List of Abbreviations (Origin unknown)
Archived at:
A.F.D.I. Annuaire Français de Droit International. Paris, France
A.F.L. Rev. The Air Force Law Review. Washington, D.C., USA
A.J.D.A. Actualité Juridique - Droit Administratif. Paris, France
A.P. Administration Publique. Revue du Droit Public et des Sciences Administratives. Brussels, Belgium
A.S.I.L. Annual Survey of Indian Law. New Delhi, India
ABAJ American Bar Association Journal. Chicago, Illinois, USA
ACQ The Atlantic Community Quarterly. Washington, D.C., USA
Act. Procès. Derecho Vivo Actas Procesales del Derecho Vivo. Caracas, Venezuela
Acta Balt. Acta Báltica. Konigstein/Taunus. Fed. Rep. of Germany
Acta Fac. Polit.-lur. Univ. Sci. Budapestiensis Acta Facultatis Politico-luridicae Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestiensis de Rolando Eótvós Nominatae. Budapest, Hungary
Acta Jur. Acta Jurídica. Cape Town; Wetton; Johannesburg, South Africa
Acta Jur. Hung. Acta Jurídica Hungarica / Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies. Budapest, Hungary
Acta Univ. Wratislav. Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Wroclaw, Poland
Actual Dr. Actualités du Droit. Brussels, Belgium
Adelaide L. Rev. Adelaide Law Review. Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Adm. (Dublin) Administration. Journal of the Institute of Public Administration of Ireland. Dublin, Ireland
Adm. Andalucía Administración de Andalucía. Sevilla, Spain
Admin. L. Rev. Administrative Law Review. Chicago, Illinois, USA
AfK Archiv für Kommunalwissenschaft. Stuttgart, Fed. Rep. of Germany
AfkKR Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht. Mainz, Fed. Rep. of Germany
AfP Archiv für Presserecht. Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Afr. Africa. Rivista Trimestrale di Studi e Documentazione dell’lstituto Italo-Africano. Rome, Italy
Afr. Aff. African Affairs. London, UK
Afr. Contemp. Afrique Contemporaine. Documents d’Afrique Noire et de Madagascar. Paris, France
Afr. Dev. Rev. / Rev. Afr. Dév. African Development Review / Revue Africaine de Développement. Abidjan, Rep. of the Ivory Coast
Afr. Spectrum Afrika Spectrum. Hamburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Afr. Today Africa Today. Denver, Colorado, USA
AgrarR Agrarrecht. Münster-Hiltrup, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Aichi Aichidaigaku Hokei Ronshu. Toyohashi, Japan
AIDI Annuaire de l’Institut de Droit International. Yearbook of the Institute of International Law. Paris, France
Air & Space L. Air & Space Law. Deventer, Netherlands
AJ Allam és Jogtudomány. Budapest, Hungary
AJICL / RADIC African Journal of International and Comparative Law / Revue Africaine de Droit International et Comparé. Hertford, UK
AJIL American Journal of International Law. Washington, D.C., USA
AJP/PJA Aktuelle Juristische Praxis / Pratique Juridique Actuelle. Lachen, Switzerland
AJPA Australian Journal of Public Administration. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
AJPH The Australian Journal of Politics and History. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
AJPIL/ÖZöRV Austrian Journal of Public and International Law / Österreichische Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht. Vienna, Austria; New York, USA
AJPS American Journal of Political Science. Austin, Texas, USA
Akron L. Rev. Akron Law Review. Akron, Ohio, USA
Ala. L. Rev. Alabama Law Review. University, Alabama, USA
Ala. Lawyer The Alabama Lawyer. Official Organ State Bar of Alabama. Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Alaska L. Rev. Alaska Law Review. Durham, North Carolina, USA
Alb. L. Rev. Albany Law Review. Albany, New York, USA
Alberta L. Rev. Alberta Law Review. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
ALJ The Australian Law Journal. North Ryde, New South Wales; Melbourne, Victoria; Brisbane, Queensland; Perth, West Australia, Australia
Allam és Igazgatás Allam és Igazgatás. Budapest, Hungary
ALQ Arab Law Quarterly. London, UK
Am. Indian L. Rev. American Indian Law Review. Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Am. J. Comp. L. The American Journal of Comparative Law. Berkeley, California, USA
Am. J. Juris. The American Journal of Jurisprudence. Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Am. J. Legal Hist. The American Journal of Legal History. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Am. Polit. Sei. Rev. The American Political Science Review. Menasha, Wisconsin, USA
Am. Rev. Int’l Arbitration The American Review of International Arbitration. New York, N.Y, USA
Am. U. L. Rev. The American University Law Review. Washington, D.C., USA
Am. U.J. Int’l L. & Pol’y The American University Journal of International Law and Policy. Washington, D.C., USA
Ambio Ambio. A Journal of the Human Environment (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences). Oxford, UK
Amministrare Amministrare. Milan, Italy
An. Pravnog Fak. Beogradu Anali Pravnog Fakulteta u Beogradu. Belgrade, Yugoslavia
An. Real Acad. Cienc. Morales y Polit. Anales de la Real Açademia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas. Madrid, Spain
An. Univ. Bucuresti Analele Universitatii Bucureçti. Stiinte Juridice. Bucharest, Romania
Anglo-Amer. L. Rev. The Anglo-American Law Review. Chichester, West Sussex, UK
Ann. Afr. Année Africaine. Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordaux. Paris, France
Ann. Air & Space L. Annals of Air and Space Law. Annales de Droit Aérien et Spatial. Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Paris, France
Ann. Canonique L’Année Canonique. Recueil d’Etudes et d’Informations. Paris, France
Ann. d’Et. Int’I Annales d'Etudes Internationales. Geneva, Switzerland
Ann. de Droit Int’l Méd. Annales de Droit International Médical. Monaco, Principality of Monaco
Ann. Dr. Louvain Annales de Droit de Louvain. Brussels, Belgium
Ann. Fac. Dr. Econ. Sei. Soc. Liège Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Economie et de Sciences Sociales de Liège. Liège, Belgium
Ann. Fac. Dr. Sei. Polit. Annales de la Faculté de Droit et de Science Politique (Université de Clermont). Paris, France
Ann. Fac. Sei. Pol. Cagliari Annali della Facoltà di Scienze Politiche (Université di Cagliari). Cagliari, Italy
Ann. Polit. Suisse Année Politique Suisse / Schweizerische Politik. Berne, Switzerland
Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Lublin, Poland
Ann. Univ. Sei. Budapestinensis... Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Budapest, Hungary
Ann. Univ. Sei. Soc. Toulouse Annales de l'Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse. Toulouse, France
Annali. I.S.E. - A. De Gasperi Annali. Istituto di Studi Europei A. de Gasperi. Rome, Italy
Annals AAPSS The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Newbury Park, California, USA; London, UK; New Delhi, India
Annu, de l’Afr. du Nord Annuaire de l’Afrique du Nord. Paris, France
Annu, des Pays de l’Océan Indien Annuaire des Pays de l’Océan Indien. Paris; Aix-en-Provence, France
Annu. Dir. Comp, e di Stud. Legis. Annuario di Diritto Corn par ato e di Studi Legislativi. Rome, Italy
Annu. Dr. Marit, et Aéro-Spatial Annuaire de Droit Maritime et Aéro-Spatial. Paris, France
Annu. Eur. Annuaire Européen / European Yearbook. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, Massachusetts, USA; London, UK
Annu. Eur. d’Adm. Publ. Annuaire Européen d’Administration Publique. Paris, France
Annu. Int’l Just. Const. Annuaire International de Justice Constitutionnelle. Aix-en-Provence, France
Annu. Legis. Franc, et Etr. Annuaire de Législation Française et Etrangère. Paris, France
Annu. Rev. UN Aff. Annual Review of United Nations Affairs. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., USA
Annu. Surv. Amer. L. Annual Survey of American Law. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., USA
Annu. Surv. SA L. Annual Survey of South African Law. Cape Town; Wetton; Johannesburg, South Africa
Anu. Argentino Der. Internac. Anuario Argentino de Derecho Internacional; Córdoba, Argentina
Anu. Der. Internac. (Navarra) Anuario de Derecho Internacional. Facultad de Derecho Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona, Spain
Anu. Filos. Der. Anuario de Filosofía del Derecho. Madrid, Spain
Anu. Filos. Jur. y Soc. Anuario de Filosofía Jurídica y Social. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Anu. Hispano-Luso-Am. Der. Internac. Anuario Hispano-Luso-Americano de Derecho Internacional. Madrid, Spain
Anu. Jur. Anuario Jurídico. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Mexico, Mexico
Anu. Jur. Interam. Anuario Jurídico Interamericano (Organización de los Estados Americanos). Washington, D.C., USA
AöR Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts. Tübingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
AQ The Australian Quarterly. Balmain, New South Wales, Austral ia
Arbeitsrecht Gegenw. Das Arbeitsrecht der Gegenwart. Jahrbuch f. d. gesamte Arbeitsrecht u. d. Arbeitsgerichtsbarkeit. Nachschlagewerk f. Wissenschaft u. Praxis. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Arch. de Philos, du Droit Archives de Philosophie du Droit. Paris, France
Arch. Europ. Sociol. Archives Europeennes de Sociologie. Cambridge, UK
Arch. lur. Cracoviense Archivum luridicum Cracoviense. Cracow, Poland
Arch. PT Archiv für Post und Telekommunikation. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Arh. Prav. Drust. Nauke Arhiv za Pravne i Drustvene Nauke. Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Ariz. JL Int’l & Comp. L. Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law. Tucson, Arizona, USA
Ariz. L. Rev. Arizona Law Review. Tucson, Arizona, USA
Ariz. St. L. J. Arizona State Law Journal. Tempe, Arizona, USA
Ark. L. Rev. Arkansas Law Review. Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA
Arms Control Arms Control. Contemporary Security Policy. London, UK
Arms Control Today Arms Control Today. Washington, D.C., USA
Arq. Minist. da Just. Arquivos do Ministério da Justica. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
ARSP Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie. Stuttgart, Fed. Rep. of Germany
ASDA / SVLR Association Suisse de Droit Aérien et Spatial / Schweizerische Vereinigung für Luft- und Raumrecht. Zürich, Switzerland
ASDA/SVLR Bull. Association Suisse de Droit Aérien et Spatial/ Schweizerische Vereinigung für Luft- und Raumrecht Bulletin. Basel, Switzerland
Asian Surv. Asian Survey. Berkeley, California, USA
Asian Thought & Soc. Asian Thought & Society. Oneonta, N.Y., USA
Asien Asien. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur. Hamburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Asien, Afr., Lateinam. Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika. Yverdon, Switzerland
ASIL Proc. American Society of International Law. Proceedings. Washington, D.C., USA
Ass. Eur. Assuntos Europeus. Lisboa, Portugal
ASSP Annuaire Suisse de Science Politique. Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Politische Wissenschaft. Berne, Switzerland
AsYlL Asian Yearbook of International Law. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, Massachusetts, USA; London, UK
Asyl Asyl. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Asylrecht und -praxis. Zürich, Switzerland
Ateneo L. J. Ateneo Law Journal. Manila, Philippines
Auckland Univ. L. Rev. Auckland University Law Review. Auckland, New Zealand
Aus Pol. & Zeitgesch. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte. Beilage zur Wochenzeitung ’’Das Parlament”. Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Aussenpol. Aussenpolitik. Hamburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Aussenwirt. Aussenwirtschaft. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen / The Swiss Review of International Economie Relations. Zürich, Switzerland
Aust. J. Int’l Aff. Austral ¡an Journal of International Affairs. Canberra, Aust. Cap. Terr., Australia
Austr. Yb. Int’l L. The Australian Year Book of International Law. Canberra, Aust. Cap. Terr., Australia
Ausw. D. Auswärtiger Dienst. Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Autonomies Autonomies. Revista Catalana de Dret Públic. Barcelona, Spain
AVR Archiv des Völkerrechts. Tübingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
AWR Bull. AWR Bulletin (Association fOr the Study of the World Refugee Problem / Forschungsgesellschaft für das Weltflüchtlingsproblem). Vienna, Austria
AYIL African Yearbook of International Law. Pretoria, South Africa
B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review. Newton Centre, Massachusetts, USA
B.C. Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. Boston College International and Comparativo Law Review. Newton Centre, Massachusetts, USA
B.C. Third Wld. L. J. Boston College Third World Law Journal. Newton Centre, Massachusetts, USA
B.J. Pol. S. British Journal of Political Science. London, UK
B.T.R. British Tax Review. London, UK
B.U. Int’l L. J. Boston University International Law Journal. Boston, Massachusetts, USA
B.U.L. Rev. Boston University Law Review. Boston, Massachusetts, USA
B.Y.U.L. Rev. Brigham Young University Law Review. Provo, Utah, USA
BArBI Bundesarbeitsblatt. Stuttgart, Fed. Rep. of Germany
BauR Baurecht. Düsseldorf, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Baylor L. Rev. Baylor Law Review. Waco, Texas, USA
BayVBI. Bayerische Verwaltungsblätter. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
BB Betriebs-Berater. Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Beijing Daxue Xuebao Beijing Daxue Xuebao. Beijing, People’s Rep. of China
Beijing Rdsch. Beijing Rundschau. Beijing, People’s Rep. of China
Beitr. z. Konfliktforsch. Beiträge zur
Konfliktforschung. Cologne, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Ber. d. Dt. Gesell, f. Völkerrecht Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht. Karlsruhe, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Berl. Debatte Berliner Debatte Initial. Zeitschrift für sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskurs. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Bestuursw. Bestuurswetenschappen. The Hague, Netherlands
Bfai-Rechtsinform. Bundesstelle für Aussenhandelsinformation - Rechtsinformation. Berichte und Dokumente zum ausländischen Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht. Cologne, Fed. Rep. of Germany
BFD Boletim da Faculdade de Direito. Coimbra, Portugal
BH Bírósági Hatärozatok. Budapest, Hungary
Bitburger Gespr. - Jb. Bitburger Gespräche -Jahrbuch. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
BJM Basler Juristische Mitteilungen. Basel, Switzerland
BI. Dt. & Internat. Pol. Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik. Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
BLE Boletín de Legislación Extranjera. Madrid, Spain
Bohemia Bohemia. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der bömischen Länder / A Journal of History and Civilisation in East Central Europe. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Bol. Mex. de Derecho Comp. Boletin Mexicano de Derecho Comparado. Mexico, Mexico
Bol. Minist. Just. Boletim do Ministerio da Justiça. Lisbon, Portugal
Boll. Infor. Cost. e Parlamentär! Bollettino di Informazioni Costituzionali e Parlamentari. Rome, Italy
Bond L R Bond Law Review. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australie
Boundary & See. Bull. Boundary & Security Bulletin. Durham, UK
Boundary Bull. Boundary Bulletin. Durham, UK Bridgeport L. Rev. Bridgeport Law Review. Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA
Brook. J. Int’l L. Brooklyn Journal of International Law. Brooklyn, N.Y, USA
Brooklyn L. Rev. Brooklyn Law Review. Brooklyn, N.Y, USA
Buff. Envtl. L. J. Buffalo Environmental Law Journal. Buffalo, N.Y., USA
Buff. J. Int’l L. Buffalo Journal of International Law.Buffalo, N.Y, USA
Buffalo L. Rev. Buffalo Law Review. Buffalo, N.Y, USA
Bull. CEDEJ Bulletin du CEDEJ. Cairo, Egypt
Bull. Czech. L. Bulletin of Czechoslovak Law. Prague, Czech Rep.
