Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Glossary (2,143 Dutch-English terms)
Note: Origin unknown
Dutch | English |
(Schiphol) verbouwt, vernieuwt, verbindt | Schiphol constructs, converts and connects |
(verlicht) baankruis | (lighted) runway closure marker |
100% controle van ruimbagage (100% HBS) | 100% hold baggage screening NB: Do not use the abbreviation in English texts. |
100% HRC | 100% High Risk Check |
1e-linie vrachtloodsen | first tier cargo facilities |
24/7 operationeel | 24/7 operational |
70 MB | 70 MB programme (70 million bags) |
A.A.S. | Amsterdam Airport Schiphol NB Do not use the abbreviation in any texts (even if the Dutch text uses it). |
A4 Zone West | see: Grondexploitatiemaatschappij A4 Zone West |
Aalsmeerbaan | Runway 18L-36R; NB: Use the international aviation designation, not the Dutch name. |
Aalsmeerbaan | Runway 18L-36R [Note: Use the international aviation designation, not the Dutch name.] |
aanbestedingsdossier | tender dossier |
Aanbestedingsreglement Nutssectoren 2006 | Tendering Regulations for the Utilities Sectors 2006 |
Aanbestedingsreglement Nutssectoren 2006 | Netherlands Tendering Regulations for the Utilities Sectors 2006 |
aandachtspunten | focus areas / focal points |
aandelen verkopen | to sell off shares |
aankomende passagiers | arriving passengers |
aankomende vluchten | inbound flights |
aankomst | arrivals |
Aankomst 1, Aankomst 2, Aankomst 3 | Arrival Hall 1, Arrival Hall 2, Arrival Hall 3 |
aankomstband | baggage conveyor |
aankomsthal | arrival hall, arrivals hall |
aankomstpunctualiteit | arrival punctuality |
aannemersterrein | contractor's site |
aanpikken | engine warm-up and cool-down |
aanpikken | (minor) engine test run |
aanrijdbeveiliging | collision protection |
aanrijtijd | response time |
aanspreekdirecteur | contact director |
aantrede (diepte per trede) | tread (depth) |
aanvliegpad | approach flight path |
Aanvraag procedure tot KLIVIA netwerk | Application procedure for KLIVIA network access |
aanvraagformulier | application form |
Aanvullend Luchthavenreglement Luchthaven Schiphol | Supplementary Airport Regulations for Amsterdam Airport Schiphol |
aanwijzing | airport operations ruling |
AAS-standaarden | AAS standards |
A-baan | Lane A (for car rental handling) |
abonnee(kaarthouder) | parking pass holder |
absolute zetting | absolute settlement |
accu-oplaadstation | battery recharging station |
ACI | ACI (Airports Council International) |
ACT | Amsterdam Connecting Trade (Project) (formerly Werkstad A4) |
ACT | Amsterdam Connecting Trade (Project) (formerly Werkstad A4) |
activa in aanbouw | assets under construction |
actueel aanbod (website section) | Property locator |
afbreukrisico | underperformance risk |
afdeling Klantenservice | Customer Contact Centre (CCC) |
afgekeurd | rejected |
afhalers | people collecting or picking up passengers, meeting and greeting passengers, meeters and greeters |
afhandelaar | ground handler, handling agent |
afhandelaar | handler, handling agent (bagage-afhandelaar = baggage handler; grondafhandelaar = ground handler) |
afhandelen | handling, to handle, depending on context: to handle cargo, cargo handling,to handle passengers, |
afhandelen | handling, to handle, depending on context: to handle cargo, cargo handling, to handle passengers |
afhandeling (in het algemeen) | ground handling, handling (depends on context, see above) |
afhandeling (in het algemeen) | ground handling, handling [depending on the context, see above.] |
afhandelingsmaatschappij (bagage) | see 'afhandelaar'; if referring to baggage: baggage handler, baggage-handling company |
afpaksectie | [baggage] 'take off' section |
Afval Water Zuivering Installatie, AWZI | Wastewater Treatment Plant (AWZI) |
afwaarderen | mark down (in value), write-down (of assets) |
afwegingskader | assessment framework |
afwerklaag | finishing coat |
afwerkvloer | screed |
afwijkende bagage | odd-size baggage |
A'-gebied | Area A' |
A-gebied | Area A |
A-gebied | Area A (no hyphen) |
A-gebied overschrijdende functies | functions exceeding Area A |
Air France/KLM (Dutch spelling with a slash) | Air France-KLM (English spelling with a hyphen) |
Air France/KLM (Dutch spelling with a slash) | Air France-KLM [English spelling with a hyphen.] |
AirportCity formule | AirportCity concept NB: Do not use AirportCity formula! |
AirportCity formule | AirportCity concept [Note: Do not use AirportCity formula.] |
airside kabels en leidingen | airside underground utilities |
Airside Veiligheids Management Systeem (AVMS) | Airside Safety Management System (ASMS) |
alarm meldsysteem | alarm notification system |
alarmcentrale | Control Centre |
alarmcentrale Amsterdam Airport Schiphol | AAS Control Centre |
alarmoefening | emergency exercise |
alarmregeling Amsterdam Airport Schiphol | Amsterdam Airport Schiphol emergency plan |
Alcateltermijn | stand-still period |
Aldersakkoord | Alders agreement |
Alderstafel | Alders Platform |
Algemeen Luchthavenreglement | General Airport Regulations |
Algemene Inkoopvoorwaarden | General Purchase Conditions, General Terms and Conditions of Purchase |
algemene inkoopvoorwaarden | general purchase conditions |
Algemene Inspectiedienst | General Inspection Service |
Algemene Maatregel van Bestuur (AMvB) | General Administrative Order |
Algemene Voorwaarden Personeelsparkeren | General Terms and Conditions for Employee Parking |
algemene/gemeenschappelijke ruimten | common areas |
allocatie | allocation |
allocatiesleutel | allocation key (= 1 afdeling/niet: apportionment key = meerdere afdelingen) |
allocatiesleutel | allocation key [= 1 afdeling/niet: apportionment key = meerdere afdelingen] |
ambitiedocument | ambitions document |
Ambitiedocument | Ambitions Document |
ambitieniveau | level of ambition |
amovering | removal |
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol | This is the official name of the airport which may be abbreviated to 'Schiphol' if repeated frequently in a text. NB: The place name of the area where the airport is located is called 'Schiphol' and even has a postal code. Please check the context of the translation to decide which to use. SRE texts, for instance often refer to the location 'Schiphol'. |
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol | This is the official name of the airport which may be abbreviated to 'AAS' or 'Schiphol' if repeated frequently in a text. |
annulering | cancellation |
anti-icing (het vliegtuig beschermen tegen vorst, sneeuw en ijs met behulp van anti-icing vloeistof) | anti-icing (protecting aircraft from frost, snow and ice using anti-icing fluid |
apron (platform) | apron |
Arbeidsomstandighedenwet, Arbowet | Working Conditions Act |
Arbeidsomstandighedenwet, Arbowet | Netherlands Working Conditions Act |
arbeidsveiligheid | work safety |
arboincidenten | health and safety incidents |
arbomanagementsysteem | occupational health and safety management system |
Arbomanagementsysteem (Arbo MS) | Working Conditions Management System |
Arboregeling | Working Conditions Regulations |
architectonische middelen | architectural resources |
areaal | zone |
ARN 2013 | Netherlands Tendering Regulations for the Utilities Sector 2013 |
arrestatieteam | arrest team |
aspectmodellen | aspect models |
ASS | fuel charge/fuel surcharge |
assistentiebalie | assistance desk |
Audit Commissie | Audit Committee |
Automatische Gate Omroep | Automated Gate Announcement |
automatische grenspassage | self-service border control (ABC) |
automatische grenspassage d.m.v. irisherkenning (AGP)
NB: Privium is de naam van het service-programma van Schiphol Group met grenspassage d.m.v. irisherkenning. |
automated border passage employing iris recognition (ABP)
NB: Privium is the name of the airport’s service programme offering the above. |
automatische grenspassage Privium | Privium self-service border control / Privium ABC |
automatische orde grens passage Privium [NB: dit is geen grenspassage maar verschaft toegang tot de Privium lounge.] | Privium self-service access control / Privium ACC |
AVIH | AVIH (Animal Vivant in Hold) |
aviobrug | passenger bridge (not aviobridge) |
aviobrug | passenger bridge [not aviobridge] |
baai | bay |
baan (startbaan, landingsbaan) Aalsmeerbaan, Buitenveldertbaan, Kaagbaan, Polderbaan, Zwanenburgbaan, Oostbaan | runway (take-off runway, landing runway) NB: Use the international aviation designation, not the Dutch name. Runway 09-27 (for Buitenveldertbaan); Runway 18L-36R (for Aalsmeerbaan); Runway 09-27 (for Buitenveldertbaan); Runway 06-24 (for Kaagbaan); Runway 18R-36L (for Polderbaan); Runway 18C-36C (for Zwanenburgbaan); Runway 04-22 (for Oostbaan) |
baan (startbaan, landingsbaan) Aalsmeerbaan, Buitenveldertbaan, Kaagbaan, Polderbaan, Zwanenburgbaan, Oostbaan | runway (take-off runway, landing runway) [Note: Use the international aviation designation, not the Dutch name. Runway 09-27 (for Buitenveldertbaan); Runway 18L-36R (for Aalsmeerbaan); Runway 09-27 (for Buitenveldertbaan); Runway 06-24 (for Kaagbaan); Runway 18R-36L (for Polderbaan); Runway 18C-36C (for Zwanenburgbaan); Runway 04-22 (for Oostbaan).] |
baanas | runway centreline |
baanbeschikbaarheid | runway availability |
baanbesturingssysteem | runway control system |
baanbezetting | runway occupancy |
baandrempel | runway threshold |
baangebruik | runway use |
baankop | runway head |
baankruising | runway crossing |
baanstation | Airfield (Ground) Lighting Station |
baanverharding | runway paving |
baanverharding | runway paving / pavement |
Backbone | Backbone NB: Use a capital 'B'. |
Backbone | Backbone [Note: Refers to the baggage system. Use a capital 'B'.] |
Badge Center | Badge Centre |
bagage | baggage, bags (NB: do not use suitcase/suitcases) |
bagage | baggage, bags [Note: Do not use suitcase/suitcases.] |
Bagage Beheer | Baggage Management |
bagageafgifte | baggage drop-off |
bagageafhandeling | baggage handling |
bagageafhandelingspersoneel | baggage-handling staff |
bagageafhandelingspersoneel | baggage-handling personnel |
bagageband (recht), bagagecarousel (rond) | baggage belt (straight), baggage carousel (round) |
bagageband (recht), bagagecarousel (rond) | baggage belt [straight], baggage carrousel [round] |
bagagebordes | baggage platform |
bagagedepot | baggage depot |
bagagehal | baggage claim, baggage reclaim (for passengers); baggage hall (where baggage arrives when unloaded from the aircraft, see also bagagekelder) NB: Use capitals when referring to a specific hall, i.e. Baggage Hall D. |
bagagehal | baggage claim, baggage reclaim [for passengers]; baggage hall [where baggage arrives when unloaded from the aircraft, see also 'bagagekelder'] [Note: Use capitals when referring to a specific hall, i.e. Baggage Hall D.] |
bagagekar | baggage trolley |
bagagekar | baggage dolly (for transporting baggage to aircraft), baggage trolley (used by passengers) |
bagagekelder | baggage basement NB: Do not use cellar. |
bagagekelder | baggage basement [Note: Do not use cellar.] |
bagagekluis, bagagedepot | baggage lockers, baggage depot |
bagagelabel | baggage label baggage tag, bag tag (these are provided by the airline when checking in and contain a bar code.) |
bagagelabel | baggage label, baggage tag, bag tag [these are provided by the airline when checking in and contain a bar code.] |
bagageregisseur | baggage process controller |
bagagerobot | baggage robot |
bagagetransportbak | baggage transport tray |
bagagetrekker | baggage tractor |
balie | check-in desk (if referring to a check-in desk, otherwise desk. NB: Always use 'desk' rather than counter. |
balie | check-in desk [if referring to a check-in desk, otherwise desk. Note: Always use 'desk' rather than counter.] |
balieblok | check-in desk block |
balieplanning | check-in desk planning |
balierij | check-in desk row |
banenstelstel | runway system |
bankgarantie | bank guarantee |
banklining | bank lining / fixed belt posts (fixed belt posts lijkt eerder de correcte term te zijn) |
banklining | banklining |
bankverklaring | banker's reference |
Bas (Bewoners Aanspreekpunt Schiphol) | Local Community Contact Centre Schiphol (Bas) NB: Do not capitalise Bas. |
Bas (Bewoners Aanspreekpunt Schiphol) | Local Community Contact Centre Schiphol (Bas) [Note: Do not capitalise Bas.] |
Baseline Informatiebeveiliging Rijksdienst – Tactisch Normenkader (BIR TNK) | Baseline Information Security for Government Agencies – Tactical Standards Framework (BIR TNK) |
basisovereenkomst | draft agreement |
basisuitgangspunten | basic starting points / basic principles |
BASS (Bagage Systeem Schiphol) | Amsterdam Airport Schiphol’s Baggage System |
BASS regie | the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Baggage System Control Centre |
BASS regie | Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Baggage System Control Centre |
batterijwisselstation | battery switching station |
BBP (Brandbeveiligingsplan) | FPP (Fire Protection Plan) |
bebording | signs/signage |
Bedrijfs Nood Team (BNT) | Company Emergency Team |
bedrijfsbeveiligd gebied | secured area |
bedrijfsbeveiligd gebied | company-secured area [Note: a (landside) area secured by external security officers and not the KMar, for example.] |
bedrijfsbureau | operations office |
bedrijfsgebonden ruimten | operations-related areas |
bedrijfshandboek | company manual |
bedrijfshulpverlening | inhouse emergency response team |
bedrijfshulpverlening | in-house emergency response team |
bedrijfskritische processen | critical operational processes |
bedrijfslocatie | business location |
bedrijfsmiddelen | operating equipment, operating assets |
Bedrijfsnoodplan (BNP) | Company Emergency Plan |
bedrijfsomvang | scale of operations |
bedrijfspas | staff pass |
bedrijfsrestaurant | staff restaurant |
bedrijfsresultaat, exploitatieresultaat | operating result |
bedrijfsvoering | business operations |
bedrijfsvoering manager | operations manager |
bedrijventerrein | business park |
beeldkwaliteit | visual quality |
beeldkwaliteitsplan | visual quality plan |
begrip | definition / term |
begripsbepaling | definition |
beheerconcept | management concept |
beheersmaatregelen | management measures, control measures |
beheersmaatregelen | control measures [Note: not 'management measures'.] |
bekend leverancier | known supplier |
beladingsgraad | load factor |
Belastingdienst | Tax Authorities |
belastingvrij winkelcentrum | tax-free shopping centre |
beleving | experience |
belijning | marking |
belijningsplan | marking plan |
bemanningencentrum | crew centre |
beoordelingscommissie | assessment committee |
beoordelingsfase | assessment phase |
beoordelingstermijn | assessment period |
beperkt zicht omstandigheden (BZO) | low visibility conditions |
beperkte toegangscontrole | limited access control |
bereidstellingsverklaring | letter of intent |
bereikbaarheid | accessibility |
Bereikbaarheidstafel Schiphol | Schiphol Accessibility Platform |
beroepsbekwaamheid | professional competence |
beschermd gebied | protected area |
beschermd gebied | security-restricted area [Note: also see 'beveiligd gebied'.] |
beslisdocument | decision paper |
beslisdocument | decision document |
