General Abbreviations (Who’s Who 2024)
Source: (retrieved: 2024-01-15)
Abbreviation | Meaning |
A | |
AA | Anti-aircraft |
Automobile Association | |
Architectural Association | |
Augustinians of the Assumption | |
Associate in Arts | |
AAA | Amateur Athletic Association |
American Accounting Association | |
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm | |
AAAL | American Academy of Arts and Letters |
AA&QMG | Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General |
AAArb | Member, Association of Arbitrators (South Africa) |
AAAS | American Association for the Advancement of Science |
AABC | (Register of) Architects Accredited in Building Conservation |
AAC | Army Air Corps |
Amateur Athletic Club | |
AADB | Accountancy and Actuarial Discipline Board |
AAF | Auxiliary Air Force (now see RAuxAF) |
AAFCE | Allied Air Forces in Central Europe |
AAG | Assistant Adjutant-General |
AAI | Associate, Chartered Auctioneers’ and Estate Agents’ Institute (later, after amalgamation, ARICS) |
AAIL | American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters (now see AAAL) |
AAMC | Australian Army Medical Corps (now see RAAMC) |
A&AEE | Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment |
A&E | Accident and Emergency |
A&R | Artists and Repertoire |
A and SH | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders |
AAPS | Aquatic and Atmospheric Physical Sciences |
AAS | American Astronomical Society |
AASA | Associate, Australian Society of Accountants (now see FCPA) |
AASC | Australian Army Service Corps |
AATSE | Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering |
AAUQ | Associate in Accountancy, University of Queensland |
AB | Bachelor of Arts (US) |
able-bodied seaman | |
airborne | |
Alberta (postal) | |
ABA | Amateur Boxing Association |
Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association | |
American Bar Association | |
ABAE | Amateur Boxing Association of England |
ABBSI | Associate Member, British Boot and Shoe Institute |
ABC | Australian Broadcasting Commission |
American Broadcasting Companies | |
Amateur Boxing Club | |
Associate, Birmingham Conservatoire | |
Accredited Business Communicator | |
ABCC | Association of British Chambers of Commerce |
ABF | Army Benevolent Fund |
ABI | Association of British Insurers |
ABIPP | Associate, British Institute of Professional Photography |
ABM | Advisory Board of Ministry |
ABNM | American Board of Nuclear Medicine |
ABP | Associated British Ports |
Abp | Archbishop |
ABPI | Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry |
ABPsS | Associate, British Psychological Society (now see AFBPsS) |
ABRC | Advisory Board for the Research Councils |
ABSA | Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts |
ABSM | Associate, Birmingham and Midland Institute School of Music |
ABTA | Association of British Travel Agents |
AC | Companion, Order of Australia |
Ante Christum (before Christ) | |
ACA | Associate, Institute of Chartered Accountants |
Acad. | Academy |
ACARD | Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development |
ACAS | Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service |
Assistant Chief of the Air Staff | |
ACC | Association of County Councils |
Anglican Consultative Council | |
ACCA | Associate, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (formerly Chartered Association of Certified Accountants) |
ACCE | Association of County Chief Executives |
ACCEL | American College of Cardiology Extended Learning |
ACCM | Advisory Council for the Church’s Ministry (now see ABM) |
ACCT | Army Cadet Charitable Trust |
AcDip | Academic Diploma in the History of Art |
AcDipEd | Academic Diploma in Education |
ACDP | Australian Committee of Directors and Principals |
ACDS | Assistant Chief of Defence Staff |
ACE | Association of Consulting Engineers |
Member, Association of Conference Executives | |
Allied Command Europe | |
ACENVO | Association of Chief Executives of National Voluntary Organisations (now see ACEVO) |
ACEO | Association of Chief Education Officers |
ACEVO | Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations |
ACF | Army Cadet Force |
ACFA | Army Cadet Force Association |
ACFAS | Association Canadienne-Française pour l’avancement des sciences |
ACFHE | Association of Colleges for Further and Higher Education |
ACG | Assistant Chaplain-General |
ACGI | Associate, City and Guilds of London Institute |
ACGS | Assistant Chief of the General Staff |
ACI | Airports Council International (Europe) |
ACIArb | Associate, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators |
ACIB | Associate, Chartered Institute of Bankers |
ACIBS | Associate, Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland |
ACIEA | Associate, Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors |
ACIHort | Associate, Chartered Institute of Horticulture |
ACII | Associate, Chartered Insurance Institute |
ACIM | Associate, Chartered Institute of Marketing |
ACIPP | Associate, Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals |
ACIS | Associate, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (formerly Chartered Institute of Secretaries) |
ACLS | American Council of Learned Societies |
ACM | Association of Computing Machinery |
ACMA | Associate, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (formerly Institute of Cost and Management Accountants) |
ACMI | Associate, Chartered Management Institute |
ACNS | Assistant Chief of Naval Staff |
ACommA | Associate, Society of Commercial Accountants (now see ASCA) |
ACORD | Advisory Committee on Research and Development |
ACOS | Assistant Chief of Staff |
ACOST | Advisory Council on Science and Technology |
ACP | Association of Clinical Pathologists |
Associate, College of Preceptors | |
African/Caribbean/Pacific | |
ACPO | Association of Chief Police Officers |
ACR | Accredited Conservator-Restorer |
ACRE | Action with Rural Communities in England |
ACS | American Chemical Society |
Additional Curates Society | |
acsc | passed Advanced Command and Staff Course |
ACSM | Associate, Camborne School of Mines |
AcSS | Member, Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences (now see FAcSS) |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory |
Australian College of Theology | |
Associate, College of Technology | |
Association of Corporate Treasurers | |
ACTT | Association of Cinematograph, Television and Allied Technicians |
ACTU | Australian Council of Trade Unions |
ACU | Association of Commonwealth Universities |
ACWA | Associate, Institute of Cost and Works Accountants (now see ACMA) |
AD | Dame of the Order of Australia |
Anno Domini (in the year of the Lord) | |
Air Defence | |
ADAS | Agricultural Development and Advisory Service |
ADASS | Association of Directors of Adult Social Services |
ADB | Asian Development Bank |
Associate of the Drama Board (Education) | |
ADC | Aide-de-camp |
Association of District Councils | |
ADCM | Archbishop of Canterbury’s Diploma in Church Music |
AD Corps | Army Dental Corps (now RADC) |
ADC(P) | Personal Aide-de-camp to HM The Queen |
ADEME | Assistant Director Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
Ad eund | Ad eundem gradum |
and see under aeg | |
ADGMS | Assistant Director-General of Medical Services |
ADipC | Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Management Consulting |
Adjt | Adjutant |
ADJAG | Assistant Deputy Judge Advocate General |
ADM | Advanced Diploma in Midwifery |
Adm. | Admiral |
ADMS | Assistant Director of Medical Services |
ADOS | Assistant Director of Ordnance Services |
ADP | Automatic Data Processing |
ADPA | Associate Diploma of Public Administration |
ADS&T | Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport |
ADSS | Association of Directors of Social Services |
ADSW | Association of Directors of Social Work |
Adv. | Advisory |
AdvCert | Advanced Certificate |
Advocate | |
AdvDip | Advanced Diploma |
ADVS | Assistant Director of Veterinary Services |
ADWE&M | Assistant Director of Works, Electrical and Mechanical |
AE | Air Efficiency Award |
AEA | Atomic Energy Authority |
Air Efficiency Award (now see AE) | |
American Economic Association | |
AEAF | Allied Expeditionary Air Force |
AEC | Agriculture Executive Council |
Army Educational Corps (now see RAEC) | |
Atomic Energy Commission | |
AEE | Atomic Energy Establishment |
AEEU | Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union |
AEF | Amalgamated Union of Engineering and Foundry Workers (later AEU, then AEEU) |
American Expeditionary Forces | |
Air Experience Flight | |
aeg | ad eundem gradum (to the same degree-of the admission of a graduate of one university to the same degree at another without examination) |
AEI | Associated Electrical Industries |
AELTC | All England Lawn Tennis Club |
AEM | Air Efficiency Medal |
AER | Army Emergency Reserve |
AERE | Atomic Energy Research Establishment (Harwell) |
Æt. | Ætat. |
Ætatis (aged) | |
AEU | Amalgamated Engineering Union (later AEEU) |
AEWVH | Association for the Education and Welfare of the Visually Handicapped |
AF | Admiral of the Fleet |
AFB | Air Force Base |
AFBPsS | Associate Fellow, British Psychological Society |
AFC | Air Force Cross |
Association Football Club | |
AFCEA | Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association |
AFCENT | Allied Forces in Central Europe |
AFD | Doctor of Fine Arts (US) |
AFDS | Air Fighting Development Squadron |
AFGE | Associate Fellow, Guild of Glass Engravers |
AFHQ | Allied Force Headquarters |
AFI | American Film Institute |
AFIAP | Artiste, Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique |
AFIAS | Associate Fellow, Institute of Aeronautical Sciences (US) (now see AFAIAA) |
AFIMA | Associate Fellow, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications |
AFM | Air Force Medal |
AFNORTH | Allied Forces in Northern Europe |
AFOM | Associate, Faculty of Occupational Medicine |
AFRAeS | Associate Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society (now see MRAeS) |
AFRC | Agricultural and Food Research Council (now see BBSRC) |
AFRHistS | Associate Fellow, Royal Historical Society |
AFSOUTH | Allied Forces in Southern Europe |
AFV | Armoured Fighting Vehicles |
AG | Attorney-General |
AGARD | Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development |
AGAvA | Associate, Guild of Aviation Artists |
AGC | Adjutant General’s Corps |
AGI | Alliance Graphique Internationale |
Associate, Institute of Certificated Grocers | |
AGR | Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor |
AGRA | Army Group Royal Artillery |
Association of Genealogists and Record Agents | |
AGRI | Animal Genetic Resources Information |
AGSM | Associate, Guildhall School of Music and Drama |
Australian Graduate School of Management | |
AHA | Area Health Authority |
American Hospitals Association | |
Associate, Institute of Health Service Administrators (later AHSM) | |
AHA(T) | Area Health Authority (Teaching) |
AHI | Association of Heritage Interpretation |
AHQ | Army Headquarters |
AHRB | Arts and Humanities Research Board (now see AHRC) |
AHRC | Arts and Humanities Research Council |
AHSM | Associate, Institute of Health Services Management |
ai | ad interim |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AIA | Associate, Institute of Actuaries |
American Institute of Architects | |
Association of International Artists | |
AIAA | American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
AIACE | Association Internationale des Anciens des Communautés Européennes |
AIAgrE | Associate, Institution of Agricultural Engineers |
AIAS | Associate Surveyor Member, Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors |
AIB | Associate, Institute of Bankers (now see ACIB) |
AIBD | Associate, Institute of British Decorators |
AIC | Agricultural Improvement Council |
Associate of the Institute of Chemistry (later ARIC, MRIC; now see MRSC) | |
aic | armour infantry course |
AICA | Associate Member, Commonwealth Institute of Accountants |
Association Internationale des Critiques d’Art | |
AICE | Associate, Institution of Civil Engineers |
AIChE | American Institute of Chemical Engineers |
AICPA | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants |
AICS | Associate, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers |
AID | Artificial Insemination by Donor |
AIDB | Accountancy Investigation and Discipline Board (now see AADB) |
AIDS | Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome |
AIE | Associate, Institute of Education |
AIEE | Associate, Institution of Electrical Engineers |
AIF | Australian Imperial Forces |
AIFireE | Associate, Institution of Fire Engineers |
AIG | Adjutant-Inspector-General |
AIH | Associate, Institute of Housing |
AIHort | Associate, Institute of Horticulture (now see ACIHort) |
AIIA | Associate, Insurance Institute of America |
Associate, Indian Institute of Architects | |
AIIMR | Associate, Institute of Investment Management and Research (later ASIP; now see CFA) |
AIIRA | Associate, International Industrial Relations Association |
AIL | Associate, Institute of Linguists |
AILA | Associate, Institute of Landscape Architects (later ALI) |
AIM | Associate, Institution of Metallurgists (later MIM) |
Australian Institute of Management | |
Alternative Investment Market | |
Advanced Institute of Management Research | |
AIMarE | Associate, Institute of Marine Engineers |
AIMBE | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering |
AIMC | Associate, Institute of Management Consultants |
AIME | American Institute of Mechanical Engineers |
AIMgt | Associate, Institute of Management (now see ACMI) |
AIMMM | Associate, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining |
AIMSW | Associate, Institute of Medical Social Work |
AInstP | Associate, Institute of Physics |
AIP | Association of Independent Producers |
American Institute of Physics | |
AIPR | Associate, Institute of Public Relations |
AIQS | Associate Member, Institute of Quantity Surveyors |
AIRCENT | Allied Air Forces Central Europe |
AIRTO | Association of Independent Research and Technology Organizations |
AIS | Associate, Institute of Statisticians (later MIS) |
AIStructE | Associate, Institution of Structural Engineers |
AITP | Associate, Institute of Town Planners, India |
AJAG | Assistant Judge Advocate General |
AJEX | Association of Jewish Ex-Service Men and Women |
AK | Knight, Order of Australia |
Alaska (postal) | |
AKC | Associate, King’s College London |
AL | Alabama (postal) |
ALA | Associate, Library Association (now see MCLIP) |
Association of London Authorities | |
Ala | Alabama |
ALAA | Associate, Library Association of Australia |
ALAI | Associate, Library Association of Ireland |
ALAM | Associate, London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art |
ALCD | Associate, London College of Divinity |
ALCM | Associate, London College of Music |
ALCM (TD) | Associate, London College of Music (Teaching Diploma) |
ALCS | Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (formerly Authors’ Lending and Copyright Society) |
ALI | Argyll Light Infantry |
Associate, Landscape Institute (now see MLI) | |
ALICE | Autistic and Language Impaired Children’s Education |
ALLC | Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing |
ALM | Master of Liberal Arts |
ALP | Australian Labor Party |
ALPSP | Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers |
ALS | Associate, Linnean Society |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | |
Alta | Alberta |
ALVA | Association of Leading Visitor Attractions |
AM | Albert Medal |
Member, Order of Australia | |
Master of Arts (US) | |
Alpes Maritimes | |
AMA | Association of Metropolitan Authorities |
Assistant Masters Association (later AMMA, now see ATL) | |
Associate, Museums Association | |
Australian Medical Association | |
AMARC | Associated Marine and Related Charities |
Amb. | Ambulance |
Ambassador | |
AMBIM | Associate Member, British Institute of Management (later AIMgt) |
AMC | Association of Municipal Corporations |
AMCST | Associate, Manchester College of Science and Technology |
AMCT | Associate, Manchester College of Technology |
AMDEA | Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Electrical Appliances |
AMF | Australian Military Forces |
AMFL | Allied Command Europe Mobile Force Land |
AMICE | Associate Member, Institution of Civil Engineers (now see MICE) |
AMIChemE | Associate Member, Institution of Chemical Engineers |
AMIEE | Associate Member, Institution of Electrical Engineers (later MIEE) |
AMIERE | Associate Member, Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers |
AMIMechE | Associate Member, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (now see MIMechE) |
AMInstCE | Associate Member, Institution of Civil Engineers (now see MICE) |
AmInstEE | American Institute of Electrical Engineers |
AMMA | Assistant Masters & Mistresses Association (now see ATL) |
AMN | Ahli Mangku Negara (Malaysia) |
AMP | Advanced Management Program |
Air Member for Personnel | |
AMRAeS | Associate Member, Royal Aeronautical Society |
AMRC | Association of Medical Research Charities |
AMREF | African Medical and Research Foundation |
AMRI | Associate Member, Royal Institution |
AMRS | Associate, Market Research Society |
AMRSH | Associate Member, Royal Society of Health |
AMS | Assistant Military Secretary |
Army Medical Services | |
AMSI | Associate Member, Securities Institute |
AMSO | Air Member for Supply and Organisation |
AMTRI | Advanced Manufacturing Technology Research Institute |
AMusA | Associate Musician of Australia |
Anat. | Anatomy |
Anatomical | |
ANC | African National Congress |
Anon. | Anonymously |
ANU | Australian National University |
ANZAAS | Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science |
Anzac | Australian and New Zealand Army Corps |
AO | Officer, Order of Australia |
Air Officer | |
AOA | Air Officer in charge of Administration |
AOC | Air Officer Commanding |
AOC-in-C | Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief |
AOD | Army Ordnance Department |
AOE | Alberta Order of Excellence |
AOER | Army Officers Emergency Reserve |
APA | American Psychiatric Association |
APACS | Association of Payment and Clearing Systems |
APD | Army Pay Department |
APEX | Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff |
APHA | American Public Health Association |
APIS | Army Photographic Intelligence Service |
APM | Assistant Provost Marshal |
APMI | Associate, Pensions Management Institute |
APNI | Alliance Party of Northern Ireland |
APR | Accredited Public Relations Practitioner |
APS | Aborigines Protection Society |
American Physical Society | |
American Philosophical Society | |
APSW | Association of Psychiatric Social Workers |
APT&C | Administrative, Professional, Technical and Clerical |
APTC | Army Physical Training Corps |
AQ | Administration and Quartering |
AQMG | Assistant Quartermaster-General |
AR | Associated Rediffusion (Television) |
Arkansas (postal) | |
ARA | Associate, Royal Academy |
Armada de la República Argentina | |
ARACI | Associate, Royal Australian Chemical Institute |
ARAD | Associate, Royal Academy of Dancing |
ARAeS | Associate, Royal Aeronautical Society |
ARAgS | Associate, Royal Agricultural Societies (ie of England, Scotland and Wales) |
ARAIA | Associate, Royal Australian Institute of Architects |
ARAM | Associate, Royal Academy of Music |
ARAS | Associate, Royal Astronomical Society |
ARB | Architects’ Registration Board |
ARBA | Associate, Royal Society of British Artists |
ARBS | Associate, Royal Society of British Sculptors |
ARC | Architects’ Registration Council (now see ARB) |
Agricultural Research Council (later AFRC) | |
Aeronautical Research Council | |
Arthritis and Rheumatism Council | |
ARCA | Associate, Royal College of Art |
Associate, Royal Canadian Academy | |
ARCamA | Associate, Royal Cambrian Academy of Art |
ARCIC | Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission |
ARCM | Associate, Royal College of Music |
ARCO | Associate, Royal College of Organists |
ARCO(CHM) | Associate, Royal College of Organists with Diploma in Choir Training |
ARCP | Affiliate, Royal College of Physicians |
ARCS | Associate, Royal College of Science |
Accreditation Review and Consulting Service (now see ISI) | |
ARCST | Associate, Royal College of Science and Technology (Glasgow) |
ARCUK | Architects’ Registration Council of the United Kingdom (now see ARB) |
ARCVS | Associate, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons |
ARE | Associate, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (formerly of Painter-Etchers and Engravers) |
Arab Republic of Egypt | |
Admiralty Research Establishment | |
AREINZ | Associate, Real Estate Institute, New Zealand |
ARHistS | Associate, Royal Historical Society |
ARIAS | Associate, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland |
ARIBA | Associate, Royal Institute of British Architects (now see RIBA) |
ARIC | Associate, Royal Institute of Chemistry (later MRIC; now see MRSC) |
ARICS | Professional Associate, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (now see MRICS) |
ARINA | Associate, Royal Institution of Naval Architects |
ARLIS | Art Libraries Association |
ARMS | Associate, Royal Society of Miniature Painters |
ARP | Air Raid Precautions |
ARPS | Associate, Royal Photographic Society |
ARR | Association of Radiation Research |
ARRC | Associate, Royal Red Cross |
Allied (formerly Allied Command Europe) Rapid Reaction Corps | |
ARSA | Associate, Royal Scottish Academy |
ARSC | Association for Recorded Sound Collections |
ARSCM | Associate, Royal School of Church Music |
ARSM | Associate, Royal School of Mines |
ARTC | Associate, Royal Technical College (Glasgow) (now see ARCST) |
ARVO | Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology |
ARWA | Associate, Royal West of England Academy |
ARWS | Associate, Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours |
AS | Anglo-Saxon |
ASA | Associate Member, Society of Actuaries |
Associate of Society of Actuaries (US) | |
Australian Society of Accountants | |
Army Sailing Association | |
Advertising Standards Authority | |
Alment Aksjeselskap | |
ASAA | Associate, Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors |
ASAI | Associate, Society of Architectural Illustrators |
ASAQS | Association of South African Quantity Surveyors |
ASBAH | Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus |
ASC | Administrative Staff College, Henley |
ASCAP | American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers |
ASCE | American Society of Civil Engineers |
ASCHB | Association for Study of Conservation of Historic Buildings |
ASCL | Association of School and College Leaders |
AScW | Association of Scientific Workers (later ASTMS) |
ASD | Armament Supply Department |
ASE | Amalgamated Society of Engineers (later AUEW, then AEU, subsequently AEEU) |
Association for Science Education | |
ASEAN | Association of South East Asian Nations |
ASEEES | Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies |
ASH | Action on Smoking and Health |
ASIAD | Associate, Society of Industrial Artists and Designers |
ASIP | Associate, UK Society of Investment Professionals (now see CFA) |
ASLE | American Society of Lubrication Engineers |
ASLEF | Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen |
ASLIB | Aslib |
Association for Information Management (formerly Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux) | |
ASM | Association of Senior Members |
Australian Service Medal | |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
Association for the Study of Medical Education | |
ASO | Air Staff Officer |
ASSET | Association of Supervisory Staffs, Executives and Technicians (later ASTMS) |
Asst | Assistant |
ASTA | Association of Short Circuit Testing Authorities |
ASTC | Administrative Service Training Course |
ASTMS | Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs (subsequently part of MSF) |
ASTS | Army School of Training Support |
ASVU | Army Security Vetting Unit |
ASWE | Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment |
ATA | Air Transport Auxiliary |
ATAE | Association of Tutors in Adult Education |
ATAF | Allied Tactical Air Force |
ATC | Air Training Corps |
Art Teacher’s Certificate | |
ATCDE | Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education (now see NATFHE) |
ATCL | Associate, Trinity College of Music, London |
ATD | Art Teacher’s Diploma |
ATI | Associate, Textile Institute |
ATII | Associate Member, Chartered Institute (formerly Incorporated Institute, then Institute) of Taxation |
ATL | Association of Teachers and Lecturers |
ato | Ammunition Technical Officer |
ATP | Association of Tennis Professionals |
ATPL (A) | ATPL (H) |
Airline Transport Pilot’s Licence (Aeroplanes), or (Helicopters) | |
ATR (BC) | Art Therapist Registered (Board Certified) |
ATS | Auxiliary Territorial Service (later WRAC) |
ATTI | Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions (now see NATFHE) |
ATV | Associated Television (formerly Association TeleVision) |
AUA | American Urological Association |
Association of University Administrators | |
AUEW | Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (later AEU, then AEEU) |
AUS | Army of the United States |
AUT | Association of University Teachers |
AVCC | Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee |
AVD | Army Veterinary Department |
AVMA | Association for Victims of Medical Accidents |
AVR | Army Volunteer Reserve |
AWA | Anglian Water Authority |
AWHCT | Associate, West Ham College of Technology |
AWO | Association of Water Officers (now see IWO) |
AWRE | Atomic Weapons Research Establishment |
aws | Graduate of Air Warfare Course |
AZ | Arizona (postal) |
B | |
b | born |
brother | |
BA | Bachelor of Arts |
BAA | British Airports Authority |
British Accounting Association | |
BAAB | British Amateur Athletic Board |
BAAL | British Association for Applied Linguistics |
BAAS | British Association for the Advancement of Science |
BAC | British Aircraft Corporation |
BAcc | Bachelor of Accountancy |
BaccPhil | Baccalaureate in Philosophy |
BACS | British Academy of Composers & Songwriters (now see BASCA) |
BACSA | British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia |
BACUP | British Association of Cancer United Patients |
BADA | British American Drama Academy |
BAe | British Aerospace |
BAED | Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Design |
BAFTA | British Academy of Film and Television Arts |
BAgricAdmin | Bachelor of Agricultural Administration |
BAgrSc | Bachelor of Agricultural Science |
BAI | Baccalarius in Arte Ingeniaria (Bachelor of Engineering) |
BAIE | British Association of Industrial Editors |
BALPA | British Air Line Pilots’ Association |
BAME | Black, Asian and minority ethnic |
BAO | Bachelor of Art of Obstetrics |
BAOMS | British Association of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgeons |
BAOR | British Army of the Rhine (formerly on the Rhine) |
BAOS | British Association of Oral Surgeons (now see BAOMS) |
BAppSc(MT) | Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Technology) |
BAPS | British Association of Plastic Surgeons |
BARB | Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board |
BARC | British Automobile Racing Club |
BArch | Bachelor of Architecture |
Bart | Baronet |
BAS | Bachelor in Agricultural Science |
BASc | Bachelor of Applied Science |
BASCA | British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors |
BASE | British Association for Service to the Elderly |
BASEEFA | British Approvals Service for Electrical Equipment in Flammable Atmospheres |
BASES | British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences |
BASHH | British Association for Sexual Health and HIV |
BASIC | British American Security Information Council |
BASW | British Association of Social Workers |
Batt. | Battery |
BBA | British Bankers’ Association |
Bachelor of Business Administration | |
BBB of C | British Boxing Board of Control |
BBC | British Broadcasting Corporation |
BBFC | British Board of Film Classification |
BBS | Bachelor of Business Studies |
BBSRC | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council |
BC | Before Christ |
British Columbia | |
Borough Council | |
BCA | Bachelor of Commerce and Administration |
BCC | British Council of Churches (later CCBI) |
BCE | Bachelor of Civil Engineering |
Before the Christian Era | |
BCh | BChir |
Bachelor of Surgery | |
BChD | Bachelor of Dental Surgery |
BCL | Bachelor of Civil Law |
BCMF | British Ceramic Manufacturers’ Federation |
BCom | BComm |
Bachelor of Commerce | |
BCompt | Bachelor of Accounting |
BComSc | Bachelor of Commercial Science |
BCPC | British Crop Protection Council |
BCS | Bengal Civil Service |
British Computer Society | |
Bachelor of Combined Studies | |
BCSA | British Constructional Steelwork Association |
BCSC | British Council of Shopping Centres |
BCTS | Bristol Certificate in Theological Studies |
BCURA | British Coal Utilization Research Association |
BD | Bachelor of Divinity |
Bd | Board |
BDA | British Dental Association |
British Deaf Association | |
British Dyslexia Association | |
Bde | Brigade |
BDQ | Bachelor of Divinity Qualifying |
BDS | Bachelor of Dental Surgery |
BDSc | Bachelor of Dental Science |
BE | Bachelor of Engineering |
British Element | |
BEA | British East Africa |
British European Airways | |
British Epilepsy Association | |
BEAMA | Federation of British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers’ Associations (formerly British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Association) |
BE&A | Bachelor of Engineering and Architecture (Malta) |
BEARR | British Emergency Aid for Russia and the Republics |
BEC | Business Education Council (now see BTEC) |
BEc | Bachelor of Economics |
BECTU | Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union |
BEd | Bachelor of Education |
Beds | Bedfordshire |
BEE | Bachelor of Electrical Engineering |
BEF | British Expeditionary Force |
British Equestrian Federation | |
BEIS | Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy |
BEM | British Empire Medal |
BEMAS | British Educational Management and Administration Society |
BEME | Brigade Electrical and Mechanical Engineer |
BEng | Bachelor of Engineering |
BEO | Base Engineer Officer |
Berks | Berkshire |
BERR | Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform |
BES | Bachelor of Environmental Studies |
BESO | British Executive Service Overseas |
BEVA | British Equine Veterinary Association |
BFA | Bachelor of Fine Arts |
BFI | British Film Institute |
BFMIRA | British Food Manufacturing Industries Research Association |
BFPO | British Forces Post Office |
BFSS | British Field Sports Society |
BFUW | British Federation of University Women (now see BFWG) |
BGCStJ | Bailiff Grand Cross, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
BGS | Brigadier General Staff |
BHA | British Hospitality Association |
BHB | Bachelor of Human Biology |
Bhd | Berhad |
BHF | British Heart Foundation |
BHL | Bachelor of Hebrew Letters |
BHRA | British Hydromechanics Research Association |
BHRCA | British Hotels, Restaurants and Caterers’ Association (now see BHA) |
BHS | British Horse Society |
BHSc | Bachelor of Home Science |
BI | British Invisibles |
BIBA | British Insurance Brokers’ Association |
BIBRA | British Industrial Biological Research Association |
BICC | British Insulated Callender’s Cables |
BICERA | British Internal Combustion Engine Research Association (now see BICERI) |
BICERI | British Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute |
BICSc | British Institute of Cleaning Science |
BID | Business Improvement District |
BIDA | British Interior Design Association |
BIEC | British Invisible Exports Council (now see BI) |
BIEE | British Institute of Energy Economics |
BIFA | British Independent Film Awards |
BIFU | Banking Insurance and Finance Union |
BII | British Institute of Innkeeping |
BIIBA | British Insurance & Investment Brokers’ Association (now see BIBA) |
BIM | British Institute of Management |
BIR | British Institute of Radiology |
BIS | Bank for International Settlements |
British Interplanetary Society | |
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills | |
BISPA | British Independent Steel Producers Association |
BISRA | British Iron and Steel Research Association |
BITC | Business in the Community |
BJ | Bachelor of Journalism |
BJOG | British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
BJP | Bharatiya Janata Party |
BJSM | British Joint Services Mission |
BJur | Bachelor of Law |
BKSTS | British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society |
BL | Bachelor of Law |
British Library | |
BLE | Bachelor of Land Economy |
BLegS | Bachelor of Legal Studies |
BLESMA | British Limbless Ex-Servicemen’s Association |
BLitt | Bachelor of Letters |
BM | British Museum |
Bachelor of Medicine | |
Brigade Major | |
British Monomark | |
BMA | British Medical Association |
BMedSci | Bachelor of Medical Science |
BMet | Bachelor of Metallurgy |
BMEWS | Ballistic Missile Early Warning System |
BMG | British Military Government |
BMH | British Military Hospital |
BMilSc | Bachelor of Military Science |
BMJ | British Medical Journal |
BMR | Bureau of Mineral Resources |
BMRA | Brigade Major Royal Artillery |
BMS | Bachelor of Management Studies |
BMus | Bachelor of Music |
Bn | Battalion |
BN | Bachelor of Nursing |
BNA | British Nursing Association |
BNC | Brasenose College |
BNF | British National Formulary |
BNFL | British Nuclear Fuels Ltd |
BNOC | British National Oil Corporation |
British National Opera Company | |
BNP | Banque Nationale de Paris |
British National Party | |
BNSC | British National Space Centre |
BNSc | Bachelor of Nursing Science |
BOAC | British Overseas Airways Corporation |
BOst | Bachelor of Osteopathy |
BoT | Board of Trade |
Bot. | Botany |
Botanical | |
BOTB | British Overseas Trade Board |
BOU | British Ornithologists’ Union |
Bp | Bishop |
BPA | British Paediatric Association (later CPCH; now see RCPCH) |
Bachelor of Performing Arts | |
BPG | Broadcasting Press Guild |
BPharm | Bachelor of Pharmacy |
BPhty | Bachelor of Physiotherapy |
BPIF | British Printing Industries Federation |
BPMF | British Postgraduate Medical Federation |
BProc | Bachelor of Procurationis |
BPsS | British Psychological Society |
BR | British Rail |
Br. | Branch |
BRA | Brigadier Royal Artillery |
British Rheumatism & Arthritis Association | |
BRB | British Railways Board |
BRCS | British Red Cross Society |
BRE | Building Research Establishment |
Brig. | Brigadier |
BRIT | British Recording Industry Trust |
BritIRE | British Institution of Radio Engineers (now see IERE) |
BRNC | Britannia Royal Naval College |
BRS | British Road Services |
BRTP | Bachelor of Regional and Town Planning |
BRurSc | Bachelor of Rural Science |
BS | Bachelor of Surgery |
Bachelor of Science | |
British Standard | |
BSA | Bachelor of Scientific Agriculture |
Birmingham Small Arms | |
Building Societies’ Association | |
BSAP | British South Africa Police |
BSBI | Botanical Society of the British Isles |
BSC | British Steel Corporation |
Bengal Staff Corps | |
BSc | Bachelor of Science |
BScA | BScAgr |
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture | |
BSc(Dent) | Bachelor of Science in Dentistry |
BScEcon | Bachelor of Science in Economics |
BScEng | Bachelor of Science in Engineering |
BSc (Est. Man.) | Bachelor of Science in Estate Management |
