- lokalisatie
- localisatie
- (het binnen de grenzen houden/tot een plaats beperken) localisation/localization; containment
- (plaatsbepaling) location[1]
- (GWIT#1) locating
- (GWIT#4: aanpassen van teksten aan landstaal en cultuur) localisation/localization
- positioning[2][3] (see: ‘Positioning system’, Wikipedia)
- lokalisatie op microschaal = microscale siting[4]
- lokalisatie van de genen = localization of the genes[5]
- lokalisatiemodus = locate mode[6]
- lokalisatiecode = location code[7]
External links
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positioning_system
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Positioning_System
OED: ‘localize’
localize, v.
1.1 trans. To make local in character; to invest or imbue with the characteristics of a particular place or locality.
2.2 To fix or plant in a particular place or district, or in a particular part or point of any whole or system. Usually with limitative force: To restrict or confine to a particular place or area; to make local in range or currency.
b.2.b To identify with a particular locality or localities; to attach to particular districts.
c.2.c To concentrate (attention) upon a particular spot.
3.3 To attribute (in thought or statement) to a particular place or locality; to find or invent a locality for, ascertain or determine the locality of. Occas. const. to.
Hence ˈlocalizing vbl. n. and ppl. a.
Additions 1997
Add: 4.4 intr. a.4.a In Path., (of a symptom, infective agent, etc.) to be or become restricted to a particular part or parts of the body; in Ecol., (of a species) to adopt a geographically restricted area as its territory.
b.4.b Of a person: to adapt oneself to a place and settle there.
- ↑ location: The action of discovering, or the ability to discover or determine, the position of a person or thing. (OED)
- ↑ A positioning system is a mechanism for determining the location of an object in space. Technologies for this task exist ranging from worldwide coverage with meter accuracy to workspace coverage with sub-millimetre accuracy.
- ↑ IATE: https://iate.europa.eu/search/result/1638832786520/1 / Definition: the action of establishing the geographical place of the unit in distress, normally expressed in degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude (Definition reference: Terms relating to the mobile services,Rep.747-10) [German: Ortung / Ortsbestimmung / Lokalisierung]
- ↑ https://iate.europa.eu/search/result/1638832786520/1
- ↑ https://iate.europa.eu/search/result/1638830701367/1
- ↑ https://iate.europa.eu/search/result/1638832786520/1 (wijze van overdracht, waarbij de gegevens worden aangeduid door een verwijzer zonder te worden verplaatst = a way of providing data by pointing to its location instead of moving it)
- ↑ code which identifies a location of a financial institution within a country (https://iate.europa.eu/search/result/1638832786520/1)