Bull, de Droit Tchécoslovaque Bulletin de Droit Tchécoslovaque. Prague, Czechoslovakia
Bull. Dr. H. Bulletin des Droits de l’Homme. Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Bull. EG Bulletin der Europäischen Gemeinschaften. Brussels, Belgium
Bull. Hum. Rts. (UN) Bulletin of Human Rights (United Nations). New York, N.Y, USA
Bull. Int’l Fiscal Docum. Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Bull. Interpari. Bulletin Interparlementaire. Organe Officiel de l‘Union Interparlementaire. Geneva, Switzerland
Bull, on Narcotics Bulletin on Narcotics (UN). Geneva, Switzerland
Bull. Transp. Int. / ZlntEisenb Bulletin des Transports Internationaux Ferroviaires. Zeitschrift für den internationalen Eisenbahnverkehr. Berne, Switzerland
BWV Bundeswehrverwaltung. Fachzeitschrift für Administration. Bonn; Cologne; Berlin; Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
BWVP Baden-Württembergische Verwaltungspraxis. Stuttgart, Fed. Rep. of Germany
BYIL The British Year Book of International Law. Oxford, UK
C.a. China aktuell. Hamburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany C.D.E. Cahiers de Droit Européen. Brussels, Belgium C.J.L.J. Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence. London, Ontario, Canada
C.L.J. The Cambridge Law Journal. Cambridge, UK Cah. de Droit (Quebec) Les Cahiers de Droit. Laval, Quebec, Canada
Cah. Franc. Cahiers Français. La Documentation Française. Paris, France
Cal. W. Int’l L. J. California Western International Law Journal. San Diego, California, USA
Cal. W.L. Rev. California Western Law Review. San Diego, California, USA
Calabar L. J. Calabar Law Journal. Calabar, Nigeria Calif. L. Rev. California Law Review. Berkeley, California, USA
Cambrian L. Rev. Cambrian Law Review. Aberystwyth, Wales, UK
Can. - U.S.L.J. Canada - United States Law Journal.Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Can. Ann. Rev. Pol. & Pub. Aff. Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs. Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Buffalo, N.Y., USA; London, UK
Can. Bar Rev. The Canadian Bar Review / La Revue du Barreau Canadien. Downsview, Ontario, Canada
Can. Hum. Ris. Yb. Canadian Human Rights Yearbook.Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Can. Publ. Adm. Canadian Public Administration / Administration Publique du Canada. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Can. Yb. Int’l L. The Canadian Yearbook of international Law. Annuaire Canadien de Droit international. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Canterbury L. Rev. The Canterbury Law Review.Christchurch, New Zealand
Cap. U.L. Rev. Capital University Law Review.Columbus, Ohio, USA
Cardozo L. Rev. Cardozo Law Review. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Case W. Res. J. Int*I L. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law. Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Case W. Res. L. Rev. Case Western Reserve Law Review. Cleveland, Ohio, USA
CEPAL Rev. CEPAL Review (United Nations). Santiago, Chile
Chi.-Kent L. Rev. Chicago-Kent Law Review. Chicago, Illinois, USA
Chicano L. Rev. Chicano-Latino Law Review. Los Angeles, California, USA
Chin. L. & Gov. Chinese Law and Government. New York, N.Y, USA
Chin. Yb. Int’l L. Chinese Yearbook of International Law. Beijing, People’s Rep. of China
Chin. Yb. Int’l L. & Aft. Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. Taipei, Taiwan, Rep. of China
China L. Rep. China Law Reporter. Chicago, Illinois, USA
China Q. The China Quarterly. London, UK
China Rep. China Report. Delhi, India; Newbury Park, California, USA; London, UK
Chinese Legal Sci. Chinese Legal Science (China Law Society). Beijing, People’s Rep. of China
Chukyo Hogaku Chukyo Hogaku (Chukyo Law Review).Nagoya, Japan
Chula. L. Rev. Chulalongkorn Law Review.Chulalongkorn, Thailand
CILSA The Comparativo and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Pretoria, South Africa
Civ. & Mik L. J. Civil and Military Law Journal. New Delhi, India
Civ. Cattol. La Civilta Cattolica. Rome, Italy
Civis. Civilisations. Brussels, Belgium
Civitas (Madrid) Civitas. Revista Española de Derecho Administrativo. Madrid, Spain
CJPS/RCSP Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue Canadienne de Science Politique. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada CLB Commonwealth Law Bulletin. London, UK
Clev. St. L. Rev. Cleveland State Law Review.Cleveland, Ohio, USA
CML Rev. Common Market Law Review. Dordrecht, Netherlands
Codicillus Codicillus (Faculty of Law - University of South Africa). Pretoria, South Africa
Coexist. Coexistence. Dordrecht, Netherlands
Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy. Niwot, Colorado, USA
Colombo L. Rev. The Colombo Law Review. Colombo, Sri Lanka
Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. Columbia Human Rights Law Review. New York, N.Y, USA
Colum. J. Envtl. L. Columbia Journal of Environmental Law. New York, N.Y., USA
Colum. J. L. & Soc. Probs.' Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. New York, N.Y, USA
Colum. J. Transnat’l L. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Buffalo, N.Y, USA
Colum. L. Rev. Columbia Law Review. New York, NY, USA
Communist & Post-Communist Stud. Communist and Post-Communist Studies. Oxford, UK
Comp. L. Rev. (Nicolaus Copernicus Univ.) Comparative Law Review. Nicolaus Copernicus University. Toruh, Poland
Comp. L. Rev. (Waseda Univ.) Comparative Law Review. Waseda University. Tokyo, Japan
Comp. L. Y.B. Int’l Bus. Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business. London, UK; Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Computer L. J. Computer Law Journal. Los Angeles, California, USA
Común, e Stud. Comunicazioni e Studi (1st it uto di Diritto Internazionale e Straniero della Université di Milano). Milan. Italy
Com unité Internaz. La Com unité Internazionale. Padua, Italy
Cong. Dig. The Congressional Digest. Washington, D.C., USA
Conn. J. Int’l L. Connecticut Journal of International Law. Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Conn. L. Rev. Connecticut Law Review. Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Cons. Stato II Consiglio di State. Rome, Italy
Contemp. Sec. Pol’y Contemporary Security Policy. London, UK
Coop. & Conflict Cooperation and Conflict. Oslo, Norway
Copyright Bull. Copyright Bulletin (UNESCO). Paris, France
Cornell Int’l L. J. Cornell International Law Journal. Ithaca, N.Y, USA
Cornell L. Rev. Cornell Law Review. Ithaca, N.Y, USA
Cour. The Courier. Africa-Carbibbean-Pacific-European Community. Brussels, Belgium
Courr. Pays de l’Est Le Courrier des Pays de l’Est. La Documentation Française. Paris, France
CR Computer und Recht. Cologne, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Creighton L. Rev. Creighton Law Review. Omaha, Nebraska, USA
CSSH Comparative Studies in Society and History. New York, N.Y, USA; Cambridge, UK
CTC Rep. The CTC Reporter. Centre on Transnational Corporations (UN). New York, N.Y, USA
Cuad. del Inst, de Invest. Jur. Cuadernos del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas. Mexico, Mexico
Cumb. L. Rev. Cumberland Law Review. Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Current Hist. Current History. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Current Legal Probs. Current Legal Problems. Oxford, Uk
Curso de Derecho Internac. Curso de Derecho Internacional. Organizado por el Comité Jurídico Interamericano con la Cooperación de la Secretaría General de la OEA. Comité Jurídico Interamericano, Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Washington, D.C., USA
Cursos de Derecho Internac. de Vitoria-Gasteiz
Cursos de Derecho Internacional de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Vitoria-Gasteiz y Caja Provincial de Alava, Spain
Czas. Praw.-Hist. Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne.
Warsaw, Poland
D.S.Jur. Recueil Dalloz Sirey. Paris, France
DA (Cologne) Deutschland Archiv. Zeitschrift für das vereinigte Deutschland. Cologne, Fed. Rep. of Germany
DA (Madrid) Documentación Administrativa. Madrid, Spain
Dalhousie L. 1 The Dalhousie Law Journal. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Dansk Udenrigspolit. Arbog Dansk Udenrigspolitisk
Arbog. Copenhagen, Denmark
Def. Legis Defensor Legis. Helsinki, Finland
Déf. Nat. Défense Nationale. Problèmes Politiques, Economiques, Scientifiques, Militaires. Paris, France
DELPF Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum.
Durham, North Carolina, USA
Democr. e Liberdade Democracia e Liberdade.
Lisboa, Portugal
Den. J. Int’l L & Pol’y Denver Journal of International Law and Policy. Denver, Colorado, USA
Denning L. JL The Denning Law Journal. Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, UK
Dep’t St. Bull. Department of State Bulletin.
Washington, D.C., USA
DePaul L. Rev. DePaul Law Review. Chicago, Illinois, USA
Derecho - Jurispr. Gen. El Derecho - Jurisprudencia General. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Derecho Comparado Derecho Comparado. Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Derecho Comparado.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Det. C. L. Rev. Detroit College of Law Review. Detroit, Michigan, USA
Dev. Dialogue Development Dialogue. Uppsala, Sweden
Dick. J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y Dickinson Journal of Environmental Law & Policy. Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA
Dick. J. Int’l L. Dickinson Journal of International Law.
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dick. L. Rev. Dickinson Law Review. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Direito O Direito. Lisbon, Portugal
Direito e Just. Direito e Justice. Coimbra, Portugal
Diritto Común, e degli Scambi Interna?. Diritto
Comunitario e degli Scambi Internazionali. Milan;
Parma; Naples, Italy
Diritto e Soc. Diritto e Société. Padua, Italy
Diritto Ecclesiastico II Diritto Ecclesiastico. Milan, Italy
Disarmament Disarmament (United Nations). New
York, N.Y., USA
Doc. d’Et. Droit Const. ... Documents d’Etudes. Droit Constitutionnel et Institutions Politiques. Paris, France
Docum. Jur. Documentación Juridica. Madrid, Spain
Documenta Documenta. Berne, Switzerland
DÖD Der öffentliche Dienst. Cologne; Berlin; Bonn;
Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
DÖV Die öffentliche Verwaltung. Stuttgart, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Dok. (Cologne) Dokumente. Zeitschrift für den deutsch-französischen Dialog. Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
DokOst Dokumentation Ostmitteleuropa.
Wissenschaftlicher Dienst für Ostmitteleuropa, N.F., Marburg/Lahn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Dolgozatok Dolgozatok az állam-és jogtudományok kôrébôl. Pécs, Hungary
Donauraum Der Donauraum. Zeitschrift des Institutes für den Donau raum und Mitteleuropa. Vienna, Austria
Doshisha Hogaku Dosh is ha Hogaku (Doshisha Law Review). Kyoto, Japan
Drake L. Rev. Drake Law Review. Des Moines, Iowa, USA
Drejtësia Drejtësia. Revistë e Organeve të Drejtësisë/ La Justice. Revue des Organes de la Justice. Tirana, Albania
DreptuI Dreptul. Uniunea Juriçtilor Democrat! din România. Séria a lll-a. Bucharest, Romania
DRiZ Deutsche Richterzeitung. Cologne; Berlin; Bonn;
Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Droit Bulg. Droit Bulgare. Sofia, Bulgaria
Droit et Soc. Droit et Société. Paris, France
Droit Pol. Contemp. Droit Polonais Contemporain.
Polish Contemporary Law. Wroclaw; Krakow, Poland
Droit Soc. Droit Social. Paris, France
Droits Droits. Revue Française de Théorie Juridique.
Paris, France
DStR Deutsches Steuerrecht. Munich; Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
DSWR Datenverarbeitung - Steuer - Wirtschaft -Recht. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
DtZ Deutsch-Deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift. Munich;
Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
DuD Datenschutz und Datensicherung. Braunschweig; Wiesbaden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Duke J. Comp. & Int’l L. Duke Journal of Comparative
& International Law. Durham, North Carolina, USA
Duke L. J. Duke Law Journal. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Duq. L. Rev. Duquesne Law Review. Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
DVBI Deutsches Verwaitungsblatt. Cologne; Berlin;
Bonn; Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
E + Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit. Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
E. Afr. J. Peace & Hum. Rts. East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights. Kampala, Uganda
E. Afr. L. Rev. Eastern Africa Law Review. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
· E. Eur. Jew. Aff. East European Jewish Affairs.
London, UK
E.L.Rev. European Law Review. London, UK
E.P.L.J. Environmental and Planning Law Journal.
