1,826 3-letter acronyms (TLAs)
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- AAI = Appalling Apathetic Indifference (see also IAA)
- AAP = [1] Accelerated Attrition Program
- AAP = [2] Arbitrary Approval Process
- AAR = After-Action Review
- AAS = Anomalous Atmospheric Signature (see also AOS)
- ABF = Additional/Accelerated Business Function(s) [see also NBF]
- ABO = Additional Business Opportunity (see also NBO, CIO, CIA)
- ACH = Awkward Confused Hostility
- ACM = Access Control Mechanism/Method
- ACR = Absolutist Christian Rhetoric
- ACS = [1] Access Control System
- ACS = [2] Artificial Control System(s)
- ACSI = Anti-Cyber-Stalking Initiative
- ACT = Advanced Cryptography Technique
- ACTT = Asymmetric Counter-Terror Threat
- ADD = Aroma Dispensing Device (see also PADD, DADD)
- ADS = Accelerated Deployment Schedule
- ADT = Adolescent-Development Trauma(s)
- AEA = Adverse Employment Action
- AEC = Aggressive Expansion Campaign
- AFA = Allegedly Fraudulent Activity
- AFD = [1] Autonomous Fault Detection (compare to FTD, AFP & FPS)
- AFD = [2] Acute Financial Disturbance (in economics)
- AFI = Absentee-Father Issues
- AFP = Autonomous Fault Protection (compare to FTD, AFD & FPS)
- AFZ = Aggressive, Fanatical Zealot
- AGC = Aggressive Global Competition (see also IGC)
- AGS = Acquisition Growth Strategy
- AHH = Acute Health Hazard
- AIC = Advanced Industrialised Country (see also AIN)
- AID = Academic Institution Discount
- AIE = Artificially-Inflated Earnings
- AIN = Advanced Industrialised Nation (see also AIC)
- AIP = Artificially-Inflated Profits
- AIR = Anomalous Instrument(ation) Reading(s)
- AIT = Aggressive Interrogation Tactics
- ALA = Aggressive Legal Action
- AMBP = Anonymouse Message Board Poster/Posting
- AMC = Adverse Meteorological Condition(s)
- AME = Airborne Mercury Emissions (e.g. from coal-burning electrical power plants)
- AMP = [1] Affordable Manufacturing Process(es)
- AMP = [2] Adaptable Manufacturing Process(es)
- AMT = [1] Advanced Mulching Technology (heard in a commercial; provided by Scott G.)
- AMT = [2] Adoring Minion Throng(s) [see also ATOM]
- ANE = Atmospheric Nuclear Explosion
- ANS = Autonomic Nervous System
- AOD = Acute Organ Damage
- AOPI = Abuse Of Privileged Information
- AOS = Anomalous Optical Signature (see also AAS)
- AOT = Agent(s) Of Terror
- APD = Annoying/Aggravating Processing Delay
- APM = (1) Active Portfolio Mgmt.
- APM = (2)Ash Particulate Matter (see also FPF for volcanic eruption)
- ARCD = Abnormally Rapid Cell Division (see also RCD)
- ARM = Academic Research Misconduct
- APA = Apalling Penguin Atrocities (see also UPA)
- APS = Accelerated Problem Solving (see also APSS)
- APSS = Accelerated Problem Solving Skills (see also APS)
- APT = Aggressive Production Target
- APY = Aggregate Phlegm Yield (i.e. total for a people group, population, or geographic region)
- ARCL = Angry Roving Chainsaw Lunatic (see also RCL)
- ARP = [1] Anti-Retaliation Provision
- ARP = [2] Acute Radiation Poisoning
- ARS = Acute Radiation Syndrome
- ASD = Appalling Spirited Discussion (see also HSD)
- ASS = [1] Annuity Shopping Service
- ASS = [2] Advanced Social Skills (contrast with USS)
- ATD = Advanced Technical/Technology Development
- ATID = Anomalous Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vela_Incident)
- ATM = Active Thermal Management (i.e. for NiMh & Li-Ion battery charging systems)
- ATOM = Adoring Throngs Of Minions [see also TOM, AMT(2)]
- ATV = Alternative Transportation Vehicle
- AVD = Angry Vitriolic Diatribe
- AVM = Apallingly/Shockingly/Inexcusably Visionless Management (i.e. those at the top at GE & Ford who choose to cut capacity vs. innovating to develop better autos)
- AYC = Average Yearly Cost
- BAB = Bank Account Balance
- BAP = Broken Administrative Process(es)
- BBB = Basic Building Block
- BCB = Blatant Criminal Behaviour
- BCD = British Crown Dependent/Dependency
- BCM = Basic Corporate Malfeasance
- BDC = Brand Development Campaign
- BDO = Business Development Opportunity
- BDP = Business Development Program
- BDS = Behaviour Detection Scheme
- BFF = Breakdance Freak Fighting
- BFH = Bad Financial Habit/Hobbit
- BFIT = Blunt Force Impact Trauma
- BFT = Blasphemous Fairy Tale
- BGM = 'Breakdance Ghostfighting Man' (slang, credit Carly Manghelli; see also BGW)
- BGW = 'Breakdance Ghostfighting Woman' (slang, credit Carly Manghelli; see also BGM)
- BHD = Bad Hair Day
- BHP = Behavioural Health Problems
- BID = Bad Investment Decision (see also BIS)
- BIP = [1] Broadband Internet Proliferation
- BIP = [2] Business Investment Portfolio
- BIQ = Behavioral Interviewing Question(s)
- BIS = Bad Investment Strategy (see also BID)
- BMA = [1] Basic, Methodical Approach
- BMA = [2] Business Model Analysis
- BMI = Business Method Innovation
- BMP = Business Method Patent
- BOD = Blatantly Offensive Diatribe
- BOIJ = Blatantly Offensive Iconoclastic Juxtaposition
- BOM = Blatantly Offensive Mannerisms
- BOT = [1] Breach Of Trust
- BOT = [2] Behavioural Observation Technique
- BQS = Business Quality Standards
- BRD = Body Recording Device (term used by FBI for a wiretap worn by someone)
- BRG = Bizarre Romantic Gesture (compare to KRG)
- BSA = Brain Stem Abnormalities
- BSB = Befuddling Speech Blunder
- BSD = Blatant Safety Disregard
- BSE = Brainless Sack of Excrement
- BSOL;BSL = Biological Standard of Living (www.blackwell-synergy.com)
- BSR = Business Segment Revenue
- BSS = Breathtakingly Simple Solution
- BSV = Blended Social Values (see also MSV)
- BTE = Biological Terrorism Event (www.nti.org)
- BUG = Branded Unit Growth
- BVA = Blatant Vitriolic Antagonism
- CAC = Change-Adaptive Culture (i.e. corp. organisational culture that embraces change)
- CAD = [1] Coronary Artery Disease
- CAD = [2] Creepy, Antisocial Drifter
- CAI = Controversial Authoritative Interpretation
- CAM = Critical Analytical Method(s)
- CAO = Criminal Abuse Order (legalese)
- CAREA = Certain Assumptions, Restrictions, & Exclusions Apply
- CAS = [1] Critical Analysis Skills
- CAS = [2] Creative Accounting Scandal
- CASD = Celebration And Street Dancing (see also CASDR & SDR)
- CASDR = Celebration And Street Dance Riot (see also CASD & SDR)
- CBC = [1] Code of Business Conduct
- CBC = [2] Compelling Business Case
- CBD = Critical Business Decision
- CBF = Core Business Functions
- CBM = Competing Business Model
- CBN = Complex Business Negotiation(s)
- CBO = Compelling Buying Opportunity (contrast with CSO)
- CBS = Coherent Belief System
- CBT = Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- CCB = [1] Credit Card Balance
- CCB = [2] Core Commercial Business
- CCD = [1] Competitive Cost Disadvantage
- CCD = [2] Colossal Competitive Disadvantage
- CCE = [1] Contentious Cross Examination
- CCE = [2] Comprehensive Consumer Education
- CCFA = Comprehensive Cease-Fire Agreement
- CCI = Covert Criminal Investigation
- CCG = Currency Conversion Gain (contrast with CCL)
- CCL = [1] Currency Conversion Loss (contrast with CCG)
- CCL = [2] Comfortable, Complacent Life
- CCM = Chilling Career Move
- CCS = [1] Comprehensive Customer Support
- CCS = [2] Common Courtroom Strategy
- CCS = Competitive Cost Structure (contrast with NCCS)
- CDAS = Collateral Damage Avoidance Strategy (military; compare to DAS)
- CDC = Constrained Development Cost
- CDCE = Compelling, Differentiating Customer Experience (see also CDE)
- CDE = Compelling, Differentiating Experience (see also CDCE)
- CDI = [1] Complex, Dynamic Interaction(s)
- CDI = [2] Creative Design Intent
- CDM = Collective/Collaborative Decision Making
- CDMA = competitive Deal-Making Atmosphere
- CDOS = Cohesive Document Output Strategy
- CDP = [1] Centralized Document Production
- CDP = [2] Creepy, Disfigured Person (see also CDZ)
- CDP = [3] Crazy, Deranged Person
- CDP = [4] Consensus Decision Process
- CDR = Casual Dining Restaurant
- CDS = [1] Career-Devastating Secret
- CDS = [2] Centralised Development/Deployment Strategy
- CDS = [3] Curtailed Discretionary Spending
- CDU = Chemical Detection Unit (i.e. those deployed in 1991 Gulf War & used by British forces in theatre)
- CDZ = Creepy, Disfigured Zombie
- CEA = Compelling Economic Argument
- CED = [1] Confounding/Confusing/Complex Ethical Dilemna
- CED = [2] Creative Explosive Device
- CED = [3] Credible Explosive Device
- CEE = [1] Complex Evasion Effort(s)
- CEE = [2] Challenging Economic Environment
- CEE = [3] Cataclysmic Extinction Event
- CEF = [1] Cryptic, Enigmatic Figure [see also CEP(2), CWF, & CWP]
- CEF = [2] Contradictory, Enigmatic Figure
- CEG = [1] Crippled Economic Growth
- CEG = [2] Corrupted-Executive Greed
- CEG = [3] Compelling Executive Greed
- CEI = [1] Customer Expansion Initiative
- CEI = [2] Customer Experience Initiative
- CEP = [1] Chilling Evacuation Plan
- CEP = [2] Cryptic, Enigmatic Person [see also CEF, CWF, & CWP]
- CER = Chronic Economic Rot
- CES = [1] Cutting Edge Style/Styling
- CES = [2] Critically Endangered Species
- CES = [3] Combat-Effective Soldier
- CFA = Cease-Fire Agreement
- CFC = [1] Customer-Focussed Customization
- CFC = [2] Capital Fund Campaign
- CFI = [1] Customer-Focussed Initiative
- CFI = [2] Complex Financial Instrument
- CFM = [1] Corporate Funds Misappropriation
- CFM = [2] Catastrphic Financial Meltdown
- CFM = [3] Corporate Financial Meltdown
- CFO = Corrupt Foreign Official
- CFP = Comprehensive Financial Plan
- CFPI = Customer-Focussed Process Improvement
- CFS = [1] Convoluted Financial Schemes (e.g. Enron, Worldcom, Tyco)
- CFS = [2] Conservative Financial Structure
- CGA = Covert Government Agent
- CGB = Celebrity Gossip Blog
- CGD = Confidential Government Document(s)
- CGI = Cross-Generational Interaction (see also MGI)
- CGP = Corporate Governance Principles
- CHA = Congenital Heart Abnormality
- CHE = College Housing Experience
- CHH = Chronic Health Hazard
- CHK = Cold-Hearted Killer(s)
- CHO = Closely Held Organisation
- CHS = [1] Crazy Harebrained Scheme
- CHS = [2] Catastrophic Health Situation
- CIA = [1] Critical Investment Area (see also CIO)
- CIA = [2] Customer Intimacy Advantage
- CID = [1] Complacency Is Death
- CID = [2] Confidential Information Disclosure (see also IPD)
- CID = [3] Customer/Consumer Information Database
- CIE = Cryptic, Illegible Explanation (see also JLE)
- CII = Continuous Improvement Initiative (a.k.a. Kaizan)
- CIL = Copyright Infringement Lawsuit (see also CIS)
- CIO = Critical Investment Opportunity
- CIO = [2] Constrained Ineffective/Ineffectual Organisation [contrast with EOC(2)]
- CIO = [3] Compelling Investment Opportunity
- CIP = [1] Creepy Internet People/Peeps
- CIP = [2] Consumer Identity Protection
- CIS = Copyright Infringement Suit (see also CIL)
- CIT = [1] Cruel and Inhuman/Inhumane Treatment
- CIT = [2] Critical Incident Team
- CKA = Concept-Killing Advocate (see also CKI)
- CKI = Concept-Killing Initiative (see also CKA)
- CLI = Continuous Learning Initiative
- CLLD = Contagiously Laughing Linguistic Dancer
- CLM = Career-Limiting Move/Mistake
- CLP = Commoditized Labour Pools
- CLS = Conservative Legal Strategy/Strategery
- CMB = Cinematic, Melodramatic Brilliance
