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Dutch.AGROVOC: Difference between revisions

From michaelbeijer.co.uk
Created page with "=== 2022-01-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx === {| class="wikitable" |new Label in Dutch |prefLabel in Arabic |prefLabel in English |prefLabel in Spanish |prefLabel in French |prefLabel in Russian |prefLabel in Chinese |- |windparken |مزرعة ريحية |wind farms |Parques eólicos |parc éolien |ветряная электростанция | |- |kribben | |groynes |Espigones | |полузапруда |横堤 |- |scatterometer |مقياس الانتشار |sca..."
m Text replacement - "beijerterm.com/archives/" to "michaelbeijer.co.uk/the-archives/"
(10 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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'''Source''': https://data.apps.fao.org/catalog/dataset/dutch-agrovoc (retrieved 2023-11-16)
'''Archived at''': https://michaelbeijer.co.uk/the-archives/AGROVOC/
=== 2022-01-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
=== 2022-01-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
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=== 2022-05-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|op de natuur gebaseerde  oplossingen
|الحلول القائمة على الطبيعة
|nature-based solutions
|Soluciones basadas en la naturaleza
|solution fondée sur la nature
|решение с учетом природных факторов
|groene infrastructuur
|هيكل أساسي مُراع للبيئة
|green infrastructure
|Infraestructura verde
|infrastructure verte
|"зеленая" инфраструктура
=== 2022-06-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|beschermde soorten
|أنواع محمية
|protected species
|Especies protegidas
|espèce protégée
|охраняемые виды
=== 2022-07-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
=== 2022-08-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|sediment sorting
|classement granulométrique
|الصيد التجاري
|commercial fisheries
|Pesqueras comerciales
|pêcherie commerciale
|промышленное рыболовство
|Zarza de Logan
|ягода Логана
=== 2022-09-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|بئر أنبوبية
|tube wells
|Pozos entubados
|puits tubulaire
|трубчатые скважины
|institutionele opbouw
|اقامة المؤسسات
|institution building
|Fortalecimiento institucional
|renforcement institutionnel
|институциональное строительство
|netto eiwitverbruik
|معدل كفائة البروتين
|protein efficiency ratio
|Tasa de eficacia protéica
|taux d'efficacité proteïque
|показатель использования белка
=== 2022-10-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|الذُرَة البَيْضَاء الحُلوَة
|sweet sorghum
|Sorgo dulce
|sorgho sucre
|сорго сахарное
|تحليل ترانسكربتوم
=== 2022-11-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|virtuele afrastering
|virtual fencing
|Vallas virtuales
|clôture virtuelle
|microbiële fysiologie
|microbial physiology
|Fisiología microbiana
|physiologie microbienne
|микробная физиология
|Asa fétida
|ase fétide
|ферула вонючая
=== 2023-01-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|microbiële besmetting
|microbial contamination
|Contaminación microbiana
|contamination microbienne
|микробная контаминация
|ثوم الدببة
|wild garlic
|Ajo de oso
|ail des ours
=== 2023-02-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|gemiddeld zeeniveau
|متوسط منسوب سطح البحر
|mean sea level
|Nivel promedio del mar
|niveau moyen des mers
|средний уровень моря
|دخن بروسو
|proso millet
|Mijo común
|millet commun
|просо обыкновенное
|دخن إيطالي
|foxtail millet
|Mijo menor
|sétaire d'Italie
|просо итальянское
