“crown cork: A metal bottle cap with a crimped edge.” (
“kroonkurk: metalen flessendopje met rondom inknijpingen, waardoor het aan een kroon doet denken” (Van Dale)
- hyperoniem: dop
- synoniem(en): dansluiting
- hyponiem(en): bierdop
- kroonkurk
- crown cap (‘Yeast is dispensed into it and it is then plugged before the bottle is stoppered with the usual crown cap.’)
- crown cork (‘Another pleasurable August holidays experience involving the train was placing crown corks (soft drink caps) on the train line and when they were flattened turning them into spinners by running marling or cord through them.’)
- bottle cap, metal bottle cap
- crown seal
- metal crown stopper
- cap
External links
- (“The crown cork (also known as a crown seal, crown cap or just a cap), the first form of bottle cap, was invented by William Painter in 1892 in Baltimore. The company making it was originally called the Bottle Seal Company, but it changed its name with the almost immediate success of the crown cork to the Crown Cork and Seal Company. It still informally goes by that name, but is officially Crown Holdings.”)