Besluit Aanbestedingen Speciale Sectoren | Tendering (Special Sectors) Decree |
Besluit Aanbestedingen Speciale Sectoren | Netherlands Tendering (Special Sectors) Decree |
Besluit Administratieve Bepalingen inzake het Wegverkeer | Netherlands Road Traffic (Administrative Provisions) Decree |
Besluit exploitatie luchthaven Schiphol | Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Operation Decree |
Besluit exploitatie luchthaven Schiphol | Amsterdam Airport (Schiphol Operation) Decree |
Besluit Stralingsbescherming | Radiation Protection Decree |
besluitvormingsfase | decision-making phase |
bestek | contract documents |
bestemmingsplan | zoning scheme, land use plan |
bestemmingsplan | zoning plan / land use plan |
bestemmingsreservering | earmarked reserves |
bestemmingsverkeer | local traffic |
besturingsschema | control diagram |
Bestuurders/gedeputeerde Provincie noord-Holland | Executives of the Province of North Holland |
Bestuurders/gedeputeerden Provincie noord-Holland | Executives of the Province of North Holland |
bestuurlijke dwangsom | administrative penalty |
Bestuurlijke Regie Schiphol | regional authorities governing the airport |
Bestuurlijke Regiegroep Schiphol (BRS) | Schiphol Regional Airport Governance Group (BRS) |
Bestuurlijke Regiegroep Schiphol (BRS) | Schiphol Regional Airport Governance Group (Bestuurlijke Regiegroep Schiphol) |
Bestuursforum Schiphol (BFS) | Schiphol Governance Forum |
betondekking | concrete cover |
beursgang | IPO = Initial Public Offering, market flotation |
beursnotering | stock market listing |
beveiligd gebied (bedrijfsbeveiligd gebied, beschermd gebied) | security-restricted area NB: Not: 'secure' area, 'operationally secure' area or 'protected' area. |
beveiligd gebied (bedrijfsbeveiligd gebied, beschermd gebied) | security-restricted area [Note: Not 'secure' area, 'operationally secure' area or 'protected' area.] |
beveiliging | security |
beveiligingsbeambte | security guard, security officer |
beveiligingsbeambten | security officers |
beveiligingscontrole | Security Control NB: Use capital letters at all times. |
beveiligingscontrole | Security Control [for passengers. Note: Use capital letters at all times.]; security screening baggage, goods |
beveiligingsdoorzoeking | security search |
beveiligingsplateau | security level |
bevoegd gezag | competent authority |
bevoorrading | stocking |
bewegingsgebied | movement area |
bewegwijzering | wayfinding system, signage |
Bewerkersovereenkomst E-gates | E-Gates Data Processing Agreement |
Bewoners Aanspreekpunt Schiphol (Bas) | Local Community Contact Centre Schiphol (Bas) NB: Do not capitalise the full abbreviation. |
Bewoners Aanspreekpunt Schiphol (Bas) | Local Community Contact Centre Schiphol (Bas) [Note: Do not capitalise the full abbreviation.] |
Bewonersvereniging | Residents' Association |
bezetting (vliegtuigstoelen) | load factor |
bezettingsgraad (parkeerterreinen) | capacity utilisation |
bezettingsgraad (vastgoed) | occupancy |
bezettingsgraad (vliegtuigstoelen) | load factor |
bezinkbassins | sedimentation tanks |
bezwaartermijn | objection period |
BHS (Baggage Handling System) | BHS (Baggage Handling System) |
BHS A-gebied | Area A BHS |
BHV (bedrijfshulpverlening) | company emergency response team |
BHV (bedrijfshulpverlening) | company emergency response team |
BHV-er | company emergency response officer |
bijgebouw | ancillary building |
bijlage | appendix NB: If included in an official document, otherwise attachment to an e-mail or enclosure to a letter. |
bijlage | annex [Note: If included in an official document, otherwise attachment to an e-mail or enclosure to a letter.] |
BIM | Building Information Modelling (BIM) |
BIM-bronbestanden | BIM source files |
BIM-extracten | BIM extracts |
BIM-forum | BIM forum |
BIM-model | BIM model |
BIM-norm | BIM standard |
BIM-proces | BIM process |
BIM-protocol | BIM protocol |
BIM-protocol uitgangspunten | BIM protocol principles |
binnenpui | interior walls |
binnenpui | interior lower front |
binnenstraal | internal radius |
binnenwanden | interior walls |
biologisch afbreekbaar | biodegrable |
biologisch afbreekbaar | biodegradable |
biologische zuurstof vraag (BZV) | biological oxygen demand (BOD) |
biometrische doorgang | biometric entryway |
biometrische identificatie (bijv. irisherkenning, gezichtsherkenning) | biometric identification (e.g. iris recognition, facial recognition) |
biometrische identificatie (bijv. irisherkenning, gezichtsherkenning) | biometric identification [e.g. iris recognition, facial recognition] |
biometrische zuil | biometric pillar |
Blauwdruk Energie | Energy Blueprint |
blokschema | block diagram |
blusgasinstallatie | extinguishing gas system |
blusleiding | riser |
bluswater | fire-extinguishing water |
bluswatervoorziening | fire extinguishing water supply |
bluswatervoorziening | fire-extinguishing water supply |
BMC | Crew Centre |
boardingcard | boarding pass |
bochtstraal | curve radius |
boekingsreferentie | booking reference |
bolletjesslikker | drug swallower NB: Do not use 'drug mule'. |
bolletjesslikker | drug swallower [Note: Do not use 'drug mule'.] |
bomkar | bomb cart |
boogstraal | curve radius |
bordes | landing |
bouwdeel | building section |
bouwkeet | site office |
bouwkostenraming | construction costs estimate |
bouwkundige assets | structural assets |
bouwkundige onderlegger | structural girder |
bouwkundige situatie | structural situation |
bouwlogistiek | construction logistics |
bouwrijp opleveren | site-prepared delivery |
bouwschotten | hoardings |
bouwteam | construction team partnership |
bouwverkeer | site traffic |
bouwwerkinformatieproduct | construction work information product |
BPVS (Beveiliging en Publieke Veiligheid Schiphol) | Schiphol Security and Public Safety Platform |
brandbestrijdingsinstallatie | fire fighting system |
brandbeveiliging | fire protection |
brandbeveiligingsinstallatie | fire protection system |
brandcompartimentering | fire partitioning |
brandgevaarlijk | flammable |
brandgevaarlijk | flammable / fire hazard / fire risk |
brandhaard | seat of a fire |
brandmeldcentrale | fire control panel, fire alarm system, fire alarm control centre |
brandmeldinstallatie | fire alarm system |
brandobject | object on fire |
brandslanghaspelkast | fire hose reel cabinet |
brandstofleiding | fuel pipeline |
brandstofleiding | fuel line |
brandveiligheid | fire safety |
brandweer, Brandweer Schiphol | fire service, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Fire Service |
brandweeroefencentrum | Fire Service training centre |
brandweerpaneel | fire alarm control panel |
brandweerploeg | fire service crew |
brandweertoegang | fire service access |
brandweervoorzieningen | fire fighting facilities |
brandwerende scheiding | fire protective separation |
BRATEP Testprogramma Brandreactiemodulen LBK | BRATEP testing programme for fire response modules in air treatment units |
breedte van het hoofdlandingsgestel | (outer) main gear wheel span |
Brigade | Brigade |
broninformatie | source information |
brugoperator | bridge operator |
bruikbaarheid | usefulness / usability |
BT (Beleidsteam) | Policy Team |
budgetverdeling | budget allocation |
bufferplatform | buffer platform |
bufferruimte | buffer area |
bufferzone | buffer zone |
buiten gebruik stellen | to take out of service |
buitengevel | exterior facade |
Buitengewoon Opsporingsambtenaar | Special Investigating Officer |
buitenruimte inrichten | landscaping works |
buitenstraal | external radius |
Buitenveldertbaan | Runway 09-27 |
Buitenveldertbaan | Runway 09-27 |
buitenwanden | outer walls |
Burgemeester en Wethouders | Mayor and Aldermen, City Council |
burgerluchtvaart | civil aviation |
Bus Management System (BUMS) | Bus Management System (BMS) |
busgate | bus gate |
business area (bijv: Aviation business area) | business area (Aviation business area) |
Business Class Lounge | Business Class Lounge |
businesspark (Elzenhof) | Elzenhof business park |
businjectiepunt | bus pick-up point |
businjectiepunt | bus pick-up point / bus stop |
busopstelplaats (ook: bus positie) | bus stand |
buspendel | shuttle bus |
busregie planning systeem (BUSCOM) | bus control planning system |
BUT | early retirement scheme |
Bvo (bruto vloeroppervlak) | Gross Floor Area (GFA) |
BZO (Beperkt Zicht Omstandigheid) | low visibility conditions |
BZO (Beperkt Zicht Omstandigheid) | low-visibility conditions |
Calamiteiten Informatie Punt (CIP) | Crisis Information Point (CIP) |
Calamiteitenbestrijding | crisis management |
Calamiteitenorganisatie | crisis management organisation |
Calamiteitenplan (CPAAS) | Crisis Plan (Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Crisis Plan, CPAAS) |
calamiteitenplan (CPAAS) | Crisis Plan (Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Crisis Plan) |
camerabewaking | camera surveillance |
canon | ground rent |
CAO | Collective Labour Agreement |
CAPA | Cent |
capaciteit (beschikbare ruimte in de lucht en op de grond voor expansie) | capacity |
capaciteit banenstelsel | runway capacity |
cargostation | cargo terminal, cargo station |
cascolevering | delivery in shell condition |
Catalyst P-ontsluiting | Catalyst P access route |
categorie | category |
CBS | Statistics Netherlands (CBS) |
CDA | Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) |
CDA (Continuous Descent Approach) | CDA |
CDM | Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) |
cementgebonden deklaag | cementitious screed |
Centraal Distributie Centrum | Central Distribution Centre |
centrale ondernemingsraad (COR) | Central Works Council (COR) |
centrale ondernemingsraad (COR) | Central Works Council (centrale ondernemingsraad) |
centrale security | central security |
Centrale Service Balie | Central Service Desk (where visitor passes and badges are issued). |
Centrale Service Balie | Central Service Desk [where visitor passes and badges are issued.] |
centrale stafafdeling facilitaire dienst | Central Facilities Services Corporate Staff Department |
Centrale Uitgifte en Inname Punt | Central Distribution and Collection Point |
centrum voor bederfelijke goederen | perishable goods centre |
certificeringsinstantie | certification authority |
check-in ruimbagage | hold baggage check-In |
chemische zuurstof vraag (CZV) | chemical oxygen demand (COD) |
circulaire economy | circular economy |
cirkelberekening | circular calculation |
Client Begeleiding Systeem | Customer Guidance System |
commissaris | supervisory board member |
Commissaris van de Koning | King’s Commissioner or His Majesty's Provincial Governor |
Commissaris van de Koningin | Queen’s Commissioner or Her Majesty's Provincial Governor |
Commissie van Overleg (CVO) | Airport Crisis Team |
Commissie van Overleg (CVO) | Consultative Committee |
Commissie Verantwoordelijk Marktgedrag | Committee for Responsible Market Conduct |
commissioningsrichtlijnen | commissioning guidelines |
concessie | concession |
concessieopbrengsten | concession income |
concessievoorwaarden | concession terms and conditions |
concessionaris | concessionaire, concession holder |
concretiseringsfase | clarification phase |
concurrentiepositie | competitive position |
concurrentievervalsing | adverse effect on competition / distorting competition |
COND BAX | baggage characteristics requirements |
connected afhandelen | connected handling |
CONOPS | Concept of Operations |
CONOPS (concept of operations) | Concept of operations (CONOPS) |
conservering | conservation |
constructeur | constructor |
constructie principe | structural concept |
construction / implementation | Company Emergency Team |
Contact Afhandeling Systeem Schiphol (CASS) | Contact Processing System Schiphol |
contractvorming | contract formation |
controle reclaim | baggage reclaim check |
convenant | covenant |
convenant selectiviteit | selectivity covenant |
convenience concepten | convenience concepts |
Corporate Governance Code | Netherlands Corporate Governance Code |
Corporate Governance Code | Dutch Corporate Governance Code |
correctief onderhoud | corrective maintenance |
corridor | corridor |
courtesy kar | courtesy trolley |
courtesykarren | courtesy trolleys |
C-Pier, D-Pier, H-Pier | Pier C, Pier D, Pier H |
CPV | Common Procurement Vocabulary |
crashtender | crash tender |
crewafhandeling | crew handling |
crisisbestrijding van de overheid | ??? |
crisisbestrijding van de overheid | government crisis response |
CROS (Commissie Regionaal Overleg Schiphol | Schiphol Regional Consultative Committee (CROS) |
CROS (Commissie Regionaal Overleg Schiphol | Schiphol Regional Consultative Committee (Commissie Regionaal Overleg Schiphol) |
CT | Computed Tomography |
CUSSCI (Common Use Self-Service Check-In) | CUSSCI (system); CUSSCI unit (a machine) |
CUSSCI unit | Common Use Self-Service Check-In unit |
CUWI | Common Use Wireless Infrastrcture |
CVO (Commissie Van Overleg) | Commission of Consultation |
CWL (Centraal Werkoverleg landside) | Central Consultation Landside (Centraal Werkoverleg Landside) |
dagkant | reveal |
daglichttoetreding | natural lighting |
dagpas | Schiphol day pass |
daluren | off-peak hours |
debieten | flow rates |
deelneming | investment, associate, participating interest, participation [depending on the context] |
deelneming | investment, associate, participating interest, participation (check context) |
deelopdracht | sub-assignment |
deelproject | subproject |
deelsystemen | subsystems |
definitief ontwerp | definitive design [or 'final design', depending on the cluster and project] |
de-icing (winterse verontreiniging (rijp, ijs, sneeuw) verwijderen van vliegtuig) | de-icing (removing frost, ice and snow from an aircraft) |
de-icing (winterse verontreiniging (rijp, ijs, sneeuw) verwijderen van vliegtuig) | de-icing (removing frost, ice and snow from an aircraft) |
dekkingsgebied | coverage area |
detectiepoortje | walk-through metal detector (WTMD) |
deurdranger | door closer |
deurkruk | door handle |
Dienst Landelijk Gebied | Service for Land and Water Management (Dienst Landelijk Gebied) |
Dienst Landelijk Gebied | Service for Land and Water Management |
dienstenbaan | service lane |
dienstregeling | schedule |
dienstvoertuig | company vehicle |
dienstweg airside | airside service road |
dienstwegen | service roads |
diesel motor emissie | diesel engine emission |
Digitale Schermen | [Schiphol] Dynamic Displays |
dilitatievoegen | expansion joints |
dimlicht | dipped lights, low-beam lights |
dimlicht | dipped headlights, low-beam lights |
Directeur-Generaal | Director General |
directie Schiphol Group | Schiphol Group Management Board |
directiebegroting | management budget |
directieleden | management board members |
directielevering | nominated supply |
dochterluchthaven | subsidiary airport |
doelgroep | target group |
doelstelling | objective |
dolly | dolly [a low mobile platform that rolls on casters, used for transporting heavy loads, e.g. a baggage dolley] |
dolly | dolly (a low mobile platform that rolls on casters, used for transporting heavy loads) |
door en door gekleurd | colour ingrained |
