Acronymbook - Part 3
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Several years ago, I was planning to create a huge, open-source website with hundreds of thousands of acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms. It was going to be called ‘’. This page is one part of the complete database.
- Abbreviation = Meaning
- RI = Referential Integrity
- RI = Rockwell International
- RI = Rhode Island (USA 2-letter state code)
- RI = Rank Indication
- RI = Ring Indicate
- RI = 1. King and Emperor (NOTE: From the Latin rex et imperator.) 2. Queen and Empress 3. EDUCATION religious instruction _ RI teacher (NOTE: The abbreviation RI is used as a nounin its own right.) 4. MAIL Rhode Island (NOTE: The abbreviation RI is part of the US sortingcode on the last line of a Rhode Island address.) 5. SCIENCE Royal Institution
- RI; RI = repeat indication; verzoek om herhaling
- RI; RI = Replication Index; Replicatie-index
- ri& e = risico-inventarisatie en -evaluatie
- RI = Richtslijn van de Ministers (EG)
- RI - DINI; RI - DINI = Italian Renewal Party
- RIAA = Recording Industry Association of America
- RIB = BOAT rigid inflatable boat
- RIB; IBR = rhinotrachéite infectieuse bovine; infectieuze boviene rinotracheïtis
- RIB = (Routing Information Base (RIB))
- RIB = Rembours-en Industriebank n.v.
- RIB = Rijksinkoopbureau
- RIB; RIB = rigid inflatable boat; rigid inflatable boat
- RIBW = Regionale Instellingen voor Beschermd Wonen
- RIBW = Regionale Instelling(en)voor Beschermde Woningen
- RIBE = Reaction Ion Beam Etching
- RIBA = Royal Institute of British Architects
- RIBA = ARCHITECTURE Royal Institute of British Architects
- RIAGG = Regionaal Instituut voor Ambulante Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg
- RIAGG = Regionale Instelling voor Ambulante Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg
- RiAfrika = Recht in Afrika
- RIACS = Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (NASA)
- RIAD; RIAD = Register of Institutions and Assets Database; Register of Institutions and Assets Database
- RIAGG = Regionale Instelling Ambulante Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg
- RIB = Rijksinkoopbureau
- RIB = Rijksinkoopbureau
- RIB = Routing Information Base
- RIAGG = Regionaal Instituut voor Ambulante Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg
- RIB = Raadgevende Interparlementaire Beneluxraad
- RIE = Radical Islamic Extremist
- RIM = RAN Information Management
- RIM = Raad voor Interim Management
- RIM = Relational Information Management
- RIM = Read-In Mode
- RIM = n.v.Rotterdamsche Industrie Maatschappij
- RIM = Stichting Repertoire Informatie Centrum Muziek
- RIM; RIM = receiver intermodulation; ontvangerintermodulatie
- RIME = RelayNet International Message Exchange
- RIM = Research In Motion (Blackberry wireless device)
- RIM = Request Initialization Mode
- RIM = reken-en informatiesysteem milieuhygiene
- RIKZ; RIKZ = National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management; Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee
- RIL = Stichting Rotterdams Interne Logistiek
- RIKZ = Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee
- RIKILT; RIKILT = State Institute for Quality Control of Agricultural Products; Rijkskwaliteitsinstituut voor Land- en Tuinbouwprodukten
- RIKS = Researchinstituut voor onderzoek naar Kennissystemen
- RILE = ([2] Revenue Inspired Law Enforcement)
- RILO; RILO = Regional Intelligence Liaison Office; Regionaal Verbindingsbureau voor Inlichtingen
- RIM = Remote Installation and Maintenance (Microsoft)
- RILE = ([1] Rich, Interactive Learning Experience (see also ILE))
- RILE = [1] Rich, Interactive Learning Experience (see also ILE)
- RILE = [2] Revenue Inspired Law Enforcement
- RIME; RIME = aid scheme for micro-enterprises; steunregeling ten gunste van micro-ondernemingen
- RINIS = Routeringsinstituut voor (Inter-) Nationale Informatiestromen
- RIO; RIO = Risk Immigration Operation; Risk Immigration Operation
- RINGA = Regionale ingenieursvereniging Aalst
- RINET; RINET = Rinet; Netwerk voor verzekering en herverzekering
- RINET; RINET = Re-insurance and insurance network; Netwerk voor verzekering en herverzekering
- RIO; RIO = Reshaping the international order; Naar een rechtvaardiger internationale orde
- RIOD = Rijks Instituut voor Oorlogs Documentatie
- RIOD = Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
- RIOD = Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
- RIOB = Rijksinspectie Openbare-Bibliotheekwerk
- RIOD = Rijksinstituut voor oorlogsdocumentatie
- RIMS; RIMS = ranging and integrity monitoring stations; stations voor afstandsbepaling en integriteitsbewaking
- RIMS; RIMS = ranging and integrity monitoring station; station voor afstandsbepaling en integriteitsbewaking
- RIMOB = rimpelbuis obstakelbeveiliger
- RIMK = Regionaal Instituut voor het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf
- RIMM = Rambus Inline Memory Module
- RIMS; RIMS = resonance ionisation mass spectroscopy; Om deze reden is het gebruik voorgesteld van resonante laserionisatie en massaspectrometrie
- RIN = Rijksinstituut voor natuurbeheer
- RINA = Registro Italiane Navale
- RiN = Recht in Nederland
- RIN = referentie-invoerniveau
- RIN = Rijksinstituut voor Natuurbeheer
- RIK = Rijksinspectiekantoor
- RIF = ([1] Radical Islamic Fundamentalist (see also RIE, RIT))
- RIF = [2] Racially Insecure Feeling
- RIF = request for information
- RIF = [1] Radical Islamic Fundamentalist (see also RIE, RIT)
- RIF = US HUMAN RESOURCES the laying off of members of a workforce. Full form reductionin force
- RIF = Regionaal Interdisciplinair Fraudeteam
- RIFF = COMPUTING resource interchange file format
- RIFF = Raster Image File Format
- RIF; RIF = Network of training institutions; zie F
- RIF = ([2] Racially Insecure Feeling)
- RIF; RIF = Risk Information Forms; Het systeem maakt wel een geautomatiseerde uitwisseling van risico-informatieformulieren
- RIE; RIE = Recognised Investment Exchanges; Recognised Investment Exchanges
- RIEJ = Revue interdisciplinaire d’études juridiques
- RIE = (Radical Islamic Extremist)
- RIE = FINANCE recognized investment exchange
- RIE = Reactive Ion Etching
- RIEJ = Revue interdiciplinaire d'études Juridiques
- RIEx; RIEx = Regulation concerning the international carriage of express parcels by rail; reglement betreffende het internationale spoorwegvervoer van expresgoed
- RIEx; RIEx = Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Express Parcels by Rail; Reglement betreffende het internationale spoorwegvervoer van expresgoederen
- RIET; RIET = Regional Institute for Environmental Technology; Regionaal Instituut voor Milieutechnologie
- RIEJ; R.I.E.J. = Revue interdisciplinaire d'études juridiques
- RIET; RIET = Regional Institute of Environmental Technology; Regionaal Instituut voor Milieutechnologie
- RIFF = Raster Image File Format
- RIID = (Rendezvous Point Interface ID (RFC 3956))
- RIJ = Revue Interdisiplinaire d'etudes Juridiques
- RIIA; RIIA = Royal Institute of International Affairs; Royal Institute of International Affairs
- RIH; RIH = Ring International Holding; Ring International Holding
- RIHS; RIHS = Revival Of Islamic Heritage Society; Revival of Islamic Heritage Society
- Rijksw.Ned.schap = Rijkswet op het Nederlanderschap
- Rijt.w. = Rijtijdenwet
- RIK = Regionaal Informatieknooppunt
- RIJP = Rijksdienst Ijsselmeerpolders
- RIJP = Rijksdienst voor de IJsselmeerpolders
- RIJP = Rijksdienst voor de IJsselmeerpolders
- RIG = Rijksinstituut voor grondmechanica
- RIG = Rijksinstituut voor Geneesmiddelenonderzoek
- RIFT = Radical Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist(ism)
- RIFF = Resource Interchange File Format (Microsoft)
- RIFT = (Radical Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist(ism))
- RIGO; RIGO = Research Institute for the Built Environment; Research Instituut Gebouwde Omgeving
- RIGO = Rijksinstituut voor Geneesmiddelenonderzoek,Leiden
- RIG = Raad voor Integratie en Grotestedenbeleid
- RIG = Rijksinstituut voor Geneesmiddelenonderzoek,Leiden
- rms; r.m.s. = quadratic mean; root mean square
- RMS; r.m.s. = rms; root mean square
- rms; r.m.s. = rms; root mean square
- RMS; r.m.s. = quadratic mean; root mean square
- rms; r.m.s. = root mean square; root mean square
- RMs; RM = RMs; referentiematerialen
- RMS; RMS = rms; root mean square
- RMS; RMS = root mean square; root mean square
- rms; RMS = quadratic mean; root mean square
- RMs; RM = Reference Materials; referentiematerialen
- rms; RMS = rms; root mean square
- RMS = Republik Maluku Salatan
- RMS = Risk Management System
- RMS = rubbermantelsnoer
- RMS = Record Management Services
- RMS = Rijksmiddelbare school
- RMS = Root Mean Square
- RMS = Root Mean Square (value)
- RMS; r.m.s. = root mean square; root mean square
- rms = root mean square
- RMS = Rijksmiddenschool
- RMS = root mean square
- rms; RMS = root mean square; root mean square
- RMZ = Rijksdienst voor Maatschappelijke Zekerheid
- RMZ = Rechtspraak medenzeggenschapsrecht
- RMWO = Raad voor het Medisch Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
- RMW = Read-Modify-Write
- RMW = Raad voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn
- RMZ = Regeling Medeverzekering Ziekenfondsverzekering
- RN = 1. HEALTH SERVICES Registered Nurse 2. ONLINE right now (used in e-mails and textmessages) 3. NAVY Royal NavyRNA 142
- RN = Rechtspraak Nemesis
- RN = Radio Nederland Wereldomroep
- RMZ; RMZ = radio mandatory zone; Radio Mandatory Zone
- RMZ; RMZ = radio mandatory zone; Radio Mandatory Zone
- RMSP = Root Mean Square Pincushioning
- RMT = (Reliable Multicast Transport (RMT) (RFC 3269))
- RMSM = Root Mean Square Misconvergence
- RMS; RMS = quadratic mean; root mean square
- RMSEP = Root Mean Square Error of Prediction
- RMT = HUMAN RESOURCES National Union of Rail, Maritime, and Transport Workers
- RMUE = Revue du Marché Unique Européen
- RMV = Rijkslandbouwproefstation voor Meststoffen en Veevoederonderzoek
- RMU; RMU = removal unit; verwijderingseenheid
- RMT of RMThemis of RMTh = Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis, tijdschrift voor publiek- en privaatrecht
- RMTF = Recipe Management Task Force
- RMS = Republiek der Zuid-Molukken
- RMMM = Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management
- RMMS; RMMS = Rail Market Monitoring Scheme; Rail Market Monitoring Scheme
- RMM; PROM = read mostly memory; RMM-geheugen
- RMM = risicobeperkende maatregel
- RMM = risicobeheersmaatregel
- RMN = HEALTH SERVICES Registered Mental Nurse
- RMNO = Raad voor Milieu- en Natuuronderzoek
- RMNO = Raad voor het Milieu- en Natuuronderzoek
- RMNO = Raad voor Milieu-en Natuuronderzoek
- RMNet = Reuter's Money Network
- RMNH = Rijksmuseum voor Natuurlijke Historie
- rmi = Interconnection Technology Research Institute
- RMI; KMI = Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium; Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut van België
- RMI = Remote Method Invocation (Sun Microsystems)
- RMI = RMI-uitkering
- RMI = Remote Messaging Interface
- RMK = Raad voor het Midden-en Kleinbedrijf
- RMM = CHEMISTRY relative molecular mass
- RMM = Risk Management Measures
- RML = rubbermantelleiding
- RMK = Raad voor het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf
- RML = Relational Markup Language
- RMO = Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling
- RMS = (root mean square (RMS) (RFC 5686))
- RMS = Record Management Services
- RMR = Remote Message Register
- RMPP; RMPP = Royal Mail Pension Plan; Royal Mail Pension Plan
- RMPS = Remote Manipulator Planning System
- RMS = Recipe Management Standard
- RMS = rate monotonic scheduling
- RMS = remote manipulator system
- RMS = 1. MAIL Royal Mail Service 2. SHIPPING Royal Mail Ship
- rms = MATHEMATICS the square root of the mean of the squares of a set of numbers. Fullform root mean square
- RMS = record management system
- RMON = Remote Monitor/Monitoring
- RMON = (remote (network) monitoring (RMON) (RFC 4710))
- RMO = Radicalised Muslim Operative (see also RME, IME, & IMO)
- RMO = (Radicalised Muslim Operative (see also RME, IME, & IMO))
- RMO = Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling
- RMOS = Refractory Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- RMP = Real Media Plugin (file name extension)
- RMPM; GHR = Rotterdam Municipal Port Management; Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf Rotterdam
- RMP = Remote Maintenance Processor
- RMP = (Risk Management Procedure)
- RMP = Risk Management Procedure
- RN = resource node
- rns = CRICKET runs
- RNS = Radio Network Subsystem
- RNS = Rijksnormaalschool
- RNR = Receive Not Ready
- RNR = NAVY Royal Naval Reserve
- RNSAP = Radio Network Subsystem Application Part
- RNTL = Raad voor Nederlandse Taal en Letteren
- RNUP; PNUR = RNUP; Partij voor Nationale Eenheid
- RNTI = Radio Network Temporary IdentifierRadio Network Temporary Identity
- RNTABLE = Table of 128 integers in the hopping sequence
- RNTC = Radio Nederland Training Centre
- RNMP; RNMP = remote network management protocol; remote netwerkbeheerprotocol
- RNN = Recurrent Neural Network
- RNMH = HEALTH SERVICES Registered Nurse for the Mentally Handicapped
- RNLN; KM = Royal Netherlands Navy; Koninklijke Marine
- RNLN; KM = Royal Netherlands Navy; Koninklijke Marine
- RNOC = Regional Network Operations Center
- RNP; RNP = required navigation performance
- RNP; vereiste navigatieprestatie = required navigation performance
- RNP; RNP = required navigation performance; (2) voldoet aan de navigatieprestatie-eisen
- RNP = BIOCHEMISTRY a complex of RNA and a protein formed during the synthesis of RNA.Full form ribonucleoprotein
- RNP = Regional Network Provider
- RNUP; PNUR = Romanian National Unity Party; Roemeense Partij van Nationale Eenheid
- ro = 1. PRINTING recto 2. ONLINE Romania (NOTE: The abbreviation ro is seen at the end ofInternet addresses, preceded by a dot.)
- Ro = Rijksgroepsregeling Oorlogslachtoffers
- RO = Record Zero
- RO = Wet op de Rechterlijke organisatie en het Beleid der Justitie
- Ro = Ruimtelijke Ordening
- RO = Rijksoverheid
- RO = Receive Only
- RO = Reverse Osmosis
- RO = rechterlijke organisatie
- RO = Revenue Outturn
- ro = Romania (ISO 2-letter country code)
- RNVR = NAVY Royal Naval Volunteer Force
- RNWO = Radio Nederland Wereld Omroep
- RNV = Raad voor de Nationale Veiligheid
- RNUP; PNUR = RNUP; Roemeense Partij van Nationale Eenheid
- RNUP; PNUR = Romanian National Unity Party; Partij voor Nationale Eenheid
- RNWV = Raad van Nederlandse Werkgeversverbonden
- RNZAF = AIR FORCE Royal New Zealand Air Force
- RNZN = NAVY Royal New Zealand Navy
- RNX = Restricted Numeric exchange
- RNWV = Raad van Nederlandse Werkgeversbonden
- RNWV = Raad van Nederlandse Werkgevers Verbonden
- RNLN; K.N.M. = Royal Netherlands Navy; Koninklijke Marine
- RNAS = NAVY 1. Royal Naval Air Service 2. Royal Naval Air Station
- RNase = BIOCHEMISTRY an enzyme that splits or degrades RNA. Full formribonuclease
- RNA; RNA = ribonucleic acid; ribonucleïnezuur
- RNA; K.L. = Royal Netherlands Army; Koninklijke Landmacht
- RNA; RNA = Radio Nazionali Associate; Radio Nazionali Associate
- RNAV; RNAV = area navigation; areanavigatie
- RNB = Robert Noyce Building (Intel)
- RNB; R.N.B. = Revue du notariat belge
- RNB = Revue de Notariaat Belge
- RNAV; RNAV = area navigation; Regionale navigatie
- RNB = Revue du notariat belge
- RN; RN = Registry Number; Het CAS-registratienummer
- RNA = GENETICS a nucleic acid containing ribose found in all living cells, essential for proteinsynthesis. Full form ribonucleic acid (NOTE: The abbreviation RNA is used as a noun inits own right.)
- RN = Radio Nederland
- RN = Read News
- RNA = Ribo Nucleid Acid
- RNA = Ring No Answer
- RNA = Remote Network Access
- RNA = ribonucleic acid
- RNA = (Vaste Commissie)Recreatie,Natuur en Agrarische Zaken
- RNA = Ring, No Answer (Internet lingo)
- RNC = Radio Network Controller
- RNLAF; KLu = Royal Netherlands Air Force; Koninklijke Luchtmacht
- RNLAF; KLu = Royal Netherlands Air Force; Koninklijke Luchtmacht
- RNLA; KL = Royal Netherlands Army; Koninklijke Landmacht
- RNL = Required New Line
- RNL = Radio Network Layer
- RNLI = NAUTICAL Royal National Lifeboat Institution
- RNLM; KMAR = Royal Netherlands Marechaussee; Koninklijke Marechaussee
- RNLN; K.M. = Royal Netherlands Navy; Koninklijke Marine
- RNLM; KMAR = Royal Military Police; Koninklijke Marechaussee
- RNLM; KMAR = Royal Netherlands Marechaussee; Koninklijke Marechaussee
- RNLM; KMAR = Royal Military Police; Koninklijke Marechaussee
- rnd = round
- RND = Rijksnijverheidsdienst
- RND = Random
- RNC = (Radio Network Controller (RNC) (RFC 1986))
- RNC; RNC = reasonable net contribution; reasonable net contribution
- RNG = Random Number Generator
- RNIB; RNIB = Royal National Institute for the Blind; Royal National Institute for the Blind
- RNIU = Remote/Redundant Network Interface Unit
- RNIB = Royal National Institute for the Blind
- RNH = Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie
- RNI = Raw Native Interface (Sun Microsystems)
- RLGB; R.L.G.B. = Recueil de la législation générale en vigueur en Belgique
- RLH = Rate Load Handler (telecommunications)
- RLGB = Recuceil de la législation générale en vigueur en Belgique
- RLG = ARMS rocket-launched grenade
- RLGB = Recueil de la législation générale en vigueur en Belgique
- RLI = Resist Lithography
- RLL = Run-Length Limited
- RLL = Representation Language Language
- RLL = Run-length limited (method for encoding data)
- RLIN = Research Libraries Information Network
- RLK = rubberloodkabel
- RLD = Rijksluchtvaartdienst
- RLD = Received Line Detect
- RLD = Relocation Dictionary
- RLCP = Radio Link Control Protocol
- RLD =
- RLD = Rijksluchtvaartdienst
- RLG = ring laser gyro
- RLG = Rohrleitungsgezets
- RLE = Run Length Encoded/En coding
- RLE = (Run Length Encoding (RFCs 5762 and 3611))
- RLE = Run-length encoding (compression technique)
- RLLS = Russian Language and Logistics Support
- RLS = Rijksluchtvaartschool
- Rls = MONEY rials
- RLR; RLR = receiving loudness rating; maat voor de luidheid aan ontvangstzijde
- RLR = Receiver Loudness Rating
- RLR; RLR = receive loudness rating; maat voor de luidheid aan ontvangstzijde
- RLS = Rijksluchtvaartschool
- RLSD = Received Line Signal Detected
- RLSI = Ridiculously Large-Scale Integration
- RLSC = Russian Language Services Contract
- RLS = Radio Link Set
- RLS = (Resource List Server (RLS) (RFC 4662))
- RLOC = (Routing Locator (RLOC) (RFC 6306))
- RLOGIN = Remote Login
- RLOC = Remote Logistics Operations Center (wireless telecommunications)
- RLMI = (Resource List Meta-Information (RLMI) (RFC 4662))
- RLN = Remote LAN Node
- RLOGIN = Remote Login
- RLP = Radio Link Protocol
- RLPS = Rijkslandbouwproefstation
- RLP = Radio Link Protocol
- Rlok = Regeling rechtspositie lokaal indienstgenomen werknemers
- Rlok = Regeling rechtspositie lokaal indienstgenomen werknemers
- RLCO = Real Life Conference (Internet lingo)
- RL = Remote Loopback
- RL = Relocatable Library
- RL = Rijksuniversiteit Limburg
- RKZ = Rijksdienst voor Kinderbijslag voor Zelfstandigen
- RL = Rotterdamsche Lloyd
- RL = 1. ONLINE real life (used in e-mails and text messages) 2. RUGBY Rugby League
- Rl = Rial
- RL = Rijksuniversiteit Limburg
- RL = Real Life (Internet lingo)
- RL = Rijksuniversiteit Limburg
- RL = rondleiding
- RKS = Rotterdamse Kunststichting
- RKV = Kruis van Verdienste van het Nederlandse Rode Kruis
- RKR = Reglement Regeling kentekenregistratie
- RKP = Rijkskeuringsvoorschriften personenauto's
- RKPN = Rooms Katholieke Partij Nederland
- RKVTAO = Rijkskeuringsvoorschriften vrachtauto's trekkers aanhangwagens en opleggers
- RKWV; RKWV = Roman Catholic Workers Federation
- RKZ = Rijksdienst voor Kinderbijslag voor Zelfstandigen
- RKW = Rijksdienst voor kinderbijslag voor werknemers
- RKvW = Rijkskeuringsdienst van Waren
- RKW = Rijksdienst voor kinderbijslag voor werknemers
- RL = Radio Link
- RLAN; WLAN = WLAN; wireless local area network
- RLAN; WLAN = wireless local area network; Radio LAN
- RLAN; RLAN = wireless local area network; wireless local area network
- RLAN; RLAN = WLAN; wireless local area network
- Rlari. = Regulari ('Regular')
- RLC = Radio Link Control
- RLAN; WLAN = Radio Local Area Network; wireless local area network
- RLAN; WLAN = wireless local area network; wireless local area network
- RLAN; WLAN = Radio Local Area Network; Radio LAN
- RL; RL = return loss; echodemping
- RLA = repair level analysis
- RL; RL = return loss; demping in het retourkanaal
- RL; RL = total effective resistance associated with the load,measured at the interchange point; totale effectieve weerstand met betrekking tot de belasting,gemeten op de interface
- RL; RL = running lamp; een dagrijlicht
- RLA; RLA = respect of lead agreement; Respect of Lead Agreement
- RLAN; RLAN = Radio Local Area Network; wireless local area network
- RLAN; RLAN = Radio Local Area Networks; Radio Local Area Networks
- RLAN; RLAN = Radio Local Area Network; Radio LAN
- RLA; RLA = regulation load adjustment; regulation load adjustment
- RLAN; RLAN = wireless local area network; Radio LAN
- RLT = (Real Life Testamonial)
- RMC/GC = Regionaal Militair Commando Noord
- rmc = Information Technology Requirements Council
- RMC = Rijksmilieuhygiënische Commissie
- RMC = RACE Management Committee
- RMC; RMC = RACE Management Committee; Comité van beheer RACE
- RMCB; RMCB = Regional Maritime Capacity Building; 1. Het operatiecentrum van de EU verleent steun op het gebied van operationele planning en het uitvoeren van operatie Atalanta, EUTM Somalia en de toekomstige civiele GVDB-missie voor de opbouw van regionale maritieme capaciteit
- RMCB; RMCB = regional maritime capacity building; opbouw van regionale maritieme capaciteit
- RMCA = Rubber Cultuur Maatschappij Amsterdam
- RMC; RMC(WMO) = Regional Meteorological Centre; regionaal meteorologisch centrum
- RMC; RMC(WMO) = Regional Meteorological Center; regionaal meteorologisch centrum
- RMAH; KMKG = Royal Museums of Art and History; Koninklijke musea voor kunst en geschiedenis
- RMAKL/KLu = Reglement voor militaire ambtenaren der Koniklijke Landmacht er der Koninklijke Luchtmacht
- RMA; RMA = Revolution in Military Affairs; Revolutie in Militaire Zaken
- RMA = Return Material Authorization
- RMA; RMA = Relationship Management Application; Relationship Management Application
- RMAT = Reliability and Maintainability Assessment Tool
- RMBS; RMBS = residential-mortgage backed securities; Voor effecten op onderpand van woninghypotheken
- RMBS; RMBS = residential mortgage-backed security; residential mortgage-backed security
- RMBS; RMBS = residential mortgage-backed security; door woninghypotheken gedekt effect
- RMB = Aus MAIL roadside mail box (NOTE: The abbreviation RMB is used in addresses inrural areas of Australia.)
- RMB = Right Mouse Button
- RMCD =
- RME = Risk Mitigation Experiment
- RME; RME = rape methyl ester; De regering van het VK zal de productiekosten van biodiesel ieder jaar herzien, met inbegrip van de relatieve productiekosten van methylesters van koolzaad
- RME = (Radicalised Muslim Extremist (see also RMO, IME, & IMO))
- RME = responsible maintainability engineers
- RME = Radicalised Muslim Extremist (see also RMO, IME, & IMO)
- RME; RME = rape methyl ester
- RMH = Real Manly Hug (Internet lingo)
- RMI = gegarandeerd minimuminkomen
- Rmgkr = Regeling massale gegevenverstrekking uit de kadastrale registratie
- RMF = Resource Management Facility
- RMG; RMG = Royal Mail Group; Royal Mail Group
- RMD = Aus MAIL roadside mail delivery (NOTE: The abbreviation RMD is used in addressesin rural areas of Australia.)
- RMD = Required Markup Declaration (XML)
- RMCN = Regionaal Militair Commando Noord
- RMCD=Regional Media Center for the Deaf =
- RMD = Raad voor Milieudefensie
- RMDIR = COMPUTING a command to remove an empty subdirectory. Full form removedirectory
- RMDU = remote multiplexer/demultiplexer unit
- RMDIR = Remove Directory
- RMD = Radio Maritieme Diensten
- RMD = Rijks Meetkundige Dienst
- RMA = MILITARY 1. Royal Marine Artillery 2. Royal Military Academy
- RM = remote manipulator
- RM = Rechtelijke Macht
- rm = Internal Transfer Rate (Seagate)
- RM = Rechterlijke Machtiging
- rm = Information Technology Transfer International
- RM = Resource Manager/Management
- RM = RealMedia (file name extension)
- RM = Rijksmiddenschool
- RM = 1. HEALTH SERVICES Registered Midwife 2. MAIL Royal Mail 3. MILITARY Royal Marines
- RM = Rijksmerk
- RM = Research Machines (company)
- RLV = Reusable Launch Vehicle
- RLVD = Rijkslandbouwvoorlichtingsdienst
- RLV = Rijkslerarenvereniging
- RLT = Real Life Testamonial
- RLV = Rijkslerarenvereniging
- RLW = Regie der Luchtwegen
- RM = Reset Mode
- RM = Research Module
- rly = RAIL railway
- RLW = Regie der Luchtwegen
- RLWS = Rijkslandbouwwinterschool
- Rm = BIBLE Romans
- RM; RM = Reference Materials; referentiematerialen
- RM; RM = reference material; Referentiemateriaal
- RM; RM = RMs; referentiematerialen
- RM; RM = reference materials; referentiematerialen
- RM; RM = reference materials; referentiematerialen
- RM; RM = Reference mass; Referentiemassa (RM)
- RMA = Rijkscentrale voor Mechanische Administratie
- RMA = Return Merchandise Authorization
- RMA = Return to Manufacturer Authorization
- RMA = Rijks Mechanische Administratie
- RMA = Röntgenmicroanalyse
- RM = Redundancy/Resource Management
- RM = Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn (sinds 1939: TM Themis)
- RM = Ring Management (FDDI, IBM)
- RM = Release Management
- RM = Reed-Muller (coding algorithm)
- RM = Rechtspraak Medenzeggenschapsrecht
- RM Themis (RMTh) = Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis, tijdschrift voor publiek- en privaatrecht
- RM; PGR = Greater Romania Party; Partij van Groot-Roemenië
- RM Themis = Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis
- RM = rekenmachine
- rm = 1. MEASUREMENTS, PAPER ream 2. room
- RI = Radio Interference
- REN = Rundvlees Equivalent Stikstof
- REN = Ringer Equivalence Number
- REMPEC; REMPEC = Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea; regionaal centrum voor noodmaatregelen tegen calamiteuze verontreiniging van de Middellandse Zee
- REMOB = Remote Observation
- REMPEC; REMPEC = regional marine pollution emergency response centre for the Mediterranean Sea; regionaal centrum voor het aanpakken van noodsituaties bij de verontreiniging van de Middellandse Zee
- REN; REN = Rede Electrica National; Rede Electrica National
- RENAVAL; RENAVAL = Conversion of shipbuilding areas; communautair programma voor de omschakeling van scheepsbouwzones
- RENLEM = regionaal nitraatuitspoelingsmodel
- RENA; RENA = Regional Environmental Network for Accession; De EU zal haar regelmatige dialoog inzake de klimaatverandering met de kandidaat-lidstaten en mogelijke kandidaat-lidstaten versterken, meer bepaald door het toekomstige regionale milieunetwerk voor toetreding
- RENAVAL; RENAVAL = Community Programme to Assist the Conversion of Shipbuilding Areas; Communautair programma voor de omschakeling van scheepsbouwzones
- REME = MILITARY Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- REMEC = Vereniging Rijwiel en Motorherstellers Examen Corporatie
- rem; rem = rad equivalent man (dose equivalent); dosisequivalent
- REM; REM = radioactivity environmental monitoring; Deze gegevens worden opgeslagen in de database voor de milieumonitoring van radioactiviteit
- Rem; rem = Rem; röntgenequivalent mens
- REMF = Rear Echelon Mother F***ers (Internet lingo)
- remittance = Deel van het loon dat een buitenlandse werknemer naar zijn familie(bv in Marocco)stuurt.
- REMO = Referentiegroep Milieu en Ontwikkeling
- REMIT; REMIT = Regulation on Energy Market Integrity and Transparency; Verordening betreffende de integriteit en transparantie van de energiemarkt
- REMIC; SICAFI = real estate mortgage investment conduit; SICAFI
- REMICERA = Regionale Milieudienst Centrum Randstad
- REO = Regionaal Educatief Overleg
- REP; REP = radio end point; radio endpoint
- REP; REP = Republicans; De Republikeinen
- REP; REP = reference export performance; referentie-exporthoeveelheid
- Rep.RJ = Repertorium RJ
- Rep.RJ; Rep.R.J. = Repertorium RJ
- REP; REP = radio endpoint; radio-eindpunt
- Repeater = A "repeater" is a radio transceiver used to extend the transmission of a base station beyond its normal range.
- Reper = Reper. Répertoire informatisé de la doctrine juridique dans les revues belges et étrangères
- REPE = REPeat while Equal (assembly language)
- REP; REP = radio end point; radio-eindpunt
- REP; REP = radio endpoint; radio endpoint
- Rep. = POLITICS 1. Representative 2. Republic 3. Republican
- rep. = 1. repair 2. report 3. reported 4. reporter 5. PUBLISHING reprint
- REP = REPeat [String Operation] (assembly language)
- REO = Raad voor Energie Onderzoek
- REONN = Ruimtelijk-Economisch Ontwikkelingsprogramma Noord-Nederland
- Rep.Eur.Court H.R. = European court of human rights. Reports of judgments (ook als Rep. ECtHR)
- Rép.not. = Répertoire notarial (Losbladige reeks)
- Rép.not. = Répertoire notarial (Losbladige reeks)
- Rép.fisc. = Répertoire fiscal
- Rep.Eur.Court HR = European court of human rights. Reports of judgments (ook als Rep.ECtHR)
- Rép.fisc. = Répertoire fiscal
- rem; rem = Rem; röntgenequivalent mens
- REL = RELease
- REL = Recommended Exposure Limit
- REKU = Radiatoren-en Ketelunie
- REK = Rundvee Equivalent Kali
- Rekenhof = Rekenhof
- rel. = 1. relating 2. relative 3. relatively 4. released 5. religion 6. religious
- RELAX NG = (Regular Language for XML Next Generation (better known by RELAX NG))
- Relay = Terminal devices capable of ODMA relay communications.
- ReLaTe = Remote Language Teaching
- Rel-4 = Release 4
- Rel-5 = Release 5
- REIO; REIO = regional economic international organisation; regionale economische internationale organisaties
- REIO; REIO = regional economic integration organisation; regionale organisatie voor economische integratie
- REIN = Registratie-en Ingebruikgevingssysteem
- REIMS; REIMS = remuneration of exchange of international mail services
- REIMS; REIMS = Remuneration of Mandatory Deliveries of Cross-Border Mails; vergoedingen voor het verplicht bezorgen van grensoverschrijdende post
- REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust
- REJ = REJect(ion)
- REK = Rechtseenheidskamer van de Arrondissementsrechtbank van Den Haag
- REJ = Reject
- REIT = N Am FINANCE real-estate investment trust
- Reitox; REITOX = Reitox network; Europees Netwerk voor informatie over drugs en drugsverslaving
- Relay/Seed Gateway = Relay or Seed that communicates with the UTRAN, in either TDD or FDD mode.
- REM = Reclame Exploitatiemaatschappij
- REM = rocket engine module
- REM = REMark
- REM = Ring Error Monitor
- REM = 1. PHYSIOLOGY rapid eye movement (NOTE: REM sleep is a stage of sleep thatrecurs several times during the night and is marked by dreaming, rapid eye movementsunder closed lids, and elevated pulse rate and brain activity.) 2. COMPUTING a noteembedded in a computer program that is purely explanatory and not interpreted as partof the programming code. Full form remark
- REM = Reflection Electron Microscopy
- REM; rem = Rem; röntgenequivalent mens
- rem; rem = roentgen equivalent man; röntgenequivalent mens
- Rem; rem = roentgen equivalent man; röntgenequivalent mens
- rem; REM = roentgen equivalent man; röntgenequivalent mens
- REM; rem = roentgen equivalent man; röntgenequivalent mens
- Relione. = Religione ('Religion', or, 'Religious Order' — abl. case)
- RELML = Real Estate Listing Markup Language
- relig. = religion
- Relaylink = Relaylink is a communications link between two ODMA relay nodes.
- Release 99 = A particular version of the 3GPP System standards produced by the 3GPP project. AlsoRelease 4, Release 5, Release 6 etc..
- RELP = Residual Exated Linear Prediction (speech coding)
- REM = Remigratieregling Ethnische Minderheden
- rem = MEASUREMENTS, PHYSICS a unit for measuring amounts of radiation, equal to theeffect that one roentgen of X-rays or gamma-rays would produce in a human being. Itis used in radiation protection and monitoring. Full form roentgen equivalent (in)man
- REM = Roentgen Equivalent Man (unit of dost equivalent)
- RELSECT = Relative Sector
- RELUS = Nota Regionale Luchthavens
- Reper = Reper. Répertoire informatisé de la doctrine juridique dans les revues belges et étrangères
- RESIDER; RESIDER = Regional Programme for the conversion of steel areas; regionaal programma voor omschakeling in gebieden met ijzer- en staalindustrie
- Residual error rate = A parameter describing service accuracy. The frequency of lost SDUs, and of corrupted or duplicated network SDUs delivered at the user-network interface.
- RESIDER; RESIDER = Reconversion of steel areas; regionaal programma voor omschakeling in gebieden met ijzer- en staalindustrie
- RESIDER; RESIDER = Community Programme to Assist the Conversion of Steel Areas; communautair programma voor de omschakeling van de ijzer- en staalzones
- Resol.CM = Resolution of the Committee of Ministers
- resp. = respectievelijk
- resp.; resp. = respectively; respectievelijk
- resp. = 1. respective 2. respectively 3. respiration 4. LAW respondent
- Resol.PA = Resolutions of the Parliamentry Assembly
- Resp. = Responsum ('Reply')
- RESAM-stichting = stichting Research-Advies-Milieubeheer
- Rescr. = Rescriptum ('Rescript')
- RESAM-stichting = RESAM-stichting
- RESAM = stichting Research-Advies-Milieubeheer
- RESAM = RESAM-stichting
- RES-E; HE-E = electricity produced from renewable energy sources; elektriciteit uit hernieuwbare energiebronnen
- RES-e-NET =
- RESIDER programme; RESIDER = Community Programme to Assist the Conversion of Steel Areas; communautair programma voor de omschakeling van de ijzer- en staalzones
- RES-E; HE-E = renewable generated electricity; elektriciteit uit hernieuwbare energiebronnen
- RES-E; HE-E = electricity produced from renewable energy sources; groene elektriciteit
- RES-E; HE-E = renewable generated electricity; groene elektriciteit
- Resp.civ = Responsabilité civile
- RET = Rotterdamsche Electrische Tramwegmaatschappij
- ret. = 1. retain 2. retired 3. return 4. COMMERCE returned
- RET = Remote Electrical Tilting
- RET = Resolution Enhancement Technology (HP)
- RET = Rotterdamsche Electrische Tram
- Ret.; b.d. = Retired; buiten dienst
- Retel 1988 = Regeling voor de erkenning van telematicainstallateurs
- Retex; Retex = Community initiative for regions heavily dependent on the textiles and clothing sector; communautair initiatief voor de sterk van de textiel- en kledingsector afhankelijke regio's
- RETE; RETE = Network Democratic Movement; Democratische Beweging Netwerk
- RETB; RETB = Radio electronic token block; Radio Electronic Token Block
- retd = 1. retained 2. retired 3. COMMERCE returned
- RESPECT; TOGO = Respect project; Toepassing van Origineel Gebruikte Onderdelen in wagenparken
- RESPECT; TOGO = Respect; Toepassing van Origineel Gebruikte Onderdelen in wagenparken
- Respect; TOGO = Respect; Toepassing van Origineel Gebruikte Onderdelen in wagenparken
- assur = Responsabilité civile et assurance
- Respect; TOGO = Respect project; Toepassing van Origineel Gebruikte Onderdelen in wagenparken
- RESV = register van economische samenwerkingsverbanden
- RET = RETurn [from Procedure] (assembly language)
- REST = (Representational State Transfer (REST) (RFC 6120))
- RESSFOX = REcessed Sealed Sidewall Field Oxidation
- REST = Real-time Embedded Systems Testbed
- RESAL; RESAL = European network for food safety; Europees netwerk inzake voedselveiligheid
- Req. = Requiescat ('May he [or she] rest', i.e. in peace)
- req. = 1. request 2. require 3. required 4. requirement 5. requisition
- req. = requête
- REQ = REQuest
- REQ = REQuest
- req. = requirant
- Requested QoS = a QoS profile is requested at the beginning of a QoS session. QoS modification requests are also possible during the lifetime of a QoS session.
- Required Eb/(No+Io) (dB) = The ratio between the received energy per information bit to the total effective noise and interference power density needed to satisfy the quality objectives.
- REQ; REQ = Requirements Branch; onderafdeling Behoeften
- Requ = Requisitoir
- REPNZ = REPeat while Not Zero (assembly language)
- repr. = 1. representative 2. represented 3. representing 4. PUBLISHING reprint
- REPNE = REPeat while Not Equal (assembly language)
- Repertorium Serie D = Repertorium van de rechtspraak inzake het gemeenschapsrecht Serie D
- REPLA = Regeling plaatsingen
- Repro = Reproduction
- Repub. = POLITICS 1. Republic 2. Republican
- REPZ = REPeat while Zero (assembly language)
- rept = 1. COMMERCE receipt 2. report
- REPS; REPS = Rural Environmental Protection Scheme; Regeling bescherming plattelandsmilieu
- REPS; REPS = rural environment protection scheme; Rural Environment Protection Scheme
- RERTR; RERTR = Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors; Met het oog daarop hebben zij het programma voor een beperkte verrijking voor onderzoek- en testreactoren
- res. = 1. research 2. reservation 3. reserved 4. reservoir 5. residence 6. resident 7. resigned8. resolution
- Res.jur.imm. = RJI = Res et jura immobilia: revue trimestrielle du droit de la construction et des biens
- Res. = resolutie
- Res. = Resolutie
- Res. = resolutie
- Res.jur.imm; RJI = Res et jura immobilia : revue trimestrielle du droit de la construction et des biens
- RES; RES = reticuloendothelial system; reticulo-endotheliaal systeem
- RES; RES = radio equipment and systems; Radioapparatuur en -systemen
- RES; RES = radio equipment and systems; radioapparatuur en -systemen
- RES/SPT; RES SPT = Resources Support Branch; onderafdeling Ondersteuning Middelen
- RES; HE = renewable energy sources; hernieuwbare energiebronnen
- RES = Rail Europ Senior kaart
- RES = user RESponse64-bit signed RESponse that is the output of the function f2 in a 3G AKA
- RES = 1. INDUST renewable energy source 2. INDUST renewable energy system 3. MEDICINE adefence system of cells widely distributed in the body that are able to attack hostileres. 140particles such as bacteria. Full form reticuloendothelial system 4. INSECTS RoyalEntomological Society
- RERTR; RERTR = Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors; beperkte verrijking voor onderzoek- en testreactoren
- RES = Resource (file name extension)
- RES = Remote Execution Service
- Res Publica = Res publica: tijdschrift voor politologie
- Res. = Resolutie van de Minister van Financiën
- Res Publica = Res publica: tijdschrift voor politologie
- Res Jur.Imm. = RJI = Res et jura immobilia: driemaandelijks tijdschrift van zaken- en bouwrecht
- Res Jur.Imm.; RJI = Res et jura immobilia: driemaandelijks tijdschrift van zaken- en bouwrecht
- RECIEL = Review of European Community & International Environmental Law
- recip. = 1. MATHEMATICS reciprocal 2. COMMERCE reciprocity
- Rechtstreeks = Rechtstreeks, Raad voor de rechtspraak
- Rechtspr.Soc.R.B.L.N. = Rechtspraak van sociaal recht: Brussel - Leuven - Nijvel
- Rechtspr.Soc.RBLN = Rechtspraak van sociaal recht: Brussel - Leuven - Nijvel
- Recipient network = The network which receives the number in the porting process. This network becomes the subscription network when the porting process is complete.
- Recl.reg. = Reclasseringsregeling
- RECO = RECOverer process (Orade)
- RECITE; RECITE = Regions and Cities for Europe; Regio's en Steden van Europa
- recit. = MUSIC recitative
- RECITE; RECITE = Regions and cities for Europe; Regio's en steden voor Europa
- Rechtsk.T. = Rechtskundig tijdschrift voor België
- Rechtsk.T. = Rechtskundig tijdschrift voor België
- Rechtsk T = Rechtskundig Tijdschrift
- Rechar; RECHAR = Rechar; Rechar
- RECHAR; Rechar = Rechar; Rechar
- Rechtspl.L.Lu = Rechtspleging bij de Land- en Luchtmacht
- Rechtspr.BFE = Rechtspraak. Bedrijfsfederatie der Voortbrengers en Verdelers van Electriciteit in België. BFE
- Rechtspr.BFE; Rechtspr.B.F.E. = Rechtspraak. Bedrijfsfederatie der Voortbrengers en Verdelers van Electriciteit in België. BFE
- Rechtspr.Arb.Br. = Rechtspraak van de Arbeidsgerechten van Brussel
- Rechtspl.zeem. = Rechtspleging bij de Zeemacht
- Rechtspr.Arb.Br. = Rechtspraak van de arbeidsgerechten van Brussel
- Recom.PA = Recommandations of the Parliamentry Assembly
- rect. = rector
- RED = (Random Early Detection (RED) (RFC 2309))
- Rect. = CHRISTIANITY 1. Rector 2. Rectory
- rect. = rectificatie
- rect. = MATHEMATICS rectangle
- red. = redactie
- red. = 1. FINANCE redeemable 2. reduced 3. reduction
- REDC = Revue européenne de droit de la consommation
- red. = redactioneel
- red. = redactie
- red. = redactie
- Record pointer = The pointer, which addresses one record in an EF.
- RECP = request for engineering change proposal
- Record number = The number, which identifies a record within an EF.
- RECON = Reorganisatie Commissie Onderzoek voor het Nederlands Centraal Instituut voor Hersenonderzoek
- Record = A string of bytes within an EF handled as a single entity.
- RECRON = Recreatie Ondernemers Nederland
- RECS; RECS = Renewable Energy Certificates System; Renewable Energy Certificates System
- rect = COMMERCE receipt
- RECS = Radar Embedded Computer System
- RECRON = Vereniging van recreatie-ondernemers in Nederland
- RECS = Reseller Electronic Communication System
- RECHAR; Rechar = Rechar; initiatief van de Gemeenschap betreffende de economische omschakeling van steenkoolwinningsgebieden
- Rec.lois decr.arr. = Recueil des lois, décrets et arrêtés
- Rec.lois decr.arr. = Recueil des lois, décrets et arrêtés
- Rec.gén.enr.not. = Recueil général de l'enregistrement et du notariat
- Rec.Cour eur.DH = Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. Recueil des arrêts et décisions (ook als Rec.CEDH)
- Rec.gén.enr.not. = Recueil général de l'enregistrement et du notariat
- REC; REC = Regional Election Commission; 28. | Karpenko Igor Vasiljevitsj (Karpenka Igar Vasiljevitsj | Карпенка Iгар Васiльевiч | КАРПЕНКО Игорь Васильевич | 28.4.1964 | Novokoeznetsk, Rusland Новокузнецк Кемеровской области, Россия | | | Voorzitter van de regionale verkiezings-commissie
- ReCAAP; RECAAP = Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia; Regionaal Samenwerkingsverdrag inzake de bestrijding van piraterij en gewapende overvallen op zee in Azië
- RECARB; RECARB = aspects of the head-end processing of carbide fuel; aspecten van de ingangsbewerking van carbidesplijtstoffen
- REC; RMC = Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe; Regionaal Milieucentrum
- REC; REC = Regional Environment Centre; * Het regionaal milieucentrum
- REC; REC = Regional Election Committee; 26. | Mikhasiou, Uladzimir Ilich Mikhasev, Vladimir Ilich | Мiхасёў Уладзiмiр Iльiч | МИХАСЕВ Владимир Ильич | | | | | Voormalig voorzitter van de regionale verkiezingscommissie
- rec. sec. = recording secretary
- Rec.Arr.RvS = Recente arresten van de Raad van State
- Rec. M-D = Reconstructiewet Miden-Delftland
- Rec. Cours = Académie de droit international. Recueil des cours / Collected courses of The Hague Academy of international law
- Rec. des Cours = Receuil des Cours
- Rec.Arr.RvS = Recente arresten van de Raad van State
- Rec.CJCE; Rec.C.J.C.E. = Recueil de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice et du Tribunal de première instance
- Rec.Cour eur.D.H. = Cour européenne des droits de l'homme. Recueil des arrêts et décisions (ook als Rec. CEDH)
- Rec.CJCE = Recueil de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice et du Tribunal de première instance
- Rec.CIJ = Cour internationale de justice. Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances
- Rec.CIJ; Rec.C.I.J. = Cour internationale de justice. Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances
- Recarm; Recarm = conversion of the arms industry; omschakeling van de wapenindustrie
- Rechar; Rechar = Rechar; initiatief van de Gemeenschap betreffende de economische omschakeling van steenkoolwinningsgebieden
- RECHAR; Rechar = Reconversion of coal basins; initiatief van de Gemeenschap betreffende de economische omschakeling van steenkoolwinningsgebieden
- RECHAR; RECHAR = Community Initiative concerning the Economic Conversion of Coal-mining Areas; communautair initiatief voor de economische omschakeling van steenkoolwinningsgebieden
- Rechar; Rechar = Reconversion of coal basins; Rechar
- RECHAR; RECHAR = Reconversion of coal basins; Rechar
- Rechar; RECHAR = Rechar; initiatief van de Gemeenschap betreffende de economische omschakeling van steenkoolwinningsgebieden
- RECHAR; RECHAR = Rechar; Rechar
- RECHAR; RECHAR = Rechar; initiatief van de Gemeenschap betreffende de economische omschakeling van steenkoolwinningsgebieden
- Rechar; Rechar = Rechar; Rechar
- Rechar; RECHAR = Reconversion of coal basins; initiatief van de Gemeenschap betreffende de economische omschakeling van steenkoolwinningsgebieden
- Rechar; RECHAR = Reconversion of coal basins; Rechar
- Receiver Antenna Gain (dBi) = The maximum gain of the receiver antenna in the horizontal plane (specified as dB relative to an isotropic radiator).
- Receiver Noise Figure (dB) = Receiver noise figure is the noise figure of the receiving system referenced to the receiver input.
- Received Signal Code Power = Given only signal power is received, the average power of the received signal after despreading and combining.
- RECBPI; RECBPI = Retailers Euro Changeover Best Practice Initiative; Retailers Euro Changeover Best Practice Initiative
- recd = COMMERCE received
- Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) = This is the signal level needed at the receiver input that just satisfies the required Eb/(No+Io).
- RECHAR; Rechar = Reconversion of coal basins; Rechar
- RECHAR; RECHAR = Community Initiative concerning the Economic Conversion of Coal-mining Areas; initiatief van de Gemeenschap betreffende de economische omschakeling van steenkoolwinningsgebieden
- RECHAR; RECHAR = Reconversion of coal basins; initiatief van de Gemeenschap betreffende de economische omschakeling van steenkoolwinningsgebieden
- RECEP; RECEP = Russian-European Centre for Economic Policy; *Het Russisch-Europese centrum voor economisch beleid
- Rechar; Rechar = Reconversion of coal basins; initiatief van de Gemeenschap betreffende de economische omschakeling van steenkoolwinningsgebieden
- REDC = Revue européenne de droit de la consommation
- REGEN; REGEN = Community initiative in favour of regions whose development is lagging behind (Objective 1 regions) and which are inadequately equipped with energy infrastructures; Initiatief van de Gemeenschap te nemen voor regio's met een ontwikkelingsachterstand (regio's van doelstellingen 1) waar de energievoorzieningsinfrastructuur ontoereikend is
- Regenboog/CPN; Regenboog/CPN = Rainbow/Dutch Communist Party; Regenboog/communistische Partij Nederland
- REGEN; Regen = Community Initiative concerning Transmission and Distribution Networks for Energy; communautair initiatief inzake netten voor transport en distributie van energie
- regd = registered
- RegelMaat = RegelMaat
- Regenboog/PPR; Regenboog/PPR = Rainbow/Radical Party; Regenboog/Politieke Partij Radikalen
- REGIS; REGIS = Community Initiative concerning the Most Remote Regions; Initiatief van de Gemeenschap voor de ultraperifere gebieden
- Registered PLMN (RPLMN) = This is the PLMN on which the UE has performed a location registration successfully.
- REGIS = REmote Graphics Instruction Set
- REGIE; REGIE = European EEIG Network; Europees netwerk van EESV'S
- Regionally Provided Service = A service entitlement to only certain geographical part(s) of a PLMN, as controlled by the network operator.
- Reg.; Vo = regulation; Verordening
- Reg.betkr = Regeling betaling kadastraal recht
- Reg. Prof. = EDUCATION Regius Professor
- reg. = regering
- Reg. ademan = Regeling Ademanalyse
- Reg.BUO = Regeling bloed- en Urineonderzoek
- Reg.w. = Registratiewet
- REGAL = Rigid Epoxy Glass Acrylic Laminate
- Reg.VD = Regeling of beschikking van de Directeur VD
- Reg.huiz.bew. = Huishoudelijk reglement huizen van bewaring
- Reg.VAO = Regeling voorlopig ademonderzoek
- Registr.w. = Registratiewet
- REI = Regeling voor de erkenning van Elektrotechnische Installateurs
- REIA = Raad voor Europese en Internationale Aangelegenheden
- Regt = 1. Regent 2. MILITARY Regiment
- Regl.tul.tbs = Reglement tenuitvoerlegging terbeschikkingstelling
- REGLEG; REGLEG = Conference of European regions with legislative power; Conferentie van de Europese regio's met wetgevende bevoegdheid
- REIA = Raad voor Europese en Internationale Aangelegenheden
- REIMS II; REIMS II = Remuneration Exchange International Mail System; REIMS II-overeenkomst
- REIMS; REIMS = Remuneration of Mandatory Deliveries of Cross-Border Mails; vergoeding voor het verplicht bezorgen van grensoverschrijdende post
- REIMS I; REIMS I = Agreement for the Remuneration of Mandatory Deliveries of Cross-Border Mails; overeenkomst betreffende de vergoeding voor het verplicht bezorgen van grensoverschrijdende post
- REIF = Raad voor Europese Industriefederaties
- REIMEP; REIMEP = Regular European Interlaboratory Measurement Evaluation Programme; Toekomstige prioriteiten omvatten de preparatie en certificering van een nieuwe uraan-233 spike, de organisatie van vijf internationale metingsevaluatieprogramma's (twee rondes in het reguliere Europese metingsevaluatieprogramma van deelnemende laboratoria
- Registration Area = A (NAS) registration area is an area in which the UE may roam without a need to perform location registration, which is a NAS procedure.
- Regl. = reglement
- Registration = This is the process of camping on a cell of the PLMN and doing any necessary LRs.
- Registratierechten = Registratierechten. Nieuwsbrief
- Registratierechten = Registratierechten. Nieuwsbrief
- Regl. I = Reglement I (KB van 14 sept. 1838, Stb. nr. 36)
- Regl.Orgkad = Reglement inrichting organisatie Kadaster
- Regl.R.T. = Reglement rechtstoestand tewerkgestelden
- Regl.Onderr. = reglementaire onderrichting
- Regl. R.v.K. = Reglement van de Raad voor het Kwekersrecht
- Regl.Besl. = reglementaire beslissing
- Reg. = Regionis ('Of the Region')
- REE = CHEMISTRY rare-earth element
- REER; REWK = real effective exchange rates; reële effectieve wisselkoersen
- REE = Responsible Equipment Engineer
- REDWG; REDWG = Working Group on Regional Economic Development; Werkgroep Regionale Economische Ontwikkeling
- REE = Revue Européenne de l'environnement
- REESS; REESS = rechargeable energy storage system; oplaadbaar energieopslagsysteem
- REF = reference
- REF = Reference (file name extension)
- REESS; RESS = rechargeable energy storage system; RESS
- REESS; REESS = rechargeable energy storage system; RESS
- REESS; RESS = rechargeable energy storage system; oplaadbaar energieopslagsysteem
- REDEX = REDutible Expression (mathematics - lambda calculus)
- REDP = Revue européenne de droit privé
- REDD; REDD = reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; reductie van broeikasgasemissies ten gevolge van ontbossing en bosdegradatie in ontwikkelingslanden
- REDC = Revue Européenne de droit de la consommation
- REDD; REDD = Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation; 58. beklemtoont dat het toekomstige GFCM gekoppeld moet zijn aan de besluiten en moet bijdragen tot de doelstellingen van het Verdrag inzake biologische diversiteit en dat de gevolgen voor de biodiversiteit expliciet het voorwerp moeten zijn van de activiteiten, regels en modaliteiten in het kader van het VN-programma "Vermindering van emissies afkomstig uit ontbossing en aantasting"
- REDP = Revue Européenne de Droit Privé
- REDWG; REDWG = regional economic development working group; haar vooraanstaande positie in de werkgroep regionale economische ontwikkeling
- REDWG; REDWG = Regional Economic Development Working Group; Werkgroep Regionale Economische Ontwikkeling
- Redrim = Revue de Droit immobilier / Tijdschrift voor onroerendgoedrecht
- REDRIM = Revue de droit immobilier
- REDRIM = Revue de droit immobilier
- ref. = 1. reference 2. INDUSTRY refining 3. reformed 4. refunding
- REG = Robust Economic Growth
- REG = Registration Entries (file name extension)
- REG = (Robust Economic Growth)
- Refraucom = Ressorts fraudecommissie
- REFSENS = Reference Sensitivity power level
- REG = Register
- reg. = regula (regel)
- reg. = 1. GEOGRAPHY region 2. registered 3. registrar 4. registry 5. GRAMMAR regular 6. regularly 7. regulation 8. regulator
- reg. = regiment
- Reg. = 1. Regent 2. Regina 3. MEASUREMENTS, INDUST a trademark for a gas mark (i.e. agradation of heat in the temperature regulation of gas ovens). Full form Regulo
- Reg. = regelingen
- Reference configuration = A combination of functional groups and reference points that shows possible network arrangements (source ITU-T I.112).
- Reference point = A conceptual point at the conjunction of two non-overlapping functional groups (source ITU-T I.112).
- REFCON = Reference Configuration
- Ref. Ch. = CHRISTIANITY Reformed Church
- refl. = 1. reflection 2. reflective 3. PHYSIOLOGY reflex 4. GRAMMAR reflexive
- Refiom = afval van gasreiniging
- REFIT; Refit = Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme; programma voor gezonde en resultaatgerichte regelgeving
- RFS = Remote File Sharing
- RFS = Regardless of Feature Size
- RFS = Remote File Service/System
- RFR = Rechtspraak Familierecht
- RFR = Reason For Resource
- RFS = Remote File Service/System
- RFS; RFS = ready for service; klaar voor dienst
- RFSUNY; RFSUNY = Research Foundation of State University of New York; Research Foundation of State University of New York
- RFS; RFS = renewable fuels standard; renewable fuels standard
- RFS = Reiser File System (Unix)
- RFS; RFS = ready; klaar voor dienst
- RFP = Request For Plan
- RFP; RFP = radio fixed part; radio fixed part
- RFP = Radio Frequency Probe
- RFP = Request For Proposal
- RFP = Request For Proposal
- RFP; RFP = refugee's passport; reisdocument voor vluchtelingen
- RFQ = request for quotations
- RFQ = Request For Quotation/Quote
- RFPI; RFPI = radio fixed part identifier; identificatiesymbool vast radiodeel
- RFP; RFP = radio fixed part; vast radiodeel
- RFPG = Radio Frequency Protection Guides
- RFT = Request For Technoloqy
- RGA = Rate Gyro Assembly
- RGA = regionale gebiedsautoriteit
- RG; RG = guard release; bewaakte ontkoppeling
- RG = Reference Guide
- RG; RG = guard release; bewakingsvrijgave
- RGAR = Revue Générale des Assurances et de Reponsabilitités
- RGB = Rechtspraak gelijke behandeling
- RGB = COMPUTING the standard model for display devices in which all colours are describedin terms of the quantity of red, green, and blue they contain. Printers use the CMYB(cyan, magenta, yellow, black) model. Full form red, green, blue
- RGAT = Revue Générale des Assurance terrestres
- RGAR = Revue générale des assurances et des responsabilités
- RGAR; R.G.A.R. = Revue générale des assurances et des responsabilités
- RFU = Reserved for Future Use
- RFU = Reserved for Future Use
- RFT = Resistive Force Theory
- RFT = Revisable Form Text
- RFT = Request For Thinking (Internet lingo)
- RFV = Raad voor de financiële verhoudingen
- RG = Reichsgericht
- RG = AMERICAN FOOTBALL right guard
- RFWS; RFWS = run-flat warning system; Bijlage 4 — Testvoorschriften voor runflatwaarschuwingssystemen
- RFV = Raad voor de financiële verhoudingen
- RFV = Nationale Verzekeringsadministratie
- RFP = request for proposal
- RFI; RFI = radiofrequency interference; radiofrequency interference
- Rfi4 = Rasp-64 FnrnHpH Filp (flip namp pvtpnsinn^
- RFI = Radio France Internationale
- RFI = Request For Information
- RFI = request for information
- RFIC = Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit
- RFID; RFID = radio frequency identification; radiofrequentie-identificatie
- RFLP = BIOTECHNOLOGY a variation between individuals in the length of the DNA fragmentsproduced by a specific restriction enzyme (an enzyme that splits DNA into segments atprecise locations, used in genetic engineering). Full form restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism
- RFID; RFID = radio frequency identification devices; Het verzoek van Frankrijk, ingediend bij schrijven van 23 februari 2007 (SG/CDC/2007/A/1821), om het zendvermogen voor het gebruik van de 865,6-867,6 MHz band voor radio-identificatie apparaten
- RFICP = Radio Frequency Inductively-Coupled Plasma
- RFID = Radio Frequency IDentification
- RFE = Routing Functional Identity
- RFE = (Rapid-Fire Exchange)
- RFE = Rapid-Fire Exchange
- RFD = (Resonant Frequency Drift)
- RFD = 1. RADIO radio-frequency device 2. MILITARY reporting for duty
- RFF = request for flight
- RFI = radio frequency interference
- RFI = Radio Frequency Interference
- RFI = Radio Frequency Interface
- RFF = Required Form Feed
- RFGB = Raad voor het Filiaal- en Grootwinkelbedrijf
- RFLP = restrictiefragment
- RFNM = Request For Next Message
- RFNM = Request For Next Message
- RFN = Right F***ing Now (Internet lingo)
- RFN = Reduced TDMA Frame Number
- Rfn = MILITARY Rifleman
- RFO = Request For Offer and Reason For Outage
- RFO; RVO = regional fisheries management organization; regionale organisatie voor visserijbeheer
- RFO; RVO = regional fisheries organisation; regionale visserijorganisatie
- RFO; RVO = Regional Fisheries Body; regionale visserijorganisatie
- RFO = Restricted Flow Orifice
- RFO; ROVB = regional fisheries management organization; regionale organisatie voor visserijbeheer
- RFM = Redundancy and Fault Management
- RFM = Radio Frequency Monitoring
- RFLP; RFLP = restriction fragment length polymorphism; restrictiefragmentlengte-polymorfisme
- RFLP; RFLP = Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism; restrictiefragmentlengte-polymorfisme
- RFLP; RFLP = restriction fragment length polymorphism; Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
- RFM = Reply to Flagged Message (Internet lingo)
- RFMO; ROVB = regional fisheries management organization; regionale organisatie voor visserijbeheer
- RFMO; RVO = regional fisheries management organization; regionale organisatie voor visserijbeheer
- RFMO; ROVB = Regional Fisheries Management Organisation; Regionale Organisatie voor het visserijbeheer
- RFMD = rotary fluid management device
- RFML = Relational Functional Markup Language
- RGB = Rood Groene Beweging
- RHA; R.H.A. = Rechtspraak van de haven van Antwerpen
- RHBS = Rijks Hogere Burgerschool
- RHA = Rechtspraak van de haven van Antwerpen
- RHA = 1. HEALTH SERVICES Regional Health Authority 2. MILITARY Royal Horse Artillery
- RHA = Rijks hoofdboekhouding
- RHC = Rotational Hand Controller
- RHCE = Redhat Certified Engineer
- RHCP; RHCP = right-hand polarization; rechtsdraaiend circulaire polarisatie
- RHC = right hand circular
- RHC = Reanimated Human Corpses
- RHC = (Reanimated Human Corpses)
- RH = 1. METEOROLOGY relative humidity 2. right hand 3. Royal Highness141 RN
- rH = CHEMISTRY a measure of the oxidising power of a solution. Full form redox potential
- RH = RedHat (Linux)
- RGTS = (Robust Global Trading System)
- Rh = 1. BIOCHEMISTRY rhesus (NOTE: A person who is Rh negative lacks the rhesus factor inthe blood; a person who is Rh positive has blood containing the rhesus factor.) 2. BIOCHEMISTRY rhesus factor (NOTE: The Rh factor is a group of antigens present in mostpeople's red blood cells.) 3. CHEMICAL ELEMENTS rhodium
- rh = 1. METEOROLOGY relative humidity 2. right hand
- RH; RV = relative humidity; relatieve vochtigheid
- RHA = Rechtspraak van de Haven van Antwerpen
- RH; RV = relative humidity; relatieve luchtvochtigheid
- RH = Relative Humidity
- RH; K.H. = royal highness; Koninklijke Hoogheid
- RHCP; RHCP = right-hand polarisation; rechtsdraaiend circulaire polarisatie
- RHIP = Rank Hath Its Privileges (Internet lingo)
- RHL = RedHat Linux
- RHI = Regeling Herverzekering Investeringen
- RHG = MILITARY Royal Horse Guards
- RHG = Rijkshogeschool Groningen
- RHLS = Rijks Hogere Landbouw School
- RHS = GARDENING Royal Horticultural Society
- RHV = rechtshulpverdrag
- rhp = MEASUREMENTS rated horsepower
- RHOS = Reconstituted Hoof & Organ Slime ("pink slime", LFTB- Lean Finely-Textured Beef parts used in ground beef)
- RHOS = (Reconstituted Hoof & Organ Slime ("pink slime", LFTB- Lean Finely-Textured Beef parts used in ground beef))
- RHD; RHD = rabbit calicivirus disease; VHD
- RHD; RHD = right-hand drive; Deze situatie wordt ten dele veroorzaakt door het sterke Britse pond, terwijl zij ook voor een deel kan worden toegeschreven aan het feit dat in het Verenigd Koninkrijk verkochte wagens uitgerust zijn met rechtse besturing
- RHD; RHD = rabbit calicivirus disease; viraal hemorragisch syndroom
- rhd = AUTOMOTIVE right-hand drive
- RHD; RHD = Red Hand Defenders; Red Hand Defenders
- RHD; VHD = rabbit calicivirus disease; viraal hemorragisch syndroom
- RHEED = Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction
- RHET = Resonant Hot-tunneling Electron Transistor
- RHD; VHS = rabbit calicivirus disease; viraal hemorragisch syndroom
- RHD; VHD = rabbit calicivirus disease; VHD
- RHD; VHS = rabbit calicivirus disease; VHD
- RGTS = Robust Global Trading System
- RGD = Rijksgebouwendienst
- RGDC = Revue générale de droit civil belge
- RGD = Rijksgeologische Dienst
- RGCF; R.G.C.F. = Revue générale du contentieux fiscal
- RGD = Rijksgebouwendienst
- RGDC = Revue Générale de Droit Civile Belge
- Rgf = Raad voor de gemeentefinanciën
- RGF; R.G.F. = Revue générale de fiscalité
- RGF = Revue générale de fiscalité
- RGDC; R.G.D.C. = Revue générale de droit civil belge
- RGF = Revue Générale de Fiscalité
- RGB = Red-green-blue (color space describing mixing of light)
- RGB = Red, Green, Blue
- RGB = op rechten gebaseerd beheerssysteem
- RGB = Rechtspraak gelijke behandeling m/v
- RGB = Rijksgebouwendienst
- RGB; RGB = red-green-blue; rood-groen-blauw
- RGC = Rumored Graphic Content
- RGCF = Revue générale du contentieux fiscal
- RGC = (Rumored Graphic Content)
- RGB; RGB = red, green and blue; rood, groen en blauw
- RGBL = Reichsgesetzblatt
- RGI; HWI = Rediscount and Guarantee Institute; Herdiscontering- en Waarborginstituut
- RGS = GEOGRAPHY Royal Geographical Society
- RGS = Reglement Gevaarlijke Stoffen
- RGS = Russian Ground Segment
- RGPS = rundvleesextract-glucose-peptonserum
- RGR = Raad voor Gezondheidsresearch
- RGSGH = Regeling Geldelijke Steun Huurwoningen Normkosten Systeem
- Rgt = MILITARY regiment
- rgt. = regiment
- RGSt = Entscheidungen des Reichsgericht in Strafsachen
- RGSHG = Regeling Geldelijke Steun Huisvesting Gehandicapten
- RGSHG = Regeling Geldelijke Steun Huisvesting Gehandicapten
- RGMS; VRLS = Representatives of the Governments of the Member States; Vertegenwoordigers van de Regeringen van de lidstaten
- RGN = HEALTH SERVICES Registered General Nurse
- RGM = resultaatgericht management
- RGK = Registratiekamer/td>
- RGM = Red-Green-blue Monitor
- RGO = Raad voor Gezondheidsonderzoek
- RGP = Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiën
- RGPS = Relative Global Positioning System
- RGP = rate gyro package
- RGO = Raad voor Gezondheidsonderzoek
- RGP = Raster Graphics Processor
- Rev.dr.fam. = Revue de droit familial
- Rev.dr.fam. = Revue de droit familial
- Rev.dr.étr. = Revue du droit des étrangers
- Rev.dr.commun. = Revue de droit communal
- Rev.dr.étr. = Revue du droit des étrangers
- Rev.Dr.Int. Comp = Revue de Droit International et de Droit Comparée
- = Revue de droit militaire et de droit de la guerre
- Rev.dr.min. = Revue de droit minier
- = Revue de droit militaire et de droit de la guerre
- Rev.dr.intern.comp. = Revue de droit international et de droit comparé (bij voorkeur RDIDC)
- Rev.dr.intern.comp. = Revue de droit international et de droit comparé (bij voorkeur RDIDC)
- Rev.comm. = La revue communale
- Rev.comm. = La revue communale de Belgique: journal de droit administratif
- Rev.comm. = La revue communale
- Rev.banque = Revue de la banque
- Rev.comm. = La revue communale de Belgique: journal de droit administratif
- Rev.cons.prud. = Revue des conseils de prud'hommes
- Rev.dr.b. = Revue de droit belge
- Rev.dr.commun. = Revue de droit communal
- Rev.dr.b. = Revue de droit belge
- Rev.cons.prud. = Revue des conseils de prud’hommes
- droit = Revue de droit international et de Légation comparée
- Rev.dr.min. = Revue de droit minier
- Rev.faill. = Revue des faillites, concordats, liquidations, séquestres
- Rev.faill. = Revue des faillites, concordats, liquidations, séquestres
- Rev.exp. = Revue de l'expert (Abex News)
- Rev.dr.ULg = Revue de la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Liège
- Rev.exp. = Revue de l’expert (Abex News)
- Rev.fisc. = Revue fiscale
- Rev.hist.dr. = Revue d’histoire du droit
- Rev.hist.dr. = Revue d'histoire du droit
- Rev.Gd. = Revue de la Gendarmerie
- Rev.fisc. = Revue fiscale
- Rev.Gd. = Revue de la Gendarmerie
- Rev.dr.pé = Revue de droit pénal militaire et de droit de la guerre
- Rev.dr.rur. = Revue de droit rural
- Rev.dr.pé = Revue de droit pénal militaire et de droit de la guerre
- Rev.dr.pén. = Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie (bij voorkeur RDPC)
- Rev.dr.pén. = Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie (bij voorkeur RDPC)
- Rev.dr.rur. = Revue de droit rural
- Rev.dr.ULB; Rev.dr.U.L.B. = Revue de droit de l'U.L.B.
- Rev.dr.ULg = Revue de la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Liège
- Rev.dr.ULB = Revue de droit de l’ULB
- Rev.dr.santé = Revue de droit de la santé
- Rev.dr.santé = Revue de droit de la santé
- Rev.banque = Revue de la banque
- Rev dr min = Revue de droit mineur
- Rev Fisc = la Revue Fiscale
- Rev dr contemp = Revue internationale de droit contemporain
- Rev Comm = la Revue Communale de Belbique
- Rev dr B = Revue de Droit Belge
- Rev Gd = Revue de la Gendarmerie
- Rev ULB = Revue de l'Université de Bruxelles
- Rev. = CHRISTIANITY Reverend
- Rev TVA = Revue de la T.V.A.
- Rev Gén dr = Revue Générale de Droit
- Rev Pol = la Revue Politique
- Retrieval service = An interactive service which provides the capability of accessing information stored in data base centres. The information will be sent to the user on demand only. The information is retrieved on an individual basis, i.e., the time at which an information sequence is to start is under the control of the user (source ITU-T I.113).
- reu = French Reunion (ISO 3-letter country code)
- RETML = Real Estate Transaction Markup Language
- RETEX; RETEX = Community Initiative for Regions Heavily Dependent on the Textiles and Clothing Sector; communautair initiatief voor de sterk van de textiel- en kledingsector afhankelijke regio's
- RETF = RETurn [from Procedure] (assembly language)
- REU = Raad van de Europese Unie
- Rev B sécsoc = Revue Belge de sécurité sociale
- Rev CEE Law = Review of central and east european law
- Rev acc trav = Revue des accidents du travail et de droit industrel et social
- REV = revision
- REV = rentabiliteit op het eigen vermogen
- Rev. = Revue
- Rev.b.dr.const. = Revue belge de droit constitutionnel (bij voorkeur RBDC)
- Rev.b.dr.const. = Revue belge de droit constitutionnel (bij voorkeur RBDC)
- Rev.b.compt. = Revue belge de la comptabilité
- Rev.adm. = Revue de l’administration et du droit administratif de la Belgique
- Rev.b.compt. = Revue belge de la comptabilité
- Rev.b.dr.intern. = Revue belge de droit international (bij voorkeur RBDI)
- Rev.banc.fin. = Revue bancaire et financière (Forum financier)
- Rev.banc.fin. = Revue bancaire et financière (Forum financier)
- Rev.b.séc.soc. = Revue belge de sécurité sociale (bij voorkeur RBSS)
- Rev.b.dr.intern. = Revue belge de droit international (bij voorkeur RBDI)
- Rev.b.séc.soc. = Revue belge de sécurité sociale (bij voorkeur RBSS)
- Rev. gén. dr. internat. publ. = Revue générale de droit international public
- Rev. trim. de Dr. civ. = Revue trimestrielle de Droit civil
- Rev. de Dr. comp. = Revue de Droit comparé
- rev. = 1. revenue 2. reverse 3. review 4. PUBLISHING revised 5. PUBLISHING revision 6. revolution 7. ARMS revolver 8. revolvingWhen rev is used informally as a noun in this sense (with reference to a single revolution of avehicle's engine), or as a verb meaning ‘to increase a vehicle's engine speed', it is writtenwithout a full stop.
- REV. Crit = Revue Critique de Droit International Prive
- Rev. trim. de Dr. comm. = Revue trimestrielle de Droit commercial
- Rev.acc.trav. = Revue des accidents du travail et de droit industriel
- Rev.adm. = Revue de l'administration et du droit administratif de la Belgique
- Rev.acc.trav. = Revue des accidents du travail et de droit industriel
- Rev. Ver. = BIBLE Revised Version
- Rev.; E.P. = Reverend Father; Eerwaarde Pater
- Rev.IPC = Revue I.P.C.
- RF; RF = radio frequency; radiofrequentie
- RF; RF = RF; radiofrequentie
- RF; ETF = Return Fund; Europees Terugkeerfonds
- rf. = COMMERCE refund
- RF; AF = Redemption Fund; Aflossingsfonds
- RF; RF = response factors; Bepaal aan de hand van de piekoppervlakten en de responsiefactoren
- RF; RF = radio frequency; een andere codering die betrekking heeft op produkten die voldoen aan vorenstaande omschrijving> ID="4">0"> ID="1">ex 8542 20 50> ID="2">*60> ID="3">Radiofrequentie
- RF; RF = radio frequency; radiofrequentie
- RF; Rf = relative migration to the solvent front; relatieve migratie ten opzichte van het vloeistoffront
- RF; RF = radiofrequency fields; Deze projecten, die hoofdzakelijk gericht zijn op de eventuele carcinogene gevolgen van radiofrequenties
- RF; RF = radio frequency; radiofrequentie
- RF = 1. RADIO radio frequency 2. AIR FORCE reconnaissance fighter 3. MILITARY regular forces4. BIOCHEMISTRY a hormone produced by the hypothalamus that causes the pituitarygland to secrete other hormones. Full form releasing factor 5. MAPS the system ofrelating scale to real distance on a map. Full form representative fraction 6. GEOGRAPHY the official name of France. Full form République Française 7. MILITARYReserve Force 8. CHEMISTRY in chromatography, a measure of how quickly a compounddissolved in a solvent travels relative to the solvent itself. Full form retention factor 9. BASEBALL right fielder 10. MILITARY Royal Fusiliers 11. MONEY Rwanda franc
- RF = Resume Flag
- RF = Resonance Frequency
- RF = Radio Frequency
- RF = radio frequency
- RF = Radio Frequency
- Rf = 1. MONEY rufiyaa 2. CHEMICAL ELEMENTS rutherfordium
- RF BTS; RF BTS = RF base transceiver station; RF-basistransceiverstation
- RF = Radio Frequency
- RF = Rentenfonds
- rf = 1. RADIO radio frequency 2. ARMS rapid fire 3. TELECOMMUNICATIONS reception fair 4. PAPER rough finish?GEOGRAPHY reef
- RF; RF = radio frequency; radiofrequentie
- RFC; RFC = Request for Comments; Request for Comments
- RFCA = rack flow control assembly
- RFC = Request For Comments
- RFC = Request For Comments
- RFC = regenerative fuel cell
- RFCH = Radio Frequency CHannel
- RFD = request for deviation
- RFD = (Reduced Function Device (RFD) (RFC 4919))
- RFD = Resonant Frequency Drift
- RFCT = ready for crew training
- RFD = Request for Discussion
- RFA = request for action
- RFB; RVO = Regional Fisheries Body; regionale visserijorganisatie
- RFA = Resident Flash Array, Request for Application(s), Remote File Access, Radio Fixed Access
- RF; RF = RF; radiofrequentie
- RF; RK = reference framework; referentiekader
- RFBS = Risicofondsen Bouwnijverheid en Schildersbedrijf
- RFC = (Request for Comments (RFC))
- RFC = 1. COMPUTING request for comment 2. AIR FORCE Royal Flying Corps 3. RUGBY RugbyFootball Club
- RFC = Request For a Class
- RFC = rotary fluid coupler
- RFC = Request For CommentsRequest For CommentsRadio Frequency Channel
- RF = (radio frequency (RF))
- Rev.trav. = Revue du travail
- Rev.trav. = Revue du travail
- Rev.T.V.A.; Rev.TVA = Revue de la TVA
- Rev.Rw. = Revue van de Rijkswacht
- Rev.Rw. = Revue van de Rijkswacht
- Rev.trim.D.H. = Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme (bij voorkeur RTDH)
- Rev.TVA = Revue de la TVA
- Rev.Ubiquité = Revue Ubiquité
- Rev.trim.dr.fam. = Revue trimestrielle de droit familial (bij voorkeur RTDF)
- Rev.trim.DH = Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme (bij voorkeur RTDH)
- Rev.trim.dr.fam. = Revue trimestrielle de droit familial (bij voorkeur RTDF)
- Rev.prat.dr.comm. = Revue pratique de droit commercial belge
- Rev.prat.dr.comm. = Revue pratique de droit commercial belge
- Rev.not.b. = Revue du notariat belge (bij voorkeur RNB)
- Rev.IPC; Rev.I.P.C. = Revue I.P.C.
- Rev.not.b. = Revue du notariat belge (bij voorkeur RNB)
- Rev.prat.not.b. = Revue pratique du notariat belge
- Rev.rec. = Revue des receveurs
- Rev.rec. = Revue des receveurs
- Rev.prat.soc. = Revue pratique des sociétés civiles et commerciales (bij voorkeur RPS)
- Rev.prat.not.b. = Revue pratique du notariat belge
- Rev.prat.soc. = Revue pratique des sociétés civiles et commerciales (bij voorkeur RPS)
- Rev.Ubiquité = Revue Ubiquité
- REWS; EWSK = retail electronic weighing scales; elektronische weegschalen voor de kleinhandel
- REX = Relocatable Executable
- REWS; EWSK = retail electronic weighing scales; elektronische weegschaal voor de kleinhandel
- REWARD; REWARD = Recycling of Waste R& D; onderdeel van het specifieke programma van de Europese Economische Gemeenschap voor onderzoek en technologische ontwikkeling op het gebied van grondstoffen en recycling (1990-1992)
- REWS; EWKS = Retail Electronic Weighing Scales; elektronische weegschalen voor de kleinhandel
- REX = Gespecialiseerde afdeling Externe betrekkingen
- REXX = REsbructured extended eXecutor (language) [IBM]
- REZ = Raad voor Economische Zaken
- REXX = Restructured EXtended eXecutor
- REXEC = REmote EXECution
- REXEC = Remote Executable
- REVIC = REVIsed Cocomo
- REVIMKO = Representatieve vereniging van de inrichtende machten van het katholiek onderwijs
- Revd = CHRISTIANITY Reverend
- Rev.urb. = Revue juridique et économique de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement
- Rev.urb. = Revue juridique et économique de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement
- = Revue de droit international privé (ook als RDIPR)
- REWARD; REWARD = Subprogramme of the Specific Research and Technological Development Programme in the fields of Raw Materials and Recycling (1990 to 1992); onderdeel van het specifieke programma van de Europese Economische Gemeenschap voor onderzoek en technologische ontwikkeling op het gebied van grondstoffen en recycling (1990-1992)
- = Revue de droit international privé (ook als RDIPR)
- REVN = Real Estate Video Network
- REVS = Requirement Engineering Validation System
- SRES; SRES = signed response; authentificatie met handtekening
- SRF = (Systemic Relationship Failure(s))
- SRES = Signed RESponse (authentication value returned by the SIM or by the USIM in 2G AKA)
- SREJ = Select Reject
- SREM; SREM = Support for the Renovation of Education Management; Steun voor de vernieuwing van het opleidingsbeheer
- SRF = Systemic Relationship Failure(s)
- SRF; GAF = Single Bank Resolution Fund; gemeenschappelijk afwikkelingsfonds
- SRF; SRF = surface roughness factor; oppervlakteruwheidsfactor
- SRF; GAF = Single Bank Resolution Fund; gemeenschappelijk bankenafwikkelingsfonds
- SRF = Statistiek Rijksfinanciën
- SRF; AFS = solids removable by filtration; affiltreerbare vaste stoffen
- SRDS = Self-Reinforcing Downward Spiral (such as in 2008 credit & stock market crisis)
- SRDS = BUSINESS Standard Rate and Data Service
- SRDS = (Self-Reinforcing Downward Spiral (such as in 2008 credit & stock market crisis))
- SRDCS = Simulation Reconfiguration Data Collection Subsystem
- SRDRAM = Self-Refreshed Dynamic Random Access Memory
- SRE = Socially-Responsible Ecoterrorism (huh?)
- SREI = Speculative Real Estate Investing
- SREI = (Speculative Real Estate Investing)
- SRE = (Socially-Responsible Ecoterrorism (huh?))
- SRE = zoekradar
- SRE = toezichteradar
- SRF; SRF = Science Research Foundation; Science Research Foundation
- SRHR; SRHR = Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights; Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- SRI = ([1] Socially-Responsible Investing)
- SRH; SRH = Sexual and Reproductive Health; Sexual and Reproductive Health
- SRGP = Simple Routing Gateway Protocol
- SRH = (Source Routing Header (SRH) (RFC 6554))
- SRI = ([2] Self-Righteous Individualism)
- SRI; SRI = Skid Resistance Index; De slipweerstandsindex
- SRI; SRI = socially responsible investing; 84. Sociaal verantwoordelijke investeringen
- SRI = [1] Socially-Responsible Investing
- SRI = FINANCE socially responsible investor
- SRI = [2] Self-Righteous Individualism
- SRG = (Sexually-Repressed Germaphobe)
- SRG = Surinam Guilder of Suriname (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- SRFF = Set-Reset Flip-Flop
- SRF; SRK = strategic reference framework; strategisch referentiekader
- SRFB; SRFB = Shannon Regional Fisheries Board; Shannon Regional Fisheries Board
- SRG = Sexually-Repressed Germaphobe
- SRGM = Stichting Relatie Gladheidsbestrijding en Milieubeheer
- SRGN = Stichting Registratie Gezelschapsdieren Nederland
- SRGB = Sustained Red-Green-Blue
- SRG = Stichting Recreatie Gehandicapten
- SRG; SRG = Suriname guilder
- SRD; SRD = solvency-ratio Directive; Richtlijn Solvabiliteitsratio
- SRB = Signalling Radio BearerSignalling Radio Bearer carrying control plane data
- SRB = COMMERCE sales returns book
- SRB = Software Review Board
- SRAPI = Speech Recognition Application Programming Interface
- SRATS; SRATS = solar radiation and thermospheric structure satellite; satelliet voor de bestudering van de zonnestraling en de thermosferische structuur
- SRB = Source-Route Bridge
- SRB; SRB = Single regeneration budget; Single Regeneration Budget
- SRBR = Short Range Business Radio
- SRB; GAR = Single Resolution Board; gemeenschappelijke afwikkelingsraad
- SRB = Solid Rocket Booster
- SRB = Standaardreferentiebestek
- Sram; SRAM = static random-access memory; statisch willekeurig toegankelijk lees/schrijfgeheugen
- SRAM; SRAM = Static random access memory; 30236112-0 | Statisch willekeurig toegankelijk geheugen
- SRAM = Shadow Random Access Memory
- SRAM = COMPUTING static random-access memory
- SRAM = Static Random Access Memory
- Sram; SRAM = Sram; statisch willekeurig toegankelijk lees/schrijfgeheugen
- S-RAM; SRAM = Sram; statisch willekeurig toegankelijk lees/schrijfgeheugen
- S-RAM; SRAM = static random-access memory; statisch willekeurig toegankelijk lees/schrijfgeheugen
- SRAM; SRAM = static random-access memory; statisch willekeurig toegankelijk lees/schrijfgeheugen
- SRAM; SRAM = static random-access memory; statisch RAM (random access memory)
- SRAM; SRAM = Sram; statisch willekeurig toegankelijk lees/schrijfgeheugen
- SRC = ([2] Separatist Religious Community)
- SRD = Self-Resolving Defect/Deficiency (see also SHD)
- SRD = Stichting Rechtsbijstand Dienstplichtigen
- SRD = Short Range Device (wireless networking)
- SRC; SRC = Safety Regulation Commission; Safety Regulation Commission
- SRCN = HEALTH SERVICES State Registered Children's Nurse
- SRD = System Requirements Document
- SRD; SRD = short range device; apparatuur voor communicatie over korte afstand
- SRD; SRD = Short Range Devices; Deze zogeheten korteafstandsapparatuur
- SRD/MG = Short Range Device / Maintenance Group (CEPT)
- SRD = (Self-Resolving Defect/Deficiency (see also SHD))
- SRD = Secondary Receive Data
- SRC = [2] Separatist Religious Community
- SRC = Specialisten-Registratiecommissie
- SRC = Specialisten-Registratiecommissie
- SRC = Semiconductor Research Corporation
- SRC = System Resource Controller
- SRC = [1] Supernatural Romantic Comedy
- SRC; SRC = Safety Review Commission; Safety Review Commission
- SRC; SRC = standard road cycle; De gewone wegcyclus
- SRC; SRC = Specialisten Registratie Commissie; Specialisten Registratie Commissie
- SRC = Specimen Research Centrifuge
- SRC = ([1] Supernatural Romantic Comedy)
- SRI; SRI = Socially Responsible Investment; 5.5. Sociaal verantwoordelijke investeringen
- SRP = standard repair procedure
- SRP = (Security Risk Premium)
- SRP = Stichting Reservaten Przewalskipaard
- SROG = Samenwerkende Regionale Organen Gasvoorsziening
- SRON = Stichting Ruimte-Onderzoek Nederland
- SRP = Suggested Retail Price
- SRP = bedrijfseconomisch toezicht
- SRP = Spreading Resistance Probe
- SRP = prudentiële evaluatie
- SRP = Security Risk Premium
- SRP = Safety Review Panel
- SRO = Stichting voor Sociaal-Ruimtelijk Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
- SRO = ([1] Scandal-Related Overhead (ref. to politics & corruption; see also ESM & ESC))
- SRO = [2] Sacred Religious Object
- SRO = [1] Scandal-Related Overhead (ref. to politics & corruption; see also ESM & ESC)
- SRO = 1. BUSINESS self-regulatory organization 2. TRAVEL single room occupancy 3. standingroom only 4. Statutory Rules and Orders
- SRO = Sharable and Read Only
- SROB = Stichting Regionale Omroep Brabant
- SROC = School Reserve Officieren Cavalerie
- SRO = ([2] Sacred Religious Object)
- SRO = Stichting Reklame Onderwijs
- SRO = Self-Regulatory Organization
- SRP = (Secure Routing Protocol (SRP))
- SRS = ([1] Socially Responsible Solution)
- SRS = software requirements specification
- SRRP; SRRP = Support for Regulatory Reform and Privatisation; Support for Regulatory Reform and Privatisation
- SRR = Software Requirements Review
- SRR; SRR = short range radio; short range radio
- SRS = ([2] Stupid Random Stuff <slang>)
- SRS = Space Research Service
- SRS = Servische Radicale Partij
- SRS = [1] Socially Responsible Solution
- SRS = Sound Retrieval System
- SRS = Sybase Replication Server
- SRP; SRP = seat reference point; [**] Voor tests ter uitbreiding van testrapporten waarin aanvankelijk het stoelreferentiepunt (SRP) werd gebruikt, moeten de vereiste metingen worden verricht ten opzichte van het SRP i.p.v. het SIP en moet het gebruik van het SRP duidelijk worden aangegeven
- SRP; SRP = Sam Rainsy Party; Sam Rainsy-partij
- SRP; SdRP = Social Democracy of the Polish Republic; Sociaal-democratie van de Republiek Polen
- SRP = (Secure Remote Password (SRP) (RFC 5054))
- SRP; SdRP = Social Democracy of the Polish Republic; Sociaal-Demokratie van de Poolse Republiek
- SRPI = Server-Requester Programming Interface
- SRR = Serially Reusable Resource
- SRR = (status report request (SRR))
- SRR = System Requirements Review
- SRPT = Shortest Remaining Processing Time
- SRQ = Service Request
- SRO = speciale regel van openbaarmaking
- SRL; SRL = stability return loss; terugkeerverlies van stabiliteit
- SRLG = (Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG))
- SRL = ([2] Shockingly Rapacious Lifestyle (compare with SDL))
- SRL = [2] Shockingly Rapacious Lifestyle (compare with SDL)
- SRL = ([1] Socially-Responsible Littering (huh? see also ERL))
- SRLK = met stalen band omwikkelde rubberloodkabel
- SRM = Security Reference Monitor
- SRM = ([2] Staff(ing) Reduction Measure(s) (contrast with SAM))
- SRM = [2] Staff(ing) Reduction Measure(s) (contrast with SAM)
- SRM = Stichting Reclame-en Marketingonderwijs
- SRM = Safety, Reliability, and Maintainability
- SRK = SACCS Replacement Keyboard
- SRK = Sanders, Retzlaff, Kraff formula (used in ophthalmology)
- SRIP; SRIP = Support for reforming institutions programme; Steun voor het programma voor institutionele hervorming
- SRIEL = Swiss review of international and european law
- SRI-NIC = Stanford Research Institute's Network Information Center
- SRK = Steady Receive Key
- SRL = [1] Socially-Responsible Littering (huh? see also ERL)
- Srl = COMMERCE società a responsabilità limitata (NOTE: From the Italian, ‘limited company'.)
- SRK = Spoiled Rich Kid
- SRK = (Spoiled Rich Kid)
- SRK = Stichting Redt de Kinderen
- SRM = Solid Rocket Motor
- SRN; SRN = Stichting Reclassering Nederland; Stichting Reclassering Nederland
- SRN = Stichting Reclassering Nederland
- SRMS = Shuttle Remote Manipulator System
- SRN = HEALTH SERVICES State Registered Nurse
- SRNC = Serving Radio Network Controller
- SRNSW = State Reports New South Wales
- S-RNTI = SRNC Radio Network Temporary Identity
- SRNS Relocation = The change of Iu instance and transfer of the SRNS role to another RNS.
- SRNC Radio Network Temporary Identifier (S-RNTI) = S-RNTI is UE identifier which is allocated by the Serving RNC and unique within this SRNC. It is allocated for all UEs having a RRC connection. S-RNTI is reallocated always when the Serving RNC for the RRC connection is changed and deallocated when the RRC connection is released.
- SRNS = Serving RNS
- SRM&QA = Safety, Reliability, Maintainability and Quality Assurance
- SRM; GAM = Single Resolution Mechanism; gemeenschappelijk afwikkelingsmechanisme
- SRM = [1] Self-Repair Mechanism
- SRM = ([1] Self-Repair Mechanism)
- SRM = Students Relations Management
- SRM; GRM = specified risk materials; gespecificeerd risicomateriaal
- SRML = Simple Rule Markup Language
- SRMon = Super RMonitor/RMonitoring
- SRMCR; SRMCR = safety-related measurement, control and regulation; met de veiligheid samenhangende meet-, controle- en regelvoorzieningen
- SRM; GRM = specified risk material; gespecificeerd risicomateriaal
- SRMCR; SRMCR = safety related measurement control and regulation; begrenzingsvoorzieningen die corrigerende organen in werking stellen of zorgen voor vergrendeling of voor vergrendeling en blokkering, zoals schakelaars die door druk, temperatuur of het niveau van de stof in werking treden en "met de veiligheid samenhangende meet-, controle- en regelvoorzieningen
- SPSS = Statistical Package for Social Sciences
- SPSS; SPSS = statistical package for the social sciences
- SPSP; SPSP = sector policy support programme; Sectorale begrotingssteun (in formuleringsfase, nog niet goedgekeurd) | Voorstel voor een programma ter ondersteuning van het beleid inzake de onderwijssector in het kader van het 10e EOF
- SPS; SPS = Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary; De EU zal ontwikkelingslanden actief bijstaan om hen te helpen te voldoen aan de sanitaire en fytosanitaire (SPS) normen, zodat zij hun export van landbouw- en visserijproducten kunnen uitbreiden
- SPS; SPS = Surinamese Socialist Party; Socialistische Partij Suriname
- SPST = Single Pole, Single Throw
- SPT = Shortest Processing Time
- spt = GEOGRAPHY seaport
- SPT = Sectors Per Track
- SPT = solar panel technology
- SPT = (shortest path tree (SPT))
- SPS C-RNTI = Semi-Persistent Scheduling C-RNTI
- SPS; BPS = Special Preferential Sugar; bijzondere preferentiële suiker
- SPS = Spectrum Planning Subcommittee (USA)
- SPS = Standby Power Supply
- SPS = Software Product Specification
- SPS; BTR = Single Payment Scheme; Bedrijfstoeslagregeling
- SPS; SPS = Servische Socialistische Partij
- SPS; SPS = Super Proton Synchrotron; Superproton-Synchrotron
- SPS; SFM = Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures; sanitaire en fytosanitaire maatregelen
- SPS; BTR = single payment scheme; bedrijfstoeslagregeling
- SPS; BTR = single farm payment scheme; bedrijfstoeslagregeling
- SPT; NBP = seamless pipes and tubes; naadloze buizen en pijpen
- SPV = Sociaal Psychiatrische Verpleegkundigen
- SPV = Samenwerkende Patroons-Verenigingen in de Bouwbedrijven te Amsterdam
- SPV = Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy
- SPUFI = SQL Processor Using File Input (IBM)
- SpuRt = Sport und Recht
- SPV = Share Price Volatility (stock market share price volatility)
- SPV; SPV = special purpose entity; special purpose vehicle
- SPV; SPV = Sociedade Ponto Verde; Sociedade Ponto Verde
- SPV; SPE = special purpose entity; special purpose vehicle
- SPV = (Share Price Volatility (stock market share price volatility))
- SPV; SPE = special purpose entity; special purpose entity
- SPTB = secondary power test bed
- SPTO; SPTO = South Pacific Tourism Organisation; South Pacific Tourism Organisation
- SPTA; SPTA = Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture; Ze zijn ook acceptabel, maar er is overlap tussen de verschillende programma’s voor begrotingssteun, omdat ze allemaal gericht zijn op één programma in het strategisch plan voor de transformatie van de landbouw
- SPT; SPT = tuna purse seiner; vaartuig voor de tonijnvisserij met de zegen
- SPT; SPT = tuna seiner; vaartuig voor de tonijnvisserij met de zegen
- SPU = System Processing Unit
- SPUCDL = Serial Peripheral Unit Controller / Data Link
- SPUD = Storage Pedestal Upgrade Disk/Drive
- SPUC = Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child
- SPU; SPU = Socialist Party of Ukraine; Socialistische Partij van Oekraïne
- Spualibus = Spiritualibus ('In spiritual matters')
- SPS = (Serrated Poisonous Spine/Spike (e.g. what killed Steve Irwin))
- SPREP; Sprep = South Pacific Regional Environment Programme; regionaal milieuprogramma voor het zuiden van de Stille Oceaan
- SPREP; SPREP = South Pacific Regional Environment Programme; South Pacific Regional Environment Programme
- SPREAD = Systems Programming, Research, Engineering And Development
- SPR = (Surface-Penetrating Radar (see also GPR-1))
- SPR; SPR = Strategic Petroleum Reserve; Strategic Petroleum Reserve
- SPREP; Sprep = South Pacific Regional Environment Programme; regionaal milieuprogramma voor de Stille Oceaan
- SPRFMO; SPRFMO = SPRFMO; Regionale Organisatie voor het visserijbeheer in het zuidelijke deel van de Stille Oceaan
- SPRFMO; SPRFMO = South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation; Regionale Organisatie voor het visserijbeheer in het zuidelijke deel van de Stille Oceaan
- SPRFMO; SPFO = SPRFMO; Regionale Organisatie voor het visserijbeheer in het zuidelijke deel van de Stille Oceaan
- SPRFMO; SPFO = South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation; Regionale Organisatie voor het visserijbeheer in het zuidelijke deel van de Stille Oceaan
- SPR = Surface-Penetrating Radar (see also GPR-1)
- SPR = Statistical Pattern Recognition
- SPR = Semiconductor Process Representation
- SPR = Software Problem Report
- SPR = Symmetrical Phase Recording
- SPR = Strategic Planning Review
- SPR = Studievereniging voor Psychical Research
- SPR = Special Purpose Register
- SPR = Software Problem Report
- SPR = Sandia Pulse Reactor
- Spr = MILITARY Sapper
- SPRING; Spring = Support for partnership, reform and inclusive growth; Spring-programma
- SPS = sanitaire en fytosanitaire maatregelen
- SPS = PHYSICS standard pressure setting
- SPS = Scalable Parallel Server
- SPS = Surface Preparation System
- SPS = Semi-Persistent Scheduling
- SPS = Shock Protection System
- SPS = Stichting Plurale Samenlevingen
- SPS = Stand-by Power Supply
- SPS = SharePoint Portal Server (Miaosoft)
- SPS = Secure Packet Shield
- SPS =
- SPRK; SPRK = Sabiedrisko pakalpojumu regulēšanas komisija; Sabiedrisko pakalpojumu regulēšanas komisija
- SPRL; SPRL = siliconized polyester release liner; Dat onderzoek had alleen betrekking op de productomschrijving.De indiener van het verzoek voerde aan dat een bijzondere productsoort, namelijk gesiliconiseerde beschermstroken van polyester
- SPRINT; SPRINT = Strategic Programme for Innovation and Technology Transfer; strategisch programma voor innovatie en overdracht van technologie
- SPRING; Spring = Support for partnership, reform and inclusive growth; steun voor partnerschap, hervormingen en inclusieve groei
- SPRINT = Switched PRIvate Network Telecommunications
- SPROM = Switched Programmable Read Only Memory
- SPS = Serrated Poisonous Spine/Spike (e.g. what killed Steve Irwin)
- SPS = Service Proarammina Svstem
- SPRS = Single Pass Reflow Soldering, Service Provider Registry System, Supervised Postgraduate Research Studies, Standardized Payroll/Personnel Reporting System, Space Planning Requirements System, Senior Principal Research Scientist, School Principal's Recommendation Scheme, Spares Priority Release Sequence
- SPR-RSC = Bond voor de Republiek - Republikeinse Partij van Tsjecho-Slowakije
- SPRs = Software Problem Reports, SPecialist Registrars, Standard Paper Remittances
- SPV; SPV = special purpose vehicle; Special Purpose Vehicle
- Sr = 1. CHEMICAL ELEMENTS strontium 2. the Portuguese equivalent of Mr. Full form Senhor3. senior 4. the Spanish equivalent of Mr. Full form Señor 5. the Italian equivalent of Mr.Full form Signor 6. Sir 7. Sister
- SR = Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Sociaal Recht
- SR = Scheduling Request
- SR = Shift Register
- SR = safety and reliability
- sr = Senior
- SR = Sociaal Recht
- SR = Zweedse Radio- en TV-omroeporganisatie
- SR = Nederlands tijdschrift voor sociaalrecht
- SR = System Requirement
- sr = steradiaal
- SR = (sender report (SR))
- SR = Standaardvoorwaarden Rechtsverhoudingen Opdrachtgever-Architect
- SQX = Schema for Object-oriented XML
- SQUID = Standard Quick Release Universal Interface Device
- SQUID = Super-conducting Quantum Interference Device
- SR = Speech Recognition
- SR = service request
- Sr = Wetboek van Strafrecht
- sr = 1. MEASUREMENTS, MATHEMATICS steradian 2. ONLINE Suriname (NOTE: The abbreviation sris seen at the end of Internet addresses, preceded by a dot.)
- SR = status report
- Sr = Wetboek van Strafrecht
- SR = Status Review
- SRA = Stichting Rechtsbijstand Asiel
- SRA = Stichting Rechtsbijstand Asiel
- Sra = 1. the Portuguese equivalent of Mrs. Full form Senhora 2. the Spanish equivalent ofMrs. Full form Señora
- SRA = Syndicale raad van advies
- SRA = Stichting voor Rechtsbijstand Asiel
- SRA; SRA = shop replaceable assembly; shop replaceable assembly
- SRAM = Static Random Access Memory
- SRAM = Static Random Access Memory
- SRAEN; SRAEN = reference system for the determination of articulation reference equivalents; referentiesysteem voor de determinatie van articulatiereferentie-equivalenten
- SRA; SRA = Strategic Research Agenda; Na overleg met een breed spectrum van stakeholders heeft de ETP inzake innovatieve geneesmiddelen een strategische onderzoeksagenda
- SRAC = Supplier Relations Action Countil
- SR = Space Research
- Sr of Sr. = Wetboek van Strafrecht
- sr = Suriname (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SR = schakelruimte
- SR = Stichting Recreatie
- SR& D; WO& O = scientific research and development; wetenschappelijk onderzoek en ontwikkeling
- sr; sr = steradian; steradiaal
- SRA = RAIL Strategic Rail Authority
- sr; sr = Serbian; Serviër
- SR&QA = Safety, Reliability, and Quality Assurance
- Sr. = Sister
- sq; sq = Albanian; Albanees
- SQA = Software Quality Assurance
- sq. = 1. sequence 2. sequens 3. MILITARY squadron 4. MEASUREMENTS square
- SPZ = Nederlandse Vereniging voor Sociaal Pedagogische Zorg
- Sq. = 1. MILITARY Squadron 2. ROADS Square (NOTE: The abbreviation used inaddresses.)
- SQA = COMPUTING software quality assurance
- SQE = Signal Quality Error (test)
- SQE-test = signal quality error test
- SQC = Statistical Quality Control
- SQA = Software Quality Assurance
- SQAP = Software Quality Assurance Plan
- s-PVC; s-PVC = suspension-PVC; suspensie-PVC
- SPW = cachelot
- SPVC = (Switched Permanent Virtual Circuit (SPVC))
- SPV; SPV = special purpose entity; special purpose entity
- SPVA; SPVA = Single Premium Variable Annuities; Single Premium Variable Annuities
- SPW = potvis
- SPX = COMPUTING simplex
- SPZ = hamerhaai
- SPX = Sequential Packet exchange (Novell)
- SPW = Spoorwegpensioenwet
- SPX = Sequenced Packet Exchange
- SQI = Strategic Quality Initiative
- SQLS = Structured Query Language Server
- SQLX = Structured Query Language embedded in XML
- SQLL = Structured Query Language Link
- SQLDMO = Structured Query Language - Distributed Management Objects (Miaosoft)
- SQL-DMO = Structured Query Language - Distributed Management Objects (Miaosoft)
- SQN = Sequence number
- SQR = Structured Query Report (writer)
- SQRT = Square Root
- SQPMM = Software Quality and Process Maturity Model
- Sqn = MILITARY Squadron
- SQOS = Secure Quality Of Service
- SQL = Structured Query Language (also pronounced 'sequel')
- SQL = langvinpijlinktvis
- SQL = structural query language
- SQI = (Strategic Quality Initiative)
- SQL = Structured Query Language
- SQL = COMPUTING a standardized language that approximates the structure ofnatural English for obtaining information from databases. Full form structured querylanguage
- SQL; SQL = Structured Query Language
- SQLCA = Structured Query Language Communication Area
- SQL = (Structured Query Language)
- SQL/DS = Structured Query Language / Data System (IBM)
- SSI = Small Scale Integration
- SSI; SSI = small scale integration; integratie op kleine schaal
- SSI = Subject Says It pn e-mail and newsgroup message titles] (Internet lingo)
- SSI = Staggering Scientific Information
- SSI = Single System Image
- SSI; SSI = supplementary system information word; woord voor aanvullende systeeminformatie
- SSIA = Subject Says It All (Internet lingo)
- SSICB = Space Station Integration Control Board
- SSI; SSI = SSI; woord voor aanvullende systeeminformatie
- SSI; SSI = SSI; woord voor aanvullende systeeminformatie
- SSI; SSI = supplementary system information word; woord voor aanvullende systeeminformatie
- SSHC = Space Station hand controller
- SSHPF = Space Station Hazardous Processing Facility
- SSHA = space system hazard analysis
- SSH = (Secure SHell (SSH) Protocol)
- SSHA = SOCIAL WELFARE Scottish Special Housing Association
- SSI = Stichting Studiecentrum Informatica
- SSI = Stichting Tabakverwerkende Industrie
- SSI = Server Side Indude
- SSI = (Staggering Scientific Information)
- SSI = Static Skeleton Interface (CORBA server-side API)
- SSI = 1. ELECTRONICS small-scale integration 2. BUSINESS instructions from one bank to otherbanks as to the procedure to be followed when making payments to it. Full formstanding settlement instructions
- SSID = (Service Set Identifier (SSID))
- SSL = system specification language
- SSL = Software Solution Lab
- SSL = Secure Sockets Layer
- SSKO = Stichting Secretariaat Keramische Organisaties
- SSL = Synthesizer Speafication Language
- SSL = COMPUTING a protocol designed by Netscape that provides secure communicationsover the Internet. Full form secure sockets layer
- SSL; SSL = secure socket layer; secure socket layer
- SSL; SSL = Steelmaking Supplies Ltd; Steelmaking Supplies Ltd
- SSL; SSL = solid-state lighting; solid-state-verlichting
- SSL = Secure Sockets Layer (Netscape)
- SSL/TLS = (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS))
- SSIE = (State Sponsored Industrial Espionage (e.g. China))
- SSIE = State Sponsored Industrial Espionage (e.g. China)
- SSID; SSID = Specialised Service for Documentary Data Processing; Gespecialiseerde dienst voor documentaire informatica
- SSID = Subsystem IDentifier
- SSID = Service Set IDentification (IEEE 802.11)
- SSIF = Space Station Integration Facility
- SSIS = Space Station Information System
- SSK = (Secret Signing Key (SSK) (RFC 6507))
- SSIR = Space Station Integration Review
- S-SIM = S-Band Simulator
- SSIPC = Space Station Integrated Promotion Center (NASDA)
- SSH = S-Band Shuttle
- S-S-E; Z.Z.O. = south-south-east; zuid-zuidoost
- SSE2 = Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (Intel P4)
- SSE = software support environment
- SSE = Sum Squared Error
- SSE = south-southeast
- SSEC = Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator
- SSETS = Space Station Element Transportation System
- SSF = Service Switching Function
- SSEMU = Space Station Extravehicular Mobility Unit
- SSEIC = Space Station Engineering Integration Contractor
- SSEM = Stepper Specific Equipment Model
- SSE = (State Signaling Event (SSE))
- SSE = Solar System Exploration
- SSE = Streaming SIMD Extensions (Intel)
- SSDU = Session Service Data Unit
- SSE = Space Station element
- SSE = Software Support Engineer
- SSE = sun sensor electronics
- SSE = space support equipment
- SSE = (Server Session End (SSE) or)
- SSE = Service Specific Entities
- SSE = Sun Sensor Electronics
- SSF = (Spacecraft Subsystem Failure)
- SSG = US MILITARY Staff Sergeant
- SSG; SSG = special safeguard; Special Safeguard
- SSG = Sprengstoffgesetz
- SS-FSSI = (Sender-Side FEC-Scheme-Specific Information (SS-FSSI) (RFC 6363))
- SSG = Servicing Scenario Generator
- SSGA = System Support Gate Array
- SSH = Stichting Studenten Huisvesting
- SSH = Secure Shell (protocol)
- SSGZ = Stichting Studentengezondheidszorg
- SSGI; SDAB = social services of general interest; sociale diensten van algemeen belang
- SSgt = MILITARY Staff SergeantSSHA 156
- SSF; SSF = solid-state fermentation; vaste-stoffermentatie
- SSF; SSF = Static Stability Factor; In dat geval is het volgende van toepassing voor voertuigen met een statische-stabiliteitsfactor
- SSF; RB = stainless steel fastener; roestvrij stalen bevestigingsmiddel
- SSF = S-Band Shuttle forward
- SSF = Spacecraft Subsystem Failure
- SSFC; SSFC = sequential single frequency code system; sequentiële selectieve-oproepsysteem met een enkele frequentie
- SSFF = Space Station Furnace Facility
- SSFFMP; SSFFMP = South Sumatra forest fire management project; South Sumatra forest fire management project
- SSFF = Showcase Software Factory of the Future
- SSFD = Solid State Floppy Disk
- SSFDC = Solid-State Floppy Disk Card
- SSL; SSL = STEELMAKING SUPPLIES LIMITED; Steelmaking Supplies Limited
- SSP = Space Shuttle Program
- SSP = (SIP Service Provider (SSP) (RFC 5486))
- SSP = System Service Processor (Sun Microsystems)
- SSP = Socialistische Studentenbond Politicologie
- SSP = Software Service Provider
- ssp. = BIOLOGY subspecies
- SSPAO = Space Station Safety Product Assurance Office
- SSPE; SSPE = securitisation special purpose entity; entiteit voor securitisatiedoeleinden
- SSPA = Solid State Power Amplifier
- SSP; SSP = Single Shared Platform; Single Shared Platform
- SSP; SVP = ship security plan; scheepsveiligheidsplan
- SSOD; SSOD = Special Session of the General Assembly on Disarmament; bijzondere zitting van de Algemene Vergadering over ontwapening
- SSODB = Space Station Operations Data Book
- SSOC = Space Station Operations Center
- SSO = Sophisticated Surveillance Operation
- SSO; SBF = ship security officer; scheepsveiligheidsbeambte
- SSOL = Space Station Operation Language
- SSP = Security Support Provider (Microsoft Windows NT/2000)
- SSP = Space Station Program
- SSP = HUMAN RESOURCES statutory sick pay
- SSOP = Shrink Small Outline Package
- SSP = (scheme-specifc part (SSP) or)
- SSPE; SSPE = securitisation special-purpose entity; d) de overdragende entiteit is een special-purpose entity voor securitisatiedoeleinden
- SSQA = Standardized Supplier Quality Assessment
- SSQD = Single-Sided Quad-Density
- SSQ = Space Station Quality
- SSpSAP = Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters (aka "Pink Sisters")
- SS-PW = (Single-Segment Pseudowire (SS-PW) (RFC 5254))
- SSR = Stichting Studiecentrum Rechtspleging
- SSR = Software Specification Review
- SSR = Secondary Surveillance Radar
- SSR = Solid State Relay
- SSR = Surface Search Radar
- SSR = Static Shift Register
- SSPI = Security Service Provider Interface (Microsoft)
- SSPI = (Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI))
- SSPF = Space Station Processing Facility
- SSPE; SSPE = securitisation special purpose entity; special purpose entity voor securitisatiedoeleinden
- SSPF = Space Station Processing Fadlity
- SSPIF = Software Support Production Integration Facility
- SSPO = Space Station Program Office
- SSPP = Space Station program participant
- SSPM = Schedule Statusing and Performance Measurement
- SSPM = Software Standards and Procedures Manual
- SSPM = Space Station Pricing Model
- SSO = System Security Officer
- SSM; SSM = Single Supervisory Mechanism; Tegelijk moet de weg naar een bankenunie beginnen bij de goedkeuring en tenuitvoerlegging van de voorstellen over financiële regulering en financieel toezicht, met name het voorstel voor een gemeenschappelijk toezichtsmechanisme
- SSMA; SSMA = spread spectrum multiple access; meervoudige toegang door gespreid spectrum
- SSM; GTM = single supervisory mechanism; gemeenschappelijk toezichtsmechanisme
- SSM = (Single Source Multicast (SSM) (RFC 5740))
- SSM = (source-specific multicast (SSM) or)
- SSMB = Space Station Manned Base
- SSMI = Special Sensor Microwave Imager
- SS-MRP = Semi Static - Minimum Redundancy Prefix (coding scheme)
- SSMES = Systems Support Module Equipment Section
- SSMDM = Space Station Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
- SSME = Space Shuttle Main Engine
- SSM = ARMS surface-to-surface missile
- SSM = (Standard Subject Matter)
- SSLUG = SkSne Sjaelland Linux Users Group
- SSL; SSL = Solid State Lighting; solid state lighting
- SSLK = Stichting Samenwerkende Landelijke Kruisverenigingen
- SSM = Standard Subject Matter
- SSM = Spacecraft Systems Monitor
- SSM = Support System Module
- SSM = Subsystem/Systems Support Module
- SSM = Strategic Sourang Methodology
- SSM = Subsystem Manager
- SSMTF = Space Station Man-Systems Training Facility
- SSN = Soaal Security Number (US)
- SSN = [2] Strong Social Network (contrast with WSN; see also DSN)
- SSN = (Server Sequence Number (SSN) or)
- SSN = ([1] Seamless Social Network (see also SESN))
- SSN = Sub-System Number
- SSN = ([2] Strong Social Network (contrast with WSN; see also DSN))
- SSO = (Sophisticated Surveillance Operation)
- SSO = Simultaneous Switching Outputs
- SSO = (Single Sign-On (SSO) (RFC 6595))
- SSN = Software Sciences Nederland
- SSO = Source Selection Official
- SSMVR = Space Station Master Verification Requirements
- ssn = Six Sigma Technical Institute (Motorola)
- SSMVPR = Space Station Master Verification Process Requirements
- SSMTF = Space Station Mockup and Test/Training Facility
- SSMVP = Space Station Master Verification Plan
- SSN = (subsystem number (SSN) or)
- SSN = US SOCIAL WELFARE Social Security Number
- SSN = [1] Seamless Social Network (see also SESN)
- SSN = (Stream Sequence Number (SSN) or)
- SSN = Stichting Staalcentrum Nederland
- SSN = (Station Serial Number (SSN))
- SS2K = SQL Server 2000
- SS7 = SQL Server 7.0
- SS; SS = SS; systeemsimulator
- SS; SS = SS; systeemsimulator
- SS; SS = Swedish Standard; (6) De gevraagde verlaging van de energieheffing is bedoeld voor alkylaatbenzine voor tweetaktmotoren (Motorbränslen - Specialbensin för motordrivna arbetsredskap, Tvåtaktsbränsle) die voldoet aan de criteria van de Zweedse Norm (SS) 15 54 61
- SS7 = Signaling System 7
- SS7; SS7 = Signalling System No 7; signaleringssysteem nr. 7
- SSA = S-Band Single Access
- SS7 = Signaling System 7
- SS7 = Signalling System No. 7
- SS7 = (Signaling System 7 (SS7) (RFC 6076))
- SS = System Specification
- SS. = Scriptores ('Writers')
- ss = Stack Segment
- SS = space segment
- SS = sun sensor
- SS. = Sanctorum (Of the Saints)
- SS; SS = system simulator; systeemsimulator
- SS; SS = system simulator; systeemsimulator
- SS; HH. = Saints; Heilige
- ss. = de helft van het opgegevene
- SS.D.N. = Sanctissimus Dominus Noster ('Our Most Holy Lord [Jesus Christ]', also a title of the Pope)
- SSA = Sub-Sahara Afrika
- SSAC; SSAC = State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Material; nationaal boekhoud- en controlesysteem voor kernmateriaal
- SSAC; SSAC = State system of accounting for and control of nuclear material; nationaal boekhoud- en controlesysteem voor kernmateriaal
- SSA; SSA = Sub Saharan African; De vrachtkosten, met name in het zeevervoer, zijn in de landen van Subsahara-Afrika
- SSA; SSA = Soroush Saramin Asatir; Soroush Saramin Asatir
- SSA; SSA = Space Situational Awareness; Space Situational Awareness
- SSAD = Structured Systems Analysis and Design
- SSAF = S-Band, Single Access Forward
- SSAIAF = Space Station Automated Integration and Assembly Facility
- SSADM = MANAGEMENT structured systems analysis and design method
- SSAD = Structured Systems Analysis & Design
- SSADM = Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method
- SSA = Segment Search Argument
- SSA = Space Suit Assembly
- SSA = Serial Storage Architecture
- SSA = Serial System/Storage Architecture
- SSA = Standard Spending Assessment
- SSA = Space Structure Assembly
- SSA; SSA = space situational awareness; omgevingsbewustzijn in de ruimte
- SSA; SSA = space situation awareness; omgevingsbewustzijn in de ruimte
- SSA; SBR = Specific supply arrangements; Specifieke bevoorradingsregeling
- SSA. = Subscripta ('Subscribed')
- SSA; BVS = ship security assessment; beoordeling van de veiligheid van een schip
- SS = Salmonella-Shigella-agar
- SRT = System Recovery Table
- srT = Tolar of Slovenia (ISO 3 -letter currency code)
- SRT = Station Redesign Team
- SRSJ = Servische Hervormingsalliantie
- SRT = COMPUTING source transparent routing
- SRT = Source Route / Transparent (bridging)
- SRTEPC; SRTEPC = Synthetic and Rayon Textile Export Promotion Council; Synthetic and Rayon Textile Export Promotion Council
- SRTF = Shortest Request Time First
- SRTCP = (Secure Realtime Transport Control Protocol (SRTCP))
- SRT; SRT = source routing transparent; source routing transparent
- Srta = 1. the Portuguese equivalent of Miss. Full form Senhorita 2. the Spanish equivalentof Miss. Full form Señorita
- SRS = Software Requirements Specification
- SRS = Saeen Reader System
- SRS = Stichting Radio Suriname
- SRS = Sounding Reference SymbolSounding Reference Signal
- SRS = Speech Recognition System
- SRS = supplemental reboost system
- SRS; SRS = System Requirement Specification; Het technisch document ERTMS/ETCS Specificatie van systeemvereisten
- SRSG; SRSG = Special Representative of the Secretary General; 120 | Algemene context In juni 2005 richtte de speciale vertegenwoordiger van de secretaris-generaal
- SRS; EAS = simple random sampling; enkelvoudige aselecte steekproeftrekking
- SRS = [2] Stupid Random Stuff <slang>
- SRS; EAS = simple random sampling; enkelvoudige aselecte steekproef
- SRTN = Shortest Remaining Time Next
- SS = Single-Sided
- SS = Station Staatsspoor
- SS = Space Station/Shuttle
- SRW = Standaard referentiebestek voor d woningbouw
- SRY = Sorry (Internet lingo)
- SS = Seconds
- SS = Satellite Switched
- SS = Switching Substation
- SS = 1. Saints 2. SOCIAL WELFARE Social Security 3. BOAT steamship 4. CHRISTIANITY Sundayschool 5. LAW sworn statement
- ss = PUBLISHING sections
- SS = Supplementary ServiceSystem Simulator
- SRTT; SRTT = standard reference test tyre; 6.2. Voor de natte-gripprestatie geldt een procedure waarbij hetzij de piekremkrachtcoëfficiënt (pbfc), hetzij de gemiddelde volle vertraging (mfdd) wordt vergeleken met de waarden van een standaard referentietestband
- SRU = Shared Resource Unit
- SRTT = Smoothed Round Trip Time
- SRTP = (Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) (RFC 3711))
- SRTP = (Secure Realtime Transport Protocol (SRTP) or)
- SRU = shop replaceable unit
- SRV = (Senseless Random Violence (see also URV))
- SRVU = Studentenraad Vrije Universiteit
- SRV = Cooperatieve Vereniging voor de Nederlandse Melkhandel u.a.
