Wiktionary-dict (50,943 English-Dutch translations extracted from en.wiktionary.org): J-O
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- jab {n} (medical injection) :: prik {m} {f}
- Jabberwock {prop} (fantastical monster) :: Krakelwok, Wauwelwok, Koeterwaal
- jabiru {n} (Jabiru mycteria) :: jabiroe
- jack {n} (device for raising and supporting a heavy object) :: krik {f}
- jack {n} (freshwater pike) SEE: pike ::
- jack {n} (knave) SEE: knave ::
- jack {n} (large California rockfish) SEE: rockfish ::
- jack {n} (male ass) :: ezel {m}
- jack {n} (military: coarse medieval coat of defense) :: jekker {m}
- jack {n} (nautical: sailor) SEE: jacktar ::
- jack {n} (playing card) :: boer {m}, zot {m} [Flemish]
- jack {n} (slang: nothing) SEE: jackshit ::
- jack {n} (surface mounted connector) :: stopkontakt {n} (mains), aansluitpunt {n} (connector), aansluiting {f} (connection), stekker
- jackal {n} (slang for the playing card jack) :: boer {m}
- jackal {n} (wild canine) :: jakhals {m}
- jackdaw {n} (Coloeus dauuricus) SEE: Daurian jackdaw ::
- jackdaw {n} (Coloeus monedula) :: kauw {m}
- jacket {n} (piece of a person's suit) :: jas {m}
- jacket {n} (piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse) :: jas {m}
- jacket {n} (removable or replaceable protective or insulating cover for an object) :: jas {m}, vest
- jacket potato {n} (a baked potato) SEE: baked potato ::
- jackhammer {n} (portable percussive drill device) :: drilboor {f}
- Jack-in-the-pulpit {n} (cat's cradle) SEE: cat's cradle ::
- jack-knife {n} (a compact folding knife) :: zakmes {n}
- jack-knife {n} (statistics) SEE: jackknife ::
- jack of all trades {n} (one competent in many endeavors) :: duizendpoot
- jack of all trades, master of none {n} (person who has a competent grasp of many skills) :: twaalf stielen, dertien ongelukken
- jackpot {n} (accumulating money prize pool) :: jackpot
- jackpot {n} (large cash prize) :: jackpot {m}
- Jackson {prop} (cognates of the surname) SEE: Johnson ::
- Jack the Ripper {prop} (19th century murderer) :: Jack the Ripper {m}
- Jacob {prop} (male given name (the standard form) :: Jacob, Jacobus
- Jacob {prop} (one of the sons of Isaac and Rebecca) :: Jakob {m}
- jade {n} (colour) :: jadegroen {n}
- jade {n} (gem) :: jade {n}
- jaded {adj} (Worn out, wearied, or lacking enthusiasm; exhausted) :: uitgeput
- jaeger {n} (rifle) SEE: rifle ::
- jaguar {n} (Panthera onca) :: jaguar {m}
- Jah {prop} (God) SEE: God ::
- jail {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
- jail {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison ::
- jailkeeper {n} (jailer) SEE: jailer ::
- Jain {n} (follower of Jainism) :: jaïn {m}, jaïnist {m}
- Jainism {prop} (religion and philosophy) :: Jaïnisme
- Jakarta {prop} (capital of Indonesia) :: Jakarta
- jake brake {n} (engine compression brake) :: motorrem {m}
- Jalalabad {prop} (a city in eastern Afghanistan) :: Jalalabad
- jalopy {n} (old, dilapidated car) :: wrak
- jalousie {n} (window slats which form a blind or shutter) :: jaloezie {f}, blinden {p}
- jam {n} (blockage, congestion) :: opstopping {f}
- jam {n} (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar) :: confituur, jam
- Jamaica {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Jamaica
- jam jar {n} (A container for jam) :: jampot
- jam jar {n} (car) SEE: car ::
- jammed {adj} (overcrowded; congested) :: overvol, propvol
- janitor {n} (caretaker) :: concierge
- janitor {n} (doorman) :: portier
- Jan Mayen {prop} (Norwegian territory) :: Jan Mayen
- January {prop} (first month of the Gregorian calendar) :: januari {m}
- Janus {prop} (moon of Saturn) :: Janus
- Janus {prop} (Roman god of gates and doorways) :: Janus
- Japan {prop} (A Far East country in Asia) :: Japan
- Japanese {adj} (of or relating to Japan) :: Japans, Japanse
- Japanese {n} (person of Japan) :: Japanner, Japanees; Japanese
- Japanese {prop} (Japanese language) :: Japans
- Japanese knotweed {n} (plant) :: japanse duizendknoop
- Japanese lantern {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry ::
- Japano- {prefix} (Nippo-) SEE: Nippo- ::
- Japanologist {n} (one who studies Japanology) :: japanoloog {m}, japanologe {f}
- Japanology {n} (the study of Japan) :: japanologie {f}
- jargon {n} (incomprehensible speech) :: gebrabbel {n}, gewauwel {n}, wartaal {f}
- jargon {n} (language characteristic of a particular group) :: jargon {n}
- jargon {n} (technical terminology unique to a particular subject) :: jargon {n}, vaktaal {f}, visserslatijn {n}
- jasmine {n} (plant of genus Jasminum) :: jasmijn
- jaspé {adj} (veined or clouded like imitation jasper) :: gejasperd
- jasper {n} (jasperware) SEE: jasperware ::
- jasper {n} (precious stone) :: jaspis {m}
- Jasper {prop} (male given name; one of the Magi) SEE: Caspar ::
- jaundice {n} (morbid condition) :: geelzucht {f}
- jaundice {v} (affect with jaundice; prejudice) :: groen en geel worden van nijd of afgunst over
- jaunty {adj} (airy, showy, or affected) :: luchtig
- Java {prop} (island of Indonesia) :: Java {n}
- Java {prop} (programming language) :: Java {n}
- Javan {adj} (pertaining to the island of Java) :: Javaans
- Javan {n} (inhabitant of the island Java) :: Javaan {m}
- Javanese {prop} (language) :: Javaans
- Javan tiger {n} (Panthera sondaica) :: Javaanse tijger
- javelin {n} (spear used as a weapon) :: speer
- jaw {n} (bone of the jaw) :: kaak {f}
- jawan {n} (infantryman, soldier) :: infanterist {m}, infanteriste {f}, voetknecht {m}, voetman {m}, zandhaas {m}
- jawbone {n} (any of the bones in the jaw) :: kaaksbeen {n}
- jay {n} (bird) :: gaai {m}, Vlaamse gaai {m}
- jay {n} (name of the letter J, j) :: jee {f}
- jazz {n} (musical art form) :: jazz {m}
- J-drama {n} (dorama) SEE: dorama ::
- jealous {adj} :: jaloers
- jealous {adj} (suspecting rivalry in love; fearful of being replaced, in position or in affection) :: jaloers
- jealousy {n} (close, zealous vigilance, envy) :: jaloersheid {f}, naijver
- jealousy {n} (jealous attitude (e.g. fear of infidelity) :: jaloezie, jaloersheid {f}, afgunst {f}, naijver, ijverzucht, ijver {m}
- Jeanette {prop} (female given name) SEE: Jeannette ::
- jeans {n} (denim trousers) :: jeansbroek {m} {f}, jeans, spijkerbroek {m} {f}
- jeans {n} (plural of jean) SEE: jean ::
- Jeep {n} (jeep) SEE: jeep ::
- jeer {v} (to scoff or mock) :: spotten
- Jeffrey {prop} (male given name) SEE: Geoffrey ::
- Jehovah {n} (Jehovah's Witness) SEE: Jehovah's Witness ::
- Jehovah {prop} (Yahweh) SEE: Yahweh ::
- Jehovah's Witnesses {n} (denomination) :: Jehovah's Getuigen {p}
- Jehovah's Witnesses {n} (member of organisation) :: Jehovah's Getuige, Getuige amongst themselves
- jejunum {n} (central of the three divisions of the small intestine) :: nuchtere darm {m}
- jelly {n} (jam) :: gelei
- jelly {n} (sieved jam) :: gelei
- jellyfish {n} (aquatic being) :: kwal {f}
- jellyroll {n} (cylindrical cake) SEE: Swiss roll ::
- jemmy {v} (cram) SEE: cram ::
- jenever {n} (drink) :: jenever {m}
- Jenifer {prop} (female given name) SEE: Jennifer ::
- jenny {n} (device for spinning) SEE: spinning jenny ::
- jenny {n} (female of donkey) SEE: she-ass ::
- jenny-ass {n} (female donkey) SEE: she-ass ::
- jeopardise {v} (jeopardize) SEE: jeopardize ::
- jeopardize {v} (put in jeopardy) :: bedreigen, in gevaar brengen
- jeopardy {n} (danger of loss, harm, or failure) :: gevaar {n}
- Jeremiah {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Jeremia
- Jeremy {prop} (Jeremiah) SEE: Jeremiah ::
- Jericho {prop} (an ancient town in the West Bank) :: Jericho
- jerk {n} (soda jerk) SEE: soda jerk ::
- jerk off {v} (To masturbate) :: rukken, aftrekken
- Jerry {prop} (German) SEE: German ::
- Jerry {prop} (slang: German) SEE: Fritz ::
- Jerusalem {prop} (city) :: Jeruzalem
- Jerusalem artichoke {n} (plant and tuber) :: aardpeer {m}
- Jerusalem oak {n} (epazote) SEE: epazote ::
- jester {n} (court entertainer) :: nar {m}, hofnar {m}
- Jesuit {n} (member of the Society of Jesus) :: jezuïet {m}
- Jesus {prop} (the Christian Messiah) :: Jezus
- Jesus Christ {prop} (Jesus of Nazareth) :: Jezus Christus {m}
- jet {adj} (colour) :: gitzwart, pikzwart
- jet {n} (colour) :: koolzwart {n}
- jet {n} (jet plane) SEE: jet plane ::
- jet {n} (stream of fluid) :: straal {f}
- jet-black {adj} (of the blackest black) SEE: pitch-black ::
- jet engine {n} (an engine that develops thrust by ejecting a jet, especially a jet of gaseous combustion products) :: straalmotor {m}
- jet plane {n} (an airplane that is powered by a jet engine) :: straalvliegtuig {n}, straaljager
- jetski {n} (powered watercraft) :: jetski {m}
- jetski {v} (to ride on a jetski) :: jetskiën
- jet stream {n} (air current) :: straalstroom {m}
- jettison {v} (to eject from a boat) :: lozen, overboord werpen
- jettison {v} (to let go or get rid of) :: van de hand doen, achterlaten
- jetty {n} (pier) SEE: pier ::
- jetty {n} (structure to influence currents or protect a harbor or beach) :: pier {m}
- jetty {n} (wharf) SEE: wharf ::
- Jew {n} (a person with a Jewish cultural or ancestral connection) :: Jood {m}, Jodin {f}
- Jew {n} (person of the Jewish faith) :: jood {m} {f}
- jewel {n} (gemstone) :: juweel {n}
- jewel {v} (decorate or bedeck with jewels or gems) SEE: bejewel ::
- jeweler {n} (a person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry) :: juwelier
- jeweller {n} (jeweller) SEE: jeweler ::
- Jewess {n} (female Jew) :: jodin {f}
- Jewish {adj} (of or relating to a Jew or Jews, their ethnicity, religion or culture) :: joodse
- Jewish {adj} (Yiddish) SEE: Yiddish ::
- Jewish {prop} (informal term for Yiddish) :: Joods {n}
- Jewry {n} (the land of Jews (obsolete) SEE: Judea ::
- Jew's harp {n} (musical instrument) :: mondharp {f}
- Jezebel {prop} (Biblical character Jezebel) :: Izebel {f}
- Jharkhand {prop} (state in eastern India) :: Jharkhand
- Jiantizi {prop} (Simplified Chinese) SEE: Simplified Chinese ::
- Jiayi {prop} (Chiayi) SEE: Chiayi ::
- jib {n} (basic jib) :: fok
- jiffy {n} (short length of time) :: mum {n}
- jig {n} (light, brisk musical movement) SEE: gigue ::
- jigger {n} (jiggermast) SEE: jiggermast ::
- jiggermast {n} (smallest mast) :: jagermast {m}
- jigsaw {n} (A saw with fine teeth and a narrow blade) :: figuurzaag
- jigsaw {n} (jigsaw puzzle) SEE: jigsaw puzzle ::
- jigsaw puzzle {n} (type of puzzle) :: puzzel {m}, legpuzzel {m}
- jihad {n} (holy war undertaken by Muslims) :: jihad {m}
- jihadist {n} (one who participates in a jihad) :: moedjahedien {m} {f}
- Jilong {prop} (Keelung) SEE: Keelung ::
- jilt {v} (to jilt) :: in de steek laten, verlaten, achterlaten
- jimsonweed {n} (weed) SEE: thorn apple ::
- jingoism {n} (chauvinism) SEE: chauvinism ::
- jingoism {n} (extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy) :: hoerapattriotisme,
- jingoist {adj} (chauvinist) SEE: chauvinist ::
- jingoist {n} (chauvinist) SEE: chauvinist ::
- jinrikisha {n} (rickshaw) SEE: rickshaw ::
- jinriksha {n} (two-wheeled carriage) SEE: rickshaw ::
- jinx {n} (A person or thing supposed to bring bad luck) :: ongeluksbrenger {m}
- jism {n} (slang: semen) :: kwakje {n}
- jitter {n} (Telecommunications) an abrupt and unwanted variation of signal characteristics) :: interferentie
- jittery {adj} (nervy) :: springerig, zenuwachtig, scherp
- jive {n} (deceptive talk) :: smoes {m}, zever {m}, nonsens {f}
- jive {v} (be deceptive) :: misleiden, blaasjes wijsmaken
- jive {v} (dance) :: dansen, swingen
- jizz {n} (slang: sperm) :: kwakje
- jizz {v} (slang: sperm) :: komen
- Joachim {prop} (male given name) :: Joachim, Jochem {m}
- Joan {prop} (female given name) SEE: Jane ::
- Joanna {prop} (cognates of the given name) SEE: Jane ::
- job {n} (economic role for which a person is paid) :: werk {n}, job {f}, beroep {n}, baan {m} {f}
- job {n} (task) :: taak {f}, job {f}
- Job {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Job
- job action {n} (workplace protest) SEE: industrial action ::
- jobbery {n} (The act or conduct of public or official business for the sake of private gain) :: omkoperij, vriendjespolitiek
- jobless {adj} (lacking employment) SEE: unemployed ::
- jobseeker {n} (person seeking employment) :: werkzoekende
- jock {n} (jockstrap) SEE: jockstrap ::
- jock strap {n} (jockstrap) SEE: jockstrap ::
- jockstrap {n} (an athletic supporter) :: suspensoir
- Joe Average {n} (hypothetical average or generic individual) :: Jan Modaal {m}, Jan met de pet {m}
- Joe Public {n} (a hypothetical average or generic member of the public) :: Jan Modaal {m}, Jan met de pet {m}
- joey {n} (kangaroo joey) :: kangoeroejong {n}
- joey {n} (koala joey) :: koalajong {n}
- joey {n} (wallaby joey) :: wallabyjong {n}
- jog {v} (move in an energetic trot) :: joggen
- Johannesburg {prop} (a city in South Africa) :: Johannesburg
- john {n} (outhouse privy) :: latrine {f}
- john {n} (prostitute client) :: hoerenloper {m}, prostituant {m}
- John {prop} (biblical persons) :: Johannes
- John {prop} (male given name - the standard or most popular form) :: Jan, Johan, Johannes
- John {prop} (name used to address a man whose name is not known) :: Jan, Dinges
- John {prop} (the fourth gospel) :: Evangelie naar Johannes, Joh
- John the Baptist {prop} (biblical prophet) :: Johannes de Doper
- joie de vivre {n} (enjoyment of living) :: levensvreugde {f}, levenslust {m}
- join {n} (an intersection of piping or wiring; an interconnect) :: verbinding
- join {v} (to become a member of) :: lid worden van, toetreden
- join {v} (to combine more than one item into one; to put together) :: samenvoegen, verenigen
- join {v} (to come into the company of) :: vervoegen
- join {v} (to come together; to meet) :: samenkomen
- joiner {n} (maker of wooden furniture) :: timmerman
- joint {adj} (done by two or more people or organisations working together) :: gezamenlijk, gezamenlijke
- joint {n} (business) :: zaak
- joint {n} (marijuana cigarette) :: joint {m}, stickie {n}
- joint {n} (part of the body where bones join) :: gewricht {n}
- joint {n} (point of a rigid joint, means of joining in carpentry) :: verbinding
- joint {n} (prison) :: (de) bak {m}, (de) nor {f} {m}
- joint {v} (to separate the joints) SEE: disjoint ::
- jointer {n} :: dagge, dagijzer {n}, voegijzer {n}
- jointer {n} (pointing-trowel) SEE: pointing-trowel ::
- jointly {adv} (together) :: gezamenlijk
- joke {n} (amusing story) :: mop {m}, grap {f}, grol {f}
- joke {n} (something said or done for amusement) :: mop {m}, grap {f}, geintje {n}, lol {f}
- joke {n} (worthless thing or person) :: grap {f}, aanfluiting {f}
- joke {v} (do for amusement) :: grappen, grappenmaken
- joker {n} (jester) SEE: fool ::
- joker {n} (playing card) :: joker {m}
- jolly {adj} (jovial) SEE: jovial ::
- Jolly Roger {n} (skull flag) :: doodskopvlag {f}, doodshoofdvlag {f}, piratenvlag {f}
- jolt {n} (An act of jolting) :: schokken, horten, botsen
- jolt {n} (A surprise or shock) :: schok, verrassing, ontnuchtering
- jolt {v} (to push or a shake) :: schokken
- jolt {v} (to shake, move with a series of jerks) :: verwarren
- jolt {v} (to shock emotionally) :: kwetsen, ontnuchteren
- jolt {v} (to shock into taking action) :: in de war brengen
- Jonah {prop} (a jinx) :: ongeluksbrenger {m}, ongeluksbrengster {f}
- Jonah {prop} (Biblical: a book of the Old Testament) :: Jonas, Jona [archaic]
- Jonah {prop} (given name) :: Jonas, Jona
- Jordan {prop} (country) :: Jordanië
- Joseph {prop} (male given name) :: Jozef, Josef
- Joshua {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Jozua
- Joshua {prop} (male given name) :: Jozua {m}
- Josiah {prop} (biblical king) :: Josia {m}
- joskin {n} (yokel) SEE: country bumpkin ::
- jostaberry {n} (fruit) :: jostabes
- jostle {v} (bump into or brush against while in motion) :: omverduwen, bruuskeren
- jostle {v} (move through by pushing and shoving) :: verdringen, drummen
- joule {n} (derived unit of energy, work and heat) :: joule {m}
- journalism {n} (activity or profession of being a journalist) :: journalistiek
- journalist {n} (keeper of a personal journal) :: dagboekschrijver {m}
- journalist {n} (one whose occupation or profession is journalism) :: journalist {m}
- journalist {n} (reporter) :: journalist {m}, reporter {m}, verslaggever {m}
- journalistic {adj} (related to journalism or journalists) :: journalistiek
- journey {n} (trip, a voyage) :: trip {f}, trektocht {f}, reis {f}
- journey {v} (to travel, to make a trip or voyage) :: trekken, op trektocht gaan, rondtrekken, reizen, rondreizen
- journeyman {n} (tradesman who has served an apprenticeship) :: gezel
- joust {n} (a mock combat between two mounted knights or men-at-arms) :: steekspel houden
- joust {v} (engage in mock combat on horseback) :: duelleren, aan een steekspel deelnemen
- jovial {adj} (merry, cheerful) :: joviaal, gemoedelijk
- jowl {n} (jaw) :: wang {f}
- jowled {adj} (jowly) SEE: jowly ::
- joy {n} (feeling of happiness) :: vreugde {f}
- joystick {n} (mechanical control device) :: bedieningshendel {m}, stuurknuppel, joystick
- Jèrriais {prop} (Romance language spoken in Jersey) :: Jèrriais {n}
- jubilee {n} (a special anniversary) :: jubileum {n}
- jubilee {n} (a time of celebration or rejoicing) :: jubileum {n}
- Jud. {prop} (abbreviation of the equivalent of Judges) SEE: Judg. ::
- Judah {prop} (first son of Jacob) :: Juda {m}
- Judah {prop} (male given name) :: Juda {m}
- Judah {prop} (one of the Israelite tribes) :: Juda
- Judah {prop} (southern Israelite kingdom) :: Juda {n}
- Judahite {adj} (of or pertaining to the ancient kingdom of Judah, or its inhabitants) :: Judees
- Judahite {n} (an inhabitant of the ancient kingdom of Judah) :: Judeeër {m}
- Judaism {n} (world religion) :: jodendom {n}
- judder {v} (to spasm or shake violently) :: schokken
- judge {n} (public judicial official) :: rechter {m} {f}
- judge {n} (someone deciding another's fate) :: rechter {m} {f}
- judge {n} (someone with valued opinions) :: kenner {m}, beoordelaar {m}
- judge {n} (sports official) :: scheidsrechter {m} {f}
- judge {v} (to arbitrate, to pass opinion on something) :: oordelen, bemiddelen
- judge {v} (to criticize or label another person or thing) :: beoordelen, veroordelen
- judge {v} (to form an opinion, infer) :: oordelen, afleiden, schatten
- judge {v} (to form an opinion on) :: beoordelen
- judge {v} (to have as an opinion, consider, suppose) :: oordelen, achten, houden voor
- judge {v} (to sit in judgment on, act as judge) :: oordelen, rechtspreken
- judge {v} (to sit in judgment on, pass sentence on) :: oordelen
- judgement day {n} (Last Judgement) :: dag des oordeels {m} {f}
- Judges {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Richteren, Rechters
- judgment {n} (act of judging) :: oordeel {n}
- judgment {n} (conclusion or result of judging) :: vonnis {n}, uitspraak {m} {f}, veroordeling {f}
- judgment {n} (power or faculty of making a judgment) :: gezond oordeel {n}
- judgmental {adj} :: bevooroordeeld, subjectief, vooringenomen
- judicial {adj} (of or relating to a court of law) :: gerechtelijk
- judiciary {n} (the judicial branch of government) :: rechterlijke macht {f} {m}
- judicious {adj} (having or characterized by good judgment or sound thinking) :: oordeelkundig
- judo {n} (Japanese martial art) :: judo
- judoka {n} (practitioner of judo) :: judoka
- jug {n} (amount a jug can hold) :: kan {f}
- jug {n} (serving vessel) :: kan {f}, kruik {f} {m}
- jug {n} (slang: jail) :: bak {m}
- jug {n} (vulgar slang: woman's breast) :: tet {f}
- jug ears {n} (markedly outward sticking ears) :: flaporen {p}
- juggle {v} (manipulate objects artistically) :: jongeleren
- juggling {n} (moving of objects in an artful manner) :: jongleren
- jugular {adj} (relating to the neck or throat) :: jugulair
- jugular {n} (vein through the neck) SEE: jugular vein ::
- jugular vein {n} (vein leading blood down from the head) :: halsader {m}
- juice {n} (beverage made of juice) :: sap {n}
- juice {n} (liquid from a plant) :: sap {n}
- juice {n} (liquid resembling juice) :: sap {n}
- juice {v} (to energize) :: voeden
- juice {v} (to remove the juice from something) :: persen
- juice box {n} (a small carton of fruit juice with an attached plastic straw) :: pakje drinken
- juice joint {n} (nightclub) SEE: nightclub ::
- juicy {adj} (containing juice) :: sappig
- juicy {adj} (exciting, interesting) :: sappig, smeuïg
- jukebox {n} (a coin-operated machine that plays recorded music) :: jukebox {m}
- Julian {prop} (male given name) :: Julian
- Julie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Julia ::
- Juliet {prop} (character in Romeo and Juliet) :: Julia
- July {prop} (seventh month of the Gregorian calendar) :: juli
- jumble {n} (A mixture of unrelated things) :: mengelmoes
- jump {n} (instance of causing oneself to fall from an elevated location) :: sprong {m}
- jump {n} (instance of employing a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location) :: sprong {m}
- jump {n} (instance of propelling oneself into the air) :: sprong {m}
- jump {n} (instance of reacting to a sudden stimulus by jerking the body) :: sprong {m}
- jump {n} (jumping move in a board game) :: sprong {m}
- jump {v} (cause oneself to leave an elevated location and fall downward) :: springen
- jump {v} (employ a move in certain board games in which one piece moves over another) :: springen, zetten
- jump {v} (employ a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location) :: [parachutespringen] springen
- jump {v} (move to a position in (a queue/line) that is further forward) :: voordringen
- jump {v} (propel oneself rapidly upward such that momentum causes the body to become airborne) :: springen, opspringen
- jump {v} (react to a sudden stimulus by jerking the body violently) :: opspringen, opschrikken
- jump rope {n} (game or activity) :: touwtjespringen {n}
- jump rope {n} (length of rope) SEE: skipping rope ::
- jump rope {v} (to jump over a rope repeatedly as a game or exercise) :: touwtjespringen, [anglicism] (rope)skipping/skippen
- jump the queue {v} (move into a queue ahead of others) :: voordringen
- jumpy {adj} (nervous and excited) :: nerveus, nerveuze, zenuwachtig, zenuwachtige
- junction {n} (a place where two things meet) :: knooppunt {n} verbindingspunt {n}, aansluiting {f}, samenkomst {f}
- junction {n} (the act of joining) :: samenkomst {f}, samenvloeiing {f}, aansluiting {f}
- junction {n} (the boundary between two materials) :: las {f}, voeg {f}, naad {f}
- juncture {n} (critical moment in time) :: ogenblik {n}
- juncture {n} (junction) :: aanhechtingspunt {n}, verbinding {f}
- June {prop} (sixth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: juni
- Juneberry {n} (serviceberry) SEE: serviceberry ::
- jungle {n} (large, undeveloped, humid forest) :: oerwoud, jungle {f}
- jungle cat {n} (Felis chaus) :: moeraskat, rietkat
- jungle gym {n} (1. play structure) :: klimrek
- juniper {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus) :: jeneverbes {f}
- junk {n} (Chinese sailing vessel) :: jonk {f}
- junk {n} (narcotic drug) :: spul {n}, gerief {n}
- junk {n} (rubbish, waste) :: rommel {m}, rotzooi {m}, afval {n}, brol {m} [Flemish]
- junk {v} (throw away) :: weggooien, wegwerpen, wegsmijten, dumpen
- junket {n} (dessert) :: platte kaas,
- junket {n} (feast or banquet) :: feestmaal, banket,
- junket {n} (gaming room) :: speelzaal, goktent,
- junket {n} (pleasure trip) :: snoepreisje, uitje,
- junk food {n} (food with little or no nutritional value) :: junkfood {n}, troepvoedsel [unusual], vulvoer [unusual]
- junta {n} (ruling council of a military dictatorship) :: junta {f}
- Jupiter {prop} (god) :: Jupiter
- Jupiter {prop} (planet) :: Jupiter
- Jura {prop} (canton of Switzerland) :: Jura
- Jura {prop} (island in the inner Hebrides of Scotland) :: Jura
- Jura {prop} (region in France) :: Jura
- juridical {adj} (Pertaining to the law) :: juridisch
- jurisconsult {n} (someone who has studied law) :: rechtsgeleerde {m} {f}
- jurisprudence {n} (the philosophy, science and study of law and decisions) :: rechtsgeleerdheid {f}
- jurist {n} (expert in law) :: jurist {m}, juriste {f}
- jurist {n} (judge) SEE: judge ::
- jury {n} (group in a court of law) :: gezworenen {p}, jury {m} {f}
- jury {n} (group of judges in a competition) :: jury {m} {f}
- just {adj} (factually fair, correct) :: juist, rechtmatig, billijk, eerlijk, correct
- just {adj} (morally fair, righteous) :: juist, rechtvaardig, billijk, gerechtig
- just {adv} (nearly) :: net, juist, nog net, op een haar na
- just {adv} (only, simply, merely) :: slechts, enkel, net, gewoon
- just {adv} (perfectly) :: precies
- just {adv} (recently) :: net, onlangs, pas, zojuist
- just {v} (to fight a tournament) SEE: joust ::
- just about {adj} (approximately) :: zowat
- justice {n} (a judge of certain courts) :: raadsheer [rough equivalent]
- justice {n} (correctness) :: recht
- justice {n} (fairness, especially with regard to punishment) :: gerechtigheid, recht, rechtvaardigheid
- justice {n} (judgment and punishment of who wronged another) :: gerechtigheid, recht, rechtsbedeling, berechting
- justice {n} (state of being just or fair) :: gerechtigheid, rechtvaardigheid
- justice {n} (the civil power dealing with law) :: gerecht {n}, justitie
- justification {n} (reason, explanation, or excuse) :: rechtvaardiging {f}
- justify {v} (arrange lines on a page or computer screen) :: uitlijnen
- justify {v} (give a good, acceptable reason for something) :: rechtvaardigen
- justify {v} (provide an acceptable explanation) :: rechtvaardigen
- Justin {prop} (male given name) :: Justin
- Jutland {prop} (peninsula) :: Jutland {n}
- juvenile offending {n} (juvenile delinquency) SEE: juvenile delinquency ::
- juxtapose {v} (to place side by side) :: naast elkaar leggen
- juxtaposition {n} (arts: contrasting sounds or colours) :: juxtapositie
- jynx {n} (a charm or spell) SEE: spell ::
- jynx {n} (Jynx torquilla) SEE: wryneck ::
- Kaaba {prop} (cubical stone building in Mecca) :: Ka'aba
- kaalgat {adj} (stark naked) :: piemelnaakt, spiernaakt
- Kabballah {prop} (body of teachings) :: Kabbala
- Kabul {prop} (capital of Afghanistan) :: Kaboel
- kaffir {n} (black person) :: kaffer {m}
- Kafkaesque {adj} (marked by menacing complexity) :: kafkaësk
- kai-lan {n} (kailan) SEE: kailan ::
- kakke {n} (beriberi) SEE: beriberi ::
- kakorrhaphiophobia {n} (atychiphobia) SEE: atychiphobia ::
- kale {n} (edible plant: brassica oleracea acephala) :: boerenkool {m} {f}
- kaleidoscope {n} (tube of mirrors rotated to produce symmetrical designs) :: caleidoscoop {m}
- Kali {prop} (goddess) :: Kálii
- Kalmyk {adj} (of, or pertaining to, Kalmykia) :: Kalmuks
- Kalmyk {n} (person) :: Kalmuk
- Kalmyk {prop} (language) :: Kalmuks
- kamikaze {n} (suicidal attacker) :: kamikaze {m}, kamikazepiloot {m}
- kangaroo {n} (marsupial) :: kangoeroe {m}
- kanji {n} (Chinese characters in Japanese context) :: kanji {n}
- Kanji {prop} (kanji) SEE: kanji ::
- Kannada {prop} (language) :: Kannada
- Kaohsiung {prop} (a large city in Taiwan) :: Kaohsiung
- kaon {n} (K-meson) :: kaon {n}
- kappa {n} (Greek letter) :: kappa {m} {f}
- kaput {adj} (out of order) :: kapot
- Karabakh {prop} (geographic region) :: Karabach
- Karachi {prop} (the capital of the province of Sindh, Pakistan) :: Karachi
- Karafuto {prop} (Sakhalin) SEE: Sakhalin ::
- karaoke {n} (a form of entertainment) :: karaoke
- Karelia {prop} (region and a federal subject in Russia) :: Karelië
- Karelian {prop} (the language) :: Karelisch
- Karl {prop} (cognates) SEE: Charles ::
- Karl {prop} (transliterations) SEE: Carl ::
- Karlovac {prop} (city and municipality) :: Karlovac
- karma {n} (destiny, fate) :: karma {n}
- karma {n} (the total effect of a person’s actions and conduct during the successive phases of his existence) :: karma {n}
- Karnataka {prop} (state in southern India) :: Karnataka
- karst {n} (type of land formation) :: karst
- Kartvelian {adj} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
- Kartvelian {n} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
- Kartvelian {prop} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
- Kartvelology {n} (Kartvelian studies) SEE: Kartvelian studies ::
- Kashi {prop} (Kashgar) SEE: Kashgar ::
- Kashmiri {prop} (language) :: Kasjmiri
- Kashubian {adj} (of the Kashubian people and their language) :: Kasjoebisch {n}
- Kashubian {prop} (Slavic language spoken in the Pomeranian region of Poland) :: Kasjoebisch {n}
- Kasimovian {prop} (subdivision of the Carboniferous period) :: Kasimovien
- Katanga {prop} :: Katanga
- Katangese {adj} (from, in or relating to Katanga) :: Katangees
- Katangese {n} (inhabitant or descendant of the people of Katanga) :: Katangees {m}
- Kathleen {prop} (Catherine) SEE: Catherine ::
- Kathmandu {prop} (Kathmandu) :: Kathmandu
- Kattegat {prop} (body of water) :: Kattegat {n}
- katydid {n} (grasshopper) :: sprinkhaan {m} {f}, sabelsprinkhaan {m} {f}
- Katyusha {n} (rocket) :: Katjoesja {f}
- Katyusha {n} (rocket launcher) :: Katjoesja {f}
- Kavala {prop} (city) :: Kavála, Kabála
- kazachok {n} (kozachok) SEE: kozachok ::
- Kazakh {adj} (pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kazakh language) :: Kazachs
- Kazakh {adj} (pertaining to the Kazakhstan) SEE: Kazakhstani ::
- Kazakh {n} (a person from Kazakhstan) SEE: Kazakhstani ::
- Kazakh {n} (a person of Kazakh descent) :: Kazak {m}
- Kazakh {prop} (language) :: Kazachs {n}
- Kazakhstan {prop} (country in Central Asia) :: Kazachstan
- Kazakhstani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kazakh language) SEE: Kazakh ::
- Kazakhstani {n} (person of Kazakh origin) SEE: Kazakh ::
- Kōbe {prop} (Kobe) SEE: Kobe ::
- Kōchi {prop} (Kochi) SEE: Kochi ::
- keel {n} (beam along the underside of a ship’s hull) :: kiel {f}
- keel {n} (rigid flat piece of material giving a ship greater control and stability) :: kiel {f}
- keelhaul {v} :: kielhalen
- keel over {v} (of a vessel: to roll so far on its side that it cannot recover, see also: capsize) :: omvallen, kapseizen
- keel over {v} (to collapse in a faint) :: flauw vallen
- keep {v} (to maintain possession of) :: houden
- keep {v} (to maintain the condition of; to preserve) :: houden
- keep {v} (to remain in, to be confined to) :: behouden
- keep a cool head {v} (keep one's cool) SEE: keep one's cool ::
- keep an eye on {v} (to watch and pay attention to) :: in de gaten houden
- keeper {n} (guard, custodian) :: bewaker {m}, conservator {m}
- keeper {n} (guardian of goal) :: doelman {m} {f}
- keeper {n} (person who keeps something) :: bewaarder {m}
- keeper {n} (someone or something worth keeping) :: houder
- keep in mind {v} (to remember; to be mindful of or pay attention) SEE: bear in mind ::
- keep one's fingers crossed {v} (hope for the best) :: duimen
- keep quiet {v} (remain silent) :: zwijgen
- keepsake {n} (object retained in memory of something or someone) :: herinnering, aandenken