=== 2023-03-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
|هولندا (مملكة _)
|Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
|Países Bajos (Reino de los)
|Pays-Bas (Royaume des)
|Нидерланды (Королевство)
|ورقة بيانات
|data papers
|Artículos de datos
|статья с цифровыми данными
|energy poverty
|Pobreza energética
|pauvreté énergétique
|child nutrition
|Nutrición del niño
|nutrition des enfants
|kritische controlepunten
|critical control points
|Puntos críticos de control
|point de contrôle critique
=== 2023-04-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|المغذيات الكبيرة
|zeldzame allelen
|rare alleles
|Alelos raros
|allèle rare
|akoestische vervuiling
|تَلَوُّث ضجيجي
|noise pollution
|Contaminación acústica
|pollution sonore
|шумовое загрязнение
|تَلَوُّث ضجيجي
|noise pollution
|Contaminación acústica
|pollution sonore
|шумовое загрязнение
|أثر جانبي
=== 2023-05-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|agro-industriële complexen
|مركبات صناعات زراعية
|agro-industrial complexes
|Complejos agroindustriales
|complexe agro-industriel
|агропромышленные комплексы
|selectief fokken
|تربية انتقائية
|selective breeding
|élevage de sélection
|избирательное разведение
|wholemeal bread
|Pane integrale
|pain complet
|kritisch niveau
|المستوى الحرج
|critical levels
|Niveles críticos
|niveau critique
|kritische belasting
|الحِمل الحرج
|critical load
|Cargas criticas
|charge critique
=== 2023-06-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|الهندسة المعمارية
|cocoa by-products
|Subproductos de cacao
|sous-produit du cacao
|alternatieve splitsing
|alternative splicing
|Empalme alternativo
|épissage alternatif
|genetische trend
|genetic trends
|Tendencias genéticas
|tendance génétique
=== 2023-07-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|fungal structures
|Estructuras fungosas
|structure fongique
|pomegranate juice
|Zumo de granada
|jus de grenade
|عصير التفاح
|apple juice
|Zumo de manzana
|jus de pomme
|яблочный сок
=== 2023-08-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|عُمْق القِطاع
|soil depth
|Espesor del suelo
|épaisseur du sol
|мощность почвы
|معايش داخلي
|recalcitrante zaden
|البذور التي لا تتحمّل التجفيف
|recalcitrant seeds
|Semillas recalcitrantes
|semence récalcitrante
|рекальцитратное семя
|grijs water
|مياه رمادية
|Aguas grises
|eaux grises
|серая вода
|maize ears
|Espigas de maíz
=== 2023-09-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|دودة غينيا
|تجفيف بالطبقة المميَّعة
|fluidized bed drying
|Secado en lecho fluido
|séchage en lit fluidisé
|сушка в псевдоожиженном (кипящем) слое
|geografische variatie
|تنوّع جغرافي
|geographical variation
|Variación geográfica
|variation géographique
|deep fat frying
|Fritura en aceite profundo
|friture profonde
=== 2023-10-dutch_new_labels_and_definitions.xlsx ===
{| class="wikitable"
|new Label in Dutch
|prefLabel in Arabic
|prefLabel in English
|prefLabel in Spanish
|prefLabel in French
|prefLabel in Russian
|prefLabel in Chinese
|ورام غدى رئوى
|pulmonary adenomatosis
|Adenomatosis pulmonar
|adénomatose pulmonaire
|аденоматоз легких
|فتق سري
|umbilical hernia
|Hernia umbilical
|hernie ombilicale
|أصحاب المصلحة
|Partes interesadas
|partie intéressée
|vrijwillige, voorafgaande en  geïnformeerde toestemming
|الموافقة الحرة المسبقة المستنيرة
|free, prior and informed consent
|Consentimiento libre, previo e informado
|consentement libre, préalable et éclairé
|свободное, предварительное и обоснованное согласие
{{Back to the top}}

