See also:
randvoorwaardenmodel = constraint model
randvoorwaarden opgelegd door regelgeving en toezicht = regulatory framework
Dutch definition
1. voorwaarde die de mogelijkheden tot variatie beperkt (= constraint)
1a. grens die niet mag worden overschreden (= constraint / boundary condition)
2. voorwaarde waaraan voldaan moet zijn, wil het beoogde doel ooit bereikt kunnen worden (= precondition)
≈ bestaansvoorwaarde (conditions of/for existence)
- randvoorwaarde
- precondition (a condition that must be fulfilled before other things can happen or be done)
- boundary condition (a condition that is required to be satisfied at all or part of the boundary of a region in which a set of differential conditions is to be solved.)
- prerequisite (a thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist)
- constraint (a limitation or restriction: “the availability of water is the main constraint on food production”)
- condition (a situation that must exist before something else is possible or permitted)
- bottleneck factor, limiting factor, limiting condition (begrenzing)
- parameter (1. a numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation; 2. a limit or boundary which defines the scope of a particular process or activity)
- preliminary condition
- limiting condition
- prior condition
- enabling condition
- necessary condition
- obligatory condition
- essential condition
- requirement
- necessity
- necessary thing
External links
Please note: The pages in the ‘Terms’ category contain my own research while translating. I basically use this wiki as a notepad and memory aid, so a lot of the content will be quickly written and potentially far from perfect. If you find anything glaringly incorrect feel free to drop me a line @ info@michaelbeijer.co.uk!