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909 random Dutch-English entries CLT.doc

From michaelbeijer.co.uk

[NED] 1 april
[ENG] April fool's day
[REM] Holidays

[NED] aak
[ENG] barge
[REM] Transport

[NED] aandeel
[ENG] share; stocks
[REM] Banking

[NED] aandelenbeurs
[ENG] stock market
[REM] Banking

[NED] aangehouden worden
[ENG] to be under arrest
[REM] Law

[NED] aangetekende brief
[ENG] registered letter
[REM] Postal services

[NED] aanhangwagen
[ENG] trailer
[REM] Transport

[NED] aansprakelijkheid
[ENG] liability
[REM] Insurance

[NED] aansprakelijkheidsverzekering
[ENG] liability insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] aanval
[ENG] attack
[REM] Law

[NED] aap
[ENG] monkey
[REM] Animals

[NED] aardappel
[ENG] potato
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] aardbei
[ENG] strawberry
[REM] Fruit

[NED] aardewerk; faience
[ENG] earthenware
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] aasvlieg; strontvlieg
[ENG] bluebottle
[REM] Insects

[NED] abrikoos
[ENG] apricot
[REM] Fruit

[NED] accessoires
[ENG] accessories
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] achterkleindochter
[ENG] great-granddaughter
[REM] Relatives

[NED] achterkleinkinderen
[ENG] great-grandchildren
[REM] Relatives

[NED] achterkleinzoon
[ENG] great-grandson
[REM] Relatives

[NED] achterstallig
[ENG] unpaid; overdue
[REM] Banking

[NED] acrobaat
[ENG] acrobat
[REM] Occupations

[NED] acrylic
[ENG] acrylic fibre
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] acteur
[ENG] actor
[REM] Occupations

[NED] adder
[ENG] grass snake
[REM] Animals

[NED] adelaar; arend
[ENG] eagle
[REM] Birds

[NED] ader
[ENG] vein
[REM] Body parts

[NED] adres
[ENG] address
[REM] Postal services

[NED] advent
[ENG] Advent
[REM] Holidays

[NED] advocaat
[ENG] lawyer; solicitor; barrister
[REM] Law

[NED] advocaat
[ENG] lawyer; barrister
[REM] Occupations

[NED] afbetaling
[ENG] acquittal; installment payment
[REM] Banking

[NED] afrekening
[ENG] settlement
[REM] Banking

[NED] afschrijving
[ENG] redemption
[REM] Banking

[NED] alcohol
[ENG] alchohol
[REM] Drinks

[NED] allerheiligen
[ENG] All Saint's Day
[REM] Holidays

[NED] allerzielen
[ENG] All Soul's Day
[REM] Holidays

[NED] alpinisme; bergbeklimmen
[ENG] mountaineering
[REM] Sports

[NED] aluminium
[ENG] aluminium
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] ambtenaar
[ENG] civil servant
[REM] Occupations

[NED] ananas
[ENG] pineapple
[REM] Fruit

[NED] anorak
[ENG] anorak
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] antiquair
[ENG] antique dealer
[REM] Shops

[NED] anus
[ENG] anus
[REM] Body parts

[NED] apotheek
[ENG] chemist's
[REM] Shops

[NED] apotheker
[ENG] chemist
[REM] Occupations

[NED] appel
[ENG] apple
[REM] Fruit

[NED] aquarium
[ENG] aquarium
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] arbeider
[ENG] worker
[REM] Occupations

[NED] arbeidsongevallenverzekering
[ENG] worker's compensation
[REM] Insurance

[NED] architect
[ENG] architect
[REM] Occupations

[NED] argument
[ENG] argument
[REM] Law

[NED] arm
[ENG] arm
[REM] Body parts

[NED] armband
[ENG] bracelet
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] arrestatie
[ENG] arrest
[REM] Law

[NED] artisjok
[ENG] artichoke
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] asperge
[ENG] asparagus
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] astronaut
[ENG] astronaut
[REM] Occupations

[NED] aswoensdag
[ENG] Ash Wednesday
[REM] Holidays

[NED] atletiek
[ENG] athletics
[REM] Sports

[NED] aubergine
[ENG] aubergine; eggplant
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] auto
[ENG] car
[REM] Transport

[NED] autoverzekering
[ENG] auto insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] avocado
[ENG] avocado
[REM] Fruit

[NED] azijn
[ENG] vinegar
[REM] Food

[NED] bacon
[ENG] bacon
[REM] Meat products

[NED] badminton
[ENG] badminton
[REM] Sports

[NED] badpak; zwempak
[ENG] bathing suit; swimming suit; swimming costume
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] bakker
[ENG] baker
[REM] Occupations

[NED] bakker
[ENG] baker's (shop)
[REM] Shops

[NED] balans
[ENG] balance
[REM] Banking

[NED] balie
[ENG] banisters
[REM] Law

[NED] balken
[ENG] bray
[REM] Animal sounds

[NED] ballon
[ENG] balloon
[REM] Transport

[NED] banaan
[ENG] banana
[REM] Fruit

[NED] bandiet
[ENG] bandit
[REM] Law

[NED] bank
[ENG] bank
[REM] Shops

[NED] bank
[ENG] bank
[REM] Banking

[NED] banketbakkerij
[ENG] confectioner's
[REM] Shops

[NED] bankier
[ENG] banker
[REM] Occupations

[NED] barbier; kapper
[ENG] barber
[REM] Shops

[NED] basketbal
[ENG] basketball
[REM] Sports

[NED] bediende
[ENG] clerk
[REM] Occupations

[NED] been
[ENG] leg
[REM] Body parts

[NED] beenhouwerij
[ENG] butcher's (shop)
[REM] Shops

[NED] beer
[ENG] bear
[REM] Animals

[NED] begrafenis
[ENG] funeral; burial
[REM] Special occasions

[NED] beha
[ENG] bra
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] belegging
[ENG] investment
[REM] Banking

[NED] bemiddeling
[ENG] mediation
[REM] Law

[NED] bes
[ENG] berry
[REM] Fruit

[NED] beschuldiging
[ENG] accusation; charge
[REM] Law

[NED] bestelwagen
[ENG] (delivery) van
[REM] Transport

[NED] bestemmeling
[ENG] addressee
[REM] Postal services

[NED] betaling
[ENG] payment
[REM] Banking

[NED] beton
[ENG] concrete
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] betwisting
[ENG] protest
[REM] Insurance

[NED] bevek
[ENG] unit trust; mutual fund
[REM] Banking

[NED] bewijs
[ENG] evidence
[REM] Law

[NED] bibliothecaris
[ENG] librarian
[REM] Occupations

[NED] bibliotheek
[ENG] library
[REM] Shops

[NED] bier
[ENG] beer
[REM] Drinks

[NED] bij
[ENG] bee
[REM] Insects

[NED] bijenkorf
[ENG] beehive
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] bijnierschors
[ENG] adrenal gland
[REM] Body parts

[NED] bijstand
[ENG] assistance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] biljart
[ENG] billiards
[REM] Sports

