CINOP terminologielijst NL-EN (81 Dutch-English entries)
CINOP (Centrum voor Innovatie van Opleidingen) is a Dutch educational consultancy and research agency for lifelong development.
Dutch | English |
Schooldecaan | career teacher ( |
A&O-fonds | Labour Market and Training Fund |
AOB | Regional Career Guidance Offices |
AOC-raad | Association of Agricultural Education Centres |
APL | Accreditation of prior learning |
Basisvaardigheden | Basic skills |
BOL | school based pathway |
BBL | dual pathway |
Beroepsonderwijs | Vocational Education and Training (VET) |
BSA | Binding recommendation issued to students after their first year in higher education |
BVE | Vocational and adult education and training |
CAO | Collective (labour) agreement |
Cedefop | Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) |
CMI | Career Management Institute |
COG | Career Orientation and Guidance |
CTC | Skills Assessment Centres |
Cursus lezen en schrijven / taalcursus | Literacy course |
ECBO | Expertise centre for vocational education and training |
EL&I | (Ministry of ) Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation |
ELGPN | European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network |
ET2020 | Education and Training 2020 |
EZ | (Ministry of ) Economic Affairs |
Geletterdheid | Literacy |
HAVO | senior general secondary education |
HBO | higher professional education/applied sciences |
HBO-raad | Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences |
HO | Tertiary education |
ISO | Association of students in higher education |
IVA | Advisory organisation that conducts policy research |
JOB | Association of students in senior secondary vocational education (MBO) |
Laaggeletterd | Low-literacy, low literacy skills |
LAKS | Association of secondary school students |
LBSV | Union of university students |
LDC | Formerly, the National Centre for Career Issues |
LIFT | Mobility and knowledge-sharing network |
LNV | (Former Ministry of ) Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality |
LOB | Career education and guidance : CEG (literally: career exploration and guidance) |
Loopbaanvaardigheden | Career management skills |
MBO | upper secondary vocational education |
MBO Raad | Netherlands Association of VET Colleges |
NOLOC | Netherlands association of career guidance professionals |
NSE | National Student Survey |
NVS-NVL | Netherlands Association of School Guidance Practitioners |
Ongeletterd | Illiterate |
O&O fonds | Education and Training Fund |
OCW | (Ministry of ) Education, Culture and Science |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OOM | Training and career development fund in the metal working industry |
OTIB | Training and career development fund for registered fitters and electricians |
PDP | Personal Development Plan |
PO | Primary education |
PUUR | A regional network for employee mobility |
ROA | Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market |
ROC | regional education and training centre |
RWI | Council for Work and Income |
SAM | Cooperating for Mobility |
SBB | Foundation for cooperation between vocational education, training and the labour market |
SBO | Centre of expertise for educational staff |
SER | Social and Economic Council |
SPV | a partnership between the platforms for vocational preparatory and vocational introductory programmes in pre-vocational education |
Stichting Lezen & Schrijven | Reading & Writing Foundation |
Stimuleringsplan | Incentive plan |
SZW | (Ministry of) Social Affairs and Employment |
UWV | Social Security Agency |
VM2 | Experiment in which the upper years of pre-vocational education are combined with level-2 senior secondary vocational education |
VMBO | pre-vocational education |
VNG | Association of Netherlands Municipalities |
VO | secondary education |
VO-raad | Dutch Secundary Education Council |
VSNU | Association of Universities in the Netherlands |
VSV | Drop-out |
VvSL | Association of Career Guidance Practitioners in secondary education |
VWO | Pre-university education |
WAJONG | Invalidity Insurance (Young Disabled Persons) Act |
WAO | Invalidity Insurance Act |
WAZ | Invalidity Insurance (Self-Employed Persons) Act |
WEB | Adult and Vocational Education Act |
WIA | Work and Income (Fitness for Work) Act |
WO | university education |
WVO | secondary Education Act |
WW | Unemployment Benefits Act |