Wikipedia glossary (303,787 Dutch-English entries)(Part 8, T-Z).txt
Dutch | English |
T | T (disambiguation) |
T (letter) | T |
T (schaal) | T scale |
't Goy | 't Goy |
't Haantje | 't Haantje |
't Haantje (Coevorden) | 't Haantje, Drenthe |
't Harde | 't Harde |
't Hof van Commerce | 't Hof van Commerce |
T in the Park | T in the Park |
't Is weer voorbij die mooie zomer | City of New Orleans (song) |
't Manco | A Void |
't Melkhuisje | Hilversum Trophy |
't Nopeind | 't Nopeind |
't Pallieterke | 't Pallieterke |
't Rijpje | Rijpje |
T Tauri-ster | T Tauri type stars |
't Veld (Hollands Kroon) | 't Veld |
't Waar | 't Waar |
't Wild | Het Wild |
't Woud (Nijkerk) | 't Woud |
't Woudt | 't Woudt |
't Zand | 't Zand |
't Zand (Schagen) | 't Zand, Schagen |
't Zandt (Loppersum) | 't Zandt |
T. rex | T. rex (disambiguation) |
T. Rex | T. Rex (band) |
T.A. Barron | T. A. Barron |
T.A.T.u. | T.A.T.u |
T.B. Joshua | T. B. Joshua |
T.C. Matic | TC Matic |
T.H. White | T. H. White |
T.I. vs. T.I.P. | T.I. vs. T.I.P. |
T.J. Cloutier | T. J. Cloutier |
T.J. Hooker | T. J. Hooker |
T.J. Johnson | T. J. Johnson |
T.J. Perkins | T.J. Perkins |
T.O.S: Terminate On Sight | T·O·S (Terminate on Sight) |
T.R. Knight | T. R. Knight |
T.S.G. 't Zal Wel Gaan | 't zal wel gaan |
T1 (telecommunicatie) | Digital Signal 1 |
T17 Armored Car | T17 Armored Car |
T1-ruimte | T1 space |
T28 Super Heavy Tank | T28 Super Heavy Tank |
T2-tanker | T2 tanker |
T34 Calliope | T34 Calliope |
T-37 Tweet | Cessna T-37 Tweet |
T4 (Italië) | Fréjus Road Tunnel |
T-55 | T-54/55 |
T-65 X-Wing Starfighter | X-wing |
Ta (Arabische letter) | Tav |
Ta eis heauton | Meditations |
Ta Pee | Tapi River, Thailand |
Ta' Qali | Ta' Qali |
Ta' Qalistadion | Ta' Qali National Stadium |
Ta' Xbiex | Ta' Xbiex |
TAA | TAA (disambiguation) |
Ta'a I | Senakhtenre Ahmose |
Ta'a II | Seqenenre Tao |
Taag | Tagus |
TAAG Angola Airlines | TAAG Angola Airlines |
Taaiheid | Toughness |
Taaislijmziekte | Cystic fibrosis |
Taakbalk | Taskbar |
Taal | Language |
Taal (Batangas) | Taal, Batangas |
Taal (doorverwijspagina) | Taal |
Taal Aktie Komitee | Taal Aktie Komitee |
Taalbad | Language immersion |
Taalbond | Sprachbund |
Taaleiland | Language island |
Taalfamilie | Language family |
Taalfilosofie | Philosophy of language |
Taalgebied | Sprachraum |
Taalgids | Phrase book |
Taalgrens in België | Language border |
Taalhandeling | Speech act |
Taalimperialisme | Linguistic imperialism |
Taalkunde | Linguistics |
Taalmeer | Taal Lake |
Taalplanning | Language planning |
Taalpolitiek | Language policy |
Taalpurisme | Linguistic purism |
Taalracisme | Linguistic discrimination |
Taalspel (Wittgenstein) | Language-game (philosophy) |
Taaltypologie | Linguistic typology |
Taaluniversalia | Linguistic universal |
Taalverandering | Language change |
Taalverwantschap | Genetic relationship (linguistics) |
Taalverwerving | Language acquisition |
Taalwetgeving in België | Language legislation in Belgium |
Ta'aniet | Ta'anit (tractate) |
Ta'aniet Esther | Fast of Esther |
Taarlo | Taarlo |
Taarstedt | Taarstedt |
Taart | Cake |
Taartgooien | Pieing |
Taartschep | Cake and pie server |
Ta'awwudh | Ta'awwudh |
Tab | Tab |
Tab (Hongarije) | Tab, Hungary |
Tab (toetsenbord) | Tab key |
Tab Smith | Tab Smith |
Taba | Taba, Egypt |
Tabaco (Albay) | Tabaco |
Tabaille-Usquain | Tabaille-Usquain |
Tabajd | Tabajd |
Tabak | Tobacco |
Tabakskever | Lasioderma serricorne |
Tabaksmozaïekvirus | Tobacco mosaic virus |
Tabakspijlstaart | Manduca sexta |
Tabakswittevlieg | Silverleaf whitefly |
Taban lo Liyong | Taban Lo Liyong |
Tabango | Tabango, Leyte |
Tabanovići | Tabanovići |
Tabanus | Tabanus |
Tabapuã | Tabapuã |
Tabar | Tabar Group |
Tabarca | Tabarca |
Tabaré Viudez | Tabaré Viúdez |
Tabari | Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari |
Tabarka | Tabarka |
Tabarre | Tabarre |
Tabarz/Thür. Wald | Tabarz |
Tabasaraans | Tabasaran language |
Tabasaranen | Tabasaran people |
Tabasco | Tabasco (disambiguation) |
Tabasco (plant) | Tabasco pepper |
Tabasco (saus) | Tabasco sauce |
Tabasco (staat) | Tabasco (state) |
Tabascoschildpad | Central American river turtle |
Tabascoschildpadden | Dermatemydidae |
Tabatinga (São Paulo) | Tabatinga, São Paulo |
Tabbed Document Interface | Tab (GUI) |
Tabberd | Tabard |
Tabdi | Tabdi |
Tabel | Table (information) |
Tabel (database) | Table (database) |
Tabel van Albanese steden | List of cities in Albania |
Tabel van Belgische gemeenten | List of Belgian municipalities by population |
Tabel van delers | Table of divisors |
Tabel van gemeenten in Limburg (Nederland) | Municipalities of Limburg (Netherlands) |
Tabel van priemfactoren | Table of prime factors |
Tabel van standaardelektrodepotentialen | Standard electrode potential |
Taberg | Taberg |
Tabernakel (kerk) | Church tabernacle |
Tabernakel (tent) | Tabernacle |
Tabernas | Tabernas |
Tabernaswoestijn | Tabernas Desert |
Tabia Charles | Tabia Charles |
Tabina | Tabina, Zamboanga del Sur |
Tabio | Tabio |
Tabiona | Tabiona, Utah |
Ta-Bitjet | Ta-Bitjet |
Tabivere | Tabivere Parish |
Tablas | Tablas Island |
Table Rock | Table Rock |
Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique | Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique |
Tablet | Tablet (pharmacy) |
Tablet van Lyon | Lyon Tablet |
Tabletopspel | Miniature wargaming |
Tablet-pc | Tablet computer |
Tabloid | Tabloid (newspaper format) |
Tabo | Tabo |
Tabo (klooster) | Tabo Monastery |
Taboada | Taboada |
Taboadela | Taboadela |
Taboe | Taboo |
Tabogon | Tabogon, Cebu |
Tabontabon | Tabontabon, Leyte |
Taboo (rapper) | Taboo (rapper) |
Tabor | Tabor |
Tabor (South Dakota) | Tabor, South Dakota |
Tabora (regio) | Tabora Region |
Taborberg | Mount Tabor (Israel) |
Táborfalva | Táborfalva |
Taborieten | Taborite |
Taboulé | Tabbouleh |
Taboye | Taboye |
Tabqadam | Tabqa Dam |
Tabre | Tabre |
Tabriz | Tabriz |
Tabriz International Airport | Tabriz International Airport |
Tabriz Petrochemical Team | Petrochimi Tabriz Cycling Team |
Tabu search | Tabu search |
Tabu: A Story of the South Seas | Tabu (1931 film) |
Tábua | Tábua Municipality |
Tábua (Ribeira Brava) | Tabua, Madeira |
Tabuelan | Tabuelan, Cebu |
Tabuenca | Tabuenca |
Tabuina | Tabuina |
Tabuk | Tabuk |
Tabuk (Kalinga) | Tabuk, Philippines |
Tabuk (provincie) | Tabuk Province |
Tabuk (stad) | Tabuk, Saudi Arabia |
Tabula (bordspel) | Tabula (game) |
Tabula Peutingeriana | Tabula Peutingeriana |
Tabula rasa | Tabula Rasa (disambiguation) |
Tabula rasa (psychologie) | Blank slate |
Tabula recta | Tabula recta |
Tabulatuur | Tablature |
Tabun | Tabun (nerve agent) |
Täby (gemeente) | Täby Municipality |
Tác | Tác |
TACA Airlines | TACA Airlines |
Taça da Liga | Taça da Liga |
Tacachi (gemeente) | Tacachi Municipality |
Tacacoma (gemeente) | Tacacoma Municipality |
TACAN | Tactical air navigation system |
Tacaná | Volcán Tacaná |
Tacazze-honingzuiger | Tacazze Sunbird |
Taccocua | Sirkeer Malkoha |
Tachanka | Tachanka |
Tachar | Takhar Province |
Tacheng | Tacheng Prefecture |
Tachikawa | Tachikawa |
Tachina magnicornis | Tachina magnicornis |
Táchira | Táchira |
Tachisme | Tachisme |
Tachlovice | Tachlovice |
Tachograaf (wegvervoer) | Tachograph |
Tachoires | Tachoires |
Tachov (okres Česká Lípa) | Tachov (Česká Lípa District) |
Tachtigjarige Oorlog | Eighty Years' War |
Tachty | Tachty |
Tachybaptus | Tachybaptus |
Tachycardie | Tachycardia |
Tachycineta | Tachycineta |
Tachycnemis seychellensis | Seychelle Islands Tree Frog |
Tachyeres | Steamer duck |
Tachymeter | Total station |
Tachyphonus | Tachyphonus |
Tachypleus | Tachypleus |
Tachypleus gigas | Tachypleus gigas |
Tachypleus tridentatus | Tachypleus tridentatus |
Tachypnoe | Tachypnea |
Tachystola acroxantha | Tachystola acroxantha |
Taciba | Taciba |
Tacita | Dea Tacita |
Tacitus | Tacitus (disambiguation) |
Tacitus (keizer) | Marcus Claudius Tacitus |
Tackesdorf | Tackesdorf |
Tackle | Tackle |
Tackle (beweging) | Tackle (football move) |
Tacloban | Tacloban |
Tacna (Arizona) | Tacna, Arizona |
Tacna (provincie) | Tacna Province |
Tacna (regio) | Tacna Region |
Taco Ockerse | Taco (musician) |
Tacoignières | Tacoignières |
Tacoma | Tacoma, Washington |
Tacoma Narrows Bridge | Tacoma Narrows Bridge (1940) |
Tacoma Rainiers | Tacoma Rainiers |
Tacones lejanos | High Heels (film) |
Taconiet | Taconite |
Taconische orogenese | Taconic orogeny |
Taconnay | Taconnay |
Tacopaya (gemeente) | Tacopaya Municipality |
Tacoronte | Tacoronte, Santa Cruz de Tenerife |
Tact | Tact (psychology) |
Tactical Ops | Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror |
Tactical shooter | Tactical shooter |
Tacticiteit | Tacticity |
Tactiek | Military tactics |
Tactiek van de verschroeide aarde | Scorched earth |
Tactisch kernwapen | Tactical nuclear weapon |
Tacuarembó (departement) | Tacuarembó Department |
Tacuarembó (rivier) | Tacuarembó River |
Tacuarembó (stad) | Tacuarembó |
Tacuarembó FC | Tacuarembó F.C. |
Tacuary | Tacuary |
Tacubaya | Tacubaya |
Tacuna | Tacuna |
Tacurong | Tacurong |
Tacuru | Tacuru |
Taczanowski's tinamoe | Taczanowski's Tinamou |
Tada Mitsuyori | Tada Mitsuyori |
Tadaaki Hirakawa | Tadaaki Hirakawa |
Ta-Dah | Ta-Dah |
Tadahiko Ueda | Tadahiko Ueda |
Tadahiro Akiba | Tadahiro Akiba |
Tadamichi Machida | Tadamichi Machida |
Tadao Ando | Tadao Ando |
Tadao Horie | Tadao Horie |
Tadao Kobayashi | Tadao Kobayashi |
Tadao Onishi | Tadao Onishi |
Tadao Takayama | Tadao Takayama |
Tadarida chapini | Chapin's free-tailed bat |
Tadarida pumila | Little free-tailed bat |
Tadasana | Tadasana |
Tadashi Nakamura | Tadashi Nakamura (footballer) |
Tadashi Nakayama | Tadashi Nakayama (mathematician) |
Tadatoshi Masuda | Tadatoshi Masuda |
Tadd Fujikawa | Tadd Fujikawa |
Taden | Taden |
Tadenje | Tadenje |
Tadeus Reichstein | Tadeus Reichstein |
Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski | Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski |
Tadeusz Rybczynski | Tadeusz Rybczynski |
Tadian | Tadian, Mountain Province |
Tadim | Tadim |
Tadjourah (regio) | Tadjourah Region |
Tadjourah (stad) | Tadjoura |
Tadó | Tadó |
Tadorna | Shelduck |
Tadorninae | Tadorninae |
Tadousse-Ussau | Tadousse-Ussau |
Tadzjieken | Tajik people |
Tadzjieks | Tajik language |
Tadzjieks voetbalelftal | Tajikistan national football team |
Tadzjiekse Autonome Socialistische Sovjetrepubliek | Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic |
Tadzjiekse Socialistische Sovjetrepubliek | Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic |
Tadzjiekse somoni | Tajikistani somoni |
Tadzjikistan | Tajikistan |
Tadzjikistan op de Olympische Spelen | Tajikistan at the Olympics |
Tadzjikistan op de Olympische Winterspelen 2010 | Tajikistan at the 2010 Winter Olympics |
Tadzjikistan op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2004 | Tajikistan at the 2004 Summer Olympics |
Taebla | Taebla Parish |
Taedong | Taedong River |
Taegukgi (film) | Taegukgi (film) |
Taejo van Joseon | Taejo of Joseon |
Taejong van Joseon | Taejong of Joseon |
Taejongdae | Taejongdae |
Taekgyeon | Taekkyeon |
Taekwondo op de Olympische Jeugdzomerspelen 2010 | Taekwondo at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics |
Taekwondo op de Olympische Zomerspelen | Taekwondo at the Summer Olympics |
Taekwondo op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008 | Taekwondo at the 2008 Summer Olympics |
Taenia | Taenia |
Taenia (architectuur) | Taenia (architecture) |
Taenia (geslacht) | Taenia (genus) |
Taeniacara candidi | Taeniacara candidi |
Taenianotus triacanthus | Taenianotus triacanthus |
Taeniochromis holotaenia | Taeniochromis holotaenia |
Taeniodonta | Taeniodont |
Taeniolethrinops cyrtonotus | Taeniolethrinops cyrtonotus |
Taeniopteryx nivalis | Taeniopterygidae |
Taeniura | Taeniura |
Taeniura meyeni | Round ribbontail ray |
Taepodong-2 | Taepodong-2 |
Taeromys arcuatus | Salokko rat |
Taeromys callitrichus | Lovely-haired rat |
Taeromys celebensis | Celebes rat |
Taeromys hamatus | Sulawesi montane rat |
Taeromys microbullatus | Small-eared rat |
Taeromys punicans | Sulawesi forest rat |
Taeromys taerae | Tondano rat |
Tâf | River Tâf |
Tafa | Brush-tailed phascogale |
Tafacirga | Tafacirga |
Tafari Benti | Tafari Benti |
Tafea | Tafea Province |
Tafea FC | Tafea F.C. |
Tafel | Tafel |
Tafel (meubilair) | Table (furniture) |
Tafelbaai | Table Bay |
Tafelberg | Table Mountain (disambiguation) |
Tafelberg (geomorfologie) | Mesa |
Tafelberg (Kaapstad) | Table Mountain |
Tafelberg (sterrenbeeld) | Mensa (constellation) |
Tafelberg (Suriname) | Tafelberg, Suriname |
Tafelbier | Small beer |
Tafeleend | Common Pochard |
Tafelgebed | Grace (prayer) |
Tafelkleed | Tablecloth |
Tafels van vermenigvuldiging | Multiplication table |
Tafelspitz | Tafelspitz |
Tafelsuiker | Sugar |
Tafeltennis | Table tennis |
Tafeltennis op de Gemenebestspelen 2006 | Table tennis at the 2006 Commonwealth Games |
Tafeltennis op de Olympische Jeugdzomerspelen 2010 | Table tennis at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics |
Tafeltennis op de Olympische Zomerspelen | Table tennis at the Summer Olympics |
Tafeltennis op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 | Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Olympics |
Tafeltennis op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – Mannen enkelspel | Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Men's singles |
Tafeltennis op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – Vrouwen enkelspel | Table tennis at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Women's singles |
Tafeltennis op de Paralympische Zomerspelen | Para table tennis |
Tafeltennis op de Paralympische Zomerspelen 2008 | Table tennis at the 2008 Summer Paralympics |
Tafeltje-dek-je | Meals on Wheels |
Tafel-vergelijking | Tafel equation |
Tafelvoetbal | Table football |
Tafelwijn | Table wine |
Tafelzuur | Mixed pickle |
Tafers | Tafers |
Taff | River Taff |
Tafí del Valle (departement) | Tafí del Valle Department |
Tafí Viejo | Tafí Viejo, Tucumán |
Tafilah (gouvernement) | Tafilah Governorate |
Tafiti | Tafiti |
Tafonomie | Taphonomy |
Tafsir | Tafsir |
Taft (Californië) | Taft, California |
Taft (Eastern Samar) | Taft, Eastern Samar |
Taft Heights | Taft Heights, California |
Taft Mosswood | Taft Mosswood, California |
Tafunsak | Tafunsak |
Tag | Tag |
Tag (metadata) | Tag (metadata) |
Tag cloud | Tag cloud |
Tag team | Tag team |
Țaga | Țaga |
Tagajo | Tagajō, Miyagi |
Tagajõe | Tagajõe |
Tagalog | Tagalog language |
Tagana-an | Tagana-an, Surigao del Norte |
Tagandougou | Tagandougou |
Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaja-lijn | Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya Line |
Tagant | Tagant Region |
Tagapul-an | Tagapul-an, Samar |
Tagarcultuur | Tagar culture |
Tagavere | Tagavere |
Tagavere (Orissaare) | Tagavere, Saare County |
Tagavere (Taebla) | Tagavere, Lääne County |
Tagaytay | Tagaytay |
Tagbina | Tagbina, Surigao del Sur |
Tagblatt-Pokal | Tagblatt Pokal |
Tage Reedtz-Thott | Tage Reedtz-Thott |
Tagebuch einer Verlorenen | Diary of a Lost Girl |
Tagelmust | Tagelmust |
Tägermoos | Tägermoos |
Tagesschau | Tagesschau (Germany) |
Tagewerben | Tagewerben |
Taggart (televisieserie) | Taggart |
Tagged | Tagged |
Tagger | Tagger |
Tagil | Tagil River |
Tagir Chajboelajev | Tagir Khaybulaev |
Tagkawayan | Tagkawayan, Quezon |
Taglio-Isolaccio | Taglio-Isolaccio |
Tagnon | Tagnon |
Tago | Tago, Surigao del Sur |
Tagoean | Red giant flying squirrel |
Tagoloan | Tagoloan |
Tagoloan (Lanao del Norte) | Tagoloan, Lanao del Norte |
Tagoloan (Misamis Oriental) | Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental |
Tagoloan II | Tagoloan II, Lanao del Sur |
Tagsatzung | Tagsatzung |
Tagtse | Dagzê County |
Taguaí | Taguaí |
Taguatinga | Taguatinga |
Tagudin | Tagudin, Ilocos Sur |
Taguig | Taguig |
Tagula-honingeter | Tagula Honeyeater |
Tagula-orgelvogel | Tagula Butcherbird |
Tagum | Tagum |
Tagyon | Tagyon |
Taha Muhie-eldin Marouf | Taha Muhie-eldin Marouf |
Taha Yassin Ramadan | Taha Yassin Ramadan |
Tahanaout | Tahannaout |
Tahara | Tahara, Aichi |
Taharot | Tehorot |
Taheva | Taheva Parish |
Tahin | Tahini |
Tahina spectabilis | Tahina Palm |
Tahiriden | Tahirid dynasty |
Táhirih | Táhirih |
Tahiti Division Fédérale | Tahiti First Division |
Tahitiaans | Tahitian language |
Tahitiaans voetbalelftal | Tahiti national football team |
Tahitiaanse patrijsduif | Polynesian Ground Dove |
Tahitiaanse vrouwen op het strand | Tahitian Women on the Beach |
Tahiti-stormvogel | Tahiti Petrel |
Tahitótfalu | Tahitótfalu |
Tahkuranna | Tahkuranna Parish |
Tahlequah | Tahlequah, Oklahoma |
Tahmasp | Tahmasp |
Tahmasp I | Tahmasp I |
Tahmasp II | Tahmasp II |
Tahmina Kohistani | Tahmina Kohistani |
Tahoe | Tahoe (disambiguation) |
Tahoe Rim Trail | Tahoe Rim Trail |
Tahoka | Tahoka, Texas |
Taholah | Taholah, Washington |
Tahoma | Tahoma (typeface) |
Tahoua (departement) | Tahoua Department |
Tahoua (stad) | Tahoua |
Tahrirplein | Tahrir Square |
Tahsin Özgüç | Tahsin Özgüç |
Tähtvere | Tähtvere Parish |
Tahua (gemeente) | Tahua Municipality |
Tahuamanu (provincie) | Tahuamanu Province |
Tai chi | Tai chi chuan |
Tai O | Tai O |
Tai Po District | Tai Po District |
Tai sabaki | Tai sabaki |
Tai situ | Tai Situpa |
Taiaçu | Taiaçu |
Tai'an | Tai'an |
Taiaroa Head | Taiaroa Head |
Taibao | Taibao |
Taibe | Tayibe |
Taichang | Taichang Emperor |
Taichung | Taichung City |
Taichung (xiàn) | Taichung County |
Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium | Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium |
Taif | Ta'if |
Taifa | Taifa |
Taifa van Albarracín | Taifa of Albarracín |
Taifa van Alpuente | Taifa of Alpuente |
Taifa van Badajoz | Taifa of Badajoz |
Taifa van Dénia | Taifa of Dénia |
Taifa van Granada | Taifa of Granada |
Taifa van Murcia | Taifa of Murcia |
Taifa van Ronda | Taifa of Ronda |
Taifa van Sevilla | Taifa of Seville |
Taifa van Tortosa | Taifa of Tortosa |
Taifa van Valencia | Taifa of Valencia |
Taifa van Zaragoza | Taifa of Zaragoza |
Taiga | Taiga |
Taigaboomkruiper | Eurasian Treecreeper |
Taigagaai | Siberian Jay |
Taigetos | Taygetus |
Taihei Kato | Taihei Kato |
Taiho Koki | Taihō Kōki |
Taihocode | Taihō Code |
Taihu | Lake Tai |
Taiji | Taiji (disambiguation) |
Taiji (Wakayama) | Taiji, Wakayama |
Taijin kyofusho | Taijin kyofusho |
Taijiro Kurita | Taijiro Kurita |
Tai-jutsu | Taijutsu |
Taika | Taika Reform |
Tai-Kadaitalen | Tai–Kadai languages |
Taikai Uemoto | Taikai Uemoto |
Tailem Bend | Tailem Bend, South Australia |
Tailevu | Tailevu Province |
Tailhac | Tailhac |
Taillancourt | Taillancourt |
Taillant | Taillant |
Taille | Pruning (disambiguation) |
Taille (anatomie) | Waist |
Taille-belasting | Taille |
Taillebourg (Charente-Maritime) | Taillebourg, Charente-Maritime |
Taillebourg (Lot-et-Garonne) | Taillebourg, Lot-et-Garonne |
Taillecavat | Taillecavat |
Taillefontaine | Taillefontaine |
Taillepied | Taillepied |
Taillet | Taillet |
Taillette | Taillette |
Taillis | Taillis |
Tailly (Ardennes) | Tailly, Ardennes |
Tailly (Côte-d'Or) | Tailly, Côte-d'Or |
Tailly (Somme) | Tailly, Somme |
Tails Adventure | Tails Adventure |
Tails' Skypatrol | Tails' Skypatrol |
Tailwind Airlines | Tailwind Airlines |
Taimiao | Imperial Ancestral Temple |
Tain | Tain |
Táin Bó Cúailnge | Táin Bó Cúailnge |
Tainai | Tainai, Niigata |
Tainan (xiàn) | Tainan County |
Taingy | Taingy |
Tain-l'Hermitage | Tain-l'Hermitage |
Taino | Taíno (disambiguation) |
Taino (Italië) | Taino, Lombardy |
Taíno (volk) | Taíno |
Taintrux | Taintrux |
Taió | Taió |
Taipa | Taipa |
Taipan | Coastal taipan |
Taipei (stad) | Taipei |
Taipei Representative Office | Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office |
Taiping (Maleisië) | Taiping, Perak |
Taiping-opstand | Taiping Rebellion |
Taira | Taira clan |
Taira no Shigemori | Taira no Shigemori |
Tairona | Tairona |
Taishan | Taishan |
Taisho | Taishō (disambiguation) |
Taishoperiode | Taishō period |
Taisnières-en-Thiérache | Taisnières-en-Thiérache |
Taisnières-sur-Hon | Taisnières-sur-Hon |
Taison | Taison |
Taissy | Taissy |
Taisuke Muramatsu | Taisuke Muramatsu |
Taisuke Nakamura | Taisuke Nakamura |
Taitalen | Tai languages |
Taita-valk | Taita Falcon |
Taito | Taito (disambiguation) |
Taito (Tokio) | Taitō, Tokyo |
Taittinger | Taittinger |
Taitung (stad) | Taitung City |
Taitung (xiàn) | Taitung County |
Taiuva | Taiúva |
Taivala invisitata | Taivala |
Taiwan (doorverwijspagina) | Taiwan (disambiguation) |
Taiwan (provincie) | Taiwan Province |
Taiwan High Speed Rail | Taiwan High Speed Rail |
Taiwan op de Olympische Winterspelen 1976 | Republic of China at the 1976 Winter Olympics |
Taiwan Power Company FC | Taiwan Power Company F.C. |
Taiwan Television | Taiwan Television |
Taiwanbaardvogel | Taiwan Barbet |
Taiwanbospatrijs | Taiwan Partridge |
Taiwandog | Formosan Mountain Dog |
Taiwanees | Taiwanese Hokkien |
Taiwanees honkbalteam | Chinese Taipei national baseball team |
Taiwanees voetbalelftal | Chinese Taipei national football team |
Taiwanees vrouwenvoetbalelftal | Chinese Taipei women's national football team |
Taiwanese aboriginals | Taiwanese aborigines |
Taiwanese bosgems | Taiwan serow |
Taiwanese dollar | New Taiwan dollar |
Taiwanese makaak | Formosan rock macaque |
Taiwanese stinkslang | Elaphe carinata |
Taiwanese zee-engel | Taiwan angelshark |
Taiwania | Taiwania |
Taïx | Taïx |
Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan | Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan |
Taizé | Taizé (disambiguation) |
Taizé (Deux-Sèvres) | Taizé, Deux-Sèvres |
Taizé (Saône-et-Loire) | Taizé, Saône-et-Loire |
Taizhou (Jiangsu) | Taizhou, Jiangsu |
Taizhou (Zhejiang) | Taizhou, Zhejiang |
Taizo Kawamoto | Taizo Kawamoto |
Taizy | Taizy |
Ta'izz | Ta'izz |
Ta'izz (gouvernement) | Ta'izz Governorate |
Taj Hotels | Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces |
Taj Mahal (doorverwijspagina) | Taj Mahal (disambiguation) |
Taj Mahal (muzikant) | Taj Mahal (musician) |
Taj Mahal Palace & Tower | The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel |
Tajan | Tajan |
Tajči | Tajči |
Tajga | Tayga |
Tajik Air | Tajik Air |
Tajima | Tajima |
Tajima (provincie) | Tajima Province |
Tajimi | Tajimi, Gifu |
Tajiri | Tajiri |
Tajmyr | Taymyr Autonomous Okrug |
Tajmyr (eiland) | Taymyr Island |
Tajmyra | Taymyr River |
Tajmyrbaai | Taymyr Gulf |
Tajmyrmeer | Lake Taymyr |
Tajmyr-schiereiland | Taymyr Peninsula |
Tajná | Tajná |
Tajsjet | Tayshet |
Tajumulco | Volcán Tajumulco |
Tajura Wa Al Nawahi AlArba' | Tajura wa Arba‘ District |
Tak | Tak |
Tak (plant) | Branch |
Tak (stad) | Tak (town) |
Tak en de kracht van Juju | Tak and the Power of Juju (TV series) |
Taka | Taka (disambiguation) |
Takafumi Akahoshi | Takafumi Akahoshi |
Takafumi Hori | Takafumi Hori |
Takafumi Ogura | Takafumi Ogura |
Takahagi | Takahagi, Ibaraki |
Takahama | Takahama |
Takahama (Aichi) | Takahama, Aichi |
Takahe | Takahē |
Takahiro Kawamura | Takahiro Kawamura |
Takahiro Masukawa | Takahiro Masukawa |
Takahiro Ogihara | Takahiro Ogihara |
Takahiro Shimada | Takahiro Shimada |
Takahiro Shimotaira | Takahiro Shimotaira |
Takahiro Sunada | Takahiro Sunada |
Takahiro Yamada | Takahiro Yamada |
Takahiro Yamanishi | Takahiro Yamanishi |
Takahito Soma | Takahito Soma |
Takaji Mori | Takaji Mori |
Takakia | Takakia |
Takakura | Emperor Takakura |
Takamaka | Takamaka, Seychelles |
Takamatsu | Takamatsu, Kagawa |
Takami Ominami | Takami Ominami |
Takamitsu Ota | Takamitsu Ota |
Takanobu Komiyama | Takanobu Komiyama |
Takanohana Koji | Takanohana Kōji |
Takanori Nunobe | Takanori Nunobe |
Takanori Sugeno | Takanori Sugeno |
Takao Nishiyama | Takao Nishiyama |
Takao Oishi | Takao Oishi |
Takaoka | Takaoka, Toyama |
Takara Tomy | Tomy |
Takasa | Takasa |
Takasago | Takasago |
Takasaki | Takasaki, Gunma |
Takashi Aizawa | Takashi Aizawa |
Takashi Amano | Takashi Amano (footballer) |
Takashi Hirano | Takashi Hirano |
Takashi Kanai | Takashi Kanai |
Takashi Kano | Takashi Kano |
Takashi Kasahara | Takashi Kasahara |
Takashi Kawanishi | Takashi Kawanishi |
Takashi Kiyama | Takashi Kiyama |
Takashi Miki | Takashi Miki |
Takashi Miyazawa | Takashi Miyazawa |
Takashi Mizuno | Takashi Mizuno |
Takashi Mizunuma | Takashi Mizunuma |
Takashi Nagata | Takashi Nagata |
Takashi Rakuyama | Takashi Rakuyama |
Takashi Shimoda | Takashi Shimoda |
Takashi Takabayashi | Takashi Takabayashi |
Takashi Umeda | Takashi Umeda |
Takashi Yamahashi | Takashi Yamahashi |
Takashi Yokoyama | Takashi Yokoyama |
Takashima | Takashima, Shiga |
Takatokwane | Takatokwane |
Takayama | Takayama, Gifu |
Takayoshi Yamano | Takayoshi Yamano |
Takayuki Chano | Takayuki Chano |
Takayuki Fujikawa | Takayuki Fujikawa |
Takayuki Komine | Takayuki Komine |
Takayuki Kuwata | Takayuki Kuwata |
Takayuki Matsumiya | Takayuki Matsumiya |
Takayuki Nakahara | Takayuki Nakahara |
Takayuki Nishigaya | Takayuki Nishigaya |
Takayuki Yamaguchi | Takayuki Yamaguchi (footballer) |
Takayuki Yokoyama | Takayuki Yokoyama |
Takayuki Yoshida | Takayuki Yoshida |
Takazumi Katayama | Takazumi Katayama |
Take 5! | 6 Nimmt! |
Take a Bow | Take a Bow |
Take a Bow (Rihanna) | Take a Bow (Rihanna song) |
Take Back the City | Take Back the City |
Take Ionescu | Take Ionescu |
Take It Easy (spel) | Take It Easy (game) |
Take It Off | Take It Off (Kesha song) |
Take Me Home | Take Me Home |
Take Me Home (One Direction) | Take Me Home (One Direction album) |
Take Me Out (Franz Ferdinand) | Take Me Out (song) |
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (nummer) | Take Me Out to the Ball Game |
Take on Me | Take on Me |
Take Shelter | Take Shelter |
Take the A Train | Take the "A" Train |
Take the crown | Take the Crown (album) |
Take the Lead | Take the Lead |
Take the Money and Run | Take the Money and Run |
Take This Waltz | Take This Waltz (film) |
Take You Down | Take You Down |
Takeda (familie) | Takeda clan |
Takeda Nobushige | Takeda Nobushige |
Takeda Nobuzane | Takeda Nobuzane |
Takeda Shingen | Takeda Shingen |
Takehara | Takehara, Hiroshima |
Takehide Nakatani | Takehide Nakatani |
Takehiko Kawanishi | Takehiko Kawanishi |
Takehito Shigehara | Takehito Shigehara |
Takehito Suzuki | Takehito Suzuki |
Takekuni Hirayoshi | Takekuni Hirayoshi |
Takel en het spooklicht | Mater and the Ghostlight |
Takeley | Takeley |
Takelma (volk) | Takelma people |
Takelot I | Takelot I |
Takelot II | Takelot II |
Taken | Taken (film) |
Taken (miniserie) | Taken (TV miniseries) |
Taken 2 | Taken 2 |
Taken by a stranger | Taken by a Stranger |
Taken in Broad Daylight | Taken in Broad Daylight |
Takenori Hayashi | Takenori Hayashi |
Takenoshin Nakai | Takenoshin Nakai |
Takeo Harada | Takeo Harada |
Takeo Takahashi | Takeo Takahashi (footballer) |
Takeo Wakabayashi | Takeo Wakabayashi |
Takers | Takers |
Takeshi Hamada | Takeshi Hamada |
Takeshi Inoue | Takeshi Inoue (footballer) |
Takeshi Kamo | Takeshi Kamo |
Takeshi Kawaharazuka | Takeshi Kawaharazuka |
Takeshi Koshida | Takeshi Koshida |
Takeshi Mizuuchi | Takeshi Mizuuchi |
Takeshi Motoyoshi | Takeshi Motoyoshi |
Takeshi Natori | Takeshi Natori |
Takeshi Ono | Takeshi Ono |
Takeshi Urakami | Takeshi Urakami |
Takeshi Watanabe | Takeshi Watanabe (footballer) |
Takeshi Yonezawa | Takeshi Yonezawa |
Takeshi's Castle | Takeshi's Castle |
Taketa | Taketa, Ōita |
Taketomi | Taketomi, Okinawa |
Taketori Monogatari | The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter |
Take-Two Interactive | Take-Two Interactive |
Takev | Takéo |
Takev (provincie) | Takéo Province |
Takeyuki Nakayama | Takeyuki Nakayama |
Takfir | Takfir |
Takfir wal Hijra | Takfir wal-Hijra |
Takfirieen | Takfiri |
Takht-E Soleyman | Takht-e Soleymān |
Takida | Takida |
Takifugu | Takifugu |
Takifugu rubripes | Takifugu rubripes |
Takijiro Onishi | Takijirō Ōnishi |
Takin' Back My Love | Takin' Back My Love |
Taking Chances | Taking Chances |
Taking Woodstock | Taking Woodstock |
Takis Biniaris | Takis Biniaris |
Takis Lemonis | Takis Lemonis |
Takiyya | Taqiyya |
Takk... | Takk... |
Takkenschaar | Loppers |
Takkenwal | Dead hedge |
Taklamakan | Taklamakan Desert |
Takna Jigme Sangpo | Takna Jigme Zangpo |
Takoma Park | Takoma Park, Maryland |
Tákos | Tákos |
Takotna | Takotna, Alaska |
Tako-tsubocardiomyopathie | Takotsubo cardiomyopathy |
Takovo (Ub) | Takovo (Ub) |
Takowo-Orde | Order of the Cross of Takovo |
Taksimplein | Taksim Square |
Taksinbrug | Taksin Bridge |
Taksony | Taksony of Hungary |
Taktsé | Taktsé Castle |
Taktshang | Paro Taktsang |
Taku Akahoshi | Taku Akahoshi |
Taku Seibyo | Taku Seibyō |
Taku Watanabe | Taku Watanabe |
Takuma Edamura | Takuma Edamura |
Takuma Koga | Takuma Koga |
Takuma Sato | Takuma Sato |
Täkumetsa | Täkumetsa |
Takumi Beppu | Takumi Beppu |
Takumi Horiike | Takumi Horiike |
Takumi Morikawa | Takumi Morikawa |
Takumi Shima | Takumi Shima |
Takumi Shimohira | Takumi Shimohira |
Takumi Wada | Takumi Wada |
Takuro Fujii | Takuro Fujii |
Takuro Nishimura | Takuro Nishimura |
Takuro Yajima | Takuro Yajima |
Takuto Hayashi | Takuto Hayashi |
Takuya Aoki | Takuya Aoki |
Takuya Jinno | Takuya Jinno |
Takuya Kawaguchi | Takuya Kawaguchi |
Takuya Kokeguchi | Takuya Kokeguchi |
Takuya Matsuura | Takuya Matsuura |
Takuya Miyamoto | Takuya Miyamoto |
Takuya Nozawa | Takuya Nozawa |
Takuya Sonoda | Takuya Sonoda |
Takuya Suzumura | Takuya Suzumura |
Takuya Takagi | Takuya Takagi |
Takuya Takei | Takuya Takei |
Takuya Yamada | Takuya Yamada |
Takuzu | Takuzu |
Takydromus | Takydromus |
Takydromus tachydromoides | Takydromus tachydromoides |
Tal | TAL |
Tal Banin | Tal Banin |
Tal Ben-Haim | Tal Ben Haim |
Tal Benyerzi | Tal (singer) |
Tal der Ahnungslosen | Tal der Ahnungslosen |
Tala | Tala |
Tala (muziek) | Tala (music) |
Talaat Pasja | Talaat Pasha |
Talacogon (Agusan del Sur) | Talacogon, Agusan del Sur |
Talagante (Metropolitana) | Talagante |
Talagante (provincie) | Talagante Province |
Talaigua Nuevo | Talaiga Nuevo |
Talaingod | Talaingod, Davao del Norte |
Talaiot | Talaiot |
Talairan | Talairan |
Talakag | Talakag, Bukidnon |
Talal Asad | Talal Asad |
Talal El Karkouri | Talal El Karkouri |
Talal van Jordanië | Talal of Jordan |
Talala | Talala, Oklahoma |
Talalora | Talalora, Samar |
Talamanca | Talamanca |
Talamanca (kanton) | Talamanca (canton) |
Talamantes | Talamantes |
Talamasca | Talamasca Caste |
Talang | Talang |
Talang (vulkaan) | Mount Talang |
Talara (provincie) | Talara Province |
Talarrubias | Talarrubias |
Talas (oblast) | Talas Province |
Talas (rivier) | Talas River |
Talasani | Talasani |
Talatat | Talatat |
Talataye | Talataye |
Talaudbeerkoeskoes | Talaud bear cuscus |
Talaudeilanden | Talaud Islands |
Talavera | Talavera |
Talavera (geslacht) | Talavera (genus) |
Talavera (Nueva Ecija) | Talavera, Nueva Ecija |
Talavera CF | Talavera CF |
Talavera la Real | Talavera la Real |
Talayan | Talayan, Maguindanao |
Talayuela | Talayuela |
Talayuelas | Talayuelas |
Talazac | Talazac |
Talbingo | Talbingo, New South Wales |
Talbot | Talbot (disambiguation) |
Talbot (automerk) | Talbot |
Talbot County | Talbot County |
Talbot County (Georgia) | Talbot County, Georgia |
Talbot County (Maryland) | Talbot County, Maryland |
Talbotton | Talbotton, Georgia |
Talca (provincie) | Talca Province |
Talcy (Loir-et-Cher) | Talcy, Loir-et-Cher |
Talcy (Yonne) | Talcy, Yonne |
Taldıqorğan | Taldykorgan |
Tale Kanaäns | Glossary of Christianity |
Tale Spinnin' | Tale Spinnin' |
Talea | Talea, Prahova |
Taleb Twatiha | Taleb Tawatha |
Talegalla | Talegalla |
Taleggio | Taleggio |
Taleggio (gemeente) | Taleggio, Lombardy |
Taleggio (kaas) | Taleggio cheese |
Talen in België | Languages of Belgium |
Talen in de Verenigde Staten | Languages of the United States |
Talen in Duitsland | Languages of Germany |
Talen in Frankrijk | Languages of France |
Talen in India | Languages of India |
Talen in Nederland | Languages of the Netherlands |
Talen in Spanje | Languages of Spain |
Talen in Zwitserland | Languages of Switzerland |
Talen van Arda | Languages constructed by J. R. R. Tolkien |
Talen van de Europese Unie | Languages of the European Union |
Talencieux | Talencieux |
Talensac | Talensac |
Talent (geld) | Talent (weight) |
Tales Along This Road | Tales Along This Road |
Tales Don't Tell Themselves | Tales Don't Tell Themselves |
Tales From Earthsea | Tales from Earthsea (film) |
Tales from Shakespeare | Tales from Shakespeare |
Tales from the Crypt | Tales from the Crypt |
Tales from the Crypt (televisieserie) | Tales from the Crypt (TV series) |
Tales from the Neverending Story | Tales from the Neverending Story |
Tales of Manhattan | Tales of Manhattan |
Tales of Mystery and Imagination | Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Alan Parsons Project album) |
Tales of Terror | Tales of Terror |
Tales of Tomorrow | Tales of Tomorrow |
TaleSpin | TaleSpin |
Talg (dierlijk) | Tallow |
Talgklier | Sebaceous gland |
Talha ibn Oebeydullah | Talhah |
Talheim | Talheim (disambiguation) |
Talheim (bij Heilbronn) | Talheim, Heilbronn |
Talheim (bij Tuttlingen) | Talheim, Tuttlingen |
Talia al Ghul | Talia al Ghul |
Taliabu | Taliabu |
Taliaferro County | Taliaferro County, Georgia |
Taliándörögd | Taliándörögd |
Talibon | Talibon, Bohol |
Talicada nyseus | Talicada nyseus |
Taliesin (villa) | Taliesin (studio) |
Talikota | Talikota |
Talin (Armenië) | Talin |
Talipao | Talipao, Sulu |
Talisay (Batangas) | Talisay, Batangas |
Talisay (Camarines Norte) | Talisay, Camarines Norte |
Talisay (Cebu) | Talisay, Cebu |
Talisay (Negros Occidental) | Talisay, Negros Occidental |
Talisayan | Talisayan, Misamis Oriental |
Talisker (whisky) | Talisker distillery |
Talitay | Talitay, Maguindanao |
Talitha | Talitha |
Talitha (voornaam) | Talitha (given name) |
Talitha Getty | Talitha Getty |
Talitsa (stad) | Talitsa, Sverdlovsk Oblast |
Talizat | Talizat |
Talk (mineraal) | Talc |
Talk (protocol) | Talk (software) |
Talk (single) | Talk (song) |
Talk That Talk (single) | Talk That Talk (Rihanna song) | | |
Talkau | Talkau |
Talkbox | Talk box |
Talkeetna | Talkeetna, Alaska |
Talkin' Blues | Talkin' Blues |
Talkin' Loud | Talkin' Loud |
Talking Book | Talking Book |
Tall Ships' Races | Tall Ships' Races |
Talla | Talla |
Talladega | Talladega, Alabama |
Talladega County | Talladega County, Alabama |
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby | Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby |
Tallahassee | Tallahassee, Florida |
Tallahatchie County | Tallahatchie County, Mississippi |
Tallapoosa County | Tallapoosa County, Alabama |
Tallard | Tallard |
Tallboy | Tallboy (bomb) |
Tallende | Tallende |
Taller | Taller |
Talliet | Tallit |
Tallinna JK Legion | Tallinna JK Legion |
Tallinna Sadam | JK Tallinna Sadam |
Tallis | Tallis |
Tallmadge | Tallmadge, Ohio |
Tallone | Tallone |
Tallship | Tall ship |
Tallud-Sainte-Gemme | Tallud-Sainte-Gemme |
Talmas | Talmas |
Talmay | Talmay |
Talmontiers | Talmontiers |
Talnach (district) | Talnakh |
Taloga | Taloga, Oklahoma |
Talon (gemeente) | Talon |
Taloqan | Taloqan |
Talos | Talos (disambiguation) |
Talos (dinosauriër) | Talos (dinosaur) |
Talos (mythologisch wezen) | Talos |
Talpa | Talpa |
Talpa altaica | Altai mole |
Talparia exusta | Talparia exusta |
Talparia talpa | Talparia talpa |
Talstelsel | Numeral system |
Taltal | Taltal |
Taltos | Taltos (Rice novel) |
Talugtug | Talugtug, Nueva Ecija |
Talusan | Talusan, Zamboanga Sibugay |
Talus-Saint-Prix | Talus-Saint-Prix |
Taluyers | Taluyers |
Talvisota (film) | The Winter War (film) |
Talweg | Thalweg |
Talysh | Talysh people |
Talyshgebergte | Talysh Mountains |
Tam (vrachtwagenmerk) | Tovarna avtomobilov Maribor |
Tam Lin | Tam Lin |
TAM Linhas Aéreas | TAM Airlines |
TAM Linhas Aéreas-vlucht 3054 | TAM Airlines Flight 3054 |
Tama (Iowa) | Tama, Iowa |
Tama (muziekinstrument) | Talking drum |
Tama (Tokio) | Tama, Tokyo |
TAMA 300 | TAMA 300 |
Tama County | Tama County, Iowa |
Tama Drums | Tama Drums |
Tamajón | Tamajón |
Tamakautoga | Tamakautoga |
Tamalameque | Tamalameque |
Tamale (Ghana) | Tamale, Ghana |
Tamale (voedsel) | Tamale |
Tamalpais-Homestead Valley | Tamalpais-Homestead Valley, California |
Tamames | Tamames |
Taman | Taman, Russia |
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah | Taman Mini Indonesia Indah |
Taman Nasional Wasur | Wasur National Park |
Taman Shud-zaak | Taman Shud Case |
Tamandani Nsaliwa | Tam Nsaliwa |
Tamani | Tamani |
Tamanrasset (provincie) | Tamanghasset Province |
Tamanuku | Tamanuku |
Tamaqua | Tamaqua, Pennsylvania |
Tamar (Bijbel) | Tamar (Genesis) |
Tamar (Cornwall) | River Tamar |
Tamara | Tamara (given name) |
Tamara Bunke | Tamara Bunke |
Tamara Bykova | Tamara Bykova |
Tamara Karsavina | Tamara Karsavina |
Tamara Larrea | Tamara Larrea |
Tamara Taylor | Tamara Taylor |
Tamara Toumanova | Tamara Toumanova |
Tamara Tysjkevitsj | Tamara Tyshkevich |
Tamara van Georgië | Tamar of Georgia |
Tamarac | Tamarac, Florida |
Tamarinde | Tamarind |
Tamarins | Tamarin |
Tamariskfamilie | Tamaricaceae |
Tamaroe | Tamaraw |
Tamarón | Tamarón |
Tamarugal | El Tamarugal |
Tamarveld | Tamar gas field |
Tamas | Tamas (philosophy) |
Tamás Faragó | Tamás Faragó |
Tamás Kádár | Tamás Kádár |
Tamás Kásás | Tamás Kásás |
Tamás Pál Kiss | Tamás Pál Kiss |
Tamás Varga | Tamás Varga (water polo) |
Tămășeni | Tămășeni |
Tamassint | Tamassint |
Tamassos | Tamassos |
Tamba (provincie) | Tamba Province |
Tambacounda (regio) | Tambacounda Region |
Tambaú | Tambaú |
Tambja gabrielae | Tambja gabrielae |
Tambo colorado | Tambo Colorado |
Tamboer (bouwkunde) | Tholobate |
Tamboerijn | Tambourine |
Tamboerijnduif | Tambourine Dove |
Tamboerijngewelf | Catalan vault |
Tambopata (provincie) | Tambopata Province |
Tambora | Tambora |
Tambora (drum) | Tambora (Dominican drum) |
Tambora (vulkaan) | Mount Tambora |
Tambori | Tambori |
Tambour-maître | Drum major |
Tambov | Tambov |
Tambov-opstand | Tambov Rebellion |
Tambu (album) | Tambu (album) |
Tambulig | Tambulig, Zamboanga del Sur |
Tambunan | Tambunan |
Tambura | Tambura (instrument) |
Tame | Tame, Arauca |
Tâmega | Tâmega River |
Tameo Ide | Tameo Ide |
Tamerville | Tamerville |
Tameshigiri | Tameshigiri |
Támesis | Támesis, Antioquia |
Tamghas | Tamghas |
Tamias ruficaudus | Red-tailed chipmunk |
Tamigalesus munnaricus | Tamigalesus |
Tamil | Tamil language |
Tamils | Tamil people |
Tamiltijgers | Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam |
Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani | Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani |
Tamina (rivier) | Tamina |
Taminango | Taminango |
Tamiops macclellandii | Himalayan striped squirrel |
Tamm | Tamm |
Tammam Salam | Tammam Salam |
Tammarwallaby | Tammar Wallaby |
Tamme kastanje | Sweet Chestnut |
Tammela | Tammela, Finland |
Tammistu (Kuusalu) | Tammistu, Harju County |
Tammoez | Tammuz (Hebrew month) |
Tammuz | Tammuz (deity) |
Tammy Faye Messner | Tammy Faye Messner |
Tâmna | Tâmna |
Tamnay-en-Bazois | Tamnay-en-Bazois |
Tamotsu Asakura | Tamotsu Asakura |
Tamoxifen | Tamoxifen |
Tampa | Tampa (disambiguation) |
Tâmpa | Tâmpa, Braşov |
Tampa (Florida) | Tampa, Florida |
Tampa (Kansas) | Tampa, Kansas |
Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Tampa Bay Buccaneers |
Tampa Bay Lightning | Tampa Bay Lightning |
Tampa Bay Mutiny | Tampa Bay Mutiny |
Tampa Bay Rays | Tampa Bay Rays |
Tampa Bay Rowdies | Tampa Bay Rowdies (disambiguation) |
Tampa Bay Rowdies (2008) | Tampa Bay Rowdies |
TAMPA Cargo | Tampa Cargo |
Tampabaai | Tampa Bay |
Tampakan | Tampakan, South Cotabato |
Tamparan | Tamparan, Lanao del Sur |
Tampereen jäähalli | Tampere Ice Stadium |
Tampereen Pyrintö (basketbal) | Tampereen Pyrintö (basketball) |
Tampico | Tampico (disambiguation) |
Tampico (Illinois) | Tampico, Illinois |
Tampilisan | Tampilisan, Zamboanga del Norte |
Tampines Rovers | Tampines Rovers FC |
Tampon (menstruatie) | Tampon |
Tampondruk | Pad printing |
Tamsalu | Tamsalu |
Tamsalu (gemeente) | Tamsalu Parish |
Tamsulosine | Tamsulosin |
Tamsweg (district) | Tamsweg District |
Tamsyn Lewis | Tamsyn Manou |
Tamura (stad) | Tamura, Fukushima |
Tamworth | Tamworth |
Tamworth FC | Tamworth F.C. |
Tamworth Regional Council | Tamworth Regional Council |
Tamzin Outhwaite | Tamzin Outhwaite |
Tan | Tan |
Tân An (Long An) | Tân An, Long An |
Tân Bình (Ho Chi Minhstad) | Tan Binh District |
Tan Cheng Lock | Tan Cheng Lock |
Tan Miao | Tan Miao |
Tan Sri Mohamed Rahmat | Mohamed Rahmat |
Tana (dier) | Large treeshrew |
Tana (Noorwegen) | Tana, Norway |
Tana (rivier) | Tana River (Kenya) |
Tana Bru | Tana Bru |
Tana River | Tana River County |
Tanabe | Tanabe, Wakayama |
Tanabi | Tanabi |
Tanacross | Tanacross, Alaska |
Tanaelva | Tana River (Norway) |
Tanagra | Tanagra |
Tanah Datar | Tanah Datar Regency |
Tanahu (district) | Tanahu District |
Tanaina | Tanaina, Alaska |
Tanakajd | Tanakajd |
Tanameer | Lake Tana |
Tanamiwoestijn | Tanami Desert |
Tanana | Tanana, Alaska |
Tanaro | Tanaro (river) |
Tanauan (Batangas) | Tanauan, Batangas |
Tanauan (Leyte) | Tanauan, Leyte |
Tanavelle | Tanavelle |
Tanay (Côte-d'Or) | Tanay, Côte-d'Or |
Tanay (Rizal) | Tanay, Rizal |
Tanchelm | Tanchelm |
TAN-code | Transaction authentication number |
Tancoigné | Tancoigné |
Tancon | Tancon |
Tanconville | Tanconville |
Tancos | Tancos |
Tancred | Tancrède (disambiguation) |
Tancred van Galilea | Tancred, Prince of Galilee |
Tancred van Hauteville | Tancred of Hauteville |
Tancred van Sicilië | Tancred, King of Sicily |
Tancredi | Tancredi |
Tancrou | Tancrou |
Tand | Human tooth |
Tanda | Tanda |
Tanda (Servië) | Tanda (Bor) |
Tandag | Tandag |
Tandanus tandanus | Eel-tailed catfish |
Țăndărei | Țăndărei |
Tandarts | Dentist |
Tandartsangst | Dental fear |
Tandartsassistent | Dental assistant |
Tandbaarzen | Grouper |
Tandbrasem | Common dentex |
Tandduif | Tooth-billed Pigeon |
Tandem | Tandem (disambiguation) |
Tandem (fiets) | Tandem bicycle |
Tandem (paard en wagen) | Tandem |
Tandem Aero | Tandem Aero |
Tandenborstel | Toothbrush |
Tandenfee | Tooth fairy |
Tandenstoker | Toothpick |
Tanderosie | Acid erosion |
Tandgniostr en Tandgrisnir | Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr |
Tandheelkunde | Dentistry |
Tandheugel | Rack and pinion |
Tandil (Buenos Aires) | Tandil |
Tandil (partido) | Tandil Partido |
Tandimplantaat | Dental implant |
Tandjesgras | Danthonia decumbens |
Tandjilé | Tandjilé Region |
Tandkaken | Enoplognatha |
Tandkarpers | Cyprinodontiformes |
Tandkas | Dental alveolus |
Tandlijst | Dentil |
Tandloze korfslak | Columella edentula |
Tandmondwormen | Gnathostomulida |
Tandoor | Tandoor |
Tandoori | Tandoori chicken |
Tandpasta | Toothpaste |
Tandplak | Plaque |
Tandpulpa | Dental pulp |
Tandradbaan Lausanne-Ouchy | Métro Lausanne–Ouchy |
Tandradspoorweg | Rack railway |
Tandradspoorweg van Núria | Vall de Núria Rack Railway |
Tandridge (district) | Tandridge District |
Tandsbyn | Tandsbyn |
Tandsteen | Calculus (dental) |
Tandtechnicus | Dental technician |
Tandubas | Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi |
Tandverbinding | Finger joint |
Tandvlees | Gums |
Tandvleesontsteking | Gingivitis |
Tandvlinders | Notodontidae |
Tandvulling | Fixed prosthodontics |
Tandwalvissen | Odontoceti |
Tandwiel | Gear |
Tandwielpomp | Gear pump |
Tandzaad | Bidens |
Tandzijde | Dental floss |
Tane (provincie) | Tane Province |
Tane Ikai | Tane Ikai |
Tanegashima Space Center | Tanegashima Space Center |
Taney County | Taney County, Missouri |
Tanfana | Tanfana |
Tang (gereedschap) | Pliers |
Tang Gaozu | Emperor Gaozu of Tang |
Tang Shaoyi | Tang Shaoyi |
Tang Soo Do | Tangsudo |
Tanga (regio) | Tanga Region |
Tanga (stad) | Tanga, Tanzania |
Tangachromis dhanisi | Tangachromis dhanisi |
Tangail (zila) | Tangail District |
Tangalan (Aklan) | Tangalan, Aklan |
Tanganicodus irsacae | Spotfin goby cichlid |
Tanganyika | Tanganyika |
Tanganyika (provincie) | Tanganyika District |
Tanganyika African National Union | Tanganyika African National Union |
Tanganyikameer | Lake Tanganyika |
Tangará | Tangara |
Tangara (geslacht) | Tangara (genus) |
Tangará (Santa Catarina) | Tangará, Santa Catarina |
Tangará da Serra (gemeente) | Tangará da Serra |
Tangaroa | Tangaroa |
Tangata Manu | Tangata manu |
Tangcal | Tangcal, Lanao del Norte |
Tang-dynastie | Tang Dynasty |
Tange | Tange |
Tangeln | Tangeln |
Tangelo | Tangelo |
Tangensregel | Law of tangents |
Tangent | Tangent (disambiguation) |
Tangent (Oregon) | Tangent, Oregon |
Tanger | Tangier |
Tanger (rivier) | Tanger (river) |
Tanger-Asilah | Tangier-Assilah |
Tangerhütte | Tangerhütte |
Tanger-med | Tanger-Med |
Tanger-Tétouan | Tangier-Tetouan |
Tangier | Tangier (disambiguation) |
Tangier (Virginia) | Tangier, Virginia |
Tangipahoa | Tangipahoa, Louisiana |
Tangipahoa Parish | Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana |
Tangkakigen | Araneomorphae |
Tangkuban Perahu | Tangkuban Perahu |
Tanglang quan | Northern Praying Mantis (martial art) |
Tanglibellen | Onychogomphus |
Tango | Tango (disambiguation) |
Tango & Cash | Tango & Cash |
Tango (muziek) | Tango (music) |
Tango (provincie) | Tango Province |
Tango (telecom) | Tango (telecom) |
Tango (tram) | Tango (tram) |
Tango Desktop Project | Tango Desktop Project |
Tango nuevo | Nuevo tango |
Tangpantserjuffer | Lestes dryas |
Tangram (album) | Tangram (album) |
Tangry | Tangry |
Tangstedt (Kreis Pinneberg) | Tangstedt, Pinneberg |
Tangstedt (Stormarn) | Tangstedt |
Tanguá | Tanguá |
Tangub | Tangub |
Tangut | Tangut people |
Tanguy en Laverdure | Tanguy et Laverdure |
Tangwespen | Dryinidae |
Tania Australis | Mu Ursae Majoris |
Tania Bruguera | Tania Bruguera |
Tania Mallet | Tania Mallet |
Tanichthys micagemmae | Tanichthys micagemmae |
Tanimbarboshoen | Tanimbar Megapode |
Tanimbardwerghoningeter | Banda Myzomela |
Tanimbar-eilanden | Tanimbar Islands |
Tanimbarwaaierstaart | Cinnamon-tailed Fantail |
Taningia danae | Taningia danae |
Tanintharyi | Tanintharyi Region |
Tanis | Tanis (disambiguation) |
Tanis (Manche) | Tanis, Manche |
Tanit Phoenix | Tanit Phoenix |
Tanius | Tanius |
Tanizakiprijs | Tanizaki Prize |
Tanja Dexters | Tanja Dexters |
Tanja Grotter | Tanya Grotter |
Tanja Ostojić | Tanja Ostojić |
Tanja Savitsjeva | Tanya Savicheva |
Tanjay | Tanjay |
Tanjoe Kirjakov | Tanyu Kiryakov |
Tanjoerer | Tanyurer River |
Tanjong Krueng (Kota Sigli) | Sigli |
Tanjong Pagar United FC | Tanjong Pagar United FC |
Tanjung Pandan (onderdistrict) | Tanjung Pandan |
Tanjung Pelepas | Port of Tanjung Pelepas |
Tanjung Pinang | Tanjung Pinang |
Tanjung Selor | Tanjung Selor |
Tank | Tank (disambiguation) |
Tank (reservoir) | Storage tank |
Tank (voertuig) | Tank |
Tanka | Tanka (disambiguation) |
Tanka (dichtvorm) | Tanka |
Tankard (band) | Tankard (band) |
Tankauto | Tank truck |
Tankautospuit | Water tender |
Tankcontainer | Tank container |
Tanker | Tanker (ship) |
Tankette | Tankette |
Tankjager | Panzerjäger |
Tankman | Tank Man |
Tankmuur | Anti-tank trench |
Tankonijn | Tan rabbit |
Tankstation | Gas station |
Tann (Beieren) | Tann, Bavaria |
Tann (Rhön) | Tann, Hesse |
Tanna | Tanna |
Tanna (Duitsland) | Tanna, Germany |
Tanna (eiland) | Tanna (island) |
Tännäs | Tännäs |
Tannay (Ardennes) | Tannay, Ardennes |
Tannay (Nièvre) | Tannay, Nièvre |
Tannay (Zwitserland) | Tannay, Switzerland |
Tanne (Harz) | Tanne, Saxony-Anhalt |
Tannenberg (Saksen) | Tannenberg, Saxony |
Tannenbergmonument | Tannenberg Memorial |
Tannerre-en-Puisaye | Tannerre-en-Puisaye |
Tannerstadia | Tanner scale |
Tannhäuser | Tannhäuser (opera) |
Tannheim (Tirol) | Tannheim, Tyrol |
Tannheim (Württemberg) | Tannheim |
Tannheimer Berge | Tannheim Mountains |
Tannières | Tannières |
Tannine | Tannin |
Tannoe-Olagebergte | Tannu-Ola mountains |
Tannois | Tannois |
Tanpura | Tanpura (instrument) |
Tanque Verde | Tanque Verde, Arizona |
Tanqueray | Tanqueray |
Tanques | Tanques |
TANS Perú | TANS Perú |
Tansen | Tansen, Nepal |
TANSTAAFL | There ain't no such thing as a free lunch |
Tans-vlucht TJ204 | TANS Perú Flight 204 |
Tantaal | Tantalum |
Tantaal-elco | Tantalum capacitor |
Tantaliet | Tantalite |
Tantallon Castle | Tantallon Castle |
Tantalus | Tantalus |
Tantalusmeerkat | Tantalus monkey |
Tantamani | Tantamani |
Tan-Tan (provincie) | Tan-Tan Province |
Tantangan | Tantangan, South Cotabato |
Tante | Aunt |
Tanti | Tanti, Córdoba |
Tantilla | Tantilla |
Tanto | Tanto |
Tantow | Tantow |
Tantra (yoga) | Tantra |
Tantrix | Tantrix |
Tantulocarida | Tantulocarida |
Tantum ergo | Tantum Ergo |
Tanudan | Tanudan, Kalinga |
Tanuki | Japanese raccoon dog |
Tanum | Tanum Municipality |
Tanumshede | Tanumshede |
Tanus | Tanus |
Tanvald | Tanvald |
Tanworth-in-Arden | Tanworth-in-Arden |
Tanybelus aeneiceps | Tanybelus |
Tanycyt | Tanycyte |
Tanyderidae | Tanyderidae |
Tanygnathus | Tanygnathus |
Tanysiptera | Paradise kingfisher |
Tanz der Vampire | Dance of the Vampires |
Tanza | Tanza, Cavite |
Tanzac | Tanzac |
Tanzania | Tanzania |
Tanzania (geslacht) | Tanzania (genus) |
Tanzania op de Olympische Spelen | Tanzania at the Olympics |
Tanzania op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008 | Tanzania at the 2008 Summer Olympics |
Tanzaniaans voetbalelftal | Tanzania national football team |
Tanzaniaanse shilling | Tanzanian shilling |
Tanzaniet | Tanzanite |
Tanzwut | Tanzwut |
Tao | Tao (disambiguation) |
Tao (filosofie) | Tao |
Tao (landstreek) | Tao (historical region) |
Tao (Mali) | Tao, Mali |
Tao Fong Shan | Tao Fong Shan |
Tao Tao | Taotao (anime) |
Tao Te Ching | Tao Te Ching |
Taoïsme | Taoism |
Taoïstische tempel van Cebu | Cebu Taoist Temple |
Tao-Klardzjeti | Tao-Klarjeti |
Taoniscus | Dwarf Tinamou |
Taonius pavo | Taonius |
Taor | Taor (Valjevo) |
Tao-Rusyr | Tao-Rusyr Caldera |
Taos | Taos |
Taos (Missouri) | Taos, Missouri |
Taos (New Mexico) | Taos, New Mexico |
Taos County | Taos County, New Mexico |
Taos Pueblo | Taos Pueblo, New Mexico |
Taoudenni | Taoudenni |
Taounate | Taounate |
Taounate (provincie) | Taounate Province |
Taourirt (Marokko) | Taourirt, Morocco |
Taourirt (provincie) | Taourirt Province |
Taoyuan | Taoyuan |
Taoyuan (stad) | Taoyuan City |
Taoyuan (xiàn) | Taoyuan County |
Tap | Tap |
Táp | Táp |
Tapa | Tapa |
Tapa (Estland) | Tapa, Estonia |
Tapa (eten) | Tapas |
Tapa (stof) | Tapa cloth |
Tapacarí (provincie) | Tapacarí Province |
Tapachula | Tapachula, Chiapas |
Tapaculo's | Tapaculo |
Tapajós | Tapajós |
Tapalqué (partido) | Tapalqué Partido |
Tapan Sinha | Tapan Sinha |
Tapanahoni (rivier) | Tapanahony River |
Taparuba | Taparuba |
Tapas (Sanskriet) | Tapas (Sanskrit) |
Tapaz | Tapaz, Capiz |
Tapdansen | Tap dance |
Tape | Tape |
Tapecomys primus | Primordial tapecua |
Tapejara (pterosauriër) | Tapejara (pterosaur) |
Tapejaridae | Tapejaridae |
Tapenagá | Tapenagá Department |
Tapentadol | Tapentadol |
Tapera (gemeente) | Tapera, Rio Grande do Sul |
Tapera (geslacht) | Striped Cuckoo |
Tapes | Tapes |
Ťapešovo | Ťapešovo |
Tapestry | Tapestry (Carole King album) |
Taphozous hamiltoni | Hamilton's tomb bat |
Taphrina | Taphrina |
Taphrolesbia | Grey-bellied Comet |
Taphrospilus | Many-spotted Hummingbird |
Tapijt | Carpet |
Tapijt van Bayeux | Bayeux Tapestry |
Tapijt van Sierpiński | Sierpinski carpet |
Tapijtenmuseum | Carpet Museum of Iran |
Tapijthaaien | Parascylliidae |
Tapijtkameleon | Furcifer lateralis |
Tapijtpagina | Carpet page |
Tapinauchenius | Tapinauchenius |
Tapinocephalus | Tapinocephalus |
Tapioca | Tapioca |
Tápiógyörgye | Tápiógyörgye |
Tapiola | Tapiola |
Tápióság | Tápióság |
Tápiószecső | Tápiószecső |
Tápiószele | Tápiószele |
Tápiószentmárton | Tápiószentmárton |
Tápiószőlős | Tápiószőlős |
Tapiramutá | Tapiramutá |
Tapiratiba | Tapiratiba |
Tapirs | Tapir |
Tapirvissen | Mormyridae |
Tapkast | Beer tap |
Tąpkowice | Tąpkowice |
Táplánszentkereszt | Táplánszentkereszt |
Taplejung (district) | Taplejung District |
Taplow | Taplow |
Tapoa | Tapoa Province |
Taponas | Taponas |
Taponnat-Fleurignac | Taponnat-Fleurignac |
Tappahannock | Tappahannock, Virginia |
Tappan Zee Bridge | Tappan Zee Bridge |
Tappen | Tappen, North Dakota |
Tappenbeck | Tappenbeck |
Tappendorf | Tappendorf |
Taproot | Taproot (band) |
Taps | Taps (disambiguation) |
Taps (film) | Taps (film) |
Tapsony | Tapsony |
Tápszentmiklós | Tápszentmiklós |
Taptap | Tap tap |
Tapti (rivier) | Tapti River |
Taptoe (militair) | Taps |
Tapuiasaurus | Tapuiasaurus |
Tapuit | Northern Wheatear |
Tapul | Tapul, Sulu |
Tapwave Zodiac | Tapwave Zodiac |
Taqchita | Takchita |
Taquaral | Taquaral |
Taquaral de Goiás | Taquaral de Goiás |
Taquaritinga | Taquaritinga |
Taquarituba | Taquarituba |
Taquarivaí | Taquarivaí |
Taquarussu | Taquarussu, Mato Grosso do Sul |
Taquile | Taquile Island |
Tar | Tar (disambiguation) |
Tär | Tar (lute) |
Tar (Hongarije) | Tar, Hungary |
Tar (informatica) | Tar (computing) |
TAR-21 | IMI Tavor TAR-21 |
Tara | Tara |
Tara (boeddhisme) | Tara (Buddhism) |
Tara (Drina) | Tara (Drina) |
Tara (geslacht) | Tara (genus) |
Tara (Ierland) | Tara (Ireland) |
Țara Bârsei | Burzenland |
Țara Moților | Țara Moților |
Tara Palmer-Tomkinson | Tara Palmer-Tomkinson |
Tara Price | Tara Price |
Taraba (geslacht) | Great Antshrike |
Taraba (staat) | Taraba State |
Tarabai | Tarabai, São Paulo |
Tarabel | Tarabel |
Tarabuco (gemeente) | Tarabuco Municipality |
Tarabuco (plaats) | Tarabuco |
Taraclia (arrondissement) | Taraclia District |
Taraco (gemeente) | Taraco Municipality |
Taractichthys longipinnis | Big-scale pomfret |
Taradell | Taradell |
Taragmarcha borbonensis | Taragmarcha borbonensis |
Tarago | Tarago, New South Wales |
Taragudo | Taragudo |
Tarahumara (volk) | Tarahumara people |
Taraira | Taraira |
Taraka | Taraka, Lanao del Sur |
Tarakan | Tarakan Island |
Tarakuse | Tarakuse |
Taramosalata | Taramasalata |
Taran en de Toverketel | The Black Cauldron (movie) |
Taran Noah Smith | Taran Noah Smith |
Tarana | Tarana |
Taranaki | Taranaki region |
Tarancón | Tarancón |
Tarangnan | Tarangnan, Samar |
Taranis (god) | Taranis |
Tarantella (dans) | Tarantella |
Tarantino | Tarantino dialect |
Taranto Sport | Taranto F.C. 1927 |
Tarantula | Tarantula (disambiguation) |
Tarantulanevel | Tarantula Nebula |
Tarapacá (Chili) | Tarapacá Region |
Tarapacá (Colombia) | Tarapacá, Amazonas |
Tarapur | Tarapur |
Tarare | Tarare |
Taras Sjevtsjenko | Taras Shevchenko |
Tarascon | Tarascon |
Tarasjkevitsa | Taraškievica |
Tarasteix | Tarasteix |
Tarata | Tarata |
Tarata (Cochabamba) | Tarata, Cochabamba |
Tarata (gemeente) | Tarata Municipality |
Tarata (provincie) | Tarata Province |
Tarauacá (gemeente) | Tarauacá |
Taravilla | Taravilla |
Taraxacum | Dandelion |
Taraxella | Taraxella |
Taraz | Taraz |
Tarazá | Tarazá |
Tarazed | Gamma Aquilae |
Tarazona | Tarazona |
Tarazona de la Mancha | Tarazona de la Mancha |
Tarbagan | Tarbagan marmot |
Tarbek | Tarbek |
Tarbert | Tarbert (disambiguation) |
Tarbert (Ierland) | Tarbert, County Kerry |
Tarbert (Schotland) | Tarbert, Harris |
Tarbert Castle | Tarbert Castle |
Tarbha | Tarbha |
Tarboro (North Carolina) | Tarboro, North Carolina |
Tarbot | Turbot |
Tarbotachtigen | Scophthalmidae |
Tarbot-oorlog | Turbot War |
Tărcaia | Tărcaia |
Tarcău | Tarcău |
Tarcea | Tarcea |
Tarchamps | Tarchamps |
Tarcisius | Tarcisius |
Tarcutta | Tarcutta |
Tarczyn | Tarczyn |
Tarczyn (gemeente) | Gmina Tarczyn |
Tard | Tard, Hungary |
Tardenoisien | Tardenoisian |
Tardes | Tardes |
Tardieve dyskinesie | Tardive dyskinesia |
Tardos | Tardos |
Tarebia granifera | Tarebia granifera |
Tärendörivier | Tärendö River |
Tarentaise | Tarentaise |
Tarentaise (Loire) | Tarentaise, Loire |
Tarentaise (streek) | Tarentaise Valley |
Tarente | Tarentum |
Tarente (provincie) | Province of Taranto |
Tarente (stad) | Taranto |
Tarentola | Tarentola |
Tarerach | Tarerach |
Targa | Targa |
Targa-dak | Targa top |
Targassonne | Targassonne |
Target (Allier) | Target, Allier |
Targets | Targets |
Targoem | Targum |
Targovisjte (oblast) | Targovishte Province |
Targovisjte (stad) | Targovishte |
Târgoviște | Târgovişte |
Târgșoru Vechi | Târgșoru Vechi |
Târgu Bujor | Târgu Bujor |
Târgu Cărbunești | Târgu Cărbunești |
Tarhan Tower Airlines | Tarhan Tower Airlines |
Tarhos | Tarhos |
Tarhuna Wa Msalata | Tarhuna wa Msalata District |
TARIC | TARIC code |
Tariffville | Tariffville, Connecticut |
Tarija (departement) | Tarija Department |
Tarik El Jarmouni | Tarik El Jarmouni |
Tarik Oulida | Tarik Oulida |
Tariku Jufar | Tariku Jufar |
Tarim | Tarim River |
Tarimbekken | Tarim Basin |
Tarin Kowt | Tarinkot |
Taring | Têring |
Tariona | Tariona |
Tariq Aziz | Tariq Aziz |
Tarján | Tarján |
Tarjánpuszta | Tarjánpuszta |
Tarkan | Tarkan (singer) |
Tarkan (album) | Tarkan (album) |
Tárkány | Tárkány |
Tarki | Tarki |
Tarkint | Tarkint |
Tarkwa | Tarkwa |
Tarlac | Tarlac |
Tarlac City | Tarlac City |
Tarłów | Tarłów |
Tarłów (gemeente) | Gmina Tarłów |
Tărlungeni | Tărlungeni |
Tarma (provincie) | Tarma Province |
Tarmstedt | Tarmstedt |
Tarn (departement) | Tarn |
Tarn (rivier) | Tarn (river) |
Tarn Taran (district) | Tarn Taran district |
Tarna Mare | Tarna Mare |
Tarnaszentmária | Tarnaszentmária |
Târnava | Târnava River |
Tarnawatka (gemeente) | Gmina Tarnawatka |
Tårnby (plaats) | Tårnby Municipality |
Tarne dives | Tarne |
Tarnès | Tarnès |
Tarn-et-Garonne | Tarn-et-Garonne |
Tarnogród | Tarnogród |
Tarnogród (gemeente) | Gmina Tarnogród |
Tárnok | Tárnok |
Tárnokréti | Tárnokréti |
Târnova | Târnova |
Tarnów (gemeente) | Gmina Tarnów |
Tarnow (Mecklenburg) | Tarnow, Germany |
Tarnowiec | Tarnowiec |
Tarnowiec (gemeente) | Gmina Tarnowiec |
Tarnówka | Tarnówka |
Tarnówka (powiat Złotowski) | Tarnówka, Złotów County |
Tarnowo Podgórne | Tarnowo Podgórne |
Tarnowo Podgórne (gemeente) | Gmina Tarnowo Podgórne |
Taro | Taro |
Taro Aso | Taro Aso |
Taro Goto | Taro Goto |
Taro Hasegawa | Taro Hasegawa |
Taro Kagawa | Taro Kagawa |
Tarodes lineatus | Tarodes |
Taroko (taal) | Seediq language |
Tarom | TAROM |
Taronga Zoo | Taronga Zoo |
Taron-Sadirac-Viellenave | Taron-Sadirac-Viellenave |
Taroom | Taroom, Queensland |
Tarot | Tarot |
Tarot (band) | Tarot (band) |
Tarot (doorverwijspagina) | Tarot (disambiguation) |
Tarot (esoterie) | Divinatory, esoteric and occult tarot |
Tarot Nouveau | Tarot Nouveau |
Tarot van Marseille | Tarot of Marseilles |
Tarouca | Tarouca Municipality, Portugal |
Taroudant | Taroudant |
Taroudant (provincie) | Taroudant Province |
Tarp | Tarp |
Tarp (Duitsland) | Tarp, Germany |
Tarpa | Tarpa |
Tarpeda-BelAZ Zjodzina | FC Torpedo-BelAZ Zhodino |
Tarpeïsche rots | Tarpeian Rock |
Tarpoen | Atlantic tarpon |
Tarpon Springs | Tarpon Springs, Florida |
Tarponachtigen | Elopiformes |
Tarqeq (maan) | Tarqeq (moon) |
Tarqui | Tarqui, Colombia |
Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F'tang-F'tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel | Crosby by-election, 1981 |
Tarra | Tare weight |
Tarrafal | Tarrafal, Cape Verde |
Tarragona (Davao Oriental) | Tarragona, Davao Oriental |
Tarragona (provincie) | Province of Tarragona |
Tarragona (stad) | Tarragona |
Tarrano | Tarrano |
Tarrant County | Tarrant County, Texas |
Tarraschverdediging | Tarrasch Defense |
Tarrega | Tarrega |
Tarrés | Tarrés |
Tarrós | Tarrós |
Tarsac | Tarsac |
Tarsacq | Tarsacq |
Tarsiger | Tarsiger |
Tarsiiformes | Tarsiiformes |
Tarsis | Tarshish |
Tarsius lariang | Lariang tarsier |
Tarsius wallacei | Wallace's tarsier |
Tarso | Tarso |
Târșolţ | Târșolț |
Tarsometatarsus | Tarsometatarsus |
Tarsomys apoensis | Long-footed rat |
Tarsomys echinatus | Spiny long-footed rat |
Tarsul | Tarsul |
Tarsus (stad) | Tarsus, Mersin |
Tarsus Idman Yurdu | Tarsus Idman Yurdu |
TAR-syndroom | TAR syndrome |
Tart | Tart (film) |
Tartá | Tartá |
Tartaarsaus | Tartar sauce |
Tartagal (Salta) | Tartagal, Salta |
Tartaglia | Tartaglia (commedia dell'arte) |
Tartan | Tartan |
Tartan (doorverwijspagina) | Tartan (disambiguation) |
Tartanedo | Tartanedo |
Tartanpiste | Tartan track |
Tartar | Tartar, Switzerland |
Tartaras | Tartaras |
Tartarije | Tartary |
Tartaros | Tartarus |
Tartarugalzinho | Tartarugalzinho |
Tarte flambée | Tarte flambée |
Tarthang Tulku | Tarthang Tulku |
Tarthun | Tarthun |
Tartiers | Tartiers |
Tart-l'Abbaye | Tart-l'Abbaye |
Tart-le-Bas | Tart-le-Bas |
Tart-le-Haut | Tart-le-Haut |
Tartonne | Tartonne |
Tartous | Tartus |
Tartous (gouvernement) | Tartus Governorate |
Tartraat | Tartrate |
Tartrazine | Tartrazine |
Tartu vald | Tartu Parish |
Tartuffe | Tartuffe |
Tartufo (roomijs) | Tartufo |
Tartumaa | Tartu County |
Tarucus bowkeri | Tarucus bowkeri |
Tarucus sybaris | Tarucus sybaris |
Tarucus thespis | Tarucus thespis |
Taruga | Taruga (amphibian) |
Tarumirim | Tarumirim |
Tarvastu | Tarvastu Parish |
Tarvisio | Tarvisio |
Tarvos (maan) | Tarvos (moon) |
Tarwe | Wheat |
Tarxien Rainbows | Tarxien Rainbows F.C. |
Tarzan & Jane | Tarzan & Jane |
Tarzan (1999) | Tarzan (1999 movie) |
Tarzan (musical) | Tarzan (musical) |
Tarzan and His Mate | Tarzan and His Mate |
Tarzan and the Amazons | Tarzan and the Amazons |
Tarzan and the Huntress | Tarzan and the Huntress |
Tarzan and the Leopard Woman | Tarzan and the Leopard Woman |
Tarzan and the Mermaids | Tarzan and the Mermaids |
Tarzan Escapes | Tarzan Escapes |
Tarzan Finds a Son! | Tarzan Finds a Son! |
Tarzan II | Tarzan II |
Tarzan of the Apes (1918) | Tarzan of the Apes (1918 film) |
Tarzan of the Apes (boek) | Tarzan of the Apes |
Tarzan the Ape Man | Tarzan, the Ape Man |
Tarzan the Ape Man (1932) | Tarzan the Ape Man (1932 film) |
Tarzan the Fearless | Tarzan the Fearless |
Tarzan Triumphs | Tarzan Triumphs |
Tarzan, the Ape Man (1981) | Tarzan, the Ape Man (1981 film) |
Tarzan's Desert Mystery | Tarzan's Desert Mystery |
Tarzan's New York Adventure | Tarzan's New York Adventure |
Tarzan's Secret Treasure | Tarzan's Secret Treasure |
Tarzy | Tarzy |
Tas | TAS |
Tas (voorwerp) | Bag |
Tasa | Tasa |
Tașca | Tașca |
Taschen | Taschen |
Tasciovanus | Tasciovanus |
Tasco | Tasco, Boyacá |
Tasdorf | Tasdorf |
Tasejeva | Taseyeva River |
Taševo | Taševo |
Tasha de Vasconcelos | Tasha de Vasconcelos |
Tasha Yar | Tasha Yar |
Tashi deleg | Tashi delek |
Tashi Namgyal (Sikkim) | Tashi Namgyal |
Tashi Tsering | Tashi Tsering |
Tashi Tsering (voetballer) | Tashi Tsering (footballer) |
Tashi Wangdi | Tashi Wangdi |
Tashilhunpo | Tashilhunpo Monastery |
Tashir | Tashir |
Tasikmalaya (regentschap) | Tasikmalaya Regency |
Tasiusaq (Kujalleq) | Tasiusaq, Kujalleq |
Tasjkent | Tashkent |
Tasjkent (provincie) | Tashkent Province |
Tasjliech | Tashlikh |
Tasjtagol | Tashtagol |
Tasjtyk-cultuur | Tashtyk culture |
Táska | Táska |
Taslim Olawale Elias | Taslim Olawale Elias |
Taslima Nasreen | Taslima Nasrin |
Tasmaanse boomvaren | Dicksonia antarctica |
Tasmaanse borstelstaartkangoeroerat | Eastern bettong |
Tasmaanse bruine kwartel | Brown Quail |
Tasmaanse buideldas | Eastern barred bandicoot |
Tasmaanse diamantvogel | Forty-spotted Pardalote |
Tasmaanse doornsnavel | Tasmanian Thornbill |
Tasmaanse duivel | Tasmanian Devil |
Tasmaanse vliegenvanger | Dusky Robin |
Tasmaanse wildernis | Tasmanian Wilderness |
Tasman (layout-engine) | Tasman (layout engine) |
Tasman (Nieuw-Zeeland) | Tasman Region |
Tasman Council | Tasman Council |
Tasmanbaai | Tasman Bay |
Tasmaneiland | Tasman Island |
Tasmangletsjer | Tasman Glacier |
Tasmanian Devil | Tasmanian Devil (Looney Tunes) |
Tasmanië | Tasmania |
Tasmaniërs | Aboriginal Tasmanian |
Tasmanipatus anophthalmus | Tasmanipatus anophthalmus |
Tasmanzee | Tasman Sea |
Tasov (okres Hodonín) | Tasov (Hodonín District) |
Tasov (okres Žďár nad Sázavou) | Tasov (Žďár nad Sázavou District) |
Tasovice | Tasovice |
Tasovice (okres Blansko) | Tasovice (Blansko District) |
Tasovice (okres Znojmo) | Tasovice (Znojmo District) |
Tasque | Tasque |
Tass | Tass, Hungary |
Tassé | Tassé |
Tassenières | Tassenières |
Tassenmuseum Hendrikje | Museum of Bags and Purses |
Tassili n'Ajjer | Tassili n'Ajjer |
Tassillé | Tassillé |
Tassilo I van Beieren | Tassilo I of Bavaria |
Tassilo III | Tassilo III, Duke of Bavaria |
Tassin-la-Demi-Lune | Tassin-la-Demi-Lune |
Tasso | Tasso |
Tasso (Frankrijk) | Tasso, Corse-du-Sud |
Tasso, lamento et triomfo | Tasso, Lamento e Trionfo (Liszt) |
Tassos Papadopoulos | Tassos Papadopoulos |
Tastavinsaurus | Tastavinsaurus |
Taste (rockband) | Taste (band) |
Taste the Blood of Dracula | Taste the Blood of Dracula |
Tastermotten | Gelechiidae |
Tastrup | Tastrup |
Tastzin | Feeling |
Tašuľa | Tašuľa |
Taszár | Taszár |
TAT | Tat |
Tata (Hongarije) | Tata, Hungary |
Tata (Marokko) | Tata, Morocco |
Tata (provincie) | Tata Province |
Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicle | Tata Daewoo |
Tata Group | Tata Group |
Tata Guines | Tata Güines |
Tata Steel Europe | Tata Steel Europe |
TATA Steelstadion | TATA Steel Stadion |
Tata Steel-toernooi | Tata Steel Chess Tournament |
Tataars | Tatar language |
Tataarse Autonome Socialistische Sovjetrepubliek | Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic |
Tataháza | Tataháza |
Tatamkhulu Afrika | Tatamkulu Afrika |
Tatanka | Tatanka |
Tatankaceratops | Tatankaceratops |
Tataouine (gouvernement) | Tataouine Governorate |
Tatarabrug | Tatara Bridge |
Tataren | Tatars |
Tatarensont | Strait of Tartary |
Tatari (Tallinn) | Tatari, Tallinn |
Tatari multispinosus | Tatari |
Tătaru | Tătaru |
Tataupatinamoe | Tataupa Tinamou |
Tatce | Tatce |
Tate County | Tate County, Mississippi |
Tate Gallery | Tate |
Tate Liverpool | Tate Liverpool |
Tate Modern | Tate Modern |
Tate Smith | Tate Smith |
Tate St Ives | Tate St Ives |
Tatebayashi | Tatebayashi, Gunma |
Taten | Tat people (Caucasus) |
Tatenen | Tatenen |
Tatenice | Tatenice |
Tateomys | Tateomys |
Tateomys macrocercus | Long-tailed shrew rat |
Tateomys rhinogradoides | Tate's shrew rat |
Taterillus congicus | Congo gerbil |
Tateurndina ocellicauda | Peacock gudgeon |
Tateyama | Tateyama |
Tateyama (Chiba) | Tateyama, Chiba |
Tathicarpus butleri | Butler's frogfish |
Tatiana Calderón | Tatiana Calderón |
Tatiana de Rosnay | Tatiana de Rosnay |
Tatiana Malinina | Tatiana Malinina |
Tatiana Nadirova | Tetiana Zakharova-Nadyrova |
Tatiana Perebiynis | Tatiana Perebiynis |
Tatiana Poutchek | Tatiana Poutchek |
Tatiana Proskouriakoff | Tatiana Proskouriakoff |
Tatiana Romanova | Tatiana Romanova |
Tatiana Silva Braga Tavares | Tatiana Silva |
Tatianus | Tatian |
Tatiara District Council | Tatiara District Council |
Tatinghem | Tatinghem |
Tatisaurus | Tatisaurus |
Tatitlek | Tatitlek, Alaska |
Tatjana | Tatiana |
Tatjana Afanasjeva | Tatyana Afanasyeva |
Tatjana Andrianova | Tatyana Andrianova |
Tatjana Antosjina | Tatiana Antoshina |
Tatjana Averina | Tatyana Averina |
Tatjana Dmitrieva | Tatyana Dmitrieva |
Tatjana Firova | Tatyana Firova |
Tatjana Kazankina | Tatyana Kazankina |
Tatjana Konstantinova van Rusland | Princess Tatiana Constantinovna of Russia |
Tatjana Kosintseva | Tatiana Kosintseva |
Tatjana Kotova | Tatyana Kotova |
Tatjana Lebedeva | Tatyana Lebedeva |
Tatjana Ledovskaja | Tatyana Ledovskaya |
Tatjana Levina | Tatyana Levina |
Tatjana Lysenko (atlete) | Tatyana Lysenko |
Tatjana Malek | Tatjana Maria |
Tatjana Navka | Tatiana Navka |
Tatjana Nikolajeva | Tatiana Nikolayeva |
Tatjana Nikolajevna van Rusland | Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia |
Tatjana Oestinova | Tatyana Ustinova |
Tatjana Ovetsjkina | Tatyana Ovechkina |
Tatjana Panova | Tatiana Panova |
Tatjana Pavlovna Ehrenfest | Tatyana Pavlovna Ehrenfest |
Tatjana Petrova | Tatyana Petrova Arkhipova |
Tatjana Šimić | Tatjana Simić |
Tatjana Sjemjakina | Tatyana Shemyakina |
Tatjana Tolstaja | Tatyana Tolstaya |
Tatjana Tomasjova | Tatyana Tomashova |
Tatjana Totmjanina | Tatiana Totmianina |
Tatjana Tsjernova | Tatyana Chernova |
Tatjana Zatoelovskaja | Tatiana Zatulovskaya |
Tato | Tato |
Tatobity | Tatobity |
Tatoeage | Tattoo |
Tatooine | Tatooine |
Tatort (Krimiserie) | Tatort |
Tatra (automerk) | Tatra (company) |
Tatra (gebergte) | Tatra mountains |
Tatra T1 | Tatra T1 |
Tatra T5C5 | Tatra T5C5 |
Tatrahond | Polish Tatra Sheepdog |
Tatsu | Tatsu |
Tatsuhiko Seta | Tatsuhiko Seta |
Tatsuma Ito | Tatsuma Ito |
Tatsunori Hisanaga | Tatsunori Hisanaga |
Tatsunori Yamagata | Tatsunori Yamagata |
Tatsuru Mukojima | Tatsuru Mukojima |
Tatsuya Enomoto | Tatsuya Enomoto |
Tatsuya Furuhashi | Tatsuya Furuhashi |
Tatsuya Ishikawa | Tatsuya Ishikawa |
Tatsuya Masushima | Tatsuya Masushima |
Tatsuya Murata | Tatsuya Murata |
Tatsuya Suzuki | Tatsuya Suzuki |
Tatsuya Tanaka | Tatsuya Tanaka (footballer) |
Tatsuya Yazawa | Tatsuya Yazawa |
Tattershall | Tattershall |
Tattingstone | Tattingstone |
Tattnall County | Tattnall County, Georgia |
Tattoo | Tattoo (disambiguation) |
Tattooed Millionaire | Tattooed Millionaire |
Tatum (Texas) | Tatum, Texas |
Tatum O'Neal | Tatum O'Neal |
Tatung | Datong (disambiguation) |
Tatung (bedrijf) | Tatung Company |
Tatuus | Tatuus |
Tau | Tau (disambiguation) |
Tau (lepton) | Tau lepton |
Tau (letter) | Tau |
Tau (Noorwegen) | Tau, Norway |
Tau Pegasi | Tau Pegasi |
Tauala | Tauala |
Tauber | Tauber (surname) |
Taucha (Saksen-Anhalt) | Taucha, Saxony-Anhalt |
Tauche | Tauche |
Taudactylus | Taudactylus |
Tau-eiwit | Tau protein |
Tauentzienstraße | Tauentzienstraße |
Tauer | Tauer |
Tauern Autobahn | Tauern Autobahn |
Tauernscheckengeit | Tauernsheck |
Tauernspoorlijn | Tauern Railway |
Tauernspoortunnel | Tauern Railway Tunnel |
Tauerntunnel | Tauern Road Tunnel |
Taufa'ahau Tupou IV | Tāufaʻāhau Tupou IV |
Taufers im Münstertal | Taufers im Münstertal |
Taufkirchen (Mühldorf am Inn) | Taufkirchen, Mühldorf |
Taufkirchen (München) | Taufkirchen bei München |
Taufkirchen (Vils) | Taufkirchen (Vils) |
Taugon | Taugon |
Taugwitz | Taugwitz |
Tau-kruis | Tau Cross |
Taulis | Taulis |
Taulliraju | Tawllirahu |
Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu | Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu |
Taunggyi | Taunggyi |
Taungkind | Taung Child |
Tauno Marttinen | Tauno Marttinen |
Taunton | Taunton (disambiguation) |
Taunton (Massachusetts) | Taunton, Massachusetts |
Taupe | Taupe |
Taupo | Taupo |
Taupo Motorsport Park | Taupo Motorsport Park |
Taupomeer | Lake Taupo |
Taupont | Taupont |
Taupye | Taupye |
Tauraco | Tauraco |
Tauragė (district) | Tauragė County |
Tauragė (gemeente) | Tauragė District Municipality |
Tauramena | Tauramena |
Tăureni | Tăureni |
Tauresium | Tauresium |
Tauri | Tauri |
Tauriac (Gironde) | Tauriac, Gironde |
Tauriac (Lot) | Tauriac, Lot |
Tauriac (Tarn) | Tauriac, Tarn |
Tauriac-de-Camarès | Tauriac-de-Camarès |
Tauriac-de-Naucelle | Tauriac-de-Naucelle |
Taurignan-Castet | Taurignan-Castet |
Taurignan-Vieux | Taurignan-Vieux |
Taurine | Taurine |
Taurinya | Taurinya |
Tauriphila | Tauriphila |
Taurisch Paleis | Tauride Palace |
Taurische hagedis | Podarcis tauricus |
Taurize | Taurize |
Tauro FC | Tauro F.C. |
Taurobolium | Taurobolium |
Taurus (film) | Taurus (film) |
Taurus (gebergte) | Taurus mountains |
Taurus World Stunt Award | Taurus World Stunt Awards |
Taus | Taus (instrument) |
Tausa | Tausa |
Taussac | Taussac |
Taussac-la-Billière | Taussac-la-Billière |
Tautendorf (Thüringen) | Tautendorf |
Tautenhain | Tautenhain, Thuringia |
Tăuteu | Tăuteu |
Tautochrone kromme | Tautochrone curve |
Tautoga | Tautoga |
Tautogolabrus adspersus | Bergall |
Tautogram | Tautogram |
Tautologie | Tautology |
Tautologie (logica) | Tautology (logic) |
Tautologie (stijlfiguur) | Tautology (rhetoric) |
Tautomeer | Tautomer |
Tautoniem | Tautonym |
Tauves | Tauves |
Tauvlinder | Aglia tau |
Tauxières-Mutry | Tauxières-Mutry |
Tauxigny | Tauxigny |
Tavaco | Tavaco |
Tavannes | Tavannes |
Tavarede | Tavarede |
Tavares (band) | Tavares (group) |
Tavares (Florida) | Tavares, Florida |
Tavares (Paraíba) | Tavares, Paraíba |
Tavares (Rio Grande do Sul) | Tavares, Rio Grande do Sul |
Tavastland | Tavastia (historical province) |
Tavaux-et-Pontséricourt | Tavaux-et-Pontséricourt |
Tavda (rivier) | Tavda River |
Tavda (stad) | Tavda |
Tavel (Gard) | Tavel, Gard |
Tavel (wijn) | Tavel AOC |
Taverna | Taverna (disambiguation) |
Taverna (eetgelegenheid) | Tavern |
Taverna (gemeente) | Taverna, Calabria |
Tavernay | Tavernay |
Tavernes Blanques | Tavernes Blanques |
Tavernes de la Valldigna | Tavernes de la Valldigna |
Tavernier | Tavernier |
Tavernier (Florida) | Tavernier, Florida |
Tavers | Tavers |
Taveta (Kenia) | Taveta, Kenya |
Tavia Yeung | Tavia Yeung |
Tavíkovice | Tavíkovice |
Tavira | Tavira Municipality |
Tavira-Prio | Banco BIC-Carmim |
Tavisoepleba | Tavisupleba |
Tavistock (Devon) | Tavistock |
Tavistock Groep | Tavistock Institute |
Tavnik | Tavnik |
Tavoesj | Tavush |
Tavolara | Tavolara Island |
Tavrey Air Company | Tavrey Airlines |
Tavrija Simferopol | S.K. Tavriya Simferopol |
Tavşanadası | Tavşan Adası |
Tavurvur | Tavurvur |
Tawa | Tawa (dinosaur) |
Tawakkul Karman | Tawakel Karman |
Tawan Sripan | Totchtawan Sripan |
Tawang (district) | Tawang district |
Tawang (plaats) | Tawang Town |
Tawas City | Tawas City, Michigan |
Tawau Division | Tawau Division |
Tawee Boonyaket | Tawee Boonyaket |
Taweret | Tawaret |
Tawhid | Tawhīd |
Tawitawi-dolksteekduif | Sulu Bleeding-heart |
Tawosret | Twosret |
Taxandria (1994) | Taxandria (film) |
Taxatie | Valuation (finance) |
Taxat-Senat | Taxat-Senat |
Taxenne | Taxenne |
Taxeotis intextata | Taxeotis intextata |
Taxeotis stereospila | Taxeotis stereospila |
Taxi | Taxi (disambiguation) |
Taxi (1998) | Taxi (1998 film) |
Taxi (band) | Taxi (band) |
Taxi (televisieserie) | Taxi (TV series) |
Taxi 4 | Taxi 4 |
Taxi Driver | Taxi Driver (movie) |
Taxi Orange | Taxi Orange |
Taxi to the Dark Side | Taxi to the Dark Side |
Taxiarchis Fountas | Taxiarchis Fountas |
Taxibaan | Taxiway |
Taxidermia | Taxidermia |
Taxidermie | Taxidermy |
Taxie | Taxis |
Taxiën | Taxiing |
Taxistandplaats | Taxicab stand |
Taxodioideae | Taxodioideae |
Taxodium | Taxodium |
Taxonomie | Taxonomy |
Taxonomie in de biologie | Biological classification |
Taxonomie van Flynn | Flynn's taxonomy |
Taxus | Yew |
Taxusfamilie | Taxaceae |
Taxusspikkelspanner | Willow Beauty |
Tay | Tay |
Tay (rivier) | River Tay |
Tây Ninh (provincie) | Tây Ninh Province |
Tay Son-periode | Tây Sơn Dynasty |
Tayabas | Tayabas (disambiguation) |
Tayabas (Quezon) | Tayabas |
Tayac | Tayac |
Tayacaja | Tayacaja Province |
Tayacien | Tayacian |
Tayammum | Tayammum |
Tayasal | Nojpetén |
Tayasan | Tayasan, Negros Oriental |
Taybeh Brouwerij | Taybeh Brewery |
Taybosc | Taybosc |
Tayeb Berramla | Tayeb Berramla |
Tayeb Saleh | Tayeb Salih |
Tayer | Xanthosoma sagittifolium |
Taygeta | Taygeta (star) |
Taygete (maan) | Taygete (moon) |
Taygetis mermeria | Taygetis mermeria |
Taygetis thamyra | Taygetis thamyra |
Taygetis virgilia | Taygetis virgilia |
Tayleur | RMS Tayleur |
Taylor & Francis | Taylor & Francis |
Taylor (Michigan) | Taylor, Michigan |
Taylor (Nebraska) | Taylor, Nebraska |
Taylor (Texas) | Taylor, Texas |
Taylor Atelian | Taylor Atelian |
Taylor County | Taylor County |
Taylor County (Florida) | Taylor County, Florida |
Taylor County (Georgia) | Taylor County, Georgia |
Taylor County (Iowa) | Taylor County, Iowa |
Taylor County (Kentucky) | Taylor County, Kentucky |
Taylor County (Texas) | Taylor County, Texas |
Taylor County (West Virginia) | Taylor County, West Virginia |
Taylor County (Wisconsin) | Taylor County, Wisconsin |
Taylor Guitars | Taylor Guitars |
Taylor Mitchell | Taylor Mitchell |
Taylor Rotunda | Bo Dallas |
Taylor Townsend | Taylor Townsend |
Taylor Townsend (tennisster) | Taylor Townsend (tennis) |
Taylor Townsend (The O.C.) | Taylor Townsend (The O.C.) |
Taylorgletsjer | Taylor Glacier |
Taylorreeks | Taylor series |
Taylors | Taylors, South Carolina |
Taylors Falls | Taylors Falls, Minnesota |
Taylorsville (Kentucky) | Taylorsville, Kentucky |
Taylorsville (North Carolina) | Taylorsville, North Carolina |
Taylorsville (Utah) | Taylorsville, Utah |
Taylorvallei | Taylor Valley |
Taylorville | Taylorville, Illinois |
Tayra | Tayra |
Tayrac | Tayrac |
Tayrac (Aveyron) | Tayrac, Aveyron |
Tayrac (Lot-et-Garonne) | Tayrac, Lot-et-Garonne |
Taysan | Taysan, Batangas |
Tayseer Allouni | Tayseer Allouni |
Taytay (Palawan) | Taytay, Palawan |
Taytay (Rizal) | Taytay, Rizal |
Tayug | Tayug, Pangasinan |
Tayum (Abra) | Tayum, Abra |
Taz | Taz |
Taz (rivier) | Taz River |
Taza (provincie) | Taza Province |
Taza-Al Hoceïma-Taounate | Taza-Al Hoceima-Taounate |
Tazboezem | Taz Estuary |
Tazenakht | Tazenakht |
Tazewell | Tazewell |
Tazewell (Virginia) | Tazewell, Virginia |
Tazewell County | Tazewell County |
Tazewell County (Illinois) | Tazewell County, Illinois |
Tazewell County (Virginia) | Tazewell County, Virginia |
Tazilly | Tazilly |
Tázlár | Tázlár |
Tazlău | Tazlău |
Tazlina | Tazlina, Alaska |
Tazmamart | Tazmamart |
Taznakht | Taznakht |
Tazovski | Tazovsky (rural locality) |
Tazzari Zero | Tazzari Zero |
TBA | TBA (disambiguation) |
Tbilisi | Tbilisi |
T'Boli (South Cotabato) | T'Boli, South Cotabato |
T-Bone (vlees) | T-bone steak |
T-Bone Wolk | Tom Wolk |
TCB Band | TCB Band |
T-cel | T cell |
T-Centralen | T-Centralen |
Tchantchès (planetoïde) | 4440 Tchantchès |
Tchaourou | Tchaourou |
Tchibo | Tchibo |
Tchoiria | Tchoiria |
Tchořovice | Tchořovice |
Tcl | TCL |
Tcl (programmeertaal) | Tcl |
TCP- en UDP-poorten | List of TCP and UDP port numbers |
TCP/IP | Internet protocol suite |
Tczew (gemeente) | Gmina Tczew |
Tczów | Tczów |
Tczów (gemeente) | Gmina Tczów |
TdF | TDF |
T-DMB | Digital Multimedia Broadcasting |
Te Amo | Te Amo |
Te Amo (Rihanna) | Te Amo (Rihanna song) |
Te Anau | Te Anau |
Te Anaumeer | Lake Te Anau |
Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu | Te Atairangikaahu |
Te Kuiti | Te Kuiti |
Te slăvim, Românie | Te slăvim, Românie |
Te Wahipounamu | Te Wahipounamu |
Te Wapen | Men at Arms |
Tea | Tea, South Dakota |
Tea at Five | Tea at Five |
Tea for Two | Tea for Two |
Tea Party-beweging | Tea Party movement |
TEACCH | Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children |
Teacher's Pet | Teacher's Pet |
Teacher's Pet (1958) | Teacher's Pet (1958 film) |
Teach-In | Teach-In (band) |
Teaching Mrs. Tingle | Teaching Mrs. Tingle |
Téada | Téada |
Teakboom | Teak |
Teal'c | Teal'c |
Team | Team |
Team 3C Casalinghi Jet Androni Giocattoli | Team 3C Casalinghi Jet Androni Giocattoli |
Team Addax | Addax Team |
Team America: World Police | Team America: World Police |
Team Barloworld | Barloworld (cycling team) |
Team Buddies | Team Buddies |
Team Cult Energy | Team Cult Energy |
Team Europcar | Team Europcar |
Team Europcar/2011 | 2011 Team Europcar season |
Team Fakta | Team Fakta |
Team Flexpoint | Team Flexpoint |
Team Galaxy | Team Galaxy (TV series) |
Team Garmin-Cervélo/2011 | 2011 Garmin-Cervélo season |
Team Garmin-Sharp | Garmin-Sharp |
Team Garmin-Sharp-Barracuda/2012 | 2012 Garmin-Sharp season |
Team Garmin-Transitions/2010 | 2010 Garmin-Transitions season |
Team Gerolsteiner | Gerolsteiner (cycling team) |
Team Gourmetfein Simplon | Gourmetfein-Simplon |
Team Hell No | Team Hell No |
Team HTC-Columbia/2010 | 2010 Team HTC-Columbia season |
Team HTC-High Road | HTC-Highroad |
Team HTC-High Road/2011 | 2011 HTC-Highroad season |
Team Ico | Team Ico |
Team Knight Rider | Team Knight Rider |
Team Lazarus | Team Lazarus |
Team Leopard-Trek/2011 | 2011 Leopard Trek season |
Team LPR | LPR (cycling team) |
Team Meritus | Team Meritus |
Team Milram | Team Milram |
Team Movistar | Movistar Team |
Team Movistar/2012 | 2012 Movistar Team season |
Team NetApp-Endura | Team NetApp-Endura |
Team Polti | Team Polti |
Team RadioShack | Team RadioShack |
Team RadioShack/2010 | 2010 Team RadioShack season |
Team RusVelo | RusVelo |
Team Saxo-Tinkoff | Team Saxo-Tinkoff |
Team Saxo-Tinkoff/2013 | 2013 Team Saxo-Tinkoff season |
Team Scot Racing | Scot Racing Team |
Team Specialized-lululemon | Team Specialized–lululemon |
Team SpiderTech-C10 | SpiderTech-C10 |
Team Vorarlberg | Team Vorarlberg |
Team Wiesenhof | Team Wiesenhof-Felt |
Teamim | Cantillation |
Teampull Mholuaidh | Teampall Mholuaidh |
Teamsport | Team sport |
Teamsprint (baanwielrennen) | Team sprint |
Teamwork | Teamwork |
Teän | Teän |
Teaneck | Teaneck, New Jersey |
Tearce | Tearce Municipality |
Teardrops (Womack & Womack) | Teardrops (Womack & Womack song) |
Tearing | Screen tearing |
Tears of the Sun | Tears of the Sun |
Teaser | Teaser |
Teaser (reclame) | Teaser campaign |
Teatr Narodowy | National Theatre, Warsaw |
Teatralnaja (metrostation) | Teatralnaya (Moscow Metro) |
Teatro alla Scala | La Scala |
Teatro Comunale | Teatro Comunale |
Teatro Comunale di Bologna | Teatro Comunale di Bologna |
Teatro Comunale di Firenze | Teatro Comunale Florence |
Teatro de Cristóbal Colón | Teatro de Cristóbal Colón |
Teatro Giuseppe Verdi | Teatro Verdi |
Teatro Giuseppe Verdi (Busseto) | Teatro Giuseppe Verdi |
Teatro Giuseppe Verdi (Triëst) | Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi |
Teatro Kursaal | Casinò Lugano |
Teatro La Fenice | Teatro La Fenice |
Teatro Lirico di Cagliari | Teatro Lirico (Cagliari) |
Teatro Massimo | Teatro Massimo |
Teatro Massimo Bellini | Teatro Massimo Bellini |
Teatro Olimpico | Teatro Olimpico |
Teatro Regio di Torino | Teatro Regio (Turin) |
Teatro San Carlo | Teatro di San Carlo |
Teays Valley | Teays Valley, West Virginia |
Teba (gemeente) | Teba |
Tebaldi | Tebaldi |
Tébar | Tébar |
Tebay | Tebay |
Tebbe-reagens | Tebbe's reagent |
Tébessa | Tébessa |
Tébessa (provincie) | Tébessa Province |
Tebibyte | Tebibyte |
Tebing Tinggi | Tebing Tinggi |
Teboelosmta | Tebulosmta |
Tebosa | Tebosa |
Tebuconazool | Tebuconazole |
Tebufenpyrad | Tebufenpyrad |
Tecalitlán | Tecalitlán |
Tecate (Baja California) | Tecate |
Tecate (gemeente) | Tecate Municipality, Baja California |
Tech | Tech (river) |
Tech 1 Racing | Tech 1 Racing |
Tech 3 | Tech 3 |
Těchařovice | Těchařovice |
Têche | Têche |
Techelsberg am Wörther See | Techelsberg |
Techelsdorf | Techelsdorf |
Techentin | Techentin |
Techiman | Techiman |
Techirghiol (stad) | Techirghiol |
Techirghiolmeer | Lake Techirghiol |
Těchlovice | Těchlovice |
Těchlovice (okres Děčín) | Těchlovice (Děčín District) |
Těchlovice (okres Hradec Králové) | Těchlovice (Hradec Králové District) |
Technetium | Technetium |
Technetium(IV)chloride | Technetium(IV) chloride |
Technetium(VI)fluoride | Technetium hexafluoride |
Technetium(VII)oxide | Technetium(VII) oxide |
Technetium-99 | Technetium-99 |
Technetium-99m | Technetium-99m |
Technical | Technical (vehicle) |
Technicolor | Technicolour (disambiguation) |
Technicolor (concern) | Technicolor SA |
Technicolor (techniek) | Technicolor |
Technicus | Technician |
Techniek | Engineering |
Techniekfilosofie | List of philosophers of technology |
Technion | Technion – Israel Institute of Technology |
Techniques d'Avant Garde | Techniques d'Avant Garde |
Technisch tekenaar | Drafter |
Technisch tekenen | Technical drawing |
Technische analyse | Technical analysis |
Technische bedrijfskunde | Engineering management |
Technische camera | View camera |
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen | Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen—University of Applied Sciences |
Technische hogeschool | Technische Hochschule |
Technische Hogeschool Bandoeng | Bandung Institute of Technology |
Technische Hogeschool Wildau | Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau |
Technische informatica | Computer engineering |
Technische natuurkunde | Engineering physics |
Technische Nothilfe | Technische Nothilfe |
Technische pen | Technical pen |
Technische Staatsuniversiteit van Moskou | Bauman Moscow State Technical University |
Technische universiteit | Institute of technology |
Technische Universiteit Berlijn | Technical University of Berlin |
Technische Universiteit Boedapest | Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Technische Universiteit Braunschweig | Braunschweig University of Technology |
Technische Universiteit Chalmers | Chalmers University of Technology |
Technische Universiteit Delft | Delft University of Technology |
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | Eindhoven University of Technology |
Technische Universiteit Istanboel | Istanbul Technical University |
Technische Universiteit Kaiserslautern | Kaiserslautern University of Technology |
Technische Universiteit Liberec | Technical University of Liberec |
Technische Universiteit Riga | Riga Technical University |
Technische Universiteit Tallinn | Tallinn University of Technology |
Technische Universiteit van het Midden-Oosten | Middle East Technical University |
Technische Universiteit van Lausanne | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
Technische Universiteit van München | Technical University Munich |
Technische Universiteit Yıldız | Yıldız Technical University |
Technisch-natuurwetenschappelijke Universiteit van Noorwegen | Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Technobabbel | Technobabble |
Technocratie | Technocracy |
Technodrome | Technodrome |
Technofilie | Technophilia |
Technofobie | Technophobia |
Technologie | Technology |
Technologie in Stargate | Technology in Stargate |
Technologieboom | Technology tree |
Technologisch aspectenonderzoek | Technology assessment |
Technologische singulariteit | Technological singularity |
Technologitsjeski institoet (metrostation) | Tekhnologichesky Institut (Saint Petersburg Metro) |
Technopunk SF | Burning Chrome (short story collection) |
Technosol | Technosols |
Techno-thriller | Techno-thriller |
Těchobuz | Těchobuz |
Techsnabeksport | Tekhsnabexport |
Techtrance | Tech trance |
Tečić | Tečić |
Tecka | Tecka |
Teckel | Dachshund |
Tecklenburg | Tecklenburg |
Teckomatorp | Teckomatorp |
Tecmessa (mythologie) | Tecmessa |
Tecmo Koei | Tecmo Koei |
Teco | TECO |
TECO | TECO (text editor) |
Tecolutla | Tecolutla, Veracruz |
Tecomán | Tecomán, Colima |
Técou | Técou |
Tectarius coronatus | Tectarius coronatus |
Tectiteeks | Tektitek language |
Tectoriaal membraan | Tectorial membrane (cochlea) |
Tectosages | Tectosage |
Tecuichpotzin | Isabel Moctezuma |
Tecumseh | Tecumseh (disambiguation) |
Tecumseh (Nebraska) | Tecumseh, Nebraska |
Tecún Umán | Tecun Uman |
Ted | TED |
TED (conferentie) | TED (conference) |
Ted (film) | Ted (movie) |
Ted (luchtvaartmaatschappij) | Ted (airline) |
Ted Bundy (film) | Ted Bundy (film) |
Ted Codd | Edgar F. Codd |
Ted Daffan | Ted Daffan |
Ted DiBiase | Ted DiBiase |
Ted DiBiase Jr. | Ted DiBiase, Jr. |
Ted Drake | Ted Drake |
Ted Elliott | Ted Elliott (screenwriter) |
Ted Forrest | Ted Forrest |
Ted Haggard | Ted Haggard |
Ted Hankey | Ted Hankey |
Ted King (acteur) | Ted King (actor) |
Ted King (wielrenner) | Ted King (cyclist) |
Ted Lowe | Ted Lowe |
Ted Mosby | Ted Mosby |
Ted Ray | Ted Ray (golfer) |
Ted Turner (musicus) | Ted Turner (guitarist) |
Teddington | Teddington |
Teddy Afro | Teddy Afro |
Teddy Flack | Edwin Flack |
Teddy Geiger | Teddy Geiger |
Teddy Grace | Teddy Grace |
Teddy Johnson | Teddy Johnson |
Teddy Richert | Teddy Richert |
Teddy Sears | Teddy Sears |
Teddy Thompson | Teddy Thompson |
Teddybeer | Teddy bear |
Teddystadion | Teddy Stadium |
Tédjé | Tédié |
TED-verschil | TED spread |
Tee | Tee (disambiguation) |
Tee (golf) | Tee |
Tee Jing Yi | Tee Jing Yi |
TEE Mistral | Le Mistral (train) |
Tee Set | Tee Set |
Teec Nos Pos | Teec Nos Pos, Arizona |
Teef | Bitch (insult) |
Teelbal | Testicle |
Teelt (kweekproces) | Animal breeding |
Teen | Toe |
Teen Choice Award | Teen Choice Awards |
Teen Titans (animatieserie) | Teen Titans (TV series) |
Teen Titans (team) | Teen Titans |
Teen Wolf | Teen Wolf (disambiguation) |
Teenage Dream (album) | Teenage Dream |
Teenage Dream (single) | Teenage Dream (song) |
Teenage Love Affair | Teenage Love Affair |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (animatieserie, 2003) | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 TV series) |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (arcadespel) | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (arcade game) |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the Sewers | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the Sewers |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles Forever | Turtles Forever |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time |
Teenagers from Outer Space | Teenagers from Outer Space |
Teenstreet | Teenstreet |
Teer | Tar |
Teerns | Teerns |
Teerzand | Oil sands |
Tees | River Tees |
Teesdale (district) | Teesdale (district) |
Teeth | Teeth (film) |
Tefé (gemeente) | Tefé |
Teff | Eragrostis tef |
Tefilin | Tefillin |
Teflon | Polytetrafluoroethylene |
Teflonkoorts | Polymer fume fever |
Tefnut | Tefnut |
Tefra | Tephra |
Tefriet | Tephrite |
Tefrochronologie | Tephrochronology |
Tefroiet | Tephroite |
Tegal (regentschap) | Tegal Regency |
Tegal (stad) | Tegal, Central Java |
Te-gatana | Knifehand strike |
Tegau | Tegau |
Tegea | Tegea |
Tegeler See | Lake Tegel |
Tegelkachel | Masonry heater |
Tegelsnijder | Ceramic tile cutter |
Tegelvissen | Tilefish |
Tegen-admiraal | Rear admiral |
Tegencultuur | Counterculture |
TeGenero | TeGenero |
Tegengestelde (wiskunde) | Opposite number |
Tegengif | Antidote |
Tegenkoning | Antiking |
Tegenkoppeling | Negative feedback |
Tegenovergestelde ring | Opposite ring |
Tegenpaus | Antipope |
Tegenpaus Albertus | Antipope Adalbert |
Tegenpaus Alexander V | Antipope Alexander V |
Tegenpaus Anacletus II | Antipope Anacletus II |
Tegenpaus Anastasius III | Anastasius Bibliothecarius |
Tegenpaus Benedictus X | Antipope Benedict X |
Tegenpaus Benedictus XIII | Antipope Benedict XIII |
Tegenpaus Benedictus XIV | Antipope Benedict XIV |
Tegenpaus Bonifatius VII | Antipope Boniface VII |
Tegenpaus Calixtus III | Antipope Callixtus III |
Tegenpaus Celestinus II | Antipope Celestine II |
Tegenpaus Christoforus | Antipope Christopher |
Tegenpaus Clemens III | Antipope Clement III |
Tegenpaus Clemens VII | Antipope Clement VII |
Tegenpaus Clemens VIII | Antipope Clement VIII |
Tegenpaus Constantinus II | Antipope Constantine II |
Tegenpaus Dioscurus | Antipope Dioscorus |
Tegenpaus Eulalius | Antipope Eulalius |
Tegenpaus Felix II | Antipope Felix II |
Tegenpaus Felix V | Antipope Felix V |
Tegenpaus Filippus | Antipope Philip |
Tegenpaus Gregorius VI | Antipope Gregory VI |
Tegenpaus Gregorius VIII | Antipope Gregory VIII |
Tegenpaus Hippolytus | Hippolytus of Rome |
Tegenpaus Honorius II | Antipope Honorius II |
Tegenpaus Innocentius III | Antipope Innocent III |
Tegenpaus Johannes VIII | Antipope John VIII |
Tegenpaus Johannes XVI | Antipope John XVI |
Tegenpaus Johannes XXIII | Antipope John XXIII |
Tegenpaus Laurentius | Antipope Laurentius |
Tegenpaus Nicolaas V | Antipope Nicholas V |
Tegenpaus Novatianus | Novatian |
Tegenpaus Paschalis I | Antipope Paschal |
Tegenpaus Paschalis III | Antipope Paschal III |
Tegenpaus Petrus II | Manuel Corral |
Tegenpaus Pius XIII | Lucian Pulvermacher |
Tegenpaus Silvester IV | Antipope Sylvester IV |
Tegenpaus Theodoricus | Antipope Theodoric |
Tegenpaus Theodorus II | Antipope Theodore |
Tegenpaus Ursinus | Antipope Ursicinus |
Tegenpaus Victor IV | Antipope Victor IV |
Tegenpaus Victor IV (Gregorius) | Antipope Victor IV (1138) |
Tegenpaus Victor IV (Octavianus) | Antipope Victor IV (1159–1164) |
Tegenstander | Adversary |
Tegenstroomprincipe | Countercurrent exchange |
Tegenvoorbeeld | Counterexample |
Tegernau | Tegernau |
Tegernsee (gemeente) | Tegernsee |
Tegernsee (meer) | Tegernsee (lake) |
Tegeticula yuccasella | Tegeticula yuccasella |
Tegkwitz | Tegkwitz |
Tegla Kar | Tegla Kar |
Tegmine | Zeta Cancri |
Teguder | Tekuder |
Tegueste | Tegueste, Santa Cruz de Tenerife |
Teguise (gemeente) | Teguise, Las Palmas |
Tegula brunnea | Chlorostoma brunnea |
Tegyrius | Tegyrios |
Tehachapi (Californië) | Tehachapi, California |
Tehachapi Mountains | Tehachapi Mountains |
Tehama County | Tehama County, California |
Teharje | Teharje |
Tehelné pole | Tehelné pole |
Teheran | Tehran |
Teheran (provincie) | Tehran Province |
Teheran Imam Khomeini International Airport | Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport |
Teheran Mehrabad International Airport | Mehrabad International Airport |
Tehla | Tehla |
Tehri Garhwal | Tehri Garhwal district |
Tehuelche | Tehuelche |
Tehuelche (taal) | Tehuelche language |
Tehuelches (departement) | Tehuelches Department |
Teià | Teià |
Teia (Gotische koning) | Teia |
Teichland | Teichland |
Teichmüller-ruimte | Teichmüller space |
Teichwolframsdorf | Teichwolframsdorf |
Teifi | River Teifi |
Teigetje (Winnie de Poeh) | Tigger |
Teigh | Teigh |
Teigny | Teigny |
Teiichi Matsumaru | Teiichi Matsumaru |
Teiji Takagi | Teiji Takagi |
Teijin | Teijin |
Teilhède | Teilhède |
Teilhet | Teilhet |
Teilhet (Ariège) | Teilhet, Ariège |
Teilhet (Puy-de-Dôme) | Teilhet, Puy-de-Dôme |
Teillay | Teillay |
Teillé | Teillé |
Teillé (Loire-Atlantique) | Teillé, Loire-Atlantique |
Teillé (Sarthe) | Teillé, Sarthe |
Teillet | Teillet |
Teillet-Argenty | Teillet-Argenty |
Teillots | Teillots |
Teilo | Saint Teilo |
Teimoeraz II | Teimuraz II of Georgia |
Teimour Radjabov | Teimour Radjabov |
Teinolophos | Teinolophos |
Teinopalpus aureus | Teinopalpus aureus |
Teinopalpus imperialis | Teinopalpus imperialis |
Teinosuke Kinugasa | Teinosuke Kinugasa |
Teinturier | Teinturier |
Teirake kaini Kiribati | Teirake Kaini Kiribati |
Teișani | Teișani |
Teissières-de-Cornet | Teissières-de-Cornet |
Teissières-lès-Bouliès | Teissières-lès-Bouliès |
Teisutis Zikaras | Teisutis Zikaras |
Teitur Lassen | Teitur Lassen |
Teiuș | Teiuș |
Teiwaz | Tiwaz rune |
Teixeira (Paraíba) | Teixeira, Paraíba |
Teixeira (Seia) | Teixeira (Seia) |
Teixeira de Freitas | Teixeira de Freitas |
Teizo Matsumura | Teizo Matsumura |
Teizo Takeuchi | Teizo Takeuchi |
Tej | Tej |
Tejadillos | Tejadillos |
Tejat Posterior | Mu Geminorum |
Tejmoeraz Gabasjvili | Teymuraz Gabashvili |
Tejn | Tejn |
Tejp | Teip |
Tejuhagedissen | Teiidae |
Tejupá | Tejupá |
Tekamah | Tekamah, Nebraska |
Tekao | Tekao |
Tekax | Tekax |
Teken (dieren) | Tick |
Teken (wiskunde) | Sign (mathematics) |
Teken aan de wand | The writing on the wall |
Teken van Brudzinski | Brudziński's sign |
Teken van Chadwick | Chadwick's sign |
Teken van Hertoghe | Sign of Hertoghe |
Teken van Kernig | Meningism |
Teken van Lhermitte | Lhermitte's sign |
Teken van Nikolsky | Nikolsky's sign |
Tekenaap | Pantograph |
Tekenaar | Cartoonist |
Tekencodering | Character encoding |
Tekenfilm | Animated cartoon |
Tekening | Drawing |
Tekentafel | Drawing board |
Tekentoets | Sign test |
Tekeriš | Tekeriš |
Tékes | Tékes |
Tekezé | Tekezé River |
Tekirdağ (provincie) | Tekirdağ Province |
Tekken | Tekken (series) |
Tekken (film) | Tekken (2010 film) |
Tekken (videospel) | Tekken (video game) |
Tekken 2 | Tekken 2 |
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection | Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection |
Tekken Advance | Tekken Advance |
Tekken Tag Tournament | Tekken Tag Tournament |
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 | Tekken Tag Tournament 2 |
Tekken X Street Fighter | Tekken X Street Fighter |
Tekken: Blood Vengeance | Tekken: Blood Vengeance |
Tekken: The Motion Picture | Tekken: The Motion Picture |
Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska | Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska |
Teklafalu | Teklafalu |
Teknival | Teknival |
Tekno (muziekstijl) | Freetekno |
Tekolďany | Tekolďany |
Tekong | Pulau Tekong |
Tekovský Hrádok | Tekovský Hrádok |
Tekst | Text (literary theory) |
Tekstanalyse | Information extraction |
Tekstballon | Speech balloon |
Teksteditor | Text editor |
Tekstgebaseerd computerspel | Text-based game |
Tekstilsjik Kamysjin | FC Tekstilshchik Kamyshin |
Tekstkritiek (algemeen) | Textual criticism |
Tekstkritiek van de Bijbel | Biblical criticism |
Tekstlinguïstiek | Text linguistics |
Tekstsoort | Text types |
Teksttelefoon | Telecommunications device for the deaf |
Teksttelefoonservice | Telecommunications relay service |
Tekstualiteit | Textuality |
Tekstuele gebruikersomgeving | Text-based user interface |
Tekstvarianten van het Nieuwe Testament | Textual variants in the New Testament |
Tekstverwerker | Word processor |
Tektiet | Tektite |
Tektoniek | Tectonics |
Tektonische opheffing | Tectonic uplift |
Tel | TEL |
Tel Afar | Tal Afar |
Tel Aviv | Tel Aviv |
Tel Aviv (district) | Tel Aviv District |
Tel Aviv Museum of Art | Tel Aviv Museum of Art |
Tel Qasile | Tell Qasile |
Tela | Tela (disambiguation) |
Tela (Honduras) | Tela |
Telamon | Telamon (disambiguation) |
Telamon (mythologie) | Telamon |
Telamonia | Telamonia |
Telangana | Telangana |
Tel'aran'rhiod | Tel'aran'rhiod |
Telašćica | Telašćica |
Telatyn (gemeente) | Gmina Telatyn |
Telavåg | Telavåg |
Telavi (district) | Telavi Municipality |
Telavi (stad) | Telavi |
Telbivudine | Telbivudine |
Telchin licus | Telchin licus |
Telchines (mythologie) | Telchines |
Teldau | Teldau |
Télé | Télé, Mali |
Telê Santana | Telê Santana |
Teleangiëctasie | Telangiectasia |
Telecine | Telecine |
Teleclus | Teleclus |
Telecommunicatie | Telecommunication |
Telecommunicatietoren van Montjuïc | Montjuïc Communications Tower |
Teleconverter | Teleconverter |
Teledeporte | Teledeporte |
Telediario | Telediario |
Teledifusão de Macau | TDM (Macau) |
Telefon | Telefon (film) |
Telefónica O2 Czech Republic | Telefónica Czech Republic |
Telefonie | Telephony |
Telefoniste | Switchboard operator |
Telefoon | Telephone (disambiguation) |
Telefooncel | Telephone booth |
Telefooncentrale | Telephone exchange |
Telefoongids | Telephone book |
Telefoonkaart | Telephone card |
Telefoonnummer | Telephone number |
Telefoonseks | Phone sex |
Telefoonstekker | Telephone plug |
Telefoontap | Telephone tapping |
Telefoontoestel | Telephone |
Telefoonvork | Telephone hybrid |
Telega | Telega, Prahova |
Telegonus | Telegonus |
Telegraaf (schip) | Engine order telegraph |
Telegraafvergelijkingen | Telegrapher's equations |
Telegrafie | Telegraph |
Telegrafist | Telegraphist |
Telegram | Telegram |
Telegram (Björk) | Telegram (album) |
Telegraph | Telegraph (disambiguation) |
Telegraph Hill | Telegraph Hill, San Francisco |
Telegraph Road | Telegraph Road (song) |
Télégraphe (metrostation) | Télégraphe (Paris Métro) |
Teleiopsis albifemorella | Teleiopsis albifemorella |
Teleiopsis bagriotella | Teleiopsis bagriotella |
Teleiopsis latisacculus | Teleiopsis latisacculus |
Teleiopsis rosalbella | Teleiopsis rosalbella |
Teleiopsis terebinthinella | Teleiopsis terebinthinella |
Telekes | Telekes |
Telekgerendás | Telekgerendás |
Teleki | Teleki (village) |
Telekinese | Psychokinesis |
Telemachus | Telemachus |
Telemark | Telemark |
Telemarken (skiën) | Telemark skiing |
Telemarketing | Telemarketing |
Telemarkkanaal | Telemark Canal |
Telematica | Telematics |
Tele-meer | Lake Tele |
Telemetrie | Telemetry |
Telenești (arrondissement) | Telenești District |
Telenet | Telenet (Belgium) |
Telenet Oostende | BC Oostende |
Telenet-Fidea | Telenet-Fidea |
Telent | Telent |
Teleobjectief | Telephoto lens |
Teleogryllus | Teleogryllus oceanicus |
Teleologie | Teleology |
Teleomorf | Teleomorph, anamorph and holomorph |
Teleosaurus | Teleosaurus |
Telepathie | Telepathy |
Telephone | Telephone (song) |
Téléphone | Téléphone |
Telephus | Telephus |
Telepinu (god) | Telipinu (god) |
Telepinu (koning) | Telipinu |
Teleport | Teleport (Amsterdam) |
Teleportatie | Teleportation |
Teleprinter | Teletypewriter |
Teleradio-Moldova | TeleRadio-Moldova |
Teleri | Teleri |
Telescoop | Telescope (disambiguation) |
Telescoop (optica) | Telescope |
Telescoop (sterrenbeeld) | Telescopium |
Telescoopooggoudvis | Telescope eye |
Telescoopvizier | Sniper scope |
Telescopus | Telescopus |
Telesphore Placidus Toppo | Telesphore Toppo |
Telestes souffia | Souffia |
Telestes ukliva | Telestes ukliva |
Telesto | Telesto |
Telesto (maan) | Telesto (moon) |
TeleSUR (televisiezender) | TeleSUR |
Telesync | Telesync |
Teletekst | Teletext |
Teletex | Teletex |
Teletskojemeer | Lake Teletskoye |
Teletubbies | Teletubbies |
Teleurstelling | Disappointment |
Televisie | Television |
Televisie in de Verenigde Staten | Television in the United States |
Televisiefilm | Television film |
Televisiegids | Listings magazine |
Televisienetwerk | Television network |
Televisieprediking | Televangelism |
Televisieproducent | Television producer |
Televisieprogramma | Television programme |
Televisieregisseur | Television director |
Televisiesysteem | Broadcast television systems |
Televisietoestel | Television set |
Televisietoren van Bakoe | Baku TV Tower |
Televisietoren van Kiev | Kiev TV Tower |
Televisietoren van Sint-Petersburg | Saint Petersburg TV Tower |
Televisietoren van Vilnius | Vilnius TV Tower |
Television | Television (band) |
Télévision de Radio-Canada | Télévision de Radio-Canada |
Television Infrared Observation Satellite | Television Infrared Observation Satellite |
Televiziunea Română | Romanian Television |
Televoting | Televoting |
Telewerk | Telecommuting |
Telex | Telex (disambiguation) |
Telex (band) | Telex (band) |
Telex (communicatie) | Telex |
Telezorg | Telecare |
Telfair County | Telfair County, Georgia |
Telfes im Stubai | Telfes |
Telford | Telford (disambiguation) |
Telford and Wrekin | Telford and Wrekin |
Telfords spitsmuis | Telford's shrew |
Telharmonium | Telharmonium |
Teliciteit | Telicity |
Telikom NSL Cup | Telikom NSL Cup |
Telince | Telince |
Telindus | Telindus |
Teliu | Teliu |
Teliucu Inferior | Teliucu Inferior |
Telki | Telki |
Tell | Tell (disambiguation) |
Tell (archeologie) | Tell |
Tell (poker) | Tell (poker) |
Tell Abraq | Tell Abraq |
Tell Aswad | Tell Aswad |
Tell City | Tell City, Indiana |
Tell Fecheriye | Tell el Fakhariya |
Tell Halaf | Tell Halaf |
Tell Leilan | Tell Leilan |
Tell Me (Diddy) | Tell Me (Diddy song) |
Tell Me (Rolling Stones) | Tell Me (The Rolling Stones song) |
Tell Me Baby | Tell Me Baby |
Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon | Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon |
Tell Me What You See | Tell Me What You See |
Tell Me Why | Tell Me Why |
Tell Me Why (The Beatles) | Tell Me Why (Beatles song) |
Tella | Tella, Mali |
Tella (bier) | Tella |
Tellaro (Lerici) | Tellaro |
Tella-Sin | Tella-Sin |
Tellecey | Tellecey |
Tellegen | Tellegen |
Tellen | Counting |
Teller | Teller |
Teller (Alaska) | Teller, Alaska |
Teller County | Teller County, Colorado |
Tellières-le-Plessis | Tellières-le-Plessis |
Tellingstedt | Tellingstedt |
Tello | Tello, Huila |
Tello van Trastámara | Tello Alfonso, Lord of Aguilar de Campoo |
Telluride (Colorado) | Telluride, Colorado |
Telluride (scheikunde) | Telluride (chemistry) |
Tellurische stroom | Telluric current |
Tellus (godin) | Terra (mythology) |
Telluur | Tellurium |
Telluurdioxide | Tellurium dioxide |
Telluurhexafluoride | Tellurium hexafluoride |
Telluurtrioxide | Tellurium trioxide |
Telluurzuur | Telluric acid |
Telmaat | Counting measure |
Telmatherinidae | Telmatherinidae |
Telmatobius | Telmatobius |
Telmatobius atahualpai | Telmatobius atahualpai |
Telmatobufo | Telmatobufo |
Telmatosaurus | Telmatosaurus |
Telmisartan | Telmisartan |
Telmo Zarraonaindía | Telmo Zarra |
Telnice (okres Brno-venkov) | Telnice (Brno-Country District) |
Telnice (okres Ústí nad Labem) | Telnice (Ústí nad Labem District) |
Telomeer | Telomere |
Telomerase | Telomerase |
Telomoyo | Mount Telomoyo |
Telosvertaling | Darby Bible |
Telsen (departement) | Telsen Department |
Telšiai (district) | Telšiai County |
Telšiai (gemeente) | Telšiai District Municipality |
Telson | Telson |
Telstar | Telstar (disambiguation) |
Telstar (satelliet) | Telstar |
Telstar (voetbalclub) | SC Telstar |
Telugu (taal) | Telugu |
Teluk Intan | Teluk Intan |
Telve | Telve |
Telwoord | Numeral (linguistics) |
TEM | Tem |
Témara | Temara |
Temazepam | Temazepam |
Tembeassu marauna | Tembeassu marauna |
Tembi Locke | Tembi Locke |
Tembleque | Tembleque, Spain |
Temburong | Temburong District |
Temecula | Temecula, California |
Temefos | Temefos |
Temenos | Temenos |
Temera hardwickii | Finless sleeper ray |
Temeraire | His Majesty's Dragon |
Temerin | Temerin |
Temeš | Temeš |
Temešvár | Temešvár (Písek District) |
Těmice (okres Hodonín) | Těmice (Hodonín District) |
Těmice (okres Pelhřimov) | Těmice (Pelhřimov District) |
Temixco | Temixco, Morelos |
Temmen-Ringenwalde | Temmen-Ringenwalde |
Temmincks makaak | Gorontalo macaque |
Temmincks neushoornvogel | Sulawesi Hornbill |
Temmincks renvogel | Temminck's Courser |
Temmincks saterhoen | Temminck's Tragopan |
Temmincks schubdier | Ground pangolin |
Temmincks specht | Sulawesi Pygmy Woodpecker |
Temmincks strandloper | Temminck's Stint |
Temne (volk) | Temne people |
Temnikov | Temnikov |
Temnitzquell | Temnitzquell |
Temnitztal | Temnitztal |
Temnurus | Ratchet-tailed Treepie |
Temora Shire Council | Temora Shire |
Temotu | Temotu Province |
Temozolomide | Temozolomide |
Temp Sjepetivka | FC Temp Shepetivka |
Tempa Tsering | Tempa Tsering |
Tempe (Arizona) | Tempe, Arizona |
Tempedal | Vale of Tempe |
Tempel | Temple |
Tempel (doorverwijspagina) | Tempel |
Tempel van Amon (Karnak) | Precinct of Amun-Re |
Tempel van Antoninus en Faustina | Temple of Antoninus and Faustina |
Tempel van Apollo Palatinus | Temple of Apollo Palatinus |
Tempel van Apollo Patroös | Temple of Apollo Patroos |
Tempel van Apollo Sosianus | Temple of Apollo Sosianus |
Tempel van Apollon Epikourios | Bassae |
Tempel van Artemis in Efeze | Temple of Artemis |
Tempel van Aton | Temple of Amenhotep IV |
Tempel van Augustus (Pula) | Temple of Augustus (Pula) |
Tempel van Augustus (Rome) | Temple of Divus Augustus |
Tempel van Caesar | Temple of Caesar |
Tempel van Castor en Pollux | Temple of Castor and Pollux |
Tempel van Chonsoe | Temple of Khonsu |
Tempel van Concordia | Temple of Concord |
Tempel van de Hemel | Temple of Heaven |
Tempel van de Olympische Zeus | Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens |
Tempel van Debod | Temple of Debod |
Tempel van Dendur | Temple of Dendur |
Tempel van Hadrianus (Rome) | Temple of Hadrian |
Tempel van Hatsjepsoet | Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut |
Tempel van Hephaistos | Temple of Hephaestus |
Tempel van Hercules Invictus | Temple of Hercules Victor |
Tempel van Horus | Temple of Edfu |
Tempel van Janus | Temple of Janus (Roman Forum) |
Tempel van Jupiter Optimus Maximus | Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus |
Tempel van Kom Ombo | Temple of Kom Ombo |
Tempel van Magna Mater | Temple of Cybele (Palatine) |
Tempel van Minerva Medica (Horti Liciniani) | Temple of Minerva Medica (nymphaeum) |
Tempel van Montu | Precinct of Montu |
Tempel van Mut | Precinct of Mut |
Tempel van Portunus | Temple of Portunus |
Tempel van Ptah (Karnak) | Temple of Ptah (Karnak) |
Tempel van Ramses III | Medinet Habu (temple) |
Tempel van Salomo | Solomon's Temple |
Tempel van Saturnus | Temple of Saturn |
Tempel van Seti I (Koerna) | Mortuary Temple of Seti I |
Tempel van Uppsala | Temple at Uppsala |
Tempel van Venus Cloacina | Shrine of Venus Cloacina |
Tempel van Venus en Roma | Temple of Venus and Roma |
Tempel van Vespasianus en Titus | Temple of Vespasian and Titus |
Tempel van Vesta | Temple of Vesta |
Tempel van Victoria | Temple of Victory |
Tempelberg | Temple Mount |
Tempelblok | Temple block |
Tempelcomplex van Dendera | Dendera Temple complex |
Tempelhof-Schöneberg | Tempelhof-Schöneberg |
Tempeliers | Knights Templar |
Tempelprostitutie | Sacred prostitution |
Tempelschildpad | Yellow-headed temple turtle |
Temper Temper | Temper Temper (Bullet for My Valentine album) |
Temperament | Temperament |
Temperament (muziek) | Musical temperament |
Temperance Brennan | Temperance "Bones" Brennan |
Temperatuur | Temperature |
Temperatuurcoëfficiënt | Temperature coefficient |
Temperatuur-geprogrammeerde reductie | Temperature-programmed reduction |
Temperatuurgradiënt | Temperature gradient |
Temperatuurvereffeningscoëfficiënt | Thermal diffusivity |
Temperijzer | Malleable iron |
TEMPEST | Tempest (codename) |
Tempest (album) | Tempest (Bob Dylan album) |
Tempest (schip) | Tempest (keelboat) |
Tempi (gemeente) | Tempi (municipality) |
Tempietto van San Pietro in Montorio | Tempietto |
Template | Template |
Template (software) | Template metaprogramming |
Temple | Temple (disambiguation) |
Temple (metrostation Londen) | Temple tube station |
Temple (metrostation Parijs) | Temple (Paris Métro) |
Temple (Texas) | Temple, Texas |
Temple Bar | Temple Bar, Dublin |
Temple City | Temple City, California |
Temple Grandin (film) | Temple Grandin (film) |
Temple of Set | Temple of Set |
Temple of the Dog (album) | Temple of the Dog (album) |
Temple Square | Temple Square |
Temple Terrace | Temple Terrace, Florida |
Temple Wood Stone Circles | Temple Wood |
Templecombe | Templecombe |
Temple-Laguyon | Temple-Laguyon |
Templemars | Templemars |
Templetonprijs | Templeton Prize |
Templeuve (Frankrijk) | Templeuve |
Templeux-la-Fosse | Templeux-la-Fosse |
Templeux-le-Guérard | Templeux-le-Guérard |
Tempo | Tempo (disambiguation) |
Tempo (auto) | Tempo (car) |
Tempo (muziek) | Tempo |
Tempo (schaken) | Tempo (chess) |
Tempo Beer Industries | Tempo Beer Industries |
Tempo di uccidere | Tempo di uccidere |
Tempo Records | Tempo Records (UK) |
Temporaalkwabepilepsie | Temporal lobe epilepsy |
Temporale kwab | Temporal lobe |
Temporomandibulaire disfunctie | Temporomandibular joint dysfunction |
Temppeliaukio-kerk | Temppeliaukio Church |
Tempsford | Tempsford |
Temptation Island | Temptation Island (TV series) |
Tempur | Tempur-Pedic |
Tempura | Tempura |
Tempus (doorverwijspagina) | Tempus |
Temsamane | Temsaman |
Temse | Temse |
Temu kunci | Boesenbergia rotunda |
Temür Khan | Temür Khan, Emperor Chengzong of Yuan |
Temuri Ketsbaia | Temuri Ketsbaia |
Ten | Ten (disambiguation) |
Ten (Pearl Jam) | Ten (Pearl Jam album) |
Ten Esschen (buurtschap) | Ten Esschen (hamlet) |
Ten Feet High | Ten Feet High |
Ten oosten van Eden | East of Eden (novel) |
Ten Thousand Bedrooms | Ten Thousand Bedrooms |
Tena | Tena |
Tena (Colombia) | Tena, Cundinamarca |
Tena (Ecuador) | Tena, Ecuador |
Tena Kourou | Mount Tenakourou |
Tenabo | Tenabo |
Tenabo (gemeente) | Tenabo Municipality |
Tenach | Tanakh |
Tenacious D in: The Pick of Destiny | Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny |
Tenafly | Tenafly, New Jersey |
Tenaille | Tenaille |
Tenakee Springs | Tenakee Springs, Alaska |
Tenay | Tenay |
Tenaya Lake | Tenaya Lake |
Tencin | Tencin |
Tencteren | Tencteri |
Tendai | Tendai |
Tendai Chimusasa | Tendai Chimusasa |
Tendapas | Col de Tende |
Tende | Tende |
Tender (locomotief) | Tender (rail) |
Tender Comrade | Tender Comrade |
Tender Prey | Tender Prey |
Tenderfoot | Le Pied-tendre |
Tenderloin | Tenderloin |
Tenderloin (San Francisco) | Tenderloin, San Francisco |
Tenderness | Tenderness (film) |
Tendilla | Tendilla |
Tendinitis calcarea | Calcific tendinitis |
Tendo | Tendō, Yamagata |
Tendon | Tendon, Vosges |
Tendring (civil parish) | Tendring, Essex |
Tendron | Tendron |
Tendu (gemeente) | Tendu, Indre |
Téné | Tene, Mali |
Těně | Těně |
Tenebrionoidea | Tenebrionoidea |
Tenedos | Tenedos (disambiguation) |
Tenedos (eiland) | Bozcaada |
Teneguía | Teneguía |
Teneni | Teneni |
Ténenkou | Ténenkou |
Tenerife | Tenerife (disambiguation) |
Tenerife (Canarische Eilanden) | Tenerife |
Tenerife (Magdalena) | Tenerife, Magdalena |
Teneur | Teneur |
Tenganan | Tenganan |
Tengboche | Tengboche |
Tengel | Batten |
Tengeliönjoki | Tengeliönjoki |
Tengellidae | Tengellidae |
Tengen | Tengen, Germany |
Tengere distel | Carduus tenuiflorus |
Tengere grasjuffer | Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly |
Tengere pantserjuffer | Lestes virens |
Tengere rus | Juncus tenuis |
Tengeri | Tengeri, Hungary |
Tenggarong | Tenggarong |
Tengiz Kitovani | Tengiz Kitovani |
Tengiz Sigua | Tengiz Sigua |
Tengizmeer | Lake Tengiz |
Tengőd | Tengőd |
Tengriisme | Tengrism |
Tengu | Tengu |
Tengwar | Tengwar |
Tengyur | Tengyur |
Tenhi | Tenhi |
Tenhult | Tenhult |
Tenille Dashwood | Tenille Dashwood |
Tenimyu | Tenimyu |
Ténindougou | Tenindougou |
Tenji | Emperor Tenji |
Tenjo | Tenjo |
Tenkovo | Tenkovo |
Tenkyong Wangpo | Karma Tenkyong |
Tenlastelegging | Indictment |
Tenmu | Emperor Temmu |
Tenna | Tenna (disambiguation) |
Tenna (Trente) | Tenna, Trentino |
Tenna (Zwitserland) | Tenna, Switzerland |
Tennantiet | Tennantite |
Tennengebirge | Tennen Mountains |
Tennessee (rivier) | Tennessee River |
Tennessee Titans | Tennessee Titans |
Tennessee walking horse | Tennessee Walking Horse |
Tennessee Waltz | Tennessee Waltz |
Tennessee whiskey | Tennessee whiskey |
Tennessee-klasse (kruiser) | Tennessee-class cruiser |
TenneT | TenneT |
TenneT-toren | KEMA Toren |
Tenney | Tenney, Minnesota |
Tennie | Tennie |
Tennis op de Gemenebestspelen 2010 | Tennis at the 2010 Commonwealth Games |
Tennis op de Olympische Jeugdzomerspelen 2010 | Tennis at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics |
Tennis op de Olympische Zomerspelen | Tennis at the Summer Olympics |
Tennis op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 | Tennis at the 2012 Summer Olympics |
Tennis op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 (gemengddubbel) | Tennis at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Mixed doubles |
Tennis op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 (mannendubbel) | Tennis at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Men's doubles |
Tennis op de Paralympische Zomerspelen | Wheelchair tennis at the Summer Paralympics |
Tennis op de Paralympische Zomerspelen 2008 | Wheelchair tennis at the 2008 Summer Paralympics |
Tennisbal | Tennis ball |
Tennistoernooi van Acapulco | Mexican Open (tennis) |
Tennistoernooi van Acapulco 2013 | 2013 Abierto Mexicano Telcel |
Tennistoernooi van Dubai | Dubai Tennis Championships |
Tennistoernooi van Dubai 2011 | 2011 Dubai Tennis Championships |
Tennistoernooi van Eastbourne | Eastbourne International |
Tennistoernooi van Indian Wells | Indian Wells Masters |
Tennistoernooi van Madrid 2013 | 2013 Mutua Madrid Open |
Tennistoernooi van Rosmalen | Rosmalen Grass Court Championships |
Tennistoernooi van Rosmalen 2010 | 2010 UNICEF Open |
Tennman Records | Tennman Records |
Tenno | Tenno (disambiguation) |
Tenno (Italië) | Tenno, Trentino |
Tennyson | Tennyson (disambiguation) |
Teno | Teno (disambiguation) |
Tenoch | Tenoch |
Tenochtitlan | Tenochtitlan |
Tenodera sinensis | Chinese mantis |
Tenões | Tenões |
Tenom | Tenom |
Tenor | Tenor (disambiguation) |
Tenor (zangstem) | Tenor |
Tenoriet | Tenorite |
Tenório | Tenório |
Tenorsaxofoon | Tenor saxophone |
Tenpey Wangchug | Tenpai Wangchuk, 8th Panchen Lama |
Tenreks | Tenrecidae |
Tenreks en goudmollen | Afrosoricida |
Tenri | Tenri, Nara |
Tenrikyo | Tenrikyo |
Tensas Parish | Tensas Parish, Louisiana |
Tensbüttel-Röst | Tensbüttel-Röst |
Tensed | Tensed, Idaho |
Tensegrity | Tensegrity |
Tensfeld | Tensfeld |
Tenshinhan | Tien Shinhan |
Tensiometer | Tensiometer (soil science) |
Tensor | Tensor |
Tensoralgebra | Tensor algebra |
Tensoren in de algemene relativiteitstheorie | Mathematics of general relativity |
Tensorproduct | Tensor product |
Tensou Sentai Goseiger | Tensou Sentai Goseiger |
Tensta | Tensta |
Tent | Tent |
Tentakel | Tentacle |
Tentakelkrans | Lophophore |
Tentakelslang | Erpeton tentaculatum |
Tentara Nasional Indonesia | Indonesian National Armed Forces |
Tentdak | Tented roof |
Tenterden | Tenterden |
Tenterfield Shire Council | Tenterfield Shire |
Tenth Avenue | Tenth Avenue (Manhattan) |
Tentharing | Tent peg |
Tentoonstelling | Exhibition |
Tentpegging | Tent pegging |
Tentúgal | Tentúgal |
Tenualosa ilisha | Ilish |
Tenuisentidae | Tenuisentidae |
Tenuto | Tenuto |
Tenza | Tenza |
Tenzin | Tenzin |
Tenzin Chödrag | Tenzin Choedrak |
Tenzin Delek | Tenzin Delek Rinpoche |
Tenzin Palmo | Tenzin Palmo |
Tenzin Sönam | Tenzing Sonam |
Tenzing Norgay | Tenzing Norgay |
Teo | Teo |
Teo (Spanje) | Teo, A Coruña |
Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together) | Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together) |
Teočak | Teočak |
Teoctist Arăpașu | Teoctist Arăpașu |
Teodolfo Mertel | Teodolfo Mertel |
Teodor Axentowicz | Teodor Axentowicz |
Teodora Kolarova | Teodora Kolarova |
Teodoro Sampaio | Teodoro Sampaio |
Teodoro Sampaio (São Paulo) | Teodoro Sampaio, São Paulo |
Teodoro Schmidt | Teodoro Schmidt, Chile |
Teodoro Yangco | Teodoro R. Yangco |
Teofilo Yldefonso | Teófilo Yldefonso |
Teofisto Guingona jr. | Teofisto Guingona, Jr. |
Teoloyucan | Teoloyucan, State of Mexico |
Teoponte (gemeente) | Teoponte Municipality |
Teorama | Teorama |
Teorbe | Theorbo |
Teos (farao) | Teos of Egypt |
Teos (Klein-Azië) | Teos |
Teotihuacán (historische stad) | Teotihuacán |
Tepaal | Tepal |
Tepaneken | Tepanec |
Tepatitlán de Morelos | Tepatitlán, Jalisco |
Tépe | Tépe |
Tepe Sialk | Tepe Sialk |
Tepeče | Tepeče |
Tepecik Belediyespor | Tepecik B.S. |
Tepel | Nipple |
Tepelenë (district) | Tepelenë District |
Tepelenë (stad) | Tepelenë |
Tepelhoed | Nipple shield (breastfeeding) |
Tepelklem | Nipple clamp |
Tepexpan | Tepexpan, State of Mexico |
Tepeyollotl | Tepeyollotl |
Tephrodornithidae | Tephrodornithidae |
Tephrozosterops | Rufescent Darkeye |
Tepito | Tepito |
Teplice nad Bečvou | Teplice nad Bečvou |
Teplice nad Metují | Teplice nad Metují |
Teplička | Teplička |
Teplička (okres Karlsbad) | Teplička (Karlovy Vary District) |
Teplička (okres Spišská Nová Ves) | Teplička, Spišská Nová Ves District |
Tepličky | Tepličky |
Tepotzotlán | Tepotzotlán |
TEPP | Tetraethyl pyrophosphate |
Teppei Nishiyama | Teppei Nishiyama |
Teptui-tinamoe | Tepui Tinamou |
Tepui | Tepui |
Tepuihyla | Tepuihyla |
Tequesta | Tequesta, Florida |
Tequila | Tequila (disambiguation) |
Tequila (Jalisco) | Tequila, Jalisco |
Tequila Sunrise | Tequila Sunrise (cocktail) |
Tequila Sunrise (film) | Tequila Sunrise (film) |
Tequilacrisis | 1994 economic crisis in Mexico |
Tequilavulkaan | Tequila Volcano |
Tequisquiapan | Tequisquiapan |
Tequixquiac | Tequixquiac |
Ter | Ter |
Ter (rivier) | Ter (river) |
Ter Aard | Ter Aard |
Ter Apelkanaal | Ter Apelkanaal |
Ter Heijde | Ter Heijde |
Ter Horst | Ter Horst |
Ter Idzard | Ter Idzard |
Ter Kamerenbos | Bois de la Cambre |
TER Languedoc-Roussillon | TER Languedoc-Roussillon |
TER Rhône-Alpes | TER Rhône-Alpes |
Terach | Terah |
Teralfene | Teralfene |
Teramo (provincie) | Province of Teramo |
Teramo Calcio | S.S. Teramo Calcio |
Terany | Terany |
Terastia subjectalis | Terastia subjectalis |
Teratogeen | Teratology |
Teratoom | Teratoma |
Teratornis | Teratornis |
Teratoscincus | Teratoscincus |
Teratozoöspermie | Teratospermia |
Terband | Terband |
Terbeschikkingstelling (Nederlands strafrecht) | Involuntary commitment |
Terbinafine | Terbinafine |
Terbium(III)bromide | Terbium(III) bromide |
Terbium(III)chloride | Terbium(III) chloride |
Terbium(III)jodide | Terbium(III) iodide |
Terbium(III)oxide | Terbium(III) oxide |
Terborg | Terborg |
Tercé | Tercé |
Terceira | Terceira Island |
Tercera División | Tercera División |
Tercero Arriba (departement) | Tercero Arriba Department |
Tercillat | Tercillat |
Tercio | Tercio |
Tercis-les-Bains | Tercis-les-Bains |
Terdegem | Terdeghem |
Tere aardslak | Malacolimax tenellus |
Tere platschelp | Tellina tenuis |
Tere zomervlinder | Hemistola chrysoprasaria |
Terebellum | Terebellum |
Terebellum (ster) | Terebellum (astronomy) |
Terebești | Terebești |
Teredo | Teredo (genus) |
Tereftaalzuur | Terephthalic acid |
Terek | Terek |
Terek (rivier) | Terek River |
Terek (stad) | Terek, Kabardino-Balkar Republic |
Terek Grozny | FC Terek Grozny |
Terekayschildpad | Yellow-spotted river turtle |
Terem | Terem |
Teremia Mare | Teremia Mare |
Terence James Cooke | Terence Cooke |
Terence Kongolo | Terence Kongolo |
Terence McKenna | Terence McKenna |
Terence O'Neill | Terence O'Neill, Baron O'Neill of the Maine |
Terence Young | Terence Young (director) |
Terenos | Terenos |
Terenten | Terenten |
Terentia Varrones | Terentia |
Terentilius | Terentilius |
Terenura | Terenura |
Terény | Terény |
Terenzo Bozzone | Terenzo Bozzone |
Tereré | Tereré |
Teresa | Teresa (disambiguation) |
Teresa (Rizal) | Teresa, Rizal |
Teresa Graves | Teresa Graves |
Teresa Guiccioli | Teresa, Contessa Guiccioli |
Teresa Heinz Kerry | Teresa Heinz |
Teresa Margolles | Teresa Margolles |
Teresa van León | Theresa, Countess of Portugal |
Teresa Venerdì | Teresa Venerdì |
Teresin | Teresin |
Teresin (gemeente) | Gmina Teresin |
Teresin (powiat Sochaczewski) | Teresin, Sochaczew County |
Teresina (gemeente) | Teresina |
Teresina de Goiás | Teresina de Goiás |
Tereske | Tereske |
Teresópolis | Teresópolis |
Terešov | Terešov |
Terespol (gemeente) | Gmina Terespol |
Tereszpol (gemeente) | Gmina Tereszpol |
Teretonga Park | Teretonga Park |
Teretrurus sanguineus | Teretrurus |
Tereza Kerndlová | Tereza Kerndlová |
Tereza Marinova | Tereza Marinova |
Tereza Yohannes | Tereza Yohannes |
Terezín (okres Hodonín) | Terezín (Hodonín District) |
Terezópolis de Goiás | Terezópolis de Goiás |
Terfenyl | Terphenyl |
Terfeziaceae | Terfeziaceae |
Terhathum (district) | Terhathum District |
Terheijden | Terheijden |
Terheijl (buurtschap) | Terheijl |
Terhole | Terhole |
Terhorne | Terherne |
Teri Austin | Teri Austin |
Teri Moïse | Teri Moïse |
Teriakovce | Teriakovce |
Terig Tucci | Terig Tucci |
Terjat | Terjat |
Terkaple | Terkaple |
Terlan | Terlan |
Těrlicko | Těrlicko |
Terlizzi | Terlizzi |
Terma | Terma (religion) |
Térmens | Térmens |
Termes (Ardennes) | Termes, Ardennes |
Termes (Aude) | Termes, Aude |
Termes (Lozère) | Termes, Lozère |
Termes-d'Armagnac | Termes-d'Armagnac |
Termieten | Termite |
Termijnmarkt | Futures exchange |
Terminaal | Terminal illness |
Terminaal haar | Terminal hair |
Terminal (Apple) | Terminal (OS X) |
Terminal (vliegveld) | Airport terminal |
Terminal Choice | Terminal Choice |
Terminal control area | Terminal control area |
Terminale en niet-terminale symbolen | Terminal and nonterminal symbols |
Terminalemulator | Terminal emulator |
Terminalia ivorensis | Terminalia ivorensis |
Terminate and Stay Resident | Terminate and Stay Resident |
Terminatief | Terminative case |
Terminator | Terminator |
Terminator (concept) | Terminator (character concept) |
Terminator (franchise) | Terminator (franchise) |
Terminator (genetica) | Terminator (genetics) |
Terminator 2: Judgment Day | Terminator 2: Judgment Day |
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines |
Terminator Salvation | Terminator Salvation |
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles |
Terminatorzaad | Genetic use restriction technology |
Terminiers | Terminiers |
Terminologie | Terminology |
Terminus | Terminus |
Terminus (mythologie) | Terminus (god) |
Termiz | Termez |
Termonfeckin | Termonfeckin |
Terms of Endearment | Terms of Endearment |
Termunterzijl | Termunterzijl |
Terňa | Terňa |
Ternair | Ternary |
Ternand | Ternand |
Ternant (Charente-Maritime) | Ternant, Charente-Maritime |
Ternant (Côte-d'Or) | Ternant, Côte-d'Or |
Ternant (Nièvre) | Ternant, Nièvre |
Ternant-les-Eaux | Ternant-les-Eaux |
Ternas | Ternas |
Ternat (België) | Ternat |
Ternat (Frankrijk) | Ternat, Haute-Marne |
Ternate | Ternate (disambiguation) |
Ternate (Cavite) | Ternate, Cavite |
Ternate (eiland) | Ternate |
Ternate (Italië) | Ternate, Lombardy |
Ternay (Loir-et-Cher) | Ternay, Loir-et-Cher |
Ternay (Rhône) | Ternay, Rhône |
Ternay (Vienne) | Ternay, Vienne |
Ternes (metrostation) | Ternes (Paris Métro) |
Terni (provincie) | Province of Terni |
Terno d'Isola | Terno d'Isola |
Terny-Sorny | Terny-Sorny |
Teroele | Teroele |
Teror | Teror |
Terp | Artificial dwelling hill |
Terpandros | Terpander |
Terpeen | Terpene |
Terpentijn | Turpentine |
Terpentijnboom | Pistacia terebinthus |
Terpentine | White spirit |
Terpineen | Terpinene |
Terpinehydraat | Terpin hydrate |
Terpsiphone | Paradise flycatcher |
Terpstra | Terpstra |
Terpyridine | Terpyridine |
Terra (filmmaatschappij) | Terra Film |
Terra de Areia | Terra de Areia |
Terra em Transe | Entranced Earth |
Terra Incognita | Terra incognita (disambiguation) |
Terra Mariana | Terra Mariana |
Terra Nova (televisieserie) | Terra Nova (TV series) |
Terra Nova-expeditie | Terra Nova Expedition |
Terra nullius | Terra nullius |
Terra Roxa (São Paulo) | Terra Roxa |
Terra sigillata | Terra sigillata |
Terracotta | Terracotta |
Terradillos de Esgueva | Terradillos de Esgueva |
Terråk | Terråk |
Terralonus | Terralonus |
Terramarecultuur | Terramare culture |
Terramesnil | Terramesnil |
Terramuggus | Terramuggus, Connecticut |
Terrance & Phillip in Not Without My Anus | Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus |
Terrapene | Box turtle |
Terrapene coahuila | Coahuilan box turtle |
Terrapene nelsoni | Spotted box turtle |
Terrapin (amfibievoertuig) | Terrapin (amphibious vehicle) |
Terras | Terrace |
Terras (landbouw) | Terrace farming |
Terras de Bouro | Terras de Bouro Municipality |
Terras in Sainte-Adresse | Garden at Sainte-Adresse (Monet) |
Terrasjeskommazweefvlieg | Eupeodes corollae |
Terrats | Terrats |
Terraube | Terraube |
Terravorming | Terraforming |
Terrax | Terrax |
Terrazzo (materiaal) | Terrazzo |
Terrazzo (Verona) | Terrazzo, Veneto |
Terre des Hommes | Terre des hommes |
Terre Haute | Terre Haute, Indiana |
Terrebasse | Terrebasse |
Terrebonne | Terrebonne |
Terrebonne (Canada) | Terrebonne, Quebec |
Terrebonne Parish | Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana |
Terre-Clapier | Terre-Clapier |
Terre-de-Bas | Terre-de-Bas |
Terre-de-Haut | Terre-de-Haut |
Terrefondrée | Terrefondrée |
Terrehault | Terrehault |
Terrein (geologie) | Terrane |
Terreinauto | Off-road vehicle |
Terrell | Terrell, Texas |
Terrell County | Terrell County |
Terrell County (Georgia) | Terrell County, Georgia |
Terrell County (Texas) | Terrell County, Texas |
Terrence Boyd | Terrence Boyd |
Terrence Holder | Terrence Holder |
Terre-Neuve | Terre-Neuve, Artibonite |
Terreneuvien | Terreneuvian |
Terres | Terres |
Terret gris | Terret gris |
Terret noir | Terret noir |
Terreur | Terror (disambiguation) |
Terreur (Franse Revolutie) | Reign of Terror |
Terreurwinter | Winter of Terror |
Terri Colombino | Terri Conn |
Terri Irwin | Terri Irwin |
Terri Runnels | Terri Runnels |
Terri Schuester | Terri Schuester |
Terrible Teddy, the Grizzly King | Terrible Teddy, the Grizzly King |
Terriente | Terriente |
Terriër | Terrier (disambiguation) |
Terriër (hond) | Terrier |
Terrier-Rouge | Terrier-Rouge |
Terrigeen | Terrigenous sediment |
Terrine | Terrine (cookware) |
Territoriaal geschil | Territorial dispute |
Territoriale abdij | Territorial abbey |
Territoriale Defensie | Territorial Defense Forces (Yugoslavia) |
Territoriale indeling van Acre | List of municipalities in Acre |
Territoriale indeling van Amazonas | List of municipalities in Amazonas |
Territoriale indeling van Minas Gerais | List of municipalities in Minas Gerais |
Territoriale indeling van Roraima | List of municipalities in Roraima |
Territoriale indeling van São Paulo | List of municipalities in São Paulo |
Territoriale indeling van Tocantins | List of municipalities in Tocantins |
Territoriale integriteit | Territorial integrity |
Territoriale wateren | Territorial waters |
Territorialiteitsbeginsel | Territorial principle |
Territorium (afhankelijk gebied) | Territory |
Territorium (dieren) | Territory (animal) |
Territorium Nieuw-Guinea | Territory of New Guinea |
Territorium Papoea | Territory of Papua |
Territorium Papoea en Nieuw-Guinea | Territory of Papua and New Guinea |
Terroba | Terroba |
Terroles | Terroles |
Terron-sur-Aisne | Terron-sur-Aisne |
Terror (band) | Terror (band) |
Terror by Night | Terror by Night |
Terror Háza Múzeum | House of Terror |
Terror management theory | Terror management theory |
Terror of Mechagodzilla | Terror of Mechagodzilla |
Terrorama! | Terrorama |
Terrorcore | Terrorcore |
Terrorfakt | Terrorfakt |
Terrorisme | Terrorism |
Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment | Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment |
Terroristische aanslag in het Maxim-restaurant van Haifa | Maxim restaurant suicide bombing |
Terroristische aanslag in het Sbarro-pizzarestaurant van Jeruzalem | Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing |
Terroristische aanslag in Luxor | Luxor massacre |
Terroristische aanslagen in Casablanca van 16 mei 2003 | 2003 Casablanca bombings |
Terroristische aanslagen in Londen van 7 juli 2005 | 7 July 2005 London bombings |
Terroristische aanslagen in Madrid van 11 maart 2004 | March 11, 2004 Madrid attacks |
Terroristische aanslagen in Sharm-el-Sheikh van 23 juli 2005 | 2005 Sharm el-Sheikh attacks |
Terroso | Terroso |
Terrou | Terrou |
Terry | Terry (disambiguation) |
Terry (Mississippi) | Terry, Mississippi |
Terry (Montana) | Terry, Montana |
Terry Balsamo | Terry Balsamo |
Terry Bisson | Terry Bisson |
Terry Branstad | Terry Branstad |
Terry Brunk | Sabu (wrestler) |
Terry County | Terry County, Texas |
Terry Davis (politicus) | Terry Davis (politician) |
Terry Deary | Terry Deary |
Terry Farrell | Terry Farrell (actress) |
Terry Fox | Terry Fox |
Terry Gerin | Rhino (wrestler) |
Terry Gibbs | Terry Gibbs |
Terry Gordy | Terry Gordy |
Terry Hall | Terry Hall (singer) |
Terry Jenkins | Terry Jenkins |
Terry Jones | Terry Jones |
Terry Lester | Terry Lester |
Terry Lightfoot | Terry Lightfoot |
Terry McGovern (acteur) | Terry McGovern (actor) |
Terry McGovern (bokser) | Terry McGovern (boxer) |
Terry Nation | Terry Nation |
Terry O'Quinn | Terry O'Quinn |
Terry Serpico | Terry Serpico |
Terry Williams | Terry Williams (drummer) |
Terrytown | Terrytown |
Terryville | Terryville |
Terryville (Connecticut) | Terryville, Connecticut |
Ter-Samisch | Ter Sami language |
Tersanne | Tersanne |
Tersannes | Tersannes |
Terschellings volkslied | Oan Schylge |
Terssac | Terssac |
Tert-butylhydroperoxide | Tert-Butyl hydroperoxide |
Tert-butyllithium | Tert-Butyllithium |
Tərtər (district) | Tartar Rayon |
Tertiair | Tertiary |
Tertiaire kleur | Tertiary color |
Tertiaire sector | Service sector |
Tertius | Tertius (sandbank) |
Tertön | Tertön |
Tertry | Tertry, Somme |
Terts (gebed) | Terce |
Terts (muziek) | Major third |
Tertullianus | Tertullian |
Teruaki Kobayashi | Teruaki Kobayashi |
Teruaki Kurobe | Teruaki Kurobe |
Teruel (Huila) | Teruel, Huila |
Teruel (provincie) | Province of Teruel |
Terug naar Nooitgedachtland | Return to Never Land |
Terugkeer in de atmosfeer | Atmospheric entry |
Terugkoppeling | Feedback |
Terugleververgoeding | Feed-in tariff |
Terugleververgoeding in Duitsland | German Renewable Energy Act |
Terugslag | Recoil |
Terugslagventiel | Check valve |
Terugtrekking van gletsjers sinds 1850 | Retreat of glaciers since 1850 |
Teruki Miyamoto | Teruki Miyamoto |
Teruki Tabata | Teruki Tabata |
Teruo Abe | Teruo Abe |
Teruo Iwamoto | Teruo Iwamoto |
Teruyoshi Ito | Teruyoshi Ito |
Tervaskanto | Tervaskanto |
Tērvetes novads | Tērvete Municipality |
Tervuerense herder | Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervuren) |
Tervurenlaan | Avenue de Tervueren |
Terwispel | Terwispel |
Terzaga | Terzaga |
Terzi | Terzi |
Terzine | Tercet |
Terzo | Terzo, Piedmont |
Terzo d'Aquileia | Terzo d'Aquileia |
Terzool | Tersoal |
Tés | Tés |
Tésa | Tésa |
Tesalia | Tesalia |
Tesáre | Tesáre |
Tesch & Stabenow | Tesch & Stabenow |
Teschen | Teschen |
Teschendorf | Teschendorf |
Tesem | Tesem |
Téseny | Téseny |
Těšetice (okres Znojmo) | Těšetice (Znojmo District) |
Tesfaye Eticha | Tesfaye Eticha |
Tesfaye Jifar | Tesfaye Jifar |
Tesfaye Tafa | Tesfaye Tafa |
Teshio (provincie) | Teshio Province |
Teshub | Teshub |
Tesis | Tesis |
Teskánd | Teskánd |
Tesla | Tesla (disambiguation) |
Tesla (band) | Tesla (band) |
Tesla (eenheid) | Tesla (unit) |
Tesla Model S | Tesla Model S |
Tesla-bol | Plasma globe |
Tesla's ei van Columbus | Tesla's Egg of Columbus |
Tesla-transformator | Tesla coil |
Teso | Teso |
Teso (district) | Teso District, Kenya |
Teso (volk) | Teso people |
Těšovice | Těšovice |
Těšovice (okres Prachatice) | Těšovice (Prachatice District) |
Těšovice (okres Sokolov) | Těšovice (Sokolov District) |
Tespe | Tespe |
Tess | Tess (disambiguation) |
Tess (film) | Tess (film) |
Tess (voornaam) | Tess |
Tess of the d'Urbervilles | Tess of the d'Urbervilles |
Tess of the D'Urbervilles (miniserie) | Tess of the D'Urbervilles (TV serial) |
Tess of the Storm Country | Tess of the Storm Country |
Tess of the Storm Country (1922) | Tess of the Storm Country (1922 film) |
Tessa James | Tessa James |
Tessancourt-sur-Aubette | Tessancourt-sur-Aubette |
Tessé-Froulay | Tessé-Froulay |
Tessel (Frankrijk) | Tessel |
Tessenow | Tessenow |
Tessera | Tessera |
Tesseract | Tesseract |
Tesseract (software) | Tesseract (software) |
Tesserla | Tesserla |
Tessin | Tessin |
Tessin (bij Rostock) | Tessin, Germany |
Tessin b. Boizenburg | Tessin bei Boizenburg |
Tessit | Tessit |
Tesson | Tesson |
Tessonnière | Tessonnière |
Tessy-sur-Vire | Tessy-sur-Vire |
Test | Test |
Test & Albert | T & A (professional wrestling) |
Test Act | Test Act |
Test Drive Unlimited | Test Drive Unlimited |
Test Drive Unlimited 2 | Test Drive Unlimited 2 |
Test Icicles | Test Icicles |
Test Management Approach | Test Management Approach |
Test Pilot | Test Pilot (film) |
Test Track (Epcot) | Test Track |
Test Valley | Test Valley |
Test van Trendelenburg | Trendelenburg's sign |
Test-Aankoop | Test-Achats |
Testacella maugei | Testacella maugei |
Testacella scutulum | Testacella scutulum |
Testament | Testament |
Testament (akte) | Will (law) |
Testament (band) | Testament (band) |
Testament Records (VS) | Testament Records (United States) |
Testament van Ba | Testament of Ba |
Testbeeld | Test card |
Testcase | Test case |
Testcricket | Test cricket |
Test-driven development | Test-driven development |
Testelt | Testelt |
Testen (software) | Software Testing |
Testerep | Testerep |
Testify | Testify (Rage Against the Machine song) |
Testimonium de auditu | Hearsay |
Testinstallatie voor antennes | Brück aerial testing facility |
Testlocatie Semipalatinsk | Semipalatinsk Test Site |
Testorf-Steinfort | Testorf-Steinfort |
Testosteron | Testosterone |
Testplan | Test plan |
Testtool | Test automation |
Testudinalia testudinalis | Testudinalia testudinalis |
Testudinoidea | Testudinoidea |
Testudo | Testudo |
Testudo (formatie) | Testudo formation |
Testudo (geslacht) | Testudo (genus) |
Tesuque | Tesuque, New Mexico |
Têt | Têt (river) |
Tet (letter) | Teth |
Tết Nguyên Đán | Tết |
Tétaigne | Tétaigne |
Tétange | Tétange |
Tetanospasmine | Tetanospasmin |
Tetanus | Tetanus |
Tete | Tete (disambiguation) |
Tete (provincie) | Tete Province |
Tete (stad) | Tete, Mozambique |
Tête-bêche | Tête-bêche |
Tetegem | Téteghem |
Teteh Bangura | Teteh Bangura |
Tetela | Tetela |
Tetenhusen | Tetenhusen |
Teterboro (New Jersey) | Teterboro, New Jersey |
Teterboro Airport | Teterboro Airport |
Teteringen | Teteringen |
Tethering | Tethering |
Téthieu | Téthieu |
Tethya actinia | Tethya actinia |
Tethys (maan) | Tethys (moon) |
Tethys (mythologie) | Tethys (mythology) |
Tethys fimbria | Tethys fimbria |
Tethyshadros | Tethyshadros |
Tethysoceaan | Tethys Ocean |
Teti (farao) | Teti |
Teti (Italië) | Tethys |
Tetín | Tetín |
Tetín (okres Beroun) | Tetín (Beroun District) |
Tetín (okres Jičín) | Tetín (Jičín District) |
Tetisheri | Tetisheri |
Tetjana Petljoek | Tetiana Petlyuk |
Tetjana Teresjtsjoek-Antipova | Tetyana Tereshchuk-Antipova |
Tetjoesji | Tetyushi |
Tetlin | Tetlin, Alaska |
Tetnoeldi | Tetnuldi |
Tet-offensief | Tet Offensive |
Teton County | Teton County |
Teton County (Idaho) | Teton County, Idaho |
Teton County (Montana) | Teton County, Montana |
Teton County (Wyoming) | Teton County, Wyoming |
Tetongebergte | Teton Range |
Tetov | Tetov |
Tetovo | Tetovo |
Tetra | Tetra (disambiguation) |
Tetra (album) | Tetr4 |
Tetrabiblos | Tetrabiblos |
Tetrabrachiidae | Tetrabrachiidae |
Tetrabroombisfenol A | Tetrabromobisphenol A |
Tetrabroommethaan | Tetrabromomethane |
Tetraceen | Tetracene |
Tetracentraceae | Tetracentraceae |
Tetraceratops | Tetraceratops |
Tetracheilostoma carlae | Barbados threadsnake |
Tetrachlooretheen | Tetrachloroethylene |
Tetrachloormethaan | Carbon tetrachloride |
Tetrachord | Tetrachord |
Tetraclinis | Tetraclinis |
Tetracyanochinodimethaan | Tetracyanoquinodimethane |
Tetracycline | Tetracycline |
Tetracyclines | Tetracycline antibiotics |
Tetradecaan | Tetradecane |
Tetradifon | Tetradifon |
Tetradrachme | Tetradrachm |
Tetradymiet | Tetradymite |
Tetraeder (Bottrop) | Tetrahedron in Bottrop |
Tetraëdergetal | Tetrahedral number |
Tetraëdrische moleculaire geometrie | Tetrahedral molecular geometry |
Tetra-ethyllood | Tetraethyllead |
Tetraethylorthosilicaat | Tetraethyl orthosilicate |
Tetrafenyleen | Tetraphenylene |
Tetrafenylmethaan | Tetraphenylmethane |
Tetrafluorboorzuur | Fluoroboric acid |
Tetrafluoretheen | Tetrafluoroethylene |
Tetrafluormethaan | Tetrafluoromethane |
Tetragnatha | Tetragnatha |
Tetragonaal kristalstelsel | Tetragonal crystal system |
Tetragondacnus spilotus | Tetragondacnus spilotus |
Tetragonurus | Squaretail |
Tetrahedraan | Tetrahedrane |
Tetrahedron (tijdschrift) | Tetrahedron (journal) |
Tetrahydrocannabinol | Tetrahydrocannabinol |
Tetrahydrofuraan | Tetrahydrofuran |
Tetrahydrogestrinon | Tetrahydrogestrinone |
Tetrahydroisochinoline | Tetrahydroisoquinoline |
Tetrahydropyraan | Tetrahydropyran |
Tetrahydrothiofeen | Tetrahydrothiophene |
Tetrajoodmethaan | Carbon tetraiodide |
Tetraline | Tetralin |
Tetralogie | Tetralogy |
Tetralogie van Fallot | Tetralogy of Fallot |
Tetrameter | Tetrameter |
Tetramethylbutaan | Tetramethylbutane |
Tetramethylethyleendiamine | Tetramethylethylenediamine |
Tetramethylsilaan | Tetramethylsilane |
Tetramminekoper(II)sulfaat | Tetraamminecopper(II) sulfate |
Tetramorf | Tetramorph |
Tetra-n-butylammoniumfluoride | Tetra-n-butylammonium fluoride |
Tetranitromethaan | Tetranitromethane |
Tetrao | Tetrao |
Tetraodon | Tetraodon |
Tetraodon biocellatus | Tetraodon biocellatus |
Tetraodon cutcutia | Tetraodon cutcutia |
Tetraodon fluviatilis | Green pufferfish |
Tetraodon mbu | Mbu pufferfish |
Tetraodon miurus | Congo pufferfish |
Tetraodon nigroviridis | Tetraodon nigroviridis |
Tetraodon palembangensis | Tetraodon palembangensis |
Tetraogallus | Snowcock |
Tetraophasis | Tetraophasis |
Tetraplegie | Tetraplegia |
Tetrapol | TETRAPOL |
Tetrapturus | Tetrapturus |
Tetrapturus belone | Mediterranean spearfish |
Tetrapturus georgii | Roundscale spearfish |
Tetrapylon | Tetrapylon |
Tetrapyrrool | Tetrapyrrole |
Tetrarch | Tetrarch |
Tetrarchie | Tetrarchy |
Tetra-tert-butylmethaan | Tetra-tert-butylmethane |
Tetrathiafulvaleen | Tetrathiafulvalene |
Tetrathionaat | Tetrathionate |
Tetratie | Tetration |
Tetrazine | Tetrazine |
Tetrazool | Tetrazole |
Tetri Tsqaro (stad) | Tetri Tsqaro |
Tetricus | Tetricus |
Tetricus I | Tetricus I |
Tetricus II | Tetricus II |
TetriNET | TetriNET |
Tetris Attack | Tetris Attack |
Tetrode (elektronenbuis) | Tetrode |
Tetrodotoxine | Tetrodotoxin |
Tetromino | Tetromino |
Tetrosomus | Tetrosomus |
Tetrosomus gibbosus | Tetrosomus gibbosus |
Tetryl | Tetryl |
Tetsu Katayama | Tetsu Katayama |
Tetsuji Hashiratani | Tetsuji Hashiratani |
Tetsuo II: Body Hammer | Tetsuo II: Body Hammer |
Tetsuo Kondo | Tetsuo Kondo |
Tetsuo Nakanishi | Tetsuo Nakanishi |
Tetsuo Sugamata | Tetsuo Sugamata |
Tetsuro Watsuji | Tetsuro Watsuji |
Tetsuya Asano | Tetsuya Asano |
Tetsuya Enomoto | Tetsuya Enomoto |
Tetsuya Ito | Tetsuya Ito |
Tetsuya Okayama | Tetsuya Okayama |
Tetsuya Takada | Tetsuya Takada |
Tetsuya Theodore Fujita | Ted Fujita |
Tetsuya Totsuka | Tetsuya Totsuka |
Tetsuya Yamazaki | Tetsuya Yamazaki |
Tettau (Brandenburg) | Tettau, Brandenburg |
Tettau (Opper-Franken) | Tettau |
Tettigonia | Tettigonia |
Tettigoniinae | Tettigoniinae |
Tetun | Tetum language |
TEU | Twenty-foot equivalent unit |
Teuchern | Teuchern |
Teuchocercus keyi | Teuchocercus |
Teufen | Teufen, Appenzell Ausserrhoden |
Teuge | Teuge |
Teugelastrild | Crimson-rumped Waxbill |
Teugelijsvogel | Blue-breasted Kingfisher |
Teugelstekelstaartkangoeroe | Bridled nail-tail wallaby |
Teuillac | Teuillac |
Teukros | Teucer |
Teulada | Teulada |
Teulada (Italië) | Teulada, Sardinia |
Teulada (Spanje) | Teulada, Spain |
Teulat | Teulat |
Teun Struycken | Teun Struycken |
Teun van Dijk | Teun A. van Dijk |
Teunisbloem | Oenothera |
Teunisbloemaardvlo | Altica oleracea |
Teunisbloemfamilie | Onagraceae |
Teunisbloempijlstaart | Willowherb Hawkmoth |
Teurthéville-Bocage | Teurthéville-Bocage |
Teurthéville-Hague | Teurthéville-Hague |
Teuta | Teuta of Illyria |
Teutamus | Teutamus |
Teutates | Toutatis |
Teutleben | Teutleben |
Teutoburgerwoud | Teutoburg Forest |
Teutonen | Teutons |
Teutônia | Teutônia |
Teuvo Moilanen | Teuvo Moilanen |
Tevel | Tevel |
Tevfik Sırrı Gür Stadion | Tevfik Sırrı Gür Stadium |
Téviec | Téviec |
Tevita Fifita | Camacho (wrestler) |
Tevredenheid | Contentment |
Tewane | Tewane |
Tewkesbury (district) | Tewkesbury Borough |
Tex Williams | Tex Williams |
Texaanse draadwormslang | Leptotyphlops dulcis |
Texaanse padhagedis | Texas horned lizard |
Texaanse ratelslang | Western diamondback rattlesnake |
Texaanse Revolutie | Texas Revolution |
Texacephale | Texacephale |
Texarkana | Texarkana (disambiguation) |
Texarkana (Arkansas) | Texarkana, Arkansas |
Texarkana (Texas) | Texarkana, Texas |
Texas | Texas (disambiguation) |
Texas (Australië) | Texas, Queensland |
Texas (band) | Texas (band) |
Texas Across the River | Texas Across the River |
Texas blues | Texas blues |
Texas City | Texas City, Texas |
Texas County | Texas County |
Texas County (Missouri) | Texas County, Missouri |
Texas County (Oklahoma) | Texas County, Oklahoma |
Texas Cyclone | Texas Cyclone |
Texas Derby | Texas Derby |
Texas Giant | Texas Giant |
Texas Hold 'em | Texas hold 'em |
Texas Instruments TI-99/4A | Texas Instruments TI-99/4A |
Texas Open | Valero Texas Open |
Texas Rangers (honkbal) | Texas Rangers (baseball) |
Texas Terror | Texas Terror (film) |
Texas World Speedway | Texas World Speedway |
Texas-Duits | Texas German |
Texasgoffer | Texas pocket gopher |
Texaskangoeroegoffer | Texas kangaroo rat |
Texasnachtzwaluw | Lesser Nighthawk |
Texasschildpad | Texas tortoise |
Texcoco | Texcoco, State of Mexico |
Texcocomeer | Lake Texcoco |
Texel | Texel |
Texelaar (schaap) | Texel (sheep) |
Texelgroep | Texel Group |
Texelspitze | Texelspitze |
Texhoma | Texhoma |
Texico | Texico, New Mexico |
Tex-Mex | Tex-Mex (disambiguation) |
Tex-Mex (keuken) | Tex-Mex |
Tex-Mex (muziekgenre) | Tejano music |
Texola | Texola, Oklahoma |
Texola elada | Texola elada |
Textiel | Textile |
Textielafval | Textile recycling |
Textielindustrie | Textile industry |
Textielkunst | Textile arts |
Textile | Textile (markup language) |
Textured vegetable proteine | Textured vegetable protein |
Textures | Textures (band) |
Textus receptus | Textus Receptus |
Textuur | Texture |
Textuurmapping | Texture mapping |
Textuursynthese | Texture synthesis |
Teyba Erkesso | Teyba Erkesso |
Teyl | Teyl |
Teyla Emmagan | Teyla Emmagan |
Teylers Hofje | Teylers Hofje |
Teylers Museum | Teylers Museum |
Teylers Stichting | Teylers Stichting |
Teynham | Teynham |
Teyran | Teyran |
Teyssieu | Teyssieu |
Teyssode | Teyssode |
Tezozomoc | Tezozomoc (Azcapotzalco) |
TF-5 (Spanje) | Autopista TF-5 |
TFF 1. Lig | TFF First League |
T-Ford | Ford Model T |
TGA (bestandsformaat) | Truevision TGA |
T-geheugencel | Memory T cell |
TGN1412 | TGN1412 |
TGV | TGV (disambiguation) |
TGV Atlantique | SNCF TGV Atlantique |
TGV Duplex | SNCF TGV Duplex |
TGV Postal | SNCF TGV La Poste |
TGV Sud-Est | SNCF TGV Sud-Est |
TGV Thalys PBKA | SNCF TGV Thalys PBKA |
Th!nk | Think Global |
Tha (Arabische letter) | Ṯāʾ |
Tha Block Is Hot | Tha Block Is Hot |
Tha Carter II | Tha Carter II |
Tha Chin | Tha Chin River |
Thaa-atol | Thaa Atoll |
Thaas | Thaas |
Thaba Nchu | Thaba 'Nchu |
Thabala | Thabala |
Thabang Lebese | Thabang Lebese |
Thaba-Tseka (district) | Thaba-Tseka District |
Thabazimbi | Thabazimbi Local Municipality |
Thabit | Upsilon Orionis |
Thabit ibn Qurra | Thābit ibn Qurra |
Thabo Mofutsanyane | Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality |
Thad Luckinbill | Thad Luckinbill |
Thaddeus Bullard | Titus O'Neil |
Thaddeus S.C. Lowe | Thaddeus S. C. Lowe |
Thaden | Thaden |
Thaer Fayed Al-Bawab | Tha'er Bawab |
Thaghoet | Taghut |
Thai | Thai |
Thai (taal) | Thai language |
Thai (volk) | Thai people |
Thai AirAsia | Thai AirAsia |
Thái Bình (provincie) | Thái Bình Province |
Thái Bình (stad) | Thai Binh |
Thai Farmers Bank FC | Thai Farmers Bank F.C. |
Thai Global Network | Thai Global Network |
Thái Nguyên (provincie) | Thái Nguyên Province |
Thái Nguyên (stad) | Thái Nguyên |
Thai Port FC | Singhtarua F.C. |
Thai Premier League | Thai Premier League |
Thai Rak Thai | Thai Rak Thai Party |
Thai ridgebackdog | Thai Ridgeback |
Thai Sky Airlines | Thai Sky Airlines |
Thaiboksen | Thai boxing |
Thailand | Thailand |
Thailand op de Olympische Spelen | Thailand at the Olympics |
Thailand op de Olympische Winterspelen 2002 | Thailand at the 2002 Winter Olympics |
Thailand op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008 | Thailand at the 2008 Summer Olympics |
Thaims | Thaims |
Thairé | Thairé |
Thais | Thais |
Thaïs | Thaïs |
Thais alfabet | Thai alphabet |
Thais clavigera | Thais clavigera |
Thaïs van Alexandrië | Thaïs (saint) |
Thais voetbalelftal | Thailand national football team |
Thaise baht | Thai baht |
Thaise Bostraditie | Thai Forest Tradition |
Thaise cijfers | Thai numerals |
Thaise filmindustrie | Cinema of Thailand |
Thaise keuken | Thai food |
Thaise lampion | Sky lantern |
Thaise massage | Thai massage |
Thaise namen | Thai name |
Thaise platstaartgekko | Flat-tailed House Gecko |
Thaise Staatsspoorwegen | State Railway of Thailand |
Thaise Wikipedia | Thai Wikipedia |
Thaise zonkalender | Thai solar calendar |
Thaix | Thaix |
Thal (district) | Thal District |
Thal (Stiermarken) | Thal, Styria |
Thal (Zwitserland) | Thal, St. Gallen |
Thalaina clara | Thalaina clara |
Thalaina selenaea | Thalaina selenaea |
Thalassa (maan) | Thalassa (moon) |
Thalassa (mythologie) | Thalassa (mythology) |
Thalassarche | Mollymawk |
Thalassemie | Thalassaemia |
Thalassocratie | Thalassocracy |
Thalassodromeus | Thalassodromeus |
Thalassoica | Antarctic Petrel |
Thalassoma bifasciatum | Thalassoma bifasciatum |
Thalassoma hardwicke | Thalassoma hardwicke |
Thalassoma lunare | Moon wrasse |
Thalassoma lutescens | Thalassoma lutescens |
Thalassoma trilobatum | Thalassoma trilobatum |
Thalassophis anomalus | Thalassophis anomalus |
Thalassotherapie | Thalassotherapy |
Thalberg | Thalberg |
Thaleia | Thalia (Muse) |
Thaleropis ionia | Thaleropis |
Thales | Thales (disambiguation) |
Thales Groep | Thales Group |
Thales van Milete | Thales |
Thalheim (Saksen) | Thalheim, Saxony |
Thalheim (Zwitserland) | Thalheim, Aargau |
Thalia (planetoïde) | 23 Thalia |
Thalidomide | Thalidomide |
Thalkirchdorf | Thalkirchdorf |
Thallarcha albicollis | Thallarcha albicollis |
Thallarcha chrysochares | Thallarcha chrysochares |
Thallarcha eremicola | Thallarcha eremicola |
Thallarcha fusa | Thallarcha fusa |
Thallarcha fuscogrisea | Anestia ombrophanes |
Thallarcha partita | Thallarcha partita |
Thallarcha pellax | Thallarcha pellax |
Thallarcha sparsana | Thallarcha sparsana |
Thallium(I)sulfaat | Thallium(I) sulfate |
Thallomys | Acacia rat |
Thallomys loringi | Loring's rat |
Thallomys nigricauda | Black-tailed tree rat |
Thallomys paedulcus | Acacia Rat |
Thallomys shortridgei | Shortridge's rat |
Thallophyta | Thallophyte |
Thallus | Thallus |
Thalna | Thalna |
Thalurania | Woodnymph |
Thalwinkel | Thalwinkel |
Thame | Thame |
Thamen | Thamen |
Thames | Thames (disambiguation) |
Thames (Nieuw-Zeeland) | Thames, New Zealand |
Thames Barrier | Thames Barrier |
Thames Tunnel | Thames Tunnel |
Thammaca | Thammaca |
Thammasat-universiteit | Thammasat University |
Thamnolaea | Thamnolaea |
Thamnomys | Thicket rat |
Thamnomys kempi | Kemp's thicket rat |
Thamnomys major | Hatt's thicket rat |
Thamnomys venustus | Charming thicket rat |
Thamnophilidae | Antbird |
Thamnophilus | Thamnophilus |
Thamnophis elegans | Western terrestrial garter snake |
Thamserku | Thamserku |
Thanasis Veggos | Thanasis Veggos |
Thanatofobie | Necrophobia |
Thanatos | Thanatos |
Thandorf | Thandorf |
Thane | Thane (disambiguation) |
Thane (district) | Thane district |
Thanet (district) | Thanet |
Thanetien | Thanetian |
Thangorodrim | Thangorodrim |
Thangtong Gyalpo | Thang Tong Gyalpo |
Thanh Hóa (provincie) | Thanh Hóa Province |
Thanh Hóa (stad in Thanh Hóa) | Thanh Hóa |
Thành Thái | Thanh Thai |
Thanjavur (district) | Thanjavur district |
Thank God It's Christmas | Thank God It's Christmas |
Thank You for the Music | Thank You for the Music |
Thankful | Thankful (Kelly Clarkson album) |
Thankmar | Thankmar |
Thann | Thann, Haut-Rhin |
Thannhausen (Beieren) | Thannhausen |
Thannhausen (Steiermark) | Thannhausen, Styria |
Thanon Yaowarat | Yaowarat Road |
Thanos | Thanos |
Thao | Thao language |
Thao Suranari | Thao Suranari |
Thaon | Thaon |
Thaptomys nigrita | Blackish grass mouse |
Thar | Thar |
Tharangambadi | Tharangambadi |
Tharaux | Tharaux |
Thargeiten | Tahr |
Tharoiseau | Tharoiseau |
Tharot | Tharot |
Tharsis | Tharsis |
Tharwoestijn | Thar Desert |
Thasos (eiland) | Thasos |
That '70s Show | That '70s Show |
That Certain Thing | That Certain Thing |
That Certain Woman | That Certain Woman |
That Forsyte Woman | That Forsyte Woman |
That Hamilton Woman | That Hamilton Woman |
That Night in Rio | That Night in Rio |
That Touch of Mink | That Touch of Mink |
That Wonderful Urge | That Wonderful Urge |
Thatcher | Thatcher |
Thatcher (Arizona) | Thatcher, Arizona |
Thatcher-illusie | Thatcher effect |
Thatcherisme | Thatcherism |
That's My Bush! | That's My Bush! |
That's So Raven | That's So Raven |
That's the Way (I Like It) | That's the Way (I Like It) |
That's the Way Love Goes | That's the Way Love Goes (Janet Jackson song) |
Thaumastochilus | Thaumastochilus |
Thaumastura | Peruvian Sheartail |
Thaumatichthys | Thaumatichthys |
Thaumatichthys axeli | Thaumatichthys axeli |
Thaumatine | Thaumatin |
Thaumatomyia notata | Thaumatomyia notata |
Thaumatroop | Thaumatrope |
Thaumaturg | Thaumaturgy |
Thaumetopoea bonjeani | Thaumetopoea bonjeani |
Thaumetopoea pinivora | Thaumetopoea pinivora |
Thaumetopoea solitaria | Thaumetopoea solitaria |
Thaumiers | Thaumiers |
Thaumoctopus mimicus | Mimic octopus |
Thauron | Thauron |
Thauvenay | Thauvenay |
Thaworn Wiratchant | Thaworn Wiratchant |
Thaxted | Thaxted |
Thaya (gemeente) | Thaya, Austria |
Thayer (Nebraska) | Thayer, Nebraska |
Thayer County | Thayer County, Nebraska |
Thayeria boehlkei | Thayeria boehlkei |
THB Champions League | THB Champions League |
THC | THC (disambiguation) |
The 10th Kingdom | The 10th Kingdom |
The 11th Hour (computerspel) | The 11th Hour (video game) |
The 11th Hour (film) | The 11th Hour (film) |
The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo | The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo |
The 13th Letter | The 13th Letter |
The 13th Warrior | The 13th Warrior |
The 1st Album | The 1st Album (Modern Talking album) |
The 21st Century Schizoid Band | 21st Century Schizoid Band |
The 2nd Law | The 2nd Law |
The 2nd Law Tour | The 2nd Law World Tour |
The 39 Steps | The 39 Steps |
The 40 Year Old Virgin | The 40-Year-Old Virgin |
The 4400 | The 4400 |
The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T. | The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T |
The's | The's |
The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time | Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time |
The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time | Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time |
The 51st State | The 51st State |
The 5th Dimension | The 5th Dimension |
The A Team (single) | The A Team (song) |
The Abandoned | The Abandoned (2006 film) |
The Abattoir Blues Tour | The Abattoir Blues Tour |
The Abbey Road EP | The Abbey Road E.P. |
The Abyss (film) | The Abyss |
The Acacia Strain | The Acacia Strain |
The Academy | Academy (disambiguation) |
The Academy Is... | The Academy Is... |
The Accidental Tourist | The Accidental Tourist (film) |
The Accused | The Accused (1988 film) |
The Addams Family | The Addams Family |
The Addams Family (film) | The Addams Family (film) |
The Addams Family (televisieserie) | The Addams Family (TV series) |
The Addiction | The Addiction |
The Address Downtown Dubai | The Address Downtown Dubai |
The Adjustment Bureau | The Adjustment Bureau |
The Adolescents | Adolescents (band) |
The Adventurer | The Adventurer (film) |
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen | The Adventures of Baron Munchausen |
The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. | The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. |
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension | The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension |
The Adventures of Dollie | The Adventures of Dollie |
The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn | The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn |
The Adventures of Marco Polo | The Adventures of Marco Polo |
The Adventures of Pluto Nash | The Adventures of Pluto Nash |
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert | The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert |
The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie | The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie |
The Adventures of Robin Hood (film) | The Adventures of Robin Hood (film) |
The Adventures of Robin Hood (televisieserie) | The Adventures of Robin Hood (TV series) |
The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle | The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle |
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl | The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D |
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (disambiguation) |
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (film) | The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (film) |
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (televisieserie) | Sherlock Holmes (1984 TV series) |
The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (computerspel) | The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (video game) |
The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (film) | The Adventures of Tintin (film) |
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938) | The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938 film) |
The Affairs of Anatol | The Affairs of Anatol |
The Afghan | The Afghan |
The African Queen | The African Queen (film) |
The Age of Innocence | The Age of Innocence (disambiguation) |
The Age of Innocence (1993) | The Age of Innocence (1993 film) |
The Age of Reason | The Age of Reason |
The Age of Stupid | The Age of Stupid |
The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965) | The Agony and the Ecstasy (film) |
The Air I Breathe | The Air I Breathe |
The Alamo (2004) | The Alamo (2004 film) |
The Album | The Album |
The Album (album) | ABBA: The Album |
The Algorithm | The Algorithm |
The Alibi | The Alibi |
The Allisons | The Allisons |
The Allman Brothers Band | Allman Brothers Band |
The All-New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show | The New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show |
The Alphabet Killer | The Alphabet Killer |
The Alphabeta | Alphabeta |
The Amanda Show | The Amanda Show |
The Amazing Colossal Man | The Amazing Colossal Man |
The Amazing Panda Adventure | The Amazing Panda Adventure |
The Amazing Race | The Amazing Race |
The Amazing Spider-Man | The Amazing Spider-Man (disambiguation) |
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) | The Amazing Spider-Man (2012 movie) |
The Amazing Spider-Man (stripserie) | The Amazing Spider-Man |
The Amazing Spider-Man (televisieserie) | The Amazing Spider-Man (TV series) |
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 | The Amazing Spider-Man 2 |
The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin | The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin |
The Amazing Spiez! | The Amazing Spiez! |
The Amazing Transparent Man | The Amazing Transparent Man |
The Ambulance | The Ambulance |
The Amenta | The Amenta |
The American | The American (2010 film) |
The Americans | The Americans (2013 TV series) |
The Amityville Horror (2005) | The Amityville Horror (2005 film) |
The Amsterdam Dungeon | Amsterdam Dungeon |
The Andromeda Strain | The Andromeda Strain (film) |
The Angels (Australische band) | The Angels (Australian band) |
The Angels' Share | The Angels' Share |
The Angry Brigade | The Angry Brigade |
The Angry Video Game Nerd | The Angry Video Game Nerd |
The Animal | The Animal |
The Animatrix | The Animatrix |
The Anniversary Party | The Anniversary Party |
The Answer | The Answer (band) |
The Ant Bully | The Ant Bully (film) |
The Apartment | The Apartment |
The Ape | The Ape |
The Appaloosa | The Appaloosa |
The Applejacks | The Applejacks (UK band) |
The Apprentice | The Apprentice (U.S. TV series) |
The Archies | The Archies |
The Archives Vol. 1 1963-1972 | The Archives Vol. 1 1963–1972 |
The Ark | The Ark (band) |
The Arrangement | The Arrangement (1969 film) |
The Arrival (film) | The Arrival (film) |
The Art of Deception | The Art of Deception |
The Art of Noise | Art of Noise |
The Art of War | The Art of War (disambiguation) |
The Art of War (2008) | The Art of War (Sabaton album) |
The Artful Dodger | Artful Dodger (UK band) |
The Artist (film) | The Artist (film) |
The Ashes | The Ashes |
The Ashley Book of Knots | The Ashley Book of Knots |
The Asphalt Jungle | The Asphalt Jungle |
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford | The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford |
The Astronaut's Wife | The Astronaut's Wife |
The A-Team (film) | The A-Team (film) |
The A-Team (televisieserie) | The A-Team |
The Atheism Tapes | The Atheism Tapes |
The Atlantic | The Atlantic |
The Audience | The Audience (band) |
The Authority | The Authority |
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin | The Autobiography of Charles Darwin |
The Avenger | The Avenger (album) |
The Avengers (2012) | The Avengers (movie) |
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes | The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes |
The Avengers: United They Stand | The Avengers: United They Stand |
The Aviator | The Aviator |
The Awesome Machine | The Awesome Machine |
The Awful Truth (film) | The Awful Truth |
The B-52's | The B-52's |
The Babe Ruth Story | The Babe Ruth Story |
The Baby of Mâcon | The Baby of Mâcon |
The Babys | The Babys |
The Bachelor | The Bachelor (1999 film) |
The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer | The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer |
The Bachelors | The Bachelors |
The Back Room | The Back Room |
The Backyardigans | The Backyardigans |
The Bad and the Beautiful | The Bad and the Beautiful |
The Bad News Bears (film) | The Bad News Bears |
The Bad Seed | The Bad Seed (1956 film) |
The Ballad of Reading Gaol | The Ballad of Reading Gaol |
The Band Wagon | The Band Wagon |
The Bank | The Bank (1915 film) |
The Bank Dick | The Bank Dick |
The Bank Job | The Bank Job |
The Banner of Freedom | The Banner of Freedom |
The Barbarian and the Geisha | The Barbarian and the Geisha |
The Barclays | The Barclays |
The Barefoot Contessa | The Barefoot Contessa |
The Bargain (1914) | The Bargain (1914 film) |
The Baron of Arizona | The Baron of Arizona |
The Barretts of Wimpole Street | The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1934 film) |
The Basketball Diaries | The Basketball Diaries (film) |
The Batman | The Batman (TV series) |
The Batman vs. Dracula | The Batman vs. Dracula |
The Battle for Wesnoth | The Battle for Wesnoth |
The Battle of Los Angeles | The Battle of Los Angeles (album) |
The Battle of Midway | The Battle of Midway (1942 documentary) |
The Battle of San Pietro | The Battle of San Pietro |
The Battle of the Somme (film) | The Battle of the Somme (film) |
The Battlefield Band | Battlefield Band |
The Beach | The Beach (film) |
The Beast (Kings Island) | The Beast (roller coaster) |
The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms | The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms |
The Beat (Engelse band) | The Beat (band) |
The Beatles (album) | The Beatles (album) |
The Beatles in Mono | The Beatles in Mono |
The Beatles' Second Album | The Beatles' Second Album |
The Beatles Stereo Box Set | The Beatles Stereo Box Set |
The Beatles: Rock Band | The Beatles: Rock Band |
The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend | The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend |
The Beautiful Life | The Beautiful Life: TBL |
The Beaver | The Beaver (film) |
The Bedlam in Goliath | The Bedlam in Goliath |
The Beggar's Opera | The Beggar's Opera |
The Beguiled | The Beguiled |
The Belgian Pride | Christopher Street Day |
The Believer | The Believer (film) |
The Believers | The Believers |
The Bella Twins | The Bella Twins |
The Bellboy | The Bellboy |
The Belly of an Architect | The Belly of an Architect |
The Benchwarmers | The Benchwarmers |
The Best Damn Thing (single) | The Best Damn Thing (song) |
The Best of 1980-1990 (U2) | The Best of 1980–1990 |
The Best of Everything | The Best of Everything (1959 film) |
The Best of Michael Jackson | The Best of Michael Jackson |
The Best of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds | The Best of Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds |
The Best of The Wailers | The Best of The Wailers |
The Best Years of Our Lives | The Best Years of Our Lives |
The Bet Butler Stadium | Dumbarton Football Stadium |
The Beyoncé Experience | The Beyoncé Experience |
The Beyoncé Experience: Live | The Beyoncé Experience: Live |
The Bible (2013) | The Bible (TV miniseries) |
The Bible: In the Beginning | The Bible: In the Beginning |
The Bicycle Thief | The Bicycle Thief (band) |
The Big Bang (Busta Rhymes) | The Big Bang (Busta Rhymes album) |
The Big Boss | The Big Boss |
The Big Brawl | The Big Brawl |
The Big Broadcast of 1936 | The Big Broadcast of 1936 |
The Big C | The Big C (TV series) |
The Big Chill | The Big Chill (film) |
The Big Clock | The Big Clock (film) |
The Big Combo | The Big Combo |
The Big Country | The Big Country |
The Big Easy | The Big Easy (disambiguation) |
The Big Heat | The Big Heat |
The Big Hit | The Big Hit |
The Big Parade | The Big Parade |
The Big Picture | The Big Picture (1989 film) |
The Big Punch | The Big Punch |
The Big Read | The Big Read |
The Big Red One | The Big Red One |
The Big Sky | The Big Sky (film) |
The Big Sleep (1946) | The Big Sleep (1946 film) |
The Big Spin | The Big Spin |
The Big Steal | The Big Steal |
The Big Store | The Big Store |
The Big Trail | The Big Trail |
The Big Trees | The Big Trees |
The Big Valley | The Big Valley |
The Big Wedding | The Big Wedding |
The Bigamist | The Bigamist (1953 film) |
The Biggest Douche in the Universe | The Biggest Douche in the Universe |
The Binding of Isaac | The Binding of Isaac (video game) |
The Birdcage | The Birdcage |
The Birds | The Birds |
The Birds (film) | The Birds (movie) |
The Birds of America | The Birds of America |
The Birth of a Nation | The Birth of a Nation |
The Birthday Party | Birthday Party |
The Birthday Party (band) | The Birthday Party (band) |
The Bishop's Palace | Bishop's Palace, Kirkwall |
The Bitter End | The Bitter End |
The Bitter Tea of General Yen | The Bitter Tea of General Yen |
The Black Album | The Black Album |
The Black Album (Prince) | The Black Album (Prince album) |
The Black Angels | The Black Angels (band) |
The Black Balloon | The Black Balloon (film) |
The Black Cat (1934) | The Black Cat (1934 film) |
The Black Dahlia | The Black Dahlia (film) |
The Black Dahlia Murder | The Black Dahlia Murder (band) |
The Black Halo | The Black Halo |
The Black Hole | The Black Hole |
The Black Pirate (1926) | The Black Pirate |
The Black Scorpion (film) | The Black Scorpion (film) |
The Black Shield of Falworth | The Black Shield of Falworth |
The Black Stallion (film) | The Black Stallion (film) |
The Black Swan | The Black Swan (film) |
The Black Watch | The Black Watch |
The Black Windmill | The Black Windmill |
The Blackout | The Blackout (band) |
The Blade | The Blade (film) |
The Blair Witch Project | The Blair Witch Project |
The Blind Banker | The Blind Banker |
The Blind Side | The Blind Side (movie) |
The Blinding EP | The Blinding EP |
The Blob (1958) | The Blob |
The Blood of Fu Manchu | The Blood of Fu Manchu |
The Blood of Jesus | The Blood of Jesus |
The Blue Bird | The Blue Bird |
The Blue Bird (1976) | The Blue Bird (1976 film) |
The Blue Dahlia | The Blue Dahlia |
The Blue Diamonds | Blue Diamonds |
The Blue Eagle | The Blue Eagle |
The Blue Hour (film) | The Blue Hour |
The Blue Lagoon (1980) | The Blue Lagoon (1980 film) |
The Blue Max | The Blue Max |
The Blue Room EP | The Blue Room (EP) |
The Blues Brothers | Blues Brothers (disambiguation) |
The Blues Brothers (film) | The Blues Brothers (film) |
The Blues Busters | The Blues Busters |
The Boat Race | The Boat Race |
The Boat That Rocked | The Boat That Rocked |
The Boatman's Call | The Boatman's Call |
The Body Snatcher | The Body Snatcher (film) |
The Bodyguard | The Bodyguard |
The Bodysnatchers (band) | The Bodysnatchers (band) |
The Bohemian Girl | The Bohemian Girl (film) |
The Bold and the Beautiful | The Bold and the Beautiful |
The Bollock Brothers | Bollock Brothers |
The Bone Collector | The Bone Collector |
The Bone Snatcher | The Bone Snatcher |
The Bonfire of the Vanities | The Bonfire of the Vanities (film) |
The Boob | The Boob |
The Boondock Saints | The Boondock Saints |
The Boondocks (animatie) | The Boondocks (TV series) |
The Borgias (2011) | The Borgias (2011 TV series) |
The Born This Way Ball Tour | Born This Way Ball |
The Boss (achtbaan) | The Boss (roller coaster) |
The Bounty | The Bounty |
The Bounty Hunter | The Bounty Hunter (2010 film) |
The Bourne Identity | The Bourne Identity |
The Bourne Identity (boek) | The Bourne Identity (novel) |
The Bourne Identity (film) | The Bourne Identity (2002 film) |
The Bourne Legacy (film) | The Bourne Legacy (film) |
The Bourne Supremacy | The Bourne Supremacy (film) |
The Bourne Ultimatum | The Bourne Ultimatum (film) |
The Bowery (film) | The Bowery (1933 film) |
The Box (2009) | The Box (2009 film) |
The Boxer Rebellion | The Boxer Rebellion (band) |
The Boy in the Plastic Bubble | The Boy in the Plastic Bubble |
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas | The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (movie) |
The boy is mine | The Boy Is Mine (song) |
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf | The Boy Who Cried Werewolf |
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf (2010) | The Boy Who Cried Werewolf (2010 film) |
The Boy Who Knew Too Much | The Boy Who Knew Too Much (album) |
The Boy with No Name | The Boy with No Name |
The Boys from Brazil (film) | The Boys from Brazil (film) |
The Boys of the Lough | The Boys of the Lough |
The Brady Bunch Movie | The Brady Bunch Movie |
The Brain That Wouldn't Die | The Brain That Wouldn't Die |
The Brat | The Brat |
The Bravados | The Bravados |
The Brave One | The Brave One (2007 film) |
The Breakers | The Breakers |
The Breakfast Club (film) | The Breakfast Club |
The Break-Up | The Break-Up |
The Brethren | The Brethren (novel) |
The Bride Came C.O.D. | The Bride Came C.O.D. |
The Bride with White Hair | The Bride with White Hair |
The Bride Wore Boots | The Bride Wore Boots |
The Bride Wore Red | The Bride Wore Red |
The Brides of Dracula | The Brides of Dracula |
The Brides of Fu Manchu | The Brides of Fu Manchu |
The Bridge | The Bridge (Danish/Swedish TV series) |
The Bridge at Remagen | The Bridge at Remagen |
The Bridge of San Luis Rey | The Bridge of San Luis Rey (2004 film) |
The Bridge on the River Kwai | The Bridge on the River Kwai |
The Bridges of Madison County | The Bridges of Madison County (film) |
The Broadsword and the Beast | The Broadsword and the Beast |
The Broadway Melody | The Broadway Melody |
The Broken Circle Breakdown | The Broken Circle Breakdown |
The Broker | The Broker |
The Bronx | The Bronx |
The Bronx (band) | The Bronx (band) |
The Brother from Another Planet | The Brother from Another Planet |
The Brothers | The Brothers |
The Brothers (eilandengroep) | The Brothers, New Zealand |
The Brothers Grimm (film) | The Brothers Grimm (film) |
The Brothers Johnson | The Brothers Johnson |
The Brothers Rico | The Brothers Rico |
The Browning Version | The Browning Version |
The Browning Version (1994) | The Browning Version (1994 film) |
The Brussels Journal | The Brussels Journal |
The Bubble (film) | The Bubble (2006 film) |
The Bucket List | The Bucket List |
The 'Burbs | The 'Burbs |
The Burning Plain | The Burning Plain |
The Burrowers | The Burrowers |
The Butcher Boy | The Butcher Boy (1997 film) |
The Butterfly Effect | Butterfly effect (disambiguation) |
The Butterfly Effect (film) | The Butterfly Effect |
The Butterfly Effect (Moonspell) | The Butterfly Effect (Moonspell album) |
The Butterfly Effect 2 | The Butterfly Effect 2 |
The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations | The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations |
The Cabin in the Cotton | The Cabin in the Cotton |
The Cabin in the Woods | The Cabin in the Woods |
The Cable Guy | The Cable Guy |
The Caddy | The Caddy |
The Caine Mutiny | The Caine Mutiny (film) |
The Call | The Call (band) |
The Call of the Wild | The Call of the Wild: Dog of the Yukon |
The Calling | The Calling (disambiguation) |
The Calling (band) | The Calling |
The Cameraman | The Cameraman |
The Campaign (film) | The Campaign (film) |
The Canary Murder Case | The Canary Murder Case (film) |
The Cannonball Run | The Cannonball Run |
The Canterbury Tales | The Canterbury Tales |
The Canterbury Tales (doorverwijspagina) | The Canterbury Tales (disambiguation) |
The Canterville Ghost (verhaal) | The Canterville Ghost |
The Canyons | The Canyons (film) |
The Cardinal | The Cardinal |
The Caretakers | The Caretakers |
The Carlyle Group | Carlyle Group |
The Carpenter | The Carpenter (Nightwish song) |
The Carpenters | The Carpenters |
The Carpetbaggers | The Carpetbaggers (film) |
The Carter | The Carter |
The Cask of Amontillado | The Cask of Amontillado |
The Cassandra Complex | The Cassandra Complex (band) |
The Castle of Fu Manchu | The Castle of Fu Manchu |
The Castle of Otranto | The Castle of Otranto |
The Cat in the Hat (film) | The Cat in the Hat (film) |
The Cat Returns | The Cat Returns |
The Catalogue | The Catalogue |
The Catalyst | The Catalyst |
The Catcher in the Rye | The Catcher in the Rye |
The Cathedral | The Cathedral |
The Cathedral and the Bazaar | The Cathedral and the Bazaar |
The Catherine Tate Show | The Catherine Tate Show |
The Cats | The Cats |
The Cave (computerspel) | The Cave (video game) |
The Caveman's Valentine | The Caveman's Valentine |
The Chain Reaction | The Chain Reaction |
The Chakachas | The Chakachas |
The Chalk Garden | The Chalk Garden (film) |
The Chamber | The Chamber (film) |
The Champs | The Champs |
The Changeling (film) | The Changeling (1980 film) |
The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith | The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith (film) |
The Chapman Report | The Chapman Report |
The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968) | The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film) |
The Charleston Chasers | The Charleston Chasers |
The Chase | The Chase |
The Chaser | The Chaser (disambiguation) |
The Cheap Detective | The Cheap Detective |
The Cheat (1915) | The Cheat (1915 film) |
The Cheetah Girls | The Cheetah Girls (film) |
The Cheetah Girls (groep) | The Cheetah Girls (group) |
The Cheetah Girls 2 | The Cheetah Girls 2 |
The Cheetah Girls 3: One World | The Cheetah Girls: One World |
The Chessmen of Mars | The Chessmen of Mars |
The Children (film) | The Children (2008 film) |
The Children of Huang Shi | The Children of Huang Shi |
The Children's Hour | The Children's Hour (film) |
The Children's Investment | The Children's Investment Fund Management |
The Chills | The Chills |
The China Syndrome | The China Syndrome |
The Christmas Song | The Christmas Song |
The Chronicle | The Chronicle (TV series) |
The Chronicles of Riddick | The Chronicles of Riddick |
The Chronicles of Riddick: Pitch Black | Pitch Black (film) |
The Church (band) | The Church (band) |
The Cider House Rules | The Cider House Rules (movie) |
The Circus | The Circus (film) |
The Circus Starring Britney Spears | The Circus Starring Britney Spears |
The Citadel (film) | The Citadel (film) |
The City | The City |
The Claim | The Claim |
The Clairvoyant | The Clairvoyant (song) |
The Clan of the Cave Bear | The Clan of the Cave Bear (film) |
The Clash (album) | The Clash (album) |
The Class | The Class (TV series) |
The class the stars fell on | The class the stars fell on |
The Classical Conspiracy | The Classical Conspiracy |
The Clearing | The Clearing |
The Client List | The Client List (TV series) |
The Clonus Horror | Parts: The Clonus Horror |
The Closer | The Closer |
The clown | The Clown |
The Coca-Cola Kid | The Coca-Cola Kid |
The Cocoanuts | The Cocoanuts |
The Colbys | The Colbys |
The Colditz Story | The Colditz Story |
The Collection (Michael Jackson) | The Collection (Michael Jackson album) |
The Collector | The Collector (disambiguation) |
The Collector (2009) | The Collector (2009 film) |
The Colóns | The Colóns |
The Colony | The Colony, Texas |
The Color of Money | The Color of Money (movie) |
The Color Purple | The Color Purple (disambiguation) |
The Color Purple (film) | The Color Purple (movie) |
The Colour of Spring | The Colour of Spring |
The Comedy of Errors | The Comedy of Errors |
The Comedy Store | The Comedy Store (London) |
The Comfort of Strangers | The Comfort of Strangers (film) |
The Commitments | The Commitments (novel) |
The Company | The Company (Prison Break) |
The Company Men | The Company Men |
The Complete Studio Recordings | The Complete Studio Recordings |
The Complete Studio Recordings (Led Zeppelin) | The Complete Studio Recordings (Led Zeppelin album) |
The concert for Bangladesh | The Concert for Bangladesh |
The Conqueror | The Conqueror (film) |
The Constant Gardener | The Constant Gardener (film) |
The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill | The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill |
The Conversation | The Conversation |
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover | The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover |
The Cool | Lupe Fiasco's The Cool |
The Coon | The Coon |
The Coorong District Council | The Coorong District Council |
The Core | The Core |
The Corporation (worstelteam) | The Corporation (professional wrestling) |
The Corpse Vanishes | The Corpse Vanishes |
The Corre | The Corre |
The Cosby Show | The Cosby Show |
The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas | Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas |
The Cotton Club | The Cotton Club (film) |
The Counterfeit Traitor | The Counterfeit Traitor |
The Countess | The Countess (film) |
The Country Girl | The Country Girl (1954 film) |
The Court Jester | The Court Jester |
The Courteeners | The Courteeners |
The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell | The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell |
The Cove (film) | The Cove (film) |
The Cowboys | The Cowboys |
The Craft | The Craft (film) |
The Crane Wife | The Crane Wife |
The Crazies | The Crazies |
The Crazies (2010) | The Crazies (2010 film) |
The Creative Assembly | The Creative Assembly |
The Creature Walks Among Us | The Creature Walks Among Us |
The Crew | The Crew (2000 film) |
The Crimson Pirate | The Crimson Pirate |
The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course | The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course |
The Crossing | The Crossing |
The Crow | The Crow (disambiguation) |
The Crow (film) | The Crow (film) |
The Crow (strip) | The Crow |
The Crow: City of Angels | The Crow: City of Angels |
The Crow: Salvation | The Crow: Salvation |
The Crow: Stairway to Heaven | The Crow: Stairway to Heaven |
The Crow: Wicked Prayer | The Crow: Wicked Prayer |
The Crowd | The Crowd (1928 film) |
The Crucible | The Crucible (1996 film) |
The Cruel Sea | The Cruel Sea (1953 film) |
The Crusade | The Crusade (album) |
The Crush (1993) | The Crush (1993 film) |
The Crusher | The Crusher (album) |
The Crying Light | The Crying Light |
The Crystals | The Crystals (Las Vegas) |
The Cuckoo's Calling | The Cuckoo's Calling |
The Cult Is Alive | The Cult Is Alive |
The Cure (album) | The Cure (The Cure album) |
The Cure (film) | The Cure (1917 film) |
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button | The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (film) |
The Curse of Capistrano | The Curse of Capistrano |
The Curse of the Jade Scorpion | The Curse of the Jade Scorpion |
The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb | The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb |
The Curse of the Were-Rabbit | Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit |
The Curtain | Curtain Theatre |
The Curtain Pole | The Curtain Pole |
The Curve (film) | The Curve (film) |
The CW Television Network | The CW Television Network |
The Da Vinci Code (film) | The Da Vinci Code (film) |
The Da Vinci Code (videospel) | The Da Vinci Code (video game) |
The Dakota | The Dakota |
The Dallas Morning News | The Dallas Morning News |
The Dalles | The Dalles, Oregon |
The Dam Busters | The Dam Busters (film) |
The Damned | Damned |
The Damned (film) | The Damned (1969 film) |
The Damned (rockband) | The Damned (band) |
The Damned Don't Cry | The Damned Don't Cry! |
The Damned United | The Damned United |
The Dance | The Dance (EP) |
The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys | The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys |
The Darjeeling Limited | The Darjeeling Limited |
The Dark Corner (film) | The Dark Corner |
The Dark Crystal | The Dark Crystal |
The Dark Half | The Dark Half (film) |
The Dark Horse | The Dark Horse (film) |
The Dark Hours | The Dark Hours |
The Dark Knight | The Dark Knight (movie) |
The Dark Mirror | The Dark Mirror (film) |
The Darkness (band) | The Darkness (band) |
The Day After | The Day After |
The Day After Tomorrow | The Day After Tomorrow (disambiguation) |
The Day After Tomorrow (film) | The Day After Tomorrow |
The Day of the Dolphin | The Day of the Dolphin |
The Day of the Jackal (film) | The Day of the Jackal (film) |
The Day of the Locust | The Day of the Locust (film) |
The Day of the Triffids | The Day of the Triffids |
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) | The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008 film) |
The Day the Earth Stopped | The Day the Earth Stopped |
The Dead | The Dead (1987 film) |
The Dead Girl | The Dead Girl |
The Dead Zone | The Dead Zone |
The Dead Zone (televisieserie) | The Dead Zone (TV series) |
The Deadly Affair | The Deadly Affair |
The Deadly Bees | The Deadly Bees |
The Deadly Mantis | The Deadly Mantis |
The Death Camp of Tolerance | The Death Camp of Tolerance |
The Death of Eric Cartman | The Death of Eric Cartman |
The Death of Klinghoffer | The Death of Klinghoffer |
The Death of the Incredible Hulk | The Death of the Incredible Hulk |
The Deaths of Ian Stone | The Deaths of Ian Stone |
The Decline | The Decline |
The Deer Hunter | The Deer Hunter |
The Defiant Ones | The Defiant Ones |
The Dentist | The Dentist |
The Dentist 2 | The Dentist 2 |
The Departed | The Departed |
The Descendants | The Descendants |
The Descent | The Descent |
The Descent: Part 2 | The Descent Part 2 |
The Desert Rats (film) | The Desert Rats (film) |
The Desert Sessions | The Desert Sessions |
The Desert Sessions: Volumes 7 & 8 | Volumes 7 & 8 |
The Deuce | The Deuce |
The Devil at 4 O'Clock | The Devil at 4 O'Clock |
The Devil Inside | The Devil Inside (film) |
The Devil Wears Prada | The Devil Wears Prada (film) |
The Devil Wears Prada (band) | The Devil Wears Prada (band) |
The Devils | The Devils (film) |
The Devil's Advocate | The Devil's Advocate (1997 film) |
The Devil's Arithmetic | The Devil's Arithmetic (film) |
The Devil's Brother | The Devil's Brother |
The Devil's Circus | The Devil's Circus |
The Devil's Dictionary | The Devil's Dictionary |
The Devil's Double | The Devil's Double |
The Devil's Own | The Devil's Own |
The Devil's Rain | The Devil's Rain |
The Devil's Rejects | The Devil's Rejects |
The Devil-Ship Pirates | The Devil-Ship Pirates |
The Diamond from the Sky | The Diamond from the Sky |
The Diary of Anne Frank | The Diary of Anne Frank (disambiguation) |
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959) | The Diary of Anne Frank (1959 film) |
The Dick Van Dyke Show | The Dick Van Dyke Show |
The Dictator | The Dictator |
The Dictator (2012) | The Dictator (2012 film) |
The Difference Machine | The Difference Machine |
The Dilemma | The Dilemma |
The Dirtchamber Sessions Volume One | The Dirtchamber Sessions Volume One |
The Dirty Dozen | The Dirty Dozen |
The Disappearance of Alice Creed | The Disappearance of Alice Creed |
The Disciples | The Disciples (band) |
The Discworld Mapp | The Discworld Mapp |
The Dismemberment Plan | The Dismemberment Plan |
The Disorderly Orderly | The Disorderly Orderly |
The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy | The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy |
The District | The District |
The Divas of Doom | The Divas of Doom |
The Divide | The Divide (film) |
The Divine Comedy | The Divine Comedy (band) |
The Divine Conspiracy | The Divine Conspiracy |
The Divine Lady | The Divine Lady |
The Division Bell | The Division Bell |
The Divorce of Lady X | The Divorce of Lady X |
The Divorcee | The Divorcee |
The Docks of New York | The Docks of New York |
The Document Foundation | The Document Foundation |
The Dogma | The Dogma |
The Dogs of War | The Dogs of War (novel) |
The Dolly Sisters | The Dolly Sisters (film) |
The Doom Generation | The Doom Generation |
The Doors (album) | The Doors (album) |
The Doors (film) | The Doors (film) |
The Doors Classics | The Doors Classics |
The Double | The Double (2011 film) |
The Dove | The Dove |
The Draughtsman's Contract | The Draughtsman's Contract |
The Dream of the Rood | Dream of the Rood |
The Dreamers | The Dreamers (movie) |
The Drew Carey Show | The Drew Carey Show |
The Driller Killer | The Driller Killer |
The Duchess | The Duchess (film) |
The Duke Steps Out | The Duke Steps Out |
The Dukes (animatieserie) | The Dukes |
The Dukes of Hazzard | The Dukes of Hazzard |
The Dukes of Hazzard (film) | The Dukes of Hazzard (film) |
The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood! | The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood! |
The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion! | The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion! |
The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning | The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning |
The Dunwich Horror | The Dunwich Horror |
The Dusty Foot On The Road | The Dusty Foot on the Road |
The E.W. Scripps Company | E. W. Scripps Company |
The Eagle (2011) | The Eagle (2011 film) |
The Earl's Palace | Earl's Palace |
The Earl's Palace (Birsay) | Earl's Palace, Birsay |
The Earl's Palace (Kirkwall) | Earl's Palace, Kirkwall |
The Easiest Way | The Easiest Way |
The Economic Journal | The Economic Journal |
The Economic Times | The Economic Times |
The Economist Group | Economist Group |
The Edge (film) | The Edge (1997 film) |
The Edge of Night | The Edge of Night |
The Edinburgh Review | Edinburgh Review |
The Edison Twins | The Edison Twins |
The Edukators | The Edukators |
The Ego Has Landed (Robbie Williams) | The Ego Has Landed |
The Eiger Sanction | The Eiger Sanction (film) |
The Elder Scrolls I: Arena | The Elder Scrolls: Arena |
The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall | The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall |
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind | The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind |
The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal | The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal |
The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles | The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles |
The Elders | The Elders (organization) |
The Electric Light Orchestra (album) | The Electric Light Orchestra (album) |
The Elegants | The Elegants |
The Element of Crime | The Element of Crime |
The Elephant Man | The Elephant Man (disambiguation) |
The Elephant Man (film) | The Elephant Man (film) |
The Elephant Princess | The Elephant Princess |
The Eleventh Hour | The Eleventh Hour |
The Emperor Jones | The Emperor Jones (disambiguation) |
The Emperor Jones (1933) | The Emperor Jones (1933 film) |
The Emperor Waltz | The Emperor Waltz |
The Emperor's New School | The Emperor's New School |
The Empyrean | The Empyrean |
The End (nummer) | The End (The Doors song) |
The End of Eternity | The End of Eternity |
The Enemies of Reason | The Enemies of Reason |
The Enemy | The Enemy (UK band) |
The English Patient (film) | The English Patient (film) |
The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain | The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain |
The Enid | The Enid |
The Essential Iron Maiden | The Essential Iron Maiden |
The Essential Judas Priest | The Essential Judas Priest |
The Essex | The Essex |
The Eternal Afflict | The Eternal Afflict |
The European Library | European Library |
The Everly Brothers | Everly Brothers |
The Evidence of the Film | The Evidence of the Film |
The Evil Dead | The Evil Dead |
The Evil That Men Do | The Evil That Men Do (song) |
The Ewok Adventure | Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure |
The Ex (band) | The Ex (band) |
The Exciters | The Exciters |
The Execution of Mary Stuart | The Execution of Mary Stuart |
The Exile | The Exile (1947 film) |
The Ex-Mrs. Bradford | The Ex-Mrs. Bradford |
The Exorcism of Emily Rose | The Exorcism of Emily Rose |
The Exorcist (film) | The Exorcist (film) |
The Exorcist III | The Exorcist III |
The Expedition | The Expedition |
The Expendables | The Expendables (2010 movie) |
The Expendables 2 | The Expendables 2 |
The Experiment | The Experiment (2010 film) |
The Exploits of Elaine | The Exploits of Elaine |
The Extended Mind | The Extended Mind |
The Eye (2008) | The Eye (2008 movie) |
The F Word | The F Word (South Park) |
The Fabulous Baker Boys | The Fabulous Baker Boys |
The Fabulous Freebirds | The Fabulous Freebirds |
The Fabulous Moolah | The Fabulous Moolah |
The Face of Fu Manchu | The Face of Fu Manchu |
The Faces | Faces (band) |
The Faerie Queene | The Faerie Queene |
The Fairly OddParents | The Fairly OddParents |
The Fairy-Queen | The Fairy-Queen |
The Falcon and the Snowman (film) | The Falcon and the Snowman |
The Fall (band) | The Fall (band) |
The Fall (film) | The Fall (2006 film) |
The Fall (Norah Jones) | The Fall (Norah Jones album) |
The Fall Guy | The Fall Guy |
The Fall of the Roman Empire | The Fall of the Roman Empire (film) |
The Fallen Idol | The Fallen Idol (film) |
The Fame Ball Tour | The Fame Ball Tour |
