1,154 Abbreviations used in the Construction Industry
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Abbreviation | Meaning |
A | Area, Ampere; Acre; Alcove; Compressed Air Line |
AB | Anchor Bolt; Asbestos Board |
ABV | Above |
AC | Air Conditioning, Alternating Current, Acoustical |
ACC | Access |
ACF | Architectural Concrete Finish |
ACFL | Access Floor |
ACI | American Concrete Institute |
ACL | Across the Line |
ACOUST | Acoustical |
ACPL | Acoustical Plaster |
ACR | Acrylic |
ACST | Acoustic |
ACT | Acoustical Tile; Actual |
AD | Access Door, Area Drain |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992 |
ADAAG | Americans with Disabilities Act Architectural Guidelines |
ADD | Addendum; Addition |
ADDL | Additional |
ADH | Adhesive |
ADJ | Adjust, Adjustable, Adjacent |
AF | Above the Floor |
AFF | Above Finished Floor |
AGA | American Gas Association |
AGG | Aggregate |
AGGR | Aggregate |
AIA | American Institute of Architects, American Insurance Association |
AIC | Amperes Interrupting Circuit |
AIEE | American Institute of Electrical Engineers |
AISC | American Institute of Steel Construction |
AL | Aluminum |
ALM | Alarm |
ALS | Acrylic Latex Sealant |
ALT | Alternate, Alteration; Altitude |
ALUM | Aluminum |
AMB | Ambient |
AMP | Ampere, Ampacity |
AMPY | Ampere |
AMT | Amount |
AN | Anode |
ANCH | Anchor, Anchorage |
ANN | Annunciator |
ANOD | Anodized |
ANT | Antenna |
AP | Access Panel |
APPD | Approved |
APPROX | Approximate |
APRVD | Approved |
APT | Apartment |
APX | Approximate |
AR | Acid Resisting |
ARCH | Architect, Architectural |
ARS | Asbestos Roof Shingles |
AS | Acoustic Sealant |
ASB | Asbestos |
ASC | Above Suspended Ceiling |
ASCE | American Society of Civil Engineers |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
ASPH | Asphalt |
ASSEM | Assemble |
ASSOC | Association; Associate |
ASSY | Assembly |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
AT | Acoustical Tile; Asphalt Tile |
ATC | Acoustical Tile Ceiling |
ATM | Automatic Teller Machine; Atmospheric |
ATTEN | Attenuation |
AUTH | Authorized |
AUTO | Automatic |
AVG | Average |
AW | Acid Waste |
AWG | American Wire Gauge |
AWM | Automatic Washing Machine |
AWS | American Welding Society |
AWWA | American Water Works Association |
AX | Axis |
B | Boiler, Bathroom, Bidet |
B & B | Balled and Burlapped, Bell and Bell |
B & F | Bell and Flange |
B & S | Bell and Spigot, Brown & Sharp |
B TO B | Back to Back |
B/ | Bottom (of) |
BA | Bulb Angle |
BAF | Baffle |
BAL | Balance, Ballast |
BB | Buffalo Box, Ball Bearing,, Bulletin Board |
BBD | Bulletin Board |
BBL | Barrel |
BC | Broom Closet |
BD | Board, Blow Down (pipe) |
BDL | Bundle |
BDRM | Bedroom |
BDY | Boundary |
BEL | Below |
BET | Between |
BETW | Between |
BEV | Bevel |
BF | Board Foot, Back Face, Bottom Face, Both Faces, Boiler Feed |
BG | Bag (e.g., of cement) |
BHD | Bulkhead |
BHP | Brake Horsepower |
BIT | Bituminous |
BJF | Bituminous Joint Filler |
BKR | Breaker |
BL | Base Line, Building Line, Block |
BLDG | Building |
BLK | Block |
BLKG | Blocking |
BLO | Blower |
BLR | Boiler |
BLT | Borrowed Lite, Bullet Tips (Hinges) |
BLT-IN | Built-In |
BM | Beam, Bench Mark |
BMT | Butyl Mastic Tape Sealant |
BN | Bullnose |
BNDG | Bending (re-bars) |
BNT | Bent |
BO | Blow Off |
BOT | Bottom |
BP | Base Plate, Blueprint, Bypass |
BPL | Bearing Plate |
BR | Bedroom, Brick, Brass, Boiler Room Branch |
BRDG | Bridge, Bridging |
BRG | Bearing |
BRK | Brick |
BRKR | Breaker |
BRKT | Bracket |
