DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms: Shortened Word Forms
Source: (retrieved 2021-02-22) Full title: DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms: Shortened Word Forms (Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms)
Abbreviation | Meaning |
18 AF | Eighteenth Air Force |
1MC | general announcing system |
1NCD | 1st Naval Construction Division |
2-D | two-dimensional |
2E | Role 2 enhanced |
2LM | Role 2 light maneuver |
2X | counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element |
3-D | three-dimensional |
618 AOC (TACC) | 618th Air Operations Center (Tanker Airlift Control Center) |
A/C | aircraft |
A/DACG | arrival/departure airfield control group |
A1 | director of manpower, personnel, and services (USAF) |
A2 | antiaccess |
A-2 | intelligence staff officer (USAF) |
A-3 | operations directorate (COMAFFOR staff); operations staff officer (USAF) |
A4 | director of logistics, engineering, and force protection (USAF) |
A-5 | plans directorate (COMAFFOR staff) |
A-6 | communications staff officer (USAF) |
AA | assessment agent; avenue of approach |
AA&E | arms, ammunition, and explosives |
AAA | antiaircraft artillery |
AAC | activity address code |
AACG | arrival airfield control group |
AADC | area air defense commander |
AADP | area air defense plan |
AAFES | Army and Air Force Exchange Service |
AAFS | amphibious assault fuel system |
AAG | aeronautical assignment group |
AAGS | Army air-ground system |
AAM | air-to-air missile |
AAMDC | Army air and missile defense command |
AAP | Allied administrative publication |
AAR | after action report; after action review; air-to-air refueling area |
AATCC | amphibious air traffic control center |
AAV | amphibious assault vehicle |
AB | air base |
ABCANZ | American, British, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand |
ABCT | armored brigade combat team |
ABFC | advanced base functional component |
ABFDS | aerial bulk fuel delivery system |
ABI | activity-based intelligence |
ABLTS | amphibious bulk liquid transfer system |
ABP | air battle plan |
AC | Active Component |
ACA | airspace control authority; airspace coordination area |
ACAMS | Army Container Asset Management System |
ACC | air component commander; area coordination center |
ACCE | air component coordination element |
ACD | automated cargo documentation |
ACE | aviation combat element (USMC) |
ACEOI | automated communications-electronics operating instructions |
ACL | allowable cabin load |
ACM | airspace coordinating measure |
ACO | administrative contracting officer; airspace control order |
ACOS | assistant chief of staff |
ACP | airspace control plan; Allied communications publication |
ACS | airspace control system |
ACSA | acquisition and cross-servicing agreement |
ACT | advance civilian team |
ACU | assault craft unit |
AD | air defense; area denial |
ADA | air defense artillery; Antideficiency Act |
ADAFCO | air defense artillery fire control officer |
ADAM | air defense airspace management |
ADAM/BAE | air defense airspace management/brigade aviation element |
ADC | area damage control |
ADCON | administrative control |
ADCS | air defense coordination section |
ADM | air defense measure |
ADOS | active duty for operational support |
ADP | Army doctrine publication; automated data processing |
ADR | airfield damage repair |
ADRP | Army doctrine reference publication |
ADS | air defense sector; authoritative data source |
ADUSD(TP) | Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Transportation Policy |
ADVON | advanced echelon |
ADWC | air defense warning condition |
ADZ | amphibious defense zone |
AE | aeromedical evacuation; assault echelon |
AECA | Arms Export Control Act |
AECT | aeromedical evacuation control team |
AEF | air expeditionary force |
AELT | aeromedical evacuation liaison team |
AEODP | allied explosive ordnance disposal publication |
AEODPS | Automated Explosive Ordnance Disposal Publication System |
AEOT | aeromedical evacuation operations team |
AESC | aeromedical evacuation support cell |
AETF | air expeditionary task force |
AF | Air Force; Air Force (form); amphibious force |
AF/A2 | Deputy Chief of Staff of the Air Force for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance |
AFATDS | Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System |
AFB | Air Force base |
AFCAP | Air Force Contract Augmentation Program |
AFCEC | Air Force Civil Engineer Center |
AFDA | Air Force doctrine annex |
AFDD | Air Force doctrine document |
AFE | Armed Forces Entertainment |
AFFOR | Air Force forces |
AFH | Air Force handbook |
AFHSB | Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch (DHA) |
AFI | Air Force instruction |
AFIC | Five Eyes Air Force Interoperability Council |
AFJI | Air Force joint instruction |
AFLE | Air Force liaison element |
AFMAN | Air Force manual |
AFME | Armed Forces Medical Examiner |
AFMES | Armed Forces Medical Examiner System |
AFMS | Air Force Medical Service |
AFNORTH | Air Force North |
AFNWC | Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center |
AFOE | assault follow-on echelon |
AFOSI | Air Force Office of Special Investigations |
AFOSIMAN | Air Force Office of Special Investigations manual |
AFPD | Air Force policy directive |
AFRC | Air Force Reserve Command |
AFRCC | Air Force Rescue Coordination Center |
AFRRI | Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute |
AFRTS | American Forces Radio and Television Service |
AFSB | afloat forward staging base; Army field support brigade |
AFSMO | Air Force Spectrum Management Office |
AFSOAE | Air Force special operations air element |
AFSOC | Air Force Special Operations Command |
AFSOF | Air Force special operations forces |
AFSPC | Air Force Space Command |
AFTRANS | Air Forces Transportation |
AFTTP | Air Force tactics, techniques, and procedures |
AFTTP(I) | Air Force tactics, techniques, and procedures (instruction) |
AGILE | Advanced Global Intelligence Learning Environment |
AGL | above ground level |
AGO | Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation |
AGS | authorized government support; aviation ground support |
AGT | Automated Global Force Management Tool |
AH | attack helicopter |
AHA | alert holding area |
AHD | antihandling device |
AI | acquisition instruction; air interdiction |
AIDPMO | Army Intermodal and Distribution Platform Management Office |
AIP | aeronautical information publication |
AIRCOR | air corridor |
AIRSUPREQ | air support request |
AIS | automated information system |
AIT | automatic identification technology |
AJA | annual joint assessment |
AJBPO | area joint blood program office |
AJD | Allied joint doctrine |
AJODWG | Allied Joint Operations Doctrine Working Group |
AJP | Allied joint publication |
AKRCC | Alaska Rescue Coordination Center |
ALARA | as low as reasonably achievable |
ALCF | airlift control flight |
ALCOM | United States Alaskan Command |
ALCT | airlift control team |
ALD | available-to-load date |
ALEP | amphibious lift enhancement program |
ALERTORD | alert order |
ALLOREQ | allocation request |
ALO | air liaison officer |
ALOC | air line of communications |
ALSA | Air Land Sea Application (Center) |
ALT | acquisition, logistics, and technology |
ALTRV | altitude reservation |
AM | amplitude modulation |
AMC | airborne mission coordinator; Air Mobility Command |
AMC/SGXM | Air Mobility Command/Command Surgeon’s Office |
AMCC | allied movement coordination center |
AMCM | airborne mine countermeasures |
AMCT | air mobility control team |
AMD | air and missile defense; air mobility division |
AMDC | air and missile defense commander |
AMedP | Allied medical publication |
Americas’ Security Affairs) | |
AMETL | agency mission-essential task list |
AMLO | air mobility liaison officer |
AMOC | Air and Marine Operations Center (DHS) |
AMOG | air mobility operations group |
AMOS | air mobility operations squadron |
AMOW | air mobility operations wing |
AMP | analysis of mobility platform |
AMP-PAT | analysis of mobility platform suite of port analysis tools |
AMPS | Automated Mail Postal System |
AMS | air mobility squadron |
AMS-TAC | Automated Manifesting System-Tactical |
AMT | aerial mail terminal |
amu | atomic mass unit |
AMX | air mobility express |
AN/VRC | Army Navy vehicle radio communications |
ANG | Air National Guard |
ANGLICO | air-naval gunfire liaison company |
ANR | Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Command Region |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
ANW2 | Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform |
AO | action officer; air officer; area of operations |
AOA | amphibious objective area |
AOC | air operations center |
AOD | air operations directive |
AODB | air operations database |
AOF | azimuth of fire |
AOG | Army Operations Group |
AOI | area of interest |
AOR | area of responsibility |
AOS | aircraft on station |
AOTR | aviation operational threat response |
AP | antipersonnel |
APAN | All Partners Access Network |
APE | airfield pavement evaluation |
APEX | Adaptive Planning and Execution |
APF | afloat pre-positioning force |
APHIS | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA) |
APL | antipersonnel land mine |
APO | Army post office |
APOD | aerial port of debarkation |
APOE | aerial port of embarkation |
APS | Army pre-positioned stocks |
APS-3 | Army pre-positioned stocks-3 |
APTD | aircraft attack position target designation |
AR | air refueling; Army regulation |
ARC | air Reserve Components; American Red Cross |
ARCENT | United States Army Central Command |
ARCT | air refueling control team |
ARDEC | United States Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center |
ARFOR | Army forces |
ARG | amphibious ready group |
ARM | air reference measure |
ARNG | Army National Guard |
ARS | acute radiation syndrome |
ARSOAD | Army special operations aviation detachment |
ARSOF | Army special operations forces |
ARSST | Army space support team |
ASAT | antisatellite |
ASBP | Armed Services Blood Program |
ASBPO | Armed Services Blood Program Office |
ASC | Army Sustainment Command |
ASCC | Army Service component command; Army Service component commander |
ASCOPE | areas, structures, capabilities, organizations, people, and events |
ASCS | air support control section |
ASD(GSA) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs |
ASD(HA) | Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) |
ASD(HD&ASA) | Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense and |
ASD(HD&GS) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland |
ASD(NII) | Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration) |
ASD(OEPP) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs |
ASD(RA) | Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs) |
ASD(S) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment |
ASD(SO/LIC&IC) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict and Interdependent Capabilities |
ASD(SO/LIC) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low- Intensity Conflict |
ASG | Allied System for Geospatial Intelligence |
ASIC | Air and Space Interoperability Council |
ASLT | air support liaison team; assault support landing table |
ASM | air-to-surface missile; Army Spectrum Manager |
ASMO | Army Spectrum Management Office |
ASOC | air support operations center |
ASOG | air support operations group |
ASOS | air support operations squadron |
ASP | Allied spectrum publication |
ASPR | Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (DHHS) |
ASW | antisubmarine warfare |
ASWC | antisubmarine warfare commander |
AT | antiterrorism |
ATACMS | Army Tactical Missile System |
ATC | air traffic control |
ATCM | air traffic control measure |
ATCS | air traffic control section |
ATF | amphibious task force; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (DOJ) |
ATI | asset target interaction |
ATO | air tasking order; antiterrorism officer |
ATOC | air terminal operations center |
ATP | Allied tactical publication; Army techniques publication |
ATSD(PA) | Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs |
ATSDR | Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (DHHS) |
ATTP | Army tactics, techniques, and procedures |
AU | African Union |
AUF | airborne use of force |
AUSCANNZUKUS | Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States |
AV | asset visibility |
AVC | Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance (DOS) |
AVL | anti-vehicle land mine |
AVS | asset validation system |
AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System |
AWG | Asymmetric Warfare Group (USA) |
AWNIS | Allied Worldwide Navigational Information System |
AXO | abandoned explosive ordnance |
B | |
BAE | brigade aviation element |
BAH | basic allowance for housing |
BALS | berthing and loading schedule |
BAS | basic allowance for subsistence |
bbl | barrel (42 US gallons) |
BCC | battle control center |
BCD | battlefield coordination detachment (USA) |
BCG | beach control group |
BCL | battlefield coordination line |
BCOC | base cluster operations center |
BCT | brigade combat team |
BD | barge derrick |
BDA | battle damage assessment |
BDAREP | battle damage assessment report |
BDE | brigade |
BDOC | base defense operations center |
BDS | BeiDou Navigation Satellite System |
BEAR | base expeditionary airfield resources (USAF); basic expeditionary airfield resources |
BEB | brigade engineer battalion |
BEI | biometrics-enabled intelligence |
BEST | border enforcement security task force |
BEWL | biometric-enabled watchlist |
BI | battlefield illumination; battle injury |
BIA | behavioral influences analysis |
BICES | battlefield information collection and exploitation system (NATO) |
BIFS | Border Intelligence Fusion Section (DHS) |
BIS | Bureau of Industry and Security (DOC) |
BLCP | beach lighterage control point |
BLOS | beyond line-of-sight |
BLT | battalion landing team |
BM | ballistic missile; beach module |
BMD | ballistic missile defense |
BMET | biomedical electronics technician |
BMU | beachmaster unit |
BN | battalion |
BOC | bomb on coordinate |
BOG | beach operations group |
BOS | base operating support |
BOS-I | base operating support-integrator |
BOT | bomb on target |
BP | battle position |
BPA | blanket purchase agreement |
BPC | building partnership capacity |
BPG | beach party group |
BPLAN | base plan |
BPT | beach party team |
BSA | beach support area |
BSB | brigade support battalion |
BSC | behavioral science consultant |
BSI | base support installation |
BSZ | base security zone |
BT | bathythermograph |
BTC | blood transshipment center |
BTU | beach termination unit |
BTWC | Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention |
BVR | beyond visual range |
BZ | buffer zone |
C | |
C | Celsius |
C2 | command and control |
C2CRE | command and control chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear response element |
C-2X | coalition Intelligence Directorate counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element |
CA | civil affairs; combat assessment; coordinating altitude; credibility assessment |
CAA | combat aviation advisor; command arrangement agreement |
CAAF | contractors authorized to accompany the force |
CAB | commander’s assessment board |
CAC | common access card |
CACOM | civil affairs command |
CAD | Canadian air division |
CAF | combat air forces; Conflict Assessment Framework (USAID) |
CAG | civil affairs group |
CAGO | contractor-acquired, government-owned |
CAIS | civil authority information support |
CAL | critical asset list |
CALICS | communication, authentication, location, intentions, condition, and situation |
CAMOC | Caribbean Air and Marine Operations Center |
CAMPS | Consolidated Air Mobility Planning System |
CANR | Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command Region |
CANUS | Canada-United States |
CAO | civil affairs operations; |
CAP | Civil Air Patrol; civil assistance plan; civil augmentation program; combat air patrol |
CAPM | credibility assessment program manager |
CAPT | civil affairs planning team |
CARVER | criticality, accessibility, recuperability, vulnerability, effect, and recognizability |
CAS | close air support |
CASEVAC | casualty evacuation |
CAT | category; civil affairs team; crisis action team |
CATF | commander, amphibious task force |
CBCP | Customs and Border Clearance Program (DOD) |
CBEC | Contingency Basing Executive Council |
CBG | coalition building guide |
CBIRF | Chemical-Biological Incident Response Force |
CBMU | construction battalion maintenance unit |
CBP | capabilities-based planning; Customs and Border Protection (DHS) |
CBR | chemical, biological, and radiological |
CBRN | chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear |
CBRNE | chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives (USA/NGB/USCG) |
CbT | combating terrorism |
CC | component commander; critical capability |
CCA | Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-controlled activity; contract construction agent; country container authority |
CCAS | contingency contract administration services |
CCATT | critical care air transport team |
CCC | coalition coordination center |
CCD | camouflage, concealment, and deception |
CCDB | consolidated counterdrug database |
CCDR | combatant commander |
CCEB | Combined Communications-Electronics Board |
CCG | combat communications group |
CCICA | command counterintelligence coordinating authority |
CCIF | Combatant Commander Initiative Fund |
CCIR | commander’s critical information requirement |
CCLI | commerce control list item |
CCMD | combatant command |
CCMF | Cyber Combat Mission Force |
CCO | central control officer; container control officer |
CCORB | commander’s contract oversight review board |
CCP | combatant command campaign plan; consolidation and containerization point |
CCS | commander’s communication synchronization; core capability set |
CCW | 1980 United Nations Convention on Conventional Weapons |
CD | counterdrug; customer direct |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (DHHS) |
CDE | collateral damage estimation |
CDI | cargo disposition instructions |
CDIO | collateral duty intelligence officer |
CDIPO | counterdrug intelligence preparation for operations |
CDM | collateral damage methodology |
CDO | commander, detainee operations |
CDRAFNORTH | Commander, Air Force North |
CDRJSOTF | commander, joint special operations task force |
CDRNORAD | Commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command |
CDRSOJTF | commander, special operations joint task force |
CE | circular error; command element (USMC) |
C-E | communications-electronics |
CEB | combat engineer battalion |
CEHC | Counter Explosive Hazards Center (USA) |
CEMA | cyberspace electromagnetic activities (USA) |
CEMIRT | civil engineer maintenance, inspection, and repair team |
Center | |
CENTRIXS | Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System |
CEP | Chairman’s Exercise Program |
CERFP | chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives enhanced response force package |
CERP | Commanders’ Emergency Response Program |
CERT | contingency |
CEW | civilian expeditionary workforce |
CEWCC | combined electronic warfare coordination cell |
CEXC | combined explosives exploitation cell |
CF | carrier-furnished; causeway ferry; conventional forces |
CFA | critical factors analysis |
CFB | Canadian forces base |
CFE-DM | Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (USINDOPACOM) |
CFL | coordinated fire line |
CFLCC | coalition forces land component commander |
CFPM | causeway ferry power module |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFSCC | Combined Forces Space Component Command (USSPACECOM) |
CFST | coalition forces support team |
CG | Coast Guard; commanding general |
CG-652 | Coast Guard Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Policy Division |
CGCIS | Coast Guard Counterintelligence Service |
CGDEFOR | Coast Guard defense force |
CGICC | Coast Guard Intelligence Coordination Center |
CGIS | United States Coast Guard Investigative Service |
CGTTP | Coast Guard tactics, techniques, and procedures |
CHCSS | Chief, Central Security Service |
CHD | counterintelligence and human intelligence detachment |
CHE | cargo-handling equipment; container handling equipment |
CI | counterintelligence |
CI/KR | critical infrastructure and key resources |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
CIB | Common Interactive Broadcast; controlled image base |
CICA | counterintelligence coordinating authority |
CICR | counterintelligence collection requirement |
