only
geeft reden tot zorg = is a cause for concern
geeft signaal product gereed te hebben = gives signal that product is ready
geeft slechts recht op één stem = carries the right to one vote only
geeft standaard de naam van de constante = "by default, returns the name of the constant"
geeft u hierbij haar goedkeuring dit onderzoek uit te voeren = hereby authorises you to carry out this trial
geeft u mij = give me
geeft u toestemming aan = you authorise
geeft uitgebreide aanwijzingen = provides extensive instructions
geeft uitvoering aan = implements
geeft verplicht veld aan = indicates a required field
geeft vervolgens = then gives you
geeft voldoende inzicht = provides a satisfactory degree of insight
geeft voldoening = is gratifying
geeft vrijgave om = permits
geeft weer = indicates
geeft weer = illustrates
geegaliseerd = smoothed
geëgaliseerd = levelled
geëigend = appropriate
geëigende = appropriate
geëigende maatregelen nemen = to take appropriate action
geëigende maatregelen nemen = to take appropriate measures
geëigende maatregelen nemen = to take appropriate steps
geëindigd = terminated
geëiste functionaliteit = required functionality
Geel = Jap
Geel = Nip
geel = kleur [a]: yellow
Geel = Yellow
geel = yellow
Geel (kleur) = Yellow
geel 2G = yellow 2G
geel doek = yellow cloth
geel gearceerd = highlighted yellow
geel gemarkeerde tekst = yellow highlighted text
geel knipper = yellow flashing
Geel verzinkt = Yellow galvanised
geel worden = kleur [v]: yellow
Geel/grijs = Yellow/grey
Geel/Groene ader = Yellow/green conductor
Geel/zwart = Yellow/black
geelachtig = yellowish
geelbruin = tawny
geelbruin = kleur [a]: amber
geelbruine kleur = kleur [n]: tan
Geelgors = Yellowhammer
geelkoper = metalen [n]: brass
geelkoper = brass
geelkoperen = brass
geéllustreerd = illustrated
Geeloogpinguïn = yellow-eyed penguin
geeloxeerd = anodised
Geëloxeerd = Anodized
Geelsnavelduiker = White-billed Diver
geeltjes = post-it notes
geelverzinkte = yellow galvanised
geelzucht = jaundice
geelzucht = geneeskunde [n]: hepatitis
geel-zwart = yellow and black
Geëmailleerd = Enamelled
geémailleerd / geglazuurd (met email) = enamelled
geëmailleerd / geglazuurd (met email) = enamelled
geémailleerd glas = enamelled glass
geëmailleerd glas = enamelled glass
geëmailleerd glas = enameled glass
geëmailleerde huishoudelijke apparatenfabriek = Enamelled domestic appliances industry
Geëmailleerde zool = Enamelled sole
geëmancipeerd = vrouwen [a]: emancipated
geëmitteerd elektron = emitted electron
geëmotioneerd = gebeurtenis [a]: emotional
geëmotioneerd = seized with emotion
geëmotioneerd zijn = geestestoestand [v]: be moved
geémplementeerd = implemented
geémplementeerd als een = implemented as a
geémplementeerd in = implemented in
geémplementeerd zijn in = be implemented in
Geen = No berries
geen = neither
geen = none
geen = no
geen = not a
geen = not a/any
geen = without
geen = algemeen [a]: no
Geen (onbehandeld) = Untreated
geen aandacht schenken aan = ignore
geen aandacht schenken aan = over het hoofd zien [v]: pass by
geen aandacht schenken aan = overlook
geen aandacht schenken aan = pass over
geen aandacht schenken aan = pay no attention to
geen aanspraak maken op = to make no claim to
geen aanspraak maken op = will not be entitled to claim
geen aanspraak op = no entitlement to
geen aansprakelijkheid meer voor foutief geleverde artikelen = no longer accepts liability for incorrectly delivered items
geen aanspuiting = properly de-gated
geen aanwijzingen voor een verband = no evidence of a link
geen accountantscontrole toegepast = unaudited
"geen accountantscontrole toegepast, ongecontroleerd" = unaudited
geen acht slaan op = aandacht [n]: disregarding
geen acties ondernemen = not take any action
Geen afbakening = Not well-defined
Geen afbakening = No delineation
Geen afdichting = No sealing
geen affichering = no advertising
geen afmetingen combineren = do not combine dimensions
geen aftrek vinden = koopwaar [v]: not be in demand
Geen afwijkingen = No non-conformities
geen afwijkingen van materieel belang bevatten = are free from material misstatement
geen anale opening = imperforate anus: a congenital defect of the anus with partial or complet
geen anale opening = anal atresia
Geen ander = No one else
geen ander recht dan betaling te vorderen van een bedrag = is entitled only to claim payment of an amount
geen andere variabelen of parameters = no other variables or parameters
geen antwoord = no answer
geen antwoord van de Server = Server not responding
geen aparte vakantietoeslag = no separate holiday allowance
geen arbeidskaart verkregen wordt = no work permit is obtained
Geen archivering = No archiving
geen back-up mode starten = will not initiate backup mode
geen bal = it's all Greek to me
geen bal kunnen schelen = not care a hoot [informal]
geen bal kunnen schelen = not give a damn [informal]
geen bal kunnen schelen = onverschilligheid [o]: not care a damn [informal]
geen barst kunnen schelen = not care a hoot [informal]
geen barst kunnen schelen = not give a damn [informal]
geen barst kunnen schelen = onverschilligheid [o]: not care a damn [informal]
Geen beperking = No restriction
Geen bereik = No Service
Geen beschadigingen = No damage
Geen beschermende coatings vereist = No protective coat required
geen besef hebben van = algemeen [v]: be unconscious of
Geen bestaande dag van de week = Not an existing day of the week
geen bestaansrecht hebben = have no right to exist
geen betrouwbare en toereikende weergave geeft van = is not a reliable and adequate representation of
geen betrouwbare informatie voorhanden = no reliable information available
geen bewijskracht hebben = to be inconclusive
geen bezwaar = no objection
geen bezwaren ziet = does not see any objections
Geen biergebruik = No beer consumption
Geen bijzondere vereisten = No special requirements
geen bijzondere waardevermindering van goodwill = no impairment of goodwill
geen bijzonderheden = nothing special to report
geen bijzonderheden = no issues
geen biologische producten = No organic products
geen bitterheid gedetecteerd = no bitterness detected
Geen bloemen = No flowers
geen bolle uiteindes = no convex ends
geen BTW in rekening gebracht = no VAT is charged
geen budget voorzien = no budget planned
geen certificaten met medewerking van de vennootschap zijn uitgegeven = No depositary receipts for shares have been issued with the company\'s co
geen commentaar = No comment
geen communicatie met = no communication with
geen concurrerend karakter hebben = not be of a competitive nature
geen consumptie van sterke drank = no consumption of spirits
Geen contact = No contact
geen contact meer hebben met = be out of touch with
geen contact meer hebben met = persoon [v]: be out of contact with
geen controle = No Control
Geen correctie nodig = No correction required
Geen correcties nodig = No corrections needed
Geen corrigerende maatregel nodig = No corrective action necessary
Geen corrigerende maatregelen nodig = No corrective action required
geen dank = interjectie [o]: you're welcome
geen dank = don't mention it
Geen dank. = You are welcome!
geen data = no data
geen debieteis = no flow rate requirement
Geen detectie = No detection
geen directe actie vereist = no immediate action required
geen dividenduitkering voorgesteld = there will be no dividend proposal
geen dode letter blijven = does not remain idle words
geen doel = no set objective
geen donder kunnen schelen = onverschilligheid [o]: not care a damn [informal]
geen donder kunnen schelen = not care a hoot [informal]
geen donder kunnen schelen = not give a damn [informal]
geen doorgaand verkeer = verkeer [n]: no through road
geen doorgaand verkeer = no through traffic
Geen drinkbaar water = No potable water
geen druppel meer aanraken = alcoholisme [v]: be on the wagon [informal]
geen duidelijke = no clear
geen duidelijke verklaring = no clear explanation
geen DVM vergoeding = : no LRM remuneration
geen eenmalige beloningen = no one-off benefits
geen eigen leven meer leiden = no longer living one’s own life
Geen enkel = Worthless
geen enkel = algemeen [a]: no
geen enkel = neither
Geen enkel = Rubbish
Geen enkel = Naff
Geen enkel = Void
Geen enkel = Cack
Geen enkel = Dummy
Geen enkel = Null
Geen enkel = No one
geen enkele = neither
geen enkele = bepalend woord - enkelvoud [a]: no
geen enkele aansprakelijkheid = no liability whatsoever
Geen enkele bepaling uit deze = Nothing in this
Geen enkele bepaling uit deze Voorwaarde = Nothing in this Condition
geen enkele duurzaam benutbare mogelijkheden = no sustainable usable opportunities
geen enkele fotocel bedekt mag worden = not a single photocell should be covered
Geen enkele instelling = No setting
geen enkele poot hebben om op te staan = we do not have a leg to stand on
geen enkele van deze vertrouwelijke inlichtingen = any such confidential information
geen enkele verzekering afgesloten = no insurance policy taken out
Geen enkele vraag is een domme vraag = There are no stupid questions.
Geen erkenning = No recognition
geen ervaring vereist = No experience required
geen essentieel bestanddeel uitmaakt van onderhavige overeenkomst = does not constitute an essential part of this agreement
geen essentieel element uitmaakt van = is not an essential element of
Geen evidentie = it is not obvious
geen extra hinder vormen = do not constitute an additional hindrance
Geen foutmeldingen meer = No more error messages
Geen garantie wordt verleend = No warranty is given
Geen gegevens beschikbaar = Na data available
Geen gegevens beschikbaar = No data available
geen gegevens registreert = is not registering any data
Geen gegevens voorhanden = No data available
geen geldige = no valid
geen geloof hechten aan = disbelieve
geen geloof hechten aan = give no credit to
geen geloof hechten aan = wantrouwen [v]: discredit
geen geluk hebben = ongeluk [v]: be out of luck
geen gemakkelijke = man [n]: tough customer
Geen geringe opgave = This can be quite a challenge
geen getal = NaN
geen getal = not a number
Geen gevaar voor de gezondheid = No danger to health
geen grind = no gravel
geen grip op iets kunnen krijgen = probleem [v]: not be able to come to grips with something
geen grip op iets kunnen krijgen = not be able to get a handle on something
geen grip op iets kunnen krijgen = not be able to get to grips with something
geen houvast heeft aan de = cannot exploit
geen humus = no humus
geen huwelijk zou mogen worden gesloten = unless there is a legal impediment to a marriage between X and Y/or if is
geen hype is die overwaait = is more than a passing fad
Geen idee = I have no idea
geen idee = no idea
geen inbreuk maakt op de rechten van derden = does not infringe the rights of third parties
geen incisievenster = no incision window
Geen indienstneming van elkaars medewerkers = No employment of each other’s employees
Geen informatie = No information
geen informatie beschikbaar = no information available
geen informatie verstrekt = no information provided
geen ingrediënten aangewend die door anderen op dieren zijn getest met h = used any ingredients that have been tested on animals by others for the p
geen inspectie nodig = no inspection needed
Geen instellingen = No settings
Geen juiste plaatsing = Incorrect placement
Geen juiste plaatsing bedieningspanelen = Incorrect placement of control panels
geen kat(je) om zonder handschoenen aan te pakken = someone to handle with kid gloves
geen koppel leveren = not providing torque
geen kosten in rekening gebracht aan de opdrachtgever = The client shall not be charged for
geen krediet meer hebben = to be out of credit
Geen kritische reflectie = No critical reflection
geen laadstroom / kosten = no charge
Geen lagen keuze = No layers selected
geen legal manufacturer meer is = is no longer a legal manufacturer
Geen lijst voorzien = No list provided
geen lucht op de palletbuffer = the pallet buffer is not connected to the air supply
geen lutum = no argillaceous material
Geen match = No match
"Geen match, item niet gevonden" = "No match, item not found"
geen milieubeleid kan of wenst voor te leggen = cannot or does not wish to submit an environmental policy
geen mode actief = no mode active
geen moer kunnen schelen = onverschilligheid [o]: not care a damn [informal]
geen moer kunnen schelen = not care a hoot [informal]
geen moer kunnen schelen = not give a damn [informal]
geen mogelijkheid hebben om opgenomen beelden op te slaan = do not have the ability to store recorded images
Geen momentschakeling = Slow-action switch
geen muzikaal gehoor hebbend = muziek [a]: tone-deaf
geen nagel hebben om zijn gat mee af te krabben (vulgar) = poor as a church mouse {adj} (very poor)
geen nee verkopen = no rejections
geen netscheiders bevatten = do not contain any mains isolation devices
geen nevenwerkzaamheden uitoefenen = not perform any sideline activities
geen nieuws = nothing new
geen notaris kan of wil aanwijzen = is unable or unwilling to appoint a civil-law notary
geen NSP = no neck and shoulder pain
geen nummer aanduiding = No numbering
geen of geringe risico's = no or low risks
Geen of onvoldoende = No or unsatisfactory
"geen of slechts minieme, aanvaardbare, afwijkingen" = "no or only minor, acceptable deviations"
geen omkijken meer naar = you don’t have to worry about this anymore
geen onderdeel van de machine = not a part of the machine
geen onderdeel van de opdracht = not part of the assignment
geen onderhoud = no maintenance
geen onderhoud nodig is = no maintenance is required
geen onderscheid tussen = no distinction between
geen onevenredige inbreuk = not disproportionately infringe
geen onjuistheden van materieel belang bevat = is free from any material inaccuracies
geen opmerkingen = No comments
"geen optie, maar een verplichting" = "required, rather than optional"
geen overbodige luxe = really necessary
geen overbodige luxe = to be no luxury
geen overbodige luxe = a very real necessity
Geen overleg = No consultation
geen overschot aan energie = no surplus of power
geen overwicht hebben op = to have no authority over
geen overzicht = lost (all) track of (the/a situation)
Geen paniek = Do not panic
geen personen = no persons
geen personen/functies vermelden = describe process / entity
geen personen/functies vermelden = do not mention any individuals / positions
geen persoonsgegevens bevat = does not contain any personal data
Geen positief advies = No positive recommendation
geen probleem = no problem
Geen probleem! = Never mind!
Geen probleem! = No problem! <np>
"geen probleem, graag gedaan" = no problem {interj} (no thanks or apology is necessary)
"geen probleem, maar natuurlijk" = no problem {interj} (it does not pose a problem)
Geen procedure = No procedure
Geen procedure ingevoerd = No procedure entered
geen product meer = no more product
geen productieverlies tgv stilstand = no loss of production due to downtime
Geen programma keuze = No program selected
geen punten = no points
geen recht op loondoorbetaling = no entitlement to continued payment of wages
geen recht op restitutie = not entitled to a refund
geen registratie = no registration
geen rekening houden met = plan [v]: reckon without
geen rekening houden met = not reckon with
geen rekening houden met = leave out of account
Geen resultaat gevonden! = No results found!
Geen resultaten gevonden = No results found
Geen rooie cent bezitten = To not have a penny
Geen rooie cent bezitten = To haven't got a penny
geen ruimte is voor een = there is no space for a
Geen scherpe bochten = no sharp bends
geen schoteling = good dimensional stability
Geen schroefdraad = No thread
Geen signaal = No signal
geen significant verband = no significant association
geen significante = no significant
geen significante beweging = no significant movement
geen significante schade = no significant harm
geen significante verschillen = no statistically significant differences
geen significante verschillen = no significant differences
geen smartphone connectiviteit = no smartphone connectivity
Geen sociaal leven meer = No more social life
geen spanning = is not connected to the power supply
Geen speciale voeding = No special power supply
Geen speciale voorzorgen = No special precautions
geen specifieke eis = no specific requirement
geen specifieke requirements = No specific requirements
geen specifieke voorkennis vereist = requires no specific prior knowledge
geen sprake is van vroegtijdige specialisatie = there is no early specialisation
geen sprake van = XXX is lacking
geen sprake van = bezwaar [o]: out of the question
geen sprake van significantie = this is not statistically significant
geen sprake van significantie = there is no statistical significance
geen sprake zijn van = not be a matter of
geen sprake zijn van = not be a question of
geen sprake zijn van = not constitute
geen sprake zijn van = to be out of the question
Geen steun vennootschap bij verkrijging van haar aandelen = No assistance by the company to acquire its own shares
Geen storend zoemgeluid = No annoying hum
Geen storing = No fault
geen strafblad heeft gehad tijdens zijn verblijf in = had no criminal record during his residence in
"geen sturings-, maar vooral een toetsingsdocument" = control document but mainly as a verification document
geen succes hebben = plan [v]: be unsuccessful
geen tegenspraak duidend = dogmatic
geen tegenspraak duldend = stem [a]: peremptory [formal]
geen terugboekingsrecht = no right of refund
geen thermostaat aangesloten is = no thermostat is connected
geen toegang = no access
Geen toestemming = No consent
Geen toleranties = No tolerances
geen twijfel = zekerheid [o]: no question
geen uitkering uit hoofde van deze verzekering = no benefit under this insurance
geen uitslag = zero deflection
geen uitspraken doen namens de medewerker = may not make any statements on behalf of the employee
geen uitvinding vormt = does not constitute an invention
Geen van allen = None of which
geen van beide = determinator [a]: neither
geen van beide = Neither
Geen van beide partijen is aansprakelijk tegenover de ander = Neither party shall be liable to the other
Geen van beide partijen is aansprakelijk tegenover de ander voor tekortko = Neither party shall be liable to the other for failure or delay to perfor
Geen van beide partijen is aansprakelijk tegenover de ander voor tekortko = Neither party shall be liable to the other for failure or delay to perfor
geen van beiden = voornaamwoord - personen [o]: neither
geen van beiden wilde het odium op zich laden de samenwerking te hebben v = neither of them wanted to incur the stigma of having terminated the coope
Geen van de partijen is gehouden tot = Neither Party is obliged to
Geen van de partijen mag deze overeenkomst en bijbehorende verantwoordeli = Neither Party may transfer this Agreement and related responsibilities
Geen van de partijen mag deze overeenkomst overdragen = Neither Party may transfer this Agreement
Geen van de Partijen wordt geacht afstand te hebben gedaan van enig recht = Neither Party shall be deemed to have waived any right or remedy under th
Geen van deze oorzaken = None of these causes
Geen van partijen is gehouden tot het nakomen van enige verplichting = Neither party is obliged to perform any obligation
geen vanzelfsprekendheid = not a matter of course
geen vaste definitie = no fixed definition
geen vat op iets kunnen krijgen = not be able to get a handle on something
geen vat op iets kunnen krijgen = not be able to get to grips with something
geen vat op iets kunnen krijgen = probleem [v]: not be able to come to grips with something
geen verband = no correlation
geen verband tussen = no correlation between
geen verdamping van het materiaal nodig = no evaporation of the material is necessary
geen verdere acties vereist = no further action is required
geen verdere leveringen = no further deliveries
geen verdere specificatie = no further specifications
geen verdere specificatie = no further specification
Geen verdere specifieke uitgangspunten = No further specific principles
geen vergelijkingsmateriaal = nothing to compare it with
Geen vergoeding = No allowance
geen vergoeding vanuit ziektekostenverzekering = not reimbursed by health insurer
geen vergoeding verschuldigd = not obliged to pay a fee
Geen verloning naar werken = No pay according to work
geen verplichting aangegaan = no commitment entered into
geen verplichting aangegaan = unobligated [Am.]
geen vertrouwelijkheid weggeven = do not compromise any confidentiality
Geen vervolg (geen adm Nazorg) = No follow-up activities (no follow-up records)
geen vlekvorming = does not cause any stains
geen vlekvorming = no staining
geen volledige pensioenopbouw hebben = not built up a full pension
geen voorgaand bezoek = no previous visit
geen voormeting plaatsgevonden = no pre-test was done
geen voorschot = no advance payment
geen vooruitgang = no progress
geen vraag zijn naar = koopwaar [v]: not be in demand
geen vraaggestuurde ventilatie = no demand-controlled ventilation
geen vrijblijvend pretreisje = it was no stroll in the park
geen vrijblijvende praatbarak = not an informal talking shop
geen vuiltje aan de lucht = nothing is wrong
Geen waarschuwing = No warning
Geen water = No water
Geen water in = No water in
Geen watermerk = No watermark
geen wonder dat = algemeen [o]: no wonder that
geen woorden maar daden = actions speak louder than words
geen WSP = no widespread pain
geen zaken te doen met = not doing business with
geen zaterdag of zondag = not Saturday or Sunday
geen zekerheid bestaat over de opvatting van = no certainty exists about the interpretation made by
geen zekerheid is over de doodsoorzaak = uncertainty about the cause of death
Geen zicht op = No overview of
geen zier = not an ace
geen zier kunnen schelen = not care a hoot [informal]
geen zier kunnen schelen = not give a damn [informal]
geen zier kunnen schelen = onverschilligheid [o]: not care a damn [informal]
Geen zorg = No management
Geen zorgen = No worries
"geen, of nagenoeg geen" = no or substantially no
geen-bit = no-bit
geëncrypteerd = encrypted
geëncrypteerde = encrypted
geëndosseerde = endorsee
geëngageerd = engaged
Geëngageerd = Invested
Geëngageerd = Committed
geëngageerde keuze = committed choice
geëngageerdheid = commitment
geëngageerdheid = concern
geëngageerdheid = engagement
geëngageerdheid = involvement
geëngageerdheid = participation
geëngageerdheid = studieproject [n]: commitment
geen-gezeur garantie = no-quibble guarantee
GEEN-lid = NONE member
geénstalleerd = installed
geénstalleerd op een wand = installed on a wall
geenszins = by no means
geenszins = in no way
geenszins = not at all
geenszins = not by any manner or means
geenszins = algemeen [o]: anything but
Geenszins = In no circumstances
Geenszins = Under no circumstances
geenszins de werkelijke waarde van het aandeel weerspiegelt = does not in any way reflect the actual value of the share
geenszins: de uitvinding is echter ~ hiertoe beperkt = he invention is however by no means restricted hereto
geënt zijn op = be modelled on
geënt zijn op = duplicate
geënt zijn op = engraft
geënt zijn op = "engraft, imbue (with), implant"
geënt zijn op = established on the basis of
geënt zijn op = follow the
geënt zijn op = follow the lines of
geënt zijn op = fully supports
geënt zijn op = grafted
geënt zijn op = imbue (with)
geënt zijn op = implant
geënt zijn op = inspired by
geënt zijn op = mirror
geënt zijn op = to be grafted onto
geënt zijn op = to draw on sth
geëntameerd = begin
geëntameerd = commence
geëntameerd = initiate
geëntameerd = launch
geëntameerd = put forward
geëntameerd = raise
geëntameerd = start
geëntameerd = take in hand
geëntameerd = take up
geéntegreerde = integrated
geéntegreerde fixatiepunten = integrated fastening points
geéntegreerde fixeerpunten = integrated fastening points
geënthousiasmeerd = enthuses
Geep = Garfish
geequipeerd = equipped
geer = naaiwerk [n]: gusset
geërfd = algemeen [a]: inherited
geërfde fout = inherited error
geërgerd = gevoelens [a]: annoyed
geërgerd = upset
geërgerd worden = gedrag [v]: become annoyed
geërgerd worden door = gedrag [v]: chafe at
geërgerd zijn = woede [v]: be roused
Geertruidenberg = Geertruidenberg
geésoleerd = insulated
geésoleerde = insulated
geésoleerde bouwelementen = insulated building components
geésoleerde wand = insulated wall
geest = ghost
geest = mind
geest = hersenen [n]: mind
geest = double image
geest = soul
geest = spirit
geest {de} = spirit
geest van de wet = spirit of the law
geestbeeld = double image
geestdodend = boring and monotonous
geestdodend = mind-numbing
geestdodend = baan [a]: soul-destroying
geestdrift = alacrity
Geestdrift = Excitement
Geestdrift = Enthusiastically
Geestdrift = Zest
geestdrift = geestestoestand [n]: exuberance
Geestdrift = Reluctant
Geestdrift = Halfhearted
geestdrift = enthusiasm
Geestdrift = Unwilling
Geestdrift = Grudging
Geestdrift = Vibrancy
Geestdriftig = Fan
Geestdriftig = Enthralled
Geestdriftig = Vibrant
Geestdriftig = Zestful
geestdriftig = devoted
geestdriftig = algemeen [a]: eager
Geestdriftig = Zesty
Geestdriftig = Enthusiast
Geestdriftig = Enthusiastic
geestdriftigheid = enthousiasme [n]: enthusiasm
geestelijk = ecclesiastic
Geestelijk = Ethic
geestelijk = spiritual
Geestelijk = Moral
Geestelijk = Mental
geestelijk = spiritually
Geestelijk = Lively
Geestelijk = Just
Geestelijk = Morale
Geestelijk = Witty
Geestelijk = Righteous
geestelijk = algemeen [a]: mental
geestelijk = mentally
geestelijk gehandicapt = geneeskunde [a]: mentally deficient
geestelijk gehandicapte = mentally disabled
geestelijk gehandicapten = mentally  disabled persons
geestelijk gehandicapten = mentally handicapped persons
geestelijk gehandicapten = the mentally ill
geestelijk gestoord = psychiatrie [a]: demented
geestelijke = mental
Geestelijke = Parson
geestelijke = clergyman
Geestelijke = Ecclesiastic
Geestelijke = Ecclesiastical
Geestelijke = Clergy
Geestelijke = Cloth
geestelijke = spiritual
Geestelijke = Clerical
geestelijke = godsdienst [n]: minister
Geestelijke = Cleric
geestelijke dimensie = spiritual dimension
geestelijke functioneren = mental functioning
geestelijke gewaarwording = algemeen [n]: mental sensation
geestelijke gezondheid = algemeen [n]: sanity
geestelijke gezondheid = mental health
geestelijke gezondheidszorg = mental health care
geestelijke gezondheidszorg = mental health services
geestelijke oefening = intelligentie [n]: mental training
"geestelijke toestand, geestesgesteldheid" = mental state
"geestelijke vader, stichter, grondlegger" = progenitor (someone who originates something)
geestelijke vermoeidheid = mental  fatigue
geestelijke vermoeidheid = psychological fatigue: fatigue caused by mental or spiritual overexertion
geestelijke waarnemingsorganen = spiritual organs of perception
geestelijkheid = clergy
geestelijkheid = algemeen [n]: spirituality
geestenbezweerder = spiritisme - man [n]: necromancer
Geestenziener = Visionary
geestesactiviteit = algemeen [n]: mental activity
geestesgesteldheid = karakter [n]: mentality
"geesteshygiëne, mentale hygiëne" = mental hygiene
geesteskind = idee [n]: brainchild
geesteskind = brainchild
geestesproduct = idee [n]: brainchild
geestestoestand = algemeen [n]: mental condition
Geesteswetenschappen = Humanities
Geesteswetenschappen = Arts
Geesteswetenschappen = Social sciences
Geesteswetenschappen = Belles-lettres
Geesteswetenschappen = Spiritual science
geesteswetenschappen = arts
geesteswetenschappen = humanities
geesteswetenschappen = liberal arts
geesteswetenschappen = non-physical sciences
geesteswetenschappen = spiritual science
geestesziek = psychiatrie [a]: demented
geestesziekte = psychiatrie [n]: derangement
geestesziekte = mental illness
geesteziek = emotionally disturbed
geestgrond = "geest (sandy soil between dunes and polder), old sand ridges"
geestherinneren = spiritual recall
Geestig = Spiritual
geestig = smart
geestig = lively
Geestig = Witty
geestig = gedrag [a]: witty
geestig = funny
geestigheid = wittiness
geestigheid = witticism
Geestigheid = Mind
geestigheid = grappigheid [n]: facetiousness
geestrijk = alcoholic
geestrijk = alcoholische dranken [a]: spirituous
geestverruimend = verdovende middelen [a]: psychedelic
geestverschijning = geest [n]: manifestation [formal]
geestvervoering = ecstasy
geestverwant = algemeen [a]: like-minded
geestverwant = fellow-thinker
geëthoxyleerde = ethoxylated
"geëthoxyleerde, gepropoxyleerde en/of gebutoxyleerde vetalkylen en alcoh" = "ethoxylated, propoxylated and/or butoxylated fatty alkyls and alcohols"
geëtiketteerd = labelled
geëtst circuit = etched circuit
Geeuw = Yawn
Geeuw = Gape
geeuw = algemeen [n]: yawn
geeuwde = yawn
geeuwen = vermoeidheid [v]: yawn
geeuwen = yawn
geeuwhonger = famine
geeuwhonger = geneeskunde [n]: bulimia
Geeuwreflex = Gape
Geeuwreflex = Yawn
geëvacueerd = evacuated
geëvalueerd = evaluated
geëvalueerd bij de volgende audit = evaluated at the next audit
geëvalueerd en gecoached = evaluated and coached
geëvalueerde rapporten = reports evaluated
Geëvaporeerd zout en zuiver natriumchloride = Evaporated salt and pure sodium chloride
geëvaporeerde melk = dranken [n]: evaporated milk
geëvokeerd potentiaal = "evoked potential: an event-related potential, elicited by (and time-locke"
geëxalteerde draaggolfontvangst = exalted-carrier reception
geëxamineerd = assessed
geëxamineerde = candidate
geëxamineerde anatomische regio = examined anatomical region
geëxciteerde toestand = excited state
geëxcuseerd = taak [a]: exempt
geëxpandeerd = expanded
geëxpandeerd polystyreen = expanded polystyrene
geëxpandeerd polystyreen (EPS) schuim = expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam
geëxpandeerd polystyreen hoge densiteit = high-density expanded polystyrene
geëxpandeerd polystyreen met een hoge densiteit = high-density expanded polystyrene
Geëxpandeerde = Expanded
geëxpandeerde polystyreen = expanded polystyrene
geëxpandeerde polystyreen (EPS) granulen = expanded polystyrene (EPS) granules
geëxpandeerde polystyreen granulen = expanded polystyrene granules
Geëxpandeerde polystyreen granulen = Expanded polystyrene granules
geëxpandeerde polystyreengranulen = expanded polystyrene granules
geëxperimenteerd = experimented
geëxpertiseerd = subjected to a loss adjustment survey
geëxpliciteerd = make (more) explicit
geéxplodeerd perspectief aanzicht = exploded view
geëxplodeerd perspectief aanzicht = exploded view
geëxplodeerde perspectieftekening = exploded view
geëxploiteerd = operated
Geexporteerd = Exported
geëxporteerd = exported
geëxposeerd stuk = kunst [n]: exhibit
geëxposeerde collectie = kunst [n]: exhibit
geëxtrapoleerd op lange termijn = coasted
geextrapoleerde = extrapolated
geéxtrapoleerde = extrapolated
geëxtrapoleerde = extrapolated
geéxtrapoleerde positie = extrapolated position
geëxtrapoleerde positie = extrapolated position
geëxtrudeerd = extruded
geëxtrudeerd polystyreen (XPS) schuim = extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam
geëxtrudeerd profiel = extruded profile
geëxtrudeerde anode = extruded anode
gefaalde controles = failed checks
gefabriceerd = manufactured
gefacetteerde classificatie = faceted classification
gefacilieerde bedrijfsfusie = merger will not meet the terms of the tax facility/tax-efficient merger
gefaciliteerd = facilitated
gefactureerd = invoiced
gefactureerde = invoiced
gefactureerde bedragen = invoiced amounts
gefactureerde kantoormeubilair = invoiced office furniture
gefactureerde licentie-inkomsten = invoiced licence fee income
Gefactureerde omzet = Invoiced turnover
gefactureerde opbrengst = invoiced revenue
gefactureerde periode = invoiced period
gefalsificeerd = falsified
gefascineerd = persoon [a]: enraptured
gefascineerd = fascinated
gefaseerd = in phases
Gefaseerd (hele geval) = Staged (complete occurrence)
Gefaseerd (locatie) = Staged (site)
gefaseerd worden opgeleverd = delivered in phases
gefaseerde = phased
Gefaseerde beslissingsstrategie = Phased decision strategy
gefaseerde bouwvergunning = two-stage planning application
gefaseerde facturering = phased billing
gefaseerde installatie van alleen-lezen domeincontroller = staged read-only domain controller installation
gefaseerde installatie van RODC = staged RODC installation
gefaseerde invoering = phased introduction
gefaseerde levering = phased delivery
gefeliciteard met oen'n verjoardag = happy birthday
gefeliciteerd = wens [o]: congratulations
gefeliciteerd = lucky you
gefeliciteerd = congratulations
"Gefeliciteerd, je hebt gewonnen" = "Congratulations, you won"
Gefelst/Gevouwen = Folded
gefermenteerd = fermented
gefermenteerde = fermented
gefermenteerde melk = fermented milk
gefermenteerde thee = fermented tea
gefermenteerde vloeistof = fermented liquid
gefestonneerd = overlocked
gefibrilleerd = fibrillated
gefibrilleerde = fibrillated
gefibrilleerde tape = fibrillated tape
gefilteerd = filtered
gefilterd = filtered
gefilterd effluent = filtered effluent
gefilterd licht = filtered light
gefilterd worden = are filtered
gefilterde = filtered
gefilterde groep = filtered group
gefilterde HTML = filtered HTML
gefilterde lucht = filtered air
gefilterde olie = filtered oil
gefilterde weergave = filtered view
gefilterde-toegangstoken = filtered access token
gefinancierd = financed
gefinancierd = funded
Gefinancierd door de overheid = Funded by the government
gefingeerd = naam [a]: fictitious
gefixeerd = fixed
gefixeerde = fixed
gefixeerde blik = fixed gaze
Gefixeerde positie = Fixed position
gefixeerde schadevergoeding = fixed compensation
gefixeerde snelheid = fixed speed
geflankeerd = flanked
geflapper = vleugels [n]: flapping
geflikflooi = algemeen [n]: cajolery
geflirt = gedrag [n]: dalliance [literature]
gefluïdiseerd = fluidized: made to flow like a liquid
gefluïdiseerde = fluidized
gefluister = whisper
gefluister = stem [n]: whisper
Gefluit = Booing
gefluit = singing
gefluit = whistle
gefluit = vogels [n]: whistle
gefluit {het} = whistling
gefluoreerd broeikasgas = fluorinated greenhouse gas
gefluoreerd broeikasgassen = fluorinated greenhouse gases
gefluoreerde broeikasgassen = fluorinated greenhouse gases
gefocusseerd = focused
gefocust = focused
Gefokt = Farmed
gefolterd = gevoelstoestand [a]: tortured
geforceerd = strained
geforceerd = gedrag [a]: unnatural
geforceerd administratiekosten = to add administration costs compulsorily to orders
geforceerd expiratorisch secondevolume = forced  expiratory volume (in one second)
geforceerd getitreerd = force titrated
geforceerd heetwatersysteem = pumped hot water system
geforceerd luchtcirculatiesysteem = forced air circulation system
geforceerd terugschakelen bij automaat = kick down
geforceerde diurese = forced  diuresis
geforceerde droging = forced drying
geforceerdheid = gedrag [n]: constraint
geformeerd = formed
geformeerd = shaped
geformeerd met een materialiteit = sampling materiality was set at
geformuleerd = formulated
geformuleerd = form
geformuleerd is in een poeder- of korrelvorm = is formulated in a powder or granular form
geformuleerd volgens = formulated in accordance with
geformuleerde dividendbeleid = dividend policy
geformuleerde strategie = formulated strategy
Gefortuneerd = Wealthy
gefortuneerd = affluent
gefosfateerd dizetmeelfosfaat = phosphatylated di-starch phosphate
gefouilleerd = searched
gefractioneerd = fractionated
gefractioneerde distillatie = fractionated distillation
gefrankeerd = post-paid
gefreesd = milled
gefreesde = milled
gefreesde gat = milled hole
Gefrituurde = Deep fried
gefrustreerd = algemeen [a]: frustrated
gefundeerd = based
gefundeerd = built
gefundeerd = established
gefundeerd = founded
gefundeerd = grounded
gefundeerd = underpinned
gefundeerd = oordeel [a]: well-founded
gefundeerd op = supported by
gefundeerd zijn op = redenering [v]: rest on
gefundeerde beslissing = informed decision
gefundeerde keuze = informed choice
gefundeerde zakelijke beslissing = informed business decision
gefundeerde zakelijke beslissingen = informed business decisions
gefuseerde = merged
gegaan = gone
gegaan = went
gegadigde = applicant
Gegadigde = Candidate
gegadigde = man [n]: aspirant
Gegadigde = Self-interested
Gegadigden = Candidates
Gegalm = Shouting
Gegalm = Shouts
Gegalm = Yelling
gegalvaniseerd = galvanized
gegalvaniseerd = galvanised
Gegalvaniseerd stalen = Galvanised steel
gegalvaniseerde = galvanised
gegarandeerd = guaranteed
gegarandeerd = belofte [a]: guaranteed
gegarandeerd aantal gebruikers = guaranteed number of users
gegarandeerd aantal gebruikers project = guaranteed number of users project
gegarandeerd loon = guaranteed wage
gegarandeerd minimumloon = guaranteed minimum wage
gegarandeerd waterdicht en stofvrij verpakt = guaranteed to be packaged both waterproof and dustproof
gegarandeerd wettelijk minimum = minimum guaranteed by law
Gegarandeerde = Guaranteed
gegarandeerde bankcheque = certified cheque
gegarandeerde bankcheque = to render assistance
gegarandeerde betaalcheque = guaranteed payment order
gegarandeerde capaciteit = guaranteed capacity
Gegarandeerde kwaliteit = Guaranteed quality
gegarandeerde minimale middelen van bestaan = guaranteed minimum resources
gegarandeerde minimumprijs = guaranteed minimum price
gegarandeerde obligatie = guaranteed bond
gegarandeerde offerte = guaranteed price quote
gegarandeerde overdrachtssnelheid (cir) = cir rate
gegarandeerde prijs = guaranteed price
Gegarandeerde responsetijden = Guaranteed response times
gegarandeerde technische rentevoet = guaranteed technical interest rate
gegarandeerde traditionele specialiteit = traditional speciality guaranteed
gegarandeerde verplichting/schuld = guaranteed liability
gegarandeerde vervanging van hardware = hardware replacement guarantee
gegarneerd met = positie [o]: on top
Gegaufreerd of geperforeerd drukpapier = Embossed or perforated printing paper
Gegaufreerd of geperforeerd papier = Embossed or perforated paper
Gegaufreerd of geperforeerd schrijfpapier = Embossed or perforated writing paper
gegeeuwd = yawned
gegegevens-verzamelinrichting = data collection device
Gegeneerd = Ill at ease
Gegeneerd = Hard-up
Gegeneerd = Embarrassed
gegeneraliseerd additief model = GAM
gegeneraliseerd additief model = generalised additive model
gegeneraliseerd additief model = generalized additive model
gegeneraliseerd gemengd model = generalised mixed model
gegeneraliseerd gemengd model = generalized mixed model
gegeneraliseerd lineair model = generalised linear model
gegeneraliseerd lineair model = generalized linear model
gegeneraliseerd worden naar = generalised to
gegeneraliseerde afbeelding = generalized image
gegeneraliseerde afstand = generalised distance
gegeneraliseerde afstand = generalized distance
gegeneraliseerde Bayesiaanse beslisregel = generalised Bayes' decision rule
gegeneraliseerde Bayesiaanse beslisregel = generalized Bayes' decision rule
gegeneraliseerde besmettingsverdeling = generalised contagious distribution
gegeneraliseerde besmettingsverdeling = generalized contagious distribution
gegeneraliseerde besmettingsverdeling van Subrahmaniam = Subrahmaniam's generalised contagious distribution