BScN | Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
BScSoc | Bachelor of Social Sciences |
BSE | Bachelor of Science in Engineering (US) |
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy | |
BSEE | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering |
BSES | British Schools Exploring Society |
BSF | British Salonica Force |
BSFA | British Science Fiction Association |
BSFS | Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service |
BSI | British Standards Institution |
BSIA | British Security Industry Association |
BSJA | British Show Jumping Association |
BSME | Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering |
British Society of Magazine Editors | |
BSN | Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
BSNS | Bachelor of Naval Science |
BSocSc | Bachelor of Social Science |
BSocStud | Bachelor of Social Studies |
BSRA | British Ship Research Association |
BSRIA | Building Services Research and Information Association |
BSS | Bachelor of Science (Social Science) |
BSSc | Bachelor of Social Science |
BST | Bachelor of Sacred Theology |
BSurv | Bachelor of Surveying |
BSW | Bachelor of Social Work |
BT | Bachelor of Teaching |
British Telecommunications | |
Bt | Baronet |
Brevet | |
BTA | British Tourist Authority (formerly British Travel Association) |
BTCV | British Trust for Conservation Volunteers |
BTDB | British Transport Docks Board (now see ABP) |
BTEC | Business and Technology (formerly Technician) Education Council |
BTech | Bachelor of Technology |
BTh | Bachelor of Theology |
BTP | Bachelor of Town Planning |
BTS | Bachelor of Theological Studies |
Btss | Baronetess |
BUAS | British Universities Association of Slavists |
Bucks | Buckinghamshire |
BUGB | Baptist Union of Great Britain |
BUNAC | British Universities North America Club |
BUniv | Bachelor of the University |
BUPA | British United Provident Association |
BURA | British Urban Regeneration Association |
BV | Besloten Vennootschap |
BVA | British Veterinary Association |
British Video Association | |
BVC | Bar Vocational Course |
BVCA | British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association |
BVetMed | Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine |
BVI | British Virgin Islands |
BVM | Blessed Virgin Mary |
BVMS | Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery |
BVPA | British Veterinary Poultry Association |
BVSc | Bachelor of Veterinary Science |
BWI | British West Indies |
BWM | British War Medal |
C | Conservative |
100 | |
C | |
c | child |
cousin | |
circa (about) | |
CA | Central America |
County Alderman | |
Chartered Accountant (Scotland and Canada) | |
California (postal) | |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CAABU | Council for the Advancement of Arab and British Understanding |
CAAV | (Member of) Central Association of Agricultural Valuers |
CAB | Citizens’ Advice Bureau |
Centre for Agricultural and Biosciences (formerly Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau) | |
CABE | Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment |
CACTM | Central Advisory Council of Training for the Ministry (later ACCM; now see ABM) |
CAER | Conservative Action for Electoral Reform |
CAF | Charities Aid Foundation |
CAFCASS | Child and Family Court Advisory and Support Service |
CAFOD | Catholic Agency for Overseas Development |
CAJ | Committee on the Administration of Justice |
Calif | California |
CAM | Communications, Advertising and Marketing |
Cambs | Cambridgeshire |
CAMC | Canadian Army Medical Corps |
CAMRA | Campaign for Real Ale |
CAMS | Certificate of Advanced Musical Study |
C&G | City and Guilds of London Institute |
Cantab | Cantabrigiensis (of Cambridge) |
Cantuar | Cantuariensis (of Canterbury) |
CAP | Common Agricultural Policy |
Capt. | Captain |
CARD | Campaign against Racial Discrimination |
CARDS | Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation |
CARE | Cottage and Rural Enterprises |
CARICOM | Caribbean Community |
CARIFTA | Caribbean Free Trade Area (now see CARICOM) |
Carms | Carmarthenshire |
CAS | Chief of the Air Staff |
CASE | Council for the Advancement and Support of Education |
CASt | Certificate of Advanced Study |
CAT | College of Advanced Technology |
Countryside Around Towns | |
CATE | Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education |
Cav. | Cavalry |
CAWU | Clerical and Administrative Workers’ Union (later APEX) |
CB | Companion, Order of the Bath |
County Borough | |
CBC | County Borough Council |
CBE | Commander, Order of the British Empire |
CBI | Confederation of British Industry |
CBII | Companion, British Institute of Innkeeping |
CBIM | Companion, British Institute of Management (later CIMgt) |
CBiol | Chartered Biologist |
CBNS | Commander British Navy Staff |
CBS | Columbia Broadcasting System |
CBSI | Chartered Building Societies Institute (now see CIB) |
CBSO | City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra |
CC | Companion, Order of Canada |
City Council | |
County Council | |
Cricket Club | |
Cycling Club | |
County Court | |
CCAB | Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies |
CCAHC | Central Council for Agricultural and Horticultural Co-operation |
CCBE | Commission Consultative des Barreaux de la Communauté Européenne |
CCBI | Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland (now see CTBI) |
CCC | Corpus Christi College |
Central Criminal Court | |
County Cricket Club | |
CCE | Chartered Civil Engineer |
CCETSW | Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work |
CCF | Combined Cadet Force |
CCFM | Combined Cadet Forces Medal |
CCG | Control Commission Germany |
Clinical Commissioning Group | |
CCH | Cacique’s Crown of Honour, Order of Service of Guyana |
CChem | Chartered Chemist |
CCIPD | Companion, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development |
CCIS | Command Control Information System |
CCJ | Council of Christians and Jews |
CCLRC | Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils |
CCMI | Companion, Chartered Management Institute |
CCMS | Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society |
CCPR | Central Council of Physical Recreation |
CCQI | Companion, Chartered Quality Institute |
CCRA | Commander Corps of Royal Artillery |
CCRE | Commander Corps of Royal Engineers |
CCREME | Commander Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers |
CCRSigs | Commander Corps of Royal Signals |
CCS | Casualty Clearing Station |
Ceylon Civil Service | |
Countryside Commission for Scotland | |
CCSU | Council of Civil Service Unions |
CCTA | Commission de Coöpération Technique pour l’Afrique |
Central Computer and Telecommunications Authority | |
CCTS | Combat Crew Training Squadron |
CD | Canadian Forces Decoration |
Commander, Order of Distinction (Jamaica) | |
Civil Defence | |
Compact Disc | |
CDA | Co-operative Development Agency |
Christian Democratic Alliance | |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CDEE | Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment |
CDipAF | Certified Diploma in Accounting and Finance |
CDir | Chartered Director |
CDISS | Centre for Defence and International Security Studies |
Cdo | Commando |
Cdre | Commodore |
CDS | Chief of the Defence Staff |
CDU | Christlich-Demokratische Union |
CE | Civil Engineer |
CEA | Central Electricity Authority |
CEC | Commission of the European Communities |
CECAM | Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire |
CECD | Confédération Européenne du Commerce de Détail |
CEDA | Committee for Economic Development of Australia |
CEDEP | Centre Européen d’Education Permanente |
CEDR | Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution |
CEE | Communauté Economique Européenne |
CEED | Centre for Economic and Environmental Development |
CEF | Canadian Expeditionary Force |
CeFA | Certificate for Financial Advisers |
CEFAS | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science |
CEFIC | Conseil Européen des Fédérations de l’Industrie Chimique |
CEGB | Central Electricity Generating Board |
CEH | Centre for Ecology & Hydrology |
CEI | Council of Engineering Institutions |
CEIR | Corporation for Economic and Industrial Research |
CELTA | Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
CEM | Council of European Municipalities (now see CEMR) |
College of Emergency Medicine | |
CeMAP | Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice |
CEMR | Council of European Municipalities and Regions |
CEMS | Church of England Men’s Society |
CEN | Comité Européen de Normalisation |
CENELEC | European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization |
CEng | Chartered Engineer |
Cento | Central Treaty Organisation |
CEnv | Chartered Environmentalist |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CEPS | Center for Economic Policy Studies |
CERA | Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst |
CeRGI | Certificate of Regulated General Insurance |
CERL | Central Electricity Research Laboratories |
CERN | Organisation (formerly Centre) Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire |
CERT | Charities Effectiveness Review Trust |
CertCPE | Certificate in Clinical Pastoral Education |
CertDS | Certificate in Dramatic Studies |
Cert Ed | Certificate of Education |
CertHE | Certificate in Higher Education |
CertITP | Certificate of International Teachers’ Program (Harvard) |
CertTP | Certificate in Town Planning |
CEST | Centre for Exploitation of Science and Technology |
CET | Council for Educational Technology |
CETSW | Council for Education and Training in Social Work |
CF | Chaplain to the Forces |
Companion, Order of Fiji | |
Churchill Fellow | |
Corporate Finance | |
Corporate Financier | |
CFA | Canadian Field Artillery |
Chartered Financial Analyst | |
CFE | Central Fighter Establishment |
CFM | Cadet Forces Medal |
CFPS | Certificate of Further Professional Studies |
CFR | Commander, Order of the Federal Republic of Nigeria |
CFS | Central Flying School |
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | |
CGA | Community of the Glorious Ascension |
Country Gentlemen’s Association | |
CGeog | Chartered Geographer |
CGeol | Chartered Geologist |
CGIA | Insignia Award of City and Guilds of London Institute (now see FCGI) |
CGLI | City and Guilds of London Institute (now see C&G) |
CGM | Conspicuous Gallantry Medal |
CGMA | Chartered Global Management Accountant |
CGRM | Commandant-General Royal Marines |
CGS | Chief of the General Staff |
CH | Companion of Honour |
Chap. | Chaplain |
ChapStJ | Chaplain, Order of St John of Jerusalem (now see ChStJ) |
CHAR | Campaign for the Homeless and Rootless |
CHB | Companion of Honour of Barbados |
ChB | Bachelor of Surgery |
CHC | Community Health Council |
CHIU | Committee for Heads of Irish Universities |
ChLJ | Chaplain, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
(CHM) | see under ARCO(CHM), FRCO(CHM) |
ChM | Master of Surgery |
Chm. | Chairman or Chairwoman |
CHN | Community of the Holy Name |
CHort | Chartered Horticulturalist |
ChStJ | Chaplain, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
CI | Imperial Order of the Crown of India |
Channel Islands | |
CIA | Chemical Industries Association |
Central Intelligence Agency | |
CIAgrE | Companion, Institution of Agricultural Engineers |
CIArb | Chartered Institute of Arbitrators |
CIB | Chartered Institute of Bankers |
CIBS | Chartered Institution of Building Services (now see CIBSE) |
CIBSE | Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers |
CIC | Chemical Institute of Canada |
Community Interest Company | |
CICAP | Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeal Panel |
CICB | Criminal Injuries Compensation Board |
CICHE | Committee for International Co-operation in Higher Education |
CICI | Confederation of Information Communication Industries |
CID | Criminal Investigation Department |
CIE | Companion, Order of the Indian Empire |
Confédération Internationale des Etudiants | |
CIEEM | Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management |
CIES | Companion, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland |
CIEx | Companion, Institute of Export |
CIFE | Council (formerly Conference) for Independent Further Education |
CIGasE | Companion, Institution of Gas Engineers (now see CIGEM) |
CIGEM | Companion, Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers |
CIGRE | Conférence Internationale des Grands Réseaux Electriques |
CIGS | Chief of the Imperial General Staff (now see CGS) |
CIHM | Companion, Institute of Healthcare Management |
CIHR | Canadian Institutes of Health Research |
CIHT | Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation |
CIIA | Canadian Institute of International Affairs |
CIL | Corpus inscriptionum latinarum |
CILIP | Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals |
CILT | Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport |
CIM | China Inland Mission |
Chartered Institute of Marketing | |
CIMA | Chartered Institute of Management Accountants |
CIMarE | Companion, Institute of Marine Engineers |
CIMEMME | Companion, Institution of Mining Electrical and Mining Mechanical Engineers |
CIMgt | Companion, Institute of Management (now see CCMI) |
CIMGTechE | Companion, Institution of Mechanical and General Technician Engineers |
CIMO | Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation |
CIMR | Cambridge Institute for Medical Research |
C-in-C | Commander-in-Chief |
CINCHAN | Allied Commander-in-Chief Channel |
CInstLM | Companion, Institute of Leadership and Management |
CINOA | Confédération Internationale des Négotiants en Œuvres d’Art |
CIO | Charitable Incorporated Organisation |
CIOB | Chartered Institute of Building |
CIPA | Chartered Institute of Patent Agents |
CIPD | Companion, Institute of Personnel and Development (now see CCIPD) |
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development | |
CIPFA | Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy |
CIPM | Companion, Institute of Personnel Management (later CIPD) |
CIPR | Chartered Institute of Public Relations |
CIQA | Companion, Institute of Quality Assurance (now see CCQI) |
CIR | Commission on Industrial Relations |
CIRES | Co-operative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences |
CIRIA | Construction Industry Research and Information Association |
CIRP | Collège Internationale pour Recherche et Production |
CIS | Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (formerly Chartered Institute of Secretaries) |
Command Control Communications and Information Systems | |
Commonwealth of Independent States | |
CISAC | Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Auteurs et Compositeurs |
Centre for International Security and Arms Control | |
CISI | Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment |
CIT | Chartered Institute of Transport |
California Institute of Technology | |
CITB | Construction Industry Training Board |
CITD | Certificate of Institute of Training and Development |
CITP | Chartered Information Technology Professional |
CIV | City Imperial Volunteers |
CIWEM | Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management |
CJM | Congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudist Fathers) |
CL | Commander, Order of Leopold |
cl | cum laude |
Cl. | Class |
CLA | Country Land & Business Association (formerly Country Landowners’ Association) |
CLIC | Cancer and Leukemia in Childhood |
CLit | Companion of Literature (Royal Society of Literature Award) |
CLJ | Commander, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
CLP | Constituency Labour Party |
CLRAE | Congress (formerly Conference) of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe |
CLY | City of London Yeomanry |
CM | Member, Order of Canada |
Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) | |
Master in Surgery | |
Certificated Master | |
Canadian Militia | |
CMA | Canadian Medical Association |
Cost and Management Accountant (NZ) | |
Competition and Markets Authority | |
CMarEng | Chartered Marine Engineer |
CMarSci | Chartered Marine Scientist |
CMath | Chartered Mathematician |
CMB | Central Midwives’ Board |
CMC | Certified Management Consultant |
Civil Mediation Council | |
CME | Continuing Ministerial Education |
CMet | Chartered Meteorologist |
CMF | Commonwealth Military Forces |
Central Mediterranean Force | |
CMG | Companion, Order of St Michael and St George |
CMgr | Chartered Manager |
CMILT | Chartered Member, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport |
CMIWSc | Certified Member, Institute of Wood Science |
CMJ | Commander, Supreme Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem |
CMktr | Chartered Marketer |
CMLI | Chartered Member, Landscape Institute |
CMLJ | Commander of Merit, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
CMM | Commander, Order of Military Merit (Canada) |
CMO | Chief Medical Officer |
CMP | Corps of Military Police (now see CRMP) |
CMS | Church Mission (formerly Church Missionary) Society |
Certificate in Management Studies | |
CMT | Chaconia Medal of Trinidad |
CNAA | Council for National Academic Awards |
CND | Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament |
CNI | Companion, Nautical Institute |
CNO | Chief of Naval Operations |
CNOCS | Captain Naval Operational Command Systems |
CNR | Canadian National Railways |
CNRS | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique |
CNS | Clinical Nurse Specialist |
CNZM | Companion, New Zealand Order of Merit |
CO | Commanding Officer |
Commonwealth Office (after Aug. 1966) (now see FCO) | |
Colonial Office (before Aug. 1966) | |
Conscientious Objector | |
Colorado (postal) | |
Congregation of the Oratory | |
Co. | County |
Company | |
Coal.L | Co.L |
Coalition Liberal | |
Coal.U | Co.U |
Coalition Unionist | |
COBSEO | Confederation of British Service and Ex-Service Organisations |
CODEST | Committee for the Development of European Science and Technology |
C of E | Church of England |
C of I | Church of Ireland |
C of S | Chief of Staff |
Church of Scotland | |
COHSE | Confederation of Health Service Employees |
COI | Central Office of Information |
CoID | Council of Industrial Design (now Design Council) |
Col | Colonel |
Coll. | College |
Collegiate | |
Colo | Colorado |
Col.-Sergt | Colour-Sergeant |
Com | Communist |
Comd | Command |
Comdg | Commanding |
Comdr | Commander |
Comdt | Commandant |
COMEC | Council of the Military Education Committees of the Universities of the UK |
Commn | Commission |
Commnd | Commissioned |
CompICE | Companion, Institution of Civil Engineers |
CompIEE | Companion, Institution of Electrical Engineers (later FIEE) |
CompIERE | Companion, Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers |
CompIGasE | Companion, Institution of Gas Engineers |
CompILE | Companion, Institution of Lighting Engineers |
CompIMechE | Companion, Institution of Mechanical Engineers |
CompInstE | Companion, Institute of Energy |
CompInstMC | Companion, Institute of Measurement and Control |
CompOR | Companion, Operational Research Society |
CompTI | Companion of the Textile Institute |
Comr | Commissioner |
Comy-Gen. | Commissary-General |
CON | Commander, Order of the Niger |
ConfEd | Confederation of Education Service Managers |
Conn | Connecticut |
Const. | Constitutional |
CONUL | Council of National and University Librarians |
Co-op. | Co-operative |
COP | Conference of the Parties |
COPA | Comité des Organisations Professionels Agricoles de la CEE |
COPEC | Conference of Politics, Economics and Christianity |
COPUS | Committee on the Public Understanding of Science |
Corp. | Corporation |
Corporal | |
Corresp. Mem. | Corresponding Member |
COS | Chief of Staff |
Charity Organization Society | |
CoSIRA | Council for Small Industries in Rural Areas |
COSLA | Convention of Scottish Local Authorities |
COSPAR | Committee on Space Research |
COSSAC | Chief of Staff to Supreme Allied Commander |
COTC | Coronavirus disease |
COVID | Canadian Officers’ Training Corps |
CP | Central Provinces |
Cape Province | |
Congregation of the Passion | |
CPA | Commonwealth Parliamentary Association |
Chartered Patent Agent | |
Certified Public Accountant (USA) | |
CPAG | Child Poverty Action Group |
CPAGB | Credit, Photographic Alliance of Great Britain |
CPAS | Church Pastoral Aid Society |
CPC | Conservative Political Centre |
CPCH | College of Paediatrics and Child Health (now see RCPCH) |
CPD | Continuing Professional Development |
CPE | Common Professional Examination |
Clinical Pastoral Education | |
CPEng | Chartered Professional Engineer (of Institution of Engineers of Australia) |
CPFA | Member or Associate, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy |
CPHVA | Community Practitioners & Health Visitors’ Association |
CPhys | Chartered Physicist |
CPL | Chief Personnel and Logistics |
CPLS | Certificate of Professional Legal Studies |
CPM | Colonial Police Medal |
CPR | Canadian Pacific Railway |
CPRE | Campaign to Protect Rural England (formerly Council for the Protection of Rural England) |
CPRW | Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales |
CPS | Crown Prosecution Service |
Certificate in Pastoral Studies | |
CPSA | Civil and Public Services Association (now see PCS) |
Church of the Province of South Africa | |
CPSU | Communist Party of the Soviet Union |
CPsychol | Chartered Psychologist |
CPU | Commonwealth Press Union |
CQ | Chevalier, National Order of Quebec |
CQI | Chartered Quality Institute |
CQP | Chartered Quality Professional |
CQSW | Certificate of Qualification in Social Work |
CR | Community of the Resurrection |
cr | created or creation |
CRA | Commander, Royal Artillery |
CRAC | Careers Research and Advisory Centre |
CRadP | Chartered Radiation Protection Professional |
CRAeS | Companion, Royal Aeronautical Society |
CRASC | Commander, Royal Army Service Corps |
CRC | Cancer Research Campaign (now see CRUK) |
Community Relations Council | |
CRE | Commander, Royal Engineers |
Commission for Racial Equality | |
Commercial Relations and Exports | |
Conference of Rectors of European Universities (formerly Association of European Universities) | |
Cres. | Crescent |
CRMP | Corps of Royal Military Police |
CRNCM | Companion, Royal Northern College of Music |
CRO | Commonwealth Relations Office (now see FCO) |
CRSNZ | Companion, Royal Society of New Zealand |
CRUK | Cancer Research United Kingdom |
CS | Civil Service |
Clerk to the Signet | |
Companion, Order of Samoa | |
CSA | Confederate States of America |
Child Support Agency | |
CSAB | Civil Service Appeal Board |
CSB | Bachelor of Christian Science |
CSC | Conspicuous Service Cross |
Congregation of the Holy Cross | |
CSCA | Civil Service Clerical Association (later CPSA) |
CSCE | Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe |
CSci | Chartered Scientist |
CSD | Civil Service Department |
Co-operative Secretaries Diploma | |
Chartered Society of Designers | |
CSDE | Central Servicing Development Establishment |
CSEU | Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions |
CSG | Companion, Order of the Star of Ghana |
Company of the Servants of God | |
CSI | Companion, Order of the Star of India |
Cross, Order of Solomon Islands | |
CSIR | Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (now see CSIRO) |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India | |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia) |
CSM | Civil Service Medal (Fiji) |
Companion, Star of Merit (Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis) | |
Companion, Star of Melanesia (Papua New Guinea) | |
CSO | Chief Scientific Officer |
Chief Signal Officer | |
Chief Staff Officer | |
Central Statistical Office (now see ONS) | |
CSP | Chartered Society of Physiotherapists |
Civil Service of Pakistan | |
CSPQ | Certificat de Spécialiste de la Province de Québec |
CSS | Companion, Star of Sarawak |
Council for Science and Society | |
Certificate in Social Studies | |
CSSB | Civil Service Selection Board |
CSSD | Czech Social Democratic Party |
CSSp | Holy Ghost Father |
CSSR | Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorist Order) |
CStat | Chartered Statistician |
CSTI | Council of Science and Technology Institutes |
CStJ | Commander, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
CSU | Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern |
CSV | Community Service Volunteers |
CSW | Certificate in Social Work |
CT | Connecticut (postal) |
CTA | Chaplain Territorial Army |
Chartered Tax Adviser | |
CTBI | Churches Together in Britain and Ireland |
CTC | Cyclists’ Touring Club |
Commando Training Centre | |
City Technology College | |
CText | Chartered Textile Technologist |
CTh | Certificate in Theology |
CTL | Companion, Trinity Laban |
CTM | Certificate of Theology for Ministry |
CTPP | Chartered Transport Planning Professional |
CTS | Certificate in Terrorism Studies |
CU | Cambridge University |
CUAC | Cambridge University Athletic Club |
Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion | |
CUAFC | Cambridge University Association Football Club |
CUCC | Cambridge University Cricket Club |
CUF | Common University Fund |
CUNY | City University of New York |
CUP | Cambridge University Press |
CUPGRA | Cambridge University Postgraduate Research Association |
CURUFC | Cambridge University Rugby Union Football Club |
CV | Cross of Valour (Canada) |
CVCP | Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom (now see UUK) |
CVO | Commander, Royal Victorian Order |
CVS | Council for Voluntary Service |
CWA | Crime Writers Association |
CWEM | Chartered Water and Environmental Manager |
CWGC | Commonwealth War Graves Commission |
CWS | Co-operative Wholesale Society |
CWU | Communication Workers Union |
D | |
D | Duke |
d | died |
daughter | |
DA | Dame of St Andrew, Order of Barbados |
Diploma in Anaesthesia | |
Diploma in Art | |
Doctor of Arts | |
DAA | Diploma in Archive Administration |
DAA&QMG | Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General |
DAAD | Designers and Art Directors Association |
DAAG | Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General |
DA&QMG | Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster-General |
DAC | Development Assistance Committee |
Diocesan Advisory Committee | |
DAcad | Doctor of the Academy |
DACG | Deputy Assistant Chaplain-General |
DACLAM | Diplomate, American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine |
DACOS | Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff |
DAD | Deputy Assistant Director |
DAdmin | Doctor of Administration |
DADMS | Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services |
DADOS | Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services |
DADQ | Deputy Assistant Director of Quartering |
DADST | Deputy Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport |
DAEd | Diploma in Art Education |
DAG | Deputy Adjutant-General |
DAgr | Doctor of Agriculture |
DAgrFor | Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry |
DAgrSc | Doctor of Agricultural Science |
DAMS | Deputy Assistant Military Secretary |
D&AD | Design and Art Direction (formerly Designers and Art Directors Association) |
DAppSc | Doctor of Applied Science |
DAQMG | Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General |
DArch | Doctor of Architecture |
DArt | Doctor of Art |
DArts | Doctor of Arts |
DASc | Doctor in Agricultural Sciences |
DASS | Diploma in Applied Social Studies |
DATA | Draughtsmen’s and Allied Technicians’ Association (later AUEW(TASS)) |
DATEC | Art and Design Committee, Technician Education Council |
DAvMed | Diploma in Aviation Medicine, Royal College of Physicians |
DBA | Doctor of Business Administration |
DBE | Dame Commander, Order of the British Empire |
DBT | Department for Business and Trade |
DBTS | Diploma in Biblical and Theological Studies |
DBus | Doctor of Business |
DC | District Council |
District of Columbia | |
DCA | Doctor of Creative Arts |
Department for Constitutional Affairs | |
DCAS | Deputy Chief of the Air Staff |
DCB | Dame Commander, Order of the Bath |
DCC | Diploma of Chelsea College |
DCCH | Diploma in Community Child Health |
DCDS | Deputy Chief of Defence Staff |
DCE | Diploma of a College of Education |
DCG | Deputy Chaplain-General |
DCGS | Deputy Chief of the General Staff |
DCh | Doctor of Surgery |
DCH | Diploma in Child Health |
DChA | Diploma in Charity Accounting |
DCHS | Dame Commander, Order of the Holy Sepulchre |
DCL | Doctor of Civil Law |
Doctor of Canon Law | |
DCLG | Department for Communities and Local Government |
DCLI | Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry |
DCLJ | Dame Commander, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
DCM | Distinguished Conduct Medal |
DCMG | Dame Commander, Order of St Michael and St George |
DCMS | Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (formerly Department for Culture, Media and Sport) |
DCnL | Doctor of Canon Law |
DCNZM | Distinguished Companion, New Zealand Order of Merit |
DCO | Duke of Cambridge’s Own |
DCom | DComm |
Doctor of Commerce | |
DCP | Diploma in Clinical Pathology |
Diploma in Conservation of Paintings | |
DCS | Deputy Chief of Staff |
Doctor of Commercial Sciences | |
DCSF | Department for Children, Schools and Families |
DCSG | Dame Commander, Order of St Gregory the Great |
DCSO | Deputy Chief Scientific Officer |
DCT | Doctor of Christian Theology |
DCVO | Dame Commander, Royal Victorian Order |
DD | Doctor of Divinity |
DDAM | Diploma in Disability Assessment Medicine |
DDes | Doctor of Design |
DDGAMS | Deputy Director General, Army Medical Services |
DDH | Diploma in Dental Health |
DDL | Deputy Director of Labour |
DDME | Deputy Director of Mechanical Engineering |
DDMI | Deputy Director of Military Intelligence |
DDMO | Deputy Director of Military Operations |
DDMS | Deputy Director of Medical Services |
DDMT | Deputy Director of Military Training |
DDNI | Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence |
DDO | Diploma in Dental Orthopaedics |
DDPH | Diploma in Dental Public Health |
DDPR | Deputy Director of Public Relations |
DDPS | Deputy Director of Personal Services |
DDR | Deutsche Demokratische Republik |
DDRA | Deputy Director Royal Artillery |
DDra | Doctor of Drama |
DDS | Doctor of Dental Surgery |
Director of Dental Services | |
DDSc | Doctor of Dental Science |
DDSD | Deputy Director Staff Duties |
DDSM | Defense Distinguished Service Medal |
DDST | Deputy Director of Supplies and Transport |
DDWE&M | Deputy Director of Works, Electrical and Mechanical |
DE | Doctor of Engineering |
Delaware (postal) | |
DEA | Department of Economic Affairs |
Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies | |
DEc | Doctor of Economics |
DECC | Department of Energy and Climate Change |
decd | deceased |
DEcon | Doctor of Economics |
DEconSc | Doctor of Economic Science |
DEd | Doctor of Education |
DEFRA | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |
Deleg. | Delegate |
DEME | Directorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
DEMS | Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships |
(DemU) | Democratic Unionist |
DenD | Docteur en Droit |
DEng | Doctor of Engineering |
DenM | Docteur en Médicine |
DEOVR | Duke of Edinburgh’s Own Volunteer Rifles |
DEP | Department of Employment and Productivity |
European Progressive Democrats | |
Dep. | Deputy |
DERA | Defence Evaluation and Research Agency |
DES | Department of Education and Science (later DFE) |
Dr in Environmental Studies | |
DèsL | Docteur ès lettres |
DèS | DèsSc |
Docteur ès sciences | |
DESNZ | Department for Energy Security and Net Zero |
DesRCA | Designer of the Royal College of Art |
DESS | Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Specialisées |
DESU | Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures d’Université |
DETR | Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions |
DExEU | Department for Exiting the European Union |
DFA | Doctor of Fine Arts |
DFAS | Decorative and Fine Art Society |
DFC | Distinguished Flying Cross |
DFE, DfE | Department for Education |
Department for Education and Employment (later DFES) | |
Department for Education and Skills | |
DFFP | Diploma in Fertility and Family Planning |
DFH | Diploma of Faraday House |
DFID | Department for International Development |
DFil | Doctor en Filosofía |
DFM | Distinguished Flying Medal |
Diploma of Forensic Medicine | |
DFPHM | Diplomate Member, Faculty of Public Health Medicine |
DfT | Department for Transport |
DG | Director General |
Directorate General | |
Dragoon Guards | |
DGAA | Distressed Gentlefolks Aid Association |
DGAMS | Director-General Army Medical Services |
DGCHS | Dame Grand Cross, Order of the Holy Sepulchre |
DGDP | Diploma in General Dental Practice, Royal College of Physicians |
DGEME | Director General Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
DGLP(A) | Director General Logistic Policy (Army) |
DGMS | Director-General of Medical Services |
DGMT | Director-General of Military Training |
DGMW | Director-General of Military Works |
DGNPS | Director-General of Naval Personal Services |
DGP | Director-General of Personnel |
DGPS | Director-General of Personal Services |
DGS | Diploma in Graduate Studies |
DGStJ | Dame of Grace, Order of St John of Jerusalem (now see DStJ) |
DGU | Doctor of Griffith University |
DH | Doctor of Humanities |
Doctor of Health | |
DHA | District Health Authority |
Dhc | DHC |
Doctor honoris causa | |
DHE | Defence Housing Executive |
DHEW | Department of Health Education and Welfare (US) |
DHL | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Doctor of Hebrew Literature | |
DHLitt | Doctor of Humane Letters |
DHM | Dean Hole Medal |
DHMSA | Diploma in the History of Medicine (Society of Apothecaries) |
DHQ | District Headquarters |
DHS | Dame, Order of the Holy Sepulchre |
DHSC | Department of Health and Social Care |
DHSS | Department of Health and Social Security |
DHum | Doctor of Humanities |
DHumLit | Doctor of Humane Letters |
DIA | Diploma in Industrial Administration |
DIB | Doctor of International Business |
DIC | Diploma of the Imperial College |
DIFC | Dubai International Financial Centre |
DIG | Deputy Inspector-General |
DIH | Diploma in Industrial Health |
DIMP | Darjah Indera Mahkota Pahang (Malaysia) |
DIntLaw | Diploma in International Law |
Dio. | Diocese |
DipA | Diploma of Arts in Theology |
DipAA | Diploma in Applied Art |
DipABRSM | Diploma, Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music |
DipAD | Diploma in Art and Design |
DipAE | Diploma in Adult Education |
DipAe | Diploma in Aeronautics |
DipAgr | Diploma in Agriculture |
DipArch | Diploma in Architecture |
DipASE | Diploma in Advanced Study of Education, College of Preceptors |
DipASS | Diploma in Applied Social Studies |
DipBA | Diploma in Business Administration |
DipBS | Diploma in Fine Art, Byam Shaw School |
DipCAM | Diploma in Communications, Advertising and Marketing of CAM Foundation |
DipCAT | Diploma in Cognitive Analytic Therapy |
DipCD | Diploma in Civic Design |
DipCE | Diploma in Civil Engineering |
Diploma of a College of Education (Scotland) | |
DipChA | Diploma in Chartered Accounting |
DipCII | Diploma in Insurance, Chartered Insurance Institute |
DipCons | Diploma in Conservation |
DipCS | Diploma in Classical Studies |
DipECLAM | Diplomate, European College of Laboratory Animal Medicine |
DipEcon | Diploma in Economics |
DipECVO | Diploma in Veterinary Ophthalmology, European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists |
DipEd | Diploma in Education |
DipEE | Diploma in Electrical Engineering |
DipEl | Diploma in Electronics |
DipESL | Diploma in English as a Second Language |
DipEth | Diploma in Ethnology |
DipEurHum | Diploma in European Humanities |
DipEVPC | Diplomate, European Veterinary Parasitology College |
DipFBOM | Diploma in Farm Business Organisation and Management |
DipFD | Diploma in Funeral Directing |
DipFE | Diploma in Further Education |
DipFM | Diploma in Forensic Medicine |
Diploma in Financial Management | |
DipFMS | Diploma in Forensic Medicine and Science |
DipFS | Diploma in Financial Services |
DipGSM | Diploma in Music, Guildhall School of Music and Drama |
DipHA | Diploma in Hospital Administration |
DipHE | Diploma in Higher Education |
DipHSM | Diploma in Health Services Management |
DipHIC | Diploma in Hospital Infection Control |
DipHum | Diploma in Humanities |
DipHV | Diploma in Health Visiting |
DipICArb | Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration |
DipIT | Diploma in Information Technology |
DipLA | Diploma in Landscape Architecture |
DipLaw | Diploma in Law |
DipLib | Diploma of Librarianship |
DipLLP | Diploma in Law and Legal Practice |
DipLP | Diploma in Legal Practice |
DipLS | Diploma of Legal Studies |
DipM | Diploma in Marketing |
DipMed | Diploma in Medicine |
DipMin | Diploma in Ministry |
DipN | Diploma in Nursing |
DipNEC | Diploma of Northampton Engineering College (now City University) |
DIPP | Diploma of Interventional Pain Practice |
DipPA | Diploma of Practitioners in Advertising (now see DipCAM) |
DipPE | Diploma in Physical Education |
DipPFS | Diploma in Financial Planning, Chartered Insurance Institute |
DipPSA | Diploma in Public Service Administration |
DipPSW | Diploma in Psychiatric Social Work |
DipPsych | Diploma in Psychology |
DipRE | Diploma in Religious Education |
DipREM | Diploma in Rural Estate Management |
DipRS | Diploma in Religious Studies |
DipSMS | Diploma in School Management Studies |
DipSoc | Diploma in Sociology |
DipSocSc | Diploma in Social Science |
DipSRAA | Diploma in the Study of Records and Administration of Archives |
DipStat | Diploma in Statistics |
DipSW | Diploma in Social Work |
DipTA | Diploma in Tropical Agriculture |
DipT&CP | Diploma in Town and Country Planning |
DipTh | Diploma in Theology |
DipTMHA | Diploma in Training and Further Education of Mentally Handicapped Adults |
DipTP | Diploma in Town Planning |
DipTPT | Diploma in Theory and Practice of Teaching |
DipTRP | Diploma in Town and Regional Planning |
DipURP | Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning |
DipYCS | Diploma in Youth and Community Studies |
DIS | Diploma in Industrial Studies |
DistTP | Distinction in Town Planning |
DIT | Department for International Trade |
DIur | Doctor of Law |
DIUS | Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills |
Div. | Division |
Divorced | |
DJAG | Deputy Judge Advocate General |
DJPD | Dato Jasa Purba Di-Raja Negeri Sembilan (Malaysia) |
DJStJ | Dame of Justice, Order of St John of Jerusalem (now see DStJ) |
DJur | Doctor Juris (Doctor of Law) |
DK | Most Esteemed Family Order (Brunei) |
DL | Deputy Lieutenant |
Democratie Libérale | |
DLAS | Diploma in Laboratory Animal Science, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons |
DLaws | Doctor of Laws |
DLC | Diploma of Loughborough College |
DLES | Doctor of Letters in Economic Studies |
DLI | Durham Light Infantry |
DLIS | Diploma in Library and Information Studies |
DLit | DLitt |
Doctor of Literature | |
Doctor of Letters | |
DLittS | Doctor of Sacred Letters |
DLJ | Dame of Grace, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
DLO | Diploma in Laryngology and Otology |
DLP | Diploma in Legal Practice |
Democratic Labour Party | |
DLR | Docklands Light Railway |
DLUHC | Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities |
DM | Doctor of Medicine |
DMA | Diploma in Municipal Administration |
DMan | Doctor of Management |
DMCC | Diploma in the Medical Care of Catastrophe, Society of Apothecaries |
DMD | Doctor of Medical Dentistry (Australia) |
DME | Director of Mechanical Engineering |
DMed | Doctor of Medicine |
DMedSci | Doctor of Medical Science |
DMet | Doctor of Metallurgy |
DMI | Director of Military Intelligence |
DMin | Doctor of Ministry |
DMiss | Doctor of Missiology |
DMJ | Diploma in Medical Jurisprudence |
DMJ(Path) | Diploma in Medical Jurisprudence (Pathology) |
DMLJ | Dame of Merit, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
DMO | Director of Military Operations |
DMR | Diploma in Medical Radiology |
DMRD | Diploma in Medical Radiological Diagnosis |
DMRE | Diploma in Medical Radiology and Electrology |
DMRT | Diploma in Medical Radio-Therapy |
DMS | Director of Medical Services |
Decoration for Meritorious Service (South Africa) | |
Diploma in Management Studies | |
DMSc | Doctor of Medical Science |
DMT | Director of Military Training |
DMus | Doctor of Music |
DN | Diploma in Nursing |
DNB | Dictionary of National Biography |
DNE | Director of Naval Equipment |
DNH | Department of National Heritage |
DNI | Director of Naval Intelligence |
DNursing | Professional Doctorate in Nursing |
DNZM | Dame Companion, New Zealand Order of Merit |
DO | Diploma in Ophthalmology |
DOAE | Defence Operational Analysis Establishment |
DObstRCOG | Diploma of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (now see DRCOG) |
DOC | District Officer Commanding |
DocArts | Doctor of Arts |
DocEng | Doctor of Engineering |
DoE | Department of the Environment |
DoH | Department of Health |
DoI | Department of Industry |
DOL | Doctor of Oriental Learning |
Dom. | Dominus (Lord) |
DOMS | Diploma in Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery |
DOR | Director of Operational Requirements |
DOrthRCS | Diploma in Orthodontics, Royal College of Surgeons |
DOS | Director of Ordnance Services |
Doctor of Ocular Science | |
DP | Data Processing |
DPA | Diploma in Public Administration |
Discharged Prisoners’ Aid | |
Doctor of Public Administration | |
DPD | Diploma in Public Dentistry |
DPEc | Doctor of Political Economy |
DPed | Doctor of Pedagogy |
DPH | Diploma in Public Health |
DPh | DPhil |
Doctor of Philosophy | |
DPharm | Doctor of Pharmacy |
DPhilMed | Diploma in Philosophy of Medicine |
DPhysMed | Diploma in Physical Medicine |
DPLG | Diplômé par le Gouvernement |
DPM | Diploma in Psychological Medicine |
Diploma in Personnel Management | |
DPMS | Dato Paduka Mahkota Selangor (Malaysia) |
DPMSA | Diploma in Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, Society of Apothecaries |
DPP | Director of Public Prosecutions |
DPR | Director of Public Relations |
DProf | Doctor of Professional Studies |
DPS | Director of Postal Services |
Director of Personal Services | |
Doctor of Public Service | |
Diploma in Pastoral Studies | |
DPSA | Diploma in Public and Social Administration |
DPSE | Diploma in Professional Studies in Education |
DPSM | Diploma in Public Sector Management |
DPSN | Diploma in Professional Studies in Nursing |
DPsych | Doctor of Psychology |
DQMG | Deputy Quartermaster-General |
Dr | Doctor |
DRA | Defence Research Agency (later DERA) |
DRAC | Director Royal Armoured Corps |
DRC | Diploma of Royal College of Science and Technology, Glasgow |
DRCOG | Diploma of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
DRD | Diploma in Restorative Dentistry |
Dr hab. | Doctor of Habilitation |
Dr ing | Doctor of Engineering |
Dr jur | Doctor of Laws |
DrŒcPol | Doctor Œconomiæ Politicæ (Doctor of Political Economy) |
Dr phil | Doctor of Philosophy |
Dr rer. nat. | Doctor of Natural Science |
Dr rer. pol. | Doctor of Political Science |
Dr rer. soc. oec. | Doctor of Social and Economic Sciences |
DRS | Diploma in Religious Studies |
Drs | Doctorandus |
DRSAMD | Diploma of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama |
DS | Directing Staff |
Doctor of Science | |
DSA | Diploma in Social Administration |
DSAC | Defence Scientific Advisory Council |
DSAO | Diplomatic Service Administration Office |
DSC | Distinguished Service Cross |
DSc | Doctor of Science |
DScA | Docteur en sciences agricoles |
DSc(Eng) | Doctor of Engineering Science |
DSCHE | Diploma of the Scottish Council for Health Education |
DSCM | Diploma of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music |
DScMil | Doctor of Military Science |
DSc (SocSci) | Doctor of Science in Social Science |
DSD | Director Staff Duties |
Diploma in Speech and Drama | |
DSF | Director Special Forces |
DSG | Dame, Order of St Gregory the Great |
DSIR | Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (later SRC; then SERC) |
DSIT | Department for Science, Innovation and Technology |
DSL | Doctor of Sacred Letters |
DSLJ | Dato Seri Laila Jasa (Brunei) |
DSM | Distinguished Service Medal |
DSMOM | Dame, Sovereign Military Order of Malta |
DSNB | Dato Setia Negara Brunei |
DSNS | Dato Setia Negeri Sembilan (Malaysia) |
DSO | Companion of the Distinguished Service Order |
DSocSc | Doctor of Social Science |
DSP | Director of Selection of Personnel |
Docteur en sciences politiques (Montreal) | |
dsp | decessit sine prole (died without issue) |
DSport | Doctor of Sport |
DSS | Department of Social Security |
Doctor of Sacred Scripture | |
Dss | Deaconess |
DSSc | Doctor of Social Science |
DST | Director of Supplies and Transport |
DStJ | Dame of Grace, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
Dame of Justice, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem | |
DSTL | Defence Science and Technology Laboratory |
DTA | Diploma in Tropical Agriculture |
DTech | Doctor of Technology |
DTH | Diploma in Tropical Hygiene |
DTh | DTheol |
Doctor of Theology | |
DThMin | Doctor of Theology and Ministry |
DThPT | Diploma in Theory and Practice of Teaching |
DTI | Department of Trade and Industry |
DTLR | Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions |
DTM&H | Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene |
DU | DUniv |
Honorary Doctor of the University | |
Dunelm | Dunelmensis (of Durham) |
DUP | Democratic Unionist Party |
Docteur de l’Université de Paris | |
DVA | Diploma of Veterinary Anaesthesia |
DVH | Diploma in Veterinary Hygiene |
DVLA | Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency |
DVLC | Driver and Vehicle Licensing Centre |
DVM | DVetMed |
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine | |
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery | |
DVO | Driver, Vehicle and Operator |
DVOphthal | Diploma in Veterinary Ophthalmology |
DVR | Diploma in Veterinary Radiology |
DVSc | Doctor of Veterinary Science |
DVSM | Diploma in Veterinary State Medicine |
DWP | Department for Work and Pensions |
E | |
E | East |
Earl | |
England | |
e | eldest |
EA | Environment Agency |
EAA | Edinburgh Architectural Association |
EACR | European Association for Cancer Research |
EADS | European Aeronautics Defence and Space Company |
EAF | East African Forces |
EAGA | Energy Action Grants Agency |
EAHY | European Architectural Heritage Year |
EASD | European Association of Securities Dealers |
European Association for the Study of Diabetes | |
EBC | English Benedictine Congregation |
Ebor | Eboracensis (of York) |
EBRD | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
EBSQ | European Board of Surgery Qualification |
EBU | European Broadcasting Union |
EC | Etoile du Courage (Canada) |
European Community | |
European Commission | |
Emergency Commission | |
ECA | Economic Co-operation Administration |
Economic Commission for Africa | |
ECAFE | Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (now see ESCAP) |
ECB | England and Wales Cricket Board |
ECCTIS | Education Courses and Credit Transfer Information Systems |
ECE | Economic Commission for Europe |
ECGD | Export Credits Guarantee Department |
ECHR | European Court of Human Rights |
ECLAC | United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean |
ECOSOC | Economic and Social Committee of the United Nations |
ECR | European Conservatives and Reformists Group |
ECSC | European Coal and Steel Community |
ED | Efficiency Decoration |
Doctor of Engineering (US) | |
European Democrat | |
ed | edited |
EdB | Bachelor of Education |
EDC | Economic Development Committee |
EdD | Doctor of Education |
EDF | European Development Fund |
EDG | European Democratic Group |
Employment Department Group | |
Edin. | Edinburgh |
Edn | Edition |
EDP | Executive Development Programme |
EdS | Specialist in Education |
EDSAC | Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator |
Educ | Educated |
Educn | Education |
EEA | European Environment Agency |
EEC | European Economic Community (now see EC) |
Commission of the European Communities | |
EEF | Engineering Employers’ Federation |
Egyptian Expeditionary Force | |
EETPU | Electrical Electronic Telecommunication & Plumbing Union (later AEEU) |
EETS | Early English Text Society |
EFCE | European Federation of Chemical Engineering |
EFIAP | Excellence, Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique |
EFQM | European Foundation Quality Management |
EFTA | European Free Trade Association |
EGCLJ | Ecclesiastical Grand Cross Chaplain, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
eh | ehrenhalber (honorary) |
EI | East Indian |
East Indies | |
EIA | Engineering Industries Association |
EIB | European Investment Bank |
EIEMA | Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers’ Association |
E-in-C | Engineer-in-Chief |
EIS | Educational Institute of Scotland |
EISCAT | European Incoherent Scatter Association |
EIU | Economist Intelligence Unit |
ELBS | English Language Book Society |
ELDR | European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party |
ELT | English Language Teaching |
EM | Edward Medal |
Earl Marshal | |
EMBL | European Molecular Biology Laboratory |
EMBO | European Molecular Biology Organisation |
EMEA | European Medicines Agency (formerly European Agency for the Evaluation of Medical Products) |
Europe, Middle East and Africa | |
EMI | European Monetary Institute |
EMP | Electro Magnetic Pulse |
Executive Management Program Diploma | |
EMS | Emergency Medical Service |
EMU | European Monetary Union |
Eng. | England |
EngD | Doctor of Engineering |
Engr | Engineer |
ENO | English National Opera |
ENT | Ear Nose and Throat |
ENTO | Employment National Training Organisation |
EO | Executive Officer |
EOC | Equal Opportunities Commission |
EOPH | Examined Officer of Public Health |
EORTC | European Organisation for Research on Treatment of Cancer |
EOT | Employee Ownership Trust |
EP | European Parliament |
EPOS | Electronic Point of Sale |
EPP | European People’s Party |
EPSA | Excellence, Photographic Society of America |
EPSRC | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council |
EPsS | Experimental Psychology Society |
er | elder |
ER | Eastern Region (BR) |
East Riding | |
ERA | Electrical Research Association |
ERC | Electronics Research Council |
ERD | Emergency Reserve Decoration (Army) |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESC | European Society of Cardiology |
ESCAP | Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific |
ESCP-EAP | Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris-Ecole des Affaires de Paris |
ESF | European Science Foundation |
ESL | English as a Second Language |
ESOL | English for Speakers of Other Languages |
ESP | English for Special Purposes |
ESPID | European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases |
EsqStJ | Esquire, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
ESRC | Economic and Social Research Council |
Electricity Supply Research Council | |
ESRO | European Space Research Organization (now see ESA) |
ESSKA | European Society for Surgery of the Knee and Arthroscopy |
ESTA | European Science and Technology Assembly |
ESU | English-Speaking Union |
ETA | Engineering Training Authority |
ETH | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule |
ETS | Educational and Training Services |
ETS(A) | Educational and Training Services (Army) |
ETU | Electrical Trades Union |
ETUC | European Trade Union Confederation |
ETUCE | European Trade Union Committee for Education |
EU | European Union |
Euratom | European Atomic Energy Community |
EurBiol | European Biologist (now see EurProBiol) |
EurChem | European Chemist |
EurGeol | European Geologist |
Eur Ing | European Engineer |
EUROM | European Federation for Optics and Precision Mechanics |
EurProBiol | European Professional Biologist |
EUW | European Union of Women |
eV | eingetragener Verein |
EVPC | European Veterinary Parasitology College |
Ext | Extinct |
external | |
F | |
FA | Football Association |
FAA | Fellow, Australian Academy of Science |
FAAAI | Fellow, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (formerly American Association for Artificial Intelligence) |
Fleet Air Arm | |
FAAAI | Fellow, American Association for Artificial Intelligence |
FAAAS | Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science |
FAACR | Fellow, American Association for Cancer Research |
FAAHMS | Fellow, Australian Academy of Health and Sciences |
FAAN | Fellow, American Academy of Neurology |
Fellow, American Academy of Nursing | |
FAAO | Fellow, American Academy of Optometry |
FAAP | Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics |
FAARM | Fellow, American Academy of Reproductive Medicine |
FAAV | Fellow, Central Association of Agricultural Valuers |
FAAVCT | Fellow, American Academy of Veterinary and Comparative Toxicology |
FABE | Fellow, Association of Building Engineers |
FAcadMEd | Fellow, Academy of Medical Educators |
FACB | Fellow, National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, USA |
FACC | Fellow, American College of Cardiology |
FACCA | Fellow, Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants (now see FCCA) |
FACCP | Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians |
FACD | Fellow, American College of Dentistry |
FACDS | Fellow, Australian College of Dental Surgeons (now see FRACDS) |
FACE | Fellow, Australian College of Educators (formerly of Education) |
FACerS | Fellow, American Ceramic Society |
FAChAM | Fellow, Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine, Royal Australian College of Physicians |
FAChPM | Fellow, Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine, Royal Australian College of Physicians |
FACHSE | Fellow, Australian College of Health Service Executives |
FACI | Fellow, Australian Chemical Institute (now see FRACI) |
FACM | Fellow, Associaton of Computing Machinery |
FACMA | Fellow, Australian College of Medical Administrators (now see FRACMA) |
FACMG | Fellow, American College of Medicinal Genetics |
FACOG | Fellow, American College of Obstetricians and Gynæcologists |
FACOM | Fellow, Australian College of Occupational Medicine |
FACP | Fellow, American College of Physicians |
FACPM | Fellow, American College of Preventive Medicine |
FACR | Fellow, American College of Radiology |
FACRM | Fellow, Australian College of Rehabilitation Medicine |
FACS | Fellow, American College of Surgeons |
FAcSS | Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences |
FACVSc | Fellow, Australian College of Veterinary Scientists |
FACVT | Fellow, American College of Veterinary Toxicology (now see FAAVCT) |
FADM | Fellow, Academy of Dental Materials |
FADO | Fellow, Association of Dispensing Opticians |
FAEM | Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine (now see CEM) |
FAeSI | Fellow, Aeronautical Society of India |
FAFMS | Fellow, Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences |
FAfN | Fellow, Association for Nutrition |
FAFPHM | Fellow, Australian Faculty of Public Health Medicine |
FAGS | Fellow, American Geographical Society |
FAHA | Fellow, Australian Academy of the Humanities |
Fellow, American Heart Association | |
FAHMS | Fellow, Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences |
FAI | Fellow, Chartered Auctioneers’ and Estate Agents’ Institute (now (after amalgamation) see FRICS) |
Fédération Aéronautique Internationale | |
FAIA | Fellow, American Institute of Architects |
Fellow, Association of International Accountants | |
FAIAA | Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
FAIAS | Fellow, Australian Institute of Agricultural Science (now see FAIAST) |
FAIAST | Fellow, Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology |
FAIB | Fellow, Australian Institute of Bankers |
FAIBF | Fellow, Australasian Institute of Bankers + Finance |
FAIBiol | Fellow, Australian Institute of Biology |
FAICD | Fellow, Australian Institute of Company Directors |
FAIChE | Fellow, American Institute of Chemical Engineers |
FAIE | Fellow, Australian Institute of Energy |
FAIEx | Fellow, Australian Institute of Export |
FAIFST | Fellow, Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology |
FAII | Fellow, Australian Insurance Institute |
FAIIA | Fellow, Australian Information Industry Association |
FAIM | Fellow, Australian Institute of Management |
FAIMBE | Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering |
FAIP | Fellow, Australian Institute of Physics |
FAISB | Fellow, Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour |
FAM | Fellow, Academy of Marketing |
FAMA | Fellow, Australian Medical Association |
FAMI | Fellow, Australian Marketing Institute |
FAMINZ(Arb) | Fellow, Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand |
FAMM | Fellow, Academy of Medicine, Malaysia |
FAmNucSoc | Fellow, American Nuclear Society |
FAMS | Fellow, Ancient Monuments Society |
Fellow, Academy of Medicine, Singapore | |
Fellow, American Mathematical Society | |
FANA | Fellow, American Neurological Association |
F and GP | Finance and General Purposes |
FANY | First Aid Nursing Yeomanry |
FANZCA | Fellow, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists |
FANZCP | Fellow, Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (now see FRANZCP) |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
FAoP | Fellow, Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland |
FAOrthA | Fellow, Australian Orthopaedic Association |
FAPA | Fellow, American Psychiatric Association |
FAPHA | Fellow, American Public Health Association |
FAPI | Fellow, Association of Physicians of India |
FAPM | Fellow, Association for Project Management (formerly of Project Managers) |
FAPS | Fellow, American Phytopathological Society |
FAPT | Fellow, Association for Preservation Technology (US) |
FArborA | Fellow, Arboricultural Association |
FARE | Federation of Alcoholic Rehabilitation Establishments |
FARELF | Far East Land Forces |
FARVO | Fellow, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology |
FAS | Fellow, Antiquarian Society |
Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science | |
Funding Agency for Schools | |
Fellow, Anatomical Society | |
FASA | Fellow, Australian Society of Accountants (now see FCPA) |
FASc | Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences |
fasc. | fascicule |
FASCE | Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers |
FASI | Fellow, Architects’ and Surveyors’ Institute |
FASME | Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
FASPOG | Fellow, Australian Society for Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
FASSA | Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia |
FAusIMM | Fellow, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy |
FAustCOG | Fellow, Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynæcologists (later FRACOG; now see FRANZCOG) |
FAustMS | Fellow, Australian Mathematical Society |
FBA | Fellow, British Academy |
Federation of British Artists | |
FBAHA | Fellow, British Association of Hotel Accountants |
FBAM | Fellow, British Academy of Management |
FBC | Fellow, Birmingham Conservatoire (now see FRBC) |
FBCartS | Fellow, British Cartographic Society |
FBCO | Fellow, British College of Optometrists (formerly of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists)) (now see FCOptom) |
FBCS | Fellow, British Computer Society |
FBCS CITP | Fellow, British Computer Society, with Chartered Professional Status |
FBEng | Fellow, Association of Building Engineers |
FBES | Fellow, Biological Engineering Society (now see FIPEM) |
FBHA | Fellow, British Hospitality Association |
FBHI | Fellow, British Horological Institute |
FBHS | Fellow, British Horse Society |
FBI | Federation of British Industries (now see CBI) |
Federal Bureau of Investigation | |
FBIAT | Fellow, British Institute of Architectural Technicians |
FBIBA | Fellow, British Insurance Brokers’ Association (now see FBIIBA) |
FBID | Fellow, British Institute of Interior Design |
FBIDA | Fellow, British Interior Design Association |
FBIDST | Fellow, British Institute of Dental and Surgical Technologists |
FBII | Fellow, British Institute of Innkeeping |
FBIIBA | Fellow, British Insurance and Investment Brokers’ Association |
FBIM | Fellow, British Institute of Management (later FIMgt) |
FBINZ | Fellow, Bankers’ Institute of New Zealand |
FBIPM | Fellow, British Institute of Payroll Management (now see FIPPM) |
FBIPP | Fellow, British Institute of Professional Photography |
FBIR | Fellow, British Institute of Radiology |
FBIRA | Fellow, British Institute of Regulatory Affairs |
FBIS | Fellow, British Interplanetary Society |
FBKS | Fellow, British Kinematograph Society (now see FBKSTS) |
FBKSTS | Fellow, British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society |
FBNA | Fellow, British Naturalists’ Association |
FBOA | Fellow, British Optical Association |
FBOU | Fellow, British Ornithologists’ Union |
FBPharmacolS | Fellow, British Pharmacological Society (now see FBPhS) |
FBPhS | Fellow, British Pharmacological Society |
FBPICS | Fellow, British Production and Inventory Control Society |
FBPsS | Fellow, British Psychological Society |
FBritIRE | Fellow, British Institution of Radio Engineers (later FIERE) |
FBS | Fellow, Building Societies Institute (later FCBSI; now see FCIB) |
FBSE | Fellow, Biomaterials Science and Engineering |
FBSG | Fellow, British Society for Geomorphology |
FBSI | Fellow, Boot and Shoe Institution (now see FCFI) |
FBSM | Fellow, Birmingham School of Music (now see FBC) |
FBTS | Fellow, British Toxicology Society |
FC | Football Club |
FCA | Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants |
Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia | |
Fellow, New Zealand Society of Accountants | |
Federation of Canadian Artists | |
FCAE | Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering |
FCAHS | Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences |
FCAI | Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Cost Accountants |
Fellow, Canadian Aeronautical Institute (now see FCASI) | |
Fellow, College of Anaesthetists of Ireland | |
FCAM | Fellow, CAM Foundation |
FCAnaes | Fellow, College of Anaesthetists (now see FRCA) |
FCARCSI | Fellow, College of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland |
FCA(SA) | Fellow, College of Anaesthetists (South Africa) |
FCASI | Fellow, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute |
FCBI | Fellow, Chartered Banker Institute |
FCBSI | Fellow, Chartered Building Societies Institute (merged with Chartered Institute of Bankers; now see FCIB) |
FCCA | Fellow, Chartered Association of Certified Accountants |
FCCEA | Fellow, Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration |
FCCP | Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians |
FCCS | Fellow, Corporation of Secretaries (formerly of Certified Secretaries) |
FCCT | Fellow, Canadian College of Teachers |
FCDO | Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office |
FCDSHK | Fellow, College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong |
FCEC | Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors |
FCEM | Fellow, College of Emergency Medicine (now see FRCEM) |
FCFE | Fellow, Chartered Institution for Further Education |
FCFI | Fellow, Clothing and Footwear Institute |
FCG | Fellow, Chartered Governance Institute |
FCGA | Fellow, Certified General Accountants of Canada |
FCGC | Fellow, Council of Geriatric Cardiology |
FCGDent | Fellow, College of General Dentistry |
FCGI | Fellow, City and Guilds of London Institute |
FCGP | Fellow, College of General Practitioners (now see FRCGP) |
FChS | Fellow, Society of Chiropodists |
FCI | Fellow, Institute of Commerce |
FCIA | Fellow, Corporation of Insurance Agents |
FCIArb | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators |
FCIB | Fellow, Corporation of Insurance Brokers |
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Bankers | |
FCIBS | Fellow, Chartered Institution of Building Services (now see FCBI) |
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland | |
FCIBSE | Fellow, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers |
FCIC | Fellow, Chemical Institute of Canada (formerly Canadian Institute of Chemistry) |
FCICM | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Credit Management |
FCIEEM | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management |
FCIEH | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health |
FCIFE | Fellow, Chartered Institution for Further Education |
FCIH | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Housing |
FCIHort | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Horticulture |
FCIHT | Fellow, Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation |
FCII | Fellow, Chartered Insurance Institute |
FCIJ | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Journalists |
FCIL | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Linguists |
FCILA | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters |
FCILT | Chartered Fellow, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport |
FCIM | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Marketing |
Fellow, Institute of Corporate Managers (Australia) | |
FCInstCES | Fellow, Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors |
FCIOB | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Building |
FCIPA | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Patent Agents (now see CPA) |
FCIPD | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development |
FCIPHE | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering |
FCIPR | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Public Relations |
FCIPS | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Procurement (formerly Purchasing) and Supply |
FCIS | Fellow, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (formerly Chartered Institute of Secretaries) (now see FCG) |
FCISA | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators (Australia) |
FCIT | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Transport (now see FCILT) |
FCIWEM | Fellow, Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management |
FCIWM | Fellow, Chartered Institution of Wastes Management |
FCJEI | Fellow, Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute |
FCLIP | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals |
FCM | Faculty of Community Medicine |
FCMA | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (formerly Institute of Cost and Management Accountants) |
Fellow, Communications Management Association | |
FCMC | Fellow grade, Certified Management Consultant |
FCMI | Fellow, Chartered Management Institute |
FCMSA | Fellow, College of Medicine of South Africa |
FCNA | Fellow, College of Nursing, Australia |
FCO | Foreign and Commonwealth Office |
FCOG(SA) | Fellow, South African College of Obstetrics and Gynæcology |
FCollH | Fellow, College of Handicraft |
FCollP | Fellow, College of Preceptors |
FCollT | Fellow, College of Teachers |
FCommA | Fellow, Society of Commercial Accountants (now see FSCA) |
FCOphth | Fellow, College of Ophthalmologists (now see FRCOphth) |
FCOptom | Fellow, College of Optometrists |
FCOT | Fellow, College of Teachers |
FCP | Fellow, College of Preceptors |
FCPA | Fellow, Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants |
FCPath | Fellow, College of Pathologists (now see FRCPath) |
FCPCH | Fellow, College of Paediatrics and Child Health (now see FRCPCH) |
FCP (ECSA) | Fellow, East, Central and Southern Africa College of Physicians |
FCPFA | Fellow Chartered Public Finance Accountant |
FCPodMed | Fellow, College of Podiatry in Podiatric Medicine (now see FRCPodM) |
FCPS | Fellow, College of Physicians and Surgeons |
FCP(SoAf) | Fellow, College of Physicians, South Africa |
FCPSO(SoAf) | Fellow, College of Physicians and Surgeons and Obstetricians, South Africa |
FCPS (Pak) | Fellow, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan |
FCQI | Fellow, Chartered Quality Institute |
FCRA | Fellow, College of Radiologists of Australia (now see FRACR) |
FCS | Federation of Conservative Students |
FCS | FChemSoc |
Fellow, Chemical Society (now absorbed into Royal Society of Chemistry) | |
FCSD | Fellow, Chartered Society of Designers |
FCSFS | Fellow, Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences |
FCSHK | Fellow, College of Surgeons of Hong Kong |
FCSI | Fellow, Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment |
FCSLT | Fellow, College of Speech and Language Therapists (now see FRCSLT) |
FCSM | Fellow, Cambridge School of Music |
FCSP | Fellow, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy |
Fellow, College of Surgeons, South Africa | |
FCSSL | Fellow, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka |
FCST | Fellow, College of Speech Therapists (later FCSLT; now see FRCSLT) |
FCT | Federal Capital Territory (now see ACT) |
Fellow, Association of Corporate Treasurers | |
Fellow, College of Teachers | |
FCTB | Fellow, College of Teachers of the Blind |
FCU | Fighter Control Unit |
FCWA | Fellow, Institute of Costs and Works Accountants (now see FCMA) |
FD | Doctor of Philosophy |
FDA | Association of First Division Civil Servants |
FdA | Foundation Degree of Arts |
FDF | Food and Drink Federation |
FDI | Fédération Dentaire Internationale |
FDP | Freie Demokratische Partei |
FDS | Fellow in Dental Surgery |
FdSc | Foundation Degree in Science |
FDSRCPSGlas | Fellow in Dental Surgery, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow |
Fellow in Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of England | |
FDSRCSE | Fellow in Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh |
FE | Far East |
Further Education | |
FEA | Fellow, English Association |
FEAF | Far East Air Force |
FEAN | Fellow, European Academy of Neurology |
FEANI | Fédération Européenne d’Associations Nationales d’Ingénieurs |
FEBS | Federation of European Biochemical Societies |
Fellow, European Board of Surgery | |
FECI | Fellow, Institute of Employment Consultants |
FECTS | Fellow, European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery |
FEE | Fédération des Expertes Comptables Européens |
FEF | Far East Fleet |
Further Education Funding Council for England | |
FEFCW | Further Education Funding Council for Wales |
FEI | Fédération Equestre Internationale |
Fellow, Energy Institute | |
FEIC | Fellow, Engineering Institute of Canada |
FEIDCT | Fellow, Educational Institute of Design Craft and Technology |
FEIS | Fellow, Educational Institute of Scotland |
FEMAC | Fellow, European Marketing Academy |
FEng | Fellow, Royal Academy (formerly Fellowship) of Engineering (now see FREng) |
FEPS | Federation of European Physiological Societies |
FERS | Fellow, European Respiratory Society |