doorbelasting (accountancy) | internal invoicing, charges passed on [Note: Not necessarily internal.] |
doorbelasting (accountancy) | internal invoicing, charges passed on NB: Not necessarily internal. |
doorgangen | entryways |
doorgangspoorten | entry gates |
doorgroeimogelijkheid | growth potential |
doorlaatpost (DLP) | checkpoint / vehicle checkpoint |
doorleefd | aged |
doorloop/doorrijlift | walk-through/drive-through lift |
doorloophoogte | passage height |
doorlooptijd | lead time [of project phases or projects], passenger throughput time, processing time |
doorlooptijd | turnaround time (for aircraft), flow rate (for passengers) |
doorlooptijdenmanagement | flow management / lead time management |
doorlooptijdenmanagement | flow management |
doorloopwinkel | walk-through store |
doorrijhoogte | clearance height |
doorrijstrook | circulation lane |
doorstroming | flow, e.g. passenger flow |
doorstroom | throughput / flow |
doorstroomsnelheid | flow rate |
douane | Customs, Dutch Customs [Note: Use capital letters.] |
douane | Customs, Dutch Customs NB: Use capital letters. |
douanecontroles | Customs checks |
douanedoorzoeking | Customs search |
douanier | customs officer |
DPS | Dynamic Purchasing System |
draadkar | baggage cart |
draagvlak | support base |
draagvlak | support |
draaicirkel | turning radius |
draaischijf | turnaround time [for aircraft] / flow rate [for passengers] / lead time / process time [depending on the context.] |
draaischijf | turntable (lliteral translation), hub and spoke system (NB: In an airport context). |
dreigingsvoorwerp | threat article |
drempelwaarde | threshold value |
drinkwaternet | drinking water network system |
DRIP (Dynamische Route Informatie Paneel) | Dynamic Route Information Panel |
drugscontroles | drugs checks |
drukkende plafondhoogtes | low ceiling heights |
druppel sleutel | electronic key |
dubbele doelstelling | twofold objective |
duurzaam ondernemen | corporate sustainability |
duurzaam ondernemen | sustainability |
duurzaamheid | sustainability |
duurzaamheidsambitie | sustainability ambition |
duurzame ontwikkeling | sustainable development |
duurzame waarde | sustainable value |
dynamisch verwijssysteem | dynamic signposting system |
dynamische verkeersbewegwijzering | dynamic traffic signposting |
EC02 | EC02 |
Ecobarrier (EB) | eco-barrier [Note: Do not abbreviate to EB.] |
Ecobarrier (EB) | eco-barrier NB: Do not abbreviate to EB. |
economische motor | economic engine, economic driver |
Economy | Economy |
eco-tax | eco-tax |
een ijzersterk concept | an ironclad concept |
eenbaansweg | single-lane road |
één-terminal concept | one-terminal concept |
eerste uitruk [brandweer] | first turnout |
EF gebied | Area EF |
effectieve bezetting (personeel) | effective work force |
EHBO/Reanimatie (cursus) | First Aid/CPR |
EIBT | Estimated In Block Time |
eisenpakket | package of requirements |
Electromagnetische Compatibiliteit (EMC) | Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) |
elektrische laadpunten voertuigen | electric vehicle charge points |
elektrische voertuigen en werktuigen | electric vehicles and equipment |
elektronische reistoestemming | electronic travel authorisation |
emmer rooster | bucket grate |
EMTN | Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) |
energiebehoefte | energy requirement / demand |
Energiebronnen | energy sources |
energiedistributienetwerk | power distribution network |
energiehuishouding | energy management |
energiezorg | energy awareness |
energiezuinig | energy-efficient |
EOP | End Of Project |
EOP | EOP (end of project figure) |
erfpacht (in erfpacht uitgegeven perceel) | long lease (plot of land leased out on a long lease) |
erfpachtcanon | ground rent |
erfpachtconstructie | leasehold system |
erfpachtovereenkomst | ground lease agreement |
erfpachtovereenkomst | long-lease contract |
ervaarbare duurzaamheid | tangible sustainability |
ESPD | European Single Procurement Document |
ETD (luchtsporenonderzoek) | Explosive Trace Detection |
ETD-apparatuur | ETD equipment |
EU wetgeving | EU legislation |
EU-buitengrens | (external) border of the European Union |
Eu-passagiers | EU passengers |
Europees Agentschap voor de veiligheid van de luchtvaart (EASA) | European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) |
exclusief exploitatierecht en -plicht | exclusive operation rights and responsibilities |
expeditiehal | delivery and distribution hall |
expeditieruimte | delivery and distribution area |
Expeditiestraat | Expeditiestraat [Note: This is an actual street name at Schiphol Airport - do not translate.] |
exploitant (luchthavenexploitant) | airport operator |
exploitatieresultaat | operating result |
exploitatievoorschriften | operating regulations |
externe veiligheid | external risk, third-party risk NB: Not external safety. |
faalfrequentie | frequency of failure |
faalgedrag | failure behaviour |
faalkans | probability of failure |
Facilitair Diensten Centrum | Facilities Service Centre |
facilitaire werkzaamheden | facility managment activities |
fakkelgras | crested hair grass |
fasering | phasing |
faseringsdraaiboek | phasing plan |
FAT-rapportage | FAT report |
FFO | Funds From Operations |
FFO | FFO (Funds from Operations) |
fibag | first bag on belt |
FIDS | Flight Information Display System |
filters | filters |
financiele en economische draagkracht | financial and economic ability |
First bagage | First baggage |
floorwalker | floor walker |
flowgerichte segmentatie | flow-oriented segmentation |
FMA | Flow Manager Aircraft |
FMP | Flow Manager Pierside |
fouilleren | body search, to perform a search [Note: Do not use frisk.] |
fouilleren | body search, to perform a search NB: Do not use frisk. |
frequentie (aantal vluchten naar bepaalde bestemming) | frequency [Note: Never use the plural form in this context.] |
frequentie (aantal vluchten naar bepaalde bestemming) | frequency NB: Never use the plural form in this context. |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent |
FTE | FTE (full-time equivalent) |
Full-service check-in balie | full service check-in desk [Note: do not use 'counter'.] |
functiegebied | function area |
functiematrix | job matrix |
functiestroomdiagram | function flow chart |
functievrij maken | clearing / to prepare for construction / to make construction-ready / site-preparation / site-prepared delivery |
functievrij maken | to make construction-ready, if referring to construction |
functioneel nuttig oppervlak | functional area |
Functioneel Programma van Eisen | Functional Programme of Requirements |
functionele aarding | functional earthing [Note: in relation to electronic equipment.] |
functionele eisen | functional requirements |
functionele indeling | functional layout |
garantiebewijzen | warranty certificates / guarantee certificates |
garantieverklaring | warranty / guarantee (declaration) |
gasinkoopstation | gas distribution station |
gastransportnet | gas transport system |
gatehuis | gate house |
gatehuis | gatehouse |
gateruimte | gate area |
gate-wachtruimte | gate waiting area |
GC-raad (Chronisch Zieken en Gehandicapten Raad) | GC Council (Council for the chronically ill and the disabled) |
gebiedsbeheerder | area manager |
gebiedsdoorsnede | area cross section |
gebiedsgrens | area perimeter/ area demarcation |
gebiedsontsluitingsweg | access road |
gebiedsstatus | area status |
gebodsbord | mandatory action sign |
gebouwdeel | section of a building |
gebouwgebonden installaties | building-related systems |
gebouwschil | building envelope |
gebouwtypologie | building typology |
gebruikelijk schoonmaakmiddel | common cleaning agent |
gebruiker | user |
gebruiksgemak | ease of use |
gebruiksjaar (ook: operationeel jaar) | operating year |
gebruiksomgeving | operating environment |
gebruiksplan | operating plan |
gebruiksvergunning | operating licence |
Gecoordineerde Regionale Incidentbestrijding Procedure (GRIP) | Coordinated Regional Incident Resolving Procedure (GRIP) |
Gedeputeerde Staten van Noord-Holland | Provincial Executive of North Holland |
gederfde winst | foregone profits |
Gedragscode Relatiebeheer | Customer Relationship Management Code of Conduct |
gedragsverklaring | certificate of conduct |
Gegadidge | Candidate |
geheimhoudsplicht | non-disclosure obligation |
Geleideformulier Werkgever Burgerluchtvaart | Civil Aviation Employer Accompanying Document |
gelijkwaardigheidscriterium | equivalence criterion |
gelijkwaardigheidscriterium | criterion of equivalence, equivalence criterion |
geluid berekenen | to calculate noise |
geluid meting | noise measurement |
geluid preferentieel baangebruik | noise-contingent runway usage system [Note: Do not use 'preferential'.] |
geluid preferentieel baangebruik | noise-contingent runway usage system NB: Do not use 'preferential'. This term is no longer used. |
geluidgehinderde woningen | homes affected by noise, noise-affected homes |
geluidhinder / geluidsoverlast | noise disturbance |
geluidmeting | noise measurement |
geluidsbelasting | noise impact |
geluidscertificaat | noise certificate |
geluidsisolatie van huizen | noise insulation of homes |
geluidsniveau | noise level |
geluidsnorm | noise standard |
geluidsruimte | noise capacity, environmental capacity, possibly noise budget [Ref. Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise.] |
geluidsruimte | noise capacity, environmental capacity, possibly noise budget (Ref. Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise). |
geluidssignaal | acoustic signal |
geluidsstelsel (normenstelsel) | noise standards, environmental standards, system of environmental standards [Note: Not 'noise reduction system'.] |
geluidsstelsel (normenstelsel) | noise standards, environmental standards, system of environmental standards NB: Not noise reduction system. |
geluidszones | noise zones |
geluidwal | noise barrier |
geluidwerende voorziening | noise-reduction facility |
Gemeenschappelijke Meldkamer Infrastructuur | Shared Control Room Infrastructure (Gemeenschappelijke Meldkamer Infrastructuur or GMI) |
Gemeenschappelijke Meldkamer Infrastructuur (GMI) | Central Control Room Infrastructure (GMI) |
gemeentebestuur | municipal administration, municipal authorities |
gemeentelijke waterzuivering | municipal waterworks |
Geografische Objecten-Locatie Decompositie | Geographic Object Location Decomposition |
geometrisch detailleringsniveau | geometric detail level |
geschiktheidseisen | (Minimum) Suitability Requirements |
gestrande passagiers | stranded passengers |
getrokken bezem | tow-behind sweeper |
getrokken materieel | towed equipment |
geur | odour |
gevaarlijke stoffen | hazardous substances |
gevelbalie | ticket desk |
gevelbeeld | facade |
gevolgklasse | consequence class |
GFA | Gross Floor Area |
Gladheid Melding Systeem | (black) ice warning system |
gladheidbestrijdingsmiddelen | ice prevention and control agents |
glas- en gevelreiniging | glass and facade cleaning |
glasvezelkabels | fibre optic cables |
glijvluchtnaderingen | glide approaches |
glycol reiningscombinatie | glycol recovery vehicle (GRV) |
GMI (Gemeenschappelijke Meldkamer Infrastructuur) | Shared Control Room Infrastructure (Gemeenschappelijke Meldkamer Infrastructuur or GMI) |
GMI (Gemeenschappelijke Meldkamer Infrastructuur) | Central Control Room Infrastructure (GMI) |
goed werkgeverschap | good employment practices |
goed werkgeverschap | being a good employer |
goederenafhandeling | handling of goods |
goederencontrole | goods screening |
GPA | Government Procurement Agreement |
graszoden | grass turf |
grens | border [Note: Do not use 'boundary', passengers cross the border at an airport, except in the context of 'orde-grens' ('public order boundary'.)] |
grens | border NB: Do not use boundary, passengers cross the border at an airport, except in the context of orde-grens (public order boundary). |
grenscontrole | Border Control filter |
grenscontrole van goederen | Customs Control of goods |
grensdoorzoeking | border search |
grensfilter | Border Control filter |
grenspassage | border passage [Note: Do not use border crossing.] |
grenspassage | border passage NB: Do not use border crossing. |
grensscheiding | border separation |
grensstatus | border status |
grenstoezicht | border control |
grenswaarden | limit values |
GRI | Global Reporting Initiative |
GRI | GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) |
groeiruimte | growth capacity |
Groene Wig | Green Wedge |
Groenenbergterrein | Groenenberg site |
grondbank | land bank |
grondbehandeling | land treatment |
Grondexploitatiemaatschappij A4 Zone West | Land operating company A4 Zone West |
grondhuur | ground rent |
grondlawaai, grondgeluid | ground noise |
grondslagen van waardering en resultaatbepaling | accounting policies |
grondtijd | ground time (the time an aircraft stays on the ground) |
grondverplaatsing | (aircraft) ground movements |
groot onderhoud | major maintenance |
GSE | ground support equipment |
gunning door onderhandelingen | negotiated procedure |
gunningscriteria | award criteria |
GVA (Gedragsverklaring Aanbesteden) | Certificate of Conduct for Procurement |
haakwagen | tow tractor |
handbagage | hand baggage |
Handboek Richtlijnen Infrastructuur | Manual of Guidelines for Infrastructure |
handelsroute | trade lane |
handelsverkeer / vliegtuigbewegingen in het handelsverkeer | commercial traffic / air transport movements [Note: Do not translate 'in het handelsverkeer'. All flights operating at Schiphol are commercial flights. 'Air transport movements' is the official aviation term used.] |
handelsverkeer / vliegtuigbewegingen in het handelsverkeer | commercial traffic / air transport movements (NB: Do not translate ín het handelsverkeer. All flights operating at Schiphol are commercial flights. 'Air transport movements' is the official aviation term used.) |
handhaving | enforcement |
handhavings- en toezichtstaak | enforcement and supervisory task |
handhavingspunt NB: Niet verwarren met meetpunt. | noise enforcement point NB: Do not confuse with noise monitoring point. |
handhavingspunt [NB: Niet verwarren met 'meetpunt'.] | noise enforcement point [Note: Not to be confused with 'noise monitoring point'.] |
hartlijn op hartlijn | centre line to centre line |
Haven Amsterdam | Port of Amsterdam |
havendienst | Airside Operations |
Havengeldadministratie | Airport Charges Department |
havengelden (stelsel van betalingen rond de start en landing van een vliegtuig: havengelden) | airport charges (payment system relating to aircraft take-offs and landings, including aircraft parking) |
Havengeldregeling | Airport Charges Regulation |
havenmeester | airport manager |
hek | gate, fence |
helderheid | clarity |
hellingbaan | ramp / inclined moving walkway |
hellingbaan | ramp |
hemelwaterstelsel / hemelwaterafvoer (HWA) | rain water discharge system [Note: This is building-related and not to be confused with "rain water drainage system" which relates to the ground and fields.] |
herhaling (herhalingscursus / training) | refresher course |
herinrichting | redesigned, renewed departure lounge, refurbished office / reconfiguration / redevelopment |