Latest revision as of 17:12, 12 January 2025

Source: https://data.apps.fao.org/catalog/dataset/dutch-agrovoc (retrieved 2023-11-16)

Archived at: https://michaelbeijer.co.uk/the-archives/AGROVOC/


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
windparken مزرعة ريحية wind farms Parques eólicos parc éolien ветряная электростанция
kribben groynes Espigones полузапруда 横堤
scatterometer مقياس الانتشار scatterometers Difusómetros diffusomètre скаттерометр 散射计
grafiet الغرافيت graphite Grafito graphite графит 石墨


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
Strigolaktony strigolactones Estrigolactones strigolactone стриголактон


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
regering حكومة government Gobierno gouvernement правительство 政府
ballasttanks ballast tanks
zonnebloem sunflowers Girasol tournesol подсолнечник
joodmethaan methyl iodide Yoduro de metilo iodométhane


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
soortendiversiteit تنوع الأنواع الحراجية species diversity Diversidad de especies diversité des espèces разнообразие видов 物种多样性
soortenrijkdom وفرة الأنواع species richness Riqueza específica richesse en espèces 物种丰裕度
neurolathyrisme neurolathyrism Neurolatirismo neurolathyrisme
inheemse kennis معرفة السكان الأصليين indigenous peoples' knowledge Conocimientos de los pueblos indígenas savoirs autochtones народные знания 乡土知识
riolering شبكة المجاري sewerage Alcantarillado réseau d'assainissement канализация 污水处理
stammen (biologisch) strains Cepas souche штамма 品系
colluvium colluvium Coluvio coluvión коллювий 崩积层
rebound-effect أثر ارتدادي rebound effects effet rebond


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
op de natuur gebaseerde oplossingen الحلول القائمة على الطبيعة nature-based solutions Soluciones basadas en la naturaleza solution fondée sur la nature решение с учетом природных факторов 基于自然的解决方案
groene infrastructuur هيكل أساسي مُراع للبيئة green infrastructure Infraestructura verde infrastructure verte "зеленая" инфраструктура 绿色基础设施


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
beschermde soorten أنواع محمية protected species Especies protegidas espèce protégée охраняемые виды 保护物种


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
osteonecrose osteonecrosis Osteonecrosis ostéonécrose


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
sedimentsortering sediment sorting classement granulométrique
beroepsvisserij الصيد التجاري commercial fisheries Pesqueras comerciales pêcherie commerciale промышленное рыболовство 商业性渔业
loganbessen اللوجانبري loganberries Zarza de Logan ronce-framboise ягода Логана 木果悬钩子


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
welpijpen بئر أنبوبية tube wells Pozos entubados puits tubulaire трубчатые скважины 管井
institutionele opbouw اقامة المؤسسات institution building Fortalecimiento institucional renforcement institutionnel институциональное строительство 机构建设
netto eiwitverbruik معدل كفائة البروتين protein efficiency ratio Tasa de eficacia protéica taux d'efficacité proteïque показатель использования белка 蛋白质效率比


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
suikergierst الذُرَة البَيْضَاء الحُلوَة sweet sorghum Sorgo dulce sorgho sucre сорго сахарное 甜高粱
transcriptomica تحليل ترانسكربتوم transcriptomics Transcriptómica transcriptomique транскриптомика 转录组学


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
virtuele afrastering virtual fencing Vallas virtuales clôture virtuelle
microbiële fysiologie microbial physiology Fisiología microbiana physiologie microbienne микробная физиология
duivelsdrek حلتيت asafoetida Asa fétida ase fétide ферула вонючая 阿魏


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
microbiële besmetting microbial contamination Contaminación microbiana contamination microbienne микробная контаминация 微生物污染
daslook ثوم الدببة wild garlic Ajo de oso ail des ours черемша́ 熊葱


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
gemiddeld zeeniveau متوسط منسوب سطح البحر mean sea level Nivel promedio del mar niveau moyen des mers средний уровень моря 平均海平面
pluimgierst دخن بروسو proso millet Mijo común millet commun просо обыкновенное
trogierst دخن إيطالي foxtail millet Mijo menor sétaire d'Italie просо итальянское 意大利小米


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
Koninkrijk der Nederlanden هولندا (مملكة _) Netherlands (Kingdom of the) Países Bajos (Reino de los) Pays-Bas (Royaume des) Нидерланды (Королевство) 荷兰王国
datadocumentatie ورقة بيانات data papers Artículos de datos статья с цифровыми данными 数据文章
energiearmoede energy poverty Pobreza energética pauvreté énergétique
kindervoeding child nutrition Nutrición del niño nutrition des enfants
kritische controlepunten critical control points Puntos críticos de control point de contrôle critique


