
Regarding oplegging, oplegsel, oplegmateriaal (= bearing material), etc., see: • https://www.proz.com/kudoz/dutch-to-english/tech-engineering/348186-veerkrachtig-oplegmateriaal.html • https://www.joostdevree.nl/shtmls/oplegging.shtml
Referred to by blomguib (X) + eldira: "blomguib (X) : go for "resilient" supporting (or bearing) material! (eng.experience)" "eldira : with blomquib: resilient supporting material" see also : GWIT: oplegging [BUILD., CIV.ENG.] = (steun in bouwconstructie) support, bearing IATE: NL: oplegging steunpunt dragende oplegging Definition: verbinding waar een constructie op rust en die krachten overdraagt naar de ondersteunende constructie Definition reference: COM-NL (Terminologie), op basis van: Oplegging. In Website Joost de Vree (9.9.2022) ENG: structural bearing bearing Definition: device installed in bridges, buildings and other structures to transfer loads from the superstructure to the substructure and to restrain or allow certain degrees of freedom of both displacement and rotation