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offerte (tenders)

From michaelbeijer.co.uk
Revision as of 06:01, 29 October 2023 by M.Beijer (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)


  • offerte (tenders)



IATE definition of bid/tender: offer made in writing by a tenderer [inschrijver] to a contracting entity [aanbestedende instantie/entiteit; aanbesteder] to execute, under certain conditions, an order for the supply or purchase of goods, or for the execution of work, the details of which have been made public by the contracting entity


  1. An offer to do work or supply goods at a stated price; a tender: a number of businessmen were keen to make a bid for the £75 million contract (Oxforddictionaries.com)
  2. An offer to carry out work, supply goods, or buy land, shares, or another asset at a stated fixed price: we invited tenders for up to three more frigates (Oxforddictionaries.com)