BRS | Butyl Rubber Sealant, Brass |
BRZ | Bronze |
BRZG | Brazing |
BS | Both Sides, Backset, Bluestone |
BSMT | Basement |
BT | Bathtub, Bolt |
BTR | Better |
BTU | British Thermal Units |
BTUH | British Thermal Units per Hour |
BUR | Built-up Roof |
BUZ | Buzzer |
BV | Butterfly Valve |
BVL | Bevelled |
BW | Both Ways |
BWV | Back Water Valve |
BYP | By Pass |
C | Courses, Curb, Channel, Degrees Celsius, Clock Outlet, Calcimine |
C TO C | Center to Center |
C.I. | Cast Iron |
C.O. | Cased Opening |
C/C | Center to Center |
CA | Compressed Air |
CAB | Cabinet |
CAD | Cadmium, Computer-Aided Drafting |
CAIS | Caisson |
CAP | Capacity |
CAR | Carpet |
CARP | Carpenter |
CAT | Catalog |
CAV | Cavity |
CB | Catch Basin, Concrete Block, |
CBL | Concrete Block |
CBX | Cast Box Strike |
CC | Cubic Centimeter |
CCT | Circuit |
CCTV | Closed Circuit TV |
CCW | Counter Clockwise |
CD | Cold Drawn, Cadmium |
CDS | Cold Drawn Steel |
CEL | Cellar |
CEM | Cement |
CEM AB | Cement Asbestos Board |
CER | Ceramic |
CF | Cubic Feet |
CFL | Counterflashing |
CFM | Cubic Feet per Minute |
CFS | Cubic Feet per Second |
CFT | Cubic Foot |
CG | Corner Guard |
CH | Coat Hook |
CHAM | Chamfer |
CHAN | Channel |
CHB | Chalk Board |
CHBD | Chalkboard |
CHR | Chilled Water Return |
CHS | Chilled Water Supply |
CI | Cast Iron |
CIN BL | Cinder Block |
CIP | Cast Iron Pipe, Cast-in-Place |
CIR | Circle, Circular, Circuit |
CIRC | Circumference |
CISP | Cast Iron Soil/sewer Pipe |
CITG | Clear Insulating Tempered Glass |
CJ | Control Joint |
CJF | Cork Joint Filler |
CK | Caulking |
CKT | Circuit |
CL | Centerline, Clearance, Closing, Closure, Class, Closet |
CLG | Ceiling |
CLH | Clothes Line Hook |
CLKG | Caulking |
CLL | Contract Limit Line |
CLO | Closet |
CLP | Clamp |
CLR | Clear |
CLR OPG | Clear Opening |
CLS | Closure |
CM | Circular Mil (1/1000 inch), Center Matched |
CMP | Corrugated Metal Pipe |
CMT | Ceramic Mosaic Tile |
CMU | Concrete Masonry Unit |
CMUP | Concrete Masonry Unit Painted |
CND | Condition, Conduit |
CNDS | Condensate |
CNTR | Center, Counter |
CNVR | Conveyor |
CO | Company, Cleanout, Cased Opening, Cut Out |
CO & DP | Cleanout & Deck Plate |
COAX | Coaxial |
COD | Cleanout Door |
COEF | Coefficient |
COL | Column |
COM | Common |
COMB | Combination, Combustion |
COML | Commercial |
COMM ED | Commonwealth Edison |
COMP | Composition, Compressed |
COMPO | Composition |
COMPT | Compartment |
CON | Construction |
CONC | Concrete |
CONCP | Concrete Painted |
COND | Condenser, Conduit |
CONN | Connection |
CONST | Construction |
CONSTR | Construction |
CONT | Continuous, Continue, Control |
CONTR | Contractor |
CONV | Convector, Convenience |
COP | Copper |
COR | Corner, Corridor |
CORR | Corridor, Corrugate |
COV | Cover |
CP | Cathodic Protection, Clothes Pole, Cesspool |
CPE | Chlorinated Polyethylene |
CPL | Cement Plaster |
CPP | Cement Plaster Painted |
CPR | Copper |
CPT | Carpet |
CR | Chromium (plated), Curtain Rod |
CRPT | Carpet |
CRS | Course, Cold Rolled Steel |
CS | Countersink, Cast Steel, Cast Stone, Commercial Standard |
CSG | Casing |
CSK | Countersink |
CSMT | Casement |
CSN | Caisson |
CSS | Countersunk Screw |
CSTG | Casting |
CT | Ceramic Tile, Cork Tile, |
CTD | Coated |
CTR | Center, Counter |
CTSC | Communications Systems Terminal Cabinet |
CTSK | Countersunk |
CTWT | Counterweight |
CU | Copper, Cubic, Coefficient of Utilization |
CU. FT. | Cubic Feet |
CU. YD. | Cubic Yard |
CUR | Current |
CV | Check Valve |
CW | Clockwise, Cold Water |