[NED] billen
[ENG] buttocks
[REM] Body parts

[NED] blaffen
[ENG] bark
[REM] Animal sounds

[NED] blaten
[ENG] bleat
[REM] Animal sounds

[NED] bloed
[ENG] blood
[REM] Body parts

[NED] bloem
[ENG] flour
[REM] Food

[NED] bloemkool
[ENG] cauliflower
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] bloes
[ENG] blouse
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] bochel
[ENG] hump
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] boekhouder
[ENG] accountant
[REM] Occupations

[NED] boete
[ENG] fine
[REM] Law

[NED] bokaal
[ENG] fishbowl
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] boksen
[ENG] boxing
[REM] Sports

[NED] bolhoed
[ENG] bowler hat
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] bollenwinkel
[ENG] sweetshop
[REM] Shops

[NED] boogschieten
[ENG] archery
[REM] Sports

[NED] boon
[ENG] bean
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] boot
[ENG] boat
[REM] Transport

[NED] borst (man)
[ENG] chest
[REM] Body parts

[NED] boter
[ENG] butter
[REM] Food

[NED] bouwvakker
[ENG] builder
[REM] Occupations

[NED] bowling
[ENG] bowls
[REM] Sports

[NED] brand
[ENG] fire
[REM] Insurance

[NED] brandverzekering
[ENG] fire insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] brandweerman
[ENG] fireman
[REM] Occupations

[NED] brandweerwagen
[ENG] fire engine
[REM] Transport

[NED] bretellen
[ENG] braces
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] brief
[ENG] letter
[REM] Postal services

[NED] briefkaart
[ENG] letter-card
[REM] Postal services

[NED] briefpapier
[ENG] writing paper
[REM] Postal services

[NED] brievenbus
[ENG] mailbox; letterbox; pillar box
[REM] Postal services

[NED] broche
[ENG] brooch
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] broek
[ENG] trousers
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] broekpak
[ENG] trouser suit
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] broer
[ENG] brother
[REM] Relatives

[NED] bromfiets
[ENG] moped
[REM] Transport

[NED] brons
[ENG] bronze
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] brood
[ENG] bread; loaf
[REM] Food

[NED] brullen
[ENG] roar
[REM] Animal sounds

[NED] buidel
[ENG] pouch
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] buik
[ENG] belly
[REM] Body parts

[NED] buit
[ENG] loot
[REM] Law

[NED] bus
[ENG] bus
[REM] Transport

[NED] busbestuurder
[ENG] bus driver
[REM] Occupations

[NED] café
[ENG] café
[REM] Shops

[NED] cake
[ENG] cake
[REM] Food

[NED] cameraman
[ENG] cameraman
[REM] Occupations

[NED] caravan
[ENG] caravan
[REM] Transport

[NED] cardigan
[ENG] cardigan
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] carnaval
[ENG] carnival
[REM] Special occasions

[NED] cavia
[ENG] guinea-pig
[REM] Animals

[NED] cel
[ENG] cell
[REM] Law

[NED] cement
[ENG] cement
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] chccolade
[ENG] chocolate
[REM] Food

[NED] cheque
[ENG] check; cheque
[REM] Banking

[NED] cheque aantoonder
[ENG] bearer
[REM] Banking

[NED] chinchilla
[ENG] chinchilla
[REM] Animals

[NED] chips
[ENG] crisps
[REM] Food

[NED] chirurg
[ENG] surgeon
[REM] Occupations

[NED] chocolademelk
[ENG] cocoa
[REM] Drinks

[NED] citroen
[ENG] lemon
[REM] Fruit

[NED] cognac
[ENG] brandy
[REM] Drinks

[NED] conciërge
[ENG] caretaker
[REM] Occupations

[NED] contract
[ENG] contract
[REM] Insurance

[NED] controleur
[ENG] inspector
[REM] Occupations

[NED] courgette
[ENG] courgette
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] credit
[ENG] credit
[REM] Banking

[NED] dagbladhandelaar
[ENG] newsagent
[REM] Shops

[NED] danser
[ENG] dancer
[REM] Occupations

[NED] das
[ENG] badger
[REM] Animals

[NED] das
[ENG] tie
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] dasspeld
[ENG] tie-pin
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] debet
[ENG] debit
[REM] Banking

[NED] dekking
[ENG] cover
[REM] Insurance

[NED] detective
[ENG] detective
[REM] Occupations

[NED] dief
[ENG] thief
[REM] Law

[NED] dief
[ENG] thief
[REM] Occupations

[NED] diefstal
[ENG] theft
[REM] Law

[NED] diefstal
[ENG] theft
[REM] Insurance

[NED] dierenarts
[ENG] vet; veterinary surgeon
[REM] Occupations

[NED] dierenspeciaalzaak
[ENG] pet supply store
[REM] Shops

[NED] dierenwinkel
[ENG] pet store
[REM] Shops

[NED] dij; bovenbeen
[ENG] thigh
[REM] Body parts

[NED] dividend
[ENG] dividends
[REM] Banking

[NED] dochter
[ENG] daughter
[REM] Relatives

[NED] doden
[ENG] to kill
[REM] Law

[NED] dokter
[ENG] doctor
[REM] Occupations

[NED] doodstraf
[ENG] death penalty
[REM] Law

[NED] doop
[ENG] baptism; christening
[REM] Special occasions

[NED] doorlopende opdracht
[ENG] standing order
[REM] Banking

[NED] douanebeambte
[ENG] customs officer
[REM] Occupations

[NED] driekoningen
[ENG] Epiphany; Twelfth Night
[REM] Holidays

[NED] droogkuis
[ENG] dry cleaner's
[REM] Shops

[NED] druif
[ENG] grape
[REM] Fruit

[NED] drukker
[ENG] printer
[REM] Occupations

[NED] drukwerk
[ENG] printed matter
[REM] Postal services

[NED] duif
[ENG] dove
[REM] Birds

[NED] duizendpoot
[ENG] centipede
[REM] Insects

[NED] echtgenoot
[ENG] husband
[REM] Relatives

[NED] echtgenote
[ENG] wife
[REM] Relatives

[NED] eekhoorn
[ENG] squirrel; chipmunk
[REM] Animals

[NED] eend
[ENG] duck
[REM] Birds

[NED] egel
[ENG] hedgehog
[REM] Animals

[NED] ei
[ENG] egg
[REM] Food

[NED] ekster
[ENG] magpie
[REM] Birds

[NED] electricien
[ENG] electrician
[REM] Occupations

[NED] elleboog
[ENG] elbow
[REM] Body parts

[NED] enkel
[ENG] ankle
[REM] Body parts

[NED] erwten
[ENG] garden peas
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] ezel
[ENG] donkey
[REM] Animals