herinrichting | redesigned, renewed departure lounge, refurbished office |
Herinrichting Informatievoorziening Security Post Event Database (HISPED) | Reconfigured Security Information Post-Event Database (HISPED) |
herkomst/bestemmingsverkeer | origin/destination traffic (O&D traffic) |
herprofileren (van een baan) | regroove (a runway) |
hersluitbaar (plastic zakje) | resealable (plastic bag) |
herstelplan reserve tekort | reserve deficiency recovery plan |
het nieuwe werken | the new style of working |
high level, low level besturing | high-level or low-level steering |
High Risk Customer (Douane) | High Risk Customer (Customs) |
hinderbeperkende maatregelen | noise abatement measures |
hinderbeperking | noise mitigation, noise abatement |
hoefijzerstructuur | horseshoe configuration |
hoekverdraaiing | angular displacement |
Hollands goed | Dutch design |
hoofdbanenstelsel | main runway system |
hoofddraagconstructie | main load-bearing structure |
hoofdflow | main flow |
hoofdmassa | building volume |
hoofdontsluitingsroute | main access route |
Hoofdstuk 2 vliegtuigen
Onderkant Hoofdstuk 3 vliegtuigen |
Chapter 2 aircraft (noisy aircraft)
marginally compliant Chapter 3 aircraft |
hoofdtrappenhuis | main staircase |
hoog- en laagspanningsinstallaties | high and low voltage power network system |
hoogheemraadschap (waterschappen) | water board |
Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland | (local) water management board of Rijnland |
hoogsnelheidslijn | high-speed train, high-speed rail link |
hoogtewisselingen | level changes |
hoogwerker | boom truck, bucket truck, hydra ladder |
horeca zitten | seating for catering outlets |
horeca-gelegenheid | catering outlet |
horecavoorzieningen | catering facilities |
HTK (hoge temperatuur koeling) | high temperature cooling (HTC) |
huis-aan-huisblad | free local paper |
Huishoudelijk Reglement Luchthaven Schiphol | Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Regulations |
huisstijl | corporate identity |
huisvaderschap | due care and diligence |
hulpdiensten | emergency services |
hulpdiensten | emergency services |
hulpverleningsdiensten | emergency services |
hulpverleningsfase (bij calamiteit) | emergency service phase |
huuraanbieding | rent proposal, lease proposal |
huuraanbieding | rent, lease proposal |
huurder | lessee (commercial real estate), tenant |
huurovereenkomst | rental contract, tenancy agreement, lease |
huurvergoeding | rental fee |
HVK (Hogere Veiligheidskundige) | Senior Safety Specialist |
HWA (hemelwaterafvoer) | rain water discharge system |
ICI No Bag | ICI No Bag [Note: International Check-in with no bags.] |
IET Program | IET Programme (International Expedited Traveller Programme) |
IET Program | IET Program (International Expedited Traveler Program) |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards |
IFRS | IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
ILS | ILS (Instrument Landing System) |
ILT (Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport | Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate |
ILT (Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport) | Netherlands Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate |
inbusbout | socket screw |
incheckbalie(s) | check-in desk(s) [Note: Do not use 'check-in counter'.] |
incheckbalie(s) | check-in desk(s) NB: Do not use check-in counter. |
incheckzuil | self-service check-in kiosk |
IND (Immigratie en Naturalisatie Dienst) | Dutch Department of Immigration and Naturalisation |
IND (Immigratie en Naturalisatie Dienst) | Department of Immigration and Naturalisation (IND) |
indieningsvereisten | submission requirements |
industrieterrein (bedrijventerrein) | business park |
informatie- en communicatietechnologie | information and communication technology |
informatiemiddelen | information media |
informatievoorziening op Schiphol | information provision at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol |
ingelaten | recessed |
inklimbeveiliging | anti-climb security |
inkooppartner | procurement partner |
inrichtingselement | design element |
inrijlijn | lead-in line |
inrijlijn | taxiway centre line, lead-in line |
Inschrijver | Participant |
Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg | Dutch Healthcare Inspectorate |
Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg | Healthcare Inspectorate |
inspectierapport | inspection report |
installatie | system / installation |
installatie | system, installation |
installatieschema | system diagram |
installatietechniek | building engineering |
instandhoudingskosten | maintenance costs |
instandhoudingskosten | upkeep costs, maintenance costs |
instandhoudingsplan | maintenance plan |
instapkaart | boarding pass |
instapproces | boarding process |
instrumentarium | set of instruments |
instrumentbaan | precision instrument runway |
instrumentvluchten | IFR flights (IFR = Instrument Flight Regulations) |
integraal ontwerp | integrated design |
integrale beschikbaarheidsplanning | integrated availability schedule |
integrale systemen | integrated systems |
integrale veiligheidsvisie | total safety concept |
intentieovereenkomst | letter of intent |
intercontinentale bestemmingen | intercontinental destinations |
investeringen in vaste activa | investments in fixed assets |
invoer bagage | loading baggage into the system |
invoeren | to input (into a system, incl. physically placing baggage in the baggage system) |
invoerpunt | entry point |
invoerpunt ODD-Size | entry point for odd-size |
invoervoorwaarden bagage voor Schiphol | entry conditions for baggage at AAS |
invulling geven aan | to give substance to / to detail further |
IPB (Indien Plaats Beschikbaar) | ISA (If Seat Available) |
irisherkenning (dus NIET: irisscan) | iris recognition [Note: do not use 'iris scan'; iris recognition uses camera technology rather than X-rays.] |
irisherkenning (dus NIET: irisscan) | iris recognition ((NB: do not use iris scan; iris recognition uses camera technology rather than X-rays) |
irispatronen | iris geometry |
IR-Rate (percentage koffers dat niet gelijktijdig met de passagier op diens bestemming aankomt) | IR Rate (Irregularity Rate) (Percentage of bags that do not arrive at the destination at the same time as the passenger). |
IR-Rate [Percentage koffers dat niet gelijktijdig met de passagier op diens bestemming aankomt.] | IR Rate (Irregularity Rate) [Percentage of bags that do not arrive at the destination at the same time as the passenger.] |
ITBL | Inelligible To Board List |
IVW (Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat) | Dutch Transport and Water Management Inspectorate [Note: No name change despite changed name of the Ministry.] |
IVW (Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat) | Transport and Water Management Inspectorate NB: No name change despite changed name of the Ministry. |
jaarrekening | annual financial statements |
jaarrekening | financial statements |
juistheid | accuracy |
Kaagbaan | Runway 06-24 |
kabelcodering | cable coding |
kabels en leidingen | underground utilities |
kabels- en leidingentracé | underground utilities corridor / track / route |
kabinetsbesluit | cabinet decision |
kamer - eerste kamer | Upper House (of Dutch Parliament) |
kamerlid | member of parliament / MP |
kamerlid | member of parliament or MP |
kansendossier | value added plan |
kantoortijden | office hours |
kantoorverzamelgebouw | multi-tenanted office building |
kapconstructie | roof construction |
karrenregulatie | regulation of baggage trolleys |
kartelrand | level of requirements |
Kas Overbagage | Excess Baggage payment desk |
Ke = Kosteneenheid (geldt niet meer na invoering van de nieuwe wet luchtvaart) | KU - a measurement in the Netherlands used to determine aircraft noise impact on an annual basis; named after its creator Prof. Kosten. NB: The KU calculation method is not directly linked to noise impact and noise disturbance. Indirectly, the percentage of people subjected to serious noise disturbance levels is said to be 10% lower than the noise in KUs). This system was abolished when the new Aviation Act entered into force. |
kelder | basement as in baggage basement [Note: Do not use 'cellar'.] |
kelder | basement as in baggage basement NB: Do not use cellar! The term is incorrect. |
Kennis- en innovatieagenda (KIA) | Knowledge and Innovation Agenda |
Kernteam Informatie Beveiliging Schiphol | Core Schiphol Data Protection Team |
kerosinetrailer | kerosene tanker |
ketenbeheer | chain management [As in supply chain management in the context of the various parties working at the airport.] |
ketenbeheer | chain management (as in supply chain management in the context of the various parties working at the airport) |
kinderspeelhoek | children’s playing facilities, children's playing area |
Klachten- en Informatiecentrum (KIC) | Complaints and Information Centre |
Klachten- en Informatiecentrum (KIC) | Complaints and Information Centre (KIC) |
klachtenmeldpunt | complaints desk |
klantbegeleidingssysteem | customer guidance system |
klapdeurtjes | wing panels |
klaringslijn | clearance line |
KLC | KLM Cityhopper |
kleine blusmiddelen | general fire extinguishing equipment |
kleine luchtvaart | general aviation |
kleurvast | fade resistant |
klimaatneutraal ondernemen | climate neutral business practice |
Klimaatplan | Climate Plan |
klimaatsysteem | climate control system |
klimijzers | step irons |
Klokkenluidersreglement | Whistleblower Regulations |
KMar filter | KMar Border Control |
knelpunten | constraints, as in quality constraints, capacity constraints etc. |
knipperbol | flash beacon |
knooppunt van meerdere vervoersmodaliteiten | multi-modal transport hub |
koelmachine | cooling unit |
Koerierplein | Koerierplein |
kofferomgooiers | suitcase topplers |
kofferrecht(-op)zetters | suitcase straighteners |
koffervisitatieruimte | baggage inspection area |
Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) |
Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI) | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) |
Koninklijke Marechausse Brigade Grensbewaking | Border Control Brigade (Koninklijke Marechaussee) |
Koninklijke Marechaussee (Kmar - internal Schiphol abbreviation) | Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (no longer in use: Dutch Border Police) |
Koninklijke Marechaussee (Kmar - internal Schiphol abbreviation) | Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (Note: Dutch Border Police or Dutch Military Police are no longer in use.) |
koolstofdioxide | carbon dioxide |
kopeinden | head ends [of the perimeter fence] |
koppen snellen | pilehead cutting |
Korps Landelijke Politiediensten | National Police Services Agency |
kortschild | short plate |
kostenbesparing | cost savings |
kostenpatroon | cost base, pattern of costs, expense pattern |
kostenplaats | cost centre |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
KPI | KPI (Key Performance Indicator) |
krasvast | scratch resistant |
kunstwerk | engineering structure (technical), work of art (in terms of art) |
kwaliteitsbewustzijn | quality awareness |
kwaliteitsborging | quality assurance |
kwaliteitsnorm | quality standard |
kwaliteitsperceptie | quality perception |
kwantificering | quantification |
KWS (Kracht Warmte Station); KWS 1 | Heat and Power Station; Heat and Power Station KWS1 |
laadeenheid | loading unit |
laadkade | loading quay |
laadkade | lateral, loading quay |
Laag Risico Controle | Low Risk Check |
laatst geldende versie | current version |
labag | last beg on belt |
labgate | lab gate |
Laeq (lawaai equivalent) 26 DB(A (geldt niet meer na invoering van de nieuwe wet luchtvaart) | Laeq: the average noise level over a specific period, expressed in dB(A). In the Amsterdam Schiphol area, the night-time noise levels in bedrooms (between 11:00pm and 6:00am) should not exceed LAeq = 26 dB(A), the night-time norm, annually. (This was abolished when the new Aviation Act entered into force). |
lamellenplafond | panelled ceiling |
landingsbaan, startbaan | runway, landing runway, take-off runway |
landingsklaring | clearance to land |
landingsmat | touchdown zone |
landingsterrein | airfield |
Landschapontwerp | Landscape Design |
Landschapontwerp | Landscape Design Plan |
landzijde | landside |
lang parkeren | long-term parking |
langschild | long plate |
langzaam verkeer | slow traffic |
last bagage | last baggage |
laterals | laterals |
lawaaizone | noise zone |
LBK (luchtbehandelingskast) | air treatment unit (ATU) |
LCC | low-cost carrier |
ledenkaart | membership card |
Leefbaarheidsfonds | Quality of Life Fund |
leeswijzer | reading guide / document structure |
lekstraling | radiation leakage |
lessenaars | consoles |
leveranciersafhandeling | supplier processing |
leveringsvoorwaarden | terms of supply |
lichtkrant | illuminated news trailer |
lid Geputeerde Staten | Member of the Provincial Executive |
lifthal | lift area |
lijndienst, lijndienstmaatschappij | scheduled flight, scheduled airline |
lijnvlucht | scheduled flight |
lineaal [op de VOP] | multiple aircraft stop-line |
Liquids & Gels regels | Liquids and Gels regulations |
Liquids, Aerosols & Gels (regelgeving) | Liquids, Aerosols & Gels (regulations) |
LMRA (Laatste Minuut Risico Analyse) | LMRA (Last Minute Risk Analysis) |
lokaal opstappende passagier | passengers boarding locally, passengers boarding at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol |
Loket Luchtvaartveiligheid | Aviation Safety Service Desk |
loodsruimte | shed space, warehouse space |
loonheffing | wage tax |
looptijd | walking time |
loopverbinding | connecting walkway |
lopend | pending |
lopende projecten | running projects |
loskade | ['transfer' or 'reclaim'] unloading quay |
loskade | unloading quay |
lounge | departure lounge [Note: Always include the word 'departure' to make clear that it is not a lounge in a hotel, etc.] |
lounge | departure lounge NB: Always include the word 'departure' to make clear that it is not a lounge in a hotel, etc. |
Lounge 1, 2, 3 | Departure Lounge 1, 2, 3 |
LTV (lage temperatuur verhitting) | low temperature heating (LTH) |
Luchhavenpastoraat | Airport Chaplaincy |
luchregelaar | air regulator |
luchtbehandelingskast (LBK) | air treatment unit (ATU) |
luchthaven | airport |
luchthaven exploitatievergunning | airport operator’s licence |
luchthavenbedrijf/luchthavenonderneming | airport company |
luchthavenbelang | interests of the airport |
luchthavenbelasting | airport tax |
luchthavenbenodigdheden | airport requirements |
luchthavenbenodigdheden (LBH) | airport supplies |
luchthavenbesluit | Airport Decree |
luchthavenbrandweer | airport fire service |
luchthavenexploitant | airport operator |
luchthavengebouw | terminal |
Luchthavenindelingsbesluit (LIB) | Airport Planning Decree (Luchthavenindelingsbesluit) |
Luchthavenindelingsbesluit (LIB) | Airport Planning Decree (LIB) |
luchthaventerrein | airport grounds |
luchthavenvergunning | airport licence |
Luchthavenverkeersbesluit (LVB) | Airport Traffic Ruling (Luchthavenverkeersbesluit) |
Luchthavenverkeersbesluit (LVB) | Airport Traffic Ruling (LVB) |
luchtkwaliteit | air quality |