- CMI = Contract Manufacturing Initiative
- CML = College Music Library
- CMM = Credit Market Meltdown (see also FMM & FMT)
- CMN = Climate-Monotoring Network (see also GCMN, MCMN)
- CMP = [1] Conventional Medical Practice
- CMP = [2] Current Market Position
- CMP = [3] Controlled Movement Process
- CMR = Committed, Monogamous Relationship
- CMS = Chilling Murder Scene
- CMW = Critical Maintenance Work
- CNB = Crazy, Neurotic Behaviour
- CNC = Clandestine Nuclear Cooperation
- CNF = Controlled Nuclear Fusion
- CNH = Criminally Negligent Homicide
- CNP = Covert Nuclear Program
- CNSR = Complex, Nuanced Social Relationship(s) [see also NSR]
- CNT = Credible Nuclear Threat
- COF = [1] Community Of Friends
- COF = [2] Crisis Of Faith (usu. in context of Christianity)
- COI = Conflict Of Interest (compare to SCOI)
- CON = Covert Operations Nightmare
- COP = [1] Crisis Of Purpose
- COP = [2] Culture Of Preparedness
- COR = Core Operational Requirements
- CORC = Culture Of Rampant Corruption
- COUP = Catastrophe Of Unimaginable Proportions
- COIP = Challenge of Unimaginable Proportions
- COW = Colliding Output World (as in printer output/function/utility 'colliding' with copiers)
- CPA = Continuous Partial Attention (phenomenon of distracted people in meetings checking emails/FB, etc)
- CPDE = Chronically Painful Dating Experience (see also CUDE, UDE, SDE, & CSDE)
- CPDI = Compelling Personal Development Initiative/Incentive (see also PDI)
- CPE = Constructed, Political Entity
- CPF = Contentious Political Fight
- CPI = Campaign Finance Impropriety(ies)
- CPM = Competing/Competitive Business Model
- CPN = Clandestine Procurement Network
- CPR = Commanding Posthumous Respect
- CRA = Civil Rights Abuse(s) [see also HRA]
- CRC = Critical Resource Constraint (see also CRS)
- CRD = [1] Crash/Crush Resistent Design
- CRD = [2] Critical Relational/Relationship Decision
- CRE = [1] Cost Reduction Efficiency
- CRE = [2] Cumulative Radiation Exposure
- CRI = Cost Reduction Initiative
- CRIP = Cost Reduction Implementation Plan
- CRS = Critical Resource Shortage (see also CRC)
- CRVP = Cost-Reduction Value Proposition
- CSA = [1] Common Sense Approach
- CSA = [2] Compensatory Sensitivity Adjustment
- CSD = Computer Storage Device (a harddrive or removable media drive, writable or read-only)
- CSE = [1] Clinically-Significant Event
- CSE = [2] Commercial Sexual Exploitation
- CSF = Critical Success Factor(s)
- CSI = Cyber Security Incident
- CSE = Cyber Security Event
- CSI = [2] Compromised Sexual Integrity
- CSI = [3] Customer Support Initiative
- CSI = [4] Core Strategic Initiatives
- CSI = [5] Core Strategic Investments
- CSI = [6] Culture-Shock Issues
- CSM = [1] Cooling System Malfunction
- CSM = [2] Confidential Student Matter(s)
- CSO = Compelling Selling/Sales Opportunity
- CSS = [1] Customer Support System
- CSS = [2] Customer Success Story
- CST = [1] Cyber-Stalking Terrorist(ism) [see also ACSI]
- CST = [2] Contextual Search Technology (e.g. core tech. for Yahoo & Google search)
- CTA = Classified Threat Assessment
- CTB = Chilling, Terrifying Banality
- CTD = Confusing Technological Description
- CTE = Cease To Exist (for most secular people, this is what they believe will happen when they die)
- CTEP = Chilling Terrorist Escape Plan
- CTF = [1] Chilling, Terrifying Finality
- CTF = [2] Cascading Torrent of Fire (see also CTOF)
- CTH = Chemical Toxicological Hazard
- CTI = Criminal Tax Investigation/Indictment
- CTM = Career-Threatening Mistake
- CTOF = Cascading Torrent Of Fire [see also CTF(2)]
- CTS = [1] Cohesive Technical/Technological Strategy
- CTS = [2] Colour Transformation System
- CUDE = Chronically Unsuccessful Dating Experience (see also UDE, SDE, CSDE, & CPDE)
- CVA = Commercially-Viable Alternative
- CVP = [1] Compelling Value Proposition
- CVP = [2] Commercially-Viable Product
- CVV = Continuously Variable Vector
- CWD = Cold War('s) Denouement
- CWE = Cyber Warfare Effort
- CWF = Cryptic, Wraithlike Figure [see also CEF, CEP(2), & CWP]
- CWP = Cryptic, Wraithlike Person [see also CEF, CEP(2), & CWF]
- CWW = Clandestine Warrantless Wiretap(ping) [see also WWP]
- DAC = Dazed And Confused
- DADD = Disturbing Aroma Dispensing Device (see also PADD, ADD)
- DAM = [1] Data Aggregation/Acceptance Method(ology)
- DAM = [2] Disturbing Architectural Monstrosity
- DAMP = Design And Manufacturing Partner
- DAP = Disappointingly Austere Palace
- DAOC = Designated Agent Of Change
- DAS = Damage Avoidance Strategy (compare to CDAS)
- DCC = Declining Consumer Confidence
- DCI = Damage Control Initiative (a political, face-saving idea)
- DCM = [1] Data Convergence Method(ology)
- DCM = [2] Diabolically Clever Marketing
- DCO = Dramatic, Creative Outlet
- DCOI = Disturbing Conflict Of Interest (see also PDCI)
- DDD;D^3 = Data-Driven Decision
- DEB = Delicate Ecological Balance
- DED = Data Extraction Device
- DEE = Difficult Economic Environment
- DET = Dedicated Engineering Team
- DFM = Delicate Financial Market(s)
- DFR = Disconnect From Reality
- DGS = Dramatic Geographical Settings
- DGSP = Dubious Government Stimulus Plan (see also GSP)
- DHP = Data Handling Protocol
- DHS = Deteriorating Humanitarian Situation
- DIA = [1] Dirty Investment Advice
- DIA = [2] Design Improvement Idea
- DII = [1] Dominant Institutional Investor (or DI^2)
- DII = [2] Debt-Induced Implosion [see also DIS(2)]
- DIL = Deliberate Informational Leak
- DIO = Distressed Investment Opportunity(ies)
- DIS = [1] Disciplined Investment Strategy
- DIS = [2] Debt-Induced Starvation
- DIT = Disturbing Industry Trend (see also PIT)
- DLC = Digital Learning Centre
- DLI = Dominant Logistical Issue(s)
- DMA = [1] Distributed Multitier Application
- DMA = [2] Definitive Merger Agreement
- DMC = Deliberate Mood Change
- DMHC = Debilitating Mental Health Condition (see also MHC)
- DMO = Developing Market Opportunity
- DMP = [1] Data Management Protocol
- DMP = [2] Digital Music Piracy
- DMP = [3] Diagnostic Medical Procedure
- DMS = Direct Muscle Simulation
- DMT = [1] Deceptive Marketing Tool
- DMT = [2] Dysfunctional Management Team
- DNA = Disingenuous Near-Apology
- DNOS = Dark Night Of the Soul
- DNP = Declared Nuclear Power (goverments with known nuclear weapons capabilities; see also KNS)
- DNR = Do Not Resuscitate
- DNR = [2] Direly/Desperately Needed Reform(s) [see also UNR]
- DNS = Direct Neural Stimulation
- DNT = Default-Negative Treatment
- DOC = Diverse Organisational Culture
- DOP = Deficit Of Passion
- DPI = Domestic Pilaging Initiative (popular in Midieval times)
- DPI = [2] Domestic Policy Initiative(s)
- DPI = [3] Direct Patent Infringement (see also FPI)
- DPL = [1] Domestic Price Level (inflation)
- DPL = [2] Disorganised Private Life
- DPR = Due Process Rights
- DPS = Dysfunctional Political System
- DOC = Diverse Organisational Culture
- DOM = Dangerously Optimistic Mood
- DOP = Destruction Of Property
- DOS = Disempowered Organisational Structure [contrast with EOS]
- DOW = Declaration Of War
- DRC = Development Resource Constraint
- DRIP = Dead Relative Inheritance Program
- DSA = Deficit Spending Approach (see also DSM, DSI, & DSP-2)
- DSC = [1] Debatable Scientific Controversy
- DSC = [2] Deteriorating Security Climate (see also DSS)
- DSD = Data Security Device(s)
- DSE = Disappointing Sexual Encounter
- DSF = [1] Digital Square Footage (analogous to IRMS; Internet e-tailer webspace/total-hits/popularity/sales-volume-forecasts)
- DSF = [2] Device-Specific Format
- DSI = Deficit Spending Initiative (see also DSA, DSP-2, DSM)
- DSI = [2] Deviate Sexual Intercourse
- DSM = [1] Deficit Spending Methodology/Model/Mentality (see also DSA, DSI, & DSP-2)
- DSM = [2] Direct Sales Model
- DSN = Distributed/Disparate Social Network (see also SSN(2) & WSN)
- DSP = [1] Data Search Protocol; Deficit Spending Paradigm
- DSP = [2] Directed Share Program [i.e. internal company offerings of stock shares to employees & special customers]
- DSP = [3] Digital Solutions Provider
- DSP = [4] Domestic Spying Program
- DSP = [5] Domestic Surveillance Program
- DSP = [6] Deceptive Sales Program
- DSP = [7] Dubious Surrogate Pregnancy
- DSS = Deteriorating Security Situation [see also DSC(2)]
- DSW = Distinctive Signature Whistle (i.e. communication used by Dolphins to communicate associated 'names')
- DTA = [1] Domestic Terrorist(ism) Activity(ies)
- DTA = [2] Disruptive Technology Adopter
- DTA = [3] Deliberately-Timed Act
- DTC = [1] Difficult Technical Challenge
- DTC = [2] Disruptive Technological Change/Challenge
- DTF = Dangerous Toxic Fumes
- DTG = Domestic Terrorist(ism) Group
- DTI = [1] Domestic Terrorism Investigation
- DTI = [2] Disruptive Technology Innovation (see also EDT)
- DTO = Domestic Terrorist Organisation [see also FTO(2)]
- DTP = [1] Drunken Teenage Prankster
- DTP = [2] Divergent Threat Perceptions (e.g. regarding terrorism or domestic violence)
- EAC = Entrenched Aristocratic Class
- EBC = Experience-Based Conclusion (see also EBR)
- EBR = Experience-Based Recommendation (see also EBC)
- ECA = Egregious Criminal Activity(ies) [see also OCA]
- ECC = Environmentally-Conscious Corporation
- ECD = Ecologically-Charged Discussion (see also ESD-2)
- ECE = Engaging Classroom Environment (see also ICE)
- ECE = [2] Energy Conservation Effort(s)
- ECM = [1] Effective Corruption Management (e.g. Enron, see ICM for antonym)
- ECM = [2] Extra Cellular Matrix
- ECM = [3] Electronic Content Management
- ECP = [1] Ethnic Cleansing Policy(ies)
- ECP = [2] Elitist Corporate Pillager (pejorative for bad CEO's)
- ECR = Extensive Criminal Record
- ECS = [1] Emotionally Constipated State
- ECS = [2] Environmental Control System (aircraft)
- EDA = Economically-Distressed Area [see also EDR(2), contrast with EVA(2) & EVR(2)]
- EDB = Egregious, Discriminatory Behaviour
- EDD = [1] Emergency Disaster Declaration
- EDD = [2] Emotionally Debilitating Distress
- EDG = Equitably-Distributed Gains
- EDP = Equitably-Distributed Pain
- EDP = [2] Equitably-Distributed Praise/Pain
- EDP = [3] Extensive Development Pressure
- EDP = [4] Ethically Dogmatic Person
- EDR = [1] Emotionally-Distant Relationship (see also ESD)
- EDR = [2] Economically-Distressed Region [see also EDA, contrast with EVA(2) & EVR(2)]
- EDR = [3] Event Data Recorder (utilised in vehicles to capture data just prior/during a crash)
- EDS = [1] Equitably-Distributed Suffering
- EDS = [2] Emotionally-Distant Spouse
- EDS = [3] Emergency-Dispatch System (e.g. 911 system)
- EDS = [4] Economic Development Strategy
- EDT = [1] Earthshattering Disruptive Technology (see also DTI-2)
- EDT = [2] Equitably-Distributed Tradeoffs
- EEA = Elevated Enforcement Action
- EEC = Egregious Executive Compensation
- EED = Extreme Emotional Distress/Duress
- EEO = Emotional-Energy Output
- EFC = [1] Excessive Fuel Consumption
- EFC = [2] Enormous Financial Crisis
- EFD = External Foreign Domination/Dominion
- EFL = Enormous Financial Loss(es)
- EFR = [1] Electronic File Residue (data remnants on a harddrive; see "http://mostlywater.org/node/3757)
- EFR = [2] Ecologically Fragile Region
- EFT = Eco(Environmentally)-Friendly Terrorism (huh?)