The Family (2013) | The Family (2013 film) |
The Family Jewels | The Family Jewels (album) |
The Family Man | The Family Man |
The Family Stone | The Family Stone |
The Famous Grouse | The Famous Grouse |
The Fan (1996) | The Fan (1996 film) |
The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy | Fantastic Dizzy |
The Far Country | The Far Country |
The Farmer Takes a Wife | The Farmer Takes a Wife |
The Farmer's Daughter (1947) | The Farmer's Daughter (1947 film) |
The Farmer's Wife (1928) | The Farmer's Wife |
The Fast and the Furious | The Fast and the Furious |
The Fast and the Furious (1955) | The Fast and the Furious (1955 film) |
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift | The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift |
The Fearless Vampire Killers | The Fearless Vampire Killers |
The Feeding of the 5000 | The Feeding of the 5000 (album) |
The Fens | The Fens |
The Fields of Athenry | The Fields of Athenry |
The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu | The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu |
The Fifth Element | The Fifth Element |
The Fifth Musketeer | The Fifth Musketeer |
The Fighter | The Fighter |
The File on Thelma Jordon | The File on Thelma Jordon |
The Final Countdown (film) | The Final Countdown (film) |
The Final Countdown (single) | The Final Countdown (song) |
The Final Cut (2004) | The Final Cut (2004 film) |
The Final Cut (album) | The Final Cut (album) |
The Final Frontier (Iron Maiden) | The Final Frontier |
The Finder | The Finder (U.S. TV series) |
The Fireman | The Fireman (music) |
The Firm (1993) | The Firm (1993 film) |
The Firm (band) | The Firm (rock band) |
The Firm (boek) | The Firm (novel) |
The Firm (Star Trekkin') | The Firm (novelty band) |
The First Class | The First Class |
The First Deadly Sin | The First Deadly Sin |
The First Great Train Robbery | The First Great Train Robbery |
The First Part of King Henry the Sixth | Henry VI, Part 1 |
The First Time | First Time |
The First Wives Club | The First Wives Club |
The Fisher King | The Fisher King |
The Fist of God | The Fist of God |
The Five Pennies | The Five Pennies |
The Flapper | The Flapper |
The Flash (televisieserie) | The Flash (TV series) |
The Flatliners | The Flatliners |
The Flintstones (film) | The Flintstones (film) |
The Flintstones (televisieserie) | The Flintstones |
The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas | The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas |
The Flirts | The Flirts |
The Flock | The Flock (film) |
The Flower of Scotland | Flower of Scotland |
The Flowers of Romance | The Flowers of Romance (band) |
The Fly | The Fly |
The Fly (1986) | The Fly (1986 film) |
The Fly (U2) | The Fly (song) |
The Flying Burrito Brothers | The Flying Burrito Brothers |
The Flying Deuces | The Flying Deuces |
The Flying Doctors | The Flying Doctors |
The Fog | The Fog |
The Fool | The Fool (design collective) |
The Football Factory (film) | The Football Factory (film) |
The For Carnation | The For Carnation |
The Forbidden Kingdom | The Forbidden Kingdom |
The Foreigner | The Foreigner (film) |
The Forgotten | Forgotten |
The Forgotten (2004) | The Forgotten (2004 film) |
The Fortune Cookie | The Fortune Cookie |
The Fortunes | The Fortunes |
The Four Aces | The Four Aces |
The Four Feathers (2002) | The Four Feathers (2002 film) |
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse | Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (disambiguation) |
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1921) | The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (film) |
The Four Musketeers (1974) | The Four Musketeers (film) |
The Four Pennies | The Four Pennies |
The Four Seasons (groep) | The Four Seasons (band) |
The Fourmost | The Fourmost |
The Fourth Legacy | The Fourth Legacy |
The Fourth Protocol | The Fourth Protocol (film) |
The Fox and the Hound (boek) | The Fox and the Hound (novel) |
The Fray (album) | The Fray (album) |
The Freddie Mercury Album | The Freddie Mercury Album |
The French Connection | The French Connection (film) |
The French Lieutenant's Woman | The French Lieutenant's Woman (film) |
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air |
The Friends of Mr. Cairo | The Friends of Mr Cairo |
The Front | The Front |
The Front Page | The Front Page (disambiguation) |
The Front Page (1974) | The Front Page (1974 film) |
The Frozen Tears of Angels | The Frozen Tears of Angels |
The Fugitive | The Fugitive |
The Fugitive (1993) | The Fugitive (1993 film) |
The Fugitive (televisieserie 1963-1967) | The Fugitive (TV series) |
The Fugitive Kind | The Fugitive Kind |
The Full Monty | The Full Monty |
The Full Monty (musical) | The Full Monty (musical) |
The Fureys | The Fureys |
The Future Is Wild | The Future Is Wild |
The Gallopin' Gaucho | The Gallopin' Gaucho |
The Game | The Game |
The Game (film) | The Game (1997 film) |
The Game (Queen) | The Game (album) |
The Game (spel) | The Game (mind game) |
The Game (televisieserie) | The Game (U.S. TV series) |
The Game Plan | The Game Plan (film) |
The Gang's All Here (Dropkick Murphys) | The Gang's All Here (album) |
The Gap Band | The Gap Band |
The Garden of Allah | The Garden of Allah (1936 film) |
The Garden of Rama | The Garden of Rama |
The Garfield Show | The Garfield Show |
The Gathering (band) | The Gathering (band) |
The Gauntlet | The Gauntlet (film) |
The Gay Desperado | The Gay Desperado |
The Gay Divorcee | The Gay Divorcee |
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money | The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money |
The Gentleman's Magazine | The Gentleman's Magazine |
The Germs | Germs (band) |
The Getaway (1972) | The Getaway (1972 film) |
The Ghost (boek) | The Ghost (novel) |
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir | The Ghost and Mrs. Muir |
The Ghost Breakers | The Ghost Breakers |
The Ghost Busters | The Ghost Busters |
The Ghost Squad | The Ghost Squad |
The Ghost Writer | The Ghost Writer (film) |
The Giant Spider Invasion | The Giant Spider Invasion |
The Gift (2000) | The Gift (2000 film) |
The Gift (Susan Boyle) | The Gift (Susan Boyle album) |
The Gillette Company | The Gillette Company |
The Gingerdead Man | The Gingerdead Man |
The Girl Can't Help It | The Girl Can't Help It |
The Girl from Missouri | The Girl from Missouri |
The Girl Next Door | Girl Next Door |
The Girl Next Door (2004) | The Girl Next Door (2004 film) |
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time | The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006 film) |
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo | The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film) |
The Girlfriend Experience | The Girlfriend Experience |
The Glades | The Glades (TV series) |
The Glass Bottom Boat | The Glass Bottom Boat |
The Glass Key | The Glass Key (1942 film) |
The Glee Project | The Glee Project |
The Glenlivet | The Glenlivet distillery |
The Glenn Miller Story | The Glenn Miller Story |
The Glimmer Man | The Glimmer Man |
The Globe Sessions | The Globe Sessions |
The Go-Between | The Go-Between (film) |
The Godfather | The Godfather |
The Godfather II (computerspel) | The Godfather II (video game) |
The Godfather Part II | The Godfather Part II |
The Godfather Part III | The Godfather Part III |
The Godfather: The Game | The Godfather: The Game |
The Gods | The Gods (band) |
The Gods Must Be Crazy | The Gods Must Be Crazy |
The Gods of Mars | The Gods of Mars |
The Go-Go's | The Go-Go's |
The Gold Experience | The Gold Experience |
The Gold Rush | The Gold Rush |
The Gold-Bug | The Gold-Bug |
The Golden Coach | The Golden Coach |
The Golden Compass | The Golden Compass (movie) |
The Golden Girls | The Golden Girls |
The Golden Palace | The Golden Palace |
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad | The Golden Voyage of Sinbad |
The Good Earth (film) | The Good Earth (film) |
The Good Fairy | The Good Fairy (film) |
The Good German | The Good German |
The Good Girl (2002) | The Good Girl |
The Good Mother | The Good Mother (1988 film) |
The Good Shepherd (2006) | The Good Shepherd (film) |
The Good Son (album) | The Good Son (album) |
The Good Wife | The Good Wife |
The Good, The Bad And The Queen (album) | The Good, the Bad & the Queen |
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | The Good, the Bad and the Ugly |
The Goonies | The Goonies |
The Gorgeous Hussy | The Gorgeous Hussy |
The Gracious Few | The Gracious Few |
The Graduate | The Graduate |
The Graham Norton Show | The Graham Norton Show |
The Grand Illusion | The Grand Illusion (album) |
The Grand National | Grand National |
The Grapes of Wrath | Grapes of Wrath |
The Grapes of Wrath (film) | The Grapes of Wrath (film) |
The Grass Is Greener | The Grass Is Greener |
The Great American Bash (WCW) | The Great American Bash |
The Great American Bash 2004 | The Great American Bash (2004) |
The Great American Scream Machine (Six Flags Great Adventure) | Great American Scream Machine (Six Flags Great Adventure) |
The Great American Scream Machine (Six Flags Over Georgia) | Great American Scream Machine (Six Flags Over Georgia) |
The Great Buck Howard | The Great Buck Howard |
The Great Carbuncle | The Great Carbuncle |
The Great Dictator | The Great Dictator |
The Great Escape | The Great Escape |
The Great Escape (attractiepark) | Great Escape (amusement park) |
The Great Escape (film) | The Great Escape (movie) |
The Great Game | The Great Game |
The Great Game (Sherlock 2010) | The Great Game (Sherlock) |
The Great Garrick | The Great Garrick |
The Great Gatsby | The Great Gatsby (disambiguation) |
The Great Gatsby (2013) | The Great Gatsby (2013 film) |
The Great Khali | Dalip Singh Rana |
The Great Lie | The Great Lie |
The Great Muppet Caper | The Great Muppet Caper |
The Great Outdoors (film) | The Great Outdoors (film) |
The great pretender (single) | The Great Pretender |
The Great Race | The Great Race |
The Great Raid | The Great Raid |
The Great Sinner | The Great Sinner |
The Great Train Robbery | The Great Train Robbery |
The Great Train Robbery (film) | The Great Train Robbery (film) |
The Great Waldo Pepper | The Great Waldo Pepper |
The Great Waltz | The Great Waltz (film) |
The Great White Hype | The Great White Hype |
The Great Ziegfeld | The Great Ziegfeld |
The Greatest (2009) | The Greatest (2009 film) |
The Greatest Canadian | The Greatest Canadian |
The Greatest Game Ever Played | The Greatest Game Ever Played |
The Greatest Show on Earth | The Greatest Show on Earth |
The Green Hornet | Green Hornet |
The Green Hornet (2011) | The Green Hornet (2011 film) |
The Green Mile | The Green Mile |
The Green Mile (film) | The Green Mile (movie) |
The Green Slime | The Green Slime |
The Grey | The Grey (film) |
The Grifters | The Grifters (film) |
The Grinch (film) | Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (film) |
The Grissom Gang | The Grissom Gang |
The Group | The Group (film) |
The Grudge (2004) | The Grudge |
The Grudge 2 | The Grudge 2 |
The Guardian (film) | The Guardian (2006 film) |
The Guardian (televisieserie) | The Guardian (TV series) |
The Guardian Legend | The Guardian Legend |
The Gun Seller | The Gun Seller |
The Gunfighter | The Gunfighter (film) |
The Guns of Navarone | The Guns of Navarone (film) |
The Guru | The Guru (2002 film) |
The Gutter Twins | The Gutter Twins |
The Haçienda | The Haçienda |
The Hall of Presidents | The Hall of Presidents |
The Hallelujah Trail | The Hallelujah Trail |
The Hamiltons | The Hamiltons |
The Hamptons | The Hamptons |
The Han Solo Trilogy | The Han Solo Trilogy |
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle | The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (film) |
The Handsome Family | The Handsome Family |
The Hangover | The Hangover (movie) |
The Hangover Part II | The Hangover Part II |
The Happening (film) | The Happening (2008 film) |
The Happy Prince and Other Tales | The Happy Prince and Other Tales |
The Harbour Hotel & Residence | Dubai Marriott Harbour Hotel & Suites |
The Harbourfront Landmark | The Harbourfront Landmark |
The Hard Corps | The Hard Corps |
The Hard Times of RJ Berger | The Hard Times of RJ Berger |
The Harder They Come | The Harder They Come |
The Hardest Part | The Hardest Part (Coldplay song) |
The Hart Dynasty | The Hart Dynasty |
The Harvey Girls | The Harvey Girls |
The Haunted Mansion (film) | The Haunted Mansion (film) |
The Haunted Palace | The Haunted Palace |
The Haunting (1963) | The Haunting (1963 film) |
The Haunting Hour: Don't Think About It | The Haunting Hour: Don't Think About It |
The Haunting in Connecticut | The Haunting in Connecticut |
The Haunting of Molly Hartley | The Haunting of Molly Hartley |
The Head on the Door | The Head on the Door |
The Heartbreak Kid (2007) | The Heartbreak Kid (2007 film) |
The Heat | The Heat (film) |
The Heiress | The Heiress |
The Heist (album) | The Heist (album) |
The Help | The Help |
The Help (film) | The Help (movie) |
The Hep Stars | Hep Stars |
The Herbaliser | The Herbaliser |
The Herd | The Herd (UK band) |
The Heritage (PGA Tour) | RBC Heritage |
The Heritage at Millennium Park | The Heritage at Millennium Park |
The Hertz Corporation | The Hertz Corporation |
The Hickey Underworld | The Hickey Underworld |
The High Chaparral | The High Chaparral |
The High Kings | The High Kings |
The Highwaymen (supergroep) | The Highwaymen (country supergroup) |
The Hill | The Hill (film) |
The Hills (televisieserie) | The Hills |
The Hills Have Eyes | The Hills Have Eyes |
The Hills Have Eyes (1977) | The Hills Have Eyes (1977 film) |
The Hills Have Eyes 2 | The Hills Have Eyes 2 |
The Hills Shire | The Hills Shire |
The Hindenburg (film) | The Hindenburg (film) |
The History of Middle-earth | The History of Middle-earth |
The History of the Hobbit | The History of The Hobbit |
The Hitcher (2007) | The Hitcher (2007 film) |
The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting | The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting |
The Hitch-Hiker (film) | The Hitch-Hiker |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (film) | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (film) |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (televisie) | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (TV series) |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (videospel) | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (video game) |
The Hits & Beyond | The Hits & Beyond |
The Hobbit (1977) | The Hobbit (1977 film) |
The Hobbit (filmtrilogie) | The Hobbit (2012 movie) |
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey | The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey |
The Hole | The Hole |
The Hole (2001) | The Hole (2001 film) |
The Holiday | The Holiday |
The Hollywood Revue of 1929 | The Hollywood Revue of 1929 |
The Holy Bible | The Holy Bible (album) |
The Home Depot | The Home Depot |
The Honey Pot | The Honey Pot |
The Hoodlum (1919) | The Hoodlum (1919 film) |
The Hoppers | The Hoppers |
The Horse Soldiers | The Horse Soldiers |
The Horse Thief | The Horse Thief |
The Horse Whisperer | The Horse Whisperer (film) |
The Hospital | The Hospital |
The Host (2006) | The Host (2006 film) |
The Hot Chick | The Hot Chick |
The Hotel New Hampshire | The Hotel New Hampshire (film) |
The Hottie and the Nottie | The Hottie and the Nottie |
The Hours (film) | The Hours (film) |
The House Bunny | The House Bunny |
The House of the Spirits | The House of the Spirits (film) |
The House on Sorority Row | The House on Sorority Row |
The Howling (film) | The Howling (film) |
The Hucksters | The Hucksters |
The Hudsucker Proxy | The Hudsucker Proxy |
The Human Centipede (First Sequence) | The Human Centipede (First Sequence) |
The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) | The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) |
The Human Comedy | The Human Comedy (film) |
The Human Duplicators | The Human Duplicators |
The Human Equation | The Human Equation |
The Human Factor | The Human Factor (disambiguation) |
The Human Factor (1979) | The Human Factor (1979 film) |
The Human Stain (film) | The Human Stain (film) |
The Hunchback | The Hunchback (1997 film) |
The Hunchback of Notre Dame | The Hunchback of Notre Dame (disambiguation) |
The Hunger | The Hunger (1983 film) |
The Hunger For More | The Hunger for More |
The Hunger Games | The Hunger Games (disambiguation) |
The Hunger Games (film) | The Hunger Games (film) |
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire | The Hunger Games: Catching Fire |
The Hunger Project | The Hunger Project |
The Hunt | The Hunt |
The Hunt for Red October | The Hunt for Red October (disambiguation) |
The Hunt for Red October (film) | The Hunt for Red October (film) |
The Hunted | The Hunted (2003 film) |
The Hunters | The Hunters |
The Hunting Party | Talking Head |
The Hunting Party (2007) | The Hunting Party (2007 film) |
The Huntington | Huntington Library |
The Hurricane (1937) | The Hurricane (1937 film) |
The Hurt Locker | The Hurt Locker |
The Hustler | The Hustler (film) |
The Ice Follies of 1939 | The Ice Follies of 1939 |
The Ice Storm | The Ice Storm (film) |
The Iconfactory | The Iconfactory |
The Ides of March | The Ides of March (film) |
The Illinois | The Illinois |
The Illusionist | The Illusionist (2006 film) |
The Illustrated London News | The Illustrated London News |
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus | The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus |
The Immigrant | The Immigrant (1917 film) |
The Importance of Being Earnest | The Importance of Being Earnest |
The Impossible | The Impossible (2012 film) |
The Inbetweeners | The Inbetweeners |
The Inc. Records | The Inc. Records |
The Incident (album) | The Incident (album) |
The Incredible Hulk (2008) | The Incredible Hulk (film) |
The Incredible Hulk (televisieserie) | The Incredible Hulk (TV series) |
The Incredible Hulk Coaster | The Incredible Hulk (roller coaster) |
The Incredible Hulk Returns | The Incredible Hulk Returns |
The Incredible Machine | The Incredible Machine (series) |
The Incredible Melting Man | The Incredible Melting Man |
The Incredible Shrinking Man | The Incredible Shrinking Man |
The Incredibles | The Incredibles |
The Incredibles (computerspel) | The Incredibles (video game) |
The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer | The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer |
The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!!? | The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies |
The Index | The Index (Dubai) |
The Indian Express | The Indian Express |
The Informant | The Informant |
The Informant! | The Informant! |
The Informer | The Informer (1935 film) |
The Initiation of Sarah | The Initiation of Sarah (2006 film) |
The Inner Light | The Inner Light (song) |
The Innocent Man | The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town |
The Insider | The Insider (film) |
The Inspector General | The Inspector General (film) |
The Intelligence | The Intelligence |
The International (film) | The International (2009 film) |
The International Molinological Society | The International Molinological Society |
The International Thriller Writers Awards | International Thriller Writers Awards |
The Interpreter | The Interpreter |
The Invasion | The Invasion (film) |
The Invention of Hugo Cabret | The Invention of Hugo Cabret |
The Invincible Iron Man | The Invincible Iron Man (film) |
The Invisible | The Invisible (film) |
The Invisible Band | The Invisible Band |
The Invisible Man | The Invisible Man (disambiguation) |
The Invisible Man (film) | The Invisible Man (film) |
The Invisible Man (Queen) | The Invisible Man (Queen song) |
The Invisible Man (televisieserie uit 1975) | The Invisible Man (1975 TV series) |
The Invisible Man Returns | The Invisible Man Returns |
The Invisible Man's Revenge | The Invisible Man's Revenge |
The Invisible Woman (1940) | The Invisible Woman (1940 film) |
The IPCRESS File | The Ipcress File (film) |
The Irish in Us | The Irish in Us |
The Iron Horse | The Iron Horse (film) |
The Iron Lady (film) | The Iron Lady (film) |
The Iron Mask | The Iron Mask |
The Iron Sheik | Iron Sheik |
The Irrawaddy | The Irrawaddy |
The Isis | The Isis |
The Island (2005) | The Island (2005 film) |
The Island Def Jam Music Group | The Island Def Jam Music Group |
The Island of Dr. Moreau (1977) | The Island of Dr. Moreau (1977 film) |
The Islanders (Cypriotische band) | The Islanders (band) |
The Italian Job | The Italian Job (disambiguation) |
The Italian Job (2003) | The Italian Job (2003 film) |
The Itchy & Scratchy Show | The Itchy & Scratchy Show |
The Itchy and Scratchy Game | The Itchy & Scratchy Game |
The IVth Crusade | The IVth Crusade |
The Ivy League | The Ivy League (band) |
The J. Geils Band | The J. Geils Band |
The Jack Bull | The Jack Bull |
The Jackal (film) | The Jackal (1997 film) |
The Jackpot | The Jackpot |
The Jackson 5 | The Jackson 5 |
The Jakarta Globe | Jakarta Globe |
The Jamestown Foundation | The Jamestown Foundation |
The Japan Times | The Japan Times |
The Jarmels | The Jarmels |
The Jazz Singer | The Jazz Singer (1927 movie) |
The Jazz Soul of Little Stevie | The Jazz Soul of Little Stevie |
The Jeffersons | The Jeffersons |
The Jerk | The Jerk |
The Jerry Springer Show | The Jerry Springer Show |
The Jethro Tull Christmas Album | The Jethro Tull Christmas Album |
The Jetsons | The Jetsons |
The Jew in the Lotus (boek) | The Jew in the Lotus |
The Jewel in the Crown | The Jewel in the Crown (TV series) |
The Jewel of the Nile | The Jewel of the Nile |
The Jim Henson Company | The Jim Henson Company |
The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour | The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour |
The Joker (nummer) | The Joker (song) |
The Joker's Jinx | The Joker's Jinx |
The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion | Jon Spencer Blues Explosion |
The Joneses | The Joneses |
The Joshua Tree Tour | The Joshua Tree Tour |
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics | The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics |
The Journals of Knud Rasmussen | The Journals of Knud Rasmussen |
The Joy Luck Club | The Joy Luck Club (novel) |
The Judds | The Judds |
The Juggler | The Juggler (film) |
The K Club | K Club |
The Karate Kid | The Karate Kid |
The Karate Kid (2010) | The Karate Kid (2010 film) |
The Karate Kid, Part II | The Karate Kid, Part II |
The Karate Kid, Part III | The Karate Kid, Part III |
The Katzenjammer Kids | The Katzenjammer Kids |
The Keep | The Keep (film) |
The Kennedys (miniserie) | The Kennedys (miniseries) |
The Kentucky Fried Movie | The Kentucky Fried Movie |
The Keys of the Kingdom | The Keys of the Kingdom (film) |
The Keystone Cops | Keystone Kops |
The Kid (1921 film) | The Kid (1921 film) |
The Kid Auto Races at Venice | Kid Auto Races at Venice |
The Kids | The Kids (Belgian band) |
The Kids Are All Right | The Kids Are All Right (movie) |
The Kids Are Alright | The Kids Are Alright |
The Kids Are Alright (film) | The Kids Are Alright (film) |
The Kids Are Alright (nummer) | The Kids Are Alright (song) |
The Kids Are Alright (soundtrack) | The Kids Are Alright (soundtrack) |
The Kids from Room 402 | The Kids from Room 402 |
The Kill | The Kill |
The Killer | The Killer (1989 film) |
The Killer Inside Me (1976) | The Killer Inside Me (1976 film) |
The Killer Shrews | The Killer Shrews |
The Killers (1946) | The Killers (1946 film) |
The Killers (Hemingway) | The Killers (Hemingway short story) |
The Killing (film) | The Killing (film) |
The Killing Fields (film) | The Killing Fields (film) |
The Killing of a Chinese Bookie | The Killing of a Chinese Bookie |
The Killing Room | The Killing Room |
The King | The King |
The King and Four Queens | The King and Four Queens |
The King of Comedy | The King of Comedy (1983 film) |
The King of Queens | The King of Queens |
The King of Rome | The King of Rome |
The King of Torts | The King of Torts |
The Kingdom | The Kingdom |
The Kingdom (film) | The Kingdom (film) |
The King's Singers | The King's Singers |
The King's Speech | The King's Speech |
The Kinks (album) | Kinks (album) |
The Kiss | The Kiss |
The Kiss (1896) | The Kiss (1896 film) |
The Kite Runner | The Kite Runner (film) |
The KMG's | The KMG's |
The Knack ...and How to Get It | The Knack ...and How to Get It |
The Knights of Prosperity | The Knights of Prosperity |
The Kremlin Letter | The Kremlin Letter |
The Kursaal Flyers | The Kursaal Flyers |
The L Word | The L Word |
The Ladies Man (2000) | The Ladies Man (2000 film) |
The Lady Eve | The Lady Eve |
The Lady from Shanghai | The Lady from Shanghai |
The Lady Killer (album) | The Lady Killer (album) |
The Lady of Shalott (Tennyson) | The Lady of Shalott |
The Lady of Shalott (Waterhouse) | The Lady of Shalott (painting) |
The Lady Vanishes | The Lady Vanishes |
The Lady Vanishes (1938) | The Lady Vanishes (1938 film) |
The Ladykillers | Ladykillers |
The Ladykillers (2004) | The Ladykillers (2004 film) |
The Lake House (film) | The Lake House (film) |
The Lakes | The Lakes, Minnesota |
The Land | The Land (Epcot) |
The Landlord's Game | The Landlord's Game |
The Landmark | The Landmark (Abu Dhabi) |
The Last Airbender | The Last Airbender |
The Last Boy Scout | The Last Boy Scout |
The Last Command | The Last Command (1928 film) |
The Last Days | The Last Days |
The Last Days of Pompeii | The Last Days of Pompeii (disambiguation) |
The Last Drop | The Last Drop |
The Last Emperor | The Last Emperor |
The Last Encore | The Last Encore |
The Last Exorcism | The Last Exorcism |
The Last Five Years | The Last Five Years |
The Last Hangman | Pierrepoint (film) |
The Last House on the Left | The Last House on the Left (1972 film) |
The Last Hunt | The Last Hunt |
The Last Hurrah | The Last Hurrah (1958 film) |
The Last King of Scotland | The Last King of Scotland (film) |
The Last Legion | The Last Legion |
The Last Man on Earth (1964) | The Last Man on Earth (1964 film) |
The Last Mimzy | The Last Mimzy |
The Last of Mrs. Cheyney | The Last of Mrs. Cheyney |
The Last of Mrs. Cheyney (1937) | The Last of Mrs. Cheyney (1937 film) |
The Last of the Mohicans | The Last of the Mohicans (disambiguation) |
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) | The Last of the Mohicans (1992 film) |
The Last Picture Show | The Last Picture Show |
The Last Samurai | The Last Samurai |
The Last Seduction | The Last Seduction |
The Last Song (2010) | The Last Song (film) |
The Last Starfighter | The Last Starfighter |
The Last Station | The Last Station |
The Last Supper | The Last Supper (1995 film) |
The Last Temptation of Christ | The Last Temptation of Christ |
The Last Time | The Last Time (song) |
The Last Time I Saw Paris | The Last Time I Saw Paris |
The Last Tycoon | The Last Tycoon (film) |
The Last Waltz (film) | The Last Waltz |
The Last Wave | The Last Wave |
The Late George Apley | The Late George Apley (film) |
The Late Late Show | The Late Late Show |
The Late Show | The Late Show (film) |
The Lavender Hill Mob | The Lavender Hill Mob |
The Law and the Lady | The Law and the Lady (film) |
The Law of the Range | The Law of the Range |
The Law of Ueki (anime) | The Law of Ueki |
The Lawless Breed | The Lawless Breed |
The Lawnmower Man | The Lawnmower Man (film) |
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (film) | The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (film) |
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (strip) | The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen |
The League of Gentlemen | The League of Gentlemen (disambiguation) |
The League of Gentlemen (film) | The League of Gentlemen (film) |
The League of Gentlemen (televisieserie) | The League of Gentlemen |
The League of Super Evil | League of Super Evil |
The Learning Tree | The Learning Tree |
The Left Hand of God | The Left Hand of God |
The Left Handed Gun | The Left Handed Gun |
The Legacy (worstelteam) | The Legacy (professional wrestling) |
The Legend of Bagger Vance | The Legend of Bagger Vance |
The Legend of Dragoon | The Legend of Dragoon |
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow | The Legend of Sleepy Hollow |
The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires | The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires |
The Legend of Zelda (serie) | The Legend of Zelda (series) |
The Legend of Zelda (spel) | The Legend of Zelda (video game) |
The Legend of Zelda (televisieserie) | The Legend of Zelda (TV series) |
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Four Swords | The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords |
The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition | The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition |
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening | The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening |
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask | The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask |
The Legend of Zorro | The Legend of Zorro |
The Legend of Zu | The Legend of Zu |
The Leopard Man | The Leopard Man |
The Letter | The Letter |
The Letter (1940) | The Letter (1940 film) |
The Letter (Wayne Carson Thompson) | The Letter (The Box Tops song) |
The Libertines (album) | The Libertines (album) |
The Librarian: Quest for the Spear | The Librarian: Quest for the Spear |
The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines | The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines |
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp | The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp |
The Life and Death of King John | King John (play) |
The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean | The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean |
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou | The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou |
The Life Before Her Eyes | The Life Before Her Eyes |
The Life of Emile Zola | The Life of Emile Zola |
The Light | The Light |
The Light at the Edge of the World | The Light at the Edge of the World |
The Lightning Strike | The Lightning Strike |
The Lincoln County Regulators | Lincoln County Regulators |
The Lincoln County War | Lincoln County War |
The Linux Documentation Project | Linux Documentation Project |
The Lion King (film) | The Lion King |
The Lion King (musical) | The Lion King (musical) |
The Lion King (videospel) | The Lion King (video game) |
The Lion King II: Simba's trots | The Lion King II: Simba's Pride |
The Lion King III | The Lion King 1½ |
The Lion of Judah | The Lion of Judah |
The Lion Sleeps Tonight | The Lion Sleeps Tonight |
The List | The List (South Park) |
The List of Adrian Messenger | The List of Adrian Messenger |
The Little American | The Little American |
The Little Drummer Boy | The Little Drummer Boy |
The Little Drummer Girl | The Little Drummer Girl |
The Little Foxes | The Little Foxes (film) |
The Little Mermaid (musical) | The Little Mermaid (musical) |
The Little Princess | Little Princess |
The Little Princess (1939) | The Little Princess (1939 film) |
The Little Rascals (film) | The Little Rascals (film) |
The Little Shop of Horrors | The Little Shop of Horrors |
The Littles | The Littles |
The Living Daylights | The Living Daylights |
The Living Desert | The Living Desert |
The Living End | The Living End |
The Lizzie McGuire Movie | The Lizzie McGuire Movie |
The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog | The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog |
The Loft | The Loft (2014 film) |
The Lola Beer Ebner Sculpture Garden | Lola Beer Ebner Sculpture Garden |
The Lone Gunmen | The Lone Gunmen (TV series) |
The Lone Ranger | Lone Ranger |
The Lone Ranger (2013) | The Lone Ranger (2013 film) |
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (film) | The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (film) |
The Lonely Villa | The Lonely Villa |
The Long Goodbye | The Long Goodbye (film) |
The Long Gray Line | The Long Gray Line |
The Long Riders | The Long Riders |
The Long Voyage Home (film) | The Long Voyage Home |
The Long Walk Home | The Long Walk Home |
The Long Way Home | The Long Way Home (1997 film) |
The Longest Day (film) | The Longest Day (film) |
The Longest Yard (2005) | The Longest Yard (2005 film) |
The Look of Love (Madonna) | The Look of Love (Madonna song) |
The Lookout | The Lookout |
The Lord of the Rings | The Lord of the Rings (disambiguation) |
The Lord of the Rings (1978) | The Lord of the Rings (1978 film) |
The Lord of the Rings (films) | The Lord of the Rings movie series |
The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar | The Lord of the Rings Online |
The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game | The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game |
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest |
The Lord of the Rings: Tactics | The Lord of the Rings: Tactics |
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth |
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II |
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king |
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring |
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King |
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (computerspel) | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (video game) |
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers |
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North | The Lord of the Rings: War in the North |
The Lords of Flatbush | The Lords of Flatbush |
The Losers | The Losers (film) |
The Losing Edge | The Losing Edge |
The Lost Boys | The Lost Boys |
The Lost City | The Lost City (2005 film) |
The Lost Future | The Lost Future |
The Lost Gardens of Heligan | Lost Gardens of Heligan |
The Lost Patrol | The Lost Patrol (1934 film) |
The Lost Weekend | The Lost Weekend (film) |
The Lost World | Lost World |
The Lost World (2001) | The Lost World (2001 film) |
The Lost World (Arthur Conan Doyle) | The Lost World (Conan Doyle novel) |
The Lost World (televisieserie) | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World |
The Lost World: Jurassic Park | The Lost World: Jurassic Park |
The Louvin Brothers | The Louvin Brothers |
The Love Boat | The Love Boat |
The Love Bug (1997) | The Love Bug (1997 film) |
The Love Guru | The Love Guru |
The Love Light | The Love Light |
The Love Parade | The Love Parade |
The Love Substitutes | The Love Substitutes |
The Love You Save | The Love You Save |
The Lovely Bones | The Lovely Bones (film) |
The Lovers Are Losing | The Lovers Are Losing |
The Lovin' Spoonful | The Lovin' Spoonful |
The Luck of Barry Lyndon | The Luck of Barry Lyndon |
The Luck of the Irish | The Luck of the Irish (1948 film) |
The Lucky Dog | The Lucky Dog |
The Lucky Ones | The Lucky Ones (film) |
The Lucy Show | The Lucy Show |
The Lumberjack Song | The Lumberjack Song |
The Lurking Fear | The Lurking Fear |
The Lusty Men | The Lusty Men |
The M+M's Tour | The M+M's Tour |
The Macallan | The Macallan distillery |
The Maccabees | The Maccabees (band) |
The Mackintosh Man | The Mackintosh Man |
The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper | The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper |
The Madness (album) | The Madness (album) |
The Madness of King George | The Madness of King George |
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction | The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction |
The Magdalene Sisters | The Magdalene Sisters |
The Magic Carpets of Aladdin | The Magic Carpets of Aladdin |
The Magic Christian (film) | The Magic Christian (film) |
The Magic Schoolbus | The Magic School Bus (TV series) |
The Magic Sword (film) | The Magic Sword (1962 film) |
The Magnificent Ambersons | The Magnificent Ambersons (film) |
The Magnificent Moodies | The Magnificent Moodies |
The Magnificent Seven | The Magnificent Seven |
The Maine | The Maine (band) |
The Majestic | The Majestic (film) |
The Major and the Minor | The Major and the Minor |
The Mall (Londen) | The Mall, London |
The Maltese Falcon | The Maltese Falcon |
The Maltese Falcon (1931) | The Maltese Falcon (1931 film) |
The Mamas and the Papas | The Mamas & the Papas |
The Man | The Man (2005 film) |
The Man and the Journey | The Man and The Journey |
The Man from Elysian Fields | The Man from Elysian Fields |
The Man from Laramie | The Man from Laramie |
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. | The Man from U.N.C.L.E. |
The Man I Love (lied) | The Man I Love (song) |
The Man in Grey | The Man in Grey |
The Man in the Iron Mask | Man in the Iron Mask (disambiguation) |
The Man in the Iron Mask (1998) | The Man in the Iron Mask (1998 film) |
The Man in the Moon | The Man in the Moon |
The Man in the White Suit | The Man in the White Suit |
The Man Who | The Man Who |
The Man Who Came to Dinner | The Man Who Came to Dinner (film) |
The Man Who Can't Be Moved | The Man Who Can't Be Moved |
The Man Who Cried | The Man Who Cried |
The Man Who Fell To Earth (1976) | The Man Who Fell to Earth (film) |
The Man Who Haunted Himself | The Man Who Haunted Himself |
The Man Who Knew Too Little | The Man Who Knew Too Little |
The Man Who Knew Too Much | The Man Who Knew Too Much |
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) | The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956 film) |
The Man Who Laughs | The Man Who Laughs (1928 film) |
The Man Who Played God | The Man Who Played God |
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance | The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance |
The Man Who Sold the World (album) | The Man Who Sold the World (album) |
The Man Who Wasn't There | The Man Who Wasn't There (disambiguation) |
The Man Who Wasn't There (2001) | The Man Who Wasn't There (2001 film) |
The Man Who Would Be King | The Man Who Would Be King (film) |
The Man with the Golden Arm | The Man with the Golden Arm |
The Man with the Golden Gun | The Man with the Golden Gun (film) |
The Man with Two Brains | The Man with Two Brains |
The Man Without a Face | The Man Without a Face |
The Manchurian Candidate | The Manchurian Candidate (disambiguation) |
The Manchurian Candidate (2004) | The Manchurian Candidate (2004 film) |
The Manhattans | The Manhattans |
The Manila Times | The Manila Times |
The Man-Machine | The Man-Machine |
The Manxman | The Manxman |
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (attractie) | The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (attraction) |
The Mark of Zorro | The Mark of Zorro |
The Mark of Zorro (1920) | The Mark of Zorro (1920 film) |
The Marriage Circle | The Marriage Circle |
The Marrying Kind | The Marrying Kind |
The Marvel Superheroes | The Marvel Super Heroes |
The Marvellous Land of Snergs | The Marvellous Land of Snergs |
The Mary Tyler Moore Show | The Mary Tyler Moore Show |
The Mask (1994) | The Mask (film) |
The Mask (strip) | The Mask |
The Mask of Fu Manchu | The Mask of Fu Manchu |
The Mask of Zorro | The Mask of Zorro |
The Mask: The Animated Series | The Mask: The Animated Series |
The Masque of the Red Death | The Masque of the Red Death (disambiguation) |
The Masque of the Red Death (film) | The Masque of the Red Death (film) |
The Master | The Master |
The Master (televisieserie) | The Master (TV series) |
The Master Mind of Mars | The Master Mind of Mars |
The Master of Disguise | The Master of Disguise |
The Matchmaker (1997) | The MatchMaker (1997 film) |
The Matrix | The Matrix |
The Matrix Reloaded | The Matrix Reloaded |
The Matrix Revolutions | The Matrix Revolutions |
The Matthew Shepard Story | The Matthew Shepard Story |
The Mayor of Casterbridge | The Mayor of Casterbridge |
The Maze of Galious | Maze of Galious |
The Medallion | The Medallion |
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya | Haruhi Suzumiya |
The Melvins | Melvins |
The Men | The Men (film) |
The Men Who Stare at Goats | The Men Who Stare at Goats (film) |
The Mentalist | The Mentalist |
The Merchant of Venice | The Merchant of Venice |
The Mercury Phoenix Trust | Mercury Phoenix Trust |
The Merry Widow (1925) | The Merry Widow (1925 film) |
The Merry Wives of Windsor | The Merry Wives of Windsor |
The Message | Mohammad, Messenger of God |
The Messengers | The Messengers (film) |
The Mexican | The Mexican |
The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka | The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka |
The Middle | The Middle (TV series) |
The Mighty B! | The Mighty B! |
The Mighty Boosh | The Mighty Boosh (TV series) |
The Mighty Ducks | The Mighty Ducks |
The Mighty Quinn | The Mighty Quinn (film) |
The Mill and the Cross | The Mill and the Cross |
The Mill on the Floss | The Mill on the Floss |
The Million Dollar Homepage | The Million Dollar Homepage |
The Million Eyes of Sumuru | The Million Eyes of Sumuru |
The Ministry of Silly Walks | The Ministry of Silly Walks |
The Miniver Story | The Miniver Story |
The Miracle (album) | The Miracle (album) |
The Miracle (lied) | The Miracle (song) |
The Miracle of Morgan's Creek | The Miracle of Morgan's Creek |
The Miracle Worker | The Miracle Worker (disambiguation) |
The Misfits (band) | The Misfits |
The Misfits (film) | The Misfits (film) |
The Mission (1986) | The Mission (1986 film) |
The Mission (band) | The Mission (band) |
The Missouri Breaks | The Missouri Breaks |
The Mist | The Mist (film) |
The Modern Lovers | The Modern Lovers |
The Mole People | The Mole People (film) |
The Money Pit (film) | The Money Pit |
The Monist | The Monist |
The Monster Show | The Monster Show |
The Monster Squad | The Monster Squad |
The Moon Is Blue | The Moon Is Blue |
The Moon Is Down | The Moon Is Down |
The Morning Benders | POP ETC |
The Mortal Storm | The Mortal Storm |
The Mosquito Coast | The Mosquito Coast |
The Most Dangerous Game (film) | The Most Dangerous Game (film) |
The Most Dangerous Man in America | The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers |
The Mote in God's Eye | The Mote in God's Eye |
The Mothman Prophecies | The Mothman Prophecies (film) |
The Motor City Machine Guns | The Motor City Machine Guns |
The Motors | The Motors |
The Mountain | The Mountain (1956 film) |
The Mountain Eagle | The Mountain Eagle |
The Mountain Goats | The Mountain Goats |
The Mouse That Roared (film) | The Mouse That Roared (film) |
The Mousetrap | The Mousetrap |
The Movement | The Movement (literature) |
The Mummy | Mummy (disambiguation) |
The Mummy (1999) | The Mummy (1999 movie) |
The Mummy Returns | The Mummy Returns |
The Mummy: The Animated Series | The Mummy: The Animated Series |
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor | The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor |
The Mummy's Hand | The Mummy's Hand |
The Mummy's Shroud | The Mummy's Shroud |
The Munsters | The Munsters |
The Munsters' Revenge | The Munsters' Revenge |
The Munsters' Scary Little Christmas | The Munsters' Scary Little Christmas |
The Munsters Today | The Munsters Today |
The Muppet Movie | The Muppet Movie |
The Muppet Show | The Muppet Show |
The Muppets (film) | The Muppets (film) |
The Muppets Take Manhattan | The Muppets Take Manhattan |
The Muppets' Wizard of Oz | The Muppets' Wizard of Oz |
The Music Box | The Music Box |
The Music Man (film) | The Music Man (1962 film) |
The Musical Box (band) | The Musical Box (band) |
The Musketeer | The Musketeer |
The Mysterious Cities Of Gold | The Mysterious Cities of Gold |
The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu | The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu |
The Mysterious Island | The Mysterious Island (disambiguation) |
The Mysterious Lady | The Mysterious Lady |
The Mystery Of Natalie Wood | The Mystery of Natalie Wood |
The Mystery of the Leaping Fish | The Mystery of the Leaping Fish |
The Mystics | The Mystics |
The Myths and Legends of King Arthur | The Myths and Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table |
The Naked and the Dead (film) | The Naked and the Dead (film) |
The Naked Brothers Band | The Naked Brothers Band (TV series) |
The Naked Brothers Band: The Movie | The Naked Brothers Band: The Movie |
The Naked City | The Naked City |
The Naked Gun | The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! |
The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear | The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear |
The Naked Kiss | The Naked Kiss |
The Naked Spur | The Naked Spur |
The Name of the Rose | The Name of the Rose (film) |
The Nanny | The Nanny |
The Nanny Diaries | The Nanny Diaries (film) |
The National | The National (band) |
The National Health | The National Health (album) |
The Natural | The Natural (film) |
The Navigator | The Navigator (1924 film) |
The Negotiator (boek) | The Negotiator (novel) |
The Neighbors | The Neighbors (2012 TV series) |
The Neon Judgement | The Neon Judgement |
The Net | The Net (1995 film) |
The NeverEnding Story | The Neverending Story (disambiguation) |
The Neverending Story (animatieserie) | The Neverending Story (TV series) |
The NeverEnding Story (film) | The NeverEnding Story (film) |
The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter | The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter |
The NeverEnding Story III | The NeverEnding Story III |
The Neville Brothers | The Neville Brothers |
The New Adventures of Batman | The New Adventures of Batman |
The New Adventures of Old Christine | The New Adventures of Old Christine |
The New Adventures of Robin Hood | The New Adventures of Robin Hood |
The New Adventures of Superman (animatieserie) | The New Adventures of Superman (TV series) |
The New Daughter | The New Daughter |
The New Dominion | The New Dominion |
The New Guy | The New Guy |
The New Jedi Order | The New Jedi Order |
The New Saints FC | The New Saints F.C. |
The New Scooby-Doo Movies | The New Scooby-Doo Movies |
The New Seekers | The New Seekers |
The New Statesman | The New Statesman |
The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer | The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer |
The New Vaudeville Band | The New Vaudeville Band |
The New World (film) | The New World (2005 film) |
The New York Dolls | New York Dolls |
The New York Hat | The New York Hat |
The New York Times Company | The New York Times Company |
The New York Times Tower | New York Times Building |
The Newbeats | The Newbeats |
The Newsroom | The Newsroom (U.S. TV series) |
The NewZealand Story | The NewZealand Story |
The Next Best Thing | The Next Best Thing |
The Next Karate Kid | The Next Karate Kid |
The Next Three Days | The Next Three Days |
The NextGen Series 2011/12 | 2011–12 NextGen Series |
The Nexus (album) | The Nexus (album) |
The Nielsen Company | Nielsen Holdings |
The Night Before | The Night Before (song) |
The Night Listener (film) | The Night Listener (film) |
The Night of the Following Day | The Night of the Following Day |
The Night of the Generals | The Night of the Generals |
The Night of the Hunter | The Night of the Hunter (film) |
The Night of the Iguana | The Night of the Iguana (film) |
The Night Porter | The Night Porter |
The Nightwatchman | The Nightwatchman |
The Nine Tailors | The Nine Tailors |
The Ninth Gate | The Ninth Gate |
The Notebook | The Notebook (film) |
The Notting Hillbillies | The Notting Hillbillies |
The Nude Bomb | The Nude Bomb |
The Number 23 | The Number 23 |
The Number of the Beast (single) | The Number of the Beast (song) |
The Number Twelve Looks Like You | The Number Twelve Looks Like You |
The Nun's Story | The Nun's Story (film) |
The Nutty Professor (1996) | The Nutty Professor (1996 film) |
The O.C. | The O.C. |
The O2 (Dublin) | The O2 (Dublin) |
The O2 (Londen) | The O2 |
The Object of My Affection | The Object of My Affection |
The Odd Couple (televisieserie) | The Odd Couple (TV series) |
The Odessa File | The Odessa File |
The Odyssey (album) | The Odyssey (album) |
The Odyssey (miniserie) | The Odyssey (TV miniseries) |
The Office | The Office (UK TV series) |
The Office US | The Office (U.S. TV series) |
The OH in Ohio | The Oh in Ohio |
The O'Jays | The O'Jays |
The Old Maid | The Old Maid (1939 film) |
The Omega Man | The Omega Man |
The Omen | The Omen |
The Once and Future King | The Once and Future King |
The One | The One |
The One (2001) | The One (2001 film) |
The One (Foo Fighters) | The One (Foo Fighters song) |
The One (Shakira) | The One (Shakira song) |
The One and Only | The One and Only |
The One That Got Away (Katy Perry) | The One That Got Away (Katy Perry song) |
The Onedin Line | The Onedin Line |
The Onion Movie | The Onion Movie |
The Only One | The Only One (The Cure song) |
The Open Championship | The Open Championship |
The Open Group | The Open Group |
The Open Group Architecture Framework | The Open Group Architecture Framework |
The Open University | Open University |
The Opposite of Sex | The Opposite of Sex |
The Opposite Sex | The Opposite Sex |
The Orange Box | The Orange Box |
The Order | The Order |
The Order (groepering) | The Order (group) |
The O'Reilly Factor | The O'Reilly Factor |
The Osmonds | The Osmonds |
The Osterman Weekend | The Osterman Weekend (film) |
The Other Boleyn Girl (2008) | The Other Boleyn Girl (2008 film) |
The Other Final | The Other Final |
The Other Guys | The Other Guys |
The Other Side of Heaven | The Other Side of Heaven |
The Others (2001) | The Others (2001 film) |
The Others (televisieserie) | The Others (TV series) |
The Outer Limits (1963) | The Outer Limits (1963 TV series) |
The Outfit | The Outfit (video game) |
The Outlaw | The Outlaw |
The Outlaw Josey Wales | The Outlaw Josey Wales |
The Outsider | The Outsider |
The Outsiders | The Outsiders |
The Outsiders (1983) | The Outsiders (film) |
The Outsiders (band) | The Outsiders (Dutch band) |
The Overlanders | The Overlanders (band) |
The Ox-Bow Incident | The Ox-Bow Incident |
The Oxford Murders | The Oxford Murders (film) |
The Pacific | The Pacific (TV miniseries) |
The Pacifier | The Pacifier |
The Paddingtons | The Paddingtons |
The Pagemaster | The Pagemaster |
The Painted Hills | The Painted Hills |
The Painted Veil | The Painted Veil (novel) |
The Palace (2008) | The Palace |
The Palace of Auburn Hills | The Palace of Auburn Hills |
The Pallbearer | The Pallbearer |
The Palm Beach Story | The Palm Beach Story |
The Panic in Needle Park | The Panic in Needle Park |
The Papercut Chronicles | The Papercut Chronicles |
The Paradine Case | The Paradine Case |
The Parallax View | The Parallax View |
The Parent Trap (1998) | The Parent Trap (1998 film) |
The Parsifal Mosaic | The Parsifal Mosaic |
The Partner (boek) | The Partner |
The Party | The Party (film) |
The Party at Kitty and Stud's | The Party at Kitty and Stud's |
The Party Never Stops: Diary of a Binge Drinker | The Party Never Stops: Diary of a Binge Drinker |
The Passenger | The Passenger (1975 film) |
The Passion of the Christ | The Passion of the Christ |
The Passion of the Jew | The Passion of the Jew |
The Passionate Pilgrim | The Passionate Pilgrim |
The Patrician | The Patrician (video game) |
The Patriot (2000) | The Patriot (2000 film) |
The Pawn | The Pawn |
The Pawnbroker | The Pawnbroker (film) |
The Peacemaker | The Peacemaker (1997 film) |
The Pearl (boek) | The Pearl (novel) |
The Pearl (Qatar) | The Pearl-Qatar |
The Pearl of Death | The Pearl of Death |
The Peel Sessions | Peel Sessions (disambiguation) |
The Pelican Brief | The Pelican Brief (film) |
The Penalty | The Penalty (film) |
The Pentagon Wars (film) | The Pentagon Wars |
The People vs. Larry Flynt | The People vs. Larry Flynt |
The Perfect Boy | The Perfect Boy |
The Perfect Game | The Perfect Game |
The Perfect Man | The Perfect Man |
The Perfect Score | The Perfect Score |
The Perfect Storm | The Perfect Storm (film) |
The Perfumed Garden | The Perfumed Garden |
The Perils of Pauline | The Perils of Pauline |
The Perks of Being a Wallflower | The Perks of Being a Wallflower (film) |
The Persuaders | The Persuaders! |
The Petrified Forest | The Petrified Forest |
The Phantom (film) | The Phantom (1996 film) |
The Phantom (strip) | The Phantom |
The Phantom of the Opera | The Phantom of the Opera (disambiguation) |
The Phantom of the Opera (2004) | The Phantom of the Opera (2004 film) |
The Phantom of the Opera (musical) | The Phantom of the Opera (musical) |
The Phantom Planet | The Phantom Planet |
The Philadelphia Story | The Philadelphia Story (film) |
The Philanthropist | The Philanthropist (TV series) |
The Philosophical Review | The Philosophical Review |
The Phoenix (gedicht) | The Phoenix (Old English poem) |
The Phoenix and the Turtle | The Phoenix and the Turtle |
The Photo Album | The Photo Album |
The Pianist | The Pianist (2002 film) |
The Piano | The Piano |
The Pickwick Papers | The Pickwick Papers |
The Pilgrim | The Pilgrim (film) |
The Pillars of the Earth (boek) | The Pillars of the Earth |
The Pillars of the Earth (serie) | The Pillars of the Earth (miniseries) |
The Pillow Book | The Pillow Book (film) |
The Pineapple Thief | The Pineapple Thief |
The Pink Panther (2006) | The Pink Panther |
The Pink Panther and Pals | Pink Panther and Pals |
The Pink Panther Deux | The Pink Panther 2 |
The Pink Panther Strikes Again | The Pink Panther Strikes Again |
The Pinnacle | Pinnacle (disambiguation) |
The Pinnacle (North Carolina) | King's Pinnacle |
The Pirate Movie | The Pirate Movie |
The Pirates! Band of Misfits | The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! |
The Pit and the Pendulum (1961) | The Pit and the Pendulum (1961 film) |
The Plainsman | The Plainsman |
The Planet | The Planet |
The Planets | The Planets |
The Plasma Shaft (Red Hot Chili Peppers) | The Plasma Shaft |
The Plastic Age | The Plastic Age (film) |
The Player (1992) | The Player (film) |
The Players Championship | The Players Championship |
The Pleasure Garden (1925) | The Pleasure Garden (film) |
The Pleasure Principle | The Pleasure Principle (song) |
The Pledge | The Pledge (film) |
The Plough and the Stars | The Plough and the Stars (film) |
The Poet | The Poet (film) |
The Polar Express | The Polar Express (film) |
The Poor Little Rich Girl | The Poor Little Rich Girl |
The Poozies | The Poozies |
The Portrait of a Lady (film) | The Portrait of a Lady (film) |
The Portrait of a Lady (roman) | The Portrait of a Lady |
The Poseidon Adventure (1972) | The Poseidon Adventure (1972 film) |
The Post War Blues | The Post War Blues |
The Postman Always Rings Twice | The Postman Always Rings Twice |
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981) | The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981 film) |
The Power (Snap!) | The Power (Snap! song) |
The Power and the Glory | The Power and the Glory (disambiguation) |
The Power and the Glory (film) | The Power and the Glory (1933 film) |
The Power and the Glory (Gentle Giant) | The Power and the Glory (Gentle Giant album) |
The Power of Good-bye | The Power of Good-Bye |
The Power of Nightmares | The Power of Nightmares |
The Power Station | The Power Station (band) |
The Power Trip | The Power Trip |
The Powerless Rise | The Powerless Rise |
The Powerpuff Girls | The Powerpuff Girls |
The Practice | The Practice |
The Preacher's Wife | The Preacher's Wife |
The Predator | The Predator |
The Premature Burial (film) | The Premature Burial (film) |
The Present | The Present |
The Presidents of the United States of America | The Presidents of the United States of America (band) |
The Prestige | The Prestige |
The Pretender | Pretender (disambiguation) |
The Pretender (single) | The Pretender (Foo Fighters song) |
The Pretender (televisieserie) | The Pretender (TV series) |
The Pretender: Island of the Haunted | The Pretender: Island of the Haunted |
The Pretty Things (album) | The Pretty Things (album) |
The Pride and the Passion | The Pride and the Passion |
The Pride of the Clan | The Pride of the Clan |
The Pride of the Yankees | The Pride of the Yankees |
The Prince and Me | The Prince and Me |
The Prince and the Showgirl | The Prince and the Showgirl |
The Princess and the Goblin | The Princess and the Goblin |
The Princess Bride (film) | The Princess Bride (film) |
The Princess Diaries | The Princess Diaries |
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement | The Princess Diaries 2 |
The Principle of Evil Made Flesh | The Principle of Evil Made Flesh |
The Prisoner | Prisoner (disambiguation) |
The Prisoner (televisieserie) | The Prisoner |
The Prisoner of Shark Island | The Prisoner of Shark Island |
The Private Life of Henry VIII | The Private Life of Henry VIII |
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes | The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes |
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex | The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex |
The Private Lives of Pippa Lee | The Private Lives of Pippa Lee |
The Prize (1963) | The Prize (1963 film) |
The Prizefighter and the Lady | The Prizefighter and the Lady |
The Problemist | The Problemist |
The Proclamation | Proclamation of the Irish Republic |
The Prodigy Experience | Experience (The Prodigy album) |
The Producers (1968) | The Producers (1968 film) |
The Producers (musical) | The Producers (musical) |
The Professionals | The Professionals |
The Professionals (band) | The Professionals (band) |
The Professionals (televisieserie) | The Professionals (TV series) |
The Promise | The Promise |
The Promise You Made | The Promise You Made |
The Proposal | The Proposal (movie) |
The Proposition | The Proposition |
The Proud Family | The Proud Family |
The Proximity Effect | The Proximity Effect (Nada Surf album) |
The Public Enemy | The Public Enemy |
The Public Enemy (professioneel worstelen) | The Public Enemy (professional wrestling) |
The Pumpkin Eater | The Pumpkin Eater |
The Puppet Masters | The Puppet Masters (film) |
The Purge | The Purge |
The Purple Rose of Cairo | The Purple Rose of Cairo |
The Pursuit of Happyness | The Pursuit of Happyness |
The Quad Resort & Casino | The Quad Resort and Casino |
The Quarterly Review | Quarterly Review |
The Queen (film) | The Queen (film) |
The Quest | The Quest (film) |
The Quick and the Dead | The Quick and the Dead (1995 film) |
The Quiet | The Quiet |
The Quiet American (1958) | The Quiet American (1958 film) |
The Quiet Earth | The Quiet Earth (film) |
The Quiet Man | The Quiet Man |
The Quill | The Quill (volcano) |
The Quiller Memorandum | The Quiller Memorandum |
The R.E.D. Album | The R.E.D. Album |
The Racer (Kings Island) | The Racer (Kings Island) |
The Racketeer | The Racketeer |
The Rage: Carrie 2 | The Rage: Carrie 2 |
The Ragpicker's Dream | The Ragpicker's Dream |
The Rainbow Children | The Rainbow Children |
The Rainmaker | Rainmaker |
The Rainmaker (1997) | The Rainmaker (1997 film) |
The Rainmaker (Grisham) | The Rainmaker (novel) |
The Rains Came | The Rains Came |
The Rake's Progress | The Rake's Progress |
The Rape of Lucrece | The Rape of Lucrece |
The Rapture | The Rapture (band) |
The Rare Breed | The Rare Breed |
The Rascals (Britse band) | The Rascals (English band) |
The Rattler | Iron Rattler |
The Raven | The Raven |
The Razor's Edge | The Razor's Edge (1946 film) |
The Reader | The Reader |
The Real Ghostbusters | The Real Ghostbusters |
The Real Testament | The Real Testament |
The Real Thing | The Real Thing |
The Real Thing (band) | The Real Thing (UK band) |
The Real World | The Real World |
The Reaping | The Reaping |
The Rebound | The Rebound |
The Reckless Moment | The Reckless Moment |
The Recruit | The Recruit |
The Red Badge of Courage | The Red Badge of Courage (film) |
The Red Hot Chili Peppers (album) | The Red Hot Chili Peppers (album) |
The Red Mill | The Red Mill (film) |
The Red Shoes | The Red Shoes (1948 film) |
The Red Skelton Show | The Red Skelton Show |
The Ref | The Ref |
The Register | The Register |
The Remarkables | The Remarkables |
The Remixes | The Remixes |
The Remixes (Shakira) | The Remixes (Shakira album) |
The Ren & Stimpy Show | The Ren & Stimpy Show |
The Replacements | Replacements |
The Replacements (band) | The Replacements (band) |
The Resistance Tour | The Resistance Tour |
The Restless Years | The Restless Years |
The Return (album) | The Return (Bathory album) |
The Return of Chef | The Return of Chef |
The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu | The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu |
The Return of Frank James | The Return of Frank James |
The Return of Godzilla | The Return of Godzilla |
The Return of Swamp Thing | The Return of Swamp Thing |
The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers | The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers |
The Return of the Gangsta | The Return of the Gangsta |
The Return of the King (animatiefilm) | The Return of the King (1980 film) |
The Return of the Living Dead | The Return of the Living Dead |
The Return of the Musketeers (1989) | The Return of the Musketeers |
The Return of the Native | The Return of the Native |
The Return of the Pink Panther | The Return of the Pink Panther |
The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre | Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation |
The Rev | The Rev |
The Revenant | The Revenant |
The Revolt of Mamie Stover | The Revolt of Mamie Stover (film) |
The Rhodes Not Taken | The Rhodes Not Taken |
The Rifles | The Rifles (band) |
The Right Stuff | The Right Stuff (film) |
The Righteous Brothers | Righteous Brothers |
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner | The Rime of the Ancient Mariner |
The Ring | The Ring |
The Ring (film) | The Ring (2002 movie) |
The Ring (South Park) | The Ring (South Park) |
The Ring 2 | The Ring Two |
The Ring: Virus | The Ring Virus |
The Rise & Fall | The Rise & Fall (album) |
The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt | The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt |
The Rising of the Moon | The Rising of the Moon (film) |
The Rite (2011) | The Rite (2011 film) |
The Ritual (Testament) | The Ritual (Testament album) |
The Ritz-Carlton | Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company |
The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes (televisieserie) | The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes (TV series) |
The River | The River |
The River (1951) | The River (1951 film) |
The River (nummer) | The River (Bruce Springsteen song) |
The River (televisieserie) | The River (U.S. TV series) |
The River in Reverse | The River in Reverse |
The Road (2009) | The Road (2009 film) |
The Road Home | The Road Home |
The Road to Guantánamo | The Road to Guantanamo |
The Road to Paradiso | The Road to Paradiso |
The Road to Serfdom | The Road to Serfdom |
The Roaring Twenties | The Roaring Twenties |
The Robe | The Robe (film) |
The Roches | The Roches |
The Rock (film) | The Rock (film) |
The Rocker | The Rocker (film) |
The Rocketeer | The Rocketeer (film) |
The Rolling Stones (album) | The Rolling Stones (album) |
The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus | The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus |
The Room (2003) | The Room (film) |
The Root Of All Evil | Root of all evil |
The Root of All Evil (cd) | The Root of All Evil (album) |
The Root of All Evil? | The Root of All Evil? |
The Roots of Heaven | The Roots of Heaven |
The Rose (lied) | The Rose (song) |
The Rose (theater) | The Rose (theatre) |
The Rough Kutz | The Rough Kutz |
The Rounder Girls | The Rounder Girls |
The Roundhouse Tapes | The Roundhouse Tapes |
The Royal Guardsmen | The Royal Guardsmen |
The Royal Scotsman | The Royal Scotsman |
The Royal Tenenbaums | The Royal Tenenbaums |
The Royal Trophy | Royal Trophy |
The Ruins | The Ruins (film) |
The Rum Diary | The Rum Diary (film) |
The Runaways (film) | The Runaways (film) |
The Rundown | The Rundown |
The Running Man (1987) | The Running Man (film) |
The Russia House | The Russia House |
The Russian Dolls | Russian Dolls (film) |
The Sacred Books of the East | Sacred Books of the East |
The Saint | The Saint (TV series) |
The Saints Are Coming | The Saints Are Coming |
The Santa Clause | The Santa Clause |
The Santa Clause 3 | The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause |
The Sarah Silverman Program | The Sarah Silverman Program |
The Satanic Rites of Dracula | The Satanic Rites of Dracula |
The Saturday Night Kid | The Saturday Night Kid |
The Savages | The Savages (film) |
The Scarlatti Inheritance | The Scarlatti Inheritance |
The Scarlet Claw | The Scarlet Claw |
The Scarlet Letter | The Scarlet Letter |
The Scarlet Pimpernel | The Scarlet Pimpernel |
The Science of Discworld | The Science of Discworld |
The Science of Sleep | The Science of Sleep |
The Scientist | The Scientist (song) |
The Scooby-Doo Show | The Scooby-Doo Show |
The Score | The Score |
The Score - An Epic Journey | The Score – An Epic Journey |
The Score (film) | The Score (film) |
The Score (Fugees) | The Score (album) |
The Scorpion King | The Scorpion King |
The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior | The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior |
The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption | The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption |
The Scorpions | The Scorpions (Manchester band) |
The Scream | The Scream (album) |
The Sea Hawk | The Sea Hawk (1940 film) |
The Sea of Grass | The Sea of Grass (film) |
The Seafarer | The Seafarer (poem) |
The Search (film) | The Search |
The Searchers (film) | The Searchers |
The Searchers (muziekgroep) | The Searchers (band) |
The Secret | Secret (disambiguation) |
The Secret Circle (boekenreeks) | The Secret Circle |
The Secret Circle (televisieserie) | The Secret Circle (TV series) |
The Secret Life of Bees | The Secret Life of Bees (film) |
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty | The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (disambiguation) |
The Secret Machines | Secret Machines |
The Secret Of Nimh | The Secret of NIMH |
The Secret Six | The Secret Six |
The Seeker | The Seeker (song) |
The Selfish Gene | The Selfish Gene |
The Selfish Giant | The Selfish Giant |
The Senior Open Championship | Senior Open Championship |
The Sentinel (2006) | The Sentinel (2006 film) |
The Sentinel (televisieserie) | The Sentinel (TV series) |
The Servant | The Servant (1963 film) |
The Settlement | The Settlement |
The Settlers | The Settlers |
The Settlers: Heritage of Kings | The Settlers: Heritage of Kings |
The Settlers: Paths to a Kingdom | The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom |
The Settlers: Rise of an Empire | The Settlers: Rise of an Empire |
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People | The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People |
The Seven Year Itch | The Seven Year Itch |
The seventh day (televisieserie) | The Seventh Day |
The Seventh One | The Seventh One |
The Seventh Sign | The Seventh Sign |
The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad | The 7th Voyage of Sinbad |
The Shaggy Dog | Shaggy dog |
The Shaggy Dog (2006) | The Shaggy Dog (2006 film) |
The Shamrock Handicap | The Shamrock Handicap |
The Shang Grand Tower | The Shang Grand Tower |
The Shaping of Middle-earth | The Shaping of Middle-earth |
The Shaw Prize | Shaw Prize |
The Shawshank Redemption | The Shawshank Redemption |
The She-Creature | The She Creature |
The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw | The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw |
The Shield (professioneel worstelen) | The Shield (professional wrestling) |
The Shield (televisieserie) | The Shield |
The Shining (boek) | The Shining (novel) |
The Shining (film) | The Shining (film) |
The Shining (televisieserie) | The Shining (TV miniseries) |
The Shining Hour | The Shining Hour |
The Shipping Forecast | Shipping Forecast |
The Shipping News | The Shipping News (film) |
The Shootist | The Shootist |
The Shop Around the Corner | The Shop Around the Corner |
The Shopworn Angel | The Shopworn Angel |
The Short Night | The Short Night |
The Show Must Go On | The show must go on |
The Show Must Go On (Queen) | The Show Must Go On (Queen song) |
The Showdown (band) | The Showdown (band) |
The Siege | The Siege |
The Signal | The Signal (film) |
The Silence of the Lambs (boek) | The Silence of the Lambs (novel) |
The Silence of the Lambs (film) | The Silence of the Lambs |
The Silencers | The Silencers (film) |
The Silver Chalice | The Silver Chalice (film) |
The Simpsons | The Simpsons |
The Simpsons (arcadespel) | The Simpsons Arcade Game |
The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer | The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer |
The Simpsons Cartoon Studio | The Simpsons: Cartoon Studio |
The Simpsons Game | The Simpsons Game |
The Simpsons Hit & Run | The Simpsons: Hit & Run |
The Simpsons Movie | The Simpsons Movie |
The Simpsons Ride | The Simpsons Ride |
The Simpsons Skateboarding | The Simpsons Skateboarding |
The Simpsons Wrestling | The Simpsons Wrestling |
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants | The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants |
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World | The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World |
The Simpsons: Road Rage | The Simpsons: Road Rage |
The Sims | The Sims (video game) |
The Sims Social | The Sims Social |
The Sims: Erop Uit! | The Sims Bustin' Out |
The Sin of Madelon Claudet | The Sin of Madelon Claudet |
The Singing Bee | The Singing Bee (U.S. game show) |
The Singing Detective (film) | The Singing Detective (film) |
The Single Factor | The Single Factor |
The Singles Collection | The Singles Collection |
The Singles Collection (Britney Spears) | The Singles Collection (Britney Spears album) |
The Singles: The First Ten Years | The Singles: The First Ten Years |
The Sing-Off | The Sing-Off |
The Sinister Urge | The Sinister Urge |
The Sinister Urge (film) | The Sinister Urge (film) |
The Sinner | The Sinner |
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants | The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (film) |
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 | The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 |
The Sisters (1938) | The Sisters (1938 film) |
The Situation Room | The Situation Room |
The Six Wives of Henry VIII (album) | The Six Wives of Henry VIII (album) |
The Sixth Sense | The Sixth Sense |
The Skeleton Key (film) | The Skeleton Key |
The Skeptics Society | The Skeptics Society |
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon | The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. |
The Skin Game (1931) | The Skin Game (1931 film) |
The Skulls | The Skulls (film) |
The Slaughterhouse | The Slaughterhouse |
The Sleepover Club | The Sleepover Club (TV series) |
The Smashing Pumpkins | Smashing Pumpkins |
The Smiling Lieutenant | The Smiling Lieutenant |
The Snake Pit | The Snake Pit |
The Snowman | The Snowman |
The Snows of Kilimanjaro (film) | The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952 film) |
The Snuke | The Snuke |
The Soft Machine | The Soft Machine (disambiguation) |
The Soft Machine (album) | The Soft Machine (Soft Machine album) |
The Soft Machine (Ozark Henry) | The Soft Machine (Ozark Henry album) |
The Solo Collection | The Solo Collection |
The Son of Kong | The Son of Kong |
The Son of No One | The Son of No One |
The Son of the Sheik | The Son of the Sheik |
The Song of Bernadette | The Song of Bernadette (film) |
The Song of Songs | The Song of Songs (1933 film) |
The Song Remains the Same (film) | The Song Remains the Same (film) |
The Sons of Eilaboun | The Sons of Eilaboun |
The Sopranos | The Sopranos |
The Sorcerer's Apprentice | The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010 movie) |
The Soul Sessions | The Soul Sessions |
The Sound and the Fury | The Sound and the Fury |
The Sound of Music | The Sound of Music (disambiguation) |
The Sound of Music (film) | The Sound of Music (movie) |
The Sound of Music (musical) | The Sound of Music |
The Soundhouse Tapes | The Soundhouse Tapes |
The Spamhaus Project | The Spamhaus Project |
The spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian paradigm | Spandrel (biology) |
The Spanish Inquisition | The Spanish Inquisition (Monty Python) |
The Spanish Main | The Spanish Main |
The Spanish Tragedy | The Spanish Tragedy |
The Specialist | The Specialist |
The Specials (album) | The Specials (album) |
The Spectacular Spider-Man (animatieserie) | The Spectacular Spider-Man (TV series) |
The Spectacular Spider-Man (stripserie) | The Spectacular Spider-Man |
The Spectator (1711) | The Spectator (1711) |
The Spencer Davis Group | The Spencer Davis Group |
The Spider Woman | The Spider Woman |
The Spiderwick Chronicles | The Spiderwick Chronicles (film) |
The Spinners | The Spinners (American R&B group) |
The Spiral Staircase | The Spiral Staircase (1946 film) |
The Spire | Spire of Dublin |
The Spirit | The Spirit (film) |
The Spirit of '43 | The Spirit of '43 |
The Spirit of Christmas | The Spirit of Christmas (short film) |
The Spirit of St. Louis | The Spirit of St. Louis (film) |
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie | The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie |
The Spooks | The Spooks |
The Spy Next Door | The Spy Next Door |
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold | The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (film) |
The Spy Who Loved Me | The Spy Who Loved Me (film) |
The Squaw Man | The Squaw Man |
The Squaw Man (1914) | The Squaw Man (1914 film) |
The St. Valentine's Day Massacre | The St. Valentine's Day Massacre (film) |
The Star (1952) | The Star (1952 film) |
The Star (Maleisië) | The Star (Malaysia) |
The Star Sisters | The Star Sisters |
The Star Wars Holiday Special | The Star Wars Holiday Special |
The Starting Line | The Starting Line |
The Statesman | The Statesman |
The Steiner Brothers | The Steiner Brothers |
The Stepford Wives (1975) | The Stepford Wives (1975 film) |
The Stig | The Stig |
The Sting (1973) | The Sting |
The Stolen Jools | The Stolen Jools |
The Stone Angel | The Stone Angel (film) |
The Story of Alexander Graham Bell | The Story of Alexander Graham Bell |
The Story of Esther Costello | The Story of Esther Costello |
The Story of G.I. Joe | The Story of G.I. Joe |
The Story of Maths | The Story of Maths |
The Story of Robin Hood | The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men |
The Story of the Kelly Gang | The Story of the Kelly Gang |
The Story of Woo Viet | The Story of Woo Viet |
The Storyteller | The Storyteller |
The Straight Story | The Straight Story |
The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry | The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry |
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde | Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |
The Strange Love of Martha Ivers | The Strange Love of Martha Ivers |
The Strange One | The Strange One |
The Strange Woman | The Strange Woman |
The Stranger | The Stranger |
The Stranger (1946) | The Stranger (1946 film) |
The Stranger Beside Me | The Stranger Beside Me (film) |
The Stratton Story | The Stratton Story |
The Strawberry Blonde | The Strawberry Blonde |
The Stray Gators | The Stray Gators |
The Street Fighter | The Street Fighter |
The Street Lawyer | The Street Lawyer |
The Streets of San Francisco | The Streets of San Francisco |
The Strength / The Sound / The Songs | The Strength/The Sound/The Songs |
The String Quartet Tribute | Vitamin Records |
The Strong Man | The Strong Man |
The Strongest | The Strongest |
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions | The Structure of Scientific Revolutions |
The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg | The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg |
The Substitute | The Substitute |
The Suburbs | The Suburbs (album) |
The Sugarhill Gang | The Sugarhill Gang |
The Sugarland Express | The Sugarland Express |
The Suite Life Movie | The Suite Life Movie |
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody | The Suite Life of Zack & Cody |
The Suite Life on Deck | The Suite Life on Deck |
The Sum of All Fears | The Sum of All Fears (film) |
The Sun | The Sun (newspaper) |
The Sun Also Rises | The Sun Also Rises |
The Sun Shines Bright | The Sun Shines Bright |
The Sunday Times | The Sunday Times |
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! | The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! |
The Surrogate (1995) | The Surrogate (1995 film) |
The Suspect | The Suspect |
The Swarbriggs | The Swarbriggs |
The Swarm | The Swarm |
The Swarm (achtbaan) | The Swarm (roller coaster) |
The Swarm (film) | The Swarm (film) |
The Sweeney | The Sweeney |
The Sweeney (film uit 2012) | The Sweeney (2012 film) |
The Sweet | Sweet (band) |
The Sweet Escape (album) | The Sweet Escape |
The Sweet Escape (single) | The Sweet Escape (song) |
The Sweetest Thing (film) | The Sweetest Thing |
The Swimmer | The Swimmer (film) |
The Swinging Blue Jeans | The Swinging Blue Jeans |
The Switch (film) | The Switch (2010 film) |
The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries | The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries |
The Tai Chi Master | Tai Chi Master (film) |
The Tailor of Panama | The Tailor of Panama |
The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) | The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009 film) |
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three | The Taking of Pelham One Two Three |
The Talented Mr. Ripley | The Talented Mr. Ripley (film) |
The Talk of the Town | The Talk of the Town (1942 film) |
The Tall Men | The Tall Men (film) |
The Tall T | The Tall T |
The Taming of the Shrew (1908) | The Taming of the Shrew (1908 film) |
The Taming of the Shrew (toneelstuk) | The Taming of the Shrew |
The Tannahill Weavers | The Tannahill Weavers |
The Tarnished Angels | The Tarnished Angels |
The Tatler | Tatler (1709 journal) |
The Tavern Keeper's Daughter | The Tavern Keeper's Daughter |
The Taxi Dancer | The Taxi Dancer |
The Teahouse of the August Moon | The Teahouse of the August Moon (film) |
The Tell-Tale Heart | The Tell-Tale Heart |
The Tell-Tale Heart (tekenfilm) | The Tell-Tale Heart (1953 film) |
The Tempest | The Tempest |
The Temptress | The Temptress |
The Ten | The Ten |
The Ten Commandments (1956) | The Ten Commandments (1956 film) |
The Tenant | The Tenant |
The Tennessee Two | The Tennessee Three |
The Terminal | The Terminal |
The Terminal Man | The Terminal Man (film) |
The Terminator | The Terminator |
The Terminators | The Terminators (film) |
The Terror | The Terror (1963 film) |
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) | The Texas Chain Saw Massacre |
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre |
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003 film) |
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 |
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning |
The Theatre | The Theatre |
The Theory of Moral Sentiments | The Theory of Moral Sentiments |
The Thief Lord | The Thief Lord (film) |
The Thief of Bagdad | The Thief of Bagdad |
The Thin Blue Line (documentaire) | The Thin Blue Line (film) |
The Thin Blue Line (televisieserie) | The Thin Blue Line (TV series) |
The Thin Man | The Thin Man (film) |
The Thin Man Goes Home | The Thin Man Goes Home |
The Thin Red Line | The Thin Red Line (1998 film) |
The Thing Called Love | The Thing Called Love |
The Thing from Another World | The Thing from Another World |
The Thing With Two Heads | The Thing with Two Heads |
The Third Man | The Third Man |
The Thirteenth Floor | The Thirteenth Floor |
The Thomas Crown Affair | The Thomas Crown Affair |
The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) | The Thomas Crown Affair (1999 film) |
The thoughts of Emerlist Davjack | The Thoughts of Emerlist Davjack |
The Three Degrees | The Three Degrees |
The Three Musketeers | The Three Musketeers (disambiguation) |
The Three Musketeers (1973) | The Three Musketeers (1973 film) |
The Thrill of It All | The Thrill of It All |
The Time (band) | The Time (band) |
The Time Machine | Time machine (disambiguation) |
The Time Machine (2002) | The Time Machine (2002 film) |
The Time Traveler's Wife | The Time Traveler's Wife (film) |
The Times of Harvey Milk | The Times of Harvey Milk |
Thé Tjong-Khing | Thé Tjong-Khing |
The Tolmachevy Twins | The Tolmachevy Twins |
The Tomb of Ligeia | The Tomb of Ligeia |
The Tooth Fairy Tats 2000 | The Tooth Fairy Tats 2000 |
The Top | The Top (album) |
The Torch | The Marina Torch |
The Torkelsons | The Torkelsons |
The Tornados | The Tornados |
The Tour Championship | The Tour Championship |
The Tourist | The Tourist (2010 film) |
The Tournament | The Tournament (film) |
The Tower | Tower (disambiguation) |
The Tower of Lies | The Tower of Lies |
The Towering Inferno | The Towering Inferno |
The Town | The Town (2010 film) |
The Town I Loved So Well | The Town I Loved So Well |
The Tracey Fragments | The Tracey Fragments (film) |
The Tracks of My Tears | The Tracks of My Tears |
The Tragedy of King Richard the Second | Richard II (play) |
The Tragedy of Richard the Third | Richard III (play) |
The Trail of '98 | The Trail of '98 |
The Train | The Train (1964 film) |
The Tramp | The Tramp (film) |
The Transformers | Transformers (disambiguation) |
The Transformers (televisieserie) | The Transformers (TV series) |
The Transformers: The Movie | The Transformers: The Movie |
The Transplants | Transplants (band) |
The Transporter | The Transporter |
The Trap | The Trap |
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre | The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (film) |
The Treasure of Uşas | Uşas |
The Tree in a Test Tube | The Tree in a Test Tube |
The Tree of Life | The Tree of Life (film) |
The Trial | The Trial (song) |
The Trial of Mary Dugan | The Trial of Mary Dugan (film) |
The Trial of the Incredible Hulk | The Trial of the Incredible Hulk |
The Triangle (2001) | The Triangle (film) |
The Tribe | The Tribe (TV series) |
The Tribune | The Tribune |
The Tripods | The Tripods |
The Trojan Women | The Trojan Women (film) |
The Troop | The Troop |
The Trooper | The Trooper |
The Troubadour | The Troubadour, West Hollywood |
The Trouble with Harry | The Trouble with Harry |
The Troubles | The Troubles |
The Truman Show | The Truman Show |
The Truth About Cats & Dogs | The Truth About Cats & Dogs |
The Tudors | The Tudors |
The Tuxedo | The Tuxedo |
The Twelve Days of Christmas | The Twelve Days of Christmas (song) |
The Twelve Kingdoms | The Twelve Kingdoms |
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 | The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 |
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse | The Twilight Saga: Eclipse |
The Twilight Saga: New Moon | The Twilight Saga: New Moon |
The Twilight Zone (televisieserie) | The Twilight Zone |
The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror | The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror |
The Two Gentlemen of Verona | The Two Gentlemen of Verona |
The Two Jakes | The Two Jakes |
The Two Noble Kinsmen | The Two Noble Kinsmen |
The Ugly | The Ugly |
The Ugly Truth | The Ugly Truth |
The Ultimate Collection | The Ultimate Collection |
The Ultimate Collection (Michael Jackson) | The Ultimate Collection (Michael Jackson album) |
The Ultimate Gift | The Ultimate Gift |
The Unborn | The Unborn (2009 film) |
The Undercover Sessions | The Under Cover Sessions |
The Understanding Heart | The Understanding Heart |
The Unforgiven (film) | The Unforgiven (1960 film) |
The Unforgiven (single) | The Unforgiven (song) |
The Uninvited | Uninvited |
The Uninvited (2009) | The Uninvited (2009 film) |
The Unit | The Unit |
The United States of Leland | The United States of Leland |
The Universe | Universe (disambiguation) |
The Universe (Dubai) | The Universe (Dubai) |
The Universe (televisieserie) | The Universe (TV series) |
The Unknown | The Unknown (1927 film) |
The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club | The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club |
The Unseen (band) | The Unseen (band) |
The Untouchables | The Untouchables (film) |
The Upside of Anger | The Upside of Anger |
The Urbz: Sims in the City | The Urbz: Sims in the City |
The Usos | The Usos |
The Usual Suspects (film) | The Usual Suspects |
The Valley (Anguilla) | The Valley, Anguilla |
The Valley (stadion) | The Valley (London) |
The Valley of Decision | The Valley of Decision |
The Vampire Bat | The Vampire Bat |
The Vampire Diaries (boekenreeks) | The Vampire Diaries (novel series) |
The Vampire Diaries (televisieserie) | The Vampire Diaries |
The Vampyre | The Vampyre |
The Vanishing | The Vanishing (1993 film) |
The Vapors | The Vapors |
The Vault... Old Friends 4 Sale | The Vault: Old Friends 4 Sale |
The Velvet Rope World Tour | The Velvet Rope World Tour |
The Velvet Underground & Nico | The Velvet Underground & Nico |
The Venetian | The Venetian Las Vegas |
The Venetian Macao | The Venetian Macao |
The Vengeance of Fu Manchu | The Vengeance of Fu Manchu |
The Verdict | The Verdict |
The Very Best of Prince | The Very Best of Prince |
The Very Best of Sheryl Crow | The Very Best of Sheryl Crow |
The Vicar of Dibley | The Vicar of Dibley |
The View (band) | The View (band) |
The Village | The Village |
The Village (film) | The Village (2004 film) |
The Villages | The Villages, Florida |
The Vincent Award | Vincent Award |
The Virgin Suicides | The Virgin Suicides (film) |
The Virginian | The Virginian |
The Virginian (televisieserie) | The Virginian (TV series) |
The Visitor (2007) | The Visitor (2007 drama film) |
The Visitor (Arena) | The Visitor (Arena album) |
The Visitor (televisieserie) | The Visitor (TV series) |
The Visitors (album) | The Visitors (ABBA album) |
The Visitors (film) | The Visitors (1972 film) |
The Voca People | Voca People |
The Voice (televisieformat) | The Voice (TV series) |
The Voice (Verenigde Staten) | The Voice (U.S. TV series) |
The Voice Belgique | The Voice Belgique |
The Voice Kids (seizoen 1) | The Voice Kids (Netherlands season 1) |
The voice of Holland | The Voice of Holland |
The Voice van Vlaanderen | The Voice van Vlaanderen |
The Voice van Vlaanderen (seizoen 1) | The Voice van Vlaanderen (season 1) |
The Vow (2012) | The Vow (2012 film) |
The Wackness | The Wackness |
The Wacky Molestation Adventure | The Wacky Molestation Adventure |
The Wailing Wailers | The Wailing Wailers |
The Waitresses | The Waitresses |
The Walker Brothers | The Walker Brothers |
The Walking Dead | Walking Dead |
The Walking Dead (computerspel) | The Walking Dead (video game) |
The Walking Dead (strip) | The Walking Dead (comic book) |
The Walking Dead (televisieserie) | The Walking Dead (TV series) |
The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor | The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor |
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct | The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct |
The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury | The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury |
The Wall Street Shuffle | The Wall Street Shuffle |
The Waltons | The Waltons |
The Wanderer | The Wanderer (poem) |
The Wanderers (film) | The Wanderers (1979 film) |
The War at Home | The War at Home (TV series) |
The War of the Worlds | The War of the Worlds (disambiguation) |
The War of the Worlds (1953) | The War of the Worlds (1953 film) |
The War of the Worlds (boek) | The War of the Worlds |
The War of the Worlds (radio) | The War of the Worlds (radio drama) |
The War on Errorism | The War on Errorism |
The War Room | The War Room |
The Warlord of Mars | The Warlord of Mars |
The Warrior’s Code | The Warrior's Code |
The Warriors | The Warriors (film) |
The Wasps (Vaughan Williams) | The Wasps (Vaughan Williams) |
The Waste Land | The Waste Land |
The Watch | The Watch |
The Watch (2012) | The Watch (2012 film) |
The Watch (band) | The Watch (band) |
The Watcher in the Woods | The Watcher in the Woods |
The Waterboy | The Waterboy |
The Waterhorse | The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep |
The Watsons | The Watsons |
The Waves | The Waves |
The Way (film) | The Way (film) |
The Way I Am | The Way I Am (Eminem song) |
The Way I Are | The Way I Are |
The Way We Were | The Way We Were |
The Way We Weren't | The Way We Weren't |
The WB Television Network | The WB Television Network |
The Wealth of Nations | The Wealth of Nations |
The Weather Girls | The Weather Girls |
The Wedding Banquet | The Wedding Banquet |
The Wedding Date | The Wedding Date |
The Wedding March | The Wedding March (1928 film) |
The Wedding Planner | The Wedding Planner |
The Wedding Singer | The Wedding Singer |
The Weight Is A Gift | The Weight Is a Gift |
The Wendell Baker Story | The Wendell Baker Story |
The Wentworth Club | Wentworth Club |
The West Point Story | The West Point Story (film) |
The West Wing | The West Wing |
The Whales of August | The Whales of August |
The Whip | The Whip (band) |
The whirlwind | The Whirlwind |
The Whistleblower | The Whistleblower |
The White Cliffs of Dover | The White Cliffs of Dover (film) |
The white man's burden | The White Man's Burden |
The White Queen | The White Queen (TV series) |
The White Shadow (film) | The White Shadow (film) |
The White Sister | The White Sister |
The White Sister (1933) | The White Sister (1933 film) |
The Who: Then and Now | Then and Now (The Who album) |
The Whole Nine Yards | The Whole Nine Yards (film) |
The Whole Ten Yards | The Whole Ten Yards |
The Whole Town's Talking | The Whole Town's Talking |
The Wicker Man (2006) | The Wicker Man (2006 film) |
The Wilby Conspiracy | The Wilby Conspiracy |
The Wild | The Wild |
The Wild Boys | The Wild Boys (song) |
The Wild Bunch | The Wild Bunch |
The Wild Hunt (album) | The Wild Hunt (album) |
The Wild One (1953) | The Wild One |
The Wild One (Six Flags America) | The Wild One (roller coaster) |
The Wild Party | The Wild Party |
The Wild Ride | The Wild Ride |
The Wild Stallion | The Wild Stallion |
The Wild Thornberrys | The Wild Thornberrys |
The Wild Thornberrys Movie | The Wild Thornberrys Movie |
The Wild Wild West | Wild Wild West (disambiguation) |
The Wild Wild West (televisieserie) | The Wild Wild West |
The Wilde Flowers (band) | The Wilde Flowers |
The Will to Death | The Will to Death |
The Wind | The Wind (1928 film) |
The Wind That Shakes the Barley | The Wind That Shakes the Barley (film) |
The Windmills of Your Mind | The Windmills of Your Mind |
The Window | The Window |
The Wings of Eagles | The Wings of Eagles |
The Winner is... | The Winner Is |
The Winning Team | The Winning Team |
The Winter's Tale | The Winter's Tale |
The Wire | The Wire |
The Wirtschaftswunder | The Wirtschaftswunder |
The Wise Little Hen | The Wise Little Hen |
The Witcher | The Witcher (video game) |
The Witches (1990) | The Witches (1990 film) |
The Witches of Eastwick (film) | The Witches of Eastwick (film) |
The Wiz | The Wiz (disambiguation) |
The Wiz (film) | The Wiz (film) |
The Wiz (musical) | The Wiz |
The Wizard of Oz | The Wizard of Oz |
The Wolf Man | Wolf man (disambiguation) |
The Wolf Man (1941) | The Wolf Man (1941 film) |
The Wolfman (2010) | The Wolfman (2010 film) |
The Woman in Green | The Woman in Green |
The Woman in Me | The Woman in Me (Shania Twain album) |
The Woman in Red (album) | The Woman in Red (soundtrack) |
The Woman in the Window | The Woman in the Window |
The Wombats Proudly Present: A Guide to Love, Loss & Desperation | The Wombats Proudly Present: A Guide to Love, Loss & Desperation |
The Women (1939) | The Women (1939 film) |
The Wonder Years | The Wonder Years |
The Woodlands | The Woodlands, Texas |
The Word | The Word (song) |
The Working Man | The Working Man |
The Works | The Works (Queen album) |
The Works Tour | The Works Tour |
The World | The World (archipelago) |
The World According to Garp (film) | The World According to Garp (film) |
The World Factbook | The World Factbook |
The World in His Arms | The World in His Arms |
The World Is Not Enough | The World Is Not Enough |
The World Moves On | The World Moves On |
The World's Greatest Tag Team | The World's Greatest Tag Team |
The Worst Week of My Life | The Worst Week of My Life |
The Wrestler | The Wrestler (2008 film) |
The Wretched Spawn | The Wretched Spawn |
The Wrong Man | The Wrong Man |
The Wrong Trousers | The Wrong Trousers |
The Wuzzles | The Wuzzles |
The Wyatt Family | The Wyatt Family (professional wrestling) |
The X Factor (Iron Maiden) | The X Factor (album) |
The X Factor (Verenigd Koninkrijk) | The X Factor (UK TV series) |
The X-Files | The X-Files |
The X-Files (film) | The X-Files (film) |
The X-Files: I Want to Believe | The X-Files: I Want to Believe |
The Yakuza | The Yakuza |
The Year of Living Dangerously | The Year of Living Dangerously (film) |
The Years of Rice and Salt | The Years of Rice and Salt |
The Yellow Rose of Texas | The Yellow Rose of Texas (song) |
The Yellow Ticket | The Yellow Ticket |
The Young and the Restless | The Young and the Restless |
The Young Bucks | The Young Bucks |
The Young Doctors | The Young Doctors |
The Young in Heart | The Young in Heart |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles | The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles |
The Young Lions | The Young Lions (film) |
The Young One | The Young One |
The Young Ones | The Young Ones (TV series) |
The young person's guide to the orchestra | The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra |
The Young Veins | The Young Veins |
The Young Victoria | The Young Victoria |
The Zephyr Song | The Zephyr Song |
The Zeta Project | The Zeta Project |
Thea | Téa |
Thea Beckman | Thea Beckman |
Thea Musgrave | Thea Musgrave |
Thea Trinidad | Thea Trinidad |
Theaceae | Theaceae |
Theadora Van Runkle | Theadora Van Runkle |
Theaetetus (Plato) | Theaetetus (dialogue) |
Theagenes | Theagenes of Megara |
Theages (Plato) | Theages |
Theales | Theales |
Theanine | Theanine |
Theano | Theano (disambiguation) |
Theano (dochter van Cisseus) | Theano |
Theano (filosofe) | Theano (philosopher) |
Theater | Theatre (disambiguation) |
Theater (gebouw) | Theater (structure) |
Theater (kunstvorm) | Theatre |
Theater Arena | Arena Theatre |
Theater- en muziekpodium Amadeo | Amadeo Theatre and Music Company |
Theater in het oude Griekenland | Theatre of ancient Greece |
Theater Owners Booking Association | Theater Owners Booking Association |
Theater Tuschinski | Tuschinski |
Theater van Marcellus | Theatre of Marcellus |
Theater van Pompeius | Theatre of Pompey |
Theaterfestival | Theatre festival |
Theatergeschiedenis | History of theatre |
Theaterorgel | Theatre organ |
Theatersport | Theatresports |
Theatertechniek | Stagecraft |
Theaterwetenschap | Theatre studies |
Theatijnen | Theatines |
Theatinerkirche | Theatine Church, Munich |
Theatrale persoonlijkheidsstoornis | Histrionic personality disorder |
Théâtre de l'Odéon | Odéon-Théâtre de l'Europe |
Theatre of Hate | Theatre of Hate |
Theatre of Voices | Theatre of Voices |
Theaudience | Theaudience |
Thebaanse Legioen | Theban Legion |
Thebaïne | Thebaine |
Thebe | Thebe |
Thèbe | Thèbe |
Thebe (Egypte) | Thebes, Egypt |
Thebe (Griekenland) | Thebes, Greece |
Thebe (maan) | Thebe (moon) |
Thecacera | Thecacera |
Thecacera picta | Thecacera picta |
Thecadactylus | Thecadactylus |
Thecla caramba | Cyanophrys amyntor |
Thecla cygnus | Satyrium californica |
Thecla falerina | Enos falerina |
Thecla kali | Satyrium behrii |
Thecla ligurina | Kolana ligurina |
Thecla stilbia | Strephonota sphinx |
Thecla tarena | Ostrinotes tarena |
Thecla villia | Strephonota tephraeus |
Thecla voltinia | Kolana ergina |
Thecosomata | Sea butterfly |
Thedford | Thedford, Nebraska |
Thédirac | Thédirac |
Thee (drank) | Tea |
Theebloem | Flowering tea |
Theeboomolie | Tea tree oil |
Thee-ei | Infuser |
Theehuis | Tea house |
Theehybriden | Hybrid tea rose |
Theekopjes (attractie) | Teacups |
Theelepel | Teaspoon |
Theelichtje | Tealight |
Theems | River Thames |
Theemuts | Tea cosy |
Theeplant | Camellia sinensis |
Theepot | Teapot |
Theeroute | Ancient tea route |
Theeßen | Theeßen |
Theewaterskloof | Theewaterskloof Local Municipality |
Theeworst | Teewurst |
Theezakje | Tea bag |
Thegchog Dorje | Thekchok Dorje, 14th Karmapa Lama |
Thegn | Thegn |
Thégra | Thégra |
Théhillac | Théhillac |
THEhotel at Mandalay Bay | THEhotel at Mandalay Bay |
Theia | Theia (disambiguation) |
Theia (mythologie) | Theia |
Theillay | Theillay |
Theillement | Theillement |
Theil-Rabier | Theil-Rabier |
Theil-sur-Vanne | Theil-sur-Vanne |
Their Law: The Singles 1990-2005 | Their Law: The Singles 1990–2005 |
Theïsme | Theism |
Theißen | Theißen |
Theïstisch evolutionisme | Theistic evolution |
Theix | Theix |
Theizé | Theizé |
Thekla (heilige) | Thecla |
Thekla Reuten | Thekla Reuten |
Theklaleeuwerik | Thekla Lark |
Thel | Thel, Rhône |
Thelacantha brevispina | Thelacantha |
Thelema.6 | Thelema.6 |
Thelephoraceae | Thelephoraceae |
Thelephorales | Thelephorales |
Theli | Theli (album) |
Théligny | Théligny |
Thélis-la-Combe | Thélis-la-Combe |
Thelkow | Thelkow |
Thelma & Louise | Thelma & Louise |
Thelma Hopkins | Thelma Hopkins (athlete) |
Thélod | Thélod |
Theloderma | Theloderma |
Theloderma corticale | Theloderma corticale |
Thelonne | Thelonne |
Thelotornis | Twig snake |
T-helpercel | T helper cell |
Thélus | Thélus |
Thelxinoe | Thelxinoë |
Thelxinoe (maan) | Thelxinoe (moon) |
Them | Them |
Them (band) | Them (band) |
Them (Denemarken) | Them Municipality |
Them Crooked Vultures (album) | Them Crooked Vultures (album) |
Them Thar Hills | Them Thar Hills |
Them! | Them! |
Thema | Theme |
Thema (Byzantijnse Rijk) | Theme (Byzantine district) |
Thema (informatica) | Skin (computing) |
Thema (muziek) | Theme (music) |
Thema (taalkunde) | Topic–comment |
Thematische apperceptietest | Thematic Apperception Test |
Thematische filatelie | Topical stamp collecting |
Thematische kaart | Thematic map |
Thematische relatie | Thematic relation |
Thembelihle | Thembelihle Local Municipality |
Theme Park | Theme Park (video game) |
Themeda | Themeda |
Themidaceae | Brodiaeoideae |
Thémines | Thémines |
Théminettes | Théminettes |
Themis | Themis (disambiguation) |
Themis (mythologie) | Themis |
Themis (planetoïde) | 24 Themis |
Themistios | Themistius |
Themisto | Themisto (disambiguation) |
Themisto (maan) | Themisto (moon) |
Themisto gaudichaudii | Themisto gaudichaudii |
Themistocles | Themistocles |
Themistocles (doorverwijspagina) | Themistocles (disambiguation) |
Thénac | Thénac |
Thénac (Charente-Maritime) | Thénac, Charente-Maritime |
Thénac (Dordogne) | Thénac, Dordogne |
Thenailles | Thenailles |
Thenay (Indre) | Thenay, Indre |
Thenay (Loir-et-Cher) | Thenay, Loir-et-Cher |
Thénésol | Thénésol |
Theneuil | Theneuil |
Theneuille | Theneuille |
Thénezay | Thénezay |
Theni (district) | Theni district |
Thénioux | Thénioux |
Thenissey | Thenissey |
Thénisy | Thénisy |
Thennelières | Thennelières |
Thennes | Thennes |
Thenon | Thenon |
Thénorgues | Thénorgues |
Thenus orientalis | Thenus |
Theo Angelopoulos | Theodoros Angelopoulos |
Theo Bos (voetballer) | Theo Bos (footballer) |
Theo Bos (wielrenner) | Theo Bos |
Theo Francken | Theo Francken |
Theo Frenkel sr. | Theo Frenkel |
Theo Loevendie | Theo Loevendie |
Theo Maassen | Theo Maassen |
Theo Middelkamp | Theo Middelkamp |
Theo Travis | Theo Travis |
Theo van Boven | Theo van Boven |
Theo van Gogh | Theo van Gogh |
Theo van Gogh (kunsthandelaar) | Theo van Gogh (art dealer) |
Theo van Gogh (regisseur) | Theo van Gogh (film director) |
Theo van Scheltinga | Theo van Scheltinga |
Theo Vienne | Théodore Vienne |
Theo Vogelsang | Theo Vogelsang |
Theobald | Theobald |
Theobald Böhm | Theobald Boehm |
Theobald I van Bar | Theobald I, Count of Bar |
Theobald I van Blois | Theobald I, Count of Blois |
Theobald I van Lotharingen | Theobald I, Duke of Lorraine |
Theobald II van Bar | Theobald II, Count of Bar |
Theobald II van Blois | Theobald II of Blois |
Theobald II van Lotharingen | Theobald II, Duke of Lorraine |
Theobald II van Navarra | Theobald II of Navarre |
Theobald III van Blois | Theobald III, Count of Blois |
Theobald III van Champagne | Theobald III, Count of Champagne |
Theobald IV van Blois | Theobald II, Count of Champagne |
Theobald IV van Champagne | Theobald I of Navarre |
Theobald V van Blois | Theobald V, Count of Blois |
Theobald van Arles | Theobald of Arles |
Theobald van Bar (bisschop) | Theobald, Bishop of Liège |
Theobald van Marly | Theobald of Marly |
Theobald VI van Blois | Theobald VI, Count of Blois |
Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg | Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg |
Theobald Wolfe Tone | Wolfe Tone |
Theobaldus van Provins | Theobald of Provins |
Theobroma (geslacht) | Theobroma |
Theobromine | Theobromine |
Theocentrisme | Theocentricism |
Theocratie | Theocracy |
Theocritus | Theocritus |
Theodahad | Theodahad |
Theodelinde | Theodelinda |
Théodelinde van Leuchtenberg | Théodolinde de Beauharnais |
Theodemund | Theodemund |
Théoden | Théoden |
Theoderade | Théodrate of Troyes |
Theoderik I | Theodoric I |
Theodicee | Theodicy |
Theodo II | Theodo of Bavaria |
Theodo III | Theodbert of Bavaria |
Theodoardus | Theodard of Maastricht |
Theodoliet | Theodolite |
Theodoor Boeyermans | Theodoor Boeyermans |
Theodoor Cleysters | Théodore Poussin |
Theodoor de Bry | Theodor de Bry |
Theodoor Eustachius van Palts-Sulzbach | Theodore Eustace, Count Palatine of Sulzbach |
Theodoor Hendrik van de Velde | Theodoor Hendrik van de Velde |
Theodoor I van Monferrato | Theodore I, Marquess of Montferrat |
Theodoor II van Monferrato | Theodore II, Marquess of Montferrat |
Theodoor Nouwens | Théodore Nouwens |
Theodoor Rombouts | Theodoor Rombouts |
Theodoor van Thulden | Theodoor van Thulden |
Theodor Curtius (chemicus) | Theodor Curtius |
Theodor Evertz | Theodor Evertz |
Theodor Hänsch | Theodor W. Hänsch |
Theodor Kaluza | Theodor Kaluza |
Theodor Kerckring | Theodor Kerckring |
Theodor Körner (bondspresident) | Theodor Körner (Austrian president) |
Theodor Körner (tekstdichter) | Theodor Körner (author) |
Theodor Leschetizky | Theodor Leschetizky |
Theodor Meron | Theodor Meron |
Theodor Molien | Theodor Molien |
Theodor Morell | Theodor Morell |
Theodor Reuß | Theodor Reuss |
Theodor Rosetti | Theodor Rosetti |
Theodor Svedberg | Theodor Svedberg |
Theodor von Neuhoff | Theodore of Corsica |
Theodor von Reding | Theodor von Reding |
Theodor Wilhelm Achtermann | Theodore William Achtermann |
Theodora | Theodora |
Theodora Angelina | Theodora Angelina, Duchess of Austria |
Theodora Guerin | Théodore Guérin |
Theodora I | Theodora (wife of Justinian I) |
Theodora II | Theodora (wife of Theophilos) |
Theodora III | Theodora (11th century) |
Theodora Komnena | Theodora Komnene, Duchess of Austria |
Theodora Komnene | Theodora Komnene |
Theodora Megale Komnene | Theodora of Trebizond |
Theodora Richards | Theodora Richards |
Theodora van Griekenland en Denemarken (1906-1969) | Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark (1906–1969) |
Theodora van Griekenland en Denemarken (1983) | Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark |
Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell | Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell |
Théodore de Mayerne | Théodore de Mayerne |
Theodore Earl Butler | Theodore Earl Butler |
Théodore Fourmois | Théodore Fourmois |
Theodore Hesburgh | Theodore Hesburgh |
Theodore James Wilson | TJ Wilson |
Theodore Kaczynski | Ted Kaczynski |
Theodore Levitt | Theodore Levitt |
Theodore Long | Theodore Long |
Theodore Moretus | Théodore Moret |
Theodore Nicholas Gill | Theodore Gill |
Theodore Roosevelt jr. | Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. |
Theodore Roosevelt National Park | Theodore Roosevelt National Park |
Theodore Roszak | Theodore Roszak |
Theodore Roszak (historicus) | Theodore Roszak (scholar) |
Theodore Schultz | Theodore Schultz |
Theodoretus van Cyrrhus | Theodoret |
Theodor-Heuss brug | Theodor Heuss Bridge (Mainz-Wiesbaden) |
Theodor-Heuss-Platz | Theodor-Heuss-Platz |
Theodor-Heuss-Platz (metrostation) | Theodor-Heuss-Platz (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Theodorik | Theodoric |
Theodorik de Grote | Theodoric the Great |
Theodorik de Oudere | Theodoric Strabo |
Theodorik II | Theodoric II |
Theodoros I Laskaris | Theodore I Laskaris |
Theodoros II Laskaris | Theodore II Laskaris |
Theodoros Kolokotronis | Theodoros Kolokotronis |
Theodoros Pangalos (generaal) | Theodoros Pangalos (general) |
Theodoros Pangalos (politicus) | Theodoros Pangalos |
Theodoros Zagorakis | Theodoros Zagorakis |
Theodorus | Theodore (name) |
Theodorus Beza | Theodore Beza |
Theodorus Frederik van Capellen | Theodorus Frederik van Capellen |
Theodorus Gaza | Theodorus Gaza |
Theodorus II van Alexandrië | Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria |
Theodorus II van Ethiopië | Tewodros II |
Theodorus Rsjtoeni | Theodore Rshtuni |
Theodorus Schrevelius | Theodorus Schrevelius |
Theodorus van Cyrene | Theodorus of Cyrene |
Theodorus van Gadara | Theodorus of Gadara |
Theodorus van Mopsuestia | Theodore of Mopsuestia |
Theodorus van Tarsus | Theodore of Tarsus |
Theodosia | Theodosia |
Theodosiaanse dynastie | Theodosian dynasty |
Theodosius | Theodosius |
Theodosius de Cenobiarch | Theodosius the Cenobiarch |
Theodosius Dobzhansky | Theodosius Dobzhansky |
Theodosius I | Theodosius I |
Theodosius II | Theodosius II |
Theodosius II van Bragança | Teodósio II, Duke of Braganza |
Theodosius III | Theodosios III |
Theodotion | Theodotion |
Theodoxus danubialis | Theodoxus danubialis |
Théodule Ribot | Théodule-Armand Ribot |
Theodulf van Orléans | Theodulf of Orléans |
Theodulpas | Theodul Pass |
Theofanie | Theophany |
Theofanis Gekas | Theofanis Gekas |
Theofilus (Bijbel) | Theophilus (biblical) |
Theofilus III van Jeruzalem | Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem |
Theofylline | Theophylline |
Theognis | Theognis of Megara |
Theogonia | Theogony |
Theologie | Theology |
Theologische verklaring van Barmen | Barmen Declaration |
Theonoe | Theonoe |
Theophanes | Theophanes |
Theophanes de Griek | Theophanes the Greek |
Theophanes van Mytilene | Theophanes of Mytilene |
Theophanis Strelitzas | Theophanes the Cretan |
Theophano | Theophano |
Theophano (keizerin) | Theophano (10th century) |
Theophanu | Theophanu |
Théophile Abega | Théophile Abega |
Theophile Beeckman | Théophile Beeckman |
Théophile Bovy | Théophile Bovy |
Théophile de Bock | Théophile de Bock |
Théophile Jeusset | Théophile Jeusset |
Théophile Thoré-Bürger | Théophile Thoré-Bürger |
Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen | Théophile Steinlen |
Theophilos Hatzimihail | Theophilos Hatzimihail |
Theophilos van Byzantium | Theophilos (emperor) |
Theophilus | Theophilus |
Theophilus Dönges | Theophilus Ebenhaezer Dönges |
Theophilus Lindsey | Theophilus Lindsey |
Theophilus Thompson (schaker) | Theophilus Thompson |
Theophilus van Alexandrië | Pope Theophilus of Alexandria |
Theophrastaceae | Theophrastaceae |
Theophrastus | Theophrastus |
Theophylactus Simocatta | Theophylact Simocatta |
Theopompus | Theopompus |
Theorema egregium | Theorema Egregium |
Theorema van Bayes | Bayes' theorem |
Theorema van Koopmans | Koopmans' theorem |
Theorema van Rybczynski | Rybczynski theorem |
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts | Theoretical Chemistry Accounts |
Theoretische chemie | Theoretical chemistry |
Theoretische informatica | Theoretical computer science |
Theoretische natuurkunde | Theoretical physics |
Theoretische taalkunde | Theoretical linguistics |
Theorie | Theory |
Theorie van alles | Theory of everything |
Theorie van de democratische vrede | Democratic peace theory |
Theorie van de holle Aarde | Hollow Earth |
Theorie van de onderneming | Theory of the firm |
Theorie van James-Lange | James–Lange theory |
Theorie van middelbare reikwijdte | Middle range theory (sociology) |
Theorie van warmtevloeistof | Caloric theory |
Theorie X en theorie Y | Theory X and Theory Y |
Theorieën over de moord op president Kennedy | John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories |
Theory In Practice | Theory in Practice |
Theory of constraints | Theory of constraints |
Theory of mind | Theory of mind |
Theosofie | Theosophy |
Theosofische Vereniging | Theosophical Society |
Theotima minutissima | Theotima minutissima |
Theotokos | Theotokos |
Thera | Santorini |
Thera vetustata | Thera vetustata |
Theragra | Theragra |
Theramenes | Theramenes |
Therapeutae | Therapeutae |
Therapeutisch klonen | Somatic-cell nuclear transfer |
Therapeutisch paardrijden | Therapeutic horseback riding |
Therapeutische breedte | Therapeutic index |
Therapeutische elastische kous | Compression stockings |
Theraphosa apophysis | Theraphosa apophysis |
Therapie | Therapy |
Therapietrouw | Compliance (medicine) |
Therapne (gemeente) | Therapnes |
Therapsida | Therapsid |
Theravada (boeddhisme) | Theravada |
There Be Dragons | There Be Dragons |
There Was a Crooked Man... | There Was a Crooked Man... |
Theremin | Theremin |
There's a Place | There's a Place |
There's No Business Like Showbusiness (film) | There's No Business Like Show Business (film) |
There's Something About Mary | There's Something About Mary |
There's the rub | There's the Rub |
Theresa (Wisconsin) | Theresa, Wisconsin |
Thérèse (Seychellen) | Thérèse Island |
Therese Borssén | Therese Borssén |
Thérèse Desqueyroux | Thérèse Desqueyroux (novel) |
Thérèse Félicia van Frankrijk | Princess Thérèse of France |
Thérèse Levasseur | Thérèse Levasseur |
Therese Neumann | Therese Neumann |
Thérèse Peltier | Thérèse Peltier |
Thérèse Schwartze | Therese Schwartze |
Thérèse Steinmetz | Thérèse Steinmetz |
Therese van Liechtenstein | Princess Theresa of Liechtenstein |
Theresia | Teresa |
Theresia Amalia van Saksen-Altenburg | Princess Therese of Saxe-Altenburg |
Theresia Kunigunde Sobieska | Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska |
Theresia van Ávila | Teresa of Ávila |
Theresia van Beieren | Princess Theresa of Bavaria |
Theresia van Bourbon-Sicilië | Teresa Cristina of the Two Sicilies |
Theresia van Entenza | Teresa d'Entença |
Theresia van Lisieux | Thérèse of Lisieux |
Theresia van Oostenrijk | Maria Theresa of Austria, Queen of the Two Sicilies |
Theresia van Saksen-Hildburghausen | Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen |
Theresia-orde | Order of Theresa |
Theresienstadt (concentratiekamp) | Theresienstadt concentration camp |
Theresienstadt: Ein Dokumentarfilm aus dem jüdischen Siedlungsgebiet | Theresienstadt (film) |
Theretra alecto | Theretra alecto |
Theretra boisduvalii | Theretra boisduvalii |
Theretra capensis | Theretra capensis |
Theretra japonica | Theretra japonica |
Theretra oldenlandiae | Theretra oldenlandiae |
Theria (zoogdieren) | Theria |
Theriantropie | Therianthropy |
Theridion | Theridion |
Theridion strepitus | Theridion strepitus |
Theriella | Theriella |
Thérines | Thérines |
Therion | Therion (band) |
Theristicus | Theristicus |
Therizinosauroidea | Therizinosaur |
Thermaalbad | Thermal bath |
Thermal conductivity detector | Thermal conductivity detector |
Thermal design power | Thermal design power |
Thermen | Thermae |
Thermen van Agrippa | Baths of Agrippa |
Thermen van Caracalla | Baths of Caracalla |
Thermen van Constantijn | Baths of Constantine (Rome) |
Thermen van Diocletianus | Baths of Diocletian |
Thermen van Titus | Baths of Titus |
Thermen van Trajanus | Baths of Trajan |
Thermes-Magnoac | Thermes-Magnoac |
Thermidoriaanse Reactie | Thermidorian Reaction |
Thermiek | Thermal |
Thermiet | Thermite |
Thermionische emissie | Thermionic emission |
Thermisch geprogrammeerde desorptie | Thermal desorption spectroscopy |
Thermisch papier | Thermal paper |
Thermisch spuiten | Thermal spraying |
Thermisch verzinken | Hot-dip galvanization |
Thermische amplitude | Atmospheric temperature range |
Thermische analyse | Thermal analysis |
Thermische depressie | Thermal low |
Thermische evenaar | Thermal equator |
Thermische geleidbaarheid | Thermal conductivity |
Thermische lans | Thermal lance |
Thermische reactor | Thermal-neutron reactor |
Thermische ruis | Johnson–Nyquist noise |
Thermische weerstand | Thermal resistance |
Thermische zonne-energie | Solar thermal energy |
Thermistor | Thermistor |
Thermo | Thermo, Greece |
Thermo-akoestiek | Thermoacoustic heat engine |
Thermobarisch wapen | Thermobaric weapon |
Thermocline | Thermocline |
Thermodynamica | Thermodynamics |
Thermodynamisch evenwicht | Thermodynamic equilibrium |
Thermodynamisch systeem | Thermodynamic system |
Thermo-elektrisch effect | Thermoelectric effect |
Thermo-elektrische radio-isotopengenerator | Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator |
Thermofiel | Thermophile |
Thermografie | Thermography |
Thermogravimetrische analyse | Thermogravimetric analysis |
Thermohaliene circulatie | Thermohaline circulation |
Thermoharder | Thermosetting polymer |
Thermohydrograaf | Thermo-hygrograph |
Thermokoppel | Thermocouple |
Thermolyse | Thermal decomposition |
Thermometer | Thermometer |
Thermometer van Six-Bellani | Six's thermometer |
Thermometervogel | Malleefowl |
Thermophis | Thermophis |
Thermoplast | Thermoplastic |
Thermoplastisch elastomeer | Thermoplastic elastomer |
Thermopolis | Thermopolis, Wyoming |
Thermopylae | Thermopylae |
Thermoregulatie | Thermoregulation |
Thermoresponsief polymeer | Temperature-responsive polymer |
Thermosfeer | Thermosphere |
Thermosfles | Vacuum flask |
Thermosphaeroma thermophilum | Thermosphaeroma thermophilum |
Thermostaat | Thermostat |
Thermovormen | Thermoforming |
Thermozuil | Thermopile |
Thérondels | Thérondels |
Theroon van Akragas | Theron of Acragas |
Theropoda | Theropod |
Thérouldeville | Thérouldeville |
Theroux | Theroux |
Thersites | Thersites |
Thervay | Thervay |
Thesaurus | Thesaurus |
These | Thesis statement |
These Are Powers | These Are Powers |
These Are the Days of Our Lives | These Are the Days of Our Lives |
These Boots Are Made for Walkin' | These Boots Are Made for Walkin' |
These Days | These Days (Bon Jovi album) |
These Three | These Three |
Thésée | Thésée, Loir-et-Cher |
Thesenvitz | Thesenvitz |
Theseus | Theseus |
Thesinge | Thesinge |
Thesis | Thesis (disambiguation) |
Thesis (lettertype) | Thesis (typeface) |
Thesmophoria | Thesmophoria |
Thespakusatsu Gunma | Thespakusatsu Gunma |
Thespiae | Thespiae |
Thesprotia | Thesprotia |
Thessalië | Thessaly |
Thessaloniki | Thessaloniki (disambiguation) |
Thessaloniki (departement) | Thessaloniki (regional unit) |
Thessaloniki (stad) | Thessaloniki |
Thèta | Theta (letter) |
Thèta-functie | Theta function |
Thèta-rol | Theta role |
Thetford | Thetford (disambiguation) |
Theth | Theth |
Thetidia smaragdaria | Essex Emerald |
Thetis (mythologie) | Thetis |
Thetis (planetoïde) | 17 Thetis |
Theudebert I | Theudebert I |
Theudebert II | Theudebert II |
Theuderik I | Theuderic I |
Theuderik II | Theuderic II |
Theuderik III | Theuderic III |
Theuderik IV | Theuderic IV |
Theudesinda | Thiadsvind |
Theudoald | Theudoald |
Theudowald | Theudebald |
Théus | Théus |
Theutberga | Teutberga |
Theuville | Theuville |
Theuville (Eure-et-Loir) | Theuville, Eure-et-Loir |
Theuville (Val-d'Oise) | Theuville, Val-d'Oise |
Theuville-aux-Maillots | Theuville-aux-Maillots |
Thevet-Saint-Julien | Thevet-Saint-Julien |
Théville | Théville |
Thevray | Thevray |
Thexder | Thexder |
They All Kissed the Bride | They All Kissed the Bride |
They Died with Their Boots On | They Died with Their Boots On |
They Don't Care About Us | They Don't Care About Us |
They Drive by Night | They Drive by Night |
They Live | They Live |
They Live by Night | They Live by Night |
They Met in Bombay | They Met in Bombay |
They Shoot Horses, Don't They? | They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (film) |
They Were Expendable | They Were Expendable |
Theydon Bois (metrostation) | Theydon Bois tube station |
Theydon Mount | Theydon Mount |
Theys | Theys |
Theys Hiyo Eluay | Theys Eluay |
They-sous-Montfort | They-sous-Montfort |
They-sous-Vaudemont | They-sous-Vaudemont |
They've Actually Gotten Worse Live! | They've Actually Gotten Worse Live! |
Théza | Théza |
Thézac | Thézac |
Thézac (Charente-Maritime) | Thézac, Charente-Maritime |
Thézac (Lot-et-Garonne) | Thézac, Lot-et-Garonne |
Thézan-lès-Béziers | Thézan-lès-Béziers |
Thèze (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) | Thèze, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence |
Thèze (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) | Thèze, Pyrénées-Atlantiques |
Thézey-Saint-Martin | Thézey-Saint-Martin |
Thézy-Glimont | Thézy-Glimont |
THF | THF (disambiguation) |
Thiaan | Thiane |
Thiabendazool | Tiabendazole |
Thiacloprid | Thiacloprid |
Thiago Alcántara | Thiago Alcântara |
Thiago Emiliano da Silva | Thiago Silva |
Thiago Martinelli | Thiago Martinelli |
Thiago Neves | Thiago Neves |
Thiago Quirino | Thiago Quirino |
Thial | Thial |
Thialf (schip) | SSCV Thialf |
Thiamethoxam | Thiamethoxam |
Thiamfenicol | Thiamphenicol |
Thiamine | Thiamine |
Thianella disjuncta | Thianella |
Thianges | Thianges |
Thiania | Thiania |
Thianitara spectrum | Thianitara |
Thiant | Thiant |
Thiat | Thiat |
Thiaville-sur-Meurthe | Thiaville-sur-Meurthe |
Thiazidediureticum | Thiazide |
Thiazolidine | Thiazolidine |
Thiazool | Thiazole |
Thibaut Detal | Thibaut Detal |
Thibaut Van Acker | Thibaut Van Acker |
Thiberville | Thiberville |
Thibie | Thibie |
Thibivillers | Thibivillers |
Thibodaux | Thibodaux, Louisiana |
Thibouville | Thibouville |
Thich Nhat Hanh | Thich Nhat Hanh |
Thidrekssaga | Legends about Theodoric the Great |
Thiébauménil | Thiébauménil |
Thiéblemont-Farémont | Thiéblemont-Farémont |
Thief | Thief (disambiguation) |
Thief (computerspelserie) | Thief (series) |
Thief (film) | Thief (film) |
Thief (Tangerine Dream) | Thief (soundtrack) |
Thief River Falls | Thief River Falls, Minnesota |
Thieffrain | Thieffrain |
Thieffry | Thieffry |
Thieffry (metrostation) | Thieffry metro station |
Thiego | Thiego |
Thiel | Thiel |
Thielbeer | Thielbeer |
Thielbek | SS Thielbek (1940) |
Thielplatz (metrostation) | Thielplatz (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Thiel-sur-Acolin | Thiel-sur-Acolin |
Thiembronne | Thiembronne |
Thieme-Becker | Thieme-Becker |
Thiemo I van Wettin | Thimo the Brave, Count of Wettin |
Thiemo Storz | Thiemo Storz |
Thiên Đường-grot | Thien Duong Cave |
Thiene | Thiene |
Thiepaan | Thiepane |
Thiepine | Thiepine |
Thiepval | Thiepval |
Thiepval Memorial | Thiepval Memorial |
Thierberg | Thierberg |
Thiergeville | Thiergeville |
Thiernu | Thiernu |
Thierry Cygan | Thierry Cygan |
Thierry de Limburg Stirum | Thierry, Count of Limburg Stirum |
Thierry Hazard (zanger) | Thierry Hazard |
Thierry Jonquet | Thierry Jonquet |
Thierry Martens | Thierry Martens |
Thierry Maulnier | Thierry Maulnier |
Thierry Michel | Thierry Michel |
Thierry Pister | Thierry Pister |
Thierry Siquet | Thierry Siquet |
Thierry Tazemeta | Thierry Fidjeu |
Thierry van Werveke | Thierry Van Werveke |
Thiers | Thiers, Puy-de-Dôme |
Thierschneck | Thierschneck |
Thiersee (meer) | Thiersee Lake |
Thiers-sur-Thève | Thiers-sur-Thève |
Thierstein (district) | Thierstein District |
Thierstein (Fichtelgebirge) | Thierstein, Bavaria |
Thierville | Thierville |
Thierville-sur-Meuse | Thierville-sur-Meuse |
Thiéry | Thiéry, Alpes-Maritimes |
Thiès (regio) | Thiès Region |
Thiescourt | Thiescourt |
Thießen | Thießen |
Thiessow | Thiessow |
Thietaan | Thietane |
Thietmar I van Meißen | Thietmar, Margrave of Meissen |
Thietmar I van Merseburg | Thietmar, Count of Merseburg |
Thietmar van Merseburg | Thietmar of Merseburg |
Thiétreville | Thiétreville |
Thieu | Thieu |
Thieu Tri | Thieu Tri |
Thieulloy-l'Abbaye | Thieulloy-l'Abbaye |
Thieulloy-la-Ville | Thieulloy-la-Ville |
Thieuloy-Saint-Antoine | Thieuloy-Saint-Antoine |
Thieusies | Thieusies |
Thieux | Thieux |
Thieux (Oise) | Thieux, Oise |
Thieux (Seine-et-Marne) | Thieux, Seine-et-Marne |
Thieves Like Us | Thieves Like Us (film) |
Thiéville | Thiéville |
Thièvres | Thièvres |
Thièvres (Pas-de-Calais) | Thièvres, Pas-de-Calais |
Thièvres (Somme) | Thièvres, Somme |
Thiézac | Thiézac |
Thigpen | Thigpen |
Thiiraan | Thiirane |
Thijs Bouma | Thijs Bouma |
Thijs Libregts | Thijs Libregts |
Thijs van Leer | Thijs van Leer |
Thijs Waterink | Thijs Waterink |
Thijs Wöltgens | Thijs Wöltgens |
Thijsje Oenema | Thijsje Oenema |
Thil (Ain) | Thil, Ain |
Thil (Aube) | Thil, Aube |
Thil (Haute-Garonne) | Thil, Haute-Garonne |
Thil (Marne) | Thil, Marne |
Thil (Meurthe-et-Moselle) | Thil, Meurthe-et-Moselle |
Thilay | Thilay |
Thilleux | Thilleux |
Thillois | Thillois |
Thillombois | Thillombois |
Thillot | Thillot |
Thilo Leugers | Thilo Leugers |
Thilo Versick | Thilo Versick |
Thilouze | Thilouze |
Thil-sur-Arroux | Thil-sur-Arroux |
Thimert-Gâtelles | Thimert-Gâtelles |
Thimory | Thimory |
Thimothée Atouba | Timothée Atouba |
Thimphu (district) | Thimphu District |
Thimphu (stad) | Thimphu |
Thin Air | Thin Air (album) |
Thin client | Thin client |
Thin White Rope | Thin White Rope |
Thin-film transistor | Thin-film transistor |
Þingeyri | Thingeyri |
Things Fall Apart | Things Fall Apart |
Things to Come | Things to Come |
Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead | Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead |
Things We Lost in the Fire (film) | Things We Lost in the Fire |
Things We Said Today | Things We Said Today |
Þingvellir | Þingvellir |
Think | Think (disambiguation) |
Think for Yourself | Think for Yourself |
Think Visual | Think Visual |
Thinking of You | Thinking of You (Katy Perry song) |
Thinner (film) | Thinner (film) |
Thinner (oplosmiddel) | Paint thinner |
Thinocorus | Thinocorus |
Thinornis | Thinornis |
Thio | Thio |
Thio- | Thio- |
Thio (Nieuw-Caledonië) | Thio, New Caledonia |
Thioaceetamide | Thioacetamide |
Thio-acetaal | Thioacetal |
Thioamide | Thioamide |
Thioazijnzuur | Thioacetic acid |
Thiocarbamaat | Thiocarbamate |
Thiocyaanzuur | Thiocyanic acid |
Thiodina | Thiodina |
Thiodina puerpera | Thiodina puerpera |
Thio-ether | Thioether |
Thiofeen | Thiophene |
Thiofenol | Thiophenol |
Thiofosforylchloride | Thiophosphoryl chloride |
Thiofosgeen | Thiophosgene |
Thioglycolzuur | Thioglycolic acid |
Thio-indigo | Thioindigo |
Thioketal | Thioketal |
Thioketon | Thioketone |
Thiol | Thiol |
Thiolacton | Thiolactone |
Thiolières | Thiolières |
Thionne | Thionne |
Thionville FC | Thionville FC |
Thionylchloride | Thionyl chloride |
Thiotte | Thiotte |
Thioureum | Thiourea |
Thiouville | Thiouville |
Thioxantheen | Thioxanthene |
Thiram | Thiram |
Thirasia | Therasia |
Thiratoscirtus | Thiratoscirtus |
Thiraucourt | Thiraucourt |
Third | Third (Soft Machine album) |
Third Avenue (New York) | Third Avenue |
Third Cyprinid Herpesvirus | Koi herpes virus |
Third Ear Band | Third Ear Band |
Third Lanark AC | Third Lanark A.C. |
Third Man Records | Third Man Records |
Third Watch | Third Watch |
Third World | Third World (band) |
Third-person shooter | Third-person shooter |
Thiré | Thiré |
Thiron-Gardais | Thiron Gardais |
Thirsk | Thirsk |
Thirsty Moon | Thirsty Moon |
Thirteen | Thirteen (film) |
Thirteen Days | Thirteen Days (film) |
Thirty Meter Telescope | Thirty Meter Telescope |
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo | Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo |
Thirty Years of Maximum R&B | Thirty Years of Maximum R&B |
Thirtysomething | Thirtysomething (TV series) |
Thiruparankundram | Thiruparankundram |
This | This, Ardennes |
This Above All | This Above All |
This Boy | This Boy |
This Boy's Life | This Boy's Life (film) |
This Desert Life | This Desert Life |
This Film Is Not Yet Rated | This Film Is Not Yet Rated |
This Is 40 | This Is 40 |
This is Cinerama | This Is Cinerama |
This Is Football | This Is Football |
This Is It | This Is It |
This Is It (album) | Michael Jackson's This Is It (album) |
This Is It (concert) | This Is It (concerts) |
This Is It (single) | This Is It (Michael Jackson song) |
This is love | This Is Love ( song) |
This Is Me | This Is Me (Demi Lovato song) |
This Is Spinal Tap | This Is Spinal Tap |
This Is the Life (album van Amy Macdonald) | This Is the Life (Amy Macdonald album) |
This Is the Life (single van Amy Macdonald) | This Is the Life (Amy Macdonald song) |
This Is War (single) | This Is War (song) |
This Island Earth (film) | This Island Earth |
This Land Is Your Land | This Land Is Your Land |
This Means War | This Means War (film) |
This Modern Glitch | The Wombats Proudly Present: This Modern Glitch |
This Sporting Life | This Sporting Life |
This Time Around | This Time Around (Michael Jackson song) |
This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us | This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us |
This Tuesday in Texas | This Tuesday in Texas |
This Used to Be My Playground | This Used to Be My Playground |
This Woman Is Dangerous | This Woman Is Dangerous |
Thisbe | Thisbe (disambiguation) |
Thisbe (planetoïde) | 88 Thisbe |
Thismiaceae | Thismiaceae |
Thisted (gemeente) | Thisted Municipality |
Thisted (plaats) | Thisted |
Thisted Amt | Thisted County |
Thistlegorm | SS Thistlegorm |
Thiudimir | Theodemir |
Thivars | Thivars |
Thivencelle | Thivencelle |
Thiverny | Thiverny |
Thiverval-Grignon | Thiverval-Grignon |
Thivet | Thivet |
Thiville | Thiville |
Thixotropie | Thixotropy |
Thiyagarajah Maheswaran | T. Maheswaran |
Thizay | Thizay |
Thizay (Indre) | Thizay, Indre |
Thizay (Indre-et-Loire) | Thizay, Indre-et-Loire |
Thizy (Rhône) | Thizy, Rhône |
Thizy (Yonne) | Thizy, Yonne |
Thjazi | Þjazi |
Þjóðólfr van Hvinir | Þjóðólfr of Hvinir |
Þjóðvegur 1 | Route 1 (Iceland) |
Thlypopsis | Thlypopsis |
Thoard | Thoard |
Thoatherium | Thoatherium |
Thoby Stephen | Thoby Stephen |
Thocomerius van Walachije | Thocomerius |
Thoddoo | Thoddoo (Alif Alif Atoll) |
Thodure | Thodure |
Thoetmosis I | Thutmose I |
Thoetmosis II | Thutmose II |
Thoetmosis III | Thutmose III |
Thoetmosis IV | Thutmose IV |
Thoigné | Thoigné |
Thoires | Thoires |
Thoiré-sous-Contensor | Thoiré-sous-Contensor |
Thoiré-sur-Dinan | Thoiré-sur-Dinan |
Thoirette | Thoirette |
Thoiry (Ain) | Thoiry, Ain |
Thoiry (Savoie) | Thoiry, Savoie |
Thoiry (Yvelines) | Thoiry, Yvelines |
Thoissey | Thoissey |
Thoissia | Thoissia |
Thoisy-la-Berchère | Thoisy-la-Berchère |
Thoisy-le-Désert | Thoisy-le-Désert |
Thoix | Thoix |
Thokcha | Thokcha |
Tholeiiet | Tholeiitic magma series |
Tholen (gemeente) | Tholen |
Tholera | Tholera |
Tholian | Tholian |
Tholine | Tholin |
Thol-lès-Millières | Thol-lès-Millières |
Thollet | Thollet |
Tholos | Beehive tomb |
Thom de Graaf | Thom de Graaf |
Thom Karremans | Thom Karremans |
Thom Merrilin | Thom Merrilin |
Thomanerchor | Thomanerchor |
Thomas | Thomas |
Thomas (voornaam) | Thomas (name) |
Thomas (West Virginia) | Thomas, West Virginia |
Thomas a Kempis | Thomas à Kempis |
Thomas Ainsworth | Thomas Ainsworth |
Thomas Alexander Erskine | Thomas Erskine, 6th Earl of Kellie |
Thomas Ambrose Tschoepe | Thomas Ambrose Tschoepe |
Thomas Anderson | Thomas Anderson (chemist) |
Thomas Andrews (natuurkundige) | Thomas Andrews (scientist) |
Thomas Andrews (scheepsbouwkundige) | Thomas Andrews |
Thomas Annan | Thomas Annan |
Thomas ap Catesby Jones | Thomas ap Catesby Jones |
Thomas Armat | Thomas Armat |
Thomas Arne | Thomas Arne |
Thomas Atkins | Tommy Atkins |
Thomas Augustine Barrett | Leslie Stuart |
Thomas Azevedo | Thomas Azevedo |
Thomas Ball | Thomas Ball (artist) |
Thomas Barker | Thomas Barker (painter) |
Thomas Batuello | Thomas Batuello |
Thomas Beaufort | Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter |
Thomas Beck (voetballer) | Thomas Beck (footballer) |
Thomas Bérard | Thomas Bérard |
Thomas Berry | Thomas Berry |
Thomas Bimis | Thomas Bimis |
Thomas Boleyn | Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire |
Thomas Braden | Thomas Braden |
Thomas Bragg | Thomas Bragg |
Thomas Bruce | Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin |
Thomas Bruns | Thomas Bruns |
Thomas Bruun Eriksen | Thomas Bruun Eriksen |
Thomas Burke | Thomas Burke (athlete) |
Thomas C. Jerdon | Thomas C. Jerdon |
Thomas Cajetanus | Thomas Cajetan |
Thomas Carlyle (advocaat) | Thomas Carlyle (Scottish lawyer) |
Thomas Cech | Thomas Cech |
Thomas Cecil | Thomas Cecil, 1st Earl of Exeter |
Thomas Chatelle | Thomas Chatelle |
Thomas Christopher Collins | Thomas Christopher Collins |
Thomas Coke | Thomas Coke (bishop) |
Thomas Cook Airlines | Thomas Cook Airlines |
Thomas Cooper Gotch | Thomas Cooper Gotch |
Thomas County | Thomas County |
Thomas County (Georgia) | Thomas County, Georgia |
Thomas County (Kansas) | Thomas County, Kansas |
Thomas County (Nebraska) | Thomas County, Nebraska |
Thomas Crawford (beeldhouwer) | Thomas Crawford (sculptor) |
Thomas Crean (ontdekkingsreiziger) | Tom Crean (explorer) |
Thomas Crecquillon | Thomas Crecquillon |
Thomas Cromwell | Thomas Cromwell, 1st Earl of Essex |
Thomas d'Alsace-Boussut de Chimay | Thomas Philip Wallrad d'Alsace-Boussut de Chimay |
Thomas Davenport | Thomas Davenport (inventor) |
Thomas Day | Thomas Day |
Thomas de Conway | Thomas Conway |
Thomas de Quincey | Thomas De Quincey |
Thomas de stoomlocomotief | Thomas and Friends |
Thomas Dekker (acteur) | Thomas Dekker (actor) |
Thomas Dekker (toneelschrijver) | Thomas Dekker (writer) |
Thomas Dekker (wielrenner) | Thomas Dekker (cyclist) |
Thomas Dewey | Thomas E. Dewey |
Thomas Dewing | Thomas Dewing |
Thomas Drage | Thomas Drage |
Thomas Dunhill | Thomas Dunhill |
Thomas D'Urfey | Thomas d'Urfey |
Thomas Edison | Thomas Edison |
Thomas Edward Lawrence | T. E. Lawrence |
Thomas Eisfeld | Thomas Eisfeld |
Thomas Engert | Thomas Engert |
Thomas Erpenius | Thomas van Erpe |
Thomas Fabri | Thomas Fabri |
Thomas Fairfax | Thomas Fairfax, 3rd Lord Fairfax of Cameron |
Thomas Flamank | Thomas Flamank |
Thomas Forstner | Thomas Forstner |
Thomas Frans van Savoye-Carignano | Thomas Francis, Prince of Carignano |
Thomas Fraser-Holmes | Thomas Fraser-Holmes |
Thomas Frei (wielrenner) | Thomas Frei |
Thomas Friedman | Thomas Friedman |
Thomas G. Waites | Thomas G. Waites |
Thomas Gaardsøe | Thomas Gaardsøe |
Thomas galago | Thomas's bushbaby |
Thomas Gordon | Thomas Gordon (psychologist) |
Thomas Graham | Thomas Graham (chemist) |
Thomas Green | Tommy Green (athlete) |
Thomas H. Cook | Thomas H. Cook |
Thomas H. Watts | Thomas H. Watts |
Thomas Hales | Thomas Callister Hales |
Thomas Hampson (operazanger) | Thomas Hampson (baritone) |
Thomas Hardy | Thomas Hardy (disambiguation) |
Thomas Hardy (schrijver) | Thomas Hardy |
Thomas Hart Benton (schilder) | Thomas Hart Benton (painter) |
Thomas Heath | Thomas Little Heath |
Thomas Hellriegel | Thomas Hellriegel |
Thomas Hendricks | Thomas A. Hendricks |
Thomas Henry Manning | Thomas Henry Manning |
Thomas Heurtaux | Thomas Heurtaux |
Thomas Heywood | Thomas Heywood |
Thomas Hickersberger | Thomas Hickersberger |
Thomas Highs | Thomas Highs |
Thomas Hill | Thomas Hill |
Thomas Hill (acteur) | Thomas Hill (actor) |
Thomas Hill (kunstschilder) | Thomas Hill (painter) |
Thomas Holland | Thomas Holland, 1st Earl of Kent |
Thomas Horsfield | Thomas Horsfield |
Thomas Howard (1585-1646) | Thomas Howard, 21st Earl of Arundel |
Thomas Huckle Weller | Thomas Huckle Weller |
Thomas Hylkema | Thomas Hylkema |
Thomas I van Coucy | Thomas, Lord of Coucy |
Thomas I van Saluzzo | Thomas I, Marquess of Saluzzo |
Thomas I van Savoye | Thomas I, Count of Savoy |
Thomas II Preljubovič | Thomas Preljubović |
Thomas III van Piëmont | Thomas III of Piedmont |
Thomas J. Hicks | Thomas Hicks (athlete) |
Thomas J. Reese | Thomas J. Reese |
Thomas Jackson | Stonewall Jackson |
Thomas James | Thomas James (disambiguation) |
Thomas James (zeevaarder) | Thomas James (sea captain) |
Thomas James Henderson | Thomas Henderson (astronomer) |
Thomas Jerome Welsh | Thomas Jerome Welsh |
Thomas Joannes Stieltjes jr. | Thomas Joannes Stieltjes |
Thomas Johansson | Thomas Johansson |
Thomas Joseph Thyne | T. J. Thyne |
Thomas Kean | Thomas Kean |
Thomas Kessler | Thomas Kessler |
Thomas Kirk | Thomas Kirk (botanist) |
Thomas Kuhn | Thomas Kuhn |
Thomas Kvist | Thomas Kvist |
Thomas Lambert | Thomas Lambert (skier) |
Thomas Langrell Harris | Thomas L. Harris |
Thomas Lee Osborn | T. L. Osborn |
Thomas Lennon | Thomas Lennon (actor) |
Thomas Lewis | Thomas Lewis (cardiologist) |
Thomas Leysen | Thomas Leysen |
Thomas Lodge | Thomas Lodge |
Thomas Lord | Thomas Lord |
Thomas Lövkvist | Thomas Löfkvist |
Thomas Lowry | Martin Lowry |
Thomas Lubanga | Thomas Lubanga Dyilo |
Thomas Luther | Thomas Luther |
Thomas M. Disch | Thomas M. Disch |
Thomas Madsen-Mygdal | Thomas Madsen-Mygdal |
Thomas Malthus | Thomas Robert Malthus |
Thomas Mann (acteur) | Thomas Mann (actor) |
Thomas Manning | Thomas Manning (sinologist) |
Thomas Marshall | Thomas R. Marshall |
Thomas Matton | Thomas Matton |
Thomas Mauch | Thomas Mauch |
Thomas May | Thomas May |
Thomas McCarthy | Thomas McCarthy (actor) |
Thomas McKenna | T. P. McKenna |
Thomas Meunier | Thomas Meunier |
Thomas Midgley | Thomas Midgley, Jr. |
Thomas Mitchell | Thomas Mitchell (actor) |
Thomas Molnar | Thomas Molnar |
Thomas Moore | Thomas Moore |
Thomas More | Thomas More |
Thomas Müller | Thomas Müller (disambiguation) |
Thomas Müller (voetballer) | Thomas Müller |
Thomas Müntzer | Thomas Müntzer |
Thomas Nagel | Thomas Nagel |
Thomas Nordahl | Tomas Nordahl |
Thomas Nordseth-Tiller | Thomas Nordseth-Tiller |
Thomas North | Thomas North |
Thomas Norton (alchemist) | Thomas Norton (alchemist) |
Thomas Palaiologos | Thomas Palaiologos |
Thomas Parnell | Thomas Parnell |
Thomas Pelham-Holles | Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
Thomas Percy | Thomas Percy (bishop of Dromore) |
Thomas Peters | Thomas Peters (supercentenarian) |
Thomas Phibel | Thomas Phibel |
Thomas Phillips | Thomas Phillips |
Thomas Pierrepoint | Thomas Pierrepoint |
Thomas Pitt | Thomas Pitt |
Thomas Pledl | Thomas Pledl |
Thomas Pollock Anshutz | Thomas Pollock Anshutz |
Thomas Rådström | Thomas Rådström |
Thomas Richards | Tom Richards (athlete) |
Thomas Robert Soderstrom | Thomas Robert Soderstrom |
Thomas Sabo Icetigers | Thomas Sabo Ice Tigers |
Thomas Sackville | Thomas Sackville, 1st Earl of Dorset |
Thomas Sargent | Thomas J. Sargent |
Thomas Savage | Thomas Savage |
Thomas Schoorel | Thomas Schoorel |
Thomas Sébillet | Thomas Sébillet |
Thomas Selfridge | Thomas Selfridge |
Thomas Seymour | Thomas Seymour, 1st Baron Seymour of Sudeley |
Thomas Shadwell | Thomas Shadwell |
Thomas Sheraton | Thomas Sheraton |
Thomas Simpson | Thomas Simpson |
Thomas Spitzer | Thomas Spitzer |
Thomas Stafford | Thomas P. Stafford |
Thomas Stafford Williams | Thomas Stafford Williams (Archbishop of Wellington) |
Thomas Stamford Raffles | Stamford Raffles |
Thomas Stanley Bocock | Thomas S. Bocock |
Thomas Steitz | Thomas A. Steitz |
Thomas Stoltz Harvey | Thomas Stoltz Harvey |
Thomas Stuer-Lauridsen | Thomas Stuer-Lauridsen |
Thomas Sumner | Thomas Hubbard Sumner |
Thomas Sutton | Thomas Sutton (photographer) |
Thomas Thiemeyer | Thomas Thiemeyer |
Thomas Thorninger | Thomas Thorninger |
Thomas Thould | Thomas Thould |
Thomas Tien Ken-sin | Thomas Tien Ken-sin |
Thomas Townshend | Thomas Townshend, 1st Viscount Sydney |
Thomas Traherne | Thomas Traherne |
Thomas van Aalten | Thomas van Aalten |
Thomas van Aquino | Thomas Aquinas |
Thomas van Brotherton | Thomas of Brotherton, 1st Earl of Norfolk |
Thomas van Cantimpré | Thomas of Cantimpré |
Thomas van Celano | Thomas of Celano |
Thomas van Clarence | Thomas of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Clarence |
Thomas van Cori | Thomas of Cori |
Thomas Van Der Plaetsen | Thomas van der Plaetsen |
Thomas van Savoye (1199-1259) | Thomas, Count of Flanders |
Thomas van Villanova | Thomas of Villanova |
Thomas van Woodstock | Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester |
Thomas Vinçotte | Thomas Vinçotte |
Thomas von Scheele | Thomas von Scheele |
Thomas W. Lawson (schip) | Thomas W. Lawson (ship) |
Thomas Warton | Thomas Warton |
Thomas Watson | Thomas Watson (poet) |
Thomas Webster | Thomas Webster |
Thomas Wedgwood | Thomas Wedgwood (photographer) |
Thomas Wildey | Thomas Wildey |
Thomas Willeboirts Bosschaert | Thomas Willeboirts Bosschaert |
Thomas Wilson | Thomas Wilson |
Thomas Woolner | Thomas Woolner |
Thomas Wright Blakiston | Thomas Blakiston |
Thomas Wriothesley | Thomas Wriothesley (disambiguation) |
Thomas Wyatt (dichter) | Thomas Wyatt (poet) |
Thomas Wyatt (junior) | Thomas Wyatt the Younger |
Thomas Young | Thomas Young |
Thomas Young (wetenschapper) | Thomas Young (scientist) |
Thomas Youngblood | Thomas Youngblood |
Thomas Ziegler | Thomas Ziegler (cyclist) |
Thomasberg | Thomasberg |
Thomasburg | Thomasburg |
Thomaschristenen | Saint Thomas Christian churches |
Thomaskerk | St. Thomas' Church |
Thomaskirche (Leipzig) | St. Thomas Church, Leipzig |
Thomaslangoer | Thomas's langur |
Thomasomys | Thomasomys |
Thomas-theorema | Thomas theorem |
Thomaston | Thomaston |
Thomaston (Alabama) | Thomaston, Alabama |
Thomaston (Georgia) | Thomaston, Georgia |
Thomasville (Georgia) | Thomasville, Georgia |
Thomasville (North Carolina) | Thomasville, North Carolina |
Thomaz Soares da Silva | Zizinho |
Thomazeau | Thomazeau |
Thomer-la-Sôgne | Thomer-la-Sôgne |
Thomirey | Thomirey |
Thomisme | Thomism |
Thomomys bulbivorus | Camas pocket gopher |
Thomomys clusius | Wyoming pocket gopher |
Thomomys idahoensis | Idaho pocket gopher |
Thomomys townsendii | Townsend's pocket gopher |
Thomonde | Thomonde |
Thompson (North Dakota) | Thompson, North Dakota |
Thompson Falls | Thompson Falls, Montana |
Thompson International Speedway | Thompson International Speedway |
Thompsonpistoolmitrailleur | Thompson submachine gun |
Thompsonville | Thompsonville |
Thompsonville (Connecticut) | Thompsonville, Connecticut |
Thoms Place | Thoms Place, Wrangell |
Thomson (Georgia) | Thomson, Georgia |
Thomson (Illinois) | Thomson, Illinois |
Thomson Dream | MS Thomson Dream |
Thomson-CSF | Thomson-CSF |
Thomsongazelle | Thomson's Gazelle |
Thomsoniet | Thomsonite |
Thomsonverstrooiing | Thomson scattering |
Thonburi | Thon Buri District |
Thống Nhấtstadion | Thong Nhat Stadium |
Thongchai Jaidee | Thongchai Jaidee |
Thongwa Dönden | Thongwa Dönden, 6th Karmapa Lama |
Thonnance-lès-Joinville | Thonnance-lès-Joinville |
Thonnance-les-Moulins | Thonnance-les-Moulins |
Thonne-la-Long | Thonne-la-Long |
Thonne-le-Thil | Thonne-le-Thil |
Thonnelle | Thonnelle |
Thoopterus nigrescens | Swift fruit bat |
Thoothukudi (district) | Thoothukudi district |
Thor (doorverwijspagina) | Thor (disambiguation) |
Thor (film) | Thor (film) |
Thor (Marvel) | Thor (Marvel Comics) |
Þór Akureyri | Þór Akureyri |
Thor amboinensis | Thor amboinensis |
Thor Salden | Thor Salden |
Thor: De Legende van Walhalla | Legends of Valhalla: Thor |
Thora | Torah |
Thoracic outlet syndrome | Thoracic outlet syndrome |
Thoracosaurus | Thoracosaurus |
Thoracotomie | Thoracotomy |
Thorailles | Thorailles |
Thoralf Skolem | Thoralf Skolem |
Thorame-Basse | Thorame-Basse |
Thorame-Haute | Thorame-Haute |
Thoras | Thoras |
Thoraxchirurgie | Cardiac surgery |
Thoraxfoto | Chest radiograph |
Þórbergur Þórðarson | Þórbergur Þórðarson |
Þórður Guðjónsson | Þórður Guðjónsson |
Thoreau | Thoreau (disambiguation) |
Thorée-les-Pins | Thorée-les-Pins |
Thorelliola | Thorelliola |
Thorey | Thorey |
Thorey-en-Plaine | Thorey-en-Plaine |
Thorey-sous-Charny | Thorey-sous-Charny |
Thorey-sur-Ouche | Thorey-sur-Ouche |
Thorfinn Karlsefni | Þorfinnr "Karlsefni" Þórðarson |
Þorgeir de Wetgever | Þorgeir Ljósvetningagoði |
Thoriet | Thorite |
Thorigné | Thorigné |
Thorigné-d'Anjou | Thorigné-d'Anjou |
Thorigné-en-Charnie | Thorigné-en-Charnie |
Thorigné-Fouillard | Thorigné-Fouillard |
Thorigné-sur-Dué | Thorigné-sur-Dué |
Thorigny | Thorigny |
Thorigny-sur-le-Mignon | Thorigny-sur-le-Mignon |
Thorigny-sur-Oreuse | Thorigny-sur-Oreuse |
Thorin Eikenschild | Thorin Oakenshield |
Þórir Hergeirsson | Thorir Hergeirsson |
Thorismund | Thorismund |
Thorium(IV)carbide | Thorium(IV) carbide |
Thorkell de Lange | Thorkell the Tall |
Thorlac Thorhallsson | Saint Thorlak |
Þorlákshöfn | Þorlákshöfn |
Thorn (Limburg) | Thorn, Netherlands |
Thornaby-on-Tees | Thornaby-on-Tees |
Thornburg | Thornburg |
Thornbury | Thornbury |
Thornbury (South Gloucestershire) | Thornbury, South Gloucestershire |
Thorndale | Thorndale |
Thorndale (Pennsylvania) | Thorndale, Pennsylvania |
Thorne | Thorne, South Yorkshire |
Thorne Bay | Thorne Bay, Alaska |
Thorne-systeem | Thorne system (1992) |
Thornhill | Thornhill |
Thornton (Colorado) | Thornton, Colorado |
Thornton (Illinois) | Thornton, Illinois |
Thornton (West Yorkshire) | Thornton, West Yorkshire |
Thornton Heath | Thornton Heath |
Thorntonbank | Thorntonbank Wind Farm |
Thorolf Rafto-prijs | Thorolf Rafto Memorial Prize |
Thoropa | Thoropa |
Thoros I van Armenië | Thoros I, Prince of Armenia |
Thoros II van Armenië | Thoros II, Prince of Armenia |
Thoros III van Armenië | Thoros III, King of Armenia |
Thoros van Edessa | Thoros of Edessa |
Thorp | Thorp |
Thorpe St Andrew | Thorpe St Andrew |
Þorrablót | Þorrablót |
Thorrenc | Thorrenc |
Thorrington | Thorrington |
Thors (Aube) | Thors, Aube |
Thors (Charente-Maritime) | Thors, Charente-Maritime |
Thors parelmoervlinder | Boloria thore |
Þórshöfn | Þórshöfn |
Þórsmörk | Thórsmörk |
Þorsteinn Pálsson | Þorsteinn Pálsson |
Thorsten Hohmann | Thorsten Hohmann |
Thortveitiet | Thortveitite |
Thorvald Eriksson | Thorvald Eiriksson |
Thorvald Lammers | Thorvald Lammers |
Thorvald Strömberg | Thorvald Strömberg |
Thorvaldsens Museum | Thorvaldsen Museum |
Thory | Thory |
Thory (Somme) | Thory, Somme |
Thory (Yonne) | Thory, Yonne |
Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines | Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines |
Those Once Loyal | Those Once Loyal |
Thoste | Thoste |
Thoth | Thoth (disambiguation) |
Thoth (mythologie) | Thoth |
Thou | Thou (disambiguation) |
Thou (Cher) | Thou, Cher |
Thou (Loiret) | Thou, Loiret |
Thouaré-sur-Loire | Thouaré-sur-Loire |
Thouarsais-Bouildroux | Thouarsais-Bouildroux |
Thouars-sur-Arize | Thouars-sur-Arize |
Thouars-sur-Garonne | Thouars-sur-Garonne |
Thoughts Of A Predicate Felon | Thoughts of a Predicate Felon |
Thourie | Thourie |
Thouron | Thouron |
Thoury | Thoury |
Thoury-Férottes | Thoury-Férottes |
Thousand Islands | Thousand Islands |
Thousand Oaks | Thousand Oaks, California |
Thousand Palms | Thousand Palms, California |
Thousands Cheer | Thousands Cheer |
Thout | Thout |
Thoux | Thoux |
Thr33 ringz | Three Ringz |
Thracië | Thrace |
Thraciërs | Thracians |
Thracisch | Thracian language |
Thracisch graf van Kazanlak | Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak |
Thracisch graf van Sveshtari | Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari |
Thracische dynastie | House of Leo |
Thracische mythologie | Thracian horseman |
Thradrug | Tradruk Temple |
THRAK | Thrak |
Thrandina parocula | Thrandina |
Thranduil | Thranduil |
Thrasher Magazine | Thrasher (magazine) |
Thrashmetal | Thrash metal |
Thrasybulus van Athene | Thrasybulus |
Thrasybulus van Milete | Thrasybulus (tyrant) |
Thrasyllus | Thrasyllus |
Thrasymachos | Thrasymachus |
Thrasyvoulos Fylis | Thrasyvoulos F.C. |
Thraupidae | Tanager |
Thraupis | Thraupis |
Thraupis bonariensis | Blue-and-yellow Tanager |
Thread (informatica) | Thread (computer science) |
Thread (nieuwsgroep en e-mail) | Conversation threading |
Threat Matrix | Threat Matrix |
Threave Castle | Threave Castle |
Three address code | Three address code |
Three Ages | Three Ages |
Three Blind Mice | Three Blind Mice (disambiguation) |
Three Came Home | Three Came Home |
Three Coins in the Fountain | Three Coins in the Fountain (film) |
Three Comrades | Three Comrades (film) |
Three Days of the Condor | Three Days of the Condor |
Three Forks | Three Forks, Gallatin County, Montana |
Three Hills | Three Hills, Alberta |
Three Kingdoms: Fate of the Dragon | Three Kingdoms: Fate of the Dragon |
Three Kings | Three Kings (1999 film) |
Three Little Pigs | Three Little Pigs (film) |
Three Men and a Baby | Three Men and a Baby |
Three Men in a Boat | Three Men in a Boat |
Three Oaks | Three Oaks |
Three Oaks (Florida) | Three Oaks, Florida |
Three on a Match | Three on a Match |
Three Points | Three Points, Arizona |
Three Rivers | Three Rivers |
Three Rivers (Californië) | Three Rivers, California |
Three Rivers (Engeland) | Three Rivers District |
Three Rivers Stadium | Three Rivers Stadium |
Three Saints-baai | Three Saints Bay |
Three Sisters (Australië) | Three Sisters (Australia) |
Three Smart Girls | Three Smart Girls |
Three Springs | Three Springs |
Three Stooges | The Three Stooges |
Three strikes-wetgeving | Three-strikes law |
Three to Tango | Three to Tango |
Three Wise Girls | Three Wise Girls |
Three Wishes | Three Wishes (TV series) |
Threesome | Threesome (film) |
Threlkeld | Threlkeld |
Threnetes | Threnetes |
Threnos | Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima |
Threnosia heminephes | Threnosia heminephes |
Threonine | Threonine |
Threshold | Threshold (band) |
Threskiornis | Threskiornis |
Thriai | Thriae |
Thrichomys apereoides | Common punaré |
Thrichomys inermis | Highlands punaré |
Thrichomys pachyurus | Paraguayan punaré |
Thrift Shop | Thrift Shop (song) |
Thrill Seekers | Thrill Seekers (film) |
Thriller - A Cruel Picture | Thriller – A Cruel Picture |
Thriller (album) | Thriller |
Thriller (genre) | Thriller movie |
Thriller (nummer) | Thriller (song) |
Thriller 25 | Thriller 25 |
Thripadectes | Thripadectes |
Thripophaga | Thripophaga |
Thrissur (district) | Thrissur district |
Throckmorton (Texas) | Throckmorton, Texas |
Throckmorton County | Throckmorton County, Texas |
Þróttur Reykjavík | Knattspyrnufélagið Þróttur |
Through the Back Door | Through the Back Door |
Through the lens | Through-the-lens metering |
Through the Looking-Glass | Through the Looking-Glass |
Throwing Copper | Throwing Copper |
Thrudgelmir | Þrúðgelmir |
Thrumpton | Thrumpton |
Thrust SSC | ThrustSSC |
Thrustmaster | Thrustmaster |
Thruxton Circuit | Thruxton Circuit |
Þrymheimr | Þrymheimr |
Þrymr | Þrymr |
Thrymr (maan) | Thrymr (moon) |
Þrýmskviða | Þrymskviða |
Thryomanes | Bewick's Wren |
THT | THT (disambiguation) |
Thủ Dầu Một (stad) | Thủ Dầu Một |
Thừa Thiên-Huế | Thừa Thiên–Huế Province |
Thuban | Thuban |
Thubœuf | Thubœuf |
Thubten Chökyi Nyima | Thubten Choekyi Nyima, 9th Panchen Lama |
Thubten Jigme Norbu | Thubten Jigme Norbu |
Thubten Lungtog Tenzin Trinley | Ling Rinpoche |
Thucydides | Thucydides (disambiguation) |
Thucydides (historicus) | Thucydides |
Thucydides (politicus) | Thucydides, son of Melesias |
Thudaca mimodora | Thudaca mimodora |
Thuès-Entre-Valls | Thuès-Entre-Valls |
Thue-vergelijking | Thue equation |
Thug Buhram | Thug Behram |
Thug Life: Volume 1 | Thug Life: Volume 1 |
Thuggee | Thuggee |
Thugny-Trugny | Thugny-Trugny |
Thuilley-aux-Groseilles | Thuilley-aux-Groseilles |
Thuine | Thuine |
Thuis (televisieserie) | Thuis |
Thuis (woning) | Home |
Thuisbrouwer | Homebrewing |
Thuisfront | Home front |
Thuisonderwijs | Homeschooling |
Thuistap | BeerTender |
Thuiswinkelen | Infomercial |
Thuiszorg | Home care |
Thuit-Hébert | Thuit-Hébert |
Thujon | Thujone |
Thujopsis | Thujopsis |
Thulamela | Thulamela Local Municipality |
Thulcandra | That Hideous Strength |
Thule | Thule (disambiguation) |
Thule (oudheid) | Thule |
Thule Air Base | Thule Air Base |
Thule-Gesellschaft | Thule Society |
Thulendorf | Thulendorf |
Thumby | Thumby |
Thumelicus | Thumelicus |
Thumeréville | Thumeréville |
Thun | Thun (disambiguation) |
Thun (district 1863-2009) | Thun District |
Thun (stad) | Thun |
Thunbergia | Thunbergia |
Thunder | Thunder (disambiguation) |
Thunder (band) | Thunder (band) |
Thunder Bay | Thunder Bay |
Thunder Horse | Thunder Horse Oil Field |
Thunder Run (Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom) | Thunder Run (Kentucky Kingdom) |
Thunderball (film) | Thunderball (film) |
Thunderball (roman) | Thunderball (novel) |
Thunderbirds | Thunderbirds (TV series) |
Thunderbirds (film) | Thunderbirds (film) |
Thunderbirds Are Go | Thunderbirds Are Go |
Thunderbolt (Georgia) | Thunderbolt, Georgia |
Thunderbolt (interface) | Thunderbolt (interface) |
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot | Thunderbolt and Lightfoot |
Thunderbolt Ross | Thunderbolt Ross |
Thundercats | ThunderCats |
Thunderdome | Thunderdome (music festival) |
Thunderpants | Thunderpants |
Thunderstick | Thunderstick |
Thunderstone (band) | Thunderstone (band) |
Thunderstruck (film) | Thunderstruck (2004 film) |
Thunderstruck (nummer) | Thunderstruck (song) |
Thundorf | Thundorf, Switzerland |
Thunerseebahn | Lake Thun railway line |
Thungyai Huai Kha Khaeng | Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary |
Thun-l'Évêque | Thun-l'Évêque |
Thunnus orientalis | Pacific bluefin tuna |
Thun-Saint-Amand | Thun-Saint-Amand |
Thun-Saint-Martin | Thun-Saint-Martin |
Thunstetten | Thunstetten |
Thur (Frankrijk) | Thur (France) |
Thur (Zwitserland) | Thur (Switzerland) |
Thurageau | Thurageau |
Thurbo AG | THURBO |
Thuré | Thuré |
Thuret | Thuret, Puy-de-Dôme |
Thurey | Thurey |
Thurgau | Thurgau |
Thuridilla gracilis | Thuridilla gracilis |
Thuridilla lineolata | Thuridilla lineolata |
Thurii | Thurii |
Thüringen (deelstaat) | Thuringia |
Thüringen (Vorarlberg) | Thüringen, Austria |
Thüringenhausen | Thüringenhausen |
Thüringer Woud | Thuringian Forest |
Thüringers | Thuringii |
Thürings | Thuringian dialect |
Thüringse staten | Thuringian states |
Thuringwethil | Thuringwethil |
Thurins | Thurins |
Thürkow | Thürkow |
Thurland | Thurland |
Thurmont | Thurmont, Maryland |
Thurn und Taxis | Thurn und Taxis |
Thursby | Thursby |
Thursday | Thursday (disambiguation) |
Thursday (band) | Thursday (band) |
Thurso | Thurso |
Thurston County | Thurston County |
Thurston County (Nebraska) | Thurston County, Nebraska |
Thurston County (Washington) | Thurston County, Washington |
Thurston Dart | Thurston Dart |
Thurston-eiland | Thurston Island |
Thury (Côte-d'Or) | Thury, Côte-d'Or |
Thury (Yonne) | Thury, Yonne |
Thury-en-Valois | Thury-en-Valois |
Thury-Harcourt | Thury-Harcourt |
Thury-sous-Clermont | Thury-sous-Clermont |
Thuvia, Maid of Mars | Thuvia, Maid of Mars |
Thuy | Thuy |
Thuya | Tjuyu |
Thy | Thy |
Thy (Denemarken) | Thy (district) |
Thyborøn | Thyborøn |
Thyborøn-Harboøre | Thyborøn-Harboøre |
Thyene | Thyene |
Thyenillus fernandensis | Thyenillus |
Thyenula | Thyenula |
Thyestes | Thyestes |
Thyholm | Thyholm Municipality |
Thyia | Thyia |
Thylacinus potens | Thylacinus potens |
Thylacoleonidae | Thylacoleonidae |
Thylakoïde | Thylakoid |
Thylogale browni | Brown's pademelon |
Thylogale calabyi | Calaby's pademelon |
Thylogale lanatus | Mountain pademelon |
Thymallus arcticus | Arctic grayling |
Thymelicus | Thymelicus |
Thymelicus hamza | Thymelicus hamza |
Thymidine | Thymidine |
Thymidinedifosfaat | Thymidine diphosphate |
Thymidinemonofosfaat | Thymidine monophosphate |
Thymidinetrifosfaat | Thymidine triphosphate |
Thymine | Thymine |
Thymoetes | Thymoetes |
Thymolblauw | Thymol blue |
Thymolftaleïne | Thymolphthalein |
Thymops birsteini | Thymops |
Thymopsis nilenta | Thymopsis nilenta |
Thymos | Thumos |
Thymus | Thymus (disambiguation) |
Thymus (orgaan) | Thymus |
Thyolo (district) | Thyolo District |
Thyone | Thyone |
Thyone (maan) | Thyone (moon) |
Thyra van Denemarken (1853-1933) | Princess Thyra of Denmark |
Thyreoglobuline | Thyroglobulin |
Thyreoïdstimulerend hormoon | Thyroid-stimulating hormone |
Thyreophora cynophila | Thyreophora cynophila |
Thyreus nitidulus | Thyreus nitidulus |
Thyris usitata | Thyris usitata |
Thyrsus (staf) | Thyrsus |
Thysania agrippina | Thysania agrippina |
Thysanoplusia | Thysanoplusia |
Thysanotus | Thysanotus |
Thyssen | Thyssen |
TI Asia | TI-class supertanker |
TI MSP430 | TI MSP430 |
TI-84 Plus | TI-84 Plus series |
TIA | Transient ischemic attack |
Tia Maria | Tia Maria |
Tiaa | Tiaa |
Tiago | Tiago Mendes |
Tiago Calvano | Tiago Calvano |
Tiago Manuel Dias Correia | Bébé |
Tiago Prado | Tiago Prado |
Tiago Silva dos Santos | Tiago Silva dos Santos |
Tiahuanacu (gemeente) | Tiwanaku Municipality |
Tiakadougou-Dialakoro | Tiakadougou-Dialakoro |
Tiamat | Tiamat (disambiguation) |
Tiamat (band) | Tiamat (band) |
Tian Tan Boeddha | Tian Tan Buddha |
Tiana (Italië) | Tiana, Sardinia |
Tiana (Spanje) | Tiana (Catalonia) |
Tiananmenprotest | Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 |
Tianchi | Tianchi |
Tianchi (Paektusan) | Heaven Lake |
Tianeti (plaats) | Tianeti |
Tiangong 1 | Tiangong-1 |
Tianguá | Tianguá |
Tianguis | Tianguis |
Tianhe | Tianhe District |
Tianhe-I | Tianhe-I |
Tianhou | Mazu (goddess) |
Tianjin Olympisch Stadion | Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium |
Tianjin Teda | Tianjin Teda F.C. |
Tianjin Xiali | FAW Tianjin |
Tiankadi | Tiankadi |
Tianqi | Tianqi Emperor |
Tianyulong | Tianyulong |
Tiaong | Tiaong, Quezon |
Tiara | Tiara |
Tiaré tahiti | Gardenia taitensis |
Tiaret (provincie) | Tiaret Province |
Tiaris | Tiaris |
Tías (gemeente) | Tías, Las Palmas |
Tibacuy | Tibacuy |
Tibaná | Tibaná |
Tibasosa | Tibasosa |
Tibau do Sul | Tibau do Sul |
Tibava | Tibava |
Tiber | Tiber River |
Tibereiland | Tiber Island |
Tiberianus (politicus) | Tiberianus |
Tiberias | Tiberias |
Tiberio d'Assisi | Tiberio d'Assisi |
Tiberios I Constantijn | Tiberius II Constantine |
Tiberios II | Tiberios III |
Tiberium | Tiberium |
Tiberius Claudius Atticus Herodes | Tiberius Claudius Atticus Herodes (suffect consul 133) |
Tiberius Claudius Balbillus | Tiberius Claudius Balbilus |
Tiberius Claudius Cogidubnus | Tiberius Claudius Cogidubnus |
Tiberius Claudius Nero | Tiberius Claudius Nero |
Tiberius Claudius Nero (consul in 202 v.Chr.) | Tiberius Claudius Nero (consul) |
Tiberius Claudius Nero (vader) | Tiberius Claudius Nero (praetor 42 BC) |
Tiberius Claudius Nero (zoon) | Tiberius |
Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus | Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus |
Tiberius Coruncanius | Tiberius Coruncanius |
Tiberius Hemsterhuis | Tiberius Hemsterhuis |
Tiberius Iulius Caesar Nero Gemellus | Tiberius Gemellus |
Tiberius Julius Alexander | Tiberius Julius Alexander |
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus | Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus |
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus II | Tiberius Gracchus the Elder |
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus III | Tiberius Gracchus |
Tiberius Sempronius Longus | Tiberius Sempronius Longus |
Tiberius Sempronius Longus (consul in 218 v.Chr.) | Tiberius Sempronius Longus (consul 218 BC) |
Tibestigebergte | Tibesti Mountains |
Tibet | Tibet (disambiguation) |
Tibet (stripauteur) | Tibet (comics) |
Tibet House | Tibet House |
Tibet Museum | Tibet Museum |
Tibet Museum (Lhasa) | Tibet Museum (Lhasa) |
Tibet sinds 1950 | History of Tibet (1950–present) |
Tibet Times | Tibet Times |
Tibetaans | Tibetan language |
Tibetaans berghoen | Tibetan Snowcock |
Tibetaans boeddhisme | Tibetan Buddhism |
Tibetaans boeddhistische canon | Tibetan Buddhist canon |
Tibetaans centrum voor mensenrechten en democratie | Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy |
Tibetaans Cultureel Centrum Khawa Karpo | Khawa Karpo-Tibet Culture Centre |
Tibetaans dodenboek | Tibetan Book of the Dead |
Tibetaans Hoogland | Tibetan Plateau |
Tibetaans Instituut voor Podiumkunsten | Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts |
Tibetaans Jeugdcongres | Tibetan Youth Congress |
Tibetaans parlement in ballingschap | Parliament of the Central Tibetan Administration |
Tibetaans pinyin | Tibetan pinyin |
Tibetaans rijk | Tibetan Empire |
Tibetaans schrift | Tibetan alphabet |
Tibetaans staatsorakel | Nechung Oracle |
Tibetaans steppehoen | Tibetan Sandgrouse |
Tibetaans voetbalelftal | Tibet national football team |
Tibetaans wigstaarthoen | Verreaux's Monal-Partridge |
Tibetaanse antilope | Tibetan antelope |
Tibetaanse architectuur | Architecture in Tibet |
Tibetaanse astrologie | Tibetan astrology |
Tibetaanse astronomie | Tibetan astronomy |
Tibetaanse Autonome Regio | Tibet Autonomous Region |
Tibetaanse blauwe beer | Tibetan blue bear |
Tibetaanse Communistische Partij | Tibetan Communist Party |
Tibetaanse cultuur | Tibetan culture |
Tibetaanse diaspora | Tibetan diaspora |
Tibetaanse fluithaas | Moupin pika |
Tibetaanse gazelle | Goa (antelope) |
Tibetaanse gebedsvlag | Prayer flag |
Tibetaanse geneeskunde | Traditional Tibetan medicine |
Tibetaanse haas | Woolly hare |
Tibetaanse kalender | Tibetan calendar |
Tibetaanse kalligrafie | Tibetan calligraphy |
Tibetaanse keuken | Tibetan cuisine |
Tibetaanse kinderdorpen | Tibetan Children's Villages |
Tibetaanse koningenvallei | Valley of the Kings (Tibet) |
Tibetaanse kunst | Tibetan art |
Tibetaanse literatuur | Tibetan literature |
Tibetaanse makaak | Tibetan macaque |
Tibetaanse mastiff | Tibetan Mastiff |
Tibetaanse muziek | Music of Tibet |
Tibetaanse oorfazant | Tibetan Eared Pheasant |
Tibetaanse patrijs | Tibetan Partridge |
Tibetaanse plaid | Tibetan rug |
Tibetaanse pony | Tibetan pony |
Tibetaanse regering in ballingschap | Central Tibetan Administration |
Tibetaanse roodmus | Tibetan Rosefinch |
Tibetaanse spaniël | Tibetan Spaniel |
Tibetaanse terriër | Tibetan Terrier |
Tibetaanse Vrouwenverbond | Tibetan Women's Association |
Tibetaanse waterspitsmuis | Elegant water shrew |
Tibetaanse zandvos | Tibetan Fox |
Tibetaanse zelfverbrandingen | Self-immolation protests by Tibetans in China |
Tibetan Freedom Concert | Tibetan Freedom Concert |
Tibetan National Football Association | Tibetan National Football Association |
Tibetanen | Tibetan people |
Tibetmuntjak | Fea's muntjac |
Tibeto-Birmaanse talen | Tibeto-Burman languages |
Tibetologie | Tibetology |
Tibet-universiteit | Tibet University |
Tibi | Tibi, Alicante |
Tibia | Tibia (disambiguation) |
Tibia (computerspel) | Tibia (video game) |
Tibiao (Antique) | Tibiao, Antique |
Tibiotarsus | Tibiotarsus |
Tibiran-Jaunac | Tibiran-Jaunac |
Tibirita | Tibiritá |
Tible | Catalan shawm |
Tibor Benedek | Tibor Benedek |
Tibor Jančula | Tibor Jančula |
Tibor Weissenborn | Tibor Weißenborn |
Tiborszállás | Tiborszállás |
Tibro (gemeente) | Tibro Municipality |
Tibú | Tibú |
Tiburcio Carías Andino | Tiburcio Carías Andino |
Tiburón | Tiburón Island |
Tiburon (Californië) | Tiburon, California |
Tiburon (Haïti) | Tiburon, Sud |
Tiburon (schiereiland in Californië) | Tiburon Peninsula |
Tiburon (schiereiland in Haïti) | Tiburon Peninsula, Haiti |
Tiburonia granrojo | Tiburonia |
Tic tac | Tic Tac |
Ticao | Ticao (island) |
Tice | Tice, Florida |
Tichborne | Tichborne |
Ticheville | Ticheville |
Tichey | Tichey |
Tichon Chrennikov | Tikhon Khrennikov |
Tichon van Moskou | Tikhon of Moscow |
Tichvin | Tikhvin |
Tichvin-begraafplaats | Tikhvin Cemetery |
Ticino (kanton) | Ticino |
Ticino (rivier) | Ticino (river) |
Tick size | Tick size |
Ticker | Ticker |
Ticker (film) | Ticker (2001 film) |
Ticker-tape parade | Ticker tape parade |
Ticket to Ride | Ticket to Ride (disambiguation) |
Ticket to Ride (nummer) | Ticket to Ride |
Ticket to Ride (spel) | Ticket to Ride (board game) |
Țicleni | Țicleni |
Ticonderogaklasse (kruiser) | Ticonderoga-class cruiser |
Ticușu | Ticușu |
Tidaholm (gemeente) | Tidaholm Municipality |
Tidaholm (stad) | Tidaholm |
Tidal Basin | Tidal Basin |
Tidan | Tidan |
Tiddische | Tiddische |
Tide of Empire | Tide of Empire |
Tidermène | Tidermène |
Tidiane N’Diaye | Tidiane N'Diaye |
Tidjikdja | Tidjikja |
Tidworth | Tidworth |
Tie Break | Tie Break (Austrian band) |
TIE Fighter | TIE fighter |
Tie Shan Gong Zhu | Princess Iron Fan (1941 film) |
Tie Yana | Tie Ya Na |
Tie Your Mother Down | Tie Your Mother Down |
Tiebreak (tennis) | Tiebreaker |
Tiefenbach (Federsee) | Tiefenbach, Biberach |
Tiefenbach (Hunsrück) | Tiefenbach, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Tiefenbach (Landshut) | Tiefenbach, Landshut |
Tiefenbach (Opper-Palts) | Tiefenbach, Upper Palatinate |
Tiefenbach (Passau) | Tiefenbach, Passau |
Tiefenbach (Saksen) | Tiefenbach, Saxony |
Tiefenort | Tiefenort |
Tiefenthal (Palts) | Tiefenthal |
Tiefenthal (Rheinhessen) | Tiefenthal, Bad Kreuznach |
Tiegem | Tiegem |
Tieke | De Tike |
Tiélé | Tiélé, Mali |
Tieleman Franciscus Suys | Tilman-François Suys |
Tielen (België) | Tielen |
Tielen (Duitsland) | Tielen, Germany |
Tielenhemme | Tielenhemme |
Tielmes | Tielmes |
Tiémala-Banimonotié | Tiémala-Banimonotié |
Tiemena | Tiemena |
Tien | Tien |
Tiền (rivier) | Tiền River |
Tien (televisiezender) | Tien (TV channel) |
Tien geboden | Ten Commandments |
Tiền Giang | Tiền Giang Province |
Tien ketens | Fetter (Buddhism) |
Tien kleine negertjes | And Then There Were None |
Tien vleugels | Ten Wings |
Tiendaagse Oorlog | Ten-Day War |
Tiendaagse Veldtocht | Ten Days' Campaign |
Tiende | Tithe |
Tiende probleem van Hilbert | Hilbert's tenth problem |
Tiendeveen | Tiendeveen |
Tiendoornige stekelbaars | Ninespine stickleback |
Tiendschuur | Tithe barn |
Tienen | Tienen |
Tienerdrama | Teen drama |
Tienermoeder | Teenage pregnancy |
Tienfala | Tienfala |
Tienhoek | Decagon |
Tienhoven (Stichtse Vecht) | Tienhoven, Maarssen |
Tienhoven (Zederik) | Tienhoven, South Holland |
Tienjarige Oorlog | Ten Years' War |
Tienkamp | Decathlon |
Tienkour | Tienkour |
Tienponders | Elopidae |
Tienpotigen | Decapod |
Tienshanosaurus | Tienshanosaurus |
Tiensjan | Tian Shan |
Tienstedenbond | Décapole |
Tienstippelig lieveheersbeestje | Adalia decempunctata |
Tier | Tier |
Tier 1-kapitaal | Tier 1 capital |
Tiercé | Tiercé |
Tiercelet | Tiercelet |
Tierceville | Tierceville |
Tierga | Tierga |
Tiergarten Schönbrunn | Tiergarten Schönbrunn |
Tierp (gemeente) | Tierp Municipality |
Tierpark (metrostation) | Tierpark (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Tierpark Berlin Friedrichsfelde | Tierpark Berlin |
Tierpark Hellabrunn | Hellabrunn Zoo |
Tierra del Fuego | Tierra del Fuego (disambiguation) |
Tierra del Fuego (provincie) | Tierra del Fuego Province, Chile |
Tierradentro (cultuur) | Tierradentro |
Tierralta | Tierralta |
Tiers | Tiers, South Tyrol |
Tierzo | Tierzo |
Ties | Tie |
Ties Kruize | Ties Kruize |
Tiest van Gestel | Tiest van Gestel |
Tieste-Uragnoux | Tieste-Uragnoux |
Tiétar | Tiétar |
Tietê | Tietê |
Tietê (gemeente) | Tietê, São Paulo |
Tietê (rivier) | Tietê River |
Tie-wrap | Cable tie |
Tiferet Jisrael-synagoge | Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue |
Tiffani Thiessen | Tiffani Thiessen |
Tiffany (Child's Play) | Tiffany (Child's Play) |
Tiffany (diamant) | Tiffany Yellow Diamond |
Tiffany (zangeres) | Tiffany (singer) |
Tiffany Case | Tiffany Case |
Tiffin | Tiffin (disambiguation) |
Tiffin (Ohio) | Tiffin, Ohio |
Tifinagh | Tifinagh |
Tiflet | Tiflet |
Tift County | Tift County, Georgia |
Tifton | Tifton, Georgia |
Tiga | Tiga |
Tiga (artiest) | Tiga (musician) |
Tigaon | Tigaon, Camarines Sur |
Tigard | Tigard, Oregon |
Tigase | Tigase |
Tigbao | Tigbao, Zamboanga del Sur |
Tigbauan | Tigbauan, Iloilo |
Tigeaux | Tigeaux |
Tigecycline | Tigecycline |
Tigellinus | Tigellinus |
Tiger | Tiger (disambiguation) |
Tiger Airways | Tigerair |
Tiger Airways Australia | Tigerair Australia |
Tiger Bay | Tiger Bay (film) |
Tiger Beer | Asia Pacific Breweries |
Tiger I | Tiger I |
Tiger II | Tiger II |
Tiger Moth | De Havilland Tiger Moth |
Tiger Shark | Tiger Shark (film) |
Tigery | Tigery |
Tighina | Bender, Moldova |
Tight (album) | Tight (album) |
Tight end | Tight end |
Tight Fit | Tight Fit |
TightVNC | TightVNC |
TIG-lassen | Gas tungsten arc welding |
Tiglat-Pileser | Tiglath-Pileser |
Tiglat-Pileser I | Tiglath-Pileser I |
Tiglat-Pileser II | Tiglath-Pileser II |
Tiglat-Pileser III | Tiglath-Pileser III |
Tiglinezuur | Tiglic acid |
Tignac | Tignac |
Tigné | Tigné |
Tignécourt | Tignécourt |
Tignieu-Jameyzieu | Tignieu-Jameyzieu |
Tigny-Noyelle | Tigny-Noyelle |
Tigran L. Petrosjan | Tigran L. Petrosian |
Tigran Petrosjan | Tigran Petrosian |
Tigran Sargsian | Tigran Sargsyan |
Tigranakert | Tigranakert |
Tigranakert (Artsach) | Tigranakert of Artsakh |
Tigranakert (Silvan) | Tigranakert (Silvan) |
Tigranes | Tigranes |
Tigranes II | Tigranes the Great |
Tigranes V | Tigranes V of Armenia |
Tigranes VI | Tigranes VI of Armenia |
Tigray | Tigray Region |
Tigre | Tigre |
Tigre (partido) | Tigre Partido |
Tigre (volk) | Tigre people |
Tigres de la Angelopolis | Tigres de Quintana Roo |
Tigrinhos | Tigrinhos |
Tigrinya (taal) | Tigrinya language |
Tigrinya (volk) | Tigray-Tigrinya people |
Tigriornis | White-crested Tiger Heron |
Tigris | Tigris |
Tigrisoma | Tigrisoma |
Tigy | Tigy |
Tihar (gevangenis) | Tihar Jail |
Tihomir | Tihomir of Serbia |
Tijani Belaid | Tijani Belaid |
Tijd | Time |
Tijd der Troebelen | Time of Troubles |
Tijd/temperatuurindicator | Time temperature indicator |
Tijdbal | Time ball |
Tijdbalk | Timeline |
Tijdcapsule | Time capsule |
Tijddilatatie | Time dilation |
Tijddomein | Time domain |
Tijdgeografie | Time geography |
Tijdlijn Eerste Portugese republiek | Timeline of Portuguese history |
Tijdlijn van Arda | Timeline of Arda |
Tijdlijn van de bouwkunst | Timeline of architectural styles |
Tijdlijn van de geschiedenis van de Verenigde Staten | Timeline of United States history |
Tijdlijn van de kredietcrisis | Subprime crisis impact timeline |
Tijdmeting | Chronometry |
Tijdperk van de grote ontdekkingen | Age of Discovery |
Tijdreeksanalyse | Time series |
Tijdreizen | Time travel |
Tijdrijden | Time trial |
Tijdscharing (informatica) | Time-sharing |
Tijdschrift | Magazine |
Tijdsein (signaal) | Time signal |
Tijdserver | Time server |
Tijdsinvariantie | Time-invariant system |
Tijdslogica | Temporal logic |
Tijdslot | Time lock |
Tijdsperceptie | Time perception |
Tijdsvereffening | Equation of time |
Tijdswaarde van geld | Time value of money |
Tijdvak (geologie) | Epoch (geology) |
Tijdverschuiving | UTC offset |
Tijdzone | Time zone |
Tijdzones in Rusland | Time in Russia |
Tijeras | Tijeras, New Mexico |
Tijger | Tiger |
Tijger (astrologie) | Tiger (zodiac) |
Tijgerbaarzen | Terapontidae |
Tijgerbalsem | Tiger Balm |
Tijgerbeertje | Setina irrorella |
Tijgerblauwtje | Lampides boeticus |
Tijgerbrood | Tiger bread |
Tijgerduizendpoten | Scolopendridae |
Tijgergenet | Cape genet |
Tijgerhaai | Tiger shark |
Tijgerhaaien | Sand shark |
Tijgerkat | Oncilla |
Tijgerkoningsmakreel | Broadbarred king mackerel |
Tijgermug | Asian tiger mosquito |
Tijgeroog | Tiger's eye |
Tijgerplatworm | Girardia tigrina |
Tijgerpython | Python molurus |
Tijgerratelslang | Crotalus tigris |
Tijgersalamander | Tiger salamander |
Tijgerslang | Telescopus semiannulatus |
Tijgervink | Red Avadavat |
Tijjani Babangida | Tijani Babangida |
Tijl Uilenspiegel | Till Eulenspiegel |
Tijm | Thyme |
Tijmblauwtje | Large Blue |
Tijmereprijs | Veronica serpyllifolia |
Tijmstipspanner | Scopula decorata |
Tijnje | Tijnje |
Tíjola | Tíjola |
Tijs Tinbergen | Tijs Tinbergen |
Tijuana (gemeente) | Tijuana Municipality, Baja California |
Tijuanakartel | Tijuana Cartel |
Tijuca | Tijuca (disambiguation) |
Tijuca (wijk) | Tijuca |
Tijucas (gemeente) | Tijucas |
Tijucas do Sul | Tijucas do Sul |
Tikal | Tikal (disambiguation) |
Tiki | Tiki (disambiguation) |
Tiki (kunstvorm) | Tiki |
Tiki Island | Tiki Island, Texas |
Tikicultuur | Tiki culture |
Tikkende pad | Stonemason's toadlet |
Tikkertje | Tag (game) |
Tikos | Tikos |
Tiktaalik | Tiktaalik |
Til Brugman | Til Brugman |
Til ungdommen | Til Ungdommen |
Tilahun Gesesse | Tilahun Gessesse |
Tilaj | Tilaj, Hungary |
Tilapia | Tilapia |
Tilapia buttikoferi | Heterotilapia buttikoferi |
Tilapia mariae | Spotted tilapia |
Tilapia rendalli | Redbreast tilapia |
Tilburg (gemeente) | Tilburg |
Tilburg Ten Miles | Tilburg Ten Miles |
Tilburg Trappers | Destil Trappers |
Tilburg University | Tilburg University |
Til-Châtel | Til-Châtel |
Tilden (Illinois) | Tilden, Illinois |
Tilden (Nebraska) | Tilden, Nebraska |
Tildonk | Tildonk |
Tileagd | Tileagd |
Tilemsi | Tilemsi |
Tilemsi (Gao) | Tilemsi, Gao |
Tilh | Tilh |
Tilhouse | Tilhouse |
Tiliaceae | Tiliaceae |
Tilidine | Tilidine |
Tiligul-Tiras Tiraspol | CS Tiligul-Tiras Tiraspol |
Tiliqua adelaidensis | Adelaide pigmy blue-tongue skink |
Tilisarao | Tilisarao |
Till | Till (disambiguation) |
Till (sediment) | Till |
Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche | Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks |
'Till I Collapse | 'Till I Collapse |
Till the Clouds Roll By | Till the Clouds Roll By |
Till the End of Time | Till the End of Time (film) |
Tillabéri (departement) | Tillabéri Region |
Tillac | Tillac |
Tillamook (plaats) | Tillamook, Oregon |
Tillamook (volk) | Tillamook people |
Tillamook County | Tillamook County, Oregon |
Tillandsia | Tillandsia |
Tillandsia cyanea | Tillandsia cyanea |
Tillandsioideae | Tillandsioideae |
Tillatoba | Tillatoba, Mississippi |
Tillay-le-Péneux | Tillay-le-Péneux |
Tillberga | Tillberga |
Tille | Tille |
Tillé | Tillé |
Tille (rivier) | Tille (river) |
Tilleda (Kyffhäuser) | Tilleda |
Tillenay | Tillenay |
Tilletiales | Tilletiales |
Tilleul-Dame-Agnès | Tilleul-Dame-Agnès |
Tilleur FC | R.F.C. Tilleur-Saint-Nicolas |
Tilleux | Tilleux |
Tillières | Tillières |
Tillift | Patient lift |
Tilligte | Tilligte |
TILLING | TILLING (molecular biology) |
Tillman County | Tillman County, Oklahoma |
Tilloloy | Tilloloy |
Tillou | Tillou |
Tilloy-et-Bellay | Tilloy-et-Bellay |
Tilloy-Floriville | Tilloy-Floriville |
Tilloy-lès-Conty | Tilloy-lès-Conty |
Tilloy-lès-Hermaville | Tilloy-lès-Hermaville |
Tilloy-lès-Mofflaines | Tilloy-lès-Mofflaines |
Tilloy-lez-Cambrai | Tilloy-lez-Cambrai |
Tilloy-lez-Marchiennes | Tilloy-lez-Marchiennes |
Tilly (Eure) | Tilly, Eure |
Tilly (Indre) | Tilly, Indre |
Tilly (Yvelines) | Tilly, Yvelines |
Tilly and the Wall | Tilly and the Wall |
Tilly Smith | Tilly Smith |
Tilly-Capelle | Tilly-Capelle |
Tilly-la-Campagne | Tilly-la-Campagne |
Tilmatura | Sparkling-tailed Woodstar |
Tilques | Tilques |
Tiltrotor | Tiltrotor |
Tilt-shiftobjectief | Tilt–shift photography |
Tiludroninezuur | Tiludronic acid |
Tilva Roš | Tilva Roš |
Tilya Tepe | Tillya Tepe |
Tim (film) | Tim (film) |
Tim Armstrong | Tim Armstrong |
Tim Bakens | Tim Bakens |
Tim Brown (voetballer) | Tim Brown (footballer) |
Tim Burke | Tim Burke (biathlete) |
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas | The Nightmare Before Christmas |
Tim Clark | Tim Clark (golfer) |
Tim Cuddihy | Tim Cuddihy |
Tim Daly | Tim Daly |
Tim DeBoom | Tim DeBoom |
Tim Don | Tim Don |
Tim Drummond | Tim Drummond |
Tim Gilissen | Tim Gilissen |
Tim Gudsell | Timothy Gudsell |
Tim Hart | Tim Hart |
Tim Herron | Tim Herron |
Tim Hodgkinson | Tim Hodgkinson |
Tim Hölscher | Tim Hölscher |
Tim Hughes | Tim Hughes |
Tim Jerks | Tim Jerks |
Tim Johnson | Timothy Johnson |
Tim Johnson (politicus) | Tim Johnson (U.S. Senator) |
Tim Keller | Timothy J. Keller |
Tim LaHaye | Tim LaHaye |
Tim Long | Tim Long |
Tim Murray | Tim Murray |
Tim O'Brien (musicus) | Tim O'Brien (musician) |
Tim O'Reilly | Tim O'Reilly |
Tim Owens | Tim "Ripper" Owens |
Tim Parnell | Tim Parnell |
Tim Rice-Oxley | Tim Rice-Oxley |
Tim Scott (beeldhouwer) | Tim Scott (artist) |
Tim Sköld | Tim Sköld |
Tim Smolders | Tim Smolders |
Tim Smyczek | Tim Smyczek |
Tim Speedle | Tim Speedle |
Tim Van Patten | Tim Van Patten |
Tim Vanhamel | Tim Vanhamel |
Tim Vincken | Tim Vincken |
Tim Visser | Tim Visser |
Tim Wallburger | Tim Wallburger |
Tim Wellens | Tim Wellens |
Tim Wylton | Tim Wylton |
Timaeus | Timaeus (historian) |
Timaeus (Plato) | Timaeus (dialogue) |
Timaeus van Locri | Timaeus of Locri |
Timalia's | Old World babbler |
Timaná | Timana |
Timan-Petsjora | Timan-Pechora Basin |
Timanthes | Timanthes |
Timár | Timár |
Timarcha | Timarcha |
Timba | Timba |
Timbaki | Tympaki |
Timbaland & Magoo | Timbaland & Magoo |
Timbaland Presents Shock Value | Shock Value (Timbaland album) |
Timbales | Timbales |
Timbé do Sul | Timbé do Sul |
Timber Lake | Timber Lake, South Dakota |
Timberlane | Timberlane |
Timbío | Timbío |
Timbiquí | Timbiqui, Cauca |
Timbiras | Timbiras |
Timbó | Timbó |
Timbó Grande | Timbó Grande |
Timboektoe | Timbuktu (disambiguation) |
Timboektoe (regio) | Tombouctou Region |
Timboektoe (stad) | Timbuktu |
Timbre | Timbre |
Timbro | Timbro |
Timburi | Timburi |
Time | Time (disambiguation) |
Time (Noorwegen) | Time, Norway |
Time (Pink Floyd) | Time (Pink Floyd song) |
Time (tijdschrift) | Time (magazine) |
Time After Time | Time After Time |
Time After Time (Cyndi Lauper) | Time After Time (Cyndi Lauper song) |
Time Again | Time Again |
Time Bandits (band) | Time Bandits (band) |
Time division multiple access | Time division multiple access |
Time Fades Away | Time Fades Away |
Time for Annihilation | Time for Annihilation |
Time for print | Time for print |
Time Inc. | Time Inc. |
Time Is Running Out | Time Is Running Out (Muse song) |
Time Machine (software) | Time Machine (Mac OS) |
Time of the Apes | Saru No Gundan |
Time of Your Life | Time of Your Life (TV series) |
Time Out (album) | Time Out (album) |
Time Out of Mind | Time Out of Mind (disambiguation) |
TIME Person of the Year | Time Person of the Year |
Time Records | Time Records |
Time Sharing Option | Time Sharing Option |
Time shifting | Time shifting |
Time Squad | Time Squad |
Time to live | Time to live |
Time Trax | Time Trax |
Time Waits for No One (Rolling Stones) | Time Waits for No One: Anthology 1971–1977 |
Time Walker | Time Walker |
Time Warner Cable | Time Warner Cable |
Time Warp | Time Warp (TV series) |
Timecop | Timecop |
Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision | Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision |
Time-lapsefotografie | Time-lapse photography |
Timeless | Timeless |
Timeless (Sergio Mendes) | Timeless (Sérgio Mendes album) |
Timeless Records | Timeless Records |
Timeline | Timeline (film) |
Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes | Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes |
Time-of-flightcamera | Time-of-flight camera |
Timeout | Time out |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman |
Times Square-42nd Street | Times Square – 42nd Street (New York City Subway) |
Timesharing (toerisme) | Timeshare |
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect |
Timewind | Timewind |
Timiș (rivier) | Timiş River |
Timișești | Timișești |
Timișoara | Timişoara |
Timissa | Timissa |
Timmaspe | Timmaspe |
Timmelsjoch | Timmelsjoch |
Timmenrode | Timmenrode |
Timmer | Timmer |
Timmerbok | Timberman beetle |
Timmerman | Carpenter |
Timmerman (doorverwijspagina) | Timmerman |
Timmermanspotlood | Carpenter pencil |
Timmersteek | Timber hitch |
Timmy Duggan | Timmy Duggan |
Timmy Mayer | Timmy Mayer |
Timmy T | Timmy T |
Timmy Thomas | Timmy Thomas |
Timna (Tel Batash) | Timnah |
Timna Brauer | Timna Brauer |
Timnath-Serah | Timnath-heres |
Timniri | Timniri |
Timo Descamps | Timo Descamps |
Timo Horn | Timo Horn |
Timo Mäkinen | Timo Mäkinen |
Timo Rautiainen (rallynavigator) | Timo Rautiainen (co-driver) |
Timocratie | Timocracy |
Timoer Bekmambetov | Timur Bekmambetov |
Timoer Lenk | Timur |
Timoeriden | Timurid dynasty |
Timofei Dokschitzer | Timofei Dokschitzer |
Timofej Kritski | Timofey Kritsky |
Timofey Guzhenko | MT Timofey Guzhenko |
Timok | Timok (river) |
Timoleon (persoon) | Timoleon |
Timolol | Timolol |
Timon & Pumbaa | Timon & Pumbaa (TV series) |
Timon (geslacht) | Timon (genus) |
Timon (Maranhão) | Timon, Maranhão |
Timon of Athens | Timon of Athens |
Timon van Athene | Timon of Athens (person) |
Timora albisticta | Timora albisticta |
Timoradza | Timoradza |
Timorese boszanger | Timor Leaf Warbler |
Timorese roodvleugelparkiet | Jonquil Parrot |
Timorlederkop | Timor Friarbird |
Timorregenbooglori | Marigold Lorikeet |
Timorzee | Timor Sea |
Timosjenko | Tymoshenko |
Timoteegras | Timothy-grass |
Timoteüs | Saint Timothy |
Timoteüs I | Timothy I (Nestorian Patriarch) |
Timotheos | Timotheus (sculptor) |
Timotheus | Timotheus |
Timotheus (zoon) | Timotheus (general) |
Timothy | Timothy |
Timothy (voornaam) | Timothy (name) |
Timothy Carhart | Timothy Carhart |
Timothy Cherigat | Timothy Cherigat |
Timothy Derijck | Timothy Derijck |
Timothy Dreesen | Timothy Dreesen |
Timothy Durwael | Timothy Durwael |
Timothy Geithner | Timothy Geithner |
Timothy Gowers | Timothy Gowers |
Timothy Johnson | Tim Johnson (cyclist) |
Timothy Jones | Timothy Jones (cyclist) |
Timothy Kiptanui | Timothy Kiptanui |
Timothy Michael Dolan | Timothy M. Dolan |
Timothy Mo | Timothy Mo |
Timothy Roe | Tim Roe |
Timothy Snyder | Timothy D. Snyder |
Timothy van der Meulen | Timothy van der Meulen |
Timp tom | Tenor drum |
Timpaan | Tympanum (architecture) |
Timpson | Timpson, Texas |
Timpuri Noi (metrostation) | Timpuri Noi metro station |
Timrå (gemeente) | Timrå Municipality |
Timrå (plaats) | Timrå |
TIMSS | Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study |
Timtaghene | Timtaghène |
Timur | Timur (disambiguation) |
Timur Kulibayev | Timur Kulibayev |
Tin | TIN |
Tin (element) | Tin |
Tin Aïcha | Tin Aicha |
Tin Essako | Tin-Essako |
Tin Jedvaj | Tin Jedvaj |
Tin Pan Alley (1940) | Tin Pan Alley (film) |
Tin(II)chloride | Tin(II) chloride |
Tin(II)fluoride | Tin(II) fluoride |
Tin(II)oxide | Tin(II) oxide |
Tin(IV)chloride | Tin(IV) chloride |
Tin(IV)oxide | Tin dioxide |
Tina | Tina |
Tina Bachmann (biatlete) | Tina Bachmann |
Tina Charles | Tina Charles (singer) |
Tina Cousins | Tina Cousins |
Tina Knowles | Tina Knowles |
Tina May | Tina May |
Tina Reynolds | Tina Reynolds |
Tina Sloan | Tina Sloan |
Tina Weymouth | Tina Weymouth |
Tinaco | Tinaco Municipality |
Tinajas | Tinajas |
Tinajo (gemeente) | Tinajo, Las Palmas |
Tinambac | Tinambac, Camarines Sur |
Tinaminae | Tinaminae |
Tinamoes | Tinamou |
Tinamotis | Tinamotis |
Tinamus | Tinamus |
Tinbergen Instituut | Tinbergen Institute |
Tinca | Tinca |
Tin-Chau Tsui | Tsui Tin-Chau |
Tinchebray | Tinchebray |
Tincourt-Boucly | Tincourt-Boucly |
Tincques | Tincques |
Tinctuur (oplossing) | Tincture |
Tindal | Tindal |
Tindari | Tindari |
Tindirma | Tindirma |
Tindola | Coccinia grandis |
Tindouf | Tindouf |
Tindouf (provincie) | Tindouf Province |
Tine Eerlingen | Tine Eerlingen |
Tine Van Rompuy | Tine Van Rompuy |
Tinea cruris | Tinea cruris |
Tineg (Abra) | Tineg, Abra |
Tineke Lagerberg | Tineke Lagerberg |
Tineke Netelenbos | Tineke Netelenbos |
Tineke Postma | Tineke Postma |
Tinetto | Tinetto |
TinEye | TinEye |
Tinganes | Tinganes |
Tingatinga | Tingatinga (painting) |
Tinglayan | Tinglayan, Kalinga |
Tinglev | Tinglev |
Tinglish | Tinglish |
Tingloy | Tingloy, Batangas |
Tingri (arrondissement) | Tingri County |
Tingsha | Tingsha |
Tingsryd (gemeente) | Tingsryd Municipality |
Tingsryd (plaats) | Tingsryd |
Tingstäde | Tingstäde |
Tinguereguif | Tinguereguif |
Tinguipaya (gemeente) | Tinguipaya Municipality |
Tịnh Biên | Tinh Bien District |
Tin-Hama | Tin-Hama |
Tinhosa Grande | Tinhosa Grande |
Tini Wagner | Tini Wagner |
Tinieblas de la Sierra | Tinieblas de la Sierra |
Tininho | Tininho |
Tinjacá | Tinjacá |
Tinjery | Tnjri |
TINKEBELL | Tinkebell |
Tinkelbel | Tinker Bell |
Tinker | Gypsy horse |
Tinker Bell | Tinker Bell (film) |
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (film) | Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (movie) |
Tinkler | Tinkler |
Tinley Park | Tinley Park, Illinois |
Tinmel | Tinmel |
Tinne Van der Straeten | Tinne Van der Straeten |
Tinnen soldaatje | Tin soldier |
Tinner | Tinner |
Tinnitus | Tinnitus |
Tinnitus retraining therapy | Tinnitus retraining therapy |
Tinnye | Tinnye |
Tino | Tino (island) |
Tino Costa | Alberto Costa (footballer) |
Tinoc | Tinoc, Ifugao |
Tinogasta (departement) | Tinogasta Department |
Tiñosillos | Tiñosillos |
Tinosu | Tinosu |
Tinpest | Tin pest |
Tinqueux | Tinqueux |
Tinson Pen Aerodrome | Tinson Pen Aerodrome |
Tinsukia (district) | Tinsukia district |
Tinsukia (stad) | Tinsukia |
Tint | Hue |
Tinta Barroca | Tinta Barroca |
Tinta Francisca | Tinta Francisca |
Tintah (Minnesota) | Tintah, Minnesota |
Tintaldra | Tintaldra |
Tintamarre | Île Tintamarre |
Tinte | Tinte |
Tintenbar | Tintenbar, New South Wales |
Tintinnabuli | Tintinnabuli |
Tintinnabulum | Tintinnabulum |
Tinto cão | Tinta Cão |
Tintoretto | Tintoretto |
Tintry | Tintry |
Tintury | Tintury |
Tinus Bosselaar | Tinus Bosselaar |
Tinus Osendarp | Tinus Osendarp |
Tinwell | Tinwell |
Tinwhistle | Tin whistle |
Tiny | Martine (character) |
Tiny Core Linux | Tiny Core Linux |
Tiny Kahn | Tiny Kahn |
Tiny Kox | Tiny Kox |
Tiny Toon Adventures | Tiny Toon Adventures |
Tiny Wings | Tiny Wings |
TinyURL | TinyURL |
Tio Ellinas | Tio Ellinas |
Tiodže | Tiodže |
Tioga (North Dakota) | Tioga, North Dakota |
Tioga County | Tioga County |
Tioga County (New York) | Tioga County, New York |
Tioga County (Pennsylvania) | Tioga County, Pennsylvania |
Tioman | Tioman Island |
Tiomila | Tiomila |
Tionesta | Tionesta, Pennsylvania |
Tiongui | Tiongui |
Tioribougou | Tioribougou |
Tip | Tip |
Tip O'Neill | Tip O'Neill |
Tip speed ratio | Tip-speed ratio |
Tipacoque | Tipacoque |
Tipaza (provincie) | Tipasa Province |
Tipaza (stad) | Tipaza |
Ti-plasmide | Ti plasmid |
Tipoe Sultan | Tipu Sultan |
Tipoe's Tijger | Tipu's Tiger |
Tipo-Tipo | Tipo-Tipo, Basilan |
Tippah County | Tippah County, Mississippi |
Tippecanoe County | Tippecanoe County, Indiana |
Tippeligaen | Tippeligaen |
Tippelprostitutie | Street prostitution |
Tipperary | Tipperary |
Tippi | Tippi |
Tipping the Velvet | Tipping the Velvet (TV series) |
Tippo Tip | Tippu Tip |
Tipsport Arena (Praag) | Tipsport Arena (1962) |
Tipton | Tipton (disambiguation) |
Tipton (Indiana) | Tipton, Indiana |
Tipton (Iowa) | Tipton, Iowa |
Tipton (Oklahoma) | Tipton, Oklahoma |
Tipton (West Midlands) | Tipton |
Tipton County | Tipton County |
Tipton County (Indiana) | Tipton County, Indiana |
Tipton County (Tennessee) | Tipton County, Tennessee |
Tiptonville | Tiptonville, Tennessee |
Tiptronic | Manumatic |
Tipuani (gemeente) | Tipuani Municipality |
Tipula | Tipula |
Tipula (Vestiplex) scripta | Tipula scripta |
Tiquipaya (Cochabamba) | Tiquipaya |
Tiquipaya (gemeente) | Tiquipaya Municipality |
Tiquisio | Tiquisio |
Tira | Tira |
Tiradentes | Tiradentes (disambiguation) |
Tiradentes (Minas Gerais) | Tiradentes, Minas Gerais |
Tirailleur | Tirailleur |
TI-Raleigh | TI-Raleigh |
Tiran | Tyrant |
Tirana | Tiran |
Tirana (district) | Tirana District |
Tirana (prefectuur) | Tirana County |
Tiranges | Tiranges |
Tirannen | Tyrant flycatcher |
Tirannie van de meerderheid | Tyranny of the majority |
Tirant lo Blanc | Tirant lo Blanch |
Tirapu | Tirapu |
Tiraque (gemeente) | Tiraque Municipality |
Tiraque (provincie) | Tiraque Province |
Tirariwoestijn | Tirari Desert |
Tiras | Tiras |
Tire Me | Tire Me |
Tiream | Tiream |
Tired Of Being Sorry | Tired of Being Sorry |
Tiree | Tiree |
Tirent-Pontéjac | Tirent-Pontéjac |
Tirepied | Tirepied |
Tiresias | Tiresias |
Tirez sur le pianiste | Shoot the Piano Player |
Tiridates I | Tiridates |
Tiridates I (Parthen) | Tiridates I of Parthia |
Tiridates II | Tiridates II of Parthia |
Tiridates II van Armenië | Tiridates II of Armenia |
Tiridates III | Tiridates III of Parthia |
Tiridates IV van Armenië | Tiridates III of Armenia |
Tiris Zemmour | Tiris Zemmour Region |
Tirns | Tirns |
Tirol | Tyrol |
Tirol (deelstaat) | Tyrol (state) |
Tirol (Zuid-Tirol) | Tirol, South Tyrol |
Tiroler Achen | Großache |
Tiroler brak | Tyrolean Hound |
Tiroler Oberland | Tyrolean Oberland |
Tiroler seksfilm | Bavarian porn |
Tiroler Unterland | Tyrolean Unterland |
Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum | Museum of Tyrolean Folk Art |
Tiroler Zugspitzbahn | Tyrolean Zugspitze Cable Car |
Tirpitz (slagschip) | German battleship Tirpitz |
Tirreno-Adriatico | Tirreno–Adriatico |
Tirreno-Adriatico 2006 | 2006 Tirreno–Adriatico |
Tiruchendur | Thiruchendur |
Tiruchirappalli (district) | Tiruchirappalli district |
Tiruchirappalli (stad) | Trichy |
Tirukalukundram | Tirukalukundram |
Tirumala septentrionis | Tirumala septentrionis |
Tirumalai Krishnamacharya | Tirumalai Krishnamacharya |
Tirunelveli (district) | Tirunelveli district |
Tirupur | Tirupur |
Tiruttani | Thiruttani |
Tiruvallur (district) | Tiruvallur district |
Tiruvannamalai (district) | Tiruvannamalai district |
Tiruvarur (district) | Tiruvarur district |
Tiryns | Tiryns |
Tis (okres Havlíčkův Brod) | Tis (Havlíčkův Brod District) |
Tis u Blatna | Tis u Blatna |
Tisa | Tisa (disambiguation) |
Ti-saffier-laser | Ti-sapphire laser |
Tiscali | Tiscali (disambiguation) |
Tiscali (bedrijf) | Tiscali |
Tiscali (berg) | Tiscali (Tiscali Village) |
Tisens | Tisens |
Tisha Campbell-Martin | Tisha Campbell-Martin |
Tishomingo (Oklahoma) | Tishomingo, Oklahoma |
Tishomingo County | Tishomingo County, Mississippi |
Tishrindam | Tishrin Dam |
Tisinec | Tisinec |
Tisiphone abeona | Tisiphone abeona |
Tisiphone helena | Tisiphone helena |
Tisja Beav | Tisha B'Av |
Tisjrie | Tishrei |
Tiskre (Tallinn) | Tiskre, Tallinn |
Tismana | Tismana |
Tisno | Tisno |
Tišnov | Tišnov |
Tisobarica thyteria | Tisobarica thyteria |
Tisová (okres Tachov) | Tisová (Tachov District) |
Tisová (okres Ústí nad Orlicí) | Tisová (Ústí nad Orlicí District) |
Tisovec (okres Chrudim) | Tisovec (Chrudim District) |
Tisovica | Tisovica |
Tissa | Tissa, Germany |
Tissaphernes | Tissaphernes |
Tissemsilt | Tissemsilt |
Tissemsilt (provincie) | Tissemsilt Province |
Tissey | Tissey |
Tissot | Tissot (disambiguation) |
Tissot (horlogemerk) | Tissot |
Tissue | Tissue paper |
Tissue plasminogen activator | Tissue plasminogen activator |
Tiste | Tiste |
Tisvilde | Tisvilde |
Tisza | Tisza |
Tisza (doorverwijspagina) | Tisza (disambiguation) |
Tiszaadony | Tiszaadony |
Tiszaalpár | Tiszaalpár |
Tiszabecs | Tiszabecs |
Tiszabercel | Tiszabercel |
Tiszabezdéd | Tiszabezdéd |
Tiszabő | Tiszabő |
Tiszabura | Tiszabura |
Tiszacsécse | Tiszacsécse |
Tiszadada | Tiszadada |
Tiszaderzs | Tiszaderzs |
Tiszaeszlár | Tiszaeszlár |
Tiszaeszlár-affaire | Tiszaeszlár Affair |
Tiszaföldvár | Tiszaföldvár |
Tiszagyenda | Tiszagyenda |
Tiszagyulaháza | Tiszagyulaháza |
Tiszaigar | Tiszaigar |
Tiszainoka | Tiszainoka |
Tiszajenő | Tiszajenő |
Tiszakanyár | Tiszakanyár |
Tiszakécske | Tiszakécske |
Tiszakerecseny | Tiszakerecseny |
Tiszakürt | Tiszakürt |
Tiszamogyorós | Tiszamogyorós |
Tiszaörs | Tiszaörs |
Tiszapüspöki | Tiszapüspöki |
Tiszarád | Tiszarád |
Tiszaroff | Tiszaroff |
Tiszasas | Tiszasas |
Tiszaszalka | Tiszaszalka |
Tiszaszentimre | Tiszaszentimre |
Tiszaszentmárton | Tiszaszentmárton |
Tiszasziget | Tiszasziget |
Tiszaszőlős | Tiszaszőlős |
Tiszatelek | Tiszatelek |
Tiszatenyő | Tiszatenyő |
Tiszaug | Tiszaug |
Tiszavárkony | Tiszavárkony |
Tiszavid | Tiszavid |
Tisztaberek | Tisztaberek |