- SRV = (Service Record (SRV))
- SRV = Senseless Random Violence (see also URV)
- SSAIT = Space Station Analysis and Integration Team
- SSCF = Service Specific Co-ordination Function
- SSCF-NNI = Service Specific Coordination Function – Network Node Interface
- SSCE = Space Station core equipment
- SSCC; SSCC = Serial Shipping Container Code; Serial Shipping Container Code
- SSCE = Site Server, Commerce Edition
- SSCL = Serial SCSI Command Language
- SSCOP = Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol
- SSCP = small self-contained payload
- SSCOP = Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol
- SSCM = Space Station Change Memo
- SSCN = Space Station Change Notice
- SSC; WS = Scientific Steering Committee; Wetenschappelijke Stuurgroep
- SSC; WS = Scientific Steering Commitee; wetenschappelijke stuurgroep
- SSC; SSC = send sequence counter; De zendsequentieteller
- SSC; SSC = Synergy Semiconductor Corporation; Synergy Semiconductor Corporation
- SSC; SSC = Solvency Sub-Committee; De beoordeling van de berekening van de technische voorzieningen van IBPV’s werd begonnen door het OPC en vervolgens meer in detail voortgezet door het Subcomité solvabiliteit
- SSC; WS = Scientific Steering Committee; Wetenschappelijke Stuurgroep
- SSCBD = Space Station Control Board Directive
- SSCC = Space Station Control Center
- SSCB = Space Station Control Board
- SSC; WS = Scientific Steering Committee; wetenschappelijke stuurgroep
- SSCA; SSCA = State Secretariat of Civil Aviation; Het technisch en vluchtuitvoeringspersoneel van het staatssecretariaat voor de burgerluchtvaart
- SSCP = System Service Control Point
- SSD. = Sun-Synchronous Day/Night
- SSDD = Same S***, Different Day (Internet lingo)
- SSD = SMPTE Slave Driver (digital synchronization device)
- SSD = Solid State Disk
- SSD = COMPUTING single-sided disk
- SSDD = Single-Sided Double-Density
- SSDS/AA = Space Station Data System/Analysis Architecture
- SSDT = Site Selection Diversity Transmission
- SSDS = Space Station Data System
- SSDM = Stichting Stottertherapie Doetinchemse Methode
- SSDMS = Space Station Data Management System
- SSCS; SSCS = service-specific convergence sublayer; service-specific convergence sublayer
- SSCTS = Space Station Communications and Tracking System
- SSCS = Service Specific Convergence Sublayer
- SSCR = Space Station change request
- SSCS = Space to Space Communications System
- SSCW = Stichting voor Sociaal-Culturele Wetenschappen
- SSD = Secret Strategy Document
- SSD = Sun Synchronous Day/night
- SSD = Solid State Disk
- SSD = (Secret Strategy Document)
- SSD = Space Station Division
- SSC; SSC = social security contributions; In termen van arbeid heeft het merendeel van de lidstaten hervormingen ter verlaging van inkomstenbelastingen en socialezekerheidsbijdragen
- SSB = Standaard suikerbouillon
- SSB = Source Selection Board
- SSB = Stichting Speurwerk betreffende het Boek
- SSB = Single SideBand
- SSB = Space Science Board (US NAS)
- SSB = Single Side Band
- SSB; EZB = single sideband; enkelzijband
- SSB; SSB = spawning-stock biomass; paaibiomassa
- SSB = Steungroep Sectorale Benadering
- SSB = RADIO single sideband (transmission)
- SSB = Sectie Speciale Bibliotheken
- SSAP = ACCOUNTING Statement of Standard Accounting Practice
- SSAR = S-Band, Single Access Return
- SSAP = Source Service Access Point
- SSAN = Social Security Account Number
- SSAP = (Source Service Access Point (SSAP))
- SSAR = Stereo Synthetic Aperture Radar
- SSATA = Space Station airlock test article
- SSATP; SSATP = Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Programme; Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Programme
- SSAT = Space Station assembly technology
- SSAS = solid sorbent air sampler
- SSAS = segment-to-segment attach system
- SSB; SSB = Scottish Salmon Board; Scottish Salmon Board
- SSC = [2] Systematic, Significant Change
- SSC = [3] Systematic, Systemic Change
- SSC = Secondary Synchronisation CodeSupplementary Service Control string
- SSC = Standard Speech Circuit
- SSC = ([1] Slavish Societal Conformity)
- SSC = ([2] Systematic, Significant Change)
- SSC HRM; SSC HRM = Shared Service Center for HRM; Shared Service Center HRM
- SSC HRM; SSC HRM = Shared Service Center for Human Resources Management; Shared Service Center Human Resources Management
- SSC HRM; SSC HRM = Shared Service Center for HRM; Shared Service Center Human Resources Management
- SSC = Stichting Scharreleierencontrole
- SSC HRM; SSC HRM = Shared Service Center for Human Resources Management; Shared Service Center HRM
- SSBRP = Space Station Biological Research Project
- SSC = [1] Slavish Societal Conformity
- SSBB = Stichting Studiecentrum Bedrijfsbeleid
- SSB; SSB = spawning-stock biomass; biomassa van het paaibestand
- SSB; SSB = Snecma Services Brussels; Snecma Services Brussels
- SSC = ([3] Systematic, Systemic Change)
- SSC = 1. S Asia EDUCATION a qualification given to students in India on passing out ofsecondary school. Full form Secondary School Certificate 2. LAW Solicitor to theSupreme Court
- SSC = Sector Skills Council
- SSC = Swedish Space Corporation
- SSC = Shared Service Center
- SSC = Space Station Complex
- SPQR = ANCIENT HIST Senatus Populusque Romanus (NOTE: From the Latin, ‘the senate andpeople of Rome'.)
- SOS = Somali Shilling of Somalia (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- SOS = Space Operation Service
- SORN = AUTOMOTIVE a formal declaration by the owner that a vehicle does notrequire a road-fund licence (i.e. a current tax disc) because it is not being used on publicroads. Full form statutory off-road notification (NOTE: The acronym SORN is used asa noun in its own right.)
- SORCES = Service Order Record Computer Entry System
- SORD = System Of Role Development and Special Operations and Research Division
- SOS = Stedelijk Overleg Stadsvernieuwing
- SOS = Silicon On Sapphire
- SOS = Samenwerkende Ouders Sekteleden
- SOS = a call or signal requesting help (NOTE: The abbreviation SOS, popularly said to standfor ‘save our souls', was chosen as an international distress signal because it could beeasily transmitted and received in Morse code.)
- SOS = Stichting Ons Schellingerland
- SOS = Stichting tot het behoud van Oude Stationsgebouwen
- SOR = Structuurschema Openluchtrecreatie
- SOR = Sectoroverleg Rijkspersoneel
- SOPRA = Sociale Preventie en Aandacht
- SOPHRD; SOPHRD = Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development; 29. De Roemeense autoriteiten hebben een kaderprotocol ondertekend op grond waarvan kruiscontroles tussen de databanken van het Ministerie van Arbeid, Gezinszaken en Sociale Bescherming, de beheersautoriteit voor het door het ESF medegefinancierde sectoraal operationeel programma voor personeelsontwikkeling
- SoR = Steering of Roaming
- SOR = Structuurschema Openluchtrecreatie
- SOR; SOR = sorghum; sorgho
- SOR = COMMERCE sale or return
- SOR = Statement Of Requirements
- SOR = stable orbit endezvous
- SOS = Standards and Open Systems
- SOT = Small Outline Transistor
- SOT = Structural Operations Technology
- SOT = Systeemonderzoektechnieken
- SOT = Systeemontwerptechnieken
- SOT = Short Of Time (Internet lingo)
- SOT = systems operation testing
- SOTAS = State Of The Art Software (see also SOTAT)
- SOTAS = (State Of The Art Software (see also SOTAT))
- SOTA = State Of The Art
- SOTA = ('State Of The Art')
- SOTA = 'State Of The Art'
- SOS; SOS = save our souls
- SOS; SOS = Somali shilling
- SOS = Same Old S*** (Internet lingo)
- SOS = Sophisticated Operating System (Apple)
- SOS = Start Of Significance
- SOS; SOS = silicon-on-insulator process; silicium op saffier
- SOS-THD = Federatie van SOS/Telefonische Hulpdiensten in Nederland
- SOSV = Stichting Opleiding Sociale Verzekering
- SOSO = Same Old, Same Old (Internet lingo)
- SOS; SOS =
- SOSG = Stichting Onderwijs Sierteeltproduktie/-Groothandel
- SOPHIE; SOPHIE = SOPHisticated Instructional Environment
- SON = Stichting Otterstation Nederland
- SONAPROV = Nationale Maatschappij voor Voedselproduktie
- SON =
- SOMT = Sequentiële opberging met tabelingang
- SON = Stichting Scheikundig Onderzoek in Nederland
- sonar = _ see note at Aids
- SONET = Synchronous Optical Network
- SONET = Synchronous Optical NETwork
- SONET = (Synchronous Optical Network (SONET))
- SONAR = SOund Navigation And Ranging
- SONDS = Small Office Network Data System
- SOMBA = Survivors Of Mister Buck's Algebra
- Somm. = Sommaires (Recueil Dalloz)
- SOMA; SOMA = sulphur oxides management area; De PEMA voor zwavel zal het zwaveloxidenbeheersgebied
- SOMA; SOMA = Status of Mission Agreement; overeenkomst inzake de status van de missie
- SOMA; SOMA = sulphur oxides management area; zwaveloxidenbeheersgebied
- Somm.ann. = Sommaire annoté,(in Gazette du Palais)
- SOMO = Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen
- SOMO = Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen
- SOMO = Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen
- SOMMA = Stichting Landelijk Samenwerkingsorgaan Maatschappelijke Dienstverlening voor Geestelijk Gehandicapten
- SOMO = Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen
- SONET; SONET = synchronous optical network; synchronous optical network
- sop. = MUSIC soprano
- SOPA = Sociale Patrouille
- SOP = Standard/System Operating Procedure
- SOP = (Same-Origin Policy (SOP) (RFC 6797))
- SOP = Safety Operating Procedure
- SOPC = System-On-Programmable-Chip
- SOPHIE; SOPHIE = SOPHisticated Instructional Environment
- SOPEP; SOPEP = Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan; Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
- SOPC = Shuttle Operations and Planning Center
- SOPEMI; SOPEMI = Continuous Reporting System on Migration; Permanent rapporteringssysteem over migratie
- SOOB = Samenwerkingsverband Onderzoek Openbaar Bestuur
- SOP = Small Outline Package
- SONT = Federatie voor Streektaalorganisaties in het Nedersaksisch Taalgebied
- SONMO = Stichting Overkoepeling Nederlandse Muziekorganisaties
- SONS; SONS = State office for nuclear safety; Bovendien zou zij er meer in het algemeen op willen wijzen dat zij door middel van het programma Phare steun verleent aan de Tjechische instantie voor kernveiligheid, het Nationaal Bureau voor Kernveiligheid
- SOP = standard operating procedure
- SOP = System Operations Panel
- SOP = Standard Operating Procedure
- SOP = Standard Operating Procedure
- SOP = (Start of Packet (SOP) (RFC 5371) or)
- SOP = Sum Of Products (boolean expressions and logic gates)
- SOTAT = (State Of The Art Technology (see also SOTAS))
- SP.A = Socialistische Partij - Anders
- SP.A = Socialistische Partij Anders / Sociaal, Progressief, Alternatief
- Sp. = 1. GEOGRAPHY Spain 2. Spaniard 3. LANGUAGE Spanish
- SP& O; SP& O = Sport Promotion and Organization
- sp. = 1. special 2. BIOLOGY species 3. specific 4. specimen 5. spelling
- Sp.C.C. = Spaans Codio Civile
- SP; SP = Signal Processor; Signal Processor
- SP; SP = signalling point; signaleringspunt
- SP; SP = signaling point; signaleringspunt
- SP; SP = stability programme; Bronnen: BTP-kennisgeving van maart 2005 voor 2004, de actualisering van november 2004 van het stabiliteitsprogramma (SP), de nationale rekeningen voor 2004 en de voorjaarsprognoses 2005 van de diensten van de Commissie
- SP; SP = Signal Processor; signaalbewerker
- SP = Synchronized Coprocessor
- SP = Stack Pointer
- SP = Signal Processor
- SP = Switching PointService Provider
- SP = Service Pack (Microsoft)
- SP = Socialistische Partij
- sp ht = PHYSICS specific heat
- SP personalisation = Allows the service provider to personalise a ME so that it can only be used with that particular service provider's (U)SIMs.
- SP code group = Combination of the SP code and the associated network code.
- SP = Socialistische Partij
- SP code = code which when combined with the network code refers to a unique SP. The code is provided in the GID1 file on the SIM (see Annex A.1.) and is correspondingly stored on the ME.
- SP; SP = Socialist Party; Socialistische Partij
- SPA = Socialistische Partij Anders
- SpA of S.p.a. = Società per Azioni
- SpA = COMMERCE società per azioni (NOTE: From the Italian, ‘limited company'.)
- SPA = Systems and Procedures Assoaation
- spa = staat van politie alarm
- SPA; ASB = Social Policy Agenda; Agenda voor het sociaal beleid
- SPA; SBZ = special protection zone; speciale beschermingszone voor vogels
- SPA; SBZ = special protection area; speciale beschermingszone voor vogels
- SPA; SBZ = special protection zone; speciale beschermingszone
- SPA; SBG = special protection area; speciaal beschermd gebied
- SPA; SBZ = special protection area; speciale beschermingszone
- SP3 = Service Pack 3 (Microsoft)
- SP4 = Service Pack 4 (Microsoft)
- SP2 = Service Pack 2 (Microsoft)
- SP; SP = Société Prayon; Société Prayon
- SP; WP = scientific programme; wetenschappelijk programma
- SP5 = Service Pack 5 (Microsoft)
- SPA = Systems for Process Automation (company)
- SPA = Secure Payment Application
- SPA = Secure Password Authentication
- SPA = Small Payload Attachment
- SPA = Software Publishers Assoaation
- SP = vaartuigen die met de ringzegen vissen
- SOVIN = Samenwerkingsverband voor opleiding en vorming op het terrein van de Informatieverzorging via Netwerken
- SOVO = Samenwerkingsverband van Organisaties voor Onderwijsvernieuwing
- SOVIN = Samenwerkingsverband voor opleiding en vorming op het terrein van de Informatieverzorging via Netwerken
- Sov. = Soviet
- SOVB = Interdepartementale Stuurgroep Onderwijsvoorrangsbeleid
- SOVS = SomeOne Very Speaal (Internet lingo)
- SOW = Schoolopbouwwerk
- SOW = Statement of Work
- SOW = Statement Of Work
- SOW = ONLINE speaking of which (used in e-mails and text messages)
- SOW = Stichting Onderzoek Wereldvoedselvoorziening
- SOU = Stichting Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Uganda
- SOUP = Simple Offline Usenet Packet
- SOTO = Stichting Onderzoek Terugkeer en Opvang
- SOTAT = State Of The Art Technology (see also SOTAS)
- SOTMG = Short Of Time, Must Go (Internet lingo)
- SOUR; SOUR = Statement of User Requirements; Statement of User Requirements
- SOV = Strafrechtelijke Opvang Verslaafden
- SOV = Strafrechtelijke Opvang van Verslaafden
- SOV = strafrechtelijk opvang verslaafden
- SOV = Wet strafrechtelijke opvang verslaafden
- SOV =
- Sow. = a title used in India before the name of a married woman whose husband is stillalive. Full form Sowbhagyawati
- SozVers = Die Sozialversicherung
- SP = Scalable Power
- SozSi = Soziale Sicherheit
- SoZaW = (Ministerie van)Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
- SoZaWe = Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
- SP = System Product
- SP = schrootpers
- SP = Socialistiese Partij
- sp = LAW without children (NOTE: From the Latin sine prole.)
- SP = Stack Pointer
- SP = 1. COMPUTING the address register containing the address of the most recently-storedpiece of data or the location of the next piece of data to be retrieved. Full form stackpointer 2. HORSERACING starting price 3. NAVY submarine patrol
- SOX; SOX =
- SOX = andere vaartuigen voor de zegenvisserij
- SOWCI = Stichting Onderwijs Wetenschap der Creatieve Intelligentie Nederland
- SOW-VU = Stichting Onderzoek Wereldvoedselvoorziening van de Vrije Universiteit
- SOXECA; SOxECA = SOx Emission Control Area; beheersgebied voor SOx-emissie
- Soza = ministerie van Sociale Zaken
- SoZa = (Ministerie van)Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
- SoZa = Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
- Soyuz = Russian vehicle used to transport personnel to and from Mir
- SOZ = Stichting onderzoek der zee
- Soc.Act. = Sociale actualiteit: wekelijkse informatie over sociaal recht en personeelsbeleid
- Soc.Act. = Sociale actualiteit: wekelijkse informatie over sociaal recht en personeelsbeleid
- Soc. Verz. = Sociale Verzekering
- Soc. Best. = Sociaal Bestek
- Soc. Handv. = Sociaal Handvest
- Soc.Best. = Sociaal Bestek
- Soc.R. = Tijdschrift voor Sociaal Recht
- Soc.Sw. = Sociaal Strafwetboek
- Soc.L. = Socialist Lawyer
- Soc.Kron. = Sociaalrechtelijke kronieken
- Soc.Kron. = Sociaalrechtelijke kronieken
- SOC = Bureau Schriftelijke Opleiding Calculator
- SoC = System-on-a-Chip
- SOC = [1] Sense Of Control (see also ISOC)
- SOC = Gespecialiseerde afdeling Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken, burgerschap
- SOC = System Operating Concept
- SOC = ([1] Sense Of Control (see also ISOC))
- Soc. = Socius, Socii ('Companion', 'Companions' — Breviary)
- soc. = Sotial Issues (USENET newsgroup category)
- SOC = rode zalm
- SOC = [2] Span Of Control
- SOC = ([2] Span Of Control)
- Soc.Weg. = Sociale Wegwijzer
- SOD = statement of direction
- SOD = ([2] Set Of Dynamics)
- SOD = Small Outline Diode
- SOD = Spin-On-Dielectric
- SOD = ([1] Season Of Dissent)
- SOD = start of development
- SOD = Service On Demand
- SOD; SOD = super oxide dismutase; superoxyde-dismutase
- SOD = Studiekring voor Overheidsdocumentatie
- SOD = Stichting Opleidingen en Examens voor Documentaire Informatievoorziening en Administratieve Organisatie
- SOD = [1] Season Of Dissent
- SOCKS = SOCKet Secure (server)
- SOCKS = COMPUTING a network protocol developed to support the transfer ofTCP/IP (Internet) traffic through a proxy server. It is commonly used to enable users ona local area network to access the Internet via a single shared connection. Full formsockets
- sociol. = sociology
- Soc.Weg. = Sociale Wegwijzer
- Sociaal Recht = Sociaal Recht. Nederlands tijdschrift voor sociaal recht
- SOCKS = (no expansion. name of protocol. (RFC 1928, RFC 3089))
- SOD = [2] Set Of Dynamics
- SOD = Silicon On Diamond
- SOCUTERA = Stichting tot bevordering van Sociale en Culturele Doeleinden door Televisie en radio
- SOCRATES; SOCRATES = Socrates programme; programma Socrates
- SOCRATES; SOCRATES = Community action programme "SOCRATES"; communautair actieprogramma Socrates
- SOC = Strategie Onderzoek en Communicatie
- SOA = systems operability assessment
- SOA = State Of the Art
- SOA = Service Oriented Architecture
- SO3; SO3 = sulphuric anhydride; zwaveltrioxyde
- SO3; SO3 = sulphuric anhydride; zwavelzuur anhydride
- SOA = Statement Of Authority
- SOA = Service Oriented Architecture
- SOA = (Start of Authority (RFC 4697))
- SOA = (Sense Of Accomplishment (see also VSA))
- SOA = Suppress Outgoing Access (CUG SS)
- SOA = Sense Of Accomplishment (see also VSA)
- SO = station operator
- So.(2d) = Southern Reporter (second series)
- so = FINANCE seller's option?ONLINE Somalia (NOTE: The abbreviation so is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)SO 154
- SO = Significant Other (Internet lingo)
- SO = Segment Offset
- SO.02 = 2 cents worth (Internet lingo)
- SO3; SO3 = sulphur trioxide; zwavelzuur anhydride
- SO3; SO3 = sulphur trioxide; zwaveltrioxyde
- SO; SO = standard output; Onder standaardopbrengst
- SO; MPB = statement of objections; mededeling van punten van bezwaar
- SO; SD = specific objectives; specifieke doelstellingen
- SOA; DGA = service-oriented architectures; dienstengeoriënteerde architecturen
- SOB = Son Of a Bitch (Internet lingo)
- SOB = Stichting Onderwijs Bloemschikken/-Detailhandel
- SOB = (Shocking/Scandalous Onerous Burden)
- SOB = Straf Onderbreking
- SOB = Shocking/Scandalous Onerous Burden
- SOBE = Stichting Onderzoek Bedrijfstak Elektrotechniek
- SOBU; SOBU = Universities of Brabant Joint Research Organisation; Samenwerkingsorgaan Brabantse Universiteiten
- SOC = sockeye zalm
- SOBIA = Stichting Ondersteuning Basisinitiatieven Arbeidersbeweging
- Sobi = Stichting Onderzoek Bedrijfsinformatie
- SOBI = Stichting Onderzoek Bedrijfsinformatie
- SOAP = SIM Over the Air Programming (wireless telecommunications)
- SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol
- SOAP = (Simple Object Access Protocol, But "a Web services messaging protocol; originally the acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol, the term is no longer defined in common use" -IEEE Computer Society "In previous versions of this specification the SOAP name was an acronym. This is no longer the case." - W3C (
- SOAC; SOAC = senior officials' advisory committee; Dit aspect dient in het programma te worden geïntegreerd, conform de richtsnoeren die door de Commissie zijn opgesteld voor verbetering van de synergie tussen de openbare en de particuliere sector op de informatiemarkt, zoals goedgekeurd door de vertegenwoordigers van de lid-staten tijdens een vergadering van het raadgevend comité van hoge ambtenaren
- SOAE; SOAE = spontaneous otoacoustic emission; spontaan otoakoestische emissie
- SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol
- SOATC = Sun/Orade Application Technology Center
- SOB = Stichting Opleiding Belastingadviseurs
- SOAR = Stichting Onderzoek Arbeidssituatie in het Rijnmondgebied
- SOAP = Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program (IBM)
- SOAR = Smalltalk On A RISC
- Soda = Stedelijk Overleg Drugs Antwerpen
- SOL = S*** Out of Luck (Internet lingo)
- SOL = Simulation Oriented Language
- SOL = ([2] Substantial/Significant Operating Loss(es))
- SOL = Stichting Omroep Limburg
- SOL = [2] Substantial/Significant Operating Loss(es)
- SOL = [1] Start Of Life (contrast with EOL)
- SOLAS; SOLAS = SOLAS Convention; Internationaal Verdrag voor de beveiliging van mensenlevens op zee, 1974
- SOLAS; SOLAS = Safety of Life at Sea; De kosten zouden verder worden verhoogd door de noodzaak aan de nieuwe veiligheidsvereisten te voldoen die het resultaat zijn van het Internationale Verdrag voor de beveiliging van mensenlevens op zee
- SOLAC = Soldatenactie
- SOL = Spoorontsluiting Limburg
- SOL = ([1] Start Of Life (contrast with EOL))
- SOI = (Sphere Of Influence)
- SOI = Sociologisch onderzoeksinstituut
- SOI = Stink On Ice (Internet lingo)
- SOI = Silicon On Insulator
- SOI = State Of Insanity (Internet lingo)
- SOI; SOI = silicon-on-insulator; silicium-op-isolator
- SOK = Stichting Openbaar Kunstbezit
- SOL = Stichting Opleiding Leraren
- SO-J = Small Outline J-lead
- SOI; SOS = silicon-on-insulator process; silicium op saffier
- SOIC = Small Outline Integrated Circuit
- SOLIS = STEP On Line Information Server
- SOM = Standard Operating Mode
- SOM = Stichting Opleidingen Metaal
- SOM = Stichting Opleidingen Metaal
- SOM = System Object Model (IBM)
- SOM = Start Of Message
- Som. = GEOGRAPHY 1. Somalia 2. Somerset
- SOMA = Studie- en Documentatiecentrum "Oorlog en Hedendaagse Maatschappij"
- SOMA; SOMA = sulphur oxide management area; beheergebied voor zwaveloxiden
- SOMA = Semantic Object Modeling Approach
- SOM; SOM = Standing Group on the Oil Market; Permanente Groep inzake de oliemarkt
- SOM; SOM = Senior Officials' meeting; vergadering van hoge ambtenaren
- SOLVIT; Solvit = Internal Market Problem Solving Network; netwerk voor probleemoplossing in de interne markt
- SOLVIT; SOLVIT = Internal Market Problem Solving Network; netwerk voor probleemoplossing in de interne markt
- SoLSA = Support of Localised Service Area
- SOLLT = Stichting Opleidingsfonds Leerlingwezen Land- en Tuinbouw
- soln = solution
- SOM = Socialistische omroepvereniging
- som = Somalia (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SOM = (Standard Operating Mode)
- SOM = Scanning Optical Microscopy
- SOM = Stichting Onderzoek Massacommunicatie
- SOM = ECOLOGY soil organic matter
- SOI = Sphere Of Influence
- SO-er = Systeemontwerper
- SOF = (Solutions-Oriented Focus)
- SOEC; BSEG = Statistical Office of the European Communities; Bureau voor de Statistiek van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- SOE = [2] Staggering Ostentatious Extravagance [see also SPE(2)]
- SOE = ([1] Strategic Operational Excellence)
- SOF = Solutions-Oriented Focus
- SOFI = SOciaal-FIscaal
- SOFICO = Waalse maatschappij voor de aanvullende financiering van de infrastructuren
- SOFC; SOFC = solid oxide fuel cell; vasteoxidebrandstofcel
- SOFA; SOFA = overeenkomst inzake de status van de strijdkrachten
- SOFATO = Sociaal en familiaal toerisme
- Sodie; Sodie = Industrial and Employment Development Company
- SODIMM = Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module
- SODF = Systems Operations Data File
- SODA = Symposium On Discrete Algorithms
- SODB = Space Shuttle Operations Data Book
- SO-DIMM = Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module
- SOE = ([2] Staggering Ostentatious Extravagance [see also SPE(2)])
- SOE = [3] Sense Of Entitlement (see also ISOPE)
- SOE = ([3] Sense Of Entitlement (see also ISOPE))
- SOE = [1] Strategic Operational Excellence
- SOE = Standard Operating Environment
- SOFI-nr. = Sociaal-fiscaal nummer
- SOH = Start Of Header
- SOHB = Sense Of Humor Bypass (Internet lingo)
- SOG-T; SOGT = Senior Officials Group on Telecommunications; Groep Hoge Ambtenaren Telecommunicatie
- SOGT; SOGT = SOGT; Groep Hoge Ambtenaren Telecommunicatie
- SOG-T; SOGT = SOGT; Groep Hoge Ambtenaren Telecommunicatie
- SOHF = Sense Of Humor Failure (Internet lingo)
- SOHO = Solar Heliosphere Observatory
- SOI = Stichting Opleidingen Installatietechniek
- SOHO = Small Office Home Office
- SOHO = (Small Office, Home Office (SOHO) (RFC 3022))
- SOHO = Small Office / Home Office
- SOG = Spin-On Glass
- SOGA = SNA Server Open Gateway Architecture
- SOG = Stichting Onderwijs Groenvoorzieningen
- Soft Handover = Soft handover is a category of handover procedures where the radio links are added and abandoned in such manner that the UE always keeps at least one radio link to the UTRAN.
- SOG = som over geheel
- SOG-IS; SOG-IS = Senior Officials Group on Information Systems Security; Groep van Hoge Ambtenaren voor de beveiliging van informatiesystemen
- SOGT = Senior Officials Group for Telecommunications
- SOGT; SOGT = Senior Officials Group on Telecommunications; Groep Hoge Ambtenaren Telecommunicatie
- SOG-rTS = Senior Officials Group for Information Technology Standards
- SOGM = Stichting Organisatie Gescheiden Mensen
- SOGP; SOGP = Senior Officials' Group on Posts; Groep Hoge Ambtenaren Posterijen
- SPIN = Stimuleringsprojektteam Informatica-onderzoek
- SPIN = SNV Personeels Informatie Systeem
- SPIN = Software Process INterest
- SPIM = Sun Product Information Meeting
- SPIN = Software Process Improvement Network
- SPIN = Stichting Sales Promotion Instituut Nederland
- SPIRIT = Self Paced Interactive Research and Instructional Tool (software)
- SPIRIT = Sociaal, Progressief, Internationaal, Regionalistisch, Integraal-democratisch, Toekomstgericht
- SPIRES = Stanford Public Information Retrieval System
- SPIP = Station Program Implementation Plan
- SPIR; SPIR = Special Purpose Islamic Regiment; Special Purpose Islamic Regiment
- SPICE; SPICE = simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis; Simulation Program for Integrated Circuit
- SPID = Service Provider/Profile IDentifier
- SPICE = Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination
- SPICE = Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis
- SPICE = Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination
- SPID = Service Profile IDentification or Service Provider ID
- SPII; SPII = Sirene Phase II; Financiële regeling voor de installatie en de werking van fase II van het Sirene-netwerk
- SPIKE = Science Planning Intelligent Knowledge-based Environment
- SPIG; SPIG = Service Providers Interest Group; Service Providers Interest Group
- SPID = Subscriber Profile ID for RAT/Frequency Priority
- SPIDER-MEM = SPIDER Manufacturing Equipment Monitor
- SPIRS = SilverPlatter Information Retrieval System
- SPLA; SPLA = Sudan People's Liberation Army; Sudanese Volksbevrijdingsleger
- SPLD = Simple Programmable Logic Device
- SPL; SPL = sailplane pilot licence; Specifieke eisen voor het bewijs van bevoegdheid voor zweefvliegtuigen
- SPL = System Programming Language (HP)
- SPL = solar pumped laser
- SPLEED = Spin-Polarized Low Energy Electron Diffraction
- SPLV = (Stock Portfolio Liquidation Value (see also PLV))
- SPLV = Stock Portfolio Liquidation Value (see also PLV)
- SPLOG = Short for Spam Blog as in SPambLOG
- SPLIC = Special-Purpose Linear Integrated Circuit
- SPLM; SPLM = Sudan People's Liberation Movement; Sudanese Volksbevrijdingsbeweging
- SPKI = (Simple Public Key Infrastructure (SPKI) (RFC 2692))
- SPKI = (SubjectPublicKeyInfo (SPKI) (per author of RFC 6698))
- SPITBOL = SPeedy ImplemenTation of snoBOL
- SPIRS; SPIRS = Seveso Plant Information Retrieval System; Seveso Plant Information Retrieval System
- SPIT = (Spam over Internet Telephony (SPIT) (RFC 5278))
- SPKM = (Simple Public-Key GSS-API Mechanism (SPKM) (RFC 2025))
- SPL = sound pressure level
- SPL = MEASUREMENTS, ACOUSTICS sound pressure level
- SPL = Eenheid Strategische Beleidsplanning
- SPL = Shockwave/Flash (file name extension)
- SPL = Spell Checker (file name extension)
- SPIC; SPIC = student pilot in command; leerling-gezagvoerder
- SPFD = Spectral Power Flux Density
- SPFO; SPFO = SPRFMO; Regionale Organisatie voor het visserijbeheer in het zuidelijke deel van de Stille Oceaan
- SPFC; SPFC = solid polymer fuel cell; polymere brandstofcel
- SPF; SPF = SPF; South Pacific Forum
- SPF; SPF = Pacific Islands Forum; South Pacific Forum
- SPFO; SPFO = South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation; Regionale Organisatie voor het visserijbeheer in het zuidelijke deel van de Stille Oceaan
- SPGA = Staggered PGA (see Pin Grid Array)
- SPGA = System Programmable Gate Array
- SPFS; SPFS = Special Programme for Food Security; Speciaal Programma voor Voedselzekerheid
- SPFO; SPRFMO = SPRFMO; Regionale Organisatie voor het visserijbeheer in het zuidelijke deel van de Stille Oceaan
- SPFO; SPRFMO = South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation; Regionale Organisatie voor het visserijbeheer in het zuidelijke deel van de Stille Oceaan
- SPF; FKP = small project facility; Faciliteit kleine projecten
- SPF; SPF = specific-pathogen free; vrij van specifieke ziektekiemen
- Spf of SPF = Spoorwegpensioenfonds
- SPF = Single Point of Failure
- SPF = single-point failure
- SPF; SPF = system performance factor; kwaliteitsfactor van het systeem
- SPF; SPF = specified pathogen free; vrij van specifieke ziektekiemen
- SPF; SPF = sun protection factor; De doeltreffendheid van zonnebrandmiddelen wordt aangetoond door de bepaling van de zonnebeschermingsfactor
- SPF; SPF = specific pathogen free; Idealiter worden hiervoor eieren genomen van een koppel dat vrij is van specifieke pathogenen (SPF), maar als dat niet gaat mogen eieren worden gebruikt van een koppel dat vrij van antilichamen tegen AI
- SPF; SPF = South Pacific Forum; South Pacific Forum
- SPF; SPF = specific pathogen free
- SPGA = Staggered Pin-Grid Array
- SPI = [2] Sensitive Personal Information
- SPI = Security Parameters Index
- SPI = ([2] Sensitive Personal Information)
- SPI = Software Process Improvement
- SPI = Schedule Performance Index
- SPI; SPI = station programme identification; stationsprogrammatie-identificatie
- SPIAP = shuttle payload integration activities plan
- SPIC; SPIC = student pilot-in-command; b) 70 uur als PIC, inclusief VFR-vliegen en instrumentvliegtijd als leerling-piloot in de functie van eerste bestuurder
- SPIA = Small Payload Interface Adapter
- SPI; SPI = special position indication; h) bijzondere positieaanwijzing
- SPI; SPI = station program identification; stationsprogrammatie-identificatie
- SPI = (Security Parameter Index (SPI))
- SPI = [1] Successful Product Introduction
- SP-HM; SP-HM = Committee of Experts on Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology; Comité van Experts in bloedtransfusie en immunohematologie
- Spgs = Springs (NOTE: The abbreviation Spgs is used in placenames.)
- SPH = Stichting Patientenbelangen Hypnotherapie
- SPI = Synchronous Parallel Interface in Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) and Stateful Packet Inspection in routers / firewalls
- SPI = Security Parameters Indication
- SPI = SCSI Parallel Interface
- SPI = Serial Peripheral Interface (protocol)
- SPI = ([1] Successful Product Introduction)
- SPI = Service Provider Interface
- SPM = (Secure Password Method (SPM) (RFC 6467))
- SPP = Stichting Palestina Publikaties
- SPP = Scalable Parallel Processing
- SPP = Standard Parallel Port
- SPOT = Shared Product Object Tree
- Spovak = Internationale beurs voor sport-en campingartikelen
- SPP = Sequenced Packet Protocol
- SPP = Standard Parallel Port
- SPP = Single-Phase Printing
- SPP = solar pumped plasma
- SPP = Science Power Platform
- SPP = Standard Printer Port
- SPOP = Sustainably Profitable Operational Position (see also SPOS)
- Sport & Recht = Sport & Recht: nieuwsbrief
- SPOP = (Sustainably Profitable Operational Position (see also SPOS))
- SPOOL = Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line
- Spoorw.w of SPW = Spoorwegwet
- Sport & Recht = Sport & Recht: nieuwsbrief
- SPOT = Space Station Proximity Operations Trainer
- SPOT = ENVIRONMENT Système Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre
- SPOS = (Sustainably Profitable Operational Situation (see also SPOP))
- SPOS = Sustainably Profitable Operational Situation (see also SPOP)
- SPOS = Stichting Proefprojecten Open School
- SPP&A = Strategic Project Planning and Assessment
- SPP; SVP = Special Preparatory Programme; speciaal voorbereidingsprogramma
- SPP; SVP = Swiss People's Party; Zwitserse Volkspartij
- SPP; SVP = SVP; Zwitserse Volkspartij
- SPP; SPP = Small Projects Programme; Aangezien programma's zoals het Programma voor kleine projecten
- SPP; SPP = special passport; speciaal paspoort
- SPPDG = Special Purpose Processor Development Group
- SPPS = SharePoint Portal Server (Microsoft)
- SPPS = Scalable Power Parallel System
- SPPF; SPPF = Slovak Post Privatisation Fund; Phare heeft bijgedragen aan de versterking van de markteconomie in Slowakije door steun te verlenen aan kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen (zie onderstaand kader) en door middel van het Slowaaks post-privatiseringsfonds
- SPPF = Spacehab Payload Processing Facility
- SPPF = Site Platform Processing Facility
- SPP; F = SF; Socialistische Volkspartij
- SPP; F = SF; SF
- SPP; F = Socialist People's Party; Socialistische Volkspartij
- spp. = BIOLOGY species (NOTE: The abbreviation the plural form of sp.)155 SSgt
- SPP; F = Socialist People's Party; SF
- SPP; SF = SF; SF
- SPP; SPP = Splosna Plovba Piran; Splosna Plovba Piran
- SPP; SPP = Strategic Planning and Programming; strategische planning en programmering
- SPP; SF = Socialist People's Party; Socialistische Volkspartij
- SPP; SF = SF; Socialistische Volkspartij
- SPP; SF = Socialist People's Party; SF
- SPOM; SPOM = Self Programmable One chip Microcomputer
- SPMMS; SPMMS = Software production and maintenance management support; managementondersteuning voor programmatuurproduktie en-onderhoud
- SPMMS; SPMMS = Software production and maintenance management systems; Beheerssysteem voor vervaardiging en onderhoud van programmatuur
- SPMMS; SPMMS = SOFTWARE PRODUCTION AND MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT; Management-ondersteuning voor programmatuurproduktie en -onderhoud ( SPMMS ) "
- SPME; SPME = solid phase microextraction; solid phase microëxtractie
- SPME; SPME = solid phase micro-extraction
- SPMP = Station Procedures Management Plan
- SPN = Stichting Popmuziek Nederland
- SPN = Switched Public Network
- S-PMSI = (Selective PMSI (S-PMSI) (RFC 6037))
- SPMP = Software Project Management Plan
- SPMR; SPMR = Société Pipeline Méditerranée and Rhône; – Société Pipeline Méditerranée et Rhône
- SPM = System Performance Monitor (IBM)
- SPM = Scanning Probe Microscopy
- SPM = Sovereignty Protection Measure
- SPM = (Sovereignty Protection Measure)
- SPM = solar power module
- SPM = Strategisch Plan Monumentenzorg
- SPME = (Sub-Path Maintenance Element (SPME) (RFC 5921))
- SPME; SPME = solid phase microextraction; micro-extractie in vaste fase
- SPMD = Single Program, Multiple Data
- spm = St. Pierre & Miquelon (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SPM; SPM = solar proton monitor; zonneprotonmonitor
- SPN = Scheepvaartpolitie
- SPO; SPO = State Purchasing Organisation; State Purchasing Organisation
- SPÖ; SPÖ = Democratic Socialist Party; Sociaal-democratische Partij
- SPo; SPo = safety precautions for operators; veiligheidsadviezen voor toepassers
- SPO; NPB = State Planning Organization; Nationale Planbureau
- SPO; SPO = Servische Vernieuwingspartij
- SPOA = Single Point Of Access
- SPOET = Stichting Samenwerkende Partners Oost-Europa in het Transport
- SPOM = Fonds stimulering praktijkgerichte oplossingen milieuproblematiek
- SPOe; SPÖ = Democratic Socialist Party; Sociaal-democratische Partij
- SPOC = Shuttle Payload of Opportunity Carrier
- SPOC = single point orbit calculator
- SPNS = Shared Payment Network System
- SPO = Vereniging van Samenwerkende Prijsregelende Organisaties van Aannemers
- SPNEGO = (Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation (RFC 4178))
- SPN = Stichting Paardencentra Nederland
- SPND = (Secure Proxy Neighbor Discovery (SPND))
- SPO = Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy (e.g. corporate board of directors electing their replacements)
- SPO = (Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy (e.g. corporate board of directors electing their replacements))
- SPO = Samenwerkende Prijsregelende Organisaties
- SPO = Sociaal-pedagogische onderwijs
- SPO = systematisch probleem oplossen
- SPO = sociaal-pedagogisch onderwijs
- SPC = Supplier Product Control
- SPC; ABC = Supplementary Protection Certificate; aanvullend beschermingscertificaat
- SPC = Signalling Point CodeSuppress Preferential CUG
- SPC = Software Productivity Consortium
- SPC = Stored Program Control
- SPC; ABC = supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products; aanvullend beschermingscertificaat voor geneesmiddelen
- SPC; CSP = Statistical Programme Committee; Comité statistisch programma
- SPC; CSP = Statistical Programme Committee; Comité Statistisch Programma
- SPC; CSP = Statistical Programme Committee; Comité statistisch programma van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- SPC; CSP = Statistical Programme Committee; Comité Statistisch Programma
- SPC; CSP = Statistical Programme Committee; Comité statistisch programma van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- SPC = Stichting Proefstation voor Champignonkultuur
- SPC = Spoorwegpolitie
- SPC = secondary power controller
- SPBEA; SPBEA = South Pacific Board for Educational Assessment; South Pacific Board for Educational Assessment
- SPC = Small Peripheral Controller
- SPC = Statistical Process Control
- SPC = Shuttle Processing Contractor
- SPC = Surface Photoconductivity
- SPC = COMMERCE statistical process control
- SPC = Summary of Product Characteristics
- SPC = Service and Performance Checkout
- SPC; DPC = sustainable production and consumption; duurzamere productie en consumptie
- S-PCS = Satellite - Personal Communication Services
- SPCS; S-PCS = Satellite Personal Communications System; persoonlijke satellietcommunicatiediensten
- SPCS = Service and Performance Checkout System
- SPCRP; SPCRP = Sudan productive capacity recovery programme; Programma voor het herstel van de productiecapaciteit in Sudan
- SPCS = Stored Program Controlled Switch
- S-PCS; S-PCS = Satellite Personal Communications System; persoonlijke satellietcommunicatiediensten
- SPD = Sociaal Pedagogische Dienst
- SPD = Software Products Division
- SPCU = service and performance checkout unit
- S-PCS; S-PCS = satellite-personal communications system; systeem voor persoonlijke satelietcommunicatiediensten
- S-PCS; S-PCS = satellite personal communications service; satellietdienst voor "personal communication"
- SPC; SPC = Siemens Power Cooperation; Siemens Power Cooperation
- SPC; SPC = stored programme control; regeling door opgeslagen programma
- SPC; SPC = Social Protection Committee; Zie ook het volledige verslag van de taskforce voor kinderarmoede en het welzijn van kinderen van het Comité voor sociale bescherming
- SPC; EEZ = Secretariat of the Pacific Community; exclusieve economische zone
- SPC; SPC = Secretariat of the Pacific Community; Secretariaat van de Pacifische Gemeenschap
- SPCA; PEAC = Strategic Plan for Competitive Action; Plan Estratégico de Acción Competitiva
- SPCL = Spectrum Cellular Corporation
- S-PCN; S-PCN = Satellite Personal Communications Network; persoonlijke-satellietcommunicatienetwerk
- SPCK = Service Provider Control Key
- SPCE = servicing performance and checkout equipment
- SPCK = CHRISTIANITY Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
- SPB = Strategic Planning Board
- SPAC = Spectrum Planning and Advisory Committee (USA)
- SPACEHAB = One of the ISS modules
- SPAAR = Special Programme African Agricultural Research
- SPA; SPA = Special Community Programme to Aid Certain Highly Indebted Low-income Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa; Speciaal communautair programma ten behoeve van de arme landen met zware schuldenlast in Afrika bezuiden de Sahara
- SPA; SPO = Strategic Partnership Agreement; strategische partnerschapsovereenkomst
- SPAD; SPAD = Signal Passed at Danger; 4.4. "onveilig sein gepasseerd
- SPAM = Stupid Persons' AdvertiseMent (Internet lingo)
- SPAM = SPiced hAM [Hormel's canned meat - unsoliated bulk e-mail] (Internet lingo)
- SPA-LEED = Spot Profile Analysis - Low Energy Electron Diffraction
- SPADE; SPADE = single channel per carrier PCM multiple access demand assignment equipment; PCM-apparatuur met een enkel kanaal per draaggolf en meervoudige toegang met toewijzing op aanvraag
- SPAG = Standards Promotion and Application Group
- SPA; SPA = Strategic Partnership with Africa; De Commissie is reeds lang betrokken bij het Strategisch Partnerschap met Afrika
- SPA; SPA = Surinamese Labour Party; Surinaamse Partij van de Arbeid
- SPA; SPA = special programme of assistance; speciaal steunprogramma
- SPA; SEA = SPA; Staatseigendomsagentschap
- SPA; SEA = State Property Agency; Staatseigendomsagentschap
- SPA; SPA = single-pilot aeroplane; éénpiloot vliegtuig
- SPA; SPA = Sucrose Peptone Agar; Sucrose-peptonagar
- SPA; SPA = special programme of assistance; Speciaal bijstandsprogramma
- SPA; SPA = Special programme on AIDS; Special Programme on Aids
- SPA; SPA = seiner, North American type; vaartuigen die met de ringzegen vissen, Amerikaans type
- SPA; SPA = Special Programme of Assistance for Africa; Speciaal bijstandsprogramma
- SPAMI; SPAMI = specially protected areas of Mediterranean interest; 4. Het in lid 1, eerste alinea, en lid 2 opgenomen verbod is, vanaf de datum van inwerkingtreding van deze verordening, van toepassing in alle Natura 2000-gebieden, alle speciaal beschermde gebieden en alle speciaal beschermde gebieden in de Middellandse Zee
- SPARS = Society of Professional Audio Recording Studios
- SPARS = Safety/Product Assurance Requirements Specification
- SPARCS = Scalable Processor ARChitecture Server
- SPARC = Sun's Palo Alto Research Center
- SPARC = Standard Planning & Requirement Committee
- SPAS = Space Pallet Satellite
- SPAWC = Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (conference)
- SPB = Sociaal Pedagogisch Bureau
- SPAW; SPAW = Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife; Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife
- SPASCOM = Space Station cost model
- SPASM = Single Pass Assembler (IBM mainframe assembler)
- SPAMO; SPAMO = Spatial Model
- SPAN = Space Physics Analysis Network (NASA)
- SPARC = Scalar Processor ARChitecture (32-bit RISC microprocessor)
- SPARC = Standards Planning And Requirements Committee
- SPAP rn Art/** = Secure Password Authentication Protocol r — 1-1.1- rv. - ......
- Span. = LANGUAGE Spanish
- SPANS = Simple Protocol for ATM Network Signaling
- SPD = (Sustainable Product Design)
- SPECT = Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (medical imaging technique)
- SPECT; SPECT = single photon emission computed tomography; single photon emission computed tomography
- SPECT = MEDICINE a technique used in diagnosing some diseases that generates a threedimensionalcomputer image of the distribution of a radioactive tracer in a particularorgan. Full form single photon emission computed tomography
- Special Action Programme; SAP = Special Action Programme
- specif. = 1. specific 2. specifically
- SPECT; SPECT = single photon emission computerised tomography; single photon emission computerised tomography
- SPEG = Solid Phase Epitaxy Growth
- Spektr = One of the modules of the Mir Orbiting Station
- SPEEDES = Synchronized Parallel Environment for Emulation and Discrete Event Simulation
- SPEE = special purpose end effector
- Speed = A performance criterion that describes the time interval required to perform a function or the rate at which the function is performed. (The function may or may not be performed with the desired accuracy.) (source ITU-T I.350).
- SPE; SPE = European private company; Europese besloten vennootschap
- SPE; SPV = special purpose entity; special purpose entity
- SPE; SPE = special purpose entity; special purpose entity
- SPE; SPE = Solid Polymer Electrolyte; solid polymer electrolyte
- SPE; SPE = solid phase extraction; Indien de analysemethode extractie met oplosmiddelen of vaste-fase-extractie
- SPE; SPV = special purpose entity; special purpose vehicle
- SPEC = Systems Performance Evaluation Cooperative
- spec. = 1. special 2. specification
- SPEB = Stichting Primaire Energie Besparing
- Spealer. = Specialiter ('Specially')
- SPEARNET = South Pacific Educational and Research NETwork
- SPEL = Space Power Electronics Lab
- SPF = Stichting Peutjut-fonds
- SPF = System Programming Facility
- SPF = Spectacularly Photogenic Flames
- SPF = the degree to which a sun cream, lotion, screen, or block provides protection for theskin against the sun. Full form sun protection factor
- SPF = (9/8/08 - SPF should be expanded in most if not all IS-IS documents as "Shortest Path First" rather than "Sender Policy Framework")
- SPF = Spoorwegpensioenfonds
- SpF = Spaarfonds
- SPF = specific pathogen free
- SPF = Shortest Path First
- SPF = (Spectacularly Photogenic Flames)
- SPF = Software Production Facility
- SPET; SPECT = single photon emission computerised tomography; single photon emission computerised tomography
- SPEX = space plasma experiment
- SPES; SPES = Stimulation Plan for Economic Science; Europees plan ter stimulering van de economische wetenschap
- SPES; SPES = Stimulation Plan for Economic Science; stimuleringsplan voor de economische wetenschap
- SPES; SPES = Stimulation Plan for Economic Science; BESLUIT VAN DE RAAD van 25 februari 1991 betreffende de sluiting van de Samenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen de Europese Economische Gemeenschap en de Republiek Oostenrijk inzake een Europees plan ter stimulering van de economische wetenschap (SPES)
- SPF = Space Power Facility
- SPF = (Shortest Path First (SPF) (RFC 5305))
- SPF = (Sender Policy Framework (SPF))
- SPF = Spacelab Processing Facility
- SPF = Software Productivity Facility
- SPF = Spoorwegpensioenfonds
- SPE; SPE = special document; speciaal document
- SPD; SPD = Strategic Programming Dialogue; In het kader van de jaarlijkse Strategische Programmeringsdialogen (SPD) werden in 2005 bijeenkomsten gehouden met de grootste partners
- SPDA = secondary power distribution assembly
- SPD; SPD = Social Democratic Party; Sociaal-democratische Partij
- SPD; EPD = single programming document; EPD
- SPD; EPD = Single Programme Document; enig programmeringsdocument
- SPDC; SLORC = State Law and Order Restoration Council; Nationale raad voor vrede en ontwikkeling (SPDC)
- SPD'en = Sociaal Pedagogische Dienst
- SPDIF = Sony Phillips Digital Interface Format
- SPDD = Software Preliminary Design Document
- SPDC; SPDC = State Peace and Development Council; State Peace and Development Council
- SPDC; SPDC = State Peace and Development Council; Nationale Raad voor vrede en ontwikkeling
- SPD = Serial Presence Detect
- SPD = Sustainable Product Design
- SPD = serial parallel digital
- SPD = Staatspraktijkdiploma voor bedrijfsadministratie
- SPD = (Security Policy Database (SPD) (RFC 5202))
- SPD; DOCUP = single programming document; EPD
- SPD; EPD = single programming document; enkelvoudig programmeringsdocument
- SPD; EPD = Single Programme Document; één enkel programmeringsdocument
- SPD; EPD = single programming document; één enkel programmeringsdocument
- SPD; DOCUP = single programming document; enkelvoudig programmeringsdocument
- SPD; EPD = single programming document; enig programmeringsdocument
- SPDL = Standard Page Description Language (ISO)
- SPE = Solar Particle Event
- SPE = [1] Sprawling Palatial Estate
- SPE = Synchronous Payload Envelope
- SPE = Symbolic Programming Environment
- SPE = ([1] Sprawling Palatial Estate)
- SPE = vaartuigen die met de ringzegen vissen, europees type
- SPE; SPE = solid phase extraction; vaste-fase-extractie
- SPE; SPE = special purpose entity; special purpose vehicle
- SPE; SPE = special purpose entity; special purpose entity
- S-PE = (Switching Provider Edge (RFC 5254))
- SPE; SPE = solid phase extraction; solid phase extraction
- SPDS = Secondary Power Distribution System
- SPDS = shuttle/stabilized payload deployment system
- SPDR = Software/Subcontractor Preliminary Design Review
- SPDM = special purpose dexterous manipulator
- SPDMS = Shuttle Program Data Management System
- SPDT = Single Pole, Double Throw
- SPE = [2] Staggering Pretentious Extravagance [see also SOE(2)]
- SPE = (Synchronous Payload Envelope (SPE))
- SPE = ([2] Staggering Pretentious Extravagance [see also SOE(2)])
- SPDU = Session Protocol Data Unit (ISO-OSI)
- SPE = Samenwerkende vennootschap voor produktie van electriciteit
- SSR = POLITICS Soviet Socialist Republic (NOTE: The abbreviation SSR was used in the namesof constituent members of the Soviet Union, such as the Latvian SSR (now Latvia).)
- SVE = Stichting centrum voor Volwassenen Educatie
- SVE; EVW = Servicio voluntario europeo; Europees vrijwilligerswerk
- SVE = Stichting Landelijk Studiecentrum voor Volwasseneneducatie
- SVDN = Samenwerkende Video Dealers Nederland
- SVDs; SVD's = standard-vessel days; standaardvaartuigdagen
- SVEN = Stichting Voorlichting Energiebesparing Nederland
- SVEVT = Stichting Vakopleiding Examens en Voorlichting Tandtechnici
- SVF = Simple Vector Format
- SVEN = Stichting Voorlichting Energiebesparing Nederland
- SVEN = Stichting Voorlichting Energiebesparing Nederland
- SVEN = Stichting Voorlichting Energie-Informatie Nederland
- SVC; SVC = spring viremia of carp; voorjaarsviremie van de karper
- SVC; SVC = spring viraemia of carp; (5) Denemarken heeft bewijzen ingediend waaruit blijkt dat dat land vrij is van voorjaarsviremie van de karper
- SVC; SVC = saturated vapour concentration; hetzij waarvoor de verhouding van de effectconcentratie bij ≤ 4 u tot de gesatureerde dampconcentratie
- SVC; SVC = spring viraemia of carp; voorjaarsviremie bij de karper
- SVC; SVC = spring viremia of carp; voorjaarsviremie bij de karper
- SVCA = Services Value Chain Automation
- SVD; VVZ = Swine vesicular disease; Vesiculaire varkensziekte
- SVDM = Simultaneous Voice and Data Modem
- SVD; VVZ = swine vesicular disease; vesiculaire varkensziekte
- SVD = Singular Value Decomposition
- SVD; SVD = standard-vessel day; standaardvaartuigdag
- SVF = Software Validation Facility
- SVH = Syndicaat van de Vlaamse Huisartsen
- SVHB = Staatsvissershavenbedrijf
- SVH = Stichting Vakontwikkeling Handelsvertegenwoordigers
- SVGA; SVGA = super video graphics array; super VGA
- SVGM = Stichting Vrienden van de Gelderse Molen
- SVHC = Substances of Very High Concern
- SVI = slibindex
- SVI = slibvolume-index
- S-VHS = Super Video Home System
- SVHC; SVHC = substance of very high concern; zeer zorgwekkende stof
- SVHC; SVHC = substance of very high concern; zeer zorgwekkende stof
- SVG = Straßenverkhehrsgesetz
- SVG = (Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG))
- SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics
- SVF = Software Verification Facility
- SVFA; SVFA = State Veterinary and Food Administration; State Veterinary and Food Administration
- SVG = Stichting Vervoer Gehandicapten
- SVGA = a modified specification for video display controllers used in personal computers.Full form super video graphics array
- SVGA; SVGA = super VGA; super VGA
- SVGA = Super Video Graphics Array
- SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics
- SVGA = Super Video Graphics Array/Adaptor
- SVC; SVC = spring viremia of carp; 1. Het programma voor de bestrijding van voorjaarsviremie van de karper
- SVA = Stichting Verwijdering Afvalstoffen
- SVA = FINANCE shareholder value analysis
- SVA = Shared Virtual Area
- SVA = Spiritblauw-vet-agar
- SVA = Suikervrije voedingsagar
- SVA; NVD = State Veterinary Administration; Nationale Veterinaire Dienst
- SVAG = Steun en voorzorgskas ten behoeve van door arbeidsongevallen getroffenen
- SVATOR = Stichting Voorlichting en Advisering terzake Onderwijs op het terrein van het Reisbureaubedrijf,het Toerisme en de Recreatie
- SVAG = Stichting Voorlichting Aktieve Geweldloosheid
- SVA; SVA = Statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt; Statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt
- SVAG =
- SV&V = Stichting vereniging en vennootschap
- Sv. = Wetboek van Strafvordering
- SV&V = Stichting, Vereniging en Vennootschap
- SV of sv = sociale verzekering
- Sv of Sv. = Wetboek van Strafvordering
- SV; SV = Green Left; Groen Links
- Sv; Sv = sievert; sievert
- Sv; Sv = sievert; sievert
- SV; SV = service value; 34. "Bedrijfswaarde" (SV) ((m3/min)/W) : voor ventilatoren de verhouding tussen het maximaal ventilatordebiet (m3/min) en het opgenomen vermogen
- SV; SV = smoke values; De gemiddelde rookwaarden (SV) van iedere cyclus
- SV; SV = Common Choice; Gemeenschappelijke Keuze
- SVATOR = Stichting Vakopleiding voor Toerisme en Recreatie
- SVC = Switched Virtual Circuit/Connection
- SVC = (Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC))
- SVC = Switched Virtual Circuit or Supervisor Call
- SVC = El Salvador Colon of El Salvador (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- SVC = Supervisor Call
- SVC = Stichting Voorlichtingscentrum Crematoriumbouw
- SVC; SVC = Salvadorian colón
- SVC; SVC = spring viraemia of carp; voorjaarsviremie van de karper
- SVC; PVC = standing veterinary committee; Permanent veterinair comité
- SVC = Switched virtual circuit
- SVC; PVC = Standing Veterinary Committee; Permanent Veterinair Comité
- SVB = Algemene Studentenvakbond
- SVB = Nationale kas-Sociale verzekeringen van het bouwbedrijf en de vrije beroepen
- SVB = Studenten Vakbeweging
- SVAVP = Stichting Vakonderwijs voor Administratief en Verkopend Personeel
- SVB = Stichting voor Bodemkartering
- SVB = Sociale Verzekeringsbank
- SVC = Semi-permanent Virtual Circuit (ISDN)
- SVC = zilverkarper
- SVBO = School voor Vorming en Beroepsopleiding
- SVB = Sociale Verzekerings Bank
- SVB = Stichting Verletbestrijding Bouwnijverheid
- SVID = System V Interface Definition
- SVV = Structuurschema Verkeer en Vervoer
- SVV = Stichting Vakantieverblijven
- SVV = Sectarian Violence Vortex
- SVTO = Sociale Vorming Toekomstige Ondernemers
- SVTW = Stichting Verwerken Tuinafval Westland
- SVV = (Sectarian Violence Vortex)
- SVV = Structuurschema Verkeer en Vervoer
- SVVN = Samenwerkingsorgaan Vervoersvakbeweging Nederland
- SVV = Structuurschema Verkeer en Vervoer
- SVV = Socialistische Vooruitziende Vrouwen
- SvV = Stichting ter bevordering van de vertaling van Nederlands Letterkundig Werk
- SVS = Sectie simulatie van systemen
- SVS = Stichting tot Voorlichting over Stotteren
- SVRZ = Stichting Verpleeg-en Rusthuizen Zeeland
- SVRA; SVRA = summer vacation and repair adjustment; summer vacation and repair adjustment
- SVRAM = Synchronous Video Random Access Memory
- SVS = Single Virtual Storage
- SVT = Stichting Studiecentrum Verkeerstechniek
- SVT = Systems Verification and Test
- SVSD = stormvloedsignaleringsdienst
- SVS = Stichting voor Vak-en Ondernemersopleiding en Examens in de Detailhandel in Sportartikelen
- SVS; SVS = State Veterinary Service; State Veterinary Service
- SVVZW = stikstof-en vetvrije zetmeelwaarde
- SW = Set Switch
- SW = Says Whom? (Internet lingo)
- SW = Shortwave
- SW = 1. RADIO short wave 2. southwest 3. southwestern
- SW = So What? (Internet lingo)
- SW = software
- Sw. = Strafwetboek
- SW.(2d) = South Western Reporter (second series)
- Sw. = 1. GEOGRAPHY Sweden 2. LANGUAGE Swedish
- SW = Status WordSoftware
- SW = SoftWord
- SVWO = Stichting Vergelijkend Warenonderzoek
- SVWSR = systeem voor vroegtijdige waarschuwing en snelle reactie
- SVW = Sociale Verzekeringswetten
- SVW = Scheepvaartverkeerswet
- SVW = Scheepvaartverkeerswet
- SVZ = Scheepvaart Vereniging Zuid
- SW = Software
- SW = Successiewet
- SvZ = Stichting Nederlands Studiecentrum voor Zeevarenden
- SVZ = Sociaal verzekeringsfonds voor zelfstandigen
- SVZ = Samenwerkende Vervoer- en Zeehavenondernemingen
- SVR; SVR = external intelligence service; buitenlandse veiligheidsdienst
- SVMB = Sociale verzekeringskas voor middenstand en beroepen
- SVMDC; SVMDC = State Veterinary Medicine Diagnostic Centre; State Veterinary Medicine Diagnostic Centre
- SVM = Sectorvorming en vernieuwing middelbaarberoepsonderwijs
- SVM = Stichting Verpakking en Milieu
- SVM = Stichting Vakexamens Meubileringsbedrijven
- SVN = Scheepvaart Vereniging Noord
- SVN = Software Version Number
- svn = Slovenia (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SVN = (Semi-Violent Neuroses)
- SVN = Switched Virtual Network (IBM)
- SVN = Semi-Violent Neuroses
- SVKW = Stormvloedkering Nieuwe Waterweg
- SVL = (Shared VLAN Learning (SVL))
- svk = Slovakia [Slovak Republic] (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SVIN = Stichting Scandinavisch Vertaal-en Informatiebureau Nederland
- SVK = Stichting voor het Kind
- SVL; SVL = State veterinary laboratories; (74) De Veterinaire Staatslaboratoria
- SVM = System Virtual Machine
- SVM = Stichting Vakopleiding Meubileringsbedrijven
- SVM = Sectorvorming en Vernieuwing in het Middelbaar beroepsonderwijs
- SVLUG = Silicon Valley Linux Users Group
- SVM = Stichting Verpakking en Milieu
- SVO = Stuurgroep vermindering overlast (door verslaafden)
- SVPN = Secure Virtual Private Network
- SVPR = Studenten Vereniging voor Public Relations en Voorlichting
- SVPB = Stichting Vakexamens voor de Particuliere Beveiligingsorganisaties
- SVP; SVP = Swiss People's Party; Zwitserse Volkspartij
- SVP; SVP = SVP; Zwitserse Volkspartij
- SVR = Sociale Verzekeringsraad
- SVR of Svr = Sociale Verzekeringsraad
- SVR* = System V Release Number (AT&T)
- SVR = Stichting Vrije Recreatie
- SVR = Sociale Verzekeringsraad
- SVR = SerVeR
- SVOF = Swirling Vortex Of Fire
- SVOF = (Swirling Vortex Of Fire)
- SVOB = Stichting Vorming en Opleiding voor Bedrijfsontwikkeling
- SVO = Vereniging tot Bevordering van Slagersonderwijs
- SVO = Stichting voor Onderzoek van het Onderwijs
- SVP = [2] Sustainable Value Proposition
- SVP = ([1] Sexually Violent Predator)
- SVP; SVP = South Tyrol People's Party; Zuidtiroolse Volkspartij
- SVP = Schematic Verification Program
- SVP = ([2] Sustainable Value Proposition)
- SVP = [1] Sexually Violent Predator
- SuM = Subscription Management
- SUM = science utilization management
- SUL = Secure Undisclosed Location
- SUL = software usage list
- SUL = (Secure Undisclosed Location)
- SUM = System User's Manual
- SUN = Stanford University Network
- Sun. = CALENDAR Sunday
- SUN = Single User Network
- SUN = Stuffed, If I kNow! (Internet lingo)
- SUN = Stanford University Networks
- Suffr. = Suffragia ('Suffrages' — i.e. prayers of the saints; Breviary)
- SUFID = S***wing Up Face In Disgust (Internet lingo)
- Suff. = GEOGRAPHY Suffolk
- sues = Staffordshire University Computing Society
- SUFA = Stichting Uitvoeringsorgaan Financiële Akties
- SUG = Sun Users Group
- Suitable Cell = This is a cell on which an UE may camp. It must satisfy certain conditions.
- SUL = See yoU Later (Internet lingo)
- SUID = Set User IDentifier
- Sug = Schulduitsluitingsgrond
- SUGD = Sun User Group, Deutschland
- Sun.; z. = Sunday; zo.
- Sund.; z. = Sun.; zondag
- Sund.; z. = Sun.; zo.
- Sund.; z. = Sunday; zo.
- SUNCOO = Samenwerkingsverband Universitaire COO
- Sund.; z. = Sunday; zondag
- Sund.; zo. = Sun.; zondag
- Sund.; zon. = Sun.; zondag
- Sund.; zon. = Sunday; zo.
- Sund.; zo. = Sunday; zo.
- Sund.; zo. = Sunday; zondag
- Sund.; zo. = Sun.; zo.
- Sun.; zo. = Sun.; zondag
- Sun.; zo. = Sunday; zo.
- Sun.; z. = Sun.; zo.
- Sun.; z. = Sunday; zondag
- Sun.; z. = Sun.; zondag
- Sun.; zo. = Sun.; zo.
- Sun.; zon. = Sunday; zondag
- Sun.; zon. = Sun.; zondag
- Sun.; zon. = Sun.; zo.
- Sun.; zo. = Sunday; zondag
- Sun.; zon. = Sunday; zo.
- SUE = Stupid User Error
- Sub.reu. = rijksregeling subsidievoorwaarden reumatiekbestrijding(1956)
- Sub.ri. = voorlopige Rijksregeling subsidiëring provinciale revalidatie-instellingen(1964)
- = rijksregeling subsidievoorwaarden provinciale verenigingen tot bestrijding der tuberculose(1957)
- = rijksregeling subsidievoorwaarden voor de preventieve gezondheidszorg(1957)
- = rijksregeling subsidievoorwaarden plaatselijke specifieke verenigingen voor tuberculosebestrijding(1957)
- Sub.s.o. = rijkssubsidieregeling voor samenlevingsopbouw(1971)
- SUB; SUB = sub-addressing; subadressering
- SUBAT = Stichting Uitvoering Bodemsanering Amovering Tankstations
- SUB; SUB = substitute character; vervangingsteken
- Sub.sp. = rijksregeling subsidievoorwaarden sociaal-psychiatrische diensten(1961)
- SUB; SUB = sub-address; subadressering
- = rijksregeling subsidievoorwaarden landelijke en provinciale kruisorganisaties(1961)
- = rijksregeling subsidievoorwaarden kraamzorg(1955)
- Sub.j.j.w. = rijkssubsidieregeling jeugd-en jongerenwerk(1971)
- = rijksregeling subsidievoorwaarden sociaal-medische consultatiebureaus voor alcoholisme,niet vallende onder de Reclasseringsregeling 1947(1963)
- Sub.g.g. = subsidieregeling gezinsverzorging en gezinshulp(1957)
- Sub.lev.g.v. = rijkssubsidieregeling voor bureaus voor levens-en gezinsvragen(1969)
- Sub.of. = rijksregeling subsidievoorwaarden voor de opleiding tot fysiotherapeut(1968)
- Sub.ow. = rijksregeling subsidievoorwaarden voor de opleiding tot wijkverpleegster(1964)
- Sub.n.g.m. = rijkssubsidieregeling maatschappelijke dienstverlening aan niet gehuwde moeders en hun kind(1971)
- = subsidieregeling maatschappelijk werk voor zwakzinnigen(1957)
- = rijksregeling subsidievoorwaarden medisch-opvoedkundige bureaus(1959)
- Subj,SUBJ; ond. = Subject; onderw.
- SUC = Sudden Unexpected Catastrophe
- Succ.w. = Successiewet
- SUC = (Sudden Unexpected Catastrophe)
- subst. = substituut
- subst. = substituut
- SUCCESS = SUn Corporate Catalyst Electronic Support Service
- SUDO = Samenwerkende Utrechtse Doven Organisaties
- SUDS = Stanford University Drawing System
- SUCDIC = Situation Under Control, D***heads In Charge (Internet lingo)
- Successierechten = Successierechten. Nieuwsbrief
- Successierechten = Successierechten. Nieuwsbrief
- subj. = 1. GRAMMAR subject 2. subjective 3. GRAMMAR subjunctive
- SUBLIB = Subroutine Library
- Subj,SUBJ; onderw. = Subject; onderwerp
- Subj,SUBJ; ond. = Subject; onderwerp
- Subj,SUBJ; onderw. = Subject; onderw.
- SUBP = Stichting Uitgave Branche Publicaties
- Subscription = A subscription describes the commercial relationship between the subscriber and the service provider.
- Subscription Management (SuM) = set of capabilities that allow Operators, Service Providers, and indirectly subscribers, to provision, control, monitor the Subscription Profile.
- Subscriber = A Subscriber is an entity (associated with one or more users) that is engaged in a Subscription with a service provider. The subscriber is allowed to subscribe and unsubscribe services, to register a user or a list of users authorised to enjoy these services, and also to set the limits relative to the use that associated users make of these services.
- subs. = subsidiair
- Subscribed QoS = The network will not grant a QoS greater than the subscribed. The QoS profile subscription parameters are held in the HLR. An end user may have several QoS subscriptions. For security and the prevention of damage to the network, the end user cannot directly modify the QoS subscription profile data.
- Sund.; zon. = Sun.; zo.
- SuSE = Gesellschaft fur Software-und Systementwiddung MBH (German Linux
- SUSFU = Situation Unchanged, Still F***ed Up (Internet lingo)
- SUSAR = Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction
- SUS = Single Unix Specification
- SUSI = Simple Unified Search Index
- SUT = Steep Upward Trajectory (contrast with SDT)
- SUT = (System Under Test (SUT))
- SUT = (Steep Upward Trajectory (contrast with SDT))
- SUSIM = Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor
- SUSP = System Use Sharing Protocol
- SURS = Standard Umbilical Retractor System
- SUS = stichting Uitvoeringsgroep Streekcentra
- SURR = Stage Unique Requirements Report
- surg. = 1. surgeon 2. surgery 3. surgical
- SURINO = Suriname in Ontwikkeling
- SUS = (Strong Unanimous Signal)
- SUS = stichting Uitvoeringsgroep Streekcentra
- SUS = stichting Uitvoeringsgroep Streekcentra
- SUS = Strong Unanimous Signal
- SuS = Staatswissenschaft und Staatspraxis
- SUT = System Under Test
- SV = Schriftelijke (parlementaire) Vraag
- sv = 1. BOAT sailing vessel 2. ENGINEERING side valve 3. under the word or term (NOTE: Theabbreviation used in textual references, e.g. to direct the reader to a particularheadword in a dictionary or encyclopedia.)?ONLINE El Salvador (NOTE: The abbreviation sv is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- SV = Socialistische Vrouwen
- SV = Socialistische vrouwen
- SV = samenwerkende vennootschap
- SV = CHRISTIANITY 1. Holy Virgin (NOTE: From the Latin Sancta Virgo.) 2. Your Holiness
- Sv = Sievert (radiation dose unit of measure)
- SV = Storage Violation
- SV = space vehicle
- Sv = wetboek van strafvordering
- SUVA = Syndicale Unie der Vrije Ambtenaren
- SUWAS = Stichting Uittreding Werknemers Agrarische Sectoren
- SUV = N Am VEHICLES a tough four-wheel-drive vehicle built on a truck chassis, usually usedfor everyday driving. Full form sport-utility vehicle
- SUT; SUT = System Under Test; System Under Test
- SUT; SUT = Sharif University of Technology; Sharif University of Technology
- SUWI = Structuur Uitvoering Werk en Inkomen
- SV = Stichting Vluchteling
- sv = El Salvador (ISO 2-letter country code)
- Sv = Wetboek van Strafvordering
- SUYP = Shut Up, You Pervert (Internet lingo)
- SV = schedule variance
- SURFnet = Samenwerkingsorgaan voor Computerdienstverlening in Hoger Onderwijs en Onderzoek
- SUP = supply
- sup. = 1. superior 2. GRAMMAR superlative 3. GRAMMAR supine 4. supplement 5. supplementary 6. supply 7. supra (NOTE: The abbreviation used in formal writingto refer the reader back to something at an earlier point in the same text.)
- SUP = suppletiedeskundige
- SUP = what'S UP? (Internet lingo)
- SUP = Supplemental Dictionary (file name extension)
- SUP; SUP = Suspected Unapproved Parts; (iv) Procedures voor verslaglegging aan de FAA van storingen, defecten of gebreken en verdachte niet-goedgekeurde onderdelen
- SUPO = Stichting Urbane Projekten Ontwikkelingslanden
- suppl. = supplement
- super. = 1. superfine 2. superior
- Supdt = Superintendent
- Super JANET = Super Joint Academic NETwork
- SUNOILTY = Shut Up, No One Is Listening To You (Internet lingo)
- SunOS = Sun Operating System
- SunJRE = Sun Java Runtime Environment (Sun Microsystems)
- Sund.; zon. = Sunday; zondag
- SUNET = Swedish University NETwork
- SunVIEW = Sun Visual Integrated Environment for Workstations
- SUP = Suppletie Deskundigen Programma
- SUP = suppletie-deskundige
- SUP = Software Update Protocol
- SUNW = Sun Microsystems (stock symbol)
- SUO = Schengen Uitvoeringsovereenkomst [1]; Schengenuitvoeringsovereenkomst [2]; Overeenkomst ter uitvoering van het te Schengen gesloten Akkoord [3]
- suppl. = supplement
- SURE; SURE = SURE Programme; meerjarenprogramma voor activiteiten in de nucleaire sector, met betrekking tot de veiligheid van het vervoer van radioactieve stoffen en de veiligheidscontrole en industriële samenwerking teneinde bepaalde veiligheidsaspecten van de kerninstallaties in de landen die nu deelnemen aan het TACIS-programma te bevorderen
- SURE; SURE = multiannual programme of actions in the nuclear sector, relating to the safe transport of radioactive materials and to safeguards and industrial cooperation to promote certain aspects of the safety of nuclear installations in countries currently participating in the TACIS programme; meerjarenprogramma voor activiteiten in de nucleaire sector, met betrekking tot de veiligheid van het vervoer van radioactieve stoffen en de veiligheidscontrole en industriële samenwerking teneinde bepaalde veiligheidsaspecten van de kerninstallaties in de landen die nu aan het TACIS-programma deelnemen, te bevorderen
- SURE; SURE = SURE programme; SURE-programma
- SURBL = Spam URI Real-time Block Lists
- SURE; SURE = multiannual programme of actions in the nuclear sector, relating to the safe transport of radioactive materials and to safeguards and industrial cooperation to promote certain aspects of the safety of nuclear installations in countries currently participating in the TACIS programme; SURE-programma
- SURE; SURE = SURE Programme; meerjarenprogramma (1998-2002) voor activiteiten in de nucleaire sector, met betrekking tot de veiligheid van het vervoer van radioactieve stoffen en de veiligheidscontrole en industriële samenwerking teneinde bepaalde veiligheidsaspecten van de kerninstallaties in de landen die nu deeelnemen aan het TACIS-programma te bevorderen
- SURF = Samenwerkingsorganisatie Computerdienstverlening in het Hoger Onderwijs en Onderzoek
- SURFnet = Samenwerkingsorganisatie Computerdienstverlening in het Hoger Onderwijs en Onderzoek
- SURF = Sequent Users Resource Forum
- SURE; SURE = SURE programme; meerjarenprogramma voor activiteiten in de nucleaire sector, met betrekking tot de veiligheid van het vervoer van radioactieve stoffen en de veiligheidscontrole en industriële samenwerking teneinde bepaalde veiligheidsaspecten van de kerninstallaties in de landen die nu aan het TACIS-programma deelnemen, te bevorderen
- SURF = Samenwerkingsorgaan voor Computerdienstverlening in Hoger Onderwijs en Onderzoek
- SupPORT = SUPPORT magazine: onafhankelijk vakblad voor sportmanagement
- Supt = Superintendent
- SupPORT = SUPPORT magazine: onafhankelijk vakblad voor sportmanagement
- Supplementary service = A service which modifies or supplements a basic telecommunication service. Consequently, it cannot be offered to a user as a standalone service. It must be offered together with or in association with a basic telecommunication service. The same supplementary service may be common to a number of basic telecommunication services.
- Supplioni. = Supplicationibus ('Supplication' dat. or abl. case)
- supvr = supervisor
- SURALCO; SURALCO = Surinam Aluminium Company; Surinaamse Aluminium Maatschappij
- SURANET = South-eastern Universities Research Association NETwork
- SUR; SUR = rouble
- sur = Suriname (ISO 3-letter country code)
- Sur. = GEOGRAPHY Suriname
- T = Technische Kamer van Beroep van het EOB
- T = tropenuitwateringslijn
- T = Ta
- T = Tome
- T = meetduur
- T & E = an informal euphemism describing somebody who is slightly drunk. Full form tiredand emotional
- T&C = telemetry and command
- T&C = Tekst & Commentaar Nbw
- T& D = Transport en Distributie
- T&A = test and adjust
- T& B = Toerusting en Bereikbaarheid
- SZW =
- T = 1. PHYSICS absolute temperature 2. PHYSICS kinetic energy 3. PHYSICS period 4. PHYSICSsurface tension 5. MEASUREMENTS, COOKERY tablespoon(ful) 6. TELECOMMUNICATIONStelephone (number) (NOTE: The abbreviation T is used to contrast with E (e-mail address)and F (fax number).) 7. MEASUREMENTS temperature 8. MEASUREMENTS tera- 9. PHYSICS tesla10. CALENDAR Thursday 11. CHEMICAL ELEMENTS tritium 12. true 13. CALENDAR Tuesday
- SZW = Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
- SZW = Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
- SZW = (Ministerie van)Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
- T = Terabyte or Terabit
- T = temperature
- T = Staatssecretaris voor Europese Zaken
- T = Tarra
- T = TimerTransparentType only
- t = 1. PHYSICS time 2. MEASUREMENTS, FREIGHT tare 3. MEASUREMENTS, COOKERY teaspoon(ful) 4. MUSIC tempo 5. MUSIC tenor 6. GRAMMAR tense 7. MEASUREMENTS ton 8. GRAMMARtransitive 9. MEASUREMENTS troy
- T&DA = tracking and data acquisition
- T,tel,Tel.; Tel. = teleph.; telefoon
- T,tel,Tel.; Tel. = telephone; Tel.
- T,tel,Tel.; Tel. = teleph.; Tel.
- T,tel,Tel.; tel = telephone; Tel.
- T,tel,Tel.; tel = teleph.; Tel.
- T,tel,Tel.; Tel. = telephone; telefoon
- t.a. = testantibus actis (Blijkens de inhoud der akten)
- t.a.n. = ten algemene nutte
- t.a. = tijdelijke aanstelling
- T. = Toelichting
- T.; TT. = Titulus, Tituli ('Title', 'Titles')
- T&V = test and verification
- T&VCB = Test and Verification Control Board
- T&L = Transform & Lighting
- T&E = test and evaluation
- T&H = transportation and handling
- T,tel,Tel.; T. = teleph.; telefoon
- T,tel,Tel.; tel = teleph.; telefoon
- T,tel,Tel.; tel = telephone; telefoon
- T,tel,Tel.; T. = teleph.; Tel.
- T,tel,Tel.; T. = telephone; Tel.
- T,tel,Tel.; T. = telephone; telefoon
- SZS = Vereniging van Scheepsbenodigdhedenhandelaren,Zeilmakers en Scheepstuigers
- SYSMIN; SYSMIN = System for Safeguarding and Developing Mineral Production; systeem voor mijnbouwproducten
- SYSMOD = System Modification
- SYSMIN; SYSMIN = Scheme for Mineral Products; systeem voor mijnbouwproducten
- SYSLOG = System Log
- Sysmin = Systeem voor mineralen
- SysOp = Systems Operator
- syst. = system
- System Area = The System Area is defined as the group of PLMN areas accessible by MSs. Interworking of several PLMNs and interworking between PLMNs and fixed network(s) permit public land mobile communication services at international level.
- SYSREQ = SYStem RE Quest
- SYSOP = SYStem Operator
- SYSADM = SYStem ADMinisbrator (typical of Unix)
- SYSADMIN = System Administrator
- SYS = ONLINE see you soon (used in e-mails and text messages)
- SYS = See You Soon (Internet lingo)
- SYS = System File (file name extension)
- SYSAN = Systeemanalist
- SYSDEM; SYSDEM = Community system of documentation on employment; communautair documentatiesysteem inzake werkgelegenheid
- SYSGEN = System Generator
- Sysbien; Sysbien = official system for keeping the inventory; officieel systeem voor het bijhouden van de inventarislijst
- SYSCON = SYStpm CDNsnlp
- SYT = Sweet Young Thing (Internet lingo)
- Szh = Stichting zeldzame huisdieren
- SZIER = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht
- SZB = Stichting Zelfbestuur
- SZ = Commissie Sociale Zekerheid
- SZ; SZ = Greens; Groene Partij
- SZIF; SZIF = Státní zemědělský intervenční fond; Státní zemědělský intervenční fond
- SZPI; SZPI = Státní zemědělská a potravinářská inspekce; Státní zemědělská a potravinářská inspekce
- Szq = Sociale Zekerheidsquote
- SZN = Stichting Zeemanswelzijn Nederland
- SZL = Lilangeni of Swaziland (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- SZL; SZL = lilangeni
- SYWWBY = See, Ya Wouldn t Wanna Be Ya (Internet lingo)
- SYX = hondshaaien
- SYU; SYU = synchronisation signal unit; synchronisatiesignaaleenheid
- SyTOS = Sytron Tape Operating System
- SYU; SYU = synchronization signal unit; synchronisatiesignaaleenheid
- SZ = (Ministerie van)Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
- sz = Swaziland CSO 2-letter country code)
- sz = ONLINE Swaziland (NOTE: The abbreviation sz is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- SZ = Send ZModem
- SZ = Sociale Zorg
- SZ = ScrollZ (Unix-based IRC dient)
- t.a.p. = ter aangeduide plaatse
- T.M. = toezicht in de mijnen door de afgevaardigden-werklieden
- T.M.V. = tegemoetkomingen aan minder-validen
- t.l.v. = ten laste van
- t.l.o. = INSURANCE total loss only
- T.L.R. = Times Law Reports
- T.M.W. = Tijdschrift voor maatschappijvraagstukken en welzijnswerk
- T.Mil.Strafr. = Tijdschrift voor militair strafrecht en oorlogsrecht
- T.N.C.; CHB = Trade Negotiations Committee; Comité voor handelsbesprekingen
- T.Mil.Strafr. = Tijdschrift voor militair strafrecht en oorlogsrecht
- T.Mil.R. = Tijdschrift voor militair recht en oorlogsrecht
- T.Mil.R. = Tijdschrift voor militair recht en oorlogsrecht
- T.Huur. = Tijdschrift huurrecht
- T.Huur. = Tijdschrift huurrecht
- t.h. = ten honderd
- T.Gez. = Tijdschrift voor gezondheidsrecht
- T.Gez. = Tijdschrift voor gezondheidsrecht
- t.i.d. = PHARMACOLOGY three times a day (NOTE: The abbreviation t.i.d., from the Latin terin die, is used in prescriptions.)
- t.l. = INSURANCE total loss
- t.l.l. = tenlastelegging
- T.k. = terugwerkende kracht
- T.i.N. = Tribunalen in Nederland
- b.z. = Wet tarieven in Burgerlijke zaken
- T.Not. = Tijdschrift voor notarissen + Tabellen rechtspraak en rechtsleer
- T.Orde Geneesh. = Tijdschrift van de nationale raad Orde van Geneesheren
- t.p. = PUBLISHING title page
- T.Orde Geneesh. = Tijdschrift van de nationale raad Orde van Geneesheren
- T.Ontv. = Tijdschrift van de ontvangers
- T.Ontv. = Tijdschrift van de ontvangers
- t.p.i = treponema pallidum immobilisatie
- T.Pol. = Tijdschrift van de politierechters
- T.R. = Tramwegreglement
- T.Pol. = Tijdschrift van de politierechters
- t.p.i = treponema pallidum immobilisatie
- t.p.v. = ter plaatse van
- T.O.A. = Technisch onderwijsassistent
- T.O.C. = Third Order Carmelite
- T.O. = Technisch Onderwijs
- T.Not. = Tijdschrift voor notarissen + Tabellen rechtspraak en rechtsleer
- t.o. = tegenover
- T.O.D.C. = Tertiary of the Order of Discalced Carmelites
- T.O.S.F. = Tertiary of Third Order of St. Francis
- t.o.v. = ten opzichte van
- T.O.S.D. = Tertiary of the Order of St. Dominic
- T.O.P. = Third Order of Preachers
- T.O.R. = Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance (Franciscan Friars)
- T.Gem. = Tijdschrift voor gemeenterecht
- T.B. = Wet Tuchtrechtspraak Bedrijfsorganisatie
- T.B. = tariefbesluit
- t.b. = ter beschikking
- T.App. = Tijdschrift voor appartements- en immorecht
- T.App. = Tijdschrift voor appartements- en immorecht
- T.B.A. = Wet op het ter beschikking stellen van arbeidskrachten
- t.b.v. = ten behoeve van
- t.b.v. = ten behoeve van
- t.b.r. = terbeschikkingstelling van de regering
- T.B.Ar. = wet op het ter beschikking stellen van arbeidskrachten(1965)
- T.B.M.O. = therapeutische bestanddelen van menselijke oorsprong
- t.a.v. = ten aanzien van
- T.a.v. of t.a.v. = ter atentie van
- t.a.v. = ten aanzien van
- t.a.p. = ter aangehaalde plaatse
- t.a.p. = ter aangehaalder plaatse
- T.Aann. = Tijdschrift voor aannemingsrecht
- T.Agr.R. = Tijdschrift voor agrarisch recht
- T.Agr.R. = Tijdschrift voor agrarisch recht
- T.Acc. = Tijdschrift voor accountants en boekhouders
- T.Aann. = Tijdschrift voor aannemingsrecht
- T.Acc. = Tijdschrift voor accountants en boekhouders
- t.b.v. = ten bate van
- T.Fin.R. = Tijdschrift financieel recht
- T.Fin.R. = Tijdschrift financieel recht
- T.Fam. = Tijdschrift voor familierecht
- T.F.P.O. = Tertiary Franciscan of Primitive Observance
- T.Fam. = Tijdschrift voor Familierecht
- t.g.t. = te gelegener tijd
- t.g.v. = ten gevolge van
- T.Gem. = Tijdschrift voor gemeenterecht
- t.g.v. = ten gunste van
- T.g.t. = te gelegener tijd
- t.g.v. = ter gelegenheid van
- T.Belg.Not. = Tijdschrift voor Belgische notarissen
- T.C. = Reports of Tax Cases
- T.Belg.Not. = Tijdschrift voor Belgische notarissen
- T.Bankw. = Tijdschrift voor bank- en financiewezen
- T.Bankw. = Tijdschrift voor bank- en financiewezen
- t.d. = tijdelijke dienst
- T.E.E.; TEE = Trans-Europ-Express; Trans Europ Express
- T.E.E.M.; TEEM = Trans-Europ-Express Merchandise Service; TEEM-trein
- T.Desk. = Tijdschrift van de deskundige (Abex News)
- t.d.a. = te dien aanzien
- T.Desk. = Tijdschrift van de deskundige (Abex News)
- SWG = Stichting Watersport met Gehandicapten
- SWG = Safety/Science/Simulation Working Group
- SWG = Sector Working Group
- SWFM; SWFM = switch fault management; management van schakeldefect
- SWG; SWG = Sector Working Group
- SWI = Static Walkthrough/Inspection
- SWI = Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen
- SWI = (Strong-Willed Individual (see also HMI))
- SWH = Sociale Werkvoorzieningsregeling voor hoofdarbeiders
- SWHA = software hazard analysis
- Swedint; Swedint = The Swedish Armed Forces International Command; Het Internationale Commando van de Zweedse strijdkrachten
- SWEEEP; SWEEEP = Sector-Wide Enterprise, Employment and Equity Programme; Sector-Wide Enterprise, Employment and Equity Programme
- SWEDAC = SWEDish board for technical Accreditation
- SWE; SWE = spherical wave expansion; sferische-golfuitbreiding
- SWEAT = Standard Wafer-level Electromigration Accelerated Test
- SWELL = SOCIAL SCIENCES _ see note at dinkySWG 158
- SWF; SWF = short-wave fade-out; korte-golffading
- SWF; SWF = short wave fadeout; korte-golffading
- SWF = Shockwave/Flash (file name extension)
- SWF = Shadowy Wraithlike Figure
- SWF = (Shadowy Wraithlike Figure)
- SWI = Strong-Willed Individual (see also HMI)
- SWING = Stichting Workshops in Nederland voor de Geïmproviseerde Muziek
- SWIPNET = Swedish IP NETwork
- SWIM = Super Woz Integrated Machine
- SWIM = see what I mean? (used in e-mails and text messages)
- SWIM = Semiconductor Workbench for Integrated Modeling
- SWIS; SWIS = Strategic Waste Information System; Informatiesysteem Strategische Afvalstoffen
- SWL = Stichting Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium
- SWLAN = Secure Wireless Local Area Network
- SWL = Screaming With Laughter (Internet lingo)
- SWISH = Simple Web Indexing System for Humans
- Switz. = GEOGRAPHY Switzerland
- SWIDOC = Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Informatie-en Documentatiecentrum
- SWIFT = BANKING Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
- SWI; SWI = special world interval; speciale-wereldinterval
- SWI = sterile water for injection
- SWI; SWI = Steuer under Wirtschaft International; Zie met betrekking tot de stand van de discussie tussen de auteurs: Hohenwarter, D./Plansky, P., „Besteuerung von Erbschaften nach Wegzug in einen Drittstaat im Gemeinschaftsrecht – Schlussanträge des GA Léger in der Rs. van Hilten-van der Heijden”, Steuer und Wirtschaft International
- SWIFT = Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
- SWIFT; SWIFT = Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
- SWIG = Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
- SWIFT; SWIFT = Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication; Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
- SWIFT = Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
- SWIFT; SWIFT = Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
- swe = Sweden (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SWALK = Sealed With A Loving Kiss (Internet lingo)
- SWALK = sealed with a loving kissThe acronym SWALK, traditionally written on the back of a envelope containing a letter to abeloved person, is falling into disuse along with the practice of letter-writing itself.Nonetheless, it is probably the most enduring of a set of acronyms formerly used in the sameway. Many of the others share a geographical theme; they include BURMA ‘be undressed andready my angel', HOLLAND ‘hope our love lasts and never dies', ITALY ‘I trust and love you',and NORWICH ‘(k)nickers off ready when I come home'.
- SWAK = Sealed With A Kiss (Internet lingo)
- SWAHBI = Stupid Wild Assed Half-Baked Idea (Internet lingo)
- SWAIS = Simple Wide Area Information Server
- SWAMI = Software Aided Multifont Input
- SWAP 2000 = Software Actieplan 1996-2000
- SWAP; SWAP = system-wide action plan; System Wide Action Plan
- SWAP = Shared Wireless Access Protocol (HRFWG)
- SWAN = Sun Wide Area Network (Sun Microsystems)
- SWAP = Simple Workflow Access Protocol (Netscape)
- SW; SA = separative work; Scheidingsarbeid
- SW; SA = separative work; scheidingsarbeid
- sw; KG = short wave; korte golf
- sw; HF-band = high frequencies; hoge frequenties
- sw; HF-band = high frequencies; korte golven
- sw; sw = Swahili; Swahili
- SWAG = Simple/Sdentific/Stupid Wild Assed Guess (Internet lingo)
- SWAHBI = Silly Wild Assed Hair-Brained Idea (Internet lingo)
- SWAC = Standards Western Automatic Calculator
- SW1/SW2 = Status Word 1/Status Word 2
- SWAB = Samen Werken Aan Bereikbaarheid
- SWAR = SIMD Within A Register (parallel computing)
- SWC = Safe Working Conditions
- SWCB = Software Control Board
- SWC = (Safe Working Conditions)
- SWBT = South Western Bell Telephone
- SWbW = southwest by west
- SWD = (Slow-Witted Demeanor)
- SWDW = Shared Windowed Digital World
- SWDYRTW = Since When Do You Rule The Web? (Internet lingo)
- SWD; WDC = Staff Working Document; werkdocument van de diensten van de Commissie
- SWD = Slow-Witted Demeanor
- SWD = Suppletiewater-demin-systeem
- SWB = Wetboek van Strafrecht
- SWB = Strafwetboek
- Swatch; Swatch = Sile's Wet Areas Together Conserve How; Behoud van de waterrijke zones van de rivier de Silo
- SWAT = Software Action Team
- SWAT = US POLICE a police unit that is trained in the use of military weapons andtactics. Full form Special Weapons and Tactics
- SWB = Socially Wreckless Behaviour
- swbd = TELECOMMUNICATIONS switchboard
- SWbS = southwest by south
- SWB = (Socially Wreckless Behaviour)
- SWB = Sectie Wetenschappelijke Bibliotheken
- SWB = Subsidieregeling weegapparatuur en geautomatiseerde bemonsteringsapparatuur
- SWM = Streekgewest Westelijke Mijnstreek
- syc = Seychelles (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SYHA = Scottish Youth Hostels Association
- sy = Syria (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SXPS = Soft X-ray Photoelecbron Spectroscopy
- sy = ONLINE Syria (NOTE: The abbreviation sy is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- SYL = See You Later (Internet lingo)
- SYMC = Symantec Corporation (stock symbol)
- SYMPL = SYsteMs Programming Language
- sym. = 1. symbol 2. symmetrical 3. MUSIC symphony 4. MEDICINE symptom
- SYLK = SYmbolik LinK
- SYM = Symmetric power (mathematics - linear algebra)
- SWV = Sint Willibrord Vereniging
- SWWRAC; SWWRAC = South Western Waters Regional Advisory Council; Het overlegdocument is ook verstuurd aan de regionale adviesraad voor de zuidwestelijke wateren
- SWV = Square Wave Voltammetry
- SWU; ESA = separative work unit; eenheid scheidingsarbeid
- SWU; SWU = separative work units; Eurodif heeft een nominale capaciteit van 10,8 miljoen scheidingsarbeideenheden
- SWYP = So, What's Your Problem? (Internet lingo)
- SX1100 = Sperry/Univac Unix for Unisys 1100 (hardware/software)
- SXGA = Super extended Graphics Array/Adapter
- SX = COMPUTING a type of processor chip derived from the basic 80386 or 80486 processorthat is slightly cheaper to manufacture and buy
- swz = Swaziland (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SX = Simplex
- SYMPL = SYsteMs Programming Language
- synd. = syndicate
- SYNERGY = programma ter bevordering van de internationale samenwerking in de energiesector - Synergy-programma
- SyncML = Synchronized Markup Language
- SYN; SYN = synchronisation word; synchronisatiewoord
- Sync = Synchronous
- Synergy; SYNERGY = programme to promote international cooperation in the energy sector; gemeenschappelijk programma voor hulp aan en samenwerking met derde landen op het gebied van de bepaling van het energiebeleid en de toepassing daarvan
- syr = Syria (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SYRENE = Systeem Iepenregistratie Nederland
- SYP; SYP = Syrian pound
- Synergy; Synergy = programme to promote international cooperation in the energy sector; gemeenschappelijk programma voor hulp aan en samenwerking met derde landen op het gebied van de bepaling van het energiebeleid en de toepassing daarvan
- SYP = Syrian Pound of Syrian Arab Republic (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- syn.; syn. = synonym; synoniem
- SYN; SYN = synchronisation word; synchronisatiewoord
- Syn. = Synodus ('Synod')
- SYN = SYNchronous
- SYN = (No Expansion, TCP flag bit name. See FIN.)
- SYN; SYN = SYN; synchronisatiewoord
- SYN; SYN = cooperation; samenwerking
- SYN; SYN = Coalition of the Left and Progressive Forces; Linkse Progressieve Alliantie
- SYN; SYN = cooperation; coopération
- SYN; SYN =
- SYN; SYN = SYN; synchronisatiewoord
- SWT = Stichting Watertransport
- SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
- SWOT; SWOT = strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; De LAG’s in Frankrijk (Languedoc-Roussillon) en Beieren organiseerden thematische workshops in een participatief proces om de sterke en zwakke punten, mogelijkheden en risico’s
- SWOP = Specifications for Web Offset Printing
- SWOMI = Seamless Wireless Omnidirectional Mobile Internet
- SWOP = Specifications for Web Offset Printing
- SWOT; SWOT = strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats; sterke punten, zwakke punten, kansen en bedreigingen
- SWP = Swap File (file name extension)
- SWP = Software Verification and Validation Plan
- SWP = schoolwerkplan
- SWOT; SWOT = strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats; Een belangrijke fase in de ontwikkeling van een lokale werkgelegenheidsstrategie is het maken van een diagnose van de sterke punten, zwakke punten, mogelijkheden en risico's
- SWOV = Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid
- SWNBL = Studiecommissie Waterbeheer,Natuur,Bos en Landschap
- SWO = Sociaal wijkopbouworgaan
- SWN = Stichting Wind-Energie Nederland
- SWMBO = She Who Must Be Obeyed (Internet lingo)
- SWN = SystemWide Name
- SWOAD = Stichting voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek van alcohol en druggebruik
- SWOL = Sun World On-Line (magazine)
- SWOLOP = Sun Workstation On-Line Operational Program (Sun Microsystems)
- SWOKA = Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Konsumenten Aangelegenheden
- SWOKA = Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Konsumenten Aangelegenheden
- SWOKA = Stichting wetenschappelijk onderzoek konsumentenaangelegenheden
- SWP = Saved Window Pointer
- SWR; SWR = standing wave ratio; staande golfverhouding
- SWR; SWR = standing wave ratio; staande-golfverhouding
- SWR = Standing-Wave Ratio
- SWR = Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Raad
- SWR = Semiconductor Wafer Representation
- SWR; VSWR = standing wave ratio; staande golfverhouding
- SWS = Sun Web Server (Sun Microsystems)
- SW-SE = StarWars - Speaal Edition (Internet lingo)
- SWS = (Suffocating Work Schedule (see also OWS))
- SWR; VSWR = standing wave ratio; staande-golfverhouding
- SWS = Suffocating Work Schedule (see also OWS)
- SWP = Stichting Waakzaamheid Persoonsregistratie
- SWP; SWP = Safety Working Party; Werkgroep Veiligheid
- SWP = POLITICS Socialist Workers Party
- SWP = Simple Web Printing
- SWP = Single Wafer Processing
- SWP; SWP = statistical work programme; 78. Gezien de eigenschappen van het meerjarige programma is het jaarlijkse statistische werkprogramma
- SWR = Standford Wireless Research
- SWR = Scheduler Work Area (IBM)
- SWR = Sociaal Wetenschappelijke Raad
- SWPA = GEOGRAPHY Southwestern Pacific Area
- SWQA = Software Quality Assurance
- Sub.a.m.w. = rijkssubsidieregeling voor het algemeen maatschappelijk werk(1962)
- StAZ = Das Standesamt
- StB = Der Steuerberater
- Stat.IGH = STatuut van het Internationale Gerechtshof
- Stat. = Statuut
- stat. = statistiek
- STB = (Set-Top Box (STB) (RFC 6972))
- Stb. = Staatsblad
- Stb. = Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
- STB = BUSINESS the joining together of unions so as to enter negotiations as one entity, toensure fairness to all members of a profession. Full form single table bargaining
- STB = Space-Time Block (coding scheme)
- STB = Software Technical Bulletin
- START; START = Strategic Arms Reduction Talks; besprekingen over verminderingen van strategische kernwapens
- START; START = Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
- STARS = Space Transportation Accounting and Resources System (KSC)
- START = MILITARY Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
- START; START = Strategic Arms Reduction Talks; Besprekingen over de vermindering van strategische bewapening
- Stat. = Statute at Large
- Stat. = statuten
- Stas. = Staatssecretaris
- STARTEX; STARTEX = Start of the Exercise Situation; aanvang oefening
- STARTEX; STARTEX = start of exercise; aanvang oefening
- Stb. of Stbl. = Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
- STC = System Time Clock (MPEG)
- STC = Subregionaal Tewerkstellingscomité
- STC = [1] Significant Technical/Technological Change
- STC = Securities Training Corporation
- STC = ([2] Significant Technology/Technical Challenge)
- STC = subregionaal tewerkstellingscomité
- STC; CST = STC; Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Comité
- STC; STC = switching and testing center; omschakel-en testcentrum
- STC; CST = Scientific and Technical Committee; WTC
- STC; CST = Scientific and Technical Committee; Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Comité
- STBR = Segment Table Base Register
- STBY = Sucks To Be You (Internet lingo)
- Stbl. = Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
- stbd = NAUTICAL starboard
- StbJb. = Steuerberater-Jahrbuch
- STC = ([1] Significant Technical/Technological Change)
- STC = Set Carry Flag (assembly language)
- STC = Space-Time Coding
- STC = [2] Significant Technology/Technical Challenge
- STC = Signalling Transport Converter
- STC = schaalvergroting,taakverdeling,concentratie
- STARS = Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems
- STAM = Stichting Autonome Middenscholen
- STAMIL = Koninklijke Nationale Vereniging tot Steun aan Miliciens
- Stak = Steuer aktuell
- STAG-krt = storting acceptgirokaart
- STAIRS = STorage And Information Retrieval System
- STAMP = Securities Trading Access Message Protocol
- STANAVFORLANT; STANAVFORLANT = Standing Naval Force Atlantic; permanente zeestrijdkrachten Atlantisch gebied
- STANAVFORMED; STANAVFORMED = Standing Naval Force Mediterranean; permanente zeestrijdkrachten Middellandse Zee
- STANAVFORLANT; STANAVFORLANT = Standing Naval Force Atlantic; Permanente strijdmacht Atlantische Oceaan
- STANAVFORCHAN; STANAVFORCHAN = Standing Naval Force Channel; permanente zeestrijdkrachten Kanaal
- STANAVFORCHAN; STANAVFORCHAN = Standing Naval Force Channel; Permanente marine-eenheid Kanaal
- STAF; STAF = Special technology athletic footwear; Special Technology Athletic Footwear
- Staffs. = GEOGRAPHY Staffordshire
- STAF = SDH Transceiver And Framer
- STAD = Stichting Amsterdamse Draadloze Omroep
- Städtetag = Der Städtetag
- STAG = Stichting Aids Gezondheidszorg
- Stagever. = Stageverordening
- STAGG = Stichting Architecten Onderzoek Gebouwen Gezondheidszorg
- STAG-EL = Stichting Algemene Gezondheidsvoorzieningen-Eerste Lijn
- STAG = Stichting Aids Gezondheidszorg
- STAGE = Structured Text And Graphics Editor
- STANSS = Socio-technische analyse van scheepvaartsystemen
- StAR Initiative; StAR = Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative; Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative
- StAR Initiative; StAR = StAR Initiative; Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative
- STAR 21; STAR 21 = Aerospace Advisory Group
- STAR = Science and Technology program for less Advanced Regions
- STAR = Self Tuning ARchitecture
- STAR; STAR = regional advanced telecommunications systems; regionale systemen voor geavanceerde telecommunicatie
- STAR; STAR = Committee on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development; Permanent Comité voor landbouwstructuur en plattelandsontwikkeling
- StAR; StAR = StAR Initiative; Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative
- STAR; STAR = Special Telecommunications Actions for Regional Development; Communautair Programma voor de ontwikkeling van bepaalde, minderontwikkelde regio's van de Gemeenschap door een betere toegang tot geavanceerde telecommunicatiediensten
- STAR; STAR = Special Telecommunications Action for Regional Development; STAR-programma
- StAR; StAR = Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative; Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative
- STAR = Overlegorgaan voor centrale organisaties van werkgevers en werknemers
- STAR = Stichting van de Arbeid
- STAR = reactiviteitsregeling van de Staven
- STAP = Space-Time Adaptive Processing
- STAP = Stichting Agrarische Projecten
- STAR = Simultaneous Transmitted And Reflected
- STAR = Stichting van de Arbeid
- STAR = Search Tracking And Registry (Sybase)
- STAR = Self-defining Text ARchival
- STAR = Permanente Werkgroep Drugs
- STAR = Scientific and Technical Report
- STC; STC = switching and testing centre; omschakel-en testcentrum
- STD; STD = subscriber's trunk dialing; interlokale selectie van de abonnee
- STD; STD = subscriber trunk dialling; interlokaal automatisch abonneeverkeer
- STD; STD = science and technology for development; Wetenschap en techniek ten dienste van de ontwikkeling
- STD; STD = STD; dobra
- STD; STD = subscriber's trunk dialing; interlokaal automatisch abonneeverkeer
- STD; STD = subscriber trunk dialling; interlokale selectie van de abonnee
- STDAUX = Standard Auxiliary
- STDERR = Standard Error
- STDA = StreetTalk Directory Assistance
- STD; STD = dobra; STD
- STD; Db = dobra; STD
- STD; Db = STD; dobra
- STD = State Transition Diagram
- std = standard
- STD = [5] Sustainable Travel Destination
- STD; Db = dobra; dobra
- STD; SOA = sexually transmitted diseases; seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen
- STD; STD = dobra; dobra
- STD; soa = sexually transmissible disease; venerische ziekte
- STD; Db = STD; STD
- STD; soa = sexually transmitted disease; venerische ziekte
- STDIN = Standard Input
- Ste = Stichting Toezicht Effectenverkeer
- STE = Subscriber Terminal Equipment
- STE = (Short-Term Effect(s) (see LTE for antonym))
- STE = Stichting Toegepaste Ecologie
- STE = special test equipment
- STE = Short-Term Effect(s) (see LTE for antonym)
- STE; STE = Securities Board of the Netherlands; Stichting Toezicht Effectenverkeer
- STEC = Vereniging van Stads-en Economische Geografen
- Ste = Sainte (NOTE: The abbreviation Ste, from French, is used before the name of a womanwho is a saint, and is often used in the names of wines.)
- Ste = Sinte
- Ste = Sint
- STDM; STDM = statistical time division multiplexing; statistical time division multiplexing
- STDMx = Statistical Time Division Multiplexer
- STDM = Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing
- STDIO = Standard Input/Output Header (C language)
- STDM = Statistical Time Division Multiplexer
- STDN = Space Tracking and Data Network
- ST-DS9 = Star Trek - Deep Space 9 (Internet lingo)
- Stdw = Stuwaroorswet
- STDPRN = Standard Printer
- STDN; STI4ON = space flight tracking and data network; ruimtevluchtvolging-en datanetwerk
- STDOUT = Standard Output
- STD = Stichting Thuis Dialyse
- Stcrt. = Staatscourant
- Stcrt. of Stc. of Stct = Nederlandse Staatscourant
- Stcrt. = staatscourant
- STCF; WTCV = Scientific and Technical Committee for Fisheries; Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Comité voor de visserij
- STCF; WTCV = Scientific and Technical Committee on Fisheries; Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Comité voor de visserij
- stct. = staatscourant
- STCW; STCW = Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for seafarers; STCW certifiëring
- STD = Synchronous Time Division
- STCW; STCW = Seafarers Training, Certification and Watchkeeping; Seafarers Training, Certification and Watchkeeping
- STCU; STCU = Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine; Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine
- STCW = Internationaal Verdrag betreffende de normen voor zeevarenden inzake opleiding, diplomering en wachtdienst
- STC; WTC = Scientific and Technical Committee; Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Comité
- STC; WTC = Scientific and Technical Committee; Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Comité
- STC; WTC = Scientific and Technical Committee; Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Comité
- STC; STC = supplemental type certification; Voor wijzigingen van bestaande vliegtuigen wordt een aanvullende typecertificering
- STC; WTC = Scientific and Technical Committee; Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Comité
- STCA; STCA = Short-term-conflict alert; Short-Term Conflict Alert
- STCF; WTCV = Scientific and Technical Committee on Fisheries; Wetenschappelijk en technisch comite voor de visserij
- STCA; STCA = short-term-conflict alert; short-term conflict alert
- STC; WTC = Scientific and Technical Committee; WTC
- STC; WTC = STC; Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Comité
- STD = [6] Sustainable Travel Devastation (e.g. ecological damage caused by tourism)
- STD = standard
- STD = [2] Sudden, Tragic Death
- STD = ([3] Selective Truth Disclosure)
- STD = software test description
- STD = Systems Target Decoder (MPEG)
- STD = Subscriber Trunk Dialing (telecommunications)
- STD = Standard or State Transition Diagram
- STD = Secondary Transmit Data
- STD = [3] Selective Truth Disclosure
- STD = Subregionale Tewerkstellingsdienst
- STD = [4] Sustainable Technological/Technology Differentiation
- STD = Set Direction Flag (assembly language)
- STD = ([1] Socially-Tactful Design)
- STD = ([5] Sustainable Travel Destination)
- STD = Subregionaal Comité voor arbeidsbemiddeling en Vorming
- STD = [1] Socially-Tactful Design
- STD = Dobra of Sao Tome and Prinape (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- STD = ([4] Sustainable Technological/Technology Differentiation)
- STD = ([6] Sustainable Travel Devastation (e.g. ecological damage caused by tourism))
- STD = Software Test Description
- STD = 1. MEDICINE sexually transmitted disease 2. TELECOMMUNICATIONS subscriber trunkdialling
- STD = ([2] Sudden, Tragic Death)
- SST = Satellite Servicing Technology
- SST = Supersonic Transport
- SST = TRANSPORT supersonic transport
- SST = Scaleable Stackable Technology (Intel)
- SST = Systems Services and Technology
- SST; SST = supersonic transport; supersonisch transport
- SSTB; SSTB = Simple set-top box; 1. "Eenvoudige set-top box"
- SSTB; SSTB = simple set-top box (SSTB); eenvoudige set-top box
- SST; SST = System Solutions Tests; De werkzaamheden met het oog op de succesvolle afronding van de systeemoplossingtest
- SST; SST = super speed turbine; super speed turbine
- SST; SST = super speed turbine; fietswieltype molen
- SSSR = Space To Space Station Radio
- SSSR; SSSR = system specific security requirements; 1. Alle systemen van Europol voor de verwerking van gerubriceerde Europol-informatie zijn geaccrediteerd door de raad van bestuur, die eerst het beveiligingscomité raadpleegt en de verzekering krijgt dat de uit de systeemeigen beveiligingsvoorschriften
- SSSP = Space Station Safety Program
- SSSL; SSSL = Sky Subscribers Services Ltd; Sky Subscribers Services Ltd
- SSSM = System Support Service Module
- SSST = Space Station Systems Trainer
- SST = (State Sponsored Terrorism (e.g. Iran))
- SST = State Sponsored Terrorism (e.g. Iran)
- SST = Spacecraft Systems Test
- SST = Spread-Spectrum Technology
- SST = Super Serial Technology
- SSTC = Space Station Training Center
- SSU; SSU = subsequent signal unit; volgend-signaaleenheid
- SSU; SSU = stratospheric sounding unit; stratosferische-peilingseenheid
- SSU; SSU = single signal unit; eenheid van een enkel signaal
- SSU = System Storage Unit
- SSU = Sequential Shunt Unit
- SSUAS = Space Station Utilization Advisory Subcommittee
- SSV = ([1] Systemic Sectarian Violence (e.g. civil war))
- SSV = ([2] Systematic Sexual Violence)
- SSUWG = Space Station Users Working Group
- SSUB = Space Station Utilization Board
- SSUIS = Space Station User Information System
- SSTG = Space and Systems Technology Group (Motorola)
- SSTMF = Space Station Training and Mockup Facility
- SSTF = Shortest Seek Time First
- SSTDMA = Satellite-Switched Time Division Multiple Access
- SSTF = Space Station Training Facility
- SSTP = System Supporting Test Plan
- SSTV; SSTV = slow scan television; televisie met langzame aftasting
- SSTV; SSTV = super-sharp television; superscherpe televisie
- SSTV; SSTV = Slow Scan TV; slowscantelevisie
- SSTP; SSTP = Super-SARA Test Programme; Super-SARA-testprogramma
- SSTP; SSTP = Streamlined Sales Tax Plan; Streamlined Sales Tax Plan
- SSSL; SSSL = Sky Subscribers Services Limited; Sky Subscribers Services Limited
- SSRI = PHARMACOLOGY an antidepressant drug that increases serotonin levels in synapses,resulting in elevation of mood. Full form selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
- SSRMS = Space Station Remote Manipulator System
- SSRFAR = Space Station Research Facility Assessment Review
- SSRC = (synchronization source (SSRC))
- SSRC; SSRC = Scientific Studies and Research Centre; Scientific Studies and Research Centre
- SSRP = Simple Server Redundancy Protocol
- SSRR = (Strict Source and Record Route (SSRR))
- SSRR = Strict Source and Record Route
- SSRP; SSRP = school sector reform programme; Sectorale begrotingssteun (2010-2013) (in formuleringsfase, nog niet goedgekeurd) | Voorstel voor een hervormingsprogramma voor de schoolsector
- SSRPOS = Space Station Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Simulator
- SSR; SSR = Community of Sovereign Republics; Gemeenschap van Soevereine Republieken
- SSR; SSR = security sector reform; security sector reform
- SSR; SSR = security sector reform; hervorming van de veiligheidssector
- SSR = S-Band Shuttle Return
- SSR = Stichting Stuurgroep Reclame
- SSR; SSR = Stichting Studiecentrum Rechtspleging; Stichting Studiecentrum Rechtspleging
- SSRAM = Synchronous Static Random Access Memory
- SSRB = Senior Safety Review Board
- SSR; SSR = Training and Study Centre for the Judiciary; Stichting Studiecentrum Rechtspleging
- SSR; SSR = secondary surveillance radar; secondary surveillance radar
- SSR; SSR = security system reform; hervorming van de veiligheidssector
- SSRS; SSRS = System-specific security requirement statement; Systeemgebonden Specificatie van Beveiligingseisen
- SSSAA = Space Station Solar Array Assemblies
- SSSAR = Service Specific Segmentation and Re-assembly sublayer
- SSSA = Space Station Solar Array
- SSS; SSS = specialised satellite services
- SSS_RA = SSS-to-RS EPRE ratio for the channel SSS
- SSSAS = Space Station Systems Analysis Study
- SSSI = ENVIRONMENT Site of Special Scientific Interest
- SSSI; SSSI = Shahid Sayyade Shirazi Industries; Shahid Sayyade Shirazi Industries
- SSSF = Space Station Support Facility
- SSSC = Space Station Support Center/Complex
- SSSD = Single-Sided Single-Density
- SSS = Single Strip Scan
- SSS = Secondary Synchronization Signal
- SSS = Spin Sun Sensor
- SSRS; SSRS = subsystem requirements specification
- SSS = Sun Solaris System
- SSS = Sybase SQL Server
- SSS = Server-Side Script
- SSS; SSS = Special Security Service; a) wapens en munitie die voor opleidingsdoeleinden aan de leden van de Speciale veiligheidsdienst (SSS) werden uitgereikt, en die ter beschikking van de SSS blijven voor onbelemmerd operationeel gebruik, mits de overdracht daarvan aan de SSS tevoren was goedgekeurd door het bij paragraaf 21 van UNSCR 1521 (2003) ingestelde comité
- SSS = space-to-space subsystem
- SSS = Solid State Storage
- SSS = solid state switch
- SSV = Stichting Samenwerkend Verzet
- St; Str. = Strait; (zee)straat
- ST; WT = scientific and technical; wetenschappelijk en technisch
- ST; ST = software technology; softwaretechnologie
- ST; ST = sub-tropical; Cc = Xc voor koelapparatuur behorend tot de subtropische klimaatklasse
- ST; ST = software technologies; software technologie
- STA = Science and Technology Agency (Japan)
- STA = ([3] Sensational Terror(ist) Attack)
- STA = systematisch-toxicologische analyse
- STA = Star Tracker assembly
- Sta = Santa (NOTE: The abbreviation Sta, from Spanish and Italian, is used before the nameof a woman who is a saint, especially in placenames.)