- EGF = Economic Growth Forecast
- EGI = Energy Grid Infrastructure
- EGM = [1] Evolving Global Marketplace
- EGM = [2] Elite Group Mystique
- EGR = Extensive Government Restrictions (i.e. laws & regulations)
- EHS = Empty Human Shell
- EII = Egregiously, Inexplicably Inaccurate
- EIR = Emotionally Invigorating Relationship
- EIS = Experimental Intergallactic Sex
- EIT = [1] Electronic Identity Theft/Thief
- EIT = [2] Egregiously Inaccurate Translation
- ELD = Experiential Leadership Development
- ELF = Efficient Legal Framework
- ELS = Everyday Life Skills
- EMC = [1] Emerging Market Country
- EMC = [2] Established Market Credibility
- EMC = [3] Expanded/Enhanced Marketing Capability(ies)
- EMH = Efficient Market Hypothesis
- EMI = [1] Ethnic Minority Integration
- EMI = [2] Energy Management Initiative
- EMI = [3] Existing Manufacturing Infrastructure
- EML = Emerging Moral Liability
- EMOC = Epiphanic Moment of Clarity
- EMV = Extreme Market Volatility
- ENC = Escalating Nuclear Crisis
- EOC = Enhanced Organisational Capability(ies) [see also IOC]
- EOC = [2] Effective Organisational Constraint/Construct [contrast with CIO(2)]
- EOC = [3] Empowered Organisational Culture/Climate
- EOI = 'Edge Of Infinity'
- EOL = End Of Life (contrast with SOL)
- EOP = Economic Opportunity Program
- EOR = Economically Optimal Result (see also EVR)
- EOS = Empowered Organisational Structure [contrast with DOS]
- EOT = Equal Opportunity Tantaliser (Jake Halpern, "Fame Junkies")
- EPA = Exciting Product Announcement
- EPB = Erratic Public Behaviour
- EPC = Entry Procedure Contravention (such as defeating safety interlocks to enter a secure room/area)
- EPP = Enormous Profit Potential
- EPS = Expanded Product Segment
- EPT = Extreme/Excessive Preferential Treatment
- EPV = Explosive Personal Vitality
- EQB = Ethically-Questionable Behaviour (see also LQB)
- ERA = Emotional Rape Allegation
- ERL = Environmentally-Responsible Littering (huh? see also SRL)
- ERS = Economically Ravaged Slumscape
- ERT = Entrepreneurial Risk Taking
- ESA = [1] Ecologically-Sensitive Area (see also ESR)
- ESA = [2] Environmentally-Sensitive Approach
- ESBP = Environmentally-Sound Business Practices
- ESC = [1] Effective Scandal Coordination (typical ref. to political/government scandals; see also ESM)
- ESC = [2] Effective Service Capability
- ESC = [3] Elite Social Clique
- ESD = [1] Emotionally Shut Down (see also EDR)
- ESD = [2] Ecologically Sensitive Discussion (see also ECD)
- ESD = [3] Emotional Support Dog
- ESI = [1] Enlightened Self-Interest
- ESI = [2] Environmental Strategic Initiative
- ESI = [3] Economic Shock-Inducing
- ESL = Endangered-Species List
- ESM = Environmentally-Sensitive Material
- ESN = Extremely Sensitive Nature (i.e. of a Covert Criminal Investigation or of a person)
- ESM = Effective Scandal Management (see also ESC)
- ESP = Exact(ing) Scientific Procedure
- ESR = Ecologically-Sensitive Region (see also ESA)
- ESS = Energy Storage System (www.teslamotors.com)
- ETA = Extensive Techological Advance(s)
- ETS = Esoteric Toxic Securities (as in common stock or similar instruments)
- ETT = "End Tyrannical Taxation" (similar to montras shouted by Alan Keyes for President supporters in 1999/2000)
- ETV = Excessive Television Viewing
- EUR = Economically Unjustifiable/Unviable Repair
- EVA = [1] Economically Viable Alternative
- EVA = [2] Economically-Viable Area [see also EVR(2); contrast with EDR(2) & EDA]
- EVO = Economically Viable Opportunity/Option
- EVR = [1] Economically Viable Result (see also EOR)
- EVR = [2] Economically Viable Region [see also EVA(2); contrast with EDR(2) & EDA]
- EVR = [3] Economically Viable Repair (contrast with EUR)
- EWA = Essential Work Activity (see NEWA for antonym)
- EWF = Enhanced Work Flow
- EWS = Early Warning System
- FAA = Flexible Acquisition Alternative(s)
- FAEV = Fight Against Ethics Violations
- FAP = Fundamental Architectural Problem(s)
- FAW = Fugative Arrest Warrent
- FBE = Friendship-Building Experience (see also MBE & RBE)
- FBG = Fertile Breeding Ground
- FBN = "Funny, But No" (lingo from Hallmark Shoebox greeting card creators/editors for slogans that didn't quite make it)
- FBT = Family Bonding Time
- FCA = Forensic Computer Analysis
- FCB = Financially-Challenged Background
- FCD = Failed Capitalist Doctrine/Dogma
- FCDA = Forensic Computer & Data Analysis
- FCI = Fiercely Competitive Investor
- FCN = Felony Criminal Nonsupport (legalese)
- FCS = [1] Fatted-Calf Sacrifice
- FCS = [2] Flight Control System
- FCS = [3] Flexible Control Structure
- FDA = Forensic Document Audit
- FDC = [1] False, Dafamatory Claim (see also FDS, MDS, & MDC)
- FDC = [2] Fundamental Design Criteria
- FDE = Fractured Denominational Existence
- FDL = Filthy Depraved Liar/Lunatic/Loser/Landowner
- FDM = Funky Dance Move(s)
- FDR = Flight Data Recorder
- FDS = [1] False, Defamatory Statement (see also MDS & MDC)
- FDS = [2] Fraud Detection System/Scheme
- FEA = Flattened Emotional Affect
- FED = Fluid Ejection Device (e.g. Ink jet nozzle)
- FEE = Fragile Economic Environment
- FEI = [1] Full Economic Integration (see also PECDEIP; contrast with PEI)
- FEI = [2] Federal Economic Intervention
- FEM = Fragile Economic Machine (the U.S. economy)
- FER = Fragile Economic Recovery
- FES = Fuel Efficiency Standard(s)
- FET = Fierce Exultant Triumph
- FFNL = Funky Fresh New Look (see also FNL)
- FFW = Fundamentally-Flawed Worldview
- FIA = Fiscally Irresponsible Approach (see also FIB)
- FIB = Fiscally Irresponsible Behaviour (contrast with FRB)
- FIC = Financial Institution Collapse
- FID = Fundamentally Insecure Design (as in new RFID-equipped US Passports)
- FIE = Free Information/Idea Exchange
- FIL = Fluorescent Induction Lamp
- FIR = Fragmented, Inconsistent Relationship
- FLA = [1] Flawed Legal Analysis
- FLA = [2] Four Letter Acronym
- FLS = Future Living Standards
- FMC = Freakish Mutant Cyborg
- FMDI = False, Malicious Defamatory Information
- FMDS = False, Malicious Defamatory Statement (see also FMDI, MDS, FDS, MDC, & FDC)
- FMI = Financial Market Instability (contrast with FMS)
- FMM = Financial Market Meltdown (see also CMM & FMT)
- FMS = [1] Financial Market Stability (contrast with FMI)
- FMS = [2] Failed Management/Managerial Strategy
- FMT = Financial Market Turmoil (see also CMM & FMM)
- FNDE = Financial Near Death Experience
- FNL = Fresh New Look (see also FFNL)
- FOD = [1] Fear Of Death
- FOD = [2] Fear Of Dismemberment
- FOD = [3] Fear Of Disenfranchisement
- FOG = Force Of Gravity
- FPD = Foreign Policy Disaster
- FPDP = Future Potential Domestic Partner (see also FPL, FPS)
- FPE = Fire Protection Equipment/Engineer
- FPF = Fast(-moving) Pyroclastic Flow(s) [flows of gas, ash, & rock during a volcanic eruption; see also APM(2)]
- FPI = Flagrant Patent Infringement [see also DPI(3)]
- FPL = [1] Future Potential Lover (see also FPS & FPDP)
- FPL = [2] Fractured Personal Loyalty(ies)
- FPS = [1] Fault Protection System/Scheme (compare with AFD & AFP)
- FPS = [2] Future Potential Spouse (see also FPL & FPDP)
- FPS = [3] Full Public Shaming
- FPS = [4] Frenetic Personal Style
- FPT = Future Potential Tragedy
- FPV = Future Potential Victim
- FRB = Fiscally Responsible Behaviour (contrast with FIB)
- FRC = Frequency Response Characteristic
- FRD = Fatal Radiation Dose(age)
- FRG = Fraud Rental Game (tenants who willingly defraud landlords)
- FRH = Free-Radical Hippie
- FRM = Fiscally-Responsible Method(s)
- FRP = Fiscally-Responsible Policy(ies)
- FRP = Fiscally-Responsible Person
- FRP = Fiscally-Responsible Partner
- FRT = Fearless Risk-Taker
- FSA = Failed Socialst Agenda (see also FSD)
- FSD = Failed Socialist Doctrine/Dogma (see also FSA)
- FSF = Full Scandal Fruition (see also ESM & ESC)
- FSI = [1] Full-Scale Integration
- FSI = [2] Full-Scale Invasion
- FSI = [3] Full-Scale Interrogation
- FSI = [4] Fragile Socioeconomic Infrastructure (see also FSS)
- FSI = [5] Financial/Fiscal Sector Instability
- FSL = Filthy Stinking Lier
- FSS = Fragile Socioeconomic Structure [see also FSI(4)]
- FTA = Failure To Adapt
- FTC = Formidable Technical Challenge
- FTD = [1] Fault-Tolerant Design
- FTD = [2] Financially Transmitted Disease (such as issuing bad loans)
- FTHB = First-Time Home Buyer
- FTI = [1] Forward-Thinking Initiative
- FTI = [2] Failure To Innovate
- FTM = Forward-Thinking Mission
- FTO = [1] Forward-Thinking Objective
- FTO = [2] Forward-Thinking Organisation
- FTO = [3] Foreign Terrorist Organisation (see also DTO)
- FTP = Forward-Thinking Philosophy
- FTS = [1] Forward-Thinking Strategy
- FTS = [2] Fundamental Tax Simplification
- FTV = Forward-Thinking Vision
- FVT = Formulaic Violence Trend
- FWA = Free Wireless Access
- FWS = Flexible Work Schedule
- GAMP = Growth And Marketing Plan
- GAS = Genetic Alcoholism Susceptibility
- GASD = Graphic Anamatronic Sexual Display (same as GSAD)
- GAT = Growth-Attenuation Therapy
- GCB = Globalisation Cost Benefit [see also GCS (2)]
- GCD = General Categorical Denial
- GCF = [1] "Genocidal Cleansing Fire" (see MDR- megalomaniacal dictator rhetoric)
- GCF = [2] Ghastly Ceremonial Farce
- GCI = Growing Customer Irritant
- GCL = Global Consumer Landscape
- GCMN = Global Climate-Monitoring Network (see also CMN, MCMN)
- GCO = Generous Counter-Offer
- GCS = Genetic Cancer Susceptibility
- GCS = [2] Globalisation Cost Saving(s) [see also GCB]
- GEA = Gender-Equality Advocate
- GEC = Global Economic Competitiveness
- GEM = Global Extremist Movement
- GFC = Global Financial Crisis
- GFE = Giant Financial Entity
- GFI = Global Financial Infrastructure
- GFM = Global Financial Meltdown (e.g. Oct 2008)
- GFN = Genuine Financial Need
- GFS = Global Financial System
- GLM = Global Labour Marketplace
- GMM = Government Microeconomic Meddling
- GMO = Global Marketing Organisation
- GOSS = Global Oil Supply Security
- GPA = Ground-Penetrating Animal
- GPR = Ground-Penetrating Radar (see also SPR); Ground-Penetrating Rodent
- GPRT = ground-penetrating radar technology (see also GPR)
- GRS = Gender Reassignment Surgery (PC term for trans-gender surgery)
