Eskom Abbreviations List
From a document re ‘Multi-Year Price Determination (MYPD 4)’ Archived at:
ABOM | Agreement Between Operating Members |
AFS | Audited Financial Statements |
AM | Asset Management |
AS | Ancillary Services |
ATKSS | Ankerlig Transmission Koeberg Second Supply Project |
BBBEE | Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment |
BCM | Business Continuity Management |
BI | Business Intelligence |
BTC | Board Tender Committee |
c/kvarh | Cents per reactive kilovolt-ampere-hour |
CAD | Corporate Affairs Division |
CAGR | Compounded Average Growth Rate |
Capex | Capital Expenditure |
CCI | Coal Cost Index |
CC&B | Customer Care and Billing |
CEES | Cause, Effect, Entitlement, and Substantiation |
CED | Capacity Expansion Department |
CFL | Compact Fluorescent Lamp |
CGAS | Constrained Generation Ancillary Service |
CGE | Computable General Equilibrium |
CLN | Customer Load Network |
CM | Corrective Maintenance |
CMF | Catchment Management Fee |
CMMS | Computerized Maintenance Management System |
CMO | Contracts Management Office |
CNC | Customer Network Centre |
CO | Commercial Operation |
COC | Cost of Cover |
CorrISA | Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa |
CPA | Contract Price Adjustments |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CRIEPE | Central Research Institute for the Electric Power Industry in Japan |
CSI | Corporate Social Investment |
CSIR | Council for Scientific and Industrial Research |
CSP | Concentrated Solar Power |
CT | Current Transformer |
CUC | Capital Unit Charge |
CVT | Capacitor Voltage Transformer |
DAM | Day-ahead Market |
DDP | Due Date Performance |
DER | Distribution Energy Resources |
DFI | Development Financial Institution |
DLF | Distribution Loss Factor |
DLSI | Distribution Supply Loss Index |
DMP | Demand Market Participation |
DOE | Department of Energy |
DPE | Department of Public Enterprises |
DPP-TC | Deliver Projects Processes Technical Committee |
DR | Demand Response |
DSM | Demand-Side Management (see definitions) |
DTC | Design to Cost |
DUOS | Distribution use-of-system |
DWA | Department of Water Affairs |
DWS | Department of Water and Sanitation |
Dx | Distribution |
EA | Environmental Authorisation |
EAF | Energy Availability Factor (see definitions) |
EAL | Eskom Academy of Learning |
ECA | Export Credit Agency |
ECM | Enterprise Content Management |
ECS | Energy Conservation Scheme |
EDI | Electricity Distribution Industry |
EE | Energy Efficiency |
EEDSM | Energy Efficiency and Demand-side Management |
EHV | Extra High Voltage |
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EIMP | Environmental Impact Management Plan |
EIMS | Eskom Insurance Management Services |
ELINI | European Liability Insurance for the Nuclear Industry |
EMANI | European Mutual Association for Nuclear Insurance |
EPC | Engineering, Procurement and Construction |
EPMO | Eskom Project Management Office |
EPP | Electricity Pricing Policy |
EPRI | Electricity Power Research Institute |
ERE | Eskom Real Estate |
ERTSA | Eskom Retail Tariff Structural Adjustment |
ESA | Electricity Storage Association |
ESR | Electrification and Rural Subsidy |
ESCO | Energy Services Company |
ESI | Electricity Supply Industry |
EU | European Union |
EUF | Energy Utilisation Factor |
EUTC | European Utility Telecommunication Committee |
EWSETA | Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority |
Exco | Executive Management Committee |
FA | Fuel Assembles |
FAT | Factory Acceptance Test |
FCA | Free Carrier Agreement |
FFF | Fossil Fuel Foundation |
FGD | Flue Gas Desulphurisation |
FIDIC | Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs – Conseils |
FMS | Fleet Management Services |
FOB/FOT | Free on board/free on truck (see definitions) |
FPM | Forward Physical Market |
FY | Financial Year |
GCD | Group Capital Division |