Tit for Tat | Tit for Tat (film) |
Titaan (mythisch wezen) | Titan (mythology) |
Titan (achtbaan) | Titan (roller coaster) |
Titan (maan) | Titan (moon) |
Titan (metrostation) | Titan metro station |
Titan III | Titan (rocket family) |
Titan IV | Titan IV |
Titanacris albipes | Titanacris albipes |
Titanattus | Titanattus |
Titanenstrijd | Titanomachy |
Titania | Titania (disambiguation) |
Titania (maan) | Titania (moon) |
Titania (Shakespeare) | Titania |
Titania's parelmoervlinder | Boloria titania |
Titanic | Titanic |
Titanic (1997) | Titanic (1997 movie) |
Titanic (musical) | Titanic (musical) |
Titanic (schip) | RMS Titanic |
Titanic (televisieserie) | Titanic (TV series) |
Titanic (tijdschrift) | Titanic (magazine) |
Titanic II | Titanic II (film) |
Titanichthys | Titanichthys |
Titanic-wezen | Michel Marcel Navratil |
Titaniet | Titanite |
Titaniloricus inexpectatovus | Titaniloricus inexpectatovus |
Titanium | Titanium |
Titanium (single) | Titanium (song) |
Titanium(III)chloride | Titanium(III) chloride |
Titanium(IV)chloride | Titanium tetrachloride |
Titanium(IV)oxide | Titanium dioxide |
Titaniumchloride | Titanium chloride |
Titanoboa | Titanoboa |
Titanoceendichloride | Titanocene dichloride |
Titanoceratops | Titanoceratops |
Titanoeca | Titanoeca |
Titanosauria | Titanosaur |
Titanus giganteus | Titan beetle |
Titay | Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay |
Titel | Title (disambiguation) |
Titel (Servië) | Titel |
Titelbalk | Title bar |
Titelkerk | Titular church |
Titelmuziek | Theme music |
Titelpagina | Title page |
Titels aan het Franse hof | Fils de France |
Titer (medisch) | Titer |
Tithonien | Tithonian |
Tithorea harmonia | Tithorea harmonia |
Tithorea tarricina | Tithorea tarricina |
Tithraustes (persoon) | Tithraustes |
Titiaan | Titian |
Titicacafuut | Titicaca Grebe |
Titicacakikker | Telmatobius culeus |
Titicacameer | Lake Titicaca |
Titine | Titin |
Titiribí | Titiribí |
Titlagarh | Titlagarh |
Title TK | Title TK |
Title Transfer Facility | Title Transfer Facility |
Tito | Tito |
Tito (Italië) | Tito, Basilicata |
Tito Vespasiano Strozzi | Tito Vespasiano Strozzi |
Tito Yupanqui (gemeente) | Tito Yupanqui Municipality |
Titoïsme | Titoism |
Titonka | Titonka, Iowa |
Titratie | Titration |
Titsgroep | Tits group |
Titu | Titu |
Titu Cusi Yupanqui | Titu Cusi |
Titulair bisschop | Titular bishop |
Titus | Titus (disambiguation) |
Titus (Bijbel) | Saint Titus |
Titus (keizer) | Titus |
Titus (televisieserie) | Titus (TV series) |
Titus Aebutius Helva | Titus Aebutius Elva |
Titus County | Titus County, Texas |
Titus Flavius Domitianus | Domitian |
Titus Livius | Livy |
Titus Lucretius Carus | Lucretius |
Titus Maccius Plautus | Plautus |
Titus Pomponius Atticus | Titus Pomponius Atticus |
Titus Statilius Taurus | Titus Statilius Taurus |
Titus van Rijn | Titus van Rijn |
Titusville | Titusville |
Titusville (Florida) | Titusville, Florida |
Titusville (Pennsylvania) | Titusville, Pennsylvania |
Tityridae | Tityridae |
Tiurana | Tiurana |
Tivadar | Tivadar |
Tivadar Kanizsa | Tivadar Kanizsa |
Tivenys | Tivenys |
Tivernon | Tivernon |
Tiverton (Devon) | Tiverton |
Tiviers | Tiviers |
Tivissa | Tivissa |
Tivoli | Tivoli |
Tivoli (Aken) | New Tivoli |
Tivoli (Italië) | Tivoli, Lazio |
Tivoli (Kopenhagen) | Tivoli Gardens |
Tivoli (platform) | Tivoli Software |
Tivoli Gardens FC | Tivoli Gardens F.C. |
Tivoli Neu | Tivoli-Neu |
Tiwanaku | Tiwanaku |
Tiwi (Albay) | Tiwi, Albay |
Tiye | Tiye |
Tizac-de-Curton | Tizac-de-Curton |
Tizac-de-Lapouyade | Tizac-de-Lapouyade |
Tizi Ouzou (provincie) | Tizi Ouzou Province |
Tiziano Dall'Antonia | Tiziano Dall'Antonia |
Tiziano Siviero | Tiziano Siviero |
Tizimín | Tizimín |
Tiznit (provincie) | Tiznit Province |
Tizoc | Tizoc |
Tjalhuizum | Tjalhuizum |
Tjalleberd | Tjalleberd |
Tjampedak | Artocarpus integer |
Tjaptjoi | Chop suey |
Tjaronn Chery | Tjaronn Chery |
Tjasker | Tjasker |
Tjeerd Korf | Tjeerd Korf |
Tjeerd Oosterhuis | Tjeerd Oosterhuis |
Tjeldsund | Tjeldsund |
Tjele | Tjele Municipality |
Tjerk Hiddes de Vries | Tjerk Hiddes de Vries |
Tjerk Westerterp | Tjerk Westerterp |
Tjerkgaast | Tjerkgaast |
Tjerkwerd | Tjerkwerd |
Tjiftjaf | Common Chiffchaff |
Tjilpende kikker | Sign-bearing froglet |
Tjilpende kikkers | Crinia |
Tjitjak | Common House Gecko |
Tjóðveldisflokkurin | Republic (Faroe Islands) |
Tjoeleni-eilanden | Tyuleniy Archipelago (Kazakhstan) |
Tjoemen | Tyumen |
Tjoeng | Tyung River |
Tjongercultuur | Federmesser culture |
Tjörn | Tjörn Municipality |
Tjörnes | Tjörnes |
Tjörneshreppur | Tjörneshreppur |
Tjørnuvík | Tjørnuvík |
T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh | T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh |
Tkiboeli (plaats) | Tkibuli |
Tkon | Tkon |
Tk-toolkit | Tk (framework) |
Tkvartsjeli (stad) | Tkvarcheli |
TL Bem 558 | SBB Bem 550 |
Tlacaellel | Tlacaelel |
Tlacotalpan | Tlacotalpan, Veracruz |
Tlacuatzin canescens | Grayish mouse opossum |
Tláhuac | Tláhuac |
Tlajomulco | Tlajomulco de Zuñiga |
Tlalnepantla (Morelos) | Tlalnepantla, Morelos |
Tlalocan | Tlalocan |
Tlalocohyla | Tlalocohyla |
Tlalocohyla loquax | Mahogany tree frog |
Tlapaneeks | Tlapanec language |
Tlatelolco | Tlatelolco (altepetl) |
Tlaxcala | Tlaxcala (disambiguation) |
Tlaxcala (staat) | Tlaxcala |
Tlaxcala (stad) | Tlaxcala de Xicoténcatl |
Tlaxcalteken | Tlaxcaltec |
TLC (band) | TLC (group) |
TLC (televisiezender) | TLC (TV channel) |
TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs | WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs |
TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs 2012 | TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2012) |
Tlemcen (provincie) | Tlemcen Province |
Tlen | |
Tlingit | Tlingit (disambiguation) |
Tlingit (taal) | Tlingit language |
Tlingit (volk) | Tlingit people |
Tlokweng | Tlokweng |
Tlos | Tlos |
Tłuchowo | Tłuchowo |
Tłuchowo (gemeente) | Gmina Tłuchowo |
Tlumačov (okres Domažlice) | Tlumačov (Domažlice District) |
Tlumačov (okres Zlín) | Tlumačov |
Tłuszcz | Tłuszcz |
Tłuszcz (gemeente) | Gmina Tłuszcz |
Tmesipteris | Tmesipteris |
Tmesis | Tmesis |
TMF Awards | TMF Awards (Belgium) |
TMF Nederland | TMF Nederland |
TMK (onderneming) | OAO TMK |
TMNT (film) | TMNT (film) |
T-Mobile | T-Mobile |
T-Mobile G1 | HTC Dream |
TmRNA | Transfer-messenger RNA |
TNA Hall of Fame | TNA Hall of Fame |
TNA Knockout | TNA Knockout |
TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship | TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship |
TNA Women's Knockout Championship | TNA Women's Knockout Championship |
TNA Xplosion | TNA Xplosion |
TNF-alfa-remmers | TNF inhibitor |
TNM | TNM staging system |
TNT (televisiezender) | TNT (TV channel) |
TNT-equivalent | TNT equivalent |
TNT-Fortuna Meeting | TNT – Fortuna Meeting |
To | To |
To Autumn | To Autumn |
To Be Fat Like Me | To Be Fat like Me |
To be or not to be | To be, or not to be |
To Bring You My Love | To Bring You My Love |
To Catch a Thief | To Catch a Thief |
Tó Cruz | Tó Cruz |
To Die For | To Die For |
To Each His Own | To Each His Own (film) |
To End All Wars | To End All Wars |
To France | To France |
To Have and Have Not | To Have and Have Not (film) |
To Hell and Back | To Hell and Back (film) |
To His Coy Mistress | To His Coy Mistress |
To Kill a Mockingbird | To Kill a Mockingbird |
To Kill a Mockingbird (film) | To Kill a Mockingbird (film) |
To Live and Die in L.A. | To Live and Die in L.A. (film) |
To Lose My Life | To Lose My Life (song) |
To Lose My Life (album) | To Lose My Life... |
To Our Children's Children's Children | To Our Children's Children's Children |
To Record Only Water for Ten Days | To Record Only Water for Ten Days |
To Rome with Love | To Rome with Love (film) |
To Serve Man (The Twilight Zone) | To Serve Man (The Twilight Zone) |
To the Bone | To the Bone (The Kinks album) |
To the Lighthouse | To the Lighthouse |
To the Sea | To the Sea |
Toa | Toa |
Toa (Bionicle) | Toa (Bionicle) |
Toa Alta | Toa Alta, Puerto Rico |
Toa Baja | Toa Baja, Puerto Rico |
Toad (Marvel) | Toad (comics) |
Toad (Nintendo) | Toad (Mario) |
Tóalmás | Tóalmás |
Toamasina (provincie) | Toamasina Province |
Toarcien | Toarcian |
Toast | Toast (disambiguation) |
Toastmasters | Toastmasters International |
Toba (keizer) | Emperor Toba |
Toba (stad) | Toba, Mie |
Toba Tek Singh | Toba Tek Singh District |
Toba-catastrofetheorie | Toba catastrophe |
Tobacco Road | Tobacco Road (disambiguation) |
Tobacco Road (film) | Tobacco Road (film) |
Tobacco Road (nummer) | Tobacco Road (song) |
Tobaccoville | Tobaccoville, North Carolina |
Tobameer | Lake Toba |
Tobane | Tobane |
Tobar | Tobar |
Tobarra | Tobarra |
Tobeen | Tobeen |
Tobermory Single Malt | Tobermory Single Malt |
Tobía | Tobía |
Tobia (Tobiaden) | Tobiads |
Tobiaans | Tobian language |
Tobiano | Tobiano |
Tobias (voornaam) | Tobias |
Tobias Carlsson | Tobias Carlsson |
Tobias Delius | Tobias Delius |
Tobias Eriksson | Tobias Eriksson |
Tobias Fornier (Antique) | Tobias Fornier, Antique |
Tobias Frere-Jones | Tobias Frere-Jones |
Tobias Hauke | Tobias Hauke |
Tobias Matthay | Tobias Matthay |
Tobias Schneider | Tobias Schneider |
Tobias Verhaecht | Tobias Verhaecht |
Tobias Weis | Tobias Weis |
Tobintaks | Tobin tax |
Tobique | Tobique River |
Tobit | Book of Tobit |
Toblach | Toblach |
Tobol | Tobol River |
Tobol Kustanai | FC Tobol |
Toboso | Toboso, Negros Occidental |
Tobramycine | Tobramycin |
Tobroek | Tobruk |
Toby Mac | TobyMac |
Toc | TOC |
Toc (protocol) | TOC protocol |
Toca | Toca, Boyacá |
Tocache (provincie) | Tocache Province |
Tocadisco | DJ Tocadisco |
Tocaima | Tocaima |
Tocancipá | Tocancipá |
Tocane-Saint-Apre | Tocane-Saint-Apre |
Tocantins | Tocantins (disambiguation) |
Tocantins (rivier) | Tocantins River |
Tocantins (staat) | Tocantins (state) |
Toccata en Fuga in d-moll (BWV 565) | Toccata and Fugue in D minor |
Toccoa | Toccoa, Georgia |
Toccopola | Toccopola, Mississippi |
Tochaars | Tocharian languages |
Tocharen | Tocharians |
Tochigi | Tochigi, Tochigi |
Tochigi (prefectuur) | Tochigi Prefecture |
Tochigi SC | Tochigi S.C. |
Tocht naar Chatham | Raid on the Medway |
Tochtamysj | Tokhtamysh |
Tochuina tetraquetra | Tochuina tetraquetra |
Točilovo | Točilovo (Tutin) |
Tocina | Tocina |
Töcksfors | Töcksfors |
Tockus | Tockus |
Točnica | Točnica |
Točník | Točník |
Tocopilla (provincie) | Tocopilla Province |
Tocotriënol | Tocotrienol |
Tocqueville | Tocqueville (disambiguation) |
Tocqueville (Eure) | Tocqueville, Eure |
Tocqueville (Manche) | Tocqueville, Manche |
Tocqueville-en-Caux | Tocqueville-en-Caux |
Tocqueville-les-Murs | Tocqueville-les-Murs |
Tocqueville-sur-Eu | Tocqueville-sur-Eu |
Tod und Verklärung | Death and Transfiguration |
Tod Williams | Tod Williams (filmmaker) |
Toda van Navarra | Toda of Navarre |
Todarodes pacificus pusillus | Japanese flying squid |
Todaropsis eblanae | Todaropsis eblanae |
Today We Live | Today We Live |
Today You Die | Today You Die |
Todd (rivier) | Todd River |
Todd Brunson | Todd Brunson |
Todd County | Todd County |
Todd County (Kentucky) | Todd County, Kentucky |
Todd County (Minnesota) | Todd County, Minnesota |
Todd County (South Dakota) | Todd County, South Dakota |
Todd Dunivant | Todd Dunivant |
Todd Graff | Todd Graff |
Todd Howard | Todd Howard |
Todd McKee | Todd McKee |
Todd Reid | Todd Reid |
Todd Rhodes | Todd Rhodes |
Todd Smith (album) | Todd Smith (album) |
Todd Terry | Todd Terry |
Toddin | Toddin |
Todds nachtzwaluw | Todd's Nightjar |
Todenbüttel | Todenbüttel |
Todendorf | Todendorf |
Todesfelde | Todesfelde |
Todies | Tody |
Todiramphus | Todiramphus |
Todirești | Todireşti |
Todirostrum | Todirostrum |
Todo sobre mi madre | All About My Mother |
Todomondo | Todomondo |
Todor Zjivkov | Todor Zhivkov |
Todorov | Todorov |
Todos Santos | Todos Santos |
Toe Biesjwat | Tu Bishvat |
Toe Fat | Toe Fat |
Toeapse | Tuapse |
Toeareg | Tuareg people |
Toearegtalen | Tuareg languages |
Toearegthee | Touareg tea |
Toeba (rivier) | Tuba River |
Toeboe | Toubou people |
Toediening | Route of administration |
Toegangsbewijs | Ticket (admission) |
Toegangscontrole | Access control |
Toegankelijkheid | Accessibility |
Toegepaste gedragsanalyse | Applied behavior analysis |
Toegepaste kinesiologie | Applied kinesiology |
Toegepaste kunst | Applied arts |
Toegepaste taalkunde (wetenschap) | Applied linguistics |
Toegepaste wetenschappen | Applied science |
Toegepaste wiskunde | Applied mathematics |
Toegevoegde operator | Hermitian adjoint |
Toegevoegde realiteit | Augmented reality |
Toegevoegde waarde (economie) | Value added |
Toegift | Encore (concert) |
Toei | Toei |
Toei (metronetwerk) | Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Transportation |
Toei (vogel) | Tui (bird) |
Toei Animation | Toei Animation |
Toei Company | Toei Company |
Toekan (sterrenbeeld) | Tucana |
Toekans | Toucan |
Toekchoem | Tukkhum |
Toekomst | Future |
Toekomst en Vrijheid voor Italië | Future and Freedom |
Toekomstonderzoek | Futures studies |
Toela | Tula, Russia |
Toelatingsexamen | Entrance examination |
Toelkarem | Tulkarm |
Toeloen | Tulun |
Toeloeniden | Tulunids |
Toemoek-Hoemakgebergte | Tumuk Humak Mountains |
Toén | Toén |
Toen papa op zakenreis was | When Father Was Away on Business |
Toendra | Tundra |
Toendraklimaat | Subarctic climate |
Toendraspitsmuis | Tundra shrew |
Toendzja | Tundzha |
Toengoeska | Tunguska |
Toengoeska-explosie | Tunguska event |
Toengoezische talen | Tungusic languages |
Toepaja's | Treeshrew |
Toepassingslaag | Application layer |
Toeplitz-matrix | Toeplitz matrix |
Toera | Tura |
Toera (plaats) | Tura, Krasnoyarsk Krai |
Toera (rivier) | Tura River |
Toerako's | Turaco |
Toeran | Turan, Tuva Republic |
Toerental | Rotational speed |
Toerenteller | Tachometer |
Toerfiets | Touring bicycle |
Toergaj | Turgai |
Toergajstraat | Turgai Sea |
Toerinsk | Turinsk |
Toerisme | Tourism |
Toerisme in Albanië | Tourism in Albania |
Toerisme in België | Tourism in Belgium |
Toerisme in Nederland | Tourism in the Netherlands |
Toerisme in Noord-Korea | Tourism in North Korea |
Toerisme in Turkije | Tourism in Turkey |
Toeristische attractie | Tourist attraction |
Toeristische grot | Show cave |
Toeristische spoorweg | Heritage railway |
Toeritdosering | Ramp meter |
Toermalijn | Tourmaline |
Toermotorfiets | Cruiser (motorcycle) |
Toernich | Toernich |
Toernooi | Tournament |
Toernooi (grafentheorie) | Tournament (graph theory) |
Toeroechan (rivier) | Turukhan River |
Toeroechansk | Turukhansk |
Toerskiën | Ski mountaineering |
Toes | Tus, Iran |
Toeschietreflex | Lactation |
Toesjeti | Tusheti |
Toeslagzegel | Semi-postal |
Toespoor | Toe (automotive) |
Toestand (systeemtheorie) | State space representation |
Toestandsdiagram | State diagram |
Toestandsfunctie | Functions of state |
Toestandsvergelijkingen | Equation of state |
Toestel van Atwood | Atwood machine |
Toestel van Hofmann | Hofmann voltameter |
Toestel van Kipp | Kipp's apparatus |
Toetajev | Tutayev |
Toetanchamon | Tutankhamun |
Toetreding van Kroatië tot de Europese Unie | 2013 enlargement of the European Union |
Toetredingsbarrière | Barriers to entry |
Toets (strijkinstrument) | Fingerboard |
Toetsbaarheid | Testability |
Toetsenbord (computer) | Computer keyboard |
Toetsenbordindeling | Keyboard layout |
Toetsenist | Keyboardist |
Toetsingsrecht | Constitutional review |
Toetsinstrument | Keyboard instrument |
Tœufles | Tœufles |
Toeva | Tuva |
Toevaans | Tuvan language |
Toevaanse Autonome Oblast | Tuvan Autonomous Oblast |
Toevaanse Autonome Socialistische Sovjetrepubliek | Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic |
Toeval | Random |
Toeval en onvermijdelijkheid | Chance and Necessity |
Toevalsbeweging | Random walk |
Toevalsgenerator | Random number generation |
Toevalsmaat | Random measure |
Toevanen | Tuvans |
Toevlucht (boeddhisme) | Refuge (Buddhism) |
Toezichthoudende Autoriteit voor het Europees wereldwijd satellietnavigatiesysteem | European GNSS Agency |
Tof Thissen | Tof Thissen |
Tofalaren | Tofalar |
Tofana | Tofane |
Tófej | Tófej |
Toffee | Toffee |
Tofield | Tofield, Alberta |
Tofieldiaceae | Tofieldiaceae |
Tofikh Bakhramovstadion | Tofiq Bahramov Stadium |
Toft | Toft |
Tófű | Tófű |
TOG (tank) | TOG2 |
Toga | Toga (disambiguation) |
Toga (kledingstuk) | Toga |
Togane | Tōgane, Chiba |
Toges | Toges, Ardennes |
Together Again | Together Again (Janet Jackson song) |
TogetherSoft | Borland Together |
Toggenburg | Toggenburg (disambiguation) |
Toggenburg (district) | Toggenburg (district) |
Toggenburger | Toggenburg (goat) |
Togiak | Togiak, Alaska |
Togian-eilanden | Togian Islands |
Togiola Tulafono | Togiola Tulafono |
Togny-aux-Bœufs | Togny-aux-Bœufs |
TOGO (bedrijf) | TOGO |
Togo (doorverwijspagina) | Togo (disambiguation) |
Togo op de Olympische Spelen | Togo at the Olympics |
Togo op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 | Togo at the 2012 Summer Olympics |
Togo Shigenori | Shigenori Tōgō |
Togodumnus | Togodumnus |
Togoland | Togoland |
Togolees voetbalelftal | Togo national football team |
Togolese Championnat National | Togolese Championnat National |
Togolese voetbalbond | Fédération Togolaise de Football |
Togoré-Coumbé | Toguéré Coumbé |
Togoro Kotia | Togoro Kotia |
Togou | Togou |
Togrul Beg | Tughril |
Togué Morari | Togue Mourari |
Toguí | Togüí, Boyacá |
Tohatsu | Tohatsu |
Tohir Yo‘ldosh | Tohir Yo‘ldosh |
Toho (filmstudio) | Toho |
Toho Gakuen School of Music | Toho Gakuen School of Music |
Tohoku (regio) | Tōhoku region |
Tohoku Shinkansen | Tōhoku Shinkansen |
Toi (Niue) | Toi, Niue |
Toila | Toila Parish |
Toilet | Toilet |
Toilet in Japan | Toilets in Japan |
Toilet papering | Toilet papering |
Toiletblok | Toilet rim block |
Toiletborstel | Toilet brush |
Toiletjuffrouw | Washroom attendant |
Toiletpapier | Toilet paper |
Toiletpapieroriëntatie | Toilet paper orientation |
Toilettas | Body hygiene kit |
Toine Manders (VVD) | Toine Manders |
Toine van Renterghem | Toine van Renterghem |
Toise | Toise |
Toivo Kivimäki | Toivo Mikael Kivimäki |
Toivo Salonen | Toivo Salonen |
Tojice | Tojice |
Tojo | Tojo |
Tök | Tök |
Tok (Alaska) | Tok, Alaska |
Tok Pisin | Tok Pisin |
T-O-kaart | T and O map |
Tokachi (provincie) | Tokachi Province |
Tokachi (subprefectuur) | Tokachi Subprefecture |
Tokai (Aichi) | Tōkai, Aichi |
Tokai (regio) | Tōkai region |
Tokai Guitars | Tōkai Gakki |
Tokaido (weg) | Tōkaidō (road) |
Tokaido Shinkansen | Tōkaidō Shinkansen |
Tokaido-lijn | Tōkaidō Main Line |
Tokaj (wijn) | Tokaji |
Tokajík | Tokajík |
Tokamachi | Tōkamachi, Niigata |
Tokarev SVT-40 | SVT-40 |
Tokarnia | Tokarnia |
Tokarnia (gemeente) | Gmina Tokarnia |
Tokat (provincie) | Tokat Province |
Tokatspor | Tokatspor |
Toke Talagi | Toke Talagi |
Tokeh | Tokay gecko |
Tokelaus | Tokelauan language |
Token (identificatie) | Security token |
Token economy | Token economy |
Token passing | Token passing |
Token Ring | Token ring |
Toki | Toki, Gifu |
Toki Pona | Toki Pona |
Tokio | Tokyo |
Tokio (stad) | Tokyo City |
Tokio Monorail | Tokyo Monorail |
Tokio Tama Intercity Monorail | Tama Toshi Monorail Line |
Tokiotoren | Tokyo Tower |
Tokizo Ichihashi | Tokizo Ichihashi |
Tokkei Winspector | Special Rescue Police Winspector |
Tokkelinstrument | Plucked string instrument |
Toko | Toko (disambiguation) |
Toko (gemeente) | Toco Municipality |
Tokod | Tokod |
Tokodaltáró | Tokodaltáró |
Tököl | Tököl |
Tokologo | Tokologo Local Municipality |
Tokoloshe | Tikoloshe |
Tokoname | Tokoname, Aichi |
Tokorcs | Tokorcs |
Tok'ra | Tok'ra |
Toksook Bay | Toksook Bay, Alaska |
Toku Hime | Toku Hime |
Tokudaia | Tokudaia |
Tokudaia osimensis | Ryukyu spiny rat |
Tokudaia tokunoshimensis | Tokudaia tokunoshimensis |
Tokugawa-shogunaat | Tokugawa shogunate |
Tokuhime | Tokuhime |
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters | Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters |
Tokuro Fujiwara | Tokuro Fujiwara |
Tokusatsu | Tokusatsu |
Tokushima (prefectuur) | Tokushima Prefecture |
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger | Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger |
Tokutaro Ukon | Tokutaro Ukon |
Tokyo | Tokyo (disambiguation) |
Tokyo College of Music | Tokyo College of Music |
Tokyo Disneyland | Tokyo Disneyland |
Tokyo Disneyland Hotel | Tokyo Disneyland Hotel |
Tokyo DisneySea | Tokyo DisneySea |
Tokyo Drifter | Tokyo Drifter |
Tokyo Electric Power Company | Tokyo Electric Power Company |
Tokyo International Anime Fair | Tokyo International Anime Fair |
Tokyo International Marathon | Tokyo International Marathon |
Tokyo International Women's Marathon | Tokyo International Women's Marathon |
Tokyo Marathon | Tokyo Marathon |
Tokyo Metro | Tokyo Metro |
Tokyo Monogatari | Tokyo Story |
Tokyo Motor Show | Tokyo Motor Show |
Tokyo Rose | Tokyo Rose |
Tokyo Skytree | Tokyo Sky Tree |
Tokyo Stock Exchange | Tokyo Stock Exchange |
Tokyo University of the Arts | Tokyo University of the Arts |
Tokyu | Tokyu Corporation |
Tol | Tol |
Tol (eiland) | Tol (island) |
Tol Eressëa | Tol Eressëa |
Tola | Tola |
Tola (bijbel) | Tola (Bible) |
Tola (Nicaragua) | Tola, Rivas |
Tol'able David | Tol'able David |
Tolaihaas | Tolai hare |
Tôlanaro | Tôlanaro |
Tolar | Slovenian tolar |
Tolata (gemeente) | Tolata Municipality |
Tolbaños | Tolbaños |
Tolbatsjik (vulkaan) | Tolbachik |
Tolbiac (metrostation) | Tolbiac (Paris Métro) |
Told | Told (village) |
Toldi | Toldi (tank) |
Toledo | Toledo |
Toledo (Antioquia) | Toledo, Antioquia |
Toledo (Belize) | Toledo District |
Toledo (Cebu) | Toledo, Cebu |
Toledo (Illinois) | Toledo, Illinois |
Toledo (Iowa) | Toledo, Iowa |
Toledo (Norte de Santander) | Toledo, Norte de Santander |
Toledo (Ohio) | Toledo, Ohio |
Toledo (Paraná) | Toledo, Paraná |
Toledo (provincie) | Toledo Province |
Toledo (Spanje) | Toledo, Spain |
Toledo Mud Hens | Toledo Mud Hens |
Toledo-oorlog | Toledo War |
Tolerantie | Tolerance |
Tolerantie (maatschappij) | Toleration |
Tolerantie (specificaties) | Engineering tolerance |
Tolerantie (stof) | Drug tolerance |
Tolga (gemeente) | Tolga, Norway |
Tolga Ciğerci | Tolga Ciğerci |
Tolga Seyhan | Tolga Seyhan |
Tolhaai | Spinner shark |
Tolhuin | Tolhuin |
Toliara (provincie) | Toliara Province |
Tolima | Tolima department |
Toliman | Volcán Tolimán |
Tolisavac | Tolisavac |
Tolišnica | Tolišnica |
Tolistobogii | Tolistobogii |
Toljatti | Tolyatti |
Tolk (beroep) | Interpreter |
Tolk (Duitsland) | Tolk |
Tolkien Ensemble | The Tolkien Ensemble |
Tolkmicko (gemeente) | Gmina Tolkmicko |
Tollaincourt | Tollaincourt |
Tollan | Tollan |
Tolland County | Tolland County, Connecticut |
Tollebeek | Tollebeek |
Tollens reagens | Tollens' reagent |
Tollent | Tollent |
Tolleson | Tolleson, Arizona |
Tollevast | Tollevast |
Tolliella fulguritella | Tolliella fulguritella |
Tõlliste | Tõlliste Parish |
Toll-like receptor | Toll-like receptor |
Tollos | Tollos |
Tølløse | Tølløse Municipality |
Töllsjö | Töllsjö |
Tollwitz | Tollwitz |
Tollywood | Cinema of Andhra Pradesh |
Tolmides | Tolmides |
Tolmin | Municipality of Tolmin |
Tolna (comitaat) | Tolna County |
Tolna (stad) | Tolna, Hungary |
Tolna sypnoides | Tolna sypnoides |
Tolnaftaat | Tolnaftate |
Tolo | Tolo, Greece |
Toloella eximia | Toloella |
Toloniumchloride | Tolonium chloride |
Tolosa (Leyte) | Tolosa, Leyte |
Tolosa (Spanje) | Tolosa, Spain |
Tolquhon Castle | Tolquhon Castle |
Tolsona | Tolsona, Alaska |
Tolsteeg | Tolsteeg |
Tolteken | Toltec |
Tolterodine | Tolterodine |
Töltéstava | Töltéstava |
Toltrilzwam | Exidia recisa |
Tolú Viejo | Toluviejo |
Tolubalsem | Tolu balsam |
Toluca | Toluca |
Tolueen | Toluene |
Tolui Khan | Tolui |
Tölung Dechen | Doilungdêqên County |
Tolus | Tolus |
Tolvaptan | Tolvaptan |
Tolvignet | Vignette (road tax) |
Tolvlucht | Spin (flight) |
Tolweg | Toll road |
Tom | Tom |
Tom (rivier) | Tom River |
Tom Aage Aarnes | Tom Aage Aarnes |
Tom Allom | Tom Allom |
Tom and Jerry | Tom and Jerry (disambiguation) |
Tom Apostol | Tom M. Apostol |
Tom Arnold | Tom Arnold (actor) |
Tom Bass | Tom Bass (sculptor) |
Tom Bell | Tom Bell (actor) |
Tom Belsø | Tom Belsø |
Tom Beugelsdijk | Tom Beugelsdijk |
Tom Boardman | Tom Boardman (racing driver) |
Tom Bombadil | Tom Bombadil |
Tom Bower | Tom Bower (actor) |
Tom Bridger | Tom Bridger |
Tom Brok | Tom Brok |
Tom Browne | Tom Browne (trumpeter) |
Tom Carper | Tom Carper |
Tom Cavanagh | Tom Cavanagh |
Tom Chaplin | Tom Chaplin |
Tom Clancy's EndWar | Tom Clancy's EndWar |
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (computerspelserie) | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon |
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier |
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. | Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (computerspel) | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (video game) |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (computerspelserie) | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow |
Tom Collins (cocktail) | Tom Collins |
Tom Compernolle | Tom Compernolle |
Tom Daley | Tom Daley |
Tom Danielson | Tom Danielson |
Tom De Mul | Tom De Mul |
Tom De Sutter | Tom De Sutter |
Tom Driberg | Tom Driberg |
Tom Ellis | Tom Ellis (actor) |
Tom en Jerry | Tom and Jerry |
Tom Faiers | Thomas Faiers |
Tom Fletcher | Tom Fletcher |
Tom Fontana | Tom Fontana |
Tom Ford | Tom Ford |
Tom Gaebel | Tom Gaebel |
Tom Gladdis | Tom Gladdis |
Tom Green County | Tom Green County, Texas |
Tom Grunfeld | A. Tom Grunfeld |
Tom Guiry | Tom Guiry |
Tom Hagen | Tom Hagen |
Tom Hiariej | Tom Hiariej |
Tom Holland (auteur) | Tom Holland (author) |
Tom Holland (regisseur) | Tom Holland (director) |
Tom Hooper | Tom Hooper (director) |
Tom Ince | Tom Ince |
Tom Irwin | Tom Irwin (actor) |
Tom Johnston (zanger) | Tom Johnston (musician) |
Tom Jones | Tom Jones |
Tom Jones (coureur) | Tom Jones (racing driver) |
Tom Jones (film) | Tom Jones (movie) |
Tom Jones (zanger) | Tom Jones (singer) |
Tom Kempers | Tom Kempers |
Tom Kristensen | Tom Kristensen |
Tom Lees | Tom Lees |
Tom Lewis | Tom Lewis (golfer) |
Tom Lister jr. | Tom Lister, Jr. |
Tom Mardirosian | Tom Mardirosian |
Tom McClintock | Tom McClintock |
Tom McGrath | Tom McGrath (playwright) |
Tom Morris Jr | Young Tom Morris |
Tom Morris Sr | Old Tom Morris |
Tom Muyters | Tom Muyters |
Tom Novy | Tom Novy |
Tom Odell | Tom Odell |
Tom O'Rourke | Tom O'Rourke (boxing manager) |
Tom Otterness | Tom Otterness |
Tom Paris | Tom Paris |
Tom Philips | Tom Phillips (Royal Navy officer) |
Tom Phillis | Tom Phillis |
Tom Poes | Tom Puss |
Tom Price | Tom Price |
Tom Price (plaats) | Tom Price, Western Australia |
Tom Prichard | Tom Prichard |
Tom Prinsen | Tom Prinsen |
Tom Roberts | Tom Roberts |
Tom Russell | Tom Russell |
Tom Sawyer | Tom Sawyer (disambiguation) |
Tom Sawyer (1973) | Tom Sawyer (1973 film) |
Tom Sawyer (personage) | Tom Sawyer |
Tom Scavo | Tom Scavo |
Tom Schneider | Tom Schneider |
Tom Schuman | Tom Schuman |
Tom Simpson | Tom Simpson |
Tom Slingsby | Tom Slingsby |
Tom Soetaers | Tom Soetaers |
Tom Southam | Tom Southam |
Tom Stacks | Tom Stacks |
Tom Thomson | Tom Thomson |
Tom Tillemans | Tom Tillemans |
Tom Tomsk | FC Tom Tomsk |
Tom Van Imschoot | Tom van Imschoot |
Tom Verica | Tom Verica |
Tom Verlaine | Tom Verlaine |
Tom Virtue | Tom Virtue |
Tom Ward | Tom Ward |
Tom Watson | Tom Watson (golfer) |
Tom Wright | N. T. Wright |
Tom yum | Tom yum |
Tom Zarek | Tom Zarek |
Tom Zenk | Tom Zenk |
Toma | Toma, Burkina Faso |
Tomaat | Tomato |
Tomaatkikker | Tomato frog |
Tomaatmineermot | Tuta absoluta |
Tomahawk | Tomahawk |
Tomahawk (bijl) | Tomahawk (axe) |
Tomahawk (kruisvluchtwapen) | Tomahawk (missile) |
Tomajmonostora | Tomajmonostora |
Toman | Iranian toman |
Tomanj | Tomanj |
Tomares | Tomares |
Tomari | Tomari |
Tomari (Rusland) | Tomari, Russia |
Tomas (apostel) | Thomas the Apostle |
Tomas (cycloon) | Cyclone Tomas |
Tomas Barrón | Tomas Barrón Province |
Tomáš Baťa Universiteit in Zlín | Tomas Bata University in Zlín |
Tomas Cabili | Tomas Cabili |
Tomas Daumantas | Tomas Daumantas |
Tomas de Torrejon | Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco |
Tomás Frías | Tomás Frías Province |
Tomás Garrido Canabal | Tomás Garrido Canabal |
Tomáš Hubočan | Tomáš Hubočan |
Tomáš Klus | Tomáš Klus |
Tomáš Kostka | Tomáš Kostka |
Tomás Mac Giolla | Tomás Mac Giolla |
Tomáš Masaryk | Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk |
Tomas N'evergreen | Tomas N'evergreen |
Tomas Oppus (Southern Leyte) | Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte |
Tomáš Špidlík | Tomáš Špidlík |
Tomás Svoboda | Tomáš Svoboda (composer) |
Tomáš Vaclík | Tomáš Vaclík |
Tomášikovo | Tomášikovo |
Tomášovce | Tomášovce |
Tomášovce (okres Lučenec) | Tomášovce, Lučenec District |
Tomášovce (okres Rimavská Sobota) | Tomášovce, Rimavská Sobota District |
Tomasz Łapiński | Tomasz Łapiński |
Tomasz Radzinski | Tomasz Radzinski |
Tomasz Szadek | Tomasz Szadek |
Tomasz Zdebel | Tomasz Zdebel |
Tomaszów Lubelski (gemeente) | Gmina Tomaszów Lubelski |
Tomaszów Mazowiecki (gemeente) | Gmina Tomaszów Mazowiecki |
Tomatenmes | Tomato knife |
Tomatenpuree | Tomato paste |
Tomatensaus | Tomato sauce |
Tomatensoep | Tomato soup |
Tomatillo | Tomatillo |
Tomave (gemeente) | Tomave Municipality |
Tomb Raider (stripboek) | Tomb Raider (comics) |
Tomb Raider II | Tomb Raider II |
Tomb Raider III | Tomb Raider III |
Tomb Raider: Chronicles | Tomb Raider Chronicles |
Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword | Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword |
Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness | Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness |
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation | Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation |
Tombak (legering) | Tombac |
Tombali (regio) | Tombali Region |
Tomball | Tomball, Texas |
Tombe van Askia | Tomb of Askia |
Tombe van de Scipiones | Tomb of the Scipios |
Tombe van Eurysaces | Tomb of Eurysaces the Baker |
Tombe van Eva | Tomb of Eve |
Tombe van Hafez | Tomb of Hafez |
Tombe van Itimad ud-Daulah | Tomb of I'timād-ud-Daulah |
Tombe van Orcus | Tomb of Orcus |
Tombebœuf | Tombebœuf |
Tomberg (metrostation) | Tomberg metro station |
Tombes van Kasubi | Kasubi Tombs |
Tombigbee (rivier) | Tombigbee River |
Tombola | Raffle |
Tombolo (Italië) | Tombolo, Veneto |
Tomboy | Tomboy (disambiguation) |
Tomboy (2011) | Tomboy (2011 film) |
Tomboy (persoon) | Tomboy |
Tomboy (software) | Tomboy (software) |
Tombstone | Tombstone (disambiguation) |
Tombstone (Arizona) | Tombstone, Arizona |
Tombstone (film) | Tombstone (film) |
Tomcraft | Tomcraft |
Tome (stad) | Tome, Miyagi |
Tome (stripauteur) | Philippe Vandevelde |
Tomé-Açu (gemeente) | Tomé-Açu |
Tomei | Tomei |
Tomelilla (gemeente) | Tomelilla Municipality |
Tomelilla (plaats) | Tomelilla |
Tomer Hemed | Tomer Hemed |
Tomești | Tomeşti |
Tometino Polje | Tometino Polje |
Tomeurus gracilis | Tomeurus gracilis |
Tomi | Tomi |
Tomi (Nagano) | Tōmi, Nagano |
Tomi Nybäck | Tomi Nyback |
Tomi Okawa | Tomi Okawa |
Tomi Putaansuu | Tomi Putaansuu |
Tomi Shimomura | Tomi Shimomura |
Tomica | Tomica |
Tomice | Tomice |
Tomice (gemeente) | Gmina Tomice |
Tomina (provincie) | Tomina Province |
Tominian | Tominian |
Tomiño | Tomiño |
Tomino (Corsica) | Tomino |
Tomintoul | Tomintoul |
Tomioka | Tomioka |
Tomioka (Gunma) | Tomioka, Gunma |
Tomislav I | Tomislav of Croatia |
Tomislav II van Kroatië | Prince Aimone, Duke of Aosta |
Tomislav Ivić | Tomislav Ivić |
Tomislav Pačovski | Tomislav Pačovski |
Tomislav van Joegoslavië | Prince Tomislav of Yugoslavia |
Tomitaro Makino | Tomitaro Makino |
Tom-Jelte Slagter | Tom-Jelte Slagter |
Tommaso Portinari | Tommaso Portinari |
Tömmelsdorf | Tömmelsdorf |
Tommerup | Tommerup |
Tommie van der Leegte | Tommie van der Leegte |
Tommy | Tommy |
Tommy (film) | Tommy (film) |
Tommy (rockopera) | Tommy (album) |
Tommy Aaron | Tommy Aaron |
Tommy Bolt | Tommy Bolt |
Tommy Byrne | Tommy Byrne (racing driver) |
Tommy Cooper | Tommy Cooper |
Tommy Craig | Tommy Craig |
Tommy de Jong | Tommy De Jong |
Tommy Flanagan | Thomas Flanagan |
Tommy Flanagan (jazzpianist) | Tommy Flanagan |
Tommy Franks | Tommy Franks |
Tommy Gwaltney | Tommy Gwaltney |
Tommy Hilfiger Corporation | Tommy Hilfiger Corporation |
Tommy John-operatie | Tommy John surgery |
Tommy Lapid | Tommy Lapid |
Tommy Lindholm | Tommy Lindholm |
Tommy Makem | Tommy Makem |
Tommy Mercer | Crimson (wrestler) |
Tommy Meyer | Tommy Meyer |
Tommy Oliver | Tommy Oliver |
Tommy Peoples | Tommy Peoples |
Tommy Sands | Tommy Sands |
Tommy Seebach | Tommy Seebach |
Tommy Tabermann | Tommy Tabermann |
Tommy Taylor | Tommy Taylor |
Tommy Turrentine | Tommy Turrentine |
Tommy Vercetti | Tommy Vercetti |
Tommy Wiseau | Tommy Wiseau |
Tommy Wonder | Tommy Wonder (magician) |
Tomnatic (Timiș) | Tomnatic |
Tomo Morimoto | Tomo Morimoto |
Tomo Sugawara | Tomo Sugawara |
Tomoaki Kuno | Tomoaki Kuno |
Tomoaki Matsukawa | Tomoaki Matsukawa |
Tomoaki Ogami | Tomoaki Ōgami |
Tomoaki Sano | Tomoaki Sano |
Tomobella | Tomobella |
Tomocyrba | Tomocyrba |
Tomografie | Tomography |
Tomohiko Ikeuchi | Tomohiko Ikeuchi |
Tomohiko Ikoma | Tomohiko Ikoma |
Tomohiro Katanosaka | Tomohiro Katanosaka |
Tomohiro Wanami | Tomohiro Wanami |
Tomoji Eguchi | Tomoji Eguchi |
Tomoji Tanabe | Tomoji Tanabe |
Tomojiro Ikenouchi | Tomojirō Ikenouchi |
Tomokazu Hirama | Tomokazu Hirama |
Tomokazu Myojin | Tomokazu Myojin |
Tomomi Morita | Tomomi Morita |
Tomomi Okazaki | Tomomi Okazaki |
Tomonobu Yokoyama | Tomonobu Yokoyama |
Tomonori Hirayama | Tomonori Hirayama |
Tomonori Tateishi | Tomonori Tateishi |
Tomoo Kudaka | Tomoo Kudaka |
Tomopeas | Blunt-eared bat |
Tomopterna | Tomopterna |
Tomor | Tomor, Hungary |
Tomora | Tomora |
Tömörd | Tömörd |
Tömörkény | Tömörkény |
Tomorrow | Tomorrow (Gianluca Bezzina song) |
Tomorrow Comes Today (ep) | Tomorrow Comes Today |
Tomorrow Is Forever | Tomorrow Is Forever |
Tomorrow Never Dies | Tomorrow Never Dies |
Tomorrow Starts Today | Tomorrow Starts Today |
Tomorrowland | Tomorrowland (festival) |
Tomorrowland (Disney) | Tomorrowland |
Tomos | Tomos |
Tomotaka Fukagawa | Tomotaka Fukagawa |
Tomotaka Kitamura | Tomotaka Kitamura |
Tomoxia bucephala | Tomoxia bucephala |
Tomoya Uchida | Tomoya Uchida |
Tomoya Ugajin | Tomoya Ugajin |
Tomoyasu Asaoka | Tomoyasu Asaoka |
Tomoyoshi Ono | Tomoyoshi Ono |
Tomoyoshi Tsurumi | Tomoyoshi Tsurumi |
Tomoyuki Hirase | Tomoyuki Hirase |
Tomoyuki Kajino | Tomoyuki Kajino |
Tomoyuki Sakai | Tomoyuki Sakai |
Tomoyuki Yamashita | Tomoyuki Yamashita |
Tompa | Tompa |
Tompaládony | Tompaládony |
Tompkins County | Tompkins County, New York |
Tompkinsville | Tompkinsville |
Tompkinsville (Kentucky) | Tompkinsville, Kentucky |
Tompoes | Mille-feuille |
Tompojevci | Tompojevci |
Tomra | Tomra |
Tom's Diner | Tom's Diner |
Tom's Rhinoplasty | Tom's Rhinoplasty |
Toms River | Toms River, New Jersey |
Tomșani | Tomşani |
Tomșani (Prahova) | Tomșani, Prahova |
Tomskavia | Tomsk Avia |
Tomtabacken | Tomtabacken |
Tomte | Tomte |
Tom-tom | Tom tom |
Tom-tom (trommel) | Tom-tom drum |
Tom-Yum-Goong | Tom-Yum-Goong |
Ton | Ton (disambiguation) |
Tôň | Tôň |
Ton (Italië) | Ton, Trentino |
Ton (massa) | Ton |
Ton Caanen | Ton Caanen |
Ton Cornelissen | Ton Cornelissen |
Ton du Chatinier | Ton du Chatinier |
Ton en Tineke | Modeste et Pompon |
Ton Pentre FC | Ton Pentre F.C. |
Ton Scherpenzeel | Ton Scherpenzeel |
Ton Schulten | Ton Schulten |
Ton van de Ven | Ton van de Ven |
Ton van Loon | Ton van Loon |
Tona | Tona |
Tona (Barcelona) | Tona, Spain |
Tona (Colombia) | Tona, Santander |
Tonacatepeque | Tonacatepeque |
Tonalá | Tonalá |
Tonalá (Jalisco) | Tonalá, Jalisco |
Tonalea | Tonalea, Arizona |
Tonalepas | Tonale Pass |
Tonaliet | Tonalite |
Tonaliteit | Tonality |
Tonalpohualli | Tonalpohualli |
Tonami | Tonami, Toyama |
Tonanitla (gemeente) | Tonanitla |
Tonantius Ferreolus | Tonantius Ferreolus (prefect) |
Tonantius Ferreolus (senator) | Tonantius Ferreolus (senator) |
Tonantzin | Tonantzin |
Tonbridge and Malling | Tonbridge and Malling |
Tondalus' visioen | Visio Tnugdali |
Tondel | Tinder |
Tønder (gemeente) | Tønder Municipality |
Tønder (plaats) | Tønder |
Tondeuse | Hair clipper |
Tondi | Tondi |
Tondiraba | Tondiraba |
Tondo | Tondo |
Tondo (kunst) | Tondo (art) |
Tondo (Manilla) | Tondo, Manila |
Tondo Doni | Doni Tondo |
Tone Damli Aaberge | Tone Damli |
Toneel (vloer) | Stage (theatre) |
Toneelmuziek | Incidental music |
Toneelregisseur | Theatre director |
Toneelschrijver | Playwright |
Toneelstuk | Play (theatre) |
Tone-Lōc | Tone Lōc |
Tonerhergebruik | Toner refill |
Tönet, ihr Pauken! Erschallet, Trompeten! | Tönet, ihr Pauken! Erschallet, Trompeten! BWV 214 |
Tong | Tong |
Tong (anatomie) | Tongue |
Tong (vis) | Common sole |
Tonga | Tonga (disambiguation) |
Tonga Fifita | Tonga Fifita |
Tonga Major League | Tonga Major League |
Tonga op de Olympische Spelen | Tonga at the Olympics |
Tongaans | Tongan language |
Tongaans rugbyteam | Tonga national rugby union team |
Tongaans voetbalelftal | Tonga national football team |
Tongaanse pa'anga | Tongan paʻanga |
Tongala | Tongala |
Tong'an (Fujian) | Tong'an District |
Tonganosaurus | Tonganosaurus |
Tongariro Alpine Crossing | Tongariro Alpine Crossing |
Tongatrog | Tonga Trench |
Tongavleerhond | Insular flying fox |
Tongbeen | Hyoid |
Tongbreker | Tongue-twister |
Tongeren (stad) | Tongeren |
Tongewelf | Barrel vault |
Tonggoltonijn | Thunnus tonggol |
Tongjiang | Tongjiang, Heilongjiang |
Tongkil | Banguingui, Sulu |
Tongloze kikkers | Pipidae |
Tongod (district) | Tongod |
Tongorchis | Serapias |
Tongpiercing | Tongue piercing |
Tongren | Tongren |
Tongschar | Lemon sole |
Tongschraper | Tongue cleaner |
Tongspatel | Tongue depressor |
Tongue | Tongue, Highland |
Tongva (volk) | Tongva people |
Tongval | Accent |
Tongvaren | Asplenium scolopendrium |
Tongyong pinyin | Tongyong Pinyin |
Tongzhi | Tongzhi Emperor |
Tongzoen | French kiss |
Tonhalle Orchester Zürich | Tonhalle Orchester Zürich |
Toni Brogno | Toni Brogno |
Toni Calvo | Toni Calvo |
Toni Gardiner | Princess Muna al-Hussein |
Toni Hagen | Toni Hagen |
Toni Kolehmainen | Toni Kolehmainen |
Toni Mang | Anton Mang |
Toni Mičevski | Toni Mičevski |
Toni Polster | Toni Polster |
Toni Varela | Toni Varela |
Tonia | Tonia (singer) |
Tonic | Tonic water |
Tonica | Tonic |
Tonica (muziek) | Tonic (music) |
Tonicella | Tonicella |
Tonicella lineata | Tonicella lineata |
Tonicum | Herbal tonic |
Tonight's the Night (Neil Young) | Tonight's the Night (Neil Young album) |
Tonijn | Thunnus |
Toninho Cecílio | Toninho Cecílio |
Toni-Seelos-olympiaschans | Toni-Seelos-Olympiaschanze |
Tõnismäe | Tõnismägi |
Tonium | Tonian |
Tonk | Tonk |
Tonk (district) | Tonk district |
Tonka | Tonka (disambiguation) |
Tonka (bedrijf) | Tonka |
Tonka Bay | Tonka Bay, Minnesota |
Tonkaboon | Dipteryx odorata |
Tonkanees | Tonkinese (cat) |
Tonke Dragt | Tonke Dragt |
Tonkeanmakaak | Tonkean macaque |
Tonkin | Tonkin (disambiguation) |
Tonkin-incident | Gulf of Tonkin incident |
Tonkinlangoer | François' langur |
Tonkinomys | Tonkinomys |
Tonkinstompneusaap | Tonkin snub-nosed monkey |
Ton-klassen | Ton class |
Tonkolili | Tonkolili District |
Tonlé Sapmeer | Tonlé Sap |
Tonna | Tonna |
Tonna (gemeente) | Tonna, Germany |
Tonna (weekdieren) | Tonna (gastropod) |
Tonna galea | Tonna galea |
Tonna perdix | Tonna perdix |
Tonnac | Tonnac |
Tonnay-Boutonne | Tonnay-Boutonne |
Tonndorf (Thüringen) | Tonndorf |
Tonnenmaat | Tonnage |
Tonnerre | Tonnerre |
Tonnerre d'Abomey FC | Tonnerre d'Abomey FC |
Tonnerre Yaoundé | Tonnerre Yaoundé |
Tonneville | Tonneville |
Tonnidae | Tonnidae |
Tonnie Dirks | Tonnie Dirks |
Tonnoy | Tonnoy |
Tonny de Jong | Tonny de Jong |
Tonny Kessler | Tonny Kessler |
Tonny Trindade de Vilhena | Tonny Trindade de Vilhena |
Tono | Tōno, Iwate |
Tonopah | Tonopah, Nevada |
Tonota | Tonota |
Tonotopie | Tonotopy |
Tönpa Shenrab | Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche |
Tonsil Trouble | Tonsil Trouble |
Tonsilla lingualis | Lingual tonsils |
Tonsillectomie | Tonsillectomy |
Tonsillitis | Tonsillitis |
Tonsilloliet | Tonsillolith |
Tonsina | Tonsina, Alaska |
Tonsuur | Tonsure |
Tontine (Afrika) | Likelemba |
Tony | Tony |
Tony Aitken | Tony Aitken |
Tony Almeida | Tony Almeida |
Tony Asher | Tony Asher |
Tony Asumaa | Tony Asumaa |
Tony Atlas | Tony Atlas |
Tony Banks | Tony Banks (musician) |
Tony Beltran | Tony Beltran |
Tony Bosković | Tony Boskovic |
Tony Buck | Tony Buck (musician) |
Tony Cascio | Tony Cascio |
Tony Cetinski | Tony Cetinski |
Tony Chimel | Tony Chimel |
Tony Christie | Tony Christie |
Tony Cox | Tony Cox (actor) |
Tony Currenti | Tony Currenti |
Tony Dize | Tony Dize |
Tony Eccles | Tony Eccles |
Tony Esposito (zanger) | Tony Esposito (musician) |
Tony G | Tony G |
Tony Garnier | Tony Garnier |
Tony Garnier (bassist) | Tony Garnier (musician) |
Tony Gunawan | Tony Gunawan |
Tony Hawk's American Sk8land | Tony Hawk's American Sk8land |
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland | Tony Hawk's American Wasteland |
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam | Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam |
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater |
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 |
Tony Hawk's Project 8 | Tony Hawk's Project 8 |
Tony Hawk's Underground | Tony Hawk's Underground |
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 | Tony Hawk's Underground 2 |
Tony Hayward | Tony Hayward |
Tony Hoare | Charles Antony Richard Hoare |
Tony Johnstone | Tony Johnstone |
Tony Kanal | Tony Kanal |
Tony Kane | Tony Kane |
Tony Kendall | Tony Kendall (actor) |
Tony Kofi | Tony Kofi |
Tony Leung | Tony Leung Chiu-Wai |
Tony Maggs | Tony Maggs |
Tony Marsh | Tony Marsh (racing driver) |
Tony Marshall (zanger) | Tony Marshall (singer) |
Tony Martin (wielrenner) | Tony Martin (cyclist) |
Tony Martin (zanger) | Tony Martin (British singer) |
Tony Montana | Tony Montana |
Tony Moore | Tony Moore (musician) |
Tony Mordente | Tony Mordente |
Tony Morley | Tony Morley |
Tony Orlando & Dawn | Tony Orlando and Dawn |
Tony O'Shea | Tony O'Shea |
Tony Pastor | Tony Pastor (bandleader) |
Tony Popović | Tony Popovic |
Tony Ramoin | Tony Ramoin |
Tony Robbins | Tony Robbins |
Tony Roberts | Tony Roberts (actor) |
Tony Robinson | Tony Robinson |
Tony Ryan | Tony Ryan |
Tony Scott (jazzmuzikant) | Tony Scott (musician) |
Tony Sergeant | Tony Sergeant |
Tony Settember | Tony Settember |
Tony Shelly | Tony Shelly |
Tony Smith | Tony Smith (sculptor) |
Tony Stonem | Tony Stonem |
Tony Thompson | Tony Thompson |
Tony Trujillo | Tony Trujillo |
Tony Van Parys | Tony Van Parys |
Tony Ward | Tony Ward (entertainer) |
Tony Wegas | Tony Wegas |
Tony Williams | Tony Williams (drummer) |
Tony Wilson (journalist) | Tony Wilson |
Tony Woodcock | Tony Woodcock |
Tonya (stad) | Tonya |
Tonya Lee Williams | Tonya Lee Williams |
Tonypandy | Tonypandy |
Too big to fail | Too big to fail |
Too Close (Alex Clare) | Too Close (Alex Clare song) |
Too Cool | Too Cool |
Too Hot to Handle | Too Hot to Handle (1938 film) |
Too Late for Tears | Too Late for Tears |
Too Much Love Will Kill You | Too Much Love Will Kill You |
Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young to Die! | Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young to Die! |
Too Short | Too Short |
Too Young to Marry | Too Young to Marry |
Tooele | Tooele, Utah |
Tooele County | Tooele County, Utah |
Tool | Tool (band) |
Toole County | Toole County, Montana |
Tooltip | Tooltip |
Toom | Toom |
Toombs County | Toombs County, Georgia |
Toompea | Toompea |
Toompeakasteel | Toompea Castle |
Toon | Toon |
Toon (Ehime) | Tōon, Ehime |
Toon Tellegen | Toon Tellegen |
Toon van Driel | Toon van Driel |
Toonhaai | Common smooth-hound |
Toonhoogte | Pitch (music) |
Toonhoogtetabel | Piano key frequencies |
Toonklasse | Pitch class |
Toonladder | Scale (music) |
Toon-sandhi | Tone sandhi |
Toonsoort | Key (music) |
Toonstelsel | Pitch space |
Toontaal | Tone language |
Toontown Online | Toontown Online |
Toornslangen | Coluber |
Toorts (geslacht) | Verbascum |
Toortsparelmoervlinder | Melitaea trivia |
Toos Roodzant | Catharina Roodzant |
Tooske Ragas | Tooske Ragas |
Tooting | Tooting |
Tooting Bec (metrostation) | Tooting Bec tube station |
Tooting Broadway | Tooting Broadway tube station |
Toots and The Maytals | Toots and the Maytals |
Toowoomba | Toowoomba, Queensland |
Top | Top (disambiguation) |
Top (BDSM) | Top (BDSM) |
Top (berg) | Summit (topography) |
Top (meetkunde) | Apex (geometry) |
Top 100 History Makers | New Zealand's Top 100 History Makers |
Top 100 van de Rijksdienst voor de Monumentenzorg | Top 100 Dutch heritage sites |
Top 14 | Top 14 |
Top Cat | Top Cat |
Top Gear-testcircuit | Top Gear test track |
Top Gun | Top Gun |
Top Hat | Top Hat |
Top kill | Top kill |
Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums | Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums |
Top Spin | Top Spin (video game) |
Topaas | Topaz |
Topaaskolibrie | Crimson Topaz |
Tópaga | Tópaga, Boyacá |
Topaipí | Topaipí |
Topalu | Topalu |
Topaz | Topaz (disambiguation) |
Topaz (1969) | Topaz (1969 film) |
Topaza | Topaz (hummingbird) |
Topconferentie | Summit (meeting) |
Top-down design | Top-down and bottom-up design |
Topeka | Topeka (disambiguation) |
Topeka (Indiana) | Topeka, Indiana |
Topeka (Kansas) | Topeka, Kansas |
Topfield | Topfield |
Topfstedt | Topfstedt |
Toph | Toph Beifong |
Topic | Topic |
Topic maps | Topic Maps |
Topica | Topics (Aristotle) |
Topiltzin Ce Acatl Quetzalcoatl | Ce Acatl Topiltzin |
Topiramaat | Topiramate |
Topische vragen | Five Ws |
Topisi | Topisi |
Topje | Top (clothing) |
Topkapi (film) | Topkapi (film) |
Topkapıpaleis | Topkapı Palace |
Topklasse (auto) | Luxury vehicle |
Topklasse (Nederlands amateurvoetbal) | Topklasse |
Topklasse voetbal 2010/11 | 2010–11 Topklasse |
Topless | Toplessness |
Topleveldomein | Top-level domain |
Topli Do (Pirot) | Topli Do (Pirot) |
Topli Do (Surdulica) | Topli Do (Surdulica) |
Toplica | Toplica District |
Toplița | Toplița |
Toploader | Toploader |
TopNotch | TopNotch |
Topografie | Topography |
Topografische kaart | Topographic map |
Topografische prominentie | Topographic prominence |
Topographie des Terrors | Topography of Terror |
Topol | Topol |
Topolino | Topolino |
Topólka (gemeente) | Gmina Topólka |
Topólka (Koejavië-Pommeren) | Topólka, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship |
Topol-M | RT-2UTTKh Topol-M |
Topolnica | Topolnica (Majdanpek) |
Topoľnica | Topoľnica |
Topolobampo | Topolobampo, Sinaloa |
Topologie | Topology |
Topologische groep | Topological group |
Topologische ring | Topological ring |
Topologische ruimte | Topological space |
Topologische variëteit | Topological manifold |
Topologische vectorruimte | Topological vector space |
Topoloveni | Topoloveni |
Topoľovka | Topoľovka |
Topolovnik | Topolovnik |
Toponymie | Toponymy |
Topos | Topos (disambiguation) |
Topos (filosofie) | Inventio |
Topos (literatuur) | Literary topos |
Topotecan | Topotecan |
Toppenish | Toppenish, Washington |
Toppenstedt | Toppenstedt |
Topper | Topper |
Topper (film) | Topper (film) |
Topper (vogel) | Greater Scaup |
Top-quark | Top quark |
Topropen | Top rope climbing |
Topsham | Topsham, Maine |
Topspin (attractie) | Top Spin (ride) |
Topsport Vlaanderen-Baloise | Topsport Vlaanderen-Baloise |
Topsy | Topsy (elephant) |
Topusko | Topusko |
Topvolley Precura Antwerpen | Topvolley Antwerpen |
Toque (sport) | Jockstrap |
Toquerville | Toquerville, Utah |
Toques | Toques |
Tor | Tor (disambiguation) |
Tor (netwerk) | Tor (software) |
Tor Endresen | Tor Endresen |
Tor Nørretranders | Tor Nørretranders |
Tor putitora | Tor putitora |
Tora | Tora |
Torà | Torà |
Tora Bora | Tora Bora |
Tora! Tora! Tora! | Tora! Tora! Tora! |
Torarp | Torarp |
Torba | Torba |
Torba (Turkije) | Torba, Turkey |
Torba (Vanuatu) | Torba Province |
Torbeck | Torbeck |
Torberniet | Torbernite |
Torbjørn Sindballe | Torbjørn Sindballe |
Torcé | Torcé |
Torcé-en-Vallée | Torcé-en-Vallée |
Torcé-Viviers-en-Charnie | Torcé-Viviers-en-Charnie |
Torch Song | Torch Song (film) |
Torchamp | Torchamp |
Torchefelon | Torchefelon |
Torcieu | Torcieu |
Torcuato Fernández-Miranda | Torcuato Fernández-Miranda |
Torcularis Septentrionalis | Omicron Piscium |
Torcy (Pas-de-Calais) | Torcy, Pas-de-Calais |
Torcy (Saône-et-Loire) | Torcy, Saône-et-Loire |
Torcy (Seine-et-Marne) | Torcy, Seine-et-Marne |
Torcy-en-Valois | Torcy-en-Valois |
Torcy-et-Pouligny | Torcy-et-Pouligny |
Torcy-le-Grand | Torcy-le-Grand |
Torcy-le-Grand (Aube) | Torcy-le-Grand, Aube |
Torcy-le-Grand (Seine-Maritime) | Torcy-le-Grand, Seine-Maritime |
Torcy-le-Petit | Torcy-le-Petit |
Torcy-le-Petit (Aube) | Torcy-le-Petit, Aube |
Torcy-le-Petit (Seine-Maritime) | Torcy-le-Petit, Seine-Maritime |
Tord Tamerlan Teodor Thorell | Tamerlan Thorell |
Tordas | Tordas |
Tordellego | Tordellego |
Tordelrábano | Tordelrábano |
Tordenskjold | Tordenskjold (disambiguation) |
Tordesilos | Tordesilos |
Tordillo (partido) | Tordillo Partido |
Tordinci | Tordinci |
Tordino | Tordino |
Tordouet | Tordouet |
Toreador | Toreador |
Töreboda (gemeente) | Töreboda Municipality |
Töreboda (plaats) | Töreboda |
Töregene Khatun | Töregene Khatun |
Torekov | Torekov |
Toren (bouwwerk) | Tower |
Toren (schaken) | Rook (chess) |
Toren op Zuid | KPN Tower |
Toren van Babel | Tower of Babel |
Toren van de winden | Tower of the Winds |
Toren van Pisa | Leaning Tower of Pisa |
Torenkruid | Arabis glabra |
Toreno | Toreno |
Torens van Hanoi | Tower of Hanoi |
Torenspits | Spire |
Torentje | Torentje |
Torenvalk | Kestrel |
Torenverdediging | Tower defense |
Torez | Torez |
Torfhaus (Nedersaksen) | Torfhaus |
Torfou | Torfou |
Torfou (Essonne) | Torfou, Essonne |
Torfou (Maine-et-Loire) | Torfou, Maine-et-Loire |
Torgau-Oschatz | Torgau-Oschatz |
Torgelower SV Greif | Torgelower SV Greif |
Torgelow-Holländerei | Torgelow-Holländerei |
Torgny T:son Segerstedt | Torgny T:son Segerstedt |
Torgu | Torgu Parish |
Torgut | Torghut |
Torhouse Stone Circle | Torhouse |
Torhout 1992 KM | Torhout 1992 KM |
Tori (gemeente) | Tori Parish |
Toribio | Toribío, Cauca |
Tori-Bossito | Tori-Bossito |
Toride | Toride, Ibaraki |
Toril y Masegoso | Toril y Masegoso |
Torin Yater-Wallace | Torin Yater-Wallace |
Torino | Torino (disambiguation) |
Torino Esposizioni | Torino Esposizioni |
Torino FC | Torino F.C. 1906 |
Torin's Passage | Torin's Passage |
Torische lens | Toric lens |
Torkil Nielsen | Torkil Nielsen |
Torla | Torla |
Torma | Torma (disambiguation) |
Torma (cake) | Torma |
Torma (Estland) | Torma Parish |
Tormafölde | Tormafölde |
Tormásliget | Tormásliget |
Tormellas | Tormellas |
Tormented | Tormented |
Tormentil | Common Tormentil |
Tormón | Tormón |
Torn | Torn |
Torn Curtain | Torn Curtain |
Torna Hällestad | Torna Hällestad |
Tornac | Tornac |
Tornaco | Tornaco, Piedmont |
Tornada | Tornada |
Tornado | Tornado (disambiguation) |
Tornado (webserver) | Tornado (web server) |
Tornado (wervelwind) | Tornado |
Tornado (zeilboot) | Tornado (sailboat) |
Tornadofamilie | Tornado family |
Tornau | Tornau |
Tornau (Dübener Heide) | Tornau, Wittenberg |
Tornau vor der Heide | Tornau vor der Heide |
Tornavacas | Tornavacas |
Tornay | Tornay |
Torne älv | Torne River |
Tornedal | Torne Valley |
Torneio Rio-São Paulo | Torneio Rio – São Paulo |
Torneio Roberto Gomes Pedrosa | Torneio Roberto Gomes Pedrosa |
Torneo Argentino A | Torneo Argentino A |
Torngasoak | Torngarsuk |
Torngat (bergketen) | Torngat Mountains |
Tornik (Ljubovija) | Tornik, Ljubovija |
Tornitz | Tornitz |
Tornjak | Tornjak |
Torno | Torno, Lombardy |
Tornos | Tornos |
Tornquist | Tornquist |
Tornquist (Buenos Aires) | Tornquist, Buenos Aires |
Tornved | Tornved Municipality |
Tornyiszentmiklós | Tornyiszentmiklós |
Tornyospálca | Tornyospálca |
Toro (Colombia) | Toro, Valle del Cauca |
Toro (dier) | Yellow-crowned brush-tailed rat |
Toro (Italië) | Toro, Molise |
Toro (koninkrijk) | Toro Kingdom |
Toro (Spanje) | Toro, Zamora |
Törökkoppány | Törökkoppány |
Toromiro | Sophora toromiro |
Toromoja | Toromoja |
Toromys | Giant tree rat |
Toron | Toron |
Toronto (doorverwijspagina) | Toronto (disambiguation) |
Toronto (Iowa) | Toronto, Iowa |
Toronto (Ohio) | Toronto, Ohio |
Toronto (South Dakota) | Toronto, South Dakota |
Toronto Blessing | Toronto Blessing |
Toronto Blizzard | Toronto Blizzard |
Toronto Blue Jays | Toronto Blue Jays |
Toronto Croatia | Toronto Croatia |
Toronto Eaton Centre | Toronto Eaton Centre |
Toronto FC | Toronto F.C. |
Toronto Lynx | Toronto Lynx |
Toronto Maple Leafs | Toronto Maple Leafs |
Toronto Pearson International Airport | Toronto Pearson International Airport |
Toronto Raptors | Toronto Raptors |
Toronto Stock Exchange | Toronto Stock Exchange |
Toronto Symphony Orchestra | Toronto Symphony Orchestra |
Torony | Torony |
Toropets | Toropets |
Toropuku stephensi | Stephen's Island gecko |
Tororo (district) | Tororo District |
Torpediniformes | Electric ray |
Torpedo | Torpedo (disambiguation) |
Torpedo (rog) | Torpedo (genus) |
Torpedo (wapen) | Torpedo |
Torpedo adenensis | Aden Gulf torpedo |
Torpedo andersoni | Florida torpedo |
Torpedo fairchildi | New Zealand torpedo |
Torpedo Koetaisi | FC Torpedo Kutaisi |
Torpedo Moskou | FC Torpedo Moscow |
Torpedo panthera | Leopard torpedo |
Torpedo sinuspersici | Gulf torpedo |
Torpedo torpedo | Common torpedo |
Torpedo tremens | Chilean torpedo |
Torpedo Vladimir | FC Torpedo Vladimir |
Torpedo Zaporizja | FC Torpedo Zaporizhya |
Torpedoboot | Torpedo boat |
Torpedobootjager | Destroyer |
Torpedogrondels | Dartfish |
Torpes (Doubs) | Torpes, Doubs |
Torpes (Saône-et-Loire) | Torpes, Saône-et-Loire |
Torpoint | Torpoint |
Torpor | Torpor |
Torpshammar | Torpshammar |
Torquato Tasso | Torquato Tasso |
Torquay United FC | Torquay United F.C. |
Torque | Torc |
Torquemada | Torquemada, Palencia |
Torralba | Torralba |
Torralba (Cuenca) | Torralba, Cuenca |
Torralba (Italië) | Torralba, Sardinia |
Torralba de Calatrava | Torralba de Calatrava |
Torralba de los Frailes | Torralba de los Frailes |
Torralba de los Sisones | Torralba de los Sisones |
Torralba del Pinar | Torralba del Pinar |
Torralba del Río | Torralba Del Río |
Torralbilla | Torralbilla |
Torrance | Torrance, California |
Torrance County | Torrance County, New Mexico |
Torrão (Alcácer do Sal) | Torrão |
Torras i Bages (metrostation) | Torras i Bages (Barcelona Metro) |
Torrassa (metrostation) | Torrassa (Barcelona Metro) |
Torrazzo (Cremona) | Torrazzo of Cremona |
Torre Caja Madrid | Torre Caja Madrid |
Torre Canne | Torre Canne |
Torre d'Arese | Torre d'Arese |
Torre de Arcas | Torre de Arcas |
Torre de Belém | Belém Tower |
Torre de' Busi | Torre de' Busi |
Torre de Cerredo | Torre de Cerredo |
Torre de Cristal | Torre de Cristal (Madrid) |
Torre de Dona Chama | Torre de Dona Chama |
Torre de Juan Abad | Torre de Juan Abad |
Torre de las Arcas | Torre de las Arcas |
Torre de Miguel Sesmero | Torre de Miguel Sesmero |
Torre de' Negri | Torre de' Negri |
Torre de' Passeri | Torre de' Passeri |
Torre de Pedra | Torre de Pedra |
Torre de Peñafiel | Torre de Peñafiel |
Torre de' Picenardi | Torre de' Picenardi |
Torre de' Roveri | Torre de' Roveri |
Torre del Bierzo | Torre del Bierzo |
Torre del Burgo | Torre del Burgo |
Torre del Campo | Torredelcampo |
Torre del Compte | Torre del Compte |
Torre del Lago Puccini | Torre del Lago |
Torre del Mangia | Torre del Mangia |
Torre d'Isola | Torre d'Isola |
Torre dos Clérigos | Clérigos Church |
Torre en Cameros | Torre en Cameros |
Torre Fundadores | Torre Fundadores |
Torre los Negros | Torre los Negros |
Torre Vasco da Gama | Vasco da Gama Tower |
Torre Velasca | Torre Velasca |
Torre Windsor | Windsor Tower (Madrid) |
Torreblanca | Torreblanca |
Torreblascopedro | Torreblascopedro |
Torrecampo | Torrecampo |
Torrechiva | Torrechiva |
Torrecilla de Alcañiz | Torrecilla de Alcañiz |
Torrecilla del Monte | Torrecilla del Monte |
Torrecilla del Rebollar | Torrecilla del Rebollar |
Torrecilla sobre Alesanco | Torrecilla sobre Alesanco |
Torrecillas de la Tiesa | Torrecillas de la Tiesa |
Torrecuadrada de Molina | Torrecuadrada de Molina |
Torrecuadradilla | Torrecuadradilla |
Torredonjimeno | Torredonjimeno |
Torregrossa | Torregrossa |
Torrehermosa | Torrehermosa |
Torrejón de la Calzada | Torrejón de la Calzada |
Torrejón de Velasco | Torrejón de Velasco |
Torrejón del Rey | Torrejón del Rey |
Torrejoncillo | Torrejoncillo |
Torrejoncillo del Rey | Torrejoncillo del Rey |
Torrelacárcel | Torrelacárcel |
Torrelaguna | Torrelaguna |
Torrelameu | Torrelameu |
Torrelapaja | Torrelapaja |
Torrelara | Torrelara |
Torrelavit | Torrelavit |
Torrellas | Torrellas |
Torrelobatón | Torrelobatón |
Torremayor | Torremayor |
Torremejía | Torremejía |
Torremocha | Torremocha (Cáceres) |
Torremocha de Jadraque | Torremocha de Jadraque |
Torremocha de Jiloca | Torremocha de Jiloca |
Torremocha del Campo | Torremocha del Campo |
Torremocha del Pinar | Torremocha del Pinar |
Torremochuela | Torremochuela |
Torremontalbo | Torremontalbo |
Torrena | Torrena |
Torrent (Valencia) | Torrent, Valencia |
Torrenueva | Torrenueva |
Torreorgaz | Torreorgaz |
Torreornis | Zapata Sparrow |
Torrepadre | Torrepadre |
Torreperogil | Torreperogil |
Torres | Torres (disambiguation) |
Torres (Rio Grande do Sul) | Torres, Rio Grande do Sul |
Torres (Spanje) | Torres, Jaén |
Torres (Venezuela) | Torres Municipality |
Torres de Albarracín | Torres de Albarracín |
Torres de Alcanadre | Torres de Alcanadre |
Torres de Berrellén | Torres de Berrellén |
Torres de la Alameda | Torres de la Alameda |
Torres de Segre | Torres de Segre |
Torres del Paine (gemeente) | Torres del Paine, Chile |
Torres del Río | Torres Del Río |
Torres KIO | Gate of Europe |
Torres Novas | Torres Novas |
Torreseilanden | Torres Islands |
Torreshoningeter | Yellow-spotted Honeyeater |
Torrevelilla | Torrevelilla |
Torrey | Torrey, Utah |
Torrey Botanical Society | Torrey Botanical Society |
Torrey Canyon | SS Torrey Canyon |
Torreya | Torreya |
Torreya taxifolia | Torreya taxifolia |
Torricella | Torricella, Apulia |
Torrijas | Torrijas |
Torrijo del Campo | Torrijo del Campo |
Torrijos | Torrijos |
Torrijos (Marinduque) | Torrijos, Marinduque |
Torrijos (Spanje) | Torrijos, Spain |
Torrington (Connecticut) | Torrington, Connecticut |
Torrington (Wyoming) | Torrington, Wyoming |
Tørring-Uldum | Tørring-Uldum Municipality |
Torrinha | Torrinha |
Torrubia | Torrubia |
Torrubia del Campo | Torrubia del Campo |
Torrubia del Castillo | Torrubia del Castillo |
Torsac | Torsac |
Torsåker | Torsåker, Hofors |
Torsås (gemeente) | Torsås Municipality |
Torsås (plaats) | Torsås |
Torsby (gemeente) | Torsby Municipality |
Torsby (plaats) | Torsby |
Torsebro | Torsebro |
Tórshavnar kommuna | Tórshavnar, Faroe Islands |
Torsiac | Torsiac |
Torsie (differentiaalmeetkunde) | Torsion of a curve |
Torsiebalans | Torsion spring |
Torsio testis | Testicular torsion |
Torslanda | Torslanda |
Torso | Torso (disambiguation) |
Torsten Palm | Torsten Palm |
Torsten Reißmann | Torsten Reißmann |
Torsten Ullman | Torsten Ullman |
Torsten Wiesel | Torsten Wiesel |
Torta Caprese | Torta caprese |
Tortebesse | Tortebesse |
Tortefontaine | Tortefontaine |
Tortel | Tortel |
Törtel | Törtel |
Tortelkoekoeksduif | Slender-billed Cuckoo-Dove |
Tortequesne | Tortequesne |
Torteron | Torteron |
Torteval | Torteval, Guernsey |
Torteval-Quesnay | Torteval-Quesnay |
Tortezais | Tortezais |
Torticollis | Torticollis |
Tortilia charadritis | Tortilia charadritis |
Tortilia flavella | Tortilia flavella |
Tortilia graeca | Tortilia graeca |
Tortilia pallidella | Tortilia pallidella |
Tortilla | Tortilla (disambiguation) |
Tortilla Flat | Tortilla Flat |
Tortilla Flat (film) | Tortilla Flat (film) |
Tortillachips | Tortilla chip |
Tortilla's voor de Daltons | Tortillas pour les Dalton |
Tortisambert | Tortisambert |
Tortoise | Tortoise (band) |
Tórtola de Henares | Tórtola de Henares |
Tórtoles | Tórtoles |
Tortolita | Tortolita, Arizona |
Tortona | Tortona |
Tortonien | Tortonian |
Tortricopsis euryphanella | Tortricopsis euryphanella |
Tortricopsis pyroptis | Tortricopsis pyroptis |
Tortricopsis semijunctella | Tortricopsis semijunctella |
Tortricopsis uncinella | Tortricopsis uncinella |
Tortuera | Tortuera |
Tortuero | Tortuero |
Toru Araiba | Toru Araiba |
Toru Fujisawa | Tooru Fujisawa |
Toru Irie | Toru Irie |
Toru Kamikawa | Toru Kamikawa |
Toru Oniki | Toru Oniki |
Toru Sano | Toru Sano |
Toru Takemitsu | Toru Takemitsu |
Toru Terasawa | Toru Terasawa |
Toru Yoshida | Toru Yoshida |
Toru Yoshikawa | Toru Yoshikawa |
Torugartpas | Torugart Pass |
Torus | Torus |
Torusknoop | Torus knot |
Torver | Torver |
Torvikbukt | Torvikbukt |
Torvilliers | Torvilliers |
Torvizcón | Torvizcón |
Torx | Torx |
Torxé | Torxé |
Tory Foster | Tory Foster |
Tory Island | Tory Island |
Tory Mussett | Tory Mussett |
Tory Party | Tories (British political party) |
Torymidae | Torymidae |
Torysa | Torysa (village) |
Torysky | Torysky |
Torzjok | Torzhok |
Torzym (gemeente) | Gmina Torzym |
TOS | Atari TOS |
Tosa (hond) | Tosa Inu |
Tosa (provincie) | Tosa Province |
Tosana | Toses |
Toscaanse Archipel | Tuscan Archipelago |
Toscaanse orde | Tuscan order |
Toscane | Tuscany |
Tosefta | Tosefta |
Toshi | Toshi (musician) |
Toshi Arai | Toshi Arai |
Toshihide Maskawa | Toshihide Maskawa |
Toshihide Saito | Toshihide Saito |
Toshihiko Okimune | Toshihiko Okimune |
Toshihiko Sahashi | Toshihiko Sahashi |
Toshihiko Uchiyama | Toshihiko Uchiyama |
Toshihiro Aoyama | Toshihiro Aoyama |
Toshihiro Hattori | Toshihiro Hattori |
Toshihiro Matsushita | Toshihiro Matsushita |
Toshihiro Uchida | Toshihiro Uchida |
Toshihiro Yamaguchi | Toshihiro Yamaguchi |
Toshihiro Yoshimura | Toshihiro Yoshimura |
Toshima | Toshima, Tokyo |
Toshimi Kikuchi | Toshimi Kikuchi |
Toshinari Suwa | Toshinari Suwa |
Toshinobu Katsuya | Toshinobu Katsuya |
Toshinori Kondo | Toshinori Kondo |
Toshio Hirabayashi | Toshio Hirabayashi |
Toshio Iwatani | Toshio Iwatani |
Toshio Mashima | Toshio Mashima |
Toshio Masuda (componist) | Toshio Masuda (composer) |
Toshio Matsuura | Toshio Matsuura |
Toshio Miyaji | Toshio Miyaji |
Toshio Suzuki | Toshio Suzuki |
Toshio Suzuki (coureur) | Toshio Suzuki (racing driver) |
Toshio Suzuki (producer) | Toshio Suzuki (producer) |
Toshio Takabayashi | Toshio Takabayashi |
Toshiro Mayuzumi | Toshiro Mayuzumi |
Toshisada Nishida | Toshisada Nishida |
Toshiya Fujita | Toshiya Fujita |
Toshiyuki Abe | Toshiyuki Abe |
Toshiyuki Kosugi | Toshiyuki Kosugi |
Toshogu | Tōshō-gū |
Tosin Dosunmu | Tosin Dosunmu |
Toskisch | Tosk Albanian |
Tosna | Tosna River |
Tosos | Tosos |
Tosse | Tosse |
Tossiat | Tossiat |
Tostada | Tostada (tortilla) |
Tostado | Tostado, Santa Fe |
Tõstamaa | Tõstamaa Parish |
Tostat | Tostat |
Tosterglope | Tosterglope |
Tostes | Tostes |
Tosti | Croque-monsieur |
Tostig Godwinson | Tostig Godwinson |
Tosti-ijzer | Sandwich toaster |
Toston | Toston, Montana |
Tosylgroep | Tosyl |
Tosylmethylisocyanide | TosMIC |
Tószeg | Tószeg |
Toszek (gemeente) | Gmina Toszek |
Tot Ziens en Bedankt voor de Vis | So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish |
Tot zinken brengen van de Franse vloot in Toulon | Scuttling of the French fleet in Toulon |
Tota | Tota, Boyacá |
Totaalsynthese | Total synthesis |
Totaalvoetbal | Total Football |
Totak | Totak |
Total | Total S.A. |
Total Drama | Total Drama |
Total Drama Action | Total Drama Action |
Total Drama Island | Total Drama Island |
Total Drama World Tour | Total Drama World Tour |
Total Drama: All-Stars | Total Drama: All-Stars |
Total Drama: Revenge of the Island | Total Drama: Revenge of the Island |
Total Guitar | Total Guitar |
Total Intelligence Solutions | Total Intelligence Solutions |
Total loss (term) | Total loss |
Total quality management | Total quality management |
Total Recall | Total Recall |
Total Recall (1990) | Total Recall (1990 film) |
Total War | Total War (series) |
Total War: Rome 2 | Total War: Rome II |
Totale Communicatie | Total Communication |
Totale differentiaalvergelijking | Exact differential equation |
Totale harmonische vervorming | Total harmonic distortion |
Totale institutie | Total institution |
Totale interne reflectie | Total internal reflection |
Totale oorlog | Total war |
Totale orde | Total order |
Totale variatie | Total variation |
Totale vraag | Aggregate demand |
Totalitarisme | Totalitarianism |
Totally Spies | Totally Spies! |
Totally Unreal | Unreal (series) |
Tote Tante | Lumumba (drink) |
Totem | Totem |
Totem (software) | Totem (software) |
Totemisme | Totemism |
Totempaal | Totem pole |
Toteng | Toteng |
Totentanz (Liszt) | Totentanz (Liszt) |
Tôtes | Tôtes |
Toticoryx exilis | Toticoryx |
Totipotent | Cell potency |
Tótkomlós | Tótkomlós |
Totness | Totness, Suriname |
Toto (album) | Toto (album) |
Toto (band) | Toto |
Toto Bissainthe | Toto Bissainthe |
Toto le héros | Toto the Hero |
Totoaba macdonaldi | Totoaba |
Totomi (provincie) | Tōtōmi Province |
Totonaken | Totonac people |
Totonicapán (departement) | Totonicapán Department |
Totora | Totora |
Totora (gemeente) | Totora Municipality |
Totoral (departement) | Totoral Department |
Totori Nyantsen | Thothori Nyantsen |
Totoro | Totoro |
Totoró | Totoro, Cauca |
Totowa | Totowa, New Jersey |
Totoya | Totoya |
Tótszentgyörgy | Tótszentgyörgy |
Tótszentmárton | Tótszentmárton |
Tótszerdahely | Tótszerdahely |
Tottenham Court Road (metrostation) | Tottenham Court Road tube station |
Tottenham Hotspur FC | Tottenham Hotspur F.C. |
Totteridge and Whetstone | Totteridge and Whetstone tube station |
Tottleben | Tottleben |
Tottori (prefectuur) | Tottori Prefecture |
Tottori (stad) | Tottori, Tottori |
Töttös | Töttös |
Tótújfalu | Tótújfalu |
Tótvázsony | Tótvázsony |
Touba | Touba |
Touba (Ivoorkust) | Touba, Ivory Coast |
Touba (Senegal) | Touba, Senegal |
Toubacoro | Toubakoro |
Toubkal | Toubkal |
Touch | Touch (disambiguation) |
Touch (rivier) | Touch (river) |
Touch (televisieserie) | Touch (TV series) |
Touch of Evil | Touch of Evil |
Touchay | Touchay |
Touchdown | Touchdown |
Touché | Touché (disambiguation) |
Touched by an Angel | Touched by an Angel |
Touchet | Touchet, Washington |
Touching the Void (boek) | Touching the Void |
Touching the Void (film) | Touching the Void (film) |
Touchpad | Touchpad |
Touchstone | Touchstone |
Toucouleur | Toucouleur people |
Toucy | Toucy |
Toudon | Toudon |
Touët-de-l'Escarène | Touët-de-l'Escarène |
Touët-sur-Var | Touët-sur-Var |
Touffailles | Touffailles |
Toufflers | Toufflers |
Touffreville | Touffreville |
Touffréville | Touffréville |
Touffreville (Eure) | Touffreville, Eure |
Touffreville-la-Cable | Touffreville-la-Cable |
Touffreville-la-Corbeline | Touffreville-la-Corbeline |
Touffreville-sur-Eu | Touffreville-sur-Eu |
Toufik Zerara | Toufik Zerara |
Tougan | Tougan |
Touget | Touget |
Tough Guys | Tough Guys |
Tougouni | Tougouni |
Touille | Touille |
Touillon | Touillon |
Touit | Touit |
Toujouse | Toujouse |
Toukoroba | Toukoroba |
Toukoto | Toukoto |
Toulis-et-Attencourt | Toulis-et-Attencourt |
Toulo de Graffenried | Toulo de Graffenried |
Toulon (Illinois) | Toulon, Illinois |
Toulon Espoirs-toernooi | Toulon Tournament |
Toulonjac | Toulonjac |
Toulon-sur-Allier | Toulon-sur-Allier |
Toulouges | Toulouges |
Toulouse FC | Toulouse F.C. |
Toulouse FC (1937) | Toulouse FC (1937) |
Toulouse Fontaines Club | Toulouse Fontaines Club |
Toulouse-le-Château | Toulouse-le-Château |
Toulouzette | Toulouzette |
Toulx-Sainte-Croix | Toulx-Sainte-Croix |
Touna | Touna |
Touques | Touques |
Touques (Calvados) | Touques, Calvados |
Touques (rivier) | Touques (river) |
Touquettes | Touquettes |
Touquin | Touquin |
Tour de l'Aude Cycliste Féminin | Tour de l'Aude Cycliste Féminin |
Tour de Ski | Tour de Ski |
Tour de Ski 2010/2011 | 2010–11 Tour de Ski |
Tour Défense 2000 | Tour Défense 2000 |
Tour des Fjords | Rogaland GP |
Tour Down Under 2012 | 2012 Tour Down Under |
Tour du Mont Blanc | Tour du Mont Blanc |
Tour du Temple | Temple (Paris) |
Tour of Duty | Tour of Duty (TV series) |
Tour Phare | Phare Tower |
Tour Saint-Jacques | Saint-Jacques Tower |
Tourailles | Tourailles |
Tourakolomba | Tourakolomba |
Tourbes | Tourbes |
Tourbillon | Tourbillon |
Tourcelles-Chaumont | Tourcelles-Chaumont |
Tour-de-Faure | Tour-de-Faure |
Tourdun | Tourdun |
Tour-en-Bessin | Tour-en-Bessin |
Tour-en-Sologne | Tour-en-Sologne |
Tourette-du-Château | Tourette-du-Château |
Tourgéville | Tourgéville |
Touriga Franca | Touriga Francesa |
Touriga Nacional | Touriga Nacional |
Touring Club Suisse | Touring Club Suisse |
Touringcar | Coach (bus) |
Tourism | Tourism (Roxette album) |
Tourist (album) | Tourist (Saint Germain album) |
Touriya Haoud | Touriya Haoud |
Tourliac | Tourliac |
Tourly | Tourly |
Tourmignies | Tourmignies |
Tourmont | Tourmont |
Tournaisien | Tournaisian |
Tournai-sur-Dive | Tournai-sur-Dive |
Tournament of Champions | WTA Tournament of Champions |
Tournament of Champions (PGA Tour) | Hyundai Tournament of Champions |
Tournament of Champions 2012 | 2012 Qatar Airways Tournament of Champions |
Tournan | Tournan, Gers |
Tournavaux | Tournavaux |
Tournay-sur-Odon | Tournay-sur-Odon |
Tournebu | Tournebu |
Tournecoupe | Tournecoupe |
Tournedos-Bois-Hubert | Tournedos-Bois-Hubert |
Tournedos-sur-Seine | Tournedos-sur-Seine |
Tournefort | Tournefort, Alpes-Maritimes |
Tournemire (Aveyron) | Tournemire, Aveyron |
Tournemire (Cantal) | Tournemire, Cantal |
Tournes | Tournes |
Tourneville | Tourneville |
Tournières | Tournières |
Tourniquet | Tourniquet (disambiguation) |
Tourniquet (band) | Tourniquet (band) |
Tourniquet (draaihek) | Turnstile |
Tourniquet (geneeskunde) | Tourniquet |
Tournissan | Tournissan |
Tournoisis | Tournoisis |
Tournon | Tournon, Savoie |
Tournon-d'Agenais | Tournon-d'Agenais |
Tournon-Saint-Martin | Tournon-Saint-Martin |
Tournon-Saint-Pierre (gemeente) | Tournon-Saint-Pierre |
Tournous-Darré | Tournous-Darré |
Tournous-Devant | Tournous-Devant |
Tourny | Tourny |
Touro (Spanje) | Touro, A Coruña |
Touroperator | Tour operator |
Tourouvre | Tourouvre |
Tourouzelle | Tourouzelle |
Tourreilles | Tourreilles |
Tourrenquets | Tourrenquets |
Tourrette-Levens | Tourrette-Levens |
Tourrettes | Tourrettes, Var |
Tourriers | Tourriers |
Tours FC | Tours F.C. |
Tours-en-Savoie | Tours-en-Savoie |
Tours-en-Vimeu | Tours-en-Vimeu |
Tours-sur-Marne | Tours-sur-Marne |
Tours-sur-Meymont | Tours-sur-Meymont |
Tourtenay | Tourtenay |
Tourtoirac | Tourtoirac |
Tourtouse | Tourtouse |
Tourtrès | Tourtrès |
Tourtrol | Tourtrol |
Tourville | French ship Tourville |
Tourville (D 610) | French frigate Tourville (D 610) |
Tourville-en-Auge | Tourville-en-Auge |
Tourville-la-Campagne | Tourville-la-Campagne |
Tourville-la-Chapelle | Tourville-la-Chapelle |
Tourville-la-Rivière | Tourville-la-Rivière |
Tourville-les-Ifs | Tourville-les-Ifs |
Tourville-sur-Arques | Tourville-sur-Arques |
Tourville-sur-Odon | Tourville-sur-Odon |
Tourville-sur-Pont-Audemer | Tourville-sur-Pont-Audemer |
Tourville-sur-Sienne | Tourville-sur-Sienne |
Toury-Lurcy | Toury-Lurcy |
Toury-sur-Jour | Toury-sur-Jour |
Tous | Tous, Valencia |
Tous les garçons et les filles | Tous les garçons et les filles |
Tous les matins du monde | Tous les Matins du Monde |
Toussaint | Toussaint |
Toussaint (Frankrijk) | Toussaint, Seine-Maritime |
Toussaint Fafchamps | Toussaint-Henry-Joseph Fafchamps |
Tousséguéla | Tousseguela |
Toussieu | Toussieu |
Toussieux | Toussieux |
Tousson | Tousson |
Toussus-le-Noble | Toussus-le-Noble |
Tout le monde en parle | Tout le monde en parle |
Toutainville | Toutainville |
Toutatis (planetoïde) | 4179 Toutatis |
Toutenant | Toutenant |
Toutencourt | Toutencourt |
Toutens | Toutens |
Toutlemonde | Toutlemonde |
Toutry | Toutry |
Touvérac | Touvérac |
Touville | Touville |
Touvois | Touvois |
Touvre | Touvre |
Touw | Rope |
Touwbekercultuur | Corded Ware culture |
Touwbrug van Carrick-a-Rede | Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge |
Touwsrivier | Touws River (town) |
Touwtjespringen | Skipping rope |
Touwtrekken | Tug of war |
Touwtrekken op de Olympische Zomerspelen | Tug of war at the Summer Olympics |
Touwtrekken op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1900 | Tug of war at the 1900 Summer Olympics |
Touzac | Touzac |
Touzac (Charente) | Touzac, Charente |
Touzac (Lot) | Touzac, Lot |
Töv | Töv Province |
Tovačov | Tovačov |
Tovah Feldshuh | Tovah Feldshuh |
Tovar | Tovar |
Tovar (Aragua) | Tovar Municipality, Aragua |
Tovaria | Tovaria |
Tovarné | Tovarné |
Tovarnianska Polianka | Tovarnianska Polianka |
Tove Ditlevsen | Tove Ditlevsen |
Tovenaar-koning van Angmar | Witch-king of Angmar |
Tovéř | Tovéř |
Toveralen | Nettastomatidae |
Toverbal (snoep) | Gobstopper |
Toverdrank | Potion |
Toverhazelaar | Witch-hazel |
Toverlantaarn | Magic lantern |
Toverspreuk | Magic word |
Toverstaf | Wand |
Tovo di Sant'Agata | Tovo di Sant'Agata |
Tovuz | Tovuz, Azerbaijan |
Tovuz (district) | Tovuz Rayon |
Tow boat ride | Tow boat ride |
Towada (stad) | Towada, Aomori |
Towanda (Kansas) | Towanda, Kansas |
Towanda (Pennsylvania) | Towanda, Pennsylvania |
Towcester | Towcester |
Towednack | Towednack |
Towel Day | Towel Day |
Towelhead | Towelhead (film) |
Tower Gateway (metrostation) | Tower Gateway DLR station |
Tower Hamlets | London Borough of Tower Hamlets |
Tower Heist | Tower Heist |
Tower Hill | Tower Hill (disambiguation) |
Tower Hill (metrostation) | Tower Hill tube station |
Tower of London | Tower of London (disambiguation) |
Tower of London (gebouw) | Tower of London |
Tower of Terror | Tower of Terror |
Tower of Terror (Dreamworld) | Tower of Terror II |
Tower of Terror (film) | Tower of Terror (film) |
Town | Town |
Town and Country | Town and Country |
Town and Country (Missouri) | Town and Country, Missouri |
Town charter | Municipal charter |
Town of 1770 | 1770, Queensland |
Town of Bassendean | Town of Bassendean |
Town of Cambridge | Town of Cambridge |
Town of Claremont | Town of Claremont |
Town of Cottesloe | Town of Cottesloe |
Town of East Fremantle | Town of East Fremantle |
Town of Gawler | Town of Gawler |
Town of Kwinana | City of Kwinana |
Town of Mosman Park | Town of Mosman Park |
Town of Narrogin | Town of Narrogin |
Town of Port Hedland | Town of Port Hedland |
Town of Victoria Park | Town of Victoria Park |
Town of Vincent | City of Vincent |
Town of Walkerville | Town of Walkerville |
Towner | Towner, North Dakota |
Towner County | Towner County, North Dakota |
Towns | Towns |
Towns County | Towns County, Georgia |
Townsend (Delaware) | Townsend, Delaware |
Townsend (Montana) | Townsend, Montana |
Townsend Coleman | Townsend Coleman |
Townsendchipmunk | Townsend's chipmunk |
Townsendgrondeekhoorn | Townsend's ground squirrel |
Townsendmol | Townsend's mole |
Townsends pijlstormvogel | Townsend's Shearwater |
Townsendwoelmuis | Townsend's vole |
Township | Township (disambiguation) |
Township (Verenigde Staten) | Township (United States) |
Township (Zuid-Afrika) | Township (South Africa) |
Township Rollers | Township Rollers F.C. |
Townsville | Townsville, Queensland |
Towong Shire | Shire of Towong |
Towson | Towson, Maryland |
Towton | Towton |
Towutimeer | Lake Towuti |
Toxafeen | Toxaphene |
Toxandrië | Toxandria |
Toxascaris leonina | Toxascaris leonina |
Toxic | Toxicity (disambiguation) |
Toxic (Britney Spears) | Toxic (song) |
Toxicity | Toxicity (album) |
Toxicity (single) | Toxicity (song) |
Toxicologie | Toxicology |
Toxin | Toxin (comics) |
Toxine | Toxin |
Toxische epidermale necrolyse | Toxic epidermal necrolysis |
Toxischeshocksyndroom | Toxic shock syndrome |
Toxocariasis | Toxocariasis |
Toxoplasmose | Toxoplasmosis |
Toxopneustes pileolus | Flower urchin |
Toxostoma | Toxostoma |
Toxotes jaculatrix | Banded archerfish |
Toy | Toy (disambiguation) |
Toy Dolls | Toy Dolls |
Toy Machine | Toy Machine |
Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop | Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop |
Toya | Toya, Mali |
Toyama | Toyama |
Toyama (prefectuur) | Toyama Prefecture |
Toyama (stad) | Toyama, Toyama |
Toyman | Toyman |
Toyo (provincie) | Toyo Province |
Toyo Shibata | Toyo Shibata |
Toyoake | Toyoake, Aichi |
Toyohashi | Toyohashi, Aichi |
Toyohito Mochizuki | Toyohito Mochizuki |
Toyokawa | Toyokawa, Aichi |
Toyota (doorverwijspagina) | Toyota (disambiguation) |
Toyota (stad) | Toyota, Aichi |
Toyota A-BAT | Toyota concept vehicles, 2000–2009 |
Toyota Allion | Toyota Allion |
Toyota Aygo | Toyota Aygo |
Toyota Center | Toyota Center |
Toyota GT86 | Toyota 86 |
Toyota Hilux | Toyota Hi-Lux |
Toyota MR2 | Toyota MR2 |
Toyota Owners 400 | Toyota Owners 400 |
Toyota Park | Toyota Park |
Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile | Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile Czech |
Toyota Picnic | Toyota Ipsum |
Toyota Previa | Toyota Previa |
Toyota Racing | Toyota Racing |
Toyota Racing Series | Toyota Racing Series |
Toyota TS030 Hybrid | Toyota TS030 Hybrid |
Toyota Verso | Toyota Corolla Verso |
Toyotastadion | Toyota Stadium |
Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team | Toyota-United |
Toys "R" Us | Toys "R" Us |
Toys For Bob | Toys for Bob |
Tozeur (gouvernement) | Tozeur Governorate |
TP Mazembe | TP Mazembe |
TP-47 Tornio | TP-47 |
T'Pau (muziek) | T'Pau (band) |
TPG | TPG (disambiguation) |
TP-Link | TP-Link |
T'Pol | T'Pol |
TPS Turku (ijshockey) | HC TPS |
TPS Turku (voetbal) | Turun Palloseura |
TPT (software) | TPT (software) |
TPV Tampere | Tampereen Pallo-Veikot |
TQ | TQ (singer) |
Tra le sollecitudini | Tra le sollecitudini |
Trà Vinh (provincie) | Trà Vinh Province |
Traagheid | Inertia |
Traagheidskoppel | Inertia coupling |
Traagheidsmoment | Moment of inertia |
Traagheidsnavigatie | Inertial navigation system |
Traagheidsstraal | Radius of gyration |
Traagschuim | Memory foam |
Traan (oog) | Tears |
Traanbeen | Lacrimal bone |
Traanbuis | Nasolacrimal duct |
Traangas | Tear gas |
Traanheuvel | Lacrimal caruncle |
Traanklier | Lacrimal gland |
Traanplaat | Diamond plate |
Trabada | Trabada |
Trabant | Trabant |
Trabeculair netwerk | Trabecular meshwork |
Trabelsi | Trabelsi |
Trabiju | Trabiju |
Trąbki Wielkie | Trąbki Wielkie |
Trąbki Wielkie (gemeente) | Gmina Trąbki Wielkie |
Trabzon (provincie) | Trabzon Province |
Trabzonspor | Trabzonspor |
Tracadie-Sheila | Tracadie–Sheila |
Trace (band) | Trace (band) |
Traceerbaarheid | Traceability |
Tracey Moffatt | Tracey Moffatt |
Trachea | Trachea |
Tracheïde | Tracheid |
Tracheïtis | Tracheitis |
Trachelomonas | Trachelomonas |
Trachelophorus giraffa | Giraffe weevil |
Tracheloptychus | Tracheloptychus |
Trachemys | Trachemys |
Trachemys adiutrix | Maranhão slider |
Trachemys callirostris | Colombian slider |
Trachemys decorata | Hispaniolan slider |
Trachemys decussata | Cuban slider |
Trachemys emolli | Nicaraguan slider |
Trachemys gaigeae | Big bend slider |
Trachemys nebulosa | Baja California slider |
Trachemys stejnegeri | Central Antillean slider |
Trachemys taylori | Cuatro Ciénegas slider |
Trachemys venusta | Meso-American slider |
Trachemys yaquia | Yaqui slider |
Tracheomalacie | Tracheomalacia |
Tracheotomie | Tracheotomy |
Trachiet | Trachyte |
Trachiniae | Women of Trachis |
Trachinotus | Pompano |
Trachinus | Trachinus |
Trachinus araneus | Spotted weever |
Trachinus radiatus | Starry weever |
Trachoom | Trachoma |
Trachselwald (district) | Trachselwald District |
Trachurus | Trachurus |
Trachurus japonicus | Japanese horse mackerel |
Trachurus mediterraneus | Mediterranean horse mackerel |
Trachurus murphyi | Chilean jack mackerel |
Trachyboa | Trachyboa |
Trachycarpus | Trachycarpus |
Trachycephalus | Trachycephalus |
Trachycephalus mesophaeus | Porto Alegre golden-eyed tree frog |
Trachycephalus resinifictrix | Mission golden-eyed tree frog |
Trachycephalus typhonius | Veined tree frog |
Trachylepis | Trachylepis |
Trachyphonus | Trachyphonus |
Trachypithecus germaini | Indochinese lutung |
Trachypithecus johnii | Nilgiri langur |
Trachypithecus shortridgei | Shortridge's langur |
Trachypithecus vetulus | Purple-faced langur |
Trachypoma macracanthus | Toadstool groper |
Traci Abbott | Traci Abbott Connolly |
Track | Track |
Track (radar) | Course (navigation) |
Track Records | Track Records |
Trackback | Trackback |
Tracking error | Tracking error |
Tracking shot | Tracking shot |
Trackmania2 | TrackMania 2: Canyon |
Tractatus de intellectus emendatione | Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione |
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus | Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus |
Tractatus theologico-politicus | Tractatus Theologico-Politicus |
Tractiebatterij | Electric vehicle battery |
Tractiecontrole | Traction control system |
Tractiemachine | Traction engine |
Tractografie | Tractography |
Tractor | Tractor |
Tractor pulling | Tractor pulling |
Tractor Sazi FC | Tractor Sazi F.C. |
Tractrix | Tractrix |
Tractus | Tract |
Tractus (liturgie) | Tract (liturgy) |
Tractuur | Tracker action |
Tracy (Californië) | Tracy, California |
Tracy Bonham | Tracy Bonham |
Tracy Brookshaw | Tracy Brookshaw |
Tracy Caldwell Dyson | Tracy Caldwell Dyson |
Tracy City | Tracy City, Tennessee |
Tracy di Vicenzo | Tracy Bond |
Tracy Hall | Tracy Hall |
Tracy Nelson | Tracy Nelson (actress) |
Tracy-Bocage | Tracy-Bocage |
Tracy-le-Mont | Tracy-le-Mont |
Tracy-le-Val | Tracy-le-Val |
Tracy-sur-Loire | Tracy-sur-Loire |
Tracy-sur-Mer | Tracy-sur-Mer |
Trade | Trade (film) |
Trade Air | Trade Air |
Trade Federation | Trade Federation |
Trades | Trades |
Tradescantia | Tradescantia |
Tradescantia fluminensis | Tradescantia fluminensis |
Tradescantia spathacea | Tradescantia spathacea |
Tradescantia zebrina | Tradescantia zebrina |
Trädgårdsföreningens park | Garden Society of Gothenburg |
Trading Places | Trading Places |
Traditie (christendom) | Sacred tradition |
Traditional Anglican Communion | Traditional Anglican Communion |
Traditionalisme | Traditionalism |
Traditionalisme (architectuur) | Traditionalist School (architecture) |
Traditionalisme (filosofie) | Traditionalist School |
Traditionalisme (katholicisme) | Traditionalist Catholic |
Traditioneel klimmen | Traditional climbing |
Traditionele animatie | Traditional animation |
Traditionele Chinese geneeskunde | Traditional Chinese medicine |
Traditionele Chinese karakters | Traditional Chinese |
Traditionele Chinese opvatting over de oudste Chinese geschiedenis | Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors |
Traditionele graafschappen van Engeland | Historic counties of England |
Traducianisme | Traducianism |
Trae | Trae tha Truth |
Traeth Mawr | Traeth Mawr |
Trafaria | Trafaria |
Traffic | Traffic (disambiguation) |
Traffic (band) | Traffic (band) |
Traffic (film) | Traffic (2000 film) |
Traffic alert and collision avoidance system | Traffic collision avoidance system |
Traffic Giant | Traffic Giant |
Traffic Message Channel | Traffic message channel |
Trafic | Trafic |
Tragacanth | Tragacanth |
Tragacete | Tragacete |
Tragedie (toneel) | Tragedy |
Tragédie lyrique | Tragédie en musique |
Tragedie van de meent | Tragedy of the commons |
Tragger Hippy | Trigger Happy TV |
Tragikomedie | Tragicomedy |
Tragische week | Tragic Week (Catalonia) |
Tragopan | Tragopan |
Tragopogon | Tragopogon |
Tragopogon pratensis | Tragopogon pratensis |
Tragus | Tragus |
Tragus (anatomie) | Tragus (ear) |
Tragus (geslacht) | Tragus (genus) |
Traguspiercing | Tragus piercing |
Traian Vuia International Airport | Traian Vuia International Airport |
Traianos Dellas | Traianos Dellas |
Traíd | Traíd |
Traiguén | Traiguén |
Traiguera | Traiguera |
Trail of Tears | Trail of Tears |
Trail of the Pink Panther | Trail of the Pink Panther |
Trailer | Trailer |
Trailerhelling | Slipway |
Traill County | Traill County, North Dakota |
Train | Train (disambiguation) |
Train (band) | Train (band) |
Train (Beieren) | Train, Bavaria |
Train (film) | Train (film) |
Train à Grande Vitesse | TGV |
Train of Thought (Dream Theater) | Train of Thought (Dream Theater album) |
Trainen | Training |
Trainer | Coach (sport) |
Traînou | Traînou |
Trainspotting | Trainspotting (film) |
Trairi | Trairi |
Traisen | Traisen |
Traisen (Nahe) | Traisen, Germany |
Traisen (Neder-Oostenrijk) | Traisen, Austria |
Traiteur | Traiteur (culinary profession) |
Traitor | Traitor (disambiguation) |
Traitorous Eight | Traitorous eight |
Traize | Traize |
Trajan | Trajan (typeface) |
Traject | Trajectory |
Trajectcontrole | SPECS (speed camera) |
Trakai (gemeente) | Trakai District Municipality |
Traktaat van de drie bedriegers | Treatise of the Three Impostors |
Tralaigues | Tralaigues |
Tralie (natuurkunde) | Diffraction grating |
Tralie (wiskunde) | Lattice (order) |
Traliestinkzwam | Clathrus ruber |
Tralonca | Tralonca |
Tram | Tram |
Tram in Opper-Silezië | Silesian Interurbans |
Tram van Alexandrië | Trams in Alexandria |
Tram van Alicante | Alicante Tram |
Tram van Angers | Angers tramway |
Tram van Bazel | Trams in Basel |
Tram van Berlijn | Berlin tram |
Tram van Bern | Trams in Bern |
Tram van Boedapest | Trams in Budapest |
Tram van Bordeaux | Bordeaux tramway |
Tram van Brest | Brest Tramway |
Tram van Casablanca | Casablanca tramway |
Tram van Dijon | Dijon Tramway |
Tram van Gdańsk | Tramways in Gdańsk |
Tram van Genève | Trams in Geneva |
Tram van Gmunden | Gmunden Tramway |
Tram van Göteborg | Gothenburg tram network |
Tram van Grenoble | Grenoble tramway |
Tram van Hamburg | Trams in Hamburg |
Tram van Helsinki | Helsinki tram |
Tram van Hongkong | Hong Kong Tramways |
Tram van Île-de-France | Tramways in Île-de-France |
Tram van Le Havre | Tramway du Havre |
Tram van Le Mans | Le Mans tramway |
Tram van Linz | Trams in Linz |
Tram van Lissabon | Trams in Lisbon |
Tram van Łódź | Tramways in Łódź |
Tram van Lyon | Lyon tramway |
Tram van Marseille | Marseille tramway |
Tram van Messina | Trams in Messina |
Tram van Montpellier | Montpellier tramway |
Tram van Moskou | Trams in Moscow |
Tram van Mulhouse | Mulhouse tramway |
Tram van Nantes | Nantes Tramway |
Tram van Nice | Nice tramway |
Tram van Norrköping | Trams in Norrköping |
Tram van Nottingham | Nottingham Express Transit |
Tram van Orléans | Orléans tramway |
Tram van Poznań | Tramways in Poznań |
Tram van Praag | Trams in Prague |
Tram van Rabat | Rabat-Salé tramway |
Tram van Reims | Reims tramway |
Tram van Rijsel | Lille tramway |
Tram van Rouen | Rouen tramway |
Tram van Saint-Étienne | Saint-Étienne tramway |
Tram van Sint-Petersburg | Tramways in Saint Petersburg |
Tram van Stockholm | Trams in Stockholm |
Tram van Straatsburg | Strasbourg tramway |
Tram van Szczecin | Trams in Szczecin |
Tram van Valenciennes | Valenciennes tramway |
Tram van Warschau | Warsaw Tramway |
Tram van Wenen | Trams in Vienna |
Tram van Wrocław | Tramways in Wrocław |
Tram van Zaragoza | Zaragoza tram |
Trama | Trama (mycology) |
Tramacastiel | Tramacastiel |
Tramacastilla | Tramacastilla |
Tramain | Tramain |
Tramayes | Tramayes |
Tramazoline | Tramazoline |
Trambaix | Trambaix |
Trambesòs | Trambesòs |
Trambly | Trambly |
Tramea carolina | Tramea carolina |
Tramea lacerata | Black Saddlebags |
Tramea onusta | Red-mantled Saddlebags |
Tramecourt | Tramecourt |
Tramery | Tramery |
Tramezaïgues | Tramezaïgues |
Tramhalte | Tram stop |
Tramin an der Weinstraße | Tramin an der Weinstraße |
Tramitichromis brevis | Tramitichromis brevis |
Tramlijn 4 (Charleroi) | Charleroi Metro line 4 |
Tramlijn 4 (Île-de-France) | Île-de-France tramway Line 4 |
Tramlijn 7 (Stockholm) | Spårväg City |
Tramlijn A (Bordeaux) | Bordeaux Tramway Line A |
Tramlijn B (Bordeaux) | Bordeaux Tramway Line B |
Tramlijn Begeerte | A Streetcar Named Desire |
Tramlijn C (Bordeaux) | Bordeaux Tramway Line C |
Tramlijn Zutphen - Emmerik | Tramweg Maatschappij Zutphen-Emmerik |
Tramm | Tramm |
Tramm (Lauenburg) | Tramm, Schleswig-Holstein |
Tramm (Mecklenburg) | Tramm, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Trammuseum Skjoldenæsholm | Danish Tramway Museum |
Trammuseum van de ASVi | ASVi museum |
Tramolé | Tramolé |
Tramontana | Tramontana |
Tramont-Émy | Tramont-Émy |
Tramonti | Tramonti, Campania |
Tramont-Lassus | Tramont-Lassus |
Tramont-Saint-André | Tramont-Saint-André |
Tramoyes | Tramoyes |
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp | Tramp, Tramp, Tramp |
Trampe-fietslift | Trampe bicycle lift |
Trampoline | Trampoline |
Trampot | Trampot |
Tram-Train van Lyon | Tram-train de l'ouest lyonnais |
Tramtrein | Tram-train |
Tramway du Mont Blanc | Mont Blanc Tramway |
Tramway Français Standard | Tramway Français Standard |
Tramway Touristique de l'Aisne | Tramway Touristique de l'Aisne |
Trần Anh Hùng | Tran Anh Hung |
Trần Đức Lương | Tran Duc Luong |
Trana | Trana |
Tranås (gemeente) | Tranås Municipality |
Tranås (stad) | Tranås |
Trancas | Trancas, Argentina |
Trancas (departement) | Trancas Department |
Trancault | Trancault |
Trance | Trance (disambiguation) |
Trance (bewustzijn) | Trance |
Trance (muziek) | Trance music |
Trancoso (Bahia) | Trancoso, Bahia |
Trancrainville | Trancrainville |
Trandeiras | Trandeiras |
Tran-dynastie | Trần Dynasty |
Tranekær | Tranekær Municipality |
Tranemo (gemeente) | Tranemo Municipality |
Tranemo (plaats) | Tranemo |
Trang (stad) | Trang, Thailand |
Trangé | Trangé |
Trånghalla | Trånghalla |
Trango Towers | Trango Towers |
Trångsviken | Trångsviken |
Tranmere Rovers FC | Tranmere Rovers F.C. |
Trannes | Trannes |
Třanovice | Třanovice |
Tranqueville-Graux | Tranqueville-Graux |
Tranquilandia | Tranquilandia |
Trans (Frankrijk) | Trans, Mayenne |
Trans (Zwitserland) | Trans, Switzerland |
Trans Europ Express | Trans Europ Express |
Trans European Airways | Trans European Airways |
Trans Mediterranean Airways | TMA Cargo |
Trans World Radio | Trans World Radio |
Transactie | Transaction |
Transactie (dataopslag) | Database transaction |
Transactiekosten | Transaction cost |
Transactinide | Transactinide element |
Transaction Capabilities Application Part | Transaction Capabilities Application Part |
Transaction Processing Facility | Transaction Processing Facility |
Transactionele analyse | Transactional analysis |
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society | Transactions of the American Mathematical Society |
Transaero Airlines | Transaero Airlines |
Trans-Afghanistan-pijpleiding | Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline |
Trans-Afrikaanse weg 6 | Ndjamena–Djibouti Highway |
Trans-Afrikaanse wegennetwerk | Trans-African Highway network |
Trans-Alaska pijpleiding | Trans-Alaska Pipeline System |
Trans-Am Series | Trans-Am Series |
Transamazonica | Trans-Amazonian highway |
Transamerica | Transamerica (film) |
Transaminering | Transamination |
Transantarctisch Gebergte | Transantarctic Mountains |
Trans-Arabische Pijpleiding | Trans-Arabian Pipeline |
Transatlantic | Transatlantic (band) |
Transatlanticism | Transatlanticism |
Trans-Atlantische driehoekshandel | Triangular trade |
Trans-Atlantische slavenhandel | Atlantic slave trade |
Trans-Atlantische tunnel | Transatlantic tunnel |
Trans-Atlantische vlucht | Transatlantic flight |
Trans-Australian Railway | Trans-Australian Railway |
Transavia Denmark ApS | Transavia Denmark | | | France | France |
Transbaikal | Transbaikal |
Trans-Canada Highway | Trans-Canada Highway |
Transcendent | Transcendence |
Transcendent getal | Transcendental number |
Transcendentalisme | Transcendentalism |
Transcendente functie | Transcendental function |
Transcendente meditatie | Transcendental Meditation |
Transcendentie (filosofie) | Transcendence (philosophy) |
Transcoderen | Transcoding |
Transcontinental Railroad | First Transcontinental Railroad |
Transcontinentale spoorlijn | Transcontinental railroad |
Transcontinentale staat | Transcontinental country |
Transcraniële magnetische stimulatie | Transcranial magnetic stimulation |
Transcriptie | Transcription |
Transcriptie (biologie) | Transcription (genetics) |
Transcriptie (muziek) | Transcription (music) |
Transcriptie (taal) | Transcription (linguistics) |
Transdanubië | Transdanubia |
Transdanubisch Middelgebergte | Transdanubian Mountains |
Transdev | Transdev |
Transdifferentiatie | Transdifferentiation |
Transductie (genetica) | Transduction (genetics) |
Transept | Transept |
Transesterificatie | Transesterification |
Trans-Europe Express | Trans-Europe Express (album) |
Trans-Europese Netwerken | Trans-European Networks |
Transfer | Transfer |
Transfer (sport) | Transfer (association football) |
Transfer RNA | Transfer RNA |
Transferase | Transferase |
Transferfunctie | Transfer function |
Transferrine | Transferrin |
Transfiguratiekathedraal (Chabarovsk) | Transfiguration Cathedral, Khabarovsk |
Transfiguratiekathedraal (Dnjepropetrovsk) | Transfiguration Cathedral, Dnipropetrovsk |
Transfiguratiekathedraal (Odessa) | Odessa Cathedral |
Transfiguratiekathedraal (Sint-Petersburg) | Transfiguration Cathedral (Saint Petersburg) |
Transfiguratiekathedraal (Toljatti) | Transfiguration Cathedral (Tolyatti) |
Transfiniet getal | Transfinite number |
Transfiniete inductie | Transfinite induction |
Transfluthrin | Transfluthrin |
Transfobie | Transphobia |
Transformatie (genetica) | Transformation (genetics) |
Transformatie (taalkunde) | Transformational grammar |
Transformatie (wiskunde) | Transformation (function) |
Transformator | Transformer |
Transformbreuk | Transform fault |
Transformer | Transformer (album) |
Transformers | Transformers (fiction) |
Transformers (computerspel uit 2004) | Transformers (2004 video game) |
Transformers (film) | Transformers (movie) |
Transformers (speelgoed) | Transformers (toy line) |
Transformers: Armada | Transformers: Armada |
Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals | Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals |
Transformers: Cybertron | Transformers: Cybertron |
Transformers: Dark of the Moon | Transformers: Dark of the Moon |
Transformers: Energon | Transformers: Energon |
Transformers: Generation 2 | Transformers: Generation 2 |
Transformers: Prime | Transformers: Prime |
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen |
Transformers: Robots in Disguise | Transformers: Robots in Disguise |
Transformers: Super-God Masterforce | Transformers: Super-God Masterforce |
Transformers: The Game | Transformers: The Game |
Transformers: The Headmasters | Transformers: The Headmasters |
Transformers: Victory | Transformers: Victory |
Transformers: Zone | Transformers: Zone |
Transformice | Transformice |
Transformisme (politiek) | Trasformismo |
Transgeen organisme | Transgene |
Transgenderisme | Transgender |
Transglutaminase | Transglutaminase |
Transgressie | Marine transgression |
Transhimalaya | Transhimalaya |
Transhumance | Transhumance |
Transhumanisme | Transhumanism |
Transilien U | Transilien La Défense |
Transistorradio | Transistor radio |
Transistor-transistorlogica | Transistor-transistor logic |
Transit (navigatiesysteem) | Transit (satellite) |
Transitieobject | Comfort object |
Transitiestad | Transition Towns |
Transitieve afsluiting | Transitive closure |
Transition Minimized Differential Signaling | Transition-minimized differential signaling |
Transitiviteit (taalkunde) | Transitivity (grammar) |
Transitiviteit (wiskunde) | Transitive relation |
Transi-tombe | Cadaver tomb |
Transit-oriented development | Transit-oriented development |
Transjordanië | Transjordan |
Transkaspische slaapmuis | Masked mouse-tailed dormouse |
Trans-Kaspische spoorlijn | Trans-Caspian railway |
Transkaukasië | South Caucasus |
Transkaukasische Federatieve Republiek | Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic |
Transkaukasische Socialistische Federatieve Sovjetrepubliek | Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic |
Transkritische bifurcatie | Transcritical bifurcation |
Trans-la-Forêt | Trans-la-Forêt |
Translatie (biologie) | Translation (genetics) |
Translatie (meetkunde) | Translation (geometry) |
Translatief | Translative case |
Translatiefeest | Translation (relic) |
Translatiesymmetrie | Translational symmetry |
Translation look-aside buffer | Translation lookaside buffer |
Translink | Translink |
TransLink (Brits-Columbia) | TransLink (British Columbia) |
Translink (Noord-Ierland) | Translink (Northern Ireland) |
Transliteratie | Transliteration |
Translocatie | Chromosomal translocation |
Trans-Mantsjoerische spoorlijn | Chinese Eastern Railway |
Trans-Mara | Trans Mara District |
Transmat | Transmat |
Transmetallatie | Transmetalation |
Trans-Mexicaanse Vulkanengordel | Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt |
Transmigrasi | Transmigration program |
Transmile Air Services | Transmile Air Services |
Transmissie (straling) | Transmittance |
Transmissielijn | Transmission line |
Transmission (software) | Transmission (BitTorrent client) |
Transmission Voie-Machine | Transmission Voie-Machine |
Transmissometer | Transmissometer |
Trans-Mongolische spoorlijn | Trans-Mongolian Railway |
Transmorphers | Transmorphers |
Transnational Institute | Transnational Institute |
Transnationale Universiteit Limburg | Transnational University Limburg |
Transneptunisch object | Trans-Neptunian object |
Transnistrië | Transnistria |
Transnistrisch conflict | War of Transnistria |
Transnistrische roebel | Transnistrian ruble |
Trans-Nzoia | Trans-Nzoia County |
Transoxanië | Transoxiana |
Transpadaanse Republiek | Transpadane Republic |
Transparantie | Transparency |
Transparantie (markt) | Transparency (market) |
Transparantie (optiek) | Transparency and translucency |
Transparantie (politiek) | Transparency (behavior) |
Transpecos-rattenslang | Bogertophis subocularis |
TransPennine Express | First TransPennine Express |
Transpersoonlijke psychologie | Transpersonal psychology |
Transpiranto | Transpiranto |
Transpiratie (biologie) | Transpiration |
Transplantatie | Organ transplant |
Transponder | Transponder |
Transponeren (muziek) | Transposition (music) |
Transponerend instrument | Transposing instrument |
Transport | Transport (disambiguation) |
Transport Canada | Transport Canada |
Transport FC | Transport F.C. |
Transportbrug van Rochefort-Martrou | Rochefort-Martrou Transporter Bridge |
Transporteconomie | Transport economics |
Transporter | Transporter (Star Trek) |
Transporter 3 | Transporter 3 |
Transportlaag | Transport layer |
Transportmanagementsysteem | Transportation management system |
Transportproteïne | Transport protein |
Transports en Commun Lyonnais | Transports en commun lyonnais |
Transports Internationaux Routiers | TIR Convention |
Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona | Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona |
Transports publics de la région Lausannoise | Public transport in the Lausanne Region |
Transports Publics du Chablais | Transports Publics du Chablais |
Transports Publics Genevois | Geneva Public Transport |
Transportverzekering | Marine insurance |
Transpositie (schaken) | Transposition (chess) |
Transpositie van de grote vaten | Transposition of the great vessels |
Transseksualiteit | Transsexualism |
Transsiberian | Transsiberian (film) |
Trans-Siberische spoorlijn | Trans-Siberian railway |
Trans-Siberische weg | Trans-Siberian Highway |
Transsonische snelheid | Transonic |
Transsubstantiatie | Transubstantiation |
Transsudaat | Transudate |
Trans-sur-Erdre | Trans-sur-Erdre |
Transsylvanië | Transylvania |
Transsylvanische Alpen | Southern Carpathians |
Transthyretine | Transthyretin |
Transuraan element | Transuranium element |
Transvaalbuurt (Amsterdam) | Transvaalbuurt (Amsterdam) |
Transvaalse pootjesslang | Transvaal Grass Lizard |
Transversale golf | Transverse wave |
Transversaliteit | Transversality (mathematics) |
Transvet | Trans fat |
Trans-Wolgaregio | Transvolga |
Transworld Skateboarding | Transworld Skateboarding |
Transylvania | Transylvania (disambiguation) |
TranSylvania (film) | Transylvania (film) |
Transylvania County | Transylvania County, North Carolina |
Tranzault | Tranzault |
Trap | Trap |
Trap (gebouw) | Stairs |
Trap (muziek) | Degree (music) |
Trap Muzik | Trap Muzik |
Trapagaran | Valle de Trápaga-Trapagaran |
Trapani (provincie) | Province of Trapani |
Trapas | Bottom bracket |
Trapauto | Quadracycle |
Trapeze | Trapeze (disambiguation) |
Trapeze (band) | Trapeze (band) |
Trapeze (film) | Trapeze (film) |
Trapeze (turnen) | Trapeze |
Trapeze (zeilen) | Trapeze (sailing) |
Trapeziidae | Trapeziidae |
Trapezioidea | Trapezioidea |
Trapezium | Trapezoid |
Trapeziumregel | Trapezoidal rule |
Trapeziumuil | Xestia ditrapezium |
Trapezoëder | Trapezohedron |
Trapgevel | Crow-stepped gable |
Traplice | Traplice |
Traplift | Stairlift |
Trappe (Pennsylvania) | Trappe, Pennsylvania |
Trapped | Trapped |
Trapped (film) | Trapped (2002 film) |
Trapped in Paradise | Trapped in Paradise |
Trapped in the Closet | Trapped in the Closet (South Park) |
Trappen | Bustard |
Trappen van vergelijking | Comparison (grammar) |
Trappenkamp | Trappenkamp |
Trappenpiramide | Step pyramid |
Trappenpiramide van Chabai | Layer Pyramid |
Trapper Creek | Trapper Creek, Alaska |
Trappisten | Trappists |
Trappistenbier | Trappist beer |
Trapslang | Ladder snake |
Trapvechtkwartel | Plains-wanderer |
Trarza | Trarza Region |
Tras | Trass |
Trash | Trash (Alice Cooper album) |
Trashigang (district) | Trashigang District |
Trashiyangste (district) | Trashiyangtse District |
Trasimeense Meer | Lake Trasimeno |
Trasimène | Trasimène |
Trasjanka | Trasianka |
Träslövsläge | Träslövsläge |
Trasmoz | Trasmoz |
Trasobares | Trasobares |
Trassanel | Trassanel |
Trassenheide | Trassenheide |
Trataka | Trāṭaka |
Traugott Buhre | Traugott Buhre |
Traukutitan | Traukutitan |
Traumatische inseminatie | Traumatic insemination |
Traumatologie | Traumatology |
Traun | Traun (disambiguation) |
Traun (rivier) | Traun (river) |
Traun (stad) | Traun |
Traunstein (Neder-Oostenrijk) | Traunstein, Austria |
Traunsteinera | Traunsteinera |
Trausse | Trausse |
Trautenstein | Trautenstein |
Trautmannsdorf | Trautmannsdorf |
Travaillan | Travaillan |
Travanca (Santa Maria da Feira) | Travanca (Santa Maria da Feira) |
Travanca de Tavares | Travanca de Tavares |
Travanca do Mondego | Travanca do Mondego |
Travancinha | Travancinha |
Travčice | Travčice |
Travecy | Travecy |
Travee | Bay (architecture) |
Travel + Leisure | Travel + Leisure |
Travel Service | Travel Service Airlines |
Travelcard | Travelcard |
Traveler | Traveler (TV series) |
Travelers | The Travelers Companies |
Travelers Championship | Travelers Championship |
Travellers | Irish Travellers |
Travellers and Magicians | Travellers and Magicians |
Travelling | Travelling (album) |
Travels with Charley: In Search of America | Travels with Charley: In Search of America |
Travels with My Aunt | Travels with My Aunt (film) |
Travenbrück | Travenbrück |
Travenhorst | Travenhorst |
Travers (gemeente) | Travers, Switzerland |
Traverse | Traverse |
Traverse City | Traverse City, Michigan |
Traverse County | Traverse County, Minnesota |
Traversères | Traversères |
Travertijn | Travertine |
Traves | Traves |
Traves (Haute-Saône) | Traves, Haute-Saône |
Traves (Turijn) | Traves, Piedmont |
Travessera de Gràcia | Travessera de Gràcia |
Travestie (gender) | Transvestism |
Travis | Travis |
Travis (band) | Travis (band) |
Travis County | Travis County, Texas |
Travis Mayweather (Star Trek) | Travis Mayweather |
Travis Meyer | Travis Meyer (cyclist) |
Travis Tomko | Travis Tomko |
Trávnica | Trávnica |
Trávnik | Trávnik |
Travunia | Travunia |
Trawler | Fishing trawler |
Trawniki | Trawniki (disambiguation) |
Trawniki (gemeente) | Gmina Trawniki |
Trawniki (Lublin) | Trawniki |
Trayes | Trayes |
Trazo | Trazo |
Trazodon | Trazodone |
Trbosilje (Loznica) | Trbosilje |
Trbovljeschoorsteen | Trbovlje Power Station |
Trbušac | Trbušac |
Trbušnica (Loznica) | Trbušnica (Loznica) |
Trdkova | Trdkova |
Tre fratelli | Three Brothers (1981 film) |
Tre skilling banco geel | Treskilling Yellow |
Tread wear indicator | Treadwear rating |
Tréal | Tréal |
Treasure County | Treasure County, Montana |
Treasure Island | Treasure Island (disambiguation) |
Treasure Island (Florida) | Treasure Island, Florida |
Treasure Island Hotel & Casino | Treasure Island Hotel and Casino |
Treasury | Treasury |
Tréauville | Tréauville |
Treban | Treban |
Tréban | Tréban |
Trébas | Trébas |
Trebbichau an der Fuhne | Trebbichau an der Fuhne |
Třebčice | Třebčice |
Třebechovice pod Orebem | Třebechovice pod Orebem |
Trébédan | Trébédan |
Třebějice | Třebějice |
Trebejov | Trebejov |
Trebel (Wendland) | Trebel |
Trebeľovce | Trebeľovce |
Třebenice (okres Litoměřice) | Třebenice (Litoměřice District) |
Třebestovice | Třebestovice |
Třebětice (okres Jindřichův Hradec) | Třebětice (Jindřichův Hradec District) |
Třebětice (okres Kroměříž) | Třebětice (Kroměříž District) |
Trebež | Trebež |
Trebichava | Trebichava |
Třebichovice | Třebichovice |
Trebinje | Trebinje (disambiguation) |
Trebitz | Trebitz |
Třebívlice | Třebívlice |
Trebizonde (Ottomaanse provincie) | Trebizond Vilayet |
Treble | Treble (girl group) |
Treble (voetbal) | Treble (association football) |
Treblinka | Treblinka (disambiguation) |
Treblinka (Mazovië) | Treblinka, Masovian Voivodeship |
Treblinka (vernietigingskamp) | Treblinka extermination camp |
Trebnitz (Burgenlandkreis) | Trebnitz |
Trebonianus Gallus | Trebonianus Gallus |
Trébons | Trébons |
Trébons-de-Luchon | Trébons-de-Luchon |
Trébons-sur-la-Grasse | Trébons-sur-la-Grasse |
Třebosice | Třebosice |
Trebostovo | Trebostovo |
Trebra | Trebra |
Trébrivan | Trébrivan |
Trébry | Trébry |
Trebsen/Mulde | Trebsen |
Trebuchet (lettertype) | Trebuchet MS |
Trebujena | Trebujena |
Třebusice | Třebusice |
Třebušín | Třebušín |
Trebušovce | Trebušovce |
Trece Martires | Trece Martires |
Trecena | Trecena |
Trechaleidae | Trechaleidae |
Trechter | Funnel |
Trechterbekercultuur | Funnelbeaker culture |
Trechtercantharel | Craterellus tubaeformis |
Trechteroorvleermuizen | Natalidae |
Trechterspinnen | Agelenidae |
Trechus | Trechus |
Trecia Smith | Trecia-Kaye Smith |
Tréclun | Tréclun |
Trécon | Trécon |
Trédaniel | Trédaniel |
Trédarzec | Trédarzec |
Tredecime | Thirteenth |
Tredegar | Tredegar |
Trédias | Trédias |
Tredmolen | Treadwheel |
Trédrez-Locquémeau | Trédrez-Locquémeau |
Tréduder | Tréduder |
Tree and Leaf | Tree and Leaf |
Treehouse of Horror | Treehouse of Horror (series) |
Treemonisha | Treemonisha |
Treeplank | Running board |
Trefbal | Dodgeball |
Trefcon | Trefcon |
Treffen | Treffen |
Treffendel | Treffendel |
Treffieux | Treffieux |
Treffléan | Treffléan |
Treffort | Treffort |
Treffort-Cuisiat | Treffort-Cuisiat |
Treffrin | Treffrin |
Treffurt | Treffurt |
Tréfols | Tréfols |
Trefossa | Henri Frans de Ziel |
Tréfumel | Tréfumel |
Tréglamus | Tréglamus |
Trego County | Trego County, Kansas |
Trégomeur | Trégomeur |
Trégon | Trégon |
Trégonneau | Trégonneau |
Tregosa | Tregosa |
Trégrom | Trégrom |
Tréguidel | Tréguidel |
Tréhet | Tréhet |
Trehøje | Trehøje Municipality |
Tréhorenteuc | Tréhorenteuc |
Treia (Duitsland) | Treia, Germany |
Treia (Italië) | Treia |
Treignat | Treignat |
Treigny | Treigny |
Treilles-en-Gâtinais | Treilles-en-Gâtinais |
Treillières | Treillières |
Trein | Train |
Treinbeïnvloeding | Train protection system |
Treinbestuurder | Railroad engineer |
Treindienstleider | Train dispatcher |
Treinongeval bij Amsterdam Westerpark | Sloterdijk train collision |
Treinongeval bij Buizingen | Halle train collision |
Treinongeval bij Fiesch | Fiesch derailment |
Treinongeval bij Pécrot | Pécrot rail crash |
Treinongeval bij Wenzhou | Wenzhou train collision |
Treinongeval op Gare Montparnasse | Montparnasse derailment |
Treinramp bij Brétigny-sur-Orge | Brétigny-sur-Orge train crash |
Treinramp bij Ciurea | Ciurea rail disaster |
Treinramp bij Eschede | Eschede train disaster |
Treinramp bij Harmelen | Harmelen train disaster |
Treinramp bij Lac-Mégantic | Lac-Mégantic derailment |
Treinramp bij Oefa | Ufa train disaster |
Treinramp bij Peraliya | 2004 Sri Lanka tsunami-rail disaster |
Treinramp bij Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne | Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne derailment |
Treinramp bij Santiago de Compostella | Santiago de Compostela derailment |
Treinramp bij Viareggio | Viareggio train derailment |
Treinramp in Buenos Aires | 2012 Buenos Aires rail disaster |
Treinschakeling | Multiple-unit train control |
Treinstel | Multiple unit |
Treinsurfen | Train surfing |
Treinta y Tres (departement) | Treinta y Tres Department |
Treinta y Tres (stad) | Treinta y Tres |
Treinvervoer | Train categories in Europe |
Treinvervoer in Marokko | Rail transport in Morocco |
Treix | Treix |
Treize desserts | Thirteen desserts |
Treize-Septiers | Treize-Septiers |
Treize-Vents | Treize-Vents |
Tréjouls | Tréjouls |
Trek | Trek (disambiguation) |
Trek (schoorsteen) | Stack effect |
Trekbank | Universal testing machine |
Trekboer | Trekboer |
Trekdier | Working animal |
Trekduif | Passenger Pigeon |
Trek-duwtrein | Push–pull train |
Trekegel | North African hedgehog |
Trekfrezen | Broaching (metalworking) |
Trekhaak | Tow hitch |
Trekhamster | Gray dwarf hamster |
Trekkenwand | Fly system |
Trekker (wapen) | Trigger (firearms) |
Trekkervissen | Triggerfish |
Trekpen | Ruling pen |
Trekproef | Tensile testing |
Trekschuit | Trekschuit |
Treksprinkhaan | Locust |
Treksterkte (materiaal) | Ultimate tensile strength |
Trekstraal | Tractor beam |
Trekvaart Haarlem-Leiden | Leidsevaart |
Trekvlinder | Lepidoptera migration |
Trekzaag | Two-man saw |
Trekzak | Diatonic button accordion |
Trekzalf | Ammonium bituminosulfonate |
Trekzalm | Arctic char |
Trélans | Trélans |
Trelawny | Trelawny Parish |
Trélazé | Trélazé |
Trelins | Trelins |
Trélissac | Trélissac |
Trélivan | Trélivan |
Trelleborg | Trelleborg (disambiguation) |
Trelleborg (gemeente) | Trelleborg Municipality |
Trellick Tower | Trellick Tower |
Trelly | Trelly |
Trélou-sur-Marne | Trélou-sur-Marne |
Trema | Diaeresis (diacritic) |
Tremadocien | Tremadocian |
Tremalzopas | Tremalzo Pass |
Tremandraceae | Tremandraceae |
Trémargat | Trémargat |
Trematocara caparti | Trematocara caparti |
Trémauville | Trémauville |
Tremblay | Tremblay, Ille-et-Vilaine |
Tremblay-les-Villages | Tremblay-les-Villages |
Tremblecourt | Tremblecourt |
Tremblois-lès-Carignan | Tremblois-lès-Carignan |
Tremblois-lès-Rocroi | Tremblois-lès-Rocroi |
Treme | Treme (TV series) |
Trémeheuc | Trémeheuc |
Trémel | Trémel |
Tremellales | Tremellales |
Tréméloir | Tréméloir |
Tremembé (gemeente) | Tremembé |
Trémentines | Trémentines |
Tréméreuc | Tréméreuc |
Třemešná | Třemešná |
Trémeur | Trémeur |
Tréméven (Côtes-d'Armor) | Tréméven, Côtes-d'Armor |
Tréméven (Finistère) | Tréméven, Finistère |
Trémilly | Trémilly |
Tréminis | Tréminis |
Tremitische Eilanden | Isole Tremiti |
T-remmercel | Regulatory T cell |
Tremoctopus violaceus | Common blanket octopus |
Tremoliet | Tremolite |
Tremolo | Tremolo |
Trémons | Trémons |
Tremont | Tremont |
Trémont | Trémont |
Trémont (Maine-et-Loire) | Trémont, Maine-et-Loire |
Tremont (Mississippi) | Tremont, Mississippi |
Trémont (Orne) | Trémont, Orne |
Tremonton | Tremonton, Utah |
Trémont-sur-Saulx | Trémont-sur-Saulx |
Tremor | Tremor |
Trémorel | Trémorel |
Tremors (film) | Tremors (film) |
Tremors (televisieserie) | Tremors (TV series) |
Tremors 2: Aftershocks | Tremors 2: Aftershocks |
Tremors 3: Back to Perfection | Tremors 3: Back to Perfection |
Tremors 4: The Legend Begins | Tremors 4: The Legend Begins |
Třemošná | Třemošná |
Třemošnice | Třemošnice |
Trémouilles | Trémouilles |
Trémouille-Saint-Loup | Trémouille-Saint-Loup |
Trémoulet | Trémoulet |
Trempealeau County | Trempealeau County, Wisconsin |
Tremsbüttel | Tremsbüttel |
Tremulant EP | Tremulant (EP) |
Trémuson | Trémuson |
Tren Urbano | Tren Urbano |
Trenal | Trenal |
Trenč | Trenč |
Trencadís | Trencadís |
Trenchcoat | Trench coat |
Trenčianske Jastrabie | Trenčianske Jastrabie |
Trenčianske Mitice | Trenčianske Mitice |
Trenčín (regio) | Trenčín Region |
Trencsén (comitaat) | Trencsén County |
Trend | Trend |
Trend (statistiek) | Trend estimation |
Trendelenburg | Trendelenburg |
Trendwork Arena | Trendwork Arena |
Trenggalek (regentschap) | Trenggalek Regency |
Trennewurth | Trennewurth |
Treno Alta Velocità | Treno Alta Velocità |
Trenque Lauquen (Buenos Aires) | Trenque Lauquen |
Trensacq | Trensacq |
Trent (rivier) | River Trent |
Trent (Rügen) | Trent, Germany |
Trent (South Dakota) | Trent, South Dakota |
Trent (Texas) | Trent, Texas |
Trent and Mersey Canal | Trent and Mersey Canal |
Trenta (Italië) | Trenta, Calabria |
Trenta (Slovenië) | Trenta, Bovec |
Trente (provincie) | Province of Trento |
Trente (stad) | Trento |
Trente et Quarante | Trente et Quarante |
Trentels | Trentels |
Trentepohlia | Trentepohlia (alga) |
Trentham | Trentham, Victoria |
Trentino-Zuid-Tirol | Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol |
Trento | Trento (disambiguation) |
Trento (Agusan del Sur) | Trento, Agusan del Sur |
Trenton (Florida) | Trenton, Florida |
Trenton (Georgia) | Trenton, Georgia |
Trenton (Illinois) | Trenton, Illinois |
Trenton (Michigan) | Trenton, Michigan |
Trenton (Missouri) | Trenton, Missouri |
Trenton (Nebraska) | Trenton, Nebraska |
Trenton (New Jersey) | Trenton, New Jersey |
Trenton (North Carolina) | Trenton, North Carolina |
Trenton (Tennessee) | Trenton, Tennessee |
Treo | Palm Treo |
Tréogan | Tréogan |
Tréon | Tréon |
Trépail | Trépail |
Trepalle | Trepalle |
Treplin | Treplin |
Treponematose | Treponematosis |
Tréprel | Tréprel |
Trept | Trept |
Treptow (district) | Treptow |
Treptower Park | Treptower Park |
Treptow-Köpenick | Treptow-Köpenick |
Treriksröset | Treriksröset |
Treron | Green pigeon |
Tres | Tress |
Tres (Trente) | Tres, Trentino |
Tres Arroyos (Buenos Aires) | Tres Arroyos |
Três Barras | Três Barras |
Três Cachoeiras | Três Cachoeiras |
Três Corações | Três Corações |
Tres Cruces (Argentinië) | Tres Cruces (Argentina) |
Tres de Febrero (partido) | Tres de Febrero Partido |
Tres Dias | Tres Dias (album) |
Três Forquilhas | Três Forquilhas |
Três Fronteiras | Três Fronteiras |
Três Lagoas (gemeente) | Três Lagoas |
Três Marias | The Three Marys |
Tres Maríaskatoenstaart | Tres Marias rabbit |
Três Passos (gemeente) | Três Passos |
Três Ranchos | Três Ranchos |
Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry | Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry |
Três Rios (gemeente) | Três Rios |
TrES-4b | TrES-4b |
Trésauvaux | Trésauvaux |
Tresbœuf | Tresbœuf |
Trescault | Trescault |
Treschenu-Creyers | Treschenu-Creyers |
Trescléoux | Trescléoux |
Tresco (eiland) | Tresco, Isles of Scilly |
Treseburg | Treseburg |
Tresjuncos | Tresjuncos |
Treslon | Treslon |
Tresnay | Tresnay |
Trešnjevica | Trešnjevica |
Trešnjevica (Arilje) | Trešnjevica (Arilje) |
Trešnjevica (Sjenica) | Trešnjevica (Sjenica) |
Tresnjevka Zagreb | NK Trešnjevka |
Tresor (Berlijn) | Tresor |
Trésor Mputu | Trésor Mputu |
Trespaderne | Trespaderne |
Trespass | Trespass (disambiguation) |
Trespass (2011) | Trespass (2011 film) |
Trespass (Genesis) | Trespass (album) |
Trespoux-Rassiels | Trespoux-Rassiels |
Tressé | Tressé |
Tresserre | Tresserre |
Tressignaux | Tressignaux |
Tressin | Tressin |
Tresson | Tresson |
Tressot (blauw druivenras) | Tressot |
Třeštice | Třeštice |
Treta Yuga | Treta Yuga |
Treteau | Treteau |
Tretinoïne | Tretinoin |
Tretioscincus | Tretioscincus |
Tretjakovgalerij | Tretyakov Gallery |
Treuhandanstalt | Treuhand |
Treurdrongo | Fork-tailed Drongo |
Treurduif | Mourning Dove |
Treurkapucijnaap | Wedge-capped capuchin |
Treurmaina | Common Myna |
Treurnacht | La Noche Triste |
Treurspecht | Sooty Woodpecker |
Treutlen County | Treutlen County, Georgia |
Treux | Treux |
Treuzy-Levelay | Treuzy-Levelay |
Trévé | Trévé |
Trevelin | Trevelin |
Tréveray | Tréveray |
Trévérec | Trévérec |
Treveri | Treveri |
Trévérien | Trévérien |
Trèves (Gard) | Trèves, Gard |
Trèves (Rhône) | Trèves, Rhône |
Trevi (plaats) | Trevi |
Trevi (Rome) | Trevi (rione of Rome) |
Trevico | Trevico |
Trévien | Trévien |
Trévières | Trévières |
Trevifontein | Trevi Fountain |
Trévillach | Trévillach |
Treville | Treville (disambiguation) |
Tréville | Tréville |
Trévilly | Trévilly |
Treviso (provincie) | Province of Treviso |
Treviso (Santa Catarina) | Treviso, Santa Catarina |
Treviso (stad) | Treviso |
Treviso FBC | Treviso F.B.C. 1993 |
Trévol | Trévol |
Trevor Bannister | Trevor Bannister |
Trevor Baylis | Trevor Baylis |
Trevor Blokdyk | Trevor Blokdyk |
Trevor Eve | Trevor Eve |
Trevor Ford | Trevor Ford |
Trevor Hutchinson | Trevor Hutchinson |
Trevor Lissauer | Trevor Lissauer |
Trevor Morris | Trevor Morris (musician) |
Trevor Rees-Jones | Trevor Rees-Jones |
Trevor Wye | Trevor Wye |
Trévron | Trévron |
Trey | Trey, Switzerland |
Treytorrens | Treytorrens |
Treze de Maio | Treze de Maio |
Treze FC | Treze Futebol Clube |
Trézelles | Trézelles |
Trézény | Trézény |
Tréziers | Tréziers |
Trézioux | Trézioux |
Treznea | Treznea |
Trezzo sull'Adda | Trezzo sull'Adda |
Trgovište (Kraljevo) | Trgovište (Kraljevo) |
TRH | Thyrotropin-releasing hormone |
Trhové Dušníky | Trhové Dušníky |
Trhové Sviny | Trhové Sviny |
Trhový Štěpánov | Trhový Štěpánov |
Tri | Tri |
Tri Ralpachen | Ralpacan |
Tři Studně | Tři Studně |
Triabunna | Triabunna, Tasmania |
Triac | TRIAC |
Triac-Lautrait | Triac-Lautrait |
Triacylglycerol | Triglyceride |
Triade | Triad |
Triade (godsdienst) | Triple deity |
Triade (misdaad) | Triad (underground society) |
Triade (sociale wetenschappen) | Triad (sociology) |
Triaeris stenaspis | Triaeris stenaspis |
Triage | Triage |
Triaize | Triaize |
Triakis | Triakis |
Trial | Motorcycle trials |
Trial and Error | Trial and Error (1997 film) |
Trial and Retribution | Trial & Retribution |
Trial by fire | Trial by Fire (Journey album) |
Trial by Jury | Trial by Jury |
Trial-and-error | Trial and error |
Trialbike | Mountain bike trials |
Trialeticultuur | Trialeti culture |
Trialeurodes | Trialeurodes |
Triamcinolon | Triamcinolone |
Triaminotrinitrobenzeen | TATB |
Triana (Alenquer) | Triana (Alenquer) |
Triana (Sevilla) | Triana, Seville |
Triandria | Triandria |
Triangel | Triangel |
Triangel (muziekinstrument) | Triangle (instrument) |
Triangelmot | Hypsopygia costalis |
Triangular Irregular Network | Triangulated irregular network |
Triângulo Mineiro | Triângulo Mineiro |
Trianon | Trianon |
Trianon (Frankfurt) | Trianon (Frankfurt am Main) |
Triarii | Triarii |
Triarylmethaankleurstof | Triarylmethane dye |
Trias | Triassic |
Trias politica | Separation of powers |
Trias-Jura-extinctie | Triassic–Jurassic extinction event |
Triatlon op de Gemenebestspelen 2002 | Triathlon at the 2002 Commonwealth Games |
Triatlon op de Olympische Jeugdzomerspelen 2010 | Triathlon at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics |
Triatlon op de Olympische Zomerspelen | Triathlon at the Summer Olympics |
Triatlon op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008 | Triathlon at the 2008 Summer Olympics |
Triatoma infestans | Triatoma infestans |
Tribadisme | Tribadism |
Tribal Wars | TribalWars |
Tribaldos | Tribaldos |
Tribalism | Tribalism (album) |
Tribbles | Tribble |
Tribeca | Tribeca (disambiguation) |
TriBeCa | Tribeca |
Tribeca Film Festival | Tribeca Film Festival |
Tribehou | Tribehou |
Triberga | Triberga |
Tribhuvannagar | Tribhuvannagar |
Tribler | Tribler |
Tribo-elektrisch effect | Triboelectric effect |
Triboken | Triboci |
Tribologie | Tribology |
Tribolonotus ponceleti | Tribolonotus ponceleti |
Tribonianus | Tribonian |
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority | MTA Bridges and Tunnels |
Tribrachidium | Tribrachidium |
Třibřichy | Třibřichy |
Tribulaun | Tribulaun |
Tribunaal inzake vorderingen tussen Iran en de Verenigde Staten | Iran–United States Claims Tribunal |
Tribunaat | Tribunat |
Tribune | Tribune (disambiguation) |
Tribune (Kansas) | Tribune, Kansas |
Tribune (stadion) | Bleacher |
Tribunus militum | Military tribune |
Tribunus militum consulari potestate | Tribuni militum consulari potestate |
Tribus | Tribus |
Tribus Circiter | Tribus Circiter |
Tribute | Tribute (disambiguation) |
Tribute (Ozzy Osbourne) | Tribute (Ozzy Osbourne album) |
Tribute to a Bad Man | Tribute to a Bad Man |
Tribute to Uncle Ray | Tribute to Uncle Ray |
Tributealbum | Tribute album |
Tributeband | Tribute act |
Tributylamine | Tributylamine |
Tributylfosfaat | Tributyl phosphate |
Tributyltinhydride | Tributyltin hydride |
Tribuun | Tribune |
Trichastoma | Trichastoma |
Trichey | Trichey |
Trichinella | Trichinella |
Trichinella spiralis | Trichinella spiralis |
Trichinellidae | Trichinellidae |
Trichinose | Trichinosis |
Trichixos | Rufous-tailed Shama |
Trichloorazijnzuur | Trichloroacetic acid |
Trichloorbenzeen | Trichlorobenzene |
Trichloorethaan | Trichloroethane |
Trichlooretheen | Trichloroethylene |
Trichloorfenol | Trichlorophenol |
Trichloorfluormethaan | Trichlorofluoromethane |
Trichloorisocyanuurzuur | Trichloroisocyanuric acid |
Trichloormethaansulfenylchloride | Perchloromethyl mercaptan |
Trichloormethylbenzeen | Benzotrichloride |
Trichloornitromethaan | Chloropicrin |
Trichloorsilaan | Trichlorosilane |
Trichloortrifluorethaan | 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane |
Trichobothria | Trichobothria |
Trichodactyloidea | Trichodactylidae |
Trichodere | White-streaked Honeyeater |
Trichodontidae | Trichodontidae |
Trichofagie | Trichophagia |
Trichogaster | Trichogaster |
Trichogaster microlepis | Moonlight gourami |
Trichoglossus | Trichoglossus |
Trichogramma | Trichogramma |
Tricholaema | Tricholaema |
Tricholomataceae | Tricholomataceae |
Trichomanes | Trichomanes |
Trichomonas | Trichomonas |
Trichomoniasis | Trichomoniasis |
Trichophyton rubrum | Trichophyton rubrum |
Trichoplusia orichalcea | Trichoplusia orichalcea |
Trichopsis pumila | Pygmy gourami |
Trichosea ludifica | Trichosea ludifica |
Trichosurus cunninghami | Mountain brushtail possum |
Trichotheceen | Trichothecene |
Trichothraupis | Black-goggled Tanager |
Trichotillomanie | Trichotillomania |
Trichotomie | Trichotomy (philosophy) |
Trichromie | Trichromy |
Tricht | Tricht |
Trichuriasis | Trichuriasis |
Tricia Cast | Tricia Cast |
Tricia O'Neil | Tricia O'Neil |
Tricks | Tricks (film) |
Trickster | Trickery |
Triclabendazool | Triclabendazole |
Triclaria | Blue-bellied Parrot |
Triclopyr | Triclopyr |
Tricolor (schip) | MV Tricolor |
Tricot | Tricot |
Tricot (Frankrijk) | Tricot, Oise |
Tricouni-beslag | Tricouni |
Tricresylfosfaat | Tricresyl phosphate |
Tricuspidalisinsufficiëntie | Tricuspid insufficiency |
Tricuspidalisklep | Tricuspid valve |
Tricyclobutabenzeen | Tricyclobutabenzene |
Tridacna crocea | Boring clam |
Tridacna maxima | Maxima clam |
Tridé Tsungtsen | Me Agtsom |
Tridecaan | Tridecane |
Trident | Trident (disambiguation) |
Trident (layout-engine) | Trident (layout engine) |
Trident (raket) | Trident (missile) |
Tridentarius dentatus | Tridentarius dentatus |
Tridentiger | Tripletooth goby |
Tridentiger brevispinis | Tridentiger brevispinis |
Tridentijnse Mis | Tridentine Mass |
Tridiagonale-matrix-algoritme | Tridiagonal matrix algorithm |
Tridu Songtsen | Tridu Songtsen |
Tridymiet | Tridymite |
Triebel/Vogtl. | Triebel |
Triebes | Triebes |
Triebischtal | Triebischtal |
Triemen | Triemen |
Trient | Trient, Switzerland |
Trientalis borealis | Trientalis borealis |
Trier | Trier |
Trier Hauptbahnhof | Trier Central Station |
Triëst (provincie) | Province of Trieste |
Triëst (stad) | Trieste |
Trieste (onderzeeboot) | Bathyscaphe Trieste |
Trie-sur-Baïse | Trie-sur-Baïse |
Triethanolamine | Triethanolamine |
Triethylaluminium | Triethylaluminium |
Triethylamine | Triethylamine |
Triethylboraan | Triethylborane |
Triethylboraat | Triethyl borate |
Triethylcitraat | Triethyl citrate |
Triethyleendiamine | DABCO |
Triethyleentetramine | Triethylenetetramine |
Triethylfosfaat | Triethyl phosphate |
Triethylfosfiet | Triethyl phosphite |
Trieu-dynastie | Trieu dynasty |
Trieux | Trieux |
Trifenylfosfaat | Triphenyl phosphate |
Trifenylfosfiet | Triphenyl phosphite |
Trifenylfosfine | Triphenylphosphine |
Trifenylfosfineoxide | Triphenylphosphine oxide |
Trifenylmethaan | Triphenylmethane |
Trifenylmethanol | Triphenylmethanol |
Trifenylmethylchloride | Triphenylmethyl chloride |
Trifești | Trifeşti |
Triffindilemma | Triffin dilemma |
Trifidnevel | Trifid Nebula |
Trifine | Tryphine |
Trifluorazijnzuur | Trifluoroacetic acid |
Trifluorazijnzuuranhydride | Trifluoroacetic anhydride |
Trifluormethaansulfonzuur | Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid |
Trifluormethylbenzeen | Trifluorotoluene |
Trifluraline | Trifluralin |
Triflylgroep | Trifluoromethanesulfonate |
Trifosgeen | Triphosgene |
Triftong | Triphthong |
Trifylia | Trifylia |
Trigaches | Trigaches |
Trigana Air Service | Trigana Air Service |
Trigance | Trigance |
Trigat | PARS 3 LR |
Trigeminusneuralgie | Trigeminal neuralgia |
Trigg County | Trigg County, Kentucky |
Trigger | Database trigger |
Trigger Alpert | Trigger Alpert |
Trigger finger (aandoening) | Trigger finger |
Trigië | The Trigan Empire |
Trigla lyra | Piper gurnard |
Triglachromis otostigma | Triglachromis otostigma |
Triglief | Triglyph |
Triglitz | Triglitz |
Triglops | Triglops |
Trignac | Trignac |
Trigny | Trigny |
Trigonaal bipiramidale moleculaire geometrie | Trigonal bipyramidal molecular geometry |
Trigonaal kristalstelsel | Trigonal crystal system |
Trigonaal piramidale moleculaire geometrie | Trigonal pyramidal molecular geometry |
Trigonias | Trigonias |
Trigonidiinae | Sword-tail cricket |
Trigonioida | Trigonioidea |
Trigonodes hyppasia | Trigonodes hyppasia |
Trigonognathus kabeyai | Viper dogfish |
Trigonophora flammea | Flame Brocade |
Trigonosaurus | Trigonosaurus |
Trigonospila | Trigonospila |
Trigonostigma espei | Lambchop rasbora |
Trigonostigma somphongsi | Trigonostigma somphongsi |
Trigram (I Tjing) | Bagua |
Trigueros | Trigueros, Spain |
Trihalomethanen | Trihalomethane |
Trijebine | Trijebine |
Trijoodnitride | Nitrogen triiodide |
Trijoodthyronine | Triiodothyronine |
Trijueque | Trijueque |
Trikala (departement) | Trikala (regional unit) |
Trikaya | Trikaya |
Triklien kristalstelsel | Triclinic |
Tril | Trill consonant |
Trilaterale commissie | Trilateral Commission |
Trilbardou | Trilbardou |
Trilelement | Vibrating alert |
Trilemma | Trilemma |
Trilgras | Briza |
Trilhaar | Cilia |
Trilhaarwormen | Turbellaria |
Trilholte | Optical cavity |
Trilineaire coördinaten | Trilinear coordinates |
Trilithon | Trilithon |
Trill | Trill (Star Trek) |
Trilla (album) | Trilla |
Trilla (Frankrijk) | Trilla, Pyrénées-Orientales |
Trillen | Compactor |
Triller | Trill (music) |
Trilliaceae | Trilliaceae |
Trillian (personage) | Trillian (character) |
Trillian (software) | Trillian |
Trilling | Oscillator |
Trillingsanalyse | Spectral density |
Trillo | Trillo |
Trillo (plaats) | Trillo, Guadalajara |
Trilobachne | Trilobachne |
Trilobieten | Trilobite |
Trilogie | Trilogy |
Trilophosauria | Trilophosaur |
Trilport | Trilport |
Trilspinnen | Pholcidae |
Trim (plaats) | Trim, County Meath |
TRIM5α | TRIM5alpha |
Trimbaan | Fitness trail |
Trimbach (Frankrijk) | Trimbach, Bas-Rhin |
Trimbach (Zwitserland) | Trimbach, Switzerland |
Trimble | Trimble |
Trimble County | Trimble County, Kentucky |
Trimeniaceae | Trimeniaceae |
Trimer | Trimer, Ille-et-Vilaine |
Trimeresurus | Trimeresurus |
Trimeresurus rubeus | Cryptelytrops rubeus |
Trimethoxyamfetamine | Trimethoxyamphetamine |
Trimethylaluminium | Trimethylaluminium |
Trimethylamine | Trimethylamine |
Trimethylaminurie | Trimethylaminuria |
Trimethylboraat | Trimethyl borate |
Trimethylchloorsilaan | Trimethylsilyl chloride |
Trimethylglycine | Trimethylglycine |
Trimethylolpropaan | Trimethylolpropane |
Trimethyloxoniumtetrafluorboraat | Trimethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate |
Trimethylsilylgroep | Trimethylsilyl |
Trimix | Trimix (breathing gas) |
Trimmer | Trimmer |
Trimmer (grasmaaier) | String trimmer |
Trimont | Trimont, Minnesota |
Trimorphodon | Trimorphodon |
Trimurti | Trimurti |
Trimvest | Buoyancy compensator (diving) |
Trina Gulliver | Trina Gulliver |
Trinay | Trinay |
Trincomalee (district) | Trincomalee District |
Trincomalee (stad) | Trincomalee |
Trinculo | Trinculo |
Trinculo (maan) | Trinculo (moon) |
Trindade | Trindade |
Trindade (Beja) | Trindade (Beja) |
Trindade (Goiás) | Trindade, Goiás |
Trindade (Sao Tomé en Principe) | Trindade (São Tomé and Príncipe) |
Trindade do Sul | Trindade do Sul |
Trindade en Martim Vaz | Trindade and Martim Vaz |
Trinectes | Trinectes |
Tringa | Tringa |
Trịnh Công Sơn | Trinh Cong Son |
Trinh-heren | Trinh lords |
Trini Alvarado | Trini Alvarado |
Trinidad | Trinidad (disambiguation) |
Trinidad (Bohol) | Trinidad, Bohol |
Trinidad (Bolivia) | Trinidad, Bolivia |
Trinidad (Californië) | Trinidad, California |
Trinidad (Colombia) | Trinidad, Casanare |
Trinidad (Colorado) | Trinidad, Colorado |
Trinidad (Cuba) | Trinidad, Cuba |
Trinidad (eiland) | Trinidad |
Trinidad (gemeente) | Trinidad Municipality, Beni |
Trinidad (Uruguay) | Trinidad, Uruguay |
Trinidad en Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago |
Trinidad en Tobago op de Olympische Spelen | Trinidad and Tobago at the Olympics |
Trinidad en Tobago op de Olympische Winterspelen 2002 | Trinidad and Tobago at the 2002 Winter Olympics |
Trinidad en Tobago op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008 | Trinidad and Tobago at the 2008 Summer Olympics |
Trinidad en Tobago op het wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2006 | Trinidad and Tobago at the 2006 FIFA World Cup |
Trinidad en Tobagodollar | Trinidad and Tobago dollar |
Trinidad Scorpion Butch Taylor | Trinidad Scorpion Butch T pepper |
Trinidad Silva | Trinidad Silva |
Trinidad Stadion | Trinidad Stadium |
Trinisaura | Trinisaura |
Trinità | Trinità |
Trinità d'Agultu e Vignola | Trinità d'Agultu e Vignola |
Trinità dei Monti | Trinità dei Monti |
Trinitariërs | Trinitarian Order |
Trinitat Nova (metrostation) | Trinitat Nova (Barcelona Metro) |
Trinitat Vella (metrostation) | Trinitat Vella (Barcelona Metro) |
Trinitatis | Trinity Sunday |
Trinité - d'Estienne d'Orves (metrostation) | Trinité – d'Estienne d'Orves (Paris Métro) |
Trinitiet | Trinitite |
Trinity | Trinity (disambiguation) |
Trinity (atoombom) | Trinity (nuclear test) |
Trinity (Jersey) | Trinity, Jersey |
Trinity Bridge (Crowland) | Trinity Bridge, Crowland |
Trinity Church (New York City) | Trinity Church (Manhattan) |
Trinity College (Cambridge) | Trinity College, Cambridge |
Trinity College Library | Trinity College Library |
Trinity College of Music | Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance |
Trinity County | Trinity County |
Trinity County (Californië) | Trinity County, California |
Trinity County (Texas) | Trinity County, Texas |
Trinity McCray | Naomi Knight |
Trinity Palmetto Point | Trinity Palmetto Point Parish |
Trinley Thaye Dorje | Trinley Thaye Dorje |
Trinomys albispinus | White-spined Atlantic spiny rat |
Trinomys dimidiatus | Soft-spined Atlantic spiny rat |
Trinomys eliasi | Elias' Atlantic spiny rat |
Trinomys gratiosus | Gracile Atlantic spiny rat |
Trinomys iheringi | Ihering's Atlantic spiny rat |
Trinomys mirapitanga | Dark-caped Atlantic spiny rat |
Trinomys moojeni | Moojen's Atlantic spiny rat |
Trinomys myosuros | Mouse-tailed Atlantic spiny rat |
Trinomys paratus | Spiked Atlantic spiny rat |
Trinomys setosus | Hairy Atlantic spiny rat |
Trinomys yonenagae | Yonenaga's Atlantic spiny rat |
Trinovantes | Trinovantes |
Trintange | Trintange |
Trinum | Trinum |
Trinwillershagen | Trinwillershagen |
Trio | Trio |
Trio (band) | Trio (band) |
Trio (muziek) | Trio (music) |
Trio (seksualiteit) | Threesome |
Trio (volk) | Tiriyó people |
Trio in het onbekende | Le Trio de l'étrange |
Trio Lescano | Trio Lescano |
Trio Mediaeval | Trio Mediæval |
Triode | Triode |
Triodia (plantengeslacht) | Triodia (grass) |
Triodon macropterus | Threetooth puffer |
Triolet | Triolet (disambiguation) |
Triolet (dichtvorm) | Triolet |
Triolet (Mauritius) | Triolet, Mauritius |
Triomfboog | Triumphal arch |
Triomfboog van Orange | Triumphal Arch of Orange |
Triomfkruis | Triumphal cross |
Triomfpaleis | Triumph Palace |
Triomftocht | Roman triumph |
Triominos | Triominoes |
Tríona Ní Dhomhnaill | Tríona Ní Dhomhnaill |
Trionychinae | Trionychinae |
Trionychoidea | Trionychia |
Trionyx | African softshell turtle |
Triopha catalinae | Triopha catalinae |
Triors | Triors |
Triosefosfaatisomerase | Triosephosphate isomerase |
Triosmiumdodecacarbonyl | Triosmium dodecacarbonyl |
Trioxaan | 1,3,5-Trioxane |
Trip | Trip |
Tripartite klasse | Tripartite-class minehunter |
Tripel | Tripel |
Tripel Karmeliet | Tripel Karmeliet |
Tripelconcerto (Beethoven) | Triple Concerto (Beethoven) |
Tripelennamine | Tripelennamine |
Tripelpunt | Triple point |
Tripeltest | Triple test |
Triphop | Trip hop |
Triphora | Triphora (plant) |
Triphyophyllum peltatum | Triphyophyllum |
Tripitaka | Tripitaka |
Tripkova | Tripkova |
Triple Alliantie | Triple Alliance |
Triple Alliantie (1882) | Triple Alliance (1882) |
Triple Crown (Rugby) | Triple Crown (rugby union) |
Triple Crown Championship | Triple Crown Championship |
Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing | Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing |
Triple Entente | Triple Entente |
Triple junction | Triple junction |
Triple play | Triple play (telecommunications) |
Triple sec | Triple sec |
Triple X-syndroom | Triple X syndrome |
Triple-alfaproces | Triple-alpha process |
Triplet | Triplet |
Tripleville | Tripleville |
Triplofusus giganteus | Triplofusus giganteus |
Triploïde | Triploid syndrome |
Triplophos hemingi | Triplophos hemingi |
Triplophysa stoliczkai | Triplophysa stolickai |
Tripmadam | Sedum reflexum |
Tripogon | Tripogon |
Tripoli | Tripoli (disambiguation) |
Tripoli (district) | Tripoli District |
Tripoli (gemeente) | Tripoli District, Libya |
Tripoli (Libanon) | Tripoli, Lebanon |
Tripoli (Libië) | Tripoli |
Tripolis (Griekenland) | Tripoli, Greece |
Tripolitanië | Tripolitania |
Tripp County | Tripp County, South Dakota |
TRIPs | TRIPS Agreement |
Tripsacum | Tripsacum |
Tripsen | Thrips |
Tripterygion delaisi | Black-faced blenny |
Triptiek (schilderij) | Triptych |
Triptiek van Nava y Grimón | Triptych of Nava and Grimon |
Triptolemos | Triptolemus |
Triptyque des Monts et Châteaux | Le Triptyque des Monts et Châteaux |
Tripwire Interactive | Tripwire Interactive |
Triquerville | Triquerville |
Triquetra | Triquetra |
Triqueville | Triqueville |
Triqui (volk) | Trique people |
Triratna Boeddhistische Beweging | Triratna Buddhist Community |
Trireem | Trireme |
Trirutheniumdodecacarbonyl | Triruthenium dodecacarbonyl |
Trisector | Trisector |
Trisectricestelling van Morley | Morley's trisector theorem |
Trisetum | Trisetum |
Trish Johnson | Trish Johnson |
Triskaidekafobie | Triskaidekaphobia |
Triskelion | Triskelion |
Trisol Music Group | Trisol Music Group |
Trisomie | Trisomy |
Trisomie 21 (band) | Trisomie 21 |
Trisong Detsen | Trisong Detsen |
Trissino | Trissino |
Tristan | Tristan |
Tristan & Isolde (film) | Tristan & Isolde (film) |
Tristan da Cunha | Tristan da Cunha |
Tristan en Isolde | Tristan and Iseult (disambiguation) |
Tristan en Isolde (legende) | Tristan and Iseult |
Tristan Honsinger | Tristan Honsinger |
Tristan Keuris | Tristan Keuris |
Tristan Lahaye | Tristan Lahaye |
Tristan und Isolde (opera) | Tristan und Isolde |
Tristana | Tristana |
Tristanalbatros | Tristan Albatross |
Tristania | Tristania |
Tristaniopsis | Tristaniopsis |
Tristanwaterhoen | Tristan Moorhen |
Tristão da Cunha | Tristão da Cunha |
TriStar Pictures | TriStar Pictures |
Tri-state | Three-state logic |
Tristram Shandy | The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman |
Tristrams spreeuw | Tristram's Starling |
Tritagonist | Tritagonist |
Trite | Trite |
Tritheledontidae | Tritheledontidae |
Trithemis aconita | Trithemis aconita |
Trithemis aequalis | Trithemis aequalis |
Trithemis bifida | Trithemis bifida |
Trithemis brydeni | Trithemis brydeni |
Trithemis dichroa | Trithemis dichroa |
Trithemis donaldsoni | Trithemis donaldsoni |
Trithemis dorsalis | Trithemis dorsalis |
Trithrinax campestris | Trithrinax campestris |
Trith-Saint-Léger | Trith-Saint-Léger |
Triticale | Triticale |
Triton (maan) | Triton (moon) |
Triton (meer) | Lake Tritonis |
Triton (mythologie) | Triton (mythology) |
Tritonus | Tritone |
Trittys | Trittys |
Tritylodontidae | Tritylodontidae |
Triumph (band) | Triumph (band) |
Triumph (motorfiets) | Triumph Motorcycles Ltd |
Triumph des Willens | Triumph of the Will |
Triumph Motor Company | Triumph Motor Company |
Triumph of the Spirit | Triumph of the Spirit |
Triumph or Agony | Triumph or Agony |
Triumph Studios | Triumph Studios |
Triumph Tiger Explorer | Triumph Tiger Explorer |
Triumph Werke Nürnberg | Triumph (TWN) |
Triunfo (Paraíba) | Triunfo, Paraíba |
Triunfo (Pernambuco) | Triunfo, Pernambuco |
Triunfo (Rio Grande do Sul) | Triunfo |
Triuridales | Triuridales |
Trivandrum (district) | Thiruvananthapuram district |
Triviaal | Trivia |
Triviale groep | Trivial group |
Triviale knoop | Unknot |
Triviale naam | Trivial name |
Triviale ring | Trivial ring |
Trivialiteit (wiskunde) | Triviality (mathematics) |
Trivialiteitswet van Parkinson | Parkinson's law of triviality |
Trivium | Trivia (disambiguation) |
Trivium (band) | Trivium (band) |
Trivium (onderwijs) | Trivium (liberal arts) |
Trivy | Trivy |
Triwaterstofkation | Trihydrogen cation |
Trix | Trix |
Trix (modeltreinen) | Trix (company) |
Trizac | Trizac |
Trizay | Trizay |
Trizay-Coutretot-Saint-Serge | Trizay-Coutretot-Saint-Serge |
Trizay-lès-Bonneval | Trizay-lès-Bonneval |
Trjavna | Tryavna |
Trlić | Trlić |
Trnava | Trnava (disambiguation) |
Trnava (Čajetina) | Trnava (Čajetina) |
Trnava (Kroatië) | Trnava, Osijek-Baranja County |
Trnava (Novi Pazar) | Trnava (Novi Pazar) |
Trnava (okres Třebíč) | Trnava (Třebíč District) |
Trnava (okres Zlín) | Trnava (Zlín District) |
Trnava (Raška) | Trnava (Raška) |
Trnava (regio) | Trnava Region |
Trnava (Užice) | Trnava (Užice) |
Trnava pri Laborci | Trnava pri Laborci |
Trnavac | Trnavac |
Trnavci (Aleksandrovac) | Trnavci |
Trnávka | Trnávka |
Trnávka (okres Dunajská Streda) | Trnávka, Dunajská Streda District |
Trnávka (okres Trebišov) | Trnávka, Trebišov District |
Tŕnie | Tŕnie |
Trnje (Zagreb) | Trnje, Zagreb |
Trnkov | Trnkov |
Trnová (okres Praha-západ) | Trnová (Prague-West District) |
Trnovac | Trnovac |
Trnovany (okres Litoměřice) | Trnovany (Litoměřice District) |
Trnové Pole | Trnové Pole |
Trnovec (Trnava) | Trnovec, Slovakia |
Trnovec Bartolovečki | Trnovec Bartolovečki |
Trnovica | Trnovica |
Trnovo | Trnovo |
Trnovo (Federatie van Bosnië en Herzegovina) | Trnovo, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Trnovo (Servische Republiek) | Trnovo, Republika Srpska |
Trnovo (Slowakije) | Trnovo, Martin District |
Trnovska vas | Municipality of Trnovska Vas |
Tro Breizh | Tro Breizh |
Tro Bro Léon | Tro-Bro Léon |
Troas | Troad |
Tröbnitz | Tröbnitz |
Trobriand-eilanden | Trobriand Islands |
Trocadéro | Trocadero |
Trocadéro (metrostation) | Trocadéro (Paris Métro) |
Tročany | Tročany |
Trocazduif | Trocaz Pigeon |
Trochanter | Human trochanter |
Trochanteriidae | Trochanteriidae |
Troche | Troche |
Trochee | Trochee |
Trochères | Trochères |
Trochidae | Trochidae |
Trochilus | Trochilus |
Trochlea | Trochlea of superior oblique |
Trochoïde | Trochoid |
Trochoidea (superfamilie) | Trochoidea (superfamily) |
Trochu | Trochu, Alberta |
Trockenbeerenauslese | Trockenbeerenauslese |
Trocy-en-Multien | Trocy-en-Multien |
Troebelheid | Turbidity |
Troebelingsstroom | Turbidity current |
Troef | Trump |
Troepentransportschip | Troopship |
Troepialen | Icterid |
Troësnes | Troësnes |
Troetelbeertjes | Care Bears |
Troezen | Troezen |
Trofa | Trofa |
Trofa (Porto) | Trofa, Portugal |
Trofee | Trophy |
Trofee van de Alpen | Tropaeum Alpium |
Trofeo Baracchi | Trofeo Baracchi |
Trofeo Berlusconi | Trofeo Luigi Berlusconi |
Trofeo Colombino | Trofeo Colombino |
Trofeo de Carranza | Ramón de Carranza Trophy |
Trofeo Federale (San Marino) | Trofeo Federale |
Trofeo Joaquim Agostinho | Troféu Joaquim Agostinho |
Trofeo Luis Puig | Trofeo Luis Puig |
Trofeo Matteotti | Trofeo Matteotti |
Trofeo Melinda | Trofeo Melinda |
Trofeo Pantalica | Trofeo Pantalica |
Trofeo Pichichi | Pichichi Trophy |
Trofeo Santiago Bernabéu | Trofeo Santiago Bernabéu |
Trofeo TIM | TIM Trophy |
Trofeo Zamora | Ricardo Zamora Trophy |
Trofeu Joan Gamper | Joan Gamper Trophy |
Troffel | Trowel |
Trofim Lysenko | Trofim Lysenko |
Trog | Trough |
Trog (film) | Trog |
Trog (geografie) | Oceanic trench |
Trog (meteorologie) | Trough (meteorology) |
Trog van Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico Trench |
Trogdal | U-shaped valley |
Trogen (Opper-Franken) | Trogen, Bavaria |
Trogen (Zwitserland) | Trogen |
Troglodytes | Troglodytes (wren) |
Troglofiel | Troglofauna |
Troglohyphantes | Troglohyphantes |
Troglohyphantes gracilis | Troglohyphantes gracilis |
Troglohyphantes similis | Troglohyphantes similis |
Troglohyphantes spinipes | Troglohyphantes spinipes |
Trogloraptoridae | Trogloraptor |
Troglosiro | Troglosironidae |
Trogoderma granarium | Khapra beetle |
Trogon (geslacht) | Trogon (genus) |
Trogons | Trogon |
Trogopterus xanthipes | Complex-toothed flying squirrel |
Trogosus | Trogosus |
Troguéry | Troguéry |
Trogues | Trogues |
Troia | Troia, Apulia |
Troides aeacus | Troides aeacus |
Troides amphrysus | Troides amphrysus |
Troides andromache | Troides andromache |
Troides brookiana | Trogonoptera brookiana |
Troides criton | Troides criton |
Troides cuneifera | Troides cuneifera |
Troides darsius | Troides darsius |
Troides euphorion | Ornithoptera euphorion |
Troides haliphron | Troides haliphron |
Troides helena | Troides helena |
Troides magellanus | Troides magellanus |
Troides minos | Troides minos |
Troides miranda | Troides miranda |
Troides prattorum | Troides prattorum |
Troides rhadamantus | Troides rhadamantus |
Troides riedeli | Troides riedeli |
Troides staudingeri | Troides staudingeri |
Troides trojana | Trogonoptera trojana |
Troides vandepolli | Troides vandepolli |
Troika (attractie) | Troika (ride) |
Troïlos | Troilus |
Troilus and Cressida | Troilus and Cressida |
Troïlus en Cressida | Cressida |
Trois contes | Three Tales (Flaubert) |
Trois couleurs | The Three Colors trilogy |
Trois couleurs: Blanc | Three Colors: White |
Trois couleurs: Bleu | Three Colors: Blue |
Trois couleurs: Rouge | Three Colors: Red |
Trois Rivières | Les Trois Rivières |
Trois-Bassins | Trois-Bassins |
Trois-Évêchés | Three Bishoprics |
Trois-Fonds | Trois-Fonds |
Trois-Fontaines-l'Abbaye | Trois-Fontaines-l'Abbaye |
Troisfontaines-la-Ville | Troisfontaines-la-Ville |
Troisgots | Troisgots |
Trois-Monts | Trois-Monts |
Trois-Palis | Trois-Palis |
Trois-Puits | Trois-Puits |
Trois-Rivières | Trois-Rivières, Quebec |
Trois-Rivières (Guadeloupe) | Trois-Rivières, Guadeloupe |
Trois-Rivières Attak | Trois-Rivières Attak |
Troissereux | Troissereux |
Troistedt | Troistedt |
Troisvaux | Troisvaux |
Trois-Vèvres | Trois-Vèvres |
Troisvierges | Troisvierges |
Troisvilles | Troisvilles |
Trois-Villes | Trois-Villes |
Troitse-Sergieva Lavra | Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius |
Troitsk (oblast Tsjeljabinsk) | Troitsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast |
Troitski | Troitsky |
Troizinia | Troizinia |
Trojaans paard | Trojan Horse (disambiguation) |
Trojaans paard (computers) | Trojan horse (computing) |
Trojaanse Oorlog | Trojan War |
Trojaanse vrouwen | The Trojan Women |
Trojaburg | Troy Town |
Trojan | Trojan |
Trojan (motorfiets) | Trojan (automobile) |
Trojan Room-koffiezetapparaat | Trojan Room coffee pot |
Trojan War | Trojan War (film) |
Trojane | Trojane |
Trojanen (planetoïden) | Trojan asteroid |
Trojanovice | Trojanovice |
Trojanów (gemeente) | Gmina Trojanów |
Trojden van Czersk | Trojden I, Duke of Masovia |
Troje | Troy |
Trojka | Troika |
Trojka (gezelschap) | Troika (triumvirate) |
Trojka (voertuig) | Troika (driving) |
Trojovice | Trojovice |
Trokavec | Trokavec |
Trol (internet) | Troll (Internet) |
Trol (mythisch wezen) | Troll |
Trol (Tolkien) | Troll (Middle-earth) |
Troll | Troll (disambiguation) |
Troll (automerk) | Troll (automobile) |
Troll Platform | Troll A platform |
Trolla (berg) | Trolla (mountain) |
Trölladyngja | Trölladyngja |
Trøllanes | Trøllanes |
Trolley | Trolley |
Trolleybus | Trolleybus |
Trolleybus van Eberswalde | Trolleybuses in Eberswalde |
Trolleybus van Gdynia | Trolleybuses in Gdynia |
Trolleybus van Solingen | Trolleybuses in Solingen |
Trolleyprobleem | Trolley problem |
Trollhättan (gemeente) | Trollhättan Municipality |
Trollius | Trollius |
Trolljegeren | Trollhunter |
Trolltindan | Trollryggen |
Trolltunga | Trolltunga |
Trollveggen | Troll Wall |
Trollz | Trollz |
Trombetas | Trombetas |
Trombidium | Trombidium |
Trombine | Thrombin |
Trombocytopenie | Thrombocytopenia |
Trombofilie | Thrombophilia |
Trombolyse | Thrombolysis |
Trombone | Trombone |
Trombone Shorty | Trombone Shorty |
Tromboplastine | Tissue factor |
Trombose | Thrombosis |
Trombotische trombocytopenische purpura | Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura |
Trombudo Central | Trombudo Central |
Tromelin | Tromelin Island |
Tromethamine | Tris |
Tromgeroffel | Drum roll |
Trommel | Drum |
Trommelgeheugen | Drum memory |
Trommelrem | Drum brake |
Trommelstokvingers | Nail clubbing |
Trommelvis | Black drum |
Trommelvlies | Tympanic membrane |
Trommelvliesbuisje | Tympanostomy tube |
Tromostovje | Triple Bridge |
Tromp (architectuur) | Squinch |
Trompe le Monde | Trompe le Monde |
Trompe-l'oeil | Trompe-l'œil |
Trompet | Trumpet |
Trompetbloem (Pandorea jasminoides) | Pandorea jasminoides |
Trompetboom | Catalpa |
Trompetboomfamilie | Bignoniaceae |
Trompetklimmer | Campsis |
Trompetkraanvogel | Whooping Crane |
Trompetmotje | Alabonia geoffrella |
Trompetneushoornvogel | Trumpeter Hornbill |
Trompetparadijskraai | Trumpet Manucode |
Trompetsteek | Sheepshank |
Trompetterzeenaald | Broadnosed pipefish |
Trompetvis | Trumpetfish |
Trompetvogel | Grey-winged Trumpeter |
Trompetvogels | Trumpeter (bird) |
Trompetzwaan | Trumpeter Swan |
Troms | Troms |
Tromsdalen UIL | Tromsdalen UIL |
Tromsdorf | Tromsdorf |
Tron | Tron (disambiguation) |
Tron (film) | Tron |
Tron (hacker) | Tron (hacker) |
Tron: Legacy | Tron Legacy |
Trona stercoraria | Trona stercoraria |
Tronador | Tronador |
Troncens | Troncens |
Tronchón | Tronchón |
Tronchoy | Tronchoy |
Tronchy | Tronchy |
Trond Espen Seim | Trond Espen Seim |
Tröndel | Tröndel |
Trondes | Trondes |
Trondheimfjord | Trondheimsfjord |
Trondheim-Oslo | Styrkeprøven |
Tronen | Thrones |
Tronget | Tronget |
Trongisvágur | Trongisvágur |
Trongsa (district) | Trongsa District |
Trongsa (stad) | Trongsa |
Tronsanges | Tronsanges |
Tronville | Tronville |
Tronville-en-Barrois | Tronville-en-Barrois |
Troödosgebergte | Troodos Mountains |
Troon | Throne |
Troon (metrostation) | Trône/Troon metro station |
Troonpretendent | Pretender |
Troonrede | Speech from the throne |
Troonsafstand van koning Eduard VIII | Edward VIII abdication crisis |
Troop (muziek) | Trope (music) |
Troost | Troost |
Troostfinale | Third place playoff |
Troostmeisje | Comfort women |
Troostprijs | Booby prize |
Trop belle pour toi | Too Beautiful for You |
Tropa de Elite | Elite Squad |
Tropa de Elite 2 | Elite Squad: The Enemy Within |
Tropaan | Tropane |
Tropaeolum | Tropaeolum |
Tropen (geografie) | Tropics |
Tropengeneeskunde | Tropical medicine |
Trophée des Champions | Trophée des champions |
Trophée Lancôme | Trophée Lancôme |
Tropheus annectens | Tropheus annectens |
Tropheus polli | Tropheus polli |
Trophimus van Arles | Trophimus of Arles |
Trophonios | Trophonius |
Tropic | Tropic, Utah |
Tropic Thunder | Tropic Thunder |
Tropical Heat | Tropical Heat |
Tropicana | Tropicana |
Tropicana (vruchtensap) | Tropicana Products |
Tropico | Tropico |
Tropico 2: Pirate Cove | Tropico 2: Pirate Cove |
Tropidoclonion lineatum | Tropidoclonion |
Tropidolaemus | Tropidolaemus |
Tropidophis | Tropidophis |
Tropidophoxinellus alburnoides | Tropidophoxinellus alburnoides |
Tropidoscincus | Tropidoscincus |
Tropidurus | Tropidurus |
Tropie | Tropism |
Tropinezuur | Tropic acid |
Tropiocolotes | Tropiocolotes |
Tropisch jaar | Tropical year |
Tropisch klimaat | Tropical climate |
Tropisch regenwoud | Tropical rainforest |
Tropisch regenwoud van Sumatra | Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra |
Tropisch regenwoudklimaat | Tropical rainforest climate |
Tropisch savanneklimaat | Tropical savanna climate |
Tropische beurszwam | Volvariella volvacea |
Tropische cycloon | Tropical cyclone |
Tropische golf | Tropical wave |
Tropische salamanders | Oedipina |
Tropische spotlijster | Tropical Mockingbird |
Tropische spruw | Tropical sprue |
Tropische storm Alberto | Hurricane Alberto |
Tropische storm Arlene | Hurricane Arlene |
Tropische storm Beryl | Tropical Storm Beryl |
Tropische storm Emily | Tropical Storm Emily |
Tropische storm Emily (2011) | Tropical Storm Emily (2011) |
Tropische storm Irene | Tropical Storm Irene |
Tropisetron | Tropisetron |
Tropojë (district) | Tropojë District |
Tropojë (gemeente) | Tropojë |
Troponine | Troponin |
Troposfeer | Troposphere |
Tros | Tros |
Tros (bloeiwijze) | Raceme |
Trosa (gemeente) | Trosa Municipality |
Trosgamander | Teucrium botrys |
Troskotovice | Troskotovice |
Trosly-Loire | Trosly-Loire |
Trossteenbreek | Saxifraga paniculata |
Troszyn (gemeente) | Gmina Troszyn |
Troszyn (Mazovië) | Troszyn, Masovian Voivodeship |
Trotina | Trotina |
Trots | Pride |
Trots op Nederland | Proud of the Netherlands |
Trotskisme | Trotskyism |
Trottoirband | Curb |
Trotton with Chithurst | Trotton with Chithurst |
Trotuș | Trotuș River |
Trou Caïman | Trou Caïman |
Trouans | Trouans |
Troubadour | Troubadour |
Troubat | Troubat |
Troubelice | Troubelice |
Troubky | Troubky |
Trouble | Trouble |
Trouble (Coldplay) | Trouble (Coldplay song) |
Trouble (Whitesnake) | Trouble (Whitesnake album) |
Trouble in Paradise | Trouble in Paradise |
Trouble in Paradise (1932) | Trouble in Paradise (film) |
Trouble in Paradise (album) | Trouble in Paradise (Randy Newman album) |
Troubled Asset Relief Program | Troubled Asset Relief Program |
Troublemaker (Olly Murs) | Troublemaker (Olly Murs song) |
Trou-du-Nord (arrondissement) | Trou-du-Nord Arrondissement |
Trou-du-Nord (gemeente) | Trou-du-Nord |
Trouhans | Trouhans |
Trouhaut | Trouhaut |
Trouillas | Trouillas |
Trouley-Labarthe | Trouley-Labarthe |
Troup County | Troup County, Georgia |
Trousdale County | Trousdale County, Tennessee |
Troussencourt | Troussencourt |
Troussures | Troussures |
Troutdale (Oregon) | Troutdale, Oregon |
Troutville | Troutville |
Trouville | Trouville |
Trouville (Seine-Maritime) | Trouville, Seine-Maritime |
Trouw (ethiek) | Loyalty |
Trouwboekje | Family register |
Trouwe Ferdinand en Ontrouwe Ferdinand | Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful |
Trouwe volgelingen | Merry Men |
Trouwen met de handschoen | Proxy marriage |
Trouwjurk | Wedding dress |
Trouwjurk van Kate Middleton | Wedding dress of Kate Middleton |
Trouy | Trouy |
Trowulan | Trowulan |
Troy | Troy (disambiguation) |
Troy (Alabama) | Troy, Alabama |
Troy (film) | Troy (movie) |
Troy (Illinois) | Troy, Illinois |
Troy (Kansas) | Troy, Kansas |
Troy (Michigan) | Troy, Michigan |
Troy (Missouri) | Troy, Missouri |
Troy (Montana) | Troy, Montana |
Troy (New York) | Troy, New York |
Troy (North Carolina) | Troy, North Carolina |
Troy (Ohio) | Troy, Ohio |
Troy Elder | Troy Elder |
Troy Kennedy-Martin | Troy Kennedy Martin |
Troy McClure | Troy McClure |
Troy ounce | Troy weight |
Troye-d'Ariège | Troye-d'Ariège |
Troyes AC | E.S. Troyes A.C. |
Troyon | Troyon |
Trpík | Trpík |
Trpimir | Trpimir I of Croatia |
Trpín | Trpín |
Trpín (okres Krupina) | Trpín, Krupina District |
Trpín (okres Svitavy) | Trpín (Svitavy District) |
Trpišovice | Trpišovice |
TRS-80 | TRS-80 |
TRS-80 MC-10 | TRS-80 MC-10 |
Tršanovci | Tršanovci |
Tršće | Tršće |
Tršić | Tršić |
Tršice | Tršice |
Trsťany | Trsťany |
Trstená na Ostrove | Trstená na Ostrove |
Trstené | Trstené |
Trstené pri Hornáde | Trstené pri Hornáde |
Trstěnice | Trstěnice |
Trstěnice (okres Cheb) | Trstěnice (Cheb District) |
Trstěnice (okres Svitavy) | Trstěnice (Svitavy District) |
Trstěnice (okres Znojmo) | Trstěnice (Znojmo District) |
Trstenik | Trstenik (disambiguation) |
Trsteno | Trsteno |
TRT Al Turkia | TRT el Türkiye |
Tru Calling | Tru Calling |
Trubín | Trubín |
Trübsee | Trübsee |
Trubská | Trubská |
Truchas | Truchas, León |
Trucios-Turtzioz | Trucios-Turtzioz |
Truck | Truck (disambiguation) |
Truck Parham | Truck Parham |
Truck van het jaar | International Truck of the Year |
Truckee | Truckee |
Truckee (Californië) | Truckee, California |
Truckee (rivier) | Truckee River |
Truckracing | Truck racing |
Trucy | Trucy |
Trucy-l'Orgueilleux | Trucy-l'Orgueilleux |
Trucy-sur-Yonne | Trucy-sur-Yonne |
Trude Beiser | Trude Beiser |
Trude Dothan | Trude Dothan |
Truden | Truden im Naturpark |
Trudie Goodwin | Trudie Goodwin |
Trudo | Trudo |
Trudoviken | Trudoviks |
Trudovo | Trudovo |
Trudpert | Trudpert |
True Audio | TTA (codec) |
True Blue | True Blue |
True Blue (album) | True Blue (Madonna album) |
True Blue (nummer) | True Blue (Madonna song) |
True Confessions | True Confessions (film) |
True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet | True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet |
True Crime | True Crime (1999 film) |
True Grit (2010) | True Grit (2010 film) |
True Jackson, VP | True Jackson, VP |
True Justice | True Justice |
True Lies | True Lies |
True Men Don't Kill Coyotes | True Men Don't Kill Coyotes |
True Whig Party | True Whig Party |
Truebella | Truebella |
TrueCombat: Elite | TrueCombat:Elite |
Truesdale | Truesdale |
TrueSpace | TrueSpace |
Truffel | Truffle |
Trügleben | Trügleben |
Trugny | Trugny |
Trugon | Thick-billed Ground Pigeon |
Trui (kleding) | Sweater |
Trui (wielrennen) | Cycling jersey |
Trujillanos | Trujillanos |
Trujillanos Fútbol Club | Trujillanos FC |
Trujillo (Colombia) | Trujillo, Valle del Cauca |
Trujillo (Honduras) | Trujillo, Colón |
Trujillo (Peru) | Trujillo, Peru |
Trujillo (provincie) | Trujillo Province, Peru |
Trujillo (Spanje) | Trujillo, Cáceres |
Trujillo (staat) | Trujillo, Venezuela |
Trujillo (Venezuela) | Trujillo, Trujillo |
Trujillo Alto | Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico |
Trulli | Trulli |
Truman (Minnesota) | Truman, Minnesota |
Truman George Yuncker | Truman G. Yuncker |
Trumandoctrine | Truman Doctrine |
Trumann | Trumann, Arkansas |
Trumbull | Trumbull |
Trumbull (Connecticut) | Trumbull, Connecticut |
Trumbull County | Trumbull County, Ohio |
Trumilly | Trumilly |
Trümmerfrau | Trümmerfrau |
Trump International Hotel and Tower | Trump International Hotel and Tower |
Trump International Hotel and Tower (Las Vegas) | Trump Hotel Las Vegas |
Trump International Hotel and Tower (New York) | Trump International Hotel and Tower (New York City) |
Trump Palace Condominiums | Trump Palace Condominiums |
Trun (Orne) | Trun, Orne |
Trun (Zwitserland) | Trun, Switzerland |
Truncatella subcylindrica | Truncatella subcylindrica |
Truncatellina arcyensis | Truncatellina arcyensis |
Truncatellina callicratis | Truncatellina callicratis |
Truncatellina claustralis | Truncatellina claustralis |
Truncatellina costulata | Truncatellina costulata |
Trunch | Trunch |
Truncus brachiocephalicus | Brachiocephalic artery |
Truncus coeliacus | Celiac artery |
Trundholm | Trundholm Municipality |
Trungy | Trungy |
Trunking | Trunking |
Trunks | Trunks (Dragon Ball) |
Trunkshot | Trunk shot |
Trương Tấn Sang | Truong Tan Sang |
Truro | Truro (disambiguation) |
Truro (Canada) | Truro, Nova Scotia |
Truro (Iowa) | Truro, Iowa |
Truro (Verenigd Koninkrijk) | Truro |
Trusetal | Trusetal |
Trusnov | Trusnov |
Trussville | Trussville, Alabama |
Trust (2010) | Trust (2010 film) |
Trust (elektronicabedrijf) | Trust (electronics company) |
Trust (Franse band) | Trust (band) |
Trust (rechtsvorm) | Trust law |
Trusted computing | Trusted Computing |
Trustschap | United Nations trust territories |
Trustschap Somalië | Trust Territory of Somalia |
Trustschap van de Pacifische Eilanden | Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands |
Trustschapsraad | United Nations Trusteeship Council |
Truth or Consequences | Truth or Consequences, New Mexico |
Truthiness | Truthiness |
Truttemer-le-Grand | Truttemer-le-Grand |
Truttemer-le-Petit | Truttemer-le-Petit |
Truus Wijsmuller-Meijer | Gertruida Wijsmuller-Meier |
Truxtunklasse | Truxtun-class destroyer |
Truyện Kiều | The Tale of Kieu |
Truyes | Truyes |
Try | Try (disambiguation) |
Try (P!nk) | Try (Pink song) |
Try (rugby) | Try |
Try Again | Try Again |
Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart | Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart |
Trydarssus | Trydarssus |
Trygve Gulbranssen | Trygve Gulbranssen |
Trygve Magnus Haavelmo | Trygve Haavelmo |
Trygve Nagell | Trygve Nagell |
Tryńcza | Tryńcza |
Tryńcza (gemeente) | Gmina Tryńcza |
Tryon (North Carolina) | Tryon, North Carolina |
Trypanosomen | Trypanosoma |
Trypanosomiasis | Trypanosomiasis |
Tryphomys | Luzon short-nosed rat |
Tryphon | Tryphon (disambiguation) |
Tryphon (heilige) | Tryphon, Respicius, and Nympha |
Tryppehna | Tryppehna |
Trypsine | Trypsin |
Tryptofaan | Tryptophan |
Tržac | Tržac |
Tržac (Aleksandrovac) | Tržac (Aleksandrovac) |
Trzciana (gemeente) | Gmina Trzciana |
Trzcianka | Trzcianka |
Trzcianka (gemeente) | Gmina Trzcianka |
Trzcianne | Trzcianne |
Trzcianne (gemeente) | Gmina Trzcianne |
Trzciano | Trzciano, Pomeranian Voivodeship |
Trzciel | Trzciel |
Trzciel (gemeente) | Gmina Trzciel |
Trzcinica (gemeente) | Gmina Trzcinica |
Trzcinica (powiat Kępiński) | Trzcinica, Kępno County |
Trzcińsko-Zdrój (gemeente) | Gmina Trzcińsko-Zdrój |
Trzebiatów (gemeente) | Gmina Trzebiatów |
Trzebiechów (gemeente) | Gmina Trzebiechów |
Trzebiechów (powiat Zielonogórski) | Trzebiechów, Zielona Góra County |
Trzebiel | Trzebiel |
Trzebiel (gemeente) | Gmina Trzebiel |
Trzebielino | Trzebielino |
Trzebielino (gemeente) | Gmina Trzebielino |
Trzebieszów (gemeente) | Gmina Trzebieszów |
Trzebieszowice | Trzebieszowice |
Trzebinia (gemeente) | Gmina Trzebinia |
Trzebiszewo | Trzebiszewo |
Trzebnica (gemeente) | Gmina Trzebnica |
Trzebownisko (gemeente) | Gmina Trzebownisko |
Tržek | Tržek |
Trzemeśnia | Trzemeśnia |
Trzemeszno (gemeente) | Gmina Trzemeszno |
Trzęsacz | Trzęsacz, Gryfice County |
Trzeszczany (gemeente) | Gmina Trzeszczany |
Trzyciąż (gemeente) | Gmina Trzyciąż |
Trzydnik Duży (gemeente) | Gmina Trzydnik Duży |
TS Malekesa | TS Malekesa |
Tsaar | Tsar |
Tsaar Peterhuisje | Czar Peter House (Netherlands) |
Tsaardom Rusland | Tsardom of Russia |
Tsaartank | Tsar Tank |
Tsachkadzor | Tsaghkadzor |
Tsachoeriërs | Tsakhur people |
Tsada | Zanda County |
Tsaddie | Tsade |
Tsageri (plaats) | Tsageri |
Tsahiagiin Elbegdorzj | Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj |
Tsai Chih Chung | Tsai Chih Chung |
Tsaidam | Qaidam Basin |
Tsaile | Tsaile, Arizona |
Tsakonisch | Tsakonian language |
Tsalka (stad) | Tsalka |
Tsam | Cham dance |
Tsandrypsj | Tsandryphsh |
Tsang-dynastie | Tsangpa |
Tsangpa Gyare | Tsangpa Gyare |
Tsantsabane | Tsantsabane Local Municipality |
Tsao | Tsao, Botswana |
Tsaparang | Tsaparang |
Tsar Bomba | Tsar Bomba |
Tsarenkanon | Tsar Cannon |
Tsarenklok | Tsar Bell |
Tsarenmantel | Argynnis laodice |
Tsarevitsj | Tsarevich |
Tsaritsynopark | Tsaritsyno Park |
Tsarong Dasang Dramdül | Tsarong |
Tsarskoje Selo-lyceum | Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum |
Tsavo (rivier) | Tsavo River |
TSC Eintracht Dortmund | TSC Eintracht Dortmund |
Tschai, de waanzinnige planeet | Planet of Adventure |
Tschenis-Tsqali | Tskhenistsqali |
Tscherms | Tscherms |
Tschernitz | Tschernitz |
Tscheu La Ling | Tschen La Ling |
Tschudi’s stroomrog | Apron ray |
Tschudicavia | Montane guinea pig |
Tse Bonito | Tse Bonito, New Mexico |
Tsedaka | Tzedakah |
Tseetseevlieg | Tsetse fly |
Tsegay Kebede | Tsegaye Kebede |
Tseitin-transformatie | Tseitin-Transformation |
Tsémbehou | Tsimbeo |
Tsemönling | Tsomon Ling |
Tsentralna Rada | Central Council of Ukraine |
Tsering Dhundup | Tsering Dhundup |
Tsetang | Tsetang |
Tseten Dolma | Tseten Dolma |
Tsetsebjwe | Tsetsebjwe |
Tsetseng | Tsetseng |
Tsetserleg | Tsetserleg (city) |
Tse-Ven Soong | T. V. Soong |
Tsewang Rabtan | Tseveenravdan |
TSG Bergedorf 1860 | TSG Bergedorf 1860 |
Tshabong | Tshabong |
Tshane | Tshane |
Tshilola Tshinyama | Tsholola Tshinyama |
Tshimoyapula | Tshimoyapula |
T-shirt | T-shirt |
Tshochen | Coqên County |
Tshokatshaa | Tshokatshaa |
Tshokwe | Tshokwe |
Tshoma | Comai County |
Tshona | Cona County |
Tshonyis Dontso Chu | Shuanghu County |
Tshopo | Tshopo District |
Tshuapa | Tshuapa District |
Tshwane | City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality |
Tsienyane | Rakops |
Tsikoudia | Tsikoudia |
Tsilma | Tsilma River |
Tsimshiantalen | Tsimshianic languages |
Tsing Ma Brug | Tsing Ma Bridge |
Tsing Yi | Tsing Yi |
Tsinghua-universiteit | Tsing Hua University |
Tsingtao | Tsingtao Brewery |
Tsingy de Bemaraha | Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve |
Tsinvali | Tskhinvali |
Tsipouro | Tsipouro |
Tsirang | Tsirang District |
Tsivilsk | Tsivilsk |
Tsjaad | Chad |
Tsjaad op de Olympische Spelen | Chad at the Olympics |
Tsjaad op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008 | Chad at the 2008 Summer Olympics |
Tsjaad van A tot Z | List of Chad-related topics |
Tsjaadgiraffe | West African giraffe |
Tsjaadmeer | Lake Chad |
Tsjadan | Chadan |
Tsjadisch voetbalelftal | Chad national football team |
Tsjadische burgeroorlog | Chadian Civil War |
Tsjadische burgeroorlog (1965-1982) | Chadian Civil War (1965–79) |
Tsjadische talen | Chadic languages |
Tsjaikovski | Tchaikovsky (disambiguation) |
Tsjaoen | Chaun River |
Tsjaoenbaai | Chaunskaya Bay |
Tsjatsja | Chacha (brandy) |
Tsjchalta | Chkhalta |
Tsjchorotskoe (plaats) | Chkhorotsqu |
Tsjebarkoel | Chebarkul |
Tsjebarkoelmeer | Lake Chebarkul |
Tsjeboksary | Cheboksary |
Tsjechen | Czechs |
Tsjechië | Czech Republic |
Tsjechië op de Europese kampioenschappen atletiek 2010 | Czech Republic at the 2010 European Athletics Championships |
Tsjechië op de Olympische Jeugdwinterspelen 2012 | Czech Republic at the 2012 Winter Youth Olympics |
Tsjechië op de Olympische Spelen | Czech Republic at the Olympics |
Tsjechië op het Eurovisiesongfestival | Czech Republic in the Eurovision Song Contest |
Tsjechië op het Eurovisiesongfestival 2007 | Czech Republic in the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 |
Tsjechisch | Czech language |
Tsjechisch Filharmonisch Orkest | Czech Philharmonic |
Tsjechisch honkbalteam | Czech Republic national baseball team |
Tsjechisch kubisme | Czech Cubism |
Tsjechisch Legioen | Czechoslovak Legions |
Tsjechisch nationaal basketbalteam | Czech Republic national basketball team |
Tsjechisch Open | Czech Open (golf) |
Tsjechisch voetbalelftal | Czech Republic national football team |
Tsjechisch voetbalelftal onder 21 | Czech Republic national under-21 football team |
Tsjechisch Voetballer van het Jaar | Czech Footballer of the Year |
Tsjechisch vrouwenvoetbalelftal | Czech Republic women's national football team |
Tsjechische egel | Czech hedgehog |
Tsjechische en Slowaakse Federale Republiek | Czech and Slovak Federal Republic |
Tsjechische euromunten | Czech Republic and the euro |
Tsjechische kroon | Czech koruna |
Tsjechische Landbouwuniversiteit Praag | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague |
Tsjechische literatuur | Czech literature |
Tsjechische nationale wedergeboorte | Czech National Revival |
Tsjechische rode | Czech Red |
Tsjechische Sociaaldemocratische Partij | Czech Social Democratic Party |
Tsjechische Socialistische Republiek | Czech Socialist Republic |
Tsjechische Technische Universiteit | Czech Technical University in Prague |
Tsjechische voetbalbeker | Czech Cup |
Tsjechische voetbalbond | Football Association of the Czech Republic |
Tsjechische Wikipedia | Czech Wikipedia |
Tsjechisch-Silezië | Czech Silesia |
Tsjecho-Slowaaks voetbalelftal | Czechoslovakia national football team |
Tsjecho-Slowaakse Corridor | Czech Corridor |
Tsjecho-Slowaakse kroon | Czechoslovak koruna |
Tsjecho-Slowaakse regering in ballingschap | Czechoslovak government-in-exile |
Tsjecho-Slowaakse Socialistische Republiek | Czechoslovak Socialist Republic |
Tsjecho-Slowaakse voetbalbeker | Czechoslovak Cup |
Tsjecho-Slowaakse wolfhond | Czechoslovakian wolfdog |
Tsjecho-Slowakije | Czechoslovakia |
Tsjecho-Slowakije op de Olympische Spelen | Czechoslovakia at the Olympics |
Tsjecho-Slowakije op de Olympische Winterspelen 1924 | Czechoslovakia at the 1924 Winter Olympics |
Tsjechov | Chekhov (disambiguation) |
Tsjegem (stad) | Chegem |
Tsjeka | Cheka |
Tsjeljabinsk | Chelyabinsk |
Tsjeljoeskin | Chelyuskin |
Tsjeljoeskin (schip) | SS Chelyuskin |
Tsjepelare | Chepelare |
Tsjeptsa | Cheptsa River |
Tsjeremchovo | Cheremkhovo |
Tsjeremosj | Cheremosh River |
Tsjerenkov-effect | Čerenkov radiation |
Tsjerepovets | Cherepovets |
Tsjerkasy | Cherkasy |
Tsjerkessische Autonome Oblast | Cherkess Autonomous Oblast |
Tsjerkessk | Cherkessk |
Tsjerkizovskaja | Cherkizovskaya |
Tsjernihiv | Chernihiv |
Tsjernivtsi | Chernivtsi |
Tsjerno More Varna | PFC Cherno More Varna |
Tsjernobyl | Chornobyl |
Tsjernogorsk | Chernogorsk |
Tsjernomorets Boergas Bulgaria | PFC Chernomorets Burgas Sofia |
Tsjernomorets Novorossiejsk | FC Chernomorets Novorossiysk |
Tsjernysjevskaja (metrostation) | Chernyshevskaya |
Tsjernysjevskoje | Chernyshevskoye |
Tsjerski | Chersky (settlement) |
Tsjerskigebergte | Chersky Range |
Tsjervonets | Chervonets |
Tsjesme-kerk | Chesme Church |
Tsjetsjeens | Chechen language |
Tsjetsjeense Autonome Oblast | Chechen Autonomous Oblast |
Tsjetsjeense oorlog | Chechen War |
Tsjetsjeens-Ingoesjetische Autonome Socialistische Sovjetrepubliek | Chechen–Ingush Autonomous Oblast |
Tsjetsjenen | Chechen people |
Tsjetsjenië | Chechnya |
Tsjiatoera (stad) | Chiatura |
Tsjichoera Satsjchere | FC Chikhura Sachkhere |
Tsjikoeratsjki | Chikurachki |
Tsjirinkotan | Chirinkotan |
Tsjistopol | Chistopol |
Tsjita (rivier) | Chita River |
Tsjita (stad) | Chita, Zabaykalsky Krai |
Tsjitsjibabin-reactie | Chichibabin reaction |
Tsjkalovskaja (metrostation Sint-Petersburg) | Chkalovskaya (Saint Petersburg Metro) |
Tsjochataoeri (plaats) | Chokhatauri |
Tsjoeden | Chud |
Tsjoedovo | Chudovo, Chudovsky District, Novgorod Oblast |
Tsjoej (oblast) | Chuy Province |
Tsjoej (rivier) | Chu River |
Tsjoeja (Katoen) | Chuya River |
Tsjoejasteppe | Chuya Steppe |
Tsjoekotka | Chukotka Autonomous Okrug |
Tsjoektsjen | Chukchi people |
Tsjoektsjenschiereiland | Chukchi Peninsula |
Tsjoektsjenzee | Chukchi Sea |
Tsjoektsjisch | Chukchi language |
Tsjoektsjo-Kamtsjadaalse talen | Chukotko-Kamchatkan languages |
Tsjoelpan Chamatova | Chulpan Khamatova |
Tsjoelym | Chulym |
Tsjoelym (Ob) | Chulym River (Ob River) |
Tsjoelysjman | Chulyshman River |
Tsjoem | Chum (tent) |
Tsjoena | Chuna River |
Tsjoesovaja | Chusovaya River |
Tsjoevanen | Chuvans |
Tsjoevasjen | Chuvash people |
Tsjoevasjië | Chuvashia |
Tsjoevasjisch | Chuvash language |
Tsjoevasjische Autonome Oblast | Chuvash Autonomous Oblast |
Tsjoevasjische Autonome Socialistische Sovjetrepubliek | Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic |
Tsjojbalsan | Choibalsan (city) |
Tsjojr | Choir, Mongolia |
Tsjop | Chop (Ukraine) |
Tsjornaja retsjka (metrostation) | Chornaya Rechka (Saint Petersburg Metro) |
Tsjornomorets Odessa | FC Chornomorets Odesa |
Tsjorny Orjol | Black Eagle (tank) |
Tsjyngyz Ajtmatov | Chinghiz Aitmatov |
Tskaltoebo (stad) | Tsqaltubo |
Tsna | Tsna |
Tsna (Mstinomeer) | Tsna River (Mstino Lake basin) |
Tsnori | Tsnori |
Tsolwana | Tsolwana Local Municipality |
Tsonga | Tsonga language |
Tsongkhapa | Je Tsongkhapa |
Tsootsha | Tsootsha |
Tsotsi | Tsotsi |
Tsou | Tsou |
Tsou (taal) | Tsou language |
Tsou (volk) | Tsou people |
T-Spoon | T-Spoon |
TSR, Inc. | TSR, Inc. |
Tsst | Tsst |
Tsu | Tsu, Mie |
Tsu (doorverwijspagina) | TSU |
Tsubame | Tsubame, Niigata |
Tsubasa Chronicle | Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle |
Tsubasa Yokotake | Tsubasa Yokotake |
Tsuchimikado | Emperor Tsuchimikado |
Tsuchiya Masatsugu | Tsuchiya Masatsugu |
Tsuda Umeko | Tsuda Umeko |
Tsuen Wan | Tsuen Wan |
Tsugaru | Tsugaru |
Tsugaru (stad) | Tsugaru, Aomori |
Tsugumi Oba | Tsugumi Ohba |
Tsukasa Hojo | Tsukasa Hojo |
Tsukasa Hosaka | Tsukasa Hosaka |
Tsukuba | Tsukuba, Ibaraki |
Tsukubamirai | Tsukubamirai, Ibaraki |
Tsukumi | Tsukumi, Ōita |
Tsukumogami | Tsukumogami |
Tsukushi (provincie) | Tsukushi Province |
Tsunami (achtbaan) | Tsunami (roller coaster) |
Tsurpu | Tsurphu Monastery |
Tsuruga | Tsuruga, Fukui |
Tsuruoka | Tsuruoka, Yamagata |
Tsushima (Aichi) | Tsushima, Aichi |
Tsushima (eiland) | Tsushima Island |
Tsushima (provincie) | Tsushima Province |
Tsutomu Nishino | Tsutomu Nishino |
Tsutomu Sonobe | Tsutomu Sonobe |
Tsuyoshi Furukawa | Tsuyoshi Furukawa |
Tsuyoshi Kitazawa | Tsuyoshi Kitazawa |
Tsuyoshi Kunieda | Tsuyoshi Kunieda |
Tsuyoshi Yoshitake | Tsuyoshi Yoshitake |
TSV 1860 München | TSV 1860 München |
TSV 1860 Rosenheim | TSV 1860 Rosenheim |
TSV 1896 Rain | TSV Rain am Lech |
TSV Altenholz | TSV Altenholz |
TSV Buchbach | TSV Buchbach |
TSV Fortuna Sachsenross Hannover | Fortuna Sachsenross Hannover |
TSV Germania Windeck | TSV Germania Windeck |
TSV Großbardorf | TSV Großbardorf |
TSV Hanau 1860 | TSV Hanau |
TSV Havelse | TSV Havelse |
TSV Schwaben Augsburg | TSV Schwaben Augsburg |
TSV Uetersen | TSV Uetersen |
TSV Vestenbergsgreuth | TSV Vestenbergsgreuth |
Tsvetana Pironkova | Tsvetana Pironkova |
Tsvetanka Khristova | Tsvetanka Khristova |
Tswaing | Tswaing Local Municipality |
Tswana | Tswana |
Tswana (taal) | Tswana language |
Tswana (volk) | Tswana people |
Tswelopele | Tswelopele Local Municipality |
T-symmetrie | T-symmetry |
TT Assen | Dutch TT |
TT Assen 2008 | 2008 Dutch TT |
TT Pro League | TT Pro League |
TT Zero | TTXGP |
TT33 Tokarev | TT pistol |
TTC (rapgroep) | TTC (band) |
Tteok guk | Tteokguk |
Tteokbokki | Tteokbokki |
TTM Phichit | TTM Lopburi F.C. |
T-toets | Student's t-test |
TTS Trenčín | TTS Trenčín |
TTT Riga | TTT Riga |
TTT-diagram | Isothermal transformation diagram |
Tu (volk) | Monguor people |
Tu bandera es un lampo de cielo | National Anthem of Honduras |
Tự Đức | Tu Duc |
Tu quoque | Tu quoque |
Tu te reconnaîtras | Tu te reconnaîtras |
Tualatin Mountains | Tualatin Mountains |
Tuam | Tuam |
Tuamasaga | Tuamasaga |
Tuamotu | Tuamotus |
Tuanku Abdul Rahman | Abdul Rahman of Negeri Sembilan |
Tuanku Ja'afar | Jaafar of Negeri Sembilan |
Tuao | Tuao, Cagayan |
Tuapa | Tuapa |
Tuaran | Tuaran |
Túath | Túath |
Tuatha Dé Danann | Tuatha Dé Danann |
Tuba | Tuba (disambiguation) |
Tuba (Benguet) | Tuba, Benguet |
Tuba (instrument) | Tuba |
Tuba aperta | Patulous Eustachian tube |
Tuba City | Tuba City, Arizona |
Tubac | Tubac, Arizona |
Tubajon | Tubajon, Dinagat Islands |
Tubal | Tubal |
Tubal-Kaïn | Tubal-cain |
Tubanten | Tubantes |
Tubantia Borgerhout | K. Tubantia Borgerhout V.K. |
Tubao | Tubao, La Union |
Tubará | Tubará |
Tubaran | Tubaran, Lanao del Sur |
Tubarão (gemeente) | Tubarão |
Tubas | Tubas |
Tubas (gouvernement) | Tubas Governorate |
Tubay (Agusan del Norte) | Tubay, Agusan del Norte |
Tubbataha-riffen | Tubbataha Reef |
Tubbercurry | Tubbercurry |
Tube (fietsband) | Tubular tyre |
Tube (verpakking) | Tube (container) |
Tubeless | Tubeless tire |
Tuberaceae | Tuberaceae |
Tuberculine | Tuberculin |
Tuberculose | Tuberculosis |
Tubereuze sclerose complex | Tuberous sclerosis |
Tubersent | Tubersent |
Tubeway Army | Tubeway Army |
Tubići | Tubići |
Tubifex | Tubifex |
Tubigon | Tubigon, Bohol |
Tubiluchidae | Tubiluchidae |
Tubilustrium | Tubilustrium |
Tübingen Hauptbahnhof | Tübingen Central Station |
Tubipora musica | Organ pipe coral |
Tublay | Tublay, Benguet |
Tubo (Abra) | Tubo, Abra |
Tubod | Tubod |
Tubod (Lanao del Norte) | Tubod, Lanao del Norte |
Tubod (Surigao del Norte) | Tubod, Surigao del Norte |
Tuborg | Tuborg Brewery |
Tubou | Tubou |
Tubu | Tubu, Botswana |
Tubuline | Tubulin |
Tubungan | Tubungan, Iloilo |
Tuburan (Basilan) | Tuburan, Basilan |
Tuburan (Cebu) | Tuburan, Cebu |
TUC | TUC (cracker) |
Tucano (Bahia) | Tucano, Bahia |
Tučapy (okres Tábor) | Tučapy (Tábor District) |
Tučapy (okres Uherské Hradiště) | Tučapy (Uherské Hradiště District) |
Tučapy (okres Vyškov) | Tučapy (Vyškov District) |
Tuchlovice | Tuchlovice |
Tuchola (gemeente) | Gmina Tuchola |
Tuchoměřice | Tuchoměřice |
Tuchomie | Tuchomie |
Tuchomie (gemeente) | Gmina Tuchomie |
Tuchoraz | Tuchoraz |
Tuchów | Tuchów |
Tuchów (gemeente) | Gmina Tuchów |
Tuchtroede | Birching |
Tuchyňa | Tuchyňa |
Tučín | Tučín |
Tuck Everlasting | Tuck Everlasting (2002 film) |
Tuckahoe | Tuckahoe |
Tucker & Dale vs Evil | Tucker & Dale vs Evil |
Tucker (automerk) | 1948 Tucker Sedan |
Tucker County | Tucker County, West Virginia |
Tucker Fredricks | Tucker Fredricks |
Tuckerboot (waterstof) | Tuckerboot (hydrogen) |
Tučkovo | Tučkovo |
Tucquegnieux | Tucquegnieux |
Tucson | Tucson, Arizona |
Tucson Chrysler Classic | Chrysler Classic of Tucson |
Tucson Estates | Tucson Estates, Arizona |
Tucson Sidewinders | Tucson Sidewinders |
Tucumán | Tucumán (disambiguation) |
Tucumán (provincie) | Tucumán Province |
Tucumcari | Tucumcari, New Mexico |
Túcume | Túcume |
Tucupita | Tucupita Municipality |
Tucuxi | Tucuxi |
Tuczępy (gemeente) | Gmina Tuczępy |
Tuczępy (Święty Krzyż) | Tuczępy, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship |
Tuczna (gemeente) | Gmina Tuczna |
Tuczno (gemeente) | Gmina Tuczno |
Tudeh Partij van Iran | Tudeh Party of Iran |
Tudeils | Tudeils |
Tudela | Tudela |
Tudela (Cebu) | Tudela, Cebu |
Tudela (Spanje) | Tudela, Navarre |
Tudela de Duero | Tudela de Duero |
Tudelle | Tudelle |
Tudhaliya | Tudhaliya |
Tudhaliya I | Tudhaliya I |
Tudhaliya II | Tudhaliya II |
Tudhaliya III | Tudhaliya III |
Tudi Gong | Tu Di Gong |
Tuđin | Tuđin |
Tudor (dynastie) | Tudor dynasty |
Tudorella sulcata | Tudorella sulcata |
Tudorstijl | Tudor architecture |
Tudulinna | Tudulinna Parish |
Tuéjar | Tuéjar |
Tuf | TUF |
Tuffé | Tuffé |
Tuffen | Spitting |
Tufnell Park (metrostation) | Tufnell Park tube station |
Tufo | Tufo |
Tufsteen | Tuff |
Tuftsuniversiteit | Tufts University |
Tugba Karademir | Tuğba Karademir |
Tugboat Annie | Tugboat Annie |
Tugela (rivier) | Tugela River |
Tugéras-Saint-Maurice | Tugéras-Saint-Maurice |
Tughluqdynastie | Tughlaq dynasty |
Tughra | Tughra |
Tughrassen | Tughrassen |
Tugny-et-Pont | Tugny-et-Pont |
Tugtupiet | Tugtupite |
Tuguegarao | Tuguegarao |
Tuhaň (okres Česká Lípa) | Tuhaň (Česká Lípa District) |
Tuhaň (okres Mělník) | Tuhaň (Mělník District) |
Tuhár | Tuhár |
Tuhelj | Tuhelj |
Tuhrina | Tuhrina |
Tuhu | Tuhu, Estonia |
Tui (Pontevedra) | Tui, Pontevedra |
TUI Airlines | Airlines of the TUI Travel group |
Tui Na | Tui na |
Tu'i Tonga | Tuʻi Tonga |
Tuibrug | Cable-stayed bridge |
Tuidraad | Guy-wire |
Tuigage (schip) | Rigging |
Tuil (dorp) | Tuil |
Tuilerieën | Tuileries Garden |
Tuilerieënpaleis | Tuileries Palace |
Tuileries (metrostation) | Tuileries (Paris Métro) |
Tuiloma Neroni Slade | Tuiloma Neroni Slade |
Tuimelaar | Bottlenose Dolphin |
Tuimelaar (motortechniek) | Rocker arm |
Tuimelschijf | Swashplate |
Tuimelschijf (helikopter) | Swashplate (helicopter) |
Tuin | Garden |
Tuin der lusten | The Garden of Earthly Delights |
Tuin- en landschapsarchitect | Landscape architect |
Tuin van Ridván (Bagdad) | Garden of Ridván, Baghdad |
Tuinanjer | Carnation |
Tuinbingelkruid | Mercurialis annua |
Tuinboa | Corallus hortulanus |
Tuinboon | Vicia faba |
Tuinbouw | Horticulture |
Tuinbroek | Overall |
Tuincentrum | Garden centre |
Tuineje | Tuineje, Las Palmas |
Tuinen van Bomarzo | Park of the Monsters |
Tuinen van Lucullus | Gardens of Lucullus |
Tuinfluiter | Garden Warbler |
Tuinhibiscus | Hibiscus syriacus |
Tuinhommel | Bombus hortorum |
Tuinhoningeter | Noisy Miner |
Tuinhuis | Shed |
Tuinieren | Gardening |
Tuinieren op de "square foot" | Square foot gardening |
Tuinkabouter | Garden gnome |
Tuinkabouterbevrijdingsfront | Garden gnome liberationists |
Tuinkamperfoelie | Lonicera caprifolium |
Tuinkers | Garden cress |
Tuinloopkever | Carabus nemoralis |
Tuinmelde | Atriplex hortensis |
Tuinradijs | Radish |
Tuinring | Garden Ring |
Tuinroute | Garden Route |
Tuinslakken | Helicidae |
Tuinslang | Garden hose |
Tuinspitsmuis | Lesser white-toothed shrew |
Tuinspringstaarten | Sminthuridae |
Tuinstad | Garden city movement |
Tuinstoel | Garden furniture |
Tuintoerisme | Garden tourism |
Tuinwaaierstaart | Willie Wagtail |
Tuinwolfsmelk | Euphorbia peplus |
Tuira | Tuira River |
Tuitje | Ochrea |
Tuitjenhorn | Tuitjenhorn |
Tuiuti | Tuiuti |
Tuja-Stadion | Tuja-Stadion |
Tujia (taal) | Tujia language |
Tujia (volk) | Tujia people |
Tuk | Tuk |
Tuk Jakova | Tuk Jakova |
Tukkispecht | Buff-necked Woodpecker |
Tuktuk | Auto rickshaw |
Tukulti-Ninurta | Tukulti-Ninurta |
Tukulti-Ninurta I | Tukulti-Ninurta I |
Tukulti-Ninurta II | Tukulti-Ninurta II |
Tukuran | Tukuran, Zamboanga del Sur |
Tukutuku rakiurae | Harlequin gecko |
Tukwila | Tukwila, Washington |
Tula | Tula |
Tula (Hidalgo) | Tula de Allende |
Tula (Italië) | Tula, Sardinia |
Tulamben | Tulamben |
Tulancingo | Tulancingo |
Tulare | Tulare |
Tulare (Californië) | Tulare, California |
Tulare County | Tulare County, California |
Tularemie | Tularemia |
Tulari | Tulari |
Tulasnellaceae | Tulasnellaceae |
Tülau | Tülau |
Tulband (gebak) | Gugelhupf |
Tulca | Tulca |
Tulčík | Tulčík |
TUL-competitie | TUL Cup |
Tule | Tule (disambiguation) |
Tule (textiel) | Tulle netting |
Tulebras | Tulebras |
Tulešice | Tulešice |
Tuli Kupferberg | Tuli Kupferberg |
Tulia | Tulia, Texas |
Túlio Lustosa Seixas Pinheiro | Túlio Lustosa Seixas Pinheiro |
Tulip (stoel) | Tulip chair |
Tulip Bowl | Tulip Bowl |
Tulipa gesneriana | Tulipa gesneriana |
Tuliszków (gemeente) | Gmina Tuliszków |
Tulkarm (gouvernement) | Tulkarm Governorate |
Tulku | Tulku |
Tull en 't Waal | Tull en 't Waal |
Tullaghan | Tullaghan |
Tullahoma-veldtocht | Tullahoma Campaign |
Tullamore Dew | Tullamore Dew |
Tullgrenella | Tullgrenella |
Tullia | Tullia Ciceronis |
Tullimonstrum | Tullimonstrum |
Tullio Kezich | Tullio Kezich |
Tulln (district) | Tulln District |
Tully | Tully, Somme |
Tulou | Fujian Tulou |
Tułowice (gemeente) | Gmina Tułowice |
Tulp | Tulip |
Tulpenboomfamilie | Magnoliaceae |
Tulpenmanie | Tulip mania |
Tulpenrallye | Tulip Rally |
Tulpenrevolutie | Tulip Revolution |
Tulpius | Tulpius |
Tulpstekker | RCA connector |
Tulsa | Tulsa (disambiguation) |
Tulsa (Oklahoma) | Tulsa, Oklahoma |
Tulsa County | Tulsa County, Oklahoma |
Tulsidas | Tulsidas |
Tulu | Tulu language |
Tuluksak | Tuluksak, Alaska |
Tulum | Tulum |
Tulum (gemeente) | Tulum Municipality |
Tulum Pueblo | Tulum, Quintana Roo |
Tulumba (departement) | Tulumba Department |
Tulunan | Tulunan, Cotabato |
Tuły | Tuły |
Tumacacori-Carmen | Tumacacori, Arizona |
Tumanyan | Tumanyan, Armenia |
Tumauini | Tumauini, Isabela |
Tumba | Tumba |
Tumba (Zweden) | Tumba, Sweden |
Tumbalaklimrat | Tumbala climbing rat |
Tumbameer | Lake Tumba |
Tumbarumba | Tumbarumba |
Tumbarumba Shire Council | Tumbarumba Shire |
Tumbes (provincie) | Tumbes Province |
Tumbes (regio) | Tumbes Region |
Tumbes (stad) | Tumbes, Peru |
Tumbler | Old Fashioned glass |
Tumbleweed | Tumbleweed |
Tumbling | Tumbling (gymnastics) |
Tumen | Tumen (disambiguation) |
Tumen (rivier) | Tumen River |
Tumen (stad) | Tumen, Jilin |
Tumkur (district) | Tumkur district |
Tummel | River Tummel |
Tumnus | Mr. Tumnus |
Tumo | Tummo |
Tumor | Tumour |
Tumormarker | Tumor marker |
Tumornecrosefactor | Tumor necrosis factors |
Tumornecrosefactor β | Lymphotoxin |
Tumorsuppressorgen | Tumor suppressor gene |
Tumu | Tumu |
Tumucumaque | Tumucumaque |
Tumut Shire Council | Tumut Shire |
Tumxuk | Tumxuk |
Tun | Tun |
Tun (mayakalender) | Tun (Maya calendar) |
Tunápolis | Tunápolis |
Tunapuna - Piarco | Tunapuna-Piarco Regional Corporation |
Tunas Samudera | Tunas Samudera |
Tunbridge Wells (district) | Borough of Tunbridge Wells |
Tunç Hamarat | Tunç Hamarat |
Tunceli (provincie) | Tunceli Province |
Tunchang | Tunchang County |
Tuněchody | Tuněchody |
Tuner | Tuner |
Tuner (radio) | Tuner (radio) |
Tunes (Silves) | Tunes (Silves) |
Tunesië | Tunisia |
Tunesië op de Olympische Spelen | Tunisia at the Olympics |
Tunesië op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008 | Tunisia at the 2008 Summer Olympics |
Tunesië op de Paralympische Spelen | Tunisia at the Paralympics |
Tunesisch voetbalelftal | Tunisia national football team |
Tunesische Communistische Arbeiderspartij | Workers' Party (Tunisia) |
Tunesische dinar | Tunisian dinar |
Tunga (Leyte) | Tunga, Leyte |
Tungarakikker | Tungara frog |
Tungawan | Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay |
Tungiasis | Tungiasis |
Tungri | Tungri |
T'ung-shan She | T'ung-shan She |
Tungurahua (provincie) | Tungurahua Province |
Tunica (Mississippi) | Tunica, Mississippi |
Tunica (Rome) | Tunic |
Tunica County | Tunica County, Mississippi |
Tuniek (liturgie) | Tunicle |
Tuning | Tuner (car) |
Tunis (gouvernement) | Tunis Governorate |
Tunkhannock | Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania |
Tunku Abdul Rahman (premier) | Tunku Abdul Rahman |
Tunnel (doorverwijspagina) | Tunnel (disambiguation) |
Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse | Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse |
Tunnel du Rove | Rove Tunnel |
Tunnel Maurice-Lemaire | Tunnel Maurice-Lemaire |
Tunnel onder de Beringstraat | Bering Strait crossing |
Tunnel van Malpas | Malpas Tunnel |
Tunnel van Sarajevo | Sarajevo Tunnel |
Tunnel van Soumagne | Soumagne Tunnel |
Tunnelboormachine | Tunnel boring machine |
Tunnelcomplex van Củ Chi | Cu Chi tunnels |
Tunnelcomplex van Vịnh Mốc | Vinh Moc tunnels |
Tunneldal | Tunnel valley |
Tunneldiode | Tunnel diode |
Tunneleffect | Quantum tunneling |
Tunnelhill (Pennsylvania) | Tunnelhill, Pennsylvania |
Tunnelingprotocol | Tunneling protocol |
Tunnelrat | Tunnel rat |
Tunnels (boek) | Tunnels (novel) |
Tunovo | Tunovo |
Tunstall (Kent) | Tunstall, Kent |
Tuntange | Tuntange |
Tuntutuliak | Tuntutuliak, Alaska |
Tunu | Tunu |
Tununak | Tununak, Alaska |
Tununguá | Tununguá |
Tunuyán (departement) | Tunuyán Department |
Tunuyán (Mendoza) | Tunuyán |
Tunxdorf | Tunxdorf |
Tunyogmatolcs | Tunyogmatolcs |
Tuol Sleng-museum | Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum |
Tuolumne County | Tuolumne County, California |
Tuolumne Meadows | Tuolumne Meadows |
Tuomas Haapala | Tuomas Haapala |
Tuomas Rannankari | Tuomas Rannankari |
Tuomo Könönen | Tuomo Könönen |
Tuor | Tuor |
Tupá | Tupá |
Tupã (São Paulo) | Tupã, São Paulo |
Tupac Amaru | Túpac Amaru (disambiguation) |
Túpac Amaru | Túpac Amaru |
Túpac Amaru II | Túpac Amaru II |
Túpac Huallpa | Túpac Huallpa |
Túpac Inca Yupanqui | Topa Inca Yupanqui |
Túpac Katari | Túpac Katari |
Tupamaros | Tupamaros |
Tupanci | Tupanci |
Tupandactylus | Tupandactylus |
Tupel | Tuple |
Tupelo | Tupelo (disambiguation) |
Tupelo (Mississippi) | Tupelo, Mississippi |
Tupesy | Tupesy |
Tupi (South Cotabato) | Tupi, South Cotabato |
Tupi FC | Tupi Football Club |
Tupi Paulista | Tupi Paulista |
Tupigny | Tupigny |
Tupilak | Tupilaq |
Tupilaţi | Tupilați |
Tupin-et-Semons | Tupin-et-Semons |
Tupiza (gemeente) | Tupiza Municipality |
Tuplice | Tuplice |
Tuplice (gemeente) | Gmina Tuplice |
Tupolev | Tupolev |
Tupolev ANT-40 | Tupolev SB |
Tupolev Tu-22M | Tupolev Tu-22M |
Tupolev Tu-28 | Tupolev Tu-28 |
Tupou VI | Tupou VI |
Tupu | Tupu |
Tupuji Imere | Tupuji Imere F.C. |
Tupungato (departement) | Tupungato Department |
Tupungato (vulkaan) | Tupungato |
Túquerres | Túquerres |
Tur Abdin | Tur Abdin |
Tura | Tura, Hungary |
Turá | Turá |
Turacoena | Turacoena |
Turais | Iota Carinae |
Turan | Turan |
Turan Air | Turan Air |
Turandot | Turandot (disambiguation) |
Turandot (opera) | Turandot |
Turanga Leela | Leela (Futurama) |
Turangalîla-symfonie | Turangalîla-Symphonie |
Turanisme | Turanism |
Tuřany (okres Cheb) | Tuřany (Cheb District) |
Turawa | Turawa |
Turawa (gemeente) | Gmina Turawa |
Turba (muziek) | Turba |
Turbaco | Turbaco |
Turban Geyser | Turban Geyser |
Turbaná | Turbana, Bolívar |
Türbe | Türbe |
Turbidiet | Turbidite |
Turbidimetrie | Turbidimetry |
Turbinella pyrum | Turbinella pyrum |
Turbinellidae | Turbinellidae |
Turbinidae | Turbinidae |
Turbo | Turbo (disambiguation) |
Turbo (Antioquia) | Turbo, Colombia |
Turbo (belegging) | Contract for difference |
Turbo (film) | Turbo (film) |
Turbo (Judas Priest) | Turbo (Judas Priest album) |
Turbo (weekdier) | Turbo (gastropod) |
Turbo Drop | Turbo Drop |
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie | Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie |
Turbo-alternator | Turbo generator |
TurboBASIC | Turbo Basic |
TurboCASH | TurboCASH |
Turbocharged Direct Injection | Turbocharged Direct Injection |
Turbocode | Turbo code |
Turbodiesel | Turbo-diesel |
Turbofan | Turbofan |
Turbojet | Turbojet |
Turbolader | Turbocharger |
Turbomachine | Turbomachinery |
Turbopomp | Turbopump |
Turboprop | Turboprop |
Turboshaft | Turboshaft |
Turbulente stroming | Turbulence |
Turček | Turček |
Turceni | Turceni |
Turcey | Turcey |
Turcia | Turcia |
Turčianky | Turčianky |
Turčianske Kľačany | Turčianske Kľačany |
Turčiansky Ďur | Turčiansky Ďur |
Turčiansky Peter | Turčiansky Peter |
Turco (gemeente) | Turco Municipality |
Turčok | Turčok |
Turcovce | Turcovce |
Turdaș | Turdaș |
Turdoides | Turdoides |
Turek | Turek, Poland |
Turek (gemeente) | Gmina Turek |
Tureluur | Common Redshank |
Turenne | Turenne (disambiguation) |
Turenne (plaats) | Turenne, Corrèze |
Turf (brandstof) | Peat |
Turgon (Charente) | Turgon, Charente |
Turgon (elf) | Turgon |
Turgordruk | Turgor pressure |
Turgut Reis | Turgut Reis |
Turgutluspor | Turgutluspor |
Turhan Baytop | Turhan Baytop |
Turhan Përmeti | Turhan Përmeti |
Turhan Selçuk | Turhan Selçuk |
Turi | Turi, Apulia |
Türi | Türi |
Turia | Turia (river) |
Turibius de Mogrovejo | Turibius of Mongrovejo |
Turica (Lučani) | Turica |
Turijn | Turin (disambiguation) |
Turijn (provincie) | Province of Turin |
Turijn-Milaan-Getijdenboek | Turin-Milan Hours |
Turík | Turík |
Túrin Turambar | Túrin Turambar |
Turingmachine | Turing machine |
Turingtest | Turing test |
Turingvolledigheid | Turing completeness |
Turion | Turion (botany) |
Turís | Turís |
Turisind | Thurisind |
Túristvándi | Túristvándi |
Turiúba | Turiúba |
Turiya | Turiya |
Turk | Turk |
Turk (schaakmachine) | The Turk |
Türk Telekom | Türk Telekom |
Türk Telekom Arena | Turk Telekom Arena |
Türk Telekom BK | Türk Telekom B.K. |
Türk Telekom GSK | Türk Telekom GSK |
Turkana | Turkana |
Turkana (district) | Turkana County |
Turkana Boy | Turkana Boy |
Turkanameer | Lake Turkana |
Turken | Turkish people |
Turkenoorlogen | Ottoman wars in Europe |
Türkentor | Türkentor (Munich) |
Turkestaanse Autonome Socialistische Sovjetrepubliek | Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic |
Turkestaanse steppegaai | Pander's Ground Jay |