- GSA = Good-Samaritan Adventure
- GSAD = Graphic Sexual Anamatronic Display (same as GASD)
- GSH = Gross Sexual Harrassment (see also GSM)
- GSM = Gross Sexual Misconduct (see also GSH)
- GSP = Government Stimulus Plan
- GSS = Government Safety Standards
- GTH = Global Thermonuclear Holocaust
- GTI = Global Trade Imbalance(s)
- GTR = Good-Taste Restriction (as in bounded limits for verbiage developed for greeting cards)
- GUO = Gleaming Unbridled Optimism
- GVC = General Visual Clutter; Generally Visually Cluttered
- GWC = Global Wage Convergence (e.g. decreasing the gap between US & Asian wages)
- GWD = Geographically Widely Dispersed
- HAB = Hot Air Balloon
- HABI = Hot Air Balloon Incident
- HAD = Heathcare Access Disparity
- HBC = High/Higher Borrowing Cost(s)
- HCF = Highly-Controversial Figure (see also HCRF)
- HCP = [1] Health Care Policy
- HCP = [2] Human-Centered Product
- HCRF = Highly-Controversial Religious Figure (see also HCF)
- HDC = High-Density Community (see also HDUD)
- HDUD = High-Density Urban Development (see also HDC)
- HEE = Historically Elusive Explaination
- HEOS = Highest Echelons Of Society (see also HSE)
- HFE = Highly-Fractured Existence
- HFN = Highly Fractured Nature
- HIB = Harmful, Irresponsible Behaviour
- HIC = Home Inspection Contingency (i.e. for purchases of home real estate)
- HIE = Homegrown Islamic Extremism (see also HIT)
- HIH = Highly Intellectual Humour
- HIP = [1] Highly Insecure/Innovative/Irresponsible/Irascible/Iridescent Person
- HIP = [2] Health Insurance Plan
- HIR = Harmful, Irresponsible Relationship
- HIS = [1] Human-Interest Story
- HIS = [2] High Information Security (contrast with LIS)
- HIS = [3] Health Impairing/Impairment Symptom (see also SHIS)
- HIT = Homegrown Islamic Terrorism (see also HIE)
- HLS = High-Level Summary/Synopsis (contrast with LLS)
- HLSB = High-Level Security Breach(es)
- HMB = Healthy Morale Boost(er)
- HMI = Highly-Motivated Individual (see also HMP, SWI)
- HMP = Highly-Motivated Person (see also HMI, SWI)
- HOA = Highly-Optimised Approach (see also HOI)
- HOI = Highly-Optimised Initiative (see also HOA)
- HOS = Highly-Optimised Solution
- HPC = High-Probability Contingency (contrast with LPC)
- HRA = Human Rights Atrocities/Aberrations/Abuses (see also CRA)
- HRAT = Heathly, Robust, And Thriving
- HRR = Heavily Redacted Report (e.g. declassified government documents)
- HRT = Highly Repetitive Task(s)
- HSA = Highly-Speculative Answer
- HSD = Heated Spirited Discussion (see also ASD & USD)
- HSE = Highest Societal Echelons (see also HEOS)
- HSG = High School Grad(uate)
- HTA = Horrific Terrorist Atrocities
- HTE = Heightened Threat Environment
- HTR = High Technical Risk (contrast with LTR)
- HTS = Home Theatre System
- HVPI = High-Value Product Installation
- IAA = Indifferent Apathetic Attitude (see also AAI)
- IAP = [1] Internet Addiction Prevalence
- IAP = [2] Increasingly Aggressive Pricing [see also IAPS(1)]
- IAPS = [1] Increasingly Aggressive Pricing Strategy [see also IAP(2)]
- IAPS = [2] Increasingly Annoying Pricing Strategy (usu. synonymous with price increases)
- IBE = [1] Image-Building Experience
- IBE = [2] Incompetent Business Executive
- IBE = [3] Inadequate Business Executive
- IBF = Investment Banking Firm
- IBI = Image-Building Initiative
- IBP = Inflammatory/Insensitive/Irrational/Indiscrete Blog Posting
- IBQ = Initial Build Quality/Quantity
- IBS = International Banking System
- IBT = [1] Image-Building Triumph
- IBT = [2] Invasive Biometric Technology (e.g. implantable RF-ID chips with personal data)
- ICA = Illegal Criminal Activity
- ICC = Ideal Courtship Candidate
- ICD = Intense Calorie/Caloric Deprivation
- ICE = [1] Interactive Classroom Environment (see also ECE)
- ICE = [2] Improved Customer Experience
- ICL = Irreverent Cackling Laughter
- ICM = Ineffective Corruption Management (see ECM for antonym)
- ICP = [1] Internal Control Process
- ICP = [2] Increased Customer Productivity
- ICP = [3] Improved Competitive Position
- ICS = [1] International Crime Spree
- ICS = [2] Instant Celebrity Status
- IDA = Ineffective, Desperate Approach (used by some singles in desperate attempts to find dates)
- IDA = [2] Intelligent Design Advocate
- IDC = Incendiary Device Component(s) (used by terrorists & anarchist groups)
- IDC = [2] Impending Demographic Change
- IDD = [1] Ill-Defined Dating
- IDD = [2] Increasingly Defiant Dictator (e.g. North Korea's Kim Jong-Il)
- IDE = Inadequate/Incomplete Dating Experience
- IDM = Intelligent Design Movement [see also IDP, & IDA(2)]
- IDP = [1] Intelligent Design Proponent [see also IDM, & IDA(2)]
- IDP = [2] Intense Demographic Pressure
- IDW = [1] Infinite Design Window
- IDW = [2] Integrated Digital Workflow (see also TDW)
- IEA;INEA = Indigenous [Nuclear] Enrichment Activity [see also IER & IED(2)/INED]
- IED = [1] Intermittent Explosive Disorder (clinical term for condition linked to 'road rage' & other similar outbursts)
- IED;INED = Indigenous [Nuclear] Enrichment Development [see also IEA/INEA & IER/INER]
- IEF;IENF = Indigenous [Nuclear] Enrichment Facility(ies)
- IEP = Irrepressible Effervescent Personality (e.g. Steve Irwin)
- IER/INER = Indigenous [Nuclear] Enrichment Research [see also IEA/INEA & IED(2)/INED]
- IERP = Involuntary Early Retirement Package (a layoff with severance; see also IRP, VRP, & VERP)
- IFB = [1] Intangible Fringe Benefit(s) [antonym
- IFB = [2] Intraocular Foreign Body (medical term for foreign object in the eye)
- IFD = Imminent Financial Disaster/Doom
- IFF = Indefinite Federal Financing/Funding
- IGC = [1] Increased(ing) Global Competition (see also AGC)
- IGC = [2] Instant Gratification Culture (e.g. in the USA; see also IGCC)
- IGCC = Instant Gratification Consumer Culture (e.g. in the USA; see also IGC)
- IGO = Industry Growth Opportunity (see also MIGO)
- IGR = Irreversible Growth Retardation
- IHL = Incalculable Human Loss
- IIP = Improved Internal Process(es)
- IIU = Irresponsible Internet Use/User
- IKS = [1] Invited Keynote Speaker
- IKS = [2] Invalid Keynote Speaker (obscure usage)
- ILA = Industry-Leading Architecture
- ILE = Interactive Learning Experience (see also RILE)
- ILL = Institutional Learning Lapse (see also ILP)
- ILP = Institutional Learning Problem (see also ILL)
- ILS = Insufficiently Lavish Setting (contrast with SLS)
- ILT = Industry-Leading Technology
- ILV = Industry-Leading Visionary
- IMA = [1] Important Management Announcement
- IMA = [2] Increased Market Awareness
- IMC = [1] Intense Media Coverage
- IMC = [2] Intensive Medical Care
- IMC = [3] Independent Medical Consultation
- IME = Indoctrinated Muslim Extremist (see also IMO, & RMO)
- IMF = Interstellar Magnetic Field
- IMO = Indoctrinated Muslim Operatives (see also IME, & RMO)
- IMP = Increased Market Penetration
- IMP = [2] Incongruent Management Paradigm (mgmt. philosophy/objectives that are contradictory or that conflict with corp. goals)
- IMP = [3] Industry Marketing Practices
- IMP = [4] Internal Mentoring Process
- IMP = [5] Infernal Mentoring Process (?)
- IMP = [6] Informal Mentoring Process
- IMPO = Illegal Music Piracy Operations (see also MPO)
- IMR = Increasingly Marginalised Role
- IMT = [1] Incident Management Team
- IMT = [2] International Marital Terrorism (source: www.onion.com)
- IMT = [3] Integrated Multichannel Touchpoint (source: Mike Webster, VP & Gen Mgr, NCR Self-Service Solutions)
- IMV = Intrinsic Marketing Value
- INC = Impotent New Competitor (contrast with PNC)
- INF = Impairment of Neurological Function / Impaired Neurologic Function
- INT = Intimidating New/New-fangled Technology
- IOC = [1] Improved Organisational Capability(ies)/Capacity/Competency [see also EOC]
- IOC = [2] Inadequate/Incomplete Organisational Capability/Capacity/Competency
- IOE = Increased/Improved Operational Efficiency(ies)
- IOH = Impressive Operational History
- IPD = Intellectual Property Disclosure
- IPL = Intellectual Property Lawyer
- IPM = Inorganic Porous Material
- IPP = Intellectual Property Protection
- IPS = Incentive Pay Strategies
- IPT = Irreparable Product Tarnishing (e.g. showing a product in an unfavourable depiction)
- IRA = Islamic Religious Authorities
- IRE = Infrastructure Reconstruction/Realignment Effort(s)
- IRI = Incredibly Ricky Investment(Investing)
- IRMS = Internet Retailer Market Share (see also DSF)
- IRP = Involuntary Retirement Package (a layoff with severance; see also IERP, VRP, & VERP)
- IRS = [1] Innovative, Radical Solution
- IRS = [2] Industrial Radiation Source
- IRT = Islamic Radicalism Target
- IRV = Intrinsic Relational/Relationship Value
- IRVA = Intrinsic Relational/Relationship Value-Add
- ISA = Intense Sexual Attraction (see also MSA; for antonym, see ISR)
- ISC = [1] Ideal Shopping Companion
- ISC = [2] Inappropriate Sexual Contact
- ISDE = Integrated, Seamless Digital Ecosystem (see also ISE)
- ISE = Integrated, Seamless Ecosystem (see also ISDE)
- ISF = Internal/International Security Force(s)
- ISI = Involuntary Service Interruption
- ISOC = Illusory Sense Of Control (see also SOC)
- ISOPE = Increasing Sense Of Personal Entitlement [see also SOE(3)]
- ISP = [1] Irrational Schedule Pressure
- ISP = [2] Industry Standard Practice
- ISP = [3] Inadequate Serotonin Production (medical condition)
- ISP = [4] Industry Solution(s) Provider
- ISP = [5] Individual Service Provider (i.e. freelance worker)
- ISR = [1] Intense Sexual Revulsion (for antonyms, see ISA or MSA)
- ISR = [2] Immediate Situational Requirement
- IST = Intense Sexual Tension
- ISTO = Islamic Sea of Tyranny and Oppression
- ISVA = Infinite Shareholder Value-Add
- ITA = Intangible Technology Assets
- ITB = [1] Increased(ing) Terrorist Brutality
- ITB = [2] Income Tax Burden (see also OITB)
- ITC = Idealized Theocratic Commonwealth
- ITD = Integrated Technology Development
- ITI = "Iterate To Innovate"
- ITL = [1] Impenetrable Transparent Layer
- ITL = [2] Islamic Terrorist(ic) Leaders(hip)
- ITR = Influential Technical Review(s)
- ITU = Interdimensional Transgender Unicorn (?)