Sefton, New South Wales, Australia
EA Europa-Archiv. Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
EC Tax Rev. EC Tax Review. Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Ecology L. Q. Ecology Law Quarterly. Berkeley, California, ÜSA
ECU European Currency Unit. Brussels, Belgium
Ecumenical Rev. The Ecumenical Review (World Council of Churches). Geneva, Switzerland
EG-Mag. EG-Magazin. Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
EJIL/JEDI European Journal of International Law/ Journal Européen de Droit International. Florence, Italy
Emory Int’l L. Rev. Emory International Law Review. Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Emory L. J. Emory Law Journal. Atlanta, Georgia, USA
EMP Evropské a Mezinârodni Prâvo. Ultrecht, Netherlands
Energy L.J. Energy Law Journal. Washington, D.C., USA
Envtl. L. Environmental Law. Northwestern School of Law of Lewis and Clark College. Portland, Oregon, USA
Envtl. Pol’y & L. Environmental Policy and Law. Lausanne, Switzerland
Ephem. Ephemerides luris Canonici. Rome, Italy Estado & Direito Estado & Direito. Lisbon, Portugal ET European Taxation. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Et. & Doc. Etudes & Documents. Conseil d’Etat. Rapport Public. La Documentation Française. Paris, France
Et. Balkaniques Etudes Balkaniques. Sofia, Bulgaria
Et. Int’l (Laval/Quebec) Etudes internationales. Lavai, Quebec, Canada
Et. Int’l. (Tunis) Etudes internationales. Tunis, Tunisia
Ethics & Int’l AH. Ethics & International Affairs. New
York, N.Y, USA
EuGRZ Europäische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift. Kehl/Rhine, Fed. Rep. of Germany; Strasbourg, France; Arlington, Virginia, USA
EuR Europarecht. Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Eur. Europa. Die europäische Zeitschrift für die Schweiz. Bern, Switzerland
Eur. Envtl. L. Rev. European Environmental Law Review. London, UK
Eur. Ethnica Europa Ethnica. Vienna, Austria
Eur. J. Pol. Res. European Journal of Political Research. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, Massachusetts, USA; London, UK
Eur. Rdsch. Europäische Rundschau. Vienna, Austria
Eur. Transp. L. European Transport Law. Antwerp, Belgium
Eur. Z. Verbraucherrecht Europäische Zeitschrift für Verbraucherrecht. Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Eur.-Asia Stud. Europe-Asia Studies. Glasgow, UK
EurUm Europäische Umwelt. Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
EuZW Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts recht / European Journal of Business Law / Revue Européenne de Droit Economique. Munich; Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
EWS Europäisches Wirtschafts- & Steuerrecht. Betriebs-Berater für Europarecht. Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
· F. L. Rev. Federal Law Review. Canberra, ACT, Australia
FamRZ Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht. Bielefeld, Fed. Rep. of Germany
FAO Plant Prot. Bull. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin / Bulletin Phytosanitaire / Boletín Fitosanitario. Rome, Italy
Faxue Yanjiu Faxue Yanjiu. Beijing, People’s Rep: of China
Fin. & Dev. Finance & Development. Washington, D.C., USA
Finanzarch. Finanzarchiv. Tübingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Fla. Int’l L. J. Florida International Law Journal. Gainesville, Florida, USA
Fla. J. Int’l L. Florida Journal of International Law. Gainesville, Florida, USA
Fla. St. U.L. Rev. Florida State University Law Review. Tallahassee, Florida, USA
Fletcher F. Wld. Aff. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs. Medford, Massachusetts, USA
FNA/ANA Food, Nutrition and Agriculture/ Alimentation, Nutrition et Agriculture/ Alimentación, Nutrición y Agricultura (FAO). Rome, Italy
Fordham Int’l L. J. Fordham International Law Journal.
New York, N.Y, USA
Fordham L. Rev. Fordham Law Review. New York, N.Y, USA
Fordham Urb. L. J. The Fordham Urban Law Journal.
New York, N.Y, USA
Foreign AH. Foreign Affairs. New York, N.Y, USA
Foreign Aff. Rep. Foreign Affairs Reports. New Delhi, India
Foreign Pol’y Foreign Policy. Washington, D.C., USA
Foro Amm. II Foro Amministrativo. Milan, Italy
Foro Internac. Foro Internacional. El Colegio de Mexico. Mexico, Mexico
Foro It. fl Foro Italiano. Rome, Italy
Friedens-Warte Die Friedens-Warte. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
FT Fôrvaltningsrâttslig Tidskrift. Stockholm, Sweden
Fukuoka Fukuoka Daigaku Hogaku Ronshu (Fukuoka University Law Review). Fukuoka, Japan
FYBIL The Finnish Yearbook of International Law. Helsinki, Finland
Ga. J. Int’l & Comp. L. Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law. Athens, Georgia, USA
Ga. L. Rev. Georgia Law Review. Athens, Georgia, USA
Gaz. L. Soc. Upper Can. Gazette. The Law Society of Upper Canada. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Geo. Immigr. L. J. Georgetown Immigration Law
Journal. Washington, D.C., USA
Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. Georgetown International Environmental Law Review. Washington, D.C., USA
Geo. J. Legal Ethics The Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics. Washington, D.C., USA
Geo. L. J. The Georgetown Law Journal. Washington, D.C., USA
Geo. Mason Indep. L. Rev. George Mason
Independent Law Review. New York, N.Y., USA
Geo. Mason L. Rev. George Mason University Law Review. Arlington, Virginia, USA
Geo. Wash. J. Int’l L. & Econ. The George Washington Journal of International Law and Economics.
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Geo. Wash. L. Rev. The George Washington Law Review. Washington, D.C., USA
GewArch Gewerbearchiv. Zeitschrift für Gewerbe- und Wirtschaftsverwaltungsrecht. Alfeid, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Gewissen &. Freiheit Gewissen und Freiheit. Berne, Switzerland
GiP Gosudarstvo i Pravo. Moscow, Russia
Giur. Cost. Giurisprudenza Costituzionale. Milan, Italy
Giur. Itai. Giurisprudenza Italiana. Turin, Italy
Glendale L. Rev. Glendale Law Review. Glendale, California, USA
God. na Pravniot Fak. vo Skopje Godishnik na
Pravniot Fakultet vo Skopje. Annuaire de la Faculté de Droit de Skopje. Skopje, Macedonia
God. Pravnog Fak. Sarajevu Godisnjak. Pravnog
Fakulteta u Sarajevu. Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina
God. Sofijskija Univ. Godisnik na Sofijskija
Universitet. Juridiceski Fakultet. Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia. Faculté de Droit. Sofia, Bulgaria
Golden Gate U.L. Rev. Golden Gate University Law
Review. San Francisco, California, USA
Gonz. L. Rev. Gonzaga Law Review. Spokane, Washington, USA
Gov’t & Oppos. Government and Opposition. London, UK
Grotiana Grotiana. Assen, Netherlands
GRUR Int. Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht. Internationaler Teil. Weinheim/Bergstr., Fed. Rep. of Germany
Guerres Mondiales ... Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains. Paris, France
Guoji Maoyi Guoji Maoyi. Beijing, People’s Rep. of China
Guoji Maoyi Wenti Guoji Maoyi Wenti. Beijing, People’s Rep. of China
Guoji Wenti Yanjiu Guoji Wenti Yanjiu. Beijing, People's Rep. of China
GY IL German Yearbook of International Law. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Hague Y. B. Int’l L. Hague Yearbook of International Law. Annuaire de La Haye de Droit International. Dordrecht, Netherlands
Hamline J. Pub. L. & Pol. Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Hamline L. Rev. Hamline Law Review. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Handai Hogaku Handai Hogaku (Osaka Law Review). Osaka, Japan
Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Harv. Int’l L. J. Harvard International Law Journal. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Harv. J. L. & Pub. Pol’y Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Harv. J. on Legis. Harvard Journal on Legislation.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Harv. L. Rev. Harvard Law Review. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Hastings Const. L. Q. Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly. San Francisco, California, USA
Hastings Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. Hastings International and Comparative Law Review. San Francisco, California, USA
Hastings L. J. The Hastings Law Journal. San Francisco, California, USA
Hawaii Bar J. Hawaii Bar Journal. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Headline Ser. Headline Series. New York, N.Y., USA
Headlines Behind the Headlines. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
HELR The Harvard Environmental Law Review.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Helsinki Monit. Helsinki Monitor (Nederiands Helsinki Comité). Utrecht, Netherlands
High Tech. L. J. High Technology Law Journal.
Berkeley, California, USA
Hikakuho Toyo Hikakuho Toyo. Tokyo, Japan
Hiroshima Heiwa Kagaku Hiroshima Heiwa Kagaku.
Hiroshima, Japan
Hiroshima Hogaku Hiroshima Hogaku. Hiroshima, Japan
Hist. Jb. Historisches Jahrbuch. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Hitotsubashi Hogaku Hitotsubashi Hogaku. Tokyo, Japan
Hitotsubashi J. L. & Polit. Hitotsubashi Journal of Law
& Politics. Kunitachi, Tokyo, Japan
Hitotsubashi Ronso Hitotsubashi Ronso. Tokyo, Japan HKLJ Hong Kong Law Journal. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Ho Gakkai Zasshi Ho Gakkai Zasshi (The Journal of the Association of Law). Okayama, Japan
Ho to Seiji Ho to Seiji (Kansaigakuin University).
Nishinomiya, Hyogo, Japan
Hofstra L. Rev. Hofstra Law Review. Hempstead, N.Y., USA *
Hogaku (Sendai) Hogaku. (Tohoku Journal of Law and Political Science). Sendai, Japan
Hogaku Kenkyu Hogaku Kenkyu (Journal of Law, Politics and Sociology). Tokyo, Japan
Hogaku Kenkyu (Hitotsubashi University) Hogaku Kenkyu. Tokyo, Japan
Hogaku Kyokai Zassi Hogaku Kyokai Zassi (Journal of the Jurisprudence Association). Tokyo, Japan
Hogaku Ronso Hogaku Ronso (Kyoto Law Review). Kyoto, Japan
Hogaku Seijigaku Ronkyu Hogaku Seijigaku Ronkyu.
Journal of Law and Political Studies. Keio University. Tokyo, Japan
Hogaku Shimpo Hogaku Shimpo (Chuo University Law Review). Tokyo, Japan
Hokkai Gakuen Daigaku ... Hokkai Gakuen Daigaku Hogaku Kenkyu. Sapporo, Japan
Hokudai Hokudai Hogaku Ronshu. Sapporo, Japan
Horitsu Jiho Horitsu Ji ho. Tokyo, Japan
Horitsu Ronso Horitsu Ronso (Meiji Law Review).
Tokyo, Japan
Hosei Kenkyu Hosei Kenkyu (Kyushu Journal of Law and Politics). Fukuoka, Japan
Hous. J. Int’l L. Houston Journal of International Law.
Houston, Texas, USA
Hous. L. Rev. Houston Law Review. Houston, Texas, USA
How. L. J. Howard Law Journal. Washington, D.C., USA
HRIR Hellenic Review of International Relations.
Thessaloniki, Greece
HRLJ Human Rights Law Journal. Kehl/Rhine, Fed. Rep. of Germany; Strasbourg, France; Arlington, Virginia, USA
Hum Rts. in Dev. Countries Y.B. Human Rights in Developing Countries Yearbook. Deventer, Netherlands
Hum. Rts. Q. Human Rights Quarterly. Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Hum. Rts.Teaching Human Rights Teaching (UNESCO). Paris, France
HuV - I Humanitäres Völkerrecht - Informationsschrift. Generaisekretariat des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, Bonn; Institut für Friedenssicherungsrecht und Humanitäres Völkerrecht (IFHV), Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Bochum, Fed. Rep. of Germany
HZ Historische Zeitschrift. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
I & NL & P Tolley's Immigration and Nationality Law & Practice. London, UK
I.J.I.L. Indian Journal of International Law. New Delhi, India
IAEA Bull. International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin. Vienna, Austria
IASF Internationales Asienförum. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
IBRU Boundary & Sec. Bull. International Boundaries Research Unit. Boundary and Security Bulletin.
Durham, UK
ICAO J. International Civil Aviation Organization. ICAO Journal. Official Magazine of International Civil Aviation. Thousand Oaks, California, USA
ICC Int’l Ct. Arb. Bull. The International Chamber of Commerce International Court of Arbitration Bulletin. Paris, France
ICJ Rev. The Review. International Commission of Jurists. Geneva, Switzerland
ICLQ International and Comparative Law Quarterly.
London, UK
ICSID Rev. - Foreign Invest. L. J. ICSID Review -Foreign Investment Law Journal. (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes). Washington, D.C., USA
Idaho L. Rev. Idaho Law Review. Moscow, Idaho, USA IJLI International Journal of Legal Information.
Washington, D.C., USA
IJRL International Journal of Refugee Law. Oxford, UK ILA Rep. The International Law Association. Report of the ... Conference held at ... . London, UK
IL J The Industrial Law Journal. London, UK
ILSA J. Int’l & Comp. L. ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law (International Law Students Association). Buffalo, N.Y. USA
ILSA J. Int’l L. ILSA Journal of International Law (International Law Students Association).
Washington, D.C., USA
ILT The Irish Law Times. Dublin, Ireland
Im. & Nat. L. Rev. Immigration and Nationality Law Review. London, UK
IMO News IMO News. The Magazine of the International Maritime Organization. London, UK
Impact of Sci. on Soc’y Impact of Science on Society (UNESCO). London, UK
IMS Newsl. IMS Newsletter. International Marine Science (UNESCO). Paris, France
Ind. Int’l & Comp. I. Rev. Indiana International & Comparative Law Review. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Ind. L. J. Indiana Law Journal. Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Ind. L. Rev. Indiana Law Review. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
India Q. India Quarterly. New Delhi, India
Indian J. Pub. Admin. The Indian Journal of Public Administration. New Delhi, India
Indian Pol. Sci. Rev. The Indian Political Science Review. New Delhi, India
Indo-Asia Indo-Asia. Sachsenheim-Hohenhaslach, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Indus. & Env’t Industry and Environment (UNEP).
Paris, France
INF Information uber Steuer und Wirtschaft. Freiburg/Breisgau, Fed. Rep. of Germany
InfAusIR Informationsbrief Auslanderrecht. Neuwied, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Info. Const, et Parlement. informations Constitutionelles et Parlementaires. Geneva, Switzerland
Int’l Aff. (London) International Affairs. London, UK
Int’l Aff. (Moscow) International Affairs. Moscow, Russia
Int’l Aff. Bull. International Affairs Bulletin.
