Ernst & Young Glossary
Abbreviation | Meaning | Comments |
AFM | Autoriteit Financiële Markten | Dutch oversight authority on (amongst others) the audit profession |
AQR | Audit Quality Review | Annual internal review of a number audit files by the firm |
BeNe | Belgium-Netherlands region | 1 out of 12 regions in EY’s EMEIA area |
CO | Compliance Office | The department in our firm that monitors compliance of our firm with applicable law and regulations |
CPB | Commissie Publiek Belang | Our firm´s Public Interest Committee consisting of three independent non-executives |
EMEIA | Europe, Middle-East, India and Africa | 1 out of 4 areas of EY globally, of which BeNe is a region |
EYG | Ernst & Young Global Limited | EY’s central entity |
EY GAM | EY Global Audit Methodology | A generic set of rules that describe the way we perform our audits globally. Of course, in each audit other applicable regulations (if any) are taken in to account as well |
EQR | Engagement Quality Review | Internal review of key audit areas and issues by another professional, independent from the audit team |
FSO | Financial Services Organization | 1 out of 12 Regions in EY’s EMEIA area, the only non-geographical Region in EMEIA |
GIS | Global Independence System | Global tool to allow professionals to verify independence requirements for listed entities |
GMS | Global Monitoring System | Global tool to register all listed securities held by every professional ranked manager to partner and to assess whether securities might be held |
GPPM | Global Partner Performance Management | Performance measurement tool for partners |
GTAC | Global Tool for Acceptance and Continuance | Tool structuring the client acceptance and continuance process and resulting in a risk rating score |
IFAC | International Federation of Accountants | Global organization for the accountancy profession |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards | International set of accounting principles |
NBA | Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants | Dutch professional association of accountants, the professional body for Dutch auditors |
NV/COS | Nadere Voorschriften Controle- en Overige Standaarden | Dutch set of auditing standards, with ISA as a basis and Dutch add-on’s |
OOB | Organisatie van Openbaar Belang | Public interest company according to Dutch Law; non-OOB is an entity that does not qualify as public interest company according to Dutch Law |
PCAOB | Public Company Accounting Oversight Board | USA oversight authority on (amongst others) the audit profession |
PIE | Public Interest Company | Public interest company according to international regulations |
PPD | Professional Practice Director | The partner responsible for the Professional Practice Group |
PPG | Professional Practice Group | The department in our firm that provides technical support to our audit and other assurance professionals both up front as well as during the audit cycle |
QUIP | Quality Improvement Plan | Action plan describing steps and planning to improve |
RM | Risk Management | Department at region level performing risk management |
SEC | Securities and Exchange Commission | Agency of the United States federal government |
US-GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the USA | USA set of accounting principles |
US-GAAS | Generally Accepted Auditing Standards in the USA | USA set of auditing standards |
ViO | Verordening inzake de onafhankelijkheid van accountants bij assurance-opdrachten | Dutch independence rules issued by NBA, our professional body, regarding independence of auditors at both public interest entities and other entities |
WeCo | Wettelijke controle | Financial statement audit required by law; non-WeCo is a financial statement audit not required by law |
Wta/Bta | Wet toezicht accountantsorganisaties and Besluit toezicht accountantsorganisaties | Dutch law and additional rules applicable to audit firms. |
GUP | Global Ultimate Parent | Global Ultimate Parent |
LCE | Less Complex Entity | Less Complex Entity |
OOB; PIE | Organisatie van Openbaar Belang (OOB); Public Interest Entity (PIE) | Organisatie van Openbaar Belang (OOB); Public Interest Entity (PIE) |