Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - J
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Dutch | Category | English |
J | ~ | joule |
J-band | ~ | J-band |
J-integraal | ~ | (bij materiaalproef) J-integral |
J-K flip-flop | ELECTRON. | J-K flip-flop |
J-naad | WELD. | single J-butt joint |
jaaglijn | ~ | towline |
jaagpad | ~ | towpath |
jaagtouw | ~ | tow rope |
jaagtros | ~ | tow rope, towline |
jaar | ~ | year |
jaar met hoge afvoer | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | high flow year |
jaar- | ~ | annual |
jaar-op-jaar berging | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | year-to-year storage |
jaar-op-jaar-stuwmeer | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | year-to- year reservoir |
jaarbalans | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | 1. annual balance (of accounts); 2. yearly budget |
jaarbericht | ~ | annual report |
jaarbeurs | ~ | annual trade exhibition, annual trade fair |
jaarbeursgebouw | ~ | trade exhibition centre, trade fair centre |
jaarbeurshallen | ~ | trade exhibition centre |
jaarbeursterrein | ~ | exhibition ground |
jaarboek | ~ | yearbook |
jaarcapaciteit | ~ | annual capacity, yearly capacity |
jaarcontract | ~ | 1. annual contract, yearly contract; 2. (jaar op jaar) annualized contract |
jaarcyclus | HYDROL. | yearly cycle |
jaargemiddelde | ~ | annual average, yearly average |
jaargemiddelde waterstand | HYDROL. | mean annual water level |
jaargetijde | ~ | season |
jaarhuur | ~ | annual rent, annual lease, yearly rent |
jaarinkomen | ~ | (omzet) annual income, annual turnover |
jaarinkomsten | ~ | annual income, income for the year |
jaarlijks | ~ | yearly, each year, annually |
jaarlijks gemiddelde | ~ | annual average |
jaarlijks hoogwater | ~ | annual flood |
jaarlijkse afstroming | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | yearly runoff |
jaarlijkse belasting | HYDROL. | annual loading |
jaarlijkse berging | ~ | annual storage |
jaarlijkse controle | ~ | annual review, annual audit |
jaarlijkse inschrijvingsdatum | COMP. | program anniversary date |
jaarlijkse periode | ~ | yearly period |
jaarlijkse termijn | ~ | yearly period |
jaarlijkse variatie in afstroming | ~ | [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.] yearly variation of runoff |
jaarlingswol | TEX. | first year’s wool |
jaarlingwol | TEX. | first year’s wool |
jaarmarkt | ~ | annual fair |
jaaromzet | ~ | annual turnover, annual revenue |
jaaropbrengst | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | yearly output |
jaaropgaaf | ~ | annual statement |
jaaroverzicht | ~ | annual review, annual survey, yearly survey |
jaarplan | ~ | year plan, annual plan |
jaarplanning | ~ | annual planning, yearly planning |
jaarprogramma | ~ | annual programme |
jaarrapport | ~ | annual report |
jaarreeks | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | (van hoogwatertoppen) annual flood peak series |
jaarreeks van hoogwatertoppen | HYDROL. | annual flood peak series |
jaarring | ~ | year ring |
jaarritme | ~ | yearly cycle |
jaarsalaris | ~ | annual salary, yearly salary |
jaarserie | ~ | annual run, annual series |
jaarstempel | ~ | year mark |
jaartermijn | ~ | annual period, yearly period |
jaartrend | COMM. | yearly trend, year trend |
jaarvergadering | ~ | annual general meeting, annual meeting, AGM |
jaarverslag | ~ | annual financial report, annual report |
jaarverslag opstellen | COMP. | prepare annual report, annual report preparation |
jaarwinst | ~ | annual profit(s) |
jacarandahout | ~ | Brazilian rosewood, jacaranda wood |
jacht | ~ | 1. (boot) yacht; 2. (op wilde dieren) hunt |