gegeneraliseerde besmettingsverdeling van Subrahmaniam = Subrahmaniam's generalized contagious distribution
gegeneraliseerde bivariate exponentiële verdeling = generalised bivariate exponential distribution
gegeneraliseerde bivariate exponentiële verdeling = generalized bivariate exponential distribution
Gegeneraliseerde buikpijn = Generalised abdominal pain
gegeneraliseerde cilinder = generalized cylinder
gegeneraliseerde deltaregel-algoritmes = generalized delta rule algorithms
gegeneraliseerde gamma-verdelingen = Creedy
gegeneraliseerde gamma-verdelingen = Creedy and Martin generalised gamma distribution
gegeneraliseerde gamma-verdelingen = generalised gamma distributions
gegeneraliseerde gamma-verdelingen = generalized gamma distributions
gegeneraliseerde kleinste-kwadraten schatter = generalised least squares estimator
gegeneraliseerde kleinste-kwadraten schatter = generalized least squares estimator
gegeneraliseerde kruisvalidatie = generalised cross-validation
gegeneraliseerde kruisvalidatie = generalized cross-validation
gegeneraliseerde machtreeksverdeling = generalised power series distribution
gegeneraliseerde machtreeksverdeling = generalized power series distribution
gegeneraliseerde maximale aannemelijkheidsschatter = generalised maximum likelihood estimator
gegeneraliseerde maximale aannemelijkheidsschatter = generalized maximum likelihood estimator
gegeneraliseerde multinomiale verdeling = generalised multinomial distribution
gegeneraliseerde multinomiale verdeling = generalized multinomial distribution
gegeneraliseerde Pareto-verdeling = generalised Pareto distribution
gegeneraliseerde Pareto-verdeling = generalized Pareto distribution
gegeneraliseerde schattingsvergelijking = GEE
gegeneraliseerde schattingsvergelijking = generalised estimating equations
gegeneraliseerde schattingsvergelijking = generalized estimating equations
gegeneraliseerde sequentiële waarschijnlijkheidsratio-toets van = generalised sequential probability ratio test
gegeneraliseerde sequentiële waarschijnlijkheidsratio-toets van = generalized sequential probability ratio test
gegeneraliseerde STER-verdeling = generalised STER distribution
gegeneraliseerde STER-verdeling = generalized STER distribution
gegeneraliseerde T²-verdeling = generalised T² distribution
gegeneraliseerde T²-verdeling = generalized T² distribution
gegeneraliseerde verdeling = generalised distribution
gegeneraliseerde verdeling = generalized distribution
gegeneraliseerde verdeling van de extreme waarden = generalised extreme-value distribution
gegeneraliseerde verdeling van de extreme waarden = generalized extreme-value distribution
gegenereerd = generated
gegenereerd adres = generated address
gegenereerd moeten worden = should be generated
gegenereerd verkeer = generated traffic
gegenereerde informatie = information generated
gegenereerde tekst = generated text
gegenereerde toewijzing = generated allocation
gegeten = eaten
gegeven = information
Gegeven = Data
gegeven = data
gegeven = data item
gegeven = algemeen [a]: given
gegeven = assumption
gegeven = entry
gegeven = datum
gegeven context = given context
gegeven de huidige stand van zaken = given the current state of affairs
gegeven of set van gegevens = data item or set
gegeven voorbeelden = examples given
"gegeven, begrepen en worden nageleefd" = "given, understood and complied with"
gegevens = details
gegevens = data
gegevens = feiten [n]: data
gegevens = information
gegevens = datum
gegevens / data / cijfers = data
gegevens aanscherpen = data sharpening
Gegevens aanvrager = Applicant’s details
gegevens afkomstig van het configureerbaar meetsysteem = data from the configurable measuring system
gegevens betreffende asiel = asylum data
gegevens betreffende de levenscyclus van de software = software life cycle data
gegevens betreffende de medeverzekering = co-insurance details
"gegevens die op elk apparaat, op elk moment en op elke plaats bijgewerkt " = "data that can be updated on any device, at any time and at any place"
gegevens diepte = data depth
gegevens draadloos door te geven = transmit data wirelessly
gegevens draadloos te verzenden = send data wirelessly
gegevens draadloos te verzenden naar de centrale eenheid = transmit data wirelessly to the central unit
gegevens- en beeldverwerkende apparaten = data and image processing apparatus
gegevens en bescheiden = data and documents
Gegevens en Bestanden = Data and Files
Gegevens en Bestanden en Materiaal = Data and Files and Material
gegevens en informatie = data and information
gegevens en invulmogelijkheden = information and fields
gegevens en lichaamsmateriaal = data and body material
gegevens en logica = data and logic
Gegevens- en stemmedia = Data and voice media
gegevens en transacties = data and transactions
Gegevens en Vertrouwelijkheid = Information and Confidentiality
gegevens gebruiker worden verwijderd = executing delete on user
"gegevens geregistreerd in elektronische, optische of magnetische vorm" = "data recorded in electronic, optical or magnetic form"
Gegevens goedgekeurd door de FAA = Data approved by the FAA
Gegevens goedgekeurd door het EASA = Data approved by EASA
gegevens in machinaal leesbare vorm = data in machine-readable form
Gegevens kunnen ook niet meer verloren gaan = Data can also no longer be lost
Gegevens melding = Notification details
gegevens met betrekking tot iemands seksueel gedrag of seksuele gerichthe = data concerning a person’s sexual orientation or conduct
gegevens met financiële aspecten = information with financial aspects
gegevens met fouten/gebreken = flawed data
gegevens met geografische componenten = geo-referenced data
gegevens omtrent de kentekenregistratie = vehicle registration data
gegevens omtrent ras of etnische afkomst = data on racial or ethnic origin
gegevens ontsluiten = retrieve data
gegevens op basis van registers = register-based data
gegevens op basis van vragenlijsten = questionnaire-based data
gegevens op de contactpagina = information on the Contact page
gegevens over = information about
gegevens over de gezondheid = health data
gegevens over de patiënt = data regarding the patient
gegevens over de toestand van het milieu = data on the state of the environment
gegevens over deelname aan de diverse verzekeringen = information about the various policies the employee is a member of
gegevens over gezondheid = data concerning health
gegevens over het gebruik dat de koper maakt van de producten en diensten = data on how the Buyer uses the products and services
gegevens over klikgedrag = clickstream data
Gegevens over storingsindicatie = Failure Predict Data
gegevens over uw bezoek aan onze website = details of your visit to our website
gegevens over vergaderingen = conferencing information
Gegevens over voertuigbezit = Vehicle ownership data
gegevens partner = data of partner
gegevens per bedrijfsonderdeel/sector = segment data
gegevens per hoofd (van de bevolking) = per capita data
Gegevens personeelsdossier = Personnel file data
gegevens registreert = is recording data
gegevens resulterend uit het ontwerp = design output
gegevens te ontvangen van = receive data from
gegevens te verzenden naar = send data to
Gegevens uit het preklinisch veiligheidsonderzoek = Preclinical safety data
Gegevens uit transacties = Transaction data
gegevens uitwisselen = exchange data
gegevens uitwisselen met andere apps = exchange data with other apps
Gegevens van afspraak = Appointment details
gegevens van de fabrikant = manufacturer's instructions
gegevens van de nulmeting = baseline data
gegevens van de oorspronkelijke klant = initial customer site data
gegevens van de sensoren = data from the sensors
gegevens van een bestandstype = file type data
gegevens van het volgsysteem voor vaartuigen = vessel monitoring system data
gegevens van je partner = your partner’s details
gegevens van partners = partner data
gegevens van strafrechtelijke aard = criminal law data
gegevens van vertrouwelijke aard = information of a confidential nature
Gegevens vast opgestelde machines = Details of stationary machines
gegevens verkregen uit de = data obtained from the
gegevens vermeerdering algoritme = data augmentation algorithm
gegevens verzamelen = data collection
gegevens verzamelen en analyseren = data collection and analysis
Gegevens verzamelen per e-mail = Collect Data Through E-mail
gegevens verzamelt = data compiling
gegevens voor analyse = data for analysis
gegevens voor de installatie van een product = data to install a product
gegevens voor het aanmaken van handtekeningen = signature-creation data
gegevens voor het factuuradres = billing address information
gegevens voor het verifiëren van een handtekening = signature-verification-data
gegevens Werkgever = Employer data
gegevens Werknemer = Employee data
"gegevens, applicaties, of servers" = "data, applications or servers"
"gegevens, bescheiden, materialen, informatiedragers" = "data, documents, materials, information carriers"
"gegevens, de bevinding, de resultaat" = findings
"gegevens, de bevinding, de resultaat" = observations
"gegevens, de bevinding, de resultaat" = results
"gegevens, informatie en bijzonderheden" = "data, information and particulars"
"gegevens, informatie en/of bijzonderheden" = "data, information and/or particulars"
gegevensabstractie = data abstraction
gegevensacquisitie = data acquisition
gegevensadapter = data adapter
gegevensafbeelding = data graphic
gegevensaggregaat = data aggregate
gegevensanalyse = data analysis
gegevensanalyse = data mining
gegevensanalyse = data analysis
gegevensattribuut = data attribute
gegevensbalk = data bar
gegevensbank = data bank
gegevensbank = database
gegevensbank = databank
gegevensbank = data base
gegevensbanken = databases
gegevensbanken van sensorinformatie = databases of sensor information
gegevensbasis = data bank
gegevensbasis = database
gegevensbegrenzingsteken = data delimiter
gegevensbeheer = data management
gegevensbeheerder = data officer
gegevensbeheerderrol = data administrator role
Gegevensbeheerdiensten = Data management services
gegevensbeheerssysteem = database management system: DBMS
gegevensbeleid = data policy
gegevensbeschadiging = data damage
gegevensbescherming = data protection
gegevensbescherming {de} = data protection
Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit = data protection authority
Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit = Data Protection Authority
gegevensbeschermingscoördinator = data protection coordinator
gegevensbeschermingseffectbeoordeling = Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
gegevensbeschermingseffectbeoordeling = Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
gegevensbeschermingseffectbeoordeling = Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
gegevensbeschikbaarheid = availability of your data
gegevensbeschikbaarheid = data availability
gegevensbeschrijvingstaal = data description language: DDL
gegevensbestand = data file
gegevensbestand = file
gegevensbestand = "database, data content, data file"
gegevensbestand = database
gegevensbestand = data base
gegevensbestand = data record
gegevensbestanddeel = data component
gegevensbestanden = data files
gegevensbestanden = databases
gegevensbestanden op computer = computer databases
gegevensbetrouwbaarheid = data reliability
gegevensbetrouwbaarheid = data security
gegevensbeveiliging = data security
gegevensbeveiliging = Security of Information
Gegevensbeveiligingssoftware = Data security software package
gegevensbibliotheek = data library
gegevensbinding = data binding
gegevensbinding in virtuele modus = virtual-mode data binding
gegevensblad = datasheet
gegevensblad = data sheet
gegevensblad over de = material safety data
Gegevensbladweergave = Datasheet view
gegevensbreekpunt = data breakpoint
gegevensbron = data source
gegevensbron voor externe inhoud = External Content Type data source
gegevensbronbesturing = data source control
gegevensbronnen = data sources
gegevensbronnen = Data sources
gegevensbronopmaak = data source formatting
gegevenscategorieën = categories of information
gegevenscentrale = data switching exchange: DSE
gegevenscentrum = data centre
gegevenscircuit = data circuit
gegevenscircuittransparantie = data circuit transparency
gegevenscircuitverbinding = data circuit connection
gegevenscode = data code
gegevenscommunicatie = data communication
gegevenscommunicatieapparatuur = data communication equipment
gegevenscommunicatiebesturingsprocedure = data communication control procedure
gegevenscommunicatiebesturingsteken = data communication control character
gegevenscommunicatiesysteem = data communication system
Gegevenscommunicatie-uitrusting = Data-communications equipment
gegevenscompilatie = data compilation
gegevenscompilatie en -transcriptie = data compilation and transcription
gegevenscompressie = data compression
gegevenscomprimering = data compression
gegevensconcentrator = data concentrator
gegevensconferentiefaciliteit = data conferencing repeater
gegevensconsistentie = data consistency
Gegevensconversie = Data conversion services
gegevensconversie = data conversion
gegevensdefinitie = data definition
gegevensdefinitie en C-gebruikspaar = data definition C-use pair
gegevensdefinitie en P-gebruikspaar = data definition P-use pair
gegevensdefinitiebeheer = data definition management
gegevensdefinitie-gebruikspaar = data definition-use pair
gegevensdefinitietaal = data definition language: DDL
gegevensdiagram = data diagram
gegevensdictionaire = data dictionary
gegevensdiefstal = data theft
Gegevensdragende media = Data-bearing media
gegevensdrager = data carrier
gegevensdragergeheugen = data carrier store
Gegevensdragers = Data carriers
gegevensdragers met computerprogramma’s = data carriers with computer programs
gegevensdragers met of voor machinaal leesbare gegevens = data carriers bearing or incorporating machine-readable
gegevensdragers met programma’s = data carriers equipped with programs
gegevensdragers welke plegen te worden opgemaakt om te dienen als bewijs  = data carriers which are usually prepared as evidence against third partie
"gegevensdragers, -verzamel- en -invoertoestellen" = "data carriers, collectors and feeders"
gegevenselement = data element
gegevensencryptiestandaard = data encryption standard: DES
gegevensexceptie = data exception
gegevensexporttaak = data export job
gegevensfaciliteiten = data services
gegevensfeed = data feed
gegevensformulier = data form
gegevensfrequentie = data frequency
gegevensgebeurtenis = data event
gegevensgebied = data region
gegevensgebruik = data use
gegevensgeneratietaal = data generation language: DGL
gegevensgerichte = data-centric
gegevensgerichte benadering = substantive approach
gegevensgerichte controle = substantive audit
gegevensgerichte controle-maatregelen = substantive audit procedures
gegevensgerichte steekproef = substantive test
gegevensgerichte werkzaamheden = substantive procedures
gegevensgestuurd = data-driven
gegevensgestuurd zoeken = data-directed searching
gegevensgestuurde besturing = data-directed control
gegevensgevoelige fout = data-sensitive fault
gegevensgewijs invoeren van bewerkingen = job batch
gegevensgroep = data group
gegevenshoofdlijn = data bus
gegevensindeling = data format
gegevensinhoud = data content
Gegevensinstelling beheren = Manage data settings
gegevensinstellingen = data settings
gegevensintegratie = data integration
gegevensintegriteit = data integrity
gegevensinterface = data interface
gegevensinvoer = data entry
gegevensinvoerblad = data input sheet
gegevensinvoerprocessor = data entry processor
Gegevensinvoerset = Data Collector Set
gegevensitem = data item
gegevenskaart = data card
gegevenskanaal = data channel
gegevenskenmerk = attribute
Gegevenskiezer = Data Selector
gegevenskoppeling = data chaining
gegevenskoppelingslaag = data-link layer
gegevenslabel = data label
gegevensleveringen = data supplies
gegevenslijst = data list
Gegevensmacro's = Data Macros
gegevensmanipulatietaal = data manipulation language: DML
gegevensmarkering = data marker
gegevensmedium = data medium
gegevensmigratie = data migration
gegevensmodel = data model
gegevensmodel van Active Directory = Active Directory data model
gegevensmodus = data mode
gegevensmultiplexer = data multiplexer
gegevensnaam = data name
gegevensnauwkeurigheid = data accuracy
gegevensnetwerk = data network
gegevensobject = data object
gegevensomvormer = data transducer
gegevensomzetter = data converter
gegevensonafhankelijkheid = data independence
gegevensontvangst = data reception
gegevensontvangsteenheid = data receiver
gegevensopname-eenheid = data logger
gegevensopnamen = data recordings
gegevensoproep = data call
gegevensopschoning = data cleaning
gegevensopslag = data storage
gegevensopslag van de app = app data storage
gegevensopslagapparatuur = data storage devices
gegevensopslagmechanisme = data storage mechanism
gegevensopvraag = query
gegevensorganisatie = data organization
gegevensoverbrenging = data transfer
gegevensoverdraagbaarheid = data portability
gegevensoverdracht = data transfer
gegevensoverdracht = data portability (GDPR)
gegevensoverdrachtssnelheid = data transfer rate
gegevensoverdrachtsstadium = data transfer phase
gegevensoverdrachtstijd = data transfer time
gegevensoverdrachtverzoeksignaal = data transfer request signal
gegevensoverschrijdingsfout = data-overrun error
gegevensoverzicht = Data Outline
gegevensoverzicht = data overview
gegevenspaket = data packet
gegevenspaket = data packet
gegevenspakket = data packet
gegevenspakketten = data packets
gegevensportaal = data portal
gegevensprovider = data provider
gegevenspunt = data point
gegevensrecord = data record
gegevensreeks = data series
Gegevensregistratie = Data registration function
gegevensregistratie = data capture
Gegevensregistratie geïntegreerd = Integrated data registration function
Gegevensregistratiesysteem = Data-acquisition system
gegevensrepresentatie = data representation
gegevens-retrieval = data retrieval
gegevensruimte = data space
gegevensschakeling = data switch
gegevens-scheidingsteken = data delimiter
gegevenssegment = data segment
gegevenssetparameter = dataset parameter
gegevenssignaal = data signal
gegevenssnelheid = data rate
gegevenssplitsing = data fission
gegevensstadium = data phase
gegevensstation = data station
gegevensstroom = data stream
gegevensstroom = data flow
gegevensstroom = dataflow
gegevensstroom = stream
gegevensstroombesturing = data flow control
gegevensstroomdiagram = dataflow diagram
gegevensstroomdiagram = data flow diagram: DFD
gegevensstroomindeling = stream format
gegevensstroomindelingsbestand = stream format file
gegevensstroomschema = data flowchart
gegevensstructuur = data structure
"gegevensstructuur, datastructuur" = data structure (organization of data)
gegevensstructuurdiagram = data structure diagram
gegevenssynchronisatie = data synchronization
gegevenssynchronisatie-eenheid = data synchronizer
gegevenstabel = data table
gegevensterminals = data terminals
gegevenstester = data tester
gegevenstoevoer/-invoer = data entry
gegevenstoewijzing = data map
gegevenstraject = datawire
gegevenstransmissie = data transmission
gegevenstransmissiebesturingsteken = data transmission control character
gegevenstransmissiecircuit = data transmission circuit
gegevenstransmissiefaciliteit = data transmission service
gegevenstransmissie-interface = data transmission interface
gegevenstransmissiekanaal = data transmission channel
gegevenstransmissiesnelheid = data signalling rate
gegevenstype = data type
Gegevenstype = Type
gegevenstype cursor = cursor data type
gegevenstype Double = Double data type
gegevenstype Enkel = Single data type
gegevenstype Hyperlink = Hyperlink data type
gegevenstype Integer = Integer data type
gegevenstype Object = Object data type
gegevenstype OLE-object = OLE Object data type
gegevenstype Reeks = String data type
gegevenstype Uniqueidentifier = uniqueidentifier data type
gegevenstype Variant = Variant data type
gegevenstypering = data typing
Gegevensuitrusting = Data equipment
gegevensuitwisseling = exchange of data
gegevensuitwisseling = data exchange
gegevensuitwisseling eenheid = data-exchange unit
gegevensuitwisseling met een server voor het bijhouden van informatie met = data exchange with a server for updating information on the position of t
gegevensuitwisseling met een server voor het bijhouden van informatie met = data exchange with a server for updating information on the position of t
gegevensvalidatie = data validation
gegevensvastlegging = logging
gegevensveld = data field
gegevensvenster = data pane
gegevensverberging = data hiding
gegevensverbinding = data connection
gegevensverbindingsbestand = data connection file
Gegevensverbindingsbibliotheek = Data Connection Library
gegevensverbindingslaag = data link layer
gegevensverdichting = data compaction
Gegevensvergaringsdiensten = Data capture services
gegevensverificatie = data verification
gegevensverkeer = cellular data
gegevensverklaring = data declaration
gegevensverlies = data loss
gegevensversleuteling = data encryption
gegevensversmelting = data fusion
gegevensverspreidingsherkenning met wisselende prioriteiten = broadcast recognition with alternating priorities: BRAP
gegevensverstrekkende lidstaat = supplying Member State
Gegevensverstrekking = Data transmission
gegevensverwerkend = data processing
gegevensverwerkend systeem = data processing system
gegevensverwerkende = data-processing
"gegevensverwerkende apparaten en -instrumenten, computers en computer-ran" = "data-processing apparatus and instruments, computers, and peripheral equi"
gegevensverwerkende apparatuur = data-processing apparatus
gegevensverwerkende apparatuur = data processing equipment
gegevensverwerkende apparatuur en computers = data-processing equipment and computers
gegevensverwerkende apparatuur en installaties = data-processing apparatus and equipment
gegevensverwerkende apparatuur en instrumenten = data-processing apparatus and instruments
gegevensverwerkende apparatuur en instrumenten voor het beheer van amusem = data-processing apparatus and instruments for the management of amusement
gegevensverwerkende installatie = computer equipment
gegevensverwerkende installaties = data-processing equipment
gegevensverwerkende machine = Data Processor
gegevensverwerkende machines = data processing machines
gegevensverwerkende machines = data-processing machines
gegevensverwerkende systemen = data processing systems
gegevensverwerkers = data processors
gegevensverwerking = algemeen [n]: data processing
gegevensverwerking = data processing
gegevensverwerking in het openbaar belang = data processing in the public interest
gegevensverwerking op afstand = teleprocessing
gegevensverwerking voor derden = data processing for others
gegevensverwerkingen = data processing operations
gegevensverwerkingsapparatuur = data gathering
gegevensverwerkingsapparatuur = data processing system (information processing system)
Gegevensverwerkingsdiensten = Data-processing services
Gegevensverwerkingsuitrusting = Data-processing equipment
gegevensverwerkingtaken = data processing tasks
gegevensverwerving = data acquisition
gegevensverzamelaar = data collector
gegevensverzamelaarset = data collector set
gegevensverzamelend systeem = data collection system
gegevensverzamelend systeem = data collecting system
gegevensverzameling = data acquisition
gegevensverzameling = data collection
gegevensverzamelingen = data collections
gegevensverzamelingen = data sets
gegevensverzamelingsmethoden = data collection methods
gegevensverzamelingstechnieken = data collection techniques
gegevensverzamelinrichting = data collection device
gegevensverzamelinrichting = data collection device
gegevensverzamelinrichting = data collection device
gegevensverzamelinrichting = data collection device
gegevensverzamelinrichting = data collection device
gegevensverzamel-inrichting = data collection device
gegevensverzamelinrichting volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige u = data collection device according to embodiments of the present invention
gegevensverzamelinrichting volgens uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige u = data collection device according to embodiments of the present invention
gegevensverzamelinrichtingen = data collection devices
gegevensverzamelinrichtingen = data collection devices
gegevensverzamelinrichtings = data collection devices
gegevensverzendeenheid = data transmitter
gegevensverzendstation = data transmitter
gegevensvisualisatie = data visualization
gegevenswaarde = data value
Gegevenswaarden = Data values
gegevenswissing = erasure of data (GDPR)
gegiechel = algemeen [n]: tittering
gegier = wind [n]: howl
gegijzelde = man [n]: hostage
gegil = vrees [n]: screech
"gegil, gejoel, gekrijs, geroep, geschreeuw" = clamor (great outcry or vociferation)
gegist = mening [a]: conjectural
geglaceerd = culinair [a]: candied
geglazuurd aardewerk = algemeen [n]: faience
gegloeid = annealed
gegoed = in easy circumstances
gegoedheid = (financial) standing
gegoedheid = reputation
gegoedheid = solvency
Gegolfd = Waved
gegolfd = gerimpeld [a]: corrugated
gegolfd = undulated
gegolfd = undulate
gegolfd = corrugated
Gegolfd metaal = Corrugated metal
Gegolfd papier of golfkarton = Corrugated paper or paperboard
gegolfde = corrugated
gegolfde oppervlak 117 van het buitenste rotordeel 110 = corrugated surface 117 of the outer rotor part 110
Gegomd of zelfklevend papier = Gummed or adhesive paper
gegons = bij [n]: hum
gegoten = cast
Gegoten = Melted
gegoten anode = cast anode
gegoten component = moulded component
gegoten glas = cast glass
Gegoten glas = Moulded glass
Gegoten kapseling = Cast encapsulation
gegoten onderdeel = cast part
gegoten pulp = moulded pulp
gegoten voorwerp = cast
gegradeerd met behulp van = graded using
gegradueerd = proportional
gegradueerd = proportional
gegradueerde = universiteit - man [n]: graduate
gegrafiteerde draden = graphite-coated wires
Gegranuleerd = Granulated
gegratineerd = culinair [a]: au gratin
gegraveerd = engraved
gegraveerd = chased (van metaal)
gegraven = dug
gegraven dok = graving dock
gegrepen = gripped
gegrilde = grilled
gegrilde groenten = grilled vegetables
gegrit = grit-blasted
gegroefd = fluted
gegroefd = sulcate
gegroefd = channelled
gegroefd = oppervlakte [a]: grooved
"gegroefd, beschadigd" = scored
"gegroefd, fijn" = striate(d)
gegroefde achterkant = grooved back
gegroefde trommel = cam cylinder
gegroefde voorkant = grooved front
gegroeid = furrowed
gegroeid = grooved
gegroepeerd = grouped
gegroepeerd in een enkele uitvoeringsvorm = grouped together in a single embodiment
gegroepeerd in het algemeen en specifiek = grouped into general and specific
gegroepeerd kolomdiagram = clustered column chart
gegroepeerd materiaal = staged material
gegroepeerd raster = Grouped Grid
gegroepeerd staafdiagram = clustered bar chart
gegroepeerd testen = group testing
gegroepeerde besturingselementen = grouped controls
Gegroepeerde lijst = Grouped List
gegroepeerde parkeerplaatsen = grouped parking places
gegroepeerde Poisson-verdeling = grouped Poisson distribution
gegroepeerde records = grouped records
gegroepeerde servers voor postvakken = clustered mailbox server
gegroet = hello
gegrom = hond [n]: growl
"gegrommel, geknor, grommen" = grumble (the sound made by a hungry stomach)
gegrond = right
gegrond = oordeel [a]: well-founded
gegrond = primed
gegrond = well-founded
gegrond = well-grounded
gegronde redenen = well-founded reasons
gegronde twijfels = justified doubts
gegronde vrees voor vervolging = well founded fear of persecution
gegrondheid = merits
gegund = awarded
gehaaid = gedrag [a]: slick [informal]
Gehaakte stoffen = Crocheted fabrics
gehaald = met
gehaalde omzet = obtained revenue
gehaast = hurried
gehaast = vertrek [a]: hasty
Gehaast = Squeezed
gehaast = slapdash
gehaastheid = aktie [n]: hastiness
Gehaat = Obnoxious
gehaat = accursed
Gehaat = Abominable
Gehaat = Galling
Gehaat = Abhorrent
Gehaat = Damnable
Gehaat = Horrible
gehackt = hacked
gehackte = hacked
gehad = have
gehad = had
gehakt = culinair [n]: forcemeat
Gehakt = Hash
gehakt = mince
gehakt = hamburger meat
gehakt {het} = mince [esp. Br.]
Gehakt rundvlees = Minced beef
gehaktbal = culinair [n]: meatball
Gehaktbal = Pellet
gehaktbal {de} = meatball
gehaktballen = meatballs
Gehaktballen van rundvlees = Beef meatballs
gehakte biefstuk = culinair [n]: steak tartare
gehakte pijnboompitten = chopped pine nuts
gehaktmolen = keukengerei [n]: meat grinder
Gehal. koolwaterstoffen (som) = Hydrocarbon content (total)
gehalogeneerd organisch oplosmiddel = Halogenated organic solvent
gehalogeneerde = halogenated
gehalogeneerde koolwaterstoffen = halocarbons
gehalogeneerde koolwaterstoffen = halogenated hydrocarbons
Gehalte = Appreciate
gehalte = mineralogie [n]: grade
gehalte = content
Gehalte = Value
gehalte {het} = content
Gehalte 2 µm van de korrelfractie 2 mm = 2 µm content in grain fraction 2 mm
Gehalte 20 µm van de korrelfractie 2 mm = 20 µm content in grain fraction 2 mm
Gehalte 63 µm van de korrelfractie 2 mm = 63 µm content in grain fraction 2 mm
gehalte aan adsorbeerbare organohalogenen (AOX) = AOX value
gehalte aan rottend organisch materiaal = saprobic index
gehalte aan verontreinigende stoffen = pollutant concentration
gehalte aan zware metalen = heavy metal load
Gehalte CaCO3 van de korrelfractie 2 mm = CaCO3 content in grain fraction 2 mm
gehalten = levels
gehalveerd = halved
gehamer = hammering
gehamerd = hammered
gehamerd = gesmeed [a]: beaten
gehandeld in strijd met normen van wetenschappelijke integriteit = standards of academic integrity were breached
gehandeld zal worden overeenkomstig = will act in accordance with
gehandeld zou hebben = would have acted
gehandhaafd = upheld
gehandhaafd = maintained
gehandicapt = disabled [handicapped]
gehandicapt = invalide [a]: disabled
gehandicapt = handicapped
"gehandicapt, invalide, mindervalide" = disabled {adj} (having a physical disability)
gehandicapte = developmentally disabled person
gehandicapte = disabled person
gehandicapte studenten = disabled students
gehandicapte werknemer = worker with  disabilities
gehandicapte werknemer = worker with disabilities
gehandicapte werknemers = disabled worker
"gehandicapte, de persoon met een handicap" = a person with a disability
"gehandicapte, de persoon met een handicap" = disabled person
"gehandicapte, de persoon met een handicap" = handicapped person
gehandicapten = people with disabilities
gehandicapten = person with  disabilities
gehandicapten = gezondheid [n]: disabled
gehandicapten toilet = disabled toilet
Gehandicaptenverdrag = Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the United Natio
gehangen en gespannen = hung and tensioned
gehangene = man [n]: hanged person
gehanteerd = employed
gehanteerd = used
gehanteerde aannames = assumptions used
gehanteerde beleid = policy used
gehanteerde kwaliteitssysteem = quality system used
gehanteerde normen = standards used
Gehanteerde rekenmethodiek = Calculation methodology used
gehanteerde statistische methoden en technieken = statistical methods and techniques used
Gehanteerde techniek = Technique used
Gehanteerde uitgangspunten = Basic assumptions
gehanteerde uitgangspunten = assumptions used
gehard = hardy
gehard = metallurgie [a]: case-hardened
Gehard = Toughened
gehard = hardened
gehard staal = hardened steel
Gehard stalen spijker = Hardened steel nail
gehardheid = mensen [n]: hardiness
geharmoniseerd = harmonised
geharmoniseerd systeem = harmonized standards
geharmoniseerde = harmonized
Geharmoniseerde Norm = Harmonised Standard
geharmoniseerde norm = harmonised standards
geharmoniseerde normen = harmonised standards
Geharmoniseerde prijsindex = Harmonised price index
geharmoniseerde technische specificaties = harmonised technical specifications
geharmoniseerde voorwaarden = Harmonised Conditions
geharmoniseerde werkwijze = harmonised approach
geharrewar = woorden [n]: quarreling
geharst = resin-coated
gehashed = hashed
gehasht = hashed
gehashte = hashed
gehavend = broken
gehavend = uiterlijk [a]: battered
gehecht = vastgemaakt [a]: attached
Gehecht = Selfless
gehecht = attached
Gehecht = Devoted
gehecht = affectionate
gehecht aan = adhered to
gehechte = adhered
gehechtheid = adherence
geheel = altogether
Geheel = Whole
geheel = fully
geheel = entirely
geheel = hoeveelheid [a]: all
geheel = totally
geheel = unit
geheel = completely
geheel = full-blown
geheel = entirety
geheel = integral
Geheel = All-round
geheel = total
geheel = integer
Geheel = Entire
geheel {het} = whole
geheel aan prestaties = full range of services
geheel automatisch = fully automatically
geheel bedekken = puin [v]: bury
geheel bevederd = ornithologie [a]: full-fledged
geheel dichte plug & play-oplossing = fully plug-and-play solution
geheel doorlopen = completed in its entirety
Geheel elektronisch = Completely electronic
geheel en onvoorwaardelijk = completely and unconditionally
geheel en rechtstreeks = entirely and directly
geheel gesloten stalen omkastingen = fully-enclosed steel enclosures
geheel gesloten stalen omkastingen voor lasrobots = fully-enclosed steel enclosures for welding robots
geheel getal = whole number
geheel getal = integer
geheel getal = wiskunde [n]: integer
geheel getal zonder teken = unsigned integer
geheel gewijzigd = completely changed
geheel in beslag genomen = aandacht [a]: absorbed
geheel in beslag genomen = engrossed
geheel in beslag genomen = wholly occupied
geheel in beslag nemen = geestesactiviteit [v]: absorb
geheel maken = accomplish
geheel nat reinigen = Complete wet cleaning
geheel of deels onbegrijpelijk of ontoegankelijk zijn gemaakt = has been made wholly or partly incomprehensible or inaccessible
geheel of gedeeltelijk = entirely or partially
geheel of gedeeltelijk = in whole or in part
geheel of gedeeltelijk bestaan uit = consist wholly or partly of
geheel of gedeeltelijk in beslag wordt genomen = fully or wholly seized
Geheel of gedeeltelijk overdekte graafwerkzaamheden = Covered or partially-covered excavations
geheel of gedeeltelijk teniet gaan = wholly or partially destroyed
geheel of gedeeltelijk uit te besteden = wholly or partly outsource
geheel of gedeeltelijk verlies = partial or total loss
geheel of gedeeltelijk verlies = total or partial loss
geheel of gedeeltelijk verlies van zaken = complete or partial loss of goods
geheel of gedeeltelijk verloren gaat of in meer dan geringe mate beschadi = is wholly or partially lost or materially damaged
geheel of gedeeltelijk verteerde maag- of darminhoud = totally or partially digested gastric or intestinal contents
geheel of gedeeltelijk worden opgeheven = wholly or partially eliminated
geheel of gedeeltelijk zal verveelvoudigen = reproduce them in whole or in part
geheel of gedeeltelijk ziek = ill or partially ill
geheel of gedeeltelijk zullen worden overgedragen = be transferred in whole or in part
geheel of gedeeltelijke = full or partial
geheel of gedeeltelijke nakoming = full or partial performance
geheel of gedeeltelijke nakoming van de Overeenkomst = full or partial performance of the Agreement
geheel of gedeeltelijke nakoming van de Overeenkomst door derden = full or partial performance of the Agreement by third parties
Geheel ompersen = Compression trial of entire system
geheel onder zijn verantwoordelijkheid = under his full responsibility
geheel ontruimd = completely vacated
"geheel ontruimd, vrij van huur of pacht of ander gebruiksrecht" = "completely vacated, free from lease or tenancy or any other right of use"
geheel stalen = all-steel
geheel stalen omkasting = all-steel casing
geheel tot iemands beschikking staan = be ready to help
geheel tot iemands beschikking staan = be there for someone
geheel tot iemands beschikking staan = gebruik [v]: be at one's disposal
geheel tot iemands beschikking staan = helpen [v]: be ready for someone
Geheel traploos = Completely stepless
geheel van = set of
geheel van = complete set of
geheel van geschriften = literatuur [n]: corpus
geheel veelvoud = integer multiple
geheel verwijderd = completely removed
geheel verzorgd = all-inclusive
geheel voor rekening van = are the sole responsibility of
geheel voor rekening van = shall be borne entirely by
geheel werkvoorschrift = complete work instructions
"geheel, de CAO vormt een - met de ARB0 overeenkomst" = the CEA is an integral part of the employment contract
geheel-deel relatie = whole-part relation
geheelgedehydrateerdemelk = wholly dehydrated milk
geheelonthouder = abstainer
geheelonthouder = alcoholische dranken - man [n]: teetotaler
Geheelonthouder = Teetotal
geheelonthouder = teetotaller
"geheelonthouder, geheelonthoudster" = teetotaler (person who completely abstains from alcohol.)
"geheelonthouder, geheelonthoudster" = teetotaller (person who completely abstains from alcohol.)
geheelonthouders- = alcoholische dranken [a]: teetotal
geheelonthouding = teetotalism
Geheelonthouding = Abstain
Geheelonthouding = Abstinence
geheelonthouding = alcoholische dranken [n]: temperance [formal]
geheelonthoudster = teetotaller
geheelonthoudster = alcoholische dranken - vrouw [n]: teetotaler
geheeltallige programmering = integer programming
geheide palen = driven piles
Geheiligd = Bitch of a …
geheiligd = godsdienst [a]: consecrated
Geheiligd = Daddy
Geheiligd = Damned
Geheiligd = Sacred
Geheiligd = Blasted
Geheiligd = Bloody
Geheiligd = Numinous
Geheiligd = Holy
Geheim = Sly
geheim = algemeen [a]: secret
geheim = confidential
Geheim = Secrecy
Geheim = Secret
geheim = clandestine
Geheim = Underhand
geheim = secretly
Geheim = Secretive
Geheim = Hole-and-corner
Geheim = Undercover
geheim- = politie [a]: undercover
geheim {het} = secret
geheim afgezant = politiek - man [n]: emissary
geheim agent = secret agent
geheim agent = politie - man [n]: secret agent
geheim antwoord = secret answer
geheim genootschap = secret society
geheimagent = regering - man [n]: secret agent
geheimagente = regering - vrouw [n]: secret agent
geheime = secret
geheime afgezante = politiek - vrouw [n]: emissary
geheime bergplaats = algemeen [n]: cache
geheime bewaarplaats = algemeen [n]: cache
geheime code = code [n]: cipher
geheime dienst = intelligence
geheime dienst = secret service
geheime dokumenten = algemeen [n]: secret documents
geheime encryptiesleutel = secret encryption key
geheime informatie = confidential information
geheime informatie bekendmaken = divulge secret information
geheime politie = politie [n]: secret police
Geheime reserve = Hidden reserve
geheime sleutel = secret key
Geheime sleutels = Secret keys
geheime stemming = secret ballot
geheime stemming = politiek [n]: ballot
geheimenis = mystery
geheime-sleutelcodering = secret key encryption
geheimgehouden = feiten [a]: concealed [formal]
Geheimhouden = Hide
geheimhouden = feiten [v]: conceal [formal]
geheimhouden = maintaining confidentiality
Geheimhouden = Secrete
Geheimhouden = Conceal
Geheimhouder = Confidential Holder
Geheimhouder = "Holder of confidential information (JurLex: advocaat, arts, notaris enz.)"