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa
Int’l Afr.-F. Internationales Afrika-Forum. Munich. Fed. Rep. of Germany
Int’l Geneva Y.B. International Geneva Yearbook. Organization and Activities of International Institutions in Geneva. Berne, Switzerland; Berlin; Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany; New York, USA; Paris, France; Wien, Austria
Int’l J. (Toronto) International Journal. Canadian Institute of International Affairs. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Int’l J. Children’s Rts. The International Journal of Children’s Rights. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, Massachusetts, USA; London, UK
Int’l J. Cult. Prop. International Journal of Cultural Property. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany; New York, N.Y., USA
Int’l J. Groups Rts. International Journal on Group Rights. Deventer [etal.], Netherlands
Int’l Law. The International Lawyer. Chicago, Illinois, USA
Int’l Peacekeeping International Peacekeeping. Dordrecht, Netherlands
Int’l Pol. Internationale Politik. Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Int’l Probs. (Tel Aviv) International Problems. Society & Politics. The Journal of the Israel Association of Graduates in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Tel Aviv, Israel
Int’l Rei. International Relations. The Journal of the David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies. London, UK
Int’l Rev. f. soz. Sicherh. Internationale Revue fur soziale Sicherheit. Geneva, Switzerland
Int’l Rev. Soc. Hist. International Review of Social History. Assen, Netherlands
Int’l Soc. Sci. J. International Social Science Journal (UNESCO). Paris, France
Int’l Spectator (’s-Gravenhage) Internationale Spectator. The Hague, Netherlands
Int’l Spectator (Rome) The International Spectator.
Rome, Italy
Int’l Stud. (Beijing) International Studies. Beijing, People’s Rep. of China
Int’l Stud. (New Delhi) International Studies. New Delhi, India; Newbury Park, California, USA; London, UK
Int’l Tax J. The International Tax Journal Greenvale, N.Y, USA
Int’l Trade F. International Trade Forum. Geneva, Switzerland
Int’l Trade J. International Trade Journal. Peking, People’s Rep. of China
Int. J. Comp. L.L.I.R. The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations. Deventer, Netherlands; Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Integr. Integration. Beilage zur ’’Europäischen Zeitung”. Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Integr. Latinoam. Integración Latinoamericana.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Interfax Interfax. European Tax Review. Deventer, Netherlands; Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
IO International Organization. World Peace Foundation. Cambridge. Massachusetts, USA
Iowa L. Rev. Iowa Law Review. Iowa City, Iowa, USA
IP Die Internationale Politik. Jahrbücher der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik. Munich, Fed.
Rep. of Germany
IP Rax Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts. Bielefeld, Fed. R. of Germany
IPSR / RISP International Political Science Review / Revue Internationale de Science Politique. Oxford, UK
IPW-Ber. IPW-Berichte. Internationale Politik & Wirtschaft. Hamburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
IQ The Indonesian Quarterly. Djakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Ir. J. Eur. L. Irish Journal of European Law. Dublin, Ireland
Ir. Jur. The Irish Jurist. Dublin, Ireland
lr. Stud. Int’l Aff. Irish Studies in International Affairs.
Dublin, Ireland
IRLJ Industrial Relations Law Journal. Berkeley, California, USA
Is. L. R. Israel Law Review. Jerusalem, Israel
Isr. Y.B. Israel Yearbook and Almanac. Jerusalem, Israel
Isr. Y.B. Hum. Rts. Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. Tel Aviv, Israel
Issues & Stud. Issues and Studies. A Journal of China £
Studies and International Affairs. Taipei, Taiwan, Rep. of China
Itai, e I’Eur. L’ltalia e I’Europa. Rome, Italy
Itai. Y.B. Int’l L. Italian Yearbook of International Law.
Naples, Italy
J. Afr. Hist. The Journal of African History. London, UK
JL Air L. & Com. Journal of Air Law and Commerce. Dallas, Texas, USA
J. Asian Stud. The Journal of Asian Studies. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
J. C. & Ú. L. The Journal of College and University Law. Washington, D.C., USA
J. Common Mkt. Stud. Journal of Common Market Studies. Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
J. Commonw. & Comp. Pol. The Journal of
Commonwealth & Comparative Politics. London, UK
J. Conflict Resolut. The Journal of Conflict Resolution. Beverly Hills, California, USA
J. Const. & Parliament. Stud. Journal of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies. New Delhi, India
J. Contemp. Hist. Journal of Contemporary History. London, UK; Newbury Park, California, USA; New Delhi, India
· j. Contemp. L. Journal of Contemporary Law. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
J. Dev. Planning Journal of Development Planning (United Nations). New York, N.Y., USA
J. Dev. Stud. The Journal of Development Studies. London, UK
J. Droit Fiscal Journal de Droit Fiscal. Brussels, Belgium
J. Energy & Nat. Resources L. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law. London, UK
JI Envtl. L. Journal of Environmental Law. London, UK
JI Imp. & Commonw. Hist. The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. London, UK
J. Indian L. Inst. Journal of the Indian Law Institute.
New Delhi, India
J. Inf I Aft. Journal of International Affairs. New York, N.Y, USA
J. Int. Arb. Journal of International Arbitration. Geneva, Switzerland
J. Interam. Stud. & Wld. Aft. Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs. Coral Gables, Florida, USA
JL L. & Econ. The Journal of Law and Economics. Chicago, Illinois, USA
J. L- & Educ. Journal of Law & Education. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
J. L. & Soc. Journal of Law and Society. Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
J. L. Soc. of Scot I. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland. Edinburgh; London, UK
· 1 Legal Educ. Journal of Legal Education. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
J. Legal Pluralism Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Littleton, Colorado, USA
J. Legis. Journal of Legislation. University of Notre Dame Law School. Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
J. Mar. L. & Com. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. The John Marshall Journal of Computer & Information Law. Chicago, Illinois, USA
J. Marshall L. Rev. The John Marshall Law Review.
Chicago, Illinois, USA
JI Min. L. & Pol’y Journal of Mineral Law & Policy. Lexington, Kentucky, USA
J. Mod. Hist. The Journal of Modern History. Chicago, Illinois, USA
J. Nat. Resources & Envtl. L. Journal of Natural Resources & Environmental Law. Lexington, Kentucky, USA
J. Palest. Stud. Journal of Palestine Studies. A
Quarterly on Palestinian Affairs and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Berkeley, California, USA
J. Peking U. Journal of Peking University. Peking, People's Rep. of China
J. Pol. The Journal of Politics. Austin, Texas, USA
J. Police Sci. & Adm. Journal of Police Science and Administration. Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
J. Soc. Legis. Comp. Journées de la Société de Législation Comparée. (Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé, No. Special). Paris, France
J. Space L. Journal of Space Law. University, Mississippi, USA
J. Strategic Stud. The Journal of Strategic Studies. London, UK
JI Sun Yatsen U. - Soc. Sci. Ed. Journal of Sun Yatsen University - Social Science Edition. Canton, People’s Rep. of China
J. Transnat’l L. & Pol’y Journal of Transnational Law & Policy. Tallahassee, Florida, USA
J.A.L. Journal of African Law. London, UK
J.B.L. The Journal of Business Law. London, UK
J.C.P., Ed. G La Semaine Juridique. Juris-Classeur périodique, Ed. G. Paris, France
J.D.I. Journal du Droit International. Paris, France
J.E.L.P. Journal of Environmental Law and Practice.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
J.M.A.S. The Journal of Modem African Studies.
Cambridge, UK
J.R. The Juridical Review. Edinburgh, UK
J.T. Journal des Tribunaux. Brussels, Belgium
J.T. Droit Eur. Journal des Tribunaux Droit Européen.
Brussels, Belgium
J.T.T. Journal des Tribunaux du Travail. Brussels, Belgium
J.W.T. Journal of World Trade. Geneva, Switzerland
JA Juristische Arbeitsblätter. Neuwied, Fed. Rep. of Germany
JAAS Journal of Asian and African Studies. Leiden, Netherlands
Jap. Ann. of Infi L. The Japanese Annual of International Law. Tokyo, Japan
Jb. Air. Recht Jahrbuch für Afrikanisches Recht. Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Jb. Dipl. Akad. WienJahrbuch der Diplomatischen Akademie Wien. Vienna, Austria
Jb. Dritte Welt Jahrbuch Dritte Welt. (Beck’sche Reihe). Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Jb. Eur. Integration Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration. Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Jb. Prax. Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit Jahrbuch für die Praxis der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit. Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Jb. Soz.-Recht Gegenw. Jahrbuch des Sozialrechts der Gegenwart. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Jb. Sozialwiss. Jahrbuch für Sozi al Wissenschaft.
Göttingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Jb. Staats- u. Verwaltungswiss. Jahrbuch zur Staats -und Verwaltungswissenschaft. Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Jb. UTR Jahrbuch des Umwelt- und Technikrechts. Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
JBI Juristische Blätter. Vienna, Austria; New York, N.Y., USA
JbLA Jahrbuch für Geschichte von Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas. Cologne, Weimar, Fed. Rep. of Germany; Vienna, Austria
JCS Journal of Church and State. Waco, Texas, USA
Jerus. J. Infi Rei. The Jerusalem Journal of
International Relations. Baltimore, Maryland, USA Jerus. Q. The Jerusalem Quarterly. Jerusalem, Israel JFT Tidskrift. Utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i
Finland. Helsingfors, Finland
JITE Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staats Wissenschaft. Tübingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany JLA The Jewish Law Annual. Chur, Switzerland;
London, UK; Paris, France; New York, N.Y., USA;
Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
JLS The Journal of Legal Studies. Chicago, Illinois, USA
Jochi Jochi Hogaku Ronshu. Tokyo, Japan
JöR Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, Neue Folge. Tübingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Jog. Közlöny Jogtudomänyi Közlöny. Budapest, Hungary
JOR Jahrbuch für Ostrecht. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
JPL Journal of Planning and Environment Law. London, UK
JPR Journal of Peace Research. Oslo, Norway
JR Juristische Rundschau. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany; New York, USA
JRMP Jugoslovenska Revija za Medunarodno Pravo.
Belgrade, Serbia
Jura Jura. Juristische Ausbildung. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany; New York, N.Y., USA
Jurist The Jurist. Studies in Church Law and Ministry.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Jurist (Tokyo) Jurist. Tokyo, Japan
JuS Juristische Schulung. Munich; Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Jus (La Plata) Jus. Revista Jurídica. La Plata, Argentina
Jus (Milan) Jus. Rivista di Scienze Giuridiche. Milan, Italy
Jus Gentium Jus Gentium. Diritto delle Relazioni Internazionali. Rome, Italy
Jussens Venner Jussens Venner. Oslo, Norway
Just, of the Peace Justice of the Peace & Local
Government Law. Little London, Chichester, UK JZ Juristenzeitung. Tübingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany K.C.L.J. The King’s College Law Journal. London, UK Kagawa L. Rev. Kagawa Law Review. Takamatsu,
Kanagawa Hogaku Kanagawa Hogaku. Yokohama, Japan
Kanagawadaigaku Hogaku Kenkyunempo
Kanagawadaigaku Hogaku Kenkyunempo.
Yokohama, Japan
Kanazawa Kanazawadaigaku Hobungakubu Ronshu.
Kanazawa, Japan
Kanazawa Hogaku Kanazawa Hogaku (Kanazawa University). Kanazawa, Japan
Kansai Kansaidaigaku Hogaku Ronshu. Suita, Osaka, Japan
Kansai U. Rev. of L. & Pol. Kansai University Review of Law and Politics. Osaka, Japan
Keio L. Rev. Keio Law Review. Tokyo, Japan
KGZ Kokusaiho Gaiko Zassi (The Journal of
International Law and Diplomacy). Tokyo, Japan Kindai Hogaku Kindai Hogaku. Higashiosaka, Japan Kitakyushu Kitakyushudaigaku Hosei Ronshu.
Kitakyusha, Japan
KJ Kritische Justiz. Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Kobe Kobe Hogaku Zassi (Kobe Law Review). Kobe, Japan
Kobe U. L. Rev. Kobe University Law Review. Kobe, Japan
KOIG Kansainoikeus lus Gentium. Helsinki, Finland Kokka Gakkai Zassi Kokka Gakkai Zassi. Tokyo, Japan Kokugakuin Hogaku Kokugakuin Hogaku (Kokugakuin
Law Review). Tokyo, Japan
Komazawa Komazawadaigaku Hogaku Ronshu. Tokyo, Japan
Konan Hogaku Konan Hogaku (Konan Law Review).
Kobe, Japan
Korea & Wld. Aff. Korea & World Affairs. Seoul, Korea
Korean J. Int’l L. Korean Journal of International Law.
Seoul, Korea
Kraje Soc. Kraje Socjalistyczne. Warsaw, Poland
KritV Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung
Rechtswissenschaft. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Kumamoto Hogaku Kumamoto Hogaku (Kumamoto University). Kumamoto, Japan
Ky. L.J. Kentucky Law Journal. Lexington, Kentucky USA
Kyklos Kyklos. Internationale Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften. Basel, Switzerland
Kyudai Hogaku Kyudai Hogaku (Kyushu University).
Fukuoka, Japan
KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und
Sozialpsychologie. Cologne, Fed. Rep. of Germany L. & Anthropol. Law & Anthropology. Vienna, Austria L. & Inequality Law & Inequality. A Journal of Theory and Practice. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
L. & Pol’y Law & Policy. Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
L. & Pol’y Int’l Bus. Law and Policy in International’ Business. Washington, D.C., USA
L. & Soc. Rev. Law & Society Review. The Journal of the Law and Society Association. Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
L. in E. Eur. Law in Eastern Europe. Leiden, Netherlands
L. in Jap. Law in Japan. Tokyo, Japan
L. Libr. J. Law Library Journal. Chicago, Illinois, USA
L. Soc. Gaz. The Law Society’s Gazette I The Law
Society’s Guardian Gazette. London, UK
L. Tchr. The Law Teacher. The International Journal of
Legal Education. London, UK
L.I.J. Law Institute Journal. The Official Journal of the Law Institute of Victoria. Melbourne, Australia
L.Q. Law Quarterly. Journal of the Indian Law Institute - West Bengal State Unit. Calcutta, India
L.Q.R. The Law Quarterly Review. London, UK
La. L. Rev. Louisiana Law Review. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Lab. & Soc. Labour and Society. Geneva, Switzerland Land & Water L. Rev. Land and Water Law Review.