jacht maken op | ~ | hunt (down) |
jachtbommenwerper | ~ | fighter-bomber |
jachtbouw | ~ | yacht building, yacht construction |
jachtgeweer | ~ | shot gun |
jachthagel | ~ | gunshot |
jachthaven | ~ | marina, yacht harbour |
jachtlak | ~ | marine varnish, yacht varnish, boat varnish |
jachtopzichter | ~ | gamekeeper |
jachtseizoen | ~ | hunting season |
jachtvliegtuig | ~ | fighter, fighter aircraft, combat aircraft |
jachtvoorschriften | ENVIRON. | hunting regulations |
jachtwet | ~ | Game Act |
jackbloc-systeem | ~ | jack bloc system |
jackerbeitel | ~ | jack chisel |
jackerhamer | ~ | jack hammer |
jackplug | ~ | jack plug |
Jacobsen katalysator | CHEM.TECHN. | Jacobsen catalyst |
jacobsladder | ~ | chain conveyor |
jaconnet | ~ | jaconet |
jacquard | TEX. | Jacquard |
jacquardkaart | TEX. | Jacquard card |
jacquardkarton | TEX. | Jacquard card |
jacquardmachine | TEX. | Jacquard machine, Jacquard loom |
jacquardmekaniek | TEX. | Jacquard mechanism |
jacquardstof | TEX. | Jacquard fabric |
jacquardweefautomaat | TEX. | Jacquard weaving loom |
jacquardweefmachine | TEX. | Jacquard weaving loom |
jacquardweefsel | ~ | jacquard web |
jacquardweven | TEX. | Jacquard weaving |
jacquardweverij | TEX. | Jacquard weaving mill |
jagerschalm | ~ | hunting link |
jaknikker | PETROCHEM. | nodding donkey, oil derrick, pumping jack, pump jack |
jakobsladder | ~ | bucket elevator |
jalappehars | ~ | resin jalap |
jaloezie | AIRCO. | 1. Venetian blind, Hanover blind, Venetian shutter; 2. (soort roosteropening voor luchtdoorstroming) air slit, louvre |
jaloezie-effect | ELECTRON. | shutter effect, louvre effect |
jaloezieafsluiter | AIRCO. | louver, louvre grille, air slit |
jaloezieën | ~ | shutters, louvres, Venetian blinds |
jaloeziehefdeur | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | roller door |
jaloezieschuif | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | 1. (in behuizing) louvre screen; 2. register gate |
jalon | BUILD. | nail stake, pointed stake |
jamesonite | ~ | jamesonite |
jammer | ELECTRON. | jammer |
jank | ELECTRON., AUTOMOT. | wow |
janken | ~ | whine |
jankend geluid | ~ | whining noise, whine |
janktoon | ELECTRON. | warble tone |
janusschakeling | ELECTRON. | Janus connection |
japanhout | ~ | buckham wood, sapan wood |
Japanwas | ~ | Japan wax |
jarosietslak | ENVIRON. | jarosite sludge |
jarrahhout | ~ | jarrah timber |
jas | TEX. | jacket |
jaspestof | ~ | jasp cloth |
jaspis | ~ | jasper |
jaspisagaat | ~ | jasper agate |
jaspisopaal | ~ | jasper opal |
jaspisporcelein | ~ | jasperated china, jasperware |
jauge | TEX. | gauge |
Java mediaraamwerk | COMP. | (abbr.: JMF) Java media framework |
Java-applet | COMP. | Java applet |
Java-bean | ~ | Java bean |
Java-blend | ~ | Java blend |
Java-databaseconnectie | COMP. | (abbr.: JDBC) Java database connectivity |
Java-databaseverbinding | COMP. | (abbr.: JDBC) Java database connectivity |
Java-interface voor naamgevingen en directories | COMP. | Java naming and directory interface |
Java-ontwikkelaarconnectie | COMP. | (abbr.: JDC) Java developer connection |
Java-platform | COMP. | Java platform |
Java-verwerking | COMP. | Java computing |
Java-wallet | COMP. | Java wallet |
Java-webserver | COMP. | Java web server |
Javascript | COMP. | Java script |
Java’s basisklasse | COMP. | (abbr.: JFC) Java foundation class |
Java’s elektronisch commercieel raamwerk | COMP. | (abbr.: JECF) Java electronic commerce framework |
Java’s interface-definitietaal | COMP. | (abbr.: JIDL) Java interface definition language |
Java’s management applicatieprogramma- | ~ | |