Geheimhouder = Receiving Party
geheimhouding = discretion
geheimhouding = algemeen [n]: secrecy
geheimhouding = confidentiality
geheimhouding betrachten = to observe secrecy
geheimhouding te betrachten ten aanzien van = undertakes to observe confidentiality with regard to the following
geheimhouding te bewaren omtrent = to maintain confidentiality with respect to
geheimhouding te bewaren omtrent al hetgeen de Werknemer bij de uitoefeni = to maintain confidentiality with respect to everything that he/she comes 
geheimhouding verzekerd = strictest (absolute) privacy guaranteed
"geheimhouding, aansprakelijkheid, intellectuele eigendom, overnamebeding," = "confidentiality, liability, intellectual property, acquisition clause, ap"
"geheimhouding, beveiliging en /of bescherming van persoonsgegevens" = "confidentiality, security and/or protection of personal data"
"geheimhouding, intellectuele eigendom" = "confidentiality, intellectual property"
"geheimhouding, intellectuele eigendom, toepasselijk recht" = "confidentiality, intellectual property, applicable law"
"geheimhouding, intellectuele eigendom, toepasselijk recht en de forumkeuz" = "confidentiality, intellectual property, applicable law and choice of foru"
geheimhoudingsbeding = confidentiality clause
GEHEIMHOUDINGSBEDING = confidentiality stipulation
GEHEIMHOUDINGSOVEREENKOMST = non-disclosure agreement
GEHEIMHOUDINGSOVEREENKOMST = "NDA, non-disclosure agreement"
Geheimhoudingsovereenkomst = Confidentiality agreement
geheimhoudingsovereenkomst = confidentiality agreement
geheimhoudingsovereenkomst = duty to observe confidentiality
geheimhoudingsplicht = accountant-client privilege
geheimhoudingsplicht = confidentiality article
geheimhoudingsplicht = confidentiality obligation
geheimhoudingsplicht = duty to secrecy
geheimhoudingsplicht = duty/obligation of confidentiality
geheimhoudingsplicht = obligation of professional secrecy
geheimhoudingsplicht = obligation of secrecy
geheimhoudingsplicht = obligation to observe secrecy
geheimhoudingsplicht = secrecy article
geheimhoudingsplicht = secrecy obligation
geheimhoudingsplicht = secrecy provision
geheimhoudingsplicht = secrecy requirement
geheimhoudingsplicht van persoonsgegevens = duty of confidentiality concerning personal data
geheimhoudingsrecht (verschoningsrecht) van advocaat en accountant = attorney-client privilege
geheimhoudingsrecht (verschoningsrecht) van advocaat en accountant = storage (computer)
geheimhoudingsrecht (verschoningsrecht) van advocaat en accountant = store (computer)
Geheimhoudingsverklaring = Confidentiality Statement
geheimhoudingsverklaring = non-disclosure agreement
geheimhoudingsverklaring = confidentiality agreement
geheimhoudingsverklaring = confidential disclosure agreement <CDA> [with a potential business partne
geheimhoudingsverklaring = confidentiality agreement [with a potential business partner]
geheimhoudingsverklaring = confidentiality declaration
geheimhoudingsverklaring = confidentiality statement
geheimhoudingsverklaring = confidentiality undertaking
geheimhoudingsverklaring = non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
geheimhoudingsverklaring = pledge of secrecy
geheimhoudingsverklaring = secrecy agreement [with a potential business partner]
geheimhoudingsverklaring = secrecy undertaking
geheimhoudingsverklaring = declaration of confidentiality
geheimhoudingsverklaring = NDA
geheimhoudingsverklaring = statement of confidentiality
geheimhoudingsverplichting = confidentiality obligation
geheimhoudings-verplichting = confidentiality obligation
geheimhoudingsverplichtingen = confidentiality obligations
geheimschrift = cryptography
geheimschrift = code [n]: cipher
geheimschrift = code
geheimschrijfster = vrouw [n]: cryptographer
geheimschrijver = man [n]: cryptographer
Geheimzinnig = Unearthly
Geheimzinnig = Numinous
Geheimzinnig = Abstruse
geheimzinnig = algemeen [a]: mysterious
Geheimzinnig = Cryptic
Geheimzinnig = Mysterious
geheimzinnig = apocalyptic
geheimzinnigheid = algemeen [n]: mysteriousness
gehekeld = hackled
gehekeld en gesponnen = hackled and spun
gehele = hoeveelheid [a]: all
gehele = entire
gehele areaal = entire area
gehele bestek = full set of specifications
gehele betaling = full payment
gehele bevroren tomaten zonder schil = whole peeled frozen tomatoes
gehele cacaobonen = whole cocoa beans
gehele cel = whole cell
gehele dienstbetrekking = complete employer-employee relationship
gehele dienstbetrekking = complete employment relationship
gehele dienstbetrekking = complete job
gehele duur = entire duration
gehele fysieke of virtuele machine = entire physical or virtual machine
gehele getallen = integers
"gehele getallen, breuken en/of reële getallen" = "integers, fractions and/or real numbers"
gehele keten = entire chain
gehele mens = entire human
gehele mens = whole person
gehele of gedeeltelijk niet-tijdige betaling = complete or partial late payment
gehele of gedeeltelijke = complete or partial
gehele of gedeeltelijke = full or partial
gehele of gedeeltelijke arbeidsongeschiktheid = total or partial incapacity for work
gehele of gedeeltelijke ontbinding van de Overeenkomst = Full or partal dan niet in combinatie met schadevergoeding
gehele of gedeeltelijke ontbinding van de Overeenkomst = Full or partial termination of the Agreement
gehele of gedeeltelijke ontruiming = complete or partial evacuation
gehele of gedeeltelijke overdracht = total or partial transfer
gehele of gedeeltelijke premierestitutie = full or partial reimbursement of the premium
Gehele of gedeeltelijke vooruitbetaling = Full or partial prepayment
gehele of gedeeltelijke vooruitbetaling dan wel zekerheid te verlangen = to demand full or partial prepayment or security
Gehele of gedeeltelijke werkhervatting = Full or partial return to work
Gehele of gedeeltelijke werkhervatting bij een andere werkgever = Full or partial return to work at another employer
Gehele Overeenkomst = Entire agreement
gehele overeenkomst tussen partijen = entire agreement between Parties
gehele toedracht = geval [n]: full facts
gehele verduurzaamde tomaten zonder schil = preserved whole peeled tomatoes
gehele verduurzaamde tomaten zonder schil = whole peeled preserved tomatoes
gehele verwerking en toepassing = entire process and application
"gehele, gedeeltelijke of vervroegde sluiting" = "complete, partial or early closure"
"gehele, ongeschilde, verduurzaamde tomaten" = whole unpeeled preserved tomatoes
gehemelte = bony palate
gehemelte = hard palate
gehemelte = palatal vault
gehemelte = roof of the mouth
gehemelte = anatomie [n]: palate
gehemelte = palate
gehemelte- = anatomie [a]: palatal
geheng = hinge
geheranalyseerd = re-analysed
gehernieerd = herniated
geherwaardeerde prijs = adjusted cost
geherwaardeerde winst = adjusted profit
geheugen = memory
geheugen = hersenen [n]: memory
Geheugen (mens) = Memory
geheugen {het} = memory
geheugen modules = memory modules
geheugen omvang = memory size
geheugen waaruit alleen gelezen kan worden = read only memory (ROM)
"geheugen, herinneringsvermogen,memorie, retentievermogen" = memory)
"geheugen, herinneringsvermogen,memorie, retentievermogen" = retention (the act or power of remembering things
"Geheugen, teller, register (VPS)" = "Memory, counter, register (VPS)"
geheugenadres = memory address
geheugenallocatie = storage allocation
geheugenbeeldbuis = display-storage tube
Geheugenbeheer = Storage allocation
geheugenbescherming = memory protection
geheugenbeveiliging = memory protection
geheugenblok = storage block
geheugenbuis = storage tube
geheugencapaciteit = capacity
Geheugencapaciteit = Memory capacity
geheugencapaciteit = memory capacity
Geheugencapaciteit harde schijf = Memory capacity hard disc
geheugencassette = memory cartridge
geheugencel = storage cell
geheugenchip = memory chip
geheugencompactie = memory compaction
geheugencyclus = memory cycle
geheugendragers = memory carriers
Geheugendragers en lezerapparaten = Media storage and reader devices
"geheugendragers, interactieve compactdiscs en cd-roms" = "memory carriers, interactive compact discs and CD-ROMs"
geheugendump = memory dump
Geheugeneenheden = Computer storage units
geheugeneenheden = memory units
geheugeneenheid = memory unit
geheugeneffici‰ntie = storage efficiency
geheugenelektrode = storage electrode
geheugenelement = memory element
geheugenelement = latch
Geheugenfunctie = Memory function
Geheugenfunctie voor afzuigstand en verlichting = Memory for blower position and light
geheugengebied = storage area
geheugengebruik = Memory Usage
geheugeninrichtingen voor toebehoren van computerspellen = memory devices for computer game equipment
geheugenkaart = memory card
geheugenkaart of -module = memory card or module
geheugenkaarten = memory cards
geheugenkaartsleuven = media card slot
geheugenkaartsleuven = media card slots
geheugenkern = storage core
geheugenleer = algemeen [n]: mnemonics
geheugenleesgedeelte = memory reading section
geheugenlegering = shape-memory alloy
geheugenlekkage = memory leak
geheugenlocatie = memory location
Geheugenlokatie = Location
Geheugenmedia = Storage media
Geheugenmedium = Storage medium
Geheugenmedium = Memory medium
geheugenmodule = memory module
geheugenmodule = memory component
Geheugenomvang = Memory size
geheugenomvang = memory capacity
geheugenondersteunende = memory support resources
Geheugenopslagmedia = Memory storage media
geheugenoscilloscoop = memoscope
geheugenoverzicht = memory map
geheugenpagina = memory page
geheugenplaats = memory location
geheugenpositie = storage location
geheugenprotectie = memory protection
Geheugenruimte = Location
Geheugenruimte = Storage location
geheugenruimte = memory space
geheugenruimte = memory
geheugens = memories
geheugensanering = garbage collection
geheugenschijf = memory disk
geheugensegment = partition
Geheugenspelen = Memory games
geheugensterkte = geheugen [n]: retentiveness
geheugensteuntje = geheugen [n]: mnemonic
geheugensteuntje = Mnemonic
geheugenstick = memory stick
geheugentoewijzing = memory allocation
geheugentoewijzing = memory map
geheugentoewijzing = storage allocation
geheugentrommel = memory drum
Geheugentype = Type of memory
"Geheugentype, geïntegreerd" = "Type of memory, integrated"
Geheugenuitbreiding = Memory expansion
Geheugenuitbreiding mogelijk = Additional memory possible
Geheugenuitbreidingsuitrusting = Memory-expansion equipment
Geheugenverlies = Amnesia
geheugenverlies = geneeskunde [n]: amnesia
Geheugenverlies = Loss of memory
geheugenwisseling = memory swapping
geheven = belastingen [a]: imposed
ge-hide = hidden
gehinnik = paard [n]: neighing
gehoekte sleutel = valve seat wrench
gehoest = wrapped
Geholpen bekendheid = Aided awareness
Geholpen bekendheid eigen merken = Aided awareness own-brand products
Geholpen merkbekendheid = Aided brand awareness
Geholpen merknaamsbekendheid = Aided brandname awareness
gehomed = homed
gehomogeniseerde = homogenized
gehomogeniseerde bereidingen = homogenised preparations
gehomogeniseerde groenten = homogenised vegetables
gehomogeniseerde melk = homogenised milk
gehomogeniseerde mengsel = homogenized mixture
Gehomogeniseerde voedingspreparaten = Homogenised food preparations
gehonoreerde = paid
gehonoreerde wissel = honored bill
gehoomd = corneous
gehoopte resultaten = hoped-for results
gehoor = ears
gehoor = audience
gehoor = auditory
gehoor = fysiologie [n]: hearing
gehoor = ear
gehoor = sound
gehoor = hearing: the ability to hear
Gehoor = Hearing
gehoor- = algemeen [a]: auditory
Gehoor – en visusproblemen = Hearing and vision problems
gehoor (zintuig) = hearing (sense)
gehoor {het} = sense of hearing
gehoor {het} = hearing
Gehoor beschadigingen = Hearing damage
gehoor geven aan = verzoek [v]: honor
gehoor(systeem) = hearing system
gehoorapparaat = hearing aid
gehoorapparaat {het} = hearing aid
Gehoorapparaten = Hearing aids
gehoorapparatuur = hearing aids
gehoorbeentje = anvil
gehoorbeperking = hearing impairment
gehoorbeschadiging = impairment
gehoorbeschadiging = hearing loss
gehoorbeschermer = (acoustic) ear muffs
gehoorbeschermer = ear defenders
gehoorbeschermers = hearing protectors
gehoorbescherming = hearing protection
gehoorbescherming = ear protection
Gehoorbescherming verplicht = Hearing protection required
gehoorbeschermingsmiddelen = hearing protection
gehoorcurve = hearing relief
gehoord = heard
gehoord = learnt
Gehoord de partijen in hun middelen = Having heard the parties’ arguments
gehoord in elkaars aanwezigheid = heard in each other’s presence
gehoord worden = be heard
gehoordrempel = hearing threshold
gehoorestesioneuroom = olfactory  esthesioneuroblastoma
gehoorgang = ear canal
gehoorgestoord = geneeskunde [a]: hearing-impaired
gehoorgrens = limit of hearing
Gehoorkappen = Hearing protectors
gehoorkappen = ear defenders
gehoorkromme = hearing characteristic
gehoornd = horny
gehoornde meelkever = broad-horned flour beetle
gehoorsafstand {de} = hearing distance
gehoorschade = hearing impairment
gehoorstoornis = auditory disorder
gehoorstoornis = defective hearing
gehoorstoornis = hearing defect
gehoorstoornis = hearing disorder
gehoorstoornis = impaired hearing
gehoortest = hearing test
gehoortheorieën = theories of  hearing
gehoorverbetering = hearing enhancement
gehoorverlies = hearing loss
gehoorverslechtering = hearing impairment
gehoorzaal = auditory
gehoorzaal = algemeen [n]: auditorium
gehoorzaam = obediently
gehoorzaam = kind [a]: good
Gehoorzaam = Meek
gehoorzaam = obedient
gehoorzaamheid = gedrag [n]: obedience
Gehoorzaamheid = Manageability
Gehoorzaamheid = Tractability
Gehoorzaamheid = Allegiance
Gehoorzaamheid = Obedience
gehoorzal = courtroom
Gehoorzamen = Obey
gehoorzamen = to obey
gehoorzamen = algemeen [v]: obey
"gehoorzamen, luisteren naar" = listen  (to accept oral instruction)
Gehorig = Sonorous
Gehorig = Twanging
Gehorig = Resonant
Gehorig = Loud
gehost = hosted
gehost op een shared server = hosted on a shared server
gehoste cache = hosted cache
gehouden = be bound to
gehouden aan = bound by
gehouden aandelen in het eigen kapitaal = in its own capital
gehouden tot schadevergoeding = liable to pay damages
gehouden zijn aan = obliged to abide by
gehouden zijn tot terugbetaling = be obliged to repay
gehouden zijn tot terugbetaling = be required to repay
Gehucht = Township
gehucht = algemeen [n]: hamlet
gehucht = hamlet
gehuicheld = hypocritical
gehuicheld = voorgewend [a]: pretended
gehuil = howl
gehuil = hond [n]: yowl
gehuisvest = housed
gehuisvest = located
gehuisvest in = housed in
gehuisvest zijn in = algemeen [v]: be living in
gehurkt = houding [a]: squat
gehuurd = gebouw [a]: leasehold
gehuurd bezit = gebouw [n]: leasehold
gehuurde = leased property
gehuurde = (the) leased space
gehuurde = rented property
gehuurde = "accomodation, leased space"
gehuurde = accomodation
gehuurde = leased property
gehuurde = leased space
gehuwd = married
Gehuwd = Groom
gehuwd = huwelijksstaat [a]: married
gehuwd met thuiswonende kinderen = married with children living at home
gehuwd paar = huwelijksstaat [n]: married couple
gehuwd zonder thuiswonende kinderen = married without children living at home
gehuwde persoon = married person
gehuwdheidsfrequentie = marriage rate
gehydrogeneerde = hydrogenated
gehydrogeneerde castorolie = hydrogenated castor oil
Gehydrogeneerde of veresterde oliën of vetten = Hydrogenated or esterified oils or fats
gehydrogeneerde plantaardige olie = hydrogenated vegetable oil
gehydrogeneerde ricinusolie = hydrogenated castor oil
gehydrolyseerde eiwitten = hydrolysed proteins
gehydroxyleerd = hydroxylated
gehypothekeerde toestand = compromised state or condition
geïdealiseerde anode = idealized anode
Geïdentificeerd = Identified
geïdentificeerd en geauthentiseerd = identified and authenticated
geïdentificeerd gebruik = identified uses
Geïdentificeerde = Identified
geïdentificeerde bestaande werkzame stof = Identified existing active substance
geïdentificeerde lekdetectiesensor = identified leak detection sensor
geïdentificeerde medische eenheid = identified medical unit
geïdentificeerde objecten en/of obstakels = identified objects and/or obstacles
Geïdentificeerde of identificeerbaar = Identified or identifiable
geïdentificeerde of identificeerbare = identified or identifiable
geïdentificeerde of identificeerbare (natuurlijke) persoon = identified or identifiable natural person
geïdentificeerde of identificeerbare natuurlijke persoon = identified or identifiable natural person
geiger-müllerteller = instrument [n]: Geiger counter
geigerteller = Geiger counter
geigerteller = Geiger-Müller counter
geigerteller = instrument [n]: Geiger counter
Geigertellers = Geiger counters
geijkt = calibrated
geijkt = standard (antwoord)
geijkt = antwoord [a]: standard
geijkte = calibrated
geijkte praktijk = standard practice
geijkte term = uitdrukking [n]: standard term
geijl = delirium
geil = seksueel gedrag [a]: sexually excited
geil = voluptuous
"geil, (sexueel) opgewonden/ verhit,heet(staand)" = randy {adj} (sexually aroused)
"geil, opwindend, spannend" = horny {adj} (sexually arousing)
geilheid = lust
geillustreerd = illustrated
Geïllustreerd = Pictorial
Geïllustreerd = Illustrated
Geïllustreerd = Illustrated journal
geïllustreerd = illustrated
geïllustreerd in = illustrated in
geïmiteerde = imitated
Geïmmatriculeerd = Registered
geïmmobiliseerd = immobilised
geïmmobiliseerde biokatalysatoren = immobilized biocatalyst
geïmmobiliseerde cellen = immobilized cells
geïmmobiliseerde enzymen = immobilized enzymes
geïmmobiliseerde voertuig = immobilised vehicle
geïmpacteerd = tandheelkunde [a]: impacted
geïmpacteerde faecaliën = fecal impaction
geïmpacteerde faecaliën = impacted feces
geïmplanteerde elektroden = NIM
geïmplanteerde elektroden = implanted electrodes: electric conductors through which electric currents
geïmplanteerde elektroden = "when inserted surgically, they are called implanted electrodes"
geimplementeerd = implemented
geïmplementeerd = implemented
geïmplementeerd = deployed
geïmplementeerd als een = implemented as a
geïmplementeerd extern schema = implemented external schema
geïmplementeerd in = implemented in
geïmplementeerd op een substraat = implemented on a substrate
geïmplementeerd zijn in = be implemented in
geïmplementeerde = implemented
geïmplementeerde interface = implemented interface
geimplementeerde organization = implemented organization
geïmplementeerde regelingen = implemented traffic signal controls
geïmplementeerde systemen = implemented systems
geïmpliceerd = suggestie [a]: implicit
geïmponeerd = persoon [a]: impressed
Geimporteerd = Imported
geïmporteerd = imported
"geïmporteerd, geassembleerd, gelabelled, verpakt, vrijgegeven, opgeslage" = "imported, assembled, labelled, packaged, released, stored and/or distribu"
geïmporteerde = imported
Geïmporteerde inflatie = Imported inflation
geïmpregneerd = impregnated
geïmpregneerd met een vluchtig materiaal = impregnated with a volatile material
geïmpregneerd met een vluchtig materiaal = is impregnated with a volatile material
"Geïmpregneerde, eenzijdig of tweezijdig beklede textielweefsels" = "Impregnated, coated or covered textile fabrics"
geïmproviseerd = toespraak [a]: extemporaneous
geïmproviseerde muziek = improvised music
Gein = Joke
Gein = Tease
geïncasseerd = collected
geïncasseerde bedrag = collected amount
geïncasseerde gelden = collected funds
geincluded = included
geïncorporeerde = incorporated
geïncorporeerde metaalionen = incorporated metal ions
geïncubeerd = incubated
geindentificeerd = identified
geïndexeerd = indexed
geïndexeerd = loon [a]: index-linked
geïndexeerde groep variabelen = indexed group of variables
Geïndexeerde lonen = Indexed wages
geïndexeerde sequentiële toegangsmethode = indexed sequential access method
geïndiceerd = indicated
geïndiceerd = indexed
geïndiceerd adres = indexed address
geïndiceerd bestand = indexed file
geindiceerd vermogen = indicated power
geïndiceerde gegevensnaam = indexed data name
geïndiceerde gegevensverzameling = indexed data set
geindiceerde gemiddelde druk = mean indicated pressure
geïndiceerde sequenti‰le gegevensverzameling = indexed sequential data set
geïndiceerde sequenti‰le toegangsmethodiek = indexed sequential access method: ISAM
geïndiceerde sequentiële bestandsorganisatie = indexed sequential file organization
geïndiceerde sequentiële gegevensverzameling = indexed sequential data set
geïndiceerde sequentiële toegangsmethodiek = indexed sequential access method: ISAM
geïndiceerd-sequentieel = indexed-sequential
geïndividualiseerd = individualised
geïndividualiseerde effecten = individualized securities
geïnduceerd = induced
Geinduceerd netto werkkapitaal (see constituents) = Net working capital (with note explaining how it is arrived at)
geïnduceerde allergie = induced allergy
Geinduceerde anisotropie = Induced anisotropy
geïnduceerde investeringen = induced investments
geïnduceerde lading = induced charge
geïnduceerde spanning = induced voltage
geïnduceerde stroom = induced current
geïnduceerde tumor = induced tumor
"geïndustrialiseerd, industrieel" = industrial {adj} ((of a society or country) having many industries)
geïndustrialiseerde setting = industrialized setting
geinfecteerd = infected
geïnfecteerd = infected
geïnfecteerd = contaminated
geïnfecteerd hechting = festering stitches
geïnfecteerd hechting = infected suture
geïnfecteerd hechting = suture suppuration
geïnfereerde kennis = inferred knowledge
geïnfesteerde goederen = infested goods
geïnflateerd = economie [a]: inflated
geinformeerd = notified
geïnformeerd = informed
geïnformeerd = notified
geïnformeerd besluit = informed decision
geïnformeerde beslissingen = informed decisions
Geïnformeerde toestemming = Informed consent
Geïnformeerde toestemming = Consent - informed conscent
geïnformeerde toestemming = informed consent
geïnhaleerde = inspired
geïnhaleerde gasmengsel = inhaled gas mixture
geïnhaleerde zuurstoffractie = inhaled oxygen fraction
geinig = funny
geinig [omg.] = funny
geinitialiseerd = initialised
geïnitieerd = initiated
geïnitieerd door de CSR = initiated by the CSR
geïnitieerd door de klant = initiated by the customer
geïnitieerde en uitgevoerde = initiated and implemented
geïnoculeerd = inoculated
geïnspecteerd = inspected
geïnspecteerd op beschadigingen = inspected for damage
Geïnspecteerde = Inspected
Geïnspecteerde activiteiten = Inspected activities
Geïnspecteerde locatie(s = Site(s) inspected
geïnspecteerde machines = inspected machines
geinspireerd = inspired
geïnspireerd = inspired
geïnspireerd = indrukwekkend [a]: inspired
geïnspireerd door de katholieke traditie = inspired by the Christian tradition
geïnspireerd op = inspired by
geinspireerd raakt = get inspired
geïnspireerd raakt = get inspired
geinspireerd raken = become inspired
geïnspireerd raken = become inspired
geinspireerdheid = inspiration
geïnspireerdheid = inspiration
geinstalleerd = installed
geïnstalleerd = installed
geïnstalleerd blindvermogen = installed reactive power
geïnstalleerd en geïmplementeerd = installed and implemented
geïnstalleerd op een wand = installed on a wall
geïnstalleerd vermogen = installed power
"geïnstalleerd, in bedrijf gesteld en bediend" = "installed, commissioned and operated"
geïnstalleerde taal = installed language
geïnstalleerde vermogen = installed power
geïnstantieerde kopie = instance
geinstitutionaliseerd = institutionalised
geïnstitutionaliseerde = institutionalised
geïnstrueerd = trained
geïnstrueerd = given instructions
geïnstrueerde monteur = trained engineer
geïnstrumenteerde = structured
Geintegeerde bedrijfsbebouwing = multi-functional commercial buildings
geintegreerd = integrated
geïntegreerd = integrated
geïntegreerd = in an integrated manner
geïntegreerd = integrated
geïntegreerd = integrated
geïntegreerd = integrated
geïntegreerd aardgasbedrijf = integrated natural gas undertaking
Geïntegreerd antwoordapparaat = Integrated answering machine
Geïntegreerd bedieningstableau = Cook field control unit integrated
geïntegreerd bedrijfsbeheer = integrated management
geïntegreerd bedrijfsmodel = integrated business model
geïntegreerd beheer van kustgebieden = integrated coastal zone management
geïntegreerd betekent uniform = Integrated means uniform
geïntegreerd CAD/CAM-systeem = integrated CAD/CAM system
geïntegreerd circuit = integrated circuit
geïntegreerd continuremsysteem = Integrated endurance braking system
geïntegreerd digitaal netwerk = integrated digital network: IDN
Geïntegreerd DSL-/kabelmodem (UR2) = Integrated DSL-/cable modem (UR2)
Geïntegreerd DSL-modem = Integrated DSL-modem
geïntegreerd elektriciteitsbedrijf = integrated electricity undertaking
geïntegreerd en verwerkt = integrated and processed
Geïntegreerd hulpcontact = Integrated auxiliary switch
geïntegreerd informatiesysteem = integrated information system
geïntegreerd landelijk overzicht = comprehensive national overview
geïntegreerd management-informatiesysteem = integrated management information system
geïntegreerd managementsysteem = integrated management system
geïntegreerd maritiem bestuur = integrated maritime governance
geïntegreerd mediterraan programma = Integrated Mediterranean Programmes
geïntegreerd mobiliteitssysteem = integrated mobility system
geïntegreerd moduul = integrated module
Geïntegreerd netwerk = Integrated network
geïntegreerd onderdeel = integral part
geïntegreerd ondernemingsraamwerk = integrated enterprise framework
geïntegreerd onderzoek = integrated study
geïntegreerd ontwikkelingsprogramma = integrated development programme
geïntegreerd perspectief voor de beleidswetenschappen = integrated policy studies perspective
Geïntegreerd scheidingstussenschot = Integrated partition
geïntegreerd spectrum = integrated spectrum
geïntegreerd systeem = integrated system
Geïntegreerd systeem = Integrated marketing system
geïntegreerd systeem voor de initiële verwerking van vliegplannen = integrated initial flight plan processing system
Geïntegreerd toetsenbord = Integrated keyboard
geïntegreerd toetsingssysteem = integrated test facility
Geïntegreerd verbindingsbeheer = Unified Connection Manager
Geintegreerde = Integrated
geïntegreerde = integrated
geïntegreerde  warmtepomptechnologie = integrated heat pump technology
geïntegreerde aanwezigheidsdetector = integrated occupancy detector
Geïntegreerde aardklem = With PE connection
geïntegreerde analyse = integrated analysis
geïntegreerde benadering = integrated approach
geïntegreerde benadering voor weerbare vitale infrastructuur = integrated approach to resilient critical infrastructure
Geïntegreerde benadering weerbare vitale infrastructuur = Integrated approach to resilient critical infrastructure
geïntegreerde beschermingsinrichting aan de voorzijde = Integral frontal protection system
geïntegreerde besturing = integrated control
Geïntegreerde beveiligingsschakeling = Integrated suppressor
geïntegreerde boilervat = integrated boiler tank
geïntegreerde boilervat voor Sanitair Warm Water = integrated boiler tank for domestic hot water
geïntegreerde buitenlandse bedrijfsuitoefening = integrated foreign operation
geïntegreerde CO2 en H2O sensor = integrated CO₂ and H₂O sensor
Geïntegreerde communicatie = Integrated communication
geïntegreerde communicatie = unified communications
geïntegreerde condensator = integrated capacitor
geïntegreerde crosslinkers = integrated cross-linkers
geïntegreerde cursus = integrated course
geïntegreerde customer service teams = integrated customer service teams
Geïntegreerde desktopcomputer = integrated desktop computer
Geïntegreerde deuropeningsschakeling = Integrated door opening circuit
geïntegreerde diensten voor openbaar personenvervoer = integrated public passenger transport services
geïntegreerde dienstverlening = integrated services
geïntegreerde dienstverlening op het gebied van = integrated services in the field of
geïntegreerde dienstverlening op het gebied van hoogvolume klantcommunic = integrated services in the field of high-volume customer communications
Geïntegreerde diode = Integrated diode
Geïntegreerde doorvoerflens = Integrated feed-through flange
Geïntegreerde elektro mechanische koppeling = Integrated electromechanical coupling
geïntegreerde elektronica = integrated electronics
Geïntegreerde elektronische schakelingen = Integrated electronic circuits
Geïntegreerde faxwissel = Integrated fax switch
Geïntegreerde firewall = Integrated firewall
geïntegreerde fixatiepunten = integrated fastening points
geïntegreerde fixeerpunten = integrated fastening points
Geïntegreerde Fixscreen = Integrated Fixscreen
geïntegreerde gegevensverwerking = integrated data processing: IDP
geïntegreerde gegevensverwerking = integrated data processing
Geïntegreerde geleiding voor ronde geleider = Integrated guidance for round conductor
geïntegreerde generieke hulpbronnen = integrated generic resources
geïntegreerde gewasbescherming = integrated pest management
geïntegreerde handel = integrated trade
geïntegreerde herkansing = integrated resit
geïntegreerde hoofdsteun = Integrated head restraint
geïntegreerde hulpbronnen = integrated resources
geïntegreerde hulpmiddelen voor de ondernemingsactiviteiten = integrated enterprise operation resources
geïntegreerde hulpmiddelen voor de ondernemingsdefinitie = integrated enterprise engineering resources
Geïntegreerde ISDN Gateway = Integrated ISDN Gateway
Geïntegreerde kraan = Integrated tap
geïntegreerde lens = integrated lens
Geïntegreerde lichtbron = Integrated lamp
Geïntegreerde luchtkwaliteit sensoren = Integrated air quality sensors
Geïntegreerde maalfunctie = Integrated grinder
geïntegreerde milieubeschermingstechnologie = integrated environmental protection technology
Geïntegreerde modus = Integrated mode
Geïntegreerde netvoedingsadapter = Integrated power supply
geïntegreerde nomenclatuur = combined tariff/statistical nomenclature
Geïntegreerde onderspanningsspoel = Integrated under voltage release
geïntegreerde ongediertebestrijding = integrated pest control
geïntegreerde ontwikkeling = integrated development
geïntegreerde op ios-gebaseerde firewall-functionaliteiten = integrated ios-based firewall features
geïntegreerde oplossing = integrated solution
geïntegreerde pijplijn = integrated pipeline
Geïntegreerde positioneerfunctie = Integrated position function
Geïntegreerde potentiometer = Integrated potentiometer
Geïntegreerde printplatenaansluittechniek = Integrated PCB-mounting technique
geïntegreerde programmatuur = integrated software
geïntegreerde rolbeugel = integrated roll bar
Geïntegreerde router = Integrated router
Geïntegreerde routerfunctie = Integrated router function
geïntegreerde schakeling = chip
geïntegreerde schakeling = integrated circuit: IC
geïntegreerde schakeling = integrated circuit
geïntegreerde schakeling met zeer hoge snelheden = very high speed integrated circuit
geïntegreerde schakelingen = integrated circuits
geïntegreerde schakelingen en microprocessors = integrated circuits and microprocessors
Geïntegreerde schemersensor = Integrated twilight sensor
geïntegreerde sensoren = integrated sensors
Geïntegreerde spanningverlagende weerstand = Integrated voltage decreasing resistor
Geïntegreerde starter = Integrated starter
Geïntegreerde stroomvoorziening = Integrated power supply
geïntegreerde systeemarchitectuur = integrated systems architecture: ISA
Geïntegreerde technische diensten = Integrated engineering services
Geïntegreerde telecommunicatiediensten = Integrated telecommunications services
Geïntegreerde telefoon = Integrated telephone
Geïntegreerde testbus = Integrated test bus
Geïntegreerde tijdschakelklok = Integrated timer
geïntegreerde toepassingsgerichte hulpbronnen = integrated application resources
Geïntegreerde trafo = Integrated transformer
geïntegreerde transistor = integrated circuit transistor
Geïntegreerde trekontlasting = Integrated strain relief
geïntegreerde tuner = integrated tuner
Geïntegreerde ventilatie in de plint = Ventilation assembly
Geïntegreerde veranderaanpak = Integrated change approach
Geïntegreerde verbinder = Integrated connector
geïntegreerde verslaggeving = integrated reporting
geïntegreerde versterker = integrated amplifier
geïntegreerde versterker = solid state amplifier
geïntegreerde vervuilingsbeheersing = integrated pollution control
geïntegreerde vluchtdeur = integrated emergency exit door
geïntegreerde warmtepomp = integrated heat pump
geïntegreerde warmtepompcircuit = integrated heat pump circuit
geïntegreerde warmtepomptechnologie = integrated heat pump technology
geïntegreerde webfuncties = integrated web-based features
geïntegreerde webtoepassing = web application hybrid
geïntegreerde werkplek (gebruik niet: werkplek) = integrated desktop
Geïntegreerde Windows-verificatie = Integrated Windows authentication
geïntensiveerd = intensified
geïntensiveerde inspectie = tightened inspection
geinteresseerd = gripped
geinteresseerd = interested
geïnteresseerd = interested
geïnteresseerd = with interest
geïnteresseerd = gripped
geïnteresseerd = aandacht [a]: interested
geïnteresseerd zijn in = algemeen [v]: be interested in
"geïnteresseerd, geïnteresseerde" = interested {adj} (interested)
geïnteresseerde = interested
geïnteresseerden = stakeholders
geïnteresseerden = interested parties
geïnteresseerden = those interested
geïnterlinieerde GIF-indeling = Interlaced GIF
geïnterneerde = asiel - man [n]: inmate
Geïnterneerden = Inmates
geïnterpoleerd = interpolated
geïnterpreteerd = interpreted
geïnterpreteerd toepassingsmodel = application interpreted model: AIM
geïnterviewd = interviewed
Geinterviewd personeel = The personnel interviewed
geïnterviewde = interviewed
geïnterviewde = interviewee
geïnterviewde = journalistiek - man [n]: interviewee
geïnterviewden = those interviewed
geïnterviewden = interviewees
geïntimeerde = Respondent
geïntimeerde1 = respondent 1
geintje = grap [n]: wisecrack [informal]
geintje = sly joke
geintje = wisecrack
Geintje! = I'm just kidding.
geïntroduceerd = introduced
geïnventariseerd = inventoried
"geïnventariseerd, geëvalueerd en gedocumenteerd" = "inventoried, evaluated and documented"
Geïnventariseerde = Identified
geïnverteerde Dirichlet-verdeling = inverted Dirichlet distribution
geïnvesteerd vermogen = capital employed
geïoniseerd gas = ionized gas
geïrriteerd = gevoelens [a]: annoyed
"geïrriteerd, op de tenen getrapt" = miffed {adj} (Irritated)
geïrriteerde keel = irritated throat
geïrriteerde of zere keel = irritated or sore throat
geiser = geyser
Geiser (bron) = Geyser
geiser / gasboiler = geyser
geiser of boiler = hot water heater
geisers = (gas) water heaters
geisha = algemeen [n]: geisha
Geisha = Geisha
geïsoleerd = isolated
geïsoleerd = plaats [a]: outlying
geïsoleerd = insulated
Geïsoleerd 1000 V = Isolation protection 1000 V
geïsoleerd EPP = insulated EPP
geïsoleerd of gegroepeerd met andere soortgelijke tekens = either isolated or grouped together with other such characters
geïsoleerd volume = insulated volume
geïsoleerd volume van de woning = insulated volume of the home
geïsoleerde = insulated
Geïsoleerde adereindhulsen = Insulated core-end sleeves
geïsoleerde bezigheid = isolated activity
geïsoleerde bouwelementen = insulated building components
Geïsoleerde bovengrondse stroomkabel = Isolated power cable for overhead lines
Geïsoleerde buiskabelschoenen en verbinders = Insulated tube cable lug and connector
geïsoleerde EPP buis = insulated EPP tube
geïsoleerde EPP buisstuk = insulated EPP pipe segment
geïsoleerde geleider = insulated conductor
geïsoleerde handvat (b.v. van spanningzoeker) = insulated handle
geïsoleerde hoek = insulated corner
Geïsoleerde inbouw = Isolated installation
geïsoleerde kabel = armoured cable
Geïsoleerde kabel en draad = Insulated wire and cable
Geïsoleerde kabelverbindingen = Insulated cable connections
geïsoleerde kruispunten = isolated intersections
geïsoleerde leidingen = insulated pipes
Geïsoleerde leidingen voor sterkstroom = Insulated power cables and flexible cords
Geïsoleerde montage = Insulated mounting
geïsoleerde opslag = isolated storage
geïsoleerde ruimte = insulated space
geïsoleerde schil = insulated shell
Geïsoleerde standleiding = Insulated waste stack
geïsoleerde subsidiabele olijfboom = scattered eligible olive tree
geisoleerde uitlopers = outliers
Geïsoleerde verbindingsstukken = Insulated joints
geïsoleerde wand = insulated wall
geïsomeriseerd hopextract = isomerized hop extract
geïsomeriseerde hopproducten = isomerised hop product
geïsomeriseerdhopextract = isomerized extract of hops
Geit = Nanny-goat
geit = zoölogie - vrouwelijk [n]: goat
geit = she-goat
geit = goat
geit = billy-goat
geit = doe
geit {de} = goat
geitebok = zoölogie - mannelijk [n]: male goat
geitebok = he-goat
geitehaar = goat hair
Geiteleer = Kidskin
Geiteleer = Kid
Geiteleer = Chevreau
Geiten = Goats
geiten = goat
Geiten = Nanny-goat
geitenherder = beroep - man [n]: goatherd
geitenhoeder = beroep - man [n]: goatherd
geitenkaas = goats’ milk cheese
geitenkaas = goat’s cheese
Geitenkaas = Goat's milk cheese
Geitenleder en glacé = Goat- or kid-skin leather
Geitenmelk = Goats' milk
geitenmelker = nightjar
geitensik {de} [omg.] = goatbeard
Geitenvlees = Goat meat
geitenvlees = goatmeat
geiter = watering can
geïtereerde bootstrap = iterated bootstrap
geitesik = baard [n]: goatee
geitevel = algemeen [n]: goatskin
geitje = kid
Gejaagd = Billowy
Gejaagd = Worked up
Gejaagd = Crazy
Gejaagd = Quaky
gejaagd = algemeen [a]: hectic
Gejaagd = Restless
Gejaagd = Hectic
Gejaagd = Fidgety
Gejaagd = Rough
Gejaagd = Mad
gejaagd = agitated
Gejaagd = Insane
gejaagdheid = agitation
gejailbreakt = jailbroken
gejailbreakt mobiel apparaat = jailbroken mobile device
gejailbreakt of geroot = jailbroken or rooted
gejakker = haste
gejank = kat [n]: yowl
gejubel = jubelen [n]: rejoicing
gejubel = exultation
gejuich = acclamation
gejuich = jubelen [n]: rejoicing
Gejuich = Cheering
gek = loon
gek = ridiculous
gek = silly
Gek = Insane
gek = foolish
gek = idee [a]: insane
Gek = Crazy
gek = stupid
gek {de} = fool
gek {de} = lunatic
gek {de} = idiot
gek doen = gedrag [n]: clowning [pej.]
gek genoeg = funnily enough
gek maken = gedrag [v]: drive wild
gek op = liefde [o]: infatuated with
gek worden = go crazy
gek worden = gedrag [v]: go wild
gek zijn op = ding [v]: be nuts about [informal]
Gek zijn op = Dote
gek zijn op = be fond of
"gek, gekkin, In Belgium and South Netherlands, zot and zottin are often u" = nut (slang: insane person)
"gek, gekkin, zot, zottin" = lunatic (insane person)
"gek, waanzinnig, psychotisch" = "mentally  deranged, psychotic, lunatic"
geka = GEKA
geka koppeling = GEKA coupling
gekableerd garen = cable yarn
gekadastreerd = entered in the land registry
gekadastreerd volgens titel = entered in the land registry under title plan????????????????????????????