GCS | Group Customer Services |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GFC | Group Financial Controller |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GO | General Overhaul |
GOIC | Generation Capital Investment Committee |
GSFA | Government Support Framework Agreement |
GW | Gigawatt |
GWh | Gigawatt-hour (1 000MWh) |
Gx | Generation Division |
HCB | Hydro Cohara Bassa |
HPUM | High Performance Utility Model |
HRM | Human Resource Management |
HV | High Voltage |
HVAC | High-voltage alternating current or heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
(depending on context |
HVDC | High-voltage Direct Current |
IBT | Inclining Block Tariff |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
IDC | Interest During Construction |
IDM | Integrated Demand Management |
IDM | Intra-Day Market |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IEC | International Electro-technical Commission |
IEP | Integrated Energy Plan |
IERE | International Energy Research Exchange |
IESO | Independent Electricity System Operator |
IFC | Investment Finance Committee |
IGMOU | Inter-Governmental Memorandum of Understanding |
ILS | Interruptible Load Shedding |
IM | Information management |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IN | Boiler Inspection |
IPP | Independent Power Producer (see definitions) |
IPS | Interconnected Power System |
IR | Interim Repair |
IRP | Integrated Resource Plan (also IRP 2010) |
ISEP | Integrated Strategic Electricity Plan |
IT | Information Technology |
ITOMS | International Transmission Operations and Maintenance Study |
IUMOU | Intra-Utility Memorandum of Understanding |
IWBS | Integrated Work Breakdown Structure |
KIC | Key Industrial Customers |
KM | Kilometres |
KOD | Knowledge Optimisation and delivery/knowledge on Demand |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
KRN | Key Revision Number |
KSACS | Key Sales and Customer Services |
kt | Kilotons (1 000 tons) |
kV | Kilovolt |
kW | Kilowatt |
kWh | Kilowatt-hour |
KWS | Komati Water Scheme |
KWSAP | Komati Water Scheme Argumentation Project |
LCM | Life Cycle Model |
LCMP | Life-Cycle Management Plan |
LDO | Long Duration Outage |
LED | Light-emitting Diode |
LF | Load Factor |
LMC | Limited Multi Contract |
LOPP | Life of Plant Plans |
LRMC | Long Run Marginal Cost |
LSM | Living Standards Measure |
LTAM | Long Term Asset Management |
LTIR | Lost-time Incident Rate (see definitions) |
MC | Marginal Cost |
MCWAP | Mokolo Crocodile West Augmentation Project |
MEAV | Modern Equivalent Asset Value |
MFMA | Municipal Finance Management Act |
Ml | Megalitre/1 million litres |
MIRTA | Minimum Information Required for Tariff Application |
MKI | Medupi, Kusile & Ingula |
MM | Minor Maintenance |
MMS | Middelburg Mine Services |
MPRDA | Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development |
mSv | Millisievert |
Mt | Million tons |
MTO | Medium Term Outlook |
MTPPP | Medium-term Power Purchase Programme |
MTS | Main Transmission Substation |
M&V | Measurement and Verification |
MVA | Megavolt Ampere |
MW | Megawatt (1 million watts) |
MWh | Megawatt-hour (1 000kWh or 1 million watt-hours) |
MWP | Megawatt Park |
MYPD | Multi-Year Price Determination |
NDM | Network Demand Management |
NEC | National Engineering Contract |
NEMWA | National Environmental Management Waste Act |
Nersa | National Energy Regulator of South Africa |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organisation |
NIRP | National Integrated Resource Plan |
NPA | Negotiated Pricing Agreement |
NPV | Net Present Value |
NTC | National Transmission Company |
O/C mining | Opencast mining (see definitions) |
OCGT | Open-cycle Gas Turbine |
OCLF | Other Capability Loss Factor |
ODC | Owners Development Cost |
OHSAS | Occupational Health and Safety Standards |
O&M | Operations and Maintenance |