CID | combat identification |
CIE | collaborative information environment; cultural intelligence element |
CIEA | classification, identification, and engagement area |
C-IED | counter-improvised explosive device |
C-IEDTF | counter-improvised explosive device task force |
CIL | critical information list |
CIM | civil information management |
CIMIC | civil-military cooperation |
CIO | chief information officer |
CIOC | counterintelligence operations cell |
CIOTA | counterintelligence operational tasking authority |
CIP | critical infrastructure protection |
CIRT | Collaborative Issue Resolution Tool |
CISAR | catastrophic incident search and rescue |
CITE | computer intrusion technical exploitation |
CITP | counter-improvised explosive device targeting program |
CIVMAR | civil service mariner |
CJ-4 | combined-joint logistic office |
CJCS | Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff |
CJCSI | Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction |
CJCSM | Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual |
CJE | component joint data networks operations officer equivalent |
CJEODC | combined joint explosive ordnance disposal cell |
CJFC | combined joint force commander |
CJLOTS | combined joint logistics over-the-shore |
CJOC | Canadian Joint Operations Command |
CJSART | Criminal Justice Sector Assessment Rating Tool |
CJSMPT | Coalition Joint Spectrum Management Planning Tool |
CJSOTF | combined joint special operations task force |
CJTF | combined joint task force (NATO); commander, joint task force |
C-JWICS | Containerized Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System |
CL | contingency location; coordination level |
CLA | critical logistics asset; landing craft, air cushion launch area |
CLB | combat logistics battalion |
CLF | combat logistics force; commander, landing force |
CLIA | Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 |
CLIP | Clinical Laboratory Improvement Program |
CLML | contingency location master list |
CLPSB | combatant commander logistics procurement support board |
CLR | combat logistics regiment |
CLS | contractor logistics support |
CLZ | landing craft, air cushion landing zone |
CM | combination module; cruise missile |
cm | centimeter(s) |
CMA | collection management authority |
CMAA | cooperative military airlift agreement |
CMC | Commandant of the Marine Corps; Office of Civilian- Military Cooperation (USAID) |
CMCB | civil-military coordination board |
CMCC | combined movement coordination center |
CMDO | command military deception officer |
CME | civil-military engagement |
CMF | Cyber Mission Force |
CMM | Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation (USAID) |
CMO | civil-military operations |
CMOC | civil-military operations center |
CMOS | cargo movement operations system; Cargo Movement Operations System (USAF) |
CMP | contractor management plan |
CMPF | commander, maritime pre-positioning force |
CMSE | civil-military support element |
CMST | consequence management support team |
CMT | combat mission team |
CNBG | commander, naval beach group |
CNGB | Chief, National Guard Bureau |
CNGBI | Chief, National Guard Bureau instruction |
CNMF | Cyber National Mission Force |
CNMF-HQ | Cyber National Mission Force-Headquarters |
CNMI | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands |
CNO | Chief of Naval Operations |
CNR | combat net radio |
CO | cyberspace operations |
COA | course of action |
COB | contingency operating base |
COC | combat operations center |
CoC | Code of Conduct |
COCO | contractor-owned, contractor-operated |
COCOM | combatant command (command authority) |
COD | combat operations division |
COE | concept of employment |
COF | conduct of fire |
COG | center of gravity; continuity of government |
COI | community of interest |
COIC | Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Operations/ Intelligence Integration Center (JIEDDO) |
COIN | counterinsurgency |
CO-IPE | cyberspace operations-integrated planning element |
COLDS | cargo offload and discharge system |
COLISEUM | community on-line intelligence system for end-users and managers |
COLPRO | collective protection |
COLS | concept of logistics support |
COM | chief of mission; collection operations management |
COMAFFOR | commander, Air Force forces |
COMAFSOAC | commander, Air Force special operations air component |
COMALOC | commercial air line of communications |
COMARFOR | commander, Army forces |
COMCAM | combat camera |
COMDTINST | Commandant instruction (USCG) COMFLTCYBERCOM |
Command | |
COMMARFOR | commander, Marine Corps forces |
COMNAVFOR | commander, Navy forces |
COMNET | communications network |
COMPACAF | Commander, Pacific Air Forces |
COMPASS | Computerized Movement Planning and Status System |
COMSC | Commander, Military Sealift Command |
COMSCINST | Commander, Military Sealift Command instruction |
COMSEC | communications security |
COMSUBLANT | Commander Submarine Force, United States Atlantic Fleet COMSUBPAC |
COMUSPACFLT | Commander, United States Pacific Fleet |
CONOPS | concept of operations |
CONPLAN | concept plan; operation plan in concept format |
CONR | continental United States North American Aerospace Defense Command Region |
controlled asset operation | |
CONUS | continental United States |
COOP | continuity of operations |
COP | common operational picture |
COR | contracting officer’s representative |
CORIVRON | coastal riverine squadron |
COS | chief of staff |
COSC | combat and operational stress control |
COTP | captain of the port |
COTS | commercial off-the-shelf |
CP | command post; contact point |
CPA | campaign plan assessment |
CPD | combat plans division |
CPF | Cyber Protection Force |
CPG | Contingency Planning Guidance |
CPO | chief petty officer |
CPT | cyberspace protection team |
CR | civil reconnaissance; critical requirement |
CRA | continuing resolution authority; coordinating review authority |
CRAF | Civil Reserve Air Fleet |
C-RAM | counter-rocket, artillery, mortar |
CRC | coastal riverine company; control and reporting center; crisis reaction center |
CRE | contingency response element |
CREstT | Casualty Rate Estimation Tool |
CREW | counter radio-controlled improvised explosive device electronic warfare |
CRF | coastal riverine force; contingency response force |
CRG | contingency response group |
CRM | collection requirements management; comment resolution matrix |
CRMx | collection requirements matrix |
CRSP | centralized receiving and shipping point |
CRT | chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives response team; contingency response team |
CRTS | casualty receiving and treatment ship |
CRW | contingency response wing |
CS | combat support |
CS&C | Office of Cybersecurity and Communications (DHS) |
CSA | combat support agency |
CSAR | combat search and rescue |
CSC | convoy support center |
CSCS | country-specific security cooperation section |
CSE | contingency support element |
CSEL | command senior enlisted leader |
CSG | carrier strike group; cryptologic services group |
CSL | cooperative security location |
CSNP | causeway section, nonpowered |
CSO | Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (DOS) |
CSP | campaign support plan; career sea pay |
CSPOC | Combined Space Operations Center (USSPACECOM) |
CSS | Central Security Service (NSA); combat service support |
CSSA | combat service support area |
CSSAMO | combat service support automation management office |
CSSB | combat sustainment support battalion |
CSSP | cybersecurity service provider |
CST | combat support team |
CSTO | combined space tasking order |
CSW | coordinate seeking weapons |
CT | computed tomography; counterterrorism |
CTBT | Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty |
CTF | commander, task force; counter threat finance |
CTF IAMD | commander, task force integrated air and missile defense |
CTFP | Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program |
CTIP | combating trafficking in persons |
CTITF | Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (UN) |
CTL | candidate target list |
CTN | countering threat networks |
CTP | common tactical picture |
CTR | cooperative threat reduction |
CTS | commodity tracking system; Contingency Tracking System; controlled technical services |
CTU | commander, task unit |
C-UAS | counter-unmanned aircraft system |
CUI | controlled unclassified information |
CUL | common-user logistics |
CULT | common-user land transportation |
CV | critical vulnerability |
CVE | countering violent extremism |
CVS | commercial vendor services |
CVT | criticality-vulnerability-threat |
CVW | carrier air wing |
CW | chemical warfare; continuous wave |
CWA | chemical warfare agent |
CWC | Chemical Weapons Convention; composite warfare commander |
CWG | counterdeception working group |
CWMD | countering weapons of mass destruction |
CWP | causeway pier |
CWT | customer wait time |
CZTE | combat zone tax exclusion |
D | |
D&F | determinations and findings |
D&M | detection and monitoring |
D/CIA | Director, Central Intelligence Agency |
D/T/ID | detect/track/identify |
D3A | decide, detect, deliver, and assess |
DA | Department of the Army; direct action; double agent |
DAADC | deputy area air defense commander |
DACAS | digitally aided close air support |
DACO | directive authority for cyberspace operations |
DAF | Department of the Air Force |
DAFL | directive authority for logistics |
DAL | defended asset list |
DALIS | Disaster Assistance Logistics Information System |
DAO | defense attaché office |
DART | disaster assistance response team |
DASC | direct air support center |
DASD(CN>) | Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics and Global Threats |
DASD(Log) | Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Logistics) |
DASD(SO/CT) | Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Combating Terrorism |
DATT | defense attaché |
DAWIA | Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act |
DBIDS | Defense Biometric Identification System |
DBSMC | Defense Business Systems Management Committee |
DC | Deputies Committee; directed communication; dislocated civilian |
DC3 | Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center |
DCA | defense cooperation agreement; defensive counterair |
DCAA | Defense Contract Audit Agency |
DCAPES | Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments |
DCCC | Defense Collection Coordination Center (DIA) |
DCE | defense coordinating element |
DCGS | distributed common ground/surface system |
DCGS-A | distributed common ground system-Army |
DCGS-MC | distributed common ground/surface system Marine Corps |
DCHA | Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (USAID) |
DCHC | Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center |
DCI | defense critical infrastructure |
DCID | Director of Central Intelligence directive |
DCIP | Defense Critical Infrastructure Program |
DCISE | Defense Industrial Base Collaborative Information Sharing Environment |
DCJTF | deputy commander, joint task force |
DCM | defense collection manager; deputy chief of mission; directed communication model |
DCMA | Defense Contract Management Agency |
DCME | Defense Collection Management Enterprise |
DCO | defense coordinating officer; defensive cyberspace operations |
DCO-IDM | defensive cyberspace operations-internal defensive measures |
DCO-RA | defensive cyberspace operations-response actions |
DCP | data collection plan; detainee collection point |
DCR | doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy change recommendation |
DCRF | defense chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear response force |
DCS | Defense Collaboration Services |
DCTC | Defense Combating Terrorism Center (DIA) |
DD | Department of Defense (form) |
DDA | deputy development advisor |
DDE | Defense Logistics Agency distribution expeditionary |
DDM | Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Mapping |
DDOC | Deployment and Distribution Operations Center (USTRANSCOM) |
DDR | disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration |
DDS | Deployable Disbursing System |
DDSBn | deployment and distribution support battalion |
DDSM | Defense Distinguished Service Medal |
DDST | deployment and distribution support team |
DDXX | Defense Logistics Agency distribution expeditionary |
DE | decedent effects; directed energy |
DEA | Drug Enforcement Administration (DOJ) |
DEERS | Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System |
DEPORD | deployment order |
DepSecDef | Deputy Secretary of Defense |
DERP | Defense Environmental Restoration Program |
DES | deception event schedule |
DF | dangerous fallout; direction finding |
DFARS | Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement |
DFAS | Defense Finance and Accounting Service |
DFBA | Defense Forensics and Biometrics Agency |
DFC | detention facility commander |
DFE | Defense Intelligence Agency forward element |
DFRIF | Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet |
DFU | dry filter unit |
DGT | designated ground target |
DHA | Defense Health Agency; detainee holding area |
DHE | defense human intelligence executor |
DHE-M | Defense Human Intelligence Enterprise-manual |
DHHS | Department of Health and Human Services |
DHM | defense human intelligence manager |
DHP | Defense Health Program |
DHS | Department of Homeland Security |
DI | Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Directorate for Analysis |
DIA | Defense Intelligence Agency |
DIAP | Defense Intelligence Analysis Program |
DIB | defense industrial base; defense institution building |
DIE | deception intelligence estimate |
DIFC | Defence Intelligence Fusion Centre |
DIMOC | Defense Imagery Management Operations Center |
DINFOS | Defense Information School |
DIO | defense intelligence officer |
DIRI | Defense Institution Reform Initiative |
DIRINT | Director of Intelligence (USMC) |
DIRLAUTH | direct liaison authorized |
DIRMOBFOR | director of mobility forces |
DIRNSA | Director, National Security Agency |
DIRSPACEFOR | director of space forces (USSF) |
DISA | Defense Information Systems Agency |
DISN | Defense Information Systems Network |
DISO | deception in support of operations security |
DISR | Department of Defense Information Technology Standards Registry |
Division | |
DJ-7 | Director, Joint Force Development |
DJS | Director, Joint Staff |
DLA | Defense Logistics Agency |
DLD | digital liaison detachment |
DLEA | drug law enforcement agency |
DLM | defense logistics manual |
DLMS | Defense Logistics Management System |
DM | docking module |
DMA | Defense Media Activity |
DMDC | Defense Manpower Data Center |
DMSM | Defense Meritorious Service Medal |
DMT | disaster management team (UN) |
DMZ | demilitarized zone |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid |
DNBI | disease and nonbattle injury |
DNC | digital nautical chart |
DNDO | Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DHS) |
DNI | Director of National Intelligence |
DNWS | Defense Nuclear Weapons School |
DOC | Department of Commerce |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DODD | Department of Defense directive |
DODFMR | Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation |
DODI | Department of Defense instruction |
DODIIS | Department of Defense Intelligence Information System |
DODIN | Department of Defense information network |
DODM | Department of Defense manual |
DODS-CWMD | Department of Defense Strategy for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction |
DOE | Department of Energy |
DOEHRS-IH | Defense Occupational and Environmental Health Readiness System – Industrial Hygiene |
DOI | Department of the Interior |
DOJ | Department of Justice |
DOL | Department of Labor |
DOMEX | document and media exploitation |
DON | Department of the Navy |
DOS | days of supply; Department of State |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
DOTMLPF | doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities |
DOTMLPF-P | doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy |
DOWG | deception operations working group |
DOX-T | direct operational exchange-tactical |
DP | decisive point; displaced person |
DPA | danger pay allowance |
DPAA | Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting Agency |
DPAS | Defense Priorities and Allocation System |
DPC | deception planning cell Defense Pricing and Contracting |
DPG | Defense Planning Guidance |
dpi | dots per inch |
DPI | desired point of impact |
DPIP | departing initial point |
DPM | dissemination program manager |
DPO | Defense Press Office; distribution process owner |
DPPDB | digital point positioning database |
DR | disaster relief |
DRL | Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DOS) |
DRO | departmental requirements officer |
DRP | digital reference point |
DRRS | Defense Readiness Reporting System |
DRRS-S | Defense Readiness Reporting System-Strategic |
DRS | detainee reporting system |
DRT | directed readiness table |
DS | direct support |
DSC | defensive space control; dual-status commander |
DSCA | Defense Security Cooperation Agency; defense support of civil authorities |
DSE | direct support element |
DSF | deployable specialized force; District Stability Framework (USAID) |
DSM | decision support matrix |
DSN | Defense Switched Network |
DSO | Defense Spectrum Organization (DISA) |
DSPD | defense support to public diplomacy |
DSR | defense strategy review |
DSRSG | Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General |
DSS/ALOC | direct support system/air line of communications |
DSSM | Defense Superior Service Medal |
DSSR | Department of State Standardized Regulation |
DST | decision support template; Defense Logistics Agency support team; district support team |
DTA | dynamic threat assessment |
DTD | Deployable Training Division |
DTED | digital terrain elevation data |
DTG | date-time group |
DTIRP | Defense Treaty Inspection Readiness Program |
DTL | deployable team leader |
DTM | directive-type memorandum |
DTO | drug trafficking organization |
DTPA | diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid |
DTR | Defense Transportation Regulation |
DTRA | Defense Threat Reduction Agency |
DTS | Defense Transportation System; Defense Travel System |
DTSA | Defense Technology Security Administration |
DURC | dual-use research of concern |
DVD | digital video disc |
DVIDS | Defense Video and Imagery Distribution System |
DWAS | Defense Working Capital Accounting System |
DWT | deadweight tonnage |
DZ | drop zone |
DZST | drop zone support team |
E | |
E | enhanced |
E3 | electromagnetic environmental effects |
EA | electromagnetic attack; executive agent |
EAC | emergency action committee |
EACA | electromagnetic attack control authority |
EAD | earliest arrival date |
EADRCC | Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre |
EADRU | Euro-Atlantic disaster response unit |
EADS | Eastern Air Defense Sector |
EAF | expeditionary airfield |
EAP | emergency action plan |
EAPC | Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council |
EBS | environmental baseline survey |
ECC | engineer coordination cell; evacuation control center |
ECHO | European Commission Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection |
ECM | electromagnetic countermeasures; electronic countermeasures |
ECOSOC | Economic and Social Council (UN) |
ECS | environmental condition study; expeditionary combat support |
EDA | excess defense articles |
EDI | electronic data interchange |
EDTA | ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid |
EEE | emergency and extraordinary expense |
EEI | essential element of information |
EEO | equal employment opportunity |
EER | enlisted employee review |
EEZ | exclusive economic zone |
EFT | electronic funds transfer |
eGPL | Enhanced Geospatial Product Library (USAF) |
EH | explosive hazard |
EHCC | explosive hazards coordination cell |
EHDB | explosive hazard database |
EHSA | environmental health site assessment |
EJPME | enlisted joint professional military education |
EL | enduring location |
ELCAS | elevated causeway system |
ELCAS(M) | elevated causeway system (modular) |
ELINT | electronic intelligence |
ELIST | enhanced logistics intratheater support tool |
ELML | enduring location master list |
ELOS | extended line-of-sight |
ELT | emergency locator transmitter |
EM | electromagnetic; emergency management |
EMAC | emergency management assistance compact |
EMBM | electromagnetic battle management |
EMC | electromagnetic compatibility |
EMCON | emission control |
