Note: This seems to be a Dutch thing (in the context of SLAs), and no one seems to agree on how it is written, in either Dutch or English.
- Dossier, Afspraken en Procedures
- Dossier Afspraken en Procedures
- Dossier van Afspraken en Procedures
- Document Agreements and Procedures
- Document arrangements & procedures
- Document of agreement and procedures
- Agreements and procedures file
- Dossier of agreements and procedures
- Daily Agreed Procedures
- Procedures & Arrangements File
- etc.
External links
- https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dossier_Afspraken_en_Procedures
- https://www.managementsite.nl/tql/strategie-bestuur/outsourcing/wat-is-een-dap
- https://en.itpedia.nl/2017/05/05/service-level-management-de-dap/
- https://mbovoorzieningen.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Coop-voorz-DAP-2.0-.pdf
- https://www.acronymfinder.com/Dossier-Afspraken-en-Procedures-(Dutch%3A-Dossier-Agreements-and-Procedures%3B-Netherlands)-(DAP).html