interface | COMP. | (abbr.: JMAPI) Java management application program(ming) interface |
Java’s media-applicatieprogramma-interfaces | COMP. | Java media APIs |
Java’s ondernemingsgerichte | ~ | |
applicatieprogramma-interface | COMP. | Java enterprise application programming interface |
Java’s op afstand uitgevoerde methode- | ~ | |
aanroeping | COMP. | (abbr.: JRMI) Java remote method invocation |
ja/nee-gegevenstype | COMP. | yes/no data type |
ja/neen-veld | COMP. | yes/no field |
JCL | COMP. | job control language |
jdm | COMP. | year/day/month |
jeans | TEX. | jeans |
jein | ~ | 1. (mofverbinding) sleeve joint, socket joint; 2. (pakking) gasket |
jeneverbes | ~ | juniper berry |
jeneverstruik | ~ | juniper |
jengel | ELECTRON. | wow and flutter |
jengelapparaat | ELECTRON. | wow apparatus |
jengelband | ELECTRON. | wow tape |
jengelen | ELECTRON. | wow |
jengelmeter | ELECTRON. | wow meter |
jengelproef | ELECTRON. | wow test |
jerrycan | ~ | jerrycan, jerry can |
jerrycanhouder | AUTOMOT. | can carrier |
jetlag | AEROSP. | jet lag, time zone disorder |
jetpomp | ~ | (straalpomp) jet pump |
jetverven | TEX. | jet dyeing |
jidoka | ~ | jidoka |
jig | MACH. | jig |
jigger | TEX. | jigger, jig |
jiggerverfapparaat | TEX. | jigger, jig |
jijnblok | ~ | purchase block |
JIT-compilatie | COMP. | (just-in-time) JIT compilation |
JIT-compileerprogramma | COMP. | JIT compiler |
JIT-compiler | ~ | just-in-time compiler |
JIT-debugging | COMP. | JIT debugging |
JIT-fabricagesysteem | ~ | just-in-time manufacturing system |
JIT-productiesysteem | ~ | jit production system |
jitter | ~ | jitter |
jmd | COMP. | year/day/month |
job | ~ | job |
job-rotatie | ~ | job rotation |
job-shop | ~ | job shop |
jobafhandeling | COMP. | job control, job management |
jobanalyse | COMP. | job analysis |
jobbeheer | COMP. | job control, job management |
jobber | ~ | jobber |
jobbeschrijving | COMP. | job description, job specification |
jobbesturing | COMP. | job control |
jobbesturingsopdracht | COMP. | job control statement, job statement |
jobbesturingsprogramma | COMP. | job-control program |
jobbesturingstaal | COMP. | job control language |
jobbibliotheek | COMP. | job library |
jobdefinitie | COMP. | job definition, job specification |
jobinvoer | COMP. | job input, remote job entry |
jobinvoerbestand | COMP. | job input file |
jobinvoereenheid | COMP. | job input device |
jobkaart | ~ | job card |
jobklasse | COMP. | job class |
jobnaam | COMP. | job name |
jobonderbreking | COMP. | job interruption |
jobplanning | COMP. | job scheduling |
jobplanningsprogramma | COMP. | job scheduler |
jobprioriteit | COMP. | job priority |
jobstap | COMP. | job step |
jobstapel | COMP. | batch file, job batch, job queue |
jobstroom | ~ | job stream |
jobstroomschema | COMP. | instruction flowchart, job flowchart |
jobuitvoerbestand | COMP. | job output file |
jobuitvoereenheid | COMP. | job output device |
jobuitvoering | COMP. | job execution |
jobuitvoerstroom | ~ | job output stream |
jobverwerking | COMP. | batch processing, job processing |
jobwachtrij | COMP. | job queue |
jodaat | CHEM.TECHN. | iodate |
jodaat-ion | CHEM.TECHN. | iodate ion |
joderen | CHEM.TECHN. | iodate, iodinate, iodize |
jodering | CHEM.TECHN. | iodination |
jodide | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine, iodide |
jodium | CHEM.TECHN. | (abbr.: I) iodine |
jodiumdamp | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine vapour |
jodiumgetal | ~ | iodine number |
jodiumhoudend | CHEM.TECHN. | iodic, iodine containing |
jodiumlamp | ~ | iodine lamp |
jodiumoplossing | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine solution |