[NED] failliet
[ENG] bankruptcy
[REM] Banking

[NED] familie
[ENG] family
[REM] Relatives

[NED] fasant
[ENG] pheasant
[REM] Birds

[NED] fiets
[ENG] bicycle; bike
[REM] Transport

[NED] fish sticks
[ENG] fish fingers
[REM] Fish

[NED] flamingo
[ENG] flamingo
[REM] Birds

[NED] fluweel
[ENG] cord; corduroy; velvet
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] forel
[ENG] trout
[REM] Fish

[NED] fotograaf
[ENG] photographer
[REM] Occupations

[NED] framboos
[ENG] strawberry
[REM] Fruit

[NED] franchise
[ENG] insurance benefit; insurance coverage
[REM] Insurance

[NED] fret
[ENG] ferret
[REM] Animals

[NED] frieten
[ENG] french fries
[REM] Food

[NED] fruit
[ENG] fruit
[REM] Fruit

[NED] fruithandel
[ENG] fruiterer
[REM] Shops

[NED] fruitsap
[ENG] fruit juice
[REM] Drinks

[NED] funiculaire
[ENG] funicular
[REM] Transport

[NED] gal
[ENG] gall
[REM] Body parts

[NED] gangenstelsel
[ENG] warren
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] gans
[ENG] goose
[REM] Birds

[NED] garnaal
[ENG] shrimp
[REM] Fish

[NED] gas
[ENG] gas
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] geboorte
[ENG] birth
[REM] Special occasions

[NED] gehakt
[ENG] mince
[REM] Meat products

[NED] geheim agent
[ENG] secret agent
[REM] Law

[NED] geit
[ENG] billy-goat
[REM] Animals

[NED] geit
[ENG] goat
[REM] Animals

[NED] geit
[ENG] nanny-goat
[REM] Animals

[NED] geld
[ENG] money
[REM] Banking

[NED] geraamte
[ENG] skeleton
[REM] Body parts

[NED] gerechtshof
[ENG] court
[REM] Law

[NED] getuige
[ENG] witness
[REM] Law

[NED] getuigenbank
[ENG] witness box
[REM] Law

[NED] getuigenis
[ENG] testimony
[REM] Law

[NED] gevangene
[ENG] prisoner
[REM] Law

[NED] gevangenis
[ENG] prison
[REM] Law

[NED] gevangenneming
[ENG] capture
[REM] Law

[NED] gevogelte
[ENG] poultry
[REM] Meat products

[NED] gewapende overval
[ENG] armed robbery
[REM] Law

[NED] gewei
[ENG] antlers
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] gewricht
[ENG] joint
[REM] Body parts

[NED] gezicht
[ENG] face
[REM] Body parts

[NED] gietijzer
[ENG] cast-iron
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] gijzeling
[ENG] hostage
[REM] Law

[NED] giraf
[ENG] giraffe
[REM] Animals

[NED] giro
[ENG] giro
[REM] Postal services

[NED] glas
[ENG] glass
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] glasbraak
[ENG] glass insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] glasvezel
[ENG] fibreglass
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] goede vrijdag
[ENG] Good Friday
[REM] Holidays

[NED] golf
[ENG] golf
[REM] Sports

[NED] goud
[ENG] gold
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] gouden bruiloft
[ENG] golden wedding
[REM] Special occasions

[NED] graniet
[ENG] granite
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] groentenwinkel
[ENG] greengrocer
[REM] Shops

[NED] groepsverzekering
[ENG] group insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] grommen
[ENG] growl
[REM] Animal sounds

[NED] grootouders
[ENG] grandparents
[REM] Relatives

[NED] groottante
[ENG] great-aunt
[REM] Relatives

[NED] grootvader
[ENG] grandfather
[REM] Relatives

[NED] haakje
[ENG] clasp
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] haar
[ENG] hair
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] haar
[ENG] hair
[REM] Body parts

[NED] haas
[ENG] hare
[REM] Animals

[NED] halfbroer
[ENG] stepbrother
[REM] Relatives

[NED] halfzus
[ENG] steosister
[REM] Relatives

[NED] halloween
[ENG] Halloween
[REM] Holidays

[NED] halsband
[ENG] necklace; beads
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] ham
[ENG] ham
[REM] Meat products

[NED] hamburger
[ENG] hamburger
[REM] Meat products

[NED] hamster
[ENG] hamster
[REM] Animals

[NED] hand
[ENG] hand
[REM] Body parts

[NED] handschoen
[ENG] glove
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] handtas
[ENG] handbag
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] handtekening
[ENG] signature
[REM] Banking

[NED] haring
[ENG] herring
[REM] Fish

[NED] hart
[ENG] heart
[REM] Body parts

[NED] hazelnoot
[ENG] hazelnut
[REM] Fruit

[NED] helikopter
[ENG] helicopter
[REM] Transport

[NED] hersenen
[ENG] brains
[REM] Body parts

[NED] hert
[ENG] deer
[REM] Animals

[NED] heup
[ENG] hip
[REM] Body parts

[NED] hiel
[ENG] heel
[REM] Body parts

[NED] hinniken
[ENG] neigh
[REM] Animal sounds

[NED] hockey
[ENG] hockey
[REM] Sports

[NED] hoef
[ENG] hoof
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] hoge hakken
[ENG] high heels
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] hol
[ENG] den
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] hold-up
[ENG] hold-up
[REM] Law

[NED] hond
[ENG] dog
[REM] Animals

[NED] honing
[ENG] honey
[REM] Food

[NED] hoofd
[ENG] head
[REM] Body parts

[NED] hoofddoek
[ENG] headscarf
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] hoorn
[ENG] horn
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] horlogemaker
[ENG] watchmaker's
[REM] Shops

[NED] hospitalisatieverzekering
[ENG] hospitalisation insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] hout
[ENG] wood
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] houtskool
[ENG] coal; charcoal
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] hovercraft
[ENG] hovercraft
[REM] Transport

[NED] huid
[ENG] skin
[REM] Body parts

[NED] huurmoordenaar
[ENG] hitman
[REM] Occupations

[NED] huwelijk
[ENG] marriage; wedding
[REM] Special occasions

[NED] huwelijksreis
[ENG] honeymoon
[REM] Special occasions

[NED] huwelijksverjaardag
[ENG] wedding anniversary
[REM] Special occasions

[NED] hypotheek
[ENG] mortgage
[REM] Banking

[NED] ijsbeer
[ENG] polar bear
[REM] Animals

[NED] ijsje
[ENG] ice cream
[REM] Food

[NED] ijsvogel
[ENG] kingfisher
[REM] Birds

[NED] ijzer
[ENG] iron
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] ijzerwaren
[ENG] ironmonger's (shop)
[REM] Shops

[NED] impker
[ENG] bee-keeper; apiarist
[REM] Occupations

[NED] inbreker
[ENG] burglar
[REM] Law

[NED] informaticus
[ENG] computer scientist
[REM] Occupations

[NED] ingenieur
[ENG] engineer
[REM] Occupations

[NED] ingewanden
[ENG] intestines
[REM] Body parts

[NED] ingewanden
[ENG] tripes
[REM] Meat products

[NED] interimaris
[ENG] temp
[REM] Occupations

[NED] intrest
[ENG] interest
[REM] Banking

[NED] Isorel
[ENG] hardboard
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] jacht
[ENG] yacht
[REM] Transport

