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Dutch-English Cardiovascular Glossary - by Marie Brotnov (179 entries)

From michaelbeijer.co.uk
Source: https://sites.google.com/site/caduceusnewsletter/glossaries/dutch-english-cardiovascular-glossary---by-marie-brotnov (retrieved on 2021-05-01)


AAA Abdominal aortic aneurysm
ABG Arterial blood gas
ACC Common carotid artery (CCA)
ACE External carotid artery (ECA)
ACI Internal carotid artery (ICA)
ACM Middle cerebral artery (MCA)
ACS Asymptomatic carotid stenosis
ADP Dorsalis pedis artery
AF Atrial fibrillation
AF Acetabular femoral artery
AFIB Fibular artery
AFS Superficial femoral artery (SFA)
AH Accessory hemiazygos vein
AHF Acute heart failure
AIE External iliac artery (EIA)
AK Aortic valve
AMI Acute myocardial infarction
Anastomosis van de vene end to side Venous end-to-side anastomosis
Aortabroek Aortic bifurcation
Aortaknop Aortic knob
AoR Aortic regurgitation
AoS Aortic stenosis
AoS Aortic strain
ASD Atrial septal defect
ATP Posterior tibial artery
AV Aortic valve
AV Arteriovenous
AVR Aortic valve replacement


BMS Bare-metal stent


CAD (catheter à demeure / verblijfscatheter) Indwelling catheter
CAD Coronary artery disease
Carotisloge Carotid sheath
CD Cardiac decompensation
ch Chamber
chg/chr (chirurgie) Surgery
clave Clave IV connector
cle  (controle) Check-up/monitoring/follow-up
CMP Cardiomyopathy
Co (controle) Check-up/monitoring/follow-up
CPC (cardiopulmonale chirurgie) Cardiopulmonary surgery
CTO Chronic total occlusion
CTR Cardiothoracic ratio


d.a. Distal anasomosis
Dalspiegel Trough level
DBC (diagnose-behandeling combinatie) Diagnosis-treatment combination
dCX Distal CX
DES Drug-eluting stent(s)
DHV Distant hyperintense vessels
Dobugeniek Positive dobutamine stress test
DR Distal right coronary artery
DPA Digital pulse analysis (tests arterial wall stiffness)
drieslippig Tricuspid
DSE Dobutamine stress echocardiography
DVT Deep vein thrombosis


ECV Electrocardioversion
EAI (Enkel-arm index) ABI (Ankle Brachial Index)
EFO (electrofysiologisch onderzoek) Electrophysiological testing
Eindtak End artery


FFR Fractional flow reserve (technique for measuring arterial pressure differences)


Hartzakje Pericardium
Hartdebiet Cardiac output
Hartoor Atrial appendage
HAVA  (hart en vaatziekten) Cardiovascular disease
HF (hartfrequentie) HR (heart rate)
HF Heart failure
HHD Hypertensive heart disease
HLM Heart-lung machine
HRA High right atrium
HVZ (hart en vaatziekten) Cardiovascular disease


lcc Left coronary cusp
ICL Integrated cath lab
ICM Ischemic cardiomyopathy
ICR integrated coronary revascularization
IHCA In-hospital cardiac arrest
IHZ (ischemische hartziekte) Ischemic heart disease
Intermediair Intermediate branch
IPL infarct Inferoposterolateral infarction
IVS Interventricular septum
IVUS Intravascular ultrasound


Klepvitia Valve insufficiency
Komvormig (ST segment) Scooped


LA Left atrium
LAO Left anterior oblique
LB (linkerboezem) Left atrium
LBTB LBBB (left bundle branch block)
LCC Left common carotid artery
LK (linkerkamer) Left ventricle
lpl Left posterolateral
LVO Left ventricular output


MAP mean arterial blood pressure
mCX Mid-CX
MPS Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy
MR Mitral valve regurgitation
MSA Minimal stent area
MSD Minimal stent diameter


NCC Non-coronary cusp
NVT Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia


OHCA Out of hospital cardiac arrest
OHO Open heart surgery
Opwekbaar Evocable
OR (onregelmatig ritme) Irregular rhythm
Overbrugging Bypass
Overslag Extrasystole


PCI Percutaneous coronary intervention
pCX Proximal CX
PD Posterior descending
PE Pericardial effusion
PEF Peak expiratory flow
pg Peak gradient
pg pressure gradient
PGr Pressure gradient
PHT Pulmonary hypertension
PM Pacemaker
PML Posterior mitral leaflet
PMV MVP (mitral valve prolapse)
PSV Peak systolic velocity
PVC Premature ventricular contraction
PW Posterior wall


RA Regular and equal
RA Right atrium
RAC Renal artery constriction
RAO Right anterior oblique
RB (rechterboezem) Right atrium
RBTB RBBB (right bundle branch block)
RCC Right coronary cusp
RD (ramus diagonalis) Diagonal branch
RDP Right posterior descending (RPD)
RF Risk factor
RP Rescue PCI
RK (rechterkamer) Right ventricle
RO Right ventricular outflow tract
RPL (ramus posterior lateralis) Posterolateral artery (PL or PLA). (Note: RPL in English = right posterolateral; LPL = left posterolateral)
RR Blood pressure
RSC Right subclavian artery
RSC Ring strip cutter procedure
RSP Retrosternal chest pain
RVSP Right ventricular systolic pressure
RWBS  (regionale wandbewegingsstoornis) Regional wall motion abnormality
RWMA Regional wall motion abnormality


SAM systolic anterior motion
SB Sinus bradycardia
SES Sirolimus-eluting stent(s)
Sinusknoop Sinus node
Slagvolume Stroke volume
SR Sinus rhythm
Souffle Murmur, bruit
Stroomgegied Supply area
SVT Supraventricular tachycardia


Tapse Gradient
TAPSE Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion
TEA Thromboendarterectomy
TID Transient ischemic dilatation
TR Tricuspid regurgitation
Tralies Mesh
TVR Target vessel revascularization
Tx Transplant


UFH Unfractionated heparins


Vaatcocktail Intra-arterial cocktail
Vaatsteel Vascular pedicle
VBG Venous blood gas
VBGW Venous blood gas value
VCI Inferior vena cava (IVC)
Vertraagd trace Slow wave (activity)
Verzorgingsgebied van de … Area supplied by the … (blood vessels)
VES Ventricular extrasystoles
Vitium Insufficiency
VJG Jugular vein
VOC Vasculair Onderzoek Centrum (Vascular Research Center)
Vrijprepareren Harvest (veins/arteries for bypass procedure)
VSM (vena saphena magna) Great saphenous vein (GSV)
VVF Ventricular response rate (ventrikelvervolg frequentie)


Waaknaald Cannula
Wandstandig Parietal
wbs Wall motion abnormality (wandbewegingsstoornis)
WMA Wall motion abnormalities
wo Wall irregularity (wandonregelmatigheid)