- keep someone in the dark {v} (to keep someone uninformed) :: in het ongewete laten
- keep someone posted {v} (inform of latest developments) :: op de hoogte houden
- Keeshond {n} (Keeshond) :: keeshond {f}
- Kefalovrisi {prop} (Kefalovrissi) SEE: Kefalovrissi ::
- Kefalovrysi {prop} (Kefalovrissi) SEE: Kefalovrissi ::
- Kefalovryssi {prop} (Kefalovrissi) SEE: Kefalovrissi ::
- keffiyeh {n} (cloth worn on head) :: arafatsjaal {m}
- keg {n} (round wooden container that has a flat top and bottom) :: vat {n}, fust {n}
- kegger {n} (keg party) SEE: keg party ::
- kennel {n} (shelter for a dog) :: kennel {m}, hondenhok {n}
- Kenya {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) :: Kenia, Kenya
- kepi {n} (cap with a flat circular top) :: kepie
- keratin {n} (protein that hair and nails are made of) :: keratine
- keratoconus {n} (A degenerative disorder of the eye) :: keratoconus {m}
- kerb {n} (edge between pavement and roadway) :: stoeprand, borduur
- Kerch {prop} (city) :: Kertsj {n}
- Kerch Strait {prop} (Strait of Kerch) SEE: Strait of Kerch ::
- kernel {n} (mathematics, algebra) set of elements mapped to zero) :: kern {m} {f}
- kerosene {n} (thin, colorless fuel) :: kerosine {m} {f}
- kestrel {n} (any small falcon of genus Falco) :: valk {m}
- kestrel {n} (Falco tinnunculus) :: torenvalk {m}
- Ket {prop} (language) :: Ket
- ketchup {n} (tomato-vinegar based sauce) :: ketchup {m}, tomatenketchup {m}
- ketonuria {n} (presence of ketone bodies in the urine) :: ketonurie
- kettle {n} (kettledrum) SEE: kettledrum ::
- kettle {n} (kettle hole) SEE: kettle hole ::
- kettle {n} (pothole) SEE: pothole ::
- kettle {n} (steam locomotive) SEE: steam locomotive ::
- kettle {n} (teakettle) SEE: teakettle ::
- kettle {n} (vessel for boiling a liquid or cooking food) :: ketel {c}
- kettlebell {n} (a kind of weight) :: kettlebell, girya
- kettledrum {n} (percussion instrument) :: pauk {m} {f}
- kettle of fish {n} (predicament) SEE: predicament ::
- key {n} (biology: information to correctly identify a taxon) SEE: clavis ::
- key {n} (button on a typewriter or computer keyboard) :: toets {m}
- key {n} (cryptography: piece of information used to encode or decode) :: sleutel {m}
- key {n} (device designed to open and close a lock) :: sleutel {m}
- key {n} (part of a piano or musical keyboard) :: toets {m}
- key {n} (scale of musical notes) :: toonsoort {f} {m}, toonaard {m}
- keyboard {n} (component of many instruments) :: klavier {n}, keyboard {n}
- keyboard {n} (electronic device with keys of a musical keyboard) :: klavier {n}, keyboard {n}
- keyboard {n} (set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc.) :: toetsenbord {n}, klavier {n}
- keyboardist {n} (musician who plays the keyboard) :: toetsenist {m}
- keyboard shortcut {n} (key or a combination of keys) :: sneltoets {c}
- keycard {n} (plastic card) :: sleutelkaart {m} {f}
- keychain {n} (chain or ring) :: sleutelhanger {m}
- keyhole surgery {n} (laparoscopy) SEE: laparoscopy ::
- keyring {n} (cryptography: set of data holding linked keys) :: sleutelbos {m}
- keyring {n} (ring for holding keys) :: sleutelbos {m}
- keystone {n} (the top stone of an arch) :: sluitstuk {m}
- keyword {n} (word used as a key to a code) :: sleutelwoord {n}
- Kōfu {prop} (Kofu) SEE: Kofu ::
- khagan {n} (title of imperial rank) :: grootkan
- khaki {adj} (dust-coloured) :: kakikleurig
- khaki {n} (khaki green) SEE: khaki green ::
- khaki {n} (strong cloth of wool or cotton) :: legerkledij {f}
- khaki {n} (yellowish-brown colour) :: kaki {n}
- Khanty-Mansiysk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Chanty-Mansiejsk
- Kharkov {prop} (Kharkiv) SEE: Kharkiv ::
- Khartoum {prop} (capital of Sudan) :: Khartoem
- khat {n} (Shrub (Catha edulis) :: qat
- Khazarian {adj} (of or pertaining to Khazaria) SEE: Khazar ::
- Khazarian {adj} (of or pertaining to Khazars) SEE: Khazar ::
- Khazarian {n} (an inhabitant of Khazaria) SEE: Khazar ::
- Khmelnitsky {prop} (Khmelnytskyi) SEE: Khmelnytskyi ::
- Khmer {prop} (the national language of Cambodia) :: Khmer {n}
- Khmer Rouge {prop} (Cambodian communist guerrilla force) :: Rode Khmer {p}
- Khoisan {prop} (people) :: Khoisan
- Khorgos {prop} (Khorgas) SEE: Khorgas ::
- Khorramshahr {prop} (city) :: Chorramsjahr
- Khrushchev {prop} (the leader of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964) :: Chroesjtsjov
- kibitz {v} (chit-chat) :: roddelen
- kibitz {v} (give unwanted advice) :: kommentaar geven
- kibitzer {n} (meddlesome person who tells others what to do) :: bazig persoon {n}
- kick {n} (colloquial: something fun or amusing) :: kick {m}
- kick {n} (hit or strike with the leg or foot) :: schop {m}, trap {m}, stamp {m} [Belgium]
- kick {v} (strike with or raise the foot or leg) :: schoppen, stampen [Belgium], trappen
- kick-ass {adj} (excellent) SEE: badass ::
- kick butt {v} (kick ass) SEE: kick ass ::
- kicker {n} (nautical: kicking strap) SEE: kicking strap ::
- kick-off {n} (opening kick in football) :: aftrap {m}
- kick out {v} :: buitengooien
- kick scooter {n} (a child's foot-operated vehicle) SEE: scooter ::
- kicksled {n} (type of small sled) :: stepslee, ijsstep
- kick the bucket {v} (to die) :: de pijp aan Maarten geven, het loodje leggen
- kick wheel {n} (A wheel or disc used to throw pots, turned by kicking or pushing a heavy stone or concrete base with the foot) :: pottenbakkersschijf {f}
- kid {n} (kidskin) SEE: kidskin ::
- kidnap {v} (to seize and detain a person unlawfully) :: ontvoeren, kidnappen
- kidnapper {n} (one who performs kidnap) :: kidnapper {m}, ontvoerder {m}, schaker {m}
- kidnapping {n} (the crime of taking a person against their will, sometimes for ransom) :: gijzeling {f}
- kidney {n} (an organ in the body) :: nier
- kidney stone {n} (calculus in the kidney) :: niersteen
- Kiev {prop} (Ukrainian city) :: Kiëv, Kiev
- Kievan Rus {prop} (medieval principality) :: Kievse Rus
- Kievite {adj} (Kievan) SEE: Kievan ::
- Kievite {n} (Kievan) SEE: Kievan ::
- Kihnu {prop} (island) :: Kihnu
- kike {n} (non-offensive) SEE: Jew ::
- kike {n} (offensive: Jew) :: neus, kankerjood, smous
- kill {n} (act of killing) :: moorden, vermoorden
- kill {n} (result of killing) :: moord {m}, [animal] prooi {m}
- kill {v} (put to death) :: doden, vermoorden
- killer {n} (murderer) :: doder {m}, moordenaar {m}
- killer {n} (person who kills) :: doder {m}
- killer T cell {n} (cytotoxic T cell) SEE: cytotoxic T cell ::
- killer whale {n} (A sea mammal, Orcinus orca) :: orka {m}
- killjoy {n} (someone who takes the fun out of a situation or activity) SEE: spoilsport ::
- kill the fatted calf {v} (begin a festive celebration) :: het vetgemeste kalf slachten
- kill two birds with one stone {v} (solve two problems at once) :: (to hit two flies in one slap) twee vliegen in één klap slaan
- kiln {n} (oven, furnace or heated chamber) :: oven {m}, drooghut {f}, droogkamer {f}
- kilogram {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 grams) :: kilogram {m}
- kilometrage {n} (kilometrage) :: kilometering
- kilometre {n} (unit of measure) :: kilometer
- kilo-watt {n} (kilowatt) SEE: kilowatt ::
- Kim {prop} (female given name) :: Kim
- Kim {prop} (surname) :: Kim
- Kimmeridgian {prop} (subdivision of the Jurassic period) :: Kimmeridgien
- kimono {n} (traditional Japanese clothing) :: kimono {m}
- kin {n} (relatives collectively) :: verwanten
- kin {n} (relative) SEE: relative ::
- kind {adj} (affectionate, nice) :: aardig, leuk, lief, mooi, prettig
- kind {adj} (favorable) :: gunstig
- kind {adj} (mild, gentle) :: mild
- kind {n} (character or nature) :: aard {m}, natuur {f}, slag
- kind {n} (equivalent means as response) :: gelijke munt
- kind {n} (goods and services as payment) :: natura
- kind {n} (type, race, category) :: categorie {f}, genre {n}, ras {n}, soort, type {n}
- kindergarten {n} (educational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and 6) :: kleuterschool
- kindle {v} (to start (a fire) :: aansteken
- kindling {n} (pieces of wood and twigs used to start a fire) :: aanmaakhout
- kindly {adj} (having a kind personality) :: vriendelijk
- kindly {adv} (in a kind manner) :: vriendelijk, beminnelijk
- kindness {n} (instance of charitable behavior) :: vriendelijkheid {f}, aardigheid {f}
- kind of {adv} (somewhat) :: ietwat
- kindred {adj} (of the same nature) :: gelijkaardig
- kindred {n} (kin) SEE: kin ::
- kindred {n} (people of same ethnic descent) :: soortgenoten
- kindred soul {n} (kindred spirit) SEE: kindred spirit ::
- kinematics {n} (the branch of mechanics concerned with objects in motion) :: kinematica
- kinesia {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
- kinesthesia {n} (sensation or perception of motion) :: kinesthesie {f}
- kinesthetics {n} (proprioception) SEE: proprioception ::
- kinetic {adj} (relating to motion) :: kinetisch
- kinetosis {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
- king {n} (a male of a royal family who is the supreme ruler of his nation) :: koning {m}
- king {n} (a playing card with the image of a king in it) :: koning {m}, heer {m}
- king {n} (a playing piece in chess) :: koning {m}
- King Arthur {prop} (legendary king of Britain) :: Koning Arthur {m}
- king cobra {n} (Ophiophagus hannah) :: koningscobra
- kingdom {n} (nation having as supreme ruler a king and/or queen) :: koninkrijk {n}
- kingdom {n} (taxonomic division, below Domain and above Phylum) :: rijk {n}, plantenrijk {n}, dierenrijk {n}
- Kingdom of the Netherlands {prop} (official name of the Netherlands) :: Koninkrijk der Nederlanden {n}
- kingfisher {n} (any of various birds of the suborder Alcedines) :: ijsvogel {m}
- kingmaker {n} (person with influence in the choice of a leader) :: koningmaker {m}
- king penguin {n} (Aptenodytes patagonicus) :: koningspinguïn
- Kings {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Koningen
- kingship {n} (state of being a king) :: koningschap {n}
- kingslayer {n} (one who kills a king) :: vorstenmoordenaar {m}, koningsmoordenaar {m}
- king vulture {n} (Sarcoramphus papa) :: koningsgier
- kink {n} (tight curl, twist, or bend) :: kink
- kinky {adj} (marked by unconventional sexual preferences or behavior) :: kinky
- kinship {n} (relation or connection by blood, marriage or adoption) :: verwantschap {f}
- kiosk {n} (enclosed structure where cigarettes, magazines, etc are sold) :: kiosk {m} {f}
- kip {n} (informal: nap) :: dut {n} (usually in the diminutive, dutje), hazeslaapje {n}
- kip {n} (informal: very untidy house or room) :: keet {f}, hol {n}
- kip {n} (unit of currency in Laos) :: kip {m} {f}
- kip {v} (to sleep, in a temporary, charitable, or necessary situation) :: dutten, een uiltje knappen, [informal] maffen
- kippah {n} (skullcap) :: keppel {m}
- kirby grip {n} (a hairgrip) SEE: hairgrip ::
- Kiribati {prop} (Republic of Kiribati) :: Kiribati
- Kirovograd {prop} (Kirovohrad) SEE: Kirovohrad ::
- kismet {n} (fate; a predetermined or unavoidable destiny) :: lotbestemming
- kiss {n} (touch with the lips) :: kus, zoen
- kiss {v} (to touch each other’s lips) :: elkaar kussen , elkaar zoenen
- kiss {v} (to touch with the lips) :: kussen, zoenen
- kiss-ass {n} (someone who kisses ass) SEE: asslicker ::
- kiss me {phrase} (kiss me) :: kus me
- kiss my arse {interj} (go away) SEE: kiss my ass ::
- kiss someone's ass {v} (to flatter someone) SEE: brownnose ::
- Kiswahili {n} (Swahili) SEE: Swahili ::
- kit {n} (equipment) :: set
- kitchen {n} (room) :: keuken
- kitchen dresser {n} (kitchen cabinet) SEE: kitchen cabinet ::
- kitchen garden {n} (a garden used for growing fruits, vegetables for use in the kitchen) SEE: vegetable garden ::
- kitchen hood {n} (kitchen device) SEE: extractor hood ::
- kitchen sink {n} (basin) SEE: kitchen sink ::
- kitchen towel {n} (dish towel) SEE: dish towel ::
- kitchen towel {n} (sheet of kitchen paper) SEE: paper towel ::
- kite {n} (flying toy on string) :: vlieger
- kitsch {n} (kitsch) :: kitsch
- kitten {n} (a young cat) :: katje {n}, kitten {m}, poesje {n}
- kitten {n} (a young rabbit, rat, hedgehog, squirrel, fox or badger) :: lamprei [of a rabbit]
- kitty {n} (kitten, small cat) :: katje, kattenjong
- kitty-cat {n} (cat) :: kattepoes
- kitty corner {adj} (situated diagonally across) SEE: catercorner ::
- kiwi {n} (bird) :: kiwi {m}
- kiwi {n} (kiwi fruit) SEE: kiwi fruit ::
- kiwi fruit {n} (fruit) :: kiwi {m}
- kleptarchy {n} (kleptocracy) SEE: kleptocracy ::
- kleptomania {n} (proclivity to steal) :: kleptomanie {f}, steelzucht {f}
- kleptomaniac {n} (One who steals compulsively) :: kleptomaan {m}, kleptomane {f}
- Klingon {prop} (the language) :: Klingon
- klipspringer {n} (Oreotragus oreotragus) :: klipspringer {m}
- knackwurst {n} (a short, thick, highly seasoned sausage) :: knakworst {m} {f}
- knave {n} (archaic: any male servant) :: boy {m}, knecht {m}
- knave {n} (archaic: boy; especially, boy servant) :: knaap {m}
- knave {n} (deceitful fellow) :: schelm {m}
- knave {n} (playing card) :: boer {m}
- knavery {n} (the (mis)behaviour of a knave) :: schelmenstreek
- knead {v} (to work and press into a mass) :: kneden
- knee {n} (blow made with the knee) SEE: kneeing ::
- knee {n} (joint in the middle of the leg and area around it) :: knie {f}
- kneecap {n} (bone) :: knieschijf {f} {m}, patella {f} {m}
- knee-jerk {adj} (reacting spontaneously in the expected manner) :: voorspelbaar
- kneel {v} (to stoop down and rest on the knee) :: knielen
- kneepan {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap ::
- knee pit {n} (shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint) SEE: poplit ::
- knelt {v} (simple past tense and past participle of kneel) :: knielde, knielden, geknield
- knickers {n} (panties) SEE: panties ::
- knife {n} (any blade-like part designed for cutting) :: mes, lemmet
- knife {n} (utensil or tool designed for cutting) :: mes {n}
- knife {n} (weapon) :: mes {n}
- knight {n} (chess piece) :: paard {n}
- knight {n} (person on whom a knighthood has been conferred) :: ridder {m}
- knight {n} (warrior, especially of the Middle Ages) :: ridder {m}
- knight {v} (to confer a knighthood upon) :: ridderen
- knighthood {n} (body of knights) :: ridderschap {f}
- knighthood {n} (quality of being a knight) :: ridderschap {n}
- knightlet {n} (small or petty knight) SEE: knightling ::
- Knight Templar {n} (crusader) :: tempelheer {m}, tempelier {m}, (specifically knights only) tempelridder {m}
- Königsberg {prop} (former capital of East Prussia, see also: Kaliningrad) :: Koningsbergen
- knit {v} (intransitive: to become closely joined) :: aaneengroeien
- knit {v} (to combine from various elements) :: samenbreien
- knit {v} (to join closely together) :: aaneenbreien
- knit {v} (to make fabric from thread or yarn) :: breien
- knitted {v} (past participle of knit) :: gebreid
- knitted {v} (simple past of knit) :: breide, breiden
- knock {n} (abrupt rapping sound) :: kloppen {n}, aankloppen {n}
- knock {n} (impact) :: klap {m}
- knock {v} (to bump or impact) :: botsen
- knock {v} (to rap one's knuckles against something) :: kloppen, aankloppen
- knock around {v} (place) :: rondzwerven
- knock around {v} (relaxing activity) :: rondhangen
- knock around {v} (time with a friend) :: uithangen
- knock down {v} (demolish) SEE: demolish ::
- knocker {n} (device for knocking on a door) SEE: doorknocker ::
- knock knee {n} (genu valgum) :: X-benen {p}
- knock-kneed {adj} (having knees abnormally close together) :: x-benen {p}
- knock knock {n} (knock-knock joke) SEE: knock-knock joke ::
- knock knock joke {n} (knock-knock joke) SEE: knock-knock joke ::
- knock on wood {v} (take a customary action to ward off misfortune) :: afkloppen, hout vasthouden [mostly in Belgium]
- knockout {n} (act of making someone unconscious) :: knock-out
- Knossos {prop} (an archaeological site) :: Knossos
- knot {n} (difficult situation) :: de knoop {m}, knoei(boel)
- knot {n} (firm swollen tissue caused by injury) :: buil, bluts
- knot {n} (looping) :: knoop {m}
- knot {n} (mathematics closed curve) :: knoop {m}
- knot {n} (maze-like pattern) :: kluwen {n}
- knot {n} (nautical unit of speed) :: knoop {m}
- knot {n} (tangled clump) :: kluwen {n}
- knot {n} (variety of wading bird) :: knot {m} [red knot]
- knot {n} (whorl in wood left by branch) :: knoest {m}
- knot {v} (form into a knot; tie with knot(s) :: knopen, aaneenknopen, dichtknopen
- knot {v} (form wrinkles in forehead) :: fronsen
- knot theory {n} (branch of topology) :: knopentheorie {f}
- knotty {adj} (Complicated or tricky; complex; difficult) :: ingewikkeld
- knout {n} (kind of whip) :: knoet
- know {v} (be acquainted or familiar with) :: kennen
- know {v} (be certain or sure about (something) :: weten
- know {v} (have knowledge of) :: weten
- know-it-all {n} (someone who obnoxiously claims to be knowledgeable on a subject) :: betweter {m}, wijsneus {m}
- knowledge {n} (awareness, state of having been informed) :: medeweten {n}, weten {n}
- knowledge {n} (fact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information) :: kennis, weten, wetenschap
- knowledge {n} (Sexual intercourse) SEE: carnal knowledge ::
- knowledge {n} (total of what is known, product of learning) :: kennis, weten {n}, wetenschap
- knowledgeable {adj} (having knowledge, especially of a particular subject) :: geïnformeerd
- knowledgeable {adj} (well informed) :: goed ingelicht
- knowledge is power {proverb} (knowledge is power) :: kennis is macht
- know like the back of one's hand {v} (be intimately knowledgable about) :: kennen als z'n broekzak
- knuckle {n} (joint of the finger) :: knokkel {m}
- knuckle duster {n} (weapon worn around the knuckles) SEE: brass knuckles ::
- knucks {n} (brass knuckles) SEE: brass knuckles ::
- koala {n} (a tree-dwelling marsupial that resembles a small bear) :: koala {m}, koalabeer {m}, koalabeertje {n}
- kobold {n} (mischievous elf; goblin) :: kobold {m}
- kohlrabi {n} (cabbage variety) :: koolrabi
- Koine {prop} (common Greek language) :: Koinè
- kolach {n} (kalach) SEE: kalach ::
- kolkhoz {n} (farming collective) :: kolchoz {m}
- Komodo dragon {n} (large monitor lizard) :: komodovaraan
- Komondor {n} (breed of dog) :: komondor {m}, Hongaarse herdershond {m}
- Komotini {prop} (city) :: Komotini
- Konstantinovka {prop} (Kostiantynivka) SEE: Kostiantynivka ::
- koph {n} (kaph) SEE: kaph ::
- kopi luwak {n} (coffee made from eaten berries) :: kopi loewak
- Korea {prop} (ancient country or both Koreas as a whole) :: Korea
- Korea {prop} (North Korea) SEE: North Korea ::
- Korea {prop} (South Korea) SEE: South Korea ::
- Korean {adj} (relating to the Korean Peninsula) :: Koreaans, Koreaanse
- Korean {n} (person) :: Koreaans {m}, Koreaanse {f}
- Korean {prop} (language) :: Koreaans {n}
- korfball {n} (ball used in the sport) :: korfbal {m}
- korfball {n} (team sport) :: korfbal {n}
- kosher {adj} (of food, prepared in accordance with Jewish religious practices) :: koosjer
- Kosovar {adj} (Kosovan) SEE: Kosovan ::
- Kosovar {n} (Kosovan) SEE: Kosovan ::
- Kosovo {prop} (disputed region in the Balkans) :: Kosovo
- Kostyantynivka {prop} (Kostiantynivka) SEE: Kostiantynivka ::
- koumiss {n} (fermented drink) :: koemis
- kowtow {n} (kowtowing) :: buiging {f}, kotau {m}
- kowtow {v} (act submissively) :: zich aanpassen, onderdanig zijn
- kowtow {v} (bow deeply) :: zich (diep) buigen
- kowtow {v} (kneel such that forehead touches ground) :: knielen, zich buigen
- kph {initialism} (Kilometres per hour) SEE: km/h ::
- kraal {n} (enclosure for livestock) :: kraal
- krater {n} (Greek vessel) :: krater {m}
- Kraut {n} (derogatory: German) SEE: Fritz ::
- Kraut {n} (German) SEE: German ::
- krill {n} (small marine crustacean) :: krill
- Krivoy Rog {prop} (Kryvyi Rih) SEE: Kryvyi Rih ::
- kroepoek {n} (Indonesian shrimp crackers) :: kroepoek
- Krungthep {prop} (Bangkok) SEE: Bangkok ::
- Krung Thep {prop} (Bangkok) SEE: Bangkok ::
- krupuk {n} (prawn cracker) SEE: prawn cracker ::
- Krym {prop} (Crimea) SEE: Crimea ::
- krypton {n} (a chemical element) :: krypton {n}
- kryptonite {n} (weakness) :: kryptoniet
- kudos {n} (praise, accolades) :: krediet {n}
- kudu {n} (Tragelaphus imberbis or Tragelaphus strepsiceros) :: koedoe
- Kuiper belt {prop} (region of space) :: Kuipergordel {m}
- Ku Klux Klan {prop} (Ku Klux Klan) :: Ku Klux Klan
- kulak {n} (a prosperous peasant) :: koelak {m}
- kumquat {n} (small orange fruit) :: kumquat {m}
- kung fu {n} (martial art) :: kung fu {m} {f}
- Kungurian {prop} (subdivision of the Permian period) :: Kungurien
- Kurdish {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Kurdistan, the Kurdish people or the Kurdish language) :: Koerdisch
- Kurdish {prop} (language of Kurdistan) :: Koerdisch {n}
- Kurdistan {prop} (a region in the Middle East inhabited mostly by the Kurds) :: Koerdistan {n}
- kurgan {n} (prehistoric burial mound) :: koergan {m}
- Kurgan {prop} (city) :: Koergan
- Kursk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Koersk
- Kuwait {prop} (country in the Middle East and capital city) :: Koeweit
- Kvarken {prop} (narrow region) :: Kvarkenarchipel
- kvetch {v} (whine or complain, often needlessly) :: kankeren [mildly offensive]
- kyanite {n} (blue neosilicate mineral) :: kyaniet
- kylix {n} (drinking cup) :: kylix {m}, ogenschaal {m} {f}
- Kyoto {prop} (Kyōto, Japan) :: Kyoto
- Kyrgyz {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyz people or the Kyrgyz language) :: Kirgizisch
- Kyrgyz {n} (member of a Turkic people) :: Kirgiziër {m}, Kirgizische {f}
- Kyrgyz {prop} (language) :: Kirgizisch {n}
- Kyrgyzstan {prop} (Country in Central Asia) :: Kirgizië, Kirgizstan
- Kyōto {prop} (Kyoto) SEE: Kyoto ::
- la {n} (syllable used in solfège to represent the sixth note of a major scale) :: la
- lab {n} (laboratory) SEE: laboratory ::
- labefaction {n} (act of shaking orweakening or the resulting state; overthrow, ruination) :: verzwakken, aan het wankelen brengen
- label {n} (company selling records) :: platenmaatschappij {f}, label {n}
- label {n} (name categorising someone as part of a group) :: etiket {n}
- label {n} (small ticket or sign giving information) :: etiket {n}, label {n}
- label {v} (give a label to in order to categorise) :: bestempelen, categoriseren
- label {v} (put a ticket or sign on) :: etiketteren, etiketten aanbrengen, prijzen
- labia {n} (folds of tissue at opening of vulva) :: [-en] schaamlip
- labial {adj} (pertaining to the lips) :: labiaal
- labial {n} (certain consonant) :: labiaal {f} {m}
- labial {n} (organ pipe) :: labiaal {n}
- labialize {v} (make a sound labial) :: labializeren
- laboratory {n} (place where chemicals, drugs or microbes are prepared or manufactured) :: laboratorium {n}
- laboratory {n} (room, building or institution equipped for scientific research) :: laboratorium {n}, lab {n}, labo {n}
- laborer {n} (One who uses body strength instead of intellectual power to earn a wage, usually hourly) :: arbeider
- laborious {adj} (industrious) SEE: industrious ::
- laborious {adj} (requiring much physical effort) :: bewerkelijk, arbeidsintensief, laborieus
- labor relations {n} (industrial relations) SEE: industrial relations ::
- labor union {n} (labor union) SEE: trade union ::
- labour relations {n} (industrial relations) SEE: industrial relations ::
- Labrador duck {n} (Camptorhynchus labradorius) :: Labradoreend
- labyrinth {n} (maze) :: doolhof {m}, labyrint {n}
- labyrinth {n} (part of inner ear) :: labyrint {n}
- labyrinthal {adj} (like a labyrinth) SEE: labyrinthine ::
- labyrinthian {adj} (mazelike) SEE: labyrinthine ::
- labyrinthiform {adj} (having the form of a labyrinth) SEE: labyrinthine ::
- lac {n} (lakh) SEE: lakh ::
- lace {n} (cord for fastening a shoe or garment) :: veter {m}
- lace {n} (fabric) :: kant {m}
- laches {n} (legal doctrine) :: verwijtbare nalatigheid {f}
- lachrymose {adj} (tearful) :: aangrijpend, treurig, intriest
- lack {n} (deficiency, need) :: gebrek {n}
- lack {v} (be without, need, require) :: derven, ontberen, missen, [aan] gebrek hebben
- lackadaisical {adj} ( showing no interest or enthusiasm) :: ongeïnteresseerd, lusteloos
- lackey {n} (a fawning, servile follower) :: lakei {m}, slaafje, voetvaag
- lackey {n} (liveried male servant) :: lakei {m}
- lackluster {adj} (Having no shine or lustre; dull) :: dof
- laconically {adv} (in a terse manner) :: laconiek
- lacquer {n} (glossy, resinous material used as a surface coating) :: lak
- lacquer {v} (to apply a lacquer to something) :: lakken
- lacrosse {n} (the sport) :: lacrosse
- lactic acid {n} (2-hydroxy-propanoic acid (CH[3].CHOH.CO[2]H) :: melkzuur {n}
- lactose {n} (disaccharide sugar of milk and dairy products) :: lactose {f}, melksuiker {m}
- lad {n} (a boy) :: jongen {m}
- ladder {n} (climbing tool) :: ladder {f}
- ladder {n} (length of unravelled fabric in a knitted garment, especially in nylon stockings) :: ladder {m} {f}
- ladder {n} (something that resembles this tool) :: ladder {m} {f}
- ladder snake {n} (Rhinechis scalaris) :: trapslang
- ladies and gentlemen {n} (used to address an audience) :: dames en heren
- ladies first {proverb} (A phrase encouraging gentlemanliness) :: dames gaan voor
- Ladinian {prop} (subdivision of the Triassic period) :: Ladinien
- ladle {n} (deep-bowled spoon with a long, usually curved, handle) :: [Belgium] pollepel {m}, [Netherlands] opscheplepel {m}, juslepel {m}
- ladle {v} (serve with a ladle) :: opscheppen, inscheppen, opdienen
- lady {n} (polite term referring a woman) :: dame {f}
- lady {n} (toilets intended for use by women) :: damestoilet {n}
- lady {n} (wife of a lord) :: dame {f}
- lady {n} (woman of breeding and authority) :: dame {f}
- ladybird {n} (member of Coccinellidae) :: lieveheersbeestje {n}
- ladybug {n} (ladybird) SEE: ladybird ::
- lady's man {n} (womanizer) SEE: womanizer ::
- laggard {n} (one who lags behind) :: achterblijver {m}
- lagoon {n} (shallow body of water) :: lagune {f}
- lagopode {n} (ptarmigan) SEE: ptarmigan ::
- lahar {n} (volcanic mudflow) :: lahar {m}
- lain {v} (situated horizontally) :: gelegen
- lake {n} (body of water) :: meer {n}
- Lake Ladoga {prop} (Ladoga) SEE: Ladoga ::
- lakeshore {n} (the shore of a lake) :: meeroever {m}
- lama {n} (master of Tibetan Buddhism) :: lama {m}
- lamb {n} (flesh of lamb as food) :: lam {n}, lamsvlees {n}
- lamb {n} (young sheep) :: lam {n}, lammetje {n}
- lamb {v} (of a sheep, to give birth) :: lammeren
- lambaste {v} (to give a thrashing to) :: iemand aframmelen, iemand een pandoering geven
- lambaste {v} (to scold or verbally reprimand) :: berispen, uitschelden, afkraken
- lambda {n} (name of the Greek letter) :: lambda {m} {f}, labda {m} {f}
- lambic {n} (traditional Belgian beer) :: lambiek {m}
- lame {adj} (by extension, hobbling) :: wankel, mankend
- lame {adj} (moving with difficulty) :: kreupel, mankend
- lame {adj} (slang: failing to be cool, funny, interesting or relevant) :: flauw
- lame {adj} (slang: unconvincing) :: flauw
- lame {adj} (unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs) :: lam, verlamd, kreupel, mank
- lament {n} (song expressing grief) :: klaagzang
- lamentation {n} (a sorrowful cry; a lament) :: lamentatie
- lamentation {n} (mourning) :: rouwklacht
- lamentation {n} (the act of lamenting) :: geklaag {n}, geweeklaag {n}, klagen {n}, weeklagen {n}
- lamia {n} (monster in mythology) :: lamia
- laminate {n} (Material formed of thin sheets) :: laminaat
- laminate {v} (To assemble from thin sheets) :: lamineren
- lammergeier {n} (bird) :: lammergier {m}, baardgier {m}
- lammergeyer {n} (vulture) SEE: lammergeier ::
- lamp {n} (device producing light) :: lamp {f} {m}
- lamp {n} (oil device producing light) :: lamp {f} {m}, olielamp {f} {m}
- lampoon {v} (satirize) SEE: satirize ::
- lamprey {n} (a fish) :: prik, lamprei, negenoog
- lance {n} (spear or harpoon used by whalers) :: lans {f}
- lance {n} (weapon of war) :: lans {f}
- lance {n} (wooden weapon used in jousting or tilting) :: lans {f}
- lancet {n} (surgical instrument) :: lancet
- land {n} (country or region) :: land {n}
- land {n} (fright) SEE: fright ::
- land {n} (ground that is suitable for farming) :: grond {f}
- land {n} (part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water) :: land {n}
- land {n} (real estate or landed property) :: land {n}, grond {m}, land {n}
- land {n} (someone's homeplace) :: land {n}, vaderland {n}
- land {n} (space between the rifling grooves in a gun) :: trek {m}
- land {v} (to bring to land) :: doen landen , aan de grond zetten
- land {v} (to deliver) SEE: deliver ::
- land {v} (to descend to a surface, especially from the air) :: landen
- land ahoy {interj} (interjection shouted by the ship's watch) :: land in zicht
- land bridge {n} (isthmus) :: landbrug
- landgrave {n} (renderings of Landgraf) :: landgraaf {m}
- landgraviate {n} (countship of a landgrave) :: landgraafschap {n}
- -landia {suffix} (territory, country or region (suffix) SEE: -land ::
- landing {n} (an in-between platform) :: overloop {m}
- landing {n} (a place on a shoreline where a boat lands) :: steiger {m}, aanlegplaats {f}
- landing {n} (coming to earth, as of an airplane) :: landing {f}
- landing strip {n} (runway for aircraft) :: landingsbaan {m} {f}
- landlady {n} (female landlord) :: hospita {f}
- landlocked {adj} (surrounded by land) :: binnen-, door land omgeven
- landlord {n} (owner or manager of a public house) :: herbergier, kastelein {m}, kroegbaas {m}
- landlord {n} (person who owns and rents land such as a house, apartment, or condo) :: huisbaas {m}
- landlouper {n} (vagabond) SEE: vagabond ::
- landlubber {n} (someone unfamiliar with the sea or seamanship) :: landrot {m}, zoetwatermatroos {m}
- landmark {n} (a recognizable feature used for navigation) :: oriëntantiepunt
- landmass {n} (a large continuous area of land) :: landmassa {f}
- landowner {n} (a person who owns land) :: grootgrondbezitter {m}
- landscape {n} (portion of land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single view) :: landschap {n}
- landslide {n} (natural disaster) :: lawine {m} {f}, aardverschuiving
- lane {n} (division of racetrack) :: rijvak {n}, rijstrook {m}
- lane {n} (division of roadway) :: rijvak {n}, rijstrook {m}
- lane {n} (passageway) :: gang {m}, wegeltje {n}
- Langhian {prop} (subdivision of the Miocene epoch) :: Langhien
- Langobard {n} (Lombard) SEE: Lombard ::
- language {n} (computer language (see also computer language) :: taal {f}, code {f}
- language {n} (nonverbal communication) :: taal {f}
- language {n} (particular words used) :: taal {f}
- language {n} (system of communication using words or symbols) :: taal {f}, spraak {f}, tong {f}
- language {n} (the ability to communicate using words) :: taal {f}, spraak {f}
- language {n} (vocabulary of a particular field) :: taal {f}, jargon {f}
- language barrier {n} (barrier to communication) :: taalkloof {f}
- language family {n} (set of languages) :: taalfamilie {c}
- language swap {n} (language exchange) SEE: language exchange ::