- IUC = Indifferent, Unimaginative Consumer
- IUS = Indifferent, Unimaginative Shopper (see also IUC)
- IVC = Incomprehensibly Verbose Complaint
- IVL = Incomprehensibly Verbose Letter
- IVR = Incomprehensibly Verbose Rhetoric
- IVS = Incomprehensibly Verbose Sermon
- IWC = Integrated Wireless Capability
- IWPB = Inappropriately Weak Personal Boundaries
- IYC = Individualistic Youth Culture (i.e. in the Western world)
- JCR = Juvenile Criminal Record
- JES = Just Economic Structure (e.g. a socio-economic system that does not oppress, subjugate, or disadvantage the poor)
- JIC = "Just In Case"...
- JLE = Jargon-Laden Explanation (see also CIE)
- JQP = Japanese Quality Practice
- KBD = Key Business Decision/Direction
- KBI = Key Business Innovator
- KBL = Key Business Leader
- KBS = Key Business Skills
- KCA = Key Competitive Advantage
- KCD = Key Cultural Difference(s)
- KCD = Key Cultural Distinctives
- KFA = Key Focus Area
- KFS = Key Focus Segment(s)
- KGS = Key Growth Segment(s)
- KGS = Key Growth Segments (as in 'key growth product segment' or product line)
- KIM = Key Industrial Material
- KIS = Known Initial State (contrast with UIS)
- KNS = Known Nuclear State (countries/governments with known nuclear weapons development programs; contrast with LNC)
- KNT = Key New Technology
- KNTL = Key New Technology Leader
- KPD = Key Product Deliverable
- KPM = Key Performance Metric(s)
- KRG = Kafkaesque Romantic Gesture (compare to BRG)
- KSI = Key Strategic Initiative(s)
- KSOH = Keen Sense Of Humour
- KSOW = Keen Sense Of Wit (compare to KSOH)
- KTC = [1] Know The Customer
- KTC = [2] Key Team Contributor
- KTI = Key Technology Initiatives/Innovator
- KTL = Ket Technology Leader
- LBC = Legally Binding Contract
- LBP = Legitimate Business Purposes
- LCDA = Low-Cost Dating Alternative (e.g. cooking dinner at home)
- LCE = Laboratory Controlled Environment
- LCH = Lawless Criminal Haven
- LCP = [1] Limited Career Path (see also SCP)
- LCP = [2] Low Cost Provider
- LCR = Limited Collection Resources
- LCSE = Life-Changing Side Effects
- LDF = Legal Defence Fund (see also LDT)
- LDS = Limited Digital Subscription
- LDT = Legal Defence Team (see also LDF)
- LEB;GEB;BEB = Large/Giant/Behemoth Economic Barrior
- LEI = Lingering Economic Insecurity (see also LEU)
- LET = [1] Leading-Edge Technology (see also LETI, LETS)
- LET = [2] Latent Entrepreneurial Talent
- LETI = Leading-Edge Technology/Technological Initiative
- LETS = Leading-Edge Technology/Technological Strategy
- LEU = Lingering Economic Uncertainty (see also LEI)
- LHS = Long Historical Struggle
- LIH = Lower-Income Household (see also MIH)
- LIM = Lucrative International Market
- LIS = Low Information Security (contrast with HIS)
- LISP = Live-In Sexual Partner
- LLI = Limited Legal Immunity (see also LLL)
- LLL = Limited Legal Liability (see also LLI)
- LLR = Lessons Learned Review
- LLS = Low-Level Summary/Synopsis (contrast with HLS)
- LMC = Limited Military Capability (see also LMD, LMS, & LMT)
- LMD = Limited Military Deployment (see also LMC, LMS, & LMT)
- LMS = [1] Limited Military Strategy/'Strategery'
- LMS = [2] Limited Military Sophistication
- LMT = Limited Military Technology
- LNC = Limited Nuclear Capability(ies) [see also KNS]
- LOC = [1] Loss Of Control
- LOC = [2] Loss Of Credibility
- LOI = Lack Of Interest
- LOM = Lack Of Motivation
- LOS = Lack Of Skill / Loss Of Skill
- LPC = Low-Probability Contingency (contrast with HPC)
- LQB = Legally-Questionable Behaviour (see also EQB)
- LRE = Light Reading Enjoyment (e.g. "For your LRE, here's a list of famous Jewish sports legends.")
- LRR = Limited Relationship Resources
- LSD = Lurid Sexual Details
- LST = [1] Light Scattering Technique
- LST = [2] Legitimate Statistical Test(s)
- LTA = Late-Term Abortion (see also PBA)
- LTCS = Long-Term Competitive Strategy
- LTE = Long-Term Effect(s) (see STE for antonym)
- LTGO = Long-Term Growth Opportunity
- LTGR = Long-Term Growth Rate
- LTI = Limited Techology Investment
- LTO = Limited Technology Opportunity
- LTP = Long-Term Potential
- LTR = Low Technical Risk (contrast with HTR)
- LTS = [1] Long-Term Stability (contrast with STS)
- LTS = [2] Long-Term Sustainability
- LUMP = Limited-Use Mobile Phone (a disposable mobile phone for fixed-duration, prepaid use)
- MAT = [1] Minimum Attractiveness Threshold
- MAT = [2] Mythological Ancient Text(s)
- MBD = Minimal Business Disruption
- MBE = Marriage-Building Experience (see also FBE & RBE)
- MBR = Mutually Beneficial Relationship
- MCA = Manipulative Con Artist
- MCE = Mobile Computing Environment
- MCF = Mission-Critical Function (see also MCI)
- MCI = [1] Mission-Critical Initiative (see also MCF)
- MCI = [2] Market-Changing Initiative
- MCMN = Mobile, Climate-Monitoring Network (see also CMN, GCMN)
- MCO = Market-Changing Opportunity
- MCS = [1] Minimally Conscious State
- MCS = [2] Massive Cyclical Swings
- MDA = Multi-Disciplinary Approach (i.e. to problem-solving; see also MDI)
- MDC = Malicious Defamatory Claim
- MDI = Multi-Disciplinary Initiative (see also MDA)
- MDN = Marauding Desert Nomads
- MDR = Megalomaniacal Dictator Rhetoric
- MDS = Malicious Defamatory Statement (see also FDS, MDC)
- MEAB = Marauding Erratic Animal Behaviour
- MEB = Marauding Erratic Behaviour
- MER = Minimum Entry Requirement
- MES = Multi-Ethnic Society
- MFA = [1] Minimum Flying Altitude
- MFA = [2] Ministry Focus Area(s)
- MFB = Meaningful Financial Benefit
- MFC = [1] Monolithic Foundation Construction (poured, thick concrete slab is used instead of footer underneath foundation sidewalls)
- MFC = [2] Monumental Financial Challenge(s)
- MFD = Multi-Family Dwelling (contrast with SFD)
- MFG = Mammarian Flesh-Globes
- MFL = Maladaptive Fantasy-Life
- MGC = Media-Generated Controversy (contrast with MGN)
- MGI = [1] Multi-Generational Interaction (see also CGI)
- MGI = [2] Mounting Government Investigation
- MGN = Media-Generated Noncontroversy (contrast with MGC)
- MHC = Mental Health Condition (see also DMHC)
- MIGO = Multi-Industry Growth Opportunity (see also IGO)
- MIH = Middle-Income Household (see also LIH)
- MIR = [1] Minimally-Invasive Relationship
- MIR = [2] Minimally-Intensive Relationship
- MISP = MInimum Security Prison (see MXSP for antonym)
- MIT = Medical Information Technology
- MITS = Medical Information Technology System(s)
- MLIC = Multi-Layered Integrated Circuit
- MLOS;MLS = Momentary Loss Of Sanity
- MLP = Market Leading Performance
- MMP = Medieval Marketing Plan
- MOG = Mind Of God
- MOM = Mucuous Oozing Machine
- MOR = Meaningful Overnight Relationship (contrast with TOR)
- MOS = Margin Of Safety
- MPA = Miscellaneous Paranormal Activity (ghosts, hauntings, poltergeists, etc.)
- MPE = Meteoric Price Escalation (see also MPI)
- MPI = [1] Meteoric Price Increase (see also MPE)
- MPI = [2] Market Penetration Initiative
- MPO = [1] Music Piracy Operations (see also IMPO)
- MPO = [2] Massive Public Outcry
- MPUG = Macabre Parade of Unspeakable Grotesquerie
- MRB = Morally Repugnant Behaviour
- MRO = Monstrous Retail Outlet
- MRS = Marital Realignment Strategey (spouses agreeing on deliverables & philosophical matters)
- MRT = Meaningless Rhetorical Trick
- MSA = Mutual Sexual Attraction (see also ISA; for antonym, see ISR)
- MSB = Murderous Suicide Bombing
- MSC = Manufacturing Supply Chain
- MSN = Mutual Sexual Neuroses
- MSO = Mortgage Servicing Operation(s)
- MST = Mind-Shattering Terror
- MSV = Mixed Social Values (see also BSV)
- MTE = Martyrdom Through Execution
- MTI = Medical Technology Innovation
- MTM = Monetary Transmission Mechanism / Monetised Transmission Mechanism
- MUGS = Medically-Unnecessary Genital Surgery [e.g. to correct intersex characteristics on babies to force gender assignment]
- MUS = [1] Mortgage Underwriting Standards
- MUS = [2] Medically-Unnecessary Surgery
- MVP = Most Vulnerable Point
- MVS = Mobile Video System (e.g. in police cruisers)
- MWD = Motorist Warning Device
- MWE = Median/Mean Weekly Earnings
- MXSP = MaXimum Security Prison (see MISP for antonym)
- NAPD = Narcissistic Activist Personality Disorder
- NBC = Nation-Building Challenges
- NBF = New Business Function(s) [see also ABF]
- NBO = New Business Opportunity (see also ABO)
- NBP = Non-traditional Business Practices (contrast with TBP)
- NCCS = Non-Competitive Cost Structure (contrast with CCS)
- NCF = Non-Certified Facility
- NCS = New Customer Segment
- NCU = Nefarious Computer User
- NDI = Narrowly-Defined Interests
- NEC = National Existential Crisis
- NEWA = Non-Essential Work Activity (see EWA for antonym)
- NEI = Nascent Emerging Industry
- NES = Nascent Entrepreneurial Strategy
- NFD = Nascent, Fragile Democracy
- NFG = Nascent, Fragile Government
- NFL = No-Frills Lifestyle
- NFR = Nascent, Fragile Relationship
- NFV = Negative Female Vibe (contrast with PFV)
- NGC = Natural Gas Consumption
- NGO = New Growth Opportunity
- NGT = Nervous Geopolitical Tensions
- NHS = [1] Nightmarish Hellhole Sojourn
- NHS = [2] New Harebrained Scheme
- NHS = [3] National Healthcare System
- NLF = "Never Lose Focus"
- NLCF = Never Lose Customer Focus (see also NLTCF)
- NLD = Near-Lethal Dose
- NLS = Non-Linear System
- NLTCF = Never Lose The Customer Focus (see also NLCF)
- NMCO = Narrow-Minded Cultural Orthodoxy
- NMTO = Narrow-Minded Theological Orthodoxy
- NPA = Negative Public Attitude (see also NPS; contrast with PPA, PPS)
- NPP = Nuclear Production Potential
- NPR = Neglected Personal Relationship
- NPS = Negative Public Sentiment (see also NPA; contrast with PPA, PPS)
- NRA = Necessary Remedial Action(s)
- NRE = Nuclear Rocket Engines (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Orion_%28nuclear_propulsion%29)
- NRI = National/Nationwide Refueling Infrastructure
- NRS = Nationally-Representative Sample
- NSA = No Such Allegation
- NSD = New Solutions Differentiation
- NSI = Non-Specific Irritant ("Ionizing radiation acts as an NSI.")