gekalanderd = calendered
gekalanderd papier = calendered paper
gekalibreerd = calibrated
gekalibreerde = calibrated
gekalibreerde meetapparatuur = calibrated measuring equipment
gekalibreerde meting = calibrated measurement
gekalmeerd = algemeen [a]: becalmed
gekalmeerd = killed
gekamd = combed
gekamferd = geneeskunde [a]: camphorated
gekanaliseerde = channelled
gekant tegen = afkerig [a]: ill-disposed towards
gekant zijn tegen = afkeuring [v]: be opposed to
gekanteeld = embattled
gekanteld = set off (against)
gekanteld = tilted
gekantonneerde fondsen = segregated (or seg) funds
gekantrecht bouwhout = squared timber
gekantrecht hout = square edged timber
gekantrecht hout = trimmed board
gekantrecht hout = squared board
gekapitaliseerde bedrag = capitalised amount
gekapitaliseerde interest = capitalised interest
gekapitaliseerde interest = capitalized interest
gekapitaliseerde kosten = capitalized expense
Gekapitaliseerde leaseverplichting = Capitalized lease commitments
Gekapitaliseerde omzet = Capitalized returns
gekapitaliseerde waarde = capitalized value
gekarakteriseerd = characterised
gekarameliseerde suiker = caramelised sugar
gekarteld = crenatus
gekarteld = crenate
gekarteld = crenated
gekarteld = puntig [a]: jagged
gekarteld = knurled
"gekarteld (scherp in, rond uit)" = crenate
gekarteld / geribd staal = knurled steel
Gekarteld tapeinde = Knurled stud bolt
gekartelde achterkant = trailing edge serration
gekartelde knop = knurled knob
gekastijde vloeren = abraded floors
gekatalyseerde = catalyzed
gekatalyseerde oxidatie = catalyzed oxidation
gekeerd = turned
gekeerde als niet gekeerde = turned and non-turned
gekeerde gording = subpurlin
gekef = hond [n]: yelp
gekeken naar = looking at
gekend = known
gekend bij de vakman = known to the skilled person
gekend door de vakman = known to the skilled person
gekend door een besturingseenheid = known by a controller
gekend in de stand der techniek = known in the prior art
gekend in de techniek = known in the art
gekend in het vakgebied = known in the technical field
gekend is door de vakman = known to the skilled person
gekend uit de stand der techniek = known in the art
gekend uit de stand der techniek = known in the prior art
gekend uit de stand der techniek = known from the prior art
gekend uit of beschreven in de stand der techniek = known from or disclosed in the prior art
Gekende = Known
gekende afmetingen = known dimensions
gekende hoogte = known height
gekende inrichtingen en werkwijzen = known devices and methods
Gekende inrichtingen zijn beschreven in = Known devices are disclosed in
gekende methodes = known methods
gekende robotarm = known robotic arm
gekende ruimtelijke locaties = known spatial locations
gekende systemen = systems known in the art
gekende technieken = known techniques
gekende werkwijzen = known methods
gekenmerkt = characterised
gekenmerkt door = characterised by
gekenmerkt door = characterized by
gekenmerkt door flexibiliteit = characterised by flexibility
gekenmerkt door ijzergebrek = "ferriprive, anemic, iron-deficient"
gekenmerkt door ijzergebrek = iron-poor
gekenmerkt doordat = characterised in that
gekenmerkt doordat = characterized in that
gekenmerkt doordat = characterized in that the
gekenmerkt wordt doordat = is characterised in that
gekenmerkt: ~  door ... = characterised by ...
gekenmerkt: daardoor ~ dat ... = characterised in that ...
gekenschetste = delineated
geketende lijst = linked list
gekeurd = checked
gekeurd volgens VDE-AR-N 4105 = inspected pursuant to VDE-AR-N 4105
gekeuvel = chitchat
Gekeuvel = Prattle
Gekeuvel = Babble
Gekeuvel = Rap
gekeuvel = geklets [n]: chitchat
gekeuvel = chat
gekheid = craziness
gekheid = gedrag [n]: madness
"gekheid, krankzinnigheid, waanzin" = lunacy (state of being mad)
gekibbel = ruzie [n]: squabbling
Gekibbel = Quarrelling
gekield = keel-shaped
gekield = keeled
gekkekoeienziekte = bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Gekkenhuis = Loony bin
gekkenhuis = geneeskunde [n]: madhouse
gekkenhuis = mental institution
Gekkenhuis = Asylum
Gekkenhuis = Mental hospital
Gekkenhuis = Funny farm
Gekkenhuis = Harbour
Gekkenhuis = Harbor
gekkenhuis = insane asylum
Gekkernij = Jest
Gekkernij = Gibe
Gekkernij = Chestnut
Gekkernij = Tease
Gekkernij = Derisiveness
Gekkernij = Joke
Gekkernij = Jeer
Gekkernij = Jesting
Gekkernij = Pleasantry
Gekkernij = Mocking remark
Gekkernij = Taunt
gekko = kruipdieren [n]: gecko
gekko = gecko
geklaag = gedrag [n]: grousing
"geklaag, geweeklaag, klagen, weeklagen" = lamentation (the act of lamenting)
geklaard = clarifies
geklaarde vloeistof = clarified liquid
Geklap = Bang
Geklap = Chatter
geklasseerde = listed
geklasseerde draaibrug = listed swing bridge
geklede jas = frock coat
geklede jas = kleding - geschiedenis [n]: frock coat
gekleed = formele kleding [a]: dressy
gekleefd = stuck
gekleefd = adhered
gekleefd = glued
Geklemd = Put-on
geklemd tussen = clamped between
geklemd worden tussen = clamped between
geklemd zitten tussen = positie [v]: be sandwiched between
geklemde = clamped
geklemde materiaal = clamped material
geklep = tolling
Geklets = Prattle
Geklets = Idle chatter
Geklets = Chat
Geklets = Babble
Geklets = Chatter
Geklets = Chitchat
Geklets = Dotage
Geklets = Chattering
Geklets = Jabber
Geklets = Drivel
Geklets = Natter
geklets = algemeen [n]: hooey
Geklets = Twaddle
"geklets, gebabbel, gekakel" = gab (Idle chatter)
gekletter = regen [n]: patter
Gekletter = Jangle
Gekletter = Clang
Gekletter = Clank
gekleurd = coloured
gekleurd = dyed
gekleurd = stained
gekleurd = kleur [a]: colored
Gekleurde cover = Hue control
Gekleurde glazen = Coloured glasses
gekleurde schouderstukken = coloured shoulder pieces
geklikt = clicked
geklimatiseerd = algemeen [a]: air-conditioned
geklimatiseerd = air-conditioned
geklimatiseerd = air conditioned
geklimatiseerde = air-conditioned
geklingel = ringing
geklingel = jingle
geklink = geluid [n]: clink
geklokt = Clocking in/out
geklokte flip-flop = clocked flip-flop
geklokte informatie = clocked information
geklokte poort = clocked gate
geklokte verbinding = clocked thread
geklonterd = gestold [a]: clotted
gekloofd hout = cleft timber
gekloonde configuratie = cloned configuration
gekloonde tekst = cloned text
geklop = motor [n]: throb
Geklop = Clapping
Geklop = Throbbing
Geklop = Beat
Geklop = Beating
geknakt = broken
geknars = grating
geknars = band [n]: screech
gekners = deur [n]: creak
geknetter = geluid [n]: crackling
gekneusd = bruised
geknikt = inflected
geknikt = algemeen [a]: cranked
geknikt = bent
geknikt  = bent
geknikt gedeelte = bent portion
geknikt torendak = sloped turret
geknikte = bend
geknikte = twist
geknikte = fold
geknikte = bend
geknikte = fold
geknikte = twist
Geknikte afzetcurve = Kinked supply curve
Geknikte curve = Kinked curve
geknikte en niet- gekinkte = bent and non-bent
geknikte gedeelte = bent portion
geknipt = cut
geknisper = geluid [n]: crackling
Geknoei = Dealings
Geknoei = Tax fraud
Geknoei = Traffic
Geknoei = Scrawl
Geknoei = Fraud
geknoopt tapijt = knotted carpet
Geknoopte netten = Knotted nets
Geknoopte tapijten = Knotted carpeting
geknor = klacht [n]: grumble
geknutseld = tinkered
gekochte = acquisition
gekochte hoeveelheid = amount bought
gekochte voedsel = purchased food
gekodeerd = algemeen [a]: coded
gekoeld = cooled
Gekoeld = Chilled
gekoeld product = refrigerated product
gekoeld water = chilled water
gekoelde = cooled
gekoelde desserts = chilled desserts
"gekoelde desserts, mousses, sorbets" = "chilled desserts, mousses, sorbets"
gekoelde lucht (f) = cooled air
gekoelde parametrische versterker = cooled parametric amplifier
gekoelde ruimtes = cooled areas
gekoelde versterker = cooled amplifier
gekoelde zuiger = cooled piston
gekoer = duif [n]: cooing
gekomen = came
gekommitteerde = external examiner
gekompenseerd = mechanisch [a]: compensated
gekonfijt = vrucht [a]: preserved
gekonfijte = candied
gekonfijte sinaasappel = candied orange
"Gekonfijte vruchten, noten en vruchtenschillen" = "Fruit, nuts or fruit peel preserved by sugar"
gekonfijte vruchtenstukjes = candied fruit pieces
gekookt = boiled
gekookt = culinair [a]: boiled
Gekookt = Cooked
Gekookt en gekoeld (Cook and chill) = Cook and chill
Gekookt en ingevroren = Cook and frozen
gekookt of gebakken = cooked or fried
gekookte aardappelen = boiled potatoes
gekookte ei = boiled egg
Gekookte krielaardappeltjes = Boiled new baby potatoes
gekookte lijnolie = boiled linseed oil
gekoperiseerd = copper faced
gekopieerd = copied
gekopieerd gebied = copy area
gekopieerde = copied
gekoppeld = paired up
Gekoppeld = joined
gekoppeld = linked
gekoppeld = voorwerpen [a]: connected
gekoppeld = coupled
gekoppeld = on-line
gekoppeld aan = linked to
gekoppeld aan de server = connected to the server
gekoppeld aan de waarde van aandelen = equity linked
gekoppeld aan drager = linked to carrier
gekoppeld afroepen = dedicated call-off
gekoppeld apparaat = bonded device
gekoppeld bestandssysteem = mounted file system
gekoppeld bestellen = dedicated purchase order
gekoppeld dipool = linked dipole
gekoppeld en ondergeschikt aan = linked and subordinate to
gekoppeld item = associated item
gekoppeld item = bound item
gekoppeld object = linked object
gekoppeld opmaakmodel = linked style sheet
Gekoppeld Postvak in = linked inbox
gekoppeld project = linked project
gekoppeld station = mounted drive
gekoppeld systeem = coupled system
gekoppeld toetsenbord = manual input unit
gekoppelde = coupled
gekoppelde = joined
gekoppelde = linked
gekoppelde (stroom)kringen = coupled circuits
gekoppelde afbeelding = linked picture
gekoppelde begeleidende apparaat = paired companion device
gekoppelde compressie en expansie = linked compression and expansion
gekoppelde computer = linked computer
gekoppelde computerservice = on line computer service
gekoppelde database-service = on line data base service
gekoppelde eigenschap = attached property
gekoppelde gebeurtenis = attached event
gekoppelde gegevens = bound data
gekoppelde gegevens = linked data
gekoppelde gegevensoverdracht = on line data transmission
gekoppelde kring = coupled circuit
gekoppelde Live ID's = linked ID
gekoppelde pc = device PC
gekoppelde sites = Linked Sites
gekoppelde sluis = chain lock
gekoppelde stijlen = principal post
gekoppelde verkeersregelaars = connected traffic-signal controllers
gekoppelde weergave = associated view
gekoppelde werkwijzen = coupled modes
gekoppelde zuil (in b.v. kerk) = twin columns
gekoppelde zuil / bundelzuil = clustered column
Gekoppelde-lijstenweergave = Joint List View
gekort = deducted from
gekort worden = can have their wage supplements cut back
gekort zullen kunnen worden door ICT invoering = retrenched
gekorven tabak = tabak [n]: shag
gekozen = selected
gekozen = chosen
gekozen = algemeen [a]: elective
gekozen = elected
gekozen configuratie item = selected configuration item
gekozen element = selected cell
gekozen geschikte positie = chosen appropriate position
gekozen geschikte posities = selected suitable positions
gekozen geschikte posities = chosen appropriate positions
gekozen IT-Outsourcing partner = chosen IT outsourcing partner
gekozen materiaal = chosen material
gekozen materiaal = selected material
gekozen methodes = chosen methods
Gekozen nummer = Outgoing Number
gekozen oplossingen = chosen solutions
Gekozen programma niet getest = Chosen program not tested
gekozen raadsleden = elected council members
Gekozen stapelprogramma = Selected stacking program
gekozen technologie = choice of technology
gekozen theoretisch kader = chosen theoretical framework
gekozen toegangsgebieden = selected access areas
gekozen uit = selected from
gekozen uit de groep bestaande uit = selected from the group consisting of
gekozen uit de groep omvattende = selected from the group comprising
gekozen uit de groep van = selected from the group consisting of
gekozen uit de groep van = is chosen from the group of
gekozen vertegenwoordiger = elected representative
gekozen volksvertegenwoordigers = elected representatives of the people
gekozen woonplaats = address for service
gekozen worden = selected
gekozen zijn uit de groep van = are selected from the group consisting of
Gekraak = Crunch
Gekraak = Crack
Gekraak = Creak
gekraak = crackle
gekraakt = squatted
gekraakt = cracked
gekrabbel = schrijven [n]: scribbling
Gekrabbel = Scratch
gekrabbel = scrabble
gekras = algemeen [n]: croaking
gekras = grating
gekrast (v.e. spiegel) = scratched (of a mirror)
gekregen = got
gekregen = acquired
gekregen = have
gekrenkt = gevoelens [a]: aggrieved
gekreukeld = wrinkled
gekreukeld = kleding [a]: crinkly
Gekreukt = Rumpled
Gekreukt = Resentfully
Gekreukt = Crimpled
gekreukt = kleding [a]: crinkly
gekreun {het} = moaning
Gekriebel = Tickling
gekriebel {het} = itching
gekrijs = vrees [n]: screech
gekrijs {het} = screaming
gekristalliseerd = crystallized
gekristalliseerd glas = devitrifying-type glass
gekroesd = haar [a]: curled
gekromd = gebogen [a]: bent
Gekromd = Bent
gekromd = warped
gekromde zonnecellen = ​​curved solar cells
gekrompen = algemeen [a]: shrunk
gekrompen = shrunk
gekrompen = crimped
gekrompen op = shrunk on
gekronkeld = winded
gekronkeld = gewonden [a]: coiled
"gekronkeld, gerimpeld, gekreukeld" = crinkled
Gekruid = Highly spiced
Gekruid = Spicy
Gekruid = Hot
Gekruisd = Cross-over
gekruisigd = crucified
gekruist = dieren [a]: crossbred
gekruist = crossed
gekruist waardenbereik van Hyrenius = cross range
gekruiste factoren = crossed factors
gekruiste immuunelektroforese = CIE: crossed immunoelectrophoresis
gekruiste immuunelektroforese = two-dimensional  immunoelectrophoresis
gekruiste klassificatie = crossed classification
gekruiste knekels = gevaar [n]: crossbones
gekruiste veldenvermenigvuldiger = crossed-fields multiplier
gekruld = haar [a]: curled
gekruld = curly
Gekscheren = Joke
gekscheren = to jest
gekscheren = to joke
gekscheren = gedrag [v]: joke
Gekscheren = Jest
gekscherend = gedrag [a]: bantering
gekscherend = joking
gekte = craziness
Gekuip = Scheming
gekuist = edited
Gekunsteld = Twee
gekunsteld = gedrag [a]: unnatural
Gekunsteld = Priggish
Gekunsteld = Mannered
gekunsteld = affected
"gekunsteld, slinks, bedrieglijk" = contrived {adj} (adjective)
gekunsteldheid = gedrag [n]: affectation
gekurkt = fles [a]: corked
Gekurkt = Clogged
Gekurkt = Thickheaded
Gekurkt = Stopped
Gekwaak = Jabber
Gekwaak = Croaking
Gekwaak = Natter
gekwaak = kikker [n]: croak
Gekwaak = Chattering
Gekwaak = Chat
Gekwaak = Chatter
Gekwaak = Prattle
Gekwaak = Idle chatter
Gekwaak = Chitchat
Gekwaak = Babble
gekwadrateerde variatiecoëfficiënten = relative variance
gekwadrateerde variatiecoëfficiënten = relvariance
gekwalificeerd = qualified
gekwalificeerd = classified
Gekwalificeerd apparaat = Qualified Device
Gekwalificeerd beschadigd onderdeel of systeem = Qualified deteriorated component or system (QDC)
gekwalificeerd certificaat = qualified certificate
gekwalificeerd controleur van de vlaggenstaat = qualified flag State surveyor
gekwalificeerd inspecteur = qualified inspector
gekwalificeerd personeel = qualified staff
gekwalificeerd personeel = qualified personnel
gekwalificeerd personeel. = qualified personnel
gekwalificeerd zijn = to qualify
gekwalificeerd zijn = baan [v]: qualify
gekwalificeerde = qualified
Gekwalificeerde Apparaten = Qualified Devices
Gekwalificeerde Apparaten en Gekwalificeerde Gebruikers = Qualified Devices and Qualified Users
gekwalificeerde arbeid = skilled labour
gekwalificeerde arbeider = qualified worker
gekwalificeerde beleggers = qualified investors
gekwalificeerde deelneming = qualifying holding
gekwalificeerde functie = skilled job
Gekwalificeerde Gebruiker = Qualified User
Gekwalificeerde Gebruikers = Qualified Users
Gekwalificeerde Gebruikers en/of alle Gekwalificeerde Apparaten = Qualified Users and/or all Qualified Devices
Gekwalificeerde Gebruikers of Gekwalificeerde Apparaten = Qualified Users or Qualified Devices
gekwalificeerde gegadigden = qualified candidates
gekwalificeerde instantie = qualified entity
gekwalificeerde meerderheid = qualified majority
gekwalificeerde meerderheid van stemmen = qualified majority of votes
gekwalificeerde monteurs = qualified technicians
gekwalificeerde services = qualified services
gekwalificeerde technici = qualified technicians
gekwalificeerde technieker = qualified technician
gekwalificeerde verpleegkundige = qualified nurse
gekwantificeerd = quantified
gekweekt = tuinbouwkunde [a]: grown
Gekweekt/Verbouwd = Cultivated
gekweekte interest/rente = accrued interest
gekweekte parel = juwelen [n]: cultured pearl
Gekweel = Chirping
Gekweel = Peep
gekweld = emotioneel gedrag [a]: careworn
gekweld = tormented
gekweten = discharged
gekwetst = hurt
gekwetst = gevoelstoestand [a]: pained
gekwetst worden = take offence
"gekwetst, gewond, geblesseerd" = "hurt {adj} (wounded, injured)"
gekwetste = ongeval - man [n]: victim
gekwetter = vogels [n]: twitter
gel = lube
gel = gel
gel {de} {het} = gel
gel chromatografie = gel chromatography
gelaagd = stratified
gelaagd = geologie [a]: stratified
gelaagd = layered
gelaagd = laminated
gelaagd / gelamineerd = laminated
gelaagd contact = laminated contact
gelaagd glas = laminated glass
gelaagd hout = timmerwerk [n]: plywood
gelaagd hout = plywood
gelaagd materiaal = laminate
gelaagd persproduct = laminated moulding
gelaagd protocol = layered protocol
gelaagd systeem = layered system
gelaagde = layered
gelaagde inrichting = layered structure
gelaagde inrichting met een plaatsingslijn = layered structure with a placement line
gelaagde inrichting volgens de huidige uitvinding = layered structure according to the present invention
Gelaagde inrichting volgens één der voorgaande conclusies = Layered structure according to any of the previous claims
gelaagde inrichting volgens het eerste aspect = layered structure according to the first aspect
gelaagde inrichting voor het tegengaan van opstijgend vocht = layered structure for preventing rising damp
gelaagde opbouw = layered structure
gelaagde structuur = layered structure
gelaagde taal = stratified language
gelaagdheid = algemeen [n]: stratification
gelaagdheid = stratification
gelaagdheid = layering
gelaagdheid van de dampkring = atmospheric layering
gelaat = face
gelaat = anatomie [n]: face
Gelaat = Physiognomy
gelaat {het} = face
gelaat of aangezicht = face or countenance
gelaatbescherming = face protection
gelaatdata = facial data
gelaatoppervlak = face surface
gelaats- = algemeen [a]: facial
gelaatsbescherming = face protection
gelaats-bescherming = face protection
gelaatsbeschermingen = face protectors
Gelaatscherm = Facial shield
gelaatsinformatie = facial information
Gelaatskap = Face shield
gelaatskleur = gezicht [n]: complexion
gelaatskleur {de} = complexion
gelaatspieren = facial muscles
gelaatsscherm = face guard
gelaatsslagader = facial artery
gelaatsspieren = facial muscles
gelaatssymmetrie = facial symmetry
gelaatstrek = eigenschap [n]: lineament [formal]
Gelaatstrek = Draught
Gelaatstrek = Feature
gelaatstrekken = gezicht [n]: features
gelaatstrekken = physiognomy
Gelaatstrekken = Lines
gelaatsuitdrukking = expression
gelaatsuitdrukking = gezicht [n]: expression
"gelaatsuitdrukking ,verschijning" = countenance (face)
gelaatsuitdrukkingen = facial expressions
gelaatsvervorming = facial distortion
gelaatverplaatsing = facial displacement
gelaatvervorming = facial deformation
gelabeld = labelled
gelabeld = labeled
gelabeld object = tagged object
gelabelde = labelled
gelabelde behoefte = pegged requirement
Gelabelde hiërarchie = Labeled Hierarchy
gelabelled = labelled
gelach = laughter
Gelach = Tittering
gelach = algemeen [n]: laughter
Gelach = Laugh
Gelach = Titter
gelach = laughing
gelach {het} = laughter
gelach {het} = laughing
Geladen = Charged
Geladen = Laden
Geladen = Loaded
geladen brandstof = loaded fuel
geladen elementen = loaded assemblies
geladen ionenveld = charged ion field
geladen met = carrying
geladen objecten = loaded objects
geladen oorsprong = loaded origin
geladen opgeslagen objecten = loaded stored objects
geladen zakken = loaded bags
geladen/gelost = loaded/unloaded
Gelag = Wilful
gelag = banquet
gelagerd = borne
gelagerd = bearing
gelagerd = supported
gelagerd = journalled
gelagerd = journalled
gelagerd = bearing-mounted
gelagerd = journalled
gelagerd = journalled
gelagerd = journalled
gelagerd = journalled
gelagerd = journalled
gelagerd bevestigd = bearing-mounted
gelagerde = bearing-mounted
gelagerde constructie = bearing construction
gelakt = lacquered
Gelakt = Varnished
gelakte producten = coated products
Gelamelleerd = Laminated
Gelamelleerd railkoper = Laminated copper rail
gelamelleerde = laminated
Gelamineerd = Laminated
gelamineerd = laminated
gelamineerd fineer timmerhout = laminated veneer lumber (LVL)
gelamineerd hout = glulam timber
gelamineerd hout = laminated timber
gelamineerd is = is laminated
gelamineerde = laminated
gelamineerde balk = laminated beam
Gelampullen voor explosieven = Gel ampoules for stemming explosives
gelanceerd = launched
gelast = welded
gelast frame = welded frame
gelast onderdeel = weldment
gelaste buis = welded pipe
gelaste buis = welded tube
gelasten = order
gelasten = command
gelasten = to order [instruct]
gelasten = bevel [v]: instruct
Gelastigde = Authorized representative
Gelastigde = Agent general
gelastigde  voor gevaarlijke goederen = commissioner for dangerous goods
gelaten = leave
Gelaten = Uncomplaining
Gelaten = Resigned
gelaten = gevoel [a]: subdued
gelatenheid = acquiescence
gelatenheid = geestestoestand [n]: resignation
Gelatenheid = Resignation
"gelatenheid, berusting, kalmte" = equanimity (state of being calm)
gelateraliseerd = lateralised
gelatine = gelatine
Gelatine = Gelatin
gelatine = algemeen [n]: gelatine
Gelatine = Gelatines
gelatine = gelatin
gelatine {de} = gelatine
gelatine blokken = gelatin blocks
gelatine voor voedingsdoeleinden = gelatine for food
gelatineachtig = algemeen [a]: gelatinous
Gelatineboulevard = Gelatineboulevard
gelatinedynamiet = springstoffen [n]: gelignite
gelatinefabriek = Gelatine industry
gelatinefilm = gelatin film
gelatinen = gelatins
gelatines (optische filters) = gelatins (optical filters)
gelatinespons = absorbable gelatin sponge
gelatinespons = gelatin sponge
gelatinestructuur = gelatin structure
gelatineuze cellulose-gebaseerde biofilm = gelatinous cellulose-based biofilm
gelatine-voedingsbodem = gelatin culture medium
Gelatinewijk = Gelatinewijk
gelatiniseringspunt (gelatiniseren van het zetmeel) = starch gel
gelauwerd = eer [a]: laureate
gelauwerde projecten = award winning projects
gelcoating = gel coat
geld = money
Geld = Currency
geld = algemeen [n]: money
geld = cash
geld- = financiën [a]: monetary
geld {het} = money
geld afhalen [BN] = to withdraw money
geld bijeenbrengen voor = geschenk [v]: subscribe towards
geld dat je niet kan missen = money that you cannot afford to lose
geld en goederen = money and goods
Geld in kas = Cash in hand
geld op de kapitaalmarkt = money on the capital market
geld op de kapitaalmarkt aantrekken = to raise money on the capital market
geld op de kapitaalmarkt aantrekken = to raise money in the capital market
geld op een bankrekening hebben = to have money in a bank account
geld op tafel liggen = fork out quite a bit of money
geld op uw rekening storten = deposit cash on your account
geld opnemen = to withdraw money
geld overmaken (met een cheque) = to remit (by check)
geld storten bij een bank = to pay money into a bank
geld vastleggen = lock up money [in investments]
geld vastleggen = tie up money [for a certain period]
geld verdienen = make money
Geldaanbod = Money supply
Geldaanbod = Money supply (M)
Geldaanbodcurve = Money supply curve
Geldaanbodmultiplier = Money supply multiplier (m)
geldafgiftediensten = cash dispensing
geldafgiftediensten = cash dispensing services
Geldafperser = Swindler
Geldafperser = Crook
Geldafzetter = Crook
Geldafzetter = Swindler
geldautomaat = "cashpoint (Br), cash machine, cash dispenser"
Geldautomaat = Automated teller machine
geldautomaat = cash machine
geldautomaat {de} = automated teller machine <ATM>
geldautomaat {de} = cash machine <ATM>
geldautomaat {de} = cashpoint [Br.] <ATM>
Geldautomaten = Automatic cash dispensers
geldautomaten = automated teller machines
geldbedrag = cash amount
geldbedrag = sum of money
geldbelegging = financiën [n]: investment
Geldbelegging = Stake
Geldbelegging = Investing
Geldbelegging = Investment
Geldbeleggingen en liquide middelen = Current investments and cash at bank and in hand
geldbeschikbaarheid = private-sector liquidity
geldbeugel = geld [n]: change purse
geldbeugel {de} [BN] = purse [Br.]
geldboete = fine
geldboete = straf [n]: fine
Geldboete = Apologize
geldboete {de} = fine
geldbuidel = purse
geldconserveringsprincipe = asset management principle
gelddorst = gierigheid [n]: avarice
gelddraai = pill-rolling / finger-thumb rubbing
geldeenheidsteekproefmethode = monetary unit sampling
geldelijk = financial
geldelijk = monetarily
Geldelijk = Financier
geldelijk = geld [a]: pecuniary [formal]
geldelijk voordeel = monetary benefit
geldelijke rechten en verplichtingen = financial rights and obligations
geldelijke vergoeding = financial compensation
geldelijke verplichtingen = pecuniary liabilities
geldelijke verplichtingen = boekhouding [n]: liabilities
geldelijke verplichtingen = debts
geldelijke verplichtingen = debts payable
geldelijke verplichtingen = liability
geldelijke verplichtingen = pecuniary obligations
gelden = theorie [v]: apply
gelden = valid
gelden = funds
gelden = to be valid
Gelden = Cost
gelden = to apply
gelden = concern
gelden = apply
gelden alleen voor = only apply to
gelden als = are considered
gelden als de datum van acceptatie = shall be considered as the date of acceptance
gelden als een belangrijke ondersteunende factor in het veroorzaken van = are one of the main sources of
gelden als een benadering = shall be construed as an estimate
gelden als een benadering = shall be construed as estimates
gelden als een wederzijdse proeftijd = shall be construed as a trial period for both parties
gelden als fatale termijnen = are considered final deadlines
gelden andere afspraken = different arrangements apply
gelden de volgende afspraken = the following agreements apply
gelden de volgende bepalingen = the following provisions shall apply
gelden de volgende leasebudgetten = the following lease budgets apply
gelden de volgende limieten = the following limits apply
gelden de volgende regels = the following rules shall apply
gelden de volgende uitgangspunten = the following principles shall apply
gelden gedurende de uitvoering van het project = apply during the implementation of the project
gelden in aanvulling op = are supplemental to
gelden met ingang van = shall apply with effect from
gelden niet zondermeer = do not automatically apply
gelden onderstaande voorwaarden = the following conditions
Gelden onderweg = Cash in transit
gelden ontdragen = transfer money
gelden ook voor = also apply to
gelden slechts indien = shall apply only
gelden slechts indien en voor zover = apply only if and to the extent that
gelden slechts ter aanduiding = are for illustrative purposes only
gelden slechts voor zover = only apply to the degree that
gelden slechts voor zover Werknemer werkzaam is ten behoeven van de Opdra = shall apply only to the degree that Employee is employed by Client in the
gelden ten gunste van = valid in favour of
gelden tevens als aanvaard = shall also be deemed to have been accepted
gelden voor = algemeen [v]: go for
gelden voor alle = shall apply to all
gelden voor de levering van = apply to the provision of
gelden voor iem./iets = to apply to sb./sth. [be applicable to]
Geldend = Invalid
Geldend = Valid
geldend = current
Geldend = Legitimate
geldend normering = applicable standards
geldend op het moment van de aanbesteding = applicable at the time of the tender
geldend tot = in force until
geldend vliegplan (CPL) = current flight plan (CPL)
geldende = applicable
geldende bepalingen = applicable provisions
geldende betalingstermijn = applicable payment period
geldende huurprijs = current rental
geldende lokale wetten = applicable local laws
geldende lokale wetten en regelgeving = applicable local laws and regulations
geldende marktwaarde = prevailing market value
geldende nationale wetgeving = applicable national legislation
geldende nationale wetgeving/standaarden = applicable national legislation/standards
geldende normen = applicable standards
geldende normen en waarden = standards and values in force
geldende reglementeringen = applicable regulations
geldende tariefbepalingen = Tariff provisions in force
geldende veiligheidsnormen = relevant safety standards
geldende vereisten = applicable requirements
geldende voorschriften = applicable regulations
geldende wet- en regelgeving = current laws and regulations
geldende wettelijke en reglementaire voorschriften en teksten = legal and regulatory provisions and texts in force
geldende wetten en voorschriften = applicable laws and regulations
Gelderland = Gelderland
Gelderland = Guelders
Gelderland = Guelderland
Geldermalsen = Geldermalsen
Gelders = Guelders
Gelderse roos = Guelder rose
Gelderse roos = Snowball tree
Gelderse roos = Cranberry
Gelderse vallei = Gelderland valley
geldgebrek {het} = shortage of money
geld-goederenbeweging = movement of cash and goods
Geldhoeveelheid = Money supply
Geldhoeveelheid = Amount of money
geldig = acceptable
geldig = toegangskaartjes [a]: valid
geldig = valid
geldig = current
geldig beraadslagen over de punten op de agenda = validly deliberate on the items on the agenda
geldig bewijs = valid proof
geldig bewijs voor een bootkaart = valid proof of a ferry ticket
geldig en afdwingbaar = valid and enforceable
geldig en bindend = valid and binding
geldig en verbindend = valid and binding
geldig identiteitsbewijs = valid proof of ID
geldig is voor een enkele betaling = is valid for a single payment
geldig is voor meerdere betalingen = is valid for a series of payments
geldig lascertificaat = valid welding certificate
geldig legitimatiebewijs = valid ID
geldig maken = rechten [v]: validate [formal]
geldig op het moment van aflevering = valid at the time of delivery
geldig toegangsbewijs = valid access card
Geldig tot = Valid until
Geldig tot en met = Valid until
geldig uitgebrachte stemmen = votes validly cast
geldig vanaf = valid from
geldig vanaf.. = valid from
geldig verklaren = validate
geldig verklaren = rechten [v]: validate [formal]
geldig voor een enkele betaling = valid for a single payment
geldig voor een periode van = valid for a perconclusies
geldig voor een periode van = valid for a period of
geldig werden opgericht en bestaan = set up and run legally
geldig zijn = be valid
geldig zijn voor = to be valid for
geldige = valid
geldige besluiten = valid resolutions
Geldige besluiten kunnen slechts worden genomen = Valid resolutions may only be passed
geldige datum = valid date
geldige documenten = valid documents
geldige e-mailontvangers = valid email recipients
geldige en bindende = legally valid and binding
geldige en bindende overeenkomst = legally valid and binding agreement
geldige gegevens = valid data
geldige inschrijving = valid registration
geldige inschrijving = valid tender
geldige inschrijvingen = valid tenders
geldige periode = valid period
geldige reden = reden [n]: warrant [formal]
geldige start en eindtijd = valid start and end time
geldige verantwoording = valid justification
geldige verzekeringspolis = valid insurance policy
geldige werkvergunning = valid work permit
geldige XML = valid XML
"geldige, wettige en afdwingbare" = "valid, legal, enforceable"
"geldige, wettige en afdwingbare bepaling" = "valid, legal, enforceable provision"
Geldigheid = Validity
geldigheid = document [n]: validity
geldigheid {de} = validity
geldigheid en uitvoerbaarheid = validity and enforceability
geldigheid of afdwingbaarheid = validity or enforceability
Geldigheid van de aanbieding = Quotation validity
geldigheidsaanduiding = validity indicator
geldigheidsbereik = area of application
Geldigheidscontrole = Validation process
geldigheidsdatum = date of  expiration
geldigheidsdatum = validity date
geldigheidsdatum = expiry date
geldigheidsduur = period of validity
geldigheidsduur = validity
geldigheidsduur = validity period
geldigheidsduur = validity
geldigheidsduur = validity
geldigheidsduur = (duration of) validity
geldigheidsperiode = validity period
geldigheidstermijn = period of validity
geldigheidstermijn van de aanbieding = validity period of the offer
geldigheidsverklaring = declaration of validity
geldigverklaring = statement of validity
geldigverklaring = validation
geldigverklaring = declaration of validity
geldinkassa = moneyInTill
geldkist = cashier's stand
geldkisten = cash boxes
geldlade = till
Geldlade van kassa = Till
geldlening = loan
geldleningsovereenkomst = loan agreement
geldmarkt = financial market
geldmarkt = money market
geldmarkt- en kapitaalmarktinstrumenten = financial and capital market instruments
Geldmarkt in enge zin = Money market in a ristricted sense
Geldmarkt in ruime zin = Money market in a broad sense
Geldmarkt kasreserveregeling = Money market of regulation of cash reserve
Geldmarktmakelaar = Money market broker
geldmarktrente = money market interest rate
Geldmarktrente = Short-term interest rate
geldmarkttermijncontract = funds
geldmarkttermijncontract = means
geldmarkttermijncontract = money market future
geldmiddelen = finance
geldmiddelen in de kluis = cash in vault
Geldmiddelen per 1 januari = Cash funds as of January 1
Geldmunten = Coins
geldontwaarding = economie [n]: inflation
geldopname bij winkeliers = cash back [draw cash from retailers]
Geldpolitiek = Money politics
Geldpolitiek of monetaire politiek = Monetary politics
"geldposten, niet-geldposten" = monetary
Geldrop-Mierlo = Geldrop-Mierlo
Geldscheppende instellingen = Establishments that create money
Geldschepping = Creating of money
geldschepping door monetisatie = creation of money through monetization
geldschieter = financiën - man [n]: moneylender
geldschieter {de} = moneylender
geldschietster = financiën - vrouw [n]: moneylender
geldsom = sum of money
geldstraf = straf [n]: fine
geldstromen = cash flows
Geldstroom = Flow of money
"geldstroom (alleen letterlijk, zie eerste, tweede, derde geldstroom)" = flow of funds
Geldstroom uit operationele activiteiten = Cash flow from operating activities
geldstuk = coin
Geldstuk = Part
geldt = the following applies
geldt alleen als = only applies if
geldt alleen voor machtigingen = applies only to mandates
geldt als een wederzijdse proeftijd = shall be construed as a trial period for both parties
geldt als een zware fout van = constitutes serious misconduct on the part of
geldt als goedkeuring van = shall be deemed approval of
geldt als leeg statement = is considered an empty statement
geldt als minimum eis = is a minimum requirement
geldt analoog = applies analogously
geldt dat deze is aangegaan voor onbepaalde tijd = it is entered into for an indefinite period of time
"geldt dat er boven de €33.000,- (ex btw) een tender wordt uitgeschreven" = "a tender will be issued for projects that exceed €33,000 (excluding VAT"
geldt de aanvaarding bij ontvangst van de producten = the acceptance is effective upon receipt of the products
geldt de variabele vergoeding voor het behalen van service levels = the variable remuneration for achieving service levels will apply
geldt de verplichte melding niet alleen voor de automobilist = the notification requirement applies not only to the driver
geldt de volgende rangorde = the following order of precedence will prevail
geldt derhalve als nimmer tot stand gekomen = shall therefore be deemed never to have been concluded
geldt des te meer = all the more true
geldt doorgaans dat = it is usually the case that
geldt een wijzigingsclausule = is subject to an amendment clause
geldt enkel voor = applies only to
geldt gedurende de looptijd van = applies during the term
geldt gedurende de looptijd van het contract = applies during the term of the contract
geldt het navolgende = the following applies
geldt het omgekeerde = the opposite applies
geldt het volgende = the following applies
"geldt in ieder geval, maar niet uitsluitend" = applies in any case (but not exclusively)
geldt met inachtneming van het bepaalde in artikel 19 van de CAO het teru = the reversion wage shall apply with due observance of the  provisions of 
geldt met terugwerkende kracht = applies retroactively
geldt niet voor woon-werkverkeer = does not apply to commuting
geldt ten gunste van = valid in favour of
geldt tussen partijen = it is agreed between parties
geldt voor alle medewerkers = applies to all employees
geldt voor onbepaalde tijd = is valid for an indefinite period
geld-tegen-geld krediet = back-to-back credit
geldtelcentrale = money counting centre
geldtheorie = theory of money
Geldtransport = Money transport
geldverkwister = geld - man [n]: spender
geldverkwistster = geld - vrouw [n]: spender
geldverlies = money loss
Geldvermenigvuldiger = Money supply multiplier
Geldvernietiging = Destruction of money
geldverstrekkende = lending
geldverstrekkende instellingen = lending institutions
geldverstrekker = "funding body/organisation, fund"
geldverstrekkers = lenders
geldvordering = monetary claim
Geldvorderingen tegen de organisatie = Monetary claims against the organisation
Geldvraag = Money demand
Geldvraagcurve = Money demand curve
geldwezen = algemeen [n]: finance
geldwisseldiensten = money exchange services
geldwolf = money-grubber
geldwolf {de} = money-grubber [coll.]
geldzorgen {mv} = financial worries
gele bosbraam = cloudberry
Gele eenstaart = Hook
Gele eenstaart = Fish hook
gele gids = telefoon [n]: Yellow Pages [trademark]
gele hepatisatie = yellow  hepatization
Gele kaart = Yellow card
gele kader = yellow frame
gele kaders = yellow boxes
gele klinker = Flemisch brick
gele koorts = geneeskunde [n]: yellow fever
gele koorts = yellow fever
"gele koorts, febris typhoidea" = yellow  fever: a viral disease transmitted to man by the Aedes aegypti mo
gele lampen = yellow lights
gele lijn = yellow line
gele lis = plantkunde [n]: yellow flag
Gele marmer = Yellow marble
gele narcis = plantkunde [n]: daffodil
Gele oker = Ocher
Gele oker = Tan
Gele oker = Ochre
Gele Rivier = Yellow River
gele vlek = fovea
gele was = yellow wax
Gele zanger = Yellow Warbler
Gele Zee = Yellow Sea
geleadeerd = "aggrieved, damaged, injured"
geleasd datatransmissiesysteem = leased-circuit data transmission service
gelede bus = articulated bus
Gelede bussen = Articulated buses
gelede dubbeldeksbus of toerbus = double-deck articulated bus or coach
Gelede ketting = Articulated chain
gelede steekproef = stratified sample
gelede testvinger = articulated test finger
Gelede vrachtwagens = Articulated trucks
geleden = ago [postpos.]