Laramie, Wyoming, USA
Land Reform Land Reform. Land Settlement and
Cooperatives (FAO). Rome, Italy
Law & Contemp. Probs. Law and Contemporary
Problems. Durham, North Carolina, USA
Leg. Ref. Serv. Q. Legal References Services
Quarterly. New York, N.Y, USA
Legis. Stud. Q. Legislative Studies Quarterly. Iowa City, Iowa, USA
Leviathan Leviathan. Zeitschrift für
Sozialwissenschaften. Düsseldorf, Fed. Rep. of
Ley La Ley. Revista Jurídica Argentina. Buenos Aires, Argentina
LGS Local Government Studies. London, UK
LIEI Legal Issues of European Integration. Deventer, Netherlands
Lincoln L. Rev. Lincoln Law Review. San Francisco;
San José, California, USA
Liverpool L. Rev. The Liverpool Law Review.
Liverpool, UK
LJIL Leiden Journal of International Law. Leiden, Netherlands
LJZ Liechtensteinische Juristen-Zeitung. Vaduz, Liechtenstein
LKV Landes- und Kommunalverwaltung.
Verwaltungsrechts- Zeitschrift für die Länder Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen. Munich; Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
LoR Lov og Rett. Norsk Juridisk Tidsskrift. Oslo, Norway
Loy. L. A. Int’l & Comp. L. Ann. Loyola of Los Angeles
International and Comparative Law Annual. Los
Angeles, California, USA
Loy. L. A. Int’l & Comp. L. J. Loyola of Los Angeles
International and Comparative Law Journal. Los
Angeles, California, USA
Loy. L. A. L. Rev. Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review.
Los Angeles, California, USA
Loy. L. Rev. Loyola Law Review. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Loy. U. Chi. L. J. Loyola University Chicago Law
Journal. Chicago, Illinois, USA
LPLP Language Problems and Language Planning. Amsterdam, Netherlands
LS Legal Studies. Borough Green, Sevenoaks, Kent, UK
LyE Lecciones y Ensayos. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina
M & R Mennesker & Rettigheter I Nordisk Tidsskrift om Menneskerettigheter. Oslo, Norway
M en R Milieu en Recht Zwolle, Netherlands
M.L.R. The Modern Law Review. Oxford, UK;
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Man. L. J. Manitoba Law Journal. Revue de Droit Manitobain. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Mar. Pol’y Marine Policy. The International Journal of Ocean Affairs. Oxford, UK
Mar. Pol’y Rep. Marine Policy Reports. New York, N.Y; Washington, D.C., USA; London, UK
Marit. Pol. Mgmt. Maritime Policy and Management.
London, UK; Washington, D.C., USA
Marq. L. Rev. Marquette Law Review. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Mater. Pol. Bildung Materialien zur Politischen Bildung. Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Mater. Stor. Cult. Giurid. Material! per una S tori a della Cultura Giuridica. Bologna, Italy
McGill L.J./R.D. McGill McGill Law Journal I Revue de Droit de McGill. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Md. J. Int’l L. & Trade Maryland Journal of
International Law and Trade. Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Md. L. Rev. Maryland Law Review. Baltimore, Maryland, USA
MDR Monatsschrift für Deutsches Recht. Cologne, Fed.
Rep. of Germany
Me. L. Rev. Maine Law Review. Portland, Maine, USA
Meded. v. d. Nederl. Veren, v. Int’l Recht
Mededelingen van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor
Internationaal Recht. Deventer, Netherlands
Media L. & Prac. Tolley’s Journal of Media Law and Practice. Croydon, Surrey, UK
Media Persp. Media Perspektiven. Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Meiji Gakuin Daigaku Meiji Gakuin Daigaku Hogaku Kenkyu. Tokyo, Japan
Meiji Gakuin Ronso Meiji Gakuin Ronso (Meiji Gakuin Law Review). Tokyo, Japan
Meiji Gakuin Ronso Hogaku Kenkyu Meiji Gakuin
Ronso Hogaku Kenkyu. Tokyo, Japan
Meijo Hogaku Meijo Hogaku. Magoya, Japan
Meijo Hogaku Ronshu Meijo Hogaku Ronshu. Magoya, Japan
Melanesian L.J. Melanesian Law Journal. North Ryde, New South Wales, Australia
Mem. St. U. L. Rev. Memphis State University Law Review. Memphis, Tennessee, USA
MEMO Mirovaya Ekonomika i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya Moscow, Russia
Mercer L. Rev. Mercer Law Review^. Macon, Georgia, USA
Mezdunarod. Otnos. Mezdunarodny Otnoseniya.
International Relations Journal. Sofia, Bulgaria
Mezin. Vztahy Mezinarodni Vztahy. Prague, Czech Rep.
Mich. J. Int’l L. Michigan Journal of International Law.
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Mich. L. Rev. Michigan Law Review. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Middle E. J. The Middle East Journal. Washington,
Middle E. Pol’y Middle East Policy. Buffalo, N.Y., USA
Middle E. Rev. Middle East Review. New York, N.Y., USA
Middle E. Stud. Middle Eastern Studies. London, UK Mil. L. Rev. Military Law Review. Washington, D.C., USA
Mill. Mün. Türk Yill. Milletlerarasi Münasebetfer Turk Yilligi. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations. Ankara, Turkey
Minn. J. Global Trade Minnesota Journal of Global Trade. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Minn. L. Rev. Minnesota Law Review. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Miss. C. L. Rev. Mississippi College Law Review.
Jackson, Mississippi, USA
Miss. L. J. Mississippi Law Journal. Jackson, Mississippi, USA
Mitt. Ges. Rechtsvgl. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung. Freiburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
MJ (Antwerp) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law. Antwerp, Belgium; Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
MJ (Budapest) Magyar Jog. A Magyar Jogâsz Egylet Folyoirata. Budapest, Hungary
MK Magyar Közigazgatas. Budapest, Hungary
MLJ The Malayan Law Journal. Singapore, Rep. of Singapore
Mo. L. Rev. Missouri Law Review. Columbia, Missouri, USA
Mod. Asian Stud. Modern Asian Studies. Cambridge, UK; New York, N.Y, USA
Mon. L. R. Monash University Law Review. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Monde Arabe. Maghreb... Monde Arabe. Maghreb-Machrek. La Documentation Française. Paris, France
Mont. L. Rev. Montana Law Review. Missoula, Montana, USA
MP Medunarodni Problemi. Belgrade, Serbia
MR Migranten recht. Utrecht, Netherlands
MRT Militair Rechtelijk Tijdschrift. The Hague, Netherlands
MZMP / MJIL Moskowskij Zhurnal Mezhdunarodnogo Prava / Moscow Journal of International Law.
Moscow, Russia
N. Res. J. Natural Resources Journal. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
N.C. Cent. L. J. North Carolina Central Law Journal.
Durham, North Carolina, USA
N.C. J. Int’l L. & Com. Reg. North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
N.C. L. Rev. The North Carolina Law Review. Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
N.D. L. Rev. North Dakota Law Review. Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA
N.LL.Q. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly. Belfast, UK
N.lll. U. L. Rev. Northern Illinois University Law
Review. Buffalo, N.Y, USA
N.Ky. L. Rev. Northern Kentucky Law Review.
Highland Heights, Kentucky, USA
N.M.L. Rev. New Mexico Law Review. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
N.Y. L. Sch. J. Int’l & Comp. L. New York Law School Journal of International and Comparative Law. New York, N.Y., USA
N.Y. L. Sch. L. Rev. New York Law School Law Review.
New York, N.Y., USA
N.Y. U. J. Int’l L. & Pol. New York University Journal of International Law and Politics. New York, NY, USA
N.Y. U. L. Rev. New York University Law Review. New York, N.Y, USA
N.Y. U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change New York University Review of Law and Social Change. New York, N.Y., USA
N.Y.L.S. J. Hum. Rts. New York Law School Journal of Human Rights. New York, N.Y, USA
Nagoya Nagoyadaigaku Hosei Ronshu (Journal of Law and Political Science). Nagoya, Japan
Nat’l Taiwan U. L. J. The National Taiwan University Law Journal. Taipei, Taiwan, Rep. of China
Nat & Resources Nature and Resources (UNESCO). Paris, France
Nat. Res. F. Natural Resources Forum. A United Nations Journal. Oxford, UK
Nav. L. Rev. Naval Law Review. Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Neb. L. Rev. Nebraska Law Review. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
New Engl. L. Rev. New England Law Review. Boston, Massachusetts, USA
New Eur. L. Rev. New Europe Law Review. New York, N.Y, USA
Nieuw. Eur. Nieuw Europa. Den Haag, Netherlands Nigerian F. Nigerian Forum. Lagos, Nigeria
Nigerian J. I nt’I Aff. Nigerian Journal of International Affairs. Lagos, Nigeria
Nihon Daigaku Nihon Daigaku (Studies in International Relations). Tokyo, Japan
Nihon Hogaku Nihon Hogaku (Nihon Journal of Law and Politics). Tokyo, Japan
NILR Netherlands International Law Review. Leiden, Netherlands
NJ Neue Justiz. Zeitschrift für Rechtsetzung und Rechtsanwendung. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
NJB Nederlands Juristenblad. Zwolle, Netherlands NJCL National Journal of Constitutional Law Z Revue Nationale de Droit Constitutionnel. Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
NJCM-Bull. Nederiands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten. Nederlands Juristen Comite voor de Mensenrechten. TMC Asser Instituut. 's-Gravenhage, Netherlands
NJW Neue Juristische Wochenschrift. Munich; Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
NJW-CoR Neue Juristische Wochenschrift-Computerreport. Munich; Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
NK Nordisk Kontakt. Stockholm, Sweden
NLJ New Law Journal. London, UK
Nomos (New York) Nomos. Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy. New York, N.Y, USA
Nomos (Rome) Nomos - Le Attualitá nel Diritto. Rome, Italy
Nord. Adm. Tidsskr. Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift. Copenhagen, Denmark
Nord. J. Int’l L. Nordic Journal of International Law. Copenhagen, Denmark
Normas Legal. Normas Legales. Revista de Legislación y Jurisprudencia. Trujillo, Peru
Norsk Rt. Norsk Retstidende. Oslo, Norway
Norsk Utenrikspolit. Árbok Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Arbok. Oslo, Norway
Notre Dame L. Rev. The Notre Dame Law Review.
Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
NP Nowe Pravo. Warsaw, Poland
NPI Revue de la Navigation. Ports & Industries. Strasbourg, France
NPL Neue politische Literatur. Wiesbaden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
NQHR Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights. Deventer, Netherlands
NStZ Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht. Munich; Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
NTB Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht. Zwolle, Netherlands
NuR Natur und Recht. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
NV Notfall vorsorge. Zeitschrift für
Katastrophenvorbeugung und Gefahrenabwehr.
Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
NVwZ Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht. Munich;
Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Nw. J. Int’l L. & Bus. Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. Chicago, Illinois, USA
Nw. U. L. Rev. Northwestern University Law Review.
Chicago, Illinois, USA
NYIL Netherlands Yearbook of International Law.
Dordrecht, Netherlands
NZ Nasa Zakonitost. Zagreb, Croatia
NZ Extern. Rei. Rev. New Zealand External Relations
Review. Wellington, New Zealand
NZA Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht. Munich;
Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
NZLJ The New Zealand Law Journal. Wellington, New Zealand
NZS Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialrecht. Munich;
Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
NZULR New Zealand Universities Law Review.
Wellington, New Zealand
NZV Neue Zeitschrift für Verkehrsrecht. Munich;
Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
NZWehrr Neue Zeitschrift für Wehrrecht. Neuwied,
Fed. Rep. of Germany
Objective Just. Objective Justice. New York, N.Y, USA
Ocean & Coastal L. J. Ocean and Coastal Law
Journal. Portland, Maine, USA
Ocean & Coastal Mgmt. Ocean & Coastal
Management. Barking, Essex, UK
Ocean Y.B. Ocean Yearbook. Chicago, Illinois, USA;
London, UK
ODILA Ocean Development and International Law. The Journal of Marine Affairs. Washington, D.C.;
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; London, UK
ÖJb Österreichisches Jahrbuch. Vienna, Austria ÖJZ Österreichische Juristen-Zeitung. Vienna, Austria ÖOH Österreichische Osthefte. Vienna, Austria ÖRZ Österreichische Richterzeitung. Vienna, Austria Österr. Arch. f. Kirchenrecht österreiches Archiv für
Kirchenrecht. Vienna, Austria
Österr. Jb. f. Pol. Österreichisches Jahrbuch für
Politik. Vienna, Austria
Österr. Jb. Int’l Pol. Österreichisches Jahrbuch für
Internationale Politik. Vienna, Austria; Cologne, Fed.
Rep. of Germany
ÖStZ österreichische Steuer-Zeitung. Vienna, Austria ÖZP Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft.
Vienna, Austria
ÖZW Österreichische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht.
Vienna, Austria
Ohio N.U.L. Rev. Ohio Northern University Law Review. Ada, Ohio, USA
Ohio St. L. J. Ohio State Law Journal. Columbus, Ohio, USA
Okayama Okayamadaigaku Hogakkai Zassi. Okayama, Japan
Okinawa Hogaku Okinawa Hogaku. Okinawa, Japan Okla. City U. L. Rev. Oklahoma City University Law
Review. Oklahoma City. Oklahoma, USA
Okla. L. Rev. Oklahoma Law Review. Norman,
Oklahoma, USA
Or. L. Rev. Oregon Law Review. Eugene, Oregon, USA Orbis Orbis. A Journal of World Affairs. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
ORDO ORDO. Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Stuttgart; Jena, Fed. Rep. of Germany; New York, N.Y, USA
Orient Orient. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Orient
Instituts. Opladen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Oriente Mod. Oriente Moderno. Rome, Italy
Osaka U. L. Rev. Osaka University Law Review.
Osaka, Japan
Osgoode Hall L. J. Osgoode Hall Law Journal.
Downsview, Ontario, Canada
Osteur. Osteuropa. Zeitschrift für Gegenwartsfragen des Ostens. Stuttgart, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Osteur.-Recht Osteuropa-Recht. Stuttgart, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Osteur.-Wirtsch. Osteuropa-Wirtschaft. Stuttgart, Fed.