FES | Fellow, Entomological Society |
Fellow, Ethnological Society | |
FESC | Fellow, European Society of Cardiology |
FETCS | Fellow, European Board of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons |
FEurASc | Fellow, European Academy of Sciences |
FF | Fianna Fáil |
Field Force | |
FFA | Fellow, Faculty of Actuaries (in Scotland) |
Fellow, Institute of Financial Accountants | |
FFAEM | Fellow, Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine (later FCEM) |
FFARACS | Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (now see FANZCA) |
FFARCS | Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons of England (now see FRCA) |
FFARCSI | Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (now see FCAI) |
FFAS | Fellow, Faculty of Architects and Surveyors, London (now see FASI) |
FFA(SA) | Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists (South Africa) (now see FCA(SA)) |
FFB | Fellow, Faculty of Building |
FFCI | Fellow, Faculty of Clinical Informatics |
FFCM | Fellow, Faculty of Community Medicine (now see FFPH) |
Fellow, Faculty of Church Music | |
FFCMI | Fellow, Faculty of Community Medicine of Ireland |
FFCS | Founding Fellow, Contemporary Scotland |
FFDRCSI | Fellow, Faculty of Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland |
FFFLM | Fellow, Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians |
FFFP | Fellow, Faculty of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (now see FFSRH) |
FFGDP(UK) | Fellow, Faculty of General Dental Practitioners of the Royal College of Surgeons (now see FCGDent) |
FFHom | Fellow, Faculty of Homeopathy |
FFI | Finance for Industry |
Fauna & Flora International | |
FFICM | Fellow, Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine |
FFOM | Fellow, Faculty of Occupational Medicine |
FFOMI | Fellow, Faculty of Occupational Medicine of Ireland |
FFOP (RCPA) | Fellow, Faculty of Oral Pathology, Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia |
FFPath, RCPI | Fellow, Faculty of Pathologists of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland |
FFPH | Fellow, Faculty of Public Health |
FFPHM | Fellow, Faculty of Public Health Medicine (now see FFPH) |
FFPHMI | Fellow, Faculty of Public Health Medicine of Ireland |
FFPM | Fellow, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine |
FFPMRCA | Fellow, Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists |
FFPRHC | Faculty of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (now see FSRH) |
FFPS | Fauna and Flora Preservation Society (now see FFI) |
FFR | Fellow, Faculty of Radiologists (now see FRCR) |
FFRRCSI | Fellow, Faculty of Radiologists of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland |
FFSEM | Fellow, Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland |
FFSRH | Fellow, Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
FFSSoc | Fellow, Forensic Science Society (now see FCSFS) |
FFSTEd | Fellow, Faculty of Surgical Trainers, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh |
FFTM(Glas) | Fellow, Faculty of Travel Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow |
FG | Fine Gael |
FGA | Fellow, Gemmological Association |
FGCL | Fellow, Goldsmiths’ College, London |
FGCM | Fellow, Guild of Church Musicians |
FGDP(UK) | Fellow, Faculty of General Dental Practice of the Royal College of Surgeons of England |
FGDS | Fédération de la Gauche Démocratique et Socialiste |
FGE | Fellow, Guild of Glass Engravers |
FGGE | Fellow, Guild of Glass Engravers (now see FGE) |
FGI | Fellow, Institute of Certificated Grocers |
FGMS | Fellow, Guild of Musicians and Singers |
FGS | Fellow, Geological Society |
Fellow, Guildhall School of Music and Drama | |
FGSM | Fellow, Guildhall School of Music and Drama (now see FGS) |
FGSM(MT) | Fellow, Guildhall School of Music and Drama (Music Therapy) |
FHA | Fellow, Institute of Health Service Administrators (formerly Hospital Administrators) (later FHSM) |
Fellow, Historical Association | |
FHAS | Fellow, Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland |
FHCIMA | Fellow, Hotel Catering and International (formerly Institutional) Management Association (now see FIH) |
FHEA | Fellow, Higher Education Academy |
FHKAES | Fellow, Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences |
FHKAM | Fellow, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine |
FHKCCM | Fellow, Hong Kong College of Community Medicine |
FHKCP | Fellow, Hong Kong College of Physicians |
FHKCPath | Fellow, Hong Kong College of Pathologists |
FHKCS | Fellow, Hong Kong College of Surgeons |
FHKIE | Fellow, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers |
FHMAAAS | Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
FHRS | Fellow, Heart Rhythm Society |
FHS | Fellow, Heraldry Society |
Forces Help Society and Lord Roberts Workshops (now see SSAFA) | |
FHSA | Family Health Services Authority |
FHSM | Fellow, Institute of Health Services Management (later FIHM) |
FIA | Fellow, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (formerly Institute of Actuaries) |
FIAA | Fellow, Institute of Actuaries of Australia |
FIAAS | Fellow, Institute of Australian Agricultural Science |
FIAA&S | Fellow, Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors |
FIACM | Fellow, International Association of Computational Mechanics |
FIAE | Fellow, Irish Academy of Engineering |
FIAFoST | Fellow, International Academy of Food Science and Technology |
FIAgrE | Fellow, Institution of Agricultural Engineers |
FIAgrM | Fellow, Institute of Agricultural Management |
FIALD | Fellow, International Association of Lighting Designers |
FIAM | Fellow, International Academy of Management |
FIAMBE | Fellow, International Academy for Medical and Biological Engineering |
FIAP | Fellow, Institution of Analysts and Programmers |
Fellow, Indian Academy of Paediatrics | |
FIArb | Fellow, Institute of Arbitrators (now see FCIArb) |
FIArbA | Fellow, Institute of Arbitrators of Australia |
FIAS | Fellow, Institute of Aeronautical Sciences (US) (now see FAIAA) |
FIASc | Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences |
FIASSID | Fellow, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability |
FIB | Fellow, Institute of Bankers (now see FCIB) |
FIBA | Fellow, Institute of Business Administration, Australia (now see FCIM) |
FIBC | Fellow, Institute of Business Consulting (now see FIC) |
FIBI | Fellow, Institute of Bankers of Ireland |
FIBiol | Fellow, Institute of Biology (later FSB, now see FRSB) |
FIBiotech | Fellow, Institute for Biotechnical Studies |
FIBMS | Fellow, Institute of Biomedical Sciences |
FIBScot | Fellow, Institute of Bankers in Scotland (now see FCIBS) |
FIC | Fellow, Institute of Chemistry (then FRIC; now see FRSC) |
Fellow, Imperial College, London | |
Fellow, Institute of Consulting | |
FICA | Fellow, Commonwealth Institute of Accountants |
Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (now see FCA) | |
FICAI | Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland |
FICB | Fellow, Institute of Canadian Bankers |
FICD | Fellow, Institute of Civil Defence |
Fellow, Indian College of Dentists | |
Fellow, International College of Dentists | |
FICE | Fellow, Institution of Civil Engineers |
FICeram | Fellow, Institute of Ceramics (later FIM) |
FICES | Fellow, Institution of Chartered Engineering Surveyors |
FICFM | Fellow, Institute of Charity Fundraising Managers (now see FInstF) |
FICFor | Fellow, Institute of Chartered Foresters |
FIChemE | Fellow, Institution of Chemical Engineers |
FICM | Fellow, Institute of Credit Management (now see FCICM) |
FICMA | Fellow, Institute of Cost and Management Accountants |
FICOG | Fellow, Indian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
FICorr | Fellow, Institute of Corrosion |
FICorrST | Fellow, Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology (now see FICorr) |
FICPD | Fellow, Institute of Continuing Professional Development |
FICPEM | Fellow, Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management |
FICS | Fellow, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers |
Fellow, International College of Surgeons | |
FICT | Fellow, Institute of Concrete Technology |
FIDA | Fellow, Institute of Directors, Australia (now see FAICD) |
FIDDA | Fellow, Interior Decorators and Designers Association (now see FBIDA) |
FIDE | Fédération Internationale des Echecs |
Fellow, Institute of Design Engineers | |
Fédération Internationale pour le Droit Européen | |
FIDEM | Fédération Internationale de la Médaille d’Art |
FIDM | Fellow, Institute of Direct Marketing |
FIDPM | Fellow, Institute of Data Processing Management |
FIEAust | Fellow, Institution of Engineers, Australia |
FIED | Fellow, Institution of Engineering Designers |
FIEE | Fellow, Institution of Electrical Engineers (now see FIET) |
FIEEE | Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (NY) |
FIEEIE | Fellow, Institution of Electronics and Electrical Incorporated Engineers (later FIIE) |
FIEEM | Fellow, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (now see FCIEEM) |
FIEHK | Fellow, Institution of Engineering, Hong Kong |
FIEI | Fellow, Institution of Engineering Inspection (later FIQA) |
Fellow, Institution of Engineers of Ireland | |
FIEIE | Fellow, Institution of Electronic Incorporated Engineers (later FIEEIE) |
FIEJ | Fédération Internationale des Editeurs de Journaux et Publications |
FIEMA | Fellow, Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment |
FIEnvSc | Fellow, Institution of Environmental Sciences |
FIERE | Fellow, Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers (later FIEE) |
FIES | Fellow, Illuminating Engineering Society (later FIllumES; now see FCIBSE) |
Fellow, Institution of Engineers in Scotland (formerly Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland) | |
FIET | Fédération Internationale des Employés, Techniciens et Cadres |
Fellow, Institution of Engineering and Technology | |
FIEx | Fellow, Institute of Export |
FIExpE | Fellow, Institute of Explosives Engineers |
FIFA | Fédération Internationale de Football Association |
FIFEM | Fellow, International Federation of Emergency Medicine |
FIFF | Fellow, Institute of Freight Forwarders (now see FIFP) |
FIFireE | Fellow, Institution of Fire Engineers |
FIFM | Fellow, Institute of Fisheries Management |
FIFor | Fellow, Institute of Foresters (now see FICFor) |
FIFP | Fellow, Institute of Freight Professionals |
FIFST | Fellow, Institute of Food Science and Technology |
FIGasE | Fellow, Institution of Gas Engineers (now see FIGEM) |
FIGCM | Fellow, Incorporated Guild of Church Musicians |
FIGD | Fellow, Institute of Grocery Distribution |
FIGEM | Fellow, Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers |
FIGO | International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics |
FIH | Fellow, Institute of Housing (now see FCIH) |
Fellow, Institute of the Horse | |
Fellow, Institute of Hospitality | |
FIHE | Fellow, Institute of Health Education |
FIHEEM | Fellow, Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management |
FIHM | Fellow, Institute of Housing Managers (later FIH; now see FCIH) |
Fellow, Institute of Healthcare Management | |
FIHort | Fellow, Institute of Horticulture (now see FCIHort) |
FIHospE | Fellow, Institute of Hospital Engineering |
FIHT | Fellow, Institution of Highways & Transportation (now see FCIHT) |
FIHVE | Fellow, Institution of Heating & Ventilating Engineers (later FCIBS and MCIBS) |
FIIA | Fellow, Institute of Industrial Administration (later CBIM and FBIM) |
Fellow, Institute of Internal Auditors | |
FIIB | Fellow, International Institute of Biotechnology |
FIIC | Fellow, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works |
FIIDA | Fellow, International Interior Design Association |
FIIE | Fellow, Institution of Incorporated Engineers in Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (now see FIET) |
FIIM | Fellow, Institution of Industrial Managers |
FIInfSc | Fellow, Institute of Information Scientists (now see FCLIP) |
FIIP | Fellow, Institute of Incorporated Photographers (now see FBIPP) |
FIIT | Fellow, Institute of Indirect Taxation |
FIL | Fellow, Institute of Linguists (now see FCIL) |
FILA | Fellow, Institute of Landscape Architects (now see FLI) |
FILAM | Fellow, Institute of Leisure and Amenity Management |
FILDM | Fellow, Institute of Logistics and Distribution Management (later FILog) |
FilDr | Doctor of Philosophy |
Fil.Hed. | Filosofie Hedersdoktor |
FIllumES | Fellow, Illuminating Engineering Society (now see FCIBSE) |
FILog | Fellow, Institute of Logistics (later FILT) |
FILT | Fellow, Institute of Logistics and Transport (now see FCILT) |
FIM | Fellow, Institute of Materials (formerly Institution of Metallurgists, then Institute of Metals) (now see FIMMM) |
FIMA | Fellow, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications |
FIMarE | Fellow, Institute of Marine Engineers (now see FIMarEST) |
FIMarEST | Fellow, Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology |
FIMatM | Fellow, Institute of Materials Management (later FILog) |
FIMBRA | Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association |
FIMC | Fellow, Institute of Management Consultants (now see FCMC) |
FIMCB | Fellow, International Management Centre from Buckingham |
FIMCRCSE | Fellow in Immediate Medical Care, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh |
FIMechE | Fellow, Institution of Mechanical Engineers |
FIMF | Fellow, Institute of Materials Finishing |
FIMfgE | Fellow, Institution of Manufacturing Engineers (later FIEE) |
FIMgt | Fellow, Institute of Management (now see FCMI) |
FIMH | Fellow, Institute of Materials Handling (later FIMatM) |
Fellow, Institute of Military History | |
FIMI | Fellow, Institute of the Motor Industry |
FIMinE | Fellow, Institution of Mining Engineers (later FIMM) |
FIMIT | Fellow, Institute of Musical Instrument Technology |
FIMLS | Fellow, Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences (now see FIBMS) |
FIMLT | Fellow, Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology (later FIMLS) |
FIMM | Fellow, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (now see FIMMM) |
FIMMA | Fellow, Institute of Metals and Materials Australasia |
FIMMM | Fellow, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining |
FIMS | Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics |
FIMT | Fellow, Institute of the Motor Trade (now see FIMI) |
FIMTA | Fellow, Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants (now see IPFA) |
FIMunE | Fellow, Institution of Municipal Engineers (now amalgamated with Institution of Civil Engineers) |
FIN | Fellow, Institute of Navigation (now see FRIN) |
FINRA | Financial Industry Regulatory Authority |
FInstAM | Fellow, Institute of Administrative Management |
FInstArb(NZ) | Fellow, Institute of Arbitrators of New Zealand |
FInstBiol | Fellow, Institute of Biology (later FIBiol) |
FInstCES | Fellow, Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (now see FCInstCES) |
FInstD | Fellow, Institute of Directors |
FInstE | Fellow, Institute of Energy (now see FEI) |
FInstF | Fellow, Institute of Fuel (later FInstE) |
Fellow, Institute of Fundraising | |
FInstFF | Fellow, Institute of Freight Forwarders Ltd (later FIFF) |
FInstHE | Fellow, Institution of Highways Engineers (later FIHT, now see FCIHT) |
FInstKT | Fellow, Institute of Knowledge Transfer |
FInstLEx | Fellow, Institute of Legal Executives |
FInstLM | Fellow, Institute of Leadership and Management |
FInstM | Fellow, Institute of Meat |
Fellow, Institute of Marketing (now see FCIM) | |
FInstMC | Fellow, Institute of Measurement and Control |
FInstMSM | Fellow, Institute of Marketing and Sales Management (later FInstM; now see FCIM) |
FInstMet | Fellow, Institute of Metals (later part of Metals Society; then FIM) |
FInstNDT | Fellow, Institute of Non-Destructive Testing |
FInstP | Fellow, Institute of Physics |
FInstPet | Fellow, Institute of Petroleum (now see FEI) |
FInstPkg | Fellow, Institute of Packaging |
FInstPS | Fellow, Institute of Purchasing and Supply (now see FCIPS) |
FInstRE | Fellow, Institution of Royal Engineers |
FInstSM | Fellow, Institute of Sales Management (now see FInstSMM) |
FInstSMM | Fellow, Institute of Sales and Marketing Management |
FInstTT | Fellow, Institute of Travel & Tourism |
FInstW | Fellow, Institute of Welding (now see FWeldI) |
FINucE | Fellow, Institution of Nuclear Engineers (now see FNucI) |
FIOA | Fellow, Institute of Acoustics |
FIOB | Fellow, Institute of Building (now see FCIOB) |
FIOH | Fellow, Institute of Occupational Hygiene |
FIOM | Fellow, Institute of Office Management (now see FIAM) |
FIOP | Fellow, Institute of Printing (now see FIP3) |
FIOSH | Fellow, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health |
FIP | Fellow, Australian Institute of Petroleum |
FIPA | Fellow, Institute of Practitioners in Advertising |
Fellow, Insolvency Practitioners Association | |
FIPAA | Fellow, Institute of Public Administration Australia |
FIPD | Fellow, Institute of Personnel and Development (now see FCIPD) |
FIPDM | Fellow, Institute of Physical Distribution Management (later FILDM) |
FIPEM | Fellow, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine |
FIPENZ | Fellow, Institution of Professional Engineers, New Zealand |
FIPG | Fellow, Institute of Professional Goldsmiths |
FIPharmM | Fellow, Institute of Pharmacy Management |
FIPHE | Fellow, Institution of Public Health Engineers (later FIWEM) |
FIPlantE | Fellow, Institution of Plant Engineers |
FIPM | Fellow, Institute of Personnel Management (later FIPD) |
FIPPM | Fellow, Institute of Payroll and Pensions Management |
FIPR | Fellow, Institute of Public Relations (now see FCIPR) |
FIProdE | Fellow, Institution of Production Engineers (later FIMfgE) |
FIPSM | Fellow, Institute of Physical Sciences in Medicine (now see FIPEM) |
FIP3 | Fellow, Institute of Paper, Printing and Publishing |
FIQ | Fellow, Institute of Quarrying |
FIQA | Fellow, Institute of Quality Assurance (now see FCQI) |
FIRI | Fellow, Institution of the Rubber Industry (later FPRI) |
FIRM | Fellow, Institute of Risk Management |
FIRO | Fellow, Institution of Railway Operators |
FIRRV | Fellow, Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation |
FIRSE | Fellow, Institute of Railway Signalling Engineers |
FIRTE | Fellow, Institute of Road Transport Engineers |
FIS | Fellow, Institute of Statisticians |
FISA | Fellow, Incorporated Secretaries’ Association |
Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Aviron | |
FISE | Fellow, Institution of Sales Engineers |
Fellow, Institution of Sanitary Engineers | |
FISITA | Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Ingénieurs des Techniques de l’Automobile |
FISM | Fellow, Institute of Supervisory Managers (now see FInstLM) |
Fellow, Institute of Sports Medicine | |
FISOB | Fellow, Incorporated Society of Organ Builders |
FISPAL | Fellow, Institute for Sport, Parks and Leisure |
FISTC | Fellow, Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators |
FISTD | Fellow, Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing |
FIStructE | Fellow, Institution of Structural Engineers |
FITD | Fellow, Institute of Training and Development (later FIPD) |
FITE | Fellow, Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers |
FITSA | Fellow, Institute of Trading Standards Administration |
FIW | Fellow, Welding Institute (now see FWeldI) |
FIWE | Fellow, Institution of Water Engineers (later FIWES) |
FIWEM | Fellow, Institution of Water and Environmental Management (now see FCIWEM) |
FIWES | Fellow, Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists (later FIWEM) |
FIWM | Fellow, Institution of Works Managers (now see FIIM) |
Fellow, Institute of Wastes Management (now see FCIWM) | |
FIWO | Fellow, Institute of Water Officers |
FIWPC | Fellow, Institute of Water Pollution Control (later FIWEM) |
FIWSc | Fellow, Institute of Wood Science |
FIWSP | Fellow, Institute of Work Study Practitioners (now see FMS) |
FJI | Fellow, Institute of Journalists (now see FCIJ) |
FJIE | Fellow, Junior Institution of Engineers (now see CIMGTechE) |
FKC | Fellow, King’s College London |
FKCHMS | Fellow, King’s College Hospital Medical School |
FL | Florida (postal) |
FLA | Fellow, Library Association (now see FCLIP) |
Fla | Florida |
FLAS | Fellow, Chartered Land Agents’ Society (now (after amalgamation) see FRICS) |
FLCM | Fellow, London College of Music |
FLI | Fellow, Landscape Institute |
FLIA | Fellow, Life Insurance Association |
FLLA | Fellow, Association of Lawyers and Legal Advisers |
FLS | Fellow, Linnean Society |
FLSW | Fellow, Learned Society of Wales |
Flt | Flight |
FM | Field-Marshal |
FMA | Fellow, Museums Association |
FMAAT | Fellow Member, Association of Accounting Technicians |
FMBA | Fellow, Marine Biological Association |
FMedSci | Fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences |
FMES | Fellow, Minerals Engineering Society |
FMI | Foundation for Manufacturing and Industry |
FMinSoc | Fellow, Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland |
FMLM | Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management |
FMS | Federated Malay States |
Fellow, Medical Society | |
Fellow, Institute of Management Services | |
FMSA | Fellow, Mineralogical Society of America |
FNA | Fellow, Indian National Science Academy |
FNAEA | Fellow, National Association of Estate Agents |
FNCO | Fleet Naval Constructor Officer |
FNECInst | Fellow, North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders |
FNI | Fellow, Nautical Institute |
Fellow, National Institute of Sciences in India (now see FNA) | |
FNIA | Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Architects |
FNM | Free National Movement |
FNMCP | Fellow, Nigerian Medical College of Physicians |
FNMSM | Fellow, North and Midlands School of Music |
FNucI | Fellow, Nuclear Institute |
FNZIA | Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Architects |
FNZIAS | Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Agricultural Science |
FNZIC | Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Chemistry |
FNZIE | Fellow, New Zealand Institution of Engineers (now see FIPENZ) |
FNZIM | Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Management |
FNZPsS | Fellow, New Zealand Psychological Society |
FO | Foreign Office (now see FCO) |
Field Officer | |
Flag Officer | |
Flying Officer | |
FODC | Franciscan Order of the Divine Compassion |
FOIC | Flag Officer in charge |
FOMA | Flag Officer, Maritime Aviation |
FOMI | Faculty of Occupational Medicine of Ireland |
FONA | Flag Officer, Naval Aviation |
FONAC | Flag Officer, Naval Air Command |
For. | Foreign |
FOSA | Fellow, Optical Society of America |
FOST | Flag Officer Sea Training |
FPA | Family Planning Association |
FPC | Family Practitioner Committee (later FHSA) |
Financial Planning Certificate | |
FPH | Faculty of Public Health |
FPHM | Faculty of Public Health Medicine (see now FPH) |
FPhS | Fellow, Philosophical Society of England |
FPhysiol | Fellow, Physiological Society of London (now see FTPS) |
FPhysS | Fellow, Physical Society |
FPI | Fellow, Plastics Institute (later FPRI) |
FPIA | Fellow, Plastics Institute of Australia |
Fellow, Planning Institute of Australia | |
FPM | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine |
FPMI | Fellow, Pensions Management Institute |
FPRI | Fellow, Plastics and Rubber Institute (later FIM) |
FPS | Fellow, Pharmaceutical Society (now also FRPharmS) |
Fauna Preservation Society (later FFPS) | |
FPWI | Fellow, Permanent Way Institution |
FQNI | Fellow, Queen’s Nursing Institute |
FRA | Fellow, Royal Academy |
FRAC | Fellow, Royal Agricultural College |
FRACDS | Fellow, Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons |
FRACGP | Fellow, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners |
FRACI | Fellow, Royal Australian Chemical Institute |
FRACMA | Fellow, Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators |
FRACO | Fellow, Royal Australian College of Ophthalmologists |
FRACOG | Fellow, Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (now see FRANZCOG) |
FRACP | Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians |
FRACR | Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Radiologists |
FRACS | Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons |
FRAD | Fellow, Royal Academy of Dancing |
FRAeS | Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society |
FRAgS | Fellow, Royal Agricultural Societies (ie of England, Scotland and Wales) |
FRAHS | Fellow, Royal Australian Historical Society |
FRAI | Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain & Ireland |
FRAIA | Fellow, Royal Australian Institute of Architects |
FRAIB | Fellow, Royal Australian Institute of Building |
FRAIC | Fellow, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada |
FRAIPA | Fellow, Royal Australian Institute of Public Administration |
FRAM | Fellow, Royal Academy of Music |
FRAME | Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments |
FRANZCO | Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists |
FRANZCOG | Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
FRANZCP | Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists |
FRANZCR | Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists |
FRAPI | Fellow, Royal Australian Planning Institute (now see FPIA) |
FRAS | Fellow, Royal Astronomical Society |
Fellow, Royal Asiatic Society | |
FRASE | Fellow, Royal Agricultural Society of England |
FRBC | Fellow, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire |
FRBS | Fellow, Royal Society of British Sculptors (now see FRSS) |
Fellow, Royal Botanic Society | |
FRCA | Fellow, Royal College of Art |
Fellow, Royal College of Anaesthetists | |
FRCCO | Fellow, Royal Canadian College of Organists |
FRCD(Can.) | Fellow, Royal College of Dentists of Canada |
FRCEM | Fellow, Royal College of Emergency Medicine |
FRCGP | Fellow, Royal College of General Practitioners |
FRCGS | Fellow, Royal Canadian Geographical Society |
FRCM | Fellow, Royal College of Music |
FRCN | Fellow, Royal College of Nursing |
FRCO | Fellow, Royal College of Organists |
FRCO(CHM) | Fellow, Royal College of Organists with Diploma in Choir Training |
FRCOG | Fellow, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
FRCOphth | Fellow, Royal College of Ophthalmologists |
FRCP | Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, London |
FRCPA | Fellow, Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia |
FRCP&S (Canada) | Fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada |
FRCPath | Fellow, Royal College of Pathologists |
FRCPC | Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Canada |
FRCPCH | Fellow, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health |
Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh | |
FRCPGlas | Fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow |
FRCPI | Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland |
FRCPodM | Fellow, Royal College of Podiatry in Podiatric Medicine |
FRCPSGlas | Hon. Fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow |
FRCPsych | Fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists |
FRCR | Fellow, Royal College of Radiologists |
FRCS | Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of England |
FRCSCan | Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Canada |
Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh | |
FRCSGlas | Fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow |
FRCSI | Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland |
FRCSLT | Fellow, Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists |
FRCSoc | Fellow, Royal Commonwealth Society |
FRCS (OMFS) | Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of England (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) |
FRCST | Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand |
FRCUS | Fellow, Royal College of University Surgeons (Denmark) |
FRCVS | Fellow, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons |
FREconS | Fellow, Royal Economic Society |
FREng | Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering |
FRES | Fellow, Royal Entomological Society of London |
FRFPSG | Fellow, Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow (now see FRCPGlas) |
FRG | Federal Republic of Germany |
FRGS | Fellow, Royal Geographical Society |
FRGSA | Fellow, Royal Geographical Society of Australasia |
FRHistS | Fellow, Royal Historical Society |
FRHS | Fellow, Royal Horticultural Society (now see MRHS) |
FRI | Fellow, Royal Institution |
FRIAI | Fellow, Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland |
FRIAS | Fellow, Royal Incorporation of Architects of Scotland |
Royal Institute for the Advancement of Science | |
FRIBA | Fellow, Royal Institute of British Architects (and see RIBA) |
FRIC | Fellow, Royal Institute of Chemistry (now see FRSC) |
FRICS | Fellow, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
FRIH | Fellow, Royal Institute of Horticulture (NZ) |
FRIN | Fellow, Royal Institute of Navigation |
FRINA | Fellow, Royal Institution of Naval Architects |
FRIPA | Fellow, Royal Institute of Public Administration (the Institute no longer has Fellows) |
FRIPH | Fellow, Royal Institute of Public Health (now see FRSPH) |
FRIPHH | Fellow, Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene (later FRIPH; now see FRSPH) |
FRMCM | Fellow, Royal Manchester College of Music |
FRMedSoc | Fellow, Royal Medical Society |
FRMetS | Fellow, Royal Meteorological Society |
FRMIA | Fellow, Retail Management Institute of Australia |
FRMS | Fellow, Royal Microscopical Society |
FRNCM | Fellow, Royal Northern College of Music |
FRNS | Fellow, Royal Numismatic Society |
FRPharmS | Fellow, Royal Pharmaceutical Society |
FRPS | Fellow, Royal Photographic Society |
FRPSL | Fellow, Royal Philatelic Society, London |
FRS | Fellow, Royal Society |
FRSA | Fellow, Royal Society of Arts |
FRSAI | Fellow, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland |
FRSAMD | Fellow, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama |
FRSB | Fellow, Royal Society of Biology |
FRSC | Fellow, Royal Society of Canada |
Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry | |
FRS(Can) | Fellow, Royal Society of Canada (used when a person is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry) |
FRSCM | Hon. Fellow, Royal School of Church Music |
FRSC(UK) | Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (used when a person is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada) |
FRSE | Fellow, Royal Society of Edinburgh |
FRSGS | Fellow, Royal Scottish Geographical Society |
FRSH | Fellow, Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (now see FRSPH) |
FRSL | Fellow, Royal Society of Literature |
FRSM | Fellow, Royal Schools of Music |
FRSN | Fellow, Royal Society of New South Wales |
FRSocMed | Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine |
FRSNZ | Fellow, Royal Society of New Zealand |
FRSPH | Fellow, Royal Society for Public Health |
FRSPS | Fellow, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society |
FRSS | Fellow, Royal Society of Sculptors |
FRSSA | Fellow, Royal Scottish Society for the Arts |
FRSSAf | Fellow, Royal Society of South Africa |
FRSTM&H | Fellow, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene |
FRSV | Fellow, Royal Society of Victoria |
FRTPI | Fellow, Royal Town Planning Institute |
FRTS | Fellow, Royal Television Society |
FRUSI | Fellow, Royal United Services Institute |
FRVA | Fellow, Rating and Valuation Association (now see IRRV) |
FRVC | Fellow, Royal Veterinary College |
FRWCMD | Fellow, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama |
FRZSScot | Fellow, Royal Zoological Society of Scotland |
FS | Field Security |
fs | Graduate, Royal Air Force Staff College |
FSA | Fellow, Society of Antiquaries |
Financial Services Authority | |
FSACOG | Fellow, South African College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
FSAE | Fellow, Society of Automotive Engineers |
Fellow, Society of Art Education | |
FSAI | Fellow, Society of Architectural Illustrators |
FSArc | Fellow, Society of Architects (merged with the RIBA 1952) |
FSaRS | Fellow, Safety and Reliability Society |
FSAScot | Fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland |
FSB | Fellow, Society of Biology (now see FRSB) |
FSBE | Fellow, Society of Business Economists |
fsc | Foreign Staff College |
FSCA | Fellow, Society of Company and Commercial Accountants |
FScotvec | Fellow, Scottish Vocational Education Council |
FSCRE | Fellow, Scottish Council for Research in Education |
FSDC | Fellow, Society of Dyers and Colourists |
FSE | Fellow, Society of Engineers |
Fellow, Society for the Environment | |
FSEDA | Fellow, Staff and Higher Educational Development Association |
FSES | Fellow, Society for Educational Studies |
FSG | Fellow, Society of Genealogists |
FSGD | Fellow, Society of Garden Designers |
FSGT | Fellow, Society of Glass Technology |
FSI | Fellow, Chartered Surveyors’ Institution (now see FRICS) |
Fellow, Securities Institute (later Securities & Investment Institute, now see FCSI) | |
FSIA | Fellow, Securities Institute of Australia |
Fellow, Society of Industrial Artists (later FSIAD) | |
FSIAD | Fellow, Society of Industrial Artists and Designers (now see FCSD) |
FSIP | Fellow, Society of Investment Professionals |
FSLCOG | Fellow, Sri Lankan College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
FSLCPaed | Fellow, Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians |
FSLTC | Fellow, Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists |
FSMA | Fellow, Incorporated Sales Managers’ Association (later FInstMSM, then FInstM) |
FSMC | Freeman of the Spectacle-Makers’ Company |
FSME | Fellow, Society of Manufacturing Engineers |
FSMPTE | Fellow, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (US) |
FSMS | Fellow, Strategic Management Society |
FSNAD | Fellow, Society of Numismatic Artists and Designers |
FSNAME | Fellow, American Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers |
FSOE | Fellow, Society of Operations Engineers |
FSOGC | Fellow, Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada |
FSPE | Fellow, Society of Professional Economists |
FSPI | Fellow, Society of Practitioners of Insolvency |
FSQA | Fellow, Scottish Qualifications Authority |
FSRH | Faculty of Sexual and Reproduction Healthcare, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
FSRHE | Fellow, Society for Research into Higher Education |
FSRP | Fellow, Society for Radiological Protection |
FSS | Fellow, Royal Statistical Society |
FSSI | Fellow, Society of Scribes and Illuminators |
FSTD | Fellow, Society of Typographic Designers |
FSVA | Fellow, Incorporated Society of Valuers and Auctioneers (now see RICS) |
FT | Financial Times |
FTC | Flying Training Command |
Full Technological Certificate, City and Guilds of London Institute | |
FTCD | Fellow, Trinity College, Dublin |
FTCL | Fellow, Trinity College of Music, London |
FTI | Fellow, Textile Institute |
FTII | Fellow, Chartered Institute (formerly Incorporated Institute, then Institute) of Taxation |
FTMA | Fellow, Telecommunications Managers Association (now see FCMA) |
FTPS | Fellow, The Physiological Society |
FTS | Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (now see FTSE) |
Flying Training School | |
Fellow, Tourism Society | |
FTSE | Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering |
FUCEB | Fellow, University of Central England in Birmingham |