Geleden = There is
geleden = tijd [a]: ago
geleden = ago
Geleden = There's
Geleden = There are
geleden [in tijd] = back
geleden en/of te lijden = "suffered, or to be suffered,"
geleden en/of te lijden schade = "loss or damage suffered, or to be suffered,"
geleden schade = loss or damage suffered
geleden schade en te lijden schade = loss or damage suffered and to be suffered
geleden schade en verlies = damage and loss suffered
geleden verlies = incurred losses
gelederen {mv} = ranks
geledigd en gereinigd = emptied and cleaned
Geleding = Joint
Geleding = Articulation/ section/ jointing
Geleding = Articulation
geleding studenten = student representatives/representation
Geledingen = Joints
geledingsarm = guide arm
geleed = articulate
geleed = articulated
geleed = anatomie [a]: articulated
geleed dubbeldeksvoertuig = Double-decker articulated vehicle
geleed monster = stratified sample
"geleed, gelede, geärticuleerd" = articulate {adj} (able to bend or hinge at certain points or intervals)
Geleed/Harmonica/Vouw = Articulated
geleedpotige dieren = biologie [n]: arthropods
geleedpotigen = arthropod
geleedpotigen = arthropods
Geleend van derden = On loan from third parties
Geleerd = Scholar
geleerd = cultured
Geleerd = Savvy
Geleerd = Skilful
geleerd = learnt [esp. Br.]
geleerd = persoon [a]: intellectual
geleerd = learned
Geleerd = Researcher
geleerd = erudite
"geleerd, belezen, erudiet" = "erudite {adj} (scholarly, learned)"
geleerde = scholar
geleerde = "scholar (alfa), scientist (niet-alfa)"
geleerde = intelligentie - man [n]: intellectual
Geleerde = Savvy
Geleerde = Skilful
Geleerde = Researcher
Geleerde = Erudite
geleerde {de} = scholar
geleerde lessen = lessons learned
geleerde vrouw = vrouw [n]: bluestocking
geleermiddel = gelling agent
gelegaliseerde handtekening = authenticated signature
gelegaliseerde handtekening = authentication
gelegaliseerde handtekening = managed
gelegd = laid
gelegeerd = metalen [a]: alloyed
gelegeerd = alloyed
gelegeerde diode = alloy diode
gelegen = algemeen [a]: situated
gelegen = located
gelegen = situated
gelegen = disposed
gelegen (Jack) = disposed
gelegen aan = situated at
gelegen aan de oostkust = located on the east coast
gelegen aan een buitenrand = located on an outer edge
gelegen aan een lommerrijke laan = situated on a leafy avenue
gelegen buiten de concentratiegebieden = located outside the concentration areas
gelegen in buitengebied = located in the country
gelegen in de periferie = located on the periphery
gelegen in de risicosfeer van = that lie(s) within the area of responsibility of
gelegen in de risicosfeer van = that lie(s) within the responsibility of
gelegen is tussen = is situated between
gelegen komen = be appropriate
gelegen komen = tijd [v]: suit
gelegen komend = verandering [a]: welcome
gelegen op de 1e verdieping = located on the 1st floor
gelegen op de eerste etage = located on the first floor
gelegen tegenover de = located opposite the
gelegen tussen 0 en 60 graden = between 0 and 60 degrees
gelegen zijn = ligging [v]: be located
gelegen zijn = be situated
gelegenheid = condition
gelegenheid = situation
gelegenheid = opportunity
gelegenheid = chance
Gelegenheid = Occasion
Gelegenheid = Bargain
Gelegenheid = Second-hand
gelegenheid = algemeen [n]: occasion
gelegenheid {de} = opportunity
gelegenheid {de} = chance [opportunity]
gelegenheid {de} = occasion
gelegenheid scheppen = find grounds for
gelegenheids- = occasional
gelegenheidsarbeid = casual work
Gelegenheidsexport = Incidental export
gelegenheids-indringer = opportunist intruder
gelegenheidsinfecties = opportunistic infections
gelegenheidsschipper = charter skipper
gelegenheidsstructuren = ad hoc structures
gelegitimeerd = providing proof of identity
Gelegitimeerd beleid = Legitimate policies
gelei = jelly
Gelei = Frost
gelei = substantie [n]: jelly
gelei {de} = jelly
geleiachtig = colloid
geleiachtig = gelatinous
geleiachtig = glutinous
geleiachtig = algemeen [a]: gelatinous
geleiachtig worden = vloeistof [v]: jell
geleibrief voor lijkvervoer = burial transit permit
geleid = algemeen [a]: guided
geleid projectiel = militair [n]: guided missile
geleid wapen = militair [n]: guided missile
geleid wikkelen = guided winding
geleidbaar = conductive
geleidbaarheid = conductance
geleidbaarheid = conductivity
Geleidbaarheid (20°C) = Conductivity (20°C)
Geleidbaarheid (25°C) = Conductivity (25°C)
Geleide = Conduct
Geleide = Main
geleide = escort
geleide activiteiten = directed activities
Geleide antitankraketten = Anti-tank guided missiles
geleide beleidsbesprekingen = policy discussions
geleide beleidsbesprekingen = policy discussions led
geleide economie = controlled economy
geleide emissies = conducted emissions
geleide emissies = controlled emissions
geleide gleuf = guide sleeve
Geleide loonpolitiek = Controlled pay policy
geleide loonpolitiek = guided wage policy
geleide pen = gudgeon pin
geleide punt = guide point
geleide punten = guide points
geleide radar meetprincipe = guided radar measuring principle
geleide raket = guided missile
geleide straal = luchtvaart [n]: beam
geleidearm = guide arm
geleidebanen = guideway
geleidebanen = guideways
geleidebeugel = guide bracket
geleidebout = guide pin
geleidebuis = guide conduit
geleidebuis = guide tube
geleidebus = guide bush
geleidedrempel = guide sill
geleideframe = deflection frame
geleidegat = feed hole
geleidegatafstand = feed pitch
geleidehond = guide dog
geleidehond = guide dogs
Geleidehond = Dog
geleidehond {de} = guide dog
geleidekaart = companion pass
geleidekabel = guide rope
geleidekabel = guide cable
Geleidelijk = In dribs and drabs
geleidelijk = ontwikkeling [a]: gradual
geleidelijk = gradually
Geleidelijk = By slow degrees
Geleidelijk = Bit by bit
geleidelijk = gradual
geleidelijk aan ingelopen = worn in gradually
geleidelijk aan zal afnemen = will decrease gradually
geleidelijk en gedoseerd remmen = Progressive and graduated braking
geleidelijk groter = gradually greater
geleidelijk herstel = gradual recovery
geleidelijk opheffen = dienst [v]: phase out
geleidelijk stopzetten = dienst [v]: phase out
"geleidelijk, allengs, gaandeweg" = gradually {adv} (in gradual manner)
geleidelijke = gradual
geleidelijke degradatie = gradual degradation
geleidelijke opwarming = gradual heating
geleidelijke overgang = overgang [n]: gradation
geleidelijke sluiting = gradual closure
geleidelijke veranderingen = gradual changes
geleidelijke vernauwing = gradual constriction
geleidelijke verwijding = gradual enlargement
geleidelijke verwijding = gradual expansion
geleidelijke-afschaffingsperiode = phasing-out period
geleidemuur = approach wall
geleidemuur = guide wall
Geleiden = Head
geleiden = to conduct
Geleiden = Drive
Geleiden = Act up
Geleiden = Carry out
Geleiden = Induce
geleiden = to guide
Geleiden = Steer
geleiden = fysica [v]: transmit
geleiden = to transmit
Geleiden = Conduct
Geleiden = Take
geleiden = guide
Geleiden = Lead
geleiden van de natuurlijke vezels van de aanvoerlijn naar de lontvorming = guiding the natural fibers from the supply line to the sliver forming lin
geleiden van de natuurlijke vezels van de aanvoerlijn naar de lontvorming = guiding the natural fibers from the supply line to the sliver forming lin
geleiden wegverkeer op rijbaan = guided road traffic on the roadway
"geleiden, begeleiden, leiden, helpen" = "hand  (to lead, guide, or assist with the hand)"
Geleidend = Conductive
geleidend = conducting
geleidend = guiding
geleidend = conductive
geleidend materiaal = conductive material
geleidend vermogen = conductivity
geleidend verplaatsbaar deel = guiding movable part
geleidend verplaatsbare deel = guiding movable part
geleidend zout = conducting salt
geleidende = conductive
geleidende (dek)laag = conductive coating
geleidende deel = conductive part
geleidende draden = conductive wires
geleidende laag = conductive layer
geleidende lagen = conductive layers
geleidende lijm = conductive adhesive
geleidende mantel = conductive sheath
geleidende materiaal = conductive material
geleidende onderdelen = conductive parts
geleidende pasta = conductive paste
geleidende toestand = conducting state
geleidende zilververf = conductive silver paint
geleidepen = guide pin
geleideplaat = guide plate
geleideplaat = guiding plate
geleider = conductor
geleider = guide
geleider = fysica [n]: conductor
Geleider = Conducting
geleider = leader
geleider (baan) = guide channel
geleider (baan) = guide track
geleider (baan) = track guide
geleider (m.b.t. lift) = guide rail
geleider (van gereedschap) = guide
geleider {de} = conductor
geleider kern = conductor core
Geleider langswaterdicht = Longitudinal water block conductors
geleider mantel = conductor sheath
Geleider voor bovengronds energietransport = Conductor for overhead power transmission
geleider voor de veiligheidsgordel voor volwassenen = Adult safety-belt webbing guide
Geleiderafmetingen = Conductor dimension
geleiderail = guide rail
geleiderail = guide track
geleiderail = guide rail
geleiderail = guide track
Geleiderail = Side rail
Geleiderail = Handrail
geleiderail = safety barrier / crash barrier
geleiderail / looprail = runner
geleiderails = guide rail
geleiderails = guide track
geleiderails = crash barrier
geleiderails = safety barrier
geleiderails = vehicle restraint
geleiderand = guide edge
geleiderand = land (van een lager)
geleiderbrug = jumper
Geleiderdoorsnede = Conductor cross section
Geleiderdoorsnede van/tot = Conductor cross section from/to
geleidering = cable routing ring
geleidering = guide ring
geleiderinstelling (zaagbank) = rip fence guide
geleiderkernen = conductor cores
geleiderliniaal (op zaagbank) = rip fence rule
Geleidermateriaal = Material conductor
geleiderol = guide roller
geleiderol = deflection sheave
geleiderollen = guide rollers
geleiderpatroon = (printed) circuit pattern
geleiders = guides
geleiders = conductors
geleiders en een rolomkasting = guide rails and a roller enclosure
geleiders overeenkomstig uitvoeringsvormen van de onderhavige uitvinding = conductors according to embodiments of the present invention
"Geleiders van elektriciteit, voor gegevensverwerking en regeling" = Electric conductors for data and control purposes
"Geleiders van elektriciteit, voor toegangscontrolesystemen" = Electric conductors for access control systems
geleidersbeweeglijkheid = conductivity mobility
geleidersleuf (op zaagbank) = rip fence slot
geleidervergrendeling (b.v. op zaagbank) = rip fence lock
Geleidervorm = Shape of conductor
geleideschoep = guide vane
geleideschoep = vane
geleidespoor = feed track
geleidestang = guide post
geleidestang = guide rod
geleidestift = guide pin
geleidestuk = guide piece
geleidestukken = guide brackets
geleidetouw = guide rope
Geleidewaardemeting = Conductivity measurement
geleidewerk = guide work
geleidewerk = guide
Geleidewielset voor kabelroler = Swivel castor set for cable dispenser
geleiding = guide system
geleiding = guide
geleiding = conduction
geleiding = fysica [n]: conduction
geleiding = conductance
geleiding = guiding
geleiding bij sperinstelling = reverse conduction
geleiding van de lierkabel = winch rope guiding equipment
geleiding van een oplossing = solution conductivity
geleidingdbrug (op zekeringkast) = bonding terminal
geleidingen = guideways
geleidingsarm = guide arm
geleidingsband = conductance band
geleidingsbar = guide bar
geleidingsbronsdraad = conductive bronze wire
geleidingsbuis = guide tube
Geleidingsbuis = Guiding tube
geleidingsbuizen = guiding tubes
geleidingsdraad = conducting wire
geleidingselektron = conduction electron
geleidingselement = guide element
geleidingselementen = guide elements
geleidingsframe = guide frame
geleidingsgat = dowel hole
geleidingskop = guide head
Geleidingsmeting = Conductivity measurement
geleidingsmiddelen = guide means
geleidings-nokken = guide ridge
geleidings-nokken = guide ridges
geleidingsogen = guide eyelets
geleidingsoppervlak = guide surface
geleidingspalen = guide posts.
geleidingspalen = guideposts
geleidingspen = guide pin
geleidingsplaat = guide plate
geleidingsplaatje = Guide plate
geleidingsprofiel = guide profile
geleidingsrail = guide rail
geleidingssleuf = guide slot
geleidingsstroom = conduction current
geleidingssysteem = guidance system
geleidingssysteem = conducting system
geleidingssystemen = guidance systems
geleidingsveld = conduction field
geleidingsvermogen = fysica [n]: conductivity
geleidingsvermogen = conductance
geleidingsvermogen = conductivity
Geleidingswiel = Guide wheel
geleidingszuil = guide pillar
geleien = jellies
"geleien, eetbare geleien, jams, vruchtensausen" = "jellies, jellies for food, jams, fruit sauces"
"geleien, jams, eieren, melk en melkproducten" = "jellies, jams, eggs, milk and milk products"
"geleien, jams, marmelades en vruchtensausen" = "jellies, jams, marmalades and fruit sauces"
"geleien, jams, vruchtensausen" = "jellies, jams, fruit sauces"
"geleien, jams, vruchtensausen, eieren, melk en" = "jellies, jams, fruit sauces, eggs, milk and milk products"
"geleien, met name vlees-, vis-, vruchten- en groentegeleien" = "jellies, namely meat, fish, fruit and vegetable jellies"
geleifabriek = Jelly industry
geleipen = guide pin
Gelelektroforese = Electrophoresis
geleren = vloeistof [v]: congeal
geleren = to gel
gelerende samenstelling = gelling composition
gelering = gelation
gelerings- of fixatiemengsels = gelation or fixation mixtures
geleringstijd = gelling time
gelet = with regards to
Gelet hierop = In view of this
gelet op = having regard to
Gelet op = Considering
Gelet op de aard van deze overeenkomst = Given the nature of this Agreement
gelet op het ter rolle tegen gedaagde verleende verstek = considering the leave granted at the cause list hearing to proceed agains
Gelet op het voorgaande = In view of the foregoing
Gelet op het voorgaande = In the light of the foregoing
gelet op stand en ligging in relatie tot het gebruik van het getaxeerde o = in view of the location in relation to the use of the valued/appraised pr
geletterd = lettered
geletterd = persoon [a]: literate
geletterdheid = onderwijs [n]: literacy
geletterdheid = literacy
geletterdheid van volwassenen = adult literacy
geleuter {het} = twaddle
geleverd = supplied
geleverd = delivered
geleverd door X te berichten dat = "inform, give notice, notify"
geleverd en geïnstalleerd = supplied and installed
geleverd en gemonteerd = supplied and assembled
geleverd met of als onderdeel van andere hardware = supplied with or as part of other hardware
geleverd volgens Specificatie = supplied to Specification
"geleverd, geplaatst en ingeregeld" = "supplied, installed and adjusted"
geleverde = supplied
geleverde = provided
geleverde bijdrage = contribution
geleverde diensten = services provided
geleverde diensten = services
geleverde druk = delivery pressure
geleverde en onderhouden = supplied and maintained
geleverde en te leveren = supplied and to be supplied
geleverde en te leveren zaken = goods supplied and to be supplied
geleverde hoeveelheid = quantity delivered
geleverde kantoormeubilair = delivered office furniture
geleverde of gepresteerde = goods delivered or services rendered
geleverde of te leveren = supplied or to be supplied
geleverde of te leveren zaken = goods delivered or to be delivered
geleverde prestaties = assistance supplied
geleverde prestaties = goods or services supplied
geleverde prestaties = goods/services provided
geleverde prestaties = performance delivered
geleverde producten = products delivered
geleverde programmatuur = shipped software
geleverde programmatuur = software shipped
geleverde programmatuur = software supplied
geleverde programmatuur = supplied software
geleverde services = delivered services
geleverde vermogen = power output
geleverde warmtevermogen = supplied heat output
geleverde zaken = delivered goods
geleverde zaken of verrichte werkzaamheden = goods supplied or the work performed
Gelezen & goedgekeurd = Read & Approved
gelezen en goedgekeurd = read and approved
gelezen waarde = read value
gelezen wordt door = is being read by
"gelezen, begrepen en uitgevoerd" = "read, understood and implemented"
geliberaliseerde huurprijs = deregulated rental
gelicenseerd = licensed
gelicenseerd aan = licensed to
gelicht = lifted
gelid = joint
gelid = militair [n]: array
gelid {het} = rank
gelieerd persoon of bedrijf = related entity
gelieerde = affiliated with
gelieerde = allied to
gelieerde = associated with
gelieerde = related to
gelieerde kredietovereenkomst = linked credit agreement
gelieerde onderneming = affiliate
Gelieerde onderneming van Microsoft = Microsoft Affiliate
gelieerde onderneming van Microsoft = Microsoft affiliate
gelieerde ondernemingen = affiliates
gelieerde ondernemingen = associated enterprises
gelieerde ondernemingen = affiliated enterprises
Gelieerde Partij = Affiliated Party
Gelieerde producten = Joint products
gelieerde vennootschappen = affiliated companies
geliefd = loved
geliefd = popular
geliefd = beloved
geliefd = persoon [a]: popular
geliefd maken = persoon [v]: endear
"geliefd, bemind, welbemind, lief" = beloved {adj} (loved)
geliefde = lover
geliefde = liefde - man [n]: love
Geliefde = Beloved
"geliefde {f}, beminde {f}" = beloved (someone who is loved)
geliefkoosd = voorkeur [a]: favorite
geliefkoost = favourite
gelieve = please
gelieve = verzoek [o]: please
gelieve aan te passen = please adjust
gelieve aan te vullen = please complete
"Gelieve alle reserveringen, veranderingen en annuleringen schriftelijk te" = "Please confirm all reservations, changes and cancellations in writing."
Gelieve de evaluatieformulieren in te vullen = Please complete the evaluation forms
Gelieve deze te regelen = Please arrange this
Gelieve een geldig e-mailadres in te vullen = Please enter a valid email address.
Gelieve een geldig getal in te vullen. = Please enter a valid number.
Gelieve het eens opnieuw te proberen. = Please try again.
Gelieve hiermee rekening te houden. = Please take this into account.
Gelieve ons mee te delen = Please inform us
Gelieve te schrappen indien niet van toepassing = Please delete if not applicable
gelijk = uniform
gelijk = even
gelijk = right
gelijk = algemeen [a]: equal
gelijk = alike
gelijk = identical
gelijk = similar
Gelijk = Equal
gelijk = lie on a level
gelijk = flush
gelijk {het} = right
gelijk aan = identical to
gelijk aan = equal to
gelijk aan = the same as
gelijk aan de vorm = equal to the shape
gelijk aan één maand loon = equal to one month’s pay
gelijk aan het oppervlak = flush with the surface
gelijk aan het origineel = faithful to the original
gelijk aan minstens = equal to at least
gelijk aan ongeveer = is equal to about
gelijk blijvend = onveranderlijk [a]: changeless
gelijk eindigen met = sport [v]: tie with
gelijk gebleven = remained the same
gelijk hebben = be right
gelijk hebbend = right
gelijk is aan = is equal to
gelijk is aan 0 = is 0
gelijk is aan minstens = being equal to at least
gelijk is aan of hoger is dan = equal to or higher than
gelijk is aan of lager is dan = equal to or lower than
gelijk met = flush with
gelijk met de onderzijde = flush with the bottom
gelijk met de randen = flush with the edges
gelijk met deze van = identical with that of
gelijk met het oppervlakte = flush with the surface
gelijk met het oppervlakte van de = flush with the surface of the
Gelijk na iedere fase = Immediately after each stage
gelijk of gelijkwaardig = equal or equivalent
gelijk opgaand = wedstrijd [a]: close
gelijk speelveld = level playing field
gelijk speelveld voor bedrijven = level playing field for companies
gelijk spel = sport - spelen [n]: tie
gelijk spelen met = sport [v]: tie with
gelijk uitgevoerd te zijn = must be of the same design
gelijk van sterkte = equal
gelijk van sterkte = of equal strength
gelijk verdeeld = equally divided
gelijk verspreiden = spread evenly
gelijk welk = any
gelijk welk materiaal = any material
gelijk welke = any
gelijk welke = regardless of
gelijk welke = arbitrary
gelijk welke element = any features
"gelijk welke, elke willeurige, om het even welke" = any
gelijk worden aan = to equal
gelijk zijn aan = equal
gelijk zijn aan = to equal
gelijk zijn aan = equal to
"gelijk, gelijke, identiek, identieke" = equal {adj} (the same in all respects)
"gelijk, gelijke, identiek, identieke" = equal {adj} (mathematics: exactly identical)
"gelijk, gelijkwaardig of vergelijkbaar" = "equal, equivalent or comparable"
Gelijk-/wisselstroom = Direct/alternating current
gelijkaardig = alike
gelijkaardig = overeenkomst [a]: alike
gelijkaardig = similar
gelijkaardig = similarly
gelijkaardig = of the same kind
gelijkaardig [BN] = similar
gelijkaardig aan de vorm van = similar to the shape of
gelijkaardig als op = similar to
gelijkaardige = similar
gelijkaardige eigenschappen = similar characteristics
gelijkaardige eigenschappen = similar properties
gelijkaardige eigenschappen = similar features
gelijkaardige elementen = similar elements
gelijkaardige functionaris = similar officer
gelijkaardige of evenwaardige = similar or equivalent
Gelijkaardige software pakketten = Similar software packages
gelijkaardige verrichtingen = similar operations
gelijkaardige waarde = similar value
gelijkaardige werkwijze = similar method
gelijkbenig = wiskunde [a]: isosceles
Gelijkbenig = Isosceles
gelijkbenig = isosceles
gelijkbenig hoekprofiel = equal leg angle
gelijkbenig trapezium = isosceles trapezoid
gelijkblijvend = snelheid [a]: constant
gelijkblijvend of na ingang 3% stijgend = at a constant amount or rising by 3% annually
gelijkblijvend pensioen = level pension
gelijkblijvende afschrijving = straight line depreciation
gelijkblijvende inkomenstoeslag = flat-rate income supplement
gelijkblijvende omstandigheden = if conditions remain the same
gelijkblijvende omstandigheden = under the same conditions
gelijkblijvende overlijdens-risicoverzekering = level term insurance [flat premium]
Gelijkblijvende schaalopbrengsten = Constant returns to scale
gelijke = even
gelijke = gelijk [n]: like
Gelijke = Peer
Gelijke = Similar
Gelijke = Alike
Gelijke = Like
gelijke = equal
gelijke aangelegenheiden = equality
gelijke aangelegenheiden = equal opportunities
gelijke behandeling = equal treatment
gelijke behandeling en respect = equality and respect
gelijke behandeling van man en vrouw = equality between men and women
Gelijke behandeling voor mannelijke en vrouwelijke werknemers = Equal treatment of male and female employees
gelijke beloning van mannelijke en vrouwelijke arbeidskrachten voor arbei = International Labour Convention No. 100 concerning Equal Remuneration for
gelijke eerste scores = ied first scores
gelijke eerste tussenafstand = equal first intermediate distance
gelijke gevallen gelijk dienen te worden behandeld = equal cases should be treated equally
Gelijke hoogte invoertuiten zijkant = Equal height inlet spouts side
gelijke kansen = equal opportunities
gelijke kookresultaten = even cooking results
gelijke of gelijkaardige = equal or similar
gelijke of gelijkwaardige = equal or equivalent
gelijke opdrachten = similar contracts
gelijke representativiteit = Equi-representativity
gelijke scores = ties
gelijke stand = tie
gelijke stand = sport - spelen [n]: tie
gelijke standen = ties
gelijke tred gehouden met = kept pace with
gelijke tred houden met = keep up with
gelijke tred houden met = ontwikkeling [v]: keep pace with
gelijke tred houdend = abreast
gelijke tweede tussenafstand = equal second intermediate distance
gelijke zijvlakken = equal side surfaces
"gelijke, equivalent, tegenhanger" = counterpart (something that resembles something else)
"gelijke, gelijkmatig, gelijkmatige" = even {adj} (without great variation)
gelijkekansenplan = equal opportunities plan
gelijke-lengte code = equal-length code
Gelijkelijk = Well
Gelijkelijk = Meantime
Gelijkelijk = Together
gelijkelijk = deling [o]: equally
Gelijkelijk = Same
Gelijkelijk = Similar
gelijkelijk = alike
gelijkelijk = equally
gelijken = resemble
gelijken = be similar
Gelijken = Seem
Gelijken = Appear
gelijken op = algemeen [v]: resemble
gelijkend = overeenkomst [a]: alike
Gelijkend = Lifelike
gelijkend = similar
gelijkend = like
gelijkenis = allegory
gelijkenis = similarity
gelijkenis = algemeen [n]: resemblance
gelijkenis = likeness
gelijkenis = resemblance
gelijkenis = equality
gelijkenis {de} = resemblance
gelijkenis {de} = likeness
gelijkenisindex = similarity index
Gelijkenissen en verschillen = Similarities and differences
gelijkfasig = in-phase
gelijkfasige aftasting = synchronous scanning
gelijk-geori‰nteerde zender = co-sited transmitter
gelijk-georiënteerde zender = co-sited transmitter
gelijkgerichte = rectified
gelijkgeschakeld = equate
gelijkgesteld = equated
gelijkgestelde dagen = ‘equivalent days’ (‘gelijkgestelde dagen’)
gelijkgestelde dagen = equivalent days
gelijkgestelde werkzaamheden = equivalent duties
gelijkgestelden-regeling = equivalent status scheme (‘gelijkgesteldenregeling’)
gelijkgestemd = algemeen [a]: like-minded
gelijkgestemde = like-minded
Gelijkgezind = Unanimous
gelijkgezinde partners = like-minded partners
gelijkgrondse deksels = ground-level covers
gelijkheid = draw
Gelijkheid = Evenness
Gelijkheid = Smoothness
Gelijkheid = Square
Gelijkheid = Equality
gelijkheid = algemeen [n]: equality
gelijkheid {de} = equality
gelijkheid en ongelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen = equality and inequality between women and men
gelijkheid of ongelijkheid = equality or inequality
gelijkheid van beloning = equal pay
gelijkheid van de geslachten = gender equality
gelijkheid van kansen = equal opportunity
gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen = equality between women & men
gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen = gender equality
gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen = sex equality
gelijkheid voor de wet = equality before the law
"gelijkheid, ongelijkheid" = "equality, inequality"
gelijkheids- = algemeen [a]: egalitarian
gelijkheidsbeginsel = Principle of equality
gelijkheidscoëfficiënt volgens Gower = Gower's similarity coefficient
gelijkheidsorgaan = equality unit
Gelijkhoekig = Equilateral
gelijkkomen = mensen [v]: catch up with
gelijkliggen = lie on a level
gelijkloop = tracking
gelijkloopcontrole = tracking inspection
gelijklopen = tracking
gelijklopend assen = synchro hub
gelijkluidend = concurrent
gelijkluidend = identical
gelijkluidend = similar
gelijkluidend = uniform
gelijkluidend afschrift = certified as a true copy
gelijkluidend afschrift = certified true copy
gelijkluidend verweer voeren = put up the same defence
gelijkluidende conclusies nemen = present identical statements
gelijkluidendheid van de administratie = smooth
gelijkluidendheid van de administratie = uniform
gelijkluidendheid van de administratie = uniformity of the accounts
gelijkmaken = to equalise [Br.]
gelijkmaken = to level the score
gelijkmaken = flush
gelijkmaken = gelijkstellen [n]: equation
gelijkmaken = to equalize
gelijkmaken = even
gelijkmakend = algemeen [a]: equalizing
gelijkmaker = equaliser
gelijkmaker {de} = equaliser [Br.]
gelijkmaker {de} = equalizer
gelijkmaking van de kleurindruk = colour match
gelijkmatig = evenly
gelijkmatig = smooth
gelijkmatig = equal
Gelijkmatig = Regular
Gelijkmatig = In order
Gelijkmatig = Equable
Gelijkmatig = Even
Gelijkmatig = Across the counter
Gelijkmatig = Scheduled
Gelijkmatig = Plain
gelijkmatig = steady
gelijkmatig = regelmatig [a]: even
Gelijkmatig = Steady pulse
gelijkmatig bedekt met cilia = holotrichous
gelijkmatig gedroogd = uniformly dried
gelijkmatig gedroogd wasgoed = uniformly dried laundry
gelijkmatig gedroogd wasgoed = uniformly dried
gelijkmatig gerijpt = uniformly ripe
gelijkmatig gespreid = evenly distributed
gelijkmatig lont = uniform slivers
gelijkmatig lopen = to have uniform torque
gelijkmatig naar beneden helt = sloping evenly downward
gelijkmatig opgespoeld = evenly wound
gelijkmatig rood = uniformly red
gelijkmatig van humeur = gedrag [a]: even-tempered
gelijkmatig verdeeld = uniformly distributed
gelijkmatig verdeeld kruislings = crosswise and evenly
gelijkmatig verdeelde = uniformly distributed
gelijkmatig verdeelde belasting = uniformly distributed load
gelijkmatig verdeelde vloerbelasting = uniformly distributed floor load
gelijkmatig verspreid = equally spread
gelijkmatige rijping = uniform ripening
Gelijkmatige spreiding = Even spread
gelijkmatige toewijzingsmethode = spread-even allocation method
gelijkmatige verdeling = uniform distribution
gelijkmatige verdeling van de belasting = uniform distribution of the load
gelijkmatige verdeling van kosten/lasten = equability
gelijkmatige verdeling van kosten/lasten = equal spread of cost(s)
gelijkmatige verdeling van kosten/lasten = evenness
gelijkmatiger wordt ondersteund = is more uniformly supported
gelijkmatigheid = uniformity
gelijkmoedig = karakter [a]: equable
gelijknamig = like
gelijknamig = of the same name [postpos.]
gelijknamige = eponymous
gelijknamige = like
gelijknamige = of the same name
gelijkrichtbrug = rectifier bridge
gelijkrichtbuis = rectifier valve
gelijkrichtdiode = rectifier diode
gelijkrichteffici‰ntie = rectification efficiency
gelijkrichten = to rectify
gelijkrichtende werking = rectifying action
Gelijkrichter = Rectifier
gelijkrichter = elektriciteit [n]: rectifier
gelijkrichter = rectifier
gelijkrichterelement = rectifier element
gelijkrichterkring = rectifier circuit
Gelijkrichters = Rectifiers
gelijkrichterschakeling = rectifier circuit
gelijkrichtersinrichting = Rectifier units
gelijkrichtersysteem = rectifier system
gelijkrichterunit = rectifier unit
gelijkrichtervergelijking = rectifier equation
gelijkrichting = rectification
gelijkrichtschakeling = rectifier circuit
gelijkschakelen = equated
gelijkschakelen = standardise
gelijkschakelen = standardised
gelijkschakelen = equate
gelijkschakelen = coordinate
gelijksluitend = keyed alike
gelijksluitend systeem = one-key system
gelijksluitende cilinder = keyed alike
gelijksoortig = similar
Gelijksoortig = Of the same kind
Gelijksoortig = Kindred
gelijksoortig = analogous
gelijksoortige ladingen = like charges
gelijksoortige vormen van = similar forms of
gelijksoortigheid = analogy
gelijksoortigheid = homogeneity
gelijkspanning = DC
gelijkspanning = direct voltage
gelijkspanning (What can be measured over an open circuit or a resistance = DC {initialism} (direct current)
gelijkspanning stuurstroomketen = DC control-current circuit
gelijkspanning stuurstroomketens = DC control-current circuits
gelijkspanning van de kathode = dc cathode voltage
gelijkspanning van de kathode = static cathode voltage
gelijkspanning van een afvoer(elektrode) = dc drain voltage
gelijkspanning van een afvoer(elektrode) = static drain voltage
gelijkspanning van een basis = dc base voltage
gelijkspanning van een basis = static base voltage
gelijkspanning van een collector = dc collector voltage
gelijkspanning van een collector = static collector voltage
gelijkspanning van een emitter = dc emitter voltage
gelijkspanning van een emitter = static emitter voltage
gelijkspanningscomponent = DC component
gelijkspanningsherstel = dc restoration
gelijkspanningshoofdleiding = DC main conductor
gelijkspanningsklem = DC terminal
gelijkspanningsversterker = DC amplifier
gelijkspanningsvoltmeter = dc voltmeter
gelijkspanningszijde = DC side
gelijkspel = sport [n]: draw
gelijkspel = tie
gelijkspel {het} = draw
gelijkspel {het} = tie
gelijkspel op basis van de beschikbaarheidsschema’s = tie based on the availability schedules
gelijkspelen = to draw
gelijkspelen = to tie
gelijkstellen = considered equivalent
gelijkstellen = equalised
gelijkstellen = made the same
gelijkstellen = treated in the same way
gelijkstellen = gelijkmaken [n]: equation
gelijkstellen (aan) = to put on a par (with)
gelijkstelling = peer-to-peer
gelijkstelling = equality / equivalence
gelijkstelling = assimilation / equalisation
gelijkstelling van de aflossingen = settlement of redemption (of shares)
Gelijkstemmen = Bestow
Gelijkstemmen = Award
Gelijkstemmen = Agree on
Gelijkstemmen = Allow
Gelijkstemmen = Accord
Gelijkstemmen = Tune
Gelijkstemmen = Acquiesce
Gelijkstemmen = Grant
Gelijkstemmen = Agree
Gelijkstemmen = Attune
gelijkstoten = to joggle
gelijkstroom = direct current: DC
gelijkstroom = elektriciteit [n]: direct current
gelijkstroom = direct current
gelijkstroom = electrical current
gelijkstroom = DC
gelijkstroom {de} = direct current <DC>
Gelijkstroom gedreven noodstroomvoorzieningen = direct current emergency power supply
gelijkstroom in een basis = DC base current
gelijkstroom in een basis = static base current
gelijkstroom van de kathode = DC cathode current
gelijkstroom van de kathode = static cathode current
gelijkstroom van een afvoer(elektrode) = DC drain current
gelijkstroom van een afvoer(elektrode) = static drain current
gelijkstroom van een collector = DC collector current
gelijkstroom van een collector = static collector current
gelijkstroom van een emitter = DC emitter current
gelijkstroom van een emitter = static emitter current
gelijkstroombron = DC source
gelijkstroomcentrering = DC centring
gelijkstroomgenerator = DC generator
gelijkstroomkring = DC circuit
gelijkstroommachine = DC machine
gelijkstroommotor = DC motor
Gelijkstroommotor = Direct current motor
gelijkstroommotor = direct current motor
gelijkstroomomvormer = DC converter
gelijkstroomoscilloscoop = DC oscilloscope
gelijkstroomquadricorrelator = DC quadricorrelator
gelijkstroomregelaar = DC controller
gelijkstroomsignalering = direct current signalling: DX
gelijkstroomtransmissie = DC transmission
gelijkstroomuitzending = direct current transmission
gelijkstroomvereffening = DC balance
gelijkstroomvoormagnetisatie = DC bias
gelijkstroomvoormagnetisatie = DC magnetic biasing
gelijkstroomweerstand = DC resistance
gelijkstroomweerstand van de kathode = DC cathode resistance
gelijkstroomweerstand van de kathode = static cathode resistance
gelijkstroomweerstand van een afvoer(elektrode) = DC drain resistance
gelijkstroomweerstand van een afvoer(elektrode) = static drain resistance
gelijkstroomweerstand van een basis = DC base resistance
gelijkstroomweerstand van een basis = static base resistance
gelijkstroomweerstand van een collector = DC collector resistance
gelijkstroomweerstand van een collector = static collector resistance
gelijkstroomweerstand van een emitter = DC emitter resistance
gelijkstroomweerstand van een emitter = static emitter resistance
gelijkstroom-wisselstroomomzetter = inverter
gelijkteken = equal sign
gelijktijdig = tijd [a]: contemporaneous
gelijktijdig = simultaneous
Gelijktijdig = Concurrent
gelijktijdig = simultaneously
gelijktijdig = simultaneously
gelijktijdig aanwezige programmastructuren = concurrent programming structures
gelijktijdig bruikbaar = re-entrant
gelijktijdig bruikbaar programma = re-entrant program
gelijktijdig bruikbare routine = re-entrant routine
gelijktijdig bruikbare subroutine = re-entrant subroutine
gelijktijdig dan wel opvolgend = simultaneously or in succession
gelijktijdig én met volledig capaciteit = at the same time and at full capacity
gelijktijdig met = simultaneously with
gelijktijdig non aspirated foam + poeder te kunnen afgeven = able to deliver non-aspirated foam and powder simultaneously
gelijktijdig overgelegd = transferred simultaneously
gelijktijdig plaatshebben = happen together
gelijktijdig plaatshebben = occur simultaneously
gelijktijdig plaatshebben = samenvallen [v]: coincide
gelijktijdig samenvallen = coincide simultaneously
gelijktijdig water als non-aspirated schuim af te kunnen geven = deliver both water and non-aspirated foam simultaneously
gelijktijdig worden uitgevoerd = are performed simultaneously
"gelijktijdig, afzonderlijk of achtereenvolgend gebruik" = "simultaneous, separate or consecutive use"
"gelijktijdig, eigentijds, contemporain" = contemporary {adj} (from the same time period)
"gelijktijdig, simultaan" = simultaneous {adj} (at the same time)
gelijktijdige = concomitant
gelijktijdige behandeling = concomitant treatment
gelijktijdige besturing = real-time control
gelijktijdige besturing (bij de vervaardiging van programmatuur) = concurrency control
gelijktijdige bewerking = simultaneous operation
gelijktijdige bewerkingen = simultaneous operations
gelijktijdige chemoradiatie = simultaneous chemoradiation
gelijktijdige controle = simultaneous audit
gelijktijdige gebruiker = concurrent user
gelijktijdige gebruikers = concurrent users
gelijktijdige hosting = side-by-side hosting
gelijktijdige multithreading = simultaneous multithreading
gelijktijdige transmissie = simultaneous transmission
gelijktijdige uitvoering = side-by-side execution
gelijktijdige verwerking = concurrent processing
gelijktijdige verwerkingsbesturing = concurrent operating control
gelijktijdige verwerkingsbesturing = of equal value
gelijktijdigheid = tijd [n]: simultaneity
gelijktijdigheid = concurrency
gelijktijdigheid van bewerking = interleaving
gelijktijdigheidsfactor van het geïnstalleerde vermogen = demand factor
gelijktijdigheidsmodel = concurrency model
gelijkverdeling = equal-interval scaling
gelijkvloers = ground floor
gelijkvloers = flush with
gelijkvloers = gebouw [n]: ground floor
gelijkvloers = on the ground floor
gelijkvloers {het} [BN] = ground floor <GF>
gelijkvloers kruispunt = junction at grade
gelijkvloerse kruising = level crossing / interchange at grade
gelijkvloerse kruising = spoorwegen [n]: grade crossing
Gelijkvloerse kruising = Crossroads
gelijkvloerse kruising = level crossing
gelijkvormig = similar
gelijkvormig = like
gelijkvormig = vorm [a]: uniform
gelijkvormigheid = conformity
gelijkvormigheid = algemeen [n]: uniformity
Gelijkvormigheid = Similitude
gelijkvormigheid = similarity
gelijkvormigheidsattest = certificate of conformity
Gelijkvormigheidsattest = Certificate of vehicle conformity
gelijkvormigheidsattest = "certificate of conformity, certificate of conformance"
gelijkvormigheidsattest = certificate of conformance
gelijkvormigheidsonderzoek = examination of conformity
gelijkwaardig = equal
gelijkwaardig = equivalent
Gelijkwaardig = Counterpart
gelijkwaardig = kwaliteit [a]: equal
Gelijkwaardig = Equivalent
gelijkwaardig = (noun & adjective)  equivalent
gelijkwaardig (aan) = equal (to)
gelijkwaardig aan = equivalent to
gelijkwaardig aan anderen = which is equally valid to that of others
gelijkwaardig circuit = equivalent circuit
gelijkwaardig functieniveau = same job grade
gelijkwaardig gekwalificeerde personen = suitably qualified persons
gelijkwaardig geneesmiddel = similar medicinal product
gelijkwaardig gesprek = equal partners in the dialogue
gelijkwaardige afwasmachine = equivalent dishwasher
gelijkwaardige afwasmachine = equivalent household dishwasher
gelijkwaardige apparatuur = equivalent equipment
gelijkwaardige behandeling van vrouwen en mannen = equal treatment of men and women
gelijkwaardige behandeling van vrouwen en mannen = gender equality
gelijkwaardige behandeling van vrouwen en mannen = gender equity
gelijkwaardige bevoegde instantie = equivalent competent authority
gelijkwaardige capacitantie = equivalent capacitance
gelijkwaardige diode = equivalent diode
gelijkwaardige eenheid = peer
gelijkwaardige geleiding = equivalent conductance
gelijkwaardige huishoudelijke droogtrommel = equivalent household tumble drier
gelijkwaardige huishoudelijke wasmachine = equivalent household washing machine
gelijkwaardige impedantie = equivalent impedance
gelijkwaardige inductantie = equivalent inductance
gelijkwaardige roosterspanning = equivalent grid voltage
gelijkwaardige steekproeven = equivalent samples
gelijkwaardige uitwisseling = equal exchange
gelijkwaardige uitwisseling en samenwerking = equal exchange and cooperation
gelijkwaardige verdeling = equal distribution
gelijkwaardige verkeersregelaars = equivalent traffic-signal controllers
gelijkwaardige vervangende apparatuur = equivalent replacement equipment
gelijkwaardige werkzame substantie = similar active substance
gelijkwaardigheid = equivalence
gelijkwaardigheid = algemeen [n]: equivalence
Gelijkwaardigheid = equality
Gelijkwaardigheid = equivalence
gelijkwaardigheid {de} = equality
gelijkwaardigheid {de} = equivalence
gelijkwaardigheid beginsel = equivalence principle
gelijkwaardigheid qua doeltreffendheid = efficiency equivalence
gelijkwaardigheid van diploma's = equivalence of diplomas
gelijkwaardigheid van diploma's = equivalence of certificates
gelijkwaardigheidstest = equivalence testing
gelijkzetten = to set [synchronize watches]
gelijkzetten = adjust
gelijkzijdig = geometrie [a]: equilateral
gelijkzijdig = equilateral
gelijkzijdig hoekprofiel = equal leg angle section
gelijkzijdige driehoek {de} = equilateral triangle
gelijkzwevende stemming = equal temperament
gelijkzwevende temperatuur = equal temperature
gelijmd = glued
gelijmd doek = glued cloth
gelijmd moet worden = is to be glued
gelijmde doek = glued cloth
gelijmde remvoering = bonded brake linings
gelijnd = lined
gelimiteerd = beperkt [a]: confined
gelimiteerd = limited
gelimiteerde = limited
Gelimiteerde order = Limited order
gelimiteerde segmenten = limited segments
gelinealiseerd = linearised
gelineariseerde maximum-likelihood methode = linear maximum likelihood method
gelineariseerde maximumwaarschijnlijkheidsmethode = linearised maximum likelihood method
gelineariseerde maximumwaarschijnlijkheidsmethode = linearized maximum likelihood method
gelinked = linked
gelinked aan de = linked to the
gelinkt = linked
gelinkt filter = linked filter
gelinkt rapport = linked report
gelinkt rooster = linked schedule
gelinkt segment = linked segment
gelinkt veld = linked field
gelinkt werkblad = linked worksheet
gelinkte afbeelding = linked image
gelinkte controle = linked check
gelinkte fase = linked phase
Gelinkte lijst = List
gelinkte profiel = linked profile
gelinkte service = connected service
gelinkte stijl = linked style
gelinkte teleenheid = linked counter component
gelinkte telling = linked counter
gelinkte toestellen = linked devices
gelinkte werkbalken = linked toolbars
geliquideerd = liquidated
geliquideerd = wound up
geliquideerd of beëindigd = wound up or terminated
geliquideerd of beëindigd = liquidated or terminated
gellaag = gel layer
gellangom = gellan gum
gellerende gom = gelling gum
ge�llustreerd = illustrated
gelobd = sinuate
gelobd = lobate
gelobd = lobed
gelockt = locked
Gelode benzine = Leaded petrol
geloei = wind [n]: howl
Gelofte = Wish
gelofte = verplichting [n]: vow
Gelofte = Vow
Gelofte = Vow to
gelofte {de} = vow
gelofte afleggen = belofte [v]: vow
gelogd = logged
gelogde = logged
gelogde detectiegegevens = logged detection data
gelogde positie = logged position
gelokaliseerd = localised
gelokaliseerd in = located in
gelokaliseerd klein incident = localised minor incident
gelokaliseerde kleine incident = minor localised incident
gelokaliseerde versie = localized version
gelood brandstof = leaded fuel
geloof = algemeen [n]: credence
geloof = religion
geloof = belief
Geloof = Credit
Geloof = Confidence
Geloof = Faith
geloof {het} = religion <rel.>
geloof {het} = faith
geloof {het} = belief
geloof hechten aan = geloven [v]: give credit to
"geloof hechten aan, geloven" = credit  (to believe)
Geloof me. = Believe me.