EMD | expeditionary military information support detachment |
EME | electromagnetic environment |
EMEDS | expeditionary medical support |
EMF | expeditionary medical facility |
EMI | electromagnetic interference |
EMIO | expanded maritime interception operations |
EMP | electromagnetic pulse |
EMRE | Expeditionary Medicine Requirements Estimator |
EMS | electromagnetic spectrum |
EMSCA | electromagnetic spectrum coordinating authority |
EMSO | electromagnetic spectrum operations |
EMSOC | electromagnetic spectrum operations cell (USMC) |
EMT | expeditionary military information support team |
EMU | expeditionary medical unit |
engineering response team | |
EO | electro-optical; executive order |
EOB | electromagnetic order of battle |
EOC | emergency operations center |
EOCA | explosive ordnance clearance agent |
EOD | explosive ordnance disposal |
EODB | explosive ordnance disposal bulletin |
EODESU | explosive ordnance disposal expeditionary support unit |
EODGRU | explosive ordnance disposal group (USN) |
EODIMS | Explosive Ordnance Disposal Information Management System |
EODMU | explosive ordnance disposal mobile unit |
EODMU-1 | explosive ordnance disposal mobile unit one |
EODT&T | explosive ordnance disposal technology and training |
EODTEU | explosive ordnance disposal training and evaluation unit |
EODTIC | Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technical Information Centre (NATO) |
EO-IR | electro-optical-infrared |
EO-IR CM | electro-optical-infrared countermeasure |
EP | electromagnetic protection; emergency preparedness; excess property |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency; evasion plan of action |
EPBS | expeditionary prime base engineer emergency force squadron |
EPF | expeditionary fast transport |
EPH | emergency planning handbook |
EPIC | El Paso Intelligence Center |
EPIRB | emergency position-indicating radio beacon |
EPLO | emergency preparedness liaison officer |
EPU | expeditionary port unit |
EPW | enemy prisoner of war |
ERC | en route care; expeditionary railway center |
ERDC | Engineer Research and Development Center |
ERG | Emergency Response Guidebook |
ERIMP | En Route Infrastructure Master Plan (USTRANSCOM) |
ERPSS | En Route Patient Staging System |
ERSG | executive representative of the Secretary-General |
ERT | engineer reconnaissance team |
ERU | emergency response unit |
ERW | explosive remnants of war |
ES | electromagnetic support; expeditionary salvage |
ESB | engineer support battalion; expeditionary sea base |
ESC | expeditionary sustainment command |
ESCS | environmental site closure survey |
ESD | expeditionary transfer dock |
ESEO | environmental science and engineering officer |
ESF | Economic Support Fund; emergency support function |
ESG | executive steering group; expeditionary strike group |
ESGR | Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve |
ESO | Expeditionary Support Organization (DFAS) |
ESORTS | Enhanced Status of Resources and Training System |
ESP | engineer support plan; Estimating Supplies Program |
ESR | external supported recovery |
EST | embarked security team |
ET | electronics technician |
ETF | electronic target folder |
ETM | essential tasks matrix |
ETO | Emergency Transportation Operations (DOT) |
EU | European Union |
Europol | European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation |
EUSCS | effective United States-controlled ships |
EV WHS | Enhanced View Web Hosting Service |
EVC | evasion chart |
EVE | equal value exchange |
EW | electromagnetic warfare |
EWC | electronic warfare cell |
EWCA | electronic warfare control authority |
EWCC | electromagnetic warfare coordination cell |
EWO | electromagnetic warfare officer |
EXORD | execute order |
EXU-1 | Expeditionary Exploitation Unit One |
EZ | exchange zone |
F | |
F/AD | force/activity designator |
F2T2EA | find, fix, track, target, engage, and assess |
F3EAD | find, fix, finish, exploit, analyze, and disseminate |
FA | field artillery |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration (DOT); Foreign Assistance Act |
FAC | forward air controller |
FAC(A) | forward air controller (airborne) |
FACT | field advance civilian team; field assessment and coordination team |
FAD | forward area detachment |
FADM | force allocation decision matrix |
FAH | final attack heading; foreign affairs handbook |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization (UN) |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Regulation; formal assessment report |
FARC | flyaway recompression chamber |
FARP | forward arming and refueling point |
FAS | Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA) |
FAST | fleet antiterrorism security team |
FB | forward boundary |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation (DOJ) |
FC | final coordination; fires cell (USA); floating causeway |
FCA | Foreign Claims Act |
FCC | federal coordinating center |
FCE | forward command element |
FCO | federal coordinating officer |
FCP | functional campaign plan |
FCP-CWMD | Functional Campaign Plan for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction |
FCT | firepower control team |
FD | first draft; from temporary duty (USMC) |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration (DHHS) |
FDC | fire direction center |
FDO | flexible deterrent option; foreign disclosure officer |
FDPMU | forward-deployable preventive medicine unit |
FDR | foreign disaster relief |
FE | fires element |
FEA | front-end analysis |
FEBA | forward edge of the battle area |
FEC | facilities engineering command; fires and effects coordinator |
FECC | fires and effects coordination center (USMC) |
FEI | forensic-enabled intelligence |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS) |
FEP | foreign excess property |
FEPP | foreign excess personal property |
FES | fire emergency services |
FEST | foreign emergency support team |
FEZ | fighter engagement zone |
FFA | free-fire area |
FFC | force fires coordinator |
FFCC | force fires coordination center (USMC) |
FFE | field force engineeringt |
FFIR | friendly force information requirement |
FFP | fresh frozen plasma; Office of Food for Peace (USAID) |
FFT | friendly force tracking |
FGS | final governing standard; Force Generation Service (UN) |
FHA | foreign humanitarian assistance |
FHP | force health protection |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration (DOT) |
FID | foreign internal defense |
FIE | foreign intelligence entity |
FIOP | federal interagency operational plan |
FISINT | foreign instrumentation signals intelligence |
FIST | fire support team (USA); fleet intelligence support team |
FLIR | forward-looking infrared |
FLITE | federal legal information through electronics |
FLN | Front de Libération Nationale |
FLO/FLO | float-on/float-off |
FLOT | forward line of own troops |
FM | field manual (USA); financial management; frequency management; frequency modulation |
FMA | foreign materiel acquisition |
FMF | Fleet Marine Force (USN); foreign military financing |
FMS | foreign military sales |
FMTS | Fourth Estate Manpower Tracking System |
FMV | full-motion video |
FN | foreign nation |
FOB | forward operating base |
FORCE | fuels operational readiness capability equipment (USAF) |
FORSCOM | United States Army Forces Command |
FOS | forward observer system; forward operating site |
FOUO | for official use only |
FOV | field of view |
FP | firing point; force protection; force provider |
FPCON | force protection condition |
FPD | force protection detachment; foreign post differential |
FPE | force provider expeditionary (USA) |
FPF | final protective fire |
FPO | fleet post office |
FPS | Federal Protective Service (DHS) |
FPWG | force protection working group |
FRA | Federal Railroad Administration (DOT) |
FRAGORD | fragmentary order |
FRC | forward resuscitative care |
FRO | flexible response option |
FSA | fire support area |
FSC | fire support coordinator (USMC) |
FSCC | fire support coordination center (USMC) |
FSCL | fire support coordination line |
FSCM | fire support coordination measure |
FSCOORD | fire support coordinator (USA) |
FSEM | fire support execution matrix |
FSF | foreign security forces |
FSO | fire support officer |
FSP | functional support plan |
FSS | fast sealift ship; fire support station |
FSSP | fuel system supply point |
FST | fire support task |
FSW | feet of seawater |
ft | feet; foot |
FTM | free text message |
FTN | force tracking number |
FTO | foreign terrorist organization |
FW | fixed-wing |
FWA | fraud, waste, and abuse |
FWRA | food and water risk assessment |
FXL | forensic exploitation laboratory |
FY | fiscal year |
FY1 | current fiscal year |
FY2 | budget year |
FY3 | program year |
FY4 | out year |
FY5 | out year |
FYDP | Future Years Defense Program |
G | |
G-1 | Army component manpower or personnel staff officer (Army division or higher staff); assistant chief of staff, personnel/personnel staff section (USMC) |
G-2 | Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence; Army component intelligence staff officer (Army division or higher staff); assistant chief of staff, intelligence/intelligence staff section (USMC) |
G-2X | Army counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element |
G-3 | Army or Marine Corps component operations staff officer (Army division or higher staff, Marine Corps brigade or higher staff); assistant chief of staff, operations |
G-4 | Army or Marine Corps component logistics staff officer (Army division or higher staff, Marine Corps brigade or higher staff); assistant chief of staff, logistics/logistics staff section (USMC) |
G-5 | assistant chief of staff, plans (USA); assistant chief of staff, plans/plans staff section (USMC) |
G-6 | Army component command, control, communications, and computer systems staff officer (Army division or higher staff); assistant chief of staff, communications/communications system staff section (USMC) |
G-7 | Army component information operations staff officer; assistant chief of staff, information engagement/information operations staff section (USMC) |
GA | tabun |
GABA | gamma-aminobutyric acid |
GAFS | General Accounting and Finance System |
GAMSS | Global Air Mobility Support System |
GAO | Government Accountability Office |
GAP CITE | Global Adaptive Planning Collaborative Information Technology Environment |
GARS | Global Area Reference System |
GAT | governmental assistance team |
GATES | Global Air Transportation Execution System |
GB | sarin |
GBS | Global Broadcast Service |
GC | general counsel; Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War |
GCCC | global contingency construction contract |
GCCMAC | Global Contingency Construction Multiple Award Contract (USN) |
GCCS | Global Command and Control System |
GCCS-A | Global Command and Control System-Army |
GCCS-I3 | Global Command and Control System-Integrated Imagery and Intelligence |
GCCS-J | Global Command and Control System-Joint |
GCE | ground combat element (USMC) |
GCI | ground control intercept |
GCM | global container manager |
GC-MS | gas chromatography-mass spectrometry |
GCP | global campaign plan |
GCSC | global contingency service contract |
GCSMAC | Global Contingency Services Multiple Award Contract (USN) |
GCSS | Global Command Support System |
GCSS-J | Global Combat Support System-Joint |
GD | soman |
GDP | global defense posture |
GDSS | Global Decision Support System |
GE | general engineering |
GENTEXT | general text |
GEO | geosynchronous Earth orbit |
GEOINT | geospatial intelligence |
GEOREF | geographic reference |
GETM | Geospatially Enabled Target Materials (NGA) |
GETS | Geospatial Intelligence Enterprise Tasking, Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination Services |
GFE | government-furnished equipment |
GFM | global force management |
GFMAP | Global Force Management Allocation Plan |
GFMB | Global Force Management Board |
GFMIG | Global Force Management Implementation Guidance |
GFP | government-furnished property |
GI&S | geospatial information and services |
GIBCO | geospatial-intelligence base for contingency operations |
GICNT | Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism |
GIF | global integration framework |
GIMS | Geospatial Intelligence Information Management Services |
GIS | geographic information system |
GL | government-leased |
GLD | ground liaison detachment |
GLINT | gated laser intensifier |
GLO | ground liaison officer |
GLOC | ground line of communications |
GLONASS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
GLTD | ground laser target designator |
GMD | ground-based midcourse defense |
GME | global mobility enterprise |
GMI | general military intelligence |
GMLRS | Global Positioning System Multiple Launch Rocket System |
GMSC | Global Mission Support Center (USSOCOM) |
GNSS | global navigation satellite system |
GNZ | Geospatial Intelligence New Zealand |
GO | government-owned |
GO/FO | general officer/flag officer |
GPC | geospatial planning cell; government purchase card |
GPE | geospatial intelligence preparation of the environment |
GPEC | Global Posture Executive Council |
GPM | gallons per minute; global pallet manager |
GPMRC | Global Patient Movement Requirements Center |
GPOI | Global Peace Operations Initiative |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPW | Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War |
GRG | gridded reference graphic |
GROOVE | Geospatial Requirements One-Stop Visualization Environment |
GS | general service; general support |
GSA | General Services Administration |
GSORTS | Global Status of Resources and Training System |
GSR | ground surveillance radar |
GTAS | ground-to-air signals |
GTL | gun-target line |
GTM | global transportation management |
G-TSCMIS | Global Theater Security Cooperation Management Information System |
GWS | Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field |
GWS Sea | Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick, and Shipwrecked Members of the Armed Forces at Sea |
H | |
HA | holding area; humanitarian assistance |
HAC | human intelligence analysis cell |
HACC | humanitarian assistance coordination center |
HAP | humanitarian assistance program |
HAST | humanitarian assistance survey team |
HC | humanitarian coordinator |
HCA | head of a contracting activity; humanitarian and civic assistance |
HCCC | harbormaster command and control center |
HCR | human intelligence collection requirement |
HD | homeland defense |
HDC | harbor defense commander; helicopter direction center |
HDM | Humanitarian Assistance, Disaster Relief, and Mine Action (DSCA); humanitarian demining |
HDR | humanitarian daily ration |
HDTC | Humanitarian Demining Training Center |
HE | high explosives |
HEMP | high-altitude electromagnetic pulse |
HEO | highly elliptical orbit |
HERF | hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuels |
HERO | hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance |
HERP | hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel |
HEVR | high-explosive violent reaction |
HEWSweb | Humanitarian Early Warning Service |
HF | high frequency |
HFP | hostile fire pay |
HHQ | higher headquarters |
HHR | hand-held radio |
HIDACZ | high-density airspace control zone |
HIFLD | homeland infrastructure foundation-level data |
HIMARS | High Mobility Artillery Rocket System |
HIMEZ | high-altitude missile engagement zone |
HIU | Humanitarian Information Unit (DOS) |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus |
HMA | humanitarian mine action |
HMCS | helmet-mounted cueing system |
HMIRS | Hazardous Material Information Resource System |
HN | host nation |
HNA | host-nation agreement |
HNC | host-nation coordination |
HNCC | host nation coordination center |
HNS | host-nation support |
HNSCC | host-nation support coordination cell |
HNSF | host-nation security forces |
HOB | height of burst |
HOC | human intelligence operations cell; humanitarian operations center |
HOD | head of delegation |
HOM | head of mission |
HPT | high-payoff target |
HQ | headquarters |
HQCOMDT | headquarters commandant |
HQMC | Headquarters, United States Marine Corps |
HR | helicopter request; hostage rescue |
HRB | high-risk billet |
HRC | high-risk-of-capture |
HRF | homeland response force |
HRI | high risk of isolation |
HRP | high-risk personnel |
HRT | health response team |
HS | homeland security |
HSC | Homeland Security Council |
HSI | hyperspectral imagery; Office of Homeland Security Investigations (DHS) |
HSIN | Homeland Security Information Network (DHS) |
HSM | humanitarian service medal |
HSPD | homeland security Presidential directive |
HSS | health service support |
HST | high-speed transport |
HSV | high-speed vessel |
HTH | high-test hypochlorite |
HUD | Department of Housing and Urban Development |
HUMINT | human intelligence |
HVA | high-value asset |
HVAA | high-value airborne asset |
HVCDS | high-velocity container delivery system |
HVE | homegrown violent extremist |
HVT | high-value target |
HW | health and welfare |
HW | hazardous waste |
I | |
I | interservice (USAF) |
I&A | Office of Intelligence and Analysis (DHS) |
I/T | interpreter and translator |
I2 | identity intelligence |
I2SP | identity intelligence support packet |
I2WD | Intelligence and Information Warfare Directorate (USA) |
IA | individual augmentee; information assurance |
IAA | incident awareness and assessment |
IADS | integrated air defense system |
IAM | inertially aided munition |
IAMD | integrated air and missile defense |
IAMSAR | International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue |
IAP | incident action plan; integrated assessment and planning |
IAPP | Interagency Partnership Program |
IAS | International Assistance System |
IASC | Inter-Agency Standing Committee (UN) |
IAW | in accordance with |
IBCT | infantry brigade combat team |
IBET | integrated border enforcement team |
IBS | Integrated Booking System; integrated broadcast service |
IC | incident commander; intelligence community |
ICAF | Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework (DOS) |
ICAM | improved chemical agent monitor |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICBM | intercontinental ballistic missile |
ICBRN-R | international chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear response |
ICC | Intelligence Coordination Center (USCG); International Criminal Court |
ICD | intelligence community directive |
ICDS | improved container delivery system |
ICE | Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS) |
ICF | intelligence contingency funds |
ICIS | integrated consumable item support |
ICITAP | International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (DOJ) |
ICJ | International Court of Justice |
ICM | image city map |
ICODES | Integrated Computerized Deployment System |
ICP | integrated contingency plan; intertheater communications security package; inventory control point |
ICPO-INTERPOL | International Criminal Police Organization-International |
ICRC | International Committee of the Red Cross |
ICS | incident command system; integrated country strategy; intelligence community standard; interim contractor support |
ICU | intensive care unit |
ICVA | International Council of Voluntary Agencies |
ICW | in coordination with |
ID | identification; identifier; initiating directive |
IDAD | internal defense and development |
IDENT | Automated Biometric Identification System (DHS) |
IDF | indirect fire |
IDL | initialization data load; integrated distribution lane |
IDP | imagery derived product; imminent danger pay; internally displaced person |
IDSRS | Integrated Defense Source Registration System |
IED | improvised explosive device |
IEM | installation emergency management |
IER | information exchange requirement |
IFF | identification, friend or foe |
IFO | integrated financial operations; intermediate fuel oil |
IFRC | International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies |
IG | inspector general |
IGC | Integrated Data Environment/Global Transportation Network Convergence |
IGL | intelligence gain/loss |
IHS | international health specialist |
IIP | Bureau of International Information Programs (DOS); interagency implementation plan |
IIR | intelligence information report |
IJSTO | integrated joint special technical operations |
ILAB | Bureau of International Labor Affairs (DOL) |
ILOC | integrated line of communications |
IM | information management; intermediate module |
IMA | individual mobilization augmentee |
IMAAC | Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center |