[NED] jas
[ENG] jacket
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] jeans
[ENG] jeans
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] jeep
[ENG] jeep
[REM] Transport

[NED] jogging
[ENG] jogging
[REM] Sports

[NED] jogging
[ENG] tracksuit
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] journalist
[ENG] journalist
[REM] Occupations

[NED] judo
[ENG] judo
[REM] Sports

[NED] jurk
[ENG] dress
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] jury
[ENG] jury
[REM] Law

[NED] justitiepaleis
[ENG] law courts
[REM] Law

[NED] juweel
[ENG] jewel
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] kaak
[ENG] jaw
[REM] Body parts

[NED] kalf
[ENG] veal
[REM] Meat products

[NED] kalk
[ENG] limestone
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] kalkoen
[ENG] turkey
[REM] Meat products

[NED] kalkoen
[ENG] turkey
[REM] Birds

[NED] kameel
[ENG] camel
[REM] Animals

[NED] kanarie
[ENG] canary
[REM] Birds

[NED] kangaroe
[ENG] kangaroo
[REM] Animals

[NED] kano
[ENG] canoe
[REM] Transport

[NED] kap
[ENG] hood
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] kapper
[ENG] hairdresser
[REM] Occupations

[NED] kapper
[ENG] hairdresser
[REM] Shops

[NED] kapstok
[ENG] coathanger
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] karate
[ENG] karate
[REM] Sports

[NED] karton
[ENG] cardboard
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] kasbon
[ENG] coupons
[REM] Banking

[NED] kastanje
[ENG] chestnut
[REM] Fruit

[NED] kat
[ENG] cat
[REM] Animals

[NED] katoen
[ENG] cotton
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] keel
[ENG] throat
[REM] Body parts

[NED] kennel
[ENG] kennel
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] kers
[ENG] cherry
[REM] Fruit

[NED] kerstdag
[ENG] Boxing Day
[REM] Holidays

[NED] kerstmis
[ENG] Christmas
[REM] Holidays

[NED] kever
[ENG] bug
[REM] Insects

[NED] kikker
[ENG] frog
[REM] Animals

[NED] kin
[ENG] chin
[REM] Body parts

[NED] kind
[ENG] child
[REM] Relatives

[NED] kip
[ENG] chicken
[REM] Meat products

[NED] klauw
[ENG] claw
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] kledingzaak; klerenwinkel
[ENG] clothes shop
[REM] Shops

[NED] kleermaker
[ENG] tailor
[REM] Occupations

[NED] klei
[ENG] clay
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] kleindochter
[ENG] granddaughter
[REM] Relatives

[NED] kleinkinderen
[ENG] grandchildren
[REM] Relatives

[NED] kleinzoon
[ENG] grandson
[REM] Relatives

[NED] kleren
[ENG] clothes
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] knoopsgat
[ENG] buttonhole
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] koe
[ENG] cow
[REM] Animals

[NED] koeienstal
[ENG] byre
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] koeienstal
[ENG] cowshed
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] koekje
[ENG] biscuit
[REM] Food

[NED] koekoek
[ENG] cuckoo
[REM] Birds

[NED] koets; rijtuig
[ENG] coach
[REM] Transport

[NED] koffie
[ENG] coffee
[REM] Drinks

[NED] kok
[ENG] cook
[REM] Occupations

[NED] konijn
[ENG] rabbit
[REM] Animals

[NED] kooi
[ENG] cage
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] kooi
[ENG] hutch
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] kool
[ENG] cabbage
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] koolvis
[ENG] hake
[REM] Fish

[NED] koper
[ENG] copper
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] koppel
[ENG] couple
[REM] Relatives

[NED] kotelet
[ENG] chop
[REM] Meat products

[NED] kous
[ENG] sock
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] kraag
[ENG] collar
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] kraaien
[ENG] crow
[REM] Animal sounds

[NED] krediet
[ENG] credit
[REM] Banking

[NED] kredietkaart
[ENG] credit card
[REM] Banking

[NED] kreeft
[ENG] lobster
[REM] Fish

[NED] krekel
[ENG] cricket
[REM] Insects

[NED] krijt
[ENG] chalk
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] kristal
[ENG] crystal
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] krokodil
[ENG] crocodile
[REM] Animals

[NED] kruidenier
[ENG] grocer's (shop)
[REM] Shops

[NED] kruimel
[ENG] crumb
[REM] Food

[NED] kuit
[ENG] calf
[REM] Body parts

[NED] kunstenaar
[ENG] artist
[REM] Occupations

[NED] kwartel
[ENG] quail
[REM] Birds

[NED] laars
[ENG] boot
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] lam
[ENG] lamb
[REM] Meat products

[NED] landloper
[ENG] tramp
[REM] Occupations

[NED] leder
[ENG] leather
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] leeuw
[ENG] lion
[REM] Animals

[NED] leeuwerik
[ENG] lark
[REM] Birds

[NED] leeuwin
[ENG] lioness
[REM] Animals

[NED] leger
[ENG] burrow
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] lende
[ENG] loin
[REM] Body parts

[NED] lening
[ENG] loan
[REM] Banking

[NED] leraar
[ENG] teacher
[REM] Occupations

[NED] levensverzekering
[ENG] life insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] lever
[ENG] liver
[REM] Body parts

[NED] libel
[ENG] dragonfly
[REM] Insects

[NED] lichaam
[ENG] body
[REM] Body parts

[NED] lies
[ENG] groin
[REM] Body parts

[NED] lieverheersbeestje
[ENG] ladybird (UK); ladybug (US)
[REM] Insects

[NED] lijk
[ENG] corpse
[REM] Law

[NED] lijm
[ENG] glue
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] limonade
[ENG] lemonade
[REM] Drinks

[NED] linnen
[ENG] linen
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] linoleum
[ENG] linoleum
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] lint
[ENG] ribbon
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] lip
[ENG] lip
[REM] Body parts

[NED] loeien
[ENG] bellow
[REM] Animal sounds

[NED] loeien
[ENG] moo
[REM] Animal sounds

[NED] long
[ENG] lung
[REM] Body parts

[NED] loodgieter
[ENG] plumber
[REM] Occupations

[NED] look
[ENG] garlic
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] loopstok
[ENG] walking stick
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] lopen
[ENG] running
[REM] Sports

[NED] lopende rekening; zichtrekening
[ENG] current account
[REM] Banking

[NED] losgeld
[ENG] ransom
[REM] Law

[NED] luchtballon
[ENG] air-balloon
[REM] Transport

[NED] luchtpost
[ENG] airmail
[REM] Postal services

[NED] luchtschip
[ENG] airship
[REM] Transport

[NED] luipaard
[ENG] leopard
[REM] Animals

[NED] luis
[ENG] lice
[REM] Insects

[NED] maag
[ENG] stomach
[REM] Body parts

[NED] maan
[ENG] mane
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] maat
[ENG] size
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] malus
[ENG] malus
[REM] Insurance