Geloofsbelijdenis = Profession of faith
geloofsbelijdenis = godsdienst [n]: credo
Geloofsbelijdenis van Nicea-Constantinopel = Nicene Creed
"geloofsbelijdenis, credo" = creed (reading or statement of belief that summarizes the faith it repres
geloofsbrief = credential
geloofsgemeenschap = godsdienst [n]: denomination [formal]
geloofsovertuiging = creed
geloofsovertuiging = religion
geloofsovertuiging = godsdienst [n]: faith
geloofstraditie = religious tradition
geloofsverzaker = apostate
gelooft = believe
gelooft = believes in
"gelooft u in God?, geloof jij in God?, geloof je in God?" = do you believe in God {phrase} (do you believe in God?)
geloofwaardig = verklaring [a]: credible
geloofwaardig = reliable
geloofwaardig = believable
geloofwaardig = plausible
geloofwaardig = credible
geloofwaardigheid = credibility
geloofwaardigheid = believability
geloofwaardigheid = verklaring [n]: credibility
geloofwaardigheid {de} = credibility
geloofwaardigheidskloof = credibility gap
geloosd = discharged
gelost = unloaded
gelost = released
geloste = unloaded
geloste hoeveelheid = quantity of fish landed
Geloven = Deem
geloven = account
geloven = beliefs
geloven = believe
geloven = to believe
geloven = mening [v]: believe
geloven aan = believe in
geloven in = believe in
geloven in = vertrouwen [v]: believe in
"geloven, denken (to think), geloven, [to think] denken" = believe  (to consider likely)
gelovig = religious
gelovig zijn = godsdienst [v]: be religious
gelovige = believer
gelovige = godsdienst - man [n]: believer
gels = gels
gels en zouten voor bad en douche = gels and salts for the bath and the shower
gels op gelatinebasis = gelatin-based gels
gels voor het haar = hair gels
Gelsenkirchen = Gelsenkirchen
gelsterkte = gel strength
gelui = klokketoren [n]: peal
gelui = tolling
Geluid = Sound
geluid = Bound
Geluid = audio
geluid = algemeen [n]: sound
Geluid = Noise
geluid = "sound, (negatief:) noise (zie ook geluidhinder)"
geluid {het} = sound
geluid {het} = noise
Geluid bij het sluiten van de deuren = Sound when closing the doors
geluid gedempt = silenced
geluid in beeld = sound on vision
Geluid oplossingen = Sound solutions
geluid van vliegtuigen = aircraft noise
"geluid,lawaai,trillingen" = "noise, vibrations"
geluidabsorberend = sound-absorbing
geluidabsorberend materiaal = sound-absorbing material
geluidabsorberend materiaal = acoustic material
geluidbelasting = noise
geluiddempend = soundproof
geluiddempend = sound-insulating
geluiddempend materiaal = sound-proofing/plugging material
geluiddempend plafond = acoustic ceiling
Geluiddempende kap/behuizing voor warmtepomp = Sound-absorbing cap/- housing for heat pump
geluiddempende stoffen = sound-damping materials
geluiddemper = sound dampener
geluiddemper = geweer [n]: silencer
Geluiddemper = Sound muffler
geluiddemper = silencer
Geluiddemper = Noiseless
Geluiddemper = Soundless
Geluiddemper = Silent
Geluiddemper voor ventilatiesystemen = Sound-barrier for ventilation systems
geluiddempers = silencers
Geluiddemping = noise reduction
Geluiddempingssystemen van verschillende typen = Silencing system of different types
geluiddempinrichtingen van verschillend type = Different types of exhaust or intake system
geluiddicht = soundproof
geluiddicht = constructie [a]: soundproof
geluiddicht maken = to sound-proof
geluiddicht maken = constructie [v]: soundproof
geluiddicht maken = sound-proof
geluiddicht maken = soundproofing
geluiddrukniveau = sound pressure level
Geluiden en Multimedia = Sounds and Audio Devices
Geluiden van de = Reports from the
geluidgedempt = sound-damped
Geluidgedempte = Sound-damped
geluidgedempte = sound-damped
geluidgedempte omkastingen = sound-damped enclosures
Geluidgedempte pompen = Sound-damped pumps
geluid-geori‰nteerd relais = sound-operated relay
geluid-georieënteerd relais = sound-operated relay
geluidgevoelig = noise sensitive
geluidgrens = sound limit
geluidhinder = nuisance
geluidhinderfactoren = noise factors
geluidloos = noiseless
geluidloos = silent
geluidloos = geluid [a]: soundless
geluidmeting = sound-ranging
geluidniveau = noise level
Geluidniveaus = Noise levels
geluidproductie = audio production
geluids- = audio
geluids- = algemeen [a]: acoustic
geluids- en audiovisuele opnamen = audio and audio-visual recordings
Geluids- en presentatiefaciliteiten = Audio and presentation facilities
geluids- en videobanden en -disks = audio and video tapes and discs
geluids- en video-opnamen = audio and video recordings
geluids- isolerende vloeren = sound insulating floors
"geluids-, beeld- en gegevensopnamen" = "sound, video and data recordings"
"geluids-, milieu- en andere normen" = "noise, environmental and other standards"
geluidsabsorberend = sound-absorbing
geluidsabsorptie = sound absorption
geluidsafscherming = noise barrier
geluidsafsplitser = sound take-off filter
geluidsafsplitsing = sound take-off
geluidsanalyse = noise analysis
geluidsapparatuur {de} = audio equipment
geluidsarm = noiseless
geluidsarm = quietly
geluidsarme = low-noise
geluidsband = soundtrack
geluidsband = audio tape
geluidsband = audiotape
geluidsbandbreedte = sound bandwidth
geluidsbandenfabriek = Audio tape industry
geluidsbarrière = luchtvaart [n]: sound barrier
Geluidsbarrière = Sonic barrier
Geluidsbarrière = Sound barrier
geluidsbarrière {de} = sound barrier
geluidsbelasting = received noise level
geluidsbelastingsindicator = noise indicator
geluidsbeperkende constructie = noise reducing design
geluidsbeperking = sound restriction
geluidsbeperking = noise control
Geluidsbeschrijving = ShowSounds
geluidsbestand = sound file
geluidsblok = sound block
geluidsbron = sound source
geluidscabine = acoustic enclosure
geluidscabine = acoustic enclosure
geluidscabine = sound booth
geluidscapaciteit = (acoustic) capacity
Geluidscassettes = Audio cassettes
geluidscherm = sound barrier
geluidscomfort = acoustic comfort
geluidscontrolekamer = Audio-monitoring room
Geluidsdempende kap = Sound-muffling cover
geluidsdemper = sound attenuator
geluidsdemper = sound dampener
geluidsdemper = sound muffler
geluidsdempers = soundproofing
geluidsdemping = constructie [n]: soundproofing
geluidsdetectie = sound detection
geluidsdetector = sound detector
geluidsdiagram = sound spectrogram
geluidsdiscriminator = sound discriminator
geluidsdistributie = sound distribution
geluidsdraaggolf = sound carrier
geluidsdraaggolffilter = sound trap
geluidsdraaggolfzwaai = sound carrier sweep
geluidsdrager = sound carrier
geluidsdrager {de} = sound carrier
geluidsdruk = acoustic pressure
geluidsdruk = sound pressure
"Geluidsdruk, geluidsniveau" = Sound pressure
geluidsdrukken = sound pressures
geluidsdrukmeter = sound pressure meter
geluidsdrukniveau = sound pressure level
geluidsdrukniveau = noise intensity level
geluidsdrukniveau = SPL
geluidsdrukniveau per Hz bandbreedte = spectrum pressure level
geluidseffect = noise effect
geluidseffect = sound effect
geluidseffecten = bioscoop [n]: sound effects
geluidseigenschap = acoustic property
geluidseisen = noise requirements
geluidsemissie = sound emission
geluidsemissie = noise emission
Geluidsemissie (bij Nachtprogramma) = Night programme noise level  in dB (A) - IEC 704
Geluidsemissie (bij programma Normaal) = Noise level
geluidsemissiedruk = sound emission pressure
geluidsenergieflux = sound-energy flux
geluidsensor = sound sensor
geluidsfilm {de} = talkie [coll.]
geluidsfilter = acoustic filter
Geluidsfilter = Sound filter
geluidsfiltermodules = sound filtering modules
geluidsflux = sound flux
Geluidsfragment = Sound Clip
geluidsfrequentie = audio frequency
geluidsfrequentiefilter = audio-frequency filter
geluidsfrequentiemeter = audio-frequency meter
geluidsfrequentieruis = audio-frequency noise
geluidsfrequentieterugkoppeling = audio-frequency feedback
geluidsgedeelte = audiopart
geluidsgolf = sound wave
geluidsgolven = sound waves
geluidsheffing = noise nuisance tax
geluidshinder = noise pollution
geluidshinder = noise (impliceert hinder)
geluidshinder = noise disturbance
geluidshinder = noise nuisance
geluidshinder = noise
geluidshinder = noise pollution
geluidshinder = geluid [n]: noise nuisance
geluidshinder {de} = noise pollution
geluidshinder te voorkomen = prevent noise
geluidshinderbeperking = noise restriction
geluidshinderbeperking = noise abatement
geluidshinderplan = noise protection plan
geluidsignaal = audible warning
geluidsignaal = audio signal
geluidsimmissie = sound immission
geluidsimmissie = noise immission
Geluidsimpact = Noise impact
geluidsinformatie = sound information
geluidsinstallatie = muziek [n]: sound equipment
geluidsinstallatie = sound reproducing equipment
geluidsinstallatie {de} = sound installation
geluidsinstallaties = audio equipment
geluidsintensiteit = sound intensity
geluidsinvoerapparaat = audio input device
geluidsisolatie = "sound insulation, sound proofing"
geluidsisolatie = sound isolation (! isolation niet verwarren met insolation= bezonning)
Geluidsisolatie = Sound insulation
geluidsisolatie = acoustic insulation
geluidsisolatie = constructie [n]: sound insulation
geluidsisolatie / geluidwering = sound insulation
geluidsisolatie {de} = sound insulation
geluidsisolatiekast = sound insulation box
geluidsisolatiewaarde = sound proofing
Geluidsisolatiewerkzaamheden = Sound insulation work
geluidsisolerend = sound-insulating
geluidsisolerend = sound insulating
geluidsisolerend board = sound insulation boards
geluidsisolerende eisen = sound-isolation demands
geluidsjagen = to record
geluidsjager = recordist
geluidskaart = audio board
geluidskaart = audio card
Geluidskaart = Sound card
geluidskaart {de} = sound card
geluidskaarten = sound cards
geluidskanaal = sound channel
geluidskeuzeschakelaar = sound selector switch
geluidskop = audio head
geluidskophuis = audio-head casing
geluidskwaliteit = sound quality
geluidskwaliteit = acoustical quality
geluidskwaliteit {de} = sound quality
geluidsleer = acoustics
geluidsmaatregel = noise prevention measure
geluidsman = soundman
geluidsmateriaal = audio material
geluidsmengpaneel = sound mixer panel
geluidsmeting = noise measurement
geluidsmeting = sound measurement
geluidsmeting = noise monitoring
geluidsmetingen = noise measurements
geluidsmetingen = sound measurements
geluidsmitigatie = noise mitigation
geluidsmodel = sound model
geluidsmodulatie = sound modulation
geluidsmodulator = sound modulator
geluidsmontage = sound editing
geluidsmuur = luchtvaart [n]: sound barrier
geluidsmuur = sound barrier
Geluidsnabewerking = Post dubbing
geluidsniveau = acoustic level
geluidsniveau = noise level
geluidsniveau = noise levels
Geluidsniveau = Sound performance level
geluidsniveau = noise intensity level
geluidsniveau = sound level
Geluidsniveau (in bedrijf) = Sound level (in operation)
Geluidsniveau (in bedrijf) van/tot = Sound level (in operation) from/to
Geluidsniveau (piek) = Noise level (peak)
geluidsniveau evacuatie = Noise level evacuation
Geluidsniveau recirculatie = Noise level recirculation
geluidsniveaus = noise levels
geluids-omkasting = acoustic enclosure
geluidsonderdrukking = sound rejection
geluidsonderdrukkingsfilter = sound trap
geluidsontwikkeling = noise
geluidsopname = sound recording
geluidsopname {de} = sound recording
geluidsopname- en weergaveapparaten en -instrumenten = sound recording and reproducing apparatus and
geluidsopname van muziek = musical sound recordings
geluidsopnameapparaten = sound recording apparatus
geluidsopnameinstrumenten = sound recording instruments
Geluidsopnamen = Sound recordings
geluidsoproepinstallatie = public address equipment
geluidsoptimalisering = noise optimisation
geluidsoverdracht = sound transmission
geluidsoverdracht/geluidsoverlast = noise transmission / nuisance
geluidsoverlast = noise disturbance
geluidsoverlast = noise pollution
geluidsoverlast = noise
geluidsoverlast = geluid [n]: noise nuisance
Geluidsoverlast = Noise problems
"geluidsoverlast, geluidshinder,geluidsvervuiling" = noise pollution (excessive noise)
geluidspalen = noise poles
geluidspatroon = sound pattern
geluidspatroon = noise pattern
Geluidspiek = Sound level
geluidspoor = technisch [n]: soundtrack
geluidsproblemen = noise problems
geluidsproductiviteit van een vliegtuig = noise productivity of an aircraft
geluidsrecorder = Sound Recorder
geluidsreductie = noise reduction
geluidsreflector = sound reflector
geluidsregelaar = volume control
geluidsregistratie = sound recording
geluidsruimte = noise zone
geluidsscherm = acoustic fence
geluidsscherm = acoustic screen
geluidssensor = acoustic sensor
geluidssensor = noise sensor
geluidssignaal = audio prompt
Geluidssignaal = audible warning
geluidssignaal = sound signal
geluidssignaal = acoustic signal
geluids-signaal = audible signal
geluidssignaal {het} = sound signal
geluidssignaalinrichting = audible warning device
geluidssnelheid = sound velocity
geluidssnelheid = speed of sound
geluidssnelheid {de} = speed of sound
geluidsspectrum = noise spectrum
geluidsspectrum = audio spectrum
geluidssperkring = sound trap
geluidsspoor = sound track
geluidssterkte = radio - televisie [n]: volume
geluidssterkte = loudness
geluidssterkte = sound level
geluidssterkte = sound intensity
geluidssterkte = volume
Geluidssterkte regelaar = Loudness controller
geluidsstoring = sound disturbance
Geluidssysteem = Sound system
geluidstechnicus = audio engineer
geluidstrap = sound stage
geluidstrilling = acoustic oscillation
geluidstudio = sound studio
geluidsuitgang = sound output
Geluidsuitrusting = Sound equipment
geluidsveld = sound field
Geluidsvermindering = Sound reduction
geluidsvermogensniveau LWA = sound power level LWA
Geluidsvermogensniveau van de ventilator = fan sound power level
geluidsversterker = sound amplifier
geluidsvolume = sound volume
geluidsvolume = volume
geluidsvoortplanting = sound propagation
geluidsvrij = soundproof
Geluidswaarschuwing = SoundSentry
geluidswal = noise/sound barrier
geluidswal = noise barrier
geluidswal {de} = noise barrier
Geluidswallen = Noise fence
geluidsweergave = sound reproduction
geluidsweergave-apparatuur = sound-reproducing apparatus
geluidswetgeving = noise legislation
geluidszender = sound transmitter
geluidwerende maatregel = sound-damping measure
geluidwering = noise/sound-proof barrier
geluk = luck
geluk = happiness
geluk = algemeen [n]: luck
Geluk (emotie) = Happiness
geluk {het} = happiness
geluk hebben = be lucky
geluk hebben = geluk [v]: be lucky
gelukken = succes [v]: succeed
Gelukkig = Job
gelukkig = thankfully
Gelukkig = Happily
gelukkig = fortunately
gelukkig = algemeen [a]: fortunate
Gelukkig = Felicitous
gelukkig = luckily
gelukkig = lucky
Gelukkig = Fortunate
Gelukkig = Happy
Gelukkig = Glad
Gelukkig je bent er = Praise be!
gelukkig niet = thankfully not
gelukkig nieuwjaar = Happy New Year
gelukkig nieuwjaar = wens [o]: Happy New Year
gelukkige {de} = lucky one
gelukkige samenloop van omstandigheden = fortunate / very happy coincidence
gelukkige verjaardag = wens [o]: happy birthday
"gelukkige verjaardag (standard), gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag, gefelic" = happy birthday {interj} (good wishes for birthday)
geluksmomentje = happy moment
geluksmomentje = moment of happiness
geluksmomentje = red letter moment
geluksperiode = tijd [n]: winning streak
geluksperiode = winning streak
geluksspel {het} = gambling
gelukstreffer = succes [n]: lucky break
Geluksvogel = Jammy
Geluksvogel = Lucky beggar
Geluksvogel = Lucky dog
geluksvogel = geluk - man [n]: lucky dog
gelukswensen {mv} = congratulations
gelukszoeker {de} = fortune hunter
gelukt = successful
gelukwens = felicitatie [n]: congratulation
gelukwens = congratulation
Gelukwensen = Congratulate
gelukwensen = feliciteren [v]: congratulate
gelukwensend = feliciterend [a]: congratulatory
gelukwenser = well-wisher
gelukwenser = man [n]: well-wisher
gelukwensster = vrouw [n]: well-wisher
gelukzak = geluk - man [n]: lucky dog
gelukzalig = blissful
gelukzalig = geestestoestand [a]: elated
gelukzaligheid = gevoelstoestand [n]: beatitude
gelukzaligheid = joy
"gelukzaligheid, verrukking" = bliss (perfect happiness)
gelukzoeker = man [n]: adventurer
Gelukzoeker = Adventurer
gelukzoekster = vrouw [n]: adventuress
gelul = gepraat [n]: poppycock [informal]
gelul = bullshit
gelul {het} [omg.] = bullshit [coll.]
gelusd netwerk = loop network
gelust = choker hitch
gel-vloeistof-grensvlak = gel-liquid interface
gelvorming = gel formation
gelyofiliseerde gammaglobuline = lyophilized  gamma globulin
Gem. = avg.
Gem. = Municipality of
Gem. glijdoppen = "furnished, slide faces /blocks"
gemaaid = mown
"gemaaid, geborsteld of gereinigd" = "mowed, swept or cleaned"
gemaakt = manufactured
gemaakt = made
Gemaakt = Affected
gemaakt = algemeen [a]: made
gemaakt = ready made
gemaakt = forced
gemaakt = closed
gemaakt = phoney
gemaakt = pretentious
gemaakt anders dan voor = made otherwise than for
gemaakt anders dan voor privédoeleinden = made otherwise than for private purposes
Gemaakt in = Made in
gemaakt is of is afgegeven = made or issued
gemaakt is op uw maat en volgens uw behoeften = tailored to your own needs and particular situation
gemaakt kon worden = could be made
gemaakt lachen = algemeen [v]: simper
gemaakt uit = made of
gemaakt uit glas of kunststof = made of glass or plastic
gemaakt van = made of
gemaakt zijn door of tussen de partijen = made by and between the parties
"gemaakt, getest en gesimuleerd" = "created, tested and simulated"
gemaakte = completed
gemaakte (veroorzaakte) kosten = incurred costs
gemaakte afspraken = agreements
gemaakte afspraken = agreements made
gemaakte afspraken nagekomen worden = agreements are met
gemaakte afspraken nakomen = Delivering on promises
gemaakte bijkomende kosten = additional costs incurred
gemaakte eigendomsvoorbehoud = rely on a retention of title
gemaakte eigendomsvoorbehoud = to claim a retention of title
gemaakte eigendomsvoorbehoud = to invoke a retention of title
gemaakte eigendomsvoorbehoud = retention of title invoked
gemaakte en betaalde = incurred and paid
gemaakte en gedeclareerde  kosten = costs incurred and declared
gemaakte en gedeclareerde kosten = costs incurred and declared
gemaakte en te maken = made and to be made
gemaakte fouten = mistakes made
gemaakte grond = artificial soil
gemaakte kosten = costs incurred
gemaakte onkosten = expenses incurred
gemaakte samenstelling = completed assembly
gemaakte schuchterheid = gedrag [n]: coyness
gemaakte toetsen = completed exams
gemaakte werk = work done
gemaaktheid = affectation
gemaaktheid = gedrag [n]: artificiality
gemaal = pumping-station
gemaal = husband
gemaal = pumping station
gemaasd net = meshed network
gemaasde netwerken = mesh networks
gemachtigd = authorised
gemachtigd = toestemming [a]: accredited
gemachtigd personeelslid van Europol = duly authorised Europol official
gemachtigd zijn = to be authorized
gemachtigde = "agent, representative"
gemachtigde = gemachtigde tussenpersoon - man [n]: attorney
gemachtigde = authorised representative
gemachtigde = Representative
gemachtigde = delegate
gemachtigde {de} = deputy
gemachtigde evaluator = delegated evaluator
gemachtigde gebruiker = authorized user
gemachtigde of lasthebber = authorised representative or mandatary
gemachtigde tussenpersoon = algemeen [n]: authorized agent
gemagnetiseerd = magnetized
gemaild = emailed
gemaild/verstuurd = emailed/sent
gemailt = mailed
gemak = algemeen [n]: ease
Gemak = Cosy
gemak = facility
gemak = ease
gemak = comfort
Gemak = Convenience
Gemak = Cozy
Gemak = Quids in
gemak {het} = easiness
gemak {het} = convenience
gemak {het} = ease
gemak dient de = why do things the hard way?
Gemak dient de klant = Customers want convenience
Gemak dient de mens = why do things the hard way?
Gemak dient de mens = one of life's little luxuries
Gemak dient de mens = Simplicity is key
gemakkelijk = without difficulty
Gemakkelijk = Handy
gemakkelijk = easily
gemakkelijk = commodious
gemakkelijk = easy
gemakkelijk = readily
gemakkelijk = comfortable
gemakkelijk = comfortably
gemakkelijk = convenient
gemakkelijk afbreekbare stof = weakly degradable substance
gemakkelijk bereikbaar = well accessible
gemakkelijk bereikbaar voor onderhoud en inspectie = accessible for maintenance and inspection
gemakkelijk bereikbaar zijn = are easily accessible
gemakkelijk correct gepositioneerd worden = can be easily positioned correctly
gemakkelijk demonteerbaar = apparaat [a]: easily disassembled
gemakkelijk demonteerbaar = easily dismantled
gemakkelijk en snel = easily and quickly
gemakkelijk gaan zitten = ontspanning [v]: settle back
gemakkelijk integreerbaar = easily integrated
gemakkelijk kan afgepeld worden = can be easily peeled off
gemakkelijk kan gedetecteerd worden = can easily be detected
gemakkelijk kan verwijderd worden = can be easily removed
gemakkelijk klaar te maken = easy to prepare
Gemakkelijk meetbaar = Easily measurable
gemakkelijk mobiel beschikbaar = easily accessible from mobile devices
gemakkelijk ongelukken krijgend = algemeen [a]: accident-prone
Gemakkelijk ontvlambaar = Easily flammable
gemakkelijk pratend = gedrag [a]: voluble [formal]
gemakkelijk recyclebaar = easily recyclable
gemakkelijk te doorzien = transparent/obvious
gemakkelijk te gebruiken = easy-to-use
gemakkelijk te kopiëren = easy to copy
Gemakkelijk te koppelen = Easy to connect
gemakkelijk te slijpen = easy to grind
gemakkelijk te verkrijgen = easy to obtain
gemakkelijk te verwarren = algemeen [a]: mistakable
gemakkelijk terug te verwijderen = easily removed again
gemakkelijk toe te passen = easily applied
gemakkelijk toegang = easy access
gemakkelijk toegankelijk = easily accessible
gemakkelijk worden omgezet = readily converted
gemakkelijk worden omgezet in gegevens = readily converted into data
"Gemakkelijk, veilig en compact" = "Easy, safe and compact"
gemakkelijke installatie = easy to install
gemakkelijke zege = algemeen [n]: walkaway
gemakkelijke zege = walkaway
gemakkelijke zege = walkover
Gemakkelijker kan het niet zijn. = It can’t be easier.
Gemakkelijker kan het niet zijn. = It couldn’t be easier.
gemakkelijkheid = algemeen [n]: ease
gemakkelijkheid = convenience
gemakkelijkheid = easiness
gemakkelijkheid {de} = ease
gemakkelijkste = easiest
gemaksgeoriënteerden = Convenience oriented
gemakshalve = for the sake of convenience
gemakshalve = algemeen [o]: for the sake of convenience
Gemakssteekproef = Convenience sample
gemakvoedsel = fast food
gemakzuchtig = gedrag [a]: idle
gemakzuchtig = lazy
gemalen amandelen = ground almonds
Gemalen haver = Ground oats
gemalen koffie = ground coffee
gemalen koffiekorrels = ground coffee grains
gemalen koffieproducten = ground coffee products
gemalin = wife
gemanaged = managed
gemanaged en beschikbaar gesteld = managed and made available
gemandateerde = prescribed
gemandateerde = mandatary
gemandateerde manager = mandatary manager
gemandateerde vertegenwoordiger = authorised representative
gemaniëreerd = taal [a]: mincing
gemanipuleerd = manipulated
gemanipuleerd en getransporteerd = manipulated and transported
gemanipuleerde = manipulated
gemanipuleerde input = manipulated input
gemarineerd = marinated
gemarineerd = marinaded
gemarineerd in = marinated in
gemarineerde ossenhaas = marinated beef tenderloin
Gemarineerde paddestoelen = Marinated mushroom
Gemarineerde varkenshaas of kipfilet met een zoete satésaus = Marinated pork sirloin or chicken breast with a sweet satay sauce
gemarkeerd = merkbaar [a]: marked
gemarkeerd = marked
gemarkeerd = flagged
gemarkeerde contactpersoon = tagged contact
gemarkeerde object en/of zone = marked object and/or zone
gemarkeerde zones = marked zones
gemarkeerde zones die moeten worden gemaskeerd = marked zones to be masked
gemarmerd = marbled
gemarmerde snede = marbled edge
gemarteld = gevoelstoestand [a]: tortured
gemaskeerd = masked
gemaskeerd hyperthyroidisme = masked  hyperthyroidism
gemaskeerde feed = masked feed
gemaskeerde video = masked video
gemaskeerde videofeed = masked video feed
gemaskerd = masked
gemaskerd bal = masked ball
gemaskerd bal = dansen [n]: bal masqué
gematchde = matched
gematchde trefwoorden = matched keywords
gematchde trefwoorden voor de zoekstring = matched keywords for the search string
gematcht = matched
gematigd = temperate
gematigd = moderately
gematigd = aanvaardbaar [a]: moderate
gematigd = moderate
gematigd bos = temperate forest
gematigd ecosysteem = temperate ecosystem
gematigd klimaat = temperate climate
gematigde = politiek - man [n]: moderate
gematigde autonomie = Moderate degree of autonomy
gematigde zone = temperate zone
gematigdheid = gedrag [n]: moderation
gematrixd = matrixed
gematteerde (frosted) labelgebied = frosted label area
gemaximaliseerd = maximised
gemaximeerde schatting = maximised estimate
gember = ginger
gember = "ginger root: contains moderate amounts of protein, calcium, sodium, phosp"
gember = plantkunde - culinair [n]: ginger
gember {de} = ginger
gemberbier = dranken [n]: ginger ale
gemberbier = ginger beer
gembercake = culinair [n]: gingerbread
gemberkoek = culinair [n]: gingerbread
gembersmaak = ginger flavor
gemcitabine = Gemzar®  gemcitabine
gemcitabine = gemcitabine: an anticancer drug
gemechaniseerd = in a mechanized manner
gemechaniseerde ontvettingsinstallatie = motorized cleaner
gemechaniseerde ontvettingsinstallatie = motorized cleaning equipment
gemechaniseerde oplosmiddelontvettingsinstallatie = mechanized solvent degreasing equipment
gemeeenten = municipalities
gemeen = oneerlijkheid [a]: roguish
gemeen = cruel
gemeen = hateful
gemeen = mean
gemeen = nasty
gemeen = common
"gemeen, gemene, boosaardig, boosaardige" = mean {adj} (causing or intending to cause intentional harm)
"gemeen, gemene, gewoon, gewone" = common {adj} (mutual)
"gemeen, gemene, gewoon, gewone" = common {adj} (usual)
"gemeen, ordinair, vulgair" = rascal {adj} (part of the common rabble)
"gemeen, smerig, kloot- etc." = bastard {adj} (of or like a bastard (bad person))
gemeend = sincere
gemeendheid = persoon [n]: earnestness
gemeengoed = commonplace
gemeengoed maken = nieuws [v]: vulgarize
gemeengoed worden = idee [v]: become generally accepted
gemeenheid = abjection
gemeenheid = algemeen [n]: nastiness
gemeenlijk = usually
gemeenplaats = cliché
gemeenplaats = verklaring [n]: platitude [pej.]
