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ADP: Human Resources Lexicon: payroll & HR administration terms.

From michaelbeijer.co.uk
Archived at: https://michaelbeijer.co.uk/the-archives/goldendict/ (.dsl files can be used in GoldenDict)
#NAME "ADP Human Resources Glossary.dsl"

aan werk bestede tijd, diensttijd
	English: time spent at work, length of service
	French: temps de presence
	German: Anwesenheitszeit
	Spanish: tiempo de presencia
	Italian: orario di presenza

	English: share
	French: quote-part
	German: Anteil, Rate
	Spanish: cuota, parte porporcional
	Italian: quota parte, quota

	English: stake
	French: participation
	German: Teilnahme, Beteiligung
	Spanish: participacion
	Italian: partecipazione

aangesloten lid
	English: affiliated member
	French: affilie (nm)
	German: Mitglieds-
	Spanish: afiliado
	Italian: iscritto

	English: notice
	French: preavis
	German: Benachrichtigung
	Spanish: preaviso
	Italian: preavviso

	English: liabilities
	French: passif
	German: Verbindlichkeiten, Schulden
	Spanish: pasivo
	Italian: passivo

aanvullend pensioen
	English: company pension
	French: retraite complementaire
	German: Zusatzrente
	Spanish: jubilacion complementaria
	Italian: pensione integrativa

aanvullend pensioenfonds
	English: company pension fund
	French: caisse de retraite complementaire
	German: Zusatzrentenkasse
	Spanish: fondo complementario de pensiones
	Italian: fondo pensione complementare

aanvullende ziektekostenverzekering, onderlinge levensverzekeringsmaatschappij
	English: complementary health insurance
	French: mutuelle
	German: Versicherung auf Gegenseitigkeit
	Spanish: mutua, mutualidad
	Italian: societa mutua di assicurazione

aanwezigheid, presentie
	English: attendance
	French: presence
	German: Anwesenheit
	Spanish: presencia
	Italian: presenza

	English: absenteeism rate
	French: taux d'absenteisme
	German: Abwesenheitsrate
	Spanish: tasa de absentismo
	Italian: tasso di assenteismo

academisch jaar, schooljaar
	English: academic year
	French: annee scolaire
	German: Schuljahr
	Spanish: ano escolar, ano academico
	Italian: anno scolastico

accountant, lid van het Institute of Chartered Accountants
	English: chartered accountant
	French: expert comptable
	German: Buchhalter
	Spanish: experto contable, censor jurado de cuentas
	Italian: esperto contabile

	English: accountancy firm
	French: cabinet comptable
	German: Wirtschaftsprufungsburo
	Spanish: asesoria contable
	Italian: societa di revisione contabile

achterstallig loon
	English: back pay
	French: rattrapage de salaire
	German: Nachziehen der Lohne
	Spanish: atrasos
	Italian: recupero salariale

achterstallig loon
	English: back pay
	French: arriere de salaire
	German: Gehaltsruckstand
	Spanish: sueldo atrasado
	Italian: arretrati retributivi

achterstallig salaris
	English: back pay
	French: rappel de salaire
	German: Gehaltsnachzahlung
	Spanish: regularizacion salarial
	Italian: arretrati di retribuzione

achterstallige belasting
	English: back taxes
	French: rappel d'impot
	German: Steuernachforderung
	Spanish: pago de impuestos atrasados
	Italian: arretrati d'imposta

	English: arrears
	French: arriere
	German: Ruckstand
	Spanish: atrasado
	Italian: arretrato

administratie, archieven
	English: records, archives
	French: archives
	German: Archiv
	Spanish: archivos
	Italian: archivi

administratief personeel
	English: managerial staff
	French: personnel d'encadrement
	German: Aufsichtspersonal, Fuhrungspersonal
	Spanish: personal directivo
	Italian: personale direttivo

	English: administrative costs
	French: frais de dossier
	German: Verwaltungskosten
	Spanish: gastos iniciales de tramitacion
	Italian: spese amministrative

	English: administrative costs
	French: frais de gestion
	German: Bewirtschaftungskosten
	Spanish: gastos de gestion
	Italian: spese di gestione

administratieve documentatie
	English: administrative documentation
	French: documentation administrative
	German: Verwaltungsdokumentation
	Spanish: documentacion administrativa
	Italian: documenti amministrativi

	English: adoption leave
	French: conge d'adoption
	German: Adoptionsurlaub
	Spanish: permiso por adopcion
	Italian: congedo di adozione

advertentie, aankondiging
	English: advertisement
	French: annonce
	German: Anzeige
	Spanish: anuncio
	Italian: annuncio, inserzione

	English: law firm
	French: cabinet juridique
	German: Anwaltskanzlei
	Spanish: gabinete juridico
	Italian: studio legale

afdeling loon- en salarisadministratie
	English: payroll department
	French: service paie
	German: Gehaltsabteilung
	Spanish: departamento de nomina
	Italian: servizio paghe

	English: department head
	French: chef de service
	German: Abteilungsleiter
	Spanish: jefe de servicio
	Italian: caporeparto

afgelegd dossier
	English: closed file
	French: dossier clos
	German: abgeschlossener Vorgang
	Spanish: asunto cerrado
	Italian: fascicolo chiuso

	English: rounded
	French: arrondi (adj)
	German: in runden Ziffern
	Spanish: redondeado
	Italian: arrotondato

afgeronde aantallen
	English: rounded numbers
	French: chiffres arrondis
	German: runde Zahlen
	Spanish: cifras redondeadas, (en) numeros redondos
	Italian: cifre arrotondate

afgevaardigde, vertegenwoordiger
	English: delegate, representative
	French: delegue (nm)
	German: Vetreter
	Spanish: delegado
	Italian: delegato

afgevaardigde, waarnemend directeur
	English: deputy, deputy manager
	French: sous-directeur
	German: stellvertretender Leiter, stellvertretender Direktor
	Spanish: subdirector
	Italian: vicedirettore

	English: lump-sum payment
	French: forfaitaire
	German: pauschaliert, Pauschal-
	Spanish: global, forfetario
	Italian: forfettario

	English: expiry
	French: expiration
	German: Fristende
	Spanish: vencimiento, expiracion
	Italian: scadenza

	English: due date
	French: date d'exigibilite
	German: Falligkeitsdatum, Falligkeitsfrist
	Spanish: fecha de exigibilidad
	Italian: data di esigibilita

	English: amortisation rate
	French: taux d'amortissement
	German: Amortisierungsrate
	Spanish: tasa de amortizacion
	Italian: tasso di ammortamento

afsluitdatum, sluitingsdatum
	English: closing date
	French: date de cloture
	German: Stichtag
	Spanish: fecha de cierre, fecha de clausura
	Italian: data di chiusura

	English: after-sales
	French: apr&egrave,s vente
	German: nach dem Verkauf
	Spanish: postventa
	Italian: post-vendita

aftrek, inhouding
	English: withholding
	French: retenue
	German: Abzug, Einbehaltung
	Spanish: deduccion, retencion
	Italian: ritenuta

	English: deductible
	French: deductible
	German: abzugsfahig
	Spanish: deducible
	Italian: deducibile

aftrekbaar voor de belasting
	English: tax deductible
	French: deductible des impots
	German: von den Steuern abzuziehen
	Spanish: deducible de los impuestos
	Italian: deducibile dalle imposte

aftrekbare kosten
	English: deductible expenses
	French: frais deductibles
	German: abzugsfahige Kosten
	Spanish: gastos deducibles
	Italian: spese deducibili

aftrekbare kosten
	English: allowable expenses
	French: depenses deductibles
	German: abzugsfahige Ausgaben, Abzugsfahigkeit
	Spanish: gastos deducibles
	Italian: spese deducibili

	English: redundancy plan
	French: plan de licenciement
	German: Kundigungsplan
	Spanish: plan de despidos
	Italian: piano di licenziamento

	English: redundancy payment
	French: indemnite de licenciement pour motif economique
	German: Entlassungsabfindung, Kundigungsentschadigung
	Spanish: indemnizacion de despido por causas economicas
	Italian: indennita di licenziamento per motivo economico

afvloeiingsuitkering, ontslaguitkering
	English: redundancy payment, severance pay
	French: indemnite de licenciement
	German: Entlassungsabfindung, Kundigungsentschadigung
	Spanish: indemnizacion por despido
	Italian: indennita di licenziamento

	English: absentee
	French: absent (nm)
	German: Abwesende(r), Fehlender
	Spanish: ausente
	Italian: assente

	English: absence
	French: absence
	German: Abwesenheit, Fehlen
	Spanish: ausencia
	Italian: assenza

	English: removal from office
	French: revocation
	German: Widerruf
	Spanish: revocacion
	Italian: revoca

	English: certificate
	French: acte
	German: Urkunde
	Spanish: acta, documento publico
	Italian: atto

algemene onkosten
	English: overhead expenses
	French: frais generaux
	German: Gemeinkosten
	Spanish: gastos generales
	Italian: spese generali

algemene totaalovereenkomst
	English: blanket agreement
	French: accord global
	German: Gesamtvereinbarung, Pauschalabkommen
	Spanish: acuerdo global
	Italian: accordo generale

algemene wet
	English: general law
	French: loi-cadre
	German: Rahmengesetz
	Spanish: ley de bases
	Italian: legge quadro

alleenstaand, ongehuwd
	English: single, unmarried
	French: celibataire
	German: ledig
	Spanish: soltero (a)
	Italian: celibe (m), nubile (f)

	English: civil servant
	French: fonctionnaire
	German: Beamter
	Spanish: funcionario
	Italian: funzionario

	English: official
	French: officiel
	German: offiziell
	Spanish: oficial
	Italian: ufficiale

	English: Civil Service (the)
	French: Administration (l')
	German: Staatsverwaltung
	Spanish: Administracion (la)
	Italian: Pubblica Amministrazione

amendement, correctie
	English: amendment, correction
	French: rectification
	German: Korrektur
	Spanish: rectificacion
	Italian: rettifica, correzione

	English: seniority bonus
	French: prime d'anciennete
	German: Jubilaumszahlung
	Spanish: prima por antiguedad
	Italian: premio di anzianita

appreciatie, revaluatie
	English: revaluation
	French: revalorisation
	German: Aufwertung, Anpassung
	Spanish: revalorizacion
	Italian: rivalutazione

	English: worker
	French: travailleur
	German: Arbeiter, Arbeitnehmer
	Spanish: trabajador
	Italian: lavoratore

	English: labour exchange
	French: bourse du travail
	German: Arbeitsamt, Arbeitsvermittlung
	Spanish: bolsa de trabajo
	Italian: borsa di lavoro

	English: employment contract
	French: contrat de travail
	German: Arbeitsvertrag
	Spanish: contrato de trabajo
	Italian: contratto di lavoro

	English: industrial tribunal
	French: prud'hommes (conseil des)
	German: paritatisches Arbeitsgericht
	Spanish: Magistratura del Trabajo, Tribunal de conciliacion laboral
	Italian: consiglio dei probiviri

arbeidsinspecteur, fabrieksinspecteur
	English: labour inspector, factory inspector
	French: inspecteur du travail
	German: Arbeitsinspektor
	Spanish: inspector laboral
	Italian: ispettore del lavoro

	English: labour cost
	French: cout de main-d'?uvre
	German: Personalkosten
	Spanish: costo de mano de obra
	Italian: costo del lavoro

	English: working life
	French: vie active
	German: Erwerbsleben, Berufsleben
	Spanish: vida activa
	Italian: vita lavorativa

	English: work(ing) conditions
	French: conditions de travail
	German: Arbeitsbedingungen
	Spanish: condiciones de trabajo
	Italian: condizioni di lavoro

	English: incapacity
	French: incapacite
	German: Unfahigkeit
	Spanish: incapacidad
	Italian: incapacita

	English: labour practice
	French: regle sociale
	German: Sozialnorm
	Spanish: regla social
	Italian: normativa sociale

arbeidsrecht, werkgelegenheidsrecht
	English: employment law
	French: droit du travail
	German: Arbeitsrecht
	Spanish: derecho laboral
	Italian: diritto del lavoro

	English: work regulation
	French: reglement de travail
	German: Arbeitsvorschrift
	Spanish: reglamento laboral
	Italian: regolamento di lavoro

	English: labour relations
	French: climat social
	German: Sozialklima
	Spanish: clima social
	Italian: clima sociale

	English: labour shortage
	French: penurie de main-d'?uvre
	German: Mangel an Arbeitskraften
	Spanish: escasez de mano de obra
	Italian: penuria di manodopera

	English: reduction in work time
	French: duree de travail reduite
	German: verkurzte Arbeitszeit
	Spanish: duracion de trabajo reducida
	Italian: orario di lavoro ridotto

arbeidstijdverkorting, verkorte werkweek
	English: reduced working week
	French: reduction du temps de travail
	German: Arbeitszeitverkurzung
	Spanish: reduccion del tiempo de trabajo
	Italian: riduzione dell'orario di lavoro

	English: labour legislation
	French: legislation du travail
	German: Arbeitsgesetzgebung
	Spanish: legislacion laboral
	Italian: legislazione del lavoro

arbiter, bemiddelaar
	English: arbitrator, mediator
	French: mediateur
	German: Vermittler
	Spanish: mediador
	Italian: mediatore

	English: arbitration
	French: mediation
	German: Vermittlung
	Spanish: mediacion
	Italian: mediazione

	English: architecture
	French: architecture
	German: Architektur
	Spanish: arquitectura
	Italian: architettura

	English: ascendant
	French: ascendant (nm)
	German: Verwandter
	Spanish: ascendente
	Italian: ascendente

ASP (application service provider)
	English: ASP (application service provider)
	French: ASP (application service provider), fournisseur d?applications hebergees
	German: ASP (application service provider)
	Spanish: ASP (application service provider), proveedor de servicio de aplicaciones
	Italian: ASP (application service provider)

	English: insurance broker
	French: courtier d'assurance
	German: Versicherungsmakler
	Spanish: agente de seguros
	Italian: intermediario assicurativo, broker di assicurazione

auto van de zaak
	English: company car
	French: voiture de societe
	German: Geschaftswagen
	Spanish: coche de empresa
	Italian: vettura aziendale

	English: car expenses
	French: frais de voiture
	German: Fahrzeugkosten
	Spanish: gastos de coche
	Italian: spese automobilistiche

autorisatie, toestemming
	English: authorisation, permission
	French: autorisation
	German: Erlaubnis, Genehmigung
	Spanish: autorizacion
	Italian: autorizzazione

baan zoeken
	English: job hunting, job search
	French: recherche d'emploi
	German: Arbeitssuche
	Spanish: busqueda de empleo
	Italian: ricerca di lavoro, ricerca d'impiego

	English: boss
	French: patron
	German: Chef
	Spanish: empresario, jefe
	Italian: direttore

	English: badge
	French: badge
	German: Ausweis, Namensschild
	Spanish: insignia, tarjeta de identificacion
	Italian: rilevatore di presenza, badge

	English: job offer
	French: offre d'emploi
	German: Stellenangebot
	Spanish: oferta de empleo
	Italian: offerta di lavoro

banenmarkt, arbeidsmarkt
	English: job market, labour market
	French: marche du travail, marche de l'emploi
	German: Arbeitsmarkt, Stellenmarkt
	Spanish: mercado del trabajo, mercado del empleo
	Italian: mercato del lavoro

	English: bank charges
	French: frais bancaires
	German: Bankgebuhren
	Spanish: gastos bancarios
	Italian: spese bancarie

	English: bank transfer
	French: virement bancaire
	German: Uberweisung
	Spanish: transferencia bancaria
	Italian: storno bancario

	English: banking practices
	French: pratiques bancaires
	German: Bankpraktiken
	Spanish: practicas bancarias
	Italian: procedure bancarie

	English: banking rules
	French: regle bancaire
	German: Bankregeln
	Spanish: regla bancaria, reglamentacion bancaria
	Italian: normativa bancaria

basis voor bijdragen
	English: funding base for contributions
	French: assiette de cotisations
	German: Bemessungsgrundlage, Berechnungsgrundlage
	Spanish: base de cotizacion
	Italian: imponibile contributivo

	English: base year
	French: annee de reference
	German: Referenzjahr
	Spanish: ano de referencia
	Italian: anno di riferimento

basisloon, basissalaris
	English: basic pay, basic salary
	French: salaire de base
	German: Grundgehalt, Grundlohn
	Spanish: salario base
	Italian: stipendio base

	English: base rate
	French: taux de base
	German: Richtsatz, Grundtarif
	Spanish: indice de base
	Italian: tasso di base

basissalaris, vast salaris
	English: basic salary, fixed salary
	French: salaire fixe
	German: fester Lohn
	Spanish: salario fijo
	Italian: stipendio fisso

beeindiging, annulering
	English: termination, annulment
	French: resiliation
	German: Kundigung, Ruckgangigmachung
	Spanish: rescision, anulacion
	Italian: risoluzione, rescissione

	English: termination date
	French: date de licenciement
	German: Kundigungsdatum
	Spanish: fecha de despido
	Italian: data di licenziamento

beeindigingsdatum, vervaldatum
	English: termination date, expiry date
	French: date d'expiration
	German: Ablaufdatum
	Spanish: fecha de expiracion
	Italian: data di scadenza

bedrijf, organisatie
	English: company
	French: societe
	German: Gesellschaft
	Spanish: empresa, sociedad
	Italian: societa

	English: company representative
	French: mandataire social
	German: Betriebsbeauftragter, Unternehmensbeauftragter
	Spanish: dirigente
	Italian: rappresentante aziendale

	English: company doctor
	French: medecin d'entreprise
	German: Betriebsarzt
	Spanish: medico de empresa
	Italian: medico societario

	English: occupational health doctor
	French: medecin du travail
	German: Arbeitsmediziner, Betriebsarzt
	Spanish: medico laboral, medico del trabajo
	Italian: medico del lavoro

	English: company policy
	French: politique d'entreprise
	German: Unternehmenspolitik
	Spanish: politica de empresa
	Italian: politica aziendale

	English: company compensation policy
	French: politique de remuneration
	German: Gehaltspolitik
	Spanish: politica de remuneracion
	Italian: politica di retribuzione

	English: operational objectives
	French: objectifs operationnels
	German: operationelles Ziel
	Spanish: objetivos operativos, objetivos operacionales
	Italian: obiettivi operativi

	English: industrial health
	French: medecine du travail
	German: Arbeitsmedizin
	Spanish: medicina laboral, medicina ocupacional
	Italian: medicina del lavoro

	English: company restructuring
	French: restructuration interne
	German: interne Umstrukturierung
	Spanish: reestructuracion interna
	Italian: ristrutturazione interna

	English: company identification card
	French: badge d'acc&egrave,s
	German: Badge, Zugangsbadge
	Spanish: tarjeta de acceso
	Italian: passi (rilevatore d'accesso)

	English: operating income
	French: resultat d'exploitation
	German: Betriebsergebnis
	Spanish: resultado de explotacion
	Italian: utili di esercizio

	English: operating costs
	French: frais de fonctionnement
	German: Betriebsaufwendungen, betriebliche Aufwendungen
	Spanish: gastos de funcionamiento
	Italian: spese di esercizio

	English: business expenses
	French: frais professionnels
	German: Berufskosten, berufliche Aufwendungen
	Spanish: gastos profesionales
	Italian: spese professionali

bedrijfsongeval, beroepsongeval
	English: on the job accident, industrial accident
	French: accident de travail
	German: Arbeitsunfall
	Spanish: accidente de trabajo, accidente laboral
	Italian: infortunio sul lavoro

	English: company-wide agreement
	French: accord d'entreprise
	German: Betriebsabkommen
	Spanish: acuerdo de empresa
	Italian: accordo aziendale

	English: operational positions
	French: postes operationnels
	German: operationelle Stellen
	Spanish: puestos operacionales
	Italian: posti operativi

bedrijfsregels en -voorschriften
	English: company rules and regulations
	French: reglement interieur
	German: interne Vorschriften
	Spanish: reglamento interior
	Italian: regolamento interno

	English: company reorganisation
	French: restructuration d'une societe
	German: Gesellschaftsumstrukturierung
	Spanish: reestructuracion de una empresa
	Italian: ristrutturazione aziendale

bedrijfsstage, traineeship
	English: training course
	French: stage de formation
	German: berufsbegleitendes Praktikum
	Spanish: practicas de formacion, cursillo de formacion
	Italian: corso di formazione

	English: multi-industry agreement
	French: accord interprofessionnel
	German: allgemein verbindlicher Tarifvertrag
	Spanish: acuerdo interprofesional
	Italian: accordo interprofessionale

	English: company transfer
	French: transfert d'entreprise
	German: Unternehmenstransfer
	Spanish: traspaso de empresa
	Italian: trasferimento aziendale

	English: track record
	French: antecedents
	German: Vorgeschichte, Krankengeschichte
	Spanish: antecedentes
	Italian: antecedenti

	English: operating
	French: exploitation
	German: Betrieb
	Spanish: explotacion
	Italian: sfruttamento, gestione, esercizio

	English: company welfare facilities
	French: ?uvres sociales
	German: betriebliche Sozialeinrichtungen, Fursorgewesen
	Spanish: obras sociales
	Italian: servizi sociali

	English: beginner
	French: debutant
	German: Anfanger
	Spanish: principiante
	Italian: principiante, esordiente

begunstigde, in aanmerking komende partij
	English: beneficiary
	French: ayant droit (nm)
	German: Bezugsberechtigter, Anspruchsberechtigter
	Spanish: interesado
	Italian: avente diritto

	English: management contract
	French: contrat cadre
	German: Vertrag einer Fuhrungskraft
	Spanish: contrato marco
	Italian: contratto quadro

bekendmaking baan
	English: job posting
	French: affichage des postes vacants
	German: Stellenausschreibung
	Spanish: job posting
	Italian: pubblicazione dei posti vacanti

bekendmaking, vertoning
	English: posting
	French: affichage
	German: Aushang, Bekanntmachung
	Spanish: presentacion visual, anuncios
	Italian: affissione

belangrijke klant
	English: key client, reference client
	French: reference client
	German: Kundenreferenz
	Spanish: referencia cliente
	Italian: referenze

	English: taxable
	French: imposable
	German: steuerpflichtig, besteuerbar
	Spanish: imponible, sujeto a impuesto
	Italian: imponibile

belastbaar inkomen
	English: taxable income
	French: revenu imposable
	German: zu versteuerndes Einkommen
	Spanish: renta imponible, ingresos imponibles
	Italian: reddito imponibile

belasting, fiscaal
	English: tax, fiscal
	French: fiscal
	German: Steuer-
	Spanish: fiscal
	Italian: fiscale

belasting, heffing
	English: tax, levy
	French: taxe
	German: Steuer
	Spanish: tasa
	Italian: tassa

belasting, heffing
	English: tax, levy
	French: impot
	German: Steuer
	Spanish: impuesto
	Italian: imposta

	English: tax declaration
	French: declaration d'impots
	German: Steuererklarung
	Spanish: declaracion de impuestos
	Italian: dichiarazione d'imposta

belastingaangifte, belastingteruggave
	English: tax return
	French: declaration fiscale
	German: Steuererklarung
	Spanish: declaracion fiscal
	Italian: dichiarazione fiscale

belastingaanpassing, betaling van achterstallige belasting
	English: tax adjustment, payment of tax arrears
	French: redressement fiscal
	German: zusatzliche Steuererhohung
	Spanish: rectificacion impositiva, multa de Hacienda
	Italian: condanna fiscale per mancato pagamento d'imposta

	English: tax payer
	French: contribuable
	German: Steuerzahler
	Spanish: contribuyente
	Italian: contribuente

belastingconcessie, belastingvermindering
	English: tax reduction
	French: reduction d'impot
	German: Steursenkung
	Spanish: reduccion de impuesto
	Italian: riduzione d'imposta

	English: inland revenue
	French: fisc
	German: Fiskus, Steuerbehorden
	Spanish: Hacienda, Fisco
	Italian: fisco

	English: Inland Revenue
	French: Tresor public
	German: Staatskasse, Schatzamt
	Spanish: Tesoro Publico
	Italian: erario pubblico

belastingformulier, belastingaangifteformulier
	English: tax return
	French: feuille d'impot
	German: Steuererklarung
	Spanish: impreso para la declaracion de la renta
	Italian: modulo delle imposte

belastingformulier, belastingtarief
	English: tax schedule, tax rate
	French: bar&egrave,me des impots
	German: Steuertabelle
	Spanish: tabla de impuestos
	Italian: tabella delle imposte

	English: tax schedules
	French: bar&egrave,mes fiscaux
	German: Steuertabellen
	Spanish: tablas fiscales
	Italian: tabelle fiscali

	English: taxation
	French: imposition
	German: Besteuerung
	Spanish: imposicion
	Italian: tassazione

	English: revision of taxation, tax reform
	French: reforme fiscale
	German: Steuerreform
	Spanish: reforma fiscal
	Italian: riforma fiscale

	English: tax year
	French: annee d'imposition
	German: Steuerjahr
	Spanish: ano impositivo
	Italian: anno d'imposta

belastingkorting, belastingteruggaaf
	English: tax return
	French: remboursement d'impot
	German: Steuerruckerstattung
	Spanish: devolucion de impuestos
	Italian: rimborso d'imposta

	English: level of taxation
	French: niveau d'imposition
	German: Besteuerungsniveau
	Spanish: nivel de imposicion
	Italian: livello d'imposizione

	English: tax avoidance
	French: optimisation fiscale
	German: Steuerausweichung
	Spanish: optimizacion fiscal
	Italian: ottimizzazione fiscale

	English: tax law
	French: code des impots
	German: Steuerrecht
	Spanish: codigo de impuestos
	Italian: codice fiscale

	English: tax bracket
	French: tranche d'impot
	German: Steuergruppe
	Spanish: categoria impositiva
	Italian: scaglione d'imposta

belastingssysteem, belastingschema
	English: tax system, tax scheme
	French: regime fiscal
	German: Steuersystem
	Spanish: regimen fiscal
	Italian: regime fiscale

belastingtarieven, belastingregulering, belastingheffing
	English: tax rates, tax regulation
	French: fiscalite
	German: Steuerwesen, Fiskalwesen
	Spanish: fiscalidad
	Italian: fiscalita

	English: tax increase
	French: majoration d'impot
	German: Steuererhohung
	Spanish: recargo de los impuestos, aumento de los impuestos
	Italian: maggiorazione d'imposta

	English: tax reduction
	French: minoration des impots
	German: Steuersenkung
	Spanish: minoracion de los impuestos
	Italian: riduzione delle imposte

	English: tax reduction
	French: degrevement fiscal
	German: Steuerentlastung, Steuererleichterung
	Spanish: desgravacion fiscal
	Italian: sgravio fiscale

belastingverlaging, belastingvermindering
	English: tax relief
	French: abattement fiscal
	German: Steuerabzug, Steuerermassigung
	Spanish: reduccion fiscal
	Italian: sgravio fiscale

	English: tax benefit
	French: avantages fiscaux
	German: Steuervergunstigungen
	Spanish: ventajas fiscales
	Italian: agevolazioni fiscali

	English: tax measure
	French: mesure fiscale
	German: Besteuerungsgrundlage
	Spanish: medida fiscal
	Italian: misure fiscali

	English: tax-free
	French: net d'impot
	German: steuer-, abgabenfrei
	Spanish: libre de impuestos
	Italian: netto d'imposta

belastingvrij, onbelast
	English: tax free, tax exempt
	French: non imposable
	German: steuerfrei
	Spanish: no imponible
	Italian: non imponibile

belastingvrijstelling, belastingaftrek
	English: tax exemption, tax allowance
	French: exoneration fiscale
	German: Steuerbefreiung, Steuerfreiheit
	Spanish: exoneracion fiscal
	Italian: esenzione fiscale

benoeming, nominatie
	English: appointment
	French: nomination
	German: Ernennung, Anstellung
	Spanish: nombramiento
	Italian: nomina