CWP | Circulating Water Pump |
CWR | Condensate Waste Return |
CWS | Condensate Waste Supply |
CY | Cubic Yard, Cycle |
CYL | Cylinder |
CYL L | Cylinder Lock |
Cast Brass, Coal Bin | |
Cem P | Cement Water Paint |
Cone Tip (hinges) | |
D | Deep, Depth, Drop, Drain |
D & M | Dressed & Matched |
DA | Double Acting |
DB | Decibel |
DBL | Double |
DBT | Drybulb Temperature |
DC | Direct Current |
DCV | Detector Check Valve |
DD | Driveway Drain, Deck Drain |
DEG | Degree |
DEGC | Degree Celcius |
DEGF | Degree Farenheit |
DEM | Demolish |
DEMO | Demolition |
DEP | Dpressed |
DEPT | Department |
DET | Detail |
DF | Drinking Fountain |
DH | Double Hung |
DIA | Diameter |
DIAG | Diagonal |
DIAM | Diameter |
DIFF | Diffuser |
DIM | Dimension |
DISL | Disposal |
DISP | Dispenser |
DIV | Division |
DL | Dead Load |
DMH | Drop Manhole |
DMT | Demountable |
DN | Down |
DO | Ditto, or Door Opening |
DP | Dampproofing, Dew Point, Distribution Panel |
DPDT | Double Pole Double Throw |
DPR | Damper |
DPST | Double Pole Single Throw |
DR | Door, Drain, Dining Room |
DRBD | Drainboard |
DS | Downspout |
DS | Downspout, Disconnect Switch, Door Switch |
DSP | Dry Standpipe |
DSP | Dry Standpipe |
DT | Drain Tile |
DTL | Detail |
DVTL | Dovetail |
DW | Dumbwaiter, Distilled Water |
DWG | Drawing |
DWGS | Drawings |
DWL | Dowel |
DWP | Drywall, Painted |
DWR | Drawer |
DX | Direct Expansion, Duplex |
E | East, Enamel, Exhaust |
E TO E | End to End |
EA | Each |
EB | Expansion Bolt |
EC | Exposed Construction |
ECC | Eccentric |
ECP | Exposed Construction Painted |
EDR | Equivalent Direct Radiation |
EE | Each End |
EF | Each Face |
EFTS | Expanding Foam Tape Sealant |
EG | Edge Grain |
EIFS | Exterior Insulation and Finish System |
EJ | Expansion Joint |
EJECT | Ejector |
EL | Elevation, Elevator |
ELB | Elbow |
ELEC | Electrical |
ELECT | Electrical |
ELEV | Elevator, Elevation |
ELP | Emergency Lighting Panel |
EM | Emergency |
EMER | Emergency |
ENAM | Enamel |
ENCL | Enclosure |
ENG | Engineer |
ENGR | Engineer |
ENJF | Expanded Neoprene Joint Filler |
ENT | Entrance |
ENTR | Entrance |
EP | Electrical Panelboard, Explosion Proof |
EPDM | Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer |
EPJF | Expanded Polyethelene Joint Filler |
EQ | Equal |
EQP | Equipment |
EQPT | Equipment |
EQUIP | Equipment |
ERP | Emergency Receptacle Panel |
ESC | Escalator |
EST | Estimate |
EVAP | Evaporator |
EW | Each Way |
EW & C | Electric Wiring and Communication |
EWC | Electric Water Cooler |
EWH | Electric Water Heater |
EX | Exposed Construction, Exit |
EXC | Excavate |
EXCAV | Excavate |
EXEC | Executive |
EXG | Existing |
EXH | Exhaust |
EXH AIR | Exhaust Air |
EXIST | Existing |
EXP | Expansion, Exposed |
EXPN | Expansion |
EXPP | Existing Patched and Painted |
EXS | Extra Strong |
EXT | Exterior, Extinguish |
EXTR | Extrude |
F | Degrees Fahrenheit, Fuse |
F TO F | Face to Face |
FA | Fire Alarm, Fresh Air |
FAB | Fabricate |
FABR | Fabricate |
FACP | Fire Alarm Control Panel |
FAG | Fire Alarm Gong |
FAO | Finish All Over |
FAR | Floor Area Ratio |
FAST | Fastener, Fasten |
FB | Flat Bar, Face Brick, Floor Box |
FBD | Fiberboard |
FBM | Foot Board Measure |
FBP | Fabric Panel |
FBRK | Fire Brick |
FC | File Cabinet, Foot Candle, Fault Current |
FD | Floor drain |
FDC | Fire Department Connection |
FDN | Foundation |
FDTN | Foundation |
FE | Fire Extinguisher |
FEC | Fire Extinguisher Cabinet |
FF | Far Face, Finished Floor, Factory Finish |
