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constructieverzekering voor bouwwerken

From michaelbeijer.co.uk


  • constructieverzekering voor bouwwerken
  • Alle Bouwplaats Risico’s verzekering


  • construction all risks insurance; builders’ risk insurance (JurLex)
  • Contractors’ all-risk insurance[1]
  • Contractors’ all risks (CAR) insurance[2]
  • Contractors all risk insurance
  • contract works insurance
  • Construction All Risk Insurance, Construction all risks insurance[3]

External links


  1. Contractors' all-risk insurance (sometimes referred to as 'contract works insurance') is a policy that covers all risks normally associated with a construction project. (https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Contractors%27_all-risk_insurance)
  2. What Is Contractors' All Risks (CAR) Insurance? Contractors' all risks (CAR) insurance is a non-standard insurance policy that provides coverage for property damage and third-party injury or damage claims, the two primary types of risks on construction projects. Damage to property can include improper construction of structures, the damage that happens during a renovation, and damage to temporary work erected on-site. Third parties including subcontractors may also become injured while working at the construction site. CAR insurance not only covers those associated risks but also bridges these two types of risks into a common policy designed to cover the gap between exclusions that would otherwise exist if using separate policies. CAR insurance coverage is common for such construction projects as buildings, water tanks, sewage treatment plans, flyovers, and airports. (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/contractors-all-risks-car-insurance.asp)
  3. Construction all risks (Alle bouwplaats risico's) (CAR) insurance covering all risks normally associated with a project in the course of construction. The law does not require this insurance to be maintained, but the contract usually states that it must be maintained.’ (https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com/3-502-2255?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&firstPage=true)