	English: appraisal grid
	French: grille d'evaluation
	German: Bewertungsraster
	Spanish: tabla de evaluacion
	Italian: griglia di valutazione

beperking, verplichting
	English: constraint, obligation
	French: contrainte
	German: Verpflichtung, Zwang
	Spanish: obligaciones, molestias
	Italian: restrizione, vincolo

beperkte aansprakelijkheid
	English: limited liability
	French: responsabilite limitee
	German: beschrankte Haftung
	Spanish: responsabilidad limitada
	Italian: responsabilita limitata

berisping, reprimande
	English: censure, reprimand
	French: blame
	German: Tadel, Vorwurf
	Spanish: amonestacion
	Italian: biasimo, nota di biasimo

beroep, ambacht
	English: occupation, profession
	French: profession
	German: Beruf
	Spanish: profesion
	Italian: professione

beroep, regres
	English: appeal
	French: recours
	German: Beschwerde, Ruckgriff
	Spanish: recurso
	Italian: ricorso

beroepsmobiliteit, arbeidsmobiliteit
	English: occupational mobility, professional mobility
	French: mobilite professionnelle
	German: berufliche Mobilitat
	Spanish: movilidad profesional
	Italian: mobilita professionale

	English: vocational training
	French: formation professionnelle
	German: Berufsausbildung
	Spanish: formacion profesional
	Italian: formazione professionale

	English: occupational disease
	French: maladie professionnelle
	German: Berufskrankheit
	Spanish: enfermedad profesional
	Italian: malattia professionale

bescherming, beveiliging
	English: protection, security
	French: protection
	German: Schutz
	Spanish: proteccion
	Italian: protezione

	English: availability
	French: disponibilite
	German: Verfugbarkeit
	Spanish: disponibilidad
	Italian: disponibilita

	English: availability rate
	French: taux de disponibilite
	German: Standzeitanteil, Verfugbarkeitsrate
	Spanish: tasa de disponibilidad
	Italian: livello di disponibilita

	English: decision-making process
	French: processus decisionnel
	German: Entscheidungsprozess
	Spanish: proceso de toma de decisiones
	Italian: processo decisionale

	English: decision-making level
	French: niveau de decision
	German: Entscheidungsebene
	Spanish: nivel de decision
	Italian: livello decisionale

	English: savings plan
	French: plan d'epargne
	German: Sparplan
	Spanish: plan de ahorro
	Italian: piano di risparmio

bestuur volgens gestelde doelen
	English: management by objective
	French: management par objectif
	German: Management by Objectives, Unternehmensfuhrung durch Zielsetzung
	Spanish: gestion por objetivos
	Italian: gestione per obiettivo

bestuurder, leider
	English: executive, leader
	French: dirigeant
	German: Geschaftsfuhrer, -leiter
	Spanish: dirigente
	Italian: dirigente

	English: administrative staff
	French: personnel administratif
	German: Verwaltungspersonal
	Spanish: personal administrativo
	Italian: personale amministrativo

	English: managerial status
	French: statut cadre
	German: Leitungsfunktion
	Spanish: estatus directivo
	Italian: statuto quadro

	English: payable
	French: exigible
	German: fallig, einklagbar
	Spanish: exigible
	Italian: esigibile

	English: payability
	French: exigibilite
	German: Falligkeit, Eintreibbarkeit
	Spanish: exigibilidad
	Italian: esigibilita

betaald verlof
	English: paid leave
	French: conges payes
	German: bezahlter Urlaub
	Spanish: vacaciones retribuidas, vacaciones pagadas
	Italian: congedi retribuiti

	English: pay day
	French: jour de paie
	German: Zahltag
	Spanish: dia de cobro
	Italian: giorno di paga

	English: pay grid
	French: grille de salaires
	German: Gehaltstabelle
	Spanish: tabla de salarios
	Italian: griglia salariale

	English: pay structure
	French: structure salariale
	German: Gehaltsstruktur
	Spanish: estructura salarial
	Italian: struttura salariale

	English: payment
	French: paiement
	German: Zahlung
	Spanish: pago
	Italian: pagamento

betaling, afbetalingstermijn
	English: payment, instalment
	French: versement
	German: Uberweisung
	Spanish: pago, ingreso
	Italian: versamento

	English: payment deadline
	French: delai de paiement
	German: Zahlungsfrist
	Spanish: plazo de pago
	Italian: termine di pagamento

	English: means of payment
	French: modalites de reglement
	German: Zahlungsbedingung
	Spanish: modalidades de pago
	Italian: modalita di pagamento

bevoegd, het recht hebbende om
	English: empowered, entitled to
	French: habilite
	German: Befugnis
	Spanish: autorizado
	Italian: abilitato

	English: population
	French: population
	German: Bevolkerung
	Spanish: poblacion
	Italian: popolazione

bevordering, promotie wegens ancienniteit
	English: promotion by seniority
	French: promotion a l'anciennete
	German: Beforderung nach Dienstalter
	Spanish: promocion por antiguedad
	Italian: promozione per anzianita

	English: movement
	French: mouvement
	German: Bewegung
	Spanish: movimiento
	Italian: movimento

bezoldigd personeel
	English: salaried staff
	French: salaries (nm)
	German: Angestellte, Personal
	Spanish: empleados, asalariados
	Italian: personale dipendente

bezuiniging, reductie
	English: cut, reduction
	French: reduction
	German: Reduzierung
	Spanish: reduccion
	Italian: riduzione

	English: contribution
	French: cotisation
	German: Beitragszahlung
	Spanish: cotizacion
	Italian: contributo

	English: appendix
	French: annexe
	German: Anhang
	Spanish: anexo
	Italian: allegato

bijstand voor onvoorziene uitgaven
	English: welfare contingency fund
	French: caisse de prevoyance sociale
	German: Sozialvorsorgekasse
	Spanish: fondo de prevision social
	Italian: cassa di previdenza sociale

blijvende invaliditeit
	English: permanent disability
	French: invalidite definitive
	German: dauernde Arbeitsunfahigkeit
	Spanish: invalidez definitiva
	Italian: invalidita definitiva

blijvende invaliditeit
	English: permanent disability
	French: invalidite permanente
	German: Erwerbsunfahigkeit
	Spanish: invalidez permanente
	Italian: invalidita permanente

blijvende invaliditeit
	English: permanent disability
	French: incapacite permanente
	German: dauerhafte Arbeitsunfahigkeit
	Spanish: incapacidad permanente
	Italian: inabilita permanente

	English: penalty
	French: penalite
	German: Vertragsstrafe, Konventionalstrafe
	Spanish: penalidad, penalizacion
	Italian: penale

boete voor te late betaling
	English: late payment charge
	French: penalite de retard
	German: Vertragsstrafe, Verzugszuschlag
	Spanish: penalidad por retraso, penalizacion por retraso
	Italian: penalita di mora

	English: penalty clause
	French: clause de penalite
	German: Vereinbarung einer Vertragsstrafe, Konventionalstrafe
	Spanish: clausula de penalizacion
	Italian: clausola penale

	English: bonus
	French: bonus
	German: Bonus
	Spanish: bonus
	Italian: dividendo, premio

bonus op basis van prestaties
	English: performance-related bonus
	French: bonus lie aux resultats
	German: ergebnisabhangiger Bonus
	Spanish: bonus por resultados
	Italian: premio legato ai risultati

bonus, premie
	English: bonus
	French: prime
	German: Pramie
	Spanish: prima
	Italian: premio, indennita

bovengrens van bijdragen
	English: upper limit on contributions
	French: plafonnement des cotisations
	German: Begrenzung der Beitragszahlungen
	Spanish: limite de las cotizaciones
	Italian: fissazione del massimale contributivo

bovenste leeftijdsgrens
	English: upper age limit
	French: limite d'age superieure
	German: oberste Altersgrenze
	Spanish: limite de edad maximo, edad maxima
	Italian: limite di eta superiore

BPO (business process outsourcing)
	English: BPO (business process outsourcing)
	French: BPO (business process outsourcing)
	German: BPO (business process outsourcing)
	Spanish: BPO (business process outsourcing)
	Italian: (BPO) business process outsourcing

branche CAO
	English: industry-wide agreement
	French: accord de branche
	German: Branchenabkommen
	Spanish: acuerdo sectorial
	Italian: accordo di settore

branche, sector
	English: line of business, sector of industry
	French: secteur d'activite
	German: Geschaftsbereich, Tatigkeitsbereich
	Spanish: sector de actividad
	Italian: settore di attivita

	English: gross margin
	French: marge brute
	German: Bruttospanne
	Spanish: margen bruto
	Italian: margine lordo

	English: gross salary
	French: salaire brut
	German: Bruttogehalt
	Spanish: salario bruto
	Italian: stipendio lordo

BSP (business service provider)
	English: BSP (business service provider)
	French: BSP (business service provider)
	German: BSP (business service provider)
	Spanish: BSP (business service provider)
	Italian: BSP (business service provider)

buitenlander, vreemdeling
	English: foreigner
	French: etranger
	German: Auslander, Fremder
	Spanish: extranjero
	Italian: straniero

buitenlandse arbeider
	English: foreign worker
	French: travailleur etranger
	German: auslandischer Arbeitnehmer
	Spanish: trabajador extranjero
	Italian: lavoratore straniero

	English: business plan
	French: business plan
	German: Geschaftsplan
	Spanish: business plan
	Italian: business plan

cafetaria, kantine
	English: cafeteria, canteen
	French: cantine
	German: Kantine
	Spanish: comedor de empresa
	Italian: mensa

	English: career
	French: carri&egrave,re
	German: Karriere
	Spanish: carrera
	Italian: carriera

	English: career planning
	French: plan de carri&egrave,re
	German: Karriereplan
	Spanish: plan de carrera
	Italian: piano di carriera

categorie, klasse
	English: category, class
	French: categorie
	German: Kategorie, Rang
	Spanish: categoria
	Italian: categoria

	English: centralisation
	French: centralisation
	German: Zentralisierung
	Spanish: centralizacion
	Italian: accentramento

	English: certificate
	French: certificat
	German: Zertifikat, Auszeichnung
	Spanish: certificado
	Italian: certificato

	English: certificate
	French: attestation
	German: Bescheinigung, Attest
	Spanish: atestado
	Italian: certificato

certificaat beschikbaar
	English: certificate available upon
	French: certificat disponible sur
	German: Zertifikat auf Anfrage
	Spanish: certificado disponible
	Italian: certificato disponibile

cheque, controle
	English: cheque, check (US)
	French: cheque
	German: Scheck
	Spanish: talon (bancario)
	Italian: assegno

	English: chronological
	French: chronologique
	German: chronologisch
	Spanish: cronologico
	Italian: cronologico

	English: client base
	French: portefeuille clients
	German: Kundenbestand
	Spanish: cartera de clientes
	Italian: portafoglio clienti

	English: client base
	French: parc clients
	German: Kundenbestand
	Spanish: parque de clientes
	Italian: parco clienti

	English: customer base
	French: client&egrave,le
	German: Kundschaft
	Spanish: clientela
	Italian: clientela

	English: co-ordinator
	French: coordinateur
	German: Koordinator
	Spanish: coordinador
	Italian: coordinatore

	English: code name
	French: nom de code
	German: Kennwort, Kennziffer
	Spanish: nombre de codigo
	Italian: nome in codice

collectieve overeenkomst
	English: collective agreement
	French: accord collectif
	German: Kollektivabkommen, Kollektivvertrag
	Spanish: acuerdo colectivo
	Italian: accordo collettivo

	English: compensation
	French: compensation
	German: Ausgleich, Entschadigung
	Spanish: compensacion
	Italian: compenso

	English: compensation
	French: dedommagement
	German: Entschadigung
	Spanish: indemnizacion
	Italian: risarcimento

compensatie voor vervroegd pensioen
	English: compensation for early retirement
	French: indemnisation de depart anticipe
	German: Entschadigung fur vorzeitiges Ausscheiden
	Spanish: indemnizacion por jubilacion anticipada
	Italian: indennita di prepensionamento

compensatie, schadeloosstelling
	English: indemnity
	French: indemnisation
	German: Entschadigung
	Spanish: indemnizacion
	Italian: indennita

	English: compensation level
	French: niveau de remuneration
	German: Gehaltsniveau
	Spanish: nivel de remuneracion
	Italian: livello retributivo

	English: competence sharing
	French: partage d'experience
	German: Erfahrungsaustausch
	Spanish: puesta en comun de la experiencia
	Italian: condivisione di esperienza

	English: competency management
	French: gestion des competences
	German: Kompetenzmanagement
	Spanish: gestion de competencias
	Italian: gestione delle competenze

	English: computer
	French: ordinateur
	German: Computer
	Spanish: ordenador
	Italian: computer

	English: partner
	French: concubin
	German: Lebenspartner
	Spanish: concubino
	Italian: convivente

	English: competition
	French: concurrence
	German: Konkurrenz
	Spanish: competencia
	Italian: concorrenza

	English: competitive advantage
	French: avantage concurrentiel
	German: Wettbewerbsvorteile
	Spanish: ventaja sobre la competencia
	Italian: vantaggio competitivo

contract voor bepaalde tijd
	English: fixed-term contract
	French: contrat &agrave, duree determinee
	German: befristeter Vertrag
	Spanish: contrato temporal
	Italian: contratto a tempo determinato

contract voor onbepaalde tijd
	English: unlimited-term contract
	French: contrat &agrave, duree indeterminee
	German: unbefristeter Vertrag
	Spanish: contrato indefinido
	Italian: contratto a tempo indeterminato

contract voor seizoenarbeid
	English: seasonal employment contract
	French: contrat saisonnier
	German: Saisonarbeitsvertrag
	Spanish: contrato de temporada
	Italian: contratto di lavoro stagionale

contract voor tijdelijk werk
	English: temporary work contract
	French: contrat de travail temporaire
	German: Zeitarbeitsvertrag
	Spanish: contrato de trabajo temporal
	Italian: contratto di lavoro temporaneo

contract, overeenkomst
	English: contract, agreement
	French: contrat
	German: Vertrag
	Spanish: contrato
	Italian: contratto

	English: breach of contract
	French: violation des termes du contrat
	German: Vetragsbruch, Vertragsverletzung
	Spanish: violacion de los terminos del contrato
	Italian: violazione dei termini contrattuali

	English: duration of the contract
	French: duree du contrat
	German: Vertragsdauer
	Spanish: duracion del contrato
	Italian: durata del contratto

	English: contractual
	French: contractuel
	German: vertraglich
	Spanish: contractual
	Italian: contrattuale

contractuele dienstverlening
	English: contractual service
	French: prestation contractuelle
	German: vertragliche Leistung
	Spanish: prestacion contractual
	Italian: servizio contrattuale

	English: extension of a contract
	French: prolongation d'un contrat
	German: Vertragsverlangerung
	Spanish: prolongacion de un contrato
	Italian: proroga di un contratto

core business
	English: core business
	French: core business
	German: Grundtatigkeit, Kerngeschaft
	Spanish: nucleo de negocio
	Italian: core business

corporate communicatie
	English: corporate communication
	French: communication corporate
	German: Unternehmenskommunikation
	Spanish: comunicacion corporativa
	Italian: corporate communication

corporatie, organisatie
	English: organisation
	French: organisme
	German: Organisation
	Spanish: organismo
	Italian: organismo

criminele aansprakelijkheid
	English: criminal liability
	French: responsabilite penale
	German: strafrechtliche Haftung, Zurechnungsfahigkeit
	Spanish: responsabilidad penal
	Italian: responsabilita penale

cumulatieve cijfers
	English: year to date
	French: cumul annee
	German: Jahreskumulation
	Spanish: acumulado anual
	Italian: cumulo annuale

	English: receivership
	French: redressement judiciaire
	German: gerichtliches Sanierungsverfahren
	Spanish: administracion judicial
	Italian: procedura concorsuale

curriculum vitae, resume
	English: curriculum vitae, resume (US)
	French: curriculum vitae
	German: Lebenslauf
	Spanish: curriculum vitae, historial profesional
	Italian: curriculum vitae

cursus voor gevorderden
	English: advanced course
	French: stage de perfectionnement
	German: Fortbildungskurs, Aufbaulehrgang
	Spanish: curso de perfeccionamiento, cursillo de perfeccionamiento
	Italian: corso di perfezionamento

customer relationship management (CRM)
	English: customer relationship management (CRM)
	French: gestion de la relation client (GRC)
	German: Kundenbeziehungsmanagement
	Spanish: gestion de la relacion cliente (CRM)
	Italian: gestione delle relazioni con i clienti

diensttijd, ancienniteit
	English: length of service
	French: anciennete
	German: Dienstalter
	Spanish: antiguedad
	Italian: anzianita

	English: service provider
	French: prestataire de service
	German: Dienstleister
	Spanish: proveedor de servicios
	Italian: fornitore di servizio

dienstverlening, service
	English: service
	French: service
	German: Dienstleistung, Service
	Spanish: servicio
	Italian: servizi

	English: profit level
	French: niveau de profit
	German: Ertragshohe
	Spanish: nivel de ganancias, nivel de beneficios
	Italian: livello di profitto

	English: service industry
	French: industrie de service
	German: Dienstleistungsindustrie
	Spanish: industria de servicio
	Italian: industria dei servizi

diploma, certificaat
	English: diploma
	French: diplome
	German: Diplom
	Spanish: diploma
	Italian: diploma

directe belasting
	English: direct tax
	French: impot direct
	German: direkte Steuer
	Spanish: impuesto directo
	Italian: imposta diretta

	English: general management
	French: direction generale
	German: Geschaftsleitung
	Spanish: direccion general
	Italian: direzione generale

	English: disqualification
	French: disqualification
	German: Disqualifizierung
	Spanish: descalificacion
	Italian: squalifica

dispensatie, derogatie
	English: dispensation, waiver
	French: derogation
	German: Ausnahme
	Spanish: derogacion
	Italian: deroga

dispensatie, vrijstelling
	English: dispensation, exemption
	French: dispense
	German: Steuererlass, Erlaubnis
	Spanish: dispensa
	Italian: dispensa, esonero

dividend van winstdeling
	English: dividend from profit sharing
	French: prime d'interessement
	German: Gewinnbeteiligung
	Spanish: prima de participacion en beneficios
	Italian: dividendo di partecipazione agli utili

	English: subsidiary
	French: filiale
	German: Tochtergesellschaft
	Spanish: filial
	Italian: filiale, consociata

	English: documentation
	French: documentation
	German: Dokumentation
	Spanish: documentacion
	Italian: documentazione

	English: document management
	French: gestion documentaire
	German: Dokumentenmanagement, dokumentarische Verwaltung
	Spanish: gestion documental
	Italian: gestione dei documenti

doel, doelstelling
	English: goal, objective
	French: objectif
	German: Ziel
	Spanish: objetivo
	Italian: obiettivo

doelmatige oplossing
	English: service solution
	French: solution de service
	German: Servicelosung
	Spanish: solucion de servicio
	Italian: soluzione di servizi

dokter, arts
	English: doctor
	French: medecin
	German: Arzt
	Spanish: medico
	Italian: medico

dood door ongeval
	English: accidental death
	French: deces accidentel
	German: Unfalltod
	Spanish: fallecimiento accidental
	Italian: morte accidentale

door dispensatie
	English: dispensatory
	French: derogatoire
	German: mit aufhebender Wirkung
	Spanish: derogatorio
	Italian: derogatorio

door kapitaal gedekte pensioenregeling, door kapitaal vooraf gedekte pensioenregeling, particuliere belegging
	English: funded pension scheme, personal investment account
	French: retraite par capitalisation
	German: Kapitalrente
	Spanish: jubilacion por capitalizacion
	Italian: pensione a capitalizzazione

doordeweekse dag
	English: weekday
	French: jour ouvre
	German: Werktag
	Spanish: dia laborable
	Italian: giorno lavorato

doordeweekse rustdag
	English: weekly rest day
	French: repos hebdomadaire
	German: wochentliche Ruhezeit
	Spanish: descanso semanal
	Italian: riposo settimanale

	English: striking off
	French: radiation
	German: Streichung, Entfernung
	Spanish: radiacion
	Italian: radiazione

doorlopende order, automatische afschrijving
	English: standing order, automatic withdrawal
	French: prelevement automatique
	German: Dauerauftrag
	Spanish: cargo automatico
	Italian: prelievo automatico

dossier dat in gebruik is
	English: active file
	French: dossier actif
	German: aktueller Vorgang
	Spanish: archivo en uso, carpeta en uso
	Italian: fascicolo attivo

dossier, formulier
	English: file, form
	French: dossier
	German: Akte, Vorgang, Fall
	Spanish: expediente, informe
	Italian: fascicolo

	English: quarterly
	French: trimestriel
	German: vierteljahrlich
	Spanish: trimestral
	Italian: trimestrale

dubbele belasting
	English: double taxation
	French: double imposition
	German: doppelte Besteuerung
	Spanish: doble imposicion
	Italian: doppia imposizione

	English: length of time
	French: duree
	German: Dauer
	Spanish: duracion
	Italian: durata

	English: spouse
	French: conjoint
	German: Ehegatte(-gattin)
	Spanish: conyuge
	Italian: coniuge

	English: husband
	French: epoux
	German: Gatte
	Spanish: esposo, marido
	Italian: marito

	English: wife
	French: epouse
	German: Gattin
	Spanish: esposa, mujer
	Italian: moglie

	English: after-effects
	French: sequelles
	German: Folgen, Spatfolgen
	Spanish: secuelas
	Italian: strascico, conseguenza

elektronische archivering
	English: electronic archiving
	French: archivage electronique
	German: elektronische Archivierung
	Spanish: archivado electronico
	Italian: archiviazione elettronica

	English: expatriate
	French: expatrie (nm)
	German: Auswanderer
	Spanish: expatriado
	Italian: espatriati

	English: expatriation
	French: expatriation
	German: Auswanderung, Ausweisung
	Spanish: expatriacion
	Italian: espatrio

	English: expatriation allowance
	French: prime d'expatriation
	German: Auslandszulage
	Spanish: prima de expatriacion
	Italian: indennita di espatrio

ERP (enterprise resource planning)
	English: ERP (enterprise resource planning)
	French: PGI (progiciel de gestion integree)
	German: ERP (enterprise resource planning)
	Spanish: ERP (enterprise resource planning)
	Italian: ERP, sistemi di pianificazione delle risorse aziendali

ERP (enterprise resource planning)
	English: ERP (enterprise resource planning)
	French: ERP (enterprise resource planning)
	German: ERP (enterprise resource planning)
	Spanish: ERP (enterprise resource planning)
	Italian: ERP (enterprise resource planning), sistemi di pianificazione delle risorse aziendali

	English: exit interview
	French: entretien de depart
	German: Austrittsgesprach
	Spanish: entrevista de salida
	Italian: intervista d?uscita

expertise op het gebied van HR
	English: HR expertise
	French: expertise RH
	German: Sachkenntnis im Personalmanagement
	Spanish: experiencia en RR. HH.
	Italian: esperienza nel settore delle risorse umane

	English: operating costs
	French: couts operationnels
	German: Betriebskosten
	Spanish: costos operacionales
	Italian: costi di esercizio

externe communicatie
	English: external communication
	French: communication externe
	German: externe Kommunikation
	Spanish: comunicacion externa
	Italian: comunicazione esterna

externe resources
	English: external resources
	French: ressources externes
	German: externe Ressourcen
	Spanish: recursos externos
	Italian: risorse esterne

fabriek, firma
	English: plant, firm
	French: etablissement
	German: Betrieb, Firma
	Spanish: establecimiento
	Italian: stabilimento, istituto

fabriek, werken
	English: factory
	French: usine
	German: Fabrik
	Spanish: fabrica
	Italian: stabilimento

	English: factory worker
	French: ouvrier d'usine
	German: Fabrikarbeiter
	Spanish: obrero industrial
	Italian: operaio

	English: plant agreement
	French: accord d'etablissement
	German: Betriebsabkommen
	Spanish: acuerdo de establecimiento
	Italian: accordo di stabilimento

	English: factory work
	French: travail en usine
	German: Fabrikarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo en fabrica
	Italian: lavoro in fabbrica

	English: billing, invoicing
	French: facturation
	German: Rechnungsausstellung, Fakturierung
	Spanish: facturacion
	Italian: fatturazione

	English: family
	French: famille
	German: Familie
	Spanish: familia
	Italian: famiglia

familienaam, achternaam
	English: surname
	French: nom de famille
	German: Nachname, Familienname
	Spanish: apellido
	Italian: cognome

	English: branch, office
	French: succursale
	German: Zweigstelle
	Spanish: sucursal
	Italian: succursale

filiaal, agentschap
	English: branch, agency
	French: agence
	German: Agentur
	Spanish: agencia
	Italian: filiale - succursale

fiscaal beleid
	English: fiscal policy
	French: politique fiscale
	German: Steuerpolitik
	Spanish: politica fiscal
	Italian: politica fiscale

fiscaal jaar
	English: fiscal year
	French: annee fiscale
	German: Steuerjahr
	Spanish: ano fiscal
	Italian: anno fiscale

fiscale kalender
	English: fiscal calendar
	French: calendrier fiscal
	German: Steuerkalender
	Spanish: calendario fiscal
	Italian: calendario fiscale

flex time
	English: flexitime
	French: horaire a la carte
	German: gleitende Arbeitszeit, flexible Arbeitszeit
	Spanish: horario flexible
	Italian: orario flessibile

	English: flexible
	French: flexible
	German: flexibel
	Spanish: flexible
	Italian: flessibile

flexibel tijdslot
	English: flexible time bracket
	French: plage horaire flexible, mobile
	German: Gleitzeit
	Spanish: franja horaria flexible, movible
	Italian: orario flessibile

flexibele werktijden
	English: flexible working hours
	French: amenagement du temps de travail
	German: Gestaltung der Arbeitszeit
	Spanish: horario de trabajo flexible
	Italian: organizzazione dell'orario di lavoro

flexibele werktijden
	English: flexible working hours, flexitime
	French: horaire flexible
	German: flexible Arbeitszeiten
	Spanish: horario flexible
	Italian: orario flessibile

	English: flexibility
	French: flexibilite
	German: Flexibilitat
	Spanish: flexibilidad
	Italian: flessibilita

	English: focusing
	French: reconcentration
	German: Fokussierung
	Spanish: reconcentracion, nuevo enfoque
	Italian: ricentraggio

follow-up van dossier
	English: file follow-up
	French: suivi des dossiers
	German: Bearbeitung, Sachbearbeitung
	Spanish: seguimiento de los expedientes, seguimiento de los dossiers
	Italian: gestione delle pratiche

fonds van sociale verzekeringen
	English: social security fund
	French: caisse de Securite sociale
	German: Sozialversicherungskasse
	Spanish: fondo de seguridad social
	Italian: fondo di sicurezza sociale

fonds voor onvoorziene uitgaven
	English: contingency fund
	French: caisse de prevoyance
	German: Fursorgekasse
	Spanish: fondo de prevision
	Italian: cassa di previdenza

fonds voor onvoorziene uitgaven
	English: contingency fund
	French: fonds de prevoyance
	German: Vorsorgefonds, Unterstutzungsfonds
	Spanish: fondo de prevision
	Italian: fondo previdenziale

	English: formalities
	French: formalites
	German: Formalitaten
	Spanish: formalidades
	Italian: formalita