Rep. of Germany
Otago L. Rev. Otago Law Review. Dunedin, New Zealand
Ottawa L. Rev. Ottawa Law Review / Revue de Droit d’Ottawa. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Oxford J. Legal Stud. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies.
Oxford, UK
P.L. Public Law. The Constitutional and Administrative Law of the Commonwealth. Incorporating the British Journal of Administrative Law. London, UK
P.P.L.R. Public Procurement Law Review. Reading, UK
PA Planning and Administration. The Hague, Netherlands
Pac. Aff. Pacific Affairs. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Pac. L. J. Pacific Law Journal. Sacramento, California, USA
Pace Envtl. L. Rev. Pace Environmental Law Review.
White Plains, New York, USA
Pace Int’l L. Rev. Pace International Law Review.
White Plains, N.Y, USA
Pace L. Rev. Pace Law Review. White Plains, New
York, USA
Pace Y.B. Int’l L. Pace Yearbook of International Law.
White Plains, New York, USA
Pace, Diritti dell’Uomo... Pace, Diritti dell’Uomo, Diritti dei Popoli. Milan, Italy
Pal. Y.B. Int’l. L. The Palestine Yearbook of International Law. Nicosia, Cyprus
Palestra Palestra (Pismo Adwokatury Polskiej).
Warsaw, Poland
PAQ Public Administration Quarterly. Montgomery, Alabama, USA
PAR Public Administration Review. Washington, D.C., USA
Parker Sch. J. E. Eur. L. Parker School Journal of East
European Law. New York, N.Y, USA
Pari. The Parlamentarían. London, UK
Pari. Aff. Parliamentary Affairs. A Journal of Comparative Politics. London, UK
Peace & Sei. Peace and the Sciences. International Institute for Peace (IPP). Vienna, Austria
Penant Penant. Revue de Droit des Pays d’Afrique. Le
Vésinet, France
Peoples for Hum. Rts. Peoples for Human Rights.
International Movement Against All Form of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR). Tokyo, Japan
Pepperdine L. Rev. Pepperdine Law Review. Anaheim, California, USA
Persona y Derecho Persona y Derecho. Navarra, Spain
Philippine J. Pub. Adm. Philippine Journal of Public
Administration. Manila, Philippines
Philippine L. J. Philippine Law Journal. Quezon City, Philippines
Philippine Y.B. Int’l L. Philippine Yearbook of
International Law. Manila, Philippines
PiP Pañstwo i Prawo. Polska Akademia Nauk Instytut Nauk Prawnych. Warsaw, Poland
PLR Public Law Review. North Ryde, New South
Wales, Australia
Pol’y & Pol. Policy and Politics. Bristol, UK
Pol. & Kult. Politik und Kultur. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Pol. Afr. Politique Africaine. Paris, France
Pol. Etr. Politique Etrangère. Paris, France
Pol. Q. The Political Quarterly. London, UK
Pol. Res. Q. Political Research. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Pol. Sci. Political Science. Wellington, New Zealand
Pol. Stud. Political Studies. Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Pol. Stud. (Munich) Politische Studien. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Polish Aff. Polish Affairs. London, UK
Polish Pol Sci. Y.B. Polish Political Science Yearbook.
Polish Institute of International Affairs. Warsaw; Krakow; Gdansk; Lodz, Poland
Polish W. Aff. Polish Western Affairs. Poznan, Poland
Polish Y.B. Int’l L. The Polish Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire Polonais de Droit International.
Wroclaw; Warsaw; Krakow, Poland
Politico II Politico. Rivista Italiana di Scienze Politiche.
Pavia, Italy
Politikon I S.A. J. Pol. Stud. Politikon / South African Journal of Political Studies / Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Politieke Studies. Stellenbosch, South Africa
Prace Praw. Prace Prawnicze. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego. Krakow, Poland
Prâv. Obzor Prâvny Obzor. Casopis Ustavu Statu a Prâva Slovenskej Akadémié Vied. Bratislava, Slovak Rep.
Prâv. Stùd. Prâvnické Stùdie. Prague, Czech Rep.
Pravna Misao Pravna Misao. Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina
Prâvnik Pravnik. Prague, Czech Rep.
Pravo Pravo. Teorija i Praksa. Novi Sad, Serbia
Pravoved. Pravovedenie. Nauchno-teoreticheskii zhurnal. St. Petersburg, GUS
Pregl. Pregled. Casopis za Drustvena Pitanja.
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina
Présence Afr. Présence Africaine. Revue culturelle du Monde Noir. Cultural Review of the Negro World. Paris, France
Prinosi Pored. Prouc. Prava Medunar. Pravo Prinosi za Poredbeno Proucavanje Prava i Medunarodno Pravo. Zagreb, Croatia
Probl. Pravoved. Problemui Pravovedeniya. Kiev, Ukraine
Probl. Rad Nar. Problemy Rad Narodowych. Warsaw, Poland
Probs. Econ. Problèmes Economiques. La Documentation Française. Paris, France
Probs. Pol. et Soc. Problèmes Politiques et Sociaux. Dossier d’Actualité Mondiale. La Documentation Française. Paris, France
Proc. APS Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science. New York, N.Y, USA
Proc. Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space Proceedings of the Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space. International Institute of Space Law of the International Astronautical Federation. Washington, D.C., USA
Przegl. Sejmowy Przegl^d Sejmowy. Warsaw, Poland
Przegl. Stosunkôw Miçdzynar. Przeglad Stosunkôw Miçdzynarodowych. Opole, Poland
Przegl. S^dowy Przeglad S^idowy. Warsaw, Poland
Przegl. Zachodni Przeglad Zachodni. Poznan, Poland PS Political Science & Politics (American Political
Science Association). Washington, D.C., USA
PSQ Political Science Quarterly. New York, N.Y, USA Pub. Adm. Public Administration. London, UK
Pub. Fin. Public Finance / Finances Publiques. The Hague, Netherlands; Koenigstein/Taunus, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Publius Publius: The Journal of Federalism. Denton, Texas, USA
PUG Przeglad Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego.
Warsaw, Poland
PVS Politische Vierteljahresschrift Opladen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Q. J. Adm. The Quarterly Journal of Administration. Ibadan, Nigeria
Quad. Cost. Quaderni Costituzionali. Bologna, Italy
Queen’s L. J. Queen's Law Journal. Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Quest. Int’l L. Questions of International Law.
Budapest, Hungary
R & R Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Rechtsfilosofie en Rechtstheorie. Zwolle, Netherlands
R.A.E. Revue des Affaires Européennes. Paris, France
R.B.D.I. Revue Belge de Droit International / Belgian Review of International Law I Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Internationaal Recht. Brussels, Belgium
R.C.D.I.P. Revue Critique de Droit International Privé.
Paris, France
R.C.J.B. Revue Critique de Jurisprudence Belge.
Brussels, Belgium
R.D.H.-H.R.J. Revue des Droits de l’Homme. Droit International et Droit Comparé. Human Rights Journal. International and Comparative Law. Paris, France
R.D.I. Revue de Droit International, de Sciences Diplomatiques et Politiques. The International Law Review. Geneva, Switzerland
R.D.I.D.C. Revue de Droit International et de Droit Comparé. Brussels, Belgium
R.D.P. Revue du Droit Public et de la Science Politique en France et à l’Etranger. Paris, France
R.E.D.I. Revista Espanola de Derecho Internacional. Madrid, Spain
R.F. Revista Forense. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
R.F.D.A.S. Revue Française de Droit Aérien et Spatial.
Paris, France
R.G.D. Revue Générale de Droit. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
R.G.D.LP. Revue Générale de Droit International Public. Paris, France
R.H.D.I. Revue Hellénique de Droit International.
Athens, Greece
R.I.D.C. Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé. Paris, France
R.J.E. Revue Juridique de l’Environnement. Lyon, France
R.M.C. Revue du Marché Commun et de l’Union Européenne. Paris, France
R.Q.D.I. Revue Québécoise de Droit International.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
R.R.J. Revue de la Recherche Juridique, Droit Prospectif. Marseille, France
R.W. Rechtskundig Weekblad. Antwerp, Belgium
RabelsZ Rabels Zeitschrift fur ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht. Tübingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Rass. Parlamentare Rassegna Parlamentare. Rome, Italy
Rass. Tributaria Rassegna Tributaria. Milan, Italy
RDA Revista de Direito Administrativo. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
RdA Recht der Arbeit. Munich, Frankfurt-on-Main,. Fed. Rep. of Germany
RDAF Revue de Droit Administratif et de Droit Fiscal / Revue Genèvoise de Droit Public. Lausanne, Switzerland
RDE Revista de Direito e Economía. Coimbra, Portugal RdJB Recht der Jugend und des Bildungswesens.
Neuwied, Fed. Rep. of Germany
RDP Revista de Direito Público. Sao Paulo, Brazil
RDV Recht der Datenverarbeitung. Zeitschrift für Praxis und Wissenschaft. Cologne, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Recht Recht. Zeitschrift für juristische Ausbildung und Praxis. Berne, Switzerland
Recht in Jap. Recht in Japan. Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Rechtstheor. Rechtstheorie. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
REDP/ERPL Revue Européenne de Droit Public / European Review of Public Law / Eur. Zeitschrift des öffentl. Rechts / Rivista Europea di Diritto Pubblico. London, UK
Regards sur l’Actual. Regards sur l’Actualité. La Documentation Française. Paris, Francé
Regioni Le Regioni. Rivista di Documentazione e Giurisprudenza. Milan, Italy
Rel. Int’l Relations Internationales. Paris, France
REMP Rossijskij Ezegodnik Mezdunarodnogo Prava / Russian Year-Book of International Law. Sanct-Petersburg, Russia
Res Publica Res Publica. Revue de l’Institut Belge de Science Politique. Brussels, Belgium
Rev. Acad. Colombiana de Jurispr. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Jurisprudencia. Bogotá, Colombia
Rev. Adm. La Revue Administrative. Paris, France
Rev. Adm. Públ. Revista de Administración Pública.
Madrid, Spain
Rev. Algér. Rel. Int’l Revue Algérienne des Relations Internationales. Algiers, Algeria
Rev. Bras. Estud. Polit. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Políticos. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rev. Bras. Pol. Int’l Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rev. Cent. & E. Eur. L. Review of Central and East European Law. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, Massachusetts, USA; London, UK
Rev. Cent. Estud. Const. Revista del Centro de
Estudios Constitucionales. Madrid, Spain
Rev. Chil. Der. Revista Chilena de Derecho. Santiago, Chile
Rev. Const. Stud. Review of Constitutional Studies I Revue d’Etudes Constitutionnelles. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Rev. Cortes Gen. Revista de las Cortes Generales.
Madrid, Spain
Rev. Cubana Der. Revista Cubana de Derecho.
Havana, Cuba
Rev. d’Et. Comp. Est-Ouest Revue d’Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest. Paris, France
Rev. d’Hist. Dipl. Revue d’Histoire Diplomatique. Paris, France
Rev. d’Intégration Eur. Revue d’Intégration Européenne / Journal of European Integration. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Rev. de Droit Canonique Revue de Droit Canonique.
Strasbourg, France
Rev. Der. Polit. Revista de Derecho Político. Madrid, Spain
Rev. Der. Públ. (Caracas) Revista de Derecho Público. Caracas, Venezuela
Rev. Der. Públ. (Madrid) Revista de Derecho Público.
Madrid, Spain
Rev. Der. Públ. (Santiago) Revista de Derecho
Público. Universidad de Chile. Escuela de Derecho.
Santiago, Chile
Rev. Der. Públ. y Cieñe. Polit. Revista de Derecho Público y Ciencia Politica. Medellín, Colombia
Rev. Der. Puertorriqueño Revista de Derecho Puertorriqueño. Ponce, Puerto Rico
Rev. Der. y Jurispr. y Gac. de los Trib. Revista de Derecho y Jurisprudencia y Gaceta de los Tribunales. Santiago, Chile
Rev. Dr. Comp. (Tokyo) Revue de Droit Comparé / Comparative Law Review (Institut Japonais de Droit Comparé / The Institute of Comparative Law in Japan) Chuo University. Tokyo, Japan
Rev. Dr. Mil. Dr. Guerre Revue de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre / The Military Law and Law of War Review ... Brussels, Belgium
Rev. Dr. ULB Revue de Droit de L'ULB (Université .
Libre de Bruxelles). Brussels, Belgium
Rev. Dr. Uniforme Revue de Droit Uniforme. Rome, Italy
Rev. Egypt. Dr. Int’l Revue Egyptienne de Droit International. Cairo, Egypt
Rev. Esp. Der. Canónico Revista Española de Derecho Canónico. Salamanca, Spain
Rev. Esp. Der. Const. Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional. Madrid, Spain
Rev. Estud. e Invest. de las Común. Eur. Revista de
Estudios e Investigación de las Comunidades Europeas. Madrid, Spain
Rev. Estud. Polit. Revista de Estudios Políticos.
Madrid, Spain
Rev. Et. Sud-Est Eur. Revue des Etudes Sud-Est
Européennes. Bucharest, Romanía
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Jur. y Polit. (Univ. Cent. Venez.) Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas (Universidad Central de Venezuela).
Caracas, Venezuela
Rev. Fac. Der. Cienc. Soc. Revista de la Facultad de
Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Montevideo, Uruguay
Rev. Fac. Der. Méx. Revista de la Facultad de
Derecho de México. Mexico, Mexico
Rev. Fac. Der. Univ. Complutense Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense. Madrid, Spain
Rev. Fac. Dir. Univ. (Lisbon) Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa. Lisbon, Portugal
Rev. Foro Revista del Foro. Colegio de Abogados de Lima. Lima, Perú
Rev. Fr. Dr. Const. Revue Française de Droit Constitutionnel. Paris, France
Rev. Franc. Sci. Pol. Revue Française de Science Politique. Paris, France
Rev. Gen. Legis. y Jurispr. Revista General de Legislación y Jurisprudencia. Madrid, Spain
Rev. ICR Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge.
Geneva, Switzerland
Rev. IIDH Revista Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos. San José, Costa Rica
Rev. Inf. Legisl. Revista de Informaçâo Legislativa. Brasilia, Brazil
Rev. Inst. Eur. Revista de Instituciones Europeas.