- languish {v} (to pine away with longing) :: smachten
- languor {n} (a state of the body or mind caused by exhaustion or disease and characterized by a languid feeling) :: loomheid
- lanichol {n} (lanolin) SEE: lanolin ::
- laniol {n} (lanolin) SEE: lanolin ::
- lanky {adj} (tall, slim) :: graatmager, dun, slungel
- lantern {n} (case of transparent material made to protect a flame, or light) :: lantaarn {m}
- lanternfish {n} (Any small, deep sea fish of family Myctophidae) :: Lantaarnvissen
- lanthanum {n} (metallic element) :: lanthaan {n}, lanthanium {n}
- lanyard {n} (a cord worn around the neck; used to hold a small object such as a whistle) :: sleutelkoord {f} or {n}, houwtouw {n}
- Lao {n} (person) :: Laotiaans {n}
- Lao {prop} (language) :: Laotiaans {n}
- Laocoön {prop} (The Trojan and the Argonaut) :: Laocoön
- Laos {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Laos {n}
- Laotian {n} (Laotian person) SEE: Lao ::
- Laotian {prop} (language) :: Laotiaans {n}
- Laozi {prop} (influential Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism) :: Laozi {m}
- lap {n} (an edge; a border; a hem, as of cloth) :: zoom
- lap {n} (the upper legs of a seated person) :: schoot {m}
- lap dog {n} (a small dog) SEE: lapdog ::
- lapel {n} (each of the two triangular pieces of cloth on a suit) :: revers
- lapidarian {adj} (lapidary) SEE: lapidary ::
- lapidarian {n} (lapidary) SEE: lapidary ::
- lapidation {n} (act of stoning, sometimes to the point of death) :: steniging {f}
- lapis lazuli {n} (precious blue stone) :: lapis lazuli {m}, lazuriet {n}
- Lapland {prop} (region in Scandinavia) :: Lapland
- lappet moth {n} (eggar) SEE: eggar ::
- Lappland {prop} (Lapland) SEE: Lapland ::
- laptop {n} (computing: a laptop computer) :: laptop, notebook
- laptop computer {n} (laptop) SEE: laptop ::
- lapwing {n} (bird belonging to the subfamily Vanellinae) :: kievit {m}
- larboard {n} (The left side of a ship) :: bakboord {n}
- larch {n} (a coniferous tree) :: lariks {m}, lork {m}
- larch {n} (the wood of the larch) :: larikshout
- lard {n} (bacon) SEE: bacon ::
- lard {n} (fat from the abdomen of a pig) :: reuzel {m}, smout {n}
- lard {v} (garnish or strew) :: larderen
- lard {v} (stuff with bacon or pork) :: larderen
- large {adj} (of greater size, see also: big) :: groot
- large bonito {n} (skipjack tuna) SEE: skipjack tuna ::
- large intestine {n} (bodily organ) :: dikke darm {m}
- largen {n} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge ::
- large-scale {adj} (drawn large so as to show detail) :: grootschalig
- large-scale {adj} (large in amount, scope or extent) :: grootschalig
- largess {n} (benevolent demeanor) :: gulheid {f}
- largess {n} (generosity in the giving of gifts or money) :: gulheid {f}
- largess {n} (the gifts or money given in such a way) :: gulle giften
- large-tailed antshrike {n} (A passerine of the antbird family) :: langstaart-mierklauwier
- lark {n} (bird) :: leeuwerik {m}
- lark {n} (one who wakes early) :: vroege vogel {m}
- lark {n} (prank) :: vlerkenstreek
- lark {n} (romp, frolic, some fun) :: gedol {n}
- lark {v} (frolic, engage in carefree adventure) :: stoeien
- lark {v} (sport, engage in harmless pranking) :: dollen
- larkspur {n} (Delphinium) :: ridderspoor
- larva {n} (an animal in such stage of growth) :: larve {f}
- larva {n} (a stage of growth) :: larvestadium {n}
- laryngological {adj} (of or pertaining to laryngology) :: laryngologisch
- laryngologist {n} (a person who studies or specializes in laryngology) :: laryngoloog
- laryngology {n} (branch of physiology) :: laryngologie
- larynx {n} (the organ) :: strottenhoofd
- lasagna {n} (baked dish) :: lasagna {m}
- lascivious {adj} (wanton) :: wellustig
- laser {n} (device producing beam of light) :: laser
- lash {n} (eyelash; hair growing from the eyelid) SEE: eyelash ::
- lass {n} (sweetheart) SEE: sweetheart ::
- last {adj} (Final) :: laatst
- last {adj} (Most recent) :: laatst, afgelopen, vorig
- last {n} (An old English and Dutch measure of the carrying capacity of a ship) :: last {m}
- last {n} (tool) :: leest
- last {v} (endure, continue over time) :: duren
- last {v} (to hold out) :: volhouden
- last but not least {adv} (An expression to start the last item of a list) :: laatst maar niet het minst
- Last Judgment {prop} (judgment day) :: laatste oordeel {n}
- last name {n} (surname) SEE: surname ::
- last night {adv} (during the night before today) :: gisteravond, gisterenavond, gisterennacht, vannacht (used to both last night and coming night)
- last night {n} (previous evening or night) :: gisterenavond, gisteravond, gisterennacht, [used to both last night and coming night] vannacht
- last year {adv} (year before this one) :: vorig jaar
- latch {n} (crossbow) :: kruisboog
- latch {n} (fastening for a door) :: slot
- latch-key child {n} (A child who returns to an empty house) :: sleutelkind {n}
- latchkey kid {n} (schoolchild) :: sleutelkind {n}
- late {adj} (at the end of a period) :: laat, late
- late {adj} (euphemism for dead) :: wijlen
- late {adj} (near the end of a period of time) :: laat, late
- late {adj} (near the end of the day) :: laat, late
- late {adv} (proximate in time) :: laat
- lately {adv} (recently) SEE: recently ::
- later {adv} (afterward in time) :: later
- later {adv} (at some unspecified time in the future) :: later
- later {adv} (more late) :: later
- later {interj} (see you later) :: later
- latex {n} (milky sap) :: latex
- lathe {n} (machine tool used to shape a piece of material) :: draaibank
- lathe {v} (to shape with a lathe) :: draaien
- lather {n} (foam of soap and water) :: sop {n}, zeepsop {n}, schuim {n}
- lather {v} (to cover with lather) :: inzepen, soppen
- Latin {adj} (of ancient Rome) :: Latijns, Romeins
- Latin {adj} (of descendants from ancient Romans) :: Latijns, Romeins
- Latin {adj} (of/from Latin America) :: Latijns, Latijns-Amerikaans
- Latin {adj} (of Latium) :: Latijns
- Latin {adj} (of the language) :: Latijns
- Latin {adj} (of the script) :: Latijns
- Latin {adj} (Roman Catholic) SEE: Roman Catholic ::
- Latin {n} (person native to ancient Rome or its Empire) :: Romein
- Latin {n} (person who is descended from the ancient Romans) :: Romein
- Latin {n} (person whose native tongue is one descended from Latin) :: Romaan
- Latin {prop} (language of the ancient Romans) :: Latijn
- Latin alphabet {n} (the 26-letter alphabet) :: Latijnse alfabet
- Latin America {prop} (parts of the Americas which speak Spanish or Portuguese) :: Latijns-Amerika
- Latin American {adj} (Of or relating to Latin America) :: Latijns-Amerikaans
- Latinization {n} (act or process of Latinizing) :: latinisering
- Latinize {v} (to transliterate to Latin script) SEE: romanize ::
- latrine {n} (a very simple toilet facility, usually just a pit or trench) :: latrine {f}
- lats {n} (currency of Latvia) SEE: lat ::
- latter {adj} (close (or closer) to the present time) :: jongstleden, dichtsbijzijnde
- latter {adj} (near (or nearer) to the end) :: laatste
- latter {adj} (relating to or being the second of two items) :: laatstgenoemde
- lattermath {n} (literally) :: etgroen {n}, nagras {n}
- lattice {n} (a regular spacing or arrangement of geometric points) :: rooster, kristalrooster
- lattice {n} (partially ordered set in algebra) :: tralie
- Latvia {prop} (Republic of Latvia) :: Letland {n}
- Latvian {adj} (pertaining to Latvia or the Latvian language) :: Lets
- Latvian {n} (language) :: Lets
- Latvian {n} (person) :: Let {m} {f} Letse
- laud {n} (hymn of praise) :: lofzang {c}
- laud {n} (praise or glorification) :: prijzen, loven, ophemelen
- laudableness {n} (quality of being laudable) :: prijzenswaardigheid
- laugh {n} (expression of mirth peculiar to the human species) :: lach {m}
- laugh {n} (something that provokes mirth or scorn) :: lach {m}
- laugh {v} (affect or influence by means of laughter) :: lachen
- laugh {v} (be or appear cheerful) :: lachen
- laugh {v} (express by, or utter with, laughter) :: lachen
- laugh {v} (make an object of laughter or ridicule) :: lachen, uitlachen
- laugh {v} (show mirth by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face and emission of sounds) :: lachen
- laughable {adj} (fitted to exite laughter) :: belachelijk
- laughing falcon {n} (South American hawk (Herpetotheres cachinnans) :: lachvalk
- laughing gull {n} (American gull) :: lachmeeuw
- laughing hyena {n} (spotted hyena) SEE: spotted hyena ::
- laugh off {v} (respond to a negative situation lightheartedly) :: weglachen
- laugh one's head off {v} (laugh uproariously) :: zich bescheuren, kapot lachen
- laughter {n} (movement of the muscles of the laughing face) :: gelach {n}, lachen {n}
- laughter {n} (sound (as) of laughing) :: gelach {n}
- launch {n} (act of launching) :: worp {m}, lancering {f}
- launch {n} (movement of a vessel from land into the water) :: lancering {f}, tewaterlating {f}
- launch {v} (cause to move or slide from the land into the water) :: lanceren, te water laten
- launch {v} (send out; start on a career; set going; give a start to; put in operation) :: lanceren, aanzetten
- launch {v} (strike with, or as with, a lance; to pierce) :: spietsen, doorboren
- launch {v} (throw, hurl, let fly, propel with force) :: werpen, gooien, smijten, lanceren
- launder {n} (washerwoman) SEE: washerwoman ::
- laundromat {n} (launderette) SEE: launderette ::
- laundry {n} (laundering; washing) :: was {m}
- laundry {n} (place or room where laundering is done) :: wasserij {f}
- laundry {n} (that which needs to be laundered) :: was {m}, wasgoed {n}
- laundry basket {n} (container for holding and transporting clothing) :: wasmand {f} {m}
- Laura {prop} (female given name) :: Laura
- laurel {n} (crown of laurel) :: laurierkroon {m} {f}
- laurel {n} (evergreen shrub, of the genus Laurus) :: laurier {m}
- Laurence {prop} (male given name) :: Laurens
- lava {n} (magma) SEE: magma ::
- lava {n} (melted rock) :: lava {f}
- lavender {adj} (colour) :: zacht lila
- lavender {n} (colour) :: zacht lila
- lavender {n} (plant) :: lavendel
- law {n} (body of rules and standards to be applied by courts) :: recht {m}
- law {n} (body of rules from the legislative authority) :: wet {m}
- law {n} (observed physical behavior) :: wet {m}, theorema {n}
- law {n} (written or understood rule) :: wet {m}
- lawful {adj} (conforming to or recognised by law or rules) :: wettig, rechtmatig
- lawless {adj} (not governed by the law) :: wetteloos
- lawless {adj} (not restrained by the law) :: wetteloos
- lawless {adj} (prohibited) :: verboden, illegaal, onwettig
- lawlessness {n} (a lack of law and order) :: wetteloosheid {f}
- lawmaker {n} (legislator) SEE: legislator ::
- lawn {n} (ground covered with grass) :: gazon {n}, grasperk {n}
- lawn bowling {n} (bowls) SEE: bowls ::
- lawn mower {n} (machine for cutting grass) :: grasmaaimachine {f}
- lawn-mower {n} (lawnmower) SEE: lawnmower ::
- law of nature {n} (natural law) SEE: natural law ::
- law of nature {n} (physical law) SEE: physical law ::
- Lawrence {prop} (male given name) SEE: Laurence ::
- lawrencium {n} (chemical element) :: lawrencium {n}
- lawsuit {n} (case where a court is needed to resolve differences) :: rechtszaak {f}
- lawyer {n} (a layman who argues points of law) :: pleiter {m}, (juridisch) raadsman {m}, informally also advocaat {m}
- lawyer {n} (professional person authorized to practice law) :: jurist {m}, raadsman {m}, informally also advocaat {m}, advocate {f}
- lawyer's wig {n} (Coprinus comatus) :: geschubde inktzwam
- laxative {adj} (causing movement of the bowels) :: laxerend, laxerende, purgerend
- laxative {n} (substance with a laxative effect) :: laxeermiddel {n}
- lay {adj} (non-clergy) :: leken-, wereldlijk
- lay {adj} (non-professional) :: leken-
- lay {n} (arrangement or relationship) :: ligging {f}
- lay {v} (to deposit an egg) :: leggen
- lay {v} (to place something down in a position of rest) :: leggen
- layabout {n} (lazy person) :: luiaard {m}
- lay an egg {v} (to produce an egg) :: leggen
- lay bare {v} (reveal) :: blootleggen
- lay brother {n} (a layman who is a member of a brotherhood without the intention to become a priest) :: lekenbroeder {m}
- layer {n} (deposit) :: laag {f}
- layer {n} (hen kept to lay eggs) :: legster {f}
- layer {n} (item of clothing worn under or over another) :: laag {f}
- layer {n} (person who lays things, such as tiles) :: legger {m}
- layer {n} (single thickness of some material covering a surface) :: laag {f}
- layered {adj} (formed of layers) :: gelaagd
- lay figure {n} (jointed model) SEE: dummy ::
- lay figure {n} (unimportant person) SEE: Joe Average ::
- lay into {v} (To beat up.) :: aftroeven
- lay into {v} (To berate; to scold.) :: uitkafferen, berispen
- layman {n} (someone who is not an ordained cleric) :: leek {m}
- layman {n} (someone who is not a professional in a given field) :: leek {m}
- lay off {v} (to dismiss workers from employment) :: ontslaan, [slang] de zak geven
- layout {n} (act of laying out) :: indelen {n}
- layout {n} (map or a drawing of a construction site) :: plan {n}
- layout {n} (plan for such arrangement) :: indeling {f}
- layout {n} (process of arranging media content for publishing) :: opzet {m}, lay-out {m}
- layout {n} (structured arrangement of items) :: indeling {f}
- lay waste {v} (to completely destroy) :: verwoesten
- lazily {adv} (in a lazy manner) :: loom
- laziness {n} (quality of being lazy) :: luiheid {f}
- Lazio {prop} (Italian province) :: Lazio
- lazurite {n} (lapis lazuli) SEE: lapis lazuli ::
- lazy {adj} (eye: squinting because of weak muscles) :: lui
- lazy {adj} (unwilling to work) :: lui
- lazybones {n} (person who is lazy) :: luierik {m}
- lazy eye {n} (amblyopia) SEE: amblyopia ::
- Lübeck {prop} (city) :: Lübeck {n}
- lead {n} (act of leading or conducting) :: leiding {f}, begeleiding {f}
- lead {n} (channel of open water in an ice field) :: vaargeul
- lead {n} (chemical element) :: lood {n}, blij {n}
- lead {n} (in cards and dominoes) :: uitkomst {f}
- lead {n} (information obtained by a detective or police officer) :: aanwijzing {f}
- lead {n} (information obtained by a news reporter) :: leidraad {m}
- lead {n} (leash) :: lijn
- lead {n} (mining: lode) :: lood {n}
- lead {n} (nautical: course of a rope from end to end) :: lengte {f}
- lead {n} (plummet to measure depth of water) :: dieplood
- lead {n} (precedence; advance position) :: leiding {f}, voorsprong {m}
- lead {n} (refill for writing tool) :: stift
- lead {n} (separator line in print) :: interlinie {f}
- lead {v} (begin a game of cards or dominoes) :: uitkomen
- lead {v} (conduct or direct with authority) :: leiden
- lead {v} (draw or direct by influence) :: leiden
- lead {v} (go or be in advance of; precede) :: leiden
- lead {v} (guide or conduct in a certain course) :: leiden
- lead {v} (guide or conduct oneself) :: leiden
- lead {v} (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection) :: leiden
- lead {v} (intransitive: be ahead of others) :: aanvoeren, vooroplopen
- lead {v} (intransitive: be more advanced) :: voorlopen
- lead {v} (intransitive: have the highest interim score in a game) :: aanvoeren, vooroplopen
- lead {v} (intransitive: tend or reach in a certain direction) :: leiden naar
- lead {v} (intransitive: to guide or conduct) :: leiden, begeleiden, meevoeren
- lead {v} (printing: place leads between the lines of) :: interliniëren
- lead {v} (to cover, fill, or affect with lead) :: verloden
- leader {n} (one having authority) :: leider {m}, leidster {f}, aanvoerder {m}, aanvoerster {f}
- leadership {n} (capacity to lead) :: voorzitterschap {n}
- leadership {n} (office of leader) :: voorzitterschap {n}
- leading diagonal {n} (main diagonal) SEE: main diagonal ::
- lead poisoning {n} (chronic intoxiction caused by lead) SEE: plumbism ::
- leaf {n} (anything resembling the leaf of a plant) :: blad {n}
- leaf {n} (computing, mathematics: tree node without descendants) :: blad {n}
- leaf {n} (flat section used to extend a table) :: blad {n}, plaat {f}
- leaf {n} (layer supporting the kidney of a pig) SEE: leaf fat ::
- leaf {n} (part of a plant) :: blad {n}
- leaf {n} (sheet of a book) :: blad {n}
- leaf {n} (tea leaves) SEE: tea leaves ::
- leaf {v} (to produce leaves) :: bladeren krijgen
- leaflet {n} (small piece of paper with information) :: folder {m}
- leaflet {n} (small plant leaf) :: blaadje {n}
- leaf through {v} (to turn the pages of (a book) rapidly reading short sections at random) :: bladeren, doorbladeren
- League of Nations {prop} (International organization) :: Volkenbond {m}
- leak {n} (entrance or escape of a fluid) :: lek {n}
- leak {n} (hole which admits water or other fluid, or lets it escape) :: lek {n}
- leak {n} :: lek {n}
- leak {v} (to allow fluid to escape or enter) :: lekken
- leak {v} (to reveal secret information) :: lekken
- leakage {n} (amount lost) :: lekkage {f}
- lean {adj} (being slim and muscular) :: mager, tenger
- lean {adj} (of meat, having little fat) :: mager
- lean {v} (to hang outwards) :: leunen
- lean {v} (to press against) :: leunen, aanleunen
- leaned {v} (past participle of lean) :: geleund
- leaned {v} (simple past of lean) :: leunde, leunden
- leap {n} (significant move forward) :: sprong {m}
- leap {n} (the act of leaping) :: sprong {m}
- leap {v} (to jump) :: springen, wippen, huppen
- leapfrog {n} (children's game) :: haasje-over
- leap to mind {v} (spring to mind) SEE: spring to mind ::
- leap year {n} (366-day year in the Gregorian calendar) :: schrikkeljaar {n}
- learn {v} (to acquire knowledge or ability) :: leren
- learn {v} (to be studying) :: leren, studeren
- learn {v} (to come to know; to become informed of; to find out) :: ervaren, vernemen, te weten komen, op de hoogte gesteld worden
- learned {adj} (acquired by learning) :: geleerd, aangeleerd
- learned {adj} (having much learning) :: geleerd
- learning {n} (accumulated knowledge) :: kennis {f}, geleerdheid {f}, geleerde {n}, geleerde {m} {f}
- learning {n} (action of the verb) :: leren {n}
- leaseholder {n} (tenant holding a lease) :: pachter {m}
- leash {n} (a set of three) :: drietal {n}
- leash {n} (long cord for dogs) :: lijn {f}
- least {determiner} (the smallest amount of) :: minst
- least weasel {n} (Mustela nivalis) :: wezel {m}
- leather {adj} (made of leather) :: leren
- leather {n} (material produced by tanning animal skin) :: leer {n}, leder {n} [formal]
- leave {n} (absence from work) :: verlof
- leave {n} (permission) :: verlof, toestemming
- leave {v} :: over zijn, overblijven, laten
- leave {v} (To cause to remain as available, not take away, refrain from depleting) :: achterlaten, laten [staan, zijn, etc.]
- leave {v} (To depart from, end one's connection or affiliation with) :: verlaten, achterlaten
- leave {v} (To depart (intransitive) :: weggaan, vertrekken
- leave {v} (To end one's membership in) :: beëindigen, verlaten
- leave {v} (To give (something) to someone; to deliver (something) to a repository; to deposit) :: deponeren
- leave {v} (To transfer possession after death) :: laten, nalaten
- leave {v} (To transfer responsibility or attention) :: overdragen, overlaten
- leave alone {v} (to stop bothering) :: met rust laten
- leave me alone {phrase} (stop talking to me) :: laat me met rust
- leave of absence {n} (absence from work) SEE: leave ::
- leave out {v} (to leave out or to not include) SEE: omit ::
- Lebanese {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Lebanon, its people or language) :: Libanesisch
- Lebanon {prop} (Lebanese Republic) :: Libanon
- lecithin {n} (lecithin) :: lecithine {m} {f}
- lectica {n} (any portable couch) :: draagstoel {m}, rosbaar {f}
- lectica {n} (Roman portable couch) :: lectica {f}
- lecture {n} (a spoken lesson) :: lezing {f}, college
- LED {n} (light-emitting diode) :: led {m}
- ledge {n} (lode) :: ader {m} {f}, ertslaag {m} {f}
- ledger {n} (book for keeping notes) :: kladblok
- ledger {n} (collection of accounting entries) :: grootboek
- lee {n} (side of the ship away from the wind) :: lij {f}, lijzijde {f}, lijzij {f}
- leech {n} (aft edge of a triangular sail) :: lijk {n}
- leech {n} (annelid) :: bloedzuiger {m}, echel {f}, laak {f}
- leech {n} (paganism: a healer) :: heler {m}
- leech {n} (person who derives profit from others) :: bloedzuiger {m}, uitzuiger {m}, parasiet {m}
- leech {n} (physician) SEE: physician ::
- leech {n} (vertical edge of a square sail) :: lijk {n}
- leech {v} (to apply a leech medicinally) :: aderlaten
- leech {v} (to drain resources without giving back) :: aderlaten, uitzuigen
- leek {n} (vegetable) :: prei {m}, porrei {m}
- leeward {adj} (Downwind) :: benedenwinds, lijzijde, lijwaarts
- leeward {adv} (Downwind) :: benedenwinds, lijzijds, lijwaarts
- leeway {n} (degree or amount of freedom or flexibility) :: speelruimte {f}, speling {f}
- leeway {n} (drift of a ship or airplane in a leeward direction) :: afdrift {m} {f}, afdrijving {f}
- left {adj} (the west side of the body when one is facing north) :: links, linker-
- left {adv} (on the left side) :: links
- left {adv} (towards the left side) :: links
- left {n} (the ensemble of left-wing political parties) :: linkerkant {m}, links {n}
- left {n} (the left side) :: linkerkant {m}
- left {v} (remaining) :: over
- left-handed {adj} (preferring the left hand over the right) :: linkshandig
- leftover {adj} (remaining as meal is complete) :: kliekje {n}
- leftover {adj} (remaining, left behind) :: restant {n}
- leftovers {n} (Food remaining after a meal) :: etensresten {p} {f}, kliekjes {p} {n}
- lefty {n} (left-hander) SEE: left-hander ::
- leg {n} (lower limb from groin to ankle) :: been {n}
- leg {n} (supporting protrusion of an inanimate object) :: poot {m}
- legacy {n} (money or property bequeathed to someone in a will) :: erfenis, erfgoed
- legacy {n} (Something inherited from a predecessor; a heritage) :: erfgoed, erfenis
- legal {adj} (allowed or prescribed by law) :: wettelijk, legaal, wettig, legitiem
- legal {adj} (having its basis in the law) :: juridisch
- legal {adj} (relating to the law or to lawyers) :: juridisch, rechts-
- legal age {n} (age of majority) SEE: age of majority ::
- legalise {v} (make legal) :: legaliseren
- legality {n} (lawfulness) :: wettigheid
- legalize {v} (legalise) SEE: legalise ::
- legation {n} :: gezantschap {n}
- legato {adv} (music: smoothly, in a connected manner) :: gebonden, legato
- legend {n} (story of unknown origin describing plausible but extraordinary past events) :: legende {f}
- legendary {adj} (of or pertaining to a legend) :: legendarisch
- legibility {n} (property that makes legible or easily readable) :: leesbaarheid {f}
- legible {adj} (being clear enough to be read, readable, particularly for handwriting) :: leesbaar
- legion {n} (the major unit or division of the Roman army) :: legioen
- legionnaire {n} (a member of a legion) :: legionair
- legislate {v} (to pass laws) :: wetten maken
- legislation {n} (law already enacted by legislature) :: wet {f}
- legislation {n} (the act of legislating) :: wetgeving {f}
- legislative body {n} :: wetgevend orgaan
- legislator {n} (who creates or enacts laws) :: wetgever {m}
- legislature {n} (governmental body) :: wetgevende macht {f} {m}
- legist {n} (legislator) SEE: legislator ::
- legitimize {v} (to make legitimate) :: legitimeren
- leguaan {n} (an iguana) :: leguaan {m}
- leguaan {n} (any of the monitor lizards) :: varaan {m}
- legume {n} (fruit or seed of leguminous plants) :: peul {c}, peulvrucht {c}
- Leiden {prop} (city in South Holland) :: Leiden
- Leipzig {prop} (City in Saxony, Germany) :: Leipzig
- leishmaniasis {n} (pathology) :: leishmaniasis {f}
- leisure {n} (freedom provided) :: vrije tijd {m}
- leisure {n} (time free) :: vrije tijd {m}
- lemma {n} (linguistics: lexeme) SEE: lexeme ::
- lemma {n} (mathematics: proposition used mainly in the proof of some other proposition) :: lemma {n}
- lemming {n} (rodent) :: lemming {m}
- lemniscatic {adj} (of or pertaining to a lemniscate) :: lemniscatisch
- lemniscatic {adj} (shaped like a figure-of eight) :: lemniscatisch
- lemon {adj} (having the colour/color of lemons) :: citroengele
- lemon {adj} (having the flavour/flavor and/or scent of lemons) :: citroen-
- lemon {n} (citrus fruit) :: citroen {f}
- lemon {n} (colour/color) :: citroengeel
- lemon {n} (defective item) :: kat in de zak
- lemon {n} (taste) :: citroensmaak
- lemon {n} (tree) :: citroenboom
- lemonade {n} (carbonated beverage) :: limonade {m}
- lemonade {n} (still beverage) :: kwast {m}
- lemon balm {n} (Melissa officinalis) :: citroenmelisse {f}, citronella {m}, bijenkruid {n}, vrouwenkruid {n}
- lemon juice {n} (lemonade) SEE: lemonade ::
- lemon juice {n} (the liquid extract of lemon fruit) :: citroensap {n}
- lemur {n} (strepsirrhine primate of the infraorder Lemuriformes, superfamily Lemuroidea) :: lemur
- lend {v} (proscribed) to borrow) SEE: borrow ::
- lend {v} (to allow to be used temporarily) :: lenen, uitlenen
- length {n} (distance from end to end) :: lengte {f}
- lenient {adj} (tolerant; not strict) :: toegeeflijk, tolerant, mild
- Leningrad {prop} (name of Saint Petersburg, 1924-1991) :: Leningrad
- Leninian {adj} (of or pertaining to Lenin) SEE: Leninist ::
- Leninism {n} (the political philosophy named after Vladimir Lenin) :: leninisme
- lens {n} (anatomy: transparent crystalline structure in the eye) :: lens {f}, kristallens
- lens {n} (biology: genus of the legume family; its bean) :: linze
- lens {n} (device which focuses or defocuses electron beams) :: lens {f}
- lens {n} (geometry: convex shape bounded by two circular arcs) :: lens {f}
- lens {n} (object focusing or defocusing the light passing through it) :: lens {f}
- lens {v} (to film) :: filmen, verfilmen, op de gevoelige plaat vastleggen
- lens cap {n} :: lensklep {f}
- Lent {prop} (period of penitence for Christians before Easter) :: vasten {m}, vastentijd {m}
- lenticular {n} (lenticular galaxy) SEE: lenticular galaxy ::
- lenticular {n} (lenticular image) SEE: lenticular image ::
- lentigo {n} (pigmented spot on the skin) SEE: freckle ::
- lentil {n} (seed used as food) :: linze
- Leo {prop} (astrological sign) :: Leeuw {m}
- Leo {prop} (constellation) :: Leo
- Leo {prop} (male given name) :: Leo
- leonine {adj} (of or like a lion) :: leeuwen-
- leopard {n} (a large wild cat with a spotted coat, Panthera pardus) :: luipaard {m}
- leopard shark {n} (Triakis semifasciata) :: luipaardhaai
- leper {n} (person who has leprosy) :: melaatse {m} {f}, leproos {m}
- lepidopterology {n} (scientific study of butterflies and moths) :: lepidopterologie {f}
- leprosarium {n} (institution or place to quarantine and treat leprous people) :: leprozerie {f}, leprakolonie {f}, leprozenhuis {n}
- leprosy {n} (infectious disease caused by infection by Mycobacterium leprae) :: lepra, melaatsheid
- lepton {n} (elementary particle) :: lepton {n}
- lesbian {adj} (between two women; pertaining to female homosexuality) :: lesbisch
- lesbian {adj} (of a woman: preferring female partners) :: lesbisch
- lesbian {n} (female homosexual) :: lesbienne {f}, lesbo, lesbi
- Lesbian {adj} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
- Lesbian {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
- lesbigay {n} (lesbian, bisexual or gay person) :: holebi {m} {f}
- lesbo {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
- Lesbos {prop} (island) :: Lesbos
- lesdar {n} (ability to detect if a person is gay) :: lesdar {m}
- lese majesty {n} (crime of violating majesty) :: majesteitsschennis {f}
- lesion {n} (an infected or otherwise injured or diseased organ or part) :: kwetsuur, letsel {n}
- lesion {n} (a wound or an injury) :: wonde, verwonding, kwetsuur, letsel {n}
- lesion {v} (to wound or injure, especially in an experiment or other controlled procedure) :: kwetsen, verwonden
- Lesotho {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Lesotho
- less {adj} :: minder dan
- less {adj} (not as much) :: minder
- less {adv} (in lower degree) :: minder
- less {adv} (to smaller extent) :: minder
- -less {suffix} (lacking (suffix) :: -loos, zonder
- lesser celandine {n} (a European perennial herb, Ranunculus ficaria) :: speenkruid
- lesser flamingo {n} (the smaller of the two old world species of flamingo) :: dwergflamingo {m}
- lesser panda {n} (Ailurus fulgens) SEE: red panda ::
- lesser spotted woodpecker {n} (Picoides minor) :: kleine bonte specht {m}
- lesson {n} (section of learning or teaching) :: les
- lest {conj} (for fear that) :: uit angst dat
- let {v} (to allow) :: laten, toestaan
- let {v} (to put up for rent) :: verhuren
- let alone {conj} (as well as) :: laat staan
- let alone {conj} (to say nothing of) :: laat staan
- let alone {v} (leave alone) SEE: leave alone ::
- let bygones be bygones {v} (to disregard a past offense) :: geen oude koeien uit de sloot halen
- let go {v} (to no longer hold on) :: loslaten
- lethal {adj} (deadly) :: dodelijk
- lethargy {n} (pathological state of fatigue) :: lusteloosheid {f}, futloosheid {f}, slaapzucht {f}, lethargie {f}
- lethargy {n} (state of extreme torpor or apathy) :: onverschilligheid {f}, lethargie {f}
- let's {contraction} (let us; forming first-person plural imperative) :: laten we
- let's go {interj} (hurry up) :: kom, kom op, kom nou
- let's go {interj} (imperative) :: laten we gaan
- let sleeping dogs lie {v} (leave things as they are) :: slapende honden wekt men niet
- letter {n} (letter of the alphabet) :: letter {f}, karakter {n}, letterteken {n}, boekstaaf {m}
- letter {n} (written message) :: brief {m}
- letter carrier {n} (post office employee) :: postbezorger
- letter of marque {n} (official commission) :: kaperbrief {m}
- letter of recommendation {n} (evaluation letter) :: aanbevelingsbrief {m}
- letter opener {n} (knifelike device) :: briefopener {m}
- let there be light {phrase} (let there be light) :: daar zij licht
- let the sleeping dogs lie {v} (to avoid igniting a conflict) SEE: let sleeping dogs lie ::
- Lettish {prop} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian ::
- lettuce {n} (an edible plant, Lactuca) :: sla, salade, slaplant {m}
- lettuce {n} (the leaves of the lettuce plant, eaten as a vegetable or dish) :: slaatje {n}, salade
- lettuce {n} (US paper currency) :: flappen
- leukemia {n} (cancer of blood forming tissue) :: leukemie
- leukocyte {n} (a white blood cell) :: leukocyt {m}, witte bloedcel {f} {m}
- Levant {prop} (the countries bordering the eastern Mediterranean Sea) :: Levant
- level {adj} (at the same height as some reference) :: geëqualiseerd
- level {adj} (being unvaried) :: constant
- level {adj} (same height at all places) :: vlak
- level {n} (distance relative to a given reference elevation) :: niveau {n}, hoogte {f}
- level {n} (floor of a multi-storey building) :: etage, verdieping {f}
- level {n} (one of several discrete segments of a game (gaming) :: niveau {n}
- level {n} (tool for finding whether a surface is level) :: waterpas {n}