	English: form
	French: formulaire
	German: Formular
	Spanish: formulario
	Italian: moduli

formulier met persoonlijke gegevens
	English: personal data form
	French: fiche individuelle
	German: Personalblatt
	Spanish: ficha individual, formulario individual
	Italian: scheda individuale

formulier, strookje
	English: form, slip
	French: bulletin
	German: Formular, Schein
	Spanish: recibo, nomina
	Italian: cedolino

	English: zero defect
	French: zero defaut
	German: fehlerfrei, Null-Fehler-Strategie
	Spanish: perfecto, sin errores
	Italian: difettosita zero, assenza di difetti

	English: franchise
	French: franchise
	German: Franchise
	Spanish: franquicia
	Italian: franchigia

	English: franchised company
	French: franchise
	German: Franchising-
	Spanish: franquiciado
	Italian: societa in franchising

freelancer, zelfstandige
	English: freelance worker, self-employed person
	French: travailleur independant
	German: Selbststandiger
	Spanish: autonomo, trabajador por cuenta propia
	Italian: lavoratore indipendente

functie, positie
	English: post, position
	French: poste
	German: Job, Stelle
	Spanish: puesto
	Italian: posto

functie, positie
	English: position, function
	French: fonction
	German: Position, Funktion
	Spanish: funcion
	Italian: funzione

	English: job analysis
	French: analyse des emplois
	German: Jobanalyse
	Spanish: job analysis, analisis del puesto de trabajo
	Italian: analisi delle mansioni

	English: job classification
	French: classification des postes
	German: Stellenbeschreibung
	Spanish: clasificacion de los empleos
	Italian: classificazione delle posizioni

functiedeling, arbeidsdeling
	English: job sharing, work-share
	French: partage du travail
	German: Arbeitsteilung
	Spanish: reparto del trabajo
	Italian: condivisione del lavoro

	English: job description
	French: definition de fonction
	German: Arbeitsplatzbeschreibung
	Spanish: descripcion del empleo
	Italian: definizione di funzione

	English: job description
	French: descriptif de poste
	German: Jobbeschreibung
	Spanish: descripcion de cargo, descripcion de puesto de trabajo
	Italian: descrizione del posto

	English: job profile
	French: profil de poste
	German: Jobprofil
	Spanish: perfil de trabajo
	Italian: profilo lavorativo

	English: job rotation
	French: rotation d'emplois
	German: Jobrotation
	Spanish: rotacion de empleos
	Italian: rotazione delle mansioni

functioneel platform
	English: functional platform
	French: plate-forme fonctionnelle
	German: funktionelle Plattform
	Spanish: plataforma funcional
	Italian: piattaforma funzionale

	English: backdated
	French: antidate
	German: zuruckdatiert
	Spanish: antedatato
	Italian: retrodatato

	English: birth
	French: naissance
	German: Geburt
	Spanish: nacimiento
	Italian: nascita

	English: birth certificate
	French: extrait de naissance
	German: Geburtsurkunde
	Spanish: partida de nacimiento
	Italian: certificato di nascita

	English: birth certificate
	French: acte de naissance
	German: Geburtsurkunde
	Spanish: partida de nacimiento
	Italian: atto di nascita

	English: date of birth
	French: date de naissance
	German: Geburtsdatum
	Spanish: fecha de nacimiento
	Italian: data di nascita

	English: place of birth
	French: lieu de naissance
	German: Geburtsort
	Spanish: lugar de nacimiento
	Italian: luogo di nascita

	English: child birth allowance
	French: prime de naissance
	German: Geburtenpramie, Geburtszulage
	Spanish: prima por nacimiento de hijos
	Italian: premio di natalita

	English: user
	French: utilisateur
	German: Benutzer
	Spanish: usuario
	Italian: utente

gedeeltelijke invaliditeit
	English: partial disability
	French: invalidite partielle
	German: Teilinvaliditat
	Spanish: invalidez parcial
	Italian: invalidita parziale

gedeeltelijke invaliditeit
	English: partial disability
	French: incapacite partielle
	German: teilweise Minderung der Erwerbstatigkeit
	Spanish: incapacidad parcial
	Italian: inabilita parziale

	English: secondee
	French: detache
	German: abgestellt, abgestellte Person
	Spanish: destinado provisionalmente
	Italian: distaccato

gedwongen ontslag
	English: round of redundancies, job cuts
	French: plan social
	German: Sozialplan
	Spanish: plan social
	Italian: esubero di personale

gedwongen ontslag
	English: redundancy
	French: licenciement economique
	German: betriebsbedingte Kundigung
	Spanish: despido por razones economicas
	Italian: licenziamento economico

gegarandeerd minimumloon
	English: guaranteed minimum wage
	French: salaire minimum garanti
	German: garantierter Mindestlohn
	Spanish: salario minimo asegurado
	Italian: stipendio minimo garantito

gegevens verzamelt
	English: data compiling
	French: compilation de donnees
	German: Datenaufbereitung
	Spanish: compilacion de datos
	Italian: compilazione dei dati

	English: data processing
	French: traitement de l'information
	German: Datenverarbeitung
	Spanish: proceso de datos, tratamiento de la informacion
	Italian: trattamento dell'informazione

	English: data processing
	French: traitement des donnees
	German: Datenverarbeitung
	Spanish: proceso de datos, procesamiento de datos
	Italian: trattamento dati

gegradueerd, verhoudingsgewijs
	English: proportional
	French: proportionnel
	German: proportional
	Spanish: proporcional
	Italian: proporzionale

gekwalificeerde arbeider
	English: qualified worker
	French: ouvrier qualifie
	German: qualifizierter Arbeiter
	Spanish: obrero cualificado
	Italian: operaio qualificato

gekwalificeerde functie
	English: skilled job
	French: emploi qualifie
	German: qualifizierte Arbeit
	Spanish: trabajo cualificado
	Italian: lavoro qualificato

gemengd, gecombineerd
	English: mixed, combined
	French: mixte
	German: gemischt
	Spanish: mixto
	Italian: misto

gemiddeld inkomen
	English: average income
	French: revenu moyen
	German: Durchschnittseinkommen
	Spanish: renta media, ingresos medios
	Italian: reddito medio

gemiddelde jaarlijkse groei
	English: average annual growth
	French: croissance annuelle moyenne
	German: durchschnittliches Jahreswachstum
	Spanish: crecimiento medio anual
	Italian: crescita annua media

	English: medicine
	French: medecine
	German: Medizin
	Spanish: medicina
	Italian: medicina

geografische dekking, footprint
	English: geographical coverage
	French: couverture geographique
	German: Erfassungsbereich
	Spanish: cobertura geografica
	Italian: copertura geografica

geografische mobiliteit
	English: geographical mobility
	French: mobilite geographique
	German: geographische Mobilitat
	Spanish: movilidad geografica
	Italian: mobilita geografica

gepersonaliseerd onderhoud
	English: personalised maintenance
	French: maintenance personnalisee
	German: individuelle Wartung, massgeschneiderte Wartung
	Spanish: mantenimiento personalizado
	Italian: manutenzione personalizzata

	English: registered
	French: enregistre (adj)
	German: gespeichert
	Spanish: registrado, grabado
	Italian: registrato

	English: registered
	French: agree (adj)
	German: zugelassen
	Spanish: autorizado, exclusivo
	Italian: autorizzato

gericht inzetten
	English: focusing strengths
	French: concentration des forces
	German: Kraftebundelung
	Spanish: concentracion de las fuerzas
	Italian: concentrazione delle forze

gerubriceerde advertenties
	English: classified ads
	French: petites annonces
	German: Kleinanzeigen
	Spanish: anuncios clasificados
	Italian: piccoli annunci

gerubriceerde advertenties
	English: classified ads
	French: annonces classees
	German: Kleinanzeigen
	Spanish: anuncios clasificados
	Italian: annunci economici

	English: divorced
	French: divorce (adj)
	German: geschieden
	Spanish: divorciado
	Italian: divorziato

	English: aptitude
	French: aptitude
	German: Fahigkeit, Eignung
	Spanish: aptitud
	Italian: attitudine

	English: aptitude test
	French: test d'aptitude
	German: Eignungstest
	Spanish: test de aptitud
	Italian: test attitudinale

	English: litigation, dispute
	French: litige
	German: Rechtsstreit
	Spanish: litigio
	Italian: controversia

geschoolde arbeid
	English: skilled labour
	French: main-d'?uvre qualifiee
	German: qualifizierte Arbeitskraft
	Spanish: mano de obra cualificada
	Italian: manodopera qualificata

gespecialiseerde unit
	English: specialised unit
	French: cellule specialisee
	German: Spezialeinheit
	Spanish: equipo especializado, unidad especializada
	Italian: unita specializzata

gesplitste uren
	English: split hours
	French: horaire fractionne
	German: geteilte Arbeitszeit
	Spanish: horario fraccionado
	Italian: orario frazionato

gespreide werktijden
	English: staggered hours
	French: horaire decale
	German: Gleitzeit
	Spanish: horario escalonado
	Italian: orario scaglionato

	English: interview
	French: entretien
	German: Gesprach
	Spanish: entrevista
	Italian: colloquio

gestegen percentage
	English: increased rate
	French: taux majore
	German: erhohter Satz
	Spanish: indice aumentado
	Italian: tasso maggiorato

gevestigde rechten, onvervreemdbare rechten
	English: vested rights, established rights
	French: avantages acquis
	German: erworbene Anspruche
	Spanish: ventajas adquiridas
	Italian: diritti acquisiti

gewerkte uren
	English: worked hours
	French: heures travaillees
	German: geleistete Arbeitsstunden
	Spanish: horas trabajadas
	Italian: ore lavorate

gewijzigde wet- en regelgeving
	English: legislative changes
	French: evolution legislative
	German: rechtliche Anderungen
	Spanish: cambios legislativos
	Italian: evoluzione legislativa

	English: common-law marriage
	French: concubinage
	German: nichteheliche Lebensgemeinschaft, Konkubinat
	Spanish: concubinato
	Italian: convivenza

	English: joint
	French: paritaire
	German: paritatisch
	Spanish: paritario (a), mixto (a)
	Italian: paritario, paritetico

gezamenlijke commissie
	English: joint commission
	French: commission paritaire
	German: paritatischer Ausschuss
	Spanish: comision paritaria
	Italian: commissione paritetica

	English: family allowance
	French: allocations familiales
	German: Familienbeihilfe
	Spanish: subsidio familiar
	Italian: assegni familiari

gezondheid en veiligheid
	English: health and safety
	French: hygiene et securite
	German: Hygiene und Sicherheit
	Spanish: higiene y seguridad
	Italian: igiene e sicurezza

glijdende loonschaal
	English: sliding wage scale
	French: echelle mobile des salaires
	German: gleitende Lohnskala
	Spanish: escala movil de salarios
	Italian: scala mobile salariale

glijdende schaal
	English: sliding scale
	French: echelle mobile
	German: Gleitskala, gleitende Skala
	Spanish: escala movil
	Italian: scala mobile

	English: globalisation
	French: mondialisation
	German: Globalisierung
	Spanish: mundializacion
	Italian: globalizzazione

grensoverschrijdende arbeider
	English: cross-border worker
	French: travailleur frontalier
	German: Grenzganger
	Spanish: trabajador fronterizo
	Italian: lavoratore frontaliero

grief, klacht
	English: grievance, complaint
	French: reclamation
	German: Reklamation, Beschwerde
	Spanish: reclamacion
	Italian: reclamo

	English: growth
	French: croissance
	German: Wachstum
	Spanish: crecimiento
	Italian: crescita

	English: growth rate
	French: taux de croissance
	German: Wachstumsrate
	Spanish: indice de crecimiento, tasa de crecimiento
	Italian: tasso di crescita

	English: group
	French: groupe (firme)
	German: Gruppe (Firma)
	Spanish: grupo
	Italian: gruppo

	English: feasibility
	French: faisabilite
	German: Machbarkeit
	Spanish: factibilidad
	Italian: fattibilita

	English: feasibility study
	French: etude de faisabilite
	German: Machbarkeitsstudie
	Spanish: estudio de factibilidad, estudio de posibilidades
	Italian: studio di fattibilita

half jaar, semester
	English: half year
	French: semestre
	German: Semester
	Spanish: semestre
	Italian: semestre

half jaarlijks
	English: 6-monthly
	French: semestriel
	German: halbjahrlich
	Spanish: semestral
	Italian: semestrale

halftijdswerk, halftijdswerkgelegenheid
	English: part time employment
	French: travail a mi-temps
	German: Halbtagsarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo a media jornada
	Italian: lavoro a tempo parziale

halve werktijd
	English: half time
	French: mi-temps
	German: Halbzeit
	Spanish: media jornada
	Italian: tempo parziale

	English: manual worker
	French: man?uvre
	German: ungelernter Arbeiter, Hilfsarbeiter
	Spanish: peon, trabajador manual
	Italian: manovra, manovale

	English: manual worker
	French: travailleur manuel
	German: Handarbeiter
	Spanish: trabajador manual
	Italian: lavoratore manuale

	English: commercial court
	French: tribunal de commerce
	German: Handelsgericht
	Spanish: juzgado de comercio, tribunal de comercio
	Italian: tribunale commerciale

handelsvereniging, beroepsvereniging
	English: trade association, professional union
	French: syndicat professionnel
	German: Arbeitgeberverband, berufsstandische Vereinigung
	Spanish: sindicato profesional
	Italian: sindacato professionale

	English: disability
	French: handicap
	German: Behinderung
	Spanish: Desventaja, Minusvalia
	Italian: handicap, disabilita

	English: signature
	French: signature
	German: Unterschrift
	Spanish: firma
	Italian: firma

handvest voor kwaliteit
	English: quality charter
	French: charte qualite
	German: Qualitatscharta
	Spanish: carta de calidad
	Italian: carta qualita

handvest voor personeelsbeheer
	English: human resources management charter
	French: charte de la fonction RH
	German: Personalmanagementcharta
	Spanish: carta magna de la funcion de recursos humanos
	Italian: statuto per le risorse umane

	English: manual work
	French: travail manuel
	German: handwerkliche Tatigkeit
	Spanish: trabajo manual
	Italian: lavoro manuale

hangend dossier
	English: pending file
	French: dossier en cours
	German: laufender Vorgang
	Spanish: expediente en curso, asunto pendiente
	Italian: fascicolo in corso

hardware resources
	English: hardware resources
	French: ressources materielles
	German: materielle Ressourcen
	Spanish: recursos de hardware
	Italian: risorse hardware

	English: tax credit
	French: credit d'impot
	German: Steuergutschrift
	Spanish: credito de impuesto
	Italian: credito d'imposta

	English: tax credit
	French: avoir fiscal
	German: anrechnungsfahige, im voraus bezahlte Steuerschuld
	Spanish: credito fiscal, haber fiscal
	Italian: credito fiscale

	English: readjustment
	French: reajustement
	German: Berichtigung, Anpassung
	Spanish: reajuste
	Italian: adeguamento

	English: placement, redeployment
	French: reclassement
	German: Hohereinstufung, Neueinstufung
	Spanish: nueva clasificacion
	Italian: riqualificazione

herintegratie, herintreding
	English: reinstatement
	French: reinsertion
	German: Wiedereingliederung
	Spanish: reinsercion
	Italian: reinserimento

	English: convalescence
	French: convalescence
	German: Rekonvaleszenz, Genesung
	Spanish: convalescencia
	Italian: convalescenza

herstel, herintegratie
	English: reinstatement
	French: reintegration
	German: Wiedereingliederung
	Spanish: reintegracion
	Italian: reintegrazione

herstructurering, reorganisatie
	English: restructuring, reorganisation
	French: restructuration
	German: Umstrukturierung
	Spanish: reestructuracion
	Italian: ristrutturazione

hertoewijzing, hergroepering
	English: reassignment, redeployment
	French: reaffectation
	German: Wiederverwendung, Neuverteilung
	Spanish: reasignacion, reubicacion
	Italian: riassegnazione

hertraining, hergroepering
	English: retraining, redeployment
	French: reconversion
	German: Umstellung, Umschulung
	Spanish: reconversion
	Italian: riconversione

herziening van een collectieve
	English: revision of a collective
	French: revision d'une convention
	German: Anderung eines Tarifvertrags
	Spanish: revision de un convenio
	Italian: revisione di un contratto

herziening, revisie
	English: review, revision
	French: revision
	German: Revision
	Spanish: revision
	Italian: revisione

	English: hierarchy
	French: hierarchie
	German: Hierarchie
	Spanish: jerarquia
	Italian: gerarchia

honorarium, royalties
	English: fee, royalties
	French: redevance
	German: Gebuhr
	Spanish: canon, recibo
	Italian: canone

	English: head office, headquarters
	French: siege social
	German: Firmensitz
	Spanish: sede central
	Italian: sede sociale

hoog potentieel
	English: high potential
	French: haut potentiel
	German: grosses Potenzial
	Spanish: alto potencial
	Italian: potenziale elevato

hoogste belastingschaal
	English: highest tax bracket
	French: tranche superieure d'imposition
	German: hochste Steuergruppe
	Spanish: categoria impositiva superior
	Italian: scaglione di reddito piu elevato

hosting oplossing
	English: hosting solution
	French: solution d'hebergement
	German: Hosting-Losung
	Spanish: solucion de alojamiento
	Italian: soluzione di hosting

	English: holding company
	French: societe holding
	German: Holding-Gesellschaft
	Spanish: empresa holding, compania holding
	Italian: holding

	English: HRIS
	French: SIRH
	German: HRIS
	Spanish: Sistema de Informacion de RRHH
	Italian: HRIC

	English: housing allowance
	French: allocation de logement
	German: Wohnungsgeld
	Spanish: ayuda (oficial) a la vivienda
	Italian: indennita di alloggio

huiswerk, loonarbeid
	English: homeworking
	French: travail a domicile
	German: Heimarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo a domicilio
	Italian: lavoro a domicilio

human resource management op wereldniveau
	English: global human resources management
	French: gestion globale des ressources humaines
	German: globale Personalverwaltung
	Spanish: gestion global de los recursos humanos
	Italian: gestione globale delle risorse umane

human resources
	English: human resources
	French: ressources humaines
	German: Personalmanagement
	Spanish: recursos humanos
	Italian: risorse umane

human resources management (HRM)
	English: human resources management (HRM)
	French: gestion des ressources humaines (GRH)
	German: Personalverwaltung (HRM)
	Spanish: gestion de los recursos humanos
	Italian: gestione delle risorse umane

	English: hire date
	French: date d'embauche
	German: Einstellungsdatum
	Spanish: fecha de contratacion
	Italian: data di assunzione

	English: rent allowance
	French: allocation de loyer
	German: Mietbeihilfe
	Spanish: subsidio de alquiler
	Italian: indennita di alloggio

	English: marriage
	French: mariage
	German: Hochzeit
	Spanish: matrimonio, boda
	Italian: matrimonio

	English: marriage certificate
	French: acte de mariage
	German: Heiratsurkunde
	Spanish: partida de matrimonio
	Italian: atto di matrimonio

	English: date of wedding
	French: date de mariage
	German: Hochzeitsdatum
	Spanish: fecha de matrimonio
	Italian: data di matrimonio

huwelijkse staat
	English: marital status
	French: situation de famille
	German: Familienstand
	Spanish: situacion familiar
	Italian: stato di famiglia

	English: hygiene
	French: hygiene
	German: Hygiene
	Spanish: higiene
	Italian: igiene

	English: ID card
	French: carte d'identite
	German: Personalausweis
	Spanish: carnet de identidad, documento nacional de identidad (D.N.I.)
	Italian: carta d'identita

	English: identification form
	French: fiche signaletique
	German: Personalienbogen
	Spanish: ficha de filiacion
	Italian: scheda segnaletica

	English: identity
	French: identite
	German: Identitat
	Spanish: identidad
	Italian: identita

iemand die tijdelijk, ongeregeld werk verricht
	English: temporary worker, casual worker
	French: travailleur temporaire
	German: Zeitarbeiter
	Spanish: trabajador temporal
	Italian: lavoratore temporaneo

illegaal werk
	English: illicit work
	French: travail au noir
	German: Schwarzarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo negro, trabajo clandestino
	Italian: lavoro in nero

illegaal, onwettig
	English: illegal, unlawful
	French: illegal
	German: illegal
	Spanish: ilegal
	Italian: illegale

illegale arbeider
	English: illegal worker
	French: travailleur clandestin
	German: illegaler Arbeiter
	Spanish: trabajador clandestino
	Italian: lavoratore clandestino

immigrantenarbeider, migrantenarbeider
	English: immigrant worker
	French: travailleur immigre
	German: auslandische Arbeitskraft, Gastarbeiter
	Spanish: trabajador immigrante
	Italian: lavoratore immigrato

	English: date of implementation
	French: date d'execution
	German: Ausfuhrungstag, Datum der Erstellung
	Spanish: fecha de ejecucion
	Italian: data di esecuzione

in aanmerking komend voor lidmaatschap
	English: eligible for membership
	French: affiliable
	German: zur Mitgliedschaft berechtigt
	Spanish: que puede ser afiliado
	Italian: iscrivibile

in overeenstemming met de wet
	English: in compliance with the law
	French: conforme &agrave, la reglementation
	German: vorschriftsgemass
	Spanish: conforme a la reglamentacion
	Italian: conforme alla normativa

in verhouding
	English: in proportion
	French: prorata
	German: pro rata, nach Verhaltnis
	Spanish: prorrata
	Italian: in proporzione

	English: in-house
	French: intra entreprise
	German: unternehmensintern
	Spanish: en interno
	Italian: interno all'azienda

incasso, inning
	English: collection, recovery
	French: recouvrement
	German: Einziehung, Eintreibung
	Spanish: recaudacion, cobro
	Italian: recupero

	English: incident
	French: incident
	German: Zwischenfall
	Spanish: incidente
	Italian: incidente

	English: index
	French: indice
	German: Hinweis, Index
	Spanish: indice
	Italian: indice

indexatie, vastleggen
	English: indexing
	French: indexation
	German: Indexierung, Indizierung
	Spanish: ajustamiento
	Italian: indicizzazione

indexcijfer met betrekking tot kosten van levensonderhoud
	English: cost-of-living index
	French: indice du cout de la vie
	German: Lebenshaltungskostenindex
	Spanish: indice del coste de la vida
	Italian: indice del costo della vita

indexering van de salarissen aan inflatie
	English: indexing of salaries to inflation
	French: indexation des salaires sur l'inflation
	German: inflationsabhangige Indexbindung der Lohne
	Spanish: indexacion de los salarios a la inflacion
	Italian: indicizzazione dei salari all'inflazione

	English: indicator
	French: indicateur
	German: Indikator
	Spanish: indicador
	Italian: indicatore

indirecte belasting
	English: indirect tax
	French: impot indirect
	German: indirekte Steuer
	Spanish: impuesto indirecto
	Italian: imposta indiretta

individualisering van salarissen
	English: individualisation of salaries
	French: individualisation des salaires
	German: individuelle Lohngestaltung
	Spanish: individualizacion de los salarios
	Italian: individualizzazione dei salari

	English: individual
	French: individu
	German: Individuum
	Spanish: individuo
	Italian: individuo

individueel rooster
	English: flexitime
	French: horaire individualise
	German: individuelle Arbeitszeit
	Spanish: horario individualizado
	Italian: orario individualizzato

individuele verzekeringsdekking
	English: individual enrolment
	French: adhesion individuelle
	German: Einzelmitgliedschaft
	Spanish: adhesion individual
	Italian: adesione individuale

industriele betrekkingen, arbeidsbetrekkingen
	English: industrial relations
	French: relations sociales
	German: soziale Beziehungen
	Spanish: relaciones sociales
	Italian: relazioni sociali

	English: inflation
	French: inflation
	German: Inflation
	Spanish: inflacion
	Italian: inflazione

	English: inflation rate
	French: taux d'inflation
	German: Inflationsrate
	Spanish: tasa de inflacion
	Italian: tasso d'inflazione

	English: inflationary
	French: inflationniste
	German: inflationar, Inflations-
	Spanish: inflacionista
	Italian: inflazionistico

	English: information
	French: information
	German: Information
	Spanish: informacion
	Italian: informazioni

informatie systeem
	English: information system
	French: systeme d'information
	German: Informationssystem
	Spanish: sistema de informacion
	Italian: sistema d'informazione

informatieblad, informatieformulier
	English: fact sheet
	French: fiche de renseignements
	German: Informationsblatt, Personalbogen
	Spanish: formulario, ficha informativa
	Italian: scheda di registrazione

	English: information point
	French: point-info
	German: Informationsstand
	Spanish: puntos de informacion
	Italian: sportello informativo

	English: infrastructure
	French: infrastructure
	German: Infrastruktur
	Spanish: infraestructura
	Italian: infrastrutture

ingangsdatum, startdatum
	English: start date
	French: date d'entree
	German: Eintrittsdatum
	Spanish: fecha de entrada
	Italian: data di ingresso, data di inizio

ingezetene, buitenlands ingezete
	English: resident, foreign national
	French: resident
	German: wohnhaft, ansassig
	Spanish: residente
	Italian: residente

inhouding aan de bron
	English: Pay As You Earn system
	French: retenue a la source
	German: Einbehaltung der Lohnsteuer durch den Arbeitgeber
	Spanish: retencion en la fuente
	Italian: ritenuta alla fonte

inhouding op salaris, aftrekking van loon
	English: deduction from salary
	French: retenue sur salaire
	German: Gehaltsabzug
	Spanish: deduccion del salario, retencion del salario
	Italian: ritenuta sul salario

inhouding, heffing
	English: withdrawal
	French: prelevement
	German: Abgabe
	Spanish: deduccion, descuento previo
	Italian: prelievo

	English: withholding tax
	French: impot a la source
	German: Quellensteuer
	Spanish: impuesto de retencion
	Italian: imposta alla fonte

inklokken, uitklokken
	English: clocking in, clocking out
	French: pointage
	German: Arbeitszeitkontrolle
	Spanish: control de entrada y salida
	Italian: timbratura

inkomen, inkomsten
	English: income, earnings
	French: revenu
	German: Einkommen
	Spanish: ingresos, renta
	Italian: reddito

	English: income bracket
	French: tranche de revenu
	German: Einkommensgruppe
	Spanish: franja de ingresos
	Italian: fascia di reddito

inkomsten per werknemer
	English: income per employee
	French: revenu par salarie
	German: Pro-Kopf-Einkommen
	Spanish: renta por trabajador, ingresos por empleado
	Italian: redditivita per dipendente

inkomsten voor belasting
	English: income before tax
	French: resultat courant
	German: unversteuerter Gewinn, Gewinn vor Steuern
	Spanish: resultado corriente
	Italian: utili correnti

	English: income tax
	French: impot sur le revenu
	German: Einkommenssteuer
	Spanish: impuesto sobre la renta
	Italian: imposta sul reddito

inkomstenbelasting voor particulieren
	English: personal income tax
	French: impot sur les revenus des personnes physiques
	German: personliche Einkommenssteuer
	Spanish: impuesto sobre la renta de las personas fisicas
	Italian: imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche

	English: enrolment form
	French: bulletin d'inscription
	German: Einschreibeformular
	Spanish: formulario de inscripcion
	Italian: modulo di iscrizione

inschrijfformulier, lidmaatschapsformulier
	English: enrolment form, membership form
	French: bulletin d'adhesion
	German: Beitrittserklarung
	Spanish: formulario de inscripcion
	Italian: modulo di adesione

inschrijver, bijdrager
	English: subscriber, contributor
	French: cotisant (nm)
	German: Zahlender
	Spanish: cotizante, contribuyente
	Italian: assicurato

