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From michaelbeijer.co.uk
gevel =
1. voormuur
• (house)front
• façade

2. buitenmuur
• outside/outer wall


  • gevelbekleding (‘ma­te­ri­aal waar­mee de ge­vel be­kleed is’, Van Dale)


  • wall cladding, siding (OGL, my preferred option)
  • facade cladding, sheathing (GWIT)
  • facade coping, elevation coping, front coping[1]

External links


Dutch English Source
gevelbekleding van beton concrete cladding skin (Onroerend Goed Lexicon, Aart van den End)
natuurstenen gevelbekleding natural stone wall cladding (Onroerend Goed Lexicon, Aart van den End)
terugspringende gevel setback Van Dale


Please note: The pages in the ‘Terms’ category contain my own research while translating. I basically use this wiki as a notepad and memory aid, so a lot of the content will be quickly written and potentially far from perfect. If you find anything glaringly incorrect feel free to drop me a line @ info@michaelbeijer.co.uk!