Turkestan-Siberische spoorlijn | Turkestan–Siberia Railway |
Turkey | Turkey (disambiguation) |
Turkey (Texas) | Turkey, Texas |
Turkije | Turkey |
Turkije en de Europese Unie | Accession of Turkey to the European Union |
Turkije op de Europese kampioenschappen atletiek 2010 | Turkey at the 2010 European Athletics Championships |
Turkije op de Olympische Jeugdwinterspelen 2012 | Turkey at the 2012 Winter Youth Olympics |
Turkije op de Olympische Spelen | Turkey at the Olympics |
Turkije op de Olympische Winterspelen 1948 | Turkey at the 1948 Winter Olympics |
Turkije op het Eurovisiesongfestival | Turkey in the Eurovision Song Contest |
Turkish Aerospace Industries | Turkish Aerospace Industries |
Turkish Airlines-vlucht 981 | Turkish Airlines Flight 981 |
Turkish Badminton Federation | Turkish Badminton Federation |
Turkish Stars | Turkish Stars |
Türkiye Basketbol Ligi | Turkish Basketball League |
Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası | Central Bank of the Turkey |
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demiryolları | Turkish State Railways |
Türkiye Komünist Partisi | Communist Party of Turkey (current) |
Türkiye Radyo-Televizyon Kurumu | TRT |
Turkmeens | Turkmen language |
Turkmeens voetbalelftal | Turkmenistan national football team |
Turkmeense manat | Turkmenistan manat |
Turkmeense Socialistische Sovjetrepubliek | Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic |
Türkmenbaşy | Türkmenbaşy, Turkmenistan |
Turkmenen | Turkmen people |
Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan |
Turkmenistan op de Olympische Spelen | Turkmenistan at the Olympics |
Turkmenistan op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 | Turkmenistan at the 2012 Summer Olympics |
Turkologie | Turkology |
Turkoois (mineraal) | Turquoise |
Turkooisblauwtje | Turquoise Blue |
Turkooisparkiet | Turquoise Parrot |
Turks | Turkish language |
Turks brood | Flatbread |
Turks- en Caicoseilanden | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Turks fruit (film) | Turkish Delight (film) |
Turks fruit (snoepgoed) | Turkish delight |
Turks kenteken | Vehicle registration plates of Turkey |
Turks nationaal basketbalteam | Turkey national basketball team |
Turks referendum over grondwetswijzigingen 2010 | Turkish constitutional referendum, 2010 |
Turks spikkeldikkopje | Sandy Grizzled Skipper |
Turks voetbalelftal | Turkey national football team |
Turks voor beginners | Türkisch für Anfänger |
Turks vrouwenvoetbalelftal | Turkey women's national football team |
Turks-Armeense Oorlog | Turkish–Armenian War |
Turks-Cyprioten | Turkish Cypriots |
Turks-Cypriotische voetbalbond | Cyprus Turkish Football Federation |
Turkse angora | Turkish Angora |
Turkse boomklever | Krüper's Nuthatch |
Turkse den | Turkish pine |
Turkse gendarmerie | Turkish Gendarmerie |
Turkse keuken | Turkish cuisine |
Turkse knoop | Turk's head knot |
Turkse kustwacht | Turkish Coast Guard |
Turkse landmacht | Turkish Army |
Turkse lelie | Lilium martagon |
Turkse lira | Turkish lira |
Turkse literatuur | Turkish literature |
Turkse luchtmacht | Turkish Air Force |
Turkse marine | Turkish Navy |
Turkse Onafhankelijkheidsmedaille | Medal of Independence (Turkey) |
Turkse Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog | Turkish War of Independence |
Turkse presidentsverkiezingen 2007 | Turkish presidential election, 2007 |
Turkse Raad | Turkic Council |
Turkse Rivièra | Turkish Riviera |
Turkse strijdkrachten | Turkish Armed Forces |
Turkse supercup | Turkish Super Cup |
Turkse talen | Turkic languages |
Turkse tortel | Eurasian Collared Dove |
Turkse uil | Chrysodeixis chalcites |
Turkse Van | Turkish Van |
Turkse voetbalbeker | Turkish Cup |
Turkse voetbalbond | Turkish Football Federation |
Turkse volkeren | Turkic peoples |
Turkse Wikipedia | Turkish Wikipedia |
Turkse zandmuis | Tristram's jird |
Turks-orthodoxe Kerk | Autocephalous Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate |
TÜRKSOY | International Organization of Turkic Culture |
Turkuaz Airlines | Turkuaz Airlines |
Turlock | Turlock, California |
Turlough O'Carolan | Turlough O'Carolan |
Turma | Turma |
Turmalina (Minas Gerais) | Turmalina, Minas Gerais |
Turmalina (São Paulo) | Turmalina |
Turmequé | Turmequé |
Turmstraße (metrostation) | Turmstraße (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Turn A Gundam | Turn A Gundam |
Turn Back | Turn Back (Toto album) |
Turn Back Time | Turn Back Time |
Turn coördinator | Turn and balance indicator |
Turn it on again (album) | Turn It On Again |
Turn to Stone | Turn to Stone |
Turn! Turn! Turn! (album) | Turn! Turn! Turn! (album) |
Turn! Turn! Turn! (lied) | Turn! Turn! Turn! |
Turnagra | Piopio (bird) |
Turnaround | Turnaround (music) |
Turnau | Turnau, Styria |
Turn-based strategy | Turn-based strategy |
Turnberry Golf Club | Turnberry (golf course) |
Turnen | Artistic gymnastics |
Turnen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1932 | Gymnastics at the 1932 Summer Olympics |
Turner | Turner (disambiguation) |
Turner Classic Movies | Turner Classic Movies |
Turner County | Turner County |
Turner County (Georgia) | Turner County, Georgia |
Turner County (South Dakota) | Turner County, South Dakota |
Turner Prize | Turner Prize |
Turneraceae | Turneraceae |
Turnhalle Constitutionele Conferentie | Turnhalle Constitutional Conference |
Turnham Green (metrostation) | Turnham Green tube station |
Turnianska Nová Ves | Turnianska Nová Ves |
Turning Point | Turning Point |
Turnišče | Municipality of Turnišče |
Turnow-Preilack | Turnow-Preilack |
Turnpike Lane (metrostation) | Turnpike Lane tube station |
Turnus | Turnus |
Turny | Turny |
Turobin (gemeente) | Gmina Turobin |
Turón | Turón |
Turonien | Turonian |
Turośl (gemeente) | Gmina Turośl |
Turośń Kościelna | Turośń Kościelna |
Turośń Kościelna (gemeente) | Gmina Turośń Kościelna |
Turová | Turová |
Turovec | Turovec |
Turovice | Turovice |
Turpan | Turpan |
Turquant | Turquant |
Turquoise | Turquoise (disambiguation) |
Turquoise (beurs) | Turquoise (trading platform) |
Turquoise (kleur) | Turquoise (color) |
Turre | Turre |
Turrell Wylie | Turrell V. Wylie |
Turretot | Turretot |
Túrricse | Túrricse |
Turridae | Turridae |
Turriers | Turriers |
Turritella | Turritella |
Tursac | Tursac |
Tursan | Tursan |
Tursib | Tursib |
Tursko | Tursko (Czech Republic) |
Tursunzoda | Tursunzoda |
Turtle | Turtle (disambiguation) |
Turtle (onderzeeboot) | Turtle (submersible) |
Turtle (syntaxis) | Turtle (syntax) |
Turtle Islands | Turtle Islands, Tawi-Tawi |
Turtle Lake | Turtle Lake |
Turtle Talk with Crush | Turtle Talk with Crush |
Turtles Can Fly | Turtles Can Fly |
Turtmann | Turtmann |
Turtur | Turtur |
Turuçu | Turuçu |
Turulung | Turulung |
Turvânia | Turvânia |
Turven | Tally marks |
Turville | Turville |
Turvo (Santa Catarina) | Turvo |
TuS Koblenz | TuS Koblenz |
TuS Komet Arsten | TuS Komet Arsten |
TuS Makkabi Berlin | TuS Makkabi Berlin |
TuS Mayen 1886/1914 | TuS Mayen |
Tusa | Tusa, Sicily |
Tusayan | Tusayan, Arizona |
Tuscaloosa | Tuscaloosa, Alabama |
Tuscaloosa County | Tuscaloosa County, Alabama |
Tuscarawas County | Tuscarawas County, Ohio |
Tüscherz-Alfermée | Tüscherz-Alfermée |
Tuscola (Illinois) | Tuscola, Illinois |
Tuscola County | Tuscola County, Michigan |
Tusculum | Tusculum (disambiguation) |
Tusculum (Tennessee) | Tusculum, Tennessee |
Tuscumbia (Alabama) | Tuscumbia, Alabama |
Tuscumbia (Missouri) | Tuscumbia, Missouri |
Tusenfryd | Tusenfryd |
Tushratta | Tushratta |
Tušice | Tušice |
Tušická Nová Ves | Tušická Nová Ves |
Tusitala | Tusitala |
Tuskegee | Tuskegee, Alabama |
Tuskegee-syfilisonderzoek | Tuskegee syphilis experiment |
Tusken Raiders | Tusken Raiders |
Tusker FC | Tusker F.C. |
Tușnad | Tușnad |
Tusoteuthis | Tusoteuthis |
Tussen Kunst & Kitsch | Antiques Roadshow |
Tussengas | Double clutch |
Tussenpersoon | Intermediary |
Tussenring | Extension tube |
Tussensprintklassement Ronde van Frankrijk | Intermediate sprints classification in the Tour de France |
Tussenstaat van de droomtoestand | Dream yoga |
Tussenstop | Layover |
Tussentitel | Intertitle |
Tussenvloer | Mezzanine |
Tussenwaardestelling | Intermediate value theorem |
Tussenwerpsel | Interjection |
Tussenwervelschijf | Intervertebral disc |
Tustin | Tustin (disambiguation) |
Tustin (Californië) | Tustin, California |
Tustin Foothills | North Tustin, California |
Tustna | Tustna |
Tuszów Narodowy (gemeente) | Gmina Tuszów Narodowy |
Tuszyn | Tuszyn (disambiguation) |
Tuszyn (gemeente) | Gmina Tuszyn |
Tuszyn (Łódź) | Tuszyn |
Tuta | Tuta, Boyacá |
Tutazá | Tutazá |
Tutbury | Tutbury |
Tutelina | Tutelina |
Tuti eiland | Tuti Island |
Tutiće | Tutiće |
Tutin | Tutin, Serbia |
Tutmoses (beeldhouwer) | Thutmose (sculptor) |
Tuto | Tuto |
Tutong | Tutong |
Tutong (Brunei) | Tutong District |
Tutor (Romeins recht) | Tutor |
Tutow | Tutow |
Tutoyeren | T–V distinction |
Tutsi | Tutsi |
Tutte storie | Tutte storie |
Tüttendorf | Tüttendorf |
Tuttifrutti | Tutti frutti |
Tuttle (Oklahoma) | Tuttle, Oklahoma |
Tutu | Tutu |
Tutuki Splash | Tutuki Splash |
Tutume | Tutume |
Tutush I | Tutush I |
Tutwiler | Tutwiler, Mississippi |
Tuudi | Tuudi |
Tuul | Tuul River |
Tuupovaara | Tuupovaara |
Tuvalu A-Division | Tuvalu A-Division |
Tuvalu mo te Atua | Tuvalu mo te Atua |
Tuvalu National Football Association | Tuvalu National Football Association |
Tuvalu op de Olympische Spelen | Tuvalu at the Olympics |
Tuvalu op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008 | Tuvalu at the 2008 Summer Olympics |
Tuvalu Sports Ground | Tuvalu Sports Ground |
Tuvaluaans | Tuvaluan language |
Tuvaluaans voetbalelftal | Tuvalu national football team |
Tuvaluaans zaalvoetbalteam | Tuvalu national futsal team |
Tuvaphantes | Tuvaphantes |
Tuvia Bielski | Tuvia Bielski |
Tuvok | Tuvok |
Tuvshinbayar Naidan | Naidangiin Tüvshinbayar |
Tux | Tux |
Tux (Tirol) | Tux, Tyrol |
Tux Paint | Tux Paint |
Tuxedo | Tuxedo (software) |
Tuxer Alpen | Tux Alps |
Tuxertal | Tuxertal |
Tuxpan | Tuxpan (disambiguation) |
Tuxtepec | San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec |
Tuy (Batangas) | Tuy, Batangas |
Tuy (provincie) | Tuy Province |
Tuy Hòa | Tuy Hoa |
Tuyên Hóa | Tuyen Hoa District |
Tuyên Quang (provincie) | Tuyên Quang Province |
Tuyên Quang (stad) | Tuyên Quang |
Tuz Gölü | Lake Tuz |
Tuzaguet | Tuzaguet |
Tužice | Tužice |
Tuzie | Tuzie |
Tužina | Tužina |
Tuzinje | Tuzinje |
Tuzla (kanton) | Tuzla Canton |
Tužno | Tužno |
Tuzsér | Tuzsér |
Tv | TV (disambiguation) |
TV 2 (Hongarije) | TV2 (Hungary) |
TV 2 (Noorwegen) | TV 2 (Norway) |
TV 4 Sport-Expressen | TV4 Sport |
TV Belgiek | TV Belgiek |
TV Großwallstadt | TV Grosswallstadt |
Tv met led-backlight | Backlight |
TV Vlaanderen | TV Vlaanderen Digitaal | | |
Tv·2 | TV-2 (band) |
TV3 (Ierland) | TV3 (Ireland) |
TV3 (Nieuw-Zeeland) | TV3 (New Zealand) |
TV3 (Zweden) | TV3 (Sweden) |
TV5MONDE | TV5Monde |
TVA (televisiezender) | TVA (Canada) |
Tvååker | Tvååker |
Tvarožná | Tvarožná |
Tvarožná (okres Brno-venkov) | Tvarožná (Brno-Country District) |
Tvarožná (okres Kežmarok) | Tvarožná, Kežmarok District |
Tvarožná Lhota | Tvarožná Lhota |
TVB | TVB (disambiguation) |
TVB Pearl | TVB Pearl |
TVE Internacional | TVE Internacional |
Tveit | Tveit |
Tver | Tver |
Tverskaja oelitsa | Tverskaya Street |
Tvertsa | Tvertsa River |
TVM (wielerploeg) | TVM (cycling team) |
Tvořihráz | Tvořihráz |
TVR | TVR (disambiguation) |
TVR (automerk) | TVR |
TVR (bus) | Bombardier Guided Light Transit |
Tvrdići | Tvrdići |
Tvrdojevac | Tvrdojevac |
Tvrdomestice | Tvrdomestice |
Tvrtko Kale | Tvrtko Kale |
Tv-toren van Alma-Ata | Almaty Tower |
Tv-toren van Bombay | Mumbai Television Tower |
Tv-toren van Jekaterinenburg | Yekaterinburg TV Tower |
Tv-toren van Jerevan | Yerevan TV Tower |
Tv-toren van Tallinn | Tallinn TV Tower |
Tv-toren van Tasjkent | Tashkent Tower |
Tv-toren van Zagreb | Zagreb TV Tower |
Tv-toren WITI | WITI TV Tower |
Twa | Great Lakes Twa |
Twaalf apostelen van Ierland | Twelve Apostles of Ireland |
Twaalf Apostelenkerk | Church of the Twelve Apostles |
Twaalfdradige paradijshop | Twelve-wired Bird-of-paradise |
Twaalfhoek | Dodecagon |
Twaalfjarig Bestand | Twelve Years' Truce |
Twaalfstappenprogramma | Twelve-step program |
Twaalftafelenwet | Twelve Tables |
Twaalftallig stelsel | Duodecimal |
Twaalfvingerige darm | Duodenum |
Twaalfvoetsjol | 12 foot dinghy |
Twan Poels | Twan Poels |
Twan van Gendt | Twan van Gendt |
Twang | Alternative country |
Twann | Twann |
Twann-Tüscherz | Twann-Tüscherz |
Twardogóra (gemeente) | Gmina Twardogóra |
Twarres | Twarres |
TWA-vlucht 800 | TWA Flight 800 |
Twedt | Twedt |
Twee Bomen van Valinor | Two Trees of Valinor |
Twee jaar vakantie | Two Years' Vacation |
Twee Neten | Deux-Nèthes |
Twee Vrouwen (Egypte) | Two Ladies |
Tweebandanemoonvis | Red Sea clownfish |
Tweebandbladroller | Piniphila bifasciana |
Tweebloemig viooltje | Viola biflora |
Tweebond | Dual Alliance |
Tweed (rivier) | River Tweed |
Tweed (stof) | Tweed (cloth) |
Tweed Shire Council | Tweed Shire |
Tweedaagse Zeeslag (op de Noordzee) | St. James's Day Battle |
Tweede aanval op de haven van Oostende | Second Ostend Raid |
Tweede afgeleide | Second derivative |
Tweede amendement van de grondwet van de Verenigde Staten | Second Amendment to the United States Constitution |
Tweede Anglo-Afghaanse Oorlog | Second Anglo-Afghan War |
Tweede Anglo-Sikh Oorlog | Second Anglo-Sikh War |
Tweede Barbarijse Oorlog | Second Barbary War |
Tweede boek van Henoch | Second Book of Enoch |
Tweede Boerenoorlog | Second Boer War |
Tweede Boni-expeditie | Second Bone War |
Tweede brief van Johannes | Second Epistle of John |
Tweede brief van Paulus aan de Korintiërs | Second Epistle to the Corinthians |
Tweede brief van Paulus aan de Tessalonicenzen | Second Epistle to the Thessalonians |
Tweede brief van Paulus aan Timoteüs | Second Epistle to Timothy |
Tweede brief van Petrus | Second Epistle of Peter |
Tweede Bulgaarse Rijk | Second Bulgarian Empire |
Tweede Chinees-Japanse Oorlog | Second Sino-Japanese War |
Tweede Chinese overheersing van Vietnam | Second Chinese domination of Vietnam |
Tweede Coalitieoorlog | War of the Second Coalition |
Tweede concilie van Lyon | Second Council of Lyon |
Tweede Concilie van Nicea | Second Council of Nicaea |
Tweede Delisch-Attische Zeebond | Second Athenian Empire |
Tweede divisie (Noorwegen) | 2. Divisjon |
Tweede divisie (voetbal Finland) | Kakkonen |
Tweede divisie (voetbal Nederland) | Tweede Divisie |
Tweede divisie (voetbal Polen) | II liga (Poland) |
Tweede divisie (voetbal Portugal) | Portuguese Second Division |
Tweede divisie (voetbal Servië) | Serbian League |
Tweede Duits-Deense Oorlog | Second Schleswig War |
Tweede Engels-Nederlandse Oorlog | Second Anglo-Dutch War |
Tweede Exloërmond | Tweede Exloërmond |
Tweede Filipijnse Republiek | Second Philippine Republic |
Tweede Franse Keizerrijk | Second French Empire |
Tweede Franse Republiek | French Second Republic |
Tweede Germaanse klankverschuiving | High German consonant shift |
Tweede Heilige Oorlog | Second Sacred War |
Tweede Helleense Republiek | Second Hellenic Republic |
Tweede Honderdjarige Oorlog | Second Hundred Years' War |
Tweede industriële revolutie | Second Industrial Revolution |
Tweede Internationale | Second International |
Tweede Italiaanse Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog | Second Italian War of Independence |
Tweede Italiaans-Ethiopische Oorlog | Second Italo-Ethiopian War |
Tweede jaarlijkse conferentie van de G7 | 2nd G7 summit |
Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal | House of Representatives (Netherlands) |
Tweede Kamtsjatka-expeditie | Great Northern Expedition |
Tweede Kasjmiroorlog | Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 |
Tweede klasse (voetbal België) | Belgian Second Division |
Tweede Koerilenstraat | Second Kuril Strait |
Tweede Kruistocht | Second Crusade |
Tweede Lateraans Concilie | Second Council of the Lateran |
Tweede Liberiaanse Burgeroorlog | Second Liberian Civil War |
Tweede liga (voetbal Montenegro) | Montenegrin Second League |
Tweede liga (voetbal Tsjechië) | Czech 2. Liga |
Tweede Maasvlakte | Maasvlakte 2 |
Tweede Macedonische Oorlog | Second Macedonian War |
Tweede Marokkaanse Crisis | Agadir Crisis |
Tweede Mexicaanse Keizerrijk | Second Mexican Empire |
Tweede Mithridatische Oorlog | Second Mithridatic War |
Tweede Nationale Vergadering | National Assembly of the Batavian Republic |
Tweede Opiumoorlog | Second Opium War |
Tweede Poolse Republiek | Second Polish Republic |
Tweede Punische Oorlog | Second Punic War |
Tweede Scheidsrechterlijke Uitspraak van Wenen | Second Vienna Award |
Tweede Servische Opstand | Second Serbian Uprising |
Tweede slag bij Auburn | Second Battle of Auburn |
Tweede Slag bij Bull Run | Second Battle of Bull Run |
Tweede Slag bij Corinth | Second Battle of Corinth |
Tweede slag bij Dalton | Second Battle of Dalton |
Tweede Slag bij de Marne | Second Battle of the Marne |
Tweede slag bij de Mazurische meren | Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes |
Tweede slag bij Helgoland | Second Battle of Heligoland Bight |
Tweede slag bij Rappahannock Station | Second Battle of Rappahannock Station |
Tweede slag bij Sabine Pass | Second Battle of Sabine Pass |
Tweede Slag bij St Albans | Second Battle of St Albans |
Tweede Slag om Brega | Second Battle of Brega |
Tweede slag om Capua | Battle of Capua (211 BC) |
Tweede slag om Charkov | Second Battle of Kharkov |
Tweede slag om El Alamein | Second Battle of El Alamein |
Tweede slag om Herdonia | Battle of Herdonia (210 BC) |
Tweede Slag om Ieper | Second Battle of Ypres |
Tweede slag om Mesen | Battle of Messines |
Tweede slag om Nola | Battle of Nola (215 BC) |
Tweede Soedanese Burgeroorlog | Second Sudanese Civil War |
Tweede Spaanse Republiek | Second Spanish Republic |
Tweede taal | Second language |
Tweede triumviraat | Second Triumvirate |
Tweede Tsjecho-Slowaakse Republiek | Second Czechoslovak Republic |
Tweede Tsjetsjeense Oorlog | Second Chechen War |
Tweede Tussenperiode | Second Intermediate Period of Egypt |
Tweede Valthermond | Tweede Valthermond |
Tweede Vaticaans Concilie | Second Vatican Council |
Tweede Vrede van Thorn | Second Peace of Thorn (1466) |
Tweede Weense School | Second Viennese School |
Tweede wereld | Second World |
Tweede Wereldoorlog | World War II |
Tweede wet van de thermodynamica | Second law of thermodynamics |
Tweedehands | Used good |
Tweegevecht | Duel |
Tweehuizig | Dioecy |
Tweejarig vlas | Linum bienne |
Tweejarige plant | Biennial |
Tweekamerstelsel | Bicameral |
Tweekleppigen | Bivalve |
Tweekleurenkamtandslijmvis | Ecsenius bicolor |
Tweekleurig Gitje | Cheilosia albipila |
Tweekleurig grijpstaartstekelvarken | Bicolored-spined porcupine |
Tweekleurig hooibeestje | Coenonympha arcania |
Tweekleurige bosspitsmuis | Crowned shrew |
Tweekleurige eik | Quercus bicolor |
Tweekleurige glansspreeuw | Pied Starling |
Tweekleurige heremietuil | Ipimorpha subtusa |
Tweekleurige honingvogel | Bicoloured Flowerpecker |
Tweekleurige mees | Tufted Titmouse |
Tweekleurige papegaaivis | Cetoscarus bicolor |
Tweekleurige parelmoervlinder | Melitaea didyma |
Tweekleurige slakkenhuisbij | Osmia bicolor |
Tweekleurige tandvlinder | Leucodonta bicoloria |
Tweekleurige vleermuis | Particoloured bat |
Tweekleurige wilgenroosjesmot | Mompha raschkiella |
Tweelichamenprobleem | Two-body problem |
Tweelijnmot | Hypsopygia glaucinalis |
Tweeling | Twin (disambiguation) |
Tweeling (materiaalkunde) | Crystal twinning |
Tweeling-aarde | Twin Earth thought experiment |
Tweelingachtbaan | Dual-tracked roller coaster |
Tweelingbarnsteenslak | Oxyloma sarsii |
Tweelingcirkels van Archimedes | Archimedes' twin circles |
Tweelingen (astrologie) | Gemini (astrology) |
Tweelingen (sterrenbeeld) | Gemini (constellation) |
Tweelingparadox | Twin Paradox |
Tweelingtransfusiesyndroom | Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome |
Tweemetalige munt | Bi-metallic coin |
Tween | Tween |
Tweenies | Tweenies |
Tweening | Inbetweening |
Twee-onder-een-kapwoning | Semi-detached |
Tweepaardenspel | Two Knights Defense |
Tweeplaatsige relatie | Binary relation |
Tweepuntbeekkever | Agabus bipustulatus |
Tweeslachtigheid | Hermaphrodite |
Tweespletenexperiment | Young's double-slit experiment |
Tweestatenoplossing | Two-state solution |
Tweestijlige meidoorn | Crataegus laevigata |
Tweestip-orvlinder | Ochropacha duplaris |
Tweestippelig lieveheersbeestje | Adalia bipunctata |
Tweestreepsalamander | Northern two-lined salamander |
Tweestreepvoorjaarsuil | Common Quaker |
Tweestrepige zakvleermuis | Greater sac-winged bat |
Tweet | Tweet |
Tweet (zangeres) | Tweet (singer) |
Tweetaktdieselmotor | Two-stroke diesel engine |
Tweetaktgasmotor | Gas engine |
Tweetaktmotor | Two-stroke engine |
Tweetalig onderwijs | Bilingual education |
TweetDeck | TweetDeck |
Tweetenige aalsalamander | Two-toed amphiuma |
Tweeter | Tweeter |
Tweeterm | Binomial |
Tweety | Tweety |
Tweevingerige luiaard | Linnaeus's two-toed sloth |
Tweevlekken | Epitheca |
Tweevlekkige snelkever | Notiophilus biguttatus |
Tweevleugeligen | Fly |
Tweezaadlobbigen | Dicotyledon |
Twelfth Night | Twelfth Night |
Twello | Twello |
Twelve (film) | Twelve (film) |
Twelve Girls Band | Twelve Girls Band |
Twelve Miles Out | Twelve Miles Out |
Twelve O'Clock High | Twelve O'Clock High |
Twentekanaal | Twentekanaal |
Twentieth Century | Twentieth Century (film) |
Twents (dialect) | Tweants dialect |
Twenty 4 Seven | Twenty 4 Seven |
Twentynine Palms | Twentynine Palms, California |
Twentysomething | Twentysomething (album) |
Twi | Asante dialect |
Twice in a Lifetime (1985) | Twice in a Lifetime (film) |
Twickenham Stadium | Twickenham Stadium |
Twieflingen | Twieflingen |
Twiggs County | Twiggs County, Georgia |
Twiggy | Twiggy Lawson |
TWiiNS | TWiiNS |
Twijfel | Doubt |
Twijzel | Twijzel |
Twijzelerheide | Twijzelerheide |
Twike | Twike |
Twilight | Twilight (disambiguation) |
Twilight (2008) | Twilight (2008 movie) |
Twilight (boekenreeks) | Twilight (series) |
Twilight (roman) | Twilight (novel) |
Twilight of the Gods | Twilight of the Gods (album) |
Twilight Time | Twilight Time (album) |
Twilight Zone | The Twilight Zone (disambiguation) |
Twilight Zone (Iron Maiden) | Twilight Zone (Iron Maiden song) |
Twilight Zone: The Movie | Twilight Zone: The Movie |
Twin Bridges | Twin Bridges |
Twin Falls | Twin Falls, Idaho |
Twin Falls County | Twin Falls County, Idaho |
Twin Hills | Twin Hills, Alaska |
Twin Lakes | Twin Lakes |
Twin Oaks | Twin Oaks |
Twin Peaks | Twin Peaks (disambiguation) |
Twin Peaks (televisieserie) | Twin Peaks |
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me | Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me |
Twin Spark | Alfa Romeo Twin Spark engine |
Twin Towers | Twin Towers |
Twin Valley | Twin Valley, Minnesota |
Twinax | Twinaxial cabling |
Twink (musicus) | Twink (musician) |
Twinkle (software) | Twinkle (software) |
Twinkle Star Sprites | Twinkle Star Sprites |
Twins | Twins (disambiguation) |
Twins (film) | Twins (1988 film) |
Twinsburg | Twinsburg, Ohio |
Twintig jaar later | Twenty Years After |
Twintig Poolse kerstliedjes | Twenty Polish Christmas Carols (Lutosławski) |
Twintigduizend mijlen onder zee | Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea |
Twintighoek | Icosagon |
Twintigkamp | Icosathlon |
Twintigste treinkonvooi | Twentieth convoy |
Twirling (baton) | Twirling |
Twisk (plaats) | Twisk |
Twiss | River Twiss |
Twist | Twist |
Twist (dans) | Twist (dance) |
Twist (Duitsland) | Twist, Germany |
Twistappel | Apple of Discord |
Twisted Twins | Twisted Twins |
Twister | Twister |
Twister (film) | Twister (movie) |
Twister (spel) | Twister (game) |
Twistlock | Twistlock |
Twitches | Twitches (film) |
Two and a Half Men | Two and a Half Men |
Two California Plaza | Two California Plaza |
Two colours | Two Colours EP |
Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow | Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow |
Two for the Money | Two for the Money (film) |
Two for the Road | Two for the Road (film) |
Two Gallants | Two Gallants (band) |
Two Girls and a Sailor | Two Girls and a Sailor |
Two Guys and a Girl | Two Guys and a Girl |
Two Harbors | Two Harbors, Minnesota |
Two Hours Traffic | Two Hours Traffic |
Two Man Sound | Two Man Sound |
Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps | Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps |
Two Plus Two Publishing | Two Plus Two Publishing |
Two Rivers | Two Rivers |
Two Rivers (Alaska) | Two Rivers, Alaska |
Two Rode Together | Two Rode Together |
Two Steps From Hell | Two Steps from Hell |
Two Tribes B.V. | Two Tribes B.V. |
Two Tricky | Two Tricky |
Two Weeks in Another Town | Two Weeks in Another Town |
Two Weeks Last Summer | Two Weeks Last Summer |
Two Weeks Notice | Two Weeks Notice |
Two-Face | Two-Face |
Two-Faced Woman | Two-Faced Woman |
Two-Lane Blacktop | Two-Lane Blacktop |
Tworóg | Tworóg |
Tworóg (gemeente) | Gmina Tworóg |
Two's complement | Two's complement |
Two-Step Flowtheorie | Two-step flow of communication |
Twyford | Twyford |
T-X | T-X |
Txillardegi | Txillardegi |
Ty Pennington | Ty Pennington |
Tyana (stad) | Tyana |
Tybee Island | Tybee Island, Georgia |
Tyburn | Tyburn |
Týček | Týček |
Tyche | Tyche |
Tyche (planeet) | Tyche (hypothetical planet) |
Tycho | Tycho |
Tycho (inslagkrater) | Tycho (crater) |
Tycho van Meer | Tycho van Meer |
Tychonov-ruimte | Tychonoff space |
Tychowo (gemeente) | Gmina Tychowo |
Tycoon | Tycoon (disambiguation) |
Tycoon City: New York | Tycoon City: New York |
Tyczyn | Tyczyn |
Tyczyn (gemeente) | Gmina Tyczyn |
Tydavnet | Tydavnet |
Tye | Tye |
Tyeb Mehta | Tyeb Mehta |
Tyet | Tyet |
Tyfoon | Typhoon (disambiguation) |
Tyfoon (toeter) | Train horn |
Tygelsjö | Tygelsjö |
Tygo Gernandt | Tygo Gernandt |
Tyin | Tyin |
Tykocin | Tykocin |
Tykocin (gemeente) | Gmina Tykocin |
Tylas | Tylas Vanga |
Tylenchida | Tylenchida |
Tyler (Minnesota) | Tyler, Minnesota |
Tyler (Texas) | Tyler, Texas |
Tyler Butterfield | Tyler Butterfield |
Tyler Christopher | Tyler Christopher |
Tyler Christopher (atleet) | Tyler Christopher (athlete) |
Tyler County | Tyler County |
Tyler County (Texas) | Tyler County, Texas |
Tyler County (West Virginia) | Tyler County, West Virginia |
Tyler Durden | Tyler Durden |
Tyler Kluttz | Brad Maddox |
Tyler Patrick Jones | Tyler Patrick Jones |
Tyler Reks | Tyler Reks |
Tyler, The Creator | Tyler, The Creator |
Tylertown | Tylertown, Mississippi |
Tylochromis | Tylochromis |
Tylogonus | Tylogonus |
Tylomys nudicaudus | Peters's climbing rat |
Tylopilus | Tylopilus |
Tylopoda | Tylopoda |
Tylopsis lilifolia | Tylopsis lilifolia |
Tylösand | Tylösand |
Tylototriton | Tylototriton |
Tylsen | Tylsen |
Tym | Tym River |
Tymbark | Tymbark |
Tymbark (gemeente) | Gmina Tymbark |
Tympanocryptis | Tympanocryptis |
Tympanoctomys | Plains viscacha rat |
Tympanometrie | Tympanometry |
Tympanoplastiek | Tympanoplasty |
Tympanotonos fuscatus | Tympanotonos fuscatus |
Tympanuchus | Tympanuchus |
Týn nad Bečvou | Týn nad Bečvou |
Týn nad Vltavou | Týn nad Vltavou |
Tynaarlo (gemeente) | Tynaarlo |
Tynagh | Tynagh |
Tyndall | Tyndall, South Dakota |
Tyndall Air Force Base | Tyndall Air Force Base |
Tyndall-effect | Tyndall Effect |
Tyndareos | Tyndareus |
Tyne | River Tyne |
Tyne and Wear Metro | Tyne and Wear Metro |
Tyne Bridge | Tyne Bridge |
Tyne Cot Cemetery | Tyne Cot |
Týnec (okres Břeclav) | Týnec (Břeclav District) |
Týnec (okres Klatovy) | Týnec (Klatovy District) |
Týnec nad Labem | Týnec nad Labem |
Týnec nad Sázavou | Týnec nad Sázavou |
Tyneham | Tyneham |
Tyniec Legnicki | Tyniec Legnicki |
Týniště (okres Plzeň-jih) | Týniště (Plzeň-South District) |
Týniště nad Orlicí | Týniště nad Orlicí |
Týnišťko | Týnišťko |
Týnkerk | Church of Our Lady before Týn |
Tyonek | Tyonek, Alaska |
Type (biologie) | Type (biology) |
Type (zoölogie) | Name-bearing type |
Type 1 Chi-He | Type 1 Chi-He |
Type 3 Chi-Nu | Type 3 Chi-Nu |
Type 4 Chi-To | Type 4 Chi-To |
Type 4 Ho-Ro | Type 4 Ho-Ro |
Type 4 Ke-Nu | Type 4 Ke-Nu |
Type 5 Ke-Ho | Type 5 Ke-Ho |
Type 92 Jyu-Sokosha | Type 92 Heavy Armoured Car |
Type 95 Ha-Go | Type 95 Ha-Go |
Type 97 Chi-Ha | Type 97 Chi-Ha |
Type 97 Te-Ke | Type 97 Te-Ke |
Type 98 Ke-Ni | Type 98 Ke-Ni |
Type C1-schip | Type C1 ship |
Type I U-boot | German Type I submarine |
Type II U-boot | German Type II submarine |
Type IX U-boot | German Type IX submarine |
Type Machin | Machin series |
Type VII U-boot | German Type VII submarine |
Type X U-boot | German Type X submarine |
Type XIV U-boot | German Type XIV submarine |
Type XXI U-boot | Type XXI submarine |
Type-2-lissencefalie | Norman–Roberts syndrome |
Typecasting | Typecasting (acting) |
Typeconversie | Type conversion |
Typefout | Typographical error |
Type-inferentie | Type inference |
Typentheorie | Type theory |
Typesnelheid | Words per minute |
Typesoort | Type species |
Typesysteem | Type system |
Typex (codeermachine) | Typex |
Typhales | Typhales |
Typhlacontias | Typhlacontias |
Typhlichthys subterraneus | Typhlichthys subterraneus |
Typhlonectes | Typhlonectes |
Typhlophis squamosus | Typhlophis |
Typhlops | Typhlops |
Typhon | Typhon |
Typhoon (rapper) | Typhoon (rapper) |
Typhoon-klasse | Typhoon-class submarine |
Typhulaceae | Typhulaceae |
Typografie | Typography |
Typografische accentuering | Emphasis (typography) |
Typologie | Typology (archaeology) |
Typologie (doorverwijspagina) | Typology |
Typologie (theologie) | Typology (theology) |
Typologie van Porter | Porter's generic strategies |
Tyr | Tyr (disambiguation) |
Týr | Tyr |
Týr (band) | Týr (band) |
Tyr (Black Sabbath) | Tyr (album) |
Tyra Danebot | Thyra |
Tyra Ferrell | Tyra Ferrell |
Tyramine | Tyramine |
Tyrannius Rufinus van Aquileia | Tyrannius Rufinus |
Tyrannobdella rex | Tyrannobdella |
Tyrannosauroidea | Tyrannosauroidea |
Tyrannosaurus Hives | Tyrannosaurus Hives |
Tyrannulus | Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet |
Tyrannus | Kingbird |
Tyrawa Wołoska (gemeente) | Gmina Tyrawa Wołoska |
Tyre pressure monitoring system | Tire-pressure monitoring system |
Tyresö | Tyresö Municipality |
Tyresö FF | Tyresö FF (men) |
Tyresta | Tyresta National Park |
Tyrian | Tyrian (video game) |
Tyrifjord | Tyrifjorden |
Tyrimmas van Macedonië | Tyrimmas of Macedon |
Tyringe | Tyringe |
Tyristrand | Tyristrand |
Tyrnau (Stiermarken) | Tyrnau |
Tyrnyaoez | Tyrnyauz |
Tyrolean Airways | Tyrolean Airways |
Tyrone | Tyrone (disambiguation) |
Tyrone (Pennsylvania) | Tyrone, Pennsylvania |
Tyrone Evans | Michael Tarver |
Tyronza | Tyronza, Arkansas |
Tyrosine | Tyrosine |
Tyrranion | Tyrannion of Amisus |
Tyrreense berghagedis | Bedriaga's Rock Lizard |
Tyrreense kielhagedis | Fitzinger's Algyroides |
Tyrreense talen | Tyrsenian languages |
Tyrreense Zee | Tyrrhenian Sea |
Tyrrell County | Tyrrell County, North Carolina |
Tyrrell Racing | Tyrrell Racing |
Tyrrhenaria ceratina | Tyrrhenaria ceratina |
Tyrrheniërs | Tyrrhenians |
Tyrtaeus | Tyrtaeus |
Tyrus | Tyre, Lebanon |
Tyrus (district) | Tyre District |
Tysfjord (fjord) | Tysfjorden |
Tysfjord (gemeente) | Tysfjord |
Tyska kyrkan | German Church, Stockholm |
Tyske Ludder | Tyske Ludder |
Tyskie | Tyskie |
Tyson Holly Farms 400 | Tyson Holly Farms 400 |
Tysons Corner | Tysons Corner, Virginia |
Tyssedal | Tyssedal |
Tystberga | Tystberga |
Tyszowce | Tyszowce |
Tyszowce (gemeente) | Gmina Tyszowce |
Tyto | Tyto |
Tzannis Tzannetakis | Tzannis Tzannetakis |
Tzanz | Sanz |
Tzatziki | Tzatziki |
Tzeltal (taal) | Tzeltal language |
Tzigane (Ravel) | Tzigane |
Tzintzuntzan (Purépechastad) | Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán |
Tzipora Obziler | Tzipora Obziler |
Tzolkin | Tzolk'in |
Tzotzil (volk) | Tzotzil people |
Tzummarum | Tzummarum |
Tz'utujil (taal) | Tz’utujil language |
Tz'utujil (volk) | Tz'utujil people |
U | U (disambiguation) |
U (eenheid) | Rack unit |
U (letter) | U |
U (Micronesia) | U, Pohnpei |
U (Tibet) | Ü (region) |
U 133 | German submarine U-133 |
U Can't Touch This | U Can't Touch This |
U Cluj | FC Universitatea Cluj |
U Got It Bad | U Got It Bad |
U Remind Me | U Remind Me |
U Turn | U Turn (1997 film) |
U zij de glorie | Thine Be the Glory |
U.A. Fanthorpe | U. A. Fanthorpe |
U.K. (band) | UK (band) |
U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds | United States Air Force Thunderbirds |
U.S. Futures Exchange | U.S. Futures Exchange |
U.S. Marshals (film) | U.S. Marshals (film) |
U.S. Route | United States Numbered Highways |
U.S. Route 41 | U.S. Route 41 |
U.S. Steel | U.S. Steel |
U.S.S. Voyager | USS Voyager (Star Trek) |
U2 (band) | U2 (band) |
U2 3D | U2 3D |
U2-3 | Three (EP) |
U55 (Berlijn) | U55 (Berlin U-Bahn) |
U-571 (film) | U-571 (film) |
Ua Pou | Ua Pu |
UAB | UAB (disambiguation) |
Uaboe | Uaboe District |
UAO-DLR Asteroid Survey | UAO-DLR Asteroid Survey |
Uapou maculata | Uapou |
Uasin Gishu | Uasin Gishu County |
Uatu | Uatu |
Ub | Ub, Serbia |
UBA | Uba |
Ubach over Worms | Ubach over Worms |
Ubachsberg | Ubachsberg |
Ubalá | Ubalá |
Ubaldo Righetti | Ubaldo Righetti |
Ubangi | Ubangi River |
Ubaporanga | Ubaporanga |
Ubaque | Ubaque |
Ubar | Iram of the Pillars |
Ubarana | Ubarana |
Ubay | Ubay, Bohol |
Ubbe Ragnarsson | Ubbe Ragnarsson |
Ubbena | Ubbena |
Ubbo Emmius | Ubbo Emmius |
Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation | The Civilizing Process |
Uberabatitan | Uberabatitan |
Übermensch | Übermensch |
Übersee (Chiemgau) | Übersee |
Ubexy | Ubexy |
Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio | Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio |
Ubi Periculum | Ubi periculum |
Ubi Primum | Ubi Primum |
Ubide | Ubide |
Ubiërs | Ubii |
Ubin | Pulau Ubin |
Ubinas | Ubinas |
Ubiquitine | Ubiquitin |
Ubirajara | Ubirajara, São Paulo |
Ubisoft Blue Byte | Ubisoft Blue Byte |
Ubisoft Montreal | Ubisoft Montreal |
Ubisoft Red Storm | Ubisoft Red Storm |
Úboč | Úboč |
Ubol Ratana | Ubolratana Rajakanya |
U-boot | U-boat |
Ubosot | Phra ubosot |
Ubraye | Ubraye |
Úbrež | Úbrež |
Ubrique | Ubrique |
UBS Tower | One North Wacker |
Ubu | Ubu |
Ubu roi | Ubu Roi |
Ubuhlebezwe | Ubuhlebezwe Local Municipality |
Ubundu | Ubundu |
Ubuntu (filosofie) | Ubuntu (philosophy) |
Ubuntu (gemeente) | Ubuntu Local Municipality |
Ubuntu (lettertype) | Ubuntu (typeface) |
Ubuntu (Linuxdistributie) | Ubuntu (operating system) |
Ubuntu Netbook Edition | Ubuntu Netbook Edition |
Ubuntu Software Center | Ubuntu Software Center |
Ubušínek | Ubušínek |
UC AlbinoLeffe | U.C. AlbinoLeffe |
UC Sampdoria | U.C. Sampdoria |
Ucar | UCAR |
Ucar (district in Azerbeidzjan) | Ujar Rayon |
Ucar (Spanje) | Úcar |
Ucayali (provincie) | Ucayali Province |
Ucayali (regio) | Ucayali Region |
Ucayali (rivier) | Ucayali River |
Ucciani | Ucciani |
Ucea | Ucea |
Uceda | Uceda |
Ucero | Ucero |
Uchacq-et-Parentis | Uchacq-et-Parentis |
Uchanie (gemeente) | Gmina Uchanie |
Uchaud | Uchaud |
Uchaux | Uchaux |
Uche Nwofor | Uche Nwofor |
Uche Okafor | Uche Okafor |
Uchentein | Uchentein |
Uchiha Itachi | Itachi Uchiha |
Uchiha Sasuke | Sasuke Uchiha |
Uchi-mata | Uchi mata |
Uchinoura Space Center | Uchinoura Space Center |
Uchizy | Uchizy |
Uchoa | Uchoa |
Uchon | Uchon |
Uchtdorf | Uchtdorf |
Uchte | Uchte |
Uchtspringe | Uchtspringe |
Uchu Keiji Gavan | Space Sheriff Gavan |
Uchu Keiji Shaider | Space Sheriff Shaider |
Uchu Keiji Sharivan | Space Sheriff Sharivan |
UCI | Union Cycliste Internationale |
UCI America Tour 2013 | 2012–13 UCI America Tour |
UCI Continentale circuits | UCI Continental Circuits |
UCI Europe Tour 2010 | 2009–10 UCI Europe Tour |
UCI Oceania Tour 2013 | 2013 UCI Oceania Tour |
UCI ProTour | UCI ProTour |
UCI ProTour 2005 | 2005 UCI ProTour |
UCI ProTour Ploegentijdrit | Eindhoven Team Time Trial |
UCI ProTour Ploegentijdrit 2005 | 2005 Eindhoven Team Time Trial |
UCI Road Women World Cup | UCI Women's Road World Cup |
UCI Road Women World Cup 2003 | 2003 UCI Women's Road World Cup |
UCI Wereldranglijst 2010 | 2010 UCI World Ranking |
UCI World Tour 2012 | 2012 UCI World Tour |
Ucides cordatus | Ucides |
Ückeritz | Ückeritz |
Uckerland | Uckerland |
UCLA Anderson School of Management | UCLA Anderson School of Management |
Uclés | Uclés |
Ucon | Ucon, Idaho |
UD Barbastro | UD Barbastro |
UD Fuerteventura | UD Fuerteventura |
UD Las Palmas | U.D. Las Palmas |
UD Marbella | Marbella FC |
UD Melilla | UD Melilla |
UD Mérida | Mérida UD |
UD Puertollano | CD Puertollano |
UD San Sebastián de los Reyes | UD San Sebastián de los Reyes |
Uda (keizer) | Emperor Uda |
Uda (stad) | Uda, Nara |
UDA Gramenet | UDA Gramenet |
Udaipur | Udaipur (disambiguation) |
Udaipur (district) | Udaipur district |
Udaipur (Rajasthan) | Udaipur |
Udanin | Udanin |
Udanin (gemeente) | Gmina Udanin |
Udarser Wiek | Udarser Wiek |
Udayapur (district) | Udayapur District |
UDC (classificatiesysteem) | Universal Decimal Classification |
Uddeholm | Uddeholm |
Uddel | Uddel |
Uddevalla (gemeente) | Uddevalla Municipality |
Uddheden | Uddheden |
Uden (gemeente) | Uden |
Udenhout | Udenhout |
Udestedt | Udestedt |
Udi | Udi people |
Udine (provincie) | Province of Udine |
Údlice | Údlice |
Udo (graaf van Lahngouw) | Udo of Neustria |
Udo I van Stade | Lothair Udo II, Margrave of the Nordmark |
Udo Lindenberg | Udo Lindenberg |
Údol | Údol |
Udomporn Polsak | Udomporn Polsak |
Udomxai | Oudomxay Province |
Udupi (district) | Udupi district |
Udvar | Udvar |
Udvarhely | Udvarhely County |
Udvari | Udvari |
Udy | Udy River |
Udzungwabospatrijs | Udzungwa Forest Partridge |
Udzungwagebergte | Udzungwa Mountains |
UE Engordany | UE Engordany |
UE Extremenya | UE Extremenya |
UE Figueres | UE Figueres |
UE Sant Julià | UE Sant Julià |
UE Santa Coloma | UE Santa Coloma |
Uebersyren | Übersyren |
Ueda | Ueda, Nagano |
UEFA Best Player in Europe | UEFA Best Player in Europe Award |
UEFA Champions League | UEFA Champions League |
UEFA Champions League 1993/94 | 1993–94 UEFA Champions League |
UEFA Champions Leaguefinale 2013 | 2013 UEFA Champions League Final |
UEFA Cup 2005/06 | 2005–06 UEFA Cup |
UEFA Europa League | UEFA Europa League |
UEFA Europa League 2009/10 | 2009–10 UEFA Europa League |
UEFA Fair Playklassement | UEFA Respect Fair Play ranking |
UEFA Futsal Cup | UEFA Futsal Cup |
UEFA Golden Jubilee Poll | UEFA Golden Jubilee Poll |
UEFA Intertoto Cup | UEFA Intertoto Cup |
UEFA Intertoto Cup 2008 | 2008 UEFA Intertoto Cup |
UEFA Jubilee Awards | UEFA Jubilee Awards |
UEFA Regiobeker | UEFA Regions' Cup |
UEFA Super Cup | UEFA Super Cup |
UEFA Super Cup 2004 | 2004 UEFA Super Cup |
UEFA Women's Champions League | UEFA Women's Champions League |
UEFA Women's Champions League 2012/13 | 2012–13 UEFA Women's Champions League |
UEFA Women's Cup 2005/06 | 2005–06 UEFA Women's Cup |
UEFA Youth League | UEFA Youth League |
UEFA Youth League 2013/14 | 2013–14 UEFA Youth League |
UEFA/CAF Meridian Cup | UEFA-CAF Meridian Cup |
UEFA-coëfficiënten | UEFA coefficient |
UEFA-stadionclassificatie | UEFA stadium categories |
Uehling | Uehling, Nebraska |
Uehrde | Uehrde |
Uele | Uele River |
Uelitz | Uelitz |
Uelsby | Uelsby |
Uelsen | Uelsen |
Uenglingen | Uenglingen |
Ueno | Ueno |
Ueno (Tokio) | Ueno, Tokyo |
Uenopark | Ueno Park |
Uerdingen | Uerdingen |
Uerdinger linie | Uerdingen line |
Ueslei | Ueslei |
Uesugi Kagetora | Uesugi Kagetora |
Üetliberg (berg) | Üetliberg |
Uetz | Uetz |
UF | UF (disambiguation) |
Ufa | UFA |
UFC 2009 Undisputed | UFC 2009 Undisputed |
UFC Undisputed 3 | UFC Undisputed 3 |
Uffelte | Uffelte |
Uffing am Staffelsee | Uffing |
Uffington | Uffington |
Uffizi | Uffizi |
Ufford (Suffolk) | Ufford, Suffolk |
UFO | UFO (disambiguation) |
UFO (Britse televisieserie) | UFO (TV series) |
UFO (rockband) | UFO (band) |
Ufologie | Ufology |
Ufton Nervet | Ufton Nervet |
Uftrungen | Uftrungen |
Uganda Revenue Authority SC | Uganda Revenue Authority SC |
Ugao | Ugao |
Ugao-Miraballes | Ugao-Miraballes |
Ugarci | Ugarci |
Ugarit | Ugarit |
Ugaritisch | Ugaritic language |
Ugashik | Ugashik, Alaska |
UGC | UGC (disambiguation) |
UGC (bioscoop) | UGC (cinema operator) |
Ugchelen | Ugchelen |
Ugena | Ugena |
Ugíjar | Ugíjar |
Ugi-reactie | Ugi reaction |
Uglas | Uglas |
Ugli | Ugli fruit |
Ugly | Ugly |
Ugly Americans | Ugly Americans (TV series) |
Ugnouas | Ugnouas |
Ugny-le-Gay | Ugny-le-Gay |
Ugny-l'Équipée | Ugny-l'Équipée |
Ugny-sur-Meuse | Ugny-sur-Meuse |
Ugo | Ugo |
Ugo (provincie) | Ugo Province |
Ugo Colombo | Ugo Colombo (cyclist) |
Ugocsa (comitaat) | Ugocsa County |
Ugod | Ugod |
Ugrinovci (Zemun) | Ugrinovci |
UGS NX | NX (Unigraphics) |
Ugu (Zuid-Afrika) | Ugu District Municipality |
Ugyen Wangchuk | Ugyen Wangchuck |
UH-1 Iroquois | Bell UH-1 Iroquois |
UH-60 Black Hawk | Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk |
Uhart-Cize | Uhart-Cize |
Uharte-Arakil | Uharte-Arakil |
Uhart-Mixe | Uhart-Mixe |
Uhe | Uhe |
Úherce (okres Louny) | Úherce (Louny District) |
Uherčice | Uherčice |
Uherčice (okres Břeclav) | Uherčice (Břeclav District) |
Uherčice (okres Znojmo) | Uherčice (Znojmo District) |
UHF | UHF (disambiguation) |
UHF (film) | UHF (film) |
Uhhh... Vergeet je Tandenborstel Niet! | Don't Forget Your Toothbrush |
Uhland | Uhland, Texas |
Uhlandstraße (metrostation) | Uhlandstraße (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Úhlava | Úhlava |
Uhlenkrugstadion | Uhlenkrugstadion |
Uhlířské Janovice | Uhlířské Janovice |
Uhliská | Uhliská |
Úholičky | Úholičky |
Uhorská Ves | Uhorská Ves |
Uhorské | Uhorské |
Uhrencup | Uhrencup |
Úhřetice | Úhřetice |
Úhřetická Lhota | Úhřetická Lhota |
Uhřice (okres Blansko) | Uhřice (Blansko District) |
Uhřice (okres Hodonín) | Uhřice (Hodonín District) |
Uhřice (okres Kroměříž) | Uhřice (Kroměříž District) |
Uhřice (okres Vyškov) | Uhřice (Vyškov District) |
Uhrichsville | Uhrichsville, Ohio |
Uhřičice | Uhřičice |
Uhřínov | Uhřínov |
Uhrovské Podhradie | Uhrovské Podhradie |
Uhrsleben | Uhrsleben |
Uhry (Königslutter) | Uhry (Königslutter) |
UHT | Ultra-high-temperature processing |
Uhtred | Uhtred the Bold |
Ühtri | Ühtri |
Uhudler | Uhudler |
Uhy | Uhy (Kladno District) |
Uhyst (Spree) | Uhyst |
Ui (bouwkunst) | Onion dome |
Ui (plant) | Onion |
Uia di Ciamarella | Uia di Ciamarella |
UIC-eigendomscode | Railway vehicle owner's code |
Uichiro Hatta | Uichiro Hatta |
Uichteritz | Uichteritz |
UIC-landencode | List of UIC country codes |
Uiensoep | French onion soup |
Uier | Udder |
Uig | Uig, Skye |
Uíge (provincie) | Uíge Province |
Uil | UIL |
Uileacu de Beiuș | Uileacu de Beiuș |
Uilen (orde) | Owl |
Uilen (vlinders) | Noctuidae |
Uilen (vogelfamilie) | True owl |
Uilenkopmeerkat | Hamlyn's monkey |
Uilenstekelrat | Owl's spiny rat |
Uilleann pipes | Uilleann pipes |
Uilnachtzwaluw | Tawny Frogmouth |
Uilnachtzwaluwen | Frogmouth |
Uilnevel | Owl Nebula |
Uinta County | Uinta County, Wyoming |
Uintagrondeekhoorn | Uinta ground squirrel |
Uintah | Uintah, Utah |
Uintah County | Uintah County, Utah |
Uintatherium | Uintatherium |
Uiramutã | Uiramutã |
Uirapuru (Goiás) | Uirapuru |
Uiraúna | Uiraúna |
Uit het leven van marionetten | From the Life of the Marionettes |
Uit liefde voor de vlag | Facing the Flag |
Uitademing | Exhalation |
Uitbarstingskolom | Eruption column |
Uitbesteding | Outsourcing |
Uitbijter | Outlier |
Uitbreiding van de Europese Unie | Enlargement of the European Union |
Uitbreidingspakket | Expansion pack |
Uitdam | Uitdam |
Uitdoelpunt | Away goals rule |
Uitdrukking (programmeren) | Expression (computer science) |
Uitdrukking (wiskunde) | Expression (mathematics) |
Uiteenvallen van de Sovjet-Unie | Dissolution of the Soviet Union |
Uiteindelijk lot van het heelal | Ultimate fate of the universe |
Uiterlijk | Human physical appearance |
Uiterste grenstoestand | Limit state design |
Uitfasering | Deprecation |
Uitgavefunctie | Expenditure function |
Uitgaven | Expense |
Uitgebreid algoritme van Euclides | Extended Euclidean algorithm |
Uitgenodigd | She Came to Stay |
Uitgeverij Averbode | Averbode (publisher) |
Uitgeverij Het Spectrum | Het Spectrum |
Uitgevonden tradities | Invented traditions |
Uithangende cijfers | Text figures |
Uithof (klooster) | Monastic grange |
Uithoudingsvermogen | Endurance |
Uithuizen | Uithuizen |
Uithuizermeeden | Uithuizermeeden |
Uitkerke | Uitkerke |
Uitkijktoren | Observation tower |
Uitkragende ligger | Cantilever |
Uitlaat (verbrandingsmotor) | Exhaust system |
Uitlaatgas | Exhaust gas |
Uitlaatgasrecirculatie | Exhaust gas recirculation |
Uitlanders | Uitlander |
Uitlegger-kano | Outrigger canoe |
Uitleveringsverdrag | Extradition |
Uitlogen | Leaching (pedology) |
Uitlopers | Foothills |
Uitnodiging aan Willem III | Invitation to William |
Uitputtingsmethode | Method of exhaustion |
Uitputtingsoorlog (1967-1970) | War of Attrition |
Uitputtingsoorlogsvoering | Attrition warfare |
Uitputtingszone | Depletion region |
Uitroepteken | Exclamation mark |
Uitslagen van de Democratische presidentiële voorverkiezingen 2008 | Results of the 2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries |
Uitslagen van de Republikeinse presidentiële voorverkiezingen 2012 | Results of the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2012 |
Uitsluitingsprincipe van Pauli | Pauli exclusion principle |
Uitsmijter (gerecht) | Strammer Max |
Uitspraak (taal) | Pronunciation |
Uitspraak van de r in het Nederlands | Rhotic consonant |
Uitspraak van het Latijn | Latin spelling and pronunciation |
Uitstaande melde | Atriplex patula |
Uitstelgedrag | Procrastination |
Uitsterven | Extinction |
Uitstrijkje (baarmoederhals) | Pap test |
Uittocht uit Egypte | The Exodus |
Uittreding (parapsychologie) | Out of body experience |
Uittreearbeid | Work function |
Uitvaartcentrum | Funeral home |
Uitvaartondernemer | Funeral director |
Uitvalnaaf | Quick release skewer |
Uitverkorene | Chosen people |
Uitvinder | Inventor |
Uitvinding | Invention |
Uitvoer (handel) | Export |
Uitvoerend Agentschap onderwijs, audiovisuele media en cultuur | Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency |
Uitvoerend Agentschap voor intelligente energie | Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation |
Uitvoerend Bewind | Uitvoerend Bewind |
Uitvoerend producent | Executive producer |
Uitvoerende macht | Executive (government) |
Uitvoerende yuan | Executive Yuan |
Uitvoering | Performance (disambiguation) |
Uitwateringsverdrag | International Convention on Load Lines |
Uitweg | Uitweg |
Uitwellingerga | Uitwellingerga |
Uitwendige afgeleide | Exterior derivative |
Uitwendige ballistiek | External ballistics |
Uitwierde | Uitwierde |
Uitwijkroute | Detour |
Uitzaaiing | Metastasis |
Uitzendbureau | Employment agency |
Uitzending | Broadcasting |
Uitzettende Aarde | Expanding Earth |
Uitzettingscoëfficiënt | Coefficient of thermal expansion |
Uitzicht vanuit het raam in Le Gras | View from the Window at Le Gras |
Uitzouten | Salting out |
UJA Alfortville | UJA Maccabi Paris Métropole |
Ujados | Ujados |
Ujazd | Ujazd (disambiguation) |
Ujazd (gemeente in powiat Tomaszowski) | Gmina Ujazd, Łódź Voivodeship |
Ujazd (stad) | Ujazd |
Újbarok | Újbarok |
Ujčov | Ujčov |
Újdombrád | Újdombrád |
Újezd | Újezd |
Újezd (okres Domažlice) | Újezd (Domažlice District) |
Újezd (okres Olomouc) | Újezd (Olomouc District) |
Újezd (okres Žďár nad Sázavou) | Újezd (Žďár nad Sázavou District) |
Újezd (okres Zlín) | Újezd (Zlín District) |
Újezd (okres Znojmo) | Újezd (Znojmo District) |
Újezd u Brna | Újezd u Brna |
Újezd u Chocně | Újezd u Chocně |
Újezd u Plánice | Újezd u Plánice |
Újezd u Přelouče | Újezd u Přelouče |
Újezd u Sezemic | Újezd u Sezemic |
Újezdec (okres Jindřichův Hradec) | Újezdec (Jindřichův Hradec District) |
Újezdec (okres Prachatice) | Újezdec (Prachatice District) |
Újezdec (okres Svitavy) | Újezdec (Svitavy District) |
Újezdec (okres Uherské Hradiště) | Újezdec (Uherské Hradiště District) |
Ujjain (divisie) | Ujjain division |
Újkenéz | Újkenéz |
Újkígyós | Újkígyós |
Újlengyel | Újlengyel |
Újléta | Újléta |
Újpest FC | Újpest FC |
Ujście (gemeente) | Gmina Ujście |
Újsolt | Újsolt |
Ujsoły | Ujsoły |
Ujsoły (gemeente) | Gmina Ujsoły |
Újszalonta | Újszalonta |
Újszász | Újszász |
Újszentiván | Újszentiván |
Újszentmargita | Újszentmargita |
Újszilvás | Újszilvás |
Újtelek | Újtelek |
Újtikos | Újtikos |
Újudvar | Újudvar |
Újvárfalva | Újvárfalva |
UK | UK (disambiguation) |
UK Albums Chart | UK Albums Chart |
UK Championship (snooker) | UK Championship (snooker) |
UK garage | UK garage |
UK hardcore | UK hardcore |
UK Jive | UK Jive |
UK Open | UK Open |
UK Singles Chart | UK Singles chart |
Uke | Uke (martial arts) |
Ukelele | Ukulele |
Ukerewe-eiland | Ukerewe Island |
Ukhrul (district) | Ukhrul district |
Ukiah (Californië) | Ukiah, California |
Ukiah (Oregon) | Ukiah, Oregon |
Uki-goshi | Uki goshi |
Ukkel | Uccle |
Ukko | Ukko |
Ukkusissat (plaats) | Ukkusissat |
Ukmergė (gemeente) | Ukmergė District Municipality |
Ukon Wacka | Ukon Wacka |
Ukrainian Cargo Airways | Ukrainian Cargo Airways |
Uksem | Uxem |
UKUSA-akkoord | UKUSA Agreement |
Ukwi | Ukwi |
Ukyo Katayama | Ukyo Katayama |
Ukyo-ku | Ukyō-ku, Kyoto |
Ulaan | Uhlan |
Ulaanbaatar | Ulan Bator |
Ulaid | Ulaid |
Ulanhot | Ulan Hot |
Ulan-Majorat (gemeente) | Gmina Ulan-Majorat |
Ulanów | Ulanów |
Ulanów (gemeente) | Gmina Ulanów |
Ulanqab | Ulanqab |
Úľany nad Žitavou | Úľany nad Žitavou |
Ulcot | Ulcot |
Ulcus molle | Chancroid |
Ulea | Ulea |
ULEB (basketbal) | ULEB |
Uleila del Campo | Uleila del Campo |
Ülemiste (wijk) | Ülemiste |
Ülemistemeer | Lake Ülemiste |
Ulemosaurus | Ulemosaurus |
Ulen | Ulen |
Ulen (Minnesota) | Ulen, Minnesota |
Ülenurme | Ülenurme Parish |
Ulestraten | Ulestraten |
Ulexiet | Ulexite |
Ułęż (gemeente) | Gmina Ułęż |
Ulf | ULF |
Ulf Bengtsson | Ulf Bengtsson |
Ulf Carlsson | Ulf "Tickan" Carlsson |
Ulf Svante von Euler | Ulf von Euler |
Ulfborg-Vemb | Ulfborg-Vemb Municipality |
Ulhówek (gemeente) | Gmina Ulhówek |
Uliastaj | Uliastai |
Ulič | Ulič |
Ulicoten | Ulicoten |
Uličské Krivé | Uličské Krivé |
Ulinzi Stars | Ulinzi Stars F.C. |
Uliodon | Uliodon |
Ulipristalacetaat | Ulipristal acetate |
Ulises Heureaux | Ulises Heureaux |
Uliss Erevan | Ulisses FC |
Ulithi | Ulithi |
Uljana Semjonova | Uljana Semjonova |
Uljaste (Sonda) | Uljaste, Ida-Viru County |
Ullà | Ullà |
Ulla Wiesner | Ulla Wiesner |
Ullambanasoetra | Ullambana Sutra |
Ullånger | Ullånger |
Ullastrell | Ullastrell |
Ullens Center for Contemporary Art | Ullens Center for Contemporary Art |
Ullerslev | Ullerslev Municipality |
Üllés | Üllés |
Ullevaalstadion | Ullevaal Stadion |
Ullikummi | Ullikummi |
Ullin Place | Ullin Place |
Ullmanniet | Ullmannite |
Ullmann-reactie | Ullmann reaction |
Üllő | Üllő |
Ulloa | Ulloa, Colombia |
Ullr | Ull |
Ullsfjord | Ullsfjorden |
Ullsteinstraße (metrostation) | Ullsteinstraße (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Ullum | Ullum Department |
Ulm | Ulm (disambiguation) |
Ulm (Arkansas) | Ulm, Arkansas |
Ulm Hauptbahnhof | Ulm Central Station |
Ulmen | Ulmen |
Ulmeni (Maramureș) | Ulmeni, Maramureș |
Ulmet | Ulmet, Germany |
Ulmiz | Ulmiz |
Ulmo | Ulmo |
Ulmu | Ulmu |
Ulochlaena hirta | Ulochlaena hirta |
Ulów-Kolonia | Ulów-Kolonia |
Uloža | Uloža |
Ulricehamn (gemeente) | Ulricehamn Municipality |
Ulrich Graf | Ulrich Graf |
Ulrich Greifelt | Ulrich Greifelt |
Ulrich I van Oost-Friesland | Ulrich I, Count of East Frisia |
Ulrich I van Weimar | Ulric I, Margrave of Carniola |
Ulrich I van Württemberg | Ulrich I, Count of Württemberg |
Ulrich II van Oost-Friesland | Ulrich II, Count of East Frisia |
Ulrich II van Weimar | Ulric II, Margrave of Carniola |
Ulrich II van Württemberg | Ulrich II, Count of Württemberg |
Ulrich III van Karinthië | Ulrich III, Duke of Carinthia |
Ulrich III van Württemberg | Ulrich III, Count of Württemberg |
Ulrich IV van Württemberg | Ulrich IV, Count of Württemberg |
Ulrich Junghanns | Ulrich Junghanns |
Ulrich Le Pen | Ulrich Le Pen |
Ulrich Roth | Uli Jon Roth |
Ulrich Rülein von Calw | Ulrich Rülein von Calw |
Ulrich Surau | Ulrich Surau |
Ulrich V van Württemberg | Ulrich V, Count of Württemberg |
Ulrich van Augsburg | Ulrich of Augsburg |
Ulrich van Mecklenburg-Güstrow | Ulrich, Duke of Mecklenburg |
Ulrich van Pommeren | Ulrich, Duke of Pomerania |
Ulrich van Württemberg | Ulrich, Duke of Württemberg |
Ulrichshorn | Ulrichshorn |
Ulrik Huber | Ulrik Huber |
Ulrik le Fèvre | Ulrik le Fevre |
Ulrika Eleonora van Denemarken | Ulrika Eleonora of Denmark |
Ulrike | Ulrike |
Ulrike Eleonora van Zweden | Ulrika Eleonora, Queen of Sweden |
Ulrike Folkerts | Ulrike Folkerts |
Ulrike Frank | Ulrike Frank |
Ulrike Louise van Solms-Braunfels | Ulrike Louise of Solms-Braunfels |
Ulrike Meyfarth | Ulrike Meyfarth |
Ulriksbanen | Ulriksbanen |
Ulrum | Ulrum |
Ulsan Hyundai FC | Ulsan Hyundai FC |
Ulsnis | Ulsnis |
Ulsteinvik | Ulsteinvik |
Ulster | Ulster |
Ulster County | Ulster County, New York |
Ulster Grand Prix | Ulster Grand Prix |
Ulster Unionist Party | Ulster Unionist Party |
Ulstercyclus | Ulster Cycle |
Ulten | Ulten |
Ultima | Ultima |
Ultima (computerspel) | Ultima (series) |
Última Esperanza | Última Esperanza |
Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness | Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness |
Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress! | Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress |
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar | Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar |
Última Parada 174 | Last Stop 174 |
Ultima Thule | Ultima Thule (disambiguation) |
Ultima Thule (groep) | Ultima Thule (Swedish band) |
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss | Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss |
Ultimate | Ultimate |
Ultimate (Pet Shop Boys) | Ultimate (Pet Shop Boys album) |
Ultimate Avengers | Ultimate Avengers |
Ultimate Avengers 2 | Ultimate Avengers 2 |
Ultimate Fantastic Four | Ultimate Fantastic Four |
Ultimate frisbee | Ultimate (sport) |
Ultimate Kaos | Ultimate Kaos |
Ultimate Marvel | Ultimate Marvel |
Ultimate Spider-Man | Ultimate Spider-Man |
Ultimate Spider-Man (animatieserie) | Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series) |
Ultimate Survival | Man vs. Wild |
Ultimate++ | Ultimate++ |
Ultimo Tango a Parigi | Last Tango in Paris |
Ultisol | Ultisols |
Ultra | Ultra (disambiguation) |
Ultra (decryptie) | Ultra |
Ultra High Definition Television | Ultra high definition television |
Ultra high frequency | Ultra high frequency |
Ultra Low Floor | Ultra Low Floor |
Ultra low frequency | Ultra-low frequency |
Ultra mobile personal computer | Ultra-mobile PC |
Ultracentrifuge | Ultracentrifuge |
Ultrafiltratie | Ultrafiltration (industrial) |
Ultrageluid | Ultrasound |
Ultra-Humanite | Ultra-Humanite |
Ultralicht motorluchtvaartuig | Ultralight aviation |
Ultralopen | Ultramarathon |
Ultramafisch | Ultramafic rock |
Ultramarijn | Ultramarine |
Ultramontanisme | Ultramontanism |
Ultraperifere regio | Outermost region |
Ultras | Ultras |
Ultra-short baseline | Ultra-short baseline |
Ultrasoon onderzoek | Ultrasonic testing |
Ultratop 50 (Vlaanderen) | Ultratop 50 |
Ultraviolet | Ultraviolet |
Ultraviolet (film) | Ultraviolet (film) |
Ultravioletcatastrofe | Ultraviolet catastrophe |
Ultravioletfilter | Sunscreen |
Ultra-wideband | Ultra-wideband |
Ultrix | Ultrix |
Ultron | Ultron |
Ultzama | Ultzama |
Uluç Ali Pasja | Uluç Ali Reis |
Uluella formosa | Uluella |
Ulugurugebergte | Uluguru Mountains |
Uluṟu | Uluru |
Ulus | Ulus |
Ulva | Ulva |
Ulvenhout | Ulvenhout |
Ulverstone | Ulverstone, Tasmania |
Ulvhild Haakansdotter | Ulvhild Håkansdotter |
Ulvi (Avinurme) | Ulvi, Ida-Viru County |
Ulyana Lopatkina | Ulyana Lopatkina |
Ulysses | Ulysses |
Ulysses (boek) | Ulysses (novel) |
Ulysses (Kansas) | Ulysses, Kansas |
Ulysses (ruimtesonde) | Ulysses (spacecraft) |
Ulysses (schip) | MS Ulysses |
Ulysses (single) | Ulysses (song) |
Ulysses Moore | Ulysses Moore |
Ulzigerode | Ulzigerode |
UM | Um |
UM Airlines | UM Airlines |
Um er-Rasas | Umm ar-Rasas |
Um Filme Falado | A Talking Picture |
Uma | UMA |
Uma Aaltonen | Uma Aaltonen |
Umaid Bhawan-paleis | Umaid Bhawan Palace |
Umala (gemeente) | Umala Municipality |
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab | Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab |
Umarizal (microregio) | Umarizal (microregion) |
Umaru Yar'Adua | Umaru Musa Yar'Adua |
Umatilla | Umatilla |
Umatilla (Florida) | Umatilla, Florida |
Umatilla (Oregon) | Umatilla, Oregon |
Umatilla County | Umatilla County, Oregon |
UMAX Technologies | UMAX Technologies |
Umbar | Umbar |
Umber | Umber |
Umberto I van Italië | Umberto I of Italy |
Umberto II van Italië | Umberto II of Italy |
Umbilicus Urbis Romae | Umbilicus urbis Romae |
Umbita | Úmbita |
Umboi | Umboi Island |
Umbra | Umbra (disambiguation) |
Umbra krameri | European mudminnow |
Umbra limi | Central mudminnow |
Umbraco | Umbraco |
Umbraculum umbraculum | Umbraculum umbraculum |
Umbrailpas | Umbrail Pass |
Umbrella | Umbrella (disambiguation) |
Umbrella (Rihanna) | Umbrella (song) |
Umbrete | Umbrete |
Umbrías | Umbrías |
Umbrië | Umbria |
Umbriel (maan) | Umbriel (moon) |
Umbriërs | Umbri |
Umbrina | Umbrine |
Umbrisch | Umbrian language |
Umbul | Umbul-umbul |
Umbuzeiro (gemeente) | Umbuzeiro |
Umčari | Umčari |
UMdoni | UMdoni Local Municipality |
Ume | Ume (disambiguation) |
Ume älv | Ume River |
Umeå (gemeente) | Umeå Municipality |
Umeå IK | Umeå IK |
Umeda Sky Building | Umeda Sky Building |
Umer | Ymer (dairy product) |
Ume-Samisch | Ume Sami language |
UMF Afturelding | Ungmennafélagið Afturelding |
UMF Grindavík | Knattspyrnudeild UMFG |
UMF Njarðvík | Ungmennafélag Njarðvíkur |
UMF Sindri | UMF Sindri Höfn |
UMF Tindastóll | UMF Tindastóll |
UMF Víkingur | Ungmennafélagið Víkingur |
Umgungundlovu | Umgungundlovu District Municipality |
Umhlabuyalingana | UMhlabuyalingana Local Municipality |
UMhlathuze | UMhlathuze Local Municipality |
Umingan | Umingan, Pangasinan |
Umkhanyakude | Umkhanyakude District Municipality |
Umlalazi | UMlalazi Local Municipality |
Umlaut (klank) | Germanic umlaut |
Umm al-Qaiwain (emiraat) | Umm al-Quwain |
Umm Kulthum | Umm Kulthum |
Umm Nasaneiland | Umm an Nasan |
Umm Qais | Umm Qais |
Umm Salal | Umm Salal |
Umma | Umma (disambiguation) |
Umma (stad) | Umma |
Ummanz (gemeente) | Ummanz (municipality) |
UMMC Jekaterinenburg | UMMC Ekaterinburg |
Ummendorf (bij Biberach) | Ummendorf |
Ummendorf (Börde) | Ummendorf, Saxony-Anhalt |
Ummern | Ummern |
Umm-Salal SC | Umm Salal SC |
UMngeni | UMngeni Local Municipality |
Umoja | Umoja |
U-motor | U engine |
Umpeau | Umpeau |
Umpferstedt | Umpferstedt |
Ümraniye | Ümraniye |
UMshwathi | UMshwathi Local Municipality |
Umsobomvu | Umsobomvu Local Municipality |
Umtshezi | Umtshezi Local Municipality |
Umuziwabantu | UMuziwabantu Local Municipality |
Umvoti | Umvoti Local Municipality |
Úmyslovice | Úmyslovice |
Umzimkhulu | Umzimkhulu Local Municipality |
Umzimvubu (gemeente) | Umzimvubu Local Municipality |
Umzinyathi | Umzinyathi District Municipality |
Umzumbe | Umzumbe Local Municipality |
UN | UN (disambiguation) |
Un amour à taire | A Love to Hide |
Un amour de poche | Amour de poche |
Un baiser s'il vous plaît | Shall We Kiss? |
Un bon bock | Un bon bock |
Un chant d'amour | A Song of Love |
Un chapeau de paille d'Italie | The Italian Straw Hat (film) |
Un chien andalou | Un Chien Andalou |
Un condamné à mort s'est échappé | A Man Escaped |
Un conte de Noël | A Christmas Tale |
Un éléphant ça trompe énormément | An Elephant Can Be Extremely Deceptive |
Un homme et une femme | A Man and a Woman |
Un long dimanche de fiançailles | A Very Long Engagement |
Un peu de poivre, un peu de sel | Un peu de poivre, un peu de sel |
Un prophète | A Prophet |
Un sac de billes | A Bag of Marbles |
Un secret | A Secret |
UN Squadron | U.N. Squadron |
Un Uomo da rispettare | The Master Touch |
Uña | Uña |
Una (Bahia) | Una, Bahia |
Una (rivier in Bosnië en Herzegovina) | Una (Sava) |
Una breve vacanza | A Brief Vacation |
Una corda | Soft pedal |
Una furtiva lagrima | Una furtiva lagrima |
Una giornata particolare | A Special Day |
Una Mae Carlisle | Una Mae Carlisle |
Una O'Connor | Una O'Connor (actress) |
Unabhängige Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands | Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany |
Unac (Frankrijk) | Unac |
Unaccompanied Minors | Unaccompanied Minors |
Unaccustomed As We Are | Unaccustomed As We Are |
Unadilla | Unadilla |
Unagi | The Eel (film) |
UNAIDS | Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS |
Unaire operatie | Unary operation |
Unalakleet | Unalakleet, Alaska |
Unalaska | Unalaska, Alaska |
Unalaskaspitsmuis | Pribilof Island shrew |
Unam Sanctam | Unam sanctam |
UNAMET | United Nations Mission in East Timor |
UNAMID | African Union – United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur |
UNAMIR | United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda |
Unanimiteit | Unanimity |
Únanov | Únanov |
Una-Sana | Una-Sana Canton |
Uňatín | Uňatín |
UNAVEM I | United Nations Angola Verification Mission I |
UNAVEM II | United Nations Angola Verification Mission II |
UNAVEM III | United Nations Angola Verification Mission III |
Unawatuna | Unawatuna |
Unayzah | Unaizah |
Unbehagen (album) | Unbehagen |
Unblack metal | Unblack metal |
Unbreakable (film) | Unbreakable (film) |
Uncarina | Uncarina |
Uncertain Glory | Uncertain Glory |
Uncey-le-Franc | Uncey-le-Franc |
Unchair | Unchair |
Uncharted | Uncharted |
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception | Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception |
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune |
Uncia | Uncia |
Uncía (gemeente) | Uncía Municipality |
Unciaal | Uncial script |
Unciaal 0121a | Uncial 0121a |
Unciaal 0121b | Uncial 0121b |
Unciaal 052 | Uncial 052 |
Unčín | Unčín |
Unciti | Unciti |
Uncle Buck | Uncle Buck |
Uncle Sam | Uncle Sam |
Uncle Tom | Uncle Tom |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
Uncyclopedia | Uncyclopedia |
Und | Und |
Undecaan | Undecane |
Undecaanzuur | Undecylic acid |
Undecime | Eleventh |
Undefeated | Undefeated (2011 film) |
Undenäs | Undenäs |
Under Attack | Under Attack |
Under Capricorn | Under Capricorn |
Under Construction, Part II | Under Construction, Part II |
Under Pressure | Under Pressure |
Under Satanæ | Under Satanæ |
Under Siege | Under Siege |
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory | Under Siege 2: Dark Territory |
Under the Bridge | Under the Bridge |
Under the Cherry Moon | Under the Cherry Moon |
Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers | Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers |
Under the Moonspell | Under the Moonspell |
Under the Sea | Under the Sea |
Under the Tuscan Sun | Under the Tuscan Sun (film) |
Under the Volcano (film) | Under the Volcano (film) |
Under Western Stars | Under Western Stars |
Under Wraps | Under Wraps (Jethro Tull album) |
Underberg | Underberg |
Underberg (plaats) | Underberg, KwaZulu-Natal |
Undercover | Undercover (disambiguation) |
Undercover (Rolling Stones) | Undercover (The Rolling Stones album) |
Undercover Boss | Undercover Boss |
Undercover gaan | Undercover operation |
Underdog (competitie) | Underdog (term) |
Underdog (film) | Underdog (film) |
Underground (cultuur) | Underground art |
Underground (film) | Underground (1995 film) |
Underground Railroad | Underground Railroad |
Underground Resistance | Underground Resistance (band) |
Undersåker | Undersåker |
Underscore | Underscore |
Understudy | Understudy |
Undertow | Undertow (Tool album) |
Underwater World (Singapore) | Underwater World, Singapore |
Underwood | Underwood (disambiguation) |
Underwood (Minnesota) | Underwood, Minnesota |
Underwood (North Dakota) | Underwood, North Dakota |
Underwoodisaurus | Underwoodisaurus |
Underworld | Underworld (disambiguation) |
Underworld (2003) | Underworld (2003 film) |
Underworld (band) | Underworld (band) |
Underworld: Awakening | Underworld: Awakening |
Underworld: Evolution | Underworld: Evolution |
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans | Underworld: Rise of the Lycans |
Underwurlde | Underwurlde |
Undisclosed Desires | Undisclosed Desires |
Undiscovered | Undiscovered (James Morrison album) |
UNDOF | United Nations Disengagement Observer Force Zone |
Undredal | Undredal |
Une (Colombia) | Une |
Une affaire de femmes | Story of Women |
Une robe d'été | A Summer Dress |
Une saison en enfer | A Season in Hell |
Une semaine de bonté | Une semaine de bonté |
Une Seule Nuit | Une Seule Nuit |
Une vraie jeune fille | A Real Young Girl |
UNED | National University of Distance Education |
UNEF | United Nations Emergency Force |
Únějovice | Únějovice |
UNESCO Goodwill Ambassadeur | UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador |
Unescoceratops | Unescoceratops |
UNESCO-prijs voor Vredeseducatie | UNESCO Prize for Peace Education |
UNESCO-wereldatlas van bedreigde talen | Red Book of Endangered Languages |
Unešić | Unešić |
Únětice (okres Plzeň-jih) | Únětice (Plzeň-South District) |
Únětice (okres Praha-západ) | Únětice (Prague-West District) |
Únětice-cultuur | Unetice culture |
Unfabulous | Unfabulous |
Unfaithful | Unfaithful (song) |
UNFICYP | United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
Unfinished Business | Unfinished Business |
Unfinished Business (White Lies) | Unfinished Business (song) |
Unfinished Sympathy | Unfinished Sympathy |
Unforgettable | Unforgettable (2011 TV series) |
Unforgiven | Unforgiven (disambiguation) |
Unforgiven (film) | Unforgiven |
Ung (comitaat) | Ung County |
Ungaliophis | Ungaliophis |
Ungangan | Aleut people |
Ungaran (vulkaan) | Mount Ungaran |
UNGG-reactor | UNGG reactor |
Ungheni | Ungheni (disambiguation) |
Ungheni (arrondissement) | Ungheni District |
Ungheni (Moldavië) | Ungheni |
Ungheni (Mureș) | Ungheni, Mureș |
Ungkaya Pukan | Ungkaya Pukan, Basilan |
Ungoliant | Ungoliant |
Unguía | Unguía |
Unguraș | Unguraș |
Ungureni | Ungureni |
Ungureni (Botoșani) | Ungureni, Botoșani |
Unhappily Ever After | Unhappily Ever After |
Unholy Grave | Unholy Grave |
Uni | Uni |
Uni (mythologie) | Uni (mythology) |
UNI Wereldvakbond | UNI Global Union |
Unia | Unia |
União do Oeste | União do Oeste |
União dos Palmares | União dos Palmares |
União Leiria | U.D. Leiria |
União Oliveirense | U.D. Oliveirense |
União Paulista | União Paulista |
Unias | Unias |
Unibail-Rodamco | Unibail-Rodamco |
Unibet (bedrijf) | Unibet |
Unic | Unic (disambiguation) |
UNICA | Institutional Network of the Universities from the Capitals of Europe |
Uniciteit | Uniqueness quantification |
Unično | Unično |
Unicode Consortium | Unicode Consortium |
Unicoi | Unicoi, Tennessee |
Unicoi County | Unicoi County, Tennessee |
Uničov | Uničov |
Unicron | Unicron |
Unicum | Unicum |
Unida | Unida |
Unidentified flying object | Unidentified flying object |
Unie (China) | Leagues of Inner Mongolia |
Unie der Belgische Componisten | Union of Belgian Composers |
Unie tussen Zweden en Noorwegen | Union between Sweden and Norway |
Unie van Afrikaanse Staten | Union of African States |
Unie van Atrecht | Union of Arras |
Unie van Baptistengemeenten in Nederland | Union of Baptist Churches in the Netherlands |
Unie van Brest | Union of Brest |
Unie van Brussel | Union of Brussels |
Unie van Christen- en Centrum-Democraten | Union of Christian and Centre Democrats |
Unie van Communistische Partijen - Communistische Partij van de Sovjet-Unie | Union of Communist Parties – Communist Party of the Soviet Union |
Unie van de Arabische Maghreb | Arab Maghreb Union |
Unie van Democratische Krachten | Union of Democratic Forces (Bulgaria) |
Unie van het Centrum | Union of the Centre (2008) |
Unie van het Russische Volk | Union of the Russian People |
Unie van Indochina | French Indochina |
Unie van Islamitische Rechtbanken | Islamic Courts Union |
Unie van Kalmar | Kalmar Union |
Unie van Lublin | Union of Lublin |
Unie van Malaya | Malayan Union |
Unie van Oezjhorod | Union of Uzhhorod |
Unie van Rechtse Krachten | Union of Right Forces |
Unie van Rusland en Wit-Rusland | Union State |
Unie van Serviërs in Roemenië | Union of Serbs of Romania |
Unie van Utrecht (1889) | Union of Utrecht (Old Catholic) |
Unie van Zelfstandige Ondernemers | Union of Self-Employed Entrepreneurs |
Unie van Zuid-Afrika | Union of South Africa |
Unie van Zuid-Amerikaanse Naties | Union of South American Nations |
Unie voor een Europa van Nationale Staten | Union for Europe of the Nations |
Unie voor het Middellandse Zeegebied | Union for the Mediterranean |
Unie voor Peru | Union for Peru |
Unie voor Reële Politiek | Real Politics Union |
Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen | Organized secularism |
Uniejewo | Uniejewo |
Uniejów (gemeente) | Gmina Uniejów |
Uniek factorisatiedomein | Unique factorization domain |
Uniekerk (Idstein) | Unionskirche, Idstein |
Uniemyśl | Uniemyśl |
Uniemyśl (Neder-Silezië) | Uniemyśl, Lower Silesian Voivodeship |
Unienville | Unienville |
Unieście | Unieście |
Unieterritorium | Union territory |
Uniface | Uniface (programming language) |
Unified messaging | Unified messaging |
Unified Modeling Language | Unified Modeling Language |
UNIFIL | United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
Uniform | Uniform |
Uniform (scouting) | Uniform and insignia of the Boy Scouts of America |
Uniform Resource Name | Uniform resource name |
Uniforme continuïteit | Uniform continuity |
Uniforme convergentie | Uniform convergence |
Uniforme ruimte | Uniform space |
Uniforme verdeling | Uniform distribution |
Uniforme verdeling (continu) | Uniform distribution (continuous) |
Uniforme verdeling (discreet) | Uniform distribution (discrete) |
Uniformeringsstelling | Uniformization theorem |
Uniformitarianisme | Uniformitarianism |
Unigenitus | Unigenitus |
UNIIMOG | United Nations Iran–Iraq Military Observer Group |
Unijunctiontransistor | Unijunction transistor |
Unikonta | Unikont |
Unimodulair | Unimodular matrix |
Unín | Unín |
Unín (okres Brno-venkov) | Unín (Brno-Country District) |
Unín (okres Skalica) | Unín, Skalica District |
Unincorporated territory | Unincorporated territories of the United States |
Unintelligent Design | Argument from poor design |
Unintended | Unintended |
Uninvited | Uninvited (video game) |
Unio | Unio (genus) |
Unio cariei | Unio cariei |
Unió Democràtica de Catalunya | Democratic Union of Catalonia |
Unión (departement) | Unión Department |
Union (Duitsland) | CDU/CSU |
Union (Missouri) | Union, Missouri |
Union (New Jersey) | Union Township, Union County, New Jersey |
Union (South Carolina) | Union, South Carolina |
Union (West Virginia) | Union, Monroe County, West Virginia |
Union 05 Kayl-Tétange | Union 05 Kayl-Tétange |
Union Académique Internationale | Union Académique Internationale |
Union Canal (Schotland) | Union Canal (Scotland) |
Union Centriste | Union of Democrats and Independents – UC |
Union Centroamericana de Fútbol | Central American Football Union |
Union Cheb | FK Hvězda Cheb |
Union Chimique Belge | UCB (company) |
Union City (Californië) | Union City, California |
Union City (Michigan) | Union City, Michigan |
Union City (New Jersey) | Union City, New Jersey |
Union City (Oklahoma) | Union City, Oklahoma |
Union City (Tennessee) | Union City, Tennessee |
Union County | Union County |
Union County (Arkansas) | Union County, Arkansas |
Union County (Florida) | Union County, Florida |
Union County (Georgia) | Union County, Georgia |
Union County (Illinois) | Union County, Illinois |
Union County (Indiana) | Union County, Indiana |
Union County (Iowa) | Union County, Iowa |
Union County (Kentucky) | Union County, Kentucky |
Union County (Mississippi) | Union County, Mississippi |
Union County (New Jersey) | Union County, New Jersey |
Union County (New Mexico) | Union County, New Mexico |
Union County (North Carolina) | Union County, North Carolina |
Union County (Ohio) | Union County, Ohio |
Union County (Oregon) | Union County, Oregon |
Union County (Pennsylvania) | Union County, Pennsylvania |
Union County (South Carolina) | Union County, South Carolina |
Union County (South Dakota) | Union County, South Dakota |
Union County (Tennessee) | Union County, Tennessee |
Union de la Gauche Socialiste | Union of the Socialist Left |
Unión de Santa Fe | Unión de Santa Fe |
Union Démocratique Belge | Belgian Democratic Union |
Union Démocratique et Radicale | Democratic and Radical Union |
Union Démocratique et Socialiste de la Résistance | Democratic and Socialist Union of the Resistance |
Union des Clubs pour le Renouveau de la Gauche | Union of Clubs for the Renewal of the Left |
Union des Démocrates pour la République | Union of Democrats for the Republic |
Union des Forces Démocratiques | Union of the Democratic Forces (France) |
Union des Francophones | Union des Francophones |
Union des Sociétés Françaises de Sports Athlétiques | Union des Sociétés Françaises de Sports Athlétiques |
Unión Española | Unión Española |
Unión Estepona | Unión Estepona CF |
Union Européenne de Motocyclisme | Union Européenne de Motocyclisme |
Union FC d'Ixelles | Union F.C. d'Ixelles |
Union française | French Union |
Unión General de Trabajadores | Unión General de Trabajadores |
Union Grove | Union Grove |
Union Grove (Wisconsin) | Union Grove, Wisconsin |
Unión Huaral | Unión Huaral |
Union Internationale de la Marionnette | UNIMA |
Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme | Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme |
Union internationale des chemins de fer | International Union of Railways |
Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe | International Union of Guides and Scouts of Europe |
Union Island | Union Island |
Unión La Calera | Unión La Calera |
Unión Lara | Unión Lara |
Unión Magdalena | Unión Magdalena |
Union Mills | Union Mills |
Union Minière | Union Minière du Haut Katanga |
Union Mondiale de Billard | Union Mondiale de Billard |
Union Pacific (film) | Union Pacific (film) |
Union Pacific Railroad | Union Pacific Railroad |
Unión Panamericana | Unión Panamericana |
Union Parish | Union Parish, Louisiana |
Union Party | National Union Party (United States) |
Union pour la Démocratie Française | Union for French Democracy |
Union pour la Nouvelle République | Union for the New Republic |
Union pour un Mouvement Populaire | Union for a Popular Movement |
Unión Progreso y Democracia | Union, Progress and Democracy |
Union Républicaine et Démocratique | Democratic and Republican Union |
Union Socialiste Républicaine | Socialist Republican Union |
Union Sportive Monastir | US Monastir |
Union Springs (Alabama) | Union Springs, Alabama |
Union Square | Union Square |
Union Square (New York City) | Union Square (New York City) |
Union Square (San Francisco) | Union Square, San Francisco |
Union St. Florian | Union St. Florian |
Union Station (Toronto) | Union Station (Toronto) |
Union Station (Washington D.C.) | Union Station (Washington, D.C.) |
Union Valdôtaine | Valdotanian Union |
Uniondale | Uniondale |
Uniondale (New York) | Uniondale, New York |
UnionFS | UnionFS |
Unionidae | Unionidae |
Unionisme | Unionism |
Unionisme (Nederlanden) | Unionism in Belgium |
Uniontown (Pennsylvania) | Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
Unionville (Missouri) | Unionville, Missouri |
Unique selling proposition | Unique selling proposition |
Unirally | Uniracers |
Unirea | Unirea |
Unirea (Alba) | Unirea, Alba |
Unirea Alba Iulia | FC Unirea Alba Iulia |
Unirea Tricolor Boekarest | Unirea Tricolor București |
Unirea Urziceni | FC Unirea Urziceni |
Unisan | Unisan, Quezon |
Uniseks | Unisex |
Uniseks-toilet | Unisex public toilet |
UNISFA | United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei |
Unisław (gemeente) | Gmina Unisław |
Unisław (Koejavië-Pommeren) | Unisław, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship |
Unison | Unison (file synchronizer) |
Unisono | Unison |
Unisport Bafang | Unisport Bafang |
Unit 4 + 2 | Unit 4 + 2 |
Unit construction | Unit construction |
Unit load device | Unit load device |
UNIT4 | Unit4 |
Unitaire Democratische Coalitie | Democratic Unity Coalition |
Unitaire groep | Unitary group |
Unitaire matrix | Unitary matrix |
Unitaire operator | Unitary operator |
Unitarisme (theologie) | Unitarianism |
Unitaristisch Universalisme | Unitarian Universalism |
Unitary authority | Unitary authority |
Unitas | Unitas |
Unitatis Redintegratio | Unitatis Redintegratio |
Unité d'Habitation | Unité d'Habitation |
United 93 | United 93 (film) |
United Buddy Bears | United Buddy Bears |
United Democratic Movement | United Democratic Movement |
United Grand Lodge of England | United Grand Lodge of England |
United Kingdom Accreditation Service | United Kingdom Accreditation Service |
United Kingdom Independence Party | United Kingdom Independence Party |
United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative | United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative |
United Nations Human Settlements Programme | United Nations Human Settlements Programme |
United Nations Industrial Development Organization | United Nations Industrial Development Organization |
United Nations Institute for Training and Research | United Nations Institute for Training and Research |
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration | United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East | United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East |
United Nations Temporary Executive Authority | United Nations Temporary Executive Authority |
United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies | UNU-CRIS |
United Paramount Network | UPN |
United Progressive Party | United Progressive Party (Antigua and Barbuda) |
United Soccer Association | United Soccer Association |
United States (schip) | SS United States |
United States Agency for International Development | United States Agency for International Development |
United States Air Force-vlucht 21 | 1996 Croatia USAF CT-43 crash |
United States Anti-Doping Agency | United States Anti-Doping Agency |
United States Armed Forces | Military of the United States |
United States Army | United States Army |
United States Army Air Forces | United States Army Air Force |
United States Army Airborne School | United States Army Airborne School |
United States Army Command and General Staff College | United States Army Command and General Staff College |
United States Army Corps of Engineers | United States Army Corps of Engineers |
United States Army Forces in the Far East | United States Army Forces in the Far East |
United States Army Special Forces | Special Forces (United States Army) |
United States Atomic Energy Commission | United States Atomic Energy Commission |
United States Board on Geographic Names | United States Board on Geographic Names |
United States Botanic Garden | United States Botanic Garden |
United States Bureau of Reclamation | United States Bureau of Reclamation |
United States Census | United States Census |
United States Census Bureau | United States Census Bureau |
United States Chess Federation | United States Chess Federation |
United States Code | United States Code |
United States Department of Agriculture | United States Department of Agriculture |
United States Department of Commerce | United States Department of Commerce |
United States Department of Defense | United States Department of Defense |
United States Department of Education | United States Department of Education |
United States Department of Energy | United States Department of Energy |
United States Department of Health and Human Services | United States Department of Health and Human Services |
United States Department of Homeland Security | United States Department of Homeland Security |
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development | United States Department of Housing and Urban Development |
United States Department of Justice | United States Department of Justice |
United States Department of Labor | United States Department of Labor |
United States Department of State | United States Department of State |
United States Department of the Interior | United States Department of the Interior |
United States Department of the Navy | United States Department of the Navy |
United States Department of the Treasury | United States Department of the Treasury |
United States Department of Transportation | United States Department of Transportation |
United States Department of Veterans Affairs | United States Department of Veterans Affairs |
United States Department of War | United States Department of War |
United States Forest Service | United States Forest Service |
United States Institute for Theatre Technology | United States Institute for Theatre Technology |
United States Marine Corps | United States Marine Corps |
United States Maritime Commission | United States Maritime Commission |
United States Naval Academy | United States Naval Academy |
United States Naval Observatory | United States Naval Observatory |
United States Navy Memorial | United States Navy Memorial |
United States Navy Nurse Corps | United States Navy Nurse Corps |
United States of Tara | United States of Tara |
United States Olympic Committee | United States Olympic Committee |
Unitedhealthcare Pro Cycling | UnitedHealthcare (cycling team) |
Uniting Nations | Uniting Nations |
Unittesten | Unit testing |
Unity (gebruikersomgeving) | Unity (user interface) |
Unity (Zuid-Soedan) | Unity (state) |
Unity Tour | Unity Tour |
Univerbatie | Univerbation |
Univers | Univers |
Univers Zero | Univers Zero |
Universal binary | Universal binary |
Universal Business Language | Universal Business Language |
Universal City | Universal City |
Universal CityWalk Orlando | Universal CityWalk |
Universal Description Discovery and Integration | Universal Description Discovery and Integration |
Universal Genève | Universal Genève |
Universal Monsters | Universal Monsters |
Universal Orlando Resort | Universal Orlando |
Universal Parks & Resorts | Universal Parks & Resorts |
Universal Product Code | Universal Product Code |
Universal Records | Universal Records |
Universal Soldier (1992) | Universal Soldier (1992 film) |
Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning | Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning |
Universal Soldier: Regeneration | Universal Soldier: Regeneration |
Universal Soldier: The Return | Universal Soldier: The Return |
Universal Studios Florida | Universal Studios Florida |
Universal Zulu Nation | Universal Zulu Nation |
Universala Esperanto-Asocio | World Esperanto Association |
Universalia | Universality (philosophy) |
Universaliënstrijd | Problem of universals |
Universalis Cosmographia | Waldseemüller map |
Universalis Ecclesiae | Universalis Ecclesiae |
Universalisme | Universalism (disambiguation) |
Universalisme (theologie) | Universalism |
Universaliteit | Universal quantification |
Universally Speaking | Universally Speaking |
Universally Unique Identifier | Universally unique identifier |
Universalmuseum Joanneum | Universalmuseum Joanneum |
Universele algebra | Universal algebra |
Universele grammatica | Universal grammar |
Universele Huis van Gerechtigheid | Universal House of Justice |
Universele instantiatie | Universal instantiation |
Universele Synode van Ingelheim | Synod of Ingelheim |
Universele Transversale Mercatorprojectie | Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system |
Universele verklaring van de rechten van de mens | Universal Declaration of Human Rights |
Universele vertaler | Universal translator |
Universidad de Chile (voetbalclub) | Club Universidad de Chile |
Universidad de Las Palmas CF | Universidad de Las Palmas CF |
Universidad San Martín de Porres | Club Deportivo Universidad de San Martín de Porres |
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore |
Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano | Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano |
Università della Svizzera italiana | University of Lugano |
Università per stranieri di Perugia | University for Foreigners Perugia |
Universitair centrum Ariël in Samaria | Ariel University |
Universitair ziekenhuis Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe | Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc |
Universitario de Deportes | Club Universitario de Deportes |
Universitario de Sucre | Club Universitario |
Universitas Gadjah Mada | Gadjah Mada University |
Universitas Indonesia | University of Indonesia |
Universitat (metrostation) | Universitat (Barcelona Metro) |
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | Autonomous University of Barcelona |
Universität Duisburg-Essen | University of Duisburg-Essen |
Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst "Mozarteum" Salzburg | Mozarteum University of Salzburg |
Universitat Politècnica de València | Polytechnic University of Valencia |
Université catholique de Louvain | Université catholique de Louvain |
Université de Mons | University of Mons |
Université de Mons-Hainaut | University of Mons-Hainaut |
Université de Namur | Université de Namur |
Université Laval | Laval University |
Université Paul Sabatier | Paul Sabatier University |
Université Saint-Joseph | Saint Joseph University |
Universiteit | University |
Universiteit Antwerpen | University of Antwerp |
Universiteit Bordeaux I | University of Bordeaux 1 |
Universiteit Gent | Ghent University |
Universiteit Hamburg | University of Hamburg |
Universiteit Hasselt | University of Hasselt |
Universiteit Hradec Králové | University of Hradec Králové |
Universiteit Jan Evangelista Purkyně Ústí nad Labem | Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem |
Universiteit Koblenz-Landau | University of Koblenz and Landau |
Universiteit Leiden | University of Leiden |
Universiteit Leipzig | Leipzig University |
Universiteit Luxemburg | University of Luxembourg |
Universiteit Maastricht | Maastricht University |
Universiteit Osnabrück | University of Osnabrück |
Universiteit Ostrava | University of Ostrava |
Universiteit Pardubice | University of Pardubice |
Universiteit Parijs-Zuid 11 | University of Paris-Sud |
Universiteit Pierre en Marie Curie | Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University |
Universiteit Rijsel I | Lille University of Science and Technology |
Universiteit Sapienza Rome | Sapienza University of Rome |
Universiteit Stellenbosch | Stellenbosch University |
Universiteit Tampere | University of Tampere |
Universiteit Twente | University of Twente |
Universiteit Utrecht | Utrecht University |
Universiteit van Aalborg | Aalborg University |
Universiteit van Aalto voor Wetenschap en Technologie | Helsinki University of Technology |
Universiteit van Aarhus | Aarhus University |
Universiteit van Adelaide | University of Adelaide |
Universiteit van Agder | University of Agder |
Universiteit van Alberta | University of Alberta |
Universiteit van Algiers | University of Algiers |
Universiteit van Allahabad | Allahabad University |
Universiteit van Amsterdam | University of Amsterdam |
Universiteit van Antioquia | University of Antioquia |
Universiteit van Arizona | University of Arizona |
Universiteit van Arkansas | University of Arkansas |
Universiteit van Athene | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens |
Universiteit van Auckland | University of Auckland |
Universiteit van Barcelona | University of Barcelona |
Universiteit van Bari | University of Bari |
Universiteit van Bayreuth | University of Bayreuth |
Universiteit van Bazel | University of Basel |
Universiteit van Belgrado | University of Belgrade |
Universiteit van Bergen | University of Bergen |
Universiteit van Bern | University of Bern |
Universiteit van Bir Zeit | Birzeit University |
Universiteit van Birmingham | University of Birmingham |
Universiteit van Boekarest | University of Bucharest |
Universiteit van Bologna | University of Bologna |
Universiteit van Boston | Boston University |
Universiteit van Bourgondië | University of Burgundy |
Universiteit van Brasilia | University of Brasília |
Universiteit van Bremen | University of Bremen |
Universiteit van Bristol | University of Bristol |
Universiteit van Brits-Columbia | University of British Columbia |
Universiteit van Buckingham | University of Buckingham |
Universiteit van Buenos Aires | University of Buenos Aires |
Universiteit van Caen | University of Caen Lower Normandy |
Universiteit van Caïro | Cairo University |
Universiteit van Calcutta | University of Calcutta |
Universiteit van Calgary | University of Calgary |
Universiteit van Californië | University of California |
Universiteit van Californië - Berkeley | University of California, Berkeley |
Universiteit van Californië - Davis | University of California, Davis |
Universiteit van Californië - Irvine | University of California, Irvine |
Universiteit van Californië - Los Angeles | University of California, Los Angeles |
Universiteit van Californië - Merced | University of California, Merced |
Universiteit van Californië - Riverside | University of California, Riverside |
Universiteit van Californië - San Diego | University of California, San Diego |
Universiteit van Californië - San Francisco | University of California, San Francisco |
Universiteit van Californië - Santa Barbara | University of California, Santa Barbara |
Universiteit van Californië - Santa Cruz | University of California, Santa Cruz |
Universiteit van Cambridge | University of Cambridge |
Universiteit van Catania | University of Catania |
Universiteit van Chicago | University of Chicago |
Universiteit van Coimbra | University of Coimbra |
Universiteit van Colorado | University of Colorado |
Universiteit van Colorado te Boulder | University of Colorado Boulder |
Universiteit van Concepción (Chili) | University of Concepción |
Universiteit van Connecticut | University of Connecticut |
Universiteit van Constantinopel | University of Constantinople |
Universiteit van Córdoba (Spanje) | University of Córdoba (Spain) |
Universiteit van Corsica | University of Corsica Pascal Paoli |
Universiteit van Costa Rica | University of Costa Rica |
Universiteit van Cyprus | University of Cyprus |
Universiteit van de Amerika's, Puebla | Universidad de las Américas Puebla |
Universiteit van de Bio-Bio | University of the Bío-Bío |
Universiteit van de Kunsten | Berlin University of the Arts |
Universiteit van de Verenigde Naties | United Nations University |
Universiteit van de Vriendschap der Volkeren | Peoples' Friendship University of Russia |
Universiteit van de Vrijstaat | University of the Free State |
Universiteit van de Witwatersrand | University of the Witwatersrand |
Universiteit van de Zuidelijke Grote Oceaan | University of the South Pacific |
Universiteit van Debrecen | University of Debrecen |
Universiteit van Delhi | University of Delhi |
Universiteit van Dowaai | University of Douai |
Universiteit van Dublin | University of Dublin |
Universiteit van Durham | University of Durham |
Universiteit van East Anglia | University of East Anglia |
Universiteit van Edinburgh | University of Edinburgh |
Universiteit van Exeter | University of Exeter |
Universiteit van Florence | University of Florence |
Universiteit van Florida | University of Florida |
Universiteit van Fordham | Fordham University |
Universiteit van Fort Hare | University of Fort Hare |
Universiteit van Franeker | University of Franeker |
Universiteit van Frankfurt | Goethe University Frankfurt |
Universiteit van Freiburg | University of Freiburg |
Universiteit van Fribourg | University of Fribourg |
Universiteit van Genève | University of Geneva |
Universiteit van Genua | University of Genoa |
Universiteit van Georgetown | Georgetown University |
Universiteit van Gießen | University of Giessen |
Universiteit van Glasgow | University of Glasgow |
Universiteit van Göteborg | University of Gothenburg |
Universiteit van Granada | University of Granada |
Universiteit van Graz | University of Graz |
Universiteit van Greenwich | University of Greenwich |
Universiteit van Groenland | University of Greenland |
Universiteit van Guadalajara | University of Guadalajara |
Universiteit van Haifa | Haifa University |
Universiteit van Harderwijk | University of Harderwijk |
Universiteit van Hawaï in Manoa | University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa |
Universiteit van Helsinki | University of Helsinki |
Universiteit van Hongkong | University of Hong Kong |
Universiteit van Hull | University of Hull |
Universiteit van IJsland | University of Iceland |
Universiteit van Illinois | University of Illinois system |
Universiteit van Illinois te Chicago | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Universiteit van Illinois te Urbana-Champaign | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Universiteit van Indiana | Indiana University |
Universiteit van Innsbruck | University of Innsbruck |
Universiteit van Istanboel | Istanbul University |
Universiteit van Johannesburg | University of Johannesburg |
Universiteit van Kaapstad | University of Cape Town |
Universiteit van Kansas | University of Kansas |
Universiteit van Keulen | University of Cologne |
Universiteit van Kioto | Kyoto University |
Universiteit van Kopenhagen | University of Copenhagen |
Universiteit van Korea | Korea University |
Universiteit van KwaZoeloe-Natal | University of KwaZulu-Natal |
Universiteit van Lausanne | University of Lausanne |
Universiteit van Leeds | University of Leeds |
Universiteit van Leicester | University of Leicester |
Universiteit van Letland | University of Latvia |
Universiteit van Limpopo | University of Limpopo |
Universiteit van Lincoln | University of Lincoln |
Universiteit van Linköping | Linköping University |
Universiteit van Lissabon | University of Lisbon |
Universiteit van Liverpool | University of Liverpool |
Universiteit van Ljubljana | University of Ljubljana |
Universiteit van Londen | University of London |
Universiteit van Luik | University of Liège |
Universiteit van Lund | Lund University |
Universiteit van Lyon | University of Lyon |
Universiteit van Macerata | University of Macerata |
Universiteit van Malta | University of Malta |
Universiteit van Manchester | University of Manchester |
Universiteit van Mannheim | University of Mannheim |
Universiteit van Marmara | Marmara University |
Universiteit van Maryland | University System of Maryland |
Universiteit van Maryland, College Park | University of Maryland |
Universiteit van Massachusetts | University of Massachusetts |
Universiteit van Melbourne | University of Melbourne |
Universiteit van Miami | University of Miami |
Universiteit van Michigan | University of Michigan |
Universiteit van Milaan | University of Milan |
Universiteit van Minnesota | University of Minnesota |
Universiteit van Missouri | University of Missouri |
Universiteit van Molise | University of Molise |
Universiteit van Montreal | Université de Montréal |
Universiteit van Nanking | Nanjing University |
Universiteit van Nantes | University of Nantes |
Universiteit van Napels Federico II | University of Naples Federico II |
Universiteit van Nieuw-Zuid-Wales | University of New South Wales |
Universiteit van Noord-Iowa | University of Northern Iowa |
Universiteit van Nordland | University of Nordland |
Universiteit van North Carolina te Chapel Hill | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Universiteit van Notre Dame | University of Notre Dame |
Universiteit van Nottingham | University of Nottingham |
Universiteit van Opole | Opole University |
Universiteit van Oregon | University of Oregon |
Universiteit van Osaka | Osaka University |
Universiteit van Oslo | University of Oslo |
Universiteit van Ouagadougou | University of Ouagadougou |
Universiteit van Oxford | University of Oxford |
Universiteit van Padua | University of Padua |
Universiteit van Parijs | University of Paris |
Universiteit van Pavia | University of Pavia |
Universiteit van Peking | Peking University |
Universiteit van Pennsylvania | University of Pennsylvania |
Universiteit van Perugia | University of Perugia |
Universiteit van Pisa | University of Pisa |
Universiteit van Pittsburgh | University of Pittsburgh |
Universiteit van Poitiers | University of Poitiers |
Universiteit van Porto | University of Porto |
Universiteit van Potsdam | University of Potsdam |
Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria |
Universiteit van Puerto Rico | University of Puerto Rico |
Universiteit van Queensland | University of Queensland |
Universiteit van Rennes I | University of Rennes 1 |
Universiteit van Rennes II | University of Rennes 2 - Upper Brittany |
Universiteit van Rome Tor Vergata | University of Rome Tor Vergata |
Universiteit van Roskilde | Roskilde University |
Universiteit van Salamanca | University of Salamanca |
Universiteit van San Francisco | University of San Francisco |
Universiteit van Santiago, Chili | University of Santiago, Chile |
Universiteit van Seattle | Seattle University |
Universiteit van Sevilla | University of Seville |
Universiteit van Shanghai | Shanghai University |
Universiteit van Sheffield | University of Sheffield |
Universiteit van Siena | University of Siena |
Universiteit van Silezië | University of Silesia |
Universiteit van St Andrews | University of St Andrews |
Universiteit van Stavanger | University of Stavanger |
Universiteit van Stockholm | Stockholm University |
Universiteit van Straatsburg | University of Strasbourg |
Universiteit van Stuttgart | University of Stuttgart |
Universiteit van Sussex | University of Sussex |
Universiteit van Swansea | Swansea University |
Universiteit van Sydney | University of Sydney |
Universiteit van Syracuse | Syracuse University |
Universiteit van Szeged | University of Szeged |
Universiteit van Tallinn | Tallinn University |
Universiteit van Tartu | University of Tartu |
Universiteit van Tel Aviv | Tel Aviv University |
Universiteit van Texas in Austin | University of Texas at Austin |
Universiteit van Tirana | University of Tirana |
Universiteit van Tokio | University of Tokyo |
Universiteit van Toronto | University of Toronto |
Universiteit van Toulouse | University of Toulouse |
Universiteit van Triëst | University of Trieste |
Universiteit van Tromsø | University of Tromsø |
Universiteit van Turijn | University of Turin |
Universiteit van Turku | University of Turku |
Universiteit van Umeå | Umeå University |
Universiteit van Uppsala | Uppsala University |
Universiteit van Valladolid | University of Valladolid |
Universiteit van Venda | University of Venda |
Universiteit van Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines | Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines |
Universiteit van Vilnius | Vilnius University |
Universiteit van Virginia | University of Virginia |
Universiteit van Wales | University of Wales |
Universiteit van Warschau | University of Warsaw |
Universiteit van Warwick | University of Warwick |
Universiteit van Washington | University of Washington |
Universiteit van Wenen | University of Vienna |
Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland | University of the Western Cape |
Universiteit van Wetenschap en Technologie van Benin | University of Science and Technology of Benin |
Universiteit van Wetenschap en Technologie van Ivoorkust | University of Science and Technology of Ivory Coast |
Universiteit van Wetenschap en Technologie van Togo | University of Science and Technology of Togo |
Universiteit van Wisconsin | University of Wisconsin System |
Universiteit van Wollongong | University of Wollongong |
Universiteit van Wrocław | University of Wrocław |
Universiteit van Wyoming | University of Wyoming |
Universiteit van Zagreb | University of Zagreb |
Universiteit van Zuid-Afrika | University of South Africa |
Universiteit van Zürich | University of Zurich |
Universiteit voor Diergeneeskunde en Farmacie Brno | University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno |
Universiteit voor Economie Praag | University of Economics, Prague |
Universiteit voor Scheikunde en Technologie Praag | Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague |
Universiteit voor Vreemde Talen van Peking | Beijing Foreign Studies University |
Universiteit Xiamen | Xiamen University |
Universiteitsbibliotheek | Academic library |
Universiteitsbibliotheek Graz | University Library of Graz |
Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden | Leiden University Library |
Universiteitsuitgeverij | List of university presses |
Universiti Malaya | University of Malaya |
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York | University at Buffalo, The State University of New York |
University Centre in Svalbard | University Centre in Svalbard |
University City | University City, Missouri |
University College Dublin FC | University College Dublin A.F.C. |
University College London | University College London |
University College Utrecht | University College Utrecht |
University District | University District, Seattle |
University Heights | University Heights |
University Heights (Ohio) | University Heights, Ohio |
University of Cambridge ESOL examination | University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations |
University of North Carolina | University of North Carolina |
University of Oxford Botanic Garden | University of Oxford Botanic Garden |
University of San Carlos | University of San Carlos |
University of Santo Tomas | University of Santo Tomas |
University of Southern California | University of Southern California |
University of the Arts | University of the Arts (Philadelphia) |
University of the Pacific | University of the Pacific (United States) |
University of the Philippines | University of the Philippines |
University of Vermont | University of Vermont |
University Park | University Park |
Universum (wiskunde) | Universe (mathematics) |
Universum Film AG | Universum Film AG |
Univision | Univision |
Unix Epoch | Unix time |
Unix to Unix Copy | UUCP |
Unken (Salzburg) | Unken |
Unkenreflex | Unkenreflex |
Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown (2011) | Unknown (2011 film) |
Unleash the Beast | Unleash the Beast |
Unlocker | Unlocker |
UNMEE | United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea |
UNMIBH | United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
UNMIH | United Nations Mission in Haiti |
UNMIK | United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo |
UNMIL | United Nations Mission in Liberia |
UNMIS | United Nations Mission in Sudan |
UNMISET | United Nations Mission of Support to East Timor |
UNMISS | United Nations Mission in South Sudan |
UNMOGIP | United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan |
Unna | Unna (disambiguation) |
Unnao (district) | Unnao district |
Unnatural Death | Unnatural Death |
Uno | Uno |
UNO (kaartspel) | Uno (card game) |
Uno (Muse) | Uno (song) |
Unocal | Unocal Corporation |
UNOMIG | United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia |
UNOMUR | United Nations Observer Mission Uganda–Rwanda |
UNOTIL | United Nations Office in East Timor |
Unovis | UNOVIS |
Unplugged | Unplugged |
Unplugged (Alicia Keys) | Unplugged (Alicia Keys album) |
UNPO | Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization |
UNPROFOR | United Nations Protection Force |
Unquillosaurus | Unquillosaurus |
Unreal Championship | Unreal Championship |
Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine |
Unreal II: The Awakening | Unreal II: The Awakening |
Unruoch III | Unruoch III of Friuli |
Unruochingen | Unruochings |
UNSCOM | United Nations Special Commission |
Unseburg | Unseburg |
Unseen Terror | Unseen Terror |
Unser Sandmännchen | Sandmännchen |
Unserdeutsch | Unserdeutsch language |
Unsere Liebe Frau im Walde-Sankt Felix | Unsere Liebe Frau im Walde-St. Felix |
Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter | Generation War |
Unspoken | Unspoken (film) |
Unstan Chambered Cairn | Unstan Chambered Cairn |
Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis | Unstrut-Hainich Rural District |
Unstruttal | Unstruttal |
UNTAC | United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia |
UNTAES | United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium |
UNTAET | United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor |
UNTAG | United Nations Transition Assistance Group |
Untamed | Untamed (1929 film) |
Untash-Napirisha | Untash-Napirisha |
Unterbodnitz | Unterbodnitz |
Unterbreizbach | Unterbreizbach |
Unterinntal | Lower Inn Valley |
Unterjesingen | Unterjesingen |
Unterkaka | Unterkaka |
Unterkatz | Unterkatz |
Unterrheintal | Unterrheintal District |
Unterschönau | Unterschönau |
Unterspreewald (gemeente) | Unterspreewald |
Unterwalden | Unterwalden |
Unterweid | Unterweid |
Unterweißbach | Unterweißbach |
Unthinkable | Unthinkable |
Un-Thinkable (I'm Ready) | Un-Thinkable (I'm Ready) |
Until the End of Time | Until the End of Time (Tupac Shakur album) |
Untitled (Korn) | Untitled Korn album |
Untoten | Untoten |
Untouchables (album) | Untouchables (album) |
Untraceable | Untraceable |
UNTSO | United Nations Truce Supervision Organization |
Unua Libro | Unua Libro |
Unukalhai | Alpha Serpentis |
Unverre | Unverre |
Unwindia | Unwindia |
Unwound | Unwound |
Úny | Úny |
Unyanyembe | Unyanyembe |
Ünyespor | Ünyespor |
UNYOM | United Nations Yemen Observation Mission |
Unzen (vulkaan) | Mount Unzen |
Unzent | Unzent |
Unzué | Unzué |
Uomo universale | Renaissance man |
Uonuma | Uonuma, Niigata |
Uozu | Uozu, Toyama |
UP | Up |
Up (2009) | Up (2009 movie) |
Up All Night | Up All Night |
Up All Night (One Direction) | Up All Night (One Direction album) |
Up All Night (Razorlight) | Up All Night (Razorlight album) |
Up All Night (televisieserie) | Up All Night (TV series) |
Up Close & Personal | Up Close & Personal |
Up- en downregulatie | Downregulation and upregulation |
Up- en downtime | Downtime |
Up in Smoke | Up in Smoke |
Up in the Air | Up in the Air (2009 film) |
UP Langreo | UP Langreo |
Up the Bracket | Up the Bracket |
Up the River | Up the River |
Up to Now | Up to Now |
Up Where We Belong | Up Where We Belong |
Up! | Up! (album) |
Upahl | Upahl |
Upaix | Upaix |
Upala (kanton) | Upala (canton) |
Upanishad | Upanishad |
Upavon | Upavon |
UPC Arena | UPC-Arena |
Upchurch | Upchurch |
Upcycling | Upcycling |
Update | Update |
Upembapark | Upemba National Park |
Upeneus | Upeneus |
Uperodon | Uperodon |
Uperoleia | Uperoleia |
Upgant-Schott | Upgant-Schott |
Upgrade | Upgrade |
Upham (North Dakota) | Upham, North Dakota |
Upholland | Upholland |
UPhongolo | UPhongolo Local Municipality |
Upi | Upi, Maguindanao |
Úpice | Úpice |
Upie | Upie |
Upland | Upland |
Upland (Californië) | Upland, California |
Uplawmoor | Uplawmoor |
Uplengen | Uplengen |
Uploaden | Upload |
Upminster Bridge (metrostation) | Upminster Bridge tube station |
Upney (metrostation) | Upney tube station |
Úpohlavy | Úpohlavy |
Upper Arlington | Upper Arlington, Ohio |
Upper Avon | River Avon (Warwickshire) |
Upper Baddibu | Upper Baddibu |
Upper Beeding | Upper Beeding |
Upper Demerara-Berbice | Upper Demerara-Berbice |
Upper East | Upper East Region |
Upper Hardres | Upper Hardres |
Upper Hunter Shire Council | Upper Hunter Shire |
Upper Kalskag | Upper Kalskag, Alaska |
Upper Lachlan Shire Council | Upper Lachlan Shire |
Upper Marlboro | Upper Marlboro, Maryland |
Upper Nile | Upper Nile (state) |
Upper Niumi | Upper Niumi |
Upper River | Upper River Division |
Upper Saddle River | Upper Saddle River, New Jersey |
Upper Saloum | Upper Saloum |
Upper Sandusky | Upper Sandusky, Ohio |
Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo | Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo |
Upper West | Upper West Region |
Upperstructure | Upper structure |
Upplands Väsby (gemeente) | Upplands Väsby Municipality |
Upplands-Bro | Upplands-Bro Municipality |
Uppsala | Uppsala (disambiguation) |
Uppsala (gemeente) | Uppsala Municipality |
Uppsala län | Uppsala County |
Uppsala-ESO Survey of Asteroids and Comets | UESAC |
Uppvidinge | Uppvidinge Municipality |
Uprising | Uprising (disambiguation) |
Uprising (album) | Uprising (Bob Marley & The Wailers album) |
Uprising (film) | Uprising (2001 film) |
Uprising (single) | Uprising (song) |
UPRONA | Union for National Progress |
Upsalagletsjer | Upsala Glacier |
Upsher Green | Upsher Green |
Upshur County | Upshur County |
Upshur County (Texas) | Upshur County, Texas |
Upshur County (West Virginia) | Upshur County, West Virginia |
Upside Down | Upside Down (disambiguation) |
Upsilon Andromedae | Upsilon Andromedae |
Upsilon Andromedae b | Upsilon Andromedae b |
Upson County | Upson County, Georgia |
Upstairs, Downstairs | Upstairs, Downstairs (1971 TV series) |
Upstate New York | Upstate New York |
Upstream (film) | Upstream (film) |
Up-Tight | Up-Tight |
Upton | Upton |
Upton (Canada) | Upton, Quebec |
Upton (Northamptonshire) | Upton, Northamptonshire |
Upton County | Upton County, Texas |
Upton Park (metrostation) | Upton Park tube station |
Upton-upon-Severn | Upton-upon-Severn |
Uptown Girls | Uptown Girls |
Upucerthia | Upucerthia |
Ur (Pyrénées-Orientales) | Ur, Pyrénées-Orientales |
Ur (Sumer) | Ur |
UR La Louvière Centre | UR La Louvière Centre |
UR Namur | Union Royale Namur |
Ur So Gay | Ur So Gay |
Ura | Ura, Hungary |
Uracentron | Uracentron |
Uracil | Uracil |
Urædds FK | IF Urædd |
Uraeginthus | Uraeginthus |
Uraeotyphlus | Uraeotyphlidae |
Uraeuscobra | Uraeus |
Uragami Gyokudo | Uragami Gyokudō |
Urago d'Oglio | Urago d'Oglio |
Uragus | Long-tailed Rosefinch |
Uraí | Uraí |
Uraiújfalu | Uraiújfalu |
Urak Lawoi' (volk) | Urak Lawoi’ people |
Ural-375D | Ural-375D |
Uralla Shire Council | Uralla Shire |
Uramita | Uramita |
Urana Shire Council | Urana Shire |
Urania | Urania (disambiguation) |
Urânia | Urânia |
Urania (muze) | Urania |
Urania (planetoïde) | 30 Urania |
Urania (Wenen) | Urania (Vienna) |
Urania fulgens | Urania fulgens |
Urania sloanus | Urania sloanus |
Uraniavlinders | Uraniidae |
Uraniniet | Pitchblende |
Uranium | Uranium |
Uranium City | Uranium City, Saskatchewan |
Uranium(IV)fluoride | Uranium tetrafluoride |
Uranium(IV)oxide | Uranium dioxide |
Uranium-235 | Uranium-235 |
Uraniumhexafluoride | Uranium hexafluoride |
Uranium-looddatering | Uranium-lead dating |
Uraniummijn | Uranium mining |
Uranium-thoriumdatering | Uranium-thorium dating |
Uranius Antoninus | Uranius |
Uranoceen | Uranocene |
Uranofaan | Uranophane |
Uranomys | Rudd's mouse |
Uranoscopus | Uranoscopus |
Uranoscopus scaber | Atlantic stargazer |
Uranus | Uranus (disambiguation) |
Uranus (planeet) | Uranus |
Urartu | Urartu |
Uraspis | Uraspis |
Urastoma cyprinae | Urastoma cyprinae |
Urau | Urau |
Urayasu | Urayasu, Chiba |
Urbach (Rems) | Urbach, Baden-Württemberg |
Urbach (Thüringen) | Urbach, Thuringia |
Urbach (Westerwald) | Urbach, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Urbain Braems | Urbain Braems |
Urbalacone | Urbalacone |
Urban | Urban contemporary |
Urban exploring | Urban exploration |
Urban Jarnik | Urban Jarnik |
Urban Justice | Urban Justice |
Urban Legend | Urban Legend (film) |
Urban Legend (album) | Urban Legend (album) |
Urban Legends: Bloody Mary | Urban Legends: Bloody Mary |
Urban Legends: Final Cut | Urban Legends: Final Cut |
Urbana (Illinois) | Urbana, Illinois |
Urbana (Iowa) | Urbana, Iowa |
Urbana (Ohio) | Urbana, Ohio |
Urbana (Padua) | Urbana, Veneto |
Urbandale | Urbandale, Iowa |
Urbania | Urbania |
Urbanisme | Urbanism |
Urbank (Minnesota) | Urbank, Minnesota |
Urbanna | Urbanna, Virginia |
Urbano Navarrete Cortés | Urbano Navarrete Cortés |
Urbanov | Urbanov |
Urbanpop | Contemporary R&B |
Urbanus | Pope Urban |
Urbanus (artiest) | Urbanus |
Urbanus proteus | Long-tailed Skipper |
Urbanus tanna | Urbanus tanna |
Urbar (bij Koblenz) | Urbar, Mayen-Koblenz |
Urbar (Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis) | Urbar, Rhein-Hunsrück |
Úrbel del Castillo | Úrbel del Castillo |
Urbi et orbi | Urbi et Orbi |
Urbise | Urbise |
Urbiztondo | Urbiztondo, Pangasinan |
Urçay | Urçay |
Urcel | Urcel |
Urchin | Urchin (band) |
Urciers | Urciers |
Urcuit | Urcuit |
Urcy | Urcy |
Urd | Urðr |
Urda | Urda, Toledo |
Urdaneta (Aragua) | Urdaneta, Aragua |
Urdaneta (Lara) | Urdaneta, Lara |
Urdaneta (Miranda) | Urdaneta, Miranda |
Urdaneta (Pangasinan) | Urdaneta, Pangasinan |
Urdazubi | Urdazubi/Urdax |
Urdens | Urdens |
Urdès | Urdès |
Urdiain | Urdiain |
Urdos | Urdos |
Urdu | Urdu |
Urduliz | Urduliz |
Urduña | Orduña-Urduña |
Urease | Urease |
Urecheni | Urecheni |
Urechis unicinctus | Urechis unicinctus |
Uredinales | Rust (fungus) |
Urediniomycetes | Pucciniomycetes |
URENCO | Urenco Group |
Urenui | Urenui |
Urepel | Urepel |
Uresiphita ornithopteralis | Uresiphita ornithopteralis |
Ureterp | Ureterp |
Urethritis | Urethritis |
Ureum | Urea |
Ureumcyclus | Urea cycle |
Ureumformaldehyde | Urea-formaldehyde |
Urfahr-Umgebung | Urfahr-Umgebung District |
Urft (rivier) | Urft (river) |
Urganch | Urgench |
Urgell (comarca) | Urgell |
Urgell (metrostation) | Urgell (Barcelona Metro) |
Urgons | Urgons |
Urgosse | Urgosse |
Úrhida | Úrhida |
Uri | Uri |
Úri | Úri |
Uri (Italië) | Uri, Sardinia |
Uri (kanton) | Uri (canton) |
Uri Coronel | Uri Coronel |
Uri Orlev | Uri Orlev |
Uria | Uria (disambiguation) |
Uria (geslacht) | Uria |
Uriah Heep (rockband) | Uriah Heep |
Uribe | Uribe (disambiguation) |
Uribe (Colombia) | La Uribe |
Uribia | Uribia, La Guajira |
Uricani | Uricani |
Uridine | Uridine |
Uridinedifosfaat | Uridine diphosphate |
Uridinemonofosfaat | Uridine monophosphate |
Uridinetrifosfaat | Uridine triphosphate |
Uriel | Uriel (band) |
Uriël Birnbaum | Uriel Birnbaum |
Urim en Tummim | Urim and Thummim |
Urine | Urine |
Urineblaas | Bladder |
Urinebuis | Urethra |
Urine-incontinentie | Urinary incontinence |
Urineleider | Ureter |
Urine-onderzoek | Urinalysis |
Urineren | Urination |
Urinetherapie | Urine therapy |
Urinetown | Urinetown |
Urineweginfectie | Urinary tract infection |
Urinewegstelsel | Urinary system |
Urinezuur | Uric acid |
Urinoir | Urinal |
Uri-partij | Uri Party |
Urirotstock | Uri-Rotstock |
Urk | Urk |
Urkabustaiz | Urkabustaiz |
Urkers | Urkers dialect |
Urkesh | Urkesh |
Urko Pardo | Urko Rafael Pardo |
Úrkút | Úrkút |
Urle | Urle |
Urleben | Urleben |
URL-spoofing | Spoofed URL |
Urmas Hepner | Urmas Hepner |
Urmas Kirs | Urmas Kirs |
Urmia | Urmia |
Urmia Airport | Urmia Airport |
Urmiameer | Lake Urmia |
Urmince | Urmince |
Urmiri (gemeente) | Urmiri Municipality |
Ur-Nanshe | Ur-Nanshe |
Urnenveldencultuur | Urnfield culture |
Urnieta | Urnieta |
Urnshausen | Urnshausen |
Uroballus | Uroballus |
Urobatis jamaicensis | Yellow stingray |
Urochroa | White-tailed Hillstar |
Urocissa | Urocissa |
Urocolius | Urocolius |
Urocotyledon | Urocotyledon |
Urocotyledon inexpectata | Seychelles Sucker-tailed Gecko |
Uroctea | Uroctea |
Uroctea durandi | Uroctea durandi |
Urocynchramidae | Przevalski's Finch |
Urocystales | Urocystales |
Urodynamis | Long-tailed Cuckoo |
Urogenitaal stelsel | Genitourinary system |
Uroglaux | Papuan Hawk-Owl |
Urogymnus asperrimus | Porcupine ray |
Urola | Urola |
Urolagnie | Urolagnia |
Urolestes | Magpie Shrike |
Urologie | Urology |
Urolophus | Urolophus |
Üröm | Üröm |
Uromys | Giant naked-tailed rat |
Uromys boeadii | Biak giant rat |
Uromys emmae | Emma's giant rat |
Uromys imperator | Emperor rat |
Uromys porculus | Guadalcanal rat |
Uromys rex | King rat (animal) |
Uromys siebersi | Great Key Island giant rat |
Uropelia | Long-tailed Ground Dove |
Uropeltis | Uropeltis |
Urophycis | Urophycis |
Uroplatus guentheri | Uroplatus guentheri |
Uroplatus phantasticus | Uroplatus phantasticus |
Uroplatus sikorae | Uroplatus sikorae |
Uropode | Uropod |
Uropsalis | Uropsalis |
Uros | Uru people |
Uroš Delić | Uroš Delić |
Uroš I | Uroš I of Rascia |
Uroš II | Uroš II of Rascia |
Urosalpinx cinerea | Urosalpinx cinerea |
Urosaurus | Urosaurus |
Urost | Urost |
Urosticte | Urosticte |
Urothraupis | Black-backed Bush Tanager |
Urou-et-Crennes | Urou-et-Crennes |
Urquhart Castle | Urquhart Castle |
Urquinaona (metrostation) | Urquinaona (Barcelona Metro) |
Urraca van Castilië (1186-1220) | Urraca of Castile, Queen of Portugal |
Urraca van Castilië en León | Urraca of León and Castile |
Urraca van Portugal | Urraca of Portugal |
Urraul Alto | Urraúl Alto |
Urraul Bajo | Urraúl Bajo |
Urrea de Jalón | Urrea de Jalón |
Urriðafoss | Urriðafoss |
Urriés | Urriés |
Urrotz | Urrotz |
Urroz-Villa | Urroz |
Urrugne | Urrugne |
Urs | Urs, Ariège |
Ursa Majordwerg | Ursa Major I Dwarf |
Ursa Minordwerg | Ursa Minor Dwarf |
Ursem | Ursem |
Ursenbach | Ursenbach |
Urshult | Urshult |
Ursicinus | Ursicinus |
Ursicinus (legeraanvoerder) | Ursicinus (Roman general) |
Ursiden | Ursids |
Ursina | Ursina |
Ursina Haller | Ursina Haller |
Ursmarus | Ursmar |
Urspelerpes brucei | Urspelerpes |
Ursula | Ursula |
Ursula (planetoïde) | 375 Ursula |
Ursula Ledóchowska | Ursula Ledóchowska |
Ursula Rucker | Ursula Rucker |
Ursula van Keulen | Saint Ursula |
Ursulaschrijn | St. Ursula Shrine |
Ursule (Sjenica) | Ursule (Sjenica) |
Ursulinen | Ursulines |
Ursus | Ursus (genus) |
Ursus (bier) | Ursus Breweries |
Ursus (doorverwijspagina) | Ursus |
Ursus (Warschau) | Ursus, Warsaw |
Ursus van Solothurn | Ursus of Solothurn |
Ursviken | Ursviken |
Urszula Antoniak | Urszula Antoniak |
Urszulin (gemeente) | Gmina Urszulin |
Urt (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) | Urt |
Urtaca | Urtaca |
Urticales | Urticales |
Urtiin Duu | Long song |
Urtijëi | Urtijëi |
Uru | Uru, São Paulo |
Uruana | Uruana |
Urubamba (provincie) | Urubamba Province |
Urubamba (rivier) | Urubamba River |
Urubici | Urubici |
Uruçuca | Uruçuca |
Uruffe | Uruffe |
Uruguay (doorverwijspagina) | Uruguay (disambiguation) |
Uruguay (rivier) | Uruguay River |
Uruguay op de Olympische Spelen | Uruguay at the Olympics |
Uruguay op de Olympische Winterspelen 1998 | Uruguay at the 1998 Winter Olympics |
Uruguay op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1924 | Uruguay at the 1924 Summer Olympics |
Uruguayaans olympisch voetbalelftal | Uruguay Olympic football team |
Uruguayaans rugbyteam | Uruguay national rugby union team |
Uruguayaans voetbalelftal | Uruguay national football team |
Uruguayaanse peso | Uruguayan peso |
Uruguayaanse voetbalbond | Uruguayan Football Association |
Uruguay-ronde | Uruguay Round |
Urukperiode | Uruk period |
Urumita | Urumita |
Ürümqi | Urumqi |
Urunga | Urunga, New South Wales |
Uruñuela | Uruñuela |
Urupema | Urupema |
Urupês | Urupês |
Urusei Yatsura | Urusei Yatsura |
Urushiol | Urushiol |
Urussanga | Urussanga |
Urutaí | Urutaí |
Uruz | Ur (rune) |
Uruzgan | Urozgan Province |
Urval | Urval |
Úrvalsdeild | Úrvalsdeild |
Úrvalsdeild (vrouwen) | Úrvalsdeild (women) |
Urvaste | Urvaste Parish |
Urville (Aube) | Urville, Aube |
Urville (Calvados) | Urville, Calvados |
Urville (Manche) | Urville, Manche |
Urville (Vosges) | Urville, Vosges |
Urville-Nacqueville | Urville-Nacqueville |
Urvillers | Urvillers |
Ury | Ury, Seine-et-Marne |
Uryu Sotokichi | Uryū Sotokichi |
Urzainqui | Urzainqui |
Urzędów (gemeente) | Gmina Urzędów |
Urzejowice | Urzejowice |
Urziceni (Ialomița) | Urziceni |
Urzy | Urzy |
Us (Val-d'Oise) | Us, Val-d'Oise |
US Airways Express | US Airways Express |
US Airways-vlucht 1549 | US Airways Flight 1549 |
US Alba Audace Roma | S.S. Alba-Audace Roma |
US Alessandria Calcio 1912 | U.S. Alessandria Calcio 1912 |
US Avellino | A.S. Avellino 1912 |
US Bank Championship in Milwaukee | U.S. Bank Championship in Milwaukee |
US Biskra | US Biskra |
US Boulogne | US Boulogne |
US Castelnuovo Garfagnana | U.S. Castelnuovo Garfagnana |
US Comoé de Banfora | USCO Banfora |
US Cremonese | U.S. Cremonese |
US Créteil-Lusitanos | US Créteil-Lusitanos |
US F1 Team | US F1 Team |
US Fermana | U.S. Fermana |
US Foggia | A.C.D. Foggia Calcio |
US Forbach | US Forbach |
US GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (United States) |
US Gavorrano | U.S. Gavorrano |
US Gorée | US Gorée |
US Grosseto FC | U.S. Grosseto F.C. |
US Hostert | US Hostert |
US Ivrea Calcio | A.S.D. Calcio Ivrea |
US Jeanne d'Arc Carquefou | USJA Carquefou |
US Latina Calcio | U.S. Latina Calcio |
US Lecce | U.S. Lecce |
US Luzenac | US Luzenac |
US Massese 1919 | S.S.D. Massese |
US Mondorf | US Mondorf-les-Bains |
US Navy TACAMO missie | TACAMO |
US Novese | U.S.D. Novese |
US Open | U.S. Open |
US Open (golf) | U.S. Open (golf) |
US Open (tennis) | U.S. Open (tennis) |
US Open 1974 (tennis) | 1974 US Open (tennis) |
US Open 2003 (tennis, vrouwen) | 2003 US Open – Women's Singles |
US Open 2004 (tennis, mannendubbel) | 2004 US Open – Men's Doubles |
US Open Nine-ball Championship | U.S. Open 9-Ball Championships |
US Orléans | US Orléans |
US Ouagadougou | US Ouagadougou |
US Ouakam | US Ouakam |
US Palermo | U.S. Città di Palermo |
US Pergocrema 1932 | U.S. Pergolettese 1932 |
US Poggibonsi | U.S. Poggibonsi |
US Pontedera 1912 | U.S. Città di Pontedera |
US Pro Vercelli Calcio | U.S. Pro Vercelli Calcio |
US Quevilly | US Quevilly |
US Raonnaise | US Raon-l'Étape |
US Sandweiler | US Sandweiler |
US Sanremese Calcio | A.S.D. Sanremese |
US Sassuolo Calcio | U.S. Sassuolo Calcio |
US Siracusa | A.S.D. Siracusa Calcio |
US Suisse Paris | US Suisse Paris |
US Triestina | U.S. Triestina Calcio |
US Tshinkunku | US Tshinkunku |
US Vibonese Calcio | U.S. Vibonese Calcio |
US Women's Amateur | United States Women's Amateur Golf Championship |
US Women's Open | United States Women's Open Championship (golf) |
US Yatenga Ouahigouya | US Yatenga |
US5 | US5 |
USA | USA (disambiguation) |
USA (album) | USA (album) |
Usa (Oita) | Usa, Ōita |
USA 193 | USA-193 |
USA Perpignan | USA Perpignan |
USA3000 Airlines | USA3000 Airlines |
Usaburo Hidaka | Usaburo Hidaka |
Usagre | Usagre |
USAir-vlucht 427 | USAir Flight 427 |
Ušak | Ušak |
Uşak | Usak |
Uşak (provincie) | Uşak Province |
Uşakspor | Uşakspor |
Usâma ibn Munqidh | Usama ibn Munqidh |
USB | USB (disambiguation) |
USB-stick | USB flash drive |
USCA Foot | USCA Foot |
Usch (Duitsland) | Usch |
Uście Gorlickie (gemeente) | Gmina Uście Gorlickie |
Uścimów (gemeente) | Gmina Uścimów |
Usclades-et-Rieutord | Usclades-et-Rieutord |
Usclas-d'Hérault | Usclas-d'Hérault |
Usclas-du-Bosc | Usclas-du-Bosc |
Use case | Use case |
Use case diagram | Use Case Diagram |
Use Somebody | Use Somebody |
Use Your Illusion I | Use Your Illusion I |
Use Your Illusion II | Use Your Illusion II |
Usedom (stad) | Usedom (town) |
Usedomer Bäderbahn | Usedomer Bäderbahn |
Useldange | Useldange |
Usera | Usera |
Useragent | User agent |
User-generated content | User-generated content |
USFA Ouagadougou | Union Sportive des Forces Armées |
USFR Abidjan-Niger | US FRAN |
USG People | USG People |
Ushahidi | Ushahidi |
Ushiku | Ushiku, Ibaraki |
UShip | UShip |
Ushuaia | Ushuaia |
Usiacurí | Usiacurí |
Úsilov | Úsilov |
Usipeti | Usipetes |
Usk | Usk (disambiguation) |
Usk (plaats in Wales) | Usk |
Usk (rivier) | River Usk |
Uskokken | Uskoks |
Uskokoorlog | Uskok War |
Uskoplje | Uskoplje |
Üsküdar | Üsküdar |
USL Dunkerque | USL Dunkerque |
USL First Division | USL First Division |
USL Premier Development League | USL Premier Development League |
USL Pro | USL Pro |
USL Second Division | USL Second Division |
Úslava | Úslava |
USM Alger | USM Alger |
USM Annaba | USM Annaba |
USM Blida | USM Blida |
USM El Harrach | USM El Harrach |
USM Libreville | USM Libreville |
Usninezuur | Usnic acid |
USO | USO (disambiguation) |
Úsobí | Úsobí |
Uson | Uson, Masbate |
Usora | Usora Municipality |
Úsov | Úsov |
Uspanteeks | Uspantek language |
Usquert | Usquert |
USS Arizona (BB-39) | USS Arizona |
USS Boston (SSN-703) | USS Boston (SSN-703) |
USS California | USS California |
USS Cavalla | USS Cavalla |
USS Cavalla (SS-244) | USS Cavalla (SS-244) |
USS Colorado (BB-45) | USS Colorado (BB-45) |
USS Congress (1799) | USS Congress (1799) |
USS Constellation (CV-64) | USS Constellation (CV-64) |
USS Cormorant | USS Cormorant |
USS Cormorant (MHC-57) | USS Cormorant (MHC-57) |
USS Cyclops | USS Cyclops (AC-4) |
USS Dale | USS Dale |
USS Decatur | USS Decatur |
USS Defiant NX-74205 | USS Defiant |
USS Dewey | USS Dewey |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 | USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701A | USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701D | USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701E | USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) |
USS Enterprise NX-01 | Enterprise (NX-01) |
USS Forrestal (CV-59) | USS Forrestal (CV-59) |
USS George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) | USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) |
USS Guardian (MCM-5) | USS Guardian (MCM-5) |
USS Hammann | USS Hammann |
USS Hammann (DD-412) | USS Hammann (DD-412) |
USS Heron | USS Heron |
USS Heron (MHC-52) | USS Heron (MHC-52) |
USS Intrepid | USS Intrepid |
USS Intrepid (1798) | USS Intrepid (1798) |
USS Kingfisher | USS Kingfisher |
USS Kingfisher (MHC-56) | USS Kingfisher (MHC-56) |
USS Kitty Hawk | USS Kitty Hawk |
USS Kraké | USS Kraké |
USS Langley | USS Langley |
USS Liberty-incident | USS Liberty incident |
USS Maryland (1799) | USS Maryland (1799) |
USS Neosho | USS Neosho |
USS Neosho (AO-23) | USS Neosho (AO-23) |
USS Pelican | USS Pelican |
USS Pelican (MHC-53) | USS Pelican (MHC-53) |
USS Pennsylvania | USS Pennsylvania |
USS Pennsylvania (SSBN-735) | USS Pennsylvania (SSBN-735) |
USS Philadelphia (1799) | USS Philadelphia (1799) |
USS Preble | USS Preble |
USS Raleigh | USS Raleigh |
USS Raven (MHC-61) | USS Raven (MHC-61) |
USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) | USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) |
USS Sampson | USS Sampson |
USS Scamp (SS-277) | USS Scamp (SS-277) |
USS Seawolf (SSN-21) | USS Seawolf (SSN-21) |
USS Sims | USS Sims |
USS Syren (1803) | USS Syren (1803) |
USS Tennessee | USS Tennessee |
USS Theodore Roosevelt | USS Theodore Roosevelt |
USS Truxtun | USS Truxtun |
USS Truxtun (DDG-103) | USS Truxtun (DDG-103) |
USS Vestal (AR-4) | USS Vestal (AR-4) |
USS Washington | USS Washington (BB-47) |
USS Wasp | USS Wasp |
USS West Virginia | USS West Virginia |
Ussac | Ussac |
Ussat | Ussat |
Usseau | Usseau |
Usseau (Deux-Sèvres) | Usseau, Deux-Sèvres |
Usseau (Vienne) | Usseau, Vienne |
Usseglio | Usseglio |
Ussel (Cantal) | Ussel, Cantal |
Ussel (Corrèze) | Ussel, Corrèze |
Ussel (Lot) | Ussel, Lot |
Ussel-d'Allier | Ussel-d'Allier |
Usselo | Usselo |
Usson | Usson, Puy-de-Dôme |
Usson-du-Poitou | Usson-du-Poitou |
Usson-en-Forez | Usson-en-Forez |
USSR Supercup | Soviet Super Cup |
USSR voetbalbeker | Soviet Cup |
Ussy | Ussy |
Ussy-sur-Marne | Ussy-sur-Marne |
USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center | USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center |
Ustašabeweging | Ustaše |
Úštěk | Úštěk |
Uster | Uster (disambiguation) |
Uster (district) | Uster District |
Ústí | Ústí (disambiguation) |
Ústí (okres Jihlava) | Ústí (Jihlava District) |
Ústí (okres Přerov) | Ústí (Přerov District) |
Ústí (okres Vsetín) | Ústí (Vsetín District) |
Ústí nad Labem (regio) | Ústí nad Labem Region |
Ustilaginales | Ustilaginales |
Ústín | Ústín |
Ustiprača | Novo Goražde |
Ustka (gemeente) | Gmina Ustka |
Ustou | Ustou |
Ústrašice | Ústrašice |
Ústrašín | Ústrašín |
Ustronie Morskie | Ustronie Morskie |
Ustronie Morskie (gemeente) | Gmina Ustronie Morskie |
Ustrzyki Dolne | Ustrzyki Dolne |
Ustrzyki Dolne (gemeente) | Gmina Ustrzyki Dolne |
Usuki | Usuki, Ōita |
Usulután (departement) | Usulután Department |
Usumacinta | Usumacinta River |
Usurbil | Usurbil |
Usurpator | Usurper |
USV Eschen/Mauren | USV Eschen/Mauren |
Uszód | Uszód |
UT Arad | FC UTA Arad |
Uta (geslacht) | Side-blotched lizard |
Uta (Italië) | Uta, Sardinia |
Uta Pippig | Uta Pippig |
Utah County | Utah County, Utah |
Utah Jazz | Utah Jazz |
Utah Olympic Oval | Utah Olympic Oval |
Utahprairiehond | Utah prairie dog |
Utah-territorium | Utah Territory |
UTair Aviation | UTair Aviation |
Utande | Utande |
Utarp | Utarp |
Utawarerumono | Utawarerumono |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time |
UTC-9 | UTC−09:00 |
Utcubamba | Utcubamba Province |
Ute Enzenauer | Ute Enzenauer |
Útěchovice | Útěchovice |
Útěchovice pod Stražištěm | Útěchovice pod Stražištěm |
Útěchovičky | Útěchovičky |
Utecht | Utecht |
Utelle | Utelle |
Utena | Utena |
Utena (district) | Utena County |
Utena (gemeente) | Utena District Municipality |
Utenbach | Utenbach |
Utendorf | Utendorf |
Utensilnord | Utensilnord |
Úterý (okres Plzeň-sever) | Úterý |
Utetheisa bella | Utetheisa ornatrix |
Utetheisa pulchelloides | Utetheisa pulchelloides |
Útgard | Útgarðar |
Uthausen | Uthausen |
Uthina (geslacht) | Uthina (spider) |
Uthiramerur | Uthiramerur |
Uthleben | Uthleben |
Uthlede | Uthlede |
Uthukela District Municipality | Uthukela District Municipality |
Uthukkottai | Uthukottai |
UThungulu | UThungulu District Municipality |
Uti possidetis | Uti possidetis |
Útica | Útica |
Utica (Michigan) | Utica, Michigan |
Utica (Minnesota) | Utica, Minnesota |
Utica (Mississippi) | Utica, Mississippi |
Utica (New York) | Utica, New York |
Utica (Pennsylvania) | Utica, Pennsylvania |
Utica (Tunesië) | Utica, Tunisia |
Utila | Útila |
Utilitarisme | Utilitarianism |
Utility | Utility (disambiguation) |
Utinga (Bahia) | Utinga |
Utne | Utne |
Uto-Azteekse talen | Uto-Aztecan languages |
Utopia | Utopia (disambiguation) |
Utopia (boek) | Utopia (book) |
Utopia (Florida) | Utopia, West Park, Florida |
Utopie | Utopia |
Utraquisten | Utraquism |
Utrecht | Utrecht (disambiguation) |
Utrecht (provincie) | Utrecht (province) |
Utrecht (Zuid-Afrika) | Utrecht, KwaZulu-Natal |
Utrecht Network | Utrecht Network |
Utrechtboog | Utrechtboog |
Utrechts Conservatorium | Utrechts Conservatorium |
Utrechts Psalter | Utrecht Psalter |
Utrechtse caravaggisten | Utrecht Caravaggism |
Utrechtse sneltram | Utrecht sneltram |
Utrechtse Vecht | Vecht (Utrecht) |
Utrillas | Utrillas |
Utsunomiya | Utsunomiya, Tochigi |
Uttar Dinajpur | Uttar Dinajpur district |
Uttarkashi (district) | Uttarkashi district |
Uttendorf (Salzburg) | Uttendorf |
Utting am Ammersee | Utting |
Uttoxeter | Uttoxeter |
Utu | Utu |
Utuado | Utuado, Puerto Rico |
Utu-Khegal van Uruk | Utu-hengal |
Utupua | Utupua Island |
Útušice | Útušice |
Utwe | Utwe |
UTZ Certified | UTZ Certified |
Utzberg | Utzberg |
Uugla | Uugla |
Uur | Hour |
Uurhoek | Hour angle |
Uus Maailm | Uus Maailm |
Uusküla (Alajõe) | Uusküla, Ida-Viru County |
Uuslinn | Uuslinn |
UV mapping | UV mapping |
UV/VIS-spectroscopie | Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy |
Uva | Uva |
Uva (Sri Lanka) | Uva Province |
Uvac (Sjenica) | Uvac (Sjenica) |
Uvalda | Uvalda, Georgia |
Uvalde | Uvalde, Texas |
Uvalde County | Uvalde County, Texas |
Úvalno | Úvalno |
Uvaroviet | Uvarovite |
Uvea | Uvea |
Uveïtis | Uveitis |
Uvernet-Fours | Uvernet-Fours |
Uvidicolus sphyrurus | Underwoodisaurus sphyrurus |
Uvira | Uvira |
Uvs (provincie) | Uvs Province |
Uvs Nuur | Uvs Lake |
UV-stabilisator | UV stabilizers in plastics |
Uvulaar | Uvular consonant |
Uvulaire ejectief | Uvular ejective |
Uvulaire nasaal | Uvular nasal |
Uvulaire tril | Uvular trill |
Uvulapiercing | Uvula piercing |
Uvulopalatofaryngoplastiek | Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty |
U-waarde | Thermal transmittance |
Uwagi | Uwagi |
UWIC Inter Cardiff FC | Cardiff Metropolitan University F.C. |
Uxbridge | Uxbridge (disambiguation) |
Uxbridge (Londen) | Uxbridge |
Uxbridge (Massachusetts) | Uxbridge, Massachusetts |
Uxbridge (metrostation) | Uxbridge tube station |
Uxeau | Uxeau |
Uxuma impudica | Uxuma |
Uyo | Uyo |
Uys Krige | Uys Krige |
Uyugan | Uyugan, Batanes |
Uyuni (gemeente) | Uyuni Municipality |
Uz | Uz |
Uz (gemeente) | Uz, Hautes-Pyrénées |
Uz (landstreek) | Land of Uz |
Uza (Landes) | Uza, Landes |
Uzak | Uzak |
Uzan | Uzan |
Uzan (Frankrijk) | Uzan, Pyrénées-Atlantiques |
Uzech | Uzech |
Uzein | Uzein |
Uzel | Uzel |
Uzen (provincie) | Uzen Province |
Uzer (Ardèche) | Uzer, Ardèche |
Uzer (Hautes-Pyrénées) | Uzer, Hautes-Pyrénées |
UZI | Uzi (disambiguation) |
Uzice | Uzice (disambiguation) |
Uzići | Uzići |
Uziel Gal | Uziel Gal |
Uzos | Uzos |
Uzovce | Uzovce |
Uzovnica | Uzovnica |
Uzovská Panica | Uzovská Panica |
Uzovské Pekľany | Uzovské Pekľany |
Uzovský Šalgov | Uzovský Šalgov |
Uzsa | Uzsa |
Uztárroz | Uztárroz – Uztarrotze |
Užupis | Užupis |
Uzzia | Uzziah |
V | V (disambiguation) |
V (2009) | V (2009 TV series) |
V (letter) | V |
V (Vanessa Hudgens album) | V (Vanessa Hudgens album) |
V Bird | V Bird |
V for Vendetta | V for Vendetta (disambiguation) |
V for Vendetta (film) | V for Vendetta (movie) |
V for Vendetta (strip) | V for Vendetta |
V.C. Corner Australian Cemetery and Memorial | V.C. Corner Australian Cemetery and Memorial |
V.I.P. | V.I.P. (TV series) |
V.V. IJsselmeervogels | IJsselmeervogels |
V/H/S | V/H/S |
V2 (raket) | V-2 |
V2 (taalkunde) | V2 word order |
V2 Records | V2 Records |
V-22 Osprey | Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey |
V8 STAR | V8Star Series |
Vaakevandring | Vaakevandring |
Vaal stormvogeltje | Leach's Storm Petrel |
Vaalbeek | Vaalbeek |
Vaale | Vaale |
Vaalermoor | Vaalermoor |
Vaalhoek | Vaalhoek |
Vaalrivier | Vaal River |
Vaalvleugelspreeuw | Pale-winged Starling |
Vääna-Jõesuu | Vääna-Jõesuu |
Vaandrig | Fenrik |
Vaanstand | Propeller (aircraft) |
Vaantjesboom | Davidia involucrata |
Va'a-o-Fonoti | Va'a-o-Fonoti |
Vaardigheid | Skill |
Vaars | Heifer |
Vaartsche Rijn | Vaartse Rijn |
Vaarwater | Shipping route |
Vaarweg | Waterway |
Vaas | Vase |
Vaas (Sarthe) | Vaas, Sarthe |
Vaas van Soissons | Vase of Soissons |
Vaatbundel | Vascular bundle |
Vaatchirurgie | Vascular surgery |
Vaatdoek | Dishcloth |
Vaatholte | Lumen (anatomy) |
Vaati | Characters in The Legend of Zelda series |
Vaatplanten | Vascular plant |
Väätsa | Väätsa Parish |
Vaatvlies | Choroid |
Vaavu-atol | Vaavu Atoll |
Vabalathus | Vaballathus |
Vabre | Vabre |
Vabres (Cantal) | Vabres, Cantal |
Vabres (Gard) | Vabres, Gard |
Vabres-l'Abbaye | Vabres-l'Abbaye |
Vaca Díez | Vaca Díez Province |
Vacamonte | Vacamonte |
Vacancy | Vacancy (film) |
Vacansoleil-DCM | Vacansoleil-DCM |
Vacansoleil-DCM/2012 | 2012 Vacansoleil-DCM season |
Văcărești | Văcăreşti |
Vacarisses | Vacarisses |
Vacas (Cochabamba) | Vacas, Cochabamba |
Vacas (gemeente) | Vacas Municipality |
Vacaville | Vacaville, California |
Vaccaei | Vaccaei |
Vaccaria | Vaccaria |
Vacceenzuur | Vaccenic acid |
Vaccin | Vaccine |
Vaccinatieprogramma | Vaccination schedule |
Vaccinrevolte | Vaccine Revolt |
Vácduka | Vácduka |
Vače | Vače |
Vaçe Zela | Vaçe Zela |
Vácegres | Vácegres |
Vacenovice | Vacenovice |
Vach (rivier) | Vakh River |
Vacha | Vacha, Germany |
Váchartyán | Váchartyán |
Vachdorf | Vachdorf |
Vacherauville | Vacherauville |
Vachères | Vachères |
Vachères-en-Quint | Vachères-en-Quint |
Vacherin Mont d'Or | Vacherin |
Vachsj | Vakhsh River |
Vachtang I van Iberië | Vakhtang I of Iberia |
Vachtang II van Georgië | Vakhtang II of Georgia |
Vachtang III van Georgië | Vakhtang III of Georgia |
Vachtang IV van Georgië | Vakhtang IV of Georgia |
Vachtang V van Kartli | Vakhtang V of Kartli |
Vachtang VI van Kartli | Vakhtang VI of Kartli |
Vachtegels | Long-beaked echidna |
Vachtkleur bij paarden | Equine coat color |
Váckisújfalu | Váckisújfalu |
Václav Jan Křtitel Tomášek | Václav Tomášek |
Václav Karel Holan Rovenský | Václav Karel Holan Rovenský |
Václav Nelhýbel | Václav Nelhýbel |
Václav Pichl | Wenzel Pichl |
Václav Švejcar | Václav Švejcar |
Václav Treitz | Václav Treitz |
Václavice | Václavice |
Václavy | Václavy |
Vacoas-Phoenix | Vacoas-Phoenix |
Vacognes-Neuilly | Vacognes-Neuilly |
Vacov | Vacov (Prachatice District) |
Vacquerie-le-Boucq | Vacquerie-le-Boucq |
Vacqueriette-Erquières | Vacqueriette-Erquières |
Vacqueville | Vacqueville |
Vacqueyras | Vacqueyras |
Vacquières | Vacquières |
Vacquiers | Vacquiers |
Vácrátót | Vácrátót |
Vácszentlászló | Vácszentlászló |
Vacuna | Vacuna |
Vacuole | Vacuole |
Vacuüm | Vacuum |
Vacuum fluorescent display | Vacuum fluorescent display |
Vacuümdestillatie | Vacuum distillation |
Vacuümextractor | Ventouse |
Vacuümmatras | Vacuum mattress |
Vacuümpomp | Vacuum pump |
Vacuümtechniek | Vacuum engineering |
Vad (Roemenië) | Vad, Cluj |
Vada | Vada |
Vadans (Haute-Saône) | Vadans, Haute-Saône |
Vadans (Jura) | Vadans, Jura |
Vadelaincourt | Vadelaincourt |
Vademecum | Handbook |
Vadena | Vadena |
Vadenay | Vadenay |
Vadencourt (Aisne) | Vadencourt, Aisne |
Vadencourt (Somme) | Vadencourt, Somme |
Vader | Parent (disambiguation) |
Vader (band) | Vader (band) |
Vader (film) | Father (1966 film) |
Vader Jacob | Frère Jacques |
Vaderbeweging | Fathers' rights movement |
Vaderdag | Father's day |
Vaderlands Front | Patriotic Front |
Vaderlands Front (Bulgarije) | Fatherland Front (Bulgaria) |
Vaderlands Front (Oostenrijk) | Fatherland's Front |
Vaderlandse Orde van Verdienste | Patriotic Order of Merit |
Vaderlandsliefde | Patriotism |
Vaders en zonen | Fathers and Sons (novel) |
Vaderschap | Father |
Vaderschapsonderzoek | Parental testing |
Vadillo de la Sierra | Vadillo de la Sierra |
Vadim Repin | Vadim Repin |
Vadim Sajoetin | Vadim Sayutin |
Vadim Sidoer | Vadim Sidur |
Vadim Zhuk | Vadim Zhuk |
Vadim Zvjaginsev | Vadim Zvjaginsev |
Vadis Odjidja-Ofoe | Vadis Odjidja-Ofoe |
Vadnais Heights | Vadnais Heights, Minnesota |
Vadodara (district) | Vadodara district |
Vadometer | Rotameter |
Vadonville | Vadonville |
Vadosfa | Vadosfa |
Vadsige koning | Roi fainéant |
Vadstena (gemeente) | Vadstena Municipality |
Vadu Crișului | Vadu Crișului |
Vadu Moților | Vadu Moților |
Vadu Săpat | Vadu Săpat |
Vadym Malachatko | Vadim Malakhatko |
Vadzim Dzevjatowski | Vadim Devyatovskiy |
VAE-dirham | United Arab Emirates dirham |
Vaesrade | Vaesrade |
Vafthrudnir | Vafþrúðnir |
Vaga | Vaga |
Vagaceratops | Vagaceratops |
Vagdavercustis | Vagdavercustis |
Vage verzameling | Fuzzy set |
Vagevuur | Purgatory |
Vaggeryd (gemeente) | Vaggeryd Municipality |
Vaggeryd (plaats) | Vaggeryd |
Vaghe stelle dell'orsa | Sandra (film) |
Vagif Javadov | Vagif Javadov |
Vagina | Vagina |
Vaginale afscheiding | Vaginal lubrication |
Vaginale candidainfectie | Candidal vulvovaginitis |
Vaginale douche | Douche |
Vaginisme | Vaginismus |
Vaginitis | Vaginitis |
Vaginoplastiek | Vaginoplasty |
Vagitanus | Vagitanus |
Vagnhärad | Vagnhärad |
Vagos | Vagos Municipality |
Vagrans egista | Vagrans egista |
Vagrinec | Vagrinec |
Vágur | Vágur, Faroe Islands |
Váh | Váh |
Vahi (Harku) | Vahi, Harju County |
Vahid Hashemian | Vahid Hashemian |
Vahlberg | Vahlberg |
Vahlbruch | Vahlbruch |
Vahlde | Vahlde |
Vahram Kevorkian | Vahram Kevorkian |
Vahrn | Vahrn |
Vahsel Bay | Vahsel Bay |
Vai | Vai (Crete) |
Vaiea | Vaiea |
Vaiges | Vaiges |
Vaihingen an der Enz | Vaihingen |
Väike-Maarja | Väike-Maarja Parish |
Väike-Õismäe | Väike-Õismäe |
Väike-Pungerja | Väike-Pungerja |
Vail | Vail (disambiguation) |
Vail (Arizona) | Vail, Arizona |
Vail (Colorado) | Vail, Colorado |
Vailhan | Vailhan |
Vailhauquès | Vailhauquès |
Vailhourles | Vailhourles |
Vailimia | Vailimia |
Vaillac | Vaillac |
Vaillant (gemeente) | Vaillant, Haute-Marne |
Vailly (Aube) | Vailly, Aube |
Vailly (Haute-Savoie) | Vailly, Haute-Savoie |
Vailly-sur-Aisne | Vailly-sur-Aisne |
Vailly-sur-Sauldre | Vailly-sur-Sauldre |
Vainu (Sonda) | Vainu, Ida-Viru County |
VAIO | Vaio |
Vair (heraldiek) | Vair |
Vair (rivier) | Vair (river) |
Vairão | Vairão |
Vairé | Vairé |
Vaire-sous-Corbie | Vaire-sous-Corbie |
Vaires-sur-Marne | Vaires-sur-Marne |
Vairocana (dhyani-Boeddha) | Vairocana |
Vairocana (vertaler) | Vairotsana |
Vaise | Vaise |
Vaishnavisme | Vaishnava |
Vaisigano | Vaisigano |
Vaïssac | Vaïssac |
Vaisua Liva | Vaisua Liva |
Vaitheeswarankoil | Vaitheeswarankoil |
Vaivara (concentratiekamp) | Vaivara concentration camp |
Vaivara (gemeente) | Vaivara Parish |
Vaivina | Vaivina |
Vaja | Vaja |
Vajdahunyadburcht | Vajdahunyad Castle |
Vajgatsj (eiland) | Vaygach Island |
Vajkovce | Vajkovce |
Vajontdam | Vajont Dam |
Vajradhara | Vajradhara |
Vajrasana (asana) | Vajrasana (yoga) |
Vajrayana | Vajrayana |
Vajta | Vajta, Hungary |
Vakantie | Vacation |
Vakash | Vakhsh, Tajikistan |
Vakblad | Trade magazine |
Vakbond | Trade union |
Vakcentrale | National trade union center |
Vakcentrale voor middengroepen en hoger personeel | Federation of Managerial and Professional Staff Unions |
Vakıflı | Vakıflı, Samandağ |
Vakilbazaar | Vakil Bazaar |
Vaktherapie | Expressive therapy |
Vakwerk (ligger) | Truss |
Vakwerk (wandconstructie) | Timber framing |
Vakwerkbrug | Truss bridge |
Vakwetenschap | Discipline (academia) |
Val | Val |
Vál | Vál |
Val (eenheid) | Equivalent (chemistry) |
Val (okres Rychnov nad Kněžnou) | Val (Rychnov nad Kněžnou District) |
Val (okres Tábor) | Val (Tábor District) |
Val (zeilen) | Halyard |
Val Avery | Val Avery |
Val Badia | Val Badia |
Val Bregaglia | Val Bregaglia |
Val Calanca | Val Calanca |
Val Camonica | Val Camonica |
Val Cenis | Val Cenis |
Val Chisone | Val Chisone |
Val d'Anniviers | Val d'Anniviers |
Val d'Aran | Val d'Aran |
Val de San Martín | Val de San Martín |
Val d'Hérens | Val d'Hérens |
Val di Cogne | Val di Cogne |
Val di Fassa | Fassa Valley |
Val di Fiemme | Fiemme Valley |
Val di Lei | Lago di Lei |
Val Divedro | Simplon Valley |
Val do Dubra | Val do Dubra |
Val d'Orcia | Val d'Orcia |
Val d'Ossola | Ossola |
Val Fitch | Val Logsdon Fitch |
Val van Constantinopel | List of sieges of Constantinople |
Val van het West-Romeinse Rijk | Decline of the Roman Empire |
Val van Saigon | Fall/Liberation of Saigon |
Val van Srebrenica | Srebrenica massacre |
Val Veny | Val Veny |
Val Verde | Val Verde, California |
Val Verde County | Val Verde County, Texas |
Val Vigezzo | Valle Vigezzo |
Vala | Vala |
Vala (programmeertaal) | Vala (programming language) |
Vala Mal Doran | Vala Mal Doran |
Valaam | Valaam |
Valacloche | Valacloche |
Valadares (Vila Nova de Gaia) | Valadares (Vila Nova de Gaia) |
Valady | Valady, Aveyron |
Valaire | Valaire |
Valais-oceaan | Valais Ocean |
Valandovo | Valandovo |
Valanginien | Valanginian |
Valanjou | Valanjou |
Valar | Vala (Middle-earth) |
Valasaravakkam | Valasaravakkam |
Valash | Balash |
Valaskjálf | Valaskjálf |
Valaškovce | Valaškovce |
Valašské Klobouky | Valašské Klobouky |
Valaste | Valaste |
Valaurie | Valaurie |
Valavoire | Valavoire |
Valaya | List of Warhammer Fantasy characters |
Valbeleix | Valbeleix |
Valbelle | Valbelle |
Válber Costa | Válber Costa |
Valberto Amorim dos Santos | Valberto Amorim dos Santos |
Valbois | Valbois |
Valbom | Valbom (disambiguation) |
Valbom (Gondomar) | Valbom |
Valbona | Valbona, Aragon |
Valbonë | Valbonë |
Valbrug | Drawbridge |
Valburg | Valburg |
Valča | Valča |
Vâlcănești | Vâlcănești |
Valcanville | Valcanville |
Valcău de Jos | Valcău de Jos |
Valcebollère | Valcebollère |
Vâlcele | Vâlcele |
Vâlcelele | Vâlcelele |
Valcemar Silva | Valcemar Justino da Silva |
Valcivières | Valcivières |
Valcolla | Valcolla |
Valcourt | Valcourt, Haute-Marne |
Valda | Valda |
Valdaj | Valday, Novgorod Oblast |
Valdampierre | Valdampierre |
Valdarachas | Valdarachas |
Valdarno | Valdarno |
Val-d'Auzon | Val-d'Auzon |
Valdealgorfa | Valdealgorfa |
Valdeande | Valdeande |
Valdearcos de la Vega | Valdearcos de la Vega |
Valdearenas | Valdearenas |
Valdeavellano | Valdeavellano |
Valdeaveruelo | Valdeaveruelo |
Valdeblore | Valdeblore |
Valdecaballeros | Valdecaballeros |
Valdecasa | Valdecasa |
Val-de-Chalvagne | Val-de-Chalvagne |
Valdeci Basílio da Silva | Valdeci Basílio da Silva |
Valdeconcha | Valdeconcha |
Valdecuenca | Valdecuenca |
Valdefresno | Valdefresno |
Valdefuentes | Valdefuentes |
Valdeganga | Valdeganga |
Valdegovía | Valdegovía/Gaubea |
Val-de-Grâce | Val-de-Grâce |
Valdegrudas | Valdegrudas |
Valdehorna | Valdehorna |
Valdelacalzada | Valdelacalzada |
Val-de-la-Haye | Val-de-la-Haye |
Valdelcubo | Valdelcubo |
Valdelinares | Valdelinares |
Valdeltormo | Valdeltormo |
Valdemadera | Valdemadera |
Val-de-Marne | Val-de-Marne |
Valdemarsvik (gemeente) | Valdemarsvik Municipality |
Valdemeca | Valdemeca |
Val-de-Mercy | Val-de-Mercy |
Valdemora | Valdemora |
Valdemorillo de la Sierra | Valdemorillo de la Sierra |
Valdemoro-Sierra | Valdemoro-Sierra |
Valdenir da Silva Vitalino | Valdenir da Silva Vitalino |
Valdenuño Fernández | Valdenuño Fernández |
Valdeolea | Valdeolea |
Valdeolivas | Valdeolivas |
Valdeolmos-Alalpardo | Valdeolmos-Alalpardo |
Valdepeñas (Spanje) | Valdepeñas |
Valdepeñas de Jaén | Valdepeñas de Jaén |
Valdepeñas de la Sierra | Valdepeñas de la Sierra |
Valdepolo | Valdepolo |
Val-d'Épy | Val-d'Épy |
Valderas | Valderas |
Val-de-Reuil | Val-de-Reuil |
Valderiès | Valderiès |
Valderoure | Valderoure |
Valderrama (Antique) | Valderrama, Antique |
Valderrebollo | Valderrebollo |
Valderrobres | Valderrobres |
Valderrueda | Valderrueda |
Val-de-Ruz | Val-de-Ruz District |
Valdés (Asturië) | Valdés, Asturias |
Valdés (schiereiland) | Valdes Peninsula |
Val-de-Saâne | Val-de-Saâne |
Val-des-Marais | Val-des-Marais |
Valdesotos | Valdesotos |
Val-des-Prés | Val-des-Prés |
Valdetorres | Valdetorres |
Valdetorres de Jarama | Valdetorres de Jarama |
Valdetórtola | Valdetórtola |
Val-de-Travers | Val-de-Travers District |
Val-de-Travers (gemeente) | Val-de-Travers |
Valdeurspinnen (Ctenizidae) | Trapdoor spider |
Valdeurspinnen (Idiopidae) | Idiopidae |
Val-de-Vesle | Val-de-Vesle |
Val-de-Vière | Val-de-Vière |
Valdevimbre | Valdevimbre |
Valdez (Alaska) | Valdez, Alaska |
Valdez Is Coming | Valdez Is Coming |
Valdez-Cordova Census Area | Valdez–Cordova Census Area, Alaska |
Valdice | Valdice |
Valdíkov | Valdíkov |
Valdilecha | Valdilecha |
Val-d'Illiez | Val-d'Illiez |
Valdir Azevedo | Valdir Azevedo |
Valdir Benedito | Valdir Benedito |
Valdir Pereira | Valdir Pereira |
Val-d'Isère | Val-d'Isère |
Valdivia | Valdivia (disambiguation) |
Valdivia (Antioquia) | Valdivia, Antioquia |
Valdivia (provincie) | Valdivia Province |
Valdiviacultuur | Valdivia culture |
Valdivienne | Valdivienne |
Val-d'Izé | Val-d'Izé |
Valdo Filho | Valdo Filho |
Val-d'Oise | Val-d'Oise |
Val-d'Ornain | Val-d'Ornain |
Valdosta | Valdosta, Georgia |
Valdoviño | Valdoviño |
Valdres | Valdres |
Valdrôme | Valdrôme |
Valdurenque | Valdurenque |
Vale (bedrijf) | Vale (mining company) |
Vale (Georgië) | Vale, Georgia |
Vale (Guernsey) | Vale, Guernsey |
Vale (Oregon) | Vale, Oregon |
Vale (Santa Maria da Feira) | Vale (Santa Maria da Feira) |
Vale Abraão | Abraham's Valley |
Vale argusvlinder | Lasiommata paramegaera |
Vale buulbuul | Sombre Greenbul |
Vale clausilia | Clausilia bidentata |
Vale das Fontes | Vale das Fontes |
Vale das Mós | Vale das Mós |
Vale de Figueira (Santarém) | Vale de Figueira |
Vale de Gouvinhas | Vale de Gouvinhas |
Vale de Santiago | Vale de Santiago |
Vale do Açu | Vale do Açu |
Vale do Itajaí | Vale do Itajaí |
Vale do Paraíba | Paraíba Valley |
Vale do Rio dos Bois | Vale do Rio dos Bois Microregion |
Vale Formoso | Vale Formoso |
Vale gier | Griffon Vulture |
Vale gierzwaluw | Pallid Swift |
Vale lijster | Eyebrowed Thrush |
Vale luzernevlinder | Colias nastes |
Vale oeverzwaluw | Brown-throated Martin |
Vale of Leven FC | Vale of Leven F.C. |
Vale pedaalmot | Argyresthia pygmaeella |
Vale pijlstormvogel | Balearic Shearwater |
Vale Royal | Vale Royal |
Vale rupsvogel | Pale Cicadabird |
Vale Verde (Rio Grande do Sul) | Vale Verde |
Vale vleermuis | Greater mouse-eared bat |
Valea Călugărească | Valea Călugărească |
Valea Chioarului | Valea Chioarului |
Valea Doftanei | Valea Doftanei |
Valea Largă | Valea Largă |
Valea Lungă | Valea Lungă |
Valea Lungă (Alba) | Valea Lungă, Alba |
Valea Mare (Covasna) | Valea Mare, Covasna |
Valea Seacă | Valea Seacă |
Valea Ursului | Valea Ursului |
Valea Vinului | Valea Vinului |
Valeč | Valeč |
Valeč (okres Karlsbad) | Valeč (Karlovy Vary District) |
Valedictorian | Valedictorian |
Valeggio | Valeggio, Lombardy |
Valeilles | Valeilles |
Valeins | Valeins |
Valença (Bahia) | Valença, Bahia |
Valença (Portugal) | Valença, Portugal |
Valença (Rio de Janeiro) | Valença, Rio de Janeiro |
Valence | Valence |
Valence (Charente) | Valence (Charente) |
Valence (Drôme) | Valence-sur-Rhône |
Valence (Tarn-et-Garonne) | Valence, Tarn-et-Garonne |
Valence-d'Albigeois | Valence-d'Albigeois |
Valence-en-Brie | Valence-en-Brie |
Valencia | Valencia (disambiguation) |
Valencia (Bohol) | Valencia, Bohol |
Valencia (Bukidnon) | Valencia, Bukidnon |
Valencia (Córdoba) | Valencia, Córdoba |
Valencia (Negros Oriental) | Valencia, Negros Oriental |
Valencia (provincie) | Province of Valencia |
Valencia (regio) | Valencian Community |
Valencia (stad) | Valencia |
Valencia (Venezuela) | Valencia, Carabobo |
Valencia CF | Valencia C.F. |
Valencia CF Mestalla | Valencia CF Mestalla |
Valencia County | Valencia County, New Mexico |
Valencia de Alcántara (gemeente) | Valencia de Alcántara |
Valencia del Ventoso | Valencia del Ventoso |
Valencia hispanica | Valencia toothcarp |
Valencia letourneuxi | Valencia letourneuxi |
Valencia Street Circuit | Valencia Street Circuit |
Valencia West | Valencia West, Arizona |
Valenciaans | Valencian language |
Valenciennea sexguttata | Valenciennea sexguttata |
Valenciennea strigata | Valenciennea strigata |
Valenciennes FC | Valenciennes F.C. |
Valencin | Valencin |
Valencina de la Concepción | Valencina de la Concepción |
Valencogne | Valencogne |
Valene Ewing | Valene Ewing |
Văleni (Neamț) | Văleni, Neamț |
Valennes | Valennes |
Valenok | Valenki |
Valens | Valens (disambiguation) |
Valentia (eiland) | Valentia Island |
Valentie (scheikunde) | Valence (chemistry) |
Valentie (taalkunde) | Valency (linguistics) |
Valentiebindingstheorie | Valence bond theory |
Valentie-elektron | Valence electron |
Valentieschil-elektronenpaar-repulsie-theorie | VSEPR theory |
Valentijn | Valentijn |
Valentijn (heilige) | Saint Valentine |
Valentijn en Oursson | Valentine and Orson |
Valentijnsdag | Valentine's Day |
Valentijnsdagbloedbad | Saint Valentine's Day Massacre |
Valentim Gentil (gemeente) | Valentim Gentil |
Valentin Berlinski | Valentin Berlinsky |
Valentin Boelgakov | Valentin Bulgakov |
Valentin Bondarenko | Valentin Bondarenko |
Valentín Canalizo | Valentín Canalizo |
Valentín Elizalde | Valentín Elizalde |
Valentin Eysseric | Valentin Eysseric |
Valentin Iglinski | Valentin Iglinsky |
Valentin Iliev | Valentin Iliev |
Valentin Ivanov | Valentin Ivanov (footballer born 1961) |
Valentin Katajev | Valentin Kataev |
Valentin Kozmitsj Ivanov | Valentin Kozmich Ivanov |
Valentin Oswald Ottendorfer | Oswald Ottendorfer |
Valentin Pavlov | Valentin Pavlov |
Valentin Raspoetin | Valentin Rasputin |
Valentin Serov | Valentin Serov |
Valentin Silvestrov | Valentyn Sylvestrov |
Valentin Uriona | Valentín Uriona |
Valentin Varennikov | Valentin Varennikov |
Valentín Viola | Valentín Viola |
Valentina Artemjeva | Valentina Artemyeva |
Valentina Goenina | Valentina Gunina |
Valentina Jegorova | Valentina Yegorova |
Valentina Marchei | Valentina Marchei |
Valentina Matvijenko | Valentina Matviyenko |
Valentina Popova | Valentina Popova (table tennis) |
Valentina Teresjkova | Valentina Tereshkova |
Valentina Vasiljevna Tolkoenova | Valentina Tolkunova |
Valentina Visconti (1366-1408) | Valentina Visconti, Duchess of Orléans |
Valentine (Haute-Garonne) | Valentine, Haute-Garonne |
Valentine (Nebraska) | Valentine, Nebraska |
Valentine (Texas) | Valentine, Texas |
Valentine Cameron Prinsep | Valentine Cameron Prinsep |
Valentine's Day | Valentine's Day (movie) |
Valentini kogelvis | Valentinni's sharpnose puffer |
Valentiniaanse dynastie | Valentinian dynasty |
Valentinianus | Valentinian |
Valentinianus I | Valentinian I |
Valentinianus II | Valentinian II |
Valentinianus III | Valentinian III |
Valentiniet | Valentinite |
Valentino (merk) | Valentino SpA |
Valentinus (gnostiek) | Valentinus (Gnostic) |
Valentinus Otho | Valentinus Otho |
Valentinus Paquay | Valentinus Paquay |
Valenton | Valenton |
Valentovce | Valentovce |
Valentyna Sjevtsjenko (langlaufster) | Valentina Shevchenko |
Valenzana Calcio | Valenzana Mado |
Valenzano | Valenzano, Italy |
Valenzuela | Valenzuela |
Valenzuela (Córdoba) | Valenzuela, Spain |
Valenzuela (Metro Manilla) | Valenzuela City |
Våler | Vaaler |
Våler (Hedmark) | Våler, Hedmark |
Våler (Østfold) | Våler, Østfold |
Valera | Valera |
Valère Germain | Valère Germain |
Vålerenga IF | Vålerenga Fotball |
Valergues | Valergues |
Valeri Bojinov | Valeri Bojinov |
Valeri Bortsjin | Valeriy Borchin |
Valeri Borzov | Valeriy Borzov |
Valeri Brjoesov | Valery Bryusov |
Valeri Broemel | Valeriy Brumel |
Valeri Bykovski | Valery Bykovsky |
Valeri Dmitriev | Valeriy Dmitriyev |
Valeri Domovtsjijski | Valeri Domovchiyski |
Valeri Gergiev | Valery Gergiev |
Valeri Glivenko | Valery Glivenko |
Valeri Goborov | Valery Goborov |
Valeri Karpin | Valery Karpin |
Valeri Leontjev | Valery Leontiev |
Valeri Lobanovsky | Valeriy Lobanovskyi |
Valeri Lobanovskystadion | Valeriy Lobanovskyi Dynamo Stadium |
Valeri Moeratov | Valery Muratov |
Valeri Neverov | Valeriy Neverov |
Valeri Poljakov | Valeri Polyakov |
Valeri Salov | Valery Salov |
Valeri Tichonenko | Valeri Tikhonenko |
Valeria Messalina | Messalina |
Valeria oleagina | Valeria oleagina |
Valeria Savinych | Valeria Savinykh |
Valeria Solovieva | Valeria Solovyeva |
Valeriaan (geslacht) | Valeriana |
Valeriaanfamilie | Valerianaceae |
Valeriaanzuur | Valeric acid |
Valerian Albanov | Valerian Albanov |
Valerian Koejbysjev | Valerian Kuybyshev |
Valerianella | Valerianella |
Valerianus I | Valerian (emperor) |
Valerianus II | Valerian II |
Valerică Găman | Valerică Găman |
Valerie | Valerie |
Valerie Cruz | Valerie Cruz |
Valerie Landsburg | Valerie Landsburg |
Valérie Sajdik | Valérie Sajdik |
Valerie Sutton | Valerie Sutton |
Valerio | Valerio |
Valerio Cioli | Valerio Cioli |
Valerio Tebaldi | Valerio Tebaldi |
Valerius | Valerius (disambiguation) |
Valerius Maximus | Valerius Maximus |
Valeriy Kobzarenko | Valery Kobzarenko |
Valeriya (zangeres) | Valeriya |
Valernes | Valernes |
Valero Rivera | Valero Rivera |
Valery Afanassiev | Valery Afanassiev |
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing | Valéry Giscard d'Estaing |
Valéry Mezague | Valéry Mézague |
Valery Nahayo | Valery Nahayo |
Valescourt | Valescourt |
Valet (service) | Valet parking |
Valette | Valette, Cantal |
Valeuil | Valeuil |
Valeyrac | Valeyrac |
Valezan | Valezan |
Valfermoso de Tajuña | Valfermoso de Tajuña |
Valfin-sur-Valouse | Valfin-sur-Valouse |
Valfitz | Valfitz |
Valflaunès | Valflaunès |
Valfleury | Valfleury |
Valframbert | Valframbert |
Valfroicourt | Valfroicourt |
Valga | Valga |
Valga (Estland) | Valga, Estonia |
Valga (Pontevedra) | Valga, Pontevedra |
Valgamaa | Valga County |
Valgañón | Valgañón |
Valgjärve | Valgjärve Parish |
Valgus | Valgus deformity |
Valhalla | Valhalla (disambiguation) |
Valhek | Portcullis |
Valhelhas | Valhelhas |
Valhermoso | Valhermoso |
Valhermoso de la Fuente | Valhermoso de la Fuente |
Valhey | Valhey |
Valhuon | Valhuon |
Vali | Váli (son of Odin) |
Valiant (2005) | Valiant (film) |
Valice | Valice |
Validisme | Ableism |
Validiteit | Validity (statistics) |
Valignat | Valignat |
Valigny | Valigny |
Valinda | Valinda, California |
Valine | Valine |
Valines | Valines |
Valinor | Valinor |
Valira | Gran Valira |
Vălișoara | Vălișoara |
Văliug | Văliug |
Valj Semerenko | Valj Semerenko |
Valjala | Valjala Parish |
Valjouffrey | Valjouffrey |
Valjouze | Valjouze |
Valjunquera | Valjunquera |
Valk | Valk |
Valkenburg (Zuid-Holland) | Valkenburg, South Holland |
Valkenburg aan de Geul | Valkenburg aan de Geul |
Valkenisse | Valkenisse |
Valkenisse (gemeente) | Valkenisse, Walcheren |
Valkenisse (historisch dorp) | Valkenisse, Zuid-Beveland |
Valkeřice | Valkeřice |
Valkerij | Falconry |
Valkhof Festival | De-Affaire |
Valkininkai | Valkininkai |
Valkkoog | Valkkoog |
Valkó | Valkó |
Valko Tsjervenkov | Valko Chervenkov |
Valkoinen peura | The White Reindeer |
Valkonya | Valkonya |
Valkovce | Valkovce |
Valkparkiet | Cockatiel |
Valkruid | Arnica montana |
Valkruidmineermot | Digitivalva arnicella |
Valkuil (kuil) | Trapping pit |
Valkuilen | Ninox |
Valkyrie | Valkyrie (disambiguation) |
Valkyrie (film) | Valkyrie (film) |
Valkyrie (Marvel) | Valkyrie (Marvel Comics) |
Vallabrix | Vallabrix |
Vallada | Vallada |
Valladolid | Valladolid (disambiguation) |
Valladolid (Negros Occidental) | Valladolid, Negros Occidental |
Valladolid (provincie) | Province of Valladolid |
Valladolid (Yucatán) | Valladolid, Yucatán |
Vállaj | Vállaj |
Vallan | Vallan |
Vallangoujard | Vallangoujard |
Vallans | Vallans |
Vallant-Saint-Georges | Vallant-Saint-Georges |
Vallarta de Bureba | Vallarta de Bureba |
Vallat | Vallat |
Vallay Island | Vallay |
Vallbona d'Anoia | Vallbona d'Anoia |
Vallclara | Vallclara |
Valle | Valle |
Valle (Aust-Agder) | Valle, Norway |
Valle (departement) | Valle Department |
Valle Central | Costa Rican Central Valley |
Valle d'Aosta | Aosta Valley |
Valle d'Aosta Fromadzo | Valle d'Aosta Fromadzo |
Valle de Abdalajís | Valle de Abdalajís |
Valle de Arana | Harana/Valle de Arana |
Valle de Bravo | Valle de Bravo |
Valle de Guadalupe | Valle de Guadalupe |
Valle de la Pascua | Valle de la Pascua |
Valle de la Serena | Valle de la Serena |
Valle de los Ingenios | Valle de los Ingenios |
Valle de Mena | Valle de Mena |
Valle de San Juan (Tolima) | Valle de San Juan |
Valle de Santa Ana | Valle de Santa Ana |
Valle de Tobalina | Valle de Tobalina |
Valle de Yerri | Yerri |
Valle de Zamanzas | Valle de Zamanzas |
Valle del Guamuez | Valle del Guamuez |
Valle del Zalabí | Valle del Zalabí |
Valle dell'Angelo | Valle dell'Angelo |
Valle di Locana | Orco Valley |
Valle di Susa | Susa Valley |
Valle Fértil | Valle Fértil Department |
Valle Grana | Valle Grana |
Valle Maira | Maira Valley |
Valle Mesolcina | Val Mesolcina |
Valle Po | Valle Po |
Valle San José | Valle San José |
Valle Stura di Demonte | Valle Stura di Demonte |
Valle Varaita | Varaita Valley |
Valle Verzasca | Valle Verzasca |
Valle Viejo | Valle Viejo Department |
Valle Vista | Valle Vista, California |
Vallecalle | Vallecalle |
Valle-d'Alesani | Valle-d'Alesani |
Valle-di-Campoloro | Valle-di-Campoloro |
Valle-di-Mezzana | Valle-di-Mezzana |
Valle-di-Rostino | Valle-di-Rostino |
Valle-d'Orezza | Valle-d'Orezza |
Vallée de la Clarée | Vallée de la Clarée |
Vallée de l'Ernz | Vallée de l'Ernz |
Vallée d'Ossau | Ossau Valley |
Vallegrande (gemeente) | Vallegrande Municipality |
Vallegrande (provincie) | Vallegrande Province |
Vallègue | Vallègue |
Vallehermoso (La Gomera) | Vallehermoso, Santa Cruz de Tenerife |
Vallehermoso (Negros Oriental) | Vallehermoso, Negros Oriental |
Vallei der Koningen | Valley of the Kings |
Vallei der Koninginnen | Valley of the Queens |
Vallei van de Geisers | Valley of Geysers |
Vallei van Fergana | Fergana Valley |
Vallei van Mexico | Valley of Mexico |
Valleigoffer | Botta's pocket gopher |
Vallejera | Vallejera |
Vallejo | Vallejo, California |
Vallemaggia | Vallemaggia (district) |
Vallende druppel | Chinese water torture |
Vallensbæk (gemeente) | Vallensbæk Municipality |
Vallentigny | Vallentigny |
Vallentuna (gemeente) | Vallentuna Municipality |
Vallentuna (plaats) | Vallentuna |
Vallérargues | Vallérargues |
Valleret | Valleret |
Vallereuil | Vallereuil |
Valleroy (Doubs) | Valleroy, Doubs |
Valleroy (Haute-Marne) | Valleroy, Haute-Marne |
Valleroy (Meurthe-et-Moselle) | Valleroy, Meurthe-et-Moselle |
Valleroy-le-Sec | Valleroy-le-Sec |
Valles de Palenzuela | Valles de Palenzuela |
Valleseco | Valleseco, Las Palmas |
Vallesvilles | Vallesvilles |
Vallet | Vallet |
Valletot | Valletot |
Valletta | Valletta |
Valletta FC | Valletta F.C. |
Valley | Valley (disambiguation) |
Valley (Beieren) | Valley, Bavaria |
Valley Center | Valley Center |
Valley City | Valley City |
Valley City (North Dakota) | Valley City, North Dakota |
Valley County | Valley County |
Valley County (Idaho) | Valley County, Idaho |
Valley County (Montana) | Valley County, Montana |
Valley County (Nebraska) | Valley County, Nebraska |
Valley Falls | Valley Falls |
Valley Girl | Valley Girl (film) |
Valley of Fire | Valley of Fire State Park |
Valley of Flowers (film) | Valley of Flowers (film) |
Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes | Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes |
Valley of the Dolls | Valley of the Dolls (film) |
Valley of the Wolves Iraq | Valley of the Wolves: Iraq |
Valley Park | Valley Park |
Valley Park (Missouri) | Valley Park, Missouri |
Valley Springs | Valley Springs |
Valley View | Valley View |
Vallfogona de Balaguer | Vallfogona de Balaguer |
Vallfogona de Riucorb | Vallfogona de Riucorb |
Vallgorguina | Vallgorguina |
Vallibona | Vallibona |
Vallica | Vallica |
Vallière | Vallière |
Vallières (arrondissement) | Vallières Arrondissement |
Vallières (Aube) | Vallières, Aube |
Vallières (Haïti) | Vallières, Nord-Est |
Vallières (Haute-Savoie) | Vallières, Haute-Savoie |
Vallières-les-Grandes | Vallières-les-Grandes |
Valliquerville | Valliquerville |
Vallnord | Vallnord |
Vallø | Vallø |
Vallois | Vallois |
Vallombrosianen | Vallumbrosan Order |
Vallon | Vallon |
Vallon-en-Sully | Vallon-en-Sully |
Vallon-Pont-d'Arc | Vallon-Pont-d'Arc |
Vallon-sur-Gée | Vallon-sur-Gée |
Vallouise | Vallouise |
Vallromanes | Vallromanes |
Valls (Spanje) | Valls |
Valluércanes | Valluércanes |
Vállus | Vállus |
Valmadrid | Valmadrid |
Valmala (Italië) | Valmala, Italy |
Valmanya | Valmanya |
Val-Maravel | Val-Maravel |
Valmascle | Valmascle |
Valmeyer | Valmeyer, Illinois |
Valmigère | Valmigère |
Valmiki | Valmiki |
Valmiro Lopes Rocha | Valmiro Lopes Rocha |
Valmojado | Valmojado |
Valmont (film) | Valmont (film) |
Valmont (Moselle) | Valmont, Moselle |
Valmont (Seine-Maritime) | Valmont, Seine-Maritime |
Valmy | Valmy (disambiguation) |
Valmy (plaats) | Valmy |
Valnontey (bergdal) | Valnontey |
Valoejki | Valuyki, Belgorod Oblast |
Valois | Valois |
Valojoulx | Valojoulx |
Valongo (gemeente) | Valongo Municipality |
Válor | Válor |
Valouse | Valouse |
Valpaços | Valpaços Municipality |
Valparaiso | Valparaiso (disambiguation) |
Valparaíso (Antioquia) | Valparaíso, Antioquia |
Valparaíso (Caquetá) | Valparaíso, Caquetá |
Valparaiso (Florida) | Valparaiso, Florida |
Valparaiso (Indiana) | Valparaiso, Indiana |
Valparaíso (provincie) | Valparaíso Province |
Valparaíso (regio) | Valparaíso Region |
Valparaíso (São Paulo) | Valparaíso, São Paulo |
Valparolapas | Valparola Pass |
Valpelline (gemeente) | Valpelline, Aosta Valley |
Valposchiavo | Val Poschiavo |
Valpovo | Valpovo |
Valprionde | Valprionde |
Valprivas | Valprivas |
Valproïnezuur | Valproic acid |
Valpuiseaux | Valpuiseaux |
Valreep | Accommodation ladder |
Valreepsknoop | Wall and crown knot |
Valros | Valros |
Valroufié | Valroufié |
Vals (Ariège) | Vals, Ariège |
Vals (Italië) | Valser Tal, South Tyrol |
Vals (Tirol) | Vals, Tyrol |
Vals (Zwitserland) | Vals, Switzerland |
Vals bruin blauwtje | Northern Brown Argus |
Vals dilemma | False dilemma |
Vals heideblauwtje | Plebejus idas |
Vals im Bashir | Waltz with Bashir |
Vals oranjetipje | Colotis evagore |
Vals witje | Siona lineata |
Valsad (district) | Valsad district |
Val-Saint-Lambert | Val Saint Lambert |
Valsalobre | Valsalobre |
Valsassina | Valsassina |
Vals-des-Tilles | Vals-des-Tilles |
Valse christusdoorn | Honey locust |
Valse Dimitri I | False Dmitriy I |
Valse Dimitri II | False Dmitry II |
Valse doornhaai | Kitefin shark |
Valse hanenkam | Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca |
Valse kamille | Anthemis arvensis |
Valse kleuren | False color |
Valse koningsmakreel | Cero (fish) |
Valse meeldauw | Downy mildew |
Valse murenen | Chlopsidae |
Valse poetsvis | False cleanerfish |
Valse raster-koraalvlinder | Spot-nape butterflyfish |
Valse roos van Jericho | Selaginella lepidophylla |
Valse salie | Teucrium scorodonia |
Valse snappers | Threadfin bream |
Valse vijfvlek-sint-jansvlinder | Zygaena lonicerae |
Valse vlag | False flag |
Valse vrienden | False friend |
Valse wingerd | Parthenocissus vitacea |
Valse Wolfspin | Zoropsis spinimana |
Valsemé | Valsemé |
Valsequillo (Córdoba) | Valsequillo, Spain |
Valserres | Valserres |
Valsheid in geschrifte | Misrepresentation |
Vals-le-Chastel | Vals-le-Chastel |
Valsmunterij | Counterfeit money |
Valsonne | Valsonne |
Vals-près-le-Puy | Vals-près-le-Puy |
Valsspelen | Cheating |
Val-Suzon | Val-Suzon |
Valtablado del Río | Valtablado del Río |
Valtajeros | Valtajeros, Soria |
Valtellina | Valtellina |
Valters & Kazha | Valters and Kaža |
Valthe | Valthe |
Valthermond | Valthermond |
Valtierra | Valtierra |
Valtorres | Valtorres |
Valtorta | Valtorta, Lombardy |
Valuair | Valuair |
Valuéjols | Valuéjols |
ValuJet Airlines | ValuJet Airlines |
ValuJet-vlucht 592 | ValuJet Flight 592 |
Válur | Válur |
Valur Reykjavík | Valur Football Club |
Valuta | Currency |
Valutaoorlog | Currency war |
Valutateken | Currency sign |
Valutering | Value date |
Valva | Valva, Campania |
Valvatida | Valvatida |
Valve Hammer Editor | Valve Hammer Editor |
Valverde (Pavia) | Valverde, Lombardy |
Valverde (provincie) | Valverde Province |
Valverde (Sicilië) | Valverde, Sicily |
Valverde (Spanje) | Valverde, Santa Cruz de Tenerife |
Valverde de Júcar | Valverde de Júcar |
Valverde de Leganés | Valverde de Leganés |
Valverde de los Arroyos | Valverde de los Arroyos |
Valverde de Mérida | Valverde de Mérida |
Valverde del Fresno | Valverde del Fresno |
Valverde Vega (kanton) | Valverde Vega (canton) |
Valverdejo | Valverdejo |
Valversnelling | Acceleration due to gravity |
Valvignères | Valvignères |
Valwind | Katabatic wind |
Valy | Valy |
Valy (okres Cheb) | Valy (Cheb District) |
Valzergues | Valzergues |
Valz-sous-Châteauneuf | Valz-sous-Châteauneuf |
Vama (Satu Mare) | Vama, Satu Mare |
Vama Buzăului | Vama Buzăului |
Vamberk | Vamberk |
Vamdrup | Vamdrup Municipality |
Vamos | Vamos |
Vámosatya | Vámosatya |
Vámoscsalád | Vámoscsalád |
Vámosgyörk | Vámosgyörk |
Vámosmikola | Vámosmikola |
Vámosoroszi | Vámosoroszi |
Vámospércs | Vámospércs |
Vámosszabadi | Vámosszabadi |
Vampeta | Vampeta |
Vampier | Vampire |
Vampierinktvis | Vampire squid |
Vampiervleermuizen | Vampire bat |
Vampira (film) | Vampira (1974 film) |
Vampire | Vampire (disambiguation) |
Vampire Academy (roman) | Vampire Academy (novel) |
Vampire Academy (serie) | Vampire Academy |
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust | Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust |
Vampire Weekend (album) | Vampire Weekend (album) |
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle | Vampire: The Eternal Struggle |
Vampire: The Masquerade | Vampire: The Masquerade |
Vampires | Vampires (film) |
Vampire's Kiss | Vampire's Kiss |
Vampires Suck | Vampires Suck |
Vampyr | Vampyr |
Van | Van (disambiguation) |
Van (provincie) | Van Province |
Van (stad) | Van, Turkey |
Van Abbemuseum | Van Abbemuseum |
Van Aken | Van Aken |
Van Allen-gordels | Van Allen radiation belt |
Van Alstyne | Van Alstyne, Texas |
Van Amstelklasse | Cannon-class destroyer escort |
Van Arkel-de Boerproces | Crystal bar process |
Van Beyens | Beyens de Grambais |
Van Boetzelaer | Van Boetzelaer |
Van Brienenoordbrug | Van Brienenoordbrug |
Van Buren (Arkansas) | Van Buren, Arkansas |
Van Buren (Maine) | Van Buren, Maine |
Van Buren (Missouri) | Van Buren, Missouri |
Van Buren County (Arkansas) | Van Buren County, Arkansas |
Van Buren County (Iowa) | Van Buren County, Iowa |
Van Buren County (Michigan) | Van Buren County, Michigan |
Van Buren County (Tennessee) | Van Buren County, Tennessee |
Van Bylandt | House of Bylandt |
Van Cliburn International Piano Competition | Van Cliburn International Piano Competition |
Van Coke Kartel | Van Coke Kartel |
Van Cortlandt Park-242nd Street | Van Cortlandt Park – 242nd Street (IRT Broadway – Seventh Avenue Line) |
Van Dale Groot woordenboek van de Nederlandse taal | Van Dale |
Van Dam | Van Dam |
Van Damme | Van Damme (disambiguation) |
Van Dams vanga | Van Dam's Vanga |
Van de aarde naar de maan | From the Earth to the Moon |
Van de Graaffgenerator | Van de Graaff Generator |
Van de visser en zijn vrouw | The Fisherman and His Wife |
Van de wachtelboom | The Juniper Tree (fairy tale) |
Van de Werve | House of van de Werve |
Van Deemtervergelijking | Van Deemter equation |
Van den Berg | Van den Berg |
Van den Boogaard | Van den Boogaard |
Van den Bosch | Van den Bosch |
Van den Heuvel | Van den Heuvel |
Van den vos Reynaerde | Reynard |
Van der Duim | Van der Duim |
Van der Giessen-de Noord | Van der Giessen de Noord |
Van der Linde | Van der Linde |
Van der Linden | Van der Linden |
Van der Meer | Van der Meer |
Van der Moolen | Van der Moolen |
Van der Neer | Van der Neer |
Van der Pauwmethode | Van der Pauw method |
Van der Pol-vergelijking | Van der Pol oscillator |
Van der Valk | Van der Valk |
Van der Valk (televisieserie) | Van der Valk (TV series) |
Van Diemen | Van Diemen |
Van Dijk | Van Dijk |
Van Dyck | Van Dyck (surname) |
Van etter tot engel | Brat Camp |
Van Ewijcksluis | Van Ewijcksluis |
Van Foreest | Van Foreest |
Van Galen (familie) | Von Galen |
Van Gend en Loos-arrest | Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen |
Van Ghent (schip uit 1928) | HNLMS Van Ghent (1926) |
Van God los (boek) | The End of Faith |
Van Gogh | Van Gogh (disambiguation) |
Van Gogh Museum | Van Gogh Museum |
Van Heeckeren | Van Heeckeren |
Van Helsing | Van Helsing (film) |
Van Helsing's Factory | Van Helsing's Factory |
Van het muisje, het vogeltje en de braadworst | The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage |
Van het westelijk front geen nieuws | All Quiet on the Western Front |
Van Hiele-niveaus | Van Hiele model |
Van Hoensbroeck | Van Hoensbroeck |
Van Hogendorp (geslacht) | Van Hogendorp |
Van Hool AGG300 | Van Hool AGG300 |
Van Horn | Van Horn, Texas |
Van Houten (chocoladefabriek) | Coenraad Johannes van Houten |
Văn Lang | Văn Lang |
Van Leeuwen | Van Leeuwen |
Van Lennep | Van Lennep |
Van Lynden | House of Lynden |
Van Maanen | Van Maanen |
Van McCoy | Van McCoy |
Văn Miếu | Temple of Literature, Hanoi |
Van neghen den besten | Nine Worthies |
Van Nu en Straks | Van Nu en Straks |
Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors | Van Oord |
Van Rechteren | Van Rechteren |
Van Rompuy | Van Rompuy (surname) |
Van Rossum | Van Rossum |
Van Speijk (schip uit 1941) | HNLMS Van Speijk (K3) |
Van Speijkklasse | Van Speijk-class frigate |
Van Sprang | Van Sprang |
Van Sprang (planetoïde) | 3098 van Sprang |
Van 't Hoff-factor | Van 't Hoff factor |
Van 't Hoff-vergelijking | Van 't Hoff equation |
Van 't Kruijs-opening | Van 't Kruijs Opening |
Van Tuyll van Serooskerken (familie) | Tuyll |
Van Veen | Van Veen |
Van Veen (Motorfietsen) | Van Veen (motorcycle) |
Van Vloten | Van Vloten (disambiguation) |
Van Voorst tot Voorst | Van Voorst tot Voorst |
Van Wassenaer | House of Wassenaer |
Van Wert | Van Wert |
Van Wert (Ohio) | Van Wert, Ohio |
Van Wert County | Van Wert County, Ohio |
Van Wijngaardengrammatica | Van Wijngaarden grammar |
Van Wilder | National Lampoon's Van Wilder |
Van Wilder: Freshman Year | National Lampoon's Van Wilder: Freshman Year |
Van Zandt County | Van Zandt County, Texas |
Van Zuylen van Nievelt | Van Zuylen van Nievelt |
Van Zuylen van Nijevelt (Rotterdam) | Van Zuylen van Nijevelt |
Vana | Vana |
Vanadiniet | Vanadinite |
Vanadium(II)chloride | Vanadium(II) chloride |
Vanadium(II)oxide | Vanadium(II) oxide |
Vanadium(III)bromide | Vanadium(III) bromide |
Vanadium(III)chloride | Vanadium(III) chloride |
Vanadium(III)fluoride | Vanadium(III) fluoride |
Vanadium(III)jodide | Vanadium(III) iodide |
Vanadium(III)oxide | Vanadium(III) oxide |
Vanadium(IV)chloride | Vanadium tetrachloride |
Vanadium(IV)fluoride | Vanadium tetrafluoride |
Vanadium(IV)oxide | Vanadium(IV) oxide |
Vanadium(V)oxide | Vanadium(V) oxide |
Vanadiumcarbide | Vanadium carbide |
Vanadiumhexacarbonyl | Vanadium carbonyl |
Vanadiumnitride | Vanadium nitride |
Vanadiumoxytrichloride | Vanadium oxytrichloride |
Vanadium-redox-accumulator | Vanadium redox battery |
Vanadoceen | Vanadocene |
Vanadzor | Vanadzor |
Vanaheim | Vanaheimr |
Vanaküla (Kuusalu) | Vanaküla, Harju County |
Vanalinn | Vanalinn |
Vana-Mustamäe | Vana-Mustamäe |
Vânători (Mehedinți) | Vânători, Mehedinți |
Vânători (Mureș) | Vânători, Mureș |
Vânători-Neamţ | Vânători-Neamț |
Vanault-les-Dames | Vanault-les-Dames |
Vancé | Vancé |
Vance (Alabama) | Vance, Alabama |
Vance County | Vance County, North Carolina |
Vanceburg | Vanceburg, Kentucky |
Vancleave | Vancleave, Mississippi |
Vancomycine | Vancomycin |
Vancomycine-resistente enterococ | Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus |
Vancouver (doorverwijspagina) | Vancouver (disambiguation) |
Vancouver (Washington) | Vancouver, Washington |
Vancouver Canucks | Vancouver Canucks |
Vancouver International Airport | Vancouver International Airport |
Vancouver Olympic Village | 2010 Olympic Village |
Vancouver Olympic/Paralympic Centre | Vancouver Olympic/Paralympic Centre |
Vancouver Whitecaps | Vancouver Whitecaps (disambiguation) |
Vancouver Whitecaps (1974) | Vancouver Whitecaps (1974–84) |
Vancouver Whitecaps FC (2009) | Vancouver Whitecaps FC |
Vancouvereiland | Vancouver Island |
Vancouvermarmot | Vancouver Island marmot |
Vanda cristata | Vanda cristata |
Vandaals | Vandalic language |
Vandaalse Oorlog | Vandalic War |
Vandaalse Rijk | Vandal Kingdom |
Vandal | Vandal (tanker) |
Vandal Savage | Vandal Savage |
Vandalen | Vandals |
Vandalia (Illinois) | Vandalia, Illinois |
Vandalia (Ohio) | Vandalia, Ohio |
Vandalisme | Vandalism |
Vandeins | Vandeins |
Vandelainville | Vandelainville |
Vandeleuria | Vandeleuria |
Vandeleuria nilagirica | Nilgiri long-tailed tree mouse |
Vandeleuria nolthenii | Nolthenius's long-tailed climbing mouse |
Vandeléville | Vandeléville |
Vandélicourt | Vandélicourt |
Vandellia cirrhosa | Candiru |
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant | Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant |
Vanden Plas | Vanden Plas (disambiguation) |
Vanden Plas (band) | Vanden Plas (band) |
Vanden Plas (carrosseriebouw) | Vanden Plas |
Vandenberg (band) | Vandenberg (band) |
Vandenesse-en-Auxois | Vandenesse-en-Auxois |
Vanderbilt | Vanderbilt |
Vanderbilt (familie) | Vanderbilt family |
Vanderbilt (Pennsylvania) | Vanderbilt, Pennsylvania |
Vanderbilt University | Vanderbilt University |
Vanderburgh County | Vanderburgh County, Indiana |
Vandermonde-matrix | Vandermonde matrix |
Vanderson Válter de Almeida | Vanderson Válter de Almeida |
Vandervelde | Vandervelde |
Vandervelde (metrostation) | Vandervelde metro station |
Vanderwaalskrachten | Van der Waals force |
Vanderwaalsstraal | Van der Waals radius |
Vandeuil | Vandeuil |
Vandières (Marne) | Vandières, Marne |
Vandières (Meurthe-et-Moselle) | Vandières, Meurthe-et-Moselle |
Vandiktebank | Thickness planer |
Vändra (gemeente) | Vändra Parish |
Vändra (plaats) | Vändra |
Vandré | Vandré, Charente-Maritime |
Vandrimare | Vandrimare |
VanDusen Botanical Garden | VanDusen Botanical Garden |
Vandy | Vandy, Ardennes |
Vandžiogala | Vandžiogala |
Vaneau (metrostation) | Vaneau (Paris Métro) |
Vanellus | Vanellus |
Vänersborg (gemeente) | Vänersborg Municipality |
Vanessa | Vanessa |
Vanessa (vlinders) | Vanessa (butterfly) |
Vanessa (voornaam) | Vanessa (name) |
Vanessa Abrams | Vanessa Abrams |
Vanessa annabella | West Coast Lady |
Vanessa Boslak | Vanessa Boslak |
Vanessa gonerilla | New Zealand red admiral |
Vanessa indica | Vanessa indica |
Vanessa itea | Yellow admiral |
Vanessa kershawi | Australian painted lady |
Vanessa L. Williams | Vanessa Williams |
Vanessa Rousso | Vanessa Rousso |
Vanessa tameamea | Kamehameha butterfly |
Vanessa virginiensis | American Painted Lady |
Vang (Buskerud) | Haugsbygd |
Vang (Noorwegen) | Vang, Oppland |
Vang 'ns een Marsupilami! | Capturez un Marsupilami |
Vanga's | Vanga |
Vangelis Moras | Vangelis Moras |
Vangionen | Vangiones |
Vangschip | Whaler |
Vangtandvis | Anoplogaster cornuta |
Vanguard | Vanguard (disambiguation) |
Vani (stad) | Vani |
Vanilla Ninja (album) | Vanilla Ninja (album) |
Vanilla Twilight | Vanilla Twilight |
Vanille (aroma) | Vanilla |
Vanille-orchidee | Vanilla planifolia |
Vanilleorchis | Nigritella |
Vanilleseks | Vanilla sex |
Vanilline | Vanillin |
Vanillylgroep | Vanillyl group |
Vanini | Vanini, Rio Grande do Sul |
Vanino | Vanino, Khabarovsk Krai |
Vanishing Point | Vanishing point (disambiguation) |
Vanishing Point (1971) | Vanishing Point (1971 film) |
Vanishing Point (band) | Vanishing Point (band) |
Vanishing Vision | Vanishing Vision |
Vaniškovce | Vaniškovce |
Vanitas | Vanitas |
Vanity Fair (Amerikaans tijdschrift) | Vanity Fair (magazine) |
Vanity Fair (roman) | Vanity Fair (novel) |
Vanja Stambolova | Vania Stambolova |
Vânjuleț | Vânjuleț |
Vanlay | Vanlay |
Vanmeer | Lake Van |
Vanna | Vanna (disambiguation) |
Vanna (zangeres) | Vanna (singer) |
Vannaire | Vannaire |
Vännäs (gemeente) | Vännäs Municipality |
Vännäs (plaats) | Vännäs |
Vännäsby | Vännäsby |
Vanne | Vanne |
Vannecrocq | Vannecrocq |
Vannellidae | Vannellidae |
Vannes OC | Vannes OC |
Vannes-le-Châtel | Vannes-le-Châtel |
Vannes-sur-Cosson | Vannes-sur-Cosson |
Vannozza dei Cattanei | Vannozza dei Cattanei |
Vanoise | Vanoise massif |
Vanosc | Vanosc |
Vanov | Vanov |
Vanrhynsdorp | Vanrhynsdorp |
Vans | Vans |
Vansbro (gemeente) | Vansbro Municipality |
Vanse | Vanse |
Vänsterpartiet | Left Party (Sweden) |
Vantage | Vantage, Washington |
Vantage Point (album) | Vantage Point (album) |
Vantage Point (film) | Vantage Point |
Vantoux | Vantoux |
Vanuatu op de Olympische Spelen | Vanuatu at the Olympics |
Vanuatu Premia Divisen | Vanuatu Premia Divisen |
Vanuatuaans voetbalelftal | Vanuatu national football team |
Vanuatuaanse vatu | Vanuatu vatu |
Vanuatuboshoen | Vanuatu Megapode |
Vanuatustormvogel | Vanuatu Petrel |
Vanůvek | Vanůvek |
Vanvey | Vanvey |
Vanvillé | Vanvillé |
Vanxains | Vanxains |
Vany | Vany, France |
Vanyar | Vanyar |
Vanyarc | Vanyarc |
Vanyola | Vanyola |
Vanzac | Vanzac |
Väo | Väo |
Vão do Paranã | Vão do Paranã Microregion |
Vaour | Vaour |
Vapa (Čačak) | Vapa (Čačak) |
Vapa (Sjenica) | Vapa (Sjenica) |
Vápenice | Vápenice (Uherské Hradiště District) |
Vápeník | Vápeník |
Vápenný Podol | Vápenný Podol |
Vapheio | Vaphio |
Vaporizer | Vaporizer (inhalation device) |
Vápovice | Vápovice |
Vappodes | Vappodes |
Vaprio d'Adda | Vaprio d'Adda |
Vaprio d'Agogna | Vaprio d'Agogna |
Var | Var |
Vár | Vár |
Var (departement) | Var (department) |
Var (rivier) | Var (river) |
Vara | Vara |
VARA | Omroepvereniging VARA |
Vara (Estland) | Vara Parish |
Vara (gemeente in Zweden) | Vara Municipality |
Vara (plaats in Zweden) | Vara, Sweden |
Vara de Rey | Vara de Rey |
Varaanachtigen | Platynota |
Varacieux | Varacieux |
Várad | Várad |
Varadero | Varadero |
Varades | Varades |
Varadin-brug | Varadin Bridge |
Varadka | Varadka |
Varages | Varages |
Varaha | Varaha |
Varahagiri Venkata Giri | V. V. Giri |
Varaize | Varaize |
Varallo Sesia | Varallo Sesia |
Varanen | Monitor lizard |
Varanger | Varanger Peninsula |
Varanges | Varanges |
Varangéville | Varangéville |
Varangiaanse garde | Varangian Guard |
Varano | Varano |
Varano de' Melegari | Varano de' Melegari |
Varanopseidae | Varanopidae |
Varanosaurus | Varanosaurus |
Varanus mabitang | Panay monitor lizard |
Varanus priscus | Megalania |
Varászló | Varászló |
Varaville | Varaville |
Varaždin (provincie) | Varaždin County |
Varaždinske Toplice | Varaždinske Toplice |
Varberg (gemeente) | Varberg Municipality |
Varbergs BoIS | Varbergs BoIS FC |
Vărbilău | Vărbilău |
Varbla | Varbla Parish |
Varces-Allières-et-Risset | Varces-Allières-et-Risset |
Vârciorog | Vârciorog |
Varda | Varda (disambiguation) |
Várda | Várda |
Varda (Tolkien) | Varda |
Vardanes I | Vardanes I of Parthia |
Vardanes II | Vardanes II of Parthia |
Vardarac | Vardarac |
Vardarbanaat | Vardar Banovina |
Varde (gemeente) | Varde Municipality |
Vardenafil | Vardenafil |
Vardenis | Vardenis |
Vardøhus | Vardøhus Fortress |
Vardon Trophy | Vardon Trophy |
Vardzia | Vardzia |
Varechovce | Varechovce |
Vareilles (Creuse) | Vareilles, Creuse |
Vareilles (Saône-et-Loire) | Vareilles, Saône-et-Loire |
Vareilles (Yonne) | Vareilles, Yonne |
Varekai | Varekai |
Varen (Tarn-et-Garonne) | Varen, Tarn-et-Garonne |
Varen (Zwitserland) | Varen, Switzerland |
Varėna (gemeente) | Varėna District Municipality |
Varena (Italië) | Varena, Trentino |
Varenicline | Varenicline |
Varenne (metrostation) | Varenne (Paris Métro) |
Varenne-l'Arconce | Varenne-l'Arconce |
Varennes | Varennes (disambiguation) |
Varennes (Canada) | Varennes, Quebec |
Varennes (Dordogne) | Varennes, Dordogne |
Varennes (Haute-Garonne) | Varennes, Haute-Garonne |
Varennes (Indre-et-Loire) | Varennes, Indre-et-Loire |
Varennes (Somme) | Varennes, Somme |
Varennes (Tarn-et-Garonne) | Varennes, Tarn-et-Garonne |
Varennes (Vienne) | Varennes, Vienne |
Varennes (Yonne) | Varennes, Yonne |
Varenne-Saint-Germain | Varenne-Saint-Germain |
Varennes-Changy | Varennes-Changy |
Varennes-le-Grand | Varennes-le-Grand |
Varennes-lès-Mâcon | Varennes-lès-Mâcon |
Varennes-lès-Narcy | Varennes-lès-Narcy |
Varennes-Saint-Honorat | Varennes-Saint-Honorat |
Varennes-Saint-Sauveur | Varennes-Saint-Sauveur |
Varennes-sous-Dun | Varennes-sous-Dun |
Varennes-sur-Allier | Varennes-sur-Allier |
Varennes-sur-Fouzon | Varennes-sur-Fouzon |
Varennes-sur-Loire | Varennes-sur-Loire |
Varennes-sur-Morge | Varennes-sur-Morge |
Varennes-sur-Seine | Varennes-sur-Seine |
Varennes-sur-Tèche | Varennes-sur-Tèche |
Varennes-sur-Usson | Varennes-sur-Usson |
Varens | Fern |
Varenuil | Callopistria juventina |
Varès | Varès |
Varese | Varese (disambiguation) |
Varese (provincie) | Province of Varese |
Varese (stad) | Varese |
Varessia | Varessia |
Varetz | Varetz |
Varevo (Novi Pazar) | Varevo (Novi Pazar) |
Varevo (Raška) | Varevo (Raška) |
Várfölde | Várfölde |
Varg Veum | Varg Veum |
Varga | Varga, Hungary |
Vårgårda (gemeente) | Vårgårda Municipality |
Vårgårda (plaats) | Vårgårda |
Vargas (staat) | Vargas, Venezuela |
Vărgata | Vărgata |
Vargeão | Vargeão |
Vargem (Santa Catarina) | Vargem, Santa Catarina |
Vargem (São Paulo) | Vargem |
Vargem Alegre | Vargem Alegre |
Vargem Alta | Vargem Alta, Espírito Santo |
Vargem Grande | Vargem Grande |
Vargem Grande Paulista | Vargem Grande Paulista |
Várgesztes | Várgesztes |
Vârghiș | Vârghiș |
Varhaňovce | Varhaňovce |
Vari | Black-and-white ruffed lemur |
Variabele | Variable |
Variabele (informatica) | Variable (computer science) |
Variabele bit-rate | Variable bitrate |
Variabele breedvleugeluil | Ingrailed Clay |
Variabele geometrie turbo | Variable-geometry turbocharger |
Variabele granietmot | Eudonia mercurella |
Variabele grasmot | Agriphila tristella |
Variabele herfstuil | Agrochola lychnidis |
Variabele kosten | Variable cost |
Variabele silene-uil | Hadena perplexa |
Variabele spanner | Hydriomena furcata |
Variabele spikkelspanner | Mottled Beauty |
Variabele voorjaarsuil | Orthosia incerta |
Variabele waterjuffer | Variable Damselfly |
Variabele worteluil | Euxoa cursoria |
Variabelenbereik | Scope (computer science) |
Variable-message sign | Variable-message sign |
Variant | Variant |
Variantie | Variance |
Variantieanalyse | Analysis of variance |
Variaș | Variaș |
Variatie | Variation |
Variatie (muziek) | Variations (music) |
Variatie van de parameters | Variation of parameters |
Variatiecoëfficiënt | Coefficient of variation |
Variatierekening | Calculus of variations |
Variaties op een thema van Chopin (Rachmaninov) | Variations on a Theme of Chopin (Rachmaninoff) |
Variaties op een thema van Corelli (Rachmaninov) | Variations on a Theme of Corelli |
Variaties op een thema van Frank Bridge | Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge |
Varicap | Varicap |
Varicella-zostervirus | Varicella zoster virus |
Variété | Music hall |
Varieté (film) | Variety (1925 film) |
Variëteit | Variety |
Variëteit (biologie) | Variety (botany) |
Variëteit (taalkunde) | Lect |
Variëteit (wiskunde) | Manifold |
Variety (tijdschrift) | Variety (magazine) |
Varig | Varig |
Varig Logística | Varig Logística |
Varigotti | Varigotti |
Variimorda | Variimorda |
Varik | Varik |
Varina Howell | Varina Davis |
Varinfroy | Varinfroy |
Varinurme | Varinurme |
Variobahn | Variobahn |
Variola | Variola (Serranidae) |
Variometer | Variometer |
Variraptor | Variraptor |
Vari's | Ruffed lemur |
Varisciet | Variscite |
Variscourt | Variscourt |
Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni | Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni |
Varize (Eure-et-Loir) | Varize, Eure-et-Loir |
Varize (Moselle) | Varize, Moselle |
Varja | Varja |
Varjagen | Varangians |
Vārkavas novads | Vārkava Municipality |
Varken (astrologie) | Pig (zodiac) |
Varken (tam) | Domestic pig |
Varkenachtigen | Suina |
Varkens | Suidae |
Varkensbaai | Bay of Pigs |
Varkenscyclus | Pork cycle |
Varkensdas | Hog badger |
Varkensgras | Polygonum |
Varkensgriep | Swine influenza |
Varkenshaaien | Bullhead shark |
Varkenshouderij | Pig farming |
Varkenskikker | Pig frog |
Varkenslintworm | Taenia solium |
Varkensooghaai | Pigeye shark |
Varkensoorlog | Pig War (Serbia) |
Varkenspest | Classical swine fever |
Varkenspootbuideldas | Pig footed bandicoot |
Varkenssnuitskunks | Hog-nosed skunk |
Varkensstaartlangoer | Pig-tailed langur |
Varkensvlees | Pork |
Várkesző | Várkesző |
Varlam Sjalamov | Varlam Shalamov |
Varmahlíð | Varmahlíð |
Värmdö | Värmdö Municipality |
Värmlands län | Värmland County |
Värmlandsbro | Värmlandsbro |
Varmonzey | Varmonzey |
Varna | Varna (disambiguation) |
Varna (oblast) | Varna Province |
Varna (stad) | Varna |
Värnamo (gemeente) | Värnamo Municipality |
Varnéville | Varnéville |
Varneville-Bretteville | Varneville-Bretteville |
Varnhem | Varnhem |
Varnice | Varnice |
Városföld | Városföld |
Varosha | Varosha, Famagusta |
Városliget | City Park (Budapest) |
Városlőd | Városlőd |
Varouville | Varouville |
Varrains | Varrains |
Varreddes | Varreddes |
Varrel (Diepholz) | Varrel |
Varro | Varro (cognomen) |
Varro Atacinus | Varro Atacinus |
Varroamijt | Varroa destructor |
Vars (Charente) | Vars, Charente |
Vars (Hautes-Alpes) | Vars, Hautes-Alpes |
Vars (Haute-Saône) | Vars, Haute-Saône |
Varsenare | Varsenare |
Varsinais-Suomi | Southwest Finland |
Värska | Värska Parish |
Vârșolţ | Vârșolț |
Varsovienne | Varsovienne |
Vars-sur-Roseix | Vars-sur-Roseix |
Vårsta | Vårsta |
Varstu | Varstu Parish |
Vartholomio | Vartholomio |
Vartry | River Vartry |
Värtsilä | Värtsilä, Finland |
Varuna | Varuna (disambiguation) |
Varuna (god) | Varuna |
Varuna (planetoïde) | 20000 Varuna |
Varunidae | Varunidae |
Varus | Varus |
Varus (aandoening) | Varus deformity |
Varuzhan Akobian | Varuzhan Akobian |
Várvölgy | Várvölgy |
Varzay | Varzay |
Várzea (Barcelos) | Várzea (Barcelos) |
Várzea (Paraíba) | Várzea, Paraíba |
Várzea de Tavares | Várzea de Tavares |
Várzea Grande | Várzea Grande |
Várzea Grande (Mato Grosso) | Várzea Grande, Mato Grosso |
Varzi | Varzi |
Varzim SC | Varzim S.C. |
Varzy | Varzy |
Vas | VAS |
Vas (comitaat) | Vas County |
Vas (Italië) | Vas, Veneto |
Vasa | Vasa |
Vasa (schip) | Vasa (ship) |
Vasad | Vasad |
Vasalemma | Vasalemma Parish |
Vasalis | M. Vasalis |
Vasalunds IF | Vasalunds IF |
Vasamuseum | Vasa Museum |
Vásárosbéc | Vásárosbéc |
Vásárosdombó | Vásárosdombó |
Vásárosfalu | Vásárosfalu |
Vásárosmiske | Vásárosmiske |
Vásárosnamény | Vásárosnamény |
Vasas SC Boedapest | Vasas SC |
Vasasszonyfa | Vasasszonyfa |
Vasboldogasszony | Vasboldogasszony |