- STA = Spanning Tree Algorithm
- st; st = stere; stère
- st; st = st; st
- st; s = st; stère
- st; s = stere; stère
- st; s = st; st
- St; St = Stanton number; kengrootheid van Stanton
- st; st = stere; stère
- St; St = Stanton's no.; kengrootheid van Stanton
- st; st = st; stère
- ST; ST = SGS-Thomson; SGS-Thomson
- st; st = stere; st
- STA = [3] Sensational Terror(ist) Attack
- STABO = Technisch studie-en adviesbureau van de Belgische boerenbond
- STABU = STichting Standaard Bestek Burgerlijke Utiliteitsbouw
- STABEX; STABEX = Stabilisation System for Export Earnings; systeem voor de stabilisatie van de exportopbrengsten
- STABEX; STABEX = (System of) Stabilisation of Export Earnings; (systeem voor de) stabilisatie van de exportopbrengsten
- STABEX; STABEX = Stabilisation System for Export Earnings; regeling ter stabilisatie van de exportopbrengsten
- stacc. = MUSIC staccato
- STACRES; SCRS = STACRES; Permanent comité voor onderzoek en statistiek
- STACTIC; STACTIC = Standing Committee on International Control; Permanent Comité inzake internationale controle
- STACRES; SCRS = Standing Committee on Research and Statistics; Permanent comité voor onderzoek en statistiek
- STACFAC; STACFAC = NAFO Standing Committee on Fishing Activities of Non-contracting Parties in the Regulatory Area; Permanent Comité van de NAFO inzake visserij-activiteiten van niet-leden in het gereglementeerde gebied
- STACFAD; STACFAD = Standing Committee on Finance and Administration
- STA = spanning tree algorithm
- STA = [1] Significant Technical/Technological Advantage
- STA = ([2] Second-Trimester Abortion)
- STA = ([1] Significant Technical/Technological Advantage)
- STA = service track assembly
- STA = Spanning Tree Algorithm
- Staat = Der Staat
- StAB = StAB: jurisprudentietijdschrift op het gebied van ruimtelijke ordening, milieubeheer en water
- STAA = Stichting Auteursrecht Amsterdam
- STA = [2] Second-Trimester Abortion
- STA = structural test article
- st; s = stere; st
- St = Sao Tome and Principe (ISO 2-letter country code)
- ST = TIME standard time
- ST = SelfTest
- SSWUG = SQL Server Worldwide Users Group
- SSZS = Stichting Studiefonds Zuidafrikaanse Studenten
- ST = stoomtunnel
- St = Sinte
- ST = Star Trek (Internet lingo)
- ST = Such That (Internet lingo)
- St = 1. CHRISTIANITY Saint 2. GEOGRAPHY Strait 3. ROADS Street (NOTE: The abbreviation St isused in addresses.)
- ST = Stichting Taalwetenschap
- SSV = [2] Systematic Sexual Violence
- Ssvbat = Staf stafverzorgingsbatterij
- SSV = [1] Systemic Sectarian Violence (e.g. civil war)
- SSV = (Shared Secret Value (SSV) or)
- SSV = (Secret State Verifier (SSV))
- SSVH = Stichting Samenwerkende Vrijwillige Hulpdiensten
- SSW = south-southwest
- SSW; z.z.w. = South-Southwest; zuid-zuidwest
- SSW = Stream Status Word
- SSVPA; SSVPA = single-species virtual population analysis
- SSVTF = Space Station Verification and Training Facility
- ST = special tooling
- St.Tr. = State Trials and Proceedings... 1163-1820
- St.Tr.N.S. = Reports of State Trials New Series 1820-58
- st.m.m.s. = stapelmeter,met schors
- St.-Gen. = St.-Gen.
- st.i. = Stedebouwkundig Ingenieur
- St.vw. = Standaardvoorwaarden
- St; hl = Saint; Heilige
- St; Hl = Saint; Heilige
- St; h = Saint; Heilige
- St.YfC = Stichting Youth for Christ Nederland
- St; H = Saint; Heilige
- ST = Symbol Table
- st. = 1. POETRY stanza 2. start 3. state 4. LAW statute 5. PRINTING stet 6. HANDICRAFT stitch
- st = 1. ONLINE São Tomé and Príncipe (NOTE: The abbreviation st is seen at the end of Internetaddresses, preceded by a dot.) 2. MEASUREMENTS short ton
- St = Sint
- ST = Segment Type
- St. Ex. = Stock Exchange
- St.Doc.BCNAR; St.Doc.B.C.N.A.R. = Studies en documenten van het Belgisch Centrum voor Normalisatie van de Accountancy en het Revisoraat
- St.-Gen. = Staten-Generaal
- St.Doc.BCNAR = Studies en documenten van het Belgisch Centrum voor Normalisatie van de Accountancy en het Revisoraat
- St.; St. = Saint; Sint
- St.CEE = Stichting Cavalerie Ere-Escorte
- STRAM = Synchronous Transmit Receive Access Method
- STRAP = Station Reboost Analysis Program
- StraFo = Strafverteidiger Forum
- STRAD; STRAD = Signal Transmission,Reception And Distribution; zenden,ontvangen en verdelen van signalen
- Strata; Strata = strategic analysis of specific policy issues; strategische analyse van specifieke beleidsvraagstukken
- STRESS = STRuctural Engineering System Solver (programming language)
- STRESS = COMPUTING structural engineering system solver
- STREP; STREP = specific targeted research project; specifiek gericht onderzoekproject
- Stratum = Grouping of protocols related to one aspect of the services provided by one or several domains.
- Streit = Streit
- STR = Synchronous Transmitter Receiver
- STR = Stichting Theaterproduktie Rotterdam
- STR = Store Task Register (asm 286+ privileged)
- STPS = Summary Task Planning Sheet
- STR = Starboard Thermal Radiator
- Str. = GEOGRAPHY Strait
- STR; STR = suspicious transaction report; melding van een verdachte transactie
- STRABIS = Strafrecht Boete Incasso Systeem
- STR; STR = Special Trade Representative; Speciale Handelsgezant
- str. = 1. GEOGRAPHY strait 2. ROWING stroke
- STR; STR = short tandem repeat
- STRIDE = Securities TRading In a Distributed Environment
- STS = Synchronous Transport Signal
- STS = (Short-Term Stability (contrast with LTS))
- STS = Bedrijfschap van het Stukadoors-,Terrazzo-en Steengaasstellersbedrijf/afbouwbedrijf
- STS = stoptonend sein
- STS = SharePointTeam Server (Microsoft)
- STS = Short-Term Stability (contrast with LTS)
- STS = GENETICS sequence tagged site
- STS; KTS = Short-Term Statistics; Kortetermijnstatistieken
- STS = Space Transportation System
- STS = Single Track Seek (Seagate)
- STS = So To Speak (Internet lingo)
- STRO; STRO = Scandinavian Tyre and Rim Organisation; Scandinavian Tyre and Rim Organisation
- STRS = Stichting Traditiekamer Regiment Stoottroepen
- Strip; Strip = separate trading of interest and principal; Separate trading of interest and principal
- STRIDE; STRIDE = Speech Analytic Hearing Aids for the Profoundly Deaf in Europe
- Strip; Strip = strip; Separate trading of interest and principal
- STRUDL = STRUtural Design Language (programming language)
- STS = Stichting Talen Spelenderwijs
- STS = onveilig sein
- STS = technische specificaties
- STS = (Synchronous Transport Signal (STS))
- STS = Space-Time-Space (network)
- STPP = Strategic Technology Protection Program (Microsoft)
- STP = Shielded Twisted Pair
- STP = Synchronized Transaction Processing
- STP = Standard Temperature and Pressure
- STP = standard temperature and pressure
- STP = short term plan
- STP = Space Test Program
- STP = Signalling Transfer Point
- STP = Software Technology Park
- STP = (Secure Transfer Protocol (STP))
- STP = Software Through Pictures
- STP = Spanning Tree Protocol (IEEE)
- STOVEG = Stichting Onderzoek Vestigingseisen Groothandel
- STP = Secure Transfer Protocol
- STOT; STOT = specific target organ toxicity; b) de identiteit van alle stoffen in het mengsel die bijdragen tot de indeling van het mengsel wat betreft acute toxiciteit, huidcorrosie of ernstig oogletsel, mutageniteit in geslachtscellen, kankerverwekkendheid, voortplantingstoxiciteit, sensibilisatie van de luchtwegen of de huid, specifieke doelorgaantoxiciteit
- sto-ro; sto-ro = stowable ro-ro cargo; sto-ro-lading
- STOS = Store String [Byte, Word or Doubleword] (assembly language)
- STP = Signal Transfer Point
- STP = 1. COMPUTING shielded twisted pair (cable) 2. PHYSICS standard temperature andpressure
- STP = Shielded Twisted Pair or Signal Transfer Protocol
- STP = (Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) or)
- stp = Sao Tome and Prinape (ISO 3-letter country code)
- STP = System Test Plan
- STP = LSOB Scholingen
- STP; STP = Serenity Tranquillity Peace pill; Serenity Tranquillity Peace
- STPD; STPD = standard temperature and pressure,dry; standard temperature and pressure,dry
- STP; STP = student passport; studentenpaspoort
- STP; STP = space technology programme; ruimtetechnologieprogramma
- STPD; STPD = standard temperature, pressure, dry; standaardtemperatuur en -druk, droog
- STPML = Straight Through Processing Markup Language
- StPO = Strafprozesordnung
- STPI = Software Technology Parks of India
- STPD; STPD = Standard Temperature Pressure Dry; De hoeveelheid zuurstof wordt berekend op basis van een gemiddeld debiet van ten minste drie liter per minuut per persoon bij Standaard Temperatuur Druk Droog
- STPF; STPF = Science and Technology Promotion Fund; Science and Technology Promotion Fund
- STP; DOM = STP; Serenity Tranquillity Peace
- STP; DOM = Serenity Tranquillity Peace pill; STP
- STP; DOM = Serenity Tranquillity Peace pill; Serenity Tranquillity Peace
- stp = 1. COMPUTING shielded twisted pair (cable) 2. PHYSICS standard temperature andpressure157 SWELL
- STP = Software Test Plan
- STP; STP = straight-through-processing; straight-through-processing
- STP; STP = space technology program; ruimtetechnologieprogramma
- STP; STP = STP; Serenity Tranquillity Peace
- STP; STP = Serenity Tranquillity Peace pill; STP
- STP; STP = straight-through processing; straight-through processing
- STS; STS = Speedway Transport System; Speedway Transport System
- STVO = Stichting voor Textiel,Onderwijs en Vormgeving
- ST-VOY = Star Trek - VOYager (Internet lingo)
- STVI = Star Trek - The Undiscovered Country (Internet lingo)
- StvB = Stichting voor Biofysica
- StVG = Strassenverkerhsgesetz
- STvS = Surinaamse Televisie Stichting
- STW; STW = Technology Foundation
- STWA; ADV = short-time working arrangements; arbeidsduurverkortingsregelingen
- STW = Subcommissie Normen inzake opleiding en wachtdienst
- STW = Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen
- STW = Statistiekwet
- STV = Stichting Technologie Vlaanderen
- StV = Strafverteidiger
- Stuw.W. = stuwadoorswet(1914)
- StuW = Steur und Wirtschaft
- StuW = Steuer und Wirtschaft
- STV = Space Transfer Vehicle
- StV = Strafverteidiger
- STV; STV = single transferable vote; één overdraagbare stem
- STV = Stichting Technologie Vlaanderen
- STV = Star Trek - The Final Frontier (Internet lingo)
- STV = 1. TV Scottish Television 2. POLITICS a system of voting in a multimember constituencyin which voters list the candidates in order of preference and any candidate receivingthe required number of votes is elected. Full form single transferable vote
- ST-WOK = Star Trek - Wrath Of Khan (Internet lingo)
- SU; SU = sensitising unit; sensibiliserende eenheid
- SU; SU = strontium unit; strontiumeenheid
- SU; SU = sunshine unit; strontiumeenheid
- Su. = strafuitvoeringsrechtbank
- SU; SU = sector of use; gebruikssector
- SU; SU,afkorting van signal-unit = signal unit; signaaleenheid
- SUB = SUBtract (assembly language)
- Sub Network Management Functions = Set of functions that are related to a network model for a set of network elements constituting a clearly defined sub-network, which may include relations between the network elements. This model enables additional functions on the sub-network level (typically in the areas of network topology presentation, alarm correlation, service impact analysis and circuit provisioning).
- SUATMS; SUATMS = Single Unified Air Traffic Management System
- SU; SU,signaleringssysteem nr.7 = signalling equipment; signaleringseenheid
- SU; SU,signaleringssysteem nr.7 = signalling unit; signaleringseenheid
- STY = Style (file name extension) [Ventura, Word, WordPerfect]
- STYS = ONLINE speak to you soon (used in e-mails and text messages)
- STX = Start of TeXt
- STWSSP; STWSSP = Small towns water supply and sanitation programme; Programma voor watervoorziening en sanitaire voorzieningen in kleine gemeenten
- STX = COMPUTING start of text
- su = Former USSR (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SU = Super User
- SU = Selectable Unit (IBM)
- SU = Scheduling Unit
- SU = Specifieke Uitkering
- STUVOM = Stichting Uitvoeringsorganen VOM
- STT; STT = Securities Transaction Tax; i) een belasting op effectentransacties
- STTC = Space-Time Trellis Coding
- STT = Shallow Trench Isolation
- STT = Set Interrupt Flag [enable interrupts] (assembly language)
- STT = Space-Time Trellis (coding scheme)
- STTCL; STTCL = Special Tax Treatment Control Law; Special Tax Treatment Control Law
- STTII = Star Trek - Search For Spock (Internet lingo)
- STTMON = STill Image MONitor (Microsoft Windows ME)
- STTI = Star Trek - Wrath Of Khan (Internet lingo)
- STTD = Space Time Transmit Diversity
- STTI = (Luxemburgse) (politie)databank
- STScI = Space Telescope Science Institute
- ST-SFS = Star Trek - Search For Spock (Internet lingo)
- STS-1 = Synchronous Transport Signal-1
- STS; STS = Synchronous Transport Signal; Synchrone Transport Signaal
- STS; STS = synchronous transport signal; Synchroon Transport Signaal
- STSG = Stichting tegen Seksueel Geweld
- STT = Star Trek - The Motion Picture (Internet lingo)
- STT = Stichting de Thuiskopie
- STT = Secure Transaction Technology
- STSN = Stichting Tubereuze Sclerosis Nederland
- ststvzgcie = stafstafverzorgingscompagnie
- ST-TMP = Star Trek - The Motion Picture (Internet lingo)
- STULM = Stichting tot Uitvoering van Landbouwmaatregelen
- STUM = Scanning THermal Microscope
- STUIT = (Bestuurlijk Overleg)Stedelijk Uitloopgebied
- Stud.Dipl. = Studia Diplomatica
- Stud.Dipl. = Studia Diplomatica
- Stumoka = Studiekring voor Moderne Kantoortechniek
- STUPID = Standard Technical Utilized Procedures In Disasters or STUPid Is as stupid Does
- Stutofes = Studenten-Toneelfestival
- STUPID = Superior Technology Uniquely Placed In Design
- STUN = (Simple Traversal of the UDP Protocol through NAT (STUN) (RFC 3489 -- obsolete))
- STUN = (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) (RFC 5389))
- ST-TUC = Star Trek - The Undiscovered Country (Internet lingo)
- ST-TVH = Star Trek - The Voyage Home (Internet lingo)
- STTP; STTP = Strategic Transport Technology Plan; strategisch vervoerstechnologieplan
- ST-TNG = Star Trek - The Next Generation (Internet lingo)
- ST-TOS = Star Trek - The Original Series (Internet lingo)
- STTY = Set Terminal TYpe (Unix)
- STUBO = Stichting tot Uitvoering van Bosonderhoud
- STUC = POLITICS Scottish Trades Union Congress
- STU; ATE = separate technical unit; afzonderlijke technische eenheid
- STU = science, technology, and utilization
- STU; ATE = separate technical unit; afzonderlijke technische eenheid
- STI; WTI = Science, Technology and Innovation; wetenschap, technologie en innovatie
- STIAC; STIAC = science, technology and innovation advisory committee; Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Committee
- STI; WTI = scientific and technical information services; wetenschappelijke en technische informatiediensten
- sti. = Stience (USENET newsgroup category)
- STI; STI = Strategic traffic information; 3) Strategische verkeersinformatie
- STIBA = Stichting Belangenbehartiging Autoslopersbranche
- STIBOCA = Stichting voor bodemkartering
- STIC; STIC = Sustainable Trade and Innovation Centre; In hetzelfde verband zal de Commissie de werkzaamheden ondersteunen van de partners in het Centrum voor duurzame handel en innovatie
- STIBECO = Stichting Bevordering Contact Buitenlandse Studerenden
- STIBA = Stichting Belangenbehartiging Autoslopers Branche
- STIBA = Stichting Bestrijding Antisemitisme
- Sth = south
- StHA = HEALTH SERVICES Strategic Health Authority
- stge = storage
- STG; STG = Services techniques globaux; Services techniques globaux
- StGB = Strafgezetzbuch
- STI = Solar-Terrestrial Interactions
- STI = Studiecentrum voor techniek en ingenieurswetenschappen
- STI = MEDICINE sexually transmitted infection
- STI = (Solar-Terrestrial Interactions)
- STI = Studiecentrum voor Technische en Industriële Ingenieurs
- STI = Scientific and Technical Information
- Stichting I.V. = Stichting Industriële Vormgeving
- STIDC; CWTID = Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation Committee; Comité voor wetenschappelijke en technische informatie en documentatie
- STIDC; CIDST = Committee for Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation; Comité voor wetenschappelijke en technische informatie en documentatie
- Stidag = Stichting Diensten aan Gefailleerden
- STIDC; CIDST = Committee for Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation; CWTID
- STIDC; CWTID = Committee for Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation; Comité voor wetenschappelijke en technische informatie en documentatie
- STILO = Stichting voor Landschapsplanning en-Ontwerp
- STILOS = Stichting Lichamelijke Opvoeding en Sport aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam
- STILAS = Scientific and Technical Information Library Automation System
- STIDC; CWTID = Committee for Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation; CWTID
- STIGAS = Stichting Gezondheidszorg Agrarische Sectoren
- STID; IDST = STID; Wetenschappelijke en technische informatie en documentatie
- STID; IDST = scientific and technical information and documentation; WTID
- Stichting NIAD = Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Alcohol en Drugs
- STICUSA = Stichting voor culturele samenwerking met de Nederlandse Antillen en Suriname
- STID; IDST = scientific and technical information and documentation; Wetenschappelijke en technische informatie en documentatie
- STID; WTID = scientific and technical information and documentation; Wetenschappelijke en technische informatie en documentatie
- STID; WTID = STID; Wetenschappelijke en technische informatie en documentatie
- STID; WTID = scientific and technical information and documentation; WTID
- stg = MONEY sterling
- STEM = Strategic Telecommunication Evaluation Model
- STEM = Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
- STEL; STEL = short-term limits/excursion limit; korte-termijngrenswaarde/excursiegrenswaarde
- STel = Standard Telecommunications
- STEL = Short-Term Exposure Limit
- STEM = Studiecentrum voor technologie, milieu en energie
- STEN = Stichting Educatie Nederland
- STEO = Stimuleringsgroep Emancipatie Onderzoek
- STEMRA = Stichting tot Explotatie van Mechanische Reproductierechten der Auteurs
- STEM; STEM = science, technology, engineering and maths; wetenschap, technologie, engineering en wiskunde
- STEMRA = Stichting tot Exploitatie van Mechanische Reproductierechten der Auteurs
- STECF; WTECV = Scientific, Technical and Economic Council for Fisheries; Wetenschappelijk, Technisch en Economisch Comité voor de visserij
- Steering of Roaming = A technique whereby a roaming UE is encouraged to roam to a preferred VPLMN by the HPLMN.
- STECF; WTECV = Scientific, Technical, and Economic Committee for Fisheries; Wetenschappelijk, Technisch en Economisch Comité voor de visserij
- STECF; WTECV = Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries; Wetenschappelijk, Technisch en Economisch Comité voor de visserij
- STECF; WTECV = Scientific Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries; Wetenschappelijk, Technisch en Economisch Comité voor de visserij
- STEG = stoom en gas
- STEG = stoom- en gascentrale
- STEGON = Stichting Theologisch en Godsdienstwetenschappelijk Onderzoek in Nederland
- STEG = stoom-en gasturbine
- STEG = stoom- en gasturbine-installatie
- STEG = Stoom en Gas
- STEP = Supercomputer Teacher Enhancement Program
- STEVES = Stichting Toezicht Examens Vestigingswet
- STF = Simulation and Training Function
- STEVAST = Stichting tot Exploitatie van Vakantieverblijven van het Staatsbosbeheer
- Steuer-Seminar = Steuer-Seminar
- SteuerStud = Steuer & Studium
- STF = STructured File (file name extension) [Lotus]
- STFU = Shut The F *** Up (Internet lingo)
- STG = Software Technology Group (company)
- STFA = Die Steuerfachangestellten
- STF; STF = systemic transformation facility
- STF; STF = systemic transformation facility
- STEP; STEP = Science and Technology for Environment Protection; 85); - Beschikking 89/625/EEG van de Raad van 20 november 1989 tot vaststelling van een Europees programma voor wetenschap en technologie ten behoeve van de milieubescherming (STEP)
- STEP; STEP = standard for the exchange of product data; standaard voor het uitwisselen van productgegevens
- Step; Step = Science and Technology for Environmental Protection; wetenschap en technologie ten dienste van de milieubescherming
- STEP = STandard for Exchange of Products Model Data
- STEP = STandard for Exchange of Product model data
- STEP; STEP = Science and Technology for Environmental Protection (1989 to 1992); Wetenschap en technologie ten dienste van de milieubescherming
- ster. = MONEY sterling
- SteuerBriefe = SteuerBriefe - Praxisnahe Informationen zum Steuersparen
- STER = Stichting Etherreclame
- STER = Schakel Traject Eerste opvang Rotterdam
- STER = Stichting Ether Reclame
- STIM = Stichting Informatieverwerking Midden-en Kleinbedrijf
- STMR; STMR = STMR; maat voor de onderdrukking van zijtonen
- STMR; STMR = sidetone masking rating; maat voor de onderdrukking van zijtonen
- STMR = SideTone Masking Rating
- STM; STM = scientific, technical and medical; 247. Zowel BertelsmannSpringer als Kluwer Academic Publishers waren actief in de internationale markt voor academische publicaties met bijzondere aandacht voor wetenschappelijke, technische en medische vaktijdschriften
- STM; STM = specific transmission module; specifieke transmissie module
- STMR; STMR = sidetone masking rating; maat voor de onderdrukking van zijtonen
- StNH = Stichting Nederlandse Hartpatienten
- STO = stoleforus-ansjovissen
- Stmw = Stoomwet
- STMR; STMR = STMR; maat voor de onderdrukking van zijtonen
- S-TMSI = S-Temporary Mobile Subscriber IdentitySAE Temporary Mobile Station Identifier
- STM; ARH = STM; aanvullende regeling voor het handelsverkeer
- STM; STM = synchronous transport module; synchrone transport module
- STM; ARH = supplementary mechanism applicable to trade; aanvullende regeling voor het handelsverkeer
- STM; ARH = Complementary Trade Mechanism; aanvullende regeling voor het handelsverkeer
- STM; ARH = supplementary trade mechanism; aanvullende regeling voor het handelsverkeer
- STM; STM = STM; voortgangsbewakingsmechanisme van het stabilisatie- en associatieproces
- STM; STM = Synchronous Transport Module; Synchrone Transport Module
- STM; STM = specific transmission module
- STM; STM = Stabilisation and Association Process Tracking Mechanism; voortgangsbewakingsmechanisme van het stabilisatie- en associatieproces
- STM; STM = SAP Tracking Mechanism; 28. erkent het belang van het SAP-voortgangsbewakingsmechanisme
- STM; STM = Special temporary measures; Special temporary measures
- STO = Solar Terrestrial Observatory
- STOP = Stimulerings- en uitwisselingsprogramma voor personen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor acties tegen mensenhandel en seksuele uitbuiting van kinderen
- Stop II; Stop II = second phase of the programme of incentives, exchanges, training and cooperation for persons responsible for combating trade in human beings and the sexual exploitation of children (Stop II); tweede fase van het programma voor stimulering, uitwisselingen, opleiding en samenwerking voor personen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor acties tegen mensenhandel en seksuele uitbuiting van kinderen (Stop II)
- STOP = STOP-programma
- SToMP = Software Teaching of Modular Physics
- STOOM = Stichting Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling Maatschappelijke Gezondheidszorg
- Stop II; Stop II = Programme of incentives, exchanges, training and cooperation for persons responsible for combating trade in human beings and the sexual exploitation of children; programma voor stimulering, uitwisselingen, opleiding en samenwerking voor personen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor acties tegen mensenhandel en seksuele uitbuiting van kinderen
- STORM = STructure Oriented Resilient Multicast
- sto-ro; sto-ro = sto-ro cargo; sto-ro-lading
- STOPF = Simple Transmission Of Program Files
- STOP; STOP = Sexual Trafficking of Persons; stimulerings- en uitwisselingsprogramma voor personen verantwoordelijk voor het bestrijden van mensenhandel en seksuele uitbuiting van kinderen
- STOP; STOP = sexual trafficking of persons; sexual trafficking of persons
- STODEL = Stichting opleiding en deskundigheidsbevordering registerloodsen
- STODT = Stichting Technisch Onderwijs en Dienstverlening Twente
- STOC = Symposium on Theory Of Computing
- STO; STO = Short-Term Observer; kortetermijnwaarnemer
- STOA; STOA = Science and Technology Options Assessment; Beoordeling van het wetenschappelijk en technologisch beleid
- STOFF = Studio voor Ontwikkeling van Film en Filmmanifestaties
- STOL; STOL = short take-off and landing; Short Take-Off and Landing
- STOL; STOL = short take-off and landing aircraft; STOL-vliegtuig
- STOL = AVIAT a flying system that gives an aircraft the ability to take off and land ona very short runway. Full form short takeoff and landing
- Stoho = Stichting Open Hoger Onderwijs
- STOHO = Studiecentrum voor Open Hoger Onderwijs
- STM; ARH = supplementary trade mechanism; aanvullende regeling voor het handelsverkeer
- STIR = Stimuleringsprogramma voor Internationalisering van het Nederlands Hoger Onderwijs
- STIREA = Stimuleringsregeling Ruimte voor Economische Activiteit
- STIR = Stimuleringsprogramma Internationalisering van het Nederlands Hoger Onderwijs
- STIP = Stimulering Industriële Projecten
- STIPS = Stuurgroep Internationale Politiesamenwerking
- STIVA = Stichting Verantwoord Alcoholgebruik
- STIVON = Stichting Vervoersvoorlichting voor het Onderwijs Nederland
- Stivu = Stichting Vakexamens Uitvaartverzorging
- STIVON = Stichting Vervoersvoorlichting voor het Onderwijs
- STIVAS = Stichting Vakexamens Schoonheidsverzorging
- STIVION = Stichting Voedseldistributie in Ontwikkelingslanden
- STIMON = Stichting Maritiem Onderzoek Nederland
- STIMP = Stuurgroep Implementatie Modernisering Politiezorg
- Stimezo = Stichting voor medisch verantwoorde zwangerschapsonderbreking
- STIM; STIM = Svenska Tonsättares Internationella Musikbyrå; Svenska Tonsättares Internationella Musikbyrå
- Stima = Stichting Secretariaat voor de Machinehandel
- STIMULUS = STImulering Inter-en MULtidisciplinaire Universitaire Samenwerking
- STIP = Stedelijke Informatiepunt
- StIP = Stichting Implementatie Privatisering
- STINFO = Scientific and Technical INFOrmation
- STINAPA = Stichting Nationale Parken Nederlandse Antillen
- STINEDRA = Stichting Nederlands Dramatisch Werk
- stk = COMMERCE stock
- STM = International group of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers
- STM = Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- STM = (Salt-Tolerant Microorganism)
- STLR = Segment Table Length Register
- STLV-3; STLV,STLV-I blijkt grote gelijkenis te vertonen met het HTLV-I en werd bij apen geïsoleerd,waardoor men veronderstelt dat de mens vanuit dit dierenreservoir in Afrika is besmet = simian T cell leukemia virus; Semian T-lymfotroopvirus
- STM = Super-Twist Nematics
- STM = RELIGION Master of Sacred Theology (NOTE: From the Latin Sacrae TheologiaeMagister.)
- STM; ARH = supplementary trade mechanism; aanvullende regeling voor het handelsverkeer
- STM = SareamTracker Module (audio file format)
- STM = Salt-Tolerant Microorganism
- STM = Synchronous Transfer Mode
- STL = Solaris Threading Library (Sun Microsystems)
- STL = Shipping and trade law
- STL = Standard Template Library
- STL = Schottky Transistor Logic
- STL = (Statistical Tolerance Limit)
- STL = Statistical Tolerance Limit
- STLBW = Stedelijke Technische Leergangen voor Bibliotheekwezen
- StLex = Steuer-Lexikon
- STL; STL = studio and transmitter link; verbinding tussen studio en zender
- STL; STL = Special Tribunal for Lebanon; Speciaal Tribunaal voor Libanon
- STL; STL = studio-to-transmitter link; verbinding tussen studio en zender
- SER = Sociaal Economische Raad
- SER = Sociaal-Economische Raad
- SEQUINS = Select Equity Indexed Notes
- SEQUEL; SQL = Structured Query Language
- SER = Sociaal-Economische Raad
- SERA = Stichting's Eenvoudige Reken-Automaat
- SERA = Sequential Electrochemical Reduction Analysis
- SER; SER = Sociaal Economische Raad; Sociaal Economische Raad
- SER = Sociaal-Economische Raad
- SER; SER = sound evoked response
- SEPP = COMPUTING secure encryption payment protocol
- SEPS = secondary/solar electric power system
- SEPP = Secure Encryption Payment Protocol
- SEPP = Single Edge Processor Package
- SEPP = Single Edge Processor Package
- sept. = september
- SEQ; SEQ = Standing Group on Emergency Questions; Permanente Groep inzake crisisvraagstukken
- SEQDB = Semiconductor Equipment Database
- seq. = sequel
- Sept. = 1. CALENDAR September 2. BIBLE Septuagint
- Septuag = Septuagesima ('Seventieth day' before Easter; always a Sunday — Breviary)
- SERA; SERA = Support to the European Research Area; Eenheid Steun voor de Europese onderzoeksruimte
- SERM = MEDICINE a simulated oestrogen which has some but not all of the effects ofoestrogen, e.g. protecting against bone deterioration. Full form selective oestrogenreceptor modulator
- SERO = Stuurgroep Energiebesparing Rijks-Overheid
- SERL; SERL = SERL; lijst van specifieke essentiële eisen
- SERL; SERL = specific essential requirement list; lijst van specifieke essentiële eisen
- SERL; SERL = SERL; lijst van specifieke essentiële eisen
- SERP = Search Engine Results Page(s)
- SERR = Support Equipment Requirements Review
- SERS = Space Erectable Radiator System
- SERQL = Structural Entity-Relationship Query Language
- SERPS = PENSIONS a pension paid by the government to people who have beenemployed during their lives. Full form state earnings-related pension scheme
- SERPS; SERPS = state earnings related pension scheme; – premiebijdragen die de werkgever aan een bedrijfspensioenregeling in het kader van een „contracting-out” [mogelijkheid om in plaats van bij het State Earnings Pension Scheme (SERPS) – de verplichte aanvullende pensioenregeling – te worden aangesloten bij een bedrijfsregeling] verschuldigd is over een periode van twaalf maanden voorafgaande aan de datum van insolventie, wanneer deze premiebijdragen vallen onder de bepalingen inzake het gegarandeerde minimumpensioen (Section 8, lid 2, van de PSA 1993) of onder de krachtens deze regeling beschermde rechten
- SERC = Science and Engineering Council (GB)
- SERCOS = Serial Real Time Communications System
- SERC = Software Engineering Research Center
- SERA; SERA = Study on Employment in Rural Areas; [3] Studie over werkgelegenheid in plattelandsgebieden
- SERAT = Structurally Embedded Reconfigurable Antenna Technology
- SERD = support equipment requirements document
- Sergt = MILITARY sergeant
- SERL; SERL = specific essential requirement list; lijst van specifieke essentiële eisen
- SERF = SER Fusiegedragsregels
- SERDEC; SERDEC = Steel Research and Development Committee
- SERDES = SERialization/DESerialization
- SEPG = Software Engineering Process Group
- SEP = ONLINE someone else's problem (used in e-mails and text messages)
- SEP = Simplified Employee Pension
- SEOS; SEOS = synchronous earth observatory satellite; synchrone aardobservatiesatelliet
- SEO = Stichting Europees Onderwijs
- SEOR; SEOR = Foundation for Economic Research Rotterdam
- SEP = solar energetic particles
- Sep = Samenwerkende Elektriciteits-produktiebedrijven
- SEP = Samenwerkende Elektriciteits-produktiebedrijven
- SEP = nosocomiale primaire sepsis
- SEP = Stichting Ekonomische Publikaties
- SEP = Sociaal Economische Plan
- SENA = Stichting ter Exploitatie van Naburige Rechten
- SENA = Stichting ter explotatie van naburige rechten
- SEN; ZOB = South Eastern Neighbours; Zuidoostelijke buurlanden
- SEN; SEN = Special Education Needs; Maatregelen voor leerlingen met bijzondere onderwijsbehoeften
- SEN; SEN = sistema eléctrico nacional; sistema eléctrico nacional
- SENA = Smart Energy Network Alliance (Novell/Utilcorp/United)
- SEO = Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek
- SEO = Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek
- SEO = Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek
- SEND = (Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) (RFC 5887))
- SENO = Stichting Economische Samenwerking Nederland Oost Europa en andere Opkomende Markten
- SEP = Samenwerkende Elektriciteitsproductiebedrijven
- SEPA; EEBR = Single European Payment Area; eengemaakte Europese betalingsruimte
- SEPA; SEPA = Single Euro Payments Area; Single Euro Payments Area
- SEP; SEP = service passport; service-paspoort
- SEP; SEP = Safety Equipment Procurement; Safety Equipment Procurement
- SEP; SEP = Système européen promotion; Système européen promotion
- SEPA; SEPA = single euro payments area; gemeenschappelijke eurobetalingsruimte
- SEPC = Software Exports Promotion Council
- sepd = separated
- SEPAC = Space Experiments with Particle Accelerators
- SEPA; SEPA = Scottish Environment Protection Agency; Scottish Environment Protection Agency
- SEPA; SEPA = single euro payments area; gemeenschappelijke betalingsruimte voor de euro
- SEP = Small Business Product
- SEP = Somebody Else's Problem (Internet lingo)
- SEP = Samenwerkende elektriciteits-produktiebedrijven
- SEP = Software Engineering Process
- SEP = solar electric propulsion
- Sep = Samenwerkende electriciteitsproducenten
- SEP; SEP = Samenwerkende Elektriciteits-Produktiebedrijven; SAMENWERKENDE ELEKTRICITEITS-PRODUKTIEBEDRIJVEN
- SEP; SEP = single-engine piston; éénmotorige met zuigermotor
- SEP; SEP = service passport; dienstpaspoort
- SEP = Samenwerkende electriciteitsproducenten
- Sep. = 1. CALENDAR September 2. Septuagint
- SERV = Sociaaleconomische Raad voor Vlaanderen
- SET = Image Setbngs (file name extension) [Paradox]
- SET = Driver Set (file name extension)
- SET = Secure Electronic Transaction
- Sess.Cas. = Scots Session Cases
- SET = COMPUTING the standards created by a group of banks and Internet companiesthat allow users to buy goods over the Internet without risk. Full form secure electronictransactions
- SET = Single Electron Tunneling/TransPort
- SET; SET = Strategic Energy Technology; 26. is ervan overtuigd dat er behoefte is aan een strategisch perspectief voor de Europese energiesituatie; merkt op dat de Commissie een Europees strategisch plan voor energietechnologie
- SET; SET = Secure Electronic Transaction protocol; SET-protocol
- SET; SET = single-engine turbo-prop; éénmotorige met turboprop
- SET = Software Engineering and Technology (lab)
- SET = Secure Electronic Transactions
- SESC = Socio-Economic Spiritual Contract
- SESC = (Socio-Economic Spiritual Contract)
- SESC = Space Environment Service Center
- SESAR; Sesar = Single European Sky ATM Research; ATM-onderzoek voor het gemeenschappelijk Europees luchtruim
- SESAR; SESAR = Single European Sky ATM Research; Het Europees masterplan inzake luchtverkeersbeveiliging in het kader van het ATM-onderzoeksproject
- SESL = Space Environment Simulation Laboratory
- sess. = sessionSET 150
- Sess. Cas. = Cases Decided in the Court of Seccion
- SESO = Studiecentrum voor Economisch en Sociaal Onderzoek
- SESN = Seamless Electronic Social Network (see also SSN)
- SESN = (Seamless Electronic Social Network (see also SSN))
- SET; SET = Secure Electronic Transactions specification; SET-protocol
- SETG = Set if Greater (asm 386+)
- SETGE = Set if Greater or Equal (asm 386+)
- SETEXT = Structure Enhanced Text
- SETEC = Semiconductor Equipment TEchnology Center
- SETED; SETED = working standard with an electrodynamic microphone and receiver; werkstandaard met een elektrodynamische microfoon en ontvanger
- SETI = Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
- SETL = Set if Less (asm 386+)
- SETLE = Set if Less or Equal (assembly language)
- SETL = Set Theoretic Language
- SETI = Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence
- SETI = SCIENCE a scientific attempt to detect or communicate with intelligent beingsfrom beyond Earth, especially using radio signals. Full form search for extraterrestrialintelligence
- SETAC; SETAC = Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; Vereniging voor milieutoxicologie en -chemie
- SETAC; SETAC = Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- SET; SET = Strategic Energy Technologies; Er is met name behoefte aan een innovatieve benadering met betrekking tot milieutechnologieën , vergelijkbaar met de gevolgde aanpak voor sleuteltechnologieën en het strategische energietechnologieën-plan
- SETAB; SETAB = working standard with subscriber's equipment; werkstandaard met abonnee-apparatuur
- SETAE = Set if Above or Equal (asm 386+)
- SETE = Smiling Ear To Ear (Internet lingo)
- SETE = Set if Equal (asm 386+)
- SETC = Set if Carry (asm 386+)
- SETB = Set if Below (asm 386+)
- SETBE = Set if Below or Equal (asm 386+)
- SESAR JU; SJU = SESAR Joint Undertaking; Gemeenschappelijke Onderneming voor de realisering van het Europese nieuwe generatie luchtverkeersbeveiligingssysteem (SESAR)
- Service delay = The time elapsed from the invocation of the service request, to the corresponding service request indication at the Service Receiver, indicating the arrival of application data.
- Service Enabler = a capability which may be used, either by itself or in conjunction with other service enablers, to provide a service to the end user.
- Service Data Unit (SDU) = In the reference model for OSI, an amount of information whose identity is preserved when transferred between peer (N+1)-layer entities and which is not interpreted by the supporting (N)-layer entities (source ITU-T X.200 / ISO-IEC 7498-1).
- Service Continuity = The uninterrupted user experience of a service that is using an active communication (e.g. an ongoing voice call) when a UE undergoes a radio access technology change or a CS/PS domain change without, as far as possible, the user noticing the change. NOTEIn particular Service Continuity encompasses the possibility that after a RAT / domain change the user experience is maintained by a different telecommunication service (e.g. tele- or bearer service) than before the RAT / domain change.
- Service Control = The ability of the user, home environment or serving environment to determine what a particular service does, for a specific invocation of that service, within the limitations of that service.
- Service Execution Environment = A platform on which an application or programme is authorised to perform a number of functionalities; examples of service execution environments are the user equipment, integrated circuit card and a network platform or any other server.
- Service Provider = A Service Provider is either a network operator or an other entity that provides services to a subscriber (e.g. a MVNO)
- Service receiver = The entity which receives the service request indication primitive, containing the SDU.
- Service model = A general characterisation of services based upon a QoS paradigm, without specifying the actual performance targets.
- Service Feature = Functionality that a 3GPP System shall offer to enable provision of services. Services, are made up of different service features.
- Service Implementation Capabilities = Set of implementation capabilities, in each technical domain, required to enable a UE to support a set of UE Service Capabilities.
- Service Access Point = A conceptual point where a protocol layer offers access to its services to upper layer.
- Service Area = The Service Area is defined in the same way as the Service Area according to ITU-T Recommendation Q.1001 [4]. In contrast to the PLMN area it is not based on the coverage of a PLMN. Instead it is based on the area in which a fixed network user can call a mobile user without knowing his location. The Service Area can therefore change when the signalling system is being extended, for example.
- Service = a component of the portfolio of choices offered by service providers to a user, a functionality offered to a user.
- SERV = Sociaal Economische Raad van Vlaanderen
- SERV = Sociaal-Ekonomische Raad van Vlaanderen
- Service attribute = A specified characteristic of a telecommunication service (source ITU-T I.112).
- Service Capability Server = Network functionality providing open interfaces towards the functionality offered by 3GPP System service capabilities.
- Service category or service class = A service offered to the users described by a set of performance parameters and their specified values, limits or ranges. The set of parameters provides a comprehensive description of the service capability.
- Service Capability Feature = Functionality offered by service capabilities that are accessible via the standardised application interface
- Service bit rate = The bit rate that is available to a user for the transfer of user information (source ITU-T I.113).
- Service Capabilities = Bearers defined by parameters, and/or mechanisms needed to realise services. These are within networks and under network control.
- Service relationship = The association between two or more entities engaged in the provision of services.
- SES = Secondary Electron Spectroscopy
- SES = Satellite Earth Station
- SES = Socio-Economic Strata/System
- SES = Software Engineering Services
- SES = (Severely Errored Seconds (SES))
- SES = Shuttle Engineering Simulator
- SESA = Support Element Selection Algorithm
- SES; SES = Satellite Earth Stations and Systems; satellietgrondstations en -systemen
- SES; GEL = Single European Sky; gemeenschappelijk Europees luchtruim
- SES; SES = ship earth station; scheepssatellietstation
- Service subscriber = Entity which subscribes to the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) service.
- Service-less UE = A UE that has only the Baseline capabilities.
- Service Specific Entities = Entities dedicated to the provisioning of a given (set of) service(s). The fact that they are implemented or not in a given PLMN should have limited impact on all the other entities of the PLMN.
- Service request = This is defined as being one invocation of the service through a service request primitive.
- Service requester = The entity which requests the initiation of a GPRS operation, through a service request.
- Services (of a mobile cellular system) = The set of unctions that the mobile cellular system can make available to the user.
- SES = (Socio-Economic Strata/System)
- SES = Systems Engineering/Evaluation Simulator
- Serving RNS = A role an RNS can take with respect to a specific connection between an UE and UTRAN. There is one Serving RNS for each UE that has a connection to UTRAN. The Serving RNS is in charge of the RRC connection between a UE and the UTRAN. The Serving RNS terminates the Iu for this connection.
- Serving BSS = A role a BSS can take with respect to a specific connection between an MS and GERAN. There is one Serving BSS for each MS that has a connection to GERAN. The Serving BSS is in charge of the RRC connection between an MS and the GERAN. The Serving BSS terminates the Iu for this connection.
- Serving Network = The serving network provides the user with access to the services of home environment.Subscriber Number
- SED = ([2] Severe Emotional Distress)
- SED = GOVERNMENT Scottish Education Department
- SED = ([3] Successfully Executed Diplomacy)
- SED = [1] Socio-Economic Distress/Duress
- SED = [2] Severe Emotional Distress
- SED = Stream Editor
- SED; SED = Scottish Education Department; Scottish Education Department
- SED; SED = Shippers Export Declaration; (102) Dezelfde partij beweerde voorts dat de biodieselindustrie niet altijd op de hoogte is van de voorschriften van het US Census Bureau over de vaststelling van de oorsprong van de uitgevoerde goederen, en dat de exporteurs van biodiesel bij het invullen van de "Shipper's Export Declaration"
- SED; SED = Structured Electronic Document; Standaard Elektronisch Document
- SED = ([1] Socio-Economic Distress/Duress)
- SED = Stream-oriented Editor
- SECT = Standard for Embedded Core Test
- sect.soc. = section sociale
- SECS = Semiconductor Equipment Communications Standard
- Secr.Comm. = Secretaaris Commentary
- Secr.Gen. = Secretaris General
- Sector = A "sector" is a subarea of a cell. All sectors within one cell are served by the same base station. A radio link within a sector can be identified by a single logical identification belonging to that sector.
- secy = secretary
- SED = [3] Successfully Executed Diplomacy
- Security = The ability to prevent fraud as well as the protection of information availability, integrity and confidentiality.
- Secured Packet = The information flow on top of which the level of required security has been applied. An Application Message is transformed with respect to a chosen Transport Layer and chosen level of security into one or more Secured Packets.
- SEDB = Support Equipment Data Base
- SEE OCTA; SEE-OCTA = South Eastern European OCTA; dreigingsevaluatie van de georganiseerde criminaliteit in Zuidoost-Europa
- SEE; SEE = standard error of estimate; Voor elke regressierechte worden de standaardafwijking van de schattingswaarde (SEE) van y over x en de determinatiecoëfficiënt
- SEE OCTA; SEE-OCTA = South Eastern European Organised Crime Threat Assessment; dreigingsevaluatie van de georganiseerde criminaliteit in Zuidoost-Europa
- SEE = ([2] Socially-Exasperating Experience)
- SEE = Software Engineering Environment
- SEE; ZOE = South East Europe; zuidoost-Europa
- SEED = GOVERNMENT Scottish Executive Education Department
- Seed = Deployed ODMA relay node with or without a display/keypad.
- SEECP; SEECP = South East European Cooperation Process; De overgang van het Stabiliteitspact naar een samenwerkingskader dat zijn wortels heeft in de regio is begonnen op de top van het Zuidoost-Europees Samenwerkingsproces
- SeechML = Speech Markup Language (IBM)
- SEECP; SEECP = South-East European Cooperation Process; Zuidoost-Europees Samenwerkingsproces
- SEDOC; SEDOC = Register of occupations and professions in international exchange; Register van de voor internationale arbeidsbemiddeling geregistreerde individuele werkzaamheden en beroepen
- SEDOR = Spin Echo DOuble Resonance
- SEDOC; SEDOC = European System for the International Clearing of Vacancies and Applications for Employment; Europees systeem voor de mededeling van de voor internationale arbeidsbemiddeling geregistreerde aanbiedingen van en aanvragen om werk
- SEDD = GOVERNMENT Scottish Executive Development Department
- SEDF; SEDF = Soros Economic Development Foundation; Soros Economic Development Foundation
- SEDOS; SEDOS = Software environment for the design of open distributed systems; programmatuuromgeving voor het ontwerpen van open gedistribueerde systemen
- SEE = [2] Socially-Exasperating Experience
- SEE = ([1] Socially-Enriching Experience)
- SEE = single event effect
- SEDP; SEDP = Strategic european deployment plan; Strategic European Deployment Plan
- SEE = [1] Socially-Enriching Experience
- SECR = Standard Embedded Computer Resource
- sec = MATHEMATICS secant
- sec. = 1. MEASUREMENTS, TIME second 2. secondary 3. secretary 4. section 5. sector 6. security
- SEC = Single Edge Contact (Intel)
- SEC = Size Exclusion Chromatography
- SEC = Solvent Extract Conductivity
- sec. = Secans
- SEC; GPC = molecular exclusion chromatography; gelpermeatiechromatografie
- sec; s. = sec; seconde
- SEC; GPC = mol sieve; gelpermeatiechromatografie
- SEC; GPC = mol sieve; size exclusion chromatography
- SEC; GPC = molecular exclusion chromatography; size exclusion chromatography
- SEC = Single Error Correction
- SEC = 1. ONLINE (wait a) second (used in e-mails and text messages) 2. STOCK EXCHANGE anagency of the US government set up to regulate transactions in securities and protectinvestors against malpractice. Full form Securities and Exchange Commission
- SEC = Securities and Exchange Commission
- SEC = Securities and Exchange Commission
- SEC = Samenleving en Criminaliteitsprventie
- SEC = (Sexually-Explicit Content)
- SEC = Stichting Ekomerk Controle
- SEC = Samenleving en Criminaliteit
- SEC = SECond [for example, wait a second] (Internet lingo)
- sec = second
- SEC = Stichting Europa Centrum
- sec; s. = second; seconde
- SECC = Single Edge Contact Cartridge
- SECDED = Single Error Correction f Double Error Detection
- SECC = Single Edge Contact Cartridge
- SECBR = Severely Errored Cell Block Ratio
- SECG = (Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG))
- SecOP; SecOP = Security Operating Procedure; Operationele Beveiligingsprocedures
- SECP = Seldom Ending Channel Program
- SECMM = Systems Engineering Capability Maturity Module
- SECI; SECI = Southeast European Cooperative Initiative; Zuidoost-Europees Samenwerkingsinitiatief
- SECI; SECI = Southeast European Cooperative Initiative; Het is toegetreden tot onder meer het Zuidoost-Europees breedbandinitiatief (bSEE), het initiatief Elektronisch Zuidoost-Europa (eSEE), de Regionale Hogeschool voor Bestuurskunde (ReSPA), het Samenwerkingsinitiatief voor Zuidoost-Europa (SECI), twee regionale initiatieven op milieugebied
- sec; sec. = sec; seconde
- sec; sek. = second; seconde
- sec; sec. = second; seconde
- SEC; SEC =
- SEC; SEC = Securities and Exchange Commission; Securities and Exchange Commission
- sec; sek. = sec; seconde
- SECAM = Sequential Couleur a'Memorie (French & Russian color TV standard)
- SECAM = Systeme En Coleur Avec Memoire (SEquential Color And Memory)
- SECAM = TV a broadcasting system for colour television used in France, Russia,and a number of other countries. Full form séquentiel couleur à mémoire
- SEC; SER = Social and Economic Council; Sociaal-Economische Raad
- SECAL; SECAL = sectoral adjustment loan; sectorale aanpassingslening
- SEED = Self Electro-optic Effect Devices
- SEM = Standard Error of Mean
- SEM 2000; SEM 2000 = Sound and Efficient Financial Management 2000; Programma van de Commissie om tegen 2000 het beheer van de communautaire kredieten te verbeteren (Sound and Efficient Management - gezond en doeltreffend beheer)
- SEM = PHYSICS scanning electron microscope
- SEM = System Error Message
- SEM = Strategic Enterprise Management
- SEM 2000; SEM 2000 = System of Sound and Efficient Financial Management; systeem van gezond en doelmatig financieel beheer
- SEM; REM = scanning electron microscope; rasterelektronenmicroscoop
- SEM; REM = Scanning Electron Microscopy; rasterelektronenmicroscopie
- SEM; REM = scanning electron microscope; rasterelektronenmicroscoop
- SEM 2000; SEM 2000 = Sound and Efficient Management 2000; systeem van gezond en doelmatig financieel beheer
- Sem Jur = La Semaine Juridique: juris-classeur périonique
- SEM = (Socio-Economic Marginalisation)
- SEM = Socio-Economic Marginalisation
- SEM = Sustaining Engineering Manager
- SELOR = Selectiebureau van de federale Overheid
- Selor = selectiebureau van de Federale Overheid
- SEM = Specific Equipment Model
- SEM = System Engineering Manager
- SEM = Scanning Electron Microscope/Microscopy
- SEM = Scanning Electron Microscopy
- SEM = SQL Enterprise Manager
- SEM = Standard Electronic Module
- SEM; SEM = space environmental monitor; monitor van de ruimte-omgeving
- SEMPA; Sempa = suburban environmental management: a participatory approach; voorstedelijk milieubeheer: een op participatie gebaseerde benadering
- SEMS = Systems Engineering Master Schedule
- SEMP = Systems Engineering Management Plan
- Semid. = Semiduplex ('Semi' double feast — Breviary)
- SEMISPIN = SEMIconductor Software Process Improvement Network
- SEMS; SEMS = solar environment monitor subsystem; subsysteem voor observatie van de zonne-omgeving
- SEN = Stichting Emmaus Nederland
- Sen. = 1. POLITICS senate 2. POLITICS senator 3. senior
- sen = Senegal (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SEMU = Short Extravehicular Mobility Unit
- SEN = 1. EDUCATION special educational needs 2. HEALTH SERVICES a grade for nurses before1988, when clinical grading came into effect. Most SENs converted to clinical grade Cor D. Full form State Enrolled Nurse
- SEM; ZOMZ = South and East Mediterranean Countries; landen ten zuiden en ten oosten van de Middellandse Zee
- SEM; ZOMZ = South and East Mediterranean Countries; zuidelijke en oostelijke Middellandse-Zeelanden
- SEM; ZOMZ = southern and eastern Mediterranean countries; zuidelijke en oostelijke Middellandse-Zeelanden
- SEM; SEM = scanning electron microscope; rasterelektronenmicroscoop
- SEM; SEM = Sound and Efficient Management; gezond en doeltreffend beheer
- SEM; ZOMZ = southern and eastern Mediterranean countries; landen ten zuiden en ten oosten van de Middellandse Zee
- SEMCs; ZOM-landen = SEMCs; zuidelijk en oostelijk Middellandse Zeegebied
- SEMI = Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International
- SEMCs; ZOM-landen = Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries; zuidelijk en oostelijk Middellandse Zeegebied
- SEMCs; ZOM-landen = SEMCs; zuidelijke en oostelijke mediterrane landen
- SEMCs; ZOM-landen = Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries; zuidelijke en oostelijke mediterrane landen
- Selected PLMN = This is the PLMN that has been selected by the non-access stratum, either manually or automatically.
- SEG = [1] Strong Economic Growth
- SEG = [2] Sustainable Economic Growth
- SEFOBO = Sociaal- Economisch Fonds van de Bouwnijverheid
- SEFEL; SEFEL = European Secretariat of Manufacturers of Light Metal Packages; Europees Secretariaat van fabrikanten van lichte metaalverpakkingen
- SEFOBO = Sociaal en economisch fonds voor de bouwnijverheid
- SEG = ([2] Sustainable Economic Growth)
- SEG = Selective Epitaxial Growth
- SEGOS = Secretariaat voor het godsdienstonderricht in de officiële scholen
- SEG = Stichting Examens Gawalo
- SEG = Segment
- SEG = ([1] Strong Economic Growth)
- SEERAD = GOVERNMENT Scottish Executive Environment and Rural AffairsDepartment
- SEERAD; SEERAD = Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department; Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department
- SEER; SEER = Seasonal energy efficiency ratio; Seizoensgebonden energie-efficiëntieverhouding
- SEED; SEED = System for the Exchange of Excise Data; systeem voor de uitwisseling van accijnsgegevens
- SEER; SEEE = Strategic European Energy Review; Strategische Europese Energie-Evaluatie
- SEEREN; SEEREN = South Eastern European Research and Education Networking; In het kader van het project voor onderzoek- en onderwijsnetwerken in Zuidoost-Europa
- SEF = Support Entity Function
- SEF = Socio-Economic Fallout
- SEF = (Socio-Economic Fallout)
- SEESAC; SEESAC = South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons; Uitwisselingscentrum voor Zuidoost-Europa inzake de beheersing van het aantal handvuurwapens en lichte wapens
- SEESAC; SEESAC = South Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons; Uitwisselingscentrum voor Zuidoost-Europa inzake de beheersing van het aantal handvuurwapens en lichte wapens
- SEGV = Sociaal-Economische Gezondheidsverschillen
- SEL = Systems Engineering Laboratory
- SEL = Software Engineering Laboratory
- SEL = Surface Emitting Laser
- SEK = Swedish Krona of Sweden (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- SEK; SEK = Swedish krona; Zweedse kroon
- SEL = Stichting Examens Landbouwmechanisatie
- Seld.Soc. = Selden Society
- SELEC; SELEC = Southeast European Law Enforcement Center; Zuidoost-Europees rechtshandhavingscentrum
- SELA; SELA = Latin American Economic System; Latijns-Amerikaans economisch systeem
- Sel.Decisions = Rights Committee under the Optional Protocol
- SELA = Schoon en lawaaiarm
- SEHD = GOVERNMENT Scottish Executive Health Department
- SEI = support equipment installation
- SEH = zadelrob
- SeGW = Security Gateway
- SEH = Structured Exception Handling
- SEID = support equipment item description
- SEIS; SEIS = Shared Environmental Information System; gemeenschappelijk milieu-informatiesysteem
- SEIS; SEIS = Shared Environmental Information System; Shared Environmental Information System
- SEIR = Support Equipment Item Requirement
- SEIIT = Samsung Electronics India Information and Telecommunication Ltd.
- SEIM = Software Engineering Improvement Method
- sgd; get. = signed; getekend
- sgd; get. = sgd; w.g.
- sgd; get. = signed; w.g.
- SGD = Stichting Gezondheidszorg voor Dieren
- SGD = (Synthetically-Grown Diamond(s))
- sgd; get. = sgd; getekend
- sgd; w.g. = signed; was getekend
- sgd; w.g. = signed; getekend
- sgd; w.g. = signed; w.g.
- sgd; get. = signed; was getekend
- sgd; get. = sgd; was getekend
- SGC = Stichting Geschillencommissie voor Consumentenzaken
- SGC; SGC = Southern Gas Corridor; 120. Zuidelijke gascorridor
- SGC = (Staggering Global Competition)
- SGBSP = space-to-ground baseband signal processor
- SGC = Staggering Global Competition
- SGCP = Simple Gateway Control Protocol
- SGD = Synthetically-Grown Diamond(s)
- SGD = Stichting Gezondheidszorg voor Dieren
- SGD = stroomgebieddistrict
- sgd = signed
- SGD = Singapore Dollar of Singapore (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- sgd; w.g. = sgd; getekend
- SGHWR; SGHWR = steam-generating heavy-water reactor; stoomproducerende zwaarwaterreactor
- SGI = Silicon Graphics Image (graphics file format)
- SGHWR = INDUST steam-generating heavy-water reactor
- SGGZ = Sectie Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg
- SGHRM; SMPM = Steering Group for Human Resources and Mobility; Stuurgroep menselijk potentieel en mobiliteit
- SGI = Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- SGI; SGI = supergroup interface; supergroepinterface
- SGIO; SGIO = Special Group on International Organisations; Speciale Groep inzake internationale organisaties
- SGI; DAB = services of general interest; diensten van algemeen belang
- SGI = Scheidsrechter voor de Grafische Industrie
- SGI = Super Geometric Intelligence
- SGDT = Store Global Descriptor Table (asm 286+privileged)
- SGE = (Sustainable Global Ecosystem)
- sgd; w.g. = signed; was getekend
- sgd; w.g. = sgd; was getekend
- sgd; w.g. = sgd; w.g.
- SGE = Sustainable Global Ecosystem
- SGEN = System/Signal Generator
- SGGN = Stichting Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg Nederland
- SGEI; DAEB = service of general economic interest; dienst van algemeen economisch belang
- SGE = Strain Gage Electronics
- SGE; SGE = supergroup switch extension; supergroup switch-extensie
- SGBO; SGBO = Research Division of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities; Onderzoeks- en Adviesbureau van de Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten
- SFX = Spetial Effects
- sfz. = MUSIC sforzando
- SFX = Sound Effect(s)
- SFW = Stichting Film en Wetenschap
- SFW = Seattle Film Works (graphics file format)
- sg = Singapore (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SG = Silicon Graphics
- SG = 1. GRAMMAR singular 2. LAW Solicitor General 3. PHYSICS specific gravity
- SG = Smart Grid
- Sg = 1. CHEMICAL ELEMENTS seaborgium 2. BIBLE Song of Songs
- SG = Staten Generaal
- SFTP = Shielded Foil Twisted Pair
- SFTSS = Standard Frequency and Time Signal Satellite
- SFTA = software fault tolerance analysis
- SFT = Sorry For That (Internet lingo)
- SFT = System Fault Tolerance
- SFU = Spetial Function Unit
- SFV = Stichting Fondsenwervingsacties Volksgezondheid
- SFVW = Studiefonds voor een veilig wegverkeer
- SFUG = Security Features User's Guide (DoD)
- SFU = Services For Unix
- SFU = Space Flyer Unit
- sg = ONLINE Singapore (NOTE: The abbreviation sg is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- SGA; SGA = smelter-grade alumina; smelterij-grade" aluminiumoxide
- SGA; VA& A = selling, general and administrative costs; verkoopkosten, algemene kosten, administratiekosten
- SGA = Sale of Goods Act
- SGA = System Global Area (Orade)
- SGA = Sabouraud-glucose-agar
- SGAC = space-to-ground antenna controller
- SGB = Stiffling Government Bureaucracy
- SGb = Die Sozialgerichtsbarkeit
- SGB = Sozialgesetzbuch
- SGANT = space-to-ground antenna
- SGB = (Stiffling Government Bureaucracy)
- sg.; enkelv. = sing.; enkelvoud
- SG/HR; SG/HV = Secretary-General/High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, of the Council of the European Union; secretaris-generaal van de Raad van de Europese Unie, hoge vertegenwoordiger voor het gemeenschappelijk buitenlands en veiligheidsbeleid
- sg.; enkelv. = singular; enkelvoud
- SG of S-G = secretaris-generaal
- SG& A; VA& A = selling, general and administrative costs; verkoopkosten, algemene kosten, administratiekosten
- SG/HR; SG/HV = Secretary-General/High Representative; secretaris-generaal van de Raad van de Europese Unie, hoge vertegenwoordiger voor het gemeenschappelijk buitenlands en veiligheidsbeleid
- SGA = Stichting Geschillenoplossing Automatisering
- SGA = sterk gedragsgestoord en/of agressief
- SG; SG = Secretariat-General; Secretariaat-Generaal
- SG; SB = State Gazette; Staatsblad
- SG; SG = Study Group; In aanvulling op de specificaties van punt en bijlage R van deze TSI moet er ook overeenstemming zijn met punt 3.2 van UIC-fiche 530-2, behalve voor de vereisten om te communiceren met en de goedkeuring te krijgen van de UIC Studiegroep
- SGIR = Stichting Gemeenschappelijke Informatieverwerking voor de Rundveehouderij
- SGS = (Strong Growth Strategy(ies))
- SG-SICA = secretariaat-generaal van het Centraal-Amerikaans Integratiesysteem
- SGS = Société Générale de Surveillance
- sgs = South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SGS = Stichting Goed Speelgoed
- SGSN = Serving GPRS Support Node
- SGTC = (Self-Generating Terror Cell)
- SGTC = Self-Generating Terror Cell
- Sgt Maj. = MILITARY Sergeant Major
- Sgt = MILITARY Sergeant
- SGT = Systeem Gegevensverwerking Treindienst
- SGRAM; SGRAM = Synchronous graphic random access memory; Synchroon grafisch random access memory
- SGRC = Sociaal-geneeskundigen Registratiecommissie
- SGRAM = Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory
- SGR = Stichting Garantiefonds Reisgelden
- SGRAM = Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory
- SGRC = (Slavish Gender-Role Conformity)
- SGRW = Waalse Gewestelijke Waarborgmaatschappij
- SGS = Strong Growth Strategy(ies)
- SGRC; SGRC = Sociaal-Geneeskundigen Registratie-Commissie; getuigschrift van erkenning en inschrijving in het Register van sociaal-geneeskundigen, afgegeven door de Sociaal-geneeskundigen Registratiecommissie
- SGRC = Slavish Gender-Role Conformity
- SGRC; SGRC = Sociaal-Geneeskundigen Registratie-Comissie; "- het door de Sociaal-geneeskundigen Registratiecommissie
- SGW = (Serving Gateway (SGW) (RFC 6965))
- SHA = Secure Hash Algorithm
- SHA = speciaal huishoudelijk afval
- SHA = system hazard analysis
- SHA = NAVIGATION a measure of a star's position in relation to the meridian passing throughAries. Full form sidereal hour angle
- SHA = (Secure Hash Algorithm)
- SHA; SHA = System of Health Accounts; System of Health Accounts
- shan't = shall not
- SHAPE = MILITARY Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
- SHAEF = MILITARY Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces
- SHAC = Simple Hands-free Add-on Circuit
- SHADE; Shade = Shared Awareness and Deconfliction; Shared Awareness and Deconfliction
- SGX = STOCK EXCHANGE Singapore Exchange
- SH = S*** Happens (Internet lingo)
- SGW; SGW = serving gateway; serving gateway
- S-GW = Serving Gateway
- S-GW = (Serving Gateway (S-GW) (RFC 6653))
- sh = St. Helena (ISO 2-letter country code)
- sh; sh = Serbo-Croatian; Servo-Kroatisch
- SHA = haai
- sh.w.; KG = short wave; korte golf
- sh = ONLINE St Helena (NOTE: The abbreviation sh is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- sh. = 1. STOCK EXCHANGE share 2. AGRICULTURE sheep 3. PRINTING sheet
- SGR = Stichting Garantiefonds Reisgelden
- SGML; SGML = Standard Generalized Markup Language; Standard Generalized Markup Language
- SGMLB = Standard Generalized Markup Language - Binary
- SGML; SGML = Standard Generalised Markup Language; Standard Generalized Markup Language
- SGML = COMPUTING an international standard for the definition of system-independentmethods of representing texts in electronic form by describing the relationship betweena document's form and its structure. Full form Standard Generalized MarkupLanguage
- SGML; SGML = Standardised General Markup Language; Standard Generalized Markup Language
- SGML-B = Standard Generalized Markup Language - Binary
- SGO = Stichting Groningen Orgelland
- SGOT = BIOCHEMISTRY an enzyme manufactured in the liver, elevated levels of which canindicate decreased liver function. Full form serum glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase
- SGO = Studentgericht Onderwijs
- SGMM = Semiconductor Generic Manufacturing Model
- SGMRS = Semiconductor Generic Manufacturing Requirements Spetification
- SGM = US MILITARY Sergeant Major
- SGM = Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven
- SGM = Shaded Graphics Modeling
- SGL = space-to-ground link
- SGLS = Space-Ground Link Subsystem
- SGM; BSS = standard gross margin; brutostandaardsaldo
- SGML = Standard Generalized Markup Language
- SGML = Standard Generalized Markup Language (ISO)
- SGM; BSS = standard gross margins; bruto standaardsaldi
- SGM; BSS = standard gross margin; standaardsaldo
- SGM; BSS = standard gross margin; bruto standaardsaldo
- SGOT; ASAT = aspartate transaminase; serum glutaminezuur-oxaalazijnzuur-transaminase
- SGP; SGP = Stability and Growth Pact; stabiliteits- en groeipact
- SGP; SGP = Political Reformed Party; Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij
- SGP; SAP = generalized system of preferences; algemeen preferentiestelsel
- SGP; SAP = generalized scheme of preferences; algemeen preferentiestelsel
- SGP; SAP = system of generalized preferences; Stelsel van Algemene Tariefpreferenties
- SGP; SGP = Stability and Growth Pact; Stability and Growth Pact
- SGR = Stichting Gezamelijke Rechtshulp
- SGR = Structuurschema Groene Ruimte
- SGR = Set Graphics Rendition
- SGPT = BIOCHEMISTRY an enzyme manufactured in the liver and heart, the presence ofwhich in the blood indicates damage to these organs. Full form serum glutamicpyruvictransaminase
- SGPT; SGPT = serum glutamate-pyruvate transaminase; serum glutamine pyrodruivenzuur transaminase
- SGOT; SGOT = aspartate transaminase; serumaspartaataminotransferase
- SGOT; SGOT = aspartate transaminase; serum glutaminezuur-oxaalazijnzuur-transaminase
- SGOT; ASAT = glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase; serum glutaminezuur-oxaalazijnzuur-transaminase
- SGOT; ASAT = aspartate transaminase; serumaspartaataminotransferase
- SGOT; ASAT = glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase; serumaspartaataminotransferase
- SGOT; SGOT = glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase; serum glutaminezuur-oxaalazijnzuur-transaminase
- SGP; APS = generalized scheme of preferences; algemeen preferentiestelsel
- SGP; APS = generalized system of preferences; algemeen preferentiestelsel
- SGP/GPV/RPF; SGP/GPV/RPF = Political Reformed Party - Reformed Political Association - Reformational Political Federation; Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij - Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond - Reformatorisch Politieke Federatie
- SGOT; SGOT = glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase; serumaspartaataminotransferase
- sgp = Singapore (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SF; SF = Danish Socialist People's Party; Deense Socialistische Volkspartij
- SF; SF = SF; Socialistische Volkspartij
- SF; SF = Socialist People's Party; SF
- SF; F = Socialist People's Party; SF
- SF; F = SF; Socialistische Volkspartij
- SF; SF = safety factor; De veiligheidsfactor
- SF; SF = Socialist People's Party; Socialistische Volkspartij
- SF; SF = Special Fund; Special Fonds
- SF; SF = Structural Funds; Andere EU-structuurfondsen
- SF; SF = SF; SF
- SF; SF = Survey Feedback; Survey Feedback
- SF = Super Fluorescence
- SF = Support Facility
- SF = Servicing Facility
- SF = 1. LITERATURE science fiction 2. FINANCE a fund created by setting aside regular sums forinvestment, usually in bonds, in order to repay a debt that will fall due at a future date.Full form sinking fund
- SF = standard form
- SF = Sociaal Fonds
- SF; F = SF; SF
- SF; F = Socialist People's Party; Socialistische Volkspartij
- SF; BF = Sampling Frequency; bemonsteringsfrequentie
- SF = Spreading Factor
- sf = 1. LITERATURE science fiction 2. MUSIC sforzando
- SF5CF3; SF5CF3 = trifluoromethyl sulphur pentafluoride
- SFB = Sociaal Fonds Bouwnijverheid
- SFB = Stichting Sociaal Fonds Bouwnijverheid
- SFAS = FINANCE Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
- SFAI; SFAI = Società Fondiaria Agricola Industriale; Società Fondiaria Agricola Industriale
- SFAIAA = So Far As I Am Aware (Internet lingo)
- SFB = (Directie)Studiefinancieringsbeleid
- SFC = S*** Fatinn Grin fTntwnet linnnl
- SFC = Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
- SFBR = Syndicale Federatie van de Belgische Rijkswacht
- SFB = Sociaal Fonds Bouwnijverheid
- SFBI = Shared Frame Buffer Interconnect
- SFA = Small Fine Arm
- SFA = SalesForce Automation
- SFA = 1. FOOTBALL Scottish Football Association 2. STOCK EXCHANGE Securities and FuturesAuthority
- SF6; SF6 = sulphur hexafluoride; zwavelhexafluoride
- SFA = Sales Force Automation, Spectral Flame Analyzers, Secondary FAcility
- SFA; SFA = Seychelles Fishing Authority; Seychelles Fishing Authority
- SFA; SFA = Seychelles Fishing Authority; Zeevisserijdienst van de Seychellen
- SFAD; SFAD = Static force application device; Inrichting voor het uitoefenen van statische krachten
- SFA; SFA = Special Framework of Assistance; Teneinde het voor de twaalf traditionele ACS-bananenleveranciers gemakkelijker te maken zich aan de wijzigingen op de handelsregelingen aan te passen, werd in 1999 een bijzondere kaderregeling voor bijstand
- SFA; SFA = Securities and Futures Authority; Securities and Futures Authority
- SFA; SFA = Stock-flow adjustment; Stock-flow adjustment
- SF = Sign Flag
- SETO = Stichting voor Economische en Technologische Ontwikkelingen
- SETP = Set if Parity (asm 386+)
- SETO = Set if Overflow (asm 386+)
- SETNS = Set if Not Signed (asm 386+)
- SETNZ = Set if Not Zero (asm 386+)
- SETP; SETP = single Eurosystem tender procedure; (2) Artikel 2, lid 1 van Richtsnoer ECB/2004/18 bepaalt dat de gemeenschappelijke aanbestedingsprocedure van het Eurosysteem
- SETS = Set if Signed (asm 386+)
- Settlement = Payment of amounts resulting from the accounting process.
- SETS = STOCK EXCHANGE Stock Exchange Electronic Trading System
- SETPE = Set if Parity Even (asm 386+)
- SETPO = Set if Parity Odd (asm 386+)
- SETNC = Set if Not Carry (asm 386+)
- SETNE = Set if Not Equal (asm 386+)
- SETNB = Set if Not Below (asm 386+)
- SETNA = Set if Not Above (asm 386+)
- SETNAE = Set if Not Above or Equal (asm 386+)
- SETNG = Set if Not Greater (assembly language)
- SETNO = Set if Not Overflow (asm 386+)
- SETNP = Set if No Parity (asm 386+)
- SETNLE = Set if Not Less or Equal (asm 386+)
- SETNGE = Set if Not Greater or Equal (asm 386+)
- SETNL = Set if Not Less (asm 386+)
- SETZ = Set if Zero (asm 386+)
- SEW; S.E.W. = Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht (Sociaal-economische wetgeving)
- SEW; SEW = Situation of elderly women; Situation of Elderly Women
- SEW = Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht
- SEW = Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving
- SEW = Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht (Sociaal-economische wetgeving)
- SEX = Software Exchange
- SEZ = speciale economische zone
- SEZ; SEZ = Special Economic Zone; speciale economische zone
- SEZ = Special Economic Zone
- SEXAFS = Surface Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
- Sexag. = Sexagesima ('Sixtieth day' before Easter — Breviary)
- SEUL = Simple End User Linux
- SEV = Stuurgroep Experimenten in de Volkshuisvesting
- SEUL = Support Equipment Utilization List
- SEU = Smallest Executable Unit
- SEU = single-event upset
- SEVGAP; SEVGAP = Association of Greek Dairy Product Industries; Coöperatie van Griekse industriële zulvelbedrijven
- sew = Speech Coding Workshop
- SEW = SEW. Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht
- SEW = Sociaal Economische Wetgeving
- SEVI = Studie-en documentatiecentrum Emile Vandervelde-instituut
- SEW = Sociaal-Economisch Weekblad
- SFC = Strong Functional Cohesion
- SFO = (Solid Financial Opportunity)
- SFO = Solid Financial Opportunity
- sfo = strafrechtelijk financieel onderzoek
- SFO = Samenwerkende Film Organisaties
- SFO = 1. CRIME Serious Fraud Office 2. FINANCE Superannuation Funds Office
- SFO = Strafrechtelijk Financiel Onderzoek
- SFOR; SFOR = Stabilization Force; Stabilisatiemacht
- SFP = Sound/Solid Financial Planning
- SFOR; SFOR = Multinational Stabilisation Force; multinationale stabilisatiemacht
- SFO; SFO = Serious Fraud Office; Bureau voor ernstige fraudezaken
- SFOB = Samenwerkingsverband Forensisch Onderzoek Bomexplosies
- SFM = Service Facility Manipulator
- SFM = Surface Feet per Minute
- SFLA = Stupid Four-Letter Acronym (Internet lingo)
- SFL = (Streamlined Financial Life)
- SFL; SFL = Special Facility Loans; Special Facility Loans
- SFM = Services For the Macintosh
- SFN = System Frame NumberSingle Frequency Network
- SFN = Short File Name
- SFMT = (sub-feedback message type (SFMT))
- SFM; DBB = sustainable forest management; duurzaam bosbeheer
- SFMS = Supercomputer Facilities Management Services
- SFP = (Sound/Solid Financial Planning)
- SFS = [1] Sophisticated Fraud(ulent) Scheme
- SFS = Standard Frequency and Time (signal service)
- SFS = ([1] Sophisticated Fraud(ulent) Scheme)
- SFRY; SFRJ = Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; Socialistische Federale Republiek van Joegoslavië
- SFRY; SFRJ = Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; Socialistische Federale Republiek Joegoslavië
- SFS = ([2] Spectacularly Failed Strategy)
- SFT = System Fault Tolerance
- SFT = Stichting Financiële Toetsing
- SFSE = Symantec Fax Starter Edition
- SFS = [2] Spectacularly Failed Strategy
- SFS = System File Server
- SFP; SFP = security function policy; Tijdens de eindgebruiksfase van zijn levenscyclus wordt de tachograafkaart onderworpen aan een enkele toegangscontrole van de beveiligingsfuncties
- SFP; SFP = Swedish People's Party; Zweedse Volkspartij
- SFP; BTR = Single Farm Payment; bedrijfstoeslagregeling
- SFP = Summary Flight Plan
- SFP = single failure point
- SFPA; SFPA = Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency; Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency
- SFQL = Structured Full-text Query Language
- SFRY; SFRJ = Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; Socialistische Federatieve Republiek Joegoslavië
- SFPS = Single Failure Point Summary
- SFPA; SFPA = Sea Fishery Protection Agency; Daarnaast is de Commissie door de Schotse instantie voor de zeevisserij (SFPA) ingelicht over de poging van de Albatros II om zijn vangsten op 26 juli 2002 aan te landen in de haven van Lochinver
- SFPO; SFPO = Shetland Fish Producers' Organisation; de Shetland Fish Producers' Organisation Limited
- SFL = Streamlined Financial Life
- SFD; SFD = severe fuel damage; ernstige beschadiging van de splijtstofelementen
- SFD; SFD = Social Fund for Development; De omvangrijke steun van de EU voor het sociale fonds voor ontwikkeling
- SFD; SFD = Settlement Finality Directive; [5] Tot dusver is het enige stuk Gemeenschapswetgeving dat betrekking heeft op de veiligheid en soliditeit van ctp's de Finaliteitsrichtlijn
- SFD = MEDICINE small for dates (NOTE: The abbreviation SFD is used of a baby with anabnormally low birth weight in relation to the length of the pregnancy.)
- SFD = Stacking Fault Density
- SFDF = Station Flight Data File
- SFDR; SFDR = Spurious Free Dynamic Range; Spurious Free Dynamic Range
- SFE = Start Field Extended
- SFDR = System Functional Design Review
- SFDM = Statistical Frequency Division Multiplexing
- SFDR = Spurious-Free Dynamic Range
- SFCG = Space Frequency Coordination Group
- SFCS = Shop Floor Control System
- SFCA = System Flow Control Assembly
- SFC = System File Checker (Microsoft Windows 98)
- SFC; SFC = Standing Forestry Committee; Het Permanent Comité voor de bosbouw
- SFCSI/F = Shop Floor Control System InterFace
- SFD = Single Family Dwelling (comtrast with MFD)
- SFD = Symbolic File Directory
- SFD = Start Frame Delimiter
- SFD = (Single Family Dwelling (comtrast with MFD))
- SFD = Sun Federal Division
- SFE = smart front-end
- SFI = Short EF Identifier
- SFI; SFI = Synthetic Flight Instructor; instructeur voor synthetisch vliegen
- SFHF; SFHF = Special Fodder Hardship Fund; Special Fodder Hardship Fund
- SFH = Slow Frequency Hopping
- SFHe = superfluid helium
- SFIC; SFIC = Strategic Forum for International Scientific and Technological Cooperation; Strategisch forum voor internationale wetenschappelijke en technologische samenwerking
- SFINX; SFINX = software factory integration and experimentation; integratie van,en proefneming met een programmatuurfabriek
- SFJH = Socialistische federatie van jeugdhuizen
- SFIC; SFIC = Strategic Forum for International Cooperation; Ter voorbereiding van de top in Spanje in 2010 moet een dialoog over wetenschap en technologie in verband met kennis en innovatie plaatsvinden, teneinde de ontwikkeling van een EU-LAC-kennisruimte te bevorderen[3]. Het recent opgerichte strategisch forum van de EU voor internationale samenwerking
- SFIC; SFIC = Strategy Forum for International Cooperation; Strategy Forum for International Cooperation
- SFIC; SFIC = Strategic Forum for International S& T Cooperation; Strategisch forum voor internationale wetenschappelijke en technologische samenwerking
- SFE; SFE = Synthetic Flight Examiner; examinator voor synthetisch vliegen
- SFEC = Source-coding based Forward Error Correction
- SFE; SFE = Special FEMIP Envelope; Speciale FEMIP-Enveloppe
- SFE = STOCK EXCHANGE Sydney Futures Exchange
- SFE = Static Feed Electrolysis
- SFERT = Europees hoofdreferentiesysteem voor de telefonietransmissie
- SFG = Sum Frequency Generation
- SFGMP = (Source Filtering Group Management Protocol (SFGMP))
- SFF; SFF = Structured Finance Facility; De EIB is bereid om haar financieringscapaciteit te intensiveren in het kader van de Faciliteit voor gestructureerde financiering
- SFF = Structured Fax Format (Image File Format)
- SFF = Small Formation Flyer
- SEC = Securities Exchange Commission
- SCSL = Sun Community Source Licensing (Sun Microsystems)
- SCSL; BRSL = Special Court for Sierra Leone; Bijzondere Rechtbank voor Sierra Leone
- SCSL = Satyam Computer Services Limited
- SCSI = COMPUTING a specification for a high-speed computer interface used toconnect peripheral devices to a computer. Full form small computer systemsinterface
- SCSI = Small Computer System Interface (pronounced 'scuzzy')
- SCT = Systems and Computer Technology
- SCT; SCT = Sorinet Commercial Trust; Sorinet Commercial Trust
- SCTEE; SCTEE = Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxity and the Environment; Zoals door het wetenschappelijk comité voor de toxiciteit, de ecotoxiciteit en het milieu
- SCT = Sdentific Committee on Telecommunications (URSI)
- SCT = SaTex Continuous Tone (graphics file format)
- SCT = (Sender Current Time (SCT) (RFC 5651))
- SCSA = Signal Computing System Architecture
- SCSA = Signal Computing System Architecture
- SCSA = Sun Common SCSI Architecture
- SCS; SCS = system control segment; system control segment
- SCS; SCS = system control segment; systeemcontrolesegment
- SCSA = Sun Certified System Administrator
- SCSI = (Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) (RFC 4455))
- SCSI = Small Computer System Interface (interface standard)
- SCSI = Small Computer System Interface
- SCSAP = Sun Certified System Administration Program
- S-CSCF = Serving CSCF
- SCTEE; WCTEM = Scientific Committee for Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment; Wetenschappelijk Comité voor de toxiciteit, de ecotoxiciteit en het milieu
- SCUM = (Soul-Crushing Unelected Monarchy)
- SCV = Stichting Consument en Veiligheid
- SCUM = Soul-Crushing Unelected Monarchy
- SCUDIF = Service Change and UDI/RDI Fallback
- sculp. = ARTS sculptor
- SCV = (Socially-Conservative Voter)
- SCVJP = Studiecentrum voor jeugdproblematiek
- SCVP = (Simple Certificate Validation Protocol (SCVP))
- ScVC; WVC = Scientific Veterinary Committee; Wetenschappelijk Veterinair Comité
- SCV = Stientific Computing and Visualization
- SCV = Socially-Conservative Voter
- SCTF = Sonny Carter Training Facility
- SCTIP = dienst internationale technische politiële samenwerking
- SCTEE; WCTEM = Scientific Committee on Toxicology and Ecotoxicology and the Environment; Wetenschappelijk Comité inzake toxiciteit, ecotoxiciteit en het milieu
- SCTEE; WCTEM = Scientific Committee for Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment; Wetenschappelijk Comité inzake toxiciteit, ecotoxiciteit en het milieu
- SCTEE; WCTEM = Scientific Committee for Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment; Wetenschappelijk Comité voor de toxiciteit, de ecotoxiciteit en het milieu
- SCTP = (Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP))
- scuba = _ see note at Aids
- SCUBA; scuba = self-contained underwater breathing apparatus; op zichzelf staand onderwaterademhalingsapparaat
- SCU; SCU = system control signal unit; signaaleenheid voor systeemregeling
- SCTP = Simple Computer Telephone Protocol
- SCTP = S Common Transport Protocol
- SCS; SCS = Selective Cull Scheme; selectieve noodslachtregeling
- SCR; SCR = selective catalytic reduction; selectieve katalytische reductie
- SCR; SCR = selective catalytic reduction; 10. Behandeling van rookgassen door selectieve katalytische reductie
- SCR; SCR = selective chopper radiometer; radiometer met selectieve interruptor
- SCR; SCR = silicon-controlled rectifier; gestuurde halfgeleidergelijkrichter
- SCR; SCR = RELEX Joint Service; gemeenschappelijke dienst Relex
- SCR; UNSCR = United Nations Security Council Resolution; VNVR-resolutie
- SCRAM = (Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM) (RFC 5802))
- SCRAM = Static Column Random Access Memory
- SCR; UNSCR = United Nations Security Council Resolution; resolutie van de Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties
- SCR; UNSCR = Security Council Resolution; VNVR-resolutie
- SCR; UNSCR = Security Council Resolution; resolutie van de Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties
- SCR = Schedule Change Request
- SCR = solar cosmic radiation
- SCR = Sustained/Sustainable Cell Rate
- SCR = Service Commun Relex (Gemeenschappelijke dienst buitenlandse betrekkingen)
- SCR = [1] Standards Compliant Response
- SCR = space constructible radiator
- SCR; SCR = Seychelles rupee
- SCR; SCR = Service Commun Relex; Wat de nucleaire veiligheidscontrole betreft, is de betrokkenheid van het GCO aanzienlijk toegenomen na een verzoek van de Gemeenschappelijke Dienst Relex
- SCR; SCR = semiconductor-controlled rectifier; gestuurde halfgeleidergelijkrichter
- SCR = ([2] Sythesized Codependent Relationship)
- SCR = Script (file name extension)
- SCRG = Student Computer Research Group (Trinity College, Dublin)
- SCS = System Control Software
- SCS = [3] Safety-Critical System
- SCS = Satellite Control Section
- SCS = Single Crystal Silicon
- SCS = Sanctus ('Saint')
- SCS = Sodety for Computer Simulation
- SCS = ([2] Stringent Criteria Set)
- SCS = (Secure Cookie Sessions (SCS) (RFC 6896))
- SCS = ([3] Safety-Critical System)
- SCS = Stichting Centrum voor Secretariaten
- SCS = [1] Scary, Capricious Supervisor (see also SCB)
- SCRS = Scalable Cluster of RISC Systems
- SCRS; SCRS = STACRES; Permanent comité voor onderzoek en statistiek
- SCRN = Screen
- SCRI = Supercomputer Computations Research Institute
- Script. = RELIGION Scripture
- SCRS; SCRS = Standing Committee on Research and Statistics; Permanent comité voor onderzoek en statistiek
- SCS = ([1] Scary, Capricious Supervisor (see also SCB))
- SCS = standaardiseren,coördineren en stimuleren
- SCS = [2] Stringent Criteria Set
- SCRS; SCRS = standing committee for research and statistics; Standing Committee for Research and Statistics
- SCS = Serial Controller Chip
- SCVP = (Server-Based Certificate Validation Protocol (SCVP) (RFC 5055))
- SDB = Stichting Doelmatige Beroepskleding
- SDB = Symbolic DeBugger
- SDB = Stichting Het Drentse Boek
- SDAT = (Simple DNA address table (SDAT) (RFC 6059))
- SDB = small disadvantaged business
- SDB = (Structurally Deficient Bridge)
- SDBM = Simple DataBase Manager (Unix)
- SDBO; SDBO = Société de Banque Occidentale; Société de Banque Occidentale
- SDB = COMMERCE sales day book
- SDB = Stichting Dienstverlening Bejaardentehuizen
- SDB = Structurally Deficient Bridge
- SDA; SDA = spray dry absorption; sproeidroogproces
- SDA; SDA = Party for Democratic Action; Partij voor Democratische Actie
- SDA; DOV = Sustainable Development Agreement; Verdrag inzake duurzame ontwikkeling
- SDA = Software Disk Array
- SDA = Software Delivery Agent
- S-DAB = Satellite Digital Audio Broadcasting
- SDAP = Sociaal Democratische Arbeiderspartij
- SDAP; SDAP = spray-dried absorption product; de gebonden carbonaten in het sproeidroogadsorptieproduct
- SDAP = Sociaal Democratische Arbeiders Partij
- SDAG; SDAG = Space Debris Advisory Group
- SDAM = Single DOS Application Mode
- SDC = Software Development Center
- SDD = software design documentation
- SDD = Super Density Disk
- SDD = Spedfic Development and Design
- SDD = Subsystem Device Driver (IBM-ESS)
- SDD = software design document
- SDD = Software Description Database
- SDD = System Development Division (IBM)
- SDD; SDD = SEPA direct debit; SEPA direct debit
- SDD = Sudanese Dinar of Sudan (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- SDD = System Distribution Directory
- SDD = Subscriber Data Document
- SDCCH = Stand-Alone Dedicated Control Channel
- SDCCH; SDCCH = stand-alone dedicated control channel; autonoom gespecialiseerd besturingskanaal
- SDC = Single Description Coding
- SDC = Significant Data Compromise
- SDC = (Significant Data Compromise)
- SDCCH; SDCCH = SDCCH; autonoom gespecialiseerd besturingskanaal
- SDCD = Super Density Compact Disk
- SDD = Small Discrete Device
- SDCD = Secondary Data Carrier Detect
- SDCCH; SDCCH = stand-alone dedicated control channel; autonoom gespecialiseerd besturingskanaal
- SDCCH; SDCCH = SDCCH; autonoom gespecialiseerd besturingskanaal
- SDA = Swappable Data Area
- SD = Structured Design
- SD = Speed Disk (Norton utilities)
- SD = Software Designer
- SD = Send Data
- sd = without a day being fixed for a further meeting. Full form sine die (NOTE: From theLatin, ‘without a day'.)?ONLINE Sudan (NOTE: The abbreviation sd is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- SD = Single Density
- SD = Single Data
- SD. = Sedit ('He sat')
- SD = Standard Deviation
- SD = 1. COMPUTING secure digital 2. COMPUTING single density (disk) 3. MAIL South Dakota(NOTE: The abbreviation SD is part of the US sorting code on the last line of a SouthDakota address.) 4. STATISTICS standard deviation
- SD = South Dakota (USA 2-letter state code)
- SCW = Stichting Studiecentrum Wegenbouw
- SCW; KCA = Small Chemical Waste; Klein Chemisch Afval
- SCW = sociaal-cultureel werk
- SCVPH; WCVMV = Scientific Commitee on Veterinary Public Health; Wetenschappelijk Comité voor veterinaire maatregelen in verband met de volksgezondheid
- SCVPH; WCVMV = Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures Relating to Public Health; Wetenschappelijk Comité voor veterinaire maatregelen in verband met de volksgezondheid
- sd = Sudan (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SD = solar dynamics
- SD = support development
- SD = SCSI Disk
- SD = Starting Delimiter
- SD = Super Density
- Sd.C. = Servants of Charity
- SDA = Service Delivery Agreement
- SDA = ([3] Slow, Dispiriting Assault)
- SDA = Source Data Automation
- SDA = ([1] Self-Destructive Attraction)
- SDA = Send Data with Acknowledge
- SDA = [3] Slow, Dispiriting Assault
- SDA = [1] Self-Destructive Attraction
- SDA = [2] Self-Destructive Addiction
- SDA = BUSINESS Scottish Development Agency
- SDA = Stichting Drugshulpverlening Amsterdam
- SDA = System Display Architecture (DEC)
- SD; DO = sustainable development; aanvaardbare ontwikkeling
- SD; SD = Standard Deviation; Het bemonsteringsprotocol is gebaseerd op een tweestapsprocedure die het mogelijk maakt om indien nodig een schatting van het percentage GGO's in de partij te verkrijgen met het bijbehorende onzekerheidsniveau, uitgedrukt als standaarddeviatie
- SD; DO = sustainable development; duurzame ontwikkeling
- SD; B.R. = separate directive; bijzondere richtlijn
- SD; BR = Special Directive; bijzondere richtlijn
- SD; SD = Democratic Party; Democratische Partij
- SD; Σ = standard deviation; standaarddeviatie
- SDA = ([2] Self-Destructive Addiction)
- SD; VB = stocking density; veebezetting
- SD; SD = Secure Digital; ex85369085 | 97 | Slots voor geheugenkaarten van het veilige digitale
- SD; SR = standard definition; standaardresolutie
- SCM = Source Control Management
- SCM = 1. HEALTH SERVICES State Certified Midwife 2. CHRISTIANITY Student ChristianMovement
- SCM = Software Configuration Management
- ScM = SCIENCE Master of Science (NOTE: From the Latin Scientiae Magister.)
- SCM = Scanning Capatitance Microscopy
- SCM = [2] Serial Child Molester
- SCM = Station Class Mark
- SCM = ScreenCam Format (Lotus)
- SCM = Software Configuration Management, Source Code Management, Subscriber Carrier Module, Supply Chain Management
- SCM = space cargo modified
- SCM = Stichting Cursussen Materialenkennis
- SCLM = Software Configuration and Library Manager
- SCLP = Signaling Channel Link Protocol
- SCLM = Software Configuration and Library Management
- SCL = Stichting Centrum voor Lastechniek
- SCL = Semiconductor Complex Limited
- SCM = ([1] Slowing Commercial Market)
- SCM = Service Control Manager
- SCM = spacecraft materials
- SCM = Select Coding Method (TTU-T)
- SCM = [1] Slowing Commercial Market
- SCM = Source Configuration and Management
- SCM = ([2] Serial Child Molester)
- SCN = System Change Number (Orade)
- SCN = Sub-Channel Number
- SCN = Siemens Corporate Network
- SCMS = Serial Copy Management System
- SCN = Specification Change Notice
- SCN = ANATOMY a discrete area of the brain responsible for regulating circadian rhythms(the ‘biological clock') in mammals. Full form suprachiasmatic nucleus
- SCNR = Sorry, Could Not Resist (Internet lingo)
- SCNT = Single Chip Network Termination
- SCNAP = Sun Certified Network Administration Program
- SCN; SCN = Standing Committee on Nutrition; [6] Met "excessief" wordt bedoeld de combinatie van absolute maatregelen in het kader van erkende urgentiedrempels (zoals vastgelegd in het Sphere-handboek, Unicef en het permanente voedingscomité van de VN
- SCNA = Sun Certified Network Administrator
- SCM; SCM = Structural and Complementary Measures; Bijlage 2.2: Structurele en aanvullende maatregelen
- SCM; SKM = Standard Cost Model; standaard kostenmodel
- SCM = Software Configuration Management
- SCM = Supply Chain Management
- SCMA = Station Configuration Monitoring Application
- SCMP = Software Configuration Management Plan
- SCMP = Service Center Mainframe Consolidation
- SCMM; PCMZ = Standing Committee on Military Matters; Permanent Comité Militaire Zaken
- SCMD = Stichting Centrale Melkcontrole Dienst
- SCL = space component lifetime
- SCI = Strategic Computing Initiative
- SCI = Surface Charge Imaging
- SCI = Scalable Coherent Interface
- SCI = Serial Communications Interface
- SCI = Scalable Coherence/Coherent Interface
- sci = PRINTING single column inch
- SCI; GCB = site of Community interest; gebied van communautair belang
- SCI; SCI = Space Crafts Incorporated; Space Crafts Incorporated
- SCI; GCB = site of Community importance; gebied van communautair belang
- SCI = Software Configuration Item
- sci. = 1. science 2. scientific
- SchiedsVZ = Zeitschrift für Schiedsverfahren
- Schiet. = besluit Schiethamers(1967)
- schi.i. = Scheepsbouwkundig Ingenieur
- SCHER; WCGM = Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks; Wetenschappelijk Comité voor gezondheids- en milieurisico's
- SchKG = Bundergesetz über Schuldbetreibung und Konkurs
- Schw.JZ = Schweizerische Juristenzeitung
- SCI = Subscriber Controlled Input
- SchuR = Schulrecht
- School en Wet = School en Wet. Tijdschrift voor de Onderwijspraktijk
- SCHS-ZTG = Schiedsamts-Zeitung
- SCI; SCI = Société Civile Immobilière; iii) al haar rechtstreekse en niet-rechtstreekse deelnemingen in Amadeus France, la Compagnie Corse Méditerranée, de onroerendgoedmaatschappij
- SCIT; SCIT = Standing Committee on Information Technology; 68. Op de bijeenkomst van het Permanent Comité inzake informatietechnologie
- SCIzzL = Scalable Coherent Interface Local Area MultiProcessor Users, Developers, and Manufacturers Association
- SCIRR; SCIRR = Special commercial interest reference rate; Speciale commerciële referentierentevoet
- SCIRI; SCIRI = Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq; Hoge Raad voor de islamitische revolutie in Irak
- SCIRR; SCIRR = special commercial interest reference rate; speciale commerciële referentierentevoet
- SCJD = Sun Certified Java Developer
- SCK = Stichting Certificatie Kraanverhuurbedrijf
- SCK; SCK = Stichting Certificatie Kraanverhuurbedrijf; Stichting Certificatie Kraanverhuurbedrijf
- SCK = Socialisme met Chinese Karakteristieken
- SCJP = Sun Certified Java Programmer
- SCK = Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie
- SCIENCE; SCIENCE = plan to stimulate the international cooperation and interchange needed by European research scientists; plan ter stimulering van de internationale samenwerking en uitwisseling ten behoeve van de Europese onderzoekers
- SCIENCE; SCIENCE = Programme Plan to Stimulate the International Cooperation and Interchange Needed by European Research Scientists (1988 to 1992); Plan ter stimulering van de internationale samenwerking en uitwisseling ten behoeve van de Europese onderzoekers (1988-1992)
- SCID; SCID = severe combined immunodeficiency; ernstige gecombineerde immunodeficiëntie
- SCIC = Semiconductor Integrated Circuit
- SCID = MEDICINE a rare but severe inherited disorder of the immune system. Full formsevere combined immunodeficiency
- SCIFA; Scifa = Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum; Strategisch Comité immigratie, grenzen en asiel
- SCIM; SCIM = speech communications index meter; indexmeter van de spraakcommunicaties
- SCIP = Seniors Computer Information Project
- SCIM = standard cubic inches per minute
- SCIFA; SCIGA = Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum; Strategisch comité voor immigratie, grenzen en asiel
- SCIL = Serial Control Interface Logic
- SCNT; SCNT = somatic cell nuclear transfer; (3) Nieuwe foktechnologieën, zoals het klonen van dieren door somatische celkern-transplantatie
- SCP; SCP = single cell protein; eencellig eiwit
- SCP; SCP = service control point; service control point
- SCP; SCP = single cell protein; microbieel eiwit
- SCP; SCP = Sustainable Consumption and Production; Sustainable Consumption and Production
- SCP; SCP = Stability and Convergence Programmes; De stabiliteits- of convergentieprogramma's
- SCP; SCP = single-cell protein; eencelligeneiwit
- SCPC = Single-Channel Per Carrier Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
- SCPC; SCPC = State Commission for Prevention of Corruption; Op het gebied van de corruptiebestrijding heeft de staatscommissie voor de voorkoming van corruptie
- SCPC = Single Channel Per Carrier
- SCP; WCP = Scientific Committee on Plants; Wetenschappelijk Comité voor planten
- SCPA = Semiconductor Chip protection Act
- SCP = System Control Program
- SCP = Service Control Point
- SCP = Service Control Point
- SCP = [2] Superior Competitive Position
- SCP = [1] Single Career Path (see also LCP)
- SCP = Single Capital Pot
- SCP = Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau
- SCP = Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau
- SCP = Service Control Point
- SCP = ([1] Single Career Path (see also LCP))
- SCP = Single Chip Package
- SCPC; SCPC,afkorting van single channel per carrier = single channel per carrier; een enkel kanaal per draaggolf
- SCR = Silicon Controlled Rectifier
- SCR = 1. EDUCATION a common room for the use of academic staff in some colleges anduniversities. Full form senior common room 2. COMPUTING sequence control register
- SCR = system conceptual requirements
- SCPs; SCP's = Stability and Convergence Programmes; stabiliteits- en convergentieprogramma's
- SCPT = Single Channel Per Transponder
- SCR = [2] Sythesized Codependent Relationship
- SCR = Stolen Computer Registry
- SCR = Seychelles Rupee of Seychelles (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- SCR = Systems Clock Reference (MPEG)
- SCR = ([1] Standards Compliant Response)
- SCR = Schadecompensatieregeling inzake het verleggen van kabels en leidingen in Rijkswaterstaatswerken
- SCPI = Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
- S-CPICH = Secondary Common Pilot Channel
- SCPI = Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
- SCPD = Supplementary Central Pulse Distributor
- SCPH; PPC = Standing Committee on Plant Health; Permanent Plantenziektekundig Comité
- SCPJP = Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform
- SCPS = PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Society of Civil and Public Servants
- SCPS = Space Communications Protocol Standards
- SCPO; SCPO = Supreme Cassation Prosecution Office; In het geval van Sapard kon het cassatiebureau van het openbaar ministerie
- SCPMP = Station Crew Procedures Management Plan
- SCPO = MILITARY Senior Chief Petty Officer
- SCP = Systems Control Panel
- SCOA = Stichting Geschillenoplossing Automatisering
- SCO-ACE = SCO Authorized Certified Engineer
- SCO; SSO = Shanghai Cooperation Organisation; Shanghai-samenwerkingsorganisatie
- SCO; SCO = surface-contaminated object; object met besmet oppervlak
- SCO; SCO = Surface contaminated object; 22. Een oppervlaktebesmet voorwerp
- SCO-CUSA = SCO Certified Unix Administrator
- SCOEL; SCOEL = scientific committee for occupational exposure limits; Richtlijn 1999/38/EG van de Raad betreffende de bescherming van de werknemers tegen de risico's van blootstelling aan carcinogene agentia op het werk en uitbreiding van die richtlijn tot mutagene agentia omvat werkzaamheden waarbij men wordt blootgesteld aan stof van harthout overeenkomstig het voorstel van het Wetenschappelijk Comité inzake grenswaarden voor beroepsmatige blootstelling
- SCOFCAH; PCVD = Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health; Permanent Comité voor de voedselketen en de diergezondheid
- SCODP = Scan Conversion Object Description Page
- SCODL = Scanned Conversion Object Description Language (also a PC file format for film recorders)
- SCODL = Scanned Conversion Object Description Language
- SCO = Stichting Communicatie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
- SCO = Supply-Chain Optimisation
- SCO = (Supply-Chain Optimisation)
- SCO = Stichting Centrum voor Onderwijsonderzoek van de Universiteit van Amsterdam
- SCO = Santa Cruz Operation (company)
- SCO = Stanford Computer Optics
- SCO; SCO = surface-contaminated object; oppervlaktebesmet voorwerp
- SCO; SCO = Shanghai Cooperation Organisation; Q. overwegende dat Rusland en China getracht hebben hun invloedssfeer in Centraal Azië uit te breiden via de instelling van de Sjanghai Vijf, die China, Rusland, Kirgizstan, Kazachstan en Tadzjikistan verenigde in een forum voor het beheer van grensoverschrijdende kwesties, en die in 2001 resulteerde in de Sjanghai Samenwerkingsorganisatie
- SCO = Synchronous Connection-Oriented Oink)
- SCO = Santa Cruz Operation
- SCO = Samenwerkende Centrales Overheidspersoneel
- SCoFCAH; PCVD = SCOFCAH; Permanent Comité voor de voedselketen en de diergezondheid
- Scotice-Icecan = Transatlantische telefoonkabel van Schotland naar Canada via Ijsland
- SCP = Subsystem Control Port
- SCOTH; SCOTH = Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health; Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health
- SCOSTEP = Sdentific Committee On Solar TErrestrial Physics
- Scot. = 1. BEVERAGES Scotch 2. GEOGRAPHY Scotland 3. GEOGRAPHY Scottish
- SCP = ([2] Superior Competitive Position)
- SCP = Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau
- SCP = Storage Control Program
- SCP = Sunlink Communications Processor
- SCP = Save Cursor Position
- SCP = Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau
- SCOI = Significant Conflict Of Interest (compare with COI)
- SCOOPS = Scheme Object-Oriented Programming System
- SCOI = (Significant Conflict Of Interest (compare with COI))
- SCoFCAH; PCVD = Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health; Permanent Comité voor de voedselketen en de diergezondheid
- SCOFCAH; PCVD = SCOFCAH; Permanent Comité voor de voedselketen en de diergezondheid
- SCOP = Sectorcommissie Onderwijspersoneel
- SCOPE = Sdentific Committee On Problems of the Environment
- SCOR; SCOR = Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research; Wetenschappelijke Commissie voor oceanografisch onderzoek
- SCOPE = Simple Communications Programming Environment (Hayes)
- SCOP; SCOP = Seasonal coefficient of performance; Seizoensgebonden prestatiecoëfficiënt
- SCOPE = Software Certification Program, Europe
- SDT; SDT = Special and Differential Treatment; Nieuwe verplichtingen en regels zouden ontwikkelingslanden, met name de minst ontwikkelde landen (LDC’s) en kleine en kwetsbare economieën de nodige flexibiliteit moeten geven ( Bijzondere en aan de omstandigheden aangepaste behandeling
- SDTN = Space and Data Tracking Network
- SDT; SDT = Translation Service; Vertaaldienst
- SDT; SdT = Translation Service; Vertaaldienst
- SDT; SdT = Translation Service; SdT
- SDTS = Spatial Data Transfer Standard
- SDU = Service Data Unit
- SDU = (service data unit (SDU))
- SDU = Service Data Unit
- SDTV = Standard Definition Television
- SDU = v/h Staatsdrukkerij/Uitgeverij
- SdT; SDT = Translation Service; SdT
- SDT; SDT = SdT; Vertaaldienst
- SdT; SDT = SdT; Vertaaldienst
- SdT; SdT = Translation Service; Vertaaldienst
- SdT; SDT = SdT; SdT
- SdT; SDT = Translation Service; Vertaaldienst
- SdT; SdT = SdT; SdT
- SDT; SDT = SdT; SdT
- SDT; SDT = secondary dilution tunnel; secundaire verdunningstunnel
- SDT; SDT = Shetland Development Trust; Shetland Development Trust
- SDT; SDT = Translation Service; SdT
- SDU = Staatsdrukkerij- en uitgeverij
- SDV = Shuttle-Derived Vehicle
- SDWC = Stichting Derde Wereld Communicatie
- SDV = Source Documents Verification
- SDV = Stichting Doelmatig Verzinken
- SDV = (Soul-Dead Vigilante)
- SDX = Satellite Data exchange
- SE = Spectrometer Electronics
- SE = Senior Engineer
- SE = support environment
- SDX = Storage Data Acceleration
- SE = Surface Element
- SDU transfer delay = The value of elapsed time between the start of transfer and successful transfer of a specified service data unit (SDU) (source ITU-T X.140).
- SDU transfer rate = The total number of successfully transferred service data units (SDUs) in a transfer sample divided by the input/output time for that sample. The input/output time is the larger of the input time or the output time for the sample (source ITU-T X.140).NOTEthe source document term "user information unit" has been replaced by the term "service data unit".
- SDU misdelivery probability = The ratio of total misdelivered service data units (SDUs) to total service data units transferred between a specified source and destination user in a specified sample (source ITU-T X.140).
- SDU error probability = The ratio of total incorrect service data units (SDUs) to total successfully transferred service data units plus incorrect service data units in a specified sample (source ITU-T X.140).
- SDU loss probability = The ratio of total lost service data units (SDUs) to total transmitted service data units in a specified sample (source ITU-T X.140).
- SDU; SDU = Union of Social Democrats; Sociaal-democratische Unie
- SDV = Soul-Dead Vigilante
- SDV = Switched Digital Video (AT&T)
- SDUd = Staatsuitgeverij
- SDU; SDU = Social Democratic Union; Sociaal-democratische Unie
- SDU; SDU = USD; Sociaal-democratische Unie
- SdT; SdT = Translation Service; SdT
- SDS; SDO = Sustainable Development Strategy; strategie van de Europese Unie voor duurzame ontwikkeling
- SDS; SDO = European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development; strategie van de Europese Unie voor duurzame ontwikkeling
- SDS; EU-SDO = Sustainable Development Strategy; strategie van de Europese Unie voor duurzame ontwikkeling
- SDS; EU-SDO = European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development; strategie van de Europese Unie voor duurzame ontwikkeling
- SDS; EU-SDO = SDS; strategie van de Europese Unie voor duurzame ontwikkeling
- SDS; SDO = SDS; strategie van de Europese Unie voor duurzame ontwikkeling
- SDS; VIB = safety data sheet; veiligheidsinformatieblad
- SDSAF = Switched Digital Services Applications Forum
- SDS; SDS = safety data sheet; veiligheidsinformatieblad
- SDS; SDO = Sustainable Development Strategy; Strategie voor duurzame ontwikkeling
- SDS; SDS = sodium dodecyl sulphate; Daarna wordt deze spoelprocedure herhaald en vervolgens worden de huidschijfjes in flesjes met 5 ml 30 % (g/v) natriumdodecylsulfaat (SDS) in gedestilleerd water gelegd en een nacht bij 60 °C geïncubeerd. Na incubatie wordt elk huidschijfje verwijderd en weggegooid en wordt de resterende oplossing gedurende 8 minuten bij 21 °C gecentrifugeerd
- SDS = ([3] Silent, Dazed Shock)
- SDS = Safety Data Sheet
- SDS = [1] Stealth Dating Strategy
- SDS = [3] Silent, Dazed Shock
- SDS = ([2] Sleep Deprivation Study)
- SDS = Switched Data Service
- SDS = Synchronous Data Set
- SDS = Satellite Data System
- SDS = Smart Distributed System
- SDS = Sysops Distribution System
- SDS = ([1] Stealth Dating Strategy)
- SDSC = San Diego Supercomputer Center
- SDT = System Design Team
- SDT = Steep Downward Trajectory (contrast with SUT)
- SDT = (Steep Downward Trajectory (contrast with SUT))
- SD-STB = Streaming Data Strobe (IBM)
- SDT = SDL Design Tool
- SDT = SDL Development Tool
- SDT; SdT = SdT; Vertaaldienst
- SdT; SdT = SdT; Vertaaldienst
- SDT; SdT = SdT; SdT
- SDT = Spaans douanetarief
- SDT = Segment Descriptor Table
- SDSF = System (Spool) Display and Search Facility
- SDSL = Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line
- SDSF = System Display and Search Faality
- SDSC = Synchronous Data Set Controller
- SDSC = San Diego Supercomputer Center
- SDSS; PDL = Party of the Democratic Left; Partij van Democratisch Links
- SDST = Single Differential Space-Time (coding scheme)
- SDSTB = Streaming Data STroBe (IBM)
- SDSS; SDSS = Social Democratic Party of Slovenia; Sociaal-Democratische Partij van Slovenië
- SDSS; PDL = Social Democratic Party of Slovakia; Partij van Democratisch Links
- SDSS; PDL = SDSS; Partij van Democratisch Links
- SE = 1. southeast 2. southeastern 3. STOCK EXCHANGE stock exchange
- SEAFO; Seafo = South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation; Visserijorganisatie voor het zuidoostelijk deel van de Atlantische Oceaan
- SEAJ = Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan
- SEAFO; SEAFO = South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation; 25.1. Alle communautaire vaartuigen die in het verdragsgebied van de Organisatie voor de visserij in het zuidoostelijke deel van de Atlantische Oceaan
- SEACN = South-East Asia Cable Network
- SEAD = Space Station Early Assembly Demonstration
- SEAL = Simple Efficient Adaptation Layer
- SEAL = SEgmentation And reassembly Layer
- Seamless handover = Seamless handover is a handover without perceptible interruption of the radio connection.
- SEAL = (Subnetwork Encapsulation and Adaptation Layer (SEAL) (RFC 5320))
- SEAL = Screening External Access Link
- SEAL = Secure Electronic Authorization Laboratory or Semantics-directed Environment Adaptation Language.
- SEA; SMB = Strategic Environment Assessment; strategische milieubeoordeling
- SEA; smb = Strategic Environmental Assessment; strategische milieubeoordeling
- SEA; SEA = Socio-economic appraisal; sociaal-economische analyse
- SEA; SEA = socio-economic analysis; sociaal-economische analyse
- SEA; SEA = socio-economic analysis
- SEA; smeb = Strategic Environmental Assessment; strategische milieubeoordeling
- SEAC; SEAC = Committee for Socio-economic Analysis; Comité sociaaleconomische analyse
- SEAC; SEAC = Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee; Raadgevend Comité inzake spongiforme encefalopathieën
- SEAC; SEAC = Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee; Op 1 juli 1997 heeft de Britse Adviescommissie spongiforme encephalopathie
- SEA; smer = Strategic Environmental Assessment; strategische milieubeoordeling
- SEAC = Standards Eastern Automatic Calculator
- SEAP = Service Element Access Point
- SEB = S.Enskilda Bank
- SEB = Sociaal-Economische Beleidsgroep
- SEB = Source Evaluation Board
- SEATO; ZOAVO = South-East Asia Treaty Organisation; Zuidoost-Aziatische Verdragsorganisatie
- SEATS = STOCK EXCHANGE Stock Exchange Alternative Trading Service
- SeB = Seleniet-bouillon
- SEbS = southeast by south
- SEC = Sexually-Explicit Content
- SEbE = southeast by east
- SEBA = Stichting tot Explotatie en Bescherming van Auteursrechten
- SEBA = Stichting tot Exploitatie en Bescherming van Auteursrechten
- SEAS = Structured Evidential Argumentation System
- SEAS = Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations (Purdue University)
- SEAQ = STOCK EXCHANGE a computerized system for displaying prices andtransactions in securities on the UK Stock Exchange. Full form Stock ExchangeAutomated Quotation
- SEAP; SEAP = Society of European Affairs Professionals; Society of European Affairs Professionals
- SEAP; SEAP = sustainable energy action plans; 24. Er moet vooral duidelijk worden gemaakt hoe de stimuleringsmaatregelen voor decentrale investeringen in duurzame energie (beperking van het energieverbruik en opwekking van hernieuwbare energie), die bijdragen tot een efficiënt gebruik van bronnen en de ontwikkeling van een groene economie en groene banen op lokaal en regionaal niveau, worden gefinancierd. Ook moet er een aanvullend financieringsinstrument worden vastgesteld dat decentraal wordt beheerd en de tenuitvoerlegging van actieplannen voor duurzame energie (SEAP) moet vereenvoudigen. Tot slot moet er
- SEASAR = Sea Synthetic Aperture Radar
- SEATO = South-East Asia Treaty Organization
- SEATO = INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
- SEATL; SEATL = Secretariat of Euro-Asian Transport Links; Secretariat of Euro-Asian Transport Links
- SEASAT = Sea Surveillance Satellite
- SEA; SEA = sudden enhancement of atmospherics; plotselinge verhoging van atmosferische ruis
- SE = Seed End
- SE = Software Engineering
- se = ONLINE Sweden (NOTE: The abbreviation se is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- SE = Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- se = Sweden (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SE.(2e) = South Eastern Reporter (second series)
- Se.Va. = wet op sera en vaccins(1927)
- SE&I = system engineering and integration
- SE = steekproefeenheid
- SE&A = System Engineering and Analysis
- SE = Secondary Electron
- SE = Societas Europaea (Europese NV)
- SE = Security EnvironmentSending EntitySupport Entity
- SE = system engineer
- SE = support equipment
- SE = System Engineer
- SE = Switched Ethernet
- SE = Spectrum Engineering (ECC)
- SE = Standard Error
- SE = Speciaal Equivalent
- SE = Societas Europeae
- SE; SE = Societas Europaea; Europese vennootschap
- SEA = [4] Sinister Ecclesiastical Assassin
- SEA = Studiecentrum voor de expansie van Antwerpen
- SEA = ([4] Sinister Ecclesiastical Assassin)
- SEA = Standard Extended Attribute
- SEA = Stichting Energie Anders
- SEA = ([3] Significant Economic Aftershock)
- SEA = [1] Special-Effects Accident (occurs on movie/film or TV production sets)
- SEA; EA = Single European Act; Europese Akte
- SEA = ([2] Strong Emotional Attachment)
- SEA = [2] Strong Emotional Attachment
- SEA = ([1] Special-Effects Accident (occurs on movie/film or TV production sets))
- SE; SE = SE; Europese vennootschap
- SE; SE = Societas Europaea; Societas Europaea
- SE; SE = Scottish Executive; Scottish Executive
- SE; SE = spin echo; spin echo
- SE; SE = single-engine; éénmotorig
- SE; SE = European public limited-liability company; Europese vennootschap
- SEA = Self-Extracting Archive (archive file format) [Macintosh]
- SEA = [3] Significant Economic Aftershock
- SE; Z.O.,z.o. = Southeast; zuidoost
- SE; SE = systems engineering; systems engineering
- SE; Z.O.,z.o. = Southeast; zuidoosten
- SDL = [2] Self-Directed Learning
- SDL = System Design Language
- SDL = Specification Description Language
- SDK = Software Developer's Kit (Microsoft)
- SDK = Spanbeton-Dywidag-Kontaktsysteem
- SDL = ([2] Self-Directed Learning)
- SDL = System Directory List
- SDL = Specification and Description Language
- SDL = Shielded Data Link or Specification and Design/Description Language.
- SDL = [1] Shockingly Decadent Lifestyle (compare to SRL-2)
- SDL = ([1] Shockingly Decadent Lifestyle (compare to SRL-2))
- SDID = (Signing Domain Identifier (SDID) (RFC 6376))
- SDIHTT = SomeDay I'll Have The Time (Internet lingo)
- SDI; SDI = Strategic Defense Initiative; strategisch defensie-initiatief
- SDI; SDI = Spatial Data Infrastructure; Spatial Data Infrastructure
- SDI; SDI = Strategic Defence Initiative; strategisch defensie-initiatief
- SDIL = Software Development Integration Lab
- SDIP = Systems Design and Integration Panel
- SDIS = Switched Digital Integrated Service
- SDIP = Small Dual Inline Package
- SDIO = Strategic Defense Initiative Organization
- SDIO = serial digital input/output
- SDL; SDL = specification and description language; specificatie-en beschrijvingstaal
- SDM = Subsystem/System Development Manager
- SDM = Specific Device Model
- SDM = Space Division Multiplexing
- SDLV = Shuttle-Derived Launch Vehicle
- SDM = Sub-rate Data Multiplexer
- SDM = Structured Design Methodology
- SDM; SDM = Sortbroget dansk maelkerace; Sortbroget dansk maelkerace
- SDMA = Spatial Division Multiple Access
- SDM = Sun Domain Manager
- SDM = Solar Dynamic Module
- SDM = System Development Multitasking
- SDLC = Synchronous Data Link Control
- SDLC = Software Development Life Cycle
- SDLC = synchronous data link communication
- SDL; SDL = specification and description language; Specification and Description language
- SDLC = Synchronous Data Link Control (IBM)
- SDLC = COMPUTING synchronous data link control
- SDLT = static/dynamic load technology
- SDLTS = Scanning Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy
- SDLP; SDLP = Social Democratic and Labour Party; Sociaal-democratische Arbeiderspartij
- SDLC; SDLC = synchronous data link control; synchrone verbindingsbesturing
- SDLP = POLITICS Social Democratic and Labour Party
- SDI; SDI = Strategic Defense Initiative; Strategisch Defensie Initiatief
- SDF = Standard Data Format (file name extension)
- SDF = Space Delimited File
- SDF = Service Data Flow
- SDE = Successful Dating Experience (see also CUDE, UDE, CSDE, & CPDE)
- SDES = (source description (SDES))
- SDF = Space Delimited Format
- SDG = Stichting Dienstverleners Gehandicapten
- SDG = Storm Design Group
- SDFL = Schottky-Diode FET Logic
- SDF; SGF = Standard Data Form; standaardgegevensformulier
- SDFD = Solar Dynamic Flight Demonstration
- SDDP = Solar Dynamic Demonstration Project
- SDDPC = San Diego Data Processing Corporation
- SDDI = Serial Digital Data Interface
- SDDB = Somewhat Distributed DataBase
- SDDD = Software Detail Design Document
- SDDS; SDDS = Special Data Dissemination Standard
- SDE = Software Development Environment
- SDE = Software Design Engineer
- SDE = (Successful Dating Experience (see also CUDE, UDE, CSDE, & CPDE))
- SDDS; SDDS = Special Data Dissemination Standard; Special Data Dissemination Standard
- SDDU = System Development and Diagnostic Unit
- SDG = (Sustainable Dividend Growth)
- SDI = MILITARY Strategic Defense Initiative
- SDI = ([3] Severe, Detrimental Impact)
- SDI = Selective Dissemination of Information
- SDI = ([2] Self-Directed Investor/Investing)
- SDI = Software Development Interface
- SDI = [1] Self-Directed Initiative
- SDI = Single Document Interface
- SDI; SDI = strategic defense initiative; strategisch defensie-initiatief
- SDI = Serial Data In
- SDI = Standard Disk Interface
- SDI = [2] Self-Directed Investor/Investing
- SDH = Synchronous Digital Heirarchy
- SDH = Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (telecommunications)
- SDH = Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
- SDG = Sustainable Dividend Growth
- SDH = (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH))
- SDH; SDH = synchronous digital hierarchy; synchrone digitale hiërarchie
- SDI = [3] Severe, Detrimental Impact
- SDI = ([1] Self-Directed Initiative)
- SDHT = Selectively Doped Heterojunction Transistor
- SDH; SDH = synchronous digital hierarchy; Synchrone Digitale Hiërarchie
- SDHT = Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Transceiver
- SDMA = Space Division Multiple Access
- SDR; BTR = special drawing rights; speciale trekkingsrechten
- SDR; BTR = special drawing rights; bijzonder trekkingsrecht
- SDR; BTR = paper gold; speciale trekkingsrechten
- SDR; BTR = Special Drawing Rights; speciale trekkingsrente
- SDR; BTR = special drawing rights; SDR
- SDR; BTR = Special Drawing Rights; bijzondere trekkingsrechten
- SDR; SDR = software-defined radio; softwaregedefinieerde radio
- SDR; SDR = Special Drawing Right; bijzondere trekkingsrecht
- SDR; SDR = special drawing rights; bijzonder trekkingsrecht
- SDR; BTR = special drawing rights; papiergoud
- SDR; SDR = special drawing rights; SDR
- SDR = ([1] Street Dance Riot (see also CASD; credit Bethany Dunham as source))
- SDR = Software Design Requirements
- SDR = [2] Severely Dysfunctional Relationship
- SDR = Special Drawing Rights
- SDR = Streaming Data Request
- SDR = [1] Street Dance Riot (see also CASD; credit Bethany Dunham as source)
- SDR; BTR = SDRs; bijzonder trekkingsrecht
- SDR; BTR = paper gold; papiergoud
- SDR = Segment Descriptor Register
- SDR = ([2] Severely Dysfunctional Relationship)
- SDR; SDR = Software" Defined Radio; NB: voor "programmatuur" die samenhangt met militaire softwareradio
- SDRs; BTR = special drawing rights; bijzonder trekkingsrecht
- SDRs; BTR = special drawing rights; SDR
- SdRP; SdRP = Social Democracy of the Polish Republic; Sociaal-democratie van de Republiek Polen
- SDRs = ECONOMICS special drawing rights
- SDRs; BTR = SDRs; bijzonder trekkingsrecht
- SDRs; SDR = special drawing rights; bijzonder trekkingsrecht
- SDS = [2] Sleep Deprivation Study
- SDRs; SDR = SDRs; bijzonder trekkingsrecht
- SDRs; SDR = special drawing rights; SDR
- SDR; SDR = Special Drawing Rights; Special Drawing Rights
- SDRAM = COMPUTING synchronous dynamic random-access memory
- SDR; SDR = Software Defined Radio; Een bijzondere uitdaging vormt echter apparatuur die tijdens het gebruik door de gebruiker en/of een andere entiteit dan de fabrikant kan worden geherconfigureerd, zoals softwareradio
- SDR; SDR = SDRs; bijzonder trekkingsrecht
- SDRAM = Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
- SDROM = Super Density Read Only Memory
- SdRP; SdRP = Social Democracy of the Polish Republic; Sociaal-Demokratie van de Poolse Republiek
- SDRC = Structural Dynamics Research Corporation
- SDRAM = Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
- SDRAM; SDRAM = Synchronous dynamic random access memory; 30236113-7 | Synchroon dynamisch willekeurig toegankelijk geheugen
- SDR = 1. ECONOMICS a method of settling international debts through the InternationalMonetary Fund in order to stabilize exchange rates. Full form special drawing right(s)2. COMPUTING store data register
- SDO = (Standards Development Organization (SDO) (RFC 4052))
- SDO; EESC = Sustainable Development Observatory; Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité
- SDO = solenoid driver output
- SDNS = Secure Data Network Service
- SDNV = (Self-Delimiting Numeric Value (SDNV))
- SDOM = Station Development and Operations Meeting
- SDP = Surinaamse Democratische Partij
- SDP = Service Discovery Protocol (Bluetooth related)Session Description Protocol
- SDP = Standard Data Processor
- SDP = (Session Description Protocol (SDP))
- SDP = Partij van Democratische Verandering
- SDMS = SCSI Device Management System
- SDMT = Synchronized Discrete Monitor Timing
- SDML = Signed Document Markup Language
- SDMAC; DSDMAC = distearyl dimethyl ammonium chloride; distearyldimethylammoniumchloride
- SDME; SDME = Speed and distance measuring equipment; A.1/4.7 | Snelheids- en afstandsmeetapparatuur
- SDN = Software Defined Network (AT&T)
- SDN = Service Dialling Number
- SDN; SDN = Danish seine; Deense zegen
- SDN = Stichting Dierenrecht Nederland
- sdn = Sudan (ISO 3-letter country code)
- Sdn = COMMERCE Sendirian (NOTE: Sdn berhad is a Malay term for a private limitedcompany.)149 sess.
- SDP = Sociaal Democratische Partij van de DDR
- SDPP; SDPP = SHP; Sociaal-demokratische Volkspartij
- SDPP; SDPP = Social Democratic Populist Party; Sociaal-democratische Populistische Partij
- SDPF = Science Data Processing Facility
- SDP; SDP = Social Democratic Party; Sociaal-Democratische Partij
- SDP; SDP = Social Democratic Party; Sociaal-democratische Partij
- SDPP; SDPP = Social Democratic Populist Party; Sociaal-demokratische Volkspartij
- SDPW = Ondersteunings- en ontwikkelingsprogramma's voor de wijnsector
- SDR = System Design Review
- SDPR; PSDR = Socialist Democratic Party of Romania; Roemeense Socialistische Democratische Partij
- SDPP; SDPP = SHP; Sociaal-democratische Populistische Partij
- SDPR; PSDR = SDPR; Roemeense Socialistische Democratische Partij
- SDP = Software-Development Paradigm
- SDP = Software Development Plan
- SDP = (Software-Development Paradigm)
- SDP = Standard/System Data Processor
- SDP = Safety Data Package
- SDP = POLITICS Social Democratic Party
- SDP; SDP = Sudanese pound
- SDP; SDP = Social Democratic Party; Sociaal-Democratische Partij van Verandering
- SDP; SDP = Social Democratic Party; Sociaal-Democratische Partij
- SDP; SDP = Social Democratic Party; Sociaal-Democratische Partij
- SDP; SDP = Serbian Democratic Party; Servische Demokratische Partij
- SHAPE = Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe
- SMD = Storage Module Device
- SMD = Surface Mounted Device
- SMD = Structures and Mechanics Division
- SMCE = Secondary Mirror Control Electronics
- SMCH = standard mixed cargo harness
- SMD = Systems Management Division (Intel)
- SMDI = Subscriber Message Desk Interface
- SMDI; SDIM = System of Metallurgical Documentation and Information; Documentatie- en informatiesysteem voor de metallurgie
- SMDE = Stuurgroep Maatschappelijke Discussie Energiebeleid
- SMD = gladde haai
- SMD; SMD = surface mounted device
- SMC = Surface-Mounted Component
- SMC = ([1] Significant Moral/Morale Concerns)
- SMC = Stichting Mathematisch Centrum
- SMC = Security Mode Command
- SMC = Stichting Maritiem Centrum
- SMC = [1] Significant Moral/Morale Concerns
- SMCC = Sun Microsystems Computer Company
- SMCC = Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation
- SMC = Stichting Mechanisatie Centrum
- SMC = ([2] Special(ised) Medical Care)
- SMC = [2] Special(ised) Medical Care
- SMDR = Station Message Detailed Recording (telecommunications)
- SME; MKB = small and medium enterprises; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMECOMA = Stichting Vakopleiding voor Smeden-,Constructie-en Maschinebedrijven
- SME; MKB = small and medium-sized enterprises; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SME = BUSINESS small and medium-sized enterprises
- SME; KMO = small and medium-sized enterprises; kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen
- SMECOMA = Sectie Mechanisatiebedrijven
- SMEMA = Surface Mount Equipment Manufacturers Association
- SMEI; SMEI = severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy; syndroom van Dravet
- SMED = COMMERCE the concept of reducing the time involved in setting up amanufacturing process, ideally to under ten minutes. Full form single minuteexchange of dies
- SMEDA; SMEDA = SME Development Agency; Bureau voor de ontwikkeling van het MKB
- SMDS = Switched Multimegabit Data Service
- SMDS; SMDS = Shell Middle Distillate Synthesis
- SMDS = Switched Multimegabit Data Service
- SMDS = Switched Multimegabit Data Service (telecommunications)
- SMDS = (Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS))
- SME = Software Maintenance Engineer
- SME = Subject Matter Expert
- SME = Subject Matter Expert
- SME = Small and Medium Enterprises
- SME = Short Message Entity
- SME = Small And Medium Enterprises
- SMBXML = Small to Medium Businesses extensible Markup Language
- SMAP; SMAP = Short and Medium-Term Priority (Environmental) Action Programme; prioritair milieuactieprogramma op korte en middellange termijn
- SMAR = Suck My A*** Raw (Internet lingo)
- SMAP = Software Management and Assurance Program
- SMAIT = Subcontractor Management Analysis & Integration Team
- SMAK = Stedelijk Museum vor aktuele Kunst
- SMART = Strategy for Mobile Advanced Radio Telecommunications
- SMART; Smart = specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-related; specifiek, meetbaar, acceptabel, realistisch en tijdgebonden
- SMART; SMART = specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timed; Ten slotte worden de doelstellingen van de mkb-garantiefaciliteit beoordeeld in het licht van specifieke, meetbare, haalbare, relevante en tijdgebonden
- SMART; Smart = specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound; specifiek, meetbaar, acceptabel, realistisch en tijdgebonden
- SMART = Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology
- SMART = Safety and Mission Assurance Review Team
- SMA III; SMA III = juvenile spinal muscular atrophy; ziekte van Kugelberg-Welander
- SMA III; SMA III = spinal muscular atrophy type III; ziekte van Wohlfart-Kugelberg-Welander
- SMA III; SMA III = spinal muscular atrophy type III; ziekte van Kugelberg-Welander
- SMA I; SMA type I = spinal muscular atrophy type I; ziekte van Werdnig-Hoffmann
- SMA I; SMA type I = spinal muscular atrophy type I; infantiele spinale spieratrofie
- SMA III; SMA III = juvenile spinal muscular atrophy; ziekte van Wohlfart-Kugelberg-Welander
- SMAD = Self-Maintained Audio Device
- SMAD; SMAD = Safety Management Arrangement Document; Safety Management Arrangement Document
- SMAC = Small Computer
- SMA; SMA = spinal muscular atrophy; spinale musculaire atrofie
- SMAC = Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentration
- SMARTD = Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology Drive
- SMB = COMPUTING server message block
- SMB; KMO = small and medium-sized businesses; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMB = Single-Mask Bumping
- SMB = Small and Medium Businesses
- SMB = Server Message Block
- SMB; KMO = small and medium-sized businesses; MKB
- SMB; MKB = small and medium-sized businesses; Kleine en Middelgrote Ondernemingen
- SMBus = System Management Bus
- SMB; MKB = small and medium-sized businesses; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMB; KMO = small and medium-sized businesses; Kleine en Middelgrote Ondernemingen
- SMB; MKB = small and medium-sized businesses; MKB
- SMASE = Shuttle/Mir Alignment Stability Experiment
- SMASH = Simple, Many And Self-Healing (IBM supercomputer architecture)
- SMAS; SMAS = Single Market Assistance Services; a) bevorderen van de bekendheid van communautaire informatiediensten [10], en met name van de hulpdiensten voor de interne markt
- SMARTS = Spacecraft Mission Analysis Real-Time Simulator
- SMAS = Switched Maintenance Access System
- SMATV = TV satellite master antenna television
- SMB = Samenwerking Monialen Belangen
- SMB = Server Message Block (Mil)
- SMB = Station voor Maalderij en Bakkerij
- SMB = (Session Management Broker (SMB) (RFC 6108))
- SMB = Server Message Block
- SMEs; kmo = micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMID = School Militaire Inlichtingendienst
- SMIE; KMIO = Small and medium-sized industrial enterprises; Kleine en middelgrote industriele ondernemingen
- SMID = School voor de Militaire Inlichtingen Dienst
- SMI; SMI = Syrian Military Intelligence; Syrische Militaire Inlichtingendienst
- SMICE; KMIAO = small and medium-sized industrial and craft enterprises; kleine en middelgrote industriële en ambachtelijke ondernemingen
- SMIF = Standard Mechanical Interface
- SMILES; SMILES = Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System; Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System
- S-MIME = Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
- SMILES = Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System
- SMIL = Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
- SMIL = (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL))
- SMI = Structure of Management Information (RFC 1155)
- SMI = System Management Interrupt (Intel)
- SMI = BUSINESS the stock market index of the Zurich stock exchange in Switzerland. Fullform Swiss Market Index
- SMI = [1] Severe Multisystemic Injury(ies)
- SMI = [2] Sub-Moronic Imbecile
- SMI = ([1] Severe Multisystemic Injury(ies))
- SMI = Structure of Management Information
- SMI; KMIO = small and medium-sized industries; kleine en middelgrote industriële ondernemingen
- SMI = (Structure of Management Information (SMI) (RFC 1095))
- SMI = System Management Interrupt
- SMI = Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- SMIP/SPRE = Standard Mainframe Interface Program / Sperry Reader Emulator
- SML = Spacecraft Markup Language
- SML = Stichting Medische Laboratoria
- SML = Stichting voor de Ontwikkeling van de Maschinale Landbouw
- SML = Steel Markup Language
- SML = Sado Maso Language
- SML(T); SML(T) = total specific migration limit; totale specifieke migratielimiet
- SML; SML = specific migration limit; specifieke migratielimiet
- SMLC = Serving Mobile Location Centre
- SML; SML = specific migration limit; specifieke migratielimiet
- SML; SML = Société mécanique lorraine; Société mécanique lorraine
- SML; SML = specific migration limit; speciale migratielimiet
- SMIv2 = (Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2))
- SMK = Associatie voor Stenografie,Machineschrijven en Kantoorpraktijk
- SMIT = System Management Interface Tool (IBM AIX)
- SMIS = Society for Management Information System
- SMIs; KMO = Small- and Medium-sized Industries; kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen
- SMK = Software Migration Kit (Microsoft)
- SML = Storage Management Library
- SML = Standard Meta Language
- SML = smartX (SmartCard) Markup Language
- SMK = Stichting Maatschappij en Krijgsmacht
- SML = Symbolic Machine Language
- SMI = ([2] Sub-Moronic Imbecile)
- SMF = Superconducting Magnetic Facility
- SMF = Standard Message Format (Novell)
- SMF = System Manager/Management Facility
- SMF = Single Mode Fiber
- SMF = Space Medical Facility
- SMF = Stichting Stichtse Milieufederatie
- SMF; SMF = SMF; sub-multiframe
- SMF; SMF = Standard Magnetic Format; Standard Magnetic Format
- SMF; SMF = SMF; sub-multiframe
- SMF = Site Master File
- SMF; SMF = submultiframe; sub-multiframe
- SMEs; KMO = small and medium-sized businesses; Kleine en Middelgrote Ondernemingen
- SMEs; mkb = micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; micro-, kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen
- SMEs; KMO = small and medium-sized businesses; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMEs; KMO = small and medium-sized businesses; MKB
- SMEs; kmo = micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; micro-, kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen
- SMEs; MKB = small and medium-sized businesses; Kleine en Middelgrote Ondernemingen
- SMEs; MKB = small and medium-sized businesses; MKB
- SMF = (Standard MIDI File (SMF) (RFC 4695, RFC 6295))
- SMEs; MKB = small and medium-sized businesses; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMEs; MKB = Action programme for small and medium-sized enterprises; Beleidsprogramma üoor het midden-en kleinbedrijf
- SMEs; mkb = micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMF; SMF = Standard Magnetic Format for automatic exchange of information; Standard Magnetic Format
- SMG; SMG = Special Mobile Group; Groupe Spécial Mobile
- SMG; SMG = GSM; Special Mobile Group
- SMG; GSM = Special Mobile Group; SMG
- SMG; SMG = GSM; Groupe Spécial Mobile
- SMG; SMG = Special Mobile Group; Special Mobile Group
- SMH = medische spoedhulpverlening
- SMH = spoedeisende medische hulpverlening
- SMH = sponsor-markthouder
- SMG; SMG = Special Mobile Group; SMG
- SMH = STET Mobile Holding NV
- SMG = Suck My Goat (Internet lingo)
- SMG = Sales and Marketing Group (Intel)
- SMG = Screen Management Guide
- SMF; SMF = submultiframe; sub-multiframe
- SMFM = Secured Multitiered Financial Messaging
- SMG = Special Mobile Group
- SMG; GSM = Special Mobile Group; Special Mobile Group
- SMG; GSM = Special Mobile Group; Groupe Spécial Mobile
- SMG; GSM = GSM; Groupe Spécial Mobile
- SMG; GSM = GSM; Special Mobile Group
- SLIM; SLIM = single-sided linear motor; enkelzijdige lineaire motor
- SLIM; SLIM = Simpler legislation for the internal market; Overeenkomstig de mededeling "Eenvoudiger regelgeving voor de interne markt"
- SLIM; SLIM = single-sided linear induction motor; enkelzijdige lineaire motor
- SLIM; SLIM = single-sided linear motor; enkelkammotor
- SLIM; SLIM = single-sided linear motor; enkelkammotor
- SLIP = ONLINE the older of two protocols for dial-up access to the Internet using amodem. It has now been largely replaced by point-to-point protocol (PPP). Full formserial line Internet protocol
- SLJO = S***ty Little Job Officer (Internet lingo)
- SL-korting = Security of Life korting
- SLJ = S***ty Little Job (Internet lingo)
- SLIP = Serial Line Internet Protocol
- SLIP = Serial Line Internet Protocol
- SLIM; SLIM = single-primary type linear motor; enkelkammotor
- SLIM; SLIM = Simplification of the Legislation on the Internal Market; De voornaamste bepalingen van het voorstel zijn gebaseerd op de aanbevelingen van het SLIM-team vennootschapsrecht van september 1999 in het kader van de vierde fase van het initiatief ter vereenvoudiging van de wetgeving inzake de interne markt
- SLIM = Software LIfe-cyde Manager
- Slijp. = besluit Slijpmachines(1968)
- SLIM = Structured Language for Internet Markup
- SLIM; SLIM = single-sided linear induction motor; enkelkammotor
- SLIM; SLIM = single-sided linear motor; enkelzijdige lineaire motor
- SLIM; SLIM = single-primary type linear motor; enkelzijdige lineaire motor
- SLIM; SLIM = SLIM initiative; SLIM-initiatief
- SLIM; SLIM = Simpler Legislation for the Internal Market; SLIM-initiatief
- SLIM; SLIM = Simpler Legislation for the Internal Market; eenvoudiger regelgeving voor de interne markt
- SLL = Leone of Sierra Leone (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- SLOC = Source Lines Of Code
- SLOM = Slachtoffers Omschakeling
- SLOC = source/standard lines of code
- SLMR = Silly Little Mail Reader
- SLO; SLO = Security Liaison Office; Security Liaison Office
- SLOM = slacht- en omschakelingsregeling
- SLORC; SLORC = State Law and Order Restoration Council; Nationale raad voor vrede en ontwikkeling (SPDC)
- SLOSS = ENVIRONMENT a term in ecology relating to the debate over whether it is better toprotect one large area or many smaller ones. Full form single large or several small
- SLORC; SLORC = State Law and Order Restoration Council; State law order restoration Council
- SLOM = Slachting en omschakeling
- SLORC; SLORC = State Law and Order Restoration Council; staatsraad voor Herstel van Orde en Gezag
- SLM = Spatial Light Modulator
- SLM = Stichting Landelijke Mestbank
- SLLAO = (Source Link-Layer Address Option (SLLAO))
- SLL; SLL = leone
- SLLA = (Source Link-Layer Address (SLLA))
- SLM = Stichting Landelijke Mestbank
- SLM; SLM,een SLM is een transductor,die een tweedimensionaal lichtpatroon omzet in een ruimtelijk patroon,dat in helderheid kan variëren = spatial light modulator; ruimtelijke lichtmodulator
- SLMR = Silly Little Mail Reader
- SLM; SLM = SPATIAL LIGHT MODULATOR; spatial light modulator
- SLM = Surinaamse Luchtvaart Maatschappij
- SLM; SLM = sustainable land management; sustainable land management
- SLICOFI = Subscriber Line Interlace and COdec Filter
- SLEED = Spin-polarized Low Energy Electron Diffraction
- SLF = Shuttle Landing Facility
- SLED = Single Large Expensive Drive
- SLED = System-Level Engineering Documentation
- SLED = Single Large Expensive Disk
- SLF; SLF = Shredder Light Fraction; Lichte shredderfractie
- SLG; GHN = High Level Group; Groep op hoog niveau
- SLG; GHN = SLG; Groep op hoog niveau
- SLG; GHN = Senior Level Group; Groep op hoog niveau
- SLFP; SLFP = Sri Lanka Freedom Party; Srilankaanse Vrijheidspartij
- SLG = Stichting Leven & Gezondheid
- SLD; SLD = Democratic Left Alliance; Democratische Linkse Alliantie
- SLD; SLD = Second Level Domain; Second Level Domain
- SLD; SB = speed limitation device; snelheidsbegrenzers
- SLD; LDP = Liberal Democrats; Liberaal-Democraten
- SLD; LDP = Liberal Democrats; LDP
- SLD; SLD = Second Level Domain; domein op het tweede niveau
- sle = Sierra Leone (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SLE = MEDICINE a condition of the immune system in which it wrongly attacks the body'sown tissues, most common in young women. Full form systemic lupuserythematosus
- SLDT = Store Local Descriptor Table (asm 286+ privileged)
- SLDPF = Spacelab Data Processing Facility
- SLDRAM = Synchronous-Link Dynamic Random Access Memory
- SLG; GHO = Senior Level Group; Groep Hoge Ambtenaren
- SLIC = Subscriber Line Interface Circuit
- SLIC = System Licensed Internal Code
- SLIC = System Level Integration Circuit
- SLIC = Standard-function Linear Integrated Circuit
- SLIC = Subscriber Line Interface Circuit
- SLIC = Systems and Logistics Integration Capability
- SLIC; SLIC = Senior Labour Inspectors Committee; Comité van hoge functionarissen van de arbeidinspectie
- SLIC; SLIC = subscriber line interface circuit; koppeleenheid voor abonneeaansluiting
- SLIC; CHFA = Senior Labour Inspectors' Committee; Comité van hoge functionarissen van de arbeidsinspectie
- SLIC; CHFA = Senior Labour Inspectorates Committee; Comité van hoge functionarissen van de arbeidsinspectie
- SLIC; CHFA = Senior Labour Inspectors Committee; Comité van hoge functionarissen van de arbeidsinspectie
- SLHV = Stichting ter Bevordering van het leerlingwezen in het Haven- en vervoerbedrijf
- SLI = Source Language Instruction (IBM)
- SLHSS = Semiconductor Laser Pumped Solid State
- SLGCI = Sair Linux and GNU Certified Instructor
- SLGTO = Stichting Landelijke Geldinzameling Tuberculosebestrijding in Ontwikkelingslanden
- SLI = Scalable Link Interface, Scanline Interleave Mode (PC video card), Service Logic Interpreter (ITS), Session Level Interface, Source Language Instruction (old IBM mainframes), Space Launch Initiative (NASA planning), Speech and Language Impaired/Impairment, Subscriber Line Interface, System Level Infrastructure, System Level Integration
- SLI = ('Skip-Level' Interview (when staff are encouraged to meet with mgrs. at least one level higher than their mgr.))
- SLI = Structuurschema Landinrichting
- SLI = Structuurschema Landinrichting
- SLI = 'Skip-Level' Interview (when staff are encouraged to meet with mgrs. at least one level higher than their mgr.)
- SLI = (Set-Link-Info (SLI) (RFC 3931 - includes hyphens))
- SLOV = Stichting Landelijke Ombudsvrouw
- SM = Short Message
- SM = system manager/management
- SM = studentenmobiliteit
- SM = Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen
- SM = Session ManagementShort Message
- SM = Synchronous Modem
- sm. = small
- SM; SA = specific measure; specifieke actie
- SM&F = Structures, Mechanical and Fluid Systems
- SM = Stedelijk Museum
- SM&C = Station Management and Control
- SM = Service Module
- SM = MILITARY Sergeant Major
- sm = ONLINE San Marino (NOTE: The abbreviation sm is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- SLVS = Stichting Landelijke Vakopleiding Schildersbedrijf
- SLW = Stichting Leerlingstelsel Wegvervoer
- SM = Shared Memory
- sm = San Marino (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SM = Stress Migration
- SM = Set Mode
- Sm = CHEMICAL ELEMENTS samarium153 so
- SM = Surface Mount
- SM; SM = switching module; switching module
- SMA = METALLURGY shape memory alloy
- SMA = Surface Mount Assembly
- SMA = System Migration Assistant
- SMA = Shared Memory Architecture
- SMA = Stichting Merkartikel
- SMA = Science Monitoring Area
- SMA I; SMA type I = severe infantile spinal muscular atrophy; ziekte van Werdnig-Hoffmann
- SMA I; SMA type I = severe infantile spinal muscular atrophy; infantiele spinale spieratrofie
- SMA = Software Migration Assistant
- SMA = Spousal Manifestations of Affection
- SMA = Sport Medisch Adviescentrum
- SM; SM = short message; kort bericht
- SM; SM = solvency margin; De geharmoniseerde voorschriften inzake de solvabiliteitsmarge
- SM; SM = switching module; switchting module
- SM; SM = switching module; schakelmodule
- SM; SM = switching module; schakelmodule
- SM; SM = Standardised Method; 1. De gestandaardiseerde methode
- SMA = Shape Memory Alloy
- SMA = Sociaal Maandblad Arbeid
- SMA = (Spousal Manifestations of Affection)
- SMA = Sociaal Maandblad Arbeid
- SMA = Stichting Maatschappij en Automatisering
- SLV = AEROSPACE 1. space launch vehicle 2. standard launch vehicle
- SLR = Service Level Reporter
- SLR = Simple Left-to-Right
- SLR = PHOTOGRAPHY a camera in which the light passes through one lens to the film and,by means of a mirror and prism system, to the focusing screen. Full form single-lensreflex
- SLPP = Subscriber LCS Privacy Profile
- SLR = Send Loudness Rating
- SLR = Small Lattice Relaxation
- SLS = Softlanding Linux System
- SLS = Sufficiently Lavish Setting (contrast with ILS)
- SLS = zuidkustlangoest
- SLR,the loudness loss is here defined as the weighted(dB)average of driving sound pressure to measured voltage; SLR = send loudness rating; maat voor de luidheid aan zendzijde
- SLR; SLR = send loudness rating; maat voor de luidheid aan zendzijde
- SLP = Suggested List Price
- SLP = Service Location Protocol
- SLP = (Squid-Like Protuberance (extremely obscure TLA))
- SLOV = Stichting Landelijk Overleg Vrouwenstudies
- SLP = (Service Location Protocol (SLP))
- SLP = Squid-Like Protuberance (extremely obscure TLA)
- SLP; PSM = Socialist Labour Party; Socialistische Arbeiderspartij
- SLPI; SLPI = secretory leucocyte protein inhibitor; sekretorische leukocytaire protease-inhibitor
- SLP; PSM = SLP; Socialistische Arbeiderspartij
- SLP = POLITICS Scottish Labour Party
- SLP; OLP = Supporting Local Production; Ondersteuning van de lokale productie
- SLS = Spacelab Life Sciences
- SLT = Solid Logic Technique
- SLT; SLT = Standing Group on Long-term Cooperation; Permanente Groep inzake samenwerking op lange termijn
- SLT = School voor Luchtvaarttechniek
- SLSR = Service Level Status Report
- SLSS = Systems Library Subscription Service
- SLTM = Signalling Link Test Message
- SLUG = Syracuse Linux Users Group
- slv = El Salvador (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SLUG = Stavanger Linux Users Group
- SLU = Spoken Language Understanding
- SLU = Secondary Logical Unit
- SLSD = Space and Life Sciences Directorate
- SLSH = Stichting Leidse Studenten Huisvesting
- SLS; NLS = sodium lauryl sulfate; natriumlaurylsulfaat
- SLS = (Sufficiently Lavish Setting (contrast with ILS))
- SLS = Strained Layer SL
- SLSI = ELECTRONICS super large scale integration
- SLSI; ULSI = super large-scale integration; ULSI
- SLSI; ULSI = super large-scale integration; integratie op ultragrote schaal
- SLSI; SLSI = super large-scale integration; integratie op ultragrote schaal
- SLSI = Super Large Scale Integration
- SLSI; SLSI = super large-scale integration; ULSI
- SND = Stichting Nederland Distributieland
- SNDCP = SubNetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol
- SND = SouND (audio file format) [Sun Microsystems]
- SNCR; SNCR = selective non-catalytic reduction; selectieve niet-katalytische reductie
- SND = Stichting Nederlandse Dialekten
- SNDCP = Sub-Network Dependent Convergence Protocol
- SNE; GND = seconded national expert; gedetacheerde nationale deskundige
- SNEA; SNEA = Société nationale Elf Aquitaine; Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine
- SNE; GND = seconded national expert; gedetacheerde nationale deskundige
- SNDO = Studiekern Niet-Destructief-Onderzoek
- SNDU = Standard Network Data Unit
- SNC = Shell Nederland Chemie BV
- SNC = zuidelijke rode snapper
- SNBA = SN Brussels Airlines
- SNB; BOG = Special negotiating body; Bijzondere onderhandelingsgroep
- SNB; ZNB = Swiss National Bank; Zwitserse nationale bank
- SNC = shergottiet-nakhliet-Chassigny
- SNCF = RAIL the national railway system in France. Full form Société Nationale desChemins de Fer (NOTE: From the French, ‘National Railway Association'.)
- SNCR; SNCR = Selective non-catalytic reduction; 11. Selectieve niet-katalytische reductie (SNCR), een rookgasbehandeling die tot een NOx-vermindering met 20 tot 60 % leidt, is een goedkopere technologie voor speciale toepassingen
- SNCC = Stichting Nederlands Correspondentie Centrum
- SNCB; NMBS = Belgian railways; Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen
- SNCB; NMBS = Belgian National Railways; Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen
- SNERT = Snot-Nosed, Egotistical, Rude Teenager (Internet lingo)
- SNG; SNG = synthane; synthetisch aardgas
- SNG; SNG = synthetic natural gas; synthetisch aardgas
- SNG; SNG = Synthetic natural gas; Synthesegas
- SNG; SNG = Satellite News Gathering; satellite news gathering
- SNG; SNG = synthetic natural gas; remplaçantgas
- SNG; SNG = substitute natural gas; 1.3. Produktie van synthetisch aardgas
- SNI = System Network architecture Interconnection
- SNIA = (Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) (RFC 6208))
- SNI = (Server Name Indication (SNI) (RFC 6125))
- SNHC = Synthetic Natural Hybrid Coding (MPEG)
- SNI = Siemens Nixdorf Informabonssysteme (German company)
- SNF = Server Normal/Natural Format
- SNF; VDS = solids-no fats; vetvrije droge stof
- SNEWS = Secure News Server
- SNETP; SNETP = Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform; Veiligheid van geavanceerde systemen voor de productie van kernenergie: technische ondersteuning voor de implementatie van de toepassingsstrategie van het Technologieplatform inzake duurzame kernenergie
- SNETP; SNE-TP = Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform; Technologieplatform voor duurzame kernenergie
- SNFIAA = Still No F***ing Idea At All (Internet lingo)
- SNG TES; SNG TES = satellite news gathering transportable earth stations; transportabel grondstation voor Satellite News Gathering
- SNG; SNG = synthane; remplaçantgas
- SNG TES; SNG TES = satellite news gathering transportable earth station; transportabel grondstation voor Satellite News Gathering
- SNG = Satellite News Gathering
- SNG = INDUST substitute (or synthetic) natural gas
- SNB; BOG = Special Negotiating Body; bijzondere onderhandelingsgroep
- SNA; SNA = Somali National Alliance; Somalische Nationale Alliantie
- SNA; SNA = System of National Accounts; System of National Accounts
- SNA; SNA = System of National Accounts; stelsel van nationale rekeningen
- SNA = Systems Network Architecture (IBM)
- SNA = Shaping Network Assembly
- SNA; SNA = unified architecture; systeem netwerk architectuur
- SNA; SNR = System of National Accounts; systeem van nationale rekeningen
- SNAC = Sitting Naked At Computer (Internet lingo)
- SNA; SNR = system of national accounts; systeem van nationale rekeningen
- SNA; SNA = systems network architecture; systeem netwerk architectuur
- SNA; SNA = System of National Accounts; nationaal rekeningenstelsel
- SN = (Sequence Number (SN))
- SNA = System Network Architecture
- SN = Sociale Nota
- sn = Senegal (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SN = Subnetwork Number
- SNA = Synchronous Network Architecture
- SNA = COMPUTING systems network architecture
- SNA = Serial Number Arithmetic (mathematics)
- SNA = Stichting voor de Nederlandse Archeologie
- SNA = Systems Network Architecture
- SNA = (Systems Network Architecture (SNA) (RFC 4594))
- SNADS = Systems Network Architecture Distribution Services
- SNAP = System and Network Administration Program
- SNAP; SNAP = Substantial New Action Programme; Substantieel Nieuw Actieprogramma
- SNAP = (Simple Notification and Alarm Protocol (SNAP) (RFC 4416))
- SNAP = SubNetwork Access Protocol (OSI)
- SNAP = SubNetwork Attachment Point
- SNAPI = Structured N-dimensional Application Programming Interface (Orade)
- SNB = Simulated Natural Habitat
- SNB = Standaard nitraatbouillon
- SNB = (Simulated Natural Habitat)
- S-NAPTR = (Straightforward-Naming Authority Pointer (S-NAPTR) (RFC 3958))
- SNB = Stichting Nederlandse Baconcontrole
- SNAG = Sensitive New Age Guy (Internet lingo)
- SNAM; SNAM = Societa Nationale Azienda Metanodotti; Società Nationale Azienda Metanodotti
- SNAFU = Situation Normal, All F***ed Up (Internet lingo)
- SNADS = System Network Architecture Distribution Services
- SNAFU = situation normal all fouled up (NOTE: The acronym SNAFU (or snafu) isused as a noun to denote any mishap or mistake generally caused by incompetence andresulting in delay or confusion.)
- SNAM; SNAM = Societatea Naţională a Apelor Minerale; Societatea Naţională a Apelor Minerale
- SNAP = Shipboard Non-tactical Automated data Processing (program)
- SNAP = Selective Niobium Anodization Process
- SNAP = Specification for Non-heat Advertising Printing
- SNAM; SNAM = Societatea Națională a Apelor Minerale; Societatea Națională a Apelor Minerale
- SNAP = (Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP) (RFC 5157))
- Snia. = Sententia ('Opinion')
- SNT; SNT = sensitive nuclear technology; gevoelige nucleaire technologieën
- SNT; SNT = sensitive nuclear technology; SNT's
- SNSI = Stichting Nederlands Studiecentrum voor Informatica
- SNS = Stichting de Nationale Sporttotalisator
- SNS; SNS = Slovak National Party; Slovaakse Nationale Partij
- SNT; SNT = Serum Neutralization Test; a) de serumneutralisatietest
- Sntae.; Stae. = Sanctae ('Holy', or, 'Saints' — feminine)
- SNTC; SNTC = Swaziland national trust commission; Swaziland national trust commission
- SNT; SNT's = sensitive nuclear technology; gevoelige nucleaire technologieën
- SNT; SNT = single negotiating text; enkelvoudige onderhandelingstekst
- SNT; SNT's = sensitive nuclear technology; SNT's
- SNRME = Set Normal Response Mode, Extended
- SNS = SSIS Network Simulator
- SNRM = Set Normal Response Mode
- SNR = Signal-to-Noise Ratio
- SNR; SNR = Sustainable Nutrition Rehabilitation; Sustainable Nutrition Rehabilitation (Rehabilitatie van duurzame omgang met voeding)
- SNS = Social Networking Site (see also SNW)
- SNS = Stichting Nederlandse Schoolradio
- SNS = Storage Networking Summit
- SNS = (Social Networking Site (see also SNW))
- SNS = Speaal Needs Systems (IBM)
- SNS = Stichting Nationale Sporttotalisator
- SNTP = (Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP))
- SNW = Stichting Nederland Wereldtentoonstellingen
- SO = Shared Object (Unix)
- SNW = (Social Networking Website (see also SNS))
- SNW = Stichting Nederland Wereldtentoonstellingen
- SNW = Social Networking Website (see also SNS)
- so = Somalia (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SO = Shift Out
- SO = Standard Output
- SO = 1. a spouse or long-term sexual partner (used in Internet chat rooms and textmessages) Full form significant other 2. BANKING standing order
- SO = Small Outline (package)
- SO = Secundair Onderwijs
- snv = Star Trek - The Voyage Home (Internet lingo)
- SNV = Stichting Nederlandse Vrijwilligers
- SNV = Nederlandse Onwikkelingsorganisatie
- SNTSC = Super National Television Standards Committee
- SNV =
- SNV/ASD = Afdeling Staf en Dienstverlening
- SNVR = Samenwerking Nederlandse Vrouwelijke Religieuzen
- SNVV = Stichting voor de Nederlandse Vlasteelt en Vlasbewerking
- SNV; SNV = Netherlands Development Organisation; Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie
- SNV/LZ = Regio Latijns-Amerika,Azië en Europa
- SNV/OZ = Regio Oost-en Zuidelijk Afrika
- SNR = (Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR))
- SNM = SunNet Manager
- SNM = Stichting Natuur en Milieu
- SNM = Stichting Natuur en Milieu
- SNM = Selective Nanofiltration Membrane (nanotechnology term)
- SNM = (Selective Nanofiltration Membrane (nanotechnology term))
- SNM = Stichting Natuur en Milieu
- SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol
- SNMP = COMPUTING simple network management protocol
- SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol
- SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol
- SNMP = (Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP))
- SNIRB; SNIRB = centralised national system for identification and registration of bovine animals; centraal landelijk systeem voor de identificatie en registratie van runderen
- SNJ = Slowaakse Partij van Nationale Eenheid
- SNIP = Service Node Intelligent Peripheral
- SNICP = SubNetwork Independent Convergence Protocol
- SNID = (subnamespace identifier (SNID) (RFC 6453))
- SNJG = Stichting Nederlands Jiu Jitsu Genootschap
- SNLB = Structuurschema Natuur- en Landschapsbehoud
- SNLDU = standard network layer data unit
- SNLB = Structuurscheme Natuur- en Landschapsbehoud
- SNK = Stichting Samenwerkende Nederlandse Korenorganisaties
- SNK = Samenwerkende Nederlandse Korenorganisaties
- SNMP; SNMP = simple network management protocol
- SNP = (Subnetwork Point (SNP) or)
- SNP = 1. POLITICS Scottish National Party 2. BIOTECHNOLOGY a commonly found change in asingle nucleotide base in a DNA sequence, occurring about every 1,000 bases. It is ofsignificance in biomedical research. Full form single nucleotide polymorphism
- SNP = (Sequence Number Packet (SNP))
- SNP = Serial Number/Password
- SNP = Sequence Number Protection
- SNP = Stichting Natuurstudie Projecten
- SNR = Signal-to-Noise RatioSerial NumbeR
- Snr = Senior
- SNPA; SNAP = Substantial New Action Programme; Substantieel Nieuw Actieprogramma
- SNP; SNP = Scottish National Party; Schotse Nationale Partij
- SNPA = SubNetwork Point of Attachment
- SNMS = Sputtered Neutral Mass Spectroscopy
- SNN; SNN = Samenwerkingsverband Noord Nederland; Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland
- SNMPv2 = Simple Network Management Protocol version 2
- SNMP; SNMP = simple network management protocol; simple network management protocol
- SNMPD = Simple Network Management Protocol Daemon
- SNNS = Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator
- SNOM = Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy
- SNOW; SNOW = Schengen narcotic operation ways; Schengen Narcotics Operation Ways
- SNOBOL; SNOBOL = StriNg-Oriented symBOlic Language; String Oriented Symbolic Language
- SNOBOL = COMPUTING a high-level computer programming languagedesigned for dealing with strings of symbols. Full form StriNg-Oriented symBOlicLanguage (NOTE: The form of the acronym SNOBOL is humorously modelled on that ofCOBOL, an otherwise unrelated language.)
- SNOBOL = StriNg Oriented symBOlic Language (programming language)
- SMPS = Switch Mode Power Supply
- SMPS = Symmetric Multi Processing System
- SMPPMA; SMPPMA = Special Market Policy Programme for Maltese Agriculture; Hoe wil de Commissie het speciale marktbeleidsprogramma voor de Maltese landbouw
- SMPE = System Modification Program Extended (IBM)
- SMPM = SECS Message Protocol Machine
- SMPT = Shuttle Main Propulsion Test
- SMPTE = (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) (RFC 3497))
- SMPTE; SMPTE = Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers; Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
- SMPTE = Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
- SMPT; SMPT = simple mail transfer protocol; simple mail transfer protocol
- SMPT; SMPT = simple message transfer protocol; simple mail transfer protocol
- SMP; MMP = dried skimmed milk; magere-melkpoeder
- SMP; PEM = securities markets programme; programma voor de effectenmarkten
- SMP; MMP = dried skim milk; mageremelkpoeder
- SMP; MMP = dried skimmed milk; mageremelkpoeder
- SMP; MMP = dried skim milk; magere-melkpoeder
- SMP; PIM = Single Market Programme; programma voor de interne markt
- SMPA; WBMV = Special Medical Procedures Act; Wet Bijzondere Medische Verrichtingen
- SMPC = Shared Memory Parallel Computer
- SMP; SMP = Staff Monitored Programme; Staff Monitored Programme
- SMP; SMP = Sellafield MOX plant; Van de vier fabrieken in de Europese Unie zijn de MELOX-fabriek in Marcoule in Frankrijk en de nieuwe MOX-fabriek in Sellafield
- SMP; SMP = skimmed milk powder; skimmed milk powder
- SMPU; SMPU = Switching Module Processor Unit; Switching Module Processor Unit
- SMR; SPO = Serbian Renewal Movement; beweging voor de hernieuwing van Servië
- SMR; SPO = Serbian Renaissance Movement; beweging voor de hernieuwing van Servië
- SMR; SMR = standardised mortality ratio; standardised mortality ratio
- SMR; HMV = Senior Military Representative; hoge militaire vertegenwoordiger
- SMR; SMR = standardised mortality ratio; gestandaardiseerde mortaliteitsratio
- SMR; SPO = Serbian Renewal Movement; Servische Wedergeboortebeweging
- SMS = SECS Message Service
- SMS = Small Messaging System
- SMS = Stealth Marketing Strategy (see also SDS)
- SMR; SPO = Serbian Renaissance Movement; Servische Wedergeboortebeweging
- SMRAM = System Management Random Access Memory
- SMR = Speaalized Mobile Radio
- smr = San Marino (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SMR = Serious/Severe Military Reliation/Retribution
- SMR = (Serious/Severe Military Reliation/Retribution)
- SMR = Stichting Medische Registratie
- SMR = MEDICINE submucous resection
- SMR = supportability, maintainability, and repairability
- SMR; HMV = senior military representative; hoge militaire vertegenwoordiger
- SMR = Semiconductor Mask Representation
- SMR = source, maintainability and recoverability
- SMR = (Solicit-Map-Request (SMR) (RFC 6834))
- SMP; AMM = significant market power; aanmerkelijke macht op de markt
- SMO = (Strategic Marketing Opportunity)
- SMO = Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming
- SMO = Strategic Marketing Opportunity
- SMN = Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland
- SMN; SMN = Subsidiarity Monitoring Network; Subsidiarity Monitoring Network
- SMO = Serious Mode On (Internet lingo)
- SMOC = Small Matter Of Coding
- SMOF = Secret Master Of Fandom (Internet lingo)
- SMOBC = Solder Mask Over Bare Copper
- SMO; WIM = Single Market Observatory; Waarnemingspost interne markt
- SMO; WIM = Single Market Observatory; Waarnemingspost voor de interne markt
- SMM = Stichting Moderne Media
- SMM; SMM = Shanghai Metals Markets; Shanghai Metals Markets
- SMM = System Management Mode (Intel)
- SMLI = Stateful Multi-Layer Inspection
- SMM = System Management Mode
- SMM; SMM = Safety Management Manual; Safety Management Manual
- SMMWO = Shut My Mouth Wide Open (Internet lingo)
- SMn = Systems Management Tools Initiative (Orade)
- SMMUG = Silicon Mountain Macintosh Users Group
- SMMD = Small Mass Measurement Device
- SMMDS = Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service
- SMOFF = Serious Mode OFF (Internet lingo)
- SMP = Symbolic Manipulation Program
- SMP = Shape Memory Polymer
- SMP = Simple Management Protocol
- SMP = System Maintenance Program (IBM)
- SMP = System Modification Program
- SMP = Symmetric Multi-Processor/Multi-Processing
- SMP; AMM = substantial market power; aanmerkelijke macht op de markt
- SMP; AMM = substantial market power; aanmerkelijke marktmacht
- SMP; AMM = significant market power; aanmerkelijke marktmacht
- SMP = HUMAN RESOURCES statutory maternity pay
- SMP; AMM = significant market power; aanmerkelijke marktmacht
- SMOP; SMOP = standard potassium chloride; kaliumchloride van standaardkwaliteit
- SMOP; SMOP = standard muriate of potash; kaliumchloride van standaardkwaliteit
- SMOP = ^mall Mattpr Of Prnnrsmminn fTntern^f tnnnt
- SMON = Serious Mode On (Internet lingo)
- SMON; SMON = subacute myelo-optic neuropathy; subacute myelo-optico-neuropathie
- SMOS = Significant Margin Of Safety
- SMP = Security/Software Management Plan
- SMP = Symmetrical Multi-Processing
- SM-oven =
- SMOS = (Significant Margin Of Safety)
- SMOV = Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek verkeersveiligheid
- SMS = Systems Management Server (Microsoft)
- SMUs; KMO = small and medium-sized businesses; MKB
- SMUs; KMO = small and medium-sized businesses; Kleine en Middelgrote Ondernemingen
- SMUs; KMO = small and medium-sized businesses; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMU; MKB = small and medium-sized businesses; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMU; MKB = small and medium-sized businesses; MKB
- SMUs; MKB = small and medium-sized businesses; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMV = Spiritual and Moral Vacuum
- SMV = (Spiritual and Moral Vacuum)
- SMUX = (SNMP Multiplex (SMUX))
- SMUs; MKB = small and medium-sized businesses; MKB
- SMUs; MKB = small and medium-sized businesses; Kleine en Middelgrote Ondernemingen
- SMU; KMO = small and medium-sized businesses; MKB
- SMU; kmo = micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; micro-, kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen
- SMU = System Management Utility
- SMTS = Strategic Material Transport System
- SMTS = Senior Member of Technical Staff
- SMU; KMO = small and medium-sized businesses; Kleine en Middelgrote Ondernemingen
- SMU; MKB = small and medium-sized businesses; Kleine en Middelgrote Ondernemingen
- SMU; mkb = micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; micro-, kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen
- SMU; mkb = micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMU; KMO = small and medium-sized businesses; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMU; kmo = micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; midden- en kleinbedrijf
- SMV = Sla-mozaïek-virus
- SN = US MILITARY seaman
- Sn = (No Expansion, number value Sn in mathematical equations (RFC 5109))
- sn = Stay In Touch (Internet lingo)
- SN = Scouting Nederland
- sn = ONLINE Senegal (NOTE: The abbreviation sn is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- SN = vaartuigen die met de Deense zegen vissen
- SN = Sequence NumberSerial Number
- SN = space network
- SN = Serial Number
- SN = Sequence Number
- SMX = Signalerings Multiplex
- SMY = (Sexual Minority Youth)
- SMW = Setup Manager Wizard (Microsoft Windows)
- SMV = Stichting Moderne Vijfkamp
- SMVP = Stichting Maatschappij Veiligheid en Politie
- SMY = Sexual Minority Youth
- SMZT = Stichting Miljoenen Zijn tegen
- SN = Signal Node
- SMZBW = Samenwerkingsverband mensen zonder betaald werk
- SMZ = Stoomvaart Maatschappij Zeeland
- SMZ; SMZ = Sozial Medizinisches Zentrum; Sozial Medizinisches Zentrum
- SMTPE = Soaety of Motion Pictures Television Engineers
- SMS; SMS = SMS; dienst voor korte berichten
- SMS; SMS = Short Message Service; Short Message Service
- SMS; ABS = subscriber management system; abonneebeheersysteem
- SMS = (Stealth Marketing Strategy (see also SDS))
- SMS = Short Message Service
- SMS; SMS = short messaging systems; short messaging systems
- SMS; SMS = safety management system; veiligheidsbeleidsysteem
- SMS; SMS = short messaging service; short messaging service
- SMS; SMS = SMS; dienst voor korte berichten
- SMS; SMS = short message service; dienst voor korte berichten
- SMS; SMS = short message service; dienst voor korte berichten
- SMS = Stichting Mens en Samenleving
- SMS = TELECOMMUNICATIONS a service that allows short text messages to be sent to andfrom mobile phones. Full form short message serviceText messaging has introduced a new form of shorthand that can seem daunting to theuninitiated, although it is largely based on well-established principles that date from longbefore the introduction of this technology. These include omitting letters from words (e.g. tlk= ‘talk', wn
- SMS = Shuttle Mission Simulator
- SMS = Service Manipulator System
- SMS = Short Message Service
- SMS = Stichting Management Studies
- SMS = Service Management Systems or Storage Management Subsystem
- SMS = Storage Management Services
- SMS = Separation Mechanism Subsystem
- SMS = (Short Message Service)
- SMS = Storage Management Subsystem/System
- SMS; SMS = short messaging services; short message services
- SMT; SMT = Scar Mark & Tattoo; Scar Mark & Tattoo
- SMT; SMT = Special Marketing Term; Is zij voornemens om de speciale marktvoorwaarden
- SMT A = Surface Mount Technology Assotiation
- Smt = Short message terminal
- SMT = Surface Mount Technology
- SMTF = Shuttle Mission Training Facility
- SMTP = COMPUTING the main protocol used to send electronic mail on the Internet,consisting of rules for how programs sending mail should interact with programsreceiving mail. Full form simple mail transfer protocol
- SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- SMTHT = Stichting Militaire Tehuizen van het Humanistisch Thuisfront
- SMTP = (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
- SMSC; SMSC = short message service center; short message service center
- SMS-CB = SMS Cell Broadcast
- SMSC; SMSC = Sectoral Monitoring Sub-Committees; Sectoral Monitoring Sub-Committees
- SMS; SMS = safety management system; Safety Management System
- SMSC; SMSC = short message service centre; short message service center
- SMS-PP = Short Message Service/Point-to-Point
- SMT = COMPUTING surface-mount technology
- SMT = Station Management (protocol)
- SMSW = Store Machine Status Word (asm 286 + privileged)
- SMSS = (Sender Maximum Segment Size (SMSS) (RFC 5681))
- SMS-SC = Short Message Service - Service Centre
- SLD; LD = Liberal Democrats; Liberaal-Democraten
- SIDM; SIDM = serial-impact dot-matrix; seriële impact dot matrix
- SIDN = Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland
- SIDH = System IDentification for Home systems
- SIDD = Servicing Implementation Definition Docurnent
- SIDF = System Independent Data Format
- SIDO; SIDO = Société interprofessionnelle des oléagineux; Société interprofessionnelle des oléagineux
- SIDS = MEDICINE the technical name for cot death. Full form sudden infant deathsyndrome
- SIDS/TAP; SIDS/TAP = Small Island Developing States Technical Assistance Programme; technisch assistentieprogramma voor kleine insulaire ontwikkelingslanden
- SIDS = Standard Interoperable Datalink System
- SIDP = Sputter Ion Depth Profiling
- SIDR = (Secure Inter-Domain Routing (SIDR) (RFC 6382))
- SID; ISD = international subscriber dialing; internationale automatische nummerkeuze
- SID; ISD = international subscriber dialling; internationale automatische dienst
- SID; ISD = international subscriber dialing; internationale automatische dienst
- SID = Simulator Interface Device
- SID = (Silence Insertion Descriptor (SID) (RFC 5459) or)
- SID; ISD = international subscriber dialling; internationale automatische nummerkeuze
- SIDC = Sunspot Index Data Center
- SID; SID = sudden ionospheric disturbance; plotselinge ionosferische verstoring
- SID; SID = send identification signal; identificatiesignaal van de zender
- SID; SID = sudden ionospheric disturbance; plotselinge ionosfeerstoring
- SIDS; SIDS = Small Island Developing States; Voorts zullen regionale groepen, zoals de Kleine Eilandstaten in Ontwikkeling
- SIEV = Stichting Inschrijving Eigen Vervoer
- SIF = Standard Input Format
- SIEV = Stichting Inschrijving Eigen Vervoer
- SIEPAC; SIEPAC = Central American Electric Interconnexion System; systeem van elektrische interconnectie voor Centraal-Amerika
- SIES = Socialistisch Instituut voor Europese Studies
- SIF = System Integration Facility
- SIF; SIF = Social Insurance Fund; Zich bewust van de noodzaak toe te zien op de houdbaarheid van het Ierse pensioenstelsel, besloot de regering in 1998 de financiële situatie van het socialeverzekeringsfonds
- Sifa = Sinterfabriek
- SIF = Software Integration Facility
- SIF = Sociaal Impulsfonds
- SIF = Schools Interoperability Framework
- SIDV = Steun- en Informatiepunt Drugs en Veiligheid
- SIE = Speciaal Interventie-Eskadron
- SIDT = Store Interrupt Descriptor Table (asm 286+ privileged)
- SIDS; SIDS = Screening Information Data Set; Screening Information Data Set
- SIDSnet; SIDSnet = Small Island Developing States Information Network; informatienetwerk voor de kleine insulaire ontwikkelingslanden
- SIEF; SIEF = Substance Information Exchange Forum; informatie-uitwisselingsforum voor stoffen
- SIENA; SIENA = Secure Information Exchange Network Application; Secure Information Exchange Network Application
- SIENA; Siena = Secure Information Exchange Network Application; applicatie voor veilige informatie-uitwisseling
- SIEF; SIEF = Substance Information Exchange Forum; informatie-uitwisselingsforum voor stoffen
- SIEF; SIEF = Substance Information Exchange Fora; Er moet een systeem komen om informatie-uitwisselingsforum voor stoffen
- SIEF; SIEF = Substance Information Exchange Forums; Er moet een systeem komen om informatie-uitwisselingsforum voor stoffen
- SID = Society for Information Display symposium
- SIC; SIC = Standing Interpretations Committee; Standing Interpretations Committee
- SiC; SiC = silicon carbide; siliciumcarbide
- SIC; SIC = Shetland Islands Council; Shetland Islands Council
- SIC; SBI = Standard Industrial Classification; standaardbedrijfstakindeling
- SIC; SBI = Standard Industrial Classification; Standaard Bedrijfstakindeling
- SIC; SIC = Schengen Implementing Convention; Schengen Implementing Convention
- SICAT = Siemens Concept Analog Telephone
- SICAV = FINANCE a limited company in Luxembourg. Full form société d'investissementà capital variable
- SICA = Stichting Internationale Culturele Activiteiten
- SICA; SICA = Central American Integration System; Centraal-Amerikaans Integratiesysteem
- SIC = Standard Industrial Code/Classification
- SIC = Steadily Increasing Consumption (see also SIGC)
- SIBX = SystemInformationBlockTypeX
- SIBELGAS = Brusselse intercommunale maatschappij voor electriciteit en gas
- SIBOR; SIBOR = Singapore interbank offered rate
- SiC = Silicon Carbide
- SIC = Standard Industrial Classification
- SIC = COMMERCE Standard Industrial Classification
- SIC = Standard Interface Connector
- SIC = (Steadily Increasing Consumption (see also SIGC))
- SIC = Service Implementation Capabilities
- SICB; SICB = Standing Intergovernmental Copper Body; permanente intergouvernementele instantie voor koper
- SID = (Silence Descriptor (SID) (RFC 5993). From Ingemar Johansson (author): There seems to be two definitions: "Silence Descriptor" and "Silence Insertion Description". The 3GPP and ETSI definition seems to be "Silence Descriptor")
- SID = Schelde Inlichtingendienst
- SID = Security Identifier
- SID = (Sudden, Inexplicable Depreciation)
- SID = Separate Security Identifier
- SID = Set Interrupt Mask
- SID = standard interface docurnent
- SID = Serial Input Data
- SID = Sudden, Inexplicable Depreciation
- SID = SIlence Descriptor
- SID = Symbolic Interactive Debugger
- SICE = SoftICE
- SICOFI = Signaling COdec Filter
- SICDH = Scientific Instrument Computer and Data Handling
- SICC = Standard Industrial Classification Code
- SICCT; SICCT = Shetland Islands Council Charitable Trust; Shetland Islands Council Charitable Trust
- SICS = Sitting In Chair Snickering (Internet lingo)
- SID = Station IDentification (AT&T)
- SID = System ID
- SID = selected item drawing
- SICS = Swedish Institute of Computer Science
- SID = (session ID or server ID or sender ID or)
- SIFI; SIFI = systemically important financial institution; Elke systeemkritische financiële instelling
- SIJK = Socialistisch instituut voor jeugd en kadervorming
- SIK = Stichting voor Internationale Kommunikatie
- SIIK = Stuffed, If I Know! (Internet lingo)
- SIIA = Software and Information Industry Assoaation
- SIIB; SIIB = Syria International Islamic Bank; Syria International Islamic Bank
- SIL = Sister In Law (Internet lingo)
- SIL = Speech Interference Level
- Sil.W. = silicosewet(1951)
- SIL = Son In Law (Internet lingo)
- SIL = system integration laboratory
- SIL = Systems Integration Lab
- SII = Programma Samenwerking Internationale Instituten
- SII = Site Infrastructure Investment(s)
- SIH = selektieve investeringsheffing
- SIGVI = Speciale-Interessegroep voor Videotex-informatieleveranciers
- SIH = Stichting Industriehout
- SII = Programma Samenwerking Internationale Instituten
- SII; SII = structural-impediment initiative; Initiatief inzake Structurele Belemmeringen
- SII; SII = Summary Innovation Index; samenvattende innovatie-index
- SII = Static Invocation Interface (CORBA dient-side API)
- SII = Stichting Ideele Import
- SII = (Site Infrastructure Investment(s))
- SIL; SIL = Société industrielle lingerie; Société industrielle lingerie
- SIM = System Integration Manager
- SIM = [1] Strategic Inventory Management
- SIM = simulation
- SIM = Set Initialization Mode
- SIM = GSM Subscriber Identity Module
- SIM = Stichting Image Management
- SIM = [2] Strong Institutional Monopoly
- SIM application toolkit procedures = The portion of the communication protocol between the ME and the UICC that enables applications on the UICC to send commands to the ME.
- SIM = ([1] Strategic Inventory Management)
- SIM = ([2] Strong Institutional Monopoly)
- SIM = Subscriber Identification Module (telecommunications)
- SILC; SILC = Statistics on Income and Living Conditions; Statistics on Income and Living Conditions
- SILIC; SILIC's = severely indebted low-income countries; lage-inkomenslanden met een hoge schuldenlast
- SILA = Stichting Interkerkelijke Ledenadministratie
- SIL; SIL = speech interference level; Speech Interference Level
- SILA = Stichting Interkerkelijke Ledenadministratie
- SILS = Standard for Interoperable LAN Security
- SIM = Subscriber Identity Module
- Sim = Sociale Investeringsmaatschappij
- SIM = Service Information Message
- SIM = Studie-en Informatiecentrum Mensenrechten
- SIM = Human Rights Study and Information Centre
- SIGTTO; SIGTTO = Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators; 5. Vereniging van internationale gastanker- en terminalexploitanten
- SIG; GIS = Scientific Interest Grouping; groupement d'intérêt scientifique
- SIG; SIG = Special Industries Group; Special Industries Group
- sig. = signature
- Sig. = 1. the Italian equivalent of Mr. Full form Signor 2. a title used before the name of ahighly respected man or a man of advanced age in Italy and other Italian-speakingcountries. Full form Signore
- Sig. = Sigillum ('Seal')
- SIGAda = special interest group on Ada
- SIGCAT = Speaal Interest Group on CDROM Applications and Technology
- SIGCHI = Speaal Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction
- SIGC = (Steadily Increasing Gas Consumption (see also SIC))
- SIGART = Speaal Interest Group on ARTifidal intelligence (ACM)
- SIGC = Steadily Increasing Gas Consumption (see also SIC)
- SIFT = Stanford Information Filtering Tool
- SIG = (Special Interest Group)
- SIFS = (Short Interframe Space (SIFS))
- SIFIT; SIFIT = system of financial incentives for investment in tourism; Regeling financiële stimulering voor investeringen in het toerisme
- SIFS = Short InterFrame Space
- SIG = Speaal Interest Group
- SIG = Special Interest Group
- SIG = ONLINE special-interest group
- SIG = STichting Informatievoorziening voor de Gezondheidszorg
- SIG = Stichting Informatiecentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg
- SIG = Special Interest Group
- SIGE = Samenwerkingsverband Industriele Grootafnemers van Energie
- Signalling connection = An acknowledged-mode link between the user equipment and the core network to transfer higher layer information between the entities in the non-access stratum.
- Signalling link = Provides an acknowledged-mode link layer to transfer the UE-UTRAN signalling messages as well as UE - Core Network signalling messages (using the signalling connection.
- Signalling = The exchange of information specifically concerned with the establishment and control of connections, and with management, in a telecommunications network (source ITU-T I.112).
- SIGNALE = informatie doorstroming, promotie van nieuwe technologieën en begeleiding van de administratieve en wettelijke bepalingen in het domein van het leefmilieu
- SIGNI = Nieuw uniform Europees vaarwegmarkeringstelsel Zie Staatscourant voor alle tekens
- Sigra = the Italian equivalent of Mrs. Full form Signora
- SIGSEGV = Signal - Segmentation Violation (Unix)
- SIGPLAN = Speaal Interest Group - Programming LANguages (ACM)
- SIGNI = Signalisation des voies de navigation intérieure (markering voor binnenwateren)
- SIGO = Stichting voor Isotopen-Geologisch Onderzoek
- sigint = intelligence data acquired electronically. Full form signals intelligence
- SIGINT; SIGINT = signals intelligence; inlichtingen uit berichtenverkeer
- SIGINT = SIGnals INTelligence
- SiGe = Silicon Germanium
- SIGGRAPH = Spetial Interest Group on GRAPHics
- SIGL; SIGL = Integrated Quota Management System; geïntegreerd netwerk voor het beheer van vergunningen
- SIGMOD = Speaal Interest Group on Management Of Data
- Signa = the Italian equivalent of Miss. Full form Signorina
- SIGMA; SIGMA = Support for Improvement in Governance and Management; steun voor de verbetering van bestuur en beheer in de landen van Midden- en Oost-Europa
- SIGL; SIGL = office responsible for the management of licences; dienst die met het beheer van vergunningen is belast
- SIGMA = Syndikale Kamer van Invoerders voor grond-en baanbewerking
- SHNM; FTK = Small holders of nuclear material; fundamentele technische kenmerken
- SHO = HEALTH SERVICES Senior House Officer
- SHN; SHN = Stichting Halt Nederland; Stichting Halt Nederland
- shn = St. Helena (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SHN = Vereniging Slachtofferhulp Nederland
- SHO = Stichting Historisch Onderzoek
- shouldn't = should not
- Short time = Time, typically in number of minutes, to perform the off-line mechanism used for accounting.
- SHO; SHO = Joined Aid Organizations; Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties
- Short File Identifier (SFI) = A 5-bit abbreviated name for a file in a directory on the UICC.
- SHIS = (Serious Health Impairing/Impairment Symptom [see also HIS(3)])
- SHIS = Serious Health Impairing/Impairment Symptom [see also HIS(3)]
- SHIRBRIG; SHIRBRIG = Standby Forces High Readiness Brigade; Stand-by Forces High Readiness Brigade
- SHIM = (Stanza Headers and Internet Metadata (SHIM))
- shipt = MAIL shipment
- SHISAM = Simple Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access Method
- SHM = PHYSICS simple harmonic motion
- SHMI = Stichting Huisvesting Maatschappelijke Instellingen
- SHLH = Sitting Here Laughing Hysterically (Internet lingo)
- SHL = Shift Logical Left (assembly language)
- SHLD = Double Predsion Shift Left (asm 386+)
- should've = should have
- SHR; SHR = sharpsnout seabream; spitse ringbrasem
- SHRAM = SHeet Random Access Memory
- SHR; SHR = sharp-snout seabream; spitse ringbrasem
- SHR = Shift Logical Right (assembly language)
- shr. = STOCK EXCHANGE share
- SHRD = Double Predsion Shift Right (asm 386+)
- SHS; SAS = shoulder-hand-syndrome; schouder-arm-syndroom
- SHS; SHS = swollen-head syndrome
- SHS = Secure Hash Standard
- SHRIMP = Scalable, High-performance, Really Inexpensive Multi-Processor (duster i
- SHS = Stichting Haags Sociaal-Cultureel Werk
- SHP; SDPP = Social Democratic Populist Party; Sociaal-demokratische Volkspartij
- SHP; SDPP = SHP; Sociaal-democratische Populistische Partij
- SHP; SDPP = SHP; Sociaal-demokratische Volkspartij
- shp = MECHANICAL ENGINEERING shaft horsepower
- SHP = St Helena Pound of St Helena (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- SHP; SDPP = Social Democratic Populist Party; Sociaal-democratische Populistische Partij
- SHR = (Serious Health Risk (see also SHH))
- SHR = Serious Health Risk (see also SHH)
- shpt = shipment
- SHPL; SHPL = super-high-power laser; Super High Power Laser
- SHPL; SHPL = Super High Power Laser; Super High Power Laser
- SHIG; SHIG = Shahid Hemmat Industries Group; Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group
- SHD = Small Handheld Device
- SHD = Self-Healing Defect/Deficiency (see also SRD)
- SHD = (Self-Healing Defect/Deficiency (see also SRD))
- SHBO = Stichting Historisch Boerderij-Onderzoek
- SHCCH = Shared Channel Control Channel
- SHDSL = (Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line (SHDSL) (RFC 5066))
- she'll = 1. she shall 2. she will
- Sherlock; Sherlock = Programme of training, exchanges and cooperation in the field of identity documents; programma voor de opleiding, de uitwisseling en de samenwerking op het gebied van identiteitsbewijzen
- she'd = 1. she had 2. she would
- S-HDSL = Single-Line - High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
- SHED = Segmented Hypergraphic EDitor
- SHAR = Shell Archive
- SHARC = Super Harvard ARchitecture Computer
- SHAPES = Spatial, High-Accuracy Position Encoding Sensor
- SHAPE; SHAPE = Supreme Headquarters of Allied Powers in Europe; 3. De NAVO zal worden verzocht ermee in te stemmen dat het operationele hoofdkwartier wordt gevestigd in het hoofdkwartier van de geallieerde opperbevelhebber in Europa
- SHAPE; SHAPE = safe handling of plutonium fuel; veilige hantering van plutoniumsplijtstoffen
- SHARE = Station Heatpipe Advanced Radiator Element
- Shared Network = When two or more network operator sharing network elements.
- SHB = Stichting Samenwerkende Havenbedrijven
- Shared Channel = A radio resource (transport channel or physical channel) that can be shared dynamically between several UEs.
- SHARE; Share = Supporting Horn of Africa Resilience; Ondersteuning van de weerbaarheid in de Hoorn van Afrika
- SHARE; SHARE = Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe; Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
- she's = 1. she has 2. she is151 SIP
- SHI = Samenwerkingsverband Hoogland Indianen
- SHI; SHI = Samsung Heavy Industries; Samsung Heavy Industries
- SHI = Stichting Holland Initiatives
- SHH = Serious Health Hazard (see also SHR)
- SHH = Sociale hogeschool te Heverlee
- SHI; SHI = Samho Heavy Industries; Samho Heavy Industries
- Shift; SHIFT = Shift project; systeem voor keuringen en controles in grenscontroleposten bij invoer uit derde landen
- SHIG; SBIG = Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group; Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group
- Shift; SHIFT = system for health control of imports from third countries at frontier inspection posts; systeem voor keuringen en controles in grenscontroleposten bij invoer uit derde landen
- SHI; SHI = Swedish Handicap Institute; De Richtsnoeren zijn in februari 2001 aanbevolen door het Zweeds instituut voor gehandicapten
- SHID = Slapping Head In Disgust (Internet lingo)
- SHF = centimetergolven
- SHF = S-band high frequency
- SHF = Super High Frequency (3 to 30 GHz)
- SHESQUID = Super-conducting Quantum Interference Device of brand 'SHE'
- SHF = RADIO a radio frequency between 3,000 and 30,000 megahertz. Full formsuperhigh frequency
- SHF = Super HyperFine (interaction)
- SHG = Second Harmonic Generation
- SHH = (Serious Health Hazard (see also SHR))
- SHG = Segmented HyperGraphics
- SHF; SHF = super high frequency; superhoge frequentie
- SHF; SHF = Super-High Frequency; superhoge frequentie
- SHSAM = Simple Hierarchical Sequential Access Method
- SIA = Semiconductor Industry Association
- SIA = Standard Interface Adapter
- SIA = Nederlandse Stichting voor Interlandelijke Adoptie
- SIA = Station Interface Adapter
- SIA = solar inertial attitude
- SIA = Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architekten Verein
- SIA; SIA = Special Initiative for Africa; speciaal initiatief voor Afrika
- SIA; SIA = Strategic Innovation Agenda; strategische innovatieagenda
- SIA; SIA = Sustainable Impact Assessment; De EU zal met behulp van haar duurzaamheidseffectbeoordeling
- SIA = FINANCE Securities Institute of Australia
- SIA = standard interface adapter
- SI; SI = speech interpolation; spraakinterpolatie
- SI; SI = system information word; systeeminformatiewoord
- SI; SI = International System of Units; Internationaal Stelsel van Eenheden
- SI; SI = Social Indicators; Sociale Indicator
- SI; SI = Statutory Instrument; Statutory Instrument
- SI; SI = Standard International; In alle gevallen moeten eenheden van het Internationale Eenhedenstelsel
- SI; SI = Solid Ink; Solid ink
- SI; SI = système international; Système international
- SI; SI = stimulation index; De positieve controle moet een positieve LLKT-respons opleveren bij een blootstellingsniveau waarbij in vergelijking met de negatieve controlegroep een stijging van de stimuleringsindex
- SI; SI = system information word; systeeminformatiewoord
- SI; SI = syncytium-inducing; stimulatie-index
- SIA; SIA = Sustainability Impact Assessments; Sustainability Impact Assessments
- SIB = STichting Instituut voor Bouwrecht
- SIB = FINANCE Securities and Investments Board
- SIB = System Information Block
- sib = Solomon Islands (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SIB = Systems Integration Board
- SIB; SIB = Securities and Investments Board; Securities and Investments Board
- SIBa of SIBA = Statistische Informatie en Beleidsanalyse
- SIB = simulation interface buffer
- SIB = regeling Steun aan Individuele Bedrijven
- SIB = zeemansboekje
- SIAANMHOOEI = Stupidity Is Always Astounding, No Matter How Often One Encounters It (Interr
- SIAB = Studiecommissie voor de invloed van Aardgas op Beplantingen
- SIA; SUO = Schengen Implementation Agreement; Schengen-Uitvoeringsovereenkomst
- SIA; SIA = Strategic Innovation Agenda; a) op basis van een voorstel van de directeur, de strategie van het EIT vast te stellen, de goedgekeurde strategische innovatieagenda
- SIA; SUO = Schengen Implementation Agreement; Schengen Uitvoeringsovereenkomst
- SIAG = Stichting Informatievoorziening Alternatieve Geneeswijzen
- SIAR; SIAR = SIDS Initial Assessment Report; eerste beoordelingsrapport van SIDS
- SIAP; SIAP = SIDS Initial Assessment Profile; eerste beoordelingsprofiel van SIDS
- Sial = Silicium-aluminium
- SIAN = nationaal landbouwinformatiesysteem
- SI; SI = SI; systeeminformatiewoord
- si = Slovenia (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SI = International System of Units
- SI = System Integration/Integrator
- SHY = Syllable Hyphen
- SHZ = sodium-waterstof-zirconium-reactor
- SI = Specialization Index
- SI = science instrument
- SI = Semi-Insulating
- SI = System InformationScreening IndicatorService InterworkingSupplementary Information (SIA=Supplemenatary Information A)
- SI = Standard Interface
- SI = Shift In
- SHTML = Smart HyperText Markup Language
- SHTML = Server-side indude HyperText Markup Language
- shtg. = shortage
- sht = PRINTING sheet
- SHT = Stichting Humanistisch Thuisfront
- SHTO = Slechthorenden Jongeren Organisatie
- SHV = Steenkolen Handels Vereniging n.v.
- SHV = Standard High-Volume
- S-HTTP = COMPUTING Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol
- SHTS CUTCT = Spit Hitting The Spam (Internet lingo) U-.J TV. C-... T*■
- shttp = Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol
- SI = Standard Input
- SI&A = Systems Integration and Avionics
- SI&T = Software Integration & Test
- SI = Sprenger-Instituut
- SI = System Information (Norton utilities)
- si = ONLINE Slovenia (NOTE: The abbreviation si is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- SI(afkorting van'Système Internationale') = Internationaal Eenhedenstelsel
- SI; OA = soluble inorganics; oplosbare anorganische stoffen
- SI; SI = SI; systeeminformatiewoord
- SI; OA = soluble inorganic; oplosbare anorganische stof
- SI/SO = Serial In / Serial Out
- SI/SO = Shift In/Shift Out
- SI = Source Index
- SI = (softwire initiator (SI) (RFC5571))
- si = Sierra Leone (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SI = solar inertial/intensity/international
- SI = Source Index
- SI = Single Inheritance
- SI = 1. MEASUREMENTS Système International (d'Unités) (NOTE: The abbreviation SI, from theFrench, ‘International System (of Units)', refers to a set of units adopted for internationaluse in science and technology. The coulomb, for example, is the SI unit of electriccharge.) 2. NZ GEOGRAPHY South Island 3. FINANCE statutory instrument
- SI = Scheepvaartinspectie
- SI = Single Instruction
- Si = Silicon
- SJD / JurDoc = Stichting Juridische Documentatie Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba
- SJF = Shortest Job First
- SJD = Sociaal Juridische Dienstverlening
- SJBZ = samenwerking op het gebied van justitie en binnenlandse zaken
- SJD = Doctor of Juridical Science (NOTE: From the Latin Scientiae Juridicae Doctor.)
- SJHB = Sociale en Juridische Hulpverlening Buitenlanders
- SJU; SJU = SESAR Joint Undertaking; Gemeenschappelijke Onderneming voor de realisering van het Europese nieuwe generatie luchtverkeersbeveiligingssysteem (SESAR)
- SJVB = Socialistisch jeugdverbond
- SJOL = Straf jurisprudentie on line
- SJI = Stichting Jongeren Informatie
- sjm = Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (ISO 3-letter country code)
- SJ = Surinaamse Jurisprudentie
- SJ = CHRISTIANITY Society of Jesus (NOTE: The abbreviation SJ is used after the name of aJesuit.)
- SJ = Solicitor's Journal
- SIWCS = Shipwide Interior Wireless Communication System
- SJ = Jongsocialisten
- sj = Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SJ of S.J.B. = Surinaams Juristenblad
- SJA = MEDICINE Saint John Ambulance (Brigade or Association)
- SJ = SJ
- SJ = Socialistische Jeugd
- sj = ONLINE Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (NOTE: The abbreviation sj is seen at the end ofInternet addresses, preceded by a dot.)
- SJZ = Schweizerische Juristen Zeitung
- SKB = systeemkritisch betalingssysteem
- SKD; SKD = Christian Democrats of Slovenia; Sloveense christen-democraten
- SKB = Statistische kwaliteitsbeheersing
- SKAL = Stichting Keur Alternatief voortgebrachte Landbouwprodukten
- SKB = Stichting Karel Bouman
- SKE = Stichting Kennisexploitatie Nederland
- SKGN = Stichting Kunst met Gehandicapten Nederland
- SKGN = Stichting Kunst met Gehandicapten Nederland
- SKG = Stichting Kwaliteitscentrum Gevel-elementen
- SKF = Stichting Kritisch Faunabeheer
- sk; sk = Slovak; Slowaaks
- SKA; SKA = Square Kilometre Array; Square Kilometre Array
- sk = Slovakia [Slovak Republic] (ISO 2-letter country code)
- SK = GEOGRAPHY Saskatchewan
- sk = ONLINE Slovakia (NOTE: The abbreviation sk is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- SKA; SKA = Sender keeps all; Sender Keeps All
- SKAL = Stichting Keur Alternatief voortgebrachte Landbouwproducten
- SKAL = Stichting Keurmerk Alternatieve Landbouw
- SKAL = Syndicale kamer der architecten van Leuven
- SKA; SKA = Square Kilometer Array; Square Kilometer Array
- Skal = Stichting Keur Alternatief voortgebrachte Landbouwproducten
- SIW,Nederland,Utrecht = Stichting Internationale Werkkampen
- SITRAP = SITuatie RAPport
- SITREP; SITRAP = Situation Report
- SITE = Satellite Instructional Television Experiment
- SITD = Still In The Dark (Internet lingo)
- SITD = ONLINE still in the dark (used in e-mails)
- SIU = System Interface Unit
- SIURE; SIURE = aid scheme to promote efficient use of energy; steunregeling voor rationeel energieverbruik
- SITU = Stichting Informatieverwerking Tuinbouw
- SITREP; SITREP = Situation Report
- SIT; SIV = specific instrument for the support of transport infrastructure; Specifiek instrument voor steun aan de vervoersinfrastructuur
- SITA =
- SIT; SIT = remote interbank clearing system; interbancair tele-clearingssysteem
- SIT; SIT =
- SIT; SIT = silicon intensifier target; silicon intensifier target
- SITA = Société Internatinonale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques
- SITC; SITC = Standard International Trade Classification; Standard International Trade Classification
- SITC; SITC = Standard International Trade Classification; typeclassificatie voor de internationale handel
- SITC; SITC = satellite international television centre; internationaal televisiecentrum via een satelliet
- SITC; SITC = satellite international television center; internationaal televisiecentrum via een satelliet
- SITC; SITC = Standard International Trade Classification; Standaardclassificatie voor de internationale handel
- SIV = (Starkly Ideological Viewpoint)
- SIVmac = Semian immunodeficiintievirus macaco
- SIVmac = ape-aidsvirus
- SIVEGOM = Signalering van verhoogde gehalten aan organische microverontreiniging
- SIVAK = Stichting Informatieverzorging Akkerbouw
- SIVC = Simple Internet Version Control
- SIVOS = Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
- SIW = noordse vinvis
- SIW = Stichting Internationale Werkkampen
- SIW = Service Inter Working (telephony - data circuit) - Used to distinguish data circuit that convert from a frame relay on one end to an ATM on the other.
- SIV'S = Structured Investment Vehicles
- SIVT = system integration verification and test
- SIV = Starkly Ideological Viewpoint
- SIV = Single Index Variable
- SIV = Sensors In Vacuum
- SIV = Stafbureau Informatievoorziening
- SIV = MICROBIOLOGY simian immunodeficiency virus
- SIV; SIV = simian immunodeficiency virus; immuundeficiëntievirus van apen
- SIV; SIV = simian immunodeficiency virus; Semian immunodeficiintie virus
- SIVA = Stichting Informatieverwerking Varkenshouderij
- SIV; SIV = Società Italiana Vetro; Società Italiana Vetro
- SIV; SIV = structured investment vehicle; gestructureerd investeringsvehikel
- SIV; SIV = simian immunodeficiency virus; immunodeficiëntievirus bij apen
- SKH = Stichting Keuringsbureau Hout
- SLAIE = plaatselijke onthaal- en informatiedienst voor tewerkstelling
- SLAM = Single Layer Alumina Metallization
- SLADE = ARTS Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers, Engravers, and ProcessWorkers
- SLAA = Stichting Literaire Activiteiten Amsterdam
- SLAAC = (Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) (RFC 4429))
- SLAM = Scanning Laser Acoustic Microscopy
- SLASER = Space Laser
- SLATFATF = So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish [4th part of THHGTTG] (Internet lingo)
- SLAP = Subscriber Line Audio Processing (interface)
- SLAM; SLAM = Stand-off Land-Attack Missile
- slan = PUBLISHING without place, year, or name (NOTE: From the Latin sine loco, anno, velnomine.)
- SLA = Service Level Agreement
- SLA = COMMERCE service level agreement
- SLA = Service Level Agreements
- SL; SL = State Laboratory; State Laboratory
- SLA = Scanning Laser Altimeter
- SLA = Service Level Agreement or Second Language Acquisition (teaching) or Special Libraries Association (gov) or Submerged Lands Act (law)
- SLA; SLA = South Lebanon Army; Zuidlibanese leger
- SLA; SLA = Service Level Agreement; Service Level Agreement
- SLA & P = Sports law administration and practice
- SLA = Service Level Agreement
- SLA = (Service Level Agreement (SLA))
- Slave = E-meter with indirect access (through Master) to AMM
- SLD = Selective Linear with Definitive dauses
- SLD = [1] Suppressed Legitimate/Legitimized Discussion
- SLD = Structured Logic Design
- SLCM; SLCM = Sea launched cruise missile; vanuit zee te lanceren kruisvluchtwapen
- SLD = Simulated Launch Demonstration
- SLD = ([2] Security Lock-Down)
- SLD = Strong Lattice Deformation
- SLD; LD = Liberal Democrats; LDP
- SLD = System Level Design
- SLD = ([1] Suppressed Legitimate/Legitimized Discussion)
- SLD = [2] Security Lock-Down
- SLBM = ARMS submarine-launched ballistic missile
- SLC = Shuttle Launch Complex
- SLB = Stichting Landelijk Besluithuis
- SLAW = Station Logistics Analysis Worksheet
- SLAW = Stichting Lange-Afstand-Wandelpaden
- SLC = Subscriber Line Concentrator
- SLC; SCV = substantial lessening of competition; substantiële concurrentievermindering
- SLCM = ARMS sea-launched cruise missile
- SLC = SX Low-power Cache
- SLC = specialized logistics carrier
- SLC = Surface Laminar Circuit
- sl; sl = Slovenian; Sloveens
- SKO = Stichting voor Kunsthistorisch Onderzoek
- SKON = Stichting Kinderopvang Nederland
- SKM; SKM = Surinamese Armed Forces
- SKL; SKL = Finnish Christian Union
- SKL; SKL = National Laboratory of Forensic Science; Nationaal Forensisch Laboratorium
- SKON = Stichting Kinderopvang Nederland
- SKR = Studiecentrum voor de kwaliteitsverbetering van de rundvleesproductie
- Skr. = LANGUAGE Sanskrit
- SKOVAR = Stichting Kolomsamenwerking Varkensvlees
- SKON = Stichting Kinderopvang Nederland
- SKOOP = Stichting Komfort-Optimalisering door Isolatie in de Bouw
- SKIP = Secure Key Interchange Protocol (Sun Microsystems)
- SKIP = Simple Key management for Internet Protocol
- SKICAT = SKy Image Cataloging and Analysis Tool
- SKI = Socialistisch kaderinstituut
- SKIP = Simple Key management for Internet Protocols (Sun Microsystems)
- SKKN = Stichting Kerkelijk Kunstbezit in Nederland
- SKKR = Stichting voor Kwaliteitszorg in de Kunststoffen-en Rubberindustrie
- SKK = Stichting Kindergeneeskundig Kankeronderzoek
- SKK = snelle kanalenkiezer
- SKK = Slovak Koruna of Slovakia (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- SKS = Sintrale Kommisje Skutsjesilen
- SL = Staatslening
- SL = Support List
- SL = Source statement Library
- SL = Space Lab
- sl = ONLINE Sierra Leone (NOTE: The abbreviation sl is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- SL = 1. INSURANCE salvage loss 2. GEOGRAPHY sea level 3. LAW Solicitor-at-Law 4. LINGUISTICSsource language 5. GEOGRAPHY south latitude
- SL; SL = Sierra Leone; Sierra Leone
- SL; SL = standard length; standaardlengte
- SL = Stichting Literatuurwetenschap
- SL = Speafication Limit
- SL = Super Lattice
- SKV = Stichting Kwaliteitsgarantie Vleeskalversector
- SKV = Stichting Kwaliteitsgarantie Vleeskalversector
- SKU* = Stock Keeping Unit Number
- SKU = COMMERCE a unique code, consisting of numbers or letters andnumbers, assigned to a product by a retailer for identification and stock control. Fullform stockkeeping unit
- SKU = Stock Keeping Unit
- SKV; SKV = Stichting Kwaliteitsgarantie Vleeskalverensector; Stichting Kwaliteitsgarantie Vleeskalverensector
- SKZ = Saarländische Kommunal-Zeitschrift
- SKZV = Syndikale Kamer van de Zelfstandige Verpleegkundigen
- SKW = Landelijke Stuurgroep Sociaal Kulturele Aktiviteiten voor Werklozen
- SKVG = Stichting Kunstzinnige Vorming Groningen
- SKVLV = Socio-kulturele vereniging van Vlaamse liberale vrouwen
- SIO = Stichting Internationaal Onderwijs
- SIO = Samenwerking met Internationale Onderwijsinstellingen Programma
- SINTOMA = Sensor INTegration for Optimal MAchine-tools
- SINK = SOCIAL SCIENCES _ see note at dinky
- SINR = Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio
- SIO = Serial Input/Output
- SiO2 = silica
- SIOA = Surface Induced Optical Anisotropy
- SiO2 = silicon dioxide
- SIO = COMPUTING serial input/output
- SiO2 = silicagel
- SINBAD = SOCIAL SCIENCES _ see note at dinky
- SINCOM; SINCOM = computerised accounting system; gecomputeriseerd systeem van boekhouding
- sin; sin = sinus; Sinus
- sin = MATHEMATICS sine
- SIN = Stichting Incontinentie Nederland
- SINDA = Systems Improved Numerical Differencing Analyzer
- sing.; enkelv. = singular; enkelvoud
- Singh. = LANGUAGE Singhalese
- sing.; enkelv. = sing.; enkelvoud
- Sine Com. = Sine Commemoratione ('Without commemoration' of other feast, or feasts — Breviary)
- sing. = GRAMMAR singular
- SIOD = Sociale Inlichtingen- en Opsporingsdienst
- SIP = Single Inline Processor
- SIP = Session Initiated Protocol
- SIP = Session Initiation Protocol
- SIP = Strategic Information Plan
- SIP = Stiermoeder-Inseminatieprogramma
- SIP = Single Inline Package
- SIP; SIP = Shelter Implementation Plan; Shelter Implementation Plan
- SIP; SIP = single investment project; (57) Portugal heeft het investeringsproject in de twee raffinaderijen aangemeld als één investeringsproject
- SIP; SIP = Seat index point; Referentiepunt van de zitplaats
- SIP = systems integration panel
- SIP = Single In-Line Package, Session Initiation Protocol
- SION; SION = Standard Input Output Norms; Standard Input Output Norms
- SION; SION = Standard Input/output Norms; Standard Input/Output Norms
- SION = Stichting i.o.Informatica-onderzoek in Nederland
- SIOFA; Siofa = Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement; Visserijovereenkomst voor de Zuid-Indische Oceaan
- SIOFA; SIOFA = Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement; (4) De Gemeenschap heeft vanaf het begin deelgenomen aan de onderhandelingen over de Visserijovereenkomst voor de Zuid-Indische Oceaan
- SIOO = Interuniversitair Centrum voor Ontwikkeling op het terrein van Organisatie- en Veranderkunde
- SIP = Simple Internet Protocol
- SIP = (Session Initiation Protocol)
- SIP = COMPUTING single in-line packageSIPC 152
- SIOO = Stichting Interacademiale Opleiding Organisatiekunde
- SIOP = Single Integrated Operations Plan
- Simultaneous use of services = The concurrent use of a circuit-mode service (voice or data) and packet-mode services (GPRS) by a single mobile station.
- SIMAVI = Vereniging voor direkte medische hulp in de Tropen
- SIMAVI = Dteun In Medische Aangelegenheden Voor Inheemsen
- SIMAP; SIMAP = System of Information on Public Procurement; Informatiesysteem voor aanbestedingen
- SIMA = Voorlichtingsdienst Landbouwmarkten
- SIMAP; SIMAP = information system for public procurement; informatiesysteem voor overheidsopdrachten
- SIMBE; Simbe = mobile incineration system with low emissions; mobiel verbrandingssysteem met geringe uitstoot
- SIMD = COMPUTING single instruction stream multiple data stream
- SIMD = (single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) (RFC 6386))
- SIMCO = (Simple Middlebox Configuration (SIMCO) (RFC 4540))
- SIMC = steunregeling voor de modernisering van de handel
- SIMC; CGAM = Sickness Insurance Management Committee; Beheerscomité voor de ziektekostenverzekering
- SIM; SIM = system integration module; systeem integratie module
- SIM; SIM = system integration module; een andere codering die betrekking heeft op produkten die voldoen aan vorenstaande omschrijving> ID="4">0"> ID="1">ex 8542 11 73> ID="2">*06> ID="3">Microcontrollers of microcomputers met een verwerkingscapaciteit van 16 bit, vervaardigd volgens de CMOS-techniek, bevattende een statisch willekeurig toegankelijk lees/schrijfgeheugen (Static Random Access Memories, zogenaamde "SRAM") met een capaciteit van 8 Mbit en met de functie van programmageheugen, een statisch willekeurig toegankelijk lees/schrijfgeheugen (Static Random Access Memories, zogenaamde "SRAM") met een capaciteit van 8 Kbit, een systeem-integratiemodule (SIM), een analoog/digitaal-omzetter
- sim. = similar
- SIM card = TELECOMMUNICATIONS a smart card inserted into a mobile phonethat holds the personal information relating to the subscriber (e.g. the subscriber's PINor stored phone numbers). Full form Subscriber Identity Module card
- SIM code = Code which when combined with the network and NS codes refers to a unique SIM. The code is provided by the digits 8 to 15 of the IMSI
- SIM; SIM = subscriber identity module; subscriber identification module
- SIM; SIM = subscriber identity module; identiteitsmodule abonnee
- SIM; SIM = Selected Ion Monitoring
- SIM; SIM = subscriber identification module; subscriber identification module
- SIM; SIM = subscriber identification module; identiteitsmodule abonnee
- SIM; SIM = sequential inference machine
- SIMD = Single Instruction, Multiple Data (processor)
- SIMS = Sun Internet Mail Server
- SIMS = Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy
- Simputer = Simple Computer
- SIMPLE = Script application language IMPLEmentation
- SIMPLE = (SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE))
- SIMS = Shuttle Inventory Management System
- SIMTEL = Simulation and Teleprocessing
- Simula = Simulation Language (programming language, Kristen Nygaard)
- SIMS; SIMS = secondary ionisation mass spectrometer; Secundaire Ionenmassa Spectrometer
- SIMS; SIMS = secondary ionisation mass spectrometer; secundaire ionisatie massa spectometer
- SIMS; SIMS = secondary ion mass spectrometry; secundaire ionische massa-spectrometrie
- SIMM = Single Inline Memory Module
- SIMM = COMPUTING a module plugged into the motherboard of a computer to addmemory. Full form single in-line memory module
- SIMM = Single In-Line Memory Module
- SIMD = Single Instruction/Multiple Data, Single Instruction Multiple Data
- SIMIAT; SIMIAT = system for helping mitigate the environmental impact of road haulage operations; Steun ter verbetering van de milieu-effecten van het goederenvervoer over de weg
- SIMM; SIMM = Stichting Institute of Medical Marijuana; Stichting Institute of Medical Marijuana
- Simpl. = Simplex ('Simple' feast — Breviary)
- SIMPLE = SIP for Instant Messaging Presence Leveraging (Lotus)
- SIMONA = Studie en Informatiemodel voor de Ontwikkeling van een Nieuw Arbeidsmarktbeleid
- SIMNET = SIMulation NETwork (DoD)
- SIMO = Single Input, Multi Output
- SIP; SIP = sectoral import programme; sectorieel invoerprogramma
- SIS; MI6 = SIS; Britse geheime dienst
- SIS; SIS = Schengen Information System; Schengen Informatie Systeem
- SIS; MI6 = Secret Intelligence Service; Britse geheime dienst
- SIS = INFORMATION SCIENCE strategic information systems
- SIS II; SIS II = second generation Schengen Information System; Schengeninformatiesysteem van de tweede generatie
- SIS; SIS = Slovak Intelligence Service; Slowaakse Inlichtingendienst
- SIS; SIS = services information system; Services Information System
- SIS; SIS = Stockholm Information Services; Stockholm Information Services
- SIS; SIS = Schengen Information System; Schengeninformatiesysteem
- SIS; SIS = Schengen Information System; Schengeninformatiesysteem
- SIS; SIS = Slovak Secret Service; Slowaakse Inlichtingendienst
- SIRT = Socialistisch instituut voor radio en televisie
- SIS = Schengen Informatie Systeem
- SIRO = Service In Random Order
- SIRNET = Scientific and Industrial Research NETwork
- SI-RNTI = System Information RNTI
- SIS = Sociaal Informatie Systeem
- SIS = Single Instance Store (Microsoft Windows 2000)
- SIS = Simulator Interface Subsystem
- SIS = Strategic Information System
- SIS = Software Information Services
- SIS = sociale identiteitskaart
- SISAL = Streams and Iteration in a Single-Assignment Language
- SISWO,Nederland = Stichting Interuniversitair Instituut voor Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
- SIT = Samenwerkingsintitiatief in de thuisverzorging
- SISWO = Stichting Interuniversitair Instituut voor Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
- SISO = Single Input, Single Output
- SISSL = Sun Industry Standard Source License (Sun Microsystems)
- SIT = steriele-insekten-techniek
- SIT = System Initialization Table
- SIT = Stufflt Archive (archive file format)
- SIT = Special Information Tones
- SIT = Snelle Interventie Team
- SIT = Software Integration Test
- SISD = COMPUTING single instruction stream single data stream
- SISFET = Semiconductor-Insulator-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
- SISD = Single Instruction, Single Data (processor)
- SISAS; SISAS = Strategy for the Implementation of Special Aid to Somalia; De conclusie van deze evaluatie luidde dat op basis van de analyse van de behoeften en resultaten en rekening houdend met de bijzondere omstandigheden in Somalië de middelen in het kader van de strategie voor de uitvoering van bijzondere hulp aan Somalië
- SISCOM = Satellite Information System COMpany
- SISL = Sun Industry Standards License (Sun Microsystems)
- SISO = COMPUTING serial input/serial output
- SISO = Serial In, Serial Out
- Sisnet; Sisnet = communication infrastructure for the Schengen environment; communicatie-infrastructuur voor de Schengenomgeving
- SISL = Siemens Information Systems Limited
- Sisnet; Sisnet = Schengen Information System Network; communicatie-infrastructuur voor de Schengenomgeving
- SIRIJ = Semiconductor Industry Research Institute of Japan
- SIPOGA = Storage Intensive Project Oriented Graphics Application
- SIPP = Single Inline Pin Package
- SIPO; SIPO = State Intellectual Property Office; Wat de bestuurlijke structuur betreft, beschikte het voormalige nationale bureau inzake intellectuele-eigendomsrechten
- SIPO = Serial In, Parallel Out
- SIPO = COMPUTING serial input/parallel output
- SIPP = Simple Internet Protocol Plus
- SIPRI; SIPRI = Stockholm International Peace and Research Institute; Voor het verwezenlijken van zo’n systeem van informatie-uitwisseling hebben CODUN en SitCen samengewerkt met het Internationaal Instituut voor Vredesonderzoek van Stockholm (SIPRI) en het project van dit instituut, Bestrijding van illegale handel — Mechanismebeoordeling (Countering Illicit Trafficking — Mechanism Assessment Project
- SIPP = (Simple Internet Protocol plus (SIPP) (RFC 1710))
- SIPP = PENSIONS self-invested personal pension
- SIPP = Single In-Line Pin Package
- SIPA; SIPA = State Information and Protection Agency; zodat het PVC, rekening houdend met de veiligheidssituatie, alsmede met de adviezen van de HR/SVEU, de commandant van de troepen van de EU en het hoofd van de missie van de EUPM en na advies van het EUMC en het CIVCOM, kan bepalen of het vermogen van de geïntegreerde politie-eenheid binnen het SVEU-domein geheel of gedeeltelijk moet worden herschikt voor taken ter ondersteuning van de rechtsstaat, waaronder het Staatsbureau voor Inlichtingen en Bescherming
- SIPA; SIPA = State Investigation and Protection Agency; Staatsbureau voor onderzoek en bescherming
- SIP; SIP = Strategic Implementation Plan; Het strategisch implementatieplan
- SIP; SIP = sectoral import programme; sectorieel invoerprogramma
- SIP; SIP = shelter implementation plan; Shelter Implementation Plan
- Sipak = Vereniging van Groothandelaren in Sisalpaktouw
- SIPE = Scientific Instrument Protection Enclosure
- SIPLU = Stichting Informatieverwerking Pluimveehouderij
- SIPC = FINANCE Securities Investor Protection Corporation
- SIPC = Securities Investor Protection Corporation
- SIPC = Simply Interactive Personal Computer
- SIPRI; SIPRI = Stockholm International Peace Research Institute; Internationaal Instituut voor Vredesonderzoek van Stockholm
- Sir. = Sirey, Recueil géneral des lois et des arrêts
- SIR; SIR = Safeguards Implementation Report; Het BVE is in mei 2002 op de hoogte gesteld van het verslag over de tenuitvoerlegging van de veiligheidscontrole
- Sir. = Wijsheid van Jezus Sirach
- SIR = Surface Insulation Resistance
- SIR = Serial InfraRed
- SIR; SIR = Safeguards Implementation Report; Safeguards Implementation Report
- SIRDS = Single-Image Random Dot Stereogram
- SIRENE; Sirene = supplementary information request at the national entry; verzoek om aanvullende informatie bij het nationale deel
- SIRC; SIRC = Seafarers International research Centre; Seafarers International research Centre
- SIR; SIR = Safeguards Implementation Report; Verslag over de toepassing van de waarborgen
- SIRA = Scheikundige industrie regio Antwerpen
- SIPS = Simulation Interface & Processing System
- SIPS = Satellite Imagery Processing System
- SIPROCOM; SIPROCOM = Committee for the Simplification of International Trade Procedures; Comité voor de vereenvoudiging van de procedures inzake de internationale handel
- SIPRI; SIPRI = Stockholm International Peace Research Institute; Internationaal Instituut voor vredesonderzoek van Stockholm
- SIPRNET = Secret Internet Protocol Router NETwork
- SIPS = (Session Initiation Protocol Secure (SIPS))
- SIR = Signal-to-Interference Ratio
- SIR = Selectieve Investeringsregeling
- SIR = GOVERNMENT Singapore Immigration and Registration
- SIPTU; SIPTU = Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union; Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union
- SIR = Wet Selectieve Investeringsregeling
- JAA; JAA = Joint Aviation Authorities; gezamenlijke luchtvaartautoriteiten
- CIS = (Copyright Infringement Suit (see also CIL))
- CIS = Copyright Infringement Suit (see also CIL)
- CIS = Catalogiseren in samenwerking
- CIS = commercieel informatie systeem
- CIS = 1. POLITICS an association formed in 1991 by most of the republics of the formerSoviet Union. Full form Commonwealth of Independent States 2. COMPUTING contactimage sensor
- CIS = Card Information Structure
- CIS; CIS = Customs Information System; Customs Information System
- CIS; CIS = Directorate for Communication and Information Systems; directoraat 5 - Communicatie- en informatiesystemen
- CIS = Customized Intercept Service
- CIS = Computer and Information Services
- CIS = Contact Image Sensor
- CIS = Computer Information Systems
- CIS = Centraal Informatiesysteem Schadeverzekeringen
- CIS = Client Information System
- CIRSRT; CIRSRT = Computerised Information and Reservation System for Rail Transport; (14) "geautomatiseerd informatie- en boekingssysteem voor spoorwegvervoer
- CIS = change impact summary
- CIS = communication interface system
- CIS = (Cryptographic Interoperability Strategy (CIS) (RFC 6318))
- CIS = CompuServe Information Service
- CIS = customer information system
- CIS = Churn Intelligence System
- CIS = Customer Information System
- CIS; CIS = Computerised Information System; computerinformatiesysteem
- CIS; GOS = Commnwealth of Independent States; Gemenebest van Onafhankelijke Staten
- CIS; GOS = Commonwealth of Independent States; Gemenebest van Onafhankelijke Staten
- CIS; GOS = Commonwealth of Independent States; Gemenebest van Onafhankelijke Staten
- CIS; DIS = Customs Information System; douane-informatiesysteem
- CIS; DIS = Customs Information System; douane-informatiesysteem
- CIS; GOS = Community of Independent States; Gemenebest van onafhankelijke Staten
- CISA; CISA = Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement; Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement
- CISA; SUO = Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders; Overeenkomst ter uitvoering van het tussen de regeringen van de staten van de Benelux Economische Unie, de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland en de Franse Republiek op 14 juni 1985 te Schengen gesloten akkoord betreffende de geleidelijke afschaffing van de controles aan de gemeenschappelijke grenzen
- CISA = Certified Information Systems Auditor
- CIS; GTS = Common Implementation Strategy; gezamenlijke tenuitvoerleggingsstrategie
- CISA = Centrum Individu en Samenwerking Alleenstaanden
- CIS; CIS = Clinical Information Systems; 3. Klinische informatiesystemen
- CIS; CIS = Directorate 5 - Communication and Information Systems; directoraat 5 - Communicatie- en informatiesystemen
- CIS; CIS = Directorate 5 - Communication and Information Systems; directoraat Communicatie- en informatiesystemen
- CIS; CIS = Directorate for Communication and Information Systems; directoraat Communicatie- en informatiesystemen
- CIS; CIS = computer system; computerinformatiesysteem
- CIS; CIS = Communications and Information Systems Division; afdeling Communicatie- en Informatiesystemen
- CIS; CIS = Communication and Information systems; a) de kosten van communicatie- en informatiesystemen (CIS), transport, medische evacuatie
- CIS; CIS = Community Innovation Survey; Voor zover mogelijk worden steeds meer microgegevens voor de Communautaire innovatiestatistieken
- CIS; CIS = Communication and Information System; communicatie- en informatiesysteem
- CIS; CIS =
- CIS; CIS = Community information system; Het communautaire informatiesysteem
- CIRS; CIRS = Computer Information and Reservation System; Een geautomatiseerd informatie- en boekingssysteem (CIRS) zal bijdragen tot verwezenlijking van deze eis
- CIRCE; CIRCE = European Communities Information and Documentary Research Centre; Centrum voor informatie en documentatie van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- CIRCE; CIRCE = interbancair handvest voor de uitwisselingsvoorwaarden van het interbancaire tele-clearingsysteem
- CIRCE; CIRCE = European Communities Information and Documentary Research Centre; Centrum voor informatie en documentatie van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- CIRCA; Circa = Communication and Information Resource Centre Administrator; Communication and Information Resource Centre Administrator
- CIRCCE; CIRCCE = International Confederation of Commercial Representation in the European Community; Internationale Federatie van handelsvertegenwoordigers in de Europese Gemeenschap
- CIRCE; CIRCE = European Communities Information and Documentary Research Centre; Centrum voor informatie en documentatie van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- CIREA; CIBGA = Centre for Information, Reflection and Exchange on Asylum; Centrum voor informatie-, beraad en gegevensuitwisseling inzake asielaangelegenheden
- CIREA; CIBGA = Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on Asylum; Centrum voor informatie, beraad en gegevensuitwisseling inzake asielaangelegenheden
- CIREA; CIBGA = Centre of Information,Reflection and Exchange on Asylum; Centrum voor Informatie,Beraad en Gegevensuitwisseling voor Asielaangelegenheden
- Circumpeone. = Circumspectione ('Circumspection' — abl. case)
- CIREA; CIBGA = Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on Asylum; Centrum voor informatie, beraad en gegevensuitwisseling inzake asielaangelegenheden
- CIRC = Internationaal Comité voor de naleving en de toepassing van het Afrikaans Handvest voor de rechten van mensen en volken
- CIRC = Circular Reference
- CIRB = Colorado Institute for Research in Biotechnology
- CIRAM; CIRAM = Common Integrated Risk Analysis Model; gemeenschappelijk model voor geïntegreerde risicoanalyse
- CIRAM; CIRAM = Common Integrated Risk Analysis Model; gemeenschappelijk geïntegreerd risicoanalysemodel
- CIRC = Cross-Interleaved Reed-Solomon Code
- CIRCA = Center for Instructional and Research Computing Activities
- CIRCA; CIRCA = Communication & Information Resource Centre Administrator; Communication & Information Resource Center Administrator
- Circ.Z. = Circulaire voor de zeemacht
- circ. = circulaire
- Circ. = circulaire
- CIREFCA; CIREFCA = International Conference on Central American Refugees; Internationale Conferentie over Centraal-Amerikaanse vluchtelingen
- CIRFS; CIRFS = International Rayon and Synthetic Fibres Committee; Internationaal Comité voor rayon en kunstvezels
- CIRFS; CIRFS = IRSFC; Internationaal Comité voor rayon en kunstvezels
- CIRF; CIRF = co-channel interference reduction factor; co-channel interferentiereductiefactor
- Cirefi; CIREFI = CIREFI (Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Frontiers and Immigration); CIREFI
- CIREJUD; CIREJUD = Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange in the field of Judicial Cooperation; Centrum voor informatie, beraad en gegevensuitwisseling inzake justitiële samenwerking
- CIRFS; CIRFS = International Committee of Rayon and Synthetic Fibres; Internationaal Comité voor Rayon en Kunstvezels
- CIRR; CIRR = commercial interest reference rate; commerciële referentierentevoet
- CIRR; CIRR = Commercial Interest Reference Rate; a) bij een krediettermijn tot en met 12 jaar past de deelnemer overeenkomstig artikel 20 van de regeling het desbetreffende commerciële referentierentetarief
- CIRR; CIRR = Commercial Interest Reference Rates; commerciële referentie-rentetarieven
- CIRFS; CIRFS = International Committee of Rayon and Synthetic Fibres; Internationaal Comité kunstzijde en synthetische vezels
- CIRO = BUSINESS a model used in evaluating the effectiveness of training. Full formcontext, input, reaction, outcome
- Cirefca; Cirefca = Cirefca; Internationale Conferentie over de vluchtelingen in Midden-Amerika
- Cirefca; CIREFCA = International Conference on Central American Refugees; Internationale Conferentie over de vluchtelingen in Midden-Amerika
- CIREFCA; Cirefca = Cirefca; Internationale Conferentie over de vluchtelingen in Midden-Amerika
- CIREFCA; CIREFCA = Cirefca; Internationale Conferentie over de vluchtelingen in Midden-Amerika
- Cirefca; CIREFCA = Cirefca; Internationale Conferentie over de vluchtelingen in Midden-Amerika
- CIREFCA; CIREFCA = International Conference on Central American Refugees; Internationale Conferentie over de vluchtelingen in Midden-Amerika
- Cirefi; CIBGGI = CIREFI (Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Frontiers and Immigration); Centrum voor informatie, beraad en gegevensuitwisseling inzake grensoverschrijding en immigratie
- Cirefi; CIREFI = CIREFI (Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Frontiers and Immigration); Centrum voor informatie, beraad en gegevensuitwisseling inzake grensoverschrijding en immigratie
- Cirefi; CIBGGI = CIREFI (Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Frontiers and Immigration); CIREFI
- CIREFCA; Cirefca = International Conference on Central American Refugees; Internationale Conferentie over de vluchtelingen in Midden-Amerika
- Cirefca; Cirefca = International Conference on Central American Refugees; Internationale Conferentie over de vluchtelingen in Midden-Amerika
- CITO = Centraal Instituut voor toetsontwikkeling
- CITO = Centraal Instituut voor Toetsontwikkeling
- CITO = Citogroep
- CITL; CITL = Community Independent Transaction Log; (8) De gegevens in het "onafhankelijke transactielogboek van de Gemeenschap"
- CITL; CITL = Community independent transaction log; onafhankelijk transactielogboek van de Gemeenschap
- CITR; CITR = Community Investment Tax Relief; De belastingverlichting voor gemeenschapsinvestering
- CIU = Computer Interface Unit
- CIU; ICB = collective investment scheme; instelling voor collectieve belegging
- CITUB; CITUB = Confederation of Independent Trade Unions; Confederatie van onafhankelijke vakbonden
- CITT; CITT = Canadian International Trade Tribunal
- CITUB; CITUB = Confederation of Independent Bulgarian Trade Unions; Confederatie van onafhankelijke vakbonden
- CITE; CITE = Centre for Information Technologies and Electronics
- CITEJA = Comité International Technique d'Experts Juridiques Aériens
- CItE = (Critical Ingress-to-Egress (CItE) (RFC 6325))
- CIT; ICT = computer integrated technology; computer-geïntegreerde technologie
- CITE = cargo integration test equipment
- CITELEC; CITELEC = Association of European cities interested in the use of electric road vehicles; Vereniging van Europese steden die geïnteresseerd zijn in het gebruik van elektrische voertuigen
- CITES; CITES = Conference on international trade in endangered species; De Commissie steunde de oprichting van een werkgroep over zeevissoorten van de Conferentie inzake de internationale handel in bedreigde vissoorten
- CITES; Cites = Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; Overeenkomst inzake de internationale handel in bedreigde in het wild levende dier- en plantensoorten
- CITES; CITES = Convention on International Trade on Endangered Species; Convention on International Trade on Endangered Species
- CITES = ECOLOGY Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (of Wild Faunaand Flora)
- CITES = Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild flora and fauna
- CIU; ICB = collective investment undertaking; collectieve beleggingsregeling
- CIV = Internationaal Verdrag betreffende het vervoer van reizigers en bagage per spoorweg
- Civ. = Cour de Cassation Chambre civile
- CIV = Commissie Indisch Verzet
- CIV = Centraal Inschrijfbureau Vreemdelingenzaken
- CIV = Convention Internationale concernant le transport des Voyageurs et des bagages par chemin de fer 1961
- CIV; CIV = International convention concerning the carriage of passengers and luggage by rail; Uniforme regelen betreffende de overeenkomst van internationaal spoorwegvervoer van reizigers en bagage
- CIV; CIV = International convention concerning the carriage of passengers and luggage by rail; Internationaal Verdrag betreffende het vervoer van reizigers en bagage per spoorweg
- CIV; CIV = International Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail; Internationaal Verdrag betreffende het vervoer van reizigers en bagage per spoorweg
- CIV; CIV = International Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail; Internationaal Verdrag betreffende het vervoer van reizigers en bagage per spoorweg
- CIV; CIV = Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Passengers by Rail; Internationaal Verdrag betreffende het vervoer van reizigers en bagage per spoorweg
- CIV; CIV = motorised road-vehicle registration certificate; kentekenbewijs voor motorvoertuigen
- CIUDAD; CIUDAD = Cooperation in Urban Development and Dialogue; Cooperation in Urban Development and Dialogue
- CIUS = Computing Internet Usage Support
- CIU; ICB = collective investment undertaking; instelling voor collectieve belegging
- CIU; ICB = collective investment scheme; collectieve beleggingsregeling
- CIU; ICB = collective investment undertaking; instelling voor collectieve belegging
- CIV = Centraal informatiepunt voetbalvandalisme
- CIV = Coöperatieve Centrale Landbouw In-en Verkoopvereniging G.A.
- CIV = Centrum voor informatieverwerking
- civ = Centrum voor Informatiebewerking
- CIV = Centraal Instituut voor Voedingsonderzoek
- civ = Cote d'Ivoire [Ivory Coast] (ISO 3-letter country code)
- CIT; CIT = computer-integrated technologies; computergeïntegreerde technologieën
- CISG; CISG = United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods; Verdrag der Verenigde Naties inzake internationale koopovereenkomsten betreffende roerende zaken
- CISG; CISG = Convention on the International Sale of Goods; * Het bestaande EG-acquis en de relevante bindende internationale instrumenten, vooral het VN-Verdrag inzake internationale koopovereenkomsten betreffende roerende zaken
- CISG = United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (Weens Koopverdrag)
- CISE; CISE = Common Information Sharing Environment; gemeenschappelijke gegevensuitwisselingsstructuur
- CISE; CISE = common information sharing environment; [27] De voorstellen van de Commissie voor de ontwikkeling van het Eurosur-systeem en de ontwikkeling van een gemeenschappelijke gegevensuitwisselingsstructuur voor het maritieme gebied van de EU
- CISG; CISG = Contracts for the International Sales of Goods; Vrijwillige toepassing zou leiden tot een betere aanvaarding, zoals ook het geval was met het Verdrag van Wenen inzake internationale koopovereenkomsten betreffende roerende zaken
- CISL; CISL = Confederazione Italiana Sindicati Liberi; Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Liberi
- CISL; CISL = Confederazione italiana sindacati lavoratori; Confederazione italiana sindacati lavoratori
- CISI; CISI = Centro Ittiogenico Sperimentale Idrobiologia; Centro Ittiogenico Sperimentale Idrobiologia
- CISHIC = SHAPE Interministerieel Comité
- CISHIC = Shape Interministerieel Comité
- CISC = COMPUTING complex instruction set computer
- CISC = Complex Instruction Set Computing
- CISC = (Complex Instruction Set Computer (or Computing))
- CISAC; CISAC = International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers
- CISB; CISB = Centre for Integrated Structural Biology; CISB | 21.3.2005 | 5.3.2004 (48 maanden) | 18866474 | 1730000 | 9,17 % | Dit project is gericht op de opbouw van nieuwe infrastructuur, het centrum voor geïntegreerde structurele biologie (CISB), dat de middelen van drie vooraanstaande internationale instellingen
- CISC = Complex Instruction Set Computer/Computing
- CISD nrr = Communications Internet Systems Division (Intel)
- CISDCE; CISDCE = International Centre for European Community Studies and Documentation; Internationaal Onderzoeks- en documentatiecentrum over de Europese Gemeenschap
- CISC; CISC = complex instruction set computer
- CISC; CISC = complex instruction set computer; complex instruction set computer
- CISC; CISC = complex instruction set computer; Complex Instruction Set Computer
- CISLO; DISVF = Customs Information System Liaison Officer; verbindingsfunctionaris van het douane-informatiesysteem
- CIT = [1] Cruel and Inhuman/Inhumane Treatment
- cit. = 1. cited 2. citizen
- CIT = [2] Critical Incident Team
- CIT = Internationaal Comité voor het Vervoer per Spoorweg
- CIT = COMPUTING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS computer-integrated telephony
- cit. = citato (als aangehaald)
- CIT; CIT = Advisory Committee for Innovation and Technology Transfer; Raadgevend Comité voor innovatie en overdracht van technologie
- CIT; CIT = International Rail Transport Committee; Internationaal Comité van het Vervoer per Spoor
- CIT; CIT = Advisory Committee on Innovation and Technology Transfer; Raadgevend Comité voor innovatie en overdracht van technologie
- cit.loc. = citato loco (op aangehaalde plaats)
- CIT; CIT = computer integrated technologies; De nadruk komt vooral te liggen op de aanpassing en toepassing van generieke oplossingen die beschikbaar zijn voor computer-geïntegreerde technologie (CIT) (inclusief computer-geïntegreerde produktie en engineering (CIME - Computer Integrated Manufacturing en Engineering)), voor microsysteemtechnologie, mens/machine-interfaces, lean production/just-in-time manufacturing, de ontwikkeling van snelle prototyping en de technologie die nodig is voor schone industriële procédés
- CISO; CISO = Central Information Security Officer; Onder "Centrale informatiebeveiligingsfunctionaris"
- CISPR; CISPR = International Special Committee on Radio Interference
- CISO; CISO = Central Informatics Security Officer; Voor centraal bestuurde systemen wordt een centrale informatiebeveiligingsfunctionaris
- CISO = Centraal informatiesysteem onderwijsinstellingen
- CISO; CISO = Central Informatics Security Officer; centrale informatiebeveiligingsfunctionaris
- CISPR; CISPR = International Special Committee on Radio Interference; Internationaal Speciaal Comité voor radiostoringen
- CIT = ([1] Cruel and Inhuman/Inhumane Treatment)
- CIT = ([2] Critical Incident Team)
- CIST = (Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) (RFC 6325))
- CISPR; CISPR = International Special Committee on Radio Interference
- CIRAM; CIRAM = common integrated risk analysis model; Voorts werd een gemeenschappelijk geïntegreerd risicoanalysemodel
- CIML = Customer Identity Markup Language
- CIMO = Centraal Instituut voor materiaalonderzoek
- CIMK; CIMK = Dutch Institute for Small and Medium Craft Businesses
- CIMK = Coördinerend Instituut Midden- en Kleinbedrijf
- CIMK = Centraat Instituut voor Midden- en Kleinbedrijf
- CIMO = Centraal Instituut voor materiaalonderzoek
- CIMSCEE; CIMSCEE = Committee of the Mayonnaise and Condiment Sauce Industries of the EEC; Comité van de mayonaise- en sausindustrie van de EEG
- CIN = MEDICINE a condition in which cells on the surface of the cervix change, a possibleprecursor to cancer. Full form cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
- CIMS = Computer-Integrated Manufacturing System
- CIMO; CIMO = Confederation of Importers and Marketing Organisations in Europe of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
- CIMOSA = Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Open Systems Architecture
- CIME; CIME = Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises; Commissie voor Internationale Investeringen en Multinationale Ondernemingen (OESO)
- CIME; CIME = computer integrated manufacturing and engineering; geïntegreerde productieautomatisering en constructie
- CIME; CIME = computer integrated manufacturing and engineering; geïntegreerde productieautomatisering en constructie
- CIME; CIME = CIME; computergeïntegreerde fabricage en engineering
- CIME; CIME = computer integrated manufacturing and engineering; computergeïntegreerde fabricage en engineering
- CIME; CIME = CIME; geïntegreerde productieautomatisering en constructie
- CIMIC; CIMIC = civil-military cooperation; civiel-militaire samenwerking
- CIMK = Centraal Instituut voor het Midden-en Kleinbedrijf
- CIMI = Centrale Ingang Milieu Informatie
- CIMEI = Stichting Certificatie Instituut voor de Mechanische en Elektro mechanische Industrie
- CIMI = centrale ingang milieu-informatie
- CIN = Center Information Network
- CINOP = Centrum voor Innovatie van Opleidingen
- CIO = Customer Integration Office
- CINEMA = Configurable INtEgrated Multimedia Architecture
- CINDU = n.v.Chemische Industrie Uithoorn
- CIO = (Critical Investment Opportunity)
- CIO = ([2] Constrained Ineffective/Ineffectual Organisation [contrast with EOC(2)])
- CIO = Contact in Overheidszaken
- CIO = [2] Constrained Ineffective/Ineffectual Organisation [contrast with EOC(2)]
- CIO = Contactorgaan voor de innovatie van het onderwijs
- CIO = Chief Information Officer
- C-in-C RNLA; BLS = Commander-in-Chief RNLA; Bevelhebber Landstrijdkrachten
- C-in-C RNLA; BLS = Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Netherlands Army; Bevelhebber Landstrijdkrachten
- CIN = Centraal Incidenten Nummer
- CIN = Cluster Interconnection Network
- CIN = Computer Information Network
- CINCIBERLANT; CINCIBERLANT = Commander-in-Chief Iberian Atlantic Area; Opperbevelhebber Iberisch-Atlantisch gebied
- CINCWESTLANT; CINCWESTLANT = Commander-in-Chief Western Atlantic Area; Opperbevelhebber Westelijke Atlantische Oceaan
- CINCHAN; CINCHAN = Commander-in-Chief Channel; geallieerde opperbevelhebber Kanaal
- CINCEASTLANT; CINCEASTLANT = Commander-in-Chief Eastern Atlantic Area; Opperbevelhebber Oostelijke Atlantische Oceaan
- CINCHAN; CINCHAN = Commander-in-Chief Channel and Southern North Sea; Geallieerde Opperbevelhebber Kanaal en Zuidelijke Noordzee
- CIME; CIME = CIME; geïntegreerde productieautomatisering en constructie
- CIM = CompuServe Information Manager
- CIM = Common Information Model
- CIM = Coördinatiecommissie internationale milieuvraagstukken
- CIM = Régles uniformes concernant le contrat de transport international ferroviaire des marchandises (Uniforme regelen betreffende de overeenkomst van internationaal spoorwegvervoer van goederen)
- CIM = Common Information Model or Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- CIM = Coördinatiecommissie Internationale Milieuaangelegenheden
- CIM = Computer Input from Microfilm
- CIM = Corporate Information Management
- CIM = Customer Interaction Management
- CIM = Common Information Model
- CIM = Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
- CILC; CILC = International Linen and Hemp Confederation; Internationaal vlas- en hennepverbond
- CILM = Customer Integrated Learning Methodology
- CILC; CILC = International Linen and Hemp Confederation; Internationaal vlas- en hennepverbond
- CIL; LSC = coefficient of luminous intensity; lichtsterktecoëfficient
- CIL; LSC = coefficient of luminous intensity; lichtsterktecoëfficient
- CILO = Coordinatie groep Informatiesystemen Lopend Onderzoek
- CILPAN; CILPAN = International Centre for Pollution Response in the North East Atlantic; Internationaal Centrum voor de bestrijding van mariene verontreiniging in het Noordoost-Atlantische gebied
- CILS = crew-in-the-loop simulator
- CILO = Centraal Instituut voor landbouwkundig onderzoek
- CILO = Centraal Instituut voor Landbouwonderzoek
- CILO = Centraal Instituut voor landbouwkundig onderzoek
- CIM = Uniforme regelen betreffende de overeenkomst van internationaal spoorwegvervoer van goederen
- CIMA =
- CIMA; CIMA = Conference on Maritime Industry; Conferentie over maritieme industrie
- CIM; CIM = International convention concerning the carriage of goods by rail; Uniforme regelen betreffende de overeenkomst van internationaal spoorwegvervoer van goederen
- CIM; CIM = computer integrated manufacturing; computergeïntegreerde fabricage
- CIM; CIM = calling party identity message; identiteitsbericht van de oproepende gebruiker
- CIMAH; CIMAH = control of industrial major accident hazards; Richtlijn 82/501/EEG (de "Seveso-richtlijn¨) inzake de risico's van zware ongevallen bij bepaalde industriële activiteiten ((PB L 230 van 5.8.1982. )) (in het Verenigd Koninkrijk ten uitvoer gelegd met de Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards Regulations
- CIME; CIME = CIME; computergeïntegreerde fabricage en engineering
- CIME; CIME = computer integrated manufacturing and engineering; computergeïntegreerde fabricage en engineering
- CIME; CIME = computer-integrated manufacturing and engineering; computergeïntegreerde productie en engineering
- CIMCEE; CIMCEE = Committee of the Mustard Industries of the EEC; Comité van de mosterdindustrie in de EEG
- CIME; CIME = committee on investment and multinational enterprises; Aangesloten landen (en hun NCP's) zijn politieke verantwoording verschuldigd en zijn onderworpen aan peer review in het OESO-comité Investeringen en multinationale ondernemingen
- CIM = COMPUTING 1. computer input microfilm 2. computer-integrated manufacturing
- CIM = Centrum voor Informatie over de Media
- CIM = Common Information Model
- CIM = Centrum von informatie over de media
- CIM = Convention Internationale concernant le transport des Marchandises par chemins de fer 1961
- CIM; CIM = Computer integrated manufacture; 5. Computer-geïntegreerde produktie
- CIM; CIM = International Convention concerning the carriage of goods by rail; Internationaal Verdrag betreffende het goederenvervoer per spoorweg
- CIM; CIM = CIM Convention; Internationaal Verdrag betreffende het goederenvervoer per spoorweg
- CIM; CIM = International convention concerning the carriage of goods by rail; Internationaal Verdrag betreffende het goederenvervoer per spoorweg
- CIM; CIM = computer integrated manufacture; computergeïntegreerde fabricage
- CIPB = Dienst voor coördinatie,centralisatie en realisatie van de intercommunalen der provincie Brabant en voor het arrondissement Brussel-hoofdstad
- CIPCE; CIPCE = Informations and Publicity Centre of the European Railways; Centrale voor Informatie en Publiciteit der Europese Spoorwegen
- CIPA = Children's Internet Protection Act
- CIP; PCI = Competitiveness and Innovation Programme; programma voor concurrentievermogen en innovatie
- CIPA = Centrum voor informatica-provincie Antwerpen
- CIPD = HUMAN RESOURCES Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
- CIPEC; CIPEC = Chemical Industrial Products Export Cooperative; Overigens heeft Hoechst als lid van de Chemical Industrial Products Export Co-operative
- CIPFA = Chartered Institute Of Public Finance And Accountancy
- CIPEC; CIPEC = Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries; Intergouvernementele Raad van koperexporterende landen
- CIPEC; CIPEC = Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries; Intergouvernementele Raad van Koper exporterende landen
- CIP; CIP = Critical Infrastructure Programme; Mededeling over de samenwerking met derde landen op het gebied van het programma inzake kritieke infrastructuur
- CIP; CIP = Critical infrastructure protection; Critical infrastructure protection
- CIP; CIP = carriage, insurance paid to; vrachtvrij, inclusief verzekering, tot
- CIP = Internationaal Aardappelcentrum
- CIP; CIP = Community Implementation Plan; Een samenvatting van het overzichtsverslag is, tezamen met een bespreking van de tot eind 2009 bij de tenuitvoerlegging van het communautaire uitvoeringsplan
- CIP; CIP = Community Innovation Programme; Het beleid moet ten uitvoer worden gelegd in nauwe samenwerking met het communautaire innovatieprogramma (CIP) en het 7e kaderprogramma voor onderzoek
- CIP; CIP = Community Initiative Programme; communautaire initiatief-programma
- CIP; PCI = Community Initiative Programme; Programma in het kader van de Communautaire Initiatieven
- CIP; CIP = Crop Intensification Programme; In het kader van "Vision 2020" werden naast de armoedebestrijdingsstrategieën ook strategische plannen voor de transformatie van de landbouw (SPTA I en II) aangenomen. Het gewassenverbeteringsprogramma
- CIP; CIP = carriage and insurance paid to; vrachtvrij, inclusief verzekering, tot
- CIP; CIP = Catalogue Interoperability Protocol
- Cipher key = A code used in conjunction with a security algorithm to encode and decode user and/or signalling data.
- CIR = Cargo Integration Review
- CIR = Control Instruction Register
- CIR = Carrier to Interference Ratio
- CIR = COMPUTING a CPU register that stores the instruction that is currently being executed.Full form current instruction register
- CIR = Commissie Inspectie Rijksscholen
- Cir. = Cirde (Internet lingo)
- CIRA; CIRA = Continuity Irish Republican Army; Continuity Irish Republican Army
- CIRAM; CIRAM = common integrated risk assessment model; Het agentschap zal een toegevoegde waarde leveren wanneer het de activiteiten overneemt die momenteel vallen onder verschillende projecten inzake respectievelijk de ontwikkeling van een gemeenschappelijk model voor geïntegreerde risicobeoordeling
- CIR; CIR = Cost income ratio; COST income ratio
- cir. = 1. CALENDAR circa (NOTE: From the Latin, ‘about'.) 2. MATHEMATICS circle 3. ELECTRICITYcircuit 4. PRESS circulation 5. MATHEMATICS circumference
- Cir. = Circuit Court of Appeals
- CIPS = Canadian Information Processing Society
- CIPSO = (Common Internet Protocol Security Option (CIPSO))
- CIPM; CIPM = International Committee on Weights and Measures; Internationaal Comité voor maten en gewichten
- CIPI; CIPI = Critical Infrastructure Protection Information; Vertrouwelijkheid – Zowel op het niveau van de EU als van de lidstaten zal informatie over de bescherming van kritieke infrastructuur
- CIPID = (Contact Information in PIDF (CIPID))
- CIPT; CIPT = computing intelligent processing technology; intelligente gegevensverwerkingstechnologie
- CIR = Contactgroep Industriële Robots
- CIR = Commissie Integriteit Rijksoverheid
- CIR = Committed Information Rate
- CIPT; CIPT = Computer Intelligent Processing Technology; intelligente gegevensverwerkingstechnologie
- CIR = Commissie Integriteit Rijksoverheid
- CIP = catalogiseren bij publicatie
- CIO; CIO = CIMIC and Information Operations Branch; onderafdeling CIMIC en Informatie-operaties
- CIO; CIO = Chairman-in-Office; CiO
- CIO; CiO = Chairman-in-Office; fungerend Voorzitter van de OVSE
- CIO; CiO = Chairman-in-Office; CiO
- CiO; CiO = Chairman-in-Office; CiO
- CiO; CiO = Chairman-in-Office; fungerend Voorzitter van de OVSE
- CIOL = Cyber India On-Line
- CIOMS = Council for International Organizations for Medical Sciences
- CIOCS = Communication Input/Output Control System
- CIO; CIO = Chairman-in-Office; fungerend Voorzitter van de OVSE
- CIO; HDIO = Chief Information Officer; Hoofddirecteur Informatiseringsontwikkeling
- CIO = Critical Investment Opportunity
- CIO = [3] Compelling Investment Opportunity
- CIO = MANAGEMENT chief information officer
- CIO = Chief Information Officer
- CIO = Cut It Out (Internet lingo)
- CIO = Comité voor industriële samenwerking
- CiO; CIO = Chairman-in-Office; fungerend Voorzitter van de OVSE
- CiO; CIO = Chairman-in-Office; CiO
- CIO = ([3] Compelling Investment Opportunity)
- CIO = Computer Integrated Office
- CIO = Center Information Officer
- CIOMS; CIOMS = Council for International Organisations of Medical Sciences; Raad van internationale organisaties op het gebied van de medische wetenschappen
- CIP = ([2] Consumer Identity Protection)
- CIP = Computed Impact Point
- CIP = Common Indexing Protocol
- CIP = Customer Integration Panel
- CIP = [2] Consumer Identity Protection
- CIP = Commerce Interchange Pipeline
- CIP = ([1] Creepy Internet People/Peeps)
- CIP = [1] Creepy Internet People/Peeps
- CIP = communautair-initiatiefprogramma
- CIP = Command Interface Port
- CIP = Vaste Internationale Commissie
- CIOPORA; CIOPORA = International Community of Breeders of Asexually Reproduced Fruit Trees and Ornamental Varieties
- CIOPORA; CIOPORA = International Community of Breeders of Asexually Reproduced Ornamentals
- CIOP; COP = Community Initiative Operational Programme; communautair operationeel programma
- CIOO = Centrum voor interdisciplinair ontwikkelingsonderzoek
- CIOP = Commissie Informatie-Opleiding
- CIOS = Centraal Instituut voor de Opleiding van Sportleiders
- CIOV = Centraal Instituut voor Opleiding en Vorming van het Korps Rijkspolitie
- CIP = Centrum voor Informatie aan de Pers
- CIOT = Centraal Informatiepunt Onderzoek & Telecommunicatie
- CIOS = Centraal Instituut voor de Opleiding van Sportleiders
- CIOS = Centraal Instituut voor de Opleiding van Sportleiders
- CLIM = Centraal Landelijk Informatiepunt Milieudelicten
- CLIM = Compaq/Lotus/Intel/Microsoft
- CLIM = Centraal Landelijk Informatiepunt Milieudelicten
- CLID = Caller Line IDentification for CID (Caller ID)
- CLIL; CLIL = Content and Language Integrated Learning; Content and Language Integrated Learning
- CLIN = Community Learning and Information Network
- CLIP = Crew Loads Instrumented Panel
- CLIP = Calling Line Identification Presentation
- CLIP = Coded Language Information Processing
- CLIO; CLIO = Code of Liberalisation of Current Invisible Operations; Code voor de liberalisatie van lopende onzichtbare transacties
- CLIP = ConnectionLess Transport Protocol
- CLI = (Call Level Interface (CLI))
- CLI/OS = CLient Input/Output Sockets (IBM)
- CLI = TELECOMMUNICATIONS calling line identification
- CLI = command line interpreter
- CLI = Call-Level Interface
- CLI; CLI = changeable laser image; changeable laser image
- CLIB = C Library
- CLID = Calling Line Identification
- CLIA; CLIA = Cruise Lines International Association; 8. Internationale Vereniging van cruisemaatschappijen
- CLI; CLI = command line interface; opdrachtregelinterface
- CLI; CLI = command line interface; command line interface
- CLIP; CLIP = Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property; Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property
- CLLD = Contagiously Laughing Linguistic Dancer
- CLLD = (Contagiously Laughing Linguistic Dancer)
- CLK = Christelijk Lektuur Kontakt
- CLKE = CLocK Estimate (Bluetooth)
- CLM = Centrum Lektuurvoorziening voor Missionarissen en Kerken Overzee
- CLM = Centrum voor Landbouw en Milieu
- clm = ARCHITECTURE column
- CLM = (Career-Limiting Move/Mistake)
- CLM = ONLINE career limiting move (used in e-mails)
- CLM = Career-Limiting Move/Mistake
- CLIR; CLIR = Calling line identification restriction; Identificatie oproepende lijn - beperking
- CLIST = Command List
- CLIR = Calling Line Identification Restriction
- CLIP; CLIP = Calling line identification presentation; Identificatie oproepende lijn - presentatie
- CLIPS = C Language Integrated Production System
- CLITRAVI; CLITRAVI = Liaison Centre of the Meat Processing Industries of the EEC; Verbindingscentrum van vleesverwerkende industrieën van de EEG
- CLK = Clock
- CLK = Clock
- CLJ = Consumer law journal
- CLJ = Cambridge Law Journal
- CLJ = Consumer Law Journal
- CLI = Clear Interrupt Flag [disable interrupts] (assembly language)
- CLDR = (Connectionless Data Response (CLDR) or)
- CLE = Commercial laws of Europe
- CLDR = (Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR))
- CLDF = Clear Lake Development Facility (now Sonny Carter Training Facility)
- CLDN = Calling Line Directory Number
- CLE = Centrum voor Landbouweconomie
- CLE; VCW = ELC; Verbindingscomité van werkgevers
- CLEC = Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
- CLE; VCW = Employers' Liaison Committee; Verbindingscomité van werkgevers
- CLE = Customer Located Equipment
- CLE; EVC = Centre for European Links; Europees Verbindingscentrum
- CLC; CLC = Corine Land Cover; Ontwikkeling van methoden voor het schatten van de diversiteit op basis van gegevens uit de landbouwstructuurenquête en eventueel gebruik van informatie over de bodembedekking uit CORINE
- CLC; CLC = International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage; Internationaal Verdrag inzake de wettelijke aansprakelijkheid voor schade door verontreiniging door olie
- CLC; CLC = International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution; Internationaal Verdrag inzake de wettelijke aansprakelijkheid voor schade door verontreiniging door olie
- CLC; CLC = International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution; verdrag inzake de wettelijke aansprakelijkheid voor schade wegens verontreiniging door olie
- CLC; CLC = International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage; verdrag inzake de wettelijke aansprakelijkheid voor schade wegens verontreiniging door olie
- CLCA; CLCA = Liaison Committee for the Motor Industry in the EEC Countries; Verbindingscomité van de automobielindustrie voor de landen van de EEG
- CLD; CLD = chemiluminescent detector; chemoluminescentiedetector
- CLDC = Connected Limited Device Configuration (Sun J2ME)
- cld = STOCK EXCHANGE called
- CLCCR; CLCCR = Liaison Committee of Coachwork and Trailer Builders; Verbindingscomité voor de carrosserie- en aanhangwagenbouw
- CLD = Clear Direction Flag (assembly language)
- CLEC = Competing Local Exchange Carrier
- CLI = Command-Line Interpreter
- CLI = Calling Line Identity
- CLI = Command-Line Interface
- CLI = Certified Lotus Instructor
- CLI = Command Line Interface
- CLI = cross-linguïstische invloed
- CLI = (Calling Line Identification (CLI) (RFC 5194))
- CLI = (Continuous Learning Initiative)
- CLI = Client Library Interface
- CLI = (command line interface (CLI))
- CLI = Continuous Learning Initiative
- CLEO = Centrum voor landbouweconomisch onderzoek
- CLEPA; CLEPA = Liaison Committee for the Manufacture of Automobile Equipment and Spare Parts; Verbindingscomité bouw van uitrustingen en onderdelen
- CLEO = Commissie Landelijk Epilepsie Onderzoek TNO
- CLECAT; CLECAT = European Liaison Committee of Common Market Forwarders; Europees Verbindingscomité van expediteurs en bemiddelaars bij het vervoer in de Gemeenschappelijke Markt
- CLEI = (Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI))
- Cler = clericatus
- CLI = Common Language Infrastructure (Microsoft)
- CLI = Caller Line Identification
- CLI = Command Language Interpreter
- CLF = Unidades de Fomento of Chile (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- CLH = clam
- CLS = grote strandgaper
- CLS = COMPUTING a system command to clear the screen. Full form clear screen
- CLS = Concept Learner System (AI)
- CLRTAP; CLRTAP = Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution; LRTAP-Verdrag
- CLRTAP; VGLLA = Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution; Verdrag betreffende grensoverschrijdende luchtverontreiniging over lange afstand
- CLS = Circuit Location Addresses or Close a Loop circuit (fiber)
- CLS = Certified Lotus Speaalist
- CLS = Conservative Legal Strategy/Strategery
- CLS = (Conservative Legal Strategy/Strategery)
- CLS = Columbus Language System
- CLS = Chef van de luchtmachtstaf
- CLR = Amerikaanse zwaardschede
- CLR = Common Language Runtime (Microsoft .NET)
- CLR = Commonwealth Law Reports
- CLR = Computer Language Research
- CLR = Cell Loss Ratio
- CLR = Commonwealth Law Reports
- CLRAE; CPLRE = Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe; Congres van lokale en regionale overheden van Europa
- CLRTAP; CLRTAP = Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution; Verdrag betreffende grensoverschrijdende luchtverontreiniging over lange afstand
- CLRAE; CLRAE = Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe; Congres van lokale en regionale overheden in Europa
- CLR; CLR = cell loss ratio; cell loss ratio
- CLRAE; CLRAE = Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe; Permanente Conferentie van lokale en regionale overheden in Europa
- CLS = contingency landing site
- CLTS = Clear Task Switch Flag (asm 286+ privileged)
- CLTV = Constant Linear Time Veloaty
- CLT = Cairo Local Time
- CLSS = Conveyor Line Sorting System
- CLT = Christelijke Liga tegen de Tuberculose
- CLUE = Colorado Linux Users
- Clun. = Cluniacenses ('Monks of Cluny')
- clunet = journal de droit international. Clunet
- CLUI = Command Line User Interface
- CLUG = Class II Users Group
- CLUG = Calgary Linux Users Group
- CLS; CLS = Commission on Life Sciences; Commission on Life Sciences
- CLS; JDR = Council Legal Service; Juridische Dienst
- CLS; CLS = core labour standards; Gelijkheid van mannen en vrouwen is een fundamentele doelstelling van het interne en buitenlandse beleid van de EU en een essentieel onderdeel van de internationaal overeengekomen fundamentele arbeidsnormen
- CLS = Clear Screen
- CLS = Common Language Specification (Microsoft .NET)
- CLS; JDR = Legal Service; Juridische Dienst van de Raad
- CLSI = Computer Library Systems, Inc.
- CLSID = Class Identifier
- CLSB = Coördinatiecentrum voor Liberaal Sociaal-Cultureel Beleid
- CLS; JDR = Council Legal Service; Juridische Dienst van de Raad
- CLS; JDR = Legal Service; Juridische Dienst
- CLP; CLP = collective passport; collectief paspoort
- CLNS = (Connectionless Network Service (CLNS))
- CLNS = Connectionless network service
- CLNS = ConnectionLess Network Service
- CLNP = ConnectionLess Network Protocol (OSI)
- CLNP = (Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP))
- CLO = Centrale Landbouw Organisatie
- CLO = Centrum Landbouwkundig Onderzoek
- CLO; CLO = Civil Liberties Organization; Civil Liberties Organization
- CLO =
- CLO = Centrum voor Literatuuronderzoekers
- CLO = Centrale Landbouworganisatie
- CLN = Convention relative 1a la Limitation de la responsabilité des propriétaires de bateaux de Navigation Intérieure 1973
- CLN; CLN = credit linked note; credit-linked note
- CLM = Centrum voor Landbouw en Milieu
- CLM = Centrum Landbouw en Milieu
- CLM = Career Limiting Move (Internet lingo)
- CLNAP = ConnectionLess Network Access Protocol
- CLNP = Connectionless network protocol
- CLNP = COMPUTING connectionless network protocol
- CLNM; CWNM = Constitutional Law on National Minorities; constitutionele wet inzake nationale minderheden
- CLNI = Verdrag inzake de beperking van aansprakelijkheid in de binnenvaart
- CLNI = Convention sur la limitation de la responsabilité en navigation intérieure
- CLO; CLO = collateralised loan obligation; collateralised loan obligation
- CLP = Chilean Peso of Chile (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- CLP = Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures
- CLP = (Cell Loss Priority (CLP) (RFC 4594) A flag in an ATM cell.)
- CLP = Cell Loss Priority
- CLP = Country Leader Program (Intel)
- CLP = Clipboard (file name extension)
- CLP; CLP = group passport; collectief paspoort
- CLP; CLP = Chilean peso; Chileense peso
- CLP; CLP = Community Lisbon Programme; communautaire Lissabon-programma
- CLP = Commoditized Labour Pools
- CLP = Certified Lotus Professional
- CLOS = Corel Linux Operating System
- CLO'S = Collateralised Loan Obligations
- CLOS = Common Lisp Object System
- CLO; CLO (Civil Liberties Organisation) = Civil Liberties Organisation; Organisatie voor de burgerlijke vrijheden
- CLOAKA = Canonical List Of All Known Acronyms
- Closed group = A group with a pre-defined set of members. Only defined members may participate in a closed group.
- CLP = (Commoditized Labour Pools)
- CLP = Constraint Logic Programming
- CLOSP; CLOSP = Liaison Committee of the Trade Unions and Professional Organisations of the Staff of the European Communities; Verbindingscomité van de vak- en beroepsorganisaties van het personeel van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) = A Closed Subscriber Group identifies subscribers of an operator who are permitted to access one or more cells of the PLMN but which have restricted access (CSG cells).
- CLOSED; Closed = closed loop system within ecoindustrial district; gesloten-kringloopsysteem voor een eco-industrieel gebied
- CLC = Centrale Landinrichtingscommissie
- CJJA = Civil Jurisdiction and Judgements Act
- CJK = Centra voor het jonge kind
- CJIB; CJIB = central justice cashing office
- CJIB = Centraal Justitieel Incasso Bureau
- CJIB = Centraal Justitieel Incasso Bureau
- CJLI = Command Job Language Interpreter
- CJP = Cultureel Jongeren Paspoort
- CJQ = Civil Justice Quarterly
- CJP = Kultureel Jongeren Paspoort
- CJMV = Christelijke Jongemannenvereniging
- CJP = Cultureel Jongeren Paspoort
- CJEC; HvJEG = European Court of Justice; Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- CJEC; HvJEG = ECJ; Hof van Justitie
- CJEC; HvJEG = Court of Justice of the European Communities; Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- CJD; ZCJ = Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; ziekte van Creutzfeldt-Jacob
- CJ-DF; CJ-DF = Committee of Experts on Bankruptcy Law; Comité van Deskundigen inzake faillissementsrecht
- CJEC; HvJEG = European Court of Justice; Hof van Justitie
- CJEU; HvJ-EU = Court of Justice of the European Union; Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie
- CJHA; SJBZ = cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs; samenwerking op het gebied van Justitie en Binnenlandse Zaken
- CJEU; HJEU = Court of Justice of the European Union; Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie
- CJEC; HvJEG = ECJ; Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- CJEC; HvJEG = Court of Justice of the European Communities; Hof van Justitie
- CJT = Centrum voor jeugdtoerisme
- CKB = Christelijke Korfbalbond
- CKC = Centrum voor kennis en communicatie
- CKA = (Concept-Killing Advocate (see also CKI))
- CKA = Concept-Killing Advocate (see also CKI)
- CKA = Centrum Katholieke Alcoholistenbureaus
- CKD = COMMERCE used to describe goods that are sold in parts to be assembled later. Fullform completely knocked down (NOTE: The abbreviation CKD is used to describegoods that are sold in parts to be assembled later.)
- CKGR; CKGR = Central Kalahari game reserve; Central Kalahari Game Reserve
- CKH = Centrale Kamer van Handelsbevordering
- CKD; CKD = completely knocked down; in onderdelen
- CKD = Count Key Data
- CKD; CKD = cement kiln dust; De berekening moet plaatsvinden op basis van het carbonaatgehalte in de ingezette materialen (met inbegrip van vliegas of hoogovenslakken). Daarbij worden cementovenstof
- CJV = Christelijke Jongeren Verbond
- CJV,"Chistelijke" betekent hier niet protestants,maar oecumenisch = Christelijk Jongeren Verbond Y.M.C.A.-Nederland
- CJV = Calinistische Juristen Vereniging
- CJTF; GGT = Combined Joint Task Force; Gecombineerde Gezamenlijke Taakgroepen
- CJV = Christelijke Jongeren Vereniging
- CJVF = Christen Jonge Vrouwen Federatie
- CK = Cipher Key
- ck = ONLINE Cook Islands (NOTE: The abbreviation ck is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)29 cn
- ck = Cook Islands (ISO 2-letter country code)
- CJW = Christelijke Jonge Werkgevers
- CJW = Cursussen jeugdige werklozen
- CJD; CJZ = Creutzfeld-Jakob disease; ziekte van Creutzfeldt-Jakob
- CIVO = Centraal Instituut voor Voedingsonderzoek
- CIVOB = Centraal Instituut Vorming en Opleiding Bestuursdienst
- CIVO = Centraal Instituut voor Voedingsonderzoek
- CIVNET = Civilization, NETworked version (computer game)
- CIVO = Centraal Instituut voor Voedingsonderzoek
- CIVO-TNO = Centraal Instituut voor Voedsel-Onderzoek
- CIWF; CIWF = Compassion in World Farming; Compassion in World Farming
- CIWIN; CIWIN = Critical Infrastructure Warning Information Network; voorbereiding van een door de Commissie op te zetten EU-waarschuwings- en informatienetwerk van vitale infrastructuur
- CIW = Certified Internet Webmaster
- civpol = civiele politie
- CIVR = Computer and Interactive Voice Response
- CIVB = Interprofessionele raad van de Bordeaux-Wijnen
- CIVC = WINE an international joint trade association for companies producing Champagnewine. Full form Comité Interprofessionel du Vin de Champagne
- CIVA = Cardiologische Intensieve Verpleging Afdeling
- CIV; CIV = Centre for Information on Football Vandalism; Centraal Informatiepunt Voetbalvandalisme
- CIV; CIV = Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Passengers by Rail; Internationaal Verdrag betreffende het vervoer van reizigers en bagage per spoorweg
- CIVL = Concept Integration and Verification Laboratory
- CIVLV = Centrum voor informatieverwerking van het ministerie van landsverdediging
- CIVIC = Cydone Integrated Video Interface Controller (Apple)
- CIVI = Centraal Instituut voor Industrie-ontwikkeling
- CIVI = Centraal Instituut voor Industrie-ontwikkeling
- CIWL; CIWL,Internationale Slaapwagen Maatschappij = International Sleeping-Car Company; Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits et des Grands Express Européens
- CJ; C.J. = Cahier van de jurist
- CJAA; CJAA = Central Joint Aviation Authorities; Sinds december 2006 is het beheer van de gecentraliseerde SAFA-gegevensbank overgedragen van de centrale gezamenlijke luchtvaartautoriteiten (CJAA) in Nederland naar het EASA in Duitsland
- CJ; C.J. = Cahier du juriste
- CJ - IJ; CJ-IJ = Committee of Experts on Legal Data Processing; Comité van deskundigen inzake juridische informatica
- CJ = Cahier van de jurist
- CJD = MEDICINE a fatal brain disease, a form of spongiform encephalopathy, that developsslowly, causing dementia and loss of muscle control. Full form Creutzfeldt-Jakobdisease
- CJD; CJZ = Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease; CJZ
- CJD; CJZ = Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease; ziekte van Creutzfeldt-Jakob
- CJD; CJD = Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease; CJZ
- CJD; CJD = Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease; ziekte van Creutzfeldt-Jakob
- CJD; CJD = Creutzfeld Jacob disease; In een artikel in de New Engeland Journaal of Medicine wordt gezegd dat het in een geval mogelijk is gebleken de ziekte van Creutzfeld Jacob
- CIX = Compulink Information exchange
- CIZ = Commissie Internationale Zaken
- CIX = E-COMMERCE commercial Internet exchange
- CIWLT; CIWLT = International Sleeping-car and Touring Compagny; Internationale Slaapwagen en Toerisme Maatschappij
- CIX = Commeraal Internet exchange
- CIZ = Centraal Israëlitische Ziekenverpleging
- CJ = Cahier du juriste
- CJ = CHief Justice
- CJ = LAW 1. Chief Judge 2. Chief Justice
- CIZ = Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg
- CJ = Cahier van de Jurist / cahier du juriste
- CLA; CLA = CLA; chemiluminiscentie-analysator
- CLA; CLA = conjugated linoleic acid; geconjugeerd linolzuur
- CLA; CLA = chemiluminescent analyser; chemiluminiscentie-analysator
- CLA = coupled loads analysis
- Cla. = Clausula ('Clause')
- CLAB = Crying Like A Baby (Internet lingo)
- CLAR = Channel Local Address Register
- CLASIC = Customized Logic Application Speafic Integrated Circuit
- CLAN = Core Local Area Network
- CLADES; CLADES = Latin American Centre for Economic and Social Documentation; Latijns-Amerikaans Centrum voor economische en sociale documentatie
- CLAISI = Contact- en Actiecomité voor de zwavelindustrie
- CL; CL = Crédit Lyonnais; Crédit Lyonnais
- CL; CLA = CLA; chemiluminiscentie-analysator
- CL; CL = collimating lens; collimatorlens
- CL; CL = computational linguistics; computerlinguïstiek
- CL; CL = wing lift curve slope; vleugeldraagkrachtkromme
- CL; CLA = chemiluminescent analyser; chemiluminiscentie-analysator
- CLA = CLAss
- CLA = Consulentschap voor Landbouwwerktuigen en Arbeid
- CLA = Collective Learning Automata (AI)
- CLA = Custom Logic Array
- CLA = Carry Look-ahead Adder
- CLASS = Cooperative Library Agency for Systems and Services
- CLB; CLB = Crédit Lyonnais Belgium
- CLBN = Crédit Lyonnais Bank Nederland
- CLB = CLB-hypothese
- CLB = Commissie Literatuurdocumentatie Bouwwezen
- CLB = Centraal Laboratorium van de Bloedtransfusiedienst
- CLC = Centrale landinrichtingscommissie
- CLC = Clear Carry Flag (assembly language)
- CLC = CLuster Controller (IBM)
- CLC = Centrale Landbouwcatalogus
- CLC = Christelijk Lectuur-Centrum
- CLC = Centrale Landinrichtingscommissie
- CLASS = communications link analysis and simulation system
- CLASS = Custom Local Area Signaling Service
- CLASS = Computer Literacy And Studies in School
- CLASS = II Comprehensive LSAR automated Support System II
- CLASS = Client Access to Systems and Services
- class. = 1. ARTS classic 2. ARTS classical 3. classification 4. classified
- CLB = Centraal Laboratorium van de Bloedtransfusiedienst
- CLB = centrum voor leerlingenbegeleiding
- CLAT = Latijnsamerikaanse arbeiderscentrale
- CLASS; CLASS = containerised lighter aboard ship
- CLASS; CLASS = custom local area signalling service; custom local area signalling service
- CL; CL = Cl; vleugeldraagkrachtkromme
- CKO = Centrale van Kapiteins en Officieren ter Koopvaardij
- CKO = Centrum voor Klimaatonderzoek
- CKO = Centrum voor Kennisbescherming en Octrooi-informatie
- CKO = BUSINESS Chief Knowledge Officer
- CKO = Centrale voor kredieten aan ondernemingen
- CKOD = Centrale Kinderoppasdienst
- CKSN = Ciphering Key Sequence Number
- CKV = Centrale Kredietverlening
- CKS = Centrum voor kerkelijke studies
- CKP = Centrale voor kredieten aan particulieren
- CKS = Centrale Kaderschool
- CKI = niietyetiLy Kesponse nine
- CKI = Concept-Killing Initiative (see also CKA)
- CKI = (Concept-Killing Initiative (see also CKA))
- CKH = Centrale Kamer Handelsbevordering
- CKH = Centrale Kamer van Handelsbevordering
- CKI = Chair Keyboard Interface (tech jargon for user is the problem)
- CKMT = Centrum voor Kunst, Media en Technologie
- CKMT = Centrale van Katholieke Militaire Tehuizen
- CKLN; CKLN = Caribbean Knowledge and Learning Network; g) 5 miljoen EUR als bijdrage aan het fonds voor het Caraïbisch Kennis- en Leernetwerk
- CKI = Centraal kaderinstituut
- CKLBB = Centrale kas voor landbouwkrediet van de Belgische boerenbond
- CKV = Centrum voor kadervorming
- Cl et B = Jurisprudence des tribunaux. recueil critique et doctrinal fondé par Cloet et Bonjaen
- cl. = 1. class 2. classification 3. RELIGION clergy 4. FURNITURE closet 5. TEXTILES cloth
- CL = ConnectionLess
- CL = capture latch
- Cl = Computer Interconnect
- Cl. V. = Clarissimus Vir ('Most Illustrious Man')
- CL; CL = computational linguistics; computerlinguïstiek
- CL; CL = citrate-lyase; Citroenzuur wordt tijdens een door citraatlyase
- = Jurisprudence des tribunaux de première instance en matière civile, commerciale et correctionnelle des justices de paix et de simple police (Cloes et Bonjean)
- Cl.; Clico. = Clericus, Clerico ('Cleric')
- = Jurisprudence des tribunaux de première instance en matière civile, commerciale et correctionnelle des justices de paix et de simple police (Cloes et Bonjean)
- CL = Core Image Library
- CL = crewlock
- CKW's = chloorkoolwaterstoffen
- CKY = Cook-Kassami-Younger
- cl = 1. TRANSPORT carload 2. MEASUREMENTS centilitre 3. ONLINE Chile (NOTE: The abbreviationcl is seen at the end of Internet addresses, preceded by a dot.)
- Cl = Component Interface
- cl = Centiliter
- CL = Ceylon
- Cl = Control Interval
- CL = caseous lymphadenitis
- CGRT; GBT = compensated gross registered tonnes; gewogen bruto registertonnen
- cgrt; GBT = compensated gross registered tonnes; gewogen bruto registertonnen
- cgrt; GBRT = compensated gross registered tonnes; gewogen bruto registertonnen
- cgrt; GBRT = compensated gross registered tonne; gecompenseerde brutoregisterton
- CGRT; GBRT = compensated gross registered tonnes; gewogen bruto registertonnen
- cgs = MEASUREMENTS centimetre-gram-second (NOTE: The cgs system uses the centimetre,gram, and second as the basic units for length, mass, and time, respectively. It has beenlargely replaced by the SI system in scientific contexts.)
- CGS; CGS = credit guarantee scheme; credit guarantee scheme
- CGS; CGS = centimetre - gramme - second (CGS units); centimeter - gram - seconde (CGS-eenheden)
- CGS = MILITARY Chief of General Staff
- CGS = Continuous-Grain Silicon
- CGS = Columbus Ground System
- CGPCS; CGPCS = Contact Group on piracy off the coast of Somalia; Contactgroep piraterij voor de kust van Somalië
- CGPM; CGPM = General Conference on Weights and Measures; Algemene Conferentie voor maten en gewichten
- CGPC = Commissie voor Geschiedenisdocumentatie der Pedagogische Centra
- CGP = Corporate Governance Principles
- CGP = corionic growth-hormone prolactine
- CGPP = commissie voor geschiktheid van het personeel van de politiediensten
- CG-Raad = Chronisch Zieken en Gehandicapten Raad Nederland
- cgrt; CGT = compensated gross registered tonne; gecompenseerde brutoregisterton
- CGRA; CGVS = Office of the Commissioner-General for Refugees and Stateless Persons; Commissariaat-generaal voor de vluchtelingen en de staatlozen
- CGR = Centrum voor grondslagenonderzoek en filosofie van het recht
- CGRA; CGVS = CGVS; Commissariaat-generaal voor de vluchtelingen en de staatlozen
- CGSA = Cellular Geographic Serving Area
- CGTG = Crystal Growth Technology Group
- CGV = Centrum Gezondheidszorg Vluchtelingen
- C-GT; GBT = CGT; gewogen bruto tonnen
- CGT; GBT = Compensated Gross Ton; gecompenseerde bruto-ton
- C-GT; GBT = Compensated gross tons; gewogen bruto tonnen
- CGV = Centrum Gezondheidszorg Vluchtelingen
- CGW = Computer Graphics World
- CGW = Color Graphics Workstation
- CGVS; CGVS = CGVS; Commissariaat-generaal voor de vluchtelingen en de staatlozen
- CGV,Nederland,Ministerie van WVC,vroeger'Centraal Team Vluchtelingen' = Centrum Gezondheidszorg Vluchtelingen
- CGVS; CGVS = Office of the Commissioner-General for Refugees and Stateless Persons; Commissariaat-generaal voor de vluchtelingen en de staatlozen
- CGT = FINANCE capital gains tax
- CGT = Commissariaat-Generaal voor Toerisme
- CGSP = crystal growth and solidification processes
- CGSE = Central Grid Study Engineer
- CGSO = Centrum voor Geboortenregeling en Seksuele Opvoeding
- cgt; CGT = compensated gross registered tonne; gecompenseerde brutoregisterton
- CGT; GBT = compensated gross tonne; gecompenseerde bruto-ton
- CGT; GBT = Compensated gross tons; gewogen bruto tonnen
- CGT; GBT = Compensated Gross Tonnage; gecompenseerde brutotonnage
- cgt; GBRT = compensated gross registered tonne; gecompenseerde brutoregisterton
- CGT; GBT = CGT; gewogen bruto tonnen
- CGP = (Corporate Governance Principles)
- CGIV = Centrum voor Geautomatiseerde Informatieverwerking
- CGJO = Christelijke Gereformeerde Jeugdclubs en Jongerenverenigingen in Nederland
- CGICS = Commmissariaat-Generaal voor Internationale Culturele Samenwerking
- CGIAR; CGIAR = Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
- CGI-BIN = Common Gateway Interface - Binary
- CGK = Centrum voor gelijke kansen en racismebestrijding
- CGL = Carrier Grade Linux
- CGL; CAV = Community General Export Authorization; communautaire algemene uitvoervergunning
- CGKR = Centrum voor gelijkheid van kansen en voor racismebestrijding
- CGK = Centrum Leman
- CGKR = Centrum voor Gelijkheid van Kansen en voor Racismebestrijding
- CGIAR Onder auspicien van FAO,UNDP en Wereldbank,te Washington = Raadgevende Groep voor Internationaal Agrarisch Onderzoek
- CGIAR; CGIAR = Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research; Consultatieve Groep inzake internationaal landbouwonderzoek
- CGIAR Onder auspicien van FAO,UNDP en Wereldbank,te Washington = Consultatieve Groep inzake Internationale Landbouwresearch
- CGI; CGI = computer graphics interface
- CGI; CGI = common gateway interface; common gateway interface
- Cgiar; CGIAR = Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
- CGIAR; CGIAR = Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research; Consultatieve Groep inzake Internationale Landbouwresearch
- CGIAR; CGIAR = Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research; Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research
- Cgiar; CGIAR = Cgiar
- CGIAR; CGIAR = Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research; Raadgevende Groep voor Internationaal Agrarisch Onderzoek
- CGIAR; CGIAR = Cgiar
- CGL; CAV = Community General Export Authorization; communautaire algemene vergunning
- CGO = Centrale Commissie voor Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken
- CGO = Central Grid Operator
- CGO = computer gestuurd onderwijs
- CGN = Centrum voor Genetische Bronnen Nederland
- CGNCR = FINANCE a measurement of the difference between government income andexpenditure over a given period. Full form Central Government Net CashRequirement
- CGO = Centraal Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken
- CGOP = Centraal Georganiseerd Overleg Politie
- CGOV = Centrale Groep Organisatievernieuwing
- CGOM = Centraal Georganiseerd Overleg Militairen
- CGO = Centraal geleid onderhoud
- CGOA = Centraal Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken
- CGL; CML = chronic myelogenous leukaemia; chronische myeloïde leukemie
- CGM = Computer Graphics Metafile (graphics file format)
- CGL; CML = chronic granulocytic leukaemia; chronische myeloïde leukemie
- CGL; CML = chronic myelogenous leukaemia; chronische granulocytaire leukemie
- CGL; CML = chronic granulocytic leukaemia; chronische granulocytaire leukemie
- CGM = Computer Graphics Metafile
- CGM; CGM = Compagnie Générale Maritime; Compagnie Générale Maritime
- CGN = (Carrier-Grade NAT (CGN))
- CGM = Computer Graphics Metafile (file format)
- CGM = MILITARY Conspicuous Gallantry Medal27 CI
- cgm = MEASUREMENTS centigram
- CHD; CMD = Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE; Conferentie over de Menselijke Dimensie van de CVSE
- CHD; CMD = Conference on the Human Dimension; Conferentie over de Menselijke Dimensie van de CVSE
- CHD; CHZ = coronary artery disease; aandoening van de kransslagaders
- CHD; CHD = Conference on the Human Dimension; Conferentie over de Menselijke Dimensie
- CHD; CHZ = coronary artery disease; coronaire hartziekte
- CHDA; CHDA = Customs House Docks Area; Customs House Docks Area
- CHE = (College Housing Experience)
- CHE = masouzalm
- CHDL = Computer Hardware Check Language
- CHDIR = COMPUTING a system command that moves you around a directory structure. Fullform change directory
- CHDIR = Change Directory
- CHC = HEALTH SERVICES 1. child health clinic 2. community health council
- CHCK = Channel Check
- CHbH = (Critical Hop-by-Hop (CHbH) (RFC 6325))
- ChB = MEDICINE Bachelor of Surgery (NOTE: From the Latin Chirurgiae Baccalaureus.)
- CHB = Christelijke centrale der houtbewerkers en bouwvakarbeiders
- CHCl3; CHCl3 = trichloromethane; chloroform
- ChD = Chancery Division
- CHD = MEDICINE coronary heart disease
- CHCP = Change Code Page
- CHCl3; CHCl3 = chloroform; chloroform
- CHCP = COMPUTING a system command that selects which codepage to use. Full formchange codepage
- CHE = College Housing Experience
- CHF = Swiss Franc of Switzerland (ISO 3-letter currency code) [also the monetary unit
- CHF; CHF = Swiss franc
- ChessML = Chess Markup Language
- Ches. = GEOGRAPHY Cheshire
- CHESS = BANKING Clearing House Electronic Subregister System
- CHFN = Change Finger
- CHH = (Chronic Health Hazard)
- CHI = chinook zalm
- CHH = Chronic Health Hazard
- chg. = 1. FINANCE change 2. BANKING charge
- CHGRP = Change Group
- CHeCS = Crew Health Care Systems
- CHEEC; CHEEC = Committee on Higher Education in the European Community
- CHEC; CHEC = China Harbour Engineering Company; China Harbour Engineering Company
- che = Switzerland (ISO 3-letter country code)
- CHE = Japanse zalm
- chem. = scheikunde
- CHEP; CHEP = Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool; Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool
- CHEPS; CHEPS = Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies; Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies
- CHeMpress = Economisch en technisch weekblad voor de chemische en metaalindustrie in de Beneluxlanden
- chem. = 1. chemical 2. chemist 3. chemistry
- chem. = chemie
- CHAT = Conversabonal Hypertext Access Technology
- Ch.App = Chancery Division, Appeal Case (Law Reports)
- CH3-CHO; CH3-CHO = acetaldehyde; acetaldehyde
- Ch. of Ch.(civ./scc./mixte) = Chambre of Chambres (civil, social of mixte)
- Ch. = Chancery, English Cases
- ch. = 1. MEASUREMENTS chain 2. LITERATURE chapter 3. BANKING charge 4. CHESS check 5. CHRISTIANITY church
- CH3-CHO; CH3-CHO = acetaldehyde; aceetaldehyde
- CHA = Centrale van Hogere Ambtenaren
- CHA; CHA = Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance; Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance
- CHA = Centrale van Hogere Ambtenaren
- CHA = Congenital Heart Abnormality
- CHA = (Congenital Heart Abnormality)
- CH = compenserende belasting
- CH = Centrum Hout
- CH = compenserende heffing
- CH = compenserende heffing
- Ch = Law Reports, Chancery Division (Gbr)
- CH = 1. BANKING clearing house 2. COMMERCE Companies House 3. MILITARY Companion ofHonour 4. BUILDINGS custom house
- Ch. = Law Reports: Chancery Division
- Ch. = 1. BROADCASTING channel 2. CONSTRUCTION central heating 3. GEOGRAPHY China
- Ch. = Chapter
- ch = ONLINE SwitzerlandThe use of ch as an abbreviation for Switzerland in this and other contexts comes from FrenchConfédération Helvétique or Latin Confederatio Helvetica, meaning ‘Swiss Confederation'. Itis seen at the end of Internet addresses, preceded by a dot.
- CH CRISP = Corrier hebdomadaire du CRISP
- CHA; CHA = Certificate Holder Authorisation; 3. De "autorisatie van de certificaathouder"
- CHAPS = BUSINESS Clearing House Automated Payments System
- CHAPS; CHAPS = Clearing House Automated Payment System
- chap. = 1. CHRISTIANITY chaplain 2. LITERATURE chapter
- CHAP = Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
- CHAP = Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
- CHAR = Character
- Charging Data Record (CDR) = A formatted collection of information about a chargeable event (e.g. time of call set-up, duration of the call, amount of data transferred, etc) for use in billing and accounting. For each party to be charged for parts of or all charges of a chargeable event a separate CDR shall be generated, i.e more than one CDR may be generated for a single chargeable event, e.g. because of its long duration, or because more than one charged party is to be charged.
- Charpro = provinciaal kartel
- Charging = A function whereby information related to a chargeable event is formatted and transferred in order to make it possible to determine usage for which the charged party may be billed.
- Chargeable Event = An activity utilising telecommunications network infrastructure and related services for user to user communication (e.g. a single call, a data communication session or a short message), or for user to network communication (e.g. service profile administration), or for inter-network communication (e.g. transferring calls, signalling, or short messages), or for mobility (e.g. roaming or inter-system handover), which the network operator wants to charge for. The cost of a chargeable event may cover the cost of sending, transporting, delivery and storage. The cost of call related signalling may also be included.
- Charged Party = A user involved in a chargeable event who has to pay parts or the whole charges of the chargeable event, or a third party paying the charges caused by one or all users involved in the chargeable event, or a network operator.
- CHAI = HEALTH SERVICES Commission for Healthcare Audit and Improvement
- CHAM = CHained Access Method
- Chafea; EAHC = Executive Agency for Health and Consumers; Uitvoerend Agentschap voor consumenten, gezondheid en voeding
- CHACO = Centraal Hoger Agrarisch Onderwijs Orgaan
- Chafea; Chafea = Executive Agency for Health and Consumers; Uitvoerend Agentschap voor consumenten, gezondheid en voeding
- CHAMPS = characteristics of hardware assemblies & mission-build planning system
- CHAP = (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP))
- CHAP = Challenge-Handshake Authenbcabon Protocol
- CHAP = CHAnnel Processor
- Chanc. = POLITICS 1. chancellor 2. chancery
- CHAOS = CHicago university Asynchronous Operating System
- CGI; CGI = Coral Gardens Initiative; Coral Gardens Initiative
- CFS = Common Functional Specifications
- CFS = [2] Conservative Financial Structure
- CFS = ([2] Conservative Financial Structure)
- CFRONT = C++ FRONT Processor (AT&T)
- CFS = ([1] Convoluted Financial Schemes (e.g. Enron, Worldcom, Tyco))
- CFS = cryogenic fluid storage
- CFS = MEDICINE an illness without a known cause that is characterized by long-termexhaustion, muscle weakness, depression, and sleep disturbances. Also known asmyalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or postviral syndrome (PVS), it may occur as a reactionto a viral infection. Full form chronic fatigue syndrome
- CFS = [1] Convoluted Financial Schemes (e.g. Enron, Worldcom, Tyco)
- CFS = Caching/Common File System
- CFs = Critical Fixpacks (software)
- CfS = Client/Server
- CFR; CFR = Code of Federal Regulations; Code of Federal Regulations
- CFR; CFR = cost and freight; kostprijs en vracht
- CFR; CFR = CFR; kostprijs en vracht
- CFR; CFR = cost and freight; (kosten en vracht)
- CFR; CFR = Common Frame of Reference; Common Frame of Reference
- CFR; CFR = commercial fast reactor; commerciële snelle reactor
- cfr; vgl. = confer; vergelijk
- cfr; vgl. = cfr; vergelijk
- cfr; verg. = confer; vergelijk
- CFR; GRK = Common Frame of Reference; gemeenschappelijk referentiekader
- cfr; verg. = cfr; vergelijk
- cfs = MEASUREMENTS cubic feet per second
- CFT = Centrum voor Fabricagetechniek
- CFT = MEDICINE a blood test to determine the presence of antibodies to Coxiella burnetiibacteria. Full form complement fixation test
- CFT = crew factors
- CFSP; GBVB = Common Foreign and Security Policy; gemeenschappelijk buitenlands en veiligheidsbeleid
- CFT = Cluster Fault Tolerant (option)
- CFT; CBR = Complement fixation test; Complementbindingsreactie
- CFU = colony forming unit
- CFU; CFU = call forwarding unconditional
- CFU = Call Forwarding Unconditional
- CFTC = Frans Verbond van Christelijke Werknemers
- cfTTb = digital Terrestrial Television broadcasting
- CFS; CFS = common functional specifications; algemene functionele specificaties
- CFS; CVS = chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome; myalgische encefalitis
- CFS; CFS = common functional specifications; gemeenschappelijke functionele specificaties
- CFS; CFD = Central Financial Service; Centrale Financiële Dienst
- CFS; CFS = Container Freight Station; Container Freight Station
- CFS; CVS = chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome; myalgische encefalomyelitis
- CFSP; GBV = Common Foreign and Security Policy; Gemeenschappelijk buitenlands en veiligheidsbeleid
- CFSP; GBVB = common foreign and security policy; gemeenschappelijk buitenlands en veiligheidsbeleid
- CFSE = Channel Field Sales Engineer (Intel)
- CFS; CVS = chronic Epstein-Barr virus; myalgische encefalomyelitis
- CFS; CVS = chronic Epstein-Barr virus; myalgische encefalitis
- CFR; CFR = CFR; (kosten en vracht)
- CFP = Comprehensive Financial Plan
- CFP = (Comprehensive Financial Plan)
- CFONB; CFONB = French Committee on Organisation and Standardisation of the Banking Sector
- CFO; CFO = chief financial officer; financieel directeur
- CFO; CFO = chief financial officer; chief financial officer
- CFP = Financiële Gemeenschap van de Stille Oceaan
- CFP = caseïne-fosfopeptide
- CFP = Certified Financial Planner
- CFP = 1. FISHERIES Common Fisheries Policy 2. FINANCE Colonies françaises du Pacifique(NOTE: The franc CFP is a unit of currency used in French overseas territories of thePacific.)
- CFP = conceptual flight profile
- CFP = Computers, Freedom and Privacy or Call For Papers
- CFO = Corrupt Foreign Official
- CFO = Frans organisatiecomité
- CFNRy = Call Forwarding on No Reply
- CFNR; CFNR = call forwarding no reply
- CFNRc = Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Not Reachable
- CFO = Christelijke Federatie van Overheidspersoneel
- CFO = Algemeen Christelijke Federatie van Bonden van Personeel,werkzaam bij de Overheid en in de sectoren Gezondheidszorg en Maatschappelijk Welzijn
- CFO = COMMERCE chief financial officer
- CFO = Christelijke Federatie Overheidspersoneel
- CFO = (Corrupt Foreign Official)
- CFO = Chief Financial Officer
- CFP = Computers, Freedom and Privacy
- CFPP; CFPP = Cold Filter Plugging Point; c) wat de koudevloei-eigenschappen betreft, moet worden verduidelijkt dat deze betrekking hebben op het troebelingspunt
- cfps = Cubic Feet Per Second
- CFPP = troebelpunt van dieselbrandstof
- CFPI = (Customer-Focussed Process Improvement)
- CFPI = Customer-Focussed Process Improvement
- CFR = identificatienummer "CFR"
- CFR = BUSINESS cost and freight
- CFR; C.F.R.-proefmotor = co-operative fuel research engine
- CFR = CFR-nummer
- CFR = Computerized Facial Recognition
- CFR = Code of Federal Regulations
- CFP; CF = fibrocystic disease; taaislijmziekte
- CFP; CFP = Common Fisheries Policy; Common Fisheries Policy
- CFP; CF = cystic fibrosis of the pancreas; pancreasfibrose
- CFP; CF = fibrocystic disease; pancreasfibrose
- CFP; CF = cystic fibrosis of the pancreas; taaislijmziekte
- CFP; GVB = Common Fisheries Policy; gemeenschappelijk visserijbeleid
- CFP; HSS = Croatian Peasants' Party; Kroatische Boerenpartij
- CFP; KP = Community Framework Programme; kaderprogramma
- CFP; HSS = Croatian Farmers' Party; Kroatische Boerenpartij
- CFP; GVB = common fisheries policy; gemeenschappelijk visserijbeleid
- CFP; GVB = Common Fishing Policy; gemeenschappelijk visserijbeleid
- CGCA = Cellular Geographic Coverage Area
- CGCMD = Commissie Gezondheidsaspecten Chemicaliën en Materialen Drinkwatervoorziening
- CGC; HAC = coordinating general contractor; hoofdaannemer-coördinator
- CGC; CGC = channel group concentrator; channel group concentrator
- CGC; CGC = Canadian Grain Commission; Canadian Grain Commission
- CGCs; CBC = CGCs; Raadgevend Comité inzake Beheer en Coördinatie
- CGD = Confidential Government Document(s)
- CGD = college van geneesheren-directeurs
- CGD = (Confidential Government Document(s))
- CGCs; CBC = Management and Coordination Advisory Committee; Raadgevend Comité inzake Beheer en Coördinatie
- CGCV = Commissie Gemeentelijke Comptabiliteitsvoorschriften
- CGB = Commissie gelijke behandeling
- CGB = Commissie Gelijke Behandeling
- CGB = Celebrity Gossip Blog
- CGB = Commissie Grensoverschrijdend Beroepsgoederenvervoer
- CGB = (Celebrity Gossip Blog)
- CGB; CGB = Equal Treatment Commission; Commissie Gelijke Behandeling
- CGC; CBC = Management and Coordination Advisory Committee; Raadgevend Comité inzake Beheer en Coördinatie
- CGC; CBC = CGCs; Raadgevend Comité inzake Beheer en Coördinatie
- CGBR = FINANCE Central Government Borrowing Requirement. Former name for CentralGovernment Net Cash Requirement
- CGBA = Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus
- CGBO = Commissie gelijke behandeling van mannen en vrouwen in de burgerlijke openbare dienst
- CGD; CGD = Waste Management Committee; Comité voor het beheer van afvalstoffen
- CGI = Common Gateway InterfaceCell Global Identifier
- CGI = Cross-Generational Interaction (see also MGI)
- CGI = Computer Generated Imagery
- CGFPI; CGFPI = Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment in Developing Countries; Consultatieve Groep inzake voedselproductie en investeringen (in ontwikkelingslanden)
- CGG = Centrum voor geestelijke gezondheidszorg
- CGI = (Common Gateway Interface (CGI))
- CGI = Computer Graphics Interface or Common Gateway Interface
- CGI = Computer Graphics Interface
- CGI = COMPUTING 1. a standard that defines how a webpage can call programs or scriptsstored on an internet server to carry out functions and exchange information with theprogram. Full form common gateway interface 2. computer-generated image 3. computer-generated imagery
- CGI = Common Gateway Interface
- CGI = (Cross-Generational Interaction (see also MGI))
- CGDI = Conditions Génerales pour les Démenagements Internationaux
- CGE = Common Graphics Environment
- CGDF = Computer Graphics Display Facilities
- CGDA = Computer Game Developers Association
- CGDC = Computer Game Developers Conference
- CGE = College van geneeskundige experten
- CGEY; CGEY = Cap Gemini Ernst & Young; Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
- CGF; CGF = corn gluten feed; De meest representatieve producten die tijdens de periode 1990-2000 werden ingevoerd, zijn sojameel, oliezaad, maïsglutenvoer
- CGEA; CAV = Community General Export Authorization; communautaire algemene vergunning
- cge = 1. FREIGHT carriage 2. BANKING charge
- CGEA; CAV = Community General Export Authorization; communautaire algemene uitvoervergunning
- CGATBSS = Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Bioinformatics Support Services
- CG = Computer Graphics
- CG = Cute Grin (Internet lingo)
- CFWS = (comments and/or folding white space (CFWS) (RFC 5322))
- CFV; CFV-CVS = sonic nozzle; kritische-stroomventuri
- CFV-CVS; CFV-CVS = critical-flow venturi; venturibuis met kritische stroming
- CG = center of gravity
- CG = 1. MILITARY captain general 2. PHYSICS centre of gravity 3. EMERGENCIES coastguard 4. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Consul General
- cg = 1. MEASUREMENTS centigram 2. ONLINE Congo (NOTE: The abbreviation cg is seen at theend of Internet addresses, preceded by a dot.)
- CG = Control Gate
- CG = Centrale Grondkamer
- CG = Consultative Group
- CFU; KVE = colony forming units; kolonievormende eenheden
- CFU; kve = colony-forming unit; kolonievormende eenheid
- CFU; kve = cfu; kolonievormende eenheid
- cfu; kve = cfu; kolonievormende eenheid
- cfu; kve = colony-forming unit; kolonievormende eenheid
- CFV = Call For Votes
- CFV; CFV = sonic Venturi-nozzle; kritische-stroomventuri
- CFV; CFV-CVS = sonic Venturi-nozzle; kritische-stroomventuri
- CFV; CFV = sonic nozzle; kritische-stroomventuri
- CFV; CFV = critical-flow venturi; 4.3 . Kalibratie van de venturibuis met kritische stroming
- CFV; CFV = Critical Flow Venturi; 2.3. Kalibratie van de venturibuis met kritische stroming
- CG Nieuwsbrief = Corporate Governance Nieuwsbrief
- CGA = Color graphics adapter (video display standard)
- CGA = (Covert Government Agent)
- CGA = Comité voor gecoördineerde acties
- CG; LC = Left Unity; Linkse Coalitie
- CGA = COMPUTING an early colour video system for the pc. Full form colour graphicsadapter
- CGA = Color Graphics Adapter/Array
- CGA; CGA = chemical grade alumina; chemical grade alumina
- CGAP; CGAP = Consultative group to assist the poorest; Deze activiteiten zouden moeten worden uitgevoerd in nauwe coördinatie en samenwerking met multilaterale instellingen en met de financiële instellingen en in de eerste plaats met de Raadgevende groep voor de bijstand aan de armen
- CGA; CGA = chemical-grade alumina
- CGA = (Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGA) (RFC 3972))
- CGA = Covert Government Agent
- CG; CG = Left Unity; Linkse Coalitie
- CG; CG = Consultative Group; Consultatieve Groep
- CG; CG = Consultative Group
- CG Nieuwsbrief = Corporate Governance
- CG; CG = LU; Linkse Coalitie
- CG; CG = Left Unity; Linkse Coalitie
- CG; LC = Left Unity; LC
- CG; LC = LU; Linkse Coalitie
- CG; LC = LU; LC
- CG; CG = Left Unity; LC
- CG; CG = LU; LC
- CID = [2] Confidential Information Disclosure (see also IPD)
- CID = (Content Identifier (CID) (RFC 2392))
- CID = (Context Identifier (CID) (RFC 3095))
- CID = Criminele Informatiedienst
- CID = ([2] Confidential Information Disclosure (see also IPD))
- CID = Caller IDentification
- CID = Centrale Inlichtingen Dienst
- CID = Crying In Disgrace (Internet lingo)
- CID = [1] Complacency Is Death
- CID = critical item development
- CID = ([1] Complacency Is Death)
- CID = Criminele Inlichtingen Dienst
- CID = Configuration, Installation and Distribution (IBM)
- CID = Computer-Integrated Design
- CICSA = Centraal Instituut voor Christelijke Sociale Arbeid
- CICT; CICT = Commission on International Commodity Trade; Commissie voor de internationale grondstoffenhandel
- CID = (Connection Identifier (CID) (RFC 5046))
- CID = [3] Customer/Consumer Information Database
- CID = (Carousel Instance Descriptor (CID) (RFC 6968))
- CID = Charge-Injection Device
- CID = Context Identifier
- CID = ([3] Customer/Consumer Information Database)
- CID = 1. VETERINARY MEDICINE cattle identification document 2. ONLINE consider it done (usedin e-mails) 3. POLICE the detective branch of the UK police force. Full form CriminalInvestigation Department 4. ONLINE crying in disgrace (used in Internet chat roomsand text messages)
- CIDIN = Common Icao Data Interchange Network
- CIDP; CIDP = chronic inflammatory demyelating polyneuropathy; chronische inflammatoire demyeliserende neuropathie
- CIDI = Centrum voor Informatie en Documentatie Israël
- CIDES = Centrum voor informatie en documentatie in economische en sociale wetenschappen
- CIDI = Centraal Instituut voor de Dropverwerkende Industrie
- CIDR = (Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR))
- CIDR; CIDR = classless inter-domain routing; classless inter-domain routing
- CIDSC = Contractor In-House Data Support Capability
- CIDR = Classless Inter-Domain Routing
- CIDR = Classless Inter-Domain Routing
- CIDR = COMPUTING a system of organising IP addresses that is more compact and efficient,using a prefix number to separate them into smaller groups. Full form classless interdomainrouting
- CID; CID = Centre for Information and Documentation; Centrum voor Informatie en Documentatie
- CID; CIO = Centre for industrial development; Centrum voor industriële Ontwikkeling
- CID; CID = Centre for Information and Documentation; Centrum voor informatie en documentatie
- CID = criminele inlichtingendienst
- CID; CID = Criminal Investigation Department; Criminele Inlichtingendienst
- CID; HND = Croatian Independent Democrats; Kroatische Onafhankelijke Democraten
- CIDAS = Compusult Integrated Data Access System
- CIDC = Centraal Instituut voor Dierziektecontrole
- CIDAR = Centrum voor interdisciplinair anthropologisch research
- CIDA = Channel Indirect Data Addressing
- CIDA; CIDA = Canadian international development agency; Canadian International Development Agency
- CICS/VS = Customer Information Control System / Virtual Storage (IBM)
- CIC; CIS = Committee on Industrial Cooperation; Comité voor industriële samenwerking
- CIC; CIS = Committee on Industrial Cooperation; Comite voor industriele samenwerking
- CIC; CIS = ACP-EU Committee on Industrial Cooperation; Comité voor industriële samenwerking
- CIC; CIC = International Confederation of Executive Staffs; Internationale Centrale van hoger personeel
- CIC; CIC = Cooperation, Interchange and Culture; Cooperation, Interchange and Culture
- CICA = ACCOUNTING Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants
- CICAC = Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Auteurs et Compositeurs
- CICAD; CICAD = Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission; Inter-Amerikaanse Commissie voor de bestrijding van misbruik van verdovende middelen
- CICA; CICA = Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants; Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants
- CICA = Center for Innovative Computing Applications
- CICA; CICA = Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia; conferentie inzake interactie en vertrouwenwekkende maatregelen in Azië
- CIC = Controle en Informatie Centrum
- CIC = communicatie- en informatiecentrum
- CIC = n.v.Chemische Fabriek Indola Cosmetics
- CIBRIJ = Commissie Integraal Beleidsplan Randmeren IJsselmeerpolders
- CIC = Community Information Center
- CIC = Christ, I'm Confused (Internet lingo)
- CIC; CIC = circuit identification code; circuitidentificatiecode
- CIC = Coordination and Information Center
- CIC = Coordinatie Integriteit en Corruptiebeleid
- CIC = Cable In the Classroom or Computing, Information and Communications
- CICAD; CICAD = Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission; IDAC
- CICO = Coffee In, Coffee Out (Internet lingo)
- CICP; CICP = Centre for International Crime Prevention; CIM
- CICIAMS; CICIAMS = International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medico-Social Assistants; Internationaal Katholiek Komitee van Verpleegkundigen en Medisch-Sociale Assistenten
- CICIAMS; CICIAMS = International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medico-Social Assistants; Ciciams
- CICIAMS; Ciciams = International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medico-Social Assistants; Ciciams
- CICP; CICP = Centre for International Crime Prevention; Centrum voor Internationale Misdaadpreventie
- CICS = Customer Information Control System, Compact Integrated Communications System
- CICS = Internationaal verbond van Christelijke vakverenigingen
- CICS = Customer Information Control System (IBM)
- CICP; CIM = Centre for International Crime Prevention; CIM
- CICP; CIM = Centre for International Crime Prevention; Centrum voor Internationale Misdaadpreventie
- CICAD; IDAC = IDAC; Inter-Amerikaanse Commissie voor de bestrijding van misbruik van verdovende middelen
- CICAD; IDAC = Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission; Inter-Amerikaanse Commissie voor de bestrijding van misbruik van verdovende middelen
- CICAD; CICAD = IDAC; Inter-Amerikaanse Commissie voor de bestrijding van misbruik van verdovende middelen
- CICAD; IDAC = Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission; IDAC
- CICD = Contractor Interface Control Document
- CICIAMS; Ciciams = International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medico-Social Assistants; Internationaal Katholiek Komitee van Verpleegkundigen en Medisch-Sociale Assistenten
- CICCE; CICCE = Committee for the cinematographic and audiovisual industries of the EC and extra-Community Europe; Comité van de Filmindustrie van de Europese Gemeenschap
- CICAM = Centrum voor Internationale Conflictanalyse en Management
- CICB = Coördinatiecommissie Internationale Culturele Betrekkingen
- CIFO = Catalog of Interface Features and Options
- CIFS = Common Internet File System (Sun Microsystems)
- cifnug = cif + netto uitgeleverd gewicht
- CIFE; CIFE = International Centre for European Training; Internationaal Centrum voor Europese Vorming
- CIF-ES and CIF-AD; CIF-ES and CIF-AD = cells in frames end-station and attachment device; cells in frames end-station and attachment device
- CIFS = Common Internet File Services (Microsoft)
- CIG = Coordinatie Indexing Group
- CIG; CIG = Confederación Intersindical Galega; Confederación Intersindical Galega
- CIFT; CIFT = Committee on Invisibles and Financing related to Trade; Commissie voor onzichtbare transacties en financiering van de handel
- CIFS; CIFS = Credit Institutions Financial Support; Credit Institutions Financial Support
- CIFT; CIFT = Committee on Invisibles and Financing related to Trade; Comité voor onzichtbare transacties en handelsfinanciering
- CIF; CIF = common interchange format; common interchange format
- CIF; cif = cost, insurance, freight; kosten, verzekering, vracht
- cif; cif = cost, insurance, freight; kosten, verzekering, vracht
- CIF = Common Intermediate Format
- CIF; cif = cif; kosten, verzekering, vracht
- CIF; CIF =
- cifci = FREIGHT cost, insurance, freight, commission, and interest (NOTE: The used in quotes to indicate what is included in the price.)
- CIFE = EDUCATION colleges and institutes for further education
- cif; cif = cif; kosten, verzekering, vracht
- CIF; CIF = cost, insurance and freight; (kosten, verzekering, vracht)
- CIF; CIF = Consorzio Industrie Fiammiferi; Consorzio Industrie Fiammiferi
- CIG; CIG = Central Information Group; Centrale Informatie Groep
- CIIR = Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval
- CIIS; CIIS = Capital Investment Incentive Scheme; Capital Investment Incentive Scheme
- CIIP; CIIP = Critical Information Infrastructure Protection; Critical Information Infrastructure Protection
- CII; ICB = collective investment institution; instelling voor collectieve belegging
- CIID = (Carousel Instance IDentifier (CIID) (RFC 6968))
- CIK = Interprofessionele Effektendeposito- en Girokas
- CIL = Critical Items List
- CIL; LSC = coefficient of luminous intensity; lichtsterkte
- CIL = Copyright Infringement Lawsuit (see also CIS)
- CIKM = Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
- CIL = (Copyright Infringement Lawsuit (see also CIS))
- CIHEAM; CIHEAM = International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies; Internationaal Centrum voor voortgezette landhuishoudkundige studies in het Middellandse Zeegebied
- CIHEAM; CIHEAM = ICAMAS; Internationaal Centrum voor voortgezette landhuishoudkundige studies in het Middellandse Zeegebied
- CIHAN = Centraal Instituut ter bevordering van buitenlandse handel
- CIGRE; CIGRE = International Conference on High Tension Electric Systems
- CIHAN = Centraal Instituut ter Bevordering van de Buitenlandse Handel
- CII = INSURANCE Chartered Insurance Institute
- CII; CII = Cross-Industry Invoice; Cross-Industry Invoice
- CII; CII = Critical Information Infrastructure; Critical Information Infrastructure
- CII = Confederation of Indian Industry
- CII = Continuous Improvement Initiative (a.k.a. Kaizan)
- CII = (Continuous Improvement Initiative (a.k.a. Kaizan))
- CIF = Crystallographic Information File
- CIE = Criminele Inlichtingen Eenheid
- CIE = (Cryptic, Illegible Explanation (see also JLE))
- CIE = Criminele Inlichtingeneenheid
- CIE = Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage
- CIE = International Commission on Illumination
- CIE = Commission Eclieree
- Cie. Verz.schr. = Commissie voor Verzoekschriften
- CIE; CIE = International Commission on Illumination; Internationale Commissie voor Verlichtingskunde
- Cie. = Commissie
- CIE = Criminele Inlichtingen Eenheid
- CIE GMV BOD = Commissie Gelijke Behandeling van Mannen en Vrouwen bij de Arbeid in de Burgerljke Openbare Dienst
- CIDST; CIDST = Committee for Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation; CWTID
- CIDST; CWTID = Committee for Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation; CWTID
- CIDST; CIDST = Committee for Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation; Comité voor wetenschappelijke en technische informatie en documentatie
- CIDSE; CIDSE = International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity; International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity
- CIDST; CIDST = Committee for Information and Documentation in Science and Technology; De Commissie brengt het CREST en het Comité voor wetenschappelijke en technische informatie en documentatie
- CIDST; CWTID = Committee for Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation; Comité voor wetenschappelijke en technische informatie en documentatie
- CIE = Criminele Inlichtingen Eenheid
- CIE = Commission Internationale de IEdairage
- CIE = Cryptic, Illegible Explanation (see also JLE)
- CIE = Centrum voor Infectieziekten Epidemiologie
- CIE = computer-integrated engineering
- CIE; CIE = Countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis; Counter Immuno Electroforese
- CIEVA = CommissIE Verbindingen en Automatisering
- CIF = Computer Integrated Factory
- CIETT; CIETT = International Confederation of Temporary Work Businesses; Internationale Confederatie van uitzendondernemingen
- CIER = Centrum voor Intellectueel Eigendomsrecht
- CIES = conferentie betreffende internationale economische samenwerking
- CIF = Interventiefonds voor Beursvennootschappen
- CIF = Common Interchange/Intermediate Format
- CIF = 1. COMPUTING a linking format used to interface different video formats duringvideoconferencing. Full form common intermediate format 2. FREIGHT cost, insurance,and freight 3. BUSINESS customer identification file
- CIF = Core Interface Function
- CIF = Customer Information Feed
- CIF = Cells In Frames
- CIEAR; IARE = European Communities Institute for Economic Analysis and Research; Instituut voor economische analyse en onderzoek van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- CIEAR; ICARE = European Communities Institute for Economic Analysis and Research; Instituut voor economische analyse en onderzoek van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- CIEAR; IARE = European Communities Institute for Economic Analysis and Research; ICARE
- CIE; CIE = Coras Iompair Eireann; Coras Iompair Eireann
- CIE; CIE = Counter immunoelectroforesis; Counter Immuno Electroforese
- CIEAR; ICARE = European Communities Institute for Economic Analysis and Research; ICARE
- CIEC; CIES = Conference on International Economic Cooperation; Conferentie over internationale economische samenwerking
- CIEC; CIES = Conference on international economic co-operation; Ministerconferentie over de internationale economische samenwerking
- CIEC = Commission internationale de l'état Civil
- CIEB = Centrale voor Import en Export van Boeken
- CIEBA = Centraal Instituut voor Economische Bedrijfsorganisatie
- CIBRA = Commissie Inning, beheer en Repartitie Auteursrechtgelden
- CHR = Stichting Centrum voor Houtresearch
- CHR = Commissie Hoofdstructuur Rijksdienst
- CHR = Commissie Huisvesting Rijksapparaat
- CHPID = CHannel Path IDenbfier
- Chq = Cheque
- CHR = Commissie Hoofdstructuur Rijksdienst
- CHR; CHR = Commission on Human Rights; Voor het begin van de bijeenkomst van de Commissie inzake de rechten van de mens
- CHR; CHR = United Nations Commission on Human Rights; Commissie voor de rechten van de mens
- Chr. = 1. CHRISTIANITY Christ 2. CHRISTIANITY Christian 3. BIBLE Chronicles
- CHR = Character
- Chr D S = Chroniques de droit social
- CHP; CHP = RPP; Republikeinse Volkspartij
- CHP; CHP = People's Republican Party; Republikeinse Volkspartij
- CHP; CHP = combined heat and power; combined heat and power
- CHP = Chapter
- CHP; CHP = Republican People's Party; Republikeinse Volkspartij
- CHP; W/K = combined heat and power system; gecombineerde warmte-elektriciteitsproduktie
- CHP; WKK = combined heat and power system; gecombineerde warmte-elektriciteitsproduktie
- CHP; wkk = combined heat and power; warmte-krachtkoppeling
- CHP; WKK = combined electricity/heat production; gecombineerde warmte-elektriciteitsproduktie
- CHP; W/K = combined electricity/heat production; gecombineerde warmte-elektriciteitsproduktie
- CHP; wkk = combined electricity/heat production; warmte-krachtkoppeling
- CHR; CHR = UNCHR; Commissie voor de rechten van de mens
- Chron.D.S. = Chroniques de droit social
- Chron.D.S. = Chroniques de droit social
- Chron. = BIBLE Chronicles
- chron. = 1. LITERATURE chronicle 2. chronological 3. HISTORY chronology
- Chron. = chronique
- Chron.dr.not. = Chronique de droit à l'usage du notariat
- CHRS = centralized heat removal systems
- CHS = Vereniging Christine Hermine School
- CHRP = Common Hardware Reference Protocol
- Chron.dr.not. = Chronique de droit à l’usage du notariat
- chronol. = 1. chronological 2. HISTORY chronology
- CHR; CHR = Certificate Holder Reference; 4. Het doel van de "referentienorm van de certificaathouder"
- CHR; CHR = UNCHR; Mensenrechtencommissie
- CHR; CHR = Commission on Human Rights; Mensenrechtencommissie
- CHR; CHR = Commission on Human Rights; Commissie voor de rechten van de mens
- CHR; CHR = United Nations Commission on Human Rights; Mensenrechtencommissie
- CHR; Horeca = hotels, restaurants and cafés; Sector "hotel, restaurant, café"
- CHRIS = Computed History Recording Input System
- CHRC; CHRC = Canadian Human Rights Commission; Canadese mensenrechtencommissie
- CHR; Horeca = cafés, hotels and restaurants; Sector "hotel, restaurant, café"
- CHRC; CHRC = Canadian Human Rights Commission; Canadese commissie voor de mensenrechten
- CHP = INDUST energy systems that produce heat and power simultaneously by burning fuel.Full form combined heat and power
- CHJ = Christelijke Vereniging van Horlogers en Juweliers
- CHJO = Christelijk Historische Jongeren Organisatie
- CHIPS; CHIPS = Clearing House Interbank Payments System
- CHIPS = BANKING Clearing House Interbank Payments System
- CHIPS = ClearingHouse Interbank Payments System
- CHK = Centrum voor Hulpverlening inzake Kindermishandeling
- CHKDSK = COMPUTING a system command that runs a check on the status ofa disc drive. Full form check disk
- CHKDSK = Check Disk
- CHK = Chkdsk File (file name extension)
- CHK = Cold-Hearted Killer(s)
- CHK = (Cold-Hearted Killer(s))
- CHI = Chicago
- CHIA = Cargo Handling Interface Adapter
- CHI = Communicabon Hardware Interface
- CHI = HEALTH SERVICES Commission for Health Improvement
- CHI = Computer-Human Interface
- CHIGFET = Complementary Heterostructure Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor
- CHIN = Canadian Heritage Informabon Network
- CHIP = Commissie Hoger Onderwijs Informatica Plan
- CHIN = Community Health Informabon Network
- CHIJ = Commissie Herziening IJk-wet 1937
- CHILL = CCITT High Level Language
- CHL = Certified Hardware List
- CHOD; CDS = Chief of Defence; Chef Defensiestaf
- CHOD; CDS = Chief of Defence Staff; Chef Defensiestaf
- CHO = (Closely Held Organisation)
- CHO = Closely Held Organisation
- CHO = Stichting Centrale voor Christelijk Handelsonderwijs
- CHOD; CDS = Chief of Defence Staff; Chef Defensiestaf
- CHP = CHarging Point
- CHP = California Highway Patrol (Internet lingo)
- CHOWUR = See HOW yoU aRe (Internet lingo)
- CHOOSE = CH Object-Oriented Systems and Environments (Swiss group)
- CHOWN = Change Owner
- CHL-I l l = CHanneL Interface
- ChM = MEDICINE Master of Surgery (NOTE: From the Latin Chirurgiae Magister.)
- CHL; CHL = Chinese Hamster Lung; Chinese Hamster Lung
- chl = chloroform
- chl = Chile (ISO 3-letter country code)
- CHM = Compiled HTML File (file name extension)
- CHMP; CHMP = Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use; Comité voor farmaceutische specialiteiten
- chn = China (ISO 3-letter country code)
- CHMP; CFS = Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use; Comité voor farmaceutische specialiteiten
- CHMOD = Change Mode
- CHMP = Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use
- CIAC = Computer Incident Advisory Capability
- CIAD = Vereniging tot Ontwikkeling van Civiele Ingenieurstechnieken op Basis van Analoge en Digitale Computers
- CIAA; CIAA = Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the EU; Confederatie van de landbouw- en voedingsmiddelenindustrieën van de EU
- CIA; CIA = Committee on Immigration and Asylum; Committee on Immigration and Asylum
- CIA; CIA = Central Intelligence Agency; Central Intelligence Agency
- CIAGO = Chemische Industrie AKU-Goodrich n.v.
- CIAO = Congres voor Informatieverwerking,de Analyse en de Organisatie
- CIAP = Culturele Informatie en Aktueel Prentenkabinet:Vereniging voor Kulturele Informatie en Aktueel Prentenkabinet
- CIAO = Goodbye [pronounced 'Chow1] (Internet lingo)
- CIALUG = Central Iowa Linux Users Group
- CIAM = Computer Integrated and Automated Manufacturing
- CIA = (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) (RFC 6272))
- CIA = ([2] Customer Intimacy Advantage)
- CIA = [2] Customer Intimacy Advantage
- CIA = Centrale Inkomensadministratie
- CIA = Centrum voor Informatie in Assuranties
- CIA = Computer Interface Adaptor
- CIA = [1] Critical Investment Area (see also CIO)
- CIA = ([1] Critical Investment Area (see also CIO))
- CIA = a US federal bureau responsible for intelligence and counterintelligence activitiesoutside the United States. In conjunction with the FBI, it is also involved in domesticcounterintelligence. Full form Central Intelligence Agency
- CIA = Collectieve Israël Actie
- CIA = Centrum voor informatie in assuranties
- CIAT; CIAT = International Centre for Tropical Agriculture; Internationaal Centrum voor tropische landbouw
- CIBEP = Vereniging van de internationale handel in bloembollen en planten
- CIBEP; CIBEP = Commission for the Common Market for International Trade in Flower Bulbs and Plants; Commissie voor de gemeenschappelijke markt van de internationale handel in bloembollen en sierplanten
- CIBE; CIBE = Common Market Commission for the International Confederation of European Beet Growers; EEG-commissie voor de internationale confederatie van Europese suikerbietkwekers
- CIBB = Centrum voor Innovatie van Beroepsonderwijs in het Bedrijfsleven
- CIBB = Centrum Innovatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven
- CIBER = Cellular Intercarrier Billing Exchange Roamer (telecommunications)
- CIBI = Certificatie en Integratie Bouw-Informatiesystemen
- CIBOR; CIBOR = Copenhagen interbank borrowing offered rate; Copenhagen interbank borrowing offered rate
- CIBG = Centraal Informatiepunt Beroepen Gezondheidszorg
- CIBES = Interministerieel comité voor buitenlands economisch beleid
- CIBG = Centrum voor Informatica voor het Brussels Gewest
- CIB = Centrum voor Informatiebeleid
- CIB =
- CIB = Confederatie van Immobiliënberoepen
- CIB = Centrum Informatiebeleid
- CIB = Computer Integrated Business
- CIB = 1. BANKING Chartered Institute of Bankers 2. POLICE Criminal Investigation Branch
- CIBA = Coördinatiepunt Internationale Beschikbaarstelling Arbeidskrachten
- CIBA = Centrum voor informatieverwerking van de Brusselse agglomeratie
- CIB; CIB = comprehensive institution-building; De verhoogde steun zal op verschillende manieren worden verstrekt, onder meer via meer middelen voor sociale en economische ontwikkeling, uitgebreidere programma's voor alomvattende institutionele opbouw
- CIB = Confederatie van Immobiliënberoepen van België
- CIB; CIB = Corporate Image Barometer; Corporate Image Barometer
- CIA = Current Instruction Address
- CHU = Christelijk-Historische Unie
- CHU = ketazalm
- CHU = Christelijk-Historische Unie
- CHU = chumzalm
- CHU = Christelijk Historische Unie
- CHUR = See How yoU aRe (Internet lingo)
- CHX = condensing heat exchanger
- CHX = cabin heat exchanger
- CHW; CHW = Center of Health and Wellbeing; Center of Health and Wellbeing
- CHV = Card Holder Verification information
- CHV = Coöperatieve Handelsvereniging van de NCB
- CHS = Cylinder Head Sector
- CHS = Cylinders / Heads / Sectors
- CHS = [2] Catastrophic Health Situation
- CHS = [1] Crazy Harebrained Scheme
- CHS = ([2] Catastrophic Health Situation)
- CHS = ([1] Crazy Harebrained Scheme)
- CHSM = C Hardware Specific Module (Novell)
- cHTML = compact HyperText Markup Language
- CHSL = certified hardware/software list
- CHSF = Cargo Hazardous Servicing Facility
- CHSG = Centrum voor hedendaagse sociale geschiedenis
- CI = configuration/contract item
- CI; CI = Community initiative; communautair initiatief
- CI; CI = colour index; Colour Index
- CI; CI = compression ignition; compressieontsteking
- CI; BG = Community industry; bedrijfstak van de Gemeenschap
- Ci; Ci = Curie; curie
- CI; CI = Control Interface; Control Interface
- CI; CI = Community initiative; communautair initiatief
- CI; CI = chemical ionisation; chemische ionisatie
- CI; CI = Community Initiative; communautair initiatief
- CI; CI = chemical ionisation; chemische ionisatie
- CI; CI = Critical Infrastructure; Critical Infrastructure
- CI = Cell IdentityCUG index
- CI = customer integration
- CI = GEOGRAPHY 1. Cayman Islands 2. Channel IslandsCIA 28
- CI = Computerrecht Intern
- ci = ONLINE Côte d'Ivoire (NOTE: The abbreviation ci is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- ci = Cote d'Ivoire [Ivory Coast] (ISO 2-letter country code)
- CI$ = CompuServe Information Service (Internet lingo)
- CI = change integrator
- Ci = Curie
- CI = contra indicatie
- clut = Color Look-Up Table
- Comm. Seq. = Commemoratio Sequentis ('Commemoration of the following feast' — Breviary)
- Comm. V. = commanditaire vennootschap
- Comm. Prec. = Commemoratio Praecedentis ('Commemoration of the preceding feast' — Breviary)
- comm. = commercieel
- comm. onr. goed = commercieel onroerend goed
- Comm. VA = commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen
- Comm.Erf. = Commentaar Erfenissen, schenkingen en testamenten
- Comm.Fin. = Commentaar Financieel recht
- Comm.Erf. = Commentaar Erfenissen, schenkingen en testamenten
- Comm.Bijz.Ov. = Commentaar Bijzondere overeenkomsten (+Verbintenissenrecht)
- Comm.Bijz.Ov. = Commentaar Bijzondere overeenkomsten (+ Verbintenissenrecht)
- COMITEXTIL; COMITEXTIL = Co-ordinating Committee for the Textile Industries in the EEC; Coördinatiecomité van de Textielnijverheid van de EEG
- COMM = commercial mission
- COMIS; COMIS = coded mask imaging spectrometer
- COMINT = COMmunications INTelligence
- COMIS = Communication Management Information System
- COMM = communications
- Comm. = commentaire
- comm. = 1. commerce 2. commercial 3. committee 4. POLITICS commonwealth
- comm. = commissaris
- COMM = Communications
- comm. = commissie
- Comm.Fin. = Commentaar Financieel recht
- = commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen
- Comm.Venn. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Vennootschapsrecht (later V.en.V.)
- Comm.V.en V. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Vennootschappen en verenigingen (vroeger Venn.)
- Comm.V. = gewone commanditaire vennootschap
- Comm.V.en V. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Vennootschappen en verenigingen (vroeger Venn.)
- Comm.Venn. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Vennootschapsrecht (later V.en V.)
- Comm.Voor. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Voorrechten en hypotheken
- COMM2000; COMM2000 = pilot projects to promote commercial methods through the implementation of new comercial technology; proefprojecten ter bevordering van moderne handelsmethoden door de toepassing van nieuwe technologie in de handel
- Comm.Voor. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Voorrechten en hypotheken
- Comm.Verz. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Verzekeringen
- Comm.Verz. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Verzekeringen
- Comm.Handel. = Commentaar Handels- en economisch recht
- Comm.Pers. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Personen- en familierecht
- Comm.Handel. = Commentaar Handels- en economisch recht
- Comm.Ger. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Gerechtelijk recht
- Comm.Ger. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Gerechtelijk recht
- Comm.Pers. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Personen- en familierecht
- Comm.Straf. = Commentaar Strafrecht en strafvordering
- comm.v = gewone commanditaire vennootschap
- Comm.Straf. = Commentaar Strafrecht en strafvordering
- Comm.Pub. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Publiek procesrecht
- Comm.Pub. = Artikelsgewijze commentaar Publiek procesrecht
- COMI; CVVB = centre of main interest; concept van de voornaamste belangen
- COME = Centrale opleiding mobiele eenheden
- Comecon = INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS an organization of the former SovietUnion and satellite Communist countries that existed between 1949 and 1991 and wasaimed at encouraging economic development. Full form Council for MutualEconomic Assistance
- Comdt = MILITARY Commandant
- COMDEX rnMni n = COMputer Dealers' Exposition rnmn-inn nialnn fMirrncnft- WinrtniAic I'll 1 Filp^
- Comdr = MILITARY Commander
- Comecon; COMECON = Council for Mutual Economic Aid; Orgaan wederzijdse economische hulp van Oostblokstaten
- COMECON; COMECON = Council for Mutual Economic Aid; Orgaan wederzijdse economische hulp van Oostblokstaten
- Comecon; COMECON = Comecon; Orgaan wederzijdse economische hulp van Oostblokstaten
- COMECON; COMECON = Comecon; Orgaan wederzijdse economische hulp van Oostblokstaten
- COMECON; Comecon = Council for Mutual Economic Aid; Raad voor wederzijdse economische bijstand
- COMECON; Comecon = Council for Mutual Economic Aid; RWEB
- COMAC; COMAC = Concerted Action Committee; Comité voor gecoördineerde actie
- COMACO = Comité voor Maritieme en Commerciële Samenwerking
- COMAC; COMAC = Steering Committee on Concerted Action; Comité voor gecoördineerde actie
- COMA = Commissie van Onderzoek naar het Militair Aankoopbeleid
- COMA = Commissie van Onderzoek naar het Militaire Aankoopbeleid
- COMAL = COMmon Algorithmic Language
- COMBO = computation of miss between orbits
- COMDEX = Communications Development Exposition
- Combidoc = Combined Transport document
- comb. = 1. combination 2. combining 3. combustion
- Combicon = Combinatie voor het containervervoer
- COMECON; RWEB = Council for Mutual Economic Aid; Raad voor wederzijdse economische bijstand
- COMEX = STOCK EXCHANGE (New York) Commodity Exchange
- COMEXT; COMEXT = foreign trade application; toepassing op de buitenlandse handel
- COMETT; COMETT = European programme for cooperation between university and industry in training for technology; Europees samenwerkingsprogramma tussen universiteiten en ondernemingen voor opleiding in technologie
- COMETT II; COMETT = programme on cooperation between universities and industry regarding training in the field of technology (Comett II) (1990 to 1994); Programma betreffende samenwerking tussen universiteit en onderneming inzake opleiding op het gebied van de technologie (COMETT II, 1990-1994)
- COMETT; COMETT = European programme for cooperation between university and industry in training for technology; Programma betreffende samenwerking tussen universiteit en onderneming inzake opleiding op het gebied van de technologie
- COMGE = Nederlandse Vereniging van Computergebruikers
- COMI; COMI = centre of the debtor's main interests; centrum van de voornaamste belangen van de schuldenaar
- COMI; COMI = centre of the debtor's main interests; centrum van de voornaamste belangen
- COMI; COMI = centre of main interests; centrum van de voornaamste belangen
- COMGE = Nederlandse Vereniging van Computer Gebruikers
- COMI; COMI = centre of main interests; centrum van de voornaamste belangen van de schuldenaar
- Comedi; Comedi = Commerce electronic data interchange
- COMEDIA = (Connection-Oriented Media (COMEDIA) (RFC 4145))
- COMEDI; COMEDI = inter-administration telematic networks for statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States; telematicanetwerk tussen administraties voor de statistieken van het goederenverkeer tussen lid-staten
- COMECON; RWEB = Council for Mutual Economic Aid; RWEB
- COMED = Commissie van Externe Deskundigen
- COMEL; COMEL = Co-ordinating Committee for Common Market Associations of Manufacturers of Rotating Electrical Machinery; Coördinatiecomité voor de samenwerking der fabrikanten van elektrische machines in de EEG
- COMET = Cornell Macintosh Terminal Emulator
- COMETT I; COMETT = Community Programme in Education and Training for Technology; Communautair Programma voor onderwijs en opleiding op het gebied van de technologie
- COMET = Commercial Experiment Transporter
- COMESA; Comesa = Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa; Gemeenschappelijke Markt van Oostelijk en Zuidelijk Afrika
- CON = Covert Operations Nightmare
- CON = Console (indudes Keyboard and Screen)
- COMVO = Computerondersteund Moderne Vreemde Talenonderwijs
- Comunita Intern = Comunità Internazionale
- COMV = Commissie Onderzoek Minerale Voeding TNO
- CON = COMPUTING console
- con. = 1. MUSIC concerto 2. LAW conclusion 3. TELECOMMUNICATIONS, TRANSPORT connection4. COMMERCE consolidated 5. continued 6. contra
- Con. = 1. CHRISTIANITY Conformist 2. POLITICS Conservative 3. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Consul
- Con M = Consilio Manuque. Belgisch tijdschrift voor lichaamelijke schade
- CON = (Covert Operations Nightmare)
- con- = Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique etTelephonique
- COMSFOR; COMSFOR = commandant van SFOR
- COMSFOR; COMSFOR = commandant van de stabilisatiemacht
- COMSEC; COMSEC = Communications Security; communicatiebeveiliging
- COMSEC = Communications Security
- COMSEC = COMmunications SECurity
- COMSUBACLANT; COMSUBACLANT = Commander Submarines Allied Command Atlantic; Commando geallieerde onderzeeboten Atlantische Oceaan
- COMT; COMT = catechol-O-methyl transferase; catechol-O-methyltransferase
- COMTT = Component Object Model Transaction Integrator (Microsoft)
- COMT = Centrum voor Onderzoek van Maatschappelijke Tegenstellingen
- COMT = Centrum voor Onderzoek van Maatschappelijke Tegenstellingen
- COMT = Centrum voor onderzoek van maatschappelijke tegenstellingen
- Con. = Contra ('against')
- CONE = Commissie Ontwikkeling Nationale Economie
- CONE = Commissie Ontwikkeling van de Nationale Economie
- COND = Condition
- CONCP = Conferencia des Organizaçoes Nacionais das Colonias Portuguesas
- concr. = concreet
- Cone. = Concilium ('Council')
- conf. = conform
- conf. = 1. confer 2. conference 3. CHRISTIANITY confessor 4. confidential
- conf. = confer, conferatur (men vergelijke)
- CONELRAD = CONtrol of Electromagnetic RADiation
- Conf. = Confessor
- CONAIE; CONAIE = Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador; Confederatie van inheemse nationaliteiten van Ecuador
- CONAMUS = Comité voor Nederlandse Amusementsmuziek
- CON; CON = Concepts Branch; onderafdeling Concepten
- Con.M. = Consilio Manuque: Belgisch tijdschrift voor lichamelijke schade en gerechtelijke geneeskunde
- Con.M. = Consilio Manuque: Belgisch tijdschrift voor lichamelijke schade en gerechtelijke geneeskunde
- CONAMUZ = Comité voor Nederlandse Amusementsmuziek
- Concl. = conclusie
- Concl.Raad = conclusies Raad
- concl. = conclusies
- CONAPAD; CONAPAD = National Council for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction; Nationale Raad ter voorkoming van alcoholisme en drugsverslaving
- conc. = 1. CHEMISTRY concentrated 2. CHEMISTRY concentration 3. concerning 4. MUSICconcerto 5. concession
- COMSAT = Communications Satellite Corporation
- comp. = computer
- comp. = Computers (USENET newsgroup category)
- comp. = computers
- comp. = 1. companion 2. GRAMMAR comparative 3. compare 4. HUMAN RESOURCEScompensation 5. COMPUTING compilation 6. COMPUTING compiled 7. complete 8. MUSICcomposer 9. composite 10. composition 11. compound 12. comprehensive 13. comprising
- comp. = vergrotende trap
- Comp. & Law = Computers & Law
- Comp.; comp. = Company; compagnie
- Comp.; comp. = Comp.; compagnie
- Comp.; cie = Company; compagnie
- Comp. Law = Computers and Law
- Comp.; cie = Comp.; compagnie
- Common Channel = A Channel not dedicated to a specific UE.
- Common Mkt L. Rev = Common Market Law Review
- COMMIT = Communicators in TT
- COMMAIRCHAN; COMMAIRCHAN = Commander Allied Maritime Air Force Channel; Commandant van de geallieerde marineluchtstrijdkrachten voor het Kanaal
- Commissie van Bezwaar DBZ = Commissie van Bezwaar Dienst Buitenlandse Zaken
- COMMPS; COMMPS = Combined Monitoring-based and Modelling-based Priority Setting
- Comp Law Sec = Computers Law and Security report
- comp. = comparatief
- Comp Law = Computers and Law
- COMP = Compare
- COMP = Committee on Orphan Medicinal Products
- Comp.; mij. = Company; compagnie
- COMPUSEC; COMPUSEC = Computer Security; computerbeveiliging
- COMPUTER = Condemnable Operator of Machine Peripherals Using Tardy Electronic Resources
- COMPTIA = COMPuting Technology Industry Association
- Comps & Law = Computers and law
- Compt.w. = Comptabiliteitswet
- COMPUTER = Commonly Operated Machine Purposely Used for Training, Education and Resea
- COMREG = Communication Region
- COMSAT = Communications Satellite
- Computerrecht = Computerrecht
- Computerr. = Computerrecht: tijdschrift voor informatica, telecommunicatie en recht
- Computerr. = Computerrecht: tijdschrift voor informatica, telecommunicatie en recht
- COMPASS = computer-aided scheduling system
- compd = compound
- COMPAS = Communicatiesysteem Openbaar Ministerie- Parket Administratiesysteem
- Comp.; mij. = Comp.; compagnie
- compar. = GRAMMAR comparative
- COMPEX; COMPEX = compensation for loss of export earnings; compensatie voor de verliezen aan exportopbrengsten
- COMPRO; COMPRO = Committee for the Simplification of International Trade Procedures in the European Community; Comité voor de vereenvoudiging van internationale handelsprocedures in de Europese Gemeenschap
- Compros; Compros = Committees for simplification of procedures for international commerce within the European Communities; Comités voor de vereenvoudiging van internationale handelsprocedures in de Gemeenschap
- COMPLOT = coherent middelbaar-plotter
- COMPEX; COMPEX = System of Compensation for the Loss of Export Earnings for Least-developed Countries not Signatory to the Lomé Convention; Compensatieregeling voor de verliezen aan exportopbrengsten van de minst ontwikkelde landen die de Overeenkomst van Lomé niet hebben ondertekend
- Compl. = Completorium ('Compline' — Breviary)
- COMA = Cache-Only Memory Architecture
- COGECA; COGECA = General Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives in the European Union; Algemeen Comité van de landbouwcoöperaties van de Europese Unie
- COGECA; COGECA = General Committee for Agricultural Cooperation in the European Union; Algemeen Comité van de landbouwcoöperaties van de Europese Unie
- COG; COG = coke oven gas; 45. De BBT voor vercooksen is het cokesovengas
- Cog. Leg. = Cognatio Legalis ('Legal Cognation')
- Cog. Spir. = Cognatio Spiritualis ('Spiritual Cognation')
- COGECA; COGECA = General Committee for Agricultural Cooperation in the EC; Algemeen Comité van de landbouwcoöperaties van de EG
- COGS = Commissie Opslag gevaarlijke stoffen
- COGS = COMMERCE cost of goods sold
- COGROWA = Commissie Grondwaterwet Waterleidingbedrijven
- Cognoss.v. = Cognossementsverdrag (Brussel)
- COGO = Coordinate GeOmetry (programming language)
- COFOG; COFOG = classification of the functions of government; classificatie van overheidsfuncties
- CoFR = certification of flight readiness
- COFOG; COFOG = Classification of the Functions of Government; Voor de door de overheid verstrekte goederen en diensten wordt de grens tussen goederen en diensten voor individuele of collectieve consumptie getrokken op basis van de Classificatie van overheidsfuncties
- COFIKMO = Coöperatieve vereniging voor financiering van KMO-projecten
- COFO; COFO = Committee on Forestry; Bosbouwcommissie
- COG = Centraal Ontvangkantoor der Gerechten
- cog = Congo (ISO 3-letter country code)
- COG = Comite voor Onderzoek op Groentegewassen
- COG = Commissie van Overleg voor het Goederenvervoer
- COG = Covenant Of the Goddess (networking organization)
- COG = Centraal Orgaan Gezondheidstarieven
- COGSA = Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
- COI. = Conjugi ('To my Husband [or Wife]')
- COI; COI = certificate of identity; certificate of identity
- COI = Central Office of Information
- COI = Computer-ondersteunde instructie
- COI = Conflict Of Interest (compare to SCOI)
- COICOP; COICOP = Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose for Households; classificatie van individuele verbruiksfuncties (huishoudens)
- COINS = Corporate Information Network System
- Coione. = Communione ('Communion' — abl. case)
- COICOP; COICOP = Classification of Individual (final) Consumption by Purpose (households); classificatie van individuele verbruiksfuncties (huishoudens)
- COICOP; COICOP = classification of individual consumption by purpose; classificatie van individuele verbruiksfuncties
- COICOP; COICOP = Classification of individual consumption by purpose; classificatie van individuele verbruiksfuncties
- COH = cohozalm
- COH; COH = coefficient of haze; zichtfactor
- COGVO = Centraal Orgaan Gemeentelijk Voortgezet Onderwijs
- COGVO = Centraal Orgaan voor het Gemeentelijk Voortgezet Onderwijs
- COGVO = Centraal Orgaan voor het Gemeentelijk Voortgezet Onderwijs
- COH; COH = coefficient of haze; coefficient of haze
- COHSE = HUMAN RESOURCES a former trade union, now part of UNISON. Full formConfederation of Health Service Employees
- COI = (Conflict Of Interest (compare to SCOI))
- COHO = Commissie Ontwikkeling Hoger Onderwijs
- COHb; COHb = carboxyhaemoglobin; carboxyhemoglobine
- COHO = Commissie Open Hoger Onderwijs
- COFI; COFI = Committee on Fisheries; Visserijcommissie
- CODEP = Coop-deposito's
- CODEPU; CODEPU = Committee for the Promotion and Defence of the Rights of the People; Organisatie voor de bevordering en bescherming van de rechten van het volk
- CODENA; CODENA = Liaison Committee of Shipbreakers within the EEC; Verbindingsbureau van slopers van zeeschepen in de EEG
- CODEMA = Interdepartementale Commissie Ontwikkeling Defensiematerieel
- CODEMA = Interdepartementale Commissie Ontwikkeling Defensiematerieel
- CODEPU; CODEPU = Committee for the Promotion and Defence of the Rights of the People; Comité voor de bevordering en bescherming van de rechten van het volk
- CODEST; CODEST = Committee for the European Development of Science and Technology; Comité voor de Europese ontwikkeling van wetenschap en technologie
- CODEV; GOS = Working Party on Development Cooperation; Groep ontwikkelingssamenwerking
- CODESA; CODESA = Convention for a Democratic South Africa; Conferentie over een democratisch Zuid-Afrika
- CODEPU; CODEPU = Corporation for the Promotion and Defence of the People's Rights; Organisatie voor de bevordering en bescherming van de rechten van het volk
- CODEPU; CODEPU = Corporation for the Promotion and Defence of the People's Rights; Comité voor de bevordering en bescherming van de rechten van het volk
- CODE = Client-server Open Development Environment
- CODEC = COmpression/DECompression
- CODCF = Central Office Data Connecting Facility
- CODA-E = Combinatie Oplegger-Draaistel Alpha Engineering
- CODASYL = Conference On DAta SYstems Languages
- CODEC = COder/DECoder
- CODED; CODED = Concepts and Definitions Database
- Codema = Commissie Ontwikkeling Defensie Materieel
- Coded Composite Transport Channel = A data stream resulting from encoding and multiplexing of one or several transport channels.
- CODEC = Coder / Decoder Compression / Decompression
- codec; codec = coder/decoder; codeer-/decodeereenheid
- CoDIAK = Concurrent Development, Integration and Application of Knowledge
- COF = [2] Crisis Of Faith (usu. in context of Christianity)
- COF = ([1] Community Of Friends)
- CoF = construction of facility
- COF = Columbus Operating Facility
- COF = [1] Community Of Friends
- COF = ([2] Crisis Of Faith (usu. in context of Christianity))
- COFENAF; COFENAF = Committee of the National Ferrous Scrap Federations and Associations of the Common Market; Commissie der nationale verenigingen voor de schrootvoorziening in de Gemeenschappelijke Markt
- COFF = Common Object File Format
- COFALEC; COFALEC = Committee of Baker's Yeast Manufacturers of the EEC; Comité van broodgistfabrikanten van de EEG
- COF; ... = Columbus Orbital Facility
- COFACE; COFACE = Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union; Confederatie van Gezinsorganisaties in de Europese Gemeenschap
- COE = Commissie Opslag en Electriciteit
- CoE; RvE = Council of Europe; Raad van Europa
- CoE = Center of Excellence
- CODIM = Coördinatiegroep Documentatie en Informatie Milieuhygiëne
- CODLA = Commissie Onschadelijk Maken Dierlijke Laboratoriumafvallen
- COEBB = Centraal Orgaan voor de Economische Betrekkingen met het Buitenland
- COESF = Coordinerend Orgaan Europees Sociaal Fonds
- COF = Centraal Overleg inzake Fondsen-verwervingsacties
- COEM = Commercial Original Equipment Manufacturer
- coef. = MATHEMATICS coefficient
- COELO = Centrum voor Onderzoek van de Economie van de Lagere Overheden
- com = ONLINE commercial organizationThe abbreviation com is seen at the end of Internet addresses, preceded by a dot. It has givenrise to the noun, a generic name for Internet-based businesses (whether or not theirInternet address ends in .com).
- com = Comoros (ISO 3-letter country code)
- COM = (Component Object Module (COM) (RFC 6355))
- COM = Command (file name extension)
- COM = Conclusie van het Openbaar Ministerie
- COM = COMplete
- COM = COMPUTING 1. a framework devised by Microsoft to standardise the way anapplication can access an object. Full form Component Object Model, CommonObject Model 2. the process of converting computer output directly to microfilm. Fullform computer output microfilm
- COM = Centraal Orgaan voor de Bouw van de Middenstandsbedrijfspanden
- COM = communications
- COM = overzeese gemeenschap
- COM = Contact-Orgaan Middengroepen van het NVV
- COLP = COnnected Line identification Presentation
- Colp.w. = Colpotagewet
- COLOV = Commissie Opleiding Leraren Onderwijskundige Voorbereiding
- Colo. = GEOGRAPHY Colorado
- COLOS = Corel Linux Operating System
- COLR = COnnected Line identification Restriction
- COM = Centraal Orgaan voor Melkhygiëne
- COM = Centraal Orgaan voor Melkhygiëne
- COM = Computer Output on Microfilm
- COLREG 72; COLREG 72 = Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea; Verdrag inzake de internationale bepalingen ter voorkoming van aanvaringen op zee
- COM = Centraal Orgaan Mechanisatiebedrijven
- COM = Documenten Europese Commissie
- COM; COM = Communist and Allies Group; Communistische Fraktie en geestverwanten
- COM; GMO = common organisation of the market; gemeenschappelijke marktordening
- COM; COM = Communist and Allies Group; Communistische Fractie en geestverwanten
- Com.VA = commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen
- COM; COM = Communist and Allies Group; Communistische Fractie en geestverwanten
- COM; PWV's = framework of mutual obligations; Stelsel van Wederzijdse Verplichtingen
- COM3 = Third Serial Port
- COM4 = Fourth Serial Port
- COM2 = Second Serial Port
- COM; PWV's = framework of mutual obligations; Protocollen van Wederzijdse Verplichtingen
- COM1 = First Serial Port (asynchronous port)
- COM POC = Commissie Problematiek van Offshore Constructies
- COM TNO = Commissie TNO voor het Onderzoek ten dienste van het Milieubeheer
- COM = Component Object Model, .COM - COMmercial web site (See our list of TLDs here)
- COM = Commissie van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- COM = Component Object Model (Microsoft)
- com. = comité
- Com. v.desk = Comité van deskundigen bestaande uit onafhankelijke experts
- Com.v.Min. = Commissie van Ministers van Europa
- Com. Cas. = Commercial Cases
- com. = 1. ARTS comedy 2. PRESS comic 3. commerce 4. commercial 5. committee 6. SOCIALSCIENCES commune
- Com. = 1. MILITARY Commander 2. MILITARY Commodore 3. POLITICS Communist
- COLO = College voor Overleg inzake Landbouwkundig Onderzoek
- COL = Contracting Officer Letter
- COL = 1. COMPUTING computer-oriented language 2. ECONOMICS cost of living
- COL = Collision
- COL = Commissie Opleiding Leraren
- COL = rode koraal
- Col. = 1. MILITARY Colonel 2. GEOGRAPHY Colorado 3. BIBLE Colossians 4. GEOGRAPHYColumbia 5. GEOGRAPHY Columbian
- Col.; kol. = Colonel; kolonel
- Col.; kol. = G.C.; kolonel
- Col.; Kol. = Colonel; Kolonel
- col. = 1. EDUCATION college 2. SOCIAL SCIENCES colony 3. colour 4. PRINTING column
- Col.; kol. = Group Captain; kolonel
- COJ = Code de l'organisation judiciaire
- COJI; COJI = coefficient of jute-related importance; jutecoëfficiënt
- COIPX = Connection Oriented Internetwork Packet Exchange (Novell)
- COIP = Challenge of Unimaginable Proportions
- COIP = (Challenge of Unimaginable Proportions)
- cok = Cook Islands (ISO 3-letter country code)
- COL = Caldera Open Linux
- COL = Commissie Opleiding Leraren
- col = Colombia (ISO 3-letter country code)
- COKZ = Stichting Centraal Orgaan voor Kwaliteitsaangelegenheden in de Zuivel
- COL = Computer Oriented Language
- COL; COL =
- Coll. Cone. = Collectio Conciliorum ('Collection of the Councils')
- Coll. v. B. = College van beroep voor het brdrijfsleven
- coll. = 1. COMMERCE collateral 2. colleague 3. collect 4. collection 5. collector 6. EDUCATIONcollege 7. EDUCATION collegiate 8. LANGUAGE colloquial
- COLIPA; COLIPA = European Federation of the Perfume, Cosmetics and Toiletries Industries; verbindingscomité van de Europese Industriële Verenigingen voor parfumerie en cosmetica
- COLL = Collision
- Coll.; coll. = College; college
- COLO = Centraal orgaan van de landelijke opleidingsorganen van het bedrijfsleven
- COLO = Vereniging landelijke organen beroepsonderwijs
- COLO = Commissie Organisatie Leerplanontwikkeling
- colloq. = LANGUAGE colloquial31 contrib.
- COLO = Stichting Centraal Orgaan van de Landelijke Opleidingsorganen van het bedrijfsleven
- COLA = 1. SOCIAL SCIENCES cost-of-living adjustment 2. BUSINESS cost-of-livingallowance
- COLBO = Commissie Opleiding Leraren Beroepsonderwijs
- COLA = Coördinatiecommissie Onderzoek Landbouwkundige aspecten Afvalverwerking
- col; kol. = column; kolom
- COL; LDK = customs office list; lijst van douanekantoren
- COLD = Computer Output to Laser Disk
- COLI; COLI = Cost Of Living Index; De Boskin-commissie daarentegen hanteert een terminologie waarbij de vertekening betrekking heeft op de index voor de kosten van levensonderhoud
- COLIPA; COLIPA = European Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association; verbindingscomité van de Europese Industriële Verenigingen voor parfumerie en cosmetica
- COLI = COnnected Line Identity
- COLD = Computer Output to Laser Disc
- COLD; COLD = computer output to laser disk; computer output to laser disk
- Corporate code = Code which when combined with the network and SP codes refers to a unique Corporate. The code is provided in the GID2 file on the (U)SIM (see Annex A.1.) and is correspondingly stored on the ME.Corporate code group combination of the Corporate code and the associated SP and network codes.
- Corporate personalisation = Allows a corporate customer to personalise MEs that he provides for his employees or customers use so that they can only be used with the company's own (U)SIMs.
- Corp. = 1. MILITARY Corporal 2. BUSINESS Corporation
- CORODIM; CORODIM = correlation of the recognition of degradation with intelligibility measurements; correlatie van het degradatieherkennen met verstaanbaarheidsmetingen
- Corr. = correctionele rechtbank
- CORSA; CORSA = cosmic radiation satellite; Japanse satelliet voor meting van cosmische straling
- CoRT = Commander of the Disaster Zone
- CORS = (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) (RFC 6202))
- corr. = 1. correct 2. corrected 3. correction 4. COMMUNICATION correspondence 5. PRESScorrespondent
- Corr.Bl. = Correspondentieblad vande Broederschap der Notarissen in Nederland
- CORINE; CORINE = Coordination of Information on the Environment; Coördinatie van de informatie over het milieu
- CORINE; CORINE = Information system on the state of the environment in Europe; werkprogramma inzake coördinatie van de informatie over de toestand van het milieu en de natuurlijke hulpbronnen in de Gemeenschap
- CORINE; CORINE = Information system on the state of the environment in Europe; Coördinatie van de informatie over het milieu
- CORIA = Coördinatie Commissie voor Internationale Aangelegenheden
- CORINAIR; CORINAIR = Community inventory of sources of atmospheric pollution; EG-inventaris van de bronnen van luchtverontreiniging
- CORINE; CORINE = Commission work programme concerning an experimental project for gathering, coordinating and ensuring the consistency of information on the state of the environment and natural resources in the Community; Werkprogramma van de Commissie betreffende een proefproject voor het verzamelen van, het coördineren van en het brengen van samenhang in de informatie inzake de toestand van het milieu en de natuurlijke hulpbronnen in de Gemeenschap
- Corn. = GEOGRAPHY Cornwall
- CORNET = CORporate NETwork
- CORN = Computer Resource Nudeus
- CORINE; CORINE = Coordination of Information on the Environment; werkprogramma inzake coördinatie van de informatie over de toestand van het milieu en de natuurlijke hulpbronnen in de Gemeenschap
- CORINE; CORINE = Coordination of Information on the Environment; Werkprogramma van de Commissie betreffende een proefproject voor het verzamelen van, het coördineren van en het brengen van samenhang in de informatie inzake de toestand van het milieu en de natuurlijke hulpbronnen in de Gemeenschap
- Cortesy; Cortesy = COREU Terminal Equipment System; COREU Terminal Equipment System
- cos = MATHEMATICS cosine
- COS = Commissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
- cos = Cray Operating System
- COS = Cartel van de Onafhankelijke Syndicaten
- COS = Corporation of Open Systems
- COS = (Stichting)Commissie Onderwijs Siergewassen
- cos = COS Object System (recursive acronym) [Adobe]
- COS = 1. FREIGHT cash on shipment 2. MILITARY chief of staff
- CoS = (Class of Service (CoS))
- CoS = Class Of Service
- COS = Commissie Overleg Sectorraden
- COS = Commissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
- COS = Centrum voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
- COS = Centrum voor Internationale samenwerking
- cos = Compatible Operating System
- cos = CORBA Service
- COS = Commissie Open School
- COS = Centrum voor Ontwikkelingsstoornissen
- cos = Corporation for Open Systems
- COS = Common Object Support
- COS = Centrum voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
- COS = Commissie Overleg Schadeverzekeraars
- CORGI = INDUST Council for Registered Gas Installers
- CORBA = Common Object Request Broker Architecture
- CORBA = COMPUTING a framework devised by the Object Management Group tostandardise the way an application can access an object. Full form common objectrequest broker architecture
- CORBA = Common Object Request Broker Architecture/Application
- CORA = Commissie Opberging Radioactief Afval
- CORBA = Common Object Request Broker Architecture
- CORC = Culture Of Rampant Corruption
- CORDAID; CORDAID = Catholic Organization for Relief and Development; Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development
- CORC = (Culture Of Rampant Corruption)
- Corba = (common object request broker architecture (Corba))
- CORBEP = Commissie Regionale Bevolkingsprognoses
- Cor. = BIBLE Corinthians
- cor. = 1. corner 2. MUSIC cornet 3. correction 4. COMMUNICATION correspondence 5. PRESScorrespondent
- COR = Communications Outage Recorder
- COR = Common Object Runtime
- COR = Centrale Ondernemingsraad
- COR; CdR = CdR; Comité van de Regio's
- CoR; CvdR = Committee of the Regions; Comité van de Regio's
- CORA = Computer Oriented Reproducer Assembly (Linotype-Hell proprietary typesetting language, also, the name of the principle programmer's wife)
- COR; COR = committee on retirement; Er is een oriëntatiecommissie inzake pensionering
- COR; CdR = Committee of the Regions; Comité van de Regio's
- COR; COR = carrier sense signal; draaggolfdetectiesignaal
- CORDAID; CORDAID = Catholic Organization for Relief and Development; Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development
- COREPER; COREPER = Coreper; Comité van Permanente Vertegenwoordigers
- Coreper; Coreper = Permanent Representatives Committee; Comité van permanente vertegenwoordigers
- Coreper; COREPER = Permanent Representatives Committee; Comité van Permanente Vertegenwoordigers
- CoREN = Corporation for Research and Enterprise Network
- Coreper; COREPER = Coreper; Comité van Permanente Vertegenwoordigers
- COREPER; COREPER = Permanent Representatives Committee; Comité van Permanente Vertegenwoordigers
- COREU; Coreu = COREU network; telexnet van Europese correspondenten
- COREU; Coreu = Telex Network of European Correspondents; Coreu-netwerk
- COREU; Coreu = COREU network; Coreu-netwerk
- Coreper; Coreper = PRC; Comité van permanente vertegenwoordigers
- COREU; Coreu = Telex Network of European Correspondents; telexnet van Europese correspondenten
- CORDIC = Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer
- CORDIS = Community Research and Development Information Service
- CORDI; IRDAC = Industrial Research and Development Advisory Committee; Raadgevend Comité voor onderzoek en ontwikkeling in de industrie
- CORDEP; CORDEP = Cochabamba Regional Development Project; Regionaal Ontwikkelingsprogramma voor Cochabamba
- CORDI; IRDAC = IRDAC; Raadgevend Comité voor onderzoek en ontwikkeling in de industrie
- CORDIS; CORDIS = Community Research and Development Information Service; Informatiedienst voor communautair onderzoek en ontwikkeling
- CORE; CORE = Center for Operations Research and Econometrics
- CORECOM; CORECOM = Ad hoc Advisory Committee on the Reprocessing of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels; Raadgevend Comité ad hoc inzake opwerking van bestraalde splijtstoffen
- Core Network Operator = Operator that offers core network services.
- CORE = US LAW Congress of Racial Equality
- Core network = An architectural term relating to the part of 3GPP System which is independent of the connection technology of the terminal (eg radio, wired).
- COST 503; COST 503 = Management Committee COST 503 - Powder Metallurgy; Comité van beheer Cost 503 "Poedermetallurgie"
- COST 504; COST 504 = Management Committee COST 504 - Casting Technology; Comité van beheer Cost 504 "Giettechnologie"
- COST 502; COST 502 = Management Committee COST 502 - Corrosion in the Construction Industry, Brite/Euram Materials; Comité van beheer Cost 502 "Corrosie in de bouwnijverheid" - Brite/Euram-materialen
- COST = Europese samenwerking inzake wetenschap en technologie
- COST 501; COST 501 = Management Committee COST 501 - Advanced Materials for Power Engineering Components; Comité van beheer Cost 501 "Geavanceerde materialen voor componenten van energieinstallaties"
- COST 506; COST 506 = Management Committee COST 506 - Industrial Apllications of Light Alloys; Comité van beheer Cost 506 "Industriële toepassingen van lichte legeringen"
- COST 810; COST 810 = Management Committee COST 810 - Importance of Vesicular-Arbuscular (VA) Mycorrhiza in the Circulation of Matter in Soil and in Plant Nutrition; Comité van beheer Cost 810 - "Betekenis van vesiculair-arbusculaire mycorrhiza (VAM) voor de stofkringloop in de bodem en voor de voeding van planten
- COST 811; COST 811 = Management Committee COST 811 - Improvement of Means of Control of Warble-Fly in Cattle and Goats; Comité van beheer Cost 811 "Verbetering van de controlemethoden voor hypodermose bij runderen en geiten"
- COST 74; COST 74 = Management Committee COST 74 - VHF/UHF Radar in Weather Forecasting; Comité van beheer Cost 74 - "Stratotroposfeerradar"
- COST 507; COST 507 = Management Committee COST 507 - Definition of a Thermodynamic Methodology and Database for the Development of New Light Alloys; Comité van beheer Cost 507 "Definitie van een thermodynamische methodologie en opzetten van een gegevensbank voor de ontwikkeling van nieuwe lichte legeringen"
- COST 73; COST 73 = Management Committee COST 73 - Weather Radar Networking; Comité van beheer Cost 73 - "Europese weerradar"
- COSS; COSS = Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships; comité voor maritieme veiligheid en voorkoming van verontreiniging door schepen
- COSS; COSS = Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships; Comité voor maritieme veiligheid en voorkoming van verontreiniging door schepen
- COSS; COSS = Committee on Safe Seas; Comité voor maritieme veiligheid en voorkoming van verontreiniging door schepen
- COSS; COSS = Committee on Safe Seas; Comité veiligheid op zee
- COSS; COSS = Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships; Comité voor maritieme veiligheid en voorkoming van verontreiniging door schepen
- COSS; COSS = Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships; Comité veiligheid op zee
- COST = Cooperation for R&D in Saence and Technology
- COST = Europese samenwerking op het gebied van het wetenschappelijk en technisch onderzoek
- COSSO = Vereniging Computer Service- en Softwarebureaus
- COSSO = Vereniging Computer Service en Softwarebureaus
- COSSO = Vereniging voor Computer Service- en Softwarebureaus (Branchevereniging voor informatietechnologie
- COST 812; COST 812 = Management Committee COST 812 - Cold Active Lines of Insect Parasitic Nematodes; Comité van beheer Cost 812 "Insektpathologische nematodenstammen die bij lage temperaturen actief zijn"
- COT = Compagniesoefenterrein
- COT = Centrum voor Oppervlakte Technologie
- COSZ = Commissie Onderzoek Sociale Zaken
- COSZ = Centrum voor onderzoek van de Sociale Zekerheid
- COSZ = Commissie Onderzoek Sociale Zekerheid
- COT = Instituut voor Veiligheids- en Crisismanagement
- COT = Crisis Onderzoeks Team
- COT = Computer Ondersteund Tekenen
- COT = Centrum voor Onderzoek en Technisch Advies
- cot = MATHEMATICS cotangent
- COT = Commissie Orgaan Transplantatie
- COST A1; COST A1 = Management Committee Committee A1 - Systems of Socio-Technologies and Industrial Safety; Comité van beheer A 1 "Socio-technologische systemen en veiligheid in de industrie"
- COST B1; COST B1 = Management Committee COST B1 - Criteria for the Choice and Definition of Healthy Volunteers and/or Patients for Phase I and II Studies in Drug Development; Comité van beheer Cost B 1 "Criteria voor de keuze en de omschrijving van gezonde en/of zieke vrijwilligers voor de fasen I en II van het onderzoek naar nieuwe geneesmiddelen"
- COST 89; COST 89 = Management Committee COST 89 - Development of a Vaccine against Coccidiosis through Biotechnology; Comité van beheer Cost 89 - "Ontwikkeling van een vaccin tegen coccidose langs biotechnologische weg"
- COST 813; COST 813 = Management Committee COST 813 - Diseases and Disorders in Forest Tree Nurseries; Comité van beheer Cost 813 "Ziekten en aantastingen in bosboomkwekerijen"
- COST 88; COST 88 = Management Committee COST 88 - Methods of Early Detection and Identification of Plant Diseases; Comité van beheer Cost 88 - "Methoden voor vroegtijdige opsporing en identificatie van plantenziekten"
- COST B2; COST B2 = Management Committee COST B2 - Nuclear Medicine Software; Comité van beheer Cost B 2 "Software voor nucleaire geneeskunde"
- COSUNs; COSUN = Cooperating and Supporting Nations; samenwerkende en ondersteunende natie
- CoSysOp = Co-Systems Operator
- Costa = IICI
- COST X; COST X = Management Committee COST X - Air Pollution Effects on Health; Comité van beheer Cost X "Gevolgen van luchtverontreiniging voor de gezondheid"
- Costa = Intergouvernementele en Interparlementaire Conferentie voor Institutionele Vernieuwing
- COSS; COSS = Committee on Safe Seas; De eventuele problemen dienen te worden aangepakt in het kader van het Comité voor maritieme veiligheid
- COSBO = Centraal Orgaan Samenwerkende Ouderenbonden
- Cosbo = Centraal Orgaan Samenwerkende Bonden van Ouderen
- COSAVO = Commerciële Samenwerkingsvormen
- COSAG; COSAG = Concerned South Africans Group; Groep van Bezorgde Zuidafrikanen
- COSATU = /k??| s?_tu_/ HUMAN RESOURCES Congress of South African Trades Unions
- COSBO = Centraal Orgaan Samenwerkende Bejaardenorganisaties
- COSE = Combined Office Standard Environment
- cosec = MATHEMATICS cosecant
- COSE = Common Open Software/Systems Environment
- COSC; COIV = Central Office for Seizure and Confiscation; Centraal Orgaan voor de Inbeslagneming en de Verbeurdverklaring
- COSCAP; COSCAP = Cooperative Development of Operational Safety and Continuing Airworthiness Programme; op samenwerking gebaseerd programma voor de ontwikkeling van de operationele veiligheid en blijvende luchtwaardigheid
- COS; COS = non-legislative consultation
- cos; cos = cosine; cosinus
- COS; C.O.S. = Carbonyl Sulphide(COS); carbonylsulfide
- COS = Centrum voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
- cos.; cos. = cosine; cosinus
- COSA = Centraal Orgaan voor het Scheppend Ambacht
- COSAC; COSAC = Conference of bodies concerned with Community affairs in the Parliaments of the European Community; Conferentie van commissies voor Europese aangelegenheden
- COSAC; COSAC = Conference of European Affairs Committees; Conferentie van commissies voor Europese aangelegenheden
- COSAC; CEAC = Conference of European Affairs Committees; Conferentie van commissies voor Europese aangelegenheden
- COSA = Commissie van overleg en samenwerking inzake automatisering bij de overheid
- COSAC; CEAC = Conference of bodies concerned with Community affairs in the Parliaments of the European Community; Conferentie van commissies voor Europese aangelegenheden
- cosec.; cosec. = cosecant; Cosecans
- COSMOS = Computer System for Mainframe Operations
- COSPOL; COSPOL = Comprehensive Operational Strategic Planning for the Police; Comprehensive Strategic Operational Planning for the Police
- COSMOS = Computer System for Mainframe Operations
- COSMIC = coherent optical system of modular imaging collectors
- COSMIN = Centrum voor Onderzoek en Studie van Minerale Isolatiematerialen in Nederland
- coss = Common Object Support Service
- COSS. = Consules ('Consuls')
- COSS; COSS = Committee on Safe Seas; comité voor maritieme veiligheid en voorkoming van verontreiniging door schepen
- coss = Common Object Services Speafication
- COSS = co-orbit support systems
- coss = Cross Operating System Service
- COSINE; COSINE = cooperation for open systems interconnection networking in Europe; Samenwerking inzake netwerken van open systemen in Europa
- COSIP = Coherent Signal Processor
- COSINE = Cooperation for OSI Networking in Europe
- COSI; COSI = Standing Committee on Internal Security; Permanent Comité operationele samenwerking op het gebied van de binnenlandse veiligheid
- COSI; COSI = Standing Committee on Internal Security; Permanent Comité binnenlandse veiligheid
- COSL = Citicorp Overseas Software Limited
- COSMIC = Computer Software Management and Information Center
- COSMIC = Computer Software Management and Information Center
- COSMI = Centrum voor onderzoek en studie van minerale isolatiematerialen
- COSM = checkout, services, and maintenance (airlock equipment)
- COSME; Cosme = Programme for the Competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs; programma voor het concurrentievermogen van ondernemingen en voor kmo's
- COR = Core Operational Requirements
- CONT = container
- cont. = 1. containing 2. PUBLISHING contents 3. GEOGRAPHY continent 4. GEOGRAPHYcontinental 5. continued 6. continuous 7. GRAMMAR contraction 8. control
- CONT = contingency
- Consum L J = Consumer Law Journal
- Consum; Consum = Contaminant surveillance system; Consum-programma
- CONTAC = Central Office NeTwork ACcess
- contr. = 1. GRAMMAR contraction 2. MUSIC contralto 3. control
- Contracteren = Contracteren Tijdschrift voor de contractspraktijk
- CONTONE = Continuous Tone
- CONTAM = contamination
- contd = continued
- Cons.; Cons. = Conservative and Unionist Party; Conservatieven en Unionisten
- Consciae. = Conscientiae ('Of [or to] conscience')
- Cons.; Cons. = Conservatives; Conservatieven en Unionisten
- Cons. = Consecratio ('Consecration')
- Cons. = 1. POLITICS Conservative 2. POLICE Constable 3. POLITICS Constitution 4. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Consul
- Consecr. = Consecratus ('Consecrated')
- Constbus = Constitutionibus ('Constitutions' — abl. or dat. case)
- ConstLJ = Construction Law Journal
- Const. Ap. = Constitutio Apostolica ('Apostolic Constitution')
- consso; consso = Committee of North Sea Senior Officials; Comité van hoge ambtenaren betreffende de Noordzee
- const. = 1. MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS constant 2. POLITICS constitution
- contrib. = 1. contribution 2. contributorConv. 32
- COO = Computer Ondersteunend Onderwijs
- COO = Centraal Onderwijsoverleg
- COO = Christelijk Onderwijs en Opvoeding
- COO = Computer Ondersteunend Onderwijs
- COO = BUSINESS chief operating officer
- COO = Chief Operating Officer
- COOC = Coordinatiecommissie
- COOL = Chorus Object-Oriented Layer
- COOB = Comité voor Oriëntering en Opleiding der Bedrijfskamers
- COO; COO = Chief Operating Officer; Chief Operating Officer
- COOAB = Centrum voor onderzoek en opleiding in de arbeidsbetrekkingen
- Conv. = CHRISTIANITY a member of a branch of a Franciscan order of friars who live a lessaustere life than in other branches. Full form Conventual
- Conv. = Conveyancer, Conveyancer & Property Lawyer
- CONUC; CONUC = nuclear non-proliferation; nucleaire non-proliferatie
- Control channel = A logical channel that carries system control information.
- Controlling RNC = A role an RNC can take with respect to a specific set of UTRAN access points. There is only one Controlling RNC for any UTRAN access point. The Controlling RNC has the overall control of the logical resources of its UTRAN access point's.
- Conv. = conventie
- COO = Centrum voor onkruidonderzoek
- COO = Commissie van Openbare Onderstand
- Conversational service = An interactive service which provides for bi-directional communication by means of real-time (no store-and-forward) end-to-end information transfer from user to user (source ITU-T I.113).
- CONVER; KONVER = Community initiative concerning defence conversion; programma voor de omschakeling van militaire bases en wapenindustrie
- CONVER; KONVER = Conversion of armaments industries; programma voor de omschakeling van militaire bases en wapenindustrie
- cons. = considerans
- CONFIG = Configuration
- Confidentiality = The avoidance of disclosure of information without the permission of its owner.
- confed. = POLITICS 1. confederate 2. confederation
- Confeone. = Confessione ('Confession' — abl. case)
- Confl.w. = Wet conflictenrecht inzake ontbinding huwelijk en scheiding van tafel en bed
- Conisat = Comité Nederland-Indonesië-Suriname-Antillen en andere Tropische Gebieden
- conj. = 1. GRAMMAR conjugation 2. ASTRONOMY, GRAMMAR conjunction 3. GRAMMARconjunctive
- Cong.Orat. = Congregation of the Oratory, Oratorian
- Confl.w.huwbetr. = Wet conflichtenrecht huwelijksbetrekkingen
- Cong. = 1. CHRISTIANITY Congregational 2. POLITICS Congress 3. POLITICS Congressional
- conf.; verg. = cfr; vergelijk
- conf.; vgl. = confer; vergelijk
- conf.; verg. = confer; vergelijk
- Conf. Doct. = Confessor et Doctor (Breviary)
- Conf. Pont. = Confessor Pontifex ('Confessor and Bishop' — Breviary)
- conf.; vgl. = cfr; vergelijk
- CONF; CONF = conference call, add-on; conferentiedienst
- CONF; CONF = conference call add-on; conference call,add-on
- CONF; CONF = conference call, add-on; add-on conferentie
- CONF; CONF = add-on conference call; add-on conferentie
- CONF; CONF = add-on conference call; conferentiedienst
- CONLAS = controls analysis simulation
- CONS = (Content distribution Overlay Network Service (CONS) (RFC 6833))
- CONS = Commissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Nederland-Suriname
- CONS = Gezamenlijke Commissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
- CONS = Commissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Nederland-Suriname
- CONS = COMPUTING connection-oriented network services
- CONS = Commissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Nederland-Suriname
- cons. = 1. RELIGION consecrated 2. MAIL consigned 3. MAIL consignment 4. PHONETICSconsonant 5. POLITICS constitution 6. POLITICS constitutional
- cons. = conso(o)rten
- Cons Eur Rec Rés = Conseil de l'Europe, recueil des résolutions
- CONS = Connection-Oriented Network Service
- Cons Eur Comm Pr = Conseil de l'Europe, communiqué de presse
- Connection = A communication channel between two or more end-points (e.g. terminal, server etc.).
- Connection mode = The type of association between two points as required by the bearer service for the transfer of information. A bearer service is either connection-oriented or connectionless. In a connection oriented mode, a logical association called connection needs to be established between the source and the destination entities before information can be exchanged between them. Connection oriented bearer services lifetime is the period of time between the establishment and the release of the connection. In a connectionless mode, no connection is established beforehand between the source and the destination entities; the source and destination network addresses need to be specified in each message. Transferred information cannot be guaranteed of ordered delivery. Connectionless bearer services lifetime is reduced to the transport of one message.
- Connected Mode = Connected mode is the state of User Equipment switched on and an RRC connection established.
- Conn. = connossement
- CONNACK = Connect Acknowledgement
- Connectionless (for a bearer service) = In a connectionless bearer, no connection is established beforehand between the source and the destination entities ; the source and destination network addresses need to be specified in each message. Transferred information cannot be guaranteed of ordered delivery. Connectionless bearer services lifetime is reduced to the transport of one message.
- CONOPS; Conops = concept of operations; operatieconcept
- CONS = Connection-oriented network service
- CONOPS; Conops = concept of operations; concept van de operaties
- Connectionless service = A service which allows the transfer of information among service users without the need for end-to-end call establishment procedures (source ITU-T I.113).
- CONOC = non-proliferatie van chemische en biologische wapens
- COPA; COPA = Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations in the European Union; Comité van de landbouworganisaties van de Europese Unie
- COPAC = Community Patents Appeal Court
- COPA; COPA = Committee of Agricultural Organisations in the European Union; Comité van de landbouworganisaties van de Europese Unie
- COPA = Comité van de Landbouworganisaties van de Europese Economische Gemeenschap
- COPA; COPA = Committee of Agricultural Organisations in the European Community; Comité van de landbouworganisaties van de Gemeenschap
- COPAC; GHB = Common Appeal Court; Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Beroep
- COPD = MEDICINE chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- COPD; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Overwegende dat het bij Besluit VII/28 van de partijen bij het Protocol van Montreal is toegestaan voldoende gereguleerde stoffen te produceren of te gebruiken voor essentiële toepassingen in dosisinhalatoren (MDI's) voor de behandeling van patiënten met astma en chronische obstructieve longaandoeningen
- COPC = Customer Operations Performance Center
- COPAK = Contactcommissie Opvoedkundige Problemen van het Afwijkende Kind
- COPAS; COPAS = Joint Welfare Committee, ... Section; Paritair comité voor de sociale voorzieningen ten gunste van de ambtenaren en functionarissen te ...
- COP; EBITDA = cash operating profit; bedrijfscashflow
- COP; EBITDA = cash operating profit; winst voor rente, belastingen, afschrijvingen en amortisatie
- COP; EBITDA = earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation; bedrijfscashflow
- COP; COP = conformity of production; conformiteit van productie
- COP; EBITDA = earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation; winst voor rente, belastingen, afschrijvingen en amortisatie
- COP; GOE = cereal crops, oilseeds and pulses; granen, oliehoudende zaden en eiwithoudende gewassen
- COP; UNFCCC-COP = Conference of the Parties; Conferentie van de Partijen bij het Raamverdrag van de Verenigde Naties inzake klimaatverandering
- COP; UNFCCC-COP = Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Conferentie van de Partijen
- COP; UNFCCC-COP = Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Conferentie van de Partijen bij het Raamverdrag van de Verenigde Naties inzake klimaatverandering
- COP; NOP = country operational programme; nationale operationele programma
- COP; UNFCCC-COP = Conference of the Parties; Conferentie van de Partijen
- COPD; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; chronisch obstructieve longziekte
- COPS = Computer Orade and Password System
- COPS = (Common Open Policy Service (COPS))
- COPS = Concept Oriented Programming System
- COPOL; COPOL = Comparison of National and Community Policies; Vergelijking van het nationale en het communautaire beleid
- COPROGRAM = Vlaamse federatie van NGO's voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
- COPUOS; COPUOS = Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space; Commissie voor het vreedzaam gebruik van de kosmische ruimte
- COR = Commissie tot Onderzoek van de Rekening
- COR = (Core Operational Requirements)
- COR = Centrale Ondernemingsraad
- COR = Comité voor Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling
- COR = Centrale ondernemingsraad
- COPENUR; COPENUR = Standing Committee on Uranium Enrichment; Permanent Comité voor Uraniumverrijking
- COPI = Commander at the scene of the incident
- COPEC; COPEC = Committee On Equal Opportunities; Comité gelijke kansen
- COPEC; COPEC = Joint Committee on Equal Opportunities; Paritair Comité Gelijke kansen voor vrouwen en mannen
- COPEC; COPEC = Joint Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men; Paritair Comité Gelijke kansen voor vrouwen en mannen
- COPICS = Communications Oriented Production Information and Control System
- COPO; COPO = Political Committee; Politiek Comité
- COPO; COPO = PC; Politiek Comité
- COPNI; COPNI = Classification of the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households; Classificatie van de functies van instellingen zonder winstoogmerk ten behoeve van huishoudens
- COPIH = Commissie Opsporing en Preventie Ischaemische Hartziekten
- COPMEC; COPMEC = Committee of Small and Medium-sized Commercial Entreprises of the EEC Countries; Comité van de Kleine en Middelgrote Handelsbedrijven van de Landen van de EEG
- COP; COP = Committee on Projects; Projectencommissie
- COP = co-orbiting platform
- COP = ([2] Culture Of Preparedness)
- COP = ([1] Crisis Of Purpose)
- COOVI = Centrum voor onderricht en opzoekingen der chemische en voedingsindustrieen
- COP = [2] Culture Of Preparedness
- COP = Character-Oriented Protocol
- COP = Centrum voor ontwikkelingsplanning
- COP = Commissie tot Opvoering van de Produktiviteit
- COP = Centrale Ondervakgroep Pluimveehouders
- COP = Commissie van overlegd personenvervoer
- COP = Commissie Opvoering Produktiviteit van de SER
- Coöp. ver. = Coöperatieve vereniging
- COOPIBO = Cooperatieve Internationale Bouworde
- COOP = As in .coop - COOPerative web site (See our list of TLDs here)
- coop = ONLINE cooperativeThe abbreviation coop is seen in the Internet addresses of nonprofitmaking cooperatives. Inother contexts coop (or co-op) is an informal shortening used to denote any cooperativeorganization or venture.
- COOP = Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming
- COOPIBO = Coöperatieve Internationale Bouworde
- COOVB = Centrum voor Onderwijs en Opzoekingen der Voedingsbedrijven
- COOVB = Centrum voor Onderricht en Onderzoek der Voedingsbedrijven
- COOV = Centrum voor Operationeel Onderzoek in de Volksgezondheid
- COOR = Centraal Overleg Onderzoek Reclassering
- COOV = Centrum voor Operationeel Onderzoek in Volksgezondheid
- CoP = Communication Processor
- COP; CoP = Conference of the Parties; Conferentie van de Partijen
- COP; CoP = Conference of the Parties; conferentie van verdragsluitende partijen
- COP; COP = conformity of production; overeenstemming van de productie
- COP; COP = consular passport; consulair paspoort
- COP; CoP = Conference of the Parties; Conferentie van de Partijen bij het Raamverdrag van de Verenigde Naties inzake klimaatverandering
- COP; COP = Conference of the Parties; 3. De Conferentie van de Partijen
- COP; COP = coefficient of performance; Deze levering kan tevens de levering van circulatiepompen aan de put- of bronzijde omvatten. Bij de berekening van de waarden van de prestatiecoëfficiënt (COP) dient echter altijd rekening te worden gehouden met het energieverbruik van circulatiepompen volgens de methode van EN 14511:2004
- COP; COP = Committee on Projects; projectencommissie
- COP; CoP = Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Conferentie van de Partijen bij het Raamverdrag van de Verenigde Naties inzake klimaatverandering
- COP; COP = coefficient of performance; prestatiecoëfficiënt
- COP; CoP = Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Conferentie van de Partijen
- COP 15; CoP15 = 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Vijftiende Conferentie van de Partijen bij het Raamverdrag van de Verenigde Naties inzake klimaatverandering
- COP 15; CoP15 = 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Conferentie van Kopenhagen over klimaatverandering
- COP = Commissie Ontwikkelingsplan
- COP = Colombian Peso of Colombia (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- COP = [1] Crisis Of Purpose
- COP/MOP; CoP/MoP = Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol; Conferentie van de Partijen die als Vergadering van de Partijen fungeert
- COP; CoP = Conference of the Parties; Conferentie van de Partijen
- COP; COP = conformity of production; conformity of production
- COP/MOP; CoP/MoP = COP/MOP; De Conferentie van de Partijen waarin de Partijen bij het Protocol van Kyoto bijeenkomen
- COP/MOP; CoP/MoP = COP/MOP; Conferentie van de Partijen die als Vergadering van de Partijen fungeert
- COP/MOP; CoP/MoP = Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol; De Conferentie van de Partijen waarin de Partijen bij het Protocol van Kyoto bijeenkomen
- CMNI; CMNI = Budapest Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterway; Verdrag van Boedapest inzake de Overeenkomst voor het vervoer van goederen over de binnenwateren
- CMO = Christelijk Middenstandsonderwijs(Stichting voor)
- CMN = (Climate-Monotoring Network (see also GCMN, MCMN))
- CMN = Climate-Monotoring Network (see also GCMN, MCMN)
- CMN = Contact Milieubescherming Noord-Holland
- CMO = MEDICINE Chief Medical Officer
- CMO = Collateralized Mortgage Obligation
- CMO; CMO = Common Market Organisation; Common Market Organisation
- CMO = Contactorgaan Moslims en de Overheid
- CMO = Configuration/Contract Management Office
- CMO = Centrum voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling
- CMM = Credit Market Meltdown (see also FMM & FMT)
- CMM; CMM = Coordinate Measuring Machines; a) computergestuurde of "numeriek bestuurde" coördinatenmeetmachines (CMM), met een driedimensionale (volumetrische) maximaal toelaatbare lengtemeetfout (E0, MPE) op enig punt in het werkbereik van de machine (d.w.z. binnen de aslengte) gelijk aan of minder (d.w.z. nauwkeuriger) dan (1,7 + L/1000) μm (L is de gemeten lengte in mm), overeenkomstig ISO-norm 10360-2
- CMM = Channel Mode Modify
- CMM = Contextual Menu Manager (Apple Macintosh)
- CMM = Capability Maturity Module
- CMM; CMM = Comments by the Municipality of Matosinhos; 4.5. Opmerkingen van de gemeente Matosinhos
- CMMS = Computerized Maintenance Management Software
- CMMU = Cache Memory Management Unit (Motorola)
- CMM-I = Capability Maturity Module - Integrated
- CMMB = Consulentschap i.a.d.voor Melkgewinning,Melkhygiene en Boerenkaasbereiding
- CMMB = Consulentschap voor Melkwinning, Melkhygiëne en Boerenkaasbereiding
- CMO; CMO = crisis management operation; crisisbeheersingsoperatie
- CMOS; CMOS = complementary metal oxide semiconductor
- CMOS; CMOS = complementary MOS
- CMOS; CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor; 2. componenten met metaal-oxide veldeffecttransistoren
- CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- C-MOS,CMOS; C-MOS,CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxyde Silicon(semi-conductor)
- CMP = Communications Plenum Cable
- CMP = ([1] Conventional Medical Practice)
- CMP = [3] Controlled Movement Process
- CMOV = Conditional Move
- CMP = [2] Current Market Position
- CMO; GMO = common organisation of the markets in agricultural products; gemeenschappelijke ordening van de landbouwmarkten
- CMO; GMO = common market organization; gemeenschappelijke marktordening
- CMO; GMO = common organisation of the market; gemeenschappelijke marktordening
- Cmo; Cmo = Cm
- CMO; GMO = common organisation of agricultural markets; gemeenschappelijke ordening van de landbouwmarkten
- CMO; GMO = common market organisation; gemeenschappelijke marktordening
- CMOS = Cellular Management Operation System
- CMOS = complementary metal oxide semiconductor
- CMOS = COMPUTING an integrated circuit design that uses a pair ofcomplementary p- and n-type transistors. Full form complementary metal oxidesemiconductor
- c'mon = /k?| m?n/ come on
- CMOS = Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- CMM = Centrum Maatschappelijk Welzijn
- CMISE = Common Management Information Service
- CMISE = Common Management Information Service Element
- CMIS = Configuration Management Information System
- CMIS = Common/Configuration Management Information System
- CMIS = Common Management Information Services/System
- CMIT; CMIT = Committee on Capital Movements and Invisible Transactions; CMIT-Commissie
- CML = Current Mode Logic
- CML = Conceptual Modeling Language
- CMIT; CMIT-Commissie = Committee on Capital Movements and Invisible Transactions; Commissie voor kapitaalverkeer en onzichtbare transacties
- CMIT; CMIT = Committee on Capital Movements and Invisible Transactions; Commissie voor kapitaalverkeer en onzichtbare transacties
- CMIT; CMIT-Commissie = Committee on Capital Movements and Invisible Transactions; CMIT-Commissie
- CMIIW = Correct Me, If I'm Wrong (Internet lingo)
- CMILP = consolidated maintenance, inventory, and logistics planning
- CMIE = Center for Monitoring the Indian Economy
- CMIB = Cellular Message Information Block
- CMIC; CMIC = Civil and Military Interface Standing Committee; Vast Comité voor burger-/militaire raakvlakken
- CMIP = COMPUTING common management information protocol
- CMIP = Common Management Information Protocol
- CMIP/CMIS; CMIP = common management information protocol/common management information services; common management information protocol
- CMIP = Common Management Information Protocol
- CMIP = Common Management Information Protocols
- CMIP = Common Management Information Protocol
- CML = (College Music Library)
- CML; CML = chronic myelogenous leukaemia; chronische granulocytaire leukemie
- CML; CML = Common Military List; de gemeenschappelijke lijst van militaire goederen
- CML; CML = chronic granulocytic leukaemia; chronische granulocytaire leukemie
- CML Rev = Common Market Law Review
- CML) = Carnegie Mellon University
- CML; CML = chronic granulocytic leukaemia; chronische myeloïde leukemie
- CMLS = Commissie Modernisering Leerplan Scheikunde
- CMM = (Credit Market Meltdown (see also FMM & FMT))
- CMLS = Commissie Modernisering Leerplan Scheikunde
- CML; CML = chronic myelogenous leukaemia; chronische myeloïde leukemie
- CMLR(ev) = Common Market Law Review of Reports
- CML = Customer Minutes Lost
- CML = Commissie Modernisering Leerplan
- CML = College Music Library
- CML = Chemical Markup Language
- CML = Circuit Mode Logic
- cml = commercial
- CML = Computer Managed Learning
- CML = Centrum voor Milieukunde
- CML = Cognitive Modeling Language (AI)
- CML = 1. COMPUTING computer-managed learning 2. FINANCE Council of Mortgage Lenders
- Cml = Cosmetoloog
- CMS = (Chilling Murder Scene)
- CMS; CMS = Content Management System; contentmanagementsysteem
- CMS = Call Management Server
- CMS = Compiler Monitor System
- CMS = Color Management Settings
- CMS; CMS = cytoplasmic male sterility; cytoplasmatische mannelijke steriliteit
- CMS; CMS = Comments by the Municipality of Sines; 4.6. Opmerkingen van de gemeente Sines
- CMS; CMS = Counterfeit Monitoring System; Counterfeit Monitoring System
- CMS; CMS = Complaints Management System; Complaints Management System
- CMS; CMS = Cryptographic Message Syntax; Cryptographic Message Syntax
- CMS; CMS = Cytoplasmic Male Sterility; cytoplasmatische mannelijke steriliteit
- CMS = Conversational Monitor System (IBM)
- CMS = Content/Code Management System
- cms = Contractor Integrated Technical Information Services
- CMRS = Crew Medical Restraint System
- CMS = Cluster Management Software (duster computing)
- CMS = control and monitor subsystem
- CMS = Code Management System or Color Management System
- CMS = Chilling Murder Scene
- CMS = (Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS))
- CMS = Cable Management Software
- CMS = Christelijke mutualistische solidariteit
- CMS; CMS = Computer Manufacturing Services; Computer Manufacturing Services
- CMT; HMSN = peroneal muscular atrophy; hereditaire motorische en sensorische neuropathie
- CMT; HMSN = PMA; hereditaire motorische en sensorische neuropathie
- CMT; HMSN = PMA; ziekte van Charcot-Marie-Tooth
- Cmt. = Centraal Medisch Tuchtcollege
- CMT; CMT = cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl; cyclopentiadieen-mangaan-tricarbonyl
- CMT; HMSN = peroneal muscular atrophy; ziekte van Charcot-Marie-Tooth
- CMTU; CMTU = Confederation of Malta Trade Unions; Confederation of Malta Trade Unions
- CMV = Circuit Mode Voice (ISDN)
- CMTS = Cable Modem Termination System
- CMTS = (cable modem termination system (CMTS))
- CMTS = Cable Modem Termination System
- CMS; LSO = convention signed between Member States; tussen lidstaten ondertekende overeenkomsten
- CMS; VSV = Counterfeiting Monitoring System; Volgsysteem voor Valsemunterij
- CMS; CMS = configuration management system; configuratiebeheersysteem
- CMS; CMS = certified meat scheme; regeling gecertificeerd vlees
- CMS; CMS = Case Management System; Case Management System
- CMS; VSV = Counterfeit Monitoring System; Volgsysteem voor Valsemunterij
- CMT = Centraal Medisch Tuchtcollege
- CMT = Cellular Mobile Telephone
- CMT = configuration management tool
- CMSP = Configuration Management Screening Panel
- CMT = crew maintenance time
- CMRS = CHeCS Medical Restraint System
- CMP; CoP/MoP = Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol; De Conferentie van de Partijen waarin de Partijen bij het Protocol van Kyoto bijeenkomen
- CMP; CoP/MoP = COP/MOP; De Conferentie van de Partijen waarin de Partijen bij het Protocol van Kyoto bijeenkomen
- CMP; CMP = Committee on Missing Persons; C. overwegende dat het Comité vermiste personen
- CMP; CMP = capacity management programme; Capacity Management Program
- CMP; CMP = Crisis Management Procedures; crisisbeheersingsprocedures
- CMP; CoP/MoP = COP/MOP; Conferentie van de Partijen die als Vergadering van de Partijen fungeert
- CMPC = Centrale Medische Pharmaceutische Commissie
- CMPD; CMPD = Crisis Management and Planning Directorate; directoraat Crisisbeheersing en Planning
- C-MPAC = cupola MPAC
- CMP; CoP/MoP = Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol; Conferentie van de Partijen die als Vergadering van de Partijen fungeert
- CMP; ICVD = Christian Movement for Peace; Internationale Christelijke Vredesdienst
- CMP = Configuration Management Plan
- CMP = ([2] Current Market Position)
- CMP = Communications Plenum Cable
- CMP = Commissie voor militaire pensioenen
- CMP = [1] Conventional Medical Practice
- CMP = ([3] Controlled Movement Process)
- CMP; CMP = COMMITTEE ON MISSING PERSONS; In de begroting van 2010 werd drie miljoen euro uitgetrokken ter ondersteuning van het Comité Vermiste Personen
- CMP; CMP = capacity management programme; programma voor capaciteitsbeheer
- CMP = Command Monitor Panel
- CMP = Computer
- CMP = Compare (assembly language)
- CMPD; CMPD = Crisis Management and Planning Directorate; Directoraat Crisisbeheersing en planning
- CMR = Cell Misinsertion Ratio
- CMR = Communications Resource Manager
- CMR = Communications Riser Cable
- CMR = (Committed, Monogamous Relationship)
- CMR = Commissie Mensenrechten
- CMR; CMR = Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road; Verdrag betreffende de overeenkomst tot internationaal vervoer van goederen over de weg
- CMR; CMR = carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction; carcinogeen, mutageen of reproductietoxisch
- CMR; CMR = chemicals classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction; stof die als kankerverwekkend, mutageen of vergiftig voor de voortplanting is ingedeeld
- CMR; CMR = chemicals classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction; CMR-stof
- CMR; CMR = Compagnie Marseille Réparation; Compagnie Marseille Réparation
- CMR; CMR = Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road; Verdrag Betreffende de Overeenkomst tot Internationaal Vervoer van Goederen over de Weg
- CMPVT = Commissie voor militaire pensioenen in vredestijd
- CMPXCHG = Compare and Exchange (assembly language)
- CMPS = Compare String [Byte, Word or Doubleword] (assembly language)
- CMPL = Commercial Materials Processing Lab
- CMPS = Centre For Management And Policy Studies
- CMR = Convention relative au contrat de transport international de Marchandises par Route 1956
- CMR = Committed, Monogamous Relationship
- CMR = Mediterrane strandkrab
- CMR = Commissie Mensenrechten
- CMR = Communications Riser Cable
- cmr = Cameroon (ISO 3-letter country code)
- CMI; CMI = IMC; Internationaal Maritiem Comité
- CMAF; COMVS = Consultative Committee for Cooperatives, Mutual Societies, Associations and Foundations; Raadgevend Comité voor coöperaties, onderlinge maatschappijen, verenigingen en stichtingen
- CMAIT = Configuration Management Analysis and Integration Team
- CMAF; CMAF = cooperatives, mutuals, associations and foundations; Betreft: Meerjarenwerkprogramma voor coöperaties, onderlinge samenwerking, verenigingen en stichtingen
- CMAC = Cerebella Model Arithmetic Computer
- CMAC = (Cipher-Based Message Authentication Code (CMAC) (RFC 4494))
- CMAM = Commercial Middeck Augmentation Module
- CMB = (Cinematic, Melodramatic Brilliance)
- Cmax = piekconcentratie
- CMAR = Control Memory Address Register
- CMAS = minimumbijdrage tot sociale actie
- cm³; cm3 = cu cm; ccm
- CM4D = Coordinate Measuring Machine Management Mechanism for Data
- cm³; cm3 = cubic centimetre; ccm
- cm³; cm3 = cu cm; kubieke centimeter
- cm³; cm3 = cubic centimetre; kubieke centimeter
- CMA = common MPAC adapter
- CMA = MEDICINE 1. Canadian Medical Association 2. certified medical assistant
- CMA; CMA = Communications Management Association; Communications Management Association
- CMA = CORBA Management Agent
- CMA = Concert Multithread Architecture
- CMA = control and monitor application
- CMB = Belgische Metaalbewerkers-centrale
- CMC = Coöperatieve Melkcentrale g.a.
- CMC = Contract Management Command
- CMBV = Christelijke Verbond van Middenstands-en Burgersvrouwen
- CMBS; CMBS = commercial mortgage-backed security; commercial mortgage-backed security
- CMBS; CMBS = commercial-mortgage backed securities; Voor effecten op onderpand van woningleningen
- CMC = Computer Maintenance Corporation
- CMC = Communication Management Configuration
- CMC = (Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) (RFC 2797))
- CMC = Coherent Multi Channel (optical transmission)
- CMC = Centraal Missie Commissariaat
- CMC = Common Mail Calls
- CMB = Cinematic, Melodramatic Brilliance
- CMB = Computer Modern Bold
- CMB = Colombo
- CMB = Christelijke Middenstandsbond
- CMB = Centrale der Metaalbewerkers van België
- CMB = Christelijke Middenstandsbond
- CMBS = FINANCE commercial mortgage-backed securities
- CMBS; CMBS = commercial mortgage-backed security; door bedrijfshypotheken gedekt effect
- CMB; CMB = Change Management Board; 2.3.2. Stuurgroep wijzigingsbeheer
- CMB = Christelijke Metaalbewerkersbond
- CMB; CMB = Crisis Management Board; Comité voor crisisbeheersing
- cm³; ccm = cubic centimetre; ccm
- CM = Corrective Maintenance
- CM = Command Paper
- cm = centiminuut
- CM = communicatiemodule
- CM = Control Module
- CM = countermeasures
- CM = Connection Management
- CM = Christelijke Mutualiteit
- cm = Computer Information Technology, Inc.
- CM = 1. BUSINESS a marketing strategy grouping products together into categories so thatthese can be more efficiently targeted at consumers. Full form category management2. COMPUTING central memory 3. BUSINESS compounding method
- CM = contract management
- CLV; CLV = calculated load value; berekende belastingwaarde
- CLW = Centrum tegen Lucht- en Waterverontreiniging
- CLV = Constant Linear Velocity
- CLV = COMPUTING a disk technology in which the disk spins at different speeds according tothe track being accessed. Full form constant linear velocity
- CLV = Constant Linear Veloaty
- CLW = Centrum voor Lucht-en Waterverontreiniging
- CM = Configuration Management
- CM = Control Mark
- CM = Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
- CLWP; WWPC = Commission legislative and work programme; wetgevings- en werkprogramma van de Commissie
- CLY = Current Law Yearbook
- CM = common module
- CM; CM = Crédit Mutuel; Crédit Mutuel
- cm³; cc = cubic centimetre; ccm
- CM; CM = Communications Module; Communications Module
- CM; CM = Context Management; Context Management
- CM; CM = member of the clearing house; clearinglid
- cm³; cc = cu cm; kubieke centimeter
- cm³; ccm = cu cm; kubieke centimeter
- cm³; ccm = cu cm; ccm
- cm³; ccm = cubic centimetre; kubieke centimeter
- cm³; cc = cu cm; ccm
- cm³; cc = cubic centimetre; kubieke centimeter
- cm = centimeter
- cm = Center for Wireless Telecommunications
- CM = configuration management
- CM = Communications Management
- CM = center of mass
- CM; CM = Communications Module; Communicatiemodule
- CM; CM = clearing member; clearinglid
- CM/2 = Communication Manager / 2
- cm = 1. PHYSICS centre of mass 2. MILITARY court martial?1. ONLINE Cameroon (NOTE: The abbreviation cm is seen at the end of Internetaddresses, preceded by a dot.) 2. MEASUREMENTS centimetre
- CM = Christelijke mutualiteit
- CMFB; CSFM = Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics; Comite monetaire, financiële en betalingsstatistiek
- CMFB; CSFM = CSFM; Comite monetaire, financiële en betalingsstatistiek
- CMFB; CMFB = Committee on monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics; Comité voor monetaire, financiële en betalingsbalansstatistiek
- CMF; CMF = fissile materials accounting; boekhouding van splijtstoffen
- CMF; CMF = current measurement function; — εCMF = de maximale percentagefout van de stroommeetfunctie
- CMFB; CSFM = Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics; Comité voor monetaire, financiële en betalingsstatistiek
- CMG = gyroscoopbesturing
- CMGA; GMA = Community maximum guaranteed area; gegarandeerde maximumarealen
- CMG = control moment gyro
- CMFB; CSFM = CSFM; Comité voor monetaire, financiële en betalingsstatistiek
- CMG = MILITARY Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George
- CMEC; CMEC = Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission; a) in Engeland en Wales en Schotland, de Commissie levensonderhoud voor kinderen en tenuitvoerlegging (CMEC)
- CMEF; GTEK = Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework; gemeenschappelijk toezichts- en evaluatiekader
- CMEA; RWEB = Council for Mutual Economic Aid; RWEB
- CMEA; RWEB = Council for Mutual Economic Aid; Raad voor wederzijdse economische bijstand
- CMEA; RWEB = Council for Mutual Economic Assistance; Raad voor wederzijdse economische bijstand
- CMF = cellulosemicrofibril
- CMF; CMF = combined military forces; Combined Military Forces
- CMF; CMF = Common Market Fertilisers; Common Market Fertilisers
- CMF; CMF = Compagnie Méridionale Financière; Compagnie Méridionale Financière
- CMF = Capital Modernisation Fund
- CMF = Creative Music Format
- CMGA; GMA = Community maximum guaranteed area; communautair gegarandeerd maximumareaal
- CMI; CBO = computer managed instruction; computer beheerd/begeleid onderwijs
- CMI; CGO = computer-managed instruction; computergestuurd onderwijs
- CMI/HIC = Cable Microcell Integrator / Headend Interface Converter
- CMI = Comité Maritime International
- CMI = COMPUTING computer-managed instruction
- CMI; CMI = International Maritime Committee; Internationaal Comité voor de Scheepvaart
- CMI; CMI = coded mark inversion
- CMI; CMI = International Maritime Committee; Internationaal Maritiem Comité
- CMI; CMI = Comité maritime international; Internationaal Maritiem Comité
- CMI; CMI = IMC; Internationaal Comité voor de Scheepvaart
- CMI; CMI = Comité maritime international; Internationaal Comité voor de Scheepvaart
- CMHF = Centrale van Middelbare en Hogere Functionarissen bij Overheid,Onderwijs,Bedrijven en Instellingen
- CMI = (Contract Manufacturing Initiative)
- CMH; CMH = Commission on Macroeconomics and Health; Commission on Macroeconomics and Health
- CMGD = Centrale Machine-en Gereedschapdienst
- CMGM; CMGM = Committee on the Monitoring of the Seriously Ill; Comité Patiëntenbewaking
- CMI = komitee van missionerende instituten
- CMI = Commissie Milieu en Industrie
- CMI = Cable Microcell Integrator
- CMI = Contract Manufacturing Initiative
- CMI = Computer Managed Instructions
- CMI = Comité van de missionerende instituten
- CMEA; RWEB = Council for Mutual Economic Assistance; Raad van Wederzijdse Economische Bijstand
- CMCS = Configuration Management and Control System
- CMD = Stichting Centrale Melkcontrole Dienst
- CMCO; CMCO = civil-military coordination; civiel-militaire coördinatie
- CMCD = CIDSC Master Configuration Document
- CMC-NMU = Coöperatieve Melk Centrale-Nederlandse Melk Unie
- CMD = Centrale Melkkontrole Dienst
- CMD = Circuit Mode Data (ISDN)
- CMD = command
- CMD = Chairman-cum-Managing Director
- CMD = Command (file name extension)
- CMD = Command
- CMC = Centrale Militaire Cantine
- CMC = Connection Mobility Control
- CMC = Computer-Mediated Communication
- CMC = Complement Carry Flag (assembly language)
- CMC = Common Messaging Calls
- CMC SPT; CMC SPT = Support to Chairman of the European Union Military Committee; ondersteuning van de voorzitter van het Militair Comité van de Europese Unie
- CMC; CMC = enzymatically hydrolysed carboxymethyl cellulose; carboxymethylcellulose
- CMCC = (Conference and Media Control Client (CMCC) (RFC 6504))
- CMC; CMC = Crisis Management Concept; crisisbeheersingsconcept
- CMC; CMC = carboxymethylcellulose; carboxymethylcellulose
- CMC; CMC = Carboxymethylcellulose; carboxymethylcellulose
- CMDS = Computer Management and Development Services
- CME = BUSINESS Chicago Mercantile Exchange
- CMDS = Centralized Message Data System
- CMDR; CMDR = command reject response; antwoord weigering opdracht
- CMDS = Configuration Management Data System
- CME = Centrum voor Micro Elektronica
- CMEA; Comecon = Council for Mutual Economic Aid; Raad voor wederzijdse economische bijstand
- CMEA; Comecon = Council for Mutual Economic Aid; RWEB
- CMEA = Counal for Mutual Economic Assistance
- CME = Centrum voor Micro-Elektronica
- CMEA = INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
- CMD(v); CMD(v) = Coordination group for Mutual recognition and Decentralised procedures - Veterinary; Coördinatiegroep voor wederzijdse erkenning en gedecentraliseerde procedures (geneesmiddelen voor diergeneeskundig gebruik)
- CMD/CTL = command/control
- CMD(h); CMD(h) = Coordination group for Mutual recognition and Decentralised procedures - Human; Coördinatiegroep voor wederzijdse erkenning en gedecentraliseerde procedures (geneesmiddelen voor menselijk gebruik)
- CMD = Centrum voor Moleculaire Diagnostiek
- CMD = Centralized Message Distribution
- CMDA = Code Mobile Digital Access
- CMDM = Control and Monitor Display manager
- Cmdr = MILITARY Commander
- CMDE = CMDM executor
- CMDATA = Carrier Modulated DATA
- CMDB = control and monitor display builder
- COA = Centraal Orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers
- CoA = (Care-of Address (CoA) or)
- COA = contactcentrum onderwijs-arbeid
- COA = Commissie van Overleg Autorijscholen
- COA = Contactcentrum Onderwijs Arbeid
- CoA = BIOCHEMISTRY a complex compound that combines with a specific protein to form anactive enzyme. Full form coenzyme A
- COAD = MEDICINE chronic obstructive airways disease
- COAG = GOVERNMENT Council of Australian Governments
- COAC = Commissie onderzoek naar het aanschaffingsbeleid op het gebied van defensiemateriaal en de controle daarop
- COA = Centrale Opvang Asielzoekers
- CoA; CoA = coenzyme A; co-enzym A
- CO; CO = carbon monoxide; kooloxyduul
- CO2 = carbon dioxide
- co; co = Corsican; Corsicaans
- CO; CO = carbon monoxide; koolmonoxyde
- CO; CO = carbon monoxide; koolmonoxide
- COA = contactcentrum onderwijs-arbeid
- COA = Commissie Onderwater Archeologie
- COA = Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers
- COA = Certificate Of Authenticity
- CoA = (Change-of-Authorization (CoA) (RFC 5176))
- COA = Centraal Orgaan opvang Asielzoekers
- COAG; COAG = Committee on Agriculture; Landbouwcommissie
- COB = Commissie voor Ontwikkelingsproblematiek van Bedrijven
- COB = Centraal Orgaan van de Bouwnijverheid
- Cob = Commissie onderwijs-bedrijfsleven
- COB = Commissie Onderwijs Bedrijfsleven
- COB = COBAL Source Code (file name extension)
- COB = FINANCE an organisation overseeing the operation of the French Stock Exchange. Fullform Commission des Opérations de Bourse
- COB = cargo onboard
- COB = Contactorgaan beroepsvervoer
- COB = Centrum Ondergronds Bouwen
- COB = Commissie Ontwikkeling Bedrijven
- COB = Close Of Business (day)
- COAM = Centraal Overleg Arbeidsvoorwaarden Maatschappelijke Dienstverlening
- COAS = coarse/crew optical alignment sight
- COAL = Commissie onderzoek aangepaste landbouw
- COAL = Commando Aanvullingen Landmacht
- COAL = Commando Opleidingen en Aanvullingen Landmacht
- COAS = Commissie Onderwijskundige Aspecten Scholenbouw Voortgezetonderwijs
- COAST = Computer Operations, Audit and Security Technologies
- COAX = Coaxial Cable
- COAST = Card On A STick
- COAS; COAS = customs operational analysis system; ontwikkeling en inbedrijfstelling van het systeem voor operationele analyse van douanefraude (COAS) en uitbreiding van de gebruiksdoelen van het douane-informatiesysteem met de controle op baar geld dat de EU binnenkomt of verlaat
- COAST = Cache On A Stick
- = ONLINE UK commercial organizationThe abbreviation is seen at the end of Internet addresses, preceded by a dot. Some ofthese websites are UK branches of businesses whose Internet addresses end in .com (althoughsome UK companies have Internet addresses ending in .com in their own right).
- CO = Coördinatiecommissie Openluchtrecreatie
- CO = ConsoleOne (Novell GUI)
- CNY; CNY =
- CNX = Certified Network eXpert
- CNY = Yuan Renminbi of China (ISO 3-letter currency code)
- CO = Concept of Operations
- CO = Centrale Organisatie
- CO = Central Office
- Co = compagnon
- CO = Colorado (USA 2-letter state code)
- CNV = Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond
- CNV = Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond
- CNV = Christelijk Nederlands Vakverbond
- CNV = Chrislelijk Nationaal Vakverbond
- CNV = Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond
- CNVT = Convert
- CNWS = Centrum voor niet-westerse studies
- CNVM; CNVM = Comisia Naţională a Valorilor Mobiliare; Comisia Naţională a Valorilor Mobiliare
- CNV = Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond in Nederland
- CNV; CNV = Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond; Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond
- CO = Code Fédéral des Obligations
- Co.; cie = Comp.; compagnie
- Co.; Co = Company; compagnie
- Co.; cie = Company; compagnie
- Co. = 1. GEOGRAPHY Colorado 2. COMMERCE Company (NOTE: The abbreviation used inthe names of businesses.) 3. GEOGRAPHY County _ Co. Kildare (NOTE: The used in place names, especially the names of Irish counties.)
- Co. = Compagnon/Corporation
- Co.; comp. = Comp.; compagnie
- Co.; mij. = Company; compagnie
- Co.; mij. = Comp.; compagnie
- Co.; Mij. = Company; compagnie
- Co.; comp. = Company; compagnie
- Co.; Mij = company; maatschappij
- CO = Conference
- CO = Colombia (ISO 2-letter country code)
- co = ONLINE Colombia (NOTE: The abbreviation co is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)
- CO = Central Office
- CO = 1. CHEMISTRY carbon monoxide 2. MAIL Colorado (NOTE: The abbreviation CO is part ofthe US sorting code on the last line of a Colorado address.) 3. MILITARY commandingofficer 4. POLITICS Commonwealth Office 5. MILITARY conscientious objector
- CO = Command Output
- CO = Contracting Officer
- co. = compagnie
- CO = carbon monoxide
- CO = (Central Office (CO) (RFC 5066))
- CO = Convert Out
- COCOM = Consultative Group and coordinating committee for multilateral export controls
- COCOM = Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls
- COCOLAF; COCOLAF = Advisory Committee for the Coordination of Fraud Prevention; Raadgevend Comité coördinatie fraudebestrijding
- CoCoA = Computations in Commutative Algebra (mathematics)
- COCOHAN = Coördinatie Commissie voor de Europese Integratie en Associatie-problemen(Hoog Ambtelijk Niveau)
- COCOM; COCOM = Communications Committee (COCOM) - framework directive 2002/21/EC; Comité voor communicatie
- COCOMO = cost constructive model
- CoCoNut = Commissie Concentratie Nutsbedrijven
- COCOMO = Constructive COst Model
- COCOM; COCOM = Communications Committee; Comité voor communicatie
- COCOM; COCOM = Coordinating Committee on Export Controls; Coördinatiecommissie voor multilaterale exportcontrole
- COCIS; COCIS = chain of custody information system; chain of custody information system
- CoCo = Co-Co
- COCERAL; COCERAL = Grain and Feed Trade Committee of the EC; Comité van de graan- en veevoederhandel in de EG
- COCEMA; COCEMA = Committee of European Manufacturers of Plant for the Food Industry; Comité van vervaardigers in Europa van materieel op voedingsgebied
- COCEPE; COCEPE = Committee on the Management of the Early Childhood Centre; Paritair Comité voor het beheer van het Kinderdagverblijf
- CoCo = Consentratiecontrole (Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit
- Co-Co = Co-Co
- CoCo bond; CoCo = contingent convertible; voorwaardelijk converteerbare obligatie
- Co-Co = Coördinatiecommissie voor Europese Integratie-en Associatieproblemen
- COCO = Collaborative Computing group (Sun Microsystems)
- CoCo = Coördinatiecommissie voor Europese Integratie-en Associatieproblemen
- COCONUT = Commissie Concentratie Nutsbedrijven
- COD; COD = Codecision Procedure; co-decisieprocedure
- COD; COD = Change of destination; 3. Wijziging van bestemming
- COD; COD = Codecision Procedure; medebeslissingsprocedure
- Cod. = Codex (Manuscript)
- COD; COD = chemical oxygen demand; chemical oxygen demand
- COD; COD = Cut-Off-Date; Cut-Off-Date
- CODA = Centrum voor Onderzoek in de Diergeneeskunde en Agrochemie
- Coda-E = Combinatie van Oplegger en Draaistel, Alpha Engineering
- COD; CZV = chemical oxygen demand; chemisch zuurstofverbruik
- COD; COD =
- COD; CZV = chemical oxygen demand; chemische zuurstofvraag
- COCOT = Customer Owned, Coin Operated Telephone
- COCS; COCS = chain of custody system; Chain Of Custody System
- CoCos; CoCo = contingent convertible; voorwaardelijk converteerbare obligatie
- COCOR; COCOR = Iron and Steel Nomenclature Co-ordination Committee; Commissie voor coördinatie van de nomenclatuur van de ijzer- en staalproducten
- COCOS = Coördinatie Comissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
- COD = Centrale voor Openbare Diensten
- COD = Cash On Delivery
- COD = Code List (file name extension)
- COD = Center Operations Directorate
- Cod = Codex
- COD = 1. MAIL cash on delivery 2. BIOCHEMISTRY chemical oxygen demand
- COCCEE; COCCEE = Committee of Commercial Organisations in the EEC Countries; Comité der handelsorganisaties van de landen der EEG
- COBEREC = Confederatie van de Belgische Recuperatie
- COBIDOC = Commissie voor Bibliografie en Dokumentatie
- COBEREC = Confederatie van de Belgische Recuperatiebedrijven
- CoBeNaFi = Commissie Beoordeling Natuurwetenschappelijke Films
- Cobeno = Commissie Bedrijfsnormalisatie
- COBO = Centraal Overleg Beroepsbegeleidend Onderwijs
- COBOL = COmmon Business Oriented Language (programming language)
- COBOL; COBOL = COmmon Business Oriented Language
- COBOL = COMPUTING a high-level computer programming language, widelyadopted for corporate business applications. Full form common business-orientedlanguage
- COBO = Coproduktiefonds Binnenlandse Omroep
- COBOL = Common Business Oriented Language
- COB = Centrale Organisatie Beroepsgoederenvervoer
- COB = Commissie voor Ontwikkelingsproblematiek van Bedrijven
- COB = Close Of Business (Internet lingo)
- COB = Shi-ombervis
- COB = Chip-On-Board
- COB/SER = Commissie Ontwikkeling Bedrijven van de Sociaal-Economische Raad
- COBCCEE; COBCCEE = Committee of Butchery Organisations of the EEC; Comité van de Organisaties van slagerspatroons binnen de EEG
- COBEM = Coöperatieve Bemiddelingsvereniging U.A.
- COBCCE; COMSCEE = Committee of Butchery and Cooked Meats Organizations of the EEC; Comité van de oganisaties van slagerpatroons binnen de EEG
- COB; COB = container-oil-bulk; containers, olie en bulkgoederen
- COBA = Interdepartementale Commissie voor Ontwikkeling van Beleidsanalyse
- COBUILD = COllins Birmingham University International Language Database
- COC; K.v.K = COC; K.v.K.F.
- COC; K.v.K = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- COC; K.v.K = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; K.v.K.F.
- COC; K.K.N. = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- COC; K.K.N. = COC; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- COC; K.v.K = COC; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- COC; K.v.K.F. = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; K.v.K.F.
- COCA; COCA = Checklist Organisational Capacity Assessment; Checklist Organisational Capacity Assessment
- COC; K.v.K.F. = COC; K.v.K.F.
- COC; K.v.K.F. = COC; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- COC; K.v.K.F. = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- COC = Christelijke Onderwijs Centrale
- COC = Nederlandse Vereniging tot integratie van homoseksualiteit
- COC = Circuit Order Control
- COBUMA = Codificatiebureau Materieel voor de Krijgsmacht
- COBUR = Belgisch cokesbureau
- COC = Nederlandse Vereniging tot Integratie van Homoseksualiteit
- COC; K.K.N. = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; K.v.K.F.
- COC; K.K.N. = COC; K.v.K.F.
- CoC; CvC = Committee of Contributors for the European Union Military Operation in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Comité van contribuanten aan de militaire operatie van de Europese Unie in de Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek Macedonië
- COC = Centrale Onderwijs Commissie Bloemisterij
- CoC; CvC = Committee of Contributors; Comité van contribuanten
- CNV = Kontaktgroep Nederlandse Vrijwilligers
- CNB = Christelijke Nationale Bouwvakarbeidersbond
- CNB; CNB = ECB consultation; overleg ECB
- CNB = Centraal Normalisatiebureau
- CNB = Centraal Normalisatiebureau
- CNB = Centraal Normalisatiebureau
- CNB; CNB =
- CNC = Coöperatieve Nederlandse Champignonkwekersvereniging
- CNC = Clandestine Nuclear Cooperation
- CNBC = Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition (AI)
- CNB; CNB = ECB consultation; consultation BCE
- CNB; TNB = Czech National Bank; Tsjechische Nationale Bank
- CNAD; CNAD = Conference of National Armaments Directors; Conferentie van Nationale Bewapeningsdirecteuren
- CNAM = Caller NAMe
- CNAD; CNAD = Conference of National Armaments Directors; Conferentie van nationale bewapeningsdirecteurs
- CNAD =
- CNAD; CNAD = Conference of National Armaments Directors; Conferentie van nationale bewapeningsdirectoraten
- CNAP = Calling Name Presentation
- CNB = Crazy, Neurotic Behaviour
- CNB = (Crazy, Neurotic Behaviour)
- CNaVT = Certificaat Nederlands als Vreemde Taal
- CNAPS = Coprocessing Node Architecture for Parallel Systems
- CNAR = FINANCE compound net annual rate
- cnc = Contractor Technical Information Coding
- CND = POLITICS Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- CND; CND = Committee on Narcotic Drugs; wat de internationale samenwerking betreft is sprake van een betere coördinatie van de standpunten van de EU in internationale drugsfora, zoals de Commissie van de Verenigde Naties voor verdovende middelen
- CND = Committee on Narcotic Drugs
- CN-CC; CN-CC = Nationalist Coalition: Canarian Coalition; Nationalistische Alliantie - Canarische Alliantie
- CND = Nationale Demokratische Konventie
- CND; CND = Commission on Narcotic Drugs; De EU neemt steeds vaker een gemeenschappelijk standpunt in binnen de Commissie voor verdovende middelen van de Verenigde Naties
- CNDD; CNDD = National Council for the Defence of Democracy
- CNDP; ANRB = complementary national direct payments; aanvullende nationale rechtstreekse betalingen
- CNDD; CNDD = NCDD; Nationale Raad voor democratie en ontwikkeling
- CND; CND = Commission on Narcotic Drugs; Commissie Verdovende Middelen
- CNDD; CNDD = National Council for Democracy and Development; Nationale Raad voor democratie en ontwikkeling
- CNC = Center for Novel Computing
- CNC = Computerized Numerical Control
- CNC = Coöperatieve Nederlandse Champignonkwekersvereniging
- CNC = (Clandestine Nuclear Cooperation)
- CNC = 1. COMPUTING computer numeric control 2. ACCOUNTING the National Council forAccountancy in France. Full form Conseil National de la Comptabilité
- CNC = Computer Numeric Control or Collaborative Networked Communication
- CNCC = ACCOUNTING the National Audit Office of France. Full form Compagnie Nationaledes Commissaires aux Comptes
- CNCC = Customer Network Control Center
- CNC; CNC =
- CNC; CNC = computer numerically controlled; Computer Numerically Controlled
- CNC; CNC = computerized numerical control; automatische numerieke controle
- CNAC; NACM = Coin National Analysis Centre; nationaal analysecentrum voor munten
- CMYK = Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-blacK
- CMZ; CMZ = Compagnie Maritime Zaïroise; Compagnie maritime zaïroise
- CMYK = Cyan, magenta, yellow, and key black (ink colors for printing)
- CMYK = PRINTING the standard model for printing in which all colours are described interms of the quantity of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black they contain. Display devicesuse the RGB (red, green, blue) model. _ The letter 'K' stands for 'key', as black wastraditionally the standard colour used in printing against which others were defined Fullform cyan, magenta, yellow, black
- CMZ; CMZ = Compagnie maritime zairoise; Compagnie maritime zairoise
- CN = Communications Network
- CN = Common Name or Canonical Name
- CN = Corporate Network
- CN = (correspondent node (CN) or)
- CN = Common Name
- CMV; CMV = cytomegalovirus; cytomegalovirus
- CMV; CMV = converted meteorological visibility; 27. "Geconverteerd meteorologisch zicht
- CMV = Crediet Maatschappij Venlo NV
- CMV = Centrum voor Militaire Vorming
- CMV = MEDICINE a virus that causes enlargement of epithelial cells, usually resulting in mildinfections but causing more serious disorders in Aids patients and in newborn babies.Full form cytomegalovirus
- CMVC = Configuration Management Version Control (IBM)
- CMW = (Critical Maintenance Work)
- CMY = Cyan-Magenta-Yellow
- CMW = Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Werk
- CMW = Compartmented Mode Workstation
- CMW = Critical Maintenance Work
- cn = ONLINE China (NOTE: The abbreviation cn is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.)C/N 30
- Cna; Cna =
- CNAA = EDUCATION Council for National Academic Awards
- CNA; CNA = competent national authority; Wat het verzamelen van eerste gegevens en de verwerking van de verzamelde gegevens door de bevoegde nationale instantie
- CNA = Commissie voor de Nederlandse Avifauna
- Cna; Cna = maximum static life coefficient; maximale statische levenscoëfficiënt
- CNAC = Nationale Raad van Culinaire Kunsten
- CNAC; CNAC = Coin National Analysis Centre; nationaal centrum voor de analyse van muntstukken
- CNAC; NACM = Coin National Analysis Centre; nationaal analysecentrum voor munten
- CNAC; CNAC = Coin National Analysis Centre; nationaal centrum voor analyse van muntstukken
- CNAC; CNAC = national coin analysis centre; nationaal centrum voor analyse van muntstukken
- CNAC; CNAC = national coin analysis centre; nationaal centrum voor de analyse van muntstukken
- CN = (Common Name (CN))
- CN/A = Customer Name / Address
- CN = Core NetworkCore NetworkComfort Noise
- cn = China (ISO 2-letter country code)
- CN = (Client Node (CN) or)
- CN; CN = Nationalist Coalition; Nationalistische Coalitie
- CNA = Communications Network Application
- CNA = Certified Novell Administrator
- CNA = Certified Network Administrator
- CN; GN = Combined Nomenclature; gecombineerde nomenclatuur
- CN; GN = combined nomenclature; gecombineerde nomenclatuur
- CNS = computer network system
- CNS = ANATOMY central nervous system
- CNS = Complimentary Network Service
- CNS = Soevereine Nationale Konferentie
- CNS = Souvereine Nationale Conventie
- CNS; CNS = Communications, Navigation, Surveillance; communicatie, navigatie, surveillance
- CNS; CZS = central nervous system; centraal zenuwstelsel
- CNS; CZS = central nervous system; centrale zenuwstelsel
- CNS; CNS = consultation; consultation
- CNS; CNS = consultation; raadpleging
- CNS; CNS = coagulase-negative staphylococci; coagulase-negatieve stafylokokken
- CNP = (Covert Nuclear Program)
- CNP = Covert Nuclear Program
- CNP = Continued in Next Post (Internet lingo)
- CNOP = Centrale van Nederlands Overheidspersoneel
- CNOS = Change Number Of Sessions (IBM's SNA)
- CNPC; CNPC = China National Petroleum Corporation; China National Petroleum Corporation
- CNR; CNR = Committee on Natural Resources; Commissie voor natuurlijke rijkdommen
- CNROP; CNROP = Oceanographic and Fisheries Resource Institute; Nationaal Centrum voor oceanografisch onderzoek en visserij
- CNR = Carrier-to-Noise Ratio
- CNPS = Computer Noise Prevention System
- CNR = Communications and Network Riser
- CNS; CZS = central nervous system; centraal zenuwstelsel
- CNTD; CNTD = Controlled nucleation thermal deposition; b. thermische afzetting met beheerste nucleatie
- CNTR = Counter
- CNTD; CNTD = controlled nucleation thermal decomposition; b. thermische ontleding met beheerste nucleatie
- CNTA; CNTA = Chinese National Tourism Authority; Ondertussen heeft op 29 oktober 2002 in Peking een eerste ronde van informele gesprekken tussen de Commissie en de Nationale toeristische autoriteit van China
- CNTRL = central. control
- CNV = Contactgroep Nederlandse Vrijwilligers
- CNV = Conventional
- CNU; RNE = Council for National Unity; Raad voor Nationale Eenheid
- CNTS; CNTS = Nationaal Bloedtransfusiecentrum
- CNU; RNE = Council of National Unity; Raad voor Nationale Eenheid
- CNSP = Nationaal Centrum voor controle van de visserij
- CNSR = (Complex, Nuanced Social Relationship(s) [see also NSR])
- CNSA; CNSA = Contact Network of Spam Authorities; Contact Network of Spam Authorities
- CNS; CZS = central nervous system; centraal zenuwstelsel
- CNS; VNV = Convention on Nuclear Safety; Verdrag inzake nucleaire veiligheid
- CNSR = Complex, Nuanced Social Relationship(s) [see also NSR]
- CNT; CNT = Consorzio Nazionale Tabacchicoltori; Consorzio Nazionale Tabacchicoltori
- CNTA; CNTA = Chinese National Tourism Administration; De Commissie hield op 29 oktober 2002 in Peking een eerste ronde van verkennende gesprekken met de Chinese overheidsdienst voor toerisme
- CNT = (Credible Nuclear Threat)
- CNSS = Core Nodal Switching Subsystem
- CNT = Credible Nuclear Threat
- CNOP = Centrale van het Nederlandse Overheidspersoneel
- CNG = Calling Tone
- CNG = (comfort noise generation (CNG))
- CNFA = Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs
- CNF = Conjunctive Normal Form
- CNF = Controlled Nuclear Fusion
- CNG = Calling
- CNG; CNG = calling tone; kiestoon
- CNG; CNG = compressed natural gas; samengeperst aardgas
- CNG; CNG = compressed natural gas; I. Specifieke onderdelen van motorvoertuigen die gecomprimeerd aardgas
- CNG; CNG = compressed natural gas; gecomprimeerd aardgas
- CNE = Certified Novell Engineer
- CNEPA = Certified Novell Engineer Professional Association
- CNE = Certified Network Engineer
- CNDP; CNDP = National Congress for the Defence of the People; Nationaal Congres voor de verdediging van het volk
- CNDP; CNDP = National Congress for the Defence of the People; Congrès national pour la défense du peuple
- CNES = The French Space Agency
- CNF = (Controlled Nuclear Fusion)
- CNF = (Cache-and-Forward (CNF) (RFC 6392))
- CNF = Chomsky Normal Form
- Cnetalepesosit; Cnetalepesosit = computerised vineyard register; geïnformatiseerd wijnbouwkadaster
- CNF = Configuration (file name extension)
- CNG; CNG = compressed natural gas; samengedrukt aardgas
- CNMI = Commissie Nucleaire en Metallurgische Informatieverzorging
- CNMS = Cylink Network Management System
- CNMA = Communication Network for Manufacturing Applications
- CNL-systeem = Constant Net-Loss-systeem
- CNM = Communication Network Management
- CNMSBNOWT = Conservatives Need More Sex, But No One Wants Them (Internet lingo)
- CNO = Cultuurgeschiedenis van de Nederlanders Overzee
- CNO = Contactorgaan van Nederlandse Orkesten
- CNN = Composite Network Node
- CNN = Cable News Network
- CNN = US BROADCASTING an international news and information broadcast network basedin the USA. Full form Cable News Network
- CNI = Common Network Interface (AT&T)
- CNI = Coalition for Networked Information
- CNHV = Centraal Nederlands Hengelaarsverbond
- CNH = Criminally Negligent Homicide
- CNH = (Criminally Negligent Homicide)
- CNI = Certified Novell Instructor
- CNL = Co-operative Network List
- CNL = Conferentie der Nederlandse Letteren
- CNIDR = Clearinghouse for Network Information and Discovery and Retrieval
- CNI; CNI = National Centre for the Self-Employed and Small Farmers; Nationaal Centrum Onafhankelijken en Boeren
- CNI; ONI = Construction of New Infrastructures; opbouw van nieuwe infrastructuren
- CBVV = Stichting Centraal Bureau Veiligheidkeuringen Voertuigen
- CBVV = Commissie Bijdragen Verkeers-en Vervoervoorzieningen
- CBVP = Commissie van beroep voor vergoedingspensioenen
- CBVN = Centraal Bureau voor de Varkensfokkerij in Nederland
- CBVZ = Compensatiedienst voor betaald verlof der zeelieden
- CBW = Convert Byte to Word (assembly language)
- CBW; BC = chemical and biological weapons; biologische en chemische oorlogvoering
- CBW = Centrale Branchevereniging Wonen
- CBW = Centraal Bureau voor Woninginrichtings-en Meubileringsbedrijven
- CBW = MILITARY chemical and biological warfare
- CBTB = Centraal Bureau van de Tuinbouwveilingen in Nederland
- CBU; CBU = completely built up; volledig gemonteerd
- CBTB = Christelijke Boeren-en Tuindersbond
- CBT; CBT = community-based treatment; Sommige projecten volgen een benadering hetzij via een op de gemeenschappen gebaseerde aanpak
- CBTA = Centrale Bond van Transportarbeiders
- CBU; CBU = completely built units; Completely Built Units
- CBvB = College van beroep voor het bedrijfsleven
- CBVK = Centraal Bureau voor Keuringen
- CBV = Coaches Betaald Voetbal
- CBV = Centraal Bureau voor de Varkensfokkerij in Nederland
- CBW; BC = chemical and biological weapons; biologische en chemische wapens
- CC = Common Collector
- CC = Call ControlCountry CodeCryptographic Checksum
- CC = Cluster Controller
- CC = Centrale Catalogus
- cc = Carbon Copy
- CC = Coördinatie-Centrum
- CC = Communication Controller
- CC = Landelijke Contactraad,Stichting voor de gemeentelijke bemoeiingen met Lichamelijke Opvoeding,Sport en Recreatie
- CC = corps consulaire
- CC = (Call Completion (CC) (RFC 6910))
- CC = Call Center
- CBX = Common Branch eXtender
- CBX = Computer-controlled Branch exchange
- CBX = Computerized Branch exchange
- CBWAS; CBWAS = Central Bank of the West African States; Centrale Bank van de Westafrikaanse staten
- CB-WCAC = Cell-Based Wireless Call Admission Control
- CBZ = College bouw ziekenhuisvoorzieningen
- cc = Courtesy Copy
- CC = Chaotic Coding
- CC = Cross Cutting
- CBZ; CBZ = College Bouw Ziekenhuisvoorzieningen; College Bouw Ziekenhuisvoorzieningen
- CC = Reclame code commissie
- CBT; CBT = computer based training; computer based training
- CBS = Cost Breakdown Structure
- CBS = College van Burgemeester en Schepenen
- CBS = College van Burgemeester en Schepenen (België
- CBS = Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
- CBS = B.S.
- CBS = BROADCASTING Columbia Broadcasting System
- CBS; CBS = Capacity Building Scheme; c) het Capaciteitsopbouwprogramma
- CBS; CBS = Central Bureau of Statistics; Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
- CBS; CBS = Central Bureau of Statistics; Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
- CBS DRX cycle = The time interval between successive readings of BMC messages.
- Cbs of Cbsf = Collegevan beroep studiefinanciering
- CBS = Centraal Bureau Slachtveediensten
- CBS = Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures
- CBS = Christelijke Bond van Schoenmakers-Patroons in Nederland
- CBS = Cell Broadcast Service
- CBS = College van burgemeester en schepenen
- CBS = college van burgemeester en schepenen
- CBS = Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
- CBS = Cement en Beton Stichting
- CBS = Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
- CBS = Centraal Bureau Slachtveeverzekeringen
- CBS = (Coherent Belief System)
- CBSA; CBSA = Canada Border Services Agency; Canada Border Services Agency
- CBT = Center of Biochemical Technology
- CBT = Centraal Bureau van de Tuinbouwveilingen in Nederland
- CBT = Computer Based Training
- CBT = compenserende bedragen "toetreding"
- CBT = Core-Based Tree (routing algorithm)
- CBT = Centraal Bureau Tuinbouwveilingen
- CBT; CBT = dedicated clean ballast tank; aangewezen schone ballasttank
- CBT; CBT = computer-based testing; De introductie van per computer afgenomen tests
- CBT = (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
- CBT = Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- CBT = COMPUTING computer-based training
- CBSO = Commissie basisonderwijs,speciaal onderwijs en opleidingen landelijke verzorgingsinstellingen
- CBSS; CBSS = Council of Baltic Sea States; Council of the Baltic Sea States
- CBSH = Chrysanthemum Breeding en Selectie Holland BV
- CBSC; CBSC = centralized base station controller; gecentraliseerde basisstationbesturingseenheid
- CBSD = Christelijke Bond van Show-en Drumbands
- CBSS; CBSS = Council of the Baltic Sea States; Raad van de Oostzeestaten
- CBSW =
- CBT = Computer-Based Training
- CBSW = Commissie Bijdragen Stedelijke Werken
- CBST = Christelijke Bond van Sigarenmakers en Tabaksbewerkers
- CBSTP = Centrale Bond van Spoor-en Tramwegpersoneel
- CCA; CCA = current cost accounting; De waardering van netwerkactiva op basis van de prospectieve of huidige waarde van een efficiënte exploitant, dat wil zeggen, het ramen van de kosten die door gelijkwaardige exploitanten zouden moeten worden gemaakt als er sterke concurrentie op de markt zou heersen, is een cruciaal element van de methodiek van kostenberekening op basis van huidige kosten
- CCA; CCA = Consultative Committee on Appointments; Voorts leveren externe consultants gespecialiseerd in selectie- en aanwervingsprocedures een nuttige bijdrage aan de totstandbrenging van een striktere en objectievere procedure voor de voorselectie van kandidaten die in aanmerking komen voor een gesprek met het Raadgevend Comité benoemingen
- CCA; CCA = current cost accounting; huidigekostenberekening
- CCA = Contract Change Agreement/Authorization
- CCA; CBA = Central Competent Authorities; Centrale bevoegde autoriteit
- CCA; CCA = EU IPCR arrangements; IPCR-regeling van de EU
- CCA; CCA = EU IPCR arrangements; EU-regeling inzake coördinatie bij crisis- en noodsituaties
- CCA; CCA = EU Integrated Political Crisis Response (IPCR) arrangements; EU-regeling inzake coördinatie bij crisis- en noodsituaties
- CCA; CCA = copper, chrome and arsenic; Dit betrof onder meer het gevaar voor de gezondheid van kinderen door het gebruik van koper, chroom en arseen
- CCA; CCA = EU Integrated Political Crisis Response (IPCR) arrangements; geïntegreerde EU-regeling politieke crisisrespons (IPCR)
- CCA; CCA = EU Emergency and Crisis Coordination Arrangements; IPCR-regeling van de EU
- CCA = 1. E-COMMERCE cardholder certificate authority 2. ACCOUNTING current-costaccounting
- CCA = Controller of Certifying Authorities
- CCA = clinical chemistry analyzer
- CCA = Coordinatiecommissie Automatisering
- CCA = Change Control Authority
- CCA = Common Communications Adaptor
- CCA = Coordinatiecommissie Computeractiviteiten
- CCA = Computer Corporation of America
- CCA = Commissie voor Consumentenaangelegenheden
- CCA = Commissie voor Consumentenaangelegenheden van de SER
- CCA = n.v.Chemie Combinatie Amsterdam
- CCA; CCA = copper, chromium, arsenic; Evenmin mag aldus behandeld hout in de handel worden gebracht.4.In afwijking hiervan:a)mogen de stoffen en preparaten voor de verduurzaming van hout alleen worden gebruikt in industriële installaties die van vacuüm- of druktechnologie gebruikmaken om hout te impregneren, als het oplossingen van anorganische verbindingen van koper, chroom en arseen
- CCAC; CCAC = Climate and Clean Air Coalition; Climate and Clean Air Coalition
- CCAD; CCAD = Central American Environment and Development Committee; Centraal-Amerikaanse Commissie voor milieu en ontwikkeling
- CCAC; CCAC = Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants; Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants
- CCAC; CCAC = Climate and Clean Air Coalition; Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants
- CCAC; CCAC = Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants; Climate and Clean Air Coalition
- CCAE = Checkpoint Certified Addressing Expert
- CCAMLR; CCAMLR = Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources; Overwegende dat de Commissie voor de instandhouding van de levende rijkdommen in de Antarctische wateren
- CCAMLR; CCAMLR = Commission on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources; Commissie voor de instandhouding van de levende rijkdommen in de Antarctische Wateren
- CCalpha; CCalpha = decision limit; beslissingsgrens
- CCAFS = Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
- CCAI = Commissie Coördinatie arbeidsvoorwaarden en Inkomensaangelegenheden
- CCA; CCA = Cenelec Certification Agreement; Cenelec Certification Agreement
- CCA; CCA = current cost accounting; huidige kostenberekening
- CCA; CCA = EU Integrated Political Crisis Response (IPCR) arrangements; IPCR-regeling van de EU
- CCA; CCA = EU Emergency and Crisis Coordination Arrangements; EU-regeling inzake coördinatie bij crisis- en noodsituaties
- CCA; CCA = EU Emergency and Crisis Coordination Arrangements; geïntegreerde EU-regeling politieke crisisrespons (IPCR)
- CCA; CCA = Cenelec Certification Agreement
- CCAB = conferentiecentrum Albert Borschette
- CCAB = ACCOUNTING Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies
- CCAA = Common Cabin Air Assembly
- CCA; CCA = EU IPCR arrangements; geïntegreerde EU-regeling politieke crisisrespons (IPCR)
- CCA; CKO = Committee of Credit Associations; Comite van Kredietorganisaties
- CCA = cause-consequence analysis
- CC/R; CC/R = concentricity error core/reference surface; fout in concentriciteit van kern/manteloppervlak
- CC/R; CC/R = core/reference surface concentricity error; fout in concentriciteit van kern/manteloppervlak
- CC/PP = Composite Capability/Preference Profiles
- CC/CL; CC/CL = concentricity error core/cladding; fout in concentriciteit van kern/mantel
- CC/CL; CC/CL = core/cladding concentricity error; fout in concentriciteit van kern/mantel
- CC; CB = classification of constructions; classificatie van bouwwerken
- CC; CC = Central Committee; Centraal comité
- CC; CC = call control; oproepbesturing
- CC; CC = call control procedure; oproep-controleprocedure
- CC; CC = Canary Island coalition
- CC; CC = Consiliul Concurenţei; Consiliul Concurenţei
- CC = 1. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION City Council 2. BUSINESS a corporation which is owned andcontrolled by a small number of people and whose shares are not available to thegeneral public. Full form close corporation 3. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION County Council 4. CRICKET Cricket ClubCCA 24
- cc = Cocos (Keeling) Islands (ISO 2-letter country code)
- CC = Chain Coding
- cc = 1. BUSINESS carbon copy (NOTE: The abbreviation cc also refers to a copy of an e-mailsent to a person other than the primary addressee.) 2. LITERATURE chapters 3. ONLINECocos Islands (NOTE: The abbreviation cc is seen at the end of Internet addresses,preceded by a dot.) 4. MEASUREMENTS cubic capacity 5. MEASUREMENTS cubic centimetre _a 600cc motorbike (NOTE: The abbreviation cc is perhaps most frequently encounteredwith reference to the power of an internal-combustion engine.)
- cc = Cross-Connect
- CC = (CSRC count (CC) (RFC 3550) or)
- CC. = Consules ('Consuls')
- CC. VV. = Clarissimi Viri ('Illustrious Men')
- CC rr = Contact Center rAnfmllo^ ror»frali-yorl
- CC = Carbon Copy
- CC of C.C. of Cc = Code Civil of Code civiel (Code Napoleon)
- CC; CC = country code; Voor een betere interne werkorganisatie moeten in de "betreft"-regel van een e-mailbericht over een PRUEM-opdracht de landencode (CC) van de lidstaat van verzending van het bericht en het soort opdracht
- CC; K.v.K = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; K.v.K.F.
- CC; K.v.K = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- CC; K.v.K = COC; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- CC; K.K.N. = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; K.v.K.F.
- CC; K.v.K = COC; K.v.K.F.
- CC; K.v.K.F. = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; K.v.K.F.
- CC; KLS = Candidate Countries; kandidaat-lidstaten
- CC; RC = Computing Center; Rekencentrum
- CC; K.v.K.F. = COC; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- CC; K.v.K.F. = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- CC; K.v.K.F. = COC; K.v.K.F.
- CC; CC = climate class; klimaatklasse
- CC; CC = Category change; Voor de hieronder vermelde inventariswijzigingen dient overeenstemmende informatie te worden gegeven : a ) Verandering van categorie
- CC; CC = Constitutional Committees; constitutionele comités
- CC; CC = Central Committee; Centrale Comité
- CC; CC = call control; oproep-controleprocedure
- CC; CC = Cyanuric chloride; (148) Cyanuurzuurchloride
- CC; K.K.N. = COC; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- CC; K.K.N. = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- CC; K.K.N. = COC; K.v.K.F.
- CC; CC = cross-compliance; cross-compliance
- CC; CC = call control procedure; oproepbesturing
- CBS = Centraal Bureau voor Schimmelcultures
- CBI; COO = computer-aided teaching; computer ondersteund onderwijs
- CBI; COO = computer assisted instruction; computer ondersteund onderwijs
- CBI; CBI = Central Bank of Iceland; centrale bank van IJsland
- CBI; CBI = Confederation of British Industry; Confederation of British Industry
- CBI; CBI = Caribbean Basin Initiative; Caribbean Basin Initiative
- CBI; FTAA = Caribbean Basin Initiative; Free Trade Area of the Americas
- CBIOS = Compatibility Basic Input/Output System (IBM)
- CBIS = Cinannati Bell Information Systems
- CBIN = Commissariaat voor buitenlandse investeringen in Nederland
- CBI; VBI = confidential business information; vertrouwelijke bedrijfsinformatie
- CBID = (Crypto-Based Identifier (CBID))
- CBI = 1. COMPUTING computer-based instruction 2. INDUSTRY Confederation of BritishIndustry
- CBI = Centrum tot bevordering van de import uit ontwikkelingslanden
- CBI = Computer -Based Insbruction/Instrumentation
- CBI = Consulentschap in Algemene Dienst voor Boerderijbouwen-Inrichting
- CBI = Centrum ter Bevordering van de Import uit Ontwikkelingslanden
- CBI = Centrum tot Bevordering van de Import uit Ontwikkelingslanden
- CBI/IK = Internationale Projecten en Kennisoverdracht
- CBI; CBI = Cross-Border Initiative; grensoverschrijdend initiatief
- CBI/HB = Handelsbevordering en Bedrijfsbemiddeling
- CBI = Centrum voor bedrijfsinformatie
- CBI/CZ = Algemene en Comptabele Aangelegenheden
- CBIS = Computer-Based Information System
- CBL = Commissie Beheer Landbouwgronden
- CBL; CBL = Central Bank of Libya; Central Bank of Libya
- CBL = COBOL Source Code (file name extension)
- CBL = Centraal Bureau Levensmiddelenhandel
- CBL = Centraal Bureau van Levensmiddelenbedrijven
- CBM = Centraal Bureau Motorrrijtuigenbelasting
- CBM = Centraal Bureau Motorrijtuigenbelasting
- CBM = Christelijke Bedrijfsbond voor de metaalnijverheid en de elektrotechnische industrie
- CBM = (Competing Business Model)
- CBM = common berthing mechanism
- CBM = Competing Business Model
- CBKO = Centraal bureau voor het katholiek onderwijs
- CBKRL = Centraal Bureau Katoen-,Rayon-en Linnenindustrie
- CBK = Centraal Betaalkantoor rijksbelastingen
- CBK = Centraal betaalkantoor rijksbelasting
- CBK = Centraal Brouwerij Kantoor
- CBKS = Centraal bureau voor de kleine spaarders
- CBL = Computer-Based Learning
- CBL = Commissie Beheer Landbouwgronden
- CBL = Centraal Bureau Levensmiddelenhandel
- CBL = Centraal Bureau Levensmiddelenhandel
- CBL = Commissie beheer landbouwgronden
- CBHK = Centraal Bureau voor het Hypothecair Krediet
- CBDF = Character Bitmap Distribution Format (Adobe)
- CBDS = Connectionless Broadband Data Service
- CBDC = Christelijke Belgische Diamantbewerkerscentrale
- CBD = Commerce Business Daily
- CBD; VBD = Convention on Biological Diversity; Verdrag inzake biologische diversiteit
- CBDS = circuit board design system
- CBE = Centrale Bewerkingseenheid BV
- CBE; CBE = cocoa butter equivalent; cacaoboterequivalent
- CBE = Coördinator Beleid en Evaluatie
- CBE = MILITARY Commander of the (Order of the) British Empire (NOTE: The abbreviation CBEis used as a title: Harvey Weinstein CBE.)
- CBE = Component Boolean Expression
- CBD = Critical Business Decision
- CBD = Commissie Biotechnologie bij Dieren
- cbd = FREIGHT cash before delivery
- CBCR = Channel Byte Count Register
- CBD = common data base
- CBD = Christelijke Beweging voor Drankbestrijding
- CBD = cannabidiol
- CBD = (Critical Business Decision)
- CBD = Centrale Bibliotheekdienst
- CBD = Centraal Bureau Douane
- CBD = 1. FREIGHT cash before delivery 2. BUSINESS central business district
- CBE; CBE = chemical phase epitaxy; chemische-bundelepitaxie
- CBG; ETE = Commercial Bank of Greece; Griekse Handelsbank
- CBGA = Ceramic Ball Grid Array
- CBG = Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB) (College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen)
- CBG = Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie
- CBG = Christelijke Bond van Gepensioneerden
- CBGPP = commissie van beroep voor geschiktheid van het personeel van de politiediensten
- CBH = Centraal Bureau Handelsbemiddeling
- CBH = Centraal Bureau voor de Huisvesting
- CBH = Centraal Bureau voor de Huisvesting
- CBGS = Centrum voor bevolkings-en gezinsstudiën
- CBGS = Centrum voor Bevolkings- en Gezinsstudies
- CBEMA = Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers' Assoaation
- CBEV = Commissie Betaald Educatief Verlof
- CBEM; CBEM = Common Baltic Electricity Market; De Baltische staten hebben besloten een gemeenschappelijke Baltische elektriciteitsmarkt
- CBE; COO = computer-aided teaching; computer ondersteund onderwijs
- CBE; COO = computer assisted instruction; computer ondersteund onderwijs
- CBF = Centraal Bureau Fondsenwerving
- CBF = Commissie voor het Bank- en Financiewezen
- CBF = Core Business Functions
- CBF = (Core Business Functions)
- CBF = Centraal Bureau Fondsenwerving
- CBF = Commissie voor het Bank- en Financiewezen
- CBR = Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen
- CBR = Case-Based Reasoning
- CBR = Centraal Bureau voor de afgifte van Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen
- CBR = (Constant Bitrate (CBR))
- CBR = Canadian Bioinformatics Resource
- CBR = complement-bindingsreactie
- CBR = Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen
- CBR = Configuration Budget Review
- CBR = Constant Bit Rate
- CBR = Constant Bit Rate
- CBR = Constant Bit Rate
- CBPP; BBPP = contagious bovine pleuro-pneumonia; besmettelijke bovine pleuronomie
- CBPP; BBPP = contagious bovine pleuropneumonia; besmettelijke boviene pleuropneumonie
- CBPM = Christelijke Bond van Patroons in het Meubileringsbedrijf
- CBP; CBP = College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens; College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens
- CBPI; CBPI = Cytokinesis-Block Proliferation index; Cytokineseblokproliferatie-index (CBPI) : de verhouding cellen na tweede deling in de behandelde populatie ten opzichte van de onbehandelde controlegroep
- CBPP; BBPP = contagious bovine pleuropneumonia; besmettelijke runderperipneumonie
- CBR = Centraal Betaalkantoor Rijksbelasting
- CBR = COMPUTING constant bit rate
- CBR = Centrale Beleggingsraad
- CBPP; BBPP = contagious bovine pleuro-pneumonia; besmettelijke bovine pleuropneumonie
- CBR = complementbindingsproef
- CBR = contract baseline rephasing
- CBRN; CBRN = Chemical, Biological and Radio-Nuclear; chemische, biologische en radiologisch/nucleaire
- CBRN; CBRN = chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear; chemisch, biologisch, radiologisch en nucleair
- CBRF; CBR = Central Bank of Russia; centrale bank van Rusland
- CBR; CRB = Community Bureau of References; Communautair Referentiebureau
- CBRA = Constant Bit-Rate Adapter
- CBRN; CBRN = Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear; chemische, biologische, radiologische of nucleaire
- CBS = Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
- CBS = Coherent Belief System
- CBRNE; CBRNE = chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives; chemisch, biologisch, radiologisch, nucleair en explosieven
- CBRN; NRBC = chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear; chemisch, biologisch, radiologisch en nucleair
- CBR; CBR = California Bearing Ratio; CBR-proef
- CBR; CBR = Complement binding reaction; complementbindingsreactie
- CBR; CBR = Central Bank of Russia; centrale bank van Rusland
- CBR; CBR = constant bit rate; constant bit rate
- CBR; CBR = California Bearing Ratio; California Bearing Ratio
- CBR; CBR-proef = California Bearing Ratio; CBR-proef
- CBR; CRB = COMMUNITY BUREAU OF REFERENCES; Communautair Referentiebureau
- CBR; CRB = Community Bureau of References; Communautair Referentiebureau
- CBR; CRB = Research and Development Programme for the EEC in the field of Applied Metrology and Chemical Analyses in the European Economic Community(1988-92)-Community Bureau of References; Programma voor onderzoek en ontwikkeling op het gebied van toegepaste metrologie en chemische analyses in de Europese Economische Gemeenschap(1988-1992)
- CBR; CBR-proef = California Bearing Ratio; California Bearing Ratio
- CBR; CRB = Community Bureau of Reference; communautair referentiebureau
- CBP; CBP = Customs and Border Protection; Customs and Border Protection
- CBMS = Computer-Based Mail System
- CBMT = Centrum voor Bedrijfsmedisch Toezicht
- CBMS = Computer-Based Message System
- CBMO = Centrale voor Bemiddeling bij Medefinanciering van Ontwikkelingsprogramma's
- CBN = (Complex Business Negotiation(s))
- CBN; KBN = cubic boron nitride; korrelgelaluminiumoxide omvat
- CBNM; CBNM = Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements; Centraal Bureau voor metingen op het gebied van de kernenergie
- CBN; CBN = cannabinol; cannabinol
- CBN = Complex Business Negotiation(s)
- CBN = Correspondentieblad Broederschap der Notatissen (tot ultimo 1967)
- CBM; CBM = confidence building measures; Bovendien bevordert Gemeenschappelijk Optreden 2008/858/GBVB het indienen van verklaringen inzake vertrouwenwekkende maatregelen
- Cbm; m**3 = c.m.; kubieke meter
- CBM; CBM = Central Bank of Malta; centrale bank van Malta
- CBM = Centraal bureau motorrijtuigenbelastng
- CBM; CBM = confidence-building measure; vertrouwenwekkende maatregel
- Cbm; m**3 = cubic meter; kubieke meter
- CBML = Case Based Markup Language
- CBMO = Centrale voor bemiddeling bij medefinanciering van ontwikkelingsprogramma's
- CBMI = Cell Broadcast Message Identifier
- CBMC; CBMC = Confederation of Common Market Breweries; Werkgemeenschap van brouwers van de Gemeenschappelijke Markt
- CBME = Christelijk Bedrijfsbond voor de Metaalnijverheid en Elektrotechnische Industrie
- CBNP = CAFP Biotechnology Network Project
- CBO; CBO = CBO; Centraal Bureau voor Opsporingen
- CBOO = Stichting Contactcentrum Bevordering Openbaar Onderwijs
- CBO; CBO = collateralised bond obligation; collateralised bond obligation
- CBO; CBO = Central Investigation Bureau; Centraal Bureau voor Opsporingen
- CBO; CBO = Management and Technology Systems Centre
- CBOO = Stichting Contactcentrum Bevordering Openbaar Onderwijs
- CBP = Coded Block Pattern (MPEG)
- CBP = College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens
- CBOZ = Centrale Bond van Onderling beheerde Ziekenfondsen
- CBOT = BUSINESS Chicago Board of Trade
- CBOWO = Centraal Bureau voor Onderzoek van het Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs
- CBO = Contactcentrum Bedrijfsleven Onderwijs
- CBO = Coördinerend beleidsoverleg
- CBO = Contactcentrum voor Bedrijfsleven-Onderwijs
- CBNV = Centrale bond van Nederlandse Verbruiks-Coöperaties
- CBO = Coördinatie-orgaan voor de begeleiding en overdracht
- CBO = Coupling Between Object Classes
- CBO = Compelling Buying Opportunity (contrast with CSO)
- CBO = Commissie Bibliografisch Onderzoek
- CBO = Centraal Begeleidingsorgaan voor Intercollegiale Toetsing
- CBO = (Compelling Buying Opportunity (contrast with CSO))
- CBO = Centraal Bureau der Opsporingen
- CCI = Covert Criminal Investigation
- CCI of C.c.i. = Code Civile Italiano
- CCI = Christelijke confederatie van instellingen voor sociale en gezondsheidszorg
- CCI = Centraal Nijverheidscomité
- CCI = Computer Carrier Interrupt
- CCI; CCI = Community Coordinating Institute; Communautair coördinatie-instituut
- CCI; CCI = Common Consular Instructions; Common Consular Instructions
- CCI; GVI = Common Consular Instructions for the diplomatic missions and consular posts; Gemeenschappelijke Visuminstructies
- CCI; CCI = Community Coordinating Institute for Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccine; Communautair Coördinatie-Instituut voor mond- en klauwzeervaccins
- CCI; CCI = Community Coordination Institute for Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccines; Communautair Coördinatie-instituut voor Mond-en Klauwzeervaccins
- CCI; CCI = Competition Commission of India; Competition Commission of India
- CCH; BCC = Central Clearing House; Centraal Compensatiebureau van Brussel
- CCHB = Christelijke Centrale voor Hout en Bouw
- CCH = CDR Collection Handler (telecommunications)
- CCH = Christelijke Centrale van de Huisvesting
- CCH = Control Channel
- CCHB = Christelijke Centrale voor Hout-en Bouwvakarbeiders
- CCI = Capability / Configuration Identifier
- CCI = Computer Consoles, Inc.
- CCI = (Covert Criminal Investigation)
- CCI = Caritas Confederatie van Instellingen
- CCI = Common Client Interface
- CCI; GVI = Common Consular Instructions; Gemeenschappelijke Visuminstructies
- CCI; K.v.K.F. = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- CCIA = Computer and Communications Industry Association
- CCI; K.v.K.F. = COC; K.v.K.F.
- CCI; K.v.K.F. = COC; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- CCI; K.v.K.F. = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; K.v.K.F.
- CCID = (Content Collection IDentifier (CCID) (RFC 6983))
- CCIP = Continuously Computed Impact Point
- CCIR = Comite Consultatif International de Radiodiffusion (International Radio Consulta
- CCIM = Coordinatiecomité International Milieubeleid
- CCID = (Congestion Control Identifier (CCID) (RFC 5238))
- CCIE = CISCO Certified Internetworking Engineer
- CCI; K.K.N. = COC; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- CCI; K.K.N. = COC; K.v.K.F.
- CCI; ICC = Convergence and Competitiveness Instrument; instrument voor convergentie en concurrentievermogen
- CCI; GVI = Common Consular Instructions for the diplomatic missions and consular posts; Gemeenschappelijke Visuminstructies aan de diplomatieke en consulaire beroepsposten
- CCI; GVI = Common Consular Instructions; Gemeenschappelijke Visuminstructies aan de diplomatieke en consulaire beroepsposten
- CCI; K.K.N. = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; K.v.K.F.
- CCI; K.v.K = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; K.v.K.F.
- CCI; K.v.K = COC; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- CCI; K.v.K = COC; K.v.K.F.
- CCI; K.K.N. = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- CCI; K.v.K = Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Kamer van Koophandel(en Fabrieken)
- CCGT; STEG = combined-cycle gas turbine; gecombineerde stoom- en gasturbine
- CCFE; CCFE = Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies; Gemeenschap van Europese Spoorwegen
- CCFE; ESG = CER; Gemeenschap van Europese Spoorwegen
- CCFE; CCFE = Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies; Europese spoorwegengemeenschap
- CCFE; CCFE = CER; Europese spoorwegengemeenschap
- CCFE; CCFE = CER; Gemeenschap van Europese Spoorwegen
- CCFE; ESG = CER; Europese spoorwegengemeenschap
- CCFI; CCFI = Advisory Committee on Training in Nursing; Raadgevend Comité voor de opleiding op het gebied van de verpleegkunde
- CCFI; CCFI = Advisory Committee on Training in Nursing; Raadgevend Comité voor de opleiding op het gebied van de verpleegkunde
- CCFF; CCFF = Climate Change Financing Facility; Climate Change Financing Facility
- CCFE; ESG = Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies; Europese spoorwegengemeenschap
- CCFE; ESG = Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies; Gemeenschap van Europese Spoorwegen
- CCF = Consolidated Communications Facilities
- CCF = Coöperatieve Condensfabriek "Friesland"
- CCF = Call Control Function
- ccess protocol = A defined set of procedures that is adopted at an interface at a specified reference point between a user and a network to enable the user to employ the services and/or facilities of that network (source ITU-T I.112).
- CCETT = Centre Commun d'Etudes de Telediffusion et Telecommunications
- CCF = MILITARY Combined Cadet Force
- CCFA = Comprehensive Cease-Fire Agreement
- CCFCD = Command and Control Functional Control Document
- CCFA = (Comprehensive Cease-Fire Agreement)
- CCF; CCF = common control frame; common-control frame
- CCF; RCK = Consultative Committee for Fusion; Raadgevend Comité kernversmelting
- CCFI; CCFI = Advisory Committee on Nursing Training; Raadgevend Comité voor de opleiding op het gebied van de verpleegkunde
- CCG; CCG = CSD Contact group; De CSD-contactgroep
- CCG; CCG = Chiers-Châtillon-Gorcy; Chiers-Châtillon-Gorcy
- CCG = Currency Conversion Gain (contrast with CCL)
- CCFT = Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube
- CCG = (Currency Conversion Gain (contrast with CCL))
- CCGC = Commissie Collectieve Grammofoonplaten Campagne
- CCGP = Christelijke Centrale van Grafische en Papierbedrijven
- CCGT; CCGT = combined cycle gas turbines; combined cycle gas turbines
- CCGOM = Centraal Georganiseerd Overleg Militairen
- CCGOA = Centrale Commissie van Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken
- CCFP,a CCFP controls one or more RFPs(radio fixed part); CCFP = CCFP,a CCFP controls one or more RFPs(radio fixed part); central control fixed part
- CCFP,a CCFP controls one or more RFPs(radio fixed part); CCFP = central control fixed part; central control fixed part
- CCFM =
- CCFL = Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp
- CCFL; CCFL = Codex Committee on Food labelling; Codex Committee on Food labelling
- CCFP; CCFP = central control fixed part; central control fixed part
- CCFP; RCPK = CCFP; Raadgevend Comité voor het programma kernversmelting
- CCFP; RCPK = Advisory Committee for the Fusion Programme; Raadgevend Comité voor het programma kernversmelting
- CCFP; RCPK = Consultative Committee of the Fusion Programme; Raadgevend Comité voor het programma kernversmelting
- CCFP; CCFP = CCFP,a CCFP controls one or more RFPs(radio fixed part); central control fixed part
- CCFP; RCPK = Consultative Committee for the Fusion Programme; Raadgevend Comité voor het Programma Kernversmelting
- CCMO = Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek
- CCMP = (Counter Mode with CBC-MAC Protocol (CCMP))
- CCMO = Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects
- CCMGP; RCPB = Advisory Committee on Programme Management; Raadgevend Comité inzake programmabeheer
- CCMI = adviescommissie industriële reconversie
- CCMP = Communications Control and Management Processor
- CCMS; CUMM = Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society; Commissie voor de Uitdagingen van de Moderne Maatschappij
- CCMV = Coördinatiecommissie Militaire Verdediging
- CCMS; CUMM = Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society; Commissie(voor de)Uitdagingen(van de)Moderne Maatschappij
- CCMS = Command Control and Monitoring System
- CCMS; CUMM = Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society; Commissie voor de uitdagingen van de moderne maatschappij
- CCMB = Christelijke Centrale van Metaalbewerkers van Belgie
- CCMC; CCMC = Committee of Common Market Automobile Constructors; Vereniging van Automobielfabrikanten in de Gemeenschappelijke Markt
- CCM; CCM = caustic calcined magnesite; (9) Het gaat in deze procedure om een vorm van magnesiumoxide, namelijk caustisch magnesiet
- CCM; CCM = Compagnie Corse Méditerranée; Compagnie Corsica Méditerranée
- CCM; CCM = caustic calcined magnesium; caustisch magnesiet
- CCMC; CCMC = Committee of Common Market Automobile Constructors; Comité van automobielproducenten van de gemeenschappelijke markt
- CCMGP; CCMGP = Advisory Committee on Programme Management; Raadgevend Comité inzake programmabeheer
- CCMGP; RCPB = Advisory Committee on Programme Management; RCPB
- CCMGP; CCMGP = Advisory Committee on Programme Management; RCPB
- CCME; CCME = Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment; Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
- CCME; CCME = Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe; Churches Commission for migrants in Europe
- CCN = County Council Network
- CCNP = Cisco Certified Network Professional
- CCNR = (Call Completion on No Reply (CCNR) (RFC 6910))
- CCNL = (Call Completion on Not Logged-in (CCNL) (RFC 6910))
- CCNC = Computer and Communications Network Center
- CCNC = Common Channel Network Controller
- CCNR; CCR = CRC; Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart
- CCNSP = Certified Commercial Network Service Provider (Microsoft)
- CC-NUMA = Cache-Coherent Non-Uniform Memory Access
- CCNR; CCR = Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine; Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart
- CCNR; CCR = Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine; Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart
- CCNR; CCR = Central Rhine Commission; Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart
- CCN = customer coordination node
- CCN/CSI; CCN/CSI = Common Communications Network/ Common Systems Interface; gemeenschappelijk communicatienetwerk met gemeenschappelijke systeeminterface
- CCN = Confectie Coöperatie Nederland
- CCN = Communicatiecentrum Noord
- CCN = contract change notice
- CCN/CSI; CCN/CSI = common communications network/common systems interface; gemeenschappelijk communicatienetwerk met gemeenschappelijke systeeminterface
- CCN; CCN = Common Communication Network; Common Communication Network
- CCNA = Cisco Certified Network Associate
- CCN; CCN = CCN network; gemeenschappelijk communicatienetwerk
- CCN/CSI; CCN/CSI = common computer network; gemeenschappelijk communicatienetwerk met gemeenschappelijke systeeminterface
- CCN; CCN = Common Communications Network; gemeenschappelijk communicatienetwerk
- CCM; CCM = Caribbean Common Market; Caribische gemeenschappelijke markt
- CCL = Connection/Cursor Control Language
- CCL = [1] Currency Conversion Loss (contrast with CCG)
- CCL = Computercentrum Limburg
- cck = Cocos (Keeling) Islands (ISO 3-letter country code)
- CCK = Corporate Control Key
- CCL = ([2] Comfortable, Complacent Life)
- CCL = Cyber Control Language
- CCL type T = chronische T-cel lymfoïde leukemie
- CCL = Console Command Language
- CCL = ([1] Currency Conversion Loss (contrast with CCG))
- CCL = [2] Comfortable, Complacent Life
- CCITT = Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique (The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee)
- CCITT = Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone
- CCITT = Comite Consulatif Internationale de Telegraphie et Telephonie (communications standards organization based in Switzerland)
- CCIRN = Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networks
- CCIT; CCIT = International Telephone Consultative Committee; internationaal consultatief comité voor telefonie
- CCITT = COMPUTING an international committee that defines communications protocolsand standards. Full form Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique etTélégraphique
- CCK = Centrale Catalogus Kartografie
- CCK = Computers by Constantin Kyriazopoulos
- CCK = Centrale Catalogus van Kaarten
- CCITT; CCITT = International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee; Internationale Raadgevende Commissie inzake telegrafie en telefonie
- CCJ = Centrum voor Christen-Journalisten
- CCL; CCL = Climate Change Levy; Climate Change Levy
- CCM = Contactcommissie Motorrijtuigenverzekering
- CCM = Centrum voor Constructie en Mechanisatie
- CCM = (Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM))
- CCM = Chilling Career Move
- CCM = Certificate Configuration MessageCurrent Call Meter
- CCM = (Chilling Career Move)
- CCM = Centrale Catalogus van Muziekwerken
- CCM; CCM = Convention on Cluster Munitions; Inwerkingtreding van het Verdrag inzake clustermunitie
- CCM = crew/cargo module
- CCM = Composite Change Memo
- CCM = Communications Control and Management
- CCl4; CCl4 = carbon tetrachloride; tetrachloorkoolstof
- CCLM; CCLM = Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters; Commissie voor constitutionele en juridische kwesties
- CCl4; CCl4 = carbon tetrachloride; koolstoftetrachloride
- CCL; CCL = contingent credit line; Contingent Credit Line
- CCL; CCL = contingent credit line; voorwaardelijke kredietfaciliteit
- CCLMNO = Christelijke Centrale der Lekenleraars uit het Middelbaar-en Normaalonderwijs
- CCLT; CCLT = cash conduit lending transaction; Cash Conduit Lending Transaction
- CCM = Charge Coupled Memory
- CCLT; CCLT = cash conduit lending transaction; transactie inzake uitlening van contanten via een derde
- CCLRO = Christelijke Centrale der Leraars bij het Rijksonderwijs
- CCLT = Centraal Comite voor Landbouw-en Tuinbouwbelangen
- CCESL = Christelijke Centrale van Energie,Scheikunde en Ledernijverheid
- CCC; CCC = Crow Control Center
- CCC; CCC = Consumers' Consultative Council; consumentenadviesraad
- ccc; ccc = compulsory consultation clause; clausule inzake verplicht overleg
- CCC; CCC = Common Core Curriculum; gemeenschappelijk kerncurriculum
- CCC; CCC = Committee of Cultural Consultants; Comité van Culturele Adviseurs
- CCC; CCC = Capabilities Commitment Conference; Conferentie over de toezegging van vermogens
- CCC; CDW = Community Customs Code; communautair douanewetboek
- CCC; IDR = WCO; Werelddouaneorganisatie
- CCC; CCC = Cenemesa/Cademesa/Conelec; Cenemesa/Cademesa/Conelec
- CCC; CCC = Chaos Computer Club; Chaos Computer Club
- CCC; CCC = Climate Change Committee; De Commissie wordt bijgestaan door het bij artikel 9 van Beschikking 280/2004/EG ingestelde Comité klimaatverandering
- CCC = Command, Control and Communications
- CCC = Consolidated Control Center
- CCC = Centrale Cultuurtechn. Commissie
- CCC = Computer Control Center
- CCC = Cyber Cop Committee
- CCC = Control Center Complex
- CCC = Centrum voor Latijns Amerikaanse Cultuur
- CCC; CCC = chlormequat; chloormequat
- CCC = Centrale Computer Configuratie
- CCC = Communications Control Console
- CCC = Cube-Connected Cyde
- CCC; IDR = World Customs Organisation; Internationale Douaneraad
- CCC; WDO = Customs Cooperation Council; WDO
- CCC; WDO = Customs Cooperation Council; Internationale Douaneraad
- CCC; RKV = Convention on Climate Change; Raamverdrag inzake klimaatverandering
- CCC; WDO = Customs Cooperation Council; Werelddouaneorganisatie
- CCC; WDO = World Customs Organisation; WDO
- CCC; WDO = WCO; Werelddouaneorganisatie
- CCCC = conferentie over de toezegging van civiele vermogens
- CCC; WDO = World Customs Organisation; Werelddouaneorganisatie
- CCC; WDO = World Customs Organisation; Internationale Douaneraad
- CCC; WDO = WCO; Internationale Douaneraad
- CCC; IDR = Customs Cooperation Council; Internationale Douaneraad
- CCC; IDR = Customs Cooperation Council; WDO
- CCC; IDR = Customs Cooperation Council; Werelddouaneorganisatie
- CCC; IDR = Customs Cooperation Council; Internationale Douaneraad
- CCC; IDR = World Customs Organisation; WDO
- CCC; IDR = WCO; Internationale Douaneraad
- CCC; RCC = Consumers'Consultative Council; raadgevend Consumentenraad
- CCC; RCC = Consumers'Consultative Council; raadgevend Comité voor de consument
- CCC; IDR = Customs Co-operation Council; Internationale Douaneraad
- CCC; IDR = World Customs Organisation; Werelddouaneorganisatie
- CCC = Concourse Computer Center
- CCB = Coöperatieve Centrale Boerenleenbank
- CCB = [2] Core Commercial Business
- CCASG; GCC = CCASG; Raad voor Samenwerking van de Arabische Golfstaten
- CCASG; GCC = Arab Gulf Cooperation Council; Samenwerkingsraad van de Golf
- CCASG; GCC = Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf; Samenwerkingsraad van de Golf
- CCB = ([1] Credit Card Balance)
- CCB = ([2] Core Commercial Business)
- CCB = Command Control Block
- CCB = Configuration Control Board
- CCB = Command Control Block (Microsoft)
- CCB = Centrale Commissie Bouwnijverheid
- CCAMLR; CCAMLR = Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources; Commissie voor de instandhouding van de levende rijkdommen in de Antarctische Wateren
- CCAMLR; IATTC = Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources; Inter-Amerikaanse Commissie voor tropische tonijn
- CCAMLR; CCAMLR = Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Maríne Living Resources; Verder hebben de regionale visserijorganisaties aangetoond dat de invoer van illegaal gevangen vis op de Europese markt kan worden verboden (zoals voor de blauwvintonijn in de ICCAT), en dat de vangsten door middel van een vangstcertificaat kunnen worden gecontroleerd (bijv. bij de Commissie voor de instandhouding van de levende rijkdommen in de Antarctische wateren
- CCAMLR; CCAMLR = Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources; Commissie voor de instandhouding van de levende rijkdommen in de Antarctische wateren
- CCAMLR; CCAMLR = Council for the Conservation of Antarctic Maríne Living Resources; Deze maatregelen, die voor communautaire visserijvaartuigen verplicht zijn, zijn opgesteld door de Raad voor de instandhouding van de levende rijkdommen in de Antarctische wateren
- CCAO = Centrale Commissie Automatisering Onderwijsinformatie
- CCASG; GCC = CCASG; Samenwerkingsraad van de Golf
- CCASG; GCC = Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf; Raad voor Samenwerking van de Arabische Golfstaten
- CCASG; GCC = Arab Gulf Cooperation Council; Raad voor Samenwerking van de Arabische Golfstaten
- CCAQ; CCAQ = Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions; Consultatieve Commissie voor Administratieve Vraagstukken
- CCAS = Cryogenic Carrier Attach System
- CCB = [1] Credit Card Balance
- CCBS = Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber
- CCBS; CCBS = Completion of calls to busy subscribers; Terugbellen bij bezet
- CCBOO = Contactcentrum Bevordering Openbaar Onderwijs
- CCBM; CMCB = correspondent central banking model; Correspondentenmodel voor centrale banken
- CCBM; CMCB = correspondent central banking model; Correspondentenmodel voor centrale banken
- CCBV; CCBV = Professional Committee of Cooperatives of Countries of the Common Market for Livestock and Meat; Vakcomité voor vee en vlees van de coöperatieve verenigingen in de landen van de Gemeenschappelijke Markt
- CCC = Cineclub Coördinatiecentrum
- CCC = Centrale Cultuurtechnische Commissie
- CCC = Cray Computer Corporation
- CCC = Ceramic Chip Carriers
- CCC = Constitutio Criminals Carolina
- CCB; CCB = Canadian Competition Bureau; Canadian Competition Bureau
- CCB; CCB = Creative Club of Belgium
- CCb = Centrale Commissie voor de bejaardenoorden
- CCB = Centraal compensatiebureau
- CCB = Change/Configuration Control Board
- CCB; CCB = Change Control Board; Change Control Board
- CCBH = Centrale Commissie Behandeling Heroïneverslaafden
- CCBM; CCBM = Correspondent central banking model; [92] Voor meer gegevens wordt verwezen naar de brochure "Correspondentenmodel voor centrale banken (CCBM); procedures voor tegenpartijen van het Eurosysteem" op de website van de ECB
- CCbeta; CCbeta = detection capability; detectievermogen
- CCBD = Configuration Control Board Directive
- CCBE; CCBE = Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe; Raad van de balies van de Europese Unie
- CCE = Customer Care Executive
- CCE = Cluster Computing Environments
- CCE = ([1] Contentious Cross Examination)
- CCDS = Centers for the Commercial Development of Space
- CCE = Coördinatiecommissie evaluatieplan voortgezet onderwijs
- CCE = Coördinatiecentrum voor Effecten
- CCE = ([2] Comprehensive Consumer Education)
- CCE = (Call-Completion Entity (CCE) (RFC 6910))
- CCE = Consumenten Commissie voor Europa
- CCE = Control Channel Element
- CCE = Christelijke Centrale van de Energie
- CCD; DNB = counterfeit currency database; Databank voor Nagemaakte Bankbiljetten
- CCD; DNB = counterfeit currency database; Databank voor Nagemaakte Bankbiljetten
- CCD; DNB = counterfeit currency database; databank voor Nagemaakte Bankbiljetten
- CCD; CHD = Committee on Commerce and Distribution; Comité voor Handel en Distributie
- CCD; CHD = Committee on Commerce and Distribution; Comité voor Handel en Distributie
- CCD; VBW = Convention to Combat Desertification; bestrijding van woestijnvorming [30]
- CCDI = Christelijke Centrale van diverse Industrieën
- CCDP = CISCO Certified Design Professional
- CCDF = Comparative Crime Data File
- CCDA = CISCO Certified Design Associate
- CCDD = coördinatiecentrum voor diergeneeskundige diagnostiek
- CCE = Consumenten Commissie voor Europa
- CCEE; LMOE = countries of Central and Eastern Europe; landen van Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CCEE; LMOE = Central and Eastern European Countries; MOEL
- CCEE; LMOE = Central and Eastern European Countries; landen van Midden-en Oost-Europa
- CCEE; LMOE = Countries of Eastern and Central Europe; Midden- en Oosteuropese landen
- CCEE; LMOE = CEEC; landen in Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CCEE; MOE = Central and Eastern European Countries; MOEL
- CCEET; CCEET = Centre for Cooperation with European Economies in Transition; Centrum voor samenwerking met Europese economieën in overgang
- CCE-FU; CCE-FU = Consultative Committee for the Fusion Programme; Raadgevend Comité voor het fusieprogramma
- CCEE; MOEL = Central and Eastern European Countries; MOEL
- CCEE; MOE = Central and Eastern European Countries; landen van Midden-en Oost-Europa
- CCEE; MOEL = Central and Eastern European Countries; landen van Midden-en Oost-Europa
- CCE; CCE = channel coordination extension; channel coordination extension
- CCE; CRB = Central Economic Council; Centrale Raad voor het Bedrijfsleven
- CCE = [1] Contentious Cross Examination
- CCE = Controle-Commissie van de Electriciteit
- CCE = [2] Comprehensive Consumer Education
- CCE; LME's = Central European countries; landen van Midden-Europa
- CCEE; LMOE = Central and Eastern European Countries; landen van Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CCEE; LMOE = CEEC; Midden- en Oosteuropese landen
- CCEE; LMOE = Countries of Eastern and Central Europe; landen in Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CCECC; CCECC = Centre for Combating Economic Crime and Corruption; Wat het institutionele kader betreft, werd in 2002 het centrum voor de bestrijding van economische criminaliteit en corruptie
- CCEE = Raad van Europese Bisschoppenkonferenties
- CCD; CCD = Christian Democratic Centre party; Christelijk en Democratisch centrum
- CCCIS; CCCIS = Coordination Committee for CIS; Coördinatiecomité voor CIS
- CCCIS; CCCIS = Coordination Committee for CIS; Coördinatiecomité voor communicatie- en informatiesystemen
- CCCIS; CCCIS = Coordination Committee for Communication and Information Systems; Coördinatiecomité voor communicatie- en informatiesystemen
- CCCI = CORBA Conversion Concepts for Intelligence
- CCCIS; CCCIS = Coordination Committee for Communication and Information Systems; Coördinatiecomité voor CIS
- CCCLO = Commissie Coördinatie Cursussen Landbouwonderwijs
- CCCN; IDRN = Nomenclature of the Customs Cooperation Council; Nomenclatuur van de Internationale douaneraad
- CCCN; IDRN = NCCC; Nomenclatuur van de Internationale douaneraad
- CCCN; IDRN = Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature; Nomenclatuur van de Internationale Douaneraad
- CCCN = customer coordination center node
- CCCN; IDRN = Customs Co-operation Council Nomenclature; Nomenclatuur van de Internationale douaneraad
- CCCH; CCCH = common control channel; common control channel
- CCCH; CCCH = common control channel; common control channel
- CCCH; CCCH = CCCH; gemeenschappelijk besturingskanaal
- CCCC; CCCC = Community-COST Concertation Committee; Coördinatiecomité Gemeenschap-COST
- CCCH = Common Control Channel
- CCCH; CCCH = CCCH; common control channel
- CCCH; CCCH = common control channel; gemeenschappelijk besturingskanaal
- CCCI = Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence
- CCCH; CCCH = common control channel; gemeenschappelijk besturingskanaal
- CCCH; CCCH = CCCH; common control channel
- CCCH; CCCH = CCCH; gemeenschappelijk besturingskanaal
- CCCN; IDRN = Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature; Nomenclatuur van de Internationale Douaneraad
- CCD = [1] Competitive Cost Disadvantage
- CCD; CCD = controlled content distribution; controlled content distribution
- CCD = ([1] Competitive Cost Disadvantage)
- CCD = [2] Colossal Competitive Disadvantage
- CCD = (Codec Control Messages (CCM))
- CCD; CCD = Charged coupled device; ex85438997 | 75 | Samenstellingen voor het aftasten die het geladen beeld per regel overdragen
- CCD; CCD = charge-coupled device; charge-coupled device
- CCD; CCD = Charge Coupled Devices; 1. ladinggekoppelde componenten
- CCD; CCD = Christian Democratic Centre party; Christen-demokratisch Centrum
- CCD; CCD = Committee on Commerce and Distribution; Comité voor handel en distributie
- CCD; CCD = charge-coupled device; ladingsgekoppelde beeldsensor
- CCCVB = Coordinatie Commissie Centrale Verwarmings-Branche
- CCD = Computer-Controlled Display
- CCCTB; CCCTB = common consolidated corporate tax base; gemeenschappelijke geconsolideerde heffingsgrondslag voor de vennootschapsbelasting
- CCCP0 = 3CP0 - Robot from movie "Star Wars"
- CCCTB; CCCTB = Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base; De gemeenschappelijke geconsolideerde heffingsgrondslag voor de vennootschapsbelasting (CCCTB) zou de nalevingskosten voor bedrijven die op de hele interne markt actief zijn, sterk doen dalen, een oplossing bieden voor bestaande verrekenprijsproblemen, de consolidatie van winsten en verliezen mogelijk maken, vele internationale herstructureringen vereenvoudigen, de complexiteit die het gevolg is van het naast elkaar bestaan van de klassieke stelsels en vrijstellingstelsels , op sommige punten aanpakken
- CCD = Computer-Controlled Dwell
- CCD = COMPUTING a semiconductor device that converts light patterns into digital signalsfor a computer, especially in digital cameras and optical scanners. Full form chargecoupleddevice
- CCD = ([2] Colossal Competitive Disadvantage)
- CCD = Charge-coupled device
- CCD = charged coupled device
- CCD = Charge-Coupled Device
- can. = 1. cancellation 2. cancelled 3. MILITARY cannon 4. MUSIC canon 5. POETRY canto
- Can. = Canonicus
- CAN TAMAnTC = Controller Area Network
- CAN = Centrum voor Automatisering Arnhem-Nijmegen
- CAN = Campus Area Network
- Can. = GEOGRAPHY 1. Canadian 2. Canada
- CANBUS rAwor = Controller Area Network Bus
- canc. = 1. cancellation 2. cancelled
- CANARIE = CAnadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry and Education
- CAN; CAN = controller area network; Controller Area Network
- CAN; CAN = Controller Area Network; Controller Area Network
- CAMPUG = Capital Apple Mac Performa Users Group
- CAMRA = BEVERAGES Campaign for Real Ale
- Camped on a cell = The UE is in idle mode and has completed the cell selection/reselection process and has chosen a cell. The UE monitors system information and (in most cases) paging information. Note that the services may be limited, and that the PLMN may not be aware of the existence of the UE within the chosen cell.
- CAMMU = CAche Memory Management Unit
- CAMP = Commissie van advies voor het militair personeel
- CAMS = Computer-Aided Manufacturing Systems
- CAN = Cancel
- CAN = Campus Area Network
- can = Cdfidda \XSu 3Hetter country codej
- CAMT = Commissie Arbeidsmarkt en Maatschappelijke Taak
- CAN = Combinatie van Aannemers in het Noorden
- Canc. = Cancellarius ('Chancellor')
- CAO = hiel
- CAO = collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst
- CAO = kalk
- CAO = Contactorgaan Automatisering Overheid
- CAO = kao
- CAO = Centrum voor andragogisch onderzoek
- CAO = kollektieve arbeidsovereenkomst
- CAO = Computer-Aided Optimization
- CAO = Criminal Abuse Order (legalese)
- CAO = Computer-Aided Office
- CAO = (Criminal Abuse Order (legalese))
- CANDU; CANDU = Canada Deuterium Uranium; Canadian Deuterium-Uranium
- Canice. = Canonice ('Canonically')
- CANDU = INDUST Canada deuterium-uranium (reactor)
- cand. = kand.
- cand. = kandidaat
- cannot = the usual way of writing ‘can not'
- Cant. = 1. GEOGRAPHY Canterbury 2. BIBLE Canticle of Canticles
- CAO = Centrale voor Arbeidsopvoeding
- can't = cannot
- CANS; BNDN = common answering night service; beantwoorden nachtoproepen door nummerkeuze
- CANS-PINS = CANadian Society for Fuzzy Information and Neural Systems
- CAMM; TAMM = Common Agenda on Migration and Mobility
- CAM = Common Access Method or Computer Aided Manufacturing or Content Addressable Memory
- CAM = CAMera (graphics file format) [Casio]
- CAM = Cost Account Manager
- CAM = Critical Analytical Method(s)
- CAM = Content Addressable Memory
- CAM = Computer-Aided Manufacturing
- Cam. = Camera (Papal Treasury)
- Cam. Ap. = Camera Apostolica ('Apostolic Camera' — i.e. Papal Treasury)
- CAM = computer-aided manufacturing
- CAM = (Content Addressable Memory (CAM))
- CAM = 1. MEDICINE complementary and alternative medicine 2. COMPUTING computer-aided(or -assisted) manufacturing (or manufacture) 3. COMPUTING a method of storing data sothat it can be searched for using part of the data, rather than an address. Full formcontent-addressable memory
- CALS = (Computer-Aided Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support (CALS))
- CALS = Computer-aided Acquisition in Logistic Support
- CALog = personeel van het administrief en logistiek kader
- CALog = CALog-personeel
- CALS = Computer-Aided Logistics System
- CAM = centrifuge accommodation module
- CAM = Common Access Method
- CAM = (Critical Analytical Method(s))
- CALS = computer-aided acquisition and logistics support
- CAM = Coordinatiepunt Assessment en Monitoring Nieuwe Drugs
- CAM; CAM = COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING; 5.3 . Computergesteunde fabricage
- CAMAR; CAMAR = Competitiveness of Agriculture and the Management of Agricultural Resources; programma voor landbouw- en agro-industrieel onderzoek
- Camb. = GEOGRAPHY Cambridge
- CAMAR; CAMAR = agricultural and agro-industrial research programme; programma voor landbouw- en agro-industrieel onderzoek
- CAMAL = CAMbridge ALgebra system (mathematics) [Cambridge University, England]
- CAMAR; CAMAR = Specific Community Research and Technological Development Programme in the field of Competitiveness of Agriculture and Management of Agricultural Resources (1989 to 1993); specifiek communautair programma voor onderzoek en technologische ontwikkeling op het gebied van het concurrentievermogen van de landbouw en het beheer van de agrarische hulpbronnen (1989-1993)
- Cambs. = GEOGRAPHY Cambridgeshire
- CAMM = Computer-Aided Manufacturing Measurement
- CAMM = Computer-Assisted Material Management
- CAMERA; CAMERA = Committee for Appropriate Measures to Establish Remedial Anti-dumping; Comité voor passende maatregelen tot bestrijding van dumping
- CAMEL = Customised Application for Mobile network Enhanced Logic
- CAMEO = Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations
- CAM; CAM = chorioallantoic membrane; chorion-allantoïsmembraan
- CAM; CAM = content addressable memory; inhoud-adresseerbaar geheugen
- CAM; CAM = content adressable storage; inhoud-adresseerbaar geheugen
- CAM; CAM = Centre for Multidisciplinary Analysis; Centrum voor multidisciplinaire analyses
- CAM; CAM = content-addressable memory; content-addressable memory
- CAMAC = Computer Automated Measurement And Control
- CAMAC; CAMAC = Computer Automated Measurement And Control; Computer Automated Measurement And Control
- CAMA; CAMA = Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority; Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority
- CAM; MAC = Customs Assistance Mission
- CAMA = Centralized Automatic Message Accounting (telecommunications)
- CAPD = MEDICINE a type of dialysis in which the patient can manually control the flow ofdialysing fluid through their abdomen from a portable belt-attached bag. Full formcontinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
- CAPD rAnc = Computing to Assist Persons with Disabilities
- CAPC; CAPC = Civil Aviation Planning Committee; Planningcomité voor de burgerluchtvaart
- Capability Class = A piece of information which indicates general 3GPP System mobile station characteristics (e.g. supported radio interfaces,...) for the interest of the network.
- CAPB; CGPS = cyclically-adjusted primary balance; conjunctuurgeschoond primair saldo
- CAPD; CAPD = continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis; continue ambulante peritoneale dialyse
- CAPER = Centraal Adviesbureau voor Priesters en Religieuzen
- CAPEX = FINANCE capital expenditure
- Capel. = Capella ('Chapel')
- CAPD; CAPD = continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis; continue ambulante peritoneale dyalise
- C-APDU = Command APDU
- CAP; GLB = common agricultural policy; gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid
- CAP; GLB = Common Agriculture Policy; Gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid
- CAP; GLB = common agricultural policy; Gemeenschappelijk Landbouw Beleid
- CAP; dtp = desktop publishing; elektronische publicatie
- CAP; DTP = computer-assisted publishing; desktop publishing
- CAP; GLB = Community Agricultural Policy; Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid
- CAP'98 = Capaciteitsuitbreiding Justitiële Inrichtingen
- CAPA; CAPA = Certified Automotive Parts Association; Certified Automotive Parts Association
- CAP; OKP = conversion of appropriations into posts; Omzetting van Kredieten in Posten
- CAP; OKF = Conversion of appropriations into posts; Omzetting van Kredieten in Formatieplaatsen
- CAP; OKP = Conversion of appropriations into posts; Omzetting van Kredieten in Formatieplaatsen
- CAPEX; capex = capital expenditure; kapitaaluitgaven
- CAPs = Centrally Authorised Products
- caps. = 1. PRINTING capital letters 2. PHARMACOLOGY capsule
- CAPS = Crew Activity Planning System
- CAPS = CAPitalS [upper case letters;
- CAPS = Computer Assisted Publication Service
- CAPSC /"ADCC = Computer-Aided Production Scheduling and Control
- Capt.; Kapt. = Captain; kapitein
- CAPTAIN = Character And Pattern Telephone Access Information Network
- Capt. = MILITARY Captain23 CC
- CaPSL r* ArYTATKI = Canon Printing System Language
- CAPT = Commissie van Advies voor Post en Telecommunicatie
- CAPP = Computer-Aided Production Planning
- CAPP = computer-aided project planning
- CAPM; CAPM = capital asset pricing model; Capital Asset Pricing Model
- CAPIEL; CAPIEL = Co-ordinating Committee for Common Market Associations of Manufacturers of Industrial Electrical Switchgear and Controlgear; Coördinatiecomité voor de samenwerking der fabrikanten van schakelapparatuur in de EEG
- CAPM = FINANCE capital asset pricing model
- CAPP = Computer-Aided Process Planning
- CAPRI = Computerized Administration of Patent documents Redassified
- CAPS = Cassette Programming System
- CAPRA = Centraal Adviesbureau voor Publiek Recht en Administratie BV.
- CAPP; CAPP = Central Africa Power Pool; Central Africa Power Pool
- CAPPC = Computer-Aided Production Planning and Control
- CAP; dtp = computer-assisted publishing; elektronische publicatie
- cap = Copy a Paste
- CAP = permanent administratief comité
- CAP = Competitive Access Provider
- CAOS-CAMM; CAOS-CAMM = Computer Assisted Organic Synthesis/Computer Assisted Molecular Modelling; Computer Assisted Organic Synthesis/Computer Assisted Molecular Modelling
- CAP = CAMEL Application Part
- CAP = communautaire actieprogramma
- CAP = Cost Account Plan
- CAP = Columbia Appletalk Package
- CAP = (Candidate Access Point (CAP) (RFC 6630))
- CAP = Crew Activity Plan
- CAP = Computer-Aided Programming
- CAO; H0 = principal authorising officer; hoofdordonnateur
- CAO; H0 = chief authorising officer; hoofdordonnateur
- CAO of cao = collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst
- CAO nr. 1234 = collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst nummer 1234
- CAO of C.A.O. of c.a.o. of cao = Collectieve Arbeidsovereenkomst
- CAOB = Contact-en Adviesgroep Binnenlandse Zaken
- CAOP = Centrum voor Arbeidsverhoudingen Overheidspersoneel
- CAOS = City of Austin Open Systems
- CAOC; CAOC = Combined Air Operations Centre; Centrum voor Gecombineerde Luchtoperaties
- CAOBISCO = Vereniging van de chocolade-, biscuit-, beschuit- en suikerwerkindustrieën in de EU
- CAOC; CAOC = Combined Air Operations Centre; gecombineerd luchtoperatiecentrum
- CAP = Carrierless Amplitude and Phase-Modulation
- cap.; hfst. = caput; hoofdstuk
- CAP; CAP = carrierless amplitude/phase modulation; carrierless amplitude/fase-modulatie
- Cap. de seq. = Capitulum de Sequenti ('Little chapter of the following feast' — Breviary)
- Cap. = Capitulum ('Little Chapter' — Breviary)
- cap. = 1. MEASUREMENTS capacity 2. capital 3. PRINTING capital letter 4. capitalize 5. ANATOMYcaput
- CAP; CAP = competitive access provider; competitive access provider
- CAP; CRP = catabolite gene activator protein; C-reactieve proteïne
- CAP; DTP = computer-aided publishing; desktop publishing
- CAP; CRP = catabolite activator protein; C-reactieve proteïne
- CAP; CAP = Consolidated Appeal Process; Terwijl de brede dialoog met humanitaire NGO's over cruciale humanitaire aangelegenheden werd voortgezet, gaf ECHO blijk van zijn streven naar hechte coördinatie met andere donoren door deel te nemen aan het proces van geconsolideerde oproepen van de gezamenlijke VN-agentschappen
- CAP; CAP = Chip Authentication Programme; Chip Authentication Programme
- CAP = Computer-Aided Planning
- CAP = team voor programmabegeleiding
- CAP = Communication Application Platform
- cap = Code Exated Linear Prediction
- CAP = Computer-Aided Planning
- CAP = Computer-Aided Publishing
- CAP = 1. POLITICS Common Agricultural Policy 2. COMPUTING computer-aided (or -assisted) production 3. COMPUTING computer-aided (or -assisted) publishing
- cap. = caput, hoofdstuk
- CAP = Central Arbitration Point
- CAP = Communications Alternative Provider/Carrierless Amplitude Phase Modulation
- CAP = community-acquired pneumonie
- CALM = Computer-Aided Load Manifesting
- CAFM = Computer-Aided Facility Management
- CAFP = Caribbean Agriculture and Fisheries Programme
- CAFE; CAFE = Clean Air For Europe; Clean Air For Europe
- CAFE; CAFE = Clean Air for Europe Programme; het programma Schone lucht voor Europa
- CAFE; CAFE = corporate average fuel economy; Corporate Average Fuel Economy
- CAFS; CAFS = Commission Anti-fraud Strategy; 4.2.2. Meerjarige fraudebestrijdingsstrategie van de Commissie
- CAG = coronairangiogram
- CAG; CAG = Competitiveness Advisory Group; 1. op welke basis voordrachten voor de tweede Adviesgroep mededinging
- CAG = Centrale Afdeling Gebouwen
- CAG = Column Address Generator
- CAG = Commercial Advocacy Group
- CAF = Kinderbijslagfonds
- CAF; CAF = Andean Development Corporation; Andes-Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij
- caf = Central African Republic (ISO 3-letter country code)
- CAF = FREIGHT cost and freight
- CAF = Centrale Afdeling voor Fraktionering
- CAF; CAF = Currency adjustment factor; Currency Adjustment Factor
- CAFAO; CAFAO = Customs and Fiscal Assistance Office; Bureau voor douanezaken en fiscale bijstand
- CAFE = ComDuter Aloebra and Functional Eauations (mathematics}
- CAFAO; CAFAO = Customs and Fiscal Assistance Office; Het programma van het Bureau voor bijstand op douanegebied en op fiscaal gebied (CAFAO) dat wordt gefinancierd uit hoofde van B7-544
- CAF; MAC = currency adjustment factor; monetaire aanpassingscoëfficiënt
- CAFAO; CAFAO = customs and fiscal administration office; Het EG-Bureau voor bijstand op het gebied van douane en belastingen
- CAG; KG = coastal action group; kustgroep
- Cah.C.comptes = Cahier de la Cour des comptes
- Cah.C.comptes = Cahier de la Cour des comptes
- Cah Rechtshulp = Cahier voor rechtshulp
- Cah dr fisc int = Cahier de droit fiscal international
- Cah Dr Jud = Cahier de droit juduciare
- Cah.const. = Les cahiers constitutionels
- = Cahiers de droit immobilier
- = Cahiers de droit immobilier
- Cah.dr.europ. = Cahiers de droit européen (bij voorkeur als CDE)
- Cah.const. = Les cahiers constitutionnels
- Cah.dr.europ. = Cahiers de droit européen (bij voorkeur als CDE)
- CAGO = Commissie voor Alfa-en Gamma-onderzoek
- CAGR = Compounded Annual Growth Rate
- CAGE = Commercial and Government Entity
- CAGD = Computer-Aided Geometric Design
- CAGDM; CAGDM = computer aided geometric design and modelling
- CAGR; CAGR = compound annual growth rate; Qua marktomvang is de EU-markt voor geavanceerde HPC-systemen relatief onbeduidend: deze vertegenwoordigde in 2009 ongeveer 630 miljoen euro maar het samengesteld jaarlijks groeipercentage
- Cah Dr Eur = Cahier de droit Européen
- Cah dr fam = Cahier de droit familial
- Cah Dr = Les Cahiers de droit
- CAH = Computer-Aided Handling
- Cah Const = Les cahier constitutionels
- CAF = CMM Assessment Framework
- CAdES = (CMS Advanced Electronic Signatures (CAdES))
- CADET = Can't Add, Doesn't Even Try (Internet lingo)
- Cadeaust. = Wet beperking cadeaustelsel
- CADE = Computer-Aided Document Engineering
- CADE = Client/server Application Development Environment
- CAdH = Centrum Anti-discriminatie Homoseksualiteit
- CADREAC = Collaboration Agreement between Drug Regulatory Authorities of European Union Associated Countries
- CADSU = Centraal Afwikkelingsbureau Duitse Schadeuitkeringen
- CADIS = Computer-Aided Design Interactive System
- Cadi = Cantinedienst
- CADI = Computer Assisted Development, Inc.
- CADCAM = Computer-Aided Design / Computer-Aided Manufacturing
- CADCAM = COMPUTING computer-aided (or -assisted) design andmanufacturing (or manufacture)
- CADAP; Cadap = Central Asia Drug Action Programme; drugsactieplan voor Centraal-Azië
- CAD; RKT = Capital Adequacy Directive; Richtlijn Kapitaaltoereikendheid
- CADANS = Cardiologische data-netwerk structuur
- CADCAM; CADCAM = computer-aided designcomputer-aided manufacturing
- CADDIA; CADDIA = Data exchange for the agricultural market; Programma op lange termijn inzake het gebruik van telematica voor de communautaire informatiesystemen betreffende in- en uitvoer en het beheer en financiële controle van landbouwmarktordeningen
- CADDIA; CADDIA = Cooperation in Automation of Data and Documentation for Imports/Exports and Agriculture; samenwerking op het gebied van automatisering van gegevens en documentatie betreffende invoer/uitvoer en landbouw
- CADDIA; CADDIA = Cooperation on Automation of Data and Documentation of Imports/Exports and Agriculture; Programma op lange termijn inzake het gebruik van telematica voor de communautaire informatiesystemen betreffende in- en uitvoer en het beheer en financiële controle van landbouwmarktordeningen
- CADD = computer-aided design and drafting
- CADD = Computer-Aided Design and Drafting
- CADU = channel access data unit
- CAEN = Computer-Aided Engineering Network
- CAEN = Chemically Assembled Electronic Nanocomputer
- CAEMC; Cemac = Central Africa Economic and Monetary Community; Economische en Monetaire Gemeenschap van Centraal-Afrika
- CAEF; CAEF = Committee of Associations of European Foundries; Committee of Associations of European Foundries
- CAEJ; CAEJ = EEC Community of Associations of Newspaper Publishers; Gemeenschap van verenigingen van krantenuitgevers in de EEG
- CAEP; CAEP = Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection; Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection
- CAEX = Computer-Aided Exploration
- CAF = Coöperatieve Aankoop Federatie
- CAEU; CAEU = Council for Arab Economic Unity; Raad voor Arabische economische eenheid
- CAEP; CAEP = Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection; Comité Milieubescherming en Luchtvaart
- CAESAR = CAdie Embedded Switch ARchitecture
- CAE = Client Application Enabler (IBM)
- CAE = Caprine arthritis encephalitis
- CAE = Common Applications Environment
- CADV = Combined Alternate Data/Voice
- CAE = computer-aided engineering
- CAE = COMPUTING computer-aided (or -assisted) engineering
- CAEC; CAEC = Chinese Abrasive & Export Cooperation; Chinese Abrasive & Export Cooperation
- CAEF = Europees gieterijcomité
- CAE; CAE = computer-aided engineering; computergesteunde engineering
- CAE = Computer-Aided Engineering
- CAE = Computer-Assisted Education
- CAL = Common Airlock
- Cal = MEASUREMENTS, PHYSICS large calorie
- CAL = Computer-Aided Learning
- CAL = 1. calendar 2. MEASUREMENTS calibre 3. COMPUTING computer-assisted (or -aided)learning
- CAL = Client Access License (Microsoft)
- Cal. 2d. = California Reports, Second Series
- Cal. 3e. = California Reports, Third Series
- Cal. = GEOGRAPHY California
- CAL = Calendar
- cal bov. = calorische bovenwaarde
- CAJ = College van advies voor de justitiële kinderbescherming
- CAK = Computer-Assisted Radiology
- CAIT = Central Academy of Information Technology
- CAISE = Computer-Aided Integrated Software Engineering
- CAIT = computer-aided instructional trainers
- CAK = Contents of Address Register
- CAL = Calculus (mathematics)
- CAL = Calculus (mathematics)
- CAL = computer-aided Logistics
- CAK = Centraal Administratie Kantoor
- CAK = Centraal Administratie Kantoor
- Cal. Rprt. = West's Californian Reporter
- CalDAV = (Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) (RFC 4791))
- Calif. = GEOGRAPHY California
- CAL; Niet verwarren met'computerbeheerd onderwijs',en de student,waarin de computer problemen of leerstof presenteert,vragen stelt of beantwoordt,hulp geeft.gedifferentieerd reageert op antwoorden van de leerling = computer-aided learning; COO
- CAL; Niet verwarren met'computerbeheerd onderwijs',en de student,waarin de computer problemen of leerstof presenteert,vragen stelt of beantwoordt,hulp geeft.gedifferentieerd reageert op antwoorden van de leerling = computer-aided learning; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAL; Niet verwarren met'computerbeheerd onderwijs',en de student,waarin de computer problemen of leerstof presenteert,vragen stelt of beantwoordt,hulp geeft.gedifferentieerd reageert op antwoorden van de leerling = computer-assisted instruction; COO
- CALL = Procedure Call (assembly language)
- CALL; CALL = computer-assisted language learning; computer-ondersteund taalleren
- CALLIOPE; CALLIOPE = computer-assisted language learning for information, organisation and production in Europe
- CALL; CALL = computer-aided language learning; computer-ondersteund taalleren
- Call = a logical association between several users (this could be connection oriented or connection less).
- CALL = Computer-Aided Language Learning
- CAL; COO = computer-aided learning; COO
- CAL; COO = computer-aided learning; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAL; COO = computer-assisted instruction; computerondersteund onderwijs
- cal; cal = calorie; calorie
- cal; cal = cal; calorie
- CAL; COO = computer-aided learning; COO
- CAL; COO = computer-assisted instruction; COO
- CAL; Niet verwarren met'computerbeheerd onderwijs',en de student,waarin de computer problemen of leerstof presenteert,vragen stelt of beantwoordt,hulp geeft.gedifferentieerd reageert op antwoorden van de leerling = computer-assisted instruction; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAL; COO = computer-aided learning; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAL; COO = computer-assisted instruction; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAL; COO = computer-assisted instruction; COO
- CAIS; SICA = Central American Integration System; Centraal-Amerikaans Integratiesysteem
- CAI = Charge Advice Information
- CAI = Computer-Assisted Instruction
- CAI = Computer-Aided Instruction
- CAI = Controversial Authoritative Interpretation
- CAI = Centraal Antenne Inrichting
- CAI = (Controversial Authoritative Interpretation)
- CAI = computer-aided instruction
- CAI,the application usually involves a dialog between the student and a computer program which informs the student of mistakes as they are made; COO,computergestuurd onderwijs:indien de leerstof niet in de computer aanwezig is,spreekt men van computer managed instruction(CMI).De computer wordt alleen gebruikt om op grond van de uitslag van tests aan de leerlingen richtlijnen te geven voor de volgorde of herhaling van de eenheden.Indien de leerstof wel in het geheugen van de computer is opgeslagen,spreekt men van computer assisted instruction(CAI).In dit geval kan de student leren aan een leerstation dat met de computer verbonden is.Leerstations met een ingebouwde microcomputer kunnen zelfstandig een les presenteren en de dialoog afhandelen = computer-aided instruction; computer-ondersteund onderwijs
- CAI = COMPUTING computer-assisted (or -aided) instruction
- CAI = Centrale Antenne Installatie
- CAI = Centrale Antenne Inrichting
- Cah.méd.dettes = Cahiers de la médiation des dettes
- CAHAR = Comité ad hoc sur les aspects juriques de l'asile territorial des réfugiés
- Cah.méd.dettes = Cahiers de la médiation des dettes
- Cah.dr.jud. = Cahiers de droit judiciaire. Conférence du jeune barreau de Bruxelles
- Cah.dr.jud. = Cahiers de droit judiciaire. Conférence du jeune barreau de Bruxelles
- CAHAR; CAHAR = Ad hoc Committee of Experts on the Legal Aspects of Territorial Asylum, Refugees and Stateless Persons; ad hoc Comité van deskundigen inzake de juridische aspecten van territoriaal asiel voor vluchtelingen en staatlozen
- CAHPA; CAHPA = Ad hoc Committee of Experts for the Protection of Animals; ad hoc Comité van deskundigen voor de bescherming van dieren
- CAI = Computer Application, Inc.
- CAHP; CAHP = Community Animal Health Policy; De evaluatie van het Gemeenschapsbeleid voor diergezondheid (CAHP) 1995-2004 en mogelijke beleidsopties voor de toekomst
- CAHCP; CAHCP = Ad hoc Committee of Experts on Movement of Persons; ad hoc Comité van deskundigen voor personenverkeer
- CAHID; CAHID = Ad hoc Committee of Experts on Identity Documents and Movement of Persons; Ad hoc Comité van deskundigen inzake identiteitsdocumenten en personenverkeer
- CAI,the application usually involves a dialog between the student and a computer program which informs the student of mistakes as they are made; COO,computergestuurd onderwijs:indien de leerstof niet in de computer aanwezig is,spreekt men van computer managed instruction(CMI).De computer wordt alleen gebruikt om op grond van de uitslag van tests aan de leerlingen richtlijnen te geven voor de volgorde of herhaling van de eenheden.Indien de leerstof wel in het geheugen van de computer is opgeslagen,spreekt men van computer assisted instruction(CAI).In dit geval kan de student leren aan een leerstation dat met de computer verbonden is.Leerstations met een ingebouwde microcomputer kunnen zelfstandig een les presenteren en de dialoog afhandelen = computer-aided instruction; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAI; Niet verwarren met'computerbeheerd onderwijs',en de student,waarin de computer problemen of leerstof presenteert,vragen stelt of beantwoordt,hulp geeft.gedifferentieerd reageert op antwoorden van de leerling = computer-aided learning; COO
- CAI; Niet verwarren met'computerbeheerd onderwijs',en de student,waarin de computer problemen of leerstof presenteert,vragen stelt of beantwoordt,hulp geeft.gedifferentieerd reageert op antwoorden van de leerling = computer-aided learning; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAI; COO = computer-aided teaching; computer ondersteund onderwijs
- CAI; COO = computer-aided learning; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAI; COO = computer-assisted instruction; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAI; Niet verwarren met'computerbeheerd onderwijs',en de student,waarin de computer problemen of leerstof presenteert,vragen stelt of beantwoordt,hulp geeft.gedifferentieerd reageert op antwoorden van de leerling = computer-assisted instruction; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAIRN = Collaborative Advanced Interagency Research Network
- CAIS = Computer-Aided Instructional System
- CAIR = Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- CAI; Niet verwarren met'computerbeheerd onderwijs',en de student,waarin de computer problemen of leerstof presenteert,vragen stelt of beantwoordt,hulp geeft.gedifferentieerd reageert op antwoorden van de leerling = computer-assisted instruction; COO
- CAIA = Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications
- CAI; COO = computer-assisted instruction; COO
- CAI; COO = computer-assisted instruction; COO
- CAI; COO = computer-assisted instruction; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAI; CAI = consolidated account information; 3. De AL-groepsleden zijn gemachtigd de geconsolideerde rekeninginformatiefaciliteit
- CAI; CAI = Consumers' Association of Ireland; Consumers' Association of Ireland
- CAI; COO = computer assisted instruction; computer ondersteund onderwijs
- CAI; COO = computer-aided learning; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAI; COO = computer-aided learning; COO
- CAI; COO = computer-aided instruction; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAI; COO = computer-assisted instruction; computerondersteund onderwijs
- CAI; COO = computer-aided learning; COO
- CATV; CATV = wired broadcasting; kabeltelevisie
- CAU = Controlled Access Unit
- CATV; CATV = programme distribution by cable; kabeltelevisie
- CATV; CATV = programme distribution by cable; televisiedistributie
- CATV; CATV = wired broadcasting; televisiedistributie
- CAUS = Centrale van actie en syndicale eenheid
- CAV = COMPUTING a CD-ROM that spins at a constant speed. Full form constant angularvelocity
- CAV = Constant Angular Veloaty
- CAV = Commissie Algemene Verdedigingsvoorbereiding
- Caus. = Causa ('Cause')
- CAV = Constant Angular Velocity
- CATS = Computer-Aided Test Suite
- CATS; CATS = Coordinating Committee in the area of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters; Coördinatiecomité op het gebied van politiële en justitiële samenwerking in strafzaken
- CATS = Computer-Assisted Training System
- CATNIP = (Common Architecture for Next Generation Internet Protocol (CATNIP) (RFC 1707))
- CATP; CATP = Committee for Adaptation to Technical Progress; Eerder dit jaar heeft de Commissie een pakket voorgestelde wijzigingen op richtlijn 70/220/EEG voorgelegd aan het Comité voor de aanpassing aan de vooruitgang van de techniek
- CATS; CATS = Coordinating Committee in the area of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters; Comité van artikel 36
- CATV = Community Antenna Television
- CATV = US TV another name for cable television. Full form community antennatelevision
- CATV = Cable Access Television
- CATT = Computerized Axial Transverse Tomography (medical imaging technique)
- CATV = Cable Television
- CAV of CACIV = Convention Additionelle bij de CIV
- CAW = Commissie van Advies inzake Waterschapswetgeving
- CAW = Commissie van Advies inzake Waterschapswetgeving
- CAVWO = Commissie Algemene Vraagstukken Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
- CAVV = Centrum voor Administratieve Vakopleiding voor Volwassenen
- CAVV = Commissie van advies inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken
- caw = Cable a Wireless pic (Britain)
- CAWO = Contactgroep Audiovisuele Centra Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs
- CAZAC = Constant Amplitude Zero Auto-Correlation
- CAWO = Coordinatiecommissie audiovisuele centra wetenschappelijk onderwijs
- CAW = Centrale Administratie Welzijnszorg
- CAWC; CAWC = Central Aghanistan Welfare Committee; Central Aghanistan Welfare Committee
- CAVE = (Cellular Authentication and Voice Encryption (CAVE))
- CAVE = Computer-Assisted Virtual Environment
- CAVE = Computer Automatic Virtual Environment
- cav. = MILITARY cavalry
- CAVDRI = Collaboration Agreement between Veterinary Drug Registration Institutions
- CAVI = Commissie voor Aangelegenheden van Indonesië
- CAVUB = Commissie Algemene Vraagstukken Universitair Bibliotheekwezen
- CAVV = Commissie van advies inzake Volkenrechtelijke Vraagstukken
- CAVO = Commissie Analyse Voortgezet Onderwijs
- CAVINED = Centrale Administratie voor Verzekeringsinstellingen in Nederland
- CAVINED = Centrale Administratie voor Verzekeringsinstellingen in Nederland
- CATIS = Common Applications and Tools Integration Services
- caT = Chips and Technologies
- CAT I; CAT I = category I approach operation; categorie I-operatie
- CAT = Computer-Assisted Training
- CAT = computerized axial tomography
- CAT = Computerized Axial Tomography (medical imaging technique)
- CAT I; CAT I = Category I operation; categorie I-operatie
- CAT Scan = Computed Axial Tomodensitometry Scanner
- cat. = kataloog
- CAT IIIB; CAT IIIB = Category IIIB operation; categorie IIIB-operatie
- CAT II; CAT II = Category II operation; categorie II-operatie
- CAT IIIA; CAT IIIA = Category IIIA operation; categorie IIIA-operatie
- CAT = Catalog (file name extension)
- CAT = 1. AVIAT clear-air turbulence 2. EDUCATION College of Advanced Technology 3. COMPUTING computer-aided (or -assisted) testing 4. STOCK EXCHANGE computer-assisted(or -aided) trading 5. COMPUTING computer-assisted (or -aided) training 6. MEDICINE aformer name for computed tomography (CT) _ CAT scan Full form computerized axialtomography 7. ECOLOGY the population density of a species at which control measuresmust be put into place before it can become a pest. Full form control action threshold
- CAT = Computer-Aided Transcription
- CAT = Centrum voor studie,behandeling en preventie van alcoholisme en toxicomanieën
- CAT = Computer Adaptive Test
- cat = conCATenate (Unix command)
- CAT = Computer-Assisted Typesetter
- CAT = Contingency Authoring Tool (software)
- CAT = Children's Apperception Test
- CAT = Computer-Aided Tomography (medical imaging technique)
- CAT = Century Analysis Tool
- cat. = catalogus
- CATF; CATF = Chemical Action Task Force; Chemical Action Task Force
- CATF; CATF = Chemical Action Task Force; Chemical Action Task Force
- CATCS = Central Active Thermal Control System
- CATANET = Concatanated Network
- CATBA = Centrale van de Antwerpse Trambedienden en Aangeslotenen
- CATF; CATF = Chemical Action Task Force
- CATI = Computer-Aided Telephone Interviewing
- CATIA = Computer-Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application
- CATHODE = Computer Algebra Tools for Handling Ordinary Differential Equations (ma
- Cath. = 1. BUILDINGS cathedral 2. CHRISTIANITY Catholic
- cath. = ELECTRONICS cathode
- CAT; CAT = commercial air transport; 1) dient de exploitant actief te zijn in het commercieel luchtvervoer (CAT) en te beschikken over een CAT AOC in overeenstemming met bijlage III
- CAT; CAT = Committee against Torture; Comité tegen foltering
- CAT; CAT = Caraïbes Air Transport; Caraïbes Air Transport
- cat. = kat.
- CAT; CAT = Competition Appeal Tribunal; Competition Appeal Tribunal
- CAT; CAT = computer-aided testing; computerondersteund testen
- CAT; COO = computer-aided teaching; computer ondersteund onderwijs
- CAT; COO = computer assisted instruction; computer ondersteund onderwijs
- CAT; CAT = Committee for Advanced Therapies; Comité voor geavanceerde therapieën
- CAT; CAT = computer-assisted test; computerondersteund testen
- CAT; CAT = Crisis Action Team; crisisactieteam
- CBBM = Centrum voor Bestuurs- en Bedrijfsmanagement
- CBBP = Centraal Bureau van Bijstand Notarissen
- Cbbivl = Client-Server Systems Management z"'___ 1 rf—,.J.-J y.-.- ft ip i:„_
- CBB = Centraal Bureau voor Benodigdheden
- CBB; CBB = Confederation of Belgian Breweries; Confederatie van Belgische Brouwerijen
- CBBS = Computer Bulletin Board System
- CBC = ([2] Compelling Business Case)
- CBC = Cell Broadcast Centre Cipher Block Chaining
- CBC = Raadgevend Comité inzake beheer en coördinatie - Andere energie dan kernenergie
- CBBV = Centraal bureau voor bestellingen inzake verdediging
- CBC = BROADCASTING Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- CBB = Centrum voor Beroepsoriëntatie en Beroepsoefening
- CBB = centrum voor beroepsoefening en-orientatie
- CBB = Centrum voor beroepsoriëntatie en beroepsuitoefening
- CBB = Centrum voor Beroepsoriëntatie en Beroepsopleiding
- CBB = Centrale Coöperatieve Boerenleenbank
- CBB = Centrum voor Beroepsoriëntatie en Beroepsbeoefening
- CBB = Centrum voor Beroepsoriëntatie en Beroepsoefening
- CBB = College voor Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven
- CBB = Centrum voor Beroepsoriëntatie en Beroepsopleiding
- CBC = [2] Compelling Business Case
- CBC = Raadgevend Comité inzake beheer en coördinatie - Onderzoek in het kader van ontwikkeling
- CBC = Christelijke Bedrijfsgroepen Centrale
- CBC = [1] Code of Business Conduct
- CBC = Raadgevend Comité inzake beheer en coördinatie - Grondstoffen en materialen
- CBC = Cipher Block Chaining
- CBC; CBC = cross-border cooperation; grensoverschrijdende samenwerking
- CBCH = Cell Broadcast CHannel
- CBC-MAC = (Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (CBC-MAC))
- CBC; NOS = Cross-border cooperation; Nieuwe Onafhankelijke Staten
- CBC; CBC = Central Bank of Cyprus; Centrale Bank van Cyprus
- CBC; CBC = Cross Border Cooperation; 19 08 02 02 | Grensoverschrijdende samenwerking (CBC) — Bijdrage uit rubriek 1b
- CBC = Raadgevend Comité inzake beheer en coördinatie - Stralingsbescherming
- CBC = (Cipher Block Chaining (CBC))
- CBC = Raadgevend Comité inzake beheer en coördinatie - Onderzoek op het gebied van de geneeskunde en de volksgezondheid
- CBC = Raadgevend Comité inzake beheer en coördinatie - Milieu en klimatologie
- CBC = ([1] Code of Business Conduct)
- CBC = Raadgevend Comité inzake beheer en coördinatie - Kernsplijtingsenergie: Splijtstofcyclus / Behandeling en opslag van radioactieve afvalstoffen
- CBC = Raadgevend Comité inzake beheer en coördinatie - Wetenschappelijke en technische normen en standaarden
- CBC = Raadgevend Comité inzake beheer en coördinatie - Kernsplijtingsenergie: reactoren en veiligheid, splijtstofcontrole
- CBC = Raadgevend Comité inzake beheer en coördinatie - Biotechnologieën
- CBC = Centraal Bloembollen Comité
- CBC = Stichting voor begeleidingscommissie
- CBB = Centrum voor Bedrijfs Bewaking
- CB = Citizens Band OR Component Broker
- CB; CB = cocoa butter; Daarnaast werd een methode voor de opsporing van cacaoboterequivalenten (CBE's) in cacaoboter
- CB = Afdeling Coördinatie en Beheer
- CB = (Vereniging)Centrale Baggerbedrijf
- CB = Citizen's Band
- CB; CB = citizens' band; citizens' band
- CB; CB = central bank; centrale bank
- CB; CB = Cartes Bancaires; Cartes Bancaires
- CB; CB = citizens band radio equipment; 27MC-band (CB) radio-installatie
- CB; CB = chemical and bacteriological; chemisch en bacteriologisch
- CB; CB = Citizens Band; Citizens Band
- CB = contrabas
- CB = Control Board
- CB = chloro-benzeen
- CB = Centraal Beheer
- CB = center of buoyancy
- CB = Carte Blanche (as In Diner's Club Carte Blanche Credit Card)
- CB = Control Bus
- CB = Call Back (Internet lingo)
- CB = Vereniging "Centrale Baggersbedrijf"
- CB = Cell Broadcast
- CB = 1. ONLINE call back (used in e-mails and text messages) 2. BUSINESS cash book 3. WINEchateau-bottled 4. RADIO radio frequencies used by the general public to talk to oneanother over short distances. Full form Citizens Band 5. MILITARY Companion of the(Order of the) Bath (NOTE: The abbreviation CB is used as a title: Major General JamesWokingham CB.) 6. METEOROLOGY cumulonimbus
- cb; kub. = cubic; kubieke
- CBAM = Centraal Beraad Amateuristische Muziekbeoefening
- CBAN = Commissie voor de spelling van buitenlandse aardrijkskundige namen
- CBA-IPI = CMM Based Appraisal for Internal Process Improvement
- CBA; KBA = cost-benefit analysis; kosten/baten-analyse
- CBAG = Commissie van beroep voor de arbeidsgeneeskunde
- CBAP = Centraal Bureau Aanmelding en Plaatsing
- CBAT = Christelijke bond van werknemers in de agrarische bedrijfstakken en de tabakverwerkende industriëen
- C-BAT = Cost-Benefit Analysis Toolkit
- CBAP = Centraal Bureau Aanmelding en Plaatsing a.s. eerstejaars studenten
- CBAP = Centraal bureau aanmelding en plaatsing
- CBA = Centrale Betalingsadministratie
- CBA = Centraal Bestuur voor de Arbeidsvoorziening
- CBA = Customer Business Analyst (Intel)
- CBA = Centraal Bestuur voor de Arbeidsvoorziening
- CBA = Consulentschap Bedrijfsuitrusting en Arbeid
- CBA = Centraal Bestuur voor de Arbeidsvoorziening
- CBA; CBO = currency board arrangement; currency board-overeenkomst
- CBA; KBA = cost benefit analysis; kosten-batenanalyse
- CBA; CBA = cost–benefit analysis; 22. Ingevolge de kaderverordening moet de oprichting van een uitvoerend agentschap gebaseerd zijn op een kosten-batenanalyse
- CBA = Centraal Bestuur voor de Arbeidsvoorziening
- CBA; CAO = collective agreement; collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst
- CAT = computer-aided test
- CARIBANK; CDB = CDB; Caribank
- CARIBANK; CDB = CDB; Caribische Ontwikkelingsbank
- CARIBANK; Caribank = Caribbean Development Bank; Caribische Ontwikkelingsbank
- CARIBANK; Caribank = Caribbean Development Bank; Caribank
- CARIBANK; Caribank = CDB; Caribank
- CARIBANK; CDB = Caribbean Development Bank; Caribische Ontwikkelingsbank
- CARICOM; Caricom = Caribbean Community; Caribische Gemeenschap
- CARIFTA = ECONOMICS Caribbean Free Trade Association
- CARICOM = ECONOMICS Caribbean Community and Common Market
- CARIBANK; CDB = Caribbean Development Bank; Caribank
- CARICC; CARICC = Central Asia Regional Information and Coordination Centre; Regionaal Informatie- en Coördinatiecentrum voor Centraal-Azië
- CAREA = Certain Assumptions, Restrictions, & Exclusions Apply
- CAREA = (Certain Assumptions, Restrictions, & Exclusions Apply)
- CARE; CARE = Community database on road accidents; communautaire gegevensbank inzake ongevallen in het wegverkeer
- CARE = SOCIAL WELFARE Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere
- CARE; CARE = European Road Accident Database; communautaire gegevensbank inzake ongevallen in het wegverkeer
- CAREC; CAREC = Caribbean Epidemiology Centre; Caribisch Centrum voor Epidemiologie
- Carib. = GEOGRAPHY Caribbean
- CARIBANK; Caribank = CDB; Caribische Ontwikkelingsbank
- CARGO-TNO = Commissie voor Arbeidsgeneeskundig Onderzoek-TNO
- CArfc rADT = Concurrent Art-to-Product Environment
- Carg. = cargadoor
- CARIFTA; CARIFTA = Caribbean Free Trade Area; Caribische Vrijhandelzone
- Caroline; Caroline = Cargo on line; Cargo on line
- CARP = Computed Air Release Point (airdrop computations)
- CARNOT; CARNOT = Multiannual Programme of technological actions promoting the clean and efficient use of solid fuels; Carnot-programma
- CARNOT; CARNOT = CARNOT programme; meerjarenprogramma van technologische acties ter stimulering van een schoon en efficiënt gebruik van vaste brandstoffen (1998-2002)
- CARNOT; CARNOT = CARNOT programme; CARNOT-programma
- CARP; CARP = Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Programme; 11. doet een beroep op de regeringen van de Filippijnen om de veiligheid te garanderen van de personen die zich bezighouden met de landverdeling in het kader van het algemene landbouwhervormingsprogramma
- CART; CART = Comprehensive Annual Report on CSDP and CSDP-related Training; algemeen jaarverslag betreffende opleiding op EVDB- en EVDB-gerelateerd gebied
- CART; CART = Comprehensive Annual Report on ESDP and ESDP-related Training; algemeen jaarverslag betreffende opleiding op EVDB- en EVDB-gerelateerd gebied
- CART; CART = Comprehensive Annual Report on CSDP and CSDP-related Training; algemeen jaarverslag betreffende opleiding op GVDB- en GVDB-gerelateerd gebied
- CARPE; CARPE = Common Agricultural and Rural Policy for Europe; Gemeenschappelijk Landbouw- en Plattelandsbeleid voor Europa
- CArSt = Computer-Aided Parallel Software Engineering
- CARL = Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries
- CARMABI = Stichting Caraibisch Marien-Biologisch Instituut
- CArl = Common Application Programming Interface (Microsoft)
- CARIM; CARIM = Consortium on Applied Research on International Migration; Consortium on Applied Research on International Migration
- CARIN; CARIN = Camden Assets Recovery Interagency Network; Camden Assets Recovery Inter-Agency Network
- CARNET = Croatian Academic and Research NETwork
- CARNOT; CARNOT = Carnot programme; meerjarenprogramma van technologische acties ter stimulering van een schoon en efficiënt gebruik van vaste brandstoffen
- CARNOT; CARNOT = multiannual programme of technological actions promoting the clean and efficient use of solid fuels; CARNOT-programma
- CARNOT; CARNOT = Multiannual Programme of technological actions promoting the clean and efficient use of solid fuels; meerjarenprogramma van technologische acties ter stimulering van een schoon en efficiënt gebruik van vaste brandstoffen
- CARNOT; CARNOT = Carnot programme; Carnot-programma
- CARNOT; CARNOT = multiannual programme of technological actions promoting the clean and efficient use of solid fuels; meerjarenprogramma van technologische acties ter stimulering van een schoon en efficiënt gebruik van vaste brandstoffen (1998-2002)
- CARE = Computed-Aided Risk Evaluation
- CAR = Centrale Adoptieraad
- CAR = Construction All Risk
- CAR = Centrum voor automobielherstelling,research en expertise
- CAR = (Committed Access Rate (CAR) (RFC 6349))
- CAR = Consulentschap voor de Akkerbouw en de Rundveehouderij
- CAR = Collectieve Arbeidsvoorwaardenregeling
- car. = MEASUREMENTS carat
- CAR; CAR = Central African Republic; Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek
- CAR r* AD = Computer-Aided Roboting
- CAR = Centraalafrikaanse Republiek
- CAR r* AD = Computer Access and Retrieval
- CAQ = Computer-Aided Quality assurance/control
- CAR = Committed Access Rate
- CAPWAP = (Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP))
- CAPTCHA = Completely Automated Public turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
- captcha = (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (captcha) (RFC 5039))
- CAR = Control Address Register
- CAR = Centrale Afdeling Recherche
- CAR = Centrale Adoptieraad
- CAR = Certification Approval Report/Request
- CAR = Commissie Automatisering Rijksdienst
- CAR = Cremer's Administrative Rechtspraak
- CAR; CAR = Certification Authority Reference; 2. Het doel van de "referentienorm van de certificeringsinstantie" (CAR) is het identificeren van de CA die het certificaat afgeeft, zodanig dat het gegevenselement tegelijkertijd met een sleutel-identificatiesymbool van de instantie kan worden gebruikt ter verwijzing naar de openbare sleutel van de certificeringsinstantie
- CARB; CARB = Californian Air Resources Board; Californian Air Resources Board
- CARD = (Candidate Access Router Discovery (CARD))
- CARB; CARB = California Air Resources Board; California Air Resources Board
- Carad; CARAD = Carad; Onderzoek- en demonstratieprogramma betreffende burgerluchtvaartuigen
- CARB = Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology
- Card session = A link between the card and the external world starting with the ATR and ending with a subsequent reset or a deactivation of the card.
- CARDS; CARDS = Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation; Om de deelname van deze landen aan het stabilisatie- en associatieproces te ondersteunen wordt de bijstand op grond van de verordening inzake bijstand van de Gemeenschap voor wederopbouw, ontwikkeling en stabilisatie
- CARDS; CARDS = Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation; communautaire bijstand voor wederopbouw, ontwikkeling en stabilisatie
- CARDS = Comprehensive Approach to Reusable Defense Software
- Card. = Cardinalis ('Cardinal')
- Card. = CHRISTIANITY Cardinal
- CARA = Centrum voor Aanpassing aan het Rijden der Gehandicapte
- CARA; C.A.R.A. = chronic aspecific respiratory affections; Chronische Aspecifieke Respiratoire Aandoeningen
- CARA = Centrum voor Aanpassing aan het Rijden der gehandicapte Automobilisten
- CAR; CAR = Central African Republic; Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek
- CARA = chronische aspecifieke respiratoire aandoening
- CARA; CARA = Centre Adoption Resource Agency; Centre Adoption Resource Agency
- Carad; CARAD = Civil Aircraft Research and Demonstration Programme; Onderzoek- en demonstratieprogramma betreffende burgerluchtvaartuigen
- CARAD; CARAD = Carad; Onderzoek- en demonstratieprogramma betreffende burgerluchtvaartuigen
- CARAD; CARAD = Civil Aircraft Research and Demonstration Programme; Onderzoek- en demonstratieprogramma betreffende burgerluchtvaartuigen
- CARA; CARA = chronic aspecific respiratory affections; chronische aspecifieke respiratoire aandoeningen
- CARACAL; Caracal = Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP; bevoegde instanties voor de REACH- en C& L-verordeningen
- CASE; CASE = Comprehensive Action against Synthetic drugs in Europe; alomvattend optreden ter bestrijding van synthetische drugs in Europa
- CASE; CASE = computer-aided software engineering; computerondersteunde software-engineering
- CASE = COMPUTING 1. computer-aided (or -assisted) software engineering 2. computer-aided (or -assisted) systems engineering
- CASE = Common Application Service Element
- CASE = Computer-Aided Software/Systems Engineering
- CASE; CASE = common application service element; CASE-functie
- CASE; CASE = common application service element; Common Application Service Element
- CASEMA = Centrale Antennesystemen Exploitatiemaatschappij
- CASE; CASE = computer-aided software engineering; computerondersteunde software-engineering
- CASE; CASE = computer-aided software engineering; computerondersteunde software-engineering
- CASE; CASE = computer-aided software engineering; computerondersteunde software-engineering
- CASD = Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa
- CASD = (Celebration And Street Dancing (see also CASDR & SDR))
- CASD = Celebration And Street Dancing (see also CASDR & SDR)
- CASB = Cost Accounting Standards Board
- CASC = Centrum voor Aktie-onderzoek en Seksuo-kriminologische Konsultaties
- CASDR = (Celebration And Street Dance Riot (see also CASD & SDR))
- CASE = Computer Aided Software Engineering
- CASE = Computer-Aided Software Engineering
- CASE = checkout and servicing equipment
- CASDR = Celebration And Street Dance Riot (see also CASD & SDR)
- CASE = crew accommodations and support equipment
- Case-Pac = Computer-Aided Software Engineering Package
- CASS; RBSD = Social Services Board; Raad van Bestuur voor de Sociale Diensten
- Cassatiebeschikking RvS = (c)
- CASS; CASS = cargo accounts settlement systems; Cargo Accounts Settlement Systems
- CASS; CASS = cargo accounts settlement system
- CASS; CASS = Social Services Board; Raad van Bestuur voor de sociale diensten
- CASSIS = Classified And Search Support Information System
- CAT = Computer-Aided Testing
- CAT = Central Alaska Time
- CAST = Computerized Accounting System of Treasury
- CASSTM; CASSTM = Administrative Commission on Social Security for Migrant Workers; Administratieve Commissie voor de sociale zekerheid van migrerende werknemers
- CAST = Customer Activated Service Terminals
- CASS = Coding Accuracy Support System
- CASS = Computer-Assisted Search Service
- CASRN; CAS RN = CAS Registry Number
- CASL = Crosstalk Application Scripting Language (DCA)
- CASO = Commissie Automatisering Salarisadministratie Onderwijs
- Cass. = Hof van Cassatie
- cass. = cassatie
- cass. verw. = beroep in cassatie verworpen
- Cass. = Hof van Verbreking
- Cass. = Cour de Cassation (Hof van verbreking) Brussel
- cass. = cassatie
- CASA = computer-aided systems analysis
- CAS = calibrated ancillary system
- CAS = Computerized Autodial System
- CAS = cost accounting standard
- CAS = bijdrage tot sociale actie
- CAS = Communications Application Specification
- CAS = Centraal Arbeidsbureau Scheepvaart
- CAS = verzekering van bijzondere proceskosten
- CAS = ([1] Critical Analysis Skills)
- CAS = ([2] Creative Accounting Scandal)
- CAS = Centrum voor Amerikaanse studies
- CAS = Code Access Security [Microsoft .NET;
- CARTOON; CARTOON = European Association for animated films
- CAS = AEROSPACE calibrated airspeed
- CARTOON; CARTOON = European Animated Film Association
- CART; CART = Cyber Attack Response Team; Om de paraatheid te vergroten en een gecoördineerde respons op cyberaanvallen tegen de Commissie mogelijk te maken, heeft het directoraat-generaal Personele middelen en beveiliging in samenwerking met het directoraat-generaal Informatica een responsteam voor cyberaanvallen
- CART; CART = Comprehensive Annual Report on ESDP and ESDP-related Training; algemeen jaarverslag betreffende opleiding op GVDB- en GVDB-gerelateerd gebied
- CAS = Centrale Archief Selectiedienst
- CAS = Common Attach System
- CAS = Computer Algebra System (mathematical computation software)
- CAS = Coöperatieve Administratiecentrale voor Spaarbanken,G.A.(gewijzigde aansprakelijkheid)
- CAS = Column Address Strobe
- CAS = Computer-Aided Selling
- CAS = [2] Creative Accounting Scandal
- CAS; CAS = Chemical Abstracts Service; Chemical Abstracts Service
- CAS; CAS = Chemical Abstract Service; Chemical Abstracts Service
- CAS; CAS = central data acquisition system; centraal gegevensvastleggingssysteem
- CAS; CAS = Chemical Abstracts Service; Chemical Abstracts Service
- CAS; CAS = Conditional access system; 2.2.a) Systeem voor voorwaardelijke toegang
- CAS; CAS = calibrated air speed; Calibrated Air Speed
- CAS; CLS = Community agricultural statistics; communautaire landbouwstatistiek
- CASA = Centrum voor Azië Studies
- CAS; CLS = Community agricultural statistics; communautaire landbouwstatistiek
- CAS; CAS = Court of Arbitration for Sport; Internationaal Sporttribunaal
- CAS; CAS = Certified animal scheme; regeling gecertificeerde dieren
- CAS = Computer-Aided Styling
- CAS = Client Access Service (Microsoft)
- CAS = Column Address Select
- CAS = [1] Critical Analysis Skills
- CAS = Centraal antennesysteem
- CAS = Column-Address Strobe
- CAS; CAS = Court of Arbitration for Sport; Hof van Arbitrage voor de Sport
- CAS; CAS = Call Answering Service; Call Answering Service
- CAS; CAS = Committee on the Application of Standards; 9. In 2012 heeft de IAO-verbindingsofficier voor de bijzondere zitting inzake Myanmar (Verdrag nr. 29) van het Comité inzake de toepassing van normen
- CAS; CAS =
- CAS; CAS = Country Assistance Strategy; Country Assistance Strategy
- CCO = Centrum voor Champignonteelt Onderwijs
- CEMAT; CEMAT = European Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional Planning; Europese Conferentie van de Ministers belast met ruimtelijke ordening
- CEMATEX; CEMATEX = European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers; Europees Comité van Constructeurs van Textiel-machines
- CEMA = (Connection Establishment for Media Anchoring (CEMA) (RFC 6714))
- CEMAC; Cemac = Central Africa Economic and Monetary Community; Economische en Monetaire Gemeenschap van Centraal-Afrika
- CEMBUREAU; Cembureau = European Cement Association
- CEMLA; CEMLA = Latin American Centre for Monetary Studies; Centrum voor Monetaire Studie van Latijns-Amerika
- CEMLA; CEMLA = Center for Latin American Monetary Studies; Centrum voor Monetaire Studie van Latijns-Amerika
- Cemij = Cementfabriek Ijmuiden n.v.
- CEMBUREAU; CEMBUREAU = European Cement Association
- CEME = Convention Européenne relative aux obligations en monnaie étrangère
- CELSS = closed environmental life support system
- CEM =
- CELS; CELS (Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales) = Centre for Legal and Social Studies; Centrum voor juridische en maatschappelijke vraagstukken
- CELP = Card Edge Low Profile (socket) [Intel]
- CELPC = Code Excited Linear Predictive Coding
- CEM = Centrum voor economische mechanisatie
- CEM; REG = Council of European Municipalities; Raad der Europese Gemeenten
- CEMA = Centrum voor Efficiency en Management Antwerpen
- CEM; REG = Council of European Municipalities; Raad van Europese Gemeenten
- CEM; CEM = contagious equine metritis; en [II.3.4.3. een test, uitgevoerd op twee met een tussenpoos van zeven dagen verkregen monsters, voor het opsporen van de verwekker van besmettelijke baarmoederontsteking bij paarden
- CEM; CEM = contagious equine metritis; besmettelijke equiene metritis
- CEMM = Compaq Expanded Memory Manager
- Cen. Eccl. = Censura Ecclesiastica ('Ecclesiastical Censure')
- CEN; CEN = European Committee for Standardization; Europees Comité voor Normalisatie
- cen. = 1. central 2. TIME century
- CEN = Commissie Educatieve Netwerken
- CEN = Comite Europeen de Normalisation (European Standardization Organization)
- CEN; CEN = Customs Enforcement Network; douanenetwerk voor fraudebestrijding
- CENELEC = ELECTRICITY an EU organization that controls the standard ofelectrical goods. Full form Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique(NOTE: From the French, ‘European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization'.)
- CENELEC = Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
- CEND = end of charge point
- CEN; SCK = Nuclear Energy Research Centre; Studiecentrum voor kernenergie
- Cencobouw = Vereniging Centraal College van Samenwerkende Organisaties op het Gebied van het Bouwwezen
- CEMR; CEMR = Council of European Municipalities and Regions; Council of European Municipalities and Regions
- CEMR; CEMR = Council of European Municipalities; Raad der Europese Gemeenten en Regio's
- CEMR; CCRE = Council of European Municipalities and Regions(CCRE); Raad van Europese gemeenten en regio's
- CEMO = Centrum voor materiaalonderzoek
- CEMOV = Centrum voor middenstandsopleiding-en vervolmaking
- CEMS = Centrum voor econometrie en management science
- CEMT = Europese Conferentie van Ministers van Verkeer
- CEN = Comité Européen de Normalisation
- CEMS; CEMS = continuous emission measurement systems; Zoals wordt gesteld in punt 4.2.1 mogen broeikasgasemissies van elke bron worden bepaald met behulp van systemen voor continue emissiemeting
- CEMS = crew and equipment mobility system
- CEMS = Constituent Electronic Mail System
- CELP = Convention Européennen relative au lieu de paiement des obligations
- CEIC; BEVAK = closed-end investment fund; gesloten beleggingsfonds
- CEIC; BEVAK = investment company with fixed capital; beleggingsmaatschappij met vast kapitaal
- CEIC = COMMERCE in the United States, a corporation whose capitalization is fixed, whosecapital is invested in other companies, and whose own shares are traded by outsideinvestors. Full form closed-end investment company
- CEIA = Coördinatiecommissie voor Europese Integratie-en Associatieproblemen
- CEIBS; CEIBS = China-Europe International Business School; China-Europe International Business School
- CEIC; BEVAK = investment company with fixed capital; gesloten beleggingsfonds
- CEiii = Interinstitutioneel Internet-redactiecomité
- CEIOPS; CEIOPS = Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors; Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors
- CEIES; CEIES = European Advisory Committee on Statistical Information in the Economic and Social Spheres; Europees Raadgevend Comité voor statistische informatie op economisch en sociaal gebied
- CEIC; BEVAK = closed-end investment fund; beleggingsmaatschappij met vast kapitaal
- CEID = (Control Element ID (CEID))
- CEI = [2] Customer Experience Initiative
- CEI = contract end item
- CEI = ([1] Customer Expansion Initiative)
- CEI = Conducted Electromagnetic Interference
- CEI = ([2] Customer Experience Initiative)
- CEI = [1] Customer Expansion Initiative
- CEI; MEI = Central European Initiative; Midden-Europees Initiatief
- CEIA = Co-Co
- CEI; CEI = Committee on Economic Insolvency; Comité voor economische insolventie
- CEI = Commissie Europese Integratie
- CEI; CEI = Comitato elettrotecnico italiano; Comitato elettrotecnico italiano
- CEIOPS; CETVB = Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors; Comité van Europese toezichthouders op verzekeringen en bedrijfspensioenen
- Celex; Celex = Interinstitutional system of computerised documentation on Community law; interinstitutioneel geautomatiseerd documentatiesysteem inzake het gemeenschapsrecht
- CELEX; CELEX = Interinstitutional Computerised Documentation System for Community Law; Interinstitutioneel systeem van geautomatiseerde documentatie voor het Gemeenschapsrecht
- CELEX = Communitatis European Lex (Databank EG-wetgeving
- CELAD; CELAD = European Committee to Combat Drugs; Europees Comité voor Drugbestrijding
- CELEX = Centrum voor Lexicale Informatie
- Cell = Radio network object that can be uniquely identified by a User Equipment from a (cell) identification that is broadcasted over a geographical area from one UTRAN Access Point. A Cell is either FDD or TDD mode.
- CELO; CELO = Central Excise Liaison Office; Artikelen 3 tot en met 6 – Bevoegde autoriteiten, het centrale verbindingsbureau voor accijnszaken
- CELP = (Code-Excited Linear Prediction (CELP))
- CELMA; CELMA = European association of ballast manufacturers; Europese vereniging van fabrikanten van verlichtingsapparatuur
- Cell Radio Network Temporary Identifier (C-RNTI) = The C-RNTI is a UE identifier allocated by a controlling RNC and it is unique within one cell controlled by the allocating CRNC. C-RNTI can be reallocated when a UE accesses a new cell with the cell update procedure.
- Cellular Text telephone Modem (CTM) = A modulation and coding method intended for transmission of text in voice channels for the application of real time text conversation.
- CEJA; CEJA = European Council of Young Farmers; Europese Raad van jonge landbouwers
- CEK = (content-encryption key (CEK) (RFC 2630))
- CEJ = CyberEdge Journal (newsletter on virtual reality)
- CEIR = Central Equipment Identity Register
- CEIS = combined elements and integrated systems
- CEKVO = Centraal Expeditiekantoor voor Overheidsopdrachten
- CELAD; CELAD = European Committee to Combat Drugs; Europees Comité voor drugbestrijding
- CELAD; CELAD = European Committee on the fight against drugs; Europees Comité voor drugbestrijding
- CELAC; Celac = Community of Latin American and Caribbean States; Gemeenschap van Latijns-Amerikaanse en Caribische landen
- CEL = Commissie Emissies Lucht
- CEL = Centraal Elektrisch Laboratorium
- CEP; CEP = Günther's disease; congenitale erythropoïetische porfyrie
- CEP; CEP = congenital erythropoietic porphyria; ziekte van Günther
- CEP; CEP = civil emergency planning; civiele verdedigingsplanning
- CEP; CEP = circle of equal probability; 50%-trefkanscirkel
- CEP; CEP = congenital erythropoietic porphyria; congenitale erythropoïetische porfyrie
- CEP; CEP = European Peoples' Coalition: Eusko Alkartasuna (EA); Coalitie voor het Europa der volkeren: Eusko Alkartasuna (EA)
- CEPA; CEPA = Closer Economic Partnership Agreement; Formele instellingen zijn opgericht om samenwerking en verkeer van goederen, diensten en personen tussen de twee jurisdicties te vergemakkelijken, zoals de opeenvolgende afsluiting van een partnerschapsovereenkomst voor nauwere economische samenwerking
- CEPA; CEPA = Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement; Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
- CEPA = Compensatiekas voor betaald verlof der centrale der werkgevers van de haven van Antwerpen
- CEP; CEP = Günther's disease; ziekte van Günther
- CEP; LMP = Country Environmental Profile; landenmilieuprofiel
- CEP = [2] Cryptic, Enigmatic Person [see also CEF, CWF, & CWP]
- CEP = Continuing Education Program
- CEP = [1] Chilling Evacuation Plan
- CEP = Centraal Economisch Plan
- CEP = ([2] Cryptic, Enigmatic Person [see also CEF, CWF, & CWP])
- CEP = Centraal Economisch Planbureau
- CEP; CEP = Federation of National Organisations of EEC Fish Wholesalers, Importers and Exporters; Federatie van nationale organisaties van groothandelaren, importeurs en exporteurs van vis van de EEG
- CEP; CEP = circular error probability; 50%-trefkanscirkel
- CEP; CEP = circular error probable; circular error probable
- CEP = ([1] Chilling Evacuation Plan)
- CEP; CEP = circular error probable; 50%-trefkanscirkel
- CEPA; MEPA = Central European Police Academy; Politieacademie voor Midden-Europa
- CEPI; CEPI = Central European power index; Central European Power Index
- CEPI; CEPI = European Coordinating Committee of Independent Producers; Europese coördinatie van onafhankelijke producenten
- CEPI; CEPI = Confederation of European Paper Industries; Confederation of European Paper Industries
- CEPI; CEPI = Confederation of European Paper Industries
- CEPI; CEPI = Confederation of the European Paper Industry; Confederation of the European Paper Industries
- CEPINA = Belgisch centrum voor studie en praktijk van nationale en internationale arbitrage
- CEPM = Center for Excellence in Project Management
- CEPOL; Cepol = European Police College; EPA
- CEPLIS; CEPLIS = European Council of the Liberal Professions; Europese Organisatie van vrije beroepen
- CEPINA = Belgiesch Centrum voor Studie en Praktijk van Nationale- en Internationale Arbitrage
- CEPIS = Counal of European Professional Informatics Societies
- CEPANI; CEPINA = Belgian Centre for Arbitration and Mediation; Belgisch Centrum voor Arbitrage en Mediatie
- CEPCEO; CEPCEO = Association of the Coal Producers of the European Community; Studiecomité van de West-Europese steenkolenproducenten
- CEPAC; CEPAC = European Confederation of Pulp, Paper and Board Industries; Europees Verbond van de cellulose-, houtslijp-, papier- en kartonindustrie
- CEPAK = Centrum voor het onderzoek in verband met de aktieve bevolking
- CEPE = Comité Eetbaar Plantaardig Eiwit
- CEPG = Kas voor betaalde verlofdagen der Gentse centrale der zee-en binnenvaartwerkgevers
- CEPFAR; CEPFAR = European Training and Promotion Centre for Farming and Rural Life; Europees Centrum voor de promotie en de vorming in de landbouw en op het platteland
- CEPEJ; Cepej = European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice; Europese Commissie voor Efficiëntie in Justitie
- CEPESS = Centrum voor Politieke,Economische en Sociale Studies
- CEP = Centraal Economisch Plan
- cent.; Caal = cent.; Caal
- cent.; Caal = central; Caal
- cent.; Caal = central; Centraal
- cent.; C = cent.; Centraal
- cent.; C = cent.; Caal
- cent.; Caal = cent.; Centraal
- CENTRAVOC = Centrum voor arbeidsvorming en cultuurbeleid
- CENTREL; CENTREL = Central European Electricity Network; Midden-Europese elektriciteit
- Centravoc = Centrum voor Arbeidersvorming en Cultuurbeleid vzw
- CENTO; CENTO = Central Treaty Organisation; Centrale Verdragsorganisatie
- Centraco; Centraco = nuclear treatment and conditioning plant; Kerntechnisch verwerkings- en verpakkingscentrum
- CEng = ENGINEERING chartered engineer
- CENI; CENI = Independent National Electoral Commission; Onafhankelijke Nationale Kiescommissie
- CENELEC; CENELEC = European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization; Europees Comité voor elektrotechnische normalisatie
- CENELEC = European Electrotechnical Standardization Organization
- CENELEC = Comite Europeen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
- CENI; CENI = Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante; Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante
- cent.; C = central; Caal
- cent.; C = central; Centraal
- cent. = 1. MEASUREMENTS centigrade 2. central 3. TIME century
- Cens. = Censuris ('Censures' — abl. or dat. case)
- CENSA; CENSA = Committee of European National Shipowners Associations; Comité van Westeuropese zeeverladers
- CENTREX = CENTRal Exchange
- CEOS; CEOS = Committee of Earth Observation Satellites; In het kader van het Comité voor aardobservatiesatellieten
- CEOS; RAP = Conditions of employment of other servants of the Communities; Regeling welke van toepassing is op de andere personeelsleden van de Gemeenschappen
- CEOP = Conditional End Of Page
- CEO; COA = Center for Earth Observation; Centrum voor Observatie van de Aarde
- CEO; COA = Center for Earth Observation; Centrum voor Aardobservatie
- CEOS; RAP = conditions of employment of other servants of the Communities; regeling welke van toepassing is op de andere personeelsleden van de Gemeenschappen
- CEP = Raad voor Postexploitatie
- CEP = (Circuit Emulation over Packet (CEP))
- CEOS; RAP = Conditions of Employment of Other Servants; regeling van toepassing op de andere personeelsleden
- CEOS; RAP = Conditions of Employment of Other Servants; Regeling welke van toepassing is op de andere personeelsleden van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- CEOS; RAP = Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities; Regeling welke van toepassing is op de andere personeelsleden van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- CEO = MANAGEMENT chief executive officer
- CEO = Configuration Engineering Office
- CEO = Centrum voor Ecologisch Onderzoek
- CENYC; CENYC = Council of European National Youth Committees; Europese Raad van nationale jeugdcomités
- CENYC; CENYC = Council of European National Youth Committees; Raad van Europese Nationale Jeugd Komitees
- CEO = Comprehensive Electronic Office
- CEO; COA = Centre for Earth Observation; Centrum voor Aardobservatie
- CEO; COA = Centre for Earth Observation; Centrum voor Observatie van de Aarde
- CEO; CEO = Chief Executive Officer; Chief Executive Officer
- CEO = Chief Executive Officer
- CEO; CEO = Centre for Earth Observation; Onderzoekgebied: Centrum voor aardobservatie
- CEI = Commissie Europese Integratie
- CECIS; GNCIS = common emergency communication and information system; gemeenschappelijk noodcommunicatie- en informatiesysteem
- CECLA; CECLA = Special Committee for Latin American Co-ordination; Speciale Latijns-Amerikaanse Coördinatiecommissie
- CECIS = Common Emergency Communication and Information System
- CECED; CECED = European Committee of Manufacturers of Electrical Domestic Equipment; Europese vereniging van fabrikanten van huishoudapparatuur
- CECIP; CECIP = European Committee of Weighing Instrument Manufacturers; Europees Comité van fabrikanten van weeginstrumenten
- CECMA; CECMA = Committee of European CD-R Manufacturers; Comité van Europese CD-R-producenten
- CECOHA = Centrale Vereniging voor de Coöperatieve Handel
- CECOIN = Centrale Vereniging voor de Coöperatieve Industrie
- CECODE; CECODE = European Centre for Retail Trade; Europees Centrum voor de kleinhandel
- CECODE; CECODE = European Centre of the Retail Trade; Europees centrum voor de kleinhandel
- CECODE; CECODE = European Centre of Retail Trade; Europees Centrum voor de kleinhandel
- CECAF; Cecaf = Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic; Visserijcommissie voor het centraal-oostelijk deel van de Atlantische Oceaan
- CECDC; CECDC = Committee on Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries; Commissie voor economische samenwerking tussen ontwikkelingslanden
- CECAF; CECAF = Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic; Visserijcomité voor het centraal-oostelijke gedeelte van de Atlantische Oceaan
- CEC; LME's = Central European countries; landen van Midden-Europa
- CECA = Connecticut Educators Computer Assotiation
- CECE; CECE = Committee for European Construction Equipment; Committee for European Construction Equipment
- CECE; LMOE = Countries of Eastern and Central Europe; landen in Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CECED; CECED = European Committee of Manufacturers of Electrical Domestic Equipment; Europese Vereniging van fabrikanten van elektrische huishoudapparaten
- CECE; LMOE = Countries of Eastern and Central Europe; Midden- en Oosteuropese landen
- CECE; LMOE = CEEC; landen in Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CECE; LMOE = CEEC; Midden- en Oosteuropese landen
- CECOMAF; CECOMAF = European Committee of Manufacturers of Refrigeration Equipment; Europees Comité van fabrikanten van koelmateriaal
- CED = ([2] Creative Explosive Device)
- CED = called station identifier
- CED = ([3] Credible Explosive Device)
- CED = [2] Creative Explosive Device
- CED =
- CED = [1] Confounding/Confusing/Complex Ethical Dilemna
- CED; GDB = common entry document; gemeenschappelijk document van binnenkomst
- CEDAW; CEDAW = Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; Verdrag inzake de uitbanning van alle vormen van discriminatie van vrouwen
- CED; CED = Central Exclusion Database; De Commissie zal de lidstaten daarom aanmoedigen richtlijnen voor nationale autoriteiten goed te keuren om ervoor te zorgen dat meldingen goed worden doorgegeven aan de centrale gegevensbank voor uitsluitingen
- CED = Commissie Economische Deskundigen
- CED = [3] Credible Explosive Device
- CeCoWe = Centrum voor communicatiewetenschappen
- CECP = Comité Européen pour les Problémes Criminels
- CeCoWe = Centrum voor Communicatiewetenschappen
- Cecop; CECOP = European Committee of Workers' Cooperative, Productive and Artisanal Societies; Europees Comité van coöperatieve productie- en werkgemeenschappen
- CECOS = Commissie Ecologie en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
- CECPA; CECPA = European Committee for Trade in Starch Products and Derivatives; Europees Comité voor de handel in zetmeelproducten en derivaten
- CED = ([1] Confounding/Confusing/Complex Ethical Dilemna)
- CED = Capatitance Electronic Disk
- CECUA; CECUA = Confederation of European Computer User Associations; Confederation of European Computer User Associations
- CECS = Center for Embedded Computer Systems
- CECUA = Confederation of European Computer User Associations
- CEC; LME = Central European Countries; landen in Midden-Europa
- CEBEON = Centrum Beleidsadviserend Onderzoek
- CEBES; CEBES = Conservatoir en executoriaal beslag systeem
- CEBEMO = Centrale voor Bemiddeling bij Medefinanciering van Ontwikkelingsprogramma's
- CEBEMO = Centrale voor bemiddeling bij medefinanciering van ontwikkelingsprogramma's
- CEBI; CEBI = European Committee of Consulting Firms; Europees Comité van Ingenieursbureaus
- CEBR; CEBR = Centre for Economics and Business Research; Centre for Economics and Business Research
- CEBS; CEBT = Committee of European Banking Supervisors; Comité van Europese bankentoezichthouders
- Cebosine = Centrale Bond van Scheepsbouwmeesters in Nederland
- CeBIT = Centrum fur Buro- und Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnologien (Hani
- CeBIT = Europese jaarbeurs van de technologiesector
- CEB; CEB = United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination; Coördinatieraad van de hoogste uitvoerende functionarissen van de organisaties binnen het systeem van de Verenigde Naties
- CEB; CEB = United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination; United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
- CEB = Change Evaluation Board
- CEAS; CEAS = Common European Asylum System; Onmiddellijk na de inwerkingtreding van het Verdrag van Amsterdam in mei 1999 is een begin gemaakt met de werkzaamheden tot invoering van een gemeenschappelijk Europees asielstelsel
- CEB = Confederatie van Expediteurs van België
- CEB; CEB = Comité electrotechnique Belge; Comité electrotechnique Belge
- CEBA = Centraal Bureau Auteursrechten
- Cebelon n.v. = Adviescentrum voor Beleidsontwikkeling
- CEB; ECB = Central European Bank; Europese Centrale Bank
- CEB; CEB = Council of Europe Bank; Een apart initiatief van de Commissie, de EIB en de Ontwikkelingsbank van de Raad van Europa (CEB), namelijk Jessica
- CEB; CEB = County Enterprise Boards; County Enterprise Boards
- CEBS; CEBT = Committee of European Banking Supervisors; Comité van Europese bankentoezichthouders
- CEC/TR = CTIC Embedded Crypto, Transmit/Receive
- CEC; CEC = European Confederation of the Footwear Industry; Europese Confederatie van bedrijfstakken voor schoeisel
- CEC = Centrale Economische Commissie
- CEC = Commission of the European Communities
- CEC = Centrale Economische Commissie
- CEC; CEC = Central Electoral Commission; 10. | Ipatov, Vadim Dmitrievitsj | ИПАТОВ Вадим Дмитриевич | | Adjunct-voorzitter, centrale verkiezingscommissie
- CEC; CEF = Conference of European Churches; Conferentie van Europese Kerken
- CEC; KEK = Conference of European Churches; Konferentie van Europese Kerken
- CEC; CEC = Central Election Committee; 25. | Kaliada, Aliaksandr Mikhailavich Koleda, Aleksandr Mikhailovich | Каляда Аляксандр Мiхайлавiч | КОЛЕДА Александр Михайлович | | | | | Lid van de centrale verkiezingscommissie
- CEC; CEC = Catella Eiendoms Consult; Catella Eiendoms Consult
- CEC; CEC = Catella Eiendom Consult AS; Catella Eiendom Consult AS
- CEBV; CVS = chronic Epstein-Barr virus; myalgische encefalitis
- CEBV; CVS = chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome; myalgische encefalitis
- CEBV; CVS = chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome; myalgische encefalomyelitis
- Cebuco = Centraal Bureau voor Courantenpubliciteit
- CEBUCO = Centraal Bureau voor Courantenpubliciteit van de Nederlandse Dagbladpers
- CEBV; CVS = chronic Epstein-Barr virus; myalgische encefalomyelitis
- CEC = Centrale Examencommissie
- CEC = Commission of European Communities
- CEC = Christelijke Emigratie Centrale
- CEC = Centraal Economische Commissie
- CEC = Confédération européenne des cadres
- CEF; CEF = Connecting Europe Facility; financieringsfaciliteit voor Europese verbindingen
- CEF; CEF = Connecting Europe Facility; CONNECTING EUROPE FACILITY
- CEF = ([1] Cryptic, Enigmatic Figure [see also CEP(2), CWF, & CWP])
- CEF = ([2] Contradictory, Enigmatic Figure)
- CEF = [2] Contradictory, Enigmatic Figure
- CEFAS; CEFAS = Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science; Center for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
- CEFIC = Conseil Europeen des Federations de I'lndustrie Chimique
- CEFIC; CEFIC = ECCMF; Europese Raad van de Chemische Nijverheid
- CEFI = Cel voor financiële informatieverwerking
- CEFAS; CEFAS = Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science; Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science
- CEEI = Centre d'études économiques et institutionnelles
- CEEP =
- CEEG; CEEG = European Committee for Equality between Women and Men
- CEEDR; CEEDR = Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research; Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research
- ceefax = See Facts
- CEEP; CEEP = European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public services; Europees Centrum van gemeenschapsbedrijven en bedrijven van algemeen economisch belang
- CEET; CEET = Chicken enucleated eye test; Chicken enucleated eye test
- CEF = [1] Cryptic, Enigmatic Figure [see also CEP(2), CWF, & CWP]
- CEES; GEER = Common European Economic Space; Gemeenschappelijke Europese Economische Ruimte
- CEER; CEER = Council of European Energy Regulators; Council of European Energy Regulators
- CEER; CEER = Council of European Energy Regulators; Raad van Europese energieregulators
- CEFIC; CEFIC = European Chemical Industry Council; Europese Raad van de Chemische Nijverheid
- CEGEP = in Quebec, a post-secondary education institution that offers two-yearprogrammes leading to university and three-year programmes qualifying students in avariety of professions and trades. Full form Collège d'Enseignement Général etProfessionnel (NOTE: From the French, ‘College of General and ProfessionalEducation'.)
- CEGTS; CEGTS = Controlled environment gravity tube system; Controlled environment gravity tube system
- CEG = [2] Corrupted-Executive Greed
- CEG = Continuous Edge Graphics
- CEG = ([1] Crippled Economic Growth)
- CEH = Europese Reizigerstreindienst-conferentie
- CEH; CEH = Chemical Economic Handbook; Chemical Economic Handbook
- CEHAPE; CEHAPE = Children's Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe; actieplan voor Europa "kind, milieu en gezondheid"
- CEH; CEH = European Passenger Train Timetable Conference; Europese Conferentie voor de dienstregelingen der reizigerstreinen
- CEH = Coördinerende Eenheid Huisvestingbeleid
- CEH; CEH = European Passenger Timetable Conference; Europese Conferentie voor de dienstregelingen der reizigerstreinen
- CEFTA; CEFTA = Central European Free Trade Area; De leiders en politici van de regio onderhielden hun bilaterale en multilaterale contacten, ook met betrekking tot gevoelige kwesties zoals oorlogsmisdaden, grenzen, de terugkeer van vluchtelingen, de georganiseerde misdaad en politiële samenwerking en binnen regionale fora, zoals de energiegemeenschap, de Europese gemeenschappelijke luchtvaartruimte, de Midden-Europese vrijhandelsovereenkomst
- CEFTA; CEFTA = Central European Free Trade Agreement; Tenuitvoerlegging van vrijhandelsovereenkomsten met de buurlanden, met name in het kader van de nieuwe Midden-Europese Vrijhandelsovereenkomst
- CEFS; CEFS = European Committee of Sugar Manufacturers; Europees Comité van suikerfabrikanten
- Cefina = Centrale Financierings-Actie
- CEFR; CEFR = Common European Framework of References; Het Gemeenschappelijk Europees Referentiekader voor Talen
- CEFTA; Cefta = Central European Free Trade Agreement; Midden-Europese Vrijhandelsovereenkomst
- CEG = Comité voor de Evaluatie van de medische praktijk inzake geneesmiddelen
- CEG = ([2] Corrupted-Executive Greed)
- CEG = [1] Crippled Economic Growth
- CEG = ([3] Compelling Executive Greed)
- CEG = [3] Compelling Executive Greed
- CEEC; MOEL = Central and Eastern European Countries; MOEL
- CEDRIC; CEDRIC = Customs Criminal Intelligence Computer; (Britse) databank voor criminele inlichtingen op douanegebied
- CEDRID = Cargo Element Design Requirement Input Document
- CEDLA = centrum voor studie en documentatie van Latijns Amerika
- CEDOC = Centrale dienst voor onderwijs en cultuur
- CEDRO = Centrum voor Drugsonderzoek
- CEE = [1] Complex Evasion Effort(s)
- CEE = Centrum voor empirische epistemologie
- CEE = [3] Cataclysmic Extinction Event
- CEE = [2] Challenging Economic Environment
- CEE = ([1] Complex Evasion Effort(s))
- CEDAW; IVDV = Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; Verdrag inzake de uitbanning van alle vormen van discriminatie van vrouwen
- CEDAW; IVDV = Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; IVDV
- CEDAW; CEDAW = Convention on Elimination of Discrimination against Women; 9. dringt er bij alle VN-lid-staten die dit nog niet hebben gedaan, op aan het Verdrag inzake de uitbanning van alle vormen van discriminatie tegen vrouwen
- CEDAW; CEDAW = Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; IVDV
- CEDAW; CEDAW = Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women; Comité voor de uitbanning van discriminatie van vrouwen
- Cedefop; Cedefop = European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training; Europees Centrum voor de ontwikkeling van de beroepsopleiding
- CEDIM; CEDIM = European Committee for Leather Goods Industries; Europees Comité voor de lederwarenindustrie
- CEDLA = Centrum voor Studie en Documentatie van Latijns Amerika
- CEDH série B = Publications de la Cour Européenne des droits de l'homme: Mémoires, Plaidoiries et Documents, Greffe de la Cour
- CEDER = Construction of Embedded DEdicated Realtime systems
- CEDH série A = Publications de la Cour Européenne des droits de l'homme: Arrêts et décicions, Greffe de la Cour
- CEE = ([3] Cataclysmic Extinction Event)
- CEEC; LMOE = Central and Eastern European Countries; landen van Midden-en Oost-Europa
- CEEC; LMOE = Central and Eastern European Countries; Landen in Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CEEC; LMOE = Countries of Eastern and Central Europe; landen in Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CEEC; LMOE = central and east European countries; landen van Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CEEC; LMOE = Central and Eastern European Countries; MOEL
- CEEC; LMOE = Central and Eastern European Countries; landen van Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CEEC; MOE = Central and Eastern European Countries; MOEL
- CEEC; MOEL = Central and Eastern European Countries; landen van Midden-en Oost-Europa
- CEEC; MOE = Central and Eastern European Countries; landen van Midden-en Oost-Europa
- CEEC; LMOE = Countries of Eastern and Central Europe; Midden- en Oosteuropese landen
- CEEC; LMOE = CEEC; landen in Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CEE; LMOE = Countries of Eastern and Central Europe; landen in Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CEE; LMOE = Countries of Eastern and Central Europe; Midden- en Oosteuropese landen
- CEE; LMOE = CEEC; Midden- en Oosteuropese landen
- CEE = ([2] Challenging Economic Environment)
- CEE; CEE = International Commission for Conformity Certification of Electrical Equipment; Internationale Commissie voor de keuring van elektrisch materiaal
- CEE; LMOE = CEEC; landen in Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CEEC; LMOE = Central and Easter European countries; landen van Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CEEC; LMOE = CEEC; Midden- en Oosteuropese landen
- CEEC = Central and Eastern European Countries
- CEE; MOE = Central and Eastern Europe; Midden- en Oost-Europa
- CEEC = Europees Komitee voor het Katholiek Onderwijs
- CFBC; CFBC = circulating fluidised-bed combustion; circulerende wervelbedverbranding
- CFBC; CFBC = circulating fluidised bed combustors; circulating fluidised bed combustors
- CFBA = colaminefenotaleïne-bouillon-agar
- CFB; CFB = call forwarding mobile subscriber busy
- CFB; CFB = call forwarding mobile subscriber busy
- CFBC; CFBC = fluidised-bed circulating combustion; circulerende wervelbedverbranding
- CFC = [1] Customer-Focussed Customization
- CFC = CHEMISTRY a gas containing carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, some forms ofwhich have been found to damage the ozone layer. Their use has been almost phasedout throughout the world. _ aerosols containing CFCs Full form chlorofluorocarbon(NOTE: The abbreviation CFC is used as a noun in its own right.)
- CFC = ([1] Customer-Focussed Customization)
- CFC = ([2] Capital Fund Campaign)
- CFC = chlorinated fluorocarbon
- CFB = Commissie Financiën Bedrijfsleven
- CFB = Configurable Function Block
- CFATF; CFATF = Caribbean Financial Action Task Force; Financiële-actiegroep van het Caribisch gebied
- CFAT; RV = crude fat; ruwvet
- CFATF; CFATF = Caribbean Financial Action Task Force; Caribbean Financial Action Task Force
- CFB = (Cipher FeedBack (CFB))
- CFB = Commissie Financiële Bedrijfslichamen
- CFB = Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Busy
- CFB = Cipher FeedBack
- CFC = [2] Capital Fund Campaign
- CFCA; CBVC = Community Fisheries Control Agency; Europees Bureau voor visserijcontrole
- CFCA; CBVC = European Fisheries Control Agency; EFCA
- CFCA; CBVC = Community Fisheries Control Agency; EFCA
- CFCA = Communications Fraud Control Association
- CFCA; CBVC = Community Fisheries Control Agency; Communautair Bureau voor visserijcontrole
- CFCA; CBVC = EFCA; Europees Bureau voor visserijcontrole
- CFCA; CFCA = Community Fisheries Control Agency; Community Fisheries Control Agency
- CFCA; CBVC = European Fisheries Control Agency; Europees Bureau voor visserijcontrole
- CFCA; CBVC = EFCA; Communautair Bureau voor visserijcontrole
- CFCA; CBVC = European Fisheries Control Agency; Communautair Bureau voor visserijcontrole
- CFC; CFC = call failure class; call final class
- CFC; CFC = channel frequency class; 1.7. De kanaalfrequentieklasse van de instrumentatieresponswaarde
- CFC; CFC = fuel cladding failure criterion; criterium voor splijtstofbekledingsbreuken
- CFC; CFC = call final class; call final class
- CFC; CFC = Cease Fire Commission; Militair personeel van de EU maakt deel uit van de CFC van de AU
- CFC; CFC = channel filter class; 8.3.2. De certificatie- en meetprocedures moeten overeenkomen met die van de meest recente versie van ISO 6487; de meetapparatuur moet beantwoorden aan de specificatie van een datakanaal met kanaalfrequentieklasse
- CFC; CFK = chlorofluorocarbon; chloorfluorkoolstof
- CFC; GFG = Common Fund for Commodities; Gemeenschappelijk Fonds voor grondstoffen
- CFC; CFC = controlled foreign corporation; beheerste buitenlandse vennootschap
- CFC; CFC = controlled foreign corporation; buitenlandse dochtermaatschappij
- CFC; CFC = Common Fund for Commodities; 43. verzoekt zijn Voorzitter deze resolutie te doen toekomen aan de Raad en de Commissie, alsmede aan de regeringen en de parlementen van de lidstaten en de relevante internationale organisaties zoals UNCTAD, de WTO, de Wereldbank, het Gemeenschappelijk Fonds voor Grondstoffen
- CFAA; CAFA = commissie voor administratieve en financiële aangelegenheden
- cf.; verg. = confer (lat.); vergelijk
- cf.; verg. = compare; vergelijk
- cf.; verg. = confer; vergelijk
- cf. = confer (vergelijk)
- cf.; verg. = cfr; vergelijk
- cf.; vgl. = confer (lat.); vergelijk
- cf.; vgl. = cfr; vergelijk
- CF; CF = cystic fibrosis of the pancreas; pancreasfibrose
- cf.; vgl. = compare; vergelijk
- cf.; vgl. = compare; vergelijk
- cf.; vgl. = confer; vergelijk
- CF = Centrifuge Facility
- CF = Connection Confirm
- CF = Cellular Frequency
- CF = 1. MILITARY Chaplain to the Forces 2. COMPUTING a small memory module that can beremoved from the parent system. Full form Compact Flash 3. FREIGHT cost and freight4. MEDICINE cystic fibrosis
- CF = Call Forwarding (telecommunications)
- CF = CnnfiHpncp Factor (Ah
- cf. = confer/conferatur
- cf. = compare (NOTE: From the Latin confer.)
- CF = Control Function
- CF = Charlie Foxtrot (Internet lingo)
- CF = Centrum voor Fondsenadministratie B.V.
- CF; CF = cystic fibrosis of the pancreas; taaislijmziekte
- CFA; CAF = Comprehensive Framework of Action
- CFA; CFA = Central Fiscal Authority; Centrale Begrotingsautoriteit
- CFA = (Cease-Fire Agreement)
- CFA = Cease-Fire Agreement
- CFA = Color Filter Array
- CFA; CFA = Central Fiscal Authority; Centrale Financiële Autoriteit
- CFA; FCA = Complete Freund's Adjuvant; Freunds compleet adjuvans
- CFAA; CAFA = commissie Administratieve en Financiële Aangelegenheden
- CFA; CPA = CPA; Commissie voor Voedselhulpbeleid en programma's
- CFA; CFA = Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes; Commissie voor voedselhulpbeleid en -programma's
- CFA; CPA = Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes; Commissie voor Voedselhulpbeleid en programma's
- CF; CF = plausibility value; zekerheidsfactor
- CF; CF = plausibility value; geloofwaardigheidsfactor
- CF; CF = likelihood coefficient; geloofwaardigheidsfactor
- CF; CF = correction factors; Anaeroob biologisch niet-afbreekbare stoffen: stroomschema ter vaststelling van de correctiefactoren
- CF; CF = correction factor; correctiefactor
- CF; CF = fibrocystic disease; pancreasfibrose
- CF; CF = fibrocystic disease; taaislijmziekte
- CFA = FINANCE Communauté financière africaine (NOTE: The CFA franc, from the French,‘African financial community', is a unit of currency used in several French-speakingAfrican countries.)
- CF; CF = likelihood coefficient; zekerheidsfactor
- CF; CF = conversion facility; conversiefaciliteit
- CF; CF = Cohesion Fund; Cohesiefonds
- CFIT; CFIT = Controlled flight into terrain; controlled flight into terrain
- CFIT; CFIT = controlled flight into terrain; controlled flight into terrain
- CFIDS; CVS = chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome; myalgische encefalomyelitis
- CFIDS; CVS = chronic Epstein-Barr virus; myalgische encefalitis
- CFIDS; CVS = chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome; myalgische encefalitis
- CFK; CFK = Chemische Fabrik Kalk; Chemische Fabrik Kalk
- CFL; CFL = compact fluorescent lamps; [19] In combinatie met slimme besturingen die aanwezigheidsdetectie, daglichtcontrole e.d. mogelijk maken, kan SSL-verlichting soepeler worden bestuurd op het vlak van straalbundelhoek, lichtkleur, dimmen of frequent schakelen in vergelijking met andere spaarlampen zoals compacte fluorescentielampen
- CFL; CFL = compact fluorescent lamp; compacte fluorescentielamp
- CFL = Context Free Language
- cfk's = chloorfluorkoolwaterstoffen
- CFL = leer- en werkervaringsovereenkomst
- CFI; GEA = General Court; Gerecht van eerste aanleg van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- CFI; GEA = General Court of the European Union; Gerecht
- CFI; GEA = General Court of the European Union; Gerecht van eerste aanleg
- CFI; GEA = General Court of the European Union; Gerecht van eerste aanleg van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- CFI; GEA = General Court; Gerecht
- CFI; GEA = General Court; Gerecht van eerste aanleg
- CFID; CFID = Communication Failure in Dialogue:Techniques for Detection and Repair; communicatiestoring in de dialoog:technieken voor ontdekking en reparatie
- CFIDS; CVS = chronic Epstein-Barr virus; myalgische encefalomyelitis
- CFIC; CFIC = Creditors Financial Institutions Council; Creditors Financial Institutions Council
- CFIA; CFIA = Canadian Food Inspection Agency; Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- CFIC; CFIC = Creditors' and Financial Institutions Council; Creditor and Financial Institutions' Council
- CFL; CFL = compact fluorescent lamp; compacte fluorescerende lamp
- CFM; CFM = chlorofluoromethane; chloorfluormethaan
- CFML = ColdFusion Markup Language
- cfm = cubic feet per minute
- CFM = Cubic Feet per Minute
- CFM = [1] Corporate Funds Misappropriation
- CFMSS = Clarist Franciscan Missionaries of the Most Blessed Sacrament, India
- CFNR,CFNRy; CFNR = call forwarding no reply
- CFN = Connection Frame Number
- CFMU; CFMU = central flow-management unit; Centrale eenheid voor het beheer van luchtverkeersstromen
- CFMU; CFMU = Central Flow Management Unit; Central Flow Management Unit
- CFM = ([1] Corporate Funds Misappropriation)
- CFM = CHEMISTRY chlorofluoromethane
- cfm = conform (in gelijke zin)
- CFLB = Centrum voor de studie van de Franse literatuur in België
- CFLQ = Child and family law quarterly
- CFM = ([3] Corporate Financial Meltdown)
- CFM = ([2] Catastrphic Financial Meltdown)
- CFM = [3] Corporate Financial Meltdown
- CFM = [2] Catastrphic Financial Meltdown
- CFM = Code Fragment Manager (Macintosh)
- CFM = candle flames in microgravity
- CFI; GEA = Court of First Instance; Gerecht van eerste aanleg
- CFD = Centrale Facilitaire Dienst
- CFD = Control Flow Diagram
- CFCU; CFCU = Central Finance and Contracting Unit; Ten slotte zal 1 miljoen euro bijdragen aan het verbeteren van het programmabeheer van Phare middels de oprichting van een centrale financierings- en contracteringseenheid
- CFCU; CFCU = Central Financing and Contracting Unit; De uitvoering van het Phare-Programma in Roemenië werd aanzienlijk in positieve zin beïnvloed door het creëren van één enkele centrale financierings- en contracteringseenheid
- CFCU; CFCU = Central Finance and Contract Unit; De uitvoerende instantie die momenteel voor het ISPA is aangewezen, is de Centrale Eenheid voor financiën en contracten
- CFD = Computational Fluid Dynamics
- CFDB = crew functions data base
- CFDC; CFDC = Community Forestry Development Committee; Community Forestry Development Committee
- CFD; CFD = computational fluid dynamics; Als alternatief, en beperkt voor snelheden van minder dan 190 km/uur, mag de conformiteit worden beoordeeld door middel van hetzij gevalideerde simulaties voor digitale berekeningen op het gebied van de vloeistofdynamica
- CFD = Call For Discussion
- CFD; CFD = contract for difference; contract for difference
- CFCA; EFCA = European Fisheries Control Agency; Europees Bureau voor visserijcontrole
- CFCA; EFCA = EFCA; Europees Bureau voor visserijcontrole
- CFCA; EFCA = Community Fisheries Control Agency; Communautair Bureau voor visserijcontrole
- CFCA; EFCA = EFCA; Communautair Bureau voor visserijcontrole
- CFCA; EFCA = Community Fisheries Control Agency; EFCA
- CFCs; CFK = chlorofluorocarbons; chloorfluorkoolwaterstoffen
- CFCs; CFK's = chlorofluorocarbons; chloorfluorkoolstoffen
- CFCA; EFCA = European Fisheries Control Agency; EFCA
- CFCA; EFCA = Community Fisheries Control Agency; Europees Bureau voor visserijcontrole
- CFCA; EFCA = European Fisheries Control Agency; Communautair Bureau voor visserijcontrole
- CFE = contractor-furnished equipment
- CFI = Control Format Indicator
- CFI = [2] Complex Financial Instrument
- CFI = ([2] Complex Financial Instrument)
- CFG = Configuration (file name extension)
- CFHF = Centrale Federatie Hogere Functionarissen
- cfi = FREIGHT cost, freight, and insurance
- CFI; CFI = Chief flight instructor; b) Chef vlieginstructeur
- CFI = [1] Customer-Focussed Initiative
- CFI = ([1] Customer-Focussed Initiative)
- CFI = Cel voor financiële informatieverwerking
- CFE; CSE = Conventional Forces in Europe; Conventionele Strijdkrachten Europa
- CFF; CFF = compensatory financing facility; compenserende financieringsfaciliteit
- CFE; CSE = conventional forces in Europe; Conventionele Strijdkrachten in Europa
- CFE = Centrum voor financiële economie
- CFE = 1. EDUCATION College of Further Education 2. MILITARY Conventional Forces in Europe
- CFF; CFF = Corsica Ferries France; Corsica Ferries France
- CFFTP; CFFTP = Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Project
- CFG = Context Free Grammar
- CFFH; CFFH = Committee of Forestry, Fishing and Hunting; Committee of Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
- CFF; CFF = Compensatory Financing Facility; Compensatoire Financieringsfaciliteit
- CFF; CFF = compensatory financing facility; compensatoire financieringsfaciliteit
- Cf = CHEMICAL ELEMENTS californium
- CERI; CERI = Centre for Educational Research and Innovation; Centrum voor onderzoek en vernieuwing op onderwijsgebied
- CERI; CERI = Consolidated Eligibility and Registration Instructions; Consolidated Eligibility and Registration Instructions
- CERI; CERI = Centre for Educational Research and Innovation; Centrum voor onderzoek en vernieuwing op onderwijsgebied
- CERFNET = California Education and Research Federation NETwork
- CERGO = Centrum voor ergonomisch onderzoek v.z.w.
- CERJ = Raad van de etnische gemeenschappen "Wij zijn allen gelijk"
- cermet; cermet = cermet; metaalkeramiekkomposiet
- CERN = Centre Europeen pour la Recherche Nudeaire (European Center for Nudear Res
- cermet; cermet = metal ceramic composite; metaalkeramiekkomposiet
- CERM = Centrum voor ergonomie en managementwetenschappen
- CERM; CERM = Co-ordinated Emergency Response Measures; gecoördineerde noodmaatregelen
- CERD; CERD = European Research and Development Committee; Europees Comité voor onderzoek en ontwikkeling
- CERD; CERD = Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; Commissie voor de uitbanning van rassendiscriminatie
- CERD = Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Radial Discrimination
- CERC; CERC = Studiecentrum voor inkomsten en kosten
- CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response and Liability Act
- CEREC; CEREC = European Committee for Business, Arts and Culture; Europees Comité voor het nader tot elkaar brengen van economie en cultuur
- CERF; CERF = Central Emergency Response Fund; VN-noodhulpfonds
- CERFA; CERFA = Centre for the registration and revision of forms; Centrum voor registratie en herziening van administratieve formulieren
- CERF; CERF = Central Emergency Revolving Fund; Centraal Revolverend Noodhulpfonds
- CEREP = centrale databank
- CEREP = centraal depot
- CERN = NUCLEAR PHYSICS an EU organization that carries out research into highenergyparticle physics, now called the European Laboratory for Particle Physics. Fullform Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (NOTE: From the French,‘European Organization for Nuclear Research'.)
- cert. = certificaat
- CERT; CERT = Committee on Energy Research and Development; Commissie voor onderzoek en technologie inzake energie
- cert. = 1. certificate 2. certification 3. certifiedCET 26
- CERT = Computer Emergency Response Team
- CERT = ONLINE an organisation that monitors and investigates global networksecurity threats. Full form computer emergency response team
- CERV = crew emergency return vehicle
- CES = [2] Critically Endangered Species
- CES = ([3] Combat-Effective Soldier)
- CES = Consumer Electronics Show
- CES = ([1] Cutting Edge Style/Styling)
- CES = ([2] Critically Endangered Species)
- CERP; CERP = European Committee on Postal Regulation; Europees Comité voor postale regelgeving
- CERP; CERP = European Committee for Postal Regulation; Europees Comité voor postale regelgeving
- CERN; CERN = European Organisation for Nuclear Research; Europese Organisatie voor kernfysisch onderzoek
- cern- = International Consultative Committee on Telegraphy and Telephony
- CERN; CERN = European Organisation for Nuclear Research; Europese Organisatie voor kernonderzoek
- CERS = crew emergency rescue system
- CERT = Computer Emergency Response Team (Carnegie-Mellon University)
- CERT = (Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) (RFC 1147))
- CERT = certification
- CERS = crew equipment retrieval system
- CERS; CERS = Community Economic Regeneration Scheme; Community Economic Regeneration Scheme
- CERA; CERA = European Centre for Research and Action on Racism and Antisemitism; Europees centrum voor onderzoek en acties inzake racisme en antisemitisme
- CEPT; CEPT = European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations; Europese Conferentie van de administraties van posterijen en van telecommunicatie
- CER = Centrale Executieve Recherchedienst
- CEPT; CEPT = European Conference of Post and Telecommunications Services; Europese Conferentie van de administraties van posterijen en van telecommunicatie
- CEPT = European Conference of Post and Telecommunication Administrations
- CEPT = Conférence des administrations Européennes des Postes et Telecommunications
- CER = Chronic Economic Rot
- CER = Centrale Economische Raad
- CER = cost estimating relationship
- CER = Cell Error Ratio
- CER = (Chronic Economic Rot)
- CER = Canonical Encoding Rules
- CEPPC; CEPPC = Central European Pipeline Policy Committee
- CEPR; CEPR = Centre for Economic Policy Research; Centre for Economic Policy Research
- CEPOL; EPA = European Police College; EPA
- CEPOL; Cepol = European Police College; Europese Politieacademie
- CEPOL; EPA = European Police College; Europese Politieacademie
- CEPS = Color Electronic Prepress System
- CEPS; CEPS = Centre for European Policy Studies; Centrum voor Europese Beleidsstudies
- CEPT = Conference Europeenne des Postes et Telecommunications
- CEPS; CEPS = Common Electronic Purse Specifications; De recente gemeenschappelijke specificaties voor de elektronische portemonnee
- CEPS; CEPS = Centre for European Policy Studies; Centre for European Policy Studies
- CEPS; CEPS = Centre for European Political Studies; Centre for European Political Studies
- CER; ANZERTA = Australia New-Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement
- CER; ESG = Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies; Gemeenschap van Europese Spoorwegen
- CER; ESG = Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies; Europese spoorwegengemeenschap
- CER; ESG = CER; Gemeenschap van Europese Spoorwegen
- CER; CER = certified emission reduction; gecertificeerde emissiereductie
- CER; ESG = CER; Europese spoorwegengemeenschap
- CER; VRE = Assembly of European Regions; Vergadering van de Regio's van Europa
- CERA = Centrale Raiffeisenkas
- CERA = Centrale Raiffeisenkas
- CERA = Centrale Raiffeisenkas van de Belgische Boerenbond
- CER; VRE = Council of European Regions; Vergadering van de Regio's van Europa
- CER; VRE = CER; Vergadering van de Regio's van Europa
- CER; CCFE = CER; Europese spoorwegengemeenschap
- CER; CCFE = Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies; Gemeenschap van Europese Spoorwegen
- CER; CCFE = CER; Gemeenschap van Europese Spoorwegen
- CER; CCFE = Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies; Europese spoorwegengemeenschap
- CER; CCFE = Community of European Railways; Gemeenschap van de Europese spoorwegen
- CER; CER = certified emission reduction unit; gecertificeerde emissiereductie
- CER; CER = certified emission reduction unit; gecertificeerde emissiereductie-eenheid
- CER; CER = Centro Europa Ricerche; Centro Europa Ricerche
- CER; CER = certified emission reduction; n) "gecertificeerde emissiereductie"
- CER; CER = Community of European Railways; Community of European Railways
- CER; CER = certified emission reduction; gecertificeerde emissiereductie-eenheid
- CEUMC; CEUMC = Chairman of the European Union Military Committee; 3. Het Politiek en Veiligheidscomité ontvangt van de voorzitter van het Militair Comité van de Europese Unie
- CEV = combined elements verification
- CEUMC; CEUMC = Chairman of the European Union Military Committee; voorzitter van het Militair Comité van de Europese Unie
- CETS; CETS = European Conference on Satellite Communications; Europese Conferentie voor verreberichtgeving door middel van satellieten
- CETTR = crew and equipment translation techniques and routing
- CEV = common element verification
- Cevi = Intercommunale Centrum voor Informatica
- CEVMA; ECVAM = European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods; Europees Centrum voor de validering van alternatieve methoden
- CEVAN = Centrum voor Automatisering Noord Nederland
- CEV; CEV = European Passenger Fares Conference; Europese Conferentie voor Reizigerstarieven
- CEV; CEV = European Passenger Fares Conference; Commerciële Europese Conferentie voor Reizigersverkeer
- CET; MET = Central European Time; Midden-Europese tijd
- CETA = crew and equipment translation assembly
- CET; MET = Central European Time; midden Europese tijd
- CET; GDT = Common External Tariff; gemeenschappelijk douanetarief
- CET; MET = Central European Time; Middeneuropese Tijd
- CETF = Critical Evaluation Task Force
- CETS = Europese Conferentie voor verre berichtgeving door middel van satellieten
- CETS = Computer and Educational Technology Services (University of Pennsylvania)
- CETIS; CETIS = European Scientific Data Processing Centre; Europees Centrum voor de verwerking van wetenschappelijke informatie
- CETI = Communication with ExtraTerresbrial Intelligence
- CETIL; CETIL = Committee of Experts for the Transfer of Information between European Languages; Comité van deskundigen voor de overdracht van informatie tussen de Europese talen
- CEVMA; ECVAM = ECVAM; Europees Centrum voor de validering van alternatieve methoden
- CEZ; CEZ = Ceske Energeticke Zavody; Ceske Energeticke Zavody
- CF = Cluster F*** [similar to SNAFU] (Internet lingo)
- cewt = Corporate Embedded Web Technology
- CEVT = combined element verification and testing/training
- CEWG = Crew Exchange and Training Working Group
- cf = Central African Republic (ISO 2-letter country code)
- CF = Carry Flag
- cf = ONLINE Central African Republic (NOTE: The abbreviation cf is seen at the end of Internetaddresses, preceded by a dot.)
- CF = Carry Flag
- CF = Conversion Facilityall Call Forwarding services
- CF = completion form
- CEVNI; CEVNI = European Code for Inland Waterways; Reglement Europese binnenwateren
- CEVNO = Contactgroep voor Europese Voorlichting in het Nederlandse Onderwijs
- CEVNI; CEVNI = European Code for Inland Waterways; Europees Reglement voor Binnenlandse Vaarwegen
- CEVNI = Code Européen des voies de navigation intérieure
- CEVNI; CEVNI = European Code for Inland Waterways; Europese Code voor de binnenwateren
- CEVNO = Centrum voor Internationale Vorming in het Nederlands Onderwijs
- CEVO = Coordinatiegroep Emancipatie Voortgezet Onderwijs
- CEVORA = Centrum voor Vorming van het Aanvullend Nationaal Paritair Comité van bedienden
- CEVO = Centrale Examencommissie Voortgezet Onderwijs
- CEVNO = Centrum voor Internationale Vorming
- CEVO = Coordinatiegroep Emancipatie Voortgezet Onderwijs
- CET; GBT = Common External Tariff; gemeenschappelijk buitentarief
- CESD; CESD = European Training Centre for Economist Statisticians from the Developing Countries; Europees Centrum voor de opleiding van statistici-economen uit ontwikkelingslanden
- CESDP; EVDB = Common European Security and Defence Policy; GVDB
- CESCR; CESCR = Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Comité inzake economische, sociale en culturele rechten
- CESA; CESA = Committee of EU Shipbuilders' Associations; Naar aanleiding van het officiële protest tegen de oneerlijke concurrentie van de Koreaanse scheepsbouw, dat op 24 oktober 2000 bij de Europese Commissie werd ingediend door het Verenigingscomité van scheepsbouwers van de EU
- CESA; CESA = Committee of EC Shipbuilders' Associations; De Europese Vereniging van Scheepsbouwers
- CESDP; EVDB = Common Security and Defence Policy; gemeenschappelijk veiligheids- en defensiebeleid
- CESDP; GEVDB = Common Security and Defence Policy; GVDB
- CESDP; GEVDB = Common European Security and Defence Policy; GVDB
- CESDP; GEVDB = Common Security and Defence Policy; gemeenschappelijk veiligheids- en defensiebeleid
- CESDP; EVDB = Common Security and Defence Policy; GVDB
- CESDP; EVDB = Common European Security and Defence Policy; gemeenschappelijk veiligheids- en defensiebeleid
- CES = Centrum voor economische studiën
- CES = [1] Cutting Edge Style/Styling
- CES = (Circuit Emulation Service (CES))
- CES = (Core-Edge Separation (CES) (RFC 6306))
- CES = [3] Combat-Effective Soldier
- CES = Commissie Energiebesparing Sportaccommodatie
- CES; GER = common economic space; gemeenschappelijke economische ruimte
- CES; GER = Common Economic Space; gemeenschappelijke economische ruimte
- CES; CES = Conference of European Statisticians; Conference of European Statisticians
- CES; CES = Conference of European Statisticians; Conferentie van Europese statistici
- CES; CES = Caterpillar Export Services; Caterpillar Export Services
- CESDP; GEVDB = Common European Security and Defence Policy; gemeenschappelijk veiligheids- en defensiebeleid
- CESR-Pol; CESR-Pol =
- CESSG = Communications Embedded Silicon Sales Group (Intel)
- CESR; CEER = Committee of European Securities Regulators; Comité van Europese effectenregelgevers
- CESoPSN = (Circuit Emulation Service over Packet Switched Network (CESoPSN)(RFC 5086))
- CESR; CEER = Committee of European Securities Regulators; Comité van Europese effectenregelgevers
- CET = 1. TIME Central European Time 2. COMMERCE a tariff rate applied by members of acustoms union to exports from nonmember countries. Full form common externaltariff
- CET; CET = Central European time; Centraal Europese Tijd
- CET; GBT = Common External Tariff; Gemeenschappelijke buitentarief
- CET; CET = Critical Entry Time; kritisch tijdstip van binnenkomst
- CET = Central European Time
- CET = centrum voor technische ingraving
- CESDP; GVDB = Common Security and Defence Policy; gemeenschappelijk veiligheids- en defensiebeleid
- CESE; CESE = Comparative Education Society in Europe
- CESDP; GVDB = Common European Security and Defence Policy; gemeenschappelijk veiligheids- en defensiebeleid
- CESDP; GVDB = Common European Security and Defence Policy; GVDB
- CESDP; GVDB = Common Security and Defence Policy; GVDB
- CESES; CESES = European Centre for the Epidemiological Monitoring of AIDS; Europees Centrum voor de Epidemiologische Controle op Aids (WHO-EEC-Collaborating Centre in Parijs)
- CESO = Centrum voor Studie van het Onderwijs in Ontwikkelingslanden
- CESO = Centrum voor de Studie van het Onderwijs in Veranderende Maatschappijen
- CESI = Centrum voor Ekonomische en Sociale Informatie
- CESES; CESES = WHO-UNAIDS-EU Collaborating Centre; Europees Centrum voor de Epidemiologische Controle op Aids (WHO-EEC-Collaborating Centre in Parijs)
- CESES; CESES = Confederation of European Senior Expert Services; Confederation of European Senior Expert Services
- CDA = Christen-Democratisch Appel
- CDA = Call Data Accumulator
- CDA = Centraal documentair Archief
- CDA = Christen Democratisch Appel
- CDA = Compound Document Architecture (Maantosh)
- CDA = Communications Decency Act
- CDA; CDA = Crypto Distribution Authority; Crypto Distribution Authority
- CDA; CDA = Christian Democratic Union; Christen Democratische Appèl
- CDA; CDA = Crypto Distribution Authority; cryptodistributieoverheid
- CDA = Centraal Drainwaterafvoerstel
- CDA = Capacity Deallocation Acknowledgement
- CD; CD = clusters of differentiation number; CD-nummer
- CD; CD = coordinated development of computerised administrative procedures; gecoördineerde ontwikkeling van geautomatiseerde administratieve prodedures
- CD; CD = Diplomatic Corps; corps diplomatique
- CD; CD = CD number; CD-nummer
- CD; CD = Diplomatic Body; corps diplomatique
- CD; CD = compact disc; compactdisc
- CDA = Christen-Democratisch Appel
- CDA = Compact Disk Audio (audio file format)
- CD+G = COMPUTING a compact disc for karaoke use which contains the music to sing toand graphics that appear on a video screen at the same time. Full form compact discand graphics
- CD+ = Compact Disk + Enhanced Music
- CD+G = Compact Disk plus Graphics
- CDA; CDA = Centrally Developed Applications; Dit perceel omvat de ontwikkeling en het onderhoud van de centraal ontwikkelde toepassingsprogramma’s (CDA), de toepassingsprogramma’s voor het verrichten van testen en de toepassingsprogramma’s voor de centrale diensten
- CDB; Caribank = Caribbean Development Bank; Caribische Ontwikkelingsbank
- CDB; Caribank = Caribbean Development Bank; Caribank
- CDB; Caribank = CDB; Caribank
- CDB = Command Descriptor Block
- CDB; Caribank = CDB; Caribische Ontwikkelingsbank
- CDB; CDB = CDB; Caribische Ontwikkelingsbank
- CDBI; CDBI = Steering Committee on Bioethics; Stuurcomité voor bio-ethiek
- CDBT = Compact Disk-Based Training
- CDB; CDB = Caribbean Development Bank; Caribank
- CDB; CDB = Caribbean Development Bank; Caribische Ontwikkelingsbank
- CDB; CDB = CDB; Caribank
- CDAC = Center for Development of Advanced Computing
- CDAC = CSP to DMS Addressing Component
- CDA; ODA = Civic Democratic Alliance; Democratische Burgeralliantie
- CDA; CDA = core-disruptive accident; ongeval met kernvernietiging
- CDA; IDV = Crypto Distribution Authority; instantie voor de distributie van versleuteling
- CDAO = Centrale Directie Organisatie en Automatisering
- CDATA; CDATA = character data; karaktergegevens
- CDB = Centrale Dienst Beveiliging
- CDAT; CDAT = Steering Committee for Regional Planning; Stuurcomité voor regionale planning
- CDAS = (Collateral Damage Avoidance Strategy (military; compare to DAS))
- CDAS = Collateral Damage Avoidance Strategy (military; compare to DAS)
- CD; CD = Centre Democrats; Democratisch Centrum
- CCZ = Centrale Commissie Zelfstandigen
- CCZ = command and control zone
- CCXML = (Call Control XML (CCXML))
- CCWW = Coördinatiecomité voor de wetenschappelijke werkzaamheden
- CCXML = Call Control extensible Markup Language
- CCZ = Centrale Commissie Zelfstandige
- CD = Corps Diplomatique
- CD = Color Display
- CD = Controlled Decentralized
- CD = Capacity Deallocation Collision Detection
- CCW; CWV = Convention on Conventional Weapons; Conventionelewapensverdrag
- CCW; CWV = Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects; Dubieuze-Wapensverdrag
- CCW; CWV = Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons; Dubieuze-Wapensverdrag
- CCW = command/control workstation
- CCW = channel command word
- CCW; VCW = Certain Conventional Weapons; bepaalde conventionele wapens
- CCWS = command/control workstation
- CCWS = Coöperatieve Centrale Westlandse Snijbloemenveiling te Honselersdijk
- CCWP; GDS = Customs Cooperation Working Party; Groep douanesamenwerking
- CCWC = Can't Cook, Won't Cook (Internet lingo)
- CCWG; CCWG = Customs Cooperation Working Group; Customs Cooperation Working Group
- CD = Compact Disc or Carrier Detect
- CD = Centrum Democraten
- CD CHRDY = Card Channel Ready
- CD = Compact Disk
- CD = Change Directory
- CD = Collision Detection
- CD& V = Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams
- CD; CD = circular dichroism; circulair dichroisme
- cd; cd = candle; candela
- CD; CD = compact disc; compact disc
- CD& V = Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams
- CD(R); CD-R = Compact Disc Recordable; opneembare compact disc
- CD = Committee Draft
- Cd = 1. CHEMICAL ELEMENTS cadmium 2. POLITICS command (paper) (NOTE: The abbreviationCd, followed by a serial number, identifies a government document presented toParliament, historically by royal command.)
- CD = 1. COMPUTING a signal generated by a modem to inform the local computer that it hasdetected a remote modem. Full form carrier detect 2. BANKING certificate of deposit 3. MILITARY Civil Defence 4. RECORDING compact disc (NOTE: The abbreviation CD is used asa noun in its own right, referring both to pre-recorded audio CDs and to those used incomputing to copy or transfer data files.) 5. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Corps Diplomatique(NOTE: The abbreviation CD is often displayed on the backs of cars belonging toembassies.)
- CD = Certificate Of Deposit
- CD = Collection of Decisions of the European Commission on Human Rights
- CD = Geneefse Ontwapening/sconferentie
- CD = Conceptual Dependency
- CD = continu dressen
- CD = Carrier Detect
- CD = Cultuurtechnische Dienst
- CD = contract direction
- CDEJ; CDEJ = European Steering Committee for Intergovernmental Cooperation in the Youth field; Europees Stuurcomité Jeugdzaken
- CDEJ; CDEJ = European Steering Committee for Intergovernmental Cooperation in the Youth field; Europees Stuurcomité voor de intergouvernementele samenwerking op het gebied van jeugdzaken
- CDEJ; CDEJ = European Steering Committee for Youth; Europees Stuurcomité voor de intergouvernementele samenwerking op het gebied van jeugdzaken
- CDE; EOC = Conference on Disarmament in Europe; Europese Ontwapeningsconferentie
- CDEJ; CDEJ = European Steering Committee for Youth; Europees Stuurcomité Jeugdzaken
- CDEM; CDEM = Steering Committee for Employment and Labour; Stuurcomité voor werkgelegenheid en arbeid
- CDF = (cumulative distribution function (CDF))
- CDF = Franc Congolais of The Democratic Republic of Congo (ISO 3-letter currency
- cdf = STATISTICS a procedure that assigns to each possible value of a random variable theprobability that this value will be found. Full form cumulative distribution function
- CDF = Comma Delimited Format (file name extension)
- CDF = (Comma-Delimited Format or)
- CD-E = COMPUTING a compact disc that can have its contents erased and replaced withsomething else. Full form compact disc erasable
- CDE = Cahiers de droit européen
- CD-E = Compact Disk - Erasable
- CDE = Common Desktop Environment (Unix)
- CDE = Computer Design and Engineering
- CDE; C.D.E. = Cahiers de droit européen
- CDE; COB = Centre for the Development of Enterprise; Centrum voor de ontwikkeling van het bedrijfsleven
- CDE; EOC = Conference on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures and Disarmament in Europe; Europese Ontwapeningsconferentie
- CDE; COB = Centre for the Development of Enterprise; Centrum voor Bedrijfsontwikkeling
- CDE; COB = Centre for Development of Enterprise; Centrum voor de ontwikkeling van het bedrijfsleven
- CDE; COB = Centre for the Development of Enterprise; Centrum voor de ontwikkeling van het bedrijfsleven
- CDF = Channel Definition Format (file name extension)
- CDGEFID = Centrale Dienst voor de bestrijding van de georganiseerde economische en financiële delinquentie
- CDGEFID = Centrale Dienst voor de Bestrijding van de Georganiseerde Economische en Financiële Delinquentie
- CDG; CDG = Carl-Duisberg Gesellschaft; Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft
- CDG = Control Dependence Graph
- CDG; CDG = Charles-de-Gaulle; Charles-de-Gaulle
- CDH = MEDICINE congenital dislocation of the hip
- CDI = Conventioneel Defensie Initiatief
- CDI = [1] Complex, Dynamic Interaction(s)
- CDHR; CDHR = Centre for the Defence of Human Rights; onder verwijzing naar de verklaring van 22 december 2008 van het voorzitterschap van de Raad, namens de Europese Unie, over de sluiting door de Iraanse politie van het Centrum voor de verdediging van de mensenrechten
- CDH = Dienst Geschiedenis
- CDHR; CDHR = Committee for the Defence of Human Rights; Comité voor de verdediging van de mensenrechten
- CDFA; CDFA = Continuous Descent Final Approach; eindnadering met continue daling
- CDFEZ = Centrale Directie Financieel-Economische Zaken
- CDFA; CDFA = continuous descent final approach; 26. "Eindnadering met continue daling (CDFA)" een techniek die consistent is met gestabiliseerde naderingsprocedures en waarbij het eindnaderingssegment van een niet-precisie-instrumentnaderingsprocedure als continue daling wordt gevlogen, zonder horizontaal vliegen, vanaf een hoogte van minstens de hoogte voor eindnadering tot een punt ongeveer 15 m
- CDF; CDF = Charbonnages de France; Charbonnages de France
- CDF; CDF = CDF) and digital format; Archivering van aanvraag, prospectievergunning en kapvergunning op papier (DGEF en CDF) en elektronisch
- CDFI = Cahiers de droit fiscal international
- CDG = Compact Disk - Graphic
- CDG = Concept Development Group
- CDFS = CD-ROM File System
- CDFI = Cahiers de droit fiscal international
- CDFS = Compact Disk File System
- CDE = Cahiers de droit Européen
- CDCE = (Compelling, Differentiating Customer Experience (see also CDE))
- CDCE = Compelling, Differentiating Customer Experience (see also CDE)
- CDCC; CDCC = Council for Cultural Cooperation; Raad voor culturele samenwerking
- CDC; CDC = Center for Disease Control; Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- CDC; DTO = Commando Diensten Centra; Defensie Telematica Organisatie
- CDCH = Control-plane Dedicated CHannel
- CDCR; COOR = Committee on the Development and Conversion of Regions; Comité voor de ontwikkeling en omschakeling van de regio’s
- CDCV = Centrale Dienst voor Contingenten en Vergunningen
- CDCM = Centrale Data Communicatiemachine
- CDCIR; CDCIR = Community Documentation Centre on Industrial Risks; Communautair Documentatiecentrum voor Industriële Risico's
- CDCJ; CDCJ = European Committee on Legal Cooperation; Europees Comité voor juridische samenwerking
- CDC = Control Data Corporation (now CDint)
- CdC = Code de Commerce
- CDC = Constrained Development Cost
- CDBVZ = Compensatiedienst voor betaald verlof voor zeelieden
- CDC = Call Directing Code
- CdC = Cour de Cassation
- CDC; CDC = Democratic Convergence of Catalonia; Catalaans Democratisch Verbond
- CDC; CDC = Catalan Democratic Convergence; Catalaans Democratisch Verbond
- CDC,levert belangrijk werk op het gebied van de controle van huidige ziektes = Center for Disease Control
- CDC = (Constrained Development Cost)
- CDC = Century Date Change
- CDD = Common Data Dictionary
- CDDPH; CDDPH = Council for the Protection of Human Rights; Raad voor de mensenrechten
- CDDPH; CDDPH = Human Rights Defence Council; Raad voor de mensenrechten
- CDDPH; CDDPH = Council for the Protection of Human Rights; Raad voor de verdediging van de rechten van de mens
- CD-DIS = Compact Disk - Development Information System
- CDDPH; CDDPH = Human Rights Defence Council; Raad voor de verdediging van de rechten van de mens
- CDDS; CDDS = Commercial Data Distribution Services; Commercial Data Distribution Services
- CDE = Complex Data Entry
- CDE = College van Direkteuren der Economisch-Technologische Instituten in Nederland
- CDE = Compelling, Differentiating Experience (see also CDCE)
- CDDT = Common Display Development Team
- CDE = (Compelling, Differentiating Experience (see also CDCE))
- CDDA = Compact Disk - Digital Audio
- CDDA = Compact Disk - Direct Access
- CDD; CDD = customer due diligence; customer due diligence
- CdD = Chambre des Députés (Luxemburg)
- CDD = Cyclic Delay Diversity
- CD-DA = Compact Disk - Digital Audio
- CDDI = Copper Distributed Data Interface
- CDDI = Copper Distributed Data Interface
- CDDH; CDDH = Steering Committee for Human Rights; Stuurcomité voor de mensenrechten
- CD-DA = Compact Disc - Digital Audio
- CDDB = Compact Disk DataBase
- CCW = Channel Command Word
- CCPR; IVBPR = covenant on Civil and Political Rights; Internationaal Verdrag inzake burgerrechten en politieke rechten
- CCPS = Cyber Crime Police Station
- CCPR; CCPR = Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues; Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
- CCPMs; GGBM = common and coordinated policies and measures; gemeenschappelijke en gecoördineerde beleidslijnen en maatregelen
- CCPNT; PCNT = Joint Consultative Committee for New Technology; Paritair Raadgevend Comité Nieuwe Technieken
- CCPS; CCEP = Consultative Committee for Postal Studies; Raadgevende commissie voor poststudies
- CC-PU; CC-PU = Standing Conference on University Problems; Permanente conferentie over universitaire vraagstukken
- CCQ = Code Civil du Québec
- CCPTO = Christelijke centrale van het personeel bij het technisch onderwijs
- CCPT = Centraal Coördinatiepunt ter bevordering van Toegankelijkheid
- CCPT; CCPT = Co-ordinating Core Planning Team; Coördinatieteam kernplanning
- CCPI; CCPI = Advisory Committee for the Management and Coordination of Data-processing Programmes; Raadgevend Comité voor het beheer en de coördinatie van programma's op het gebied van de informatica
- CCPM; GGBM = common and coordinated policies and measures; gemeenschappelijke en gecoördineerde beleidslijnen en maatregelen
- CCPF; CCPF = Central Committee of Forest Owners of the EEC; Centraal Comité van verenigingen van boseigenaren in de EG
- CCPDS = Command and Control Processing Display System
- CCPF; CCPF = Central Committee of Forest Owners of the European Economic Community; Centraal comité voor het bosbezit in de Europese Economische Gemeenschap
- CCPM; GGBM = CCPMs; gemeenschappelijke en gecoördineerde beleidslijnen en maatregelen
- CCPM; RCPB = CCPM; Raadgevend Comité inzake programmabeheer
- CCPMs; GGBM = CCPMs; gemeenschappelijke en gecoördineerde beleidslijnen en maatregelen
- CCPM; RCPB = Consultative Committee on Programme Management; Raadgevend Comité inzake programmabeheer
- CCPM; GGBM = common and coordinated policies and measures; gemeenschappelijke en gecoördineerde beleidslijnen en maatregelen
- CCPM; RCPB = Advisory Committee on Programme Management; Raadgevend Comité inzake programmabeheer
- CCR = Configuration Control Review
- CCRP = Continuously Computed Release Point
- CCRSE = Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Service Elements (OSI model)
- CCR; CKR = Central credit register; centraal kredietregister
- CCR; CCR = counterparty credit risk; tegenpartijkredietrisico
- CCR; CKR = credit information centre; centraal kredietregister
- CCS = Common Communications Services
- CCS = Common Channel Signaling or Common Command Set
- CCS = communication and control system
- CCS = Common Command Set
- CCS = contamination control system
- CCS = Common Communications Support
- CCR = Coördinatiecentrum van het Reddingswezen der Steenkolenmijnen van het Kempens Bekken
- CCR = contract change request
- CCR = Customer-Controlled Reconfiguration
- CCR = Coördinatie Commissie Rijksrecherche
- CCR = Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart
- CCR = Corporate Community Relations
- CCR; CCR = Central Rhine Commission; Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart
- CCR; CCR = CRC; Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart
- CCR; CCR = Central Consultancy Register; Centraal Consulentenregister
- CCR = Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery
- CCPD; CCPD = continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis; continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis
- CCOOA = Contactcommissie Openbaar Onderwijs Amsterdam
- CCOOP = Christelijke Centrale van Overheids- en Onderwijzend Personeel
- CCOO = Centrale Commissie voor Onderwijsoverleg
- CCOL; CCOL = Coordinating Committee on the Ozone Layer; Coördinatiecommissie voor de ozonlaag
- CCOMNAIWEDA = Coke Came Out My Nose And I Wasn't Even Drinking Any (Internet lingo)
- CCOOP = Christelijke Centrale van Overheids-en Onderwijzend Personeel
- CCP = Corporate Commit Process (Intel)
- CCP = Centrum voor Crisispsychologie
- CCP = Certified Computer Programmer
- ccounting = The process of apportioning charges between the Home Environment, Serving Network and User.
- CCOZ = Stichting Coördinatie van Communicatie m.b.t.gegevens van Onderzoek inzake Ziekteverzuim
- CCO = Consumenten Contactorgaan
- CCO = Cell Change Order
- CCO = Provinciale Coördinatiecommissie voor openluchtrecreatie en toerisme
- CCO = contract change order
- CCO = Consumentencontactorgaan
- CCO = Stichting Consumenten Contact Orgaan
- CCOD = Christelijke Centrale van de Openbare Diensten
- CCOI = Centrale Commissie Overheidsinformatievoorziening
- CCOD = Christelijke Overheidsvakbond
- CCO = cranio-cervicale overgang
- CCO; CCO = Center for Community Organizing; Center for Community Organizing
- CCP = Console Command Processor
- CCP; CCP = critical control point; kritisch controlepunt
- CCP; CCP = Committee on Commodity Problems; Commissie voor goederenvraagstukken
- CCP; CCP = leave on personal grounds; VRPA
- CCP = Certificate in Computer Programming
- CCP; CCP = Critical control points; Kritische controlepunten (CCP) : stadium of stadia waarin beheersing essentieel is om een gevaar te voorkomen of te elimineren dan wel tot een aanvaardbaar niveau te reduceren
- CCP; CCP = leave on personal grounds; verlof om redenen van persoonlijke aard
- CCP; VRPA = leave on personal grounds; verlof om redenen van persoonlijke aard
- CCPCH = Common Control Physical Channel
- CCP; VRPA = leave on personal grounds; VRPA
- CCP; CTP = central counterparty; centrale tegenpartij
- CCP; GCP = Combined Command Post; gecombineerde commandopost
- CCP = Certified Computing Professional
- CCP = Contract Change Proposal
- CCP = Centrale Catalogus van Periodieken
- CCP = Compression Control Protocol
- CCP = Combinatie Christelijke Partijen
- CCP = Capability/Configuration Parameter
- CCP = Contamination Control Plan
- CCP = Custom Color Palette
- CCP = Configuration Control Panel
- CCP = verlof om redenen van persoonlijke aard
- CCTD = Centrale Commissie voor Toestellen onder Druk
- CCTKB = Christelijke centrale der textiel-en kledingbewerkers van België
- CCTAC = Computer Communications Trouble Analysis Center
- CCT; GDT = COMMON CUSTOMS TARIFF; gemeenschappelijk douanetarief
- CCTA = Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency
- CCTLD = Country Code Top-Level Domain
- CCTU; CRV = Central Council of Trade Unions; Centrale Raad van Vakbonden
- CCTV = TV a television system in which cameras transmit pictures by cable to connectedmonitors, frequently used for the deterrence or detection of crime. Full form closedcircuittelevision
- CCTrCH = Coded Composite Transport Channel
- ccTLD = (Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD))
- ccTLD; ccTLD = country code Top Level Domain; landcodetopniveaudomein
- Cct = Circuit
- CCT = China Coast Time
- CCT = Christelijke Centrale van de Textiel
- CCT = typebestek
- CCT = Computed Coronal Tomography (medical imaging technique)
- CCT; CCT = Correlated Colour Temperature; De lichtbron moet een verspreiding van de toegevoegde kleurtemperatuur
- CCT; CCT = Coin and card technology; Coin and Card Technology
- CCT; CCT = central corneal thickness; Cornea's met een horizontale diameter van > 30,5 mm en een centrale corneale dikte (CCT) ≥ 1100 μm zijn meestal afkomstig van vee dat ouder is dan acht jaar terwijl cornea's met een horizontale diameter van < 28,5 mm en een CCT < 900 μm meestal afkomstig zijn van vee dat jonger is dan vijf jaar
- CCT; CCT = cleaner coal technologies; China zelf maakt zich sterk voor schonere steenkooltechnologieën
- CCT; CCT = Clean Coal Technology; schone steenkooltechnologieën
- CCT; CCT = Clean Coal Technology; schone kolentechnologieën
- CCTV = Closed Circuit Television
- CC-V = (Continuity Check and Connectivity Verification (CC-V) (RFC 6371))
- CCV; CCV = congestion cost of vehicles; Tabel 3: In rekening te brengen congestiekosten van voertuigen
- CCV = contact-commissie chauffeurs vakbekwaamheid
- CCV = Convention Internationale relative au Contrat de Voyage
- CCVP = Centrale Commissie voor het Vrijzinnig Protestantisme
- CCVV = Centrale Commissie voor de Verkeersveiligheid
- CCVLTH = Christelijke Centrale van de Voedings-,Landbouw-,Tabak-en Hotelnijverheid
- CCVA = Christelijke centrale van vervoerarbeiders
- CCVD = Christelijke Centrale Voeding en Diensten
- CCTV; CCTV = closed-circuit television; gesloten televisiecircuit
- CCU = Calcutta
- CCTV; CCTV = closed-circuit television; gesloten televisiesysteem
- CCTV = Closed Circuit Television
- CCTV = closed circuit television
- CCU = HEALTH SERVICES coronary care unit
- CCV = Christelijke centrale van vervoerarbeiders
- CCV = Centrum voor Christelijk Vormingswerk
- CCV =
- CCU; CCU = camera control unit; Camera control unit
- ccuracy = A performance criterion that describes the degree of correctness with which a function is performed. (The function may or may not be performed with the desired speed.) (source ITU-T I.350).
- CCT = Correlated Color Temperature
- CCS = Computing Center Software (cluster computing - a distributed software package
- CCS = Centrum voor christelijke schoolgemeenschappen
- CCS = ([1] Comprehensive Customer Support)
- CCS = (Competitive Cost Structure (contrast with NCCS))
- CCS = Continuous Composite Servo
- CCS; CCS = carbon dioxide capture and geological storage; CO< sub> 2< /sub> -afvang en -opslag
- CCS; CCS = carbon dioxide capture and geological storage; CO< sub> 2< /sub> -afvang en -opslag
- CCS; CCS = Children's Coma Scale; Children's Coma Scale
- CCS; CCS = carbon dioxide capture and geological storage; afvangen en opslaan van kooldioxide
- CCS; CCS = hundred call seconds; 100-belseconden
- CCS; CCS = China classification Society; China classification Society
- CCS = Cambridge CAP System
- CCS = Competitive Cost Structure (contrast with NCCS)
- CCS = Centrum voor Christelijke Schoolgemeenschappen
- CCS = Caracas
- CCS = ([2] Common Courtroom Strategy)
- CCS = Centrale commissie voor de statistiek
- CCS = Color Calibration System (file name extension)
- CCS = [2] Common Courtroom Strategy
- CCS = Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek
- CCS = [1] Comprehensive Customer Support
- CCS = Calculus of Communicating Systems (mathematics)
- CCS; CCS = Carbon Capture & Storage; Het is onmogelijk te voorspellen of er een oliepiek zal komen aangezien er al meermaals nieuwe voorraden zijn ontdekt. Het is tevens onmogelijk te voorspellen in welke mate schaliegas in Europa commercieel haalbaar zal blijken, of en wanneer koolstofafvang en -opslag
- CCSDS = Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems
- CCSE = Checkpoint Certified Security Expert
- CCSDS = Consultive/Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems
- CCSCCG = Christelijke Centrale van Steen,Cement,Ceramiek en Glas
- CCSD = Cellular Circuit-Switched Data
- CCSID = Coded Character Set IDentification (IBM)
- CCSV = Coördinatiecommissie stadsverniewing
- CCT = Compulsory Competitive Tendering
- CCSS = Community Charge For Standard Spending
- CCSO = Catechetische commissie voor het secundair onderwijs
- CCSR = Calculus for Communicating Shared Resources (mathematics)
- CCS; CCS = CO2 capture and storage; CO< sub> 2< /sub> -afvang en -opslag
- CCS; CCS = carbon dioxide capture and geological storage; afvangen en opslaan van kooldioxide
- CCS; CCS = Children's Coma Scale; comaschaal voor kinderen
- CCS; CCS = CO2 capture and storage; afvangen en opslaan van kooldioxide
- CCS; CCS = carbon capture and storage; (1) De Europese Raad van juni 2008 heeft de Commissie opgeroepen om zo spoedig mogelijk te komen met een mechanisme ter stimulering van investeringen van de lidstaten en de particuliere sector, zodat tegen 2015 maximaal 12 demonstratiecentrales voor CO2-afvang en -opslag
- CCS; CCS = CO2 capture and storage; CO< sub> 2< /sub> -afvang en -opslag
- CCSA; CCSA = common control switching arrangement; common-control switching arrangement
- CCSBT; CCSBT = Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna; (2) De commissie voor de instandhouding van de zuidelijke blauwvintonijn
- CCSA = Checkpoint Certified Security Admin
- CCS; CCS = CO2 capture and storage; afvangen en opslaan van kooldioxide
- CCSA = Common Control Switching Arrangement (telecommunications)
- CDT = Call Data Transmitter
- CDT = Client Development Tool (Intel)
- CDT = customer documentation tree
- CDT = EDUCATION a subject that can be studied to GCSE level. Full form Craft, Design, andTechnology
- CDT = Central Daylight Time
- cdt. = commandant
- CdT; CdT = Translation Centre; Vertaalbureau voor de organen van de Europese Unie
- CDT; CDT = core diameter tolerance; kerndiameter tolerantie
- CDT; CDT = cyclododecatriene; cyclo-dodecatrieen
- CdT; CdT = Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union; Vertaalbureau voor de organen van de Europese Unie
- CDT; CDT = cyclododeca-1,5,9-triene; cyclododeca-1,5,9-trieen
- CDSL = Consumer Digital Subscriber Line
- CDSN; CDSN = European Committee for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources; Europees Comité voor natuurbehoud en natuurlijke hulpbronnen
- CDSCA = Centrale dienst voor sociale en culturele actie ten behoeve van de leden van de militaire gemeenschap
- CDSC = FINANCE a fee that must be paid when selling an investment under certaincircumstances. Full form contingent deferred sales charge
- CDSCA = Centrale Dienst voor sociale et culturele Actie
- CDSO; CDSO = Steering Committee for Social Affairs; Stuurcomité voor sociale zaken
- CDSS; CDSS = Steering Committee for Social Security; Stuurcomité voor sociale zekerheid
- CDT = Corel Draw Template (file name extension)
- CDS-PP; CDS-PP = Democratic and Social Centre Party - People's Party; Sociaal-democratisch Centrum - Volkspartij
- CDSOA; CDSOA = Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act; Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act
- CDSP; CDSP = European Health Committee; Europees Gezondheidscomité
- CDTMA = Consumer Durables and Television Manufacturers Association
- CDU-CPP; CDU-CSL = Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party; Christen-democratische Volkspartij
- CDU-CPP; CDU-CSL = Christian Democratic Union - Czech People's Party; Christen-democratische Volkspartij
- CDU; HDZ = Croatian Democratic Party; Kroatische Democratische Unie
- CDU; CDU = Christian Democrat Union; Verenigde Christen-democraten
- CDU; HDZ = Croatian Democratic Union; Kroatische Democratische Unie
- CDU-CPP; CDU-CSL = Christian Democratic Union - Czech People's Party; Christen-democratische Unie - Tsjechoslowaakse Volkspartij
- CDU-CPP; KDU-CSL = Christian Democratic Union - Czech People's Party; Christen-democratische Volkspartij
- CDU-CPP; KDU-CSL = Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party; Christen-democratische Unie - Tsjechoslowaakse Volkspartij
- CDU-CPP; KDU-CSL = Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party; Christen-democratische Volkspartij
- CDU-CPP; CDU-CSL = Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party; Christen-democratische Unie - Tsjechoslowaakse Volkspartij
- CDU-CPP; KDU-CSL = Christian Democratic Union - Czech People's Party; Christen-democratische Unie - Tsjechoslowaakse Volkspartij
- CDU = (Chemical Detection Unit (i.e. those deployed in 1991 Gulf War & used by British forces in theatre))
- CDU = component development unit
- CDU = Control Display Unit
- CDTV = COMPUTING a CD-ROM standard combining audio, graphics, and text that is mainlyintended as an interactive system for home use, with the player connected to atelevision and also able to play audio CDs. Full form Commodore Dynamic TotalVision
- CDTV = Commodore Total Vision
- CDU = Chemical Detection Unit (i.e. those deployed in 1991 Gulf War & used by British forces in theatre)
- CDU; CDU = Christian Democratic Union; Christen-democratische Unie
- CDU; CDU = United Christian Democrats; Verenigde Christen-democraten
- CDU; CDU = control and display unit; control and display unit
- CDU; CDU = Christian Democracy Union; Christen-democratische Unie
- CDU; CDU = Coalition for Democratic Unity; Democratische Eenheidscoalitie
- CDSC = Contingent Deferred Sales Charge
- CD-RW = COMPUTING a compact disc that can have its contents erased and replaced withsomething else many times. Full form compact disc rewritable
- CD-RW = Compact Disc Re-Writable or Read-Write
- CD-RW = Compact Disk - Rewritable
- CDRTOS = COMPUTING an operating system used to run a CD-I hardware platform. Fullform compact disc real-time operating system
- CD-RTOS = Compact Disk - Real Time Operating System
- CD-RW; CD-R = CD-rewriteable; herschrijfbare compact disc
- CDS = ([2] Centralised Development/Deployment Strategy)
- CDS = Current Directory Structure
- CDS = [2] Centralised Development/Deployment Strategy
- CD-RW; CD-R = CD-rewritable; herschrijfbare compact disc
- CDS = ([1] Career-Devastating Secret)
- CDROM = Compact Disk - Read Only Memory
- CD-ROM = COMPUTING a compact disc containing a large amount of data,including text and images, that can be viewed using a computer but cannot be alteredor erased. Full form compact disc read-only memory
- CDRM; CDRM = Steering Committee for Regional and Municipal Matters; Stuurcomité voor regionale en gemeentelijke zaken
- CDRL = Contract Data Requirements List
- CDRM = Cross Domain Resource Manager (IBM)
- CD-ROM = Compact disc read-only memory
- CD-ROM; CD-ROM = compact disc read-only memory; compactdisc uitleesgeheugen
- CD-ROMXA = Compact Disk - Read Only Memory extended Architecture
- CD-ROM/XA = COMPUTING a compact disc with reduced error-detection coding allowingmore data storage space. Full form CD-ROM Extended Architecture
- CD-ROM = Compact Disk - Read Only Memory
- CDROM/XA = Compact Disk - Read Only Memory extended Architecture
- CDS = [3] Curtailed Discretionary Spending
- CDS; CDS = credit default swap; credit default swap
- CDS; CDS = Democratic and Social Centre Party; Partij van het Sociaal-democratisch Centrum
- CDS; CDS = Chief of Defence Staff; Chef Defensiestaf
- CDS; CDS = Democratic and Social Centre Party; Democratisch en Sociaal Centrum
- CDS; CDS = Chief of the Defence Staff; Chef Defensiestaf
- CDS; CSD = Committee on the Disposal of Surpluses; Comité voor de afzet van overschotten
- CDSA = Common Data Security Architecture (Intel API)
- CDSA = Common Data Security Architecture
- CDS; CSD = Committee on Surplus Disposal; Comité voor de afzet van overschotten
- CDS; CSD = Committee on the Disposal of Surpluses; Raadgevend subcomité voor de afzet van overschotten
- CDS; CSD = Committee on Surplus Disposal; Raadgevend subcomité voor de afzet van overschotten
- CDS = Centrale Directie Studiefinanciering
- CDS = core data services
- CDS = Centrale Dienst van het Stamboek
- CDS = ([3] Curtailed Discretionary Spending)
- CDS = Centrale Directie Studiefinanciering
- CDS = Carrier Detect Signal
- CDS; CDS = Centre for Social Democrats; Centrum van sociaal-democraten
- CDS; CDS = Chief of Defence; Chef Defensiestaf
- CDS; CDS = credit default swap; kredietverzuimswap
- CDS = [1] Career-Devastating Secret
- CDS; CDS = Social Democratic Centre Party; Centrum van sociaal-democraten
- CE; VU = compulsory expenditure; verplichte uitgaven
- CE; VU = compulsory expenditure; verplichte uitgaven
- CE; SKE = coal equivalent; steenkooleenheid
- CE; CE = conditionally essential; voorwaardelijk essentieel
- CE; CE = concurrent engineering; parallel ontwerpen
- CE; VU = compulsory expenditure; verplichte uitgaven
- CE; VU = compulsory expenditure; verplichte uitgaven
- CE; VU = expenditure necessarily resulting from the Treaty or from acts adopted in accordance therewith; verplichte uitgaven
- CE; VU = Compulsory expenditure; Verplichte uitgaven
- CE; VU = compulsory expenditure; uitgaven die verplicht voortvloeien uit het Verdrag of de ter uitvoering daarvan vastgestelde besluiten
- CE; VU = expenditure necessarily resulting from the Treaty or from acts adopted in accordance therewith; uitgaven die verplicht voortvloeien uit het Verdrag of de ter uitvoering daarvan vastgestelde besluiten
- CE = centraal examen
- CE = Cosmic Environment
- CE = current estimate
- CE = Copy Exactly (Intel)
- CE = Conseil d'Etat
- CE = camera electronics
- CE = Convert Enable
- CE&IS = combined elements and integrated system
- CE = 1. CHRISTIANITY Church of England 2. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING chemical engineer 3. ENGINEERING chief engineer 4. CIVIL ENGINEERING civil engineer 5. CALENDAR Common Era(NOTE: The abbreviation CE is sometimes used after a date as a non-Christian alternativefor AD.) 6. ECOLOGY consumption efficiency 7. ONLINE creative editing (used in e-mails) 8. ECONOMICS Communaute Européenne
- CE = (Control Element (CE) (RFC 3746))
- CEA = Commissie Economische Aangelegenheden
- CEA; KEA = cost-effectiveness analysis; kosteneffectiviteitsanalyse
- CEAA; ECAA = Common European Aviation Area; Europese gemeenschappelijke luchtvaartruimte
- CEA; CEA = Chinese Economic Area; Chinees Economisch Gebied
- CEA; CEA = French atomic energy agency; Commissariaat voor atoomenergie
- CEA; CEA = European Insurance Committee; Europees Assurantie Comité
- CEACR; CEACR = Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations; 8. Het Comité van deskundigen inzake de toepassing van verdragen en aanbevelingen
- CEART; CEART = Centres of Excellence for Asset Recovery Training; Centres of Excellence for Asset Recovery Training
- CEAS; CEAS = Common European Asylum System; gemeenschappelijk Europees asielstelsel
- CEAR; CEAR = Spanish Commission to Support Refugees; Spaanse commissie voor hulp aan vluchtelingen
- CEAO; CEAO = West African Economic Community; West-Afrikaanse Economische Gemeenschap
- CEAR; CEAR = Spanish Commission for Refugees; Spaanse commissie voor hulp aan vluchtelingen
- CEA = Customer Expectation Agreement
- CEA = (Compelling Economic Argument)
- CEA = Compelling Economic Argument
- CEA = Vereniging Centrale Electronische Administratie
- CEA = control electronic assembly
- CEA; CEA = Confederation of European Agriculture; Verbond van de Europese landbouw
- CEA; CEA = EIC; Europees Assurantie Comité
- CEA; CEA = European Insurance Committee; Europees Verzekeringscomité
- CEA; CEA = EIC; Europees Verzekeringscomité
- CEA; CEA = Community Education and Action; Community Education and Action
- CEA; CEA = Central Enrolment Authority; Tijdens de vergadering van april 2006 in Den Haag stelde de Raad van Bestuur een centraal inschrijfpunt
- CE = Certified Engineer
- CDVU = centrale dienst voor vaste uitgaven
- CDW = Computer Discount Warehouse
- CDVU = Centrale Dienst voor Vaste Uitgaven
- CDVM = Centrale Data-Verwerkende Machine
- CDV-tox; KVV-tox = critical dilution volume (toxicity); kritisch verdunningsvolume - toxiciteit
- CDW = Centrale Dienst Wasserijen
- CD-WO = Compact Disk - Write Once
- CD-WO = COMPUTING a compact disc that can have its contents written only once. Fullform compact disc write once
- CDWO = Centrale Directie Wetenschapsbeleid en Ontwikkeling (MvJ)
- CDW = Communautair Douanewetboek
- CDW = Communautair Douanewetboek
- CDV = Comma Delimited Values
- CDV = VIDEO a compact disc used to store and play back video images, or a player for suchdiscs. Full form compact disc video
- CDV = Christen Democratische Vernieuwing
- CDUR = Chargeable DURation
- CDV = Controledienst voor de verzekeringen
- CDV = Cell Delay Variation
- CDV; KVV = Critical Dilution Volume; kritisch verdunningsvolume
- CDVDB = Centrale Directie Voorlichting,Documentatie en Bibliotheek
- CD-V = Compact Disk - Video
- CDV = Controledienst voor de Verzekeringen
- CDV = Controledienst op Verzekeringen
- CDWU; WUCD = Christian Democratic World Union; Wereldunie van Christen-Democraten
- CE = Clear Entry
- CE = Consumer Electronics
- CE = Chip Enable
- CE = Common Emitter
- CE = Capture Element
- CE = Collision Elimination
- CE = Compact Edition (Microsoft - Windows CE)
- CE = conducted emission
- CE = concurrent engineering
- CE = Cache Enable
- CE = (Customer Edge (CE))
- CDZ = Creepy, Disfigured Zombie
- CDZ = (Creepy, Disfigured Zombie)
- CD-XA = Compact Disk - extended Architecture
- CDX = Compound Index (file name extension)
- CDXA = Compact Disk - extended Architecture
- CE = (Congestion Experienced (CE) or)
- CE = Centrum voor Energiebesparing
- CE = cargo element
- CE = Committee of Experts of the International Labour Organization
- CE = Creative Editing
- CE = Computer Engineering
- CDRL = Contract Data Requirements List
- CDMO = Contract Data Management Office
- CDMO = Configuration and Data Management Office
- CDMM; CDMM = Steering Committee on the Mass Media; Stuurcomité voor de massamedia
- CDMI = (Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) (RFC 6208))
- CDML = Claris Dynamic Markup Language
- CD-MO = Compact Disk - Magneto Optical
- CDN = Content Delivery Network
- CDN = (Content Delivery Network (CDN) (RFC 5694) or)
- CDN = Coupling/Decoupling Network
- CDMS; CDMS = case document management system; 25. Dit investeringsproject voor het opzetten van een functionerende landelijke toepassing van het beheerssysteem voor rechtszaken en -stukken
- CDN = (Call-Disconnect-Notify (CDN) or)
- CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access
- CDMA = code division multiple access
- CDMA = (Code Division Multiple Access)
- CDMA = competitive Deal-Making Atmosphere
- CDMA = (competitive Deal-Making Atmosphere)
- CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access
- CDMF = Commeraal Data Masking Fadlity (IBM)
- CDMG; CDMG = European Committee on Migration; Europees Comité voor migratie
- CDMA2000 = (No Expansion, It is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association in the US.)
- CDMA; CDMA = code division multiple access; code division multiple access
- CDMA; CDMA = code division multiple access; code division multiple access
- CDN = Corporate Data Network
- CDO; CDO = collateralised debt obligation; schuldobligatie met onderpand
- CDO; CDO = collateralised debt obligation; collateralised debt obligation
- CdO = Code de Obligation
- CDO = Christen Demokratische Omroep
- CDO = Collaborative Data Object (Microsoft)
- CDOCS = Classified Document Control System
- CDOS = customer data and operations system
- CDOS = Cohesive Document Output Strategy
- CDOS = (Cohesive Document Output Strategy)
- CDOM = Centrale Dienst Ondergrondse Mechanisatie
- CDONTS = Collaborative Data Object for NT Server (Microsoft)
- cDNA; cDNA = complementary DNA; complementair DNA
- CDNI = (Content Distribution Network Interconnection (CDNI) (RFC 6707))
- cDNA; cDNA = complementary DNA; complementair DNA
- CDN = (Content Distribution Network (CDN) (RFC 3914))
- cDNA = GENETICS synthetically-produced single-strand DNA. Full form complementaryDNA
- CDNPP; CDNBP = National Peasant-Christian Democratic Party; Christen-Democratische Nationale Boerenpartij
- CDO = Christen-democratische omroep
- CDO = Christelijke Dirigenten Organisatie
- CDO = Centrum voor Didactiek en Onderwijsbegeleiding van de TH
- CDNPP; CDNBP = Christian Democrat National Peasants' Party; Christen-Democratische Nationale Boerenpartij
- CDO = Commercial Development Office
- CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access
- CDI; CIO = Centre for the Development of Industry; Centrum voor Ontwikkeling van Industrie
- CDI; CIO = Centre for the Development of Industry; Centrum voor industriële ontwikkeling
- CDI; CIO = Centre for the Development of Industry; Centrum voor industriële ontwikkeling
- CDI; CID = compact disc interactive; interactieve CD
- CDI; CIO = Centre for the Development of Industry; Centrum voor industriële ontwikkeling
- CDIA = Certified Document Imaging Architect
- CDint = Computing Devices International (formerly CDC)
- CDIU = Centrale Dienst In- en Uitvoer
- CDIF = Case Data Interchange Format
- CDIA = Certified Document Imaging Architect
- CdIC of Cd'IC = Code d'Instruction Criminelle
- CDI = Centraal Diergeneeskundig Instituut
- CDI = [2] Creative Design Intent
- CDI = ([1] Complex, Dynamic Interaction(s))
- CDI = Centraal Diergeneeskundig Instituut
- CDI = Compact Disk - Interactive
- CDI = ([2] Creative Design Intent)
- CDI; CDI = conventional defence improvement; conventionele defensie verbetering
- CDI; CDI = Capacity Development Initiative; 2.2. Project 2: Capaciteit ontwikkelen voor toekomstige generaties CTBT-deskundigen — het initiatief voor capaciteitsontwikkeling
- CD-I = Compact Disk - Interactive
- CDI = Compact Disc Interactive
- CD-I = COMPUTING an interactive compact disc containing text, video, and audio, andaccessed using a self-contained player plugged into a television set. Full form compactdisc interactive
- CDIU = Centrale Dienst voor In- en Uitvoer
- CDM = Corona Diagnostic Mission
- CDM; CDB = Christian Democratic Movement; Christen-Democratische Beweging
- CDM = (Collective/Collaborative Decision Making)
- CDM = ENVIRONMENT an international agreement (part of the Kyoto Protocol) to worktowards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to help developing countries to do thesame. Full form Clean Development Mechanism
- CDM = Contract Data Management
- CDM; CDM = Capability Development Mechanism; vermogensontwikkelingsmechanisme
- CDM; CDM = companded delta modulation; compressie-expansie delta-modulatie
- CDM; CDM = Clean Development Mechanism; Clean Development Mechanism
- CDM; CDM = Capability Development Mechanism; 3.1.1. in overleg met de bevoegde Raadsinstanties, en met gebruikmaking van het vermogensontwikkelingsmechanisme (CDM), de toekomstige kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve behoeften van de Europese Unie op het gebied van defensievermogens
- CDM; CDM = clean development mechanism; mechanisme voor schone ontwikkeling
- CDM; CDM = Collaborative Decision-Making; Collaborative Decision Making
- CDK = Crediet-en Depositokas NV
- CdK = commissaris van de Koningin
- CdK = Commissaris der Koningin
- CDIU = Centrale Dienst voor In- en Uitvoer
- CDJA = Christen-Democratisch Jongeren Appel
- CDL = Computer Description/Design Language
- CDM = Code Division Multiplexing
- CDM = Collective/Collaborative Decision Making
- CDLR; CDLR = Steering Committee on Local and Regional Authorities; Stuurcomité voor lokale en regionale overheden
- CDL; CDL = Configuration Deviation List; configuratie-afwijkingslijst
- CDL; CDL = configuration deviation list; (2) het vliegtuig niet wordt gebruikt in strijd met de configuratie-afwijkingslijst
- CDR = Call Detail Record/Recording
- CDR = Compact Disk Recordable
- CDR = MILITARY Commander
- CDR = commander
- CDR = Contract Data Requirements
- CDR = Copy Density Range
- CD-R = CD-Recorder or Compact Disc - Recordable
- CD-R = Compact Disk - Recordable
- CDR = Charging Data Record
- CDR = Casual Dining Restaurant
- CDR = Copy Density Range or Call Detail Record
- CDR = (Casual Dining Restaurant)
- CDR = Critical Design Review
- CDR = Compact Disk Recorder
- CDQ = Convert Double to Quad (asm 386+)
- CDQ; CDQ = coke dry quenching; I. droog blussen van cokes
- CDR = CorelDraw Image (file name extension)
- CDR = (Call Data Record (CDR) (RFC 6707))
- Cdr = MILITARY Commander
- CDR = Call Detail Record (telecommunications)
- CDR = Common Data Representation
- CDR = Critical Design Review
- CD-R = COMPUTING a compact disc that can have its contents erased and replaced withsomething else. Full form compact disc recordable
- CDR; DCR = Convention for Democracy; Democratische Conventie
- CDR; DCR = Democratic Convention; Democratische Conventie
- CDR; DC = DC; Democratische Conventie
- CDR; DC = Democratic Convention; Democratische Conventie
- CDR; DC = Convention for Democracy; Democratische Conventie
- CDR; DCR = DC; Democratische Conventie
- CD-RDX = Compact Disk - ROM Data exchange (standard)
- Cdre = MILITARY Commodore25 cert.
- CDRAM = Cached Dynamic Random Access Memory
- CDRA = carbon dioxide removal assembly
- CDRA = Character Data Representation Architecture (IBM)
- CDR; CDR = Career Development Review; Betreft: Eigenaardigheden van het nieuwe systeem voor de herziening van de loopbaanontwikkeling
- CDR; CDR = Career Development Report; Het nieuwe loopbaanontwikkelingsverslag (CDR) is een aan de beste praktijk beantwoordend beoordelingsinstrument dat verder gaat dan de loutere beoordeling van de ambtenaren en dat tracht opleiding en loopbaanvooruitzichten
- CDR; CDR = Consortium de Realisations; Consortium de Réalisations
- CD-R/W; CD-R = CD-rewritable; herschrijfbare compact disc
- CD-R/W; CD-R = CD-rewriteable; herschrijfbare compact disc
- CdR; CdR = CdR; Comité van de Regio's
- CD-R; CD-R = Compact Disc Recordable; opneembare compact disc
- CdR; CvdR = Committee of the Regions; Comité van de Regio's
- CDR; CD-R = Compact Disc Recordable; opneembare compact disc
- CdR; CdR = Committee of the Regions; Comité van de Regio's
- CDR; CDR = Centre for Documentation on Refugees; Centrum voor Documentatie over Vluchtelingen
- CDPS; CDPS = Customs Declaration Processing System; Daarnaast zijn de handelaren aangesloten op het geautomatiseerd verwerkingssysteem voor douaneaangiften
- CDP = [1] Centralized Document Production
- CDP = ([3] Crazy, Deranged Person)
- CDP = ([1] Centralized Document Production)
- CDP = [4] Consensus Decision Process
- CDP = [3] Crazy, Deranged Person
- CDP = [2] Creepy, Disfigured Person (see also CDZ)
- CDP; CDP = Committee for Development Planning; Commissie voor Ontwikkelingsplanning
- CDP; CPD = CPD carnet; CPD-carnet
- CDP; CDP = Capability Development Plan; vermogensontwikkelingsplan
- CDP = Career Development Program
- CDP; CDP = Capability Development Plan; ii) de uitvoering van het vermogensontwikkelingsplan
- CDP = kamkrokodil
- CDP = Communications Data Processor
- CDOT = Center for Development Of Telematics
- CDOS = Concurrent Disk Operating System
- CDO'S = Collateralised Debt Obligations
- CDP = ([4] Consensus Decision Process)
- CDP = zeekrokodil
- CdP = chef de poste
- CDP = ([2] Creepy, Disfigured Person (see also CDZ))
- CDP = Certificate in Data Processing
- CDP = (Content Delivery Protocol (CDP) (RFC 5052))
- CDP; CPD = CPD; CPD-carnet
- CDPK; C.D.P.K. = Chroniques de droit public
- CDPK; C.D.P.K. = Publiekrechtelijke Kronieken
- CDPK = Publiekrechtelijke Kronieken
- CDPK = Croniques de droit Public / Publiekrechtelijke kronieken
- CDPK = Chroniques de droit public
- CDPL; KDP = Christian Democratic Party of Lithuania; Christen-Democratische Partij
- CDPR = Customer Dial Pulse Receiver
- CDPS; CDPS = Steering Committee on Social Policy; Stuurcomité voor Sociaal Beleid
- CDPP = Code de procédure Pénale
- CDPL; LKDP = Christian Democratic Party of Lithuania; Christen-Democratische Partij
- CDPM = Centrale Directie Personeel en Management
- CDP; CPD = CDP carnet; CPD-carnet
- CDP; ODS = Civic Democratic Party; Democratische Burgerpartij
- CDP; CPD = CPD carnet; document voor tijdelijke invoer
- CDP; CPD = CPD; document voor tijdelijke invoer
- CDP; CPD = CDP carnet; document voor tijdelijke invoer
- CDPA; CDPA = Copyright, Designs and Patents Act; Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
- CDPD = Cellular Digital Packet Data
- CDPD; CDPD = cellular digital packet of data; cellular digital packet data
- CDPD = Cellular Digital Packet Data wireless format
- CDP-aspect = aspect van het vermogensontwikkelingsplan
- CDPC; CDPC = European Committee on Crime Problems; Europees Comité voor strafrechtelijke vraagstukken
- DG D; DG D = Directorate-General D - Justice and Home Affairs; directoraat-generaal D - Justitie en Binnenlandse Zaken
- DG D; DG H = Directorate-General D - Justice and Home Affairs; directoraat-generaal D - Justitie en Binnenlandse Zaken
- DG C; DG C = Directorate-General C - Foreign Affairs, Enlargement and Civil Protection; directoraat-generaal C- Buitenlandse Zaken, Uitbreiding en Civiele Bescherming
- DG C = directoraat-generaal C - Concurrentievermogen, Innovatie en Onderzoek, Industrie en Informatiemaatschappij, Interne Markt, Mededinging en Douane, Vervoer, Energie
- DG C = directoraat-generaal Concurrentievermogen, Innovatie en Onderzoek, Industrie en Informatiemaatschappij, Interne Markt, Mededinging en Douane, Vervoer en Energie
- DG E = directoraat-generaal E - Externe en politiek-militaire zaken
- DG E; DG E = Directorate-General E - Environment, Education, Transport and Energy; directoraat-generaal E - Milieu, Onderwijs, Vervoer en Energie
- DG E; DG I = Directorate-General E - Environment, Education, Transport and Energy; directoraat-generaal E - Milieu, Onderwijs, Vervoer en Energie
- DG E; DG E = Directorate-General E - Environment, Education, Transport and Energy; directoraat-generaal I - Klimaatverandering, Milieu, Gezondheid, Consumentenzaken, Levensmiddelen, Onderwijs, Jeugdzaken, Cultuur, Audiovisuele Sector en Sport
- DG E; DG E = Directorate-General I - Climate Change, Environment, Health, Consumers, Foodstuffs, Education, Youth, Culture, Audiovisual and Sport; directoraat-generaal I - Klimaatverandering, Milieu, Gezondheid, Consumentenzaken, Levensmiddelen, Onderwijs, Jeugdzaken, Cultuur, Audiovisuele Sector en Sport
- DG E; DG E = Directorate-General I - Climate Change, Environment, Health, Consumers, Foodstuffs, Education, Youth, Culture, Audiovisual and Sport; directoraat-generaal E - Milieu, Onderwijs, Vervoer en Energie
- DG = Directoraat-Generaal
- DG = data group
- DG = Data General (corporate name)
- DFZ = (Default-Free Zone (DFZ))
- DG = directoraat-generaal
- DG = Distributed Generation
- DG A; DG A = Directorate-General for Administration; directoraat-generaal A - Administratie
- DG A; DG A = Directorate-General for Personnel and Administration; directoraat-generaal A - Administratie
- DG = 1. CHRISTIANITY Deo gratias (NOTE: From the Latin, ‘thanks be to God'.) 2. MANAGEMENTdirector-general
- dg = MEASUREMENTS decigram
- DG = Directoraat Generaal
- DG E; DG I = Directorate-General E - Environment, Education, Transport and Energy; directoraat-generaal I - Klimaatverandering, Milieu, Gezondheid, Consumentenzaken, Levensmiddelen, Onderwijs, Jeugdzaken, Cultuur, Audiovisuele Sector en Sport
- dga = directeur-grootaandeelhouder
- DGA = Differential Graded Algebra (mathematics)
- DGA = Direct Graphics Access
- DG; DG = dangerous goods; 32. "Gevaarlijke goederen
- DGA = Algemene Directie van de Bestuurlijke Politie
- DGA = Directoraat-generaal voor de landbouw
- DGACM; DGACM = Department for General Assembly and Conference Management; departement voor de Algemene Vergadering en Conferentiebeheer
- DGAIEC; DGAIEC = Directorate-General for Customs and Excise; directoraat-generaal Douane en Accijnzen
- DGAACS; DGAACS = Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services; Departement Algemene-Vergaderingszaken en Conferentiediensten
- DGA3 = directoraat Vertaling en Documentenbeheer
- DGA3 = directoraat 3 - Vertaling en Documentenbeheer
- DG F; DG F = Directorate-General F - Communication and Transparency; directoraat-generaal F - Communicatie en Transparantie
- DG G = directoraat-generaal G - Economische Zaken en Concurrentievermogen
- DG F; DG F = Directorate-General F - Press, Communication, Transparency; directoraat-generaal F - Communicatie en Transparantie
- DG E; DG I = Directorate-General I - Climate Change, Environment, Health, Consumers, Foodstuffs, Education, Youth, Culture, Audiovisual and Sport; directoraat-generaal E - Milieu, Onderwijs, Vervoer en Energie
- DG E; DG I = Directorate-General I - Climate Change, Environment, Health, Consumers, Foodstuffs, Education, Youth, Culture, Audiovisual and Sport; directoraat-generaal I - Klimaatverandering, Milieu, Gezondheid, Consumentenzaken, Levensmiddelen, Onderwijs, Jeugdzaken, Cultuur, Audiovisuele Sector en Sport
- DG K; DG C = Directorate-General C - Foreign Affairs, Enlargement and Civil Protection; directoraat-generaal C- Buitenlandse Zaken, Uitbreiding en Civiele Bescherming
- DG; DG = Directorate General; directoraat-generaal
- DG; DG = Directorates-General; directoraten-generaal
- DG; DG = Directorate-General; directoraat-generaal
- DG Vgz = Directoraat Generaal van de Volksgezondheid
- DG XIII = Directorate General XIII
- DFX = Design For X
- DFR; DFR = Department of Fisheries Resources; Department of Fisheries Resources
- DFRC; DFRC = Duty-Free Replenishment Certificate; 7. Certificaat voor rechtenvrije vervanging
- DFR = Disconnect From Reality
- DFR = Document Filing and Retrieval
- DFR = Design For Reliability
- DFRF = Dryden Flight Research Facility
- DFS = Depth First Search
- DFS; BFD = Decision on Financial Services; Besluit betreffende financiële diensten
- DFS = Distributed File System
- DFRMM = Data Facility Removable Media Manager (IBM)
- DFRR = Detailed Functional Requirements Review
- DFMS = Digital Facility Management System
- DFN = Depth First Number
- DFMR; DFMR = Department of Fisheries and Marine Research; De afdeling Visserij en Marien Onderzoek
- DFM = Delicate Financial Market(s)
- DFM = 1. MILITARY Distinguished Flying Medal 2. ONLINE don't flame me (NOTE: Theabbreviation DFM is used in Internet chat rooms and text messages, meaning ‘don'tcriticise or disparage me'.)
- DFO = Dotatiefonds voor oorlogspensioenen
- DFQF; DFQF = duty-free, quota-free; De bananenexporterende ACS-landen zullen rechtenvrije en contingentvrije
- DFR = (Disconnect From Reality)
- DFP = Digital Flat Panel
- DFP = Duitse Forum Partij
- DFP = Data Facility Product (IBM)
- DFS; DFS = Decision on Financial Services; Besluit betreffende financiële diensten
- DFT = Discrete Fourier Transform
- DFTI; DFTI = distance-from-threshold indicator; aanwijzer voor afstand tot baandrempel
- DfT = GOVERNMENT Department for Transport
- DFT = Discrete Fourier Transformation
- DFT = Distributed Function Terminal
- DFTS = DFT Spread OFDM
- DFWM; DFWM = DEGENERATE FOUR WAVE MIXING; degenerate four wave mixing
- DFWMAC = Distributed Foundation Wireless Media Access Control
- DFÜ = Datenfernübertragung
- DFU = Don't Forget Units (Internet lingo)
- DFU = Data File Utility
- DFSM = Deterministic Finite State Machine
- DFSMS = Data Facility System Managed Storage (IBM)
- DFSE = Dynamic File System Extension
- DFS; DFS = Duty Free Shoppers; Duty Free Shoppers
- DFS; DFS = Dynamic frequency selection; Dynamic Frequency Selection
- DFSORT = Data Facility Sort
- DFT = Diagnostic Function Test
- DFT = Density Functional Theory
- DFT = Design For Testability/Test
- DFST = Depth First Spanning Tree
- D-FSTD = Deterministic Finite-State Transition Diagram
- DGO = Directoraat-Generaal voor het Onderwijs
- DGOB = Directoraat-Generaal Openbaar Bestuur
- DGO = Directeur Gerechtelijke Ondersteuning
- DGO = WINE a declaration that a wine has come from a single, approved growing region.Full form Declared Geographical Origin
- DGO = Algemene Directie van de Politiezorg
- DGOOV = Directoraat-Generaal voor Openbare Orde en Veiligheid
- DGP = Dissimilar Gateway Protocol
- DGPJS = Directoraad-Generaal Preventie, Jeugd en Sancties
- DGP = De Groene Pers
- DGOOV = Directoraad-Generaal Openbare Orde en Veiligheid (Binnenlandse Zaken)
- DGP = Algemene Directie van het Personeelbeheer
- DGMP = Directoraat-generaal Management en Personeelsbeleid
- DGMS; DGEUMS = Director General of the European Union Military Staff; directeur-generaal van de Militaire Staf van de Europese Unie
- DGMP = directoraat-generaal management en personeelsbeleid
- DGM = Directoraat-Generaal Milieubeheer
- DGMH = Directoraat-Generaal voor de Milieuhygiene
- DGNHM = Directoraat-generaal voor natuurlijke rijkdommen en leefmilieu
- DGO = Decentraal georganiseerd overleg
- DGO = Directeur Gerechtelijke Ondersteuning
- DGO = Directeur gerechtelijke ondersteuning
- DGNS = Doppler GPS Navigation System
- DGNSU = Doppler GPS Navigation System Upgrade
- DGPL = Directoraat-generaal voor de openbare besturen
- DGS; DGS = deposit-guarantee scheme; depositoverzekeringsstelsel
- DGS; DGS = deposit insurance scheme; depositoverzekeringsstelsel
- DGS; DGS = deposit insurance scheme; depositogarantiestelsel
- DGS = Algemene Directie van de Operationele Steun
- DGS = Dramatic Geographical Settings
- DGS; DGS = deposit-guarantee scheme; depositogarantiestelsel
- DGSP = Dubious Government Stimulus Plan (see also GSP)
- DGSP = (Dubious Government Stimulus Plan (see also GSP))
- DGSM = Directoraat-Generaal Scheepvaart en Maritieme Zaken
- DGSD; RDGS = Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive; richtlijn depositogarantiestelsels
- DGSM = Directoraat-Generaal Scheepvaart en Maritime Zaken
- DGPM; VMEB = Declaration on the Contribution of the World Trade Organization to Achieving Greater Coherence in Global Economic Policymaking; Verklaring inzake de bijdrage van de Wereldhandelsorganisatie om te komen tot een grotere samenhang in het mondiale economische beleid
- DGPV = Dienst Geneeskundige Verzorging Politie
- DGPM; VMEB = Declaration on the Contribution of the World Trade Organization to Achieving Greater Coherence in Global Economic Policymaking; VMEB
- DGPM; DGPM = Declaration on the Contribution of the World Trade Organization to Achieving Greater Coherence in Global Economic Policymaking; VMEB
- DGPM; DGPM = Declaration on the Contribution of the World Trade Organization to Achieving Greater Coherence in Global Economic Policymaking; Verklaring inzake de bijdrage van de Wereldhandelsorganisatie om te komen tot een grotere samenhang in het mondiale economische beleid
- DGPZ; DGIS = Directoraat-generaal Politieke Zaken; Directoraat-generaal Internationale Samenwerking
- DGS = Algemene Directie Operationele Ondersteuning
- DGS = (Dramatic Geographical Settings)
- DGRh = Directoraad-Generaal Rechtshandhaving
- DGR = Directoraat-Generaal Rechtspleging (MvJ)
- Dgr = Deltaplan grote rivieren
- DGM = Directoraat-Generaal Milieu
- DGCA = directeur-generaal burgerluchtvaart
- DGCA; DGCA = Directorate General for Civil Aviation; (23) Op uitnodiging van het Indonesisch directoraat-generaal voor de burgerluchtvaart
- DGC = Dienst voor geneeskundige controle
- DGBO = Directoraat-Generaal voor het Basisonderwijs
- DGC = Algemene Directie van het Algemeen Beheer
- DGCZ = Directoraat-Generaal Culturele Zaken
- DGES; DGES = Directoraat Generaal Europese Samenwerking; Directoraat-Generaal Europese Samenwerking
- DGEUMS; DGEUMS = Director General of the European Union Military Staff; directeur-generaal van de Militaire Staf van de Europese Unie
- DGEE = Directoraat-generaal voor economie en werkgelegenheid
- DGD = Districtsgeneeskundige Diensten
- DGD; BOD = Decision Guidance Document; beslissingsondersteunend document
- DGB = Directie Goederenvervoerbeleid
- DGB/BZ = Afdeling Bouwzaken
- DGB = Dienst Gebouwen Buitenland
- DGAM; DGMA = Directorate-General for Administrative Modernisation; directoraat-generaal belast met de modernisering van de administratie
- DGATLP = Directoraat-generaal voor ruimtelijke ordening, huisvesting en patrimonium
- DGB/FB = Bureau Financieel Beheer
- DGB; DGB = Confederation of German Trade Unions; Verbond van Duitse vakverenigingen
- DGB-FB = Bureau Financieel-Economisch Beheer
- DGB/TB = Afdeling Telematica en Beveiliging
- DGB/HF = Afdeling Huisvesting en Financieel Beheer
- DGB/IL = Afdeling Inkoop en Logistiek
- DGF = Diergezondheidsfonds
- DGIS; DGES = Directoraat-generaal Internationale Samenwerking; Directoraat-generaal Europese Samenwerking
- DGIWG = (Defence Geospatial Information Working Group (DGIWG) (RFC 6288))
- DGIS/LB = Bureau Bibliotheek en Landeninformatie
- DGIS = Directoraat-Generaal Internationale Samenwerking
- DGIS = Direct Graphics Interface Standard
- DGJD = Directoraat-Generaal Jeugdbescherming en Delinquentenzorg
- dgl. = dergelijke
- DGM = Doelgroepmanagement
- dgl. = dergelijke
- DGL = Algemene Directie van het Logistiek Beheer
- DGL = Distributed Graphics Library
- dGfx; dGfx = discrete graphics card; afzonderlijke grafische kaart
- DGG = Directoraat-Generaal Goederenvervoer
- DGFR; DGFR = Directorate-General of Fisheries Resources; Directorate General of Fisheries Resources
- DGF = Dynamic Gradient Freeze
- DGF; DGF = Directorate-General of Fisheries; Directorate General of Fisheries
- DGHW = Directoraat-Generaal voor het Hoger onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk onderzoek
- DGIS = Directoraat-Generaal voor Internationale Samenwerking
- DGIS = Directoraat-generaal van de Internationale Samenwerking
- DGINS; DGINS = Directors General of the National Statistical Institutes; directeuren-generaal van de nationale bureaus voor de statistiek
- DGI; DGT = Directorate General for Interpretation; directoraat-generaal Vertaling
- DGIAV = Directoraat-Generaal Internationale Aangelegenheden en Vreemdelingenzaken
- DFM = (Delicate Financial Market(s))
- DESCARTES; DESCARTES = Debugging and specification of Ada real time embedded systems; foutenopsporing in en specificatie van real-time ingebedde systemen in Ada
- DES-CBC = Data Encryption Standard - Cipher Block Chaining
- DESC = Defense Electronics Supply Center
- DESA; ESA = Department of Economic and Social Affairs; Departement Economische en Sociale Zaken
- DESC = Defense Electronic Supply Center
- DESdiP; DESdiP = diethylstilboestrol dipropionate; diëthylstilboestroldipropionaat
- Destination user = Entity to which calls to the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) are directed.
- DET = Device Execute Trigger
- DESTA = Digital Ethernet thin-wire STation Adapter
- DESIPA; DESIPA = Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis; Afdeling voor Economische en Sociale Informatie en Beleidsanalyse
- DESPR = Digital Ethernet Single Port Repeater
- DES; DES = delivered ex-ship; franco af schip
- DES; DES = Decision on Trade in Services and the Environment; Besluit betreffende de handel in diensten en het milieu
- DES; DES = Data Encryption Standard; Data Encryption Standard
- DES; DES = free on ship; franco af schip
- DES; DES = diethyl stilboestrol; diethylstilbestrol
- DES; DES = Data Encryption Standard; Kryptographische methode
- DES2K = Designer 2000 (Orade)
- DESA; DESA = Department of Economic and Social Affairs; Departement Economische en Sociale Zaken
- DES; DES = diethylstilbestrol; diethylstilbestrol
- DES; DES = Data Exchange Standard; gegevensuitwisselingsnorm
- DES; DES = diethylstilboestrol; diëthylstilboestrol
- DET = Dedicated Engineering Team
- DEU = Dumb End User (Internet lingo)
- DEU = Directie Europa
- DETR; DETR = Department for Environment, Transport and the Regions; Het ministerie van milieu, vervoer en de regio's
- DETR = GOVERNMENT Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
- DETR; DETR = Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions; departement voor milieu, transport en regio's
- deu = Germany (ISO 3-letter country code)
- DEU/WE = Afdeling West-Europa
- DEUNA = Digital Ethernet Unibus Network Adapter
- DEU/UM = Afdeling Uitvoering Midden-en Oost-Europa-Hulp
- DEU/ME = Afdeling Midden-Europa
- DEU/OE = Afdeling Oost-Europa
- det. = GRAMMAR determiner
- Det.mag. = Detailhandelsmagazine
- DET = Detach
- DET = (Dedicated Engineering Team)
- DET = Directory Entry Table (Novell NetWare)
- DET; DET = diethyltryptamine; diethyltryptamine
- DETEX TMO = Stichting Detex Textiel Management Opleiding
- DET-NEG = DETerministic NEGative exponential (probability distribution)
- DETEX = Stichting Vakopleiding DETEX
- DETAM = Bedrijfsvereniging Detailhandel en Ambachten
- DETAM = Bedrijfsvereniging voor Detailhandel,Ambachten en Huisvrouwen
- DES; DES = f.o.s.; franco af schip
- DEQ; DEQ = delivered ex-quay; franco af kade
- DEQ; DEQ = free dock; franco af kade
- Dept.; dept. = Department; departement
- dept = department
- Dept.; dep. = Department; departement
- DEQ; DEQ = f.d.; franco af kade
- DER = (Distinguished Encoding Rules)
- DERA; DERA = Defence Evaluation and Research Agency; Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
- DER = Distinguished Encoding Rules
- DEQNA = Digital Ethernet Q-bus Network Adapter
- DER = Dienst voor ekonomische recuperatie
- Dep.Rtl. = Departementale Richtlijnen voor het beoordelen van oprichtingen en statuutwijzigingen van NV's en BV's
- DEP; DEP = European Depositary Library; Europese depotbibliotheek
- Dep.opv. = Rubriek Departementale opvattingen. (gepubl. in de NV)
- dep. = 1. department 2. TRANSPORT departs 3. TRANSPORT departure 4. GRAMMAR used todescribe a verb that inflects like a passive verb but is active in meaning. Full formdeponent 5. LAW deposed 6. FINANCE deposit 7. TRANSPORT depot 8. deputy
- DEP. = Depositus ('Laid to rest')
- DEP; DIB = Dexia Epargne-Pension; Dexia Insurance Belgium
- Dependability = A performance criterion that describes the degree of certainty (or surety) with which a function is performed regardless of speed or accuracy, but within a given observational interval (source ITU-T I.350).
- De-personalisation = Is the process of deactivating the personalisation so that the ME ceases to carry out the verification checks.
- DEPCA = Digital Ethernet Personal Computer-bus Adapter
- DEPA = te verwijderen persoon
- DEPBS; DEPB = Duty Entitlement Passbook Scheme; Duty Entitlement Passbook-regeling
- DEREP = Digital Ethernet REPeater
- DES = 1. E-COMMERCE data encryption standard 2. PHARMACOLOGY a synthetic oestrogenused in hormone replacement therapy. Full form diethylstilboestrol
- DES = Data Entry Sheet
- DES = Data Encryption Standard
- DES = Directie Economische en Ecologische Samenwerking
- DES = Discrete Event Simulation
- DES/ET = Afdeling Energie,Technologie en Onderzoek
- DES/VI = Afdeling Verkeer en Infrastructuur
- DES; BDM = Decision on Trade in Services and the Environment; Besluit betreffende de handel in diensten en het milieu
- DES/MN = Afdeling Milieu-en Natuuraangelegenheden
- DES/IR = Afdeling Interregionale en Regionale Organisaties
- DES/MI = Afdeling Milieu en Nucleaire Veiligheid
- DES = Diëthylstilbestrol
- DES = Data Encryption Standard
- deriv. = 1. derivation 2. derivative
- Derg. = dergelijke
- derg. = dergelijke
- DES = Directie Economische Samenwerking
- DES = Display Equipment Status
- DES = Description (file name extension)
- DES = Data or Defense Encryption Standard or Digital Encryption Standard
- DES = Digital Encryption Standard
- DES = (Data Encryption Standard (DES))
- DFEC; DFEC = Department for Food and Environmental Control; Department for Food and Environmental Control
- DFEE = Department For Education And Employment
- DFE; DFE = Digital Front End; digitale front-end
- DFE = Data Flow Editor
- DFE = Desktop Functional Equivalent
- DfEE = GOVERNMENT Department for Education and Employment
- DFEZ = Directie Financieel-Economische Zaken
- DF-FIQC; DF-FIQC = Department of Fisheries - Fish Inspection and Quality Control
- DFESH = Design For Environment, Safety and Health
- DfES = GOVERNMENT Department for Education and Skills. Former name Department forEducation and Employment
- DFES = Department For Education And Skills
- DFCS = Digital Flight Control System
- DFD = Data Flow Diagram
- DFC; SOF = development finance cooperation; samenwerking inzake ontwikkelingsfinanciering
- DFC; DFC = development finance company; ontwikkelingsfinancierings- maatschappij
- DFC; SOF = cooperation for development financing; samenwerking inzake ontwikkelingsfinanciering
- DFD = data flow diagram
- DFDSS = Data Fatility Data Set Services (IBM)
- DFDSS DFHSM DFSMS = Data Facility Dataset Services Data Facility Hierarchical Storage Manager Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem
- DFDS = Data Fatility Device Support (IBM)
- DFD; DFD = dark, firm, dry
- DFDR = Digital Flight Data Recorder
- DFG = Discrete Frequency Generator
- DFID; DFID = Department for International Development; Department for International Development
- DFIS = Discrete Frequency Immittance Spectroscopy
- DFID = Depth First Iterative Deepening
- DFID = Data Format IDentifier
- DFID = GOVERNMENT Department for International Development
- DFK3 = Deutsches Forschungszentrum fur Kiinstiiche Intelligenz GmbH (German AI
- DFM = Don't Flame Me (Internet lingo)
- DFM = Data Fax Modem
- DFM = Design For Manufacturability
- DFLP = Design For Low Power
- DFLP; DFLP = Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Demokratisch Front voor de Bevrijding van Palestina
- DFI = development flight instrumentation
- DFI; BDI = direct foreign investment; directe investeringen in het buitenland
- DFI = Digital Fatility Interface
- DFG; WFO = Decommissioning Funding Group; Werkgroep inzake de financiering van ontmanteling
- DFHSM = Data Fatility Hierarchical Storage Manager
- DFI; BDI = direct foreign investment; directe investering
- DFI; DFI = Development Fund for Iraq; Bij UNSC-Resolutie 1483 werd een Ontwikkelingsfonds voor Irak
- DFI; DFI = Decision on Notification of First Integration under Article 2.6 of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing; Besluit over de mededeling van de eerste integratie op grond van artikel 2,lid 6,van de Overeenkomst inzake textiel-en kledingprodukten
- DFI; DBI = direct foreign investment; directe investeringen in het buitenland
- DFI; BEI = Decision on Notification of First Integration under Article 2.6 of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing; Besluit over de mededeling van de eerste integratie op grond van artikel 2,lid 6,van de Overeenkomst inzake textiel-en kledingprodukten
- DFI; DBI = direct foreign investment; directe investering
- DFC; DFC = DAF Finance Company
- DEW = Dienst voor Economische Wederopleving
- DEW = Dienst van de Economische Wederopleving
- DEVLAG = Duits-Vlaamse Arbeidsgemeenschap
- DEVEA = Dienst voor Publicitaire Verspreidingsanalyse
- DEVEA = Dienst voor Publicitaire Verspreidingsanalyse
- DEW; DEW = Detainees' Education and Welfare Organisation; Organisatie voor onderwijs en sociale zorg aan gevangenen
- DF = (Don't Fragment (DF) (RFC 5853))
- DF = Disk Free
- DF = Data Field
- dez. = dezelfde
- DF = Dedicated File
- Deut. = BIBLE DeuteronomyDF 40
- DEV = Dienst voor Estetische Vormgeving
- Deut. = Deuteronomium
- Deurw.regl. = Deurwaardenreglement
- Deut. = Devarim
- DEV = Device
- DEVCO = Directoraat-generaal EuropeAid Ontwikkeling en Samenwerking
- DEVCO = DG EuropeAid Ontwikkeling en Samenwerking
- DEVA = Internationale Etaleurs Vakschool
- DEV = development
- DEV2K = Developer 2000 (Orade)
- DF = Davidsfonds
- DFAD = Digital Feature Analysis Data
- DFAIT; DFAIT = Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade; Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en Internationale Handel
- DFA = Deterministic Finite Automation
- DF; DF = Degradation factor; Tabel 1 - Afbraakfactor
- DF; DF = Dagligvarehandels Forbund; Dagligvarehandels Forbund
- DFB = Distributed FeedBack
- DFC = MILITARY Distinguished Flying Cross
- DFC; DFC = development finance company; maatschappij voor ontwikkelingsfinanciering
- DFC = Distributed Coordination Function
- DFB Laser = Distributed FeedBack Laser
- DFC = Data Flow Control
- DF = development flight
- DF = 1. RELIGION a title held by English and British monarchs since 1521, when it was givenby Pope Leo X to King Henry VIII. Full form Defender of the Faith 2. COMMUNICATION adevice used to determine the direction of a transmitted radio signal. Full form directionfinder
- DF = Default
- DF = Destination Field
- DF = Direction Flag
- DF = Double Flag
- DF; DF = Dilution factor; Verdunningsfactor (DF)
- DF; DF = Deterioration factor; Verslechteringsfactor
- DF; DF = Department of Fisheries; Department of Fisheries
- DF = Device Flag
- DF; DF = deuterium fluoride; b. deuteriumfluoride
- DIL = (Deliberate Informational Leak)
- DIL = Dual In-Line
- DIL = Daughter In Law (Internet lingo)
- DIL = Deliberate Informational Leak
- DIL = Deliverable Items List
- DIL; DIP = dual-in-line package; dual-in-line kastje
- DILLIGAF = Does It Look Like I Give A F***? (Internet lingo)
- DILLIGAFF = Does It Look Like I Give A Flying F***? (Internet lingo)
- DIL; DIP = DIP; dual-in-line behuizing
- DIL; DIP = dual-in-line package; dual-in-line behuizing
- DIL; DIP = DIP; dual-in-line kastje
- DIIK = Damned, If I Know (Internet lingo)
- DIIN = Damned, If I kNow (Internet lingo)
- DII = ([2] Debt-Induced Implosion [see also DIS(2)])
- DII = ([1] Dominant Institutional Investor (or DI^2))
- DII = Dynamic Invocation Interface (CORBA dient-side API)
- DIIP = Direct Interrupt Identification Port
- Diko; DIKO = Democratic Party; Democratische Partij
- Diko; DIKO = Democratic Party; DIKO
- Diko; DEKO = Democratic Party; DIKO
- Dikki; Dikki = Democratic Social Movement
- Diko; DEKO = Democratic Party; Democratische Partij
- DIM = Do It Myself (Internet lingo)
- DIN = a system of numbers used to indicate the speed of a photographic film, or asystem of standard electrical connections used in television and audio equipment. Fullform Deutsche Industrie-Norm (NOTE: From the German, ‘German industry standard'.)
- DIN = Deutsche Industrie Norm
- DIMS = Drugs Informatie en Monitoring Systeem
- DIMRA = (Studiegroep)Documentatiecentrum Industrieel Meten,Regelen en Automatiseren
- DIMS = Drugs Informatie- en Monitoringsysteem
- DIN = Dienst Internationale Netwerken
- DIN; DIN =
- DINGU = dinitroglycoluril
- DIN = Deutsche Industrie Norm
- din = MONEY dinar
- DIN = Deutsche Industrie Norm
- DIMACS = Discrete Mathematics And theoretical Computer Science center
- DIME = Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (Microsoft)
- dim. = 1. dimension 2. MUSIC diminuendo 3. GRAMMAR diminutive
- DIM = 1. ONLINE do it myself (used in e-mails and text messages) 2. COMPUTING documentimage management
- DIM = Data In the Middle
- DIMES; DIMES = Delft Institute of Microelectronics and Submicron Technology; Delfts Instituut voor Micro-Electronica en Submicrontechnologie
- DIMM = Dual In-Line Memory Module
- dimona = onmiddelijke aangeving
- DIMM = COMPUTING a plug-in module that adds random-access memory to acomputer. Full form dual in-line memory module
- dimin. = 1. MUSIC diminuendo 2. GRAMMAR diminutive41 DLE
- DIMM = Dual Inline Memory Module
- DII = [1] Dominant Institutional Investor (or DI^2)
- DIF = Display Information Facility (IBM, S/38)
- DIF = Directory Interoperability Forum (IBM, Lotus, Novell, Oracle, et al)
- DIF = Digital Interface Frame
- DIF = Dikkers Instrumenten-en Gereedschappenfabriek n.v.
- DIF = Deterministic, Irreducible Finite-state (transition diagram)
- DIF = Dutch International Fund
- DIFA; DIFA = Dutch Independent Film Association; Dutch Independent Film Association
- DIFE = Verdediging van de belangen van Frankrijk in Europa
- DIFA = Dumb Intellectual Fat Ass (Internet lingo)
- DIF = data interchange format
- DIF; DIF = Dairy Industry Federation; Dairy Industry Federation
- DIE = Directie Integratie Europa
- DIE/AB = Afdeling Associatie en andere Bijzondere Betrekkingen
- DIDS = Distributed Intrusion Detection System
- DIDP; DIDP = di-isodecyl phtalate; diisodecylftalaat
- DIDP; DIDP = diisodecyl phthalate; diisodecylftalaat
- DIE/AE = Afdeling Algemene Integratie Europa
- DIF = Data Interface Facility
- DIF = COMPUTING data interchange format
- Diecec; Diecec = Developing Intercultural Education through Cooperation between European Cities
- DIE/IS = Afdeling Internationale Samenwerking
- DIE/SF = Afdeling Sociaal-Economische en Financiële Aangelegenheden
- diff. = 1. difference 2. different
- DIGIT = DIGital unTT
- Digo = Dienst voor Infrastruktuurwerken van het Gesubsidieerd Onderwijs
- Dig. = Digest
- DIG = SOCIAL WELFARE income support available to people with disabilities in the UK. Fullform disability income guarantee
- DIG = Driver Kernel Interface
- DIGO = Dienst voor Investeringen van het Gesubsidiëerd Onderwijs
- DIHP; DIHP = 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C6-8-branched alkyl esters, C7-rich; 1,2-benzeendicarbonzuur, di-C6-8-vertakte alkylesters, C7-rijk
- DII = [2] Debt-Induced Implosion [see also DIS(2)]
- DIHP; DIEF = bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; diethylhexylftalaat
- DIHO = Delta Institut voor Hydrobiologisch Onderzoek
- DIHP; DIEF = bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; di-(2-ethylhexyl)ftalaat
- DIFF; VVID = false and falsified identity documents; valse en vervalste identiteitsdocumenten
- DIFFSENS = Differential Sense
- DIFF; VVID = false and falsified identity documents; VVID
- DIFF; VVI = false and falsified identity documents; valse en vervalste identiteitsdocumenten
- DIFF; VVI = false and falsified identity documents; VVID
- diff-serv = Differentiated services
- DIFS = (Distributed Interframe Space (DIFS))
- DIFT; DIFT = Direct immuno fluorescent test; 1. Directe immunofluorescentietest
- DIFS = Distributed coordination function InterFrame Space
- dIFR = Discrete Increasing Failure Rate
- dIFRA = Discrete Increasing Failure Rate Average
- DIS = Distributed Interactive Simulation
- DIS = Dell International Services
- DIS = Draft International Standard
- DIS = Delivery Instruction Slip
- DIS = ([1] Disciplined Investment Strategy)
- DIS = Deontisch Informatiesysteem
- DIS = Dynamic Impedance Stabilization
- DIS = Departmental Investment Strategies (UK)
- DIS = (DODAG Information Solicitation (DIS) (RFC 6550))
- DIS = Documentair Informatie Systeem
- DIS = [1] Disciplined Investment Strategy
- Directory Number = A string consisting of one or more of the characters from the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, #, a, b, c} associated with a nature of address indicator and number plan indicator. When using the public MMI for the control of supplementary services however, * and # cannot be part of any SC or SI field.
- DIRS = Database Information Retrieval System
- Directory = General term for the MF or a DF on the UICC.
- directe reclame = rechtstreekse reclame
- Directeur = Directeur en Personeel. Nieuwsbrief voor bedrijfsleiders
- DIRV = Derde Industriële Revolutie in Vlaanderen
- DIS = Douane Informatiesysteem
- DIS = ([2] Debt-Induced Starvation)
- DIS = [2] Debt-Induced Starvation
- DIRV = Derde Industriële Revolutie in Vlaanderen
- DIS = Document Information System
- DIS DISOSS DL = Dynamic Impedence Stabilization or Draft International Standard Distributed Office Support System Definition List
- DISAD = Direct Internationale Strafrechtelijke Aangelegenheden enDrugsbeleid
- disc = disconto
- DISA = Direct Inward System Access
- DISA = Defense Information Systems Agency
- DISA = Data Interchange Standards Assoaation
- DISC = Disconnect
- disc.; disc. = discount; disconto
- DISC; DISC = Domestic International Sales Corporation; Domestic International Sales Corporation
- disc.; disc. = disc.; disconto
- DISC = Disconnect
- disc. = 1. COMMERCE discount 2. discovered
- DIS; DIS = Danish International Shipping Register; Deens internationaal scheepsregister
- DIS; DIS = Documental information system; Documentair informatiesysteem
- DIS/WFM = Documentaire Informatiesystemen / Workflowmanagement
- dis.; disc. = discount; disconto
- dis.; disc. = disc.; disconto
- DIS; DIS = Documentary Information System; Documentaire Informatie Systeem
- DIS; ION = draft international standard; internationale ontwerp-norm
- DIS; WR = dedicated implementation structure; Wetenschappelijke Raad
- DIS; ION = Draft International Standard; internationale ontwerp-norm
- DIS; EDIS = Decentralised Implementation System
- DIS; ION = Draft International Standard; internationale ontwerp-norm
- DIRE; DIRE = Direct investment in the reporting economy; Directe investeringen in de rapporterende economie
- DIO; DIO = Defence Industries Organisation; Defence Industries Organisation
- DIO; DIO = Defence Industries Organization; Defence Industries Organization
- DIO; DIO = Defense Industries Organization; Defense Industries Organization
- DIO = discrete input/output
- DIO/NN = Bureau niet-nucleaire wapenbeheersing en ontwapening
- DIO; DIO = Defense Industries Organisation; Defense Industries Organisation
- DIP = Dual Inline Pin
- DIP = Digital Imaging Processing
- DIOSS = Distributed Office Support System (IBM)
- DIO; DIO = Dynamic Input-output model; dynamisch input-output-model
- DIO-NW = Bureau Nucleaire Wapenbeheersing
- DINP; DINP = Diisononyl Phthalate; diisononylftalaat
- DINP; DINP = diisononyl phthalate; diisononylftalaat
- DINP; DINP = diisononyl phthalate; diisononylftalaat
- DINK = Double Income, No Kids (Internet lingo)
- dinky = SOCIAL SCIENCES either member of a couple who both have careers, usuallyin well-paid jobs, and who have no children. Full form dual (or double) income, nokids (yet)The acronym dinky or DINKY, one of a number coined in the late 20th century to denotevarious socioeconomic groups, has entered the language as a noun in its own right. Of theother coinages, only yuppie (young urban [or upwardly mobile] professional) has stood the testof time; those that have fallen by the wayside include pippie (person inheriting parents'property), woopy (well-off older person), yappy (young affluent parent), LOMBARD (loads ofmoney but a right dickhead), SINBAD (single income, no boyfriend, absolutely desperate),OINK (one income, no kids), and SINK (single, independent, no kids), and SWELL (singlewoman earning lots in London).
- DIO = (Distressed Investment Opportunity(ies))
- DIO = Distressed Investment Opportunity(ies)
- DIO = (DODAG Information Object (DIO) (RFC 6550))
- DIO = Data Input/Output
- DIO = Do It Ourselves
- DIO = Discrete Input/Output
- DIP = 1. MEDICINE distal interphalangeal (joint) (NOTE: The DIP joint is the finger joint furthestfrom the knuckle, at the fingertip.) 2. COMPUTING document image processing 3. COMPUTING dual in-line package (NOTE: A DIP switch is a switch that turns optionalsettings on or off on a computer component.)
- dipl. = INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 1. diplomat 2. diplomatic
- DIPO = Antwerpse Maatschappij van Deposito's en Hypotheken
- dipl. = diploma
- DIPEC = Defense Industrial Plan Equipment Center
- DipEd = /d?p| ed/ EDUCATION Diploma in Education
- DIR = Directory
- DIRAC; DIRAC = Darmstadt Ion Research and Antiproton Centre; Met de bouw van de internationale acceleratorfaciliteit bij het ion-onderzoeks- en antiprotoncentrum
- DIRAC; DIRAC = Darmstadt Ion Research and Antiproton Center; Darmstadt Ion Research and Antiproton Center
- dir. = directoraat,directie,directeur
- DIR = De dienst investeringsrekening
- DIR = Data Information Record
- DIP = Dual Inline Package
- dip. = EDUCATION diploma
- DIP = Dual In-Line Package or Document Image Processing
- DIP = Dialup Internet Protocol
- DIP = Document Image Processing
- DIP; DIP = DIP; dual-in-line kastje
- DIP; DIP = DIP; dual-in-line behuizing
- DIPA; DIPA = diisopropanolamine; diïsopropanolamine
- DIP; DIP = dual-in-line package; dual-in-line behuizing
- DIP; DIP = dual-in-line package; dual-in-line kastje
- DIP; DIP = diplomatic passport; diplomatiek paspoort
- DIDP; DIDP = di-iso-decyl phthalate; diisodecylftalaat
- DHP = Dr. Halo Pic (file name extension)
- DHP = (Data Handling Protocol)
- DHO = Diversity Handover
- DHMM = Discrete Hidden Markov Model
- DHNUP; DHNUP = 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C7-11-branched and linear alkyl esters; 1,2-benzeendicarbonzuur di-C7-11-vertakte en lineaire alkylesters
- DHP = Data Handling Protocol
- DHS = (Deteriorating Humanitarian Situation)
- DHS; DHS = Data handling system; 1.1.2. Gegevensverwerkingsysteem (DHS), dat gegevens van de energiemeetfunctie samenvoegt met tijdsgegevens en geografische positie, en de volledige reeks gegevens met echte energiewaarden
- DHS = Deteriorating Humanitarian Situation
- DHPG = ganciclovir
- dhr. = de heer
- DHCPv6 = (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6))
- DHEG = dihydroergotamine
- DHCP = (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP))
- DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- DHEG = di(hydroxy aethyl)aminoazijnzuur
- DHL = Dynamic Head Loading
- DHM = The Hague Methodology (Dutch: De Haagse Methodiek)(security management)
- DHI; MDI = Internet Discrimination Hotline; Meldpunt Discriminatie Internet
- DHF = data handling function
- DHI; MDI = Discrimination Hotline Internet; Meldpunt Discriminatie Internet
- DHSA; DHSA = Development and Humanitarian Services for Afghanistan; Development and Humanitarian Services for Afghanistan
- DI = Disabling Ignorance
- DI = Destination Index
- DI = Destination Index
- DI = MEDICINE a method of assisted conception using sperm from a man who is not thewoman's sexual partner. Full form donor insemination
- DI = Dielectric Isolation
- DI = Data In
- DI.ANA.; DI.ANA. = Democratic Renewal; Demokratische Vernieuwingspartij
- DI.ANA.; DI.ANA. = Democratic Renewal Party; Demokratische Vernieuwingspartij
- DI.ANA.; DI.ANA. = Democratic Renewal; Democratische Hernieuwing
- di. = dinsdag
- DI.ANA.; DI.ANA. = Democratic Renewal Party; Democratische Hernieuwing
- DHV = Drentse Historische Vereniging
- DHW = UTILITIES domestic hot water
- DHTML = Dynamic HyperText Markup Language
- DHSS = GOVERNMENT a former UK government department, now split into the Departmentof Health (DH) and the Department of Social Security (DSS). Full form Department ofHealth and Social Security
- DHTDMAC; DHTDMAC = di(hardened tallow) dimethyl ammonium chloride; di(geharde talk)dimethylammoniumchloride
- DI = Directie Automatisering
- DI = Decentralisatie Impuls
- DI = Data Item
- DI = Degrees of Influence
- DI = Disable Interrupt
- DI = De-Ionized
- DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (Microsoft)
- DGWB = Hoofddirectie Wetenschapsbeleid
- DGWRR = Directoraat-Generaal Wetgeving, Rechtshandhaving en Rechtspleging
- DGW,Nederland,onderdeel Ministerie van WVC = Directoraat-Generaal Welzijn
- DGW = Directoraat-Generaal voor de Wetenschappen
- DGW en T = Directoraat Gebouwen,Werken en Terreinen
- DH = districtshoofd
- DH = Digital Hierarchy
- DH = Dear/Damn Hubby/Husband (Internet lingo)
- DH = D***Head (Internet lingo)
- DH = 1. GOVERNMENT Department of Health 2. BASEBALL designated hitter
- DH = duitse hardheid
- DGV = Dienst voorgeneeskundige verzorging
- DGV = Directie Goedkeuring en Voorschriften
- DGUX = Data General Unix
- DGT; DGT = Directorate-General for Telecommunications; directoraat-generaal voor telecommunicatie
- DGTRE = directoraat-generaal voor technologie, onderzoek en energie
- DGV = Directoraat-Generaal voor het Vervoer
- DGVW-2000 = Directoraat-Generaal Rechtshandhaving ( project DG Vreemdelingenwet 2000)
- DGW = Diergeneesmiddelenwet
- DGVP = Dienst Geneeskundige Verzorging van de Politie
- DGV = Directoraat-Generaal voor het Vervoer
- DGVH = Directoraat-Generaal van de Volkshuisvesting
- DH = Directie Handhaving
- DHA; DHA = UNDHA; Departement Humanitaire Zaken
- DHA; DHA = Department of Humanitarian Affairs; Ook dient gewezen te worden op een aantal internationale initiatieven, zoals de missie van deskundigen die door de Afdeling voor Humanitaire Aangelegenheden
- DHA; DHA = United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs; Departement Humanitaire Zaken
- DHA = 1. HEALTH SERVICES District Health Authority 2. BIOCHEMISTRY a polyunsaturatedessential fatty acid found in cold-water fish and some algae that has been linked to thereduction of cardiovascular disease and other health benefits. Full formdocosahexaenoic acid
- DHA; DHA = Department of Humanitarian Affairs; Departement Humanitaire Zaken
- DHAAD = (Dynamic Home Agent Address Discovery (DHAAD) (RFC 3775))
- DHC = data handling center
- DHC; DHC = de Havilland Corporation; de Havilland Corporation
- DHBT = Double Heterosbructure Bipolar Transistor
- DHB = Directie Huisvesting Buitenland
- DHB = Directie Huisvesting Buitenland
- Dh; AED = Dh; Dh
- Dh; AED = Dh; dirham
- Dh; AED = UAE dirham; Dh
- DH = Diffie-Hellman (public encryption key exchange algorithm)
- DH of D.H. = Receuil Hebdomadaire Dalloz
- Dh; AED = UAE dirham; dirham
- Dh; Dh = Dh; dirham
- DH; DH = decision height; 3.9.3*Precisienadering tot een beslissingshoogte (DH) niet lager dan 60 m
- Dh; Dh = UAE dirham; Dh
- Dh; Dh = Dh; Dh
- Dh; Dh = UAE dirham; dirham
- DIC = MEDICINE a condition in which blood clotting occurs in diverse sites around the bodyother than that at a site of injury, causing inefficient wound healing and clots to form inthe blood stream. Full form disseminated intravascular coagulation
- DIC = Digital Interface Controller
- DIC = Douane Informatie Centrum
- DIC = Distributed Information Center
- DIC = Differential Interference Contrast
- DIC = Dictionary (file name extension)
- DICE = DARPA Initiative in Concurrent Engineering
- DICMOS; DICMOS = dielectric isolated complementary metal oxide semiconductor; diëlektrisch geisoleerde CMOS
- DICA = Do I Care, A***ole? (Internet lingo)
- DIC; DIC = IDC; insulaire ontwikkelingslanden
- DIC; DIC = island developing country; insulaire ontwikkelingslanden
- DIB = directe investeringen in het buitenland
- DIBEngine = Device Independent Bitmap Engine
- DIB = Device Independent Bitmap
- DIB = Data Input Bus
- DIB = Dual Independent Bus (Intel)
- DIBOL = Digital Business Oriented Language (DEC)
- DIC = Douane Informatiecentrum
- DIC = Dubai Internet City
- DIC = Douane Informatiecentrum
- DIC = Customs Information Centre
- DIC = Documentatie-en Informatiecentrale
- DICO = Diks en Coenen n.v.
- DID; DDI = direct dialling-in; direct inkiezen
- DID; DDI = direct dialling-in; rechtstreeks doorkiezen
- DID; DDI = direct dial-in; direct inkiezen
- DID = (Direct Inward Dialing (DID))
- DID; DDI = direct dial-in; rechtstreeks doorkiezen
- DID; DID = Detergent Ingredients Database; databank ingrediënten detergenten
- didn't = did not
- DIDP; DIDP = di-iso-decyl phthalate; diisodecylftalaat
- DIDCA = Data-Intensive Distributed Computing Architecture
- DID; DID = Detergent Ingredients Database; gegevensbank wasmiddeleningrediënten
- DIDB = Drawing Index/Informantion data base
- dict. = 1. dictation 2. POLITICS dictator 3. PUBLISHING dictionary
- DID = Deterministic Identification Capaaty
- Dict comm = Dictionaire communal
- DICP; BPIC = Decision on Review of the ISO/IEC Information Centre Publication; Besluit inzake het onderzoek van de publikatie van het ISO/IEC-informatiecentrum
- DICP; DICP = Decision on Review of the ISO/IEC Information Centre Publication; Besluit inzake het onderzoek van de publikatie van het ISO/IEC-informatiecentrum
- DID = Data Item Description
- DID = Direct Inward Dialing
- DID = data item description
- DID = Dienst Internationale Dimensie
- DID = Direct Inward Dialing
- DID = directe immunodiffusie
- DIB = COMPUTING a bus used when transferring data from section of a computer to another.Full form data input bus
- DIA = gedoornde hartschelp
- dia = diameter
- DIA = Document Interchange Architecture (IBM)
- DIA = Dienst Inspectie Arbeidsverhoudingen
- DIA = Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam
- DIA = [2] Design Improvement Idea
- DIA; DIA = Defense Intelligence Agency; Militaire inlichtingendienst
- DIA; DIB = Direct investment abroad; Directe investeringen in het buitenland
- DIA; DIA = Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the General Agreement on Trade in Services; Besluit betreffende institutionele regelingen voor de Algemene Overeenkomst inzake de handel in diensten
- dia. = MATHEMATICS diameter
- DIA; BIR = Decision on Institutional Arrangements for the General Agreement on Trade in Services; Besluit betreffende institutionele regelingen voor de Algemene Overeenkomst inzake de handel in diensten
- DIA = Dienst Inspectie Arbeidsverhoudingen
- DIA = [1] Dirty Investment Advice
- DIA = ([2] Design Improvement Idea)
- DI; DI = Direct Injection; Direct Injection
- DI; DI = Data Interface; Data Interface
- DIA = Dienst Inspectie Arbeidsverhoudingen
- DIA = ([1] Dirty Investment Advice)
- DIA = Diapositief
- DIA = overkoepelend Italiaans orgaan voor maffiabestrijding
- DIA = COMPUTING document interchange architecture
- DIA = Deregulering Inkomensvorming en Arbeidsmarkt
- DIAA = Defense Intel Alumni Association
- DIANE; DIANE = Direct Information Access Network for Europe; Informatienetwerk met directe toegang voor Europa
- DIANE; EURONET-DIANE = Direct Information Access Network for Europe; EURONET-DIANE
- DIANE; DIANE = Direct Information Access Network for Europe; informatienet met directe toegang voor Europa
- DIANE = /da?| _n/ COMPUTING direct information access network for Europe
- DIANE; DIANE = Direct Information Access Network for Europe; EURONET-DIANE
- DIANE; EURONET-DIANE = Direct Information Access Network for Europe; informatienet met directe toegang voor Europa
- DIB = Device Independent Bitmap (graphics file format)
- DIB = Directory Information Base
- DIAS = Direct Internet Access Solution
- Diap = Defensie informatie-en automatiseringsplan
- diap. = Diapositief
- DIAD = Delivery Information Acquisition Device
- DIAD = Drum Information Assembler/Dispatcher
- DIAC; DIAC = Department of Immigration and Citizenship; Department of Immigration and Citizenship
- DIAA = Distributed Internet Applications Architecture (Microsoft)
- DIAC = Dedicated Inquiry Access Code (Bluetooth)
- diag. = 1. MATHEMATICS diagonal 2. diagram
- DIAMOND; DIAMOND = Development and integration of accurate operations in numerical data processing; ontwikkeling en integratie van nauwkeurige bewerkingen in numerieke gegevensverwerking
- DIANE = Direct Access Information Network for Europe
- DIAMEX; DIAMEX = DIAMIde EXtraction process; DIAMide-extractieprocédé
- DIAL = Direct Information Access Line
- dial. = LANGUAGE 1. dialect 2. dialectal
- DCT = Discrete Cosine Transform (encoding and decoding technique)
- DCT = Destination Control Table
- DCT = direct cosine transform
- DCSU = DC switching unit
- DCT = Digital Carrier Trunk
- DCT = Discrete Cosine Transform
- DCT; DCT = discrete cosine transformation; diskrete cosinustransformatie
- DCTL = Direct-Coupled Transistor Logic
- DCT = COMPUTING an algorithm used to encode and compress images. Full form discretecosine transform
- DCT = (Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT))
- DCT = Dictionary (file name extension)
- DCS; DCS = departure control systems; GELET op de verplichting die de regering van Canada oplegt aan luchtvaartmaatschappijen die personen naar Canada vervoeren om aan de bevoegde autoriteiten van Canada op voorhand af te geven passagiersgegevens (Advance Passenger Information)) en persoonsgegevens van passagiers (Passenger Name Record), hierna “API/PNR-gegevens” genoemd, te verstrekken, voor zover deze zijn verzameld en vervat in de automatische reserveringssystemen en vertrekcontrolesystemen
- DCS; DCS = Distributed Control System; Distributed Control System
- DCS 1800 = Digital Cellular System working at 1800 MHz
- DCS = Data Control System
- DCS = Data Coding Scheme
- DCS; DCS = district cooling system; districtskoelsysteem
- DCS1800 = Digital Cellular Network at 1800MHz
- DCS-1800 = mobilofoonnet
- DCS; DCS = digital command signal; digitaal commandosignaal
- DCS; DCS = digital cellular system; digital cellular system
- DCTN = Defense Commeraal Telecommunications Network
- DD = Democratic Decentralized
- DD = Data Definition or Definition Description (HTML) or Double Density
- DD = Data Definition
- DD = Deformation Donor
- DD = Data Dictionary
- DD = Double Donor
- dd = COMMERCE 1. dated 2. delivered
- DD = Disk Drive
- DD = Due Diligence (Internet lingo)
- DD = DOPA decarboxylase
- DD = Double Density
- DCU = Distributed Computing Unit
- DCVO = MILITARY Dame Commander of the Royal Victorian Order
- DCU = Data-Cache Unit
- DCTS; DCTS = Digital Communications Terminal System; Digital Communications Terminal System
- DCU = dedicated control unit
- DCW = Digital Chart of the World
- DD = Delikt en Delinkwent
- DD = (Database Description (DD) (RFC 4813 update))
- DCX = PC Paintbrush X (graphics file format) [ZSoft]
- DCW = Data Control Word
- DCX = (scanned image format)
- DCS = Desktop Color Separation
- d-com = Digital Commerce
- D-controle = documentcontrole
- DCOM = Distributed Component Object Model (Microsoft)
- DCOI = Disturbing Conflict Of Interest (see also PDCI)
- DCOM = (Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM))
- DCP = Data Central Processor
- DCP = Directie van de "Commande des Pêches"
- DCP = Device Control Protocol
- DCP = Distributed Communications Processor
- DCP = Duplex Central Processor
- DCP = Decentralised Procedure
- DCO = Directie Culturele Samenwerking,Onderwijs en Onderzoek
- DCO/CO = Afdeling Culturele Betrekkingen en Communicatie Ontwikkelingslanden
- DCO = (Dramatic, Creative Outlet)
- DCO = Domino Collaboration Object
- DCO = Dramatic, Creative Outlet
- DCO/CS = Afdeling Culturele Samenwerking
- DCO/OZ = Afdeling Onderzoek en Ontwikkelingslanden
- DCOI = (Disturbing Conflict Of Interest (see also PDCI))
- DCO/OO = Afdeling Onderwijs en Ontwikkelingslanden
- DCO/IC = Afdeling Internationaal Cultuurbeleid
- DCO/OC = Afdeling Onderzoek en Communicatie
- DCP = Directie Criminaliteitspreventie
- DCS = decompression sickness
- DCS = Data Collection System
- DCRM = Dienst Centraal Milieubeheer Rijnmond
- DCR = Design Certification Review
- DCRI = Divisie Centrale Recherche Informatie
- DCS = Desktop Color Separation or Digital Cellular System
- DCS = Digital Communications Subsystem
- DCS = directe kredietvervanging
- DCS = Distributed Computing System
- DCS = Digital Cross-connect System
- DCS = Distributed Control System
- DCPAF; DCPAF = Central Border Police Directorate; centrale directie grenspolitie
- DCPAT = Dual CEPT Primary Access Transceiver
- DCP; DCP = 1,3-dichloropropan-2-ol; Dichloorpropanol
- DCP; DCP = diplomatic courier's passport; paspoort diplomatiek koerier
- DCP; DCP = Design Control Point
- DCPBX = Digitally Connected Private Branch exchange
- DCPSK; DCPSK = differentially-coherent phase-shift keying; differentieel coherente phase shift keying
- DCR = MEDICINE a medical procedure to remove blockages in the tear ducts. Full formdacryocystorhinostomy
- DCPSK; DCPSK = differentially coherent phase-shift keying; differentieel coherente phase shift keying
- DCPN = Domestic Customer Premises Network
- DCPP = DriveCrypt Plus Pack
- DDD = Digital Diagnostic Diskette or Direct Distance Dial
- DDD = Direct Distance Dialing
- DDD = Dynamic Data Debugger
- DDCU = DC-to-DC converter unit
- DDD = Data Display Debugger (GNU project)
- DDD; D^3 = (Data-Driven Decision)
- DDD; STD = subscriber trunk dialling; interlokale selectie van de abonnee
- DDD; STD = subscriber trunk dialling; interlokaal automatisch abonneeverkeer
- DDD; STD = subscriber's trunk dialing; interlokale selectie van de abonnee
- DDD; D^3 = Data-Driven Decision
- DDD; DDD = Digital/Digital/Digital; Digital/Digital/Digital
- DDC; DDC = Hivid; dideoxyxytidine
- DDC; DDC = direct digital control; Directe Digitale Regeling
- DDC; DCC = Digital Compact Cassette; digitale compact cassette
- DDC = ammoniumdiethyldithiocarbamaat
- DDC = Display Data Channel
- DDC; DDC = dideoxycytidine; dideoxyxytidine
- DDCP = Direct-Digital Color Proof
- DDCS = Distributed Database Connection Service (IBM)
- DDCMP = Digital Data Communications Message Protocol (DEC)
- DDC1 = Display Data Channel One
- DDCMP = Digital Data Communications Message Protocol
- DDD; STD = subscriber's trunk dialing; interlokaal automatisch abonneeverkeer
- dDFR = Discrete Decreasing Failure Rate
- DDG = Duik- en Demonteergroep
- DDF; DDF = Danish Directorate of Fisheries; Denemarken – De gegevensbronnen zijn administratieve bronnen (logboeken, aangiften van aanlanding en verkoopdocumenten) en de gegevens worden centraal verzameld door het Deense Directoraat Visserij
- DDF = Display Definition File
- DDF = Dynamic Diagram Framework or Data Dictionary File
- DDG = Data Dependence Graph
- DDI = Dienst Documentaire Informatieverzorging
- DDI =
- DDI = Directie Documentaire Informatievoorziening
- DDG/COS; DDG/COS = Deputy Director General and Chief of Staff of the European Union Military Staff; adjunct-directeur-generaal en chef-staf van de Militaire Staf van de Europese Unie
- DDI = Device Driver Interface
- DDE = COMPUTING 1. direct data entry 2. dynamic data exchange
- DDE = Dynamic Data Exchange
- DDE = Dynamic Data Exchange (Microsoft)
- DDDS = (Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) (RFC 6116))
- DDE = Direct Data Entry
- DDE; DDE = dynamic data exchange; dynamische gegevensuitwisseling
- DDF = Dynamic Data Formatting
- DDF = Display Data File
- DDES = Digital Data Exchange Specifications
- DDEML = Dynamic Data Exchange Manager Library (Microsoft)
- DDES = Digital Data Exchange Specifications
- DDC = Digital Data Converter
- DD; DD = United Nations Development Decade; Ontwikkelingsdecennium van de Verenigde Naties
- DD; DD = dichloropropane/dichloropropene mixture; dichloorpropaan/dichloorpropeen
- DD/D = data dictionary/directory
- dd. = plaatsvervangend
- DD. NN. = Dominis Nostris ('To Our Lords')
- DD3; DD3 = Third Development Decade; Derde Ontwikkelingsdecennium
- DDA = Discrete Dipole Approximation
- DDA = Domain-Defined Attribute
- DDA = Distributed Data Access
- DDA = Digital Differential Analyzer (computer graphics)
- DdA = Le Droit d'Auteut
- DD = Day
- DD = Directe democratie
- DD = Digital Display
- DD = Dislocation Density
- dd = Disk to Disk copy (Unix command)
- DD = 1. BANKING demand draft 2. BANKING direct debit 3. MILITARY dishonourable discharge4. CHRISTIANITY Doctor of Divinity 5. COMPUTING used to describe a disk that can holdtwice the amount of information that a standard disk can hold. Full form doubledensity6. COMMERCE the degree of care that a prudent person would exercise, a legallyrelevant standard for establishing liability. Full form due diligence
- DD of DenD = Delict en Delikwent, tijdschrift voor Strafrecht
- dd. = fungerend
- DD = droogdok
- DD = Darling Daughter (Internet lingo)
- DD = Distance Dialing
- DDA = Device Driver Architecture
- DDB = Dependency Directed Backtracking (AI)
- DDB = Distributed DataBase
- DDB = Device Descriptor Block
- DDB = Device Dependent Bitmap (graphics file format)
- DDB = Droogdok Belliard
- DDC = Digital Data Channel
- DDC = COMPUTING direct digital control39 Deut.
- DDC = Display Data Channel
- DDBMS = Distributed DataBase Management System
- DDBS = Distributed DataBase System/Service
- DDA; DDA = Doha Agenda; ontwikkelingsagenda van Doha
- DDA; DDA = Doha Development Agenda; Doha Development Agenda
- DDA; DDA = Doha Development Agenda; Doha-agenda
- DDA; DDA = digital differential analyzer; digitale differentiaal-analysator
- DDA; DDA = Department for Disarmament Affairs; Departement Ontwapening
- DDA; DDA = Department for Disarmament Affairs; Department for Disarmament Affairs
- DDA; DDA = digital differential analyzer; digitale differentiaalanalysator
- DDA; DDA = Department of Disarmament Affairs; Departement voor ontwapeningszaken
- DDA; DDA = Doha Agenda; Doha-agenda
- DDA; DDA = dideoxyadenosine; dideoxyadenosine
- DDA; DDA = Doha Development Agenda; ontwikkelingsagenda van Doha
- DCNS = Dienstcommissie Nieuwe Stijl
- DCC = Digital Command Control
- DCC; DCC = Data Collection Centre; centrum voor gegevensverzameling
- DCC = Differential Chain Coding
- DCC = Distributed Computing and Communications (laboratory) [Columbia University]
- DCC = Digital Compact Cassette
- DCC; DCC = Drug Control Community; Drug Control Community
- DCCAS = Dry Cargo Carrier Attach System
- DCCD = Develop Check Critical Dimensions (Intel)
- DCCA = Distributed Component Computing Architecture
- DCC; DCC = Digital Compact Cassette; digitale compact cassette
- DCC; DCC = Derbyshire County Council; Derbyshire County Council
- DCC = Direct Cable Connection or Direct Client to Client Protocol
- DCC = RECORDING digital compact cassette
- DCC = (Declining Consumer Confidence)
- DCC = Diskette Controller Chip
- DCC = Data Country Code
- DCC = Departementaal Coördinatiecentrum
- DCC = Direct Cable/Client Connection
- DCC = Display Combination Code
- DCC = Declining Consumer Confidence
- DCC = Diocesane Contact Commissie
- DCC = Departmental Coordination Centre
- DCCF = Discounted Cumulative Cash Flow
- DCD = Data Carrier Detect
- DCD = Data Ca