Dutch-English and English-Dutch Dictionary in the new spelling, by C.J Van Rijn (1908)
Bibliographic information:
- Title: Dutch-English and English-Dutch Dictionary for South Africa & Europe in the Simplified (Kollewijn) Dutch Spelling, With the Common Cape Dutch Words, and Containing in the Second Part the Pronunciation of Every Word
- Author: C.J. van Rijn
- Publisher: G.B. van Goor sons, 1908
- Original from: the University of California
- Digitised: 13 Nov 2014
- Length: 716 pages
Source: https://www.dbnl.org/arch/rijn037dutc01_01/pag/rijn037dutc01_01.pdf
Archived at: https://michaelbeijer.co.uk/archives/dutch-english_and_english-dutch_dictionary_in_the_new_spelling.pdf