[NED] mama
[ENG] mum(my)
[REM] Relatives

[NED] manchet
[ENG] cuff
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] mantel
[ENG] coat
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] margarine
[ENG] margarine
[REM] Food

[NED] marmer
[ENG] marble
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] mayonnaise
[ENG] salad cream
[REM] Food

[NED] Means of transport
[ENG] Means of transport
[REM] Transport

[NED] mecanicien
[ENG] mechanic
[REM] Occupations

[NED] mededeling
[ENG] communication
[REM] Banking

[NED] mees
[ENG] bluetit
[REM] Birds

[NED] meeuw
[ENG] sea gull
[REM] Birds

[NED] melkbroodje
[ENG] bun; scone
[REM] Food

[NED] meloen
[ENG] melon
[REM] Fruit

[NED] merrie
[ENG] mare
[REM] Animals

[NED] messing
[ENG] brass
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] metaal
[ENG] metal
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] meter
[ENG] godmother
[REM] Relatives

[NED] metro
[ENG] subway; underground
[REM] Transport

[NED] metselaar
[ENG] bricklayer; mason
[REM] Occupations

[NED] miauwen
[ENG] mew
[REM] Animal sounds

[NED] mier
[ENG] ant
[REM] Insects

[NED] mijnwerker
[ENG] miner
[REM] Occupations

[NED] milk shake
[ENG] milk shake
[REM] Drinks

[NED] minibus
[ENG] minibus
[REM] Transport

[NED] minister
[ENG] minister
[REM] Occupations

[NED] misdadiger
[ENG] criminal
[REM] Law

[NED] model
[ENG] model
[REM] Occupations

[NED] modeontwerper
[ENG] fashion designer
[REM] Occupations

[NED] moeder
[ENG] mother
[REM] Relatives

[NED] mol
[ENG] mole
[REM] Animals

[NED] mond
[ENG] mouth
[REM] Body parts

[NED] moord
[ENG] murder
[REM] Law

[NED] moordenaar
[ENG] murderer
[REM] Law

[NED] mossel
[ENG] mussel
[REM] Fish

[NED] mosterd
[ENG] mustard
[REM] Food

[NED] mot
[ENG] moth
[REM] Insects

[NED] motor; motorfiets
[ENG] motorbike; motorcycle
[REM] Transport

[NED] motorboot
[ENG] motorboat
[REM] Transport

[NED] mouw
[ENG] sleeve
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] mug
[ENG] mosquito
[REM] Insects

[NED] muil
[ENG] mouth
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] muis
[ENG] mouse
[REM] Animals

[NED] multiplex
[ENG] plywood
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] mus
[ENG] sparrow
[REM] Birds

[NED] muzikant
[ENG] musician
[REM] Occupations

[NED] nagel
[ENG] nail
[REM] Body parts

[NED] neef
[ENG] nephew
[REM] Relatives

[NED] nek
[ENG] neck
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] nek
[ENG] neck
[REM] Body parts

[NED] nest
[ENG] nest
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] netbal
[ENG] netball
[REM] Sports

[NED] neus
[ENG] nose
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] neus
[ENG] nose
[REM] Body parts

[NED] neushoorn
[ENG] rhinoceros
[REM] Animals

[NED] nicht
[ENG] niece
[REM] Relatives

[NED] nier
[ENG] kidney
[REM] Body parts

[NED] niertjes
[ENG] kidneys
[REM] Meat products

[NED] nijlpaard
[ENG] hippopotamus
[REM] Animals

[NED] non
[ENG] nun
[REM] Occupations

[NED] notaris
[ENG] notary
[REM] Occupations

[NED] nylon
[ENG] nylon
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] ober
[ENG] waiter
[REM] Occupations

[NED] obligatie
[ENG] bond
[REM] Banking

[NED] oester
[ENG] oyster
[REM] Fish

[NED] oksel
[ENG] armpit
[REM] Body parts

[NED] olie
[ENG] oil
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] olie
[ENG] oil
[REM] Food

[NED] olifant
[ENG] elephant
[REM] Animals

[NED] olijfolie
[ENG] olive oil
[REM] Food

[NED] omnium
[ENG] comprehensive
[REM] Insurance

[NED] omroepster
[ENG] announcer
[REM] Occupations

[NED] omslag
[ENG] envelope
[REM] Postal services

[NED] ondergoed
[ENG] underwear
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] onderrok
[ENG] petticoat
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] ondervragen (een getuige)
[ENG] to question (a witness)
[REM] Law

[NED] onderzeeër; duikboot
[ENG] submarine
[REM] Transport

[NED] ontbijtgranen
[ENG] breakfast cereal
[REM] Food

[NED] ontsnappen
[ENG] to escape
[REM] Law

[NED] oog
[ENG] eye
[REM] Body parts

[NED] ooievaar
[ENG] stork
[REM] Birds

[NED] oom
[ENG] uncle
[REM] Relatives

[NED] oor
[ENG] ear
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] oor
[ENG] ear
[REM] Body parts

[NED] oorbel
[ENG] earring
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] oplichter
[ENG] crook
[REM] Law

[NED] oplichter
[ENG] crook
[REM] Occupations

[NED] opsluiten
[ENG] to imprison
[REM] Law

[NED] opticien; brillenwinkel
[ENG] optician
[REM] Shops

[NED] oudejaarsavond
[ENG] New year's eve
[REM] Holidays

[NED] oudejaarsdag
[ENG] Hogmanay
[REM] Holidays

[NED] ouders
[ENG] parents
[REM] Relatives

[NED] oudoom
[ENG] great-uncle
[REM] Relatives

[NED] overgrootmoeder
[ENG] great-grandmother
[REM] Relatives

[NED] overgrootvader
[ENG] great-grandfather
[REM] Relatives

[NED] overvallen (een bank)
[ENG] to rob (a bank)
[REM] Law

[NED] overzetboot
[ENG] car ferry
[REM] Transport

[NED] paard
[ENG] horse
[REM] Animals

[NED] paardrennen
[ENG] horse-racing
[REM] Sports

[NED] paardrijden
[ENG] horse-riding
[REM] Sports

[NED] pad
[ENG] toad
[REM] Animals

[NED] paddestoel
[ENG] mushroom
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] pak
[ENG] suit
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] pakje
[ENG] parcel; package
[REM] Postal services

[NED] palmzondag
[ENG] Palm Sunday
[REM] Holidays

[NED] pannenkoek
[ENG] pancake
[REM] Food

[NED] pantoffel
[ENG] slipper
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] papegaai
[ENG] parrot
[REM] Birds

[NED] papier
[ENG] paper
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] papierhandel
[ENG] stationer's
[REM] Shops

[NED] paraffine
[ENG] paraffin
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] paraplu
[ENG] umbrella
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] parfumerie
[ENG] perfumery counter
[REM] Shops