FF&E | Fixtures, Furnishings & Equipment |
FFE | Finished Floor Elevation |
FFL | Finished Floor Line |
FGL | Fiberglass |
FGR | Fiberglass reinforced |
FH | Flat Head, Fire Hose |
FHC | Fire Hose Cabinet |
FHMS | Flat head machine screw |
FHR | Fire Hose Rack |
FHS | Fire Hose Station |
FHWS | Flat Head Wood Screw |
FHY | Fire Hydrant |
FIL | Fillet |
FIN | Finish, finished |
FITG | Fitting |
FIX | Fixture |
FIXT | Fixture |
FL | Floor, Fire Line |
FLASH | Flashing |
FLEX | Flexible |
FLG | Flange, Flashing, Flooring |
FLG | Flooring |
FLR | Floor |
FLUOR | Fluorescent |
FLX | Flexible |
FM | Fire Main, Factory Mutual Company |
FND | Feminine Napkin Dispenser, Foundation |
FO | Finished Opening |
FOB | Free On Board |
FOC | Face of Concrete |
FOF | Face of Finish |
FOS | Face of Studs |
FP | Fireproof |
FPL | Fireplace |
FPM | Feet per minute |
FPRF | Fireproof |
FPS | Feet per Second |
FR | Frame, Front, Fire Riser |
FRG | Forged |
FRM | Frame |
FRPF | Fireproof |
FRT | Fire Retardant |
FS | Full Size, Far Side, Federal Standards, Fused Switch, Floor Sink |
FSCW | Flush Solid Core Wood |
FT | Foot, Feet, Fully Tempered |
FTG | Footing, Fitting |
FUR | Furred |
FURN | Furnish, Furniture |
FURR | Furring |
FUT | Future |
FVC | Fire Valve Cabinet |
G | Gas, Girder, Gutter, Gram |
GA | Gauge, Gage |
GAGE | Gauge |
GAL | Gallon |
GALV | Galvanized |
GB | Grab Bar, Glass Block, Gypsum Board |
GC | General Contractor |
GCMU | Glazed Concrete Masonry Unit |
GD | Guard, Grade, Gutter Drain |
GEN | General, Generator |
GENL | General |
GF | Ground Face |
GFCI | Ground Fault Circuit Interrupted |
GFI | Ground Fault Interrupted |
GFRC | Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete |
GI | Galvanized Iron |
GKT | Gasket |
GL | Glass |
GL BLK | Glass Block |
GLB | Glass Block |
GLVA | Globe Valve |
GLZ | Glaze |
GMU | Glazed Masonry Unit |
GND | Ground |
GOVT | Government |
GP | Galvanized Pipe |
GPDW | Gypsum Drywall |
GPH | Gallons Per Hour |
GPL | Gypsum Lath |
GPM | Gallons Per Minute |
GPP | Gypsum Plaster Painted |
GPPL | Gypsum Plaster |
GPS | Gallons Per Second |
GR | Grade, Grille, Granite |
GRAN | Granular, Granite |
GRND | Ground |
GRTG | Grating |
GSS | Galvanized Sheet Steel |
GSU | Glazed Structural Unit |
GT | Grout |
GV | Galvanized |
GVA | Gate Valve |
GVL | Gravel |
GYP | Gypsum |
GYP BD | Gypsum Board |
H | High |
HA | Hectare |
HB | Hose Bib |
HBD | Hardboard |
HC | Hollow Core, Handicapped (better called Accessible") |
HCT | Hollow Clay Tile |
HD | Head, Heavy Duty |
HDCP | Handicapped (better called "Accessible") |
HDN | Harden |
HDR | Header |
HDW | Hardware |
HDWD | Hardwood |
HDWE | Hardware |
HEX | Hexagonal |
HGR | Hanger |
HGT | Height |
HH | Handhole |
HHMB | Hex Head Machine Bolt |
HID | High Intensity Discharge |
HK | Hook or Hooks |
HKD | Hooked (re-bars) |
HL | Hydrant Line |
HM | Hollow Metal |
HMP | Hollow Metal, Painted |
HNCG | Hollow Neoprene Compression Gasket |
HOR | Horizontal |
HORIZ | Horizontal |
HOSP | Hospital |
HP | High Point, High Pressure, Horse Power |
HPS | High Pressure Sodium, High Pressure Steam |
HR | Hour |
HRS | Hot Rolled Steel, Hours |
HS | Heat Strengthened |
HSG | Housing |
HT | Height, Heat, High Tension Duct |
HTG | Heating |
HTR | Heater |
HTW | High Temperature Water |
HV | High Voltage |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning |
HVY | Heavy |
HW | Hot Water, Heavy Wall |
HWC | Hot Water Circulating, Heavy Wall Conduit |
HWD | Hardwood |
HWH | Hot Water Heater |
HWR | Hot Water Recirculating Return |