	English: enrolment
	French: inscription
	German: Einschreibung
	Spanish: inscripcion
	Italian: iscrizione

inschrijving van lidmaatschap
	English: membership enrolment
	French: affiliation
	German: Mitgliedschaft
	Spanish: afiliacion
	Italian: iscrizione

	English: enrolment file
	French: dossier d'inscription
	German: Anmeldeunterlagen
	Spanish: expediente de inscripcion
	Italian: fascicolo d'iscrizione

	English: entry charge
	French: frais d'admission
	German: Einschreibegebuhr
	Spanish: gastos de admision
	Italian: spese di ammissione

	English: enrolment time limit
	French: delai d'inscription
	German: Einschreibefrist
	Spanish: plazo de inscripcion
	Italian: termine di iscrizione

inspectie, audit
	English: audit
	French: audit
	German: Audit, Prufung
	Spanish: auditoria
	Italian: verifica, audit

	English: institution
	French: institution
	German: Institution, Einrichtung
	Spanish: institucion
	Italian: istituzioni

instelling voor hoger onderwijs
	English: Institution of Higher Education
	French: etablissement d'enseignement superieur
	German: Hochschuleinrichtung
	Spanish: establecimiento de ensenanza superior
	Italian: istituto di insegnamento superiore

instructie, richtlijn
	English: instruction, directive
	French: directive
	German: Vorschrift
	Spanish: directiva
	Italian: direttiva

	English: intelligence quotient (IQ)
	French: quotient intellectuel (QI)
	German: Intelligenzquotient
	Spanish: coeficiente intelectual (CI)
	Italian: quoziente intellettivo (QI)

	English: intelligence test
	French: test d'intelligence
	German: Intelligenztest
	Spanish: test de inteligencia
	Italian: test di intelligenza

	English: temporary work
	French: interim
	German: Interim
	Spanish: interin
	Italian: interinale

	English: internal, in-house
	French: interne (adj)
	German: intern
	Spanish: interno (a)
	Italian: interno

internationaal arbeidsverdrag
	English: international labour convention
	French: convention internationale du travail
	German: internationales Arbeitsubereinkommen
	Spanish: convenio internacional del trabajo
	Italian: convenzione internazionale sul lavoro

interne communicatie
	English: internal communication
	French: communication interne
	German: interne Kommunikation
	Spanish: comunicacion interna
	Italian: comunicazione interna

interne resources
	English: internal resources
	French: ressources internes
	German: interne Ressourcen
	Spanish: recursos internos
	Italian: risorse interne

	English: induction course
	French: stage d'integration
	German: Eingliederungspraktikum, Eingliederungskurs
	Spanish: curso de integracion
	Italian: corso di integrazione

	English: disabled person
	French: invalide (nm)
	German: Behindert, Schwerbeschadigt, Invalid
	Spanish: invalido
	Italian: invalido

	English: disability
	French: invalidite
	German: Arbeitsunfahigkeit, Invaliditat
	Spanish: invalidez
	Italian: invalidita

invaliditeit, invaliditeitsverzekering
	English: disability insurance
	French: assurance invalidite
	German: Invaliditatsversicherung
	Spanish: seguro de invalidez
	Italian: assicurazione contro l'invalidita

	English: disability pension
	French: rente d'invalidite
	German: Invalidenrente
	Spanish: renta por invalidez
	Italian: rendita di invalidita

invaliditeitspensioen, invaliditeitsuitkering
	English: disability benefit
	French: pension d'invalidite
	German: Invaliditatsrente
	Spanish: pension de invalidez
	Italian: pensione d'invalidita

	English: degree of disability
	French: taux d'incapacite
	German: Grad der Schwerbehinderung
	Spanish: coeficiente de invalidez, tasa de invalidez
	Italian: percentuale di inabilita, percentuale di invalidita

	English: degree of disability
	French: taux d'invalidite
	German: Grad der Schwerbehinderung
	Spanish: coeficiente de invalidez, tasa de invalidez
	Italian: percentuale di inabilita, percentuale di invalidita

	English: disability allowance
	French: allocation d'invalidite
	German: Behindertenzuschuss
	Spanish: subsidio de invalidez
	Italian: assegno di invalidita

	English: investment
	French: investissement
	German: Investition
	Spanish: inversion
	Italian: investimenti

	English: investment capabilities
	French: capacite d'investissement
	German: Investitionskapazitat
	Spanish: capacidad de inversion
	Italian: capacita d'investimento

	English: year
	French: annee
	German: Jahr
	Spanish: ano
	Italian: anno

	English: yearly, annual
	French: annuel
	German: jahrlich
	Spanish: al ano, anual
	Italian: annuale

jaarlijks verlof
	English: annual leave
	French: conges annuels
	German: Jahresurlaub
	Spanish: vacaciones anuales
	Italian: congedi annuali

jaarlijkse doelstellingen
	English: annual objectives
	French: objectifs annuels
	German: Jahresziel
	Spanish: objetivos anuales
	Italian: obiettivi annuali

jaarlijkse verschijndag van huur
	English: hire date
	French: date anniversaire d'entree en fonction
	German: Arbeitsantrittsdatum
	Spanish: fecha de entrada en funciones
	Italian: data di entrata in carica

	English: yearly statement
	French: declaration annuelle
	German: Jahreserklarung
	Spanish: declaracion anual
	Italian: dichiarazione annuale

	English: year-end statement
	French: etats de fin d'annee
	German: Jahresendabrechnung
	Spanish: cierre del ejercicio
	Italian: riepilogo di fine anno

	English: annual salary
	French: salaire annuel
	German: Jahresgehalt
	Spanish: salario anual
	Italian: stipendio annuo

	English: annual salary
	French: traitement annuel
	German: Jahresgehalt
	Spanish: sueldo anual
	Italian: trattamento annuale

jonge gediplomeerde
	English: young graduate
	French: jeune diplome
	German: Absolvent
	Spanish: joven diplomado
	Italian: neodiplomato

juridisch adviseur
	English: legal advisor
	French: conseiller juridique
	German: Rechtsberater, Justitiar
	Spanish: consejero juridico
	Italian: consulente giuridico

jurisprudentierecht, jurisprudentie
	English: case law, jurisprudence
	French: jurisprudence
	German: Rechtsprechung
	Spanish: jurisprudencia
	Italian: giurisprudenza

	English: lawyer, legal expert
	French: juriste
	German: Jurist
	Spanish: jurista
	Italian: giurista

	English: calendar day
	French: jour calendaire
	German: Kalendertag
	Spanish: dia calendario
	Italian: giorno di calendario

	English: calendar year
	French: annee civile
	German: Kalenderjahr
	Spanish: ano civil
	Italian: anno civile

kantoor van de voorzitter van het Hogerhuis
	English: Lord Chancellor's office
	French: ministere de la Justice
	German: Justizministerium
	Spanish: Ministerio de Justicia
	Italian: ministero della Giustizia

	English: capital loss
	French: moins-value
	German: Minderwert
	Spanish: minusvalia
	Italian: minusvalenza, perdita di capitale

	English: capital gains tax
	French: impot sur les plus-values
	German: Wertzuwachssteuer
	Spanish: impuesto de plusvalias
	Italian: imposta sulle plusvalenze

	English: cash management
	French: gestion de tresorerie
	German: Verwaltung der Kassenmittel
	Spanish: gestion de tesoreria
	Italian: gestione di tesoreria

	English: knowledge management
	French: knowledge management
	German: Wissensmanagement
	Spanish: knowledge management, gestion del conocimiento
	Italian: knowledge management, gestione della conoscenza aziendale

	English: test of knowledge
	French: test de connaissances
	German: Wissenstest
	Spanish: test de conocimientos
	Italian: test di conoscenza

	English: core time
	French: plage fixe
	German: Kernarbeitszeit, Kernzeit
	Spanish: tiempo de presencia obligatoria, horario de presencia obligatoria
	Italian: orario fisso

kerstbonus, eindejaarsbonus
	English: end of year bonus
	French: prime de fin d'annee
	German: Jahresabschlusspramie, Weihnachtsgeld
	Spanish: prima de fin de ano
	Italian: premio di fine anno

	English: Christmas day
	French: jour de Noel
	German: Weihnachten
	Spanish: dia de Navidad
	Italian: giorno di Natale

	English: mileage allowance
	French: frais kilometriques
	German: Kilometerkosten
	Spanish: gastos de kilometraje
	Italian: spese chilometriche

	English: child
	French: enfant
	German: Kind
	Spanish: nino
	Italian: figlio

	English: child support allowance
	French: allocation enfant
	German: Kindergeld
	Spanish: subsidio por hijos
	Italian: assegno per figli a carico

klant hulpmiddelen
	English: tools for clients
	French: outils clients
	German: Kundentools
	Spanish: herramientas para los clientes
	Italian: strumenti per i clienti

	English: Client Day
	French: Journee Clients
	German: Kundentag
	Spanish: Jornada Clientes
	Italian: Giornata Clienti

	English: customer service
	French: service client
	German: Kundenservice
	Spanish: servicio al cliente
	Italian: servizio clienti

	English: client relations manager
	French: charge des relations clients
	German: Kundenbeauftragter, Kundenmanager
	Spanish: director de relacion con los clientes
	Italian: responsabile relazioni clienti

	English: client satisfaction level
	French: niveau de satisfaction des clients
	German: Kundenzufriedenheit
	Spanish: nivel de satisfaccion de los clientes
	Italian: livello di soddisfazione dei clienti

	English: clothing allowance
	French: prime d'habillement
	German: Kleidungszulage
	Spanish: plus de vestuario
	Italian: indennita vestiario

klokkaart, tijdkaart
	English: clocking in card
	French: carte de pointage
	German: Stechkarte
	Spanish: tarjeta de control de horario
	Italian: scheda di timbratura

	English: know-how
	French: savoir-faire
	German: Know-how
	Spanish: saber-hacer, know-how
	Italian: competenze

	English: interface
	French: interface
	German: Schnittstelle, Interface
	Spanish: interfaz
	Italian: interfaccia

kortdurende invaliditeit
	English: short-term disability
	French: incapacite de travail
	German: kurzfristige Arbeitsunfahigkeit
	Spanish: incapacidad laboral
	Italian: inabilita al lavoro

	English: costs, charges
	French: frais
	German: Gebuhren, Kosten
	Spanish: gastos
	Italian: spese

kosten van levensonderhoud
	English: cost of living
	French: cout de la vie
	German: Lebenshaltungskosten
	Spanish: coste de la vida
	Italian: costo della vita

kosten van opzetten
	English: roll-out cost
	French: cout de lancement
	German: Markteinfuhrungskosten
	Spanish: coste de lanzamiento
	Italian: new business expenses

kosten van werven
	English: cost of sales
	French: cout d'acquisition
	German: Anschaffungskosten
	Spanish: coste de adquisicion
	Italian: costo di acquisizione

	English: costs cuts
	French: reduction des couts
	German: Kostensenkung
	Spanish: reduccion de los costes
	Italian: riduzione dei costi

	English: qualification
	French: qualification
	German: Qualifikation
	Spanish: cualificacion, capacitacion
	Italian: qualifica

	English: level of qualification
	French: niveau de qualification
	German: Qualifikationsniveau
	Spanish: nivel de calificacion
	Italian: livello di qualificazione

	English: quality
	French: qualite
	German: Qualitat
	Spanish: calidad
	Italian: qualita

kwaliteit van dienstverlening
	English: quality of service
	French: qualite de service
	German: Servicequalitat
	Spanish: calidad de servicio
	Italian: qualita del servizio

	English: quality group
	French: groupe de qualite
	German: Qualitatsgruppe
	Spanish: grupo de calidad
	Italian: gruppo responsabile della qualita

	English: quality control
	French: controle de qualite
	German: Qualitatskontrolle
	Spanish: control de calidad
	Italian: controllo di qualita

	English: quality assurance
	French: assurance qualite
	German: Qualitatssicherung
	Spanish: aseguramiento de la calidad
	Italian: assicurazione di qualita

	English: qualitative indicators
	French: indicateurs qualitatifs
	German: qualitative Indikatoren
	Spanish: indicadores cualitativos
	Italian: indicatori qualitativi

	English: quality circle
	French: cercle de qualite
	German: Arbeitskreis Qualitatssicherung, Qualitatszirkel
	Spanish: circulo de calidad
	Italian: circolo di qualita

	English: quarter
	French: trimestre
	German: Quartal
	Spanish: trimestre
	Italian: trimestre

	English: quarterly statement
	French: bordereau trimestriel
	German: Quartalsauszug
	Spanish: boletin de liquidacion trimestral
	Italian: denuncia trimestrale

	English: farm worker
	French: travailleur agricole
	German: landwirtschaftlicher Arbeiter
	Spanish: trabajador agricola
	Italian: lavoratore agricolo

	English: land tax
	French: impots fonciers
	German: Grundsteuer
	Spanish: contribucion territorial
	Italian: imposta fondiaria

lang weekend
	English: long weekend
	French: pont
	German: verlangertes Wochenende
	Spanish: puente
	Italian: ponte

lange termijn doelstelling
	English: long-term objectives
	French: objectifs a long terme
	German: langfristige Ziele
	Spanish: objetivos a largo plazo
	Italian: obiettivi a lungo termine

	English: survivor's pension
	French: pension de reversion
	German: Hinterbliebenenrente, Witwenrente
	Spanish: pension de reversion
	Italian: pensione di reversibilita

	English: age
	French: age
	German: Alter
	Spanish: edad
	Italian: eta

	English: age limit
	French: limite d'age
	German: Altersgrenze
	Spanish: limite de edad
	Italian: limite di eta

	English: age group
	French: classe d'age
	German: Altersgruppe
	Spanish: franja de edad, grupo de edad
	Italian: classe di eta

	English: age pyramid
	French: pyramide des ages
	German: Alterspyramide
	Spanish: piramide de las edades
	Italian: piramide delle eta

	English: age bracket
	French: tranche d'age
	German: Altersstufe
	Spanish: franja de edad
	Italian: fascia di eta

	English: apprenticeship contract
	French: contrat d'apprentissage
	German: Ausbildungsvertrag
	Spanish: contrato de aprendizaje
	Italian: contratto di apprendistato

	English: learning curve
	French: courbe d'apprentissage
	German: Lernkurve
	Spanish: curva de aprendizaje
	Italian: curva di apprendimento

	English: apprentice
	French: apprenti
	German: Auszubildende(r), Lehrling
	Spanish: aprendiz
	Italian: apprendista

	English: learning, apprenticeship
	French: apprentissage
	German: Ausbildung, Lehre
	Spanish: aprendizaje
	Italian: apprendistato

leidinggevend kader, hoger kader
	English: executive team
	French: encadrement superieur
	German: Topmanagement, oberes Management
	Spanish: management superior
	Italian: inquadramento superiore

leven, levensonderhoud
	English: life, living
	French: vie
	German: Leben
	Spanish: vida
	Italian: vita

	English: lifecycle
	French: cycle de vie
	German: Lebenszyklus
	Spanish: ciclo de vida
	Italian: ciclo di vita

	English: standard of living
	French: niveau de vie
	German: Lebensstandard
	Spanish: nivel de vida
	Italian: tenore di vita

	English: life expectancy
	French: esperance de vie
	German: Lebenserwartung
	Spanish: esperanza de vida
	Italian: aspettativa di vita

	English: life insurance
	French: assurance vie
	German: Lebensversicherung
	Spanish: seguro de vida
	Italian: assicurazione sulla vita

	English: delivery
	French: livraison
	German: Lieferung
	Spanish: entrega, reparto
	Italian: consegna

	English: delivery deadline
	French: delai de reception
	German: Lieferfrist
	Spanish: plazo de recepcion
	Italian: termine di ricevimento

lichamelijk werk
	English: physical work
	French: travail physique
	German: korperliche Arbeit
	Spanish: trabajo fisico
	Italian: lavoro fisico

lichamelijke handicap
	English: physical handicap
	French: handicap physique
	German: Korperbehinderung
	Spanish: minusvalia fisica
	Italian: handicap fisico

	English: member
	French: adherent
	German: Mitglied
	Spanish: miembro, afiliado
	Italian: membro

lid van nationaal verzekeringsstelsel
	English: member of national insurance scheme
	French: assure social
	German: Sozialversicherter
	Spanish: asegurado social
	Italian: assicurato sociale

	English: membership
	French: adhesion
	German: Mitgliedschaft
	Spanish: adhesion
	Italian: adesione

	English: membership number
	French: numero d'affiliation
	German: Mitgliedsnummer
	Spanish: numero de afiliacion
	Italian: numero di iscrizione

liquidatie, opheffing
	English: liquidation, winding up
	French: liquidation
	German: Auflosung, Liquidation
	Spanish: liquidacion
	Italian: liquidazione

liquiditeiten, financiele middelen
	English: cash, treasury
	French: tresorerie
	German: Geldmittel, Geldbestand
	Spanish: tesoreria
	Italian: tesoreria, capitale liquido, liquidita

	English: location
	French: implantation
	German: Niederlassung, Grundung, Standort
	Spanish: implantacion, establecimiento
	Italian: insediamento

lokale administratie
	English: local administration
	French: administration locale
	German: Lokalverwaltung
	Spanish: administracion local
	Italian: Ente locale

lokale belastingen
	English: local taxes
	French: impots locaux
	German: Gemeindesteuern
	Spanish: impuestos locales
	Italian: imposte locali

loon, loonlijst
	English: pay, payroll
	French: paie, paye
	German: Lohn, Gehalt
	Spanish: nomina
	Italian: stipendio, paga

loon, salaris
	English: pay, salary
	French: salaire
	German: Gehalt, Lohn
	Spanish: salario
	Italian: stipendio

	English: labour administration
	French: administration du travail
	German: Arbeitsverwaltung
	Spanish: administracion laboral
	Italian: amministrazione del lavoro

loonbeleid, compensatiebeleid
	English: wage policy, compensation policy
	French: politique salariale
	German: Lohnpolitik
	Spanish: politica salarial
	Italian: politica salariale

	English: payroll ledger
	French: livre de paie
	German: Lohnbuch
	Spanish: libro de nominas
	Italian: libro paga

	English: wage ceiling
	French: plafond de salaire
	German: Hochstlohn
	Spanish: techo salarial
	Italian: massimo salariale

	English: wage parity
	French: parite des salaires
	German: Lohnparitat, Lohngleichheit
	Spanish: paridad salarial
	Italian: parita salariale

	English: pay rate
	French: taux de cotisation
	German: Beitragssatz
	Spanish: tasa de cotizacion, indice de cotizacion
	Italian: aliquota contributiva

	English: wage drift
	French: derapage des salaires
	German: Lohndrift
	Spanish: inflacion salarial
	Italian: slittamento salariale

loonstijging, salarisstijging
	English: pay increase
	French: augmentation de salaire
	German: Gehaltserhohung
	Spanish: aumento de sueldo
	Italian: aumento retributivo

loonstijging, salaristoename
	English: salary increase
	French: hausse de salaire
	German: Gehaltserhohung
	Spanish: subida de sueldo, alza salarial
	Italian: aumento salariale

	English: wage freeze
	French: blocage des salaires
	German: Lohnstopp
	Spanish: congelacion de los salarios, bloqueo de los salarios
	Italian: congelamento dei salari

loonstrookje, loonstaat
	English: payslip
	French: feuille de paie
	German: Gehaltsabrechnung
	Spanish: hoja de nomina, recibo de nomina
	Italian: foglio paga

loonstrookje, loonstaat
	English: payslip
	French: fiche de paie
	German: Gehaltsabrechnung
	Spanish: hoja de nomina, recibo de nomina
	Italian: foglio paga

	English: wage cut-backs
	French: compression des salaires
	German: Gehaltskurzung
	Spanish: reduccion de los salarios
	Italian: riduzione salariale

	English: pay package, compensation package
	French: remuneration globale
	German: Gesamtbezuge
	Spanish: remuneracion global
	Italian: retribuzione globale

	English: career management
	French: gestion des carrieres
	German: Laufbahnentwicklung, Karrieremanagement
	Spanish: gestion de carreras
	Italian: gestione delle carriere

lopende band werk
	English: assembly line work
	French: travail a la chaine
	German: Fliessbandarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo en cadena
	Italian: lavoro alla catena di montaggio

lump-sum betaling
	English: lump-sum payment, one-off payment
	French: paiement forfaitaire
	German: Pauschalzahlung
	Spanish: pago global, pago forfetario
	Italian: pagamento forfettario

	English: month
	French: mois
	German: Monat
	Spanish: mes
	Italian: mese

	English: monthly figures
	French: chiffres mensuels
	German: monatliche Zahlen
	Spanish: cifras mensuales
	Italian: cifre mensili

	English: monthly
	French: mensuel
	German: monatlich
	Spanish: mensual
	Italian: mensile

	English: monthly salary
	French: salaire mensuel
	German: Monatslohn
	Spanish: salario mensual
	Italian: stipendio mensile

maatschappelijk werker
	English: social worker
	French: assistante sociale
	German: Sozialarbeiterin
	Spanish: asistente social
	Italian: assistente sociale

	English: macro-project
	French: macro-projet
	German: Makroprojekt
	Spanish: macro proyecto
	Italian: macro-progetto

managed services
	English: managed services
	French: managed services
	German: managed services
	Spanish: managed services
	Italian: managed services

	English: management
	French: encadrement
	German: Management
	Spanish: direccion, management
	Italian: inquadramento

	English: management
	French: gestion
	German: Management
	Spanish: gestion
	Italian: gestione

management, leiding
	English: management
	French: direction
	German: Leitung, Direktion, Vorstand
	Spanish: direccion
	Italian: direzione

management, topmanagement
	English: management, top management
	French: management
	German: Management
	Spanish: management
	Italian: direzione generale

	English: manager
	French: gestionnaire
	German: Manager
	Spanish: manager, gestor
	Italian: funzionario

manager, directeur
	English: manager, director
	French: directeur
	German: Manager, Direktor
	Spanish: director
	Italian: direttore

manager, professional of bestuursmedewerker
	English: manager
	French: cadre
	German: leitender Angestellter, Rahmen
	Spanish: directivo
	Italian: quadro

	English: managers pension scheme
	French: regime de retraite des cadres
	German: Manager-Rentensystem
	Spanish: regimen de jubilacion de los cargos directivos
	Italian: regime pensionistico dei dirigenti

	English: managers' association
	French: association patronale
	German: Arbeitgeberverband
	Spanish: asociacion patronal
	Italian: associazione imprenditoriale

managing director
	English: operational boss
	French: patron operationnel
	German: Geschaftsfuhrer
	Spanish: director ejecutivo
	Italian: direttore operativo

	English: man-days
	French: journees-homme
	German: Personentage
	Spanish: dias/hombre
	Italian: giorni-uomo

	English: margin
	French: marge
	German: Spielraum, Spanne
	Spanish: margen
	Italian: margine

	English: marketing plan
	French: plan marketing
	German: Marketingprogramm
	Spanish: plan de marketing
	Italian: piano marketing

	English: the going rate
	French: taux en vigueur
	German: geltende/aktuelle Rate
	Spanish: tipo en vigor, tipos en vigor
	Italian: tasso in vigore

	English: market segment
	French: segment de marche
	German: Marktsegment
	Spanish: segmento de mercado
	Italian: segmento di mercato

massa-afvloeiing, massaontslag
	English: mass redundancy
	French: licenciement collectif
	German: Massenentlassung
	Spanish: despido colectivo
	Italian: licenziamento collettivo

mate van tevredenheid
	English: level of satisfaction
	French: niveau de satisfaction
	German: Niveau der Kundenzufriedenheit
	Spanish: nivel de satisfaccion
	Italian: livello di soddisfazione

maximum, bovengrens, plafond
	English: upper limit, ceiling
	French: plafond
	German: Hochstbetrag, Obergrenze
	Spanish: tope, limite
	Italian: massimale, massimo, tetto

mededeling, verklaring
	English: statement, declaration
	French: declaration
	German: Erklarung
	Spanish: declaracion
	Italian: dichiarazione

medische verklaring
	English: medical certificate
	German: Attest
	Spanish: baja (laboral)
	Italian: interruzione lavorativa

meer dan volle werkgelegenheid
	English: over staffing
	French: suremploi
	German: Uberbeschaftigung
	Spanish: exceso de empleo
	Italian: sovraoccupazione

	English: maiden name
	French: nom de jeune fille
	German: Madchenname
	Spanish: apellido de soltera
	Italian: nome da nubile

menselijke betrekkingen
	English: human relations
	French: relations humaines
	German: zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen
	Spanish: relaciones humanas
	Italian: relazioni umane

met een bovengrens, met een plafond
	English: with an upper limit, with a ceiling
	French: plafonne
	German: versicherungspflichtig, beitragspflichtig bis zur Hochstgrenze
	Spanish: culminado, con el tope de
	Italian: soggetto a massimale, limitato a un importo massimo

	English: method
	French: methode
	German: Methode
	Spanish: metodo
	Italian: metodo

	English: methodology
	French: methodologie
	German: Methodik
	Spanish: metodologia
	Italian: metodologia

	English: micro-computer
	French: micro-ordinateur
	German: PC, Mikrocomputer
	Spanish: microordenador
	Italian: microcomputer

middelen om een wet op te leggen
	English: means of applying a law
	French: modalites d'application d'une loi
	German: Durchfuhrungsbestimmung
	Spanish: modalidades de aplicacion de una ley
	Italian: modalita di applicazione di una legge

middelen, methode
	English: means, method
	French: modalite
	German: Bedingung, Modalitat
	Spanish: modalidad
	Italian: modalita

	English: middle management
	French: encadrement moyen
	German: mittleres Management
	Spanish: management medio
	Italian: inquadramento medio

	English: migration
	French: migration
	German: Migration
	Spanish: migracion
	Italian: migrazione

militaire dienst
	English: military service, national service
	French: service militaire, service national
	German: Militardienst
	Spanish: servicio militar
	Italian: servizio militare, servizio nazionale

	English: minority
	French: minorite
	German: Minderheit
	Spanish: minoria
	Italian: minoranza

	English: minimal
	French: minimal
	German: minimal
	Spanish: minimo (a)
	Italian: minimale

	English: minimum
	French: minimum
	German: Minimum
	Spanish: minimo
	Italian: minimo

	English: minimum service
	French: service minimum
	German: Mindestservice
	Spanish: servicio minimo
	Italian: servizio minimo

	English: minimum wage
	French: salaire minimum
	German: Mindestlohn
	Spanish: salario minimo
	Italian: stipendio minimo

minister van Financien
	English: Ministry of Finance
	French: ministere des Finances
	German: Finanzministerium
	Spanish: Ministerio de Finanzas
	Italian: ministero delle Finanze

minister van Werkgelegenheid
	English: Ministry of Labour
	French: ministere du Travail
	German: Arbeitsministerium
	Spanish: Ministerio de Trabajo
	Italian: ministero del Lavoro

	English: Ministry
	French: ministere
	German: Ministerium
	Spanish: ministerio
	Italian: ministero

ministerieel besluit, decreet
	English: decree
	French: decret d'application
	German: Durchfuhrungsverordnung
	Spanish: decreto de aplicacion
	Italian: decreto esecutivo

mobiel personeel
	English: mobile staff
	French: personnel mobile
	German: mobiles Personal
	Spanish: personal movil
	Italian: personale mobile

mobiel, glijdend
	English: mobile, sliding
	French: mobile
	German: mobil, beweglich
	Spanish: movil
	Italian: mobile