jodiumtinctuur | CHEM.TECHN. | tincture of iodine, iodine tincture |
jodiumtrichloride | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine trichloride |
jodiumverbinding | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine compound, iodine derivative, iodo compound |
jodoform | CHEM.TECHN. | iodoform |
jodometrie | CHEM.TECHN. | iodometry |
jodometrisch | CHEM.TECHN. | iodometric |
joduur | CHEM.TECHN. | iodide |
joggelen | MACH. | (vertanden) joggle |
joggelmachine | ~ | joggling machine |
joggelwals | ~ | joggling machine |
johannesbroodpitmeel | FOODST. | (E-nummer: E410 ) locust bean gum |
join-bewerking | COMP. | join operation |
join-kenmerken | COMP. | join properties |
join-lijn | COMP. | join line |
joker | ~ | wildcard, asterisk |
jokerteken | COMP. | wildcard, wildcard character |
jolblok | ~ | single block |
jollentouw | ~ | girth line |
jominyproef | ~ | (materiaalproef bij staal) Jominy test, Jominy end-quench test |
jones draadverbinder | ~ | jones socket |
jong ijs | ~ | young ice |
jong industrieland | ~ | newly industrialised country |
jong vee | AGRIC. | young stock |
jonge aanwas | ~ | new growth |
jonge landbouwer | AGRIC. | young farmer |
jonge natuurlijke aanwas | ~ | young natural reproduction |
jood | CHEM.TECHN. | (abbr.: I) iodine |
joodchloorhydroxychinoline | CHEM.TECHN. | iodochlorohydroxyquinoline |
joodethaan | CHEM.TECHN. | iodoethane |
joodfluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine fluoride |
joodgetal | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine value, iodine number |
joodkali | CHEM.TECHN. | potassium iodide |
joodmethaan | CHEM.TECHN. | iodomethane |
joodmonochloride | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine monochloride |
joodmonofluoride | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine monofluoride |
joodoxide | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine oxide |
joodtrichloride | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine trichloride |
joodwaterstof | CHEM.TECHN. | hydrogen iodide |
joodwaterstofzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | hydroiodic acid |
joodzuur | CHEM.TECHN. | iodic acid |
jood(III)bromide | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine(III) bromide |
jood(III)chloride | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine(III) chloride |
jood(I)bromide | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine(I) bromide |
jood(I)chloride | CHEM.TECHN. | iodine(I) chloride |
Josephson-effect | COMP. | Josephson effect |
Josephson-junctie | ELECTRON. | Josephson junction |
Josephson-schakeling | COMP. | Josephson circuit |
josephsoneffect | PHYS. | Josephson effect |
josephsonjunctie | PHYS. | Josephson junction |
joule | ~ | (abbr.: J) joule |
joule-effect | ~ | Joule effect |
joule-integraal | ELECTRON. | (doorlaatenergie) Joule integral |
joule-thomsoneffect | ~ | Joule-Thomson effect |
joulemeter | ~ | Joule meter |
joulewarmte | ~ | Joule heat, Joule effect |
journaal | ~ | log |
journaal van offerteaanvragen | COMP. | RFQ journal |
journaalbestand | COMP. | journal file, log file |
journaaldrukker | COMP. | journal printer |
journaalgegevensbestand | COMP. | journal file |
journaalpost | COMP. | journal entry |
journaalpostaanpassing | COMP. | journal entry adjustment |
journaalregel | COMP. | journal line |
joystick | ~ | joystick |
joystickaansluiting | COMP. | game port |
joystickduimwiel | ~ | joystick thumbwheel control |
joystickschuif | ~ | joystick slide control |
JPEG-resolutie | COMP. | JPEG resolution |
juchtleer | ~ | Russia leather |
juist opgemaakte XML | COMP. | well-formed XML |