- level {v} (to destroy by reducing to ground level; to raze) :: egaliseren
- level crossing {n} (at-grade crossing) :: spoorwegovergang {m}, overweg {m}
- level-headed {adj} (possessing sound judgement) :: wijs, weloverwogen
- lever {adv} (rather) SEE: rather ::
- lever {n} (rigid piece) :: hefboom {m}
- lever {n} (small such piece to trigger or control a mechanical device) :: hendel
- leverage {n} (any influence which is compounded or used to gain an advantage) :: voordeel {n}, invloed {m}
- leverage {n} (force compounded by means of a lever rotating around a pivot) :: hefboom {m}, hefboomkracht {f}
- leverage {v} (take full advantage of an existing thing) :: profiteren van, uitbuiten
- leveret {n} (a young hare) :: hazenjong {n}
- levitate {v} :: doen opstijgen en zweven
- levitation {n} (raising of something without apparent physical cause) :: levitatie
- levitation {n} (technical suspension without mechanical support) :: draadloze ophanging
- Leviticus {prop} (the book of the Bible and Torah) :: Leviticus, Levieten
- levity {n} (lack of steadiness) SEE: instability ::
- lewd {adj} (lascivious) :: liederlijk
- Lewis {prop} (male given name) SEE: Louis ::
- lexeme {n} (unit of vocabulary, the different forms of the same lemma) :: lexeem {n}
- lexical item {n} (term that acts as a unit of meaning) :: lexicale eenheid {f}
- lexical unit {n} (term that acts as a unit of meaning) SEE: lexical item ::
- lexicography {n} (art or craft of writing dictionaries) :: lexicografie {f}
- Leyden jar {n} (glass jar used to accumulate static electricity) :: Leidse fles {f}
- Lezghian {prop} (Lezgi) SEE: Lezgi ::
- Lezgi {prop} (language) :: Lezgi {n}, Lezgisch {n}
- li {n} (Chinese unit of distance) :: li
- liability {n} (debt) :: aansprakelijkheid {f}
- liability insurance {n} (insurance against liability) :: aansprakelijkheidsverzekering {f}
- liable {adj} (responsible) :: aansprakelijk, verantwoordelijk
- liar {n} (one who tells lies) :: leugenaar {m}, leugenaarster {f}
- libation {n} (act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice) :: plengoffer {n}
- libation {n} (alcoholic beverage) :: plengoffer {n}
- libation {n} (liquid poured out) :: plengoffer {n}
- libecchio {n} (southwest wind) :: zuidwester
- libel {n} :: smaad, laster
- liberal {adj} (open-minded, favoring social freedom; permissive) :: open, liberaal
- liberal {adj} (political description, following liberalism) :: liberaal
- liberal {adj} (politically liberal) :: libertaire {m} {f}
- liberal {adj} (widely open to new ideas, willing to depart from established opinions, conventions etc) :: vrijzinnig
- liberate {v} (to free) :: bevrijden
- liberation {n} (act of liberating or the state of being liberated) :: bevrijding {f}
- Liberia {prop} (country in Western Africa) :: Liberia {n}
- liberty {n} (condition of being free) :: vrijheid {f}
- libidinous {adj} (having lustful desires) :: wellustig
- libido {n} (drives or mental energies related or based on sexual instincts but not necessarily sexual in and of themselves.) :: libido
- libido {n} (sexual urges or drives) :: libido {m}
- Libra {prop} (astrological sign) :: Weegschaal {f}
- Libra {prop} (constellation) :: Weegschaal {f}
- librarian {n} (one who cares for the publications etc. in a library) :: (hulp)bibliothecaris {m}
- librarian {n} (the manager of a library) :: (hoofd)bibliothecaris {m}, bibliotheekbeheerder {m}
- library {n} (collection of books) :: bibliotheek {f}, boekenkast
- library {n} (institution which holds books etc.) :: bibliotheek {f}, boekerij {f}
- Libya {prop} (country in Northern Africa) :: Libië
- licence {n} (license) SEE: license ::
- licence {v} (license) SEE: license ::
- license {n} (academic degree) :: licentiaat {n}
- license {n} (excessive freedom) :: bandeloosheid {f}
- license {n} (freedom to deviate from normally applicable rules or practices) :: vergunning {f}
- license {n} (legal document giving official permission to do something) :: vergunning {f}
- license {n} (legal terms of product usage) :: licentie {f}, vergunning {f}
- license {v} (act of giving a formal authorization) :: licentiëren, vergunning toekennen
- license {v} (authorize officially) :: toelaten, licentiëren, vergunning toekennen
- licentious {adj} (disregard for accepted rules) :: non-conformistisch, vrijgevochten
- licentious {adj} (lacking restraint, particularly in sexual conduct) :: wellustig, wulps, licentieus
- licentious {adj} :: losbandig
- lich {n} (undead being) :: Zielenzuiger
- lichen {n} (something which spreads across something else, causing damage) SEE: cancer ::
- lichen {n} (symbiotic association of fungi and algae) :: korstmos {n}
- lick {n} (the act of licking) :: lik {m}
- lick {v} (to stroke with a tongue) :: likken
- lick someone's ass {v} (to flatter someone) SEE: brownnose ::
- lickspittle {n} (practice of giving empty flattery) :: slijmerd,pluimstrijker
- licorice {n} (a plant) :: zoethout {n}
- licorice {n} (candy made from it) :: drop {m}
- lid {n} (top or cover) :: deksel {n}
- lie {n} (golf term) :: ligging {f}, terreinligging {f}
- lie {n} (intentionally false statement) :: leugen {f}
- lie {n} (position of fetus) :: ligging {f}
- lie {v} (be in horizontal position) :: liggen
- lie {v} (be situated) :: liggen, gelegen zijn
- lie {v} (tell an intentional untruth) :: liegen
- Liechtenstein {prop} (Principality of Liechtenstein) :: Liechtenstein
- Liechtensteiner {n} (A person from Liechtenstein or of Liechtenstein descent) :: Liechtensteiner {m}, Liechtensteinse {f}
- lie down {v} (assume a reclining position) :: gaan liggen
- liege {n} (A free and independent person; a lord paramount; a sovereign) :: leenheer {m}, soeverein {m}
- liege {n} (The subject of a sovereign or lord; a liegeman) :: vazal {m}, leenman {m}
- lieu {n} (in lieu, in lieu of) SEE: in lieu and in lieu of ::
- lieutenant {n} (lowest commissioned officer rank) :: luitenant {m}
- lieutenant {n} :: luitenant {m}
- lieutenant general {n} (an officer above major general and below general) :: luitenant-generaal {m}
- life {n} (a status given to entities which have the properties of replication and metabolism) :: leven {n}
- life {n} (A worthwhile existence) :: leven {n}
- life {n} (duration) :: levensduur {f}
- life {n} (life sentence) :: levenslang {n}
- life {n} (something inherently part of a person's existence) :: leven {n}
- life {n} (the essence of the manifestation and the foundation of the being) :: leven {n}
- life {n} (The state between birth and death) :: leven {n}, aanzijn {n}
- life {n} (the subjective and inner manifestation of the individual) :: leven {n}
- life {n} (The world in general, existence) :: leven {n}
- life-affirming {adj} (appearing to have an optimistic quality) SEE: optimistic ::
- life assurance {n} (insurance policy) :: levensverzekering {f}
- lifeboat {n} (a boat to save shipwrecked people) :: reddingsboot {m} {f}
- life-buoy {n} (life preserver) SEE: life preserver ::
- life cycle {n} (course of stages through which an organism passes) :: levenscyclus
- life force {n} (life force) :: levenskracht {f}
- lifeform {n} (living organism) :: levensvorm {m}
- life insurance {n} (form of insurance) :: levensverzekering {f}
- life jacket {n} (An article of protective clothing) :: reddingsvest {n}
- life of Riley {n} (ideal life of care-free prosperity) :: luizenleventje {n}
- life ring {n} (life preserver) SEE: life preserver ::
- life sentence {n} (sentence of imprisonment for the rest of the defendant's life) :: levenslange gevangenisstraf {c}
- lifesize {adj} (life-size) SEE: life-size ::
- life-sized {adj} (life-size) SEE: life-size ::
- life stance {n} (relation to what one views as important) :: levensbeschouwing
- life style {n} (style of living) :: levensstijl {m}
- life-style {n} (life style) SEE: life style ::
- lifestyle {n} (life style) SEE: life style ::
- lift {n} (mechanical device for vertically transporting goods or people) :: lift {m}
- lift {n} (the act of transporting someone in a vehicle) :: lift {m}
- lift {v} (to raise) :: opheffen
- lift {v} (to steal) :: stelen
- lifter {n} (spatula) SEE: spatula ::
- lifter {n} (weightlifter) SEE: weightlifter ::
- lifting {n} (facelift) :: opwaardering {f}
- lifting {n} (weightlifting) SEE: weightlifting ::
- lift up {v} (to elevate) :: optillen
- ligate {v} (to bind with a ligature or bandage) :: afbinden
- ligature {n} (act of tying) :: ligatuur, verbinding
- ligature {n} (cord etc.) :: afbinding, band, verbinding
- ligature {n} (music: group of notes played as a musical phrase) :: ligatuur
- ligature {n} (typography: character that combines multiple letters) :: ligatuur
- Liège {prop} (province in Belgium) :: Luik {n}
- liger {n} (animal born to a male lion and a tigress) :: lijger {m}
- light {adj} (coffee: served with extra milk or cream) :: [only as idiom 'koffie verkeerd'] verkeerd
- light {adj} (having light) :: licht, helder, lichtend, lichtgevend, lichtend
- light {adj} (low in fat, calories, alcohol, salt, etc.) :: licht
- light {adj} (of little significance) :: onbelangrijk, triviaal
- light {adj} (of low weight) :: licht
- light {adj} (pale in colour) :: licht
- light {n} (electromagnetic wave) :: licht {n}
- light {n} (flame or something used to create fire) :: vuurtje {n}
- light {n} (source of light) :: licht
- light {n} (spiritual truth) :: licht {n}
- light {v} (to illuminate) :: lichten, bijlichten
- light {v} (to start (a fire) :: aansteken
- light bulb {n} (evacuated glass bulb containing a metal filament that produces light) :: gloeilamp {f}, lichtpeertje {n} ballon, peer {c}
- lighten {v} (to alleviate) :: verlichten
- lighter {n} (fire making device) :: aansteker {m}
- light globe {n} (light bulb) SEE: light bulb ::
- lightheaded {adj} (Feeling faint) :: licht in het hoofd
- lighthouse {n} (building containing a light to warn or guide ships) :: vuurtoren {m}
- lightning {n} (discharge) :: bliksem {m}, weerlicht {n}
- lightning {n} (flash of light) :: bliksem {m}, weerlicht {n}, bliksemschicht {m}, bliksemflits {m}
- lightning bug {n} (firefly) SEE: firefly ::
- lightning conductor {n} (metallic conductor) SEE: lightning rod ::
- lightning rod {n} (metallic conductor that protects from lightning) :: bliksemafleider {m}, donderroede {f}
- light pollution {n} (excess artificial light) :: lichtvervuiling {f}
- lightsaber {n} (a fictional type of sword) :: lichtzwaard {n}, lichtsabel {m}
- lightspeed {n} (the speed of light) :: snelheid van het licht {f}
- light switch {n} (switch used to turn on or off the light) :: lichtknopje {n}
- lightweight {adj} (having less than average weight) :: lichtgewicht
- light year {n} (astronomical distance) :: lichtjaar {n}
- lignify {v} (to become wood) :: verhouten
- lignin {n} (aromatic polymer) :: lignine
- lignite {n} (coal) :: bruinkool {m} {f}
- like {adj} (similar) :: zoals, gelijk
- like {adv} (such as) :: zoals
- like {n} (something similar to a given person or object) :: evenknie {m}, dat soort dingen {n-p}, gelijkaardige dingen {n-p}, gelijkaardigheden {f-p}
- like {n} (something that a person likes) :: favoriet {m}, voorkeur {m}
- like {prep} (somewhat similar to) :: zoals, als, lijkend op, gelijk (maybe only in Flanders)
- like {v} (enjoy) :: houden van, graag hebben, lusten, graag lusten, leuk vinden
- like {v} (find attractive) :: graag hebben, graag zien, zich aangetrokken voelen tot, leuk vinden
- like a chicken with its head cut off {adv} (In a frantic, disorganized manner) :: als een kip zonder kop
- like a dog on heat {prep} (like a dog in heat) SEE: like a dog in heat ::
- like a million dollars {prep} (like a million bucks) SEE: like a million bucks ::
- like father, like son {proverb} (a son will have traits similar to his father) :: zo vader, zo zoon
- likelihood {n} (probability) :: waarschijnlijkheid
- likely {adv} (probably) SEE: probably ::
- likely {adv} (similarly) SEE: similarly ::
- liken {v} (compare) :: vergelijken
- likeness {n} (similarity) SEE: similarity ::
- like the back end of a bus {adj} (very unattractive) :: een gezicht om leer op te kloppen
- likewise {adv} (also; moreover; too) SEE: too ::
- likewise {adv} (in like manner) :: evenzo, eveneens, op gelijkaardige wijze
- likewise {adv} (the same to you) :: insgelijks
- lilac {n} (colour) :: lila
- lilac {n} (flower) :: sering
- lilac {n} (shrub) :: sering, seringen {p}
- Liliana {prop} (female given name) SEE: Lilian ::
- Lille {prop} (a city in France) :: Rijsel
- Lillian {prop} (female given name) SEE: Lilian ::
- lily {n} (flower in the genus Lilium) :: lelie {m} {f}
- lily-livered {adj} (cowardly) :: laf
- lily of the valley {n} (Convallaria majalis) :: lelietje-van-dalen {n}, meiklokje {n}
- limaçon {n} (plane curve) :: slaklijn van Pascal {f} {m}, limaçon van Pascal
- limber {adj} (flexible) SEE: flexible ::
- limbo {n} (dance with bar that is lowered) :: limbo {m}
- limbo {n} (place for innocent souls) :: limbo {n}, limbus, vagevuur, voorgeborchte {n}
- Limburg {prop} (province of the Netherlands or Belgium) :: Limburg {n}
- Limburgian {prop} (Limburgish) SEE: Limburgish ::
- Limburgic {prop} (Limburgish) SEE: Limburgish ::
- Limburgish {prop} (the Germanic language) :: Limburgs {n}
- lime {n} (citrus tree) :: limoenenboom {m}
- lime {n} (colour) :: limoengeel, limoengroen
- lime {n} (green citrus fruit) :: limoen {f}
- lime {n} :: kalk {m}, ongebluste kalk {m}, calciumoxide {m} ; kalk {m}, gebluste kalk {m}, calciumhydroxide {m}, calciumdihydroxide {m}
- lime {n} (linden tree) SEE: linden ::
- lime {v} (to treat with lime) :: logen
- lime juice {n} (limeade) SEE: limeade ::
- limelight {n} (attention or notice) :: spotlicht {n}
- limelight {n} (type of stage lighting) :: kalklicht {n}
- limerence {n} (state of mind) :: verliefd
- limerick {n} (rhyming verse of five lines) :: limerick
- limestone {n} (abundant rock of marine and fresh-water sediments) :: kalksteen
- limit {n} (boundary) :: grens
- limit {n} (mathematics: value to which a sequence converges) :: limiet {m} {f}
- limit {v} (restrict) :: beperken
- limitation {n} (an imperfection which limits somethings use or value) :: beperking
- limitation {n} (a restriction that limits something) :: grens, beperking
- limitation {n} (a time period) :: verjaring, verjaringstermijn
- limitation {n} (the act of limiting) :: begrenzing, beperking, inperking
- limited liability company {n} (type of company) :: bijzondere vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid {f}
- limitless {adj} (without limits; boundless) :: grenzeloos, onbegrensd
- limit point {n} (a point) :: verdichtingspunt
- limnodophyte {n} (helophyte) SEE: helophyte ::
- limo {n} (limousine) SEE: limousine ::
- limousine {n} (A luxury sedan/saloon car) :: limousine {f}
- limp {v} (To walk lamely, as if favouring one leg) :: hinken
- limpet {n} (a small mollusc) :: napslak {f}
- limpid {adj} (clear) :: duidelijk, helder, limpide, begrijpelijk
- linden {n} (tree) :: linde {m}, lindeboom {m}
- linden {n} (wood from such tree) :: lindehout {n}
- lindworm {n} (a wingless bipedal dragon) :: lintworm
- line {n} (connected series of public conveyances, and hence, an established arrangement for forwarding merchandise, etc.) :: verbinding {f}
- line {n} (course of conduct, thought, occupation, or policy) :: visie {f}, methode {f}, lijn {f}
- line {n} (direction, path) :: richting {f}, gezichtspunt {n}
- line {n} (engineering: proper relative position or adjustment of parts) :: uitlijning {f}
- line {n} (exterior limit of a figure, plat, or territory; boundary; contour; outline) :: contour {m}, grens {m} {f}
- line {n} (fortifications: trench or rampart) :: loopgraaf {m} {f}
- line {n} (geography: circle of latitude or of longitude, as represented on a map) :: meridiaan {m}, lijn {f}
- line {n} (geography: equator) :: evenaar {m}
- line {n} (geometry: continuous finite segment of such a figure) :: lijnstuk {n}, rechte {f}, lijn {f}
- line {n} (geometry: infinite one-dimensional figure) :: rechte {f}, lijn {f}
- line {n} (graph theory: edge of a graph) :: kant {m}, lijn {f}
- line {n} (letter, written form of communication) :: brief {m}, regel {m}
- line {n} (lineament; feature; figure) :: lijn {f}, kenmerk {n}
- line {n} (long tape, or a narrow ribbon of steel, etc., marked with subdivisions, as feet and inches, for measuring; a tapeline) :: regel {m}, meetlat {f}
- line {n} (music: one of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed) :: regel {m}
- line {n} (obsolete: flax; linen (see flax and linen) :: lijn {n} [obsolete]
- line {n} (official, stated position of an individual or political faction) :: lijn {f}
- line {n} (path through two or more points, threadlike mark) :: rechte {f}, lijn {f}, streep {f}
- line {n} (poetic: verse) :: vers {n}, regel {m}, stanza {f}
- line {n} (products or services sold by a business, or the business itself) :: gamma {n}, aanbod {n}, productlijn {f}, maatschappij {f}
- line {n} (rope, cord, or string) :: lijn {f}, touw {n}
- line {n} (sentence of dialogue, especially in a script or screenplay) :: lijn {f}
- line {n} (series or succession of ancestors or descendants of a given person) :: lijn {f}
- line {n} (single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc.) :: regel {m}, lijn {f}
- line {n} (straight sequence of people, queue) :: rij {f}, file {f}, lijn {f}
- line {n} (telephone or network connection) :: lijn {f}, aansluiting {f}, verbinding {f}
- line {n} (threadlike crease marking the face or the hand; hence, characteristic mark) :: lijn {f}, rimpel {m}
- line {n} :: traject {n}, pad {n}, spoorlijn {n}, spoor {n}, serie {f}, productlijn {f}
- line {v} (cover the inside surface of (something) :: voeren, bedekken, bekleden, bekleden [of a baking tin for example]
- line {v} (obsolete: to represent by lines; delineate; portray) :: tekenen
- line {v} (of a dog: impregnate) :: (laten) dekken
- line {v} (to fill or supply, as a purse with money) :: vullen
- line {v} (to form or enter into a line) :: zich opstellen
- line {v} (to mark with a line) :: tekenen, van lijnen voorzien
- line {v} (to place (objects) into a line) :: opstellen, uitlijnen
- line {v} (to place persons or things along the side of for security or defense) :: versterken
- line {v} (to read or repeat line by line) :: opzeggen
- lineage {n} (descent) :: geslacht, nakomelingschap {n}, afkomst {c}, afstamming {f}
- lineage {n} (number of lines) :: lijnental {n}
- lineament {n} (distinctive feature) :: trek {m}
- linear algebra {n} (branch of mathematics) :: lineaire algebra {m} {f}
- linear space {n} (vector space) SEE: vector space ::
- linen {n} (material) :: linnen {n}, doek {n}
- ling {n} (Molva molva) SEE: common ling ::
- -ling {suffix} (Diminutive) :: -je, -pje, -tje, -ling
- linger {v} (to consider or contemplate) :: weifelen
- linger {v} (to remain alive or existent) :: aanslepen
- linger {v} (to stay or remain in a place or situation) :: treuzelen
- lingerie {n} (women's underwear or nightclothes) :: lingerie
- lingonberry {n} (shrub) :: rode bosbes {f}, vossenbes {f}
- lingua franca {n} (common language) :: lingua franca
- linguist {n} (one who studies linguistics) :: taalkundige {m} {f}, linguïst {m}
- linguistics {n} (scientific study of language) :: linguïstiek {f}, taalkunde {f}, taalwetenschappen {f-p}
- link {n} (computing: connection between busses or systems) :: link, verbinding {f}
- link {n} (computing: hyperlink) :: link, koppeling {f}, verwijzing {f}
- link {n} (connection) :: link {m}, verbinding {f}, relatie {f}, koppeling {f}
- link {n} (element of a chain) :: schakel {m}, schalm {m}, link {m}
- link {n} (torch) :: fakkel {m}, flambouw {m}, toorts {f}
- link {v} (connect things) :: verbinden, linken [hyperlinks]
- linkage {n} (connection or relation between things or ideas) SEE: link ::
- links {n} (golf course) :: golfbaan {c}
- linnet {n} (bird) :: kneu {m}
- linseed {n} (seed) :: vlaszaad {n}, lijnzaad {n}
- linseed oil {n} (an oil) :: lijnzaadolie
- lint {n} (a fine material made by scraping cotton or linen cloth) :: pluis
- lion {n} (big cat Panthera leo) :: leeuw {m}
- lion {n} (famous person) :: coryfee {m}
- lion {n} (heraldic charge) :: leeuw {m}
- lion {n} (person with strength and courage) :: leeuw {m}
- lion cub {n} (young lion) :: leeuwenwelp {m} {n}, leeuwenwelpje {n} [diminutive], welp {m} {n}, welpje {n} [diminutive]
- lioness {n} (female lion) :: leeuwin {f}
- lion's den {n} (a dangerous or frightening place) :: hol van de leeuw {n}
- lion's share {n} (A generous portion) :: leeuwendeel {n}
- lip {n} (fleshy protrusion framing the mouth) :: lip {f}
- lip {n} (part of body resembling a lip) :: lip {f}
- lip {n} (rim of an open container) :: lipje {n}
- lip {n} (slang: backtalk, verbal impertinence) :: grote bek, grote mond, tegenspraak
- lip balm {n} (a substance topically applied to the lips of the mouth) :: lippenbalsem
- lip bear {n} (Melursus ursinus) SEE: sloth bear ::
- lip gloss {n} (a cosmetic product) :: lipgloss {m}
- lipid {n} (organic compound) :: lipide
- lipophile {n} (lipophilic substance) :: lipofiel
- lips {n} (plural of lip) :: lippen {p}
- lip service {n} (cunnilingus) SEE: cunnilingus ::
- lipstick {n} (make-up for the lips) :: lippenrood {m}, lippenstift {f}, lipstick
- lipstick {n} (stick of this make-up) :: lippenstift {m}, lipstick {m}
- liquescent {adj} (liquescent) SEE: melting ::
- liqueur {n} (a flavored alcoholic beverage) :: likeur {m} {f}
- liquid {adj} (fluid; not solid and not gaseous) :: vloeibaar
- liquid {n} (l or r sound) :: vloeiklank {m}
- liquid {n} (substance that is liquid) :: vloeistof {f}
- liquid nitrogen {n} (nitrogen in the liquid state) :: vloeibare stikstof {f}
- liquor {n} (strong alcoholic drink derived from fermentation and distillation) :: sterke drank {m}
- liquorice {n} (confection) :: drop {m}
- liquorice {n} (plant) :: zoethout {n}
- liquorice allsorts {n} (confection) :: Engelse drop {m}
- liquor store {n} (liquor store, bottle shop) :: slijterij
- Lisbon {prop} (capital of Portugal) :: Lissabon
- lisp {v} (to pronounce the sibilant letter ‘s’ imperfectly) :: slissen
- list {n} (computing: codified representation of a list) :: lijst {f}
- list {n} (register or roll of paper) :: lijst {f}
- list box {n} (dropdown list) SEE: dropdown list ::
- listen {v} (to accept advice or obey instruction) :: gehoorzamen, luisteren naar
- listen {v} (to expect or wait for a sound) :: luisteren naar, wachten op, opletten
- listen {v} (to hear (something) :: horen
- listen {v} (to pay attention to a sound) :: luisteren naar
- listener {n} (someone who listens) :: luisteraar {m}
- listening {n} (ability of perceiving spoken language) :: luisteren {n}
- listless {adj} (Lacking enthusiasm) :: lusteloos
- listlessness {n} (state of being listless) :: lusteloosheid {f}
- litany {n} (Prolonged or tedious account) :: litanie {m} {f}
- litany {n} (Ritual liturgical prayer) :: litanie {m} {f}
- litchi {n} (lychee) SEE: lychee ::
- lite {adj} (lightweight) :: licht, light
- lite {adj} (low in calories) :: licht, light, light-, luchtig
- liter {n} (cubic decimeter) SEE: litre ::
- literacy {n} (ability to read) :: alfabetisering, alfabetisme
- literal {adj} (consisting of, or expressed by, letters) :: letter-
- literal {adj} (exactly as stated; read or understood without additional interpretation) :: letterlijk
- literal {adj} (following the letter or exact words, not taking liberties) :: letterlijk, strikt
- literal {n} (programming: value written in the source code) :: literaal {m}
- literally {adv} (not metaphorically) :: letterlijk
- literary {adj} (relating to literature) :: literair
- Literary Chinese {prop} (Classical Chinese) SEE: Classical Chinese ::
- literature {n} (body of all written works) :: literatuur
- lithe {adj} (flexible) :: soepel
- lithe {adj} (mild, calm) :: kalm,rustig
- lithe {adj} (slim) :: slank
- lithium {n} (chemical element) :: lithium {n}
- lithium hydride {n} (chemical compound, LiH) :: lithiumhydride
- lithographical {adj} (lithographic) SEE: lithographic ::
- lithopone {n} (pigment) :: lithopoon {n}
- lithosphere {n} (The outer layer of the Earth) :: lithosfeer
- Lithuania {prop} (country) :: Litouwen
- Lithuanian {adj} (referring to Lithuania) :: Litouws {n}
- Lithuanian {n} (person from Lithuania) :: Litouwer {m}, Litouwse {f}
- Lithuanian {prop} (language) :: Litouws
- litigate {v} (to go to law) :: procederen, voor de rechter dagen
- litigation {n} (conduct of a lawsuit) :: procesvoering {f}, proces {n}, geding {n}, rechtszaak {f}
- litre {n} (unit of fluid measure) :: liter
- litter {n} (animals born in one birth) :: worp {m}
- litter {n} (bedding for animals) :: strooisel {n}
- litter {n} (discarded items) :: afval {n}, zwerfafval {n}, vuil {n}, zwerfvuil {n}, vuilnis {n}
- litter {n} (platform designed to carry a person or a load) :: draagbed {n}, draagstoel {m}, draagbaar {m}
- litter {v} (drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it) :: sluikstorten
- litter {v} (give birth) :: werpen
- little {adj} (of a sibling) younger) :: jongere, klein
- little {adj} (small in size) :: klein
- little {adj} (very young) :: klein
- little {adv} (not much) :: weinig
- little {determiner} (small amount) :: weinig, een beetje
- little brother {n} (a sibling's younger brother) :: broertje {n}
- little finger {n} (outermost and smallest finger of the hand) :: pink {m}
- little girl {n} (a female child) :: meisje {n}
- little owl {n} (species of owl) :: steenuil {m}
- Little Red Riding Hood {prop} (a folktale) :: Roodkapje
- little sister {n} (a sibling's younger sister) :: zusje {n}
- little wonder {n} (small wonder) SEE: small wonder ::
- littoral {n} (the zone of a coast between high tide and low tide levels) SEE: foreshore ::
- liturgic {adj} (liturgical) SEE: liturgical ::
- liturgical {adj} (Pertaining to liturgy) :: liturgisch
- liturgy {n} (a predetermined or prescribed set of rituals) :: liturgie {f}
- livable {adj} (suitable for living in) :: leefbaar
- live {adj} (broadcasting) Seen or heard from a broadcast, as it happens) :: live
- live {adj} (capable of causing harm) :: scherp
- live {adj} (having life) :: levend
- live {adv} (as it happens) :: rechtstreeks
- live {v} (be alive) :: leven
- live {v} (have permanent residence) :: wonen
- live {v} (survive, persevere) :: verderleven, overleven, voortbestaan
- live and let live {v} (be tolerant) :: leef en laat leven
- live by the sword, die by the sword {proverb} (one who uses violence can expect a violent response) :: wie leeft bij het zwaard, zal sterven bij het zwaard
- liveforever {n} (houseleek) SEE: houseleek ::
- livelihood {n} (means of supporting oneself) :: levensonderhoud
- liveliness {n} (the quality of being lively) :: levendigheid
- livelong {n} (the orpine, Sedum telephium) :: hemelsleutel
- lively {adj} (full of life) :: levendig
- liver {n} (organ as food) :: lever {m}, levertjes {p} [diminutive]
- liver {n} (organ of the body) :: lever {m}, [in compounds] lever-
- liverish {adj} (not feeling well due to an upset digestive system) :: misselijk, onpasselijk
- livermorium {n} :: livermorium {n}
- Liverpudlian {adj} (of or relating to Liverpool in the United Kingdom) :: liverpools
- liverwort {n} (bryophyte with a leafy stem) :: levermos
- liverwurst {n} (liver sausage) :: leverworst {m} {f}
- livery {n} (distinctive uniform worn by a group, such as the uniform worn by chauffeurs and male servants) :: livrei
- livery {n} (taxicab, limousine) SEE: taxicab, limousine ::
- livestock {n} (farm animals) :: vee {n}
- livid {adj} (furious) :: razend
- livid {adj} (pallid) SEE: pallid ::
- lividity {n} (livor mortis; suggillation) SEE: livor mortis ::
- living dead {n} (undead) :: ondode {m}, levende dode {m}, zombie {m}
- living fossil {n} :: levend fossiel {c}
- living hell {n} (continuing state of extreme pain, punishment or torment) :: door de hel gaan
- living room {n} (room in a private house) :: woonkamer de, huiskamer de, zitkamer de, living de
- living standard {n} (standard of living) SEE: standard of living ::
- Livonia {prop} (historical region) :: Lijfland
- Livonian {prop} (language) :: Lijfs {n}, Lijflands {n}
- lizard {n} (Reptile) :: hagedis {m}
- lizardfish {n} (the taxonomic family Synodontidae) :: hagedisvissen
- lizard's tail {n} (Crassula muscosa) SEE: rattail crassula ::
- lizard's tail {n} (Houttuynia cordata) SEE: chameleon plant ::
- llama {n} (South Americal mammal of the camel family, Llama glama) :: lama {m}
- lo {contraction} (look, see, behold) :: aanschouw
- load {n} (a large number or amount) :: hoop, heel wat
- load {n} (burden) :: gewicht
- load {n} (number of articles that can be transported or processed at one time) :: lading
- load {n} (the electrical current or power delivered by a device) :: vermogen
- load {n} (the volume of work required to be performed) :: belasting
- load {v} (to fill with munition) :: laden
- load {v} (to put a load on) :: inladen
- load {v} (to read into memory) :: laden, inlezen
- loadstone {n} (lodestone) SEE: lodestone ::
- loaf {n} (block of bread) :: brood {m}
- loafer {n} (idle person) :: nietsnut, leegloper
- loam {n} (type of soil) :: leem {m}
- loan {n} (borrowed sum of money or other valuables) :: lening {f}
- loan {v} (to lend) :: lenen, uitlenen
- loan translation {n} (the borrowing of components of a foreign language word and translating them literally) :: leenvertaling {f}
- loanword {n} (word taken from another language) :: leenwoord {n}
- loath {adj} (unwilling, reluctant; averse, disinclined) :: afgeneigd, aarzelend, weigerig
- loathe {v} (hate, detest, revile) :: verafschuwen
- loathing {n} (sense of revulsion, distaste, detestation, extreme hatred or dislike) :: afkeer
- lob {n} (lump) SEE: lump ::
- lobby group {n} (advocacy group) SEE: advocacy group ::
- lobbyist {n} (A person who for remuneration reattempts to persuade politicians) :: lobbyist {m}
- lobe {n} (division of the brain) :: kwab {m} {f}
- lobotomy {n} (surgical operation) :: lobotomie {f}
- lobster {n} (crustacean) :: zeekreeft {m}, kreeft {m}
- local {adj} (of a nearby location) :: lokaal, plaatselijk
- local {n} (a person who lives nearby) :: plaatselijke bewoner
- local {n} (a train that stops at all stations) :: lokale trein {m}, lokaaltrein {m}, stoptrein {m}
- local {n} (UK) the nearest bar) :: stamcafé {n}, stamkroeg {m} {f}
- locale {n} (language-related settings) :: taalregio, locale {f}
- locale {n} (place where something happens) :: oord {n}, plaats van gebeuren
- Local Group {prop} (cluster of galaxies that contains the Milky Way) :: Lokale Groep {m} {f}
- localization {n} (act of localizing) :: lokalisatie {f}
- localization {n} (software engineering: act or process of making a product suitable for use in a particular country or region) :: landelijke aanpassing
- localization {n} (state of being localized) :: lokalisatie {f}
- Local Supercluster {prop} (Supercluster that includes the Milky Way) :: Lokale Supercluster
- local variable {n} :: lokale variabele {m}
- location {n} (place) :: plaats {f}, locatie {f}
- locative {n} (grammatical case) :: locatief {m}
- locative case {n} (case used to indicate place, or the place where) :: locatief {m}
- lochia {n} (post-partum vaginal discharge) :: lochia, kraamvloed
- Lochkovian {prop} :: Lochkovien ou Gedinien
- lock {n} (firing mechanism of a gun) :: haan {m}
- lock {n} (length of hair) :: lok {f}
- lock {n} (segment of a canal) :: sluis {f}
- lock {n} (something used for fastening) :: slot {n}
- lock {v} (to become fastened in place) :: blokkeren, vastlopen
- lock {v} (to fasten with a lock) :: afsluiten, op slot doen
- locker room {n} (changing room) SEE: changing room ::
- locket {n} (chained ornament) :: medaillon {n}
- lockup {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
- locomotion {n} (ability to move) :: voortbeweging
- locomotive {n} (self-propelled vehicle that runs on rails) :: locomotief, [rare] lokomotief
- locoweed {n} (plant of genus Astragalus) SEE: milk-vetch ::
- locus {n} (place or locality) :: plaats, localiteit
- locus {n} (position on a chromosome) :: plaats van een gen in een chromosoom
- locus {n} (set of all points given by an equation or condition) :: meetkundige plaats
- locust {n} (type of grasshopper) :: treksprinkhaan {m}, sprinkhaan {m}
- lode {n} (loadstone) SEE: lodestone ::
- lodestar {n} (star used as navigation reference) :: poolster {m}
- Lode Star {prop} (Polaris) SEE: Polaris ::
- lodestone {n} (magnetite) :: zeilsteen {m} {n}
- lodestone {n} (natural magnet) :: zeilsteen {m}
- lodge {n} (inn) SEE: inn ::
- lodge {n} (local chapter of freemasons) :: loge
- lodge {n} (porter's rooms) :: portierswoning
- lodge {n} (recreational building) :: hut
- lodge {v} (to supply with a room or place to sleep in for a time) :: herbergen
- lodger {n} (person who lodges in another's house) :: kostganger {m}
- lodging {n} (place to live or lodge) :: onderdak {n}
- loess {n} (sediment of eolian origin) :: löss
- loft {n} (an attic or similar space) :: zolder {m}
- loftiness {n} (arrogance) SEE: arrogance ::
- lofty {adj} (high) :: hoogstaand
- lofty {adj} (idealistic) :: ambitieus
- log {n} (bulky piece of timber) :: houtblok {m}
- log {n} (logbook) SEE: logbook ::
- log {n} (logbook) SEE: logbook ::
- log {n} (rolled cake) SEE: Swiss roll ::
- log {n} (surfing: longboard) SEE: longboard ::
- log {n} (trunk of dead tree, cleared of branches) :: boomstam, boomstronk
- log {n} (very dumb person) SEE: blockhead ::
- log {v} (to cut down trees) :: houthakken
- loganberry {n} (raspberry-blackberry hybrid berry) :: loganbes {f}
- logarithm {n} (for a number x, the power to which a given base number must be raised in order to obtain x) :: logaritme {n}
- logbook {n} (nautical: book in which details from journey are recorded) :: logboek {n}
- loge {n} (booth) SEE: booth ::
- loge {n} (stall) SEE: stall ::
- logic {n} (method of human thought) :: logica {f}
- -logic {suffix} (-logical) SEE: -logical ::
- logical {adj} (in agreement with the principles of logic) :: logisch
- logical {adj} (reasonable) :: logisch
- -logical {suffix} (used to form adjectival forms of nouns) :: logisch
- logician {n} (person who studies or teaches logic) :: logicus {m}
- log in {v} (gain access to a computer system) :: aanmelden, inloggen
- logistic {adj} (mathematics: relating to symbolic logic) :: logistisch
- logistic {adj} (relating to logistics) :: logistiek
- logistic {adj} (statistics: relating to the logistic function) :: logistisch
- logistic function {n} (mathematics: specific function) :: logistische functie {f}
- logistics {n} (planning and implementing the flow of goods and services) :: logistiek
- logjam {n} (A clog; any jam or mess that halts or greatly delays progress) :: opstopping, impasse
- logjam {n} (An excess of logs being conveyed on a river) :: stremming
- logo {n} (symbol or emblem that acts as a trademark or a means of identification of an entity) :: logo
- log off {v} (log out) SEE: log out ::
- log on {v} (log in) SEE: log in ::
- logophor {n} (reflexive pronoun with discourse antecedents) :: logofoor {f}, logofora {f}
- logophoric {adj} (being a logophor) :: logoforisch
- logorrheic {adj} (having excessive flow of words) :: praatzuchtig
- logotype {n} (single type two letters, a ligature ) :: ligatuur {n}
- logotype {n} (symbol used by organization, logo ) :: logo {n}
- log out {v} (to exit an account in a computing system) :: afmelden
- -logy {suffix} (branch of learning) :: -logie {f}, -kunde, -leer
- loin {n} (cut of meat) :: lendenstuk {n}
- loin {n} (part of the body) :: [often in the plural: lenden or Archaic lendenen {p]} lende
- loincloth {n} (garment) :: lendendoek {m}
- loins {n} (plural form of loin) SEE: loin ::
- loins {n} (the lower abdomen, groin and genitalia) :: lenden (Archaic also lendenen) {p}, schaamstreek {f}
- loiter {v} (to stand about idly) :: rondhangen
- loitering {n} (The action of the verb loiter) :: rondhangen {n}
- Lojban {prop} (artificial logical language based on Loglan) :: Lojban {n}
- lol {interj} (Used to express laughter) SEE: LOL ::
- LOL {initialism} (Expression of laughter) :: lol, LOL
- lollipop {n} (confectionery on a stick) :: lolly {m}, lekstok {m} (only the kind with a stick)
- lollipop man {n} (a male school crossing attendant) :: klaarover
- lolly {n} (confection) SEE: confection ::
- lolly {n} (lollipop) SEE: lollipop ::
- lolly {n} (money) SEE: money ::
- lollygag {v} (dawdle; to avoid work) :: lanterfanten, treuzelen
- Lolol {prop} (Lolol) :: Lolol {m}
- Lombard {n} (banker or moneylender) SEE: banker ::
- Lombardy {prop} (region in northern Italy) :: Lombardije {n}
- London {prop} (in the United Kingdom) :: Londen {n}
- London {prop} (of, from or pertaining to London in the UK) :: Londens
- Londoner {n} (A person from, or an inhabitant of, London) :: Londenaar {m}
- Londonian {n} (Londoner) SEE: Londoner ::
- lone {adj} (having no companion) :: alleen
- loneliness {n} (condition of being lonely) :: eenzaamheid {f}
- lonely {adj} (of person: dejected by feelings) :: eenzaam, alleen
- lonely {adj} (solitary) SEE: solitary ::
- loner {n} (one who lacks or avoids company) :: eenzaat {m}
- lone wolf {n} (loner) SEE: loner ::
- long {adj} (having great duration) :: lang
- long {adj} (having much distance from one point to another) :: lang
- long {adj} (not short) SEE: tall ::
- long {v} (to wait, to aspire) :: verlangen
- long ago {adv} (at a time in the distant past) :: lang geleden
- longanimous {adj} (long-suffering) :: lankmoedig
- long arm of the law {n} (influence or effectiveness of law enforcement) :: lange arm der wet
- longboard {v} (spine board) SEE: spine board ::
- longbow {n} (large bow) :: langboog {m}
- longcase clock {n} (grandfather clock) SEE: grandfather clock ::
- longe {v} (work a horse in a circle) :: longeren
- long-eared owl {n} (Asio otus) :: ransuil {m}
- longevity {n} (the quality of being long-lasting, especially of life) :: levensduur {m}
- long for {v} (to have desire for; to yearn) :: begeren
- long for {v} (to miss) :: verlangen
- longing {n} (melancholic desire) :: verlangen {n}
- long-legged buzzard {n} (Buteo rufinus) :: Arendbuizerd
- long live {v} (prosper) :: lang leve
- longstanding {adj} (longstanding) SEE: long-standing ::
- long-suffering {adj} (having endured discomfort) :: lankmoedig
- longsword {n} (a kind of sword) :: grootzwaard {n}
- long-term {adj} (extending over a relatively long time period) :: langdurig, langlopend
- long time no see {interj} (idiomatic: I haven't seen you for a long time) :: lang niet gezien
- longwave {adj} :: langegolf {f}
- long ways, long lies {proverb} (Proverb) :: wie verre reizen doet, kan veel verhalen
- Longyearbyen {prop} (settlement) :: Longyearbyen
- loogie {n} (sputum) :: fluim {m} {f}
- loogie {n} (thick liquid) :: blubber {m}, slijm {n}, [Flemish] drets {m}
- look {n} (action of looking) :: blik {m}
- look {n} (facial expression) :: blik {m}
- look {n} (physical appearance) :: uitzicht {n}, [about a person] look {m}, uiterlijk {n}, stijl {m}
- look {v} (to appear, to seem) :: lijken (+ op), er uitzien (+ als)
- look {v} (to expect) :: uitzien (+naar)
- look {v} (to face) :: uitzien (+over)
- look {v} (to search) :: zoeken
- look {v} (to try to see) :: kijken
- look after {v} (to watch, to protect) :: verzorgen, behartigen, naar omkijken
- look back {v} (to look behind oneself) :: achterom kijken
- look back {v} (to reminisce about the past) :: achterom kijken, terugkijken, omzien
- look before you leap {proverb} (don't jump into something too precipitously) :: bezint eer ge begint, bezint eer gij begint
- look down on {v} (to regard or treat as inferior) :: neerkijken op
- looker {n} (slang: good-looking one) :: schoonheid
- look for {v} (search; seek) :: zoeken
- look forward {v} (to anticipate or expect) SEE: look forward to ::
- look forward to {v} (anticipate, expect, or wait for) :: uitkijken naar, ernaar uitkijken om
- looking glass {n} (mirror) SEE: mirror ::
- look like {v} (be similar in appearance, resemble) :: lijken op
- look like {v} (seem, appear) :: erop lijken
- look up {v} (to obtain information about something from a text source) :: opzoeken
- look up {v} (used other than as an idiom) :: opkijken
- loom {n} (bird of order Gaviformes) SEE: loon ::
- loom {n} (weaving frame) :: weefgetouw {n}
- loom {v} (impend, threaten to hang over) :: opdoemen
- loon {n} (a crazy person) :: gek, getikte {m}
- loon {n} (bird of order Gaviiformes) :: duiker {m}
- loop {n} (programmed sequence of instructions) :: lus {c}, herhaling {f}, repetitie {f}
- looper {n} (measuring worm) SEE: measuring worm ::
- loophole {n} (method of escape) :: achterdeur
- loophole {n} (slit in a castle wall) :: schietgat {n}
- loopy {adj} (Having loops) :: vol bochten
- loopy {adj} ( Idiotic, crazy or drunk) :: geschift, bezopen
- loo roll {n} (toilet roll) SEE: toilet roll ::
- loose {adj} (not compact) :: los, mul
- loose {adj} (not fitting tightly) :: ruim
- loose {adj} (not fixed tightly) :: los
- loose {adj} (not leashed) SEE: unleashed ::
- loose {adj} (not packaged) :: los
- loose {adj} (relaxed) :: ontspannen
- loose {v} (archery: to shoot) :: lossen
- loose {v} (to let go) :: loslaten
- loose {v} (to let loose) :: loslaten, verlossen
- loose {v} (to unfasten) :: losmaken
- loose ablative {n} (syntactic construction) :: losse ablatief {m}
- loose change {n} (coins kept in one's pocket or bag) :: kleingeld {n}
- loosely {adv} (not tightly) :: ruim
- loosen {v} (to make less tight) :: losmaken
- loot {n} (money) :: poen
- loot {n} (the proceeds of theft, robbery etc., swag, contraband) :: buit,plundering
- loot {v} :: plunderen
- lopsided {adj} (not balanced) :: onevenwichtig, scheef
- loquacious {adj} (talkative, chatty) :: praatziek, praatgraag
- loquacity {n} (talkativeness) :: spraakzaamheid {f}
- lord {n} (aristocrat) :: landheer {m}
- lord {n} (master of a household) :: heer {m}, landheer {m}
- lord {n} (ruler, one having mastery over others) :: overste {m} {f}
- lord {n} (titled nobleman) :: heer {m}
- Lord {n} (British aristocratic title) :: Lord
- Lord {n} :: heer des huizes
- Lord {prop} (God) :: de Heer
- Lord {prop} (Jesus) :: Onze Lieve Heer
- Lord's Prayer {prop} (the prayer taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples) :: Onzevader {n}
- Lorraine {prop} (region east of Alsace) :: Lotharingen {n}
- lorry {n} (motor vehicle) SEE: truck ::
- lorry driver {n} (person employed to drive a truck) SEE: truck driver ::
- lose {v} (cause (something) to cease to be in one's possession or capability) :: verliezen
- lose {v} (fail to be the winner) :: verliezen
- lose {v} (have (somebody of one's kin) die) :: verliezen
- lose {v} (shed (weight) :: afvallen
- lose {v} (transitive) fail to win) :: verliezen
- lose face {v} (lose respect of others) :: het gezicht verliezen, gezichtsverlies lijden
- lose one's way {v} (get lost) SEE: get lost ::
- loss {n} (casualties) :: verliezen {p}
- loss {n} (engineering: power expended without doing useful work) :: verlies {n}, [electrical] stroomverlies, [mechanical] krachtverlies, [thermic] warmteverlies
- loss {n} (financial: negative result on balance) :: verlies {n}
- loss {n} (hurtful condition resulting from losing) :: verlies {n}, verslagenheid
- loss {n} (instance of losing) :: verlies {n}, nederlaag, verliezen {n}
- loss {n} (something lost) :: verlies {n}
- loss of face {n} (loss of respect of others) :: gezichtsverlies {n}
- lost {adj} :: verloren, verdwaald
- lost and found {n} (department, service or location where items that are found can be claimed by their owners) :: gevonden voorwerpen {p}
- lost property {n} (lost and found) SEE: lost and found ::
- lot {n} (large quantity or number) SEE: a lot ::
- loth {adj} (reluctant) SEE: loath ::
- lottery {n} (affair of chance) :: loterij
- lottery {n} (scheme for the distribution of prizes by lot or chance) :: loting, loterij, lottrekking
- lottery ticket {n} (slip of paper drawn in a lottery) :: lot {n}
- lotus nut {n} (lotus seed) SEE: lotus seed ::
- loud {adj} (noisy) :: luidruchtig, luidruchtige
- loud {adj} (of a colour, clothing, etc.) :: vloekend, schreeuwerig
- loud {adj} (of a sound) :: luid, luide, hard, harde
- loudness race {n} (public backlash) SEE: loudness war ::
- loudspeaker {n} (transducer) :: luidspreker {m}
- Louis {prop} (male given name) :: Lodewijk
- Louisa {prop} (female given name) SEE: Louise ::
- loukoumades {n} (lokma) SEE: lokma ::
- loupe {n} (magnifying glass often used by jewellers and watchmakers) :: loep
- louse {n} (insect) :: luis {f}
- louse {n} (worthless person) :: (arme) luis {m}
- lout {n} (a rude violent man) :: onbeschofterik, lummel
- lout {n} (bumpkin) :: malloot
- lout {n} (troublemaker) :: schurk, ruziestoker
- Louvain {prop} (Belgian city) :: Leuven {n}
- louvar {n} (Luvarus imperialis) :: haanvis
- louver {n} (a slatted opening in a wall, door or window) :: luifel {m}
- louver {n} (a system of slits for ventilation) :: luifel {m}
- louver {n} (a ventilating turret or lantern) :: luifel {m}
- lovableness {n} (property that makes someone or something lovable) :: beminnenswaardigheid {f}
- love {n} (closing of a letter) :: liefs
- love {n} (darling or sweetheart) :: schat
- love {n} (romantic feelings) :: liefde {f}, verliefdheid
- love {n} (strong affection) :: liefde {f}
- love {n} (zero) :: nul
- love {v} (be strongly inclined towards doing) :: gek zijn op, houden van
- love {v} (care about; will good for) :: houden van, liefhebben
- love {v} (euphemistic): to have sex with) :: vrijen, de liefde bedrijven
- love {v} (have a strong affection for) :: houden van, beminnen, liefhebben, graag zien
- love {v} (to lust for) :: gek zijn op, smachten naar
- love {v} (to need, thrive on) :: gedijen
- love at first sight {n} (an instantaneous attraction) :: liefde op het eerste gezicht
- love bite {n} (swelling on the skin) :: zuigzoen
- love child {n} (child born as a result of a romantic liaison between unmarried parents) :: liefdeskind
- lovechild {n} (child born out of wedlock) SEE: love child ::
- love game {n} (a game in which one player scored no points) :: lovegame {m}
- love-in-a-mist {n} (Nigella damascena) :: juffertje-in-het-groen
- love is blind {proverb} (proverb) :: liefde is blind
- loveless {adj} (without love) :: liefdeloos
- love letter {n} (letter about the author's love) :: liefdesbrief
- lovelorn {adj} (rent and reived of and/or by love) :: liefdeloos
- lovely {adj} (Beautiful; charming; very pleasing in form, looks, tone, or manner.) :: liefelijk, lieflijk, beminnelijk
- lovely {adj} (inspiring love or friendship) :: (teer)geliefd, lievenswaardig
- lovely {adj} (very nice, wonderful) :: heerlijk, zalig
- lovely {n} (attractive person) :: lieverd {m}, liefje {n}, [je] schat, oogappel
- lovely {n} (lovely object) :: (iets) liefs {n}, schat
- love potion {n} (philter) SEE: philter ::
- lover {n} (one who loves another person) :: minnaar {m}, minnares {f}
- love rat {n} (adulterer) SEE: adulterer ::
- love triangle {n} (situation in which two people vie for the love of a third) :: driehoeksverhouding {f}
- lovingly {adv} (in a loving manner) :: liefdevol
- low {adj} (in a position comparatively close to the ground) :: laag, lage
- low {n} (area of low pressure) :: lagedrukgebied {n}, depressie {f}
- low {n} (flame) SEE: flame ::
- low {v} (moo) SEE: moo ::
- Low Countries {prop} (countries around the Rhine, Scheldt and Meuse rivers) :: Lage Landen {p}
- lower back {n} (the lower part of the back) :: onderrug {f}
- lower case {n} (lower case letters, collectively) :: kleine letters, klein schrift
- lowercase {adj} (in lower case) :: in kleine letters, kleingeschreven
- lower chamber {n} (lower house) SEE: lower house ::
- lower deck {n} (deck of a ship immediately above the hold) :: benedendek {n}, onderdek {n}
- lowering {n} (act of something being lowered) :: verlaging {f}
- Lower Lusatian {prop} (Lower Sorbian) SEE: Lower Sorbian ::
- lowermost {adj} (lowest) :: onderst
- Lower Saxony {prop} (state) :: Nedersaksen
- low-fat {adj} (not having a high number of calories from fat) :: vetarm
- lowland {n} (area which is lower than surroundings) :: laagland {n}
- lowlife {n} (untrustworthy, despicable, or disreputable person) :: viezerik {m}
- Low Saxon {prop} (language or language group) :: Nedersaksisch {n}
- low tide {n} (the tide at its lowest level) :: laagtij {n}, eb {m} {f}, ebbe {m} {f}, ebtij {n}
- low tide {n} (the time of day when the sea has recded to its lowest level) :: laagtij {n}, laagwater {n}
- lox {n} (smoked salmon) :: gerookte zalm
- loxodrome {n} (A line which crosses successive meridians at a constant angle) SEE: rhumb line ::
- loyal {adj} (firm in allegiance to a person or institution) :: loyaal
- loyalness {n} (loyalty) SEE: loyalty ::
- lozenge {n} (medicated sweet) :: keelpastille {f}, pastille {f}
- lozenge {n} (rhombus) :: ruit
- lube {n} (lubricant) SEE: lubricant ::
- lube {v} (lubricate) SEE: lubricate ::
- lubricant {n} (substance used to reduce friction) :: gel {m}, glijmiddel {n}
- lubricate {v} (to make slippery or smooth) :: smeren
- Lucas {prop} (male given name) SEE: Luke ::
- Lucia {prop} (female given name) SEE: Lucy ::
- Lucian {prop} (sophist of Syrian origin) :: Lucianus van Samosata
- lucid {adj} :: helder, duidelijk, transparant
- lucidness {n} (property of being lucid) :: helderheid {f}, klaarheid {f}
- Lucifer {prop} (figure mentioned in Isaiah 14:12) :: Lucifer {m}
- luck {n} (something that happens to someone by chance) :: geluk {n}
- luckily {adv} (in a lucky manner) :: gelukkig
- lucky {adj} (being good by chance) :: gelukkig, boffend
- lucky {adj} (of people, having good fortune) :: gelukkig
- lucky streak {n} (winning streak) SEE: winning streak ::
- lucre {n} (profit) :: gewin, profijt
- Ludfordian {prop} :: Ludfordien
- Ludo {n} (board game) :: Mens erger je niet {n}
- luff {n} (vertical edge of a sail) :: loef {m}
- Lugansk {prop} (Luhansk) SEE: Luhansk ::
- luggage {n} (traveller's containers) :: bagage {m}
- lug nut {n} (nut to attach wheel to axle) :: wielmoer {f}
- lugsail {n} (sail) :: loggerzeil {n}
- Lukas {prop} (given name) SEE: Luke ::
- Lukas {prop} (surname) SEE: Lucas ::
- Luke {prop} (evangelist) :: Lucas
- Luke {prop} (given name) :: Lukas
- Luke {prop} (gospel of Luke) :: Evangelie naar Lucas
- lukewarm {adj} (not very enthusiastic) :: lauw, flauw
- lukewarm {adj} (temperature) :: lauw
- lull {v} (to cause to rest) :: kalmeren,in slaap wiegen
- lullaby {n} (a soothing song to lull children to sleep) :: slaapliedje {n}, wiegeliedje {n}
- lumbago {n} (lumbar-region backache, see also: backache) :: lumbago
- lumber {n} (wood as building material) :: timmerhout {n}
- lumberjack {n} (person who fells trees) :: houthakker {m} {f}
- lumbermill {n} (mill for processing lumber) SEE: sawmill ::
- luminary {n} (artificial light, see also: ) :: lichtbron
- luminary {n} (body that gives light) :: hemellichaam, ster
- luminary {n} (inspiration to other) :: uitblinker, lichtend voorbeeld
- lumiphore {n} (luminophore) SEE: luminophore ::
- lummox {n} (clumsy, stupid person) :: lomperd, vlegel, vlerk
- lump {n} (group, set, or unit) :: klont
- lump {n} :: klonter {m}
- lump {n} (something that protrudes, sticks out, or sticks together; a cluster or blob; a mound, hill, or group) :: brok, klont {m} {f}
- lumpfish {n} (lumpsucker) SEE: lumpsucker ::
- lumpsucker {n} (scorpaeniform fish) :: snotolf
- Luna {prop} (Earth's moon) SEE: Moon ::
- lunacy {n} (cyclical mental disease, apparently linked to the lunar phases) :: maanziekte
- lunacy {n} (something deeply misguided) :: gekheid, waanzin
- lunacy {n} (state of being mad) :: gekheid, krankzinnigheid, waanzin
- lunar eclipse {n} (when the Earth casts its shadow over the Moon) :: maansverduistering {f}
- lunar phase {n} (any one of the aspects presented by the moon) :: schijngestalte van de Maan {f}
- lunatic {n} (insane person) :: gek {m}, gekkin {f}, zot {m}, zottin {f}
- lunatic asylum {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
- lunch {n} (meal around midday) :: lunch, middageten {n}, (licht) middagmaal {n}
- lunch {v} (to eat lunch) :: middageten, dineren, lunchen
- luncheon meat {n} (lunch meat) SEE: lunch meat ::
- lung {n} (organ that extracts oxygen from the air) :: long {f}
- lung capacity {n} (lung capacity) SEE: lung capacity ::
- lung capacity {n} (lung volume) SEE: lung volume ::
- lunge {n} (long rope) SEE: lunge line ::
- lungfish {n} (air-breathing fish of the class Dipnoi) :: longvis {m}
- lupine {n} (lupin) SEE: lupin ::
- lure {n} (tempting or attractive object) :: lokmiddel {n}, [informally] lokkertje {n}
- lurid {adj} (shocking, horrifying) :: luguber
- lurk {v} (to hang out or wait around a location) :: schuilen
- luscious {adj} (obscene) :: wulps, obsceen
- luscious {adj} (sexually appealing) :: wulps, verleidelijk
- luscious {adj} (sweet and pleasant) :: smaakvol, zoet, delicieus
- lush {adj} (amazing, cool, fantastic, wicked) :: cool, de max [Flemish], wijs [Flemish], tof
- lush {adj} (beautiful, sexy) :: sexy
- lush {adj} (dense, teeming with life) :: groen, levend
- lush {adj} (luxuriant, delicious) :: luxurieus, delicieus, weelderig
- lush {n} (alcoholic) :: zatlap {m}
- lust {n} (delightful cause of joy, pleasure) :: plezier, lust
- lust {n} (general want or longing) :: begeerte, lust, verlangen {n}
- lust {n} (strong desire, especially of a sexual nature) :: (zinnelijke) begeerte, lust, wellust
- lust {v} (crave sexual contact) :: begeren, lusten, smachten
- lust {v} (strongly desire) :: begeren, lusten, smachten
- luster {n} (A period of five years, lustrum) SEE: lustrum ::
- luster {n} (a shine, polish or sparkle) :: glans, schittering
- luster {n} (brilliance, attractiveness or splendor) :: luister {m}, glans, splendeur
- luster {n} (refinement, polish or quality) :: lustrum
- luster {v} (to give luster) :: opluisteren
- luster {v} (to have luster) :: glanzen, glimmen, stralen
- lustful {adj} (full of lust) :: lustig, wellustig
- lustre {n} (luster) SEE: luster ::
- lustre {n} (lustrum) SEE: lustrum ::
- lustre {v} (luster) SEE: luster ::
- lute {n} (stringed instrument) :: luit {f}
- Lutetian {prop} :: Lutetien
- lutetium {n} (chemical element with atomic number of 71) :: lutetium {n}
- Lutheran {adj} (related to the Lutheran church) :: lutheraans, luthers
- Luxembourg {prop} (country, city, province, district) :: Luxemburg {n}
- Luxembourger {n} (person from Luxembourg) :: Luxemburger {m}, Luxemburgse {f}, Letzeburger
- Luxembourgian {adj} (Luxembourgish) SEE: Luxembourgish ::
- Luxembourgian {n} (Luxembourger) SEE: Luxembourger ::
- Luxembourgish {adj} (pertaining to Luxembourg) :: Luxemburgs
- Luxemburger {n} (Luxembourger) SEE: Luxembourger ::
- luxurious {adj} (being very fine and comfortable) :: luxueus
- luxurious {adj} (enjoying pleasures of luxury) :: luxueus
- luxury {n} (something desirable but expensive) :: luxe {m}
- Löwchen {n} (Löwchen) :: Leeuwhondje {n}
- -ly {suffix} (used to form adjectives from nouns) :: -achtig, -lijk, -ig
- -ly {suffix} (used to form adverbs from adjectives) :: (the adverb is usually the same as the adjective: no change in form)
- lychee {n} (fruit) :: lychee {m}, litsji {m}
- lychee {n} (tree) :: lycheeboom {m}, litsjiboom
- lye {n} (caustic alkaline solution) :: loog {n}
- lymph {n} (the fluid carried by the lymphatic system) :: lymfe {f}
- lymphoma {n} (malignant tumor that arises in the lymph nodes or in other lymphoid tissue) :: lymfoom {n}
- lynch {v} (execute without a proper legal trial) :: lynchen
- lynx {n} (wild cat) :: lynx {m}
- Lyons {prop} (a city in France) :: Lyon
- lyre {n} (a stringed musical instrument) :: lier {f}
- lyric {n} (lyrics) SEE: lyrics ::
- lyrical {adj} :: lyrisch
- lyrics {n} (the words to a song) :: songtekst {m}, liedtekst {m}
- lysine {n} (essential amino acid, C[6]H[14]N[2]O[2]) :: lysine
- lysosome {n} (digestive organelle) :: lysosoom {n}
- mañana {adv} (Sometime in the future) :: ooit
- mañana {adv} (tomorrow) SEE: tomorrow ::
- Maastricht {prop} (capital of the province of Limburg in The Netherlands) :: Maastricht {n}
- mac {n} (mackintosh) SEE: mackintosh ::
- macabre {adj} (representing or personifying death) :: macaber
- macadamia {n} (fruit) :: macadamianoot {m} {f}
- macadamia {n} (tree) :: macadamia
- macaque {n} (any monkey of the family Macaca) :: makaak
- macaron {n} (pastry) :: makaron {m}
- macaroni {n} (type of pasta) :: macaroni
- macaroon {n} (soft biscuit or cookie prepared with almond or coconut dough) :: bitterkoekje, kokoskoekje, makron {m}
- MacBook {n} (device) :: MacBook {c}
- mace {n} (a spice) :: foelie
- mace {n} (weapon) :: strijdknots {m} {f}
- Macedonia {prop} (ancient kingdom) :: Macedonië {n}
- Macedonia {prop} (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, see also: former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) :: Macedonië {n}
- Macedonia {prop} (region of northern Greece) :: Macedonië {n}
- Macedonian {adj} (of Macedonia, its people or language) :: Macedonisch
- Macedonian {n} (person from Macedonia) :: Macedoniër
- Macedonian {prop} (language of antiquity) :: Oudmacedonisch
- Macedonian {prop} (Slavic language of Macedonia) :: Macedonisch
- Macedo-Romanian {prop} (Aromanian) SEE: Aromanian ::
- MacGyver {v} (to jury-rig) SEE: jury-rig ::
- machete {n} (a sword-like tool) :: kapmes {n}
- machicolation {n} (shooting hole) :: mezenkooi {f}
- machine {n} (a person who is very proficient) :: machine {f}
- machine {n} (archaic: vehicle, automobile) :: automobiel {m}
- machine {n} (mechanical or electrical device) :: machine {f}
- machine code {n} (machine language) SEE: machine language ::
- machine gun {n} (type of firearm) :: mitrailleur {m}
- machine language {n} (set of instructions for a computer) :: machinetaal {f}
- machinery {n} (collective parts of something which allow it to function) :: machinerie {f}
- machinery {n} (machines constituting a production apparatus) :: machinery {f}, machinepark {n}
- machinery {n} (working parts of a machine as a group) :: machinerie {f}, mechaniek
- machine tool {n} (a tool used for machining) :: werktuigmachine {f}
- machine translation {n} (act of transforming a computer language into another computer language using a computer) :: machinevertaling {f}, computervertaling {f}
- machinist {n} (operator) SEE: operator ::
- machinist {n} (person employed to shift scenery in a theater) :: machinist {m}
- macintosh {n} (raincoat) SEE: mackintosh ::
- mackerel {n} (edible fish) :: makreel {m}
- mackerel bird {n} (wryneck) SEE: wryneck ::
- mackintosh {n} (raincoat in general) SEE: raincoat ::
- macpalxochitl {n} (Mexican hand tree) SEE: Mexican hand tree ::
- macrocosm {n} (a complex structure containing numerous smaller-scale structures) :: macrokosmos {m}
- macrocosm {n} (the universe) SEE: universe ::
- macroeconomics {n} (study of the entire economy) :: macro-economie
- macron {n} (short, straight, horizontal diacritical mark placed over a vowel) :: macron {c}
- macrophage {n} (type of white blood cell) :: macrofaag {m}
- macrosporangium {n} (megasporangium) SEE: megasporangium ::
- mad {adj} (angry) :: boos, kwaad
- mad {adj} (insane (adj.) :: waanzinnig, gek, zot
- Madagascar {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Madagaskar
- mad as a hatter {adj} (demented or crazy) :: stapelgek
- mad cow disease {n} (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) :: gekke-koeienziekte
- madder {n} (plant) :: meekrap {m} {f}
- made in China {adj} (manufactured in the PRC) :: geproduceerd in China, vervaardigd in China
- Madhya Pradesh {prop} (Madhya Pradesh, India) :: Madhya Pradesh
- madman {n} (An insane man) :: dolleman {m}, gek {f}, krankzinnige {f}, waanzinnige {f}
- Madras {prop} (city) :: Madras
- madrasa {n} (madrasah) SEE: madrasah ::
- madrassah {n} (madrasah) SEE: madrasah ::
- Madrid {prop} (capital of Spain) :: Madrid {n}
- Madrilenian {adj} (of Madrid) :: Madrileens
- Madrilenian {n} (Someone from Madrid) :: Madrileen {m}, Madrileense {f}
- Madrileño {adj} (of Madrid) SEE: Madrilenian ::
- Madrileño {n} (Someone from Madrid) SEE: Madrilenian ::
- madrone {n} (strawberry tree) SEE: strawberry tree ::
- maelstrom {n} (any violent or turbulent situation) :: maalstroom
- maelstrom {n} (large whirlpool) :: maalstroom, moskstraumen, moskenstraumen
- maenad {n} (follower of Dionysus) :: maenade
- mafia {n} (a crime syndicate) :: mafia {m}
- magazine {n} (ammunition clip) :: magazijn {n}
- magazine {n} (ammunition storehouse) :: magazijn {n}
- magazine {n} (periodical) :: tijdschrift {n}, magazine {n}
- Magdalene {prop} (biblical character) SEE: Mary Magdalene ::
- magenta {n} (colour) :: magenta
- maggot {n} (dipterous insect's larva that eats decomposing flesh) :: made {f}
- maggot {n} (whimsy or fancy) :: gril, kuur, luim
- maggot {n} (worthless person) :: made {f}, worm {m}
- maggoty {adj} (infested with and/or partially eaten by maggots) :: wormstekig
- Maghreb {prop} (region in Africa) :: Maghreb {m}
- magic {adj} (featuring illusions that are usually performed for entertainment) :: magisch, goochel-
- magic {adj} (having supernatural talents, properties or qualities) :: magisch, betoverd, tover-
- magic {adj} (Producing extraordinary results; wonderful, amazing) :: magisch, betoverend, feeëriek
- magic {n} (illusion performed to give the appearance of magic or the supernatural) :: goochelkunst {f}, illusionisme {n}
- magic {n} (ritual associated with supernatural magic or mysticism) :: tovenarij, toverkunst {f}, magie {f}
- magic {n} (something spectacular or wonderful) :: toverij {f}, magie {f}
- magic {n} (use of supernatural rituals, forces etc.) :: toverij, toverkracht, toverkunst {f}, magie {f}
- magic {v} (to produce something, as if by magic) :: (tevoorschjn) toveren
- magical {adj} (enchanting) :: betoverend, magisch