	English: mobility
	French: mobilite
	German: Mobilitat
	Spanish: movilidad
	Italian: mobilita

	English: mobility allowance
	French: prime de mobilite
	German: Mobilitatszulage
	Spanish: prima por movilidad
	Italian: indennita di mobilita

	English: model
	French: modele
	German: Modell
	Spanish: modelo
	Italian: modello

	English: parent company
	French: societe mere
	German: Muttergesellschaft
	Spanish: empresa madre, sociedad matriz
	Italian: societa madre

	English: motherhood, maternity
	French: maternite
	German: Mutterschaft
	Spanish: maternidad
	Italian: maternita

moeten afvloeien
	English: made redundant
	French: licencie pour raison economique
	German: Kundigung aus wirtschaftlichen Grunden
	Spanish: despedido por causas economicas
	Italian: licenziato per motivo economico

monotoon werk
	English: repetitive work
	French: travail repetitif
	German: monotone Arbeit
	Spanish: trabajo repetitivo
	Italian: lavoro ripetitivo

	English: multinational company
	French: entreprise multinationale
	German: multinationales Unternehmen
	Spanish: empresa multinacional
	Italian: impresa multinazionale

	English: multinational
	French: multinationale
	German: multinationales Unternehmen
	Spanish: multinacional
	Italian: multinazionale

multinationale markt
	English: multinational market
	French: marche multinational
	German: multinationaler Markt
	Spanish: mercado multinacional
	Italian: mercato multinazionale

na belasting
	English: after-tax
	French: apr&egrave,s impots
	German: nach Steuern
	Spanish: despues de impuestos
	Italian: al netto delle imposte

naam, achternaam
	English: name, surname
	French: nom
	German: Name
	Spanish: nombre y apellido
	Italian: nome

	English: night
	French: nuit
	German: Nacht
	Spanish: noche
	Italian: notte

	English: night shift allowance
	French: prime de nuit
	German: Nachtzuschlag
	Spanish: prima de nocturnidad
	Italian: indennita di turno notturno

	English: night shift
	French: equipe de nuit
	German: Nachtteam
	Spanish: equipo de noche, turno de noche
	Italian: turni notturni

	English: night shift allowance
	French: indemnite de nuit
	German: Nachtzuschlag
	Spanish: plus de nocturnidad
	Italian: indennita di turno notturno

	English: night work
	French: travail de nuit
	German: Nachtarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo nocturno
	Italian: lavoro di notte

	English: nationalisation
	French: nationalisation
	German: Nationalisierung
	Spanish: nacionalizacion
	Italian: nazionalizzazione

	English: net
	French: net
	German: netto
	Spanish: neto (a)
	Italian: netto

netto winstmarge
	English: net operating income
	French: marge nette d'exploitation
	German: Netto-Betriebseinnahmen
	Spanish: margen neto de explotacion
	Italian: margine operativo netto

netto winstmarge uit gewone bedrijfsuitoefening
	English: wage, total payroll
	French: masse salariale
	German: Gesamtlohnsumme, Personalausgaben
	Spanish: masa salarial
	Italian: massa salariale

netto-inkomsten, inkomen
	English: net earnings, income
	French: resultat net
	German: Nettogewinn
	Spanish: resultado neto
	Italian: utile netto

	English: net margin
	French: marge nette
	German: Nettospanne
	Spanish: margen neto
	Italian: margine netto

nettosalaris, nettoloon
	English: net salary, net pay
	French: salaire net
	German: Nettogehalt
	Spanish: salario neto
	Italian: stipendio netto

nettowinst, winst na belastingaftrek
	English: net profit, after-tax profit
	French: benefice net
	German: Nettogewinn
	Spanish: beneficio neto
	Italian: utile netto

	English: network
	French: reseau
	German: Netzwerk
	Spanish: sistema, red
	Italian: rete

niet gekwalificeerd
	English: unqualified
	French: non qualifie
	German: unqualifiziert
	Spanish: no cualificado
	Italian: non qualificato

niet winstgevend
	English: unprofitable
	French: non lucratif
	German: unwirtschaftlich
	Spanish: no lucrativo
	Italian: non lucrativo

niet-betalend lid
	English: non-paying member
	French: adherent non cotisant
	German: beitragsfreies Mitglied
	Spanish: socio gratuito
	Italian: iscritto a titolo gratuito

	English: non-contributing
	French: non cotisant
	German: keinen Beitrag zahlend
	Spanish: no cotizante, no contribuyente
	Italian: che non versa contributi

	English: non-compliant
	French: non conforme
	German: vorschriftswidrig
	Spanish: no conforme
	Italian: non conforme

	English: non-resident
	French: non resident
	German: nicht ansassig
	Spanish: no residente
	Italian: non residente

	English: non-working
	French: inactif
	German: untatig
	Spanish: inactivo
	Italian: inattivo

	English: New Year's Day
	French: jour de l'an
	German: Neujahr
	Spanish: dia de Ano Nuevo
	Italian: giorno dell'anno

	English: level
	French: niveau
	German: Niveau
	Spanish: nivel
	Italian: livello

	English: nominal
	French: nominal
	German: nominal, namentlich
	Spanish: nominal
	Italian: nominale

nominale waarde
	English: face value
	French: valeur nominale
	German: Nominalwert, Nennwert
	Spanish: valor nominal
	Italian: valore nominale

	English: non-profit organisation
	French: association &agrave, but non lucratif
	German: nichtwirtschaftlicher Verein
	Spanish: asociacion sin animo de lucro
	Italian: associazione senza scopo di lucro

	English: non-stop work
	French: travail continu
	German: ununterbrochener Betrieb, durchgehende Arbeitszeit
	Spanish: trabajo a media jornada
	Italian: lavoro continuo

normale kosten
	English: current expenses
	French: charges courantes
	German: laufende Ausgaben
	Spanish: gastos corrientes
	Italian: spese correnti

officiele feestdag
	English: public holiday
	French: jour chome
	German: arbeitsfreier Tag
	Spanish: dia inhabil
	Italian: giorno non lavorativo

officiele feestdag, algemene feestdag
	English: bank holiday
	French: jour ferie
	German: Feiertag
	Spanish: dia festivo
	Italian: giorno festivo

omvang, bereik
	English: range, band
	French: fourchette
	German: Spanne
	Spanish: horquilla
	Italian: forbice

	English: revenue, turnover
	French: chiffre d'affaires
	German: Umsatz
	Spanish: cifra de negocio
	Italian: fatturato

	English: without notice
	French: sans preavis
	German: fristlos
	Spanish: sin preaviso
	Italian: senza preavviso

onaangekondigd ontslag
	English: dismissal without notice
	French: licenciement sans preavis
	German: fristlose Kundigung
	Spanish: despido sin preaviso
	Italian: licenziamento senza preavviso

onbekwaamheid, incompetentie
	English: incapability, incompetence
	French: incompetence
	German: Inkompetenz, Unfahigkeit
	Spanish: incompetencia
	Italian: incompetenza

onbetaald verlof
	English: unpaid leave
	French: conge sans solde
	German: unbezahlter Urlaub
	Spanish: permiso sin sueldo
	Italian: congedo non retribuito

	English: subcontractor
	French: sous-traitant
	German: Subunternehmer, Zulieferer
	Spanish: subcontratista, contratista subsidario
	Italian: subappaltatore

onderaanneming, uitbesteding
	English: subcontracting, contracting out
	French: sous-traitance
	German: Vergabe von Auftrager an Subunternehmer, Zulieferindustrie
	Spanish: subcontratacion
	Italian: subappalto

onderbezetting, personeelstekort
	English: understaffing, undermanning
	French: sous-effectif
	German: personelle Unterbesetzung
	Spanish: falta de efectivos
	Italian: carenza di personale

onderbreking, pauze
	English: break
	French: interruption
	German: Unterbrechung
	Spanish: interrupcion
	Italian: interruzione

	English: subordinate
	French: subordonne
	German: untergeordnet
	Spanish: subordinado
	Italian: subordinato

onderlinge vennootschap
	English: mutual company
	French: societe mutualiste
	German: Versicherungsverein auf Gegenseitigkeit
	Spanish: sociedad mutualista, empresa mutualista
	Italian: ente mutualistico

onderlinge verzekering
	English: mutual insurance
	French: mutualite
	German: Gegenseitigkeit
	Spanish: mutualidad, mutua
	Italian: mutualita

	English: works council
	French: comite d'entreprise
	German: Betriebsrat
	Spanish: comite de empresa
	Italian: comitato aziendale

onderworpen aan loonbelasting
	English: subject to payroll tax
	French: assujetti &agrave, cotisation
	German: beitragspflichtig
	Spanish: sujeto a cotizacion
	Italian: assoggettato a contribuzione

oneerlijk ontslag
	English: unfair dismissal
	French: licenciement irregulier
	German: regelwidrige Entlassung
	Spanish: despido irregular
	Italian: licenziamento irregolare

ongekwalificeerde arbeider
	English: unqualified worker
	French: ouvrier non qualifie
	German: unqualifizierter Arbeiter
	Spanish: obrero no cualificado
	Italian: operaio non qualificato

ongelijkheid, dispariteit
	English: inequality
	French: inegalite
	German: Ungleichheit
	Spanish: desigualdad
	Italian: disuguaglianza, disparita

	English: hardship allowance
	French: prime de penibilite
	German: Erschwerniszulage
	Spanish: plus de penosidad
	Italian: indennita per lavoro disagiato

	English: hardship allowance
	French: prime de sujetion
	German: Hartezulage, Erschwerniszulage
	Spanish: plus de permanencia
	Italian: indennita per lavoro disagiato

ongeregeld werk
	English: casual work
	French: travail occasionnel
	German: Gelegenheitsarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo ocasional
	Italian: lavoro occasionale

ongeregelde arbeid
	English: casual labour
	French: main-d'oeuvre temporaire
	German: Zeitarbeitskrafte
	Spanish: mano de obra temporal
	Italian: manodopera temporanea

	English: unfit
	French: inapte
	German: ungeeignet, unfahig
	Spanish: no apto, incapacitado
	Italian: inadatto, inabile

	English: incapacity
	French: inaptitude
	German: Untauglichkeit
	Spanish: inaptitud
	Italian: inattitudine, inabilita

	English: accident
	French: accident
	German: Unfall
	Spanish: accidente
	Italian: infortunio

onkostenrekening, representatievergoeding
	English: expense allowance
	French: frais de representation
	German: Reprasentationskosten, Aufwandsentschadigung
	Spanish: gastos de representacion
	Italian: spese di rappresentanza

	English: expense account
	French: note de frais
	German: Spesenrechnung
	Spanish: nota de gastos
	Italian: spese

onmisbaar personeelsbeheerindicatoren
	English: key personnel management indicators
	French: indicateurs sociaux
	German: Sozialindikatoren
	Spanish: indicadores sociales
	Italian: indicatori sociali

onrechtmatig ontslag
	English: wrongful dismissal
	French: licenciement abusif
	German: ungerechtfertigte Entlassung
	Spanish: despido improcedente, despido abusivo
	Italian: licenziamento abusivo

	English: irregularity
	French: irregularite
	German: Unregelmassigkeit, Formfehler
	Spanish: iregularidad
	Italian: irregolarita

onroerend goed
	English: real estate
	French: immobilier
	German: Immobilien
	Spanish: inmobiliario
	Italian: immobiliare

	English: dismissal
	French: limogeage
	German: Strafversetzung
	Spanish: destitucion
	Italian: destituzione

	English: resignation
	French: demission
	German: Kundigung
	Spanish: dimision
	Italian: dimissioni

ontslag, afvloeiing
	English: dismissal, redundancy
	French: licenciement
	German: Entlassung
	Spanish: despido
	Italian: licenziamento

ontslag, kwijting
	English: discharge, quittance
	French: quitus
	German: Entlastung
	Spanish: finiquito
	Italian: discarico, liberatoria

	English: job cuts
	French: suppression d'emplois
	German: Stellenabbau
	Spanish: supresion de empleos
	Italian: riduzione di posti di lavoro

ontslagen, afvloeiing
	English: redundancy
	French: suppression de postes
	German: Stellenabbau
	Spanish: supresion de puestos de trabajo
	Italian: riduzione di posti di lavoro

	English: dismissal procedure, redundancy procedure
	French: procedure de licenciement
	German: Kundigungsverfahren
	Spanish: proceso de despidos
	Italian: procedura di licenziamento

	English: beneficiary, payee
	French: beneficiaire (nm)
	German: Empfanger
	Spanish: beneficiario
	Italian: beneficiario, titolare

	English: receipt
	French: recepisse
	German: Empfangsbestatigung, Beleg
	Spanish: recibo
	Italian: ricevuta

	English: receipt, quittance
	French: quittance
	German: Beleg
	Spanish: recibo
	Italian: quietanza, ricevuta

	English: development cost
	French: cout de developpement
	German: Entwicklungskosten
	Spanish: coste de desarollo
	Italian: costo di sviluppo

onvervreemdbaar recht
	English: inalienable right
	French: droit inalienable
	German: unverausserliches Recht
	Spanish: derecho inalienable
	Italian: diritto inalienabile

onvoldoende werkgelegenheid
	English: underemployment
	French: sous-emploi
	German: Unterbeschaftigung
	Spanish: subempleo
	Italian: sottoccupazione

op jaarbasis berekenen van de werkuren
	English: annualisation of working hours
	French: annualisation des horaires
	German: Umstellung auf Jahresarbeitszeit
	Spanish: computo horario anual
	Italian: orario di lavoro annuale (monte ore annuo)

op staande voet ontslag
	English: dismissal without notice
	French: licenciement immediat
	German: sofortige Entlassung
	Spanish: despido inmediato
	Italian: licenziamento immediato

op verzoek
	English: request
	French: demande
	German: erhaltlich
	Spanish: mediante solicitud
	Italian: su richiesta

opbrengst, productie
	English: yield, output
	French: rendement
	German: Ertrag
	Spanish: rendimiento
	Italian: rendimento

opeenvolgende ploeg
	English: straight shift
	French: journee continue
	German: ununterbrochener Arbeitstag
	Spanish: jornada continua
	Italian: giornata continua

openstaande betalingen
	English: outstanding payments
	French: impayes (nm)
	German: Aussenstande, uberfallige Forderungen
	Spanish: impagados
	Italian: insoluto, non pagato

operationeel management team
	English: operations management
	French: direction operationnelle
	German: operative Leitung
	Spanish: direccion operativa
	Italian: direzione operativa

operationeel, in bedrijf
	English: operational, operating
	French: operationnel
	German: operativ
	Spanish: operativo, operacional
	Italian: operativo

	English: refresher course
	French: stage de mise a niveau
	German: Auffrischungskurs
	Spanish: curso de reciclaje, cursillo de reciclaje
	Italian: corso di aggiornamento

opleider, instructeur
	English: trainer, instructor
	French: formateur
	German: Ausbilder
	Spanish: formador, formadora
	Italian: formatore

opleider, instructeur
	English: trainer, instructor
	French: formatrice
	German: Ausbilder
	Spanish: formador, formadora
	Italian: formatore

	English: training
	French: formation
	German: Schulung, Weiterbildung
	Spanish: formacion
	Italian: formazione

opleiding die leidt tot een diploma
	English: training leading to a diploma
	French: formation diplomante
	German: Diplomausbildung
	Spanish: formacion diplomatura
	Italian: formazione per il conseguimento di un diploma

opleiding op de werkplek
	English: on-the-job training
	French: formation pratique
	German: praktische Ausbildung
	Spanish: formacion practica
	Italian: formazione pratica

opleiding voor opleiders
	English: trainer training
	French: formation de formateurs
	German: Schulung von Ausbildern, Ausbildung von Ausbildungskraften
	Spanish: formacion de los formadores
	Italian: formazione dei formatori

	English: training tax
	French: impot-formation
	German: Ausbildungssteuer
	Spanish: ayuda fiscal a la formacion
	Italian: credito d'imposta sulle spese di formazione

	English: training centre
	French: centre de formation
	German: Ausbildungzentrum
	Spanish: centro de formacion
	Italian: centro di formazione

	English: level of education
	French: niveau de formation
	German: Ausbildungsniveau
	Spanish: nivel de formacion
	Italian: livello di formazione

	English: level of education
	French: niveau d'education
	German: Ausbildungsniveau
	Spanish: nivel de educacion
	Italian: livello di istruzione

	English: solution
	French: solution
	German: Losung
	Spanish: solucion
	Italian: soluzione

opnieuw inhuren
	English: rehire
	French: reembauche
	German: Wiedereinstellung
	Spanish: recontratacion
	Italian: riassunzione

oproep, standbytoeslag
	English: on-call, stand-by pay
	French: prime d'astreinte
	German: Bereitschaftspramie
	Spanish: prima de disponibilidad
	Italian: indennita di reperibilita

	English: casual worker
	French: travailleur intermittent
	German: Gelegenheitsarbeiter
	Spanish: trabajador ocasional
	Italian: lavoratore occasionale

	English: casual worker
	French: travailleur occasionnel
	German: Gelegenheitsarbeiter
	Spanish: trabajador ocasional
	Italian: lavoratore occasionale

	English: segmentation
	French: segmentation
	German: Segmentierung
	Spanish: segmentacion
	Italian: segmentazione

	English: optional
	French: facultatif
	German: freiwillig
	Spanish: opcional, facultativo
	Italian: facoltativo

optioneel pensioenregeling
	English: optional pension plan
	French: regime de retraite facultatif
	German: freiwilliges Rentensystem
	Spanish: regimen de jubilacion optativa
	Italian: regime pensionistico facoltativo

	English: succession planning
	French: plan de succession
	German: Nachfolgeplan
	Spanish: plan de sucesion
	Italian: piano di successione

	English: length of notice
	French: duree de preavis
	German: Lange der Kundigungsfrist
	Spanish: duracion del preaviso
	Italian: termine di preavviso

	English: notice period
	French: periode de preavis
	German: Kundigungsfrist
	Spanish: periodo de preaviso
	Italian: periodo di preavviso

	English: period of notice
	French: delai de preavis
	German: Kundigungsfrist
	Spanish: plazo de preaviso
	Italian: periodo di preavviso

	English: set-up
	French: mise en place
	German: Installation
	Spanish: implantacion, instalacion
	Italian: installazione

	English: business, sale
	French: affaire
	German: Geschaft
	Spanish: negocio, asunto
	Italian: affare

organisatie van een bedrijf
	English: organisation of a company
	French: structure d'une societe
	German: Gesellschaftsstruktur
	Spanish: estructura de una sociedad
	Italian: struttura di una societa

	English: organisation chart
	French: organigramme
	German: Organigramm
	Spanish: organigrama
	Italian: organigramma

oud, ouderdom
	English: old-age, ageing
	French: vieillesse
	German: Alter
	Spanish: vejez
	Italian: vecchiaia

	English: old-age pension
	French: pension de vieillesse
	German: Altersrente
	Spanish: pension de vejez
	Italian: pensione di vecchiaia

	English: retirement pension
	French: pension de retraite
	German: Altersruhegeld
	Spanish: pension de jubilacion
	Italian: pensione di anzianita

	English: outplacement
	French: outplacement
	German: Auslagerung
	Spanish: outplacement
	Italian: outplacement, ricollocazione professionale

output, productie
	English: output, production
	French: production
	German: Produktion
	Spanish: produccion
	Italian: produzione

	English: outsourcing
	French: externalisation, outsourcing
	German: Outsourcing
	Spanish: externalizacion, outsourcing
	Italian: outsourcing

	English: overcharged
	French: trop-percu
	German: zu viel einbehalten
	Spanish: cobrado de mas, cobro indebido
	Italian: somme pagate in eccesso

	English: over staffing
	French: sureffectif
	German: Personaluberhang, Uberbesetzung
	Spanish: exceso de plantilla
	Italian: eccesso di personale, esuberi

	English: transfer
	French: virement
	German: Uberweisung, Verrechnung
	Spanish: transferencia, giro
	Italian: storno

overboeking van fondsen
	English: transfer of funds
	French: virement de fonds
	German: Mittelubertragung
	Spanish: transferencia de fondos
	Italian: storno di fondi

	English: agreement
	French: accord
	German: Abkommen, Vertrag
	Spanish: acuerdo
	Italian: accordo

overeenkomst per bedrijfstak
	English: industry-wide agreement
	French: convention collective d'une branche
	German: Branchentarifvertrag
	Spanish: convenio colectivo de un sector
	Italian: contratto collettivo di settore

overeenkomst, verdrag
	English: agreement, convention
	French: convention
	German: Vetrag, Vereinbarung
	Spanish: convenio, convencion
	Italian: convenzione, contratto

	English: overqualified
	French: surqualifie
	German: uberqualifiziert
	Spanish: sobrecalificado
	Italian: eccesso di qualifiche

	English: public sector
	French: secteur public
	German: offentlicher Sektor
	Spanish: sector publico
	Italian: settore pubblico

	English: public spending
	French: depenses publiques
	German: offentliche Ausgaben
	Spanish: gastos publicos
	Italian: spesa pubblica

	English: deceased
	French: decede (adj)
	German: Verstorben
	Spanish: fallecido
	Italian: deceduto

	English: death
	French: deces
	German: Tod
	Spanish: fallecimiento
	Italian: decesso

	English: death certificate
	French: acte de dec&egrave,s
	German: Totenschein, Sterbeurkunde
	Spanish: partida de defuncion
	Italian: atto di morte

	English: overtime
	French: heures supplementaires
	German: Uberstunden
	Spanish: horas extraordinarias
	Italian: ore di straordinario

	English: summary
	French: recapitulatif
	German: zusammenfassend
	Spanish: recapitulativo
	Italian: riepilogativo

overzicht van de bijdragen
	English: statement of contribution
	French: bordereau de cotisations
	German: Kostenaufstellung
	Spanish: documentos de cotizacion, comprobante de pago
	Italian: denuncia contributiva

	English: Easter Monday
	French: lundi de Paques
	German: Ostermontag
	Spanish: Lunes de Pascua
	Italian: lunedi di Pasqua

	English: parity
	French: parite
	German: Gleichheit
	Spanish: paridad
	Italian: parita

particuliere sector
	English: private sector
	French: secteur prive
	German: Privatsektor, privater Wirtschaftsbereich
	Spanish: sector privado
	Italian: settore privato

	English: part timer
	French: travailleur a temps partiel
	German: Teilzeitkraft
	Spanish: trabajador a tiempo parcial
	Italian: lavoratore a tempo parziale

pauze die geldt als
	English: time off in lieu
	French: repos compensateur
	German: Uberstundenausgleich, Ausgleichsruhezeit
	Spanish: descanso compensador
	Italian: riposo compensativo

	English: retirement, pension
	French: retraite
	German: Ruhestand, Rente
	Spanish: jubilacion
	Italian: pensione

	English: pension, allowance
	French: pension
	German: Pension, Rente
	Spanish: pension
	Italian: pensione

pensioen, annuiteit
	English: pension, annuity
	French: rente
	German: Rente, Pension
	Spanish: renta
	Italian: rendita

	English: pension fund
	French: caisse de retraite
	German: Rentenkasse
	Spanish: fondo de pensiones
	Italian: fondo pensione

	English: pension fund
	French: fonds de pension
	German: Rentenfonds
	Spanish: fondo de pensiones
	Italian: fondo pensione

pensioenleeftijd, pensioengerechtigde leeftijd
	English: retirement age
	French: age de la retraite
	German: Rentenalter
	Spanish: edad de jubilacion
	Italian: eta pensionabile

pensioenregeling, pensioenplan
	English: pension scheme
	French: regime de retraite
	German: Rentensystem
	Spanish: regimen de jubilacion
	Italian: regime pensionistico

	English: retirement
	French: depart a la retraite
	German: in den Ruhestand gehen
	Spanish: jubilacion
	Italian: pensionamento

percentage van het personeelsverloop
	English: turnover
	French: taux de renouvellement
	German: Erneuerungsrate, Turnover
	Spanish: tasa de renovacion, indice de rotacion del personal
	Italian: turnover

percentage, graad
	English: percentage, rate
	French: pourcentage
	German: Prozentsatz
	Spanish: porcentaje
	Italian: percentuale

	English: period
	French: periode
	German: Zeitraum
	Spanish: periodo
	Italian: periodo

periodiek werk, sporadisch werk
	English: periodic work, sporadic work
	French: travail intermittent
	German: Zeitarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo intermitente
	Italian: lavoro occasionale

permanente opleiding
	English: continuous training
	French: formation permanente
	German: Fortbildung
	Spanish: formacion permanente
	Italian: formazione permanente

permanente scholing, permanent leren
	English: continuing education
	French: formation continue
	German: Weiterbildung
	Spanish: formacion continua
	Italian: formazione continua

personeel, medewerkers
	English: staff, workforce
	French: personnel (nm)
	German: Personal, Mittarbeiter
	Spanish: personal
	Italian: personale

	English: personnel administration
	French: administration du personnel
	German: Personalverwaltung
	Spanish: administracion de personal
	Italian: amministrazione del personale

	English: job ad
	French: annonce d'offre d'emploi
	German: Stellenanzeige
	Spanish: anuncio de oferta de empleo
	Italian: annuncio di offerta di lavoro

	English: personnel department
	French: service du personnel
	German: Personalabteilung
	Spanish: departamento de personal
	Italian: direzione del personale

	English: staffing management
	French: gestion de l'emploi
	German: Arbeitsmarktverwaltung
	Spanish: gestion del empleo
	Italian: gestione dell'organico

	English: personnel management
	French: gestion du personnel
	German: Personalverwaltung
	Spanish: gestion de personal
	Italian: gestione del personale

	English: manpower needs
	French: besoins en personnel
	German: Personalbedarf
	Spanish: necesidades de personal
	Italian: fabbisogno di personale

	English: human resource policy
	French: politique des ressources humaines
	German: Personalpolitik
	Spanish: politica de recursos humanos
	Italian: politica delle risorse umane

personeelsbestand, personeelsbezetting
	English: workforce, headcount
	French: effectif
	German: Belegschaft, Personalbestand
	Spanish: efectivo, plantilla
	Italian: effettivi

	English: rank of personnel
	French: categorie de personnel
	German: Personalkategorie
	Spanish: categoria de personal
	Italian: categoria di personale

personeelsinkrimping, personeelsvermindering
	English: staff reduction, downsizing
	French: compression des effectifs, reduction des effectifs
	German: Personalabbau
	Spanish: reduccion de los efectivos
	Italian: riduzione di organico

	English: human resources manager
	French: directeur des ressources humaines
	German: Personalchef
	Spanish: director de recursos humanos
	Italian: direttore HR

	English: employee number
	French: matricule
	German: Matrikel
	Spanish: matricula
	Italian: numero di matricola

	English: manpower planning
	French: gestion previsionnelle de l'emploi
	German: vorausplanende Personalverwaltung
	Spanish: gestion previsional del empleo
	Italian: pianificazione della forza lavoro

	English: worker's education
	French: formation ouvriere
	German: Arbeiterausbildung
	Spanish: formacion obrera
	Italian: formazione degli operai

	English: staff turnover
	French: rotation du personnel
	German: Fluktuation der Belegschaft, Turnover
	Spanish: rotacion del personal, rotacion de personal
	Italian: rotazione del personale

	English: personnel transfers
	French: mouvement du personnel
	German: Personalfluktuation
	Spanish: movimiento del personal
	Italian: movimento del personale

persoonlijk aanbod
	English: personalised offering
	French: offre personnalisee
	German: massgeschneidertes Angebot
	Spanish: oferta personalizada
	Italian: offerta personalizzata

persoonlijk dossier
	English: personal file
	French: dossier personnel
	German: Personalakte
	Spanish: historial personal, expediente personal
	Italian: fascicolo personale