FUCUA | Federation of University Conservative and Unionist Associations (now see FCS) |
FUMIST | Fellow, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology |
FVCM | Fellow, Victoria College of Music |
FVRDE | Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment |
FWAAS | Fellow, World Academy of Arts and Sciences |
FWACP | Fellow, West African College of Physicians |
FWAG | Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group |
FWCB | Fellow, Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths |
FWCMD | Fellow, Welsh College of Music and Drama (now see FRWCMD) |
FWeldI | Fellow, Welding Institute |
FWES | Fellow, Women’s Engineering Society |
FWSOM | Fellow, Institute of Practitioners in Work Study, Organisation and Method (now see FMS) |
FZS | Fellow, Zoological Society |
FZSScot | Fellow, Zoological Society of Scotland (now see FRZSScot) |
G | |
GA | Geologists’ Association |
Gaelic Athletic (Club) | |
Georgia (postal) | |
Ga | Georgia |
GAA | Gaelic Athletic Association |
GAI | Guild of Architectural Ironmongers |
GAICD | Graduate Member, Australian Institute of Company Directors |
GAP | Gap Activity Projects |
GAPAN | Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (now World Trade Organisation) |
GB | Great Britain |
GBA | Governing Bodies Association |
GBE | Knight or Dame Grand Cross, Order of the British Empire |
GBGSA | Governing Bodies of Girls’ Schools Association (formerly Association of Governing Bodies of Girls’ Public Schools) |
GBM | Grand Bauhinia Medal (Hong Kong) |
GBS | Gold Bauhinia Star (Hong Kong) |
GC | George Cross |
GCB | Knight or Dame Grand Cross, Order of the Bath |
GCBS | General Council of British Shipping |
GCC | General Chiropractic Council |
GCCC | Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge |
GCCF | Grand Commander, Companion Order of Freedom (Zambia) |
GCFR | Grand Commander, Order of the Federal Republic of Nigeria |
GCH | Knight Grand Cross, Hanoverian Order |
GCHQ | Government Communications Headquarters |
GCIE | Knight Grand Commander, Order of the Indian Empire |
GCL | Grand Chief, Order of Logohu (Papua New Guinea) |
GCLJ | Grand Cross, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
GCM | Gold Crown of Merit (Barbados) |
GCMA | Global Certified Management Accountant |
GCMG | Knight or Dame Grand Cross, Order of St Michael and St George |
GCMJ | Knight or Dame Grand Cross, Supreme Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem |
GCNG | Knight Grand Cross, Order of the Nation (Grenada) |
GCON | Grand Cross, Order of the Niger |
GCSE | General Certificate of Secondary Education |
GCSG | Knight Grand Cross, Order of St Gregory the Great |
GCSI | Knight Grand Commander, Order of the Star of India |
GCSJ | Knight Grand Cross of Justice, Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller) |
GCSK | Grand Commander, Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean (Mauritius) |
GCSL | Grand Cross, Order of St Lucia |
GCStG | Knight Grand Cross, Order of St George |
GCStJ | Bailiff or Dame Grand Cross, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
GCVO | Knight or Dame Grand Cross, Royal Victorian Order |
gd | grand-daughter |
GDBA | Guide Dogs for the Blind Association |
GDC | General Dental Council |
GDL | Graduate Diploma in Law |
Gdns | Gardens |
GDR | German Democratic Republic |
GDST | Girls’ Day School Trust |
Gen. | General |
Ges. | Gesellschaft |
GFD | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics |
GFMD | Global Fellow in Medicines Development |
GFS | Girls’ Friendly Society |
ggd | great-grand-daughter |
ggs | great-grandson |
GGSM | Graduate in Music, Guildhall School of Music and Drama |
GHQ | General Headquarters |
Gib. | Gibraltar |
GIMechE | Graduate, Institution of Mechanical Engineers |
GIS | Geographic Information Systems |
GKT | Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ (Medical and Dental School of King’s College London) |
GL | Grand Lodge |
GLA | Greater London Authority |
GLAA | Greater London Arts Association (now see GLAB) |
GLC | Greater London Council |
Glos | Gloucestershire |
GM | George Medal |
Grand Medal (Ghana) | |
genetically modified | |
GMB | (Union for) General, Municipal, Boilermakers |
GMBATU | General, Municipal, Boilermakers and Allied Trades Union (now see GMB) |
GmbH | Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung |
GMBPS | Graduate Member, British Psychological Society |
GMC | General Medical Council |
Guild of Memorial Craftsmen | |
General Management Course (Henley) | |
GMH | Gibraltar Medallion of Honour |
GMWU | General and Municipal Workers’ Union (later GMBATU; now see GMB) |
GNC | General Nursing Council |
GNVQ | General National Vocational Qualification |
GNZM | Knight or Dame Grand Companion, New Zealand Order of Merit |
GOC | General Officer Commanding |
GOC-in-C | General Officer Commanding-in-Chief |
GOE | General Ordination Examination |
GOMLJ | Grand Officer of Merit, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
GOQ | Grand Officer, National Order of Quebec |
GOSK | Grand Officer, Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean (Mauritius) |
Gov. | Governor |
Govt | Government |
GP | General Practitioner |
Grand Prix | |
Gp | Group |
GPDST | Girls’ Public Day School Trust (now see GDST) |
GPMU | Graphical, Paper and Media Union |
GPO | General Post Office |
GR | General Reconaissance |
Gr. | Greek |
GRNCM | Graduate of the Royal Northern College of Music |
GRSM | Graduate of the Royal Schools of Music |
GS | General Staff |
Grammar School | |
g s | grandson |
GSA | Girls’ Schools Association |
GSD | Gibraltar Social Democrats |
GSM | General Service Medal |
(Member of) Guildhall School of Music and Drama | |
GSMD | Guildhall School of Music and Drama |
GSO | General Staff Officer |
GTCL | Graduate, Trinity College of Music |
GTS | General Theological Seminary (New York) |
GWR | Great Western Railway |
H | |
HA | Historical Association |
Health Authority | |
HAA | Heavy Anti-Aircraft |
HAC | Honourable Artillery Company |
HACAS | Housing Association Consultancy and Advisory Service |
Hants | Hampshire |
HAT | Housing Action Trust |
HBM | His (or Her) Britannic Majesty (Majesty’s) |
Humming Bird Gold Medal (Trinidad) | |
hc | honoris causa (honorary) |
HCA | Hospital Corporation of America |
HCF | Honorary Chaplain to the Forces |
HCIMA | Hotel, Catering and International (formerly Institutional) Management Association |
HCO | Higher Clerical Officer |
HCPC | Health and Care Professions Council |
HCSC | Higher Command and Staff Course |
HDA | Hawkesbury Diploma in Agriculture (Australia) |
Health Development Agency | |
HDD | Higher Dental Diploma |
HDE | Higher Diploma in Education |
HDFA | Higher Diploma in Fine Art |
HDipEd | Higher Diploma in Education |
HDR | Habilitation à diriger des recherches |
HE | His (or Her) Excellency |
His Eminence | |
Higher Education | |
HEA | Health Education Authority (later HDA) |
HEC | Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales |
Higher Education Corporation | |
HEFCE | Higher Education Funding Council for England |
HEFCW | Higher Education Funding Council for Wales |
HEH | His (or Her) Exalted Highness |
Heir-pres. | Heir-presumptive |
HEO | Higher Executive Officer |
HEQC | Higher Education Quality Council (now see QAA) |
HERDA-SW | Higher Education Regional Development Association - South West |
HERO | Higher Education Research Opportunities |
Herts | Hertfordshire |
HFEA | Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority |
HGTAC | Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee |
HH | His (or Her) Highness |
His Holiness | |
Member, Hesketh Hubbard Art Society | |
HHA | Historic Houses Association |
HHD | Doctor of Humanities (US) |
HI | Hawaii (postal) |
HIH | His (or Her) Imperial Highness |
HIllH | His (or Her) Illustrious Highness |
HIM | His (or Her) Imperial Majesty |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HJ | Hilal-e-Jurat (Pakistan) |
HKIA | Hong Kong Institute of Architects |
HKSAR | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
HLD | Doctor of Humane Letters |
HLF | Heritage Lottery Fund |
HLI | Highland Light Infantry |
HM | His (or Her) Majesty, or Majesty’s |
HMA | Head Masters’ Association |
HMAS | His (or Her) Majesty’s Australian Ship |
HMC | Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ (formerly Headmasters’) Conference |
Hospital Management Committee | |
HMCIC | His (or Her) Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary |
HMCS | His (or Her) Majesty’s Canadian Ship |
HMHS | His (or Her) Majesty’s Hospital Ship |
HMI | His (or Her) Majesty’s Inspector |
HMMTB | His (or Her) Majesty’s Motor Torpedo Boat |
HMNZS | His (or Her) Majesty’s New Zealand Ship |
HMOCS | His (or Her) Majesty’s Overseas Civil Service |
HMP | His (or Her) Majesty’s Prison |
HMPPS | His (or Her) Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service |
HMRC | His (or Her) Majesty’s Revenue and Customs |
HMS | His (or Her) Majesty’s Ship |
HMSO | His (or Her) Majesty’s Stationery Office |
HNC | Higher National Certificate |
HND | Higher National Diploma |
H of C | House of Commons |
H of L | House of Lords |
Hon. | Honourable |
Honorary | |
HPA | Health Protection Agency |
HPk | Hilal-e-Pakistan |
HPV | Human Papilloma Virus |
HQ | Headquarters |
HQA | Hilali-Quaid-i-Azam (Pakistan) |
HR | Human Resources |
HRA | Horseracing Regulatory Authority |
HRGI | Honorary Member, The Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts |
HRH | His (or Her) Royal Highness |
HRHA | Honorary Member, Royal Hibernian Academy |
HRI | Honorary Member, Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours |
HROI | Honorary Member, Royal Institute of Oil Painters |
HRSA | Honorary Member, Royal Scottish Academy |
HRSW | Honorary Member, Royal Scottish Water Colour Society |
HRUA | Hon. Member, Royal Ulster Academy |
HSC | Health and Safety Commission |
Higher School Certificate | |
HSE | Health and Safety Executive |
HSH | His (or Her) Serene Highness |
HSO | Higher Scientific Officer |
HSS | Health and Social Services |
Hum. | Humanity |
Humanities (Classics) | |
Hunts | Huntingdonshire |
HVCert | Health Visitor’s Certificate |
HWA | Historical Writers’ Association |
I | |
I | Island |
Ireland | |
IA | Indian Army |
Iowa (postal) | |
IAA | International Academy of Architecture |
IAAF | International Association of Athletics Federations (formerly International Amateur Athletic Federation) |
IABSE | International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineers |
IAC | Indian Armoured Corps |
Institute of Amateur Cinematographers | |
IACP | International Association of Chiefs of Police |
IACR | Institute of Arable Crops Research |
IADB | Inter American Development Bank |
IADR | International Association for Dental Research |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IAF | Indian Air Force |
Indian Auxiliary Force | |
IAHS | International Association of Hydrological Sciences |
IALD | Member, International Association of Lighting Designers |
IAM | Institute of Advanced Motorists |
Institute of Aviation Medicine | |
IAMAS | International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences |
IAMC | Indian Army Medical Corps |
IAO | Incorporated Association of Organists |
IAOC | Indian Army Ordnance Corps |
IAPS | Independent Association of Prep Schools (formerly Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools) |
IAPSO | International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans |
IARO | Indian Army Reserve of Officers |
IAS | Indian Administrative Service |
Institute for Advanced Studies | |
International Academy of Science | |
IASC | International Arctic Science Committee |
IASE | Institute of Advanced Studies in Education |
IASPEI | International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
IATUL | International Association of Technological University Libraries |
IAU | International Astronomical Union |
IAVCEI | International Assembly of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior |
IAWPRC | International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control |
ib. | ibid. |
ibidem (in the same place) | |
IB | International Baccalaureate |
IBA | Independent Broadcasting Authority |
International Bar Association | |
IBBY | International Board for Books for Young People |
IBCA | International Braille Chess Association |
IBG | Institute of British Geographers (now part of RGS) |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) |
IBRO | International Bank Research Organisation |
International Brain Research Organisation | |
IBTE | Institution of British Telecommunications Engineers |
IBVM | Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
i/c | in charge |
in command | |
ICA | Institute of Contemporary Arts |
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (now see ICAEW) | |
ICAC | Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong |
ICAEW | Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales |
ICAI | Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICAS | Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland |
ICBP | International Council for Bird Preservation |
ICC | International Chamber of Commerce |
International Cricket Council (formerly International Cricket Conference) | |
ICCA | International Council for Commercial Arbitration |
ICCROM | International Centre for Conservation at Rome |
ICD | Iuris Canonici Doctor (Doctor of Canon Law) |
Independence Commemorative Decoration (Rhodesia) | |
ICD.D | Institute of Corporate Directors Director (Canada) |
ICE | Institution of Civil Engineers |
ICED | International Council for Educational Development |
ICEF | International Federation of Chemical, Energy and General Workers’ Unions |
ICES | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea |
ICF | International Federation of Chemical and General Workers’ Unions (now see ICEF) |
ICFC | Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation (later part of Investors in Industry) |
ICFR | International Centre for Financial Regulation |
ICFTU | International Confederation of Free Trade Unions |
ICH | International Conference on Harmonisation |
ICHCA | International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association |
IChemE | Institution of Chemical Engineers |
ICI | Imperial Chemical Industries |
ICJ | International Commission of Jurists |
ICL | International Computers Ltd |
ICM | International Confederation of Midwives |
ICMA | Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (now see CIMA) |
ICNL | International Center for Not for Profit Law |
ICOM | International Council of Museums |
ICOMOS | International Council on Monuments and Sites |
ICorrST | Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology (now see ICorr) |
ICPO | International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) |
ICRC | International Committee of the Red Cross |
ICREA | Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats |
ICRF | Imperial Cancer Research Fund (now see CRUK) |
ICS | Indian Civil Service |
ICSA | Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators |
ICSD | International Council for Scientific Development |
ICSID | International Council of Societies of Industrial Design |
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes | |
ICSM | Imperial College School of Medicine |
ICSTIS | Independent Committee for Supervision of Telephone Information Services |
ICSTM | Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London |
ICSU | International Council for Science (formerly International Council of Scientific Unions) |
ICT | International Computers and Tabulators Ltd (later ICL) |
Information and Communications Technology | |
ID | Independence Decoration (Rhodesia) |
Idaho (postal) | |
IDA | International Development Association |
IDB | Internal Drainage Board |
Industrial Development Board | |
IDC | Imperial Defence College (now see RCDS) |
Inter-Diocesan Certificate | |
idc | completed a course at, or served for a year on the Staff of, the Imperial Defence College (now see rcds) |
IDDA | Interior Decorators and Designers Association (now see BIDA) |
IDeA | Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government |
IDRC | International Development Research Centre |
IDS | Institute of Development Studies |
Industry Department for Scotland | |
IEA | Institute of Economic Affairs |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IED | Institution of Engineering Designers |
improvised explosive device | |
IEE | Institution of Electrical Engineers (now see IET) |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (NY) |
IEEIE | Institution of Electrical and Electronics Incorporated Engineers (later IIE) |
IEETE | Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers (later IIE) |
IEI | Institution of Engineers of Ireland |
IEIE | Institution of Electronics and Electrical Incorporated Engineers (later IIE) |
IEMA | Institute of Environmental Management Assessment |
IEME | Inspectorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
IEng | Incorporated Engineer |
IERE | Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers |
IES | Indian Educational Service |
Institution of Engineers in Scotland (formerly Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland) | |
International Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Society | |
IET | Institution of Engineering and Technology |
IExpE | Institute of Explosives Engineers |
IFAC | International Federation of Automatic Control |
International Federation of Accountants | |
IFAD | International Fund for Agricultural Development (UNO) |
IFAW | International Fund for Animal Welfare |
IFBWW | International Federation of Building Woodworkers |
IFC | International Finance Corporation |
IFIAS | International Federation of Institutes of Advanced Study |
IFIP | International Federation for Information Processing |
IFLA | International Federation of Library Associations |
Institute of Family Law Arbitrators | |
IFMGA | (Member of) International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations |
IFOR | Implementation Force |
IFORS | International Federation of Operational Research Societies |
IFPI | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry |
IFS | Irish Free State |
Indian Forest Service | |
Institute for Fiscal Studies | |
IG | Instructor in Gunnery |
IGasE | Institution of Gas Engineers |
IGCSE | International General Certificate of Secondary Education |
IGPP | Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics |
IGS | Independent Grammar School |
IGU | International Geographical Union |
International Gas Union | |
IHA | Institute of Health Service Administrators (later IHSM) |
IHBC | (Member of) Institute of Historic Building Conservation |
IHM | Institute of Healthcare Management |
IHSM | Institute of Health Services Management (now see IHM) |
IHVE | Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers (later CIBS) |
IIE | Institution of Incorporated Engineers (now see IET) |
IIEB | Institut International d’Etudes Bancaires |
IIExE | Institution of Incorporated Executive Engineers |
IIM | Institution of Industrial Managers |
IIRSM | International Institute of Risk and Safety Management |
IIS | International Institute of Sociology |
IISI | International Iron and Steel Institute |
IISS | International Institute of Strategic Studies |
IIT | Indian Institute of Technology |
IL | Illinois (postal) |
ILA | International Law Association |
ILAC | International Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation |
ILEA | Inner London Education Authority |
Ill | Illinois |
ILM | Institute of Leadership and Management |
ILO | International Labour Office |
International Labour Organisation | |
ILP | Independent Labour Party |
ILR | Independent Local Radio |
International Labour Review | |
ILTM | Member, Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (now see FHEA) |
IM | Individual Merit |
IMA | International Music Association |
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications | |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
IMCB | International Management Centre from Buckingham |
IMCO | Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (now see IMO) |
IME | Institute of Medical Ethics |
IMechE | Institution of Mechanical Engineers |
IMechIE | Institution of Mechanical Incorporated Engineers (later IIE) |
IMEDE | Institut pour l’Etude des Méthodes de Direction de l’Entreprise |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMGTechE | Institution of Mechanical and General Technician Engineers |
IMinE | Institution of Mining Engineers |
IMM | Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (now see IMMM) |
IMMM | Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining |
IMO | International Maritime Organization |
Imp. | Imperial |
IMRO | Investment Management Regulatory Organisation |
IMS | Indian Medical Service |
Institute of Management Services | |
International Military Staff | |
IMTA | Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants (now see CIPFA) |
IMU | International Mathematical Union |
IMunE | Institution of Municipal Engineers (now amalgamated with Institution of Civil Engineers) |
IN | Indian Navy |
Indiana (postal) | |
INASFMH | International Sports Association for People with Mental Handicap |
Inc. | Incorporated |
INCA | International Newspaper Colour Association |
Incog. | Incognito |
Ind. | Independent |
Inf. | Infantry |
INFORM | Information Network Focus on New Religious Movements |
INFORMS | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences |
INSA | Indian National Science Academy |
INSEAD | Insead |
Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires | |
Insp. | Inspector |
Inst. | Institute |
Instn | Institution |
InstSMM | Institute of Sales and Marketing Management |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation |
IOC | International Olympic Committee |
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission | |
IOCD | International Organisation for Chemical Science in Development |
IoD | Institute of Directors |
I of M | Isle of Man |
IOM | Isle of Man |
Indian Order of Merit | |
IOP | Institute of Painters in Oil Colours |
IOSCO | International Organisation of Securities Commissions |
IOSH | Institution of Occupational Safety and Health |
IOTA | (Fellow of) Institute of Transport Administration |
IoW | Isle of Wight |
IP | Intellectual Property |
IPA | International Publishers’ Association |
IPC | International Property Corporation |
International Paralympic Committee | |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IPCIS | International Institute for Practitioners in Credit Insurance and Surety |
IPE | International Petroleum Exchange |
IPFA | Member or Associate, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (now see CPFA) |
IPHE | Institution of Public Health Engineers (later IWEM) |
IPI | International Press Institute |
Institute of Patentees and Inventors | |
IPM | Institute of Personnel Management (later CIPD) |
IPPA | Independent Programme Producers’ Association |
IPPF | International Planned Parenthood Federation |
IPPR | Institute for Public Policy Research |
IPPS | Institute of Physics and The Physical Society |
IPR | Institute of Public Relations (now see CIPR) |
IPRA | International Public Relations Association |
IProdE | Institution of Production Engineers (later Institution of Manufacturing Engineering) |
IPS | Indian Police Service |
Indian Political Service | |
Institute of Procurement (formerly Purchasing) and Supply | |
IPSM | Institute of Public Sector Managers |
IPSO | Independent Press Standards Organisation |
IPU | Inter-Parliamentary Union |
IRA | Irish Republican Army |
IRAD | Institute for Research on Animal Diseases |
IRC | Industrial Reorganization Corporation |
Interdisciplinary Research Centre | |
IRCAM | Institute for Research and Co-ordination in Acoustics and Music |
IRCert | Industrial Relations Certificate |
IRI | Institution of the Rubber Industry (now see PRI) |
IRPA | International Radiation Protection Association |
IRRV | (Member of) Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation |
IRTE | Institute of Road Transport Engineers |
IS | International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers |
Information Systems | |
Is | Island(s) |
ISAA | International Spill Response Accreditation Association |
ISAF | International Sailing Federation |
International Security Assistance Force | |
ISAKOS | International Society for Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery |
ISBA | Incorporated Society of British Advertisers |
ISC | Imperial Service College, Haileybury |
Indian Staff Corps | |
Independent Schools Council | |
ISCis | Independent Schools Council Information Service |
ISCM | International Society for Contemporary Music |
ISCO | Independent Schools Careers Organisation |
ISI | International Statistical Institute |
Independent Schools Inspectorate | |
ISIL | Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant |
ISIS | Independent Schools Information Service (see now ISCis) |
ISJC | Independent Schools Joint Council (now see ISC) |
ISM | Incorporated Society of Musicians |
ISMAR | International Society of Magnetic Resonance |
ISME | International Society for Musical Education |
ISMP | International Senior Management Program |
ISO | Imperial Service Order |
International Organization for Standardization | |
ISPRS | International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
ISSA | International Social Security Association |
ISTAR | Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance |
ISTC | Iron and Steel Trades Confederation |
Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators | |
ISTD | Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing |
Institute for the Study and Treatment of Delinquency | |
IStructE | Institution of Structural Engineers |
ISVA | Incorporated Society of Valuers and Auctioneers |
IT | Information Technology |
Indian Territory (US) | |
It. | Ital. |
Italian | |
ITA | Independent Television Authority (later IBA) |
ITAB | Information Technology Advisory Board |
ITB | Industry Training Board |
ITC | International Trade Centre |
Independent Television Commission | |
ITCA | Independent Television Association (formerly Independent Television Companies Association Ltd) |
ITDG | Intermediate Technology Development Group |
ITF | International Transport Workers’ Federation |
International Tennis Federation | |
ITN | Independent Television News |
ITSA | Information Technology Services Agency |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
ITUC | International Trade Union Confederation |
ITV | Independent Television |
ITVA | International Television Association |
IUA | International Union of Architects |
IUB | International Union of Biochemistry (now see IUBMB) |
IUBMB | International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
IUC | Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas (now see IUPC) |
IUCN | International Union for Conservation of Nature (formerly International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, then World Conservation Union) |
IUF | International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations |
IUGG | International Union of Geodesy & Geophysics |
IUGS | International Union of Geological Sciences |
IUHPS | International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science (now see IUHPST) |
IUHPST | International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology |
IULA | International Union of Local Authorities |
IUPAB | International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics |
IUPAC | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
IUPAP | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics |
IUPC | Inter-University and Polytechnic Council for Higher Education Overseas |
IUPS | International Union of Physiological Sciences |
IUSSP | International Union for the Scientific Study of Population |
IUTAM | International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics |
IVF | In-vitro Fertilisation |
IVS | International Voluntary Service |
IWA | Inland Waterways Association |
IWEM | Institution of Water and Environmental Management (now see CIWEM) |
IWES | Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists (later IWEM) |
IWGC | Imperial War Graves Commission (now see CWGC) |
IWM | Institution of Works Managers (now see IIM) |
IWO | Institution of Water Officers |
IWPC | Institute of Water Pollution Control (later IWEM) |
IWSA | International Water Supply Association |
IWSOM | Institute of Practitioners in Work Study Organisation and Methods (now see IMS) |
IWSP | Institute of Work Study Practitioners (now see IMS) |
IYRU | International Yacht Racing Union (now see ISAF) |
IZ | I Zingari |
J | |
JA | Judge Advocate |
JACT | Joint Association of Classical Teachers |
JAG | Judge Advocate General |
Jas | James |
JCB | Juris Canonici (or Civilis) Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Canon (or Civil) Law) |
JCR | Junior Common Room |
JCS | Journal of the Chemical Society |
JCD | Juris Canonici (or Civilis) Doctor (Doctor of Canon (or Civil) Law) |
JCHMT | Joint Committee on Higher Medical Training, Royal Medical Colleges (now see JRCPTB) |
JCI | Junior Chamber International |
JCL | Juris Canonici (or Civilis) Licentiatus (Licentiate in Canon (or Civil) Law) |
JCO | Joint Consultative Organisation (of AFRC, MAFF, and Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland) |
JCPTGP | Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for General Practice |
JD | Doctor of Jurisprudence |
jd | jure dignitatis (by virtue of status) |
JDipMA | Joint Diploma in Management Accounting Services |
JG | Junior Grade |
JILA | Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics |
JInstE | Junior Institution of Engineers (now see IMGTechE) |
JISC | Jisc |
Joint Information Systems Committee, Higher Education Funding Council | |
jl(s) | journal(s) |
JMB | Joint Matriculation Board |
JMN | Johan Mangku Negara (Malaysia) |
JMOTS | Joint Maritime Operational Training Staff |
JNCC | Joint Nature Conservation Committee |
Jno. | Joh. |
John | |
JP | Justice of the Peace |
Jr | Junior |
JRCPTB | Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board |
jsc | qualified at a Junior Staff Course, or the equivalent, 1942-46 |
JSCSC | Joint Services Command and Staff College |
jscsc | completed a course at Joint Services Command and Staff College |
JSD | Doctor of Juristic Science |
JSDC | Joint Service Defence College |
jsdc | completed a course at Joint Service Defence College |
JSLO | Joint Service Liaison Officer |
JSLS | Joint Services Liaison Staff |
JSM | Johan Setia Mahkota (Malaysia) |
Master of the Science of Jurisprudence | |
JSPS | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science |
JSSC | Joint Services Staff College |
jssc | completed a course at Joint Services Staff College |
JSU | Joint Support Unit |
jt, jtly | joint, jointly |
JUD | Juris Utriusque Doctor (Doctor of Both Laws (Canon and Civil)) |
Jun. | Junior |
Jun.Opt. | Junior Optime |
JWS | jws |
Joint Warfare Staff | |
K | |
KA | Knight of St Andrew, Order of Barbados |
Kans | Kansas |
KAR | King’s African Rifles |
KBD | King’s Bench Division |
KBE | Knight Commander, Order of the British Empire |
KC | King’s Counsel |
KCB | Knight Commander, Order of the Bath |
KCC | Commander, Order of the Crown, Belgium and Congo Free State |
KCGSJ | Knight Commander of Magisterial Grace, Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller) |
KCH | King’s College Hospital |
Knight Commander, Hanoverian Order | |
KCHS | Knight Commander, Order of the Holy Sepulchre |
KCIE | Knight Commander, Order of the Indian Empire |
KCJSJ | Knight Commander of Justice, Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller) |
KCL | King’s College London |
KCLJ | Knight Commander, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
KCMCO | Knight Commander, Sacred Military Constantian Order of St George |
KCMG | Knight Commander, Order of St Michael and St George |
KCN | Knight Commander, Most Distinguished Order of the Nation (Antigua and Barbuda) |
KCSA | Knight Commander, Military Order of the Collar of St Agatha of Paternò |
KCSG | Knight Commander, Order of St Gregory the Great |
Knight Commander with Star, Order of the Holy Sepulchre | |
KCSI | Knight Commander, Order of the Star of India |
KCSJ | Knight Commander, Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller) |
KCSS | Knight Commander, Order of St Silvester |
KCVO | Knight Commander, Royal Victorian Order |
KEO | King Edward’s Own |
KFOR | Kosovo Force |
KG | Knight, Order of the Garter |
KGB | Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopanosti (Committee of State Security, USSR) |
KGCHS | Knight Grand Cross, Order of the Holy Sepulchre |
KGCN | Knight Grand Cross, Most Distinguished Order of the Nation (Antigua and Barbuda) |
KGCSS | Knight Grand Cross, Order of St Silvester |
KGN | Knight Grand Collar, Most Distinguished Order of the Nation (Antigua and Barbuda) |
KGSJ | Knight of Grace, Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller) |
KGStJ | Knight of Grace, Order of St John of Jerusalem (now see KStJ) |
KHC | Hon. Chaplain to the King |
KHDS | Hon. Dental Surgeon to the King |
KHP | Hon. Physician to the King |
KHS | Hon. Surgeon to the King |
Knight, Order of the Holy Sepulchre | |
K-i-H | Kaisar-i-Hind |
KJSJ | Knight of Justice, Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller) |
KJStJ | Knight of Justice, Order of St John of Jerusalem (now see KStJ) |
KLJ | Knight, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
KM | Knight of Malta |
KMJ | Knight, Supreme Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem |
KMLJ | Knight of Merit, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
KNH | Knight Companion, Most Exalted Order of National Hero (Antigua and Barbuda) |
KNZM | Knight Companion, New Zealand Order of Merit |
KOM | Companion, National Order of Merit (Malta) |
KORR | King’s Own Royal Regiment |
KOSB | King’s Own Scottish Borderers |
KOYLI | King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry |
KP | Knight, Order of St Patrick |
KPM | King’s Police Medal |
KrF | Kristelig Folkeparti |
KRRC | King’s Royal Rifle Corps |
KS | King’s Scholar |
Kansas (postal) | |
KSC | Knight of St Columba |
KSG | Knight, Order of St Gregory the Great |
KSJ | Knight, Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller) |
KSLI | King’s Shropshire Light Infantry |
KSMOM | Knight Grand Cross with Star, Sovereign Military Order of Malta |
KSS | Knight, Order of St Sylvester |
KStJ | Knight, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
KStJ(A) | Associate Knight of Justice, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
KT | Knight, Order of the Thistle |
Kt | Knight |
KUOM | Companion of Honour, National Order of Merit (Malta) |
KY | Kentucky (postal) |
Ky | Kentucky |
L | |
L | Liberal |
LA | Los Angeles |
Library Association | |
Liverpool Academy | |
Louisiana (postal) | |
La | Louisiana |
LAA | Light Anti-Aircraft |
Lab | Labour |
LAC | London Athletic Club |
Los Angeles County | |
LACSAB | Local Authorities Conditions of Service Advisory Board |
LAMDA | London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art |
LAMTPI | Legal Associate Member, Town Planning Institute (now see LMRTPI) |
Lance-Corp. | Lance-Corporal |
Lancs | Lancashire |
LAPADA | London & Provincial Antique Dealers’ Association |