- magical {adj} (relating to magic) :: magisch
- magician {n} (amazingly talented craftsman or scientist) :: tovenaar {m}
- magician {n} (performer of tricks) :: goochelaar {m}, illusionist {m}, magiër {m}
- magician {n} (person who astounds, is an enigma) :: goochelaar {m}, tovenaar {m}, magiër {m}
- magician {n} (practitioner of allegedly supernatural magic) :: tovenaar {m}, magiër {m}
- magic wand {n} (stick or staff used to perform magic) :: toverstaf {m}, toverstokje {n}
- magic word {n} (word with magical effect) :: toverwoord {n}
- magma {n} (molten matter) :: magma {n}
- Magna Carta {prop} (the Magna Carta) :: Magna Carta {f}
- magnanimity {n} (The quality of being magnanimous; greatness of mind; elevation or dignity of soul) :: grootmoedigheid {f}
- magnanimous {adj} (noble and generous in spirit) :: grootmoedig
- magnesium {n} (chemical element) :: magnesium {n}
- magnet {n} (piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism) :: magneet {f}
- magnetic {adj} (determined by earth's magnetic fields) :: magnetisch
- magnetic {adj} (having the properties a magnet) :: magnetisch
- magnetic {adj} (of, relating to, caused by, or operating by magnetism) :: magnetisch
- magnetic field {n} (a field of magnetic force) :: magneetveld {n}, magnetisch veld {n}
- Magnetic North {n} (magnetic north) SEE: magnetic north ::
- magnetism {n} (the property of being magnetic) :: magnetisme {n}
- magnetization {n} (The act of magnetize, see also: magnetizing, or the state of being magnetized) :: magnetisatie {f}
- magneto- {prefix} (magnet-) SEE: magnet- ::
- magnificent {adj} (grand, elegant or splendid in appearance) :: prachtig
- magnify {v} (to make larger) :: vergroten
- magnifying glass {n} (instrument) :: vergrootglas {n}
- magnitude {n} (size etc) :: grootte {f}
- magpie {n} (Australian bird, Gymnorhina tibicen) :: zwartrugfluitvogel {m}
- magpie {n} (bird of genus Pica) :: ekster {m}
- Magyar {adj} (Hungarian) SEE: Hungarian ::
- maharaja {n} (a Hindu prince ranking above a raja) :: maharadja {m}
- maharajadhiraja {n} (title) :: maharajadhiraja {m}
- Maharashtra {prop} (state in western India) :: Maharashtra
- Maharastra {prop} (Maharashtra) SEE: Maharashtra ::
- Mahilyow {prop} (Mogilev) SEE: Mogilev ::
- mahlab {n} (aromatic spice made from cherry stones) :: weichselboom {m}
- mahogany {n} (tropical tree) :: mahonie
- mahogany {n} (wood) :: mahonie
- maid {n} (female servant or cleaner) :: meid {f}, dienstmeid {f}
- maid {n} (young female) :: meisje {n}, meid {f}
- maiden {adj} (virgin) SEE: virgin ::
- maiden {adj} (without offspring) :: kinderloos
- maiden {n} (female virgin) :: maagd {m} {f}
- maiden {n} (unmarried young female) :: juffrouw {f}, [poetic] maagd {m} {f}, meisje {m}, jongedame, vrijster
- maidenhair fern {n} (maidenhair) SEE: maidenhair ::
- maidenhead {n} (hymen) :: maagdenvlies {n}
- maidenhead {n} (virginity) :: maagdelijkheid {f}
- maidenhood {n} (condition of being maiden) :: maagdelijkheid
- maiden name {n} (married woman's original last name) :: meisjesnaam {m}
- Maiden's Tower {prop} (a tower located in the Bosphorus) :: Meisjestoren, Leandertoren
- mail {n} (postal delivery system) :: post {f}
- mailman {n} (post office employee) :: postbode {m}, brievenbesteller {m}, postbesteller
- mail slot {n} (slot for mail delivery) :: brievengleuf
- main {adj} (principal) :: voornaamste, hoofdzakelijk, hoofdzakelijke, belangrijkst, belangrijkste
- main {n} (high seas) SEE: high seas ::
- main {n} (mainland) SEE: mainland ::
- main {n} (strength) SEE: strength ::
- main building {n} (most important building of a group of buildings (e.g. in a school/university) :: hoofdgebouw {n}
- main clause {n} (grammar: clause that can stand alone syntactically) :: hoofdzin {m}, bevestigende zin {m}, enkelvoudige zin {m}
- mainland {n} (the main landmass of a country or continent) :: vasteland {n}
- mainly {adv} (chiefly; for the most part) :: voornamelijk
- mainmast {n} (mainmast) :: grote mast {m}
- mainstay {n} (a chief support) :: hoofdpijler, steunpilaar
- mainstay {n} (a stabilizing rope from the top of the mainmast to the bottom of the foremast) :: grootstag {n}
- maintain {v} (to keep up) :: handhaven
- maintenance {n} (keeping a machine in service) :: onderhoud {n}, handhaving {f}
- main verb {n} (verb in a clause with the highest semantic content) :: hoofdwerkwoord {n}
- Mainz {prop} (capital of Rhineland-Palatinate) :: Mainz {n}
- maize {n} (corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays) :: maïs {m}, Turkse tarwe {m}, Spaanse tarwe {f}
- majestic {adj} (having splendor or royalty) :: majestueus, majesteitisch
- majestical {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic ::
- Majesty {pron} (term of address for royalty and imperiality) :: majesteit
- majiang {n} (mahjong) SEE: mahjong ::
- major {adj} :: belangrijk
- major {n} (major premise) SEE: major premise ::
- major {n} (military rank) :: majoor {m}
- major {n} (person of legal age) :: meerderjarige {m} {f}
- major {n} (the main area of study) :: hoofdvak {n}
- major arcana {n} (Tarot cards) :: grote arcana
- majority {n} (more than half) :: meerderheid {f}, merendeel {n}
- majuscule {n} (upper-case letter) SEE: capital letter ::
- make {n} (brand ) :: merk {n}
- make {v} (to bring into success) :: maken
- make {v} (to cause to be) :: maken
- make {v} (to cause to do) :: doen, ertoe brengen
- make {v} (to constitute) :: vormen
- make {v} (to construct) :: maken
- make {v} (to create) :: maken
- make {v} (to force to do) :: doen, ertoe brengen
- make {v} (to indicate or suggest to be) :: maken
- make {v} (to interpret) :: maken, denken, interpreteren
- make a living {v} (earn enough income) :: zich in zijn levensonderhoud voorzien
- make a mountain out of a molehill {v} (to treat a problem as greater than it is) :: van een mug een olifant maken, (Flanders also) van een muis een olifant maken
- make an exhibition of oneself {v} (to embarrass oneself in public) :: zichzelf voor gek zetten
- make a spectacle of oneself {v} (To embarrass oneself or others in public) :: een belachelijk figuur slaan {n}
- make do {v} (to get by (with) :: genoegen nemen
- make friends {v} (to create friendships) :: bevriend raken
- make hay while the sun shines {proverb} (act while an opportunity exists) :: het ijzer smeden als het heet is
- make love {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) :: de liefde bedrijven, vrijen
- make out {v} (To kiss or to make love) :: zoenen
- make peace {v} (to end hostilities) :: vrede sluiten
- maker {n} (one who makes) :: maker {m}
- make sense {v} (be coherent) :: kloppen, zinvol zijn, betekenisvol zijn
- make sense {v} (decipher, understand) :: ontcijferen, verstaan, snappen
- makeshift {adj} (Made to work or suffice; improvised; substituted) :: provisorisch
- makeshift {n} (A temporary, usually insubstantial, substitution for something else) :: provisorisch, noodoplossing
- make sure {v} (to verify; to recheck; to use extra care or caution) :: zorgen, opletten
- make the bed {v} (arrange sheets, etc smoothly and neatly) :: het bed opmaken
- make-up artist {n} (artist who creates makeup for theatrical, television, or film productions) :: grimeur {m}, grimeuse {f}
- Makeyevka {prop} (Makiyivka) SEE: Makiyivka ::
- malacology {n} (study of molluscs) :: malacologie
- maladroit {adj} (not adroit; clumsy) :: onhandig, onbeholpen
- Malagasy {prop} (the language of the Malagasy, when considered one language) :: Malgasy
- malaise {n} (ambiguous feeling of mental or moral depression) :: teneergeslagenheid {f}
- malaise {n} (bodily feeling) :: ongesteldheid {f}
- malapropism {n} (the blundering use of a similar-sounding expression) :: verhaspeling {f}
- malar {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone ::
- malar bone {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone ::
- malaria {n} (disease) :: malaria
- Malawi {prop} (Republic of Malawi) :: Malawi
- Malay {adj} (in, of or otherwise pertaining to the Malay language) :: Maleis
- Malay {adj} (of or pertaining to Malaysia, see also: Malaysian) :: Maleisisch
- Malay {adj} (of the Malay people) :: Maleis, Maleisich
- Malay {n} (Malay person) :: Maleier {m}
- Malay {prop} (the Malay language) :: Maleis {n}
- Malayalam {prop} (language) :: Malayalam {n}
- Malayization {n} (Malayisation) SEE: Malayisation ::
- Malaysia {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Maleisië
- Malaysian {prop} (Malay) SEE: Malay ::
- Maldives {prop} (country in South Asia) :: Maladiven
- Maldivian {prop} (language) SEE: Dhivehi ::
- male {adj} (belonging or referring to the sex having the smaller gametes) :: mannelijk, man-, mannen-, mannetjes-, masculien
- male {adj} (having an external plug) :: mannelijk
- male {n} (animal of masculine sex) :: mannetje {n}, mannetjesdier
- male {n} (human of masculine sex or gender) :: mannetje {n}, man {m}, jongen {m}
- male {n} (plant of masculine sex) :: mannetje {n}, mannetjesplant
- maledict {v} (berate) SEE: berate ::
- maledict {v} (curse) SEE: curse ::
- malediction {n} (curse) SEE: curse ::
- male member {n} (male participant) :: mannelijk lid {n}
- male member {n} (penis) :: mannelijk lid {n}
- malevolence {n} (hostile feeling and attitude) :: kwaadwil {m}, moedwil {m}, booswil {m}, misgunst {m}, malevolentie {f}
- malevolent {adj} (having or displaying ill will; wishing harm on others) :: kwaadwillend
- malevolently {adv} (malevolently) SEE: maliciously ::
- malfeasor {n} (wrongdoer) SEE: wrongdoer ::
- malfunction {n} (Failure to function) :: stuk zijn {n}, storing {f}
- malfunction {n} (Faulty functioning) :: slechte werking {f}
- Mali {prop} (A country in Western Africa) :: Mali
- malice {n} (intention to harm) :: kwaadaardigheid
- malicious {adj} (Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite) :: boos, kwaad, kwaadaardig
- maliciousness {n} (maliciousness) SEE: malevolence ::
- malignant {adj} (harmful, malevolent, injurious) :: kwaadaardig
- malignant {adj} (tending to produce death) :: kwaadaardig
- malkin {n} (cat) SEE: cat ::
- mall {n} (enclosed shopping centre) :: winkelcentrum
- mallard {n} (a common and widespread dabbling duck, Anas platyrhynchos) :: wilde eend {f}
- malleability {n} (the quality or state of being malleable) :: smeedbaarheid, buigzaamheid, wendbaarheid
- malleable {adj} (able to be hammered into thin sheets) :: hamerbaar, smeedbaar
- malleable {adj} (liable to change) :: kneedbaar
- malleate {v} (to beat into shape with a hammer) :: uithameren, behameren, hameren, smeden
- malleus {n} (tripus) SEE: tripus ::
- mallophagan {n} (chewing louse) SEE: chewing louse ::
- mallow {n} (any of a group of plants in several genera of the taxonomic family Malvaceae) :: kaasjeskruid {n}
- malnourished {adj} (suffering from malnutrition) :: ondervoed
- malodorous {adj} (having a bad odor) :: malodorant, stinkend, onwelriekend
- malt {n} (sprouted grain used in brewing) :: mout
- Malta {prop} (island) :: Malta
- Malta {prop} (republic) :: Malta
- Maltese {adj} (pertaining to Malta or its language) :: Maltees
- Maltese {n} (inhabitant of Malta) :: Maltees {m}, Maltese {f}
- Maltese {n} (Maltese people collectively) :: Maltezen {p}
- Maltese {prop} (language of Malta) :: Maltees {n}
- malt-o-meal {n} (cream of wheat) SEE: cream of wheat ::
- maltose {n} (the disaccharide C[12]H[22]O[11]) :: maltose {c}, moutsuiker {m}
- maltreat {v} (treat badly) :: mishandelen
- malt whiskey {n} (malt whisky) SEE: malt whisky ::
- mama {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
- mama {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
- mamma {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
- mamma {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
- mammal {n} (animal of the class Mammalia) :: zoogdier {n}
- mammalian {n} (any mammal) SEE: mammal ::
- mammary {n} (breast) SEE: mamma ::
- mammary gland {n} (milk-secreting gland) :: melkklier {f}
- mammoth {n} (elephant-like mammal) :: mammoet {m}
- man {n} (adult male human) :: man {m}, heer {m}
- man {n} (human) :: mens
- man {n} (piece in board games) :: pion {m}, speelstuk {n}
- man {v} (to supply with staff or crew) :: bemannen
- man {v} (to take up position in order to operate something) :: bemannen
- Man {prop} (genus Homo) :: de mens {m}
- manacle {n} (a shackle restricting free movement of the hands) :: handboeien
- manage {v} (to direct or be in charge) :: beheren, leiden, managen
- manage {v} (to succeed at an attempt) :: erin slagen
- manageable {adj} (capable of being managed) :: beheersbaar, behapbaar, beheerbaar
- management {n} (administration; the process or practice of managing) :: management, administratie {f}, beheer {n}, bestuur {n}, directie {f}
- management {n} (the executives of an organisation) :: management {n}, bestuur {n}
- manager {n} (person whose job is to manage something (for female equivalents, see manageress#Translations, see also: manageress) :: directeur {m}
- manatee {n} (any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae) :: zeekoe {f}, lamantijn {m}
- Manchu {adj} (Manchurian, referring to the Manchu language) :: Mantjoe-
- Manchu {adj} (Manchurian, referring to the Manchu(rian) people) :: Mantjoe-, Mantsjoerijns
- Manchu {n} (person of Manchuria) :: Mantsjoe
- Manchu {prop} (language) :: Mantsjoe
- Manchuria {prop} (Manchuria) :: Mantsjoerije
- mandarin {n} (Chinese Imperial bureaucrat) :: mandarijn {m}
- mandarin {n} (fruit) SEE: mandarin orange ::
- mandarin {n} (mandarin duck) SEE: mandarin duck ::
- mandarin {n} (tree) SEE: mandarin orange ::
- Mandarin {prop} (Standard Mandarin, see also: Chinese) :: Mandarijns {n}
- mandarin duck {n} (bird) :: mandarijneend
- mandarin orange {n} (fruit) :: mandarijn
- mandarin orange {n} (tree) :: mandarijnenboom {m}
- mandatory {adj} (obligatory) :: verplicht, nodig
- mandible {n} (lower jaw) :: onderkaak {f}
- mandible {n} (mouthpart of an arthropod) :: kaak {f}
- mandola {n} (musical instruments) :: mandola
- mandolin {n} (kitchen tool) SEE: mandoline ::
- mandrake {n} (botany) :: mandragora
- mandrill {n} (Mandrillus sphinx) :: mandril {m}
- mane {n} (longer hair growth around head of male lions) :: maan {f}
- mane {n} (longer hair growth on back of neck of a horse) :: maan {f}
- manes {n} (spirits of the dead) :: manen {p}
- maneuver {n} (a large training exercise of military troops) :: manoeuvre {m} {f}, (veld)oefening
- maneuver {n} (a movement, often one performed with difficulty) :: manoeuvre {m} {f}
- maneuver {v} (intransitive) to intrigue, manipulate, plot, scheme) :: manoeuvreren, intrigeren
- maneuver {v} (to move (something) carefully, and often with difficulty, into a certain position) :: manoeuvreren, laveren
- maneuverable {adj} (able to be maneuvered) :: wendbaar
- manga {n} (comic done in Japanese style) :: manga
- manga {n} (comic originated in Japan) :: manga
- Mangalore {prop} (city in western India) :: Mangalore
- manganese {n} (chemical element) :: mangaan {n}, manganium {n}
- mange {n} (skin disease) :: schurft
- manger {n} (trough for animals to eat from) :: kribbe
- mangle {v} (to wring laundry) :: mangelen
- mango {n} (fruit) :: mango {m}
- mango {n} (tropical fruit tree Mangifera indica) :: mangoboom {m}
- mango juice {n} (juice) :: mangosap {n}
- mangosteen {n} (fruit) :: mangistan {m}
- manhater {n} (misandrist) SEE: misandrist ::
- manhater {n} (misanthrope) SEE: misanthrope ::
- manhole {n} (a hole in the ground used to access the sewers or other underground vaults and installations) :: mangat {n}
- mania {n} (excessive desire) :: manie {f}
- mania {n} (violent derangement) :: manie {f}
- manifest {n} (list of passengers or goods) :: manifest {f}, vrachtbrief {m}, vrachtlijst {f}
- manifest {n} (obsolete: public declaration) :: manifest {n}
- manifest {v} (to show plainly; to make to appear distinctly) :: manifesteren
- manifestation {n} (the act or process of becoming manifest) :: manifestatie
- manifesto {n} (a public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially that of a political party) :: manifest {n}
- manifold {adj} (various in kind or quality) :: veelvuldig, talrijk, veelvoudig, divers
- -manifold {n} (manifold) SEE: manifold ::
- manifold {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
- manifold {n} (topological space) :: variëteit {f}
- Manila {prop} (capital of the Philippines) :: Manilla
- manipulate {v} :: manipuleren, beïnvloeden
- manipulation {n} (devious management) :: manipulatie {f}, misbruik {n}
- manipulation {n} (practice of manipulating) :: manipulatie {f}, gebruik {n}
- manipulation {n} (skillful use of the hands) :: manipulatie {f}
- Manipur {prop} (Manipur, India) :: Manipur
- manita {n} (Mexican hand tree) SEE: Mexican hand tree ::
- Manitoba {prop} (Province in western Canada) :: Manitoba {n}
- mankind {n} (human race) :: mensheid {f}
- manliness {n} (similarity to man) :: mannelijkheid {f}
- manly {adj} (having the characteristics of a man) :: mannelijk
- manmade {adj} (created by a human) :: door mensenhanden gemaakt
- manna ash {n} (Fraxinus ornis) :: pluimes
- mannequin {n} (model of the human body used for the displaying of clothes) :: mannequin, paspop {m} {f}
- manner {n} (behavior) :: gedrag {n}
- manner {n} (way of performing or effecting; method or style) :: manier {f}
- manners {n} (etiquette) :: omgangsvormen {p}
- man-of-war {n} (cnidarian) SEE: Portuguese man-of-war ::
- man-of-war {n} (man of war bird) SEE: magnificent frigatebird ::
- manometer {n} (instrument) :: manometer
- manpower {n} (workforce) SEE: labour force ::
- man proposes, God disposes {proverb} (things don't always work out as they were planned) :: de mens wikt, God beschikt
- mansard {n} (mansard roof) SEE: mansard roof ::
- manslaughter {n} (act of killing unlawfully, but not wilfully) :: doodslag {m}
- mantel {n} (shelf above a fireplace) :: schouw
- mantelpiece {n} (shelf) :: schoorsteenmantel {m}, schouwmantel {m}
- mantle {n} (fireplace shelf) SEE: mantel ::
- mantle {n} (geology: layer of the Earth) :: aardmantel, mantel
- manual {adj} (performed with the hands) :: handmatig, met de hand, manueel
- manual {n} (booklet that instructs) :: handleiding {f}, handboek {n}
- manual {n} (manual transmission) :: manueel
- manual labor {n} (work done by hand) SEE: manual labour ::
- manually {adv} (by hand) :: manueel, met de hand, handmatig
- manufacture {v} (to make things) :: vervaardigen
- manufacture {v} (to produce goods) :: fabriceren
- manufacturer {n} (one who manufactures) :: fabrikant
- manul {n} (Otocolobus manul) :: manoel, pallaskat
- manumission {n} (1.release from slavery, freedom, the act of manumitting) :: vrijlating van een slaaf
- manure {n} (excrement) :: mest {m}
- manure {v} (to apply manure) :: bemesten
- manure {v} (to cultivate by manual labor) :: cultiveren
- manus {n} (hand) SEE: hand ::
- manuscript {adj} (handwritten, or by extension typewritten) :: handgeschreven, geschreven
- manuscript {n} (book, article etc, submitted for reproductive publication) :: manuscript {n}, kopij {f}
- manuscript {n} (book, composition or any other document, written by hand) :: manuscript {n}, handschrift {n}
- Manx {n} (the Manx cat breed) :: manx
- Manx {prop} (Manx Gaelic) SEE: Manx Gaelic ::
- Manx cat {n} (mammal) :: manxkat
- Manx Gaelic {prop} (a Goidelic language spoken on the Isle of Man) :: Manx {n}, Manx-Gaelisch {n}
- many {determiner} (an indefinite large number of) :: veel, vele
- many {pron} (an indefinite large number of people or things) :: velen
- many hands make light work {proverb} (proverb: a large number of people co-operating can perform tasks easily) :: vele handen maken licht werk
- manyplies {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
- many thanks {phrase} (many thanks) :: heel erg bedankt (hear it)
- Maoism {n} (philosophy espoused by Mao Zedong) :: maoïsme
- Maoist {adj} (of Maoism) :: maoïstisch
- Maoist {n} (Maoist advocate) :: maoïst {m} {f}
- Mao jacket {n} (Mao suit) SEE: Mao suit ::
- Maori {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the Māori) :: Maori
- Maori {n} (indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand) :: Maori {p}
- Maori {n} (language of the Māori) :: Maori {n}
- Maori {n} (member of the people of New Zealand) :: Maori {m} {f}
- map {n} (city map) :: stadsplan {n}, plattegrond {m}
- map {n} (visual representation of an area) :: kaart {f}, landkaart {f}
- maple {n} (tree of the Acer genus) :: esdoorn {m}
- maple syrup {n} (syrup made from the sap of the sugar maple) :: ahornsiroop {m}
- mapping {n} (function that maps every element of a given set to a unique element of another set) :: afbeelding {f}
- mar {v} (to spoil, to damage) :: verpesten, verknoeien, beschadigen
- marabunta {n} (army ant) SEE: army ant ::
- marathon {n} (Road race) :: marathon {m}
- maraud {v} (intransitive: to move about in roving fashion looking for plunder) :: roven
- maraud {v} (transitive: to raid and pillage) :: plunderen
- marauder {n} (one who moves about in roving fashion looking for plunder) :: stroper {m}
- marble {n} (crystalline limestone) :: marmer {n}
- marble {n} (spherical ball) :: knikker {m}
- marcassin {n} (young wild boar) :: everjong {n}
- march {n} (formal, rhythmic way of walking) :: mars
- march {n} (obsolete: border region) :: grensmark
- march {n} (political rally or parade) :: mars
- march {n} (region at a frontier governed by a marquess) :: mark {n}
- march {n} (smallage) SEE: smallage ::
- march {n} (song in the genre of music written for marching) :: mars
- march {v} (walk with long, regular strides) :: marcheren
- March {prop} (third month of the Gregorian calendar) :: maart
- marching band {n} (group of instrumental musicians) :: dweilorkest {n}, blaaskapel {c}
- mare {n} (female horse) :: merrie {f}
- mareogram {n} (marigram) SEE: marigram ::
- Margaret {prop} (female given name) :: Margreet, Margriet
- margarine {n} (spread) :: margarine {m}
- margay {n} (Leopardus wiedii) :: margay
- margin {n} (edge of the paper that remains blank) :: kantlijn {c}, marge {c}
- marginal {adj} :: marginaal
- marginal sea {n} (part of ocean) :: binnenzee {n}
- margin of error {n} (expression of the lack of precision) :: foutmarge
- margrave {n} (hereditary prince) :: markgraaf {m}, markies {m}
- margrave {n} (military officer in charge of German border area) :: markgraaf {m}
- marguerite {n} (oxeye daisy) SEE: oxeye daisy ::
- Mariana Trench {prop} (trench in the North Pacific Ocean) :: Marianentrog
- Marie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Mary ::
- marijuana {n} (the drug) :: marihuana
- marimba {n} (musical instrument) :: marimba {m}
- marina {n} (harbour) :: jachthaven
- marinade {n} (liquid mixture) :: marinade
- marinade {v} (marinate) SEE: marinate ::
- marinate {v} (soak in marinade) :: marineren
- marine {adj} (of or pertaining to the sea) :: marien, maritiem
- marine {n} (member of a marine corps) :: marinier {m}
- marine climate {n} (mild climate near water) :: zeeklimaat {n}
- marine corps {n} (military organization of marines who are trained and equipped to fight on or from ships) :: marinier {m}
- mariner {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor ::
- marionette {n} (string puppet) :: marionet {f}
- mariticide {n} (a man who kills his wife) SEE: uxoricide ::
- maritime law {n} (body of law) SEE: admiralty law ::
- marjoram {n} (culinary herb) :: marjolijn
- mark {n} (academic score) :: punt {n}, score {f}
- mark {n} (coin) :: mark {m}
- mark {n} (indication for reference or measurement) :: markering {f}, aanduiding {f}, teken {n}
- mark {n} (sporting score) :: punt {n}, score {f}
- mark {n} (unit of currency) :: mark {m}
- mark {n} (visible impression, blemish, stain) :: blaam {m}
- mark {v} (blemish) :: bevlekken
- mark {v} (correct) :: verbeteren
- mark {v} (indicate) :: markeren, aanduiden, optekenen
- mark {v} (take note of) :: noteren, opschrijven, neerpennen, nota nemen
- Mark {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Evangelie naar Marcus
- Mark {prop} (male given name) :: Mark {m}
- marker {n} (marker pen) SEE: marker pen ::
- marker pen {n} (pen) :: fiche {m}
- market {n} (formally organized system of trading in specified goods or effects) :: markt {m}, beurs
- market {n} (geographical area where a commercial demand exists) :: markt {m}, afzetmarkt {m}, afzetgebied {n}
- market {n} (group of customers for a product) :: markt {m}, afzetmarkt {m}
- market {n} :: markt {c}, marktplein {n}
- market {n} (organised event of trading) :: markt {m}
- market {n} (spacious site for trading) :: markt {m}, marktplein {n}
- market {n} (used attributively) :: markt-
- market {v} (to make available and promote) :: op de markt brengen, commercialiseren, vermarkten
- market {v} (to sell) SEE: sell ::
- marketableness {n} (marketableness) SEE: marketability ::
- market share {n} (percentage of some market) :: marktaandeel {n}
- markhor {n} (Capra falconeri) :: schroefhoorngeit
- marksman {n} (a man skilled in shooting at a target) :: schutter {m}
- markup {n} (increase in price) :: prijsstijging {f}
- markup {n} (notation used to indicate how text should be displayed) :: opmaak {m}
- markup {n} (percentage or amount added to buy-in price) :: marge {f}, verkoopsmarge {f}
- markup language {n} (computer language using markups) :: opmaaktaal
- marl {n} (a mixed earthy substance) :: mergel {m}
- marmalade {n} (jam) :: marmelade {f}, jam {f}, confituur {f}
- marmot {n} (rodent of the genera Marmota) :: marmot
- maroon {v} (to abandon) :: achterlaten, verlaten
- marquess {n} (title of nobility) :: markies {m}
- marquis {n} (nobleman) SEE: marquess ::
- Marrakech {prop} (city in Morocco) :: Marrakesh
- marriage {n} (state of being married) :: huwelijk {f}
- marriage {n} (union of two people) :: huwelijk {f}
- marriage {n} (wedding) :: bruiloft {m} {f}
- married {adj} (In a state of marriage; having a wife or a husband) :: getrouwd
- marrow {n} (kind of vegetable) :: courgette
- marrow {n} (substance inside bones) :: merg {n}
- marry {v} (to be joined in marriage) :: trouwen, huwen, zich in de echt verbinden
- marry {v} (to take a husband or wife) :: trouwen
- marry {v} (to unite in wedlock) :: trouwen, huwen, in de echt verbinden
- marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal to a man (the shortest form) :: trouw met mij
- marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal to a woman (the shortest form) :: trouw met mij
- Mars {prop} (brand of chocolate bar) :: Mars {m}
- Mars {prop} (god of war) :: Mars {m}
- Mars {prop} (planet) :: Mars {n}
- Marseilles {prop} (city in France) :: Marseille {n}
- marsh {n} (area of low, wet land) :: moeras {n}, broek {n}, moer {n}
- marshal {n} (military officer of the highest rank) :: maarschalk {m}
- Marshallese {prop} (language) :: Marshallees
- Marshall Islands {prop} (Republic of the Marshall Islands) :: Marshalleilanden
- marsh buck {n} (Tragelaphus spekii) :: moerasantilope, langhoefantilope, sitatoenga
- marshmallow {n} (confectionery) :: marshmallow
- marshmallow {n} (plant) :: heemst
- Mars Rover {n} (vehicle) :: marsverkenner {m}
- marsupial {n} (mammal of which the female typically has a pouch) :: buideldier {n}
- marten {n} (mammal) :: marter {m}
- Martial {prop} (male given name) :: Martialis, Martial
- Martial {prop} (Roman poet) :: Martialis
- martial art {n} (fighting style) :: gevechtskunst {f}, gevechtssport {f}, krijgskunst {f}
- martial law {n} (rules by military authorities) :: krijgswet, staat van beleg
- Martian {adj} (pertaining to the planet Mars) :: Mars-, van Mars [literally: of Mars]
- Martian {n} (imaginary inhabitant of the planet Mars) :: marsmannetje {n}
- Martin {prop} (given name) :: Martijn, Maarten, Martinus
- martini {n} (cocktail) :: martini {m}
- Martinique {prop} (Department of Martinique) :: Martinique
- martlet {n} (A mythical bird, often used in heraldry, which possessed no feet) :: merlet {f}
- martyr {n} (one who sacrifices their life for an important cause) :: martelaar {m}
- martyr {n} (one who suffers greatly, even involuntarily) :: martelaar {m}
- martyr {n} (one willing to be killed for religion (shahid) :: martelaar {m}, martelares {f}
- martyr {v} (persecute) SEE: persecute ::
- martyr {v} (torture) SEE: torture ::
- martyry {n} (a shrine in honor of a martyr) :: martelaarsschrijn {n}, martyrium {n}
- marvel {n} (astonishment) SEE: astonishment ::
- marvel {n} (miracle) SEE: miracle ::
- marvellous {adj} (exciting wonder) SEE: marvelous ::
- marvelous {adj} (exciting wonder or surprise) :: wonderbaar
- Marxism {n} (Marxist ideology) :: marxisme {n}
- Marxism {n} (Marx's philosophy) :: marxisme {n}
- Marxism-Leninism {prop} (communist ideological stream) :: marxisme-leninisme {n}
- Marxist {adj} (following Marxism) :: marxistisch
- Mary {prop} (female given name) :: Maria
- marzipan {n} (confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white) :: marsepein {m}
- mascara {n} (eyelash cosmetic) :: mascara {m} {f}
- mascot {n} (something used to symbolize a sports team or other group) :: mascotte {m} {f}
- masculine {adj} (belonging to males; appropriated to, or used by, males) :: mannelijk
- masculine {adj} (grammar: being of the masculine class, being inflected in the masculine manner) :: mannelijk
- masculine {adj} (having male qualities, not feminine or effeminate) :: mannelijk
- masculine {adj} (of the male sex; biologically male, not female; manly) :: mannelijk
- masdar {n} (verbal noun) SEE: verbal noun ::
- mash {n} (mashed potatoes) SEE: mashed potatoes ::
- mashed potatoes {n} (potatoes that have been boiled and mashed) :: aardappelpuree {m}
- mask {v} (to cover, as the face, by way of concealment or defense against injury) :: maskeren
- masking tape {n} (tape made of a thin paper) :: schildersplakband {n}
- masochism {n} (the enjoyment of receiving pain) :: masochisme {n}
- masochist {n} (someone who enjoy, see also: enjoys pain) :: masochist {m}
- masochistic {adj} (deriving pleasure from abuse, being punished, or dominated) :: masochistisch
- mason {n} (Freemason) SEE: Freemason ::
- mason {n} (one who builds with stone or brick) :: metselaar {m}, [Flemish] metser {m}
- mason wasp {n} (potter wasp) SEE: potter wasp ::
- masquerade {v} (disguise) SEE: disguise ::
- Masr {prop} (Egypt) SEE: Egypt ::
- mass {n} (bulk; magnitude; body; size) :: massa {f}, hoeveelheid {f}
- mass {n} (large quantity; sum) :: massa {f}, hoeveelheid {f}
- mass {n} (musical setting of parts of the mass) :: mis {f}
- mass {n} (pharmacy: medicinal substance made into a cohesive, homogeneous lump) :: massa {f}
- mass {n} (physics: quantity of matter which a body contains) :: massa {f}
- mass {n} (principal part) :: meerderheid {f}, massa {f}
- mass {n} (quantity of matter cohering together to make one body) :: massa {f}
- mass {n} (religion: celebration of the Eucharist) :: mis {f}
- mass {n} (religion: Eucharist) :: mis {f}