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
geluid ضجيج noise Ruido bruit шум 噪声
macronutriënten المغذيات الكبيرة macronutrients Macronutrientes macronutriment макроэлементы 宏量营养素
zeldzame allelen rare alleles Alelos raros allèle rare
akoestische vervuiling تَلَوُّث ضجيجي noise pollution Contaminación acústica pollution sonore шумовое загрязнение 噪声污染
geluidshinder تَلَوُّث ضجيجي noise pollution Contaminación acústica pollution sonore шумовое загрязнение 噪声污染
pleiotropie أثر جانبي pleiotropy Pleiotropía pléiotropie плейотропия 基因多效性


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
agro-industriële complexen مركبات صناعات زراعية agro-industrial complexes Complejos agroindustriales complexe agro-industriel агропромышленные комплексы 农工联合体
selectief fokken تربية انتقائية selective breeding élevage de sélection избирательное разведение 选择育种
volkorenbrood wholemeal bread Pane integrale pain complet
kritisch niveau المستوى الحرج critical levels Niveles críticos niveau critique 临界水平
kritische belasting الحِمل الحرج critical load Cargas criticas charge critique


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
architectuur الهندسة المعمارية architecture Arquitectura architecture архитектура 建筑学
cacaobijproducten cocoa by-products Subproductos de cacao sous-produit du cacao
alternatieve splitsing alternative splicing Empalme alternativo épissage alternatif
genetische trend genetic trends Tendencias genéticas tendance génétique


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
schimmelstructuren fungal structures Estructuras fungosas structure fongique
granaatappelsap pomegranate juice Zumo de granada jus de grenade
appelsap عصير التفاح apple juice Zumo de manzana jus de pomme яблочный сок 苹果汁


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
bodemdiepte عُمْق القِطاع soil depth Espesor del suelo épaisseur du sol мощность почвы 土壤厚度
endosymbionten معايش داخلي endosymbionts Endosimbiontes endosymbiote эндосимбионты
recalcitrante zaden البذور التي لا تتحمّل التجفيف recalcitrant seeds Semillas recalcitrantes semence récalcitrante рекальцитратное семя 顽拗型种子
robottechnologie الروبوتية robotics Robótica robotique робототехника 机器人学
grijs water مياه رمادية greywater Aguas grises eaux grises серая вода
maïsaren maize ears Espigas de maíz


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
dracunculiasis دودة غينيا dracunculiasis Dracunculosis draconculose дракункулез 麦地那龙线虫
wervelbeddroging تجفيف بالطبقة المميَّعة fluidized bed drying Secado en lecho fluido séchage en lit fluidisé сушка в псевдоожиженном (кипящем) слое 流化床干燥
geografische variatie تنوّع جغرافي geographical variation Variación geográfica variation géographique
frituren deep fat frying Fritura en aceite profundo friture profonde Фритю́р


new Label in Dutch prefLabel in Arabic prefLabel in English prefLabel in Spanish prefLabel in French prefLabel in Russian prefLabel in Chinese
longadenomatose ورام غدى رئوى pulmonary adenomatosis Adenomatosis pulmonar adénomatose pulmonaire аденоматоз легких 肺腺瘤病
kameelachtigen إبِلِيات camelids Camélidos camélidé верблюдовых
navelbreuk فتق سري umbilical hernia Hernia umbilical hernie ombilicale
belanghebbenden أصحاب المصلحة stakeholders Partes interesadas partie intéressée пайщики 利益相关者
vrijwillige, voorafgaande en geïnformeerde toestemming الموافقة الحرة المسبقة المستنيرة free, prior and informed consent Consentimiento libre, previo e informado consentement libre, préalable et éclairé свободное, предварительное и обоснованное согласие 自由事先知情同意