LARSP | Language Assessment, Remediation and Screening Procedure |
LARTPI | Legal Associate, Royal Town Planning Institute |
Lautro | Life Assurance and Unit Trust Regulatory Organisation |
LBC | London Broadcasting Company |
London Borough Council | |
LBHI | Licentiate, British Horological Institute |
LBIPP | Licentiate, British Institute of Professional Photography |
LC | Cross of Leo |
LCA | Licensed Companies Auditor |
LCAD | London Certificate in Art and Design (University of London) |
LCC | London County Council (later GLC) |
LCCI | London Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
LCD | Lord Chancellor’s Department |
LCh | Licentiate in Surgery |
LCL | Licentiate of Canon Law |
LCM | (Member of) London College of Music and Media |
LCP | Licentiate, College of Preceptors |
LCST | Licentiate, College of Speech Therapists |
LD | Liberal and Democratic |
Licentiate in Divinity | |
LDDC | London Docklands Development Corporation |
LDiv | Licentiate in Divinity |
LDP | Liberal Democratic Party (Japan) |
Ldr | Leader |
LDS | Licentiate in Dental Surgery |
LDV | Local Defence Volunteers |
LEA | Local Education Authority |
LEAD | Leadership in Environment and Development |
LEADR | Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution |
LEDU | Local Enterprise Development Unit |
LEP | Local Ecumenical Project |
Local Enterprise Partnership | |
LEPRA | British Leprosy Relief Association |
LèsL | Licencié ès lettres |
LèsSc | Licencié ès Sciences |
LG | Lady Companion, Order of the Garter |
LGA | Local Government Association |
LGBT | Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender |
LGBTI | Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex |
LGBTQ | Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning |
LGSM | Licentiate, Guildhall School of Music and Drama |
LGTB | Local Government Training Board |
LH | Light Horse |
LHD | Literarum Humaniorum Doctor (Doctor of Literature) |
LHSM | Licentiate, Institute of Health Services Management |
LI | Light Infantry |
Long Island | |
LIBA | Lloyd’s Insurance Brokers’ Association |
Lib Dem | Liberal Democrat |
LIBER | Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche |
Lic. | Licentiate |
LicMed | Licentiate in Medicine |
Lieut | Lieutenant |
LIFFE | London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange |
LIFT | Local Improvement Finance Trust |
LIMA | Licentiate, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications |
International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association | |
Lincs | Lincolnshire |
LIOB | Licentiate, Institute of Building |
LISTD | Licentiate, Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing |
Lit. | Literature |
Literary | |
LitD | Doctor of Literature |
Doctor of Letters | |
Lit.Hum. | Literae Humaniores (Classics) |
LittD | Doctor of Literature |
Doctor of Letters | |
LJ | Lord Justice |
LLAM | Licentiate, London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art |
LLB | Bachelor of Laws |
LLC | Limited Liability Company |
LLCM | Licentiate, London College of Music |
LLD | Doctor of Laws |
LLL | Licentiate in Laws |
LLM | Master of Laws |
LLP | Limited Liability Partnership |
LLSC | Local Learning and Skills Council |
LM | Licentiate in Midwifery |
LMBC | Lady Margaret Boat Club |
LMC | Local Medical Committee |
LMCC | Licentiate, Medical Council of Canada |
LMed | Licentiate in Medicine |
LMH | Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford |
LMR | London Midland Region (BR) |
LMS | London, Midland and Scottish Railway |
London Missionary Society | |
London Mathematical Society | |
LMSSA | Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery, Society of Apothecaries |
LMRTPI | Legal Member, Royal Town Planning Institute |
LNat | Liberal National |
LNER | London and North Eastern Railway |
LOCOG | London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games |
L of C | Library of Congress |
Lines of Communication | |
LP | Limited Partnership |
LPh | Licentiate in Philosophy |
LPO | London Philharmonic Orchestra |
LPTB | London Passenger Transport Board (later LTE) |
LRAD | Licentiate, Royal Academy of Dancing |
LRAM | Licentiate, Royal Academy of Music |
LRCP | Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, London |
LRCPE | Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh |
LRCPI | Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland |
LRCPSGlas | Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow |
LRCS | Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons of England |
LRCSE | Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh |
LRCSI | Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland |
LRelSc | Licentiate in Religious Sciences |
LRFPS(G) | Licentiate, Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow (now see LRCPSGlas) |
LRIBA | Licentiate, Royal Institute of British Architects (now see RIBA) |
LRPS | Licentiate, Royal Photographic Society |
LRSM | Licentiate, Royal Schools of Music |
LRT | London Regional Transport |
LSA | Licentiate, Society of Apothecaries |
Licence in Agricultural Sciences | |
LSC | Learning and Skills Council |
LSE | London School of Economics and Political Science |
LSHTM | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine |
LSO | London Symphony Orchestra |
LSS | Licentiate in Sacred Scripture |
Lt | Lieutenant |
Light | |
LT | Lady, Order of the Thistle |
London Transport (later LRT) | |
Licentiate in Teaching | |
LTA | Lawn Tennis Association |
LTB | London Transport Board (later LTE) |
LTCL | Licentiate of Trinity College of Music, London |
Lt Col | Lieutenant Colonel |
LTE | London Transport Executive (later LRT) |
Lt Gen. | Lieutenant General |
LTh | Licentiate in Theology |
LTS | London Topographical Society |
LU | Liberal Unionist |
LUOTC | London University Officers’ Training Corps |
LVO | Lieutenant, Royal Victorian Order (formerly MVO (Fourth Class)) |
LWT | London Weekend Television |
LXX | Septuagint |
M | |
M | Marquess |
Member | |
Monsieur | |
m | married |
MA | Master of Arts |
Military Assistant | |
Massachusetts (postal) | |
MAAT | Member, Association of Accounting Technicians |
MACE | Member, Australian College of Education |
Member, Association of Conference Executives | |
MACM | Member, Association of Computing Machines |
MACS | Member, American Chemical Society |
MADO | Member, Association of Dispensing Opticians |
MAE | Member, Academia Europaea |
MAF | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries |
MAFF | Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food |
MAHL | Master of Arts in Hebrew Letters |
MAI | Magister in Arte Ingeniaria (Master of Engineering) |
MAIAA | Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
MAIBC | Member, Architectural Institute of British Columbia |
MAICD | Member, Australian Institute of Company Directors |
Maj. Gen. | Major General |
MALD | Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy |
Man | Manitoba |
M&A | Mergers and Acquisitions |
MAO | Master of Obstetric Art |
MAOT | Member, Association of Occupational Therapists |
MAOU | Member, American Ornithologists’ Union |
MAP | Ministry of Aircraft Production |
MAPM | Member, Association for Project Management |
MAppSc | Master of Applied Science |
MAPsS | Member, Australian Psychological Society |
MARAC | Member, Australasian Register of Agricultural Consultants |
MArch | Master of Architecture |
MARIS | Multi-State Aquatic Resources Information System |
Marq. | Marquess |
MAS | Minimal Access Surgery |
MASc | Master of Applied Science |
MASCE | Member, American Society of Civil Engineers |
MASME | Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
Mass | Massachusetts |
MASt | Master of Advanced Study |
MAT | Master of Arts and Teaching (US) |
MATh | Master of Arts in Theology |
Math. | Mathematics |
Mathematical | |
MAusIMM | Member, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy |
MB | Medal of Bravery (Canada) |
Bachelor of Medicine | |
Manitoba (postal) | |
MBA | Master of Business Administration |
MBASW | Member, British Association of Social Workers |
MBC | Metropolitan/Municipal Borough Council |
MBCS | Member, British Computer Society |
MBE | Member, Order of the British Empire |
MBES | Member, Biological Engineering Society |
MBFR | Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (negotiations) |
MBHI | Member, British Horological Institute |
MBIFD | Member, British Institute of Funeral Directors |
MBII | Member, British Institute of Innkeeping |
MBIID | Member, British Institute of Interior Design |
MBIM | Member, British Institute of Management (later MIMgt) |
MBKS | Member, British Kinematograph Society (now see MBKSTS) |
MBKSTS | Member, British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society |
MBL | Master of Business Leadership |
MBOU | Member, British Ornithologists’ Union |
MBPsS | Graduate Member, British Psychological Society |
MBritIRE | Member, British Institution of Radio Engineers (later MIERE) |
MBS | Member, Building Societies Institute (now see MCBSI) |
MBSc | Master of Business Science |
MC | Military Cross |
Missionaries of Charity | |
MCB | Master in Clinical Biochemistry |
Muslim Council of Britain | |
MCBSI | Member, Chartered Building Societies Institute |
MCC | Marylebone Cricket Club |
Metropolitan County Council | |
MCCDRCS | Member in Clinical Community Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons |
MCD | Master of Civic Design |
MCE | Master of Civil Engineering |
MCFP | Member, College of Family Physicians (Canada) |
MCGI | Member, City and Guilds of London Institute |
MCh | MChir |
Master in Surgery | |
MChD | Master of Dental Surgery |
MChE | Master of Chemical Engineering |
MChemA | Master in Chemical Analysis |
MChOrth | Master of Orthopaedic Surgery |
MCIArb | Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators |
MCIBS | Member, Chartered Institution of Building Services (now see MCIBSE) |
Member, Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland | |
MCIBSE | Member, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers |
MCICM | Member, Chartered Institute of Credit Management |
MCIEEM | Member, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management |
MCIfA | Member, Chartered Institute for Archaeologists |
MCIH | Member, Chartered Institute of Housing |
MCIHort | Member, Chartered Institute of Horticulture |
MCIHT | Member, Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation |
MCIIS | Member, Chartered Institute of Information Security |
MCIJ | Member, Chartered Institute of Journalists |
MCIL | Member, Chartered Institute of Linguists |
MCIM | Member, Chartered Institute of Marketing |
MCIMarE | Member, Canadian Institute of Marine Engineers |
MCIOB | Member, Chartered Institute of Building |
MCIPD | Member, Charted Institute of Personnel and Development |
MCIPR | Member, Chartered Institute of Public Relations |
MCIPS | Member, Chartered Institute of Procurement (formerly Purchasing) and Supply |
MCIS | Member, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators |
MCIT | Member, Chartered Institute of Transport (now see CMILT) |
MCIWEM | Member, Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management |
MCIWM | Member, Chartered Institution of Wastes Management |
MCL | Master in Civil Law |
MCLIP | Member, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals |
MCMI | Member, Chartered Management Institute |
MCollP | Member, College of Preceptors |
MCom | Master of Commerce |
MCommH | Master of Community Health |
MConsE | Member, Association of Consulting Engineers |
MConsEI | Member, Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland |
MCOphth | Member, College of Ophthalmologists (now see MRCOphth) |
MCP | Member of Colonial Parliament |
Master of City Planning (US) | |
MCPA | Member, College of Pathologists of Australia (now see MRCPA) |
MCPP | Member, College of Pharmacy Practice |
MCPS | Member, College of Physicians and Surgeons |
MCS | Malayan Civil Service |
MCSD | Member, Chartered Society of Designers |
MCSEE | Member, Canadian Society of Electrical Engineers |
MCSI | Member, Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment |
MCSP | Member, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy |
MCST | Member, College of Speech Therapists |
MCT | Member, Association of Corporate Treasurers |
MD | Doctor of Medicine |
Military District | |
Maryland (postal) | |
Md | Maryland |
MDA | Masters in Defence Administration |
MDC | Metropolitan District Council |
MDes | Master of Design |
MDiv | Master of Divinity |
MDS | Master of Dental Surgery |
MDSc | Master of Dental Science |
ME | Mining Engineer |
Middle East | |
Master of Engineering | |
Maine (postal) | |
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis | |
MEAF | Middle East Air Force |
MEC | Member of Executive Council |
Middle East Command | |
MEc | Master of Economics |
MECAS | Middle East Centre for Arab Studies |
Mech. | Mechanics |
Mechanical | |
MECI | Member, Institute of Employment Consultants |
Med. | Medical |
MEd | Master of Education |
MED | Master of Environmental Design |
MEdSt | Master of Educational Studies |
MEF | Middle East Force |
MEI | Member, Energy Institute |
MEIC | Member, Engineering Institute of Canada |
MELF | Middle East Land Forces |
Mencap | Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults |
MEng | Master of Engineering |
MEnvS | Master of Environmental Studies |
MEO | Marine Engineering Officer |
MEP | Member of the European Parliament |
MES | Master of Environmental Studies |
MESc | Master of Engineering Science |
MetSoc | Metals Society (formed by amalgamation of Institute of Metals and Iron and Steel Institute; now merged with Institution of Metallurgists to form Institute of Metals) |
MF | Master of Forestry |
MFA | Master of Fine Arts |
MFC | Mastership in Food Control |
MFCM | Member, Faculty of Community Medicine (later MFPHM) |
MFFLM | Member, Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians |
MFFP | Member, Faculty of Family Planning, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
MFGB | Miners’ Federation of Great Britain (now see NUM) |
MFGDP | Member, Faculty of General Dental Practitioners, Royal College of Surgeons |
MFH | Master of Foxhounds |
MFHom | Member, Faculty of Homoeopathy |
MFOM | Member, Faculty of Occupational Medicine |
MFPaed | Member, Faculty of Paediatrics, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland |
MFPH | Member, Faculty of Public Health |
MFPHM | Member, Faculty of Public Health Medicine (now see MFPH) |
MFPHMI | Member, Faculty of Public Health Medicine of Ireland |
MFPM | Member, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine |
MGDSRCS | Member in General Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons |
MGI | Member, Institute of Certificated Grocers |
MGO | Master General of the Ordnance |
Master of Gynaecology and Obstetrics | |
Mgr | Monsignor |
MHA | Member of House of Assembly |
Master of Health Administration | |
MHCIMA | Member, Hotel Catering and International (formerly Institutional) Management Association (now see MIH) |
MHCLG | Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government |
MHK | Member of the House of Keys |
MHM | Master of Health Management |
MHort (RHS) | Master of Horticulture, Royal Horticultural Society |
MHR | Member of the House of Representatives |
MHRA | Modern Humanities Research Association |
MHSM | Member, Institute of Health Services Management (now see MIHM) |
MI | Military Intelligence |
Michigan (postal) | |
MIAeE | Member, Institute of Aeronautical Engineers |
MIAgrE | Member, Institution of Agricultural Engineers |
MIAM | Member, Institute of Administrative Management |
MIAS | Member, Institute of Aeronautical Science (US) (now see MAIAA) |
Member, Institute of Architects and Surveyors | |
MIBC | Member, Institute of Business Counsellors |
Member, Institute of Building Control | |
MIBiol | Member, Institute of Biology (later MSB, now see MRSB) |
MICE | Member, Institution of Civil Engineers |
MICEI | Member, Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland |
MICeram | Member, Institute of Ceramics (later MIM) |
MICFor | Member, Institute of Chartered Foresters |
Mich | Michigan |
MIChemE | Member, Institution of Chemical Engineers |
MICM | Member, Institute of Credit Management (now see MCICM) |
MICorr | Member, Institute of Corrosion |
MICorrST | Member, Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology (now see MICorr) |
MICS | Member, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers |
MIE(Aust) | Member, Institution of Engineers, Australia |
MIED | Member, Institution of Engineering Designers |
MIEE | Member, Institution of Electrical Engineers (now see MIET) |
MIEEE | Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (NY) |
MIEEM | Member, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (now see MCIEEM) |
MIEI | Member, Institution of Engineering Inspection |
MIEMA | Member, Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment |
MIEMgt | Member, Institute of Environmental Management (now see MIEMA) |
MIEnvSc | Member, Institution of Environmental Sciences |
MIERE | Member, Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers (later MIEE) |
MIES | Member, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland |
MIET | Member, Institution of Engineering and Technology (formerly Member, Institute of Engineers and Technicians) |
MIEx | Member, Institute of Export |
MIExpE | Member, Institute of Explosives Engineers |
MIfA | Member, Institute for Archaeologists (now see MCIfA) |
MIFA | Member, Institute of Field Archaeologists (later MIfA) |
MIFF | Member, Institute of Freight Forwarders (now see MIFP) |
MIFireE | Member, Institution of Fire Engineers |
MIFM | Member, Institute of Fisheries Management |
MIFor | Member, Institute of Foresters (now see MICFor) |
MIFP | Member, Institute of Freight Professionals |
MIGasE | Member, Institution of Gas Engineers (now see MIGEM) |
MIGEM | Member, Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers |
MIGeol | Member, Institution of Geologists |
MIH | Member, Institute of Housing (now see MCIH) |
Member, Institute of Hospitality | |
MIHM | Member, Institute of Housing Managers (later MIH) |
Member, Institute of Healthcare Management | |
MIHort | Member, Institute of Horticulture (now see MCIHort) |
MIHT | Member, Institution of Highways and Transportation (now see MCIHT) |
MIHVE | Member, Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers (later MCIBS) |
MIIA | Member, Institute of Industrial Administration (later FBIM) |
MIIE | Member, Institution of Incorporated Engineers in Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (now see MIET) |
MIIM | Member, Institution of Industrial Managers |
MIInfSc | Member, Institute of Information Sciences (now see MCLIP) |
MIL | Member, Institute of Linguists (now see MCIL) |
Mil. | Military |
MILGA | Member, Institute of Local Government Administrators |
MILocoE | Member, Institution of Locomotive Engineers |
MILog | Member, Institute of Logistics (now see MILT) |
MILT | Member, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport |
MIM | Member, Institute of Materials (formerly Institution of Metallurgists, then Institute of Metals) (now see MIMMM) |
MIMA | Member, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications |
MIMarE | Member, Institute of Marine Engineers (now see MIMarEST) |
MIMarEST | Member, Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology |
MIMC | Member, Institute of Management Consultants |
MIMechE | Member, Institution of Mechanical Engineers |
MIMEMME | Member, Institution of Mining Electrical & Mining Mechanical Engineers (later MIMinE) |
MIMgt | Member, Institute of Management (see now MCMI) |
MIMGTechE | Member, Institution of Mechanical and General Technician Engineers |
MIMI | Member, Institute of the Motor Industry |
MIMinE | Member, Institution of Mining Engineers (later MIMM) |
MIMM | Member, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (now see MIMMM) |
MIMMM | Member, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining |
MIMunE | Member, Institution of Municipal Engineers (now amalgamated with Institution of Civil Engineers) |
MIN | Member, Institute of Navigation (now see MRIN) |
Min. | Ministry |
Minn | Minnesota |
MInstAM | Member, Institute of Administrative Management |
MInstBE | Member, Institution of British Engineers |
MInstCE | Member, Institution of Civil Engineers (now see FICE) |
MInstD | Member, Institute of Directors |
MInstE | Member, Institute of Energy (now see MEI) |
MInstF | Member, Institute of Fuel (later MInstE) |
MInstHE | Member, Institution of Highway Engineers (later MIHT, now see MCIHT) |
MInstKT | Member, Institute of Knowledge Transfer |
MInstLM | Member, Institute of Leadership and Management |
MInstM | Member, Institute of Marketing (now see MCIM) |
MInstMC | Member, Institute of Measurement and Control |
MInstME | Member, Institution of Mining Engineers |
MInstMet | Member, Institute of Metals (later part of Metals Society; then MIM) |
MInstP | Member, Institute of Physics |
MInstPet | Member, Institute of Petroleum (now see MEI) |
MInstPkg | Member, Institute of Packaging |
MInstPS | Member, Institute of Purchasing and Supply |
MInstRA | Member, Institute of Registered Architects |
MInstRE | Member, Institution of Royal Engineers |
MInstT | Member, Institute of Transport (later MCIT) |
MInstTA | Member, Institute of Transport Administration |
MInstW | Member, Institute of Welding (now see MWeldI) |
MInstWM | Member, Institute of Wastes Management (now see MCIWM) |
MINucE | Member, Institution of Nuclear Engineers (now see MNucI) |
MIOA | Member, Institute of Acoustics |
MIOB | Member, Institute of Building (now see MCIOB) |
MIOM | Member, Institute of Office Management (now see MIAM) |
MIOSH | Member, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health |
MIPA | Member, Institute of Practitioners in Advertising |
MIPD | Member, Institute of Personnel and Development (now see MCIPD) |
MIPEM | Member, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine |
MIPlantE | Member, Institution of Plant Engineers |
MIPM | Member, Institute of Personnel Management (later MIPD) |
MIPR | Member, Institute of Public Relations (now see MCIPR) |
MIProdE | Member, Institution of Production Engineers (later MIEE) |
MIQ | Member, Institute of Quarrying |
MIQA | Member, Institute of Quality Assurance |
MIRE | Member, Institution of Radio Engineers (later MIERE) |
MIREE(Aust) | Member, Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers (Australia) |
MIRM | Member, Institute of Risk Management |
MIRO | Mineral Industry Research Organisation |
Member, Institution of Railway Operators | |
MIRPM | Member, Institute of Residential Property Management |
MIRT | Member, Institute of Reprographic Technicians |
MIRTE | Member, Institute of Road Transport Engineers |
MIS | Member, Institute of Statisticians |
MISI | Member, Iron and Steel Institute (later part of Metals Society) |
Miss | Mississippi |
MIStructE | Member, Institution of Structural Engineers |
MIT | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
MITA | Member, Industrial Transport Association |
MITD | Member, Institute of Training and Development (later MIPD) |
MITE | Member, Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers |
MITI | Member, Institute of Translation & Interpreting |
MITSA | Member, Institute of Trading Standards Administration |
MITT | Member, Institute of Travel and Tourism |
MIWE | Member, Institution of Water Engineers (later MIWES) |
MIWEM | Member, Institution of Water and Environmental Management (now see MCIWEM) |
MIWES | Member, Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists (later MIWEM) |
MIWM | Member, Institution of Works Managers (now see MIIM) |
MIWPC | Member, Institute of Water Pollution Control (later MIWEM) |
MIWSP | Member, Institute of Work Study Practitioners (now see MMS) |
MJA | Medical Journalists Association |
MJI | Member, Institute of Journalists (now see MCIJ) |
MJIE | Member, Junior Institution of Engineers (now see MIGTechE) |
MJur | Magister Juris (Master of Law) |
ML | Licentiate in Medicine |
Master of Laws | |
MLA | Member of Legislative Assembly |
Modern Language Association | |
Master in Landscape Architecture | |
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council | |
MLC | Member of Legislative Council |
Meat and Livestock Commission | |
MLCOM | Member, London College of Osteopathic Medicine |
MLI | Member, Landscape Institute |
MLib | Master of Librarianship |
MLitt | Master of Letters |
Mlle | Mademoiselle |
MLO | Military Liaison Officer |
MLR | Modern Language Review |
MLS | Master of Library Science |
MM | Military Medal |
Merchant Marine | |
MMA | Metropolitan Museum of Art |
MMan | Master of Management |
MMath | Master of Mathematics |
MMB | Milk Marketing Board |
MMD | Movement for Multi-Party Democracy |
Master of Management of Defence | |
MME | Master of Mining Engineering |
Mme | Madame |
MMechE | Master of Mechanical Engineering |
MMEd | Master in Medical Education |
MMedSci | Master in Medical Science |
MMet | Master of Metallurgy |
MMGI | Member, Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India |
MMin | Master of Ministry |
MML | Masters in Medical Law |
MMLJ | Member of Merit, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
MMM | Member, Order of Military Merit (Canada) |
MMRS | Member, Market Research Society |
MMS | Member, Institute of Management Services |
MMus | Master of Music |
MN | Merchant Navy |
Minnesota (postal) | |
MNAM | Member, National Academy of Medicine (US) |
MNAS | Member, National Academy of Sciences (US) |
MND | Motor Neurone Disease |
MNECInst | Member, North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders |
MNI | Member, Nautical Institute |
MNIMH | Member, National Institute of Medical Herbalists |
MNucI | Member, Nuclear Institute |
MNZIS | Member, New Zealand Institute of Surveyors |
MNZM | Member, New Zealand Order of Merit |
MNZPI | Member, New Zealand Planning Institute |
MO | Medical Officer |
Military Operations | |
Missouri (postal) | |
Mo | Missouri |
MoD | Ministry of Defence |
Mods | Moderations (Oxford) |
MOH | Medical Officer(s) of Health |
MoJ | Ministry of Justice |
MOM | Member, Order of Merit (Malta) |
MOMA | Museum of Modern Art |
MOMI | Museum of the Moving Image |
Mon | Monmouthshire |
Mont | Montgomeryshire |
MOP | Ministry of Power |
MOrthRCS | Member in Orthodontics, Royal College of Surgeons |
Most Rev. | Most Reverend |
MoT | Ministry of Transport |
MOV | Member, Order of Volta (Ghana) |
MP | Member of Parliament |
MPA | Master of Public Administration |
Member, Parliamentary Assembly, Northern Ireland | |
MPAGB | Member, Photographic Alliance of Great Britain |
MPBW | Ministry of Public Building and Works |
MPH | Master of Public Health |
MPhil | Master of Philosophy |
MPhil Stud | Master of Philosophical Studies |
MPhys | Master of Physics |
MPIA | Master of Public and International Affairs |
MPLA | Major Projects Leadership Academy |
MPMI | Member, Property Management Institute |
MPO | Management and Personnel Office |
MPodA | Member, Podiatry Association |
MPP | Member, Provincial Parliament |
Master in Public Policy (Harvard) | |
MPRISA | Member, Public Relations Institute of South Africa |
MProf | Masters in Professional Studies |
MPS | Member, Pharmaceutical Society (now see MRPharmS) |
MPTS | Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service |
MR | Master of the Rolls |
Municipal Reform | |
MRAC | Member, Royal Agricultural College |
MRACP | Member, Royal Australasian College of Physicians |
MRACS | Member, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons |
MRad | Master of Radiology |
MRAeS | Member, Royal Aeronautical Society |
MRAIC | Member, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada |
MRAS | Member, Royal Asiatic Society |
MRC | Medical Research Council |
MRCA | Multi-Role Combat Aircraft |
MRCGP | Member, Royal College of General Practitioners |
MRC-LMB | Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
MRCOG | Member, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
MRCOphth | Member, Royal College of Ophthalmologists |
MRCP | Member, Royal College of Physicians, London |
Member, Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom | |
MRCPA | Member, Royal College of Pathologists of Australia |
MRCPath | Member, Royal College of Pathologists |
MRCPCH | Member, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health |
MRCPE | Member, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh |
MRCPGlas | Member, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow |
MRCPI | Member, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland |
MRCPsych | Member, Royal College of Psychiatrists |
MRCS | Member, Royal College of Surgeons of England |
MRCSE | Member, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh |
MRCSI | Member, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland |
MRCVS | Member, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons |
MRD RCS | Member in Restorative Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons |
MRE | Master of Religious Education |
MRes | Master of Research |
MRHS | Member, Royal Horticultural Society |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Member, Royal Institution | |
MRIA | Member, Royal Irish Academy |
MRIAI | Member, Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland |
MRIC | Member, Royal Institute of Chemistry (now see MRSC) |
MRICS | Member, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
MRIN | Member, Royal Institute of Navigation |
MRINA | Member, Royal Institution of Naval Architects |
MRNZCGP | Member, Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners |
MRPharmS | Member, Royal Pharmaceutical Society |
MRSB | Member, Royal Society of Biology |
MRSC | Member, Royal Society of Chemistry |
MRSH | Member, Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (now see MRSPH) |
MRSL | Member, Order of the Republic of Sierra Leone |
MRSocMed | Member, Royal Society of Medicine |
MRSPH | Member, Royal Society for Public Health |
MRTPI | Member, Royal Town Planning Institute |
MRurSc | Master of Rural Science |
MRUSI | Member, Royal United Service Institution |
MRVA | Member, Rating and Valuation Association |
MS | Master of Surgery |
Master of Science (US) | |
Mississippi (postal) | |
Multiple Sclerosis | |
Motor Ship | |
MS, MSS | Manuscript, Manuscripts |
MSA | Master of Science, Agriculture (US) |
Mineralogical Society of America | |
Motor Sports Association | |
MSAAIE | Member, Southern African Association of Industrial Editors |
MSAE | Member, Society of Automotive Engineeers (US) |
MSAICE | Member, South African Institution of Civil Engineers |
MSAInstMM | Member, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy |
MSB | Member, Society of Biology (now see MRSB) |
MSC | Manpower Services Commission |
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart | |
MSc | Master of Science |
MScD | Master of Dental Science |
MScE | Master of Science in Engineering |
MSci | Master of Natural Sciences |
MScSoc | Master of Social Sciences |
MScSocMed | Master of Science in Social Medicine |
MSD | Meritorious Service Decoration (Fiji) |
MSE | Master of Science in Engineering (US) |
MSF | (Union for) Manufacturing, Science, Finance |
MSFA | Member, Society of Financial Advisers |
MSHyg | Master of Science in Hygiene |
MSI | Member, Securities Institute (later Securities & Investment Institute, now see MCSI) |
MSIA | Member, Society of Industrial Artists |
MSIAD | Member, Society of Industrial Artists and Designers (now see MCSD) |
MSIT | Member, Society of Instrument Technology (now see MInstMC) |
MSL | Master of Studies in Law |
MSLS | Master of Science in Library Science |
MSM | Meritorious Service Medal |
Madras Sappers and Miners | |
Master in Science Management | |
MSN | Master of Science in Nursing |
MSocAdmin | Master of Social Administration |
MSocIS | Member, Société des Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France |
MSocSc | Master of Social Sciences |
MSocWork | Master of Social Work |
MSoFHT | Member, Society of Food Hygiene Technology |
MSP | Member, Scottish Parliament |
Managing Successful Programmes | |
MSR | Member, Society of Radiographers |
MSRP | Member, Society for Radiological Protection |
MSSc | Master of Social Sciences |
MSSC | Marine Society & Sea Cadets |
MSt | Master of Studies |
MSTD | Member, Society of Typographic Designers |
MStJ | Member, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
MSW | Master of Social Work |
MSzP | Magyar Szocialista Párt |
MT | Mechanical Transport |
Montana (postal) | |
Mt | Mount |
Mountain | |
MTA | Music Trades Association |
MTB | Motor Torpedo Boat |
MTCA | Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation |
MTD | Midwife Teachers’ Diploma |
MTech | Master of Technology |
MTEFL | Master in the Teaching of English as a Foreign or Second Language |
MTh | Master of Theology |
MTIA | Metal Trades Industry Association |
MTIRA | Machine Tool Industry Research Association (now see AMTRI) |
MTPI | Member, Town Planning Institute (now see MRTPI) |
MTS | Master of Theological Studies |
Ministerial Training Scheme | |
MUniv | Honorary Master of the University |
MusB | Bachelor of Music |
MusD | Doctor of Music |
MusM | Master of Music |
MV | Merchant Vessel, Motor Vessel (naval) |
MVB | Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine |
MVEE | Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment |
MVO | Member, Royal Victorian Order |
MVSc | Master of Veterinary Science |
MW | Master of Wine |
MWA | Mystery Writers of America |
MWeldI | Member, Welding Institute |
MWSOM | Member, Institute of Practitioners in Work Study Organisation and Methods (now see MMS) |
N | |
N | Nationalist |
Navigating Duties | |
North | |
n | nephew |
NA | National Academician (America) |
NAACP | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People |
NAAFI | Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes |
NAAS | National Agricultural Advisory Service |
NAB | National Advisory Body for Public Sector Higher Education |
NABC | National Association of Boys’ Clubs (later NABC-CYP) |
NABC-CYP | National Association of Boys’ Clubs - Clubs for Young People |
NAC | National Agriculture Centre |
NACAB | National Association of Citizens’ Advice Bureaux |
NACCB | National Accreditation Council for Certification Bodies |
NACETT | National Advisory Council for Education and Training Targets |
NACF | National Art-Collections Fund |
NACRO | National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders |
NADFAS | National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies |
NAE | National Academy of Engineering |
NAEW | Nato Airborn Early Warning |
NAHA | National Association of Health Authorities (now see NAHAT) |
NAHAT | National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts |
NAHT | National Association of Head Teachers |
NALGO | Nalgo |
National and Local Government Officers’ Association | |
NAMAS | National Measurement and Accreditation Service |
NAMCW | National Association for Maternal and Child Welfare |
NAMH | MIND (National Association for Mental Health) |
NAMMA | NATO MRCA Management Agency |
NAPAG | National Academies Policy Advisory Group |
NARM | National Association of Recording Merchandisers (US) |
NAS | National Academy of Sciences |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US) |