gemeenplaats = banality
gemeenrechtelijk = under the general law
gemeenrechtelijke = governed by ordinary law
gemeenrechtelijke = ordinary
gemeenrechtelijke = standard
gemeenrechtelijke = under ordinary law
gemeenrechtelijke = under the general law
Gemeenschap = Commonality
Gemeenschap = Communally
gemeenschap = society
gemeenschap = community
gemeenschap = algemeen [n]: society
gemeenschap {de} = community
gemeenschap hebben = make love
gemeenschap levend op een grondgebied = territorial community
gemeenschap van belangen = community of goods
gemeenschap van belangen = community of interests
Gemeenschap van de Vijfentwintig = Community of Twenty-five
Gemeenschap van de Vijftien = Community of Fifteen
gemeenschap van goederen = community of property
gemeenschap van goederen = joint
gemeenschap van goederen = mutual
Gemeenschap van Sahel- en Saharastaten = Community of Sahel-Saharan States
Gemeenschappelijk = Standardised
Gemeenschappelijk = Universal
gemeenschappelijk = together
gemeenschappelijk = collective
Gemeenschappelijk = Shared
Gemeenschappelijk = Communally
gemeenschappelijk = algemeen [a]: communal
gemeenschappelijk = mutually
gemeenschappelijk = joint
gemeenschappelijk = common
gemeenschappelijk aanvaarde = commonly accepted
gemeenschappelijk aftakpunt = central branching point
gemeenschappelijk antennesysteem = community aerial system
gemeenschappelijk antennesysteem = community antenna system
gemeenschappelijk antennesysteem = master antenna system
gemeenschappelijk basis = common base
gemeenschappelijk basis = grounded base
gemeenschappelijk beheer = common control
gemeenschappelijk belang = common interest
Gemeenschappelijk belastingkantoor Lococensus-Tricijn = Lococensus-Tricijn Communal Tax Authority (GBLT)
gemeenschappelijk beleggingsfonds = common investment fund
gemeenschappelijk beleid = common policy
gemeenschappelijk bestand = shared file
gemeenschappelijk bestuur = common property
gemeenschappelijk bestuur = estate in common
gemeenschappelijk bestuur = joint management
gemeenschappelijk bewustzijn = community awareness
gemeenschappelijk bezit = joint ownership
Gemeenschappelijk bioveiligheidssysteem = common biosecurity system
gemeenschappelijk buitentarief = common external tariff
Gemeenschappelijk Centrum voor onderzoek = Joint Research Centre
gemeenschappelijk deel = common area
Gemeenschappelijk dienstenplatform = Common service platform
Gemeenschappelijk Dierenlaboratorium (GDL) = Animal Laboratory
gemeenschappelijk document van binnenkomst (GDB) = common entry document (CED)
gemeenschappelijk douanetarief = common customs tariff
gemeenschappelijk douanetarief/invoerrecht = common customs tariff
gemeenschappelijk douanetarief/invoerrecht = common ownership
gemeenschappelijk douanetarief/invoerrecht = ownership in common
gemeenschappelijk eigendom = joint ownership
Gemeenschappelijk Eurobetalingsgebied = Single Euro Payments Area
gemeenschappelijk fonds = common fund
gemeenschappelijk gebruik van apparatuur = device sharing
gemeenschappelijk gebruik van eenzelfde frequentieband = band sharing
Gemeenschappelijk gebruik van steigers = Common use of scaffolding
gemeenschappelijk gegevensformaat = common data format: CDF
gemeenschappelijk gegevensgebruik = data sharing
gemeenschappelijk geheugen = shared storage
gemeenschappelijk geheugengebied = common storage
gemeenschappelijk gevoel van streven = common sense of purpose
gemeenschappelijk gronden = common grounds
gemeenschappelijk handelsbeleid = common commercial policy
gemeenschappelijk havenbeleid = common ports policy
gemeenschappelijk kader over kwaliteit = common quality framework
gemeenschappelijk kapitaal = joint capital
gemeenschappelijk kenmerk = common feature
gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid = common agricultural policy
gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid = common agricultural policy of the EU
gemeenschappelijk met = common to
gemeenschappelijk objectmodel = common object model: COM
gemeenschappelijk onderdeel = composite part
gemeenschappelijk onderwerp = subject of common interest
gemeenschappelijk onderzoek = joint research
Gemeenschappelijk Ontwikkelingsplan (GOP) = "Regional Development Plan ('Gemeenschappelijk Ontwikkelingsplan, GOP')"
gemeenschappelijk open software-omgeving = common open software environment: COSE
gemeenschappelijk opleidingskader = common training framework
gemeenschappelijk optreden = joint action
gemeenschappelijk percentage = common percentage
gemeenschappelijk percentage op het niveau van de lidstaat = common percentage at Member State level
gemeenschappelijk platform = common platform
gemeenschappelijk prijsbeleid = common price policy
gemeenschappelijk relevant onderwerp = subject of common interest
gemeenschappelijk riool = common sewer
gemeenschappelijk standpunt = common position
gemeenschappelijk standpunt = joint position
gemeenschappelijk standpunt innemen = deliver a common position
gemeenschappelijk streven = common sense of purpose
gemeenschappelijk studieprogramma = joint study programme
gemeenschappelijk tariefbeleid = common tariff policy
gemeenschappelijk testament = joint will
gemeenschappelijk transportsysteem = common transport system
gemeenschappelijk trustfonds = common trust fund
gemeenschappelijk uniform telefonie-communicatiesysteem met precedenties = joint uniform telephone communication precedence system: JUTCPS
gemeenschappelijk vervoer = public transport
gemeenschappelijk vervoersbeleid = common transport policy
gemeenschappelijk visserijbeleid = common fisheries policy
gemeenschappelijk voor elke etage = common to all levels
gemeenschappelijke = community
gemeenschappelijke = shared
gemeenschappelijke = common
gemeenschappelijke = joint
gemeenschappelijke  activiteiten = communal activities
gemeenschappelijke  activiteiten = joint activities
gemeenschappelijke  activiteiten = shared activities
gemeenschappelijke (werk)wijze = common mode
gemeenschappelijke aanpak = common approach
gemeenschappelijke aansprakelijkheid = joint liability
gemeenschappelijke aarde = common ground
gemeenschappelijke actie = joint action
gemeenschappelijke activiteiten = shared activities
gemeenschappelijke activiteiten = joint activities
gemeenschappelijke antenne-installatie = community aerial installation
gemeenschappelijke antenne-installatie = community antenna installation
gemeenschappelijke antenne-installatie = master antenna installation
gemeenschappelijke applicatieomgeving = common application environment: CAE
gemeenschappelijke batterij = common battery
Gemeenschappelijke Beheerorganisatie = Gemeenschappelijke Beheerorganisatie
gemeenschappelijke beheersautoriteit = joint managing authority
gemeenschappelijke beheersing = common control
gemeenschappelijke beheersing = joint tenants
gemeenschappelijke belang = common interest
gemeenschappelijke betalingsruimte voor de euro = Single Euro Payments Area
gemeenschappelijke betekenisgeving = common meaning
gemeenschappelijke capacitantie = mutual capacitance
gemeenschappelijke commissie vorderingen = Claims Joint Commission
gemeenschappelijke communicatiediensten = common communication services: CCS
gemeenschappelijke communicatiepoort-interface = common gateway interface: CGI
gemeenschappelijke deler = common denominator
gemeenschappelijke deler = common divisor
gemeenschappelijke deler = wiskunde [n]: common factor
Gemeenschappelijke Dienst voor Preventie en Bescherming op het werk = Internal Service for Protection and Prevention at Work
gemeenschappelijke diensten = common services
gemeenschappelijke dienstenplatform = common service platform
gemeenschappelijke dienstverlenende entiteit = common services entity
gemeenschappelijke dochteronderneming = joint subsidiary
gemeenschappelijke doel = common goal
gemeenschappelijke doelen = common goals
gemeenschappelijke doelen en waarden = shared goals and values
gemeenschappelijke douaneregeling = Community customs procedure
gemeenschappelijke doucheruimte = shared shower room
gemeenschappelijke eigenaren = joint owners
gemeenschappelijke elementen = common elements
gemeenschappelijke emitter = common emitter
gemeenschappelijke emitter = grounded emitter
gemeenschappelijke en hoofdelijke aansprakelijkheid = joint and several liability
gemeenschappelijke faciliteiten = common facilities
gemeenschappelijke factor = common factor
gemeenschappelijke functies = community facilities
gemeenschappelijke functionele specificaties = CFS
gemeenschappelijke functionele specificaties = common functional specifications
gemeenschappelijke gegevensuitwisselingsstructuur = Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE)
gemeenschappelijke geschiedenis = common history
gemeenschappelijke goederen = common goods
gemeenschappelijke goedkeuringsspecificatie = common type approval specification
gemeenschappelijke graad = joint degree
gemeenschappelijke gronden = commons
gemeenschappelijke hoeveelheid middelen = resource pool
gemeenschappelijke hoofdlijn = common trunk line
gemeenschappelijke houder/eigenaar = joint holder
gemeenschappelijke houdstermaatschappij/moedermaatschappij = common parent (company)
gemeenschappelijke huishouding = joint household
gemeenschappelijke hypotheek = joint cost(s)
gemeenschappelijke hypotheek = joint mortgage
gemeenschappelijke impedantie = common impedance
gemeenschappelijke inductantie = mutual inductance
gemeenschappelijke installatie = shared installation
gemeenschappelijke installaties = shared installations
gemeenschappelijke installaties = communal systems
gemeenschappelijke instelling EER = EEA joint institution
gemeenschappelijke interferentie = mutual interference
gemeenschappelijke interpretatie van het beoordelingsmodel = common interpretation of the assessment model
gemeenschappelijke kaders = common frameworks
gemeenschappelijke koers = common strategy
gemeenschappelijke kosten = joint costs
gemeenschappelijke kosten = common cost(s)
gemeenschappelijke leeractie = common learning action
gemeenschappelijke lengteas = common longitudinal axis
gemeenschappelijke machinetaal = common machine language
gemeenschappelijke markt = common market
gemeenschappelijke markt = common name
Gemeenschappelijke markt = Joint market
Gemeenschappelijke Markt van Oostelijk en Zuidelijk Afrika = Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
Gemeenschappelijke markt voor oostelijk en zuidelijk Afrika = Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
gemeenschappelijke marktordening = common organisation of markets
gemeenschappelijke naam = joint name
gemeenschappelijke naam = common name
gemeenschappelijke noemer = common denominator
gemeenschappelijke noemer = wiskunde [n]: common denominator
gemeenschappelijke normen en waarden = shared values
gemeenschappelijke omgevingskoppeling = common- environment coupling
gemeenschappelijke onderdelenstuklijst = common parts bill-of-material
gemeenschappelijke onderneming = joint venture
gemeenschappelijke onderneming Euratom = EAEC Joint Undertaking
gemeenschappelijke oplossing = common solution
gemeenschappelijke oplossing = joint solution
gemeenschappelijke parkeerplaatsen = common parking spaces
gemeenschappelijke polis = joint policy
gemeenschappelijke prijsstellingspolitiek = common pricing policy
gemeenschappelijke problemen = common problems
gemeenschappelijke producten = joint products
gemeenschappelijke projecten = joint projects
gemeenschappelijke propedeuse = common propaedeutic year
gemeenschappelijke randen = shared borders
Gemeenschappelijke Regeling = common system [EU]
gemeenschappelijke regeling = common agreement
Gemeenschappelijke Regeling = joint arrangement
Gemeenschappelijke Regeling = joint scheme
gemeenschappelijke regels = common rules
gemeenschappelijke rekening = joint account
gemeenschappelijke rekening = joint obligors
Gemeenschappelijke rekening = Joint account
gemeenschappelijke ruimte = common area
gemeenschappelijke ruimte = Common space
gemeenschappelijke ruimte = common room
gemeenschappelijke ruimte = communal area (block of flats)
gemeenschappelijke ruimte = general area
gemeenschappelijke ruimte = generic space
gemeenschappelijke ruimte = public area
gemeenschappelijke ruimte = shared area
gemeenschappelijke ruimten = common areas
gemeenschappelijke ruimtes = common areas
gemeenschappelijke ruimtes = communal areas
gemeenschappelijke ruimtes = community areas
gemeenschappelijke schuldenaren = joint debtors
gemeenschappelijke specificatie van conformiteit = common conformity specification
gemeenschappelijke specificaties = Common Specifications
gemeenschappelijke standpunten = common positions
gemeenschappelijke strategie = common strategy
gemeenschappelijke technische specificatie = common technical specification
Gemeenschappelijke telefoonnetwerkdiensten voor ondernemingen = Shared-business telephone network services
gemeenschappelijke teruggeleiders = common input conductors
gemeenschappelijke testprocedures = Common test procedures
gemeenschappelijke toereikendheid = joint sufficiency
gemeenschappelijke traditie = common tradition
gemeenschappelijke traditie = shared tradition
gemeenschappelijke tradities = common traditions
gemeenschappelijke tradities = shared traditions
gemeenschappelijke uitgangspunten = common principles
gemeenschappelijke veiligheidsdoelen = common safety targets (CSTs)
gemeenschappelijke veiligheidsmethoden = common safety methods (CSMs)
gemeenschappelijke veiligheidsnormen = Common safety standards
gemeenschappelijke verkeersruimte = communal circulation area
gemeenschappelijke verklaring = joint statement
gemeenschappelijke verwerkingsmogelijkheid = interoperability
gemeenschappelijke visie = common vision
gemeenschappelijke voeding = common battery
gemeenschappelijke voorspellingsintervallen = joint prediction intervals
gemeenschappelijke voorwaarden = common conditions
gemeenschappelijke voorziening = community facility
gemeenschappelijke voorziening = public facility
gemeenschappelijke voorzieningen = common facilities
gemeenschappelijke voorzieningen = communal facilities
gemeenschappelijke vorderingencommissie = Joint Claims Commission
gemeenschappelijke vraag = joint demand
gemeenschappelijke vuilafvoer = common waste disposal
gemeenschappelijke weerstandskoppeling = common- resistor coupling
Gemeenschappelijke Woordenlijst Overheidsopdrachten = Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)
gemeenschappelijke zaken = areas of common concern
gemeenschappelijke zaken = common concerns
gemeenschappelijke zaken = issues which we all have in common
gemeenschappelijke zaken = joint affairs
gemeenschappelijke zaken = matters of common concern
gemeenschappelijke zaken = mutual business
gemeenschappelijke zaken = shared items
gemeenschappelijke zaken = things in common
gemeenschappelijke ziekenhuisdiensten = hospital shared services
gemeenschappelijke zwartregeling = master black control
gemeenschappelijkheid = commonality
gemeenschappelijk-kanaalsignalering = common-channel signalling
gemeenschappen = communities
gemeenschappen van België = Belgian communities
gemeenschaps- = algemeen [a]: communal
gemeenschapsactiviteit = community activity
gemeenschapsbelang = community interest
gemeenschapsbelasting = Community tax
gemeenschapsbeleving = community experience
gemeenschapscentrum = community centre
gemeenschapsgeld {het} = public funds {pl}
Gemeenschapshandvest van de sociale grondrechten van de werkenden = Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers
gemeenschapsleven = community life
Gemeenschapsmerk = Community Trade Mark
Gemeenschapsmerkenverordening (GemMVo) = Community Trade Mark Regulation (CTMR)
Gemeenschapsmodel = Community design
gemeenschapsruimte = community area
gemeenschapstaal = community language
gemeenschapsvoorzieningen = community facilities
gemeenschapsvorming = community building
gemeenschapswetgeving = Community ruling
Gemeenschapszin = Solidarity
gemeenschapszin en verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel = community spirit and a sense of responsibility
gemeente = municipality / borough
gemeente = local authorities
gemeente = municipality
gemeente = town
gemeente = municipality of
gemeente = community
Gemeente = Parish
gemeente = algemeen [n]: municipality
gemeente = local authority
Gemeente = Municipality
Gemeente (bestuur) = Municipality
gemeente / lokale overheid = municipality
gemeente [1] = commune (BE)
gemeente [1] = municipal authority
gemeente [1] = municipality
gemeente [2] = church
gemeente [2] = congregation
gemeente [2] = local church
gemeente {de} = municipality
Gemeente Almere = Municipality of Almere
Gemeente Amersfoort = Municipality of Amersfoort
Gemeente Amsterdam = Municipality of Amsterdam
gemeente Bocholt = the municipality of Bocholt
gemeente Eijsden-Margraten = municipality of Eijsden-Margraten
gemeente geassocieerd met/aangesloten bij een gemengde intercommunale = municipality associated/affiliated with a mixed intermunicipal company
Gemeente Groningen = City of Groningen
Gemeente Groningen = Groningen municipality
Gemeente Groningen = Municipality of Groningen
gemeente Horst aan de Maas = the municipality of Horst aan de Maas
gemeente instellingen = municipal authorities
gemeente Landgraaf = municipality of Landgraaf
gemeente New York = City of New York
gemeente Pijnacker-Nootdorp = municipality of Pijnacker-Nootdorp
gemeente Rotterdam = municipality of Rotterdam
Gemeente Utrecht = Utrecht municipality
gemeente van de hoofdvestiging = municipality of the headquarters
Gemeente Vlissingen = Gemeente Vlissingen (Municipality of Vlissingen)
gemeente Zoetermeer = municipality of Zoetermeer
"gemeente, stad, nederzetting" = town (settlement)
gemeenteambtenaar = municipal official
gemeentearchitect = city architect
gemeentebedrijven {mv} = public works
gemeentebegroting = local budget
gemeentebegroting = Community budget
gemeentebelasting {de} = council tax [Br.]
gemeentebelasting {de} = municipal tax
Gemeentebelastingen = Local rate
gemeentebesturen = city councils
Gemeentebestuur = Municipality
gemeentebestuur = administratie [n]: town council
gemeentebestuur = "local council, city / town council"
Gemeentebestuur = Borough
gemeentebestuur = city council
gemeentebestuur = municipal authority /- government / local gov.
gemeentebestuur {het} = local authority
Gemeentebibliotheek = Public library
gemeentebibliotheek = municipal library
gemeente-eigendom = common land
Gemeentefonds = Municipalities Fund
gemeentegrootteklasse = municipal size category
gemeentehuis = town hall
gemeentehuis = openbaar gebouw [n]: town hall
gemeentehuis = town-hall
gemeentehuis {het} = town hall
gemeentehuis Kinrooi = Kinrooi town hall
gemeentelijk = municipal
gemeentelijk = algemeen [a]: municipal
Gemeentelijk = Civic
gemeentelijk (vuil)stortplaats = municipal dumping
gemeentelijk actieplan = municipal action plan
gemeentelijk afval = municipal waste
gemeentelijk antennebeleid = municipal antenna policy
gemeentelijk beleid = municipal policy
Gemeentelijk Bureau voor Openbare Veiligheid = Municipal Public Security Bureau
gemeentelijk en industrieel vast afval = municipal and industrial solid waste
gemeentelijk- en provinciaal beleid = municipal and provincial policies
gemeentelijk en provinciaal gebouwenpatrimonium = municipal and provincial buildings
gemeentelijk gebouw = municipal building
gemeentelijk grondgebied = municipal area
gemeentelijk lijkschouwer = municipal pathologist
gemeentelijk lijkschouwers = municipal pathologists
gemeentelijk milieuplan = municipal environment plan
gemeentelijk niveau = municipal level
gemeentelijk publiekrechtelijk lichaam = local authority
gemeentelijk vastgoed = municipal property
gemeentelijk verwarmingsnetwerk = municipal heating network
gemeentelijk waterbeheer = municipal water management
gemeentelijke afvalpas = municipal waste pass
gemeentelijke afvalstoffenverordening = municipal waste bye-laws
Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie = Municipal Personal Records Database
gemeentelijke basisadministratie = municipal personal records database
gemeentelijke basisadministratie = municipal population register
"gemeentelijke basisadministratie, afschrift" = certificate of residence
gemeentelijke beheer. = municipal management
gemeentelijke belasting = corporation stock
gemeentelijke belasting = local government stock
gemeentelijke belasting = municipal tax
gemeentelijke belastingen = local taxes
gemeentelijke belastingen = rates
gemeentelijke bepalingen = municipal regulations
gemeentelijke brandweer = municipal fire department
gemeentelijke financiën = Community finance
gemeentelijke gebouwen = municipal buildings
gemeentelijke heffingen = municipal taxes
gemeentelijke instanties = local authorities
gemeentelijke inzamelvoorzieningen = municipal collection facilities
gemeentelijke mobiliteitsplan = municipal mobility plan
gemeentelijke obligaties = municipal bonds
gemeentelijke obligaties = municipal treasurer
gemeentelijke patrimonium = municipal property
gemeentelijke procedures = Municipal procedures
gemeentelijke rampenbestrijdingsplannen = municipal emergency response plans
gemeentelijke rampenplan = municipal emergency plan
gemeentelijke regie = municipal corporation
gemeentelijke reiniging = municipal cleansing
gemeentelijke systeem = municipal system
gemeentelijke verordening = municipal by-law
gemeentelijke verordening = municipal ordinance (US)
gemeentelijke watervoorziening = municipal water distribution system
"gemeentelijke, provinciale en rijkswerkplaatsen (weg- en waterbouw)" = "Municipal, provincial and national workshops (civil engineering)"
gemeenten = municipal authorities
gemeenten = local authorities
gemeenten = municipalities
gemeenten en provincies = municipalities and provinces
gemeenten- en provincies = municipal and provincial authorities
gemeenten uit het Vlaamse gewest = Flemish Region municipalities
"gemeenten, bibliotheken en maatschappelijke initiatieven" = "municipalities, libraries and social initiatives"
gemeenteniveau = municipal level
gemeenteplein = municipal square
gemeentepolitie = municipal police
gemeenteraaad = municipal council
gemeenteraad = municipal council (OR: city council)
gemeenteraad = Municipal Council
gemeenteraad = administratie [n]: town council
gemeenteraad {de} = town council
Gemeenteraad en Provinciale Staten = City Council and Provincial Council
gemeenteraad van de gemeente = Municipal Council
gemeenteraad van Zoetermeer = municipal council of Zoetermeer
gemeenteraadslid = politiek - man [n]: municipal councilor
gemeenteraadsverkiezing = local election
gemeenteraadsverkiezingen {mv} = local elections
gemeentereinigingsdienst = municipal cleansing service
gemeentes = municipalities
gemeentesecretaris = politiek - man [n]: town clerk
gemeentesecretaris = municipal clerk
gemeentesecretaris = town clerk
gemeentesecretaris = city clerk
gemeentesecretarissen = municipal clerks
gemeentevergunning = municipal permit
gemeenteverordening = rechten [n]: city law
gemeenteweg = municipal road
gemeentewerken = municipal engineering
gemeentewet = Community act
gemeenzaam = taal [a]: demotic
Gemeenzaam = Colloquial
Gemeenzaam = Familiar
Gemeenzaam = Familiar Scroll
"gemeenzaam, idiomatisch, van de spreektaal, informeel" = colloquial {adj} (of oral communication language)
gemeenzaamheid = uitdrukking [n]: colloquialism
gemeenzame taal = taal [n]: slang
gemeld = reported
gemeld aan Opdrachtgever = reported to Client
gemeld en verholpen = reported and resolved
gemelde of geïdentificeerde = reported or identified
gemelde omissies in kwaliteit = reported quality issues
gemelde storingen = reported malfunctions
Gemêleerd = Party
Gemêleerd = Mixed
Gemelijk = Dull
gemelijk = fretful
gemelijk = sullen
gemelijkheid = gedrag [n]: sullenness
gememoreerd = mentioned
gemene = common
gemene = cruel
gemene = mean
gemene recht = common law
gemene recht = general law
gemene recht = law of general application
gemene recht = ordinary law
gemene voorwaarden = is the user of these general terms and conditions
Gemenebest = Commonwealth
gemenebest = politiek [n]: republic
Gemenebest {het} van Naties = Commonwealth of Nations
Gemenebest Dominica = Commonwealth of Dominica
Gemenebest Dominica = Dominica
Gemenebest van Naties = Commonwealth of Nations
Gemenebest van onafhankelijke staten = Commonwealth of Independent States
Gemenebest van Onafhankelijke Staten = The Commonwealth of Independent States
"Gemenebest van Onafhankelijke Staten, GOS" = Commonwealth of Independent States {prop} (successor to the Soviet Union)
gemene-modus-interferentie = common-mode interference
gemene-weg-signalering = common-channel signalling
gemengd = combined
gemengd = mixed
Gemengd = Joint
Gemengd = Party
Gemengd = Assorted
gemengd = Mixed
gemengd (landbouw)bedrijf = mixed farming
gemengd bedrijf = mixed farm
gemengd bedrijf = firm charging VAT at two rates (btw hoog en laag tarief)
gemengd bedrijf = mixed-ownership company
gemengd bos = mixed woodland
gemengd bos = mixed forest
gemengd BTW-plichtig = involves both VAT-liable and VAT-exempt activities
Gemengd Comité van de EER = EEA Joint Committee
gemengd EG-orgaan = EC joint body
gemengd exponentiële regressie = double exponential regression
gemengd gebruik = mixed use
gemengd gehakt = mixed minced
gemengd huwelijk = mixed marriage
Gemengd krediet = Mixed credit
gemengd kunststof verpakkingsafval = mixed plastic packaging waste
gemengd kwartaalbericht = mixed quarterly report
gemengd met lucht = mixed with air
gemengd model = mixed model
gemengd noteringssyteem = mixed quote system
Gemengd Parlementair Comité van de EER = EEA joint parliamentary committee
gemengd profiel (voor langzaam en snelverkeer) = mixed profile (for slow and rapid traffic)
gemengd stelsel = combined system
gemengd talstelsel = mixed radix notation
gemengd verpakkingsafval = mixed packaging waste
gemengd werk = mixed work
"gemengdbloedig, onzuiver" = mixed {adj} (Stemming from two or more races or breeds)
gemengde bedrijfsvoering = mixed tenure
gemengde bessensmaak = mixed berry flavor
gemengde bevoegdheid = joint competence
gemengde commissie EG = EC joint committee
gemengde distributienetbeheerders = mixed Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
gemengde economie = mixed economy
gemengde factoriële experimenten = mixed factorial experiments
gemengde financiële EU-moederholding = EU parent mixed financial holding company
gemengde financiële holding = mixed financial holding company
gemengde financiële moederholding in een lidstaat = parent mixed financial holding company in a Member State
gemengde gebied = mixed-use areas
gemengde gebieden = mixed-use areas
gemengde gebieden = mixed-use area
gemengde goedkeuringsprocedure = mixed approval procedure
gemengde hoge frequenties = mixed high frequencies
gemengde hoge frequenties = mixed highs
gemengde intercommunale = mixed intermunicipal company
gemengde intercommunales waarmee Electrabel is geassocieerd = mixed intermunicipal companies with which Electrabel is associated
gemengde knop = mixed bud
gemengde landbouwonderneming = mixed farm
gemengde modulatie = mixed modulation
gemengde modus = mixed mode
gemengde opstelling = mixed arrangement
gemengde overeenkomst = mixed agreement
gemengde Pareto-kromme = double Pareto curve
gemengde prijs = mixed price
gemengde regressieschatter van Theil = Theil's mixed regression estimator
gemengde school = coeducational school
gemengde smering = ML Mixed Lubr.
"gemengde smering," = ML Mixed Lubr.
Gemengde soep = Mixed soups
gemengde spanning = composite voltage
gemengde splijtstof [MOX] = mixed oxide [MOX]
gemengde stedelijke gebieden = mixed-use urban areas
gemengde steekproeftrekking = mixed sampling
gemengde stookinstallatie = multi-fuel firing unit
gemengde stookinstallatie = multi-fuel firing combustion plant
gemengde strategie = mixed strategy
gemengde stroom = composite current
gemengde studiefinanciering = blended study financing
gemengde studiefinanciering = combined student grant
gemengde typegoedkeuring = mixed type-approval
Gemengde uitkeringen = Mixed benefits
gemengde verzekering met winstdeling = with-profits endowment policy
gemengde verzekeringmaatschappij = composite insurance company
gemengde verzekeringmaatschappij = median [Am.]
gemengde verzekeringsholding = mixed-activity insurance holding company
Gemengde weefsels = Mixed woven fabrics
Gemenied = Red-leaded
gemerkt materiaal = earmarked material
Gemerkt product = Branded product
Gemert = Gemert
Gemert-Bakel = Gemert-Bakel
gemetalliseerd behang = metallic paper
gemetalliseerde = metallized
Gemetalliseerde garens = Metallised yarn
gemetalliseerde inkt = metallic ink
gemetalliseerde lagen = metalized layers
gemetalliseerde polyester = metallized polyester
gemetalliseerde polypropyleen = metallized polypropylene
gemeten = is measured
gemeten = measured
gemeten amfibool concentratie = measured amphibole concentration
Gemeten asbestconcentratie = Measured asbestos concentration
gemeten binnenluchtkwaliteit = measured indoor air quality
gemeten circuitweerstand = measured circuit resistance
gemeten circuitweerstanden = measured circuit resistances
gemeten debiet = measured flow rate
gemeten dwars op de hoogterichting = measured transverse to the height direction
gemeten flow = measured flow
gemeten geluidsvermogensniveau = measured sound power level
gemeten in een richting dwars op = measured in a direction transverse to
gemeten in een richting evenwijdig aan de lengteas = measured in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis
gemeten in een richting in hoofdzaak evenwijdig aan = measured in a direction substantially parallel to
gemeten isolatieweerstand = measured insulation resistance
gemeten isolatieweerstanden = measured insulation resistances
gemeten langs de hoogterichting = measured along the height direction
gemeten lengtes = measured lengths
gemeten maat = measured size
gemeten met een gekalibreerde rolmaat = measured with a calibrated tape measure
gemeten naar = in terms of
gemeten naar = measured by
gemeten of bepaalde eigenschap = measured or determined property
gemeten op basis van de positie van de = measured on the basis of the position of the
gemeten overschrijding = measured exceedance
gemeten serpentijn concentratie = measured serpentine concentration
gemeten signaalkwaliteit = measured signal quality
gemeten spectrale reflectie = measured spectral reflection
gemeten tarief = calculated piece rates
gemeten van wang tot wang = measured from sidewall to sidewall
gemeten vanaf = measured from
gemeten vanaf de zijkant van het Voertuig = measured from the side of the Vehicle
gemeten vanaf het = measured from the
gemeten volgens de lengterichting = measured in the longitudinal direction
gemeten volgens een richting loodrecht op het draagoppervlak van de pinne = measured in a direction perpendicular to the bearing surface of the spike
gemeten volgens EN 826:2013 = measured according to EN 826:2013
gemeten waarde = measured value
gemeten worden = be measured
gemethoxyleerd = methoxylated
gemetseld(e) ... / bakstenen ... = brick (bn)
gemetselde boog = masonry arch
gemetselde fundering = brick foundation
gemetselde fundering = brickwork foundation
gemetselde muur = brick and mortal wall
gemetselde muur = mortar wall
gemetselde pijler = masonry pier
gemetselde schoorsteen = brick chimney
gemetselde spouwmuur = masonry cavity wall
gemeubeld = algemeen [a]: furnished
gemeubeld [BN] = furnished
gemeubileerd = algemeen [a]: furnished
gemeubileerd = furnished
Gemeubileerde appartementen = Furnished appartment
gemfibrozil = gemfibrozil: a lipid-regulating agent that lowers elevated serum lipids
Gemiauw = Meow
Gemiauw = Miaow
Gemiauw = Caterwaul
gemiauw = kat [n]: yowl
Gemiauw = Mewing
Gemiauw = Mew
gemicrominiaturiseerd = micro-miniaturized
gemicroniseerde materialen = micronised material
gemidd. = average
Gemiddeld = Moderate
gemiddeld = average
gemiddeld = on average
gemiddeld = mean [average]
gemiddeld = algemeen [a]: average
gemiddeld = medium
Gemiddeld = Good
Gemiddeld = Average
Gemiddeld = Medium
Gemiddeld aantal uitstaande aandelen = Average number of outstanding shares
gemiddeld aantal uitstaande aandelen = average number of outstanding shares
gemiddeld aantal uitstaande aandelen = average number of shares outstanding
Gemiddeld belastingpercentage = Average tax rate
gemiddeld belastingpercentage = Average tax rate (t)
Gemiddeld bereik = Average reach
gemiddeld bereik = mean range
Gemiddeld bezit = Average possession
gemiddeld dagelijks positief saldo van overboekingen onderweg = average daily float
gemiddeld debiet = average flow rate
gemiddeld depositobedrag = deposit line
gemiddeld doorgelaten uitvalniveau = average outgoing quality level: AOQL
gemiddeld doorgelaten uitvalpercentage = average outgoing quality: AOQ
gemiddeld en piek = average and peak
Gemiddeld equivalent isotroop uitgestraald vermogen (e.i.r.p.) = mean equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.)
Gemiddeld equivalent isotroop uitgestraald vermogen (e.i.r.p.) = mean equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p)
gemiddeld erythrocytenvolume = average  erythrocyte volume
Gemiddeld Factuurbedrag = Average Invoice Amount
gemiddeld gedetailleerd belastingtarief (AITR) voor een uitkering (of gro = average itemised tax rate (AITR) for a benefit (or group of benefits)
gemiddeld gedetailleerd socialepremietarief (AISCR) voor een uitkering (o = average itemised social contribution rate (AISCR) for a benefit (or group
gemiddeld gemeten diameter = average measured diameter
gemiddeld gewogen meetfout = mean weighted (measurement) error
gemiddeld gewogen uitstaande = weighted average outstanding
gemiddeld huishouden = average household
gemiddeld inkomen = average income
gemiddeld kostenvoordeel = average cost advantage
gemiddeld niveau van doorgelaten kwaliteit = AOQ
gemiddeld niveau van doorgelaten kwaliteit = average outgoing quality level
Gemiddeld omzetaandeel = Average turnover share
gemiddeld percentage = average percentage
Gemiddeld rendement = Average return
gemiddeld resterende levensduur = mean residual life
gemiddeld soortelijk geleidingsvermogen = average conductivity
gemiddeld storingsvrij interval = mean time between failures
Gemiddeld tarief = Average tariff
gemiddeld tarief = average rate
gemiddeld totaal aantal gekeurde exemplaren = average total inspection
gemiddeld uitstaand elektronisch geld = average outstanding electronic money
gemiddeld uurtarief = average hourly rate
Gemiddeld verbruik = Average consumption
gemiddeld vermogen = average power
gemiddeld vermogen = mean power
gemiddeld verschil = mean difference
gemiddeld verschil van probits = mean probit difference
gemiddeld verschil volgens Gani = Gani's mean difference
gemiddeld waardenbereik = mean range
gemiddeld wit = equal-signal white
gemiddeld(e) = average
gemiddelde = arithmetic mean
gemiddelde = mean
Gemiddelde = Average
gemiddelde = average
gemiddelde = average
gemiddelde {het} = average
gemiddelde aannemelijkheidsschatter van Barnard = mean likelihood estimator
gemiddelde aanwezigheidsgraad = average attendance rate
Gemiddelde absolute afwijking = Average absolute deviation
gemiddelde absolute afwijking = mean absolute deviation: MAD
gemiddelde absolute fout = average deviation
gemiddelde absolute fout = mean absolute error
gemiddelde acceleratie = average acceleration
gemiddelde actieve efficiëntie = average active efficiency
gemiddelde afwijking = average deviation
gemiddelde afwijking = mean absolute deviation
gemiddelde afwijking = mean absolute error
gemiddelde afwijking = mean deviation
gemiddelde arbeidsduur = average workweek length (US)
gemiddelde audittijd voldoende = average audit time adequate
Gemiddelde AVO = average advertsing sales volume
Gemiddelde belasting- en premiedruk = Average tax and premium burden
gemiddelde bereide prijs = average prepared price
gemiddelde beslissing = Decisions based on averages / mean(s)
Gemiddelde Betalingstermijn = Average Payment Term
gemiddelde bewerkingstijd = average operation time
gemiddelde binnendiameter = average inner diameter
gemiddelde bloklengte = average block length
gemiddelde bovenmatige functie = mean excess function
Gemiddelde brutomarge = Average gross marging
Gemiddelde brutowinst = Average gross profit
gemiddelde buitendiameter = average outer diameter
Gemiddelde constante kosten = Average constant cost
Gemiddelde constante kosten = Average fixed cost
gemiddelde deeltjesgrootte = average particle size
gemiddelde dikte = average thickness
gemiddelde dikte van ten minste = average thickness of at least
gemiddelde doorlooptijd = average turnaround time
gemiddelde driftsnelheid = drift speed
gemiddelde e.i.r.p.-dichtheid = mean e.i.r.p. density
gemiddelde excretie = average excretion
gemiddelde fout = average error
gemiddelde fractie van afgekeurde exemplaren = process average fraction defective
gemiddelde fractiedefectieven van het proces = process average fraction defective(s)
gemiddelde gebruik = average use
Gemiddelde groep = Average group
gemiddelde helderheid = average brightness
gemiddelde inschatting = average estimate
gemiddelde intelligentie = average intelligence
gemiddelde jaarlijkse groei = average annual growth
gemiddelde kleurverzadiging = average colour saturation
gemiddelde koers op de wisselmarkt = average market exchange rate
gemiddelde kosten = average costs
gemiddelde kostendoelstelling = average cost target
gemiddelde kostprijsmethode = average cost method
gemiddelde kostprijsmethode = average duration of life
gemiddelde kritieke waardemethode = average critical value method
gemiddelde kwadraatsom = mean square
gemiddelde kwadratisch verschil tussen opvolgende termen = mean square successive difference
gemiddelde kwadratische afwijking = mean square deviation
gemiddelde kwadratische afwijking = root-mean-square deviation
gemiddelde kwadratische fout = mean square error
gemiddelde laagdiktes = average layer thicknesses
gemiddelde leeftijd in een bedrijf = average age in the company
gemiddelde levensduur = mean life-time
gemiddelde levensverwachting = average life expectancy
gemiddelde normaalspanning = average normal stress
gemiddelde opbrengst = average revenue
Gemiddelde opbrengst = Average proceeds
gemiddelde opbrengst per bezoeker = average revenue per visitor
gemiddelde prijs = average price
gemiddelde proceskwaliteit = process average quality
gemiddelde productie = average production
gemiddelde pulsamplitude = average pulse amplitude
gemiddelde relatieve toename = average relative increase
gemiddelde rendement = average yield
gemiddelde rentepercentage = average interest rate
gemiddelde reparatietijd = mean time to repair
gemiddelde reparatietijd = mean repair time
gemiddelde reparatietijd = mean time to repair: MTTR
gemiddelde richting = mean direction
gemiddelde salarisregeling = average career system
gemiddelde samenstelling = average composition
gemiddelde score = average score
gemiddelde score per team = average score per team
gemiddelde scores = average scores
gemiddelde servicefrequentie = mean service frequency
gemiddelde snelheid = average speed
gemiddelde spanning = average voltage
gemiddelde specifieke CO2-emissies = average specific emissions of CO₂
gemiddelde steekproefomvang = average amount of inspection
gemiddelde steekproefomvang = ASN function
gemiddelde steekproefomvang = average sample number function
gemiddelde storingstijd = average due date
gemiddelde storingstijd = mean time to failure
gemiddelde stroom = average current
gemiddelde stuuroverbrengingsverhouding = Mean steering ratio
gemiddelde temperatuur = average temperature
gemiddelde temperatuur waarmee wordt gevaren = average flying temperature
gemiddelde tijd om een dienst te herstellen = mean time to restore service (MTRS)
gemiddelde tijd om te repareren = mean time to repair (MTTR)
gemiddelde tijd tussen incidenten = mean time between service incidents (MTBSI)
gemiddelde tijd tussen storingen = mean time between failures
gemiddelde tijd tussen storingen = mean time between failures: MTBF
gemiddelde tijd tussen storingen = mean time between failures (MTBF)
gemiddelde tijdsinvestering = average time spent
gemiddelde toename = average increase
gemiddelde toename van de incidentie = average increase in incidence
gemiddelde toestand = average state
Gemiddelde totale kosten = Average Total Cost
Gemiddelde totale kosten op korte termijn = Short Run Average Cost
Gemiddelde totale kosten op lange termijn = Long Run Average Cost
gemiddelde van de middelste 50% waarden = mid-mean
gemiddelde van opvolgende verschillen = mean linear successive difference
gemiddelde van opvolgende verschillen = mean successive difference
Gemiddelde variabele kosten = Average Variable Cost
Gemiddelde verblijfsduur = Average length of stay
gemiddelde verplaatste histogrammen = average shifted histograms
gemiddelde voorraad = average inventory
gemiddelde voorspelfout = average forecast error
gemiddelde waarde = mean value
gemiddelde waarde = wiskunde [n]: average
gemiddelde waarde = average value
gemiddelde waarde na 10 minuten = 10-minute mean
gemiddelde waarnemer = average observer
gemiddelde wekelijkse arbeidsduur (GWAD) = GWAD (average weekly working hours)
gemiddelde windsnelheid = mean wind speed
gemiddelde windsnelheid gedurende 50 jaar = 50-year wind speed
gemiddelde zuigersnelheid = mean piston speed
gemiddelde-blootstellingsindex = average exposure indicator
gemiddelden = mean values
gemigreerde = migrated
gemijmer = reverie
gemillimeterd = haar [a]: close-cropped
Gemini = Gemini
Gemini = astrologie [n]: Gemini
geminimaliseerd = minimised
gemint = minted
Gemis = Lack
Gemis = Shortcoming
Gemis = Shortage
gemis = absence
Gemis = Failure
Gemis = Run-out
gemis = hoeveelheid [n]: lack
gemis = deprivation
gemis {het} = absence
gemis van de huur = loss of rent
gemist gesprek = missed conversation
gemiste = that have gone undetected
gemiste besparingen = lost savings
gemiste besparingen = loss of savings
gemiste dodingsdelicten = undetected offences involving murder or manslaughter
gemiste oproep = missed call
gemiste verkopen = missed sales
gemiste-oproepbericht = missed call notification
gemitigeerd = mitigated
Gemma Corradi Fiumara = Gemma Corradi Fiumara
Gemmologisch Instituut (HRD) [Geeft op internationaal niveau cursussen en = Gemmological Institute (HRD) [Gives courses and seminars on international
gemmologische instrumenten = gemmological instruments
gemoderniseerd = modernised
gemodificeerd = modified
gemodificeerd gemiddeld kwadratisch verschil tussen opvolgende termen = modified mean square successive difference
gemodificeerd hout = modified wood
gemodificeerd Latijns vierkant volgens Rojar-White = modified Latin square
gemodificeerd standaardproduct = modified standard product
gemodificeerd systeem = modified system
gemodificeerde = modified
gemodificeerde binomiale verdeling = modified binomial distribution
gemodificeerde conditie/beslissingsdekking = modified condition/decision coverage
gemodificeerde conditie/beslissingstest = modified condition/decision testing
gemodificeerde exponentiële groeikromme = modified exponential curve
gemodificeerde hout = modified wood
gemodificeerde natuurlijke polymeren = modified natural polymers
gemodificeerde normale verdelingen van Pomanowski = modified normal distributions
gemodificeerde tolerantiegrenzen = modified control limits
gemodificeerde Von Neumann ratio = modified von Neumann ratio
gemoduleerd = modularized
gemoduleerd (met) = modulated (at)
gemoduleerd gedeelte = take
gemoduleerde continue golf = modulated continuous wave
gemoduleerde draaggolf = modulated carrier wave
gemoduleerde drager = modulated carrier
gemoduleerde groef = recorded groove
gemoduleerde straal = modulated beam
gemoduleerde versterker = modulated amplifier
gemoduleered katoen = modulated cotton
gemoed = inner feelings
gemoed = gevoelens [n]: mind
gemoed = soul
gemoedelijk = easygoing
gemoedelijk = easy-going
gemoedelijk = gesprek [a]: pleasant
gemoedelijk = jovial
Gemoedelijk = Babe
Gemoedlijk = Babe
gemoedsaard = karakter [n]: temperament
gemoedsbeweging = affection
gemoedsbezwaar = (religious) scruples
gemoedsbezwaren = (religious) scruple
gemoedsbezwaren = (religious) scruples
gemoedsbezwaren koesteren tegen = to have a conscientious objection to
gemoedsgesteldheid = algemeen [n]: frame of mind
gemoedsgesteldheid = humour
gemoedsrust = gedrag [n]: repose [formal]
gemoedsrust {de} = peace of mind
Gemoedsstemming = Temper
Gemoedstoestand = Emotion
gemoedstoestand = frame of mind
gemoedstoestand = mood
gemoffeld = coated
gemoffeld = enamel(l)ed
gemoffeld = stove-enamel(l)ed
gemoffeld = stoved
gemoffeld staal = stove-enamelled steel
gemoffelde aluminium puien = enamelled aluminium fronts
gemolken = milked
gemompel = stem [n]: muttering
gemonitord = monitored
gemonitored = monitored
gemonteerd = assembled
gemonteerd = thickened/glazed
gemonteerd = mounted
gemonteerd = mounting/assembling/assembly
gemonteerd = fitting/installing (installeren)
gemonteerd aan dezelfde zijde = mounted on the same side
gemonteerd aan een onderzijde van = mounted at a bottom side of
gemonteerd en gedemonteerd = mounted and dismounted
gemonteerd in = mounted in
gemonteerd in de vacu?mkamer = mounted in the vacuum chamber
gemonteerd in de vacuémkamer = mounted in the vacuum chamber
gemonteerd in de vacu�mkamer = mounted in the vacuum chamber
gemonteerd in de vacuümkamer = mounted in the vacuum chamber
gemonteerd moet worden = is to be mounted
gemonteerd of monteerbaar = mounted or mountable
gemonteerd onderaan het deksel = mounted at the bottom of the cover
gemonteerd op = mounted on
gemonteerd op de binnenzijde van de laadklep = mounted on the inside of the tail lift
gemonteerd zijn op de vloer van een laadbak van een bestelwagen = mounted on the floor of a loading body of delivery van
gemonteerd zijn op het frame = are mounted on the frame
gemonteerde = assembly
gemonteerde = mounted
Gemonteerde luchtcompressoren = Mounted air compressors
Gemonteerde piëzo-elektrische kristallen = Mounted piezo-electric crystals
gemonteerde staat = assembled state
gemopper = klacht [n]: grumble
gemor = klacht [n]: grumble
Gemors = Paint daubs
gemorst materiaal = spilled material
gemorst product = spilled product
gemorste = vloeistof [n]: spill
gemorste hoeveelheid = spillage
gemotiveerd = a (notice of) objection providing reasons
gemotiveerd = a reasoned (notice of) objection
gemotiveerd = accounted for
gemotiveerd = motivated
gemotiveerd = stating your reasons
gemotiveerd bezwaar = reasoned objection
gemotiveerd en tevreden = motivated and satisfied
gemotiveerd schriftelijk bezwaar maken = "object to this in writing, stating reasons"
gemotiveerd verweer = reasoned defence
gemotiveerd verzoek = reasoned request
gemotiveerde beslissing = reasoned decision
gemotiveerde medewerkers = motivated employees
gemotiveerde medewerkers en klanten = motivated employees and customers
gemotiveerde schriftelijke verklaring = reasoned written statement
gemotiveerde toelichting = substantiated account
gemotoriseerd = motorised
gemotoriseerd = motorized
gemotoriseerd = motorised [Br.]