IMAT | incident management assistance team |
IMDG | international maritime dangerous goods (UN) |
IMET | international military education and training |
IMINT | imagery intelligence |
IMM | integrated materiel management |
IMO | information management officer; International Maritime Organization |
IMP | information management plan; inventory management plan |
IMT | incident management team |
INCLE | International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (DOS) |
IND | improvised nuclear device |
INFLTREP | inflight report |
INL | Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (DOS) |
INLS | improved Navy lighterage system |
INR | Bureau of Intelligence and Research (DOS) |
INS | inertial navigation system |
INSARAG | International Search and Rescue Advisory Group |
INSCOM | United States Army Intelligence and Security Command |
InterAction | American Council for Voluntary International Action |
IO | information operations |
IOCB | information operations coordination board |
IOII | information operations intelligence integration |
IOM | International Organization for Migration |
IOSS | Interagency Operations Security Support Staff |
IOWG | information operations working group |
IP | initial point; integrated policy (USAF); intelligence planning; Internet protocol |
IPB | intelligence preparation of the battlespace |
IPC | interagency planning cell; interagency policy committee |
IPDP | inland petroleum distribution plan |
IPDS | inland petroleum distribution system (USA) |
IPE | individual protective equipment; integrated planning element |
IPG | isolated personnel guidance |
IPI | indigenous populations and institutions |
IPR | in-progress review |
IPT | intelligence planning team |
IR | information requirement; infrared; intelligence requirement |
IRA | Provisional Irish Republican Army |
IRBM | intermediate-range ballistic missile |
IRC | information-related capability; Internet relay chat |
IROM | infrared operations manager |
IRR | Individual Ready Reserve |
IRTPA | Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act |
IS | information system |
ISA | individual Service augmentee; international standardization agreement |
ISAF | International Security Assistance Force |
ISB | intermediate staging base |
ISDDC | Integrated Mission Support for Surface Deployment and Distribution Cargo |
ISE | information sharing environment |
ISG | isolated Soldier guidance |
ISIL | Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant |
ISIR | identify, separate, influence, and renunciation |
ISN | Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (DOS); internment serial number |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ISOPAK | International Organization for Standardization package |
ISOPREP | isolated personnel report |
ISP | Internet service provider |
ISPR | intelligence support to personnel recovery |
ISR | intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance |
ISRD | intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance division |
ISRLO | intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance liaison officer (USAF) |
IT | information system technician; information technology |
ITA | International Trade Administration (DOC) |
ITF | integrated task force; intelligence task force (DIA) |
ITO | installation transportation officer |
ITU | International Telecommunications Union |
ITV | in-transit visibility |
ITW/AA | integrated tactical warning and attack assessment |
IVA | intermediate volatility agent |
IW | irregular warfare |
IWC | information operations warfare commander |
IWG | intelligence working group |
IWW | inland waterway |
IWWS | inland waterway system |
J | |
J-1 | manpower and personnel directorate of a joint staff |
J-2 | intelligence directorate of a joint staff |
J-2E | joint force exploitation staff element |
J-2X | joint force counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element |
J-3 | operations directorate of a joint staff |
J-31 | Joint Force Coordinator (Joint Staff) |
J-35 | future operations cell |
J-39 DDGO | Joint Staff, Deputy Director for Global Operations |
J-4 | logistics directorate of a joint staff |
J-5 | plans directorate of a joint staff |
J-6 | communications system directorate of a joint staff |
J-7 | engineering staff section of a joint staff; operational plans and interoperability directorate of a joint staff; training and education directorate of a joint staff; training directorate of a joint staff |
J-8 | force structure, resource, and assessment directorate of a joint staff; resource management and financial support directorate of a joint staff |
J-9 | civil-military operations/interagency cooperation directorate of a joint staff; civil-military operations directorate/interagency operations directorate of a joint staff; civil-military operations directorate of a joint staff |
JA | judge advocate |
JA/ATT | joint airborne and air transportability training |
JAARS | Joint After-Action Reporting System |
JAC | joint analysis center |
JACCE | joint air component coordination element |
JACE | joint air coordination element |
JACS | joint automated communication-electronics operating instructions system |
JADOC | Joint Air Defense Operations Center (NORAD) |
JADOCS | Joint Automated Deep Operations Coordination System |
JAG | judge advocate general |
JAGIC | joint air-ground integration center |
JAMMS | Joint Asset Movement Management System |
JAOC | joint air operations center |
JAOP | joint air operations plan |
JARN | joint air request net |
JASSM | joint air-to-surface standoff missile |
JAT | joint assessment team |
JBPO | joint blood program office |
JCA | joint capability area |
JCASO | Joint Contingency Acquisition Support Office (DLA) |
JCC | joint collaboration cell; joint contracting center; joint cyberspace center |
JCCA | joint combat capability assessment |
JCCC | Joint Combat Camera Center; joint communications control center |
JCCSE | Joint Continental United States Communications Support Environment |
JCEOI | joint communications-electronics operating instructions |
JCET | joint combined exchange training |
JCEWR | joint coordination of electromagnetic warfare reprogramming |
JCEWS | joint force commander’s electronic warfare staff |
JCISA | Joint Command Information Systems Activity |
JCIU | joint counterintelligence unit |
JCM | Joint Container Management |
JCMA | joint communications security monitoring activity |
JCMB | joint collection management board |
JCMEB | joint civil-military engineering board |
JCMEC | joint captured materiel exploitation center; Joint Captured Materiel Exploitation Center (DIA) |
JCMO | joint communications security management office |
JCMOTF | joint civil-military operations task force |
JCMS | Joint Construction Management System |
JCN | joint communications network; joint communications node |
JCRM | Joint Capabilities Requirements Manager |
JCS | Joint Chiefs of Staff |
JCSB | joint contracting support board |
JCSE | joint communications support element; Joint Communications Support Element (USTRANSCOM) |
JDAB | Joint Doctrine Analysis Branch |
JDAM | Joint Direct Attack Munition |
JDAT | joint deployable analysis team |
JDB | Joint Doctrine Branch |
JDD | joint doctrine distribution |
JDDAS | Joint Doctrine Development and Assessment Schedule |
JDDC | Joint Deployment and Distribution Coordinator (USTRANSCOM); joint doctrine development community |
JDDE | joint deployment and distribution enterprise |
JDDOC | joint deployment and distribution operations center |
JDDT | Joint Doctrine Development Tool |
JDEC | joint document exploitation center |
JDEIS | Joint Doctrine, Education, and Training Electronic Information System |
JDET | joint distribution enabling team |
JDIGS | Joint Digital Information Gathering System |
JDISS | joint deployable intelligence support system |
JDN | joint data network; joint doctrine note |
JDNC | joint data network operations cell |
JDNO | joint data network operations officer |
JDOMS | Joint Director of Military Support |
JDPC | Joint Doctrine Planning Conference |
JDPI | joint desired point of impact |
JDPO | joint deployment process owner |
JDTC | Joint Deployment Training Center |
JECC | Joint Enabling Capabilities Command (USTRANSCOM) |
JED | Joint Education and Doctrine |
JEDD | Joint Education and Doctrine Division |
JEFF | Joint Expeditionary Forensic Facility (USA) |
JEL | Joint Electronic Library |
JEL+ | Joint Electronic Library Plus |
JEMB | joint environmental management board |
JEMSO | joint electromagnetic spectrum operations |
JEMSOC | joint electromagnetic spectrum operations cell |
JENM | joint enterprise network manager |
JEODOC | joint explosives ordnance disposal operations center |
JEODTF | joint explosives ordnance disposal task force |
JEP | Joint Exercise Program |
JEPAC | Joint Electromagnetic Preparedness for Advanced Combat (USSTRATCOM) |
JEPES | Joint Engineer Planning and Execution System |
JET | joint expeditionary team; Joint Operation Planning and Execution System editing tool |
JETS | joint equipment, tactical, and space |
JEWC | Joint Electromagnetic Warfare Center (USSTRATCOM) |
JEWCS | joint electronic warfare core staff (NATO) |
JEZ | joint engagement zone |
JFACC | joint force air component commander |
JFAST | Joint Flow and Analysis System for Transportation |
JFC | joint force commander |
JFCC | joint functional component command |
JFCC NW | Joint Functional Component Command for Network Warfare |
JFCC Space | Joint Functional Component Command for Space (USSTRATCOM) |
JFCC-GS | Joint Functional Component Command for Global Strike |
JFCC-IMD | Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense |
JFCC-ISR | Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (USSTRATCOM) |
JFCH | joint force chaplain |
JFE | joint fires element |
JFHQ | joint force headquarters |
JFHQ-C | joint force headquarters-cyberspace |
JFHQ-DODIN | Joint Force Headquarters-Department of Defense Information Network (USCYBERCOM) |
JFHQ-NCR | Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region |
JFHQ-State | joint force headquarters-state |
JFLCC | joint force land component commander |
JFM | joint functional manager |
JFMC | joint fleet mail center |
JFMCC | joint force maritime component commander |
JFMO | joint frequency management office |
JFO | joint field office; joint fires observer |
JFP | joint force provider; Joint Frequency Panel (MCEB) |
JFRG II | joint force requirements generator II |
JFRR | Joint Force Readiness Review |
JFS | joint force surgeon |
JFSA | Joint Force Sufficiency Assessment |
JFSCC | Joint Force Space Component Commander (USSTRATCOM) |
JFSOCC | joint force special operations component commander |
JFTR | joint Federal travel regulations |
JFUB | joint facilities utilization board |
JG | joint guide |
JGWE | joint global warning enterprise |
JHNS | Joint Hometown News Service |
JHSV | joint high-speed vessel |
JIA | joint individual augmentation; joint individual augmentee |
JIACG | joint interagency coordination group |
JIATF | joint interagency task force |
JIATF-S | Joint Interagency Task Force-South |
JIATF-W | Joint Interagency Task Force-West |
JIC | joint information center |
JICC | joint interface control cell |
JICO | joint interface control officer |
JIDC | joint interrogation and debriefing center |
JIDO | Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (DTRA) |
JIEE | Joint Information Exchange Environment |
JIEP | joint intelligence estimate for planning |
JIMB | joint information management board |
JIMPP | joint industrial mobilization planning process |
JIO | joint interrogation operations |
JIOC | joint intelligence operations center |
JIOCPAC | Joint Intelligence Operations Center, Pacific |
JIOC-SOUTH | Joint Intelligence Operations Center, South |
JIOC-TRANS | Joint Intelligence Operations Center–Transportation |
JIOWC | Joint Information Operations Warfare Center |
JIPCL | joint integrated prioritized collection list |
JIPOE | joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment |
JIPTL | joint integrated prioritized target list |
JIS | joint information system |
JISE | joint intelligence support element |
JIVU | Joint Intelligence Virtual University |
JKnIFE | Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization Knowledge and Information Fusion Exchange |
JLB | joint logistics board |
JLCC | joint lighterage control center; joint logistics coordination center |
JLE | joint logistics environment |
JLEnt | joint logistics enterprise |
JLLIS | Joint Lessons Learned Information System |
JLLP | Joint Lessons Learned Program |
JLOA | joint logistics over-the-shore operation area |
JLOC | joint logistics operations center |
JLOP | joint land operations plan |
JLOTS | joint logistics over-the-shore |
JLRC | joint logistics readiness center |
JLSB | joint line of communications security board |
JLSE | joint legal support element |
JLSG | joint logistic support group |
JMAA | joint mission assurance assessment |
JMAC | Joint Mortuary Affairs Center (USA) |
JMAO | joint mortuary affairs office |
JMAR | joint medical asset repository |
JMAT | joint medical analysis tool |
JMC | joint movement center |
JMCG | joint movement control group |
JMD | joint manning document |
JMEEL | joint mission-essential equipment list |
JMEM | Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual |
JMET | joint mission-essential task |
JMETL | joint mission-essential task list |
JMIC | joint modular intermodal container |
JMICS | Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System mobile integrated communications system |
JMIE | joint maritime information element |
JMIP | joint military intelligence program |
JMISTF | joint military information support task force |
JMITC | Joint Military Intelligence Training Center |
JMMT | joint military mail terminal |
JMO | joint maritime operations; joint meteorological and oceanographic officer; joint munitions office |
JMOC | joint medical operations center |
JMP | joint manpower program |
JMPA | joint military postal activity |
JMPAB | Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board |
JMPS | Joint Mission Planning System |
JMPT | Joint Medical Planning Tool |
JMRR | Joint Monthly Readiness Review |
JMTCA | joint munitions transportation coordinating activity |
JMUA | Joint Meritorious Unit Award |
JMWG | joint medical working group |
JNCC | joint network operations control center |
JNMS | joint network management system |
JNSC | Joint Navigation Warfare Center Navigation Warfare Support Cell |
JNWC | Joint Navigation Warfare Center |
JOA | joint operations area |
JOAF | joint operations area forecast |
JOC | joint operations center |
JOCC | joint operations command center |
JOERAD | joint spectrum center ordnance electromagnetic environmental effects risk assessment database |
JOG | joint operations graphic |
JOPC | Joint Overhead Persistent Infrared Center |
JOPES | Joint Operation Planning and Execution System |
JOPG | joint operations planning group |
JOPPA | joint operation planning process for air |
JOSE | Joint Operations Security Support Element (Joint Staff) |
JOTC | joint operations tasking center |
JP | joint publication |
JP4 | jet propulsion fuel, type 4 |
JP5 | jet propulsion fuel, type 5 |
JP8 | jet propulsion fuel, type 8 |
JPAC | joint planning augmentation cell; Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command |
JPADS | joint precision airdrop system |
JPAG | Joint Planning Advisory Group |
JPARR | joint personnel accountability reconciliation and reporting |
JPASE | joint public affairs support element; Joint Public Affairs Support Element (USTRANSCOM) |
JPAT | joint planning and advisory team |
JPC | joint postal cell |
JPEC | joint planning and execution community |
JPED | joint personal effects depot |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group |
JPERSTAT | joint personnel status and casualty report |
JPG | joint planning group |
JPME | joint professional military education |
JPMRC | joint patient movement requirements center |
JPN | joint planning network |
JPO | joint petroleum office; Joint Program Office |
JPOC | joint personnel operations center; joint planning orientation course |
JPP | joint planning process |
JPPA | joint planning process for air |
JPPC | joint personnel processing center |
JPRA | Joint Personnel Recovery Agency |
JPRC | joint personnel recovery center |
JPSE | Joint Planning Support Element (USTRANSCOM) |
JPTTA | joint personnel training and tracking activity |
JRC | joint reconnaissance center |
JRCC | joint reception coordination center |
JRERP | Joint Radiological Emergency Response Plan |
JRFL | joint restricted frequency list |
JRIC | joint reserve intelligence center |
JRIP | Joint Reserve Intelligence Program |
JROC | Joint Requirements Oversight Council |
JRRB | joint requirements review board |
JRS | joint reporting structure |
JRSOI | joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration |
JRTC | joint readiness training center |
JS | Joint Staff |
JSA | joint security area |
JSAM | Joint Service Achievement Medal |
JSAP | Joint Staff action processing |
JSC | joint security coordinator; Joint Spectrum Center (DISA) |
JSCC | joint security coordination center |
JSCM | Joint Service Commendation Medal |
JSDS | Joint Staff doctrine sponsor |
JSETS | Joint Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking Electronic Tracking System |
JSF | joint support force |
JSHO | joint shipboard helicopter operations |
JSIR | joint spectrum interference resolution |
JSME | joint spectrum management element |
JSO | joint security operations |
JSOA | joint special operations area |
JSOAC | joint special operations air component; joint special operations aviation component |
JSOACC | joint special operations air component commander |
JSOC | joint special operations command |
JSOTF | joint special operations task force |
JSOU | Joint Special Operations University |
JSPA | joint satellite communications panel administrator |
JSPOC | Joint Space Operations Center |
JSPS | Joint Strategic Planning System |
JSR | joint strategy review |
JSTARS | Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System |
JSTO | joint space tasking order |
JT&E | joint test and evaluation |
JTA | joint technical architecture |
JTAC | joint terminal attack controller |
JTAIC | Joint Technical Analysis and Integration Cell (USA) |
JTAR | joint tactical air strike request |
JTB | Joint Transportation Board |
JTCB | joint targeting coordination board |
JTCC | joint transportation coordination center |
JTCG/ME | Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Munitions Effectiveness |
JTCOIC | Joint Training Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Operations Integration Center |
JTD | joint table of distribution |
JTF | joint task force |
JTF-AK | Joint Task Force-Alaska |
JTFCEM | joint task force contingency engineering management |
JTF-CM | joint task force - consequence management |
JTF-CS | Joint Task Force-Civil Support |
JTF-E | Joint Task Force-East (DHS); joint task force-elimination |
JTF-GNO | Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations |
JTF-HD | Joint Task Force-Homeland Defense |
JTF-I | Joint Task Force-Investigations (DHS) |
JTF-MAO | joint task force - mortuary affairs office |
JTF-N | Joint Task Force-North |
JTF-PO | joint task force-port opening |
JTF-SD | Joint Task Force-Space Defense (USSPACECOM) |
JTF-State | joint task force-state |
JTF-W | Joint Task Force-West (DHS) |
JTIDS | Joint Tactical Information Distribution System |
JTL | joint target list |
JTLM | joint theater logistics management |
JTMD | joint table of mobilization and distribution; Joint Terminology Master Database |
JTMS | joint theater movement staff; joint training master schedule |
JTP | joint test publication; joint training plan |
JTR | Joint Travel Regulations |
JTS | Joint Training System |
JTSCC | joint theater support contracting command |
JTTF | joint terrorism task force |
JTWG | joint targeting working group |
JU | Joint Tactical Information Distribution System unit |
JUH-MTF | Joint User Handbook-Message Text Formats |
JUIC | joint unit identification code |
JUO | joint urban operation |
JUON | joint urgent operational need |
JVB | joint visitors bureau |
JWAC | Joint Warfare Analysis Center |
JWG | joint working group |
JWICS | Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System |
K | |
k | thousand |
Ka | Kurtz-above band |
kbps | kilobits per second |
kg | kilogram(s) |
K-Kill | catastrophic kill |