NASD | National Association of Securities Dealers |
NASDAQ | National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System |
NASDIM | National Association of Securities Dealers and Investment Managers (later FIMBRA) |
NAS/UWT | National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers |
NATCS | National Air Traffic Control Services (now see NATS) |
NATFHE | National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (combining ATCDE and ATTI) |
NATLAS | National Testing Laboratory Accreditation Scheme |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
NATS | National Air Traffic Services |
Nat. Sci. | Natural Sciences |
NATSOPA | National Society of Operative Printers, Graphical and Media Personnel (formerly of Operative Printers and Assistants) |
NAYC | Youth Clubs UK (formerly National Association of Youth Clubs) |
NB | New Brunswick |
Nebraska (postal) | |
NBA | North British Academy |
NBC | National Book Council (later NBL) |
National Broadcasting Company (US) | |
NBL | National Book League |
NBPI | National Board for Prices and Incomes |
NC | National Certificate |
North Carolina | |
NCA | National Certificate of Agriculture |
NCARB | National Council of Architectural Registration Boards |
NCAS | Natural Environment Research Council Centres for Atmospheric Science |
NCB | National Coal Board |
NCC | National Computing Centre |
Nature Conservancy Council (later NCCE) | |
National Consumer Council | |
NCCE | Nature Conservancy Council for England (English Nature) |
NCCL | National Council for Civil Liberties |
NCD | National Capital District, Papua New Guinea |
NCDAD | National Council for Diplomas in Art and Design |
NCEA | National Council for Educational Awards |
NCET | National Council for Educational Technology |
NCH | National Children’s Homes |
NCLC | National Council of Labour Colleges |
NCOP | National Council of Provinces (South Africa) |
NCOPF | National Council for One Parent Families |
NCRI | National Cancer Research Institute |
NCSS | National Council of Social Service |
NCTJ | National Council for the Training of Journalists |
NCVCCO | National Council of Voluntary Child Care Organisations |
NCVO | National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
NCVQ | National Council for Vocational Qualifications |
NCYPE | National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy |
ND | North Dakota |
NDA | National Diploma in Agriculture |
NDC | National Defence College |
NATO Defence College | |
NDD | National Diploma in Dairying |
National Diploma in Design | |
NDEA | National Defense Education Act |
NDH | National Diploma in Horticulture |
NDIC | National Defence Industries Council |
NDP | New Democratic Party |
NDRI | National Disease Research Interchange |
NDTA | National Defense Transportation Association (US) |
NE | North-east |
NEAB | Northern Examinations and Assessment Board |
NEAC | New English Art Club |
NEAF | Near East Air Force |
NEARELF | Near East Land Forces |
NEB | National Enterprise Board |
NEC | National Executive Committee |
NECInst | North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders |
NEDC | National Economic Development Council |
North East Development Council | |
NEDO | National Economic Development Office |
NEH | National Endowment for the Humanities |
NEL | National Engineering Laboratory |
NERC | Natural Environment Research Council |
NESTA | National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts |
NF | Newfoundland and Labrador (postal) |
NFC | National Freight Consortium (formerly Corporation, then Company) |
NFCG | National Federation of Consumer Groups |
NFER | National Foundation for Educational Research |
NFHA | National Federation of Housing Associations |
NFMS | National Federation of Music Societies |
NFSH | National Federation of Spiritual Healers |
NFT | National Film Theatre |
NFU | National Farmers’ Union |
NFWI | National Federation of Women’s Institutes |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organisation(s) |
NGTE | National Gas Turbine Establishment |
NH | New Hampshire |
NH&MRC | National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia) |
NHBC | National House-Building Council |
NHMF | National Heritage Memorial Fund |
NHS | National Health Service |
NHSU | National Health Service University |
NI | Northern Ireland |
Native Infantry | |
NIAB | National Institute of Agricultural Botany |
NIACE | National Institute of Adult Continuing Education |
NIACRO | Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders |
NIAE | National Institute of Agricultural Engineering |
NIAID | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases |
NICE | National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (formerly National Institute of Clinical Excellence, then National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) |
NICEC | National Institute for Careers Education and Counselling |
NICEIC | National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting |
NICG | Nationalised Industries Chairmen’s Group |
NICRO | National Institute for Crime Prevention and Re-integration of Offenders |
NICS | Northern Ireland Civil Service |
NID | Naval Intelligence Division |
National Institute for the Deaf | |
Northern Ireland District | |
National Institute of Design (India) | |
NIESR | National Institute of Economic and Social Research |
NIH | National Institutes of Health (US) |
NIHEC | Northern Ireland Higher Education Council |
NIHR | National Institute for Health and Care Research (formerly for Health Research) |
NII | Nuclear Installations Inspectorate |
NILP | Northern Ireland Labour Party |
NIMR | National Institute for Medical Research |
NISTRO | Northern Ireland Science and Technology Regional Organisation |
NISW | National Institute of Social Work |
NIU | Northern Ireland Unionist |
NJ | New Jersey |
NL | National Liberal |
No Liability | |
Newfoundland and Labrador | |
NLCS | North London Collegiate School |
NLHF | National Lottery Heritage Fund |
NLYL | National League of Young Liberals |
NM | New Mexico (postal) |
NMC | Nursing and Midwifery Council |
NMR | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
NMRS | National Monuments Record of Scotland |
NMSI | National Museum of Science and Industry |
NNMA | Nigerian National Merit Award |
NNOM | Nigerian National Order of Merit |
NO | Navigating Officer |
NODA | National Operatic and Dramatic Association |
Northants | Northamptonshire |
Notts | Nottinghamshire |
NP | Notary Public |
NPA | Newspaper Publishers’ Association |
NPFA | National Playing Fields Association |
NPG | National Portrait Gallery |
NPk | Nishan-e-Pakistan |
NPL | National Physical Laboratory |
NPQH | National Professional Qualification for Headship |
NRA | National Rifle Association |
National Recovery Administration (US) | |
National Rivers Authority | |
NRAO | National Radio Astronomy Observatory |
NRCC | National Research Council of Canada |
NRD | National Registered Designer |
NRDC | National Research Development Corporation |
NRMA | National Roads and Motorists’ Association |
NRPB | National Radiological Protection Board |
NRR | Northern Rhodesia Regiment |
NRSA | National Research Service Award (US) |
NS | Nova Scotia |
New Style in the Calendar (in Great Britain since 1752) | |
National Society | |
National Service | |
ns | Graduate of Royal Naval Staff College, Greenwich |
NSA | National Skating Association (now see NISA) |
NSAIV | Distinguished Order of Shaheed Ali (Maldives) |
NSERC | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada |
NSF | National Science Foundation (US) |
NSM | Non-Stipendiary Minister |
NSMHC | National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children (now see Mencap) |
NSPCC | National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children |
NSRA | National Small-bore Rifle Association |
N/SSF | Novice, Society of St Francis |
NSW | New South Wales |
NT | New Testament |
Northern Territory (Australia) | |
Northwest Territories (Canada) | |
National Theatre | |
National Trust | |
NT&SA | National Trust & Savings Association |
NTF | National Teaching Fellow |
NTO | National Training Organisation |
NTUC | National Trades Union Congress |
NUAAW | National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers |
NUBE | National Union of Bank Employees (later BIFU) |
NUFLAT | National Union of Footwear Leather and Allied Trades (now see NUKFAT) |
NUGMW | National Union of General and Municipal Workers (later GMBATU) |
NUHKW | National Union of Hosiery and Knitwear Workers (now see NUKFAT) |
NUI | National University of Ireland |
NUJ | National Union of Journalists |
NUJMB | Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board |
NUM | National Union of Mineworkers |
NUMAST | National Union of Marine, Aviation and Shipping Transport Officers |
NUPE | National Union of Public Employees |
NUR | National Union of Railwaymen (now see RMT) |
NUS | National Union of Students |
National University of Singapore | |
NUT | National Union of Teachers |
NUU | New University of Ulster |
NV | Nevada (postal) |
NVQ | National Vocational Qualification |
NW | North-west |
NWC | National Water Council |
NWFP | North-West Frontier Province |
NWP | North-Western Province |
NWT | North-Western Territories |
NY | New York |
NYC | New York City |
NYO | National Youth Orchestra |
NYT | National Youth Theatre |
NZ | New Zealand |
NZEF | New Zealand Expeditionary Force |
NZIA | New Zealand Institute of Architects |
NZTF | New Zealand Territorial Force |
O | |
o | only |
OAM | Medal of the Order of Australia |
O&M | organisation and method |
OAP | Old Age Pensioner |
OAS | Organisation of American States |
On Active Service | |
OASC | Officer Aircrew Selection Centre |
OAU | Organisation for African Unity |
OB | Order of Barbados |
Order of Belize | |
OBC | Order of British Columbia |
OBE | Officer, Order of the British Empire |
OC | Officer, Order of Canada (equivalent to former award SM) |
OC | o/c |
Officer Commanding | |
oc | only child |
OCC | Order of the Caribbean Community |
OCDS | ocds Can |
Overseas College of Defence Studies (Canada) | |
OCF | Officiating Chaplain to the Forces |
OCHA | Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs |
OCPA | Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments |
OCS | Officer Candidates School |
Officer Cadet School | |
OCSS | Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare Society |
OCTU | Officer Cadet Training Unit |
OCU | Operational Conversion Unit |
OD | Officer, Order of Distinction (Jamaica) |
Order of Distinction (Antigua) | |
ODA | Overseas Development Administration |
ODI | Overseas Development Institute |
ODM | Ministry of Overseas Development |
ODPM | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister |
ODSM | Order of Diplomatic Service Merit (Lesotho) |
OE | Order of Excellence (Guyana) |
OECD | Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary |
OEEC | Organization for European Economic Co-operation (now see OECD) |
OF | Order of the Founder, Salvation Army |
OFCOM | Ofcom |
Office of Communications | |
OFEMA | Office Française d’Exportation de Matériel Aéronautique |
OFFER | Office of Electricity Regulation |
Ofgem | Office of Gas and Electricity Markets |
OFM | Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans) |
OFMCap | Order of Friars Minor Capuchin (Franciscans) |
OFMConv | Order of Friars Minor Conventual (Franciscans) |
Ofqual | Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation |
OFR | Order of the Federal Republic of Nigeria |
OFS | Orange Free State |
OFSTED | Office for Standards in Education |
OFT | Office of Fair Trading |
Oftel | Office of Telecommunications |
Ofwat | Office of Water Services |
OGC | Office of Government Commerce |
OGS | Oratory of the Good Shepherd |
OH | Ohio (postal) |
OHMS | On His (or Her) Majesty’s Service |
O i/c | Officer in charge |
OJ | Order of Jamaica |
OK | Oklahoma (postal) |
OL | Officer, Order of Leopold |
Order of the Leopard (Lesotho) | |
OLJ | Officer, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
OLM | Officer, Legion of Merit (Rhodesia) |
Ordained Local Minister | |
OLY | Olympian |
OM | Order of Merit |
Order of Manitoba | |
OMCS | Office of the Minister for the Civil Service |
OMFIF | Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum |
OMI | Oblate of Mary Immaculate |
OMLJ | Officer, Order of Merit, Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem |
OMM | Officer, Order of Military Merit (Canada) |
ON | Order of the Nation (Jamaica) |
Ontario (postal) | |
ONC | Ordinary National Certificate |
OND | Ordinary National Diploma |
ONDA | Ordinary National Diploma in Agriculture |
ONS | Office for National Statistics |
Order of Nova Scotia | |
Ont | Ontario |
ONZ | Order of New Zealand |
ONZM | Officer, New Zealand Order of Merit |
OON | Officer, Order of the Niger |
OOnt | Order of Ontario |
OOV | Officer, Order of the Volta (Ghana) |
OP | Ordinis Praedicatorum (of the Order of Preachers (Dominican)) |
Observation Post | |
OPCON | Operational Control |
OPCS | Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (now see ONS) |
OPCW | Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons |
OPEC | Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OPEI | Order of Prince Edward Island |
OPM | Owner President Management program |
OPRA | Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority |
OPS | Office of Public Service |
OPSS | Office of Public Service and Science (later OPS) |
OQ | Officer, National Order of Quebec |
OR | Order of Rorima (Guyana) |
Operational Research | |
Oregon (postal) | |
ORGALIME | Organisme de Liaison des Industries Métalliques Européennes |
ORHA/CPA | Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance/Coalition Provisional Authority |
ORL | Otorhinolaryngology |
ORS | Operational Research Society |
ORSA | Operations Research Society of America (now see INFORMS) |
ORSL | Order of the Republic of Sierra Leone |
ORT | Organization for Rehabilitation through Training |
ORTF | Office de la Radiodiffusion et Télévision Française |
ORTT | Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago |
o s | only son |
OSA | Order of St Augustine (Augustinian) |
Ontario Society of Artists | |
OSB | Order of St Benedict (Benedictine) |
OSC | Order of Simon of Cyrene |
osc | Graduate of Overseas Staff College |
OSCE | Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe |
OSCHR | Office for Strategic Co-ordination of Health Research |
OSFC | Franciscan (Capuchin) Order |
O/Sig | Ordinary Signalman |
OSMTH | Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani (Supreme Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem) |
osp | obiit sine prole (died without issue) |
OSS | Office of Strategic Services |
OST | Office of Science and Technology |
OStJ | Officer, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
OSUK | Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom |
OT | Old Testament |
OTC | Officers’ Training Corps |
OTL | Officer, Order of Toussaint L’Ouverture (Haiti) |
OTS | Office of the Third Sector |
OTU | Operational Training Unit |
OTWSA | Ou-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suider-Afrika |
OU | Oxford University |
Open University | |
OUAC | Oxford University Athletic Club |
OUAFC | Oxford University Association Football Club |
OUBC | Oxford University Boat Club |
OUCC | Oxford University Cricket Club |
OUDS | Oxford University Dramatic Society |
OUP | Oxford University Press |
Official Unionist Party | |
OURC | Oxford University Rifle Club |
OURFC | Oxford University Rugby Football Club |
OURT | Order of the United Republic of Tanzania |
Oxon | Oxfordshire |
Oxoniensis (of Oxford) | |
P | |
PA | Pakistan Army |
Personal Assistant | |
Pennsylvania (postal) | |
PAA | President, Australian Academy of Science |
pac | passed the final examination of the Advanced Class, The Military College of Science |
PACE | Protestant and Catholic Encounter |
Property Advisers to the Civil Estate | |
PACTA | Professional Associate, Clinical Theology Association |
PALS | Partnership for Active Leisure Scheme for Disabled Children |
P&O | Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Co. |
P&OSNCo. | Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. |
PAO | Prince Albert’s Own |
PASOK | Panhellenic Socialist Movement |
PBFA | Provincial Booksellers Fairs Association |
PBS | Public Broadcasting Service |
PC | Privy Counsellor |
Police Constable | |
Perpetual Curate | |
Peace Commissioner (Ireland) | |
Progressive Conservative (Canada) | |
pc | per centum (in the hundred) |
PCC | Parochial Church Council |
Protected Cell Company (Guernsey) | |
Private Cell Company | |
PCE | Postgraduate Certificate of Education |
pce | passed command examinations |
PCFC | Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council |
PCG | Primary Care Group |
PCL | Polytechnic of Central London |
PCMO | Principal Colonial Medical Officer |
PCNZM | Principal Companion, New Zealand Order of Merit |
PCS | Parti Chrétien-Social |
Public and Commercial Services Union | |
PCT | Primary Care Trust |
PdD | Doctor of Pedagogy (US) |
PDG | Président Directeur Général |
PDipHEd | Postgraduate Diploma in Health Education |
PDR | People’s Democratic Republic |
PDRA | post doctoral research assistant |
PDSA | People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals |
PDTC | Professional Dancer’s Training Course Diploma |
PDTDip | Professional Dancer’s Teaching Diploma |
PE | Procurement Executive |
Prince Edward Island (postal) | |
PEI | Prince Edward Island |
PEN | Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, Novelists (Club) |
PEng | Registered Professional Engineer (Canada) |
Member, Society of Professional Engineers | |
Penn | Pennsylvania |
PEP | Political and Economic Planning (now see PSI) |
PER | Professional and Executive Recruitment |
PES | Party of European Socialists |
PEST | Pressure for Economic and Social Toryism |
PF | Procurator-Fiscal |
PFA | Professional Footballers’ Association |
pfc | Graduate of RAF Flying College |
PFHEA | Principal Fellow, Higher Education Academy |
PFI | Private Finance Initiative |
PGA | Professional Golfers’ Association |
PGCA | Post Graduate Certificate of Adjudication |
PGCE | Post Graduate Certificate of Education |
PGCFHE | Post Graduate Certificate in Further and Higher Education |
PGCHE | Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education |
PGCTh | Postgraduate Certificate in Theology |
PGDCCI | Postgraduate Diploma in Computing for Commerce and Industry |
PGDFHE | Postgraduate Diploma in Further and Higher Education |
PGDipMin | Postgraduate Diploma in Ministry |
PGDL | Postgraduate Diploma in Law |
PGDPT | Postgraduate Diploma in Pastoral Theology |
PGTC | Postgraduate Teaching Certificate |
PGTCSE | Postgraduate Teaching Certificate in Secondary Education |
PH | Presidential Order of Honour (Botswana) |
PHAB | Physically Handicapped & Able-bodied |
PhB | Bachelor of Philosophy |
PhC | Pharmaceutical Chemist |
PhD | Doctor of Philosophy |
PHE | Public Health England |
Phil. | Philology |
Philological | |
Philosophy | |
Philosophical | |
PhL | Licentiate in Philosophy |
PHLS | Public Health Laboratory Service |
PhM | Master of Philosophy (USA) |
PhmB | Bachelor of Pharmacy |
Phys. | Physical |
PIA | Personal Investment Authority |
PIARC | Permanent International Association of Road Congresses |
PIB | Prices and Incomes Board (later NBPI) |
PICAO | Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization (now ICAO) |
PICTFOR | Parliamentary Internet Communications and Technology Forum |
pinx. | pinxit (he painted it) |
PITCOM | Parliamentary Information Technology Committee (now see PICTFOR) |
PJG | Pingat Jasa Gemilang (Singapore) |
PJHQ | Permanent Joint Headquarters |
PJK | Pingkat Jasa Kebaktian (Malaysia) |
Pl. | Place |
Plural | |
PLA | Port of London Authority |
PLAB | Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board |
PLC | plc |
public limited company | |
Plen. | Plenipotentiary |
PLI | President, Landscape Institute |
PLP | Parliamentary Labour Party |
Progressive Liberal Party (Bahamas) | |
PLR | Public Lending Right |
PMA | Personal Military Assistant |
PMC | Personnel Management Centre |
PMD | Program for Management Development |
PMedSci | President, Academy of Medical Sciences |
PMETB | Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board |
PMG | Postmaster-General |
PMN | Panglima Mangku Negara (Malaysia) |
PMO | Principal Medical Officer |
Princess Mary’s Own | |
PMRAFNS | Princess Mary’s Royal Air Force Nursing Service |
PMS | Presidential Order of Meritorious Service (Botswana) |
President, Miniature Society | |
PNBS | Panglima Negara Bintang Sarawak |
PNEU | Parents’ National Educational Union |
PNG | Papua New Guinea |
PNP | People’s National Party |
PO | Post Office |
POB | Presidential Order of Botswana |
Pop. | Population |
POST | Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology |
POUNC | Post Office Users’ National Council |
POW | Prisoner of War |
Prince of Wales’s | |
PP | Parish Priest |
Past President | |
pp | pages |
PPA | Professional Publishers Association (formerly Periodical Publishers Association) |
PPARC | Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council |
PPCLI | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
PPCSD | Past President, Chartered Society of Designers |
PPDF | Parti Populaire pour la Démocratie Française |
PPE | Philosophy, Politics and Economics |
PPInstHE | Past President, Institution of Highway Engineers |
PPIStructE | Past President, Institution of Structural Engineers |
PPITB | Printing and Publishing Industry Training Board |
PPP | Private Patients Plan |
Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology | |
PPRA | Past President, Royal Academy |
PPRBA | Past President, Royal Society of British Artists |
PPRBS | Past President, Royal Society of British Sculptors |
PPRE | Past President, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (formerly of Painter-Etchers and Engravers) |
PPRIBA | Past President, Royal Institute of British Architects |
PPRNCM | Diploma in Professional Performance, Royal Northern College of Music |
PPROI | Past President, Royal Institute of Oil Painters |
PPRP | Past President, Royal Society of Portrait Painters |
PPRSA | Past President, Royal Scottish Academy |
PPRSW | Past President, Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colours |
PPRTPI | Past President, Royal Town Planning Institute |
PPRWA | Past President, Royal Watercolour Association |
PPRWS | Past President, Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours |
PPS | Parliamentary Private Secretary |
PPSA | Proficiency, Photographic Society of America |
PPSIAD | Past President, Society of Industrial Artists and Designers |
PQ | Province of Quebec |
PQCCC | Post Qualification Certificate in Child Care |
PQE | Professional Qualifying Examination |
PR | Public Relations |
Parti républicain | |
PRA | President, Royal Academy |
PRASEG | Associate Parliamentary Renewable and Sustainable Energy Group |
PRBS | President, Royal Society of British Sculptors |
PRCA | Public Relations Consultants Association |
PRCS | President, Royal College of Surgeons |
PrD | Doctor of Professional Practice |
PRE | President, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (formerly of Painter-Etchers and Engravers) |
Preb. | Prebendary |
Prep. | Preparatory |
Pres. | President |
PRHA | President, Royal Hibernian Academy |
PRI | President, Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours |
Plastics and Rubber Institute | |
PRIA | President, Royal Irish Academy |
PRIAS | President, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland |
Prin. | Principal |
PRISA | Public Relations Institute of South Africa |
PRL | Liberal Reform Party (Belgium) |
PRO | Public Relations Officer |
Public Records Office | |
Proc. | Proctor |
Proceedings | |
Prof. | Professor |
Professional | |
PROI | President, Royal Institute of Oil Painters |
PRO NED | Promotion of Non-Executive Directors |
Pro tem. | Pro tempore (for the time being) |
ProtU | Protestant Unionist Party |
Prov. | Provost |
Provincial | |
Prox. | Proximo (next) |
Prox.acc. | Proxime accessit (next in order of merit to the winner) |
PRS | President, Royal Society |
Performing Right Society Ltd | |
PRSA | President, Royal Scottish Academy |
PRSE | President, Royal Society of Edinburgh |
PRSH | President, Royal Society for the Promotion of Health |
PRSW | President, Royal Scottish Water Colour Society |
PRUAA | President, Royal Ulster Academy of Arts |
PRWA | President, Royal West of England Academy |
PRWS | President, Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours |
PS | Pastel Society |
Paddle Steamer | |
ps | passed School of Instruction (of Officers) |
PSA | Property Services Agency |
Petty Sessions Area | |
psa | Graduate of RAF Staff College |
psc | Graduate of Staff College († indicates Graduate of Senior Wing Staff College) |
Personal Services Company | |
PSD | Petty Sessional Division |
Social Democratic Party (Portugal) | |
Panglima Setia Diraja | |
PSE | Party of European Socialists |
PSGB | Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (now see RPSGB) |
PSI | Policy Studies Institute |
PSIAD | President, Society of Industrial Artists and Designers |
PSM | Panglima Setia Mahkota (Malaysia) |
psm | Certificate of Royal Military School of Music |
PSMA | President, Society of Marine Artists |
PSO | Principal Scientific Officer |
Personal Staff Officer | |
PSOE | Partido Socialista Obrero Español |
PSS | Society of Priests of St Sulpice |
PsyD | Doctor of Psychology |
PTA | Passenger Transport Authority |
Parent-Teacher Association | |
PTC | Personnel and Training Command |
PTE | Passenger Transport Executive |
Pte | Private |
PThD | Doctor of Pastoral Theology |
ptsc | passed Technical Staff College |
Pty | Proprietary |
PUP | People’s United Party |
Progressive Unionist Party | |
PVSM | Param Vishishc Seva Medal (India) |
PWO | Prince of Wales’s Own |
PWO(CEW) | Principal Warfare Officer (Communications and Electronic Warfare) |
PWO(U) | Principal Warfare Officer (Underwater Warfare) |
PWR | Pressurized Water Reactor |
PYBT | Prince’s Youth Business Trust |
Q | |
Q | Queen |
QAA | Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education |
QAIMNS | Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service |
QARANC | Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps |
QARNNS | Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service |
QBD | Queen’s Bench Division |
QC | Queen’s Counsel |
Quebec (postal) | |
QCA | Qualifications and Curriculum Authority |
QCB | Queen’s Commendation for Bravery |
QCDA | Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency |
QCVS | Queen’s Commendation for Valuable Service |
QCVSA | Queen’s Commendation for Valuable Service in the Air |
QDR | Qualified in Dispute Resolution |
QEH | Queen Elizabeth Hall |
QEO | Queen Elizabeth’s Own |
QFSM | Queen’s Fire Service Medal for Distinguished Service |
QGM | Queen’s Gallantry Medal |
QHC | Honorary Chaplain to the Queen |
QHDS | Honorary Dental Surgeon to the Queen |
QHNS | Honorary Nursing Sister to the Queen |
QHP | Honorary Physician to the Queen |
QHS | Honorary Surgeon to the Queen |
Qld | Queensland |
Qly | Quarterly |
QMAAC | Queen Mary’s Army Auxiliary Corps |
QMC | Queen Mary College, London |
QMG | Quartermaster-General |
QMIPRI | Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute |
QMO | Queen Mary’s Own |
QMUL | Queen Mary, University of London |
QMW | Queen Mary and Westfield College, London (now see QMUL) |
QO | Qualified Officer |
QOOH | Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars |
Q(ops) | Quartering (operations) |
Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment | |
QOY | Queen’s Own Yeomanry |
QPM | Queen’s Police Medal |
QPSM | Queen’s Public Service Medal (New Zealand) |
Qr | Quarter |
QRIH | Queen’s Royal Irish Hussars |
QS | Quarter Sessions |
Quantity Surveying | |
qs | RAF graduates of the Military or Naval Staff College |
QSM | Queen’s Service Medal (NZ) |
QSO | Queen’s Service Order (NZ) |
QTS | Qualified Teacher Status |
QUB | Queen’s University, Belfast |
qv | quod vide (which see) |
QVRM | Queen’s Volunteer Reserve Medal |
qwi | Qualified Weapons Instructor |
R | |
(R) | Reserve |
RA | Royal Academician |
Royal Academy | |
Royal (Regiment of) Artillery | |
RAA | Regional Arts Association |
Royal Australian Artillery | |
RAAF | Royal Australian Air Force |
RAAMC | Royal Australian Army Medical Corps |
RABI | Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution |
RAC | Royal Automobile Club |
Royal Agricultural College | |
Royal Armoured Corps | |
RACDS | Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons |
RACGP | Royal Australian College of General Practitioners |
RAChD | Royal Army Chaplains’ Department |
RACI | Royal Australian Chemical Institute |
RACO | Royal Australian College of Ophthalmologists |
RACOG | Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
RACP | Royal Australasian College of Physicians |
RACS | Royal Australasian College of Surgeons |
Royal Arsenal Co-operative Society | |
RAD | Royal Academy of Dance |
RADA | Royal Academy of Dramatic Art |
RADAR | Royal Association for Disability Rights (formerly Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation) |
RADC | Royal Army Dental Corps |
RAE | Royal Australian Engineers |
Royal Aerospace Establishment (formerly Royal Aircraft Establishment) | |
Research Assessment Exercise | |
RAEC | Royal Army Educational Corps |
RAEng | Royal Academy of Engineering |
RAeS | Royal Aeronautical Society |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
RAFA | Royal Air Forces Association |
RAFO | Reserve of Air Force Officers (now see RAFRO) |
RAFR | Royal Air Force Reserve |
RAFRO | Royal Air Force Reserve of Officers |
RAFVR | Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve |
RAI | Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain & Ireland |
Radio Audizioni Italiane | |
RAIA | Royal Australian Institute of Architects |
RAIC | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada |
RAM | (Member of) Royal Academy of Music |
RAMC | Royal Army Medical Corps |
RAN | Royal Australian Navy |
R&D | Research and Development |
RANR | Royal Australian Naval Reserve |
RANVR | Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve |
RAOC | Royal Army Ordnance Corps |
RAPC | Royal Army Pay Corps |
RARDE | Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment |
RARO | Regular Army Reserve of Officers |
RAS | Royal Astronomical Society |
Royal Asiatic Society | |
Recruitment and Assessment Services | |
RASC | Royal Army Service Corps (now see RCT) |
RASE | Royal Agricultural Society of England |
RAU | Royal Agricultural University |
RAuxAF | Royal Auxiliary Air Force |
RAVC | Royal Army Veterinary Corps |
RB | Rifle Brigade |
RBA | Member, Royal Society of British Artists |
RBK&C | Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea |
RBL | Royal British Legion |
RBS | Royal Society of British Sculptors (now see RSS) |
RBSA | (Member of) Royal Birmingham Society of Artists |
RBY | Royal Bucks Yeomanry |
RC | Roman Catholic |
RCA | Member, Royal Canadian Academy of Arts |
Royal College of Art | |
(Member of) Royal Cambrian Academy | |
RCAC | Royal Canadian Armoured Corps |
RCAF | Royal Canadian Air Force |
RCamA | Member, Royal Cambrian Academy |
RCAnaes | Royal College of Anaesthetists |
RCAS | Royal Central Asian Society (now see RSAA) |
RCDS | Royal College of Defence Studies |
rcds | completed a course at, or served for a year on the Staff of, the Royal College of Defence Studies |
RCGP | Royal College of General Practitioners |
RCHA | Royal Canadian Horse Artillery |
RCHME | Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England |
RCM | (Member of) Royal College of Music |
RCN | Royal Canadian Navy |
Royal College of Nursing | |
RCNC | Royal Corps of Naval Constructors |
RCNR | Royal Canadian Naval Reserve |
RCNVR | Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve |
RCO | Royal College of Organists |
RCOG | Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
RCP | Royal College of Physicians, London |
RCPA | Royal College of Pathologists of Australia |
RCPath | Royal College of Pathologists |
RCPCH | Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health |
Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh | |
RCPI | Royal College of Physicians of Ireland |
RCPSG | Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow |
RCPsych | Royal College of Psychiatrists |
RCR | Royal College of Radiologists |
RCS | Royal College of Surgeons of England |
Royal Corps of Signals | |
Royal College of Science | |
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh | |
RCSI | Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland |
RCT | Royal Corps of Transport |
RCVS | Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons |
RD | Rural Dean |
Royal Naval and Royal Marine Forces Reserve Decoration | |
Rd | Road |
RDA | Diploma of Roseworthy Agricultural College, South Australia |
Regional Development Agency | |
RDC | Rural District Council |
RDF | Royal Dublin Fusiliers |
RDI | Royal Designer for Industry (Royal Society of Arts) |
RE | Royal Engineers |
Fellow, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (formerly of Painter-Etchers and Engravers) | |
Religious Education | |
REACH | Retired Executives Action Clearing House |
Rear Adm. | Rear Admiral |
REconS | Royal Economic Society |
REF | Research Excellence Framework |
Regt | Regiment |
REIT | Real Estate Investment Trust |
REME | Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers |
REngDes | Registered Engineering Designer |
RERO | Royal Engineers Reserve of Officers |
Res. | Resigned |
Reserve | |
Resident | |
Research | |
Rev. | Reverend |
Review | |
RFA | Royal Field Artillery |
RFC | Royal Flying Corps (now RAF) |
Rugby Football Club | |
RFCA | Reserve Forces and Cadets Association |
RFD | Reserve Force Decoration |
RFH | Royal Festival Hall |
RFP | Registered Forensic Practitioner |
RFPS(G) | Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow (now see RCPSG) |
RFR | Rassemblement des Français pour la République |
RFU | Rugby Football Union |
RGA | Royal Garrison Artillery |
RGI | Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts |
RGJ | Royal Green Jackets |
RGN | Registered General Nurse |
RGS | Royal Geographical Society |
RGSA | Royal Geographical Society of Australasia |
RHA | Royal Hibernian Academy |
Royal Horse Artillery | |
Regional Health Authority | |
RHASS | Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland |
RHB | Regional Hospital Board |
RHBNC | Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, London |
RHC | Royal Holloway College, London (later RHBNC) |
RHF | Royal Highland Fusiliers |
RHG | Royal Horse Guards |
RHistS | Royal Historical Society |
RHQ | Regional Headquarters |
RHR | Royal Highland Regiment |
RHS | Royal Horticultural Society |
Royal Humane Society | |
RHUL | Royal Holloway, University of London |
RHV | Royal Health Visitor |
Registered Health Visitor | |
RI | (Member of) Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours |
Rhode Island | |
RIA | Royal Irish Academy |
RIAI | Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland |
RIAS | Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland |
RIASC | Royal Indian Army Service Corps |
RIBA | (Member of) Royal Institute of British Architects |