HWS | Hot Water Supply |
HWY | Highway |
HYD | Hydraulic |
HYDRO | Hydrostatic |
HZ | Hertz (Cycles Per Second) |
I | Iron, Current (electrical) |
IBV | Indicating Butterfly Valve |
IC | Interrupting Capacity |
ID | Inside Diameter |
IE | Invert Elevation |
ILK | Interlock |
IMH | Inlet Manhole |
IN | Inch |
INC | Incandescent |
INCAND | Incandescent |
INCIN | Incinerator |
INCL | Incline, Include |
INCR | Increase |
INFO | Information |
INS | Insulate, Insulation |
INSP | Inspect |
INSTL | Install |
INSUL | Insulation |
INT | Interior, Internal |
INTERM | Intermediate |
INTM | Intermediate |
INV | Invert |
IP | Iron Pipe |
IPS | Iron Pipe Size |
IW | Indirect Waste |
J | Joist |
J-BOX | Junction Box |
JAN | Janitor |
JB | Junction Box |
JC | Janitor's Closet |
JCT | Junction |
JF | Joint Filler |
JST | Joist |
JT | Joint |
K | Kilopound (1000 pounds), Kelvin (temperature) |
KAL | Kalamein |
KCP | Keene's Cement Plaster |
KG | Kilogram |
KIP | Kilopound (1000 pounds) |
KIT | Kitchen |
KM | Kilometer |
KO | Knockout |
KP | Kickplate |
KPL | Kickplate |
KS | Kitchen Sink |
KVA | Kilovolt-Ampere |
KW | Kilowatt |
KWH | Kilowatt Hour |
KWHR | Kilowatt Hour |
L | Angle, Left, Length, Lighting Panel, Long, Line |
LA | Landscape Architect, Lightning Arrester |
LAB | Laboratory, Labor |
LAD | Ladder |
LAM | Laminate, Laminated |
LAT | Lateral |
LAV | Lavatory |
LB | Pound (weight), Lag Bolt |
LBL | Label |
LBR | Lumber |
LC | Light Control, Lead Covered |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Diode |
LCL | Linen Closet |
LCM | Lead Coated Metal |
LD | Leader Drain |
LH | Left Hand |
LIB | Library |
LIBR | Library |
LIN | Linear |
LINO | Linoleum |
LIQ | Liquid |
LKR | Locker |
LL | Live Load |
LMS | Limestone |
LN | Length |
LNDG | Landing |
LNTL | Lintel |
LOC | Locate |
LOCS | Locations |
LP | Low Point, Low Pressure, Lighting Panel, Light Proof |
LPS | Low Pressure Sodium, Low Pressure Steam |
LR | Living Room |
LS | Limestone, Loud Speaker |
LT | Light, Low Tension Duct, Laundry Tray |
LT WT | Lightweight |
LTG | Lighting |
LTL | Lintel |
LV | Low Voltage |
LVR | Louver |
LW | Light Weight |
LWC | Light Weight Concrete |
LWDP | Louvered Wood Door, Painted |
M | Meter, Motor, Thousand (brick), Bending Moment |
MACH | Machine |
MAINT | Maintenance |
MAN; Manual | |
MAR | Marble |
MARB | Marble |
MAS | Masonry |
MAT | Material |
MATL | Material |
MAX | Maximum |
MB | Mail Box, Machine Bolt, Mop Basin |
MC | Medicine Cabinet, Mineral Core |
MCC | Motor Control Center |
MCM | Thousand Circular Mils (electrical wire size) |
ME | Mechanical Engineer |
MECH | Mechanical |
MED | Medium |
MED CAB | Medicine Cabinet |
MEMB | Membrane |
MERC | Mercury Vapor |
MET | Metal |
MEZZ | Mezzanine |
MFD | Manufactured, Metal Floor Deck |
MFG | Manufacturer, Manufacturing |
MFR | Manufacture, Manufacturer |
MH | Manhole |
MI | Malleable Iron, Miles |
MIKE | Microphone |
MIN | Minimum |
MIR | Mirror |
MISC | Miscellaneous |
MK | Mark |
ML&P | Metal Lath & Plaster |
MLD | Molding |
MLDG | Molding |
MM | Millimeter |
MMB | Membrane |
MO | Masonry Opening |
MOD | Module |
MONO | Monolithic |
MOV | Movable |
MP | Metal Acoustal Panel |
MPS | Medium Pressure Steam |
MR | Mop Receptor |
MRD | Metal Roof Deck |
MT | Mount, Mounted |
MTD | Mounted |
MTL | Material, Metal |
MTR | Motor |
MUL | Mullion |
MULL | Mullion |
MV | Mercury Vapor |
MWK | Millwork |
MWP | Maximum Working Pressure |
N | North, Nitrogen |
NAP | Napkin |
NAT | Natural |
NATL | Natural |