[NED] parkiet
[ENG] budgie
[REM] Birds

[NED] pasen
[ENG] Easter
[REM] Holidays

[NED] patrijs
[ENG] partridge
[REM] Birds

[NED] pauw
[ENG] peacock
[REM] Birds

[NED] peer
[ENG] pear
[REM] Fruit

[NED] pels
[ENG] fur
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] penis
[ENG] penis
[REM] Body parts

[NED] pensioen
[ENG] retirement
[REM] Special occasions

[NED] pensioenverzekering
[ENG] personal pension plan
[REM] Insurance

[NED] peper
[ENG] pepper
[REM] Food

[NED] peperkoek
[ENG] gingerbread
[REM] Food

[NED] personeelschef
[ENG] personnel manager
[REM] Occupations

[NED] perzik
[ENG] peach
[REM] Fruit

[NED] pet
[ENG] cap
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] peter
[ENG] godfather
[REM] Relatives

[NED] peterselie
[ENG] parsley
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] petroleum
[ENG] petrol
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] piloot
[ENG] pilot
[REM] Occupations

[NED] pindanoot
[ENG] peanut
[REM] Fruit

[NED] pinksteren
[ENG] Whitsun
[REM] Holidays

[NED] pladijs
[ENG] plaice
[REM] Fish

[NED] platina
[ENG] platinum
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] plegen (een misdaad)
[ENG] to commit (a crime)
[REM] Law

[NED] ploegbaas
[ENG] foreman
[REM] Occupations

[NED] plooi
[ENG] pleat
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] poging
[ENG] attempt
[REM] Law

[NED] polis
[ENG] (insurance) policy
[REM] Insurance

[NED] politicus
[ENG] politician
[REM] Occupations

[NED] pols
[ENG] wrist
[REM] Body parts

[NED] polyester
[ENG] polyester
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] pony
[ENG] pony
[REM] Animals

[NED] poot
[ENG] leg
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] poot
[ENG] paw
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] porselein
[ENG] china; porcelain
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] post
[ENG] mail; post
[REM] Postal services

[NED] postbode
[ENG] postman
[REM] Occupations

[NED] postcode
[ENG] postal code
[REM] Postal services

[NED] postkaart
[ENG] postcard
[REM] Postal services

[NED] postkantoor
[ENG] post office
[REM] Shops

[NED] postkantoor
[ENG] post office
[REM] Postal services

[NED] postwissel
[ENG] money order
[REM] Postal services

[NED] postzegel
[ENG] postage(stamp)
[REM] Postal services

[NED] prei
[ENG] leek
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] premie
[ENG] premium
[REM] Insurance

[NED] president
[ENG] president
[REM] Occupations

[NED] priester
[ENG] priest
[REM] Occupations

[NED] proces
[ENG] trial
[REM] Law

[NED] psychiater
[ENG] psychiatrist
[REM] Occupations

[NED] psycholoog
[ENG] psychologist
[REM] Occupations

[NED] pub
[ENG] pub
[REM] Shops

[NED] pupil
[ENG] pupil
[REM] Body parts

[NED] pyjama
[ENG] pyjamas
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] raap
[ENG] turnip
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] radijs
[ENG] radish
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] raket; vuurpijl
[ENG] rocket
[REM] Transport

[NED] receptionist
[ENG] receptionist
[REM] Occupations

[NED] recht
[ENG] right
[REM] Law

[NED] rechtbank
[ENG] tribunal
[REM] Law

[NED] rechter
[ENG] judge
[REM] Law

[NED] rechter
[ENG] judge
[REM] Occupations

[NED] rechtsbijstandsverzekering
[ENG] legal assistance insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] reddingssloep
[ENG] lifeboat
[REM] Transport

[NED] regenjas
[ENG] raincoat
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] regisseur
[ENG] director
[REM] Occupations

[NED] reisagentschap
[ENG] travel agency
[REM] Shops

[NED] reisverzekering
[ENG] travel insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] rekening
[ENG] account
[REM] Banking

[NED] rekeninguittreksel; dagafschrift
[ENG] bank statement
[REM] Banking

[NED] ren
[ENG] henhouse
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] reporter
[ENG] reporter
[REM] Occupations

[NED] restaurant
[ENG] restaurant
[REM] Shops

[NED] rib
[ENG] rib
[REM] Body parts

[NED] rijst
[ENG] rice
[REM] Food

[NED] ring
[ENG] ring
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] risico
[ENG] risk
[REM] Insurance

[NED] rits
[ENG] zip
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] roeiboot
[ENG] rowing boat
[REM] Transport

[NED] roeien
[ENG] rowing
[REM] Sports

[NED] roestvrij staal
[ENG] stainless steel
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] rok
[ENG] skirt
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] rolkraag
[ENG] polo-neck
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] roze garnaal
[ENG] prawn
[REM] Fish

[NED] rozijn
[ENG] raisin
[REM] Fruit

[NED] rubber
[ENG] rubber
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] rug
[ENG] back
[REM] Body parts

[NED] rugby
[ENG] rugby
[REM] Sports

[NED] ruggengraat
[ENG] spines
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] ruggengraat
[ENG] backbone; spine
[REM] Body parts

[NED] ruimtevaartuig
[ENG] spaceship
[REM] Transport

[NED] ruitenwasser
[ENG] window cleaner
[REM] Occupations

[NED] rund
[ENG] ox
[REM] Animals

[NED] rund
[ENG] beef
[REM] Meat products

[NED] rups
[ENG] caterpillar
[REM] Insects

[NED] salopette
[ENG] dungarees; overall
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] sandaal
[ENG] sandal
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] sandwich
[ENG] sandwich; roll
[REM] Food

[NED] sardienen
[ENG] sardines
[REM] Fish

[NED] saus
[ENG] sauce
[REM] Food

[NED] schaatsen
[ENG] skating
[REM] Sports

[NED] schadeclaim
[ENG] claim
[REM] Insurance

[NED] scheenbeen
[ENG] shinbone
[REM] Body parts

[NED] scheiding
[ENG] divorce
[REM] Special occasions

[NED] schermen
[ENG] fencing
[REM] Sports

[NED] schieten
[ENG] to shoot
[REM] Law

[NED] schieten
[ENG] shooting
[REM] Sports

[NED] schild
[ENG] shell
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] schildpad
[ENG] tortoise
[REM] Animals

[NED] schip
[ENG] ship
[REM] Transport

[NED] schoen
[ENG] shoe
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] schoenmaker
[ENG] cobbler
[REM] Occupations

[NED] schoenmaker
[ENG] cobbler
[REM] Shops

[NED] schoonbroer
[ENG] brother-in-law
[REM] Relatives

[NED] schoondochter
[ENG] daughter-in-law
[REM] Relatives

[NED] schoonheidsspecialiste
[ENG] beautician
[REM] Occupations

[NED] schoonmoeder
[ENG] mother-in-law
[REM] Relatives

[NED] schoonvader
[ENG] father-in-law
[REM] Relatives

[NED] schoonzoon
[ENG] son-in-law
[REM] Relatives

[NED] schoonzus
[ENG] sister-in-law
[REM] Relatives

[NED] schoorsteenveger
[ENG] schimney sweep
[REM] Occupations

[NED] schorseneren
[ENG] salsifies
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] schort
[ENG] apron
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] schouder
[ENG] shoulder
[REM] Body parts