Vasco da Gama | Vasco da Gama |
Vasco da Gama (doorverwijspagina) | Vasco da Gama (disambiguation) |
Vasco da Gama (Zuid-Afrika) | Vasco da Gama (South Africa) |
Vasco da Gama-brug | Vasco da Gama Bridge |
Vascões | Vascões |
Vascœuil | Vascœuil |
Vasculaire dementie | Multi-infarct dementia |
Vasculitis | Vasculitis |
Vasectomie | Vasectomy |
Vashon | Vashon, Washington |
Vasil' Hopko | Basil Hopko |
Vasil Kiryjenka | Vasil Kiryienka |
Vasil Kolarov | Vasil Kolarov |
Vasil Radoslavov | Vasil Radoslavov |
Vasil Spasov | Vasil Spasov |
Vasile Louis Puscas | Vasile Louis Puscas |
Vasileios Pliatsikas | Vasileios Pliatsikas |
Vasileostrovskaja (metrostation) | Vasileostrovskaya (Saint Petersburg Metro) |
Vasilevo | Vasilevo Municipality |
Vasili Agapkin | Vasily Agapkin |
Vasili Aksjonov | Vasily Aksyonov |
Vasili Aleksandrovitsj Archipov | Vasili Arkhipov |
Vasili Aleksejev | Vasily Alekseyev |
Vasili Belov | Vasily Belov |
Vasili Berezoetski | Vasili Berezutski |
Vasili Blochin | Vasili Blokhin |
Vasili Blücher | Vasily Blyukher |
Vasili Degtjarjov | Vasily Degtyaryov |
Vasili Dokoetsjaev | Vasily Dokuchaev |
Vasili Grossman | Vasily Grossman |
Vasili II van Moskou | Vasily II of Moscow |
Vasili III van Moskou | Vasili III of Russia |
Vasili IV van Rusland | Vasili IV of Russia |
Vasili Kalinnikov | Vasily Kalinnikov |
Vasili Kamenski | Vasily Kamensky |
Vasili Koeznetsov | Vasili Kuznetsov (politician) |
Vasili Mzjavanadze | Vasil Mzhavanadze |
Vasili Perov | Vasily Perov |
Vasili Polenov | Vasily Polenov |
Vasili Rats | Vasyl Rats |
Vasili Rozanov | Vasily Rozanov |
Vasili Sinajski | Vassily Sinaisky |
Vasili Sjoeksjin | Vasily Shukshin |
Vasili Smyslov | Vasily Smyslov |
Vasili Soerikov | Vasily Surikov |
Vasili Tatisjtsjev | Vasily Tatishchev |
Vasili Tredjakovski | Vasily Trediakovsky |
Vasili Tsjapajev | Vasily Chapayev |
Vasili Tsjoejkov | Vasily Chuikov |
Vasili Vasiljev | Vasily Vasilyev |
Vasili Veresjtsjagin | Vasily Vereshchagin |
Vasili Zajtsev | Vasily Zaytsev |
Vasili Zavojko | Vasily Zavoyko |
Vasili Zjdanov | Vasily Zhdanov |
Vasili Zjoekovski | Vasily Zhukovsky |
Vasilios Koutsianikoulis | Vasilios Koutsianikoulis |
Vasilios Xydas | Vasilios Xydas |
Vasilis Torosidis | Vasilis Torosidis |
Vasilisa Bardina | Vasilisa Bardina |
Vasiľov | Vasiľov |
Vasjoegan (rivier) | Vasyugan River |
Vasjoeganmoerassen | Vasyugan Swamp |
Vaska's complex | Vaska's complex |
Vaskeresztes | Vaskeresztes |
Väskinde | Väskinde |
Vasknarva | Vasknarva |
Vaslav Nijinsky | Vaslav Nijinsky |
Vasles | Vasles |
Vasmegyer | Vasmegyer |
Vasoconstrictie | Vasoconstriction |
Vasodilatatie | Vasodilation |
Vasovagale syncope | Vasovagal response |
Vaspör | Vaspör |
Vaspurakan | Vaspurakan |
Vassa | Vassa |
Vassar | Vassar, Michigan |
Vasse | Vasse, Netherlands |
Vassel | Vassel |
Vasselay | Vasselay |
Vasselin | Vasselin |
Vassens | Vassens |
Vasseny | Vasseny |
Vassieux-en-Vercors | Vassieux-en-Vercors |
Vassiliki Arvaniti | Vassiliki Arvaniti |
Vassilios Tsiartas | Vassilios Tsiartas |
Vassilis Lakis | Vassilis Lakis |
Vassilis Rapanos | Vassilis Rapanos |
Vassilis Tsabropoulos | Vassilis Tsabropoulos |
Vassimont-et-Chapelaine | Vassimont-et-Chapelaine |
Vassincourt | Vassincourt |
Vasso Karadassiou | Vasso Karantasiou |
Vassogne | Vassogne |
Vassonville | Vassonville |
Vassurány | Vassurány |
Vassy | Vassy |
Vassy (Calvados) | Vassy, Calvados |
Vassy (Yonne) | Vassy, Yonne |
Vasszécseny | Vasszécseny |
Vasszentmihály | Vasszentmihály |
Vasszilvágy | Vasszilvágy |
Vast | VAST (disambiguation) |
Vast Comité van Toezicht op de politiediensten | Committee P |
Vaste activa | Fixed asset |
Vaste Judaspenning | Lunaria rediviva |
Vaste lupine | Lupinus polyphyllus |
Vaste oplossing | Solid solution |
Vaste plant | Perennial |
Vaste sterren | Fixed stars |
Vaste stof | Solid |
Vaste wisselkoers | Fixed exchange rate |
Vastebrandstofmotor | Solid-fuel rocket |
Vasteland van China | Mainland China |
Vasten | Fasting |
Vastenavond | Shrove Tuesday |
Vastentijd | Lent |
Västerås (gemeente) | Västerås Municipality |
Västerås SK | Västerås SK Fotboll |
Västerbottens län | Västerbotten County |
Västerfärnebo | Västerfärnebo |
Västerhaninge | Västerhaninge |
Västerhejde | Västerhejde |
Västerlånggatan | Västerlånggatan |
Västernorrlands län | Västernorrland County |
Västervik (gemeente) | Västervik Municipality |
Vastestofchemie | Solid-state chemistry |
Vastestoffysica | Solid-state physics |
Vastestoflaser | Solid-state laser |
Vasteville | Vasteville |
Vastgoed | Real property |
Vastgoedeconomie | Real estate economics |
Vastgoedzeepbel | Real estate bubble |
Västgötaspets | Swedish Vallhund |
Vasthi | Vashti |
Västmanlands län | Västmanland County |
Vastorf | Vastorf |
Västra Götalands län | Västra Götaland County |
Vastrentende obligatie | Fixed rate bond |
Vastse-Kuuste | Vastse-Kuuste |
Vastseliina | Vastseliina Parish |
Vasúttörténeti Park | Hungarian Railway Museum |
Vasyl Ivantsjoek | Vassily Ivanchuk |
Vaszar | Vaszar |
Vászoly | Vászoly |
Vat | Vat |
Vát | Vát |
Vat (eenheid) | Barrel (unit) |
Vat (verpakking) | Barrel |
Vața de Jos | Vața de Jos |
Vatan | Vatan, Indre |
Vătava | Vătava |
Vatel | Vatel (film) |
Vaterländische Union | Fatherland Union (Liechtenstein) |
Vathiménil | Vathiménil |
Vathy | Vathy, Samos |
Vatica (geslacht) | Vatica |
Vatica maritima | Vatica maritima |
Vaticaan | Vatican |
Vaticaans Geheim Archief | Vatican Secret Archives |
Vaticaans voetbalelftal | Vatican City national football team |
Vaticaanse Bibliotheek | Vatican Library |
Vaticaanse euromunten | Vatican euro coins |
Vaticaanse Heuvel | Vatican Hill |
Vaticaanse lire | Vatican lira |
Vaticaanse Musea | Vatican Museums |
Vaticaanse necropolis | Vatican Necropolis |
Vaticaanse Sterrenwacht | Vatican Observatory |
Vaticaanse tuinen | Gardens of Vatican City |
Vaticaanstad | Vatican City |
Vatierville | Vatierville |
Vatilieu | Vatilieu |
Vatín | Vatín |
Vatnsnes | Vatnsnes |
Vatnsoyrar | Vatnsoyrar |
Vatoa | Vatoa |
Vatovia albosignata | Vatovia |
Vatry | Vatry |
VATSIM | Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network |
Vattenfall Cyclassics 2011 | 2011 Vattenfall Cyclassics |
Vattetot-sous-Beaumont | Vattetot-sous-Beaumont |
Vattetot-sur-Mer | Vattetot-sur-Mer |
Vatteville | Vatteville |
Vattholma | Vattholma |
Vau i Dejës | Vau i Dejës |
Vaubadon | Vaubadon |
Vauban | Vauban (disambiguation) |
Vauban (Frankrijk) | Vauban, Saône-et-Loire |
Vauban (Freiburg) | Vauban, Freiburg |
Vaubecourt | Vaubecourt |
Vaucelles (Frankrijk) | Vaucelles |
Vaucelles-et-Beffecourt | Vaucelles-et-Beffecourt |
Vauchamps (Doubs) | Vauchamps, Doubs |
Vauchamps (Marne) | Vauchamps, Marne |
Vauchassis | Vauchassis |
Vauchelles | Vauchelles |
Vauchelles-lès-Authie | Vauchelles-lès-Authie |
Vauchelles-lès-Domart | Vauchelles-lès-Domart |
Vauchelles-les-Quesnoy | Vauchelles-les-Quesnoy |
Vauchignon | Vauchignon |
Vauchonvilliers | Vauchonvilliers |
Vauchrétien | Vauchrétien |
Vauciennes (Marne) | Vauciennes, Marne |
Vauciennes (Oise) | Vauciennes, Oise |
Vauclaix | Vauclaix |
Vauclerc | Vauclerc |
Vaucluse | Vaucluse (disambiguation) |
Vaucluse (departement) | Vaucluse |
Vaucluse (Doubs) | Vaucluse, Doubs |
Vaucogne | Vaucogne |
Vaucouleurs | Vaucouleurs |
Vaucourt | Vaucourt |
Vaucourtois | Vaucourtois |
Vaud (kanton) | Vaud |
Vaudancourt | Vaudancourt |
Vaudebarrier | Vaudebarrier |
Vaudelnay | Vaudelnay |
Vaudeloges | Vaudeloges |
Vaudemange | Vaudemange |
Vaudes | Vaudes |
Vaudesincourt | Vaudesincourt |
Vaudesson | Vaudesson |
Vaudeurs | Vaudeurs |
Vaudevant | Vaudevant |
Vaudeville | Vaudeville (disambiguation) |
Vaudéville | Vaudéville |
Vaudeville (Meurthe-et-Moselle) | Vaudeville, Meurthe-et-Moselle |
Vaudeville-le-Haut | Vaudeville-le-Haut |
Vaudherland | Vaudherland |
Vaudigny | Vaudigny |
Vaudoncourt (Meuse) | Vaudoncourt, Meuse |
Vaudoncourt (Vosges) | Vaudoncourt, Vosges |
Vaudoy-en-Brie | Vaudoy-en-Brie |
Vaudrecourt | Vaudrecourt |
Vaudrémont | Vaudrémont |
Vaudreuille | Vaudreuille |
Vaudreville | Vaudreville |
Vaudrey | Vaudrey |
Vaudricourt (Pas-de-Calais) | Vaudricourt, Pas-de-Calais |
Vaudricourt (Somme) | Vaudricourt, Somme |
Vaudrimesnil | Vaudrimesnil |
Vaudringhem | Vaudringhem |
Vaudry | Vaudry |
Vaughan | Vaughan (disambiguation) |
Vaughan (Ontario) | Vaughan |
Vaughan Coveny | Vaughan Coveny |
Vaughan Jones | Vaughan Jones |
Vaughn Armstrong | Vaughn Armstrong |
Vaughn Bodé | Vaughn Bodē |
Vaughn De Leath | Vaughn De Leath |
Vaugirard (metrostation) | Vaugirard (Paris Métro) |
Vaugrigneuse | Vaugrigneuse |
Vauhallan | Vauhallan |
Vaujany | Vaujany |
Vaulnaveys-le-Bas | Vaulnaveys-le-Bas |
Vaulnaveys-le-Haut | Vaulnaveys-le-Haut |
Vaulry | Vaulry |
Vault | Vault |
Vaulx (Haute-Savoie) | Vaulx, Haute-Savoie |
Vaulx (Pas-de-Calais) | Vaulx, Pas-de-Calais |
Vaulx-Milieu | Vaulx-Milieu |
Vaumas | Vaumas |
Vaumeilh | Vaumeilh |
Vaumoise | Vaumoise |
Vaumort | Vaumort |
Vaunac | Vaunac |
Vaunaveys-la-Rochette | Vaunaveys-la-Rochette |
Vaunoise | Vaunoise |
Vaupés | Vaupés |
Vaupés (departement) | Vaupés department |
Vaupillon | Vaupillon |
Vaupoisson | Vaupoisson |
Vauréal | Vauréal |
Vaureilles | Vaureilles |
Vauries nachtzwaluw | Vaurie's Nightjar |
Vaurie's vliegenvanger | Cryptic Flycatcher |
Vausseroux | Vausseroux |
Vautebis | Vautebis |
Vautorte | Vautorte |
Vauvenargues | Vauvenargues, Bouches-du-Rhône |
Vauvert | Vauvert |
Vauville | Vauville |
Vauville (Calvados) | Vauville, Calvados |
Vauville (Manche) | Vauville, Manche |
Vauvillers (Haute-Saône) | Vauvillers, Haute-Saône |
Vauvillers (Somme) | Vauvillers, Somme |
Vaux (Allier) | Vaux, Allier |
Vaux (Haute-Garonne) | Vaux, Haute-Garonne |
Vaux (Moselle) | Vaux, Moselle |
Vaux (Vienne) | Vaux, Vienne |
Vauxaillon | Vauxaillon |
Vaux-Andigny | Vaux-Andigny |
Vauxbons | Vauxbons |
Vauxbuin | Vauxbuin |
Vauxcéré | Vauxcéré |
Vaux-en-Amiénois | Vaux-en-Amiénois |
Vaux-en-Beaujolais | Vaux-en-Beaujolais |
Vaux-en-Bugey | Vaux-en-Bugey |
Vaux-en-Dieulet | Vaux-en-Dieulet |
Vaux-en-Pré | Vaux-en-Pré |
Vaux-en-Vermandois | Vaux-en-Vermandois |
Vauxhall | Vauxhall Motors |
Vauxhall (tuin) | Vauxhall Gardens |
Vaux-Lavalette | Vaux-Lavalette |
Vaux-lès-Mouron | Vaux-lès-Mouron |
Vaux-lès-Mouzon | Vaux-lès-Mouzon |
Vaux-lès-Palameix | Vaux-lès-Palameix |
Vaux-lès-Rubigny | Vaux-lès-Rubigny |
Vaux-Marquenneville | Vaux-Marquenneville |
Vaux-Montreuil | Vaux-Montreuil |
Vauxrenard | Vauxrenard |
Vauxrezis | Vauxrezis |
Vaux-Rouillac | Vaux-Rouillac |
Vaux-Saules | Vaux-Saules |
Vaux-sous-Aubigny | Vaux-sous-Aubigny |
Vaux-sur-Aure | Vaux-sur-Aure |
Vaux-sur-Blaise | Vaux-sur-Blaise |
Vaux-sur-Eure | Vaux-sur-Eure |
Vaux-sur-Lunain | Vaux-sur-Lunain |
Vaux-sur-Mer | Vaux-sur-Mer |
Vaux-sur-Saint-Urbain | Vaux-sur-Saint-Urbain |
Vaux-sur-Seine | Vaux-sur-Seine |
Vaux-sur-Seulles | Vaux-sur-Seulles |
Vaux-sur-Somme | Vaux-sur-Somme |
Vaux-sur-Vienne | Vaux-sur-Vienne |
Vauxtin | Vauxtin |
Vaux-Villaine | Vaux-Villaine |
Vava'u | Vavaʻu |
Vavilov | Vavilov |
Vavin (metrostation) | Vavin (Paris Métro) |
Vavincourt | Vavincourt |
Vavray-le-Grand | Vavray-le-Grand |
Vavray-le-Petit | Vavray-le-Petit |
Vavrečka | Vavrečka |
Vavřinec (okres Blansko) | Vavřinec (Blansko District) |
Vavrišovo | Vavrišovo |
Vavuniya (district) | Vavuniya District |
Vawkavysk | Vawkavysk |
Vaxainville | Vaxainville |
Vaxholm (gemeente) | Vaxholm Municipality |
Växjö (gemeente) | Växjö Municipality |
Våxtorp | Våxtorp |
Vay | Vay, Loire-Atlantique |
Vaya Con Dios | Vaya Con Dios (band) |
Vaychis | Vaychis |
Vayk | Vayk |
Vaylats | Vaylats |
Vayots Dzor | Vayots Dzor |
Vayrac | Vayrac |
Vayres (Gironde) | Vayres |
Vayres (Haute-Vienne) | Vayres, Haute-Vienne |
Vayres-sur-Essonne | Vayres-sur-Essonne |
Vayu | Vayu |
Vazal | Vassal |
Vazalstaat | Puppet state |
Vazante | Vazante |
Vážany (okres Blansko) | Vážany (Blansko District) |
Vážany (okres Uherské Hradiště) | Vážany (Uherské Hradiště District) |
Vážany (okres Vyškov) | Vážany (Vyškov District) |
Vazeilles-Limandre | Vazeilles-Limandre |
Vazeilles-près-Saugues | Vazeilles-près-Saugues |
Vazelonklooster | Vazelon Monastery |
Vazerac | Vazerac |
Vazoeza | Vazuza River |
Vázsnok | Vázsnok |
VBScript | VBScript |
VC | VC |
VC Argex Duvel Puurs | VC Argex Duvel Puurs |
VC-1 (videocodec) | VC-1 |
Včelákov | Včelákov |
Včelince | Včelince |
Včelnička | Včelnička |
Vchynice | Vchynice |
VCR | VCR (disambiguation) |
VDK Gent | VDK Gent Dames |
VDL Bus & Coach | VDL Berkhof |
VDL NedCar | VDL Nedcar |
VDSL2 | Very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line 2 |
V-dwergspanner | V-Pug |
Veanne Cox | Veanne Cox |
Veauce | Veauce |
Veauchette | Veauchette |
Veaugues | Veaugues |
Veaunes | Veaunes |
Veauville-lès-Baons | Veauville-lès-Baons |
Veauville-lès-Quelles | Veauville-lès-Quelles |
Veblen-goed | Veblen good |
Vèbre | Vèbre |
Vebret | Vebret |
Večelkov | Večelkov |
Věchnov | Věchnov |
Vecht- of vluchtreactie | Fight-or-flight response |
Vechtarend | Martial Eagle |
Vechtkunst | Martial arts |
Vechtkwartels | Buttonquail |
Vechtspel | Fighting game |
Vechtsport | Combat sport |
Vecquemont | Vecquemont |
Vecqueville | Vecqueville |
Vecsēlpils | Sēlpils |
Vector | Vector |
Vector (celbiologie) | Vector (molecular biology) |
Vector (overbrenger van ziekten) | Vector (biology) |
Vector (wiskunde) | Euclidean vector |
Vector Automotive | Vector Motors |
Vector Linux | VectorLinux |
Vectorafbeelding | Vector graphics |
Vectoranalyse | Vector calculus |
Vectorbundel | Vector bundle |
Vectormaat | Vector measure |
Vectorpotentiaal (wiskunde) | Vector potential |
Vectorruimte | Vector space |
Vectorveld | Vector field |
Vectorworks | Vectorworks |
Vecuronium | Vecuronium bromide |
Vedanta | Vedanta |
Veda's | Vedas |
Vedastus | Vedast |
Vedat Dalokay | Vedat Dalokay |
Vedea | Vedea |
Vedea (rivier) | Vedea River |
Vedel | Vielle |
Vederdistel | Cirsium |
Vederesdoorn | Acer negundo |
Vederkruidfamilie | Haloragaceae |
Vedermotten | Plume moth |
Vederstaartbuidelmuis | Feather-tailed possum |
Vederstaarttoepaja | Pen-tailed treeshrew |
Vedette | Vedette (disambiguation) |
Vedi | Vedi |
Vedisch accent | Vedic accent |
Vedisch Sanskriet | Vedic Sanskrit |
Vedische astrologie | Hindu astrology |
Vědomice | Vědomice |
Vedra | Vedra |
Védrines-Saint-Loup | Védrines-Saint-Loup |
Vedro Polje | Vedro Polje |
Vedrovice | Vedrovice |
Veduta | Veduta |
Vee | Livestock |
Veedersburg | Veedersburg, Indiana |
Veegmachine | Street sweeper |
Veelbloemige veldbies | Luzula multiflora |
Veelböken | Veelböken |
Veelgestelde vragen | FAQ |
Veelhoek | Polygon |
Veelhoeksgetal | Polygonal number |
Veelhoeksgetalstelling van Fermat | Fermat polygonal number theorem |
Veelkleurig Aziatisch lieveheersbeestje | Harmonia axyridis |
Veelkleurig vergeet-mij-nietje | Myosotis discolor |
Veelkleurige boomspin | Antilles pinktoe |
Veelkleurige lori | Varied Lorikeet |
Veelkleurige zeeduizendpoot | Hediste diversicolor |
Veelstekelbaarzen | Polycentridae |
Veeltermring | Polynomial ring |
Veelvlak | Polyhedron |
Veelvoud (wiskunde) | Multiple (mathematics) |
Veelvouden van bytes | Binary prefix |
Veelvraat (vlinder) | Macrothylacia rubi |
Veelvraat (zoogdier) | Wolverine |
Veel-werelden-interpretatie | Many-worlds interpretation |
Veelwortelig kroos | Spirodela polyrhiza |
Veemgerecht | Vehmic court |
Veen | Veen |
Veen (Aalburg) | Veen, Netherlands |
Veen (grondsoort) | Bog |
Veenbes | Cranberry |
Veenbesblauwtje | Plebejus optilete |
Veenbesparelmoervlinder | Boloria aquilonaris |
Veenbloembies | Scheuchzeria |
Veenheide-uil | Acronicta menyanthidis |
Veenhommel | Bombus jonellus |
Veenhooibeestje | Coenonympha tullia |
Veenhuizen | Veenhuizen |
Veenhuizen (Coevorden) | Veenhuizen, Coevorden |
Veenhuizen (Heerhugowaard) | Veenhuizen, North Holland |
Veenhuizen (Noordenveld) | Veenhuizen, Noordenveld |
Veenklooster | Veenklooster |
Veenlijk | Bog body |
Veenluzernevlinder | Colias palaeno |
Veenmol | Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa |
Veenmollen | Mole cricket |
Veenmosorchis | Hammarbya |
Veenoord | Veenoord |
Veenpluis | Eriophorum angustifolium |
Veenreukgras | Hierochloe odorata |
Veenwortel | Persicaria amphibia |
Veenwouden | Feanwâlden |
Veenwoudsterwal | Feanwâldsterwâl, Dantumadiel |
Veer | Veer (disambiguation) |
Veer (mechanica) | Spring (device) |
Veer (vogel) | Feather |
Veer Towers | Veer Towers |
Veerappan | Veerappan |
Veerboot | Ferry |
Veere (gemeente) | Veere |
Veerenni | Veerenni |
Veerle Baetens | Veerle Baetens |
Veerle Dejaeghere | Veerle Dejaeghere |
Veerle Wouters | Veerle Wouters |
Veerooster | Cattle grid |
Veerse Gat | Veerse Gat |
Veerse Meer | Veerse Meer |
Veertien onfeilbaren | The Fourteen Infallibles |
Veertien Punten | Fourteen Points |
Veertiende amendement van de grondwet van de Verenigde Staten | Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution |
Veertienstippelig lieveheersbeestje | Propylea quatuordecimpunctata |
Veertig martelaren van Engeland en Wales | Forty Martyrs of England and Wales |
Veessen | Veessen |
Veeteelt | Animal husbandry |
Veeweide (metrostation) | Veeweyde/Veeweide metro station |
Vefa SK | Vefa S.K. |
Vega | Vega (disambiguation) |
Vega (Nordland) | Vega, Norway |
Vega (raket) | Vega (rocket) |
Vega (Street Fighter) | Vega (Street Fighter) |
Vega (Texas) | Vega, Texas |
Vega Alta | Vega Alta, Puerto Rico |
Vega Baja | Vega Baja, Puerto Rico |
Vega de Espinareda | Vega de Espinareda |
Vega de Infanzones | Vega de Infanzones |
Vega de Pas | Vega de Pas |
Vega de San Mateo | Vega de San Mateo, Las Palmas |
Vega de Santa María | Vega de Santa María |
Vega del Codorno | Vega del Codorno |
Vega-archipel | Vegaøyan |
Vegachí | Vegachi |
Veganisme | Veganism |
Vegas del Condado | Vegas del Condado |
Vegas del Genil | Vegas del Genil |
Vegas Vacation | Vegas Vacation |
Vegastar | Vegastar |
Vegavis iaai | Vegavis |
Végegyháza | Végegyháza |
Vegelinsoord | Vegelinsoord |
Végennes | Végennes |
Vegeta | Vegeta (disambiguation) |
Vegeta (personage) | Vegeta |
Vegeta (specerij) | Vegeta (food) |
Vegetable mould and earth-worms | The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms |
Vegetarische boomvink | Vegetarian Finch |
Vegetarisme | Vegetarianism |
Vegetatie | Vegetation |
Vegetatiekunde | Phytosociology |
Vegetatieperiode | Growing season |
Vegetatieve toestand | Persistent vegetative state |
Vegetatieve vermeerdering | Vegetative reproduction |
Vegreville | Vegreville, Alberta |
Veguillas de la Sierra | Veguillas de la Sierra |
Vehementer Nos | Vehementer Nos |
Vehicons | Vehicon |
Véhicule Automatique Léger | Véhicule Automatique Léger |
Vého | Vého |
Veigné | Veigné |
Veii | Veii |
Veikkausliiga | Veikkausliiga |
Veilhes | Veilhes |
Veilig vrijen | Safe sex |
Veiligheid | Safety |
Veiligheidsbril | Goggles |
Veiligheidsdilemma | Security dilemma |
Veiligheidshelm | Hard hat |
Veiligheidsinformatieblad | Material safety data sheet |
Veiligheidskooi | Roll cage |
Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties | United Nations Security Council |
Veiligheidsschoen | Steel-toe boot |
Veiligheidsspeld | Safety pin |
Veiligheidsventiel | Safety valve |
Veiligheidsverdrag tussen Japan en de Verenigde Staten | Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan |
Veiling | Auction |
Veiling bij afslag | Dutch auction |
Veilingcatalogus | Auction catalog |
Veilleins | Veilleins |
Veilly | Veilly |
Veilsdorf | Veilsdorf |
Veintena | Veintena |
Veinticinco de Mayo (departement van Chaco) | Veinticinco de Mayo Department, Chaco |
Veinticinco de Mayo (departement van San Juan) | Veinticinco de Mayo Department, San Juan |
Veinticinco de Mayo (La Pampa) | Veinticinco de Mayo, La Pampa |
Veinticinco de Mayo (partido) | Veinticinco de Mayo Partido |
Veissella | Veissella |
Veit Stoss | Veit Stoss |
Veitch zilverspar | Abies veitchii |
Veja | Veja (magazine) |
Vejen (gemeente) | Vejen Municipality |
Vejen (plaats) | Vejen |
Vejle (gemeente) | Vejle Municipality |
Vejle (provincie) | Vejle County |
Vejle BK | Vejle Boldklub |
Vejle BK Kolding | Vejle Boldklub Kolding |
Vejlefjordbrug | Vejle Fjord Bridge |
Vejlestadion | Vejle Stadion |
Vejprnice | Vejprnice |
Vejprty | Vejprty |
Vejti | Vejti |
Vejvanovice | Vejvanovice |
Vékény | Vékény |
Vekerd | Vekerd |
Vekoslav Grmic | Vekoslav Grmič |
Vel | Vel (disambiguation) |
Vela (satelliet) | Vela (satellite) |
Velaar | Velar consonant |
Velada | Velada |
Vela-incident | Vela Incident |
Velaine-en-Haye | Velaine-en-Haye |
Velaines (Frankrijk) | Velaines |
Velaine-sous-Amance | Velaine-sous-Amance |
Velaire approximant | Velar approximant |
Velaire ejectief | Velar ejective |
Velaire laterale approximant | Velar lateral approximant |
Velaire nasaal | Velar nasal |
Velamen | Velamen |
Velankanni | Velankanni Town |
Velanne | Velanne |
Velarisatie | Velarization |
Velarium | Velarium |
Velas | Velas (Azores) |
Velasio De Paolis | Velasio de Paolis |
Veľaty | Veľaty |
Velbastaður | Velbastaður |
Velčice | Velčice |
Veld (natuurkunde) | Field (physics) |
Veldbeemdgras | Poa pratensis |
Veldbus | Fieldbus |
Veldcapaciteit | Field capacity |
Velddriel | Velddriel |
Velddrif | Velddrif |
Velde | Van de Velde |
Veldeffecttransistor | Field-effect transistor |
Velden (Landshut) | Velden (Vils) |
Velden (Nederland) | Velden, Limburg |
Velden (Nürnberger Land) | Velden (Pegnitz) |
Veldentheorie van alles | Unified field theory |
Veldereprijs | Veronica arvensis |
Veldfles | Canteen (bottle) |
Veldgentiaan | Gentianella campestris |
Veldhondstong | Cynoglossum officinale |
Veldhospitaal | Field hospital |
Veldhoven en Meerveldhoven | Veldhoven en Meerveldhoven |
Veldhuis | Veldhuis |
Veldhuizen | Veldhuizen (disambiguation) |
Veldkers | Cardamine |
Veldkrekel | Gryllus campestris |
Veldkruidkers | Lepidium campestre |
Veldlathyrus | Lathyrus pratensis |
Veldleeuwerik | Eurasian Skylark |
Veldlijn | Field line |
Veldlopen | Cross-country race |
Veldmuis | Common vole |
Veldpaardenstaart | Equisetum pratense |
Veldparelmoervlinder | Glanville Fritillary |
Veldpost | Military mail |
Veldrijden | Cyclo-cross |
Veldrus | Juncus acutiflorus |
Veldsalie | Salvia pratensis |
Veldsla | Valerianella locusta |
Veldslag | Battle |
Veldslang | Culverin |
Veldspaat | Feldspar |
Veldspaatvervanger | Feldspathoid |
Veldspitsmuis | Bicolored shrew |
Veldspoor | Light railway |
Veldsprinkhanen | Acrididae |
Veldstam | Wild type |
Veldsterkte | Field strength |
Veldtheorie | Field theory |
Veldtocht | Military campaign |
Veldtocht in New Mexico | New Mexico Campaign |
Veldtocht in noordelijk Virginia | Northern Virginia Campaign |
Veldtocht van Napoleon naar Rusland | French invasion of Russia |
Veldtrechterspin | Hobo spider |
Velduil | Short-eared Owl |
Veldwespen | Polistinae |
Veldzuring | Sorrel |
Velečín | Velečín |
Veleda | Veleda |
Velemér | Velemér |
Velemín | Velemín |
Veleň | Veleň |
Velence | Velence |
Velencemeer | Lake Velence |
Velenice (okres Česká Lípa) | Velenice (Česká Lípa District) |
Velenice (okres Nymburk) | Velenice (Nymburk District) |
Veleniki | Veleniki |
Velenka | Velenka |
Velennes (Oise) | Velennes, Oise |
Velennes (Somme) | Velennes, Somme |
Velény | Velény |
Veles (Macedonië) | Veles (city) |
Veles e Vents | America's Cup Building |
Velešín | Velešín |
Veleslavín | Veleslavín |
Vélez | Vélez, Santander |
Vélez de Benaudalla | Vélez de Benaudalla |
Vélez-Blanco | Vélez-Blanco |
Vélez-Rubio | Vélez-Rubio |
Velg | Rim (wheel) |
Velgrem | Bicycle brake |
Velhartice | Velhartice |
Velia | Velian Hill |
Vélib' | Vélib' |
Velichovky | Velichovky |
Velidhoo | Velidhoo |
Vélieux | Vélieux |
Veliferum zeilvindokter | Zebrasoma veliferum |
Velika | Velika |
Velika (Kroatië) | Velika, Croatia |
Velika Grabovnica (Brus) | Velika Grabovnica (Brus) |
Velika Ježevica | Velika Ježevica |
Velika Krsna | Velika Krsna |
Velika Ludina | Velika Ludina |
Velika Pisanica | Velika Pisanica |
Velika Reka | Velika Reka |
Velika Trnovitica | Velika Trnovitica |
Veliká Ves (okres Chomutov) | Veliká Ves (Chomutov District) |
Velika Vrbnica | Velika Vrbnica |
Velikaja | Velikaya River |
Veliki Borak | Veliki Borak |
Veliki Bukovec (Varaždin) | Veliki Bukovec |
Veliki Grđevac | Veliki Grđevac |
Veliki Izvor | Veliki Izvor |
Veliki Novgorod | Velikiy Novgorod |
Veliki Oestjoeg | Veliky Ustyug |
Veliki Trnovac | Veliki Trnovac |
Velikieje Loeki | Velikiye Luki |
Veliko Brdo | Veliko Brdo |
Veliko Polje | Veliko Polje |
Veliko Polje (Obrenovac) | Veliko Polje (Obrenovac) |
Veliko Selo (Loznica) | Veliko Selo (Loznica) |
Veliko Tarnovo (oblast) | Veliko Tarnovo Province |
Veliko Tarnovo (stad) | Veliko Tarnovo |
Veliko Trgovišće | Veliko Trgovišće |
Veliko Trojstvo | Veliko Trojstvo |
Velilla de Jiloca | Velilla de Jiloca |
Velilla de San Antonio | Velilla de San Antonio |
Velimir Chlebnikov | Velimir Khlebnikov |
Vélines | Vélines |
Veliny | Veliny |
Veliocasses | Veliocasses |
Velipojë | Velipojë |
Veliš (okres Jičín) | Veliš (Jičín District) |
Velites | Velites |
Velizar Dimitrov | Velizar Dimitrov |
Velizj | Velizh |
Velje Polje | Velje Polje |
Velje Polje (Tutin) | Velje Polje (Tutin) |
Velká Bíteš | Velká Bíteš |
Velká Buková | Velká Buková |
Velká Bukovina | Velká Bukovina |
Velká Bystřice | Velká Bystřice |
Veľká Čalomija | Veľká Čalomija |
Veľká Čausa | Veľká Čausa |
Velká Chmelištná | Velká Chmelištná |
Velká Chyška | Velká Chyška |
Veľká Čierna | Veľká Čierna |
Velká Dobrá | Velká Dobrá |
Veľká Dolina | Veľká Dolina |
Veľká Franková | Veľká Franková |
Veľká Hradná | Veľká Hradná |
Velká Jesenice | Velká Jesenice |
Velká Lečice | Velká Lečice |
Veľká Lesná | Veľká Lesná |
Veľká Lodina | Veľká Lodina |
Velká Losenice | Velká Losenice |
Veľká Lúka | Veľká Lúka |
Veľká nad Ipľom | Veľká nad Ipľom |
Velká Skrovnice | Velká Skrovnice |
Veľká Tŕňa | Veľká Tŕňa |
Velká Turná | Velká Turná |
Veľká Ves | Veľká Ves |
Veľká Ves nad Ipľom | Veľká Ves nad Ipľom |
Veľké Bierovce | Veľké Bierovce |
Velké Bílovice | Velké Bílovice |
Veľké Blahovo | Veľké Blahovo |
Veľké Borové | Veľké Borové |
Veľké Chlievany | Veľké Chlievany |
Veľké Chyndice | Veľké Chyndice |
Veľké Dravce | Veľké Dravce |
Veľké Dvorany | Veľké Dvorany |
Veľké Dvorníky | Veľké Dvorníky |
Velké Heraltice | Velké Heraltice |
Veľké Hoste | Veľké Hoste |
Velké Hoštice | Velké Hoštice |
Velké Hydčice | Velké Hydčice |
Velké Janovice | Velké Janovice |
Veľké Kosihy | Veľké Kosihy |
Veľké Kozmálovce | Veľké Kozmálovce |
Veľké Kršteňany | Veľké Kršteňany |
Veľké Ludince | Veľké Ludince |
Velké Meziříčí | Velké Meziříčí |
Velké Opatovice | Velké Opatovice |
Veľké Ozorovce | Veľké Ozorovce |
Velké Pavlovice | Velké Pavlovice |
Velké Popovice | Velké Popovice |
Velké Poříčí | Velké Poříčí |
Velké Přílepy | Velké Přílepy |
Velké Přítočno | Velké Přítočno |
Veľké Raškovce | Veľké Raškovce |
Veľké Revištia | Veľké Revištia |
Veľké Straciny | Veľké Straciny |
Velké Svatoňovice | Velké Svatoňovice |
Veľké Teriakovce | Veľké Teriakovce |
Veľké Trakany | Veľké Trakany |
Velké Tresné | Velké Tresné |
Velké Žernoseky | Velké Žernoseky |
Veľké Zlievce | Veľké Zlievce |
Veľkrop | Veľkrop |
Velký Beranov | Velký Beranov |
Velký Bor | Velký Bor |
Veľký Čepčín | Veľký Čepčín |
Veľký Ďur | Veľký Ďur |
Veľký Folkmar | Veľký Folkmár |
Veľký Horeš | Veľký Horeš |
Velký Karlov | Velký Karlov |
Veľký Klíž | Veľký Klíž |
Veľký Lipník | Veľký Lipník |
Veľký Lom | Veľký Lom |
Velký Osek | Velký Osek |
Velký Rybník | Velký Rybník |
Velký Šenov | Velký Šenov |
Veľký Slivník | Veľký Slivník |
Velký Třebešov | Velký Třebešov |
Velký Týnec | Velký Týnec |
Velký Újezd | Velký Újezd |
Velký Vřešťov | Velký Vřešťov |
Vella | Vella |
Vellaunus | Vellaunus |
Vellèches | Vellèches |
Velles (Haute-Marne) | Velles, Haute-Marne |
Velles (Indre) | Velles, Indre |
Velle-sur-Moselle | Velle-sur-Moselle |
Vellinge (gemeente) | Vellinge Municipality |
Vellinge (plaats) | Vellinge |
Vellingkant | Bevel |
Vellisca | Vellisca |
Vellore (district) | Vellore district |
Velluire | Velluire |
Vellum | Vellum |
Vellushaar | Vellus hair |
Velma Dinkley | Velma Dinkley |
Velma Middleton | Velma Middleton |
Velmachine | Harvester (forestry) |
Velmerstot | Velmerstot |
Velo | Velo |
Velo d'Astico | Velo d'Astico |
Vélo d'Or Mondial | Vélo d'Or |
Velo-cardio-faciaal syndroom | DiGeorge syndrome |
Vélocipède | Velocipede |
Velociraptorinae | Velociraptorinae |
Velocisaurus | Velocisaurus |
Vélo-Club La Pomme Marseille | La Pomme Marseille |
Velocycle | Edward Butler (inventor) |
Velodona togata | Velodona |
Vélodrome d'Hiver | Vélodrome d'hiver |
Vélodrome Jacques-Anquetil | Vélodrome de Vincennes |
Velodroom | Velodrome |
Velodroom Buffalo | Vélodrome Buffalo |
Velogny | Velogny |
Velomobiel | Velomobile |
Velone-Orneto | Velone-Orneto |
Vělopolí | Vělopolí |
Veľopolie | Veľopolie |
Veloporphyrellus | Veloporphyrellus |
Velosnes | Velosnes |
Velours | Velour |
Vélo'v | Vélo'v |
Velo-Vocha | Velo-Vocha |
Velox | Velox |
Velp (Gelderland) | Velp, Gelderland |
Velp (Noord-Brabant) | Velp, North Brabant |
Velsdorf | Velsdorf |
Velsen-Noord | Velsen-Noord |
Velsen-Zuid | Velsen-Zuid |
Velserbroek | Velserbroek |
Veltěže | Veltěže |
Veltheim (Ohe) | Veltheim |
Veltheim (Zwitserland) | Veltheim, Aargau |
Veltins-Arena | Veltins Arena |
Veltrusy | Veltrusy |
Vélu | Vélu |
Velum (mycologie) | Veil (mycology) |
Velum universale | Universal veil |
Velušovce | Velušovce |
Veluwsche Stoomtrein Maatschappij | Veluwsche Stoomtrein Maatschappij |
Velva | Velva, North Dakota |
Velvet | Velvet (disambiguation) |
Velvet (zangeres) | Velvet (singer) |
Velvet McIntyre | Velvet McIntyre |
Velvet Sky | Velvet Sky |
Vélye | Vélye |
Velzeke-Ruddershove | Velzeke-Ruddershove |
Velzic | Velzic |
Vemb | Vemb |
Véménd | Véménd |
Vempire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein | V Empire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein |
Ven | Ven |
Ven (eiland) | Ven, Sweden |
Vena azygos | Azygos vein |
Vena cava inferior | Inferior vena cava |
Vena cava superior | Superior vena cava |
Vena hemiazygos | Hemiazygos vein |
Vena saphena magna | Great saphenous vein |
Vena saphena parva | Small saphenous vein |
Vena subclavia | Subclavian vein |
Venables | Venables, Eure |
Venaco | Venaco |
Venadillo | Venadillo |
Venance Zézé | Venance Zézé |
Venango County | Venango County, Pennsylvania |
Venansault | Venansault |
Venanson | Venanson |
Venantius Fortunatus | Venantius Fortunatus |
Venapunctie | Venipuncture |
Venarey-les-Laumes | Venarey-les-Laumes |
Venarsal | Venarsal |
Venas | Venas |
Venatio | Venatio |
Venaus | Venaus |
Venceremos (lied) | Venceremos (song) |
Venda | Venda (disambiguation) |
Venda (taal) | Venda language |
Venda (volk) | Venda people |
Vendange tardive | Vendange tardive |
Vendargues | Vendargues |
Vendas Novas | Vendas Novas Municipality |
Vendat | Vendat |
Vendée (departement) | Vendée |
Vendée (rivier) | Vendée (river) |
Vendegies-sur-Écaillon | Vendegies-sur-Écaillon |
Vendel (Frankrijk) | Vendel, Ille-et-Vilaine |
Vendelles | Vendelles |
Vendémian | Vendémian |
Vendenesse-lès-Charolles | Vendenesse-lès-Charolles |
Vendenesse-sur-Arroux | Vendenesse-sur-Arroux |
Vendes | Vendes |
Vendeuil | Vendeuil |
Vendeuil-Caply | Vendeuil-Caply |
Vendeuvre | Vendeuvre (disambiguation) |
Vendeuvre (Calvados) | Vendeuvre |
Vendhuile | Vendhuile |
Vendières | Vendières |
Vendine | Vendine |
Vendin-lès-Béthune | Vendin-lès-Béthune |
Vendin-le-Vieil | Vendin-le-Vieil |
Vendoire | Vendoire |
Vendolí | Vendolí |
Vendor lock-in | Vendor lock-in |
Vendranges | Vendranges |
Vendrennes | Vendrennes |
Vendresse | Vendresse |
Vendresse-Beaulne | Vendresse-Beaulne |
Vendrest | Vendrest |
Vendryně | Vendryně |
Vendsyssel | Vendsyssel |
Vendsyssel FF | Vendsyssel FF |
Vendsyssel-Thy | North Jutlandic Island |
Venecia (Antioquia) | Venecia, Antioquia |
Venecia (Cundinamarca) | Venecia, Cundinamarca |
Venedikt Jerofejev | Venedikt Yerofeyev |
Veneer (album) | Veneer (album) |
Venefica | Venefica |
Vénéjan | Vénéjan |
Venelina Veneva | Venelina Veneva-Mateeva |
Venelli | Unelli |
Venera 13 | Venera 13 |
Veneralia | Veneralia |
Vénérand | Vénérand |
Veneraprogramma | Venera |
Vénérieu | Vénérieu |
Vénérolles | Vénérolles |
Venerque | Venerque |
Vénès | Vénès |
Vénestanville | Vénestanville |
Veneta | Veneta, Oregon |
Veneti | Veneti (Gaul) |
Venetiaans | Venetian language |
Venetiaans Albanië | Venetian Albania |
Venetiaans glas | Venetian glass |
Venetiaanse School (beeldende kunst) | Venetian school (art) |
Venetiaanse School (muziekgeschiedenis) | Venetian School (music) |
Venetie (Alaska) | Venetie, Alaska |
Venetië (provincie) | Province of Venice |
Venetië (stad) | Venice |
Venetiës van deze wereld | Venice of the North |
Venetisch | Venetic language |
Veneto | Veneto |
Venette | Venette |
Veneux-les-Sablons | Veneux-les-Sablons |
Veneuze insufficiëntie | Chronic venous insufficiency |
Veney | Veney |
Venezolaans honkbalteam | Venezuela national baseball team |
Venezolaans voetbalelftal | Venezuela national football team |
Venezolaanse bolivar | Venezuelan bolívar |
Venezolaanse cyaanblauwe vogelspin | Greenbottle blue tarantula |
Venezolaanse dwergpantsermeerval | Salt and pepper catfish |
Venezolaanse equïene encefalitis | Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus |
Venezolaanse presidentsverkiezingen 2012 | Venezuelan presidential election, 2012 |
Venezolaanse voetbalbond | Venezuelan Football Federation |
Venezuela op de Olympische Spelen | Venezuela at the Olympics |
Venezuela op de Olympische Winterspelen 2006 | Venezuela at the 2006 Winter Olympics |
Venezuela op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 | Venezuela at the 2012 Summer Olympics |
Venezuelatandkwartel | Venezuelan Wood Quail |
Vengeance | Vengeance |
Vengeance (band) | Vengeance (band) |
Vengeance 2003 | Vengeance (2003) |
Vengeance: Night of Champions | Vengeance: Night of Champions |
Vengeons | Vengeons |
Venglazenmaker | Common Hawker |
Veni Creator Spiritus | Veni Creator Spiritus |
Veni Sancte Spiritus | Veni Sancte Spiritus |
Veni, vidi, vici | Veni, vidi, vici |
Veniamin Kaverin | Veniamin Kaverin |
Venice (band) | Venice (band) |
Venice (Florida) | Venice, Florida |
Venice (Illinois) | Venice, Illinois |
Venijnboom | Taxus baccata |
Venijnboom van Fortingall | Fortingall Yew |
Veniliornis | Veniliornis |
Venise | Venise, Doubs |
Venizel | Venizel |
Venizelos | Venizelos |
Venke Knutson | Venke Knutson |
Venkel | Fennel |
Venlafaxine | Venlafaxine |
Venlo-incident | Venlo Incident |
Venloop | Venloop |
Venndiagram | Venn diagram |
Vennecy | Vennecy |
Vennes | Vennes |
Vennezey | Vennezey |
Vennootschap | Company |
Vennootschap onder firma | General partnership |
Vennootschapsbelasting | Corporate tax |
Veno Pilon | Veno Pilon |
Venom | Venom (disambiguation) |
Venom (band) | Venom (band) |
Venom (Marvel) | Venom (comics) |
Venon | Venon |
Venon (Eure) | Venon, Eure |
Venon (Isère) | Venon, Isère |
Venosa | Venusia |
Vénosc | Vénosc |
Venouse | Venouse |
Venoy | Venoy |
Venster (computer) | Window (computing) |
Venster (geologie) | Window (geology) |
Venster (muur) | Window |
Vensterbank | Window sill |
Vensterfunctie | Window function |
Venstermineermotten | Bedelliidae |
Venstermuggen | Anisopodidae |
Venstersectorspin | Zygiella x-notata |
Venstersysteem | Windowing system |
Venstervlekjes | Thyrididae |
Venstervliegen | Scenopinidae |
Venstre (Denemarken) | Venstre (Denmark) |
Venstre (Noorwegen) | Liberal Party (Norway) |
Vent Geyser | Vent Geyser |
Venta | Venta (disambiguation) |
Venta (rivier) | Venta River |
Venta de Baños | Venta de Baños |
Venta del Moro | Venta del Moro |
Ventaquemada | Ventaquemada |
Ventas de Huelma | Ventas de Huelma |
Ventavon | Ventavon |
Ventelay | Ventelay |
Ventenac | Ventenac |
Ventenac-Cabardès | Ventenac-Cabardès |
Ventenac-en-Minervois | Ventenac-en-Minervois |
Venterol (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) | Venterol, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence |
Venterol (Drôme) | Venterol, Drôme |
Ventersdorp | Ventersdorp Local Municipality |
Ventes-Saint-Rémy | Ventes-Saint-Rémy |
Venteuges | Venteuges |
Venteuil | Venteuil |
Ventforet Kofu | Ventforet Kofu |
Venthon | Venthon |
Ventiel | Valve (disambiguation) |
Ventiel (muziek) | Piston valve |
Ventiel (techniek) | Valve |
Ventilatie | Ventilation (architecture) |
Ventilator | Mechanical fan |
Ventimiglia | Ventimiglia |
Ventiseri | Ventiseri |
Ventnor City | Ventnor City, New Jersey |
Ventosa | Ventosa (disambiguation) |
Ventosa (Alenquer) | Ventosa (Alenquer) |
Ventouse | Ventouse, Charente |
Ventrikel | Ventricle |
Ventrikel (hart) | Ventricle (heart) |
Ventrikelfibrilleren | Ventricular fibrillation |
Ventrikelseptumdefect | Ventricular septal defect |
Ventrikelstelsel | Ventricular system |
Ventrosa | Ventrosa |
Ventschow | Ventschow |
Ventspils novads | Ventspils Municipality |
Ventura | Ventura, California |
Ventura (schip) | MV Ventura |
Ventura County | Ventura County, California |
Venturi | Venturi |
Venturia (North Dakota) | Venturia, North Dakota |
Venturi-effect | Venturi effect |
Venturini | Venturini (surname) |
Venule | Venule |
Venus | Venus (disambiguation) |
Venus (film) | Venus (film) |
Venus (Florida) | Venus, Florida |
Venus (lied) | Venus (Shocking Blue song) |
Venus (mythologie) | Venus (mythology) |
Venus (planeet) | Venus |
Venus (Roemenië) | Venus, Romania |
Venus and Adonis (opera) | Venus and Adonis (opera) |
Venus and Adonis (Shakespeare) | Venus and Adonis (Shakespeare poem) |
Venus and Mars | Venus and Mars |
Venus as a Boy | Venus as a Boy |
Venus Boekarest | Venus București |
Venus van Berekhat Ram | Venus of Berekhat Ram |
Venus van Brassempouy | Venus of Brassempouy |
Venus van Dolní Věstonice | Venus of Dolní Věstonice |
Venus van Laussel | Venus of Laussel |
Venus van Lespugue | Venus of Lespugue |
Venus van Milo | Venus de Milo |
Venus van Monruz | Venus of Monruz |
Venus van Tan-Tan | Venus of Tan-Tan |
Venus van Urbino | Venus of Urbino |
Venus van Willendorf | Venus of Willendorf |
Venus verrucosa | Warty venus |
Venus voor de spiegel (Velázquez) | Rokeby Venus |
Venusbeeldjes | Venus figurines |
Venusberg (Erzgebirge) | Venusberg, Saxony |
Venusheuvel | Mons pubis |
Venusia blomeri | Blomer's Rivulet |
Venuskam | Venus comb murex |
Venusmandje | Venus' Flower Basket |
Venusovergang | Transit of Venus |
Venusschelpen | Veneridae |
Venussymbool | Venus symbol |
Venustiano Carranza (district) | Venustiano Carranza, D.F. |
Venusvliegenvanger | Venus Flytrap |
Venwitsnuitlibel | White-faced darter |
Ven-Zelderheide | Ven-Zelderheide |
Venzolasca | Venzolasca |
Veolia Transdev | Veolia Transdev |
Veolia Verkehr Sachsen-Anhalt | Veolia Verkehr Sachsen-Anhalt |
Vép | Vép |
Vepříkov | Vepříkov |
Vepřová | Vepřová |
Ver | Ver |
Ver (Manche) | Ver, Manche |
Ver (rivier) | River Ver |
Vera (Almería) | Vera, Spain |
Vera (departement) | Vera Department |
Vera (Santa Fe) | Vera, Santa Fe |
Vera (voornaam) | Vera (given name) |
Vera Brittain | Vera Brittain |
Vera Celis | Vera Celis |
Vera Chapman | Vera Chapman |
Vera Cruz (Bahia) | Vera Cruz, Bahia |
Vera Cruz (film) | Vera Cruz (film) |
Vera Cruz (Rio Grande do Norte) | Vera Cruz, Rio Grande do Norte |
Vera Cruz (Rio Grande do Sul) | Vera Cruz, Rio Grande do Sul |
Vera Cruz (São Paulo) | Vera Cruz, São Paulo |
Vera Cruz do Oeste | Vera Cruz do Oeste |
Vera de Moncayo | Vera de Moncayo |
Vera Doesjevina | Vera Dushevina |
Vera Figner | Vera Figner |
Vera Filatova | Vera Filatova |
Vera Inber | Vera Inber |
Vera Komisova | Vera Komisova |
Vera Konstantinova van Rusland (1854-1912) | Grand Duchess Vera Constantinovna of Russia |
Vera Krepkina | Vera Krepkina |
Vera Moechina | Vera Mukhina |
Vera Panova | Vera Panova |
Vera Votrubcová | Věra Votrubcová |
Vera Zvonarjova | Vera Zvonareva |
Vérac | Vérac |
Veracruz | Veracruz (disambiguation) |
Veracruz (stad) | Veracruz, Veracruz |
Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave | Veracruz |
Veracruzaanse Universiteit | Universidad Veracruzana |
Veraguas | Veraguas Province |
Veranda | Verandah |
Verandas Willems (wielerploeg)/2011 | 2011 Veranda's Willems-Accent season |
Veranderingsmanagement | Change management |
Veranderlijke feestdag | Moveable feast |
Veranderlijke ster | Variable star |
Véranne | Véranne |
Veranópolis | Veranópolis |
Verapamil | Verapamil |
Vérargues | Vérargues |
Verarmd uranium | Depleted uranium |
Verasper | Verasper |
Verasper moseri | Barfin flounder |
Verasper variegatus | Spotted halibut |
Veratrum | Veratrum |
Véraza | Véraza |
Verbale constituent | Verb phrase |
Verband (bouwkunde) | Brickwork |
Verband (geneeskunde) | Dressing (medical) |
Verbandsgemeinde | Verbandsgemeinde |
Verbandsgemeinde An der Finne | An der Finne |
Verbandsgemeinde Arneburg-Goldbeck | Arneburg-Goldbeck |
Verbandsgemeinde Arzfeld | Arzfeld (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Bad Kreuznach | Bad Kreuznach (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg | Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Bad Sobernheim | Bad Sobernheim (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Beetzendorf-Diesdorf | Beetzendorf-Diesdorf |
Verbandsgemeinde Bernkastel-Kues | Bernkastel-Kues (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Bitburg-Land | Bitburg-Land |
Verbandsgemeinde Droyßiger-Zeitzer Forst | Droyßiger-Zeitzer Forst |
Verbandsgemeinde Edenkoben | Edenkoben (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Egelner Mulde | Egelner Mulde |
Verbandsgemeinde Elbe-Havel-Land | Elbe-Havel-Land |
Verbandsgemeinde Elbe-Heide | Elbe-Heide |
Verbandsgemeinde Flechtingen | Flechtingen (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Goldene Aue | Goldene Aue, Saxony-Anhalt |
Verbandsgemeinde Hermeskeil | Hermeskeil (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Irrel | Irrel (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Kell am See | Kell am See (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Kirn-Land | Kirn-Land |
Verbandsgemeinde Konz | Konz (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Kyllburg | Kyllburg (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Langenlonsheim | Langenlonsheim (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Lingenfeld | Lingenfeld (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Maifeld | Maifeld |
Verbandsgemeinde Manderscheid | Manderscheid (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Mansfelder Grund-Helbra | Mansfelder Grund-Helbra |
Verbandsgemeinde Meisenheim | Meisenheim (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Neuerburg | Neuerburg (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Obere Aller | Obere Aller |
Verbandsgemeinde Prüm | Prüm (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Rüdesheim | Rüdesheim (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Ruwer | Ruwer (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Saale-Wipper | Saale-Wipper |
Verbandsgemeinde Saarburg | Saarburg (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Schweich an der Römischen Weinstraße | Schweich an der Römischen Weinstraße |
Verbandsgemeinde Seehausen (Altmark) | Seehausen (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Speicher | Speicher (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Stromberg | Stromberg (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Traben-Trarbach | Traben-Trarbach (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Trier-Land | Trier-Land |
Verbandsgemeinde Unstruttal | Unstruttal (Verbandsgemeinde) |
Verbandsgemeinde Vorharz | Vorharz |
Verbandsgemeinde Weida-Land | Weida-Land |
Verbandsgemeinde Westliche Börde | Westliche Börde |
Verbandsgemeinde Wethautal | Wethautal |
Verbandsliga Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Verbandsliga Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Verbandsliga Sachsen-Anhalt | Verbandsliga Sachsen-Anhalt |
Verbandsliga Württemberg | Verbandsliga Württemberg |
Verbanning | Exile |
Verbano-Cusio-Ossola | Verbano-Cusio-Ossola |
Verbastering | Cacography |
Verbazing | Surprise (emotion) |
Verbeeldingskracht | Imagination |
Verbena | Verbena |
Verbenon | Verbenone |
Verbeteringspartij Tibet | Tibet Improvement Party |
Verbinding (wiskunde) | Connection (mathematics) |
Verbindingsdienst | Military communications |
Verbindingsgeoriënteerd protocol | Connection-oriented communication |
Verbintenis uit de wet | Quasi-contract |
Verbintenissenrecht | Law of obligations |
Verbleking van koraal | Coral bleaching |
Verblijfsvergunning | Permanent residency |
Verblijftijd | Residence time |
Verboden Stad | Forbidden City |
Verbond van Belgische Ondernemingen | Federation of Belgian Enterprises |
Verbond van Damascus | Damascus Document |
Verbond van Dietsche Nationaal Solidaristen | Verdinaso |
Verbond van Gewapende Neutraliteit | Second League of Armed Neutrality |
Verbond van Tibetaanse journalisten in ballingschap | Association of Tibetan Journalists |
Verbonden pionnen | Connected pawns |
Verbonden som | Connected sum |
Verbondsleer | Covenant theology |
Verborgen bestand | Hidden file and hidden directory |
Verborgen boswitje | Leptidea reali |
Verborgen camera | Hidden camera |
Verborgen Woorden | Hidden Words |
Verbranding | Combustion |
Verbrandingskamer | Combustion chamber |
Verbrandingsmotor | Internal combustion engine |
Verbruikspunt-drinkwatersystemen | Portable water purification |
Verbrusseling | Brusselization |
Vercana | Vercana |
Vercelli (provincie) | Province of Vercelli |
Vercelli (stad) | Vercelli |
Vercelli Book | Vercelli Book |
Vercheny | Vercheny |
Verchin | Verchin |
Verchneoeralsk | Verkhneuralsk |
Verchni Oefalej | Verkhny Ufaley |
Verchni Tagil | Verkhny Tagil |
Verchnjaja Pysjma | Verkhnyaya Pyshma |
Verchnjaja Salda | Verkhnyaya Salda |
Verchnjaja Toera | Verkhnyaya Tura |
Verchocq | Verchocq |
Verchojansk | Verkhoyansk |
Verchojanskgebergte | Verkhoyansk Range |
Verchotoerje | Verkhoturye |
Verchovna Rada | Verkhovna Rada |
Vercia | Vercia |
Vercingetorix | Vercingetorix |
Verclause | Verclause |
Vercoiran | Vercoiran |
Vercors | Vercors Plateau |
Vercourt | Vercourt |
Verdaches | Verdaches |
Verdachte | Suspect |
Verdala Palace | Verdala Palace |
Verdalle | Verdalle |
Verdammt Ich Lieb' Dich | Verdammt, ich lieb' dich |
Verdamper | Evaporator |
Verdamping | Vaporization |
Verdampingswarmte | Enthalpy of vaporization |
Verdandi | Verðandi |
Verdão | Verdão |
Verde Island Passage | Isla Verde Passage |
Verdediger (voetbal) | Defender (football) |
Verdediger van het Geloof | Fidei defensor |
Verdedigingsleger van Nagorno-Karabach | Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army |
Verdedigingstoren | Fortified tower |
Verdelais | Verdelais |
Verdelho | Verdelho |
Verdelingscoëfficiënt | Partition coefficient |
Verdelingsfunctie | Cumulative distribution function |
Verdelingsplan Talleyrand | Talleyrand partition plan for Belgium |
Verdelingsvrije toets | Non-parametric statistics |
Verdelot | Verdelot, Seine-et-Marne |
Verden | Verden |
Verden (Aller) | Verden an der Aller |
Verdenal | Verdenal |
Verderel-lès-Sauqueuse | Verderel-lès-Sauqueuse |
Verdes | Verdes |
Verdèse | Verdèse |
Verdets | Verdets |
Verdi (doorverwijspagina) | Verdi (disambiguation) |
Verdi Verdi | Greens Greens |
Verdienstelijke Autonome Universiteit van Puebla | Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla |
Verdigny | Verdigny |
Verdikkingsmiddel | Thickening agent |
Verdille | Verdille |
Verdilly | Verdilly |
Verdine White | Verdine White |
Verdoemenis | Damnation |
Verdon | Verdon |
Verdon (Dordogne) | Verdon, Dordogne |
Verdon (Marne) | Verdon, Marne |
Verdon (rivier) | Verdon (river) |
Verdonck | Verdonck |
Verdonk | Verdonk |
Verdonnet | Verdonnet |
Verdrag | Treaty |
Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie | Treaty of Maastricht |
Verdrag biologische wapens | Biological Weapons Convention |
Verdrag chemische wapens | Chemical Weapons Convention |
Verdrag inzake de afsluitende regeling met betrekking tot Duitsland | Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany |
Verdrag inzake de bestrijding van strafbare feiten verbonden met elektronische netwerken | Convention on Cybercrime |
Verdrag inzake de rechten van het kind | Convention on the Rights of the Child |
Verdrag inzake de uitbanning van alle vormen van discriminatie van vrouwen | Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women |
Verdrag inzake de voorkoming van verontreiniging van de zee ten gevolge van het storten van afval en andere stoffen | London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter |
Verdrag inzake het verdragenrecht | Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties |
Verdrag tot vaststelling van een Grondwet voor Europa | Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe |
Verdrag van 1818 | Treaty of 1818 |
Verdrag van Aarhus | Aarhus Convention |
Verdrag van Adrianopel | Treaty of Adrianople |
Verdrag van Aigun | Treaty of Aigun |
Verdrag van Alfred en Guthrum | Treaty of Alfred and Guthrum |
Verdrag van Algiers | 1975 Algiers Agreement |
Verdrag van Altranstädt (1706) | Treaty of Altranstädt (1706) |
Verdrag van Amsterdam | Amsterdam Treaty |
Verdrag van Ancón | Treaty of Ancón |
Verdrag van Andelot | Treaty of Andelot |
Verdrag van Aranjuez | Treaty of Aranjuez |
Verdrag van Aranjuez (1779) | Treaty of Aranjuez (1779) |
Verdrag van Athis-sur-Orge | Treaty of Athis-sur-Orge |
Verdrag van Badajoz | Treaty of Badajoz |
Verdrag van Badajoz (1801) | Treaty of Badajoz (1801) |
Verdrag van Berlijn | Treaty of Berlin |
Verdrag van Blois (1504) | Treaty of Blois (1504) |
Verdrag van Bongaja | Treaty of Bongaja |
Verdrag van Brétigny | Treaty of Brétigny |
Verdrag van Brömsebro | Second Treaty of Brömsebro (1645) |
Verdrag van Brussel | Treaty of Brussels |
Verdrag van Chaumont | Treaty of Chaumont |
Verdrag van Concordia | Treaty of Concordia |
Verdrag van Constantinopel | Treaty of Constantinople |
Verdrag van Conventionele Strijdkrachten in Europa | Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe |
Verdrag van Corbeil | Treaty of Corbeil |
Verdrag van Corbeil (1258) | Treaty of Corbeil (1258) |
Verdrag van Córdoba | Treaty of Córdoba |
Verdrag van Dayton | Dayton Agreement |
Verdrag van de Goede Buren | Treaty of Good Neighbourship |
Verdrag van Den Haag | Treaty of The Hague |
Verdrag van Den Haag (1701) | Treaty of The Hague (1701) |
Verdrag van Devol | Treaty of Devol |
Verdrag van Dover | Secret Treaty of Dover |
Verdrag van Étaples | Peace of Etaples |
Verdrag van Fez | Treaty of Fez |
Verdrag van Fontainebleau | Treaty of Fontainebleau |
Verdrag van Gastein | Gastein Convention |
Verdrag van Georgiejevsk | Treaty of Georgievsk |
Verdrag van Giyanti | Treaty of Giyanti |
Verdrag van Gulistan | Treaty of Gulistan |
Verdrag van Hoedaibiya | Treaty of Hudaybiyyah |
Verdrag van Ilbersheim | Treaty of Ilbersheim |
Verdrag van Jassy | Treaty of Jassy |
Verdrag van Joinville | Treaty of Joinville |
Verdrag van Kadesh | Egyptian–Hittite peace treaty |
Verdrag van Kars | Treaty of Kars |
Verdrag van Kjachta | Treaty of Kyakhta (1727) |
Verdrag van Kremmen | Treaty of Kremmen |
Verdrag van Küçük Kaynarca | Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca |
Verdrag van Lateranen | Lateran Treaty |
Verdrag van Lissabon | Treaty of Lisbon |
Verdrag van Lissabon (doorverwijspagina) | Treaty of Lisbon (disambiguation) |
Verdrag van Locarno | Locarno Treaties |
Verdrag van Londen | Treaty of London |
Verdrag van Londen (1824) | Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 |
Verdrag van Luxemburg | Reparations Agreement between Israel and West Germany |
Verdrag van Lyon | Treaty of Lyon (1601) |
Verdrag van Madrid | Treaty of Madrid |
Verdrag van Madrid (1750) | Treaty of Madrid (13 January 1750) |
Verdrag van Medina | Constitution of Medina |
Verdrag van Meerssen | Treaty of Meerssen |
Verdrag van Misenum | Pact of Misenum |
Verdrag van Montmartre | Treaty of Montmartre |
Verdrag van Montreal | Montreal Convention |
Verdrag van Montreux | Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits |
Verdrag van Moskou | Treaty of Moscow |
Verdrag van Moskou (1970) | Treaty of Moscow (1970) |
Verdrag van München | Munich agreement |
Verdrag van Nanking | Treaty of Nanking |
Verdrag van Nertsjinsk | Treaty of Nerchinsk |
Verdrag van Neuilly | Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine |
Verdrag van New Echota | Treaty of New Echota |
Verdrag van New York | Treaty of New York |
Verdrag van Nice | Treaty of Nice |
Verdrag van Nonsuch | Treaty of Nonsuch |
Verdrag van Oliva | Treaty of Oliva |
Verdrag van Olmütz | Punctation of Olmütz |
Verdrag van Oregon | Oregon Treaty |
Verdrag van Parijs | Treaty of Paris |
Verdrag van Passau | Peace of Passau |
Verdrag van Péronne | Treaty of Péronne |
Verdrag van Péronne (1468) | Treaty of Péronne (1468) |
Verdrag van Perth | Treaty of Perth |
Verdrag van Picquigny | Treaty of Picquigny |
Verdrag van Plessis-lès-Tours | Treaty of Plessis-les-Tours |
Verdrag van Portsmouth | Treaty of Portsmouth |
Verdrag van Praag | Peace of Prague |
Verdrag van Praag (1866) | Peace of Prague (1866) |
Verdrag van Preobrazjenskoje | Treaty of Preobrazhenskoye |
Verdrag van Prüm (2005) | Prüm Convention |
Verdrag van Rapallo | Treaty of Rapallo |
Verdrag van Rapallo (1922) | Treaty of Rapallo (1922) |
Verdrag van Ribemont (880) | Treaty of Ribemont |
Verdrag van Rome | Treaty of Rome (disambiguation) |
Verdrag van Rome (1957) | Treaty of Rome |
Verdrag van Rotterdam | Rotterdam Convention |
Verdrag van Saint-Germain (1919) | Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye |
Verdrag van San Ildefonso | Treaty of San Ildefonso |
Verdrag van San Ildefonso (1777) | First Treaty of San Ildefonso |
Verdrag van San José | American Convention on Human Rights |
Verdrag van Shimla | Simla Agreement |
Verdrag van Shimoda | Treaty of Shimoda |
Verdrag van Shimonoseki | Treaty of Shimonoseki |
Verdrag van Sint-Petersburg | Treaty of Saint Petersburg |
Verdrag van Sint-Petersburg (1907) | Anglo-Russian Entente |
Verdrag van Stockholm inzake persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen | Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants |
Verdrag van Teschen | Treaty of Teschen |
Verdrag van Tlatelolco | Treaty of Tlatelolco |
Verdrag van Tordesillas | Treaty of Tordesillas |
Verdrag van Torrellas | Treaty of Torrellas |
Verdrag van Trianon | Treaty of Trianon |
Verdrag van Troyes | Treaty of Troyes |
Verdrag van Urga | Treaty of friendship and alliance between the Government of Mongolia and Tibet |
Verdrag van Valençay | Treaty of Valençay |
Verdrag van Verdun | Treaty of Verdun |
Verdrag van Vereeniging | Treaty of Vereeniging |
Verdrag van Vriendschap en Handel tussen de Verenigde Staten en Frankrijk | Treaty of Amity and Commerce (United States–France) |
Verdrag van Waitangi | Treaty of Waitangi |
Verdrag van Warschau | Treaty of Warsaw |
Verdrag van Washington | Washington Naval Treaty |
Verdrag van Wenen | Treaty of Vienna |
Verdrag van Wenen inzake diplomatiek verkeer | Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations |
Verdrag van Windsor | Treaty of Windsor |
Verdrag van Windsor (1386) | Treaty of Windsor (1386) |
Verdrag van Xanten | Treaty of Xanten |
Verdrag van York | Treaty of York |
Verdrag van Zara | Treaty of Zadar |
Verdrag van Zaragoza | Treaty of Zaragoza |
Verdrag van Zgorzelec | Treaty of Zgorzelec |
Verdrag van Zonhoven | Treaty of Zonhoven |
Verdragen van de Europese Unie | Treaties of the European Union |
Verdragen van Osimo | Treaty of Osimo |
Verdragen van Parijs (1954) | Paris Agreements |
Verdragen van Schengen | Schengen Agreement |
Verdragsstaten | Trucial States |
Verdriet | Sadness |
Verdrijving van Duitsers na de Tweede Wereldoorlog | Flight and expulsion of Germans (1944–50) |
Verdrijvingsedict | Alhambra Decree |
Verdringing | Psychological repression |
Verdrinking | Drowning |
Verdronken Land van Saeftinghe | Saeftinghe legend |
Verdronken Land van Zuid-Beveland | Verdronken Land van Reimerswaal |
Verdú | Verdú |
Verdubbeling van de kubus | Doubling the cube |
Verduistering (misdrijf) | Embezzlement |
Verduistering (oorlog) | Blackout (wartime) |
Verdun | Verdun (disambiguation) |
Verdun (Ariège) | Verdun, Ariège |
Verdun (Canada) | Verdun, Quebec |
Verdun (Meuse) | Verdun |
Verdun-en-Lauragais | Verdun-en-Lauragais |
Verdunning | Dilution (equation) |
Verdunningsreeks | Serial dilution |
Verdun-sur-Garonne | Verdun-sur-Garonne |
Verdurisch | Verdurian language |
Verdwijning van Azaria Chamberlain | Death of Azaria Chamberlain |
Verdwijning van Madeleine McCann | Disappearance of Madeleine McCann |
Vere | Vere |
Verea | Verea |
Vereaux | Vereaux |
Vereb | Vereb |
Vereda (gebiedsindeling) | Vereda |
Veredinha | Veredinha |
Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie | Dutch East India Company |
Vereenvoudigde Chinese karakters | Simplified Chinese characters |
Vereinatunnel | Vereina Tunnel |
Vereinigte Breslauer Sportfreunde | Vereinigte Breslauer Sportfreunde |
Vereinigte Großlogen von Deutschland | United Grand Lodges of Germany |
Vereinigung der gegenseitigen Bauernhilfe | Peasants Mutual Aid Association |
Verel-de-Montbel | Verel-de-Montbel |
Verena | Verena |
Verena Becker | Verena Becker |
Verena von Strenge | Verena von Strenge |
Verengelsing | Anglicisation |
Verenigd Baltisch Hertogdom | United Baltic Duchy |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | United Kingdom |
Verenigd Koninkrijk (doorverwijspagina) | United Kingdom (disambiguation) |
Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden | United Kingdom of the Netherlands |
Verenigd Koninkrijk Israël | Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy) |
Verenigd Koninkrijk op het Eurovisiesongfestival | United Kingdom in the Eurovision Song Contest |
Verenigd Koninkrijk op het Junior Eurovisiesongfestival | United Kingdom in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest |
Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Ierland | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland |
Verenigd Koninkrijk van Portugal, Brazilië en de Algarve | United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves |
Verenigd Links (DDR) | United Left (East Germany) |
Verenigd Links (San Marino) | United Left (San Marino) |
Verenigd Rusland | United Russia |
Verenigd Thora-Jodendom | United Torah Judaism |
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten | United Arab Emirates |
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten op de Olympische Spelen | United Arab Emirates at the Olympics |
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008 | United Arab Emirates at the 2008 Summer Olympics |
Verenigde Arabische Lijst | United Arab List |
Verenigde Arabische Republiek | United Arab Republic |
Verenigde Arabische Staten | United Arab States |
Verenigde Communistische Partij van Georgië | United Communist Party of Georgia |
Verenigde Communistische Partij van Nepal (Maoïstisch) | Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) |
Verenigde Democratische Krachten (Bulgarije) | United Democratic Forces |
Verenigde Federatie van Planeten | United Federation of Planets |
Verenigde hertogdommen Gulik-Kleef-Berg | United Duchies of Jülich-Cleves-Berg |
Verenigde Iraakse Alliantie | National Iraqi Alliance |
Verenigde Naties | United Nations |
Verenigde Nederlandse Staten | United States of Belgium |
Verenigde Party | United Party (South Africa) |
Verenigde Progressieve Partij | Unified Progressive Party |
Verenigde Protestantse Kerk in België | United Protestant Church in Belgium |
Verenigde Provinciën van Nieuw-Granada | United Provinces of New Granada |
Verenigde Provincies van Centraal-Italië | United Provinces of Central Italy |
Verenigde Provincies van de Río de la Plata | United Provinces of the Río de la Plata |
Verenigde Republiek | National anthem of Yemen |
Verenigde Republiek Suvadiva | United Suvadive Republic |
Verenigde Socialistische Partij van Mexico | Unified Socialist Party of Mexico |
Verenigde Socialistische Partij van Venezuela | United Socialist Party of Venezuela |
Verenigde Staten | United States |
Verenigde Staten op de Olympische Jeugdwinterspelen 2012 | United States at the 2012 Winter Youth Olympics |
Verenigde Staten op de Olympische Spelen | United States at the Olympics |
Verenigde Staten op de Olympische Winterspelen 1924 | United States at the 1924 Winter Olympics |
Verenigde Staten van Centraal-Amerika | Federal Republic of Central America |
Verenigde Staten van Colombia | United States of Colombia |
Verenigde Staten van de Ionische Eilanden | United States of the Ionian Islands |
Verenigde Staten van Europa | United States of Europe |
Verenigde Staten van Indonesië | United States of Indonesia |
Verenigde Staten van Oostenrijk | United States of Greater Austria |
Verenigde Staten vs. Lopez | United States v. Lopez |
Verenigde Vliegtuigbouwcorporatie | United Aircraft Corporation |
Vereniging (rechtspersoon) | Swiss Verein |
Vereniging (verzamelingenleer) | Union (set theory) |
Vereniging MARTIJN | Vereniging Martijn |
Vereniging Natuurmonumenten | Natuurmonumenten |
Vereniging van Apostolische Gemeenten | United Apostolic Church |
Vereniging van Duitse Wetenschappers | Federation of German Scientists |
Vereniging van Eigenaars | Homeowner association |
Vereniging van vervolgden van het nazi-regime | Union of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime |
Vereniging voor Diensten in het Buitenland | Austrian Service Abroad |
Vereniging voor een Nieuw Democratisch Macau | New Macau Association |
Vereniging voor Vreemdelingenverkeer | Visitor center |
Vereniging zonder winstoogmerk | Association without lucrative purpose |
Verenigingskerk | Unification Church |
Veresjtsjagino | Vereshchagino, Vereshchaginsky District, Perm Krai |
Véretz | Véretz |
Verf | Paint |
Verfbrem | Genista tinctoria |
Verfeil (Haute-Garonne) | Verfeil, Haute-Garonne |
Verfeil (Tarn-et-Garonne) | Verfeil, Tarn-et-Garonne |
Verfeuil | Verfeuil |
Verfilming | Film adaptation |
Verfransing | Francization |
Verfransing van Brussel | Francization of Brussels |
Verfroller | Paint roller |
Verfspuit | Spray painting |
Verfstripper | Heat gun |
Verga | Verga |
Vergadering | Meeting |
Vergadering van gelovigen | Plymouth Brethren |
Vergara (Colombia) | Vergara, Cundinamarca |
Vergéal | Vergéal |
Vergée | Vergée |
Vergeetachtigheid | Forgetting |
Vergeet-mij-nietje | Forget-me-not |
Vergelijkende anatomie | Comparative anatomy |
Vergelijkende methode (taalkunde) | Comparative method |
Vergelijkende mythologie | Comparative mythology |
Vergelijkende reclame | Comparative advertising |
Vergelijkende taalkunde | Comparative linguistics |
Vergelijking | Comparison |
Vergelijking (beeldspraak) | Simile |
Vergelijking (wiskunde) | Equation |
Vergelijking van Antoine | Antoine equation |
Vergelijking van Arrhenius | Arrhenius equation |
Vergelijking van Clairaut | Clairaut's equation |
Vergelijking van de Europese verkeersborden | Comparison of European road signs |
Vergelijking van Drake | Drake equation |
Vergelijking van Gibbs-Duhem | Gibbs–Duhem equation |
Vergelijking van Kepler | Kepler's equation |
Vergelijking van Liouville | Liouville's equation |
Vergelijking van Pell | Pell's equation |
Vergelijking van Van der Waals | Van der Waals equation |
Vergeltungswaffe 3 | V-3 cannon |
Vergennes | Vergennes |
Vergennes (Vermont) | Vergennes, Vermont |
Vergentie (geologie) | Vergence (geology) |
Vergeroux | Vergeroux |
Verges | Verges |
Verges (Jura) | Verges, Jura |
Verges (Spanje) | Verges, Catalonia |
Vergetot | Vergetot |
Vergeving (algemeen) | Forgiveness |
Vergezac | Vergezac |
Vergèze | Vergèze |
Vergheas | Vergheas |
Vergies | Vergies |
Vergiet | Colander |
Vergif | Poison |
Vergigny | Vergigny |
Vergilius | Virgil |
Vergilius Romanus | Vergilius Romanus |
Vergilius Vaticanus | Vergilius Vaticanus |
Vergina | Vergina |
Vergisson | Vergisson |
Vergisting | Anaerobic digestion |
Vergné | Vergné |
Vergoignan | Vergoignan |
Vergoncey | Vergoncey |
Vergongheon | Vergongheon |
Vergonnes | Vergonnes |
Vergrijzing | Population ageing |
Vergrootwoord | Augmentative |
Vergrotingsapparaat | Enlarger |
Vergt | Vergt |
Vergt-de-Biron | Vergt-de-Biron |
Vergulde Draeck | Vergulde Draeck |
Vergulden | Gilding |
Verhaal | Narrative |
Verhaal van de wateroever | Water Margin |
Verhagen | Verhagen |
Verhalen van Dunk en Ei | Tales of Dunk and Egg |
Verhandeling over de methode | Discourse on the Method |
Verhandelingen over de eerste tien boeken van Titus Livius | Discourses on Livy |
Verhemelte | Palate |
Verheven Porte | Ottoman Porte |
Verhoeff | Verhoeff |
Verhoogd driehoekig prisma | Augmented triangular prism |
Verhoogd vijfhoekig prisma | Augmented pentagonal prism |
Verhoogd zeshoekig prisma | Augmented hexagonal prism |
Verhoogde afgeknotte dodecaëder | Augmented truncated dodecahedron |
Verhoogde afgeknotte kubus | Augmented truncated cube |
Verhoogde afgeknotte tetraëder | Augmented truncated tetrahedron |
Verhoogde dodecaëder | Augmented dodecahedron |
Verhoogde drievoudig verkleinde icosaëder | Augmented tridiminished icosahedron |
Verhoogde sphenocorona | Augmented sphenocorona |
Verhoor (ondervraging) | Interrogation |
Verhoudingsformule | Chemical composition |
Verhuisbedrijf | Moving company |
Véria | Véria, Jura |
Verificatie | Verification |
Verigar | Verigar issue |
Vérigny | Vérigny |
Verijdelde aanslagen in Londen en Glasgow | 2007 London car bombs |
Verilus sordidus | Verilus sordidus |
Vérin | Vérin |
Vérines | Vérines |
Veriora | Veriora Parish |
Verisme | Verismo |
Vérissey | Vérissey |
Veritas | Veritas (disambiguation) |
Verizon Communications | Verizon |
Verjaardag | Birthday |
Verjaardag van de keizer | The Emperor's Birthday |
Verjaardagenparadox | Birthday problem |
Verjaardagstaart | Birthday cake |
Verjaring | Statute of limitations |
Verjon | Verjon |
Verjus | Verjuice |
Verjux | Verjux |
Verkanting | Cant (road/rail) |
Verkaveling | Subdivision (land) |
Verkeer | Traffic |
Verkeersafwikkeling | Traffic flow |
Verkeersbord | Traffic sign |
Verkeersborden in Nederland | Road signs in the Netherlands |
Verkeersbrigadier | Crossing guard |
Verkeersdrempel | Speed bump |
Verkeerskunde | Transport engineering |
Verkeerskussen | Speed cushion |
Verkeerslicht | Traffic light |
Verkeerslichtcoalitie | Traffic light coalition |
Verkeersmodel | Transportation forecasting |
Verkeersongeval | Car accident |
Verkeersonveilige locatie | Black Spot Program |
Verkeersplein | Traffic circle |
Verkeersrecht | Transport law |
Verkeersregelaar | Traffic guard |
Verkeersscheidingsstelsel | Traffic Separation Scheme |
Verkeersveiligheid | Road traffic safety |
Verkenningsvliegtuig | Surveillance aircraft |
Verkiezing | Election |
Verkiezingen in België | Elections in Belgium |
Verkiezingen in Bulgarije | Elections in Bulgaria |
Verkiezingen in Frankrijk | Elections in France |
Verkiezingen in Nederland | Elections in the Netherlands |
Verkiezingen in Noorwegen | Elections in Norway |
Verkiezingen in Roemenië | Elections in Romania |
Verkiezingen in Turkije | Elections in Turkey |
Verkiezingen in Venezuela | Elections in Venezuela |
Verkiezingen in Wit-Rusland | Elections in Belarus |
Verkiezingen in Zuid-Afrika | Elections in South Africa |
Verkiezingscampagne | Political campaign |
Verkiezingsfraude | Electoral fraud |
Verkiezingskandidaat | Candidate |
Verklaring (wetenschap) | Explanation |
Verklaring van Berlijn (2007) | Berlin Declaration (2007) |
Verklaring van Boulogne | Declaration of Boulogne |
Verklaring van Cusco | Cusco Declaration |
Verklaring van de rechten van de mens en de burger | Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen |
Verklaring van Durban | Durban Declaration |
Verklaring van Helsinki | Declaration of Helsinki |
Verklaring van Laken | List of European Council meetings |
Verklaring van Moskou | Moscow Declaration |
Verklaring van Parijs | Paris Declaration Respecting Maritime Law |
Verklaring van Pillnitz | Declaration of Pillnitz |
Verklaring van Potsdam | Potsdam Declaration |
Verklaring van Praag | Prague Declaration on European Conscience and Communism |
Verklaring van Sint-Petersburg | Saint Petersburg Declaration of 1868 |
Verklärte Nacht | Verklärte Nacht |
Verkleinde romboëdrisch icosidodecaëder | Diminished rhombicosidodecahedron |
Verkleinwoord | Diminutive |
Verkondigingskathedraal (Moskou) | Cathedral of the Annunciation |
Verkondigingskerk | Annunciation Cathedral |
Verkoopautomaat | Vending machine |
Verkoopbevordering | Sales promotion |
Verkoopstyling | Home staging |
Verkoopwinkel | Consignment |
Verkoper (beroep) | Sales management |
Verkoperen | Copper plating |
Verkoudheid | Common cold |
Verkrachting | Rape |
Verlaine | Verlaine |
Verlamming | Paralysis |
Verlegenheid | Shyness |
Verlengde driehoekige bipiramide | Elongated triangular bipyramid |
Verlengde driehoekige koepel | Elongated triangular cupola |
Verlengde driehoekige orthogonale dubbelkoepel | Elongated triangular orthobicupola |
Verlengde driehoekige piramide | Elongated triangular pyramid |
Verlengde dubbelgedraaide driehoekige dubbelkoepel | Gyroelongated triangular bicupola |
Verlengde dubbelgedraaide vijfhoekige dubbelkoepel | Gyroelongated pentagonal bicupola |
Verlengde dubbelgedraaide vijfhoekige dubbelrotonde | Gyroelongated pentagonal birotunda |
Verlengde dubbelgedraaide vijfhoekige koepelrotonde | Gyroelongated pentagonal cupolarotunda |
Verlengde gedraaide driehoekige dubbelkoepel | Elongated triangular gyrobicupola |
Verlengde gedraaide driehoekige koepel | Gyroelongated triangular cupola |
Verlengde gedraaide vierkante bipiramide | Gyroelongated square bipyramid |
Verlengde gedraaide vierkante dubbelkoepel | Gyroelongated square bicupola |
Verlengde gedraaide vierkante koepel | Gyroelongated square cupola |
Verlengde gedraaide vierkante piramide | Gyroelongated square pyramid |
Verlengde gedraaide vijfhoekige dubbelkoepel | Elongated pentagonal gyrobicupola |
Verlengde gedraaide vijfhoekige dubbelrotonde | Elongated pentagonal gyrobirotunda |
Verlengde gedraaide vijfhoekige koepel | Gyroelongated pentagonal cupola |
Verlengde gedraaide vijfhoekige koepelrotonde | Elongated pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda |
Verlengde gedraaide vijfhoekige piramide | Gyroelongated pentagonal pyramid |
Verlengde gedraaide vijfhoekige rotonde | Gyroelongated pentagonal rotunda |
Verlengde vierkante bipiramide | Elongated square bipyramid |
Verlengde vierkante koepel | Elongated square cupola |
Verlengde vierkante piramide | Elongated square pyramid |
Verlengde vijfhoekige bipiramide | Elongated pentagonal bipyramid |
Verlengde vijfhoekige koepel | Elongated pentagonal cupola |
Verlengde vijfhoekige orthogonale dubbelkoepel | Elongated pentagonal orthobicupola |
Verlengde vijfhoekige orthogonale dubbelrotonde | Elongated pentagonal orthobirotunda |
Verlengde vijfhoekige orthogonale koepelrotonde | Elongated pentagonal orthocupolarotunda |
Verlengde vijfhoekige piramide | Elongated pentagonal pyramid |
Verlengde vijfhoekige rotonde | Elongated pentagonal rotunda |
Verlenging | Extra time |
Verlengsnoer | Extension cord |
Ver-lès-Chartres | Ver-lès-Chartres |
Verlhac-Tescou | Verlhac-Tescou |
Verlicht despotisme | Enlightened absolutism |
Verlichting | Enlightenment |
Verlichting (stroming) | Age of Enlightenment |
Verlichtingssterkte | Illuminance |
Verlichtingstechniek | Stage lighting |
Verliefdheid | Infatuation |
Verlieshoek | Loss tangent |
Verlin | Verlin |
Verlincthun | Verlincthun |
Verlof | Furlough |
Verloren film | Lost film |
Verloren stad | Lost city |
Verloren was | Lost-wax casting |
Verloren werk | Lost work |
Verloskunde | Midwifery |
Verloskundige | Obstetrics |
Verlosserkerk (Potsdam) | Church of the Redeemer, Sacrow |
Verlosserskerk (Bad Homburg) | Church of the Redeemer, Bad Homburg |
Verlostang | Forceps in childbirth |
Verloving | Engagement |
Verlus | Verlus |
Vermaasd netwerk | Mesh networking |
Vermagering | Weight loss |
Vermand | Vermand |
Vermandovillers | Vermandovillers |
Vermeer | Vermeer (disambiguation) |
Vermeerdering (heraldiek) | Augmentation of honour |
Vermeetkundigingsvermoeden van Thurston | Geometrization conjecture |
Vermelles | Vermelles |
Vermenigvuldigen | Multiplication |
Vermenigvuldiging (meetkunde) | Homothetic transformation |
Vermenton | Vermenton |
Verměřovice | Verměřovice |
Vermes | Vermes, Switzerland |
Vermeylenfonds | Vermeylenfonds |
Vermicella annulata | Bandy-bandy |
Vermicelli | Vermicelli |
Vermicino | Vermicino |
Vermiculiet | Vermiculite |
Vermileonidae | Vermileonidae |
Vermilion | Vermilion (disambiguation) |
Vermilion County | Vermilion County |
Vermilion County (Illinois) | Vermilion County, Illinois |
Vermilion Parish | Vermilion Parish, Louisiana |
Vermiljoen | Orange-red |
Vermiljoenkever | Cucujus cinnaberinus |
Vermillion (South Dakota) | Vermillion, South Dakota |
Vermillion County (Indiana) | Vermillion County, Indiana |
Vermissing | Missing person |
Vermist (televisieserie) | Vermist |
Vermivora | Vermivora |
Vermoeden | Conjecture |
Vermoeden van Andrica | Andrica's conjecture |
Vermoeden van Bieberbach | De Branges's theorem |
Vermoeden van Birch en Swinnerton-Dyer | Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture |
Vermoeden van Brocard | Brocard's conjecture |
Vermoeden van Catalan | Catalan's conjecture |
Vermoeden van Collatz | Collatz conjecture |
Vermoeden van Goldbach | Goldbach's conjecture |
Vermoeden van Hodge | Hodge conjecture |
Vermoeden van Kepler | Kepler conjecture |
Vermoeden van Legendre | Legendre's conjecture |
Vermoeden van Mertens | Mertens conjecture |
Vermoeden van Poincaré | Poincaré conjecture |
Vermoeden van Toeplitz | Inscribed square problem |
Vermoedens van Weil | Weil conjectures |
Vermoeidheid | Fatigue |
Vermoeiing | Fatigue (material) |
Vermogen (economie) | Estate (law) |
Vermogen (natuurkunde) | Power (physics) |
Vermogensbeheer | Asset management |
Vermogensbelasting | Wealth tax |
Vermogenselektronica | Power electronics |
Vermogenswinstbelasting | Capital gains tax |
Vermont State House | Vermont State House |
Vermout | Vermouth |
Vern Gosdin | Vern Gosdin |
Vernaccia di San Gimignano (wijn) | Vernaccia di San Gimignano |
Vernais | Vernais |
Vernaison | Vernaison |
Vernajoul | Vernajoul |
Vernal | Vernal, Utah |
Vernalisatie | Vernalization |
Vernancourt | Vernancourt |
Vernanimalcula | Vernanimalcula |
Vernantes | Vernantes |
Vernantois | Vernantois |
Vernas | Vernas |
Vernassal | Vernassal |
Vernate (Italië) | Vernate, Lombardy |
Vernate (Zwitserland) | Vernate, Ticino |
Vernaux | Vernaux |
Vernay (Frankrijk) | Vernay, Rhône |
Vernay (Zwitserland) | Vernay, Switzerland |
Vernaya | Vernaya |
Vernaya fulva | Red climbing mouse |
Vern-d'Anjou | Vern-d'Anjou |
Verne | Verne, Doubs |
Vernedering | Humiliation |
Vernederlandsing | Batavianization |
Vernee Watson-Johnson | Vernee Watson-Johnson |
Verneiges | Verneiges |
Verneil-le-Chétif | Verneil-le-Chétif |
Verneix | Verneix |
Verneřice | Verneřice |
Vernéřovice | Vernéřovice |
Vernet | Vernet, Haute-Garonne |
Vernet-la-Varenne | Vernet-la-Varenne |
Vernet-les-Bains | Vernet-les-Bains |
Verneugheol | Verneugheol |
Verneuil (Charente) | Verneuil, Charente |
Verneuil (Cher) | Verneuil, Cher |
Verneuil (Marne) | Verneuil, Marne |
Verneuil (Nièvre) | Verneuil, Nièvre |
Verneuil-en-Bourbonnais | Verneuil-en-Bourbonnais |
Verneuil-en-Halatte | Verneuil-en-Halatte |
Verneuil-Grand | Verneuil-Grand |
Verneuil-le-Château | Verneuil-le-Château |
Verneuil-l'Étang | Verneuil-l'Étang |
Verneuil-Moustiers | Verneuil-Moustiers |
Verneuil-Petit | Verneuil-Petit |
Verneuil-sous-Coucy | Verneuil-sous-Coucy |
Verneuil-sur-Igneraie | Verneuil-sur-Igneraie |
Verneuil-sur-Indre | Verneuil-sur-Indre |
Verneuil-sur-Serre | Verneuil-sur-Serre |
Verneuil-sur-Vienne | Verneuil-sur-Vienne |
Verneusses | Verneusses |
Vernie | Vernie |
Vernier | Vernier |
Vernier (gemeente) | Vernier, Switzerland |
Vernietigbaarheid | Voidable |
Vernietigingskamp | Extermination camp |
Vernikkelen | Electroless nickel plating |
Vernines | Vernines |
Verniolle | Verniolle |
Vernioz | Vernioz |
Vernis | Varnish |
Vernix | Vernix, Manche |
Vernois-lès-Vesvres | Vernois-lès-Vesvres |
Vernols | Vernols |
Vernon (Alabama) | Vernon, Alabama |
Vernon (Ardèche) | Vernon, Ardèche |
Vernon (Californië) | Vernon, California |
Vernon (Canada) | Vernon, British Columbia |
Vernon (Eure) | Vernon, Eure |
Vernon (Indiana) | Vernon, Indiana |
Vernon (Texas) | Vernon, Texas |
Vernon (Vienne) | Vernon, Vienne |
Vernon Center | Vernon Center, Minnesota |
Vernon County | Vernon County |
Vernon County (Missouri) | Vernon County, Missouri |
Vernon County (Wisconsin) | Vernon County, Wisconsin |
Vernon Heywood | Vernon Heywood |
Vernon Hills | Vernon Hills, Illinois |
Vernon Parish | Vernon Parish, Louisiana |
Vernon Wells (acteur) | Vernon Wells (actor) |
Vernonvilliers | Vernonvilliers |
Vernosc-lès-Annonay | Vernosc-lès-Annonay |
Vernot | Vernot |
Vernou-en-Sologne | Vernou-en-Sologne |
Vernouillet (Eure-et-Loir) | Vernouillet, Eure-et-Loir |
Vernouillet (Yvelines) | Vernouillet, Yvelines |
Vernou-sur-Brenne | Vernou-sur-Brenne |
Vernoux | Vernoux |
Vernoux-en-Gâtine | Vernoux-en-Gâtine |
Vernoux-sur-Boutonne | Vernoux-sur-Boutonne |
Vernoy | Vernoy |
Vern-sur-Seiche | Vern-sur-Seiche |
Vernusse | Vernusse |
Verny | Verny (disambiguation) |
Vero | Vero, Corse-du-Sud |
Vero Beach | Vero Beach, Florida |
Verőce | Verőce, Hungary |
Veron | Veron |
Véron | Véron |
Verona | Verona (disambiguation) |
Verona (Mississippi) | Verona, Mississippi |
Verona (New Jersey) | Verona, New Jersey |
Verona (North Dakota) | Verona, North Dakota |
Verona (provincie) | Province of Verona |
Verona (stad) | Verona |
Verona van de Leur | Verona van de Leur |
Veronica | Veronica |
Veronica (heilige) | Saint Veronica |
Veronica (voornaam) | Veronica (given name) |
Verónica Echegui | Verónica Echegui |
Veronica Guerin | Veronica Guerin |
Veronica Guerin (film) | Veronica Guerin (film) |
Veronica Redd | Veronica Redd |
Veronica Taylor | Veronica Taylor |
Veronica TV (SBS Broadcasting) | Veronica (TV channel) |
Veronica van Milaan | Veronica of Milan |
Veronika Doedarova | Veronika Dudarova |
Veronika Neugebauer | Veronika Neugebauer |
Veronika Velez Zuzulová | Veronika Velez-Zuzulová |
Veronique | Véronique (disambiguation) |
Véronique De Kock | Véronique De Kock |
Véronne | Véronne |
Véronnes | Véronnes |
Verontwaardiging (roman) | Indignation (novel) |
Verordening van de Rijkspresident voor de bescherming van volk en staat | Reichstag Fire Decree |
Verordening van het Noordwesten | Northwest Ordinance |
Verosvres | Verosvres |
Veroudering | Aging (disambiguation) |
Veroudering (mens) | Ageing |
Verovering van Nederlands-Indië door Japan | Dutch East Indies campaign |
Verovering van Zuid-Italië door de Normandiërs | Norman conquest of southern Italy |
Verpakking | Packaging and labeling |
Verpeilspitze | Verpeilspitze |
Verpel | Verpel |
Verpillières-sur-Ource | Verpillières-sur-Ource |
Verplaatsing (psychologie) | Displacement (psychology) |
Verpleeghuis | Nursing home |
Verpleegkunde | Nursing |
Verpleegkundige | Nurse |
Verpleegkundige diagnose | Nursing diagnosis |
Verpleegsterhaai | Nurse shark |
Verpleegsterhaaien | Ginglymostomatidae |
Verplicht vakbondslidmaatschap | Closed shop |
Verplichte feestdag | Holy day of obligation |
Verpopping | Pupa |
Verquigneul | Verquigneul |
Verquin | Verquin |
Verrassing van Meaux | Surprise of Meaux |
Verrassingsei | Kinder Surprise |
Verrazano-Narrows Bridge | Verrazano-Narrows Bridge |
Verre Oosten | Far East |
Verreaux-oehoe | Verreaux's Eagle-Owl |
Verreauxsifaka | Verreaux's sifaka |
Verrebroek | Verrebroek |
Verreiker | Telescopic handler |
Verrekijker | Binoculars |
Verrenberg | Verrenberg |
Verrens-Arvey | Verrens-Arvey |
Verre-Oostelijke Republiek | Far Eastern Republic |
Verreries-de-Moussans | Verreries-de-Moussans |
Verrès | Verrès |
Verrey-sous-Drée | Verrey-sous-Drée |
Verrey-sous-Salmaise | Verrey-sous-Salmaise |
Verricourt | Verricourt |
Verrie | Verrie |
Verrières (Ardennes) | Verrières, Ardennes |
Verrières (Aube) | Verrières, Aube |
Verrières (Aveyron) | Verrières, Aveyron |
Verrières (Charente) | Verrières, Charente |
Verrières (Marne) | Verrières, Marne |
Verrières (Orne) | Verrières, Orne |
Verrières (Puy-de-Dôme) | Verrières, Puy-de-Dôme |
Verrières (Vienne) | Verrières, Vienne |
Verrières-en-Forez | Verrières-en-Forez |
Verrijkt uranium | Enriched uranium |
Verrijkte categorie | Enriched category |
Verrijzeniskapel | Chapel of the Resurrection, Brussels |
Verrotting | Decomposition |
Verrue | Verrue |
Verruyes | Verruyes |
Vers | Vers |
Vers (Haute-Savoie) | Vers, Haute-Savoie |
Vers (Lot) | Vers, Lot |
Vers (Saône-et-Loire) | Vers, Saône-et-Loire |
Vers la flamme | Vers la flamme |
Vers une Architecture | Toward an Architecture |
Versace | Versace (disambiguation) |
Versailles (doorverwijspagina) | Versailles (disambiguation) |
Versailles (Illinois) | Versailles, Illinois |
Versailles (Indiana) | Versailles, Indiana |
Versailles (Kentucky) | Versailles, Kentucky |
Versailles (Missouri) | Versailles, Missouri |
Versailles (Ohio) | Versailles, Ohio |
Versailleux | Versailleux |
Versainville | Versainville |
Versalles | Versalles |
Versandhaus Walz | Versandhaus Walz |
Versatel | Tele2 Netherlands |
Versatile Multilayer Disc | Versatile Multilayer Disc |
Versaugues | Versaugues |
Verschalen (meetkunde) | Scaling (geometry) |
Verschil | Difference |
Verschiltoon | Combination tone |
Verschoningsrecht | Privilege (evidence) |
Verschoor | Verschoor |
Verschrikkelijke sneeuwman | Yeti |
Verschuivingswet van Wien | Wien's displacement law |
Versdrama | Verse drama and dramatic verse |
Verseg | Verseg |
Verseilles-le-Bas | Verseilles-le-Bas |
Verseilles-le-Haut | Verseilles-le-Haut |
Versend | Versend |
Versiebeheersysteem | Revision control |
Versienummer | Software versioning |
Versiering (muziek) | Ornamentation (music) |
Versigny (Aisne) | Versigny, Aisne |
Versigny (Oise) | Versigny, Oise |
Version | Version (album) |
Verslaggevers Zonder Grenzen | Reporters Without Borders |
Verslaving | Addiction |
Verslavingszorg | Drug rehabilitation |
Verslikking | Pulmonary aspiration |
Versnelde uitdijing van het heelal | Accelerating universe |
Versnelling (natuurkunde) | Acceleration |
Versnellingsmechaniek | Transmission (mechanics) |
Versnellingsmeter | Accelerometer |
Versnellingspook | Gear stick |
Versnipperaar | Woodchipper |
Verso | Verso (disambiguation) |
Versols-et-Lapeyre | Versols-et-Lapeyre |
Verson | Verson |
Versonnex (Ain) | Versonnex, Ain |
Versonnex (Haute-Savoie) | Versonnex, Haute-Savoie |
Verspaansing | Hispanicization |
Verspanen | Machining |
Versperring | Barricade |
Verspreidbladig goudveil | Chrysosplenium alternifolium |
Verspreide Eilanden in de Indische Oceaan | Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean |
Verspreidingsgebied | Range (biology) |
Verspringen | Long jump |
Vers-sous-Sellières | Vers-sous-Sellières |
Vers-sur-Méouge | Vers-sur-Méouge |
Vers-sur-Selles | Vers-sur-Selles |
Verstaging | Stays (nautical) |
Verstand | Intellect |
Verstandskies | Wisdom teeth |
Verstedelijking | Urbanization |
Versteend hout | Petrified wood |
Verstehen | Understanding |
Verstehen Sie Spaß? | Surprise, Surprise (TV series) |
Verstek (hoek) | Miter joint |
Verstek (procesrecht) | In absentia |
Verstekbak | Mitre box |
Verstekeling | Stowaway |
Verstekzaag | Miter saw |
Verstelbare schroef | Constant speed propeller |
Versteller (fiets) | Shifter (bicycle part) |
Verstening (geologie) | Petrifaction |
Versterker | Amplifier (disambiguation) |
Versterkerlading | Explosive booster |
Versterkte bloedingsneiging | Bleeding |
Versterkte wijn | Fortified wine |
Versterving (dood) | Terminal dehydration |
Versteviging | Work hardening |
Verstijving | Apparent death |
Verstikking | Asphyxia |
Verstoppertje | Hide-and-seek |
Verstrooiing | Scattering |
Verstrooiing van Rutherford | Rutherford scattering |
Verstuiking | Sprain |
Ver-sur-Mer | Ver-sur-Mer |
Versus (film) | Versus (film) |
Versus the World | Versus the World (Amon Amarth album) |
Vert | Vert (disambiguation) |
Vert (Landes) | Vert, Landes |
Vert (Yvelines) | Vert, Yvelines |
Vert ramp | Vert ramp |
Vertaalbureau voor de organen van de Europese Unie | Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union |
Vertaalgeheugen | Translation memory |
Vertaizon | Vertaizon |
Vertakkingspunt | Branch point |
Vertakte leeuwentand | Scorzoneroides autumnalis |
Vertakte maanvaren | Botrychium matricariifolium |
Vertaling | Translation |
Vertault | Vertault |
Vertebroplastiek | Percutaneous vertebroplasty |
Verteillac | Verteillac |
Vertekening | Distortion (optics) |
Vertelperspectief | Narrative mode |
Vert-en-Drouais | Vert-en-Drouais |
Vertepunt | Far point |
Vértesacsa | Vértesacsa |
Vértesboglár | Vértesboglár |
Vérteskethely | Vérteskethely |
Vértessomló | Vértessomló |
Vértestolna | Vértestolna |
Verteuil-d'Agenais | Verteuil-d'Agenais |
Vertex | Vertex |
Vertexoperatoralgebra | Vertex operator algebra |
Verthemex | Verthemex |
Vertheuil | Vertheuil |
Verticaal | Vertical direction |
Vertical Velocity | Vertical Velocity (roller coaster) |
Verticale | Vertical |
Verticale integratie | Vertical integration |
Verticale landbouw | Vertical farming |
Verticale migratie | Diel vertical migration |
Verticale programmering | Block programming |
Verticale temperatuurgradiënt | Lapse rate |
Verticale tuin | Green wall |
Verticale windtunnel | Vertical wind tunnel |
Verticale zoekmachine | Vertical search |
Verticaleaswindturbine | Vertical axis wind turbine |
Verticuteermachine | Dethatcher |
Vertigo | Vertigo (disambiguation) |
Vertigo (film) | Vertigo (movie) |
Vertigo (slak) | Vertigo (gastropod) |
Vertigo (U2) | Vertigo (U2 song) |
Vertigo alpestris | Vertigo alpestris |
Vertigo antivertigo | Vertigo antivertigo |
Vertigo genesii | Vertigo genesii |
Vertigo geyeri | Vertigo geyeri |
Vertigo heldi | Vertigo heldi |
Vertigo lilljeborgi | Vertigo lilljeborgi |
Vertigo pusilla | Vertigo pusilla |
Vertigo ronnebyensis | Vertigo ronnebyensis |
Vertigo substriata | Vertigo substriata |
Vertigo Tour | Vertigo Tour |
Vertigoshot | Dolly zoom |
Vert-le-Grand | Vert-le-Grand |
Vert-le-Petit | Vert-le-Petit |
Vertolaye | Vertolaye |
Vertomarus | Viridomarus |
Verton | Verton |
Vertoog | Discourse |
Vertrieu | Vertrieu |
Vertrouwde derde partij | Trusted third party |
Vertrouwen | Trust (social sciences) |
Vert-Toulon | Vert-Toulon |
Vertu | Vertu |
Vertumnus | Vertumnus |
Veruela (Agusan del Sur) | Veruela, Agusan del Sur |
Verus | Verus |
Verus (tegenkeizer) | Verus (senator) |
Vervalenergie | Decay energy |
Vervalproduct | Decay product |
Vervalreeks | Decay chain |
Vervalsing | Forgery |
Vervangbaar goed | Fungibility |
Vervant | Vervant |
Vervant (Charente) | Vervant, Charente |
Vervant (Charente-Maritime) | Vervant, Charente-Maritime |
Verve | Verve |
Verve Records | Verve Records |
Verveling | Boredom |
Vervelling | Ecdysis |
Verven (textiel) | Dyeing |
Vervet | Vervet monkey |
Vervoeging | Grammatical conjugation |
Vervoer | Transport |
Vervoer in België | Transport in Belgium |
Vervoer in India | Transport in India |
Vervoer in Londen | Transport in London |
Vervoer in Nederland | Transport in the Netherlands |
Vervoer in Thailand | Transport in Thailand |
Vervoerbewijs | Train ticket |
Vervoermiddel | Mode of transport |
Vervoersbewijzen voor het openbaar vervoer in de regio Île-de-France | Public transport fares in the Île-de-France |
Vervolg (werk) | Sequel |
Vervolgoorlog | Continuation war |
Vervreemding | Alienation |
Vervreemdingszone | Chernobyl Exclusion Zone |
Vervulbaarheid | Satisfiability |
Vervulbaarheidsprobleem | Boolean satisfiability problem |
Verwachting | Expectation |
Verwachting (sociologie) | Expectation (epistemic) |
Verwachting (wiskunde) | Expected value |
Verwachtingstheorie | Expectancy theory |
Verwallgroep | Verwall Alps |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Allstedt-Kaltenborn | Allstedt-Kaltenborn |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Altenburger Land | Altenburger Land (Verwaltungsgemeinschaft) |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Annaburg-Prettin | Annaburg-Prettin |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Ballenstedt/Bode-Selke-Aue | Ballenstedt/Bode-Selke-Aue |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Coswig (Anhalt) | Coswig (Verwaltungsgemeinschaft) |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Elbaue-Fläming | Elbaue-Fläming |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Gerbstedt | Gerbstedt (Verwaltungsgemeinschaft) |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Gernrode/Harz | Gernrode/Harz |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Gleichberge | Gleichberge |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Götschetal-Petersberg | Götschetal-Petersberg |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Greußen | Greußen (Verwaltungsgemeinschaft) |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Hettstedt | Hettstedt (Verwaltungsgemeinschaft) |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Kyffhäuser | Kyffhäuser (Verwaltungsgemeinschaft) |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Lützen-Wiesengrund | Lützen-Wiesengrund |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Möckern-Loburg-Fläming | Möckern-Loburg-Fläming |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Oberes Sprottental | Oberes Sprottental |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Oschersleben | Oschersleben (Verwaltungsgemeinschaft) |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Osterburg | Osterburg (Verwaltungsgemeinschaft) |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Östlicher Saalkreis | Östlicher Saalkreis |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Saaletal | Saaletal |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Saalkreis Nord | Saalkreis Nord |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Salzwedel-Land | Salzwedel-Land |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Südliche Altmark | Südliche Altmark |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Tangerhütte-Land | Tangerhütte-Land |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Thale | Thale (Verwaltungsgemeinschaft) |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Tor zur Dübener Heide | Tor zur Dübener Heide |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Vier Berge-Teucherner Land | Vier Berge-Teucherner Land |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Weißenfelser Land | Weißenfelser Land |
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Wörlitzer Winkel | Wörlitzer Winkel |
Verwantschap | Kinship |
Verwantschapssysteem | Kinship terminology |
Verwelkingspunt | Permanent wilting point |
Verwelkingsziekte | Verticillium |
Verwering | Weathering |
Verwerkt Eucheuma-wier | Eucheuma |
Verweyhal | Verweyhal |
Verwilderde kat | Feral cat |
Verwoestijning | Desertification |
Verwolde | Verwolde |
Verwonding | Trauma (medicine) |
Verwood | Verwood |
Very | Very |
Véry | Véry |
Very (Pet Shop Boys) | Very (Pet Shop Boys album) |
Very high frequency | Very high frequency |
Very Large Telescope | Very Large Telescope |
Very Long Baseline Interferometry | Very-long-baseline interferometry |
Very low frequency | Very low frequency |
Very small aperture terminal | Very-small-aperture terminal |
Very-low-density-lipoproteïne | Very low-density lipoprotein |
Verzadigd vet | Saturated fat |
Verzadiging | Saturation |
Verzadiging (kleur) | Colorfulness |
Verzakers | Forsaken (Wheel of Time) |
Verzamelalbum | Compilation album |
Verzamelen | Collecting |
Verzamelgebied (munten) | Coin collecting |
Verzameling | Collection |
Verzameling (informatica) | Set (abstract data type) |
Verzameling (wiskunde) | Set (mathematics) |
Verzamelingenleer | Set theory |
Verzamelzucht | Compulsive hoarding |
Verzé | Verzé |
Verzeille | Verzeille |
Verzekering | Insurance |
Verzekeringsmaatschappij | Assurance |
Verzekeringsmakelaar | Insurance broker |
Verzekeringspolis | Insurance policy |
Verzekeringspremie | Gross premiums written |
Verzenay | Verzenay |
Verzeping | Saponification |
Verzepingsgetal | Saponification value |
Verzet (fiets) | Gear inches |
Verzet (Tweede Wereldoorlog) | Resistance during World War II |
Verzetsbeweging | Resistance movement |
Verzetsleger van de Heer | Lord's Resistance Army |
Verzetsmuseum Amsterdam | Verzetsmuseum |
Verziendheid | Hyperopia |
Verzilting | Soil salinity |
Verzoeking van Christus | Temptation of Christ |
Verzoeking van de heilige Antonius | The Temptation of St. Anthony |
Verzoeking van de heilige Antonius (Madrid) | The Temptation of St Anthony (Bosch painting) |
Verzoeningsleer | Atonement |
Verzorgingsgebied | Catchment area (human geography) |
Verzorgingsplaats | Rest area |
Verzorgingsstaat | Welfare state |
Verzuiling | Pillarisation |
Verzuim | Absenteeism |
Verzuring | Soil pH |
Ves Touškov | Ves Touškov |
Vesaignes-sous-Lafauche | Vesaignes-sous-Lafauche |
Vesaignes-sur-Marne | Vesaignes-sur-Marne |
Vesakha Puja | Vesak |
Vesce | Vesce (Tábor District) |
Vescles | Vescles |
Vescours | Vescours |
Vescovato | Vescovato |
Vescovato (Cremona) | Vescovato, Lombardy |
Vescovato (Haute-Corse) | Vescovato, Haute-Corse |
Vesder | Vesdre |
Vesdun | Vesdun |
Vése | Vése |
Veselá (okres Pelhřimov) | Veselá (Pelhřimov District) |
Veselá (okres Rokycany) | Veselá (Rokycany District) |
Veselá (okres Semily) | Veselá (Semily District) |
Veselá (okres Zlín) | Veselá (Zlín District) |
Veselé (okres Děčín) | Veselé (Děčín District) |
Veselé (okres Piešťany) | Veselé |
Veselí nad Moravou | Veselí nad Moravou |
Veselíčko (okres Písek) | Veselíčko (Písek District) |
Veselíčko (okres Přerov) | Veselíčko (Přerov District) |
Veselin Topalov | Veselin Topalov |
Veselý Žďár | Veselý Žďár |
Veseniće | Veseniće |
Vesico-ureterale reflux | Vesicoureteral reflux |
Vesico-vaginale fistel | Vesicovaginal fistula |
Vesiculaire stomatitis | Vesicular stomatitis virus |
Vésigneul-sur-Marne | Vésigneul-sur-Marne |
Vesikel (cel) | Vesicle |
Vésines | Vésines |
Vesjegonsk | Vesyegonsk |
Veskimetsa | Veskimetsa |
Veskoviće | Veskoviće |
Vesles-et-Caumont | Vesles-et-Caumont |
Veslud | Veslud |
Vesly | Vesly |
Vesly (Eure) | Vesly, Eure |
Vesly (Manche) | Vesly, Manche |
Vesna Dolonts | Vesna Dolonc |
Vespa | Vespa (disambiguation) |
Vespa Ciao | Piaggio Ciao |
Vespa LX | Vespa LX 150 |
Vesparax | Vesparax |
Vespasiano da Bisticci | Vespasiano da Bisticci |
Vespasianus | Vespasian |
Vesper (cocktail) | Vesper (cocktail) |
Vespers | Vespers |
Vessel traffic service | Vessel traffic service |
Vessem | Vessem |
Vessem, Wintelre en Knegsel | Vessem, Wintelre en Knegsel |
Vessey | Vessey, Manche |
Vessigebro | Vessigebro |
Vest | Vest (disambiguation) |
Vest Recklinghausen | Vest Recklinghausen |
Vesta | Vesta |
Vesta (mythologie) | Vesta (mythology) |
Vesta (planetoïde) | 4 Vesta |
Vestaalse maagden | Vestal Virgin |
Vest-Agder | Vest-Agder |
Vestas | Vestas |
Vestavia Hills | Vestavia Hills, Alabama |
Vestbanen | Vestbanen |
Vestec | Vestec |
Vestec (okres Náchod) | Vestec (Náchod District) |
Vestec (okres Nymburk) | Vestec (Nymburk District) |
Vestedatoren | Vesteda Toren |
Vester | Vester Guitars |
Vester Hassing | Vester Hassing |
Vesterbro | Vesterbro, Copenhagen |
Vestermarie (plaats) | Vestermarie |
Vestfirðir | Westfjords |
Vestfjarðargöng | Vestfjarðagöng |
Vestfold | Vestfold |
Vesthimmerland | Vesthimmerland Municipality |
Vesti la giubba | Vesti la giubba |
Vestibule | Vestibule (architecture) |
Vestibulo-oculaire reflex | Vestibulo-ocular reflex |
Vestigingsgebied | Pale of Settlement |
Věstín | Věstín |
Vesting (verdedigingswerk) | Stronghold |
Vesting Poznań | Poznań Fortress |
Vestingwerken van Vauban | Fortifications of Vauban |
Vestiniaans | Vestinian language |
Vestlandet | Western Norway |
Vestmannaeyjar | Vestmannaeyjar |
Vestric-et-Candiac | Vestric-et-Candiac |
Vestsjælland | West Zealand County |
Vesturland | Western Region (Iceland) |
Vestzakslagschip | Deutschland-class cruiser |
Vesuvianiet | Vesuvianite |
Vesuvius | Vesuvius (disambiguation) |
Vesuvius (vulkaan) | Mount Vesuvius |
Vesvres | Vesvres |
Vesvres-sous-Chalancey | Vesvres-sous-Chalancey |
Veszprém (comitaat) | Veszprém County |
Veszprém (stad) | Veszprém |
Veszprémfajsz | Veszprémfajsz |
Veszprémgalsa | Veszprémgalsa |
Veszprémi LC | FC Veszprém |
Veszprémvarsány | Veszprémvarsány |
Vet | Fat |
Vetala | Vetala |
Vetalcohol | Fatty alcohol |
Vetas | Vetas |
Vetblad | Pinguicula vulgaris |
Vețca | Vețca |
Vete | Feud |
Vețel | Vețel |
Veter | Shoelaces |
Veteraan | Veteran |
Veteran | Veteran (disambiguation) |
Veteranenmedaille (Frankrijk) | Médaillon Des Deux Épées |
Veterans Memorial Highway | Veterans Memorial Highway |
Veterknoop | Shoelace knot |
Veterná Poruba | Veterná Poruba |
Věteřov | Věteřov |
Vetigastropoda | Vetigastropoda |
Vetiș | Vetiș |
Vetivazuleen | Vetivazulene |
Vetiver | Chrysopogon zizanioides |
Vetje (vis) | Leucaspius delineatus |
Vetkoek | Vetkoek |
Vetkruid | Sedum |
Vetkruidblauwtje | Scolitantides orion |
Vetkuif | Pompadour (hairstyle) |
Vetlanda (gemeente) | Vetlanda Municipality |
Vetpercentage | Body fat percentage |
Vetplantenfamilie | Crassulaceae |
Vėtra Vilnius | FK Vėtra |
Větrušice | Větrušice |
Vetschau/Spreewald | Vetschau |
Vetsje | Veche |
Vetstaartbuidelmuis | Fat-tailed false antechinus |
Vetstaartkatmaki | Fat-tailed dwarf lemur |
Vettaks | Fat tax |
Vetter | Vetter |
Vetvervangers | Fat substitute |
Vetvogel | Oilbird |
Vetweefsel | Adipose tissue |
Vetzuur | Fatty acid |
Veuil | Veuil |
Veuilly-la-Poterie | Veuilly-la-Poterie |
Veulen (dier) | Foal |
Veulen (sterrenbeeld) | Equuleus |
Veulettes-sur-Mer | Veulettes-sur-Mer |
Veurey-Voroize | Veurey-Voroize |
Veurne | Veurne |
Veuve Clicquot | Veuve Clicquot |
Veuves | Veuves |
Veuvey-sur-Ouche | Veuvey-sur-Ouche |
Veuxhaulles-sur-Aube | Veuxhaulles-sur-Aube |
Vevay | Vevay, Indiana |
Vevčani | Vevčani Municipality |
Vevčice | Vevčice |
Vever | Vever |
Vevey (district) | Vevey District |
Veveyse | Veveyse District |
Vevi | Vevi |
Vex | Vex, Switzerland |
Vexillatio | Vexillatio |
Vexille | Vexille |
Vexillologie | Vexillology |
Vexillologisch symbool | Glossary of vexillology |
Vexillum vulpecula | Vexillum vulpecula |
Veyrac | Veyrac |
Veyras (Frankrijk) | Veyras, Ardèche |
Veyras (Zwitserland) | Veyras, Switzerland |
Veyreau | Veyreau |
Veyre-Monton | Veyre-Monton |
Veyrier | Veyrier |
Veyrières (Cantal) | Veyrières, Cantal |
Veyrières (Corrèze) | Veyrières, Corrèze |
Veyrignac | Veyrignac |
Veyrines-de-Domme | Veyrines-de-Domme |
Veyrines-de-Vergt | Veyrines-de-Vergt |
Veyrins-Thuellin | Veyrins-Thuellin |
Veyron | Veyron |
Veysel Cihan | Veysel Cihan |
Veysel Sarı | Veysel Sarı |
Veyssilieu | Veyssilieu |
Vez | Vez |
Věž | Věž |
Vézac (Cantal) | Vézac, Cantal |
Vézac (Dordogne) | Vézac, Dordogne |
Vézannes | Vézannes |
Vézaponin | Vézaponin |
Vèze | Vèze, Cantal |
Vezel | Fibre |
Vezelbundel | Fiber bundle |
Vezels van Sharpey | Sharpey's fibres |
Vezels-Roussy | Vezels-Roussy |
Vezelversterkte kunststof | Fibre-reinforced plastic |
Vézézoux | Vézézoux |
Vézières | Vézières |
Vézillon | Vézillon |
Vézilly | Vézilly |
Vezina Trophy | Vezina Trophy |
Vezin-le-Coquet | Vezin-le-Coquet |
Vezins | Vezins, Maine-et-Loire |
Vézins-de-Lévézou | Vézins-de-Lévézou |
Věžky (okres Kroměříž) | Věžky (Kroměříž District) |
Věžky (okres Přerov) | Věžky (Přerov District) |
Věžná (okres Pelhřimov) | Věžná (Pelhřimov District) |
Věžná (okres Žďár nad Sázavou) | Věžná (Žďár nad Sázavou District) |
Věžnice (okres Havlíčkův Brod) | Věžnice (Havlíčkův Brod District) |
Věžnice (okres Jihlava) | Věžnice (Jihlava District) |
Vezot | Vezot |
Vezseny | Vezseny |
Vezza d'Alba | Vezza d'Alba |
Vezza d'Oglio | Vezza d'Oglio |
Vezzano | Vezzano, Trentino |
VfB 1900 Gießen | VfB Gießen |
VfB 1900 Offenbach | VfB 1900 Offenbach |
VfB 1906 Sangerhausen | VfB Sangerhausen |
VfB Auerbach 1906 | VfB Auerbach |
VfB Hüls | VfB Hüls |
VfB Marburg | VfB Marburg |
VfB Pößneck | VfB Pößneck |
VfB Rot-Weiß 04 Braunschweig | VfB Rot-Weiß 04 Braunschweig |
VfL 1860 Marburg | VfL Marburg |
VfL Altenbögge | SpVg Bönen |
VfL Benrath | VfL 06 Benrath |
VfL Bergen 94 | VfL Bergen |
VfL Frohnlach | VfL Frohnlach |
VfL Halle 1896 | VfL Halle 1896 |
VfL Köln 1899 | VfL Köln 99 |
VfL Leverkusen | VfL Leverkusen |
VfL Neustadt bei Coburg | TBVfL Neustadt-Wildenheid |
VfL Nord Berlin | VfL Nord Berlin |
VfL Stettin | VfL Stettin |
VfL Wolfsburg | VfL Wolfsburg |
V-Force | V bomber |
VfR 1897 Breslau | SV Blitz Breslau |
VfR Bürstadt | VfR Bürstadt |
VfR Pforzheim | VfR Pforzheim |
VfR Wormatia Worms | Wormatia Worms |
VFW-614 | VFW-Fokker 614 |
VG Chartz | VG Chartz |
VG-lista | VG-lista |
VGTRK | All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company |
Vhembe | Vhembe District Municipality |
VHF | VHF (disambiguation) |
VHF omnidirectional range station | VHF omnidirectional range |
VHS | VHS (disambiguation) |
VHS (video) | VHS |
VHTR | Very high temperature reactor |
Vị Thanh (stad) | Vị Thanh city |
Via Aemilia | Via Aemilia |
Via Appia | Appian Way |
Via Condotti | Via Condotti |
Via dei Fori Imperiali | Via dei Fori Imperiali |
Via del Corso | Via del Corso |
Via Domitia | Via Domitia |
Via ferrata | Via ferrata |
Via Garibaldi | Via Garibaldi (Genoa) |
Via Giulia | Via Giulia |
Via Laietana | Via Laietana, Barcelona |
Via Latina | Via Latina |
Via Mala | Via Mala (disambiguation) |
Via Nazionale | Via Nazionale (Rome) |
Via Ostiensis | Via Ostiensis |
VIA Rail | Via Rail |
Via Sacra | Via Sacra |
Via Traiana | Via Traiana |
Via Traiana Nova | Via Traiana Nova |
Viacha (gemeente) | Viacha Municipality |
Viacha (plaats) | Viacha |
Viadana (Italië) | Viadana, Lombardy |
Viaduc d'Austerlitz | Viaduc d'Austerlitz |
Viaduc de Garabit | Garabit viaduct |
Viaduct | Viaduct |
Viaduct van Millau | Millau Viaduct |
Viaduct van Vilvoorde | Vilvoorde Viaduct |
Viaducto César Gaviria Trujillo | César Gaviria Trujillo Viaduct |
Viaggio Italiano | Viaggio Italiano |
Viala-du-Pas-de-Jaux | Viala-du-Pas-de-Jaux |
Viala-du-Tarn | Viala-du-Tarn |
Vialer | Vialer |
Viana (Spanje) | Viana, Spain |
Viana de Jadraque | Viana de Jadraque |
Viana do Bolo | Viana do Bolo |
Viana do Castelo (district) | Viana do Castelo District |
Viana do Castelo (stad) | Viana do Castelo Municipality |
Viane (Frankrijk) | Viane, Tarn |
Vianen | Vianen (disambiguation) |
Vianen (Utrecht) | Vianen |
Vianges | Vianges |
Vianí | Viani, Cundinamarca |
Viannos | Viannos |
Viano | Viano |
Vianópolis | Vianópolis |
Viâpres-le-Petit | Viâpres-le-Petit |
Viarmes | Viarmes |
Vias | Vias, Hérault |
Viaticum | Viaticum |
Viatodos | Viatodos |
Viator (Spanje) | Viator |
Viatorianen | Clerics of Saint Viator |
Viazac | Viazac |
Vibble | Vibble |
Viberti | Viberti |
Vibeuf | Vibeuf |
Vibhuti | Vibhuti |
Vibia Sabina | Vibia Sabina |
Vibo Valentia (provincie) | Province of Vibo Valentia |
Viborg | Viborg |
Viborg (gemeente) | Viborg Municipality |
Viborg (provincie) | Viborg County |
Viborg (South Dakota) | Viborg, South Dakota |
Viborg (stad) | Viborg, Denmark |
Viborgstadion | Viborg Stadion |
Vibrac | Vibrac |
Vibrac (Charente) | Vibrac, Charente |
Vibrac (Charente-Maritime) | Vibrac, Charente-Maritime |
Vibrafoon | Vibraphone |
Vibratiespectroscopie | Molecular vibration |
Vibrato (gitaaronderdeel) | Vibrato systems for guitar |
Vibrator | Vibrator (sex toy) |
Viburnum (Missouri) | Viburnum, Missouri |
Viburnum tinus | Viburnum tinus |
Vic | VIC |
Vic Berton | Vic Berton |
Vic Feather | Vic Feather |
Vic Gonsalves | Vic Gonsalves |
Vic Lewis | Vic Lewis |
Vic Wilson | Vic Wilson (racing driver) |
Vic Wunderle | Vic Wunderle |
Vicálvaro | Vicálvaro |
Vícar | Vícar |
Vicar (striptekenaar) | Vicar (comics) |
Vicariant (biologie) | Vicariance |
Vicarie | Benefice |
Vicarious Visions | Vicarious Visions |
Vicaris | Vicar |
Vicaris-generaal | Vicar general |
Vicco von Bülow | Vicco von Bülow |
Vic-de-Chassenay | Vic-de-Chassenay |
Vic-des-Prés | Vic-des-Prés |
Vicdessos | Vicdessos |
Vice City | Vice City |
Vice Vukov | Vice Vukov |
Viceadmiraal | Vice admiral |
Vicedominus de Vicedominis | Vicedomino de Vicedominis |
Vicekanselier | Vice-Chancellor (disambiguation) |
Vicekanselier (Duitsland) | Vice-Chancellor of Germany |
Vicekanselier (Oostenrijk) | Vice-Chancellor of Austria |
Vicenç Piera | Vicente Piera |
Vicente Belda | Vicente Belda |
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez | Vicente Blasco Ibañez |
Vicente Calderón | Vicente Calderón |
Vicente Cañas | Vicente Cañas |
Vicente de Lima | Vicente de Lima |
Vicente Dutra | Vicente Dutra |
Vicente Ehate Tomi | Vicente Ehate Tomi |
Vicente Engonga | Vicente Engonga |
Vicente Ferrer Moncho | Vicente Ferrer Moncho |
Vicente Filisola | Vicente Filisola |
Vicente Guerrero | Vicente Guerrero (disambiguation) |
Vicente Iborra | Vicente Iborra |
Vicente Leñero | Vicente Leñero |
Vicente Lombardo Toledano | Vicente Lombardo Toledano |
Vicente López (partido) | Vicente López Partido |
Vicente López Carril | Vicente López Carril |
Vicente Ramón Roca | Vicente Ramón Roca |
Vicente Reynés | Vicente Reynès |
Vicente Rodríguez | Vicente Rodríguez |
Vicente Sotto III | Tito Sotto |
Vicente Tosta | Vicente Tosta |
Vicentina | Vicentina |
Vicentinópolis | Vicentinópolis |
Vicenza (provincie) | Province of Vicenza |
Vicenza (stad) | Vicenza |
Vicenza Calcio | Vicenza Calcio |
Vicepremier | Deputy prime minister |
Vicepresident | Vice president |
Vicepresident van de Verenigde Staten | Vice President of the United States |
Vicepresident van Gambia | Vice President of the Gambia |
Vicepresident van Suriname | Vice President of Suriname |
Vich | Vich, Switzerland |
Vichada (departement) | Vichada department |
Vichel | Vichel |
Vichel-Nanteuil | Vichel-Nanteuil |
Vichères | Vichères |
Vicherey | Vicherey |
Víchová nad Jizerou | Víchová nad Jizerou |
Vichren Sandanski | FC Vihren Sandanski |
Vichte | Vichte |
Vichuquén | Vichuquén |
Vichy | Vichy (disambiguation) |
Vichy 80 | The Vichy 80 |
Vichy-Frankrijk | Vichy France |
Vicia sativa | Vicia sativa |
Vicién | Vicién |
Vicieuze cirkel | Virtuous circle and vicious circle |
Vicinaal | Vicinal (chemistry) |
Viciria | Viciria |
Vickers | Vickers (disambiguation) |
Vickers Light Tank | Light Tank Mk VI |
Vickers M.18 | Vickers machine gun |
Vickers VC.1 Viking | Vickers VC.1 Viking |
Vickers VC-10 | Vickers VC10 |
Vickershardheid | Vickers hardness test |
Vicki Brown | Vicki Brown |
Vicki Lewis | Vicki Lewis |
Vicki Sue Robinson | Vicki Sue Robinson |
Vickleby | Vickleby |
Vickreyveiling | Vickrey auction |
Vicksburg (Michigan) | Vicksburg, Michigan |
Vicksburg (Mississippi) | Vicksburg, Mississippi |
Vicksburgveldtocht | Vicksburg Campaign |
Vic-le-Fesq | Vic-le-Fesq |
Vico (Frankrijk) | Vico, Corse-du-Sud |
Vicodin | Hydrocodone/paracetamol |
Vicomeer | Lake Vico |
Viçosa | Viçosa |
Viçosa (Minas Gerais) | Viçosa, Minas Gerais |
Vicq (Allier) | Vicq, Allier |
Vicq (Haute-Marne) | Vicq, Haute-Marne |
Vicq (Noorderdepartement) | Vicq, Nord |
Vicq (Yvelines) | Vicq, Yvelines |
Vicq-d'Auribat | Vicq-d'Auribat |
Vicq-Exemplet | Vicq-Exemplet |
Vicq-sur-Breuilh | Vicq-sur-Breuilh |
Vicq-sur-Gartempe | Vicq-sur-Gartempe |
Vicq-sur-Nahon | Vicq-sur-Nahon |
Vicques (Calvados) | Vicques, Calvados |
Vicques (Zwitserland) | Vicques, Switzerland |
Vic-sous-Thil | Vic-sous-Thil |
Vic-sur-Aisne | Vic-sur-Aisne |
Victim of Love | Victim of Love |
Victimae paschali laudes | Victimae paschali laudes |
Victimologie | Victimology |
Victims Family | Victims Family |
Victini | Victini |
Victoire Ingabire | Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza |
Victoire Louise van Frankrijk | Princess Victoire of France |
Victor (Idaho) | Victor, Idaho |
Victor (Montana) | Victor, Montana |
Victor (voornaam) | Victor (name) |
Víctor Álvarez | Víctor Álvarez Delgado |
Victor Amadeus Adolf van Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym | Victor I, Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym |
Victor Amadeus I van Savoye | Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy |
Victor Amadeus I van Savoye-Carignano | Victor Amadeus I, Prince of Carignano |
Victor Amadeus II van Sardinië | Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia |
Victor Amadeus II van Savoye-Carignano | Victor Amadeus II, Prince of Carignano |
Victor Amadeus III van Sardinië | Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia |
Victor Amadeus van Anhalt-Bernburg | Victor Amadeus, Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg |
Victor Amadeus van Hessen-Rotenburg | Victor Amadeus, Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg |
Victor Argo | Victor Argo |
Victor Augustus Dechamps | Victor-Auguste-Isidor Deschamps |
Victor Bailey | Victor Bailey (musician) |
Victor Bendix | Victor Bendix |
Víctor Bonilla | Víctor Bonilla |
Victor Chauvin | Victor Chauvin |
Victor Ciorbea | Victor Ciorbea |
Victor d'Arcy | Victor d'Arcy |
Victor de Broglie (1785-1870) | Victor de Broglie (1785–1870) |
Victor de Laveleye | Victor de Laveleye |
Victor de Riqueti | Victor de Riqueti, marquis de Mirabeau |
Victor D'Hondt | Victor D'Hondt |
Victor Dubuisson | Victor Dubuisson |
Victor Emanuel | Victor Emmanuel |
Victor Emanuel I van Sardinië | Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia |
Victor Emanuel II van Italië | Victor Emmanuel II of Savoy |
Victor Emanuel III van Italië | Vittorio Emanuele III |
Victor Emanuel van Savoye | Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples |
Víctor Fajardo (provincie) | Víctor Fajardo Province |
Victor Ferreyra | Victor Ferreyra |
Victor Franz Hess | Victor Francis Hess |
Victor Frederik van Anhalt-Bernburg | Victor Frederick, Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg |
Victor Ganz | Victor Ganz |
Victor Gaskin | Victor Gaskin |
Víctor González Torres | Víctor González Torres |
Victor Graeff | Victor Graeff |
Victor Guerin | Victor Guerin (racing driver) |
Victor Harbor | Victor Harbor, South Australia |
Victor Hugo (metrostation) | Victor Hugo (Paris Métro) |
Víctor Ibarbo | Víctor Ibarbo |
Victor II van Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym | Victor II, Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym |
Víctor Julio Suárez Rojas | Víctor Julio Suárez Rojas |
Victor Kac | Victor Kac |
Victor Kugler | Victor Kugler |
Victor Leclercq | Victor Leclercq |
Victor Lefranc | Victor Lefranc |
Victor Lemberechts | Victor Lemberechts |
Víctor Manuel Fernández Gutiérrez | Víctor (footballer born 1974) |
Victor Manuel Gerena | Víctor Manuel Gerena |
Victor Mees | Victor Mees |
Victor Moritz Goldschmidt | Victor Goldschmidt |
Victor Muller | Victor Muller |
Victor Newman | Victor Newman |
Victor Niño | Víctor Niño |
Victor Nsofor Obinna | Victor Obinna |
Victor Núñez | Víctor Núñez |
Víctor Pacheco | Víctor Pacheco |
Victor Palciauskas | Victor Palciauskas |
Victor Pálsson | Victor Pálsson |
Victor Perez | Victor Perez |
Victor Raider-Wexler | Victor Raider-Wexler |
Victor Rousseau | Victor Rousseau |
Víctor Ruiz | Víctor Ruiz Torre |
Víctor Sánchez del Amo | Víctor Sánchez |
Víctor Sánchez Mata | Víctor Sánchez Mata |
Victor Schütze | Viktor Schütze |
Victor Servranckx | Victor Servranckx |
Victor Simões de Oliveira | Victor Simões |
Victor Slezak | Victor Slezak |
Victor Sumulong | Victor Sumulong |
Víctor Ugarte | Víctor Ugarte |
Victor van Aveyron | Victor of Aveyron |
Victor van Marseille | Victor of Marseilles |
Victor van Solothurn | Victor of Solothurn |
Victor Van Straelen | Victor van Straelen |
Victor van Strydonck de Burkel | Victor van Strydonck de Burkel |
Victor van Xanten | Viktor of Xanten |
Victor Victoria | Victor Victoria |
Victor Vitensis | Victor Vitensis |
Victor Vroom | Victor Vroom |
Victor Wegria | Victor Wégria |
Victor Willems | Victor Willems |
Victor Williams | Victor Williams (actor) |
Victor-François de Broglie | Victor-François, 2nd duc de Broglie |
Victoria (Australië) | Victoria (Australia) |
Victoria (Brașov) | Victoria, Brașov |
Victoria (Caldas) | Victoria, Caldas |
Victoria (Canada) | Victoria, British Columbia |
Victoria (Chili) | Victoria, Chile |
Victoria (departement) | Victoria Department |
Victoria (Entre Ríos) | Victoria, Entre Ríos |
Victoria (godin) | Victoria (mythology) |
Victoria (krater) | Victoria (crater) |
Victoria (Laguna) | Victoria, Laguna |
Victoria (Malta) | Victoria, Gozo |
Victoria (Neurenberg) | Victoria (motorcycle) |
Victoria (Northern Samar) | Victoria, Northern Samar |
Victoria (Oriental Mindoro) | Victoria, Oriental Mindoro |
Victoria (planetoïde) | 12 Victoria |
Victoria (plantengeslacht) | Victoria (plant) |
Victoria (rivier) | Victoria River (Northern Territory) |
Victoria (roman) | Victoria (novel) |
Victoria (Rusland) | Victoria Island (Russian Arctic) |
Victoria (schip) | Victoria (ship) |
Victoria (Seychellen) | Victoria, Seychelles |
Victoria (Tarlac) | Victoria, Tarlac |
Victoria (Texas) | Victoria, Texas |
Victoria (voornaam) | Victoria (name) |
Victoria Adelheid van Sleeswijk-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg | Princess Victoria Adelaide of Schleswig-Holstein |
Victoria amazonica | Victoria amazonica |
Victoria Boekarest | Victoria București |
Victoria Cluj | Victoria Cluj |
Victoria County | Victoria County, Texas |
Victoria Cross | Victoria Cross |
Victoria cruziana | Victoria cruziana |
Victoria Dillard | Victoria Dillard |
Victoria Embankment | Victoria Embankment |
Victoria Eugénie van Battenberg | Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg |
Victoria Falls bridge | Victoria Falls Bridge |
Victoria Glendinning | Victoria Glendinning |
Victoria Hamilton | Victoria Hamilton |
Victoria Koblenko | Victoria Koblenko |
Victoria Larrière | Victoria Larrière |
Victoria Line | Victoria line |
Victoria Louise van Pruisen | Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia |
Victoria Maria van Hessen-Darmstadt | Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine |
Victoria Medal of Honour | Victoria Medal of Honour |
Victoria Melita van Saksen-Coburg en Gotha | Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha |
Victoria Park | Victoria Park |
Victoria Park (Dingwall) | Victoria Park, Dingwall |
Victoria Park (Hartlepool) | Victoria Park (Hartlepool) |
Victoria Peak | Victoria Peak |
Victoria Road | Victoria Road (Dagenham) |
Victoria Rosport | FC Victoria Rosport |
Victoria Station | Victoria station |
Victoria Towers | Victoria Towers |
Victoria van Baden | Victoria of Baden |
Victoria van het Verenigd Koninkrijk | Queen Victoria |
Victoria van Pruisen (1866-1929) | Princess Viktoria of Prussia |
Victoria van Saksen-Coburg en Gotha | Victoria, Princess Royal |
Victoria van Saksen-Coburg-Gotha-Koháry | Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha |
Victoria van Saksen-Coburg-Saalfeld | Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld |
Victoria van Zweden | Princess Victoria of Sweden |
Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun | Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun |
Victoriaans | Victorian |
Victoriaans tijdperk | Victorian era |
Victoriaanse architectuur | Victorian architecture |
Victoria-eiland | Victoria Island (Canada) |
Victorialand | Victoria Land |
Victoriameer | Lake Victoria |
Victorian Open | Victorian Open |
Victoriano Crémer | Victoriano Crémer |
Victoriapaleis | Victoria Palace |
Victorias | Victorias |
Victoria's Secret | Victoria's Secret |
Victoriawatervallen | Victoria Falls |
Victorica (La Pampa) | Victorica |
Victorinus | Victorinus |
Victorious | Victorious |
Victor-Marie d'Estrées | Victor-Marie d'Estrées |
Victorville | Victorville, California |
Victory | Victory (disambiguation) |
Victory (scheepstype) | Victory ship |
Victory Boogie Woogie | Victory Boogie-Woogie |
Victory Motorcycles | Victory Motorcycles |
Victory Road | Victory Road (video game) |
Victory Tour | Victory Tour (The Jacksons tour) |
Victot-Pontfol | Victot-Pontfol |
Victualiënbroeders | Victual Brothers |
Vicuña (Chili) | Vicuña, Chile |
Vicuña (zoogdier) | Vicuña |
Vicus Tuscus | Vicus Tuscus |
Vid | Vid |
Vid (Hongarije) | Vid, Hungary |
Vid Belec | Vid Belec |
Vida Jerman | Vida Jerman |
Vidago | Vidago |
Vidai | Vidai |
Vidaillac | Vidaillac |
Vidaillat | Vidaillat |
Vidal Blanc | Vidal blanc |
Vidal Ramos (Santa Catarina) | Vidal Ramos |
Vidalia | Vidalia |
Vidameer | Lake Vida |
Vidange Perdue | The Only One (film) |
Vidángoz | Vidángoz – Bidankoze |
Vidas Secas | Vidas Secas (film) |
Vide (Seia) | Vide (Seia) |
Videbæk | Videbæk |
Videcosville | Videcosville |
Videira | Videira |
Videix | Videix |
Videle | Videle |
Videlles | Videlles |
Videm (Podravska) | Municipality of Videm |
Vídeň | Vídeň (Žďár nad Sázavou District) |
Video | Video |
Video 2000 | Video 2000 |
Video Display Controller | Video Display Controller |
Video Electronics Standards Association | VESA |
Video for Windows | Video for Windows |
Video Games | Video Games (song) |
Video on demand | Video on demand |
Video poker | Video poker |
Video random-access memory | VRAM |
Video Rewind | Video Rewind |
Videoband | Videocassette recorder |
Videobestand | Digital container format |
Videobewerkingssoftware | Video editing software |
Videocapsule-endoscopie | Capsule endoscopy |
Video-cd | Video CD |
Videoclip | Music video |
Videoconferentie | Video conference |
Videodrome | Videodrome |
Videogame Rating Council | Videogame Rating Council |
Videojockey (televisie) | VJ (media personality) |
Videojournalistiek | Video journalism |
Videokaart | Video card |
Videokunst | Video art |
Videomontage | Video editing |
Videopac G7000 | Magnavox Odyssey² |
Videoprojector | Video projector |
Videorecorder | Video Cassette Recording |
Videosite | Video hosting service |
Videospelgenre | Video game genres |
Videotex | Videotex |
Videotheek | Video rental shop |
Videoton (bedrijf) | Videoton (company) |
Videoton FC | Videoton FC |
Vidice (okres Domažlice) | Vidice (Domažlice District) |
Vidigueira | Vidigueira Municipality |
Vidim | Vidim, Czech Republic |
Vidima-Rakovski Sevlievo | PFC Vidima-Rakovski Sevlievo |
Vidin (oblast) | Vidin Province |
Vidin (stad) | Vidin |
Vidlatá Seč | Vidlatá Seč |
Vidnoje | Vidnoye, Moscow Oblast |
Vidochov | Vidochov |
Viðofnir | Víðópnir |
Vidonín | Vidonín |
Vidor | Vidor (disambiguation) |
Vidor (Italië) | Vidor |
Vidou | Vidou |
Vidouville | Vidouville |
Vidouze | Vidouze |
Vidova gora | Vidova gora |
Vidovec | Vidovec |
Vidovo | Vidovo |
Vidra | Vidra |
Vidra (Alba) | Vidra, Alba |
Vidrarudam | Vidraru Dam |
Vidrarumeer | Lake Vidraru |
Vidsel | Vidsel |
Viduidae | Viduidae |
Viduklė | Viduklė |
Viedma | Viedma, Río Negro |
Viedmameer | Viedma Lake |
Viefvillers | Viefvillers |
Vieil-Hesdin | Vieil-Hesdin |
Vieille-Brioude | Vieille-Brioude |
Vieille-Chapelle | Vieille-Chapelle |
Vieille-Église | Vieille-Église |
Vieille-Église-en-Yvelines | Vieille-Église-en-Yvelines |
Vieille-Montagne | Vieille Montagne |
Vieilles-Maisons-sur-Joudry | Vieilles-Maisons-sur-Joudry |
Vieillespesse | Vieillespesse |
Vieillevie | Vieillevie |
Vieillevigne | Vieillevigne |
Vieillevigne (Haute-Garonne) | Vieillevigne, Haute-Garonne |
Vieillevigne (Loire-Atlantique) | Vieillevigne, Loire-Atlantique |
Vieilmoulin | Vieilmoulin |
Vieil-Moutier | Vieil-Moutier |
Vieira do Minho | Vieira do Minho Municipality |
Vieirópolis | Vieirópolis |
Vielank | Vielank |
Viel-Arcy | Viel-Arcy |
Vielha e Mijaran | Vielha e Mijaran |
Vielitzsee | Vielitzsee |
Viella (Gers) | Viella, Gers |
Viella (Hautes-Pyrénées) | Viella, Hautes-Pyrénées |
Vielle-Adour | Vielle-Adour |
Vielle-Aure | Vielle-Aure |
Vielle-Louron | Vielle-Louron |
Viellenave-d'Arthez | Viellenave-d'Arthez |
Viellenave-de-Navarrenx | Viellenave-de-Navarrenx |
Vielleségure | Vielleségure |
Vielle-Soubiran | Vielle-Soubiran |
Vielle-Tursan | Vielle-Tursan |
Vielmanay | Vielmanay |
Vielmur-sur-Agout | Vielmur-sur-Agout |
Vielprat | Vielprat |
Viel-Saint-Remy | Viel-Saint-Remy |
Viels-Maisons | Viels-Maisons |
Vielverge | Vielverge |
Vienau | Vienau |
Vienenburg | Vienenburg |
Vienna | Vienna (disambiguation) |
Vienna (album) | Vienna (album) |
Vienna (Georgia) | Vienna, Georgia |
Vienna (Illinois) | Vienna, Illinois |
Vienna (Missouri) | Vienna, Missouri |
Vienna (Virginia) | Vienna, Virginia |
Vienna (West Virginia) | Vienna, West Virginia |
Vienna Twin Tower | Vienna Twin Tower |
Viennay | Viennay |
Vienne | Vienne (disambiguation) |
Vienne (departement) | Vienne |
Vienne (rivier) | Vienne (river) |
Vienne (stad) | Vienne, Isère |
Vienne-en-Bessin | Vienne-en-Bessin |
Vienne-en-Val | Vienne-en-Val |
Vienne-la-Ville | Vienne-la-Ville |
Vienne-le-Château | Vienne-le-Château |
Viennoiserie | Viennoiserie |
Vientiane (khwaeng) | Vientiane Province |
Vientiane (prefectuur) | Vientiane Prefecture |
Vieques | Vieques, Puerto Rico |
Vier Gekroonde Martelaren | Four Crowned Martyrs |
Vier Graden van Verlichting | Four stages of enlightenment |
Vier Heemskinderen | The Four Sons of Aymon |
Vier heilige boeddhistische bergen in China | Sacred Mountains of China |
Vier Hemelse Koningen | Four Heavenly Kings |
Vier klassieke romans | Four Great Classical Novels |
Vier Leden van Vlaanderen | Four Members |
Vier letzte Lieder | Four Last Songs |
Vier Minuten | Four Minutes (film) |
Vier nobele waarheden | Four Noble Truths |
Vier op 'n rij | Connect Four |
Vier schatten van de studeerkamer | Four Treasures of the Study |
Vier zonen van Horus | Four sons of Horus |
Vieraella | Vieraella |
Vierbandspanner | Xanthorhoe ferrugata |
Vierbandzandhoen | Four-banded Sandgrouse |
Vier-Bordes | Vier-Bordes |
Viercontinentenkampioenschap | Four Continents Figure Skating Championships |
Viercontinentenkampioenschap 2003 | 2003 Four Continents Figure Skating Championships |
Vierdaagse van Duinkerke | Four Days of Dunkirk |
Vierdaagse Zeeslag | Four Days' Battle |
Vierde Coalitieoorlog | War of the Fourth Coalition |
Vierde conferentie van Moskou | Moscow Conference (1944) |
Vierde Engels-Nederlandse Oorlog | Fourth Anglo-Dutch War |
Vierde Franse Republiek | French Fourth Republic |
Vierde Internationale | Fourth International |
Vierde Koerilenstraat | Fourth Kuril Strait |
Vierde Kruistocht | Fourth Crusade |
Vierde Lateraans Concilie | Fourth Council of the Lateran |
Vierde Macedonische Oorlog | Fourth Macedonian War |
Vierde macht | Fourth branch of government |
Vierde Slag om Ieper | Battle of the Lys (1918) |
Vierde wand | Fourth wall |
Vierdegraadsvergelijking | Quartic function |
Vierden | Vierden |
Vierdeukenhoed | Campaign hat |
Vierdimensionale achtbaan | 4th Dimension roller coaster |
Vierdoornige stekelbaars | Apeltes quadracus |
Vierdradige meun | Fourbeard rockling |
Vierduizender | Four-thousander |
Viereck (Vorpommern) | Viereck |
Vierendeelbrug | Vierendeel bridge |
Vierendeling | Dismemberment |
Vierentwintig generaals van Takeda Shingen | Twenty-Four Generals of Takeda Shingen |
Vierentwintig Geschiedenissen | Twenty-Four Histories |
Viergroep van Klein | Klein four-group |
Vierheuvelenplaat | Midbrain tectum |
Vierhoek | Quadrilateral |
Vierhöfen | Vierhöfen |
Vierhoornantilope | Four-horned Antelope |
Vieri | Vieri (surname) |
Vierimpuls | Four-momentum |
Vierkamerstelsel | Tetracameralism |
Vierkant | Square |
Vierkant (meetkunde) | Square (geometry) |
Vierkant (schaken) | King and pawn versus king endgame |
Vierkant van Punnett | Punnett square |
Vierkante kilometer | Square kilometre |
Vierkante koepel | Square cupola |
Vierkante meter | Square metre |
Vierkante orthogonale dubbelkoepel | Square orthobicupola |
Vierkante piramide | Square pyramid |
Vierkantsvergelijking | Quadratic equation |
Vierkantsweerstand | Sheet resistance |
Vierkantswortel | Square root |
Vierkantvlekuil | Square-spot Rustic |
Vierkeizerjaar | Year of the Four Emperors |
Vierkirchen (Oberlausitz) | Vierkirchen, Saxony |
Vierkirchen (Opper-Beieren) | Vierkirchen |
Vierkleurenstelling | Four color theorem |
Vierkleurige koekoekshommel | Bombus sylvestris |
Vier-kwadratenstelling van Lagrange | Lagrange's four-square theorem |
Vierlandenpunt | Quadripoint |
Vierlandentoernooi | Four Nations |
Vierlandentoernooi (voetbal) | Nations Cup (football) |
Vierlas | Vierlas |
Vierlinden | Vierlinden |
Vierling | Vierling |
Vierlingsbeek | Vierlingsbeek |
Viermogendhedenakkoord over Berlijn | Four Power Agreement on Berlin |
Viernau | Viernau |
Vierogen | Anablepidae |
Vierogige koraalvlinder | Foureye butterflyfish |
Vieroogkikker | Physalaemus nattereri |
Vierpas | Quatrefoil |
Vierpolders | Vierpolders |
Viersat | Viersat |
Vierschaar | Tribunal |
Vierschansentoernooi | Four Hills Tournament |
Vierspitsspinneneter | Ero aphana |
Viersprong van de Schemer | Crossroads of Twilight |
Vierstipbeertje | Cybosia mesomella |
Vierstippige mierenzakkever | Clytra quadripunctata |
Vierstreepslang | Elaphe quatuorlineata |
Vierstromenfontein | Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi |
Viertaktmotor | Four-stroke engine |
Vierteenameiva | Teyu |
Vierteenlandschildpad | Russian tortoise |
Vierteenrenmuis | Four-toed jerboa |
Viertenige olifantspitsmuis | Four-toed elephant shrew |
Viertenige salamander | Four-toed salamander |
Viervector | Four-vector |
Vierville (Eure-et-Loir) | Vierville, Eure-et-Loir |
Vierville (Manche) | Vierville, Manche |
Vierville-sur-Mer | Vierville-sur-Mer |
Viervingerige rijsttenrek | Four-toed rice tenrec |
Viervlak | Tetrahedron |
Viervlakvlinder | Lithosia quadra |
Viervlek | Four-spotted Chaser |
Viervleklieveheersbeestje | Exochomus quadripustulatus |
Viervlekwielwebspin | Araneus quadratus |
Viervleugelnachtzwaluw | Standard-winged Nightjar |
Viervoeters (biologie) | Tetrapod |
Viervoudige binding | Quadruple bond |
Vierwielaandrijving | Four-wheel drive |
Vierwoudstrekenmeer | Lake Lucerne |
Vierzadige wikke | Vicia tetrasperma |
Vierzehnheiligen (basiliek) | Basilica of the Fourteen Holy Helpers |
Vierzy | Vierzy |
Vieska (okres Dunajská Streda) | Vieska, Dunajská Streda District |
Vieska (okres Veľký Krtíš) | Vieska, Veľký Krtíš District |
Vieska nad Blhom | Vieska nad Blhom |
Vieska nad Žitavou | Vieska nad Žitavou |
Viesly | Viesly |
Viessoix | Viessoix |
Việt Trì | Việt Trì |
Vietcong | National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam |
Vietminh | Vietnamese Independence League |
Vietnam | Vietnam |
Vietnam Air Service Company | Vietnam Air Service Company |
Vietnam op de Olympische Spelen | Vietnam at the Olympics |
Vietnam op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2004 | Vietnam at the 2004 Summer Olympics |
Vietnamees | Vietnamese language |
Vietnamees braille | Vietnamese Braille |
Vietnamees Vaderlandsfront | Vietnamese Fatherland Front |
Vietnamees voetbalelftal | Vietnam national football team |
Vietnamees wrattenzwijn | Heude's pig |
Vietnamese bladneusvleermuis | Vietnam leaf-nosed bat |
Vietnamese dong | Vietnamese dong |
Vietnamese naam | Vietnamese name |
Vietnamese voetbalbond | Vietnam Football Federation |
Vietnamese Wikipedia | Vietnamese Wikipedia |
Vietnamezen | Vietnamese people |
Vietnamoorlog | Vietnam War |
Vietnow | Vietnow |
Vieu-d'Izenave | Vieu-d'Izenave |
Vieure | Vieure |
Vieuvicq | Vieuvicq |
Vieuvy | Vieuvy |
Vieux (Calvados) | Vieux, Calvados |
Vieux (Tarn) | Vieux, Tarn |
Vieux Fort (kwartier) | Vieux Fort Quarter |
Vieux Lyon | Vieux Lyon |
Vieux-Boulogne | Vieux-Boulogne |
Vieux-Bourg | Vieux-Bourg |
Vieux-Champagne | Vieux-Champagne |
Vieux-Château | Vieux-Château |
Vieux-château de l'Île d'Yeu | Vieux-château de l'Île d'Yeu |
Vieux-Fort (Guadeloupe) | Vieux-Fort, Guadeloupe |
Vieux-Fumé | Vieux-Fumé |
Vieux-Manoir | Vieux-Manoir |
Vieux-Mesnil | Vieux-Mesnil |
Vieux-Moulin (Oise) | Vieux-Moulin, Oise |
Vieux-Moulin (Vosges) | Vieux-Moulin, Vosges |
Vieux-Pont | Vieux-Pont |
Vieux-Pont-en-Auge | Vieux-Pont-en-Auge |
Vieux-Port (Eure) | Vieux-Port |
Vieux-Port (Marseille) | Old Port of Marseille |
Vieux-Reng | Vieux-Reng |
Vieux-Rouen-sur-Bresle | Vieux-Rouen-sur-Bresle |
Vieux-Ruffec | Vieux-Ruffec |
Vieux-Viel | Vieux-Viel |
Vieux-Villez | Vieux-Villez |
Vieux-Vy-sur-Couesnon | Vieux-Vy-sur-Couesnon |
Vieuzos | Vieuzos |
Viévigne | Viévigne |
Viéville | Viéville |
Vievis | Vievis |
Vievy-le-Rayé | Vievy-le-Rayé |
View Park-Windsor Hills | View Park–Windsor Hills, California |
Viey | Viey |
Vif | Vif, Isère |
Viffort | Viffort |
VIFK Vasa | Vasa IFK |
VIG | Vig |
Viga | Viga, Catanduanes |
Vigala | Vigala Parish |
Vigan | Vigan |
Vigántpetend | Vigántpetend |
Vigeland | Vigeland, Norway |
Vigenèrecijfer | Vigenère cipher |
Vigeois | Vigeois |
Viger | Viger, Hautes-Pyrénées |
Vigesimaal | Vigesimal |
Vigeville | Vigeville |
Viggianello (Frankrijk) | Viggianello, Corse-du-Sud |
Viggianello (Italië) | Viggianello |
Viggo Jensen (voetballer, 1947) | Viggo Jensen (footballer born 1947) |
Viggo Johansen | Viggo Johansen |
Viggo Kampmann | Viggo Kampmann |
Viggo van Denemarken | Count Viggo of Rosenborg |
Vighizzolo d'Este | Vighizzolo d'Este |
Vigía del Fuerte | Vigía del Fuerte |
Vigilante 8 | Vigilante 8 |
Vigilante 8: Second Offense | Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense |
Vigintisexviri | Vigintisexviri |
Vigipirate | Vigipirate |
Viglain | Viglain |
Vigliano d'Asti | Vigliano d'Asti |
Viglius | Viglius |
Vignale (Corsica) | Vignale, Haute-Corse |
Vignats | Vignats |
Vignaux | Vignaux |
Vignec | Vignec |
Vignely | Vignely |
Vignemont | Vignemont |
Vignes (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) | Vignes, Pyrénées-Atlantiques |
Vignes (Yonne) | Vignes, Yonne |
Vignes-la-Côte | Vignes-la-Côte |
Vignettenmethode | Conjoint analysis |
Vignettering | Vignetting |
Vigneulles (Meurthe-et-Moselle) | Vigneulles |
Vigneulles-lès-Hattonchâtel | Vigneulles-lès-Hattonchâtel |
Vigneul-sous-Montmédy | Vigneul-sous-Montmédy |
Vigneux-de-Bretagne | Vigneux-de-Bretagne |
Vigneux-Hocquet | Vigneux-Hocquet |
Vigneux-sur-Seine | Vigneux-sur-Seine |
Vignevieille | Vignevieille |
Vignieu | Vignieu |
Vignoc | Vignoc |
Vignol | Vignol |
Vignola | Vignola |
Vignoles | Vignoles, Côte-d'Or |
Vignolles | Vignolles |
Vignols | Vignols |
Vignonet | Vignonet |
Vignot | Vignot |
Vignoux-sous-les-Aix | Vignoux-sous-les-Aix |
Vignoux-sur-Barangeon | Vignoux-sur-Barangeon |
Vigny (Moselle) | Vigny, Moselle |
Vigny (Val-d'Oise) | Vigny, Val-d'Oise |
Vigo | Vigo (disambiguation) |
Vigo (Spanje) | Vigo |
Vigo County | Vigo County, Indiana |
Vigolo | Vigolo |
Vigor Lamezia | Vigor Lamezia |
Vigor van Bayeux | Saint Vigor |
Vigošte | Vigošte |
Vigoulant | Vigoulant |
Vigoulet-Auzil | Vigoulet-Auzil |
Vigoux | Vigoux |
Vigrid | Vígríðr |
Vigueron | Vigueron |
Vihiga (district) | Vihiga County |
Vihula | Vihula Parish |
VII Korps (Verenigde Staten) | VII Corps (United States) |
Viile Satu Mare | Viile Satu Mare |
Viimsi | Viimsi Parish |
Viiratsi | Viiratsi Parish |
Viișoara (Bihor) | Viișoara, Bihor |
Viișoara (Cluj) | Viișoara, Cluj |
Viișoara (Mureș) | Viișoara, Mureș |
Vijand | Enemy |
Vijanden van Spider-Man | List of Spider-Man enemies |
Vijay Singh | Vijay Singh |
Vijayachelys silvatica | Cane turtle |
Vijayanagararijk | Vijayanagara Empire |
Vijes | Vijes |
Vijessna Ferkic | Vijessna Ferkic |
Vijf dhyani-Boeddha's | Five Dhyani Buddhas |
Vijf Dynastieën en Tien Koninkrijken | Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period |
Vijf geboden van de Kerk | Commandments of the Church |
Vijf geciviliseerde stammen | Five Civilized Tribes |
Vijf namen van de farao | Ancient Egyptian royal titulary |
Vijf sola's | Five solae |
Vijf Tibetanen | Five Tibetan Rites |
Vijf Voorschriften | Five Precepts |
Vijf weken in een luchtballon | Five Weeks in a Balloon |
Vijf zuilen van de islam | Five Pillars of Islam |
Vijfbladige wingerd | Parthenocissus quinquefolia |
Vijfde Coalitieoorlog | War of the Fifth Coalition |
Vijfde colonne | Fifth column |
Vijfde Franse Republiek | French Fifth Republic |
Vijfde Kruistocht | Fifth Crusade |
Vijfde Lateraans Concilie | Fifth Council of the Lateran |
Vijfde monarchisten | Fifth Monarchists |
Vijfde ziekte | Fifth disease |
Vijfdegraadsvergelijking | Quintic function |
Vijfdelig kaasjeskruid | Malva alcea |
Vijfdradige meun | Fivebeard rockling |
Vijfheerenlanden | Vijfheerenlanden |
Vijfhoek | Pentagon |
Vijfhoekige bipiramide | Pentagonal bipyramid |
Vijfhoekige gedraaide koepelrotonde | Pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda |
Vijfhoekige koepel | Pentagonal cupola |
Vijfhoekige orthogonale dubbelkoepel | Pentagonal orthobicupola |
Vijfhoekige orthogonale koepelrotonde | Pentagonal orthocupolarotunda |
Vijfhoekige piramide | Pentagonal pyramid |
Vijfhoekige rotonde | Pentagonal rotunda |
Vijfhoeksgetal | Pentagonal number |
Vijfhuizen (Haarlemmermeer) | Vijfhuizen |
Vijf-in-een-kruid | Plectranthus amboinicus |
Vijfkamp | Women's pentathlon |
Vijfkeizerjaar | Year of the Five Emperors |
Vijfkrachtenmodel | Porter five forces analysis |
Vijfkruidenpoeder | Five-spice powder |
Vijfsecondenregel | Five-second rule |
Vijfstreepmangoest | Broad-striped Malagasy mongoose |
Vijfstreepschorpioen | Deathstalker |
Vijfteendwergspringmuis | Five-toed pygmy jerboa |
Vijftienhoek | Pentadecagon |
Vijftig tinten grijs | Fifty Shades of Grey |
Vijftigzettenregel | Fifty-move rule |
Vijfvingerkruid | Potentilla reptans |
Vijfvlek-sint-jansvlinder | Zygaena trifolii |
Vijgenblad | Fig leaf |
Vijgenbladpompoen | Cucurbita ficifolia |
Vijgenboom | Common fig |
Vijgenwespen | Fig wasp |
Vijl | File (tool) |
Vijlen (plaats) | Vijlen |
Vijlvissen | Filefish |
Vijñāna | Vijñāna |
Vijon | Vijon |
Vijver | Pond |
Vijver van Siloam | Pool of Siloam |
Vijvermossel | Duck mussel |
Vijvers van Elsene | Ixelles Ponds |
Vijzel (vermaler) | Mortar and pestle |
Vik | Vik (disambiguation) |
Vik (Noorwegen) | Vik |
Vika | Vika, Sweden |
Víkar | Víkar, Faroe Islands |
Vikarbyn | Vikarbyn |
Víkarbyrgi | Víkarbyrgi |
Viken (Höganäs) | Viken, Sweden |
Vikenti Veresajev | Vikenty Veresaev |
Viking | Viking (disambiguation) |
Viking 1 | Viking 1 |
Viking FK | Viking FK |
Vikingen | Vikings |
Vikingmetal | Viking metal |
Vikingprogramma | Viking program |
Vikingschip | Viking ships |
Vikingschipmuseum | Viking Ship Museum (Roskilde) |
Vikingskipshuset | Viking Ship Museum (Oslo) |
Vikingstad | Vikingstad |
Vikingstadion | Viking Stadion |
Víkingur Reykjavík | Knattspyrnufélagið Víkingur |
Vikki Carr | Vikki Carr |
Vikoskloof | Vikos–Aoös National Park |
Viksjöfors | Viksjöfors |
Viktor & Rolf | Viktor & Rolf |
Viktor Abakoemov | Viktor Abakumov |
Viktor Alonen | Viktor Alonen |
Viktor An | Viktor Ahn |
Viktor Astafjev | Viktor Astafyev |
Viktor Barna | Viktor Barna |
Viktor Boerajev | Viktor Burayev |
Viktor Boet | Viktor Bout |
Viktor Bologan | Victor Bologan |
Viktor Bopp | Viktor Bopp |
Viktor Borisov-Moesatov | Victor Borisov-Musatov |
Viktor Christenko | Viktor Khristenko |
Viktor Ernst Nessler | Viktor Nessler |
Viktor Fajzoelin | Viktor Fayzulin |
Viktor Fischer | Viktor Fischer |
Viktor Goncharenko | Viktor Goncharenko |
Viktor Hambartsoemian | Viktor Hambardzumyan |
Viktor Hartmann | Viktor Hartmann |
Viktor Janoekovytsj | Viktor Yanukovych |
Viktor Jerofejev | Victor Erofeyev |
Viktor Joesjtsjenko | Viktor Yushchenko |
Viktor Kapitonov | Viktor Kapitonov |
Viktor Klimenko | Viktor Klimenko |
Viktor Klimenko (zanger) | Viktor Klimenko (singer) |
Viktor Koeprejtsjik | Viktor Kupreichik |
Viktor Kortsjnoj | Viktor Korchnoi |
Viktor Kositsjkin | Viktor Kosichkin |
Viktor Markin | Viktor Markin |
Viktor Nekrasov | Viktor Nekrasov |
Viktor Oliva | Viktor Oliva |
Viktor Onopko | Viktor Onopko |
Viktor Paskow | Viktor Paskov |
Viktor Patsajev | Viktor Patsayev |
Viktor Pelevin | Victor Pelevin |
Viktor Pfeifer | Viktor Pfeifer |
Viktor Poegatsjov | Viktor Pugachyov |
Viktor Rasjtsjoepkin | Viktor Rashchupkin |
Viktor Roeban | Viktor Ruban |
Viktor Sanjejev | Viktor Saneyev |
Viktor Sjklovski | Viktor Shklovsky |
Viktor Soevorov | Viktor Suvorov |
Viktor Tsjernomyrdin | Viktor Chernomyrdin |
Viktor Tsjoekarin | Viktor Chukarin |
Viktor Tsoi | Viktor Tsoi |
Viktor Tsyboelenko | Viktor Tsybulenko |
Viktor Vasnetsov | Viktor Vasnetsov |
Viktor Vlasov | Viktor Vlasov |
Viktor Weber von Webenau | Viktor Weber Edler von Webenau |
Viktor Zalgaller | Victor Zalgaller |
Viktor Zoebarev | Viktor Zubarev |
Viktor Zoebkov | Viktor Zubkov |
Viktoria Komova | Viktoria Komova |
Viktoria Mullova | Viktoria Mullova |
Viktoria Pavlovitsj | Viktoria Pavlovich |
Viktória Pavuk | Viktória Pavuk |
Viktoria Voltsjkova | Viktoria Volchkova |
Viktoria-Luise-Platz (metrostation) | Viktoria-Luise-Platz (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Viktorija Koetoezova | Viktoriya Kutuzova |
Viktoryja Azarenka | Victoria Azarenka |
Vila (Melgaço) | Vila (Melgaço) |
Vila azeca | Vila azeca |
Vila Baleira | Porto Santo (Madeira) |
Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade | Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade |
Vila Belmiro | Estádio Urbano Caldeira |
Vila Boa (Barcelos) | Vila Boa (Barcelos) |
Vila Boa (Goiás) | Vila Boa, Goiás |
Vila Chã (Vila do Conde) | Vila Chã (Vila do Conde) |
Vila Cova (Barcelos) | Vila Cova (Barcelos) |
Vila de Cruces | Vila de Cruces |
Vila de Rei | Vila de Rei Municipality |
Vila do Bispo | Vila do Bispo Municipality |
Vila do Porto | Vila do Porto (Azores) |
Vila Flor (Brazilië) | Vila Flor, Rio Grande do Norte |
Vila Franca do Campo | Vila Franca do Campo (Azores) |
Vila Maior (Santa Maria da Feira) | Vila Maior (Santa Maria da Feira) |
Vila Nova da Barquinha | Vila Nova da Barquinha Municipality |
Vila Nova da Rainha | Vila Nova da Rainha |
Vila Nova de Cacela | Vila Nova de Cacela |
Vila Nova de Foz Côa | Vila Nova de Foz Côa Municipality |
Vila Nova de Milfontes | Vila Nova de Milfontes |
Vila Nova de Santo André | Santo André (Santiago do Cacém) |
Vila Nova de São Bento | Vila Nova de São Bento |
Vila Nova do Ceira | Vila Nova do Ceira |
Vila Nova do Corvo | Vila do Corvo (Azores) |
Vila Nova FC | Vila Nova Futebol Clube |
Vila Pouca da Beira | Vila Pouca da Beira |
Vila Pouca de Aguiar | Vila Pouca de Aguiar Municipality |
Vila Propício | Vila Propício |
Vila Real | Vila Real |
Vila Real (district) | Vila Real District |
Vila Real (stad) | Vila Real, Portugal |
Vila Real de Santo António | Vila Real de Santo António Municipality |
Vila Seca (Barcelos) | Vila Seca (Barcelos) |
Vila Velha de Ródão | Vila Velha de Ródão Municipality |
Vila Verde | Vila Verde |
Vila Verde (Braga) | Vila Verde Municipality |
Vila Verde dos Francos | Vila Verde dos Francos |
Vila Vila (gemeente) | Vila Vila Municipality |
Vilabella | Vilabella |
Vilablareix | Vilablareix |
Vilaboa | Vilaboa |
Vilaça (Braga) | Vilaça (Braga) |
Vilaflor | Vilaflor, Santa Cruz de Tenerife |
Vilagarcía de Arousa | Vilagarcía de Arousa |
Vilajet | Vilayet |
Vilalba | Vilalba |
Vilaller | Vilaller |
Vilallonga del Camp | Vilallonga del Camp |
Vilamalla | Vilamalla |
Vilamarín | Vilamarín |
Vilamartín de Valdeorras | Vilamartín de Valdeorras |
Vilamarxant | Vilamarxant |
Vilamendhoo | Vilamendhoo |
Vilamoura | Vilamoura |
Vílanec | Vílanec |
Vilanija | Vilanija |
Vilanova de Arousa | Vilanova de Arousa |
Vilanova de Bellpuig | Vilanova de Bellpuig |
Vilanova de la Barca | Vilanova de la Barca |
Vilanova de l'Aguda | Vilanova de l'Aguda |
Vilanova de Meià | Vilanova de Meià |
Vilanova del Vallès | Vilanova del Vallès |
Vilantice | Vilantice |
Vilar de Andorinho | Vilar de Andorinho |
Vilar de Barrio | Vilar de Barrio |
Vilar de Figos | Vilar de Figos |
Vilar de Lomba | Vilar de Lomba |
Vilar de Mouros | Vilar de Mouros |
Vilar do Monte (Barcelos) | Vilar do Monte (Barcelos) |
Vilar do Monte (Macedo de Cavaleiros) | Vilar do Monte (Macedo de Cavaleiros) |
Vilar do Monte (Ponte de Lima) | Vilar do Monte (Ponte de Lima) |
Vilar do Paraíso | Vilar do Paraíso |
Vilardevós | Vilardevós |
Vilarinho (Santo Tirso) | Vilarinho (Santo Tirso) |
Vilarinho das Furnas | Vilarinho da Furna |
Vilarmaior | Vilarmaior |
Vilas | Vilas |
Vilas County | Vilas County, Wisconsin |
Vilasantar | Vilasantar |
Vilayanur Ramachandran | Vilayanur S. Ramachandran |
Vilayat Inayat Khan | Vilayat Inayat Khan |
Vilcas Huamán (provincie) | Vilcas Huamán Province |
Vilcey-sur-Trey | Vilcey-sur-Trey |
Vilches | Vilches, Spain |
Vilcún | Vilcún |
Vildagliptine | Vildagliptin |
Vildé-Guingalan | Vildé-Guingalan |
Vilder (beroep) | Knacker |
Vile | Vile (album) |
Vilém | Vilém |
Vilém Blodek | Vilém Blodek |
Vilémov (okres Chomutov) | Vilémov (Chomutov District) |
Vilémov (okres Děčín) | Vilémov (Děčín District) |
Vilémov (okres Olomouc) | Vilémov (Olomouc District) |
Vilémovice (okres Blansko) | Vilémovice (Blansko District) |
Vilémovice (okres Havlíčkův Brod) | Vilémovice (Havlíčkův Brod District) |
Vilgelm Vitgeft | Wilgelm Vitgeft |
Vilhelm Bjerke Petersen | Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen |
Vilhelm Bjerknes | Vilhelm Bjerknes |
Vilhelm Buhl | Vilhelm Buhl |
Vilhelm Wolfhagen | Vilhelm Wolfhagen |
Vilhelmina (gemeente) | Vilhelmina Municipality |
Vilhelmina (plaats) | Vilhelmina |
Vilhena (gemeente) | Vilhena |
Vilhjálmur Þ. Vilhjálmsson | Vilhjálmur Þ. Vilhjálmsson |
Vilhonneur | Vilhonneur |
Vilice | Vilice |
Viljakkala | Viljakkala |
Viljandimaa | Viljandi County |
Viljevo | Viljevo |
Viljoej | Vilyuy River |
Viljoejsk | Vilyuysk |
Viljoej-stuwmeer | Vilyuy Dam |
Viljoetsjinsk | Vilyuchinsk |
Vilkaviškis (gemeente) | Vilkaviškis District Municipality |
Vilkitski (Karazee) | Vilkitsky Island (Kara Sea) |
Vilkitski-eiland | Vilkitsky Island (East Siberian Sea) |
Villa | Villa (disambiguation) |
Villa (bouwkunde) | Villa |
Villa Adriana | Hadrian's Villa |
Villa Alegre | Villa Alegre, Chile |
Villa Almerico Capra "La Rotonda" | Villa Capra "La Rotonda" |
Villa Ballester | Villa Ballester |
Villa Borghese | Villa Borghese gardens |
Villa Caro | Villa Caro |
Villa Clara | Villa Clara Province |
Villa Constitución | Villa Constitución |
Villa Cura Brochero | Villa Cura Brochero |
Villa d'Adda | Villa d'Adda |
Villa d'Almè | Villa d'Almè |
Villa de Álvarez | Villa de Álvarez, Colima |
Villa de María | Villa de María del Río Seco |
Villa de Ves | Villa de Ves |
Villa del Río | Villa del Río |
Villa del Rosario (Colombia) | Villa del Rosario, Norte de Santander |
Villa del Rosario (Córdoba) | Villa del Rosario, Córdoba |
Villa del Totoral | Villa del Totoral |
Villa d'Este | Villa d'Este |
Villa d'Este (Cernobbio) | Villa d'Este (Cernobbio) |
Villa d'Ogna | Villa d'Ogna |
Villa El Chocón | Villa El Chocón |
Villa Elisa | Villa Elisa |
Villa Elisa (Entre Ríos) | Villa Elisa, Entre Ríos |
Villa Española | C.S.D. Villa Española |
Villa Farnese | Villa Farnese |
Villa General Belgrano | Villa General Belgrano |
Villa Gesell (Buenos Aires) | Villa Gesell |
Villa Giulia | Villa Giulia |
Villa Godi | Villa Godi |
Villa Haas | Villa Haas |
Villa Hammerschmidt | Hammerschmidt Villa |
Villa Hayes | Villa Hayes |
Villa Hügel | Villa Hügel |
Villa Huidobro | Villa Huidobro |
Villa La Angostura | Villa La Angostura |
Villa Ludwigshöhe | Villa Ludwigshöhe |
Villa Malaparte | Casa Malaparte |
Villa Malta | Villa del Priorato di Malta |
Villa Massimo | Villa Massimo |
Villa medicea di Castello | Villa di Castello |
Villa Medici | Villa Medici |
Villa Mercedes | Villa Mercedes, San Luis |
Villa Nicolás Romero | Ciudad Nicolás Romero |
Villa Nueva | Villa Nueva |
Villa Nueva (Mendoza) | Villa Nueva, Mendoza |
Villa Park | Villa Park (disambiguation) |
Villa Park (Californië) | Villa Park, California |
Villa Park (Illinois) | Villa Park, Illinois |
Villa Pehuenia | Villa Pehuenia |
Villa Pisani | Villa Pisani |
Villa Publica | Villa Publica |
Villa Reynolds | Villa Reynolds |
Villa Rica | Villa Rica |
Villa Rica (Cauca) | Villa Rica, Cauca |
Villa Rica (Georgia) | Villa Rica, Georgia |
Villa Río Hondo | Villa Río Hondo |
Villa Rivero (gemeente) | Villa Rivero Municipality |
Villa Romana | Villa Romana prize |
Villa Romana del Casale | Villa Romana del Casale |
Villa Sant'Angelo | Villa Sant'Angelo |
Villa Sant'Antonio | Villa Sant'Antonio |
Villa SC | SC Villa |
Villa Torlonia (Rome) | Villa Torlonia (Rome) |
Villa Traful | Villa Traful |
Villa Tulumaya | Villa Tulumaya |
Villa Tulumba | Villa Tulumba |
Villa Tunari (gemeente) | Villa Tunari Municipality |
Villa Unión | Villa Unión (disambiguation) |
Villa van de Quintilii | Villa of the Quintilii |
Villa Vauban | Villa Vauban |
Villaba | Villaba, Leyte |
Villabé | Villabé |
Villablino | Villablino |
Villabon | Villabon |
Villabona | Villabona |
Villabrágima | Villabrágima |
Villabraz | Villabraz |
Villabuena de Álava | Villabuena de Álava/Eskuernaga |
Villac | Villac |
Villacañas | Villacañas |
Villacarriedo | Villacarriedo |
Villacarrillo | Villacarrillo |
Villach-Land | Villach-Land District |
Villaconejos | Villaconejos |
Villaconejos de Trabaque | Villaconejos de Trabaque |
Villada (Spanje) | Villada |
Villadiego | Villadiego |
Villadin | Villadin |
Villadoz | Villadoz |
Villaescusa de Haro | Villaescusa de Haro |
Villaescusa la Sombría | Villaescusa la Sombría |
Villaespasa | Villaespasa |
Villafranca | Villafranca (disambiguation) |
Villafranca (Navarra) | Villafranca |
Villafranca d'Asti | Villafranca d'Asti |
Villafranca de Córdoba | Villafranca de Córdoba |
Villafranca de Ebro | Villafranca de Ebro |
Villafranca de los Barros | Villafranca de los Barros |
Villafranca de los Caballeros | Villafranca de los Caballeros |
Villafranca del Campo | Villafranca del Campo |
Villafranca del Cid | Vilafranca |
Villagalijo | Villagalijo |
Villagarcía de la Torre | Villagarcía de la Torre |
Villagarcía del Llano | Villagarcía del Llano |
Villagarzón | Villa Garzón |
Village of Clarkston | Clarkston, Michigan |
Village of the Damned | Village of the Damned |
Village of the Damned (1995) | Village of the Damned (1995 film) |
Village of the Giants | Village of the Giants |
Village United FC | Village United F.C. |
Villagómez | Villagómez |
Villagonzalo | Villagonzalo |
Villaharta | Villaharta |
Villahermosa | Villahermosa (disambiguation) |
Villahermosa (Ciudad Real) | Villahermosa, Ciudad Real |
Villahermosa (Colombia) | Villahermosa, Tolima |
Villahermosa del Campo | Villahermosa del Campo |
Villaines-la-Carelle | Villaines-la-Carelle |
Villaines-la-Gonais | Villaines-la-Gonais |
Villaines-les-Prévôtes | Villaines-les-Prévôtes |
Villaines-les-Rochers | Villaines-les-Rochers |
Villaines-sous-Bois | Villaines-sous-Bois |
Villaines-sous-Lucé | Villaines-sous-Lucé |
Villaines-sous-Malicorne | Villaines-sous-Malicorne |
Villainville | Villainville |
Villajoyosa | Villajoyosa / La Vila Joiosa |
Villajoyosa CF | Villajoyosa CF |
Villalba (Italië) | Villalba, Sicily |
Villalba (Puerto Rico) | Villalba, Puerto Rico |
Villalba de la Sierra | Villalba de la Sierra |
Villalba de los Barros | Villalba de los Barros |
Villalba de Perejil | Villalba de Perejil |
Villalba del Rey | Villalba del Rey |
Villalbilla | Villalbilla |
Villalbilla de Gumiel | Villalbilla de Gumiel |
Villaldemiro | Villaldemiro |
Villalet | Villalet |
Villalgordo del Júcar | Villalgordo del Júcar |
Villalgordo del Marquesado | Villalgordo del Marquesado |
Villalier | Villalier |
Villalobar de Rioja | Villalobar de Rioja |
Villalón de Campos | Villalón de Campos |
Villalonga | Villalonga (disambiguation) |
Villalonga (Valencia) | Villalonga |
Villalpardo | Villalpardo |
Villaluenga de la Sagra | Villaluenga de la Sagra |
Villamaa | Villamaa |
Villamalea | Villamalea |
Villamalur | Villamalur |
Villamañán | Villamañán |
Villamanín | Villamanín |
Villamanrique | Villamanrique |
Villamanrique de la Condesa | Villamanrique de la Condesa |
Villamanta | Villamanta |
Villamaría | Villamaría, Caldas |
Villamartín | Villamartín |
Villamayor de Monjardín | Villamayor de Monjardín |
Villamayor de Santiago | Villamayor de Santiago |
Villamayor de Treviño | Villamayor de Treviño |
Villamblain | Villamblain |
Villamblard | Villamblard |
Villamediana de Iregua | Villamediana de Iregua |
Villamedianilla | Villamedianilla |
Villamée | Villamée |
Villamena | Villamena |
Villamiel de la Sierra | Villamiel de la Sierra |
Villamontán de la Valduerna | Villamontán de la Valduerna |
Villamontes (plaats) | Villamontes |
Villampuy | Villampuy |
Villanders | Villanders |
Villandraut | Villandraut |
Villandry | Villandry |
Villanière | Villanière |
Villanova (Frankrijk) | Villanova, Corse-du-Sud |
Villanova d'Albenga | Villanova d'Albenga |
Villanova d'Ardenghi | Villanova d'Ardenghi |
Villanova d'Asti | Villanova d'Asti |
Villanova sull'Arda | Villanova sull'Arda |
Villanovacultuur | Villanovan culture |
Villanova-universiteit | Villanova University |
Villanubla | Villanubla |
Villanueva (Bolívar) | Villanueva, Bolívar |
Villanueva (Casanare) | Villanueva, Casanare |
Villanueva (La Guajira) | Villanueva, La Guajira |
Villanueva (Misamis Oriental) | Villanueva, Misamis Oriental |
Villanueva (Santander) | Villanueva, Santander |
Villanueva de Alcardete | Villanueva de Alcardete |
Villanueva de Alcorón | Villanueva de Alcorón |
Villanueva de Algaidas | Villanueva de Algaidas |
Villanueva de Argaño | Villanueva de Argaño |
Villanueva de Argecilla | Villanueva de Argecilla |
Villanueva de Cameros | Villanueva de Cameros |
Villanueva de Carazo | Villanueva de Carazo |
Villanueva de Castellón | Castelló de la Ribera |
Villanueva de Córdoba | Villanueva de Córdoba |
Villanueva de Duero | Villanueva de Duero |
Villanueva de Gállego | Villanueva de Gállego |
Villanueva de Guadamejud | Villanueva de Guadamejud |
Villanueva de Jiloca | Villanueva de Jiloca |
Villanueva de la Fuente | Villanueva de la Fuente |
Villanueva de la Reina | Villanueva de la Reina |
Villanueva de la Torre | Villanueva de la Torre |
Villanueva de la Vera | Villanueva de la Vera |
Villanueva de las Torres | Villanueva de las Torres |
Villanueva de los Castillejos | Villanueva de los Castillejos |
Villanueva de los Infantes (Ciudad Real) | Villanueva de los Infantes |
Villanueva de San Juan | Villanueva de San Juan |
Villanueva de San Mancio | Villanueva de San Mancio |
Villanueva de Tapia | Villanueva de Tapia |
Villanueva de Teba | Villanueva de Teba |
Villanueva de Viver | Villanueva de Viver |
Villanueva del Ariscal | Villanueva del Ariscal |
Villanueva del Arzobispo | Villanueva del Arzobispo |
Villanueva del Campillo | Villanueva del Campillo |
Villanueva del Duque | Villanueva del Duque |
Villanueva del Fresno | Villanueva del Fresno |
Villanueva del Pardillo | Villanueva del Pardillo |
Villanueva del Rebollar de la Sierra | Villanueva del Rebollar de la Sierra |
Villanueva del Rey | Villanueva del Rey |
Villanueva del Río Segura | Villanueva del Río Segura |
Villanueva del Río y Minas | Villanueva del Río y Minas |
Villanueva del Rosario | Villanueva del Rosario, Spain |
Villanueva del Trabuco | Villanueva del Trabuco |
Villanueva Mesía | Villanueva Mesía |
Villapalacios | Villapalacios |
Villapinzón | Villapinzón, Cundinamarca |
Villapourçon | Villapourçon |
Villaquejida | Villaquejida |
Villaquilambre | Villaquilambre |
Villaquirán de la Puebla | Villaquirán de la Puebla |
Villar de Domingo García | Villar de Domingo García |
Villar de la Encina | Villar de la Encina |
Villar de los Navarros | Villar de los Navarros |
Villar de Olalla | Villar de Olalla |
Villar de Rena | Villar de Rena |
Villar del Arzobispo | Villar del Arzobispo |
Villar del Cobo | Villar del Cobo |
Villar del Humo | Villar del Humo |
Villar del Infantado | Villar del Infantado |
Villar del Pozo | Villar del Pozo |
Villar del Rey | Villar del Rey |
Villar del Salz | Villar del Salz |
Villar y Velasco | Villar y Velasco |
Villaralto | Villaralto |
Villard (Creuse) | Villard, Creuse |
Villard (Haute-Savoie) | Villard, Haute-Savoie |
Villar-d'Arêne | Villar-d'Arêne |
Villard-Bonnot | Villard-Bonnot |
Villard-d'Héry | Villard-d'Héry |
Villardebelle | Villardebelle |
Villard-Léger | Villard-Léger |
Villard-Notre-Dame | Villard-Notre-Dame |
Villardompardo | Villardompardo |
Villardonnel | Villardonnel |
Villard-Reculas | Villard-Reculas |
Villard-Reymond | Villard-Reymond |
Villard-Saint-Christophe | Villard-Saint-Christophe |
Villard-Sallet | Villard-Sallet |
Villards-d'Héria | Villards-d'Héria |
Villard-sur-Doron | Villard-sur-Doron |
Villareal (Samar) | Villareal, Samar |
Villarejo | Villarejo |
Villarejo de Fuentes | Villarejo de Fuentes |
Villarejo de la Peñuela | Villarejo de la Peñuela |
Villarejo de Montalbán | Villarejo de Montalbán |
Villarejo de Órbigo | Villarejo de Órbigo |
Villarejo de Salvanés | Villarejo de Salvanés |
Villarejo-Periesteban | Villarejo-Periesteban |
Villarembert | Villarembert |
Villar-en-Val | Villar-en-Val |
Villares de Jadraque | Villares de Jadraque |
Villares del Saz | Villares del Saz |
Villargoix | Villargoix |
Villargondran | Villargondran |
Villariès | Villariès |
Villarino (partido) | Villarino Partido |
Villarino de los Aires | Villarino de los Aires |
Villar-Loubière | Villar-Loubière |
Villarluengo | Villarluengo |
Villarlurin | Villarlurin |
Villarmentero de Esgueva | Villarmentero de Esgueva |
Villaroger | Villaroger |
Villaroux | Villaroux |
Villarquemado | Villarquemado |
Villarrasa | Villarrasa |
Villarreal | Villarreal (disambiguation) |
Villarreal CF | Villarreal C.F. |
Villarreal de Huerva | Villarreal de Huerva |
Villarrica (Araucanía) | Villarrica, Chile |
Villarrica (Guairá) | Villarrica, Paraguay |
Villarrica (Tolima) | Villarrica, Tolima |
Villarrica (vulkaan) | Villarrica (volcano) |
Villarroya | Villarroya, La Rioja |
Villarroya de los Pinares | Villarroya de los Pinares |
Villarroya del Campo | Villarroya del Campo |
Villarrubia de los Ojos | Villarrubia de los Ojos |
Villarrubia de Santiago | Villarrubia de Santiago |
Villarrubio | Villarrubio |
Villars (Dordogne) | Villars, Dordogne |
Villars (Eure-et-Loir) | Villars, Eure-et-Loir |
Villars (Loire) | Villars, Loire |
Villars (Vaucluse) | Villars, Vaucluse |
Villar-Saint-Anselme | Villar-Saint-Anselme |
Villar-Saint-Pancrace | Villar-Saint-Pancrace |
Villars-Colmars | Villars-Colmars |
Villars-en-Azois | Villars-en-Azois |
Villars-en-Pons | Villars-en-Pons |
Villars-Epeney | Villars-Epeney |
Villars-et-Villenotte | Villars-et-Villenotte |
Villars-Fontaine | Villars-Fontaine |
Villars-les-Bois | Villars-les-Bois |
Villars-Santenoge | Villars-Santenoge |
Villars-sur-Var | Villars-sur-Var |
Villarta | Villarta |
Villarta de San Juan | Villarta de San Juan |
Villarzel | Villarzel |
Villarzel-Cabardès | Villarzel-Cabardès |
Villarzel-du-Razès | Villarzel-du-Razès |
Villas | Villas |
Villas (Florida) | Villas, Florida |
Villas de la Ventosa | Villas de la Ventosa |
Villasabariego | Villasabariego |
Villaseca de Henares | Villaseca de Henares |
Villaseca de la Sagra | Villaseca de la Sagra |
Villaseca de Uceda | Villaseca de Uceda |
Villasequilla | Villasequilla |
Villasexmir | Villasexmir |
Villasis | Villasis, Pangasinan |
Villastar | Villastar |
Villate | Villate |
Villatobas | Villatobas |
Villatorres | Villatorres |
Villatoya | Villatoya |
Villaturiel | Villaturiel |
Villaudric | Villaudric |
Villautou | Villautou |
Villava | Villava – Atarrabia |
Villavaliente | Villavaliente |
Villavard | Villavard |
Villavelayo | Villavelayo |
Villavellid | Villavellid |
Villaverde | Villaverde |
Villaverde (Nueva Vizcaya) | Villaverde, Nueva Vizcaya |
Villaverde de Guadalimar | Villaverde de Guadalimar |
Villaverde de Montejo | Villaverde de Montejo |
Villaverde de Rioja | Villaverde de Rioja |
Villaverde del Río | Villaverde del Río |
Villaverde y Pasaconsol | Villaverde y Pasaconsol |
Villaverde-Mogina | Villaverde-Mogina |
Villaviciosa (Abra) | Villaviciosa, Abra |
Villaviciosa (Asturië) | Villaviciosa, Asturias |
Villaviciosa de Córdoba | Villaviciosa de Córdoba |
Villaviciosa de Odón | Villaviciosa de Odón |
Villavieja | Villavieja, Huila |
Villavieja de Yeltes | Villavieja de Yeltes |
Villaz | Villaz |
Villazala | Villazala |
Villazopeque | Villazopeque |
Ville | Ville (disambiguation) |
Ville (Oise) | Ville, Oise |
Ville Laihiala | Ville Laihiala |
Ville Platte | Ville Platte, Louisiana |
Villeau | Villeau |
Ville-au-Montois | Ville-au-Montois |
Ville-au-Val | Ville-au-Val |
Villebadin | Villebadin |
Villebarou | Villebarou |
Villebaudon | Villebaudon |
Villebazy | Villebazy |
Villebéon | Villebéon |
Villebernier | Villebernier |
Villeberny | Villeberny |
Villebichot | Villebichot |
Villebois | Villebois |
Villebois-les-Pins | Villebois-les-Pins |
Villebon | Villebon |
Villebougis | Villebougis |
Villebourg | Villebourg |
Villebout | Villebout |
Villebramar | Villebramar |
Villebret | Villebret |
Villebrumier | Villebrumier |
Villecelin | Villecelin |
Villecerf | Villecerf |
Villecey-sur-Mad | Villecey-sur-Mad |
Villechantria | Villechantria |
Villechauve | Villechauve |
Villechenève | Villechenève |
Villechétif | Villechétif |
Villechétive | Villechétive |
Villechien | Villechien |
Villecien | Villecien |
Villécloye | Villécloye |
Villecomtal | Villecomtal |
Villecomtal-sur-Arros | Villecomtal-sur-Arros |
Villecomte | Villecomte |
Villeconin | Villeconin |
Villedaigne | Villedaigne |
Ville-d'Avray | Ville-d'Avray |
Ville-devant-Belrain | Ville-devant-Belrain |
Ville-devant-Chaumont | Ville-devant-Chaumont |
Villedieu (Cantal) | Villedieu, Cantal |
Villedieu (Côte-d'Or) | Villedieu, Côte-d'Or |
Villedieu (Vaucluse) | Villedieu, Vaucluse |
Villedieu-la-Blouère | Villedieu-la-Blouère |
Villedieu-le-Château | Villedieu-le-Château |
Villedieu-lès-Bailleul | Villedieu-lès-Bailleul |
Villedieu-sur-Indre | Villedieu-sur-Indre |
Ville-di-Paraso | Ville-di-Paraso |
Ville-di-Pietrabugno | Ville-di-Pietrabugno |
Villedômain | Villedômain |
Villedômer | Villedômer |
Ville-Dommange | Ville-Dommange |
Villedoux | Villedoux |
Villedubert | Villedubert |
Ville-en-Blaisois | Ville-en-Blaisois |
Ville-en-Selve | Ville-en-Selve |
Ville-en-Tardenois | Ville-en-Tardenois |
Ville-en-Vermois | Ville-en-Vermois |
Ville-en-Woëvre | Ville-en-Woëvre |
Villefagnan | Villefagnan |
Villefargeau | Villefargeau |
Villefavard | Villefavard |
Villeferry | Villeferry |
Villefloure | Villefloure |
Villefollet | Villefollet |
Villefontaine | Villefontaine |
Villefort (Aude) | Villefort, Aude |
Villefort (Lozère) | Villefort, Lozère |
Villefranche (Gers) | Villefranche, Gers |
Villefranche (Yonne) | Villefranche, Yonne |
Villefranche-d'Albigeois | Villefranche-d'Albigeois |
Villefranche-d'Allier | Villefranche-d'Allier |
Villefranche-de-Panat | Villefranche-de-Panat |
Villefranche-du-Queyran | Villefranche-du-Queyran |
Villefranche-le-Château | Villefranche-le-Château |
Villefranche-sur-Cher | Villefranche-sur-Cher |
Villefrancœur | Villefrancœur |
Villefranque | Villefranque |
Villefranque (Hautes-Pyrénées) | Villefranque, Hautes-Pyrénées |
Villefranque (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) | Villefranque, Pyrénées-Atlantiques |
Villegailhenc | Villegailhenc |
Villegas | Villegas, Burgos |
Villegats | Villegats |
Villegats (Charente) | Villegats, Charente |
Villegats (Eure) | Villegats, Eure |
Villegaudin | Villegaudin |
Villegenon | Villegenon |
Villegly | Villegly |
Villegongis | Villegongis |
Villegouge | Villegouge |
Villegouin | Villegouin |
Villegusien-le-Lac | Villegusien-le-Lac |
Villeherviers | Villeherviers |
Ville-Houdlémont | Ville-Houdlémont |
Villejésus | Villejésus |
Villejoubert | Villejoubert |
Villejuif - Léo Lagrange (metrostation) | Villejuif – Léo Lagrange (Paris Métro) |
Villejuif - Louis Aragon (metrostation) | Villejuif – Louis Aragon (Paris Métro) |
Villejuif - Paul Vaillant-Couturier (metrostation) | Villejuif – Paul Vaillant-Couturier (Paris Métro) |
Villejust | Villejust |
Villel | Villel |
Villel de Mesa | Villel de Mesa |
Ville-Langy | Ville-Langy |
Ville-le-Marclet | Ville-le-Marclet |
Villeloin-Coulangé | Villeloin-Coulangé |
Villelongue | Villelongue |
Villelongue-d'Aude | Villelongue-d'Aude |
Villelongue-de-la-Salanque | Villelongue-de-la-Salanque |
Villeloup | Villeloup |
Villemade | Villemade |
Villemagne | Villemagne |
Villemagne-l'Argentière | Villemagne-l'Argentière |
Villemain | Villemain |
Villemandeur | Villemandeur |
Villemanoche | Villemanoche |
Villemardy | Villemardy |
Villemaréchal | Villemaréchal |
Villemareuil | Villemareuil |
Villematier | Villematier |
Villembits | Villembits |
Villembray | Villembray |
Villemer | Villemer |
Villemer (Seine-et-Marne) | Villemer, Seine-et-Marne |
Villemer (Yonne) | Villemer, Yonne |
Villemereuil | Villemereuil |
Villemeux-sur-Eure | Villemeux-sur-Eure |
Villemoirieu | Villemoirieu |
Villemoiron-en-Othe | Villemoiron-en-Othe |
Villemoisan | Villemoisan |
Villemoisson-sur-Orge | Villemoisson-sur-Orge |
Villemolaque | Villemolaque |
Villemontais | Villemontais |
Villemontoire | Villemontoire |
Villemorien | Villemorien |
Villemorin | Villemorin |
Villemort | Villemort |
Villemotier | Villemotier |
Villemoustaussou | Villemoustaussou |
Villemoutiers | Villemoutiers |
Villemoyenne | Villemoyenne |
Villemur | Villemur |
Villemurlin | Villemurlin |
Villemur-sur-Tarn | Villemur-sur-Tarn |
Villemus | Villemus |
Villen | Flaying |
Villenauxe-la-Grande | Villenauxe-la-Grande |
Villenave | Villenave |
Villenave-d'Ornon | Villenave-d'Ornon |
Villenave-près-Béarn | Villenave-près-Béarn |
Villenave-près-Marsac | Villenave-près-Marsac |
Villenavotte | Villenavotte |
Villeneuve (Ain) | Villeneuve, Ain |
Villeneuve (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) | Villeneuve, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence |
Villeneuve (Ariège) | Villeneuve, Ariège |
Villeneuve (Aveyron) | Villeneuve, Aveyron |
Villeneuve (Fribourg) | Villeneuve, Fribourg |
Villeneuve (Gironde) | Villeneuve, Gironde |
Villeneuve (Puy-de-Dôme) | Villeneuve, Puy-de-Dôme |
Villeneuve (Valle d'Aosta) | Villeneuve, Aosta Valley |
Villeneuve (Vaud) | Villeneuve, Vaud |
Villeneuve-au-Chemin | Villeneuve-au-Chemin |
Villeneuve-d'Allier | Villeneuve-d'Allier |
Villeneuve-d'Amont | Villeneuve-d'Amont |
Villeneuve-d'Ascq | Villeneuve d'Ascq |
Villeneuve-d'Aval | Villeneuve-d'Aval |
Villeneuve-de-Duras | Villeneuve-de-Duras |
Villeneuve-de-la-Raho | Villeneuve-de-la-Raho |
Villeneuve-de-Marc | Villeneuve-de-Marc |
Villeneuve-de-Marsan | Villeneuve-de-Marsan |
Villeneuve-d'Entraunes | Villeneuve-d'Entraunes |
Villeneuve-de-Rivière | Villeneuve-de-Rivière |
Villeneuve-d'Olmes | Villeneuve-d'Olmes |
Villeneuve-du-Latou | Villeneuve-du-Latou |
Villeneuve-du-Paréage | Villeneuve-du-Paréage |
Villeneuve-en-Montagne | Villeneuve-en-Montagne |
Villeneuve-Frouville | Villeneuve-Frouville |
Villeneuve-la-Comptal | Villeneuve-la-Comptal |
Villeneuve-la-Comtesse | Villeneuve-la-Comtesse |
Villeneuve-la-Dondagre | Villeneuve-la-Dondagre |
Villeneuve-la-Lionne | Villeneuve-la-Lionne |
Villeneuve-l'Archevêque | Villeneuve-l'Archevêque |
Villeneuve-la-Rivière | Villeneuve-la-Rivière |
Villeneuve-le-Comte | Villeneuve-le-Comte |
Villeneuve-Lécussan | Villeneuve-Lécussan |
Villeneuve-lès-Béziers | Villeneuve-lès-Béziers |
Villeneuve-les-Bordes | Villeneuve-les-Bordes |
Villeneuve-lès-Bouloc | Villeneuve-lès-Bouloc |
Villeneuve-les-Cerfs | Villeneuve-les-Cerfs |
Villeneuve-lès-Charnod | Villeneuve-lès-Charnod |
Villeneuve-les-Genêts | Villeneuve-les-Genêts |
Villeneuve-lès-Lavaur | Villeneuve-lès-Lavaur |
Villeneuve-lès-Montréal | Villeneuve-lès-Montréal |
Villeneuve-Renneville-Chevigny | Villeneuve-Renneville-Chevigny |
Villeneuve-Saint-Denis | Villeneuve-Saint-Denis |
Villeneuve-Saint-Germain | Villeneuve-Saint-Germain |
Villeneuve-Saint-Nicolas | Villeneuve-Saint-Nicolas |
Villeneuve-Saint-Salves | Villeneuve-Saint-Salves |
Villeneuve-Saint-Vistre-et-Villevotte | Villeneuve-Saint-Vistre-et-Villevotte |
Villeneuve-sous-Charigny | Villeneuve-sous-Charigny |
Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin | Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin |
Villeneuve-sous-Pymont | Villeneuve-sous-Pymont |
Villeneuve-sur-Allier | Villeneuve-sur-Allier |
Villeneuve-sur-Auvers | Villeneuve-sur-Auvers |
Villeneuve-sur-Bellot | Villeneuve-sur-Bellot |
Villeneuve-sur-Cher | Villeneuve-sur-Cher |
Villeneuve-sur-Conie | Villeneuve-sur-Conie |
Villeneuve-sur-Fère | Villeneuve-sur-Fère |
Villeneuve-sur-Verberie | Villeneuve-sur-Verberie |
Villeneuve-sur-Vère | Villeneuve-sur-Vère |
Villeneuvette | Villeneuvette |
Villenouvelle | Villenouvelle |
Villenoy | Villenoy |
Villentrois | Villentrois |
Villeny | Villeny |
Villepail | Villepail |
Villeperdrix | Villeperdrix |
Villeperdue | Villeperdue |
Villeperrot | Villeperrot |
Villepinte (Aude) | Villepinte, Aude |
Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis) | Villepinte, Seine-Saint-Denis |
Villeporcher | Villeporcher |
Villepot | Villepot |
Villequier | Villequier |
Villequier-Aumont | Villequier-Aumont |
Villequiers | Villequiers |
Villerable | Villerable |
Villerbon | Villerbon |
Villeréal | Villeréal |
Villereau (Loiret) | Villereau, Loiret |
Villereau (Noorderdepartement) | Villereau, Nord |
Villerest | Villerest |
Villeret (Aisne) | Villeret, Aisne |
Villeret (Aube) | Villeret, Aube |
Villeret (Zwitserland) | Villeret, Switzerland |
Villereversure | Villereversure |
Villermain | Villermain |
Villeromain | Villeromain |
Villeron | Villeron |
Villeroy (Seine-et-Marne) | Villeroy, Seine-et-Marne |
Villeroy (Somme) | Villeroy, Somme |
Villeroy (Yonne) | Villeroy, Yonne |
Villeroy-sur-Méholle | Villeroy-sur-Méholle |
Villers (Loire) | Villers, Loire |
Villers (Vosges) | Villers, Vosges |
Villers-Agron-Aiguizy | Villers-Agron-Aiguizy |
Villers-Allerand | Villers-Allerand |
Villers-au-Bois | Villers-au-Bois |
Villers-au-Flos | Villers-au-Flos |
Villers-aux-Bois | Villers-aux-Bois |
Villers-aux-Érables | Villers-aux-Érables |
Villers-aux-Nœuds | Villers-aux-Nœuds |
Villers-aux-Vents | Villers-aux-Vents |
Villers-Bocage (Calvados) | Villers-Bocage, Calvados |
Villers-Bocage (Somme) | Villers-Bocage, Somme |
Villers-Bretonneux Memorial | Villers–Bretonneux Australian National Memorial |
Villers-Brûlin | Villers-Brûlin |
Villers-Campsart | Villers-Campsart |
Villers-Canivet | Villers-Canivet |
Villers-Cernay | Villers-Cernay |
Villers-Châtel | Villers-Châtel |
Villers-devant-Dun | Villers-devant-Dun |
Villers-devant-le-Thour | Villers-devant-le-Thour |
Villers-devant-Mouzon | Villers-devant-Mouzon |
Villers-Écalles | Villers-Écalles |
Villers-en-Argonne | Villers-en-Argonne |
Villers-en-Cauchies | Villers-en-Cauchies |
Villers-en-Haye | Villers-en-Haye |
Villers-en-Ouche | Villers-en-Ouche |
Villers-en-Prayères | Villers-en-Prayères |
Villers-en-Vexin | Villers-en-Vexin |
Villerserine | Villerserine |
Villers-Farlay | Villers-Farlay |
Villers-Faucon | Villers-Faucon |
Villers-Franqueux | Villers-Franqueux |
Villers-Guislain | Villers-Guislain |
Villers-Hélon | Villers-Hélon |
Villers-la-Faye | Villers-la-Faye |
Villers-la-Ville (België) | Villers-la-Ville |
Villers-la-Ville (Frankrijk) | Villers-la-Ville, Haute-Saône |
Villers-le-Château | Villers-le-Château |
Villers-le-Rond | Villers-le-Rond |
Villers-les-Bois | Villers-les-Bois |
Villers-le-Sec (Aisne) | Villers-le-Sec, Aisne |
Villers-le-Sec (Haute-Saône) | Villers-le-Sec, Haute-Saône |
Villers-le-Sec (Marne) | Villers-le-Sec, Marne |
Villers-le-Sec (Meuse) | Villers-le-Sec, Meuse |
Villers-lès-Guise | Villers-lès-Guise |
Villers-lès-Mangiennes | Villers-lès-Mangiennes |
Villers-lès-Moivrons | Villers-lès-Moivrons |
Villers-les-Ormes | Villers-les-Ormes |
Villers-les-Pots | Villers-les-Pots |
Villers-lès-Roye | Villers-lès-Roye |
Villers-le-Tilleul | Villers-le-Tilleul |
Villers-le-Tourneur | Villers-le-Tourneur |
Villers-l'Hôpital | Villers-l'Hôpital |
Villers-Marmery | Villers-Marmery |
Villers-Patras | Villers-Patras |
Villers-Plouich | Villers-Plouich |
Villers-Pol | Villers-Pol |
Villers-Robert | Villers-Robert |
Villers-Rotin | Villers-Rotin |
Villers-Saint-Barthélemy | Villers-Saint-Barthélemy |
Villers-Saint-Christophe | Villers-Saint-Christophe |
Villers-Saint-Frambourg | Villers-Saint-Frambourg |
Villers-Saint-Genest | Villers-Saint-Genest |
Villers-Saint-Ghislain | Villers-Saint-Ghislain |
Villers-Saint-Paul | Villers-Saint-Paul |
Villers-Saint-Sépulcre | Villers-Saint-Sépulcre |
Villers-Semeuse | Villers-Semeuse |
Villers-Sire-Nicole | Villers-Sire-Nicole |
Villers-Sir-Simon | Villers-Sir-Simon |
Villers-sous-Ailly | Villers-sous-Ailly |
Villers-sous-Châtillon | Villers-sous-Châtillon |
Villers-sous-Foucarmont | Villers-sous-Foucarmont |
Villers-sous-Pareid | Villers-sous-Pareid |
Villers-sous-Prény | Villers-sous-Prény |
Villers-sous-Saint-Leu | Villers-sous-Saint-Leu |
Villers-sur-Auchy | Villers-sur-Auchy |
Villers-sur-Authie | Villers-sur-Authie |
Villers-sur-Bar | Villers-sur-Bar |
Villers-sur-Bonnières | Villers-sur-Bonnières |
Villers-sur-Coudun | Villers-sur-Coudun |
Villers-sur-Fère | Villers-sur-Fère |
Villers-sur-le-Mont | Villers-sur-le-Mont |
Villers-sur-le-Roule | Villers-sur-le-Roule |
Villers-sur-Meuse | Villers-sur-Meuse |
Villers-sur-Trie | Villers-sur-Trie |
Villers-Tournelle | Villers-Tournelle |
Villers-Vermont | Villers-Vermont |
Villers-Vicomte | Villers-Vicomte |
Villerville | Villerville |
Villery | Villery |
Ville-Saint-Jacques | Ville-Saint-Jacques |
Ville-Savoye | Ville-Savoye |
Villeselve | Villeselve |
Villeseneux | Villeseneux |
Villesèque | Villesèque |
Villesèquelande | Villesèquelande |
Villesiscle | Villesiscle |
Ville-sous-Anjou | Ville-sous-Anjou |
Ville-sous-la-Ferté | Ville-sous-la-Ferté |
Villespassans | Villespassans |
Villespy | Villespy |
Ville-sur-Ancre | Ville-sur-Ancre |
Ville-sur-Arce | Ville-sur-Arce |
Ville-sur-Cousances | Ville-sur-Cousances |
Ville-sur-Haine | Ville-sur-Haine |
Ville-sur-Jarnioux | Ville-sur-Jarnioux |
Ville-sur-Lumes | Ville-sur-Lumes |
Ville-sur-Retourne | Ville-sur-Retourne |
Ville-sur-Saulx | Ville-sur-Saulx |
Ville-sur-Terre | Ville-sur-Terre |
Ville-sur-Tourbe | Ville-sur-Tourbe |
Ville-sur-Yron | Ville-sur-Yron |
Villeta | Villeta, Cundinamarca |
Villetelle | Villetelle |
Villethierry | Villethierry |
Villeton | Villeton |
Villetoureix | Villetoureix |
Villetritouls | Villetritouls |
Villetrun | Villetrun |
Villette (Italië) | Villette, Piedmont |
Villette (Meurthe-et-Moselle) | Villette, Meurthe-et-Moselle |
Villette (Yvelines) | Villette, Yvelines |
Villette (Zwitserland) | Villette, Vaud |
Villette-d'Anthon | Villette-d'Anthon |
Villette-de-Vienne | Villette-de-Vienne |
Villette-lès-Arbois | Villette-lès-Arbois |
Villettes | Villettes |
Villette-sur-Ain | Villette-sur-Ain |
Villette-sur-Aube | Villette-sur-Aube |
Villevallier | Villevallier |
Villevaudé | Villevaudé |
Villevenard | Villevenard |
Villevêque | Villevêque |
Villeveyrac | Villeveyrac |
Villevieux | Villevieux |
Villevocance | Villevocance |
Villevoques | Villevoques |
Villexanton | Villexanton |
Villexavier | Villexavier |
Villey-le-Sec | Villey-le-Sec |
Villey-Saint-Étienne | Villey-Saint-Étienne |
Villey-sur-Tille | Villey-sur-Tille |
Villez-sous-Bailleul | Villez-sous-Bailleul |
Villez-sur-le-Neubourg | Villez-sur-le-Neubourg |
Villgratengroep | Villgraten Mountains |
Villiaumiet | Villiaumite |
Villicus | Vilicus |
Villié-Morgon | Villié-Morgon |
Villiers (Indre) | Villiers, Indre |
Villiers (metrostation) | Villiers (Paris Métro) |
Villiers (motorfiets) | Villiers Engineering |
Villiers (Vienne) | Villiers, Vienne |
Villiers (Zwitserland) | Villiers, Switzerland |
Villiers-Adam | Villiers-Adam |
Villiers-au-Bouin | Villiers-au-Bouin |
Villiers-aux-Corneilles | Villiers-aux-Corneilles |
Villiers-Charlemagne | Villiers-Charlemagne |
Villiers-Couture | Villiers-Couture |
Villiersdorp | Villiersdorp |
Villiers-en-Bière | Villiers-en-Bière |
Villiers-en-Bois | Villiers-en-Bois |
Villiers-en-Désœuvre | Villiers-en-Désœuvre |
Villiers-en-Morvan | Villiers-en-Morvan |
Villiers-en-Plaine | Villiers-en-Plaine |
Villiersfaux | Villiersfaux |
Villiers-Fossard | Villiers-Fossard |
Villiers-Herbisse | Villiers-Herbisse |
Villiers-le-Bâcle | Villiers-le-Bâcle |
Villiers-le-Bois | Villiers-le-Bois |
Villiers-le-Duc | Villiers-le-Duc |
Villiers-le-Mahieu | Villiers-le-Mahieu |
Villiers-le-Morhier | Villiers-le-Morhier |
Villiers-le-Pré | Villiers-le-Pré |
Villiers-le-Roux | Villiers-le-Roux |
Villiers-lès-Aprey | Villiers-lès-Aprey |
Villiers-le-Sec (Calvados) | Villiers-le-Sec, Calvados |
Villiers-le-Sec (Haute-Marne) | Villiers-le-Sec, Haute-Marne |
Villiers-le-Sec (Nièvre) | Villiers-le-Sec, Nièvre |
Villiers-le-Sec (Val-d'Oise) | Villiers-le-Sec, Val-d'Oise |
Villiers-les-Hauts | Villiers-les-Hauts |
Villiers-Louis | Villiers-Louis |
Villiers-Saint-Benoît | Villiers-Saint-Benoît |
Villiers-Saint-Denis | Villiers-Saint-Denis |
Villiers-Saint-Fréderic | Villiers-Saint-Fréderic |
Villiers-Saint-Georges | Villiers-Saint-Georges |
Villiers-Saint-Orien | Villiers-Saint-Orien |
Villiers-sous-Grez | Villiers-sous-Grez |
Villiers-sous-Mortagne | Villiers-sous-Mortagne |
Villiers-sous-Praslin | Villiers-sous-Praslin |
Villiers-sur-Chizé | Villiers-sur-Chizé |
Villiers-sur-Loir | Villiers-sur-Loir |
Villiers-sur-Marne | Villiers-sur-Marne |
Villiers-sur-Morin | Villiers-sur-Morin |
Villiers-sur-Orge | Villiers-sur-Orge |
Villiers-sur-Suize | Villiers-sur-Suize |
Villiers-sur-Tholon | Villiers-sur-Tholon |
Villiers-sur-Yonne | Villiers-sur-Yonne |
Villiers-Vineux | Villiers-Vineux |
Villieu-Loyes-Mollon | Villieu-Loyes-Mollon |
Villingili (Seenu-atol) | Villingili (Seenu Atoll) |
Villisca | Villisca, Iowa |
Villnöß | Villnöß |
Villo! | Villo! |
Villognon | Villognon |
Villon | Villon, Yonne |
Villoncourt | Villoncourt |
Villons-les-Buissons | Villons-les-Buissons |
Víllora | Víllora |
Villorceau | Villorceau |
Villoruebo | Villoruebo |
Villosanges | Villosanges |
Villotran | Villotran |
Villotte | Villotte |
Villotte-devant-Louppy | Villotte-devant-Louppy |
Villotte-Saint-Seine | Villotte-Saint-Seine |
Villotte-sur-Aire | Villotte-sur-Aire |
Villotte-sur-Ource | Villotte-sur-Ource |
Villouxel | Villouxel |
Villovieco | Villovieco |
Villum Clausen (schip) | HSC Villum Clausen |
Villy (Ardennes) | Villy, Ardennes |
Villy (Yonne) | Villy, Yonne |
Villy-Bocage | Villy-Bocage |
Villy-en-Auxois | Villy-en-Auxois |
Villy-en-Trodes | Villy-en-Trodes |
Villy-le-Bois | Villy-le-Bois |
Villy-le-Maréchal | Villy-le-Maréchal |
Villy-le-Moutier | Villy-le-Moutier |
Villy-lez-Falaise | Villy-lez-Falaise |
Villy-sur-Yères | Villy-sur-Yères |
Vilma | Wilma (given name) |
Vilmos Huszár | Vilmos Huszár |
Vilnius (district) | Vilnius County |
Vilnius (districtsgemeente) | Vilnius District Municipality |
Vilobí d'Onyar | Vilobí d'Onyar |
Vilonya | Vilonya |
Vilosnes-Haraumont | Vilosnes-Haraumont |
Vilovi | Vilovi |
Vils | Vils |
Vils (Lech) | Vils (Lech) |
Vils (stad) | Vils, Tyrol |
Vilsalpsee | Vilsalpsee |
Vilsmeier-Haack-reactie | Vilsmeier–Haack reaction |
Vilsteren | Vilsteren |
Vilsundbrug | Vilsund Bridge |
Vilt (dorp) | Vilt |
Vilt (textiel) | Felt |
Viltkokeranemoon | Cerianthus lloydii |
Viltkruid | Filago (genus) |
Viltstift | Marker |
Viltvliegen | Therevidae |
Viluppuram (district) | Viluppuram district |
Vilva (Oesva) | Vilva River |
Vilvoorde | Vilvoorde |
Vim (merk) | Vim (cleaning product) |
Vima Mică | Vima Mică |
Vimanmekpaleis | Vimanmek Mansion |
Vimarcé | Vimarcé |
Vimeiro (Lourinhã) | Vimeiro |
Vimenet | Vimenet |
Vimianzo | Vimianzo |
Vimieiro (Braga) | Vimieiro (Braga) |
Viminaal | Viminal Hill |
Vimines | Vimines |
Vimioso | Vimioso Municipality |
Vimmerby (gemeente) | Vimmerby Municipality |
Vimont | Vimont, Calvados |
Vimory | Vimory |
Vimpelles | Vimpelles |
Vimperk | Vimperk |
VIN | Vin |
Vin | Flipper |
Vin de pays | Vin de pays |
Vin Délimité de Qualité Supérieure | Vin Délimité de Qualité Supérieure |
Vin Mariani | Vin Mariani |
Vina | Vina |
Vinaceite | Vinaceite |
Vinaigrette | Vinaigrette |
Viñales | Viñales |
Vinalesa | Vinalesa |
Viñales-vallei | Viñales Valley |
Vinantes | Vinantes |
Vinár | Vinár |
Vinarce | Vinarce |
Vinařice | Vinařice |
Vinařice (okres Kladno) | Vinařice (Kladno District) |
Vinařice (okres Louny) | Vinařice (Louny District) |
Vinarmigen | Anglerfish |
Vinary | Vinary |
Vinary (okres Hradec Králové) | Vinary (Hradec Králové District) |
Vinax | Vinax |
Vinay (Isère) | Vinay, Isère |
Vinay (Marne) | Vinay, Marne |
Vinaya | Vinaya |
Vinča | Vinča |
Vinça | Vinça |
Vinčacultuur | Vinča culture |
Vince Foster | Vince Foster |
Vince Grella | Vince Grella |
Vince Masuka | Vince Masuka |
Vince Matthews | Vincent Matthews (athlete) |
Vince McMahon Sr. | Vince McMahon, Sr. |
Vince Melouney | Vince Melouney |
Vince Mendoza | Vince Mendoza |
Vincelles (Jura) | Vincelles, Jura |
Vincelles (Marne) | Vincelles, Marne |
Vincelles (Saône-et-Loire) | Vincelles, Saône-et-Loire |
Vincelles (Yonne) | Vincelles, Yonne |
Vincelottes | Vincelottes |
Vincennes | Vincennes (disambiguation) |
Vincennes (Indiana) | Vincennes, Indiana |
Vincent | Vincent (disambiguation) |
Vincent & Theo | Vincent & Theo |
Vincent (Californië) | Vincent, California |
Vincent (Jura) | Vincent, Jura |
Vincent (lied) | Vincent (song) |
Vincent (voornaam) | Vincent |
Vincent Badie | Vincent Badie |
Vincent Benedetti | Vincent, Count Benedetti |
Vincent Connare | Vincent Connare |
Vincent Curatola | Vince Curatola |
Vincent de Gournay | Jacques Claude Marie Vincent de Gournay |
Vincent d'Indy | Vincent d'Indy |
Vincent D'Onofrio | Vincent D'Onofrio |
Vincent Euvrard | Vincent Euvrard |
Vincent Ferrer | Vincent Ferrer |
Vincent Gragnic | Vincent Gragnic |
Vincent Irizarry | Vincent Irizarry |
Vincent Jansz van der Vinne | Vincent Jansz van der Vinne |
Vincent Kenis | Vincent Kenis |
Vincent la Chapelle | Vincent La Chapelle |
Vincent Labrie | Vincent Labrie |
Vincent Lachambre | Vincent Lachambre |
Vincent Lavenu | Vincent Lavenu |
Vincent Lodewijk Gotti | Vincenzo Ludovico Gotti |
Vincent Mancini | Vincent Corleone |
Vincent Mauro | Vincent Mauro |
Vincent Mensah | Vincent Mensah |
Vincent Muratori | Vincent Muratori |
Vincent Nogueira | Vincent Nogueira |
Vincent Pajot | Vincent Pajot |
Vincent Planté | Vincent Planté |
Vincent Provoost | Vincent Provoost |
Vincent Spadea | Vince Spadea |
Vincent Thomas-brug | Vincent Thomas Bridge |
Vincent van Beauvais | Vincent of Beauvais |
Vincent van Denemarken | Prince Vincent of Denmark |
Vincent van der Voort | Vincent van der Voort |
Vincent Vanasch | Vincent Vanasch |
Vincent-HRD | Vincent Motorcycles |
Vincentia Maria López y Vicuña | Vincentia Maria López y Vicuña |
Vincentius | Vincent, Orontius, and Victor |
Vincentius a Paulo | Vincent de Paul |
Vincentius Kadłubek | Wincenty Kadłubek |
Vincentius Madelgarius | Vincent Madelgarius |
Vincentius Pallotti | Vincent Pallotti |
Vincentius Strambi | Vincent Strambi |
Vincentius van Lérins | Vincent of Lérins |
Vincentius van Zaragoza | Vincent of Saragossa |
Vincenzo A. Sagun | Vincenzo A. Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur |
Vincenzo de Cesati | Vincenzo de Cesati |
Vincenzo I Gonzaga | Vincenzo Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua |
Vincenzo II Gonzaga | Vincenzo II Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua |
Vincenzo Lapuma | Vincenzo Lapuma |
Vincenzo Lunardi | Vincenzo Lunardi |
Vincere | Vincere |
VINCI | Vinci (construction) |
Vinci (plaats) | Vinci, Tuscany |
Vinciguerria nimbaria | Oceanic lightfish |
Vincly | Vincly |
Vincy-Manœuvre | Vincy-Manœuvre |
Vincy-Reuil-et-Magny | Vincy-Reuil-et-Magny |
Vindecy | Vindecy |
Vindefontaine | Vindefontaine |
Vindel | Vindel, Cuenca |
Vindelälven | Vindel River |
Vindelicia | Vindelicia |
Vindelle | Vindelle |
Vindeln (plaats) | Vindeln |
Vindemiatrix | Epsilon Virginis |
Vinderup | Vinderup Municipality |
Vindey | Vindey |
Vindhyagebergte | Vindhya Range |
Vindiciae contra tyrannos | Vindiciae contra tyrannos |
Vindobona (trein) | Vindobona (train) |
Vindolanda | Vindolanda |
Vindornyafok | Vindornyafok |
Vindornyalak | Vindornyalak |
Vindornyaszőlős | Vindornyaszőlős |
Vindrac-Alayrac | Vindrac-Alayrac |
Vindula arsinoe | Vindula arsinoe |
Vindula erota | Vindula erota |
Vine | Vine (disambiguation) |
Vine (app) | Vine (software) |
Viñegra de Moraña | Viñegra de Moraña |
Vineland | Vineland (disambiguation) |
Vineland (Minnesota) | Vineland, Minnesota |
Vineland (New Jersey) | Vineland, New Jersey |
Vineta-provisorium | Vineta provisional |
Vinetastraße (metrostation) | Vinetastraße (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Vinets | Vinets |
Vineuil (Indre) | Vineuil, Indre |
Vineuil (Loir-et-Cher) | Vineuil, Loir-et-Cher |
Vinex | Vinex-location |
Vineyard | Vineyard (disambiguation) |
Vineyardbeweging | Association of Vineyard Churches |
Vineyards | Vineyards, Florida |
Vingåker (gemeente) | Vingåker Municipality |
Vingåker (plaats) | Vingåker |
Vinger | Finger |
Vingerafdrukherkenning | Fingerprint scanner |
Vingerdier | Aye-aye |
Vingeren | Fingering (sexual act) |
Vingergras (soort) | Panicum virgatum |
Vingerhelmbloem | Corydalis solida |
Vingerhoed | Thimble |
Vingerhoedje | Verpa conica |
Vingerhoedskruid | Digitalis purpurea |
Vingerhoedskruid (geslacht) | Digitalis |
Vingerhoedskruiddwergspanner | Foxglove Pug |
Vingerkootje | Phalanges |
Vingerplant | Fatsia japonica |
Vingerskateboard | Fingerboard (skateboard) |
Vingerzetting | Fingering |
Vingrau | Vingrau |
Vingtaine | Vingtaine |
Vingt-Hanaps | Vingt-Hanaps |
Vingulmark | Vingulmark |
Vĩnh Long (provincie) | Vĩnh Long Province |
Vĩnh Phúc (provincie) | Vĩnh Phúc Province |
Vini | Vini |
Vini Caldirola (wielerploeg) | Vini Caldirola |
Vini Fantini-Selle Italia | Vini Fantini-Selle Italia |
Vinica (Kroatië) | Vinica, Varaždin County |
Vinica (Slowakije) | Vinica, Veľký Krtíš District |
Vinicio Cerezo | Vinicio Cerezo |
Vinicius de Moraes | Vinicius de Moraes |
Viničky | Viničky |
Viniegra de Abajo | Viniegra de Abajo |
Viniegra de Arriba | Viniegra de Arriba |
Vinificatie | Winemaking |
Vinilkosmo | Vinilkosmo |
Vining | Vining |
Vinings | Vinings, Georgia |
Vinišće | Vinišće |
Vinita | Vinita, Oklahoma |
Vink | Vink |
Vink (vogel) | Common Chaffinch |
Vinkachtigen | Finch |
Vinkega | Vinkega |
Vinkenbuurt | Vinkenbuurt |
Vinkenzaad | Neslia paniculata |
Vinkeveen | Vinkeveen |
Vinko Ošlak | Vinko Ošlak |
Vinkovački Banovci | Vinkovački Banovci |
Vinland Saga (manga) | Vinland Saga (manga) |
Vinlandkaart | Vinland map |
Vinné | Vinné |
Vinnemerville | Vinnemerville |
Vinneuf | Vinneuf |
Vinni | Vinni Parish |
Vinnie Ream Hoxie | Vinnie Ream |
Vinnius | Vinnius |
Vinnytsja | Vinnytsia |
Vinodol | Vinodol, Nitra |
Vinodolska | Vinodol, Croatia |
Vinokoerov | Vinokurov |
Vinon | Vinon |
Vinpootsalamander | Palmate newt |
Vinschgau | Vinschgau |
Vinsonmassief | Vinson Massif |
Vins-sur-Caramy | Vins-sur-Caramy |
Vinstra | Vinstra |
Vinstri | Vinstre |
Vintage | Vintage (disambiguation) |
Vintagekleding | Vintage clothing |
Vintar | Vintar, Ilocos Norte |
Vintila Horia | Vintilă Horia |
Vintl | Vintl |
Vinto (gemeente) | Vinto Municipality |
Vinton (Iowa) | Vinton, Iowa |
Vinton (Virginia) | Vinton, Virginia |
Vinton Cerf | Vint Cerf |
Vinton County | Vinton County, Ohio |
Vintrosa | Vintrosa |
Viñuela | Viñuela |
Viñuelas | Viñuelas |
Vinvissen | Rorqual |
Vinyan | Vinyan |
Vinyl | Vinyl (disambiguation) |
Vinylacetaat | Vinyl acetate |
Vinylacetyleen | Vinylacetylene |
Vinylalcohol | Vinyl alcohol |
Vinylbromide | Vinyl bromide |
Vinylchloride | Vinyl chloride |
Vinylfluoride | Vinyl fluoride |
Vinylgroep | Vinyl |
Vinyols i els Arcs | Vinyols i els Arcs |
Vinzelberg | Vinzelberg |
Vinzelles (Puy-de-Dôme) | Vinzelles, Puy-de-Dôme |
Vinzelles (Saône-et-Loire) | Vinzelles, Saône-et-Loire |
Vinzieux | Vinzieux |
Vinzons | Vinzons, Camarines Norte |
Vinzwemmen | Finswimming |
Viocourt | Viocourt |
Viöl | Viöl |
Viola | Viola (disambiguation) |
Viola (Delaware) | Viola, Delaware |
Viola (Italië) | Viola, Piedmont |
Viola cryana | Viola cryana |
Viola da gamba | Viol |
Viola d'amore | Viola d'amore |
Viola Elisabeth van Teschen | Viola of Teschen |
Viola lutea | Viola lutea |
Viola organista | Viola organista |
Viola Profonda | Viola Profonda |
Violaines | Violaines |
Violales | Violales |
Violante van Aragón | Violant of Aragon |
Violator (album) | Violator (album) |
Violaxanthine | Violaxanthin |
Violès | Violès |
Violet | Violet (color) |
Violet (doorverwijspagina) | Violet |
Violet Baudelaire | Violet Baudelaire |
Violet Hill | Violet Hill (song) |
Violet wortelrot | Helicobasidium purpureum |
Violeta Barrios de Chamorro | Violeta Chamorro |
Violette Athletic Club | Violette A.C. |
Violette Nozière | Violette Nozière |
Violette pijlstaartrog | Pelagic stingray |
Violette purperspreeuw | Metallic Starling |
Violette trogon | Violaceous Trogon |
Violette vuurvlinder | Purple-Shot Copper |
Violofoon | Stroh violin |
Violot | Violot |
Viols-en-Laval | Viols-en-Laval |
Viols-le-Fort | Viols-le-Fort |
Vion (Ardèche) | Vion, Ardèche |
Vion (Sarthe) | Vion, Sarthe |
Vion N.V. | Vion NV |
Viool | Violin |
Vioolbladplant | Ficus lyrata |
Vioolbouwer | Luthier |
Vioolconcert | Violin concerto |
Vioolconcert (Barber) | Violin Concerto (Barber) |
Vioolconcert (Beethoven) | Violin Concerto (Beethoven) |
Vioolconcert (Brahms) | Violin Concerto (Brahms) |
Vioolconcert (Britten) | Violin Concerto (Britten) |
Vioolconcert (Chatsjatoerjan) | Violin Concerto (Khachaturian) |
Vioolconcert (Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) | Violin Concerto (Mendelssohn) |
Vioolconcert (Nielsen) | Violin Concerto (Nielsen) |
Vioolconcert (P.I. Tsjaikovski) | Violin Concerto (Tchaikovsky) |
Vioolconcert (Schönberg) | Violin Concerto (Schoenberg) |
Vioolconcert (Sessions) | Violin Concerto (Sessions) |
Vioolconcert (Sibelius) | Violin Concerto (Sibelius) |
Vioolconcert (Stravinsky) | Violin Concerto (Stravinsky) |
Vioolconcert in a-klein (J.S. Bach) | Violin Concerto No. 1 (Bach) |
Vioolconcert nr. 1 (Prokofjev) | Violin Concerto No. 1 (Prokofiev) |
Vioolconcert nr. 1 (Szymanowski) | Violin Concerto No. 1 (Szymanowski) |
Vioolconcert nr. 2 (Sjostakovitsj) | Violin Concerto No. 2 (Shostakovich) |
Vioolconcert nr. 3 (Saint-Saëns) | Violin Concerto No. 3 (Saint-Saëns) |
Vioolroggen | Guitarfish |
Vioolsdrif | Vioolsdrif |
Vioolsonate | List of violin sonatas |
Vioolsonate (Debussy) | Violin Sonata (Debussy) |
Vioolsonate (Franck) | Violin Sonata (Franck) |
Vioolspin | Brown recluse spider |
Viooltje | Violet (plant) |
Viooltjesfamilie | Violaceae |
Viooltjeslori | Goldie's Lorikeet |
Viorel Iordăchescu | Viorel Iordăchescu |
Viotá | Viotá |
Viozan | Viozan |
VIP | VIP (disambiguation) |
Vip (persoon) | VIP |
Vipassana | Vipassanā |
Vipava (plaats) | Vipava, Vipava |
Viper | Viper (disambiguation) |
Viper (ruimteschip) | Colonial Viper |
Viper (Six Flags Great Adventure) | Viper (Six Flags Great Adventure) |
Viper (televisieserie) | Viper (TV series) |
Vipera | Vipera |
Vipera seoanei | Vipera seoanei |
Vipère au poing | Viper in the Fist |
Viplaix | Viplaix |
Vippachedelhausen | Vippachedelhausen |
Vipsania Agrippina maior | Agrippina the Elder |
Vipsania Julia Agrippina | Julia the Younger |
Vipsania Marcella Agrippina | Vipsania Marcella |
Vipsania Polla | Vipsania Polla |
Viqueque (district) | Viqueque District |
Viqueque (stad) | Viqueque |
Vír | Vír (Žďár nad Sázavou District) |
Vir (eiland) | Vir |
Vir Savarkar Airport | Veer Savarkar International Airport |
Vira (Ariège) | Vira, Ariège |
Vira (Pyrénées-Orientales) | Vira, Pyrénées-Orientales |
Virac | Virac |
Virac (Catanduanes) | Virac, Catanduanes |
Virac (Tarn) | Virac, Tarn |
Viracachá | Viracachá |
Viracocha | Viracocha |
Viracocha Inca | Viracocha Inca |
Viradouro | Viradouro |
Virale marketing | Viral marketing |
Virar | Virar |
Virargues | Virargues |
Virasoro-algebra | Virasoro algebra |
Viré | Viré |
Vire (rivier in Frankrijk) | Vire (river) |
Vireaux | Vireaux |
Viré-en-Champagne | Viré-en-Champagne |
Vireo | Vireo (genus) |
Vireo's | Vireo |
Vire-sur-Lot | Vire-sur-Lot |
Virey | Virey |
Virey-le-Grand | Virey-le-Grand |
Virey-sous-Bar | Virey-sous-Bar |
Virgem da Lapa | Virgem da Lapa |
Virgil Earp | Virgil Earp |
Virgil Grissom | Gus Grissom |
Virgil Soeroredjo | Virgil Soeroredjo |
Virgilio | Virgilio, Lombardy |
Virgilio Mortari | Virgilio Mortari |
Virgilio Savona | Virgilio Savona |
Virgilius van Salzburg | Vergilius of Salzburg |
Virgin Atlantic Airways | Virgin Atlantic Airways |
Virgin Cola | Virgin Cola |
Virgin Islands March | Virgin Islands March |