- mass {n} (religion: sacrament of the Eucharist) :: mis {f}
- mass {v} (celebrate Mass) :: vieren, misvieren
- mass {v} (form or collect into a mass) :: samennemen, samenhopen, ophopen
- Mass {n} (Roman Catholic Church) the principal liturgical service) :: mis {f}, misdienst {f}
- Massachusetts {prop} (a state of the United States of America) :: Massachusetts
- massage {n} (rubbing, kneading, or hitting muscled part of a body) :: massage {f}
- massage {v} (to falsify data or accounts) :: vervalsen
- massage {v} (to manipulate data or a document) :: manipuleren
- massage {v} (to perform a massage on somebody) :: masseren
- massif {n} (principal mountain mass) :: massief {n}
- massive {adj} (massive) :: massief
- massive astrophysical compact halo object {n} (massive compact halo object) SEE: massive compact halo object ::
- mass noun {n} (noun describing something that cannot be counted) :: niet-telbaar zelfstandig naamwoord {n}, niet-telbaar substantief {n}
- mass production {n} (process of manufacturing products on a large scale) :: massaproductie {f}
- mast {n} (support of a sail) :: mast {m}
- mast cell {n} (cell) :: mestcel {f} {m}, mastocyt {m}
- master {n} (expert at something) :: meester {m}
- master {v} (to control) :: controleren
- master {v} (to learn to a high degree) :: beheersen
- master key {n} (a key that opens a set of several locks) :: moedersleutel {m}, loper {m}
- masterpiece {n} (piece of work that has been given much critical praise) :: meesterwerk {n}
- master's {n} (master's degree) SEE: master's degree ::
- master's degree {n} (postgraduate degree) :: master {m}
- mastership {n} :: meesterschap {n}
- master's thesis {n} (thesis) :: masterscriptie {f}, masterthesis {m}, masterthese {m}
- masterwork {n} (piece of quality indicative of having been made by a master) SEE: masterpiece ::
- mastery {n} :: meesterschap {n}
- mastery {n} (philosopher's stone) SEE: philosopher's stone ::
- mastic {n} (the flexible, waterproof filler) :: mastiek
- mastic {n} (the shrub or tree Pistacia lentiscus) :: mastiekboom {m}, mastaka
- mastic {n} (the tree's resin) :: mastiek, mastaka
- masticate {v} (to chew) :: kauwen
- mastiff {n} (mastiff) :: mastiff
- masturbate {v} (to masturbate) :: masturberen
- masturbation {n} (manual erotic stimulation of the genitals) :: zelfbevrediging {f}, masturbatie {f}
- masu {n} (square wooden box) :: masu {m}
- Masuria {prop} (an area in northeastern Poland) :: Mazurië
- mat {n} (athletics: protective pad) :: mat {c}, turnmat {c}
- mat {n} (foot wiping device or floor covering) :: mat {c}, deurmat {c}
- mat {n} (protector) :: mat {c}, onderlegger {m}, placemat {c}
- matador {n} (bullfighter) :: stierenvechter
- match {n} (attribute equaling or exceeding) :: evenknie {m} {f}, gelijke
- match {n} (device to make fire) :: lucifer {m}, zwavelstokje {n} (rare)
- match {n} (sporting event) :: wedstrijd {f}, match {f}
- match {v} (equal or exceed in achievement) :: evenaren
- match {v} (to agree; to equal) :: overeenstemmen
- matchbox {n} (small cardboard box in which matches are kept) :: luciferdoosje {n}
- mate {n} (checkmate) SEE: checkmate ::
- mate {n} (friend) :: maat(je) {m} {n}, kameraad {m}, makker {m}, gabber {m}
- mate {n} (nautical: first mate) SEE: first mate ::
- mate {n} (nautical: ship's officer on commercial vessel) :: maat {m}, scheepsmaat {m}
- mate {n} (of breeding animal: sexual partner) :: gezel {m}, partner {m} {f}, paringsgezel {m}
- mate {n} (trade assistant) :: gast {m}, maat {m}
- mate {v} (arrange in matched pairs) :: koppelen, paren
- mate {v} (copulate) :: paren
- mate {v} (pair in order to raise offspring) :: paren
- mate {v} (to put an opponent in checkmate) :: schaakmat spelen
- material {adj} (related to matter) :: materieel, materiële
- material {adj} (worldly) :: materieel, materiële, wereldlijk, wereldlijke
- material {n} (cloth) :: materiaal {n}, naaigoed {n}
- material {n} (matter) :: materiaal {n}, grondstof {f}
- material {n} (text) :: materiaal {n}
- maternal {adj} (of or pertaining to a mother) :: moederlijk
- maternal {adj} (related through the mother, or her side of the family) :: langs moeders kant
- maternal aunt {n} (the sister of one's mother (several languages distinguish between blood maternal aunts (one's mother's sister) and in-law maternal aunts (one's mother's sister-in-law).) :: tante {f}
- maternal death {n} (the death of a woman that occurs directly related to the procreative process) :: zwangerschapsdood
- maternal grandfather {n} (one's mother's father) :: grootvader van moederszijde {m}
- maternal grandmother {n} (The mother of one's mother) :: grootmoeder (van moederszijde) {f}, oma {f}, bomma {f} [Flemish], bonbonneke {n} [Flemish]
- maternal uncle {n} (brother of one's mother) :: oom {m}, [Flemish] nonkel {m}
- maternity {n} (state of being a mother; motherhood) :: materniteit {f}, moederschap {n}
- maternity leave {n} (leave of absence) :: zwangerschapsverlof
- math {n} (short form of mathematics) :: wiskunde
- mathematical {adj} (of, or relating to mathematics) :: wiskundig
- mathematical {adj} (possible but highly improbable) :: theoretisch
- mathematician {n} (expert in mathematics) :: wiskundige {m}, mathematicus {m}
- mathematics {n} (field of study) :: wiskunde {f}
- mathematics {n} (person's ability to use mathematics) :: rekenvaardigheid {f}, wiskunde {f}
- maths {n} (short form of mathematics) :: wiskunde {f}
- matriarch {n} (a female leader of a family, a tribe or an ethnic or religious group) :: aartsmoeder {f}, matriarch {f}
- matriarchal {adj} (governed by a matriarch) :: matriarchaal
- matriarchy {n} :: matriarchaat {n}
- matriculation {n} (A pass in some university examinations) :: toelatingsexamen
- matriculation {n} (enrollment in a college or university) :: inschrijvingsbedrag
- matrix {n} (In mathematics) :: matrix {m}
- matrix {n} (Two-dimensional array) :: matrix {m}
- matrix {n} (womb) SEE: womb ::
- matron {n} (housekeeper) :: directrice, hoofdverpleegster
- matron {n} (mature woman) :: matrone
- matryoshka {n} (Russian doll) SEE: Russian doll ::
- matte {adj} (not reflective of light) :: mat
- matter {n} (basic structural component of the universe) :: materie {f}
- matter {n} (kind of substance) :: stof {c}
- matter {n} :: materie {f}
- matter {v} (to be important) :: belangrijk zijn, er toe doen
- Matthew {prop} (biblical disciple) :: Matteüs
- Matthew {prop} (gospel of Matthew) :: evangelie naar Matteüs
- Matthew {prop} (male given name) :: Matthijs {m}, Thijs {m}, Thijs {m}
- mattock {n} (agricultural tool) :: hak
- mattress {n} (a pad on which a person can recline and sleep) :: matras {m}
- mattress pad {n} (mattress protector) SEE: mattress protector ::
- mattress topper {n} (mattress protector) SEE: mattress protector ::
- mature {adj} :: volwassen
- mature {v} (to become mature; to ripen) :: rijpen, volwassen worden
- mature {v} (to reach the date when payment is due) :: vervallen
- maturity {n} (ready for execution or coming due) :: vervaldag, betaaldatum
- maturity {n} (state of being mature, ready or ripe) :: maturiteit, rijpheid
- maturity {n} (when bodily growth has completed and/or reproduction can begin) :: maturiteit, geslachtsrijpheid, volwassenheid, wasdom {m}
- maul {n} (heavy, long-handled hammer) :: kloofbijl {f}
- maul {v} (savage) :: toetakelen
- maunch {n} (heraldry: a long stylised sleeve) :: mouw
- maunch {v} (munch) SEE: munch ::
- maunderer {n} (babbler) :: babbelaar {m}, babbelkous {f}
- Maurice {prop} (male given name) :: Maurits
- Mauritania {prop} (Islamic Republic of Mauritania) :: Mauretanië
- Mauritian {prop} (Mauritian Creole) SEE: Mauritian Creole ::
- Mauritius {prop} (Republic of Mauritius) :: Mauritius
- mausoleum {n} (large tomb) :: mausoleum {n}
- mauve {adj} (colour) :: mauve, paars
- mauve {n} (colour) :: mauve {n}, paars {n}
- maven {n} (expert in a given field) :: zelf-benoemde expert {m}, zelf-benoemde specialist {m}
- maverick {adj} (showing independence) :: eigenwijs
- maverick {n} (one who does not abide by rules) :: individualist {c}, nonconformist {m}
- maw {n} (stomach) :: pens, maag
- maxilla {n} (bone of upper jaw) :: kaakbeen {n}
- maximal {adj} (Largest, greatest, highest, most) :: maximaal
- Maximilian {prop} (male given name) :: Maximiliaan
- may {v} (have permission to) :: mogen
- may {v} (possibly, but not certainly) :: misschien
- may {v} (subjunctive) :: mogen
- May {prop} (fifth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: mei
- maybe {adv} (as a pro-sentence) :: misschien, het zou kunnen, mogelijk
- maybe {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty) :: misschien, wellicht, mogelijkerwijs, mogelijk
- May bug {n} (cockchafer) SEE: cockchafer ::
- mayhem {n} (chaos) :: chaos {m}
- mayonnaise {n} (dressing) :: mayonaise {m}
- mayor {n} (leader of a city) :: burgemeester {m}
- Mayotte {prop} (Territorial Collectivity of Mayotte) :: Mayotte
- maypole {n} (pole, garlanded with streamers held by people who dance around it to celebrate May Day) :: meiboom
- Maytide {n} (spring month of May) :: meimaand, meitijd
- Maytime {n} (Maytide) SEE: Maytide ::
- Mazanderani {adj} (pertaining to Mazandaran) :: Masanderanisch
- mazel tov {interj} (Hebrew/Yiddish) congratulations or good wishes, especially at weddings) :: mazzel tov/ veel mazzel
- Möbius band {n} (Möbius strip) SEE: Möbius strip ::
- Möbius strip {n} (one-sided surface) :: Möbiusband {m}
- McDonald's {prop} (fast-food restaurant) :: McDonald's, [slang] Maccie
- mâche {n} (Valerianella locusta) :: veldsla
- me {pron} (direct object of a verb) :: me, mij
- me {pron} (indirect object of a verb) :: mij, me
- me {pron} (marking ownership) :: mijn, m'n [informal]
- me {pron} (object of a preposition) :: mijn, me
- me {pron} (obsolete reflexive) :: me
- me {pron} (subject of a verb without “and”) :: ik
- mead {n} (alcoholic drink) :: mede {f}
- meadery {n} (place where mead is made) :: mederij {f}
- meadow {n} (field or pasture) :: weide
- meager {adj} (lean) :: mager
- meager {adj} (poor, deficient or inferior) :: mager, schamel
- meagre {adj} :: mager, karig, schraal
- meagre {n} (Argyrosomus regius) :: ombervis
- meal {n} (coarse-ground edible part of various grains) :: meel {n}
- meal {n} (food that is prepared and eaten) :: maaltijd {m}
- mealworm beetle {n} (mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor) :: meeltor {f} {m}
- mealy-mouthed {adj} (not forthright) :: huichelachtig
- mean {adj} (acting without consideration of others) :: gemeen
- mean {adj} (causing or intending to cause intentional harm) :: gemeen, boosaardig
- mean {adj} (having the mean as its value) :: gemiddeld, gemiddelde
- mean {adj} (low in quality; inferior) :: minderwaardig
- mean {adj} (powerful; fierce; harsh; damaging) :: gemeen
- mean {n} (intermediate value) :: gemiddelde {n}
- mean {n} (method by which something is done) :: middel {n}
- mean {v} (to be important) :: betekenen
- mean {v} (to convey, indicate) :: betekenen, willen zeggen, bedoelen
- mean {v} (to have conviction in what one says) :: menen
- mean {v} (to have intentions of some kind) :: bedoelen, menen
- mean {v} (to intend; plan on doing) :: willen, van plan zijn
- mean {v} (to intend (something) for a given purpose or fate) :: bedoelen
- mean {v} (to result in; bring about) :: betekenen
- mean {v} (to signify) :: bedoelen, willen zeggen
- meaning {n} (definition or connotation of a word) :: betekenis {m}
- meaning {n} (significance of a thing, as “the meaning of life”) :: zin {m}
- meaning {n} (symbolic value of something) :: waarde {f}, betekenis {m}
- meaningful {adj} (having meaning, significant) :: zinvol
- meaningless {adj} (lacking meaning; insignificant) :: zinloos, betekenisloos
- meaning of life {n} (hypothetical answer to life's ultimate questions) :: zin van het leven {m}
- mean proportional {n} (geometric mean) SEE: geometric mean ::
- means {n} (resources) :: middelen {n-p}
- means of transport {n} (mode of transport) SEE: mode of transport ::
- meantime {n} :: ondertussen
- meanwhile {adv} (during the time) :: intussen
- measles {n} (acute highly contagious viral disease) :: mazelen {p}
- measurable {adj} (able to be measured) :: meetbaar
- measure {n} (act of measuring) :: meten {n}
- measure {n} (designated distance) :: afstand {m}
- measure {n} (indicator) :: maat {m} {f}, maatstaf {m}
- measure {n} (musical designation) :: maat {m} {f}
- measure {n} (quantity etc. compared to a standard) :: maat {m} {f}
- measure {n} (ruler, measuring stick) :: regel {m}, meetlat {f}, lat {f}, lineaal {n}
- measure {n} (special mathematical function) :: maat {m} {f}
- measure {n} (tactic or strategy) :: maatregel {m}
- measure {n} (unspecified quantity or capacity) :: maat {m} {f}, hoeveelheid {f}
- measure {v} (ascertain the quantity of a unit) :: meten
- measure {v} (estimate the unit size) :: meten, schatten
- measure {v} (obtain or set apart) :: afmeten
- measure word {n} (measure word, classifier) :: maatwoord {n}
- measuring cup {n} (utensil to measure the volume) :: maatbeker {m}
- measuring jug {n} (jug for measuring liquids) SEE: measuring cup ::
- meat {n} (animal flesh used as food) :: vlees {n}
- meat {n} (any sort of flesh) :: vlees {n}
- meat {n} (meathead) :: hansworst, lulvent {m}
- meat {n} (solid edible part of a plant) :: vruchtvlees {n}
- meat {n} (substance, solid part) :: substantie, vlees op de botten
- meat {n} (totem) SEE: totem ::
- meat {n} (type of meat) :: vleessoort
- meatatarian {n} (meatarian) SEE: meatarian ::
- meatgrinder {n} (device for cutting meat) :: gehaktmolen {m}
- meat jelly {n} (aspic) SEE: aspic ::
- meatloaf {n} (mixture of ground meat) :: gehaktbrood {n}
- Mecca {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) :: Mekka
- mechanic {n} (a skilled worker capable of building or repairing machinery) :: mecanicien {m}, werktuigkunde {m}
- mechanical {adj} (related to mechanics; done by machine) :: mechanisch
- mechanical larynx {n} (electrolarynx) SEE: electrolarynx ::
- mechanics {n} (a branch of physics) :: mechanica
- mechanism {n} (mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion) :: mechanisme {n}
- Mechelen {prop} (city) :: Mechelen {n}
- Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania {prop} (one of the component states of Germany) :: Mecklenburg-Voor-Pommeren
- medal {n} (stamped metal disc) :: medaille {m} {f}, erepenning {f}
- medal table {n} :: medaillespiegel
- meddle {v} (to have sex) SEE: have sex ::
- meddle {v} (to interfere in affairs) :: zich moeien, tussenkomen, bemoeien
- meddler {n} (one who meddles or interferes) :: bemoeial {m}
- meddlesome {adj} (inclined to meddle or interfere) :: bemoeizuchtig
- mediaeval {adj} (medieval) SEE: medieval ::
- median {adj} (having the median as its value) :: mediaan
- median {n} (area separating two lanes of opposite-direction traffic) :: middenberm
- median {n} (statistics: measure of central tendency) :: mediaan
- Median {n} (Mede) SEE: Mede ::
- media studies {n} (academic discipline) :: mediastudies
- mediation {n} :: bemiddeling {f}
- mediator {n} (one who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement) :: tussenpersoon {m}
- medic {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor ::
- medic {n} (paramedic) SEE: paramedic ::
- medical ethics {n} (Translations) :: medische ethiek {f}
- medical record {n} (details about a patient's previous medical experiences) SEE: medical history ::
- medicate {v} (administer medication) :: medicineren
- medication {n} (one or all the medicines regularly taken by a patient) :: medicatie
- medicinal {adj} (tending to cure disease) :: geneeskrachtig
- medicine {n} (field of study) :: geneeskunde {f}, [archaic] artsenij {f}
- medicine {n} (profession) :: geneeskunde, [archaic] artsenij {f}
- medicine {n} (ritual Native American magic) :: medicijn {n}
- medicine {n} (substance which promotes healing) :: medicijn {n}, geneesmiddel {n}
- medieval {adj} (brutal) SEE: brutal ::
- medieval {adj} (having characteristics associated with the Middle Ages) :: middeleeuws, [mediaevaal] mediëvaal
- medieval {adj} (of or relating to the Middle Ages) :: middeleeuws, [mediaevaal] mediëvaal
- medieval {n} (a medieval one) :: middeleeuws
- medieval {n} (someone living in the Middle Ages) :: middeleeuwer {m}
- Medieval Greek {prop} (Byzantine Greek) SEE: Byzantine Greek ::
- medievalist {n} (one who studies culture and history in the Middle Ages) :: mediëvist {m}
- mediocre {adj} (ordinary: not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality) :: middelmatig
- mediocrity {n} (condition of being mediocre) :: middelmatigheid {f}
- meditate {v} (rest) :: mediteren
- meditation {n} (contemplative discourse) :: meditatie {f}, overpeinzing {f}
- meditation {n} (devotional contemplation) :: meditatie {f}
- Mediterranean {adj} (Of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it) :: mediterraan
- Mediterranean {prop} (Mediterranean Sea) SEE: Mediterranean Sea ::
- Mediterranean {prop} (region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea) :: Middellandse Zee {n}
- Mediterranean Sea {prop} (the sea between Europe and Africa) :: Middellandse Zee {f}
- medium {n} (someone who supposedly conveys information from the spirit world) :: medium
- medium {n} (the material or empty space through which signals, waves or forces pass) :: medium {n}
- mediumwave {adj} :: middengolf {f}
- Medusa {prop} (one of the Gorgons) :: Medusa {f}
- meek {adj} (humble, modest, or self-effacing) :: gedwee, zachtmoedig
- meerkat {n} (small carnivorous mammal) :: stokstaartje {n}
- meet {v} (be introduced to) :: ontmoeten, leren kennen
- meet {v} (comply with) :: overeenstemmen met, beantwoorden aan, vervullen
- meet {v} (converge and touch) :: raken
- meet {v} (encounter by accident) :: ontmoeten, treffen
- meet {v} (see through arrangement) :: afspreken, treffen
- meeting {n} :: afspraak; vergadering {f}
- meeting {n} (encounter between people) :: vergadering {f}, bijeenkomst {f}, ontmoeting {f}
- meeting {n} (gathering for a purpose) :: bijeenkomst {f}, beraad {n}, overleg {n}, ontmoeting, samenkomst, vergadering {f}, zitting {f}, treffen {n}
- meeting {n} (people at such a gathering) :: vergadering {f}
- meeting {n} (place or instance of junction or intersection) :: samenkomst {f}, ontmoetingsplaats {f}, raakpunt {n}, raakvlak {n}
- mega- {prefix} (multiplication factor one million) :: mega-
- mega- {prefix} (very large, great) :: mega-
- megagram {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms) :: megagram {m}
- megaliter {n} (megalitre) SEE: megalitre ::
- megalomania {n} (psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence) :: grootheidswaanzin {m}, megalomanie {f}, grootheidswaan {m}
- megalomaniac {n} (one affected with or exhibiting megalomania) :: grootheidswaanzinnig, megalomaan
- megameter {n} (megametre) SEE: megametre ::
- megapolis {n} (megapolis) SEE: megalopolis ::
- megasecond {n} (1,000,000 seconds) :: megaseconde {m}
- megastore {n} (superstore) SEE: superstore ::
- Megleno-Romanian {prop} (language) :: Megleno-Roemeens
- meiosis {n} (cell division) :: meiose {f}
- meitnerium {n} (chemical element) :: meitnerium {n}
- melancholic {adj} (filled with or affected by melancholy) :: melancholisch
- melancholy {adj} (Affected with sadness or depression) :: melancholisch, droevig
- melancholy {n} (Sadness or depression) :: melancholie, weemoed {m}
- Melanesia {prop} (part of Oceania) :: Melanesië
- melanoma {n} (type of skin tumor) :: melanoom
- Melba toast {n} (toast) :: Melba toast, Melbatoast
- Melbourne {prop} (city in Australia) :: Melbourne
- meld {v} (to combine two similar objects into one) :: lassen, wellen
- mellifluous {adj} (flowing like honey) :: stroperig
- mellifluous {adj} (sweet and smooth (tone, voice…) :: honingzoet
- melodic {adj} (of, relating to, or having melody) :: melodisch
- melodious {adj} (having a pleasant melody) :: melodieus
- melody {n} (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase) :: melodie {f}
- melon {n} (fruit) :: meloen
- melongene {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
- melt {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
- melt {n} (melt sandwich) SEE: melt sandwich ::
- melt {v} (intransitive: to change from a solid to a liquid) :: smelten
- melt {v} (transitive: to change or be changed from a solid to a liquid) :: smelten
- meltdown {n} (severe overheating of the core of a nuclear reactor) :: kernsmelting {f}
- melting point {n} (temperature at which solid and liquid phases are in equilibrium) :: smeltpunt {n}
- member {n} (a limb) :: lid {n}, ledemaat {m}
- member {n} (in logic) SEE: premise ::
- member {n} (in set theory) SEE: element ::
- member {n} (one who officially belongs to a group) :: lid {n}
- Member of Parliament {n} (representative) :: parlementslid
- member of parliament’s legislative motion {n} (private member's bill) SEE: private member's bill ::
- member's bill {n} (private member's bill) SEE: private member's bill ::
- membership {n} (fact of being a member) :: lidmaatschap {n}
- member state {n} (state that is a member of a confederation) :: lidstaat {m}
- membrane {n} (flexible part) :: membraan {n}
- membrane {n} (separating tissue) :: membraan {n}
- meme {n} (unit of cultural information) :: meme
- memoirs {n} (autobiography) SEE: memoir ::
- memorability {n} (the quality or state of being memorable) :: gedenkwaardigheid
- memorable {adj} (worthy of being remembered) :: memorabel, gedenkwaardig
- memorial {n} (structure) :: herdenkingsplaats {m}
- memorial service {n} (funeral) SEE: funeral ::
- memorize {v} (to commit to memory, to learn by heart) :: memoriseren, uit het hoofd leren
- memory {n} (ability to recall) :: geheugen {n}
- memory {n} (RAM or ROM) :: geheugen {n}
- memory {n} (stored record) :: herinnering {f}
- memory stick {n} (memory card, flash card) :: Memory Stick {m}
- men {n} (human people) :: mensen {m-p}, men (collective singular)
- mend {v} (to alter for the better; to set right; to reform; hence, to quicken) :: verbeteren, herstellen
- mend {v} (to repair) :: repareren, herstellen
- mendacious {adj} (false) SEE: false ::
- mendacious {adj} (lying, untruthful or dishonest) :: leugenachtig, oneerlijk
- mendaciousness {n} (mendacity) SEE: mendacity ::
- mendacity {n} (A lie, deceit or falsehood) :: leugen, bedrog
- mendacity {n} (The fact or condition of being untruthful; dishonest) :: leugenachtigheid, oneerlijkheid
- mendelevium {n} (chemical element) :: mendelevium {n}
- menhir {n} (standing stone as a monument) :: menhir {m}
- menial {n} (domestic servant) :: dienaar {m}, dienares {f}, bediende {c}, meid {f}, knecht {m}
- meningitis {n} (inflammation of the meninges) :: nekkramp
- menorah {n} (seven-branch candelabrum) :: menora
- menstruation {n} (periodic discharging of the menses) :: menstruatie
- mental {adj} (relating to the mind) :: geestelijk, mentaal
- mental breakdown {n} (an attack of depression) SEE: nervous breakdown ::
- mental hospital {n} (facility designed to treat persons with mental disorders) :: psychiatrische instelling {f}
- mental hygiene {n} (concern and care for clean state of mind) :: geesteshygiëne, mentale hygiëne
- mental institution {n} (psychiatric hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
- mentality {n} (mindset) :: mentaliteit {f}
- mention {n} (a speaking or notice of anything, usually in a brief or cursory manner) :: vermelding {f}
- mention {v} (make a short reference to something) :: vermelden
- mentor {n} (A wise and trusted counselor or teacher) :: mentor {m}, leidsman {m}
- menu {n} (details of the food to be served at a banquet) :: menukaart {f}, menu {n}
- menu {n} (list from which the user may select an operation to be performed) :: menu {n}
- menu bar {n} (rectangular region of a graphical user interface where computer menus are housed) :: menubalk {m}
- meow {interj} (cry of a cat) :: miauw
- meow {n} (cry of a cat) :: miauw, gemiauw {n}
- meow {v} (of a cat, to make its cry) :: miauwen
- mercantile {adj} (related to the exchange of goods for profit) :: handels-
- mercenary {adj} (motivated by private gain) :: hebzuchtig, geldbelust
- mercenary {n} (person employed to fight) :: huurling {m}
- merchant {n} (person who traffics in commodities) :: koopman {m}
- merchant marine {n} :: koopvaardijvloot, koopvaarders {m-p}, burgerlijk zeeman {m}
- merchant navy {n} (civilian naval fleet) :: handelsvloot {f} {m}
- merciful {adj} (showing mercy) :: barmhartig, genadig
- merciless {adj} (showing no mercy; cruel and pitiless) :: genadeloos
- mercilessness {n} (the property of being merciless) :: genadeloosheid {f}
- mercurial {adj} (containing the element mercury) :: kwikhoudend
- mercury {n} (element) :: kwik {n}
- mercury {n} (idiomatic: ambient temperature) :: kwik
- Mercury {prop} (planet) :: Mercurius {f}
- Mercury {prop} (Roman god) :: Mercurius {m}
- mercy {n} :: barmhartigheid {f}, genade {f}
- mercy {n} (forgiveness or compassion) :: genade {f}, erbarmen {n}, vergeving {f}, vergiffenis {f}
- mere {adj} (the smallest amount) :: schamel, luttel
- merely {adv} (only, just, and nothing more) :: alleen, louter
- mereology {n} (logic: theory dealing with parts and wholes) :: mereologie {f}
- meretricious {adj} (of, or relating to prostitutes) :: opzichtig,hoerachtig
- meretricious {adj} (Tastelessly gaudy) :: schoonschijnend,wansmakelijk
- merganser {n} (diving duck) :: zaagbek
- merge {n} (joining of two flows) :: samenvloeiing {f}, kruising {f}
- merge {v} :: fuseren
- merge {v} (to be combined into a whole) :: samenkomen, samenvloeien [liquids], fusioneren, samengaan
- merge {v} (to blend gradually into something else) :: samenvloeien [liquids], overgaan in
- merge {v} (to combine into a whole) :: samenvoegen, fusioneren
- merger {n} (an absorption into one estate, contract etc.) :: opslorping, amalgamatie {f}
- merger {n} (the act or process of merging) :: samensmelting {f}, versmelting, fusie {f}
- merger {n} (the legal union of two or more corporations) :: fusie {f}
- mergirl {n} (mermaid) SEE: mermaid ::
- merit {n} (Something deserving recognition) :: verdienste {f}
- merit {n} (Something worthy of a high rating) :: verdienste {f}
- meritorious {adj} (deserving of merit or commendation; deserving reward) :: verdienstelijk
- merlon {n} (any of the projections between the embrasures of a battlement) :: kanteel
- mermaid {n} (mythological woman with a fish's tail) :: zeemeermin {f}, meermin {f}
- merman {n} :: meerman {m}
- merogamy {n} (merogony) SEE: merogony ::
- merriment {n} (playful fun) :: jolijt {f}
- merry {adj} (jolly and full of high-spirits) :: vrolijk
- merry Christmas {phrase} (good wishes at Christmas time) :: vrolijk kerstfeest, prettig kerstfeest
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year {phrase} (traditional greeting for the Christmas and the new year) :: Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
- merry-go-round {n} (carousel) :: draaimolen {m}, carrousel {m}
- mesh {n} (computing: polygon mesh) SEE: polygon mesh ::
- mesh {n} (opening) :: maas {m} {f}
- meshugge {adj} (crazy, mad, senseless, insane) :: mesjogge, mesjokke
- mesne {adj} (intermediate) SEE: intermediate ::
- Mesolithic {n} (Mesolithic period) :: Mesolithicum {m}
- meson {n} (elementary particle) :: meson {n}
- Mesopotamia {prop} (region between Euphrates and Tigris) :: Mesopotamië {n}, Tweestromenland {n}
- Mesopotamian {adj} (of or pertaining to Mesopotamia) :: Mesopotamisch
- mesoregion {n} (meso-region) SEE: meso-region ::
- mess {n} (a disagreeable mixture or confusion of things…) :: puinhoop {m}, zootje {n}
- mess {n} (Mass; church service) :: dienst {m}, gebedsdienst {m}, mis {m} {f}
- message {n} :: bericht {n}, boodschap {f}
- messenger {n} (one who brings messages) :: boodschapper {m}
- messiah {n} (an extremely powerful divine figure) :: messias {m}
- messiah {n} (ordained to lead the people of Israel) :: Messias {m}
- Messiah {prop} (Christianity) Jesus) :: Messias
- Messinian {prop} :: Messinien
- messy {adj} (in a disorderly state; causing mess or confusion; chaotic; disorderly) :: wanordelijk, chaotisch
- metabolism {n} (complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells) :: stofwisseling {m}
- metacarpal bone {n} (metacarpal) SEE: metacarpal ::
- metal {n} (atomic element or material made of such atoms) :: metaal {n}
- metal detector {n} (a hand-held device) :: metaaldetector {m}
- metal detector {n} (a structure, similar to a doorway) :: metaaldetector {m}
- metallurgic {adj} (metallurgical) SEE: metallurgical ::
- metallurgy {n} (science of metals) :: metallurgie {f}
- metamorphic rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: metamorf gesteente {n}
- metaphor {n} (countable: word or phrase used in metaphor) :: metafoor {m}
- metaphor {n} (uncountable: figure of speech) :: metafoor, beeldspraak, vergelijking
- metaphorical {adj} (pertaining to a metaphor) :: metaforisch
- metaphysical {adj} (of or pertaining to metaphysics) :: metafysisch
- metaphysics {n} (branch of philosophy that studies first principles) :: metafysica
- metastasis {n} (the transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body) :: uitzaaiing {f}, metastase {f}
- metastasize {v} (to spread to other sites in the body) :: metastaseren, uitzaaien
- meteor {n} (streak of light) :: meteoriet, vallende ster {m}
- meteorite {n} (remains of a meteor) :: meteoriet {m}
- meteorologic {adj} (meteorological) SEE: meteorological ::
- meteorology {n} (science) :: weerkunde {f}
- meter {n} (measuring instrument) :: meter {m}, teller {m}
- meter {n} (unit of length) SEE: metre ::
- meter {v} (to measure) SEE: measure ::
- methacrolein {n} (clear, colorless, flammable liquid) :: methacroleïne
- methamine {n} (hexamine) SEE: hexamine ::
- methanal {n} (formaldehyde) SEE: formaldehyde ::
- methane {n} (the compound CH[4]) :: methaan {n}
- methinks {contraction} (it seems to me) :: me dunkt
- methionine {n} (amino acid) :: methionine
- method {n} (process by which a task is completed) :: methode {f}
- methyl- {prefix} (prefix used to form terms describing the attachment of a methyl group) :: methyl-
- methylated spirit {n} (ethyl alcohol used as a fuel and a solvent) :: spiritus {m}, brandspiritus {m}
- methylpropane {n} (isobutane) SEE: isobutane ::
- methylpropene {n} (isobutylene) SEE: isobutene ::
- metic {n} (resident alien in ancient Greece) :: metoiken
- meticulous {adj} (characterized by very precise, conscientious attention to details) :: angstvallig, scrupuleus, meticuleus, acribisch
- Metis {prop} (in Greek mythology) :: Metis
- Metis {prop} (satellite of Jupiter) :: Metis
- metonym {n} (word that names an object from a single characteristic of it) :: metoniem
- metonymic {n} (metonym) SEE: metonym ::
- metonymy {n} (metonym) SEE: metonym ::
- me too {phrase} (I agree) :: ik ook (I also want to participate), ik ben het er mee eens (I agree), ik stem ermee in (I agree).
