leidend ambtenaar
Leidend ambtenaar De ambtenaar of iedere persoon belast met de leiding van en de controle op de uitvoering van de opdracht. Definities overheidsopdrachten (overheid.vlaanderen.be)
- leidend ambtenaar
- the official in charge of X
- the official directing the X
- senior official[1]
- executive official
- lead official
- principal official
- executive officer
- supervising official[2]
Note: ‘official’, ‘civil servant’ and ‘official’ all work.
- fonctionnaire dirigeant[3]
- ↑ https://www.proz.com/kudoz/dutch-to-english/government-politics/1607570-leidend-ambtenaar.html
- ↑ The fonctionnaire dirigeant (often a qualified engineer) is a person appointed to supervise the performance of a contract (often for works). • He/she will sign off on the completed contract. • Her counterpart on the contractor's side is the "project engineer" https://www.proz.com/kudoz/french-to-english/business-commerce-general/2537174-fonctionnaire-dirigeant.html
- ↑ https://www.proz.com/kudoz/french-to-english/business-commerce-general/2537174-fonctionnaire-dirigeant.html