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From michaelbeijer.co.uk
Revision as of 17:15, 16 November 2023 by M.Beijer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== 2022-01-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx === {| class="wikitable" |new Label in Dutch |prefLabel in Arabic |prefLabel in English |prefLabel in Spanish |prefLabel in French |prefLabel in Russian |prefLabel in Chinese |- |windparken |مزرعة ريحية |wind farms |Parques eólicos |parc éolien |ветряная электростанция | |- |kribben | |groynes |Espigones | |полузапруда |横堤 |- |scatterometer |مقياس الانتشار |sca...")
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new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
windparken مزرعة ريحية wind farms Parques eólicos parc éolien ветряная электростанция
kribben groynes Espigones полузапруда 横堤
scatterometer مقياس الانتشار scatterometers Difusómetros diffusomètre скаттерометр 散射计
grafiet الغرافيت graphite Grafito graphite графит 石墨


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
Strigolaktony strigolactones Estrigolactones strigolactone стриголактон


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
regering حكومة government Gobierno gouvernement правительство 政府
ballasttanks ballast tanks
zonnebloem sunflowers Girasol tournesol подсолнечник
joodmethaan methyl iodide Yoduro de metilo iodométhane


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
soortendiversiteit تنوع الأنواع الحراجية species diversity Diversidad de especies diversité des espèces разнообразие видов 物种多样性
soortenrijkdom وفرة الأنواع species richness Riqueza específica richesse en espèces 物种丰裕度
neurolathyrisme neurolathyrism Neurolatirismo neurolathyrisme
inheemse kennis معرفة السكان الأصليين indigenous peoples' knowledge Conocimientos de los pueblos indígenas savoirs autochtones народные знания 乡土知识
riolering شبكة المجاري sewerage Alcantarillado réseau d'assainissement канализация 污水处理
stammen (biologisch) strains Cepas souche штамма 品系
colluvium colluvium Coluvio coluvión коллювий 崩积层
rebound-effect أثر ارتدادي rebound effects effet rebond