luchtkwaliteit in en rondom Schiphol | local air quality |
luchtruim | air space |
luchtsporenonderzoek | Explosive Trace Detection |
Luchtvaart College Schiphol | Schiphol Aviation College |
luchtvaartalliantie | airline alliance |
luchtvaartindustrie / luchtvaartsector | (civil) aviation industry, civil aviation sector |
luchtvaartmaatschappij | airline |
Luchtvaartnota | Aviation Policy Document |
luchtvaartterrein | airport grounds, airport zone |
luchtvaartveiligheid | aviation safety |
Luchtvaartwereld | half-year |
luchtvaartwet | Aviation Act |
luchtverbinding | air link |
Luchtverkeersbesluit (LVB) | Airport Traffic Ruling (Luchtverkeersbesluit, LVB) |
luchtverkeersleider | air traffic controller |
Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland | Air Traffic Control The Netherlands (LVNL) |
luchtverontreiniging | air pollution |
luchtvracht | air cargo |
luchtvrachtmaatschappij | air cargo carrier, cargo carrier, cargo airline |
luchtzijde | airside |
luidruchtig vliegtuig | noisy aircraft |
LVNL (Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland) | LVNL (Netherlands Air Traffic Control) |
LVNL = Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland | Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) |
maaiveld | ground level |
maatgevend vliegtuig | normative aircraft |
maatgevende piekbelastingen | design peak loads |
maatregelenbeheerspakket | measure management package |
maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen | corporate social responsibility |
maatschappelijke functie | socio-economic function |
maatschappelijke functie (van de luchthaven) | socio-economic function |
maatschappelijke geschiktheid | social fitness |
maatschappij | airline, company (NB: Depends on context.) |
Maatschappij Aanduidings Bord (MAB) | Airline Information Sign |
machineveiligheid | machine safety |
mainflow | main flow |
mainport | Mainport [Note: One word, capital 'M'.] |
mainport (bijvoeglijk naamwoord) | Mainport (NB: One word from now on, capital 'M') |
mainport (zelfstandig naamwoord) | Mainport (NB: One word from now on, capital 'M') |
Mainport Inc. | Mainport Inc. (NB: One word from now on, capital 'M') |
Mainport Schiphol | Mainport Schiphol [Note: Without 'the' in front.] |
Mainport Schiphol | Mainport Schiphol (without 'the' in front) |
mainportstrategie | Mainport strategy [Note: Mainport as one word, capital 'M'.] |
mainportstrategie | Mainport strategy (Mainport one word from now on, capital 'M') |
manuur | man-hour |
MAOT | Mobile Air Operations Team |
markeerpunt | marker |
marktaandeel | market share |
marktpartij | supplier / market party |
MARS | Multiple Aircraft Ramp System |
masterplan | master plan [Note: with capitals when referring to a specific master plan.] |
masterplan | master plan (two words in English) |
masterplan ontwikkeling | master plan development |
Masterplan Zuidelijke Onwikkeling, Masterplan Gates | Master Plan Southside Development, Gate Master Plan NB: If referring to a specific master plan, use capitals. |
matrixbord | matrix sign |
Maximale Opstap Tijd (MOT) | Maximum Time between Check-In and Boarding |
mededingingswet | Competition Act |
medische dienst | medical services |
MeerJarenAfspraak (MJA) | Multi-Year Agreement (MYA) |
Meerjarenonderhoudsplan (MJOP) | Multi-Year Maintenance Plan (MYMP) |
Meerjarenprogramma Infrastructuur Ruimte en Transport (MIRT) | Multi-Year Infrastructure, Spatial Planning and Transport Programme (MIRT) |
meetbare en kwalificeerbare duurzaamheid | measurable and qualifiable sustainability |
meetpunten | monitoring points |
meetvlucht | calibration flight |
meldkamer | control room |
meldpaal | call pillar, call post |
mensensmokkel | human trafficking |
Menukaart controlefilters | Security filter menu |
MER (Milieu Effecten Rapportage) | Environmental Impact Assessment (Milieu Effecten Rapportage) |
MER (Milieu Effecten Rapportage) | Environmental Impact Assessment (MER) |
metaaldetectiepoort | walk-through metal detector |
meteoclausuleberekening | meteo clause calculation |
metrage | floor space |
metropoolregio Amsterdam | Amsterdam Metropolitan Area |
Milieu Managementsysteem | Environmental Management System |
milieubeleid | environmental policy |
milieubeweging | environmentalists, environmental activists |
Milieudefensie | Friends of the Earth |
Milieudefensie | Friends of the Earh |
milieunormen (geluidsstelsel, normenstelsel) | environmental standards, noise standards |
milieuvriendelijk | environmentally friendly |
minder validen | persons with reduced mobility (PRM) |
minder validen | people or persons with reduced mobility (PRM) |
minderheidsaandeel/minderheidsbelang | minority interest |
minimale tijd om van het ene naar andere vliegtuig over te stappen | minimum connecting time (MCT) |
Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken | Minister of Foreign Affairs |
Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken | Minister of Foreign Affairs(Not Foreign Secretary, as this term is specific to the UK) |
Minister van Infrastructuur en Milieu | Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment |
Minister van Infrastructuur en Milieu (ipv Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat) | Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment (instead of Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management) |
Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid | Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment |
MIRT onderzoek | MIRT investigation |
MIRT verkenning | MIRT study |
misbruik monopoliepositie | misuse of monopoly position |
misbruik van slots | slot abuse |
MKBA (Maatschappelijke Kosten-Baten Analyse) | SCBA (Social Cost-Benefit Analysis) |
MKS (Meldkamer Spoor) | Railway Control Room |
MKS (Multimodale Knoop Schiphol) | Multimodal Node Schiphol |
mobilofonie | mobile telephony |
mobilofoon | radio-telephone |
modulair | modular |
modulair uitbreidbaar | modularly expandable |
modulariteit | modularity |
MTOW | Maximum Take-Off Weight |
MTOW | MTOW (Maximum Take-Off Weight) |
multimodale knoop | multimodal node |
MVK (Middelbare Veiligheidskundige) | Junior Safety Specialist |
Nacht vluchten | night flights |
nachtregime | night-time regime |
nachtvluchten | night flights |
nader onderzoeksgebied (NOG) | Further Inspection Area (for baggage) |
Nadere Voorschriften Controle en Overige Standaarden (NVCOS) | Further Regulations on Auditing and Other Standards (NVCOS) |
naderingsklaring | approach clearance |
naderingsverlichting | approach lights |
NADP2 | Noise Abatement Departure Procedure (NADP2) |
NADP2 | Noise Abatement Departure Procedure NADP2 |
nagalmtijd | reverberation time |
narrowbody | narrow-body |
Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid | National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV) |
Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid (NCTV) | National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid) |
Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Laboratorium | National Aerospace Laboratory (Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Laboratorium) |
Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Laboratorium | National Aerospace Laboratory NLR |
Nationale Bijlagen | National Annexes |
natuurelementen | natural elements |
natuurlijke materialen | natural materials |
Nederland Distributieland | Holland International Distribution Council (HIDC) |
Nederlandse Regiegroep Vogelaanvaringen (NRV) | Netherlands Control Group for Bird Strikes (Nederlandse Regiegroep Vogelaanvaringen) |
Nederlandse Regiegroep Vogelaanvaringen (NRV) | |
netto contante waarde berekening | net present value calculation |
netto omzet | revenue [Note: Not 'net turnover' or 'net revenue'.] |
Netto omzet | Revenue NB: Not net turnover, net revenue. |
NEU-passagiers | Non-European Union passengers |
NGE (Niet-Geexplodeerde Explosieven) | unexploded ordnance |
Niet-Schengen Vuil | Non-Schengen unscreened (passengers) |
nieuwbouw | new construction / new buildings |
Nieuwe Normen en Handhavings Stelsel (NNHS) | New Environmental Standards and Enforcement System (NNHS) |
NMA (Nederlandse mededingingsautoriteit) | Netherlands Competition Authority (Nederlandse mededingingsautoriteit) |
NMA (Nederlandse mededingingsautoriteit) | Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) |
NOG (Nader Onderzoek Gebied) | Further Investigation Area [to investigate baggage] |
NOMOS | Noise Monitoring System |
NOMOS | NOMOS (Noise Monitoring System) |
nooddrukker | emergency button |
noodstroomcapaciteit | emergency power capacity |
noodtrappenhuis | fire escape stairway |
nooduitgang | emergency exit |
Normenboek | Standards Book |
normenstelsel (geluidsstelsel, milieunormen) | system of environmental standards (noise standards) |
Nota Kansrijke Oplossingen (NKO) | Memorandum on Promising Solutions |
Nota Ruimte | Spatial Planning Bill |
NOx emissies | NOx emissions |
NRD (Nota Reikwijdte en Detailniveau) | Memorandum on Scope and Level of Detail (Nota Reikwijdte en Detailniveau) [Note: Relates to development of Lelystad Airport.] |
NRD (Nota Reikwijdte en Detailniveau) | Memorandum on Scope and Level of Detail (NRD) (relates to development of Lelystad Airport) |
NS-Lounge | Non-Schengen Lounge |
NSu crew | Non-Schengen unscreened crew |
nulalternatief | base case |
O&D (opstappende passagiers) | O&D (Origin/Destination passengers) [Note: Use a slash when written in full.] |
O&D (opstappende passagiers) | O&D (Origin/Destination passengers) NB: Use a slash when written in full. |
obstakelbeperkingsvlak | obstacle limitation surface |
obstakelvlak | obstacle limitation surface |
octro (voor speciale sleutels) | octro licence (required for special keys) |
OD passagiers | OD passengers |
odd-size ruimbagage | odd-size hold baggage |
odd-size-incheckbalie | odd-size check-in desk |
oefencentrum (van de brandweer Schiphol) | training centre (of the AAS Fire Service) |
oefencentrum (van de brandweer Schiphol) | training centre (belonging to the airport Fire Service) |
OM (Operationeel Manager) | operations manager |
omgeving | • the local community (when talking about local residents)
• environs (when talking about the area surrounding Schiphol) • the airport’s neighbours |
omgevingsbeleid | community relations policy |
Omgevingsraad Schiphol (ORS) | Schiphol Local Community Council |
Omgevingsraad Schiphol (ORS) | Schiphol Local Community Council (Omgevingsraad Schiphol) |
omkeertijd | turnaround time |
omrekeningsverschillen | conversion differences |
omroepinstallaties | public address (PA) systems |
omroepsysteem | broadcasting system, announcement system |
omschakelen | to change over, reverse (depending on context) |
omschakeling | change-over |
omschakeltijd | change-over time |
omwonenden | local residents |
onafhankelijke stromen | independent flows |
onderbemetering | sub-metering |
onderbouwing | substantiation |
onderbroken streep | broken line |
ondergrond | subsurface |
ondergrondse tracés | underground (utilities) corridors / tracks / routes |
ondergrondse tracés | underground tracks, routes or lines |
onderhoudbaarheid | maintainability |
onderhoudsanalyse | maintenance analysis |
onderhoudsvoorschriften | maintenance instructions |
onderlegger | starting point |
ondernemende bedrijfsvoering | entrepreneurial business operations NB: Use term in Annual Report. |
ondernemingsstrategie | corporate strategy |
ongelijkmatige zetting | differential settlement |
Ongestoorde Logistieke Verbinding (OLV) | Seamless Logistics Link (Ongestoorde Logistieke Verbinding) |
Ongestoorde Logistieke Verbinding (OLV) | Seamless Logistics Link (OLV) |
ononderbroken streep | continuous line |
ontkoppelen | to uncouple (incl. one process from another) |
ontruimingsinstallatie | evacuation system |
ontruimingsoefening | evacuation drill |
ontruimingsplan | emergency evacuation plan |
ontsluiting | road access |
ontsluitingsweg | access road |
ontwerpbepalende systeemeisen | design-determining system requirements |
ontwerpfase | design phase |
ontwerpgrondslagen | design principles |
ontwerpmodel | design model |
ontwerpnormen | design standards |
Ontwerprichtlijn brandbeveiliging Terminalcomplex | AAS fire protection design standard for terminal complex |
Ontwerprichtlijnen Techniek gebouwen | Design Guidelines for Technical Systems in Buildings |
ontwerpvliegtuigen | design aircraft |
ontwerpvoertuigen | design vehicles |
ontwikkeling A-gebied | development of Area A |
Onweer Waarschuwing Systeem (OWS) | thunderstorm warning system |
Onweer Waarschuwing Systeem (OWS) | thunderstorm alert system |
Oostbaan | Runway 04-22 |
Op Tijd | on time = op de afgesproken tijd; in time = niet te laat |
opbrengsten | revenues |
opdracht | appointment / assignment / commission / contract |
opdrachtgever (OG) | Client / SNBV / Schiphol [depending on the context, sometimes also: 'Contracting Authority'.] |
opdrachtleiding | contract management |
opdrachtnemer (ON) | contractor / consultant |
opdrachtsom | tender price |
opdrachtverstrekking | assignment |
opdringerig materiaalgebruik | intrusive use of materials |
Open standaarden | open standards |
openbaar meldsysteem | public notification system |
Openbaar Meldsysteem Brandweer | Public Fire Alert System |
openbaar vervoer | public transport |
openingstijden | opening times, opening hours, hours of operation |
operationeel directeur | Director of Airport Operations |
operationeel jaar (ook: gebruiksjaar) | operating year [Note: Not operational year.] |
operationeel jaar (ook: gebruiksjaar) | operating year NB: Not operational year. |
operationele bedrijfsmiddelen | operational assets |
opkomende economiëen | emerging economies |
opkomsttijd | response time |
oplaadpunt (elektrische voertuigen) | charging point (electric vehicles) |
oplaadpunt (elektrische voertuigen) | charge point (electric vehicles) |
opleghoek | embedment angle |
oplegnotitie | cover note |
oplevering | delivery [of real estate] |
oplevering | completion, delivery (of real estate) |
opleveringsniveau | level of outfitting |
opmaak | make-up [i.e. arranging baggage in container.] |
opmaak | make-up (official) (i.e. arranging baggage in container etc.) |
opneembare verharding | removable paving / pavement |
oppervlaktewaterkwaliteit | surface water quality |
opslagruimte | storage space |
opstappende passagies | boarding passengers |
opstappende passagies | |
opstarten | to initiate |
opstelplaats, opstelstrook, opstelvak | aircraft stand |
opstelruimte / opstelvak | staging area |
opstelstrook | staging lane |
optrede (stijging per trede) | rise |
opvang | assistance [providing assistance to passengers during an emergency] |
opvang | assistance (providing assistance to passengers during an emergency) |
opvangbak | drain tray |
opvanglocatie | emergency reception area |
opvanglocatie | emergency reception area/space/location |
opwaarderen | mark up [in value] |
opwaarderen | mark up (in value) |
opzet | layout |
orde-grens (passagiers, wegbrengers, afhalers) | public order boundary |
organisatieschema | organisational chart |
OT (Operationeel Team) | Operational Team |