RIBI | Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland |
RIC | Royal Irish Constabulary |
Royal Institute of Chemistry (now see RSC) | |
RICS | (Member of) Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
RIF | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers |
RIIA | Royal Institute of International Affairs |
RILEM | Réunion internationale des laboratoires d’essais et de recherches sur les matériaux et les constructions |
RIN | Royal Indian Navy |
RINA | Royal Institution of Naval Architects |
RIPA | Royal Institute of Public Administration |
RIPH | Royal Institute of Public Health (now see RSPH) |
RIPH&H | Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene (later RIPH; now see RSPH) |
RIrF | Royal Irish Fusiliers |
RLC | Royal Logistic Corps |
RLFC | Rugby League Football Club |
RLSS | Royal Life Saving Society |
RM | Royal Marines |
Resident Magistrate | |
Registered Midwife | |
RMA | Royal Marine Artillery |
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (now incorporating Royal Military Academy, Woolwich) | |
RMC | Royal Military College Sandhurst (now see RMA) |
RMCM | (Member of) Royal Manchester College of Music |
RMCS | Royal Military College of Science |
RMedSoc | Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh |
RMetS | Royal Meteorological Society |
RMFVR | Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve |
RMIT | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology |
RMLI | Royal Marine Light Infantry |
RMN | Registered Mental Nurse |
RMO | Resident Medical Officer(s) |
RMP | Royal Military Police |
RMPA | Royal Medico-Psychological Association |
RMS | Royal Microscopical Society |
Royal Mail Steamer | |
Royal Society of Miniature Painters | |
Royal Mail Ship | |
RMT | National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers |
Registered Massage Therapist | |
RN | Royal Navy |
Royal Naval | |
Registered Nurse | |
RNAS | Royal Naval Air Service |
RNAY | Royal Naval Aircraft Yard |
RNC | Royal Naval College |
RNCM | (Member of) Royal Northern College of Music |
RNEC | Royal Naval Engineering College |
RNIB | Royal National Institute of Blind People (formerly Royal National Institute for the Blind, then Royal National Institute of the Blind) |
RNID | Royal National Institute for Deaf People (formerly Royal National Institute for the Deaf) |
RNLI | Royal National Life-boat Institution |
RNLO | Royal Naval Liaison Officer |
RNLTA | Royal Naval Lawn Tennis Association |
RNR | Royal Naval Reserve |
RNRU | Royal Navy Rugby Union |
RNS | Royal Numismatic Society |
RNSA | Royal Naval Sailing Association |
RNSC | Royal Naval Staff College |
RNT | Registered Nurse Tutor |
Royal National Theatre | |
RNTNEH | Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital |
RNutr | Registered Nutritionist |
RNVR | Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve |
RNVSR | Royal Naval Volunteer Supplementary Reserve |
RNXS | Royal Naval Auxiliary Service |
RNZA | Royal New Zealand Artillery |
RNZAC | Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps |
RNZAF | Royal New Zealand Air Force |
RNZIR | Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment |
RNZN | Royal New Zealand Navy |
RNZNVR | Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve |
ROC | Royal Observer Corps |
ROF | Royal Ordnance Factories |
R of O | Reserve of Officers |
ROH | Royal Opera House |
ROI | Member, Royal Institute of Oil Painters |
RoSPA | Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents |
RP | (Member of) Royal Society of Portrait Painters |
RPC | Royal Pioneer Corps |
RPE | Rocket Propulsion Establishment |
RPF | Rassemblement pour la France |
RPMS | Royal Postgraduate Medical School |
RPO | Royal Philharmonic Orchestra |
RPP | Registered Project Professional |
RPR | Rassemblement pour la République |
RPS | Royal Photographic Society |
RPSGB | Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain |
RRC | Royal Red Cross |
Rapid Reaction Corps | |
RRE | Royal Radar Establishment (later RSRE) |
RRF | Royal Regiment of Fusiliers |
RRS | Royal Research Ship |
RSA | Royal Scottish Academician |
Royal Society of Arts | |
Republic of South Africa | |
RSAA | Royal Society for Asian Affairs |
RSAF | Royal Small Arms Factory |
RSAI | Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland |
RSAMD | Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama |
RSanI | Royal Sanitary Institute (later RSH; now see RSPH) |
RSAS | Royal Surgical Aid Society |
RSC | Royal Society of Canada |
Royal Society of Chemistry | |
Royal Shakespeare Company | |
RSCM | (Member of) Royal School of Church Music |
RSCN | Registered Sick Children’s Nurse |
RSE | Royal Society of Edinburgh |
RSF | Royal Scots Fusiliers |
RSFSR | Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic |
RSGS | Royal Scottish Geographical Society |
RSH | Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (now see RSPH) |
RSL | Royal Society of Literature |
Returned Services League of Australia | |
RSM | Royal School of Mines |
RSM | RSocMed |
Royal Society of Medicine | |
RSMA | (Member of) Royal Society of Marine Artists |
RSME | Royal School of Military Engineering |
RSMHCA | Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults (see Mencap) |
RSNC | Royal Society for Nature Conservation |
RSO | Rural Sub-Office |
Railway Sub-Office | |
Resident Surgical Officer | |
RSPB | Royal Society for Protection of Birds |
RSPCA | Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
RSPH | Royal Society for Public Health |
RSRE | Royal Signals and Radar Establishment |
RSS | Royal Society of Sculptors |
RSSAf | Royal Society of South Africa |
RSSAILA | Returned Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen’s Imperial League of Australia (now see RSL) |
RSSPCC | Royal Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children |
RSTM&H | Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene |
RSUA | Royal Society of Ulster Architects |
RSV | Revised Standard Version |
Respiratory Syncytial Virus | |
RSW | Member, Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colours |
RTE | Radio Telefis Eireann |
Rt Hon. | Right Honourable |
RTL | Radio-Télévision Luxembourg |
RTPI | Royal Town Planning Institute |
RTR | Royal Tank Regiment |
Rt Rev. | Right Reverend |
RTS | Religious Tract Society |
Royal Toxophilite Society | |
Royal Television Society | |
RTYC | Royal Thames Yacht Club |
RU | Rugby Union |
RUA | Royal Ulster Academy |
RUC | Royal Ulster Constabulary |
RUKBA | Royal United Kingdom Beneficent Association |
RUR | Royal Ulster Regiment |
RURAL | Society for the Responsible Use of Resources in Agriculture & on the Land |
RUSI | Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (formerly Royal United Service Institution) |
RVC | Royal Veterinary College |
RVS | Royal Voluntary Service |
RWA | (Member of) Royal West of England Academy |
RWAFF | Royal West African Frontier Force |
RWCMD | Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama |
RWF | Royal Welch Fusiliers |
RWS | (Member of) Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours |
RYA | Royal Yachting Association |
RYS | Royal Yacht Squadron |
RZSScot | Royal Zoological Society of Scotland |
S | |
(S) | (in Navy) Paymaster |
Scotland | |
S | Succeeded |
South | |
Saint | |
s | son |
SA | South Australia |
South Africa | |
Société Anonyme | |
Society of the Atonement | |
SAAF | South African Air Force |
SABC | South African Broadcasting Corporation |
SAC | Scientific Advisory Committee |
sac | qualified at small arms technical long course |
SACC | South African Council of Churches |
SACEUR | Supreme Allied Commander Europe |
SACIF | sociedad anónima commercial industrial financiera |
SACLANT | Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic |
SACRO | Scottish Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders |
SA de CV | sociedad anónima de capital variable |
SADG | Société des Architectes Diplômés par le Gouvernement |
SAE | Society of Automobile Engineers (US) |
SAHFOS | Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science |
SAN | Senior Advocate of Nigeria |
SARL | Société à Responsabilité Limitée |
SARS | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome |
Sarum | Salisbury |
SAS | Special Air Service |
Sask | Saskatchewan |
SASO | Senior Air Staff Officer |
SAT | Senior Member, Association of Accounting Technicians |
SATB | Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass |
SATRO | Science and Technology Regional Organisation |
SB | Bachelor of Science (US) |
SBAA | Sovereign Base Areas Administration |
SBAC | Society of British Aerospace Companies (formerly Society of British Aircraft Constructors) |
SBS | Special Boat Service |
Silver Bauhinia Star (Hong Kong) | |
SBStJ | Serving Brother, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
SC | Star of Courage (Canada) |
Senior Counsel | |
South Carolina | |
sc | student at the Staff College |
SCA | Society of Catholic Apostolate (Pallottine Fathers) |
Société en Commandité par Actions | |
SCAA | School Curriculum and Assessment Authority |
SCAO | Senior Civil Affairs Officer |
SCAR | Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research |
ScD | Doctor of Science |
SCDI | Scottish Council for Development and Industry |
SCF | Senior Chaplain to the Forces |
Save the Children Fund | |
Sch. | School |
SChStJ | Senior Chaplain, Order of St John of Jerusalem |
SCI | Society of Chemical Industry |
SCIE | Social Care Institute of Excellence |
SCIO | Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation |
SCIS | Scottish Council of Independent Schools |
SCL | Student in Civil Law |
SCLC | Short Service Limited Commission |
SCLI | Somerset and Cornwall Light Infantry |
SCM | State Certified Midwife |
Student Christian Movement | |
SCOB | Supreme Counsellor of Baobab (South Africa) |
SCONUL | Standing Conference of National and University Libraries |
Scot. | Scotland |
ScotBIC | Scottish Business in the Community |
SCOTVEC | Scottish Vocational Education Council |
SCRL | Sociedade Cooperativa de Responsabilidade Limitada |
SCVO | Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations |
SD | Staff Duties |
South Dakota (postal) | |
SDA | Social Democratic Alliance |
Scottish Diploma in Agriculture | |
Scottish Development Agency | |
SDF | Sudan Defence Force |
Social Democratic Federation | |
SDI | Strategic Defence Initiative |
SDLP | Social Democratic and Labour Party |
SDP | Social Democratic Party |
SE | South-east |
SEAC | South-East Asia Command |
SEATO | South-East Asia Treaty Organization |
SEC | Security Exchange Commission |
Sec. | Secretary |
SED | Scottish Education Department |
SEE | Society of Environmental Engineers |
SEEDA | South East England Development Agency |
SEFI | European Society for Engineering Education |
SEN | State Enrolled Nurse |
Special Educational Needs | |
SEP | Stanford Executive Program |
SEPA | Scottish Environmental Protection Agency |
SERC | Science and Engineering Research Council |
SERT | Society of Electronic and Radio Technicians (later IEIE) |
SESO | Senior Equipment Staff Officer |
SF | Sinn Féin |
SFA | Securities and Futures Authority |
SFC | Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council |
SFFMLM | Senior Fellow, Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management |
SFHEA | Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy |
SFOR | Stabilisation Force |
SFSEDA | Senior Fellow, Staff and Higher Educational Development Association |
SFTA | Society of Film and Television Arts (now see BAFTA) |
SG | Solicitor-General |
SGA | Member, Society of Graphic Art |
Sgt | Sergeant |
SHA | Secondary Heads Association (now see ASCL) |
Special Health Authority | |
SHAC | London Housing Aid Centre |
SHAEF | Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force |
SHAPE | Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe |
SHEFC | Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (now see SFC) |
SHHD | Scottish Home and Health Department |
SHND | Scottish Higher National Diploma |
SHO | Senior House Officer |
SIA | Security Industry Authority |
SIAD | Society of Industrial Artists and Designers (now see CSD) |
SIAM | Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (US) |
SIB | Shipbuilding Industry Board |
Securities and Investments Board (now see FSA) | |
SICA-FICA | Foundation for International Commercial Arbitration |
SICAV | Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable |
SICOT | Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie |
SID | Society for International Development |
SIME | Security Intelligence Middle East |
SIMG | Societas Internationalis Medicinae Generalis |
SIROT | Société Internationale pour Recherche en Orthopédie et Traumatologie |
SIS | Secret Intelligence Service |
SITA | Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques |
SITPRO | Simpler Trade Procedures Board (formerly Simplification of International Trade Procedures) |
SJ | Society of Jesus (Jesuits) |
SJAB | St John Ambulance Brigade |
SJD | Doctor of Juristic Science |
SK | Saskatchewan (postal) |
SL | Serjeant-at-Law |
Sociedad Limitada | |
SLAC | Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre |
SLC | St Lucia Cross |
SLD | Social and Liberal Democrats |
SLJ | Seri Laila Jasa (Brunei) |
SLP | Scottish Labour Party |
SLS | Society of Legal Scholars |
SM | Medal of Service (Canada) (now see OC) |
Master of Science | |
Officer qualified for Submarine Duties | |
SMA | Society of Marine Artists (now see RSMA) |
SMB | Setia Mahkota Brunei |
SMCC | Submarine Commanding Officers’ Command Course |
SME | School of Military Engineering (now see RSME) |
Small to medium-sized enterprise | |
SMEO | Squadron Marine Engineer Officer |
SMHO | Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order (Malta) |
SMIEE | Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (New York) |
SMMT | Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Ltd |
SMN | Seri Maharaja Mangku Negara (Malaysia) |
SMO | Senior Medical Officer |
Sovereign Military Order | |
SMP | Senior Managers’ Program |
SMPTE | Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (US) |
SMS | Short Message Service |
SNAME | Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (US) |
SNCF | Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français |
SND | Sisters of Notre Dame |
SNH | Scottish Natural Heritage |
SNP | Scottish National Party |
SNTS | Society for New Testament Studies |
SO | Staff Officer |
Scientific Officer | |
Symphony Orchestra | |
SOAF | Sultan of Oman’s Air Force |
SOAS | School of Oriental and African Studies |
Soc. | Society |
Socialist (France, Belgium) | |
SOCA | Serious and Organised Crime Agency |
Soc & Lib Dem | Social and Liberal Democrats (now see Lib Dem) |
Soc Dem | Social Democrats |
SOE | Special Operations Executive |
Society of Operations Engineers | |
SOGAT | Society of Graphical and Allied Trades (now see GPMU) |
SOLACE | Solace |
Society of Local Authority Chief Executives | |
SOLT | Society of London Theatre |
SOM | Society of Occupational Medicine |
Saskatchewan Order of Merit (Canada) | |
SONIA | Sterling Overnight Index Average |
SOSc | Society of Ordained Scientists |
SOTS | Society for Old Testament Study |
sowc | Senior Officers’ War Course |
SP | Self-Propelled (Anti-Tank Regiment) |
sp | sine prole (without issue) |
SpA | Società per Azioni |
SPAB | Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings |
SPARKS | Sport Aiding Medical Research for Children |
SPCA | Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
SPCK | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge |
SPCM | Darjah Seri Paduka Cura Si Manja Kini (Malaysia) |
SPD | Salisbury Plain District |
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands | |
SPDK | Seri Panglima Darjal Kinabalu |
SPG | Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (now see USPG) |
SPk | Sitara-e-Pakistan |
SPMB | Seri Paduka Makhota Brunei |
SPMK | Darjah Kebasaran Seri Paduka Mahkota Kelantan (Malaysia) |
SPMO | Senior Principal Medical Officer |
SPNC | Society for the Promotion of Nature Conservation (now see RSNC) |
SPNM | Society for the Promotion of New Music |
SPR | Society for Psychical Research |
sprl | société de personnes à responsabilité limitée |
SPSO | Senior Principal Scientific Officer |
SPTL | Society of Public Teachers of Law (now see SLS) |
SPUC | Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (formerly the Unborn Child) |
Sq. | Square |
sq | staff qualified |
SQA | Sitara-i-Quaid-i-Azam (Pakistan) |
Sqdn | Sqn |
Squadron | |
SR | Special Reserve |
Southern Railway | |
Southern Region (BR) | |
SRA | Solicitors Regulation Authority |
SRC | Science Research Council (later SERC) |
Students’ Representative Council | |
SRCh | State Registered Chiropodist |
SRHE | Society for Research into Higher Education |
SRIS | Science Reference Information Service |
SRN | State Registered Nurse |
SRO | Supplementary Reserve of Officers |
Self-Regulatory Organisation | |
SRP | State Registered Physiotherapist |
SS | Saints |
Straits Settlements | |
Steamship | |
SSA | Society of Scottish Artists |
Side Saddle Association | |
SSAC | Social Security Advisory Committee |
SSAFA | Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (formerly Soldiers’, Sailors’, and Airmen’s Families Association, then Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association Forces Help) |
SSBN | Nuclear Submarine, Ballistic |
SSC | Solicitor before Supreme Court (Scotland) |
Sculptors Society of Canada | |
Societas Sanctae Crucis (Society of the Holy Cross) | |
Short Service Commission | |
SSEB | South of Scotland Electricity Board |
SSEES | School of Slavonic and East European Studies |
SSF | Society of St Francis |
SSJE | Society of St John the Evangelist |
SSLC | Short Service Limited Commission |
SSM | Society of the Sacred Mission |
Seri Setia Mahkota (Malaysia) | |
SSO | Senior Supply Officer |
Senior Scientific Officer | |
SSR | Soviet Socialist Republic |
SSRC | Social Science Research Council (now see ESRC) |
SSSI | Sites of Special Scientific Interest |
SSSR | Society for the Scientific Study of Religion |
SSStJ | Serving Sister, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
St | Street |
Saint | |
STA | Sail Training Association |
STB | Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Sacred Theology) |
STC | Senior Training Corps |
STD | Sacrae Theologiae Doctor (Doctor of Sacred Theology) |
STEM | Science, technology, engineering and mathematics |
STEP | Skills To Empower Programme |
STETS | Southern Theological Education and Training Scheme |
STFC | Science and Technology Facilities Council |
STh | Scholar in Theology |
Stip. | Stipend |
Stipendiary | |
STL | Sacrae Theologiae Lector (Reader or a Professor of Sacred Theology) |
STM | Sacrae Theologiae Magister (Master of Sacred Theology) |
STP | Sacrae Theologiae Professor (Professor of Divinity, old form of DD) |
STSO | Senior Technical Staff Officer |
STV | Scottish Television |
SUNY | State University of New York |
Supp. Res. | Supplementary Reserve (of Officers) |
Supt | Superintendent |
Surg. | Surgeon |
Surv. | Surviving |
SW | South-west |
SWET | Society of West End Theatre (now see SOLT) |
SWO | Staff Warfare Officer |
SWRB | Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet |
T | |
T | Telephone |
Territorial | |
TA | Telegraphic Address |
Territorial Army | |
TAF | Tactical Air Force |
T&AVR | Territorial and Army Volunteer Reserve |
TARO | Territorial Army Reserve of Officers |
TAS | Torpedo and Anti Submarine Course |
TASS | Technical, Administrative and Supervisory Section of AUEW (now part of MSF) |
Territorial Auxiliary and Volunteer Reserve Association (now see RFCA) | |
TC | Order of the Trinity Cross (Trinidad and Tobago) |
TCCB | Test and County Cricket Board (now see ECB) |
TCD | Trinity College, Dublin (University of Dublin, Trinity College) |
TCF | Temporary Chaplain to the Forces |
TCPA | Town and Country Planning Association |
TD | Territorial Efficiency Decoration |
Efficiency Decoration (T&AVR) (since April 1967) | |
Teachta Dala (Member of the Dáil, Eire) | |
TDA | Training and Development Agency for Schools |
TDD | Tubercular Diseases Diploma |
TE | Technical Engineer |
TEC | Technician Education Council (later BTEC) |
Training and Enterprise Council | |
Tech(CEI) | Technician |
TechRICS | Technical Member, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
TEF | Teaching Excellence Framework |
TEFL | Teaching English as a Foreign Language |
TEFLA | Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults |
TEM | Territorial Efficiency Medal |
TEMA | Telecommunication Engineering and Manufacturing Association |
Temp. | Temperature |
Temporary | |
TEng(CEI) | Technician Engineer (now see IEng) |
Tenn | Tennessee |
TEO | Teaching English Overseas |
TES | Times Educational Supplement |
TESL | Teaching English as a Second Language |
TESOL | Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages |
Tex | Texas |
TF | Territorial Force |
TfL | Transport for London |
TFR | Territorial Force Reserve |
TFTS | Tactical Fighter Training Squadron |
TGEW | Timber Growers England and Wales Ltd |
TGO | Timber Growers’ Organisation (now see TGEW) |
TGWU | Transport and General Workers’ Union |
ThD | Doctor of Theology |
THES | Times Higher Education Supplement |
ThL | Theological Licentiate |
ThM | Master of Theology |
ThSchol | Scholar in Theology |
TIMS | The Institute of Management Sciences (now see INFORMS) |
TISCA | The Independent Schools Christian Alliance |
TLS | Times Literary Supplement |
TMA | Theatrical Management Association |
TN | Tennessee (postal) |
TNC | Theatres National Committee |
TOPSS | Training Organisation for the Personal Social Services |
TPI | Town Planning Institute (now see RTPI) |
TPP | Transport Planning Professional |
TPsych | Trainer in Psychiatry |
TQ | Teaching Qualification |
TRA | Tenants’ and Residents’ Association |
Trans. | Translation |
Translated | |
Transf. | Transferred |
TrATB | Treble, Alto, Tenor, Bass |
TRC | Thames Rowing Club |
TRE | Telecommunications Research Establishment (later RRE) |
TRH | Their Royal Highnesses |
TRIC | Television and Radio Industries Club |
Trin. | Trinity |
TRL | Transport Research Laboratory |
TRRL | Transport and Road Research Laboratory (now see TRL) |
TS | Training Ship |
Turbine Steamer | |
TSB | Trustee Savings Bank |
tsc | passed a Territorial Army Course in Staff Duties |
TSE | Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies |
TSSA | Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association |
TSSF | Tertiary, Society of St Francis |
TSWA | Television South West Arts |
TTA | Teacher Training Agency (now see TDA) |
TUC | Trades Union Congress |
TUS | Trade Union Side |
TUSC | Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition |
TUV | Traditional Unionist Voice |
TV | Television |
TVEI | Technical and Vocational Education Initiative |
TWA | Thames Water Authority |
TX | Texas (postal) |
U | |
U | Unionist |
u | uncle |
UA | Unitary Authority |
UACE | Universities Association for Continuing Education |
UAE | United Arab Emirates |
UAL | University of the Arts London |
UAU | Universities Athletic Union |
UBC | University of British Columbia |
UC | University College |
UCAS | Universities and Colleges Admissions Service |
UCCA | Universities Central Council on Admissions |
UCCF | Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship of Evangelical Unions |
UCD | University College Dublin |
UCE | University of Central England |
UCEA | Universities and Colleges Employers Association |
UCET | Universities Council for Education of Teachers |
UCH | University College Hospital (London) |
UCI | Union Cycliste Internationale |
UCL | University College London |
UCLA | University of California at Los Angeles |
UCLES | University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate |
UCLH | University College London Hospital |
UCMSM | University College and Middlesex School of Medicine |
UCNW | University College of North Wales |
UCS | University College School |
UCSB | University of California at Santa Barbara |
UCSD | University of California at San Diego |
UCSF | University of California at San Francisco |
UCUNF | Ulster Conservatives and Unionists - New Force |
UCW | University College of Wales |
Union of Communication Workers (now see CWU) | |
UDC | Urban District Council |
Urban Development Corporation | |
UDF | Union Defence Force |
Union pour la démocratie française | |
UDM | United Democratic Movement (South Africa) |
UDR | Ulster Defence Regiment |
Union des Démocrates pour la VèmeRépublique (later RPR) | |
UDSR | Union Démocratique et Socialiste de la Résistance |
United Empire Loyalist | |
UEA | University of East Anglia |
UEC | Union Européene de Cyclisme |
UEFA | Union of European Football Associations |
UEL | University of East London |
UEMS | Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes |
UF | United Free Church |
UFAW | Universities Federation for Animal Welfare |
UFC | Universities’ Funding Council |
UGC | University Grants Committee (later UFC) |
UHI | University of the Highlands and Islands (formerly University of the Highlands and Islands Millennium Institute) |
UIAA | Union Internationale des Associations d’Alpinisme |
UICC | Union Internationale contre le Cancer |
UIE | Union Internationale des Etudiants |
UISPP | Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques |
UITP | International Union of Public Transport |
UJD | Utriusque Juris Doctor (Doctor of both Laws, Doctor of Canon and Civil Law) |
UK | United Kingdom |
UKAEA | United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority |
UKCC | United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting |
UKCCCR | United Kingdom Co-ordinating Committee on Cancer Research |
UKCICC | United Kingdom Commanders-in-Chief Committees |
UKCISA | United Kingdom Council for International Student Affairs |
UKCOSA | United Kingdom Council for Overseas Student Affairs (now see UKCISA) |
UKCP | United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy |
UKERNA | United Kingdom Education and Research Networking Association |
UKHSA | United Kingdom Health Security Agency |
UKIAS | United Kingdom Immigrants’ Advisory Service |
UKIC | United Kingdom Institute for Conservation |
UKIP | United Kingdom Independence Party |
UKLF | United Kingdom Land Forces |
UKMEA | United Kingdom, Middle East and Africa |
UKMF(L) | United Kingdom Military Forces (Land) |
UKMILREP | United Kingdom Military Representative |
UKMIS | United Kingdom Mission |
UKOLN | United Kingdom Office of Library Networking |
UKOOA | United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association |
UKPIA | United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association Ltd |
UKRI | UK Research and Innovation |
UKSC | United Kingdom Support Command |
UKSLS | United Kingdom Services Liaison Staff |
UKTI | UK Trade & Investment |
UKU | United Kingdom Unionist |
ULPS | Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues |
UMDS | United Medical and Dental Schools |
UMIST | University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology |
UMP | Union pour un Mouvement Populaire (formerly Union pour la Majorité Présidentielle) |
UN | United Nations |
UNA | United Nations Association |
UNCAST | United Nations Conference on the Applications of Science and Technology |
UNCIO | United Nations Conference on International Organisation |
UNCITRAL | United Nations Commission on International Trade Law |
UNCSTD | United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development |
UNCTAD | Unctad |
United Nations Commission for Trade and Development | |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
UNDRO | United Nations Disaster Relief Organisation |
UNECA | United Nations Economic Commission for Asia |
UNECE | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
UNED | United Nations Environment and Development |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Programme |
UNESCO | Unesco |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation | |
UNFAO | United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation |
UNFICYP | United Nations Force in Cyprus |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
UNICE | Union des Industries de la Communauté Européenne |
UNICEF | Unicef |
United Nations Children’s Fund (formerly United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) | |
UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organisation |
UNIDROIT | Institut International pour l’Unification du Droit Privé |
UNIFEM | United Nations Development Fund for Women |
UNIFIL | United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
UNIPEDE | Union Internationale des Producteurs et Distributeurs d’Energie Electrique |
UNISIST | Universal System for Information in Science and Technology |
UNITAR | United Nations Institute of Training and Research |
Univ. | University |
UNO | United Nations Organization |
UNODC | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |
UNRRA | United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration |
UNRWA | United Nations Relief and Works Agency |
UNSCOB | United Nations Special Commission on the Balkans |
UOM | Officer, National Order of Merit (Malta) |
UP | United Provinces |
Uttar Pradesh | |
United Presbyterian | |
UPGC | University and Polytechnic Grants Committee |
UPNI | Unionist Party of Northern Ireland |
UPU | Universal Postal Union |
UPUP | Ulster Popular Unionist Party |
URC | United Reformed Church |
Urban Regeneration Company | |
URSI | Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale |
US | United States |
USA | United States of America |
USAAF | United States Army Air Force |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
USAR | United States Army Reserve |
USC | University of Southern California |
USDAW | Union of Shop Distributive and Allied Workers |
USM | Unlisted Securities Market |
USMA | United States Military Academy |
USMC | United States Marine Corps |
USN | United States Navy |
USNR | United States Naval Reserve |
USPG | United Society Partners in the Gospel (formerly United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel) |
USPHS | United States Public Health Service |
USPS | United States Postal Service |
USS | United States Ship |
USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
USVI | United States Virgin Islands |
UT | Utah (postal) |
UTC | University Training Corps |
U3A | University of the Third Age |
UTS | University of Technology, Sydney |
UU | Ulster Unionist |
UUK | Universities UK |
UUP | Ulster Unionist Party |
UUUC | United Ulster Unionist Coalition |
UUUP | United Ulster Unionist Party |
UWCC | University of Wales College of Cardiff |
UWCM | University of Wales College of Medicine |
UWE | University of the West of England |
UWIC | University of Wales Institute, Cardiff |
UWIST | University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology |
UWP | United Workers’ Party (Dominica) |
UWS | University of the West of Scotland |
UWT | Union of Women Teachers |
UWTSD | University of Wales Trinity Saint David |
V | |
V | Five (Roman numerals) |
Version | |
Vicar | |
Viscount | |
Vice | |
v | versus (against) |
v | vid. |
vide (see) | |
VA | Virginia (postal) |
Va | Virginia |
VAD | Voluntary Aid Detachment |
V&A | Victoria and Albert |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
VC | Victoria Cross |
Voluntary Controlled | |
VCAS | Vice Chief of the Air Staff |
VCDS | Vice Chief of the Defence Staff |
VCGS | Vice Chief of the General Staff |
VCM | Member, Victoria College of Music |
VCNS | Vice Chief of the Naval Staff |
VCT | Venture Capital Trust |
VD | Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Officers’ Decoration (now VRD) |
Volunteer Officers’ Decoration | |
Victorian Decoration | |
VDC | Volunteer Defence Corps |
VDI | (Member) Verein Deutscher Ingenieure |
Ven. | Venerable |
Vet. | Veterinary |
VetMB | Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine |
VG | Vicar-General |
Vic | Victoria |
Vice Adm. | Vice Admiral |
VIP | Very Important Person |
Visc. | Viscount |
VLSI | Very Large Scale Integration |
VLV | Voice of the Listener and Viewer |
VM | Victory Medal |
VMA | Fixed Wing Marine Attack |
VMGO | Vice Master General of the Ordnance |
VMH | Victoria Medal of Honour (Royal Horticultural Society) |
VMSM | Voluntary Medical Services Medal |
Vol. | Volume |
Voluntary | |
Volunteers | |
VP | Vice-President |
VPP | Volunteer Political Party |
VPRP | Vice-President, Royal Society of Portrait Painters |
VQMG | Vice-Quartermaster-General |
VR | Victoria Regina (Queen Victoria) |
Volunteer Reserve | |
VRD | Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Officers’ Decoration |
VRSM | Volunteer Reserves Service Medal |
VSO | Voluntary Service Overseas |
VT | Vermont (postal) |
Vt | Vermont |
VUP | Vanguard Unionist Party |
VVD | Volkspartij voor Vrijheiden Democratie |
W | |
W | West |
Website | |
WA | Western Australia |
Washington (postal) | |
WAAF | Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (later WRAF) |
WACL | Women in Advertising and Communications, London |
WAOS | Welsh Agricultural Organisations Society |
Wash | Washington State |
WCC | World Council of Churches |
W/Cdr | Wing Commander |
WCMD | Welsh College of Music and Drama (now see RWCMD) |
WDA | Welsh Development Agency |
WEA | Workers’ Educational Association |
Royal West of England Academy | |
WEF | World Economic Forum |
WEU | Western European Union |
WFEO | World Federation of Engineering Organisations |
WFSW | World Federation of Scientific Workers |
WFTU | World Federation of Trade Unions |
WhF | Whitworth Fellow |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WhSch | Whitworth Scholar |
WI | West Indies |
Women’s Institute | |
Wisconsin (postal) | |
Wilts | Wiltshire |
WIPO | World Intellectual Property Organization |
Wis | Wisconsin |
Wits | Witwatersrand |
WJEC | Welsh Joint Education Committee |
WLD | Women Liberal Democrats |
Wm | William |
WMA | World Medical Association |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WNO | Welsh National Opera |
WO | War Office |
Warrant Officer | |
Worcs | Worcestershire |
WR | West Riding |
Western Region (BR) | |
WRAC | Women’s Royal Army Corps |
WRAF | Women’s Royal Air Force |
WRNS | Women’s Royal Naval Service |
WRVS | Women’s Royal Voluntary Service (now see RVS) |
WS | Writer to the Signet |
WSAVA | World Small Animal Veterinary Association |
WSET | Wine and Spirits Educational Trust |
WSPA | World Society for the Protection of Animals |
WTO | World Trade Organisation |
WV | West Virginia (postal) |
WVS | Women’s Voluntary Services (later WRVS) |
WWF | World Wide Fund for Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund) |
WY | Wyoming (postal) |
X | |
X | Ten (Roman numerals) |
XO | Executive Officer |
Y | |
y | youngest |
YC | Young Conservative |
YCNAC | Young Conservatives National Advisory Committee |
Yeo. | Yeomanry |
YHA | Youth Hostels Association |
YMCA | Young Men’s Christian Association |
YOI | Young Offenders Institute |
Yorks | Yorkshire |
YPTES | Young People’s Trust for Endangered Species |
yr | younger |
yrs | years |
YT | Yukon Territory (postal) |
YTS | Youth Training Scheme |
YVFF | Young Volunteer Force Foundation |
YWCA | Young Women’s Christian Association |
Z | |
ZANU PF | Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front |
ZAPU | Zimbabwe African People’s Union |
ZIPRA | Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army |