mantel (Dutch)
- mantel
- bij vergelijking zaak die iets geheel of ten dele omhult (in allerlei technische toepassingen)
- gebogen vlak van een cilinder of kegel
- (techniek) casing, jacket, housing, (heating) mantle, cladding, sheath
- protective cover
- blanket
- canopy
- case (The outer protective covering of a natural or manufactured object)
- casing (a cover or shell that protects or encloses something)
- cloak
- cloud
- cover (a thing which lies on, over, or around something, especially in order to protect or conceal it)
- covering (a thing used to protect, decorate, or conceal something else; a layer of something that covers something else)
- curtain
- envelope
- layer
- mask
- overlay
- pall
- screen
- sheet
- shell
- shroud
- veil
External links
Dutch | English | Source |
de mantel (van splijtstofstaaf) in kernreactor | the casing (of fissionable material) in a nuclear reactor | |
(bescherm)mantel | conduit | Haynes Technisch Woordenboek Engels-Nederlands |
Please note: The pages in the ‘Terms’ category contain my own research while translating. I basically use this wiki as a notepad and memory aid, so a lot of the content will be quickly written and potentially far from perfect. If you find anything glaringly incorrect feel free to drop me a line @!