- NSR = Nuanced Social Relationships (see also CNSR)
- NTK = Need To Know
- NTM = Non-Traditional Mortgage
- NTP = Naughty Tingly Part(s) [church lady]
- NVE = Negative Vacation(ing) Experience (contrast with PVE)
- NVSR = Non-Violent Stress Relief (contrast with VSR)
- NYO = Not Yet Official
- OOBT = Out Of Box Thinking
- OCA = Outright Criminal Activity(ies) [see also ECA]
- OCF = Operating Cash Flow
- OCPB = Offensive Cell Phone Behaviour (see also OMPB)
- OCS = [1] Outstanding Customer Service (e.g. Virgin Atlantic or Singapore Airlines)
- OCS = [2] Oppressed Cable Subscriber
- ODOR = Organisational Diffusion Of Responsibility
- ODP = Optimised Development Process (see also OPDP)
- OEC = Outspoken Eclectic Career
- OEI = Operational Excellence Initiative
- OER = Oppressive Environmental Regulation(s)
- OFM = Orderly Financial Market
- OFR = Old-Fashioned Repression (see also PIR)
- OIC = Ongoing International Catastrophe
- OID = Orally-Ingested Drug
- OIR = Occupational Inhalation Risk(s)
- OITB = Onerous Income Tax Burden (see also ITB)
- OLA = Overstuffed Leather Armchair (compare with OVA)
- OLD = "Other Lesser Dieties"
- OLJ = Obscure Legal Justification
- OMI = Online Marital Infidelity
- OMPB = Offensive Mobile Phone Behaviour (see also OCPB)
- ONT = Overt Nuclear Testing
- OOA = Operational Orbital Altitude (i.e. for earth-orbit communications satellites)
- OOS = Out Of Service (see also TOOS)
- OOSD = Object-Oriented Software Development
- OPDP = [1] Official Post-Disaster Protocol
- OPDP = [2] Optimised Product Development Process (see also ODP)
- OPR = Oppressive Political Regime
- ORTI = Opportunistic, Risk-Tolerant Investor (see also RTI)
- OSA = One-Sided Advantage
- OSCB = Online Sexually Compulsive Behaviour
- OSR = Ongoing Strategic Review
- OSU = Optimal Space Utilisation
- OTE = Offshore Tax Evasion (see also OTS)
- OTF = Orchestrated Traffic Flow
- OTS = Offshore Tax Shelter (accounts in foreign countries for tax evasion; see also OTE)
- OUE = Ominous Unfolding Events (e.g. during Armageddon)
- OUT = Outrageous Unfair Termination (see also WTL)
- OVA = Overstuffed Vinyl Armchair (compare with OLA)
- OWE = Offensive Work Environment
- OWS = Oppressive Work Schedule (see also SWS)
- PAA = Prodigious Acting Ability
- PAB = Passive-Aggressive Behaviour
- PAD = Peculiar Anxiety Disorder
- PADD = Pleasant Aroma Dispensing Device (see also ADD)
- PAF = Preliminary Autopsy Finding
- PAI = Post-Accident Investigation
- PAM = [1] Psychologically-Abusive Marriage
- PAM = [2] Personal Alarm Monitor
- PAP = [1] Personal Action Plan
- PAP = [2] Politically Acceptable Practice(s)
- PAPI = Personal And Proprietary Information
- PAR = Psychologically-Abusive Relationship (see also PAM)
- PBA = Partial Birth Abortion (see also LTA)
- PBE = Professional Business Environment
- PBI = Performance-Based Incentive(s)
- PBN = Percussive Background Noise
- PBO = Profitable Business Opportunity
- PCE = Positive Customer Experience (see also SCE)
- PDCI = Profoundly Disturbing Conflict of Interest (see also DCOI)
- PDE = Personal Development Effort (see also PDI, & CPDI)
- PDF = [1] Penniless Dedicated Following (e.g. rock band groupies)
- PDF = [2] Personal Defence Force
- PDI = Personal Development Initiative/Incentive (see also CPDI)
- PDP = [1] Product Development Pipeline
- PDP = [2] Participative Decision Process [akin to CDP(4)]
- PDS = Professional Domination Session (services provided by a 'dominatrix')
- PDT = [1] Proprietary Database Technology
- PDT = [2] Pyrotechnic Diversionary Tactic(s)
- PEC = [1] Potential/Probable Ecological/Environmental Catastrophe
- PEC = [2] Prolonged Economic Crisis
- PECDEIP = Permanent Empowered Cohabitating/Co-equal Domestic Economically-Integrated Partnership (sophistry for 'marriage')
- PED = [1] Potential Environmental Disaster
- PED = [2] Potential Emotional Disaster
- PEE = Positive Educational Experience
- PEI = Partial Economic Integration (contrast with FEI)
- PEM = Potential Executive Material (someone whose prospects are good for becoming a corp. executive)
- PEM = [2] Pathetic Executive Material (one whose executive leadership is abyssmal or dismal, at best)
- PEM(3) = Patent-Eligible Method
- PEO = Personal Economic Opportunity
- PES = [1] Premature Exit Strategy (e.g. trying to leave strategically from a really bad date)
- PES = [2] Personal Economic Strategy
- PES = [3] Productivity-Enhancing Solution
- PES = [4] Penile Enlargement Surgery (contrast with PRS)
- PEV = Personal Economic Viability
- PFC = [1] Proactive Flight Cancellation
- PFC = [2] Persistent Financial Crisis
- PFE = Parlayed False Erudition
- PFI = [1] Personal Financial Interest
- PFI = [2] Pernicious Financial Instruments (e.g. derivatives)
- PFO = Plucked From Obscurity
- PFP = Prudent Financial Planning
- PFS = [1] Precarious Financial State
- PFS = [2] Prudent Financial Strategy/"Strategery"
- PFT = Private Family Time
- PFV = Positive Female Vibe (compare with PMV; contrast with NFV)
- PHI = Persistent Health Impairment
- PIA = Possibly Illegal Activity
- PIIR = Pseudo-Intimate Interpersonal Relationship
- PILD = Pithy, Innuendo-Laden Dialogue
- PIP = [1] Product Innovation Pipeline
- PIP = [2] Personal Investment Portfolio
- PIR = [1] Powerful Inhumane Regime (see also OFR)
- PIR = [2] Penetrating Ionising Radiation (e.g. gamma radiation)
- PIS = [1] Primitive Internet Society
- PIS = [2] Permanent Induced Sterility
- PIT = [1] Predominant Industry Trend (see also DIT)
- PIT = [2] Powerful/Principle Investigative Tool
- PIWE = Print-Intensive Workgroup Environments
- PLA = Pro-Life Advocate
- PLL = Potential Legal Liability
- PLM = Proactive Lifecycle Management
- PLS = Pathological Light Sensitivity
- PLV = [1] Portfolio Liquidation Value (or SPLV)
- PLV = [2] Personal Leadership Vision
- PMC = Pervasive Materialistic Culture
- PMS = [1] Political Mind-Set
- PMS = [2] Personal Marketing STRATEGIST
- PMS = [3] Preventative Maintenance Schedule
- PMS = [4] Post-Marketing Study
- PMS = [5] Property Management System
- PMV = Positive Male Vibe (compare with PFV)
- PNC = Potent New Competitor (contrast with INC)
- PNM = Profitable Niche Market
- PNR = Possible/Probable/Potential Negative Ramifications
- POD = Piece Of Dirt
- POF = Private Online Forum
- POI = Person/Position Of Influence
- POM = [1] Publicised Organised Method (see also POW)
- POM = [2] Potentially Offensive Message
- POS = Piece Of Sh&$
- POW = Publicised Organised Way (see also POM)
- PPA = Positive Public Attitude (see also PPS; contrast with NPA & NPS)
- PPE = Paid Propaganda Effort (ref. to politics & gov't)
- PPI = [1] Protected Personal Information [contrast with UPI(1)]
- PPI = [2] Patent-Protected Idea
- PPI = [3] Progressive Political Ideology
- PPRP = Personal Philosophical Realignment Plan (alignment of personal philosophies with organisational goals)
- PPS = [1] Positive Public Sentiment (see also PPA; contrast with NPA & NPS)
- PPS = [2] Progressive Political Strategy
- PQA = Product Quality Assessment
- PRC = [1] Psychosexual Repetition Compulsion
- PRC = [2] Personal Responsibility Crusade
- PRI = Passionate, Radical Inclusion
- PRS = Penile Reduction Surgery [contrast with PES(4)]
- PSA = Probabilistic Safety Analysis
- PSD = Protocol-Specific Discrimination [as in Internet ISP's unethically filtering traffic; see also PSI(3)]
- PSF = Powerful, Spriritual Forces
- PSI = [1] Politically-Sensitive Issue (see also PSS, PVS)
- PSI = [2] Potential/Probable Safety Issue
- PSI = [3] Protocol-Specific Interference [as in Internet ISP's unethically filtering traffic; see also PSD]
- PSM = [1] Psychosocial Stress Mechanism
- PSM = [2] Paradigm-Shifting Manifesto
- PSO = Personal Security Options
- PSS = Politically-Sensitive Situation (see also PSI, PVS)
- PTA = Prisoner Transfer Agreement
- PTC = Payment-Troubled Consumer
- PTE = [1] Psychologically Traumatizing Experience
- PTE = [2] Prototype Test Event
- PTEE = Powerfully Transformative Educational Experience
- PTH = "Path To Harmony"
- PTR = "Path To/Towards Reconciliation"
- PTS = [1] Publicly Traded Security
- PTS = [2] Product Transition Schedule
- PTT = Primary Terror(ist) Target
- PUC = Politically Unstable Country (see also PUR)
- PUI = Presently Under Investigation
- PUM = Publicised Undocumented Method (see also POM, POW)
- PUP = Poorly Understood Phenomenon
- PUR = Politically Unstable Region (see also PUC)
- PUW = Publicised Undocument Way (see also PUM, POM, POW)
- PVC = Pervasive Violent Culture
- PVE = Positive Vacation(ing) Experience (contrast with NVE)
- PVS = Politically-Volatile Situation (see also PSS, PSI)
- PWC = Perilous Weather Conditions
- PWS = [1] Psychological Withdrawal Symptoms
- PWS = [2] Personal Work Style
- PWS = [3] Proximity Warning System
- PWS = [4] Public Water System
- QGM = Quantitative Genetic Modeling
- QIT = Questionable Investigation Tactic(s)
- QPM = Quantatative Performance Metric(s)
- RAA = Rampant Alcohol Abuse
- RACE = Radar Assisted Collision Event (e.g. SS Andrea Doria maritime accident)
- RADA = Research And Development Activities
- RAFT = Readily-Available Forensics Tool(s)
- RAP = Roadside-Attraction Proprietor
- RAT = Risk Analysis/Adjustment Tool
- RBC = Rigorous Background Check
- RBE = Relationship-Building Experience (see also FBE & MBE)
- RBM = Rule-Breaking Maverick
- RBN = Retail Branch Network
- RCD = Rapid Cell Division (see also ARCD)
- RCE = [1] Rapidly Changing Economy
- RCE = [2] Radical Christian Extremist
- RCL = Roving Chainsaw Lunatic (see also ARCL)
- RCO = Ruthless Cutting-Off
- RCP = [1] Related/Relevant Career Path (see UCP for antonym)
- RCP = [2] Raging Cocaine Party
- RCS = Resurgence Competitive Strategy
- RDF = Reality Distortion Field
- RDP = Rapidly Disentegrating Paradigm
- RDS = Really Desperate Situation; Really Desperate Single