Madrid, Spain
Rev. Int’l Aff. (Belgrade) Review of International
Affairs. Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Rev. Int’l Dr. Contemp. Revue Internationale de Droit Contemporain. Brussels, Belgium
Rev. Int’l Dr. Pénal Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal / International Review of Penal Law. Paris, France
Rev. Int’l Stud. Review of International Studies. Cambridge, UK
Rev. Int’l Travail Revue Internationale du Travail.
Geneva, Switzerland
Rev. Invest. Jur. Revista de Investigaciones Jurídicas. Mexico City, Mexico
Rev. Ivoir. Dr. Revue Ivoirienne de Droit. Rep. of the Ivory Coast
Rev. Jur. (Havana/Cuba) Revista Jurídica. Departamento de Divulgación del Ministerio de Justicia de la República de Cuba. Havana, Cuba
Rev. Jur. Buenos Aires Revista Jurídica de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Rev. Jur. Catalunya Revista Jurídica de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain
Rev. Jur. Macau Revista Jurídica de Macau. Macao, Portugal
Rev. Jur. Perú Revista Jurídica del Perú. Lima, Peru
Rev. Jur. U.P.R. Revista Jurídica Universidad de Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, USA
Rev. Jur. Univ. Interam. Puerto Rico Revista Jurídica de la Universidad Interamer i cana de Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, USA
Rev. l’Arb. Revue de 1‘Arbitrage. Paris, France
Rev. Llengua i Dret Revista de Llengua i Dret.
Barcelona, Spain
Rev. Peruana Der. Int’l Revista Peruana de Derecho Internacional. Lima, Peru
Rev. Pol. The Review of Politics. Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Rev. Rom. Revista Româna de Drept. Bucharest, Romania
Rev. Roum. d’Et. Int’l Revue Roumaine d'Etudes Internationales. Bucharest, Romania
Rev. Roum. Sci. Jur. Revue Roumaine des Sciences Juridiques. Bucharest, Romania
Rev. Sei. Crim. Dr. Pénal Comp. Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit Pénal Comparé. Paris, France
Rev. Trimestr. Direito Públ. Revista Trimestral de Direito Público. Säo Paulo, Brazil
Revue de l’OIPC / ICDO J. / Rev. de la OIPC Revue Internationale de Protection Civile / International Civil Defence Journal / Revista Internacional de Protección Civil. Petit-Lancy (Geneva), Switzerland
RFDA Revue Française de Droit Administratif. Paris, France
RFJ / FZR Revue Fribourgeoise de Jurisprudence / Freiburger Zeitschrift für Rechtsprechung. Fribourg, Switzerland
Rikkyo Hogaku Rikkyo Hogaku. Okinawa, Japan
RISA Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives. Brussels, Belgium
Rissho Hogaku Ronshu Rissho Hogaku Ronshu. Tokyo, Japan
Ritsumei Ritsumeikan Hogaku (Ritsumeikan Law Review). Kyoto, Japan
Riv. Amminstr. Repùbbl. Ital. Rivista Amministrativa della Repùbblica Italiana. Rome, Italy
Riv. Dir. Eur. Rivista di Diritto Europeo. Rome, Italy
Riv. Dir. Int. Rivista di Diritto Internazionale. Milan, Italy
Riv. Giur. Ambiente Rivista Giuridica dell'Ambiente. Milan, Italy
Riv. Giur. Sarda Rivista Giuridica Sarda. Milan, Italy
Riv. Int. Dir. deli’Uomo Revista Internazionale dei Diritti deli’Uomo. Milan, Italy
Riv. Int. Filos. Dir. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofía del Diritto. Milan, Italy
Riv. Ital. Dir. Pubbl. Común. Rivista Italiana di Diritto Pubblico Comunitario. Milan, Italy
Riv. Stud. Polit. Int. Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali. Florence, italy
Riv. Trimestr. Dir. Pubbl. Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico. Milan, Italy
RIW/AWD Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft. Außenwirtschaftsdienst des Betriebsberaters. Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
RJPEM Revue Juridique Politique et Economique du Maroc. Rabat, Morocco
R JP IC Revue Juridique et Politique. Indépendance et Coopération. Le Vésinet, France
RJT Revue Juridique Thémis. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
RMT Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis. Zwolle, Netherlands
Round Table The Round Table. London, UK
ROW Recht in Ost und West. Zeitschrift für Ostrecht und Rechtsvergleichung. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
RPP Revue Politique et Parlementaire. Paris, France RTD Eur. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen.
Paris, France
RTDH Revue Trimestrielle des Droits de l'Homme. Brussels, Belgium
Ruch Prawniczy Ruch Prawniczy Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny. Poznan, Poland
RUDH Revue Universelle des Droits de l'Homme. Kehl, Fed. Rep. of Germany; Strasbourg, France; Arlington, Virginia, USA
RUP Recht und Politik. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Rutgers Computer & Tech. L. J. Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal. Newark, New Jersey, USA
Rutgers L. J. Rutgers Law Journal. Camden, New Jersey, USA
Rutgers L. Rev. Rutgers Law Review. Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA
Ryudai Hogaku Ryudai Hogaku (Ryudai Law Review). Okinawa, Japan
S 4- F Vierteljahresschrift für Sicherheit und Frieden. Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
S. Cal. L. Southern California Law Review. Los Angeles, California, USA
S. III. U.L.J. Southern Illinois University Law Journal. Carbondale, Illinois, USA
S. Tex. L.Rev. South Texas Law Review. Houston, Texas, USA
S.A. Hum. Rts. Y.B. South African Human Rights Yearbook. Cape Town; Durban, South Africa
S.A. Int’l South Africa International. Johannesburg, South Africa
S.C.L. Rev. South Carolina Law Review. Columbia, South Carolina, USA
S.D.L. Rev. South Dakota Law Review. Vermillion, South Dakota, USA
S.L.T. The Scots Law Times. Edinburgh, UK
SA Publiekreg SA Publiekreg / Public Law. Pretoria, South Africa
SAJHR South African Journal on Human Rights. Cape Town; Wetton; Johannesburg, South Africa
SAJIA The South African Journal of International Affairs. Braamfontein; Johannesburg, South Africa
SALJ The South African Law Journal. Cape Town, South Africa
San Diego L. Rev. San Diego Law Review. San Diego, California, USA
San Fern. V.L. Rev. San Fernando Valley Law Review. Sepulveda, California, USA
Santa Clara L. Rev. Santa Clara Law Review. Santa Clara, California, USA
SaP Stát a Právo. Prague, Czechoslovakia
Sask. L. Rev. Saskatchewan Law Review. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
SAYIL South African Yearbook of International Law. Su id-Airikaanse Jaarboek vi r Volkereg. Pretoria, South Africa
Sc. St. L. Scandinavian Studies in Law. Stockholm, Sweden
Schr.-Reihe Dt. Gruppe AAA Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gruppe der AAA. Association des Auditeurs et Anciens Auditeurs de l'Acádemie de Droit International de La Haye. Cologne; Berlin; Bonn; Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Scientia Jur. Scientia Jurídica. Revista de Direito Comparado Portugués e Brasileiro. Braga, Portugal
Scot. Aft. Scottish Affairs. Edinburgh, UK
Sec. Dialogue Security Dialogue. London, UK;
Newbury Park, California, USA
Seijo Hogaku Seijo Hogaku. Tokyo, Japan
Seikei Hogaku Seikei Hogaku. Tokyo, Japan
Seinan Seinangakuin Daigaku Hogaku Ronshu.
Fukuoka, Japan
Seton Hall Legis. J. Seton Hall Legislative Journal.
Newark, New Jersey, USA
Sev. Pravo Sevremenno Pravo. Sofia, Bulgaria
SEW Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving. Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht. Zwolle, Netherlands; Antwerp, Belgium
Shizuoka Shizuoka Daigaku Hokei Kenkyu. Shizuoka, Japan
Shudo Hogaku Shudo Hogaku. Hiroshima, Japan
Sing. L. R. Singapore Law Review. Singapore, Rep. of Singapore
Sino-Soviet Aft. Si no-Soviet Affairs. Seoul, Korea
SIPRI Yb. SIPRI Yearbook. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Stockholm, Sweden
SJ La Semaine Judiciaire. Geneva, Switzerland
SJLS Singapore Journal of Legal Studies. Singapore, Rep. of Singapore
SJZ Schweizerische Juristen-Zeitung I Revue Suisse de Jurisprudence. Zürich, Switzerland
Slavic Rev. Slavic Review. Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
SMU L.J. Southern Methodist University. Dallas, Texas, USA
So. U. L. Rev. Southern University Law Review. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Soc. Sei. (Shanghai) Social Sciences (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. Shanghai, People's Rep. of China
Soc. Sei. in China Social Sciences in China. Beijing, People's Rep. of China
Soc. Sei. Q. Social Science Quarterly. Austin, Texas, USA
Sociol. del Diritto Sociologia del Diritto. Milan, Italy
Soka Hogaku Soka Hogaku (Soka Law Review).
Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
Spectrum Spectrum. The Journal of State Government. Lexington, Kentucky, USA
SPLP Scottish Planning Law & Practice. Glasgow, UK Sprawy Mi^dz. Sprawy Mi^dzynarodowe. Warsaw, Poland
SPS Scandinavian Political Studies. Oslo, Norway; Copenhagen, Denmark; Stockholm, Sweden
Sri Lanka J. Int’i L. Sri Lanka Journal of International Law. Colombo, Sri Lanka
St. de Drept Rom. Studii de Drept Romänesc. Bucharest, Romania
St. John’s L. Rev. St. John's Law Review. Jamaica, N.Y, USA
St. Louis U. Pub. L. Rev. Saint Louis University Public Law Review. Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
St. Louis U.L.J. Saint Louis University Law Journal. Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
St. Mary’s L. J. St. Mary’s Law Journal. San Antonio, Texas, USA
Staat Der Staat. Zeitschrift für Staatslehre, öffentliches Recht und Verfassungsgeschichte. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Staatswiss. u. Staatsprax. Staatswissenschaften und Staatspraxis. Rechts-, wirtschafts- und sozial wissenschaftliche Beiträge zum staatlichen Handeln. Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Staff Pap. Staff Papers. International Monetary Fund. Washington, D.C., USA
Stan. Envtl. L.J. Stanford Environmental Law Journal. Stanford, California, USA
Stan. L. Rev. Stanford Law Review. Stanford, California, USA
Stanford J. Int’l L. Stanford Journal of International Law. Stanford, California, USA
Stat. L. R. Statute Law Review. Oxford, UK
Statsvet. T. Statsvetenskapling Tidskrift. Lund, Sweden
StAZ Das Standesamt. Zeitschrift für Standesamts wesen, Personenstands recht, Ehe- und Ki ndschaftsrecht, Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht. Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Stellenbosch L. Rev. Stellenbosch Law Review / Stell en bosse Regstydskrif. Kenwyn, South Africa
Stetson L. Rev. Stetson Law Review. St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
StR Staat und Recht. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germán y
Streit Streit. Feministische Rechtszeitschrift. Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Stud. Cere. Jur. Studii ?! Cercetári Juridice. Bucharest, Romania
Stud. Dipl. Studia Diplomática. Brussels, Belgium
Stud. E. Eur. Thought Studies in East European Thought. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, Massachusetts, USA; London, UK
Stud, in L. Studies in Law. Peking, People's Rep. of China
Stud. Mezin. Prava Studie z Mezinárodního Prava. Prague, Czech Rep.