[NED] schrijnwerker
[ENG] joiner
[REM] Occupations

[NED] schrijver
[ENG] writer
[REM] Occupations

[NED] schuimrubber
[ENG] foam rubber
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] schuldsaldoverzekering
[ENG] credit insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] schuldvordering
[ENG] debt
[REM] Banking

[NED] scooter
[ENG] scooter
[REM] Transport

[NED] secretaresse
[ENG] secretary
[REM] Occupations

[NED] serveerster
[ENG] waitress
[REM] Occupations

[NED] short
[ENG] shorts
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] sigarenwinkel
[ENG] tobacconist's
[REM] Shops

[NED] sinaasappel
[ENG] orange
[REM] Fruit

[NED] sjaal
[ENG] scarf
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] skiën
[ENG] skiing
[REM] Sports

[NED] sla
[ENG] lettuce
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] slaap
[ENG] temple
[REM] Body parts

[NED] slagader
[ENG] artery
[REM] Body parts

[NED] slager
[ENG] butcher
[REM] Occupations

[NED] slagtand
[ENG] tusks
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] slak
[ENG] slug
[REM] Animals

[NED] slang
[ENG] snake
[REM] Animals

[NED] sleepboot
[ENG] tugboat
[REM] Transport

[NED] slurf
[ENG] trunk
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] snoep
[ENG] sweets
[REM] Food

[NED] snooker
[ENG] snooker
[REM] Sports

[NED] snuit
[ENG] snout
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] soep
[ENG] soup
[REM] Food

[NED] soldaat
[ENG] soldier
[REM] Occupations

[NED] spaarbank
[ENG] savings bank
[REM] Shops

[NED] spaarrekening
[ENG] savings account; deposits account
[REM] Banking

[NED] spier
[ENG] muscle
[REM] Body parts

[NED] spin
[ENG] spider
[REM] Insects

[NED] spinazie
[ENG] spinach
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] spinnen
[ENG] purr
[REM] Animal sounds

[NED] sportwagen
[ENG] sports car
[REM] Transport

[NED] sprinkhaan
[ENG] grasshopper
[REM] Insects

[NED] squash
[ENG] squash
[REM] Sports

[NED] staal
[ENG] steel
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] staart
[ENG] tail
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] stagiaire
[ENG] trainee
[REM] Occupations

[NED] stal
[ENG] stable
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] steak
[ENG] steak
[REM] Meat products

[NED] steen
[ENG] stone
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] stier
[ENG] bull
[REM] Animals

[NED] storting
[ENG] payment
[REM] Banking

[NED] straalvliegtuig
[ENG] jet (plane)
[REM] Transport

[NED] straf
[ENG] sentence
[REM] Law

[NED] strepen
[ENG] stripes
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] stro
[ENG] straw
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] struisvogel
[ENG] ostrich
[REM] Birds

[NED] stuc; pleister
[ENG] plaster
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] st-valentijn
[ENG] St.-Valentine's day
[REM] Holidays

[NED] supermarkt
[ENG] supermarket
[REM] Shops

[NED] taart
[ENG] pie
[REM] Food

[NED] taffeltennis
[ENG] table tennis
[REM] Sports

[NED] tand
[ENG] tooth
[REM] Body parts

[NED] tandarts
[ENG] dentist
[REM] Occupations

[NED] tandem
[ENG] tandem
[REM] Transport

[NED] tank; vechtwagen
[ENG] tank
[REM] Transport

[NED] tante
[ENG] aunt
[REM] Relatives

[NED] taxi
[ENG] taxi; cab
[REM] Transport

[NED] taxichauffeur
[ENG] taxi driver
[REM] Occupations

[NED] teek
[ENG] tick
[REM] Insects

[NED] teen
[ENG] toe
[REM] Body parts

[NED] tennis
[ENG] tennis
[REM] Sports

[NED] terugbetaling
[ENG] reimbursement
[REM] Banking

[NED] thee
[ENG] tea
[REM] Drinks

[NED] tijger
[ENG] tiger
[REM] Animals

[NED] tijgerin
[ENG] tigress
[REM] Animals

[NED] timmerman
[ENG] carpenter
[REM] Occupations

[NED] toast
[ENG] toast
[REM] Food

[NED] tolk
[ENG] interpreter
[REM] Occupations

[NED] tomaat
[ENG] tomato
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] tong
[ENG] tongue
[REM] Body parts

[NED] tonijn
[ENG] tuna
[REM] Fish

[NED] tram
[ENG] tramway
[REM] Transport

[NED] transportverzekering
[ENG] transport insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] trein
[ENG] train
[REM] Transport

[NED] trouwjurk
[ENG] wedding dress
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] trouwring
[ENG] wedding ring
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] trui
[ENG] pullover; sweater
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] tweed
[ENG] tweed
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] tweedehandswinkel
[ENG] second hand shop
[REM] Shops

[NED] tweeling
[ENG] twins
[REM] Relatives

[NED] typiste
[ENG] typist
[REM] Occupations

[NED] uil
[ENG] owl
[REM] Birds

[NED] uitgever
[ENG] publisher
[REM] Occupations

[NED] uniform
[ENG] uniform
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] uurwerk
[ENG] watch
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] vacht
[ENG] fur
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] vader
[ENG] father
[REM] Relatives

[NED] valk
[ENG] hawk; falcon
[REM] Birds

[NED] varken
[ENG] pig
[REM] Animals

[NED] varken
[ENG] pork
[REM] Meat products

[NED] varkensstal
[ENG] pigsty
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] verdachte
[ENG] suspect
[REM] Law

[NED] verdediging
[ENG] defence
[REM] Law

[NED] verhuiswagen
[ENG] removal van; furniture van
[REM] Transport

[NED] verkoper
[ENG] salesman; shop assistant
[REM] Occupations

[NED] verlies
[ENG] loss
[REM] Banking

[NED] verloofde
[ENG] fiancé (m.), fiancée (f.)
[REM] Relatives

[NED] verloving
[ENG] engagement
[REM] Special occasions

[NED] verlovingsring
[ENG] engagement ring
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] vermoorden
[ENG] to murder
[REM] Law

[NED] veroordeeld tot 5 jaar gevangenis
[ENG] he got a 5-year prison sentence
[REM] Law

[NED] verpleegster
[ENG] nurse
[REM] Occupations

[NED] vertaler
[ENG] translator
[REM] Occupations

[NED] vertegenwoordiger
[ENG] representative
[REM] Occupations

[NED] verzekering
[ENG] insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] verzekeringsmaatschappij
[ENG] insurance company
[REM] Insurance

