Category:Terminology resources
Pages in category "Terminology resources"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 244 total.
(previous page) (next page)5
- Terminology resources: A
- A to Z of Diamonds Glossary (
- aanlopen
- Acronymbook
- Acronymbook - Part 1
- Acronymbook - Part 2
- Acronymbook - Part 3
- Acronymbook - Part 4
- Acronymbook - Part 5
- Acronymbook - Part 6
- Acronymbook - Part 7
- Afkortingen (
- Afkortingen in de GGZ ( 850 abbreviations used in Dutch mental health care)
- Afkortingen kosten (Koninklijk Besluit van 30 november 1976)
- Afkortingen vakken (Huygens College)
- Afkortingenlijst van Team Taaladvies (de taaladviesdienst van de Vlaamse overheid)
- afstempelen
- Annual report terms (251 Dutch-English entries)
- Apple glossary (45,000 Dutch-English entries)
- Apple glossary (45,000 Dutch-English entries) - Part 1
- Apple glossary (45,000 Dutch-English entries) - Part 2
- Automotive terms (W.P. Barendsen & D. Belau, 2001)
- Avans University of Applied Sciences - Terminologielijst Avans Hogeschool
- Banking glossary (165 Dutch-English terms)
- Begrippenlijst (
- BEIJER.rystb (Part 1)
- BEIJER.rystb (Part 3)
- BEIJER.rystb (Part 5)
- BEIJER.rystb (Part 6)
- BEIJER.rystb (various sources)
- Beijerdeas
- Bicycle Dictionary (Dutch-English) by Edwin Seldenthuis
- Brouw Terminologie in het Engels en Duits (
- Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs (CROHO)(Dutch-English)
- CIMAC Lexicon
- CINOP terminologielijst NL-EN (81 Dutch-English entries)
- Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities (CAO-NU) - some terms
- Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) (Dutch-English glossary)
- Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)(ANNEX V)(Dutch-English glossary)
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - A
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - B
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - C
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - D
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - E
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - F
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - G
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - H
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - I
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - J
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - K
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - L
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - M
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - N
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - O
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - P
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - Q
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - R
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - S
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - T
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - U
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - V
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - W
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - X
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - Y
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch-English) - Z
- Comprehensive Technical Dictionary (Dutch⇄English)
- control strategy
- Covid-19 Terminology: English-Dutch, Engels-Nederlands (Oxford Languages)
- Verklarende woordenlijst
- De Helianthus - Verklarende woordenlijst
- De terminologie van het Nederlands erfrecht in het Engels en in het Frans
- dennenboom
- Diamond Glossary (168 Dutch-English entries)
- Difference between reagent + reactant (Dutch: reagens + reactant)
- digitalSkillsCollection (ESCO classification)
- divider
- draagbalk
- DUTCH HORIZONTAL MONITORING: The Handicap of a Head Start (FairTax WP-Series) - List of abbreviations
- DUTCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY V.05.2011 - Jerzy Kazojć (2011)
- Dutch-English glossary (31224 entries)
- Dutch-English glossary (31224 entries)(Part 1)
- Dutch-English glossary (31224 entries)(Part 2)
- Dutch-English glossary with 1,654 entries (origin unknown)
- dyes vs pigments
- E-numbers - 380 Dutch-English entries
- EASA Glossary (European Union Aviation Safety Agency)(419 Dutch-English entries)
- - Afkortingenlijst gebruikt in de oogheelkunde
- English-Dutch 53000.html
- Eskom Abbreviations List
- Eskom Dictionary for power generation and distribution (English-Afrikaans)
- EUFOFINET Fire Glossary (List of Abbreviations and Acronyms)
- Eurocode vertaallijst
- European fibre abbreviations chart (
- European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) Glossary (214 Dutch-English entries)
- European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) Glossary
- European multilingual classification of Skills, Competences and Occupations (ESCO)
- European Single Access Point (ESAP) Glossary
- EuroVoc (Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union)(12,169 Dutch-English entries)
- EuroVoc (Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union)(12,169 Dutch-English entries)(Part 1)
- EuroVoc (Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union)(12,169 Dutch-English entries)(Part 2)
- EuroVoc (Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union)(12,169 Dutch-English entries)(Part 3)
- Eurydice multilingual glossary of education terms (1,388 terms)
- Eurydice multilingual glossary of education terms (1,388 terms)(nl, en, de, fr)
- Export View TYPO3.core.form Dutch Pootle.html
- General Abbreviations (Who’s Who 2024)
- German, English, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese glossary (93 terms)
- Terminology resources
- Glossary of Biopharmaceuticals and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (Dutch-English)
- Glossary of Botanical & Horticultural Terms (Herman Busser)
- Glossary of chemistry related terms (320 German-English terms)
- Glossary of Dutch Procedural Terminology (Netherlands Commercial Court, NCC)
- Glossary of important terms used in the Dutch Income Tax Act 2001 (
- Glossary of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Equipment (Dutch, German, English, French; 800 terms)
- Glossary of misc. terms used in EU organisations (142 Dutch-English terms)
- Glossary of Patent Terms
- Glossary of technical terms commonly used by ABB
- Glossary of Terms (
- Glossary of terms – Court Events (
- Graphic terms (GVO printers & designers B.V.)
- Groot Medisch Woordenboek (Peter P. Reuter)
- Groot Polytechnisch Woordenboek - Nederlands-Engels (Boom uitgevers, 2017)
- - Ziektes verspreid door water
- Waterbegrippenlijst
- Lexicon Financieel Management Nederlands-Engels (J.A.M. Berkien)(Vakmedianet, 2011)
- Librarylingo (Bibliotheekwoorden Nederlands-Engels)(Glossary of Dutch-English library related terms)
- List of Abbreviations (Origin unknown)
- List of Abbreviations 2 (Origin unknown)
- list-of-acronyms.pdf
- LOINC: Abbreviations and acronyms used in LOINC
- Madaster Materials List (nl-en)
- Medisch woordenboek Engels-Nederlands/Nederlands-Engels (by F.J.A. Mostert)
- mental health
- merkbeleving
- Microsoft Excel function translations (481 Dutch-English entries)
- Microsoft Terminology Collection (33,004 Dutch-English entries)
- Microsoft Terminology Collection (33,004 Dutch-English entries)(Part 1)
- Microsoft Terminology Collection (33,004 Dutch-English entries)(Part 2)
- Microsoft Terminology Collection (33,004 Dutch-English entries)(Part 3)
- Microsoft: Translation and UI strings glossaries
- Militaire Afkortingen (
- Militaire woordenlijst (jargon) -
- misc. catalysts
- MISCELLANEOUS (T-balk t/m tegenfineer)
- MISSOC: Glossary on European social security systems (German, French, English and Dutch)
- Mtr.
- Multiligual set of R and S phrases, courtesy of Marek Pawelec
- Multilingual Criminological Terms, by Jaap de Waard (693 entries)
- Multilingual Dictionary of Electricity, Electronics and Telecommunications with terms in nine languages and definitions in English (IEC/IEEE)
- My go-to dictionaries
- Pallet Terminology from A-Z (
- Palletiser glossary (
- Palletizing Glossary (Columbia,
- Multilingual Glossary of Nice Classification System of goods and services relating to trademarks)(6,264 Dutch-English entries)
- PatTR
- PIANC: Illustrated Technical Dictionary in six languages
- Pinkhof Medisch Engels - Clinical Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Plant Protection Products - FAO 2-letter code for formulations
- plooibank
- Politie afkortingen ( (345 Dutch acronyms)
- Post Office Dictionary 1990 (English-Afrikaans)
- Post Office Dictionary 1990 (English-Afrikaans)(Part 1)
- Post Office Dictionary 1990 (English-Afrikaans)(Part 2)
- Post Office Dictionary 1990 (English-Afrikaans)(Part 3)
- PRADO glossary (Technical terms related to security features and documents)(nl-en)(Council of the European Union)
- - Afkortingen
- Pricing Regulation Glossary (
- PRINCE2:2009 – Translation List (Dutch)
- Prisma Woordenboek van het Algemeen Onbeschaafd Nederlands (Heidi Aalbrecht en Pyter Wagenaar)
- profiel
- Pump glossary with 1,134 Dutch-English terms
- Pump Terminology Glossary (SteelPumps UK)
- Puzzelwoordenboek