overbagage (kas overbagage van KLM) | excess baggage (KLM's excess baggage payment desk) |
overdrachtspunt | handover point [baggage] |
overheidsinstantie | government agency/body |
overheidsopdracht | government contract |
overlaging | additional level [parking] |
overlaging | second level, additional level |
overlast | disturbance |
overmaat | oversize |
overslag | transshipment |
overslaglijn | transshipment line |
overstappers | transfer passengers |
overstort | overflow |
OV-knooppunt | public transport hub |
OV-reisinformatie | public transport travel information |
OVT | Operational Validation Test |
P&O, Personeel en Organisatie | HR Management, Human Resource Management |
P1 Extensie | P1 Extension |
panoramaterras | the Panorama Terrace (or, more generally, observation terrace, visitors' terrace) |
panoramaterras | Panorama Terrace, observation terrace, visitors' terrace |
parallel starten | parallel take-off |
parkeerabonnement | parking subscription |
parkeeraccommodatie, parkeergarage | car park (in general), multi-storey car park (for 'parkeergarage' with open rooftop parking: i.e. P3, P2 & P1), covered car park (for 'parkeergarage' without open rooftop parking: i.e. Valet & Excellence)
[Note: Never use 'parking garage'.] |
parkeeraccommodatie, parkeergarage | car park (in general), multi-storey car park (for 'parkeergarage' w/ open rooftop parking: i.e. P3, P2 & P1), covered car park (for 'parkeergarage' w/o open rooftop parking: i.e. Valet & Excellence) NB: Never use parking garage. |
parkeerbevoegdheid | parking permit |
parkeerdek | parking roof |
parkeereenheid | parking unit |
parkeerfaciliteit | parking facility |
parkeerkaartje | parking card [Note: Do not use parking ticket to avoid confusion with a parking fine.] |
parkeerkaartje | parking card NB: Do not use parking ticket to avoid confusion with a parking fine. |
parkeerpas | parking pass |
parkeerplaats | parking space |
parkeerschade | parking-related damage |
parkeervloer | parking deck |
paspoortcontrole | Passport Control [Note: Always use capital letters.] |
paspoortcontrole | Passport Control NB: Always use capital letters. |
passagierbrug, aviobrug | passenger boarding bridge [Note: Not 'aviobridge'.] |
passagierbrug, aviobrug | passenger boarding bridge NB: Not aviobridge. |
passagiersaantallen | passenger volume, passenger numbers |
passagiersafhandeling | passenger handling |
passagiersbeleving | passenger experience |
passagiersbewegingen | passenger movements |
passagiersconcept | passenger concept |
passagiersflow | passenger flow |
passagiersgebonden ruimten | passenger-related areas |
passagiersluchthaven | passenger airport |
Passenger Service Charge | Passenger Service Charge NB: Use capitals. |
passpiegel | full-length mirror |
pasuitgiftebalie | pass issue counter |
pax-combi aircraft | pax-combi aircraft [Stands for combined passenger and cargo aircraft, with both passengers and cargo in one aircraft.] |
pax-combi aircraft | pax-combi aircraft (stands for combined passenger and cargo aircraft, with both passengers and cargo in one aircraft) |
PBB | passenger boarding bridge [Note: Not 'aviobridge'.] |
PCA | Pre-Conditioned Air |
PCBS | Passenger Cabin Baggage Screening |
perceel | cluster/lot |
perceel | cluster |
periferie | perimeter |
periferie | airport perimeter |
periferiebeveiliging | airport perimeter security |
periferiehek | perimeter fence |
perscontainer | compactor |
personeel | personnel |
personeelsbestand | workforce, employees |
personeelsdoorgang | personnel entrance |
personeelsdoorgang | staff entrance |
persoonsdoorzoeking | search for persons |
persoonsgebonden kaart | person-specific card |
persoonsverificatie | verification of a person's identity |
Perszaken | Press Office |
piekbelasting | peak load |
pier, C-pier | pier, Pier C |
pijler (van een strategy) | pillar (strategic pillar) |
pijler (van een strategy) | pillar (strategic pillars) |
PKB = Planalogische Kernbeslissing | 1995 Government White Paper on Schiphol and Environs |
plakmarkering | sticker marking |
Plan van Aanpak | Action Plan |
plankaart | site map |
planologisch concept | spatial plan |
Planologisch Concept Pier en Airside | Pier-Airside Spatial Plan |
planperiode | planning period |
planuitwerking | plan elaboration |
platform (apron) | apron [Note: The 'Regionals Platform' remains the 'Regionals Platform', though in the past it has sometimes been translated as 'Regionals Apron'.] |
platform (apron) | apron |
Platform Beveiliging en Publieke Veiligheid Schiphol (BPVS) | Schiphol Security and Public Safety Platform (Platform Beveiliging en Publieke Veiligheid Schiphol) |
Platform Beveiliging en Publieke Veiligheid Schiphol (BPVS) | Schiphol Security and Public Safety Platform |
Platform Kennis- en Innovatieagenda | Knowledge and Innovation Agenda Platform (Platform kennis- en Innovatieagenda) |
Platform Kennis- en Innovatieagenda | Knowledge and Innovation Agenda Platform |
platform rijbaan | Apron Taxiway |
Platform Taxateurs en Accountants | Valuers and Accountants Platform |
platform team | apron team |
platformbevoegdheid | apron authorisation |
platformrandweg | apron service road |
plekdetectiesysteem | vacant parking space detection |
poeren | pad footing |
Polderbaan | Runway 18R-36L [Note: Do not use 'fifth runway'.] |
Polderbaan | Runway 18R-36L (never the fifth runway!) |
Politie Vliegdienst | Aviation Branch of the National Police Force |
Politiedienst en Beveiliging | police service and security |
poort/poortje | gate/portal |
poortje | portal |
pop-up plek (ref. Internet) | pop-up place |
Portefeuille Manager | Portfolio Manager |
portofoon(s) | a handheld, handhelds, PDA phone |
president-directeur Schiphol Group | Schiphol Group President |
presorter hoog | elevated presorter |
prestatieonderbouwing | project capability |
preventief onderhoud | preventative maintenance |
prijsvorming | pricing |
principetekening | outline drawing |
priority zitgebied | priority seating area |
privatisering | privatisation |
Privium ledenadministratie | Privium membership administration |
Priviumpas | Privium Card |
PRM (persoon met beperkte mobiliteit) | PRM (Person/Passenger with Reduced Mobility) |
PRM (persoon met beperkte mobiliteit) | PRM (person with reduced mobility) |
PRM afhandeling | PRM Services |
PRM-heffing | PRM charge |
PRM-zitgebied | seating area for persons with reduced mobility |
proces van trechtering en beoordeling | process of funnelling and assessment |
procescodering | process coding |
procesinrichting | process design |
processtap | process step |
procestijd | process time |
product/marktcombinatie (PMC) | product market combination (PMC) |
proef | pilot project |
proefdocking | test docking |
proefdraaien | engine testing |
proefdraaiplaats | engine test site |
proefjaar | pilot year |
profile lessenaars | profile consoles |
profile-clusters | profile clusters |
Programma van Eisen | Programme of Requirements (PoR) |
Projectbureau | Project Office |
Projectbureau Luchthaven Schiphol | Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Project Office (Projectbureau Luchthaven Schiphol) |
Projectbureau Luchthaven Schiphol | Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Project Office |
projectgebied | project scope / project area / project site [Depending on the context.] |
projectscharnieren | butt hinges |
Provincie Noord-Holland | Province of North Holland |
punctualiteit | punctuality |
PvA (plan van aanpak) | action plan |
PvE | PoR |
pythonleiding | trunk line |
Raad van Commissarissen | Supervisory Board |
Raad voor Onroerende Zaken (ROZ) | ROZ Real Estate Council of the Netherlands |
raakvlak | interface |
Rampen Omroep Systeem (ROS) | Emergency Notification System |
rampenbestrijding | crisis management |
Randstad | Randstad, Randstad conurbation (the western part of the Netherlands formed by the major cities of Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht, which competes with other major economic areas in Europe) |
randvoorwaarde | precondition |
randwegen | perimeter roads |
randwegen | perimeter roads |
recessie, economische recessie | economic slowdown, economic decline, economic recession, downturn |
reclaim | reclaim |
reclaim carrousel | reclaim carrousel |
reclaim ruimbagage | hold baggage reclaim |
reclaimhal | reclaim hall |
reclameruimte | advertising space, promotional area |
Redesign Passenger Process (RPP) NB: Intern gebruik Schiphol. | Passenger Process Redesign (PPR) NB: Use this order in English. |
Redesign Passenger Process (RPP) [NB: Intern gebruik Schiphol.] | Passenger Process Redesign (PPR) [Note: Use this order in English.] |
redvoertuig | aerial ladder platform |
Regeling Afhandeling Schiphol (RAS) | Schiphol Ground Handling Regulations (Regeling Afhandeling Schiphol) |
Regeling Afhandeling Schiphol (RAS) | Schiphol Ground Handling Regulations (RAS) |
Regeling Certificering Luchthavens (RCL) | Airport Certification Regulations (Regeling Certificering Luchthavens) |
Regeling Certificering Luchthavens (RCL) | Airport Certification Regulations (RCL) |
Regeling Grondafhandeling Luchthaventerreinen | Airport Grounds Ground-Handling Regulations (Regeling grondafhandeling luchthaventerreinen) |
Regeling grondafhandeling luchthaventerreinen | Airport Grounds Ground-Handling Regulations |
Regeling Milieuinformatie Luchthaven Schiphol | Schiphol Airport Environmental Information Regulations (Regeling Milieuinformatie Luchthaven Schiphol) |
Regeling Milieuinformatie Luchthaven Schiphol | Schiphol Airport Environmental Information Regulations |
Regeling Toelating Schiphol (RTS) | Schiphol Admission Regulations (Regeling Toelating Schiphol) [Note: Not only in the context of cargo but all admissions to restricted areas in and outside the terminal.] |
Regeling Toelating Schiphol (RTS) | Schiphol Admission Regulations (RTS) (not only in the context of cargo but all admissions to restricted areas in and outside the terminal) |
Regeling Veilig Gebruik Luchthavens en andere Terreinen | National Regulations for the Safe Use of Airports and other Aerodromes (Regeling Veilig Gebruik Luchthavens en andere Terreinen) |
Regeling veilig gebruik luchthavens en andere terreinen | National Regulations for the Safe Use of Airports and other Aerodromes |
Regiecentrum | Control Centre |
regiegroep | governance group |
regieorganisatie | governance organisation |
regievoering | process control (in the context of managing the passenger processes) |
regio | region |
regionals platform | regionals platform / regionals apron |
regisseur [bagageafhandeling] | Process Controller |
Reglement Goede Orde en Veiligheid Luchthavengebied Schiphol | Order and Safety Regulations for Schiphol Airport Area (Reglement goede Orde en Veiligheid Luchthavengebied Schiphol) |
Reglement Goede Orde en Veiligheid Luchthavengebied Schiphol | Order and Safety Regulations for Schiphol Airport Area |
Reglement Verkeersregels en Verkeerstekens | Dutch Road Traffic Signs and Regulations |
Reglement Verkeersregels en Verkeerstekens (RVV) | Traffic Rules and Signs Regulations (RVV) |
Reglement Vrijwilligerswerk | Volunteer Work Scheme |
reguliere ruimbagage | regular hold baggage |
reinigingsactie | cleaning rotation |
reisbenodigdheden | travel items |
reisbiljet | travel ticket |
reiziger | passenger |
reizigersstromen | passenger flows |
rekencentra | data centres |
rendement gemiddeld eigen vermogen (ROE) | Return on Equity (ROE) |
renvooi | legend |
Repressief Overleg | Suppression Consultation |
Repressieve Dienst | Suppression Service |
Repressieve Dienst | Repressive Fire Service |
rest risico | residual risk |
restafval | residual waste |
restafvalcontainer | residual waste container |
resterende rijtijd | remaining driving time |
restzetting | residual settlement |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification |
RFID | RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) |
richtingloos geborsteld | brushed non-directionally |
Richtlijn commissioning besturingen KLIVIA | Commissioning guideline for KLIVIA controls |
Richtlijnen Akoestiek en Bouwfysica Terminalgebouwen | Guidelines for Acoustics and Building Physics in Terminal Buildings |
richttijden | target times |
rietzwenkgras | tall fescue |
rijbaan, rijbaan Alpha | taxiway, Taxiway Alpha |
rijbaanas | taxiway centreline |
rijbaanstation | airfield lighting station |
rijlijn | lead-in line, taxiway centre line |
Rijtijdenvoorspeller | Driving Time Indicator [Note: Not 'travel time indicator'.] |
Rijtijdenvoorspeller | Driving Time Indicator (NB: Not 'travel time indicator') |
ringleiding | ring circuit |
Rinse Hofstraweg | Rinse Hofstraweg |
risicodossier | risk assessment plan |
risicogestuurd | risk-driven |
risicoruimte | high-risk space |
risicospreiding | risk diversification |
rittenanalyse | trip analysis |
rolhellingbaan | inclined moving walkway (for passengers) |
rollenbaan | roller conveyor |
rolpad | moving walkway |
romp | fuselage |
RONA | Return on Net Assets |
RONA | RONA (Return on Net Assets) |
rookcabine | smoking cabin |
rookcompartimentering | smoke partitioning |
roostervloer | grid floor |
ROP (ruimtelijk ontwikkelingsplan) | spatial development plan |
ROP (Ruimtelijke Ontwikkelingsplan) | |
Rotunda | Rotunda |
routes (vlieg-) | routes |
ruimbagage | hold baggage |
Ruimtelijk Ontwikkelingsplan Schiphol 2015 | Spatial Development Plan 2015 for Amsterdam Airport Schiphol |
ruimtelijke eisen | spatial requirements |
ruimtelijke inpassing | spatial integration |
ruwbouw | building shell |
ruwbouw | shell |
RXA | Remote X-ray Analysis |
Samenwerking Innovatieve Mainport (SIM) | Innovative Mainport Alliance (Samenwerking Innovatie Mainport) |
Samenwerking Innovatieve Mainport (SIM) | Innovative Mainport Alliance (SIM) |
samenwerkingscontract | cooperation agreement |
Sanctioneringcommissie | Sanctions Committee |
sanctioneringsdocument | sanctions document |
saneringsplan (SP) | sanitation plan (run-off water) |
saneringsplan (SP) | sanitation plan (run-off water), reorganisation plan |
sanitaire voorzieningen | sanitary facilities |
scadeveroorzakende gebeurtenis | damaging event |
schaalbaarheid | scalability |
schaalvoordelen | economies of scale |
schaarhek | scissor gate |
schaarwagen | ambulift |
schending/overschrijding van geluidzones | noise zone breaches, or exceedances |
Schengen grenscode | Schengen Borders Code |
Schengenverdrag | Schengen Treaty |
schets ontwerp | sketch design |
schetsontwerp niveau | sketch design level |
Schiphol | Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AAS) [Note: The official name of the airport. The preference is to use this name first, and subsequently use only Schiphol or AAS, if the name occurs more than once in a text.] |
Schiphol | Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (official name of the airport/preference is to use this name first, and subsequently use only Schiphol, if the name occurs more than once in a text). NB: The place name of the area where the airport is located is called 'Schiphol' and even has a postal code. Please check the context of the translation to decide which to use. SREcontracts, for instance, often state 'Schiphol' as the place at which the contract was signed. Please therefore use Schiphol and not the full name in SRE contracts. |