Opex | Operating Expenditure |
OUs | Operating Unit |
OVS | Online Vending System |
PA | Partnership Agreement |
PCLF | Planned capability loss factor |
PDD | Project Development and Design |
PED | Primary Energy Division |
PEIC | Production Engineering Integration Coal |
PFMA | Public Finance Management Act |
PIRM | Project Integrated Resource Management |
PLCM | Project Life Cycle Model |
PLCP | Project life cycle process |
PMO | Project Management Office |
POD | Points of Delivery |
PPA | Power-Purchase Agreement |
PPI | Producer Price Index |
PPPFA | Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act |
PQI | Power Quality Index |
PSP | Private Strategic Partnerships |
PSS | Project Support Services |
PTM&C | Protection, Telecommunications, Metering & Control |
PUC | Public Utility Commission |
PV | Photo Voltaic |
QOS | Quality of Supply |
RAB | Regulatory Asset Base |
RADAR | Research Direction Report |
RBCT | Richards Bay Coal Terminal |
RBM | Richards Bay Minerals |
RCA | Regulatory Clearing Account |
REIPP | Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer |
RETEC | Renewable Energy Technical Evaluation Committee |
R&E | Revenue and Expenses |
RFI | Request for Information |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RMB | Rand Merchant Bank |
RMR | Residential Mass Roll-out |
ROA | Return on Assets |
ROI | Return on Investment |
ROR | Rate of Return methodology |
RPP | Renewable Power Plant |
RSA | Republic of South Africa |
R/t | Rand per ton |
RT&D | Research, Testing and Development |
RTS | Return to Service |
SADC | Southern African Development Community |
SAE | Southern African Energy |
SAGC | South African Grid Code |
SAIDI | System Average Interruption Duration Index |
SAIFI | System Average Interruption Frequency Index |
SAIRI | System average interruption restoration index |
SALGA | South African Local Government Association |
SANEDI | South African National Energy Development Institute |
SAPP | Southern African Power Pool |
SARS | South African Revenue Services |
SBO | Single Buyer Office |
SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition |
SCO | Synchronous Condenser Operation |
SD&L | Supplier Development and Localisation |
SGC | Supplier Grouping Code |
SHEQ | Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality |
S-IG | Sub-Investment Grade |
SIRP | Strategic Integrated Resource Plan |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
SM | System Minutes |
SMS | Sandton Midrand Soweto |
SO | System Operator |
SOE | State Owned Entity |
SPA | Special Pricing Agreement |
SPU | Small Power Users |
S&P | Standard and Poor’s |
SQI | Service Quality Incentive |
ST | Short Term |
STA | Source Testing Association |
STPPP | Short Term Power Producer Programme |
STS | Standard Transfer Specification |
TCO | Total-cost-of-ownership |
TCTA | Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority |
TDP | Transmission Development Plan |
TID | Token Identifier |
TIPPS | Transmission Integrated Plant Performance System |
TNSP | Transmission Network Service Provider |
ToU | Time-of-Use |
TSP | Transmission System Planner |
TUOS | Transmission use-of-system |
TWh | Terawatt Hour |
TWI | The Welding Institute |
Tx | Transmission |
UCG | Underground Coal Gasification (see definitions) |
UCLF | Unplanned Capability Loss Factor |
UPGEM | University of Pretoria General Equilibrium Model |
UoS | Use-of-system |
URS | User Requirement Framework |
US | United States |
VPS | Virtual Power Station |
VRESS | Vaal River Eastern Sub-System |
VRESAP | Vaal River Eastern Sub-system Augmentation Project |
VRT | Vaal River Tariff |
VT | Voltage Transformer |
W | Watt |
WACC | Weighted Average Cost of Capital |
WBS | Work breakdown structure |
WEPS | Wholesale electricity price |
WRC | Water Research Council |
WUC | Work Under Construction |
ZAR | South African Rand |