- overnemen (overgenomen, overname, nam over, etc.)
- copy (dupliceren)
- reproduce (woordelijk overnemen = reproduce verbatim)
- inherit (Microsoft terminology)
- load/download (computerprogramma overnemen = load a program, download a computer program)
- use/used
- migrate
- trace (met behulp van overtrekpapier)
- take over (zaak, bedrijf)
- take (over) (op zich nemen)
- assume (op zich nemen: hoger stijlniveau)
- relay (relayeren)[TELECOM.]
- receive ((in ontvangst) nemen)
- adopt; take up; take up (navolgen)(een voorstel overnemen = adopt/take up a proposal; de gewoonten van een land overnemen = adopt/take on the customs of a country)
- Oxforddictionaries.com: “adopt = 1. Choose to take up, follow, or use; 2. Formally approve or accept (a report or suggestion)”)
- take over, buy, purchase (kopen)
- borrow, adopt, take over/on (ontlenen)
- override[1]
- barring-on[2] (opzetten)
- take-over[3]
- underwrite (overnemen van emissies = to underwrite issues)
- accept (Wij kunnen amendement 19 dus in principe overnemen. = We can, therefore, accept Amendment No 19 in principal.[4])
External links
- https://www.proz.com/kudoz/dutch-to-english/computers-software/3683048-overnemen.html
- https://context.reverso.net/translation/dutch-english/overnemen
- ↑ IATE: a manual control function that enables the operator to modify programmed values (for example, of feedrates or spindle speeds). Definition reference: ISO 2806-1980
- ↑ IATE: The operation of manipulating the transfer bar to a position and pushing the rib borders or other knitted pieces by hand off the points onto the needles of a straight-bar.If this operation is done automatically,it is called transferring. - THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE, MANCHESTER, 1975
- ↑ IATE: Reference: Ned PTT,Afd Telefonie;Philips Telecommunicatie Industrie
- ↑ https://context.reverso.net/translation/dutch-english/overnemen