[NED] verzekeringsmakelaar
[ENG] broker
[REM] Insurance

[NED] verzender
[ENG] sender
[REM] Postal services

[NED] veter
[ENG] lace
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] vijg
[ENG] fig
[REM] Fruit

[NED] vilt
[ENG] felt
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] vinaigrette
[ENG] french dressing
[REM] Food

[NED] vinyl
[ENG] vinyl
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] vis
[ENG] fish
[REM] Fish

[NED] vissen
[ENG] fishing
[REM] Sports

[NED] viswinkel
[ENG] fishmonger
[REM] Shops

[NED] vlas
[ENG] flax
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] vleermuis
[ENG] bat
[REM] Animals

[NED] vlees
[ENG] meat
[REM] Meat products

[NED] vlekken
[ENG] spots
[REM] Animal body parts

[NED] vlieg
[ENG] fly
[REM] Insects

[NED] vliegende schotel
[ENG] flying saucer
[REM] Transport

[NED] vliegtuig
[ENG] aircraft; plane
[REM] Transport

[NED] vlinder
[ENG] butterfly
[REM] Insects

[NED] vlinderstrikje
[ENG] bow tie
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] vlo
[ENG] flea
[REM] Insects

[NED] vloeistof
[ENG] liquid
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] vodka
[ENG] vodka
[REM] Drinks

[NED] voertuig
[ENG] vehicle
[REM] Transport

[NED] voet
[ENG] foot
[REM] Body parts

[NED] voetzool
[ENG] sole of the foot
[REM] Body parts

[NED] volière
[ENG] aviary
[REM] Animal homes

[NED] volleyball
[ENG] volleyball
[REM] Sports

[NED] vonnis; uitspraak
[ENG] verdict
[REM] Law

[NED] voogd
[ENG] guardian
[REM] Relatives

[NED] voor de rechter verschijnen
[ENG] to stand trial
[REM] Law

[NED] voorhoofd
[ENG] forehead
[REM] Body parts

[NED] voorvader
[ENG] ancestor
[REM] Relatives

[NED] voorwaardelijke in vrijheidsstelling
[ENG] on parole
[REM] Law

[NED] vos
[ENG] fox
[REM] Animals

[NED] vossenjacht
[ENG] fox-hunting
[REM] Sports

[NED] vrachtwagen
[ENG] lorry; truck
[REM] Transport

[NED] vrachtwagenbestuurder
[ENG] lorry driver
[REM] Occupations

[NED] vriendinnetje
[ENG] girlfriend
[REM] Relatives

[NED] vriendje
[ENG] boyfriend
[REM] Relatives

[NED] vrijgezel
[ENG] bachelor
[REM] Relatives

[NED] vrijlaten
[ENG] to set free
[REM] Law

[NED] vroedvrouw
[ENG] midwife; obstetrician
[REM] Occupations

[NED] vuist
[ENG] fist
[REM] Body parts

[NED] waakhond
[ENG] guard dog
[REM] Animals

[NED] waarzegger
[ENG] fortune teller; soothsayer
[REM] Occupations

[NED] walnoot
[ENG] walnut
[REM] Fruit

[NED] wang
[ENG] cheek
[REM] Body parts

[NED] wapen
[ENG] weapon
[REM] Law

[NED] warme chocolademelk
[ENG] hot chocolate
[REM] Drinks

[NED] was
[ENG] wax
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] wassalon
[ENG] launderette
[REM] Shops

[NED] wasserij
[ENG] laundry
[REM] Shops

[NED] water
[ENG] water
[REM] Drinks

[NED] water meloen
[ENG] water melon
[REM] Fruit

[NED] waterkers
[ENG] cress
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] waterskiën
[ENG] water skiing
[REM] Sports

[NED] watervliegtuig
[ENG] seaplane
[REM] Transport

[NED] weduwe
[ENG] widow
[REM] Relatives

[NED] weduwenaar
[ENG] widower
[REM] Relatives

[NED] wees
[ENG] orphan
[REM] Relatives

[NED] wenkbrauw
[ENG] eyebrow
[REM] Body parts

[NED] wesp
[ENG] wasp
[REM] Insects

[NED] wetenschapper
[ENG] scientist
[REM] Occupations

[NED] wettelijk
[ENG] legal
[REM] Law

[NED] wielrennen
[ENG] cycling
[REM] Sports

[NED] wijn
[ENG] wine
[REM] Drinks

[NED] wild
[ENG] game
[REM] Meat products

[NED] wimper
[ENG] eyelash
[REM] Body parts

[NED] winkelcentrum
[ENG] shopping centre
[REM] Shops

[NED] winkelkarretje
[ENG] cart
[REM] Transport

[NED] winst
[ENG] gain; profit; benefit
[REM] Banking

[NED] wintersport
[ENG] winter sports
[REM] Sports

[NED] wiskundige
[ENG] mathematician
[REM] Occupations

[NED] wisselen
[ENG] to change
[REM] Banking

[NED] wol
[ENG] wool
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] wolf
[ENG] wolf
[REM] Animals

[NED] worm
[ENG] worm
[REM] Insects

[NED] worst
[ENG] sausage
[REM] Meat products

[NED] worstelen
[ENG] wrestling
[REM] Sports

[NED] wortel
[ENG] carrot
[REM] Vegetables

[NED] yoghurt
[ENG] yoghurt
[REM] Food

[NED] zaakvoerder
[ENG] manager; shopkeeper
[REM] Occupations

[NED] zakdoek
[ENG] handkerchief; hankie
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] zakenman
[ENG] businessman
[REM] Occupations

[NED] zalm
[ENG] salmon
[REM] Fish

[NED] zanger
[ENG] singer
[REM] Occupations

[NED] zebra
[ENG] zebra
[REM] Animals

[NED] zeehond
[ENG] seal
[REM] Animals

[NED] zeeman; zeevaarder
[ENG] sailor
[REM] Occupations

[NED] zeevruchten
[ENG] seafruit
[REM] Fish

[NED] zeilen
[ENG] sailing
[REM] Sports

[NED] zenuw
[ENG] nerve
[REM] Body parts

[NED] ziekenwagen
[ENG] ambulance
[REM] Transport

[NED] ziekteverzekering
[ENG] health insurance
[REM] Insurance

[NED] zijde
[ENG] silk
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] zilver
[ENG] silver
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] zilveren bruiloft
[ENG] silver wedding
[REM] Special occasions

[NED] zilverpapier
[ENG] aluminium foil
[REM] Materials and fabrics

[NED] zoon
[ENG] son
[REM] Relatives

[NED] zout
[ENG] salt
[REM] Food

[NED] zus
[ENG] sister
[REM] Relatives

[NED] zwaan
[ENG] swan
[REM] Birds

[NED] zwaardvis
[ENG] swordfish
[REM] Fish

[NED] zwaluw
[ENG] swallow
[REM] Birds

[NED] zweefvliegtuig
[ENG] glider
[REM] Transport

[NED] zwembroek
[ENG] (bathing) trunks
[REM] Clothing and jewellery

[NED] zwemmen
[ENG] swimming
[REM] Sports