Schiphol Bezoekerspas | Schiphol Visitor Pass |
Schiphol Bouwpas (personen) | Schiphol Construction Pass (for persons) |
Schiphol Dagpas | Schiphol Day Pass |
Schiphol Forenzenkaart | Schiphol Commuter Card |
Schiphol Gebouw | Schiphol Head Office |
Schiphol Gebouw | Schiphol Head Office building |
Schiphol Group (niet de Schiphol Group) | Schiphol Group (not the Schiphol Group) |
Schiphol Group [Niet 'de' Schiphol Group.] | Schiphol Group [Note: Not 'the' Schiphol Group..] |
Schiphol Inlichtingen | Schiphol Information Department |
Schiphol Plaza | Schiphol Plaza [Landside public shopping centre, before Passport Control.] |
Schiphol Plaza | Schiphol Plaza
(landside public shopping centre, before Passport Control) |
Schiphol Urgentiepas (personen) | Schiphol Emergency Pass (for persons) |
Schiphol verbouwt, vernieuwt, verbindt | Schiphol constructs, converts and connects |
Schipholconcert | Schiphol concert |
Schipholpas | Schiphol Pass |
Schipholregels | Schiphol Regulations |
Schipholwerker | Schiphol worker |
Schiphol-Zuid, Schiphol-Zuidoost, Schiphol-Centrum | Schiphol-South, Schiphol-Southeast, Schiphol-Centre [Note: Use the English translation in all documents, with a hyphen.] |
Schiphol-Zuid, Schiphol-Zuidoost, Schiphol-Centrum | Schiphol-South, Schiphol-Southeast, Schiphol-Centre NB: Use the English translation in all documents, with a hypen. |
schouw | site inspection |
schrijnende gevallen | distressing cases |
scope One-XS | one-XS scope |
SDD | Schiphol Dynamic Display |
SDD monitors | SDD monitors |
SDD schermen | SDD screens |
Seamless travel proces | seamless travel process / procedure |
Secretaris-Generaal | Secretary General |
Sector Specifiek Toezicht | economic regulation of the Dutch aviation industry |
secundaire processtap | Schiphol-South, Schiphol-Southeast, Schiphol-Centre [Note: Use the English translation in all documents, with a hyphen.] |
security controle | Security Control [Note: To pass through or go through Security Control (always use capitals).] |
security controle | Security Control (to pass through or go through Security Control (always use capitals) |
security opstelling | security set-up |
security personeel | security personnel |
security wasstraat | automated vehicle scanning lane |
securityfilter | security filter |
securityscan | security scan |
See Buy Fly winkelcentrum (achter de douane) | See Buy Fly shopping centre (airside/beyond Passport Control) |
See Buy Fly winkelcentrum (achter de douane) | See Buy Fly shopping centre (airside/after Passport Control) NB: Use 'after' rather than beyond. |
Selectee check room | Selectee Check Room |
Selectee check ruimte | Selectee Check Room |
Selectee controle | Selectee Check |
Selectee ruimte | Selectee Room |
Self service check in | Self-Service Check-In |
Self Service Drop-off Point | Self-Service Drop-off Point |
Self Service grens | Self-Service Border Passage |
Self-service check in kiosk | Self-Service Check-In Kiosk |
semi-connected afhandelen | semi-connected handling |
sergeantstrepen (strepen op het wegdek) | chevrons |
Service Box | Service Box (twee losse woorden) |
service loge | service point [parking] |
Service Team Centraal | Central Service Team |
Shared Vision Commission | Shared Vision Commission |
SHOCON | Short Connection |
shopper (winkelwagen Schiphol) | shopping trolley |
SkyTeam | SkyTeam |
slagvast | impact proof |
sleepbaan, sleeproute | towage route |
sleepbevoegdheid | towing authorisation |
sleeplijn | tracking path [Note: this relates to the path that a cornering vehicle makes.] |
sleepstuk | towage job |
sleepvoorschriften | towage regulations |
sleutelcertificaat | public key certificate |
sleutelfunctionaris | key officer |
slibvanger | sludge trap / sediment trap |
slijtweerstand | wear resistance |
slotallocatieproces | slot allocation process |
slotcoördinator | slot coordinator |
slotmisbruik | slot abuse |
sluitplaat | striking plate |
SMART | Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Realisable and Time-Bound |
SMASH (Structuurvisie Mainport Amsterdam Schiphol Haarlemmermeer) | Structural Vision for Mainport Schiphol and Haarlemmermeer |
SMASH (Structuurvisie Mainport Amsterdam Schiphol Haarlemmermeer) | Structural Vision for Mainport Schiphol and Haarlemmermeer (SMASH) |
Sneeuw- en gladheidsbestrijding | Snow Clearance and Ice Prevention Services (department) |
sneeuw- en gladheidsbestrijding vloeistof | runway de-icing fluid (RDF) |
sneeuwkantoor | Snow Office |
sneeuwploeg | snow squad |
sneeuwploeg | |
sneeuwruimer | snow plough |
snelle grenspassage | fast border passage |
snelverkeer | fast traffic |
snijverlies | cutting loss [i.e. built-in error margin when making forecasts.] |
snijverlies | cutting loss (i.e. built-in error margin when making forecasts) |
Sorteerhal Zuid | South Sorting Hall |
Sorteerhal-Zuid | South Baggage Sorting Hall |
sorteersysteem | sorting system [as in baggage sorting system.] |
sorteersysteem | sorting system (as in baggage sorting system) |
spanwijdte | wing span |
speerpunt | key focus area |
spoorbreedte | track width |
spreekruimte | interview room |
sprinklerinstallatie | sprinkler system |
SRA gebied (ook: beschermd gebied, beveiligd gebied) | Security-Restricted Area |
SRA-CP | Secured Restricted Area - Critical Parts (SRA-CP) |
SRA-CP | Critical parts of security restricted areas (at airports) (SRA-CP) |
SSA | Safety, Security and Environment |
SSPC-poort (SSPC = self-service passport control) | SSPC gate |
ST Gebruiksvoorschriften Technische Ruimten | ST Instructions for Using Technical Spaces |
STA besteld vervoer
(STA = Schiphol Transfer Assistance) |
STA pre-booked transport |
STA besteld vervoer [STA = Schiphol Transfer Assistance] | STA pre-booked transport |
Staat der Nederlanden, Nederlandse Staat | State of the Netherlands, Dutch State |
Staat van Inlichtingen Burgerluchtvaart B | Civil Aviation (B) Personal Information Form |
staatsbedrijf | state-owned company |
Staatssecretaris Infrastructuur en Milieu | State Secretary for Infrastructure and the Environment |
STAP | Standard Approach Projects |
start- en landingsgelden | take-off and landing fees |
start fase | start phase |
startbaan / landingsbaan | runway, or take-off runway, landing runway |
startbeslissing | start decision |
startprocedure | departure procedure |
starts en landingen | take-offs and landings |
startwagen | air start unit, compressed air starting unit |
stationsgebied | railway station zone |
stationsgebouw | terminal, terminal building, airport terminal |
statusovergang | status transition |
STB | Standard Task Description (Standaard Taakbeschrijving) |
STEBs | Security Tamper-Evident Bags (STEBs) |
STEB's | Security Tamper-Evident Bags (STEB's) |
stempeldruk | bearing pressure |
stemvork | fork [E.g. fork of Pier D / Pier D fork.] |
stemvork | fork , i.e. fork of Pier D, Pier D fork |
Sternet | Sternet public bus service |
steunpootjes | support legs |
steutelhouder | keyholder |
Stichting Arbodienst Schiphol | Schiphol Occupational Health and Safety Service |
Stichting Kennis voor Klimaat | Knowledge for Climate Foundation |
stijg/daalpartij | stairway/lift(s) |
stijg/daalpartij | stairway/lift |
stil vliegtuig | quiet aircraft |
stille naderingen | continuous descent approaches (CDAs) |
stilstandtijd | downtime |
stiltecentrum | Meditation Centre |
stootbord (van een trap) | riser |
stootvastheid | chip resistance |
storingsgebied | interference area |
stortkosten | landfill costs |
straalverkeer | jet traffic |
straatkolk | storm drain |
straffactor | penalty factor |
Stragievorming | Strategic planning |
stralingsbescherming | radiation protection |
stramien | grid unit |
stramienstelsel | grid unit system |
streekplan | regional planning |
stroefheid | skid resistance |
stroefheid | skid-resistance |
strooistraling | scatter radiation |
stroom | flow (e.g. of passengers) |
stroomkringschema | circuit diagram |
structuurontwerp | Master Plan Design [Note: Ontwerpfase onder de STB - DNR.] |
ST-ruimte | ST area |
sturend reizen | guided travel |
sustainability werkgroep | sustainability task force |
systeemeis (bouwkundig) | system requirement (structural) |
Tafel van Alders | Alders Platform |
tankautospuit | water tender |
tankdiensten | refuelling services |
tanker | tanker |
tankwagen | tanker |
tankwagen / tanker | tanker |
TAOS (Terminal/Airside Overleg Schiphol) | Terminal/Airside Consultation Schiphol (Terminal/Airside Overleg Schiphol) |
TAOS (Terminal/Airside Overleg Schiphol) | TAOS (Terminal/Airside Consultation Schiphol) |
tapis roulant | moving walkway |
tarief / tarieven | airport charges [Note: Do not use rates or prices when referring to airport charges, also refer to 'havengeldregeling'.] |
tarief / tarieven | airport charges NB: Do not use rates, or prices when referring to airport charges, see under havengeldregeling. |
tariefdrager | cost unit |
tariefstelling | airport charges scheme |
Task Force Lucht | Air Task Force |
TA-werkbon | TA workslip [Note: TA = Technische Administratie.] |
taxibaan (ook rijbaan) | taxiway |
TCP (Terminal, Corridor and Pier) | TCP |
TCP A-gebied | Area A TCP |
teambezetting | team staffing |
Technisch Beheerder | Technical Manager |
technisch ontwerp | Technical Design |
technische eisen | technical requirements |
tender documenten | tender dossier |
Tendercommissie | Tender Committee |
ter plaatse | on-site |
Terminal Centrum | Terminal Centre |
Terminal Verhuringen | Terminal Rental |
Terminal Zuid | Terminal South |
Terminal Zuid | South Terminal |
terminaluitbreiding | terminal expansion |
terrein | grounds |
terugbouwverplichting | restoration obligation |
terugloopbeveiliging | reverse rotation prevention system, doors to prevent reverse rotation |
terugloopfilter | automatic one-way corridor |
test-ruimbagage | hold baggage for testing |
tevredenheidsverklaring | testimonial |
thuishaven Schiphol | Schiphol home base |
ticketbalie | ticket desk |
tijdkritische goederen (bloemen, groenten, vis, vlees enz.) | time-definite goods (perishables, or perishable goods such as flowers, vegetables, fish, meat etc.) NB: Not time-critical, which is obsolete. |
tijdkritische goederen [bloemen, groenten, vis, vlees enz.] | time-definite goods [Perishables, or perishable goods such as flowers, vegetables, fish, meat etc. Note: Do not use 'time-critical', which is obsolete.] |
TIP | Threat Image Projection |
TNO | Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) |
TOBT | Target Off Block Time |
Toegangsbeheer Systeem | Access Control System |
Toegangsbeheersysteem | Access Control System |
Toegangsbeleid Schiphol | Schiphol access policy |
Toegangsbeveiliging | access control |
toegangscontrole (meestal voor personeel) | access control (usually applies to personnel) |
toegangscontrole (meestal voor personeel) | access control (usually applies to staff) |
Toegangsvergunning ST-ruimten | Access Permit for ST Spaces |
toegangsverlening | to grant access, to authorise access |
toegangsweg | access road |
toekomstbestendigheid | future-proofing |
toelaatbare belasting | permissible load |
Toelatingsovereenkomst Regeling Afhandeling Schiphol (zie RTS) | Ground Handling Agreement under the Schiphol Admission Regulations |
toelichting | explanatory note |
toerekening (accountancy) | allocation |
toerekeningssysteem | plen |
toerekeningssysteem | allocation system |
toerit | access road, access ramp |
toetsingskader | assessment framwork |
tonkilometer-vracht | freight-tonne kilometre (FTK) |
toonaangevend | leading |
topeis | top requirement |
topoverleg | consultative summit |
toren | air traffic control tower |
Totaal Volume Geluid | Total Noise Volume |
totale lengte [van een vliegtuig] | overall length [of an aircraft] |
tourniquet | turnstile / security gate |
tourniquet / draaihek | turnstile |
TRA (Taak Risico Analyse) | TRA (Task Risk Analysis) | | |
transfer ruimbagage | hold baggage transfer |
transferbalie | transfer desk |
transfererende passagiers | transfer passengers |
transferluchthaven | transfer airport |
transferreiziger | transfer passenger [A passenger who changes planes at an airport.] |
transferreizigers | transfer passengers (a passenger who changes planes at an airport) |
transitoreiziger | transit-direct passenger [A passenger who arrives at an airport and continues his or her journey on the same plane.] |
transitoreiziger | transit-direct passenger (a passenger who arrives at an airport and continues his or her journey on the same plane) |
transportbanden | conveyors |
trap op | stairs up |
trappenhuis | stairwell / staircase |
traverse, WTC traverse | walkway, WTC walkway |
TRE | Terminal Real Estate |
trekker | tow truck (for aircraft) / tractor (i.e. baggage tractor) |
trekker | tow truck (for aircraft), tractor (i.e. baggage tractor) |
treksterkte | tensile strength |
truckparkeerterrein | lorry park |
TSA | Transport Security Administration |
TSAT | Target Startup Approval Time |
Tub-trax | Tubtrax conveying system |
tunnelmoot | portion of the tunnel |
tussenruimte | gap |
tussenverdieping | mezzanine floor |
tweebaansweg | two-lane road |
Tweede Kamer | Lower House (of Dutch Parliament) |
uitbesteding | outsourcing |
uitgaande vluchten | outbound flights |
uitgangspunten | basic principles |
uitgangsstelling (UGS) (voor hulpverleningsvoertuigen bij calamiteit) | vehicle assembly area (in the event of a crisis / emergency) |
uitgangsstelling (UGS) (voor hulpverleningsvoertuigen bij calamiteit) | vehicle assembly area (UGS) (in the event of a crisis/ emergency) |
uitgebreide toegangscontrole | comprehensive entry control |
Uitreksel Dynamische Landenlijst | Extract Dynamic Country List |
uitruk (brandweer) | call-out |
uitrukdienst | emergency service |
uitrusting | equipment |
uitstappen | deboard |
uitstappen | disembark |
uitstapproces | disembarkation process |
uitstroom | outflow |
uitstroom zone | outflow zone |
uitvliegroute | climb out route / flight path |
uitvoering | construction / implementation |
uitvoeringsfase | construction phase |
Uitvoeringsregeling Handhaving | Enforcement Policy Implementing Regulations |
uitvoerpunt | dispatch point [baggage] |
uitwijk-luchthaven | alternative airport |
ultimo | year-end, at the end of |
Uniform Europees Aanbestedingsdocument (UAE) | European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) |
vakantiereiziger | leisure traveller |
valbeveiliging | fall protection |
vaste activa (in table) | asset base |
vaste bochtstraal | permanent turning radius |
vaste kamercommissie | standing parliamentary committee |
vastgoedbelegging | Investment property |
VCA (Veiligheid, Gezondheid en Milieu (VGM) Checklist Aannemers) | SCC (Safety Health and the Environment (SHE) Checklist Contractors) |
VCA (Veiligheid, gezondheid en milieu Checklist Aannemers) | Safety, health and environmental checklist for contractors |
VCA (Veiligheid, gezondheid en milieu Checklist Aannemers) | VCA (Safety, health and environmental checklist for contractors) |
VCC (Vervoer Coördinatie Centrum) | Transport Coordination Centre |