NB | "Nota Bene" Latin phrase for "Take Special Note" |
NC | Normally Closed, Noise Criteria |
NEC | National Electrical Code |
NEUT | Neutral |
NF | Near Face |
NFWH | Non-freeze Wall Hydrant |
NI | Nickel |
NIC | Not In Contract |
NK | Neck |
NMT | Non-Metallic |
NO | Number, Normally Open |
NOM | Nominal |
NR | Noise Reduction |
NRC | Noise Reduction Coefficient |
NRP | Non-Removable Pin |
NRS | Non Rising Steam Valve |
NS | Near Side |
NTS | Not To Scale |
O | Oxygen |
O TO O | Out to Out |
OA | Outside Air, Overall |
OB | Obscure |
OBS | Obscure |
OC | On Center |
OD | Outside Diameter |
OF | Outside Face |
OFF | Office |
OH | Overhead |
OHD | Overhead Door |
OHMS | Oval Head Machine Screw |
OHWS | Oval Head Wood Screw |
OI | Ornamental Iron |
OP | Opaque |
OPG | Opening |
OPNG | Opening |
OPP | Opposite |
OPP H | Opposite Hand |
OR | Outside Radius |
ORN | Ornamental |
OS&Y | Outside Screw & Yoke (valve) |
OSD Open Sight Drain | |
OUT | Outlet |
OVFL | Overflow |
OW | Open Waste |
OZ | Ounce |
P | Pitch, Power Panel, Paint |
P SL | Pipe Sleeve |
P. LAM | Plastic Laminate |
PA | Public Address |
PAF | Powder Actuated Fasteners |
PAR | Parallel |
PARTN | Partition |
PASS | Passage, Passenger |
PB | Pull Box, Push Button, Panic Bar |
PB STA | Push Button Station |
PBD | Particle Board |
PBMT | Preshimmed Butyl Mastic Sealant Tape |
PC | Pull Chain, Piece, Precast Concrete |
PCF | Pounds per cubic foot |
PCPL | Portland Cement Plaster |
PD | Pump Discharge, Plaza Drain |
PDP | Paneled Door, Painted |
PE | Porcelain Enamel, Professional Engineer |
PED | Pedestal, Pedestrian |
PERF | Perforate, Performance |
PERIM | Perimeter |
PERP | Perpendicular |
PFN | Prefinished |
PG | Pressure Gauge |
PH | Phase, Preheat, Phone |
PIV | Pivoted, Post Indicator Valve |
PJF | Preformed Joint Filler |
PKG | Parking |
PKWY | Parkway |
PL | Plate, Plan, Property Line, Plastic Laminate, Plastic |
PLAS | Plaster, Plastic |
PLAS LAM | Plastic Laminate |
PLBG | Plumbing |
PLF | Pounds Per Lineal Foot |
PLG | Plumbing |
PLMBG | Plumbing |
PLTF | Platform |
PLUMB | Plumbing |
PLWD | Plywood |
PLYWD | Plywood |
PNEU | Pneumatic |
PNL | Panel |
PNT | Paint |
POL | Polish, Polished |
PORC | Porcelain |
PORT | Portable |
POT W | Potable Water |
PP | Plaster, Painted, Power Panel, Precast Panel |
PR | Pair |
PRC | Precast |
PRCST | Precast |
PRE | Prefinished |
PREFAB | Prefabricated |
PRES | Pressure |
PRESS | Pressure |
PRF | Preformed |
PRFMD | Preformed |
PRI | Primary |
PRMLD | Premolded |
PROT | Protection, Protective |
PRSTR | Prestressed |
PRTN | Partition |
PRV | Pressure Reducing Valve |
PS | Plumbing Stack |
PSC | Prestressed Concrete |
PSF | Pounds per square foot |
PSI | Pounds per square inch |
PSIG | Pounds per square inch gage |
PT | Paint, Point, Part, Potential Transformer |
PTC | Post-Tensioned Concrete |
PTD | Painted, Paper Towel Dispenser |
PTD/R | Combination Paper Towel Dispenser/Receptacle |
PTN | Partition |
PTR | Paper Towel Receptacle |
PV | Paving |
PVC | Polyvinyl Chloride |
PVF | Polyvinylidene Finish |
PVG | Paving |
PVMT | Pavement |
PVT | Private |
PW | Pass Window |
PWR | Power |
QT | Quarry Tile, Quart |
QTR | Quarter |
QTY | Quantity |
QUAL | Quality |
QUANT | Quantity |
R | Riser, Radius, Resistance, Relay Panel |
R & S | Rod and Shelf |
RA | Return Air, Registered Architect |
RAD | Radius, Radiator |
RADN | Radian |
RB | Rubber, Rubber Base, Resilient Base |
RBC | Rubber Base (Coved), |
RBS | Rubber Base (Straight) |
RBT | Rabbet |