gemotoriseerd verkeer = vehicular traffic
Gemotoriseerd zweefvliegtuig = Powered sailplane
gemotoriseerde = mechanical
gemotoriseerde = motorised
Gemotoriseerde = Motorised
gemotoriseerde beweging = motorised movement
gemotoriseerde dampkap = powered extractor hood
gemotoriseerde driewegmengkraan = motorised three-way mixing valve
gemotoriseerde driewieler = motor tricycle
gemotoriseerde natuurlijke toevoer = motorised natural air supply
Gemotoriseerde rolstoelen = Motorised wheelchairs
gemotoriseerde toevoerrooster = motorised intake grille
gemotoriseerde toevoerroosters = motorised intake grilles
gemotoriseerde twee-wieler = powered two-wheelers (PTW)
gemotoriseerde voertuigen = motorised vehicles
ge�mplementeerd = implemented
ge�mplementeerd als een = implemented as a
ge�mplementeerd in = implemented in
ge�mplementeerd zijn in = be implemented in
Gems = Chamois
gems = zoölogie [n]: chamois
Gems (dier) = Chamois
gems {de} = chamois
gemsleer = chamois
GEMTI-waypoint = GEMTI navigation point
gemultiplexed = muxed
gemurmel = geluid [n]: murmur
gemuteerd = changed
gemuteerd = biologie [a]: mutant
Gemw = Municipalities Act
Gemw = Municipalities Act (Gemeentewet: Gemw)
gemzeleer = chamois
gen = biologie [n]: gene
Gen = Gene
gen {het} = gene
gen dat codeert voor eiwit X = gene coding for protein X
gen dat voor afbraak van xenobiotica codeert = gene coding for degradation of xenobiotics
genaaid = sewn
genaakbaar = accessible
genaakbaarheidsvolume = accessibility volume
genaakbare = accessible
genaald = needled
genaald = awned
genaald = needle pointed
genaamd = named
genaamd = algemeen [a]: named
genaamd = to wit
Genade = Mercy
genade = grace
genade = algemeen [n]: mercy
genade {de} = mercy
genadeklap = gebeurtenis [n]: final blow
genadeloos = merciless
genadeloos = gedrag [a]: merciless
genadeloosheid = mercilessness
Genadeoord = Pilgrimage
genadeslag = gebeurtenis [n]: final blow
genadeslag {de} = coup de grâce
genadeslag {de} = death blow [coup de grâce]
Genadig = Clement
genadig = gracious
genadig = gedrag [a]: merciful
genadig = merciful
genadigheid = favor
genageld = nailed
genaken = advance
genamplificatie = gene amplification
gênant = schaamte [a]: embarrassing
gênant = straitened
gênant = embarrassing
Gəncə = Ganja
gencontrole = genetic control
genconversie = allele displacement
genconversie = allele replacement
genconversie = allele tranposition
genconversie = gene conversion
genconversie = polaron
Gendarme = Gendarme
Gendarme = Constable
gendarmerie = politie [n]: state police
genderdysforie = gender dysphoria
genderdysforie = gender identity disorder
genderexpressie = gender expression
genderfluïde = gender fluid
genderidentiteit = gender identity
gendervariant = gender variant
Gendt = Ghent
gene = that
gêne = geestelijke gewaarwording [n]: discomfort
gêne = trouble
gene knockout = gene inactivation
gene knockout = gene knockout
gene knockout = gene silencing
genealoge = wetenschap - vrouw [n]: genealogist
genealogie = family tree
genealogie = pedigree
genealogie = tabular pedigree
genealogie = drop-line pedigree
Genealogie = Family history
genealogie = wetenschap [n]: genealogy
Genealogie = Genealogy
Genealogie (geschiedkunde) = Genealogy
genealogie en kwartierstaten = genealogies and family trees
"genealogie, stamboomonderzoek" = genealogy (study and recording of descents)
genealogisch = genealogical
genealogisch = algemeen [a]: genealogical
genealogisch bestanddeel = genealogical component
genealogische bestanden = genealogical files
genealoog = genealogist
genealoog = wetenschap - man [n]: genealogist
Geneefse Conventies en Additionele Protocollen = Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols
geneesbaar = geneeslijk [a]: curable
geneesheer = doctor
geneesheer = geneeskunde - man [n]: doctor
geneesheer {de} = doctor
"geneesheer, de natuurgenezer" = faith healer
"geneesheer, de natuurgenezer" = healer
"geneesheer, de natuurgenezer" = psychic healer
"geneesheer, de natuurgenezer" = quacksalver
"geneesheer, de natuurgenezer" = spiritual healer
geneeskracht = healing power
geneeskrachtig = medicinal
geneeskrachtig = kruiden [a]: curative
geneeskrachtig = (adjective)  healing
geneeskrachtige plant = medical plant
geneeskrachtige plant(ensoort) = medicinal plant
Geneeskrachtige planten = Healing plant
geneeskrachtige stof = drug substance
geneeskruiden = medicinal  herbs
Geneeskunde = Medicine
geneeskunde = wetenschap [n]: medicine
geneeskunde = medicine (practice)
geneeskunde {de} = medicine [as a science]
Geneeskunde en Management = Medicine and Management
geneeskunde van de mens = human medicine
geneeskunde van de mens = human therapy
geneeskunde van Hippocrates = Hippocratic medicine
"geneeskunde, artsenij, medicijnen {p}" = medicine (field of study)
Geneeskundig = Medical
Geneeskundig = Clinical thermometer
Geneeskundig = Medicated
geneeskundig = geneeskunde  [a]: medicinal
Geneeskundig = Clinical
geneeskundig onderzoek = medical examination
geneeskundige = doctor
geneeskundige noodhulp = emergency medical treatment
geneeskundige verzorging = gezondheid [n]: medical care
geneeskunst = wetenschap [n]: medicine
geneeskunst = art of  healing
geneeslijk = geneesbaar [a]: curable
geneesmiddel = medicament
Geneesmiddel = Medicine
Geneesmiddel = Medication
geneesmiddel = drug / medicine
geneesmiddel = apotheek [n]: medication
geneesmiddel = drug
geneesmiddel = drug (medicine)
geneesmiddel = medicinal drug
geneesmiddel {het} = "medicine [drug, remedy]"
geneesmiddel allergie = drug allergy
geneesmiddel dat suikerziekte tegengaat = antidiabetic drug
geneesmiddel en/of lichaamseigen weefsel = drug and/or autologous tissue
geneesmiddel tegen jicht = gout suppressant
geneesmiddel voor geavanceerde therapie = Advanced therapy medicinal product
geneesmiddel voor onderzoek = experimental medicinal product
geneesmiddel voor onderzoek = investigational medicinal product
geneesmiddelen = pharmaceutical products
geneesmiddelen = pharmaceutical preparations
geneesmiddelen = pharmaceutical solutions
geneesmiddelen = medicines
Geneesmiddelen = Pharmaceutical products
geneesmiddelen die behoren tot het basispakket = medicines covered under the basic package
geneesmiddelen op basis van kruiden en kruidenproducten in de vorm van ca = "herbal remedies and herbal products in the form of capsules, tablets, liq"
Geneesmiddelen voor behandeling van de schildklier = Thyroid therapy medicinal products
Geneesmiddelen voor bloed en bloedvormende organen = Medicinal products for the blood and blood-forming organs
Geneesmiddelen voor dermatologie = Medicinal products for dermatology
"Geneesmiddelen voor dermatologie, spierstelsel en skelet" = Medicinal products for dermatology and the musculo-skeletal system
Geneesmiddelen voor diabetes = Medicinal products used in diabetes
Geneesmiddelen voor endocriene therapie = Endocrine therapy medicinal products
Geneesmiddelen voor functionele maagdarmstoringen = Medicinal products for functional gastrointestinal disorders
Geneesmiddelen voor harttherapie = Cardiac therapy medicinal products
Geneesmiddelen voor het ademhalingssysteem = Medicinal products for the respiratory system
"Geneesmiddelen voor het bloed, de bloedvormende organen en het hartvaatst" = "Medicinal products for the blood, blood-forming organs and the cardiovasc"
Geneesmiddelen voor het hartvaatstelsel = Medicinal products for the cardiovascular system
Geneesmiddelen voor het spierstelsel en het skelet = Medicinal products for the musculo-skeletal system
Geneesmiddelen voor het urogenitaal stelsel en hormonen = Medicinal products for the genitourinary system and hormones
Geneesmiddelen voor het urogenitaal systeem en geslachtshormonen = Medicinal products for the genitourinary system and sex hormones
Geneesmiddelen voor het zenuwstelsel = Medicinal products for the nervous system
Geneesmiddelen voor maagdarmkanaal en metabolisme = Medicinal products for the alimentary tract and metabolism
geneesmiddelen voor menselijk gebruik = medicines for human purposes
geneesmiddelen voor menselijk gebruik = medicinal products for human use
Geneesmiddelen voor obstructieve aandoeningen van de luchtwegen = Medicinal products for obstructive airway diseases
Geneesmiddelen voor oogheelkunde = Ophthalmologicals
Geneesmiddelen voor storingen i.v.m. zuur = Medicinal products for acid related disorders
Geneesmiddelen voor zenuwstelsel en zintuigelijke organen = Medicinal products for the nervous system and sensory organs
Geneesmiddelen voor zintuigelijke organen = Medicinal products for sensory organs
"Geneesmiddelen waarvan bekend is dat deze bijwerkingen induceren, zijn on" = Medicinal products known to provoke adverse events include
"Geneesmiddelen waarvan ongewenste interacties bekend zijn, zijn" = Medicinal products known to provoke adverse events include
"geneesmiddelen, chemische producten voor medische en hygiënische doelein" = "medicines, chemical products for medical and hygienic purposes, pharmaceu"
"geneesmiddelen, chemische producten voor medische en hygiënische toepass" = "medicines, chemical products for healing purposes and health care, pharma"
"geneesmiddelen, farmaceutische producten en ook hygiënische producten, d" = "medicines, pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations, dietetic foodstuffs "
geneesmiddelen/farmaceutische zorg = medication/pharmaceutical care
geneesmiddelencontrole = drug monitoring
geneesmiddelencontrole = drug control
geneesmiddelencontrole = pharmacovigilance
geneesmiddelendyskinesie = drug-induced dyskinesia
geneesmiddelendyskinesie = medication-induced dyskinesia
geneesmiddelendyskinesie = orofacial dyskinesia
geneesmiddelenfabriek = Pharmaceutical industry
geneesmiddelenicterus = drug-induced jaundice
Geneesmiddelenonderzoek = Medication review
geneesmiddelenoxidatie = drug oxidation
geneesmiddelentolerantie = drug tolerance
geneesmiddelenwetgeving = legislation on medicinal products
geneesmiddelgeïnduceerde = drug-induced
geneesmiddelontwikkeling = drug development
geneesster = persoon - vrouw [n]: faith healer
geneestijd = healing time
geneeswijze = therapeutics
geneeswijze {de} = therapy
genegeerd = ignored
genegen = attitude [a]: disposed
Genegen = Inclined
Genegenheid = Affection
genegenheid = gevoelens [n]: affection
genegenheid {de} = affection
geneigd = gevoelstoestand [a]: disposed [formal]
geneigd = inclined
geneigd om de regels te volgen = inclined to follow the rules
geneigd tot = neiging [o]: apt to
geneigd zijn = gedrag [v]: incline
geneigd zijn = incline
geneigd zijn tot = incline
geneigdheid = tendency
Geneigdheid = Layout
geneigdheid = neiging [n]: proclivity [formal]
Geneigdheid = Arrangement
Geneigdheid = Disposal
Geneigdheid = Provision
geneigdheid {de} = proclivity
geneigdheid {de} = tendency
geneigdheid {de} = proneness
geneigdheid {de} = inclination
geneigdheid {de} = propensity
geneigdheid tot consumeren = propensity to consume
geneigdheid tot investeren = propensity to invest
genen = DNA
genenbank = gene bank
genenkaart = chromosome map: a map of the relative positions of genetic loci on a chro
genenkaart = genetic map
genenkaart = linkage map
genenkanon = gene gun: a mylar sheet with an electric spark or pressurized gas to used
genenpoel = gene pool
genenpoel = genetic pool
genenpool = gene pool: the total sum of genetic information present in the reproducti
Generaal = General Officer
Generaal = Across-the-board
Generaal = Large
Generaal = Widespread
generaal = militair [n]: general
generaal = general
Generaal = Jarl
generaal {de} = general
generaal pardon = politiek [n]: amnesty
generaal-adjudant = militair [n]: aide-de-camp
General = General
General Administrative Law Act = "General Administrative Law Act (Algemene wet bestuursrecht, Awb)"
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade = GATT
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
General Agreements to Borrow (GAB) = General Agreements to Borrow (GAB)
General Aviation = GA
General Aviation = General Aviation
General Aviation terminal = General Aviation terminal
General conditions of sale = General Conditions of Sale
General Crane = General Crane
General Data Protection Regulation = General Data Protection Regulation
General Food Law = General Food Law
General Implementing Regulations for Stimulating Sustainable Energy Produ = Algemene uitvoeringsregeling stimulering duurzame energieproductie
General ledger accounting = General ledger accounting
General Mobile Radio Services (GMRS)-diensten/familieradio = General Mobile Radio Services/Family Radio Services (GMRS/FRS)
General Packet Radio Service = General Packet Radio Service
General Packet Radio Services (GMRS)-diensten = General Mobile Radio Services (GMRS)
General Packet Radio Services (GPRS)-diensten = General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) services
General requirements = General requirements
General requirements for basic safety and essential performance = General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
"General requirements, tests and guidance for alarm systems in medical ele" = "General requirements, tests and guidance for alarm systems in medical ele"
General Terms & Conditions = General Terms & Conditions
General Terms and Conditions of Purchase = General Terms and Conditions of Purchase
generale knoppen = general buttons
Generale Staf = Leadership
Generale Staf = Staff
Generale Staf = Staff headquarters
Generale vakken = General Subjects
generalisatie = algemeen [n]: generalization
generalisatie = generalization
generalisatie van Gurland van een Neyman-verdeling = Gurland's generalisation of Neyman's distribution
generalisatie van Gurland van een Neyman-verdeling = Gurland's generalization of Neyman's distribution
generalisatie volgens Beall en Rescia van de Neyman-verdeling = Beall-Rescia generalisation of Neyman's distribution
generalisatie volgens Beall en Rescia van de Neyman-verdeling = Beall-Rescia generalization of Neyman's distribution
generalisaties = generalizations
generalised polykays = generalised polykays
generalised polykays = generalized polykays
generalised right angular designs = generalised right angular designs
generalised right angular designs = generalized right angular designs
generalised stable law = generalised stable law
generalised stable law = generalized stable law
generaliseren = to generalise [Br.]
Generaliseren = Generalization
generaliseren = to generalize
generaliseren = algemeen [v]: generalize
generalist = all rounder
generalist = generalist
Generalistische Basis GGZ = Generalistische Basis GGZ
Generalistische Basis GGZ = ‘General Basic Mental Health Care’ (‘Generalistische Basis GGZ’)
Generalitat = Commonalty
generalized autoregressive conditional = GARCH model
generalized autoregressive conditional = generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model
generalized autoregressive conditional = generalized autoregressive conditional
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles = Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
generate verbose output = generate verbose output
Generatie = Generation
generatie = algemeen [n]: generation
generatieconflict = conflict of generations
generatief = generative
generatiekloof = algemeen [n]: generation gap
generatiepact = Generation Pact
generatieproces = generation process
generaties = generations
generatietaal = generation language
Generatietafel = Generation table
generatietalen = generation languages
generatieve planning = generative planning
generator = generator
generator = stoom [n]: generator
Generator = Generator
generator / opwekker = generator
generator {de} = generator
generator set = electric power generating set
Generator Stator Connection Box = GSCB
generator van willekeurige getallen = random number generator
Generator Verification = VG
Generatoraggregaatsets = Generating sets
Generatoraggregaten = Generator units
Generatoraggregaten met motoren met compressieontsteking = Generating sets with compression-ignition engines
Generatoraggregaten met motoren met vonkontsteking = Generating sets with spark-ignition engines
generatordroging = generator heating
generatoreffici‰ntie = generator efficiency
Generatoren = Generators
generatorenfabriek = Generator industry
generatorfilterkast = generator filter cabinet
generatorflens = generator flange
generatorkoeling = generator cooling system
generatorplaat = generator plate
generatorplatform = generator floor
Generatorrotoren = Generator rotors
generatorsignaal = generator signal
generatorsysteem = generator system
generatorverwarming = generator heating mode
generatorverwarming = generator heating
generatorwikkeling = generator winding
Genereer = Generate
genereer filters (positieve selectie filters) = generate filters (positive selection filters)
genereer-en-controleer = generate and test
genereer-en-test = generate-and-test
genereerprogramma = generating program
genereren = algemeen [v]: generate
genereren = generate
genereren = to generate
genereren van een gezin = generation of a family
genereren van een huishouden = generation of a household
Genereren van ideeën = Generating ideas
genereren van kasmiddelen = to generate cash
genereren van systeemeigen installatiekopie = native image generation
genererende functie = generating function
Genereus = Freehanded
Genereus = Unselfish
genereus = persoon [a]: generous
Genereus = Bountiful
Genereus = Generous
Genereus = Ungrudging
genereuze daad = algemeen [n]: generosity
generic and brand-name veterinary medicines = (generieke) diergeneesmiddelen
Generic Application Safety Case (GASC) = Generic Application Safety Case (GASC)
Generic Programming = Generic Programming
generics = generics
Generics met diamond syntax = Generics with diamond syntax
generiek = generic
generiek (in this sentence) = anonymised
Generiek assentelsysteem voor in Nederland = GAST-NL
Generiek assentelsysteem voor in Nederland = Generiek assentelsysteem voor in Nederland (GAST-NL)
generiek bouwblok = generic building block
generiek gegevensopslagsysteem = generic data storage
generiek geneesmiddel = generic drug
generiek niveau = generic level
generiek object = generic object
generiek ontwerp = generic design
generiek programmeren = generic programming
generiek voorschrift inzake ecologisch ontwerp = Generic ecodesign requirement
generieke = generic
Generieke behoeftebevrediging = Generic need satisfaction
generieke bewerking = generic operation
Generieke concurrentie = Generic competition
Generieke concurrentiestrategie = Generic competitive strategy
generieke herbruikbare Ada-componenten voor ontwikkelaars = generic reusable Ada components for engineers: GRACE
generieke ICT-producten en diensten = generic ICT products and services
Generieke Infrastructuur = Generieke Infrastructuur
Generieke lessen = General lessons
generieke middelen = generic resources
generieke notatie = generic markup
generieke onderdeel = generic part
generieke prijscorrectieclausuleses = generic price adjustment provisionsns
generieke programma-eenheid = generic program unit
generieke testafspraken = generic test agreements
generositeit = gedrag [n]: generosity
genese = begin [n]: genesis
genesis = oorsprong [n]: genesis [formal]
Genesis = Genesis
Genesis (boek) = Genesis
genest = nested
genest deelprogramma = nesting subroutine
Genest doel = Nested Target
genest group divisible design = hierarchical group divisible design
genest type = nested type
geneste DO-groep = nested DO-group
geneste framespagina = nested frames page
geneste geval-controle studies = nested case-control studies
geneste hypothesen = nested hypotheses
geneste klasse zonder static = nested class without static
geneste lussen = nested loops
geneste methoden = nested methods
geneste procedure = nested procedure
geneste proefopzet = nested design
geneste proefopzet met evenwichtige onvolledige blokken = nested balanced incomplete block design
geneste steekproeftrekking = nested sampling
geneste subroutine = nested subroutine
geneste tabel = nested table
genestelde bemonstering = nested sampling
genetica = genetics: the biological science that deals with the phenomena and mechan
genetica = genetics
Genetica = Genetic
genetica = wetenschap [n]: genetics
genetica {de} = genetics
Genetica en Erfelijkheidsleer = Genetics & Heredity
genetica van de mens = human genetics
genetica van het micro-organismen = microbial  genetics: the study of hereditary mechanisms of microbes
Genetics bv = Genetics bv
geneticus = geneticist: biologist who specializes in genetics
geneticus = wetenschap - man [n]: geneticist
Genetisch = Genetic
genetisch = biologie [a]: genetic
Genetisch = Genetics
genetisch algoritme = genetic algorithm
genetisch effect = genetic effect
genetisch evenwicht = gene frequency
genetisch gemodificeerd organisme = genetically modified organism (GMO)
genetisch gemodificeerd organisme = genetically modified organism
genetisch gemodificeerde dendritische cellen = genetically  engineered dendritic cells
genetisch gemodificeerde dieren = genetically modified organism
genetisch gemodificeerde diervoeders = genetically modified feed
genetisch gemodificeerde hemoglobine = genetically  engineered hemoglobin
genetisch gemodificeerde hogere plant = genetically modified higher plant
genetisch gemodificeerde levensmiddelen = genetically modified food
genetisch gemodificeerde levensmiddelen = genetically modified foods
genetisch gemodificeerde levensmiddelen of diervoeders = genetically modified food or feed
genetisch gemodificeerde micro-organismen = genetically modified microorganisms
genetisch gemodificeerde organismen = genetically modified organisms
genetisch gemodificeerde organismen die in de diervoeding worden gebruikt = genetically modified organism for feed use
genetisch gemodificeerde virussen = genetically engineered viruses
genetisch gemodifieerde organismen = genetically modified organisms
genetisch gewijzigd organisme = genetically-modified organism
genetisch gewijzigd organisme = genetically modified organism
genetisch herrangschikken = gene rearrangement
genetisch herrangschikken = DNA rearrangement
genetisch herrangschikken = genetic rearrangement
genetisch herrangschikken = genetic reassortment
genetisch selectieve partnerkeuze = assortative mating
genetisch selectieve partnerkeuze = genetic assortative mating
genetisch signatuur = genetic signature
genetisch voorbestemd = genetically sensible
"genetisch, met betrekking tot de erfelijkheid" = genetic
genetische aanpassing = genetic adaptation
genetische belasting = genetic load
genetische beperkingen = genetic limits
genetische biologie = wetenschap [n]: genetic engineering
genetische code = genetic code
genetische competentie = genetic competence
genetische complementatie = genetic complementation
genetische determinant = genetic determinant
genetische diensten = genetic services
genetische disjunctie = genetic disjunction
genetische diversiteit = genetic diversity
genetische drager/overbrenger = carrier
genetische drager/overbrenger = gene vector
genetische drager/overbrenger = genetic carrier
genetische drift = genetic drift
genetische drift = Sewall-Wright effect
genetische eenheden = genetic units
genetische en biometrische gegevens = genetic and biometric data
genetische epigenese = genetic epigenesis: gradual increases in complexity of structure
genetische epistasie = genetic  epistasis
genetische erosie = genetic depletion
genetische erosie = genetic erosion
genetische factor bij de predispositie voor kanker = genetic factor for cancer predisposition
genetische footprint = genetic imprinting
genetische gegevens = genetic data
genetische genese = genetic engineering
genetische herconfiguratie door T-lymfocyten = T-lymphocyte  gene rearrangement: an ordered rearrangement of T-cell vari
genetische hulpbronnen = genetic resource
genetische hulpbronnen in de landbouw = genetic resources for agriculture
genetische informatie = genetic information
genetische informatie: de in het DNA van genen vervatte instructie voor d = genetic information
genetische instabiliteit = genetic instability
genetische inversie = genetic inversion
genetische kartering = genetic mapping
genetische linieën = genetic lines
genetische manipulatie = wetenschap [n]: genetic engineering
genetische manipulatie = genetic engineering
genetische manipulatie van de kiembaan = genetic manipulation of the germ line
"genetische manipulatie, de genetic engineering" = gene technology
"genetische manipulatie, de genetic engineering" = genetic engineering
"genetische manipulatie, de genetic engineering" = genetic manipulation
"genetische neiging, de genetische predispositie" = genetic predisposition
genetische omzetting = genetic translation
genetische onderdrukking = genetic suppression
genetische ongelijksoortigheid = genetic heterogeneity
genetische rijkdommen = genetic resources
genetische schade = genetic damage
genetische strategie = genetic strategy
genetische structuren = genetic structures
genetische technieken = genetic techniques
Genetische technologie = Genetic engineering
genetische transductie = genetic transduction
genetische transfer op geslachtscellen = transfer of  genetic information to germinal cells
genetische translocatie: de onderling uitwisseling van genetisch materiaa = genetic translocation
genetische variabiliteit = genetic variability
genetische variatie = genetic variation
genetische variatie = genetic diversity
genetische variatie = hereditary variation
genetische verandering = genetic change
genetische verbetering door zorguvuldig vokken = purposeful breeding of better strains
genetische verrijking = genetic  enhancement
Genetische vingerafdruk = Genetic footprint
genetische wijziging = genetic modification
genetische ziekte = genetic disorder
genetische ziekte die veroorzaakt is door genetische defecten = genetic defect
genetische ziekte die veroorzaakt is door genetische defecten = genetic disease caused by defective genes
genetwerkte maatschappij = network society
geneugte = genoegen [n]: nicety
geneutraliseerd = nadeel [a]: compensated
geneutraliseerd = neutralized
Genève = aardrijkskunde [n]: Geneva
Genève = Geneva
Genève (stad) = Geneva
Genève {het} = Geneva
genexpressie = gene expression
gen-expressie = expression (of a gene)
gen-expressie = gene expression
gen-expressieregulator = gene expression regulator
genezen = cure
genezen = herstellen [n]: curing
Genezen = Recover
genezen = to heal
genezen = to cure
genezen door gebed = faith  healing
"genezen, gezond maken, helen" = "to  heal, to cure"
"genezen, helen, beter maken" = heal  (make better)
genezend = ziekte [a]: convalescent
genezer = persoon - man [n]: faith healer
Genezing = Healing
Genezing = Curing
Genezing = Cure
genezing = ziekte [n]: cure
genezing = recovery
genezing {de} = healing
genezing {de} = recovery
genezingsbevorderend = healing
gen-familie = "reiterated
genfrequentie = gene  frequency
genfrequentie = gene-frequency
geniaal = persoon [a]: ingenious
geniaal = brilliant
geniaal = ingenious
geniaal = imaginative
geniale = gifted
genialiteit = persoon [n]: ingenuity
genie = intelligentie - man [n]: genius
genie = virtuoso
Genie = Pan
Genie = Spirit
Genie = Engineers
Genie = Genie
Genie = Engineering
Genie = Genius
genie {de} = genius
geniepig = algemeen [a]: sneaky
genies = geluid [n]: sneeze
Geniesoldaat = Sapper
Geniesoldaat = Pioneer
genieten = enjoy
genieten = to enjoy
genieten = savour
genieten = get
genieten = voordeel [v]: enjoy
genieten van = be glad
Genieten van = Have to spare
genieten van = to  enjoy
genieten van = genoegen [v]: revel in
Genieten van = Delight to
Genieten van = Rejoice in
Genieten van = Enjoy
genieten van een aangenaam verblijf = enjoy a pleasant stay
genietmomentje = 'indulge yourself' moment
genietmomentje = ME Time
genietmomentje = 'ME Time'
genievoertuig = combat engineer vehicle
genievoertuigen = combat engineer vehicles
Genist = Sapper
Genist = Pioneer
genitaal = genital
Genitaal = Genital
genitaal = anatomie [a]: genital
genitaal dissocieerd infantilisme = genital dissociated infantilism
genitale fase = (Freud's)  genital period
genitale fase = genital phase
genitale fase = genital stage
genitale ouderdomsatrofie = senile  genital atrophy
genitale plooi = genital ridge
genitale verminking = genital mutilation
genitale wratten = "genital warts, condyloma"
genitaliën = genitalia
genitaliën = anatomie [n]: genitals
genitaliën {mv} = genitals
"genitaliën {p}, voortplantingsorganen n, pl" = genitalia (genitals or sex organs)
genitief = linguïstiek [n]: genitive
genitief = genitive
genitief = genitive case
Genito-Urinair = Genitourinary
genito-urinair systeem (met betrekking tot de geslachtsorganen en de urin = urogenital system
Genius = Pan
Genius = Spirit
Genius = Engineering
genius = sprookje [n]: genie
Genius = Engineers
Genius = Genius
Genius = Genie
genius loci = genius loci
genivelleerd = levelled
genivelleerde jaarpremies = level annual premiums
genkaart = gene map
genkaart = genetic map
genkaart = intracistronic map
genmutatie = gene mutation
Gennep = Gennep
genocide = genocide
Genocide = Genocidal
genocide = algemeen [n]: genocide
genocide {de} = genocide
"genocide, volkerenmoord" = genocide (systematic killing of substantial numbers of people)
genocopie = mimic gene
genodigde = attendee
genodigde = uitnodiging - man [n]: guest
genodigde {de} = invitee
Genodigden = Invited guests
Genodigden = Invitees
genodigden = guests
genoeg = enough
genoeg = suffice
genoeg = alas
genoeg = adequate
genoeg = plenty
genoeg = sufficient
genoeg = sufficiently
genoeg = hoeveelheid [a]: enough
Genoeg = Sufficiently
Genoeg = Quite
genoeg hebben = be full
genoeg hebben van = to be tired of
genoeg hebben van = gevoelens [v]: be tired of
genoeg krijgen van = figuurlijk [v]: get tired of
genoeg mogelijkheden = enough possibilities
genoeg zijn = algemeen [v]: suffice [formal]
"genoeg zijn, volstaan, voldoen" = "suffice  (be enough, sufficient, adequate)"
Genoegen = Delight
Genoegen = Content
genoegen = algemeen [n]: pleasure
genoegen = pleasure
Genoegen = Thrill
genoegen met iets nemen = to put up with sth.
genoegen nemen met iets = consent to something
genoegen nemen met iets = put up with something
genoegen nemen met iets = accept something
genoegen nemen met iets = content oneself
genoegen nemen met iets = settle for something
genoegen nemen met iets = agree
genoegen nemen met iets = be satisfied with something
genoegen schenken = algemeen [v]: satisfy
genoegen scheppen in = genoegen [v]: revel in
"genoegen, het ermee doen" = "do  (work, suffice)"
"genoegen, welbehagen, plezier" = pleasure (a state of being pleased)
Genoeglijk = Jocular
Genoeglijk = Gratifying
Genoeglijk = Lovely
Genoeglijk = Entertaining
Genoeglijk = Pleasant
Genoeglijk = Invidious
Genoeglijk = Nice
Genoeglijk = Agreeable
Genoeglijk = Amusing
Genoeglijk = Funny
Genoeglijk = Enjoyable
genoeglijkheid = pleasantness
genoegzaam = hoeveelheid [a]: adequate
genoegzaam bekend = sufficiently well known
genoegzaam bekend zijn met = to be sufficiently aware of
genoegzaam bekend zijn met = to have sufficient knowledge of
genoegzaam heeft aangetoond = satisfactorily demonstrated
genoegzame zekerheid stellen = furnish adequate security
genoemd = said
genoemd = hereinafter referred to as
genoemd = algemeen [a]: named
genoemd = referred to as
genoemd artikel aan een steun bevestigd wordt = said article is attached to a support
genoemd bij = stated in
genoemd eerste element = said first element
genoemd eerste frame en de tweede as wordt ondersteund door een tweede fr = said first frame and the second axis being supported by a second frame
genoemd in bovengenoemde wet = stated in the above law
genoemd naar ... = named after ...
genoemd substantieel horizontaal oppervlak omvattende genoemde eerste ran = said substantially horizontal surface comprising said first edge
genoemd totaal aantal luisteraars = said total number of listeners
genoemd worden = be called
genoemd(e) = mentioned
genoemd(e) = said
genoemde = mentioned
genoemde = said
genoemde = the aforesaid
genoemde = the said
Genoemde = Said
genoemde buitenwanden = said outer walls
genoemde cilindrische sputtertarget = said cylindrical sputtering target
genoemde conische kop = said conical head
genoemde conische kop en genoemde conische opening = said conical head and said conical opening
genoemde conische opening = said conical opening
genoemde dwarsrichting = said transverse direction
genoemde eerste = said first
genoemde eerste en tweede verbindingsmiddelen = said first and second connecting means
genoemde eerste opening en genoemde tweede opening = said first opening and said second opening
genoemde frame = said frame
genoemde holte = said cavity
genoemde hoogte = said height
Genoemde limieten = Said limits
Genoemde methoden en benaderingen = Methods and approaches mentioned
Genoemde prijzen zijn exclusief btw = The prices mentioned in this offer are exclusive of VAT
genoemde rekeneenheid = said processing unit
genoemde SCFA/MCFA-fractie = said SCFA-MCFA fraction
genoemde tegenoverstaande zijden = said opposite sides
genoemde toekenningscriteria = eligibility criteria specified
genoemde tolkenpost = said interpreter desk
genoemde tweede bout = said second bolt
genoemde tweede element = said second element
genoemde tweede extensie = said second extension
genoemde veelheid van luisterposten = said plurality of listening posts
genoemde verdere kopse groef = said further end groove
genoemde verschillende talen = said different languages
genoemde vertaling = said translation
genoemde verwerkingseenheid = said processing unit
genoemde vezels = said fibres
genoemde vloer = said floor
Genoemde voorkeursvorm = Said preferred embodiment
genoemde wand = said wall
genogram = "genogram: a diagram outlining the history, heredity & behavior patterns ("
genomen beslissingen = decisions taken
genomen besluit = resolution passed
genomen beveiligingsmaatregelen = security measures taken
genomen kunnen worden = can be taken
genomen maatregelen = measures taken
genomen met algemene stemmen = must be passed unanimously
genomen met gewone meerderheid der stemmen = taken by simple majority of the votes cast
genomen ter rolle = placed on the cause list
genomenbibliotheek = gene bank
genomen-mutatie = genomic mutation
genomiek = genomics
genomineerd voor = nominated for
genomineerde = nominated
genomineerde onderopdrachtnemer = nominated subcontractor
genomineerden = nominees
genomisch = genomic
genomische eilanden = genomic islands
genomische fingerprint = genome fingerprint: partial content of a DNA sequence
genomische fingerprint = DNA fingerprint
genomische instabiliteit = genomic instability: tendency of the genome to mutate when various proces
Genoom = Genome
genoom = genome
genoom in kaart brengen = to map the   genome
genoom van de hepatocyt = hepatocyte genome
genoom: het geheel van alle genen van de chromosomen van een individu = gene complex
genoom: het geheel van alle genen van de chromosomen van een individu = genome: one haploid set of chromosomes with the genes they contain: all o
genoom: het geheel van alle genen van de chromosomen van een individu = the total genetic information contained in a cell
genoom-databank = genome database
genoomsequentie = genome sequence
genoorde = gene order: the sequential location of genes on a chromosome
Genoot = Companion
genootschap = academy
genootschap = society
Genootschap = Company
genootschap = vereniging [n]: organization
Genootschap der Vrienden = Religious Society of Friends
Genootschap der Vrienden = Quaker
genootschap tot maatschappelijk hulpbetoon = fraternal benefit society
genootschap tot maatschappelijk hulpbetoon = quoted
genopt = dimpled
genormaliseerd bedrijfseconomisch resultaat = normalised operating result
genormaliseerd co'rdinatenstelsel = normalized coordinate system
genormaliseerd co'rdinatenstelsel = world coordinate system
genormaliseerd genetisch testen = standardized  genetic assay
genormaliseerd wonen = assisted living
genormaliseerde frequentie = normalized frequency
genormaliseerde impedantie = normalized impedance
genormaliseerde symbolen = normalized symbols
genormaliseerde symbolen = standard symbols
genormaliseerde verkoop- en algemene beheerskosten = normalised selling and general administration expenses
genormaliseerde verkoop- en beheerskosten = normalised selling and administrative expenses
genormaliseerde verkoop- en beheerskosten = normalized selling and administrative expenses
Genormaliseerde winst = Normalised profit
genormeerd = standardised
genormeerde = standardised
genot = use
genot = gevoelstoestand [n]: joy
Genot = Delight
Genot = Pleasure
genot {het} = delight
genot {het} = enjoyment
genot van rechten = enjoyment of rights
genot verschaffen = voldoening [v]: delight
genoteerd = recorded
genoteerd = listed
genoteerd aan de = listed on the
genoteerd aan de NYSE Euronext Amsterdam = listed on the NYSE Euronext Amsterdam exchange
genoteerd bedrijf = listed company
genoteerd gewoon aandeel = listed ordinary share
Genoteerde aandelen = Quoted shares
Genoteerde effecten = Listed securities
genotificeerde wetgeving = notified legislation
Genotmiddel = Challenging
Genotmiddel = Stimulant
Genotmiddel = Fillip