Virgin Islands National Park | Virgin Islands National Park |
Virgin Radio (Frankrijk) | Virgin Radio (France) |
Virgin Records | Virgin Records |
Virgin Territory | Virgin Territory |
Virgin Unite | Virgin Unite |
Virginaal | Virginals |
Virginia | Virginia (disambiguation) |
Virginia (geslacht) | Virginia (genus) |
Virginia (Illinois) | Virginia, Illinois |
Virginia (Minnesota) | Virginia, Minnesota |
Virginia (staat) | Virginia |
Virginia (Zuid-Afrika) | Virginia, Free State |
Virginia Beach | Virginia Beach, Virginia |
Virginia Brown Faire | Virginia Brown Faire |
Virginia C. Andrews | V. C. Andrews |
Virginia Capers | Virginia Capers |
Virginia Carroll | Virginia Carroll |
Virginia Centurione Bracelli | Virginia Centurione Bracelli |
Virginia City | Virginia City (disambiguation) |
Virginia City (Montana) | Virginia City, Montana |
Virginia City (Nevada) | Virginia City, Nevada |
Virginia Gardens | Virginia Gardens, Florida |
Virginia Gibson | Virginia Gibson |
Virginia Hall | Virginia Hall |
Virginia Oldoini di Castiglione | Virginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Virginiaanse opossum | Virginia Opossum |
Virginiaklasse (onderzeeboot) | Virginia-class submarine |
Virginie Claes | Virginie Claes |
Virginie Faivre | Virginie Faivre |
Virginie Loveling | Virginie Loveling |
Virginy | Virginy |
Virgo (zwaartekrachtgolvendetector) | Virgo interferometer |
Virgocluster | Virgo Cluster |
Virgosupercluster | Virgo Supercluster |
Viriaaltheorema | Virial theorem |
Viriat | Viriat |
Viricelles | Viricelles |
Viridiaan | Viridian |
Viridovix | Viridovix |
Virieu | Virieu |
Virigneux | Virigneux |
Virignin | Virignin |
Virlet | Virlet |
Viroconium | Viroconium Cornoviorum |
Viroïde | Viroid |
Virollet | Virollet |
Virologie | Virology |
Viromandui | Viromandui |
Vironchaux | Vironchaux |
Vironvay | Vironvay |
Viroqua (Wisconsin) | Viroqua, Wisconsin |
Virovitica-Podravina | Virovitica-Podravina County |
Virovo | Virovo |
Virpi Kuitunen | Virpi Sarasvuo |
Virsac | Virsac |
Virserum | Virserum |
Virslīga | Latvian Higher League |
Virson | Virson |
Virt | Virt |
Virtsu | Virtsu |
Virtua Fighter | Virtua Fighter (video game) |
Virtual Bart | Virtual Bart |
Virtual Boy | Nintendo Virtual Boy |
Virtual Boy Wario Land | Virtual Boy Wario Land |
Virtual Console | Virtual Console |
Virtual DJ | VirtualDJ |
Virtual International Authority File | Virtual International Authority File |
Virtual LAN | Virtual LAN |
Virtual Magic Kingdom | Virtual Magic Kingdom |
Virtual private server | Virtual private server |
Virtual Springfield | The Simpsons: Virtual Springfield |
VirtualBox | VirtualBox |
Virtualisatie | Virtualization |
Virtueel analoge synthesizer | Analog modeling synthesizer |
Virtueel beeld | Virtual image |
Virtueel deeltje | Virtual particle |
Virtueel geheugen | Virtual memory |
Virtueel kantoor | Online office suite |
Virtueel museum | Virtual museum |
Virtueel Particulier Netwerk | Virtual private network |
Virtuele aardbol | Virtual globe |
Virtuele arbeid | Virtual work |
Virtuele energiecentrale | Virtual power plant |
Virtuele gemeenschap | Virtual community |
Virtuele luchtvaartmaatschappij | Virtual airline |
Virtuele machine | Virtual machine |
Virtuele organisatie | Virtual organization (grid computing) |
Virtuele temperatuur | Virtual temperature |
Virtuele werkelijkheid | Virtual reality |
Virtuositeit | Virtuoso |
Virtuosity | Virtuosity |
Virtus | Virtus (deity) |
Virtus Pallacanestro Bologna | Virtus Pallacanestro Bologna |
Virtuti Militari | Virtuti Militari |
Virú (provincie) | Virú Province |
Virudhunagar (district) | Virudhunagar district |
Virulentie | Virulence |
Virulentiefactor | Virulence factor |
Viru-Nigula | Viru-Nigula Parish |
Virus | Virus (disambiguation) |
Virus (biologie) | Virus |
Virusenvelop | Viral envelope |
Virusnomenclatuur | Virus classification |
Virville | Virville |
Viry (Haute-Savoie) | Viry, Haute-Savoie |
Viry (Jura) | Viry, Jura |
Viry (Saône-et-Loire) | Viry, Saône-et-Loire |
Viry-Noureuil | Viry-Noureuil |
Vis | Vis |
Vis (eiland) | Vis (island) |
Vis (plaats) | Vis (town) |
Vis (rivier) | Vis (river) |
Vis (voeding) | Fish (food) |
VISA International | Visa Inc. |
Visage | Visage |
Visages d'enfants | Faces of Children |
Visagies goudmol | Visagie's golden mole |
Visalia (Californië) | Visalia, California |
Visan | Visan |
Visarend | Osprey |
Visayanzee | Visayan Sea |
Visayawrattenzwijn | Visayan warty pig |
Viscaceae | Viscaceae |
Viscacha | Viscacha |
Viscacharat | Viscacha rat |
Visco | Visco, Friuli |
Viscometer | Viscometer |
Viscomtat | Viscomtat |
Visconde do Rio Branco | Visconde do Rio Branco |
Visconti | Visconti |
Visconti (Milanees geslacht) | House of Visconti |
Viscos | Viscos |
Viscose | Viscose |
Viscositeit | Viscosity |
Viscount | Viscount (disambiguation) |
Visdief | Common Tern |
Viséen | Viséan |
Visegrádgroep | Visegrád Group |
Vis-en-Artois | Vis-en-Artois |
Viserny | Viserny |
Višesava | Višesava |
Višeslav | Višeslav of Serbia |
Visetende vleermuis | Myotis vivesi |
Vișeu | Vișeu River |
Viseu (district) | Viseu District |
Viseu (Portugal) | Viseu |
Vishaak | Fishing hook |
Vishnoe | Vishnu |
Vishnu Devananda | Vishnudevananda Saraswati |
Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande | Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande |
Vishnuvardhan | Vishnuvardhan (actor) |
Vishuddha | Vishuddha |
Vishvarupa | Trisiras |
Vishwanath Pratap Singh | V. P. Singh |
Visi On | Visi On |
Visibaba | Visibaba |
Visible light communication | Visible light communication |
VisiCorp | VisiCorp |
Visiedo | Visiedo |
Visigoten | Visigoths |
Visigotisch schrift | Visigothic script |
Visigotische Rijk | Visigothic Kingdom |
Visio | Visio |
Visioen | Vision (spirituality) |
Visioen van Gabriël | Gabriel's Revelation |
Vision | Vision (Marvel Comics) |
Vision Tower | Vision Tower |
Visionary | Visionary |
Visionary: The Video Singles | Visionary: The Video Singles |
Visions (album) | Vision |
Visions (BZN) | Visions (Stratovarius album) |
Visions Fugitives | Visions fugitives |
Visistacaritra | Visistacaritra |
Visitatie | Visitor |
Visitekaartje | Visiting card |
Visitor | Visitor (disambiguation) |
Visjera | Vishera |
Visjera (Kama) | Vishera River (Perm Krai) |
Víska | Viska |
Víska (okres Havlíčkův Brod) | Víska (Havlíčkův Brod District) |
Visker | Visker |
Viškovci (Osijek-Baranja) | Viškovci |
Viškovo | Viškovo |
Viskuit | Roe |
Vísky (okres Blansko) | Vísky (Blansko District) |
Vísky (okres Rokycany) | Vísky (Rokycany District) |
Vislanda | Vislanda |
Vislanka | Vislanka |
Vislava | Vislava |
Vislijm | Isinglass |
Visluizen | Branchiura |
Visluizen (familie) | Argulidae |
Vismarkt van Tsukiji | Tsukiji fish market |
Vismarter | Fisher (animal) |
Vismeistri | Vismeistri |
Vismes | Vismes |
Visnet | Fishing net |
Visnetspin | Cyrtophora citricola |
Višnja Gora | Višnja Gora |
Višnjeva (Sjenica) | Višnjeva |
Višnjevac | Višnjevac |
Višnjevac (Osijek) | Višnjevac, Osijek-Baranja County |
Višnjica | Višnjica |
Višnjice | Višnjice |
Višňov | Višňov |
Višňová (okres Jindřichův Hradec) | Višňová (Jindřichův Hradec District) |
Višňová (okres Liberec) | Višňová (Liberec District) |
Višňové (okres Nové Mesto nad Váhom) | Višňové, Nové Mesto nad Váhom District |
Višňové (okres Revúca) | Višňové, Revúca District |
Višňové (okres Žilina) | Višňové (Žilina District) |
Visnye | Visnye |
Viso del Marqués | Viso del Marqués |
Visočica | Visočica hill |
Visočka | Visočka |
Visoka (Arilje) | Visoka (Arilje) |
Visoko (Bosnië en Herzegovina) | Visoko |
Visoko (Kroatië) | Visoko, Croatia |
Visokoi-eiland | Visokoi Island |
Visolie | Fish oil |
Visor om slutet | Visor om slutet |
Visp (district) | Visp (district) |
Visp (gemeente) | Visp |
Visrivier (Namibië) | Fish River (Namibia) |
Viss | Viss, Hungary |
Vissac-Auteyrac | Vissac-Auteyrac |
Vissarion Belinski | Vissarion Belinsky |
Vissarion Sjebalin | Vissarion Shebalin |
Vissaus | Fish sauce |
Visscher | Claes Jansz. Visscher |
Visseiche | Visseiche |
Vissel Kobe | Vissel Kobe |
Vissen | Pesce |
Vissen (astrologie) | Pisces (astrology) |
Vissen (dieren) | Fish |
Vissen (sterrenbeeld) | Pisces (constellation) |
Vissenaken | Vissenaken |
Vissenbjerg | Vissenbjerg Municipality |
Vissende kat | Fishing cat |
Visserij | Fishery |
Vissersbastion | Fisherman's Bastion |
Vissersknoop | Fisherman's knot |
Visserslus | Angler's loop |
Vissersring | Ring of the Fisherman |
Vissige melkzwam | Lactarius volemus |
Visstaartjes | Nolidae |
Visstick | Fish finger |
Vissum | Vissum |
Vista (Californië) | Vista, California |
Vista Alegre do Alto | Vista Alegre do Alto |
Vista Chino | Vista Chino |
Vista Hermosa | Vista Hermosa, Meta |
Vista Serrana | Vista Serrana |
Vistabella | Vistabella de Huerva |
Vistaprint | Vistaprint |
Viștea | Viștea |
Vistrap | Fish ladder |
Vistträsk | Vistträsk |
Vištytis | Vištytis |
Visual approach slope indicator | Visual approach slope indicator |
Visual flight rules | Visual flight rules |
Visual FoxPro | Visual FoxPro |
Visual kei | Visual kei |
Visual novel | Visual novel |
Visual Objects | Visual Objects |
Visualisatie | Visualization (computer graphics) |
Visueel analoge schaal | Visual analogue scale |
Visuele agnosie | Visual agnosia |
Visuele cortex | Visual cortex |
Visuele handicap | Visual impairment |
Visuele waarneming | Visual system |
Visum | Visa |
Visuminformatiesysteem | Visa Information System |
Visunarat | Visunarat |
Visz | Visz |
Viszák | Viszák |
Vít Valenta | Vít Valenta |
Vita | Vita |
Vita (Ávila) | Vita, Ávila |
Vita (Trapani) | Vita, Sicily |
Vita brevis | Vita Brevis |
Vita Cola | Vita Cola |
Vita nuova | La Vita Nuova |
Vita Palamar | Vita Palamar |
Vita Semerenko | Vita Semerenko |
Vita Stopina | Vita Styopina |
Vital Borkelmans | Vital Borkelmans |
Vitali Boets | Vitaliy Buts |
Vitali Daraselia | Vitaly Daraselia |
Vitali Ginzburg | Vitaly Ginzburg |
Vitali Golod | Vitali Golod |
Vitali Loenkin | Vitaly Lunkin |
Vitali Petrov | Vitaly Petrov |
Vitali Popkov | Vitaliy Popkov |
Vitali Primakov | Vitaly Markovich Primakov |
Vitali Rodionov | Vitali Rodionov |
Vitali Tsesjkovski | Vitaly Tseshkovsky |
Vitali Tsjerbo | Vitaly Scherbo |
Vitalia Djatsjenko | Vitalia Diatchenko |
Vitalianus (Byzantijns generaal) | Vitalian (general) |
Vitalicio Seguros | Vitalicio Seguros |
Vitalis van Milaan | Vitalis of Milan |
Vitalisme (filosofie) | Vitalism |
Vitali-verzameling | Vitali set |
Vitaliy Parakhnevych | Vitaliy Parakhnevych |
Vitallium | Vitallium |
Vital'O | Vital'O FC |
Vitaly Anikeyenko | Vitaly Anikeyenko |
Vitaly Samoshko | Vitaly Samoshko |
Vitamine | Vitamin |
Vitamine B6 | Vitamin B6 |
Vitamine D | Vitamin D |
Vitamine E | Vitamin E |
Vítanov | Vítanov |
Vitanová | Vitanová |
Vitanovac (Kraljevo) | Vitanovac |
Vitasi | Vitasi |
Víťazovce | Víťazovce |
Vitebsk | Vitebsk |
Vitebski vokzal | Vitebsky railway station |
Vítějeves | Vítějeves |
Vitelotte noir | Vitelotte |
Vitense | Vitense |
Viterbe | Viterbe, Tarn |
Viterbo | Viterbe |
Viterbo (Colombia) | Viterbo, Caldas |
Viterbo (provincie) | Province of Viterbo |
Viterbo (stad) | Viterbo |
Viterne | Viterne |
Vitesse | Vitesse (disambiguation) |
Vitez | Vitez |
Viteževo | Viteževo |
Vitézi Rend | Vitéz |
Vítězná | Vítězná |
Viti | Vitina |
Viti Levugroep | Viti Levu Group |
Vitichi (gemeente) | Vitichi Municipality |
Vitigudino | Vitigudino |
Vitim | Vitim |
Vitim (Lena) | Vitim River |
Vitis | Vitis (disambiguation) |
Vitis (gemeente) | Vitis, Austria |
Vitjaz | Vityaz |
Vítkov (okres Opava) | Vítkov (Opava District) |
Vitkovac (Kraljevo) | Vitkovac (Kraljevo) |
Vítkovce | Vítkovce |
Vitkoviće | Vitkoviće |
Vítkovice (okres Semily) | Vítkovice (Semily District) |
Vito Cascio Ferro | Vito Cascioferro |
Vito Corleone | Vito Corleone |
Vito d'Asio | Vito d'Asio |
Vito De Grisantis | Vito De Grisantis |
Vito Scotti | Vito Scotti |
Vítonice (okres Kroměříž) | Vítonice (Kroměříž District) |
Vítonice (okres Znojmo) | Vítonice (Znojmo District) |
Vitor Júnior | Vitor Júnior |
Vitor Meira | Vitor Meira |
Vitor Meireles (Santa Catarina) | Vitor Meireles |
Vitor Pelé | Pelé (footballer born 1987) |
Vítor Pereira | Vítor Pereira (football manager) |
Vitoria | Vitoria |
Vitória (gemeente) | Vitória, Espírito Santo |
Vitória Brasil | Vitória Brasil |
Vitória do Jari | Vitória do Jari |
Vitória FC (Espírito Santo) | Vitória Futebol Clube (ES) |
Vitória FC (Riboque) | Vitória FC (Riboque) |
Vitória FC (Setúbal) | Vitória F.C. |
Vitória SC | Vitória S.C. |
Vitorino | Vitorino, Paraná |
Vitorino Antunes | Vitorino Antunes |
Vitoše | Vitoše |
Vitosja | Vitosha |
Vitot | Vitot |
Vitra | Vitra (furniture) |
Vitrac (Cantal) | Vitrac, Cantal |
Vitrac (Dordogne) | Vitrac, Dordogne |
Vitrac (Puy-de-Dôme) | Vitrac, Puy-de-Dôme |
Vitrac-en-Viadène | Vitrac-en-Viadène |
Vitrac-Saint-Vincent | Vitrac-Saint-Vincent |
Vitrai-sous-Laigle | Vitrai-sous-Laigle |
Vitral | Vitral |
Vitray | Vitray |
Vitray-en-Beauce | Vitray-en-Beauce |
Vitré (Deux-Sèvres) | Vitré, Deux-Sèvres |
Vitré (Ille-et-Vilaine) | Vitré, Ille-et-Vilaine |
Vitrectomie | Vitrectomy |
Vitreledonella richardi | Vitreledonella |
Vitreux | Vitreux |
Vitrey | Vitrey |
Vitrimont | Vitrimont |
Vitrine | Display case |
Vitrinidae | Vitrinidae |
Vitrolles (Bouches-du-Rhône) | Vitrolles, Bouches-du-Rhône |
Vitrolles (Hautes-Alpes) | Vitrolles, Hautes-Alpes |
Vitrolles-en-Luberon | Vitrolles-en-Luberon |
Vitruvia | Victoria (Gallic Empire) |
Vitruvius (architect) | Vitruvius |
Vitry-en-Charollais | Vitry-en-Charollais |
Vitry-en-Montagne | Vitry-en-Montagne |
Vitry-Laché | Vitry-Laché |
Vitry-le-Croisé | Vitry-le-Croisé |
Vitry-lès-Cluny | Vitry-lès-Cluny |
Vitry-lès-Nogent | Vitry-lès-Nogent |
Vitry-sur-Loire | Vitry-sur-Loire |
Vitselstek | Wattle and daub |
Vitsentzos Kornaros | Vitsentzos Kornaros |
Vitsiku | Vitsiku |
Vitt | Vitt |
Vittarville | Vittarville |
Vittaryd | Vittaryd |
Vittefleur | Vittefleur |
Vittel (water) | Vittel (water) |
Vittonville | Vittonville |
Vittoria | Vittoria |
Vittoria (gemeente) | Vittoria, Sicily |
Vittorio Craxi | Bobo Craxi |
Vittorio Ghirelli | Vittorio Ghirelli |
Vittorio Leonardo | Vittorio Leonardo |
Vittorio Merloni | Vittorio Merloni |
Vittorio Veneto (schip) | Italian cruiser Vittorio Veneto (550) |
Vittorio Veneto (slagschip) | Italian battleship Vittorio Veneto |
Vittorio Villano | Vittorio Villano |
Vittoriosa Stars | Vittoriosa Stars F.C. |
Vittsjö | Vittsjö |
Vittskövle (Kristianstad) | Vittskövle |
Vitus | Vitus |
Vitus Bering | Vitus Bering |
Vitz-sur-Authie | Vitz-sur-Authie |
Viura | Macabeo |
Viva la vida (single) | Viva la Vida |
Viva Las Vegas | Viva Las Vegas (disambiguation) |
Viva Las Vegas (film) | Viva Las Vegas |
Viva Macau | Viva Macau |
Viva Maria! | Viva Maria! |
Viva Piñata | Viva Piñata |
Viva Zapata! | Viva Zapata! |
Viva, Viva a FRELIMO | Viva, Viva a FRELIMO |
VivaAerobus | |
Vivaise | Vivaise |
Vivaldão | Vivaldão |
Vivaldi | Vivaldi (disambiguation) |
Vivans | Vivans |
Vivant | Vivant |
Vivant Denon | Dominique Vivant |
Vivario | Vivario |
Vivarium | Vivarium |
VIVA-wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2006 | 2006 Viva World Cup |
Vivekananda | Swami Vivekananda |
Vivel del Río Martín | Vivel del Río Martín |
Vivement dimanche! | Confidentially Yours |
Viven | Viven |
Vivendi Games | Vivendi Games |
Viver | Viver |
Viverols | Viverols |
Viveros | Viveros |
Vives | Vives |
Vivès | Vivès |
Vivey | Vivey |
Vivi Bach | Vivi Bach |
Vivian | Vivian |
Vivian (voornaam) | Vivienne |
Vivian Beaumont Theatre | Vivian Beaumont Theater |
Vivian Cheruiyot | Vivian Cheruiyot |
Vivian Schmitt | Vivian Schmitt |
Vivian Woodward | Vivian Woodward |
Vivianiet | Vivianite |
Vivières | Vivières |
Viviers (Ardèche) | Viviers, Ardèche |
Viviers (Moselle) | Viviers, Moselle |
Viviers (Yonne) | Viviers, Yonne |
Viviers-lès-Lavaur | Viviers-lès-Lavaur |
Viviers-lès-Montagnes | Viviers-lès-Montagnes |
Viviers-lès-Offroicourt | Viviers-lès-Offroicourt |
Viviers-sur-Artaut | Viviers-sur-Artaut |
Viviers-sur-Chiers | Viviers-sur-Chiers |
Viviès | Viviès |
Viviez | Viviez |
Viville (Frankrijk) | Viville |
Viviparidae | Viviparidae |
Viviparie | Viviparity |
Viviparus | Viviparus |
Vivisectie | Vivisection |
Vivodina | Vivodina |
Vivoin | Vivoin |
Vivonne | Vivonne |
Vivre sa vie | My Life to Live |
Vivy (Frankrijk) | Vivy, Maine-et-Loir |
Vix | Vix |
Vix (Côte-d'Or) | Vix, Côte-d'Or |
Vix (Vendée) | Vix, Vendée |
Vixen | Vixen (band) |
Viz Media | Viz Media |
Viza | Viza |
Vizcaínos | Vizcaínos |
Vizcayabrug | Vizcaya Bridge |
Vizela | Vizela Municipality |
Vizier (functie) | Vizier |
Vizier (wapen) | Sight (device) |
Viziru | Viziru |
Víznar | Víznar |
Vizos | Vizos |
Vizsla | Hungarian Vizsla |
Vízvár | Vízvár |
VJ | VJ |
Vj (artiest) | VJing |
Vjatka | Vyatka |
Vjatka (rivier) | Vyatka River |
Vjatseslav Ivanov | Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov |
Vjatsjaslaw Hleb | Vyacheslav Hleb |
Vjatsjelav Voronin | Vyacheslav Voronin |
Vjatsjeslav Bykov | Vyacheslav Bykov |
Vjatsjeslav Ivanenko | Vyacheslav Ivanenko |
Vjatsjeslav Jekimov | Viatcheslav Ekimov |
Vjatsjeslav Konstantinovitsj van Rusland | Grand Duke Vyacheslav Constantinovich of Russia |
Vjatsjeslav Malafejev | Vyacheslav Malafeev |
Vjatsjeslav Molotov | Vyacheslav Molotov |
Vjatsjeslav Ovtsjinnikov | Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov |
Vjatsjeslav Ragozin | Viacheslav Ragozin |
Vjatsjeslav Sinkevitsj | Vyacheslav Sinkevich |
Vjatsjeslav Tichonov | Vyacheslav Tikhonov |
Vjatsjeslav von Plehve | Vyacheslav von Plehve |
Vjatskoje | Vyatskoye, Khabarovsk Krai |
Vjazma (stad) | Vyazma |
Vjekoslav Škrinjar | Vjekoslav Škrinjar |
Vjekoslav Šutej | Vjekoslav Šutej |
Vjosë | Vjosa River |
VK CSKA Moskou | VC CSKA Moscow |
Vk Dinamo Moskou | VC Dynamo Moscow |
VK Jug Dubrovnik | VK Jug Dubrovnik |
VK Lokomotiv-Belogorje Belgorod | VC Lokomotiv-Belogorie |
Vla | Vla |
Vlaams | Flemish language |
Vlaams Economisch Verbond | Vlaams Economisch Verbond |
Vlaams Gewest | Flemish Region |
Vlaams Liberaal Onafhankelijk Tolerant Transparant | VLOTT |
Vlaams Nationaal Verbond | Flemish National Union |
Vlaams Parlement | Flemish Parliament |
Vlaams-Brabant | Flemish Brabant |
Vlaamse Aardbeiencross | Vlaamse Aardbeiencross |
Vlaamse Ardennen | Flemish Ardennes |
Vlaamse Beweging | Flemish Movement |
Vlaamse Gebarentaal | Flemish Sign Language |
Vlaamse Gemeenschap | Flemish Community |
Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie | Flemish Community Commission |
Vlaamse Heraldische Raad | Flemish Heraldic Council |
Vlaamse Industrieprijs Bosduin | Cyclo-cross Kalmthout |
Vlaamse Militanten Orde | Order of Flemish Militants |
Vlaamse Opera | Vlaamse Opera |
Vlaamse Pijl | De Vlaamse Pijl |
Vlaamse Primitieven | Early Netherlandish painting |
Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie | Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie |
Vlaamse Regering | Flemish Government |
Vlaamse Reus (konijn) | Flemish Giant |
Vlaams-Henegouwse Successieoorlog | War of the Flemish Succession |
Vlaams-Socialistische Beweging | Flemish-Socialist Movement |
Vlaanderen | Flanders |
Vlaanderen (doorverwijspagina) | Flanders (disambiguation) |
Vlaardingen | Vlaardingen |
Vlaardingerambacht | Vlaardinger-Ambacht |
Vlača | Vlača |
Vlachen | Vlachs |
Vlachovice (okres Žďár nad Sázavou) | Vlachovice (Žďár nad Sázavou District) |
Vlachovice (okres Zlín) | Vlachovice (Zlín District) |
Vlachovo Březí | Vlachovo Březí |
Vlachy | Vlachy |
Vlad Chiricheș | Vlad Chiricheș |
Vlad Dracula | Vlad III the Impaler |
Vlad Tepes (band) | Vlad Tepes (band) |
Vlădaia | Vlădaia |
Vlădeni | Vlădeni |
Vlădești | Vlădești |
Vladikavkaz | Vladikavkaz |
Vladimir | Vladimir (disambiguation) |
Vladimir (stad) | Vladimir |
Vladimir Akopian | Vladimir Akopian |
Vladimir Aleksandrovitsj Romanov | Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia |
Vladimir Aleksejevitsj Kornilov | Vladimir Alexeyevich Kornilov |
Vladimir Andrejev | Vladimir Andreev (basketball) |
Vladimir Arnold | Vladimir Arnold |
Vladimir Arsenjev | Vladimir Arsenyev |
Vladimir Artemyev | Vladimir Artemyev |
Vladimir Arzumanyan | Vladimir Arzumanyan |
Vladimir Asjkenazi | Vladimir Ashkenazy |
Vladimir Atlasov | Vladimir Atlasov |
Vladimir Baklan | Vladimir Baklan |
Vladimir Bechterev | Vladimir Bekhterev |
Vladimir Beekman | Vladimir Beekman |
Vladimir Belov | Vladimir Belov |
Vladimir Belov (schaker) | Vladimir Belov (chess player) |
Vladimir Bigorra | Vladimir Bigorra |
Vladimir Boekovski | Vladimir Bukovsky |
Vladimir Boermakin | Vladimir Burmakin |
Vladimir Bortko | Vladimir Bortko |
Vladimir Bystrov | Vladimir Bystrov |
Vladimir Chuchelov | Vladimir Chuchelov |
Vladimir Dal | Vladimir Dal |
Vladimir Demichov | Vladimir Demikhov |
Vladimir Dezjoerov | Vladimir Dezhurov |
Vladimir Dvalishvili | Vladimir Dvalishvili |
Vladimir Gaboelov | Vladimir Gabulov |
Vladimir Giljarovski | Vladimir Gilyarovsky |
Vladimír Godár | Vladimír Godár |
Vladimir Goesev (wielrenner) | Vladimir Gusev (cyclist) |
Vladimir Goloebnitsji | Volodymyr Holubnychy |
Vladimir Iljoesjin | Vladimir Ilyushin |
Vladimir Isajtsjev | Vladimir Isaichev |
Vladimir Ivanovitsj Istomin | Vladimir Istomin |
Vladimir Jasjtsjenko | Vladimir Yashchenko |
Vladimir Jefimkin | Vladimir Efimkin |
Vladimir Jengibarian | Vladimir Yengibaryan |
Vladimir Jepisjin | Vladimir Epishin |
Vladimir Kanajkin | Vladimir Kanaykin |
Vladimir Karpets | Vladimir Karpets |
Vladimir Karpov | Vladimir Karpov |
Vladimír Kinder | Vladimír Kinder |
Vladimir Kirillovitsj van Rusland | Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia |
Vladimir Kiseljev | Vladimir Kiselyov |
Vladimir Koets | Vladimir Kuts |
Vladimir Kokovtsov | Vladimir Kokovtsov |
Vladimir Komarov | Vladimir Komarov (disambiguation) |
Vladimir Komarov (kosmonaut) | Vladimir Komarov |
Vladimir Kondrasjin | Vladimir Kondrashin |
Vladimir Korolenko | Vladimir Korolenko |
Vladimir Kovaljonok | Vladimir Kovalyonok |
Vladimir Kramnik | Vladimir Kramnik |
Vladimir Krasnov | Vladimir Krasnov |
Vladimir Krjoetsjkov | Vladimir Kryuchkov |
Vladimir Lamsdorf | Vladimir Lamsdorf |
Vladimir Lenin | Vladimir Lenin |
Vladimir Majakovski | Vladimir Mayakovsky |
Vladimir Makanin | Vladimir Makanin |
Vladimir Makogonov | Vladimir Makogonov |
Vladimir Malachov | Vladimir Malakhov |
Vladimir Malachov (schaker) | Vladimir Malakhov (chess player) |
Vladimir Markovnikov | Vladimir Markovnikov |
Vladimir Melanin | Vladimir Melanin |
Vladimir Monomach | Vladimir II Monomakh |
Vladimir Morozov (zwemmer) | Vladimir Morozov (swimmer) |
Vladimir Nemirovitsj-Dansjenko | Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko |
Vladimir Obroetsjev | Vladimir Obruchev |
Vladimir Odojevski | Vladimir Odoyevsky |
Vladimir Palej | Vladimir Paley |
Vladimir Petsjerin | Vladimir Pecherin |
Vladimir Pletser | Vladimir Pletser |
Vladimir Poelnikov | Vladimir Poulnikov |
Vladimir Poerisjkevitsj | Vladimir Purishkevich |
Vladimir Poetin | Vladimir Putin |
Vladimir Potanin | Vladimir Potanin |
Vladimir Potkin | Vladimir Potkin |
Vladimir Pozner | Vladimir Solomonovich Pozner |
Vladimir Propp | Vladimir Propp |
Vladimir Rebikov | Vladimir Rebikov |
Vladimír Remek | Vladimír Remek |
Vladimir Roesanov | Vladimir Rusanov |
Vladimir Salnikov | Vladimir Salnikov |
Vladimir Samsonov | Vladimir Samsonov |
Vladimir Selkov | Vladimir Selkov |
Vladimir Simagin | Vladimir Simagin |
Vladimir Sjatalov | Vladimir Shatalov |
Vladimir Sjoechov | Vladimir Shukhov |
Vladimir Sjtsjerbatsjov | Vladimir Shcherbachov |
Vladimir Solovjov | Vladimir Solovyov (philosopher) |
Vladimir Sorokin | Vladimir Sorokin |
Vladimir Stasov | Vladimir Stasov |
Vladimir Stoychev | Vladimir Stoychev |
Vladimir Suchanek | Vladimir Suchánek |
Vladimir Tatlin | Vladimir Tatlin |
Vladimir Tendrjakov | Vladimir Tendryakov |
Vladimir Tkatsjenko | Vladimir Tkachenko |
Vladimir Toekmakov | Vladimir Tukmakov |
Vladimir Toertsjinski | Vladimir Turchinsky |
Vladimir Tretchikoff | Vladimir Tretchikoff |
Vladimir Tsjagin | Vladimir Chagin |
Vladimir Tsjertkov | Vladimir Chertkov |
Vladimir Tsjoerov | Vladimir Churov |
Vladimir van Bulgarije | Vladimir of Bulgaria |
Vladimir van Kiev | Vladimir the Great |
Vladimir Veremeenko | Vladimir Veremeenko |
Vladimir Vernadski | Vladimir Vernadsky |
Vladimir Voevodsky | Vladimir Voevodsky |
Vladimir Vojnovitsj | Vladimir Voinovich |
Vladimir Voronin (kapitein) | Vladimir Voronin (captain) |
Vladimir Vysotski | Vladimir Vysotsky |
Vladimír Weiss (1989) | Vladimír Weiss (footballer born 1989) |
Vladimir Zagorovski | Vladimir Zagorovsky |
Vladimir Zjirinovski | Vladimir Zhirinovsky |
Vladimir Zworykin | Vladimir K. Zworykin |
Vladimirci | Vladimirci |
Vladimirescu | Vladimirescu, Arad |
Vladimirkathedraal | St. Vladimir's Cathedral |
Vladimirkathedraal (Chersonesos) | Chersonesus Cathedral |
Vladimirkathedraal (Kiev) | St Volodymyr's Cathedral |
Vladimirkathedraal (Sint-Petersburg) | St. Vladimir's Cathedral (St. Petersburg) |
Vladimirskaja (metrostation) | Vladimirskaya (Saint Petersburg Metro) |
Vladimirskaja-kathedraal | Vladimirskaya Church |
Vladimir-Soezdal | Grand Duchy of Vladimir |
Vladislav (naam) | Vladislav |
Vladislav Ardzinba | Vladislav Ardzinba |
Vladislav Bobrik | Vladislav Bobrik |
Vladislav Chodasevitsj | Vladislav Khodasevich |
Vladislav Frolov | Vladislav Frolov |
Vladislav Galkin | Vladislav Galkin |
Vladislav I | Vladislav I of Wallachia |
Vladislav Listjev | Vladislav Listyev |
Vladislav Radimov | Vladislav Radimov |
Vladislav Soerkov | Vladislav Surkov |
Vladislav Volkov | Vladislav Volkov |
Vladislavci | Vladislavci |
Vladivoj van Bohemen | Vladivoj, Duke of Bohemia |
Vladivostok | Vladivostok |
Vladivostok Avia | Vladivostok Air |
Vlado Kalember | Vlado Kalember |
Vlado Taneski | Vlado Taneski |
Vlado Tsjernozemski | Vlado Chernozemski |
Vlag | Flag |
Vlag (gebiedsnaam) | Banners of Inner Mongolia |
Vlag van Abchazië | Flag of Abkhazia |
Vlag van Afghanistan | Flag of Afghanistan |
Vlag van Alabama | Flag of Alabama |
Vlag van Åland | Flag of Åland |
Vlag van Alaska | Flag of Alaska |
Vlag van Albanië | Flag of Albania |
Vlag van Alberta | Flag of Alberta |
Vlag van Alderney | Flag of Alderney |
Vlag van Algerije | Flag of Algeria |
Vlag van Altaj | Flag of the Altai Republic |
Vlag van Amazonas (Colombia) | Flag of the Department of Amazonas |
Vlag van Amerikaans-Samoa | Flag of American Samoa |
Vlag van Amsterdam | Flag of Amsterdam |
Vlag van Andalusië | Flag of Andalusia |
Vlag van Andorra | Flag of Andorra |
Vlag van Angola | Flag of Angola |
Vlag van Anguilla | Flag of Anguilla |
Vlag van Antarctica | Flags of Antarctica |
Vlag van Antigua en Barbuda | Flag of Antigua and Barbuda |
Vlag van Antioquia | Flag of the Department of Antioquia |
Vlag van Argentinië | Flag of Argentina |
Vlag van Arizona | Flag of Arizona |
Vlag van Arkansas | Flag of Arkansas |
Vlag van Armenië | Flag of Armenia |
Vlag van Aruba | Flag of Aruba |
Vlag van Asturië | Flag of Asturias |
Vlag van Australië | Flag of Australia |
Vlag van Azawad | Flag of Azawad |
Vlag van Azerbeidzjan | Flag of Azerbaijan |
Vlag van Baden-Württemberg | Flag of Baden-Württemberg |
Vlag van Bahrein | Flag of Bahrain |
Vlag van Bangladesh | Flag of Bangladesh |
Vlag van Barbados | Flag of Barbados |
Vlag van Basjkirostan | Flag of Bashkortostan |
Vlag van Baskenland | Ikurriña |
Vlag van Beieren | Flag of Bavaria |
Vlag van België | Flag of Belgium |
Vlag van Belize | Flag of Belize |
Vlag van Benin | Flag of Benin |
Vlag van Berlijn | Flag of Berlin |
Vlag van Bermuda | Flag of Bermuda |
Vlag van Bhutan | Flag of Bhutan |
Vlag van Biafra | Flag of Biafra |
Vlag van Boerjatië | Flag of the Republic of Buryatia |
Vlag van Bolivia | Flag of Bolivia |
Vlag van Bonaire | Flag of Bonaire |
Vlag van Bornholm | Flag of Bornholm |
Vlag van Bosnië en Herzegovina | Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Vlag van Botswana | Flag of Botswana |
Vlag van Brazilië | Flag of Brazil |
Vlag van Bretagne | Flag of Brittany |
Vlag van Brits-Columbia | Flag of British Columbia |
Vlag van Brunei | Flag of Brunei |
Vlag van Bulgarije | Flag of Bulgaria |
Vlag van Burkina Faso | Flag of Burkina Faso |
Vlag van Burundi | Flag of Burundi |
Vlag van Californië | Flag of California |
Vlag van Cambodja | Flag of Cambodia |
Vlag van Canada | Flag of Canada |
Vlag van Cantabrië | Flag of Cantabria |
Vlag van Castilië en León | Flag of Castile and León |
Vlag van Ceuta | Flag of Ceuta |
Vlag van Chakassië | Flag of Khakassia |
Vlag van Chili | Flag of Chile |
Vlag van Christmaseiland | Flag of Christmas Island |
Vlag van Colombia | Flag of Colombia |
Vlag van Colorado | Flag of Colorado |
Vlag van Congo-Brazzaville | Flag of the Republic of the Congo |
Vlag van Congo-Kinshasa | Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Vlag van Connecticut | Flag of Connecticut |
Vlag van Corsica | Flag and coat of arms of Corsica |
Vlag van Costa Rica | Flag of Costa Rica |
Vlag van Cuba | Flag of Cuba |
Vlag van Curaçao | Flag of Curaçao |
Vlag van Cyprus | Flag of Cyprus |
Vlag van Dagestan | Flag of Dagestan |
Vlag van de Afrikaanse Unie | Flag of the African Union |
Vlag van de Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden | Flag of US Virgin Islands |
Vlag van de Arabische Democratische Republiek Sahara | Flag of Western Sahara |
Vlag van de ASEAN | Flag of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations |
Vlag van de Azoren | Flag of the Azores |
Vlag van de Bahama's | Flag of the Bahamas |
Vlag van de Balearen | Flag of the Balearic Islands |
Vlag van de Britse Maagdeneilanden | Flag of the British Virgin Islands |
Vlag van de Canarische Eilanden | Flag of the Canary Islands |
Vlag van de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek | Flag of the Central African Republic |
Vlag van de Cocoseilanden | Flag of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
Vlag van de Comoren | Flag of Comoros |
Vlag van de Cookeilanden | Flag of the Cook Islands |
Vlag van de Dominicaanse Republiek | Flag of Dominican Republic |
Vlag van de Faeröer | Flag of the Faroe Islands |
Vlag van de Falklandeilanden | Flag of the Falkland Islands |
Vlag van de Federatie van Bosnië en Herzegovina | Flag of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Vlag van de Filipijnen | Flag of the Philippines |
Vlag van de Geconfedereerde Staten van Amerika | Flags of the Confederate States of America |
Vlag van de Kaaimaneilanden | Flag of the Cayman Islands |
Vlag van de Krimrepubliek | Flag of Crimea |
Vlag van de Maldiven | Flag of the Maldives |
Vlag van de Marshalleilanden | Flag of the Marshall Islands |
Vlag van de Nederlandse Antillen | Flag of the Netherlands Antilles |
Vlag van de Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie | Flag of NATO |
Vlag van de Noordelijke Marianen | Flag of the Northern Mariana Islands |
Vlag van de Northwest Territories | Flag of the Northwest Territories |
Vlag van de Pitcairneilanden | Flag and coat of arms of the Pitcairn Islands |
Vlag van de planeet Mars | Flag of Mars |
Vlag van de Republiek China | Flag of the Republic of China |
Vlag van de Republiek Venetië | Lion of Saint Mark |
Vlag van de Republiek West-Florida | Bonnie Blue Flag |
Vlag van de Roma | Flag of the Romani people |
Vlag van de Salomonseilanden | Flag of the Solomon Islands |
Vlag van de Samen | Sami flag |
Vlag van de Servische Republiek | Flag of Republika Srpska |
Vlag van de Seychellen | Flag of the Seychelles |
Vlag van de Sovjet-Unie | Flag of the Soviet Union |
Vlag van de Turks- en Caicoseilanden | Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands |
Vlag van de Turkse Republiek Noord-Cyprus | Flag of Northern Cyprus |
Vlag van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten | Flag of the United Arab Emirates |
Vlag van de Verenigde Naties | Flag of the United Nations |
Vlag van de Verenigde Staten | Flag of the United States |
Vlag van de Volksrepubliek China | Flag of the People's Republic of China |
Vlag van Delaware | Flag of Delaware |
Vlag van Denemarken | Flag of Denmark |
Vlag van Djibouti | Flag of Djibouti |
Vlag van Dominica | Flag of Dominica |
Vlag van Duitsland | Flag of Germany |
Vlag van Ecuador | Flag of Ecuador |
Vlag van Egypte | Flag of Egypt |
Vlag van El Salvador | Flag of El Salvador |
Vlag van Engeland | Flag of England |
Vlag van Equatoriaal-Guinea | Flag of Equatorial Guinea |
Vlag van Eritrea | Flag of Eritrea |
Vlag van Estland | Flag of Estonia |
Vlag van Ethiopië | Flag of Ethiopia |
Vlag van Europa | Flag of Europe |
Vlag van Fiji | Flag of Fiji |
Vlag van Finland | Flag of Finland |
Vlag van Florida (Verenigde Staten) | Flag of Florida |
Vlag van Franche-Comté | Flag of Franche-Comté |
Vlag van Frankrijk | Flag of France |
Vlag van Frans-Guyana | Flag of French Guiana |
Vlag van Frans-Polynesië | Flag of French Polynesia |
Vlag van Gabon | Flag of Gabon |
Vlag van Gagaoezië | Flag of Gagauzia |
Vlag van Galicië | Flag of Galicia |
Vlag van Gambia | Flag of the Gambia |
Vlag van Georgia | Flag of Georgia (U.S. state) |
Vlag van Georgië | Flag of Georgia (country) |
Vlag van Ghana | Flag of Ghana |
Vlag van Gibraltar | Flag of Gibraltar |
Vlag van Grenada | Flag of Grenada |
Vlag van Griekenland | Flag of Greece |
Vlag van Groenland | Flag of Greenland |
Vlag van Guadeloupe | Flag of Guadeloupe |
Vlag van Guam | Flag of Guam |
Vlag van Guatemala | Flag of Guatemala |
Vlag van Guernsey | Flag of Guernsey |
Vlag van Guinee | Flag of Guinea |
Vlag van Guinee-Bissau | Flag of Guinea-Bissau |
Vlag van Guyana | Flag of Guyana |
Vlag van Haïti | Flag of Haiti |
Vlag van Hawaï | Flag of Hawaii |
Vlag van Herm | Flag of Herm |
Vlag van het Australisch Hoofdstedelijk Territorium | Flag of the Australian Capital Territory |
Vlag van het Brits Antarctisch Territorium | Flag of the British Antarctic Territory |
Vlag van het Brits Indische Oceaanterritorium | Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory |
Vlag van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest | Flag of the Brussels-Capital Region |
Vlag van het Noordelijk Territorium | Flag of the Northern Territory |
Vlag van het Ottomaanse Rijk | Flags of the Ottoman Empire |
Vlag van het Verenigd Koninkrijk | Flag of the United Kingdom |
Vlag van Honduras | Flag of Honduras |
Vlag van Hongarije | Flag of Hungary |
Vlag van Hongkong | Flag of Hong Kong |
Vlag van Ierland | Flag of Ireland |
Vlag van IJsland | Flag of Iceland |
Vlag van India | Flag of India |
Vlag van Indiana | Flag of Indiana |
Vlag van Indonesië | Flag of Indonesia |
Vlag van Iowa | Flag of Iowa |
Vlag van Irak | Flag of Iraq |
Vlag van Iran | Flag of Iran |
Vlag van Israël | Flag of Israel |
Vlag van Italië | Flag of Italy |
Vlag van Ivoorkust | Flag of Ivory Coast |
Vlag van Jakoetië | Flag of the Sakha Republic |
Vlag van Jalisco | Flag of Jalisco |
Vlag van Jamaica | Flag of Jamaica |
Vlag van Japan | Flag of Japan |
Vlag van Jemen | Flag of Yemen |
Vlag van Jersey | Flag of Jersey |
Vlag van Joegoslavië | Flag of Yugoslavia |
Vlag van Jordanië | Flag of Jordan |
Vlag van Kaapverdië | Flag of Cape Verde |
Vlag van Kabardië-Balkarië | Flag of Kabardino-Balkaria |
Vlag van Kalmukkië | Flag of Kalmykia |
Vlag van Kameroen | Flag of Cameroon |
Vlag van Kansas | Flag of Kansas |
Vlag van Karatsjaj-Tsjerkessië | Flag of Karachay-Cherkessia |
Vlag van Karelië | Flag of the Republic of Karelia |
Vlag van Kazachstan | Flag of Kazakhstan |
Vlag van Kenia | Flag of Kenya |
Vlag van Kentucky | Flag of Kentucky |
Vlag van Kirgizië | Flag of Kyrgyzstan |
Vlag van Kiribati | Flag of Kiribati |
Vlag van Koerdistan | Flag of Iraqi Kurdistan |
Vlag van Koeweit | Flag of Kuwait |
Vlag van Komi | Flag of the Komi Republic |
Vlag van Kosovo | Flag of Kosovo |
Vlag van Kroatië | Flag of Croatia |
Vlag van Laos | Flag of Laos |
Vlag van Lesotho | Flag of Lesotho |
Vlag van Letland | Flag of Latvia |
Vlag van Libanon | Flag of Lebanon |
Vlag van Liberia | Flag of Liberia |
Vlag van Libië | Flag of Libya |
Vlag van Liechtenstein | Flag of Liechtenstein |
Vlag van Litouwen | Flag of Lithuania |
Vlag van Los Angeles | Flag of Los Angeles |
Vlag van Louisiana | Flag of Louisiana |
Vlag van Luxemburg (land) | Flag of Luxembourg |
Vlag van Macau | Flag of Macau |
Vlag van Macedonië (land) | Flag of the Republic of Macedonia |
Vlag van Madagaskar | Flag of Madagascar |
Vlag van Madeira | Flag of Madeira |
Vlag van Madrid | Flag of the Community of Madrid |
Vlag van Maine | Flag of Maine |
Vlag van Malawi | Flag of Malawi |
Vlag van Maleisië | Flag of Malaysia |
Vlag van Mali | Flag of Mali |
Vlag van Malta | Flag of Malta |
Vlag van Man | Flag of the Isle of Man |
Vlag van Manitoba | Flag of Manitoba |
Vlag van Mantsjoekwo | Flag of Manchukuo |
Vlag van Marokko | Flag of Morocco |
Vlag van Martinique | Flag of Martinique |
Vlag van Maryland | Flag of Maryland |
Vlag van Massachusetts | Flag of Massachusetts |
Vlag van Mauritanië | Flag of Mauritania |
Vlag van Mauritius | Flag of Mauritius |
Vlag van Mecklenburg-Voor-Pommeren | Flag of Mecklenburg–Vorpommern |
Vlag van Melilla | Flag of Melilla |
Vlag van Mexico (land) | Flag of Mexico |
Vlag van Michigan | Flag of Michigan |
Vlag van Micronesia | Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia |
Vlag van Minnesota | Flag of Minnesota |
Vlag van Mississippi | Flag of Mississippi |
Vlag van Missouri | Flag of Missouri |
Vlag van Moldavië | Flag of Moldova |
Vlag van Monaco | Flag of Monaco |
Vlag van Mongolië | Flag of Mongolia |
Vlag van Montana | Flag of Montana |
Vlag van Montenegro | Flag of Montenegro |
Vlag van Montserrat | Flag of Montserrat |
Vlag van Mordovië | Flag of Mordovia |
Vlag van Mozambique | Flag of Mozambique |
Vlag van Myanmar | Flag of Burma |
Vlag van Namibië | Flag of Namibia |
Vlag van Nauru | Flag of Nauru |
Vlag van Nebraska | Flag of Nebraska |
Vlag van Nederland | Flag of the Netherlands |
Vlag van Nedersaksen | Flag of Lower Saxony |
Vlag van Nepal | Flag of Nepal |
Vlag van Nevada | Flag of Nevada |
Vlag van New Brunswick | Flag of New Brunswick |
Vlag van New Mexico | Flag of New Mexico |
Vlag van New York City | Flag of New York City |
Vlag van Newfoundland en Labrador | Flag of Newfoundland and Labrador |
Vlag van Nicaragua | Flag of Nicaragua |
Vlag van Nieuw-Zeeland | Flag of New Zealand |
Vlag van Nieuw-Zuid-Wales | Flag of New South Wales |
Vlag van Niger | Flag of Niger |
Vlag van Nigeria | Flag of Nigeria |
Vlag van Niue | Flag of Niue |
Vlag van Noord-Ierland | Flag of Northern Ireland |
Vlag van Noord-Korea | Flag of North Korea |
Vlag van Noordrijn-Westfalen | Flag of North Rhine-Westphalia |
Vlag van Noorwegen | Flag of Norway |
Vlag van Norfolk (Australië) | Flag of Norfolk Island |
Vlag van North Carolina | Flag of North Carolina |
Vlag van North Dakota | Flag of North Dakota |
Vlag van Nova Scotia | Flag of Nova Scotia |
Vlag van Nunavut | Flag of Nunavut |
Vlag van oblast Kaliningrad | Flag of Kaliningrad Oblast |
Vlag van Oedmoertië | Flag of the Udmurt Republic |
Vlag van Oeganda | Flag of Uganda |
Vlag van Oekraïne | Flag of Ukraine |
Vlag van Oezbekistan | Flag of Uzbekistan |
Vlag van Ohio | Flag of Ohio |
Vlag van Oklahoma | Flag of Oklahoma |
Vlag van Oman | Flag of Oman |
Vlag van Ontario | Flag of Ontario |
Vlag van Oostenrijk | Flag of Austria |
Vlag van Oost-Timor | Flag of East Timor |
Vlag van Oregon | Flag of Oregon |
Vlag van Pakistan | Flag of Pakistan |
Vlag van Palau | Flag of Palau |
Vlag van Palestina | Palestinian flag |
Vlag van Panama | Flag of Panama |
Vlag van Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea | Flag of Papua New Guinea |
Vlag van Paraguay | Flag of Paraguay |
Vlag van Paraná | Flag of Paraná (state) |
Vlag van Peru | Flag of Peru |
Vlag van Polen | Flag of Poland |
Vlag van Portugal | Flag of Portugal |
Vlag van Prins Edwardeiland | Flag of Prince Edward Island |
Vlag van Pruisen | Flag of Prussia |
Vlag van Puerto Rico | Flag of Puerto Rico |
Vlag van Qatar | Flag of Qatar |
Vlag van Quebec | Flag of Quebec |
Vlag van Queensland | Flag of Queensland |
Vlag van Réunion | Flag of Réunion |
Vlag van Rhode Island | Flag of Rhode Island |
Vlag van Rijnland-Palts | Flag of Rhineland-Palatinate |
Vlag van Roemenië | Flag of Romania |
Vlag van Rusland | Flag of Russia |
Vlag van Rwanda | Flag of Rwanda |
Vlag van Saarland | Flag of Saarland |
Vlag van Saint Kitts en Nevis | Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Vlag van Saint Lucia | Flag of Saint Lucia |
Vlag van Saint Vincent en de Grenadines | Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Vlag van Saint-Pierre en Miquelon | Flag of Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Vlag van Saksen | Flag of Saxony |
Vlag van Saksen-Anhalt | Flag of Saxony-Anhalt |
Vlag van Samoa | Flag of Samoa |
Vlag van San Marino | Flag of San Marino |
Vlag van Santander | Flag of the Department of Santander |
Vlag van Sao Tomé en Principe | Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe |
Vlag van Saoedi-Arabië | Flag of Saudi Arabia |
Vlag van Sardinië | Flag of Sardinia |
Vlag van Sark | Flag of Sark |
Vlag van Saskatchewan | Flag of Saskatchewan |
Vlag van Schotland | Flag of Scotland |
Vlag van Senegal | Flag of Senegal |
Vlag van Servië | Flag of Serbia |
Vlag van Servië en Montenegro | Flag of Serbia and Montenegro |
Vlag van Sicilië | Flag of Sicily |
Vlag van Sierra Leone | Flag of Sierra Leone |
Vlag van Singapore | Flag of Singapore |
Vlag van Sint Maarten | Flag of Sint Maarten |
Vlag van Sint-Helena | Flag of Saint Helena |
Vlag van Skåne | Flag of Scania |
Vlag van Sleeswijk-Holstein | Flag of Schleswig-Holstein |
Vlag van Slovenië | Flag of Slovenia |
Vlag van Slowakije | Flag of Slovakia |
Vlag van Soedan | Flag of Sudan |
Vlag van Somalië | Flag of Somalia |
Vlag van Somaliland | Flag of Somaliland |
Vlag van South Carolina | Flag of South Carolina |
Vlag van South Dakota | Flag of South Dakota |
Vlag van Spanje | Flag of Spain |
Vlag van Sri Lanka | Flag of Sri Lanka |
Vlag van Suriname | Flag of Suriname |
Vlag van Swaziland | Flag of Swaziland |
Vlag van Syrië | Flag of Syria |
Vlag van Tadzjikistan | Flag of Tajikistan |
Vlag van Tanzania | Flag of Tanzania |
Vlag van Tasmanië | Flag of Tasmania |
Vlag van Tatarije | Flag of Tatarstan |
Vlag van Tenerife | Flag of Tenerife |
Vlag van Tennessee | Flag of Tennessee |
Vlag van Texas | Flag of Texas |
Vlag van Thailand | Flag of Thailand |
Vlag van Thüringen | Flag of Thuringia |
Vlag van Tibet | Flag of Tibet |
Vlag van Toeva | Flag of Tuva |
Vlag van Togo | Flag of Togo |
Vlag van Tokelau | Flag of Tokelau |
Vlag van Tonga | Flag of Tonga |
Vlag van Transnistrië | Flag of Transnistria |
Vlag van Trinidad en Tobago | Flag of Trinidad and Tobago |
Vlag van Tristan da Cunha | Flag of Tristan da Cunha |
Vlag van Tsjaad | Flag of Chad |
Vlag van Tsjechië | Flag of the Czech Republic |
Vlag van Tsjetsjenië | Flag of Chechnya |
Vlag van Tsjoevasjië | Flag of the Chuvash Republic |
Vlag van Tunesië | Flag of Tunisia |
Vlag van Turkije | Flag of Turkey |
Vlag van Turkmenistan | Flag of Turkmenistan |
Vlag van Tuvalu | Flag of Tuvalu |
Vlag van Uruguay | Flag of Uruguay |
Vlag van Utah | Flag of Utah |
Vlag van Valencia | Flag of the Valencian Community |
Vlag van Vanuatu | Flag of Vanuatu |
Vlag van Vaticaanstad | Flag of Vatican City |
Vlag van Venezuela | Flag of Venezuela |
Vlag van Vermont | Flag of Vermont |
Vlag van Victoria | Flag of Victoria (Australia) |
Vlag van Vietnam | Flag of Vietnam |
Vlag van Vlaanderen | Flag of Flanders |
Vlag van Vojvodina | Flag of Vojvodina |
Vlag van Wales | Flag of Wales |
Vlag van Wallis en Futuna | Flag of Wallis and Futuna |
Vlag van Wallonië | Flag of Wallonia |
Vlag van Washington (federaal district) | Flag of Washington, D.C. |
Vlag van Washington (staat) | Flag of Washington |
Vlag van West Virginia | Flag of West Virginia |
Vlag van West-Australië | Flag of Western Australia |
Vlag van Wisconsin | Flag of Wisconsin |
Vlag van Wit-Rusland | Flag of Belarus |
Vlag van Wyoming | Flag of Wyoming |
Vlag van Yukon | Flag of Yukon |
Vlag van Zambia | Flag of Zambia |
Vlag van Zimbabwe | Flag of Zimbabwe |
Vlag van Zuid-Afrika | Flag of South Africa |
Vlag van Zuid-Australië | Flag of South Australia |
Vlag van Zuid-Georgia en de Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden | Flag of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Vlag van Zuid-Korea | Flag of South Korea |
Vlag van Zuid-Ossetië | Flag of Ossetia |
Vlag van Zuid-Soedan | Flag of South Sudan |
Vlag van Zweden | Flag of Sweden |
Vlag van Zwitserland | Flag of Switzerland |
Vlaggen van afhankelijke territoria | Gallery of flags of dependent territories |
Vlaggen van de wereld | Gallery of sovereign-state flags |
Vlaggendrongo | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo |
Vlaggenkapitein | Flag captain |
Vlaggenschip | Flagship |
Vlaggenwacht | Color guard |
Vlaggewikkeblauwtje | Polyommatus eros |
Vlagofficier | Flag officer |
Vlagschennis | Flag desecration |
Vlagstaartijsvogel | Common Paradise Kingfisher |
Vlagstaartpapegaaien | Racket-tail |
Vlagstaartpluimbroekje | Booted Racket-tail |
Vlagtwedder-Veldhuis | Vlagtwedder-Veldhuis |
Vlagvissen | Flagtail |
Vlagzalm | Grayling (species) |
Vlagzalmen | Grayling (fish) |
Vlăhița | Vlăhița |
Vlahovo (Žitorađa) | Vlahovo (Žitorađa) |
Vlajkovci | Vlajkovci |
Vlak (meetkunde) | Plane (mathematics) |
Vlak heelal | Flatness problem |
Vlakbank | Jointer |
Vlakfilm | Sheet film |
Vlakglas | Flat glass |
Vlakke plaats | Flat spot |
Vlaktaks | Flat tax |
Vlakte | Plain |
Vlakte der Kruiken | Plain of Jars |
Vlakte van Arafat | Mount Arafat |
Vlakte van Jizreël | Jezreel Valley |
Vlakte van Nineve | Nineveh plains |
Vlakvleugeljuffers | Megapodagrionidae |
Vlakwaterkanovaren | Canoe racing |
Vlam | Flame |
Vlambloem | Phlox |
Vlambloemfamilie | Polemoniaceae |
Vlamboog | Electric arc |
Vlamboogoven | Electric arc furnace |
Vlam-in-de-pan | Boilover |
Vlamingen | Flemish people |
Vlamionisatiedetector | Flame ionization detector |
Vlammen | Catching Fire |
Vlammenwerper | Flamethrower |
Vlamnevel | Flame Nebula |
Vlampunt | Flash point |
Vlamvertrager | Flame retardant |
Vlas (gewas) | Flax |
Vlasbekje | Linaria vulgaris |
Vlasbekuiltje | Calophasia lunula |
Vlaščić | Vlaščić |
Vlasenica (Bosnië en Herzegovina) | Vlasenica |
Vlasenica (Vladimirci) | Vlasenica (Vladimirci) |
Vlasfamilie | Linaceae |
Vlašić | Vlašić (mountain) |
Vlasina Okruglica | Vlasina Okruglica |
Vlasleeuwenbek | Linaria |
Vlasotince | Vlasotince |
Vlasov-vergelijking | Vlasov equation |
Vlastiboř (okres Tábor) | Vlastiboř (Tábor District) |
Vlastimil Babula | Vlastimil Babula |
Vlastimil Jansa | Vlastimil Jansa |
Vlastislav (okres Litoměřice) | Vlastislav (Litoměřice District) |
Vlčatín | Vlčatín |
Vlčeves | Vlčeves |
Vlčí | Vlčí |
Vlčí Habřina | Vlčí Habřina |
Vlčice (okres Jeseník) | Vlčice (Jeseník District) |
Vlčice (okres Trutnov) | Vlčice |
Vlčkov | Vlčkov |
Vlčkovice v Podkrkonoší | Vlčkovice v Podkrkonoší |
Vlčtejn | Vlčtejn |
VLD | VLD (disambiguation) |
V-League | V.League (Vietnam) |
Vlecht (bindtechniek) | Braid |
Vlechtende rivier | Braided river |
Vlechtgroep | Braid group |
Vlechtheg | Hedge laying |
Vlechttheorie | Braid theory |
Vledder (dorp) | Vledder |
Vledderveen | Vledderveen |
Vledderveen (Westerveld) | Vledderveen, Drenthe |
Vleerhonden | Fruit bat |
Vleerkens vogel | Fitcher's Bird |
Vleermuisbloem | Tacca chantrieri |
Vleermuisbom | Bat bomb |
Vleermuisdetector | Bat detector |
Vleermuisvissen | Ogcocephalidae |
Vleermuiswouw | Bat Hawk |
Vleermuizen | Bat |
Vlees | Meat |
Vleesboom | Uterine fibroid |
Vleesbrood | Meatloaf |
Vleesetende plant | Carnivorous plant |
Vleeshaak | Meat hook |
Vleeshal (Haarlem) | Vleeshal |
Vleeshamer | Meat tenderizer |
Vleeskleurige orchis | Dactylorhiza incarnata |
Vleeskuiken | Broiler |
Vleesvervanger | Meat analogue |
Vleeswaren | Cold cut |
Vleet (roggensoort) | Common skate |
Vleetvisserij | Drift netting |
Vlek (nederzetting) | Market town |
Vlekbuiktandkwartel | Stripe-faced Wood Quail |
Vlekdaguil | Heliothis peltigera |
Vlekkoptamarin | Mottle-faced tamarin |
Vlekstaarthaai | Spot-tail shark |
Vlekstaartnachtzwaluw | Spot-tailed Nightjar |
Vlekstaartsperwer | Spot-tailed Sparrowhawk |
Vlekstipspanner | Idaea dimidiata |
Vlektyfus | Typhus |
Vlerick Business School | Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School |
Vlet | Punt (boat) |
Vleteren (Frankrijk) | Flêtre |
Vleugel | Flügel |
Vleugel (insect) | Insect wing |
Vleugel (vliegtuig) | Planform |
Vleugelbandnachtzwaluw | Band-winged Nightjar |
Vleugelboon | Winged bean |
Vleugeldeur (auto) | Gull-wing door |
Vleugelgambiet | Wing Gambit |
Vleugelkoorde | Chord (aircraft) |
Vleugelkophamerhaai | Winghead shark |
Vleugelprofiel | Airfoil |
Vleugelspeler | Winger (sports) |
Vleugeltjesbloemfamilie | Polygalaceae |
Vleugeltrein | Portion working |
Vlieg (sterrenbeeld) | Musca |
Vliegangst | Fear of flying |
Vliegas | Fly ash |
Vliegbasis | Military airbase |
Vliegbasis Bevekom | Beauvechain Air Base |
Vliegbasis Bitburg | Bitburg Air Base |
Vliegbasis Chièvres | Chièvres Air Base |
Vliegbasis Deelen | Deelen Air Base |
Vliegbasis Eindhoven | Eindhoven Airport |
Vliegbasis Florennes | Florennes Air Base |
Vliegbasis Gilze-Rijen | Gilze-Rijen Air Base |
Vliegbasis Jehonville | Jehonville Air Base |
Vliegbasis Kleine-Brogel | Kleine Brogel Air Base |
Vliegbasis Koksijde | Koksijde Air Base |
Vliegbasis Leeuwarden | Leeuwarden Air Base |
Vliegbasis Melsbroek | Melsbroek Air Base |
Vliegbasis Shindand | Shindand Air Base |
Vliegbasis Soesterberg | Soesterberg Royal Netherlands Air Force Base |
Vliegbasis Suryadarma | Suryadarma Air Force Base |
Vliegbasis Volkel | Volkel Air Base |
Vliegbasis Woensdrecht | Woensdrecht Air Base |
Vliegdekschip | Aircraft carrier |
Vliegen (dieren) | Brachycera |
Vliegend draakje | Draco volans |
Vliegend hert | Lucanus cervus |
Vliegend Spaghettimonster | Flying Spaghetti Monster |
Vliegend tapijt | Magic carpet |
Vliegende aas | Flying ace |
Vliegende achtbaan | Flying roller coaster |
Vliegende auto | Flying car (aircraft) |
Vliegende boomstekelrat | Rufous soft-furred spiny rat |
Vliegende booteend | Flying Steamer Duck |
Vliegende buidelmuis | Feathertail Glider |
Vliegende buidelmuizen | Acrobatidae |
Vliegende draakjes | Draco (genus) |
Vliegende eekhoorns | Flying squirrel |
Vliegende herten | Stag beetle |
Vliegende Hollander | Flying Dutchman (disambiguation) |
Vliegende katten | Colugo |
Vliegende knorhanen | Dactylopteridae |
Vliegende poon | Flying gurnard |
Vliegende slang | Chrysopelea ornata |
Vliegende Vis (sterrenbeeld) | Volans (constellation) |
Vliegende vissen | Flying fish |
Vliegende vleugel | Flying wing |
Vliegende vos | Indian flying fox |
Vliegenorchis | Fly Orchid |
Vliegenstrip | Flypaper |
Vliegenvangers (vogelfamilie) | Old World flycatcher |
Vliegenzwam | Amanita |
Vlieger (meetkunde) | Kite (geometry) |
Vliegerarts | Aviation medical examiner |
Vliegeren | Kite |
Vliegerkruis | Airman's Cross |
Vlieghuid | Patagium |
Vliegkamp Valkenburg | Valkenburg Naval Air Base |
Vliegniveau | Flight level |
Vliegopleiding | Flight training |
Vliegplan | Flight plan |
Vliegramp | Aviation accidents and incidents |
Vliegramp bij Smolensk | 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash |
Vliegramp bij Tân Sơn Nhứt | 1975 Tan Son Nhut C-5 accident |
Vliegramp Kebnekaise 2012 | 2012 Norwegian C-130 crash |
Vliegramp van München | Munich air disaster |
Vliegshow | Air show |
Vliegticket | Airline ticket |
Vliegtuig | Airplane |
Vliegtuigbotsing bij Charkhi Dadri | Charkhi Dadri mid-air collision |
Vliegtuigbotsing Überlingen | Überlingen mid-air collision |
Vliegtuigcrash te Berg-Kampenhout | Sabena Flight 548 |
Vliegtuigelektronica | Electronic flight instrument system |
Vliegtuigen van staatshoofden | Air transports of heads of state and government |
Vliegtuigindustrie | List of aircraft manufacturers |
Vliegtuigkaping | Aircraft hijacking |
Vliegtuigmotor | Aircraft engine |
Vliegtuigongeluk bij Kortrijk | 1989 Belgian MiG-23 crash |
Vliegtuigongeluk New York 11 oktober 2006 | 2006 New York City plane crash |
Vliegtuigongeluk op Ramstein Air Base | Ramstein air show disaster |
Vliegtuigproductiemaatschappij van Tasjkent | Tashkent Aviation Production Association |
Vliegtuigramp van Tenerife | Tenerife airport disaster |
Vliegtuigregistratienummer | Aircraft registration |
Vliegtuigromp | Fuselage |
Vliegtuigslurf | Jet bridge |
Vliegtuigspotten | Aircraft spotting |
Vliegtuigstoel | Airline seat |
Vliegveld | Airport |
Vliegveld Aachen-Merzbrück | Merzbrück Airport |
Vliegveld Bad Gandersheim | Bad Gandersheim Airport |
Vliegveld Bor | Bor Airport |
Vliegveld Courchevel | Courchevel Airport |
Vliegveld Craiova | Craiova Airport |
Vliegveld de Kooy | De Kooy Airfield |
Vliegveld Goetsenhoven | Goetsenhoven Military Airfield |
Vliegveld Helgoland | Heligoland Airport |
Vliegveld Hoogeveen | Hoogeveen Airport |
Vliegveld Kirchzarten | Kirchzarten Airfield |
Vliegveld Miquelon | Miquelon Airport |
Vliegveld Pontoise - Cormeilles | Pontoise – Cormeilles Aerodrome |
Vliegveld Principe | Príncipe Airport |
Vliegveld Saint-Pierre | Saint-Pierre Airport |
Vliegveld Waalhaven | Waalhaven |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code A | List of airports by IATA code: A |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code B | List of airports by IATA code: B |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code C | List of airports by IATA code: C |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code D | List of airports by IATA code: D |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code E | List of airports by IATA code: E |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code F | List of airports by IATA code: F |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code G | List of airports by IATA code: G |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code H | List of airports by IATA code: H |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code I | List of airports by IATA code: I |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code J | List of airports by IATA code: J |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code K | List of airports by IATA code: K |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code L | List of airports by IATA code: L |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code M | List of airports by IATA code: M |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code N | List of airports by IATA code: N |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code O | List of airports by IATA code: O |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code P | List of airports by IATA code: P |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code Q | List of airports by IATA code: Q |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code R | List of airports by IATA code: R |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code S | List of airports by IATA code: S |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code T | List of airports by IATA code: T |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code U | List of airports by IATA code: U |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code V | List of airports by IATA code: V |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code W | List of airports by IATA code: W |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code X | List of airports by IATA code: X |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code Y | List of airports by IATA code: Y |
Vliegvelden gesorteerd naar IATA-code Z | List of airports by IATA code: Z |
Vliegvissen | Fly fishing |
Vliegwiel | Flywheel |
Vlier (geslacht) | Elderberry |
Vlierden | Vlierden |
Vlierorchis | Dactylorhiza sambucina |
Vliervlinder | Swallow-tailed Moth |
Vlierzele | Vlierzele |
Vliesgevel | Curtain wall |
Vliesvarenfamilie | Hymenophyllaceae |
Vliesvleugeligen | Hymenoptera |
Vlieszaad | Corispermum |
Vliet | Vliet |
Vliet (Zuid-Holland) | Vliet (canal) |
Vlieter-incident | Vlieter Incident |
Vlijmen | Vlijmen |
Vlijmen en Engelen | Vlijmen en Engelen |
Vlijt | Diligence |
Vlijtig liesje | Impatiens walleriana |
Vlinderagame | Common Butterfly Lizard |
Vlinderbloemenfamilie | Fabaceae |
Vlindercluster | Butterfly Cluster |
Vlinderdas | Bow tie |
Vlindereffect | Butterfly effect |
Vlinderhaften | Owlfly |
Vlinderklep | Butterfly valve |
Vlindermes | Butterfly knife |
Vlinderpijlstormvogel | Fluttering Shearwater |
Vlinderroggen | Butterfly ray |
Vlinders | Lepidoptera |
Vlinderslag | Butterfly stroke |
Vlinderstelling | Butterfly theorem |
Vlinderstruik | Buddleja davidii |
Vlindertonijn | Butterfly kingfish |
Vlindervis | Freshwater butterflyfish |
Vlissingen | Vlissingen |
Vlist (gemeente) | Vlist |
Vlkanov (okres Domažlice) | Vlkanov (Domažlice District) |
Vlkanov (okres Havlíčkův Brod) | Vlkanov (Havlíčkův Brod District) |
Vlkas | Vlkas |
Vlkoš (okres Hodonín) | Vlkoš (Hodonín District) |
Vlkoš (okres Přerov) | Vlkoš (Přerov District) |
Vlkov (okres České Budějovice) | Vlkov (České Budějovice District) |
Vlkov (okres Tábor) | Vlkov (Tábor District) |
Vlkov (okres Žďár nad Sázavou) | Vlkov (Žďár nad Sázavou District) |
Vlkov pod Oškobrhem | Vlkov pod Oškobrhem |
Vlkovce | Vlkovce |
Vlkovice | Vlkovice (Cheb District) |
Vlksice | Vlksice |
Vlkyňa | Vlkyňa |
Vloedbranding | Tidal bore |
Vloeibaar kristal | Liquid crystal |
Vloeibaar waterstof | Liquid hydrogen |
Vloeibaarmetaalspiegel | Liquid mirror telescope |
Vloeiboren | Friction drilling |
Vloeigrens | Yield (engineering) |
Vloeipapier (opzuigen) | Blotting paper |
Vloeipapier (sigaret) | Rolling paper |
Vloeipunt | Pour point |
Vloeistof | Liquid |
Vloeistofmechanica | Fluid dynamics |
Vloeistofringvacuümpomp | Liquid ring pump |
Vloeistof-vloeistofextractie | Liquid–liquid extraction |
Vloeivleklieveheersbeestje | Oenopia conglobata |
Vloeiweide | Water-meadow |
Vloek (krachtterm) | Profanity |
Vloek (onheilsbezwering) | Curse |
Vloek van de farao | Curse of the pharaohs |
Vloek van het winnende bod | Winner's curse |
Vloer | Floor |
Vloer (turnonderdeel) | Floor (gymnastics) |
Vloerbedekking | Flooring |
Vloeroppervlak | Gross floor area |
Vloertegel | Tile |
Vloerverwarming | Underfloor heating |
Vlog | Video blog |
Vlokkentest | Chorionic villus sampling |
Vlokreeften | Amphipod |
Vlokreeftjes (familie) | Gammaridae |
Vlooien | Flea |
Vlooienmars | Der Flohwalzer |
Vlooienspel | Tiddlywinks |
Vlooientheater | Flea circus |
Vloot | Fleet (ships) |
Vlootbasis Karlskrona | Karlskrona naval base |
Vlorë (district) | Vlorë District |
Vlorë (prefectuur) | Vlorë County |
Vlorë (stad) | Vlorë |
Vlot | Raft |
Vlottende activa | Current asset |
Vlottende schulden | Current liability |
Vlottende waterranonkel | Ranunculus fluitans |
Vlotter | Float switch |
Vlotterij | Timber rafting |
Vlotvarenfamilie | Salviniaceae |
Vlucht naar de top | The Running Man (novel) |
Vlucht naar Egypte | Flight into Egypt |
Vlucht naar Varennes | Flight to Varennes |
Vluchteling | Refugee |
Vluchtelingenkamp | Refugee camp |
Vluchtheuvel | Refuge island |
Vluchtige organische stof | Volatile organic compound |
Vluchtigheid (stof) | Volatility (chemistry) |
Vluchtnummer | Flight number |
Vluchtsimulatie | Flight simulator |
Vluchtstrook | Shoulder (road) |
Vluggertje (seksualiteit) | Quickie (sex) |
V-model | V-Model |
V-motor | V engine |
VN-Bufferzone | United Nations Buffer Zone in Cyprus |
VN-comité voor economische, sociale en culturele rechten | Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights |
VN-Milieuprogramma | United Nations Environment Programme |
VN-Ontwikkelingsprogramma | United Nations Development Programme |
VNU | VNU (disambiguation) |
VN-zeerechtverdrag | United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea |
Vo | Vò |
Võ Chí Công | Vo Chi Cong |
Võ Nguyên Giáp | Vo Nguyen Giap |
Vo quy's fazant | Vietnamese Pheasant |
Võ Văn Kiệt | Vo Van Kiet |
VO2max | VO2 max |
VOB (bestandstype) | VOB |
Vocal Group Hall of Fame | Vocal Group Hall of Fame |
Vocal trance | Vocal trance |
Vocale muziek | Vocal music |
Vocalise | Vocalise |
Vocance | Vocance |
Vocatief | Vocative case |
Vochov | Vochov |
Vocht | De Vocht |
Vochtig continentaal klimaat | Humid continental climate |
Vochtig subtropisch klimaat | Humid subtropical climate |
Voćin | Voćin |
Vockerode | Vockerode |
Vöcklabruck (district) | Vöcklabruck District |
Vöckönd | Vöckönd |
Voćnjak | Voćnjak |
Vocoder | Vocoder |
Vodafone | Vodafone |
Voddenman | Rag-and-bone man |
Voděrady (okres Blansko) | Voděrady (Blansko District) |
Vodice (Dalmatië) | Vodice, Croatia |
Vodice (okres Tábor) | Vodice (Tábor District) |
Vodice (Slovenië) | Vodice, Vodice |
Vođinci | Vođinci |
Vodňany | Vodňany |
Vodník (mythisch wezen) | Vodyanoy |
Vodník (symfonisch gedicht) | The Water Goblin |
Vodo di Cadore | Vodo di Cadore |
Vodochody | Vodochody |
Voedende volgorde | Feeding order |
Voederbiet | Mangelwurzel |
Voederconversie | Feed conversion ratio |
Voeding (elektronica) | Power supply |
Voeding in Hellas | Ancient Greek cuisine |
Voedingsadditief | Food additive |
Voedingsbodem | Growth medium |
Voedingskleurstof | Food coloring |
Voedingsleer | Nutrition |
Voedingsmiddelenindustrie | Food industry |
Voedingssupplement | Dietary supplement |
Voedingsvezels | Dietary fiber |
Voedsel | Food |
Voedsel- en Landbouworganisatie | Food and Agriculture Organization |
Voedselallergie | Food allergy |
Voedselbank | Food bank |
Voedselcrisis 2007-2008 | 2007–08 world food price crisis |
Voedsel-erotiek | Food play |
Voedselketen | Food chain |
Voedselpiramide | Ecological pyramid |
Voedselrestenvermaler | Garbage disposal unit |
Voedselteam | Food cooperative |
Voedselvergiftiging | Food poisoning |
Voedselweb | Food web |
Vœgtlinshoffen | Voegtlinshoffen |
Voegwoord | Conjunction |
Voektyl | Vuktyl |
Voelermaat | Feeler gauge |
Voeltzkowia | Voeltzkowia |
Voer (rivier in Limburg) | Voer |
Voer (voeding) | Fodder |
Voerde | Voerde |
Voeren | Voeren |
Voerman | Auriga (constellation) |
Voet (anatomie) | Foot |
Voet (lengtemaat) | Foot (unit) |
Voetangel | Caltrop |
Voetbal | Association football |
Voetbal (voorwerp) | Football (ball) |
Voetbal in België | Football in Belgium |
Voetbal in India | Football in India |
Voetbal in Liechtenstein | Football in Liechtenstein |
Voetbal in Nederland | Football in the Netherlands |
Voetbal in Polen | Association football in Poland |
Voetbal in Spanje | Football in Spain |
Voetbal in Zweden | Football in Sweden |
Voetbal op de Middellandse Zeespelen | Football at the Mediterranean Games |
Voetbal op de Olympische Jeugdzomerspelen 2010 | Football at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics |
Voetbal op de Olympische Zomerspelen | Football at the Summer Olympics |
Voetbal op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2004 | Football at the 2004 Summer Olympics |
Voetbal op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – Mannen | Football at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Men's tournament |
Voetbal op de Tuvalu Games | Tuvalu Games |
Voetbalbond van de Duitse Democratische Republiek | Deutscher Fußball-Verband der DDR |
Voetbalbond van de Verenigde Staten | United States Soccer Federation |
Voetbalbond van Servië en Montenegro | Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro |
Voetbalbond van Sint Maarten | Sint Maarten Soccer Association |
Voetbalbond van Trinidad en Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago Football Association |
Voetbalclub (DDR) | Football club (GDR) |
Voetbalelftal van Antigua en Barbuda | Antigua and Barbuda national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Bosnië en Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Congo-Brazzaville | Congo national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Congo-Kinshasa | Congo DR national football team |
Voetbalelftal van de Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden | United States Virgin Islands national soccer team |
Voetbalelftal van de Arabische Democratische Republiek Sahara | Sahrawi national football team |
Voetbalelftal van de Britse Maagdeneilanden | British Virgin Islands national football team |
Voetbalelftal van de Dominicaanse Republiek | Dominican Republic national football team |
Voetbalelftal van de Duitse Democratische Republiek | East Germany national football team |
Voetbalelftal van de Sovjet-Unie | Soviet Union national football team |
Voetbalelftal van de Turks- en Caicoseilanden | Turks and Caicos Islands national football team |
Voetbalelftal van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten | United Arab Emirates national football team |
Voetbalelftal van de Verenigde Staten | United States national soccer team |
Voetbalelftal van Dominica | Dominica national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Gemenebest van Onafhankelijke Staten | CIS national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Niue | Niue national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea | Papua New Guinea national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Saint Kitts en Nevis | Saint Kitts and Nevis national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Saint Vincent en de Grenadines | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Saint-Pierre en Miquelon | Saint Pierre and Miquelon national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Sealand | Sealand national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Servië en Montenegro | Serbia and Montenegro national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Trinidad en Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago national football team |
Voetbalelftal van Wallis en Futuna | Wallis and Futuna national football team |
Voetbalinterland Australië - Amerikaans-Samoa 2001 | Australia 31–0 American Samoa |
Voetbalinterlands Nederland - Duitsland | Germany–Netherlands football rivalry |
Voetbalkampioenschap van Burundi | Burundi Premier League |
Voetbalkampioenschap van de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek | Central African Republic League |
Voetbalkampioenschap van de Sovjet-Unie | Soviet Top League |
Voetbalkampioenschap van Kirgizië | Kyrgyzstan League |
Voetbalkampioenschap van Nieuw-Caledonië | New Caledonia Division Honneur |
Voetbalkampioenschap van Sao Tomé en Principe | São Tomé and Príncipe Championship |
Voetbalkampioenschap van Tadzjikistan | Tajik League |
Voetballiga's in Duitsland | German football league system |
Voetbaloorlog | Football War |
Voetbalscheidsrechter | Referee (association football) |
Voetbalschoen | Football boot |
Voetbaltoto | Football pool |
Voetbaltrainer | Manager (association football) |
Voetbalvissen | Footballfish |
Voetboeien | Legcuffs |
Voetcarillon | Dance Chimes |
Voetfetisjisme | Foot fetishism |
Voetganger | Pedestrian |
Voetgangersbrug | Footbridge |
Voetgangersgebied | Pedestrian zone |
Voetnoot | Note (typography) |
Voetpad | Sidewalk |
Voetpuntsdriehoek | Pedal triangle |
Voetwassing | Foot washing |
Voetwortelbeen | Tarsals |
Voetzoolreflex | Plantar reflex |
Vœuil-et-Giget | Vœuil-et-Giget |
VOF de Kunst | VOF de Kunst |
Vogel Grijp | The Griffin (fairy tale) |
Vogel Rok | Bird Rok |
Vogel van Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe Bird |
Vogelaanvaring | Bird strike |
Vogelbekdier | Platypus |
Vogelbekdieren | Ornithorhynchidae |
Vogeleiland | Bird Island |
Vogelen | Birdwatching |
Vogelenzang (Noord-Holland) | Vogelenzang |
Vogelfluglinie | Vogelfluglinie |
Vogelhuis | Bird feeder |
Vogelkarspitze | Vogelkarspitze |
Vogelkersstippelmot | Bird-cherry Ermine |
Vogelkop | Bird's Head Peninsula |
Vogelluizen | Menoponidae |
Vogelmelk | Ornithogalum |
Vogelmuur | Stellaria media |
Vogelnest | Nest |
Vogelnestje (eiergerecht) | Scotch egg |
Vogelnestje (plant) | Neottia nidus-avis |
Vogelnestje (voedsel) | Edible bird's nest |
Vogelnestkever | Anthrenus pimpinellae |
Vogelpark Avifauna | Vogelpark Avifauna |
Vogelpest | Bird flu |
Vogelrichtlijn en Habitatrichtlijn | Habitats Directive |
Vogels | Bird |
Vogelsang | Vogelsang |
Vogelsang (Odertal) | Vogelsang, Brandenburg |
Vogelsang-Warsin | Vogelsang-Warsin |
Vogelsberg | Vogelsberg Mountains |
Vogelsberg (Thüringen) | Vogelsberg |
Vogelsbergkreis | Vogelsbergkreis Rural District |
Vogelschieten | Schützenfest |
Vögelsen | Vögelsen |
Vogelspinachtigen | Mygalomorphae |
Vogelspinnen | Tarantula |
Vogelstemboomkikker | Bird-voiced tree frog |
Vogeltrek | Bird migration |
Vogelverschrikker | Scarecrow |
Vogelvlucht | Bird flight |
Vogelvrij | Outlaw |
Vogelwiekje | Dypterygia scabriuscula |
Vogelwikke | Vicia cracca |
Vogelzaden | Bird food |
Vogelzang (ornithologie) | Bird vocalization |
Vogezen (gebergte) | Vosges Mountains |
Vogon | Vogon |
Vogt | Vogt, Baden-Württemberg |
Vogtei (gemeente) | Vogtei, Thuringia |
Vogtland Arena | Vogtlandarena |
Vogtlandkreis | Vogtlandkreis Rural District |
Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl | Vogtsburg |
Vogue | Vogue |
Vogue (dansstijl) | Vogue (dance) |
Vogue (sigaret) | Vogue (cigarette) |
Vogue (single) | Vogue (Madonna song) |
Vogue (tijdschrift) | Vogue (magazine) |
Voharies | Voharies |
Vohburg an der Donau | Vohburg |
Võhma (Lihula) | Võhma, Lääne County |
Võhma (Mäetaguse) | Võhma, Ida-Viru County |
Vöhringen (Württemberg) | Vöhringen, Baden-Württemberg |
Vöhringen (Zwaben) | Vöhringen, Bavaria |
Voi | Voi (disambiguation) |
Voice of Korea | Voice of Korea |
Voice of Tibet | Voice of Tibet |
Voice of Wilderness | Voice of Wilderness |
Voicemail | Voicemail |
Voice-over | Voice-over |
Voicing | Voicing (music) |
Voicst | Voicst |
Void Cube | Void Cube |
Võide | Võide |
Voie Sacrée | Voie Sacrée |
Voigny | Voigny |
Voigtstedt | Voigtstedt |
Voilemont | Voilemont |
Voillecomte | Voillecomte |
Voineasa | Voineasa |
Voinești | Voineşti |
Voinești (Vaslui) | Voinești, Vaslui |
Voingt | Voingt |
Voinsles | Voinsles |
Voio | Voio (municipality) |
VoIP via de mobiele telefoon | Mobile VoIP |
Voipreux | Voipreux |
VoIP-telefoonadapter | Analog telephone adapter |
Voir dire | Voir dire |
Voiscreville | Voiscreville |
Voise | Voise |
Voisenon | Voisenon |
Voisey | Voisey, Haute-Marne |
Voisines | Voisines |
Voisines (Haute-Marne) | Voisines, Haute-Marne |
Voisines (Yonne) | Voisines, Yonne |
Voisins-le-Bretonneux | Voisins-le-Bretonneux |
Voissant | Voissant |
Voissay | Voissay |
Voiteg | Voiteg |
Voiteur | Voiteur |
Voith-Arena | Voith-Arena |
Voith-Schneider propeller | Voith Schneider Propeller |
Voitsberg (district) | Voitsberg District |
Voivodeni | Voivodeni |
Voivres-lès-le-Mans | Voivres-lès-le-Mans |
Voix céleste | Voix céleste |
Vojens | Vojens Municipality |
Vojka | Vojka, Slovakia |
Vojkov | Vojkov |
Vojkovce | Vojkovce |
Vojkovice | Vojkovice |
Vojkoviće | Vojkoviće |
Vojkovice (okres Brno-venkov) | Vojkovice (Brno-Country District) |
Vojkovice (okres Frýdek-Místek) | Vojkovice (Frýdek-Místek District) |
Vojkovice (okres Karlsbad) | Vojkovice (Karlovy Vary District) |
Vojmilovići | Vojmilovići |
Vojnatina | Vojnatina |
Vojnić | Vojnić |
Vojniće | Vojniće |
Vojnik (plaats) | Vojnik, Vojnik |
Vojníkov | Vojníkov |
Vojnův Městec | Vojnův Městec |
Vojska PVO | Soviet Air Defence Forces |
Vojslavice | Vojslavice |
Vojtěch Schulmeister | Vojtěch Schulmeister |
Vojtěchov | Vojtěchov (Chrudim District) |
Vojvodina | Vojvodina |
Voka (vlek) | Voka |
Vokov | Vokov |
Vol de nuit | Night Flight (novel) |
Volano | Volano |
Volare | Volare |
Volare (lied) | Volare (song) |
Volare Airlines (Italië) | |
Volare Airlines (Oekraïne) | Volare Airlines (Ukraine) |
Volary | Volary |
Volaticotherium | Volaticotherium |
Volatiliteit | Volatility (finance) |
Volatinia | Blue-black Grassquit |
Volcae | Volcae |
Volcán Barú | Volcán Barú |
Volcano | Volcano (disambiguation) |
Volcano (Hawaï) | Volcano, Hawaii |
Volcano (South Park-aflevering) | Volcano (South Park) |
Volchov | Volkhov (disambiguation) |
Volchov (rivier) | Volkhov River |
Volchov (stad) | Volkhov |
Volcom | Volcom |
Volcontinu | Continuous production |
Voldemort | Lord Voldemort |
Volder | Fulling |
Voldoende (statistiek) | Sufficient statistic |
Volduchy | Volduchy |
Voleč | Voleč |
Volendam | Volendam |
Volendam (cruiseschip) | MS Volendam |
Volendam (schip) | SS Volendam |
Volenice (okres Příbram) | Volenice (Příbram District) |
Volenice (okres Strakonice) | Volenice (Strakonice District) |
Volesvres | Volesvres |
Volevčice (okres Jihlava) | Volevčice (Jihlava District) |
Volevčice (okres Most) | Volevčice (Most District) |
Volga | Volga (disambiguation) |
Volga (automerk) | GAZ Volga |
Volga (Iowa) | Volga, Iowa |
Volga (South Dakota) | Volga, South Dakota |
Volga Nizjni Novgorod | FC Volga Nizhny Novgorod |
Volgar-Gazprom Astrachan | FC Volgar Astrakhan |
Volgelaatsmasker | Full face diving mask |
Volgeling | Lesser Yellow Underwing |
Volgfelde | Volgfelde |
Volgodonsk | Volgodonsk |
Volgordeschakeling | Sequential logic |
Volgré | Volgré |
Volgrecht | Droit de suite |
Volgster | Guide star |
Volica | Volica |
Volière | Aviary |
Volition, Inc. | Volition (company) |
Voljevci | Voljevci |
Volk | People |
Volk van Laaf | The People of Laaf |
Volkan Şen | Volkan Şen |
Volkan Ünlü | Volkan Ünlü |
Volkenbond | League of Nations |
Volkenlijst (Bijbel) | Sons of Noah |
Volker Beck (atleet) | Volker Beck (athlete) |
Volker Handloik | Volker Handloik |
Volkerak | Volkerak |
Völkerball | Völkerball |
Volkerinkhove | Volckerinckhove |
Völkermarkt (district) | Völkermarkt District |
Völkerschlachtdenkmal | Monument to the Battle of the Nations |
Völkershausen | Völkershausen |
Volkert Overlander | Volkert Overlander |
Volkert Simon Maarten van der Willigen | Volkert Simon Maarten van der Willigen |
Volkhovfront | Volkhov Front |
Völkische Bewegung | Völkisch movement |
Volkmannsdorf | Volkmannsdorf |
Volkmar Groß | Volkmar Groß |
Volkorenbrood | Whole wheat bread |
Volkorenmeel | Whole-wheat flour |
Volkovce | Volkovce |
Volkovskaja (metrostation) | Volkovskaya (Saint Petersburg Metro) |
Volksalliantie- UDEUR | UDEUR Populars |
Volksassemblee van de Volkeren van Oaxaca | Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca |
Volksbevrijdingsleger | People's Liberation Army |
Volksbeweging voor de Bevrijding van Angola | MPLA |
Volksbühne | Volksbühne |
Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge | German War Graves Commission |
Volkscommune | People's commune |
Volksdagblad | People's Daily |
Volksdans | Folk dance |
Volksduitse Beweging | Volksdeutsche Bewegung |
Volkseigener Betrieb | Volkseigener Betrieb |
Volksetymologie | Folk etymology |
Volksfront | Popular front |
Volksfront (Frankrijk) | Popular Front (France) |
Volksfront (Spanje) | Popular Front (Spain) |
Volksfront voor de Bevrijding van Palestina | Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine |
Volksgericht | Kangaroo court |
Volksgerichtshof | People's Court (Germany) |
Volksgezondheid | Public health |
Volkshalle | Volkshalle |
Volksheld | Folk hero |
Volkshogeschool | Folk high school |
Volkshooggerechtshof van China | Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China |
Volkshuis Brussel | Maison du Peuple |
Volkshuis met theater in Prostějov | National House in Prostějov |
Volksislam | Arabian mythology |
Volkskammer | People's Chamber |
Volkskammerverkiezingen 1986 | List of Volkskammer members (9th election period) |
Volkskruistocht | People's Crusade |
Volkskunst | Folk art |
Volkslied (nationaal symbool) | National anthem |
Volkslied van Azerbeidzjan | Azərbaycan marşı |
Volkslied van de Letse SSR | Anthem of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic |
Volkslied van de Russische Federatie | National Anthem of Russia |
Volkslied van de Sovjet-Unie | Hymn of the Soviet Union |
Volkslied van de Wit-Russische SSR | Anthem of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic |
Volkslied van Kazachstan | My Kazakhstan (anthem) |
Volkslied van Mongolië | National anthem of Mongolia |
Volkslied van Nagorno-Karabach | Azat u ankakh Artsakh |
Volkslied van Oezbekistan | National Anthem of Uzbekistan |
Volkslied van Oranje Vrijstaat | National anthem of the Orange Free State |
Volkslied van Sint Maarten | O Sweet Saint Martin's Land |
Volkslied van Transnistrië | Anthem of Transnistria |
Volkslied van Transvaal | National anthem of the Transvaal |
Volkslied van Zuid-Afrika | National anthem of South Africa |
Volkspark Friedrichshain | Volkspark Friedrichshain |
Volkspark Mariendorf | Volkspark Mariendorf |
Volkspartij | People's Party |
Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie | People's Party for Freedom and Democracy |
Volksplein (Shanghai) | People's Square (Shanghai) |
Volkspsychologie | Folk psychology |
Volksraad (Nederlands-Indië) | Volksraad (Dutch East Indies) |
Volksraad (Syrië) | People's Council of Syria |
Volksraadpleging | Plebiscite |
Volksrepubliek | People's Republic |
Volksrepubliek Angola | People's Republic of Angola |
Volksrepubliek Benin | People's Republic of Benin |
Volksrepubliek Boechara | Bukharan People's Soviet Republic |
Volksrepubliek Bulgarije | People's Republic of Bulgaria |
Volksrepubliek China | China |
Volksrepubliek Chorasmië | Khorezm People's Soviet Republic |
Volksrepubliek Congo | People's Republic of the Congo |
Volksrepubliek Hongarije | People's Republic of Hungary |
Volksrepubliek Kampuchea | People's Republic of Kampuchea |
Volksrepubliek Koeban | Kuban People's Republic |
Volksrepubliek Mongolië | Mongolian People's Republic |
Volksrepubliek Mozambique | People's Republic of Mozambique |
Volksrepubliek Oekraïne | Ukrainian People's Republic |
Volksrepubliek Polen | People's Republic of Poland |
Volksrepubliek Toeva | Tuvan People's Republic |
Volksrepubliek van de Krim | Crimean People's Republic |
Volksrepubliek Zanzibar en Pemba | People's Republic of Zanzibar and Pemba |
Volksstaat Hessen | People's State of Hesse |
Volksstaat Reuss | Republic of Reuss |
Volkstelling | Census |
Volkstelling in het Russische Rijk | Russian Empire Census |
Volkstuin | Allotment (gardening) |
Volksunie | People's Union (Belgium) |
Volksvergadering | Open town meeting |
Volksvergadering van Albanië | Parliament of Albania |
Volksvergaderingen (Rome) | Roman assemblies |
Volksverhetzung | Volksverhetzung |
Volkswagen AG | Volkswagen Group |
Volkswagen Amarok | Volkswagen Amarok |
Volkswagen Bora | Volkswagen Bora |
Volkswagen Brasilia | Volkswagen Brasilia |
Volkswagen Brazilië | Volkswagen do Brasil |
Volkswagen Caddy | Volkswagen Caddy |
Volkswagen Constellation | Volkswagen Constellation |
Volkswagen Corrado | Volkswagen Corrado |
Volkswagen Crafter | Volkswagen Crafter |
Volkswagen EcoRacer | Volkswagen EcoRacer |
Volkswagen Eos | Volkswagen Eos |
Volkswagen Fox | Volkswagen Fox |
Volkswagen Fridolin | Volkswagen Type 147 Kleinlieferwagen |
Volkswagen Gol | Volkswagen Gol |
Volkswagen Golf | Volkswagen Golf |
Volkswagen Iltis | Volkswagen Iltis |
Volkswagen Jetta | Volkswagen Jetta |
Volkswagen K70 | Volkswagen K70 |
Volkswagen Karmann Ghia | Volkswagen Karmann Ghia |
Volkswagen Kever | Volkswagen Beetle |
Volkswagen Kübelwagen | Volkswagen Kübelwagen |
Volkswagen LT | Volkswagen LT |
Volkswagen Lupo | Volkswagen Lupo |
Volkswagen New Beetle | Volkswagen New Beetle |
Volkswagen Passat | Volkswagen Passat |
Volkswagen Passat CC | Volkswagen CC |
Volkswagen Phaeton | Volkswagen Phaeton |
Volkswagen Polo | Volkswagen Polo |
Volkswagen Polo Cup | Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup |
Volkswagen Routan | Volkswagen Routan |
Volkswagen Santana | Volkswagen Santana |
Volkswagen Schwimmwagen | Volkswagen Schwimmwagen |
Volkswagen Scirocco | Volkswagen Scirocco |
Volkswagen Sharan | Volkswagen Sharan |
Volkswagen Tiguan | Volkswagen Tiguan |
Volkswagen Touareg | Volkswagen Touareg |
Volkswagen Touran | Volkswagen Touran |
Volkswagen Transporter | Volkswagen Transporter |
Volkswagen Type 181 | Volkswagen 181 |
Volkswagen up! | Volkswagen Up |
Volkswagen Vento | Volkswagen Vento |
Volkswagen-Arena | Volkswagen Arena |
Volla | Volla, Campania |
Volle maan | Full moon (disambiguation) |
Volle maan (astronomie) | Full moon |
Volledig (topologie) | Complete metric space |
Volledige en trouwe functors | Full and faithful functors |
Volledige inductie | Mathematical induction |
Volledige maat | Complete measure |
Volledigheidsstelling van Gödel | Gödel's completeness theorem |
Vollenhove | Vollenhove |
Vollersode | Vollersode |
Vollersroda | Vollersroda |
Volleybal | Volleyball |
Volleybal op de Olympische Jeugdzomerspelen 2010 | Volleyball at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics |
Volleybal op de Olympische Zomerspelen | Volleyball at the Summer Olympics |
Volleybal op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1972 | Volleyball at the 1972 Summer Olympics |
Volleybal op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – Vrouwen (zaal) | Volleyball at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Women's tournament |
Volleybal op de Paralympische Zomerspelen 2012 | Volleyball at the 2012 Summer Paralympics |
Vollsjö | Vollsjö |
Vollstedt | Vollstedt |
Vollwichs | Couleur |
Volmaaktheid | Perfection |
Volmer | Volmer |
Volnay (Côte-d'Or) | Volnay, Côte-d'Or |
Volnay (Sarthe) | Volnay, Sarthe |
Volodimir Bileka | Volodymyr Bileka |
Volodimir Rybin | Volodymyr Rybin |
Volodymyr Djoedja | Volodymyr Dyudya |
Volodymyr Hoestov | Volodymir Gustov |
Volodymyr Ivasjko | Vladimir Ivashko |
Volodymyr Ivasjoek | Volodymyr Ivasyuk |
Volodymyr Lytvyn | Volodymyr Lytvyn |
Volodymyr Polikarpenko | Vladimir Polikarpenko |
Volodymyr Sjtsjerbytsky | Volodymyr Shcherbytsky |
Volodymyr Zagorodni | Volodymyr Zagorodniy |
Vologases | Vologases |
Vologases I | Vologases I of Parthia |
Vologases II | Vologases II of Parthia |
Vologases III | Vologases III of Parthia |
Vologases IV | Vologases IV of Parthia |
Vologases V | Vologases V of Parthia |
Vologases VI | Vologases VI of Parthia |
Vologda (rivier) | Vologda River |
Vologda (stad) | Vologda |
Voloiac | Voloiac |
Volokolamsk | Volokolamsk |
Volontaires (metrostation) | Volontaires (Paris Métro) |
Volos | Volos |
Volosko | Volosko |
Volosovo | Volosovo, Volosovsky District, Leningrad Oblast |
Volost | Volost |
Völpke | Völpke |
Völs | Völs |
Völs (Tirol) | Völs, Tyrol |
Völs am Schlern | Völs am Schlern |
Volschip | Full-rigged ship |
Völschow | Völschow |
Volsemenhusen | Volsemenhusen |
Volsinii | Volsinii |
Volsk | Volsk |
Volsken | Volsci |
Volt | Volt (disambiguation) |
Volta (Björk) | Volta (album) |
Volta (regio) | Volta Region |
Volta (rivier) | Volta River |
Volta Grande | Volta Grande |
Volta Limburg Classic | Hel van het Mergelland |
Volta Redonda Futebol Clube | Volta Redonda Futebol Clube |
Volta-Congotalen | Volta–Congo languages |
Voltage-controlled amplifier | Variable-gain amplifier |
Voltage-controlled filter | Voltage-controlled filter |
Voltage-controlled oscillator | Voltage-controlled oscillator |
Voltaire (doorverwijspagina) | Voltaire (disambiguation) |
Voltaire (metrostation) | Voltaire (Paris Métro) |
Voltaire (muzikant) | Voltaire (musician) |
Voltaire (North Dakota) | Voltaire, North Dakota |
Voltameer | Lake Volta |
Voltammetrie | Voltammetry |
Voltampère | Volt-ampere |
Voltastraße (metrostation) | Voltastraße (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Volte | Volte |
Volterra (doorverwijspagina) | Volterra (disambiguation) |
Voltige | Equestrian vaulting |
Voltigeur | Voltigeur |
Voltinia | Voltinia (butterfly) |
Voltlage | Voltlage |
Voltmeter | Voltmeter |
Voltolino Fontani | Voltolino Fontani |
Voltooid verleden tijd | Pluperfect |
Voltsjansk | Volchansk |
Volubilis | Volubilis |
Volujac (Užice) | Volujac (Užice) |
Volume | Volume (disambiguation) |
Volume rendering | Volume rendering |
Volume Two | Volume Two (The Soft Machine album) |
Volumeprocent | Volume percent |
Voluntari | Voluntari |
Volusia County | Volusia County, Florida |
Volusianus | Volusianus |
Volusianus van Tours | Volusianus of Tours |
Voluta | Voluta |
Voluta ebraea | Voluta ebraea |
Voluta musica | Voluta musica |
Volutidae | Volutidae |
Volvarina angustata | Volvarina angustata |
Volvent | Volvent |
Volver | Volver |
Volvi | Volvi (municipality) |
Volvo 100-serie | Volvo 140 Series |
Volvo B10BLE | Volvo B10BLE |
Volvo Car Corporation | Volvo Cars |
Volvo Cars Gent | Volvo Cars Ghent |
Volvo FM | Volvo FM |
Volvo FMX | Volvo FMX |
Volvo Ocean Race 2011-2012 | 2011–12 Volvo Ocean Race |
Volvo Open 70 | Volvo Open 70 |
Volvo ÖV4 | Volvo ÖV 4 |
Volvo PV444 | Volvo PV444/544 |
Volvo PV800-serie | Volvo PV800 Series |
Volvo TR670-serie | Volvo TR670 Series |
Volvo V40 | Volvo V40 |
Volwassene | Adult |
Volwassenendoop | Believer's baptism |
Volwassenenonderwijs | Adult education |
Volx | Volx |
Volyn Loetsk | FC Volyn Lutsk |
Volyně | Volyně |
Volzjsk | Volzhsk |
Volzjski (oblast Wolgograd) | Volzhsky, Volgograd Oblast |
Vom Kriege | On War |
Vombsjön | Vombsjön |
Vomécourt | Vomécourt |
Vomécourt-sur-Madon | Vomécourt-sur-Madon |
Vomer | Vomer |
Vomitorium | Vomitorium |
Vomper Bach | Vomperbach |
Von | Von (disambiguation) |
Von (album) | Von (album) |
Von (voorvoegsel) | Von |
Von Amsberg | House of Amsberg |
Von Bachdam | Von Bach Dam |
Von brigði | Von brigði |
Von der deckens tok | Von der Decken's Hornbill |
Von der Heydt-Museum | Von der Heydt Museum |
Von Dutch | Kenny Howard |
Von Erich (worstelfamilie) | Von Erich family |
Von Graben von Stein | House of Graben von Stein |
Von hier an blind | Von hier an blind |
Von Mises-spanning | Von Mises yield criterion |
Von Neumann-algebra | Von Neumann algebra |
Von Neumann-architectuur | Von Neumann architecture |
Von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel-verzamelingenleer | Von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set theory |
Von Riedesel d'Eisenbach | Riedesel |
Von Willebrandfactor | Von Willebrand factor |
Voncourt | Voncourt |
Voncq | Voncq |
Vonda | Vonda, Saskatchewan |
Vonda N. McIntyre | Vonda N. McIntyre |
Vondeling | Child abandonment |
Vondevogel | Foundling-Bird |
Vonette Dixon | Vonette Dixon |
Vonges | Vonges |
Vongnes | Vongnes |
Vonk | Spark (fire) |
Vonk (doorverwijspagina) | Vonk |
Vonkenkamer | Spark chamber |
Vonkgenerator | Spark-gap transmitter |
Vonkinductor | Induction coil |
Vonkverspanen | Electrical discharge machining |
Vonne van der Meer | Vonne van der Meer |
Vonnis | Sentence (law) |
Võnnu | Võnnu Parish |
Vönöck | Vönöck |
Vonoklasy | Vonoklasy |
Vonones | Vonones |
Vonones I | Vonones I of Parthia |
Vonones II | Vonones II of Parthia |
Vonore | Vonore, Tennessee |
Vonyarcvashegy | Vonyarcvashegy |
Voodoo | West African Vodun |
Voodoo People | Voodoo People |
Voogd (familierecht) | Child custody |
Voor de Poorten van het Duister | At the Gates of Darkness |
Voor Dummies | For Dummies |
Voor een paar knikkers meer | Voor een paar knikkers meer |
Voor een verloren soldaat (film) | For a Lost Soldier |
Voor Vaderland en Vrijheid/LNNK | For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK |
Voor wie de klok luidt | For Whom the Bell Tolls |
Voorafstempeling | Precancel |
Voor-Alpen | Alpine foothills |
Vooravond | Vigil |
Voorbedekerk in Fili | Church of the Intercession at Fili |
Voorbeeld | Exemplar |
Voorburg (Zuid-Holland) | Voorburg |
Voorde (doorwaadbare plaats) | Ford (crossing) |
Voorepera | Voorepera |
Voorgeborchte | Limbo |
Voorgerecht | Entrée |
Voorgespannen beton | Prestressed concrete |
Voorgift (schaken) | Chess handicap |
Voorhistorische beukenbossen van de Karpaten | Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and the Ancient Beech Forests of Germany |
Voorhoofd | Forehead |
Voorhoofdsbeen | Frontal bone |
Voorhoofdsholte | Frontal sinus |
Voorhout | Voorhout |
Voorhuid | Foreskin |
Voorhuid van Jezus | Holy Prepuce |
Voor-Indische hoelman | Northern plains gray langur |
Voorindische pauwoogmoerasschildpad | Indian eyed turtle |
Voor-Indische reuzeneekhoorn | Indian giant squirrel |
Voorjaarsadonis | Adonis vernalis |
Voorjaarsboomspanner | Alsophila aescularia |
Voorjaarserebia | Erebia medusa |
Voorjaarsganzerik | Potentilla neumanniana |
Voorjaarsgentiaan | Gentiana verna |
Voorjaarskluifzwam | Gyromitra esculenta |
Voorjaarskortvleugelmot | Diurnea fagella |
Voorjaarslathyrus | Lathyrus vernus |
Voorjaarsontwaken | Spring Awakening (play) |
Voorjaarspronkridder | Calocybe gambosa |
Voorjaarsspanner | Apocheima hispidaria |
Voorjaarsspikkeldikkopje | Olive Skipper |
Voorjaarszonnebloem | Doronicum |
Voorkant van de maan | Near side of the Moon |
Voorkeursrecht | Right of first refusal |
Voorkeurstem | Open list |
Voorkiem | Prothallium |
Voorklimmen | Lead climbing |
Voorklinker | Front vowel |
Voorlader (wapen) | Muzzleloader |
Voorlandbekken | Foreland basin |
Voorlijk | Headsail |
Voorloper (gereedschap) | Jointer plane |
Voorlopercel | Progenitor cell |
Voorlopig Bewind (België) | Provisional Government of Belgium |
Voorlopig Congres van de Geconfedereerde Staten van Amerika | Provisional Confederate States Congress |
Voorlopige Regering (Rusland) | Russian Provisional Government |
Voorlopige regering van Priamurie | Provisional Priamurye Government |
Voormalige Bulgaarse Westelijke Gebieden | Western Outlands |
Voormalige gebieden van het Duitse Rijk in het oosten | Former eastern territories of Germany |
Voornaam | Given name |
Voornaamwoord | Pronoun |
Voornaamwoordelijk bijwoord | Pronominal adverb |
Voorne-Putten | Voorne-Putten |
Vooroordeel | Prejudice |
Voor-Oostenrijk | Further Austria |
Voorouder (verwantschap) | Ancestor |
Vooroudertaal | Proto-language |
Voorouderverering | Veneration of the dead |
Voorpost (organisatie) | Voorpost |
Voorproever | Food taster |
Voorraad | Inventory |
Voorraadbeheer | Supply management |
Voorrangsvoertuig | Blues and twos |
Voor-Rijn | Vorderrhein |
Voorslag (muziek) | Grace note |
Voorspel (seksualiteit) | Foreplay |
Voorspellend rekenen | Arithmancy |
Voorspellende waarde | Positive predictive value |
Voorspelling (wetenschap) | Prediction |
Voorst | Voorst (disambiguation) |
Voorst (Oude IJsselstreek) | Voorst, Oude IJsselstreek |
Voorstad | Vorstadt |
Voorstag | Forestay |
Voorste oogkamer | Anterior chamber of eyeball |
Voortbrengende functie | Generating function |
Voortekening | Key signature |
Voortgangsbalk | Progress bar |
Voortgezette Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland | Continued Reformed Churches in the Netherlands |
Voorthuizen | Voorthuizen |
Voortijdige zaadlozing | Premature ejaculation |
Voortiteling | Opening credits |
Voortplanting (biologie) | Reproduction |
Voortplantingssnelheid | Phase velocity |
Voortplantingssysteem | Reproductive system |
Voortrekkermonument | Voortrekker Monument |
Voortrekkers | Voortrekkers |
Voortschrijdend gemiddelde | Moving average |
Vooruitbetaling | Advance payment |
Vooruitgang | Social progress |
Vooruitstrevende Volkspartij | Progressive People's Party (Germany) |
Voorval van anoxie | Anoxic event |
Voorverkiezing | Primary election |
Voorversterker | Preamplifier |
Voorvocht | Pre-ejaculate |
Voorvork | Motorcycle fork |
Voorwaardelijke invrijheidstelling | Parole |
Voorwaardelijke kans | Conditional probability |
Voorwaardelijke straf | Suspended sentence |
Voorwaardelijke verwachting | Conditional expectation |
Voorwaardelijke wijs | Conditional mood |
Voorwerk (boerderij) | Folwark |
Voorwerpglaasje | Microscope slide |
Voorwielaandrijving | Front-wheel drive |
Voorwoord | Foreword |
Voorzetlens | Close-up filter |
Voorzetsel | Preposition |
Voorzetselconstituent | Adpositional phrase |
Voorzieningen (boekhouden) | Provision (accounting) |
Voorzijde | Obverse and reverse |
Voorzitter | Chairperson |
Voorzitter van de Algemene Vergadering van de Verenigde Naties | President of the United Nations General Assembly |
Voorzitter van de Europese Commissie | President of the European Commission |
Voorzitter van de Europese Raad | President of the European Council |
Voorzitter van het Presidium van de Opperste Sovjet van de USSR | List of heads of state of the Soviet Union |
Voorzitterschap van de Raad van de Europese Unie | Presidency of the Council of the European Union |
Voorzittershamer | Gavel |
Voorzorgsprincipe | Precautionary principle |
VOR | Vor |
Vör | Vör |
Vöran | Vöran |
Voray-sur-l'Ognon | Voray-sur-l'Ognon |
Vorbeck | Vorbeck |
Vorden | Vorden |
Vordere Ölgrubenspitze | Vordere Ölgrubenspitze |
Vorderer Brochkogel | Vorderer Brochkogel |
Vordering | Accounts receivable |
Vordermühle | Vordermühle |
Vordingborg (gemeente) | Vordingborg Municipality |
Vordorf | Vordorf |
Vorë | Vorë |
Voreia Kynouria | North Kynouria |
Voreia Tzoumerka | North Tzoumerka |
Vorey | Vorey |
Vorges | Vorges |
Voriconazol | Voriconazole |
Vøringsfossen | Vøringfossen |
Vork (bestek) | Fork |
Vork (schaken) | Fork (chess) |
Vorkaansluiting | Flying junction |
Vorkbeen | Furcula |
Vorkheftruck | Forklift |
Vorkoeta (rivier) | Vorkuta River |
Vorkoeta (stad) | Vorkuta |
Vorkplaathoutzwam | Lenzites warnieri |
Vorkplaatrussula | Russula heterophylla |
Vorkstaarthoen | Green Junglefowl |
Vorkstaartmeeuw | Sabine's Gull |
Vorkstaartplevier | Collared Pratincole |
Vorkstaartscharrelaar | Lilac-breasted Roller |
Vorkstation | Keilbahnhof |
Vorkstreepmaki | Masoala fork-marked lemur |
Vorly | Vorly |
Vorm (biologie) | Form (botany) |
Vorm (fysiek) | Shape |
Vorm van de Aarde | Figure of the Earth |
Vorm van het heelal | Shape of the Universe |
Vormfactor (computer) | Computer form factor |
Vormingswarmte | Standard enthalpy of formation |
Vormkarton | Molded pulp |
Vormleer (muziek) | Musical form |
Vormsel | Confirmation (Christianity) |
Vornay | Vornay |
Võrnu | Võrnu |
Võro | Võro language |
Vorobjovy Gory | Sparrow Hills |
Vorona | Vorona, Botoșani |
Voronețklooster | Voroneț Monastery |
Voronezj | Voronezh |
Voronina | Voronina Island |
Voronjagrot | Krubera Cave |
Voronoi-diagram | Voronoi diagram |
Vöröstó | Vöröstó |
Vörs | Vörs |
Vorskla Poltava | FC Vorskla Poltava |
Vorskwab | Raniceps raninus |
Vorst (Brussel) | Forest, Belgium |
Vorst (weer) | Frost (temperature) |
Vorst Nationaal | Forest National |
Vorstelijk Liechtensteinse Orde van Verdienste | Order of Merit of the Principality of Liechtenstein |
Vorstendom | Principality |
Vorstendom Achaea | Principality of Achaea |
Vorstendom Albanië | Principality of Albania |
Vorstendom Anhalt-Aschersleben | Principality of Anhalt-Aschersleben |
Vorstendom Anhalt-Bernburg | Anhalt-Bernburg |
Vorstendom Anhalt-Plötzkau | Principality of Anhalt-Plötzkau |
Vorstendom Anhalt-Zerbst | Principality of Anhalt-Zerbst |
Vorstendom Ansbach | Principality of Ansbach |
Vorstendom Antiochië | Principality of Antioch |
Vorstendom Arbër | Principality of Arbanon |
Vorstendom Aschaffenburg | Principality of Aschaffenburg |
Vorstendom Bayreuth | Principality of Bayreuth |
Vorstendom Belozersk | Principality of Beloozero |
Vorstendom Brunswijk-Wolfenbüttel | Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel |
Vorstendom Bulgarije | Principality of Bulgaria |
Vorstendom Calenberg | Principality of Calenberg |
Vorstendom Chatsjen | Principality of Khachen |
Vorstendom Fürstenberg | Fürstenberg (principality) |
Vorstendom Galilea | Principality of Galilee |
Vorstendom Göttingen | Principality of Göttingen |
Vorstendom Grubenhagen | Principality of Grubenhagen |
Vorstendom Jersika | Principality of Jersika |
Vorstendom Leiningen | Prince of Leiningen |
Vorstendom Lichtenberg | Principality of Lichtenberg |
Vorstendom Lippe | Principality of Lippe |
Vorstendom Lucca en Piombino | Principality of Lucca and Piombino |
Vorstendom Minden | Bishopric of Minden |
Vorstendom Moldavië | Moldavia |
Vorstendom Montenegro | Principality of Montenegro |
Vorstendom Nassau-Oranje-Fulda | Principality of Nassau-Orange-Fulda |
Vorstendom Palts-Mosbach | Palatinate-Mosbach-Neumarkt |
Vorstendom Palts-Neuburg | Palatinate-Neuburg |
Vorstendom Palts-Neumarkt | House of Palatinate-Neumarkt |
Vorstendom Palts-Simmern-Zweibrücken | Palatinate-Simmern and Zweibrücken |
Vorstendom Pindos en Woiwodschap Macedonië | Principality of the Pindus |
Vorstendom Piombino | Principality of Piombino |
Vorstendom Polotsk | Principality of Polotsk |
Vorstendom Reuss jongere linie | Principality of Reuss-Gera |
Vorstendom Reuss oudere linie | Principality of Reuss-Greiz |
Vorstendom Roemenië | United Principalities |
Vorstendom Saksen-Coburg-Eisenach | Saxe-Coburg-Eisenach |
Vorstendom Saksen-Eisenach (1672-1741) | Saxe-Eisenach |
Vorstendom Saksen-Römhild | Saxe-Römhild |
Vorstendom Salm (1803-1811) | Principality of Salm |
Vorstendom Schaumburg-Lippe | Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe |
Vorstendom Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt | Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt |
Vorstendom Schwarzburg-Sondershausen | Schwarzburg-Sondershausen |
Vorstendom Servië | Principality of Serbia |
Vorstendom Theodoro | Principality of Theodoro |
Vorstendom Transsylvanië | Principality of Transylvania (1570–1711) |
Vorstendom Tver | Prince of Tver |
Vorstendom Verden | Verden (state) |
Vorstendom von der Leyen | Principality of Leyen |
Vorstendom Waldeck-Pyrmont | Waldeck (state) |
Vorstengraf (Glauberg) | Glauberg |
Vorstengraf (Hochdorf) | Hochdorf Chieftain's Grave |
Vorstengraf (Vix) | Vix Grave |
Vorstenlanden van Brits-Indië | Princely state |
Vorstensteen | Prince's Stone |
Vorst-primaat | Prince primate |
Vorstreus | Hrimthurs |
Vorstverwering | Frost weathering |
Vorţa | Vorța |
Vortex | Vortex (disambiguation) |
Vortex (fluïdum) | Vortex |
Vortexmixer | Vortex mixer |
Vorticisme | Vorticism |
Vortová | Vortová |
Võru vald | Võru Parish |
Võrumaa | Võru County |
Vorwerk (Nedersaksen) | Vorwerk, Lower Saxony |
Vos | Vos |
Vos (dier) | Red Fox |
Vošanovac | Vošanovac |
Vosbles | Vosbles |
Voschod | Voskhod |
Voschod 2 | Voskhod 2 |
Voschodprogramma | Voskhod programme |
Vosges | Vosges |
Voshaai | Common thresher |
Voshaaien | Thresher shark |
Vosje (insect) | Tawny mining bee |
Vosje (sterrenbeeld) | Vulpecula (constellation) |
Voskoesoe | Common brushtail possum |
Voskopojë | Moscopole |
Voskresensk | Voskresensk, Moscow Oblast |
Voșlăbeni | Voșlăbeni |
Vosmangoest | Yellow mongoose |
Vosnon | Vosnon |
Voss | Voss |
Vossegeest | Huli jing |
Vosselare | Vosselare |
Vossem | Vossem (Belgium) |
Vossem (Duitsland) | Vossem (Germany) |
Vossen | Fox |
Vossenjacht | Fox hunting (disambiguation) |
Vossenjacht (radio) | Amateur radio direction finding |
Vossenkopvis | Foxface rabbitfish |
Vossenlintworm | Echinococcus multilocularis |
Vossenstaart | Alopecurus |
Vossius | Vossius (disambiguation) |
Vossloh G 2000 | Vossloh G2000 BB |
Vossloh G 400 B | Vossloh G 400 B |
Vostok | Vostok |
Vostok (eiland) | Vostok Island |
Vostok 1 | Vostok 1 |
Vostokmeer | Lake Vostok |
Vostokprogramma | Vostok programme |
Vostokstation | Vostok Station |
VOS-volgorde | Verb–object–subject |
Votice | Votice |
Votiefgave | Votive offering |
Votiefkerk (Szeged) | Votive Church of Szeged |
Votiefkerk (Wenen) | Votive Church, Vienna |
Votkinsk | Votkinsk |
Vottem | Vottem |
Votuporanga (gemeente) | Votuporanga |
Votuporanga (microregio) | Microregion of Votuporanga |
Vou | Vou |
Vouarces | Vouarces |
Voudenay | Voudenay |
Voué | Voué |
Vouécourt | Vouécourt |
Vougrey | Vougrey |
Vougy (Haute-Savoie) | Vougy, Haute-Savoie |
Vougy (Loire) | Vougy, Loire |
Vouharte | Vouharte |
Vouhé | Vouhé |
Vouhé (Charente-Maritime) | Vouhé, Charente-Maritime |
Vouhé (Deux-Sèvres) | Vouhé, Deux-Sèvres |
Vouillé (Deux-Sèvres) | Vouillé, Deux-Sèvres |
Vouillé (Vienne) | Vouillé, Vienne |
Vouillé-les-Marais | Vouillé-les-Marais |
Vouillers | Vouillers |
Vouillon | Vouillon |
Vouilly | Vouilly |
Voula Patoulidou | Voula Patoulidou |
Voulaines-les-Templiers | Voulaines-les-Templiers |
Voulangis | Voulangis |
Voulême | Voulême |
Voulez-Vous (album) | Voulez-Vous |
Voulez-Vous (nummer van ABBA) | Voulez-Vous (song) |
Voulgézac | Voulgézac |
Voulismenimeer | Lake Voulismeni |
Voulon | Voulon |
Voultegon | Voultegon |
Voulton | Voulton |
Voulx | Voulx |
Vouneuil-sous-Biard | Vouneuil-sous-Biard |
Vouneuil-sur-Vienne | Vouneuil-sur-Vienne |
Vourey | Vourey |
Vourles | Vourles |
Voutenay-sur-Cure | Voutenay-sur-Cure |
Voutezac | Voutezac |
Vouthon | Vouthon |
Vouthon-Bas | Vouthon-Bas |
Vouthon-Haut | Vouthon-Haut |
Voutré | Voutré |
Vouvray | Vouvray |
Vouvray-sur-Huisne | Vouvray-sur-Huisne |
Vouwbalg | Gaiter (vehicle) |
Vouwfiets | Folding bicycle |
Vouwfractuur | Greenstick fracture |
Vouwkano | Folding kayak |
Vouwstoel | Folding chair |
Vouxey | Vouxey |
Vouzailles | Vouzailles |
Vouzan | Vouzan |
Vouzeron | Vouzeron |
Vouzon | Vouzon |
Vouzy | Vouzy |
Vovin | Vovin (album) |
Vovinam | Vovinam |
Vovtsjansk | Vovchansk |
Vox (amps) | Vox (musical equipment) |
VOX (televisiezender) | VOX (TV channel) |
VOX-ATypI-classificatie | Vox-ATypI classification |
Voyage of the acolyte | Voyage of the Acolyte |
Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne | Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne |
Voyager (browser) | Voyager (web browser) |
Voyager of the Seas | MS Voyager of the Seas |
Voyagerprogramma | Voyager program |
Voyageurs National Park | Voyageurs National Park |
Voyenne | Voyenne |
Voyer | Voyer |
Voyeurisme | Voyeurism |
Voynichmanuscript | Voynich manuscript |
Vozilići | Vozilići |
Voznica | Voznica |
Vozokany | Vozokany |
Vozokany (okres Galanta) | Vozokany, Galanta District |
Vozokany (okres Topoľčany) | Vozokany, Topoľčany District |
Vozvrasjtsjenie | The Return (2003 film) |
VPRO/Boy Edgar Prijs | VPRO/Boy Edgar Award |
VPS Vaasa | Vaasan Palloseura |
VR Dm 7 | VR Class Dm7 |
VR Sm 6 | Allegro (train) |
VR Sr 2 | VR Class Sr2 |
Vrå | Vrå |
Vraag (taal) | Question |
Vraag en aanbod | Supply and demand |
Vraagafhankelijk openbaar vervoer | Demand responsive transport |
Vraagcurve | Demand curve |
Vraagteken | Question mark |
Vračević | Vračević |
Vracht | Cargo |
Vrachtauto | Truck |
Vrachtbrief (transport) | Waybill |
Vrachtluchtvaartmaatschappij | Cargo airline |
Vrachtprijs | Freight rate |
Vrachtschip | Freighter |
Vrachtvliegtuig | Cargo aircraft |
Vrachtwagencabine | Cabin (truck) |
Vrachtwagenchauffeur | Truck driver |
Vraclav | Vraclav |
Vracovice (okres Znojmo) | Vracovice (Znojmo District) |
Vračovice-Orlov | Vračovice-Orlov |
Vrådal | Vrådal |
Vrádište | Vrádište |
Vragende zin | Interrogative word |
Vragenlijst | Questionnaire |
Vragočanica | Vragočanica |
Vraignes-en-Vermandois | Vraignes-en-Vermandois |
Vraignes-lès-Hornoy | Vraignes-lès-Hornoy |
Vraincourt | Vraincourt |
Vraiville | Vraiville |
Vrana | Vrána |
Vrančice | Vrančice |
Vrane | Vrane |
Vraneša | Vraneša |
Vraneštica | Vraneštica Municipality |
Vrångö | Vrångö |
Vranić (Barajevo) | Vranić |
Vranjani | Vranjani |
Vranov | Vranov |
Vranov (okres Brno-venkov) | Vranov (Brno-Country District) |
Vranov (okres Tachov) | Vranov (Tachov District) |
Vranovice (okres Brno-venkov) | Vranovice (Brno-Country District) |
Vraný | Vraný |
Vrapče | Vrapče |
Vrapci (Sjenica) | Vrapci |
Vrapčište | Municipality of Vrapčište |
Vrata (Roemenië) | Vrata, Mehedinți |
Vratimov | Vratimov |
Vratišinec | Vratišinec |
Vratislav I | Vratislaus I, Duke of Bohemia |
Vratislav II van Bohemen | Vratislaus II of Bohemia |
Vratislavice nad Nisou | Vratislavice nad Nisou |
Vratsa (oblast) | Vratsa Province |
Vratsa (stad) | Vratsa |
Vraux | Vraux |
Vráž (okres Beroun) | Vráž (Beroun District) |
Vráž (okres Písek) | Vráž (Písek District) |
Vražkov | Vražkov |
Vrážné | Vrážné |
Vrba (Tutin) | Vrba (Tutin) |
Vrba (Žirovnica) | Vrba, Žirovnica |
Vrbanja | Vrbanja |
Vrbas (rivier) | Vrbas (river) |
Vrbas (stad) | Vrbas, Serbia |
Vrbasbanaat | Vrbas Banovina |
Vrbatův Kostelec | Vrbatův Kostelec |
Vrbić | Vrbić |
Vrbica | Vrbica |
Vrbičany (okres Kladno) | Vrbičany |
Vrbice | Vrbice |
Vrbice (okres Břeclav) | Vrbice (Břeclav District) |
Vrbice (okres Karlsbad) | Vrbice (Karlovy Vary District) |
Vrbice (okres Litoměřice) | Vrbice (Litoměřice District) |
Vrbice (okres Nymburk) | Vrbice (Nymburk District) |
Vrbice (okres Prachatice) | Vrbice (Prachatice District) |
Vrbice (okres Rychnov nad Kněžnou) | Vrbice (Rychnov nad Kněžnou District) |
Vrbje (Kroatië) | Vrbje |
Vrbka (okres Kroměříž) | Vrbka (Kroměříž District) |
Vrbnica (Aleksandrovac) | Vrbnica (Aleksandrovac) |
Vrbnica (Sjenica) | Vrbnica (Sjenica) |
Vrbnica (Slowakije) | Vrbnica |
Vrbno pod Pradědem | Vrbno pod Pradědem |
Vrbová Lhota | Vrbová Lhota |
Vrbová nad Váhom | Vrbová nad Váhom |
Vrbovce (Slowakije) | Vrbovce, Slovakia |
Vrbovec (Zagreb) | Vrbovec |
Vrbovka | Vrbovka |
Vrbovo (Prijepolje) | Vrbovo (Prijepolje) |
Vrčeň | Vrčeň |
Vrchotovy Janovice | Vrchotovy Janovice |
Vrchovnice | Vrchovnice |
Vrchteplá | Vrchteplá |
Vrchy | Vrchy |
Vrčin | Vrčin |
Vrcovice | Vrcovice |
Vrdila | Vrdila |
Vred | Vred |
Vrede | Peace |
Vrede (Zuid-Afrika) | Vrede |
Vrede van Åbo | Treaty of Åbo |
Vrede van Aken | Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle |
Vrede van Aken (1748) | Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) |
Vrede van Amasya | Peace of Amasya |
Vrede van Amiens | Treaty of Amiens |
Vrede van Atrecht | Treaty of Arras |
Vrede van Atrecht (1482) | Treaty of Arras (1482) |
Vrede van Baden | Treaty of Baden |
Vrede van Bazel (1795) | Peace of Basel |
Vrede van Berlijn (1878) | Treaty of Berlin of 1878 |
Vrede van Boekarest | Treaty of Bucharest |
Vrede van Boekarest (1918) | Treaty of Bucharest (1918) |
Vrede van Breda | Treaty of Breda (1667) |
Vrede van Breslau | Treaty of Breslau |
Vrede van Brest-Litovsk | Treaty of Brest-Litovsk |
Vrede van Callias | Peace of Callias |
Vrede van Campo Formio | Treaty of Campo Formio |
Vrede van Chapultepec | Chapultepec Peace Accords |
Vrede van Conflans | Treaty of Conflans |
Vrede van Crépy | Italian War of 1542–46 |
Vrede van Dardanos | Treaty of Dardanos |
Vrede van de Proet | Treaty of the Pruth |
Vrede van de Pyreneeën | Treaty of the Pyrenees |
Vrede van Deoelino | Truce of Deulino |
Vrede van Doornik | Peace of Tournai |
Vrede van Frankfurt | Treaty of Frankfurt (1871) |
Vrede van Fredrikshamn | Treaty of Fredrikshamn |
Vrede van Gent | Treaty of Ghent |
Vrede van Guadalupe Hidalgo | Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo |
Vrede van Hubertusburg | Treaty of Hubertusburg |
Vrede van Kardis | Treaty of Cardis |
Vrede van Karlowitz | Treaty of Karlowitz |
Vrede van Kiel | Treaty of Kiel |
Vrede van Knäred | Treaty of Knäred |
Vrede van Kopenhagen (1441) | Treaty of Copenhagen (1441) |
Vrede van Lausanne (1923) | Treaty of Lausanne |
Vrede van Leoben | Treaty of Leoben |
Vrede van Lissabon | Treaty of Lisbon (1668) |
Vrede van Lodi | Treaty of Lodi |
Vrede van Longjumeau | Peace of Longjumeau |
Vrede van Lübeck | Treaty of Lübeck |
Vrede van Lunéville | Treaty of Lunéville |
Vrede van Lutatius | Treaty of Lutatius |
Vrede van Moskou (1940) | Moscow Peace Treaty |
Vrede van Münster | Peace of Münster |
Vrede van Nicias | Peace of Nicias |
Vrede van Nijmegen | Treaties of Nijmegen |
Vrede van Nystad | Treaty of Nystad |
Vrede van Örebro | Treaty of Orebro |
Vrede van Passarowitz | Treaty of Passarowitz |
Vrede van Presburg (1805) | Peace of Pressburg (1805) |
Vrede van Rastatt | Treaty of Rastatt |
Vrede van Rawalpindi | Anglo-Afghan Treaty of 1919 |
Vrede van Riga (1921) | Peace of Riga |
Vrede van Rijswijk | Treaty of Ryswick |
Vrede van Roskilde | Treaty of Roskilde |
Vrede van Saint-Germain-en-Laye | Peace of Saint-Germain-en-Laye |
Vrede van San Stefano | Treaty of San Stefano |
Vrede van Schönbrunn | Treaty of Schönbrunn |
Vrede van Senlis | Treaty of Senlis |
Vrede van Sèvres | Treaty of Sèvres |
Vrede van Sint-Petersburg | Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1762) |
Vrede van Stolbovo | Treaty of Stolbovo |
Vrede van Tartu (Estland-Rusland) | Treaty of Tartu (Russian–Estonian) |
Vrede van Tartu (Finland-Rusland) | Treaty of Tartu (Russian–Finnish) |
Vrede van Thorn | Peace of Thorn |
Vrede van Tilsit | Treaties of Tilsit |
Vrede van Traventhal | Peace of Travendal |
Vrede van Utrecht (1713) | Treaty of Utrecht |
Vrede van Värälä | Treaty of Värälä |
Vrede van Vasvár | Peace of Vasvár |
Vrede van Versailles | Treaty of Versailles (disambiguation) |
Vrede van Versailles (1919) | Treaty of Versailles |
Vrede van Vervins | Peace of Vervins |
Vrede van Wedmore | Treaty of Wedmore |
Vrede van Westfalen | Peace of Westphalia |
Vrede van Westminster | Treaty of Westminster |
Vrede van Westminster (1654) | Treaty of Westminster (1654) |
Vredefortkrater | Vredefort crater |
Vredegerecht | Justice of the Peace |
Vredendal | Vredendal |
Vredepeel | Vredepeel |
Vrederechter (België) | Justice of the peace (Belgium) |
Vredesakkoord van Taif | Taif Agreement |
Vredesbeweging | Peace movement |
Vredesconferentie van Den Haag | Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 |
Vredesconferentie van Parijs | Paris Peace Conference |
Vredesconferentie van Parijs (1919) | Paris Peace Conference, 1919 |
Vredesduif | Doves as symbols |
Vredeskoers | Peace Race |
Vredesmonument in Hiroshima | Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) |
Vredesoperatie | United Nations peacekeeping |
Vredespaleis | Peace Palace |
Vredespijp | Calumet (pipe) |
Vredesprijs van de Duitse Boekhandel | Peace Prize of the German Book Trade |
Vredesverdrag | Peace treaty |
Vredesverdrag van San Francisco | Treaty of San Francisco |
Vreed en Hoop | Vreed en Hoop |
Vreedzame co-existentie | Peaceful coexistence |
Vreedzame kernexplosie | Peaceful nuclear explosions |
Vreeland | Vreeland |
Vreemd getal | Weird number |
Vreemd vermogen | Financial capital |
Vreemde situatietest | Attachment in children |
Vreemde taal | Foreign language |
Vreemdeling in een vreemd land | Stranger in a Strange Land |
Vreemdgaan | Extramarital sex |
Vreemdheid | Strangeness |
Vrees (Nedersaksen) | Vrees |
Vrees en beven | Fear and Trembling |
Vreeswijk (wijk) | Vreeswijk |
Vregny | Vregny |
Vrek | Miser |
Vrelo (Ub) | Vrelo (Ub) |
Vrély | Vrély |
Vremja Novostej | Vremya Novostei |
Vřeskovice | Vřeskovice |
Vřesovice (okres Hodonín) | Vřesovice (Hodonín District) |
Vreten (koudlassen) | Galling |
Vreugdevuur | Bonfire |
Vreugdevuur van de ijdelheden | Bonfire of the Vanities |
Vrgada | Vrgada |
Vrh | Vrh |
Vrh (Buzet) | Vrh, Istria County |
Vrh (Kraljevo) | Vrh (Kraljevo) |
Vrhaveč | Vrhaveč |
Vrhovine (Kroatië) | Vrhovine |
Vrhovine (Ub) | Vrhovine (Ub) |
Vrhpolje (Ljubovija) | Vrhpolje, Serbia |
Vriange | Vriange |
Vriendenboek | Confession album |
Vriendinnen (1936) | Girl Friends (1936 film) |
Vriendschap | Friendship |
Vriendschappelijke wedstrijd | Exhibition game |
Vriendschapsarmband | Friendship bracelet |
Vriendschapsspelen | Friendship Games |
Vries | Vries, Drenthe |
Vriesdrogen (conservering) | Freeze-drying |
Vriespuntsdaling | Freezing-point depression |
Vriezenveen | Vriezenveen |
Vrigne-Meuse | Vrigne-Meuse |
Vrigny (Loiret) | Vrigny, Loiret |
Vrigny (Marne) | Vrigny, Marne |
Vrigny (Orne) | Vrigny, Orne |
Vrigstad | Vrigstad |
Vrij elektronenpaar | Lone pair |
Vrij en Vrolijk | Fun and Fancy Free |
Vrij klimmen | Free solo climbing |
Vrij vers | Free verse |
Vrij vloeistofoppervlak | Free surface effect |
Vrijboord | Freeboard (nautical) |
Vrijdag | Friday |
Vrijdag de dertiende | Friday the 13th |
Vrijdagmoskee | Friday Mosque |
Vrijdagmoskee van Delhi | Jama Masjid |
Vrijdagmoskee van Isfahan | Jameh Mosque of Isfahan |
Vrijdenkerij | Freethought |
Vrijduiken | Free diving |
Vrije abelse groep | Free abelian group |
Vrije Belgische Strijdkrachten | Free Belgian Forces |
Vrije Bijbelonderzoekers | Free Bible Students |
Vrije Democratische Partij | Liberal Democratic Party |
Vrije energie | Gibbs free energy |
Vrije groep | Free group |
Vrije Hanzestad Bremen | Bremen (state) |
Vrije indirecte rede | Free indirect speech |
Vrije kunstlicentie | Free Art License |
Vrije leermiddelen | Open educational resources |
Vrije liefde | Free love |
Vrije markt | Free market |
Vrije module | Free module |
Vrije Officieren | Free Officers Movement (Egypt) |
Vrije Partij van Luxemburg | Free Party of Luxembourg |
Vrije rijksstad | Free imperial city |
Vrije slag | Freestyle swimming |
Vrije software | Free software |
Vrije software en opensourcesoftware | Free and open source software |
Vrije Stad Danzig (1920-1939) | Free City of Danzig |
Vrije Stad Frankfurt | Free City of Frankfurt |
Vrije Syrische Leger | Free Syrian Army |
Vrije tijd | Leisure |
Vrije Universiteit | Free University |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Vrije Universiteit |
Vrije Universiteit Berlijn | Free University of Berlin |
Vrije val (attractie) | Drop tower |
Vrije val (natuurkunde) | Free fall |
Vrije Volksstaat Württemberg | Free People's State of Württemberg |
Vrije weglengte | Mean free path |
Vrije wil | Free will |
Vrije zone (regio) | Free Zone (region) |
Vrije Zone Triëst | Free Territory of Trieste |
Vrije-elektronenlaser | Free-electron laser |
Vrijenban | Vrijenban |
Vrijer Roland | Sweetheart Roland |
Vrijers van Penelope | Suitors of Penelope |
Vrijeschoolonderwijs | Waldorf education |
Vrijgezel | Bachelor |
Vrijgezellenfeest | Bachelor party |
Vrijgraafschap Bourgondië | County of Burgundy |
Vrijhandel | Free trade |
Vrijhandelszone | Free trade zone |
Vrijhandelszone van Amerika | Free Trade Area of the Americas |
Vrijhaven | List of free ports |
Vrijheid (filosofie) | Liberty |
Vrijheid van gedachte | Freedom of thought |
Vrijheid van informatie | Freedom of information |
Vrijheid van meningsuiting | Freedom of speech |
Vrijheid van onderwijs | Freedom of education |
Vrijheid van vereniging | Freedom of association |
Vrijheid van vergadering | Freedom of assembly |
Vrijheid van vestiging | Freedom of movement |
Vrijheid, gelijkheid en broederschap | Liberté, égalité, fraternité |
Vrijheidsbeeld | Statue of Liberty (disambiguation) |
Vrijheidsbeeld (Mytilini) | Statue of Liberty (Mytilene) |
Vrijheidsbeeld (New York) | Statue of Liberty |
Vrijheidsboom | Liberty pole |
Vrijheidsbrug (Boedapest) | Liberty Bridge (Budapest) |
Vrijheidsbrug (Novi Sad) | Liberty Bridge, Novi Sad |
Vrijheidsdag | Freedom Day (South Africa) |
Vrijheidsfront Plus | Freedom Front Plus |
Vrijheidsgraad | Degrees of freedom (mechanics) |
Vrijheidsmedaille van Koning Christiaan X van Denemarken | King Christian X's Liberty Medal |
Vrijheidsmonument (Riga) | Freedom Monument |
Vrijheidspartij van Oostenrijk | FPÖ |
Vrijheidspartij van Zwitserland | Freedom Party of Switzerland |
Vrijheidsplein | Freedom Square |
Vrijheidsplein (Charkov) | Freedom Square, Kharkiv |
Vrijheidsstrijder | Liberation Army |
Vrijheidsvlam | Flame of Liberty |
Vrij-katholieke Kerk | Liberal Catholic Church |
Vrijkorps | Freikorps |
Vrijloop | Freewheel |
Vrijmaken | Free body diagram |
Vrijmarkt | Jumble sale |
Vrijmetselarij | Freemasonry |
Vrijmetselarij in Frankrijk | History of Freemasonry in France |
Vrijpion | Passed pawn |
Vrijscharen | Restoration and Regeneration (Switzerland) |
Vrijspraak | Acquittal |
Vrijstaat (provincie) | Free State |
Vrijstaat (staatsvorm) | Free state (government) |
Vrijstaat Anhalt | Free State of Anhalt |
Vrijstaat Brunswijk | Free State of Brunswick |
Vrijstaat Fiume | Free State of Fiume |
Vrijstaat Flessenhals | Free State Bottleneck |
Vrijstaat Lippe | Free State of Lippe |
Vrijstaat Mecklenburg-Schwerin | Free State of Mecklenburg-Schwerin |
Vrijstaat Mecklenburg-Strelitz | Free State of Mecklenburg-Strelitz |
Vrijstaat Oldenburg | Free State of Oldenburg |
Vrijstaat Pruisen | Free State of Prussia |
Vrijstaat Schaumburg-Lippe | Free State of Schaumburg-Lippe |
Vrijstaat Waldeck-Pyrmont | Free State of Waldeck-Pyrmont |
Vrijstad Christiania | Christiania |
Vrijwaring | Warranty |
Vrijwaringsclausule | Disclaimer |
Vrijwillige brandweer | Volunteer fire department |
Vrijwilliger | Volunteering |
Vrijwilligersleger | Volunteer Army |
Vrijwilligerswerk | Community service |
Vrijzinnig Democratische Bond | Free-thinking Democratic League |
Vrijzinnig Democratische Partij.De Liberalen | FDP.The Liberals |
Vrilissia | Vrilissia |
Vrin | Vrin |
Vritz | Vritz |
Vrmac-tunnel | Vrmac Tunnel |
VR-motor | VR6 engine |
Vrnjci | Vrnjci |
Vrocourt | Vrocourt |
Vroedmeesterpad | Common midwife toad |
Vroedmeesterpadden | Midwife toad |
Vroeg eekhoorntjesbrood | Boletus reticulatus |
Vroeg Imbrium | Early Imbrian |
Vroeg Pleistoceen | Early Pleistocene |
Vroeg visstaartje | Nola confusalis |
Vroeg-16e-eeuwse kloosters op de hellingen van de Popocatépetl | Monasteries on the slopes of Popocatépetl |
Vroeg-dynastieke Periode | Early Dynastic Period of Egypt |
Vroege boeddhistische scholen | Early Buddhist schools |
Vroege christendom | Early Christianity |
Vroege dwergspanner | Eupithecia lanceata |
Vroege glazenmaker | Aeshna isoceles |
Vroege grasmot | Crambus lathoniellus |
Vroege haver | Aira praecox |
Vroege islam: westerse alternatieve gezichtspunten | Historiography of early Islam |
Vroege knolamaniet | Amanita verna |
Vroege leemhoed | Agrocybe praecox |
Vroege middeleeuwen | Early Middle Ages |
Vroege oermot | Micropterix aruncella |
Vroege Oostelijke Slaven | East Slavs |
Vroege socialisme | Utopian socialism |
Vroege spanner | Biston strataria |
Vroege sterhyacint | Scilla bifolia |
Vroegeling | Draba verna |
Vroegere Le-dynastie | Early Lê dynasty |
Vroeg-islamitisch Egypte | Egypt in the Middle Ages |
Vroegmoderne Tijd | Early modern period |
Vroeg-nieuwhoogduits | Early New High German |
Vroegst Gitje | Cheilosia fasciata |
Vroil | Vroil |
Vrolijke noot | Comic relief |
Vroman-effect | Vroman effect |
Vron | Vron |
Vroncourt | Vroncourt |
Vroncourt-la-Côte | Vroncourt-la-Côte |
Vroni König-Salmi | Vroni König-Salmi |
Vroomheid | Piety |
Vroomshoop | Vroomshoop |
VROOOM | Vrooom |
Vrouw | Woman |
Vrouw Holle | Mother Hulda |
Vrouw met parelsnoer | Woman with a Pearl Necklace |
Vrouw met waterkan | Woman with a Water Jug |
Vrouw met weegschaal | Woman Holding a Balance |
Vrouw Trui | Frau Trude |
Vrouw van Zes Miljoen | The Bionic Woman |
Vrouw zonder gezicht | Woman Without a Face |
Vrouwdragen | Wife carrying |
Vrouwe- en Antonie Gasthuys | Vrouwe- en Antonie Gasthuys |
Vrouwe van het Meer | Lady of the Lake |
Vrouwelijk | Female (disambiguation) |
Vrouwelijk (biologie) | Female |
Vrouwelijke ejaculatie | Female ejaculation |
Vrouwen en kinderen eerst | Women and children first |
Vrouwen in de tuin | Women in the Garden |
Vrouwen in het Oude Rome | Women in Ancient Rome |
Vrouwen in 't Wit | Les Femmes en Blanc |
Vrouwen uit de Duitse geschiedenis | Women in German history series |
Vrouwenakker | Vrouwenakker |
Vrouwenbesnijdenis | Female genital mutilation |
Vrouwenbeweging | Feminist movement |
Vrouwenboksen | Women's boxing |
Vrouwencondoom | Female condom |
Vrouwendiscriminatie | Women's rights |
Vrouwenemancipatie | History of feminism |
Vrouwengeschiedenis | Herstory |
Vrouwenkiesrecht | Women's suffrage |
Vrouwenmantel | Alchemilla |
Vrouwenmoorden in Ciudad Juárez | Female homicides in Ciudad Juárez |
Vrouwenparkeerplaats | Women's parking space |
Vrouwenparochie | Vrouwenparochie |
Vrouwenschoentje | Cypripedium calceolus |
Vrouwenstudies | Women's studies |
Vrouwenvoetbal | Women's association football |
Vrouwenvoetbalelftal van Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea | Papua New Guinea women's national football team |
Vrouwtje Theelepel | Mrs. Pepper Pot (anime) |
Vrpolje | Vrpolje |
Vršatské Podhradie | Vršatské Podhradie |
Vrsi | Vrsi |
Vršič-pas | Vršič Pass |
Vrsjenice | Vrsjenice |
Vrskmaň | Vrskmaň |
Vršovice (okres Louny) | Vršovice (Louny District) |
Vršovice (Praag) | Vršovice |
Vršovka | Vršovka |
Vrtanes | St. Vrtanes I |
Vrtine | Vrtine |
Vrucht (plant) | Fruit |
Vrucht van de Geest | Fruit of the Holy Spirit |
Vruchtbaarheid | Fertility |
Vruchtbaarheidscijfer | Total fertility rate |
Vruchtbaarheidsrite | Fertility rite |
Vruchtbare Sikkel | Fertile Crescent |
Vruchtbeginsel | Ovary (botany) |
Vruchtbladroller | Adoxophyes orana |
Vruchtboomkanker | Canker |
Vruchtenpulp | Pomace |
Vruchtensalade | Fruit salad |
Vruchtensap | Juice |
Vruchtenwijn | Fruit wine |
Vruchtgebruik | Usufruct |
Vruchtvlees | Juice vesicles |
Vruchtwater | Amniotic fluid |
Vruchtwaterpunctie | Amniocentesis |
Vruchtwisseling | Crop rotation |
Vrutci (Užice) | Vrutci |
Vrvari | Vrvari |
Vryburg | Vryburg |
VR-Yhtymä | VR Group |
Vrystaatstadion | Free State Stadium |
Vs. (Pearl Jam) | Vs. (Pearl Jam album) |
Všechlapy (okres Nymburk) | Všechlapy (Nymburk District) |
Všechovice (okres Brno-venkov) | Všechovice (Brno-Country District) |
Všechovice (okres Přerov) | Všechovice (Přerov District) |
Všehrdy (okres Chomutov) | Všehrdy (Chomutov District) |
Všekary | Všekary |
Všenice | Všenice |
Všepadly | Všepadly |
Všeradice | Všeradice |
Všeradov | Všeradov |
Všeruby | Všeruby |
Všeruby (okres Domažlice) | Všeruby (Domažlice District) |
Všeruby (okres Plzeň-sever) | Všeruby (Plzeň-North District) |
Vseslav van Polotsk | Vseslav of Polotsk |
Všestary (okres Hradec Králové) | Všestary (Hradec Králové District) |
Všestudy (okres Chomutov) | Všestudy (Chomutov District) |
Všetaty (okres Mělník) | Všetaty (Mělník District) |
Všetaty (okres Rakovník) | Všetaty (Rakovník District) |
Vsevolod Abramovitsj | Vsevolod Abramovich |
Vsevolod Garsjin | Vsevolod Garshin |
Vsevolod I van Kiev | Vsevolod I of Kiev |
Vsevolod II van Novgorod | Vsevolod II of Kiev |
Vsevolod Ivanov | Vsevolod Ivanov |
Vsevolod Meyerhold | Vsevolod Meyerhold |
Vsevolod Mstislavitsj | Vsevolod of Pskov |
Vsevolod Poedovkin | Vsevolod Pudovkin |
Vsevolod Rauzer | Vsevolod Rauzer |
Vsevolod Roednev | Vsevolod Rudnev |
Vsevolod Zaderatski | Vsevolod Zaderatsky |
Vsevolozjsk | Vsevolozhsk |
VSG Altglienicke | VSG Altglienicke |
VSI Tampa Bay FC | VSI Tampa Bay FC |
V-snelheden | V speeds |
VSOE | Venice-Simplon Orient Express |
VSO-volgorde | Verb–subject–object |
Vstiš | Vstiš |
Vtáčkovce | Vtáčkovce |
V-teken | V sign |
V-Tetris | List of Tetris variants |
Vtm | Vtm |
VTT | VTT (disambiguation) |
Vũ Thị Hương | Vu Thi Huong |
Vuaqava | Vuaqava |
Vučiniće | Vučiniće |
Vučja Lokva | Vučja Lokva |
Vue | Vue |
Vue (Loire-Atlantique) | Vue, Loire-Atlantique |
Vue de toits (effet de neige) | Vue de toits (Effet de neige) |
Vueling Airlines | Vueling |
Vugar Gashimov | Vugar Gashimov |
Vuile bom | Dirty bomb |
Vuile Oorlog (Argentinië) | Dirty War |
Vuilendam | Vuilendam |
Vuillery | Vuillery |
Vuilnisbak | Waste container |
Vuilnishoop | Landfill |
Vuilnisman | Waste collector |
Vuilnisophaaldienst | Waste management |
Vuilniswagen | Garbage truck |
Vuilniszak | Bin bag |
Vuist (gereedschap) | Lump hammer |
Vuistbal | Fistball |
Vuistbijl | Biface |
Vuistneuken | Fisting |
Vuistregel | Rule of thumb |
Vuistslag | Punch (combat) |
Vuiteboeuf | Vuiteboeuf |
Vujetinci | Vujetinci |
Vujinovača | Vujinovača |
Vuk | VUK |
Vuk (film) | The Little Fox |
Vuk Karadžić | Vuk Karadžić |
Vuka (plaats) | Vuka, Osijek-Baranja County |
Vukan | Vukan of Rascia |
Vukona | Vukona |
Vukosavci (Aranđelovac) | Vukosavci |
Vukosavlje | Vukosavlje |
Vukošić | Vukošić |
Vukovar-Srijem | Vukovar-Syrmia County |
Vukušica | Vukušica |
Vulaines | Vulaines |
Vulaines-lès-Provins | Vulaines-lès-Provins |
Vulaines-sur-Seine | Vulaines-sur-Seine |
Vulamehlo | Vulamehlo Local Municipality |
Vulcain (raketmotor) | Vulcain |
Vulcan (Canada) | Vulcan, Alberta |
Vulcan (Marvel) | Vulcan (Marvel Comics) |
Vulcan (Roemenië) | Vulcan, Hunedoara |
Vulcan (Star Trek) | Vulcan (Star Trek) |
Vulcaniella cognatella | Vulcaniella cognatella |
Vulcaniella extremella | Vulcaniella extremella |
Vulcaniella fiordalisa | Vulcaniella fiordalisa |
Vulcaniella gielisi | Vulcaniella gielisi |
Vulcaniella glaseri | Vulcaniella glaseri |
Vulcaniella grabowiella | Vulcaniella grabowiella |
Vulcaniella grandiferella | Vulcaniella grandiferella |
Vulcaniella karadaghella | Vulcaniella karadaghella |
Vulcaniella klimeschi | Vulcaniella klimeschi |
Vulcaniella pomposella | Vulcaniella pomposella |
Vulcaniella rosmarinella | Vulcaniella rosmarinella |
Vulcanus (mythologie) | Vulcan (mythology) |
Vulcanus (planeet) | Vulcan (hypothetical planet) |
Vulcanus' smidse | La Forge de Vulcain |
Vulgaat | Vulgate |
Vulgair Latijn | Vulgar Latin |
Vulgarisme | Vulgarism |
Vulgus | Vulgus |
Vulkaan | Volcano |
Vulkaan-Eifel | Vulkan Eifel |
Vulkaankonijn | Volcano Rabbit |
Vulkaankrater | Volcanic crater |
Vulkaanmuis | Mexican volcano mouse |
Vulkaanuitbarsting onder de Eyjafjallajökull 2010 | 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull |
Vulkaanveld | Volcanic field |
Vulkanen van het Decennium | Decade Volcanoes |
Vulkanen van Kamtsjatka | Volcanoes of Kamchatka |
Vulkanisatie | Vulcanization |
Vulkanisch gebied Taupo | Taupo Volcanic Zone |
Vulkanisch glas | Volcanic glass |
Vulkanische bom | Volcanic bomb |
Vulkanische boog | Volcanic arc |
Vulkanische plug | Volcanic plug |
Vulkanische-explosiviteitsindex | Volcanic Explosivity Index |
Vulkanisme | Volcanism |
Vulkanisme op Mars | Volcanology of Mars |
Vulkanisme op Venus | Volcanology of Venus |
Vulkanologie | Volcanology |
Vulpavus | Vulpavus |
Vulpen | Fountain pen |
Vulpotlood | Mechanical pencil |
Vulstof | Filler (materials) |
Vulture | Vulture (comics) |
Vultureni | Vultureni, Cluj |
Vulturești | Vultureşti |
Vulva | Vulva |
Vulvitis | Vulvitis |
Vulvodynie | Vulvodynia |
VU-meter | VU meter |
Vuoksi | Vuoksi River |
Vuollerim | Vuollerim |
Vuosaari (metrostation) | Vuosaari metro station |
Vuren (dorp) | Vuren |
Vuren (hout) | Whitewood |
Vurpăr | Vurpăr |
Vushtrri | Vučitrn |
Vusumuzi Nyoni | Vuza Nyoni |
Vuur | Fire |
Vuur uit de Hemel | The Fires of Heaven |
Vuurbuikpadden | Fire-bellied toad |
Vuurbuikvliegenvanger | Flame Robin |
Vuurdoorn | Pyracantha |
Vuurduin | Vuurduin |
Vuurgarnaal | Cherry shrimp |
Vuurgevecht bij de O.K. Corral | Gunfight at the O.K. Corral |
Vuurgoudhaan | Common Firecrest |
Vuurjuffer | Large Red Damselfly |
Vuurjuffers | Pyrrhosoma |
Vuurkeelcichlide | Firemouth cichlid |
Vuurkolk | Fire whirl |
Vuurland | Tierra del Fuego |
Vuurland, Antarctica en Zuid-Atlantische eilanden | Tierra del Fuego Province, Argentina |
Vuurleiding | Fire-control system |
Vuurlibel | Scarlet Dragonfly |
Vuurlopen | Firewalking |
Vuurloze locomotief | Fireless locomotive |
Vuurmelkzwam | Lactarius pyrogalus |
Vuurmieren | Fire ant |
Vuurneon | Hemigrammus erythrozonus |
Vuurpijl | Skyrocket |
Vuurpijlvis | Nemateleotris magnifica |
Vuurpluimbaardvogel | Fire-tufted Barbet |
Vuurpomp | Fire piston |
Vuurrugfazant | Crestless Fireback |
Vuursalamander | Fire salamander |
Vuursnavelarassari | Fiery-billed Aracari |
Vuursnelheid | Rate of fire |
Vuurspringer | Philaeus chrysops |
Vuurspuwen | Fire breathing |
Vuurstaartastrild | Beautiful Firetail |
Vuurstaartlabeo | Red-tailed black shark |
Vuursteen | Flint |
Vuursteenvlinder | Buff Arches |
Vuurstorm | Firestorm |
Vuurstuitwaaierstaart | Rufous Fantail |
Vuurtempel | Fire temple |
Vuurtempel van Bakoe | Ateshgah of Baku |
Vuurtoren | Lighthouse |
Vuurtoren aan de Maasvlakte | Maasvlakte Light |
Vuurtoren Bremerhaven | Bremerhaven lighthouse |
Vuurtoren Eierland | Eierland Lighthouse |
Vuurtoren van Alnes | Alnes Lighthouse |
Vuurtoren van Campen | Campen Lighthouse |
Vuurtoren van Pilsum | Pilsum Lighthouse |
Vuurtoren van Stavoren | Stavoren Lighthouse |
Vuurtoren van Urk | Urk Lighthouse |
Vuurtorens in Friesland | Lighthouses in Friesland |
Vuurtorenwachter | Lighthouse keeper |
Vuurvast materiaal | Refractory |
Vuurvink | Red-billed Firefinch |
Vuurvleugelspecht | Crimson-winged Woodpecker |
Vuurvogel | Firebird (Slavic folklore) |
Vuurwants | Firebug |
Vuurwantsen | Pyrrhocoridae |
Vuurwapen | Firearm |
Vuurwerk | Firework |
Vuurwerkplant | Dictamnus |
Vuurwerkramp Enschede | Enschede fireworks disaster |
Vuze | Vuze |
Vv Katwijk | VV Katwijk |
V-vlekspringspin | Aelurillus v-insignitus |
VVV-Venlo | VVV-Venlo |
VVV-Venlo (vrouwenvoetbal) | VVV-Venlo (women) |
V-wapen | V-weapons |
VX | VX (nerve agent) |
Vyborg | Vyborg |
Vyborgskaja | Vyborgskaya (Saint Petersburg Metro) |
Vydrany | Vydrany |
Vydrná | Vydrná |
Vydūnas | Vydūnas |
Vykáň | Vykáň |
Vyklantice | Vyklantice |
Výkleky | Výkleky |
Vylkove | Vylkove |
Vynohradiv | Vynohradiv |
Výprachtice | Výprachtice |
Výrava | Výrava |
Výrava (okres Medzilaborce) | Výrava (Medzilaborce District) |
Vyronas | Vyronas |
Výrov | Výrov (Plzeň-North District) |
Výrovice | Výrovice |
Vyšehněvice | Vyšehněvice |
Vyšehořovice | Vyšehořovice |
Vysjejsjaja Liga | Belarusian Premier League |
Vysjni Volotsjok | Vyshny Volochyok |
Vysjtsja Liha | Ukrainian Premier League |
Vyškovce | Výškovce |
Vyškovce nad Ipľom | Vyškovce nad Ipľom |
Vyskytná | Vyskytná |
Výsluní | Výsluní |
Vyšná Boca | Vyšná Boca |
Vyšná Hutka | Vyšná Hutka |
Vyšná Jablonka | Vyšná Jablonka |
Vyšná Jedľová | Vyšná Jedľová |
Vyšná Kamenica | Vyšná Kamenica |
Vyšná Myšľa | Vyšná Myšľa |
Vyšná Olšava | Vyšná Olšava |
Vyšná Pisaná | Vyšná Pisaná |
Vyšná Polianka | Vyšná Polianka |
Vyšná Rybnica | Vyšná Rybnica |
Vyšná Šebastová | Vyšná Šebastová |
Vyšná Sitnica | Vyšná Sitnica |
Vyšná Slaná | Vyšná Slaná |
Vyšná Voľa | Vyšná Voľa |
Vyšné Ladičkovce | Vyšné Ladičkovce |
Vyšné nad Hronom | Vyšné nad Hronom |
Vyšné Remety | Vyšné Remety |
Vyšné Repaše | Vyšné Repaše |
Vyšné Valice | Vyšné Valice |
Vyšní Lhoty | Vyšní Lhoty |
Vyšný Čaj | Vyšný Čaj |
Vyšný Hrabovec | Vyšný Hrabovec |
Vyšný Hrušov | Vyšný Hrušov |
Vyšný Kazimír | Vyšný Kazimír |
Vyšný Klátov | Vyšný Klátov |
Vyšný Komárnik | Vyšný Komárnik |
Vyšný Kručov | Vyšný Kručov |
Vyšný Mirošov | Vyšný Mirošov |
Vyšný Orlík | Vyšný Orlík |
Vyšný Skálnik | Vyšný Skálnik |
Vyšný Slavkov | Vyšný Slavkov |
Vyšný Tvarožec | Vyšný Tvarožec |
Vyšný Žipov | Vyšný Žipov |
Vysočany | Vysočany |
Vysočany (okres Blansko) | Vysočany (Blansko District) |
Vysočany (okres Znojmo) | Vysočany (Znojmo District) |
Vysočany (Slowakije) | Vysočany (Bánovce nad Bebravou District) |
Vysočina | Vysočina |
Vysočina (okres Chrudim) | Vysočina (Chrudim District) |
Vysočina (regio) | Vysočina Region |
Vysoká (okres Banská Štiavnica) | Vysoká, Banská Štiavnica District |
Vysoká (okres Havlíčkův Brod) | Vysoká (Havlíčkův Brod District) |
Vysoká (okres Sabinov) | Vysoká, Sabinov District |
Vysoká (okres Svitavy) | Vysoká (Svitavy District) |
Vysoká Lhota | Vysoká Lhota |
Vysoká Libyně | Vysoká Libyně |
Vysoká nad Uhom | Vysoká nad Uhom |
Vysoká Pec | Vysoká Pec (Chomutov District) |
Vysoká Srbská | Vysoká Srbská |
Vysoká u Příbramě | Vysoká u Příbramě |
Vysoké | Vysoké |
Vysoké Chvojno | Vysoké Chvojno |
Vysoké kolo | Wielki Szyszak |
Vysoké Studnice | Vysoké Studnice |
Vysoké Tatry | Vysoké Tatry (town) |
Vysoké Veselí | Vysoké Veselí |
Vysokov | Vysokov |
Vysoký Chlumec | Vysoký Chlumec |
Vysoký Újezd | Vysoký Újezd |
Vysoký Újezd (okres Benešov) | Vysoký Újezd (Benešov District) |
Vysoký Újezd (okres Hradec Králové) | Vysoký Újezd (Hradec Králové District) |
Vysotsk | Vysotsk |
Výšovice | Výšovice |
Vystrčenovice | Vystrčenovice |
Vystrkov | Vystrkov (Pelhřimov District) |
Vytautas | Vytautas |
Vytautas Bacevičius | Vytautas Bacevičius |
Vytautas Mažiulis | Vytautas Mažiulis |
Vytsjegda | Vychegda River |
Vyžice | Vyžice |
Vyzjnytsja | Vyzhnytsia |
W (letter) | W |
W (tijdschrift) | W (magazine) |
W Connection | W Connection |
W&W (duo) | W&W |
W. (film) | W. (film) |
W. Francis McBeth | W. Francis McBeth |
W. Sterling Cole | W. Sterling Cole |
W.H. Bramble Airport | W. H. Bramble Airport |
W.I.T.C.H. | W.I.T.C.H. |
W.N.P. Barbellion | W. N. P. Barbellion |
W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism | W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism |
W.T.F. | W.T.F. |
W00t | W00t |
Wa (Ghana) | Wa, Ghana |
Wa (volk) | Wa people |
WA Tlemcen | WA Tlemcen |
Waabs | Waabs |
Waadbroek | Waders (footwear) |
Waag | Weigh house |
Waag (Amsterdam) | Waag (Amsterdam) |
Waag (Haarlem) | Waag, Haarlem |
Waag (Leiden) | Weigh House (Leiden) |
Waaier (pomp) | Impeller |
Waaier (ventilatie) | Hand fan |
Waaierduif | Victoria Crowned Pigeon |
Waaiergewelf | Fan vault |
Waaierhoen | Sage Grouse |
Waaiermot | Alucita hexadactyla |
Waaiermotten | Many-plumed moth |
Waaierstaarten | Fantail |
Waaierstaartraaf | Fan-tailed Raven |
Waaiervleugeligen | Strepsiptera |
Waaijenberg | Waaijenberg |
Waakvlam | Pilot light |
Waal | Waal |
Waal (Beieren) | Waal, Bavaria |
Waal (buurtschap) | Waal, South Holland |
Waal (rivier) | Waal (river) |
Waalbrug Nijmegen | Waalbrug |
Waals | Walloon language |
Waals Legioen | 28th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Wallonien |
Waals Parlement | Walloon Parliament |
Waals-Brabant | Walloon Brabant |
Waalse Beweging | Walloon Movement |
Waalse kerk | Walloon church |
Waalse Pijl | La Flèche Wallonne |
Waalse Pijl 2011 | 2011 La Flèche Wallonne |
Waalse politiek | Politics of Wallonia |
Waalse Regering | Walloon Government |
Waalskappel | Wallon-Cappel |
Waan | Delusion |
Waanstoornis | Delusional disorder |
Waar is het huis van mijn vriend? | Where Is the Friend's Home? |
Waar is mijn water? | Where's My Water? |
Waar is Wally? | Where's Wally? |
Waard | Waard |
Waard (landschap) | Ait |
Waarde (economie) | Value (economics) |
Waarde (sociale wetenschappen) | Value (personal and cultural) |
Waarde (Zeeland) | Waarde |
Waardeanalyse | Value engineering |
Waardebeleggen | Value investing |
Waardebon | Voucher |
Waardeketen | Value chain |
Waardenburg | Waardenburg |
Waardepapier | Negotiable instrument |
Waarder | Waarder |
Waarheid | Truth |
Waarheid (doorverwijspagina) | Pravda (disambiguation) |
Waarheidscommissie | Truth and reconciliation commission |
Waarheidsserum | Truth serum |
Waarheidstabel | Truth table |
Waarheidswaarde | Truth value |
Waark | Wark (river) |
Waarland | Waarland |
Waarneming (perceptie) | Perception |
Waarnemingshorizon | Event horizon |
Waarom ik geen christen ben | Why I Am Not a Christian |
Waarschijnlijkheidsamplitude | Probability amplitude |
Waarschijnlijkheidsinterpretatie van Born | Born rule |
Waarzeggerij | Fortune-telling |
Waasland | Waasland |
Waaslandwolf | Isegrim |
Waasten (België) | Warneton, Belgium |
Waasten (Frankrijk) | Warneton |
Waaxens (Dongeradeel) | Waaxens |
Waaxens (Littenseradeel) | Waaksens |
Wabag | Wabag |
Wabash (Indiana) | Wabash, Indiana |
Wabash (rivier) | Wabash River |
Wabash County | Wabash County |
Wabash County (Illinois) | Wabash County, Illinois |
Wabash County (Indiana) | Wabash County, Indiana |
Wabasha | Wabasha, Minnesota |
Wabasha County | Wabasha County, Minnesota |
Wabasso (Minnesota) | Wabasso, Minnesota |
Wabaunsee County | Wabaunsee County, Kansas |
Waben | Waben |
Wabern (Hessen) | Wabern, Hesse |
Wąbrzeźno (gemeente) | Gmina Wąbrzeźno |
Wace | Wace |
Wachan-corridor | Wakhan Corridor |
Wachau (Saksen) | Wachau, Saxony |
Wachenheim (Pfrimm) | Wachenheim, Alzey-Worms |
Wachenheim an der Weinstraße | Wachenheim |
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (BWV 140) | Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140 |
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (koraal) | Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme |
Wachet! betet! betet! wachet! | Wachet! betet! betet! wachet! BWV 70 |
Wacho | Wacho |
Wąchock | Wąchock |
Wąchock (gemeente) | Gmina Wąchock |
Wachowski's | Wachowski brothers |
Wachregiment | Friedrich Engels Guard Regiment |
Wachs | Wachs |
Wachsenburggemeinde | Wachsenburggemeinde |
Wacht! Wacht! | Guards! Guards! |
Wachten op Godot | Waiting for Godot |
Wachter in het water | Watcher in the Water |
Wachtervlinder | Satellite (moth) |
Wachtkamer | Waiting room |
Wachtrij | Queue area |
Wachtrijtheorie | Queueing theory |
Wachttoren | Watchtower (disambiguation) |
Wachttoren-, Bijbel- en Traktaatgenootschap | Corporations of Jehovah's Witnesses |
Wachtwoord | Password |
Wachtwoordkraker | Password cracking |
Wacken | Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein |
Wacker-Arena | Wacker-Arena |
Wackerow | Wackerow |
Wackersleben | Wackersleben |
Wacky Races | Wacky Races |
Waclaw van Krosno | Wenceslaus of Krosno |
Wacław z Szamotuł | Wacław of Szamotuły |
Waco | Waco (disambiguation) |
Waco (Georgia) | Waco, Georgia |
Waco (Texas) | Waco, Texas |
Waco CG-4 | Waco CG-4 |
Waconia | Waconia, Minnesota |
Wacoro | Wacoro |
Wacquemoulin | Wacquemoulin |
Wacquinghen | Wacquinghen |
Wad | Mudflat |
Wadamisaki-lijn | Wadamisaki Line |
Wada-test | Wada test |
Wadati-Benioffzone | Wadati–Benioff zone |
Waddeneilanden | Frisian Islands |
Waddenhommel | Bombus cullumanus |
Waddenzee | Wadden Sea |
Waddeweitz | Waddeweitz |
Waddington | Waddington |
Waddington (Lincolnshire) | Waddington, Lincolnshire |
Wade Hampton Census Area | Wade Hampton Census Area, Alaska |
Wadebridge | Wadebridge |
Wade-Giles | Wade-Giles |
Wadelincourt | Wadelincourt |
Wadelincourt (Frankrijk) | Wadelincourt, Ardennes |
Wadena | Wadena |
Wadena (Minnesota) | Wadena, Minnesota |
Wadena County | Wadena County, Minnesota |
Wadenoijen | Wadenoijen |
Wadesboro | Wadesboro, North Carolina |
Wadhurst | Wadhurst |
Wadi | Wadi (disambiguation) |
Wadi (rivierdal) | Wadi |
Wadi Al Hayaa | Wadi al Hayaa District |
Wadi Al Shatii | Wadi al Shatii District |
Wadi Al-Hitan | Wadi Al-Hitan |
Wadi Araba | Arabah |
Wadi Degla FC | Wadi Degla FC |
Wadi Fira | Wadi Fira Region |
Wadi Haddad | Wadie Haddad |
Wadi Mujib | Wadi Mujib |
Wadi Natroen | Wadi El Natrun |
Wadi Zered | Wadi Zered |
Wadih Saadeh | Wadih Sa'adeh |
Wadjda | Wadjda |
Wadjet | Wadjet |
Wadkreeftje | Corophium volutator |
Wadley | Wadley |
Wadlopen | Mudflat hiking |
Wado-ryu | Wadō-ryū |
Wadouba | Wadouba |
Wadowice (gemeente) | Gmina Wadowice |
Wadowice Górne (gemeente) | Gmina Wadowice Górne |
Wądroże Wielkie | Wądroże Wielkie |
Wądroże Wielkie (gemeente) | Gmina Wądroże Wielkie |
Wadslakje | Hydrobia ulvae |
Wadsworth | Wadsworth |
Wadvissen of zandduikers | Trichonotus |
Wadway | Wadway |
Wafd | Wafd Party |
Wafel | Waffle |
Wafelijzer | Waffle iron |
Wafer | Wafer (electronics) |
Wag the Dog | Wag the Dog |
Waga | Vaga River |
Waganiec | Waganiec |
Waganiec (gemeente) | Gmina Waganiec |
Wagemans | Wagemans |
Wagen | Wagon |
Wagen in 't Westen | Un chariot dans l'Ouest |
Wagenaar | Wagenaar |
Wagenborgen (dorp) | Wagenborgen |
Wagener | Wagener |
Wagener (South Carolina) | Wagener, South Carolina |
Wagener-stadion | Wagener Stadium |
Wagenfeld | Wagenfeld |
Wagenhausen (Eifel) | Wagenhausen, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Wagenhausen (Zwitserland) | Wagenhausen |
Wagenhoff | Wagenhoff |
Wageningen (Suriname) | Wageningen, Suriname |
Wageningen University & Research centre | Wageningen University and Research Centre |
Wageningen-Hoog | Wageningen-Hoog |
Wagenmaker | Wheelwright |
Wagenmenner van Delphi | Charioteer of Delphi |
Wagenrennen | Chariot racing |
Wagenseil | Wagenseil |
Wagersrott | Wagersrott |
Wagga Wagga (LGA) | City of Wagga Wagga |
Waginger See | Waginger See |
Wagler-chachalaca | Rufous-bellied Chachalaca |
Wagler's lanspuntslang | Tropidolaemus wagleri |
Wagn | West Anglia Great Northern |
Wagneau Eloi | Wagneau Eloi |
Wágner Ferreira dos Santos | Wágner |
Wagner Lopes | Wagner Lopes |
Wagner Pereira Cardozo | Wagner Pereira Cardozo |
Wágner Pires de Almeida | Wágner Pires de Almeida |
Wagneriaanse rock | Wagnerian rock |
Wagnertuba | Wagner tuba |
Wagnon | Wagnon |
Wagon Master | Wagon Master |
Wagon Train | Wagon Train |
Wagoner | Wagoner, Oklahoma |
Wagoner County | Wagoner County, Oklahoma |
Wagrain | Wagrain |
Wagram | Wagram (disambiguation) |
Wagram (metrostation) | Wagram (Paris Métro) |
Wągrowiec (gemeente) | Gmina Wągrowiec |
Wagyu | Wagyu |
Wahabisme | Wahhabi |
Wahagnies | Wahagnies |
Wahbi Khazri | Wahbi Khazri |
Wahine | TEV Wahine |
Wahkiakum County | Wahkiakum County, Washington |
Wahl (Luxemburg) | Wahl, Luxembourg |
Wahlbach (Duitsland) | Wahlbach |
Wahlbach (Frankrijk) | Wahlbach, Haut-Rhin |
Wahlbergs struikpieper | Bush squeaker |
Wahlbergvleerhond | Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat |
Wahlen (gemeente) | Wahlen |
Wahlenbergia | Wahlenbergia |
Wahlhausen (Duitsland) | Wahlhausen |
Wahlhausen (Luxemburg) | Wahlhausen, Luxembourg |
Wahlstedt | Wahlstedt |
Wahlstorf (Holstein) | Wahlstorf, Schleswig-Holstein |
Wahlstorf (Mecklenburg) | Wahlstorf |
Wahlwiller | Wahlwiller |
Wahns | Wahns |
Wahoo | Wahoo (disambiguation) |
Wahoo (dier) | Wahoo |
Wahoo (Nebraska) | Wahoo, Nebraska |
Wahoo McDaniel | Wahoo McDaniel |
Wahpeton | Wahpeton |
Wahpeton (Iowa) | Wahpeton, Iowa |
Wahpeton (North Dakota) | Wahpeton, North Dakota |
Wahrenberg | Wahrenberg |
Wahrenholz | Wahrenholz |
Wahyu Sulaeman Rendra | Willibrordus S. Rendra |
Wai | Wai |
Waianae | Waianae, Hawaii |
Waibaidubrug | Waibaidu Bridge |
Waichiro Omura | Waichiro Omura |
Waidbruck | Waidbruck |
Waidhofen (Beieren) | Waidhofen, Bavaria |
Waidhofen an der Thaya (district) | Waidhofen an der Thaya District |
Waifar | Waifer of Aquitaine |
Waiheke-eiland | Waiheke Island |
Waihou | Waihou River |
Waikato | Waikato region |
Waikato (rivier) | Waikato River |
Waikato FC | Waikato FC |
Waikiki | Waikiki |
Wail | Wail |
Wailers Band | The Wailers Band |
Wailly | Wailly |
Wailly-Beaucamp | Wailly-Beaucamp |
Wailuku | Wailuku, Hawaii |
Waimakariri | Waimakariri River |
Waimanalo | Waimānalo, Hawaii |
Waimangu Geyser | Waimangu Geyser |
Waimea | Waimea, Hawaii County, Hawaii |
Wain | Wain (Württemberg) |
Wainwright (Alaska) | Wainwright, Alaska |
Waiotapu Thermal Wonderland | Waiotapu |
Waipa | Waipa River |
Waipahu | Waipahu, Hawaii |
Wairoa | Wairoa (disambiguation) |
Wairoa (plaats) | Wairoa |
Wait | Wait (Beatles song) |
Wait a Minute | Wait a Minute (The Pussycat Dolls song) |
Wait Until Spring, Bandini | Wait Until Spring, Bandini |
Waitakere | Waitakere City |
Waitakere City FC | Waitakere City F.C. |
Waitangi (Northland) | Waitangi, Northland |
Waiting for "Superman" | Waiting for "Superman" |
Waiting for Forever | Waiting for Forever |
Waiting For Guffman | Waiting for Guffman |
Waiting for the Barbarians | Waiting for the Barbarians (opera) |
Waiting for the End | Waiting for the End |
Waitress | Waitress (film) |
Waiuku | Waiuku |
Wajima | Wajima, Ishikawa |
Wajir (district) | Wajir County |
Waka (dichtkunst) | Waka |
Wakaleo | Wakaleo |
Wakasa (provincie) | Wakasa Province |
Wakashtalen | Wakashan languages |
Wakatipumeer | Lake Wakatipu |
Wakayama (prefectuur) | Wakayama Prefecture |
Wakayama (stad) | Wakayama, Wakayama |
Wake | Wake (disambiguation) |
Wake (eiland) | Wake Island |
Wake County | Wake County, North Carolina |
Wake Forest | Wake Forest, North Carolina |
Wake Me Up When September Ends | Wake Me Up When September Ends |
Wake me up! | Wake Me Up (Avicii song) |
Wake Me When the War Is Over | Wake Me When the War Is Over |
Wake of Death | Wake of Death |
Wake the Sleeper | Wake the Sleeper |
Wake Village | Wake Village, Texas |
Wakea madinika | Mantidactylus madinika |
Wakeboarden | Wakeboarding |
WaKeeney | WaKeeney, Kansas |
Wakefield | Wakefield (disambiguation) |
Wakefield (district) | City of Wakefield |
Wakefield (Nieuw-Zeeland) | Wakefield, New Zealand |
Wakefield Regional Council | Wakefield Regional Council |
Wakendorf I | Wakendorf I |
Wakendorf II | Wakendorf II |
Wakenitz | Wakenitz |
Wake-on-LAN | Wake-on-LAN |
Wakeskating | Wakeskating |
Wakesurfen | Wakesurfing |
Wakhi | Wakhi language |
Waki | Waki, Mali |
Waking the Dead | Waking the Dead (TV series) |
Waking the Fallen | Waking the Fallen |
Waking Up | Waking Up (OneRepublic album) |
Waking Up in Vegas | Waking Up in Vegas |
Wakiso | Wakiso District |
Wakita | Wakita, Oklahoma |
Wakizaka Yasuharu | Wakisaka Yasuharu |
Wakken | Wakken |
Wakker Dier | Wakker Dier |
Wakkerprijs | Wakker Prize |
Wakool (LGA) | Wakool Shire |
Wakulla County | Wakulla County, Florida |
Wal Handley | Wal Handley |
Wala van Corbie | Wala of Corbie |
Walachije | Wallachia |
Walahfrid Strabo | Walafrid Strabo |
Walbach | Walbach |
Walbeck (Landkreis Börde) | Walbeck, Börde |
Walbeck (Mansfelder Land) | Walbeck, Mansfeld-Südharz |
Walburcht | Hill fort |
Walburga | Saint Walburga |
Walcha | Walcha, New South Wales |
Walcha Council | Walcha Shire |
Walchensee | Walchensee |
Walcherenexpeditie | Walcheren Campaign |
Walchum | Walchum |
Walckenaeria | Walckenaeria |
Walcott (Iowa) | Walcott, Iowa |
Wałcz (gemeente) | Gmina Wałcz |
Wald | Wald |
Wald (Allgäu) | Wald (Allgäu) |
Wald (Appenzell Ausserrhoden) | Wald, Appenzell Ausserrhoden |
Wald (Bern) | Wald, Bern |
Wald (Hohenzollern) | Wald, Baden-Württemberg |
Wald (Opper-Palts) | Wald, Upper Palatinate |
Wald (Zürich) | Wald, Zurich |
Wald am Schoberpaß | Wald am Schoberpass |
Waldajhoogte | Valdai Hills |
Waldau | Waldau |
Waldau (Burgenlandkreis) | Waldau (Burgenlandkreis) |
Waldbach (Steiermark) | Waldbach |
Waldbrunn (Neder-Franken) | Waldbrunn, Bavaria |
Waldbrunn (Odenwald) | Waldbrunn, Baden-Württemberg |
Waldbrunn (Westerwald) | Waldbrunn, Hesse |
Waldburg (Opper-Oostenrijk) | Waldburg, Austria |
Waldburg (Württemberg) | Waldburg |
Waldeck | Waldeck |
Waldeck (Edersee) | Waldeck, Hesse |
Waldeck (Thüringen) | Waldeck, Thuringia |
Waldegg | Waldegg, Lower Austria |
Waldemar | Waldemar |
Waldemar Christopher Brøgger | Waldemar Christofer Brøgger (geologist) |
Waldemar Grzimek | Waldemar Grzimek |
Waldemar I van Denemarken | Valdemar I of Denmark |
Waldemar I van Zweden | Valdemar, King of Sweden |
Waldemar II van Denemarken | Valdemar II of Denmark |
Waldemar III van Denemarken | Valdemar III of Denmark |
Waldemar III van Sleeswijk | Valdemar III, Duke of Schleswig |
Waldemar IV van Denemarken | Valdemar IV of Denmark |
Waldemar IV van Sleeswijk | Valdemar IV, Duke of Schleswig |
Waldemar Kobus | Waldemar Kobus |
Waldemar Koch | Waldemar Koch |
Waldemar Levy Cardoso | Waldemar Levy Cardoso |
Waldemar Matuška | Waldemar Matuška |
Waldemar Sorychta | Waldemar Sorychta |
Waldemar Torenstra | Waldemar Torenstra |
Waldemar van Brandenburg | Waldemar, Margrave of Brandenburg-Stendal |
Waldemar van Denemarken | Prince Valdemar of Denmark |
Waldemar van Denemarken (bisschop) | Valdemar of Denmark (bishop) |
Waldemar van Pruisen | Prince Waldemar of Prussia |
Waldemar van Pruisen (1889-1945) | Prince Waldemar of Prussia (1889–1945) |
Waldemar van Sleeswijk | Valdemar the Young |
Waldemar VI van Anhalt | Waldemar VI, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen |
Waldemarsudde | Waldemarsudde |
Walden | Walden (disambiguation) |
Walden (boek) | Walden |
Walden (Colorado) | Walden, Colorado |
Walden Pond | Walden Pond |
Waldenburg | Waldenburg |
Waldenburg (Arkansas) | Waldenburg, Arkansas |
Waldenburg (district) | Waldenburg District |
Waldenburg (Saksen) | Waldenburg, Saxony |
Waldenburg (Württemberg) | Waldenburg, Baden-Württemberg |
Waldenburg (Zwitserland) | Waldenburg, Switzerland |
Waldens jaarvogel | Walden's Hornbill |
Waldenzen | Waldensians |
Waldetrudis van Mons | Waltrude |
Waldhambach (Elzas) | Waldhambach, Bas-Rhin |
Waldhambach (Palts) | Waldhambach, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Waldhausen (Neder-Oostenrijk) | Waldhausen |
Waldheim | Waldheim |
Waldheim (Saksen) | Waldheim, Saxony |
Waldkirch (Zwitserland) | Waldkirch, Switzerland |
Waldkirchen/Erzgeb. | Waldkirchen, Saxony |
Waldo Ballivián | Waldo Ballivián Municipality |
Waldo County | Waldo County, Maine |
Waldorf (Maryland) | Waldorf, Maryland |
Waldorf (Rijnland-Palts) | Waldorf, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts | Waldorf Astoria Hotels and Resorts |
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel | Waldorf Astoria New York |
Waldorfsalade | Waldorf salad |
Waldo's People | Waldo's People |
Waldrada (Langobardisch prinses) | Waldrada (Lombard princess) |
Waldron (Arkansas) | Waldron, Arkansas |
Waldsee (Palts) | Waldsee, Palatinate |
Waldsieversdorf | Waldsieversdorf |
Waldstätten | Canton of Waldstätten |
Waldstetten (Günz) | Waldstetten, Bavaria |
Waldstetten (Ostalbkreis) | Waldstetten |
Waldwick | Waldwick, New Jersey |
Wale | Wale (rapper) |
Walem | Walem |
Walem (Limburg) | Walem, Netherlands |
Walen | Walloons |
Walenmeer | Walensee |
Wales | Wales |
Wales (Alaska) | Wales, Alaska |
Wales (doorverwijspagina) | Wales (disambiguation) |
Wales (Utah) | Wales, Utah |
Waleska | Waleska, Georgia |
Walewein (personage) | Sir Gawain |
Walferdange | Walferdange |
Walfijn | Wholphin |
Walgett Shire Council | Walgett Shire |
Walging | Disgust |
Walhalla | Walhalla |
Walhalla (Donaustauf) | Walhalla memorial |
Walhalla (mythologie) | Valhalla |
Walhalla (North Dakota) | Walhalla, North Dakota |
Walhalla (South Carolina) | Walhalla, South Carolina |
Walheim (Baden-Württemberg) | Walheim |
Walheim (Haut-Rhin) | Walheim, Haut-Rhin |
Wāli | Wāli |
Wali Songo | Wali Sanga |
Waliasteenbok | Walia ibex |
Walid Cherfa | Walid Cherfa |
Walid II | Al-Walid II |
Walid Jumblatt | Walid Jumblatt |
Walid Muallem | Walid Muallem |
Walim | Walim |
Walim (gemeente) | Gmina Walim |
Walim (Neder-Silezië) | Walim, Lower Silesian Voivodeship |
Walk (single) | Walk (Foo Fighters song) |
Walk Away Renée | Walk Away Renée |
Walk of Life | Walk of Life (Dire Straits song) |
Walk On | Walk On (U2 song) |
Walk on the Wild Side | Walk on the Wild Side |
Walk on the Wild Side (film) | Walk on the Wild Side (film) |
Walkendorf | Walkendorf |
Walkenried | Walkenried |
Walker (Michigan) | Walker, Michigan |
Walker (Minnesota) | Walker, Minnesota |
Walker County | Walker County |
Walker County (Alabama) | Walker County, Alabama |
Walker County (Georgia) | Walker County, Georgia |
Walker County (Texas) | Walker County, Texas |
Walker Pass | Walker Pass |
Walker Percy | Walker Percy |
Walkerville | Walkerville |
Walking Boyz Company | Walking Bout Company |
Walking My Baby Back Home | Walking My Baby Back Home (film) |
Walking on the Chinese Wall | Walking on the Chinese Wall |
Walking Tall (2004) | Walking Tall (2004 film) |
Walking with Beasts | Walking with Beasts |
Walking with Cavemen | Walking with Cavemen |
Walking with Dinosaurs | Walking with Dinosaurs |
Walking with Monsters | Walking with Monsters |
Walk-over | Walkover |
Walksfelde | Walksfelde |
Walkure | Valkyrie |
Wall | Wall (disambiguation) |
Wall (South Dakota) | Wall, South Dakota |
Wall (Unix) | Wall (Unix) |
Wall Lake | Wall Lake, Iowa |
Wall of Sound | Wall of Sound |
Wall Street (Broadway-Seventh Avenue Line) | Wall Street (IRT Broadway – Seventh Avenue Line) |
Wall Street (film) | Wall Street (1987 film) |
Wall Street (Lexington Avenue Line) | Wall Street (IRT Lexington Avenue Line) |
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps | Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps |
Wall to Wall | Wall to Wall (song) |
Walla Walla | Walla Walla, Washington |
Walla Walla County | Walla Walla County, Washington |
Wallaba | Wallaba |
Wallaby | Wallaby |
Wallace & Gromit | Wallace and Gromit |
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures | Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures |
Wallace (Idaho) | Wallace, Idaho |
Wallace (North Carolina) | Wallace, North Carolina |
Wallace Bryant | Wallace Bryant (archer) |
Wallace Carothers | Wallace Carothers |
Wallace Collection (band) | Wallace Collection (band) |
Wallace Collection (museum) | Wallace Collection |
Wallace County | Wallace County, Kansas |
Wallace Fernando Pereira | Wallace Fernando Pereira |
Wallace Monument | Wallace Monument |
Wallace Oliveira dos Santos | Wallace Oliveira dos Santos |
Wallace' paradijsvogel | Standardwing |
Wallace Smith Broecker | Wallace Smith Broecker |
Wallacea | Wallacea |
Wallacearupsvogel | Wallacean Cuckooshrike |
Wallacelijn | Wallace Line |
Wallach | Wallach (disambiguation) |
Wallago | Wallago |
Wallago attu | Wallago attu |
Wallander | Wallander (Swedish TV series) |
Wallaroe | Eastern Wallaroo |
Wallbach | Wallbach |
Wallbach (Thüringen) | Wallbach, Thuringia |
Wallbach (Zwitserland) | Wallbach, Aargau |
Walldorf (Baden-Württemberg) | Walldorf |
Walldorf (Werra) | Walldorf, Thuringia |
Wallen (Holstein) | Wallen, Germany |
Wallen (huidaandoening) | Periorbital dark circles |
Wallenberg (familie) | Wallenberg family |
Wallende Born | Wallender Born |
Wallendorf (Rijnland-Palts) | Wallendorf |
Wallendorf (Saksen-Anhalt) | Wallendorf, Saxony-Anhalt |
Wallendorf-Pont | Wallendorf-Pont |
Wallenhorst | Wallenhorst |
Wallenried | Wallenried |
Wallenstein | Wallenstein (disambiguation) |
Wallenstein (Schiller) | Wallenstein (play) |
Waller County | Waller County, Texas |
Wallerfangen | Wallerfangen |
Wallern | Wallern |
Wallersheim | Wallersheim |
Wallerstein | Wallerstein |
Wallerstein (Zwaben) | Wallerstein, Bavaria |
Wallhausen (Bad Kreuznach) | Wallhausen, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Wallhausen (Helme) | Wallhausen, Saxony-Anhalt |
Wallhausen (Württemberg) | Wallhausen, Baden-Württemberg |
Wallichs fazant | Cheer Pheasant |
Wallingford (Engeland) | Wallingford, Oxfordshire |
Wallingford Center | Wallingford, Connecticut |
Wallington (Londen) | Wallington, London |
Wallington (New Jersey) | Wallington, New Jersey |
Wallis (eiland) | Wallis (island) |
Wallis (kanton) | Valais |
Wallis en Futuna | Wallis and Futuna |
Walliser Alpen | Pennine Alps |
Wallis-product | Wallis product |
Wallmoden | Wallmoden |
Wallonia Walhain CG | R. Wallonia Walhain Chaumont-Gistoux |
Wallonië | Wallonia |
Wallonie libre | Wallonie Libre |
Walloon (Queensland) | Walloon, Queensland |
Wallops Island | Wallops Island |
Wallowa | Wallowa |
Wallowa County | Wallowa County, Oregon |
Wallowa Mountains | Wallowa Mountains |
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum | Wallraf-Richartz Museum |
Walls Of Jericho | Walls of Jericho (band) |
Wallsbüll | Wallsbüll |
Wallstawe | Wallstawe |
Wallula | Wallula, Washington |
Wallwitz (Ehle) | Wallwitz |
Wally Herger | Wally Herger |
Wally Hickel | Wally Hickel |
Wally West | Wally West |
Walmajarri | Walmajarri language |
Walnoot (boom) | Juglans regia |
Walnoot (vrucht) | Walnut |
Walnut | Walnut (disambiguation) |
Walnut (Californië) | Walnut, California |
Walnut Creek | Walnut Creek, California |
Walnut Grove (Alabama) | Walnut Grove, Alabama |
Walnut Grove (Californië) | Walnut Grove, California |
Walnut Grove (Minnesota) | Walnut Grove, Minnesota |
Walnut Grove (Mississippi) | Walnut Grove, Mississippi |
Walnut Hill | Walnut Hill |
Walnut Park | Walnut Park, California |
Walnut Ridge | Walnut Ridge, Arkansas |
Walpernhain | Walpernhain |
Walpurgisnacht (feest) | Walpurgis Night |
Walraad van Nassau-Usingen | Walrad, Prince of Nassau-Usingen |
Walram I van Ligny | Waleran I of Luxembourg, Lord of Ligny |
Walram I van Limburg | Waleran I of Limburg |
Walram I van Nassau | Walram I, Count of Nassau |
Walram II van Ligny | Waleran II of Luxembourg, Lord of Ligny |
Walram II van Limburg | Waleran, Duke of Lower Lorraine |
Walram II van Nassau | Walram II, Count of Nassau |
Walram III van Limburg | Waleran III, Duke of Limburg |
Walram III van Luxemburg-Ligny | Waleran III of Luxembourg, Count of Ligny |
Walram IV van Limburg | Waleran IV, Duke of Limburg |
Walram IV van Meulan | Waleran de Beaumont, 1st Earl of Worcester |
Walram IV van Nassau-Idstein | Walram IV, Count of Nassau-Idstein |
Walram van Gulik (bisschop) | Walram of Jülich |
Walram van Gulik (graaf) | Walram, Count of Jülich |
Walraversijde | Walraversijde |
Walrus | Walrus |
Walrus (doorverwijspagina) | Walrus (disambiguation) |
Walrus (eiland) | Walrus Island, Pribilof Islands |
Walrusklasse | Walrus-class submarine |
Walrussen | Odobenidae |
Wals | Wals |
Wals (muziek) | Waltz (music) |
Wals (voertuig) | Road roller |
Walsall (district) | Metropolitan Borough of Walsall |
Walsall FC | Walsall F.C. |
Walschot | Spermaceti |
Walsdorf (Eifel) | Walsdorf, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Walsdorf (Opper-Franken) | Walsdorf |
Walsen | Rolling (metalworking) |
Walsenburg | Walsenburg, Colorado |
Walser | Walser (surname) |
Walser (volk) | Walser |
Walserduits | Walser German |
Walsh County | Walsh County, North Dakota |
Walsingham | Walsingham |
Walsleben (Altmark) | Walsleben, Saxony-Anhalt |
Walsleben (Brandenburg) | Walsleben |
Walsoorden | Walsoorden |
Walstro | Galium |
Walstroom | Shorepower |
Walstropijlstaart | Hyles gallii |
Walstrospanner | Costaconvexa polygrammata |
Walt Ader | Walt Ader |
Walt Brown | Walt Brown (racing driver) |
Walt Disney Animation Studios | Walt Disney Animation Studios |
Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group | The Walt Disney Studios (production company) |
Walt Disney Pictures | Walt Disney Pictures |
Walt Disney Studios | Walt Disney Studios |
Walt Disney Studios (Burbank) | Walt Disney Studios (Burbank) |
Walt Disney Studios Park | Walt Disney Studios Park |
Walt Disney Television Animation | Disney Television Animation |
Walt Disney Theatrical Productions | Disney Theatrical Productions |
Walt Disney World Dolphin | Walt Disney World Dolphin |
Walt Disney World Monorail | Walt Disney World Monorail System |
Walt Disney World Speedway | Walt Disney World Speedway |
Walt Disney World Swan | Walt Disney World Swan |
Walt Hansgen | Walt Hansgen |
Walt Kuhn | Walt Kuhn |
Walt Lloyd | Walt Lloyd |
Walt Simonson | Walt Simonson |
Walter (voornaam) | Walter (name) |
Walter B. Woodbury | Walter B. Woodbury |
Walter Becker | Walter Becker |
Walter Bedell Smith | Walter Bedell Smith |
Walter Berry | Walter Berry (bass-baritone) |
Walter Block | Walter Block |
Walter Boeykens | Walter Boeykens |
Walter Boyce | Walter Boyce |
Walter Brattain | Walter Houser Brattain |
Walter Breuning | Walter Breuning |
Walter Burley | Walter Burley |
Walter Chrysler | Walter Chrysler |
Walter Davis (1979) | Walter Davis (athlete) |
Walter De Donder | Walter De Donder |
Walter de Gruyter | Walter de Gruyter |
Walter de'Silva | Walter de Silva |
Walter Deverell | Walter Deverell |
Walter Dieckmann | Walter Dieckmann |
Walter Dix | Walter Dix |
Walter Donaldson (componist) | Walter Donaldson |
Walter Donaldson (snookerspeler) | Walter Donaldson (snooker player) |
Walter Dorwin Teague | Walter Dorwin Teague |
Walter Dyett | Walter Dyett |
Walter Feit | Walter Feit |
Walter Fernández | Walter Fernández |
Walter Fleming Coutts | Walter Coutts |
Walter Hauser | Walter Hauser |
Walter Haworth | Norman Haworth |
Walter Hill | Walter Hill (director) |
Walter Hilton | Walter Hilton |
Walter Kadow | Walther Kadow |
Walter Krivitsky | Walter Krivitsky |
Walter Langley | Walter Langley |
Walter Lewin | Walter Lewin |
Walter M. Miller | Walter M. Miller, Jr. |
Walter McCrone | Walter McCrone |
Walter Melon | Walter Melon (TV series) |
Walter Melzer | Walter Melzer |
Walter Mixa | Walter Mixa |
Walter O. Evans Collection of African American Art | SCAD Museum of Art |
Walter Page | Walter Page |
Walter Payton | Walter Payton (musician) |
Walter Pérez | Walter Pérez (cyclist) |
Walter Pfrimer | Walter Pfrimer |
Walter Planckaert | Walter Planckaert |
Walter Rauff | Walter Rauff |
Walter Reder | Walter Reder |
Walter Reed Army Medical Center | Walter Reed Army Medical Center |
Walter Rethel | Walter Rethel |
Walter Ritz | Walther Ritz |
Walter Rodekamp | Walter Rodekamp |
Walter Samuel | Walter Samuel |
Walter Sans-Avoir | Walter Sans Avoir |
Walter Schirra | Wally Schirra |
Walter Schottky | Walter H. Schottky |
Walter Scott | Walter Scott (disambiguation) |
Walter Sickert | Walter Sickert |
Walter Simon | Walter Simon (sinologist) |
Walter Sisulu-universiteit | Walter Sisulu University |
Walter Süskind | Walter Süskind |
Walter Tournier | Walter Tournier |
Walter van den Broeck (schrijver) | Walter van den Broeck |
Walter Vílchez | Walter Vílchez |
Walter von Reichenau | Walther von Reichenau |
Walter Washington | Walter Washington |
Walter Willett | Walter Willett |
Walter Wolf | Walter Wolf |
Walter Zeller | Walter Zeller (motorcyclist) |
Walter Zimmermann | Walter Max Zimmerman |
Walterboro | Walterboro, South Carolina |
Walternienburg | Walternienburg |
Walters (Oklahoma) | Walters, Oklahoma |
Walters duiker | Walter's duiker |
Waltersdorf | Waltersdorf |
Waltersdorf (Thüringen) | Waltersdorf, Thuringia |
Walterswil (Bern) | Walterswil, Bern |
Walterswil (Solothurn) | Walterswil, Solothurn |
Walthall | Walthall, Mississippi |
Walthall County | Walthall County, Mississippi |
Waltham (Kent) | Waltham, Kent |
Waltham (Massachusetts) | Waltham, Massachusetts |
Waltham Abbey | Waltham Abbey (town) |
Waltham Forest | London Borough of Waltham Forest |
Walthamstow | Walthamstow |
Waltheof II van Northumbria | Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria |
Walther | Walther |
Walther (wapenfabrikant) | Walther arms |
Walther Gerlach | Walter Gerlach |
Walther Kossel | Walther Kossel |
Walther Meissner | Walther Meissner |
Walther MP | Walther MP |
Walther Straram | Walther Straram |
Walther Wever | Walther Wever (general) |
Walther-Schreiber-Platz (metrostation) | Walther-Schreiber-Platz (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Walton County | Walton County |
Walton County (Florida) | Walton County, Florida |
Walton County (Georgia) | Walton County, Georgia |
Waltzer | Waltzer |
Waltzes from Vienna | Waltzes from Vienna |
Walvis (sterrenbeeld) | Cetus |
Walvisachtigen | Cetacea |
Walvisgezang | Whale vocalization |
Walvishaai | Whale shark |
Walviskopvissen | Flabby whalefish |
Walvisluizen | Whale louse |
Walvisteuthis virilis | Walvisteuthis virilis |
Walvistraan | Whale oil |
Walvisvaart | Whaling |
Walworth | Walworth (disambiguation) |
Walworth (Londen) | Walworth |
Walworth County | Walworth County |
Walworth County (South Dakota) | Walworth County, South Dakota |
Walworth County (Wisconsin) | Walworth County, Wisconsin |
Waly | Waly |
Wamba | Wamba |
Wamba (koning) | Wamba (king) |
Wambaix | Wambaix |
Wambercourt | Wambercourt |
Wamberto de Jesus Sousa Campos | Wamberto de Jesus Sousa Campos |
Wambez | Wambez |
Wambrechies | Wambrechies |
Wambuis | Gambeson |
Wamel | Wamel |
Wamin | Wamin |
Wampi | Clausena lansium |
Wamsutter | Wamsutter, Wyoming |
Wan | WAN |
Wan (mand) | Winnowing |
Wan Chai | Wan Chai District |
Wan Hu | Wan Hu |
Wanakameer | Lake Wanaka |
Wanaque | Wanaque, New Jersey |
Wanbedrijf | Misdemeanor |
Wanchy-Capval | Wanchy-Capval |
Wand | Wand (disambiguation) |
Wanda | Wanda (disambiguation) |
Wanda (voornaam) | Wanda |
Wanda De Jesús | Wanda De Jesus |
Wandbeen | Parietal bone |
Wandelen | Hiking |
Wandelende meerval | Walking catfish |
Wandelkoning | King walk |
Wandelroute E11 | E11 European long distance path |
Wandelroute GR7 | GR 7 (Spain) |
Wandelroute Kektura | Countrywide Blue Tour in Hungary |
Wandelstok | Walking stick |
Wander de Haas | Wander Johannes de Haas |
Wander This World | Wander This World |
Wanderer | Wanderer (car) |
Wanderers FC | Wanderers F.C. |
Wanderlust | Wanderlust (disambiguation) |
Wanderlust (2012) | Wanderlust (2012 film) |
Wanderoe | Lion-tailed macaque |
Wandersleben | Wandersleben |
Wanderson do Carmo | Wánderson do Carmo |
Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg | Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg |
Wanderup | Wanderup |
Wandflue | Wandflue |
Wandignies-Hamage | Wandignies-Hamage |
Wandregeselus | Wandregisel |
Wandsworth | London Borough of Wandsworth |
Wandsworth (wijk) | Wandsworth |
Wandtapijt | Tapestry |
Wandtapijt van de Apocalyps | Apocalypse Tapestry |
Wandtapijt van de schepping | Tapestry of Creation |
Wanen | Vanir |
Wanette | Wanette, Oklahoma |
Wáng | Wang (surname) |
Wang (anatomie) | Cheek |
Wang (Beieren) | Wang, Bavaria |
Wang (Neder-Oostenrijk) | Wang, Austria |
Wang (rivier in Thailand) | Wang River |
Wang Chen | Wang Chen (table tennis) |
Wang Chongyang | Wang Chongyang |
Wang Fei | Wang Fei (speed skater) |
Wang Ganchang | Wang Ganchang |
Wang Hao (atleet) | Wang Hao (athlete) |
Wang Hao (tafeltennisser) | Wang Hao (table tennis) |
Wang Hongni | Wang Hongni |
Wang Lee-Hom | Leehom Wang |
Wang Li | Wang Li |
Wang Liping | Wang Liping (athlete) |
Wang Lixiong | Wang Lixiong |
Wang Mang | Wang Mang |
Wang Meng (shorttracker) | Wang Meng (speed skater) |
Wang Nan | Wang Nan (table tennis) |
Wang Shixian | Wang Shixian |
Wang Tao | Wang Tao (table tennis) |
Wang Thong | Wang Thong River |
Wang Xin | Wang Xin (diver) |
Wang Yan | Wang Yan |
Wang Yan (snelwandelaarster) | Wang Yan (athlete) |
Wang Yang | Wang Yang |
Wang Yifu | Wang Yifu |
Wang Zhen | Wang Zhen (athlete) |
Wanganella | Wanganella, New South Wales |
Wangaratta Rural City | Rural City of Wangaratta |
Wangari Maathai | Wangari Maathai |
Wang-betegeling | Wang tile |
Wangchug Deden Shakabpa | Tsepon W. D. Shakabpa |
Wangchug Dorje | Wangchuk Dorje, 9th Karmapa Lama |
Wangchukdynastie | House of Wangchuck |
Wangdue Phodrang (district) | Wangdue Phodrang District |
Wangdue Phodrang (plaats) | Wangdue Phodrang |
Wangelau | Wangelau |
Wangelnstedt | Wangelnstedt |
Wangen (bij Göppingen) | Wangen (Göppingen) |
Wangen (district) | Wangen District |
Wangen (Frankrijk) | Wangen, Bas-Rhin |
Wangen (Unstrut) | Wangen, Saxony-Anhalt |
Wangen (Zwitserland) | Wangen, Schwyz |
Wangenies | Wangenies |
Wangeroogs | Wangerooge Frisian |
Wangkerk | Vang stave church |
Wangpiercing | Cheek piercing |
Wangzakeekhoorns | Chipmunk |
Wangzakmuizen | Heteromyidae |
Wanica | Wanica District |
Wanja Lundby-Wedin | Wanja Lundby-Wedin |
Wankelmotor | Wankel engine |
Wankendorf | Wankendorf |
Wanlessia | Wanlessia |
Wanli | Wanli Emperor |
Wanna | Wanna, Germany |
Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' | Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' |
Wannabe (lied) | Wannabe (song) |
Wanne-Eickel Hauptbahnhof | Wanne-Eickel Central Station |
Wannefeld | Wannefeld |
Wanneperveen | Wanneperveen |
Wannes Van de Velde | Wannes Van de Velde |
Wannseebahn | Wannsee Railway |
Wannseeconferentie | Wannsee Conference |
WAN-optimalisatie | WAN optimization |
Wanprestatie | Breach of contract |
Wanquetin | Wanquetin |
Wanroij | Wanroij |
Wanshoutempel | Wanshou Temple |
Wanssum | Wanssum |
Wanstead | Wanstead |
Wanstead (metrostation) | Wanstead tube station |
Wanswerd | Wanswerd |
Want | Want (disambiguation) |
Want It | Danity Kane (album) |
Wantan | Wonton |
Wanted (televisieserie) | Wanted (TV series) |
Wanted Dead or Alive | Wanted Dead or Alive (Bon Jovi song) |
Wantsen | Heteroptera |
Wantsenorchis | Anacamptis coriophora |
Wantssluipvlieg | Phasia hemiptera |
Wanz | Wanz |
Wanze | Wanze |
Wanzer | Wanzer |
Wanzhou | Wanzhou District |
Wanzleben | Wanzleben |
Wao (Lanao del Sur) | Wao, Lanao del Sur |
Wapakoneta | Wapakoneta, Ohio |
Wapato | Wapato, Washington |
Wapelfeld | Wapelfeld |
Wapello | Wapello, Iowa |
Wapello County | Wapello County, Iowa |
Wapen (heraldiek) | Coat of arms |
Wapen van Abchazië | Emblem and logo of Abkhazia |
Wapen van Åland | Coat of arms of Åland |
Wapen van Albanië | Coat of arms of Albania |
Wapen van Alberta | Coat of arms of Alberta |
Wapen van Andorra | Coat of arms of Andorra |
Wapen van Angola | Emblem of Angola |
Wapen van Anguilla | Coat of arms of Anguilla |
Wapen van Antigua en Barbuda | Coat of arms of Antigua and Barbuda |
Wapen van Argentinië | Coat of arms of Argentina |
Wapen van Armenië | Coat of Arms of Armenia |
Wapen van Aruba | Coat of arms of Aruba |
Wapen van Australië | Coat of Arms of Australia |
Wapen van Azerbeidzjan | Coat of Arms of Azerbaijan |
Wapen van Baden | Coat of arms of Baden |
Wapen van Bangladesh | National emblem of Bangladesh |
Wapen van Barbados | Coat of arms of Barbados |
Wapen van Beieren | Coat of arms of Bavaria |
Wapen van België | Coat of arms of Belgium |
Wapen van Belize | Coat of arms of Belize |
Wapen van Benin | Coat of arms of Benin |
Wapen van Bermuda | Coat of arms of Bermuda |
Wapen van Bolivia | Coat of arms of Bolivia |
Wapen van Bonaire | Coat of arms of Bonaire |
Wapen van Bosnië en Herzegovina | Coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Wapen van Botswana | Coat of arms of Botswana |
Wapen van Brazilië | Coat of arms of Brazil |
Wapen van Brunei | Emblem of Brunei |
Wapen van Bulgarije | Coat of arms of Bulgaria |
Wapen van Burkina Faso | Coat of arms of Burkina Faso |
Wapen van Burundi | Coat of arms of Burundi |
Wapen van Cambodja | Royal Arms of Cambodia |
Wapen van Canada | Arms of Canada |
Wapen van Chili | Coat of arms of Chile |
Wapen van Colombia | Coat of arms of Colombia |
Wapen van Congo-Brazzaville | Coat of arms of the Republic of the Congo |
Wapen van Congo-Kinshasa | Arms of the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Wapen van Costa Rica | Coat of arms of Costa Rica |
Wapen van Cuba | Coat of arms of Cuba |
Wapen van Curaçao | Coat of arms of Curaçao |
Wapen van Cyprus | Coats of arms of Cyprus |
Wapen van de Arabische Democratische Republiek Sahara | Coat of arms of Western Sahara |
Wapen van de Bahama's | Coat of arms of the Bahamas |
Wapen van de Britse Maagdeneilanden | Coat of arms of the British Virgin Islands |
Wapen van de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek | Coat of arms of the Central African Republic |
Wapen van de Comoren | National seal of the Union of the Comoros |
Wapen van de Dominicaanse Republiek | Coat of Arms of Dominican Republic |
Wapen van de Duitse Democratische Republiek | National Emblem of the German Democratic Republic |
Wapen van de Faeröer | Coat of arms of the Faroe Islands |
Wapen van de Falklandeilanden | Coat of arms of the Falkland Islands |
Wapen van de Filipijnen | Coat of arms of the Philippines |
Wapen van de Kaaimaneilanden | Coat of arms of the Cayman Islands |
Wapen van de Maldiven | Emblem of Maldives |
Wapen van de Nederlandse Antillen | Coat of arms of the Netherlands Antilles |
Wapen van de Salomonseilanden | Coat of arms of the Solomon Islands |
Wapen van de Seychellen | Coat of arms of the Seychelles |
Wapen van de Sovjet-Unie | Coat of arms of the Soviet Union |
Wapen van de Turks- en Caicoseilanden | Coat of arms of the Turks and Caicos Islands |
Wapen van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten | Emblem of the United Arab Emirates |
Wapen van de Volksrepubliek China | National Emblem of the People's Republic of China |
Wapen van Denemarken | Coat of Arms of Denmark |
Wapen van Djibouti | Emblem of Djibouti |
Wapen van Dominica | Coat of arms of Dominica |
Wapen van Duitsland | Coat of Arms of Germany |
Wapen van Ecuador | Coat of arms of Ecuador |
Wapen van Egypte | Coat of arms of Egypt |
Wapen van El Salvador | Coat of arms of El Salvador |
Wapen van Equatoriaal-Guinea | Coat of arms of Equatorial Guinea |
Wapen van Eritrea | Coat of arms of Eritrea |
Wapen van Estland | Coat of Arms of Estonia |
Wapen van Ethiopië | Emblem of Ethiopia |
Wapen van Fiji | Coat of arms of Fiji |
Wapen van Finland | Coat of arms of Finland |
Wapen van Gabon | Coat of arms of Gabon |
Wapen van Gambia | Coat of arms of the Gambia |
Wapen van Georgië | Coat of arms of Georgia (country) |
Wapen van Ghana | Coat of arms of Ghana |
Wapen van Gibraltar | Coat of arms of Gibraltar |
Wapen van Grenada | Coat of arms of Grenada |
Wapen van Griekenland | Coat of arms of Greece |
Wapen van Groenland | Coat of arms of Greenland |
Wapen van Guadeloupe | Coat of arms of Guadeloupe |
Wapen van Guernsey | Coat of arms of Guernsey |
Wapen van Guinee | Coat of arms of Guinea |
Wapen van Guyana | Coat of arms of Guyana |
Wapen van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden | Coat of Arms of Netherlands |
Wapen van het Ottomaanse Rijk | Coat of arms of the Ottoman Empire |
Wapen van het Verenigd Koninkrijk | Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom |
Wapen van Honduras | Coat of arms of Honduras |
Wapen van Hongarije | Coat of arms of Hungary |
Wapen van Ierland | Coat of arms of Ireland |
Wapen van IJsland | Coat of arms of Iceland |
Wapen van Indonesië | National emblem of Indonesia |
Wapen van Irak | Coat of arms of Iraq |
Wapen van Israël | Emblem of Israel |
Wapen van Ivoorkust | Coat of arms of Ivory Coast |
Wapen van Jamaica | Coat of arms of Jamaica |
Wapen van Jemen | Emblem of Yemen |
Wapen van Jersey | Coat of arms of Jersey |
Wapen van Jordanië | Coat of arms of Jordan |
Wapen van Kameroen | Coat of arms of Cameroon |
Wapen van Kazachstan | Emblem of Kazakhstan |
Wapen van Kenia | Coat of arms of Kenya |
Wapen van Kirgizië | Emblem of Kyrgyzstan |
Wapen van Kiribati | Coat of arms of Kiribati |
Wapen van Koeweit | Emblem of Kuwait |
Wapen van Kosovo | Coat of arms of Kosovo |
Wapen van Kroatië | Coat of arms of Croatia |
Wapen van Laos | Emblem of Laos |
Wapen van Lesotho | Coat of arms of Lesotho |
Wapen van Letland | Coat of arms of Latvia |
Wapen van Libanon | Coat of arms of Lebanon |
Wapen van Liberia | Coat of arms of Liberia |
Wapen van Liechtenstein | Coat of arms of Liechtenstein |
Wapen van Litouwen | Coat of arms of Lithuania |
Wapen van Luxemburg | Coat of arms of Luxembourg |
Wapen van Macedonië (land) | Coat of arms of the Republic of Macedonia |
Wapen van Malawi | Coat of arms of Malawi |
Wapen van Maleisië | Coat of arms of Malaysia |
Wapen van Mali | Coat of Arms of Mali |
Wapen van Malta | Maltese heraldry |
Wapen van Man | Coat of arms of the Isle of Man |
Wapen van Marokko | Coat of arms of Morocco |
Wapen van Martinique | Coat of arms of Martinique |
Wapen van Mauritius | Coat of arms of Mauritius |
Wapen van Mexico (land) | Mexican coat of arms |
Wapen van Moldavië | Coat of arms of Moldova |
Wapen van Monaco | Coat of arms of Monaco |
Wapen van Mongolië | Emblem of Mongolia |
Wapen van Montenegro | Coat of arms of Montenegro |
Wapen van Mozambique | Emblem of Mozambique |
Wapen van Myanmar | State Seal of Burma |
Wapen van Namibië | Coat of arms of Namibia |
Wapen van Nauru | Coat of arms of Nauru |
Wapen van Nepal | Emblem of Nepal |
Wapen van Nicaragua | Coat of arms of Nicaragua |
Wapen van Nieuw-Zeeland | Coat of arms of New Zealand |
Wapen van Niger | Coat of arms of Niger |
Wapen van Nigeria | Coat of arms of Nigeria |
Wapen van Noorwegen | Coat of arms of Norway |
Wapen van Oeganda | Coat of arms of Uganda |
Wapen van Oekraïne | Coat of arms of Ukraine |
Wapen van Oezbekistan | Emblem of Uzbekistan |
Wapen van Oostenrijk | Coat of arms of Austria |
Wapen van Oost-Timor | Coat of arms of East Timor |
Wapen van Pakistan | Coat of Arms of Pakistan |
Wapen van Palestina | Coat of arms of Palestine |
Wapen van Panama | Coat of arms of Panama |
Wapen van Paraguay | Coat of arms of Paraguay |
Wapen van Parijs | Coat of arms of Paris |
Wapen van paus Benedictus XVI | Coat of arms of Pope Benedict XVI |
Wapen van Peru | Coat of arms of Peru |
Wapen van Polen | Coat of Arms of Poland |
Wapen van Portugal | Coat of arms of Portugal |
Wapen van Puerto Rico | Coat of arms of Puerto Rico |
Wapen van Qatar | Emblem of Qatar |
Wapen van Roemenië | Coat of arms of Romania |
Wapen van Rusland | Coat of Arms of Russia |
Wapen van Rwanda | Seal of Rwanda |
Wapen van Saint Kitts en Nevis | Coat of arms of Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Wapen van Saint Lucia | Coat of arms of Saint Lucia |
Wapen van Saint Vincent en de Grenadines | Coat of arms of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Wapen van Saint-Pierre en Miquelon | Coat of arms of Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Wapen van Saksen | Coat of arms of Saxony |
Wapen van Samoa | Coat of arms of Samoa |
Wapen van San Marino | Coat of arms of San Marino |
Wapen van Sao Tomé en Principe | Coat of arms of São Tomé and Príncipe |
Wapen van Saoedi-Arabië | Coat of Arms of Saudi Arabia |
Wapen van Schotland | Royal coat of arms in Scotland |
Wapen van Senegal | Coat of arms of Senegal |
Wapen van Servië | Coat of arms of Serbia |
Wapen van Servië en Montenegro | Coat of arms of Serbia and Montenegro |
Wapen van Sierra Leone | Coat of arms of Sierra Leone |
Wapen van Singapore | Coat of arms of Singapore |
Wapen van Sint Maarten (land) | Coat of arms of Sint Maarten |
Wapen van Slovenië | Coat of arms of Slovenia |
Wapen van Slowakije | Coat of arms of Slovakia |
Wapen van Soedan | Emblem of Sudan |
Wapen van Somalië | Coat of arms of Somalia |
Wapen van Spanje | Coat of arms of Spain |
Wapen van Sri Lanka | Emblem of Sri Lanka |
Wapen van Suriname | Coat of arms of Suriname |
Wapen van Swaziland | Coat of arms of Swaziland |
Wapen van Syrië | Coat of arms of Syria |
Wapen van Tadzjikistan | Emblem of Tajikistan |
Wapen van Taiwan | Blue Sky with a White Sun |
Wapen van Tanzania | Coat of arms of Tanzania |
Wapen van Tibet | Emblem of Tibet |
Wapen van Togo | Emblem of Togo |
Wapen van Tonga | Coat of arms of Tonga |
Wapen van Trinidad en Tobago | Coat of arms of Trinidad and Tobago |
Wapen van Tsjaad | Coat of arms of Chad |
Wapen van Tsjechië | Coat of arms of the Czech Republic |
Wapen van Tsjecho-Slowakije | Coat of arms of Czechoslovakia |
Wapen van Tunesië | Coat of arms of Tunisia |
Wapen van Turkmenistan | Coat of Arms of Turkmenistan |
Wapen van Tuvalu | Coat of arms of Tuvalu |
Wapen van Uruguay | Coat of arms of Uruguay |
Wapen van Vanuatu | Coat of arms of Vanuatu |
Wapen van Vaticaanstad | Coats of arms of the Holy See and Vatican City |
Wapen van Venezuela | Coat of arms of Venezuela |
Wapen van Wallis en Futuna | Coat of arms of Wallis and Futuna |
Wapen van Württemberg | Coat of arms of Württemberg |
Wapen van Zambia | Coat of arms of Zambia |
Wapen van Zimbabwe | Coat of arms of Zimbabwe |
Wapen van Zuid-Afrika | Coat of arms of South Africa |
Wapen van Zuid-Georgië en de Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden | Coat of arms of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Wapen van Zuid-Korea | Emblem of South Korea |
Wapen van Zuid-Soedan | Coat of arms of South Sudan |
Wapen van Zweden | Coat of arms of Sweden |
Wapenboek Gelre | Gelre Armorial |
Wapenbord | Escutcheon (heraldry) |
Wapenbrief | Grant of arms |
Wapendrager | Buff-tip |
Wapenhandelsverdrag | Arms Trade Treaty |
Wapening | Rebar |
Wapenkoning | King of Arms |
Wapenstilstand | Armistice |
Wapenstilstand van Mudros | Armistice of Mudros |
Wapenstilstand van Villa Giusti | Armistice of Villa Giusti |
Wapenveld | Wapenveld |
Wapenvliegen | Stratiomyidae |
Wapenwedloop | Arms race |
Wąpielsk (gemeente) | Gmina Wąpielsk |
Wapno (gemeente) | Gmina Wapno |
Wapno (Groot-Polen) | Wapno |
Wappervliegen | Sepsidae |
Wapping | Wapping |
Wappinger (volk) | Wappinger |
Wapse | Wapse |
Wapserveen | Wapserveen |
Waputik | Waputik Range |
War | War (disambiguation) |
War & Peace (Volume 1 The War Disc) | War & Peace Vol. 1 (The War Disc) |
War & Peace (Volume 2 The Peace Disc) | War & Peace Vol. 2 (The Peace Disc) |
War (Bolt Thrower) | War (Bolt Thrower album) |
War (film) | War (2007 film) |
War (U2) | War (U2 album) |
War and Peace (1956) | War and Peace (1956 film) |
War Babies (film) | War Babies (film) |
War Child (album) | War Child (album) |
War Child (organisatie) | War Child (charity) |
War dialing | War dialing |
War Gods | War Gods (video game) |
War Horse | War Horse (film) |
War in Middle Earth | War in Middle Earth (1988 video game) |
War Machine | War Machine (disambiguation) |
War Machine (Marvel) | War Machine |
War Master | War Master |
War Medal 1939-1945 | War Medal 1939–1945 |
War of the Worlds (2005) | War of the Worlds (2005 movie) |
War of the Worlds (televisieserie) | War of the Worlds (TV series) |
War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave | War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave |
War Resisters' International | War Resisters' International |
War, Inc. | War, Inc. |
Warana | Olive Ridley |
Warandepark | Brussels Park |
Waratah-Wynyard Council | Waratah-Wynyard Council |
Waratton | Waratton |
Warau (taal) | Warao language |
Warau (volk) | Warao people |
Waray-Waray | Waray-Waray |
Warbah | Warbah Island |
Warberg | Warberg |
Warburton (Verenigd Koninkrijk) | Warburton, Greater Manchester |
WARC | World Radiocommunication Conference |
Warchalking | Warchalking |
Warcop | Warcop |
Warcq (Ardennes) | Warcq, Ardennes |
Warcq (Meuse) | Warcq, Meuse |
Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans | Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans |
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness | Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness |
Warcraft III World Editor | Warcraft III World Editor |
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos | Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos |
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne | Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne |
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans | Warcraft: Orcs & Humans |
Ward (Colorado) | Ward, Colorado |
Ward (deelgebied) | Ward (country subdivision) |
Ward (South Dakota) | Ward, South Dakota |
Ward Beysen | Ward Beysen |
Ward Burton | Ward Burton |
Ward County | Ward County |
Ward County (North Dakota) | Ward County, North Dakota |
Ward County (Texas) | Ward County, Texas |
Ward De Ravet | Ward de Ravet |
Ward Hunt-ijsplateau | Ward Hunt Ice Shelf |
Ward Ruyslinck | Ward Ruyslinck |
Warda Al-Jazairia | Warda Al-Jazairia |
Wardak | Maidan Wardak Province |
Wardell | Wardell, Missouri |
Warden | Warden |
Warder | Warder |
Warder (Nederland) | Warder, Netherlands |
Warder (Rendsburg-Eckernförde) | Warder, Germany |
Wardha (district) | Wardha district |
Wardow | Wardow |
Wardrecques | Wardrecques |
Wards bosmuis | Ward's field mouse |
Ware | Ware, Hertfordshire |
Ware (doorverwijspagina) | Ware |
Ware County | Ware County, Georgia |
Ware Finnen | The Finns Party |
Ware Jezuskerk | True Jesus Church |
Ware noorden | True north |
Ware zelf | True self and false self |
Wareham | Wareham, Dorset |
Warehouse | Warehouse (nightclub) |
Warehouse management system | Warehouse management system |
Warenfetisjisme | Commodity fetishism |
Warenhuis (winkel) | Department store |
Warfarine | Warfarin |
Warffum | Warffum |
Warfield | Warfield (disambiguation) |
Warfield (Engeland) | Warfield |
Warfield (Kentucky) | Warfield, Kentucky |
Warfstermolen | Warfstermolen |
Warg | Warg (disambiguation) |
Warga | Wergea |
Wargame | Wargaming |
WarGames | WarGames |
Wargemoulin-Hurlus | Wargemoulin-Hurlus |
Wargnies | Wargnies |
Wargnies-le-Grand | Wargnies-le-Grand |
Wargnies-le-Petit | Wargnies-le-Petit |
Warhammer | Warhammer Fantasy Battle |
Warhammer 40,000 | Warhammer 40,000 |
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War |
Warhawk (videospel) | Warhawk (2007 video game) |
Wari | Wari culture |
Waringin | Ficus benjamina |
Wario | Wario |
Wario Blast: Featuring Bomberman! | Wario Blast: Featuring Bomberman! |
Wario Land 3 | Wario Land 3 |
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 | Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 |
Wario Land: The Shake Dimension | Wario Land: Shake It! |
Wario World | Wario World |
Wario: Master of Disguise | Wario: Master of Disguise |
Wario's Woods | Wario's Woods |
WarioWare, Inc.: Minigame Mania | WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames! |
WarioWare: Do It Yourself | WarioWare D.I.Y. |
WarioWare: Smooth Moves | WarioWare: Smooth Moves |
WarioWare: Snapped! | WarioWare: Snapped! |
WarioWare: Touched! | WarioWare: Touched! |
WarioWare: Twisted! | WarioWare: Twisted! |
Waris Hussein | Waris Hussein |
Wark | Wark |
Warka | Warka |
Warka (gemeente) | Gmina Warka |
Warkavaas | Warka Vase |
Warken (Luxemburg) | Warken |
Warkworth | Warkworth |
Warlencourt-Eaucourt | Warlencourt-Eaucourt |
Warlincourt-lès-Pas | Warlincourt-lès-Pas |
Warlingham | Warlingham |
Warlitz | Warlitz |
Warlock | Warlock (disambiguation) |
Warlock (1989) | Warlock (1989 film) |
Warlord | Warlord (disambiguation) |
Warlow | Warlow |
Warlubie | Warlubie |
Warlubie (gemeente) | Gmina Warlubie |
Warlus (Pas-de-Calais) | Warlus, Pas-de-Calais |
Warlus (Somme) | Warlus, Somme |
Warluzel | Warluzel |
Warm | Warm |
Warm Bodies | Warm Bodies (film) |
Warm Mineral Springs | Warm Mineral Springs, Florida |
Warm Springs (Georgia) | Warm Springs, Georgia |
Warm Springs (Oregon) | Warm Springs, Oregon |
Warm Up | Warm Up |
Warmbad | Warmbad, Namibia |
Warmbloedig | Endothermy |
Warmbloedras | Warmblood |
Warmenhuizen | Warmenhuizen |
Warmeriville | Warmeriville |
Warminster | Warminster |
Warmoesstraat | Warmoesstraat |
Warmond | Warmond |
Warmsen | Warmsen |
Warmte | Heat |
Warmtecapaciteit | Heat capacity |
Warmtedistributie | District heating |
Warmtedood | Heat death of the universe |
Warmtefront | Warm front |
Warmte-isolatie | Thermal insulation |
Warmte-krachtkoppeling | Cogeneration |
Warmtemachine | Heat engine |
Warmteoverdracht | Heat transfer |
Warmtepomp | Heat pump |
Warmtestraling | Thermal radiation |
Warmtestroomsensor | Heat flux sensor |
Warmtevergelijking | Heat equation |
Warmtewisselaar | Heat exchanger |
Warmwaterbron | Hot spring |
Warmwatereffect | Lake-effect snow |
Warnachar II | Warnachar II |
Warnant | Warnant (Namur) |
Warnant-Dreye | Warnant-Dreye |
Warnau (Sleeswijk-Holstein) | Warnau |
Warne (North Carolina) | Warne, North Carolina |
Warnécourt | Warnécourt |
Warnen | Warini |
Warner Anderson | Warner Anderson |
Warner Bros. Movie World | Warner Bros. Movie World |
Warner Communications | Warner Communications |
Warner T. Koiter | Warner T. Koiter |
Warnice (gemeente) | Gmina Warnice |
Warning | Warning (album) |
Warnkenhagen | Warnkenhagen |
Warnocks dilemma | Warnock's dilemma |
Warnołęka | Warnołęka |
Warnow | Warnow (disambiguation) |
Warnow (bij Bützow) | Warnow (Güstrow) |
Warnow (bij Grevesmühlen) | Warnow, Nordwestmecklenburg |
Warnow (rivier) | Warnow |
Warnowtunnel | Warnow Tunnel |
Warns | Warns, Friesland |
Warnsveld | Warnsveld |
Waroeboom | Hibiscus tiliaceus |
Warp | Warp factor |
Warp Records | Warp (record label) |
Warpaint | Warpaint (band) |
Warpath | Warpath |
Warpath (Marvel Comics) | Warpath (comics) |
Warpath: Jurassic Park | Warpath: Jurassic Park |
Warpe | Warpe |
Warped Tour | Warped Tour |
Warracknabeal | Warracknabeal |
Warrant | Warrant (finance) |
Warrap | Warrap |
Warrap (staat) | Warrap (state) |
Warrap (stad) | Warrap, South Sudan |
Warren (Arkansas) | Warren, Arkansas |
Warren (Illinois) | Warren, Illinois |
Warren (Indiana) | Warren, Indiana |
Warren (LGA) | Warren Shire |
Warren (Michigan) | Warren, Michigan |
Warren (Minnesota) | Warren, Minnesota |
Warren (Ohio) | Warren, Ohio |
Warren (Pennsylvania) | Warren, Pennsylvania |
Warren Abstract Machine | Warren Abstract Machine |
Warren Barguil | Warren Barguil |
Warren Burger | Warren E. Burger |
Warren Casey | Warren Casey |
Warren County | Warren County |
Warren County (Georgia) | Warren County, Georgia |
Warren County (Illinois) | Warren County, Illinois |
Warren County (Indiana) | Warren County, Indiana |
Warren County (Iowa) | Warren County, Iowa |
Warren County (Kentucky) | Warren County, Kentucky |
Warren County (Mississippi) | Warren County, Mississippi |
Warren County (Missouri) | Warren County, Missouri |
Warren County (New Jersey) | Warren County, New Jersey |
Warren County (New York) | Warren County, New York |
Warren County (North Carolina) | Warren County, North Carolina |
Warren County (Ohio) | Warren County, Ohio |
Warren County (Pennsylvania) | Warren County, Pennsylvania |
Warren County (Tennessee) | Warren County, Tennessee |
Warren County (Virginia) | Warren County, Virginia |
Warren Covington | Warren Covington |
Warren Ellis (muzikant) | Warren Ellis (musician) |
Warren Farrell | Warren Farrell |
Warren G. Harding | Warren G. Harding |
Warren S. McCulloch | Warren Sturgis McCulloch |
Warren Street (metrostation) | Warren Street tube station |
Warrenpoint | Warrenpoint |
Warrenpoint Town FC | Warrenpoint Town F.C. |
Warrensburg (Missouri) | Warrensburg, Missouri |
Warrenton (Georgia) | Warrenton, Georgia |
Warrenton (Missouri) | Warrenton, Missouri |
Warrenton (North Carolina) | Warrenton, North Carolina |
Warri | Warri |
Warrick Brown | Warrick Brown |
Warrick County | Warrick County, Indiana |
Warringah Council | Warringah Council |
Warringholz | Warringholz |
Warrington | Warrington (disambiguation) |
Warrior | Warrior (disambiguation) |
Warrior (2011) | Warrior (2011 film) |
Warrior Cats | Warriors (novel series) |
Warrnambool City | City of Warrnambool |
Warroad | Warroad, Minnesota |
Warrumbungle Shire Council | Warrumbungle Shire |