RCF | Raised Computer Floor |
RCP | Reflected Ceiling Plan, Reinforced Concrete Pipe |
RD | Roof Drain, Round, Receptacle Distribution Panel |
REBAR | Reinforcing Bar |
REC | Receiver |
RECEP | Receptacle |
RECP | Receptacle |
RED | Reducer |
REF | Refer, Reference, Refrigerator |
REFL | Reflected, Reflector |
REFR | Refrigerate, Refrigerator |
REG | Register, Regular |
REINF | Reinforcement, or Reinforce |
REM | Remove, Removable |
REQ | Require, Required |
REQD | Required |
RES | Resilient |
RESIL | Resilient |
REST | Resistance |
RET | Return, Retaining |
RETG | Retaining |
REV | Reverse, Revise, Revision |
REV DR | Revolving Door |
RF | Roof |
RFG | Roofing |
RGH | Rough |
RGH OPNG:Rough Opening | |
RGTR | Register |
RH | Right Hand, Reheat, Relative Humidity |
RHC | Reheat Coil |
RHMS | Round Head Machine Screw |
RHR | Right Hand Reverse, Reheater |
RHWS | Round Head Wood Screw |
RM | Room |
RMS | Root Mean Squared |
RMV | Remove |
RN | Riser Nipple |
RO | Rough Opening |
ROB | Rod Out Basin |
ROW | Right of Way |
RPM | Revolutions Per Minute |
RPT | Repeat (like "Ditto") |
RR | Railroad |
RT | Rubber Tile, Right |
RTR/RR Rubber Tread/Rubber Riser | |
RVS | Reverse Side |
RVT | Rivet |
RW | Redwood |
RWC | Rain Water Conductor |
RWD | Redwood |
RWL | Rain Water Leader |
Rubberized Bituminous Compound | |
S | South, Sealant, Supply, Sink |
S&M | Surfaced & Matched |
S&S | Stained & Sealed |
S&V | Stain & Varnish |
S4S | Surfaced 4 Sides |
SACT | Suspended Acoustical Tile |
SALV | Salvage |
SAN | Sanitary |
SB | Setting Basin, Splash Block |
SC | Solid Core, Short Circuit, Self Closing, Sill Cock |
SCD | Seat Cover Dispenser |
SCFT | Structural Clay Facing Tile |
SCH | Schedule |
SCHED | Schedule |
SCR | Screen |
SCUP | Scupper |
SCWD | Solid Core Wood |
SD | Soap Dispenser |
SE | Structural Engineer |
SEAL | Sealant |
SEC | Second, Section, Secondary, Security System |
SECT | Section |
SECY | Secretary |
SED | Sewage Ejector Discharge |
SEL | Select |
SERV | Service |
SEV | Sewage Ejector Vent |
SF | Square Foot |
SFGL | Safety Glass |
SGG | Structural Glazing Gasket |
SGS | Silicone Glazing Sealant |
SH | Shelf, Sheet, Shower |
SHR | Shower |
SHT | Sheet |
SHTH | Sheathing |
SHTHG | Sheathing |
SHWR | Shower |
SIG | Signal |
SIM | Similar |
SJS | Silicone Joint Sealant |
SK | Sink |
SKL | Skylight |
SL | Siamese Line |
SLOT | Slotted |
SLV | Sleeve |
SND | Sanitary Napkin Dispenser |
SNGG | Sponge Neoprene Glazing Gasket |
SNR | Sanitary Napkin Receptacle |
SNT | Sealant |
SP | Soil Pipe, Standpipe, Soundproof, Single Pole |
SPC | Spacer |
SPD | Sump Pump Discharge |
SPDT | Single Pole Double Throw |
SPEC | Specification, Specifications |
SPECS | Specifications |
SPK | Speaker |
SPL | Special |
SPLR | Sprinkler |
SPM | Sprinkler Main |
SPP | Skim Coat Plaster Painted |
SPST | Single Pole Single Throw |
SQ | Square |
SS | Stainless Steel, Set Screw, Soil Stack, Service Sink, Slop Sink |
SSD | Sub-soil Drain |
SSGS | Silicone Structural Glazing Sealant |
SSK | Service Sink |
SSS | Silicone Sanitary Sealant |
SST | Stainless Steel |
ST | Straight, Storm Water |
ST W | Storm Water |
STA | Station |
STC | Sound Transmission Class |
STD | Standard |
STG | Storage, Seating |
STGG | Structural Glazing Gasket |
STGR | Stagger |
STIFF | Stiffener |
STK | Stack |
STL | Steel |
STM | Steam |
STO | Storage |
STOR | Storage |
STP | Standard Temperature & Pressure, Standpipe |
STR | Straight (re-bars), Strainer, Structural, Starter |
STRL | Structural |
STRT | Straight |