- metre {n} (unit of length) :: meter {m}
- metric {adj} (relating to metric system) :: metriek
- metrical foot {n} (basic unit of verse) :: versvoet {m}
- metric space {n} (space (mathematics) :: metrische ruimte {f}
- metric system {n} (International System of Units) SEE: International System of Units ::
- metric ton {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms) :: ton {m}
- metro {n} (train of underground railway) :: metro {m}, metrostel {n}
- metro {n} (underground railway) :: metro {m}, ondergrondse {f}
- metropole {n} (city) SEE: metropolis ::
- metropolis {n} (colony’s mother city) :: metropolis, metropool {m}, moederstad
- metropolis {n} (large, busy city) :: metropool {m}, grootstad, wereldstad
- metropolis {n} (metropolitan archbishop) SEE: archbishopric ::
- metrosexual {n} (A man concerned with personal appearance) :: metroseksueel
- mettle {n} (a quality of endurance and courage) :: moed
- mettle {n} (good temperament and character) :: temperament, karakter
- mettle {n} (metal) SEE: metal ::
- Meuse {prop} (river) :: Maas
- mew {n} (crying sound of a cat) SEE: meow ::
- mew {v} (meow) SEE: meow ::
- Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to Mexico) :: Mexicaans
- Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to Nahuatl language) SEE: Nahuatl ::
- Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to the Mexica people) SEE: Mexica ::
- Mexican {n} (Mexica) SEE: Mexica ::
- Mexican {n} (Nahuatl language) SEE: Nahuatl ::
- Mexican wolf {n} (rare subspecies of grey wolf) :: Mexicaanse wolf
- Mexico {prop} (city) :: Mexico
- Mexico {prop} (country) :: Mexico
- Mexico City {prop} (capital of Mexico) :: Mexico, Mexico-stad
- mi. {abbr} (abbreviation of mile) :: mi
- Miami {n} (Miami) :: Miami
- Micah {prop} (Biblical character: minor prophet and author) :: Micha
- Michael {prop} (male given name) :: Michiel, Michaël, Michel, Maikel
- Michaela {prop} (feminine form of Michael) :: Michelle
- Michelle {prop} (female given name) SEE: Michaela ::
- Michigan holly {n} (American winterberry) SEE: American winterberry ::
- Mickey Mouse {prop} (Disney character) :: Mickey Mouse
- microbe {n} (microorganism) :: microbe {m} {f}
- microbiology {n} (branch of biology dealing with microorganisms) :: microbiologie
- microcontroller {n} (microcomputer on a single chip) :: microcontroller
- microcredit {n} (microloan) SEE: microloan ::
- microdot {n} (image that has been reduced in size to that of a dot) :: microdot
- micrometer {n} (instrument) :: micrometer {m}
- micrometer {n} (one-millionth of a meter, see also: micron) :: micrometer {m}
- micrometre {n} (micrometer) SEE: micrometer ::
- micronation {n} (entity that resembles a nation or a state) :: micronatie {f}
- Micronesia {prop} (country) :: Micronesia
- Micronesian {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Micronesia or the Micronesian people) :: Micronesisch
- Micronesian {n} (A person from Micronesia or of Micronesian descent) :: Micronesiër {m}, Micronesische {f}
- micropaleontology {n} (the study of microfossils) :: micropaleontologie {f}
- microphone {n} (transducer of sound waves to electricity) :: microfoon {m}
- microregion {n} (micro-region) SEE: micro-region ::
- microscope {n} (an optical instrument) :: microscoop {m}
- microscopic {adj} (so small that it can only be seen using a microscope) :: microscopisch
- microsecond {n} (unit of time equal to 10^−6 seconds) :: microseconde {m}
- microseism {n} (tremor) :: aardschok
- Microsoft tax {n} (fee for pre-installed Microsoft Windows) :: Microsoftbelasting {f}
- microstate {n} (a very small country) :: dwergstaat, ministaat
- microwave {n} (microwave oven) SEE: microwave oven ::
- microwave {n} (wave) :: microgolf {m} (Flemish)
- microwave oven {n} (oven using microwave energy) :: magnetron {m} [Netherlands], magnetronoven {m} [Netherlands], microgolf {m} [Flanders], microgolfoven {m} [Flanders]
- micturate {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
- mid {adj} (denoting the middle part) :: midden
- mid {adj} (in linguistics, made with a somewhat elevated position of some part of the tongue relative to the palate) :: te midden van
- mid {adj} (occupying a middle position; middle) :: midden, middel
- mid {prep} (amid) :: midden
- midbrain {n} (part of brain) :: mesencephalon
- midday {n} (12 o'clock during the day) SEE: noon ::
- middle {adj} (located in the middle; in between) :: midden
- middle {n} (centre, midpoint) :: midden {n}, centrum {n}
- middle {n} (part between beginning and end) :: midden {n}
- Middle Ages {prop} (historical period) :: middeleeuwen {p}
- Middle Dutch {prop} (the Middle Dutch language) :: Middelnederlands {n}
- Middle East {prop} (region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa) :: Midden-Oosten {n}
- Middle English {prop} (Middle English) :: Middelengels {n}
- middle finger {n} (finger between the forefinger and the ring finger) :: middelvinger {m}
- Middle Greek {prop} (Byzantine Greek) SEE: Byzantine Greek ::
- middle ground {n} (a compromise position between extremes) :: middenweg {m}, compromis {n}
- Middle High German {prop} (Middle High German) :: Middelhoogduits {n}
- Middle Low German {prop} (the Middle Low German language) :: Middelnederduits {n}
- middleman {n} (intermediary) SEE: intermediary ::
- middleman {n} (intermediate dealer between manufacturer and the retailer or customer) :: tussenhandelaar {m}
- middlemost {adj} (nearest to the exact middle) :: middenst
- middle of nowhere {n} (remote place; a place lacking population, interesting things or defining characteristics) :: midden van nergens {n}, rimboe {m}
- Middle Saxon {prop} (Middle Low German) SEE: Middle Low German ::
- middle school {n} (school contain both primary and secondary students) :: middenschool {f}
- midget {n} (attributively: that is the small version of something) :: dwerg-, mini-
- midget {n} (derogatory: any short person) :: dwerg {m}
- midget {n} (person of small stature of adult height less than 4'10“) :: dwerg
- midhusband {n} (male midwife) :: vroedmeester {m}, vroedman {m}
- mid-life crisis {n} (emotional period of doubt) :: midlifecrisis {f}
- midmost {adj} (middlemost) SEE: middlemost ::
- midnight {n} (12 o'clock at night) :: middernacht {m}
- midnight sun {n} (phenomenon) :: middernachtzon {f}
- midriff {n} (mid section of the human torso) :: middenrif {n}
- midshipman {n} (midshipman fish) SEE: midshipman fish ::
- midshipman {n} (officer of the lowest rank) :: adelborst {m}
- midsummer {n} (Midsummer Day) :: midzomerdag {m}
- midsummer {n} (The middle of summer) :: midzomer {m}
- midway {adv} (halfway) SEE: halfway ::
- midwife {n} (person who assists women in childbirth) :: verloskundige {m} {f}, vroedvrouw {f}
- midwifery {n} (the practice and science of being a midwife) :: verloskunde {f}
- mielie {n} (maize) SEE: maize ::
- mien {n} (demeanor; facial expression or attitude, especially one which is intended by its bearer) :: gemeenheid
- miff {v} (to become slightly offended) :: zich gekrenkt voelen
- miff {v} (to offend slightly) :: krenken
- miffed {adj} (Irritated) :: geïrriteerd, op de tenen getrapt
- might {n} (ability) :: vermogen
- might {n} (personal power) :: macht {f}
- might {n} (physical strength) :: kracht, macht {f}
- might {v} (indicator of conditional or possible actions) :: zou kunnen
- mighty {adj} (very strong, possessing might) :: machtig
- migraine {n} (headache usually affecting only one side of the head) :: migraine {f}
- migrant smuggling {n} (human smuggling) SEE: human smuggling ::
- migrant worker {n} (guest worker) SEE: guest worker ::
- mikado {n} (a game of skill) :: mikado {m}
- mikado {n} (emperor of Japan) :: Japanse keizer {m}, mikado {m}
- Milan {prop} (city and capital) :: Milaan {n}
- Milan {prop} (province) :: Milaan {n}
- mild {adj} (gentle; pleasant; kind; soft) :: mild, zacht
- mildew {n} (growth of minute fungi) :: schimmel {m}
- mile {n} (measure of length) :: mijl {m}
- milestone {n} (important event) :: mijlpaal {m}, keerpunt {n}
- milestone {n} (one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road at regular intervals) :: mijlpaal {m}, mijlsteen
- militarization {n} (militarisation) SEE: militarisation ::
- military {adj} (characteristic of members of the armed forces) :: militair
- military {adj} :: militair
- military {adj} (North America) relating to armed forces such as the army, marines, navy and air force) :: militair
- military {adj} (relating to armies or ground forces) :: militair
- military {adj} (relating to war) :: militair, oorlogs-, krijgs-
- military {n} ( armed forces) :: leger {n}
- military attaché {n} (a diplomatic attaché for military affairs) :: militair attaché {m}
- military order {n} (order of knighthood) :: militaire orde, militaire ridderorde {m}
- militia {n} (army of trained civilians called upon in time of need) :: militie
- milk {n} (liquid) :: melk {f}
- milk {v} (to express milk from mammal) :: melken
- milk {v} (to take advantage of situation) :: uitmelken
- milk chocolate {n} (Chocolate that includes milk powder as one of its ingredients) :: melkchocolade
- milkfish {n} (Chanos chanos) :: bandeng
- milkmaid {n} (a young woman who milked the cows on a farm) :: melkmeid {f}, melkmeisje {f}
- milkmaid's yoke {n} (carrying pole) SEE: carrying pole ::
- milkman {n} (man who delivers milk early in the morning) :: melkboer {m}
- milk powder {n} (pulverized milk solids) :: melkpoeder
- milk snake {n} (Lampropeltis triangulum) :: melkslang
- milk tooth {n} (tooth of the first set of teeth) :: melktand {c}
- Milky Way {prop} (galaxy) :: Melkweg
- mill {n} (building) :: fabriek {f} [general], papierfabriek {f} [for paper], staalfabriek {f} [for steel], textielfabriek {f} [for textiles]
- mill {n} (establishment that handles a certain type of situation routinely) :: papiermolen
- mill {n} (grinding apparatus) :: molen {m}
- mill {n} (manufacturing plant) :: fabriek {f} [general], papierfabriek {f} [for paper], staalfabriek {f} [for steel], textielfabriek {f} [for textiles]
- mill {v} (engrave groove around the edge of) :: graveren
- mill {v} (grind or process using a mill or other machine) :: malen
- mill {v} (shape, polish, etc, using a machine) :: slijpen
- millennium {n} (thousand-year period) :: millennium
- miller {n} (person) :: molenaar {m}
- millet {n} (any of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food) :: gierst {m} {f}
- milliard {num} (10^9) :: miljard {n}
- milliliter {n} (milliliter) SEE: millilitre ::
- millimeter {n} (millimetre) SEE: millimetre ::
- millimetre {n} (unit of measure) :: millimeter
- million {num} (cardinal number) :: miljoen {n}
- millipede {n} (elongated arthropod) :: miljoenpoot {m}
- millisecond {n} (one one-thousandth of a second) :: milliseconde {m}
- millstone {n} (large round stone used for grinding grain) :: molensteen {m}
- milt {n} (fish semen) :: kuit {m}
- milt {n} (the organ spleen) SEE: spleen ::
- Miltiades {prop} (given name) :: Miltiades
- mimeograph {n} (machine for making copies) :: mimeograaf, stencilmachine
- mimeograph {v} (to make mimeographs) :: stencilen
- mimic {n} (imitation) SEE: imitation ::
- mina {n} (myna) SEE: myna ::
- Minangkabau {prop} (Malayo-Polynesian language) :: Minangkabaus {n}
- minaret {n} (mosque tower) :: minaret
- Min Bei {prop} (Chinese language) :: Minbei {n}
- mince {n} (finely chopped meat) :: gehakt
- mince {n} (finely chopped mixed fruit) SEE: mincemeat ::
- mince {v} (chop fine) :: hakken
- mincer {n} (a kitchen utensil used for mincing meat) SEE: meatgrinder ::
- mind {n} (ability for rational thought) :: verstand, geest, psyche, denkvermogen, rede {c}
- mind {n} (ability to remember things) :: geheugen
- mind {v} (to dislike, object to, have a contrary opinion toward) :: erg vinden (ik vind het niet erg), iets op tegen hebben (ik heb er niets op tegen), uitmaken (het maakt me niet uit)
- mind {v} (to look after) :: passen op
- mind {v} (to pay attention to) :: letten op, aandacht schenken aan
- mindfulness {n} (awareness) SEE: awareness ::
- mind-numbing {adj} (excessively boring) :: geestdodend
- mind one's own business {initialism} (to concern oneself only with what is of interest to oneself and not interfere in the affairs of others) :: met zijn eigen zaken bemoeien
- mine {n} (exploding device) :: mijn {f}
- mine {n} (place from which ore is extracted) :: mijn {f}, groeve {f}
- mine {pron} (that which belongs to me) :: de mijne, het mijne
- mine {v} (remove from the ground) :: ontginnen
- mine {v} (sow mines in) :: mijnen leggen
- miner {n} (an operator of mines and other explosives in an army) :: mineur {m}, mijnenlegger {m}, ontmijner {m}
- miner {n} (a person who works in a mine) :: mijnwerker {m}
- mineral {n} (as opposed to animal and vegetable) :: mineraal {n}
- mineral {n} (in geology) :: delfstof {c}, mineraal {n}
- mineral {n} (in nutrition) :: mineraal {n}
- mineral {n} (mineral water) :: mineraalwater {n}
- mineralogy {n} (the study or science of minerals) :: mineralogie {f}
- mineral water {n} (water containing dissolved minerals) :: mineraalwater {n}
- mineshaft {n} (mineshaft) :: mijnschacht {c}
- mingle {v} (To mix; to intermix; to combine or join) :: vermengen
- mingle-mangle {n} (collection of miscellaneous things) SEE: hodgepodge ::
- miniature {n} (manuscript illustration) :: miniatuur {f}
- Miniature Pinscher {n} (Miniature Pinscher) :: dwergpinscher
- minibus {n} (a small bus) :: busje {n}
- minidress {n} (woman's short dress) :: mini-jurk, mini-jurkje
- minigolf {n} (miniature golf) SEE: miniature golf ::
- minimal {adj} (The smallest possible amount, quantity, or degree) :: minimal
- minimalist {adj} (believing in or seeking a minimal state) :: minimalistisch
- minimart {n} (convenience store) SEE: convenience store ::
- minimization {n} (act of lowering something to its smallest value or extent) :: kleineren
- minion {n} (A sycophantic follower) :: slaafs volgeling, hielenlikker
- minion {n} (loyal servant of another more powerful being) :: ondergeschikte
- miniskirt {n} (skirt) :: minirok, minirokje
- minister {n} (person who is trained to perform religious ceremonies at a Protestant church) :: dominee {m}
- minister {n} (politician who heads a ministry) :: minister {m} {f}
- minister {n} (someone who serves others) :: dienaar
- ministry {n} (complete body of government ministers) :: ministerie {n}, kabinet {n}, regering, gouvernement {n}
- ministry {n} (government department) :: ministerie {n}, departement {n}
- ministry {n} (ministration) SEE: ministration ::
- ministry {n} (practice and education of the minister of a particular religion) :: bediening van de eredienst
- minivet {n} (bird of Pericrocotus) :: menievogel {m}
- mink {n} (mammal) :: nerts {m}, visotter {m}
- mink {n} (mink coat) SEE: mink coat ::
- mink {n} :: nerts
- Min Nan {prop} (Hokkien) SEE: Hokkien ::
- Minoan {adj} (Of or relating to the civilization that developed in Crete from the neolithic period to the Bronze Age) :: Minoïsch
- minor {adj} (of little importance) :: onbelangrijk
- minor {n} (someone below the legal age) :: minderjarige {m} {f}
- minor {n} (subject of secondary concentration) :: bijvak {n}
- minority {n} :: minderheid
- minority {n} (subgroup that does not form a numerical majority) :: minderheid {f}
- minority cabinet {n} (minority government) SEE: minority government ::
- minority government {n} (government backed by less than half of votes in parliament) :: minderheidsregering {f}, minderheidskabinet {n}
- minotaur {n} (monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man) :: minotaurus
- Minsk {prop} (capital of Belarus) :: Minsk
- minstrel {n} (medieval traveling entertainer) :: speelman {m}, minstreel {m}
- minstrel show {n} (A variety show performed by white people in blackface) :: negerzanger
- mint {adj} (numismatics: near-perfect) :: uitmuntend, uitmuntende
- mint {adj} (of condition, as new) :: piekfijn, piekfijne, ongeschonden
- mint {n} (herb flavouring) :: munt {m}
- mint {n} (large amount of money) :: fortuin {n}
- mint {n} (money-producing building or institution) :: munt {m}
- mint {n} (plant) :: munt {m}
- mint {v} (to reproduce coins) :: munten
- minuend {n} (number from which another is subtracted) :: aftrekgetal
- minuet {n} (dance) :: menuet {n}
- minuet {n} (music accompanying the dance) :: menuet {n}
- minus {adj} (negative) :: min, negatief, negatieve
- minus {adj} (on the negative part of a scale) :: min, onder nul (after the noun)
- minus {conj} (mathematics: less) :: min
- minus {n} (minus sign) SEE: minus sign ::
- minus sign {n} (symbol used to denote the operation of subtraction and to indicate that a number is negative) :: minteken {n}
- minute {adj} (very small) :: minuscuul, minuscule, onbeduidend, onbeduidende, nietig, nietige
- minute {n} (record of meeting) :: [{p]} notulen
- minute {n} (short but unspecified period of time) :: minuutje {n}, secondje {n}
- minute {n} (unit of angular measure) :: minuut
- minute {n} (unit of time) :: minuut
- minute {v} (to write the minutes of) :: notuleren
- minutes {n} (the official notes kept during a meeting) :: notulen
- miracle {n} (wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers) :: wonder {n}, mirakel {n}
- miraculous {adj} (by supernatural or uncommon causes) :: miraculeus, verwonderlijk, wonderbaarlijk
- mirage {n} (an optical phenomenon) :: luchtspiegeling
- Mirandese {prop} (Romance language) :: mirandees
- mire {n} (deep mud) :: moeras {n}
- Miriam {prop} (female given name) :: Miriam, Mirjam, Myriam
- Miriam {prop} (sister of Moses and Aaron) :: Mirjam
- mirror {n} (smooth reflecting surface) :: spiegel
- mirror ball {n} (disco ball) SEE: disco ball ::
- mirror image {n} (reversed image) :: spiegelbeeld {n}, wederbeeld {n}
- mirror punishment {n} (punishment) :: spiegelstraf
- mirth {n} (merriment) :: vrolijkheid
- misandry {n} (hatred of or prejudice against men) :: misandrie {f}
- misanthropist {n} (misanthrope) SEE: misanthrope ::
- misappropriate {v} (to embezzle) SEE: embezzle ::
- misbegotten {adj} (by figurative extension: ill-conceived) SEE: ill-conceived ::
- misbegotten {adj} (of a person: born out of wedlock) SEE: illegitimate ::
- misbegotten {n} (one born out of wedlock) SEE: bastard ::
- misbehavior {n} (conduct that is inappropriate) :: wangedrag {n}
- miscalculation {n} :: rekenfout {f}
- miscegenation {n} (the mixing or blending of race) :: rassenvermening , verbastering
- miscellaneous {adj} (consisting of a variety of ingredients or parts) :: gemengd
- miscellaneous {adj} :: gemengd
- mischievous {adj} (causing mischief) :: kwetsend, beledigend
- mischievous {adj} (naughty) :: gemeen, stout
- miscomprehend {v} (misunderstand) SEE: misunderstand ::
- misconduct {n} (bad behavior) SEE: misbehavior ::
- misconduct {v} (misbehave) SEE: misbehave ::
- misconduct {v} (mismanage) SEE: mismanage ::
- misconstrue {v} (interpret erroneously) :: misverstaan, verkeerd interpreteren
- misdeed {n} (something wrong done) :: misdaad {f}, vergrijp, {n}, wandaad {f}
- misdemeanor {n} (small crime) :: overtreding {f}, wanbedrijf {n} [Belgium]
- miser {n} (skinflint or scrooge) :: gierigaard {m}, vrek {m}
- misery {n} (great unhappiness) :: ellende {f}
- misery loves company {proverb} (misery is easier when one is not the only one) :: ellende houdt van gezelschap
- misfit {n} (a badly adjusted person) :: onaangepaste {m} {f}
- misfortune {n} (an undesirable event such as an accident) :: tegenslag {m}
- misfortune {n} (bad luck) :: ongeluk {n}, pech {m}
- mishap {n} (An accident, mistake, or problem) :: ongeluk {n}, vergissing {f}, probleem {n}, pech {m}
- mishear {v} (to hear wrongly) :: mis verstaan , verkeerd verstaan , slecht horen
- mishear {v} (to understand wrongly) :: mis verstaan , verkeerd verstaan , slecht begrijpen
- misheard {v} (Past participle of mishear) :: misverstaan
- mishmash {n} (a collection of miscellany) :: mikmak {m}
- misinformation {n} (disinformation) SEE: disinformation ::
- mislay {v} (to leave something in the wrong place and then forget where one put it) SEE: misplace ::
- mislead {v} (lead in a false direction) :: misleiden
- mislead {v} (to deceive by lies or other false impression) :: misleiden, bedotten, bedriegen
- mislead {v} (to deceptively trick into something wrong) :: verleiden, verlokken
- misleading {adj} (tending to mislead) :: misleidend
- misnomer {n} :: slecht gekozen term de
- misnomer {n} (use of term that is misleading) :: verkeerde naam
- misogyny {n} (hatred or contempt for women) :: misogynie
- misplace {v} (to put something somewhere and then forget its location) :: misleggen
- miss {n} (a failure to hit) :: misser {m}
- miss {n} (a failure to obtain or accomplish) :: mislukking {f}
- miss {n} (Miss) SEE: Miss ::
- miss {n} (unmarried woman) :: juffrouw {f}
- miss {v} (to avoid) :: ontwijken, missen
- miss {v} (to be late for something) :: missen
- miss {v} (to fail to hit) :: missen
- miss {v} (to fail to understand) :: niet snappen, ergens overheen kijken [also figuratively: to ignore], ergens overheen lezen [when reading]
- miss {v} (to feel the absence of someone or something) :: missen
- Miss {n} (title) :: mejuffrouw {f} (mej.), juffrouw {f} (juffr.)
- missed miscarriage {n} (missed abortion) SEE: missed abortion ::
- missile {n} (self-propelled, guidable projectile) :: raket
- mission {n} (religious evangelism) :: missie {f}, zending {f}
- mission {n} (set of tasks that fulfills a purpose) :: missie {f}
- missionary {n} (person traveling to spread a religion) :: (Catholic) missionaris {m}, (Protestant) zendeling {m}
- Mississippi {n} (river) :: Mississippi
- Mississippi {n} (state) :: Mississippi
- Missouri {prop} (river) :: Missouri
- Missouri {prop} (US state) :: Missouri
- misspell {v} (to spell incorrectly) :: misspellen, verkeerd spellen
- misspelling {n} (misspelt word) :: spelfout
- mist {n} (A layer of fine droplets or particles) :: waas
- mist {n} (Water or other liquid finely suspended in air) :: mist, nevel, damp
- mistake {n} (an error ) :: fout {f}, misverstand {n}, blunder {m}, vergissing {f}, onjuistheid {f}
- mistake {v} (To make an error) :: een fout maken, in de fout gaan
- mistake {v} (To take one thing for another) :: misverstaan, verwisselen
- mister {n} (title of adult male) :: meneer
- Mister Right {n} (perfect, ideal or suitable male mate or husband) :: ware Jakob {m}
- mistletoe {n} (either species of such evergreen plant) :: maretak {m}, vogellijm {m}, mistel {m}
- mistreat {v} (treat someone or something roughly or badly) :: mishandelen
- mistress {n} (woman in extramarital relationship) :: minnares {f}, buitenvrouw {f}
- mistress {n} (woman of authority) :: mevrouw {f}
- misty {adj} (with mist; foggy) :: mistig
- misty {adj} (with tears in the eyes) :: waterig
- misunderstand {v} (to understand incorrectly, while thinking one has understood correctly) :: misverstaan
- misunderstanding {n} (mistake) :: misverstand {n}
- mite {n} (an arachnid) :: mijt
- mither {v} (transitive to mither) :: lastigvallen
- mitigate {v} (to reduce, lessen, or decrease) :: mitigeren, verzachten
- mitigation {n} (relief) :: opluchting {f}, verlichting
- mitosis {n} (division of a cell nucleus) :: mitose {f}, mitosis {f}
- mitre {n} (a covering for the head, worn on solemn occasions by church dignitaries) :: mijter {m}
- mitt {n} (mitten) SEE: mitten ::
- mitten {n} (glove with a separate sheath for the thumb only) :: want {f}
- mix {v} (combine items from two or more sources normally kept separate) :: vermengen
- mix {v} (music: combine several tracks) :: mixen
- mix {v} (music: produce a finished version of a recording) :: afmixen
- mix {v} (stir two or more substances together) :: mengen
- mix {v} (use a mixer on) :: mixen
- mixed {adj} (having two or more separate aspects) :: gemengd
- mixed {adj} (including both males and females) :: gemengd
- mixed {adj} (not completely pure, tainted or adulterated) :: onzuiver, verdeeld
- mixed {adj} (Stemming from two or more races or breeds) :: gemengdbloedig, onzuiver
- mixed reaction {n} (state of diverse reception) :: geassorteerde reacties
- mixer {n} (blender) :: mengar {n}
- mixture {n} :: mengsel
- mizzen {n} (mizzenmast) SEE: mizzenmast ::
- mizzenmast {n} (nautical: aftmost mast) :: bezaansmast {m}
- mizzle {v} (to rain in fine drops) :: miezeren
- mmole {n} (millimole) SEE: millimole ::
- mnemonic {adj} (related to mnemonics) :: mnemotechnisch, mnemonisch, ezelsbruggetje {n}
- mnemonic {n} (Anything (especially something in verbal form) used to help remember something) :: ezelsbruggetje {n}, geheugensteuntje, mnemotechniek
- mnemonics {n} (study of techniques for improving memory) :: mnemoniek
- Münster {prop} (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) :: Munster, Münster
- moa {n} (extinct bird) :: moa
- moan {n} (a low cry of pain) :: kreun
- moan {v} (to complain) :: klagen
- moan {v} (to make a moan or similar sound) :: kreunen
- moat {n} (defensive ditch) :: slotgracht {m}, gracht {m}
- mob {n} (group of animals) :: kudde {c}
- mob {n} (mafia) SEE: mafia ::
- mob {n} (unruly group of people) :: menigte {f}, massa {c}
- mob {v} (to crowd around a person) :: omgeven
- mobile {adj} (capable of being moved) :: beweeglijk, mobiel
- mobile {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
- mobile phone {n} (a portable telephone) :: mobiele telefoon, GSM, [colloquial, diminutive] mobieltje
- mobilisation {n} (mobilization) SEE: mobilization ::
- mobilize {v} (mobilise) SEE: mobilise ::
- mobocracy {n} (rule of the mob ) :: ochlocratie {f}
- mock {adj} (imitation, not genuine) :: namaak-
- mock {n} (imitation) :: namaak {m}, afgietsel {n}, imitatie {f}
- mock {v} (to mimic) :: imiteren, naäpen, nadoen
- mocker {n} (mocking bird) SEE: mocking bird ::
- modal {adj} (of, relating to, or composed in the musical modi by which an octave is divided) :: modaal, modus-
- modal {adj} (of, relating to, or describing a mode or modus) :: modaal, modus-
- modal {adj} (of, relating to, or describing the mood of a clause) :: modaal
- modal {adj} (of, relating to, or describing two modality between the prepositions in logic) :: modaal
- modal {adj} (of, relating to, relating to the statistical mode) :: modaal, modus-
- modal {adj} (requiring immediate computer user interaction) :: modaal
- modal {n} (modal form, notably a modal auxiliary) :: modale vorm
- modal {n} (modal proposition) :: modale propositie
- modal verb {n} (an auxiliary verb) :: modaal werkwoord {n}, hulpwerkwoord {n}
- mode {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
- mode {n} (in computing) :: modus {m}
- mode {n} (in music) :: wijs {f}
- mode {n} (means of accomplishing something) :: wijze {f}
- mode {n} (style or fashion) :: mode {f}, trend {m}
- model {adj} :: model-
- model {adj} (worthy of being a model) :: model-
- model {n} (miniature) :: model {n}
- model {n} (person) :: model {n}, mannequin {m}
- model {n} (simplified representation) :: model {n}
- model {n} (structural design) :: model {n}
- model {n} (style) :: model {n}
- model {v} (be a model) :: model staan
- model {v} (create from a substance) :: modelleren
- model {v} (display) :: tonen, model staan
- model {v} (make a miniature model) :: modelleren
- model {v} (use as a model) :: modelleren
- Model T {prop} (first car made by Ford Motor Co. on an assembly line) :: T-Ford
- modem {n} (a device that encodes digital computer signals into analog/analogue telephone signals and vice versa and allows computers to communicate over a phone line) :: modem {m} {n}
- moderate {adj} (having an intermediate position in politics) :: gematigd
- moderate {adj} (mediocre) :: middelmatig, matig, doorsnee
- moderate {adj} (not excessive) :: gematigd, matig
- moderate {n} (one who holds an intermediate position) :: gematigde {m}
- moderate {v} (to act as a moderator) :: modereren, bemiddelen
- moderate {v} (to become less excessive) :: zich matigen
- moderate {v} (to preside over as a moderator) :: modereren
- moderate {v} (to reduce the excessiveness) :: matigen, milderen, temperen
- modern {adj} (pertaining to the current time and style) :: modern, eigentijds, hedendaags, nieuwerwets
- modernist {adj} (relating to modernism) :: modernistisch
- modernization {n} (process of modernizing) :: modernisering {f}
- modernize {v} (bring something up to date) :: moderniseren
- modest {adj} (not bragging or boasting about oneself or one's achievements) :: bescheiden, ingetogen
- modestly {adv} (in a modest manner) :: bescheiden
- modesty {n} (moderate behaviour; reserve) :: gereserveerdheid, schroom
- modesty {n} (the quality of being modest) :: bescheidenheid
- modicum {n} (small amount) :: weinigje {n}
- modification {n} (act or result of modifying or condition of being modified) :: modificatie {f}
- modification {n} (alteration or adjustment) :: modificatie {f}
- modification {n} (change to an organism) :: modificatie {f}
- modify {v} (to make partial changes to) :: modificeren, veranderen
- modulate {v} (to cary the amplitude etc.) :: moduleren
- Moebius syndrome {n} :: syndroom van Möbius {n}, congenitale faciale diplegie, congenitale oculofaciale paralyse
- Mogadishu {prop} (capital city) :: Mogadishu
- mogul {n} (a rich or powerful person) :: magnaat {m}
- Mohammad {prop} (male given name) SEE: Muhammad ::
- Mohammad {prop} (prophet) SEE: Muhammad ::
- Mohawk {n} (mohawk hairstyle) :: hanenkam {m}
- moiety {n} (chemistry) a specific segment of a molecule) :: groep, functionele groep
- moist {adj} (of eyes: tearful) :: betraand, vochtig
- moist {adj} (slightly wet) :: vochtig, nattig
- moisture {n} (a moderate degree of wetness) :: vochtigheid {f}, vocht {n}
- moisturize {v} (to make more humid) :: natmaken
- moisturize {v} (to make more moist) :: bevochtigen
- moisturizer {n} (moisturising cream) SEE: moisturising cream ::
- Moksha {prop} (language) :: Moksha {n}
- molality {n} ( concentration of a substance in solution) :: molaliteit {f}
- molar {n} (back tooth) :: kies {m}, maaltand {m}
- molasses {n} (thick brownish syrup refined from raw sugar) :: melasse {f}
- mold {n} (hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance) :: vorm, gietvorm, mal {m}
- mold {n} (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi) :: schimmel {m}
- mold {v} (To be shaped in or as if in a mold) :: de vorm aannemen van
- mold {v} (To form into a particular shape; to give shape to) :: vormgeven
- mold {v} (To shape in or on a mold) :: vormen
- Moldavia {prop} (Moldova) SEE: Moldova ::
- Moldova {prop} (country) :: Moldavië
- Moldovan {adj} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian ::
- Moldovan {n} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian ::
- Moldovan {prop} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian ::
- moldy {adj} (mouldy) SEE: mouldy ::
- mole {n} (burrowing insectivore) :: mol {m}
- mole {n} (dark spot on the skin) :: moedervlek {f}
- mole {n} (internal spy) :: mol {m}
- mole {n} (mole rat) SEE: mole rat ::
- mole {n} (unit of amount) :: mol {m}
- molecular genetics {n} (a field of biology) :: moleculaire genetica
- molecule {n} (group of atoms held together by chemical bonds) :: molecuul {n}
- molehill {n} (A small mound of earth) :: molshoop {m}
- molinology {n} (study of mills) :: molinologie, molenkunde
- mollie {n} (Molotov cocktail) SEE: Molotov cocktail ::
- mollusc {n} (soft-bodied invertebrate of phylum Mollusca, see also: clam, see also: oyster, see also: mussel) :: weekdier {n}, mollusk
- molluscicide {n} (substance that kills molluscs) :: slakkenbestrijdingsmiddel
- Molotov cocktail {n} (simple incendiary bomb) :: molotovcocktail {m}
- molybdenum {n} (chemical element) :: molybdeen {n}
- mom {n} (mother) SEE: mum ::
- moment {n} (moment in time) :: moment {n}, wijl {f}, wijle {f}, tijdstip {n}, stond {m}
- moment {n} (moment of force) :: moment {m}
- moment {n} (very brief period of time) :: ogenblik {n}, moment {n}, oogwenk {m}, tijdstip {f}, tel {m}
- momentarily {adv} (In a momentary manner) :: even
- momentarily {adv} (In a moment or very soon) :: zo
- momentum {n} (impetus, either of a body in motion, or of an idea or course of events) :: vaart {m} {f}
- momentum {n} (product of mass and velocity) :: impuls {m}
- mommy {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
- momo {n} (type of dumpling) :: momo
- Monaco {prop} (country in Europe) :: Monaco
- monarch {n} (ruler) :: monarch {m}
- monarchy {n} (form of government with a hereditary head of state) :: monarchie {f}
- monastery {n} (place of residence for members of a religious community) :: klooster {n}
- Monastir {prop} (former name of Bitola in Macedonia) :: Bitola
- Monday {adv} (on Monday) :: 's maandags
- Monday {n} (day of the week) :: maandag {m}
- money {n} (means of exchange and measure of value) :: geld {n}
- moneybags {n} (wealthy person) :: rijkaard {m}
- money laundering {n} (act of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally) :: witwassen {n}
- Mongol {prop} (A person from Mongolia; a Mongolian) SEE: Mongolian ::
- Mongol {prop} (member of the nomadic people) :: Mongool {m}, Mongoolse {f}
- Mongol {prop} (someone with Down's syndrome) :: Mongool {m}, Mongoolse {f}
- Mongolia {prop} (Central Asian country) :: Mongolië
- Mongolian {adj} (designating or affected with Down syndrome) SEE: Mongol, mongoloid ::
- Mongolian {adj} (of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures) :: Mongools
- Mongolian {adj} (resembling or having some of the characteristic physical features of the Mongoloid racial type) SEE: mongoloid ::
- Mongolian {n} (language of Mongolia) :: Mongools
- Mongolian {n} (native or inhabitant of Mongolia) :: Mongool
- mongoose {n} (a small carnivore of the family Herpesidae) :: mangoeste {c}
- mongrel {n} (someone of mixed kind) :: bastaard {m}
- Monika {prop} (female given name) SEE: Monica ::
- moniker {n} (personal name or nickname) :: bijnaam {m}
- moniker {n} (signature) SEE: signature ::
- monitor {n} (computer display) :: monitor, beeldscherm
- monitor {n} (ironclad) SEE: ironclad ::
- monitor {n} (monitor lizard) SEE: monitor lizard ::
- monitor {n} (someone who watches over something) :: toezichthouder {m}
- monitor {v} (watch over, guard) :: controleren, surveilleren, toezicht houden
- monitoring {n} (The act of listening, carrying out surveillance on) :: controleren, toezicht houden, volgen
- monitor lizard {n} (lizard of the genus Varanus) :: varaan {m}
- monk {n} (male member of monastic order) :: monnik
- monk {n} (slang: judge) SEE: judge ::
- monk {n} (slang: loner) SEE: loner ::
- monkey {n} (mischievous child) :: apenjong, brutale aap
- monkey {n} (primate) :: aap {m}, apin {f}
- monkey bars {n} (jungle gym) SEE: jungle gym ::
- monkey wrench {n} (problem) :: probleem
- monk's hood {n} (monkshood) SEE: monkshood ::