- REG = Robust Economic Growth
- RFD = Resonant Frequency Drift
- RFE = Rapid-Fire Exchange
- RGC = Rumored Graphic Content
- RGTS = Robust Global Trading System
- RHC = Reanimated Human Corpses
- RHOS = Reconstituted Hoof & Organ Slime ("pink slime", LFTB- Lean Finely-Textured Beef parts used in ground beef)
- RID = Religion In Disguise
- RIE = Radical Islamic Extremist
- RIF = [1] Radical Islamic Fundamentalist (see also RIE, RIT)
- RIF = [2] Racially Insecure Feeling
- RIFT = Radical Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist(ism)
- RILE = [1] Rich, Interactive Learning Experience (see also ILE)
- RILE = [2] Revenue Inspired Law Enforcement
- RIS = Reliable Information Source (contrast with UIS)
- RIT = Radical Islamic Terrorist [see also RIE, RIF(1)]
- RIU = Responsible Internet Use
- RIV = Revolutionary Investment Vehicle (e.g. Exchange Traded Funds)
- RLT = Real Life Testamonial
- RME = Radicalised Muslim Extremist (see also RMO, IME, & IMO)
- RMO = Radicalised Muslim Operative (see also RME, IME, & IMO)
- RMP = Risk Management Procedure
- ROC = [1] Return On Capital
- ROC = [2] Rent Occupancy Cost
- ROD = Robbed Of Dignity
- ROE = Rules Of Engagement
- ROF = Random Organ Failure
- ROM = Robust Operating Margin (see also ROW)
- ROT = Reign Of Terror
- ROW = Robust Operating Window (i.e. in product design & optimisation; see also ROM)
- RPM = [1] Relative Product Merit (i.e. marketplace competitive product comparison)
- RPM = [2] Routine, Periodic Maintenance
- RPO = Realistic Payment Options (see also RPR)
- RPOG;RPG = Relentless Pursuit Of Greed
- RPP = Retirement Planning Process
- RPR = Realistic Payment Resources (see also RPO)
- RPS = [1] "Reasonable Person Standard" (legal standard for how a reasonable person would react/respond/operate)
- RPS = [2] Radical Paradigm Shift
- RRP = Radical Restructuring Plan
- RRV = Random Response Variation
- RSA = Routine Safety Audit
- RSB = Risky Speculative Bubble (stock market, real estate)
- RSD = [1] Rapid Spending Decrease (contrast with RSI)
- RSD = [2] Routine Solution Development
- RSE = Rapid Simultaneous Execution
- RSI = Rapid Spending Increase (contrast with RSD)
- RSM = "Remorseless Slaughtering Machine" (www.onion.com reference to a Panda)
- RSP = [1] Rapidly Shifting Paradigm
- RSP = [2] Random Splurge Purchase
- RTI = Risk-Tolerant Investor (see also ORTI)
- RVA = [1] "Relational Value-Add", copyright Discospock.com (similar to Economic Value-Add except in relational context)
- RVA = [2] Risky Volunteer Activities
- RVD = Rambling, Vitriolic Diatriabe (see also RVM)
- RVM = Rambling, Vitriolic Manifesto (see also RVD)
- SAH = Shame And Humiliation
- SAM = Staff(ing) Augmentation Measure(s) [contrast with SRM(2)]
- SAQ = Self-Assessment Questionnaire
- SAV = [1] Sexual Assault Victim
- SAV = [2] Suspicious-Activity Vigilance
- SAW = Shattered/Scattered Aviation Wreckage
- SBA = [1] Solutions-Based Architectures
- SBA = [2] Savage Bear Attack
- SBC = Sophisticated Business Culture
- SBI = [1] Strategic Business Initiative/Investment
- SBI = [2] Shockingly Bold Initiative
- SBO = Strategic Business Opportunity
- SBOM = Sacred Bond Of Marriage/Matrimony
- SBP = Shaky Business Prospect
- SBS = Spontaneous Brutal Sadism
- SBT = Suicide Bomber Training
- SBTP = Suicide Bomber Training Program
- SCA = Sustainable Competitive Advantage
- SCB = [1] Scary, Capricious Boss (see also SCS)
- SCB = [2] Stifling Corporate Bureaucracy
- SCC = Supply Chain Continuity
- SCD = [1] Socially-Conscious Design(er) [see also STD]
- SCD = [2] Superfluous Communication(s) Device [e.g. a cellphone]
- SCD = [3] Studio Costume Designer
- SCE = Superior Customer Experience (see also PCE)
- SCF = [1] Solid Cash Flow
- SCF = [2] Superior Cerebral Faculties
- SCH = Scant Credit History
- SCM = [1] Slowing Commercial Market
- SCM = [2] Serial Child Molester
- SCO = Supply-Chain Optimisation
- SCOI = Significant Conflict Of Interest (compare with COI)
- SCP = [1] Single Career Path (see also LCP)
- SCP = [2] Superior Competitive Position
- SCR = [1] Standards Compliant Response
- SCR = [2] Sythesized Codependent Relationship
- SCS = [1] Scary, Capricious Supervisor (see also SCB)
- SCS = [2] Stringent Criteria Set
- SCS = [3] Safety-Critical System
- SCUM = Soul-Crushing Unelected Monarchy
- SCV = Socially-Conservative Voter
- SDA = [1] Self-Destructive Attraction
- SDA = [2] Self-Destructive Addiction
- SDA = [3] Slow, Dispiriting Assault
- SDB = Structurally Deficient Bridge
- SDC = Significant Data Compromise
- SDE = Successful Dating Experience (see also CUDE, UDE, CSDE, & CPDE)
- SDG = Sustainable Dividend Growth
- SDI = [1] Self-Directed Initiative
- SDI = [2] Self-Directed Investor/Investing
- SDI = [3] Severe, Detrimental Impact
- SDL = [1] Shockingly Decadent Lifestyle (compare to SRL-2)
- SDL = [2] Self-Directed Learning
- SDP = Software-Development Paradigm
- SDR = [1] Street Dance Riot (see also CASD; credit Bethany Dunham as source)
- SDR = [2] Severely Dysfunctional Relationship
- SDS = [1] Stealth Dating Strategy
- SDS = [2] Sleep Deprivation Study
- SDS = [3] Silent, Dazed Shock
- SDT = Steep Downward Trajectory (contrast with SUT)
- SDV = Soul-Dead Vigilante
- SEA = [1] Special-Effects Accident (occurs on movie/film or TV production sets)
- SEA = [2] Strong Emotional Attachment
- SEA = [3] Significant Economic Aftershock
- SEA = [4] Sinister Ecclesiastical Assassin
- SEC = Sexually-Explicit Content
- SED = [1] Socio-Economic Distress/Duress
- SED = [2] Severe Emotional Distress
- SED = [3] Successfully Executed Diplomacy
- SEE = [1] Socially-Enriching Experience
- SEE = [2] Socially-Exasperating Experience
- SEF = Socio-Economic Fallout
- SEG = [1] Strong Economic Growth
- SEG = [2] Sustainable Economic Growth
- SEM = Socio-Economic Marginalisation
- SES = Socio-Economic Strata/System
- SESC = Socio-Economic Spiritual Contract
- SESN = Seamless Electronic Social Network (see also SSN)
- SFD = Single Family Dwelling (comtrast with MFD)
- SFL = Streamlined Financial Life
- SFO = Solid Financial Opportunity
- SFP = Sound/Solid Financial Planning
- SFS = [1] Sophisticated Fraud(ulent) Scheme
- SFS = [2] Spectacularly Failed Strategy
- SGB = Stiffling Government Bureaucracy
- SGC = Staggering Global Competition
- SGD = Synthetically-Grown Diamond(s)
- SGE = Sustainable Global Ecosystem
- SGRC = Slavish Gender-Role Conformity
- SGS = Strong Growth Strategy(ies)
- SGTC = Self-Generating Terror Cell
- SHD = Self-Healing Defect/Deficiency (see also SRD)
- SHH = Serious Health Hazard (see also SHR)
- SHIS = Serious Health Impairing/Impairment Symptom [see also HIS(3)]
- SHR = Serious Health Risk (see also SHH)
- SIC = Steadily Increasing Consumption (see also SIGC)
- SID = Sudden, Inexplicable Depreciation
- SIG = Special Interest Group
- SIGC = Steadily Increasing Gas Consumption (see also SIC)
- SII = Site Infrastructure Investment(s)
- SIM = [1] Strategic Inventory Management
- SIM = [2] Strong Institutional Monopoly
- SIV = Starkly Ideological Viewpoint
- SLD = [1] Suppressed Legitimate/Legitimized Discussion
- SLD = [2] Security Lock-Down
- SLI = 'Skip-Level' Interview (when staff are encouraged to meet with mgrs. at least one level higher than their mgr.)
- SLP = Squid-Like Protuberance (extremely obscure TLA)
- SLS = Sufficiently Lavish Setting (contrast with ILS)
- SMA = Spousal Manifestations of Affection
- SMC = [1] Significant Moral/Morale Concerns
- SMC = [2] Special(ised) Medical Care
- SMI = [1] Severe Multisystemic Injury(ies)
- SMI = [2] Sub-Moronic Imbecile
- SMO = Strategic Marketing Opportunity
- SMOS = Significant Margin Of Safety
- SMR = Serious/Severe Military Reliation/Retribution
- SMS = Stealth Marketing Strategy (see also SDS)
- SMV = Spiritual and Moral Vacuum
- SMY = Sexual Minority Youth
- SNB = Simulated Natural Habitat
- SNM = Selective Nanofiltration Membrane (nanotechnology term)
- SNS = Social Networking Site (see also SNW)
- SNW = Social Networking Website (see also SNS)
- SOA = Sense Of Accomplishment (see also VSA)
- SOB = Shocking/Scandalous Onerous Burden
- SOC = [1] Sense Of Control (see also ISOC)
- SOC = [2] Span Of Control
- SOD = [1] Season Of Dissent
- SOD = [2] Set Of Dynamics
- SOE = [1] Strategic Operational Excellence
- SOE = [2] Staggering Ostentatious Extravagance [see also SPE(2)]
- SOE = [3] Sense Of Entitlement (see also ISOPE)
- SOF = Solutions-Oriented Focus
- SOI = Sphere Of Influence
- SOL = [1] Start Of Life (contrast with EOL)
- SOL = [2] Substantial/Significant Operating Loss(es)
- SOM = Standard Operating Mode
- SOTA = 'State Of The Art'
- SOTAS = State Of The Art Software (see also SOTAT)
- SOTAT = State Of The Art Technology (see also SOTAS)
- SPD = Sustainable Product Design
- SPE = [1] Sprawling Palatial Estate
- SPE = [2] Staggering Pretentious Extravagance [see also SOE(2)]
- SPF = Spectacularly Photogenic Flames
- SPI = [1] Successful Product Introduction
- SPI = [2] Sensitive Personal Information
- SPLV = Stock Portfolio Liquidation Value (see also PLV)
- SPM = Sovereignty Protection Measure
- SPO = Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy (e.g. corporate board of directors electing their replacements)
- SPOP = Sustainably Profitable Operational Position (see also SPOS)
- SPOS = Sustainably Profitable Operational Situation (see also SPOP)
- SPR = Surface-Penetrating Radar (see also GPR-1)
- SPS = Serrated Poisonous Spine/Spike (e.g. what killed Steve Irwin)
- SPV = Share Price Volatility (stock market share price volatility)
- SQI = Strategic Quality Initiative
- SRC = [1] Supernatural Romantic Comedy
- SRC = [2] Separatist Religious Community
- SRD = Self-Resolving Defect/Deficiency (see also SHD)
- SRDS = Self-Reinforcing Downward Spiral (such as in 2008 credit & stock market crisis)
- SRE = Socially-Responsible Ecoterrorism (huh?)