Warsaw | Warsaw (disambiguation) |
Warsaw (Illinois) | Warsaw, Illinois |
Warsaw (Indiana) | Warsaw, Indiana |
Warsaw (Missouri) | Warsaw, Missouri |
Warschau | Warsaw |
Warschau (concentratiekamp) | Warsaw concentration camp |
Warschau Filharmonisch Orkest | Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra |
Warschauer Straße | Warschauer Straße |
Warschaupact | Warsaw Pact |
Warsow | Warsow |
Warsow (plaats) | Warsow (Stralendorf) |
Warsow (videospel) | Warsow (video game) |
Warsteiner | Warsteiner |
Warstiens | Warstiens |
Warszawa | Warszawa (disambiguation) |
Warszawianka Warschau | Warszawianka Warszawa |
Warszawice | Warszawice |
Warta | Warta (disambiguation) |
Warta (gemeente) | Gmina Warta |
Warta (rivier) | Warta |
Warta (stad) | Warta, Poland |
Warta Bolesławiecka (gemeente) | Gmina Warta Bolesławiecka |
Warta Poznań (voetbal) | Warta Poznań |
Wartberg | Wartberg |
Wartburg | Wartburg (disambiguation) |
Wartburg (automerk) | Wartburg (car) |
Wartburg (kasteel) | Wartburg Castle |
Wartburg (Tennessee) | Wartburg, Tennessee |
Wartburg (Zuid-Afrika) | Wartburg, KwaZulu-Natal |
Wartburgfest | Wartburg Festival |
Wartburgkreis | Wartburgkreis Rural District |
Wartel | Cable gland |
Wartenberg (Beieren) | Wartenberg, Bavaria |
Wartenberg (Hessen) | Wartenberg, Hesse |
Wartenburg | Wartenburg |
Wartenburg (Kemberg) | Wartenburg (Kemberg) |
Warth (Neder-Oostenrijk) | Warth, Lower Austria |
Warth (Vorarlberg) | Warth, Vorarlberg |
Wartkowice (gemeente) | Gmina Wartkowice |
Warve | Varve |
Warwick | Warwick (disambiguation) |
Warwick (Bermuda) | Warwick Parish |
Warwick (district) | Warwick District |
Warwick (Engeland) | Warwick |
Warwick (Queensland) | Warwick, Queensland |
Warwick (Rhode Island) | Warwick, Rhode Island |
Warwick Avenue (metrostation) | Warwick Avenue tube station |
Warwick Brown | Warwick Brown |
Warwick Castle | Warwick Castle |
Warwick Dalton | Warwick Dalton |
Was | WAS |
Was (substantie) | Wax |
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd | Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd, BWV 208 |
Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken | Love in Thoughts |
Wasaloop | Vasaloppet |
Wasan | Japanese mathematics |
Wasashatta | Wasashatta |
Wasat | Delta Geminorum |
Wasatch County | Wasatch County, Utah |
Wasbal | Laundry ball |
Wasbeerhond | Raccoon Dog |
Wasbek | Wasbek |
Wasbenzine | White gas |
Wasberen | Procyon (genus) |
Wasbord (schoonmaak) | Washboard |
Wasbüttel | Wasbüttel |
Wasco | Wasco |
Wasco (Californië) | Wasco, California |
Wasco (volk) | Wasco-Wishram |
Wasco County | Wasco County, Oregon |
Wasdale | Wasdale |
Wasdow | Wasdow |
Wasdroger | Clothes dryer |
Waseca | Waseca, Minnesota |
Waseca County | Waseca County, Minnesota |
Waseda-universiteit | Waseda University |
Wąsewo (gemeente) | Gmina Wąsewo |
Wasgoed | Laundry |
Washakie County | Washakie County, Wyoming |
Washandje | Washing mitt |
Washburn | Washburn (disambiguation) |
Washburn (North Dakota) | Washburn, North Dakota |
Washburn (Wisconsin) | Washburn, Wisconsin |
Washburn County | Washburn County, Wisconsin |
Washburn Guitars | Washburn Guitars |
Washburn–Langford–Doane expeditie | Washburn–Langford–Doane Expedition |
Washim (district) | Washim district |
Washington (Arkansas) | Washington, Arkansas |
Washington (Georgia) | Washington, Georgia |
Washington (Illinois) | Washington, Illinois |
Washington (Indiana) | Washington, Indiana |
Washington (Iowa) | Washington, Iowa |
Washington (Kansas) | Washington, Kansas |
Washington (Missouri) | Washington, Missouri |
Washington (North Carolina) | Washington, North Carolina |
Washington (Ohio) | Washington Court House, Ohio |
Washington (Pennsylvania) | Washington, Pennsylvania |
Washington (staat) | Washington (state) |
Washington (Tyne and Wear) | Washington, Tyne and Wear |
Washington (Utah) | Washington, Utah |
Washington (Virginia) | Washington, Virginia |
Washington (West Sussex) | Washington, West Sussex |
Washington Blade | Washington Blade |
Washington Capitals | Washington Capitals |
Washington Consensus | Washington Consensus |
Washington County | Washington County |
Washington County (Alabama) | Washington County, Alabama |
Washington County (Arkansas) | Washington County, Arkansas |
Washington County (Colorado) | Washington County, Colorado |
Washington County (Florida) | Washington County, Florida |
Washington County (Georgia) | Washington County, Georgia |
Washington County (Idaho) | Washington County, Idaho |
Washington County (Illinois) | Washington County, Illinois |
Washington County (Indiana) | Washington County, Indiana |
Washington County (Iowa) | Washington County, Iowa |
Washington County (Kansas) | Washington County, Kansas |
Washington County (Kentucky) | Washington County, Kentucky |
Washington County (Maine) | Washington County, Maine |
Washington County (Maryland) | Washington County, Maryland |
Washington County (Minnesota) | Washington County, Minnesota |
Washington County (Mississippi) | Washington County, Mississippi |
Washington County (Missouri) | Washington County, Missouri |
Washington County (Nebraska) | Washington County, Nebraska |
Washington County (New York) | Washington County, New York |
Washington County (North Carolina) | Washington County, North Carolina |
Washington County (Ohio) | Washington County, Ohio |
Washington County (Oklahoma) | Washington County, Oklahoma |
Washington County (Oregon) | Washington County, Oregon |
Washington County (Pennsylvania) | Washington County, Pennsylvania |
Washington County (Rhode Island) | Washington County, Rhode Island |
Washington County (Tennessee) | Washington County, Tennessee |
Washington County (Texas) | Washington County, Texas |
Washington County (Utah) | Washington County, Utah |
Washington County (Vermont) | Washington County, Vermont |
Washington County (Virginia) | Washington County, Virginia |
Washington County (Wisconsin) | Washington County, Wisconsin |
Washington D.C. | Washington, D.C. |
Washington Dulles International Airport | Washington Dulles International Airport |
Washington Luís | Washington Luís |
Washington Luiz Mascarenhas Silva | Washington Luiz Mascarenhas Silva |
Washington Luiz Pereira dos Santos | Washington Luiz Pereira dos Santos |
Washington National Cathedral | Washington National Cathedral |
Washington Nationals | Washington Nationals |
Washington Parish | Washington Parish, Louisiana |
Washington Park (Florida) | Washington Park, Florida |
Washington Park (Illinois) | Washington Park, Illinois |
Washington Phillips | Washington Phillips |
Washington Redskins | Washington Redskins |
Washington Roebling | Washington Roebling |
Washington Square (film) | Washington Square (film) |
Washington Stecanelo Cerqueira | Washington (footballer) |
Washington Township | Washington Township, Bergen County, New Jersey |
Washington Wizards | Washington Wizards |
Washingtongrondeekhoorn | Washington ground squirrel |
Washingtonia filifera | Washingtonia filifera |
Washingtonterritorium | Washington Territory |
Washingtonville | Washingtonville |
Washita County | Washita County, Oklahoma |
Washo (taal) | Washo language |
Washo (volk) | Washoe people |
Washoe (chimpansee) | Washoe (chimpanzee) |
Washoe County | Washoe County, Nevada |
Washougal | Washougal, Washington |
Washtenaw County | Washtenaw County, Michigan |
Wasigny | Wasigny |
Wasilków | Wasilków |
Wasilków (gemeente) | Gmina Wasilków |
Wasilla | Wasilla, Alaska |
Wasit | Wasit Province |
Wasiu Taiwo | Wasiu Taiwo |
Waskemeer | Waskemeer |
Wasknijper | Clothespin |
Waskom | Waskom, Texas |
Waskrijt | Crayon |
Waslijn | Clothes line |
Wasmachine | Washing machine |
Wasmannia auropunctata | Electric ant |
Wasmes (Colfontaine) | Wasmes |
Wasmiddel | Laundry detergent |
Wasnes-au-Bac | Wasnes-au-Bac |
Waśniów (gemeente) | Gmina Waśniów |
Wąsosz | Wąsosz (disambiguation) |
Wąsosz (gemeente in powiat Górowski) | Gmina Wąsosz, Lower Silesian Voivodeship |
Wąsosz (gemeente in powiat Grajewski) | Gmina Wąsosz, Podlaskie Voivodeship |
Wąsosz (Podlachië) | Wąsosz, Podlaskie Voivodeship |
Wąsosz (stad) | Wąsosz |
Wasp | Wasp (disambiguation) |
Wasp (Marvel) | Wasp (comics) |
WASP-17b | WASP-17b |
Waspam | Waspam |
Waspik | Waspik |
Wasp-klasse | Wasp-class amphibious assault ship |
Waspompoen | Winter melon |
Wasrek | Clothes horse |
Wasrol | Phonograph cylinder |
Was-scepter | Was |
Wasschilderen | Encaustic painting |
Wassen (kaartspel) | Shuffling |
Wassen (schoonmaak) | Washing |
Wassen beeld | Wax sculpture |
Wassenaar Arrangement | Wassenaar Arrangement |
Wassende en afnemende maan | Crescent |
Wasseramt | Wasseramt District |
Wasserburg | Wasserburg |
Wasserburg (Bodensee) | Wasserburg am Bodensee |
Wasserette | Self-service laundry |
Wasserfall | Wasserfall |
Wasserthaleben | Wasserthaleben |
Wassily Kandinsky | Kandinsky |
Wassily-stoel | Wassily Chair |
Wassoniet | Wassonite |
Wassoulou-Ballé | Wassoulou-Ballé |
Wasstraat | Car wash |
Wastafeltje | Wax tablet |
Wasted Penguinz | Wasted Penguinz |
Wasted Years | Wasted Years |
Wastegate | Wastegate |
Wasungen | Wasungen |
Wasverzachter | Fabric softener |
Wasvoorschrift | Laundry symbol |
Wat | Wat |
Wat (gerecht) | Wat (food) |
Wat Benchamabophit | Wat Benchamabophit |
Wat Bowonniwet | Wat Bowonniwet Vihara |
Wat Chai Watthanaram | Wat Chaiwatthanaram |
Wat Chedi Luang | Wat Chedi Luang |
Wat Chiang Man | Wat Chiang Man |
Wat Hua Lamphong | Wat Hua Lamphong |
Wat Intharawihan | Wat Intharawihan |
Wat Lok Mo Li | Wat Lok Moli |
Wat Mahathat | Wat Mahathat |
Wat Mahathat Yuwaratrangsarit | Wat Mahathat Yuwaratrangsarit |
Wat Pathum Wanaram | Wat Pathum Wanaram |
Wat Phou | Vat Phou |
Wat Phra Kaew | Wat Phra Kaew |
Wat Phra Kaew (doorverwijspagina) | Wat Phra Kaew (disambiguation) |
Wat Phra Pathom Chedi | Phra Pathommachedi |
Wat Phra Singh | Wat Phra Singh |
Wat Phra That Lampang Luang | Wat Phra That Lampang Luang |
Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep | Wat Phra That Doi Suthep |
Wat Ratchaburana | Wat Ratchaburana |
Wat Ratchanadda | Wat Ratchanadda |
Wat Si Saket | Wat Si Saket |
Wat te doen? | What Is to Be Done? |
Wat Yannawa | Wat Yan Nawa |
Wat zien ik!? | Business Is Business (film) |
Wataru Hashimoto | Wataru Hashimoto |
Watasenia scintillans | Watasenia scintillans |
Watauga (Texas) | Watauga, Texas |
Watauga County | Watauga County, North Carolina |
Watch Dogs | Watch Dogs |
Watch on the Rhine | Watch on the Rhine |
Watchmen (film) | Watchmen (film) |
Watchung | Watchung, New Jersey |
Waten | Watten, Nord |
Wateni | Wateni |
Water | Water |
Water for Elephants | Water for Elephants (movie) |
Water Island | Water Island, U.S. Virgin Islands |
Water Music | Water Music (Handel) |
Water Polo Arena | Water Polo Arena |
Water Valley | Water Valley |
Water Valley (Mississippi) | Water Valley, Mississippi |
Water/cementfactor | Water–cement ratio |
Wateraaptheorie | Aquatic ape hypothesis |
Wateraardbei | Comarum palustre |
Waterachtbaan | Water coaster |
Wateractiviteit | Water activity |
Waterbal | Water ball |
Waterbed | Waterbed |
Waterbeheer | Water resource management |
Waterberg | Waterberg |
Waterberg (district) | Waterberg District Municipality |
Waterberg Plateau National Park | Waterberg National Park |
Waterboarding | Waterboarding |
Waterbok | Waterbuck |
Waterbouwkunde | Hydraulic engineering |
Waterbrug | Water thread experiment |
Waterbuffel | Water buffalo |
Waterbury | Waterbury (disambiguation) |
Waterbury (Connecticut) | Waterbury, Connecticut |
Watercipres | Metasequoia glyptostroboides |
Watercivetkat | Aquatic genet |
Watercrassula | Crassula helmsii |
Waterdamp | Water vapor |
Waterdazen | Athericidae |
Waterdrieblad | Menyanthes |
Waterdwerghert | Water chevrotain |
Wateren (Westerveld) | Wateren |
Watererebia | Water Ringlet |
Waterezeltje | Asellus aquaticus |
Waterfall (Sopho Gelovani & Nodiko Tatisjvili) | Waterfall (Sopho Gelovani & Nodiko Tatishvili song) |
Waterfiets | Pedalo |
Waterfilter | Water filter |
Waterford | Waterford (disambiguation) |
Waterford (Michigan) | Waterford Township, Michigan |
Waterford (Pennsylvania) | Waterford, Pennsylvania |
Waterford (stad) | Waterford |
Waterford Harbour | Waterford Harbour |
Waterford United FC | Waterford United F.C. |
Waterframe | Water frame |
Waterfront | Waterfront |
Waterfront Station | Waterfront Station (Vancouver) |
Watergaasvliegen | Osmylidae |
Watergang (Waterland) | Watergang |
Watergang (wateroppervlak) | Watercourse |
Watergas | Water gas |
Water-gas-shift-reactie | Water-gas shift reaction |
Watergatecomplex | Watergate complex |
Watergateschandaal | Watergate scandal |
Watergentiaan | Nymphoides peltata |
Watergentiaanfamilie | Menyanthaceae |
Waterglijbaan | Water slide |
Waterhalfrond | Water hemisphere |
Waterhappertje | Drinking fountain |
Waterhardheid | Hard water |
Waterhoen | Common Moorhen |
Waterhoos | Waterspout |
Waterhouse FC | Waterhouse F.C. |
Waterhousebladneusvleermuis | Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat |
Waterhouse-Friderichsensyndroom | Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome |
Waterhyacint | Eichhornia crassipes |
Waterige oplossing | Aqueous solution |
Waterijs | Ice lolly |
Wateringen | Wateringen |
Waterinjectie | Water injection (engines) |
Waterintoxicatie | Water intoxication |
Waterjet | Pump-jet |
Waterjuffers (familie) | Coenagrionidae |
Waterjuffers (geslacht) | Coenagrion |
Waterkaardefamilie | Hydrocharitaceae |
Waterkanon (brandweer) | Deluge gun |
Waterkanon (politie) | Water cannon |
Waterkefir | Tibicos |
Waterkers | Rorippa |
Waterkevers | Hydrophilidae |
Waterkoeler | Water cooler |
Waterkoeling | Water cooling |
Waterkoker | Electric water boiler |
Waterkonijn (haasachtige) | Swamp rabbit |
Waterkracht | Hydropower |
Waterkrachtcentrale | Hydroelectricity |
Waterkrachtcentrale Sajano-Sjoesjenskaja | Sayano–Shushenskaya Dam |
Waterkrachtcentrale Saratov | Saratov Hydroelectric Station |
Waterkrachtcentrale van Coo-Trois-Ponts | Coo-Trois-Ponts Hydroelectric Power Station |
Waterkringloop | Water cycle |
Waterkruipers | Hydraenidae |
Waterkwaliteit | Water quality |
Waterland | Waterland (disambiguation) |
Waterland (gemeente) | Waterland |
Waterlandkerkje | Waterlandkerkje |
Waterleiding | Water pipe |
Waterleidingbedrijf | Water industry |
Waterleliefamilie | Nymphaeaceae |
Waterlelies (Monet) | Water Lilies |
Waterlelievlinder | Elophila nymphaeata |
Waterlepeltje | Ludwigia palustris |
Waterlijn | Waterline |
Waterlobelia | Lobelia dortmanna |
Waterloo & City Line | Waterloo & City line |
Waterloo & Robinson | Waterloo & Robinson |
Waterloo (Alabama) | Waterloo, Alabama |
Waterloo (album) | Waterloo (album) |
Waterloo (België) | Waterloo, Belgium |
Waterloo (Illinois) | Waterloo, Illinois |
Waterloo (Iowa) | Waterloo, Iowa |
Waterloo (Nebraska) | Waterloo, Nebraska |
Waterloo (nummer) | Waterloo (ABBA song) |
Waterloo (Ontario) | Waterloo, Ontario |
Waterloo (Oregon) | Waterloo, Oregon |
Waterloo Bridge (1940) | Waterloo Bridge (1940 film) |
Waterloo Lily | Waterloo Lily |
Waterloodag | Waterloo Day |
Waterlot | Basal shoot |
Watermaal-Bosvoorde | Watermaal-Bosvoorde |
Waterman (astrologie) | Aquarius (astrology) |
Waterman (pennen) | Waterman pens |
Waterman (sterrenbeeld) | Aquarius (constellation) |
Watermantijdperk | Age of Aquarius |
Watermark | Watermark (disambiguation) |
Watermark (album) | Watermark (Enya album) |
Watermeloen | Watermelon |
Watermerk | Watermark |
Watermoccasinslang | Agkistrodon piscivorus |
Watermolen (door water aangedreven molen) | Watermill |
Watermunt | Mentha aquatica |
Waternavel | Hydrocotyle |
Waternoot | Water caltrop |
Waterontharder | Water softening |
Wateropossum | Water opossum |
Waterorgel (instrument) | Water organ |
Wateroverlast in Nederland van januari 2012 | Cyclone Ulli |
Waterpark | Water park |
Waterpas | Spirit level |
Waterpasinstrument | Dumpy level |
Waterpeper | Persicaria hydropiper |
Waterpest | Elodea |
Waterpieper | Water Pipit |
Waterpijp | Hukah |
Waterpistool | Water gun |
Waterplant | Aquatic plant |
Waterpokken | Chickenpox |
Waterpolo | Water polo |
Waterpolo op de Olympische Zomerspelen | Water polo at the Summer Olympics |
Waterpolo op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1980 | Water polo at the 1980 Summer Olympics |
Waterpomptang | Tongue-and-groove pliers |
Waterpostelein | Lythrum portula |
Waterpotentiaal | Water potential |
Waterproof | Waterproof, Louisiana |
Waterput | Water well |
Waterrad | Water wheel |
Waterraket | Water rocket |
Waterral | Water Rail |
Waterrecht | Water law |
Waterrietzanger | Aquatic Warbler |
Waterroofkevers | Dytiscidae |
Waters Corporation | Waters Corporation |
Waterschap | Water board |
Waterschap (Nederland) | Water board (Netherlands) |
Waterschapsheuvel | Watership Down |
Waterscheerling | Cicuta virosa |
Waterschei SV Thor | K. Waterschei S.V. Thor Genk |
Waterscheiding | Drainage divide |
Waterschimmels | Oomycete |
Waterschoen | Water shoe |
Waterschorpioen | Nepa cinerea |
Waterschorpioenen | Nepidae |
Waterscooter | Personal water craft |
Watershed | Watershed (Opeth album) |
Watership Down (film) | Watership Down (film) |
Waterside | Waterside, East Dunbartonshire |
Waterskiën | Waterskiing |
Watersla | Pistia |
Waterslag (hydraulica) | Water hammer |
Waterslang | Hydra (constellation) |
Waterslot (sifon) | Trap (plumbing) |
Waterslot Cleydael | Cleydael Castle |
Watersnip | Common Snipe |
Watersnuffel | Common Blue Damselfly |
Watersnuffels | Enallagma |
Waterspin | Diving bell spider |
Waterspinazie | Ipomoea aquatica |
Waterspinnen | Cybaeidae |
Waterspitsmuis | Eurasian water shrew |
Watersport | List of water sports |
Waterspreeuw | White-throated Dipper |
Waterspreeuwen | Dipper |
Watersprong | Hydraulic jump |
Waterspuwer | Gargoyle |
Waterstof (element) | Hydrogen |
Waterstof pijpleidingvervoer | Hydrogen pipeline transport |
Waterstofarm gloeien | Low hydrogen annealing |
Waterstofauto | Hydrogen vehicle |
Waterstofazide | Hydrazoic acid |
Waterstofbom | Thermonuclear weapon |
Waterstofboot | Hydrogen ship |
Waterstofbromaat | Bromic acid |
Waterstofbromide | Hydrogen bromide |
Waterstofbromiet | Bromous acid |
Waterstofbrosheid | Hydrogen embrittlement |
Waterstofbrug | Hydrogen bond |
Waterstofcarbonaat | Bicarbonate |
Waterstofchloraat | Chloric acid |
Waterstofchloride | Hydrogen chloride |
Waterstofchloriet | Chlorous acid |
Waterstofcyanide | Hydrogen cyanide |
Waterstofeconomie | Hydrogen economy |
Waterstoffluoride | Hydrogen fluoride |
Waterstofhalogenide | Hydrogen halide |
Waterstofhypobromiet | Hypobromous acid |
Waterstofhypochloriet | Hypochlorous acid |
Waterstofhypofluoriet | Hypofluorous acid |
Waterstofion | Hydron (chemistry) |
Waterstofjodaat | Iodic acid |
Waterstofjodide | Hydrogen iodide |
Waterstofopslag | Hydrogen storage |
Waterstofperchloraat | Perchloric acid |
Waterstofperoxide | Hydrogen peroxide |
Waterstofpolonide | Polonium hydride |
Waterstofproductie | Hydrogen production |
Waterstofselenide | Hydrogen selenide |
Waterstofspectrum | Hydrogen spectral series |
Waterstofstation | Hydrogen station |
Waterstofsulfide | Hydrogen sulfide |
Waterstoftechniek | Hydrogen technologies |
Waterstoftelluride | Hydrogen telluride |
Waterstofvliegtuig | Hydrogen-powered aircraft |
Waterstraalsnijden | Water jet cutter |
Watertaxi | Water taxi |
Watertenrek | Web-footed tenrec |
Watertherapie | Hydrotherapy |
Waterton Glacier International Peace Park | Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park |
Watertoren | Water tower |
Watertorens van Koeweit | Kuwait Towers |
Watertown (Massachusetts) | Watertown, Massachusetts |
Watertown (New York) | Watertown (city), New York |
Watertown (South Dakota) | Watertown, South Dakota |
Watertrapper | African Finfoot |
Watertreders | Haliplidae |
Wateruurwerk | Water clock |
Waterval | Waterfall |
Watervalkikker | Meristogenys amoropalamus |
Watervallen in IJsland | List of waterfalls of Iceland |
Watervallen van de Iguaçu | Iguaçu Falls |
Watervalmethode | Waterfall model |
Watervaraan | Water monitor |
Waterverf-illusie | Watercolor illusion |
Watervervuiling | Water pollution |
Watervervuilingsramp in Harbin | 2005 Jilin chemical plant explosions |
Waterville (Maine) | Waterville, Maine |
Waterville (Washington) | Waterville, Washington |
Waterviolier | Hottonia palustris |
Watervleermuis | Daubenton's bat |
Watervliegenval | Aldrovanda vesiculosa |
Watervliegtuig | Sea plane |
Watervliet (België) | Watervliet (Belgium) |
Watervlooien | Cladocera |
Watervogels | Waterfowl |
Watervrees | Aquaphobia |
Waterweegbree | Alisma |
Waterweegbreefamilie | Alismataceae |
Waterwolf (animalisering) | Waterwolf |
Waterworld: A Live Sea War Spectacular | Waterworld: A Live Sea War Spectacular |
Waterwormsalamander | Cayenne caecilian |
Waterzaknier | Hydronephrosis |
Waterzijdig inregelen | Hydronic balancing |
Waterzooi | Waterzooi |
Waterzuivering | Water treatment |
Waterzuring | Rumex hydrolapathum |
Watford (metrostation) | Watford tube station |
Watford City | Watford City, North Dakota |
Watford DC Line | Watford DC Line |
Watford FC | Watford F.C. |
Watigny | Watigny |
Watkins | Watkins, Minnesota |
Watkins Glen | Watkins Glen |
Watkins Glen (New York) | Watkins Glen, New York |
Watkinsville | Watkinsville, Georgia |
Watonga | Watonga, Oklahoma |
Watonwan County | Watonwan County, Minnesota |
Watou | Watou |
Watronville | Watronville |
Watseka | Watseka, Illinois |
Watson | Watson (surname) |
Watson (supercomputer) | Watson |
Watsonarctia deserta | Watsonarctia deserta |
Watsonia | Watsonia |
Watsonia (tijdschrift) | New Journal of Botany |
Watsontown | Watsontown, Pennsylvania |
Watsonville | Watsonville, California |
Watt | Watt (disambiguation) |
Watt (eenheid) | Watt |
Wattasiden | Wattasid dynasty |
Watteau | Watteau (disambiguation) |
Watten | Watten |
Wattenbach (rivier) | Wattenbach (Inn) |
Wattenbek | Wattenbek |
Wattenberg | Wattenberg, Tyrol |
Wattenstaafje | Cotton swab |
Wattental | Wattental |
Wattignies | Wattignies |
Wattignies-la-Victoire | Wattignies-la-Victoire |
Wattmeter | Wattmeter |
Watto | Watto |
Wattpiek | Nominal power (photovoltaic) |
Watts | Watts |
Watts (Los Angeles) | Watts, Los Angeles |
Watts Towers | Watts Towers |
Watubela | Watubela archipelago |
Watusirund | Ankole-Watusi |
Watzespitze | Watzespitze |
Wau (Zuid-Soedan) | Wau, South Sudan |
Waubun | Waubun, Minnesota |
Wauchope | Wauchope, New South Wales |
Wauchula | Wauchula, Florida |
Waucoma | Waucoma, Iowa |
Waukee | Waukee, Iowa |
Waukegan | Waukegan, Illinois |
Waukesha | Waukesha, Wisconsin |
Waukesha County | Waukesha County, Wisconsin |
Waukon | Waukon, Iowa |
Waulsort | Waulsort |
Waunakee | Waunakee, Wisconsin |
Waupaca | Waupaca, Wisconsin |
Waupaca County | Waupaca County, Wisconsin |
Waurika | Waurika, Oklahoma |
Wausau (Wisconsin) | Wausau, Wisconsin |
Wauseon | Wauseon, Ohio |
Waushara County | Waushara County, Wisconsin |
Wautoma | Wautoma, Wisconsin |
Wauwatosa | Wauwatosa, Wisconsin |
Wave | Wave (disambiguation) |
Wave (publiek) | Wave (audience) |
Wave of Mutilation: Best of Pixies | Wave of Mutilation: Best of Pixies |
Waveboard | Caster board |
Wavefront OBJ | Wavefront .obj file |
Waveland | Waveland |
Waveland (Mississippi) | Waveland, Mississippi |
Wavelet | Wavelet |
Wavelliet | Wavellite |
Wavendon | Wavendon |
Waverley (LGA) | Waverley Municipal Council |
Waverley (Surrey) | Borough of Waverley |
Waverly (Iowa) | Waverly, Iowa |
Waverly City | Waverly, Ohio |
Waverveen | Waverveen |
Wavetable-synthese | Wavetable synthesis |
Wavignies | Wavignies |
Waville | Waville |
Wavin | Wavin |
Wavin' Flag | Wavin' Flag |
Wavrans-sur-l'Aa | Wavrans-sur-l'Aa |
Wavrans-sur-Ternoise | Wavrans-sur-Ternoise |
Wavrechain-sous-Denain | Wavrechain-sous-Denain |
Wavrechain-sous-Faulx | Wavrechain-sous-Faulx |
Wavrille | Wavrille |
Waw | WAW |
Waw (Hebreeuwse letter) | Waw (letter) |
Wawern (Eifel) | Wawern, Bitburg-Prüm |
Wawern (Saar) | Wawern |
Wąwolnica (gemeente) | Gmina Wąwolnica |
Wawrzeńczyce | Wawrzeńczyce |
Wax | Wax (disambiguation) |
Wax (Britse band) | Wax (UK band) |
Wax Trax! Records | Wax Trax! Records |
Waxahachie | Waxahachie, Texas |
Waxen (ski) | Ski wax |
Wax-spel | Wax play |
Waxy (band) | Waxy (band) |
Way Down East | Way Down East |
Way of Life | Way of Life (Lil Wayne song) |
Way of the Dragon | Way of the Dragon |
Way Out West | Way Out West (1937 film) |
Wayana (volk) | Wayana people |
Wayanad | Wayanad district |
Waycross | Waycross, Georgia |
Wayfarer | Wayfarer (dinghy) |
Wayland (Missouri) | Wayland, Missouri |
Waylon Smithers | Waylon Smithers |
Wayne (Michigan) | Wayne, Michigan |
Wayne (Nebraska) | Wayne, Nebraska |
Wayne (New Jersey) | Wayne, New Jersey |
Wayne (West Virginia) | Wayne, West Virginia |
Wayne Arthurs | Wayne Arthurs (tennis) |
Wayne Boden | Wayne Boden |
Wayne County | Wayne County |
Wayne County (Georgia) | Wayne County, Georgia |
Wayne County (Illinois) | Wayne County, Illinois |
Wayne County (Indiana) | Wayne County, Indiana |
Wayne County (Iowa) | Wayne County, Iowa |
Wayne County (Kentucky) | Wayne County, Kentucky |
Wayne County (Michigan) | Wayne County, Michigan |
Wayne County (Mississippi) | Wayne County, Mississippi |
Wayne County (Missouri) | Wayne County, Missouri |
Wayne County (Nebraska) | Wayne County, Nebraska |
Wayne County (New York) | Wayne County, New York |
Wayne County (North Carolina) | Wayne County, North Carolina |
Wayne County (Ohio) | Wayne County, Ohio |
Wayne County (Pennsylvania) | Wayne County, Pennsylvania |
Wayne County (Tennessee) | Wayne County, Tennessee |
Wayne County (Utah) | Wayne County, Utah |
Wayne County (West Virginia) | Wayne County, West Virginia |
Wayne Duvall | Wayne Duvall |
Wayne Dyer | Wayne Dyer |
Wayne Fontana | Wayne Fontana |
Wayne Jones | Wayne Jones (darts player) |
Wayne Mardle | Wayne Mardle |
Wayne Northrop | Wayne Northrop |
Wayne Rogers | Wayne Rogers |
Wayne van Dorp | Wayne Van Dorp |
Wayne Weiler | Wayne Weiler |
Wayne's World | Wayne's World (film) |
Wayne's World 2 | Wayne's World 2 |
Waynesboro (Georgia) | Waynesboro, Georgia |
Waynesboro (Mississippi) | Waynesboro, Mississippi |
Waynesboro (Virginia) | Waynesboro, Virginia |
Waynesburg (Pennsylvania) | Waynesburg, Pennsylvania |
Waynesville (Missouri) | Waynesville, Missouri |
Waynesville (North Carolina) | Waynesville, North Carolina |
Waypoint | Waypoint |
Wayside | Wayside (TV series) |
WAZ | Waz |
Waza-ari | Waza-ari |
Wazemmes | Wazemmes |
Waziers | Waziers |
W-beweging | Wh-movement |
WBK CSKA Moskou | WBC CSKA Moscow |
WBK CSKA Samara | CSKA Samara |
WBK Dinamo Koersk | Dynamo Kursk |
WBK Dinamo Moskou | Dynamo Moscow (women's basketball) |
WBK Dinamo Novosibirsk | WBC Dynamo Novosibirsk |
WBK Sparta&K Oblast Moskou Vidnoje | WBC Spartak Moscow Region |
WBK Spartak Oblast Moskou Noginsk | WBC Spartak Noginsk |
WC (rapper) | WC (rapper) |
Wc-bril | Toilet seat |
Wc-eend | Toilet Duck |
WCF-wereldranglijst | World Curling Rankings |
WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship | WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship |
WCW Women's Championship | WCW Women's Championship |
WDC 65816 | WDC 65816/65802 |
WDR Sinfonieorchester | WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne |
Wdzydze Kiszewskie | Wdzydze Kiszewskie |
We | We (disambiguation) |
Wé (Loyaliteitseilanden) | Wé |
We Are Not Alone | We Are Not Alone (Breaking Benjamin album) |
We Are the Night | We Are the Night |
We Are The Others | We Are the Others |
We Are the World 25 for Haiti | We Are the World 25 for Haiti |
We Are Wolves | We Are Wolves |
We Bought a Zoo | We Bought a Zoo |
We Can Do It! | We Can Do It! |
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale | We Can Remember It for You Wholesale |
We Can't Dance | We Can't Dance |
We didn't start the fire | We Didn't Start the Fire |
We Don't Need To Whisper | We Don't Need to Whisper |
We Gotta Get out of This Place | We Gotta Get out of This Place |
We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes | We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes |
We Live Again | We Live Again |
We Own The Night | We Own the Night |
We Were Promised Jetpacks | We Were Promised Jetpacks |
We Were Soldiers | We Were Soldiers |
We Will Rock You (musical) | We Will Rock You (musical) |
We Will Rock You (single) | We Will Rock You |
We wish you a merry Christmas | We Wish You a Merry Christmas |
WE.177 | WE.177 |
Weakley County | Weakley County, Tennessee |
Weakly interacting massive particle | Weakly interacting massive particles |
Weald-Artoisanticline | Weald–Artois Anticline |
Weapon X | Weapon X |
Wear | Wear (disambiguation) |
Wear (rivier) | River Wear |
Wear Valley | Wear Valley |
Wearmouth-Jarrow Abbey | Monkwearmouth-Jarrow Abbey |
Weather Report (1982) | Weather Report (1982 album) |
Weatherfax | Radiofax |
Weatherford | Weatherford |
Weatherford (Texas) | Weatherford, Texas |
Weathermen | Weather Underground |
Weatogue | Weatogue, Connecticut |
Weaver (Alabama) | Weaver, Alabama |
Weaverville (Californië) | Weaverville, California |
Web | Web |
Web (webbrowser) | Epiphany (software) |
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines | Web Content Accessibility Guidelines |
Web to print | Web-to-print |
Web typografie | Web typography |
Web van vertrouwen | Web of trust | Tour | Tour |
Webapplicatie | Web application |
Webb (Iowa) | Webb, Iowa |
Webb City | Webb City |
Webb City (Missouri) | Webb City, Missouri |
Webb County | Webb County, Texas |
Webb Ellis Cup | Webb Ellis Cup |
Webbaken | Web bug |
Webbrowser | Web browser |
Webby Awards | Webby Award |
Webcamseks | Camgirl |
Webcast | Webcast |
Webdesign | Web design |
Webdesigner | Web developer |
Webdevelopment | Web development |
Webdings | Webdings |
Weber | Weber (disambiguation) |
Weber (eenheid) | Weber (unit) |
Weber County | Weber County, Utah |
Weberstedt | Weberstedt |
Weberwiese (metrostation) | Weberwiese (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Webhosting | Web hosting service |
Webley | Webley Revolver |
Webmail | Webmail |
Webmaster | Webmaster |
Webnode | Webnode |
WebOS | WebOS |
Webpagina | Webpage |
Webquest | WebQuest |
Webradio | Internet radio |
Websense | Websense |
Webserver | Web server |
Webservice | Web services |
Website | Website |
WebSphere | IBM WebSphere |
Webspinners | Embioptera |
Webstandaarden | Web standards |
Webster (South Dakota) | Webster, South Dakota |
Webster City | Webster City, Iowa |
Webster County | Webster County |
Webster County (Georgia) | Webster County, Georgia |
Webster County (Iowa) | Webster County, Iowa |
Webster County (Kentucky) | Webster County, Kentucky |
Webster County (Mississippi) | Webster County, Mississippi |
Webster County (Missouri) | Webster County, Missouri |
Webster County (Nebraska) | Webster County, Nebraska |
Webster County (West Virginia) | Webster County, West Virginia |
Webster Groves | Webster Groves, Missouri |
Webster Parish | Webster Parish, Louisiana |
Webster Springs | Webster Springs, West Virginia |
Webster University | Webster University |
Webstrip | Webcomic |
Websyndicatie | Web syndication |
WebTV | MSN TV |
Webvideo | Video clip |
Webwolfspinnen | Sosippus |
Webzine | Online magazine |
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale | Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale |
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children | Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children |
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence | Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence |
Wecken | Home canning |
Wecker | Wecker, Luxembourg |
Wed | WED |
Wedde (Groningen) | Wedde |
Weddelleiland | Weddell Island |
Weddellzee | Weddell Sea |
Weddellzeehond | Weddell seal |
Weddersleben | Weddersleben |
Wedderstedt | Wedderstedt |
Weddin Shire Council | Weddin Shire |
Wedding | Wedding (disambiguation) |
Wedding Crashers | Wedding Crashers |
Wedding Daze (2006) | Wedding Daze |
Weddingstedt | Weddingstedt |
Wede | Isatis tinctoria |
Wedendorfersee | Wedendorfersee |
Wedergeboorte (boeddhisme) | Rebirth (Buddhism) |
Wedergeboorte (christendom) | Born again (Christianity) |
Wederik | Lysimachia |
Wederkerend voornaamwoord | Reflexive pronoun |
Wederkerig voornaamwoord | Reciprocal pronoun |
Wederkomst van Jezus | Second Coming |
Wederrechtelijke vrijheidsberoving | False imprisonment |
Wederzijds uitsluitingsalgoritme van Peterson | Peterson's algorithm |
Wederzijdse uitsluiting | Mutual exclusion |
Wederzijdse verstaanbaarheid | Mutual intelligibility |
Wedewitje | Pieris ergane |
Wedge Antilles | Wedge Antilles |
Wedge tomb | Wedge-shaped gallery grave |
Wedgie | Wedgie |
Wedgwood | Wedgwood |
Wedlitz | Wedlitz |
Wedlock | Wedlock (film) |
Wedloop om Afrika | Scramble for Africa |
Wedmore | Wedmore |
Wednesbury | Wednesbury |
Wedoquella | Wedoquella |
Wedowee | Wedowee, Alabama |
Wedstrijdklok | Game clock |
Wedstrijdtypen in het professioneel worstelen | Professional wrestling match types |
Weduwaapje | Collared titi |
Weduwen | Black widow |
Weduweverbranding | Sati (practice) |
Weduwschap | Widow |
Wee Willie Winkie | Wee Willie Winkie (film) |
Weebly | Weebly |
Weed | Weed (disambiguation) |
Weed (Californië) | Weed, California |
Weede (Holstein) | Weede |
Weeds | Weeds (TV series) |
Weefgetouw | Loom |
Weefmieren | Weaver ant |
Weefsel | Tissue |
Weefsel (biologie) | Tissue (biology) |
Weefselkweek (dier) | Tissue engineering |
Weefselkweek (plant) | Plant tissue culture |
Weegbree | Plantago |
Weegbreebeer | Parasemia plantaginis |
Weegbreefamilie | Plantaginaceae |
Weegbreemot | Pyrausta despicata |
Weegcel | Load cell |
Weeghaak | Spring scale |
Weegpunt | Weigh station |
Weegschaal (astrologie) | Libra (astrology) |
Weegschaal (sterrenbeeld) | Libra (constellation) |
Weegschaal (voorwerp) | Weighing scale |
Week | Week |
Weekdieren | Mollusc |
Weekeinde | Weekend |
Weekend | Weekend (disambiguation) |
Week-end | Weekend (1967 film) |
Week-end à Zuydcoote | Week-end at Zuydcoote |
Weekend at Bernie's | Weekend at Bernie's |
Week-End at the Waldorf | Week-End at the Waldorf |
WEEKENDS!!! | Weekends! |
Weekijzer | Electrical steel |
Weekly Shonen Jump | Weekly Shonen Jump |
Weekmaker | Plasticizer |
Weekschildpadden | Trionychidae |
Weens (schaakopening) | Vienna Game |
Weens Koopverdrag | United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods |
Weense Aktionisme | Viennese Actionism |
Weense bekken | Vienna Basin |
Weense Naschmarkt | Naschmarkt |
Weense pestzuil | Pestsäule (Vienna) |
Weense school | Vienna School |
Weense Staatsopera | Vienna State Opera |
Weense wals | Viennese Waltz |
Weenzen | Weenzen |
Weeping Water | Weeping Water, Nebraska |
Weer (aantasting) | Foxing |
Weer (meteorologie) | Weather |
Weer en klimaat van A tot Z | List of meteorological phenomena |
Weerballon | Weather balloon |
Weerbeïnvloeding | Weather modification |
Weerbericht | Weather forecast |
Weerboer | Wehrbauer |
Weerborstel | Cowlick |
Weerde | Weerde |
Weerdinge | Weerdinge |
Weererker | Bretèche |
Weergang | Chemin de ronde |
Weergeld | Weregild |
Weerhuisje | Weather house |
Weerhuisje (paddenstoel) | Astraeus hygrometricus |
Weerhut | Stevenson screen |
Weerkaart | Weather map |
Weerkerk | Fortified church |
Weerkerken in Transsylvanië | Villages with fortified churches in Transylvania |
Weerradar | Weather radar |
Weersatelliet | Weather satellite |
Weerschip | Weather ship |
Weerselo | Weerselo |
Weerspreuk | Weather lore |
Weerstand (component) | Resistor |
Weerstand (psychologie) | Psychological resistance |
Weerstandlassen | Electric resistance welding |
Weerstandscoëfficiënt | Drag coefficient |
Weerstandsmoment | Section modulus |
Weerstandsthermometer | Resistance thermometer |
Weerstation | Weather station |
Weert | Weert (disambiguation) |
Weert (België) | Weert, Antwerp |
Weert (gemeente) | Weert |
Weervisserij | Fishing weir |
Weerwolf | Werewolf |
Weerwolven (militaire eenheid) | Werwolf |
Weerwolven van Wakkerdam | Mafia (party game) |
Weerwort | Ansible |
Wees (Duitsland) | Wees |
Wees (kind) | Orphan |
Weesgegroet | Hail Mary |
Weesgeneesmiddel | Orphan drug |
Weeshuis | Orphanage |
Weeskind (typografie) | Widows and orphans |
Weesperkarspel | Weesperkarspel |
Weezer (Blue album) | Weezer (1994 album) |
Wefensleben | Wefensleben |
Weferlingen | Weferlingen |
Weg | Road |
Wega | Vega |
Wegaf | Wegaf |
Wegbuizerd | Roadside Hawk |
Wegdistel | Onopordum acanthium |
Wegedoorn | Rhamnus cathartica |
Wegedoornfamilie | Rhamnaceae |
Wegedoornknopmot | Sorhagenia rhamniella |
Wegedoornpage | Satyrium spini |
Wegedoorntwijgmot | Sorhagenia janiszewskae |
Wegen in Ierland | Roads in Ireland |
Wegen in IJsland | List of roads in Iceland |
Wegen in Jamaica | Roads in Jamaica |
Wegen in Letland | List of National Roads in Latvia |
Wegen in Litouwen | Transport in Lithuania |
Wegen in Moldavië | Transport in Moldova |
Wegen in Namibië | Transport in Namibia |
Wegen in Oekraïne | Roads in Ukraine |
Wegen in Polen | Transport in Poland |
Wegen in Portugal | Roads in Portugal |
Wegen in Roemenië | Roads in Romania |
Wegener-Bergeron-Findeisen-proces | Bergeron process |
Wegenkaart | Road map |
Wegennetwerk van de Inca's | Inca road system |
Wegenstedt | Wegenstedt |
Weggeefschaak | Antichess |
Weggeefwinkel | Give-away shop |
Węgierska Górka | Węgierska Górka |
Węgierska Górka (gemeente) | Gmina Węgierska Górka |
Węgliniec (gemeente) | Gmina Węgliniec |
Weglopen | Runaway (dependent) |
Wegmarkering | Road surface marking |
Węgorzewo (gemeente) | Gmina Węgorzewo |
Węgorzyno (gemeente) | Gmina Węgorzyno |
Wegscheid (Haut-Rhin) | Wegscheid, Haut-Rhin |
Wegscheid (Neder-Beieren) | Wegscheid |
Wegslak | Red slug |
Wegslakken | Arionidae |
Wegverharding | Road surface |
Wegverkeer | Road transport |
Wegwerkzaamheden | Roadworks |
Wegwerpadres | Disposable email address |
Wegwerpartikel | Disposable |
Wegwerpcamera | Disposable camera |
Wegwerpmaatschappij | Throw-away society |
Wegwielrennen | Road bicycle racing |
Wehha van East Anglia | Wehha of East Anglia |
Wehl | Wehl |
Wehr (Baden) | Wehr, Baden-Württemberg |
Wehr (Eifel) | Wehr, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Wehrbleck | Wehrbleck |
Wehrwolf | Werewolf (disambiguation) |
Wei (staat) | Wei (state) |
Wei (zuivel) | Whey |
Wei He | Wei River |
Wei Qingguang | Wei Qingguang |
Wei Yanan | Wei Yanan |
Wei Yang | Yang Wei (badminton) |
Weibern (Eifel) | Weibern |
Weibern (Opper-Oostenrijk) | Weibern, Austria |
Weibull-verdeling | Weibull distribution |
Weicherdange | Weicherdange |
Weichsel | Weichsel |
Weichselbaum (Burgenland) | Weichselbaum |
Weichselboom | Prunus mahaleb |
Weichselien | Last glacial period |
Weida (Thüringen) | Weida, Thuringia |
Weidebeekjuffer | Banded Demoiselle |
Weidegeelster | Gagea pratensis |
Weidehommel | Early bumblebee |
Weideklokje | Campanula patula |
Weidekringzwam | Scotch bonnet (mushroom) |
Weidelangpootmug | Tipula paludosa |
Weiden | Weiden |
Weiden (bij Idar-Oberstein) | Weiden, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Weidenbach (Eifel) | Weidenbach, Vulkaneifel |
Weidenbach (Middel-Franken) | Weidenbach, Bavaria |
Weidenbach (Taunus) | Weidenbach, Rhein-Lahn |
Weidewants | Lygus pratensis |
Weidhausen bei Coburg | Weidhausen |
Weiding (Cham) | Weiding |
Weiding (Schwandorf) | Weiding, Schwandorf |
Weidingen (Duitsland) | Weidingen, Germany |
Weidner | Weidner |
Weidum | Weidum |
Weierstrass-substitutie | Tangent half-angle substitution |
Weigela | Weigela |
Weight Gain 4000 | Weight Gain 4000 |
Weighted average cost of capital | Weighted average cost of capital |
Weihnachtsoratorium | Christmas Oratorio |
Weijerswold | Weijerswold |
Weil (Opper-Beieren) | Weil, Bavaria |
Weil (rivier) | Weil (river) |
Weil am Rhein | Weil am Rhein |
Weiland | Pasture |
Weilar | Weilar |
Weilbach (Beieren) | Weilbach |
Weilbach (Opper-Oostenrijk) | Weilbach, Austria |
Weilbachs Kunstnerleksikon | Weilbachs Kunstnerleksikon |
Weilburg | Weilburg |
Weiler | Weiler |
Weiler (bij Mayen) | Weiler, Mayen-Koblenz |
Weiler (bij Ulmen) | Weiler, Cochem-Zell |
Weiler (Vorarlberg) | Weiler, Austria |
Weilerbach (Luxemburg) | Weilerbach, Luxembourg |
Weiler-la-Tour | Weiler-la-Tour |
Weilersbach (Opper-Franken) | Weilersbach |
Weilheim (Baden) | Weilheim, Baden-Württemberg |
Weimar | Weimar (disambiguation) |
Weimar (Hessen) | Ahnatal-Weimar |
Weimar (Texas) | Weimar, Texas |
Weimarer Fürstengruft | Weimarer Fürstengruft |
Weimarrepubliek | Weimar Republic |
Weimarse staande hond | Weimaraner |
Wein | Wein |
Weinberg | Weinberg |
Weinbergen | Weinbergen |
Weinburg | Weinburg |
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen | Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV 12 |
Weiner (Arkansas) | Weiner, Arkansas |
Weinfelden (district) | Weinfelden District |
Weingarten (Baden) | Weingarten (Baden) |
Weingarten (Palts) | Weingarten, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Weingarten (Thüringen) | Weingarten, Thuringia |
Weingarten (Württemberg) | Weingarten, Württemberg |
Weiningen | Weiningen |
Weinmeisterstraße (metrostation) | Weinmeisterstraße (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Weinreb-ketonsynthese | Weinreb ketone synthesis |
Weinsheim | Weinsheim |
Weinsheim (bij Bad Kreuznach) | Weinsheim, Bad Kreuznach |
Weinsheim (Eifel) | Weinsheim, Bitburg-Prüm |
Weinstein | Weinstein |
Weintrauboa | Weintrauboa |
Weinviertel | Weinviertel |
Weipoort | Weipoort |
Weiproteïnepreparaat | Whey protein |
Weir | Weir (disambiguation) |
Weira | Weira |
Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine | Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine |
Weird Science | Weird Science (film) |
Weirton | Weirton, West Virginia |
Weischütz | Weischütz |
Weisel (Rijnland-Palts) | Weisel |
Weisen | Weisen |
Weisenheim | Weisenheim |
Weiser | Weiser, Idaho |
Weishi | Weishi County |
Weismannbarrière | Weismann barrier |
Weismes | Waimes |
Weissach | Weissach |
Weißandt-Gölzau | Weißandt-Gölzau |
Weißbach (Hohenlohe) | Weißbach, Baden-Württemberg |
Weißbach (Thüringen) | Weißbach, Thuringia |
Weiße Elster | Weisse Elster |
Weiße Rose | White Rose |
Weissenbach | Weissenbach |
Weißenbach (Inn) | Weißenbach (Hall in Tirol / Mils) |
Weißenberg | Weissenberg |
Weißenborn | Weißenborn |
Weißenborn (Burgenlandkreis) | Weißenborn, Saxony-Anhalt |
Weissenborn (gitaar) | Weissenborn |
Weißenborn (Gleichen) | Weißenborn, Lower Saxony |
Weißenborn (Hessen) | Weißenborn, Hesse |
Weißenborn (Holzland) | Weißenborn, Thuringia |
Weißenborn/Erzgeb. | Weißenborn, Saxony |
Weißenburg | Weissenburg |
Weißenburg in Bayern | Weißenburg in Bayern |
Weißenfels (stad) | Weissenfels |
Weißensee | Weißensee |
Weißensee (Beieren) | Weißensee (Füssen) |
Weissensee (meer) | Weissensee (Carinthia) |
Weissensee (plaats) | Weissensee, Austria |
Weißensee (Thüringen) | Weißensee, Thuringia |
Weißenseer FC | Weißenseer FC |
Weißenstein | Weißenstein |
Weißeritzkreis | Weißeritzkreis |
Weißewarte | Weißewarte |
Weisshorn | Weisshorn (disambiguation) |
Weisshorn (Graubünden) | Aroser Weisshorn |
Weisshorn (Wallis) | Weisshorn |
Weißkugel | Weißkugel |
Weißseespitze | Weißseespitze |
Weißwasser | Weißwasser |
Weißwurst | Weisswurst |
Weiten | Weiten |
Weitendorf (bij Brüel) | Weitendorf |
Weitendorf (Steiermark) | Weitendorf, Styria |
Weitenhagen (bij Greifswald) | Weitenhagen |
Weitenhagen (Vorpommern-Rügen) | Weitenhagen, Nordvorpommern |
Weiteveen | Weiteveen |
Weiwerd (dorp) | Weiwerd |
Weiz | Weiz (surname) |
Weiz (district) | Weiz District |
Weizhou | Weizhou Island |
Weizmann Instituut der Wetenschappen | Weizmann Institute of Science |
Wejherowo (gemeente) | Gmina Wejherowo |
Weka | Weka |
Weka (software) | Weka (machine learning) |
Weke delen | Soft tissue |
Wekker | Alarm clock |
Wekkertje | Omocestus viridulus |
Welaka | Welaka, Florida |
Welbike | Welbike |
Welby | Welby, Colorado |
Welch (West Virginia) | Welch, West Virginia |
Welcome (Minnesota) | Welcome, Minnesota |
Welcome Home | Welcome Home |
Welcome Home Armageddon | Welcome Home Armageddon |
Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael | Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael |
Welcome Interstate Managers | Welcome Interstate Managers |
Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas | Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign |
Welcome to Hell | Welcome to Hell |
Welcome to Mooseport | Welcome to Mooseport |
Welcome to My Life | Welcome to My Life |
Welcome to Paradise (Green Day) | Welcome to Paradise |
Welcome to Pooh Corner | Welcome to Pooh Corner |
Welcome to the Jungle | Welcome to the Jungle |
Welcome to the Rileys | Welcome to the Rileys |
Weld County | Weld County, Colorado |
Weldaad (Guyana) | Weldaad |
Welden (Augsburg) | Welden |
Weldon (Iowa) | Weldon, Iowa |
Weleda | Weleda |
Weleetka | Weleetka, Oklahoma |
Wele-Nzas | Wele-Nzas Province |
Welf II van Altdorf | Welf II, Count of Swabia |
Welf III | Welf, Duke of Carinthia |
Welf IV | Welf I, Duke of Bavaria |
Welf V | Welf II, Duke of Bavaria |
Welf VI der Welfen | Welf VI |
Welf VII | Welf VII |
Welfen | House of Welf |
Welfesholz | Welfesholz |
Welford | Welford |
Welfrange | Welfrange |
Welgedefinieerdheid | Well-defined |
Welgefundeerde relatie | Well-founded relation |
Welgeordendheid | Well-order |
Welgetempereerde stemming | Well temperament |
Welkomeilanden | Welcome Islands |
Well (Gelderland) | Well, Gelderland |
Well (Limburg) | Well, Limburg |
We'll Meet Again | We'll Meet Again |
Welland | Welland (disambiguation) |
Wellandkanaal | Welland Canal |
Welle | Welle |
Welle (Nedersaksen) | Welle, Germany |
Wellen | Wellen (disambiguation) |
Wellen (België) | Wellen |
Wellen (bij Magdeburg) | Wellen, Saxony-Anhalt |
Wellen (culinair) | Simmering |
Wellen (Mosel) | Wellen, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Wellenstein (gemeente) | Wellenstein |
Wellerlooi | Wellerlooi |
Welles Hoyt | William Hoyt (athlete) |
Wellesley (Massachusetts) | Wellesley, Massachusetts |
Welles-Pérennes | Welles-Pérennes |
Wellfleet | Wellfleet, Nebraska |
Welling | Welling (disambiguation) |
Welling (Duitsland) | Welling, Germany |
Welling United FC | Welling United F.C. |
Wellingborough (district) | Borough of Wellingborough |
Wellingholzhausen | Wellingholzhausen |
Wellington | Wellington (disambiguation) |
Wellington (Colorado) | Wellington, Colorado |
Wellington (Florida) | Wellington, Florida |
Wellington (Kansas) | Wellington, Kansas |
Wellington (Ohio) | Wellington, Ohio |
Wellington (regio) | Wellington Region |
Wellington (Shropshire) | Wellington, Shropshire |
Wellington (Somerset) | Wellington, Somerset |
Wellington (Texas) | Wellington, Texas |
Wellington (Utah) | Wellington, Utah |
Wellington (Zuid-Afrika) | Wellington, Western Cape |
Wellington Arch | Wellington Arch |
Wellington Council | Wellington Council (New South Wales) |
Wellington Luís de Sousa | Wellington Luís de Sousa |
Wellington Marist | Wellington Marist |
Wellington Nogueira Lopes | Wellington Nogueira Lopes |
Wellington Phoenix FC | Wellington Phoenix FC |
Wellington Shire | Shire of Wellington |
Wellington United | Wellington United |
Wellington-eiland | Wellington Island |
Wellingtonrenbaan | Hippodrome Wellington |
Welliton | Welliton |
Wellman | Wellman |
Wells | Wells (disambiguation) |
Wells (Verenigd Koninkrijk) | Wells |
Wells County | Wells County |
Wells County (Indiana) | Wells County, Indiana |
Wells County (North Dakota) | Wells County, North Dakota |
Wells Fargo Center | Wells Fargo Center |
Wells Fargo Center (Los Angeles) | Wells Fargo Center (Los Angeles) |
Wells Fargo Center (Minneapolis) | Wells Fargo Center (Minneapolis) |
Wells Fargo Center (Philadelphia) | Wells Fargo Center (Philadelphia) |
Wells Fargo Center (Salt Lake City) | Wells Fargo Center (Salt Lake City) |
Wells Fargo Plaza | Wells Fargo Plaza (Houston) |
Wells Fargo Tower (Birmingham) | Wells Fargo Tower (Birmingham) |
Wells Gray Provincial Park | Wells Gray Provincial Park |
Wellsboro | Wellsboro, Pennsylvania |
Wellsburg | Wellsburg |
Wellsburg (West Virginia) | Wellsburg, West Virginia |
Wellsturbine | Wells turbine |
Wellsville | Wellsville |
Wellsville (Kansas) | Wellsville, Kansas |
Wellton | Wellton, Arizona |
Welmbüttel | Welmbüttel |
Weloganiet | Weloganite |
Welordeningsstelling | Well-ordering theorem |
Welpen (scouting) | Cub Scout |
Welriekende ganzenvoet | Dysphania ambrosioides |
Welriekende lathyrus | Sweet pea |
Welriekende muggenorchis | Gymnadenia odoratissima |
Welriekende nachtorchis | Platanthera bifolia |
Welriekende salomonszegel | Polygonatum odoratum |
Wels | Wels (disambiguation) |
Wels (stad) | Wels |
Welsberg-Taisten | Welsberg-Taisten |
Welscheid | Welscheid |
Welschnofen | Welschnofen |
Welsh (taal) | Welsh language |
Welsh (volk) | Welsh people |
Welsh corgi Cardigan | Cardigan Welsh Corgi |
Welsh corgi Pembroke | Pembroke Welsh Corgi |
Welsh Marches | Welsh Marches |
Welsh Open (snooker) | Welsh Open (snooker) |
Welsh pony | Welsh Pony and Cob |
Welsh Romani | Welsh-Romani language |
Welsh rugbyteam | Wales national rugby union team |
Welsh terriër | Welsh Terrier |
Welsh voetbalelftal | Wales national football team |
Welsh vrouwenvoetbalelftal | Wales women's national football team |
Welshe literatuur | Medieval Welsh literature |
Welshe mythologie | Welsh mythology |
Welshe voetbalbeker | Welsh Cup |
Welshe voetbalbond | Football Association of Wales |
Welshpool Town | Welshpool Town F.C. |
Wels-Land | Wels-Land District |
Welsleben | Welsleben |
Welsrijp | Wjelsryp |
Welsumer | Welsummer |
Welt | Welt, Germany |
Welt am Draht | Welt am Draht |
Weltbild | Weltbild |
Weltergewicht | Welterweight |
Weltklasse Zürich | Weltklasse Zürich |
Welton | Welton |
Welton (Iowa) | Welton, Iowa |
Weltpolitik | Weltpolitik |
Welvaart | Prosperity |
Welvaartseconomie | Welfare economics |
Welvaartsevangelie | Prosperity theology |
Welvingsklep | Flap (aircraft) |
Welwitschia | Welwitschia |
Welwitschvleermuis | Welwitsch's bat |
Welwyn | Welwyn |
Welwyn Hatfield | Welwyn Hatfield |
Welzow | Welzow |
Wem | Wem |
Wemaarskappel | Wemaers-Cappel |
Wembley Conference Centre | Wembley Conference Centre |
Wembley Park (metrostation) | Wembley Park tube station |
Wembley Stadium | Wembley Stadium |
Wemeldinge | Wemeldinge |
Wemyss Bay | Wemyss Bay |
Wen | Wen |
Wen Tianxiang | Wen Tianxiang |
Wenatchee | Wenatchee, Washington |
Wenceslas Cobergher | Wenceslas Cobergher |
Wenceslas Hollar | Wenceslaus Hollar |
Wenceslaskroon | Crown of Saint Wenceslas |
Wenceslau Guimarães | Wenceslau Guimarães |
Wenceslaus | Wenceslaus |
Wenceslaus (Rooms-koning) | Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia |
Wenceslaus de Heilige | Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia |
Wenceslaus I van Bohemen (koning) | Wenceslaus I of Bohemia |
Wenceslaus I van Legnica | Wenceslaus I of Legnica |
Wenceslaus I van Luxemburg | Wenceslaus I, Duke of Luxembourg |
Wenceslaus I van Teschen | Wenceslaus I, Duke of Cieszyn |
Wenceslaus I van Troppau | Wenceslaus I, Duke of Opava |
Wenceslaus I van Zator | Wenceslaus I of Zator |
Wenceslaus II van Bohemen (hertog) | Wenceslaus II, Duke of Bohemia |
Wenceslaus II van Bohemen (koning) | Wenceslaus II of Bohemia |
Wenceslaus II van Legnica | Wenceslaus II of Legnica |
Wenceslaus II van Zator | Wenceslaus II of Zator |
Wenceslaus III Adam van Teschen | Wenceslaus III Adam, Duke of Cieszyn |
Wenceslaus III van Bohemen | Wenceslaus III of Bohemia |
Wenceslaus III van Oława | Wenceslaus III of Oława |
Wenceslaus van Falkenburg | Wenceslaus of Niemodlin |
Wenceslaus van Oostenrijk | Archduke Wenceslaus of Austria |
Wenceslaus van Saksen | Wenceslaus I, Duke of Saxe-Wittenberg |
Wenceslaus van Żagań | Wenceslaus of Żagań |
Wenceslausplein | Wenceslas Square |
Wenche Myhre | Wenche Myhre |
Wencheng | Wencheng |
Wencheng (prinses) | Princess Wencheng |
Wenchi | Wenchi |
Wenda Gu | Gu Wenda |
Wendat (volk) | Wyandot people |
Wenddorf | Wenddorf |
Wende | Wende |
Wende (DDR) | Die Wende |
Wende Snijders | Wende (singer) |
Wendel Fräser | Wendel Fräser |
Wendel Geraldo Maurício e Silva | Wendel Geraldo |
Wendelinus | Wendelin of Trier |
Wendell | Wendell |
Wendell Logan | Wendell Logan |
Wendelstein (berg) | Wendelstein (mountain) |
Wendelstein (Middel-Franken) | Wendelstein, Bavaria |
Wendelsteinbahn | Wendelstein Rack Railway |
Wendemark | Wendemark |
Wenden | Wenden |
Wenden (Arizona) | Wenden, Arizona |
Wenden (Sauerland) | Wenden (Sauerland) |
Wenden (zeilen) | Tacking (sailing) |
Wendi Richter | Wendi Richter |
Wendingen | Wendingen |
Wendisch Baggendorf | Wendisch Baggendorf |
Wendisch Evern | Wendisch Evern |
Wendisch Priborn | Wendisch Priborn |
Wendisch Waren | Wendisch Waren |
Wendland | Wendland (disambiguation) |
Wendling | Wendling (disambiguation) |
Wendlingen am Neckar | Wendlingen |
Wendorf | Wendorf |
Wendorf (bij Stralsund) | Wendorf, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Wendover | Wendover (disambiguation) |
Wendover (Engeland) | Wendover |
Wendover (Utah) | Wendover, Utah |
Wendt | Wendt |
Wendt & Kühn | Wendt & Kühn |
Wendtorf | Wendtorf |
Wenduine | Wenduine |
Wendy and Lisa | Wendy & Lisa |
Wendy Benson | Wendy Benson |
Wendy Brown | Wendy Brown (political scientist) |
Wendy Fitzwilliam | Wendy Fitzwilliam |
Wendy Glenn | Wendy Glenn |
Wendy Jans | Wendy Jans |
Wendy Moniz | Wendy Moniz |
Wendy Richard | Wendy Richard |
Wendy Schat | Wendy Darling |
Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior | Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior |
Wendy's | Wendy's |
Wenedyk | Wenedyk |
Weneg | Weneg (pharaoh) |
Wenen | Vienna |
Weng (Isar) | Weng, Bavaria |
Wengé | Millettia laurentii |
Wengelsdorf | Wengelsdorf |
Wengen | Wengen |
Wengernalpbahn | Wengernalp railway |
Wenkbach | Wenkbach |
Wenkbrauw | Eyebrow |
Wenkbrauwalbatros | Black-browed Albatross |
Wenkbrauwbuulbuul | Yellow-vented Bulbul |
Wenkbrauweend | Pacific Black Duck |
Wenkbrauwkuiftangare | Scarlet-browed Tanager |
Wenkbrauwpiercing | Eyebrow piercing |
Wenkbrauwtinamoe | Pale-browed Tinamou |
Wenker-aziridinesynthese | Wenker synthesis |
Wenkkrabben | Fiddler crab |
Wenkpootje | Rainbow Whiptail |
Wenling Tan-Monfardini | Wenling Tan Monfardini |
Wenlock | Wenlock |
Wenlock (tijdperk) | Wenlock (Silurian) |
Wenlock Olympian Society Annual Games | Wenlock Olympian Games |
Wennbüttel | Wennbüttel |
Wennigsen (Deister) | Wennigsen |
Wenningstedt-Braderup (Sylt) | Wenningstedt-Braderup |
Wennington | Wennington |
Wennington (Lancashire) | Wennington, Lancashire |
Wenonah | Wenonah |
Wens | Wish |
Wensboom | Wish Tree |
Wenshan | Wenshan |
Wensin | Wensin |
Wenskaart | Greeting card |
Wentelteefje | French toast |
Wentorf | Wentorf |
Wentorf (Amt Sandesneben) | Wentorf, Sandesneben |
Wentorf bei Hamburg | Wentorf bei Hamburg |
Wentworth (North Carolina) | Wentworth, North Carolina |
Wentworth Shire Council | Wentworth Shire |
Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin-benadering | WKB approximation |
Wentzville | Wentzville, Missouri |
Wenwen Han | Wenwen Han |
Wenze | Wenze, Klötze |
Wenzel Anton von Kaunitz | Wenzel Anton, Prince of Kaunitz-Rietberg |
Wenzendorf | Wenzendorf |
Wenzhouhua | Wenzhounese |
Wenzhuan | Wenquan, Golmud |
Wenzlow | Wenzlow |
Weomadus | Wermad |
Wepener | Wepener |
Wépion | Wépion |
Wepsen | Vepsians |
Wepsisch | Veps language |
Wepwawet | Wepwawet |
Werbellinsee | Werbellinsee |
Werben | Werben |
Werben (Elbe) | Werben (Elbe) |
Werben (Spreewald) | Werben (Spreewald) |
Werbkowice (gemeente) | Gmina Werbkowice |
Werda (Botswana) | Werda, Botswana |
Werden | Werden (disambiguation) |
Werdenberg | Werdenberg (Wahlkreis) |
Werder | Werder |
Werder (bij Altentreptow) | Werder, Demmin |
Werder (bij Lübz) | Werder, Parchim |
Werder Bremen | Werder Bremen |
Werdum | Werdum |
We're No Angels | We're No Angels (1989 film) |
We're Not in Kansas Anymore | We're Not in Kansas Anymore |
Wereld | World (disambiguation) |
Wereld (Aarde) | World |
Wereld Agudath Israël | World Agudath Israel |
Wereld Diabetesdag | World Diabetes Day |
Wereld Meteorologische Organisatie | World Meteorological Organization |
Wereld Oceanen Dag | World Oceans Day |
Wereld Sociaal Forum | World Social Forum |
Wereld Supercup | Intercontinental Champions' Supercup |
Wereld van Harry Potter | Harry Potter universe |
Wereld van Het Lied van IJs en Vuur | World of A Song of Ice and Fire |
Wereld van Waanzin | Darkover Landfall |
Wereldaidsdag | World AIDS Day |
Wereldbank | World Bank |
Wereldbeeld | World view |
Wereldbeker | World Cup |
Wereldbeker alpineskiën | FIS Alpine Ski World Cup |
Wereldbeker biatlon | Biathlon World Cup |
Wereldbeker biatlon 2012/2013 | 2012–13 Biathlon World Cup |
Wereldbeker bobsleeën | List of Bobsleigh World Cup champions |
Wereldbeker bobsleeën 2010/2011 | 2010–11 Bobsleigh World Cup |
Wereldbeker freestyleskiën | FIS Freestyle Skiing World Cup |
Wereldbeker freestyleskiën 2008/2009 | 2008–09 FIS Freestyle Skiing World Cup |
Wereldbeker langlaufen | FIS Cross-Country World Cup |
Wereldbeker langlaufen 2012/2013 | 2012–13 FIS Cross-Country World Cup |
Wereldbeker mountainbike | UCI Mountain Bike World Cup |
Wereldbeker mountainbike 2009 | 2009 UCI Mountain Bike World Cup |
Wereldbeker noordse combinatie | FIS Nordic Combined World Cup |
Wereldbeker noordse combinatie 2012/2013 | 2012–13 FIS Nordic Combined World Cup |
Wereldbeker rodelen | List of Luge World Cup champions |
Wereldbeker roeien | World Rowing Cup |
Wereldbeker schaatsen | ISU Speed Skating World Cup |
Wereldbeker schaatsen 2012/2013 | 2012–13 ISU Speed Skating World Cup |
Wereldbeker schansspringen | FIS Ski Jumping World Cup |
Wereldbeker schansspringen 2007/2008 | 2007–08 FIS Ski Jumping World Cup |
Wereldbeker shorttrack | ISU Short Track Speed Skating World Cup |
Wereldbeker shorttrack 2012/2013 | 2012–13 ISU Short Track Speed Skating World Cup |
Wereldbeker skeleton | List of Skeleton World Cup champions |
Wereldbeker snelwandelen | IAAF World Race Walking Cup |
Wereldbeker snowboarden | FIS Snowboard World Cup |
Wereldbeker tafeltennis | Table Tennis World Cup |
Wereldbeker veldrijden | UCI Cyclo-cross World Cup |
Wereldbeker voetbal | Intercontinental Cup |
Wereldbeker voetbal vrouwen | Mobcast Cup International Women's Club Championship |
Wereldbeker waterpolo | FINA Water Polo World Cup |
Wereldbeker wielrennen | UCI Road World Cup |
Wereldbeker zwemmen | FINA Swimming World Cup |
Wereldbeker zwemmen 2013 | 2013 FINA Swimming World Cup |
Wereldbevolking | World population |
Wereldbevolkingsdag | World Population Day |
Wereldbladroller | Crocidosema plebejana |
Wereldboekendag | World Book Day |
Wereldbond van Hervormde/Gereformeerde Kerken | World Alliance of Reformed Churches |
Werelddag zonder tabak | World No Tobacco Day |
Werelddeel | Continent |
Werelddiergeneeskundejaar 2011 | World Veterinary Year 2011 |
Werelddouaneorganisatie | World Customs Organization |
Wereldeconomie | World economy |
Wereldelftal van de twintigste eeuw | World Team of the 20th Century |
Werelderfgoedlijst | World Heritage Site |
Werelderfgoedlijst voor documenten | Memory of the World Programme |
Wereldfederatie van Bijbelgenootschappen | Bible society |
Wereldfederatie van democratische jeugd | World Federation of Democratic Youth |
Wereldfestival voor jeugd en studenten | World Festival of Youth and Students |
Wereldgezondheidsdag | World Health Day |
Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie | World Health Organization |
Wereldhandelsorganisatie | World Trade Organization |
Wereld-IPv6-dag | World IPv6 Day and World IPv6 Launch Day |
Wereldjaar van de Natuurkunde | World Year of Physics 2005 |
Wereldjongerendagen | World Youth Day |
Wereldkaart | World map |
Wereldkalender | The World Calendar |
Wereldkampioenen in het alpineskiën | List of Alpine Skiing world champions |
Wereldkampioenschap | World championship |
Wereldkampioenschap atletiek op de weg 2007 | 2007 IAAF World Road Running Championships |
Wereldkampioenschap backgammon | List of World Backgammon champions |
Wereldkampioenschap basketbal | FIBA Basketball World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap basketbal vrouwen | FIBA World Championship for Women |
Wereldkampioenschap basketbal vrouwen 2014 | 2014 FIBA World Championship for Women |
Wereldkampioenschap cricket | Cricket World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap cricket 1996 | 1996 Cricket World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap curling | World Curling Championships |
Wereldkampioenschap curling vrouwen 2007 | 2007 World Women's Curling Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap dammen | List of Draughts World Championship winners |
Wereldkampioenschap Debatteren voor Universiteiten | World Universities Debating Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap driebanden | UMB World Three-cushion Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap driebanden voor landenteams | UMB World Three-cushion Championship for National Teams |
Wereldkampioenschap duatlon korte afstand | ITU Duathlon World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschap halve marathon | IAAF World Half Marathon Championships |
Wereldkampioenschap halve marathon 1996 | 1996 IAAF World Half Marathon Championships |
Wereldkampioenschap handbal | World Handball Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap handbal junioren mannen - 2013 | 2013 Men's Junior World Handball Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap handbal mannen | World Men's Handball Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap handbal mannen 1958 | 1958 World Men's Handball Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap handbal vrouwen | World Women's Handball Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap handbal vrouwen 2003 | 2003 World Women's Handball Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap hockey | Hockey World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap hockey mannen 1994 | 1994 Men's Hockey World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap honkbal | Baseball World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap honkbal 2007 | 2007 Baseball World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap honkbal onder 12 | 12U Baseball World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap honkbal vrouwen | Women's Baseball World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap ijshockey | Ice Hockey World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschap indoor hockey mannen - 2011 | 2011 Men's Indoor Hockey World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap korfbal | IKF Korfball World Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap lacrosse (mannen) | World Lacrosse Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap lacrosse (vrouwen) | Women's Lacrosse World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap motorcross | Motocross World Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap oriëntatielopen | World Orienteering Championships |
Wereldkampioenschap quizzen | World Quizzing Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap rally | World Rally Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap rugby | Rugby World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap rugby 2007 | 2007 Rugby World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap rugby league | Rugby League World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap schaatsen allround | World All-Round Speed Skating Championships |
Wereldkampioenschap schaken | List of World Chess Champions |
Wereldkampioenschap schaken 2000 (FIDE) | FIDE World Chess Championship 2000 |
Wereldkampioenschap schaken junioren | World Youth Chess Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap schaken voor landenteams | World Team Chess Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap schaken vrouwen | Women's World Chess Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap shorttrack (individueel) | World Short Track Speed Skating Championships |
Wereldkampioenschap strandvoetbal | FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap superbike | Superbike World Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap superbike 2003 | 2003 Superbike World Championship season |
Wereldkampioenschap Supersport | Supersport World Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap Supersport 2009 | 2009 Supersport World Championship season |
Wereldkampioenschap triatlon 2010 | 2010 ITU World Championship Series |
Wereldkampioenschap triatlon op de lange afstand | ITU Long Distance Triathlon World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschap triatlon op de sprint afstand 2010 | 2010 ITU Sprint Distance Triathlon World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschap Twenty20 2009 | 2009 ICC World Twenty20 |
Wereldkampioenschap Twenty20 vrouwen 2010 | 2010 ICC Women's World Twenty20 |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal | FIFA World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2006 (kwalificatie) | 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2006/Groep B | 2006 FIFA World Cup Group B |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2010 | 2010 FIFA World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2010 (kwalificatie AFC) | 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification (AFC) |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2010 (kwalificatie CAF) | 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification (CAF) |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2010 (kwalificatie CONCACAF) | 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification (CONCACAF) |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2010 groep C | 2010 FIFA World Cup Group C |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2010 groep D | 2010 FIFA World Cup Group D |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2010 groep E | 2010 FIFA World Cup Group E |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2010 groep F | 2010 FIFA World Cup Group F |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2010 groep G | 2010 FIFA World Cup Group G |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2010 groep H | 2010 FIFA World Cup Group H |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal onder 17 - 1987 | 1987 FIFA U-16 World Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal onder 20 | FIFA U-20 World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal voor clubs | FIFA Club World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal voor clubs 2012 | 2012 FIFA Club World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal vrouwen | FIFA Women's World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal vrouwen 2011 | 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal vrouwen onder 17 | FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap voetbal vrouwen onder 20 - 2014 | 2014 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap volleybal | FIVB Volleyball World Championship |
Wereldkampioenschap wegrace | Grand Prix motorcycle racing |
Wereldkampioenschap wegrace 2009 | 2009 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season |
Wereldkampioenschap wegrace klasse 50 cc | 50 cc Grand Prix motorcycle racing |
Wereldkampioenschap zaalvoetbal | FIFA Futsal World Cup |
Wereldkampioenschap zijspan | Sidecar World Championship |
Wereldkampioenschappen alpineskiën | FIS Alpine World Ski Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen atletiek | IAAF World Championships in Athletics |
Wereldkampioenschappen atletiek 2013 | 2013 World Championships in Athletics |
Wereldkampioenschappen atletiek voor junioren | IAAF World Junior Championships in Athletics |
Wereldkampioenschappen baanwielrennen | UCI Track Cycling World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen badminton | BWF World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen badminton 2013 | 2013 BWF World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen badminton 2013/Mannen enkelspel | 2013 BWF World Championships – Men's singles |
Wereldkampioenschappen badminton 2013/Vrouwen enkelspel | 2013 BWF World Championships – Women's singles |
Wereldkampioenschappen badminton junioren | BWF World Junior Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen badminton junioren 2010 | 2010 BWF World Junior Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen beachvolleybal | FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen biatlon | Biathlon World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen biatlon 2012 | Biathlon World Championships 2012 |
Wereldkampioenschappen BMX | UCI BMX World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen bobsleeën | FIBT World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen boogschieten | World Archery Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen floorball | Floorball World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen freestyleskiën | FIS Freestyle World Ski Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen freestyleskiën 2007 | FIS Freestyle World Ski Championships 2007 |
Wereldkampioenschappen gewichtheffen | World Weightlifting Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen indoor atletiek | IAAF World Indoor Championships in Athletics |
Wereldkampioenschappen indoor atletiek 1985 | 1985 IAAF World Indoor Games |
Wereldkampioenschappen judo | World Judo Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen judo 1991 | 1991 World Judo Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen kanoslalom | ICF Canoe Slalom World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen kanosprint | ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen kortebaanzwemmen | FINA World Swimming Championships (25 m) |
Wereldkampioenschappen kunstschaatsen | World Figure Skating Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen kunstschaatsen junioren | World Junior Figure Skating Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen kunstschaatsen junioren 2010 | 2010 World Junior Figure Skating Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen moderne vijfkamp | World Modern Pentathlon Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen mountainbike | UCI Mountain Bike & Trials World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen noords skiën | FIS Nordic World Ski Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen noords skiën 2013 | FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2013 |
Wereldkampioenschappen noordse combinatie | List of FIS Nordic World Ski Championships medalists in Nordic combined |
Wereldkampioenschappen openwaterzwemmen | FINA World Open Water Swimming Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen ritmische gymnastiek | World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen rodelen | FIL World Luge Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen roeien | World Rowing Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen roeien 2009 | 2009 World Rowing Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen schaatsen afstanden | World Single Distance Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen schaatsen afstanden 2003 | 2003 World Single Distance Speed Skating Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen schaatsen allround 2012 | 2012 World Allround Speed Skating Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen schaatsen junioren | World Junior Speed Skating Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen schaatsen sprint | World Sprint Speed Skating Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen schermen | World Fencing Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen shorttrack 2013 | 2013 World Short Track Speed Skating Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen skivliegen | FIS Ski-Flying World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen skivliegen 2008 | FIS Ski-Flying World Championships 2008 |
Wereldkampioenschappen snowboarden | FIS Snowboard World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen tafeltennis | World Table Tennis Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen turnen | World Artistic Gymnastics Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen veldlopen | IAAF World Cross Country Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen veldrijden | UCI Cyclo-cross World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen veldrijden 2007 | 2007 UCI Cyclo-cross World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen waterpolo | Water polo at the World Aquatics Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen waterpolo 2013 | Water polo at the 2013 World Aquatics Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen wielrennen | UCI Road World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen zeilen | ISAF Sailing World Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen zwemmen 2001 | 2001 World Aquatics Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen zwemmen jeugd | FINA World Junior Swimming Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen zwemmen jeugd 2006 | 2006 FINA Youth World Swimming Championships |
Wereldkampioenschappen zwemsporten | FINA World Aquatics Championships |
Wereldkeeper van het jaar | IFFHS World's Best Goalkeeper |
Wereldkristal | World crystal |
Wereldlijn | World line |
Wereldmuziek | World music |
Wereldoorlog | World War |
Wereldorganisatie Tegen Marteling | World Organisation Against Torture |
Wereldorganisatie voor de Intellectuele Eigendom | World Intellectual Property Organization |
Wereldorganisatie voor diergezondheid | World Organisation for Animal Health |
Wereldpostunie | Universal Postal Union |
Wereldraad van Kerken | World Council of Churches |
Wereldrecord | World record |
Wereldregering | World government |
Wereldreligie | Major religious groups |
Wereldrevolutie | World revolution |
Wereldruiterspelen | FEI World Equestrian Games |
Wereldruiterspelen 2006 | 2006 FEI World Equestrian Games |
Wereldsnelheidsrecord op land | Land speed record |
Wereldspelen | World Games |
Wereldspelen 2013 | World Games 2013 |
Wereldstad | Global city |
Wereldstekker | AC adapter |
Wereld-systeemtheorie | World-systems theory |
Wereldtaal | Universal language |
Wereldtentoonstelling | World's Fair |
Wereldtentoonstelling van 1873 | Weltausstellung 1873 Wien |
Wereldtentoonstelling van 1930 (Luik) | Exposition of 1930 (Liège) |
Werelduurrecord (atletiek) | One hour run |
Werelduurrecord (wielrennen) | Hour record |
Wereldverbond van de Arbeid | World Confederation of Labour |
Wereldverbond van Verenigingen voor de Verenigde Naties | World Federation of United Nations Associations |
Wereldvereniging van Boeddhisten | World Fellowship of Buddhists |
Wereldvereniging van Katholieke Scouts | International Catholic Conference of Scouting |
Wereldvluchtelingendag | World Refugee Day |
Wereldvoedseldag | World Food Day |
Wereldvoedselprijs | World Food Prize |
Wereldvoedselprogramma | World Food Programme |
Wereldvoetballer van het jaar | FIFA World Player of the Year |
Wereldvredesraad | World Peace Council |
Wereldwaterdag | World Water Day |
Wereldwinkel | Worldshop |
Wereldwonderen | Wonders of the World |
Wereldzaadbank op Spitsbergen | Svalbard Global Seed Vault |
Wereldziel | Anima mundi |
Wereldzwerver | Pantala flavescens |
Wereldzwervers | Pantala |
Werethekau | Werethekau |
Werewere Liking | Werewere Liking |
Werewolf: The Forsaken | Werewolf: The Forsaken |
Wéris | Wéris |
Werk | Werk |
Werk in uitvoering | Roadwork |
Werkbalk | Toolbar |
Werkbank | Workbench |
Werkcollege | Seminar |
Werkdag | Business day |
Werkelektrode | Working electrode |
Werkelijke oneindigheid | Actual infinity |
Werkelijke Tegenwoordigheid | Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist |
Werkelijkheid | Reality |
Werken | Labour |
Werken (Kortemark) | Werken |
Werken en Dagen | Works and Days |
Werkgeheugen (mens) | Working memory |
Werkgever | Employer |
Werkgeversvereniging | Employers' organization |
Werkgroep | Working group |
Werkhoven | Werkhoven |
Werkkapitaal | Working capital |
Werkkleding | Workwear |
Werklijn | Line of action |
Werkloosheid | Unemployment |
Werkloosheidsuitkering | Unemployment benefits |
Werkman | Werkman |
Werknemer | Employee |
Werknemersoptie | Employee stock option |
Werkplaats | Workshop |
Werkstation | Workstation |
Werkster (beroep) | Domestic worker |
Werkstraf | Penal labour |
Werktaal | Working language |
Werktitel | Working title |
Werktuigbouwkunde | Mechanical engineering |
Werktuigmachine | Machine tool |
Werkvergunning | Work permit |
Werkverschaffing | Public works |
Werkweek | Working time |
Werkwoord | Verb |
Werkwoordserialisering | Serial verb construction |
Werkwoordstijd | Tense (grammar) |
Werkzame doorsnede | Cross section (physics) |
Werlaburgdorf | Werlaburgdorf |
Werlte (Emsland) | Werlte |
Wernau (Neckar) | Wernau |
Wernberg | Wernberg |
Wernburg | Wernburg |
Werner | Werner |
Werner Forssmann | Werner Forssmann |
Werner Franke | Werner Franke |
Werner Greuter | Werner Greuter |
Werner Henke | Werner Henke |
Werner Hildenbrand | Werner Hildenbrand |
Werner Janssen | Werner Janssen (philosopher) |
Werner Kaegi (geschiedkundige) | Werner Kaegi |
Werner Krämer | Werner Krämer |
Werner Leich | Werner Leich |
Werner Meyer | Werner Meyer |
Werner Peters | Werner Peters |
Werner Pirchner | Werner Pirchner |
Werner Teske | Werner Teske |
Werner Thissen | Werner Thissen |
Werner Tübke | Werner Tübke |
Werner Ungerer | Werner Ungerer |
Werner van Oberwesel | Werner of Oberwesel |
Werner van Walbeck | Werner, Margrave of the Nordmark |
Werner von Bolton | Werner von Bolton |
Werner von Melle | Werner von Melle |
Werner von Siemens | Ernst Werner von Siemens |
Werner von Trapp | Werner von Trapp |
Werner Voss | Werner Voss |
Werneria (dier) | Werneria |
Wernersdorf (Steiermark) | Wernersdorf |
Wernersville | Wernersville, Pennsylvania |
Werningshausen | Werningshausen |
Wernshausen | Wernshausen |
Wernstedt | Wernstedt |
Weronika Książkiewicz | Weronika Książkiewicz |
Werpeloh | Werpeloh |
Werper | Pitcher (baseball) |
Werphaak | Pike pole |
Werpmes | Throwing knife |
Werpspoel | Shuttle (weaving) |
Werra-Meißner-Kreis | Werra-Meißner-Kreis Rural District |
Werst | Verst |
Wertach (rivier) | Wertach (river) |
Wertheim | Wertheim |
Wertheim am Main | Wertheim am Main |
Werther | Werther (disambiguation) |
Werther (opera) | Werther |
Werther (Thüringen) | Werther, Thuringia |
Werther (Westfalen) | Werther, North Rhine-Westphalia |
Werther's Original | Werther's Original |
Wervel (anatomie) | Vertebra |
Wervelkanaalstenose | Spinal stenosis |
Wervelkolom | Vertebral column |
Wervelplank | Long spine board |
Wervelstroom | Eddy current |
Wervelstroomscheiding | Eddy current separator |
Werving en selectie | Recruitment |
Werwolf (Führerhauptquartier) | Werwolf (Wehrmacht HQ) |
Wes | Wes Madiko |
Wes Brisco | Wes Brisco |
Wes Craven's New Nightmare | Wes Craven's New Nightmare |
Wes Newton | Wes Newton |
Wesenberg | Wesenberg |
Wesenberg (Holstein) | Wesenberg, Schleswig-Holstein |
Wesenberg (Mecklenburg) | Wesenberg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Wesendonck-Lieder | Wesendonck Lieder |
Wesendorf | Wesendorf |
Weserbergland | Weser Uplands |
Weser-Ems | Weser-Ems |
Weserstuwdam | Lake Eupen |
Wesertunnel | Weser Tunnel |
Weskus | West Coast District Municipality |
Weslaco | Weslaco, Texas |
Wesley (Iowa) | Wesley, Iowa |
Wesley C. Skiles | Wesley C. Skiles |
Wesley Chapel | Wesley Chapel |
Wesley Chapel (Florida) | Wesley Chapel, Florida |
Wesley Crusher | Wesley Crusher |
Wesley de Ruiter | Wesley de Ruiter |
Wesley Korir | Wesley Korir |
Wesley Lautoa | Wesley Lautoa |
Wesoła (Warschau) | Wesoła |
Wesolowskana | Wesolowskana |
Wespe (artillerie) | Wespe |
Wespelaar | Wespelaar |
Wespen (Börde) | Wespen |
Wespendief | European Honey Buzzard |
Wespenorchis | Epipactis |
Wespentaille | Wasp waist |
Wespspin | Argiope bruennichi |
Wespvlinders | Sesiidae |
Wess Johnson | Wess |
Wessel Gansfort | Wessel Gansfort |
Wesselburen | Wesselburen |
Wesselburener Deichhausen | Wesselburener Deichhausen |
Wesseln | Wesseln |
Wessem | Wessem |
Wessex Trains | Wessex Trains |
Wessex-cultuur | Wessex culture |
Wessin | Wessin |
Wessington Springs | Wessington Springs, South Dakota |
West | West |
West (doorverwijspagina) | West (disambiguation) |
West (sigarettenmerk) | West (cigarette) |
West (Texas) | West, Texas |
West Acton | West Acton tube station |
West Adelaide SC | West Adelaide SC |
West Air Sweden | West Air Sweden |
West Allis | West Allis, Wisconsin |
West Asian Football Federation Championship | WAFF Championship |
West Asian Football Federation Championship 2002 | 2002 West Asian Football Federation Championship |
West Athens | West Athens, California |
West Autobahn | West Autobahn |
West Baden Springs | West Baden Springs, Indiana |
West Baton Rouge Parish | West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana |
West Beka | Western Beqaa District |
West Bend (Iowa) | West Bend, Iowa |
West Bend (Wisconsin) | West Bend, Wisconsin |
West Bloomfield Township | West Bloomfield Township, Michigan |
West Branch | West Branch |
West Branch (Michigan) | West Branch, Michigan |
West Bromwich Albion FC | West Bromwich Albion F.C. |
West Burlington | West Burlington, Iowa |
West Caldwell | West Caldwell, New Jersey |
West Caribbean Airways | West Caribbean Airways |
West Caribbean Airways-vlucht 708 | West Caribbean Airways Flight 708 |
West Carroll Parish | West Carroll Parish, Louisiana |
West Carson | West Carson, California |
West Chester (Pennsylvania) | West Chester, Pennsylvania |
West Chicago | West Chicago, Illinois |
West Coast (Nieuw-Zeeland) | West Coast Region |
West Coast blues | West Coast blues |
West Coast Choppers | West Coast Choppers |
West Coast Council | West Coast Council |
West Coast Customs | West Coast Customs |
West Coast Division | West Coast Division |
West Coast Jazz | West Coast jazz |
West Compton (Californië) | West Rancho Dominguez, California |
West Concord | West Concord |
West Covina | West Covina, California |
West Des Moines | West Des Moines, Iowa |
West End | West End |
West End (Londen) | West End of London |
West Fargo | West Fargo, North Dakota |
West Feliciana Parish | West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana |
West Finchley | West Finchley tube station |
West Fourth Street-Washington Square (metrostation) | West Fourth Street – Washington Square (New York City Subway) |
West Frankfort | West Frankfort, Illinois |
West Glamorgan | West Glamorgan |
West Grinstead | West Grinstead |
West Ham | West Ham |
West Ham United FC | West Ham United F.C. |
West Hamlin | West Hamlin, West Virginia |
West Hampstead | West Hampstead station |
West Hampstead (metrostation) | West Hampstead tube station |
West Hanahai | West Hanahai |
West Harptree | West Harptree |
West Hartford | West Hartford, Connecticut |
West Haven (Connecticut) | West Haven, Connecticut |
West Helena | West Helena, Arkansas |
West Highland Line | West Highland Line |
West Highland white terriër | West Highland White Terrier |
West Hills | West Hills |
West Hollywood | West Hollywood, California |
West India Quay (metrostation) | West India Quay DLR station |
West Island | West Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
West Jefferson | West Jefferson |
West Jordan | West Jordan, Utah |
West Kensington (metrostation) | West Kensington tube station |
West Lafayette (Indiana) | West Lafayette, Indiana |
West Lebanon | West Lebanon, Indiana |
West Liberty (Kentucky) | West Liberty, Kentucky |
West Liberty (Ohio) | West Liberty, Ohio |
West Liberty (West Virginia) | West Liberty, West Virginia |
West Lindsey | West Lindsey |
West London Line | West London Line |
West Memphis | West Memphis, Arkansas |
West Miami | West Miami, Florida |
West Midlands | West Midlands |
West Midlands (graafschap) | West Midlands (county) |
West Midlands (regio) | West Midlands (region) |
West Midlands Regional League | West Midlands (Regional) League |
West Milford (New Jersey) | West Milford, New Jersey |
West Milwaukee | West Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
West New Britain | West New Britain Province |
West New York | West New York, New Jersey |
West Newbury (Massachusetts) | West Newbury, Massachusetts |
West Norwood | West Norwood |
West Orange (New Jersey) | West Orange, New Jersey |
West Palm Beach | West Palm Beach, Florida |
West Park | West Park |
West Paterson | Woodland Park, New Jersey |
West Pensacola | West Pensacola, Florida |
West Plains | West Plains, Missouri |
West Point | West Point (disambiguation) |
West Point (academie) | United States Military Academy at West Point |
West Point (film) | West Point (film) |
West Point (Mississippi) | West Point, Mississippi |
West Point (Nebraska) | West Point, Nebraska |
West Point (New York) | West Point, New York |
West Point-eiland | West Point Island |
West Puente Valley | West Puente Valley, California |
West Quoddy Head | West Quoddy Head Light |
West Rand District Municipality | West Rand District Municipality |
West Richland | West Richland, Washington |
West Sacramento | West Sacramento, California |
West Salem | West Salem |
West Schouwen | Westerlichttoren |
West Side | West Side |
West Side Story (film uit 1961) | West Side Story (film) |
West Silvertown (metrostation) | West Silvertown DLR station |
West Simsbury | West Simsbury, Connecticut |
West Springfield | West Springfield |
West St. Paul (Minnesota) | West St. Paul, Minnesota |
West Stow | West Stow |
West Sussex | West Sussex |
West Tamar Council | West Tamar Council |
West Tawakoni | West Tawakoni, Texas |
West Union (Iowa) | West Union, Iowa |
West Union (Ohio) | West Union, Ohio |
West Union (West Virginia) | West Union, West Virginia |
West University Place | West University Place, Texas |
West Valley City | West Valley City, Utah |
West Virginia | West Virginia |
West Wendover | West Wendover, Nevada |
West Whittier-Los Nietos | West Whittier-Los Nietos, California |
West Wimmera Shire | Shire of West Wimmera |
West Wing | West Wing |
West Yellowstone | West Yellowstone, Montana |
West Yorkshire | West Yorkshire |
West-Afrika | West Africa |
West-Afrikaanse dwerggeit | Pygmy goat |
West-Afrikaanse dwergsperwer | Red-thighed Sparrowhawk |
West-Afrikaanse franjeaap | King colobus |
West-Afrikaanse gestreepte eekhoorn | Ribboned rope squirrel |
West-Afrikaanse lamantijn | African manatee |
West-Afrikaanse longvis | West African lungfish |
West-Afrikaanse Tijd | West Africa Time |
Westamerikaanse balsempopulier | Populus trichocarpa |
West-Amerikaanse mol | Coast mole |
West-Amerikaanse spitsmuis | Vagrant shrew |
Westamerikaanse watersalamanders | Taricha |
West-Antarctica | West Antarctica |
West-Armeens | Western Armenian |
West-Attika | West Attica |
West-Australië | Western Australia |
West-Azerbeidzjan | West Azarbaijan Province |
West-Bačka | West Bačka District |
Westbahn | Westbahn |
Westbahn GmbH | WESTbahn |
West-Bandung | West Bandung Regency |
Westbeemster | Westbeemster |
West-Bengalen | West Bengal |
Westbere | Westbere |
West-Berlijn | West Berlin |
Westblok | Western Bloc |
West-Boheemse Universiteit | University of West Bohemia |
Westbound | Westbound (film) |
Westbourne Park (metrostation) | Westbourne Park tube station |
Westbroek (Utrecht) | Westbroek |
Westbrook | Westbrook |
Westbrook (Maine) | Westbrook, Maine |
Westbury (Australië) | Westbury, Tasmania |
Westbury (Wiltshire) | Westbury, Wiltshire |
West-Canarische skink | West Canary Skink |
Westcarpapyrus | Westcar Papyrus |
West-Celebes | West Sulawesi |
Westchester (Illinois) | Westchester, Illinois |
Westchester County | Westchester County, New York |
Westcliffe | Westcliffe, Colorado |
Westdeutscher Rundfunk | Westdeutscher Rundfunk |
Westdorf | Westdorf |
Westdorp | Westdorp |
Westdorpe | Westdorpe |
West-Duitse voetbalbond | Western German football championship |
West-Duitsland | Western Germany |
Weste | Weste |
Westeinde | Westeinde |
Westeinde (Westerveld) | Westeinde, Drenthe |
Westeinde (Zoeterwoude) | Westeinde, Zoeterwoude |
Westelijk Canada | Western Canada |
Westelijk dambordje | Melanargia occitanica |
Westelijk halfrond | Western Hemisphere |
Westelijk marmerwitje | Euchloe crameri |
Westelijk spikkeldikkopje | Carline Skipper |
Westelijke blauwtongskink | Western blue-tongued lizard |
Westelijke blindmuis | Lesser mole rat |
Westelijke Boeg | Bug River |
Westelijke boomklipdas | Western tree hyrax |
Westelijke buidelhaas | Rufous hare-wallaby |
Westelijke Dvina | Daugava River |
Westelijke Eilanden (Amsterdam) | Westelijke Eilanden (Amsterdam) |
Westelijke gevlekte skunk | Western spotted skunk |
Westelijke gorilla | Western gorilla |
Westelijke grijze eekhoorn | Western gray squirrel |
Westelijke grijze reuzenkangoeroe | Western Grey Kangaroo |
Westelijke grondpapegaai | Western Ground Parrot |
Westelijke haagleguaan | Western fence lizard |
Westelijke haakneusslang | Heterodon nasicus |
Westelijke hemlockspar | Tsuga heterophylla |
Westelijke huppelmuis | Western jumping mouse |
Westelijke Jordaanoever | West Bank |
Westelijke Kaukasus | Western Caucasus |
Westelijke laaglandgorilla | Western lowland gorilla |
Westelijke Meer | West Lake |
Westelijke Oblast (1926-1936) | Western Oblast |
Westelijke oogstmuis | Western harvest mouse |
Westelijke parelmoervlinder | Melitaea parthenoides |
Westelijke Provincie | Western Province, Sri Lanka |
Westelijke renmuis | Occidental gerbil |
Westelijke rifreiger | Western Reef Heron |
Westelijke Sahara | Western Sahara |
Westelijke satrapen | Western Satraps |
Westelijke Sierra Madre | Sierra Madre Occidental |
Westelijke smalbekkikker | Gastrophryne olivacea |
Westelijke smaragdhagedis | Western Green Lizard |
Westelijke Tatra | Western Tatras |
Westelijke Verenigde Staten | Western United States |
Westelijke Weidynastie | Western Wei |
Westelijke woelpad | Spea hammondii |
Westelijke wolmaki | Western woolly lemur |
Westelijke Xia | Western Xia |
Westelijke Zhou-dynastie | Western Zhou |
Westelijke zwarte neushoorn | Western black rhinoceros |
Westend | Westend |
Westend (band) | Westend (band) |
Westend Gate | Westend Gate |
Westend Tower | Westendstrasse 1 |
Westendorf (Allgäu) | Westendorf (Allgäu) |
Westendorf (Augsburg) | Westendorf (Schmutter) |
Westendorf (Tirol) | Westendorf, Tyrol |
Westenesch | Westenesch |
Westenfeld | Westenfeld |
Westensee | Westensee |
Westenwinddrift | Antarctic Circumpolar Current |
Westenwindgordels | Westerlies |
Westerau | Westerau |
Westerbork (dorp) | Westerbork (village) |
Westerborstel | Westerborstel |
Westerdale (North Yorkshire) | Westerdale |
Westerdam | MS Westerdam |
Westerdiepsterdallen | Westerdiepsterdallen |
Westereems (departement) | Ems-Occidental |
Westeregeln | Westeregeln |
Westergasfabriek | Westergasfabriek |
Westergeest (Friesland) | Westergeest |
Westergellersen | Westergellersen |
Westergo | Westergoa |
Westerham | Westerham |
Westerhausen | Westerhausen |
Westerheim (Unterallgäu) | Westerheim, Bavaria |
Westerheim (Württemberg) | Westerheim, Baden-Württemberg |
Westerhof | Westerhof |
Westerholt | Westerholt |
Westerholz (Sleeswijk-Holstein) | Westerholz |
Westerhorn (Sleeswijk-Holstein) | Westerhorn |
Westerkerk (Amsterdam) | Westerkerk |
Westerkwartier (Groningen) | Westerkwartier |
Westerland | Westerland |
Westerland (Noord-Friesland) | Westerland, Germany |
Westerland (Noord-Holland) | Westerland, Netherlands |
Westerlauwers Fries | West Frisian language |
Westerlee | Westerlee |
Westerlee (Groningen) | Westerlee, Groningen |
Westerlee (Zuid-Holland) | Westerlee, South Holland |
Westerly | Westerly, Rhode Island |
Westermarck-effect | Westermarck effect |
Westermoor | Westermoor |
Western | Western |
Western (Fiji) | Western Division, Fiji |
Western (Gambia) | West Coast Division (Gambia) |
Western (genre) | Western (genre) |
Western (Ghana) | Western Region, Ghana |
Western (Oeganda) | Western Region, Uganda |
Western (Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea) | Western Province (Papua New Guinea) |
Western (Salomonseilanden) | Western Province (Solomon Islands) |
Western (Sierra Leone) | Western Area |
Western (strip) | Western (comics) |
Western (Zambia) | Western Province, Zambia |
Western Area Rural | Western Area Rural District |
Western Bahr el Ghazal | Western Bahr el Ghazal |
Western blot | Western blot |
Western Circus | Western Circus (Lucky Luke) |
Western Conference | Western Conference |
Western Conference (NBA) | Western Conference (NBA) |
Western Connecticut State University | Western Connecticut State University |
Western Equatoria | Western Equatoria |
Western Highlands | Western Highlands Province |
Western Mass Pioneers | Western Mass Pioneers |
Western New York Flash | Western New York Flash |
Western Open | Western Open |
Western Springs | Western Springs, Illinois |
Western Star | Western Star Trucks |
Western Suburbs | Western Suburbs |
Western Swing | Western swing |
Western Sydney Wanderers | Western Sydney Wanderers FC |
Western Union | Western Union (disambiguation) |
Western Visayas | Western Visayas |
Western Wildcats HC | Western Wildcats Hockey Club |
Westerngitaar | Steel-string acoustic guitar |
Westernrijden | Western riding |
Westerpark (stadsdeel) | Westerpark (former borough) |
Westerrade | Westerrade |
Westerrönfeld | Westerrönfeld |
Westers boeddhisme | Buddhism in the West |
Westers christendom | Western Christianity |
Westers Schisma | Western Schism |
Westerschelde | Western Scheldt |
Westerscheldetunnel | Western Scheldt Tunnel |
Westerse Bos | Westerse Bos |
Westerse cultuur | Western culture |
Westerse karmozijnbes | Phytolacca americana |
Westerse kostuumgeschiedenis | History of Western fashion |
Westerse plataan | Platanus occidentalis |
Westerse tekst | Western text-type |
Westerse wereld | Western world |
Westertimke | Westertimke |
Westerveld (gemeente) | Westerveld |
Westervelde | Westervelde |
Westerwaldkreis | Westerwaldkreis |
Westerwalsede | Westerwalsede |
Westerwolde (streek) | Westerwolde |
West-Europa | Western Europe |
West-Europese Tijd | Western European Time |
West-Europese Unie | Western European Union |
West-Europese woelrat | Southwestern water vole |
Westfaal (paard) | Westphalian horse |
Westfaals | Westphalian language |
Westfaalse dasbrak | Westphalian Dachsbracke |
Westfaalse Wilhelms-Universiteit | University of Münster |
Westfalen (provincie) | Province of Westphalia |
Westfalen (streek) | Westphalia |
Westfalenliga | Westfalenliga |
Westfalia Van Conversion | Westfalia |
Westfalien | Westphalian (stage) |
West-Falkland | West Falkland |
Westfeld | Westfeld |
Westferry (metrostation) | Westferry DLR station |
Westfield (automerk) | Westfield Sportscars |
Westfield (Indiana) | Westfield, Indiana |
Westfield (Massachusetts) | Westfield, Massachusetts |
Westfield (New Jersey) | Westfield, New Jersey |
West-Finland | Western Finland Province |
Westfir | Westfir, Oregon |
West-Francië | West Francia |
West-Fries | West Frisian |
West-Fries (dialectgroep) | West Frisian Dutch |
West-Friesland (regio) | West Friesland (region) |
Westfront | Western Front (disambiguation) |
Westfront (Eerste Wereldoorlog) | Western Front (World War I) |
Westfront (Tweede Wereldoorlog) | Western Front (World War II) |
Westfront 1918 | Westfront 1918 |
West-Galicië | West Galicia |
West-Germaanse talen | West Germanic languages |
West-Ghats | Western Ghats |
West-Graftdijk | West-Graftdijk |
Westgreußen | Westgreußen |
West-Griekenland | West Greece |
Westhausen (bij Gotha) | Westhausen, Gotha |
Westhausen (bij Hildburghausen) | Westhausen, Hildburghausen |
Westhausen (Württemberg) | Westhausen (Ostalb) |
Westheide | Westheide |
Westheim (Middel-Franken) | Westheim |
Westheim (Palts) | Westheim, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Westhem | Westhem |
West-Herzegovina | West Herzegovina Canton |
Westhoek (Frans-Belgische regio) | Westhoek (region) |
Westhoek (Friesland) | Westhoek, Friesland |
Westhope | Westhope, North Dakota |
Westhoughton | Westhoughton |
Westies | Westies |
West-Indisch cricketelftal | West Indies cricket team |
West-Indische apen | Antilles monkey |
West-Indische Compagnie | Dutch West India Company |
West-Indische dollar | British West Indies dollar |
West-Indische Federatie | West Indies Federation |
West-Indische Federatie op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1960 | British West Indies at the 1960 Summer Olympics |
West-Indische fluiteend | West Indian Whistling Duck |
Westinghouse Electric Company | Westinghouse Electric (1886) |
Westinghouse Works, 1904 | Westinghouse Works, 1904 |
Westinghouserem | Railway air brake |
West-Java | West Java |
WestJet | WestJet |
West-Kaap | Western Cape |
West-Kalimantan | West Kalimantan |
Westkapelle | Westkapelle |
Westkapelle (België) | Westkapelle, Belgium |
Westkapelle (Nederland) | Westkapelle, Netherlands |
Westkappel | West-Cappel |
West-Kasaï | Kasaï-Occidental |
Westkerke | Westkerke |
Westkerke (Tholen) | Westkerke, Zeeland |
West-Knollendam | West-Knollendam |
Westkust van de Verenigde Staten | West Coast of the United States |
Westlake (Ohio) | Westlake, Ohio |
Westlake Village | Westlake Village, California |
Westland (gemeente) | Westland (municipality), Netherlands |
Westland (Michigan) | Westland, Michigan |
Westland (Nederlandse streek) | Westland (region), Netherlands |
Westland New Post | Westland New Post |
Westlandstormvogel | Westland Petrel |
Westlich Raron | Westlich Raron |
Westliche Karwendelspitze | Westliche Karwendelspitze |
Westlijntheorie | Westline |
Westlock | Westlock, Alberta |
Westmaas | Westmaas |
West-Macedonië | West Macedonia |
Westmalle (bier) | Westmalle Brewery |
Westmalle (plaats) | Westmalle |
Westmark | Westmark |
Westmark (gouw) | Gau Westmark |
Westmexicaanse chachalaca | West Mexican Chachalaca |
Westmiddelduits | West Central German |
Westminster | Westminster (disambiguation) |
Westminster (Californië) | Westminster, California |
Westminster (Colorado) | Westminster, Colorado |
Westminster (Maryland) | Westminster, Maryland |
Westminster (metrostation) | Westminster tube station |
Westminster (South Carolina) | Westminster, South Carolina |
Westminster (Vermont) | Westminster (town), Vermont |
Westminster (wijk) | Westminster |
Westminster Abbey | Westminster Abbey |
Westminsterslag | Westminster Quarters |
Westmont | Westmont |
Westmont (Californië) | Westmont, California |
Westmont (Illinois) | Westmont, Illinois |
Westmoreland (Jamaica) | Westmoreland Parish |
Westmoreland (Kansas) | Westmoreland, Kansas |
Westmoreland County | Westmoreland County |
Westmoreland County (Pennsylvania) | Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania |
Westmoreland County (Virginia) | Westmoreland County, Virginia |
Westmount | Westmount, Quebec |
Westmuur | Western Wall |
West-Nieuw-Guinese talen | Cenderawasih languages |
West-Nijlvirus | West Nile virus |
West-Nusa Tenggara | West Nusa Tenggara |
West-Oekraïense Volksrepubliek | West Ukrainian People's Republic |
Weston (Florida) | Weston, Florida |
Weston (Idaho) | Weston, Idaho |
Weston (West Virginia) | Weston, West Virginia |
Weston County | Weston County, Wyoming |
Weston Homes Community Stadium | Colchester Community Stadium |
Weston Turville | Weston Turville |
Weston-normaalelement | Weston cell |
Westover | Westover |
Westoverledingen | Westoverledingen |
Westow | Westow |
Westpacifische bonito | Bonito |
West-Papoea | West Papua (province) |
Westphalia | Westphalia (disambiguation) |
Westphalia (Iowa) | Westphalia, Iowa |
Westphalia (Kansas) | Westphalia, Kansas |
Westphalia (Michigan) | Westphalia, Michigan |
Westphalia (Missouri) | Westphalia, Missouri |
Westphalweg (metrostation) | Westphalweg (Berlin U-Bahn) |
West-Pokot | West Pokot County |
Westpoort (Amsterdam) | Westpoort |
Westport (Connecticut) | Westport, Connecticut |
Westport (Ierland) | Westport, County Mayo |
Westport (Nieuw-Zeeland) | Westport, New Zealand |
Westport (Washington) | Westport, Washington |
West-Pruisen | West Prussia |
Westray Wife | Westray Wife |
West-Romeinse Rijk | Western Roman Empire |
Westron | Westron |
West-Sekyere | Mampong Municipal District |
West-Siberisch Laagland | West Siberian Plain |
Westside Church (Tuquoy) | Westside Church |
West-Slavische talen | West Slavic languages |
West-Soemba | West Sumba Regency |
West-Souburg | West-Souburg |
West-Sumatra | West Sumatra |
West-Syrische liturgie | West Syrian Rite |
West-Terschelling | West-Terschelling |
West-Timor | West Timor |
Westville | Westville |
West-Vlaams | West Flemish |
West-Vlaams rood | Belgian Red cattle |
West-Vlaanderen | West Flanders |
Westvleteren (bier) | Westvleteren Brewery |
Westvleteren (plaats) | Westvleteren |
West-Vlieland | West-Vlieland |
Westwall | Siegfried Line |
Westwerk | Westwork |
Westwood (Californië) | Westwood, California |
Westwood (Los Angeles) | Westwood, Los Angeles |
Westwood (New Jersey) | Westwood, New Jersey |
Westworld | Westworld |
Westwoud | Westwoud |
Westzaan | Westzaan |
Wet | Statute |
Wet (doorverwijspagina) | Wet |
Wet (scouting) | Scout Law |
Wet (wetenschap) | Physical law |
Wet der massawerking | Law of mass action |
WET Design | WET Enterprises |
Wet lease | Aircraft lease |
Wet op bevolkingsregistratie | Population Registration Act, 1950 |
Wet op de Terugkeer | Law of Return |
Wet op de vennootschapsbelasting 1969 | Corporate tax in the Netherlands |
Wet op verbod van gemengde huwelijken | Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, 1949 |
Wet schuldsanering natuurlijke personen | Personal bankruptcy |
Wet tropics of Queensland | Wet Tropics of Queensland |
Wet T-shirt contest | Wet T-shirt contest |
Wet van Ampère | Ampère's circuital law |
Wet van Archimedes | Archimedes' principle |
Wet van Avogadro | Avogadro's law |
Wet van Bartholomae | Bartholomae's law |
Wet van Baumol | Baumol's cost disease |
Wet van bedrog | Finagle's law |
Wet van behoud van energie | Conservation of energy |
Wet van behoud van massa | Conservation of mass |
Wet van Benford | Benford's law |
Wet van Bernoulli | Bernoulli's principle |
Wet van Betz | Betz' law |
Wet van Biot-Savart | Biot–Savart law |
Wet van Boyle | Boyle's law |
Wet van Bradford | Bradford's law |
Wet van Bragg | Bragg Diffraction |
Wet van Brugmann | Brugmann's law |
Wet van Buys Ballot | Buys Ballot's law |
Wet van Coulomb | Coulomb's law |
Wet van Curie | Curie's law |
Wet van Curie-Weiss | Curie–Weiss law |
Wet van Dalton | Dalton's law |
Wet van Darcy | Darcy's law |
Wet van de 22ste Prairial | Law of 22 Prairial |
Wet van de communicerende vaten | Communicating vessels |
Wet van de drie stadia | Law of three stages |
Wet van de multipele proporties | Law of multiple proportions |
Wet van de non-contradictie | Law of noncontradiction |
Wet van de toereikende grond | Principle of sufficient reason |
Wet van de totale kans | Law of total probability |
Wet van de uitgesloten derde | Law of excluded middle |
Wet van Dollo | Dollo's law of irreversibility |
Wet van Dulong en Petit | Dulong–Petit law |
Wet van Engel | Engel's law |
Wet van Faraday | Faraday's law |
Wet van Fitts | Fitts's law |
Wet van Foster | Foster's rule |
Wet van Gauss | Gauss's law |
Wet van Geiger-Nuttall | Geiger–Nuttall law |
Wet van Godwin | Godwin's law |
Wet van Graham | Graham's law |
Wet van Grassmann | Grassmann's law |
Wet van Gresham | Gresham's law |
Wet van Hagen-Poiseuille | Hagen–Poiseuille equation |
Wet van Hardy-Weinberg | Hardy–Weinberg law |
Wet van Henry | Henry's law |
Wet van Hess | Hess's law |
Wet van Hooke | Hooke's law |
Wet van Hotelling | Hotelling's law |
Wet van Hubble | Hubble's law |
Wet van Jante | Law of Jante |
Wet van Joule | Joule's laws |
Wet van Kleiber | Kleiber's law |
Wet van Lambert | Lambert's cosine law |
Wet van Lambert-Beer | Beer–Lambert law |
Wet van Lenz | Lenz's law |
Wet van Linus | Linus's Law |
Wet van Metcalfe | Metcalfe's law |
Wet van Moore | Moore's law |
Wet van Moseley | Moseley's law |
Wet van Mozes | Law of Moses |
Wet van Murphy | Murphy's law |
Wet van Nernst | Nernst equation |
Wet van Ohm | Ohm's law |
Wet van Okun | Okun's law |
Wet van Parkinson | Parkinson's law |
Wet van Pascal | Pascal's law |
Wet van Planck | Planck's law |
Wet van Poe | Poe's law |
Wet van Proust | Law of definite proportions |
Wet van Raoult | Raoult's law |
Wet van Rayleigh-Jeans | Rayleigh–Jeans law |
Wet van Say | Say's law |
Wet van Shannon-Hartley | Shannon–Hartley theorem |
Wet van Snellius | Snell's law |
Wet van Stokes | Stokes' law |
Wet van superpositie | Law of superposition |
Wet van Titius-Bode | Titius–Bode law |
Wet van Torricelli | Torricelli's law |
Wet van Verner | Verner's law |
Wet van Walras | Walras' law |
Wet van Weber | Weber–Fechner law |
Wet van Wien | Wien's law |
Wet van Wirth | Wirth's law |
Wet van Wolff | Wolff's law |
Wet van Yerkes-Dodson | Yerkes–Dodson law |
Wet van Zipf | Zipf's law |
Wet wapens en munitie | Firearms license |
Wet Willie | Wet Willie |
Weta Digital | Weta Digital |
Wete | Wete |
Weten | Know-how |
Wetenschap | Science |
Wetenschap in de Klassieke Oudheid | History of science in classical antiquity |
Wetenschap in de middeleeuwen | Science in the Middle Ages |
Wetenschap in de middeleeuwse islamitische wereld | Science in the medieval Islamic world |
Wetenschap in de Renaissance | History of science in the Renaissance |
Wetenschappelijk genootschap | Learned society |
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek | Research |
Wetenschappelijk tijdschrift | Academic journal |
Wetenschappelijke Bibliotheek in Olomouc | Research Library in Olomouc |
Wetenschappelijke gemeenschap | Scientific community |
Wetenschappelijke literatuur | Scientific literature |
Wetenschappelijke methode | Scientific method |
Wetenschappelijke notatie | Scientific notation |
Wetenschappelijke promotie | Graduation |
Wetenschappelijke revolutie | Scientific Revolution |
Wetenschapper | Scientist |
Wetenschapscommunicatie | Science communication |
Wetenschapsfilosofie | Philosophy of science |
Wetenschapsgeschiedenis | History of science |
Wetenschapsmuseum | Science museum |
Wetenschapspark | Science park |
Wetenschapswinkel | Science shop |
Wetering (Overijssel) | Wetering |
Weteringbrug (Haarlemmermeer) | Weteringbrug |
Wetgevende Assemblee van het Federaal District | Legislative Assembly of the Federal District |
Wetgevende macht | Legislature |
Wetgevende Vergadering | Legislative Assembly (France) |
Wetgevende vergadering van Ontario | Legislative Assembly of Ontario |
Wetgevingsprocedures van de Europese Unie | Legislature of the European Union |
Wethau | Wethau |
Wet-Helms-Burton | Helms–Burton Act |
Wetheral | Wetheral |
Wetherby | Wetherby |
Wethersfield (Connecticut) | Wethersfield, Connecticut |
Wethersfield (Essex) | Wethersfield, Essex |
Wetmore's ral | Plain-flanked Rail |
Wetmorethraupis | Orange-throated Tanager |
Wetschen | Wetschen |
Wetsinge | Wetsinge |
Wetspreker | Lawspeaker |
Wetsteen | Sharpening stone |
Wetstraat | Rue de la Loi |
Wetsuit | Wetsuit |
Wetsvoorstel | Bill (proposed law) |
Wettelijk vertegenwoordiger | Legal guardian |
Wetten (Plato) | Laws (dialogue) |
Wetten van de grote aantallen | Law of large numbers |
Wetten van De Morgan | De Morgan's laws |
Wetten van het cricket | Laws of cricket |
Wetten van Kepler | Kepler's laws of planetary motion |
Wetten van Kirchhoff | Kirchhoff's circuit laws |
Wetten van Maxwell | Maxwell's equations |
Wetten van Mendel | Mendelian inheritance |
Wetten van Newton | Newton's laws of motion |
Wetter | Wetter |
Wetter (Hessen) | Wetter, Hesse |
Wetterau | Wetterau |
Wetteraukreis | Wetteraukreis |
Wetterhoun | Wetterhoun |
Wettersteingebergte | Wetterstein |
Wetterzeube | Wetterzeube |
Wettig betaalmiddel | Legal tender |
Wettin (stad) | Wettin, Saxony-Anhalt |
Wettin-Löbejün | Wettin-Löbejün |
Wettringen (Middel-Franken) | Wettringen, Bavaria |
Wettringen (Noordrijn-Westfalen) | Wettringen (Münsterland) |
Wettrup | Wettrup |
Wettstein-systeem | Wettstein system |
Wetumpka | Wetumpka, Alabama |
Wetwang | Wetwang |
Wetzel County | Wetzel County, West Virginia |
Wetzlarer Kreuz | Wetzlarer Kreuz |
Weurt | Weurt |
Weven | Weaving |
Wever | Wever |
Weverbok | Weaver beetle |
Wevers en verwanten | Ploceidae |
Wewelsfleth | Wewelsfleth |
Wewoka | Wewoka, Oklahoma |
Wexford | Wexford (disambiguation) |
Wexford (plaats) | Wexford |
Wexford County | Wexford County, Michigan |
Wexford Youths | Wexford Youths F.C. |
Wey | Wey |
Wey (staat) | Wey (state) |
Weyer | Weyer |
Weyer (Bas-Rhin) | Weyer, Bas-Rhin |
Weyer (Oostenrijk) | Weyer, Austria |
Weyer (Rijnland-Palts) | Weyer, Germany |
Weyhausen | Weyhausen |
Weyhe | Weyhe |
Weyl-groep | Weyl group |
Weymouth | Weymouth, Dorset |
Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy | Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy |
Weymouth FC | Weymouth F.C. |
Weymouthden | Eastern White Pine |
Weyns duiker | Weyns's duiker |
Wezel (dier) | Least weasel |
Wezelcavia | Common yellow-toothed cavy |
Wezelhaaien | Hemigaleidae |
Wezelmaki's | Sportive lemur |
Wezep | Wezep |
Wezergebergte | Wesergebirge |
Wezerrenaissance | Weser Renaissance |
Wezup | Wezup |
Wezuperbrug | Wezuperbrug |
Wez-Velvain | Wez-Velvain |
WGC - Bridgestone Invitational | WGC-Bridgestone Invitational |
WGC - CA Kampioenschap | WGC-Cadillac Championship |
WGC - HSBC Champions | WGC-HSBC Champions |
WGC - Matchplay | WGC-Accenture Match Play Championship |
WGS 84 | World Geodetic System |
Whale | Whale (disambiguation) |
Whale (eiland) | Moutohora Island |
Whale Pass | Whale Pass, Alaska |
Whale Rider | Whale Rider |
Whale Wars | Whale Wars |
Whale Whores | Whale Whores |
Whalley | Whalley, Lancashire |
Whanganui | Whanganui River |
Whangara | Whangara |
Wharfe | River Wharfe |
Wharton (Texas) | Wharton, Texas |
Wharton County | Wharton County, Texas |
Wharton School | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania |
What a Feeling | What a Feeling (Alex Gaudino song) |
What a Fool Believes | What a Fool Believes |
What a Girl Wants | What a Girl Wants (film) |
What About Bob? | What About Bob? |
What Doesn't Kill You | What Doesn't Kill You |
What Dreams May Come | What Dreams May Come (film) |
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? | What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962 film) |
What Evil Lurks | What Evil Lurks |
What Goes Around... Comes Around | What Goes Around... Comes Around |
What Goes On | What Goes On (Beatles song) |
What Goes Up | What Goes Up |
What Happens in Vegas... | What Happens in Vegas |
What Hits!? | What Hits!? |
What I Like About You | What I Like About You (TV series) |
What If (Dina Garipova) | What If (Dina Garipova song) |
What If (Marvel) | What If (comics) |
What Is Love | What Is Love (Haddaway song) |
What Is This? | What Is This? |
What It Feels Like for a Girl | What It Feels Like for a Girl |
What I've Done | What I've Done |
What Just Happened? | What Just Happened |
What Lies Beneath (film) | What Lies Beneath |
What Makes You Beautiful | What Makes You Beautiful |
What Planet Are You From? | What Planet Are You From? |
What Price Glory? (1926) | What Price Glory? (1926 film) |
What the Bleep Do We Know!? | What the Bleep Do We Know!? |
What Time Is It? (single) | What Time Is It? (song) |
What to Expect When You're Expecting | What to Expect When You're Expecting (film) |
What Women Want | What Women Want |
What You Waiting For? | What You Waiting For? |
What? | What? (film) |
Whatcom County | Whatcom County, Washington |
What'd I Say | What'd I Say |
Whatever | Whatever |
Whatever people say I am, that's what I'm not | Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not |
Whatfield | Whatfield |
What's Eating Gilbert Grape | What's Eating Gilbert Grape |
What's Going On | What's Going On |
What's Going On (album) | What's Going On (Marvin Gaye album) |
What's Left of Me | What's Left of Me (album) |
What's Love Got to Do with It | What's Love Got to Do with It (film) |
What's My Age Again? | What's My Age Again? |
What's My Name? | What's My Name? (Rihanna song) |
What's New, Scooby-Doo? | What's New, Scooby-Doo? |
What's Opera, Doc? | What's Opera, Doc? |
What's the Worst That Could Happen? | What's the Worst That Could Happen? |
What's Up, Doc? | What's Up, Doc? (1972 film) |
What's up, Tiger Lily? | What's Up, Tiger Lily? |
What's with Andy? | What's with Andy? |
WHATS'On | WHATS'On (Software) |
Wheat Ridge | Wheat Ridge, Colorado |
Wheatcroft | Wheatcroft |
Wheatland (Iowa) | Wheatland, Iowa |
Wheatland (Pennsylvania) | Wheatland, Pennsylvania |
Wheatland (Wyoming) | Wheatland, Wyoming |
Wheatland County | Wheatland County, Montana |
Wheatley | Wheatley |
Wheaton (Illinois) | Wheaton, Illinois |
Wheaton (Minnesota) | Wheaton, Minnesota |
Wheaton College (Illinois) | Wheaton College (Illinois) |
Whedefit Gesgeshi Woude Henate Ethiopia | March Forward, Dear Mother Ethiopia |
Wheel of Time | Wheel of time (disambiguation) |
Wheel of Time (film) | Wheel of Time (film) |
Wheelen | Wheelchair racing |
Wheeler (Texas) | Wheeler, Texas |
Wheeler County | Wheeler County |
Wheeler County (Georgia) | Wheeler County, Georgia |
Wheeler County (Nebraska) | Wheeler County, Nebraska |
Wheeler County (Oregon) | Wheeler County, Oregon |
Wheeler County (Texas) | Wheeler County, Texas |
Wheelhouse | Wheelhouse (archaeology) |
Wheelie | Wheelie |
Wheeling | Wheeling |
Wheeling (Illinois) | Wheeling, Illinois |
Wheeling (West Virginia) | Wheeling, West Virginia |
Wheels (Foo Fighters) | Wheels (Foo Fighters song) |
Wheels of Steel | Wheels of Steel |
Wheels on Meals | Wheels on Meals |
When a Man Loves a Woman | When a Man Loves a Woman |
When a Man Loves a Woman (single van Percy Sledge) | When a Man Loves a Woman (song) |
When a stranger calls | When a Stranger Calls (2006 film) |
When All Is Said and Done (ABBA) | When All Is Said and Done |
When Goodbye Means Forever... | When Goodbye Means Forever... |
When Harry Met Sally... | When Harry Met Sally |
When I Come Around | When I Come Around |
When I fall in love | When I Fall in Love |
When I Get Home | When I Get Home |
When I'm Gone (single van Eminem) | When I'm Gone (Eminem song) |
When I'm Sixty-Four | When I'm Sixty-Four |
When in Rome (2010) | When in Rome (2010 film) |
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going | When the going gets tough, the tough get going |
When the Levee Breaks | When the Levee Breaks |
When Trumpets Fade | When Trumpets Fade |
When Willie Comes Marching Home | When Willie Comes Marching Home |
When Worlds Collide | When Worlds Collide (1951 film) |
When You Believe | When You Believe |
When You Say Nothing at All | When You Say Nothing at All |
When You're Strange | When You're Strange |
When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes | When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes |
Whenever, Wherever | Whenever, Wherever |
Where Eagles Dare | Where Eagles Dare |
Where Have You Been | Where Have You Been |
Where Love Has Gone | Where Love Has Gone (film) |
Where the Day Takes You | Where the Day Takes You |
Where the Heart Is (1990) | Where the Heart Is (1990 film) |
Where the Heart Is (Britse soap) | Where the Heart Is (1997 TV series) |
Where the Sidewalk Ends | Where the Sidewalk Ends |
Where the Streets Have No Name | Where the Streets Have No Name |
Where the Wild Things Are | Where the Wild Things Are (film) |
Where's George | Where's George? |
Wherry | Wherry |
Whetstone | Whetstone |
Whetstone (Arizona) | Whetstone, Arizona |
Whewell-leerstoel van Internationaal Recht | Whewell Professor of International Law |
Whig Party | Whig |
Whig Party (Verenigd Koninkrijk) | British Whig Party |
Whig Party (Verenigde Staten) | Whig Party (United States) |
Whig-geschiedenis | Whig history |
Whigham | Whigham, Georgia |
While Paris Sleeps | While Paris Sleeps |
While You Were Sleeping | While You Were Sleeping |
While You Were Sleeping (film) | While You Were Sleeping (film) |
Whine Up | Whine Up |
Whip | Whip (politics) |
Whip It! | Whip It (film) |
Whip my hair | Whip My Hair |
Whiplash | Whiplash |
Whiplash (letsel) | Whiplash (medicine) |
Whiplash (nummer) | Whiplash (Metallica song) |
Whippet | Whippet (disambiguation) |
Whippet (hond) | Whippet |
Whippet (tank) | Medium Mark A Whippet |
Whippingham | Whippingham |
Whipsnade Zoo | Whipsnade Zoo |
Whirlpool | Whirlpool (disambiguation) |
Whirlpool (cryptografie) | Whirlpool (cryptography) |
Whirlpool (film) | Whirlpool (1949 film) |
Whiskey Creek | Whiskey Creek, Florida |
Whiskey Ring | Whiskey Ring |
Whiskey-opstand | Whiskey Rebellion |
Whisky Galore! | Whisky Galore! (film) |
Whisper | Whisper (film) |
Whisper of the Heart | Whisper of the Heart |
Whispers in the Shadow | Whispers in the Shadow |
Whistle | Whistle (disambiguation) |
Whistle (single) | Whistle (Flo Rida song) |
Whistle Down the Wind | Whistle Down the Wind (film) |
Whistler (Canada) | Whistler, British Columbia |
Whistler (radio) | Whistler (radio) |
Whistler Blackcomb | Whistler Blackcomb |
Whistler Olympic Park | Whistler Olympic Park |
Whistler Sliding Centre | Whistler Sliding Centre |
Whiston | Whiston |
Whiston (Merseyside) | Whiston, Merseyside |
Whit Dickey | Whit Dickey |
Whitakers | Whitakers, North Carolina |
Whitby | Whitby (disambiguation) |
Whitby (Canada) | Whitby, Ontario |
Whitby (Engeland) | Whitby |
Whitby Abbey | Whitby Abbey |
Whitchurch | Whitchurch |
Whitchurch (Devon) | Whitchurch, Devon |
Whitcomb Judson | Whitcomb L. Judson |
White | White (disambiguation) |
White & Nerdy | White & Nerdy |
White Bear Lake | White Bear Lake, Minnesota |
White Blood Cells | White Blood Cells (album) |
White Castle (fastfoodketen) | White Castle (restaurant) |
White Chicks | White Chicks |
White Christmas (film) | White Christmas (film) |
White Christmas (lied) | White Christmas (song) |
White City | White City |
White City (Londen) | White City, London |
White City (metrostation) | White City tube station |
White Cliffs | White Cliffs, New South Wales |
White Cloud | White Cloud |
White Cloud (Michigan) | White Cloud, Michigan |
White Collar | White Collar (TV series) |
White County | White County |
White County (Arkansas) | White County, Arkansas |
White County (Georgia) | White County, Georgia |
White County (Illinois) | White County, Illinois |
White County (Indiana) | White County, Indiana |
White County (Tennessee) | White County, Tennessee |
White Cyclone | White Cyclone |
White Dome Geyser | White Dome Geyser |
White Eagle | White Eagle (album) |
White Fang (1991) | White Fang (1991 film) |
White Fang (boek) | White Fang |
White Hall (Arkansas) | White Hall, Arkansas |
White Hall (Illinois) | White Hall, Illinois |
White Heat | White Heat |
White Horse | White Horse |
White Island | White Island |
White Island (Nieuw-Zeeland) | Whakaari / White Island |
White Island (Scilly-eilanden) | White Island, Isles of Scilly |
White Lake | White Lake |
White Lies | White Lies (band) |
White Men Can't Jump | White Men Can't Jump |
White metal | Christian metal |
White Mountain | White Mountain, Alaska |
White Mountains | White Mountains |
White Mountains (Californië) | White Mountains (California) |
White Mountains (New Hampshire) | White Mountains (New Hampshire) |
White Nights | White Nights (1985 film) |
White Noise | White noise (disambiguation) |
White Noise (band) | White Noise (band) |
White Noise (film) | White Noise (film) |
White Oak | White Oak |
White Oak (Maryland) | White Oak, Maryland |
White Oleander | White Oleander (film) |
White Palms | White Palms (film) |
White Pass & Yukon Route | White Pass and Yukon Route |
White Pine County | White Pine County, Nevada |
White Plains (band) | White Plains (band) |
White Plains (Georgia) | White Plains, Georgia |
White Plains (New York) | White Plains, New York |
White Plains Road Line | IRT White Plains Road Line |
White Power | White nationalism |
White pudding | White pudding |
White River (Indiana) | White River (Indiana) |
White River (rivier in South Dakota) | White River (South Dakota) |
White River (South Dakota) | White River, South Dakota |
White Rock (New Mexico) | White Rock, New Mexico |
White Rock (South Dakota) | White Rock, South Dakota |
White Russian | White Russian (cocktail) |
White Salmon | White Salmon, Washington |
White Sands (doorverwijspagina) | White Sands |
White Sands (film) | White Sands (film) |
White Sands National Monument | White Sands National Monument |
White Settlement | White Settlement, Texas |
White Ship | White Ship |
White snake | White Snake (album) |
White Snake, Green Snake | Green Snake |
White Star Bruxelles | R. White Star Bruxelles |
White Sulphur Springs (Montana) | White Sulphur Springs, Montana |
White Sulphur Springs (West Virginia) | White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia |
White Waltham | White Waltham |
White widow | White widow (Cannabis) |
White Wilderness | White Wilderness (film) |
White Willow | White Willow (band) |
White Zombie (film) | White Zombie (film) |
Whiteboard | Whiteboard |
Whiteboxtest | White-box testing |
Whitechapel | Whitechapel (disambiguation) |
Whitechapel (band) | Whitechapel (band) |
Whitechapel (televisieserie) | Whitechapel (TV series) |
Whitechapel (wijk) | Whitechapel |
Whitechapel Gallery | Whitechapel Gallery |
Whitecourt | Whitecourt |
Whitefield | Whitefield |
Whitefish | Whitefish |
Whitefish (Montana) | Whitefish, Montana |
Whitehall | Whitehall (disambiguation) |
Whitehall (New York) | Whitehall, New York |
Whitehall (Wisconsin) | Whitehall, Wisconsin |
Whitehall Building | Whitehall Building |
Whitehead (Noord-Ierland) | Whitehead, County Antrim |
Whiteheads salangaan | Whitehead's Swiftlet |
Whiteheads trogon | Whitehead's Trogon |
Whiteheaven Beach | Whitehaven Beach |
Whitehorse (Canada) | Whitehorse, Yukon |
Whitehorse City | City of Whitehorse |
Whitehorse International Airport | Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport |
Whitehouse | Whitehouse |
Whitelackington | Whitelackington |
Whiteout | Whiteout (weather) |
Whiteriver | Whiteriver, Arizona |
White-Rovers Paris | The White Rovers |
Whitesboro | Whitesboro |
Whiteside County | Whiteside County, Illinois |
Whitespace | Whitespace (programming language) |
Whitestone Logging Camp | Whitestone Logging Camp, Alaska |
Whitestreet Green | Whitestreet Green |
Whitesville (Kentucky) | Whitesville, Kentucky |
Whitesville (West Virginia) | Whitesville, West Virginia |
Whiteville (North Carolina) | Whiteville, North Carolina |
Whitewall tire | Whitewall tire |
Whitewater | Whitewater (disambiguation) |
Whitewater (Wisconsin) | Whitewater, Wisconsin |
Whitfield County | Whitfield County, Georgia |
Whiting | Whiting |
Whiting (Indiana) | Whiting, Indiana |
Whitley County | Whitley County |
Whitley County (Indiana) | Whitley County, Indiana |
Whitley County (Kentucky) | Whitley County, Kentucky |
Whitman County | Whitman County, Washington |
Whitnash | Whitnash |
Whitney Port | Whitney Port |
Whitney Thompson | Whitney Thompson |
Whitsundayeilanden | Whitsunday Islands |
Whittemore | Whittemore |
Whittemore (Iowa) | Whittemore, Iowa |
Whitten | Whitten |
Whittier | Whittier |
Whittier (Alaska) | Whittier, Alaska |
Whittier (Californië) | Whittier, California |
Whittingham | Whittingham |
Whittingham (New Jersey) | Whittingham, New Jersey |
Whittington | Whittington |
Whittington (Lancashire) | Whittington, Lancashire |
Whittlebury | Whittlebury |
Whittle-le-Woods | Whittle-le-Woods |
Whittlesea | Whittlesea, Eastern Cape |
Whittlesea City | City of Whittlesea |
Whitton | Whitton |
Whitwell | Whitwell |
Whitworth | Whitworth |
Whitworth (Lancashire) | Whitworth, Lancashire |
Who | Who |
Who Am I? | Who Am I? (1998 film) |
Who Are You | Who Are You |
Who Are You (nummer) | Who Are You (song) |
Who Dares Wins (Bolt Thrower) | Who Dares Wins (album) |
Who Do I Gotta Kill? | Who Do I Gotta Kill? |
Who Framed Roger Rabbit | Who Framed Roger Rabbit |
Who I Am (Nick Jonas & the Administration) | Who I Am (Nick Jonas & the Administration album) |
Who Is Cletis Tout? | Who Is Cletis Tout? |
Who Is It (Björk) | Who Is It (Björk song) |
Who Is It (Michael Jackson) | Who Is It (Michael Jackson song) |
Who Owns My Heart | Who Owns My Heart |
Who shot J.R.? | Who shot J.R.? |
Who Wants to Be Alone | Who Wants to Be Alone |
Who You Are | Who You Are (Jessie J album) |
Whole body vibration-training | Whole body vibration |
Whole Lotta Love | Whole Lotta Love |
Whole Lotta Rosie | Whole Lotta Rosie |
Whoopie pie | Whoopie pie |
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (film) | Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (movie) |
Who's Last | Who's Last |
Who's Nailin' Paylin? | Who's Nailin' Paylin? |
Who's Next (album) | Who's Next |
Who's that chick? | Who's That Chick? |
Who's That Girl | Who's That Girl? |
Who's That Girl (film) | Who's That Girl (1987 film) |
Who's That Girl (single) | Who's That Girl (Madonna song) |
Who's That Girl World Tour | Who's That Girl World Tour |
Who's the Boss? | Who's the Boss? |
Whose Body? | Whose Body? |
WHPVA | World Human Powered Vehicle Association |
Why (3T) | Why (3T song) |
Why (The Beatles) | Why (Tony Sheridan song) |
Why Change Your Wife? | Why Change Your Wife? |
Why Do Fools Fall in Love | Why Do Fools Fall in Love |
Why Don't We Do It in the Road? | Why Don't We Do It in the Road? |
Why Worry? | Why Worry? |
Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? | Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? |
Wiardi Beckman Stichting | Wiardi Beckman Stichting |
Wiązów (gemeente) | Gmina Wiązów |
Wiązowna | Wiązowna |
Wiązowna (gemeente) | Gmina Wiązowna |
Wiązownica (gemeente) | Gmina Wiązownica |
Wibaux | Wibaux, Montana |
Wibaux County | Wibaux County, Montana |
Wichelarij | Divination |
Wichelroede | Dowsing |
Wicherklasse | Wicher-class destroyer |
Wichita | Wichita |
Wichita (Kansas) | Wichita, Kansas |
Wichita (volk) | Wichita people |
Wichita County | Wichita County |
Wichita County (Kansas) | Wichita County, Kansas |
Wichita County (Texas) | Wichita County, Texas |
Wichita Falls | Wichita Falls, Texas |
Wichman I | Wichmann the Elder |
Wichmann | Wichmann |
Wichmar | Wichmar |
Wichtel | Wight |
Wick (Schotland) | Wick, Highland |
Wicked | Wicked |
Wicked (musical) | Wicked (musical) |
Wicked Science | Wicked Science |
Wicked Stepmother | Wicked Stepmother |
Wickede | Wickede |
Wicken | Wicken |
Wickenburg (Arizona) | Wickenburg, Arizona |
Wicker Park | Wicker Park (film) |
Wicker Street Green | Wicker Street Green |
Wickerode | Wickerode |
Wickerstedt | Wickerstedt |
Wickesklasse | Wickes-class destroyer |
Wicket | Wicket |
Wicketkeeper | Wicket-keeper |
Wickham | Wickham |
Wickie de Viking | Vicky the Viking |
Wickie de Viking de film | Vicky the Viking (film) |
Wickie en de Schat van de Goden | Vicky and the Treasure of the Gods |
Wickliffe | Wickliffe |
Wicklow | Wicklow (disambiguation) |
Wicklow (plaats) | Wicklow |
Wicklow Mountains | Wicklow Mountains |
Wicklow Way | Wicklow Way |
Wicko (gemeente) | Gmina Wicko |
Wicko (Pommeren) | Wicko, Pomeranian Voivodeship |
Wickrange | Wickrange |
Wicks | Wicks |
Wicomico County | Wicomico County, Maryland |
Wicquinghem | Wicquinghem |
Wicres | Wicres |
Widawa (gemeente) | Gmina Widawa |
Widawa (Łódź) | Widawa, Łódź Voivodeship |
Wide Area Augmentation System | Wide Area Augmentation System |
Wide area network | Wide Area Network |
Wide Awake (1998) | Wide Awake (1998 film) |
Wide Awake (Katy Perry) | Wide Awake (Katy Perry song) |
WIDE Project | WIDE Project |
Wide receiver | Wide receiver |
Wide-bandgap halfgeleider | Wide bandgap semiconductors |
Widebody | Wide-body aircraft |
Widehem | Widehem |
Widerøe | Widerøe |
Widerstehe doch der Sünde | Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54 |
Widget | GUI widget |
Widget (bier) | Widget (beer) |
Widmanstättenstructuur | Widmanstätten pattern |
Widuchowa (gemeente) | Gmina Widuchowa |
Widukind | Widukind |
Widukind van Corvey | Widukind of Corvey |
Wie is er bang voor Virginia Woolf? | Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? |
Wie is het? | Guess Who? |
Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (BWV 1) | Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, BWV 1 |
Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (koraal) | Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern |
Wie van de Drie | To Tell the Truth |
Wiebelsdorf | Wiebelsdorf |
Wiebelsteen | Rattleback |
Wieblitz-Eversdorf | Wieblitz-Eversdorf |
Więcbork (gemeente) | Gmina Więcbork |
Wiechert-Gutenbergdiscontinuïteit | Core–mantle boundary |
Wieck auf dem Darß | Wieck auf dem Darß |
Wieczfnia Kościelna | Wieczfnia Kościelna |
Wieczfnia Kościelna (gemeente) | Gmina Wieczfnia Kościelna |
Wied (bij Hachenburg) | Wied, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Wieda | Wieda |
Wieden | Wieden (disambiguation) |
Wieden (Schwarzwald) | Wieden (Lörrach) |
Wieden (Wenen) | Wieden |
Wiedenborstel | Wiedenborstel |
Wiedergutmachung | Wiedergutmachung |
Wiedersberger Horn | Wiedersberger Horn |
Wiederstedt | Wiederstedt |
Wiedingharders | Wiedingharde Frisian |
Wieds roodsnuitmuis | Red-nosed mouse |
Wieds zwartpluimpenseelaapje | Wied's marmoset |
Wieg | Infant bed |
Wieg van de mensheid | Cradle of Humankind |
Wiegboldsbur | Wiegboldsbur |
Wiège-Faty | Wiège-Faty |
Wiegemes | Mezzaluna |
Wiegendood | Sudden infant death syndrome |
Wiegendorf | Wiegendorf |
Wiegenlied van Brahms | Brahms's Lullaby |
Wieger | Wieger |
Wieger Mensonides | Wieger Mensonides |
Wieglitz | Wieglitz |
Wiehengebergte | Wiehen Hills |
Wiejce | Wiejce |
Wiek | Wiek |
Wiek (Duitsland) | Wiek, Rügen |
Wieken (windturbine) | Wind turbine design |
Wiel | Wheel (disambiguation) |
Wiel (voortbeweging) | Wheel |
Wiel Arets | Wiel Arets |
Wiel van Barlow | Barlow's wheel |
Wieland de Smid | Wayland the Smith |
Wielbark | Wielbark, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship |
Wielbark (gemeente) | Gmina Wielbark |
Wielbark-cultuur | Wielbark culture |
Wielbasis | Wheelbase |
Wieldop | Hubcap |
Wieldrecht | Wieldrecht |
Wieleń (gemeente) | Gmina Wieleń |
Wielerklassieker | Classic cycle races |
Wielerploeg | Cycling team |
Wielersport | Bicycle racing |
Wielersport op de Middellandse Zeespelen 2005 | Cycling at the 2005 Mediterranean Games |
Wielersport op de Olympische Jeugdzomerspelen 2010 | Cycling at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics |
Wielersport op de Olympische Zomerspelen | Cycling at the Summer Olympics |
Wielersport op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1996/tijdrit mannen | Cycling at the 1996 Summer Olympics – Men's time trial |
Wielersport op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1996/wegrit mannen | Cycling at the 1996 Summer Olympics – Men's road race |
Wielersport op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1996/wegrit vrouwen | Cycling at the 1996 Summer Olympics – Women's road race |
Wielersport op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2004/tijdrit vrouwen | Cycling at the 2004 Summer Olympics – Women's road time trial |
Wielersport op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008 | Cycling at the 2008 Summer Olympics |
Wielersport op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008/mountainbike mannen | Cycling at the 2008 Summer Olympics – Men's cross-country |
Wielersport op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008/mountainbike vrouwen | Cycling at the 2008 Summer Olympics – Women's cross-country |
Wielersport op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – Keirin vrouwen | Cycling at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Women's Keirin |
Wielersport op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – Omnium vrouwen | Cycling at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Women's Omnium |
Wielersport op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – Teamsprint vrouwen | Cycling at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Women's team sprint |
Wielertoerisme | Cyclosportive |
Wielerweek van Lombardije | Settimana Ciclistica Lombarda |
Wielewaal (zangvogel) | Eurasian Golden Oriole |
Wielewalen en vijgvogels | Oriole |
Wielgie | Wielgie |
Wielgie (gemeente) | Gmina Wielgie |
Wielgie (powiat Lipnowski) | Wielgie, Lipno County |
Wielgomłyny | Wielgomłyny |
Wielgomłyny (gemeente) | Gmina Wielgomłyny |
Wielichowo (gemeente) | Gmina Wielichowo |
Wieliczka (gemeente) | Gmina Wieliczka |
Wieliczka-zoutmijn | Wieliczka Salt Mine |
Wieliczki | Wieliczki |
Wieliczki (gemeente) | Gmina Wieliczki |
Wielingenklasse | Wielingen-class frigate |
Wieliszew | Wieliszew |
Wieliszew (gemeente) | Gmina Wieliszew |
Wielka Krokiew | Wielka Krokiew |
Wielka Nieszawka (gemeente) | Gmina Wielka Nieszawka |
Wielka Wieś (gemeente) | Gmina Wielka Wieś |
Wielkie Oczy (gemeente) | Gmina Wielkie Oczy |
Wielklem | Wheel clamp |
Wielophanging | Suspension (vehicle) |
Wielopole Skrzyńskie (gemeente) | Gmina Wielopole Skrzyńskie |
Wielowieś (gemeente) | Gmina Wielowieś |
Wielrennen op de Gemenebestspelen 2006/baan | Cycling at the 2006 Commonwealth Games |
Wieltje (paddenstoel) | Marasmius rotula |
Wieluń (gemeente) | Gmina Wieluń |
Wielwebkaardespinnen | Uloboridae |
Wielwebspinnen | Orb-weaver spider |
Wiemersdorf | Wiemersdorf |
Wiemerstedt | Wiemerstedt |
Wien | Wien (disambiguation) |
Wien (rivier) | Wien (river) |
Wien Neêrlands bloed | Wien Neêrlands Bloed |
Wiencourt-l'Équipée | Wiencourt-l'Équipée |
Wiendorf (Anhalt) | Wiendorf, Saxony-Anhalt |
Wiendorf (Mecklenburg) | Wiendorf |
Wiener AF | Wiener A.F. |
Wiener filter | Wiener filter |
Wiener Kreis | Vienna Circle |
Wiener Lokalbahnen (WLB) | Wiener Lokalbahnen |
Wiener Musikverein | Musikverein |
Wiener Neustadteiland | Wiener Neustadt Island |
Wiener Neustädterkanaal | Wiener Neustadt Canal |
Wiener Neustadt-Land | Wiener Neustadt-Land District |
Wiener Philharmoniker | Vienna Philharmonic |
Wiener Sängerknaben | Vienna Boys' Choir |
Wiener Secession | Vienna Secession |
Wienermelange | Wiener Melange |
Wienerwald | Wienerwald |
Wienerwald (gebied) | Vienna Woods |
Wienerwald (gemeente) | Wienerwald, Austria |
Wieniawa | Wieniawa |
Wieniawa (gemeente) | Gmina Wieniawa |
Wieniawa (Mazovië) | Wieniawa, Masovian Voivodeship |
Wienrode | Wienrode |
Wien-Umgebung | Wien-Umgebung District |
Wiepke | Wiepke |
Wieprz | Wieprz (disambiguation) |
Wieprz (gemeente) | Gmina Wieprz |
Wier | Wier |
Wier (plaats) | Wier, Friesland |
Wieren (Duitsland) | Wieren |
Wieringerrandmeer | Wieringerrandmeer |
Wieringerwaard | Wieringerwaard |
Wieringerwerf | Wieringerwerf |
Wierook | Incense |
Wierookroute | Incense Route |
Wierookvat | Thurible |
Wierre-au-Bois | Wierre-au-Bois |
Wierre-Effroy | Wierre-Effroy |
Wiersdorf | Wiersdorf |
Wiershop | Wiershop |
Wiersma | Wiersma |
Wierum (Friesland) | Wierum |
Wieruszów (gemeente) | Gmina Wieruszów |
Wiervis | Weedy sea dragon |
Wiervliegen | Coelopidae |
Wierzbica | Wierzbica |
Wierzbica (gemeente in powiat Chełmski) | Gmina Wierzbica, Lublin Voivodeship |
Wierzbica (gemeente in powiat Radomski) | Gmina Wierzbica, Masovian Voivodeship |
Wierzbica (powiat Radomski) | Wierzbica, Radom County |
Wierzbinek (gemeente) | Gmina Wierzbinek |
Wierzbno | Wierzbno (disambiguation) |
Wierzbno (gemeente) | Gmina Wierzbno |
Wierzchlas | Wierzchlas |
Wierzchlas (gemeente) | Gmina Wierzchlas |
Wierzchlas (Łódź) | Wierzchlas, Łódź Voivodeship |
Wierzchosławice | Wierzchosławice |
Wierzchosławice (gemeente) | Gmina Wierzchosławice |
Wierzchowo (gemeente) | Gmina Wierzchowo |
Wies (Baden-Württemberg) | Wies, Baden-Württemberg |
Wiesbach (Palts) | Wiesbach |
Wiesbaden Hauptbahnhof | Wiesbaden Central Station |
Wiesbaden-Mitte | Wiesbaden-Mitte |
Wiesbaden-Nordost | Wiesbaden-Nordost |
Wiesbaden-Rheingauviertel | Wiesbaden-Rheingauviertel |
Wiesbaden-Südost | Wiesbaden-Südost |
Wiesbaden-Westend | Wiesbaden-Westend |
Wiese | Wiese |
Wiesel | Wiesel |
Wieselburg | Wieselburg |
Wiesen (Neder-Franken) | Wiesen, Bavaria |
Wiesen (Oostenrijk) | Wiesen, Austria |
Wiesen (Zwitserland) | Wiesen, Switzerland |
Wiesenaue | Wiesenaue |
Wiesenbach (Baden-Württemberg) | Wiesenbach (Rhein-Neckar) |
Wiesenbach (Beieren) | Wiesenbach, Bavaria |
Wiesenburg/Mark | Wiesenburg |
Wiesenfeld (Eichsfeld) | Wiesenfeld, Eichsfeld |
Wiesengrund | Wiesengrund |
Wiesent | Wiesent, Bavaria |
Wiesenthal (Thüringen) | Wiesenthal |
Wieskau | Wieskau |
Wiesmann | Wiesmann |
Wieszowa | Wieszowa |
Wietrzychowice (gemeente) | Gmina Wietrzychowice |
Wietse Venema | Wietse Venema |
Wietstock | Wietstock |
Wietzen | Wietzen |
Wieuwerd | Wiuwert |
Wife vs. Secretary | Wife vs. Secretary |
Wifflebal | Wiffle ball |
Wi-Fi Access Point | Wireless access point |
Wi-Fi Direct | Wi-Fi Direct |
Wifried I | Wilfred the Hairy |
Wifried II | Wifred II, Count of Barcelona |
Wig | Wig (disambiguation) |
Wig (gereedschap) | Wedge (mechanics) |
WIG 20 | WIG20 |
Wigan (district) | Metropolitan Borough of Wigan |
Wigan Athletic FC | Wigan Athletic F.C. |
Wigbert van Rathmelsigi | Wigbert |
Wigbold I van Holte | Wigbold von Holte |
Wigerik | Wigeric of Lotharingia |
Wiggenbeen | Sphenoid bone |
Wigger | Wigger |
Wiggins (Mississippi) | Wiggins, Mississippi |
Wigginton | Wigginton |
Wight | Isle of Wight |
Wignehies | Wignehies |
Wignerdistributie | Wigner quasiprobability distribution |
Wigner-Seitz-cel | Wigner–Seitz cell |
Wignicourt | Wignicourt |
Wigparadox | Missing square puzzle |
Wigsnavelgors | Peg-billed Finch |
Wigsnavelmuisspecht | Wedge-billed Woodcreeper |
Wigstaartarend | Wedge-tailed Eagle |
Wigstaartmonarch | Black Monarch |
Wigstaartpijlstormvogel | Wedge-tailed Shearwater |
Wigstaarttok | Indian Grey Hornbill |
Wigstaartwouw | Whistling Kite |
Wigwam | Wigwam (disambiguation) |
Wigwam (band) | Wigwam (progressive rock band) |
Wihtred | Wihtred of Kent |
Wii Balance Board | Wii Balance Board |
Wii-afstandsbediening | Wii Remote |
WiiConnect24 | WiiConnect24 |
Wii-serie | Wii (video game series) |
Wij (roman) | We (novel) |
Wij Zijn Onze Bergen | We Are Our Mountains |
Wijckel | Wijckel |
Wijde mantel | Queen scallop |
Wijdefjord | Wijdefjorden |
Wijdenes | Wijdenes |
Wijdewormer | Wijdewormer |
Wijding | Holy Orders |
Wijerd Jelckama | Wijerd Jelckama |
Wijewo | Wijewo |
Wijewo (gemeente) | Gmina Wijewo |
Wijfjesvaren | Athyrium filix-femina |
Wijhe | Wijhe |
Wijk | Wijk |
Wijk aan Zee en Duin | Wijk aan Zee en Duin |
Wijk en Aalburg | Wijk en Aalburg |
Wijk van Japan | Wards of Japan |
Wijken van Buenos Aires | Barrios and Communes of Buenos Aires |
Wijlre | Wijlre |
Wijn | Wine |
Wijnaldum (plaats) | Wijnaldum |
Wijnandsrade | Wijnandsrade |
Wijnbeoordelingssysteem | Wine rating |
Wijnboer | Winemaker |
Wijnborstsperwer | Vinous-breasted Sparrowhawk |
Wijnbouw | Viticulture |
Wijnbouw in Australië | Australian wine |
Wijnbouw in Brazilië | Brazilian wine |
Wijnbouw in Canada | Canadian wine |
Wijnbouw in Chili | Chilean wine |
Wijnbouw in China | Wine in China |
Wijnbouw in de Verenigde Staten | American wine |
Wijnbouw in Denemarken | Danish wine |
Wijnbouw in Duitsland | German wine |
Wijnbouw in Egypte | Egyptian wine |
Wijnbouw in Frankrijk | French wine |
Wijnbouw in Griekenland | Greek wine |
Wijnbouw in het Verenigd Koninkrijk | Wine from the United Kingdom |
Wijnbouw in Japan | Japanese wine |
Wijnbouw in Libanon | Lebanese wine |
Wijnbouw in Luxemburg | Luxembourg wine |
Wijnbouw in Marokko | Moroccan wine |
Wijnbouw in Mexico | Mexican wine |
Wijnbouw in Nederland | Dutch wine |
Wijnbouw in Nieuw-Zeeland | New Zealand wine |
Wijnbouw in Portugal | Portuguese wine |
Wijnbouw in Roemenië | Romanian wine |
Wijnbouw in Turkije | Turkish wine |
Wijnbouw in Zuid-Afrika | South African wine |
Wijnbouw in Zweden | Swedish wine |
Wijnbouw in Zwitserland | Swiss wine |
Wijnbouwzones in de Europese Unie | European Union wine growing zones |
Wijnetiket | Wine label |
Wijnfles | Wine bottle |
Wijngaard | Vineyard |
Wijngaarden (Zuid-Holland) | Wijngaarden |
Wijngaardslak | Helix pomatia |
Wijnglas | Wine glass |
Wijngoed | Winery |
Wijnjewoude | Wijnjewoude |
Wijnkelder | Wine cellar |
Wijnrode astrild | Rock Firefinch |
Wijnruit | Ruta graveolens |
Wijnruitfamilie | Rutaceae |
Wijns | Wyns |
Wijnsteenzuur | Tartaric acid |
Wijnstokfamilie | Vitaceae |
Wijntoerisme | Enotourism |
Wijntortel | Vinaceous Dove |
Wijnvlek | Port-wine stain |
Wijs | Grammatical mood |
Wijsgerige antropologie | Philosophical anthropology |
Wijsheid (boek) | Book of Wisdom |
Wijsheid (deugd) | Wisdom |
Wijsheid van Jezus Christus | The Sophia of Jesus Christ |
Wijsheid van Jezus Sirach | Sirach |
Wijsheidsliteratuur | Wisdom literature |
Wijster | Wijster |
Wijsvinger | Index finger |
Wijsvinger-ringvinger-index | Digit ratio |
Wijting | Merlangius merlangus |
Wijwater | Holy water |
Wijwaterkwast | Aspergillum |
Wijwatervat | Holy water font |
Wijzen uit het oosten | Biblical Magi |
Wijzerplaat | Clock face |
Wijzerzin | Clockwise |
Wik Jongsma | Wik Jongsma |
Wikimedia Foundation | Wikimedia Foundation |
Wikipedia | Wikipedia |
Wikisoftware | Wiki software |
Wikitekst | Wiki markup |
WikiTrust | WikiTrust |
Wikiversity | Wikiversity |
Wikke | Vicia |
Wikkeblauwtje | Polyommatus amandus |
Wikki Tourists FC | Wikki Tourists F.C. |
Wiktionary | Wiktionary |
Wil | Wil (disambiguation) |
Wil (Aargau) | Wil, Aargau |
Wil (begrip) | Will (philosophy) |
Wil (district) | Wil (Wahlkreis) |
Wil (Sankt Gallen) | Wil |
Wil (Zürich) | Wil, Zurich |
Wil Horneff | Wil Horneff |
Wila | Wila, Switzerland |
Wilamowice (gemeente) | Gmina Wilamowice |
Wilanówpaleis | Wilanów Palace |
Wilaya | Wilayah |
Wilbarger County | Wilbarger County, Texas |
Wilber | Wilber, Nebraska |
Wilber Pan | Wilber Pan |
Wilbert Vere Awdry | Wilbert Awdry |
Wilbrand van Oldenburg | Wilbrand van Oldenburg |
Wilbur Scoville | Wilbur Scoville |
Wilbur Smith (schrijver) | Wilbur Smith |
Wilburton | Wilburton (disambiguation) |
Wilburton (Oklahoma) | Wilburton, Oklahoma |
Wilby | Wilby |
Wilby (Suffolk) | Wilby, Suffolk |
Wilco | Wilco (disambiguation) |
Wilco (band) | Wilco |
Wilcox County | Wilcox County |
Wilcox County (Alabama) | Wilcox County, Alabama |
Wilcox County (Georgia) | Wilcox County, Georgia |
Wilcoxon | Wilcoxon |
Wilczęta (gemeente) | Gmina Wilczęta |
Wilczyce | Wilczyce |
Wilczyce (gemeente) | Gmina Wilczyce |
Wilczyce (Święty Krzyż) | Wilczyce, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship |
Wilczyn (gemeente) | Gmina Wilczyn |
Wilczyn (Groot-Polen) | Wilczyn, Greater Poland Voivodeship |
Wild | Game (food) |
Wild (doorverwijspagina) | Wild |
Wild at Heart | Wild at Heart (film) |
Wild Cherry | Wild Cherry (band) |
Wild Child | Wild Child (film) |
Wild Dances (album) | Wild Dances (album) |
Wild Dances (single) | Wild Dances |
Wild Energy (album) | Wild Energy (album) |
Wild Hogs | Wild Hogs |
Wild Honey Pie | Wild Honey Pie |
Wild in the Country | Wild in the Country |
Wild Is the Wind | Wild Is the Wind |
Wild kattenkruid | Nepeta cataria |
Wild Mouse (Pleasure Beach Blackpool) | Wild Mouse (Pleasure Beach Blackpool) |
Wild Ones (album) | Wild Ones (album) |
Wild Ones (single) | Wild Ones (song) |
Wild River | Wild River (film) |
Wild Tales | Wild Tales |
Wild Target | Wild Target |
Wild Things | Wild Things |
Wild Wild West (film) | Wild Wild West |
Wild zwijn | Wild boar |
Wildaanrijding | Roadkill |
Wildberg (Schwarzwald) | Wildberg, Baden-Württemberg |
Wildberg (Vorpommern) | Wildberg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Wildberg (Zwitserland) | Wildberg, Switzerland |
Wildboyz | Wildboyz |
Wildbreien | Yarn bombing |
Wildcard | Wild card |
Wildcard (sport) | Wild card (sports) |
Wildcat | Wildcat (disambiguation) |
Wildcats (film) | Wildcats (film) |
Wilde (film) | Wilde (film) |
Wilde aardbeien | Wild Strawberries (film) |
Wilde akelei | Aquilegia vulgaris |
Wilde appel | Malus sylvestris |
Wilde averuit | Artemisia campestris |
Wilde bertram | Achillea ptarmica |
Wilde cichorei | Chicory |
Wilde eend | Mallard |
Wilde eendcluster | Wild Duck Cluster |
Wilde ezel | African wild ass |
Wilde gagel | Myrica gale |
Wilde haver | Avena sterilis |
Wilde hyacint | Hyacinthoides non-scripta |
Wilde Jacht | Wild Hunt |
Wilde kamperfoelie | Lonicera periclymenum |
Wilde kardinaalsmuts | Euonymus europaeus |
Wilde kat | Wildcat |
Wilde liguster | Ligustrum vulgare |
Wilde lijsterbes | Sorbus aucuparia |
Wilde marjolein | Oregano |
Wilde narcis | Narcissus pseudonarcissus |
Wilde peen | Daucus carota |
Wilde peer | Pyrus pyraster |
Wilde reseda | Reseda lutea |
Wilde ridderspoor | Consolida regalis |
Wilde rijst | Wild rice |
Wilde vaart | Tramp trade |
Wilde Velden | Wild Fields |
Wilde vijgenboom | Ficus sycomorus |
Wilde weit | Melampyrum arvense |
Wilde Westen | American Old West |
Wilde wingerd | Parthenocissus |
Wilde zwaan | Whooper Swan |
Wildeman | Wild man |
Wildemann | Wildemann |
Wildemanskruid | Pulsatilla vulgaris |
Wildemuis-achtbaan | Wild Mouse roller coaster |
Wildengundkopf | Wildengundkopf |
Wildenhain (Meißen) | Wildenhain |
Wildenspring | Wildenspring |
Wildenstein | Wildenstein |
Wilder (Frankrijk) | Wylder |
Wilder Freiger | Wilder Freiger |
Wilder Pfaff | Wilder Pfaff |
Wilderness Act | Wilderness Act |
Wildernis (natuur) | Wilderness |
Wildernis (West-Kaap) | Wilderness, Western Cape |
Wildernisgebied | Strict nature reserve |
Wildernisgebied Käsivarsi | Käsivarsi Wilderness Area |
Wildervank | Wildervank |
Wildest Dreams (Saga) | Wildest Dreams (Saga album) |
Wildfire | Wildfire (disambiguation) |
Wildflower | Wildflower (Sheryl Crow album) |
WildFly | WildFly |
Wildgraaf (titel) | Waldgrave |
Wildgrat | Wildgrat |
Wildhaus | Wildhaus |
Wildhaus-Alt St. Johann | Wildhaus-Alt St. Johann |
Wildkarspitze | Wildkarspitze |
Wildkleur | Dun gene |
Wildkogel | Wildkogel |
Wildkust | Wild Coast Region, Eastern Cape |
Wildlifefotografie | Wildlife photography |
Wildnörderer | Wildnörderer |
Wildomar | Wildomar, California |
Wildreservaat Dja | Dja Faunal Reserve |
Wildrose | Wildrose, North Dakota |
Wildseeloder | Wildseeloder |
Wildstroperij | Poaching |
Wildwater | Whitewater |
Wildwaterbaan | Water ride |
Wildwatervaren | Whitewater kayaking |
Wildwestroman | Western fiction |
Wildwood | Wildwood |
Wildwood (Florida) | Wildwood, Florida |
Wildwood (Missouri) | Wildwood, Missouri |
Wile E. Coyote's Grand Canyon Blaster | Wile E. Coyote's Grand Canyon Blaster |
Wilen | Wilen |
Wiler (Lötschen) | Wiler |
Wiles | Wiles |
Wiley (Colorado) | Wiley, Colorado |
Wiley (rapper) | Wiley (rapper) |
Wiley-Blackwell | Wiley-Blackwell |
Wiley-VCH Verlag | Wiley-VCH |
Wilfersdorf | Wilfersdorf |
Wilfred Kigen | Wilfred Kibet Kigen |
Wilfredomys oenax | Greater Wilfred's mouse |
Wilfrid Fox Napier | Wilfrid Napier |
Wilfrid Hodges | Wilfrid Hodges |
Wilfrid M. Voynich | Wilfrid Michael Voynich |
Wilfrid van York | Wilfrid |
Wilfried David | Wilfried David |
Wilfried Puis | Wilfried Puis |
Wilfried Vandaele | Wilfried Vandaele |
Wilg | Willow |
Wilga (gemeente) | Gmina Wilga |
Wilgalant | Inula salicina |
Wilgenfamilie | Salicaceae |
Wilgengors | Yellow-breasted Bunting |
Wilgengouduil | Xanthia togata |
Wilgenhermelijnvlinder | Poplar Kitten |
Wilgenhommel | Bombus cryptarum |
Wilgenhoutvlinder | Cossus cossus |
Wilgenroosje | Chamerion angustifolium |
Wilgenroosjesboorder | Mompha jurassicella |
Wilgenroosjesgalmot | Mompha sturnipennella |
Wilgenroosjesscheutmot | Mompha conturbatella |
Wilgenstippelmot | Yponomeuta rorrella |
Wilgentandvlinder | Notodonta tritophus |
Wilgenweeskind | Catocala electa |
Wilgenwespvlinder | Synanthedon formicaeformis |
Wilhelm | Wilhelm |
Wilhelm (volkslied) | De Wilhelmus |
Wilhelm Ackermann | Wilhelm Ackermann |
Wilhelm Adam | Wilhelm Adam |
Wilhelm Bauer (uitvinder) | Wilhelm Bauer |
Wilhelm Baumann | Wilhelm Baumann |
Wilhelm Bendz | Wilhelm Bendz |
Wilhelm Braune | Wilhelm Braune |
Wilhelm Brinkmann | Wilhelm Brinkmann |
Wilhelm Eduard Albrecht | Wilhelm Eduard Albrecht |
Wilhelm Erb | Wilhelm Heinrich Erb |
Wilhelm Grewe | Wilhelm Grewe |
Wilhelm Groener | Wilhelm Groener |
Wilhelm Gustloff (schip) | MV Wilhelm Gustloff |
Wilhelm Herz | Wilhelm Herz |
Wilhelm Hillebrand | William Hillebrand |
Wilhelm His | Wilhelm His |
Wilhelm His (1831-1904) | Wilhelm His, Sr. |
Wilhelm Holtz | Wilhelm Holtz |
Wilhelm Holzbauer | Wilhelm Holzbauer |
Wilhelm Huxhorn | Wilhelm Huxhorn |
Wilhelm I van Duitsland | Wilhelm I of Germany |
Wilhelm II van Duitsland | Wilhelm II of Germany |
Wilhelm in Beieren | Duke Wilhelm in Bavaria |
Wilhelm Jordan | Wilhelm Jordan (geodesist) |
Wilhelm Kienzl | Wilhelm Kienzl |
Wilhelm Körner | Wilhelm Körner |
Wilhelm Kreis | Wilhelm Kreis |
Wilhelm Kritzinger | Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger |
Wilhelm Kroll | Wilhelm Kroll |
Wilhelm Külz | Wilhelm Külz |
Wilhelm Lenz | Wilhelm Lenz |
Wilhelm List | Wilhelm List |
Wilhelm Marstrand | Wilhelm Marstrand |
Wilhelm Müller (dichter) | Wilhelm Müller |
Wilhelm Müller (handballer) | Wilhelm Müller (handballer) |
Wilhelm Oswald Lohse | Oswald Lohse |
Wilhelm Peters | Wilhelm Peters |
Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb | Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb |
Wilhelm Rollmann | Wilhelm Rollmann |
Wilhelm Röntgen | Wilhelm Röntgen |
Wilhelm Rüstow | Friedrich Wilhelm Rüstow |
Wilhelm Sasnal | Wilhelm Sasnal |
Wilhelm Schraml | Wilhelm Schraml |
Wilhelm Simetsreiter | Wilhelm Simetsreiter |
Wilhelm Tomaschek | Wilhelm Tomaschek |
Wilhelm van Pruisen | Wilhelm of Prussia (disambiguation) |
Wilhelm van Pruisen (1882-1951) | Wilhelm, German Crown Prince |
Wilhelm van Roggendorf | Wilhelm von Roggendorf |
Wilhelm von Biela | Baron Wilhelm von Biela |
Wilhelm von Hohenau (1884–1957) | Wilhelm Graf von Hohenau |
Wilhelm von Siemens | Georg Wilhelm von Siemens |
Wilhelm Wieprecht | Wilhelm Friedrich Wieprecht |
Wilhelm zu Wied | William, Prince of Albania |
Wilhelma | Wilhelma |
Wilhelm-Busch-Museum | Wilhelm Busch Museum |
Wilhelm-Ernst Oorlogskruis | Wilhelm Ernst War Cross |
Wilhelmieten | Hermits of Saint William |
Wilhelmina | Wilhelmina |
Wilhelmina Caroline van Denemarken | Princess Wilhelmina Caroline of Denmark |
Wilhelmina der Nederlanden | Wilhelmina of the Netherlands |
Wilhelmina Drucker | Wilhelmina Drucker |
Wilhelmina Ernestina van Denemarken | Princess Wilhelmine Ernestine of Denmark |
Wilhelmina Harker | Mina Harker |
Wilhelmina Louisa van Hessen-Darmstadt | Natalia Alexeievna of Russia |
Wilhelmina Marie van Denemarken | Princess Vilhelmine Marie of Denmark |
Wilhelmina van Baden | Princess Wilhelmine of Baden |
Wilhelmina van Pruisen | Wilhelmine of Prussia |
Wilhelmina van Pruisen (1774-1837) | Wilhelmine of Prussia, Queen of the Netherlands |
Wilhelminadorp (Goes) | Wilhelminadorp, Goes |
Wilhelminagebergte | Wilhelmina Mountains |
Wilhelminaoord | Wilhelminaoord |
Wilhelminisme | Wilhelminism |
Wilhelm-Orde | Wilhelm-Orden |
Wilhelmplatz | Wilhelmplatz |
Wilhelmsburg (Neder-Oostenrijk) | Wilhelmsburg, Austria |
Wilhelmsburg (Vorpommern) | Wilhelmsburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Wilhelmschreeuw | Wilhelm scream |
Wilhelmsdorf (Middel-Franken) | Wilhelmsdorf, Bavaria |
Wilhelmsdorf (Saale) | Wilhelmsdorf, Thuringia |
Wilhelmsdorf (Württemberg) | Wilhelmsdorf, Baden-Württemberg |
Wilhelmsorden | Wilhelmsorden |
Wilhelmstraße (Berlin-Mitte) | Wilhelmstrasse |
Wilhelmstraße (Berlin-Spandau) | Wilhelmstraße (Spandau) |
Wilhelmstraßenproces | Ministries Trial |
Wilhelmus | Het Wilhelmus |
Wilhelmus Demarteau | Wilhelmus Demarteau |
Wilhelmus Durandus | Guillaume Durand |
Wilhem de Haan | Wilhem de Haan |
Wilhoit | Wilhoit, Arizona |
Wilhuff Tarkin | Grand Moff Tarkin |
Wilis | Mount Wilis |
Wiljan Pluim | Wiljan Pluim |
Wilkens | Wilkens |
Wilkens bitter | Allamanda cathartica |
Wilkes County | Wilkes County |
Wilkes County (Georgia) | Wilkes County, Georgia |
Wilkes County (North Carolina) | Wilkes County, North Carolina |
Wilkes-Barre | Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania |
Wilkesboro | Wilkesboro, North Carolina |
Wilkesland | Wilkes Land |
Wilkeslandkrater | Wilkes Land crater |
Wilkin County | Wilkin County, Minnesota |
Wilkinsburg | Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania |
Wilkinson County | Wilkinson County |
Wilkinson County (Georgia) | Wilkinson County, Georgia |
Wilkinson County (Mississippi) | Wilkinson County, Mississippi |
Wilkinson-katalysator | Wilkinson's catalyst |
Wilko de Vogt | Wilko de Vogt |
Wilkołaz (gemeente) | Gmina Wilkołaz |
Wilków (gemeente in powiat Namysłowski) | Gmina Wilków, Opole Voivodeship |
Wilków (gemeente in powiat Opolski) | Gmina Wilków, Lublin Voivodeship |
Wilków (powiat Namysłowski) | Wilków, Namysłów County |
Wilkowice | Wilkowice |
Wilkowice (gemeente) | Gmina Wilkowice |
Wilkowice (powiat Bielski) | Wilkowice, Bielsko County |
Wilkowo | Wilkowo |
Wilkowo (powiat Kętrzyński) | Wilkowo, Kętrzyn County |
Will & Grace | Will & Grace |
Will Bradley (bandleider) | Will Bradley |
Will Bruin | Will Bruin |
Will Chase | Will Chase |
Will Clarke | Will Clarke (cyclist) |
Will County | Will County, Illinois |
Will Davison | Will Davison |
Will Denton | Will Denton |
Will Friedle | Will Friedle |
Will Harvey | Will Harvey |
Will Johnson | Will Johnson (soccer) |
Will Lammert | Will Lammert |
Will Merrick | Will Merrick |
Will Robson Emilio Andrade | Will Robson Emilio Andrade |
Will Sanders | Will Sanders |
Will Solomon | Will Solomon |
Will Stevens | Will Stevens |
Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? | Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? |
Will Tura | Will Tura |
Will Turner | Will Turner |
Will Wright | Will Wright (game developer) |
Will You Be There | Will You Be There |
Willacy County | Willacy County, Texas |
Willamette | Willamette |
Willamette (rivier) | Willamette River |
Willamette Valley | Willamette Valley |
Willandramerengebied | Willandra Lakes Region |
Willard Hotel | Willard InterContinental Washington |
Willard Libby | Willard Libby |
Willard Metcalf | Willard Metcalf |
Willards | Willards, Maryland |
Willcox | Willcox, Arizona |
Willebrord Snel van Royen | Willebrord Snellius |
Willehad | Willehad of Bremen |
Willeke Alberti | Willeke Alberti |
Willekeurige gevangenneming | Arbitrary arrest and detention |
Willem Abraham Wythoff | Willem Abraham Wythoff |
Willem Adolf van Wied | William, Prince of Wied |
Willem Andriessen | Willem Andriessen |
Willem Anne Lestevenon | Willem Anne Lestevenon |
Willem Anne Schimmelpenninck van der Oye | Willem Anne Schimmelpenninck van der Oye |
Willem Arondeus | Willem Arondeus |
Willem August van Saksen-Eisenach | William August, Duke of Saxe-Eisenach |
Willem Barentsz | Willem Barents |
Willem Baudartius | Willem Baudartius |
Willem Bentinck (1704-1774) | Willem Bentinck van Rhoon |
Willem Berthout van Mechelen | Willem II Berthout |
Willem Bonne-Âme | William Bona Anima |
Willem Bosman | Willem Bosman |
Willem Buys | Willem Buys |
Willem Buytewech | Willem Pieterszoon Buytewech |
Willem Christoffel van Hessen-Homburg-Bingenheim | William Christoph, Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg |
Willem Clito | William Clito |
Willem Cornelisz Schouten | Willem Schouten |
Willem Cornelisz. Duyster | Willem Cornelisz Duyster |
Willem de Clercq | Willem de Clercq |
Willem de Famars Testas | Willem de Famars Testas |
Willem de Kooning Academie | Willem de Kooning Academy |
Willem de Maarschalk | William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke |
Willem de Poorter | Willem de Poorter |
Willem de Rooij | Willem de Rooij |
Willem de Veroveraar | William I of England |
Willem de Volder | Wilhelm Gnapheus |
Willem den Toom (politicus) | Willem den Toom |
Willem Drees jr. | Willem Drees, Jr. |
Willem Duyn | Willem Duyn |
Willem Eggert | Willem Eggert |
Willem Ernst van Saksen-Weimar | William Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Weimar |
Willem Ernst van Saksen-Weimar-Eisenach | William Ernest, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach |
Willem Frederik van Brandenburg-Ansbach | William Frederick, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach |
Willem Frederik van Gloucester | Prince William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh |
Willem Frederik van Nassau-Dietz | William Frederick, Prince of Nassau-Dietz |
Willem Frederik van Sleeswijk-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg | Wilhelm Friedrich, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein |
Willem Frederik van Württemberg | Duke William Frederick Philip of Württemberg |
Willem Geefs | Guillaume Geefs |
Willem George Frederik van Oranje-Nassau | Prince Frederick of Orange-Nassau |
Willem Hendrik de Vriese | Willem Hendrik de Vriese |
Willem Hendrik I van Nassau-Usingen | William Henry, Prince of Nassau-Usingen |
Willem Hendrik II van Nassau-Saarbrücken | William Henry, Prince of Nassau-Saarbrücken |
Willem Hendrik van den Bos | Willem Hendrik van den Bos |
Willem Hendrik van Saksen-Eisenach | Wilhelm Heinrich, Duke of Saxe-Eisenach |
Willem Herreyns | Willem Jacob Herreyns |
Willem Hesselink | Willem Hesselink |
Willem Hessels van Est | Willem Hessels van Est |
Willem Hofhuizen | Willem Hofhuizen |
Willem Hubert Nolens | Willem Hubert Nolens |
Willem Hyacinth van Nassau-Siegen | William Hyacinth, Prince of Nassau-Siegen |
Willem I | William I |
Willem I der Nederlanden | William I of the Netherlands |
Willem I van Apulië | William Iron Arm |
Willem I van Aquitanië | William I, Duke of Aquitaine |
Willem I van Bellême | William of Bellême |
Willem I van Berg | William I of Berg |
Willem I van Boulogne | William I, Count of Boulogne |
Willem I van Bourgondië | William I, Count of Burgundy |
Willem I van Brunswijk | William I, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg |
Willem I van Brunswijk-Lüneburg | William the Victorious, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg |
Willem I van Bures | William I of Bures |
Willem I van der Marck Lumey | William I de La Marck |
Willem I van Genève | William I of Geneva |
Willem I van Hessen | William I, Landgrave of Lower Hesse |
Willem I van Hessen-Kassel | William I, Elector of Hesse |
Willem I van Holland | William I, Count of Holland |
Willem I van La Roche | William I de la Roche |
Willem I van Luxemburg | William, Count of Luxembourg |
Willem I van Meißen | William I, Margrave of Meissen |
Willem I van Namen | William I, Marquis of Namur |
Willem I van Nassau-Dillenburg | William I, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg |
Willem I van Nevers | William I, Count of Nevers |
Willem I van Normandië | William I, Duke of Normandy |
Willem I van Ponthieu | William III, Count of Ponthieu |
Willem I van Provence | William I of Provence |
Willem I van Schotland | William the Lion |
Willem I van Sicilië | William I of Sicily |
Willem I van Stiermarken | William, Duke of Austria |
Willem I van Urach | Wilhelm, Duke of Urach |
Willem I van Württemberg | William I of Württemberg |
Willem II | William II |
Willem II (voetbalclub) | Willem II (football club) |
Willem II der Nederlanden | William II of the Netherlands |
Willem II Talvas van Bellême | William I Talvas |
Willem II van Apulië | William II, Duke of Apulia |
Willem II van Aquitanië | William II, Duke of Aquitaine |
Willem II van Béarn | Guillermo II de Montcada |
Willem II van Berg | William VII of Jülich, 1st Duke of Berg |
Willem II van Béthune | William II, Lord of Béthune |
Willem II van Bourgondië | William II, Count of Burgundy |
Willem II van Brunswijk-Lüneburg | William IV, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg |
Willem II van Bures | William II of Bures |
Willem II van Cerdagne | William-Jordan |
Willem II van Croÿ | William de Croÿ |
Willem II van Dampierre | William II of Dampierre |
Willem II van der Marck Lumey | William II de La Marck |
Willem II van Engeland | William II of England |
Willem II van Évreux | William, Count of Évreux |
Willem II van Gascogne | William II Sánchez of Gascony |
Willem II van Genève | William II of Geneva |
Willem II van Gulik | William II, Duke of Jülich |
Willem II van Gulik-Berg | William IV, Duke of Jülich-Berg |
Willem II van Hessen | William II, Landgrave of Hesse |
Willem II van Hessen-Kassel | William II, Elector of Hesse |
Willem II van Holland | William II of Holland |
Willem II van Meißen | William II, Margrave of Meissen |
Willem II van Namen | William II, Marquis of Namur |
Willem II van Nassau-Dillenburg | William II, Prince of Nassau-Dillenburg |
Willem II van Nevers | William II, Count of Nevers |
Willem II van Oranje | William II, Prince of Orange |
Willem II van Ponthieu | William IV, Count of Ponthieu |
Willem II van Provence | William II of Provence |
Willem II van Sicilië | William II of Sicily |
Willem II van Villehardouin | William II of Villehardouin |
Willem II van Vlaanderen | William II, Count of Flanders |
Willem II van Warenne | William de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey |
Willem II van Württemberg | William II of Württemberg |
Willem III | William III |
Willem III der Nederlanden | William III of the Netherlands |
Willem III van Aquitanië | William III, Duke of Aquitaine |
Willem III van Beieren | William III, Duke of Bavaria |
Willem III van Bourgondië | William III, Count of Burgundy |
Willem III van Gulik | William I of Guelders and Jülich |
Willem III van Hessen | William III, Landgrave of Hesse |
Willem III van Holland | William I, Count of Hainaut |
Willem III van Mâcon | William III of Mâcon |
Willem III van Nevers | William III, Count of Nevers |
Willem III van Oranje | William III of England |
Willem III van Provence | William V of Provence |
Willem III van Saksen | William III, Landgrave of Thuringia |
Willem III van Sicilië | William III of Sicily |
Willem III van Toulouse | William III, Count of Toulouse |
Willem IJsbrantsz. Bontekoe | Willem Ysbrandtsz. Bontekoe |
Willem IV | William IV |
Willem IV van Angoulême | William II of Angoulême |
Willem IV van Aquitanië | William IV, Duke of Aquitaine |
Willem IV van Beieren | William IV, Duke of Bavaria |
Willem IV van den Bergh | Willem IV van den Bergh |
Willem IV van Egmont | William IV, Lord of Egmont |
Willem IV van Gulik | William IV, Count of Jülich |
Willem IV van Hessen-Kassel | William IV, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel |
Willem IV van het Verenigd Koninkrijk | William IV of the United Kingdom |
Willem IV van Holland | William II, Count of Hainaut |
Willem IV van Luxemburg | William IV, Grand Duke of Luxembourg |
Willem IV van Meißen | William, Margrave of Meissen |
Willem IV van Monferrato | William IV, Marquess of Montferrat |
Willem IV van Nevers | William IV, Count of Nevers |
Willem IV van Oranje-Nassau | William IV, Prince of Orange |
Willem IV van Provence | William IV of Provence |
Willem IV van Saksen-Weimar | William, Duke of Saxe-Weimar |
Willem IV van Toulouse | William IV, Count of Toulouse |
Willem IX van Aquitanië | William IX, Duke of Aquitaine |
Willem IX van Monferrato | William IX, Marquess of Montferrat |
Willem Jacob 's Gravesande | Willem 's Gravesande |
Willem Jacobsz. Delff | Willem Jacobsz Delff |
Willem Jan Otten | Willem Jan Otten |
Willem Janssen | Willem Janssen |
Willem Jansz | Willem Janszoon |
Willem Johan Cornelis Huyssen van Kattendijke | Willem Huyssen van Kattendijke |
Willem Johannes Leyds | Willem Johannes Leyds |
Willem Jonckbloet | Willem Jozef Andreas Jonckbloet |
Willem Joseph van Ghent | Willem Joseph van Ghent |
Willem Karel Dicke | Willem Karel Dicke |
Willem Karel van Schaumburg-Lippe | Prince William of Schaumburg-Lippe |
Willem Kettler (1574-1640) | Wilhelm Kettler |
Willem Klein | Willem Klein |
Willem Kloos (dichter) | Willem Kloos |
Willem Kolff | Willem Johan Kolff |
Willem Lamormaini | Wilhelm Lamormaini |
Willem Levelt | Willem Levelt |
Willem Lodewijk van Anhalt-Köthen | William Louis, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen |
Willem Lodewijk van Nassau-Dillenburg | William Louis, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg |
Willem Lodewijk van Nassau-Saarbrücken | William Louis, Count of Nassau-Saarbrücken |
Willem Lodewijk van Württemberg | William Louis, Duke of Württemberg |
Willem Marinus van Rossum | Willem Marinus van Rossum |
Willem Maris (kunstschilder) | Willem Maris |
Willem Maurits van Nassau-Siegen | William Maurice, Prince of Nassau-Siegen |
Willem met de Hoorn | William of Gellone |
Willem Pijper | Willem Pijper |
Willem Pleyte | Willem Pleyte |
Willem Ripperda | Willem Ripperda |
Willem Rooseboom | Willem Rooseboom |
Willem Ruys (schip) | MS Achille Lauro |
Willem Sandberg | Willem Sandberg |
Willem Sassen | Willem Sassen |
Willem Schuth | Willem Schuth |
Willem Taillefer | William Taillefer I |
Willem Tell | William Tell |
Willem Tell (televisieserie) | Crossbow (TV series) |
Willem ten Rhijne | Willem ten Rhijne |
Willem Usselincx | Willem Usselincx |
Willem V | William V |
Willem V van Angoulême | William V of Angoulême |
Willem V van Aquitanië | William V, Duke of Aquitaine |
Willem V van Auvergne | William V of Auvergne |
Willem V van Beieren | William V, Duke of Bavaria |
Willem V van Brunswijk-Lüneburg | William the Younger, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg |
Willem V van Hessen-Kassel | William V, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel |
Willem V van Holland | William I, Duke of Bavaria |
Willem V van Kleef | William, Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg |
Willem V van Monferrato | William V, Marquess of Montferrat |
Willem V van Nevers | William V, Count of Nevers |
Willem V van Oranje-Nassau | William V, Prince of Orange |
Willem van Aelst | Willem van Aelst |
Willem van Anhalt-Bernburg-Harzgerode | William Louis, Prince of Anhalt-Harzgerode |
Willem van Aumale | William le Gros, 1st Earl of Albemarle |
Willem van Baden | Prince William of Baden (disambiguation) |
Willem van Baden (1792-1859) | Prince William of Baden |
Willem van Baden-Baden | William, Margrave of Baden-Baden |
Willem van Baden-Sausenberg | William, Margrave of Hachberg-Sausenberg |
Willem van Berg-Ravensberg | William VIII of Jülich, Count of Ravensberg |
Willem van Bourges | William of Donjeon |
Willem van Brandenburg | William, Margrave of the Nordmark |
Willem van Brunswijk | William, Duke of Brunswick |
Willem van Brunswijk-Grubenhagen | William, Duke of Brunswick-Grubenhagen |
Willem van Chalon-Arlay | William VII of Chalon |
Willem van Champeaux | William of Champeaux |
Willem van Chartres | Guillaume de Chartres |
Willem van Conches | William of Conches |
Willem van Croÿ (aartsbisschop) | William de Croÿ (bishop) |
Willem van Cumberland | Prince William, Duke of Cumberland |
Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen | Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen |
Willem van de Velde de Jonge | Willem van de Velde the Younger |
Willem van de Velde de Oude | Willem van de Velde the Elder |
Willem van den Hout | Willem van den Hout |
Willem van der Haegen | Willem van der Haegen |
Willem van der Poel | Willem van der Poel |
Willem van der Vliet | Willem van der Vliet |
Willem van Enckevoirt | Willem van Enckevoirt |
Willem van Gelre (bisschop) | William I (Bishop of Utrecht) |
Willem van Gennep | Wilhelm von Gennep |
Willem van Gloucester | Prince William Henry, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh |
Willem van Gulik de Jongere | William of Jülich |
Willem van Hanegem | Willem van Hanegem |
Willem van Haren (1710-1768) | Willem van Haren |
Willem van Hessen-Kassel | Prince William of Hesse-Kassel |
Willem van Hessen-Philippsthal | William, Landgrave of Hesse-Philippsthal |
Willem van Hessen-Philippsthal-Barchfeld (1692-1761) | William, Landgrave of Hesse-Philippsthal-Barchfeld |
Willem van Hessen-Rheinfels-Rotenburg | William, Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg |
Willem van Hessen-Wanfried-Rheinfels | William II, Landgrave of Hesse-Wanfried-Rheinfels |
Willem van Hohenzollern | William, Prince of Hohenzollern |
Willem van Honthorst | Willem van Honthorst |
Willem van Hoogstraten | Willem van Hoogstraten |
Willem van Ieper | William of Ypres |
Willem van Lüneburg (1184-1213) | William of Winchester, Lord of Lüneburg |
Willem van Luxemburg (1981) | Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg |
Willem van Maleval | William of Maleval |
Willem van Malmesbury | William of Malmesbury |
Willem van Moerbeke | William of Moerbeke |
Willem van Monferrat | William of Montferrat, Count of Jaffa and Ascalon |
Willem van Montfort | Guilliaume de Montfort |
Willem van Nassau-Hilchenbach | William of Nassau-Hilchenbach |
Willem van Nassau-Weilburg | William, Duke of Nassau |
Willem van Nieulandt | Willem van Nieulandt II |
Willem van Ockham | William of Ockham |
Willem van Oldenbarnevelt | Willem van Oldenbarnevelt |
Willem van Oldenburg | Peter Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of Oldenburg |
Willem van Oostenrijk | Archduke Wilhelm Franz of Austria |
Willem van Oranje | William the Silent |
Willem van Oranje (doorverwijspagina) | William of Orange |
Willem van Oranje-Nassau (1840-1879) | William, Prince of Orange |
Willem van Poitiers | William IX, Count of Poitiers |
Willem van Poitou | William FitzEmpress |
Willem van Pruisen | Prince Wilhelm of Prussia (1783–1851) |
Willem van Rubroeck | William of Rubruck |
Willem van Savoye | William of Savoy |
Willem van Schaumburg-Lippe (1724-1777) | William, Count of Schaumburg-Lippe |
Willem van Septimanië | William of Septimania |
Willem van Tyrus | William of Tyre |
Willem van Vercelli | William of Montevergine |
Willem van Warenne | William de Warenne, 1st Earl of Surrey |
Willem van Zweden | Prince Wilhelm, Duke of Södermanland |
Willem Vermeend | Willem Vermeend |
Willem Verstegen | Willem Verstegen |
Willem VI | William VI |
Willem VI van Angoulême | William VI of Angoulême |
Willem VI van Aquitanië | William VI, Duke of Aquitaine |
Willem VI van Auvergne | William VI, Count of Auvergne |
Willem VI van Gulik | William V, Duke of Jülich |
Willem VI van Hessen-Kassel | William VI, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel |
Willem VI van Holland | William II, Duke of Bavaria |
Willem VI van Monferrato | William VI, Marquess of Montferrat |
Willem VII van Angoulême | William VII of Angoulême |
Willem VII van Aquitanië | William VII, Duke of Aquitaine |
Willem VII van Auvergne | William VII the Young of Auvergne |
Willem VII van Hessen-Kassel | William VII, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel |
Willem VII van Monferrato | William VII, Marquess of Montferrat |
Willem VIII van Aquitanië | William VIII, Duke of Aquitaine |
Willem VIII van Hessen-Kassel | William VIII, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel |
Willem VIII van Monferrato | William VIII, Marquess of Montferrat |
Willem Visser 't Hooft | Willem Visser 't Hooft |
Willem Vrolik | Willem Vrolik |
Willem Witsen | Willem Witsen |
Willem Wittouck | Guillaume Wittouck |
Willem X van Aquitanië | William X, Duke of Aquitaine |
Willem XII van Auvergne | William XII, Count of Auvergne |
Willem, hertog van Gloucester | Prince William, Duke of Gloucester |
Willem-Alexander der Nederlanden | Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands |
Willeman | Willeman |
Willemiet | Willemite |
Willemijn Duyster | Willemijn Duyster |
Willemijn Verkaik | Willemijn Verkaik |
Willemkolff | 11427 Willemkolff |
Willems | Willems |
Willems (gemeente) | Willems, Nord |
Willemsbrug (Rotterdam) | Willemsbrug |
Willemsfonds | Willemsfonds |
Willemsoord (marinewerf) | Willemsoord, Den Helder |
Willemsoord (Steenwijkerland) | Willemsoord, Steenwijkerland |
Willemstad | Willemstad (disambiguation) |
Willemstad (Curaçao) | Willemstad |
Willemstad (Noord-Brabant) | Willemstad, North Brabant |
Willencourt | Willencourt |
Willendorf | Willendorf |
Willenhall | Willenhall |
Willenscharen | Willenscharen |
Willeroncourt | Willeroncourt |
Willerstedt | Willerstedt |
Willerzie | Willerzie |
Willesden | Willesden |
Willesden Green (metrostation) | Willesden Green tube station |
Willeskop | Willeskop |
Willet | Willet |
Willey | Willey |
Willi Krakau | Willi Krakau |
Willi Lippens | Willi Lippens |
Willi Sitte | Willi Sitte |
William Adama | William Adama |
William Adams | William Adams (sailor) |
William Adelin | William Adelin |
William Allen | William Allen (cardinal) |
William and Kate | William and Kate |
William Anders | Bill Anders |
William Arthur Lewis | Arthur Lewis (economist) |
William Atkinson Jones | William Atkinson Jones |
William Averell Harriman | W. Averell Harriman |
William Ayache | William Ayache |
William Baldwin | William Baldwin |
William Baumol | William Baumol |
William Bayliss | William Bayliss |
William Beckford | William Thomas Beckford |
William Bedford | William Bedford (basketball) |
William Beier | William Beier |
William Bell | William Bell (singer) |
William Bell Scott | William Bell Scott |
William Bennett | William Bennett (flautist) |
William Beresford | William Beresford, 1st Viscount Beresford |
William Berger | William Berger (actor) |
William Beveridge | William Beveridge |
William Bonin | William Bonin |
William Boyd | William Boyd (writer) |
William Bradford | William Bradford (Attorney General) |
William Branham | William M. Branham |
William Brennan | William J. Brennan, Jr. |
William Brouncker | William Brouncker, 2nd Viscount Brouncker |
William Buller | William Buller (racing driver) |
William Burges | William Burges |
William Burroughs | William Burroughs (disambiguation) |
William Butler Yeats | W. B. Yeats |
William Byrd | William Byrd |
William Byrd II | William Byrd II |
William C. Campbell | William C. Campbell |
William C. Lee | William C. Lee |
William Calvin | William H. Calvin |
William Campbell (acteur) | William Campbell (film actor) |
William Carey | William Carey (missionary) |
William Carter | William Carter (martyr) |
William Castro | William Castro |
William Cavendish (1720-1764) | William Cavendish, 4th Duke of Devonshire |
William Cecil (1e baron Burghley) | William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley |
William Charles Linnaeus Martin | William Charles Linnaeus Martin |
William Chester Minor | William Chester Minor |
William Christie | William Christie (astronomer) |
William Christopher Handy | W. C. Handy |
William Clark (ontdekkingsreiziger) | William Clark (explorer) |
William Coley | William Coley |
William Collins (dichter) | William Collins (poet) |
William Collum | Willie Collum |
William Congreve | William Congreve (disambiguation) |
William Congreve (schrijver) | William Congreve |
William Conybeare | William Conybeare (geologist) |
William Cornysh | William Cornysh |
William Courtenay | William Courtenay (Archbishop of Canterbury) |
William Cowper | William Cowper |
William Cruikshank | William Cumberland Cruikshank |
William Daley | William M. Daley |
William Dalrymple | William Dalrymple (historian) |
William Daniel Phillips | William Daniel Phillips |
William Daniels | William Daniels |
William Davenant | William Davenant |
William David Coolidge | William D. Coolidge |
William Dennison jr. | William Dennison, Jr. |
William Diehl | William Diehl |
William Donald Hamilton | W. D. Hamilton |
William Donald Schaefer | William Donald Schaefer |
William Dunbar | William Dunbar |
William Durant | William C. Durant |
William Earl Johns | W. E. Johns |
William Edmund Ironside | Edmund Ironside, 1st Baron Ironside |
William Edward Boeing | William Boeing |
William Edward Parry | William Parry (explorer) |
William Edwards Deming | W. Edwards Deming |
William Erskine | Sir William Erskine, 2nd Baronet |
William Falconer | William Falconer |
William Finley | William Finley (actor) |
William Flinders Petrie | Flinders Petrie |
William Forsyth Sharpe | William Forsyth Sharpe |
William Forsythe (acteur) | William Forsythe (actor) |
William Forsythe (danser) | William Forsythe (choreographer) |
William Foulke | William Foulke (footballer) |
William Fowler | William Alfred Fowler |
William Fox (filmproducent) | William Fox (producer) |
William Fox Talbot | Henry Fox Talbot |
William Frank Newton | Frankie Newton |
William Frankena | William Frankena |
William Frederic Edwards | William Frédéric Edwards |
William Frischkorn | Will Frischkorn |
William G. Dever | William G. Dever |
William G. Tucker | William G. Tucker |
William Gadsby | William Gadsby |
William Gaminara | William Gaminara |
William Gell | William Gell |
William Gemmell Cochran | William Gemmell Cochran |
William George Armstrong | William Armstrong, 1st Baron Armstrong |
William George Berry | Bill Berry (footballer born 1904) |
William Giauque | William Giauque |
William Gilbert | William Gilbert (astronomer) |
William Gilbert Chaloner | William Gilbert Chaloner |
William Gilpin | William Gilpin (priest) |
William Glackens | William Glackens |
William Gray | William H. Gray (Pennsylvania politician) |
William Grove | William Robert Grove |
William Guarnere | William Guarnere |
William Gull | Sir William Gull, 1st Baronet |
William H. Bradley | Will H. Bradley |
William Haines | William Haines |
William Hamilton | William Hamilton |
William Hardee | William J. Hardee |
William Hardy McNeill | William Hardy McNeill |
William Hart | William Hart (painter) |
William Heard Kilpatrick | William Heard Kilpatrick |
William Henry | William Henry (chemist) |
William Henry Bell | William Henry Bell |
William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck (1738-1809) | William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland |
William Henry Dean | William Henry Dean |
William Henry Hunt | William Henry Hunt (painter) |
William Henry Preece | William Henry Preece |
William Herbert | William Herbert |
William Herbert (1501-1570) | William Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke (died 1570) |
William Herschel | William Herschel |
William Herschel-telescoop | William Herschel Telescope |
William Hesketh Lever | William Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulme |
William Hewlett | William Redington Hewlett |
William Hickey | William Hickey (actor) |
William Horatio Bates | William Bates (physician) |
William Horwood | William Horwood (novelist) |
William Hudson | William Hudson (botanist) |
William Huskisson | William Huskisson |
William J. Brady | William J. Brady |
William James Mathias | William Mathias |
William Jardine (natuurwetenschapper) | Sir William Jardine, 7th Baronet |
William John Macquorn Rankine | William John Macquorn Rankine |
William Johnson | William Johnson (artist) |
William Jones (taalkundige) | William Jones (philologist) |
William Jones (wiskundige) | William Jones (mathematician) |
William K. L. Dickson | William Kennedy Dickson |
William Kamkwamba | William Kamkwamba |
William Kanerva | William Kanerva |
William Keane | Will Keane |
William Kennedy | William Kennedy (author) |
William Kissam Vanderbilt | William Kissam Vanderbilt |
William Kouwenhoven | William B. Kouwenhoven |
William Kruskal | William Kruskal |
William Kvist | William Kvist |
William Lamb | William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne |
William Lashner | William Lashner |
William Le Roy Emmet | William Le Roy Emmet |
William Leahy | William D. Leahy |
William Legge (1949) | William Legge, 10th Earl of Dartmouth |
William Levada | William Levada |
William Lockwood | Will Lockwood |
William Lucking | William Lucking |
William Lundigan | William Lundigan |
William M. Jennings Trophy | William M. Jennings Trophy |
William M. Tweed | William M. Tweed |
William MacMaster Murdoch | William McMaster Murdoch |
William Makram Ebeid | Makram Ebeid |
William Malone | William Malone (director) |
William Martin | William Martin |
William Maw Egley | William Maw Egley |
William Maxwell | William Maxwell (footballer) |
William McCool | William C. McCool |
William McGonagall | William McGonagall |
William McMillan | William McMillan (sport shooter) |
William McNamara | William McNamara |
William McNeill | William McNeill |
William Meynard | William Meynard |
William Miller | William Miller (preacher) |
William More Gabb | William More Gabb |
William Moseley | William Moseley (actor) |
William Mundy | William Mundy (composer) |
William Murphy | William P. Murphy |
William Nicholson (chemicus) | William Nicholson (chemist) |
William of Orange (duif) | William of Orange (pigeon) |
William Paley | William Paley |
William Palmer | William Palmer (murderer) |
William Parsons | William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse |
William Paterson | William Paterson (judge) |
William Patrick Hitler | William Patrick Stuart-Houston |
William Peacock | William Peacock (water polo) |
William Perkins | William Perkins (theologian) |
William Petty (1737-1805) | William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne |
William Phillips (econoom) | William Phillips (economist) |
William Pitt de Jongere | William Pitt the Younger |
William Pitt de Oudere | William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham |
William Platt | William Platt |
William Pleeth | William Pleeth |
William Porter | William Porter (athlete) |
William Powell Frith | William Powell Frith |
William Prince | William Prince (actor) |
William Quantrill | William Quantrill |
William Randal Cremer | Randal Cremer |
William Rehnquist | William Rehnquist |
William Richard Tolbert Jr. | William R. Tolbert, Jr. |
William Rosecrans | William Rosecrans |
William Rowley | William Rowley |
William Ruddiman | William Ruddiman |
William Rufus King | William R. King |
William Russo | William Russo (musician) |
William S. Burroughs I | William Seward Burroughs I |
William S. Gilbert | W. S. Gilbert |
William Sadler | William Sadler (actor) |
William Sancroft | William Sancroft |
William Sealy Gosset | William Sealy Gosset |
William Servat | William Servat |
William Seward | William H. Seward |
William Seymour | William J. Seymour |
William Shakespeare Burton | William Shakespeare Burton |
William Shepherd | William Shepherd |
William Shockley | William Shockley |
William Sholto Douglas | Sholto Douglas, 1st Baron Douglas of Kirtleside |
William Sims | William Sims |
William Slim | William Slim, 1st Viscount Slim |
William Small | William Small |
William Smellie (gynaecoloog) | William Smellie (obstetrician) |
William Smith | William Smith |
William Smith (geoloog) | William Smith (geologist) |
William Snow Harris | William Snow Harris |
William Squire (componist) | William Henry Squire |
William Standish Knowles | William Standish Knowles |
William Stanley (6e graaf van Derby) | William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby |
William Stanley Jr. | William Stanley, Jr. |
William Stokoe | William Stokoe |
William Stryker | William Stryker |
William Swainson | William John Swainson |
William T. Riker | William Riker |
William Tecumseh Sherman | William Tecumseh Sherman |
William Temple | Sir William Temple, 1st Baronet |
William Thomas Cosgrave | W. T. Cosgrave |
William Thomas McKinley | William Thomas McKinley |
William Thomas Stead | William Thomas Stead |
William Thompson (boogschutter) | William Thompson (archer) |
William Thomson (natuurkundige) | William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin |
William Thornton Blue | William Thornton Blue |
William Threlfall | William Threlfall |
William Townley | William Townley |
William Trelease | William Trelease |
William Tubman | William Tubman |
William Turnbull | William Turnbull (artist) |
William Turner | J. M. W. Turner |
William Vainqueur | William Vainqueur |
William Vallance Douglas Hodge | W. V. D. Hodge |
William van Gloucester | Prince William of Gloucester |
William van Heytesbury | William of Heytesbury |
William Vane | William Vane, 1st Duke of Cleveland |
William Wain Prior | William Wain Prior |
William Walker | William Walker |
William Walker (avonturier) | William Walker (filibuster) |
William Walker (wielrenner) | William Walker (cyclist) |
William Watson | William Watson (scientist) |
William Webb | William Webb |
William Webb (rechter) | William Webb (judge) |
William Whitehead | William Whitehead (poet) |
William Willett | William Willett |
William Windom (acteur) | William Windom (actor) |
William Wyndham Grenville | William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville |
William Xavier Barbosa | Willian Xavier Barbosa |
William, hertog van Cambridge | Prince William, Duke of Cambridge |
William-Adolphe Bouguereau | William-Adolphe Bouguereau |
Williams (Arizona) | Williams, Arizona |
Williams (Iowa) | Williams, Iowa |
Williams (Minnesota) | Williams, Minnesota |
Williams Bay | Williams Bay, Wisconsin |
Williams County | Williams County |
Williams County (North Dakota) | Williams County, North Dakota |
Williams County (Ohio) | Williams County, Ohio |
Williams F1 | WilliamsF1 |
Williamsbuis | Williams tube |
Williamsburg (Brooklyn) | Williamsburg, Brooklyn |
Williamsburg (Virginia) | Williamsburg, Virginia |
Williamsburg County | Williamsburg County, South Carolina |
Williamson (Arizona) | Williamson, Arizona |
Williamson (West Virginia) | Williamson, West Virginia |
Williamson County | Williamson County |
Williamson County (Illinois) | Williamson County, Illinois |
Williamson County (Tennessee) | Williamson County, Tennessee |
Williamson County (Texas) | Williamson County, Texas |
Williamson-ethersynthese | Williamson ether synthesis |
Williamsport (Indiana) | Williamsport, Indiana |
Williamsport (Pennsylvania) | Williamsport, Pennsylvania |
Williamston (North Carolina) | Williamston, North Carolina |
Williamstown (Massachusetts) | Williamstown, Massachusetts |
Williamstown (Pennsylvania) | Williamstown, Pennsylvania |
Williamstown (West Virginia) | Williamstown, West Virginia |
Willian Borges da Silva | Willian Borges da Silva |
Willibald Alexis | Willibald Alexis |
Willibald van Eichstätt | Willibald |
Willibrord | Willibrord |
Willie "The Lion" Smith | Willie "The Lion" Smith |
Willie Bryant | Willie Bryant |
Willie Clancy | Willie Clancy (musician) |
Willie Cook | Willie Cook |
Willie DeWit | Willie de Wit |
Willie Donachie | Willie Donachie |
Willie Fernie | Willie Fernie (footballer) |
Willie Francis | Willie Francis |
Willie King | Willie King |
Willie MacFarlane | Willie MacFarlane (footballer born 1930) |
Willie Mitchell | Willie Mitchell (musician) |
Willie Mosconi | Willie Mosconi |
Willie Park Jr | Willie Park, Jr. |
Willie Park Sr | Willie Park, Sr. |
Willie Revillame | Willie Revillame |
Willie Smith | Willie Smith (alto saxophonist) |
Willie Thorne | Willie Thorne |
Willie Wortel | Gyro Gearloose |
Williers | Williers |
Willies | Willies, Nord |
Willige Langerak | Willige Langerak |
Willigis | Willigis |
Willigis Jäger | Willigis Jäger |
Willimantic | Willimantic, Connecticut |
Willingen (Upland) | Willingen |
Willingen (Westerwald) | Willingen, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Willingham | Willingham |
Willington | Willington |
Willington Ortiz | Willington Ortiz |
Willis John Gertsch | Willis J. Gertsch |
Willis Lamb | Willis Lamb |
Willis O'Brien | Willis H. O'Brien |
Willis Rodney Whitney | Willis R. Whitney |
Willis Schaefer | Will Schaefer |
Willisau (district) | Willisau District |
Williseilanden | Willis Islands |
Willisornis | Scale-backed Antbird |
Williston (Florida) | Williston, Florida |
Williston (North Dakota) | Williston, North Dakota |
Willisville | Willisville |
Willmar | Willmar, Minnesota |
Willochra | RMS Fort Victoria |
Willoughby (LGA) | City of Willoughby |
Willoughby Smith | Willoughby Smith |
Willow | Willow (disambiguation) |
Willow (Alaska) | Willow, Alaska |
Willow (film) | Willow (film) |
Willow (Oklahoma) | Willow, Oklahoma |
Willow City | Willow City, North Dakota |
Willow Creek | Willow Creek |
Willow Creek (Alaska) | Willow Creek, Alaska |
Willow Creek Community Church | Willow Creek Community Church |
Willow Springs | Willow Springs |
Willow Springs (Illinois) | Willow Springs, Illinois |
Willow Valley | Willow Valley, Arizona |
Willowbrook | Willowbrook |