juistheid | ~ | accuracy, correctness |
juistheidscontrole | ~ | (van de juistheid van iets) accuracy check, correctness check |
juistheidsgraad | ~ | degree of accuracy |
juk | ELEC.ENG. | 1. yoke; 2. trestle bent; 3. rotor, armature |
jukbalans | ~ | beam balance |
jukdrager | ~ | yoke base |
jukinductie | ELEC.ENG. | yoke induction |
jukkraan | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | (bokkraan) trestle crane |
jukmethode | ELECTRON. | yoke method |
jukopening | ELECTRON. | yoke manhole |
juktap | ~ | crosshead pin |
jukverbinding | ELECTRON. | 1. crosshead connection; 2. yoke connection |
jumbo-computer | COMP. | jumbo-computer |
jumelkatoen | ~ | Egyptian cotton, jumel cotton |
jumper | ELECTRON. | jumper |
jumper-instelbaar | COMP. | jumper-selectable |
jumperkabel | TELECOM. | jumper cable |
jumperschakelaar | ELECTRON. | jumper switch |
jumpsuit | ~ | jumpsuit |
junctie | ELECTRON. | junction |
junctie van optische vezel | TELECOM., ELECTRON. | optical-fiber junction |
junctie van wegennet | ELECTRON. | road junction |
junctiediode | COMP. | junction diode |
junctiepiek | ELECTRON. | junction spike, junction pipe |
junctietemperatuur | ELECTRON. | junction temperature |
junctietransistor | TELECOM., ELECTRON. | (lagentransistor) junction transistor |
junctieverlies | ELECTRON. | junction loss |
junior-manager | ~ | junior manager, trainee manager |
junkring | ~ | junk ring |
Jura-periode | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | Jurassic period |
Jura-systeem | HYDROL., CIV.ENG. | Jurassic system |
Jurakalk | ~ | Jurassic limestone |
Jurasysteem | ~ | Jurassic system |
Jurazandsteen | ~ | Jurassic sandstone |
juridisch | ~ | judicial, legal |
juridisch adviseur | ~ | legal adviser |
juridisch informatiesysteem | ~ | legal data processing |
jurisdictie | ~ | jurisdiction |
jurisprudentie | ~ | case-law |
jurk | TEX. | dress |
just-in-time | ~ | (abbr.: JIT) just-in-time |
just-in-time productie | ~ | just-in-time production, JIT production |
just-in-time-compilatie | COMP. | just-in-time compilation |
just-in-time-debugging | COMP. | just-in-time debugging |
just-in-time-fabricagesysteem | ~ | (logistiek) just-in-time production system, JIT production system |
justage | ~ | adjustment |
justeerbaar | ~ | adjustable |
justeerbaarheid | ~ | adjustability |
justeerblok | ~ | adjusting block |
justeerfout | ~ | adjusting error |
justeerinrichting | ~ | adjusting mechanism, adjusting device |
justeerlaser | ~ | alignment laser |
justeermachine | ~ | adjusting machine |
justeermoer | ~ | adjusting nut, adjustment nut |
justeernaald | ~ | bevelled graver |
justeerschaal | ~ | adjusting balance |
justeerschroef | ~ | adjusting screw, adjustment screw |
justeerspoel | ELEC.ENG. | alignment coil |
justeren | ELECTRON. | 1. align, fine tune; 2. adjust |
jute | ~ | jute, indian grass |
jutebekleding | TEX. | jute wrapping |
jutedraad | TEX. | jute yarn |
jutegaren | TEX. | jute yarn |
jutekabel | TEX. | jute-lead cable |
jutelaag | TEX. | layer of jute |
juteloodkabel | TEX. | jute-lead cable |
juteomspinning | TEX. | jute covering |
juteomwinding | TEX. | jute covering |
jutevezel | TEX. | jute fibre |
jutezak | TEX. | gunny bag, gunny sack, jute bag |
jutteren | ~ | judder |
juveniel | ~ | juvenile |
juvenielfase | ENVIRON. | juvenile phase |
juvenielhormoon | ~ | juvenile hormone |
juxtapositie | ~ | juxtaposition |
juxtapostioneren | ~ | (naast elkaar plaatsen) juxtapose |
juxtapostionering | ~ | (naast elkaar plaatsen) juxtapositioning, juxtaposing |
juxtastroom | ELECTRON. | juxta current |
J/kg | ~ | joule per kilogram Page 25 of 25 2024-02-04 about:blank |