KLE | key leader engagement |
km | kilometer |
kph | kilometers per hour |
KQ ID | tactical location identifier |
KS | knowledge sharing |
kt | kiloton(s); knot (nautical miles per hour) |
Ku | Kurtz-under band |
kW | kilowatt |
L | |
LA | lead agent; legal adviser |
LAD | latest arrival date; launch area denied |
LAN | local area network |
LARC | lighter, amphibious resupply, cargo |
LARC-V | lighter, amphibious resupply, cargo, 5 ton |
LASH | lighter aboard ship |
LAV | light armored vehicle |
lb | pound |
lbs. | pounds |
LC | legal counsel |
LCAC | landing craft, air cushion |
LCADS | low-cost aerial delivery system |
LCC | amphibious command ship; land component commander; lighterage control center |
LCE | logistics combat element (USMC) |
LCM | landing craft, mechanized; letter-class mail; life-cycle management |
LCO | landing craft air cushion control officer |
LCP | lighterage control point |
LCS | landing craft air cushion control ship |
LCU | landing craft, utility |
LD | light damage; line of departure |
LDA | limited depository account |
LDF | local defense force |
LDO | laser designator operator |
LDR | low data rate |
LE | law enforcement; low-order explosives |
LEA | law enforcement agency |
LEC | lead environmental component |
LED | light emitting diode |
LEDET | law enforcement detachment (USCG) |
LEGAT | legal attaché |
LEIP | Law Enforcement Intelligence Program (USCG) |
LEMP | low-altitude electromagnetic pulse |
LEO | law enforcement operations; low Earth orbit |
LEP | law enforcement professional |
L-EWE | land-electronic warfare element |
LF | landing force |
LFA | lead federal agency |
LFOC | landing force operations center |
LFORM | landing force operational reserve material |
LFSP | landing force support party |
LG | deputy chief of staff for logistics |
LGB | laser-guided bomb |
LGM | laser-guided missile; loop group multiplexer |
LGW | laser-guided weapon |
LHA | amphibious assault ship (general purpose) |
LHD | amphibious assault ship (multipurpose) |
LIDAR | light detection and ranging |
LIMDIS | limited distribution |
LIPS | Logistics Information Processing System |
LJDAM | laser-guided joint direct attack munition |
LL | lessons learned |
LLLTV | low-light level television |
LLTR | low-level transit route |
LM | light maneuver |
LMARS | Logistics Metrics Analysis Reporting System |
LMSR | large, medium-speed roll-on/roll-off |
LN | lead nation; local national |
LNI | Library of National Intelligence |
LNO | liaison officer |
LO/LO | lift-on/lift-off |
LO/RO | lift-on/roll-off |
LOA | letter of assist; letter of authorization; letter of offer and acceptance; logistics over-the-shore operation area |
LOAC | law of armed conflict |
LOAL | lock-on after launch |
LOBL | lock-on before launch |
LOC | line of communications |
LOD | line of departure |
LOE | letter of evaluation; line of effort |
LOG | logistics |
LOGCAP | Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (USA) |
LOI | letter of instruction |
LOMEZ | low-altitude missile engagement zone |
LOO | line of operation |
LOR | launch on remote |
LOS | line of sight |
LOTS | logistics over-the-shore |
LOX | liquid oxygen |
LPD | amphibious transport dock; low probability of detection |
LPI | low probability of intercept |
LRC | logistics readiness center |
LRF | laser range finder |
LRN | Laboratory Response Network (DHHS) |
LRO | lighterage repair officer |
LRP | load and roll pallet |
LRST | long-range surveillance team |
LRT | logistics response time |
LSA | logistics support analysis; logistics supportability analysis |
LSC | lead Service for contracting |
LSCC | lead Service for contracting coordination |
LSD | dock landing ship |
LSS | laser spot search; logistics support system; low, slow, and small |
LSSS | logistics support, supplies, and services |
LST | laser spot tracker |
LSV | logistics support vessel |
LT | long ton |
LTD | laser target designator |
LTF | logistics task force |
LTIOV | latest time information is of value |
LTL | laser-to-target line |
LZ | landing zone |
M | |
M | million |
M&E | monitoring and evaluation |
m³ | cubic meter(s) |
MA | mission assurance; mortuary affairs |
MAA | mission assurance assessment |
MAAP | master air attack plan |
MAC | mobility assault company |
MACB | multinational acquisition and contracting board |
MACCS | Marine air command and control system |
MACG | Marine air control group |
MACP | mortuary affairs collection point |
MACRMS | mortuary affairs contaminated remains mitigation site |
MACS | Marine air control squadron |
MAF | mobility air forces |
MAG | Marine aircraft group; maritime assessment group; military assignment group |
MAGTF | Marine air-ground task force (USMC) |
MAJCOM | major command (USAF) |
MANPADS | man-portable air defense system |
MAOC-N | Maritime Analysis and Operations Center-Narcotics |
MARAD | Maritime Administration |
MARAD RRF | Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force |
MARCORLOGCOM | Marine Corps Logistics Command |
MARDIV | Marine division |
MARFOR | Marine forces |
MARFOR NORTHCOM | Marine Forces Northern Command MARFOR STRATCOM |
Marine TACC | Marine tactical air command center |
MARLE | Marine liaison element |
MARO | mass atrocity response operations |
MARPOL | International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships |
MARS | Military Auxiliary Radio System |
MARSOC | Marine Special Operations Command |
MARSOF | Marine special operations forces |
MARTS | Mortuary Affairs Reporting and Tracking System |
MAS | maritime air support |
MASA | mutual airlift support agreement |
MASF | mobile aeromedical staging facility |
MASINT | measurement and signature intelligence |
MASLO | measurement and signature intelligence liaison officer |
MAST | mobile ashore support terminal |
MAW | Marine aircraft wing |
MAXORD | maximum ordinate |
Mbps | megabytes per second |
MC | Military Committee (NATO); mission-critical; mobile communications |
MC/FI | mass casualty/fatality incident |
MC4EB | Military Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Executive Board |
MCA | mail control activity; military civic action; movement control agency |
MCAG | maritime civil affairs group |
MCAS | Marine Corps air station |
MCAST | maritime civil affairs and security training |
MCAT | maritime civil affairs team |
MCB | movement control battalion |
MCC | military coordinating committee; military counterintelligence collections; mission control center; mobility control center; movement control center |
MCCC | Marine Corps component command |
MCCDC | Marine Corps Combat Development Command |
MCD | medical crew director |
MCDP | Marine Corps doctrinal publication |
MCEB | Military Communications-Electronics Board |
MCESG | Marine Corps Embassy Security Group |
MCI | multinational communications integration |
MCIA | Marine Corps Intelligence Activity |
MCIO | military criminal investigative organization |
MCIOC | Marine Corps Information Operations Center |
MCIP | Marine Corps interim publication; military customs inspection program |
MCISRE | Marine Corps Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Enterprise |
MCM | maneuver control measure; Manual for Courts-Martial; military committee memorandum (memorandum issued in the name of the Chairman); mine countermeasures |
MCMC | mine countermeasures commander |
MCMO | medical civil-military operations |
MCMOPS | mine countermeasures operations |
MCMREP | mine countermeasure report |
MCMRON | mine countermeasures squadron |
MCO | major combat operation; Mapping Customer Operations (Defense Logistics Agency); Marine Corps order |
MCOO | modified combined obstacle overlay |
MCRP | Marine Corps reference publication |
MCS | modular causeway system |
MCSB | Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion |
MCSFR | Marine Corps Security Forces Regiment |
MCT | movement control team |
MCTB | Military Committee Terminology Board |
MCTOG | Marine Corps Tactics and Operations Group |
MCTP | Marine Corps tactical publication |
MCWL | Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory |
MCWP | Marine Corps warfighting publication |
MCX | Marine Corps Exchange |
MD | missile defense; moderate damage |
MDA | maritime domain awareness; Missile Defense Agency |
MDBS | medical detachment, blood support |
MDCO | Military Department counterintelligence organization |
MDDOC | Marine air-ground task force deployment and distribution operations center |
MDIOC | Missile Defense Integration and Operations Center (MDA) |
MDM | maritime defense measure |
MDMA | methylenedioxymethamphetamine |
MDO | military deception officer |
MDRO | mission disaster response officer |
MDS | Message Dissemination Subsystem; mobile diving and salvage |
MDSS II | Marine Air-Ground Task Force Deployment Support System II |
MDSU | mobile diving and salvage unit |
ME/C | medical examiner and/or coroner |
MEA | munitions effectiveness assessment |
MEB | maneuver enhancement brigade; Marine expeditionary brigade |
MEDCC | medical coordination cell |
MEDCOM | US Army Medical Command |
MEDCOM (DS) | medical command (deployment support) (USA) |
MEDEVAC | medical evacuation |
MEDINT | medical intelligence |
MEDLOG | medical logistics |
MEDLOG support | medical logistics support |
MEDNEO | medical noncombatant evacuation operation |
MEF | Marine expeditionary force |
MEJA | Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act |
MEO | medium Earth orbit; military equal opportunity |
MEP | mobile electric power |
MESF | maritime expeditionary security force |
MESFC | maritime expeditionary security force commander |
MESO | maritime expeditionary security operations |
MET | mobile environmental team |
METCON | control of meteorological information (roughly translated from French) |
METL | mission-essential task list |
METOC | meteorological and oceanographic |
METSAT | meteorological satellite |
METT-T | mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available |
METT-TC | mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations (USA) |
MEU | Marine expeditionary unit |
MEZ | missile engagement zone |
MF | mobile facility |
MFC | multinational force commander |
MFE | mobile field exchange |
MFO | multinational force and observers |
MGRS | military grid reference system |
MGW | maximum gross weight |
MHD | maritime homeland defense |
MHE | materials handling equipment |
MHS | maritime homeland security; Military Health System |
MHz | megahertz |
MI | military intelligence; movement instructions |
MIA | missing in action |
MIB | Military Intelligence Board |
MIC | Multinational Interoperability Council |
MIDAS | model for intertheater deployment by air and sea |
MIDB | modernized integrated database; modernized intelligence database |
MIFC | maritime intelligence fusion center (USCG) |
MILAIR | military airlift |
MILALOC | military air line of communications |
MILCO | minelike contact |
MILCON | military construction |
MILDEC | military deception |
MILDEP | Military Department |
MILSATCOM | military satellite communications |
MILSPEC | military specification |
MILSTAMP | military standard transportation and movement procedures |
MIL-STD | military standard |
MILSTRAP | military standard transaction reporting and accounting procedure |
MILSTRIP | military standard requisitioning and issue procedure |
MILTECH | military technician |
MILU | multinational integrated logistic unit |
MIMP | Mobilization Information Management Plan |
MIO | maritime interception operations |
MIOC | maritime interception operations commander |
MIP | military intelligence program |
MIPOE | medical intelligence preparation of the operational environment |
MIPR | military interdepartmental purchase request |
MIR | multisensor imagery reconnaissance |
MIRCS | mobile integrated remains collection system |
MIS | military information support |
MISG | military information support group |
MISO | military information support operations |
MISREP | mission report |
MIST | mechanism of injury, injury type, signs, treatment; military information support team |
MISTF | military information support task force |
MITAM | mission tasking matrix |
MIW | mine warfare |
MIWC | mine warfare commander |
MIWG | multinational interoperability working group |
MJLC | multinational joint logistics center |
M-Kill | mobility kill |
MLA | mission load allowance |
MLEA | Maritime Law Enforcement Academy |
MLEM | Maritime Law Enforcement Manual |
MLG | Marine logistics group |
MLI | munitions list item |
MLMC | medical logistics management center |
MLP | mobile landing platform |
MLRS | multiple launch rocket system |
MLS | multilevel security |
MLSA | mutual logistics support agreement |
MLT | military liaison team |
MLW | mean low water |
MMAC | military mine action center |
MMG | Department of Defense Master Mobilization Guide |
MMIM | Modeled Meteorological Information Manager |
MMS | marine mammal system |
MMT | military mail terminal |
MNC | multinational corporation |
MNCC | multinational coordination center |
MNEODCC | multinational explosives ordnance disposal control center |
MNF | multinational force |
MNFACC | multinational force air component commander |
MNFC | multinational force commander |
MNFLCC | multinational force land component commander |
MNFMCC | multinational force maritime component commander |
MNFSOCC | multinational force special operations component commander |
MNJLC | multinational joint logistics component |
MNL | master net list; multinational logistics |
MNLC | multinational logistic center |
MNTF | multinational task force |
MOA | memorandum of agreement |
MOB | main operating base; mobilization |
MOBREP | military manpower mobilization and accession status report; mobilization report |
MOC | maritime operations center; media operations center |
MOD | ministry of defense; modification |
Mod | model |
MODA | ministry of defense advisor |
MOE | measure of effectiveness |
MOEI | measure of effectiveness indicator |
MOG | maximum (aircraft) on ground |
MOGAS | motor gasoline |
MOMAT | mobility matting |
MOP | measure of performance; memorandum of policy |
MOPP | mission-oriented protective posture |
MOS | military occupational specialty |
MOTR | maritime operational threat response |
MOU | memorandum of understanding |
MOVREP | movement report |
MP | military police (USA and USMC); multinational publication |
MPA | maritime patrol aircraft; mission planning agent |
MPAT | military patient administration team; Multinational Planning Augmentation Team |
MPE/S | maritime pre-positioning equipment and supplies |
MPF | maritime pre-positioning force |
MPFUB | maritime pre-positioning force utility boat |
mph | miles per hour |
MPICE | measuring progress in conflict environments |
MPNTP | Master Positioning Navigation and Timing Plan |
MPO | military post office |
MPP | maritime procedural publication |
MPR | maritime patrol and reconnaissance |
MPS | maritime pre-positioning ship; Military Planning Service (UN); Military Postal Service |
MPSA | Military Postal Service Agency |
MPSRON | maritime pre-positioning ships squadron |
MPTk | Medical Planners’ Toolkit |
MR | milliradian |
MRAT | medical radiobiology advisory team |
MRBM | medium-range ballistic missile |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MRO | mass rescue operation; materiel release order; medical regulating office; medical regulating officer |
MRR | Marine Raider Regiment; minimum-risk route |
MRS | measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT) requirements system |
MRT | maintenance recovery team |
MRX | mission readiness exercise |
MS | Microsoft |
MSA | Maritime Security Act |
MSC | major subordinate command; Military Sealift Command |
MSCA | military support to civilian authorities |
MSCAT | maritime security center augment team |
MSCO | Military Sealift Command Office |
MSD | mobile security division |
MSE | mission support element |
MSF | mission support force; mobile security force |
MSG | Marine security guard; message |
MSGID | message identification |
MSI | modified surface index |
MSIC | Missile and Space Intelligence Center |
MSL | mean sea level; military shipping label |
MSO | map support office; maritime security operations; military source operation; military strategic objective; military support operations |
MSOC | Marine special operations company |
MSOG | Multinational Strategy and Operations Group |
MSOR | Marine Special Operations Regiment |
MSP | Maritime Security Program; mission support plan |
MSR | main supply route; mission support request |
MSRP | mission strategic resource plan |
MSRT | Maritime Security Response Team (USCG) |
MSST | Marine space support team; maritime safety and security team |
MST | mission support team |
MT Bn | motor transport battalion |
MTAB | Military Technical Acceptance Board |
MTAC | Multiple Threat Alert Center (DON) |
MTCR | Missile Technology Control Regime |
mtDNA | mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid |
MTF | medical treatment facility; military information support operations task force |
MTFP | mission-tailored force package |
MTN | multi-tactical data link network |
MTO | mission type order |
MTON | measurement ton |
MTP | mission tasking packet |
MTS | Marine tactical system; Movement Tracking System |
MTT | mobile training team |
MTW | major theater war |
MUSE | mobile utilities support equipment |
MV | merchant vessel |
MWC | Missile Warning Center (USSPACECOM) |
MWD | military working dog |
MWG | mobilization working group |
MWR | morale, welfare, and recreation |
MWSD | Marine wing support detachment |
MWSG | Marine wing support group |
MWSS | Marine wing support squadron |
MWT | modular warping tug |
N | |
N-2 | Director of Naval Intelligence; Navy component intelligence staff officer |
N-6 | Director of Naval Communications Networks |
NA5CRO | non-Article 5 crisis response operation (NATO) |
NAC | North Atlantic Council (NATO) |
NAD 83 | North American Datum 1983 |
NADR | nonproliferation, antiterrorism, demining, and related programs |
NAEC-ENG | Naval Air Engineering Center - Engineering |
NAF | nonappropriated funds; numbered air force |
NAI | named area of interest |
NALC | Navy ammunition logistics code |
NALE | naval and amphibious liaison element |
NALSS | naval advanced logistic support site |
NAMS | National Air Mobility System |
NAR | nonconventional assisted recovery; notice of ammunition reclassification |
NARAC | national atmospheric release advisory capability; National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (DOE) |
NARP | Nuclear Weapon Accident Response Procedures |
NAS | naval air station |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NASIC | National Air and Space Intelligence Center |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NATOPS | Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization |
NAVAIDS | navigational aids |
NAVAIR | Naval Air Systems Command |
NAVCYBERFOR | Navy Cyber Forces |
NAVELSG | Navy expeditionary logistics support group |
NAVEODTECHDIV | Naval Explosives Ordnance Disposal Technology |
NAVFAC | Naval Facilities Engineering Command |
NAVFAC EXWC | Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare |
NAVFACENGCOM | Naval Facilities Engineering Command |
NAVFOR | Navy forces |
NAVMED | Navy medicine |
NAVMTO | Navy Material Transportation Office |
NAVOCEANO | Naval Oceanographic Office |
NAVSAT | navigation satellite |
NAVSCOLEOD | Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
NAVSEA | Naval Sea Systems Command |
NAVSEAINST | Naval Sea Systems Command instruction |
NAVSOC | Naval Satellite Operations Center; naval special operations command |
NAVSOF | Navy special operations forces |
NAVWAR | navigation warfare |
Navy TACC | Navy tactical air control center |
NAWCAD | Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division |
NBC | nuclear, biological, and chemical |
NBG | naval beach group |
NBI | nonbattle injury |
NBVC | Naval Base Ventura County Agency |
NC2 | nuclear command and control |
NC3 | nuclear command, control, and communications |
NCAGS | naval cooperation and guidance for shipping |
NCAPS | naval coordination and protection of shipping |
NCB | noncompliant boarding |
NCC | Navy component command; Navy component commander |
NCCS | Nuclear Command and Control System |
NCDC | National Climatic Data Center |
NCES | Net-Centric Enterprise Services |
NCESGR | National Committee of Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve |
NCF | naval construction force |
NCG | naval construction group |
NCH | natural and cultural resources and historic properties (DOI) |