Stud. Mission. Studia Missionalia. Rome, Italy
Stud. Nauk Pol. Studia Nauk Politycznych (Centralny Osrodek Metodyczny Studi ów Nauk Politycznych). Warsaw, Poland
Stud. Parlamentan e di Pol. Cost. Studi Parlamentar! e di Política Costituzionale. Rome, Italy
Stud* Prawn. Studia Prawnicze. Wroclaw, Poland
Stud. Prawno-Ekonom. Studia Prawno-Ekohomiczne. Studies in Law and Economics. Wroclaw; Warsaw; Krakow, Poland
StuW Steuer und Wirtschaft. Cologne, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Südostasien akt. Südostasien aktuell. Hamburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Südosteur. Südosteuropa. Zeitschrift für Gegenwartsforschung. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Südostforsch. Südostforschungen. Internationale Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Kultur und Landeskunde Südosteuropas. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Suffolk Transnat’l L. Rev. Suffolk Transnational Law Review. Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Suffolk U.L. Rev. Suffolk University Law Review. Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Sup. Ct. Rev. The Supreme Court Review. Chicago, Illinois, USA
SvJT Svensk Juristtidning. Stockholm, Sweden
Sw. J. L. & Trade Am. Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas. Los Angeles, California, USA
Sw. U.L. Rev. Southwestern University Law Review. Los Angeles, California, USA
Sydney L. Rev. The Sydney Law Review. Sydney, Australia
Syr. J. Int’l L. & Com. Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce. Syracuse, N.Y., USA
SZIER/RSDIE Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht / Revue Suisse de Droit International et de Droit Européen ... . Zürich, Switzerland
T. Grönlands Retsvaes. Tidsskrift for Grönlands Retsvaesen. Copenhagen, Denmark
T. Mar. L. Rev. Thurgood Marshall Law Review. Houston, Texas, USA
T. vir Rasse-Aangeleenthede Tydskrif vir Rasse-Aangeleenthede. Journal of Racial Affairs. Pretoria, South Africa
T.A.R. I Tribunal! Amministrativi Regional!. Rome, Italy
TA Transaktie. Groningen, Netherlands
Table The Table. The Journal of the Society of Clerks-at-the-Table in Commonwealth Parliaments. London, UK
TBP Tijdschrift voor Bestuurswetenschappen en Pubiiekrecht. Antwerp, Belgium
Tel Aviv Univ. Stud, in L. Tel Aviv University Studies in Law. Tel Aviv, Israel
Telecomm. J. Telecommunication Journal. Geneva, Switzerland
Temp. Int’l & Comp. L. J. Temple International and Comparative Law Journal. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Temple L. Rev. Temple Law Review. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Tenn. L. Rev. Tennessee Law Review. Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Tex. Int’l L. J. Texas International Law Journal. Austin, Texas, USA
Tex. L. Rev. Texas Law Review. Austin, Texas, USA
Tex. Tech L. Rev. Texas Tech Law Review. Lubbock, Texas, USA
TfR Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap. Oslo, Norway
Thesaurus Acroasium Thesaurus Acroasium of the Institute of Public International Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki, Greece
THRHR Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg. Journal of Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law. Durban, South Africa
ThürVBl Thüringer Verwaltungsblätter. Weimar, Fed. Rep. of Germany
TIES Newsl. Technology and Investment Enhancement Strategy Newsletter (UNIDO). Vienna, Austria
TIJMCL The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law. London, UK; Norwell, Massacusetts, USA
Tilburg Foreign L. Rev. Tilburg Foreign Law Review. Tilburg, Netherlands
TMA Tijdschrift voor Milieu Aansprakelijkheid I Environmental Liability Review. Lelystad, Netherlands
Toritsu Tokyo Toritsudaigaku Hogakkai Zassi. Tokyo, Japan
Toyo Hogaku Toyo Hogaku. Tokyo, Japan
Trade & Env’t Trade and the Environment (GATT). Geneva, Switzerland
Transnat’l A. Transnational Associations. Associations Transnationales. Brussels, Belgium
Transnat’l Corp. Transnational Corporations (United Nations). New York, N.Y., USA
Transnat’l L. & Contemp. Probs. Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems. Iowa City, Iowa, USA
TranspR Transportrecht. Neuwied; Kriftel/Taunus; Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Travaux de I’Assoc. Henri Capitant Travaux de I’Association Henri Capitant. Paris, France
Trud. po Mezhd. Pravo Trudove po Mezhdunarodno Pravo. Studies on International Law. Sofia, Bulgaria
TRW Tydskrif vir Regswetenskap. Journal for Juridical Science. Bloemfontein, South Africa
TSAR Tydskrif vir die Suid Afrikaanse Reg. Journal of South African Law. Johannesburg, South Africa
Tul. J. Int’l & Comp. L. Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Tul. L. Rev. Tulane Law Review. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Tulane Envtl. L. J. Tulane Environmental Law Journal. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Tulsa L J. Tulsa Law Journal. Tulsa, Oklahoma; USA
TWQ Third World Quarterly. Journal of Emerging Areas. Oxfordshire, UK
U. Ark. Little Rock L.J. University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Journal. Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
U. B. C. L. Rev. University of British Columbia Law Review. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
U. Balt. L. Rev. University of Baltimore Law Review. Baltimore, Maryland, USA
U. Chi. L Rev. The University of Chicago Law Review. Chicago, Illinois, USA
U. Cin. L. Rev. University of Cincinnati Law Review. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
U. Colo. L. Rev. University of Colorado Law Review. Boulder, Colorado, USA
U. Dayton L. Rev. University of Dayton Law Review. Dayton, Ohio, USA
U. Det. Mercy L. Rev. University of Detroit Mercy Law Review. Detroit, Michigan, USA
U. Fla. L. Rev. University of Florida Law Review. Gainesville, Florida, USA
U. Haw. L.Rev. University of Hawaii Law Review. Honololu, Hawaii, USA
U. III. L. Rev. University of Illinois Law Review. Champaign, Illinois, USA
U. Kan. L. Rev. The University of Kansas Law Review. Lawrence, Kansas, USA
U. Mem. L. Rev. The University of Memphis Law Review. Memphis^ Tennessee, USA
U. Miami Inter-Am. L. Rev. The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review. Coral Gables, Florida, USA
U. Miami L. Rev. University of Miami Law Review. Coral Gables, Florida, USA
U. Miami Y.B. Int’l L. The University of Miami Yearbook of International Law. Coral Gables, Florida, USA
U. Mich. J. L. Ref. University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
U. Pa. L. Rev. University of Pennsylvania Law Review. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
U. Pitt. L. Rev. University of Pittsburgh Law Review. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
U. Puget Sound L. Rev. University of Puget Sound Law Review. Tacoma, Washington, USA
U. Rich. L. Rev. University of Richmond Law Review. Atlanta, Georgia, USA
U. S. F. L. Rev. University of San Francisco Law Review. San Francisco, California, USA
U. Tas. L. Rev. University of Tasmania Law Review. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
U. Tol. L. Rev. The University of Toledo Law Review. Toledo, Ohio, USA
U. Toronto Fac. L. Rev. University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
U. Toronto L.J. University of Toronto Law Journal. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
U. W. Austl. L. Rev. University of Western Australia Law Review. Perth, Western Australia
U.C.D. L. Rev. University of California Davis Law Review. Davis, California, USA
U.G.L.J. University of Ghana Law Journal. Legón, Ghana
U.N.B.L.J. University of New Brunswick Law Journal / Revue de Droit de l’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick. Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
U.S.-Mex. L. J. United States-Mexico Law Journal. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
U.W.O. L. Rev. University of Western Ontario Law Review. London, Ontario, Canada
UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y University of California Los Angeles Journal of Environmental Law & Policy. Los Angeles, California, USA
UCLA L. Rev. University of California Los Angeles Law Review. Los Angeles, California, USA
UCLA Pac. Basin L. J. University of California Los Angeles Pacific Basin Law Journal. Los Angeles, California, USA
UfR Ugeskrift for Retsvaesen. Copenhagen, Denmark
Ulfljotur Ulfljotur. Reykjavik, Iceland
UN Chron. UN Chronicle. New York, N.Y, USA .
Unasylva Unasylva. Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO). Rome, Italy
UNCTAD Rev. UNCTAD Review. New York, N.Y, USA; Geneva, Switzerland
UNESCO Cour. The UNESCO Courier. Paris, France
UNIDIR Newsl. UNIDIR Newsletter I Lettre de I’UNIDIR. United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research. Geneva, Switzerland
Union Postale Union Postale. Berne, Switzerland
UNSWLJ The University of New South Wales Law Journal. Kensington, New South Wales, Australia
UPR Umwelt- und Planungsrecht. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
UQLJ University of Queensland Law Journal. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Urblaw Urban Law and Policy. Amsterdam, Netherlands
US Nav. Inst. Pröc. United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Annapolis, Maryland, USA
Utah L. Rev. Utah Law Review. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
V. U. W. L. Rev. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review. Wellington, New Zealand
Va. Envtl. L. J. Virginia Environmental Law Journal, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Va. J. Int’l L. Virginia Journal of International Law. Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Va. L. Rev. Virginia Law Review. Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Världspol. Dagsfrägor Världspol itikens Dagsfrägor. Stockholm, Sweden
Val. U.L. Rev. Valparaiso University Law Review. Valparaiso, Indiana, USA
Vand. J. Transnat’l L. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law. Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Vand. L. Rev. Vanderbilt Law Review. Nashville, Tennessee, USA
VBIBW Verwaltungsblätter für Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart, Fed. Rep. of Germany
VersR Versicherungsrecht. Juristische Rundschau für die Individualversicherung. Karlsruhe, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Verwalt. Die Verwaltung. Zeitschrift für Verwaltungswissenschaft. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
VerwArch Verwaltungsarchiv. Zeitschrift für Verwaltungslehre, Verwaltungsrecht und Verwaltungspolitik. Cologne; Berlin; Bonn; Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Vest. M. U. Pravo Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Nauchnuii Zhurnal. Seriya 11: Pravo. Moscow, Russia
Vierteljh. Zeitgesch. Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte. Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Vill. L. Rev. Villanova Law Review. Villanova, Pennsylvania, USA
Vita Itai. Vita Italiana. Document! e Informazioni. Rome, Italy
VN Vereinte Nationen. Zeitschrift für die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Sonderorganisationen. Kehl/Rhine, Fed. Rep. of Germany; Strasbourg, France; Arlington, Virginia, USA
VN u. Österr. Die Vereinten Nationen und Österreich. Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Liga für die Vereinten Nationen. Vienna, Austria
VneshTorg Vneshnyaya Torgovlya. Moscow, Russi a
VOP Verwaltungsführung, Organisation, Personal. Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
VRÜ Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany VSSR Vierteljahresschrift für Sozialrecht. Cologne; Berlin; Bonn; Munich, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Vf. L. Rev. Vermont Law Review. South Royalton, Vermont, USA
VuF Verwaltung und Fortbildung. Schriften der Bundesakademie für öffentliche Verwaltung. Cologne; Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany
WDStRI Veröffentlichungen der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer. Berlin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
W. Comp. World Compétition. Law and Economics Review. Geneva, Switzerland
W. Eur. Pol. West European Politics. London, UK
W. New tng. L. Rev. Western New England Law Review. Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
W. Va. L. Rev. West Virginia Law Review. Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
W.I.L.J. West Indian Law Journal. Mona, Kingston, Jamaica
Wake Forest L. Rev. Wake Forest Law Review. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA
Waseda Bull. Comp. L. Waseda Bulletin of Comparative Law. Tokyo, Japan
Wash. & Lee L. Rev. Washington and Lee Law Review. Lexington, Virginia, USA
Wash. L. Rev. Washington Law Review. Seattle, Washington, USA
Wash. U. J. Urb. & Contemp. L. Washington University Journal of Urban and Contemporary Law. Buffalo, N.Y., USA
Wash. U.L.Q. Washington University Law Quarterly. St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Washburn L.J. Washburn Law Journal. Topeka, Kansas, USA
Wayne L. Rev. The Wayne Law Review. Detroit, Michigan, USA WBI Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter. Vienna, Austria; New York, N.Y, USA
Weltwirtschaft!. Arch. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv. Zeitschrift des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft Kiel. Tübingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
West. St. U. L. Rev. Western State University Law Review. Fullerton, California, USA
WFR Weekblad voor Fiscaal Recht. Deventer, Netherlands
WG Weltgeschehen. Analysen und Berichte zur Weltpolitik. Sankt Augustin, Fed. Rep. of Germany
WGO Die wichtigsten Gesetzgebungsakte in den Ländern Ost- und Südosteuropas - Monatshefte für Osteuropäisches Recht. Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Willamette L. Rev. Willamette Law Review. Salem, Orgeon, USA
Windsor Yearb. Access Justice The Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice ! Recueil Annuel de Windsor d'Accès à la Justice. Windsor, Ontario, Canada
WiRO Wirtschaft und Recht in Osteuropa. Munich; Frankfurt-on-Main, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Wirtsch.-Dienst Wirtschaftsdienst. Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Wis. Infi L. J. Wisconsin International Law Journal. Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Wis. L. Rev. Wisconsin Law Review. Madison, Wisconsin, USA
WissR Wissenschaftsrecht, Wissenschaftsverwaltung, Wissenschaftsförderung. Tübingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
WiVerw Wirtschaft und Verwaltung (Vierteljahresbeilage zum Gewerbearchiv). Alfeld (Leine), Fed. Rep. of Germany
Wld. Aff. World Affairs. Washington, D.C., USA
Wld. Bank Econ. Rev. World Bank Economic Review. Washington, D.C., USA
Wld. Pol. World Politics. A Quarterly Journal of International Relations. Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Wld. Today The World Today. London, UK
Wm. & Mary L. Rev. William and Mary Law Review. Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. William Mitchell Law Review. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
WPP Wojskowy Przeglad Prawniczy. Warsaw, Poland
WuR Wirtschaft und Recht. Zürich, Switzerland
WUR Wirtschaftsverwaltungs- und Umweitrecht. Neuwied, Fed. Rep. of Germany
WuW Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb. Zeitschrift für Kartell recht, Wettbewerbsrecht, Marktorganisation. Düsseldorf, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Y.B. Corn. Arb’n Yearbook: Commercial Arbitration. International Council for Commercial Arbitration. Deventer, Netherlands
Y.B. Eur. Conv. Hum. Rts. Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Européenne des Droits de l'Homme. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, Massachusetts, USA; London, UK
Y.B. Finn. Foreign Pol’y Yearbook of Finnish Foreign Policy (Finnish Institute of International Affairs). Forssa, Finland Y.B.
Inf I L. (U. Miami) Yearbook of International Law (University of Miami). Coral Gables, Florida, USA
Yale J. Infl L. The Yale Journal of International Law. New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Yale L. & Pofy Rev. Yale Law & Policy Review. New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Yale L. J. The Yale Law Journal. New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Yb. Infl Env. L. Yearbook of International Environmental Law. London, UK
YB. Infl Inst. Hum. L. Yearbook. International Institute of Humanitarian Law. Milan, Italy
YEL Yearbook of European Law. Oxford, UK
Yugoslav L. Yugoslav Law / Droit Yougoslave. Belgrade, Serbia
Yugoslav Surv. Yugoslav Survey. Belgrade, Serbia
Z. d. Savigny-Stift. f. Rechtsgesch. - Kan. Abt. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte - Kanonistische Abteilung. Cologne; Weimar, Fed. Rep. of Germany; Vienna, Austria
Z. Lateinam. Wien Zeitschrift für Lateinamerika Wien.
Vienna, Austria
Z. öffentl. Fürsorge Zeitschrift für öffentliche Fürsorge (Beilage zum ’’Schweizerischen Zentralblatt für Staats- und Gemeindeverwaltung”). Zürich, Switzerland
Z.L. Rev. Zimbabwe Law Review. Harare, Zimbabwe Zak. (Zagreb) Zakonitost. Öasopis za Pravnu Teoriju i Praksu. Zagreb, Croatia
Zak.(Moscow) Zakonnost’. Moscow, Russia
Zambia L. J. Zambia Law Journal. Lusaka, Zambia
ZaöRV Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht. Heidelberg Journal of International Law. Stuttgart; Berlin; Cologne; Mainz, Fed. Rep. of Germany
ZAR Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik. Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany
ZAS Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht und Sozialrecht. Vienna, Austria
Zb. Radova Zbornik Radova. Pravnog Fakulteta u Splitu. Split, Croatia
ZBJV Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenvereins. Revue de la Société des Juristes Bernois. Bern, Switzerland
ZBI Schweizerisches Zentralblatt für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht. Zürich, Switzerland
Zbornik PFZ Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta u Zagrebu. Zagreb, Croatia
Collections of Essays, Festschriften, etc.
Völkerrecht zwischen normativem Anspruch und politischer Realität: Festschrift für Karl Zemanek zum 65. Geburtstag / ed. by Konrad Ginther ... -Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1994. - Pp. XXII, 504.