	English: personality test
	French: test de personnalite
	German: Personlichkeitstest
	Spanish: test de personalidad
	Italian: test della personalita

persoonsbeschrijving, profiel van sollicitant
	English: applicant profile
	French: profil d'un candidat
	German: Bewerberprofil
	Spanish: perfil de un candidato
	Italian: profilo di un candidato

pilote site
	English: pilot site
	French: site pilote
	German: Pilotsite
	Spanish: centro piloto
	Italian: sito pilota

piramide, structuur
	English: pyramid, structure
	French: pyramide
	German: Pyramide
	Spanish: piramide
	Italian: piramide

plaatselijk belastingkantoor, belastingdienst
	English: local tax office, inland revenue
	French: centre des impots
	German: Finanzamt
	Spanish: centro de impuestos
	Italian: ufficio delle imposte

plafond, bovengrens
	English: ceiling, upper limit
	French: plafonnement
	German: Festsetzung einer Hochstgrenze
	Spanish: tope, limite
	Italian: fissazione di un massimale

plan, planning
	English: plan, planning
	French: plan
	German: Plan, Planung
	Spanish: plan
	Italian: piano

	English: planning
	French: planification
	German: Planung
	Spanish: planificacion
	Italian: pianificazione

planning, tijdschema
	English: planning, schedule
	French: planning
	German: Planung
	Spanish: planificacion
	Italian: tempi

	English: planning cycle
	French: cycle de planification
	German: Planungszyklus
	Spanish: ciclo de planificacion
	Italian: ciclo di pianificazione

	English: working time optimisation
	French: planification sous contraintes
	German: Arbeitszeitoptimierung
	Spanish: optimizacion del trabajo
	Italian: working time optimization

platte organisatieschema
	English: flat organisation chart
	French: organigramme en rateau
	German: flaches Organigramm
	Spanish: organigrama plano
	Italian: organigramma organizzativo

	English: shiftwork
	French: travail en roulement
	German: Schichtarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo por turnos
	Italian: lavoro a turni

	English: policy
	French: politique
	German: Politik
	Spanish: politica
	Italian: politica

	English: portal
	French: portail
	German: Portal
	Spanish: portal
	Italian: portale

positie, baan
	English: position, status
	French: situation
	German: Position, Status
	Spanish: situacion
	Italian: situazione

	English: positioning
	French: positionnement
	German: Positionierung
	Spanish: posicionamiento
	Italian: posizione

	English: postnatal
	French: postnatal
	German: postnatal, nach der Niederkunft
	Spanish: posnatal
	Italian: postnatale

	English: potential
	French: potentiel
	German: potenziell
	Spanish: potencial
	Italian: potenziale

	English: attendance bonus
	French: prime d'assiduite
	German: Anwesenheitspramie
	Spanish: prima de asiduidad
	Italian: premio di presenza

	English: performance indicators
	French: indicateurs de performance
	German: Leistungsindikatoren
	Spanish: indicadores de prestaciones, indicadores de resultados
	Italian: indicatori di prestazione

	English: performance assessment
	French: evaluation des performances
	German: Leistungsbewertung
	Spanish: evaluacion del rendimiento
	Italian: valutazione delle prestazioni

	English: performance review
	French: appreciation des performances
	German: Leistungsbewertung
	Spanish: valoracion del rendimiento
	Italian: valutazione delle prestazioni

prestatiemeting, metriek
	English: performance metrics
	French: mesure de performance
	German: Leistungsmessung
	Spanish: medida de resultados
	Italian: misurazione delle prestazioni

	English: level of performance
	French: niveau de performance
	German: Leistungsniveau
	Spanish: nivel de rendimiento, nivel de resultados
	Italian: livello di efficienza

	English: performance
	French: performance
	German: Leistung, Performanz
	Spanish: prestaciones
	Italian: prestazione

	English: performance standards
	French: standards de performance
	German: Leistungsstandards
	Spanish: estandares de prestaciones
	Italian: livelli di prestazione

prijs, prijsstelling
	English: price
	French: prix
	German: Preis
	Spanish: precio
	Italian: prezzo

	English: price index
	French: indice des prix
	German: Preisindex
	Spanish: indice de precios
	Italian: indice dei prezzi

	English: pricing
	French: tarification
	German: Preisberechnung, Tariffestsetzung
	Spanish: tarificacion, tarifa de precios
	Italian: tariffazione

primaire industrie
	English: primary industry
	French: secteur primaire
	German: primarer Sektor
	Spanish: sector primario
	Italian: settore primario

	English: priority process
	French: processus prioritaire
	German: vorrangiger Prozess
	Spanish: proceso prioritario
	Italian: processo prioritario

	English: private
	French: prive
	German: privat
	Spanish: privado
	Italian: privato

	English: procedure
	French: procedure
	German: Verfahrensweise
	Spanish: procedimiento
	Italian: procedura

	English: process
	French: process
	German: Prozess
	Spanish: proceso
	Italian: processo, procedimento

	English: process
	French: processus
	German: Vorgang
	Spanish: proceso, desarrollo
	Italian: processo

	English: yield management
	French: gestion du rendement
	German: Ertragsmanagement
	Spanish: gestion del rendimiento
	Italian: gestione del rendimento

	English: production bonus
	French: prime de production
	German: Produktionspramie
	Spanish: prima de produccion
	Italian: premio di produzione

	English: production targets, performance targets
	French: objectifs de rendement
	German: Ertragsziel
	Spanish: objetivos de rendimientos
	Italian: obiettivi di rendimento

productiviteitsbonus, efficiencybonus
	English: output bonus, productivity bonus
	French: prime de rendement
	German: Leistungspramie, Leistungszulage
	Spanish: prima por rendimiento
	Italian: premio di rendimento

	English: product manager
	French: chef de produit
	German: Produktmanager
	Spanish: jefe de producto
	Italian: product manager (direttore di prodotto)

	English: professional
	French: professionnel
	German: professionell
	Spanish: profesional
	Italian: professionale

professionele arbeider
	English: professional worker
	French: ouvrier professionnel
	German: Facharbeiter
	Spanish: trabajador profesional
	Italian: operaio professionale

	English: profile
	French: profil
	German: Profil
	Spanish: perfil
	Italian: profilo

profit center
	English: profit centre
	French: centre de profit
	German: Profit Center
	Spanish: centro de beneficio
	Italian: centro di profitto

	English: forecast
	French: prevision
	German: Vorhersage, Prognose
	Spanish: prevision
	Italian: previsione

	English: graded
	French: progressif
	German: stufenweise, graduell
	Spanish: progresivo
	Italian: progressivo

progressieve inkomstenbelasting
	English: progressive income tax
	French: impot progressif
	German: progressive Steuern
	Spanish: impuesto progresivo
	Italian: imposta progressiva

promotie naar verdienste
	English: promotion according to merit
	French: promotion au merite
	German: Beforderung nach Leistung
	Spanish: promocion por merito
	Italian: promozione in base al merito

promotie van binnenuit
	English: internal promotion
	French: promotion interne
	German: interne Beforderung
	Spanish: promocion interna
	Italian: promozione interna

promotie, bevordering
	English: promotion
	French: promotion
	German: Promotion
	Spanish: promocion
	Italian: promozione

	English: promoter
	French: promoteur
	German: Promoter
	Spanish: promotor
	Italian: promotore

	English: prospective client
	French: prospect
	German: potenzieller Kunde
	Spanish: cliente potencial
	Italian: cliente potenziale

public relations
	English: public relations
	French: relations publiques
	German: PR
	Spanish: relaciones publicas
	Italian: pubbliche relazioni

	English: public
	French: public
	German: offentlich
	Spanish: publico
	Italian: pubblico

publieke sector
	English: public service
	French: service public
	German: staatliche Behorde
	Spanish: servicio publico
	Italian: servizio pubblico

	English: punctuality
	French: ponctualite
	German: Punktlichkeit
	Spanish: puntualidad
	Italian: puntualita

	English: punctual
	French: ponctuel
	German: punktlich
	Spanish: puntual
	Italian: puntuale

raad van bestuur
	English: board of directors
	French: directoire
	German: Direktorium, Vorstand
	Spanish: directorio
	Italian: consiglio di amministrazione

	English: master agreement
	French: convention collective de base
	German: Haupttarifvertrag
	Spanish: convenio colectivo basico
	Italian: contratto collettivo di base

rang, graad
	English: rank, grade
	French: echelon
	German: Lohnstufe, Staffel
	Spanish: escalafon, grado
	Italian: grado, livello

	English: report
	French: rapport
	German: Bericht
	Spanish: informe
	Italian: report

rapportage ten behoeve van overheden
	English: statutory report
	French: declaration sociale
	German: Sozialversicherungsmeldung
	Spanish: declaracion social
	Italian: dichiarazione sociale

	English: ratio
	French: ratio
	German: Quote, Rate
	Spanish: ratio
	Italian: rapporto, proporzione percentuale

	English: real time
	French: temps reel
	German: Echtzeit
	Spanish: tiempo real
	Italian: tempo reale

	English: reintegration training
	French: formation de reinsertion
	German: Wiedereingliederungsausbildung
	Spanish: formacion para la reinsercion
	Italian: formazione di riqualificazione

	English: entitlement
	French: droit
	German: Recht
	Spanish: derecho
	Italian: diritti

recht op uitkering
	English: benefits entitlement
	French: droit aux prestations
	German: Leistungsanspruch, Bezugsberechtigung
	Spanish: derecho a las prestaciones
	Italian: diritto alle prestazioni

recht op vakantie
	English: holiday entitlement
	French: droit aux conges payes
	German: Recht auf bezahlten Urlaub
	Spanish: derecho a las vacaciones pagadas
	Italian: diritto ai congedi retribuiti

rechtbank voor strafzaken
	English: criminal court
	French: tribunal correctionnel
	German: Strafgericht
	Spanish: tribunal correccional
	Italian: tribunale penale

rechtbank, gerechtshof
	English: court
	French: tribunal
	German: Gericht
	Spanish: tribunal
	Italian: tribunale

	English: rightfully
	French: de plein droit
	German: von Rechts wegen, rechtmassig
	Spanish: de pleno derecho
	Italian: a pieno diritto

rechtstreekse overboeking
	English: direct debit
	French: prelevement bancaire
	German: Bankabbuchung
	Spanish: cargo bancario
	Italian: prelievo bancario

record, piek
	English: record, peak
	French: record
	German: Rekord
	Spanish: record
	Italian: record, picco

	English: record level
	French: niveau record
	German: Rekordhohe
	Spanish: nivel record
	Italian: livello record

	English: reduction
	French: minoration
	German: Reduzierung, Senkung
	Spanish: minoracion
	Italian: riduzione

reeks van testen
	English: battery of tests
	French: batterie de tests
	German: Testbatterie
	Spanish: bateria de tests
	Italian: batteria di prove, batteria di test

	English: reference salary
	French: salaire de reference
	German: Referenzlohn
	Spanish: salario de referencia
	Italian: stipendio di riferimento

regel, voorschrift
	English: rule, regulation
	French: reglement
	German: Weisung, Richtlinie
	Spanish: reglamento, regulacion
	Italian: regolamento

regeling, boetebetaling
	English: recovery, adjustment
	French: redressement
	German: Berichtigung, Ruckbuchung
	Spanish: rectificacion, recuperacion
	Italian: ripresa, correzione

	English: government, administration
	French: gouvernement
	German: Regierung
	Spanish: gobierno
	Italian: governo

	English: area manager
	French: responsable de secteur
	German: Sektorleiter
	Spanish: area manager, responsable de area
	Italian: responsabile di settore

	English: registration
	French: immatriculation
	German: Einschreibung
	Spanish: matricula, matriculacion
	Italian: immatricolazione

	English: registration date
	French: date d'enregistrement
	German: Eintragungsdatum, Registrierungsdatum
	Spanish: fecha de registro, fecha de inscripcion
	Italian: data di registrazione

	English: registration number
	French: numero d'immatriculation
	German: Matrikelnummer
	Spanish: numero de afiliacion, numero de registro
	Italian: numero di immatricolazione

	English: regularisation
	French: regularisation
	German: Regulierung
	Spanish: regularizacion
	Italian: regolarizzazione

reis, reizen
	English: trip, travel
	French: voyage
	German: Reise
	Spanish: viaje
	Italian: viaggio

reis, reizen
	English: trip, travel
	French: deplacement
	German: Reise
	Spanish: desplazamiento, traslado
	Italian: viaggio

	English: travel expenses
	French: frais de deplacement
	German: Reisekosten
	Spanish: gastos de viaje , dietas
	Italian: spese di viaggio

	English: travel expenses
	French: frais de voyage
	German: Reisekosten
	Spanish: gastos de viaje
	Italian: spese di viaggio

	English: travel expenses management
	French: gestion des notes de frais
	German: Reisekosten-Management
	Spanish: gestion de gastos de viajes
	Italian: gestione delle spese viaggio

	English: travel allowance
	French: allocation de deplacement
	German: Reisekostenvergutung
	Spanish: asignacion para gastos de viaje
	Italian: indennita di viaggio

	English: travel allowance
	French: indemnite de deplacement
	German: Reiseentschadigung
	Spanish: dietas (de viaje)
	Italian: indennita di trasferimento

	English: travel allowance
	French: indemnite de transport
	German: Fahrtkostenvergutung
	Spanish: indemnizacion por transporte
	Italian: indennita di trasporto

rekening, factuur
	English: bill, invoice
	French: facture
	German: Rechnung
	Spanish: factura
	Italian: fattura

	English: relation
	French: relation
	German: Beziehung
	Spanish: relacion
	Italian: rapporto, relazione

	English: rate of return
	French: taux de rendement
	German: Ertragszinsen
	Spanish: tasa de rendimiento
	Italian: tasso di rendimento

rentabiliteit van investering
	English: return on investment (ROI)
	French: retour sur investissement
	German: Anlageertrag, Anlagenrendite
	Spanish: retorno de inversion
	Italian: utili sul capitale investito

rentabiliteit, winstgevendheid
	English: profitability
	French: profitabilite, rentabilite
	German: Rentabilitat, Ertragskraft
	Spanish: rentabilidad
	Italian: redditivita

	English: level of profitability
	French: niveau de profitabilite
	German: Profitabilitatsniveau
	Spanish: nivel de rentabilidad
	Italian: livello di redditivita

	English: interest rate
	French: taux d'interet
	German: Zinssatz
	Spanish: tipo de interes
	Italian: tassi d'interesse

	English: reorganisation
	French: reorganisation
	German: Umstrukturierung
	Spanish: reorganizacion
	Italian: riorganizzazione

reserve, voorziening, deposito
	English: allowance
	French: provision
	German: Guthaben, Vorschuss
	Spanish: provision, anticipo
	Italian: provvista, scorta, acconto

resterende vakantiedagen
	English: remaining holiday days
	French: jours restant a prendre
	German: Resturlaub
	Spanish: dias de vacaciones pendientes
	Italian: giorni di ferie residue

	English: retention rate
	French: taux de fidelisation
	German: Bindungsquote
	Spanish: tasa de fidelizacion
	Italian: tasso di mantenimento

retroactief, geantidateerd
	English: retroactive
	French: retroactif
	German: ruckwirkend
	Spanish: retroactivo
	Italian: retroattivo

	English: review
	French: revue
	German: Durchsicht, Prufung
	Spanish: revista, revision
	Italian: rivista

	English: risk
	French: risque
	German: Risiko
	Spanish: riesgo
	Italian: rischio

	English: risk management
	French: gestion des risques
	German: Entscheidung uber Risiken, Risikobewaltigung
	Spanish: gestion de riesgos
	Italian: gestione dei rischi

risicotoeslag, gevarentoeslag
	English: risk allowance
	French: prime de risque
	German: Risikopramie
	Spanish: plus de peligrosidad
	Italian: indennita di rischio

	English: rollout
	French: lancement
	German: Markteinfuhrung
	Spanish: lanzamiento
	Italian: lancio

roulatie, verloop
	English: rotation, turnover
	French: rotation
	German: rotierendes System
	Spanish: rotacion
	Italian: rotazione

rust, pauze
	English: rest, break
	French: repos
	German: Ruhepause
	Spanish: descanso
	Italian: riposo

	English: rest period
	French: periode de repos
	German: Ruhezeit
	Spanish: periodo de reposo
	Italian: periodo di riposo

	English: sabbatical leave
	French: conge sabbatique
	German: Urlaub zur personlichen Weiterbildung
	Spanish: baja sabatica
	Italian: congedo sabbatico

sabbatical year
	English: sabbatical year
	French: annee sabbatique
	German: Sabbatjahr
	Spanish: ano sabatico
	Italian: anno sabbatico

	English: salary
	French: appointements
	German: Gehalt, Bezuge
	Spanish: sueldo
	Italian: retribuzione

salarisadministratie kennis
	English: payroll expertise
	French: expertise paie
	German: Sachkenntnis in der Gehaltsabrechnung
	Spanish: experiencia en nominas
	Italian: conoscenza dei processi legati alla paga

salarisbezuiniging, loonbezuiniging
	English: salary cut, wage cut
	French: reduction de salaire
	German: Gehaltsminderung, -kurzung
	Spanish: reduccion salarial
	Italian: riduzione di salario

salarisdispariteiten, salariskloof
	English: salary gap
	French: inegalites de salaires
	German: Ungleichheit der Gehalter
	Spanish: desigualdad salarial
	Italian: disparita di trattamento economico

salarisherziening, salarisrevisie
	English: pay review, salary review
	French: revision des salaires
	German: Gehaltsgesprach
	Spanish: revision salarial
	Italian: revisione dei salari

	English: salary level
	French: niveau de salaire
	German: Lohnniveau
	Spanish: nivel de salario
	Italian: livello salariale

	English: salary bracket
	French: tranche de salaire
	German: Gehaltsgruppe
	Spanish: franja de salarios
	Italian: fascia salariale

salarisschaal, loonschaal
	English: wage scale
	French: echelle des salaires
	German: Lohnskala, Gehaltsstufe
	Spanish: escala salarial
	Italian: scala salariale

	English: salary grid
	French: fourchette de salaires
	German: Gehaltstabelle
	Spanish: horquilla salarial
	Italian: forbice salariale, griglia salariale

	English: payslip
	French: bulletin de paie
	German: Gehaltsabrechnung
	Spanish: recibo de nomina
	Italian: cedolino paga

	English: payslip
	French: bulletin de salaire
	German: Gehaltsabrechnung
	Spanish: recibo de nomina
	Italian: cedolino paga

	English: salary differential
	French: ecart des salaires
	German: Gehaltsunterschiede
	Spanish: diferencial de salarios
	Italian: differenziale salariale

	English: salary differential
	French: differentiel de salaires
	German: Gehaltsunterschiede
	Spanish: diferencial de salarios
	Italian: differenziale salariale

	English: payroll engine
	French: moteur de paie
	German: Abrechnungssystem
	Spanish: motor de nomina
	Italian: motore di gestione stipendi

	English: advance on salary, salary advance
	French: acompte sur salaire, avance sur salaire
	German: Gehaltsvorschuss, Gehaltsvorauszahlung
	Spanish: anticipo del sueldo
	Italian: anticipo sul salario

	English: partnership
	French: partenariat
	German: Partnerschaft
	Spanish: colaboracion
	Italian: collaborazione

	English: bracket
	French: tranche
	German: Gruppe
	Spanish: grupo, serie
	Italian: fascia, gruppo, categoria

schaal van invaliditeitsgraad
	English: degree of disability scale
	French: bar&egrave,me d'invalidite
	German: Tabelle der Invaliditatsprozentsatze
	Spanish: baremo de invalidez
	Italian: tabella d'invalidita

	English: claim for compensation
	French: demande en dommages et interets
	German: Schadensersatzklage, Haftungsklage
	Spanish: demanda por danos y perjuicios
	Italian: richiesta di risarcimento danni e interessi

	English: divorce
	French: divorce
	German: Scheidung
	Spanish: divorcio
	Italian: divorzio

	English: grid
	French: grille
	German: Tabelle
	Spanish: red, rejilla
	Italian: griglia

schending van de regels
	English: breaking the rules
	French: violation du reglement
	German: Verstoss gegen die Vorschriften
	Spanish: violacion del reglamento
	Italian: violazione del regolamento

schending, overtreding
	English: violation, breach
	French: violation
	German: Zuwiderhandlung, Verletzung
	Spanish: violacion
	Italian: violazione

scheppen van arbeidsplaatsen
	English: job creation
	French: creation d'emplois
	German: Schaffung von Arbeitsplatzen
	Spanish: creacion de empleo
	Italian: creazione di posti di lavoro

schoolgeld, lesgeld
	English: school fees, tuition fees
	French: frais de scolarite
	German: Schulgebuhren
	Spanish: gastos de escolaridad
	Italian: spese scolastiche

	English: school holidays
	French: vacances scolaires
	German: Schulferien
	Spanish: vacaciones escolares
	Italian: vacanze scolastiche

schorsing, opschorting
	English: postponement
	French: ajournement
	German: Vertagung
	Spanish: aplazamiento
	Italian: rinvio, aggiornamento

	English: leap year
	French: annee bissextile
	German: Schaltjahr
	Spanish: ano bisiesto
	Italian: anno bisestile

screening, voorselectie
	English: short list
	French: preselection
	German: Vorauswahl
	Spanish: preseleccion
	Italian: preselezione

sector, branche
	English: area, sector
	French: secteur
	German: Sektor
	Spanish: sector
	Italian: settore

sector, lijn
	English: sector, line
	French: branche
	German: Branche, Geschaftszweig
	Spanish: ramo, sector
	Italian: filiale, settore

secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden, uitkeringen in natura
	English: fringe benefits, benefits in kind
	French: avantages en nature
	German: Sachleistungen, Sachzuwendungen
	Spanish: remuneracion en especies
	Italian: retribuzione in natura

secundaire sector
	English: secondary sector
	French: secteur secondaire
	German: sekundarer Sektor
	Spanish: sector segundario
	Italian: settore secondario

	English: segment
	French: segment
	German: Segment
	Spanish: segmento
	Italian: segmento

	English: seasonal worker
	French: travailleur saisonnier
	German: Saisonarbeiter
	Spanish: trabajador de temporada, temporero
	Italian: lavoratore stagionale

	English: seasonal work
	French: travail saisonnier
	German: Saisonarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo estacional
	Italian: lavoro stagionale

	English: semi retirement
	French: semi-retraite
	German: Altersteilzeit
	Spanish: semi-jubilacion
	Italian: dipendenti pensionati

	English: seminar
	French: seminaire
	German: Seminar
	Spanish: seminario
	Italian: seminario

	English: senior
	French: superieur (nm)
	German: hoherstehend, Fuhrungskraft
	Spanish: superior
	Italian: superiore

senior manager, executive
	English: senior manager
	French: cadre superieur
	German: ranghohere Fuhrungskraft, Geschaftsfuhrer
	Spanish: alto directivo, alto ejecutivo
	Italian: dirigente

service platform
	English: service platform
	French: plate-forme de services
	German: Dienstleistungsplattform
	Spanish: plataforma de servicios
	Italian: piattaforma di servizi

	English: service level
	French: niveau de service
	German: Serviceniveau
	Spanish: nivel de servicio
	Italian: livello di servizio

	English: social environment steering
	French: pilotage social
	German: Steuerung der sozialen Rahmenbedingungen
	Spanish: pilotaje social
	Italian: gestione sociale

	English: session
	French: vacation
	German: Zeitaufwand, Honorar
	Spanish: dietas, honorarios
	Italian: vacazione

	English: simulation
	French: simulation
	German: Simulation
	Spanish: simulacion
	Italian: simulazione

slapend dossier
	English: dormant file
	French: dossier inactif
	German: ruhender Vorgang
	Spanish: archivo inactivo
	Italian: fascicolo inattivo

slechte betaling, slecht betaalde arbeiders
	English: low-pay, low paid workers
	French: bas salaires
	German: Niedriglohn
	Spanish: trabajadores con sueldos bajos
	Italian: dipendenti a salario basso

	English: social
	French: social
	German: sozial
	Spanish: social
	Italian: sociale

sociale diensten
	English: social services
	French: services sociaux
	German: Sozialleistungen
	Spanish: servicios sociales
	Italian: servizi sociali

sociale lasten, sociale verzekeringsbijdragen
	English: social security contributions, national insurance contributions
	French: charges sociales
	German: Soziallasten, Sozialabgaben
	Spanish: cargas sociales
	Italian: oneri sociali

sociale partners
	English: social partners
	French: partenaires sociaux
	German: Sozialpartner
	Spanish: agentes sociales, actores sociales
	Italian: parti sociali

sociale rechten
	English: social rights
	French: acquis sociaux
	German: soziale Errungenschaften
	Spanish: derechos sociales
	Italian: diritti sociali

sociale scorekaarten
	English: social scoreboard, dashboard
	French: tableaux de bord sociaux
	German: Sozialindikatoren
	Spanish: cuadro de indicadores sociales
	Italian: cruscotto

sociale verzekering
	English: national insurance
	French: assurances sociales
	German: Sozialversicherung
	Spanish: seguros sociales
	Italian: assicurazioni sociali

sociale verzekeringsbijdragen
	English: national insurance contributions
	French: cotisations sociales
	German: Sozialbeitrage
	Spanish: cotizaciones sociales
	Italian: contributi previdenziali

sociale verzekeringsschema
	English: social security scheme
	French: regime de Securite sociale
	German: Sozialversicherungssystem
	Spanish: regimen de seguridad social
	Italian: regime di sicurezza sociale

sociale voorzieningen
	English: welfare benefits
	French: avantages sociaux
	German: Sozialleistungen, soziale Vergunstigungen
	Spanish: ventajas sociales
	Italian: benefici sociali

sociale zekerheid, sociale verzekering
	English: social security, national insurance
	French: securite sociale
	German: Sozialversicherung
	Spanish: seguridad social
	Italian: sicurezza sociale

sociale zekerheid, verzekeringsdekking
	English: social security, insurance coverage
	French: protection sociale
	German: sozialrechtlicher Schutz
	Spanish: proteccion social
	Italian: protezione sociale

sociale zekerheidsgrens
	English: social security ceiling
	French: plafond de la Securite sociale
	German: Versicherungspflichtgrenze
	Spanish: tope de la seguridad social
	Italian: massimale contributivo

	English: software package
	French: progiciel
	German: Softwareprodukte
	Spanish: software
	Italian: pacchetti software

software oplossing
	English: software solution
	French: solution progiciel
	German: Softwarepaket-Losung
	Spanish: software, solucion informatica
	Italian: pacchetti software

sollicitant, kandidaat
	English: applicant, candidate
	French: postulant, candidat
	German: Bewerber, Kandidat
	Spanish: candidato, aspirante
	Italian: candidato

sollicitant, werkzoekende
	English: job applicant, candidate
	French: demandeur d'emploi
	German: Arbeitssuchende(r), Bewerber(in)
	Spanish: demandante de empleo, solicitante de empleo
	Italian: candidato all'assunzione

sollicitatie, aanvraag
	English: application
	French: application
	German: Anwendung
	Spanish: aplicacion
	Italian: applicazione software

sollicitatie, kandidatuur
	English: job application
	French: candidature
	German: Bewerbung
	Spanish: candidatura
	Italian: candidatura

	English: application hosting
	French: hebergement d'application
	German: Anwendungshosting
	Spanish: hospedaje de aplicacion, hosting
	Italian: application hosting

	English: job application
	French: demande d'emploi
	German: Stellengesuch
	Spanish: demanda de empleo
	Italian: domanda di impiego

	English: summons
	French: assignation
	German: Vorladung
	Spanish: auto de comparecencia, citacion judicial
	Italian: citazione in giudizio

sommatie, kennisgeving
	English: summons, notification
	French: convocation
	German: Einberufung, Einladung
	Spanish: convocatoria
	Italian: convocazione

speciaal verlof
	English: special leave
	French: conge special
	German: Sonderurlaub
	Spanish: permiso especial
	Italian: congedo speciale

specificatie, specificeren
	English: breakdown
	French: ventilation (d'un chiffre)
	German: Aufschlusselung, Aufteilung
	Spanish: distribucion, desglose
	Italian: ripartizione (di una cifra)

	English: spreadsheet
	French: tableur
	German: Tabellengenerator, elektronisches Arbeitsblatt
	Spanish: hoja de calculo
	Italian: foglio elettronico

staatspensioen, sociale verzekeringspensioen
	English: state pension
	French: retraite de la Securite sociale
	German: Sozialversicherungsrente
	Spanish: jubilacion de la seguridad social
	Italian: pensione previdenziale

	English: state pension scheme
	French: assurance vieillesse
	German: Altersversicherung
	Spanish: seguro de vejez
	Italian: assicurazione contro la vecchiaia

	English: state unemployment fund
	French: caisse d'assurance chomage
	German: Arbeitslosenkasse, Arbeitslosenversicherungskasse
	Spanish: fondo de desempleo
	Italian: cassa di assicurazione contro la disoccupazione

	English: course, traineeship
	French: stage
	German: Praktikum
	Spanish: estancia de personal en practicas, training
	Italian: corso

stagiaire, trainee
	English: trainee
	French: stagiaire
	German: Praktikant/in
	Spanish: persona en practicas, estudiante en practicas, trainee
	Italian: stagista

	English: standard
	French: standard (adj)
	German: Standard
	Spanish: estandar
	Italian: standard

standaard, norm
	English: norm
	French: norme
	German: Norm
	Spanish: norma
	Italian: norma

	English: standard offering
	French: offre standard
	German: Standardprodukt
	Spanish: oferta estandar
	Italian: offerta standard

	English: standardisation
	French: standardisation
	German: Standardisierung
	Spanish: estandarizacion
	Italian: standardizzazione

	English: standard rate
	French: taux normal
	German: Standardsatz
	Spanish: indice normal, tanto por ciento normal
	Italian: tasso normale

	English: starting salary
	French: salaire d'embauche
	German: Anfangslohn, Einstellungslohn
	Spanish: salario de contratacion
	Italian: stipendio iniziale

	English: statistics
	French: statistiques (nf)
	German: Statistiken
	Spanish: estadisticas
	Italian: statisticas

	English: statutory
	French: statutaire
	German: satzungsgemass, statuarisch
	Spanish: estatutario
	Italian: statutario

statutair, wettelijk
	English: legal, statutory
	French: legal
	German: legal, gesetzmassig
	Spanish: legal
	Italian: legale

	English: by-laws
	French: statuts d'une societe
	German: Satzung (einer Gesellschaft)
	Spanish: estatutos de una sociedad
	Italian: statuto societario

	English: mortality rate
	French: taux de mortalite
	German: Sterberate
	Spanish: indice de mortalidad
	Italian: tasso di mortalita

sterke valuta
	English: strong currency
	French: monnaie forte
	German: starke Wahrung
	Spanish: moneda fuerte
	Italian: moneta forte

stijging, toename
	English: rise, increase
	French: hausse
	German: Steigerung, Erhohung
	Spanish: alza, subida
	Italian: aumento

stijging, verhoging
	English: increase, rise
	French: augmentation
	German: Wachstum, Steigerung
	Spanish: aumento, subida
	Italian: aumento

	English: rate of increase
	French: taux d'augmentation
	German: Wachstumsrate
	Spanish: tasa de aumento
	Italian: tasso d'aumento

	English: police record
	French: casier judiciaire
	German: Strafregister
	Spanish: registro de antecedentes penales
	Italian: casellario giudiziario

	English: criminal law
	French: droit penal
	German: Strafrecht
	Spanish: derecho penal
	Italian: diritto penale

strategische marketing
	English: strategic marketing
	French: marketing strategique
	German: strategisches Marketing
	Spanish: marketing estrategico
	Italian: marketing strategico

strookje, overzicht
	English: slip, statement
	French: bordereau
	German: Verzeichnis, Liste
	Spanish: factura, lista detallada
	Italian: bolletta, bollettino

	English: flow
	French: flux
	German: Strom
	Spanish: flujo
	Italian: flusso

structuur, organisatie
	English: structure, organisation
	French: structure
	German: Struktur
	Spanish: estructura
	Italian: struttura

	English: piecework
	French: travail a la piece
	German: Stucklohnarbeit, Akkordarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo a destajo, trabajo a la pieza
	Italian: lavoro a cottimo

	English: piecework
	French: travail a la tache
	German: Akkordarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo a destajo
	Italian: lavoro a cottimo

	English: steering committee
	French: comite de pilotage
	German: Lenkungsausschuss
	Spanish: comite de pilotaje
	Italian: comitato direttivo del progetto

	English: sub-segment
	French: sous-segment
	German: Untersegment
	Spanish: subsegmento
	Italian: sub-segmento

	English: subsidy
	French: subvention
	German: Subvention, Zuschuss
	Spanish: subvencion
	Italian: sovvenzione

superieur, supervisor
	English: superior, supervisor
	French: superieur hierarchique
	German: Dienstvorgesetzter
	Spanish: superior jerarquico
	Italian: superiore gerarchico

systeem, regeling, plan
	English: system, scheme, plan
	French: regime
	German: System
	Spanish: regimen
	Italian: regime

	English: system analyst
	French: analyste programmeur
	German: Systemprogrammierer, Systemanalytiker
	Spanish: analista de sistemas
	Italian: analista programmatore

	English: task, job
	French: tache
	German: Aufgabe
	Spanish: tarea
	Italian: compito

taakanalyse, functieanalyse
	English: task analysis, job analysis
	French: analyse des taches
	German: Tatigkeitsanalyse
	Spanish: analisis de las tareas
	Italian: analisi dei compiti

tabel, schema
	English: scale, schedule
	French: bar&egrave,me
	German: Tabelle, Liste
	Spanish: baremo, tabla
	Italian: tabella

	English: main target
	French: c?ur de cible
	German: Hauptzielgruppe
	Spanish: target principal
	Italian: target principale

tarief op jaarbasis
	English: annualised rate
	French: taux annuel
	German: Jahresrate
	Spanish: tasa anual
	Italian: tasso annuale

tarief, graad
	English: rate, degree
	French: taux
	German: Rate
	Spanish: tasa
	Italian: tasso

tarief, kosten
	English: tariff, price
	French: tarif
	German: Tarif, Preis
	Spanish: tarifa
	Italian: tariffa

	English: team
	French: equipe
	German: Team
	Spanish: equipo
	Italian: team

	English: team work
	French: travail en equipe
	German: Teamarbeit, Gruppenarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo en equipo
	Italian: lavoro di gruppo

technische informatie
	English: technical notice
	French: fiche technique
	German: technische Informationen
	Spanish: ficha tecnica
	Italian: scheda tecnica

technische ondersteuning
	English: technical support
	French: support technique
	German: technisches Hilfsmittel
	Spanish: soporte tecnico
	Italian: assistenza tecnica

technologie platform
	English: technological platform
	French: plate-forme technologique
	German: technische Plattform
	Spanish: plataforma tecnologica
	Italian: piattaforma tecnologica

	English: wording
	French: libelle
	German: Formulierung
	Spanish: texto, redaccion
	Italian: formulazione, stesura

	English: telemarketing
	French: telemarketing
	German: Telemarketing
	Spanish: telemarketing
	Italian: marketing telefonico

telling, inventaris
	English: census
	French: recensement
	German: Zahlung, Inventur
	Spanish: censo
	Italian: censimento, inventario

telling, specificatie, aftrek
	English: deduction, detailed account
	French: decompte
	German: Steuerabrechnung, Abrechnung
	Spanish: descuento, recuento
	Italian: sconto, detrazione

temp, tijdelijke arbeidskracht
	English: temp, temporary employee
	French: interimaire
	German: Zeitarbeiter
	Spanish: interino
	Italian: interinale

	English: test
	French: test
	German: Test
	Spanish: test, prueba
	Italian: test

	English: Home Office
	French: ministere de l'Interieur
	German: Innenministerium
	Spanish: Ministerio del Interior
	Italian: ministero degli Interni

thuiswerken, telewerken
	English: homeworking
	French: teletravail
	German: Telearbeit
	Spanish: teletrabajo
	Italian: telelavoro

	English: homeworker
	French: travailleur a domicile
	German: Heimarbeiter
	Spanish: trabajador a domicilio
	Italian: lavoratore a domicilio

	English: time
	French: temps
	German: Zeit
	Spanish: tiempo
	Italian: tempo

tijd delen
	English: time sharing
	French: temps partage
	German: Time sharing
	Spanish: tiempo compartido
	Italian: tempo condiviso

tijd- en presentiebeheer
	English: time and attendance management
	French: gestion des temps et activites
	German: Zeit- und Tatigkeitserfassung
	Spanish: gestion de tiempo y asistencia
	Italian: gestione dei tempi e delle attivita

	English: time management
	French: gestion des temps
	German: Zeiteinteilung
	Spanish: gestion del tiempo
	Italian: gestione dei tempi

tijdelijk werk
	English: temporary work
	French: travail temporaire
	German: Zeitarbeit, vorubergehende Beschaftigung
	Spanish: trabajo temporal
	Italian: lavoro interinale

tijdelijk, ongeregeld
	English: temporary, casual
	French: temporaire
	German: zeitweise, vorubergehend
	Spanish: temporal
	Italian: temporaneo

tijdelijke dienstbetrekking
	English: temporary employment
	French: emploi temporaire
	German: Zeitbeschaftigung, befristeter Arbeitsvertrag
	Spanish: trabajo temporal
	Italian: lavoro temporaneo

tijdelijke functie
	English: casual job
	French: emploi occasionnel
	German: Gelegenheitsjob
	Spanish: trabajo ocasional
	Italian: lavoro occasionale

tijdelijke invaliditeit, tijdelijke arbeidsongeschiktheid
	English: temporary disablement, temporary incapacity
	French: incapacite temporaire
	German: vorubergehende Arbeitsunfahigkeit
	Spanish: incapacidad temporal
	Italian: inabilita temporanea

tijdklok, in-/uitklokmachine
	English: clocking in machine
	French: pointeuse
	German: Stechuhr
	Spanish: maquina para fichar
	Italian: orologio di timbratura

tijdschema, rooster
	English: calendar, schedule
	French: calendrier
	German: Kalender
	Spanish: calendario
	Italian: calendario

tijdslimiet, deadline
	English: time limit, deadline
	French: delai
	German: Frist
	Spanish: plazo
	Italian: termine

	English: time slot
	French: plage horaire
	German: Zeitschlitz, Zeitfenster
	Spanish: franja horaria
	Italian: orario

tijdstaat, presentielijst
	English: time sheet, attendance sheet
	French: feuille de presence
	German: Anwesenheitsliste
	Spanish: lista de asistencia
	Italian: foglio di presenza

toegevoegde clausule, aanhangsel van een contract
	English: addendum to a contract
	French: avenant au contrat
	German: Zusatzklausel
	Spanish: anexo al contrato
	Italian: clausola addizionale al contratto

toegevoegde waarde
	English: added-value
	French: valeur ajoutee
	German: Mehrwert
	Spanish: valor anadido
	Italian: valore aggiunto

toeslag voor aanstelling elders
	English: remote assignment pay
	French: prime d'eloignement
	German: Wegegeld, Auslandszulage
	Spanish: plus por alejamiento
	Italian: indennita di disagiata sede

toeslag voor kosten van levensonderhoud
	English: cost-of-living allowance
	French: prime de vie chere
	German: Teuerungszulage
	Spanish: prima por aumento del coste de la vida
	Italian: indennita di contingenza

toeslag voor vuil werk
	English: dirty work pay
	French: prime de salissure
	German: Schmutzzulage
	Spanish: plus de trabajo sucio
	Italian: indennita lavori gravosi

toeslag, boete
	English: surcharge, increase
	French: majoration
	German: Erhohung, Aufpreis
	Spanish: aumento, recargo
	Italian: maggiorazione

toewijzing van de middelen
	English: resources allocation
	French: allocation des ressources
	German: Faktorallokation
	Spanish: distribucion de los recursos
	Italian: assegnazione delle risorse

toezichthoudend personeel, voorman
	English: supervisory staff, foreman
	French: agent de maitrise
	German: technische Aufsichtsperson, Angestellter in gehobener Stellung
	Spanish: contramaestre, supervisor
	Italian: personale con funzioni direttive, caporeparto

totale kwaliteit
	English: total quality
	French: qualite totale
	German: Gesamtqualitat
	Spanish: calidad total
	Italian: qualita totale

training service
	English: training department
	French: service formation
	German: Ausbildungsabteilung, Schulungsabteilung
	Spanish: departamento de formacion
	Italian: servizio di formazione

	English: training policy
	French: politique de formation
	German: Ausbildungspolitik
	Spanish: politica de formacion
	Italian: politica di formazione

trainingsperiode, in-company training
	English: training period
	French: stage en entreprise
	German: Betriebspraktikum
	Spanish: practicas en empresa
	Italian: stage aziendale

trainingsplan, trainingsprogramma
	English: training plan, training programme
	French: plan de formation
	German: Ausbildungsplan
	Spanish: plan de formacion
	Italian: piano di formazione

	English: transaction
	French: transaction
	German: Transaktion
	Spanish: transaccion
	Italian: transazione

	English: transfer
	French: mutation
	German: Versetzung, Arbeitsplatzwechsel
	Spanish: traslado, cambio
	Italian: mutazione

	English: transfer
	French: transfert
	German: Transfer
	Spanish: transferencia
	Italian: trasferimento

	English: travel allowance
	French: prime de transport
	German: Fahrtkostenerstattung
	Spanish: subsidio de transporte
	Italian: indennita di trasporto

twee weken
	English: fortnight
	French: quinzaine
	German: 2 Wochen, 14 Tage
	Spanish: quincena
	Italian: quindicina

	English: extension
	French: prolongation
	German: Verlangerung
	Spanish: prolongacion
	Italian: proroga

	English: challenge
	French: challenge
	German: Herausforderung
	Spanish: desafio, reto
	Italian: sfida

	English: spending cuts
	French: reduction des depenses
	German: Ausgabensenkung, Ausgabenkurzung
	Spanish: reduccion de los gastos
	Italian: riduzione delle spese

uitgesloten, geschrapt
	English: struck off
	French: radie
	German: gestrichen, entfernt
	Spanish: excluido, borrado
	Italian: radiato

uitgesteld pensioen
	English: deferred pension
	French: rente differee
	German: aufgeschobene Rente
	Spanish: renta diferida
	Italian: rendita differita

uitkering bij overlijden
	English: death benefit
	French: capital dec&egrave,s
	German: Sterbegeld
	Spanish: capital por fallecimiento
	Italian: capitale in caso di decesso

uitkering voor buitengewoon onderwijs
	English: allowance for special education
	French: allocation d'education speciale
	German: Sonderausbildungszuschuss
	Spanish: subsidio de educacion especial
	Italian: assegno di studio speciale

uitkering voor slecht weer
	English: bad weather payments
	French: prime d'intemperies
	German: Schlechtwetterentschadigung
	Spanish: plus de trabajo a la intemperie
	Italian: indennita per calamita naturali

	English: verdict
	French: verdict
	German: Entscheidung, Beschluss, Beurteilung
	Spanish: veredicto
	Italian: verdetto

uitvoerend team
	English: operations team
	French: equipe operationnelle
	German: einsatzfahiges Team
	Spanish: equipo operativo
	Italian: team operativi

	English: job exchange
	French: bourse des emplois
	German: Stellenborse
	Spanish: bolsa de empleos
	Italian: assegno di lavoro

uitzetting, uitsluiting
	English: expulsion, exclusion
	French: exclusion
	German: Ausschluss
	Spanish: exclusion
	Italian: esclusione

uren aan werk besteed
	English: hours spent at work
	French: heures de presence
	German: Anwesenheitszeit
	Spanish: horas de presencia
	Italian: ore di presenza

	English: hour
	French: heure
	German: Stunde
	Spanish: hora
	Italian: ore

uur, tijd
	English: hour, time
	French: horaire
	German: Zeit
	Spanish: horario
	Italian: orario

	English: hourly wage
	French: salaire horaire
	German: Stundenlohn
	Spanish: salario horario
	Italian: stipendio orario

	English: hourly wage
	French: taux horaire
	German: Stundensatz
	Spanish: coste medio horario
	Italian: paga oraria, tariffa oraria

	English: vacant
	French: vacant
	German: frei
	Spanish: vacante
	Italian: vacante

	English: situations vacant, job openings
	French: postes vacants
	German: freie Stellen
	Spanish: puestos vacantes
	Italian: posti vacanti

	English: father
	French: pere
	German: Vater
	Spanish: padre
	Italian: padre

	English: fatherhood
	French: paternite
	German: Vaterschaft
	Spanish: paternidad
	Italian: paternita

	English: paternity leave
	French: conge de paternite
	German: Erziehungsurlaub
	Spanish: baja por paternidad, permiso por paternidad
	Italian: congedo di paternita

	English: holiday, vacation (US)
	French: vacances
	German: Ferien
	Spanish: vacaciones
	Italian: vacanze

	English: holiday
	French: ferie
	German: frei
	Spanish: (dia) festivo
	Italian: festivo

vakantiegeld, vakantiebonus
	English: holiday allowance
	French: prime de vacances
	German: Urlaubsgeld
	Spanish: prima de vacaciones
	Italian: quattordicesima mensilita

	English: week's holiday
	French: semaine de vacances
	German: Urlaubswoche
	Spanish: semana de vacaciones
	Italian: settimana di vacanza

	English: trade union movement
	French: mouvement syndical
	German: Gewerkschaftsbewegung
	Spanish: movimiento sindical
	Italian: movimento sindacale

vakbond voor bedrijfstak
	English: general union
	French: syndicat interprofessionnel
	German: branchenubergreifende Gewerkschaft
	Spanish: sindicato interprofesional
	Italian: sindacato interprofessionale

vakbond, vakvereniging
	English: union
	French: syndical
	German: gewerkschaftlich
	Spanish: sindical
	Italian: sindacale

vakbond, vakvereniging
	English: trade union
	French: syndicat
	German: Gewerkschaft
	Spanish: sindicato
	Italian: sindacato

	English: union delegate
	French: delegue syndical
	German: Gewerkschaftsvertreter
	Spanish: delegado sindical
	Italian: delegato sindacale

	English: union dues
	French: cotisations syndicales
	German: Gewerkschaftsbeitrage
	Spanish: cotizaciones sindicales
	Italian: quote sindacali

	English: union official
	French: responsable syndical
	German: Gewerkschaftsverantwortlicher
	Spanish: responsable sindical
	Italian: responsabile sindacale

	English: union leader
	French: dirigeant syndical
	German: Gewerkschaftsfuhrer
	Spanish: dirigente sindical
	Italian: dirigente sindacale

	English: trade union law
	French: droit syndical
	German: Gewerkschaftsrecht
	Spanish: derecho sindical
	Italian: diritto sindacale

	English: currency
	French: monnaie
	German: Wahrung
	Spanish: moneda
	Italian: moneta

van een arbeidsgerecht
	English: of an industrial tribunal
	French: prud'homal
	German: arbeitsgerichtlich
	Spanish: de la Magistratura del Trabajo
	Italian: del consiglio dei probiviri

variabel loon
	English: variable wage
	French: salaire variable
	German: veranderlicher Lohn
	Spanish: salario variable
	Italian: stipendio variabile

variabele prijs
	English: variable price
	French: prix variable
	German: variabler Preis
	Spanish: precio variable
	Italian: prezzo variabile

variabele werktijden
	English: flexitime
	French: horaires variables
	German: gleitende Arbeitszeit, flexible Arbeitszeit
	Spanish: horarios variables
	Italian: orari variabili

vast inkomen, regelmatig inkomen
	English: fixed income, regular income
	French: revenu fixe
	German: Festeinkommen
	Spanish: ingresos regulares
	Italian: reddito fisso

vast salaris
	English: fixed salary
	French: remuneration fixe
	German: feste Bezahlung
	Spanish: remuneracion fija
	Italian: retribuzione fissa

vast tarief, vaste prijs
	English: flat rate, fixed charge
	French: prix fixe
	German: Festpreis
	Spanish: precio fijo
	Italian: prezzo fisso

vast tijdslot
	English: fixed time bracket
	French: plage horaire fixe
	German: Kernarbeitszeit, Kernzeit
	Spanish: franja horaria determinada, franja horaria concreta
	Italian: orario fisso

vaste koers
	English: flat rate
	French: taux fixe
	German: Festsatz
	Spanish: tipo fijo
	Italian: tasso fisso

vaste kosten
	English: fixed costs
	French: frais fixes
	German: Fixkosten
	Spanish: gastos fijos
	Italian: spese fisse

vaste tijden
	English: fixed time
	French: horaire fixe
	German: feste Arbeitszeit
	Spanish: horario fijo
	Italian: orario fisso

vastlegging, registratie
	English: recording, registration
	French: enregistrement
	German: Eintragung, Registrierung
	Spanish: registro, grabacion
	Italian: registrazione

veiligheid, beveiliging
	English: safety, security
	French: securite
	German: Sicherheit
	Spanish: seguridad
	Italian: sicurezza

	English: safety regulations
	French: consignes de securite
	German: Sicherheitsvorschriften
	Spanish: consignas de seguridad
	Italian: norme di sicurezza

	English: safety regulations
	French: reglement de securite
	German: Sicherheitsvorschrift
	Spanish: reglamento de seguridad
	Italian: regolamento di sicurezza

	English: corporate tax
	French: impot sur les societes
	German: Korperschaftssteuer
	Spanish: impuesto de sociedades
	Italian: imposta sulle imprese

	English: corporate law
	French: droit des societes
	German: Gesellschaftsrecht
	Spanish: derecho de las sociedades
	Italian: diritto societario

verantwoordelijkheid, aansprakelijkheid
	English: responsibility, liability
	French: responsabilite
	German: Verantwortung, Haftung
	Spanish: responsabilidad
	Italian: responsabilita

	English: living expenses
	French: frais de sejour
	German: Aufenthaltsgebuhren
	Spanish: gastos de estancia
	Italian: spese di soggiorno

	English: residence permit
	French: carte de sejour
	German: Aufenthaltsgenehmigung
	Spanish: permiso de residencia
	Italian: permesso di soggiorno

vereffening ineens
	English: lump-sum settlement
	French: reglement forfaitaire
	German: Pauschale Regelung
	Spanish: liquidacion global
	Italian: liquidazione forfettaria

vergaderingen bij klanten
	English: client meetings
	French: rencontres clients
	German: Kundenkontakt
	Spanish: encuentros con clientes
	Italian: incontri con i Clienti

	English: allowance
	French: indemnite
	German: Entschadigung, Schadensersatz
	Spanish: indemnidad
	Italian: indennita

vergoeding in plaats van opzegging
	English: compensation in lieu of notice
	French: indemnite de preavis
	German: Entschadigung/Abfindung fur Nichteinhaltung der Kundigungsfrist
	Spanish: indemnizacion por falta de preaviso
	Italian: indennita di preavviso

vergoeding, compensatie
	English: remuneration, compensation
	French: remuneration
	German: Bezahlung
	Spanish: remuneracion
	Italian: remunerazione

vergoeding, uitkering
	English: allowance
	French: allocation
	German: Zuschuss, Unterstutzung
	Spanish: subsidio
	Italian: indennita, assegno

	English: moving allowance
	French: allocation de demenagement
	German: Umzugszuschuss
	Spanish: ayudas por cambio de domicilio
	Italian: indennita di trasferimento

	English: relocation allowance
	French: prime de demenagement
	German: Umzugszulage
	Spanish: prima por cambio de domicilio
	Italian: indennita di trasferimento

	English: relocation allowance
	French: prime d'installation
	German: Umzugszulage
	Spanish: prima por instalacion
	Italian: indennita di insediamento

verhuizing, verplaatsing
	English: relocation, removal
	French: demenagement
	German: Umzug
	Spanish: mudanza, cambio de domicilio
	Italian: trasferimento

	English: authentication
	French: authentification
	German: Authentifizierung, Beglaubigung
	Spanish: autentificacion
	Italian: autenticazione

	English: birthday, anniversary
	French: anniversaire
	German: Geburtstag, Jahrestag
	Spanish: cumpleanos, aniversario
	Italian: compleanno, anniversario

	English: sales department
	French: service commercial
	German: Vertrieb
	Spanish: departamento de ventas, departamento comercial
	Italian: direzione vendite

	English: sales policy
	French: politique commerciale
	German: Vertriebspolitik
	Spanish: politica comercial
	Italian: politica di vendite

	English: account manager
	French: responsable de compte
	German: Accountmanager
	Spanish: director de cuenta
	Italian: account manager

	English: sales manager
	French: directeur des ventes
	German: Verkaufsleiter
	Spanish: director de ventas
	Italian: direttore delle vendite

	English: sales process
	French: processus de vente
	German: Verkaufsprozess
	Spanish: procedimiento de venta
	Italian: processo di vendita

	English: sales order
	French: prises de commandes
	German: Bestellungsannahme
	Spanish: toma de pedidos
	Italian: ordini ricevuti

	English: sales force
	French: forces de vente
	German: Vertriebskrafte
	Spanish: fuerza de ventas
	Italian: forze vendita

verkorte werktijd
	English: reduced time, short-time
	French: temps reduit
	German: verkurzte Zeit
	Spanish: tiempo reducido
	Italian: tempo ridotto

verkorte werkweek
	English: reduced workweek
	French: semaine de travail reduit
	German: reduzierte Wochenarbeitszeit
	Spanish: semana de trabajo reducida
	Italian: settimana a orario ridotto

verlaagd pensioen
	English: reduced pension
	French: pension a taux minore
	German: verminderte Rente
	Spanish: pension reducida
	Italian: pensione ridotta

verlaagde pensioenuitkering
	English: reduced retirement benefit
	French: retraite a taux minore
	German: verminderte Rente
	Spanish: subsidio parcial de jubilacion
	Italian: pensione ridotta

verlengd verlof
	English: extended leave
	French: conge prolonge
	German: Urlaubsverlangerung
	Spanish: baja prolongada
	Italian: congedo prolungato

verlies draaiend bedrijf weer winstgevend maken
	English: company turnaround, recovery
	French: redressement d'une societe
	German: Unternehmenssanierung
	Spanish: recuperacion de una empresa
	Italian: risanamento di una societa

	English: leave of absence
	French: autorisation d'absence
	German: Arbeitsbefreiung, Beurlaubung
	Spanish: permiso de ausencia
	Italian: aspettativa

verlof wegens familieomstandigheden
	English: family leave
	French: conge parental d'education
	German: Erziehungsurlaub
	Spanish: permiso parental
	Italian: congedo familiare

verlof wegens familieomstandigheden
	English: family leave
	French: conge pour evenements familiaux
	German: Urlaub wegen Familienereignissen
	Spanish: permiso por asuntos familiares
	Italian: congedo per motivi familiari

verlof wegens persoonlijke omstandigheden
	English: leave for personal reasons
	French: conge pour convenance personnelle
	German: Urlaub aus personlichen Grunden
	Spanish: permiso por asuntos personales
	Italian: congedo per motivi personali

verlof, vakantie
	English: leave, holiday
	French: conge
	German: Urlaub, Beurlaubung
	Spanish: permiso, vacaciones
	Italian: congedo