Willowbrook (Californië) | Willowbrook, California |
Willows | Willows, California |
Willpower | Willpower ( album) |
Willy | Willy |
Willy Alberti | Willy Alberti |
Willy Bandholz | Willy Bandholz |
Willy Bocklant | Willy Bocklant |
Willy Boly | Willy Boly |
Willy Breinholst | Willy Breinholst |
Willy Caballero | Wilfredo Caballero |
Willy Cheruiyot | Willy Cheruiyot Kipkirui |
Willy Derboven | Willy Derboven |
Willy Dobbe | Willy Dobbe |
Willy Finch | Alfred William Finch |
Willy Grondin | Willy Grondin |
Willy Hess | William Hess |
Willy Hess (componist) | Willy Hess (composer) |
Willy Hess (violist) | Willy Hess (violinist) |
Willy Kment | Wilhelm Kment |
Willy Kyrklund | Willy Kyrklund |
Willy Lages | Willy Lages |
Willy Lambil | Lambil |
Willy Maltaite | Will (comics) |
Willy Millowitsch | Willy Millowitsch |
Willy Mullens | Willy Mullens |
Willy Ostyn | Willy Ostijn |
Willy Polleunis | Willy Polleunis |
Willy Rosen | Willy Rosen |
Willy Schlobach | Willy Schlobach |
Willy Schroeders | Willy Schroeders |
Willy Segers | Willy Segers |
Willy Van Neste | Willy van Neste |
Willy Vannitsen | Willy Vannitsen |
Willy Voet | Willy Voet |
Willy Wonka | Willy Wonka |
Willys-Knight | Willys-Knight |
Willys-Overland | Willys |
Wilma | Wilma |
Wilma (orkaan) | Hurricane Wilma |
Wilma Mankiller | Wilma Mankiller |
Wilma van den Berg | Wilma van den Berg |
Wilmer Cabrera | Wilmer Cabrera |
Wilmer McLean | Wilmer McLean |
Wilmersdorfer Straße (metrostation) | Wilmersdorfer Straße (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Wilmette | Wilmette, Illinois |
Wilmington (bisdom) | Roman Catholic Diocese of Wilmington |
Wilmington (Delaware) | Wilmington, Delaware |
Wilmington (North Carolina) | Wilmington, North Carolina |
Wilmington (Ohio) | Wilmington, Ohio |
Wilmington Hammerheads | Wilmington Hammerheads |
Wilmington Manor | Wilmington Manor, Delaware |
Wilmont | Wilmont, Minnesota |
Wilmore (Kansas) | Wilmore, Kansas |
Wilmore (Kentucky) | Wilmore, Kentucky |
Wilmore (Pennsylvania) | Wilmore, Pennsylvania |
Wilmot (South Dakota) | Wilmot, South Dakota |
Wilmshagen (Sundhagen) | Wilmshagen (Sundhagen) |
Wilnis | Wilnis |
Wilp | Wilp |
Wilrijk | Wilrijk |
Wilsele | Wilsele |
Wilskerke | Wilskerke |
Wilson (North Carolina) | Wilson, North Carolina |
Wilson (Pennsylvania) | Wilson, Pennsylvania |
Wilson Chebet | Wilson Chebet |
Wilson County | Wilson County |
Wilson County (Kansas) | Wilson County, Kansas |
Wilson County (North Carolina) | Wilson County, North Carolina |
Wilson County (Tennessee) | Wilson County, Tennessee |
Wilson County (Texas) | Wilson County, Texas |
Wilson Fittipaldi Jr. | Wilson Fittipaldi Júnior |
Wilson Greatbatch | Wilson Greatbatch |
Wilson Kipsang | Wilson Kipsang Kiprotich |
Wilson Onsare | Wilson Onsare |
Wilsoncyclus | Supercontinent cycle |
Wilsonia (vogels) | Wilsonia (bird) |
Wilson's Mills | Wilson's Mills, North Carolina |
Wilsons paradijsvogel | Wilson's Bird-of-paradise |
Wilsons stormvogeltje | Wilson's Storm-petrel |
Wilsonville (Oregon) | Wilsonville, Oregon |
Wilstedt | Wilstedt |
Wilsum (Grafschaft Bentheim) | Wilsum, Germany |
Wilsum (Nederland) | Wilsum |
Wilsverklaring | Intention |
Wilt heden nu treden | We Gather Together |
Wilton (Iowa) | Wilton, Iowa |
Wilton (Wiltshire) | Wilton, Wiltshire |
Wilton Manors | Wilton Manors, Florida |
Wilton-Fijenoord | Wilton-Fijenoord |
Wiltshire (unitary authority) | Wiltshire Council |
Wiltz (rivier) | Wiltz (river) |
Wiluiet | Wiluite |
Wilusa | Wilusa |
Wilwerdange | Wilwerdange |
Wilwerwiltz | Wilwerwiltz |
Wim | Wim |
Wim Aantjes | Wim Aantjes |
Wim Arras | Wim Arras |
Wim Bekkers | Wilhelmus Bekkers |
Wim Boost | Wim Boost |
Wim Crouwel (ontwerper) | Wim Crouwel |
Wim De Decker | Wim De Decker |
Wim Deetman | Wim Deetman |
Wim Eijk | Wim Eijk |
Wim Gijsen | Wim Gijsen |
Wim Henderickx | Wim Henderickx |
Wim Hofkens | Wim Hofkens |
Wim Hogenkamp | Wim Hogenkamp |
Wim Lagendaal | Wim Lagendaal |
Wim Mennes | Wim Mennes |
Wim Overgaauw | Wim Overgaauw |
Wim Polak | Wim Polak |
Wim Raymaekers | Wim Raymaekers |
Wim Ruska | Wim Ruska |
Wim Schermerhorn | Wim Schermerhorn |
Wim Sonneveld | Wim Sonneveld |
Wim Statius Muller | Wim Statius Muller |
Wim Tap | Wim Tap |
Wim van der Voort | Wim van der Voort |
Wim Vandekeybus | Wim Vandekeybus |
Wim Volkers | Wim Volkers |
Wimauma | Wimauma, Florida |
Wimbi Dira Airways | Wimbi Dira Airways |
Wimbledon (film) | Wimbledon (film) |
Wimbledon (Londen) | Wimbledon, London |
Wimbledon (North Dakota) | Wimbledon, North Dakota |
Wimbledon (tennistoernooi) | The Championships, Wimbledon |
Wimbledon 1988 (vrouwen) | 1988 Wimbledon Championships – Women's Singles |
Wimbledon 2011 | 2011 Wimbledon Championships |
Wimbledon 2013 (mannen) | 2013 Wimbledon Championships – Men's Singles |
Wimbledon 2013 (mannendubbel) | 2013 Wimbledon Championships – Men's Doubles |
Wimbledon FC | Wimbledon F.C. |
Wimbledon Park (metrostation) | Wimbledon Park tube station |
Wimille | Wimille |
Wimmelburg | Wimmelburg |
Wimmenum | Wimmenum |
WIMP | Wimp |
WIMP (softwarepakket) | WIMP (software bundle) |
Wimpelaal | Reedfish |
Wimpeldrager | King of Saxony Bird-of-paradise |
Wimpelnachtzwaluw | Pennant-winged Nightjar |
Wimper | Eyelash |
Wimpergekko | Crested gecko |
Wimperkruller | Eyelash curler |
Wimperspitsmuis | Etruscan shrew |
Wimpy | Wimpy (restaurant) |
Win Aung | Win Aung |
Win Tin | Win Tin |
Winair | Winair |
Winamac | Winamac, Indiana |
Wincanton | Wincanton |
Wincentów | Wincentów |
Winchcombe | Winchcombe |
Winchells ijsvogel | Winchell's Kingfisher |
Winchester | Winchester |
Winchester (doorverwijspagina) | Winchester (disambiguation) |
Winchester (Illinois) | Winchester, Illinois |
Winchester (Indiana) | Winchester, Indiana |
Winchester (Kentucky) | Winchester, Kentucky |
Winchester (Massachusetts) | Winchester, Massachusetts |
Winchester (Tennessee) | Winchester, Tennessee |
Winchester (Virginia) | Winchester, Virginia |
Winchester '73 | Winchester '73 |
Winchester Model 1887 | Winchester Model 1887/1901 |
Winchester Mystery House | Winchester Mystery House |
Wincrange | Wincrange |
Wind | Wind (disambiguation) |
Wind & Wuthering | Wind & Wuthering |
Wind (band) | Wind (band) |
Wind (meteorologie) | Wind |
Wind Cave National Park | Wind Cave National Park |
Wind It Up | Wind It Up (Gwen Stefani song) |
Wind it up (Rewound) | Wind It Up (Rewound) |
Wind of Change | Wind of Change |
Wind of Change (nummer) | Wind of Change (Scorpions song) |
Windas | Windlass |
Windbaan | Fetch (geography) |
Windberge | Windberge |
Windbergen | Windbergen |
Winde (Tynaarlo) | Winde |
Winde (vis) | Ide (fish) |
Windeby | Windeby |
Windefamilie | Convolvulaceae |
Windehausen | Windehausen |
Winden (Nassau) | Winden, Rhein-Lahn |
Winden (Palts) | Winden, Germersheim |
Windenergie | Wind power |
Windepijlstaart | Agrius convolvuli |
Winder | Winder, Georgia |
Winderigheid | Flatulence |
Windermere | Windermere (disambiguation) |
Windermere (Cumbria) | Windermere, Cumbria |
Windermere (meer) | Windermere |
Windesheim (Duitsland) | Windesheim, Germany |
Windglider | Windglider |
Windhaag | Windhaag |
Windhalm | Apera |
Windham County | Windham County |
Windham County (Connecticut) | Windham County, Connecticut |
Windham County (Vermont) | Windham County, Vermont |
Windham Rotunda | Windham Rotunda |
Windhausen | Windhausen |
Windhond | Sighthound |
Windhondenrennen | Greyhound racing |
Windingsgetal | Winding number |
WinDirStat | WinDirStat |
Windisch | Windisch |
Windische Mark | Windic March |
Windisch-Graetz (geslacht) | Windisch-Graetz |
Windjammer (zeilschip) | Windjammer |
Windkei | Ventifact |
Windmachine | Wind machine |
Windmill British Cemetery | Windmill British Cemetery |
Windmolen | Windmill |
Windmolenpark | Wind farm |
Windmotor | Windpump |
Windom | Windom |
Windom (Minnesota) | Windom, Minnesota |
Windorah | Windorah |
Window Maker | Window Maker |
Window Rock | Window Rock, Arizona |
Window Shopper | Window Shopper |
Windowmanager | Window manager |
Windows 8 | Windows 8 |
Windows API | Windows API |
Windows Azure | Windows Azure |
Windows Beveiligingscentrum | Windows Action Center |
Windows CardSpace | Windows CardSpace |
Windows CE | Windows CE |
Windows DVD Maker | Windows DVD Maker |
Windows Fotogalerie | Windows Photo Gallery |
Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs | Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs |
Windows Home Server | Windows Home Server |
Windows Home Server 2011 | Windows Home Server 2011 |
Windows Live Family Safety | Microsoft Family Safety |
Windows Live Groups | Windows Live Groups |
Windows Live Spaces | Windows Live Spaces |
Windows Live Writer | Windows Live Writer |
Windows Mail | Windows Mail |
Windows ME | Windows ME |
Windows Media | Windows Media |
Windows Media Audio | WMA |
Windows Media Player | Windows Media Player |
Windows Messenger | Windows Messenger |
Windows Mobile | Windows Mobile |
Windows NT | Windows NT |
Windows on the World | Windows on the World |
Windows Phone | Windows Phone |
Windows Phone 8 | Windows Phone 8 |
Windows RT | Windows RT |
Windows Search | Windows Search |
Windows Server 2008 R2 | Windows Server 2008 R2 |
Windows Server 2012 | Windows Server 2012 |
Windows Sidebar | Windows Desktop Gadgets |
Windows Taakbeheer | Windows Task Manager |
Windows Ultimate Extras | Windows Ultimate Extras |
Windows Update | Windows Update |
Windows Verkenner | My Computer |
Windows Vista | Windows Vista |
Windows XP | Windows XP |
Windows XP Media Center Edition | Windows XP Media Center Edition |
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition | Windows XP Professional x64 Edition |
Windows-toets | Windows key |
Windroos | Compass rose |
Windschering | Wind shear |
Windsor (Californië) | Windsor, California |
Windsor (Colorado) | Windsor, Colorado |
Windsor (lettertype) | Windsor (typeface) |
Windsor (North Carolina) | Windsor, North Carolina |
Windsor (Nova Scotia) | Windsor, Nova Scotia |
Windsor (Ontario) | Windsor, Ontario |
Windsor (Shelby County, Illinois) | Windsor, Shelby County, Illinois |
Windsor (Verenigd Koninkrijk) | Windsor, Berkshire |
Windsor and Maidenhead | Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead |
Windsor Castle | Windsor Castle |
Windsor County | Windsor County, Vermont |
Windsor Locks | Windsor Locks, Connecticut |
Windstoot | Squall |
Windstreek | Cardinal direction |
Windsurfen | Windsurfing |
Windt | Windt |
Windtalkers | Windtalkers |
Windtunnel | Wind tunnel |
Windturbine | Wind turbine |
Windvaantje | Selysiothemis nigra |
Windvanger | Windcatcher |
Windward Passage | Windward Passage |
Windwardside | Windwardside |
Windwijzer | Weather vane |
Windzak | Windsock |
Wine | Wine (software) |
Wine Country | Wine Country (California) |
Wine of Youth | Wine of Youth |
Winegum | Wine gum |
Winfield (Illinois) | Winfield, Illinois |
Winfield (Kansas) | Winfield, Kansas |
Winfield (West Virginia) | Winfield, West Virginia |
Winfried Petrus Ignatius Zillig | Winfried Zillig |
Wing | Wing (disambiguation) |
Wing (luchtmacht) | Wing (military aviation unit) |
Wing (zangeres) | Wing (singer) |
Wing and a Prayer | Wing and a Prayer |
Wing Chun | Wing Chun |
Wing Commander (computerspelserie) | Wing Commander (franchise) |
Wing Commander (film) | Wing Commander (film) |
Wingate | Wingate |
Wingecarribee Shire Council | Wingecarribee Shire |
Winged Creatures | Winged Creatures (film) |
Wingen | Wingen, Bas-Rhin |
Winger | Winger |
Winger (band) | Winger (band) |
Wingerdmetaalvlinder | Theresimima |
Wingerdpijlstaart | Hippotion celerio |
Wingfield | Wingfield |
Wingia aurata | Wingia aurata |
Wingin' It | Wingin' It |
Wingles | Wingles |
Winglet | Wingtip device |
Wings (band) | Wings (band) |
Wings (film) | Wings (movie) |
Wings Air | Wings Abadi Air |
Wings of the Navy | Wings of the Navy (film) |
Wingst | Wingst |
Wingsuit | Wingsuit flying |
Winifred (heilige) | Saint Winifred |
Winifreda | Winifreda |
Winikon | Winikon |
Winja's Fear & Winja's Force | Winjas |
Winkel | Winkel |
Winkel (Eifel) | Winkel, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Winkel (Haut-Rhin) | Winkel, Haut-Rhin |
Winkel (Helme) | Winkel, Saxony-Anhalt |
Winkel (Hollands Kroon) | Winkel, North Holland |
Winkel (Zwitserland) | Winkel, Switzerland |
Winkelcentrum | Mall |
Winkelhaak (sterrenbeeld) | Norma (constellation) |
Winkelhock | Winkelhock |
Winkelketen | Chain store |
Winkels (Mengerskirchen) | Winkels (Mengerskirchen) |
Winkelsett | Winkelsett |
Winkelstedt | Winkelstedt |
Winkel-tripelprojectie | Winkel tripel projection |
Winkelwagen | Shopping cart |
Winklarn (Neder-Oostenrijk) | Winklarn, Austria |
Winklarn (Opper-Palts) | Winklarn |
Winkler County | Winkler County, Texas |
Winkler Prins Encyclopedie | Winkler Prins |
Winn Parish | Winn Parish, Louisiana |
Winnebago (Minnesota) | Winnebago, Minnesota |
Winnebago County | Winnebago County |
Winnebago County (Illinois) | Winnebago County, Illinois |
Winnebago County (Iowa) | Winnebago County, Iowa |
Winnebago County (Wisconsin) | Winnebago County, Wisconsin |
Winnemark | Winnemark |
Winnemucca | Winnemucca, Nevada |
Winner | Winner |
Winner (South Dakota) | Winner, South Dakota |
Winners of the Wilderness | Winners of the Wilderness |
Winnert | Winnert |
Winneshiek County | Winneshiek County, Iowa |
Winnetka | Winnetka, Illinois |
Winnett | Winnett, Montana |
Winneweer | Winneweer |
Winnica | Winnica |
Winnica (gemeente) | Gmina Winnica |
Winnica (powiat Pułtuski) | Winnica, Pułtusk County |
Winnie de Poeh | Winnie the Pooh |
Winnie de Poeh (film uit 2011) | Winnie the Pooh (film) |
Winnie Mandela | Winnie Madikizela-Mandela |
Winnie Sorgdrager | Winnie Sorgdrager |
Winnigstedt | Winnigstedt |
Winning London | Winning London |
Winnipeg Jets | Winnipeg Jets (1972–96) |
Winnipegmeer | Lake Winnipeg |
Winnsboro (South Carolina) | Winnsboro, South Carolina |
Winok | Winnoc |
Winona (Minnesota) | Winona, Minnesota |
Winona (Mississippi) | Winona, Mississippi |
Winona County | Winona County, Minnesota |
Winooski (plaats) | Winooski, Vermont |
Winooski (rivier) | Winooski River |
Winseldorf | Winseldorf |
Winsen (Aller) | Winsen an der Aller |
Winsen (Holstein) | Winsen, Schleswig-Holstein |
Winsford (Somerset) | Winsford, Somerset |
WinShell | WinShell |
Wińsko | Wińsko |
Wińsko (gemeente) | Gmina Wińsko |
Winslow (Arizona) | Winslow, Arizona |
Winslow (Illinois) | Winslow, Illinois |
Winslow Reef | Winslow Reef |
Winslow Reef (Phoenixeilanden) | Winslow Reef, Phoenix Islands |
Winslow West | Winslow West, Arizona |
Winssen | Winssen |
Winst (onderneming) | Profit |
Winst per aandeel | Earnings per share |
Winsted (Connecticut) | Winsted, Connecticut |
Winst-en-verliesrekening | Income statement |
Winstmarge | Profit margin |
Winstmaximalisatie | Profit maximization |
Winston County | Winston County |
Winston County (Alabama) | Winston County, Alabama |
Winston County (Mississippi) | Winston County, Mississippi |
Winston McAnuff | Winston McAnuff |
Winston Parks | Winston Parks |
Winston Rekert | Winston Rekert |
Winston Spencer-Churchill | Winston Churchill (born 1940) |
Winston Western 500 | Winston Western 500 |
Winston-Salem | Winston-Salem, North Carolina |
Winsum (Friesland) | Winsum, Friesland |
Winsum (gemeente) | Winsum |
Wintelre | Wintelre |
Winter | Winter |
Winter (doorverwijspagina) | Winter (disambiguation) |
Winter Garden | Winter Garden, Florida |
Winter Haven | Winter Haven, Florida |
Winter Meeting | Winter Meeting |
Winter of Frozen Dreams | Winter of Frozen Dreams |
Winter Park (Colorado) | Winter Park, Colorado |
Winter Park (Florida) | Winter Park, Florida |
Winter Sonata | Winter Sonata |
Winter Springs | Winter Springs, Florida |
Winter X Games XIV | Winter X Games XIV |
Winterakoniet | Eranthis hyemalis |
Winterbach (Palts) | Winterbach, Südwestpfalz |
Winterbach (Remstal) | Winterbach, Baden-Württemberg |
Winterbach (Soonwald) | Winterbach, Bad Kreuznach |
Winterbach (Zwaben) | Winterbach, Bavaria |
Winterband | Snow tire |
Winterborn | Winterborn (disambiguation) |
Winterborn (Rijnland-Palts) | Winterborn |
Winterdepressie | Seasonal affective disorder |
Wintereik | Quercus petraea |
Winterfeld | Winterfeld |
Wintergarten | Berlin Wintergarten theatre |
Wintergroen | Pyrola |
Winterhard | Hardiness (plants) |
Winterheart's Guild | Winterheart's Guild |
Winterjasmijn | Jasminum nudiflorum |
Winterjuffers | Sympecma |
Winterkoning | Eurasian Wren |
Winterkoningen | Wren |
Winterlinde | Tilia cordata |
Wintermuggen | Trichoceridae |
Winteroorlog | Winter War |
Winterpaleis | Winter Palace |
Winterpostelein | Claytonia perfoliata |
Winterpostelein (geslacht) | Claytonia |
Winters (Californië) | Winters, California |
Winter's Bone | Winter's Bone |
Wintersdorf (Meuselwitz) | Wintersdorf |
Winterset | Winterset, Iowa |
Winterslaap | Hibernation |
Wintersport | Winter sport |
Wintersportgebied | Ski resort |
Wintertaling | Eurasian Teal |
Wintertenen | Chilblains |
Winterthur | Winterthur (disambiguation) |
Winterthur (district) | Winterthur District |
Winterthur (stad) | Winterthur |
Winterthur Group | Winterthur Group |
Wintertriatlon | Winter triathlon |
Winterville | Winterville |
Winterzeshoek | Winter Hexagon |
Winterzwemmen | Winter swimming |
Winthrop (Arkansas) | Winthrop, Arkansas |
Winthrop (Iowa) | Winthrop, Iowa |
Winthrop (Maine) | Winthrop, Maine |
Winthrop (Massachusetts) | Winthrop, Massachusetts |
Winthrop (Minnesota) | Winthrop, Minnesota |
Winthrop (Washington) | Winthrop, Washington |
Winthrop Harbor | Winthrop Harbor, Illinois |
Winthrop Sargent | Winthrop Sargent |
Winton (North Carolina) | Winton, North Carolina |
Wintongoudmol | De Winton's golden mole |
Wintrange | Wintrange |
Wintutalen | Wintuan languages |
Winwick | Winwick |
Winwick (Cambridgeshire) | Winwick, Cambridgeshire |
Winwick (Cheshire) | Winwick, Cheshire |
Win-winsituatie | Win-win game |
Winwood Reade | William Winwood Reade |
Winzenburg | Winzenburg |
Winzer (Neder-Beieren) | Winzer |
Wip | WIP |
Wip (speeltoestel) | Seesaw |
Wipeout (2008) | Wipeout (2008 U.S. game show) |
Wipfratal | Wipfratal |
Wipgalg | Strappado |
Wiphala | Wiphala |
Wipneusadder | Vipera latastei |
Wipneuzen | Whipnose angler |
Wipperdorf | Wipperdorf |
Wipperfeld | Wipperfeld |
Wippingen | Wippingen |
Wippra | Wippra |
Wiprecht van Groitzsch | Wiprecht of Groitzsch |
Wir 3 | Wir 3 |
Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir | Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir, BWV 29 |
Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal | Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal, BWV 146 |
Wirdum (Friesland) | Wirdum, Friesland |
Wirdum (Groningen) | Wirdum, Groningen |
Wirdum (Nedersaksen) | Wirdum, Germany |
Wire | Wire (band) |
Wire in the Blood | Wire in the Blood |
Wired | Wired (magazine) |
Wireless Application Protocol | Wireless Application Protocol |
Wireless distribution system | Wireless distribution system |
Wireless LAN | Wireless LAN |
Wireless sensor network | Wireless sensor network |
Wire-wrap | Wire wrap |
Wirich von Daun | Count Wirich Philipp von Daun |
Wirral | Metropolitan Borough of Wirral |
Wirt County | Wirt County, West Virginia |
Wirtualna Polska | Wirtualna Polska |
Wirwignes | Wirwignes |
WIS | Wis |
Wiscasset | Wiscasset, Maine |
Wisch (Gelderland) | Wisch, Gelderland |
Wisch (Holstein) | Wisch, Plön |
Wisch (Noord-Friesland) | Wisch, Nordfriesland |
Wischhafen | Wischhafen |
Wischroda | Wischroda |
Wisconsin (rivier) | Wisconsin River |
Wisconsin Dells (plaats) | Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Rapids | Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin |
Wisconsinprotesten in 2011 | 2011 Wisconsin protests |
Wise (Virginia) | Wise, Virginia |
Wise Blood | Wise Blood (film) |
Wise County | Wise County |
Wise County (Texas) | Wise County, Texas |
Wise County (Virginia) | Wise County, Virginia |
Wisegal | Wisegal |
Wiseman (Alaska) | Wiseman, Alaska |
Wisent | European bison |
Wish | Wish (The Cure album) |
Wish Bone | Wish Bone |
Wish I Had an Angel | Wish I Had an Angel |
Wish Upon a Star | Wish Upon a Star |
Wish You Were Here (album) | Wish You Were Here (album) |
Wish You Were Here (nummer) | Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd song) |
Wishbone Ash (album) | Wishbone Ash (album) |
Wishbone Four | Wishbone Four |
Wishbringer | Wishbringer |
Wishek | Wishek, North Dakota |
Wishkah | Wishkah River |
Wishmaster (album) | Wishmaster (album) |
Wishmaster (film) | Wishmaster (film) |
Wishmastour 2000 | Wishmastour 2000 |
Wisimar | Wisimar |
Wisin & Yandel | Wisin & Yandel |
Wiskitki | Wiskitki |
Wiskitki (gemeente) | Gmina Wiskitki |
Wiskunde | Mathematics |
Wiskundig bewijs | Mathematical proof |
Wiskundig model | Mathematical model |
Wiskundig object | Mathematical object |
Wiskundig Onderzoeksinstituut van Oberwolfach | Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach |
Wiskundige | Mathematician |
Wiskundige constante | Mathematical constant |
Wiskundige economie | Mathematical economics |
Wiskundige ingenieurstechniek | Engineering mathematics |
Wiskundige logica | Mathematical logic |
Wiskundige natuurkunde | Mathematical physics |
Wiskundige optimalisatie | Optimization |
Wiskundige puzzel | Mathematical puzzle |
Wiskundige school van Lwów | Lwów School of Mathematics |
Wiskundige structuur | Mathematical structure |
Wiskundige structuur van de kwantummechanica | Mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics |
Wisła | Vistula (disambiguation) |
Wisła (rivier) | Vistula |
Wisła (stad) | Wisła |
Wisła Kraków | Wisła Kraków |
Wislahaf | Vistula Lagoon |
Wisła-Oderoffensief | Vistula–Oder Offensive |
Wislaschoorwal | Vistula Spit |
Wiślica (gemeente) | Gmina Wiślica |
Wisłoka | Wisłoka |
Wiśniew (gemeente) | Gmina Wiśniew |
Wiśniewo | Wiśniewo |
Wiśniewo (gemeente) | Gmina Wiśniewo |
Wiśniewo (powiat Mławski) | Wiśniewo, Mława County |
Wiśniowa (gemeente in powiat Myślenicki) | Gmina Wiśniowa, Lesser Poland Voivodeship |
Wiśniowa (gemeente in powiat Strzyżowski) | Gmina Wiśniowa, Podkarpackie Voivodeship |
Wisques | Wisques |
Wissam Ben Yedder | Wissam Ben Yedder |
Wisse Dekker | Wisse Dekker |
Wissel (bankdocument) | Promissory note |
Wissel (spoorweg) | Railroad switch |
Wisselbloem | Lantana camara |
Wisselkind | Changeling |
Wisselkoers | Exchange rate |
Wisselplaats | Passing loop |
Wisselrichter | Inverter |
Wisselschakeling | Multiway switching |
Wisselslag | Medley swimming |
Wisselstrook | Reversible lane |
Wisselstroom | Alternating current |
Wisselstroommotor | AC motor |
Wisselstroomseriemotor | Universal motor |
Wisseltransfusie | Exchange transfusion |
Wissen | Wissen |
Wissenkerke | Wissenkerke |
Wissenschaftlich-humanitäre Komitee | Scientific-Humanitarian Committee |
Wissignicourt | Wissignicourt |
Wissigstock | Wissigstock |
Wistedt | Wistedt |
Wisteria Lane | Wisteria Lane |
Wisznia Mała | Wisznia Mała |
Wisznice (gemeente) | Gmina Wisznice |
Wit | White |
Wit (doorverwijspagina) | WIT |
Wit bosvogeltje | Cephalanthera longifolia |
Wit gat | White hole |
WIT Georgia | FC WIT Georgia |
Wit hoefblad | Petasites albus |
Wit muizenoortje | Leucophytia bidentata |
Wit naaldkwastje | Ocnerostoma friesei |
Wit vetkruid | Sedum album |
Wit weeskind | Catephia alchymista |
Wit zijdeaapje | White marmoset |
Witbaardfranjeaap | Ursine colobus |
Witbaardhoningeter | White-lined Honeyeater |
Witbandkruisbek | Two-barred Crossbill |
Witbandleeuwerik | Greater Hoopoe-Lark |
Witband-silene-uil | Hadena compta |
Witbandzandoog | Brintesia circe |
Witbandzeearend | Pallas's Fish Eagle |
Witbank | Witbank |
Witbier | Wheat beer |
Witboek (document) | White paper |
Witbol | Holcus |
Witbonte parelmoervlinder | Euphydryas cynthia |
Witborstaalscholver | White-breasted Cormorant |
Witborstboomklever | White-breasted Nuthatch |
Witborstdoktersvis | Acanthurus leucosternon |
Witborstrietvink | Pictorella Mannikin |
Witborstrupsvogel | White-breasted Cuckooshrike |
Witborstspitsvogel | White-breasted Woodswallow |
Witborststeltral | White-breasted Mesite |
Witborstwaterhoen | White-breasted Waterhen |
Witbrauwbabbelaar | White-browed Babbler |
Witbrauwkruiper | White-browed Treecreeper |
Witbrauwlangoer | Laotian langur |
Witbrauwsjakohoen | White-browed Guan |
Witbrauwslingeraap | White-cheeked spider monkey |
Witbuikchachalaca | White-bellied Chachalaca |
Witbuikdolfijn | Chilean dolphin |
Witbuikdrongo | White-bellied Drongo |
Witbuikduiker | White-bellied duiker |
Witbuikdwergsalangaan | Glossy Swiftlet |
Witbuikegel | Four-toed hedgehog |
Witbuikfregatvogel | Christmas Frigatebird |
Witbuikhoningvogel | Buzzing Flowerpecker |
Witbuikkoekoek | Pearly-breasted Cuckoo |
Witbuikkwartelsnip | White-bellied Seedsnipe |
Witbuiknon | Hooded Manniikin |
Witbuiknothura | White-bellied Nothura |
Witbuikslingeraap | White-fronted spider monkey |
Witbuikspecht | White-bellied Woodpecker |
Witbuikstormvogeltje | White-bellied Storm Petrel |
Witbuiktoerako | White-bellied Go-away-bird |
Witbuikzandhoen | Pin-tailed Sandgrouse |
Witbuikzeearend | White-bellied Sea Eagle |
Witchblade (anime) | Witchblade (anime) |
Witchblade (televisieserie) | Witchblade (TV series) |
Witchcraft Acts | Witchcraft Acts |
Witflankdolfijn | Atlantic white-sided dolphin |
Witflankhaas | White-sided jackrabbit |
Witgat | Green Sandpiper |
Witgerande tuinslak | White-lipped snail |
Witgestippelde bamboehaai | Whitespotted bamboo shark |
Witgestippelde kegrog | Giant guitarfish |
Witgestippelde stierkophaai | Whitespotted bullhead shark |
Witgestreepte dolfijn | Pacific white-sided dolphin |
Witgevlekte glaskikker | Hyalinobatrachium valerioi |
Witgevlekte honingeter | Scrub Honeyeater |
Witgevlekte kogelvis | White-spotted puffer |
Witgezichtoeistiti | White-headed marmoset |
Witgezichtsaki | White-faced saki |
Witgezoomd spikkeldikkopje | Safflower Skipper |
Witgoed | Major appliance |
With Apologies to Jesse Jackson | With Apologies to Jesse Jackson |
With Love (Hilary Duff) | With Love (Hilary Duff song) |
With Love and Squalor | With Love and Squalor |
With Six You Get Eggroll | With Six You Get Eggroll |
With the Beatles | With the Beatles |
With You (Chris Brown) | With You (Chris Brown song) |
Withaarmelkzweefvlieg | Leucozona lucorum |
Withalsreiger | White-necked Heron |
Withalsvliegenvanger | Collared Flycatcher |
Witham (plaats) | Witham |
Withandgibbon | Lar Gibbon |
Withanolide | Withanolide |
Witharen | Witharen |
Withburga | Wihtburh |
Witheid | Whiteness |
Wither (ep) | Wither (EP) |
Witheriet | Witherite |
Withernsea | Withernsea |
Within Our Gates | Within Our Gates |
Withington | Withington (disambiguation) |
Withington (Greater Manchester) | Withington |
Withnail and I | Withnail and I |
Without a Paddle | Without a Paddle |
Without a Trace | Without a Trace |
Without Reservations | Without Reservations |
Without You (Badfinger) | Without You (Badfinger song) |
Without You I'm Nothing | Without You I'm Nothing (Placebo album) |
Witiges | Vitiges |
Witjes (vlinders) | Pieridae |
Witkaakweidespreeuw | Eastern Meadowlark |
Witkapalbatros | Shy Albatross |
Witkapbijeneter | White-fronted Bee-eater |
Witkapnoddy | Black Noddy |
Witkaptangare | White-capped Tanager |
Witkeelbijeneter | White-throated Bee-eater |
Witkeelbospatrijs | Buffy-crowned Wood Partridge |
Witkeeldaggekko | Yellow-headed gecko |
Witkeelfrankolijn | White-throated Francolin |
Witkeelgors | White-throated Sparrow |
Witkeelkruiper | White-throated Treecreeper |
Witkeelmeerkat | Sykes' monkey |
Witkeeltandkwartel | Gorgeted Wood Quail |
Witkeeltinamoe | White-throated Tinamou |
Witkeelvaraan | Varanus albigularis |
Witkeelwaaierstaart | White-throated Fantail |
Witkindwerghoningeter | White-chinned Myzomela |
Witkinstormvogel | White-chinned Petrel |
Witkopbooteend | Chubut Steamer Duck |
Witkopbuffelwever | White-headed Buffalo Weaver |
Witkopeend | White-headed Duck |
Witkopgier | White-headed Vulture |
Witkopgoean | Blue-throated Piping Guan |
Witkoplangoer | White-headed langur |
Witkopmaki | White-headed lemur |
Witkopmeeuw | Silver Gull |
Witkopmohoua | Whitehead (bird) |
Witkopmot | White-shouldered House Moth |
Witkopnon | White-headed Munia |
Witkopspecht | White-headed Woodpecker |
Witkopstormvogel | White-headed Petrel |
Witkopvanga | White-headed Vanga |
Witkowo (gemeente) | Gmina Witkowo |
Witkraag koraalvlinder | Redtail butterflyfish |
Witkraagijsvogel | Collared Kingfisher |
Witkruinglansspreeuw | White-crowned Starling |
Witkruinlederkop | Silver-crowned Friarbird |
Witkruinvorkstaart | White-crowned Forktail |
Witkuifsjakohoen | White-crested Guan |
Witkuiftoerako | White-crested Turaco |
Witkuiftok | White-crested Hornbill |
Witlijngrasmot | Agriphila latistria |
Witlijntandvlinder | Drymonia querna |
Witlipbamboeadder | Trimeresurus albolabris |
Witlipdolfijn | Melon-headed Whale |
Witliphert | Thorold's deer |
Witlipkikker | Hylarana albolabris |
Witlippekari | White-lipped peccary |
Witmantelstompneusaap | Gray snub-nosed monkey |
Witmarsum (Brazilië) | Witmarsum, Santa Catarina |
Witmarsum (Nederland) | Witmarsum, Friesland |
Witnekgaai | Plush-crested Jay |
Witnekkaalkopkraai | White-necked Rockfowl |
Witnekkraai | White-necked Crow |
Witnekkraanvogel | White-naped Crane |
Witnekparkiet | White-breasted Parakeet |
Witnekraaf | White-necked Raven |
Witnekstormvogel | Juan Fernández Petrel |
Witnekwezel | African striped weasel |
Witness | Witness (1985 film) |
Witness for the Prosecution | Witness for the Prosecution (1957 film) |
Witneushaai | Whitenose shark |
Witneussaki | White-nosed saki |
Witnica | Witnica |
Witnica (gemeente) | Gmina Witnica |
Witonia | Witonia |
Witonia (gemeente) | Gmina Witonia |
Witoogbuulbuul | Cream-vented Bulbul |
Witoogeend | Ferruginous Duck |
Witoogspotlijster | Pearly-eyed Thrasher |
Witoorkatvogel | White-eared Catbird |
Witoormonarch | White-eared Monarch |
Witoortandkwartel | Chestnut Wood Quail |
Witoorvliegenvanger | White-browed Robin |
Witoorzijdeaapje | Buffy-tufted marmoset |
Witpootkronkel | Tachypodoiulus niger |
Witpootneushoornvogel | White-thighed Hornbill |
Witpuntoeverlibel | Orthetrum albistylum |
Witpuntrifhaai | Whitetip reef shark |
Witringuil | Cerastis leucographa |
Witrivier | White River, Mpumalanga |
Witromplangoer | Delacour's langur |
Witrugeend | White-backed Duck |
Witruggier | White-backed vulture |
Witrugkwak | White-backed Night Heron |
Witrugrupsvogel | Boyer's Cuckooshrike |
Witrugspecht | White-backed Woodpecker |
Witruimte | White space (visual arts) |
Wit-Rusland | Belarus |
Wit-Rusland (naam) | White Russia |
Wit-Rusland op de Europese kampioenschappen atletiek 2010 | Belarus at the 2010 European Athletics Championships |
Wit-Rusland op de Olympische Jeugdwinterspelen 2012 | Belarus at the 2012 Winter Youth Olympics |
Wit-Rusland op de Olympische Spelen | Belarus at the Olympics |
Wit-Rusland op de Olympische Winterspelen 1998 | Belarus at the 1998 Winter Olympics |
Wit-Rusland op de Paralympische Spelen | Belarus at the Paralympics |
Wit-Rusland op de Paralympische Zomerspelen 2012 | Belarus at the 2012 Summer Paralympics |
Wit-Rusland op het Eurovisiesongfestival | Belarus in the Eurovision Song Contest |
Wit-Rusland op het Eurovisiesongfestival 2013 | Belarus in the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 |
Wit-Rusland op het Junior Eurovisiesongfestival | Belarus in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest |
Wit-Russen | Belarusians |
Wit-Russisch | Belarusian language |
Wit-Russisch nationaal basketbalteam | Belarus national basketball team |
Wit-Russisch nationaal basketbalteam (vrouwen) | Belarus women's national basketball team |
Wit-Russisch voetbalelftal | Belarus national football team |
Wit-Russisch vrouwenvoetbalelftal | Belarus women's national football team |
Wit-Russische Grieks-katholieke Kerk | Belarusian Greek Catholic Church |
Wit-Russische hockeyploeg (mannen) | Belarus men's national ice hockey team |
Wit-Russische Journalistenvereniging | Belarusian Association of Journalists |
Wit-Russische Nationale Republiek | Belarusian People's Republic |
Wit-Russische Republikeinse Jeugdunie | Belarusian Republican Youth Union |
Wit-Russische roebel | Belarusian ruble |
Wit-Russische Rug | Belarusian Ridge |
Wit-Russische Sociaaldemocratische Partij (Volksassemblée) | Belarusian Social Democratic Party (People's Assembly) |
Wit-Russische Socialistische Hramada | Belarusian Socialist Assembly |
Wit-Russische Socialistische Sovjetrepubliek | Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic |
Wit-Russische Staatsuniversiteit voor Informatica en Radioelectronica | Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics |
Wit-Russische supercup | Belarusian Super Cup |
Wit-Russische voetbalbeker | Belarusian Cup |
Wit-Russische voetbalbond | Football Federation of Belarus |
Witry-lès-Reims | Witry-lès-Reims |
Witschouderelfje | White-shouldered Fairywren |
Witschouderkapucijnaap | White-headed capuchin |
Witschouderzijdeaapje | Santarem marmoset |
Witse | Witse |
Witsnavelbuffelwever | White-billed Buffalo Weaver |
Witsnorboomgierzwaluw | Moustached Treeswift |
Witsnorpalmroller | Masked palm civet |
Witsnuitbladroller | Pandemis cinnamomeana |
Witsnuitdolfijn | White-beaked dolphin |
Witsnuitlibellen | Leucorrhinia |
Witsnuitneusbeer | White-nosed coati |
Witstaartbuizerd | White-tailed Hawk |
Witstaarteekhoorn | Abert's squirrel |
Witstaartglansfazant | Sclater's Monal |
Witstaartgnoe | Black wildebeest |
Witstaarthamster | White-tailed rat |
Witstaarthert | White-tailed deer |
Witstaartkeerkringvogel | White-tailed Tropicbird |
Witstaartleeuwerik | White-tailed Lark |
Witstaartmangoeste | White-tailed mongoose |
Witstaartnachtzwaluw | White-tailed Nightjar |
Witstaartsneeuwhoen | White-tailed Ptarmigan |
Witstaartstekelvarken | Indian crested porcupine |
Witstaarttrogon | Green-backed Trogon |
Witstaartvliegenvanger | Jacky Winter |
Witstipgrasuil | Mythimna albipuncta |
Witstreepblauwtje | Polyommatus damon |
Witstuitbarmsijs | Arctic Redpoll |
Witstuitbuizerd | White-rumped Hawk |
Witstuitrupsvogel | White-rumped Cuckooshrike |
Witstuitsalangaan | White-rumped Swiftlet |
Wittbek | Wittbek |
Wittdün auf Amrum | Wittdün |
Witte abeel | Populus alba |
Witte Adelaars | White Eagles (paramilitary) |
Witte affodil | Asphodelus albus |
Witte amarant | Amaranthus albus |
Witte aronskelk | Zantedeschia aethiopica |
Witte baars | White bass |
Witte bloedcel | White blood cell |
Witte boek van Rhydderch | White Book of Rhydderch |
Witte Boekje | White Booklet |
Witte boormossel | Barnea candida |
Witte Brigade | Witte Brigade |
Witte chocolade | White chocolate |
Witte de With | Witte Corneliszoon de With |
Witte dolfijn | Beluga whale |
Witte Donderdag | Maundy Thursday |
Witte dovenetel | Lamium album |
Witte dunschaal | Abra alba |
Witte dwerg | White dwarf |
Witte eenstaart | Cilix glaucata |
Witte els | Alnus incana |
Witte emigrant | White émigré |
Witte engbloem | Vincetoxicum hirundinaria |
Witte Ernz | White Ernz |
Witte esdoorn | Acer saccharinum |
Witte fiets | Bicycle sharing system |
Witte fosfor | White phosphorus |
Witte grijsbandspanner | Common White Wave |
Witte haai | Great white shark |
Witte heek | White hake |
Witte hermelijnvlinder | Cerura erminea |
Witte Himalayaberk | Betula utilis |
Witte honingklaver | Melilotus albus |
Witte Huis | White House (disambiguation) |
Witte Huis (Moskou) | White House (Moscow) |
Witte Huis (Washington D.C.) | White House |
Witte ibis | American White Ibis |
Witte kaketoe | White-crested cockatoo |
Witte Karpaten | White Carpathians |
Witte kerst | White Christmas (weather) |
Witte klaver | Trifolium repens |
Witte klaverzuring | Oxalis acetosella |
Witte klooster | White Monastery |
Witte knoop | Anaphalis |
Witte koeskoes | Northern common cuscus |
Witte koraalzwam | Clavulina cristata |
Witte krodde | Thlaspi arvense |
Witte kruidenmot | Udea lutealis |
Witte kwikstaart | White Wagtail |
Witte marlijn | White marlin |
Witte Mars | White March |
Witte mimosa | Leucaena leucocephala |
Witte moerbei | Morus alba |
Witte monumenten van Vladimir en Soezdal | White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal |
Witte mosterd | White mustard |
Witte muggenorchis | Pseudorchis albida |
Witte munt | Mentha suaveolens |
Witte neushoorn | White rhinoceros |
Witte nieswortel | Veratrum album |
Witte Nijl | White Nile |
Witte olifant | White elephant (animal) |
Witte ombervis | Weakfish |
Witte oorfazant | White Eared Pheasant |
Witte paard van Uffington | Uffington White Horse |
Witte paardenkastanje | Horse Chestnut |
Witte Paters | White Fathers |
Witte pelikaan | American White Pelican |
Witte Raad | White Council |
Witte rapunzel | Phyteuma spicatum |
Witte reseda | Reseda alba |
Witte reus | Volucella pellucens |
Witte ruis | White noise |
Witte snavelbies | Rhynchospora alba |
Witte spar | Picea glauca |
Witte stad van Tel Aviv | White City of Tel Aviv |
Witte steenbaars | White steenbras |
Witte steur | White sturgeon |
Witte stip | Ichthyophthirius multifiliis |
Witte stof | White matter |
Witte tamarin | White-mantled tamarin |
Witte thee | White tea |
Witte tijger | Spilosoma lubricipeda |
Witte tonijn | Albacore |
Witte Toren (Thessaloniki) | White Tower of Thessaloniki |
Witte trui | White jersey |
Witte vlag | White flag |
Witte vleermuis | Honduran white bat |
Witte vliegen | Whitefly |
Witte vlierschorszwam | Hyphodontia sambuci |
Witte waterkers | Watercress |
Witte waterlelie | Nymphaea alba |
Witte wijn | White wine |
Witte woestijnzon | White Sun of the Desert |
Witte wolf | Tundra wolf |
Witte wormhagedis | Amphisbaena alba |
Witte zaagbaars | White grouper |
Witte zapote | White sapote |
Witte Zee | White Sea |
Witte zeealen | Myroconger |
Witte Zeekanaal | White Sea – Baltic Canal |
Witteboordencriminaliteit | White-collar crime |
Wittebrood | White bread |
Wittekind van Waldeck-Pyrmont | Wittekind, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont |
Wittekool | Cabbage |
Wittelte | Wittelte |
Witte-l-uil | Mythimna l-album |
Wittem | Wittem |
Witten | Witten (disambiguation) |
Witten (Drenthe) | Witten, Netherlands |
Witten (leger) | White movement |
Witten Hauptbahnhof | Witten Central Station |
Wittenbach | Wittenbach |
Wittenberg | Wittenberg (disambiguation) |
Wittenberg (stad) | Lutherstadt Wittenberg |
Wittenbergen | Wittenbergen |
Wittenbergplatz | Wittenbergplatz |
Wittenbergplatz (metrostation) | Wittenbergplatz (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Wittenborn | Wittenborn |
Wittenhagen | Wittenhagen |
Witten-Herbede | Herbede |
Wittenmoor | Wittenmoor |
Witten-Wullen | Witten-Wullen |
Witternesse | Witternesse |
Wittersheim (Frankrijk) | Wittersheim |
Witteugelwielewaal | White-lored Oriole |
Witteveen (Midden-Drenthe) | Witteveen |
Wittgendorf (bij Zeitz) | Wittgendorf |
Wittgendorf (Thüringen) | Wittgendorf, Thuringia |
Wittgenstein | Wittgenstein (disambiguation) |
Wittig-reactie | Wittig reaction |
Wittlich Hauptbahnhof | Wittlich Central Station |
Wittmar | Wittmar |
Wittmoldt | Wittmoldt |
Wittnau (Breisgau) | Wittnau, Baden-Württemberg |
Wittnau (Zwitserland) | Wittnau, Aargau |
Wittorf (Nedersaksen) | Wittorf |
Wittstock/Dosse | Wittstock |
Witvinlantaarnhaai | Whitefin dogfish |
Witvinvaalhaai | Whitefin topeshark |
Witvis | Whitefish (fisheries term) |
Witvlakdwergspanner | Bordered Pug |
Witvlakvlinder | Orgyia antiqua |
Witvlekmotten | Incurvariidae |
Witvlek-silene-uil | Hadena albimacula |
Witvlektoonhaai | Whitespotted smooth-hound |
Witvlekworteluil | Euxoa adumbrata |
Witvleugelboseend | White-winged Duck |
Witvleugelelfje | White-winged Fairywren |
Witvleugelleeuwerik | White-winged Lark |
Witvleugelnachtzwaluw | White-winged Nightjar |
Witvleugelpinguïn | White-flippered Penguin |
Witvleugelsjakohoen | White-winged Guan |
Witvleugelspreeuw | Babbling Starling |
Witvleugelstern | White-winged Tern |
Witvleugeltreurduif | White-winged Dove |
Witvleugelvampier | White-winged vampire bat |
Witvleugelzanger | White-winged Warbler |
Witvoetboomrat | White-footed rabbit-rat |
Witvoetmuis | White-footed mouse |
Witvoettamarin | White-footed tamarin |
Witvoetwezelmaki | White-footed sportive lemur |
Witvoorhoofdkapucijnaap | White-fronted capuchin |
Witvoorhoofdlangoer | White-fronted surili |
Witvoorhoofdsjakohoen | Rusty-margined Guan |
Witwangbospatrijs | White-cheeked Partridge |
Witwangbuulbuul | Himalayan Bulbul |
Witwangfluiteend | White-faced Whistling Duck |
Witwangfuut | White-tufted Grebe |
Witwanggibbon | Northern white-cheeked gibbon |
Witwanghaai | Whitecheek shark |
Witwanghoenderkoet | Northern Screamer |
Witwangreiger | White-faced Heron |
Witwangstern | Whiskered Tern |
Witwangwallaby | Whiptail wallaby |
Witwassen | Money laundering |
Witzeeze | Witzeeze |
Witzelsucht | Witzelsucht |
Witzenberg | Witzenberg Local Municipality |
Witzhave | Witzhave |
Witzin | Witzin |
Witzleben | Witzleben (disambiguation) |
Witzleben (Thüringen) | Witzleben |
Witzwort | Witzwort |
Wivenhoe | Wivenhoe |
Wivina van Bijgaarden | Wivina |
Wiyot (taal) | Wiyot language |
Wiyot (volk) | Wiyot people |
Wiżajny (gemeente) | Gmina Wiżajny |
Wizard | Wizard |
Wizard (software) | Wizard (software) |
Wizarding World of Harry Potter | The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (Universal Orlando Resort) |
Wizards of Waverly Place | Wizards of Waverly Place |
Wizards of Waverly Place (seizoen 2) | Wizards of Waverly Place (season 2) |
Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie | Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie |
Wizernes | Wizernes |
Wizna (gemeente) | Gmina Wizna |
Wizzard | Wizzard |
Wizzy en Woppy | Wizzy & Woppy |
Wkra | Wkra |
W-kromme | W-curve |
Wladimir Köppen | Wladimir Köppen |
Wladimir Ledóchowski | Wlodimir Ledóchowski |
Wladimir Logothetti | Vladimir Logothetti |
Wladimir Vogel | Wladimir Vogel |
Wladislaus de Balling | Władysław II the Exile |
Wladislaus de Korte | Władysław I the Elbow-high |
Wladislaus de Witte | Władysław the White |
Wladislaus I Herman van Polen | Władysław I Herman |
Wladislaus I van Bohemen | Vladislaus I, Duke of Bohemia |
Wladislaus I van Oppeln | Władysław Opolski |
Wladislaus II Jagiello van Polen | Jogaila |
Wladislaus II van Bohemen | Vladislaus II, Duke of Bohemia |
Wladislaus II van Hongarije | Vladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary |
Wladislaus II van Oppeln | Vladislaus II of Opole |
Wladislaus III Hendrik van Bohemen | Vladislaus III, Duke of Bohemia |
Wladislaus Odonic | Władysław Odonic |
Wladislaus Spillebeen | Władysław III Spindleshanks |
Wladislaus van Auschwitz | Władysław of Oświęcim |
Wladislaus van Bohemen | Vladislaus, Margrave of Moravia |
Wladislaus van Bytom | Władysław of Bytom |
Wladislaus van Glogau | Władysław of Głogów |
Wladislaus van Liegnitz | Władysław of Legnica |
Wladislaus van Płock | Wenceslaus of Płock |
Wladislaus van Silezië | Ladislaus of Salzburg |
Wladislaus van Varna | Władysław III of Poland |
Wladislaus van Zator | Władysław of Zator |
Wladislaus Wasa | Władysław IV Vasa |
Władysław Raginis | Władysław Raginis |
Władysław Ślewiński | Władysław Ślewiński |
Władysław Starewicz | Ladislas Starevich |
Władysław Strzemiński | Władysław Strzemiński |
Władysław Żeleński | Władysław Żeleński (musician) |
Władysławów | Władysławów |
Władysławów (gemeente) | Gmina Władysławów |
Władysławów (Groot-Polen) | Władysławów, Greater Poland Voivodeship |
Wleń (gemeente) | Gmina Wleń |
Włocławek (gemeente) | Gmina Włocławek |
Włodawa (gemeente) | Gmina Włodawa |
Włodowice | Włodowice |
Włodowice (gemeente) | Gmina Włodowice |
Włodowice (Silezië) | Włodowice, Silesian Voivodeship |
Włoszakowice | Włoszakowice |
Włoszakowice (gemeente) | Gmina Włoszakowice |
Włoszczowa | Włoszczowa |
Włoszczowa (gemeente) | Gmina Włoszczowa |
Wo gehest du hin? | Wo gehest du hin? BWV 166 |
Wo soll ich fliehen hin | Wo soll ich fliehen hin, BWV 5 |
Wobbegongs | Wobbegong |
Wobbe-index | Wobbe index |
Wöbbelin | Wöbbelin |
Wobbenbüll | Wobbenbüll |
Wobbler | Wobbler |
Wobbler (band) | Wobbler (band) |
Wobblersyndroom | Wobbler disease |
Woburn (Bedfordshire) | Woburn, Bedfordshire |
Woburn (Massachusetts) | Woburn, Massachusetts |
Woburn Abbey | Woburn Abbey |
Wodaabe | Wodaabe |
Wodan - Timburcoaster | Wodan Timbur Coaster |
Woden | Woden (disambiguation) |
Wodka | Vodka |
Wodonga | Wodonga, Victoria |
Wodonga City | City of Wodonga |
Wodynie | Wodynie |
Wodynie (gemeente) | Gmina Wodynie |
Wodzierady | Wodzierady |
Wodzierady (gemeente) | Gmina Wodzierady |
Wodzisław (gemeente) | Gmina Wodzisław |
Woede | Anger |
Woedoe | Wudu |
Woekeraar | Usury |
Woekerplant | Parasitic plant |
Woël | Woël |
Woelmuizen | Arvicolinae |
Woelrat | European water vole |
Woensdag | Wednesday |
Woensel | Woensel |
Woerdense Verlaat | Woerdense Verlaat |
Woeser | Woeser |
Woeste drieklauw | Florida softshell turtle |
Woeste hoogten | Wuthering Heights |
Woeste sluipvlieg | Tachina fera |
Woesten | Woesten |
Woestijn | Desert |
Woestijn van Judea | Judaean Desert |
Woestijnbuideldas | Desert bandicoot |
Woestijnbuizerd | Harris's Hawk |
Woestijndwerghamster | Roborovski Hamster |
Woestijngekko | Pachydactylus rangei |
Woestijngoendi | Val's gundi |
Woestijngoudmol | Grant's golden mole |
Woestijnkangoeroegoffer | Desert kangaroo rat |
Woestijnkangoeroerat | Desert rat-kangaroo |
Woestijnkasteel | Desert castle |
Woestijnkat | Sand Cat |
Woestijnkatoenstaartkonijn | Desert cottontail |
Woestijnknobbelzwijn | Desert warthog |
Woestijnleguaan | Desert iguana |
Woestijnnachthagedis | Desert night lizard |
Woestijnratten | Gerbil |
Woestijnrenhagedis | Desert grassland whiptail lizard |
Woestijnroos (geologie) | Desert rose (crystal) |
Woestijnroos (plant) | Adenium |
Woestijnschildpad | Desert tortoise |
Woestijnslaapmuis (Eliomys melanurus) | Asian garden dormouse |
Woestijnslaapmuis (Selevinia betpakdalaensis) | Desert dormouse |
Woestijnspotlijster | Le Conte's Thrasher |
Woestijnsprinkhaan | Desert locust |
Woestijnteju's | Dicrodon |
Woestijnvaders | Desert Fathers |
Woestijnvalk | Sooty Falcon |
Woestijnvaraan | Desert monitor |
Wogoels | Mansi language |
Wohlde | Wohlde |
Wohlen | Wohlen, Aargau |
Wohlmirstedt | Wohlmirstedt |
Wohlsborn | Wohlsborn |
Wohlsdorf | Wohlsdorf |
Wohl-Ziegler-reactie | Wohl–Ziegler bromination |
Wohnste | Wohnste |
Wöhrden | Wöhrden |
Wohyń (gemeente) | Gmina Wohyń |
Woimbey | Woimbey |
Woiwode | Voivode |
Woiwodschap | Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Ermland-Mazurië | Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Groot-Polen | Greater Poland Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Kiev | Kiev Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Klein-Polen | Lesser Poland Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Koejavië-Pommeren | Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Lijfland | Inflanty Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Łódź | Łódź Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Lublin | Lublin Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Lubusz | Lubusz Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Mazovië | Masovian Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Neder-Silezië | Lower Silesian Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Opole | Opole Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Podlachië | Podlaskie Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Pommeren | Pomeranian Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Roethenië | Ruthenian Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Silezië | Silesian Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Stanisławów | Stanisławów Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Subkarpaten | Podkarpackie Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap Święty Krzyż | Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship |
Woiwodschap West-Pommeren | West Pomeranian Voivodeship |
Woiwodschappen van Polen | Voivodeship (Poland) |
Wojaszówka (gemeente) | Gmina Wojaszówka |
Wojciech Bobowski | Wojciech Bobowski |
Wojciech Długoraj | Wojciech Długoraj |
Wojciech Jastrzębiec | Wojciech Jastrzębiec |
Wojciech Jerzy Has | Wojciech Jerzy Has |
Wojciech Karolak | Wojciech Karolak |
Wojciech Skalmowski | Wojciech Skalmowski |
Wojciechów (gemeente) | Gmina Wojciechów |
Wojciechowice (gemeente) | Gmina Wojciechowice |
Wojciechowice (powiat Opatowski) | Wojciechowice, Opatów County |
Wojcieszków (gemeente) | Gmina Wojcieszków |
Wojnicz | Gmina Wojnicz |
Wojnowice | Wojnowice |
Wojnowice (powiat Wrocławski) | Wojnowice, Wrocław County |
Wojnowo | Wojnowo, Lubusz Voivodeship |
Wojska Polskiegostadion | Polish Army Stadium |
Wojsławice | Wojsławice |
Wojsławice (gemeente) | Gmina Wojsławice |
Wojtek | Wojtek (soldier bear) |
Wojtek Fibak | Wojciech Fibak |
Woking FC | Woking F.C. |
Wokingham (district) | Wokingham Borough |
Wol | Wool |
Wola | Wola (disambiguation) |
Wola (Warschau) | Wola |
Wola Krzysztoporska (gemeente) | Gmina Wola Krzysztoporska |
Wola Mysłowska (gemeente) | Gmina Wola Mysłowska |
Wola Rudzka | Wola Rudzka |
Wola Uhruska (gemeente) | Gmina Wola Uhruska |
Wolanów | Wolanów |
Wolanów (gemeente) | Gmina Wolanów |
Wolanów (Mazovië) | Wolanów, Masovian Voivodeship |
Wolapen | Woolly monkey |
Wolbodo (heilige) | Wolbodo |
Wolbórz | Wolbórz |
Wolbórz (gemeente) | Gmina Wolbórz |
Wolbrom | Wolbrom |
Wolbrom (gemeente) | Gmina Wolbrom |
Wołczkowo | Wołczkowo |
Wołczyn (gemeente) | Gmina Wołczyn |
Wold | Wold |
Wolde | Wolde (disambiguation) |
Woldemar Klingelhöfer | Waldemar Klingelhöfer |
Woldemar van Lippe | Woldemar, Prince of Lippe |
Woldenberg | Woldenberg |
Woldendorp (dorp) | Woldendorp |
Woleu-Ntem | Woleu-Ntem Province |
Wolf | Gray wolf |
Wolf (1994) | Wolf (1994 film) |
Wolf (band) | Wolf (band) |
Wolf (doorverwijspagina) | Wolf (disambiguation) |
Wolf (hijswerktuig) | Lewis (lifting appliance) |
Wolf (sterrenbeeld) | Lupus (constellation) |
Wolf Creek | Wolf Creek |
Wolf Creek (film) | Wolf Creek (film) |
Wolf III Centullus van Gascogne | Lupo III Centule of Gascony |
Wolf Jobst Siedler | Wolf Jobst Siedler |
Wolf Point | Wolf Point, Montana |
Wolf Rock | Wolf Rock |
Wolf Rock (Cornwall) | Wolf Rock, Cornwall |
Wolf Wondratschek | Wolf Wondratschek |
Wolfartsweier | Wolfartsweier |
Wolfbrigade | Wolfbrigade |
Wolf-Dieter Storl | Wolf-Dieter Storl |
Wolfdietrich Schnurre | Wolfdietrich Schnurre |
Wolfe County | Wolfe County, Kentucky |
Wolfe Tones | The Wolfe Tones |
Wolfe+585, Senior | Wolfe+585, Senior |
Wolfeboro | Wolfeboro, New Hampshire |
Wolfen | Wolfen, Germany |
Wolfenden Report | Wolfenden report |
Wölferbütt | Wölferbütt |
Wolferschwenda | Wolferschwenda |
Wolfersdorf (Duitsland) | Wolfersdorf |
Wolfersdorf (Frankrijk) | Wolfersdorf, Haut-Rhin |
Wölfershausen | Wölfershausen |
Wolferstedt | Wolferstedt |
Wolfert VI van Borselen | Wolfert VI van Borselen |
Wolffia | Wolffia |
Wolff-Kishner-reductie | Wolff–Kishner reduction |
Wolff-omlegging | Wolff rearrangement |
Wolffs Revier | Wolffs Revier |
Wolfgang Abel | Wolfgang Abel and Marco Furlan |
Wolfgang Bahro | Wolfgang Bahro |
Wolfgang Becker | Wolfgang Becker |
Wolfgang Dittrich | Wolfgang Dittrich |
Wolfgang Frank | Wolfgang Frank |
Wolfgang Graf Berghe von Trips | Wolfgang von Trips |
Wolfgang Gröbner | Wolfgang Gröbner |
Wolfgang Haffner | Wolfgang Haffner |
Wolfgang Heimbach | Wolfgang Heimbach |
Wolfgang Hesl | Wolfgang Hesl |
Wolfgang Holzmair | Wolfgang Holzmair |
Wolfgang Köhler | Wolfgang Köhler |
Wolfgang Lotz | Wolfgang Lotz |
Wolfgang Meyer | Wolfgang Meyer |
Wolfgang Muthspiel | Wolfgang Muthspiel |
Wolfgang Panofsky | Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky |
Wolfgang Paul | Wolfgang Paul |
Wolfgang Přiklopil | Wolfgang Přiklopil |
Wolfgang Schmidt (atleet) | Wolfgang Schmidt |
Wolfgang Schneiderhan | Wolfgang Schneiderhan |
Wolfgang Schneiderhan (generaal) | Wolfgang Schneiderhan (general) |
Wolfgang Schneiderhan (violist) | Wolfgang Schneiderhan (violinist) |
Wolfgang Schomburg | Wolfgang Schomburg |
Wolfgang Seidel | Wolfgang Seidel |
Wolfgang van Anhalt | Wolfgang, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen |
Wolfgang van Brunswijk-Grubenhagen | Wolfgang, Duke of Brunswick-Grubenhagen |
Wolfgang van de Palts | Wolfgang of the Palatinate |
Wolfgang van Hessen-Kassel | Prince Wolfgang of Hesse |
Wolfgang van Palts-Zweibrücken | Wolfgang, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken |
Wolfgang Weber (voetballer) | Wolfgang Weber |
Wolfgang Werlé | Wolfgang Werlé and Manfred Lauber |
Wolfgang Willem van Palts-Neuburg | Wolfgang William, Count Palatine of Neuburg |
Wolfheart | Wolfheart |
Wolf-Heinrich von Helldorf | Wolf-Heinrich Graf von Helldorf |
Wolfheze | Wolfheze |
Wolf-hondhybride | Wolfdog |
Wolfhound | Wolfhound (2006 film) |
Wolfman Jack | Wolfman Jack |
Wolfmannshausen | Wolfmannshausen |
Wolfmother (album) | Wolfmother (album) |
Wolford | Wolford, North Dakota |
Wolfprijs | Wolf Prize |
Wolfraam | Tungsten |
Wolfraam(VI)chloride | Tungsten hexachloride |
Wolfraam(VI)fluoride | Tungsten hexafluoride |
Wolfraamcarbide | Tungsten carbide |
Wolfram | Wolfram |
Wolfram Alpha | Wolfram Alpha |
Wolfram van Sens | Wulfram of Sens |
Wolfram von Richthofen | Wolfram Freiherr von Richthofen |
Wolframaat | Tungstate |
Wolframiet (oxide) | Wolframite |
Wolf-Rayetster | Wolf–Rayet star |
Wolfs meerkat | Wolf's mona monkey |
Wolfsbach | Wolfsbach |
Wolfsbane (band) | Wolfsbane (band) |
Wolfsbane (Marvel) | Wolfsbane (comics) |
Wolfsberg | Wolfsberg |
Wolfsberg (district) | Wolfsberg District |
Wolfsberg (Karinthië) | Wolfsberg, Carinthia |
Wolfsberg (Thüringen) | Wolfsberg, Thuringia |
Wolfsburg | Wolfsburg |
Wolfsburg Hauptbahnhof | Wolfsburg Central Station |
Wolfsburg-Unkeroda | Wolfsburg-Unkeroda |
Wolfsegg (Opper-Palts) | Wolfsegg, Bavaria |
Wolfsharingen | Wolf herring |
Wolfsheim | Wolfsheim, Germany |
Wolfsheim (band) | Wolfsheim (band) |
Wolfskers | Deadly nightshade |
Wolfskind | Feral child |
Wolfsklauwfamilie | Lycopodiaceae |
Wolfskwint | Wolf interval |
Wolfsmelk | Euphorbia |
Wolfsmelkfamilie | Euphorbiaceae |
Wolfsmelkpijlstaart | Hyles euphorbiae |
Wolfsmelkuil | Acronicta euphorbiae |
Wolfsmelkwespvlinder | Chamaesphecia tenthrediniformis |
Wolfspinnen | Wolf spider |
Wolfspoot | Lycopus europaeus |
Wolfsschanze | Wolf's Lair |
Wolfsschlucht II | Wolfsschlucht II |
Wolfstein | Wolfstein, Rhineland-Palatinate |
Wolfstoon | Wolf tone |
Wolga | Volga River |
Wolga Tataren Legioen | Volga Tatar Legion |
Wolga-Bulgarije | Volga Bulgaria |
Wolgadelta | Volga Delta |
Wolga-Donkanaal | Volga–Don Canal |
Wolgaregio | Volga Region |
Wolgograd | Volgograd |
Wolharige mammoet | Woolly mammoth |
Wolharige neushoorn | Woolly rhinoceros |
Wolin (eiland) | Wolin |
Wolin (gemeente) | Gmina Wolin |
Wolin (stad) | Wolin (town) |
Wolk | Cloud |
Wólka | Wólka |
Wólka (gemeente) | Gmina Wólka |
Wolkbreuk | Cloudburst |
Wolken (bij Koblenz) | Wolken |
Wolkenbasis | Cloud base |
Wolkencluster | Mesoscale convective complex |
Wolkenkrabber | Skyscraper |
Wolkenkunde | Cloud formation and climate change |
Wolkenstein (Erzgebirge) | Wolkenstein |
Wolkenstraat | Horizontal convective rolls |
Wolkenstralen | Crepuscular rays |
Wolkever | Lagria hirta |
Wolkrab | Dromia personata |
Wolkrabben | Dromiidae |
Wolkramshausen | Wolkramshausen |
Wollaston Medal | Wollaston Medal |
Wollastoniet | Wollastonite |
Wollastonmeer | Wollaston Lake |
Wollbach (gemeente) | Wollbach |
Wollbachspitze | Wollbachspitze |
Wollbrandshausen | Wollbrandshausen |
Wollegras | Eriophorum |
Wollegrasuil | Celaena haworthii |
Wollemia | Wollemia |
Wollershausen | Wollershausen |
Wollert Konow | Wollert Konow (Prime Minister of Norway) |
Wollig Gitje | Cheilosia illustrata |
Wollig vingerhoedskruid | Digitalis lanata |
Wollige distel | Cirsium eriophorum |
Wollige sneeuwbal | Viburnum lantana |
Wollin (Fläming) | Wollin, Brandenburg |
Wollinghuizen | Wollinghuizen |
Wollondilly Shire Council | Wollondilly Shire |
Wollongong | Wollongong, New South Wales |
Wollongong (LGA) | City of Wollongong |
Wollstein | Wollstein |
Wolluis | Mealybug |
Wolmersdorf | Wolmersdorf |
Wolmuizen | Chinchillidae |
Wolnei Caio | Wolnei Caio |
Wolof (taal) | Wolof language |
Wolof (volk) | Wolof people |
Wołomin (gemeente) | Gmina Wołomin |
Wołów (gemeente) | Gmina Wołów |
Wölpinghausen | Wölpinghausen |
Wolsdorf | Wolsdorf |
Wolseley | Wolseley |
Wolseley Motor Company | Wolseley Motors |
Wolspinner | Eriogaster lanestris |
Wolsum | Wolsum |
Wolsztyn (gemeente) | Gmina Wolsztyn |
Wolter Kroes | Wolter Kroes |
Wolter Robert van Hoëvell | W. R. van Hoëvell |
Wolter Wierbos | Wolter Wierbos |
Woltersdorf | Woltersdorf |
Woltersdorf (bij Berlijn) | Woltersdorf, Brandenburg |
Woltersdorf (bij Magdeburg) | Woltersdorf, Saxony-Anhalt |
Woltersdorf (Lauenburg) | Woltersdorf, Schleswig-Holstein |
Woltersdorf (Wendland) | Woltersdorf, Lower Saxony |
Woltershausen | Woltershausen |
Wolterstorffina | Wolterstorffina |
Woluwe | Woluwe |
Wolvarken | Mangalitsa |
Wolvega | Wolvega, Weststellingwerf |
Wolverhampton Wanderers FC | Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. |
Wolverine | Wolverine (comics) |
Wolverine (band) | Wolverine (band) |
Wolverine (doorverwijspagina) | Wolverine (disambiguation) |
Wolverine and the X-Men | Wolverine and the X-Men (TV series) |
Wolverton | Wolverton (disambiguation) |
Wolverton (Milton Keynes) | Wolverton |
Wolves in Wolves' Clothing | Wolves in Wolves' Clothing |
Wolvet | Lanolin |
Wolwelange | Wolwelange |
Wolynië | Volhynia |
Wolzwevers | Bombyliidae |
Woman | Woman (disambiguation) |
Woman III | Woman III |
Woman of the Year | Woman of the Year |
Womanizer | Womanizer |
Wombat | Common Wombat |
Wombats | Wombat |
Womelsdorf (Coalton) (West Virginia) | Womelsdorf (Coalton), West Virginia |
Womelsdorf (Pennsylvania) | Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania |
Women (band) | Women (band) |
Women in Love (film) | Women in Love (film) |
Women in Uniform | Women in Uniform |
Womens Bay | Womens Bay, Alaska |
Women's BeNe League | BeNe League |
Women's BeNe League 2012/13 | 2012–13 BeNe League |
Women's British Open | Women's British Open |
Women's Challenge | Women's Challenge |
Women's National Basketball Association | Women's National Basketball Association |
Women's Premier League | FA Women's Premier League National Division |
Women's Professional Soccer | Women's Professional Soccer |
Women's Tennis Association | Women's Tennis Association |
Women's United Soccer Association | Women's United Soccer Association |
Women's World Cup of Golf | Women's World Cup of Golf |
Women's World Golf Ranking | Women's World Golf Rankings |
Womenswold | Womenswold |
Wommels | Wommels |
Wompoe-jufferduif | Wompoo Fruit Dove |
Won | Won |
Wondai | Wondai, Queensland |
Wondelgem | Wondelgem |
Wonder | Miracle |
Wonder Boy (computerspelserie) | Wonder Boy |
Wonder Boys (film) | Wonder Boys (film) |
Wonder Girl | Wonder Girl |
Wonder Lake | Wonder Lake |
Wonder Man | Wonder Man |
Wonder Man (film) | Wonder Man (film) |
Wonder Pets | Wonder Pets |
Wonder Woman (televisieserie) | Wonder Woman (TV series) |
Wonderboom | Castor oil plant |
Wonderdadige medaille | Miraculous Medal |
Wonderen van Jezus | Miracles of Jesus |
Wonderkind | Child prodigy |
Wonderolie | Castor oil |
Wonders of Life | Wonders of Life |
Wonderwall (nummer) | Wonderwall (song) |
Wondklaver | Anthyllis vulneraria |
Wondroos | Erysipelas |
Wong Choong Hann | Wong Choong Hann |
Wong Fei Hung | Once Upon a Time in China |
Wong Kam-Po | Wong Kam-po |
Wong Kar-Wai | Wong Kar-wai |
Wong Tai Sin District | Wong Tai Sin District |
Wong Tai Sintempel | Wong Tai Sin Temple |
Wonhyo | Wonhyo |
Woning en atelier van Horta | Horta Museum |
Woningcorporatie | Housing cooperative |
Woningoppas | House sitting |
Wons | Wons |
Wŏnsan | Wonsan |
Won't Get Fooled Again | Won't Get Fooled Again |
Won't Go Home Without You | Won't Go Home Without You |
Won't Go Quietly (single) | Won't Go Quietly (song) |
WoO | WoO (Beethoven) |
Woo (film) | Woo (film) |
Wooburn | Wooburn |
Wood | Wood (disambiguation) |
Wood Buffalo | Wood Buffalo, Alberta |
Wood County | Wood County |
Wood County (Ohio) | Wood County, Ohio |
Wood County (Texas) | Wood County, Texas |
Wood County (West Virginia) | Wood County, West Virginia |
Wood County (Wisconsin) | Wood County, Wisconsin |
Wood Green (metrostation) | Wood Green tube station |
Wood Lake | Wood Lake |
Wood Lake (Minnesota) | Wood Lake, Minnesota |
Wood Lane (metrostation) | Wood Lane tube station |
Wood River | Wood River |
Wood River (Illinois) | Wood River, Illinois |
Wood Village | Wood Village, Oregon |
Woodbadge | Wood Badge |
Woodbine | Woodbine |
Woodbine (Georgia) | Woodbine, Georgia |
Woodblock | Wood block |
Woodbridge (New Jersey) | Woodbridge Township, New Jersey |
Woodbridge (Suffolk) | Woodbridge, Suffolk |
Woodbridge (Virginia) | Woodbridge, Virginia |
Woodburn (Oregon) | Woodburn, Oregon |
Woodbury (Connecticut) | Woodbury, Connecticut |
Woodbury (Minnesota) | Woodbury, Minnesota |
Woodbury (New Jersey) | Woodbury, New Jersey |
Woodbury County | Woodbury County, Iowa |
Woodcliff Lake | Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey |
Woodcrest | Woodcrest, California |
Woodford | Woodford |
Woodford (metrostation) | Woodford tube station |
Woodford (Northamptonshire) | Woodford, Northamptonshire |
Woodford County | Woodford County |
Woodford County (Illinois) | Woodford County, Illinois |
Woodford County (Kentucky) | Woodford County, Kentucky |
Woodfordia (vogels) | Woodfordia |
Woodfordia fruticosa | Woodfordia fruticosa |
Woodhall Spa | Woodhall Spa |
Woodhouses pad | Woodhouse's toad |
Woodinville | Woodinville, Washington |
Woodlake | Woodlake, California |
Woodland | Woodland (disambiguation) |
Woodland (Californië) | Woodland, California |
Woodland Critter Christmas | Woodland Critter Christmas |
Woodland Hills | Woodland Hills |
Woodland Hills (Los Angeles) | Woodland Hills, Los Angeles |
Woodland Park | Woodland Park |
Woodlands Wellington FC | Woodlands Wellington FC |
Woodlark | Woodlark Island |
Woodlawn | Woodlawn |
Woodlawn (Baltimore County, Maryland) | Woodlawn, Baltimore County, Maryland |
Woodlawn Cemetery | Woodlawn Cemetery |
Woodlawn Cemetery (Bronx) | Woodlawn Cemetery (Bronx) |
Woodleigh | Woodleigh crater |
Woodley | Woodley, Berkshire |
Woodmancote | Woodmancote |
Woodmancote (West Sussex) | Woodmancote, West Sussex |
Woodmere | Woodmere |
Woodridge | Woodridge |
Wood-Ridge | Wood-Ridge, New Jersey |
Woodridge (Illinois) | Woodridge, Illinois |
Woodruff (South Carolina) | Woodruff, South Carolina |
Woodruff (Utah) | Woodruff, Utah |
Woodruff County | Woodruff County, Arkansas |
Woods County | Woods County, Oklahoma |
Woodsboro (Maryland) | Woodsboro, Maryland |
Woodsboro (Texas) | Woodsboro, Texas |
Woodsfield | Woodsfield, Ohio |
Woodsia (plant) | Woodsia |
Woodsia alpina | Woodsia alpina |
Woodsiaceae | Woodsiaceae |
Woodside (Californië) | Woodside, California |
Woodside (Delaware) | Woodside, Delaware |
Woodside East | Woodside East, Delaware |
Woodside Park (metrostation) | Woodside Park tube station |
Woodsmetaal | Wood's metal |
Woodson County | Woodson County, Kansas |
Woodstock | Woodstock (disambiguation) |
Woodstock (Engeland) | Woodstock, Oxfordshire |
Woodstock (film) | Woodstock (film) |
Woodstock (Illinois) | Woodstock, Illinois |
Woodstock (muziekfestival) | Woodstock Festival |
Woodstock (New Brunswick) | Woodstock, New Brunswick |
Woodstock (New York) | Woodstock, New York |
Woodstock (Virginia) | Woodstock, Virginia |
Woodville (Alabama) | Woodville, Alabama |
Woodville (Californië) | Woodville, California |
Woodville (Florida) | Woodville, Florida |
Woodville (Georgia) | Woodville, Georgia |
Woodville (Mississippi) | Woodville, Mississippi |
Woodville (Ohio) | Woodville, Ohio |
Woodville (Oklahoma) | New Woodville, Oklahoma |
Woodville (Texas) | Woodville, Texas |
Woodville (Wisconsin) | Woodville, Wisconsin |
Woodward County | Woodward County, Oklahoma |
Woodward-Hoffmann-regels | Woodward–Hoffmann rules |
Woodwardia | Woodwardia |
Woodway | Woodway |
Woody (Toy Story) | Sheriff Woody |
Woofer | Woofer |
Woohoo | Woohoo (Christina Aguilera song) |
Wookiee | Wookiee |
Wool | Wool (disambiguation) |
Wooley | Wooley |
Woollahra | Municipality of Woollahra |
Woolmark | Woolmark |
Woolpit | Woolpit |
Woolstock | Woolstock, Iowa |
Woolworths | Woolworths Group |
Woonboot | Houseboat |
Woonkamer | Living room |
Woonsocket (South Dakota) | Woonsocket, South Dakota |
Woonwagen | Mobile home |
Woonwagenkamp | Trailer park |
Woonwijk | Quarter (urban subdivision) |
Woord | Word |
Woord (informatica) | Word (computer architecture) |
Woord van Geloof | Word of Faith |
Woord van het jaar | Word of the year |
Woordenboek | Dictionary |
Woordenlijstaanval | Dictionary attack |
Woordenschat | Vocabulary |
Woordgroep die als werkwoord fungeert | Phrasal verb |
Woordkunst | Diction |
Woordmerk | Wordmark |
Woordsemantiek | Lexical semantics |
Woordsoort | Part of speech |
Woordspel | Word play |
Woordspeling | Pun |
Woordvoerder | Spokesperson |
Woordvolgorde | Word order |
Woordvorming | Word formation |
Woordzoeker (puzzel) | Word search |
Wooster (Ohio) | Wooster, Ohio |
Wootton | Wootton |
Wopławki | Wopławki |
Worcester | Worcester (disambiguation) |
Worcester (Massachusetts) | Worcester, Massachusetts |
Worcester (Zuid-Afrika) | Worcester, Western Cape |
Worcester College | Worcester College, Oxford |
Worcester County | Worcester County |
Worcester County (Maryland) | Worcester County, Maryland |
Worcester County (Massachusetts) | Worcester County, Massachusetts |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Worcesters vechtkwartel | Worcester's Buttonquail |
Worcestersaus | Worcestershire sauce |
Word | Word (disambiguation) |
Word of Mouth | Word of Mouth (The Kinks album) |
Worden | Worden |
Wordien | Wordian |
WordPerfect Office | Corel WordPerfect Office |
Wordragen | Wordragen |
Worf | Worf |
Work breakdown structure | Work breakdown structure |
Work It (Nelly) | Work It (Nelly song) |
Work It (televisieserie) | Work It (TV series) |
Workaholics | Workaholics |
Workaholisme | Workaholic |
Working Class Hero | Working Class Hero |
Working Girl | Working Girl |
Working Week | Working Week (band) |
Workplace Shell | Workplace Shell |
Works Progress Administration | Works Progress Administration |
Workshop | Workshop (disambiguation) |
Workshop Kane Kwei | Kane Kwei Carpentry Workshop |
Worksongs | Field holler |
Worksop | Worksop |
Worku Bikila | Worku Bikila |
Workum | Workum |
Worland | Worland, Wyoming |
World Anti-Doping Agency | World Anti-Doping Agency |
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts | World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts |
World Association of Newspapers | World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers |
World B. Free | World B. Free |
World Baseball Classic | World Baseball Classic |
World Beer Championship | Beverage Testing Institute |
World Beer Cup | World Beer Cup |
World Bowl | World Bowl |
World Class Wreckin' Cru | World Class Wreckin' Cru |
World Coming Down | World Coming Down |
World Communion of Reformed Churches | World Communion of Reformed Churches |
World Cup boogschieten | FITA Archery World Cup |
World Cup of Darts | PDC World Cup of Darts |
World Cup of Golf | World Cup (men's golf) |
World Cup of Pool | World Cup of Pool |
World Curling Federation | World Curling Federation |
World Darts Federation | World Darts Federation |
World Economic Forum | World Economic Forum |
World Fantasy Award | World Fantasy Award |
World Forum | World Forum Convention Center |
World Grand Prix | World Grand Prix (darts) |
World Hockey Association | World Hockey Association |
World Hockey Player of the Year | FIH Player of the Year Awards |
World Idol | World Idol |
World League of American Football | World League of American Football |
World Matchplay (darts) | World Matchplay (darts) |
World Matchplay Darts 2006 | 2006 World Matchplay (darts) |
World Mayor | World Mayor |
World Medical Association | World Medical Association |
World Mind Sports Games | World Mind Sports Games |
World Music Awards | World Music Award |
World Naked Bike Ride | World Naked Bike Ride |
World Network of Biosphere Reserves | World Network of Biosphere Reserves |
World of Coca-Cola | World of Coca-Cola |
World of Quest | World of Quest |
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm | World of Warcraft: Cataclysm |
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria | World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria |
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade | World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade |
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King | World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King |
World Open | World Open (snooker) |
World Open Snooker 2010 | 2010 World Open (snooker) |
World Open Squash | World Open (squash) |
World Organization of the Scout Movement | World Organization of the Scout Movement |
World Outgames | World Outgames |
World Party | World Party |
World Pool Masters Tournament | World Pool Masters Tournament |
World Popular Song Festival | World Popular Song Festival |
World Port Center | World Port Center |
World Port Index | World Port Index |
World Port Tournament | World Port Tournament |
World Ports Classic | World Ports Classic |
World Ports Classic 2012 | 2012 World Ports Classic |
World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association | World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association |
World Professional Boxing Federation | World Professional Boxing Federation |
World Rally Car | World Rally Car |
World Scientific | World Scientific |
World Series | World Series |
World Series of Poker 1999 | 1999 World Series of Poker |
World Series of Snooker | World Series of Snooker |
World Snooker Championship | World Snooker Championship |
World Soccer | World Soccer (magazine) |
World Society for the Protection of Animals | World Society for the Protection of Animals |
World Soundtrack Awards | World Soundtrack Academy |
World Straight Pool Championship | World Straight Pool Championship |
World Summit on the Information Society | World Summit on the Information Society |
World Touring Car Championship | World Touring Car Championship |
World Tourism Organization | World Tourism Organization |
World Trade Center | World Trade Center (disambiguation) |
World Trade Center (film) | World Trade Center (film) |
World Trade Center (metrostation) | World Trade Center (PATH station) |
World War II Victory Medal | World War II Victory Medal (United States) |
World War Z | World War Z (film) |
World Wide Fund for Nature | World Wide Fund for Nature |
World Wind Energy Association | World Wind Energy Association |
WorldCom | MCI Inc. |
WorldCon | Worldcon |
World's Columbian Exposition | World's Columbian Exposition |
Worldscale | Worldscale |
WorldShift | WorldShift |
Worldspan | Worldspan |
Worldwide Developers Conference | Apple Worldwide Developers Conference |
Worley | Worley, Idaho |
Worm | Worm (disambiguation) |
Worm (rivier) | Wurm |
Wormeldange | Wormeldange |
Wormeldange-Haut | Wormeldange-Haut |
Wormen (dieren) | Earthworm |
Wormenbak | Vermicompost |
Wormer (dorp) | Wormer |
Wormgat | Wormhole |
Wormhagedissen | Amphisbaenia |
Wormhout | Wormhout |
Worminghall | Worminghall |
Wormkruidhaantje | Galeruca tanaceti |
Worms (computerspelserie) | Worms (series) |
Worms (stad) | Worms, Germany |
Worms Hauptbahnhof | Worms Central Station |
Wormsalamanders | Caecilian |
Wormsdorf | Wormsdorf |
Wormshill | Wormshill |
Wormslangen | Typhlopidae |
Wormvissen | Wormfish |
Wormvormig aanhangsel | Vermiform appendix |
Wormwiel | Worm drive |
Wörner | Wörner (Alps) |
Wörnitz (gemeente) | Wörnitz |
Wörnitz (rivier) | Wörnitz (river) |
Wörpen | Wörpen |
Worst | Sausage |
Worst Case Scenario (album) | Worst Case Scenario (album) |
Worst Week | Worst Week |
Worstelen | Wrestling |
Worstelen op de Middellandse Zeespelen 2009 | Wrestling at the 2009 Mediterranean Games |
Worstelen op de Olympische Jeugdzomerspelen 2010 | Wrestling at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics |
Worstelen op de Olympische Zomerspelen | Wrestling at the Summer Olympics |
Worstelen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1908 | Wrestling at the 1908 Summer Olympics |
Worstelen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – Klasse tot 84 kilogram Grieks-Romeins mannen | Wrestling at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Men's Greco-Roman 84 kg |
Wortel | Wurzel (disambiguation) |
Wortel (groente) | Carrot |
Wortel (plant) | Root |
Wortel (wiskunde) | Nth root |
Wortel 2 | Square root of 2 |
Wortelboorders | Hepialidae |
Worteldruk | Root pressure |
Wortelgemiddelde | Generalized mean |
Wortelgewas | Root vegetable |
Wortelhaar | Root hair |
Wortelhoutspanner | Eulithis prunata |
Wortelkanaalbehandeling | Root canal |
Wortelknobbelaaltjes | Root-knot nematode |
Wortelloos kroos | Wolffia arrhiza |
Wortelmutsje | Root cap |
Wortelpotigen | Amoeboid |
Wortelstok | Rhizome |
Wortelsysteem | Root system |
Worteltrekken | Shifting nth root algorithm |
Wortelvlieg | Carrot fly |
Wortelvliegen | Psilidae |
Worth | Worth |
Worth (Duitsland) | Worth, Schleswig-Holstein |
Wörth (Erding) | Wörth, Upper Bavaria |
Worth (Illinois) | Worth, Illinois |
Worth (Kent) | Worth, Kent |
Worth County | Worth County |
Worth County (Georgia) | Worth County, Georgia |
Worth County (Iowa) | Worth County, Iowa |
Worth County (Missouri) | Worth County, Missouri |
Worthington (Kentucky) | Worthington, Kentucky |
Worthington (Minnesota) | Worthington, Minnesota |
Worthington Hills | Worthington Hills, Kentucky |
Wörthsee (gemeente) | Wörthsee |
Worthville | Worthville |
Worthville (Kentucky) | Worthville, Kentucky |
Wöschbach | Wöschbach |
Woten | Votes |
Wotisch | Votic language |
Wotton-under-Edge | Wotton-under-Edge |
Woud tussen de Werelden | Wood between the Worlds |
Woud van Białowieża | Białowieża Forest |
Woudaap | Little Bittern |
Wouden (departement) | Forêts |
Woudkantons | Waldstätte |
Woudmagie | Forest Mage |
Woudparelmoervlinder | Melitaea diamina |
Woudreservaat Sinharaja | Sinharaja Forest Reserve |
Would you | Would You? (Iris song) |
Would you believe? | Would You Believe? (The Hollies album) |
Would You Love a Monsterman? | Would You Love a Monsterman? |
Woumen | Woumen |
Wounded | Wounded |
Wounded Knee (South Dakota) | Wounded Knee, South Dakota |
Wounded Knee Creek | Wounded Knee Creek |
Wout Buitenweg | Wout Buitenweg |
Wout Van Dessel | Wout Van Dessel |
Wout Wijsmans | Wout Wijsmans |
Wouter Barendrecht | Wouter Barendrecht |
Wouter Biebauw | Wouter Biebauw |
Wouter Claes | Wouter Claes |
Wouter Corstjens | Wouter Corstjens |
Wouter Crabeth II | Wouter Crabeth II |
Wouter De Vriendt | Wouter De Vriendt |
Wouter Gudde | Wouter Gudde |
Wouter III van Brienne | Walter III, Count of Brienne |
Wouter III van Châtillon | Walter III of Châtillon |
Wouter IV van Brienne | Walter IV, Count of Brienne |
Wouter Olde Heuvel | Wouter Olde Heuvel |
Wouter Scheelen | Wouter Scheelen |
Wouter V van Brienne | Gautier V, Count of Brienne |
Wouter Van Bellingen | Wouter Van Bellingen |
Wouter Van Besien | Wouter Van Besien |
Wouter van Brienne | Walter of Brienne |
Wouter van Rethel | Walter, Count of Rethel |
Wouter van Twiller | Wouter van Twiller |
Wouter VI van Brienne | Walter VI, Count of Brienne |
Wouter VII van Brienne | Walter IV, Count of Enghien |
Wouter Vrancken | Wouter Vrancken |
Wouterswoude | Wâlterswâld |
Woutherus Mol | Woutherus Mol |
Wouw (plant) | Reseda luteola |
Wouwen | Kite (bird) |
Wovoka | Wovoka |
Wow en flutter | Wow (recording) |
Wow!-signaal | Wow! signal |
Woyzeck (film) | Woyzeck (1979 film) |
Wozen | Drúedain |
Woźniki | Woźniki |
Woźniki (gemeente) | Gmina Woźniki |
Wozzeck | Wozzeck |
WPL | Windows Media Player Playlist |
Wraak | Revenge |
Wraaktragedie | Revenge play |
Wraith | Wraith |
Wraith (Stargate) | Wraith (Stargate) |
Wrakbaars | Atlantic wreckfish |
Wrakvissen | Wreckfish |
Wrangel | Wrangel Island |
Wrangell | Wrangell, Alaska |
Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area | Petersburg Census Area, Alaska |
Wrangell–St. Elias National Park and Preserve | Wrangell–St. Elias National Park and Preserve |
Wrangler | Wrangler (University of Cambridge) |
Wrapped Around Your Finger | Wrapped Around Your Finger |
Wrat | Wart |
Wrath of the Demon | Wrath of the Demon |
Wrattenbijter | Wart-biter |
Wrattenkameleon | Furcifer verrucosus |
Wrattenslangen | Acrochordidae |
Wrattige voelsprietvis | Antennarius maculatus |
Wratziekte | Synchytrium endobioticum |
Wray | Wray, Colorado |
Wray-with-Botton | Wray, Lancashire |
Wrecking Ball | Wrecking ball (disambiguation) |
Wrecking Ball (Bruce Springsteen) | Wrecking Ball (Bruce Springsteen album) |
Wrecking Crew (videospel) | Wrecking Crew (video game) |
Wreck-It Ralph | Wreck-It Ralph |
Wręczyca Wielka (gemeente) | Gmina Wręczyca Wielka |
Wrestedt | Wrestedt |
WrestleMania 29 | WrestleMania 29 |
WrestleMania I | WrestleMania I |
WrestleMania III | WrestleMania III |
WrestleMania IV | WrestleMania IV |
WrestleMania IX | WrestleMania IX |
WrestleMania V | WrestleMania V |
WrestleMania VI | WrestleMania VI |
WrestleMania VII | WrestleMania VII |
WrestleMania VIII | WrestleMania VIII |
WrestleMania X | WrestleMania X |
WrestleMania XI | WrestleMania XI |
WrestleMania XII | WrestleMania XII |
WrestleMania XIV | WrestleMania XIV |
WrestleMania XIX | WrestleMania XIX |
WrestleMania X-Seven | WrestleMania X-Seven |
WrestleMania XV | WrestleMania XV |
WrestleMania XX | WrestleMania XX |
WrestleMania XXIV | WrestleMania XXIV |
WrestleMania XXV | WrestleMania XXV |
WrestleMania XXVI | WrestleMania XXVI |
WrestleMania XXVII | WrestleMania XXVII |
WrestleMania XXVIII | WrestleMania XXVIII |
Wrestling Ernest Hemingway | Wrestling Ernest Hemingway |
Wretch | Wretch (album) |
Wrexham (county borough) | Wrexham County Borough |
Wrexham AFC | Wrexham F.C. |
Wriedel | Wriedel |
Wriezener Bahnhof | Berlin Wriezener Bahnhof |
Wright City | Wright City |
Wright County | Wright County |
Wright County (Iowa) | Wright County, Iowa |
Wright County (Minnesota) | Wright County, Minnesota |
Wright County (Missouri) | Wright County, Missouri |
Wrightstown | Wrightstown |
Wrightsville (Georgia) | Wrightsville, Georgia |
Wrightsville Beach | Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina |
Wrijving | Friction |
Wrijvingscoëfficiënt | Coefficient of friction |
Wrijvingsroerlassen | Friction stir welding |
Wrikken | Sculling |
Wringijzer | Tap wrench |
Wringspanning | Torsion (mechanics) |
Wrist | Wrist, Germany |
Wristcutters: A Love Story | Wristcutters: A Love Story |
Write once read many | Write once read many |
Writers Guild of America Award | Writers Guild of America Award |
Written on the Wind | Written on the Wind |
Writtle | Writtle |
Wróblew (gemeente) | Gmina Wróblew |
Wróblew (powiat Sieradzki) | Wróblew, Sieradz County |
Wrocław | Wrocław |
Wrohm | Wrohm |
Wrong | Torse |
Wrong Turn | Wrong Turn |
Wrong Turn 2: Dead End | Wrong Turn 2: Dead End |
Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings | Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings |
Wrongfully Accused | Wrongfully Accused |
Wronki (gemeente) | Gmina Wronki |
Wroughton | Wroughton |
Wroxham | Wroxham |
Września (gemeente) | Gmina Września |
Wschowa (gemeente) | Gmina Wschowa |
WSG Swarovski Wattens | WSG Wattens |
WTA Challengertoernooi | WTA 125s |
WTA Internationaltoernooi | WTA International tournaments |
WTA Premiertoernooi | WTA Premier tournaments |
WTA Tour Championships | WTA Tour Championships |
WTA-toernooi van Amelia Island 2008 | 2008 Bausch & Lomb Championships |
WTA-toernooi van Antwerpen | Proximus Diamond Games |
WTA-toernooi van Antwerpen 2008 | 2008 Proximus Diamond Games |
WTA-toernooi van Auckland | ASB Classic |
WTA-toernooi van Bad Gastein | WTA Austrian Open |
WTA-toernooi van Bakoe | Baku Cup |
WTA-toernooi van Bali | Commonwealth Bank Tennis Classic |
WTA-toernooi van Bangalore | Bangalore Open |
WTA-toernooi van Bangkok | PTT Bangkok Open |
WTA-toernooi van Barcelona | Barcelona Ladies Open |
WTA-toernooi van Barcelona 2011 | 2011 Barcelona Ladies Open |
WTA-toernooi van Båstad | Nordea Nordic Light Open |
WTA-toernooi van Berlijn | WTA German Open |
WTA-toernooi van Birmingham | Aegon Classic |
WTA-toernooi van Birmingham 2013 | 2013 Aegon Classic |
WTA-toernooi van Boedapest | Budapest Grand Prix |
WTA-toernooi van Boedapest 2011 | 2011 Poli-Farbe Budapest Grand Prix |
WTA-toernooi van Bogota | Copa Colsanitas |
WTA-toernooi van Bogota 2012 | 2012 Copa Sony Ericsson Colsanitas |
WTA-toernooi van Bol | Croatian Bol Ladies Open |
WTA-toernooi van Bournemouth | 1995 Rover British Clay Court Championships |
WTA-toernooi van Bratislava | WTA Bratislava |
WTA-toernooi van Brussel | Brussels Open |
WTA-toernooi van Brussel 2013 | 2013 Brussels Open |
WTA-toernooi van Caïro | Dreamland Egypt Classic |
WTA-toernooi van Calcutta | Sunfeast Open |
WTA-toernooi van Cali | Copa Bionaire |
WTA-toernooi van Canberra | Canberra International |
WTA-toernooi van Canberra 2001 | 2001 Canberra International |
WTA-toernooi van Carlsbad 2012 | 2012 Mercury Insurance Open |
WTA-toernooi van Charleston | Family Circle Cup |
WTA-toernooi van Charleston 2012 | 2012 Family Circle Cup |
WTA-toernooi van Cincinnati 2010 | 2010 Western & Southern Financial Group Masters and Women's Open |
WTA-toernooi van Dallas 2012 | 2012 Texas Tennis Open |
WTA-toernooi van Doha | Qatar Ladies Open |
WTA-toernooi van Doha 2012 | 2012 Qatar Total Open |
WTA-toernooi van Florianópolis | Brasil Tennis Cup |
WTA-toernooi van Florianópolis 2013 | 2013 Brasil Tennis Cup |
WTA-toernooi van Florida | Virginia Slims of Florida |
WTA-toernooi van Forest Hills | Forest Hills Tennis Classic |
WTA-toernooi van Gold Coast 2005 | 2005 Uncle Tobys Hardcourts |
WTA-toernooi van Hamburg | Betty Barclay Cup |
WTA-toernooi van Hannover | Faber Grand Prix |
WTA-toernooi van Hasselt | Gaz de France Stars |
WTA-toernooi van Hawaï | Waikoloa Championships |
WTA-toernooi van Hobart | Hobart International |
WTA-toernooi van Hobart 2011 | 2011 Moorilla Hobart International |
WTA-toernooi van Istanboel | İstanbul Cup |
WTA-toernooi van Kanton | Guangzhou International Women's Open |
WTA-toernooi van Kanton 2012 | 2012 Guangzhou International Women's Open |
WTA-toernooi van Katowice | Katowice Open |
WTA-toernooi van Katowice 2013 | 2013 BNP Paribas Katowice Open |
WTA-toernooi van Knokke-Heist | French Community Championships |
WTA-toernooi van Kopenhagen | Danish Open (tennis) |
WTA-toernooi van Kopenhagen 2012 | 2012 e-Boks Open |
WTA-toernooi van Kuala Lumpur | Malaysian Open (tennis) |
WTA-toernooi van Leipzig | Sparkassen Cup (tennis) |
WTA-toernooi van Linz | Generali Ladies Linz |
WTA-toernooi van Los Angeles | LA Women's Tennis Championships |
WTA-toernooi van Los Angeles 2009 | 2009 LA Women's Tennis Championships |
WTA-toernooi van Luxemburg | BGL Luxembourg Open |
WTA-toernooi van Luxemburg 2012 | 2012 BGL Luxembourg Open |
WTA-toernooi van Madrid | WTA Madrid Open (tennis) |
WTA-toernooi van Marbella | Andalucia Tennis Experience |
WTA-toernooi van Marbella 2009 | 2009 Andalucia Tennis Experience |
WTA-toernooi van Marokko | Marrakech Grand Prix |
WTA-toernooi van Marrakesh 2013 | 2013 Grand Prix SAR La Princesse Lalla Meryem |
WTA-toernooi van Modena | Internazionali di Modena |
WTA-toernooi van Monterrey | Monterrey Open |
WTA-toernooi van Monterrey 2009 | 2009 Monterrey Open |
WTA-toernooi van Neurenberg | Nürnberger Versicherungscup |
WTA-toernooi van Nice | Internationaux de Tennis Feminin Nice |
WTA-toernooi van Nichirei | Nichirei International Championships |
WTA-toernooi van Osaka (indoor) | Asian Open (tennis) |
WTA-toernooi van Osaka (outdoor) | HP Open |
WTA-toernooi van Osaka (outdoor) 2012 | 2012 HP Open |
WTA-toernooi van Palermo | Internazionali Femminili di Palermo |
WTA-toernooi van Parijs | Open GDF Suez |
WTA-toernooi van Parijs 2012 | 2012 Open GDF Suez |
WTA-toernooi van Pattaya | PTT Pattaya Open |
WTA-toernooi van Pattaya 2012 | 2012 PTT Pattaya Open |
WTA-toernooi van Peking | China Open (tennis) |
WTA-toernooi van Philadelphia | Advanta Championships of Philadelphia |
WTA-toernooi van Phoenix/Scottsdale | State Farm Women's Tennis Classic |
WTA-toernooi van Ponte Vedra Beach | MPS Group Championships |
WTA-toernooi van Ponte Vedra Beach 2010 | 2010 MPS Group Championships |
WTA-toernooi van Poona | Royal Indian Open |
WTA-toernooi van Poona 2012 | 2012 Royal Indian Open |
WTA-toernooi van Porto | Porto Open |
WTA-toernooi van Portorož | Banka Koper Slovenia Open |
WTA-toernooi van Praag | Prague Open |
WTA-toernooi van Praag 2009 | 2009 ECM Prague Open |
WTA-toernooi van Quebec | Challenge Bell |
WTA-toernooi van San Diego | Southern California Open |
WTA-toernooi van Sarasota | Sarasota Clay Court Classic |
WTA-toernooi van Seoel | Korea Open (tennis) |
WTA-toernooi van Seoel 2012 | 2012 Hansol Korea Open |
WTA-toernooi van Shenzhen | Shenzhen Open |
WTA-toernooi van Shenzhen 2013 | 2013 Shenzhen Open |
WTA-toernooi van South Carolina | WTA South Carolina |
WTA-toernooi van Stanford | Bank of the West Classic |
WTA-toernooi van Straatsburg | Internationaux de Strasbourg |
WTA-toernooi van Straatsburg 2011 | 2011 Internationaux de Strasbourg |
WTA-toernooi van Stuttgart | Porsche Tennis Grand Prix |
WTA-toernooi van Stuttgart 2013 | 2013 Porsche Tennis Grand Prix |
WTA-toernooi van Taipei | OEC Taipei WTA Ladies Open |
WTA-toernooi van Taipei 2012 | 2012 OEC Taipei WTA Ladies Open |
WTA-toernooi van Tarente | Ilva Trophy |
WTA-toernooi van Tasjkent | Tashkent Open |
WTA-toernooi van Tokio | Toray Pan Pacific Open |
WTA-toernooi van Tokio 2010 | 2010 Toray Pan Pacific Open |
WTA-toernooi van Toyota | Toyota Princess Cup |
WTA-toernooi van Vancouver | Odlum Brown Vancouver Open |
WTA-toernooi van Warschau | Warsaw Open |
WTA-toernooi van Warschau 2010 | 2010 Polsat Warsaw Open |
WTA-toernooi van Washington 2011 | 2011 Citi Open |
WTA-toernooi van Zürich | Zurich Open |
WTD61 | Bundeswehr Technical and Airworthiness Center for Aircraft |
Wu | Wu |
Wú | Ng |
Wu (staat) | Wu (state) |
Wu Cheng'en | Wu Cheng'en |
Wu Daozi | Wu Daozi |
Wu Jianquan | Wu Chien-ch'uan |
Wu Peng | Wu Peng |
Wu Qi | Wu Qi |
Wu wei | Wu wei |
Wu Xing | Wu Xing |
Wu Ying | Wu Ying |
Wubi | Wubi (installer) |
Wuchiapingien | Wuchiapingian |
Wuchuan | Wuchuan, Guangdong |
Wudang Shan | Wudang Mountains |
Wuhan Zall | Wuhan Zall Professional F.C. |
Wujiang | Wujiang |
Wujiang (stad) | Wujiang District, Suzhou |
Wulfen (Anhalt) | Wulfen |
Wulfeniet | Wulfenite |
Wülfershausen an der Saale | Wülfershausen |
Wulferstedt | Wulferstedt |
Wulfila | Ulfilas |
Wulfred | Wulfred |
Wulfsen | Wulfsen |
Wulfsmoor | Wulfsmoor |
Wulfstan | Wulfstan |
Wulfstan II | Wulfstan (died 1023) |
Wulgrin I | Wulgrin I of Angoulême |
Wulgrin II van Angoulême | Wulgrin II of Angoulême |
Wulgrin III van Angoulême | Wulgrin III of Angoulême |
Wuli | Wuli District |
Wulkau | Wulkau |
Wulkow | Wulkow |
Wullschlaegelia | Wullschlaegelia |
Wulp | Eurasian Curlew |
Wulpen | Wulpen |
Wulpen (eiland) | Wulpen (island) |
Wülperode | Wülperode |
Wulsbüttel | Wulsbüttel |
Wulverdinge | Wulverdinghe |
Wulverhorst | Wulverhorst |
Wumpscut: | Wumpscut: |
Wunderland Kalkar | Wunderland Kalkar |
Wundersleben | Wundersleben |
Wunderteam | Wunderteam |
Wundt-illusie | Wundt illusion |
Wunibald | Winibald |
Wünschendorf/Elster | Wünschendorf/Elster |
Wunschpunsch (serie) | Wunschpunsch |
Wuppertal Hauptbahnhof | Wuppertal Central Station |
Wuppertaler Schwebebahn | Wuppertal Suspension Railway |
Wupperthal | Wupperthal |
Würchwitz | Würchwitz |
Wurgarend | Crested Eagle |
Wurging | Strangling |
Wurgseks | Erotic asphyxiation |
Wurgwitz | Wurgwitz |
Wurlali | Mount Wurlali |
Wurlitzer (piano) | Wurlitzer electric piano |
Wurm | Wurm (disambiguation) |
Würm (Beieren) | Würm |
Würm (Gäu) | Würm (Nagold) |
Wurmberg (Harz) | Wurmberg (Harz) |
Wurmberg Seilbahn | Wurmberg Gondola Lift |
Wurmbrand | Wurmbrand-Stuppach |
Wurmlingen (bij Tuttlingen) | Wurmlingen |
Wurstfries | Wursten Frisian |
Würth | Würth |
Wurtland | Wurtland, Kentucky |
Württemberg-Baden | Württemberg-Baden |
Württemberg-Hohenzollern | Württemberg-Hohenzollern |
Wurtz-Fittig-reactie | Wurtz–Fittig reaction |
Wurtziet | Wurtzite |
Wurtz-reactie | Wurtz reaction |
Würzburg | Würzburg (disambiguation) |
Würzburg (radar) | Würzburg radar |
Würzburg (stad) | Würzburg |
Würzburg Hauptbahnhof | Würzburg Central Station |
Wurzenpass | Wurzen Pass |
Würzjoch | Würzjoch |
Wüschheim (Hunsrück) | Wüschheim |
Wushu | Wushu (sport) |
Wust | Wust |
Wust (bij Schönhausen) | Wust, Saxony-Anhalt |
Wüstenjerichow | Wüstenjerichow |
Wusterhausen/Dosse | Wusterhausen |
Wusterhusen | Wusterhusen |
Wustermark | Wustermark |
Wusterwitz | Wusterwitz |
Wust-Fischbeck | Wust-Fischbeck |
Wüstiet | Wüstite |
Wu-stijl tai chi chuan | Wu-style t'ai chi ch'uan |
Wustrow | Wustrow |
Wustrow (Mecklenburgische Seenplatte) | Wustrow, Mecklenburg-Strelitz |
Wustrow (Vorpommern-Rügen) | Wustrow, Nordvorpommern |
Wustrow (Wendland) | Wustrow, Lower Saxony |
Wüstung | Abandoned village |
Wutach (gemeente) | Wutach (town) |
Wutai Shan | Mount Wutai |
Wutha-Farnroda | Wutha-Farnroda |
Wuthering Heights | Wuthering Heights (disambiguation) |
Wuthering Heights (1939) | Wuthering Heights (1939 film) |
Wuthering Heights (lied) | Wuthering Heights (song) |
Wutzkyallee (metrostation) | Wutzkyallee (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Wuvulu | Wuvulu Island |
WuWa | WUWA (Wroclaw) |
Wuwei | Wuwei, Gansu |
Wuxing | Wuxing District |
Wuyigebergte | Wuyi Mountains |
Wuyu | Wu Chinese |
Wuzhishan | Wuzhishan City |
Wuzhong | Wuzhong, Ningxia |
Wuzong | Wuzong |
WVK Dinamo Moskou | WVC Dynamo Moscow |
WWE '12 | WWE '12 |
WWE Armageddon | WWE Armageddon |
WWE Backlash | WWE Backlash |
WWE Bad Blood | WWE Bad Blood |
WWE Bragging Rights | WWE Bragging Rights |
WWE Brand Extension | WWE Brand Extension |
WWE Breaking Point | WWE Breaking Point |
WWE Diva | WWE Diva |
WWE Diva Search | WWE Diva Search |
WWE Draft | WWE Draft |
WWE Draft 2011 | 2011 WWE Draft |
WWE European Championship | WWE European Championship |
WWE Extreme Rules | WWE Extreme Rules |
WWE Fatal 4-Way | WWE Fatal 4-Way |
WWE Hell in a Cell | WWE Hell in a Cell |
WWE Insurrextion | WWE Insurrextion |
WWE Money in the Bank | WWE Money in the Bank |
WWE Night of Champions | WWE Night of Champions |
WWE No Mercy | WWE No Mercy |
WWE No Way Out | WWE No Way Out |
WWE One Night Stand | WWE One Night Stand |
WWE Over the Limit | WWE Over the Limit |
WWE Payback | WWE Payback |
WWE Rebellion | WWE Rebellion |
WWE Saturday Morning Slam | WWE Saturday Morning Slam |
WWE SmackDown | WWE SmackDown |
WWE Superstars | WWE Superstars |
WWE Unforgiven | WWE Unforgiven |
WWE Women's Championship | WWE Women's Championship |
WWE World Heavyweight Championship | World Heavyweight Championship (WWE) |
WWE World Tag Team Championship | World Tag Team Championship (WWE) |
WWF (bestandsindeling) | WWF (file format) |
WWF Canadian Championship | WWF Canadian Championship |
WWF Capital Carnage | WWF Capital Carnage |
WWF Fully Loaded | WWF Fully Loaded |
WWF Intercontinental Tag Team Championship | WWF Intercontinental Tag Team Championship |
WWF International Heavyweight Championship | WWF International Heavyweight Championship |
WWF International Tag Team Championship | WWF International Tag Team Championship |
WWF Invasion | WWF Invasion |
WWF Junior Heavyweight Championship | WWF Junior Heavyweight Championship |
WWF Light Heavyweight Championship | WWF Light Heavyweight Championship |
WWF North American Heavyweight Championship | WWF North American Heavyweight Championship |
WWF One Night Only | WWF One Night Only |
WWF Over the Edge | WWF Over the Edge |
WWF The Wrestling Classic | WWF The Wrestling Classic |
WWF Women's Tag Team Championship | WWF Women's Tag Team Championship |
WWF World Martial Arts Heavyweight Championship | WWF World Martial Arts Heavyweight Championship |
WWIII | Arc Light (novel) |
Wwv | WWV |
WWWF United States Championship | WWWF United States Championship |
WWWF United States Tag Team Championship | WWWF United States Tag Team Championship |
WY Records | WY Records |
Wyandot County | Wyandot County, Ohio |
Wyandotte | Wyandotte |
Wyandotte (kip) | Wyandotte (chicken) |
Wyandotte (Michigan) | Wyandotte, Michigan |
Wyandotte (Oklahoma) | Wyandotte, Oklahoma |
Wyandotte County | Wyandotte County, Kansas |
Wyatt Earp (film) | Wyatt Earp (film) |
Wyatt Halliwell | Wyatt Halliwell |
Wybrand de Geest | Wybrand de Geest |
Wybrand Hendriks | Wybrand Hendricks |
Wycheproof | Wycheproof |
Wyck | Wyck (Maastricht) |
Wyckoff | Wyckoff, New Jersey |
Wycliffe | Wycliffe (TV series) |
Wycliffe Bijbelvertalers | Wycliffe USA |
Wycliffebijbel | Wycliffe's Bible |
Wycombe | Wycombe District |
Wycombe Wanderers FC | Wycombe Wanderers F.C. |
Wydad Casablanca | Wydad Casablanca |
Wydad de Fès | Widad Fez |
Wydminy (gemeente) | Gmina Wydminy |
Wye | Wye |
Wye (Kent) | Wye, Kent |
Wye (rivier) | River Wye |
Wye with Hinxhill | Wye with Hinxhill |
Wyhl am Kaiserstuhl | Wyhl |
Wykoff | Wykoff, Minnesota |
Wylam-on-Tyne | Wylam |
Wyler | Wyler, North Rhine-Westphalia |
Wylie (romanisatie) | Wylie transliteration |
Wylie (Texas) | Wylie, Texas |
Wymiarki (gemeente) | Gmina Wymiarki |
Wymiarki (Lubusz) | Wymiarki, Lubusz Voivodeship |
Wymondham (Norfolk) | Wymondham |
Wymysöryś | Vilamovian language |
Wyn Hoop | Wyn Hoop |
Wyn Morris | Wyn Morris |
Wyndham | Wyndham |
Wyndham (LGA) | City of Wyndham |
Wyndham Championship | Wyndham Championship |
Wyndmere | Wyndmere, North Dakota |
Wynental en Suhrentalbahn | Wynental and Suhrental railway |
Wynkyn de Worde | Wynkyn de Worde |
Wynne | Wynne, Arkansas |
Wynneprijs | Wynne Prize |
Wynyard (Tasmanië) | Wynyard, Tasmania |
Wyoming (Delaware) | Wyoming, Delaware |
Wyoming (doorverwijspagina) | Wyoming (disambiguation) |
Wyoming (Michigan) | Wyoming, Michigan |
Wyoming (Minnesota) | Wyoming, Minnesota |
Wyoming (Ohio) | Wyoming, Ohio |
Wyoming (schoener) | Wyoming (schooner) |
Wyoming County | Wyoming County |
Wyoming County (New York) | Wyoming County, New York |
Wyoming County (Pennsylvania) | Wyoming County, Pennsylvania |
Wyoming County (West Virginia) | Wyoming County, West Virginia |
Wyomissing | Wyomissing, Pennsylvania |
Wyong Shire | Wyong Shire |
Wyre | Wyre (disambiguation) |
Wyre (district) | Wyre |
Wyre (Orkney-eilanden) | Wyre, Orkney |
Wyre Forest | Wyre Forest District |
Wyry | Wyry |
Wyry (gemeente) | Gmina Wyry |
Wyryki (gemeente) | Gmina Wyryki |
Wyrzysk | Wirsitz |
Wyrzysk (gemeente) | Gmina Wyrzysk |
Wysiwyg | WYSIWYG |
Wyśmierzyce | Wyśmierzyce |
Wyśmierzyce (gemeente) | Gmina Wyśmierzyce |
Wysoka | Wysoka (disambiguation) |
Wysoka (gemeente) | Gmina Wysoka |
Wysoka (powiat Strzelecki) | Wysoka, Strzelce County |
Wysokie (gemeente) | Gmina Wysokie |
Wysokie Mazowieckie | Wysokie Mazowieckie |
Wysokie Mazowieckie (gemeente) | Gmina Wysokie Mazowieckie |
Wyszki | Wyszki |
Wyszki (gemeente) | Gmina Wyszki |
Wyszków | Wyszków |
Wyszków (gemeente) | Gmina Wyszków |
Wyszogród (gemeente) | Gmina Wyszogród |
Wytgaard | Wijtgaard |
Wythe County | Wythe County, Virginia |
Wythoff-symbool | Wythoff symbol |
Wyvern | Wyvern |
X | X (disambiguation) |
X (album van Klaus Schulze) | X (Klaus Schulze album) |
X (album van Kylie Minogue) | X (Kylie Minogue album) |
X (Franse films) | X rating |
X (Spock's Beard) | X (Spock's Beard album) |
X Games | X Games |
X!NK | X!NK |
X&Y | X&Y (album) |
X.Org Server | X.Org Server |
X1 (computer) | Electrologica X1 |
X2 (film) | X2 (movie) |
X2 (Six Flags Magic Mountain) | X2 (roller coaster) |
X2: Wolverine's Revenge | X2: Wolverine's Revenge |
X-20 Dyna-Soar | Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar |
X-26 Frigate | Schweizer X-26 Frigate |
Xabier Etxeita Gorritxategi | Xabier Etxeita |
Xaçmaz | Khachmaz (city) |
Xaçmaz (district) | Khachmaz Rayon |
Xacobeo Galicia | Xacobeo-Galicia |
Xaintrailles | Xaintrailles |
Xaintray | Xaintray |
Xakao | Xakao |
Xambes | Xambes |
Xanadu (album) | Xanadu (soundtrack) |
Xanadu (film) | Xanadu (film) |
Xanadu (paleis) | Shangdu |
Xanadu (single) | Xanadu (Olivia Newton-John and Electric Light Orchestra song) |
Xanadu (Titan) | Xanadu (Titan) |
Xanadu Records | Xanadu Records |
Xander de Buisonjé | Xander de Buisonjé |
Xangri-lá | Xangri-lá |
Xanthaangom | Xanthan gum |
Xanthaat | Xanthate |
Xantheen | Xanthene |
Xanthi (departement) | Xanthi |
Xanthichthys | Xanthichthys |
Xanthichthys auromarginatus | Gilded triggerfish |
Xanthichthys ringens | Xanthichthys ringens |
Xanthidae | Xanthidae |
Xanthine | Xanthine |
Xanthippe | Xanthippe |
Xanthippus | Xanthippus (disambiguation) |
Xanthippus (archont) | Xanthippus |
Xanthippus (Sparta) | Xanthippus of Carthage |
Xantho hydrophilus | Xantho hydrophilus |
Xanthocephalus | Yellow-headed Blackbird |
Xanthoconium | Xanthoconium |
Xanthoidea | Xanthoidea |
Xanthopan morgani | Xanthopan morgani |
Xanthopsar | Saffron-cowled Blackbird |
Xanthorrhoea | Xanthorrhoea |
Xanthorrhoeaceae | Xanthorrhoeaceae |
Xanthos (stad) | Xanthos |
Xanthotis | Xanthotis |
Xanthus | Xanthus |
Xanthus en Balius | Balius and Xanthus |
Xantofyl | Xanthophyll |
Xanton-Chassenon | Xanton-Chassenon |
Xantusia | Xantusia |
Xanxerê (gemeente) | Xanxerê |
Xara Xtreme | Xara Photo & Graphic Designer |
Xarchiver | Xarchiver |
Xarel·lo | Xarel·lo |
X-artikel | X Article |
Xavante | Xavante people |
Xavantina | Xavantina |
Xaverov | Xaverov |
Xavi Hernández | Xavi |
Xavier (voornaam) | Xavier (given name) |
Xavier Aguado | Xavier Aguado |
Xavier Chen | Xavier Chen |
Xavier Le Floch | Xavier Le Floch |
Xavier Mellery | Xavier Mellery |
Xavier Pons | Xavier Pons |
Xavier Torres | Xavi Torres |
Xavier Trias | Xavier Trias |
Xavier Vallat | Xavier Vallat |
Xavier van Bourbon-Parma | Prince Xavier of Bourbon-Parma |
Xavier Yombandje | Xavier Yombandje |
Xaxa | Xaxa, Botswana |
Xaxim | Xaxim |
XB Browser | XB Browser |
XBIZ Awards | XBIZ Award |
XBM | X BitMap |
Xbox | Xbox (console) |
X-chromosoom | X chromosome |
X-COM: UFO Defense | UFO: Enemy Unknown |
XD-Picture Card | XD-Picture Card |
Xe | Xe |
Xebec | Xebec |
Xemnas | Organization XIII |
Xena | Xena (disambiguation) |
Xena: Warrior Princess | Xena: Warrior Princess |
Xenagama | Xenagama |
Xenarthra | Xenarthra |
Xenasmataceae | Xenasmataceae |
Xenerpestes | Xenerpestes |
Xenia | Xenia |
Xenia (Ohio) | Xenia, Ohio |
Xenia Aleksandrovna van Rusland | Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia |
Xenia Onatopp | Xenia Onatopp |
Xenia van Sint-Petersburg | Xenia of Saint Petersburg |
Xenicus | Xenicus |
Xenisthmidae | Xenisthmidae |
Xenobioticum | Xenobiotic |
Xenocalamus | Xenocalamus |
Xenochromis hecqui | Xenochromis hecqui |
Xenochrophis | Xenochrophis |
Xenocopsychus | Angola Cave Chat |
Xenocrates | Xenocrates |
Xenocytaea | Xenocytaea |
Xenodacnis | Tit-like Dacnis |
Xenodexia ctenolepis | Xenodexia ctenolepis |
Xenofilie | Xenophilia |
Xenofobie | Xenophobia |
Xenofon Zolotas | Xenophon Zolotas |
Xenoglaux | Long-whiskered Owlet |
Xenoglossie | Xenoglossy |
Xenohyla | Xenohyla |
Xenohyla truncata | Xenohyla truncata |
Xenoliet | Xenolith |
Xenomys nelsoni | Magdalena rat |
Xenon | Xenon |
Xenondifluoride | Xenon difluoride |
Xenonhexafluoride | Xenon hexafluoride |
Xenonlamp | Xenon arc lamp |
Xenontetrafluoride | Xenon tetrafluoride |
Xenontrioxide | Xenon trioxide |
Xenophallus umbratilis | Xenophallus umbratilis |
Xenophanes | Xenophanes |
Xenophon | Xenophon |
Xenophon van Efese | Xenophon of Ephesus |
Xenophrys | Xenophrys |
Xenophrys baluensis | Kinabalu horned frog |
Xenopirostris | Xenopirostris |
Xenoposeidon | Xenoposeidon |
Xenops | Xenops |
Xenopus | Xenopus |
Xenorhina | Xenorhina |
Xenospingus | Slender-billed Finch |
Xenospiza | Sierra Madre Sparrow |
Xenotarsosaurus | Xenotarsosaurus |
Xenothrix mcgregori | Jamaican monkey |
Xenotiem | Xenotime |
Xenotilapia bathyphila | Xenotilapia bathyphila |
Xenotilapia boulengeri | Xenotilapia boulengeri |
Xenotilapia longispinis | Xenotilapia longispinis |
Xenotoca eiseni | Redtail splitfin |
Xenotransplantatie | Xenotransplantation |
Xenotriccus | Xenotriccus |
Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus | Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus |
Xenuromys | Mimic tree-rat |
Xenus | Terek Sandpiper |
Xeon | Xeon |
Xeraco | Xeraco |
Xerces | Xerces |
Xeresa | Xeresa |
Xerez CD | Xerez C.D. |
Xerinae | Xerinae |
Xermade | Xermade |
Xerofiel | Xerophile |
Xerofyt | Xerophyte |
Xerografie | Xerography |
Xerolenta obvia | Xerolenta obvia |
Xeronemataceae | Xeronemataceae |
Xerorchis | Xerorchis |
Xerostomie | Xerostomia |
Xerox Supercup | Japanese Super Cup |
Xerta | Xerta |
Xerxes I | Xerxes |
Xerxes II | Xerxes II of Persia |
Xestia | Xestia |
Xestia alpicola | Xestia alpicola |
Xestia lorezi | Xestia lorezi |
Xestia ochreago | Xestia ochreago |
Xestia rhaetica | Xestia rhaetica |
Xestia sincera | Xestia sincera |
Xestia speciosa | Xestia speciosa |
Xestospongia muta | Giant barrel sponge |
Xestospongia testudinaria | Xestospongia testudinaria |
Xevious | Xevious |
Xewkija Heliport | Xewkija Heliport |
XF-85 Goblin | McDonnell XF-85 Goblin |
X-Factor | X Factor |
X-Factor (Marvel) | X-Factor (comics) |
X-Force | X-Force |
X-Forwarded-For | X-Forwarded-For |
X-gebonden agammaglobulinemie | X-linked agammaglobulinemia |
XGRA: Extreme G Racing Association | XGRA: Extreme G Racing Association |
Xhafzotaj | Xhafzotaj |
Xhariep | Xhariep District Municipality |
Xhelil Abdulla | Xhelil Abdulla |
Xhendelesse | Xhendelesse |
Xhevat Prekazi | Xhevat Prekazi |
X-hoogte | X-height |
Xhosa | Xhosa |
Xhosa (taal) | Xhosa language |
Xhosa (volk) | Xhosa people |
XHTML Basic | XHTML Basic |
XHTML Mobile Profile | XHTML Mobile Profile |
Xhumo | Xhumo |
Xi | XI |
Xi Jiang | Xi River |
Xi Wangmu | Xi Wangmu |
Xia Bu Jiang | Bu Jiang |
Xia Fa | Fa of Xia |
Xia Gao | Gao of Xia |
Xia Huai | Huai of Xia |
Xia Jie | Jie of Xia |
Xia Jin | Jin of Xia |
Xia Jiong | Jiong of Xia |
Xia Kong Jia | Kong Jia |
Xia Mang | Mang of Xia |
Xia Qi | Qi of Xia |
Xia Shao Kang | Shaokang |
Xia Tai Kang | Tai Kang |
Xia Xiang | Xiang of Xia |
Xia Xie | Xie of Xia |
Xia Xuanze | Xia Xuanze |
Xia Zhong Kang | Zhong Kang |
Xia Zhu | Zhu of Xia |
Xia-dynastie | Xia dynasty |
Xiahou | Xiahou |
Xian | Xian (disambiguation) |
Xi'an | Xi'an |
Xian Dongmei | Xian Dongmei |
Xian MA60 | Xian MA60 |
Xiancantan | Xiancantan |
Xianfeng | Xianfeng Emperor |
Xiang | Xiang |
Xiang Yang | Xiangzhong Yang |
Xiangjiang | Xiang River |
Xiangxi Tujia en Miao Autonome Prefectuur | Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture |
Xiangyang | Xiangyang |
Xiangyu | Xiang Chinese |
Xianju | Xianju County |
Xiannongtan | Temple of Agriculture |
Xiantianisme | Xiantiandao |
Xiao Hongyan | Xiao Hongyan |
Xiao'erjing | Xiao'erjing |
Xiaohe | Xiaohe Tomb complex |
Xiaotingia | Xiaotingia |
Xiaowen | Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei |
Xibalba | Xibalba |
Xibe | Xibe people |
Xicheng-district | Xicheng District |
Xico (Mexico) | Xico, State of Mexico |
Xicotencatl | Xicotencatl |
Xidi | Xidi |
Xie Fei | Xie Fei (director) |
Xieng Khuang | Xiangkhouang Province |
Xihe | Xihe (deity) |
Xihoumenbrug | Xihoumen Bridge |
XIII (computerspel) | XIII (video game) |
XIII (stripreeks) | XIII (comics) |
XIII: The Conspiracy | XIII: The Conspiracy |
Xilin Gol Unie | Xilingol League |
Xilinhot | Xilinhot |
Xilotepetl | Xilotepelt |
Xindang | New Party (Republic of China) |
Xindi | Xindi (Star Trek) |
Xin-dynastie | Xin Dynasty |
Xing Aihua | Xing Aihua |
Xing Yi Quan | Xing Yi Quan |
Xingning | Xingning, Guangdong |
Xingu (rivier) | Xingu River |
Xingu (volk) | Xingu peoples |
Xinhai-revolutie | Xinhai Revolution |
Xinhua | Xinhua (disambiguation) |
Xinhui | Xinhui District |
Xinka (taal) | Xincan languages |
XInput | DirectInput |
Xinying | Xinying District |
Xiomara Rivero | Xiomara Rivero |
Xiongguanlong | Xiongguanlong |
Xiph.Org Foundation | Xiph.Org Foundation |
Xiphactinus | Xiphactinus |
Xiphidiopicus | Cuban Green Woodpecker |
Xiphocolaptes | Xiphocolaptes |
Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl | Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl |
Xiphophorus variatus | Variatus platy |
Xiphorhynchus | Xiphorhynchus |
Xiphosura | Xiphosura |
Xirivella | Xirivella |
Xirka Gieh Ir-Repubblika | Xirka Ġieħ ir-Repubblika |
Xiromero | Xiromero |
Xisco | Xisco |
Xisco Muñoz | Xisco (footballer born 1980) |
Xisco Nadal | Xisco Nadal |
Xiva | Khiva |
Xivray-et-Marvoisin | Xivray-et-Marvoisin |
Xivry-Circourt | Xivry-Circourt |
Xızı (district) | Khizi Rayon |
X-klasse | X-class submarine |
XLink | XLink |
XLink Kai | XLink Kai |
XLR | XLR connector |
XLR-8 | XLR-8 |
XM | XM (disambiguation) |
X-Men | X-Men (disambiguation) |
X-Men (animatieserie) | X-Men (TV series) |
X-Men (film) | X-Men (movie) |
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse | X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse |
X-Men: Evolution | X-Men: Evolution |
X-Men: First Class | X-Men: First Class |
X-Men: Madness in Murderworld | X-Men: Madness in Murderworld |
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse | X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse |
X-Men: The Last Stand | X-Men: The Last Stand |
XML Binding Language | XBL |
XML Paper Specification | Open XML Paper Specification |
XML Schema | XML schema |
XML User Interface Language | XUL |
XML-Schemadefinitietaal | XML Schema (W3C) |
XNA | Microsoft XNA |
XNOR-poort | XNOR gate |
Xocavənd | Khojavend |
Xocavənd (district) | Khojavend Rayon |
Xois | Xois |
Xolile Yawa | Xolile Yawa |
Xolmis | Xolmis |
Xonville | Xonville |
Xorazm (provincie) | Xorazm Province |
XOR-poort | XOR gate |
Xousse | Xousse |
Xove | Xove |
XPaint | XPaint |
Xpedition | Xpedition |
X-Plane | X-Plane (simulator) |
Xpress | Xpress (roller coaster) |
Xpujil | Xpujil |
X-ray | X-ray (disambiguation) |
Xserve | Xserve |
XSL Formatting Objects | XSL Formatting Objects |
XTC | XTC (disambiguation) |
XTC (band) | XTC |
Xu | Xu |
Xǔ | Heo |
Xu Haifeng | Xu Haifeng |
Xu Huaiwen | Xu Huaiwen |
Xu Jing | Xu Jing |
Xu Jun | Xu Jun |
Xu Lijia | Xu Lijia |
Xu Xiangqian | Xu Xiangqian |
Xu Xin | Xu Xin |
Xuande | Xuande Emperor |
Xuanhua | Xuanhua District |
Xuanmiaotempel van Suzhou | Xuanmiao Temple |
Xuan-papier | Xuan paper |
Xuanwu-district | Xuanwu District, Beijing |
Xubuntu | Xubuntu |
Xuddur | Hudur |
Xue Hanqin | Xue Hanqin |
Xuefei Yang | Xuefei Yang |
Xueta | Xueta |
Xuhui (district) | Xuhui District |
Xunqueira de Ambía | Xunqueira de Ambía |
Xunqueira de Espadanedo | Xunqueira de Espadanedo |
Xunzi | Xunzi |
Xuriella | Xuriella |
X-vliegtuig | List of X-planes |
XXL (meidengroep) | XXL (Macedonian band) |
XXX (film) | XXX (film) |
XXx: State of the Union | XXX: State of the Union |
XXY (film) | XXY (film) |
Xylaan | Xylan |
Xylariaceae | Xylariaceae |
Xylariales | Xylariales |
Xyleem | Xylem |
Xyleen | Xylene |
Xylena | Xylena |
Xylenol | Xylenol |
Xylocopa aeratus | Xylocopa aeratus |
Xylocopa valga | Xylocopa valga |
Xylofoon | Xylophone |
Xylokastro | Xylokastro |
Xylokastro-Evrostina | Xylokastro-Evrostina |
Xylometazoline | Xylometazoline |
Xylomyidae | Xylomyidae |
Xylophanes amadis | Xylophanes amadis |
Xylophanes anubus | Xylophanes anubus |
Xylophanes elara | Xylophanes elara |
Xylophanes epaphus | Xylophanes epaphus |
Xylophanes guianensis | Xylophanes guianensis |
Xylophanes loelia | Xylophanes loelia |
Xylophanes neoptolemus | Xylophanes neoptolemus |
Xylophanes porcus | Xylophanes porcus |
Xylophanes tersa | Xylophanes tersa |
Xylophanes thyelia | Xylophanes thyelia |
Xylophanes titana | Xylophanes titana |
Xylophanes tyndarus | Xylophanes tyndarus |
Xylorycta assimilis | Xylorycta assimilis |
Xylotheek | Xylotheque |
Xynthia | Cyclone Xynthia |
Xyrauchen texanus | Razorback sucker |
Xyrichtys | Xyrichtys |
Xyrichtys novacula | Xyrichtys novacula |
XYY-syndroom | XYY syndrome |
Y | Y (disambiguation) |
Y (Frankrijk) | Y, Somme |
Y (letter) | Y |
Y (Verenigde Staten) | Susitna North, Alaska |
Y tu mamá también | Y tu mamá también |
Y.M.C.A. (nummer) | Y.M.C.A. (song) |
Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy | Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy |
Y: The Last Man | Y: The Last Man |
Ya Rabbana Ehfid Lana Jalalat Al Sultan | Nashid as-Salaam as-Sultani |
Yaa Asantewaa | Yaa Asantewaa |
Yaacov Turner | Yaakov Turner |
Yaakov Dori | Yaakov Dori |
Ya'akov Edery | Yaakov Edri |
Yaaku | Yaaku people |
Ya'an | Ya'an |
Ya'bad | Ya'bad |
Yabasic | Yabasic |
Yabby You | Yabby You |
Yabrud | Yabrud |
Yabucoa (gemeente) | Yabucoa, Puerto Rico |
Yacarekaaiman | Yacare caiman |
Yacc | Yacc |
Yachimata | Yachimata, Chiba |
Yachiyo (Chiba) | Yachiyo, Chiba |
Yaco (gemeente) | Yaco Municipality |
Yacopí | Yacopí |
Yacouba Konaté | Yacouba Konaté |
Yacouba Sylla | Yacouba Sylla |
Yacuanquer | Yacuanquer |
Yacuitella nana | Yacuitella |
Yacuma | Yacuma Province |
Yacyretádam | Yacyretá Dam |
Yadgir | Yadgir |
Yadkin County | Yadkin County, North Carolina |
Yadkinville | Yadkinville, North Carolina |
Yael Arad | Yael Arad |
Yaeyama-eilanden | Yaeyama Islands |
Yafa Yarkoni | Yafa Yarkoni |
Yafran | Yafran District |
Yagha | Yagha Province |
Yaghnobi (taal) | Yaghnobi language |
Yagi-antenne | Yagi-Uda antenna |
Yaginumaella | Yaginumaella |
Yaginumanis | Yaginumanis |
Yagua | Yagua, Venezuela |
Yaguará | Yaguara |
Yaguarón | Jaguarão River |
Yahdun-Lim | Yahdun-Lim |
Yahgan | Yaghan people |
Yahoo! | Yahoo! |
Yahoo! Mail | Yahoo! Mail |
Yahoo! Messenger | Yahoo! Messenger |
Yahtzee | Yahtzee |
Yáhuar Huácac | Yáhuar Huácac |
Yahya Ayyash | Yahya Ayyash |
Yahya Khan | Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan |
Yainville | Yainville |
Yair Kraidman | Yair Kraidman |
Yair Lapid | Yair Lapid |
Yaita | Yaita, Tochigi |
Yaiza (gemeente) | Yaiza, Las Palmas |
Yaizu | Yaizu, Shizuoka |
Yak | Yak (disambiguation) |
Yakama | Yakama Nation |
Yakima | Yakima, Washington |
Yakima County | Yakima County, Washington |
Yakimaoorlog | Yakima War |
Yakin | Yakin |
Yakiudon | Yaki udon |
Yakuba | Gio people |
Yakutat City and Borough | Yakutat City and Borough, Alaska |
Yakutia Airlines | Yakutia Airlines |
Yala | Yala |
Yala (stad) | Yala,Thailand |
Yalçın Ayhan | Yalçın Ayhan |
Yale | Yale (disambiguation) |
Yale (fabeldier) | Yale (mythical creature) |
Yale (Iowa) | Yale, Iowa |
Yale (romanisatie) | Yale Romanization |
Yale Law School | Yale Law School |
Yale-universiteit | Yale University |
Yalí | Yali, Antioquia |
Yalıhüyük (district) | Yalıhüyük |
Yalıkavak | Yalıkavak |
Yallankoro-Soloba | Yallankoro-Soloba |
Yallourn | Yallourn |
Yalobusha County | Yalobusha County, Mississippi |
Yalova (provincie) | Yalova Province |
Yalovaspor | Yalovaspor |
Yalu | Yalu River |
Yalvaç (district) | Yalvaç |
Yama | Yama (disambiguation) |
Yama (district) | Yama District, Fukushima |
Yama (yoga) | Yama |
Yamada | Yamada |
Yamada (Iwate) | Yamada, Iwate |
Yamagata | Yamagata |
Yamagata (Gifu) | Yamagata, Gifu |
Yamagata (prefectuur) | Yamagata Prefecture |
Yamagata (stad) | Yamagata, Yamagata |
Yamagata Masakage | Yamagata Masakage |
Yamaguchi | Yamaguchi |
Yamaguchi (prefectuur) | Yamaguchi Prefecture |
Yamaguchi (stad) | Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi |
Yamaguchi-gumi | Yamaguchi-gumi |
Yamaha Corporation | Yamaha Corporation |
Yamaha Diversion XJ 600 S | Yamaha Diversion |
Yamaha FJR1300 | Yamaha FJR1300 |
Yamaha Motor Company | Yamaha Motor Company |
Yamaha V-Max | Yamaha V-Max and VMAX |
Yamaha XJ900 | Yamaha XJ900 |
Yamaha XJR | Yamaha XJR1200 |
Yamaha XS 650 | Yamaha XS 650 |
Yamaha XT660 | Yamaha XT660R |
Yamaha YZF600R Thundercat | Yamaha YZF600R |
Yamal Airlines | Yamal Airlines |
Yamamoto Kansuke | Yamamoto Kansuke (general) |
Yaman | Aiman |
Yamanashi (prefectuur) | Yamanashi Prefecture |
Yamangalea frewana | Yamangalea |
Yamanote-lijn | Yamanote Line |
Yamashiro (provincie) | Yamashiro Province |
Yamato (Kanagawa) | Yamato, Kanagawa |
Yamato (provincie) | Yamato Province |
Yamato (slagschip) | Japanese battleship Yamato |
Yamato nadeshiko | Yamato nadeshiko |
Yamatoji-lijn | Yamatoji Line |
Yamatokoriyama | Yamatokōriyama, Nara |
Yamatoperiode | Yamato period |
Yamatotakada | Yamatotakada, Nara |
Yamauba | Yama-uba |
Yamazaki (whisky) | Yamazaki Distillery |
Yamba | Yamba, New South Wales |
Yamboon | Pachyrhizus erosus |
Yamdrok | Yamdrok Lake |
Yamhill | Yamhill, Oregon |
Yamhill County | Yamhill County, Oregon |
Yaminawá | Yaminawá people |
Yamparáez (provincie) | Yamparáez Province |
Yamuna | Yamuna |
Yan | Yan |
Yan (staat) | Yan (state) |
Yana (pad) | Yana (Buddhism) |
Yana Belomoyna | Yana Belomoyna |
Yana Shemyakina | Yana Shemyakina |
Yanacachi (gemeente) | Yanacachi Municipality |
Yanacocha | Yanacocha |
Yanam | Yanam |
Yan'an | Yan'an |
Yanbian | Yanbian (disambiguation) |
Yancey County | Yancey County, North Carolina |
Yanceyville | Yanceyville, North Carolina |
Yandé Codou Sène | Yandé Codou Sène |
Yandusaurus | Yandusaurus |
Yanesha (taal) | Yanesha' language |
Yang (杨) | Yang (surname) |
Yang Chuan-kwang | Yang Chuan-kwang |
Yang Xianyi | Yang Xianyi |
Yang Ying | Yang Ying |
Yang Young-ja | Yang Young-Ja |
Yang Yu | Yang Yu |
Yang Yu (zwemster) | Yang Yu (swimmer) |
Yang Zi | Yang Zi (table tennis) |
Yangasso | Yangasso |
Yangju | Yangju |
Yangluobrug | Wuhan Yangluo Yangtze River Bridge |
Yang-Mills-theorie | Yang–Mills theory |
Yangpu (district) | Yangpu District |
Yangpubrug | Yangpu Bridge |
Yangsan | Yangsan |
Yangshan Containerterminal | Yangshan Port |
Yangshuo | Yangshuo County |
Yang-stijl tai chi chuan | Yang-style t'ai chi ch'uan |
Yangtze-weekschildpad | Yangtze giant softshell turtle |
Yanguas | Yanguas |
Yangzi | Yangzi |
Yanic Wildschut | Yanic Wildschut |
Yanis Papassarantis | Yanis Papassarantis |
Yank Lawson | Yank Lawson |
Yankee | Yankee (disambiguation) |
Yankee Doodle Dandy | Yankee Doodle Dandy |
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot | Yankee Hotel Foxtrot |
Yanks (film) | Yanks |
Yankton | Yankton, South Dakota |
Yankton County | Yankton County, South Dakota |
Yann Barthès | Yann Barthès |
Yann Jouffre | Yann Jouffre |
Yann M'Vila | Yann M'Vila |
Yannick (zanger) | Yannick (rapper) |
Yannick Bisson | Yannick Bisson |
Yannick Bonheur | Yannick Bonheur |
Yannick Ferreira-Carrasco | Yannick Ferreira Carrasco |
Yannick Ferrera | Yannick Ferrera |
Yannick Lebherz | Yannick Lebherz |
Yannick Pelletier | Yannick Pelletier |
Yannis Anastasiou | Yannis Anastasiou |
Yannis Goumas | Giannis Goumas |
Yannis Moralis | Yiannis Moralis |
Yannis Rítsos | Yiannis Ritsos |
Yannis Stournaras | Yannis Stournaras |
Yanosuke Watanabe | Yanosuke Watanabe |
Yantempel | Temple of Yan Hui |
Yantian | Yantian District |
Yantra | Yantra (disambiguation) |
Yao | Yao |
Yao (volk) | Yao people |
Yao Jie | Yao Jie |
Yaoi | Yaoi (manga) |
Yap | Yap |
YAPC | Yet Another Perl Conference |
Yapees | Yapese language |
Yapeyú | Yapeyú, Corrientes |
Yapraklı (district) | Yapraklı |
Yaqub ibn Tariq | Yaʿqūb ibn Ṭāriq |
Yaque del Norte | Yaque del Norte River |
Yaque del Sur | Yaque del Sur River |
Yaqui (rivier) | Yaqui River |
Yaqui (volk) | Yaqui people |
Yaquina (volk) | Yaquina people |
Yaquina Bay Bridge | Yaquina Bay Bridge |
Yaquina Bay Lighthouse | Yaquina Bay Light |
Yara | Yara, Cuba |
Yaracuy | Yaracuy |
Yarala | Yarala |
Yard | Yard (unit of length) |
Yard (doorverwijspagina) | Yard (disambiguation) |
Yardena Arazi | Yardena Arazi |
Yardımlı | Yardımlı |
Yardımlı (district) | Yardymli Rayon |
Yaren | Yaren |
Yarkand | Yarkant County |
Yarkand (rivier) | Yarkand River |
Yarm | Yarm |
Yarmouth (Engeland) | Yarmouth, Isle of Wight |
Yarmouth (Nova Scotia) | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia |
Yarnell | Yarnell, Arizona |
Yarowilca | Yarowilca Province |
Yarra (rivier) | Yarra River |
Yarra City | City of Yarra |
Yarra Glen | Yarra Glen, Victoria |
Yarra Ranges | Yarra Ranges Shire |
Yarriambiack Shire | Shire of Yarriambiack |
Yarumal | Yarumal |
Yas | Yas Island |
Yas Marina Circuit | Yas Marina Circuit |
Yasak | Yassa |
Yasawa-eilanden | Yasawa Islands |
Yasmin | Yasmin |
Yasmine | Yasmine (singer) |
Yasmine Belmadi | Yasmine Belmadi |
Yass | Yass, New South Wales |
Yass Valley Council | Yass Valley Council |
Yassen | Russian Roulette (book) |
Yasser Al-Qahtani | Yasser Al-Qahtani |
Yasser Arafat | Yasser Arafat |
Yassin al-Haj Saleh | Yassin al-Haj Saleh |
Yassin Ayoub | Yassine Ayoub |
Yassine El Ghanassy | Yassine El Ghanassy |
Yasu (Shiga) | Yasu, Shiga |
Yasuda | Yasuda zaibatsu |
Yasuharu Kurata | Yasuharu Kurata |
Yasuharu Sorimachi | Yasuharu Sorimachi |
Yasuhide Ito | Yasuhide Ito |
Yasuhiko Niimura | Yasuhiko Niimura |
Yasuhikotakia morleti | Skunk loach |
Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki | Dwarf loach |
Yasuhiro Hato | Yasuhiro Hato |
Yasuhiro Hiraoka | Yasuhiro Hiraoka |
Yasuhiro Nagahashi | Yasuhiro Nagahashi |
Yasuhiro Nakasone | Yasuhiro Nakasone |
Yasuhiro Yamada | Yasuhiro Yamada |
Yasuhiro Yoshida | Yasuhiro Yoshida |
Yasuhito Endo | Yasuhito Endo |
Yasuhito Suzuki | Yasuhito Suzuki |
Yasuji Miyazaki | Yasuji Miyazaki |
Yasujiro Ozu | Yasujiro Ozu |
Yasukazu Tanaka | Yasukazu Tanaka |
Yasuko Hashimoto | Yasuko Hashimoto |
Yasukuni-schrijn | Yasukuni Shrine |
Yasumasa Nishino | Yasumasa Nishino |
Yasunari Hiraoka | Yasunari Hiraoka |
Yasunari Kawabata | Yasunari Kawabata |
Yasuni | Yasuni National Park |
Yasunori Takada | Yasunori Takada |
Yasuo Haruyama | Yasuo Haruyama |
Yasuo Manaka | Yasuo Manaka |
Yasuo Suzuki | Yasuo Suzuki |
Yasuo Takamori | Yasuo Takamori |
Yasur | Mount Yasur |
Yasushi Endo | Yasushi Endo |
Yasushi Fukunaga | Yasushi Fukunaga |
Yasushi Kita | Yasushi Kita |
Yasutaka Tashiro | Yasutaka Tashiro |
Yasutaro Matsuki | Yasutaro Matsuki |
Yasuto Honda | Yasuto Honda |
Yasutoshi Miura | Yasutoshi Miura |
Yasuyuki Kuwahara | Yasuyuki Kuwahara |
Yasuyuki Moriyama | Yasuyuki Moriyama |
Yasuyuki Sato | Yasuyuki Sato |
Yate | Yate (disambiguation) |
Yateley | Yateley |
Yatenga | Yatenga Province |
Yateras | Yateras |
Yates Center | Yates Center, Kansas |
Yates County | Yates County, New York |
Yatesville | Yatesville |
Yatomi | Yatomi, Aichi |
Yatung (arrondissement) | Yadong County |
Yau Tsim Mong District | Yau Tsim Mong District |
Yauco (gemeente) | Yauco, Puerto Rico |
Yauli (provincie) | Yauli Province |
Yautepec | Yautepec de Zaragoza |
Yauyos (provincie) | Yauyos Province |
Yavapai County | Yavapai County, Arizona |
Yavaraté | Yavarate |
Yavatmal (district) | Yavatmal district |
Yavne | Yavne |
Yavuz Özkan | Yavuz Özkan |
Yawata Maru | Japanese aircraft carrier Unyō |
Yawning Man | Yawning Man |
Yaws (webserver) | Yaws (web server) |
Yaxchilán | Yaxchilan |
Yaya Sanogo | Yaya Sanogo |
Yaya Soumahoro | Yaya Soumahoro |
Yayi Boni | Yayi Boni |
Yayoiperiode | Yayoi period |
Yazaldes Nascimento | Yazaldes Nascimento |
Yazd (provincie) | Yazd Province |
Yazdagird I | Yazdegerd I |
Yazdagird II | Yazdegerd II |
Yazdagird III | Yazdegerd III |
Yazid I | Yazid I |
Yazoo | Yazoo |
Yazoo (band) | Yazoo (band) |
Yazoo City | Yazoo City, Mississippi |
Yazoo County | Yazoo County, Mississippi |
Yazoo Records | Yazoo Records |
Ychoux | Ychoux |
Y-chromosomale Adam | Y-chromosomal Adam |
Y-chromosoom | Y chromosome |
Ydalir | Ýdalir |
Yde | Yde |
Ydre | Ydre Municipality |
Ye Fei | Ye Fei |
Ye Qiaobo | Ye Qiaobo |
Ye Xiaogang | Ye Xiaogang |
Yea | Yea, Victoria |
Yeading FC | Yeading F.C. |
Yeadon (Pennsylvania) | Yeadon, Pennsylvania |
Yeadon (West Yorkshire) | Yeadon, West Yorkshire |
Yeah 3x | Yeah 3x |
Yeah! | Yeah! (Usher song) |
Year of the Dog | Year of the Dog (film) |
Year of the Dog...Again | Year of the Dog... Again |
Year of the Dragon | Year of the Dragon |
Year of the Dragon (album) | Year of the Dragon (Modern Talking album) |
Year of the Dragon (film) | Year of the Dragon (film) |
Year of the Gentleman | Year of the Gentleman |
Year One | Year One (film) |
Yebes | Yebes |
Yébleron | Yébleron |
Yèbles | Yèbles |
Yebra | Yebra |
Yebra de Basa | Yebra de Basa |
Yecla (Murcia) | Yecla |
Yécora | Yécora/Iekora |
Yedebub Biheroch Bihereseboch na Hizboch | Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region |
Yediot Ahronot | Yedioth Ahronoth |
Yeedzin FC | Yeedzin F.C. |
Yeehaw Junction | Yeehaw Junction, Florida |
Yeghegnadzor | Yeghegnadzor |
Yeghvard | Yeghvard |
Yehliu | Yehliu |
Yehuda Amital | Yehuda Amital |
Yehuda Gruenfeld | Yehuda Gruenfeld |
Yei | Yei, South Sudan |
Yejong van Joseon | Yejong of Joseon |
Yélamos de Abajo | Yélamos de Abajo |
Yélamos de Arriba | Yélamos de Arriba |
Yélékébougou | Yélékébougou |
Yelena Dembo | Yelena Dembo |
Yeles | Yeles |
Yelkouanpijlstormvogel | Yelkouan Shearwater |
Yell | Yell, Shetland |
Yell County | Yell County, Arkansas |
Yelle | Yelle |
Yellow | Yellow (Coldplay song) |
Yellow Birch | Betula alleghaniensis |
Yellow Medicine County | Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota |
Yellow River | Yellow River (disambiguation) |
Yellow Springs | Yellow Springs, Ohio |
Yellow Submarine | Yellow Submarine |
Yellow Submarine (album) | Yellow Submarine (album) |
Yellow Submarine (film) | Yellow Submarine (film) |
Yellow Submarine (nummer) | Yellow Submarine (song) |
Yellowknife (rivier) | Yellowknife River |
Yellowknife (stad) | Yellowknife, Northwest Territories |
Yellowknife Airport | Yellowknife Airport |
Yellowstone | Yellowstone (disambiguation) |
Yellowstone (rivier) | Yellowstone River |
Yellowstone County | Yellowstone County, Montana |
Yellowstone National Park | Yellowstone National Park |
Yellowstonecaldera | Yellowstone Caldera |
Yellowstonemeer | Yellowstone Lake |
Yellville | Yellville, Arkansas |
Yelü Dashi | Yelü Dashi |
Yemane Tsegay | Yemane Tsegay |
Yemassee | Yemassee, South Carolina |
Yemayá | Yemaja |
Yémeda | Yémeda |
Yemeni League | Yemeni League |
Yemenia-vlucht 626 | Yemenia Flight 626 |
Yên Bái (provincie) | Yên Bái Province |
Yên Bái (stad) | Yên Bái |
Yendi | Yendi |
Yener Arica | Yener Arıca |
Yengisar | Yengisar County |
Yeni Cami | New Mosque (Istanbul) |
Yeni Malatyaspor | Malatya B.S. |
Yeni Rize Şehirstadion | Yeni Rize Şehir Stadı |
Yenicami Ağdelen SK | Yenicami Ağdelen S.K. |
Yenidze | Yenidze |
Yenikent ASAŞ-stadion | Yenikent Asaş Stadium |
Yenikoy | Yeniköy |
Yenikoy (Emirdağ) | Yenikoy |
Yenipazar | Yenipazar |
Yenne | Yenne |
Yeo Hyo-Jin | Yeo Hyo-Jin |
Yeoman | Yeoman (disambiguation) |
Yeomen Warders | Yeomen Warders |
Yeongjo van Joseon | Yeongjo of Joseon |
Yeongjong | Yeongjongdo |
Yeonpyeong | Yeonpyeongdo |
Yeonsangun van Joseon | Yeonsangun of Joseon |
Yeoryía Koklóni | Georgia Kokloni |
Yeovil Town FC | Yeovil Town F.C. |
Yepes | Yepes |
Yepoella crassistylis | Yepoella |
Yeppoon | Yeppoon |
Yerba Buena (departement) | Yerba Buena Department |
Yerba Buena (Tucumán) | Yerba Buena, Tucumán |
Yerbas Buenas | Yerbas Buenas |
Yeredon Saniona | Yeredon Saniona |
Yerington | Yerington, Nevada |
Yermenonville | Yermenonville |
Yerne | Yerne |
Yeroskipou | Yeroskipou |
Yerpa | Yerpa |
Yerres | Yerres |
Yersinella | Yersinella |
Yersinella raymondi | Yersinella raymondi |
Yerupaja | Yerupajá |
Yerville | Yerville |
Yes | Yes |
Yes (album) | Yes (Yes album) |
Yes (band) | Yes (band) |
YES (Mika Nakashima-album) | Yes (Mika Nakashima album) |
Yes (Pet Shop Boys) | Yes (Pet Shop Boys album) |
Yes It Is | Yes It Is |
Yes Man | Yes Man (film) |
Yes, Dear | Yes, Dear |
Yésero | Yésero |
Yesh Atid | Yesh Atid |
Yeshe Dorje | Yeshe Dorje, 11th Karmapa |
Yeshe Tenbey Nyima | 3rd Jebtsundamba Khutughtu |
Yeşil Camii | Yeşil Mosque |
Yeşilçam | Cinema of Turkey |
Yeşilyurt | Yeşilyurt (disambiguation) |
Yes-R | Yes-R |
Yeste | Yeste, Albacete |
Yesterday went too soon (album) | Yesterday Went Too Soon |
Yesterdays | Yesterday (disambiguation) |
Yesterdays (Yes) | Yesterdays (Yes album) |
Yesü Möngke | Yesü Möngke |
Yesükhei | Yesugei |
Yeti | Yeti (disambiguation) |
Yeti (band) | Yeti (band) |
Yeunten Ling | Yeunten Ling |
Yevgeniy Timoshenko | Yevgeniy Timoshenko |
Yevlax | Yevlakh |
Yevlax (district) | Yevlakh Rayon |
Yèvres | Yèvres |
Yèvres-le-Petit | Yèvres-le-Petit |
Yexian | Ye County |
Yffiniac | Yffiniac |
Yge Visser | Yge Visser |
Ygos-Saint-Saturnin | Ygos-Saint-Saturnin |
Yí | Yí River |
Yi (volk) | Yi people |
Yi Quan | Yiquan |
Yi So-yeon | Yi So-Yeon |
Yi Sun-sin | Yi Sun-sin |
Yi Xin | Prince Gong (Qing dynasty) |
Yiannis Kouros | Yiannis Kouros |
Yibal | Yibal |
Yibir | Yibir |
Yichun (Heilongjiang) | Yichun, Heilongjiang |
Yichun (Jiangxi) | Yichun, Jiangxi |
Yield | Yield (album) |
Yieldcurve | Yield curve |
Yi-fu Tuan | Yi-Fu Tuan |
Yigael Yadin | Yigael Yadin |
Yigal Amir | Yigal Amir |
Yigal Tumarkin | Yigal Tumarkin |
Yik Man Wong | Yik-Man Wong |
Yilan (stad) | Yilan City |
Yilan (xiàn) | Yilan County, Taiwan |
Yıldırım | Yıldırım |
Yıldız Park | Yıldız Park |
Yildun | Delta Ursae Minoris |
Yimpaş Yozgatspor | Yimpaş Yozgatspor |
Yin en yang | Yin and yang |
Yin Yang Yo! | Yin Yang Yo! |
Yine Sensiz | Yine Sensiz |
Yinindougou | Yinindougou |
Yining | Yining City |
Yinxu | Yinxu |
Yiridougou | Yiridougou |
Yirrkala | Yirrkala, Northern Territory |
Yirrkala bark petitions | Yirrkala bark petitions |
Yisroel ben Eliezer | Baal Shem Tov |
Yitzhak Ahronovitch | Ike Aronowicz |
Yitzhak Ben-Aharon | Yitzhak Ben-Aharon |
Yitzhak Navon | Yitzhak Navon |
Yitzhak Rabin | Yitzhak Rabin |
Yitzhak Shamir | Yitzhak Shamir |
Yiwu | Yiwu |
YKK Groep | YKK Group |
Yle | Yle |
Ylide | Ylide |
Yllenus | Yllenus |
Ymare | Ymare |
Ymeray | Ymeray |
Ymir (maan) | Ymir (moon) |
Ymnos is tin Eleftherian | Hymn to Liberty |
Ymonville | Ymonville |
Yngling | Yngling (keelboat) |
Ynglinge | Yngling |
Yngsjö | Yngsjö |
Ynolaat | Ynolate |
Yo | Yo (disambiguation) |
Yo Frankie! | Yo Frankie! |
Yoakum | Yoakum, Texas |
Yoakum County | Yoakum County, Texas |
Yoandri Betanzos | Yoandri Betanzos |
Yoanka González | Yoanka González |
Yoann de Boer | Yoann de Boer |
Yoann Kowal | Yoann Kowal |
Yobe | Yobe State |
Yocalla (gemeente) | Yocalla Municipality |
Yochanan Afek | Yochanan Afek |
Yocto | Yocto- |
Yoda | Yoda |
Yodo | Yodo River |
Yoekteswar | Yukteswar Giri |
Yoga nidra | Yoga-nidra |
Yoga Vasishtha | Yoga Vasistha |
Yogacara | Yogacara |
Yogasoetra's | Yoga Sutras of Patanjali |
Yogetor | Yogetor |
Yoghurt | Yoghurt |
Yoghurtfestival | Sho Dun Festival |
Yoghurtijs | Frozen yogurt |
Yogi Bear | Yogi Bear |
Yogi Bear (film) | Yogi Bear (film) |
Yognogo | Yognogo |
Yog-Sothoth | Yog-Sothoth |
Yohan Lachor | Yohan Lachor |
Yohan Langlet | Yoann Langlet |
Yohan Tavares | Yohan Tavares |
Yohann Eudeline | Yohann Eudeline |
Yohann Thuram | Yohann Thuram-Ulien |
Yohei Fukumoto | Yohei Fukumoto |
Yohei Kajiyama | Yōhei Kajiyama |
Yohei Kurakawa | Yohei Kurakawa |
Yohei Nishibe | Yohei Nishibe |
Yohei Otake | Yohei Otake |
Yohei Sato | Yohei Sato |
Yohei Toyoda | Yohei Toyoda |
Yohimbine | Yohimbine |
Yohji Yamamoto | Yohji Yamamoto |
Yoichi Doi | Yoichi Doi |
Yoichiro Kakitani | Yoichiro Kakitani |
Yoichiro Nambu | Yoichiro Nambu |
Yoidore tenshi | Drunken Angel |
Yojimbo | Yojimbo (film) |
Yojiro Takahagi | Yojiro Takahagi |
Ýokary Liga | Ýokary Liga |
Yokkaichi | Yokkaichi, Mie |
Yoko Ono (lied) | Yoko Ono (song) |
Yoko Shibui | Yoko Shibui |
Yoko Shimomura | Yoko Shimomura |
Yokohama | Yokohama (disambiguation) |
Yokohama (kip) | Yokohama (chicken) |
Yokohama F·Marinos | Yokohama F. Marinos |
Yokohama FC | Yokohama F.C. |
Yokohama Landmark Tower | Yokohama Landmark Tower |
Yokohama Rubber Company | Yokohama Rubber Company |
Yokosuka | Yokosuka, Kanagawa |
Yokosuka D4Y | Yokosuka D4Y |
Yokosuka MXY-7 Oka | Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka |
Yokosuka P1Y1 | Yokosuka P1Y |
Yokota Takatoshi | Yokota Takatoshi |
Yokote | Yokote, Akita |
Yokutstalen | Yokutsan languages |
Yol (film) | Yol |
Yola | Yola, Nigeria |
Yolande Beekman | Yolande Beekman |
Yolande van Aragón | Yolande of Aragon |
Yolande van Bar | Violant of Bar |
Yolande van Bourgondië | Yolande II, Countess of Nevers |
Yolande van Bretagne | Yolande of Brittany |
Yolande van Courtenay | Yolanda de Courtenay |
Yolande van Dreux | Yolande of Dreux, Queen of Scotland |
Yolande van Henegouwen | Yolanda of Flanders |
Yolande van Jeruzalem | Isabella II of Jerusalem |
Yolande van Lotharingen | Yolande, Duchess of Lorraine |
Yolande van Lusignan | Yolanda of Lusignan |
Yolande van Monferrato | Irene of Montferrat |
Yolande van Valois | Yolande of Valois |
Yolande van Vianden | Yolanda of Vianden |
Yolane Kukla | Yolane Kukla |
Yolanta | Iolanta |
Yoldiazee | Yoldia Sea |
Yolet | Yolet |
Yolŋu | Yolngu people |
YOLO | YOLO (motto) |
Yolo County | Yolo County, California |
Yolombó | Yolombó |
Yom | Yom River |
Yom HaShoah | Yom HaShoah |
Yoma sabina | Yoma sabina |
Yomei | Emperor Yōmei |
Yonaguni (eiland) | Yonaguni |
Yoncalla (taal) | Yoncalla language |
Yonderboi | YONDERBOI |
Yondó | Yondó |
Yone Minagawa | Yone Minagawa |
Yonezawa | Yonezawa, Yamagata |
Yonge-Dundas Square | Yonge-Dundas Square |
Yonghetempel | Yonghe Temple |
Yongin | Yongin |
Yongji | Yongji, Shanxi |
Yongle | Yongle Emperor |
Yongle dadian | Yongle Encyclopedia |
Yongpyong | Yongpyong Ski Resort |
Yongzheng | Yongzheng Emperor |
Yoni Buyens | Yoni Buyens |
Yonkers | Yonkers, New York |
Yonne (departement) | Yonne |
Yonne (rivier) | Yonne (river) |
Yonny Hernández | Yonny Hernández |
Yoo Nam-kyu | Yoo Nam-Kyu |
Yoo Sang-Chul | Yoo Sang-Chul |
Yoogali | Yoogali |
Yoon | Yoon |
Yoon Jong-Hwan | Yoon Jong-Hwan |
Yorba Linda | Yorba Linda, California |
Yorck Boyen Insterburg | Yorck Boyen Insterburg |
Yoric Ravet | Yoric Ravet |
Yoris Grandjean | Yoris Grandjean |
Yoritsune Matsudaira | Yoritsune Matsudaira |
York | York (disambiguation) |
York (Nebraska) | York, Nebraska |
York (North Dakota) | York, North Dakota |
York (Pennsylvania) | York, Pennsylvania |
York (rivier) | York River (Virginia) |
York (South Carolina) | York, South Carolina |
York City FC | York City F.C. |
York County | York County |
York County (Maine) | York County, Maine |
York County (Nebraska) | York County, Nebraska |
York County (Pennsylvania) | York County, Pennsylvania |
York County (South Carolina) | York County, South Carolina |
York County (Virginia) | York County, Virginia |
York Haven | York Haven, Pennsylvania |
York Ritus | York Rite |
Yorkshire and the Humber | Yorkshire and the Humber |
Yorkshire Sculpture Park | Yorkshire Sculpture Park |
Yorktown (Iowa) | Yorktown, Iowa |
Yorktown (Virginia) | Yorktown, Virginia |
Yorktown-klasse | Yorktown-class aircraft carrier |
Yorkville (Illinois) | Yorkville, Illinois |
Yoro | Yoro (disambiguation) |
Yoro (departement) | Yoro Department |
Yorosso | Yorosso |
Yoruba (taal) | Yoruba language |
Yoruba (volk) | Yoruba people |
Yorubareligie | Yoruba religion |
Yörük | Yörüks |
Yos Sudarso (eiland) | Yos Sudarso Island |
Yo-Sam Choi | Yo-Sam Choi |
Yosef Burg | Yosef Burg |
Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld | Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld |
Yosef Shiloach | Yosef Shiloach |
Yosemite National Park | Yosemite National Park |
Yosemite Sam | Yosemite Sam |
Yosemite Valley | Yosemite Valley |
Yoshi | Yoshi |
Yoshi Touch & Go | Yoshi Touch & Go |
Yoshiaki Fujita | Yoshiaki Fujita |
Yoshiaki Ota | Yoshiaki Ota |
Yoshiaki Sato | Yoshiaki Sato |
Yoshida Mitsuyoshi | Yoshida Mitsuyoshi |
Yoshihide Otomo | Yoshihide Ōtomo |
Yoshihiro Asai | Último Dragón |
Yoshihiro Natsuka | Yoshihiro Natsuka |
Yoshihiro Nishida | Yoshihiro Nishida |
Yoshihito | Emperor Taishō |
Yoshihito Fujita | Yoshihito Fujita |
Yoshiichi Watanabe | Yoshiichi Watanabe |
Yoshika Matsubara | Yoshika Matsubara |
Yoshikazu Goto | Yoshikazu Goto |
Yoshikazu Isoda | Yoshikazu Isoda |
Yoshikazu Mera | Yoshikazu Mera |
Yoshikazu Nagai | Yoshikazu Nagai |
Yoshikazu Nonomura | Yoshikazu Nonomura |
Yoshiki Hayashi | Yoshiki |
Yoshiki Takahashi | Yoshiki Takahashi (footballer) |
Yoshikiyo Kuboyama | Yoshikiyo Kuboyama |
Yoshimatsu Oyama | Yoshimatsu Oyama |
Yoshimitsu | Yoshimitsu |
Yoshinari Takagi | Yoshinari Takagi |
Yoshino (district) | Yoshino District, Nara |
Yoshino (provincie) | Yoshino Province |
Yoshinobu Ishii | Yoshinobu Ishii |
Yoshinobu Minowa | Yoshinobu Minowa |
Yoshinobu Nisaka | Yoshinobu Nisaka |
Yoshinokers | Prunus × yedoensis |
Yoshinori Abe | Yoshinori Abe |
Yoshinori Furube | Yoshinori Furube |
Yoshinori Ishigami | Yoshinori Ishigami |
Yoshinori Shigematsu | Yoshinori Shigematsu |
Yoshinori Taguchi | Yoshinori Taguchi |
Yoshio Fujiwara | Yoshio Fujiwara |
Yoshio Furukawa | Yoshio Furukawa |
Yoshio Kato | Yoshio Kato |
Yoshio Kikugawa | Yoshio Kikugawa |
Yoshio Kodama | Yoshio Kodama |
Yoshio Okada | Yoshio Okada |
Yoshiro Abe | Yoshiro Abe |
Yoshiro Mori | Yoshiro Mori |
Yoshiro Moriyama | Yoshiro Moriyama |
Yoshiro Muraki | Yoshirō Muraki |
Yoshiro Nakamatsu | Yoshiro Nakamatsu |
Yoshi's Cookie | Yoshi's Cookie |
Yoshi's Island DS | Yoshi's Island DS |
Yoshi's Safari | Yoshi's Safari |
Yoshi's Story | Yoshi's Story |
Yoshi's Universal Gravitation | Yoshi's Universal Gravitation |
Yoshitada Yamaguchi | Yoshitada Yamaguchi |
Yoshitaka Fujisaki | Yoshitaka Fujisaki |
Yoshiteru Yamashita | Yoshiteru Yamashita |
Yoshito Okubo | Yoshito Okubo |
Yoshito Terakawa | Yoshito Terakawa |
Yoshitomo Nara | Yoshitomo Nara |
Yoshiyuki Hasegawa | Yoshiyuki Hasegawa |
Yoshiyuki Kato | Yoshiyuki Kato |
Yoshiyuki Kobayashi | Yoshiyuki Kobayashi |
Yoshiyuki Matsuyama | Yoshiyuki Matsuyama |
Yoshiyuki Shinoda | Yoshiyuki Shinoda |
Yoshizumi Ogawa | Yoshizumi Ogawa |
Yossi & Jagger | Yossi & Jagger |
Yosuke Fujigaya | Yōsuke Fujigaya |
Yosuke Ishibitsu | Yōsuke Ishibitsu |
Yosuke Kashiwagi | Yōsuke Kashiwagi |
Yosuke Kataoka | Yōsuke Kataoka |
Yosuke Matsuoka | Yōsuke Matsuoka |
Yosuke Nozawa | Yōsuke Nozawa |
Yoté | Yoté |
Yotoco | Yotoco |
Yotsukaido | Yotsukaidō, Chiba |
Yotta | Yotta- |
You | You (disambiguation) |
You (Gong) | You (Gong album) |
You (Robin Stjernberg) | You (Robin Stjernberg song) |
You Again | You Again |
Yoü and I | You and I |
You and I (film) | You and I (film) |
You and me | You and Me |
You and Me (Joan Franka) | You and Me (Joan Franka song) |
You are everything | You Are Everything |
You Are Not Alone | You Are Not Alone |
You Are the Sunshine of My Life | You Are the Sunshine of My Life |
You Better You Bet | You Better You Bet |
You Can Play These Songs with Chords | You Can Play These Songs with Chords |
You Can't Do That | You Can't Do That |
You Can't Hurry Love | You Can't Hurry Love |
You Can't Take It with You | You Can't Take It With You (movie) |
You Don't Fool Me | You Don't Fool Me |
You Don't Know | You Don't Know (Shady Records song) |
You Don't Know Jack | You Don't Know Jack |
You Don't Know My Name | You Don't Know My Name |
You Don't Mess with the Zohan | You Don't Mess with the Zohan |
You Found Me | You Found Me |
You Give Love a Bad Name (single) | You Give Love a Bad Name (song) |
You got F'd in the A | You Got F'd in the A |
You Got Served | You Got Served |
You Have 0 Friends | You Have 0 Friends |
You Keep Me Hangin' On | You Keep Me Hangin' On |
You Know My Name | You Know My Name |
You Know You're Right | You Know You're Right |
You Like Me Too Much | You Like Me Too Much |
You Lost Me | You Lost Me |
You Me At Six | You Me at Six |
You Must Love Me | You Must Love Me |
You never can tell | You Never Can Tell (song) |
You Only Live Twice | You Only Live Twice |
You Only Live Twice (film) | You Only Live Twice (film) |
You Only Live Twice (roman) | You Only Live Twice (novel) |
You Rock My World | You Rock My World |
You Shook Me All Night Long | You Shook Me All Night Long |
You Were Never Lovelier | You Were Never Lovelier |
You Won't See Me | You Won't See Me |
You, Me and Dupree | You, Me and Dupree |
Youcat | Youcat |
Youcef Nadarkhani | Youcef Nadarkhani |
Youcef Sekour | Youssef Sekour |
Youdiou | Youdiou |
Youkhon | Meunsai |
You'll Never Get Rich | You'll Never Get Rich |
You'll Never Walk Alone | You'll Never Walk Alone |
Younes El Aynaoui | Younes El Aynaoui |
Younes Menkari | Youness Mankari |
Young (Arizona) | Young, Arizona |
Young (plaats) | Young, Uruguay |
Young Africans FC | Young Africans S.C. |
Young Americans | Young Americans |
Young Americans (album) | Young Americans (album) |
Young and Innocent | Young and Innocent |
Young Artist Award | Young Artist Award |
Young Bond | Young Bond |
Young Cassidy | Young Cassidy |
Young County | Young County, Texas |
Young Engineers Sportscar | Yes! Roadster |
Young Frankenstein | Young Frankenstein |
Young God Records | Young God Records |
Young Guns | Young Guns (film) |
Young Guns (band) | Young Guns (band) |
Young Guns II | Young Guns II |
Young Hot Rod | Hot Rod (rapper) |
Young Jeezy | Young Jeezy |
Young Lions | Courts Young Lions |
Young Man of Manhattan | Young Man of Manhattan |
Young Man with a Horn | Young Man with a Horn (film) |
Young Maylay | Young Maylay |
Young Money Entertainment | Young Money Entertainment |
Young Mr. Lincoln | Young Mr. Lincoln |
Young Noble | Young Noble |
Young People Fucking | Young People Fucking |
Young Shire Council | Young Shire |
Youngina | Youngina |
Young-plan | Young Plan |
Youngstown | Youngstown (disambiguation) |
Youngstown (Ohio) | Youngstown, Ohio |
Youngsville | Youngsville |
Youngsville (Louisiana) | Youngsville, Louisiana |
Young-tableau | Young tableau |
Youngtown | Youngtown, Arizona |
Youngwood | Youngwood, Pennsylvania |
Younis Mahmoud | Younis Mahmoud |
Yountville | Yountville, California |
Your Friend the Rat | Your Friend the Rat |
Your Latest Trick | Your Latest Trick |
Your Mother Should Know | Your Mother Should Know |
Your New Favourite Band | Your New Favourite Band |
Your Sister's Sister | Your Sister's Sister |
You're Beautiful | You're Beautiful |
You're Getting Old | You're Getting Old |
You're Going to Lose That Girl | You're Going to Lose That Girl |
You're My Best Friend | You're My Best Friend (Queen song) |
You're sixteen | You're Sixteen |
You're Still the One | You're Still the One |
You're the One That I Want | You're the One That I Want |
You're the Voice | You're the Voice |
Youri | Youri, Mali |
Youri Egorov | Youri Egorov |
Youri Loen | Youri Loen |
Yours Truly, Angry Mob | Yours Truly, Angry Mob |
Yours, Mine and Ours | Yours, Mine and Ours |
Yours, Mine and Ours (1968) | Yours, Mine and Ours (1968 film) |
Yousaf Raza Gilani | Yousaf Raza Gillani |
Youssef Baba | Youssef Baba |
Youssef El Akchaoui | Youssef El Akchaoui |
Youssef Safri | Youssef Safri |
Youssef Sarraf | Youssef Ibrahim Sarraf |
Youssef Toutouh | Youssef Toutouh |
Youssou N'Dour | Youssou N'Dour |
Youssouf Hadji | Youssouf Hadji |
Youssouf Mulumbu | Youssouf Mulumbu |
Youth for Christ | Youth for Christ |
Youth Lagoon | Youth Lagoon |
Youth Novels | Youth Novels |
Youth of Today | Youth of Today |
Youth Without Youth | Youth Without Youth (film) |
YouTube Symphony Orchestra | YouTube Symphony Orchestra |
You've got a friend | You've Got a Friend |
You've Got Mail | You've Got Mail |
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away | You've Got to Hide Your Love Away |
You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' | You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' |
Youwarou | Youwarou |
Youx | Youx |
Yoyogi Nationaal Stadion | Yoyogi National Gymnasium |
Yoyogipark | Yoyogi Park |
Yoyoy Villame | Yoyoy Villame |
Yozei | Emperor Yōzei |
Yozgat (provincie) | Yozgat Province |
Yozo Aoki | Yozo Aoki |
YPbPr | YPbPr |
Ypecolsga | Ypecolsga |
Ypiranga | SS Ypiranga |
Yponomeuta gigas | Yponomeuta gigas |
Yponomeuta mahalebella | Yponomeuta mahalebella |
Ypresien | Ypresian |
Ypreville-Biville | Ypreville-Biville |
Ypsilanti | Ypsilanti (disambiguation) |
Ypsilanti (geslacht) | Ypsilantis |
Ypsilanti (Michigan) | Ypsilanti, Michigan |
Ypsilon | Upsilon |
Ypsolopha asperella | Ypsolopha asperella |
Ypthima baldus | Ypthima baldus |
Yquebeuf | Yquebeuf |
Yreka | Yreka, California |
Yronde-et-Buron | Yronde-et-Buron |
Ysengrimus | Ysengrimus |
Yslaire | Bernard Hislaire |
Yssac-la-Tourette | Yssac-la-Tourette |
Yssandon | Yssandon |
Ysselsteyn | Ysselsteyn |
Ystad (gemeente) | Ystad Municipality |
Ysykköl (oblast) | Issyk Kul Province |
Ytrebygda | Ytrebygda |
Ytres | Ytres |
Ytterby | Ytterby |
Ytterhogdal | Ytterhogdal |
Yttrium-barium-koperoxide | Yttrium barium copper oxide |
Yttriumoxide | Yttrium(III) oxide |
YTV | YTV (TV channel) |
Ytyk-Kjoejol | Ytyk-Kyuyol |
Yu Dan (schutter) | Yu Dan (sport shooter) |
Yu de Grote | Yu the Great |
Yu Fengtong | Yu Fengtong |
Yu Hasegawa | Yu Hasegawa |
Yu Jing | Yu Jing |
Yu Shan | Yushan (mountain) |
Yu Sun-bok | Yu Sun-Bok |
Yuan | Yuan |
Yuan (袁) | Yuan (surname) |
Yuan Lee | Yuan T. Lee |
Yuan Longping | Yuan Longping |
Yuan-dynastie | Yuan Dynasty |
Yuanmousaurus | Yuanmousaurus |
Yuanping | Yuanping City |
Yuba City | Yuba City, California |
Yuba County | Yuba County, California |
Yucaipa | Yucaipa, California |
Yucatán | Yucatán (disambiguation) |
Yucatán (schiereiland) | Yucatán Peninsula |
Yucatán (staat) | Yucatán (state) |
Yucatanvesperrat | Hatt's vesper rat |
Yucateeks Maya | Yucatec language |
Yucca | Yucca |
Yucca brevifolia | Yucca brevifolia |
Yucca Valley | Yucca Valley, California |
Yuchanyan Cave | Yuchanyan Cave |
Yudhishtira | Yudhisthira |
Yue (staat) | Yue (state) |
Yuebeituhua | Shaozhou Tuhua |
Yueliang Shan | Moon Hill |
Yuen Wah | Yuen Wah |
Yuen Woo-Ping | Yuen Woo-ping |
Yuexialaoren | Yue-Laou |
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Duel Monsters) | Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters |
Yu-Gi-Oh! (ruilkaartspel) | Yu-Gi-Oh! (trading card game) |
Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time | Yu-Gi-Oh!: Bonds Beyond Time |
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's | Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's |
Yu-Gi-Oh! R | Yu-Gi-Oh! R |
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards | Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards |
Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel | Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel |
Yugo | Yugo |
Yugo Sana | Zastava Florida |
Yuhei Tokunaga | Yūhei Tokunaga |
Yuhi Sekiguchi | Yuhi Sekiguchi |
Yuhina | Yuhina |
Yui | Yui (singer) |
Yuichi Komano | Yuichi Komano |
Yuichi Mizutani | Yuichi Mizutani |
Yuichi Nemoto | Yuichi Nemoto |
Yuichi Nishimura | Yuichi Nishimura |
Yuichiro Nagai | Yuichiro Nagai |
Yuji Hashimoto | Yuji Hashimoto |
Yuji Hironaga | Yuji Hironaga |
Yuji Ide | Yuji Ide |
Yuji Ito | Yuji Ito |
Yuji Keigoshi | Yuji Keigoshi |
Yuji Kishioku | Yuji Kishioku |
Yuji Nakazawa | Yuji Nakazawa |
Yuji Okuma | Yuji Okuma |
Yuji Ono | Yuji Ono (footballer) |
Yuji Sakakura | Yuji Sakakura |
Yuji Sugano | Yuji Sugano |
Yuji Unozawa | Yuji Unozawa |
Yuji Yokoyama | Yuji Yokoyama |
Yukawa-potentiaal | Yukawa potential |
Yuke's | Yuke's |
Yuki | Yūki, Ibaraki |
Yuki Abe | Yuki Abe |
Yuki Fukaya | Yuki Fukaya |
Yuki Inoue | Yuki Inoue |
Yuki Kobayashi | Yuki Kobayashi (footballer born 1988) |
Yuki Maki | Yuki Maki |
Yuki Nakashima | Yuki Nakashima |
Yuki Okubo | Yuki Okubo |
Yuki Onna | Yuki onna |
Yūki Ōtsu | Yūki Ōtsu |
Yuki Takita | Yuki Takita |
Yuki Yamazaki | Yuki Yamazaki |
Yukihiko Sato | Yukihiko Sato |
Yukina Ota | Yukina Ota |
Yukio Endo | Yukio Endo |
Yukio Goto | Yukio Goto |
Yukio Hayashida | Yukio Hayashida |
Yukio Mishima | Yukio Mishima |
Yukio Shimomura | Yukio Shimomura |
Yukio Tsuchiya | Yukio Tsuchiya |
Yukio Tsuda | Yukio Tsuda (footballer) |
Yukitaka Omi | Yukitaka Omi |
Yuko Arimori | Yuko Arimori |
Yukon | Yukon (disambiguation) |
Yukon (rivier) | Yukon River |
Yukon (territorium) | Yukon |
Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area | Yukon–Koyukuk Census Area, Alaska |
Yukos | Yukos |
Yuksek | Yuksek |
Yüksək Dəstə | Azerbaijani Premier League |
Yule | Yule (disambiguation) |
Yulee | Yulee, Florida |
Yulin | Yulin |
Yulin (Guangxi) | Yulin, Guangxi |
Yulin (Shaanxi) | Yulin, Shaanxi |
Yulin-grotten | Yulin Caves |
Yum | Yum |
Yum! Brands | Yum! Brands |
Yuma (Arizona) | Yuma, Arizona |
Yuma County | Yuma County |
Yuma County (Arizona) | Yuma County, Arizona |
Yuma County (Colorado) | Yuma County, Colorado |
Yuma-Cochimítalen | Yuman–Cochimí languages |
Yumbe (district) | Yumbe District |
Yumbel | Yumbel |
Yumbo | Yumbo |
Yumbulagang | Yungbulakang Palace |
Yumiko Hara | Yumiko Hara |
Yun Bo-seon | Yun Poson |
Yun Mi-jin | Yun Mi-Jin |
Yun Ok-hee | Yun Ok-hee |
Yun Suk-Young | Yun Suk-Young |
Yuna (rivier) | Yuna River |
Yuna Ito | Yuna Ito |
Yuncler | Yuncler |
Yuncos | Yuncos |
Yundi Li | Li Yundi |
Yungasweg | Yungas Road |
Yungay (provincie) | Yungay Province |
Yungchen Lhamo | Yungchen Lhamo |
Yunguyo (provincie) | Yunguyo Province |
Yunjin Kim | Yunjin Kim |
Yunlin | Yunlin County |
Yunling Shan | Yunling Mountains |
Yunnanhaas | Yunnan hare |
Yunnanosaurus | Yunnanosaurus |
Yunquera | Yunquera |
Yunquera de Henares | Yunquera de Henares |
Yunus | Yunus (disambiguation) |
Yunus Malli | Yunus Mallı |
Yu-opera | Yu opera |
Yüreğir (district) | Yüreğir |
Yuri | Yuri |
Yuri Alvear | Yuri Alvear |
Yuri Cornelisse | Yuri Cornelisse |
Yuri Honing | Yuri Honing |
Yuri Rose | Yuri Rose |
Yuri Shulman | Yury Shulman |
Yuri Stern | Yuri Stern |
Yuri van Gelder | Yuri van Gelder |
Yuria | Yuria |
Yuri-art | Yuri (manga) |
Yurihonjo | Yurihonjō, Akita |
Yurok (taal) | Yurok language |
Yurok (volk) | Yurok people |
Yuryaku | Emperor Yūryaku |
Yusaku Matsuda | Yusaku Matsuda |
Yusaku Ueno | Yusaku Ueno |
Yuscarán | Yuscarán |
Yusef Ali | Yusef Ahmed |
Yushania | Yushania |
Yushi Ozaki | Yushi Ozaki |
Yushi Soda | Yushi Soda |
Yushin Maru | Yūshin Maru |
Yushin Maru 3 | Yūshin Maru No. 3 |
Yushu | Yushu |
Yushu (arrondissement) | Yushu County |
Yushu (autonome Tibetaanse prefectuur) | Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture |
Yusuf al-Mustansir | Yusuf II, Almohad Caliph |
Yusuf al-Mu'taman ibn Hud | Yusuf al-Mu'taman ibn Hud |
Yusuf al-Qaradawi | Yusuf al-Qaradawi |
Yusuf Estes | Yusuf Estes |
Yusuf I | Yusuf I, Sultan of Granada |
Yusuf ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Fihri | Yusuf ibn 'Abd al-Rahman al-Fihri |
Yusuf ibn Tashfin | Yusuf ibn Tashfin |
Yusuf Lule | Yusuf Lule |
Yusuke Hatanaka | Yusuke Hatanaka |
Yusuke Igawa | Yusuke Igawa |
Yusuke Inuzuka | Yusuke Inuzuka |
Yusuke Maruhashi | Yusuke Maruhashi |
Yusuke Mori | Yusuke Mori |
Yusuke Murayama | Yusuke Murayama |
Yusuke Nakatani | Yusuke Nakatani |
Yusuke Omi | Yusuke Omi |
Yusuke Sato | Yusuke Sato |
Yusuke Shimada | Yusuke Shimada |
Yusuke Tanaka | Yūsuke Tanaka |
Yusuke Tanaka (3 februari 1986) | Yūsuke Tanaka (born February 3, 1986) |
Yusuke Tasaka | Yusuke Tasaka |
Yuta Abe | Yuta Abe |
Yuta Baba | Yuta Baba |
Yuta Mikado | Yuta Mikado |
Yuta Minami | Yuta Minami |
Yutaka Akita | Yutaka Akita |
Yutaka Ikeuchi | Yutaka Ikeuchi |
Yutaka Tahara | Yutaka Tahara |
Yutaka Takahashi | Yutaka Takahashi |
Yutan | Yutan, Nebraska |
Yutaro Abe | Yutaro Abe |
Yuto Nagatomo | Yuto Nagatomo |
Yuto Sato | Yūto Satō |
Yutog Sarma Yönten Gönpo | Yuthok Yontan Gonpo the Younger |
Yutog Yönten Gönpo | Yuthog Yontan Gonpo |
Yuval Ne'eman | Yuval Ne'eman |
Yuvraj Dhesi | Jinder Mahal |
Yuya | Yuya |
Yuya Horihata | Yuya Horihata |
Yuya Nakamura | Yuya Nakamura |
Yuya Oikawa | Yūya Oikawa |
Yuya Osako | Yuya Osako |
YuYu Hakusho | YuYu Hakusho |
Yuzawa (Akita) | Yuzawa, Akita |
Yuzo Funakoshi | Yuzo Funakoshi |
Yuzo Kobayashi | Yuzo Kobayashi |
Yuzo Koshiro | Yuzo Koshiro |
Yuzo Kurihara | Yuzo Kurihara |
Yuzo Tashiro | Yūzō Tashiro |
Yuzo Toyama | Yuzo Toyama |
Yuzuki Ito | Yuzuki Ito |
Yvan Ylieff | Yvan Ylieff |
Yvecrique | Yvecrique |
Yvelines | Yvelines |
Yverdon | Yverdon District |
Yvernaumont | Yvernaumont |
Yves | Yves |
Yves (Charente-Maritime) | Yves, Charente-Maritime |
Yves (voornaam) | Yves (given name) |
Yves De Winter | Yves De Winter |
Yves Debay | Yves Debay |
Yves Delage | Yves Delage |
Yves Deroff | Yves Deroff |
Yves Duteil | Yves Duteil |
Yves Feys | Yves Feys |
Yves Hézard | Yves Hézard |
Yves Lenaerts | Yves Lenaerts |
Yves Makabu-Makalambay | Yves Ma-Kalambay |
Yves Mersch | Yves Mersch |
Yves Niaré | Yves Niaré |
Yves Rocher | Yves Rocher (company) |
Yves Rocher (ondernemer) | Yves Rocher |
Yves Simon | Yves Simon (singer) |
Yvetot-Bocage | Yvetot-Bocage |
Yvette | Ivett |
Yvette (rivier) | Yvette |
Yvette Baker | Yvette Baker |
Yvette Freeman | Yvette Freeman |
Yvette Vickers | Yvette Vickers |
Yvias | Yvias |
Yviers | Yviers |
Yvignac-la-Tour | Yvignac-la-Tour |
Yville-sur-Seine | Yville-sur-Seine |
Yvo de Boer | Yvo de Boer |
Yvon Bertin | Yvon Bertin |
Yvon Durelle | Yvon Durelle |
Yvonne Elliman | Yvonne Elliman |
Yvonne Georgi | Yvonne Georgi |
Yvonne Keeley | Yvonne Keeley |
Yvonne Serruys | Yvonne Serruys |
Yvonne van Vlerken | Yvonne van Vlerken |
Yvonne Verbeeck | Yvonne Verbeeck |
Yvonne Wisse | Yvonne Wisse |
Yvoy-le-Marron | Yvoy-le-Marron |
Yvrac-et-Malleyrand | Yvrac-et-Malleyrand |
Yvrandes | Yvrandes |
Yvré-le-Pôlin | Yvré-le-Pôlin |
Yvré-l'Évêque | Yvré-l'Évêque |
Ywain | Ywain |
Yzerfontein | Yzerfontein |
Yzernay | Yzernay |
Yzeron | Yzeron |
Yzosse | Yzosse |
Z | Z (disambiguation) |
Z (film) | Z (film) |
Z (letter) | Z |
Z (schaal) | Z scale |
Z (videospel) | Z (video game) |
Z3 (computer) | Z3 (computer) |
Zaachila | Zaachila |
Zaad | Seed (disambiguation) |
Zaad (plant) | Seed |
Zaadbalkanker | Testicular cancer |
Zaadbank (ecologie) | Soil seed bank |
Zaadbank (genenbank) | Seedbank |
Zaadblaas | Seminal vesicle |
Zaadcel | Sperm |
Zaadknop | Ovule |
Zaadleider | Vas deferens |
Zaadlob | Cotyledon |
Zaadmantel | Aril |
Zaadplanten | Seed plants |
Zaadstreng | Spermatic cord |
Zaadvarens | Pteridospermatophyta |
Zaag | Saw |
Zaag- of zeebaarzen | Serranidae |
Zaagblad (plant) | Saw-wort |
Zaagbuikvissen | Slimehead |
Zaagdak | Saw-tooth roof |
Zaaghaaien | Sawshark |
Zaagschubadder | Echis carinatus |
Zaagsel | Sawdust |
Zaagtandalen | Sawtooth eel |
Zaaguil | Northern Saw-whet Owl |
Zaagvinken | Plantcutter |
Zaagvissen | Sawfish |
Zaagwespen | Sawfly |
Zaaien | Sowing |
Zaailing | Seedling |
Zaaimachine | Seed drill |
Zaak-Aleksandr Dolmatov | Suicide of Aleksandr Dolmatov |
Zaak-Fritzl | Josef Fritzl |
Zaakgelastigde | Chargé d'affaires |
Zaak-Gürtel | Gürtel case |
Zaak-Holloway | Natalee Holloway |
Zaak-Nóos | Nóos case |
Zaak-Outreau | Outreau trial |
Zaak-Terri Schiavo | Terri Schiavo case |
Zaakwaarneming | Negotiorum gestio |
Zaalhockey | Indoor field hockey |
Zaalkerk | Aisleless church |
Zaamslag | Zaamslag |
Zaandam | Zaandam |
Zaandam (schip) | MS Zaandam |
Zaandijk | Zaandijk |
Zababa-šuma-iddina | Zababa-shuma-iddin |
Zabaglione | Zabaione |
Zabakuck | Zabakuck |
Zăbala | Zăbala |
Zabalza | Zabalza |
Zabar | Zabar, Hungary |
Žabare (Kruševac) | Žabare (Kruševac) |
Žabari (gemeente) | Žabari |
Žabari (Valjevo) | Žabari (Valjevo) |
Zabelê | Zabelê |
Žabeň | Žabeň |
Zabenstedt | Zabenstedt |
Zábeštní Lhota | Zábeštní Lhota |
Żabi Róg | Żabi Róg |
Żabia Wola (gemeente) | Gmina Żabia Wola |
Zabid | Zabīd |
Zábiedovo | Zábiedovo |
Zabierzów (gemeente) | Gmina Zabierzów |
Zabierzów (Klein-Polen) | Zabierzów, Lesser Poland Voivodeship |
Zabit Samedov | Zabit Samedov |
Zabitz | Zabitz |
Ząbkowice Śląskie (gemeente) | Gmina Ząbkowice Śląskie |
Záblatí | Záblatí |
Záblatí (okres Jindřichův Hradec) | Záblatí (Jindřichův Hradec District) |
Záblatí (okres Prachatice) | Záblatí (Prachatice District) |
Záblatí (okres Žďár nad Sázavou) | Záblatí (Žďár nad Sázavou District) |
Žabljak (Montenegro) | Žabljak |
Zabłudów | Zabłudów |
Zabłudów (gemeente) | Gmina Zabłudów |
Żabno | Zabno |
Żabno (gemeente) | Gmina Żabno |
Žabokreky | Žabokreky |
Zabór | Zabór |
Zabór (gemeente) | Gmina Zabór |
Záboří (okres České Budějovice) | Záboří (České Budějovice District) |
Záboří (okres Strakonice) | Záboří (Strakonice District) |
Záborie | Záborie |
Záborná | Záborná |
Záborské | Záborské |
Žabovřesky | Žabovřesky (České Budějovice District) |
Žabovřesky nad Ohří | Žabovřesky nad Ohří |
Zăbrani | Zăbrani |
Zabranjeno Pušenje | Zabranjeno Pušenje |
Zabrđe (Novi Pazar) | Zabrđe (Novi Pazar) |
Zabrđe (Priboj) | Zabrđe (Priboj) |
Zabrđe (Sjenica) | Zabrđe (Sjenica) |
Zabrdica | Zabrdica |
Zabrdnji Toci | Zabrdnji Toci |
Žabren | Žabren |
Zábřezí-Řečice | Zábřezí-Řečice |
Zabriskie Point | Zabriskie Point |
Zabriskie Point (film) | Zabriskie Point (film) |
Zabrnjica | Zabrnjica |
Zábrodí | Zábrodí |
Zabrodzie | Zabrodzie |
Zabrodzie (gemeente) | Gmina Zabrodzie |
Zabrodzie (powiat Wyszkowski) | Zabrodzie, Wyszków County |
Ząbrowo | Ząbrowo |
Ząbrowo (Stare Pole) | Ząbrowo, Pomeranian Voivodeship |
Zabul | Zabul Province |
Zacapa (departement) | Zacapa Department |
Zacarias | Zacarias, São Paulo |
Zacatecas (staat) | Zacatecas |
Zacatecas (stad) | Zacatecas, Zacatecas |
Zach Stone | Zach Stone |
Zach Tyler Eisen | Zach Tyler Eisen |
Zachaenus | Zachaenus |
Zachaenus carvalhoi | Zachaenus carvalhoi |
Zachaenus parvulus | Zachaenus parvulus |
Zachar Jefimjenko | Zahar Efimenko |
Zachar Pasjoetin | Zakhar Pashutin |
Zacharia | Zechariah |
Zacharia (boek) | Book of Zechariah |
Zacharia (profeet) | Zechariah (Hebrew prophet) |
Zacharia (zoon van Jojada) | Zechariah ben Jehoiada |
Zacharias (Nieuwe Testament) | Zechariah (priest) |
Zacharias Topelius | Zachris Topelius |
Zacharias Wagener | Zacharias Wagenaer |
Zacharie Noah | Zacharie Noah |
Zacharovce | Zacharovce |
Zachary Bell | Zachary Bell |
Zachęta | Zachęta |
Zacheüs | Zacchaeus |
Záchlumí | Záchlumí |
Záchlumí (okres Tachov) | Záchlumí (Tachov District) |
Záchlumí (okres Ústí nad Orlicí) | Záchlumí (Ústí nad Orlicí District) |
Zachotín | Zachotín |
Zachrašťany | Zachrašťany |
Zacht hersenvlies | Pia mater |
Zacht verhemelte | Soft palate |
Zachte berk | Betula pubescens |
Zachte dravik | Bromus hordeaceus |
Zachte g | Hard and soft G in Dutch |
Zachte koralen | Alcyonacea |
Zachte naaldvaren | Polystichum setiferum |
Zachte ooievaarsbek | Geranium molle |
Zachthaarboomstekelrat | Colombian soft-furred spiny rat |
Zack and Miri Make a Porno | Zack and Miri Make a Porno |
Zack Kim | Zack Kim |
Zack Martin | Zack Martin |
Zack Ryder | Zack Ryder |
Zack Whyte | Zack Whyte |
Zackie Achmat | Zackie Achmat |
Zacky Vengeance | Zacky Vengeance |
Žacléř | Žacléř |
Zadar (provincie) | Zadar County |
Zădăreni | Zădăreni |
Zadel (dier) | Saddle |
Zadel (fiets) | Bicycle saddle |
Zadelbekooievaar | Saddle-billed Stork |
Zadeljakhals | Black-backed jackal |
Zadelknoop-bifurcatie | Saddle-node bifurcation |
Zadellibel | Hemianax ephippiger |
Zadelneus | Saddle nose |
Zadeloppervlak | Saddle surface |
Zadelpad | Pumpkin toadlet |
Zadelpunt | Saddle point |
Zadelrob | Harp seal |
Zadelsdorf | Zadelsdorf |
Zadelzeebrasem | Saddled seabream |
Zadelzwam | Polyporus squamosus |
Zadní Střítež | Zadní Střítež |
Zadní Třebaň | Zadní Třebaň |
Zadní Vydří | Zadní Vydří |
Zadní Zhořec | Zadní Zhořec |
Zádolí | Zádolí |
Zádor | Zádor, Hungary |
Žádovice | Žádovice |
Zadvarje | Zadvarje |
Zádveřice-Raková | Zádveřice-Raková |
Zadzim (gemeente) | Gmina Zadzim |
Zael | Zael, Burgos |
Zafra de Záncara | Zafra de Záncara |
Zafrilla | Zafrilla |
Żagań (gemeente) | Gmina Żagań |
Zaghouan (gouvernement) | Zaghouan Governorate |
Zaglavak | Zaglavak |
Zagłębie Lubin | Zagłębie Lubin |
Zaglossus attenboroughi | Sir David's Long-beaked Echidna |
Zagnańsk | Zagnańsk |
Zagnańsk (gemeente) | Gmina Zagnańsk |
Zagoeti | Samana hutia |
Zagoeti van Cuvier | Hispaniolan hutia |
Zagora (Marokko) | Zagora, Morocco |
Zagora (provincie) | Zagora Province |
Zagora-Mouresi | Zagora-Mouresi |
Zagorje | Zagorje (disambiguation) |
Zagórów (gemeente) | Gmina Zagórów |
Zagorska Sela | Zagorska Sela |
Zagórz | Zagórz |
Zagórz (gemeente) | Gmina Zagórz |
Zagórzyczki | Zagórzyczki |
Zagra | Zagra, Granada |
Zagradci | Zagradci |
Zagradina | Zagradina |
Zagreb (provincie) | Zagreb County |
Zagrodno | Zagrodno |
Zagrodno (gemeente) | Gmina Zagrodno |
Zagrosgebergte | Zagros mountains |
Zagyvarékas | Zagyvarékas |
Zahájí | Zahájí (České Budějovice District) |
Zaharija Prvoslavljević | Zaharija of Serbia |
Zahínos | Zahínos |
Zahir Ali | Zahir Ali |
Zahleh (district) | Zahlé District |
Záhor | Záhor |
Zahořany (okres Domažlice) | Zahořany (Domažlice District) |
Záhorce | Záhorce |
Zahorčice | Zahorčice (Strakonice District) |
Záhoří | Záhoří |
Záhoří (okres Jindřichův Hradec) | Záhoří (Jindřichův Hradec District) |
Záhoří (okres Písek) | Záhoří (Písek District) |
Záhoří (okres Semily) | Záhoří (Semily District) |
Záhoří (okres Tábor) | Záhoří (Tábor District) |
Záhorie | Záhorie |
Záhorie (plaats) | Záhorie (military district) |
Záhornice | Záhornice |
Záhorovice | Záhorovice |
Zahra Eshraghi | Zahra Eshraghi |
Zahrádky (okres Česká Lípa) | Zahrádky (Česká Lípa District) |
Zahrádky (okres Jindřichův Hradec) | Zahrádky (Jindřichův Hradec District) |
Záhradné | Záhradné |
Zahrensdorf | Zahrensdorf |
Zahumsko | Zahumsko |
Zaid Abdul-Aziz | Zaid Abdul-Aziz |
Zaidieten | Zaidiyyah |
Zaidín | Zaidín |
Zain Bhikha | Zain Bhikha |
Zainab bint Mohammed | Zainab bint Muhammad |
Zainsk | Zainsk |
Zaio | Zaio |
Zaïre | Zaire |
Zaïre (doorverwijspagina) | Zaire (disambiguation) |
Zaïre (munteenheid) | Zairean zaire |
Zaire (provincie) | Zaire Province |
Zajača | Zajača |
Zajas | Zajas Municipality |
Zaječar (district) | Zaječar District |
Zaječice | Zaječice (Chrudim District) |
Zaječiće | Zaječiće |
Zájezd (okres Kladno) | Zájezd (Kladno District) |
Zájezdec | Zájezdec |
Zajíčkov | Zajíčkov |
Zajien | Zayin |
Zajk | Zajk |
Zajta | Zajta |
Zak (kleding) | |
Zak (omhulsel) | Gunny sack |
Zak Orth | Zak Orth |
Zak van Colmar | Colmar Pocket |
Zak van Falaise | Falaise pocket |
Zakamensk | Zakamensk |
Zákány | Zákány |
Zákányszék | Zákányszék |
Zakaria Paliashvili | Zakaria Paliashvili |
Zakariya al-Qazwini | Zakariya al-Qazwini |
Zakat | Zakāt |
Zakdoek | Handkerchief |
Zakdoekje leggen | Duck, duck, goose |
Zakelijk recht | In rem jurisdiction |
Zaken zijn Zaken | Business is business |
Zakenreis | Business tourism |
Zakes Mokae | Zakes Mokae |
Zakgeld | Allowance (money) |
Zakho | Zakho |
Zakir Hussain | Zakir Hussain (politician) |
Zakjesdragers | Bagworm moth |
Zakkenrollerij | Pickpocketing |
Zaklantaarn | Flashlight |
Zakliczyn (gemeente) | Gmina Zakliczyn |
Zakliczyn (stad) | Zakliczyn |
Zaklików (gemeente) | Gmina Zaklików |
Zaklopača | Zaklopača |
Zaklopača (Grocka) | Zaklopača, Serbia |
Zaklopača (Kraljevo) | Zaklopača (Kraljevo) |
Zaklopen | Sack race |
Zakmes | Pocket knife |
Zakoeski | Zakuski |
Zákolany | Zákolany |
Žákovice | Žákovice |
Zakpijpen | Ascidiacea |
Zakroczym (gemeente) | Gmina Zakroczym |
Zakros | Zakros |
Zakrzew | Zakrzew |
Zakrzew (gemeente in powiat Lubelski) | Gmina Zakrzew, Lublin Voivodeship |
Zakrzew (gemeente in powiat Radomski) | Gmina Zakrzew, Masovian Voivodeship |
Zakrzewo (gemeente in powiat Aleksandrowski) | Gmina Zakrzewo, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship |
Zakrzewo (gemeente in powiat Złotowski) | Gmina Zakrzewo, Greater Poland Voivodeship |
Zakrzewo (powiat Aleksandrowski) | Zakrzewo, Gmina Zakrzewo |
Zakrzewo (powiat Złotowski) | Zakrzewo, Złotów County |
Zakrzówek | Zakrzówek |
Zakrzówek (gemeente) | Gmina Zakrzówek |
Zakuta | Zakuta |
Zakynthos (eiland) | Zakynthos |
Zakynthos (stad) | Zakynthos (city) |
Zala | Zala (disambiguation) |
Zala (comitaat) | Zala County |
Zala (plaats) | Zala (village) |
Zalaapáti | Zalaapáti |
Zalaba | Zalaba |
Zalabaksa | Zalabaksa |
Zalabér | Zalabér |
Zalaboldogfa | Zalaboldogfa |
Zalacsány | Zalacsány |
Zalacséb | Zalacséb |
Zalaegerszegi TE | Zalaegerszegi TE |
Zalagyömörő | Zalagyömörő |
Zalahaláp | Zalahaláp |
Zalaigrice | Zalaigrice |
Zalaistvánd | Zalaistvánd |
Zalakomár | Zalakomár |
Zalaköveskút | Zalaköveskút |
Zalalövő | Zalalövő |
Zalambdalestes | Zalambdalestes |
Zalamea de la Serena | Zalamea de la Serena |
Zalamea la Real | Zalamea la Real |
Zalameggyes | Zalameggyes |
Zalamerenye | Zalamerenye |
Zalaszabar | Zalaszabar |
Zalaszegvár | Zalaszegvár |
Zalaszentbalázs | Zalaszentbalázs |
Zalaszentgrót | Zalaszentgrót |
Zalaszentiván | Zalaszentiván |
Zalaszentjakab | Zalaszentjakab |
Zalaszentlászló | Zalaszentlászló |
Zalaszentmárton | Zalaszentmárton |
Zalaszentmihály | Zalaszentmihály |
Zalaszombatfa | Zalaszombatfa |
Zaláta | Zaláta |
Zalatárnok | Zalatárnok |
Zalaújlak | Zalaújlak |
Zalavég | Zalavég |
Zaldibar | Zaldibar |
Zaldibia | Zaldibia |
Zalduondo | Zalduondo |
Zálesí | Zálesí |
Zalesie | List of places in Poland named Zalesie |
Zálesie | Zálesie |
Zalesie (gemeente) | Gmina Zalesie |
Zálesie (okres Kežmarok) | Zálesie, Kežmarok District |
Zálesie (okres Senec) | Zálesie, Senec District |
Zalesie Kętrzyńskie | Zalesie Kętrzyńskie |
Zalesie Śląskie | Zalesie Śląskie |
Zalesje | Zalesye |
Zaleszany (gemeente) | Gmina Zaleszany |
Zaleukos van Lokroi Epizephyroi | Zaleucus |
Zalewo (gemeente) | Gmina Zalewo |
Zalf | Salve |
Zalha | Zalha |
Žalhostice | Žalhostice |
Zaligverklaring | Beatification |
Zaling | Crosstrees |
Zalipie (Klein-Polen) | Zalipie, Lesser Poland Voivodeship |
Zalk | Zalk |
Zalk en Veecaten | Zalk en Veecaten |
Zalla UC | Zalla UC |
Zalm | Salmon (disambiguation) |
Zalman Shazar | Zalman Shazar |
Zalmen | Salmonidae |
Zalmhaai | Salmon shark |
Zaloňov | Zaloňov |
Zalophus japonicus | Japanese sea lion |
Zálší (okres Tábor) | Zálší (Tábor District) |
Załuski (gemeente) | Gmina Załuski |
Zalužany | Zalužany |
Záluží | Záluží |
Záluží (okres Litoměřice) | Záluží (Litoměřice District) |
Zalužice | Zalužice |
Zalužje | Zalužje |
Zalving | Anointing |
Zam | Zam, Hunedoara |
Zam Zam Cola | Zam Zam Cola |
Zama (Kanagawa) | Zama, Kanagawa |
Zama (Tunesië) | Zama Regia |
Zamak | Zamak |
Zaman | Zaman |
Zaman (dagblad) | Zaman (newspaper) |
Zamasp | Djamasp |
Zambezi | Zambezi River |
Zambezia | Zambezia Province |
Zambia | Zambia |
Zambia op de Olympische Spelen | Zambia at the Olympics |
Zambiaans voetbaldrama | 1993 Zambia national football team air disaster |
Zambiaans voetbalelftal | Zambia national football team |
Zambiaanse kwacha | Zambian kwacha |
Zambian Airways | Zambian Airways |
Zamboanga City | Zamboanga City |
Zamboanga del Norte | Zamboanga del Norte |
Zamboanga del Sur | Zamboanga del Sur |
Zamboanga International Airport | Zamboanga International Airport |
Zamboanga Peninsula | Zamboanga Peninsula |
Zamboanguita | Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental |
Zambrana | Zambrana |
Zambrano | Zambrano, Bolívar |
Zambrów (gemeente) | Gmina Zambrów |
Zambujeira do Mar | Zambujeira do Mar |
Zamčanje | Zamčanje |
Zamek Bierzgłowski | Zamek Bierzgłowski |
Zamenhof (planetoïde) | 1462 Zamenhof |
Zamenhofdag | Zamenhof Day |
Zamfara | Zamfara State |
Zámoly | Zámoly |
Zamora | Zamora |
Zamora (Aragua) | Zamora, Aragua |
Zamora (Ecuador) | Zamora, Ecuador |
Zamora (Falcón) | Zamora, Falcón |
Zamora (Michoacán) | Zamora, Michoacán |
Zamora (Miranda) | Zamora, Miranda |
Zamora (provincie) | Province of Zamora |
Zamora (Spanje) | Zamora, Spain |
Zamora CF | Zamora CF |
Zamora Fútbol Club | Zamora FC |
Zamora-Chinchipe | Zamora-Chinchipe Province |
Zamość (gemeente) | Gmina Zamość |
Zamoskvoretskaja-lijn | Zamoskvoretskaya Line |
Žampach (okres Ústí nad Orlicí) | Žampach (Ústí nad Orlicí District) |
Zamperla | Zamperla |
Zámrsky | Zámrsky |
Zamudio | Zamudio |
Zamzam | Zamzam Well |
Zan Coulibaly | Zan Coulibaly |
Zanabazar (geestelijke) | Zanabazar |
Zanaco FC | Zanaco F.C. |
ZanAir | ZanAir |
Zanam Zindé | Zanam Zindé |
Zanclien | Zanclean |
Zanclognatha | Zanclognatha |
Zancona | Zancona |
Zand | Sand |
Zand (doorverwijspagina) | Zand |
Zand (dynastie) | Zand dynasty |
Zandadder | Vipera ammodytes |
Zandalee | Zandalee |
Zandalen | Hypoptychidae |
Zandbak | Sandpit |
Zandbank | Shoal |
Zandbankhaai | Sandbar shark |
Zandberg | Zandberg |
Zandbijen | Andrena |
Zandblauwtje | Jasione montana |
Zandboa's | Eryx (genus) |
Zandborden | Sandboarding |
Zandbot | Windowpane flounder |
Zandcementvloer | Screed |
Zanddeeg | Shortcrust pastry |
Zanddoorntje | Tetrix ceperoi |
Zandduikers | Sandburrower |
Zandduivel | Sand devil |
Zande (dorp) | Zande, Belgium |
Zander Diamond | Zander Diamond |
Zandhagedis | Sand Lizard |
Zandhaver | Leymus arenarius |
Zandhoenders | Sandgrouse |
Zandhuizen (Friesland) | Zandhuizen |
Zandkasteel | Sand castle |
Zandkokerworm | Sabellaria alveolata |
Zandkool | Diplotaxis (plant) |
Zandloopkevers (onderfamilie) | Tiger beetle |
Zandloper | Hourglass |
Zandloperdolfijn | Hourglass Dolphin |
Zandmotor | Sand engine |
Zandoerle | Zandoerle |
Zandoorworm | Labidura riparia |
Zandpol | Zandpol |
Zandraket | Arabidopsis thaliana |
Zandrenslangen | Psammophis |
Zandschar | Yellowtail flounder |
Zandskinken | Scincus |
Zandslak | Theba pisana |
Zandspiering | Lesser sand eel |
Zandspieringen | Sand lance |
Zandsteen | Sandstone |
Zandsterrenkijkers | Sand stargazer |
Zandstorm | Dust storm |
Zandstralen | Abrasive blasting |
Zandtijgerhaai | Sand tiger shark |
Zandvis | Sablefish |
Zandvisachtigen | Gonorynchiformes |
Zandvliegen | Phlebotominae |
Zandvlo | Chigoe flea |
Zandvoorde | Zandvoorde |
Zandvoorde (Zonnebeke) | Zandvoorde (Zonnebeke) |
Zandvos | Rüppell's fox |
Zandvulkaan | Sand volcano |
Zandwallaby | Agile wallaby |
Zandwerven | Zandwerven |
Zandwespen | Sand wasp |
Zandzak | Sandbag |
Zandzakdrager | Dahlica triquetrella |
Zandzegge | Carex arenaria |
Zanella | Zanella |
Zanesfield | Zanesfield, Ohio |
Zănești | Zănești |
Zanesville | Zanesville (disambiguation) |
Zanesville (Ohio) | Zanesville, Ohio |
Zanférébougou | Zanférébougou |
Zanfigué | Zanfigue |
Zangaléwa | Zamina mina (Zangalewa) |
Zangaradougou | Zangaradougou |
Zangasso | Zangasso |
Zangcicaden | Cicada |
Zanger | Singer |
Zangers (vogels) | Sylviidae |
Zangersknobbeltje | Vocal fold nodule |
Zanggors | Song Sparrow |
Zangief | Zangief |
Zangklok | Dawn chorus (birds) |
Zangkunst | Singing |
Zangkwartel | Singing Quail |
Zanglijster | Song Thrush |
Zangstem | Vocal range |
Zangvogels | Passerine |
Zangvogels (onderorde) | Songbird |
Zaniah | Eta Virginis |
Zaniemyśl (gemeente) | Gmina Zaniemyśl |
Zaniena | Zaniéna |
Zanina | Zanina |
Zaniolepis | Zaniolepis |
Zanj | Zanj |
Zanjan (provincie) | Zanjan Province |
Zanjan (stad) | Zanjan, Iran |
Zánka | Zánka |
Zannanza | Zannanza |
Zanobatus schoenleinii | Striped panray |
Zantiébougou | Zantiébougou |
Zantman's Rock | Zantman's Rock |
Zanzibar | Zanzibar (disambiguation) |
Zanzibar (staat) | Zanzibar |
Zanzibar (stad) | Zanzibar City |
Zanzibar Airport | Abeid Amani Karume International Airport |
Zanzibarfranjeaap | Zanzibar red colobus |
Zanzibargalago | Zanzibar bushbaby |
Zanzibars voetbalelftal | Zanzibar national football team |
Zanzibarverdrag | Heligoland–Zanzibar Treaty |
Zao | Zao |
Zao (Amerikaanse band) | Zao (American band) |
Zaorejas | Zaorejas |
Zaostro | Zaostro |
Zaouïa | Zawiya (institution) |
Zaovine | Zaovine |
Zap | Zap |
Zapadnaja Dvina | Zapadnaya Dvina |
Zapadni Mojstir | Zapadni Mojstir |
Zapala (departement) | Zapala Department |
Zapallar | Zapallar |
Zapardiel de la Cañada | Zapardiel de la Cañada |
Zapardiel de la Ribera | Zapardiel de la Ribera |
Zapata (Texas) | Zapata, Texas |
Zapata County | Zapata County, Texas |
Zapataral | Zapata Rail |
Zapatista | Zapatista |
Zapatistisch Nationaal Bevrijdingsleger | Zapatista Army of National Liberation |
Zapatoca | Zapatoca |
Zapayán | Zapayán |
Zapel | Zapel |
Zapf | Zapf |
Zaphod Beeblebrox | Zaphod Beeblebrox |
Zapolice (gemeente) | Gmina Zapolice |
Zapolice (powiat Zduńskowolski) | Zapolice, Zduńska Wola County |
Zapolje | Zapolje |
Zaporizja | Zaporizhia |
Zaporozje | Zaporizhia (disambiguation) |
Zaporozjski avtomobilny zavod | ZAZ |
Zapoteeks | Zapotec languages |
Zapoteken | Zapotec people |
Zapotlanejo | Zapotlanejo |
Zapovednik | Zapovednik |
Zapovednik Bajkalski | Baikal Nature Reserve |
Zapovednik Bolsjoj Arktitsjeski | Great Arctic State Nature Reserve |
Zapovednik Daoerski | Daursky Nature Reserve |
Zapovednik Kedrovaja Pad | Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve |
Zapovednik Kronotski | Kronotsky Nature Reserve |
Zapp Brannigan | Zapp Brannigan |
Zappa | Zappa |
Zappa confluentus | Zappa confluentus |
Zappeion | Zappeion |
Zappen | Channel surfing |
Zappendorf | Zappendorf |
Zapruderfilm | Zapruder film |
Zaqatala | Zaqatala |
Zaqatala (district) | Zaqatala Rayon |
Zaqatala (stad) | Zaqatala (city) |
Zaqqumboom | Zaqqum |
Žár | Žár (České Budějovice District) |
Zara (kledingketen) | Zara (retailer) |
Zara Larsson | Zara Larsson |
Zarafa | Zarafa (giraffe) |
Zaragoza | Zaragoza (disambiguation) |
Zaragoza (Antioquia) | Zaragoza Municipality, Antioquia |
Zaragoza (comarca) | Zaragoza (comarca) |
Zaragoza (Nueva Ecija) | Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija |
Zaragoza (provincie) | Province of Zaragoza |
Zaragoza (stad) | Zaragoza |
Zărand | Zărand |
Zaranj | Zaranj |
Zarasai (gemeente) | Zarasai District Municipality |
Zaratamo | Zaratamo |
Zaratán | Zaratán |
Zárate | Zárate |
Zárate (Buenos Aires) | Zárate, Buenos Aires Province |
Zárate (partido) | Zárate Partido |
Zarathustra | Zoroaster |
Žáravice | Žáravice |
Zarcero | Zarcero |
ZARD | Zard |
Zard Kuh | Zard-Kuh |
Zaręby Kościelne (gemeente) | Gmina Zaręby Kościelne |
Zářecká Lhota | Zářecká Lhota |
Zarema Sadoelajeva | Zarema Sadulayeva |
Zares | Zares |
Zaretsjny | Zarechny |
Zaretsjny (oblast Sverdlovsk) | Zarechny, Sverdlovsk Oblast |
Žarevo (Brus) | Žarevo |
Zarevo (Raška) | Zarevo (Raška) |
Zarganar | Zarganar |
Záriečie | Záriečie |
Zarinsk | Zarinsk |
Zariski-topologie | Zariski topology |
Zarka | Zarqa |
Zarka (gouvernement) | Zarqa Governorate |
Żarki | Żarki |
Żarki (gemeente) | Gmina Żarki |
Zarma | Zarma people |
Zarnewanz | Zarnewanz |
Żarnów (gemeente) | Gmina Żarnów |
Żarnowiec | Żarnowiec (disambiguation) |
Żarnowiec (gemeente) | Gmina Żarnowiec |
Żarnowiec (Silezië) | Żarnowiec, Silesian Voivodeship |
Zaro Agha | Zaro Aga |
Żarów (gemeente) | Gmina Żarów |
Żarowo (West-Pommeren) | Żarowo, West Pomeranian Voivodeship |
Zarožje | Zarožje |
Zarraga | Zarraga, Iloilo |
Zarren | Zarren |
Zarrendorf | Zarrendorf |
Zarrentin am Schaalsee | Zarrentin |
Zarszyn (gemeente) | Gmina Zarszyn |
Zarube | Zarube |
Zarumilla (provincie) | Zarumilla Province |
Żary (gemeente) | Gmina Żary |
Zarza de Granadilla | Zarza de Granadilla |
Zarza de Tajo | Zarza de Tajo |
Zarza la Mayor | Zarza la Mayor |
Zarzal | Zarzal |
Zarzecze | Zarzecze |
Zarzecze (gemeente) | Gmina Zarzecze |
Zarzosa | Zarzosa |
Zarzosa de Río Pisuerga | Zarzosa de Río Pisuerga |
Zarzuela | Zarzuela (disambiguation) |
Zarzuela (Cuenca) | Zarzuela, Cuenca |
Zarzuela de Jadraque | Zarzuela de Jadraque |
Zarzuelapaleis | Palace of Zarzuela |
Zasad | Zasad |
Zásada | Zásada |
Zasavska | Zasavska Statistical Region |
Záskalie | Záskalie |
Zásmuky | Zásmuky |
Zastava | Zastava |
Zastava Yugo Koral | Zastava Koral |
Zastávka | Zastávka (Brno-Country District) |
Zastron | Zastron |
Zastup | Zastup |
Zasu Pitts | ZaSu Pitts |
Zat | Zat (disambiguation) |
Zatanna | Zatanna |
Žatec (okres Jihlava) | Žatec (Jihlava District) |
Zaterdag | Saturday |
Zathura: A Space Adventure | Zathura (film) |
Zatín | Zatín |
Zaton (Dubrovnik) | Zaton, Dubrovnik-Neretva County |
Zator (gemeente) | Gmina Zator |
Zator (stad) | Zator |
Zatory | Zatory |
Zatory (gemeente) | Gmina Zatory |
Zau de Câmpie | Zau de Câmpie |
Zaugline | Zaugline |
Zaurak | Gamma Eridani |
Závada | Závada |
Závada (okres Humenné) | Závada, Humenné District |
Závada (okres Topoľčany) | Závada, Topoľčany District |
Závada (okres Veľký Krtíš) | Závada, Veľký Krtíš District |
Závadka (okres Gelnica) | Závadka, Gelnica District |
Závadka (okres Humenné) | Závadka, Humenné District |
Zavala County | Zavala County, Texas |
Zavalla | Zavalla, Texas |
Zavattariornis | Stresemann's Bushcrow |
Zavhan | Zavkhan Province |
Zavidov | Zavidov |
Zavinograđe | Zavinograđe |
Závišice | Závišice |
Závist (okres Blansko) | Závist (Blansko District) |
Zavlaka | Zavlaka |
Zavlekov | Zavlekov |
Závod | Závod, Slovakia |
Zavodo-oekovsk | Zavodoukovsk |
Zavodovski-eiland | Zavodovski Island |
Završje | Završje |
Zawady (gemeente) | Gmina Zawady |
Zawadzkie (gemeente) | Gmina Zawadzkie |
Zawichost | Zawichost |
Zawichost (gemeente) | Gmina Zawichost |
Zawidz | Zawidz |
Zawidz (gemeente) | Gmina Zawidz |
Zawoja | Zawoja |
Zawoja (gemeente) | Gmina Zawoja |
Zawonia | Zawonia |
Zawonia (gemeente) | Gmina Zawonia |
Zawonia (Neder-Silezië) | Zawonia, Lower Silesian Voivodeship |
Zawyet el'Aryan | Zawyet el'Aryan |
Zayandeh | Zayanderud |
Zayid bin Sultan al Nuhayyan | Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan |
Zaynab bint Ali | Zaynab bint Ali |
Zaynab bint Khuzayma | Zaynab bint Khuzayma |
Zaysan (stad) | Zaysan (town) |
Zaysanmeer | Lake Zaysan |
ZAZ | Zaz |
Zaza | Zaza |
Zaza (volk) | Zaza people |
Zazaki | Zazaki language |
Zazie dans le métro | Zazie dans le Métro |
Zázrivá | Zázrivá |
ZB ABe 130 | Stadler SPATZ |
Zbąszyń (gemeente) | Gmina Zbąszyń |
Zbąszynek | Zbąszynek |
Zbąszynek (gemeente) | Gmina Zbąszynek |
Zbečno | Zbečno |
Zbehňov | Zbehňov |
Zbehy | Zbehy |
Zbelítov | Zbelítov |
Zbenice | Zbenice |
Zbiczno | Zbiczno |
Zbiczno (gemeente) | Gmina Zbiczno |
Zbigniew Bródka | Zbigniew Bródka |
Zbigniew Brzeziński | Zbigniew Brzezinski |
Zbigniew Małkowski | Zbigniew Małkowski |
Zbigniew Namysłowski | Zbigniew Namysłowski |
Zbigniew Piątek | Zbigniew Piątek |
Zbigniew Seifert | Zbigniew Seifert |
Žbince | Žbince |
Zbiroh | Zbiroh |
Zblewo | Zblewo |
Zblewo (gemeente) | Gmina Zblewo |
Zblovice | Zblovice |
Zboiska | Zboiska |
Zboj | Zboj |
Zbójna (gemeente) | Gmina Zbójna |
Zbojné | Zbojné |
Zbójno | Zbójno |
Zbójno (gemeente) | Gmina Zbójno |
Zbójno (Koejavië-Pommeren) | Zbójno, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship |
Zbojštica | Zbojštica |
Zborov | Zborov |
Zborov (okres Šumperk) | Zborov (Šumperk District) |
Zborovy | Zborovy |
ZBoWID | Society of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy |
Zbožíčko | Zbožíčko |
Zbrašín | Zbrašín |
Zbraslav (okres Brno-venkov) | Zbraslav (Brno-Country District) |
Zbroetsj | Zbruch River |
Zbrojníky | Zbrojníky |
Zbrosławice | Zbrosławice |
Zbrosławice (gemeente) | Gmina Zbrosławice |
Zbůch | Zbůch |
Zbuczyn | Zbuczyn |
Zbuczyn (gemeente) | Gmina Zbuczyn |
Zbudská Belá | Zbudská Belá |
Zbudské Dlhé | Zbudské Dlhé |
Zbudza | Zbudza |
Zbyňov | Zbyňov |
Zbýšov (okres Brno-venkov) | Zbýšov |
Zbýšov (okres Vyškov) | Zbýšov (Vyškov District) |
Z-Cars | Z-Cars |
Ždánice (okres Hodonín) | Ždánice (Hodonín District) |
Ždánice (okres Žďár nad Sázavou) | Ždánice (Žďár nad Sázavou District) |
Ždánov | Ždánov (Domažlice District) |
Žďár (okres Blansko) | Žďár (Blansko District) |
Žďár (okres Jindřichův Hradec) | Žďár (Jindřichův Hradec District) |
Žďár (okres Mladá Boleslav) | Žďár (Mladá Boleslav District) |
Žďár (okres Písek) | Žďár (Písek District) |
Žďár (okres Rakovník) | Žďár (Rakovník District) |
Žďár nad Metují | Žďár nad Metují |
Žďár nad Orlicí | Žďár nad Orlicí |
Žďárky | Žďárky |
Zdechovice (okres Hradec Králové) | Zdechovice (Hradec Králové District) |
Zdenci | Zdenci |
Zdeněk Lukáš | Zdeněk Lukáš |
Zdenko Kožul | Zdenko Kožul |
Zdenko Verdenik | Zdenko Verdenik |
Zdeňkov | Zdeňkov |
Zderaz | Zderaz (Chrudim District) |
Zdeslav | Zdeslav of Croatia |
ZDF heute | Heute |
Zdiby | Zdiby |
Zdice | Zdice |
Zdihovo | Zdihovo |
Ždírec (okres Česká Lípa) | Ždírec (Česká Lípa District) |
Ždírec (okres Havlíčkův Brod) | Ždírec (Havlíčkův Brod District) |
Ždírec (okres Jihlava) | Ždírec (Jihlava District) |
Ždírec nad Doubravou | Ždírec nad Doubravou |
Zdobín | Zdobín |
Zdobnice | Zdobnice |
Zdravčići | Zdravčići |
Zdravko Miljak | Zdravko Miljak |
Zduńska Wola (gemeente) | Gmina Zduńska Wola |
Zduny (gemeente in powiat Krotoszyński) | Gmina Zduny, Greater Poland Voivodeship |
Zduny (gemeente in powiat Łowicki) | Gmina Zduny, Łódź Voivodeship |
Zdzieszowice (gemeente) | Gmina Zdzieszowice |
Zé Doca | Zé Doca |
Zé Roberto | Zé Roberto |
Zea | Zea |
Zeami Motokiyo | Zeami Motokiyo |
Zearalenon | Zearalenone |
Zearing | Zearing, Iowa |
Zeatine | Zeatin |
Zeaxanthine | Zeaxanthin |
Zeb Atlas | Zeb Atlas |
Zébala | Zebala |
Żebbuġ | Żebbuġ |
Żebbuġ (Gozo) | Żebbuġ, Gozo |
Żebbuġ (Malta) | Żebbuġ, Malta |
Zebe | Zebe |
Zebedeüs | Zebedee |
Zebegény | Zebegény |
Zeberio | Zeberio |
Zeboe | Zebu |
Zębowice (gemeente) | Gmina Zębowice |
Zębowice (Opole) | Zębowice, Opole Voivodeship |
Zębowo | Zębowo |
Zebra | Zebra (disambiguation) |
Zebra (dier) | Zebra |
Zebracichlide | Convict cichlid |
Zebraduif | Zebra Dove |
Zebraduiker | Zebra duiker |
Zebradwergspecht | White-barred Piculet |
Zebragrasmuis | Barbary striped grass mouse |
Zebrahaai | Zebra shark |
Žebrák | Žebrák |
Zebramangoeste | Banded mongoose |
Zebramurene | Zebra moray |
Zebraplatys | Zebraplatys |
Zebrasoma | Zebrasoma |
Zebrasoma gemmatum | Zebrasoma gemmatum |
Zebrasoma scopas | Zebrasoma scopas |
Zebrastraat | Zebrastraat |
Zebravink | Zebra Finch |
Zebravis | Zebrafish |
Zebravlinder | Heliconius charithonia |
Zebravogelspin | Aphonopelma seemanni |
Zebrilus | Zigzag Heron |
Zebrina detrita | Zebrina detrita |
Zebrzydowice | Zebrzydowice |
Zebrzydowice (gemeente) | Gmina Zebrzydowice |
Zebrzydowice (Silezië) | Zebrzydowice, Silesian Voivodeship |
Zebulon | Zebulun |
Zebulon (Georgia) | Zebulon, Georgia |
Zebulon (North Carolina) | Zebulon, North Carolina |
Zebulon Vance | Zebulon Baird Vance |
Zecca | Zecca |
Zecca (Venetië) | Zecca of Venice |
Zecharja | Zechariah of Israel |
Zeche Zollverein | Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex |
Zechin | Zechin |
Zechmolrat | Ghana mole rat |
Zechstein | Zechstein |
Zedd | Zedd (producer) |
Zeddenick | Zeddenick |
Zedendelict | Sex and the law |
Zee | Sea |
Zee Cine Award | Zee Cine Awards |
Zee van Azov | Sea of Azov |
Zee van Halmahera | Halmahera Sea |
Zee van Marmara | Sea of Marmara |
Zee van Ochotsk | Sea of Okhotsk |
Zeeafval | Marine debris |
Zee-Alpen (gebergte) | Maritime Alps |
Zeealsem | Artemisia maritima |
Zeeanemonen | Sea anemone |
Zeeanjelier | Metridium |
Zeeaquarium | Marine aquarium |
Zeearenden | Sea eagle |
Zeebaarzen | Splendid perch |
Zeebarbelen | Goatfish |
Zeeberen | Fur seal |
Zeebeving Indische Oceaan 2004 | 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake |
Zeebeving Java 2006 | July 2006 Java earthquake |
Zeebeving Sendai 2011 | 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami |
Zeebodem | Seabed |
Zeebrasems | Sparidae |
Zeebrugge | Zeebrugge |
Zeeburgereiland | Zeeburgereiland |
Zeedahlia | Northern red anemone |
Zeedeining | Swell (ocean) |
Zeeden | Maritime pine |
Zeedijk (Amsterdam) | Zeedijk |
Zeedraken | Pegasidae |
Zeeduivel | Lophius piscatorius |
Zeeduizendpoot | Alitta virens |
Zee-egels | Sea urchin |
Zee-engel | Squatina squatina |
Zee-engels | Angel shark |
Zeef | Sieve |
Zeef van Eratosthenes | Sieve of Eratosthenes |
Zeefbandfilter | Belt filter |
Zeefbeen | Ethmoid bone |
Zeefdruk | Screen-printing |
Zeefplaat | Cribellum |
Zeegang | Sea state |
Zeegerst | Hordeum marinum |
Zeegras | Zostera |
Zeegrasfamilie | Zosteraceae |
Zeegroen walstro | Galium glaucum |
Zeegroene ganzenvoet | Oxybasis glauca |
Zeegrondels | Freshwater sleepers |
Zeegse | Zeegse |
Zeehan | Zeehan, Tasmania |
Zeehaven van Brugge | Port of Bruges-Zeebrugge |
Zeehazen | Aplysiomorpha |
Zeehonden | Earless seal |
Zeehondenjacht | Seal hunting |
Zeehondsalamander | Seal salamander |
Zee-ijs | Sea ice |
Zeekaart | Nautical chart |
Zeekadettenmat | Légal Trap |
Zeekajak | Sea kayak |
Zeekanaal Brussel-Schelde | Brussels–Scheldt Maritime Canal |
Zeekarper | Black seabream |
Zeekatten (inktvissen) | Cuttlefish |
Zeeklimaat | Oceanic climate |
Zeeklit | Echinocardium cordatum |
Zeekoeien | Sirenia |
Zeekoet | Common Murre |
Zeekomkommers | Sea cucumber |
Zeekomma's | Cumacea |
Zeekool | Crambe maritima |
Zeekraal (geslacht) | Salicornia |
Zeekreeften | Lobster |
Zeekrokodil | Saltwater crocodile |
Zeeland | Sealand |
Zeeland (Michigan) | Zeeland, Michigan |
Zeeland (Noord-Brabant) | Zeeland, North Brabant |
Zeeland (North Dakota) | Zeeland, North Dakota |
Zeeland (provincie) | Zeeland (province) |
Zeelandbrug | Zeeland Bridge |
Zeelandië | Zealandia (continent) |
Zeelathyrus | Lathyrus japonicus |
Zeeleeuwen | Sea lion |
Zeeleguaan | Marine iguana |
Zeelelies | Crinoidea |
Zeelepelachtigen | Homalozoa |
Zeelst | Zeelst |
Zeelt | Tench |
Zeeluipaard | Leopard seal |
Zeem | Chamois leather |
Zeeman (winkel) | Zeeman (chain store) |
Zeemaneffect | Zeeman effect |
Zeemanschap | Seamanship |
Zeemansgids | Pilotage |
Zeemansgraf | Burial at sea |
Zeemeermin | Mermaid |
Zeemijl | Nautical mile |
Zeemijn | Naval mine |
Zeemink | Sea mink |
Zeemuis | Sea mouse |
Zeenaaldachtigen | Syngnathiformes |
Zeeniveau | Sea level |
Zeeolifanten | Elephant seal |
Zeeoorlogvoering | Naval warfare |
Zeeoren | Abalone |
Zeeotter | Sea otter |
Zeep (reiniging) | Soap |
Zeepaard | Seahorse (disambiguation) |
Zeepaardjes | Seahorse |
Zeepalingen | Congridae |
Zeepbel | Soap bubble |
Zeepboomfamilie | Sapindaceae |
Zeepier | Lugworm |
Zeepkist (voertuig) | Gravity racer |
Zeepkruid | Common Soapwort |
Zeepnotenboom | Sapindus |
Zeepokken | Sessilia |
Zeepokken (familie) | Balanidae |
Zeepostelein | Honckenya |
Zeeppomp | Soap dispenser |
Zeeprik | Sea lamprey |
Zeepzwam | Tricholoma saponaceum |
Zeeraket | Cakile maritima |
Zeerecht | Admiralty law |
Zeereservaat | Marine protected area |
Zeerijp | Zeerijp |
Zeeroofdieren | Pinniped |
Zeeroute | Sea lane |
Zeeroverij | Piracy |
Zeerust | Zeerust |
Zeeschildpadden | Cheloniidae |
Zeeschorpioenen | Eurypterid |
Zeesla | Ulva lactuca |
Zeeslag (spel) | Battleship (game) |
Zeeslag bij Chipana | Battle of Chipana |
Zeeslag bij Duins | Battle of the Downs |
Zeeslag bij Elba | Battle of Elba |
Zeeslag bij Gibraltar | Battle of Gibraltar (1607) |
Zeeslag bij het eiland Savo | Battle of Savo Island |
Zeeslag bij Jutland | Battle of Jutland |
Zeeslag bij Kaap Sint-Vincent | Battle of Cape St. Vincent |
Zeeslag bij Kaap Sint-Vincent (1797) | Battle of Cape St Vincent (1797) |
Zeeslag bij Kamperduin | Battle of Camperdown |
Zeeslag bij Kopenhagen | Battle of Copenhagen |
Zeeslag bij Lowestoft | Battle of Lowestoft |
Zeeslag bij Navarino | Battle of Navarino |
Zeeslag bij Nieuwpoort | Battle of the Gabbard |
Zeeslag bij Plymouth | Battle of Plymouth |
Zeeslag bij Puerto de Cavite | Battle of Puerto de Cavite |
Zeeslag bij Vigo | Battle of Vigo Bay |
Zeeslangen | Hydrophiinae |
Zeesneeuw | Marine snow |
Zeespiegelstijging | Current sea level rise |
Zeespinnen | Sea spider |
Zeestekelbaars | Spinachia spinachia |
Zeesterren | Starfish |
Zeestraat | Strait |
Zeestreepvaren | Asplenium marinum |
Zeestroom | Ocean current |
Zeeuws | Zeelandic |
Zeeuws-Vlaanderen | Zeelandic Flanders |
Zeevenkel | Crithmum |
Zeeverkenners | Sea Scout |
Zeevlinder | Butterfly blenny |
Zeevogel | Seabird |
Zeevolken | Sea Peoples |
Zeevruchten | Seafood |
Zeewaardigheid | Seakeeping |
Zeewater | Seawater |
Zeeweegbree | Plantago maritima |
Zeewier | Seaweed |
Zeewijk (schip) | Zeewijk |
Zeewind | Sea breeze |
Zeewinde | Calystegia soldanella |
Zeewolf | Atlantic wolffish |
Zeewolfsmelk | Euphorbia paralias |
Zeewolven | Anarhichadidae |
Zeezender | Offshore radio |
Zeezoogdieren | Marine mammal |
Zeezout | Sea salt |
Zefram Cochrane | Zefram Cochrane |
Zegama | Zegama |
Zegekruid | Nicandra |
Zegel van Alabama | Seal of Alabama |
Zegel van Alaska | Seal of Alaska |
Zegel van Arizona | Seal of Arizona |
Zegel van Arkansas | Seal of Arkansas |
Zegel van Californië | Seal of California |
Zegel van Colorado | Seal of Colorado |
Zegel van Connecticut | Seal of Connecticut |
Zegel van de Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden | Seal of the United States Virgin Islands |
Zegel van de Marshalleilanden | Seal of the Marshall Islands |
Zegel van Kansas | Seal of Kansas |
Zegel van Kentucky | Seal of Kentucky |
Zegel van Libië | Coat of arms of Libya |
Zegel van Madagaskar | Seal of Madagascar |
Zegel van Maine | Seal of Maine |
Zegel van Massachusetts | Seal of Massachusetts |
Zegel van Mauritanië | Seal of Mauritania |
Zegel van Micronesia | Seal of the Federated States of Micronesia |
Zegel van Minnesota | Seal of Minnesota |
Zegel van Montana | Seal of Montana |
Zegel van New York | Seal of New York |
Zegel van Palau | Seal of Palau |
Zegel van South Dakota | Seal of South Dakota |
Zegel van Utah | Seal of Utah |
Zegel van Washington (staat) | Seal of Washington |
Zegel van Zuid-Ossetië | Coats of arms of Ossetia |
Zegelbewaarder van Frankrijk | Keeper of the Seals of France |
Zegelkunde | Sigillography |
Zegellak | Sealing wax |
Zegen | Blessing |
Zegenvisserij | Seine fishing |
Zeger Bernhard van Espen | Zeger Bernhard van Espen |
Zeger II van Edingen | Sohier, Count of Enghien |
Zeger van Brabant | Siger of Brabant |
Zegge | Carex |
Zegge (plaats) | Zegge |
Zeggenkorfslak | Desmoulin's whorl snail |
Żegocina (gemeente) | Gmina Żegocina |
Zégoua | Zégoua |
Zegris | Zegris (genus) |
Zegrze | Zegrze |
Zegveld | Zegveld |
Zehava Ben | Zehava Ben |
Zehbitz | Zehbitz |
Zehlendorf | Zehlendorf |
Zehna | Zehna |
Zehrental | Zehrental |
Žehuň | Žehuň |
Zeidae | Zeidae |
Zeigler | Zeigler, Illinois |
Zeijen | Zeijen |
Zeil (schip) | Sail |
Zeildragers | Veliferidae |
Zeilen (sterrenbeeld) | Vela (constellation) |
Zeilen (varen) | Sailing |
Zeilen op de Olympische Jeugdzomerspelen 2010 | Sailing at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics |
Zeilen op de Olympische Zomerspelen | Sailing at the Summer Olympics |
Zeilen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1960 | Sailing at the 1960 Summer Olympics |
Zeilen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – 470 mannen | Sailing at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Men's 470 class |
Zeilen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – 470 vrouwen | Sailing at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Women's 470 class |
Zeilen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – 49er mannen | Sailing at the 2012 Summer Olympics – 49er class |
Zeilen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – Elliott 6m vrouwen | Sailing at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Elliott 6m |
Zeilen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – Laser mannen | Sailing at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Men's Laser class |
Zeilen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – RS:X mannen | Sailing at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Men's sailboard |
Zeilen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – Star mannen | Sailing at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Star class |
Zeilrecord | Speed sailing record |
Zeilrugvaalhaai | Sailback houndshark |
Zeilschip | Sailing ship |
Zeilteken | Sail emblem |
Zeilvinruwhaai | Sailfin roughshark |
Zeilvissen | Marlin |
Zeilvliegen | Hang gliding |
Zeilwagenrijden | Land sailing |
Žeimiai | Žeimiai |
Zeïne | Zein |
Zeis | Scythe |
Zeitgeist | Zeitgeist (disambiguation) |
Zeitgeist (film) | Zeitgeist: The Movie |
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A | Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A |
Zeja | Zeya |
Zeja (rivier) | Zeya River |
Zeja (stad) | Zeya, Russia |
Zeke & Luther | Zeke and Luther |
Zeke (band) | Zeke (band) |
Zeke Zarchy | Zeke Zarchy |
Zekeringspunt | Anchor (climbing) |
Zeki Demirkubuz | Zeki Demirkubuz |
Zeki Ökten | Zeki Ökten |
Zelal Cola | Zelal Cola |
Želatovice | Želatovice |
Żelazków (gemeente) | Gmina Żelazków |
Żelazków (powiat Kaliski) | Żelazków, Kalisz County |
Zelda's Adventure | CD-i games from The Legend of Zelda series |
Zeldzame aarde | Rare earth element |
Zeldzame Aarde-hypothese | Rare Earth hypothesis |
Zeldzame ziekte | Rare disease |
Zeldzame-aardemagneet | