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Plant Protection Products - FAO 2-letter code for formulations

From michaelbeijer.co.uk
Evaluation Manual for the Authorisation of plant protection products and biocides according to Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009

EU part

Plant Protection Products
Chapter 2 Physical and chemical properties version 2.0; January 2014

ctgb - Board for the authorisation of plant protection products and biocides 

Appendix 3 FAO 2-letter code for formulations

Code English name NL name Definition / clarification
AB Grain bait Lokmiddel op graanbasis Special form of bait
AE Aerosol dispenser Aerosol spuitbus Formulation in a container usually dispersed by means of a carrier gas as fine droplets or particles after activation of

a push button

AI Active ingredient Werkzame stof
AL Other liquids to be applied undiluted Andere vloeistoffen voor directe toepassing A liquid of which the formulation type is not yet included in this list
AP Any other powder Ander poeder (nog niet benoemd) voor onverdund gebruik A powder of which the formulation type is not yet included in this list
BB Block bait Lokmiddel in blokvorm
BR Briquette Briket Solid block designed for slow release of the active substance in water
CB Bait concentrate Concentraat voor lokmiddel A solid or liquid formulation intended for dilution before use as bait
CG Encapsulated granule Ingekapseld granulaat A granule with a release-regulating and/or

–protecting layer

CF Capsule suspension for seed treatment Capsule suspensie voor zaad behandeling A stable suspension of capsules in a liquid for use as seed treatment, directly or after dilution
CL Contact liquid or gel Contact vloeistof of gel A rodenticide or insecticide in the form of a

liquid or gel for direct application or after dilution in case of a gel

CP Contact powder Contact poeder Rodenticide or insecticide in the form of a powder for direct application; formerly called TP
CS Capsule suspension Capsule suspensie A stable suspension of capsules in a liquid, usually diluted with water before

Code English name NL name Definition / clarification
DC Dispersible concentrate Dispergeerbaar concentraat A homogeneous liquid used as a dispersion after dilution with water
DP Dustable powder Stuifpoeder A loose powder used for dusting
DS Powder for dry seed treatment Poeder voor droge zaadbehandeling A powder directly used for seed treatment
DT Tablet for direct application Tablet voor directe toepassing (individueel) A tablet individually and directly used without preceding dilution
EC Emulsifiable concentrates Emulgeerbaar concentraat A homogeneous liquid after dilution used as emulsion in water
ED Electrochargeable liquid Elektrostatisch oplaadbare spuitvloeistof Special liquid formulation for electrostatic (or electrodynamic) spraying
EG Emulsifiable Granule Emulgeerbaar granulaat A granule used as oil-in-water emulsion of active substance after disintegration, may contain water-insoluble co-formulants
EO Emulsion, water in oil Emulsie, water in olie A heterogenic formulation in which the active substance is dissolved in water in fine droplets that are dispersed in an organic phase
EP Emulsifiable powder Emulgeerbaar poeder A powder, possibly with water-insoluble co-formulants, which forms an oil-in-water emulsion after application
ES Emulsion for seed treatment Emulsie voor zaadbehandling A stable emulsion for seed treatment, for direct application or after dilution
EW Emulsion, oil in water Emulsie, olie in water A heterogeneous formulation in which the active substance is dissolved in the organic phase in fine droplets that are dispersed in water
FD Smoke tin Doos met rookmiddel Special form of a smoke generator
FG Fine granule Fijn granulaat A granule with a particle size distribution between 300 and 2500 µm
FK Smoke candle Rookstaaf Special form of a smoke generator

Code English name NL name Definition / clarification
FP Smoke cartridge Rookpatroon Special form of a smoke generator
FR Smoke rodlet Rookstaafje Special form of a smoke generator
FS Flowable concentrate for seed treatment Suspensieconcentraat voor zaadbehandeling A stable suspension for seed treatment, for direct application or after dilution
FT Smoke tablet Rooktablet Special form of a smoke generator
FU Smoke generator Rookontwikkelaar A combustible formulation, usually solid, which after ignition releases the active substance in the form of smoke; see also the special forms of an FU: FK, FP, FW,


FW Smoke pellet Rookpellet Special form of a smoke generator
GA Gas Gas (onder druk) Pressurised gas in a bottle or tank
GB Granular bait Lokmiddel in korrelvorm Special form of a bait
GE Gas generating product Gasontwikkelend product A formulation that produces a gas through a chemical reaction
GF Gel for seed treatment Gel voor zaad behandeling A homogeneous gel-type formulation for direct seed application
GG Macrogranule Macrogranulaat A granule with a particle size distribution between 2000 and 6000 µm
GL Emulsifiable gel Emulgeerbare gel A gel formulation for use as an emulsion in water
GP Flo-dust Stuifpoeder Very fine powder for pneumatic application in greenhouses
GR Granule Granulaat A solid formulation in the form of loose

size-defined granules; see also the special forms of a GR: CG, FG, GG, MG

GS Grease Pasta op oliebasis Very viscous formulation based on oil or fat
GW Water soluble gel Wateroplosbare gel A gel formulation for use as an aqueous solution
HN Hot fogging concentrate Heet vernevelbaar concentraat A formulation suitable for hot evaporation

Code English name NL name Definition / clarification
by means of special equipment, for direct application or after dilution
KK Combi-pack solid/liquid Combiverpakking vast/vloeibaar A solid and liquid formulation, packed separately but in combination, for simultaneous application in a tank mix
KL Combi-pack liquid/liquid Combiverpakking vloeibaar/vloeibaar Two liquid formulations, packed separately

but in combination, for simultaneous application in a tank mix

KN Cold fogging concentrate Koud vernevelbaar concentraat A formulation suitable for cold evaporation by means of special equipment, for direct application or after dilution
KP Combi-pack solid/solid Combiverpakking vast/vast Two solid formulations, packed separately but in combination, for simultaneous application in a tank mix
LA Lacquer Filmvormer A solvent-based lacquer-forming formulation
LS Solution for seed treatment Oplossing voor zaadbehandeling A clear to opal liquid for seed treatment, for direct application or after dilution with water. The liquid may contain water- insoluble co-formulants
LV Liquid vaporizer Vloeibare verdamper A liquid formulation in a cartridge/flask for a special heating unit in which the formulation is evaporated
MC Mosquito coil Muggen spiraal A smouledring coil releasing the active substance into the air as vapour or smoke
ME Micro-emulsion Micro-emulsie A clear oil-in-water liquid for direct use or after dilution in water under formation of a micro-emulsion or a normal emulsion
MG Microgranule Microgranulaat A granule with a particle size between 100 to 600 µm
MV Vaporizing mats Verdampende mat A mat manufactured of inert material impregnated with the active substance, for

Code English name NL name Definition / clarification
a special heating unit in which the active substance evaporates slowly
OD Oil dispersion Olie dispersie A stable suspension of the active substance in a non-water-dissolvable liquid, possibly with other dissolved active substance(s), for dilution in water
OF Oil miscible flowable concentrate (oil miscible suspension) Olie dispergeerbaar concentraat A stable suspension of active substance(s) in a liquid intended for

dilution in an organic phase for use

OL Oil miscible liquid Olie mengbaar concentraat A homogeneous liquid for application as a homogeneous solution after dilution with an organic phase
OP Oil dispersible powder Olie dispergeerbaar poeder A powder to be applied as a suspension in an organic phase
PA Paste Pasta op waterbasis A water-based film-forming formulation
PB Plate bait Lokmiddel in platte vorm Special form of bait
PC Gel or paste concentrate Gel concentraat A solid formulation for application as gel or paste after dilution with water
PO Pour-on Oplossing voor algehele huidbehandeling A solution to pour over the skin of animals, in high volumes (usually more than 100 ml per animal)
PR Plant rodlet Plantenstaafje A rodlet, usually a few cm long, with an active substance
PS Seed coated with a pesticide Omhuld zaad A pesticide-covered seed
RB Bait (ready for use) Lokmiddel (klaar voor gebruik) A formulation designed to attract target animals and make them eat it. See also special forms of bait: BB, AB, GB, PB, SB
SA Spot-on Oplossing voor plaatselijke huidbehandeling Solution for application on the skin of animals in a small volume, usually less than 100 ml per animal
SB Scrap bait Lokmiddel in brokken Special form of bait
SC Suspension concentrate Suspensie concentraat A stable suspension of active

Code English name NL name Definition / clarification
(= flowable concentrate) substance(s) in water intended to be diluted with water before use
SD Suspension concentrate for direct application Suspensie concentraat for directe toepassing A stable suspension of active substance(s) in a liquid, in which other active substances may been dissolved, for direct application
SE Suspo-emulsion Suspo-emulsie A heterogeneous solution of a stable dispersion of active substance(s) in the form of solid particles and fine droplets in water
SG Water soluble granules Wateroplosbaar granulaat A granule of which after dilution the active substance really dissolves in water, but which may contain water-insoluble co- formulants
SL Soluble concentrate Met water mengbaar concentraat A clear to opal liquid of which after dilution the active substance really dissolves in water, but which may contain water-

insoluble co-formulants

SO Spreading oil Spreider A formulation designed to form a film on the water after use
SP Water soluble powder Wateroplosbaar poeder A powder of which after dilution the active substance really dissolves in water, but which may contain water-insoluble co-


SS Water soluble powder for seed treatment Wateroplosbaar poeder voor zaadbehandeling A powder for seed treatment which is before use dissolved in water
ST Water soluble tablet Wateroplosbaar tablet Formulation of which tablet(s) are individually used to obtain a solution in water. May contain water-insoluble co- formulants
SU Ultra-low volume (ULV) suspension Suspensie voor ULV toepassing A suspension for direct use in ULV equipment

Code English name NL name Definition / clarification
TB Tablet Tablet A tablet in defined form. See also special forms: DT, ST, WT
TC Technical material Technische stof A material after the production process with the active substance, together with the corresponding impurities, possibly with a small amount of necessary additives
TK Technical concentrate Technisch concentraat A material after the production process with the active substance, together with the corresponding impurities, possibly with a small amount of necessary additives and dilution liquid
(TP) (Tracking powder) (Strooipoeder) No longer in use: see CP formulation
UL Ultra-low volume (ULV) liquid Oplossing voor ULV toepassing A homogeneous solution for direct use in ULV equipment
VP Vapour releasing product Damp ontwikkelend product A formulation with one or more active substances that evaporate in the air. The evaporation rate is usually controlled by

suitable co-formulants or dispensers

WG Water dispersible granules Water dispergeerbaar granulaat A granule giving a dispersion after disintegration in water
WP Wettable Powder Spuitpoeder A powder used as a suspension in water
WS Water dispersible powder for slurry treatment Water dispergeerbaar poeder voor vochtige zaadbehandeling A powder for seed treatment, used as a slurry with a high powder concentration
WT Water dispersible tablet Water dispergeerbaar tablet Formulation where tablet(s) are individually used to obtain a dispersion of active substance in water after

disintegration of the tablet

XX Others Diversen Temporary category for all other formulations not yet included in this list
ZC A mixed formulation of CS and SC Een mengsel van CS and SC formuleringen A stable suspensie of capsules and active substance(s) in a liquid, usually intended for dilution in water

Code English name NL name Definition / clarification


A mixed formulation of CS and SE

Een mengsel van CS and SE formuleringen

A heterogeneous liquid with a stable dispersion of active substance(s) in capsules, solid particles and fine droplets in an aqueous phase, usually intended for dilution in water

ZW A mixed formulation of CS and EW Een mengsel van CS and EW formuleringen A heterogeneous liquid with a stable dispersion of active substance(s) in capsules and fine droplets in an aqueous phase, usually intended for dilution in water