	English: reduction
	French: degrevement
	German: Steuererleichterung, Steuerermassigung
	Spanish: desgravacion
	Italian: sgravio

	English: wealth tax
	French: impot sur la fortune
	German: Vermogenssteuer
	Spanish: impuesto sobre las grandes fortunas
	Italian: imposta sul patrimonio

	English: renewal
	French: prorogation
	German: Erneuerung
	Spanish: prorroga
	Italian: proroga

vernieuwing, verlenging
	English: renewal
	French: reconduction, renouvellement
	German: Erneuerung
	Spanish: prorroga, renovacion
	Italian: rinnovo

verplaatsingskosten, verhuiskosten
	English: relocation expenses
	French: frais de demenagement
	German: Umzugskosten
	Spanish: gastos de mudanza
	Italian: spese di trasferimento

verplicht, dwingend
	English: mandatory, compulsory
	French: obligatoire
	German: verpflichtend, obligatorisch
	Spanish: obligatorio
	Italian: obbligatorio

verplicht, wettelijk pensioenregeling
	English: statutory pension scheme
	French: regime de retraite obligatoire
	German: Pflichtrentensystem
	Spanish: regimen de jubilacion obligatoria
	Italian: regime pensionistico obbligatorio

verplichte afschrijving
	English: compulsory withdrawal
	French: prelevement obligatoire
	German: Pflichtabzug
	Spanish: deduccion obligatoria, retencion obligatoria
	Italian: prelievo obbligatorio

verplichte bijdrage
	English: compulsory contribution
	French: cotisation obligatoire
	German: Pflichtbeitrag
	Spanish: cotizacion obligatoria
	Italian: contributo obbligatorio

	English: obligation
	French: obligation
	German: Verpflichtung
	Spanish: obligacion
	Italian: obbligo

vertegenwoordiger klantenservice
	English: customer service representative
	French: ingenieur d'application
	German: Anwendungs-ingenieure
	Spanish: ingeniero de aplicaciones, IA
	Italian: funzionario del Customer Service

vertegenwoordiger, plaatsvervanger
	English: representative
	French: mandataire
	German: Bevollmachtigter
	Spanish: mandatario, representante
	Italian: mandatario

vertraging, uitstel
	English: delay
	French: retard
	German: Verspatung
	Spanish: retraso
	Italian: ritardo

vertrek, weggaan
	English: departure, leaving
	French: depart
	German: Verabschiedung, Ausscheiden
	Spanish: salida, marcha
	Italian: partenza

	English: departure date
	French: date de sortie
	German: Austrittsdatum
	Spanish: fecha de salida
	Italian: data di uscita

vervaldatum, afloopdatum
	English: due date
	French: echeance
	German: Frist
	Spanish: plazo de pago, vencimiento
	Italian: scadenza

vervaldatum, afloopdatum
	English: expiry date, due date
	French: date d'echeance
	German: Verfallsdatum, Ablaufdatum
	Spanish: fecha de vencimiento
	Italian: data di scadenza

	English: transportation expenses
	French: frais de transport
	German: Transportgebuhren
	Spanish: gastos de transporte
	Italian: spese di trasporto

vervroegd pensioen
	English: early retirement
	French: retraite anticipee
	German: Vorruhestand
	Spanish: jubilacion anticipada
	Italian: pensione anticipata

vervroegd pensioen
	English: early retirement
	French: preretraite
	German: Vorruhestand
	Spanish: prejubilacion
	Italian: prepensionamento

	English: connection
	French: connexion
	German: Verbindung
	Spanish: conexion
	Italian: connessione

verwaterde inkomsten
	English: diluted earnings
	French: resultat apr&egrave,s dilution
	German: Nettogewinn
	Spanish: beneficio diluido
	Italian: utili diluiti

	English: processing
	French: traitement
	German: Bearbeitung
	Spanish: tratamiento
	Italian: trattamento

	English: processing services
	French: services de traitement
	German: Processing Services
	Spanish: servicios de tratamiento, processing services
	Italian: servizi di trattamento, servizi di elaborazione

verwerkingsdiensten, processing services
	English: processing services
	French: processing services
	German: Processing Services
	Spanish: servicios de tratamiento, processing services
	Italian: servizi di trattamento, servizi di elaborazione, processing services

	English: insurance
	French: assurance
	German: Versicherung
	Spanish: seguro
	Italian: assicurazione

verzekering tegenover derden
	English: third party insurance
	French: assurance responsabilite civile
	German: Haftpflichtversicherung
	Spanish: seguro de responsabilidad civil
	Italian: assicurazione sulla responsabilita civile

verzekeringsdekking, sociale voorzieningen
	English: insurance cover
	French: couverture sociale
	German: soziale Absicherung
	Spanish: cobertura social
	Italian: copertura contributiva

	English: insurance company
	French: compagnie d'assurance
	German: Versicherungsgesellschaft
	Spanish: compania aseguradora
	Italian: compagnia assicurativa

	English: insurance company
	French: assureur
	German: Versicherungstrager
	Spanish: asegurador
	Italian: compagnia di assicurazione

	English: insurance policy
	French: police d'assurance
	German: Versicherungspolice
	Spanish: poliza de seguros
	Italian: polizza di assicurazione

	English: insurance premium
	French: prime d'assurance
	German: Versicherungspramie
	Spanish: prima de seguro
	Italian: premio assicurativo

	English: insurance scheme
	French: regime d'assurance
	German: Versicherungssystem
	Spanish: regimen de aseguramiento
	Italian: regime assicurativo

verzoek om voorstellen
	English: request for proposals
	French: appel d'offres
	German: Ausschreibung
	Spanish: licitacion
	Italian: gara d'appalto

	English: absenteeism
	French: absenteisme
	German: Arbeitsversaumnis, Fernbleiben von der Arbeit
	Spanish: absentismo laboral, ausentismo laboral
	Italian: assenteismo

	English: line manager
	French: responsable operationnel
	German: operativer Leiter
	Spanish: responsable operacional, responsable operativo
	Italian: responsabile operativo

	English: power of veto
	French: droit de veto
	German: Vetorecht
	Spanish: derecho de veto
	Italian: diritto di veto

	English: visa
	French: visa
	German: Visum, Sichtvermerk, Beglaubigung
	Spanish: visado
	Italian: visto

vol tarief
	English: full rate
	French: plein tarif
	German: voller Preis
	Spanish: tarifa plena
	Italian: tariffa intera

vol tarief
	English: full rate
	French: taux plein
	German: voller Satz
	Spanish: tipo pleno, tasa plena
	Italian: tasso intero

	English: full
	French: plein
	German: voll
	Spanish: lleno
	Italian: pieno, intero

volledig pensioen
	English: full pension
	French: pension a taux plein
	German: volle Rente
	Spanish: pension plena
	Italian: pensione intera

volledige invaliditeit
	English: total disability
	French: invalidite totale
	German: Vollinvaliditat
	Spanish: invalidez total
	Italian: invalidita totale

volledige pensioenuitkering, volledig pensioen
	English: full retirement benefit, full pension
	French: retraite a taux plein
	German: volle Rente
	Spanish: jubilacion integra
	Italian: pensione intera

volledige werkgelegenheid
	English: full employment
	French: plein emploi
	German: Vollbeschaftigung
	Spanish: pleno empleo
	Italian: piena occupazione

voltijdswerk, voltijdswerkgelegenheid
	English: full-time work, full-time employment
	French: travail a temps complet, travail a temps plein
	German: Vollzeitarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo a tiempo completo
	Italian: lavoro a tempo pieno

	English: completion date
	French: date d'achevement
	German: Zeitpunkt der Fertigstellung, Vollendungsfrist
	Spanish: fecha de conclusion, fecha de acabado
	Italian: data di completamento

voor belasting
	English: pre-tax
	French: avant impot
	German: vor Steuern
	Spanish: antes de impuestos
	Italian: al lordo delle imposte

voorafgaand gesprek
	English: preliminary interview
	French: entretien prealable
	German: vorausgehende Unterredung
	Spanish: entrevista previa
	Italian: colloquio preliminare

voorafgaande overeenkomst
	English: prior agreement
	French: entente prealable
	German: zur vorherigen Genehmigung
	Spanish: acuerdo previo
	Italian: accordo preventivo

voorafgaande overeenkomst
	English: prior agreement
	French: accord prealable
	German: vorheriges Einverstandnis, vorherige Zustimmung
	Spanish: acuerdo previo
	Italian: accordo preventivo

voorafgaande toestemming
	English: prior permission
	French: autorisation prealable
	German: vorherige Erlaubnis
	Spanish: autorizacion previa
	Italian: autorizzazione preventiva

	English: first name
	French: prenom
	German: Vorname
	Spanish: nombre
	Italian: nome

	English: prepayment
	French: paiement d'avance
	German: Vorauszahlung
	Spanish: pago por adelantado
	Italian: pagamento anticipato

	English: promotion
	French: avancement
	German: Beforderung
	Spanish: ascenso
	Italian: promozione

voorzieningsregeling, welzijnsregeling
	English: provident scheme, welfare scheme
	French: regime de prevoyance
	German: Vorsorgesystem
	Spanish: regimen de prevision
	Italian: regime previdenziale

voorzitter, president
	English: chairman, president
	French: president
	German: Prasident, Vorsitzender
	Spanish: presidente
	Italian: presidente

vrij rooster
	English: flexitime
	French: horaire libre
	German: gleitende Arbeitszeit, flexible Arbeitszeit
	Spanish: horario libre
	Italian: orario libero

vrije dag
	English: day off
	French: jour de conge
	German: Urlaubstag
	Spanish: dia de asueto, dia libre
	Italian: giorno di congedo

vrije dag
	English: day off
	French: jour de repos
	German: freier Tag
	Spanish: dia de descanso
	Italian: giorno di riposo

vrije tijd
	English: time off, leisure time
	French: temps libre
	German: Freizeit
	Spanish: tiempo libre
	Italian: tempo libero

	English: voluntary work
	French: benevolat
	German: ehrenamtliche Tatigkeit
	Spanish: voluntariado
	Italian: volontariato

vrijwilligerswerker, helper, vrijwilliger
	English: voluntary worker, volunteer
	French: benevole (nm)
	German: ehrenamtlicher Helfer
	Spanish: voluntario
	Italian: volontario

	English: warning
	French: avertissement
	German: Mahnung, Abmahnung
	Spanish: aviso, advertencia
	Italian: avvertenza

	English: waiting period
	French: delai de carence
	German: Wartefrist, Karenzzeit
	Spanish: plazo de carencia
	Italian: termine di carenza

	English: password
	French: mot de passe
	German: Passwort, Kennwort
	Spanish: password
	Italian: password

	English: default on payment
	French: cessation de paiement
	German: Zahlungseinstellung
	Spanish: suspension de pagos
	Italian: cessazione dei pagamenti

	English: allowance for severally disabled adults
	French: allocation aux adultes handicapes
	German: Beihilfe fur behinderte Erwachsene
	Spanish: subsidio para los adultos con minusvalias
	Italian: assegno di inabilita

	English: widow
	French: veuve
	German: Witwe
	Spanish: viuda
	Italian: vedova

	English: insurance for widowhood
	French: assurance veuvage
	German: Witwenversicherung
	Spanish: seguro de viudedad
	Italian: assicurazione caso morte

	English: widow(er)'s pension
	French: rente de conjoint
	German: Ehegattenrente
	Spanish: renta del conyugue
	Italian: rendita ai superstiti

	English: widower
	French: veuf
	German: Witwer
	Spanish: viudo
	Italian: vedovo

	English: week
	French: semaine
	German: Woche
	Spanish: semana
	Italian: settimana

	English: weekly wage
	French: salaire hebdomadaire
	German: Wochenlohn
	Spanish: salario semanal
	Italian: stipendio settimanale

weggezonden, ontslagen
	English: dismissed, made redundant
	French: licencie
	German: entlassen
	Spanish: despedido
	Italian: licenziato

	English: weighting
	French: ponderation
	German: Gewichtung
	Spanish: ponderacion
	Italian: ponderazione

	English: weekly
	French: hebdomadaire
	German: wochentlich
	Spanish: semanal
	Italian: settimanale

	English: welfare
	French: prevoyance sociale
	German: Fursorge
	Spanish: prevision social, bienestar social
	Italian: previdenza sociale

	English: welfare service
	French: service social
	German: Sozialabteilung, Sozialbetreuungsstelle
	Spanish: servicio social, servicios de bienestar social
	Italian: servizio sociale

werk, baan
	English: work, job
	French: travail
	German: Arbeit
	Spanish: trabajo
	Italian: lavoro

	English: job cycle
	French: cycle de travail
	German: Arbeitszyklus
	Spanish: ciclo de trabajo
	Italian: ciclo di lavoro

	English: working day
	French: jour ouvrable
	German: Arbeitstag
	Spanish: dia laboral
	Italian: giorno lavorativo

werkelijke kosten
	English: actual expenses
	French: frais reels
	German: Istkosten
	Spanish: gastos reales
	Italian: spese effettive

werkeloosheid, ontslag
	English: unemployment
	French: chomage
	German: Arbeitslosigkeit
	Spanish: paro, desempleo
	Italian: disoccupazione

	English: level of unemployment
	French: niveau de chomage
	German: Hohe der Arbeitslosigkeit
	Spanish: nivel de paro
	Italian: livello di disoccupazione

	English: unemployment rate
	French: taux de chomage
	German: Arbeitslosenquote
	Spanish: tasa de desempleo
	Italian: tasso di disoccupazione

	English: unemployment benefit
	French: allocations de chomage
	German: Arbeitslosenunterstutzung
	Spanish: subsidio de desempleo
	Italian: assegno di disoccupazione

	English: unemployment insurance
	French: assurance chomage
	German: Arbeitslosenversicherung
	Spanish: seguro de paro, seguro de desempleo
	Italian: assicurazione contro la disoccupazione

	English: unemployed worker
	French: chomeur
	German: Arbeitsloser(r)
	Spanish: parado
	Italian: lavoratore disoccupato

werken op zondag
	English: Sunday work
	French: travail dominical
	German: Sonntagsarbeit
	Spanish: trabajo dominical
	Italian: lavoro domenicale

werkend deel van de bevolking, werkende bevolking
	English: working population
	French: population active
	German: erwerbstatige Bevolkerung, Erwerbsbevolkerung
	Spanish: poblacion activa
	Italian: popolazione attiva

werkende leeftijd
	English: working age
	French: age actif
	German: erwerbsfahiges Alter
	Spanish: edad activa
	Italian: anzianita lavorativa

	English: employment policy
	French: politique de l'emploi
	German: Beschaftigungspolitik
	Spanish: politica de empleo
	Italian: politica occupazionale

	English: employer
	French: employeur
	German: Arbeitgeber
	Spanish: empresario
	Italian: datore di lavoro

werkgevers, manager
	English: employer's, manager's
	French: patronal
	German: Arbeitgeber-
	Spanish: patronal
	Italian: imprenditoriale

	English: employer's liability
	French: responsabilite de l'employeur
	German: Arbeitgeberhaftung, Unfallversicherung der Berufsgenossenschaft
	Spanish: responsabilidad del empresario
	Italian: responsabilita del datore di lavoro

	English: employer's contributions
	French: charges patronales
	German: Arbeitgeberanteil
	Spanish: cargas patronales
	Italian: oneri a carico del datore di lavoro

	English: employer's contribution
	French: cotisations patronales
	German: Arbeitgeberbeitrage
	Spanish: cotizaciones patronales
	Italian: contributi a carico del datore di lavoro

	English: employers' association
	French: organisation patronale
	German: Arbeitgeberverband
	Spanish: organizacion patronal
	Italian: organizzazione imprenditoriale

werkkrachten, mankrachten
	English: labour force, manpower
	French: main-d'?uvre
	German: Arbeitskrafte, Belegschaft
	Spanish: mano de obra
	Italian: manodopera

	English: working lunch
	French: dejeuner de travail
	German: Arbeitsessen
	Spanish: comida de trabajo
	Italian: pranzo di lavoro

werkman, werker
	English: worker
	French: ouvrier
	German: Arbeiter
	Spanish: obrero
	Italian: operaio

werkmethode, werkpraktijken
	English: work practices
	French: methode de travail
	German: Arbeitsmethode
	Spanish: metodo de trabajo
	Italian: metodo di lavoro

	English: employee
	French: employe (nm)
	German: Angestellte(r)
	Spanish: empleado
	Italian: lavoratore

werknemer, medewerker
	English: employee, salaried employee
	French: salarie (nm)
	German: Angestellter, Arbeitnehmer
	Spanish: empleado, asalariado
	Italian: dipendente

	English: employee's contributions
	French: charges salariales
	German: Lohnkosten
	Spanish: cargas salariales
	Italian: oneri a carico del lavoratore

	English: employee contributions
	French: cotisations salariales
	German: Arbeitnehmerbeitrage
	Spanish: cotizaciones salariales
	Italian: contributi a carico del lavoratore

	English: employee files
	French: dossiers du personnel
	German: Personalakten
	Spanish: expedientes del personal
	Italian: fascicoli del personale

	English: workers compensation
	French: indemnite pour accident de travail
	German: Arbeitsunfallentschadigung
	Spanish: indemnizacion por accidente laboral
	Italian: indennita per infortunio sul lavoro

	English: employee representative
	French: delegue du personnel
	German: Personalvertreter
	Spanish: delegado del personal
	Italian: delegato del personale

werkonderbreking, staking
	English: strike
	French: debrayage
	German: Kurzstreik
	Spanish: paro, plante
	Italian: sospensione del lavoro, sciopero

	English: place of work, workplace
	French: lieu de travail
	German: Arbeitsstatte
	Spanish: lugar de trabajo
	Italian: luogo di lavoro

	English: work schedule
	French: emploi du temps
	German: Stundenplan
	Spanish: horario
	Italian: orario

	English: work schedule
	French: horaire de travail
	German: Arbeitszeit
	Spanish: horario de trabajo
	Italian: orario di lavoro

	English: workstation
	French: poste de travail
	German: Arbeitsplatz
	Spanish: puesto de trabajo
	Italian: posto di lavoro

	English: hours of work
	French: duree du travail
	German: Arbeitsdauer
	Spanish: duracion del trabajo
	Italian: ore di lavoro

	English: working hours
	French: temps de travail
	German: Arbeitszeit
	Spanish: tiempo de trabajo
	Italian: orario di lavoro

	English: work permit
	French: permis de travail, autorisation de travail
	German: Arbeitserlaubnis
	Spanish: permiso de trabajo
	Italian: permesso di lavoro

	English: working week
	French: duree hebdomadaire du travail
	German: wochentliche Arbeitszeit
	Spanish: duracion semanal del trabajo
	Italian: settimana lavorativa

	English: working week
	French: semaine de travail
	German: Arbeitswoche
	Spanish: semana de trabajo
	Italian: settimana di lavoro

	English: recruit
	French: recrue
	German: Rekrut
	Spanish: nuevo miembro seleccionado
	Italian: nuovi assunti

werving, inhuren, aannemen
	English: recruitment
	French: embauche
	German: Einstellung
	Spanish: contratacion
	Italian: assunzione

werving, selectie
	English: recruitment
	French: recrutement
	German: Anstellung, Einstellung
	Spanish: reclutamiento, contratacion
	Italian: reclutamento, assunzione

	English: recruitment policy
	French: politique de recrutement
	German: Einstellungspolitik
	Spanish: politica de reclutamiento
	Italian: politica di assunzione

	English: recruitment process
	French: processus de recrutement
	German: Einstellungsverfahren
	Spanish: proceso de reclutamiento
	Italian: procedura di assunzione

Wet persoonsregistraties
	English: data protection act
	French: loi informatique et libertes
	German: Datenschutzgesetz
	Spanish: ley de proteccion de datos
	Italian: legge sulla privacy

wet, regel
	English: law, rule, regulation
	French: regle
	German: Regel, Gesetz
	Spanish: regla
	Italian: normativa

wet, statuut
	English: law, statute
	French: loi
	German: Gesetz
	Spanish: ley
	Italian: legge

	English: legislator
	French: legislateur
	German: Gesetzgeber
	Spanish: legislador
	Italian: legislatore

	English: law enforcement
	French: application de la loi
	German: Gesetzesanwendung
	Spanish: aplicacion de la ley
	Italian: applicazione della legge

	English: breach of the law
	French: violation de la loi
	German: Gesetzesverstoss, Rechtsverletzung
	Spanish: violacion de la ley
	Italian: violazione della legge

	English: legal
	French: juridique
	German: juristisch
	Spanish: juridico
	Italian: giuridico

wettelijk kader
	English: legal framework
	French: cadre legal
	German: gesetzlicher Rahmen
	Spanish: marco legal
	Italian: quadro giuridico

wettelijk vastgesteld verlof
	English: statutory leave
	French: conge legal
	German: gesetzlicher Urlaub
	Spanish: vacaciones legales
	Italian: congedo obbligatorio

wettelijk vertegenwoordiger
	English: legal representative
	French: representant legal
	German: gesetzlicher Vertreter
	Spanish: representante legal
	Italian: rappresentante legale

wettelijke bepalingen, statutaire bepalingen
	English: legal provisions, statutory provisions
	French: dispositions legales
	German: Rechtsvorschriften
	Spanish: disposicion legal
	Italian: disposizioni giuridiche

wettelijke status
	English: legal status
	French: statut juridique
	German: Rechtsform
	Spanish: estatuto juridico
	Italian: statuto giuridico

wetten, wetgeving
	English: laws, legislation
	French: legislation
	German: Gesetzgebung
	Spanish: legislacion
	Italian: legislazione

	English: orphan's allowance
	French: rente education
	German: Schulkostenversicherung
	Spanish: renta de orfandad
	Italian: rendita per orfani

wijziging, verandering
	English: change, amendment
	French: modification
	German: Modifikation, Veranderung
	Spanish: modificacion
	Italian: modifica

	English: random
	French: aleatoire
	German: zufallsbedingt
	Spanish: aleatorio
	Italian: casuale

	English: profit
	French: benefice
	German: Gewinn
	Spanish: beneficio
	Italian: utile

	English: benefit, profit
	French: profit
	German: Gewinn
	Spanish: beneficio, ganancia
	Italian: profitto

winst na belastingaftrek
	English: after-tax profit
	French: benefices apr&egrave,s impots
	German: Gewinn nach Steuern
	Spanish: beneficio despues de impuestos
	Italian: utili al netto delle imposte

winst per aandeel
	English: basic earnings per share
	French: resultat de base par action
	German: Basisgewinn pro Aktie
	Spanish: beneficio basico por accion
	Italian: utili per azione

winst voor belastingaftrek
	English: pre-tax profit
	French: benefices avant impots
	German: Gewinn vor Steuern
	Spanish: beneficio antes de impuestos
	Italian: utili al lordo delle imposte

winst, inkomsten
	English: income, earnings
	French: resultat
	German: Ertrag, Gewinn
	Spanish: resultado
	Italian: risultati

winst- en verliesrekening
	English: income statement
	French: compte de resultats
	German: Erfolgsrechnung, Einkommensnachweis
	Spanish: cuenta de resultados
	Italian: conto profitti e perdite

winst- en verliesrekening, belastingformulier
	English: statement of income, tax form, tax return
	French: declaration de revenus
	German: Einkommenserklarung
	Spanish: declaracion de la renta
	Italian: dichiarazione dei redditi

	English: profit-sharing
	French: interessement
	German: Beteiligung
	Spanish: participacion en los beneficios
	Italian: partecipazione agli utili

	English: profit-sharing
	French: participation aux benefices
	German: Gewinnbeteiligung
	Spanish: participacion a los beneficios
	Italian: partecipazione agli utili

	English: profit-sharing agreement
	French: accord de participation
	German: Beteiligungsabkommen
	Spanish: acuerdo de participacion (en beneficios)
	Italian: accordo di partecipazione agli utili

winstgevend, kosteneffectief
	English: profitable, cost effective
	French: rentable
	German: rentabel
	Spanish: rentable
	Italian: redditizio

	English: profit margin
	French: marge beneficiaire
	German: Gewinnspanne
	Spanish: margen de beneficio, margen de ganancias
	Italian: margine di profitto

	English: workshop
	French: atelier
	German: Werkstatt
	Spanish: taller
	Italian: workshop, seminario

x-urige week
	English: x-hour week
	French: semaine de x heures
	German: x-Stunden-Woche
	Spanish: semana de x horas
	Italian: settimana di x ore

zaak, bedrijf
	English: company
	French: entreprise
	German: Unternehmen, Firma
	Spanish: empresa
	Italian: impresa

zakenreis, verkoopreis
	English: business trip, sales trip
	French: voyage d'affaires
	German: Geschaftsreise, Dienstreise
	Spanish: viaje de negocios
	Italian: viaggio d'affari

zekerheid van de baan
	English: job security
	French: securite de l'emploi
	German: Sicherheit der Arbeitsplatze
	Spanish: seguridad del empleo
	Italian: sicurezza dell'impiego

	English: self service
	French: libre-service
	German: Selbstbedienung
	Spanish: autoservicio, self-service
	Italian: self service

	English: sick, sick person
	French: malade
	German: krank, Kranker
	Spanish: enfermo
	Italian: malato

	English: hospitalisation
	French: hospitalisation
	German: Krankenhausaufnahme, -einweisung
	Spanish: hospitalizacion
	Italian: ospedalizzazione

ziekte, aandoening
	English: sickness, disease
	French: maladie
	German: Krankheit
	Spanish: enfermedad
	Italian: malattia

	English: sickness benefit
	French: indemnite de maladie
	German: Krankengeld
	Spanish: indemnizacion por enfermedad
	Italian: indennita di malattia

	English: health insurance
	French: prevoyance
	German: Vorsorge
	Spanish: prevision
	Italian: previdenza

	English: health insurance
	French: assurance maladie
	German: Krankenversicherung
	Spanish: seguro de enfermedad
	Italian: assicurazione malattia

ziektekostenverzekering van de staat
	English: state medical insurance
	French: caisse d'assurance maladie
	German: Krankenversicherungskasse
	Spanish: aseguradora medica
	Italian: cassa di assicurazione malattia

	English: sick leave
	French: conge maladie
	German: Krankheitsurlaub
	Spanish: baja por enfermedad
	Italian: congedo per malattia

	English: search engine
	French: moteur de recherche
	German: Suchmaschine
	Spanish: motor de busqueda
	Italian: motore di ricerca

	English: summer holidays
	French: vacances d'ete
	German: Sommerferien
	Spanish: vacaciones de verano
	Italian: vacanze estive

zwakke valuta
	English: weak currency
	French: monnaie faible
	German: schwache Wahrung
	Spanish: moneda debil
	Italian: moneta debole

	English: pregnant
	French: enceinte
	German: schwanger
	Spanish: embarazada
	Italian: incinta

	English: pregnancy
	French: grossesse
	German: Schwangerschaft
	Spanish: embarazo
	Italian: gravidanza

	English: maternity allowance
	French: prime a la naissance
	German: Geburtenpramie, Geburtszulage
	Spanish: prima por nacimiento
	Italian: indennita di maternita

	English: maternity benefit
	French: allocation de maternite
	German: Mutterschaftszuschuss
	Spanish: prestacion por maternidad, subsidio por maternidad
	Italian: assegno di maternita

	English: maternity leave
	French: conge de maternite
	German: Mutterschutz
	Spanish: baja por maternidad, permiso por maternidad
	Italian: congedo di maternita