NL: T-balk
EN: downstand beam
Definitie NL: balk van gewapend beton, in de vorm van een engeheerde T. Tussen de balken komen zg. betonbroodjes, die de vloer vormen
NL: T-stuk
EN: field Tee
NL: kruisstuk
EN: T piece
NL: T-koppeling
EN: tee fitting
NL: T-verbindingsstuk
EN: cross
NL: field Tee
EN: pipe tee
EN: tee
NL: T piece
EN: T-fitting
NL: tee fitting
EN: Tee
NL: cross
EN: T-piece
NL: pipe tee
EN: T-union
NL: tee
EN: Tee piece union
NL: T-fitting
EN: Union T
NL: Tee
EN: Field tee
Definitie EN: a fitting in the form of Tee installed in the pipeline system to guide flow of water in more than one direction in main line or sprinkler line; a three port fitting in the form of a T; a short length of tubing (pipe fitting) with an additional opening serving to connect three adjacent lengths of conduit, two being in line with one another and the third at an angle of 90 degrees to the other two
T-stuk met zwanehals
NL: T-stuk met zwanehals
EN: valve elbow
Definitie EN: a fitting installed in a pipeline system to allow sprinkler lines or laterals to take off in any direction:rotates 360 degrees
T-vormige afstelhaak
NL: T-vormige afstelhaak
EN: posting square
Definitie EN: a narrow-tongued T-square used in conjunction with a straight edge to align frame-saw blades in the direction of feed
NL: taatsraam
EN: pivot hung window
Definitie EN: a window with casament which can pivot around a horizontal or vertical axis
NL: tab
EN: ear, tab
Definitie EN: A projection on the circle of the double locker carriage below the blade,which engages with the locker bar to enable it to propel and hold the carriage
tabel van de bodemgesteldheid
NL: tabel van de bodemgesteldheid
EN: soil use table
Definitie EN: a table used to establish the conditions of use in fill,in capping layers(improved subgrade
USA)or to spoil of the soils arising from excavation or borrow pits
NL: tabijn
EN: Tabby
Definitie NL: door waterbehandeling gemoireerde taf of zijde
tafel-geverfd leder
NL: tafel-geverfd leder
EN: aniline stained
Definitie EN: leather that has been stained by brushing,padding or spraying and hasnot received any coating of pigmented finish
NL: tafelbekisting
EN: moving formwork, table form, shutter trestle
Definitie EN: a movable form for structural floor slabs on an adjustable scaffold
NL: taftlint
EN: taffeta ribbon
Definitie EN: A ribbon of silk or of rayon or other man-made fibre,of plain weave,with usually high warp density and very fine,almost imperceptible,rib,generally with a woven tubular selvedge of contrasting weave.
NL: tafzijde
EN: taffeta
Definitie NL: dicht zijdeweefsel
Definitie EN: tightly-woven silk fabric
NL: taludverdediging
EN: slope protection
Definitie EN: riprap,paving,pitching,revetment,brush or other material laid or placed for protection,of the sloping part of an embankment or levee or sea shore,to prevent erosion,slipping or caving,or to withstand external hydraulic pressure
NL: tampon, kousje, pit
EN: wick
Definitie EN: A woven or braided narrow fabric,or a yarn or a group of yarns,having outstanding capillary properties.
NL: tamponneren
EN: to dab, to stipple
Definitie EN: to even out a coat of paint and remove brush marks and other imperfections,immediately after application,by systematically dabbing the surface with a soft stippling blush
NL: tamponneren
EN: to dab, to stipple
Definitie EN: to produce a textured effect by disturbing the surface of the paint coat,e.g.with a stippling brush or rubber stippler
NL: tamponneren
EN: coating etching
EN: local etching
Definitie NL: Etsmethode, waarbij het etsmiddel voortdurend met een kwast of een dot watten opgebracht wordt tot de gewenste etsing bereikt is
tand t.b.v.beluchting
NL: tand t.b.v.beluchting
EN: nappe interrupter
Definitie EN: protrusion from the crest of a spillway whose purpose is to aerate the underside of the nappe
tanddrempel op aflaatgoot
NL: tanddrempel op aflaatgoot
EN: chute block
Definitie EN: a baffle block constructed in a spillway chute
NL: tandheugel, tandlat
EN: marionette
Definitie EN: A mechanism for controlling the movement of the shuttles in a multi-piece loom.
NL: tandhoek, vijlhoek
EN: side-edge angle, side-plate angle, side angle
Definitie EN: the angle between the side cutting edge of a cutter link and the base of the link
NL: tandlat, tandheugel
EN: marionette
Definitie EN: A mechanism for controlling the movement of the shuttles in a multi-piece loom.
tangent-koorde hoek
NL: tangent-koorde hoek
EN: chord-tangent angle
Definitie NL: hoek in een punt tussen koorde-en tangentlijn
NL: tangentieelsnede, tangentiële snede
EN: taper sawing
Definitie EN: a method of ripping a log by making cuts parallel to the outside surface rather than roughly parallel to the longitudinal axis
tangentiële uitzetting
NL: tangentiële uitzetting
EN: tangential swelling, tangential expansion
Definitie EN: a dimensional increase across the grain and in the same direction as the tangent to the growth rings
NL: tapestry-tapijt, tapestry carpet
EN: tapestry carpet
Definitie EN: A patterned carpet woven by the single-pile Wilton process,in which a warp,printed before weaving,is used to produce the design.When the pile is cut,the carpet is known as tapestry velvet.
NL: tapestry-velourstapijt
EN: tapestry velvet carpet
Definitie EN: A cut-pile carpet woven from a printed-pile warp or single frame of yarn.It was traditionally woven on a tapestry-carpet loom with bladed wires,but is now also woven on a double or face-to-face loom,when the carpets are divided or cut apart on the loom.
tapijt met geknoopte pool
NL: tapijt met geknoopte pool, geknoopt tapijt
EN: knotted carpet
Definitie NL: bestaat uit een gespannen grondketting en rijen pooldraadjes, welke rond een of meer kettingdraden zijn geknoopt of opgerold
Definitie EN: composed of a taut warp around which the pile threads are knotted or twisted in a complete turn round at least one warp thread
NL: tapijtwol
EN: tapestry wool
Definitie NL: grove, dikke wol zonder elasticiteit of glans, voor het weven van tapijten gebruikt
NL: tas
EN: pack
Definitie EN: a fabric bag or envelope in which a parachute is packed
NL: taster
EN: stylus
EN: tracer(USA)
Definitie NL: Staafvormig element, waarmee het profiel onder permanent mechanisch contact wordt afgetast
technisch leder
NL: technisch leder
EN: engine leather
Definitie EN: leather derived from cattle hide,vegetable tanned,curried and rolled hard
technisch projectverslag
NL: technisch projectverslag
EN: project technical report
EN: substantiating report
Definitie EN: this report,accompanying the project report,presents a discussion of subjects necessary to a thorough understanding of the findings,conclusions and recommendations made in the project report,.It presents not only the results of the investigations but also the bases of analyses and computations and references to methods used including designs and estimates
technische patroontekening
NL: technische patroontekening
EN: draughting, drafting
Definitie EN: the conversion of a design into diagrammatic form preparatory to punching the jacquard cards
technische vezels
NL: technische vezels
EN: flax fibre strand
Definitie EN: Flax fibres after removal from the plant,consisting in the cross-section of more than one ultimate fibre
technische werkloosheid
NL: technische werkloosheid
EN: employment regulation, technological unemployment, temporary lay-off
Definitie EN: Examples of force majeure : fire damage in factory, breakdown of plant, stoppage of supplies of raw materials, components, etc. from other sectors (because of strikes, e.g.).
NL: teenschot
EN: wooden apron toe
Definitie NL: aan de teen (van een dijk) wordt de steenglooiing afgesloten door en rij perkoenpalen met teenschot, of een houten, stalen of betonnen damwand; 2)het teenschot bestaat uit opgeklampte schotten met een dikte van 3-5 cm die aan de perkoenpalen worden genageld. De hoogte v.h.schot hant samen met de dikte v.d.aante brengen bekleding
teenstuk versterking
NL: teenstuk versterking
EN: knitting ballet toe
Definitie EN: A type of reverse toe in which the toe yarn on the upper side covers the ends of the toes only,and the toe is usually extended and more pointed.
NL: teer
EN: tar
Definitie EN: a viscous liquid,black in colour,having adhesive properties,obtained by the destructive distillation of coal,wood,shale,etc.
NL: teerbeton
EN: tar concrete, dense graded tar surfacing
Definitie EN: hot dense tar-coated material having excellent grading characteristics and very high density
NL: tegel, dakpan
EN: tile
Definitie EN: 1.a thin slab of brick earth either curved or flat, used for covering roofs, paving, etc.; 2.also small blocks of marble, stone, etc., used in flooring, hearths, or bath-room walls
NL: tegel
EN: tile
Definitie EN: 1.a thin slab of brick earth either curved or flat, used for covering roofs, paving, etc.; 2.also small blocks of marble, stone, etc., used in flooring, hearths, or bath-room walls
NL: tegel
EN: abaculus
Definitie EN: a small tile of stoneware,composition,or glass used for mosaic pavements
NL: tegelbekleding
EN: tile hanging, weather tiling, vertical tiling
Definitie EN: fixing of plain tiles on a wall to keep out rain
tegen de draad in
NL: tegen de draad in, dwars op de vezelrichting, tegendraads
EN: across the grain, transversely to the grain
Definitie EN: a) in wood, any direction in a plane approximating to a 90 degrees angle to the longitudinal wood elements; at exactly 90 degrees, the plane and direction are perpendicular to the grain; b) any cut, particularly in planing, that picks up the ends of the elements in "against the grain" (contrary to the grain); otherwise it is "with the grain"
tegen de draad in
NL: tegen de draad in, tegendraads, dwars op de vezelrichting
EN: transversely to the grain, across the grain
Definitie EN: a) in wood, any direction in a plane approximating to a 90 degrees angle to the longitudinal wood elements; at exactly 90 degrees, the plane and direction are perpendicular to the grain; b) any cut, particularly in planing, that picks up the ends of the elements in "against the grain" (contrary to the grain); otherwise it is "with the grain"
NL: tegendraads, tegen de draad in, dwars op de vezelrichting
EN: across the grain, transversely to the grain
Definitie EN: a) in wood, any direction in a plane approximating to a 90 degrees angle to the longitudinal wood elements; at exactly 90 degrees, the plane and direction are perpendicular to the grain; b) any cut, particularly in planing, that picks up the ends of the elements in "against the grain" (contrary to the grain); otherwise it is "with the grain"
NL: tegendraads, dwars op de vezelrichting, tegen de draad in
EN: across the grain, transversely to the grain
Definitie EN: a) in wood, any direction in a plane approximating to a 90 degrees angle to the longitudinal wood elements; at exactly 90 degrees, the plane and direction are perpendicular to the grain; b) any cut, particularly in planing, that picks up the ends of the elements in "against the grain" (contrary to the grain); otherwise it is "with the grain"
tegendraads hout
NL: tegendraads hout
EN: cross-grained wood
Definitie EN: wood with a very irregular course of the grain
NL: tegenfineer, blinde fineerlaag
EN: counterveneer
Definitie EN: the bottom layer in a two-ply veneer,used to prevent splitting of the face veneer