- SREI = Speculative Real Estate Investing
- SRF = Systemic Relationship Failure(s)
- SRG = Sexually-Repressed Germaphobe
- SRI = [1] Socially-Responsible Investing
- SRI = [2] Self-Righteous Individualism
- SRK = Spoiled Rich Kid
- SRL = [1] Socially-Responsible Littering (huh? see also ERL)
- SRL = [2] Shockingly Rapacious Lifestyle (compare with SDL)
- SRM = [1] Self-Repair Mechanism
- SRM = [2] Staff(ing) Reduction Measure(s) (contrast with SAM)
- SRO = [1] Scandal-Related Overhead (ref. to politics & corruption; see also ESM & ESC)
- SRO = [2] Sacred Religious Object
- SRP = Security Risk Premium
- SRS = [1] Socially Responsible Solution
- SRS = [2] Stupid Random Stuff <slang>
- SRV = Senseless Random Violence (see also URV)
- SSC = [1] Slavish Societal Conformity
- SSC = [2] Systematic, Significant Change
- SSC = [3] Systematic, Systemic Change
- SSD = Secret Strategy Document
- SSF = Spacecraft Subsystem Failure
- SSI = Staggering Scientific Information
- SSIE = State Sponsored Industrial Espionage (e.g. China)
- SSM = Standard Subject Matter
- SSN = [1] Seamless Social Network (see also SESN)
- SSN = [2] Strong Social Network (contrast with WSN; see also DSN)
- SSO = Sophisticated Surveillance Operation
- SST = State Sponsored Terrorism (e.g. Iran)
- SSV = [1] Systemic Sectarian Violence (e.g. civil war)
- SSV = [2] Systematic Sexual Violence
- STA = [1] Significant Technical/Technological Advantage
- STA = [2] Second-Trimester Abortion
- STA = [3] Sensational Terror(ist) Attack
- STC = [1] Significant Technical/Technological Change
- STC = [2] Significant Technology/Technical Challenge
- STD = [1] Socially-Tactful Design
- STD = [2] Sudden, Tragic Death
- STD = [3] Selective Truth Disclosure
- STD = [4] Sustainable Technological/Technology Differentiation
- STD = [5] Sustainable Travel Destination
- STD = [6] Sustainable Travel Devastation (e.g. ecological damage caused by tourism)
- STE = Short-Term Effect(s) (see LTE for antonym)
- STI = Solar-Terrestrial Interactions
- STL = Statistical Tolerance Limit
- STM = Salt-Tolerant Microorganism
- STS = Short-Term Stability (contrast with LTS)
- SUC = Sudden Unexpected Catastrophe
- SUL = Secure Undisclosed Location
- SUS = Strong Unanimous Signal
- SUT = Steep Upward Trajectory (contrast with SDT)
- SVN = Semi-Violent Neuroses
- SVOF = Swirling Vortex Of Fire
- SVP = [1] Sexually Violent Predator
- SVP = [2] Sustainable Value Proposition
- SVV = Sectarian Violence Vortex
- SWB = Socially Wreckless Behaviour
- SWC = Safe Working Conditions
- SWD = Slow-Witted Demeanor
- SWF = Shadowy Wraithlike Figure
- SWI = Strong-Willed Individual (see also HMI)
- SWS = Suffocating Work Schedule (see also OWS)
- TAM = Traditional Analytical Method(s) [see also TAT(1), TVM, TVT, & TVP]
- TAS = [1] "Tax And Spend" (political philosophy of greater gov't spending funded by more taxation; see also TASM)
- TAS = [2] Trifling Anaphylactic Shock
- TASM = "Tax And Spend" Mindset (see also TAS)
- TAT = [1] Traditional Analytical Tecnique(s) [see also TAM, TVM, TVT, & TVP]
- TAT = [2] Technical/Technology Assessment Team
- TBI = Traumatic Brain Injury
- TBP = Traditional Business Practices (contrast with NBP)
- TBR = Tax Burden Reduction
- TCE = [1] Total Customer Experience
- TCE = [2] Thriving Criminal Enterprise
- TCI = Total Chaos of Innovation (see TCOI)
- TCM = [1] Total Cost Management
- TCM = [2] Turbulent Capital Market
- TCM = [3] Tight Credit Market
- TCS = Tactical Customer Solution
- TCOI = Total Chaos Of Innovation (also TCI; a Texas Instruments term for non-linear nature of innovation & innovative thinking)
- TCV = Total Contract Value
- TDE = Tangible Documentary Evidence
- TDF = Therapeutic Dental Filling
- TDP = Technology Development Process
- TDPI = Technology-Driven Performance Improvement
- TDS = [1] Technologically-Dependent Society
- TDS = [2] Targeted Domestic Suveillance (see also WSP)
- TDW = Total Digital Workflow [see also IDW(2)]
- TEC = Total Energy Consumption
- TED = Therapeudically Equivalent Drug
- TFB = Tangible Fringe Benefit(s) [see IFB for antonym]
- THM = Town-Hall Meeting
- TIC = Theory-In-Crisis
- TIM = Transportation Infrastructure Management
- TIN = Transportation Infrastructure Neglect
- TIP = Totally Irrational Plan (see also TUP)
- TIPP = Technical Innovation & Product Prowess
- TIW = Toxic Industrial Waste
- TLE = [1] Transformational Leadership Experience
- TLE = [2] Tighter Lending Environment
- TLR = Tribal Lamentation Ritual (source: http://www.theonion.com/content/news/study_iraqis_may_experience)
- TMA = Temporary Monetary Assistance
- TMC = Tense Melting Pot
- TMR = Textbook Market Reaction (e.g. stock market reactions to negative geopolitical world events)
- TMS = Temporary Male Sterility
- TNC = Terror Network Capability/Competency
- TNW = Tactical Nuclear Weapon (such as so-called neutron bombs)
- TOM = Throngs Of Minions (see also ATOM)
- TOOS = Temporarily Out Of Service
- TOR = Transient Overnight Relationship (contrast with MOR)
- TOS = Tortionally Oscillating System
- TPA = Toxic Political Atmosphere
- TPB = Therapeutic Psychological Breakthrough
- TPE = Transformational Printing Experience(tm)
- TPI = Touch Panel Interface
- TPP = Top Phlegm-Producer (see also APY)
- TPR = Theme Park Ride
- TPS = [1] Tasteless Political Satire
- TPS = [2] Transaction Processing System
- TQM = Transition Quality Metric(s)/Matrix
- TRD = Temporary Respiratory Distress
- TRF = Terminal Respiratory Failure
- TRO = Temporary Restraining Order
- TRS = Tax Reduction Strategy(ies) [see also TRT& TSS]
- TRT = Tax Reduction Techique [see also TRS & TSS]
- TSC = Time-Starved Consumer
- TSD = Terrorist Screening Database (i.e. used by FBI, TSA)
- TSE = Tech Stock Euphoria
- TSK = Textbook Serial Killer
- TSP = [1] Tasteless Song Parody
- TSP = [2] Terrorist Surveillance Program
- TSS = Tax Savings Strategy [see also TRS]
- TST = Trade Secret Theft
- TTC = Terrorist Training Camp
- TTE = Total Team Effort
- TTP = Terrorist Training Program
- TUA = Total Utter Anathema
- TUC = Tragic, Unforeseen Circumstances
- TUP = [1] Totally Unrealistic Plan (see also TIP)
- TUP = [2] Totally Uncultured Person
- TVA = [1] Traditional Valuation Approach [see also TAT(1), TAM, TVM, TVP, & TVT]
- TVA = [2] Thinly-Veiled Attempt
- TVM = Traditional Valuation Methods [see also TAT(1), TAM, TVP, & TVT]
- TVP = Traditional Valuation Principles [see also TAT(1), TAM, TVM, & TVT]
- TVT = Traditional Valuation Techniques [see also TAT(1), TAM, TVM, & TVP]
- TWE = [1] Tense Working Environment
- TWE = [2] Toxic Workplace Environment
- UAC = Universally-Applicable Concept
- UAD = Upper Atmospheric Detonation
- UADC = utterly and deeply clueless
- UAR = Uncontrolled Aberrant Response
- UAV = Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- UBP = [1] Unfair Business Practices (often illegal in the U.S.)
- UBP = [2] Utterly Bizarre Premise(s)
- UBSC = Unsustainable Belief-System Conflict
- UBSI = Unsustainable Belief-System Incompatibility
- UCA = Ultra-Convenient Amenity(ies)
- UCB = Unethical Corporate Behaviour
- UCG = Unbridled Cell Growth (i.e. cancer)
- UCP = Unrelated Career Patch (see RCP for antonym)
- UDE = [1] Unsuccessful/Uneventful/Unfruitful Dating Experience (see also CUDE, SDE, CSDE, & CPDE)
- UDE = [2] Unnecessarily Dramatic Exit (such as doing a vertical cartwheel on an innertube after exiting a water slide)
- UDE = [3] Unusual Dining Experience
- UDM = Unpublicised Documented Method(ology) [contrast with UUM, UDM, PUM, & PUM]
- UDS = Undiagnosed Depression Sufferer
- UDT = Unbridled Delusional Thinking
- UEF = Unknown External Factors
- UEM = Unauthorised Entry Means
- UEP = [1] Uranium Enrichment Program
- UEP = [2] Unsatisfactorily Explained Phenomenon
- UFE = Useless Foreign Expeditions
- UFM = Unfettered Free Market
- UFS = Undisciplined Federal Spending
- UFT = Unexpected/Unanticipated Financial Trauma
- UFV = Unresolved Female/Feminine Vengeance (contrast with UMV)
- UGC = Unrelenting Global Competition
- UGRT = Universal Gesture Recognition Technology (Google Motion Beta)
- UHP = Undiscovered Hydrocarbon Potential
- UHR = Undermined Human Rights
- UIC = Undermined/Undetermined/Unknown Investor Confidence
- UIE = User Interface Experience/Enhancement
- UIS = [1] Unknown Initial State (contrast with KIS)
- UIS = [2] Unreliable Information Source (contrast with RIS)
- UMC = Unique Meteorological Conditions
- UMD = Unauthorised Maintenance Deferral (aviation)
- UMV = Unresolved Male/Masculine Vengeance (contrast with UFV)
- UNR = Urgently Needed Reform(s)
- UNT = Unnecessary Network Traffic
- UOA = Unrealistically Optimistic Assessment
- UPA = Unspeakable Penguin Atrocities (see also APA)
- UPC = [1] Unstable Political Climate
- UPC = [2] Unstable Political Clout
- UPI = [1] Unprotected Personal/Privileged Information (contrast with PPI)
- UPI = [2] Undisclosed Personal Indiscretion
- UPI = [3] Unnecessary/Unintended/Unintentional Passenger Inconvenience
- URA = Unilaterally Rescinded Agreement
- URV = Unthinkable Random Violence (see also SRV)
- USA = Universal Screening Approaching (e.g. for job applicants, PQA-Product Quality Assessment, etc.)
- USD = Unbridled Spirited Discussion (see also ASD, HSD)
- USS = Underdeveloped Social Skills [contrast with ASS(2)]
- UST = Unresolved(able) Sexual Tension
- USV = Utilitarian Suburban Vehicle
- UTR = [1] Under The Radar
- UTR = [2] Unauthorised Telephone Recording
- UUM = Unpublicised, Undocumented Method(ology) [contrast with UDM, PUM & PUW]
- UUS = Unfettered Urban Sprawl
- UWE = Undisciplined Work(ing) Environment
- VADE = Violent Alligator-Drunkard Encounter
- VASL = Vain And Shallow Life
- VASP = Value-Add(ed) Service Provider
- VBB = Value(s)-Based Behaviour
- VBI = Values-Based Investing
- VBIP = Value-Based Investment/Investing Philosophy
- VBP = Virtual Border Patrol
- VCC = Vibrant Church Community
- VCL = Voluntary Collective Licensing (copyright lawyer-speak; advocated by www.eff.org for filesharing new-business-model-enabling)
- VCS = Vigorous Consensual Sex
- VDD = Visually Dramatic Destruction (e.g. from terrorists)
- VDI = Virtual Diplomatic Immunity
- VDM = Virtual Dept. Meeting
- VEE = Vast Evil Empire
- VERP = Voluntary Early Retirement Package (see also VRP, IRP, IERP)
- VIC = Vibrant Investing Community
- VIE = Vibrant Innovation Economy
- VIF = Violent Islamic Faction
- VIIC = Vertically Integrated International Conglomerate
- VIP = [1] Valuable Intellectual Property
- VIP = [2] Voluntary Incentive Program
- VIP = [3] Visual Inspection Process/Procedure/Protocol
- VIT = Vertically-Integrated Technology
- VMOT = variable means of transportation (planes, trains, & automobiles)
- VOC = Voice Of the Customer
- VPI = Virtual Parental Immunity
- VRE = Visionary Religious Experience
- VRI = Viral Respiratory Illness
- VRP = Voluntary Retirement Package (see also VERP, IRP, IERP)
- VRT = Voice-Recognition Technology
- VSA = [1] Vain Sense of Accomplishment (see also SOA)
- VSA = [2] Violent Sexual Attack
- VSE = Volcanic Sensual/Sexual Escapade
- VSM = Visionless, Stiffling/Suffocating Management
- VSR = Violent Stress Relief (contrast with NVSR)
- VST = Veiled Suicide Threat
- VUR = Vitriolic/Vicious Unsubstantiated Rumors
- WBE = Whole Body Exposure
- WBO = Wealth-Building Opportunity
- WBS = Web-Based Service(s)
- WCI = World-Class Idiot
- WCS = [1] World-Class Service
- WCS = [2] Wealth-Creating Security(ies)
- WDP = [1] Widely-Dispersed Peoplegroup
- WDP = [2] Weak Deal Pricing
- WDS = Wholly/Wildly Disturbing Sex (contrast with WES)
- WEA = Wholesome Entertainment Alternative
- WEI = Weighty Ethical Issue(s)
- WER = Wholly Enjoyable/Ethical Relationship
- WER = [2] Wide-scale Economic Repercussions (see also WSER)
- WES = Wholly/Wildly Enjoyable Sex (contrast with WDS)
- WFR = Wholesale Financial Restructuring
- WFS = Worrisome Fiscal/Financial Strain
- WHI = Weak Health Infrastructure (as in for a country & civilian access to medical care)
- WIS = Wildly Inexact Science (e.g. projecting revenues & spending for US gov't decades from now)
- WOT = War On Terror (President Bush et al.)
- WRE = Work Requirement Expectation
- WSER = Wide-Scale Economic Repercussions [see also WER(2)]
- WSN = Weak Social Network (contrast with SSN(2); see also DSN)
- WSP = Warrentless Surveillance Program [see also DSP(5)]
- WSPS = Warped Sexual Partner Selection
- WTE = Warrentless Telephonic Eavesdropping (e.g. Bush administration's new NSA approach to intercepting international phone calls from US entities)
- WTL = Wrongful Termination Lawsuit (see also OUT)
- WUR = Wholly/Wildly Unhealthy/Undefined/Unethical Relationship
- WWP = Warrentless Wiretapping Program (under Bush Administration in collusion with NSA; see also CWW)
- ZAS = Zombie-Attack Scenarios (see also ZIF)
- ZEM = Zero-Emission Mobility (verbiage from Nissan corp. in describing the new Nissan LEAF Electric Car)
- ZIF = Zombie Invasion Fortifications
- ZTI = Zero-Tolerance Initiative
- ZTP = Zero-Tolerance Policy