NCHB | Navy cargo-handling battalion |
NCIJTF-AG | National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force-Analytical Group (DOD) |
NCIS | Naval Criminal Investigative Service |
NCIX | National Counterintelligence Executive |
NCL | National System for Geospatial-Intelligence Consolidated Library |
NCMI | National Center for Medical Intelligence |
NCMP | Navy Capabilities and Mobilization Plan |
NCO | noncombat operations; noncommissioned officer |
NCOIC | noncommissioned officer in charge |
NCOS | naval control of shipping |
NCP | National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan |
NCPC | National Counterproliferation Center |
NCR | National Capital Region (US); National Security Agency/Central Security Service representative; naval construction regiment |
NCRCC | National Capital Region Coordination Center; United States Northern Command Rescue Coordination Center |
NCRDEF | national cryptologic representative defense |
NCR-IADS | National Capital Region-Integrated Air Defense System |
NCS | National Clandestine Service; National Communications System; net control station |
NCSC | National Counterintelligence and Security Center |
NCSD | National Cyber Security Division (DHS) |
NCTC | National Counterterrorism Center (DNI) |
NDAA | national defense authorization act |
NDAF | Navy, Defense Logistics Agency, Air Force |
NDB | nondirectional beacon |
NDCS | National Drug Control Strategy |
NDDOC | North American Aerospace Defense Command and United States Northern Command Deployment and Distribution Operations Cell |
NDHQ | National Defence Headquarters, Canada |
NDIC | National Defense Intelligence College |
NDMS | National Disaster Medical System (DHHS) |
NDP | national disclosure policy |
NDPC | National Disclosure Policy Committee |
NDRC | National Detainee Reporting Center |
NDRF | National Defense Reserve Fleet |
NDS | national defense strategy |
NDSF | National Defense Sealift Fund |
NDT | nuclear disablement team |
NDU | National Defense University |
NEA | Northeast Asia |
NEAT | naval embarked advisory team; nuclear employment augmentation team |
NEC | National Economic Council |
NECC | Navy Expeditionary Combat Command |
NEIC | Navy Expeditionary Intelligence Command |
NELR | Navy expeditionary logistics regiment |
NEO | noncombatant evacuation operation |
NEOCC | noncombatant evacuation operation coordination center |
NEP | National Exercise Program |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NES | National Exploitation System |
NEST | nuclear emergency support team (DOE) |
NETWARCOM | Naval Network Warfare Command |
NEW | net explosive weight |
NFA | no-fire area |
NFC | numbered fleet commander |
NFELC | Naval Facilities Expeditionary Logistics Center |
NFESC | Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center |
NFI | national foreign intelligence |
NFIB | National Foreign Intelligence Board |
NFIP | National Flood Insurance Program (FEMA) |
NFLS | naval forward logistic site |
NG | National Guard |
NG JFHQ-State | National Guard joint force headquarters-state |
NGA | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency |
NGB | National Guard Bureau |
NGB-OC | National Guard Bureau-Office of the Chaplain |
NGCC | National Guard Coordination Center |
NGCDP | National Guard Counterdrug Program |
NGCDP-State | National Guard Counterdrug Program-state |
NGCSP | National Guard Counterdrug Support Program |
NGDS | Net-Centric Geospatial-Intelligence Discovery Services |
NGFS | naval gunfire support |
NGIC | National Ground Intelligence Center |
NG-IFOG | National Guard Interoperability Field Operations Guide |
NGLO | naval gunfire liaison officer |
NGO | nongovernmental organization |
NGP | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Program |
NHMD | National Human Intelligence Manager directive |
NIC | National Intelligence Council |
NICC | National Intelligence Coordination Center |
NICCL | National Incident Communications Conference Line |
NICCP | National Interdiction Command and Control Plan |
NIH | National Institutes of Health (DHHS) |
NIL | National Information Library |
NIM | national intelligence manager |
NIMS | National Incident Management System |
NIOC | Navy Information Operations Command |
NIP | National Intelligence Program |
NIPF | National Intelligence Priorities Framework |
NIPRNET | Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network |
NISP | national intelligence support plan |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NIT | nuclear incident team |
NITF | national imagery transmission format |
NJOIC | National Joint Operations and Intelligence Center |
NJTTF | National Joint Terrorism Task Force (FBI) |
NKOCC | non-kinetic operations coordination cell (USAF) |
NLRP | nonlethal reference point |
NLT | not later than |
NLW | nonlethal weapon |
nm | nautical mile |
NMA | non-mailable article |
NMAWC | Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command |
NMC | Navy Munitions Command |
NMCB | naval mobile construction battalion |
NMCC | National Military Command Center |
NMCS | National Military Command System; not mission capable, supply |
NMCSO | Navy and Marine Corps spectrum office |
NMEC | National Media Exploitation Center |
NMIC | National Maritime Intelligence Center |
NMIO | National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office |
NMIST | National Military Intelligence Support Team (DIA) |
NMO | National Measurement and Signature Intelligence Office |
NMS | national military strategy |
NMSA | North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Mutual Support Act |
NMSC | Navy and Marine Corps Spectrum Center |
NMS-CO | National Military Strategy for Cyberspace Operations |
NMS-CWMD | National Military Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction |
NMSP-WOT | National Military Strategic Plan for the War on Terrorism |
NMT | national mission team |
NNSA | National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE) |
NNWC | Naval Network Warfare Command |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC) |
NOACT | Navy overseas air cargo terminal |
NOC | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Operation Center; National Operations Center (DHS); network operations center |
NOE | nap-of-the-Earth |
NOFORN | not releasable to foreign nationals |
NOK | next of kin |
NOLSC | Naval Operational Logistics Support Center |
NOMWC | Navy Oceanographic Mine Warfare Center |
non-CAAF | contractors not authorized to accompany the force |
NORAD | North American Aerospace Defense Command |
NOSC | network operations and security center |
NOSSA | Navy Ordnance Safety and Security Activity |
NOTAM | notice to airmen |
NPF | national planning framework |
NPPD | National Protection and Programs Directorate (DHS) |
NPS | National Park Service; nonprior service |
NPT | Nonproliferation Treaty |
NRAT | nuclear/radiological advisory team |
NRC | National Response Center (USCG); non-unit-related cargo |
NRCHB | Naval Reserve cargo-handling battalion |
NRF | National Response Framework |
NRG | notional requirements generator |
NRO | National Reconnaissance Office |
NRP | non-unit-related personnel |
NRT | near real time |
NS/EP | national security and emergency preparedness |
NSA | National Security Agency; national shipping authority; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Standardization Agency |
NSA/CSS | National Security Agency/Central Security Service |
NSABB | National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NIH) |
NSARC | National Search and Rescue Committee |
NSAT | United States Northern Command situational awareness team |
NSAWC | Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center |
NSC | National Security Council |
NSC/DC | National Security Council/Deputies Committee |
NSC/IPC | National Security Council/interagency policy committee |
NSC/PC | National Security Council/Principals Committee |
NSCS | National Security Council System |
NSD | National Security Directive; National Security Division (FBI) |
NSDD | national security decision directive |
NSDM | national security decision memorandum |
NSE | national support element; Navy support element |
NSF | national security forces; National Strike Force (USCG) |
NSFS | naval surface fire support |
NSG | National System for Geospatial Intelligence |
NSHS | National Strategy for Homeland Security |
NSL | no-strike list |
NSMS | National Strategy for Maritime Security |
NSN | national stock number |
NSOC | National Security Operations Center |
NSP | National Search and Rescue Plan |
NSPA | North Atlantic Treaty Organization Support and Procurement Agency |
NSPD | national security Presidential directive |
NSPI | National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza |
NSPM | national security Presidential memorandum |
NSS | National Search and Rescue Supplement; national security strategy; national security system |
NSSE | national special security event |
NST | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency support team; national support team |
NSTAC | National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee |
NSTS | National Secure Telephone System |
NSW | naval special warfare |
NSWC IHEODTD | Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division |
NSWCDD | Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division |
NSWTF | naval special warfare task force |
NSWTG | naval special warfare task group |
NSWTU | naval special warfare task unit |
NTA | nontraditional agent |
NTACS | Navy tactical air control system |
NTIA | National Telecommunications and Information Administration (DOC) |
NTRP | Navy tactical reference publication |
NTS | noncombatant evacuation operation tracking system |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board |
NTTP | Navy tactics, techniques, and procedures |
NUC | non-unit-related cargo |
NUDET | nuclear detonation |
NUFEA | Navy-unique fleet essential aircraft |
NURP | non-unit-related personnel |
NVD | night-vision device |
NVDT | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency voluntary deployment team |
NVG | night-vision goggle |
NVOAD | National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster |
NWDC | Navy Warfare Development Command |
NWP | Navy warfare publication |
NWS | National Weather Service |
NZ | New Zealand |
O | |
O&I | operations and intelligence |
O&M | operation and maintenance |
O/B | outboard |
OA | objective area; operational area |
OAE | operational area evaluation |
OAF | Operation ALLIED FORCE |
OAFME | Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner |
OAI | oceanographic area of interest |
OAM | Office of Air and Marine (DHS) |
OAP | offset aimpoint |
OAS | offensive air support; Organization of American States |
OASD | Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense |
OASD(NII/CIO) | Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration/Chief Information Officer) |
OASD(RA) | Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs) |
OAU | Organization of African Unity |
OB | order of battle; overcome by |
OBA | Office of Biotechnology Activities (NIH); oxygen breathing apparatus |
OBFS | offshore bulk fuel system |
OBIM | Office of Biometric Identity Management (DHS) |
OBP | object-based production |
OCA | offensive counterair; operational control authority |
OCBD | Office of Capacity Building and Development (USDA) |
OCCA | ocean cargo clearance authority |
OCDETF | Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force |
OCHA | Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs |
OCIE | organizational clothing and individual equipment |
OCJCS | Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff |
OCO | offensive cyberspace operations; offload control officer |
OCONUS | outside the continental United States |
OCP | operational capability package |
OCS | operational contract support |
OCSIC | operational contract support integration cell |
OCU | offload control unit |
ODC | Office of Defense Cooperation |
ODCSLOG | Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (USA) |
ODNI | Office of the Director of National Intelligence |
OE | operational environment |
OE&AS | organization for embarkation and assignment to shipping |
OEBGD | Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document |
OEC | Office of Emergency Communications (DHS) |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OEG | operational experts group; operational exposure guidance; operations security executive group |
OEH | occupational and environmental health |
OER | officer evaluation report |
OES | office of emergency services |
OFAC | Office of Foreign Assets Control (Treasury) |
OFCO | offensive counterintelligence operation |
OFDA | Office of United States Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID) |
officer | |
OHDACA | Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid (DSCA) |
OHDM | Office of Humanitarian Assistance, Disaster Relief, and Mine Action |
OI | operating instruction; operational interest |
OIA | Office of Insular Affairs (DOI); Office of International Affairs (Treasury) |
OIC | officer in charge |
OICC | officer in charge of construction |
OIIL | Office of Intelligence and Investigative Liaison (CBP) |
OIR | other intelligence requirements |
OJT | on-the-job training |
OLEM | Office of Land and Emergency Management (EPA) |
OMA | Office of Military Affairs (CIA and USAID) |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OMC | office of military cooperation |
OMSPH | Office of Medicine, Science, and Public Health (DHHS) |
ONDCP | Office of National Drug Control Policy |
ONE | Operation NOBLE EAGLE |
ONI | Office of Naval Intelligence |
OOB | order of battle |
OODA | observe, orient, decide, act |
OOS | out of service |
OP | observation post; ordnance publication |
OPC | Ocean Prediction Center (DOC) |
OPCON | operational control |
OPDAT | Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance, and Training (DOJ) |
OPDEC | operational deception |
OPDS | offshore petroleum discharge system (USN) |
OPDS-Future | offshore petroleum discharge system-future (USN) |
OPDS-L | offshore petroleum discharge system-legacy (USN) |
OPE | operational preparation of the environment |
OPELINT | operational electronic intelligence |
OPEO | Office of Preparedness and Emergency Operations (DHHS) |
OPFOR | opposing force; opposition force |
OPG | operations planning group |
OPGEN | operation general matter |
OPIR | overhead persistent infrared |
OPLAN | operation plan |
OPLAW | operational law |
OPM | Office of Personnel Management |
OPMG | Office of the Provost Marshal General |
OPNAV | Office of the Chief of Naval Operations |
OPNAVINST | Chief of Naval Operations instruction |
OPORD | operation order |
OPP | off-load preparation party; orderwire patch panel |
OPR | office of primary responsibility |
OPREP | operational report |
OPROJ | operational project |
OPS | operational project stock |
OPSDEPS | Service Operations Deputies |
OPSEC | operations security |
OPSTK | operational stock |
OPT | operational planning team |
OPTAR | operating target |
OPTASK | operational tasking (message); operation task |
OPTASK AMPHIB | operational tasking amphibious message |
OPTASK COMM | operational tasking communication (message) (USN) |
OPTASKLINK | operations task link |
OPTEMPO | operating tempo |
OR | operational readiness |
ORBAT | order of battle |
ORD | Office of Research and Development (EPA) |
ORM | operational risk management |
ORP | ocean reception point |
ORS | operationally responsive space |
ORSA | operations research and systems analysis |
OS | operating stocks; operating system |
OSA | operational support airlift |
OSC | offensive space control; on-scene commander; on-site commander; Open Source Center (CIA) |
OSCE | Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe |
OSD | Office of the Secretary of Defense |
OSD/DMDPO | Office of the Secretary of Defense, Defense Military Deception Program Office |
OSE | operations support element |
OSEI | operational significant event imagery |
OSINT | open-source information; open-source intelligence |
OSM | Office of Spectrum Management (NTIA) |
OSOCC | on-site operations coordination center |
OSR | on-station report |
OT&E | operational test and evaluation |
OTA | Office of Technical Assistance (Treasury) |
OTC | officer in tactical command; over the counter |
OTERA | organize, train, equip, rebuild/build, and advise |
OTH | over the horizon |
OTI | Office of Transition Initiatives (USAID) |
OUB | offshore petroleum discharge system utility boat |
OUSD | Office of the Under Secretary of Defense |
OUSD(A&S) | Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment |
OUSD(C) | Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) |
OUSD(C/CFO) | Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller/Chief Financial Officer) |
OUSD(I) | Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Intelligence) |
OUSD(P) | Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy |
OWS | operational weather squadron |
P | |
P | publication |
PA | physician assistant; primary agency; probability of arrival; public affairs |
PACAF | Pacific Air Forces |
PAD | patient administration director |
PADD | person authorized to direct disposition of human remains |
PAG | public affairs guidance |
PALCON | pallet container |
PAM | preventive and aerospace medicine |
PaM | passage material |
PAO | public affairs office; public affairs officer |
PAR | population at risk |
PARS | Personnel Accountability Reporting System |
PAWS | phased array warning system |
PAX | passengers; public affairs plans |
PB | peace building |
PB4T | planning board for training |
PBA | performance-based agreement; production base analysis |
PBIED | person-borne improvised explosive device |
PBOS | Planning Board for Ocean Shipping |
PBR | program and budget review |
PC | patrol craft; preliminary coordination; Principals Committee |
PC&S | post, camp, and station |
PCA | Posse Comitatus Act |
PCASS | Preliminary Credibility Assessment Screening System |
PCC | police contributing country; policy coordination committee |
PCO | primary control officer; procuring contracting officer |
PCOF | Patient Condition Occurrence Frequency |
PCRTS | primary casualty receiving and treatment ship |
PCS | permanent change of station; primary control ship |
PCTC | pure car and truck carrier |
PD | position description; priority designator; probability of damage; probability of detection; program directive |
PDA | preliminary damage assessment |
PDAL | prioritized defended asset list |
PDC | Pacific Disaster Center |
PDD | Presidential decision directive |
portable data file | |
PDSS | predeployment site survey |
PDT | partnership development team |
PDUSD(A&S) | Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment |
PDUSD(P&R) | Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) |
PE | personal effects; preparation of the environment; program element |
PECC | patient evacuation coordination cell |
PED | processing, exploitation, and dissemination |
PEO | peace enforcement operations; program executive office |
PEP | personnel exchange program |
PERMA | planning, embarkation, rehearsal, movement, and action |
PERMREP | permanent representative (NATO) |
PERSCO | personnel support for contingency operations |
PFA | primary federal agency |
PFDB | planning factors database |
PFG | Preferred Force Generation |
PFO | principal federal official |
PfP | Partnership for Peace (NATO) |
PGI | procedures, guidance, and information |
PGM | precision-guided munition |
PHEO | public health emergency officer |
PHIBCB | amphibious construction battalion |
PHIBOP | amphibious operation |
PHIBRON | amphibious squadron |
PHIT | port handling/in-land transportation |
PI | pandemic influenza; point of impact; purposeful interference |
Pi | probability of incapacitation |
PI&ID | pandemic influenza and infectious disease |
PIAB | President’s Intelligence Advisory Board |
PIC | payment in cash |
PID | plan identification number; positive identification |
PII | pre-incident indicators |
PIO | public information officer |
PIR | priority intelligence requirement |
PIREP | pilot report |
PIRT | purposeful interference response team |
PISA | post isolation support activity |
PIT | platform information technology |
PIU | patient isolation unit |
PJ | pararescue jumper |
PK | probability of kill |
PKB | purple kill box |
PKO | peacekeeping operations |
PKSOI | Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute |
PL | phase line |
PLA | post-launch abort |
PLAD | plain language address directory |
PLANORD | planning order |
PLB | personal locator beacon |
PLS | palletized load system |
PLT | platoon |
PM | Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (DOS); patient movement; peacemaking; preventive medicine; program management; program manager; provost marshal |
PMA | political/military assessment |
PMC | passenger, mail, and cargo; private military company |
PMCF | post maintenance check flight |
PME | professional military education |
PMESII | political, military, economic, social, information, and infrastructure |
PMGM | program manager’s guidance memorandum |
PMI | patient movement item; prevention of mutual interference |
PMI-ATS | Patient Movement Items-Asset Tracking System |
PMITS | Patient Movement Item Tracking System |
PMO | production management office(r); program management office |
PMR | patient movement request; patient movement requirement |
PMRC | patient movement requirements center |
PN | partner nation |
PNA | postal net alert |
PNT | positioning, navigation, and timing |
PO | peace operations; petty officer |
POA | plan of action |
POB | persons on board |
POC | point of contact |
POCD | port operations cargo detachment |
POD | plan of the day; port of debarkation; probability of detection |
POE | port of embarkation; port of entry |
POES | polar operational environment satellite |
POF | priority of fires |
POG | port operations group; psychological operations group |
POI | person of interest; point of injury |
POL | petroleum, oils, and lubricants |
POLAD | policy advisor; political advisor |
POLCAP | bulk petroleum capabilities report |
Police | |
POLMIL | political-military |
POM | program objective memorandum |
PORTSIM | port simulation model |
POS | point of sale; Point-of-Service; probability of success |
POTUS | President of the United States |
POV | privately owned vehicle |
POW | prisoner of war |
POW/MIA | prisoner of war/missing in action |
PPAG | proposed public affairs guidance |
PPBE | Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution |
PPD | Presidential policy directive |
PPE | personal protective equipment |
PPF | personnel processing file |
PPLI | precise participant location and identification |
PPTO | petroleum pipeline and terminal operating |
PPW | patient protective wrap |
PR | personnel recovery; Phoenix Raven; preliminary review; production requirement; program review |
PRA | patient reception area; primary review authority |
PRAP | Personnel Reliability Assurance Program |
PRC | populace and resources control; Presidential Reserve Call- up; primary receiving center |
PRCC | personnel recovery coordination cell; personnel recovery coordination center |
PRCS | personnel recovery coordination section |
PRD | personnel readiness division; Presidential review directive |
PRDO | personnel recovery duty officer |
PREPO | pre-positioned force, equipment, or supplies; pre- positioning |
PREREP | pre-arrival report |
PRF | pulse repetition frequency |
PRG | personnel recovery guidance |
Prime BEEF | prime base engineer emergency force |
PRISM | Planning Tool for Resource, Integration, Synchronization, and Management |
PRM | Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (DOS) |
PRMS | personnel recovery mission software |
PRMx | production requirements matrix |
PROVORG | providing organization |
prowords | procedure words |
PRP | Personnel Retrieval and Processing |
PRRP | personnel recovery reference product |
PRT | patient reception team; provincial reconstruction team |
PRTF | personnel recovery task force |
PS | port security |
PSA | port support activity; primary staff assistant; principal staff assistant |
PSC | private security contractor |
PSD | port security detachment |
PSI | Proliferation Security Initiative |
psi | pounds per square inch |
PSO | peace support operations (NATO); post security officer |
PSS | personnel services support |
PSS-SOF | Precision Strike Suite-Special Operations Forces |
P-STATIC | precipitation static |
PSU | port security unit |
PSYOP | psychological operations (forces) |
PTDO | prepare to deploy order |
PTL | pointer-to-target line |
PTM | personnel transport module |
PTTI | precise time and time interval |
Pu-239 | plutonium-239 |
Pu-240 | plutonium-240 |
PV | prime vendor |
PVNTMED | preventive medicine |
PVT | positioning, velocity, and timing |
PWCS | port, waterways, and coastal security |
PWG | protection working group |
PWRM | pre-positioned war reserve materiel |
PWRR | pre-positioned war reserve requirements |
PWRS | petroleum war reserve stocks; pre-positioned war reserve stock |
PWT | precision weapons team |
Q | |
QA | quality assurance |
QAR | quality assurance representative |
QAT | quality assurance team |
QC | quality control |
QDR | quadrennial defense review |
QHDA | qualified hazardous duty area |
QIP | quick impact project |
QM | quartermaster |
QOL | quality of life |
QRF | quick reaction force; quick response force |
QRP | quick response posture |
QS | quality surveillance |
QSTAG | quadripartite standardization agreement |
QUADCON | quadruple container |
R&D | research and development |
R&R | rest and recuperation |
R&S | reconstruction and stabilization |
R2P2 | rapid response planning process |
RA | response action; risk analysis |
RAC-OT | readiness assessment system - output tool |
RAD | routine aerial distribution |
RADBN | radio battalion |
RADC | regional air defense commander |
RADCON | radiological control team |
RAF | Royal Air Force (UK) |
RAM | raised angle marker; random antiterrorism measure; rockets, artillery, and mortars |
RAMCC | regional air movement control center |
RAP | Radiological Assistance Program (DOE) |
RAS-OT | readiness assessment system-output tool |
RATE | refine, adapt, terminate, execute |
RBA | reimbursable budget authority |
RBC | red blood cell |
RC | Reserve Component; resident coordinator (UN) |
RCA | riot control agent |
RCAT | Rapid Course of Action Analysis Tool |
RCC | regional contracting center; rescue coordination center |
RCD | regional collection detachment |
RCEM | regional contingency engineering management |
RCIED | radio-controlled improvised explosive device |
RCM | Rules for Courts-Martial |
RCMP | Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
RCO | regional contracting office |
RCP | regional campaign plan |
RCT | regimental combat team; rescue coordination team (USN) |
RDCFP | Regional Defense Counterterrorism Fellowship Program |
RDCTFP | Regional Defense Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program |
RDD | radiological dispersal device; required delivery date |
RDO | request for deployment order |
RDT&E | research, development, test, and evaluation |
REA | Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment |
REAC/TS | radiation emergency assistance center/training site (DOE) |
RED | radiological exposure device |
RED HORSE | rapid engineer deployable heavy operational repair squadron engineer |
REF | Rapid Equipping Force (USA) |
REPOL | bulk petroleum contingency report |
REPUNIT | reporting unit |
RES | radiation exposure status |
RESCAP | rescue combat air patrol |
RESCORT | rescue escort |
RESPROD | responsible production |
RF | radio frequency; reserve force |
RF CM | radio frequency countermeasures |
RFA | request for assistance; restrictive fire area |
RFC | request for capabilities; revision final coordination |
RFD | revision first draft |
RFF | request for feedback; request for forces |
RFI | radio frequency interference; request for information |
RFID | radio frequency identification |
RFL | restrictive fire line |
RFP | request for proposal |
RFS | request for service; request for sourcing; request for support |
RGS | remote geospatial intelligence services |
Rh | Rhesus |
Rh(D) | Rhesus (D antigen) |
RHIB | rigid hull inflatable boat |
RICO | regional interface control officer |
RIK | replacement in kind |
RLT | regimental landing team |
RM | ramp module; records management; recovery mechanism; resource; management; risk management |
RMC | rescue mission commander |
RMP | religious ministry professional |
RMT | response management team |
RNIFC | Regional Narcotics Interagency Fusion Cell (USCENTCOM) |
RO/RO | roll-on/roll-off |
ROC | rehearsal of concept |
ROE | rules of engagement |
ROICC | resident officer in charge of construction |
ROK | Republic of Korea |
ROM | restriction of movement; rough order of magnitude |
ROMO | range of military operations |
RON | remain overnight |
ROS | reduced operating status |
ROTC | Reserve Officer Training Corps |
ROWPU | reverse osmosis water purification unit |
ROZ | restricted operations zone |
RP | red phosphorus; religious program specialist; retained personnel |
RPG | rocket-propelled grenade |
RPM | revolutions per minute |
RPO | rendezvous and proximity operations |
RPOE | rapid port opening element |
RQT | rapid query tool |
RR | reattack recommendation |
RRCC | regional response coordination center |
RRDF | roll-on/roll-off discharge facility |
RRF | rapid response force; Ready Reserve Force |
RRS | remote replication system |
RS | religious support |
RSC | regional service center; rescue sub-center |
RSE | retrograde support element |
RSF | recovery support function |
RSI | rationalization, standardization, and interoperability |
RSN | role specialist nation |
RSO | reception, staging, and onward movement; regional security officer; remote split operations |
RSOF | routing and safety of flight |
RSOI | reception, staging, onward movement, and integration |
RSS | really simple syndication |
RSSC | regional space support center |
RSSC-LO | regional space support center liaison officer |
RST | religious support team |
RSTA | reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition |
RT | recovery team; rough terrain |
RTB | return to base |
RTCC | rough terrain container crane |
RTCH | rough terrain container handler |
RTD | returned to duty |
RTF | return to force |
RTL | restricted target list |
RTSO | real-time spectrum operations |
RUF | rules for the use of force |
RV | rendezvous |
RW | rotary-wing |
RWR | radar warning receiver |
S | |
S&R | search and recovery |
S&T | science and technology; scientific and technical |
S&TI | scientific and technical intelligence |
S/CRS | Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization (DOS) |
S/CT | Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism (DOS) |
S-1 | battalion or brigade manpower and personnel staff officer; personnel officer/personnel office (USMC) |
S-2 | battalion or brigade intelligence staff officer (USA); intelligence officer/intelligence office (USMC) |
S-3 | battalion or brigade operations staff officer (USA); operations and training officer/operations and training office (USMC) |
SA | security assistance; situational awareness; staging area |
SAA | senior airfield authority |
SAAFR | standard use Army aircraft flight route |
SAAM | special assignment airlift mission |
SAC | special actions cell; supporting arms coordinator |
SACC | supporting arms coordination center (USMC) |
SACEUR | Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (NATO) |
SACT | Supreme Allied Commander Transformation |
SADC | sector air defense commander |
SADL | situation awareness data link |
SADO | senior air defense officer |
SAFE | secure analyst file environment; selected area for evasion; sexual assault forensic examination |
SAG | surface action group |
SALM | single-anchor leg mooring |
SALT | supporting arms liaison team |
SAM | surface-to-air missile |
SAO | security assistance office; security assistance officer |
SAP | special access program |
SAPO | subarea petroleum office |
SAPR | sexual assault prevention and response |
SAR | satellite access request; search and rescue; special access requirement; suspicious activity report; synthetic aperture radar |
SARC | sexual assault response coordinator |
SARDOT | search and rescue point |
SARIR | search and rescue incident report |
SAROPS | Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System |
SARREQ | search and rescue request |
SARSAT | search and rescue satellite-aided tracking |
SARSIT | search and rescue situation summary report |
SATCOM | satellite communications |
SAWG | strategic assessment working group |
SBACP | Southern Border and Approaches Campaign Plan (DHS) |
SBCT | Stryker brigade combat team |
SBU | sensitive but unclassified |
SC | security cooperation |
SCA | sociocultural analysis; space coordinating authority; support to civil administration |
SCAR | strike coordination and reconnaissance |
SCC | Service component command; service cryptologic component; Service cyberspace component; shipping coordination center |
SCC-WMD | United States Strategic Command Center for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction |
SCF(US) | Save the Children Federation (United States) |
SCG | Security Cooperation Guidance |
SCHBT | shape, clear, hold, build, and transition |
SCI | sensitive compartmented information |
SCIF | sensitive compartmented information facility |
SCL | standard conventional load |
SCM | security countermeasure; Service container manager |
SCO | secondary control officer; security cooperation organization; senior contracting official; state coordinating officer |
SCP | security cooperation plan; service control point |
SCRM | supply chain risk management |
SCT | shipping coordination team |
SD | severe damage; strategy division |
SDA | senior development advisor |
SDB | Satellite Communications Database; small diameter bomb |
SDDC | Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command |
SDDCTEA | Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation Engineering Agency |
SDF | self defense force |
SDO | senior defense official; ship’s debarkation officer |
SDO/DATT | senior defense official/defense attaché |
SDOB | Secretary of Defense Orders Book |
SDP | strategic distribution plan |
SDP&M | sustainment distribution planning and management |
SDZ | self-defense zone |
SE | site exploitation; spherical error |
SEA | ships’ bunkers easy acquisition; Southeast Asia |
Seabee | Navy construction engineer |
SEAD | suppression of enemy air defenses |
SEC | submarine element coordinator |
SECAF | Secretary of the Air Force |
SECARMY | Secretary of the Army |
SecDef | Secretary of Defense |
SECDHS | Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security |
SECHS | Secretary of Homeland Security |
SECNAV | Secretary of the Navy |
SECNAVINST | Secretary of the Navy instruction |
SECOMP | secure en route communications package |
SECSTATE | Secretary of State |
SECTRANS | Secretary of Transportation |
SEF | sealift enhancement feature |
SEL | senior enlisted leader |
SELEC | Southeast European Law Enforcement Center |
SEMA | special electronic mission aircraft |
SEPLO | state emergency preparedness liaison officer |
SERE | survival, evasion, resistance, and escape |
SES | senior executive service |
SEW | shared early warning |
SEWOC | signals intelligence/electronic warfare operations centre (NATO) |
SF | special forces; standard form |
SFA | security force assistance |
SFAF | standard frequency action format |
SFAT | spectrum flyaway team |
SFC | single-fuel concept |
SFCP | shore fire control party |
SFG | special forces group |
SFMS | special forces medical sergeant |
SFODB | Special Forces Operational Detachment-Bravo |
SFOR | Stabilization Force |
SG | steering group; surgeon general |
SGS | strategic guidance statement |
SGXM | Headquarters, Air Mobility Command/Surgeon |
SHAPE | Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe |
SHF | super-high frequency |
SHORAD | short-range air defense |
SHORADEZ | short-range air defense engagement zone |
SI | United States Strategic Command strategic instruction |
SIC | supporting intelligence center |
SICO | sector interface control officer |
SIDO | senior intelligence duty officer |
SIF | selective identification feature |
SIGCON | signature control |
SIGINT | signals intelligence |
SIM | system impact message |
SIMLM | single integrated medical logistics manager |
SINCGARS | single-channel ground and airborne radio system |
SIO | senior intelligence officer |
SIOC | Strategic Information and Operations Center (FBI) |
SIPRNET | SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network |
SIR | specific information requirement; Strategic Military Intelligence Review |
SITREP | situation report |
SIV | special interest vessel |
SJA | staff judge advocate |
SJFHQ(CE) | standing joint force headquarters (core element) |
SJFHQ-E | standing joint force headquarters – elimination |
SJOA | space joint operating area |
SJS | Secretary, Joint Staff |
SLA | special leave accrual |
SLBM | submarine-launched ballistic missile |
SLCM | sea-launched cruise missile |
SLCP | ship lighterage control point; ship’s loading characteristics pamphlet |
SLO | space liaison officer |
SLOC | sea line of communications |
SLRP | survey, liaison, and reconnaissance party |
SLS | shoot-look-shoot |
SLWT | side loadable warping tug |
SM | spectrum management; standard missile |
SMB | spectrum management branch |
SMC | search and rescue mission coordinator |
SMCA | single manager for conventional ammunition |
SMCM | surface mine countermeasures |
SME | subject matter expert |
SMO | senior meteorological and oceanographic officer; strategic mobility office(r) |
SMRC | Specialized Medical Response Capabilities |
SMS | Single Mobility System |
SMU | special mission unit |
SMWDC | Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center |
SN | serial number |
SNA | social network analysis |
SNCO | staff noncommissioned officer |
SNF | strategic nuclear forces |
SOA | special operations aviation (USA); sustained operations ashore |
SOAGS | special operations air-ground system |
SO-ATP | special operations-advanced tactical practitioner |
SOC | special operations commander |
SOCCE | special operations command and control element |
SOCCET | special operations critical care evacuation team |
SOC-FWD | special operations command-forward |
SOCM | special operations combat medic |
SOCNORTH | United States Special Operations Command, North |
SOCPAC | Special Operations Command Pacific |
SOD | special operations division |
SOE | special operations executive |
SOF | special operations forces |
SOFA | status-of-forces agreement |
SOF-CF | special operations forces-conventional forces |
SOFLE | special operations forces liaison element |
SOG | special operations group |
SOI | signal operating instructions |
SOIC | senior officer of the intelligence community |
SOJTF | special operations joint task force |
SOLE | special operations liaison element |
SOLO | special operations liaison officer |
SOM | structured observation management |
SOMA | status-of-mission agreement |
SOMARDS | Standard Operation and Maintenance Army Research and Development System |
SOMARDS NT | Standard Operation and Maintenance Army Research and Development System Non-Technical |
SOP | standard operating procedure |
SORTIEALOT | sortie allotment message |
SORTS | Status of Resources and Training System |
SOSB | special operations support battalion |
SOSI | space object surveillance and identification |
SOST | special operations support team |
SOTA | signals intelligence operational tasking authority |
SOTF | special operations task force |
SOW | standoff weapon; statement of work |
SP | security police |
SPD | space policy directive |
SPE | senior procurement executive |
SPECAT | special category |
SPG | Strategic Planning Guidance |
SPI | sensor point of interest; special investigative (USAF) |
SPINS | special instructions |
SPM | service postal manager; single port manager |
SPMAGTF | special purpose Marine air-ground task force |
SPOD | seaport of debarkation |
SPOE | seaport of embarkation |
SPOT | Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker |
SPOTREP | spot report |
SPP | Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America; State Partnership Program |
SR | special reconnaissance |
SRBM | short-range ballistic missile |
SRG | Seabee readiness group |
SRM | sustainment, restoration, and modernization |
SROE | standing rules of engagement |
SRR | search and rescue region |
SRSG | special representative of the Secretary-General |
SRUF | standing rules for the use of force |
SS | steamship |
SSA | security sector assistance; software support activity; space situational awareness; special support activity (NSA); supply support activity |
SSB | single side band |
SSBN | ballistic missile submarine (nuclear-powered) |
SSC | small scale contingency; special security center |
SSCO | shipper’s service control office |
SSE | space support element |
SSI | standing signal instruction |
SSM | surface-to-surface missile |
SSN | Social Security number |
SSO | special security office(r) |
SSPM | single-service postal manager |
SSR | security sector reform |
SSS | Selective Service System |
SST | special support team (National Security Agency) |
SSTR | stability, security, transition, and reconstruction |
SSWG | space support working group |
ST | short ton; strike team |
STANAG | standardization agreement (NATO) |
STAR | sensitive target approval and review |
STARS | Standard Accounting and Reporting System |
START | Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty |
S-Team | staff augmentation team |
STEP | standardized tactical entry point |
STO | special technical operations |
STON | short ton |
STS | special tactics squadron |
STT | special tactics team |
STU | secure telephone unit |
STW | strike warfare |
STWC | strike warfare commander |
SUBOPAUTH | submarine operating authority |
SUC | situation update code |
SUPP | supplement |
SUPPO | supply officer |
SUROBS | surf observation |
SUST BDE | sustainment brigade |
SUW | surface warfare |
SUWC | surface warfare commander |
SVC | stored value card |
SW | shallow water |
SWO | staff weather officer |
SWPC | Space Weather Prediction Center |
SYG | Secretary-General (UN) |
SYSCOM | systems command |
SZ | surf zone |
T | |
T&E | test and evaluation |
T/M/S | type, model, and/or series |
T2 | technology transfer |
TA | target acquisition; target audience; technical arrangement; theater Army |
TAA | tactical assembly area; target audience analysis |
TAACOM | theater Army area command |
TAAMDCOORD | theater Army air and missile defense coordinator |
TAC | terminal attack control |
TAC(A) | tactical air coordinator (airborne) |
TACAIR | tactical air |
TACAN | tactical air navigation |
TACC | tanker airlift control center |
TAC-D | tactical deception |
TACLOG | tactical-logistical |
TACO | theater allied contracting office |
TACON | tactical control |
TACOPDAT | tactical operational data |
TACP | tactical air control party |
TACRON | tactical air control squadron |
TACS | tactical air control system; theater air control system |
T-ACS | auxiliary crane ship |
TACSAT | tactical satellite |
TACT | tactical aviation control team |
TAD | tactical air direction; temporary additional duty (non-unit- related personnel); theater air defense |
TADC | tactical air direction center |
TAF | tactical air force |
TAFT | technical assistance field team |
TAG | technical assistance group; the adjutant general |
TAGS | theater air-ground system |
T-AH | hospital ship |
TAI | target area of interest |
TAIS | Tactical Airspace Integration System |
T-AKR | fast logistics ship |
TAMP | Transitional Assistance Management Program |
TAO | tactical air officer |
TAOC | tactical air operations center (USMC) |
TAR | tactical air request |
TARWI | target weather and intelligence |
TASWC | theater antisubmarine warfare commander |
TAT | tactical analysis team; technical assistance team |
TATC | tactical air traffic control |
T-AVB | aviation logistics support ship |
TB MED | technical bulletin medical |
TB(X) | transportation brigade (expeditionary) |
TBC | theater business clearance |
TBM | theater ballistic missile |
TBMCS | theater battle management core system |
TBMD | theater ballistic missile defense |
TC | training circular |
TCA | traditional combatant commander activity |
TC-AIMS II | Transportation Coordinator’s Automated Information for Movement System II |
TCC | transportation component command; troop contributing country |
TCCC | tactical combat casualty care |
TCCET | tactical critical care evacuation team |
TCCT | tactical critical care transport |
TCEM | theater contingency engineering management |
TCF | tactical combat force |
TCM | theater construction manager; theater container manager |
TCMD | transportation control and movement document |
TCN | third-country national; transportation control number |
TCO | termination contracting officer; transnational criminal organization |
TCPED | tasking, collection, processing, exploitation, and dissemination |
TCS | theater communications system |
TCSG | United States Transportation Command, Office of the Command Surgeon |
TCSP | theater consolidation and shipping point |
TD | temporary duty (USMC); theater distribution; tie down |
TDC | target development cell |
TDCP | theater distribution campaign plan |
TDD | time-definite delivery |
TDF | theater detention facility |
TDL | tactical data link |
TDN | tactical data network; target development nomination |
TDP | theater distribution plan |
TDR | transportation discrepancy report |
TDRC | theater detainee reporting center |
TDY | temporary duty |
TEA | Transportation Engineering Agency |
TEC | theater engineer command |
TECHCON | technical control |
TECHELINT | technical electronic intelligence |
TECHINT | technical intelligence |
TEDAC | Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (FBI) |
TEL | transporter-erector-launcher |
TEMPER | tent extendible modular personnel |
TENCAP | tactical exploitation of national capabilities program |
TEO | team embarkation officer |
TEP | theater engagement plan |
TERCOM | terrain contour matching |
TET | targeting effects team |
TETK | TeleEngineering Toolkit |
TEU | technical escort unit; twenty-foot equivalent unit |
TEWLS | Theater Enterprise Wide Logistics System |
TF | task force |
TFC | threat finance cell |
TFCICA | task force counterintelligence coordinating authority |
TFE | tactical field exchange; threat finance exploitation |
TFF | total force fitness |
TFI | threat finance intelligence |
TFMS-M | Transportation Financial Management System-Military |
TG | task group; technical guide |
TGM | terminally guided munitions |
TGO | terminal guidance operations |
THAAD | Terminal High Altitude Area Defense |
THOC | theater head of contracting |
THT | tactical human intelligence team |
THX | theater express |
TI | threat identification |
TIA | theater intelligence assessment |
TIB | theater intelligence brigade; toxic industrial biological |
TIC | target information center; toxic industrial chemical |
TIDE | Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment |
TIM | toxic industrial material |
TIO | target intelligence officer |
TIP | target intelligence package; trafficking in persons |
TIR | toxic industrial radiological |
TJAG | the judge advocate general |
T-JTB | theater-joint transportation board |
TLA | theater logistics analysis |
TLAM | Tomahawk land-attack missile |
TLAMM | theater lead agent for medical materiel |
TLE | target location error |
TLM | target list management; topographic line map |
TLO | theater logistics overview |
TM | target materials; technical manual |
TMAO | theater mortuary affairs office; theater mortuary affairs |
TMD | theater missile defense |
TMEP | theater mortuary evacuation point |
TMIP | theater medical information program |
TMM | transregional, multi-domain, and multifunctional |
TMO | target mensuration only; traffic management office; transportation management office |
TMT | time-phased force and deployment data management tool |
TNCC | theater network operations control center |
TNL | target nomination list |
TO | technical order; theater of operations |
TO&E | table of organization and equipment |
TOA | table of allowance; transfer of authority |
TOC | tactical operations center; transnational organized crime |
TOD | tactical ocean data |
TOI | track of interest |
TOPINT | technical operational intelligence |
TOR | term of reference |
TOS | time on station |
TOT | time on target |
TP | transportation priority |
TPE | theater provided equipment |
TPED | tasking, processing, exploitation, and dissemination; theater personal effects depot |
TPFDD | time-phased force and deployment data |
TPFDL | time-phased force and deployment list |
TPMRC | United States Transportation Command patient movement requirements center |
TPP | theater posture plan |
TPS | transportation protective service |
TPT | tactical petroleum terminal |
TQ | tactical questioning |
TRA | technical review authority |
TRAC2ES | United States Transportation Command Regulating and Command and Control Evacuation System |
TRADOC | United States Army Training and Doctrine Command |
Trans BDE | transportation brigade |
Trans Det RPO | transportation detachment rapid port opening |
TRANSEC | transmission security |
TRAP | tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel (USMC); tactical related applications |
TRIADS | Tri-Wall Aerial Distribution System |
TRICON | triple container |
TRO | training and readiness oversight |
TROPO | tropospheric scatter |
TRP | target reference point |
TS | time-sensitive; top secret |
TSA | target system analysis; Transportation Security Administration (DHS) |
TSC | theater security cooperation; theater support command; theater sustainment command (USA) |
TSCIF | temporary sensitive compartmented information facility |
TSCM | technical surveillance countermeasures |
TSCP | theater security cooperation plan |
TSM | target sorting message |
TSOC | tactical special operations command; theater special operations command |
TSS | target sensing system |
TSSA | transitional security sector assistance |
TST | terminal support team; time-sensitive target |
TSWA | temporary secure working area |
TT&C | telemetry, tracking, and commanding |
TTAB | Technical Training Acceptance Board |
TTAN | transportation tracking account number |
TTD | tactical terrain data |
TTL | tagging, tracking, and locating |
TTN | transportation tracking number |
TTP | tactics, techniques, and procedures; trailer transfer point |
TTT | time to target |
TTU | transportation terminal unit |
TU | targeted update; task unit |
TUCHA | type unit characteristics file |
TV | television |
TW&A | threat warning and assessment |
TWCF | Transportation Working Capital Fund |
TWDS | tactical water distribution system |
TYCOM | type commander |
U | |
U-233 | uranium-233 |
U-235 | uranium-235 |
UA | unmanned aircraft |
UAR | unconventional assisted recovery |
UARCC | unconventional assisted recovery coordination cell |
UAS | unmanned aircraft system |
UAV | unmanned aerial vehicle |
UCMJ | Uniform Code of Military Justice |
UCP | Unified Command Plan |
UCT | underwater construction team |
UDL | unit deployment list |
UEWR | upgraded early warning radar |
UFAC | Underground Facilities Analysis Center |
UFC | Unified Facilities Criteria |
UFO | ultrahigh frequency follow-on |
UGA | ungoverned area |
UGIRH | Urban Generic Information Requirements Handbook |
UGO | unified geospatial-intelligence operations |
UH | utility helicopter |
UHF | ultrahigh frequency |
UIC | unit identification code |
UJT | universal joint task |
UJTL | Universal Joint Task List |
UK | United Kingdom |
ULN | unit line number |
ULSD | ultra-low sulfur diesel |
UMCC | unit movement control center |
UMCM | underwater mine countermeasures |
UMD | unit movement data |
UMMIPS | Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System |
UMO | unit movement officer |
UMS | unmanned system |
UN | United Nations |
UN CMCoord | United Nations humanitarian civil-military coordination |
UNCLOS | United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea |
UNCT | United Nations country team |
UND | urgency of need designator |
UNDAC | United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination |
UNDFS | United Nations Department of Field Support |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
UNDPKO | United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Programme |
UNHAS | United Nations Humanitarian Air Service |
UNHCHR | United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
UNHQ | United Nations Headquarters |
UNICEF | United Nations Children’s Fund |
UNITAF | unified task force |
UNMEM | United Nations military expert on mission |
UNO | unit number |
UNOCHA | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs |
UNODC | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |
UNOSOM | United Nations Operations in Somalia |
UNPA | United Nations Participation Act |
UNPROFOR | United Nations protection force |
UNSC | United Nations Security Council |
UNSCR | United Nations Security Council resolution |
UNSG | United Nations Secretary-General |
UON | urgent operational need |
URL | uniform resource locater |
URN | unit reference number |
US BICES | United States Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation System |
US BICES-X | United States Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation System Extended |
US&R | urban search and rescue |
USA | United States Army |
USACE | United States Army Corps of Engineers |
USACFSC | United States Army Community and Family Support Center |
USACHPPM | United States Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine |
USACIDC | United States Army Criminal Investigation Command |
USAEDS | United States Atomic Energy Detection System |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USAFE | United States Air Forces in Europe |
USAFR | United States Air Force Reserve |
USAFRICOM | United States Africa Command |
USAFSOS | United States Air Force Special Operations School |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
USAMC | United States Army Materiel Command |
USAMMA | United States Army Medical Materiel Agency |
USAMRICD | United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense |
USAMRIID | United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases |
USAMRMC | United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command |
USANCA | United States Army Nuclear and Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Agency |
USAPHC | United States Army Public Health Center |
USAR | United States Army Reserve |
USARCENT | United States Army, Central Command |
USARDECOM | United States Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command |
USAREUR | United States Army, European Command |
USARNORTH | United States Army, North |
USARPAC | United States Army, Pacific Command |
USARSO | United States Army, Southern Command |
USASMDC/ARSTRAT | United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command |
USASOC | United States Army Special Operations Command |
USC | United States Code; universal service contract |
USCENTCOM | United States Central Command |
USCG | United States Coast Guard |
USCGR | United States Coast Guard Reserve |
USCIS | United States Citizenship and Immigration Services |
USCS | United States Cryptologic System |
USCYBERCOM | United States Cyber Command |
USD(A&S) | Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment |
USD(C) | Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) |
USD(I) | Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence |
USD(P&R) | Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness |
USD(P) | Under Secretary of Defense for Policy |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
USDAO | United States defense attaché office |
USELEMNORAD | United States Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command |
USERID | user identification |
USERRA | Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act |
USEUCOM | United States European Command |
USFF | United States Fleet Forces Command |
USFK | United States Forces, Korea |
USG | Under-Secretary-General; United States Government |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
USINDOPACOM | United States Indo-Pacific Command |
USIP | United States Institute of Peace |
USLO | United States liaison office |
USMC | United States Marine Corps |
USMCR | United States Marine Corps Reserve |
USMILGP | United States military group |
USML | United States Munitions List |
USMOG | United States Military Observer Group |
USMOG-W | United States Military Observer Group - Washington |
USMS | United States Marshals Service |
USMTF | United States message text format |
USN | United States Navy |
USNAVSO | US Naval Forces Southern Command |
USNMR | United States national military representative |
USNO | United States Naval Observatory |
USNORTHCOM | United States Northern Command |
USNR | United States Navy Reserve |
USNS | United States Naval Ship |
USPHS | United States Public Health Service (DHHS) |
USPS | United States Postal Service |
USSF | United States Space Force |
USSOCOM | United States Special Operations Command |
USSOUTHCOM | United States Southern Command |
USSPACECOM | United States Space Command |
USSS | United States Secret Service (DHS) |
USSTRATCOM | United States Strategic Command |
USTRANSCOM | United States Transportation Command |
USUN | United States Mission to the United Nations |
USW | undersea warfare |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time; unit type code |
UTM | universal transverse mercator |
UTO | unit table of organization |
UUV | unmanned underwater vehicle; unmanned underwater vessel |
UW | unconventional warfare |
UXO | unexploded explosive ordnance; unexploded ordnance |
V | |
VA | Department of Veterans Affairs; victim advocate |
VAAP | vulnerability assessment and assistance program |
VBIED | vehicle-borne improvised explosive device |
VBSS | visit, board, search, and seizure |
VCJCS | Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff |
VDL | video downlink |
VE | vertical error; violent extremism |
VEE | Venezuelan equine encephalitis |
VEO | violent extremist organization |
VFR | visual flight rules |
VFS | validating flight surgeon |
VHF | very high frequency |
VI | visual information |
VID | visual identification |
VIP | very important person |
VIPPSA | very important personnel protection support activity |
VIRIN | visual information record identification number |
VIRS | verbally initiated release system |
VISA | Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement |
VISION ID | visual information professional identifier |
VLF | very low frequency |
VMap | vector map |
VMAQ | Marine tactical electronic warfare squadron |
VMD | volume median diameter |
VMF | variable message format |
VMI | vendor managed inventory |
VOD | vertical onboard delivery |
VPV | virtual prime vendor |
VSW | very shallow water |
VTA | voluntary tanker agreement |
VTC | video teleconferencing |
VTOL | vertical takeoff and landing |
VTOL-UAS | vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aircraft system |
W | |
WADS | Western Air Defense Sector |
WAI | weather area of interest |
WAN | wide-area network |
WANGO | World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations |
WARMs | wartime reserve modes |
WARNORD | warning order |
WARP | web-based access and retrieval portal |
WAS | wide area surveillance |
WASP | war air service program |
WB | wideband |
WBGTI | wet bulb globe temperature index |
WBIED | waterborne improvised explosive device |
WCE | weapons of mass destruction coordination element |
WCO | World Customs Organization |
WCS | weapons control status |
WDCO | well deck control officer |
Web SM | Web Scheduling and Movement |
WEBVLIPS | Web Visual Logistics Information Processing System |
WETM | weather team |
WEU | Western European Union |
WEZ | weapon engagement zone |
WFP | World Food Programme (UN) |
WG | working group |
WGS | Wideband Global Satellite Communications |
WGS 84 | World Geodetic System 1984 |
WHNS | wartime host-nation support |
WHO | World Health Organization (UN) |
WIA | wounded in action |
WIF | Wales Initiative Fund |
WIT | weapons intelligence team |
WLG | Washington Liaison Group |
WMD | weapons of mass destruction |
WMD-CST | weapons of mass destruction-civil support team |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WMP | Air Force War and Mobilization Plan |
WOC | wing operations center (USAF) |
WOD | wind-over deck |
WOT | war on terrorism |
WP | white phosphorous; working party |
WPB | Coast Guard patrol boat |
WPR | War Powers Resolution |
WRA | Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (DOS); weapons release authority |
WRAIR | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research |
WRM | war reserve materiel |
WRS | war reserve stock |
WRSA | war reserve stocks for allies |
WS | weather squadron |
WSESRB | Weapon System Explosive Safety Review Board |
WSM | waterspace management |
WSR | weapon system reliability |
WSV | weapons system video |
WT | warping tug |
WTI | weapons technical intelligence |
WWII | World War II |
WWX | worldwide express |
WX | weather |
X | |
XCDS | extracted container delivery system |
XCVR | transceiver |
XMPP | extensible messaging and presence protocol |
XO | executive officer |