STRUC | Structural |
STRUCT | Structural |
STWY | Stairway |
SUCT | Suction |
SUPP | Supplementary, Supplement |
SUPT | Superintendent |
SUR | Surface |
SUSP | Suspended, Suspend |
SV | Safety Relief Valve |
SW | Switch |
SWBD | Switchboard |
SWGR | Switchgear |
SY | Square Yard |
SYM | Symmetrical |
SYN | Synthetic |
SYS | System |
T | Tread, Thermostat, Tee |
T&B | Top and Bottom |
T&G | Tongue & Groove |
T&P | Temperature & Pressure Relief Valve |
T/ | Top |
TAN | Tangent |
TB | Towel Bar |
TC | Top of Curb, Terracotta |
TCLO | Telephone Closet |
TCS | Terne Coated Stainless Steel |
TD | Trench Drain |
TEL | Telephone |
TEL CL | Telephone Closet |
TEMP | Temporary, Tempered, Temperature |
TEN | Tenant |
TER | Terrazzo |
TERM | Terminal |
TERR | Terrazzo |
TGL | Toggle |
TH | Thermostat |
THK | Thick, Thickness |
THKNS | Thickness |
THR | Threshold |
THRESH | Threshold |
THRM | Thermal |
THRMST | Thermostat |
THRU | Through |
TKBD | Tackboard |
TL | Twist Lock (receptacle) |
TLT | Toilet |
TOL | Tolerance |
TP | Top of Pavement |
TPD | Toilet paper Dispenser |
TPH | Toilet Paper Holder |
TPTN | Toilet Partition |
TR | Tread, Transom |
TRANS | Transformer, Translucent |
TRAV | Travertine |
TRD | Tread |
TS | Time Switch |
TSL | Top of Slab |
TST | Top of Steel |
TSTAT | Thermostat |
TT | Terrazzo Tile, Traffic Topping |
TTC | Telephone Terminal Closet |
TV | Television |
TW | Top of Wall, Thin Wall (conduit), Tempered Water |
TYP | Typical |
TZ | Terrazzo |
UC | Undercut |
UH | Unit Heater |
UL | Underwriters' Laboratories |
UNEX | Unexcavated |
UNEXC | Unexcavated |
UNF | Unfinished |
UNFIN | Unfinished |
UNO | Unless Noted Otherwise |
UON | Unless Otherwise Noted |
UP | Unpainted |
UR | Urinal |
USG | United States Gauge, United States Gypsum Company |
USS | United States Standard |
UT | Utility |
V | Volt, Valve, Vinyl, Vent, Ventilator |
VA | Volt Ampere |
VAC | Vacuum |
VACBR | Vacuum Breaker |
VAR | Varnish, Varies |
VAT | Vinyl Asbestos Tile |
VB | Vapor Barrier, Valve Box, Vinyl Base, Vacuum Breaker |
VBC | Vinyl Base (Coved) |
VBS | Vinyl Base (Straight) |
VC | Varnished Cambric |
VCP | Vitrified Clay Pipe |
VCT | Vinyl Composition Tile |
VENT | Ventilate, Ventilator |
VERT | Vertical |
VEST | Vestibule |
VF | Vinyl Fabric |
VFGT | Vinyl Foam Glazing Tape |
VIF | Verify In the Field |
VIN | Vinyl |
VIT | Vitreous |
VLT | Vault |
VNR | Veneer |
VOL | Volume |
VP | Vapor Proof, Vent Pipe |
VR | Vapor Retarder, Vacuum Return, Vertical Riser |
VRM | Vermiculite |
VS | Vent Stack |
VT | Vinyl Tile |
VTR | Vent Through Roof |
VWC | Vinyl Wall Covering |
W | West, Width, Wide, Watt, Waste, Water, Water Main |
W&M | Washburn & Moen Gauge |
W/ | With |
W/O | Without |
WAINS | Wainscot |
WB | Wood Base |
WC | Watercloset |
WD | Wood |
WDP | Wood, Painted |
WDSS | Wood, Stained & Sealed |
WDW | Window |
WF | Wide Flange (structural steel) |
WFS | Water Flow Switch |
WG | Wired Glass |
WGL | Wire-Glass |
WH | Water Heater, Wall Hung, Wall Hydrant |
WI | Wrought Iron |
WIN | Window |
WM | Wire Mesh, Water Meter |
WP | Waterproof, Working Point, Working Pressure, Weatherproof |
WPR | Waterproofing |
WPT | Working Point |
WR | Water Resistant, Water Repellant, Waste Receptacle |
WRSTP | Weatherstripping |
WS | Weatherstripping, Water Stop |
WSCT | Wainscot |
WT | Weight, Water Table, Watertight |
WVNR | Wood Veneer |
WW | Window Wall |
WWF | Welded Wire Fabric |
X HVY | Extra Heavy |
X STR | Extra Strong |
XH | Extra Heavy |
YD | Yard |
YR | Year |