VCC (Vervoer Coördinatie Centrum) | Transport Coordination Centre (VCC) |
VCO (Veiligheid, gezondheid en milieu Checklist Opdrachtgevers) | Safety, health and environmental checklist for clients |
VCO (Veiligheid, gezondheid en milieu Checklist Opdrachtgevers) | VCO (Safety, health and environmental checklist for clients) |
VCU (Veiligheid en Gezondheid Checklist Uitzendorganisaties) | SCT (Safety and Health Checklist Temporary Employment Agencies) |
VDGS | Visual Guidance Docking System |
veeglijn | swept path [Note: this relates to the path that a cornering vehicle makes.] |
veenlaag | peat layer |
veiligheid | safety, security (depending on context) |
Veiligheid- gezondheids- en milieuplan (VMG) | Safety, Health and Environmental plan |
veiligheidsborgingssysteem | quality assurance system |
veiligheidscontrole | Security Control (of passengers), security check |
veiligheidshek | safety gate, safety partition |
veiligheidsmaatregelen | safety and security measures, safety measures |
Veiligheidsplatform Schiphol (VpS) | Schiphol Safety Platform |
veiligheidsregio | security region |
veiligheidsronde | safety walk |
veiligheidstoeslag | security charge |
veiligheidszones (waarbinnen gesleept mag worden ivm third-party risk) | safety zones [Note: Applies to towing traffic in connection with third-party risk] |
veiligheidszones (waarbinnen gesleept mag worden ivm third-party risk) | safety zones (applies to towing traffic in connection with third-party risk) |
veldbevoegdheid | airfield authorisation |
Verantwoord Ondernemen (verslag) | Corporate Responsibility [Note: Not CSR.] |
Verantwoord Ondernemen (verslag) | Corporate Responsibility NB: Not CSR. |
Verantwoordelijkhedenlijst | List of Responsibilities |
verbeterprogramma | improvement programme |
verbindingsweg | connecting road |
verblijfsfaciliteiten | visitor facilities |
verblijfsgebied | passenger zone |
verboden voorwerpen | prohibited items |
verbodsbord | prohibition sign |
verbouwing (grote) | alteration, renovation |
verdeelsleutel | apportionment key [= meerdere afdelingen/niet: allocatiesleutel = 1 afdeling.] |
verdeelsleutel | apportionment key (= meerdere afdelingen/niet: allocatiesleutel = 1 afdeling) |
verdringingsproces, verdringingseffect | dislodgement process, knock-on effect |
Vereniging Gezamenlijke Platforms (VGP) | Association of Joint Platforms |
vergunning | permit |
verharding | paving |
verhoogd wegennet | elevated road network |
verhoogde veiligheidsmaatregelen | intensified or heightened security measures |
verhoogde voorrijweg | elevated kerbside road / elevated drop-off road |
verhuren | to lease |
verhuringen | rents and leases |
verhuurbaar vloeroppervlak (v.v.o.) | lettable floor area (LFA) |
verhuurde ruimte | leased premises |
verhuurder | lessor |
verificatie-eisen | verification requirements |
verkeer en vervoerscijfers | traffic and transport figures |
verkeersaanbod | traffic volume |
verkeersbesluit | inbrekuk |
verkeersgeleider | traffic island |
verkeerskundige | traffic engineer |
verkeersregelinstallatie | traffic signal system |
verkeersruimte | circulation area / movement area / traffic area |
verkeersstromenmodel | traffic flow model |
verkeerstelling | traffic flow count |
verkeerstoren | air traffic control tower |
verkeersvliegtuig | passenger aircraft |
verkeersvliegtuig | |
verklarende woordenlijst | glossary of terms |
Verklaring van Geen Bezwaar | Certificate of No Objection |
verlader | forwarder |
verleggen | re-routing |
verlichting die werkt op aan- en afwezigheid | presence detection lighting |
vermogenskosten | cost of capital |
vermogensschade | financial losses |
Vernieuwing Grensmanagement | Border Management Reform |
veroudert mooi | characteristic ageing process |
verre bestemming | intercontinental / long-haul destination |
verre bestemming | intercontinental, long-haul destinations |
verrekeningen | settlement charges |
verschilanalyse | gap analysis |
Verslag Verantwoord Ondernemen | Corporate Responsibility Report |
verstoring | disruption |
vertraging | delay |
vertrek / vertrekhal
Vertrek 1 / Vertrek 2 / Vertrek 2 |
departures, departure hall
Departure Hall 1, Departure Hall 2, Departure Hall 3 |
vertrekband | departure belt |
vertrekfilter | departure filter, security check upon departure |
vertreklijn | departure lane |
vertrekpunctualiteit | departure punctuality |
vertrouwenscommissaris | Supervisory Board member/confidential advisor |
vertrouwenscommissaris | confidential advisor |
vervoerder | carrier |
vervoersknoop | transport hub |
vervoersknooppunt | transport hub |
verwijssysteem voor parkeren | parking guidance system |
verzamelbanden | collection belts |
verzamelplaats | assembly point |
vestigingsklimaat | business climate |
VGM (Veiligheid, Gezondheid & Milieu) | HSE (Health, Safety & Environment) |
vide | open landing, landing |
vierbanenstelsel / vijfbanenstelsel
NB: na 20 februari 2003 zijn deze benamingen vervallen. Nieuwe term: nieuwe banenstelstel |
four/ five-runway system
NB: These terms no longer apply after Feb. 2003. New term: new runway system. |
vigerende (inter)nationale wet- en regelgeving | current (inter)national laws and regulations |
vijfde baan (mag nooit worden gebruikt ook niet in NL teksten!) | Runway 18R-36L [Note: Do not use the fifth runway.] |
vijfde baan (mag nooit worden gebruikt ook niet in NL teksten!) | Runway 18R-36L (never the fifth runway!) |
VIP-centrum | VIP Centre |
Visie Duurzame Mobiliteit | Sustainable Mobility Concept |
visitatie | body search |
visuele rust | visual calm |
visumverplichting | visa requirement |
vlamdovend | flame-retardant |
Vlekkenplan | Zoning Plan |
vliegbelasting | Air Passenger Tax / Air Passenger Ticket Tax [Note: Use capitals and the official term in full rather than simply ticket tax.] |
vliegbelasting | Air Passenger Tax, Air Passenger Ticket Tax NB: Use capitals and the official term in full rather than simply ticket tax. |
vliegincident | aviation incident |
vliegtarief | air fare |
vliegticket | airline ticket |
vliegtuig de-icing vloeistof | aircraft de-icing fluid (ADF) |
vliegtuigbewegingen | air transport movements |
vliegtuigbewegingen in het handelsverkeer | air transport movements [Note: Do not translate 'in het handelsverkeer'. All flights at Schiphol are commercial flights and should be referred to as air transport movements, which is the designated aviation term.] |
vliegtuigbewegingen in het handelsverkeer | air transport movements NB: Do not translate in het handelsverkeer. All flights are commercial flights at Schiphol and should be referred to as air transport movements, which is the designated aviation term. |
vliegtuigbewegingen | air transport movements |
vliegtuigbox | aircraft box |
vliegtuigcategorie | aircraft category |
vliegtuigopstelcapaciteit | aircraft stand capacity |
vliegtuigopstelplaats (VOP) | aircraft stand [Note: Do not use the Dutch acronym.] |
vliegtuigopstelplaats (VOP) | aircraft stand NB: Do not use the Dutch acronym. |
vliegtuigoversteek | aircraft crossing |
vliegtuigrijbaan | aircraft taxiway |
vliegtuigtrekker | aircraft tractor, aircraft towing vehicle |
vliegveiligheid | aviation flight safety |
vliegverkeer | air traffic |
vloeistofdicht | liquid-proof |
vloerafwerking | floor finish |
vloerput | floor drain |
vlootontwikkeling | fleet development |
vlootsamenstelling | fleet mix |
vlucht-/vliegtuigafhandeling | flight / aircraft handling |
vluchtbenodigdheden | flight supplies |
vluchtbordje | emergency exit sign |
vluchten | flight services [to operate flight services to and from a destination] |
vluchten | flight services (to operate flight services to and from a destination) |
vluchtgegevens | flight information |
vluchtinformatie | flight information |
vluchtroute | escape route |
vluchttrap | escape stairs |
vluchtwegarmatuur | escape route luminaire |
vluchtwegbebording | escape route signs/signage |
vluchtwegbord | escape route sign |
vluchtwegbord | escape route sign |
voeding | power supply |
voedingspunten | power supply points |
voegovergang | expansion joint |
voertuigcommissie | vehicle committee |
voertuigpas | vehicle pass |
voertuigverliesuren | lost vehicle hours |
vogelaanvaring | bird strike |
vogelverjaging | bird dispersal |
vogelwacht, vogelwachter | Bird Control, bird controller |
volgseparatie | trailing distance [distance between two planes] |
volgseparatie | trailing distance (distance between two planes) |
volumebegrenzing | volume limits |
volwaardige stijg- en daalpartij | comprehensive vertical transportation |
voor bedreiging geschikte voorwerpen | threat articles |
vooraan parkeren | priority parking |
vooraankondiging | prior information notice |
vooralarm | pre-alarm |
voorbeeldbibliotheek | example library |
voorbeeldenbibliotheek | example library |
voorgespannen | prestressed |
voorkeursalternatief | preferred alternative |
voorkeursbesluit | preferred decision |
voorkeursoplossing | preferred solution |
voorontwerp | preliminary design [Onder de STB - DNR] |
voorplaat | face plate |
voorrijweg | drop-off road (kiss & ride) |
voorrijweg | drop-off road |
Voorschriften Informatie Aanlevering Terminalcomplex (VIAT) | Information Provision Requirements for Terminal Complex |
voorwaarden bonus/malus | bonus-malus conditions |
voorwaarden Schipholpas | Schiphol Pass Conditions |
VOP (Vliegtuig Opstel Plaats) | aircraft stand [Note: Do not use the Dutch acronym in English.] |
VOP-loskade | aircraft stand unloading quay/area |
VOP-rijbaan | aircraft stand taxilane |
vraagspecificatie | requirements specification |
vracht (luchtvracht) | cargo / air cargo [Note: Do not use 'freight' for aviation cargo.] |
vracht (luchtvracht) | cargo, air cargo, (NB: Do not use freight for aviation cargo |
vrachtarealen | cargo areas |
vrachtloods | cargo warehouse |
vrachtluchthaven | cargo airport |
vrachtmaatschappij | cargo airline, cargo carrier, air cargo carrier |
vrachttoestel | full freighter |
vrachttransferium | cargo transfer station |
vrachtvlucht | cargo flight |
Vreemdelingenzaken | Immigration Department |
vrij zitgebied | free seating area |
vrij zitten | free seating |
vrije breedte | clear width |
VS 0 / VS Algemeen | Part 0: Introduction Requirements Specification |
VS 1 / Systeemeisen | Part 1: Systems Requirements Specification |
VS 2 / Proceseisen | Part 2: Statement of Work |
VTB's (vliegtuigbewegingen) | air transport movements |
vuile passagiers | unscreened passengers |
vuile passagiers | non-clean passengers |
vuilnisbak | rubbish bin |
vuilwaterrioolstelsel | wastewater discharge system |
VVO (verhuurbaar vloeropppervlakte) | LFA (lettable floor area) |
waarborgen van publieke belangen | safeguarding the public interest |
waardeveranderingen | fair value gains (and losses) |
waardevermindering | capital loss |
WACC | Weighted Average Cost of Capital |
WACC | WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) |
wachtcomfort | waiting comfort |
wachtcomfort | waiting comfort (usually in gate waiting areas/departure lounges) |
wachtgebied | waiting or holding area [Depending on the context.] |
wachtpositie | holding point |
wachtrij | queue |
wachtrijlengte | queue length |
wachtruimte (of Lounge) | Departure Lounge 1 or 2 or 3, or waiting area near check-in desk/SSDOP |
wachtruimte (of Lounge) | Departure Lounge 1 or 2 or 3 (previously: central or south or west) |
wagenpark | vehicle fleet |
walstroom | Fixed Electrical Ground Power (FEGP) |
warmte koude opslag (WKO) | Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) |
warmte koude opslag (WKO) | thermal storage facility, heat and cold storage facility |
warmtedissipatie | heat dissipation |
warmtekrachtkoppeling (WKK) | combined heating and power (CHP) plant, cogeneration plant, |
warmtewerend | heat-reflective |
water kwaliteit meetpunt | water quality measuring point |
waterafvoerput | floor drain |
waterdampdifusieweerstand | water vapour diffusion resistance |
waterdampdoorlatend | water vapour permeable |
watergang | drainage canal |
waterhuishouding | water management |
waterketen | water supply chain |
waterkwaliteitherstelplan (WKHP) | water quality recovery plan |
wateropnamecoefficient | water absorption coefficient |
watersaneringsplan | water sanitation plan |
watervoerende systemen | water-carrying systems |
waterzuiger | wet vacuum cleaner |
weerstand tegen brand-doorslag en brand-overslag | resistance to fire penetration and spread |
wegbeeldanalyse | road design analysis |
wegbrengers | people dropping off passengers |
wegenstelstel | road network |
weggedeelte | road section |
wegstructuur | road system |
wegvak | road section |
werkaanvraag | work request |
werkdag | working day |
Werken Overleg Terminal (WOT) | Terminal Works Consultation |
Werkgroep Markt | Market working group [official] |
Werkgroep Markt | Market working group (official) |
werkpakket | work package |
werkplek | workstation |
werkterrein | work site |
werkvolginrichting | work floor layout [baggage] |
Wet beveiliging Luchtvaart | Aviation Security Act |
wet- en regelgeving | laws and regulations |
Wet Luchtvaart | Aviation Act (Wet luchtvaart) governing the operation of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol |
Wet Luchtvaart | Aviation Act (Wet luchtvaart) governing the operation of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol |
Wet milieubeheer (Wm) | Environmental Management Act |
Wet politiegegevens (Wpg) | Police Data Act |
wide-body toestel | wide-body aircraft |
wielblokken | wheel chocks |
wieldeur | wheel bay door |
wielpoot | strut |
wielstelconfiguratie | landing gear configuration |
wijzigingsbeheer | administration of amendments [amendment of documents] |
wildbeheereenheid | game management unit |
wisseldeur | interlocking door |
wisseldeur | dual status door |
wisselgate | dual status doors |
wisselgate | variable status gate |
wisselgebied | variable status area |
wisselpier | variable status pier |
wisselpier | dual status pier |
wisselstation (batterijwisselstation) | switching station (battery switching station) |
wisselstift | spindle |
WKO (warmte-koude opslag) | ATES (Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage) |
WKO (warmte-koude opslag) | UTES (underground thermal energy storage facility) |
WLU | Work Load Unit (WLU) |
WLU | WLU (Work Load Unit) |
wolkenbasis | cloud base |
wortel (van een pier) | base of a pier |
Wortel A-pier | Pier A base |
WOZ | immovable property valuation |
x-ray | X-ray |
zakelijk gebouwgebonden parkeren | commercial building-specific parking |
zakelijk vliegverkeer | business aviation |
zakenreiziger | business traveller |
zichtbelemmering | sight obstruction |
zichtlijnen | lines of sight |
zienswijze | opinion |
zit-sta balie | sit or stand desk |
zonwering | sun blinds |
Zuidtangent | Zuidtangent express bus service |
zuil | column, pillar [Note: in an architectural context.] |
zuiltje | kiosk |
zuur en chemicalienbestendig | acid and chemical resistant |
zwaailicht | flashing light |
Zwanenburgbaan | Runway 18C-36C |
zware weeromstandigheden | severe weather (conditions) |
zware weersomstandigheden | severe weather conditions |
zwenkdiameter | turning diameter |