GoldenDict – designed as a StarDict successor – is a feature-rich, open-source dictionary lookup program, supporting multiple dictionary formats (StarDict/Babylon/Lingvo/Dictd) and online dictionaries, featuring tabbed browsing, morphology, live pronunciations, perfect article rendering with the complete markup, illustrations and other content retained, and allowing you to type in words without any accents or correct case. GoldenDict is licensed under the GNU GPLv3+ licence.
The program is constantly being improved and worked on. There are various forks of GoldenDict (on GitHub). I’m currently using and recommend this one:
Offline Dictionary formats
1. StarDict dictionaries (.ifo, .dict, .idx, and .syn files) Licensed under GPL terms.
2. Babylon dictionaries (.bgl files) © 2014-2019 Babylon Software Ltd.
3. Dictd dictionaries (.index, .dict and files)
4. ABBYY Lingvo dictionaries (.dsl,, .lsd)(.lsd support only in mobile version)
5. Lingoes dictionaries (.ld2)(Only in the mobile version)
6. XDXF dictionaries (.xdxf,
7. AARD dictionaries (.aar)
8. Sdictionary (aka SDict) (dictionaries (.dct)
9. MDict dictionaries (.mdd and .mdx files) closed-source
10. Zim dictionaries (.zim files)
11. EPWING dictionaries weird Japanese format
12. Slob dictionaries (.slob files)
13. Babylon source files (.gls, files)
14. Sound packs (.zips) in zip archives
- (my collection of glossaries in .dsl format, which can be used in GoldenDict)
- (original homepage)
- (the fork of GoldenDict I’m currently using and recommend)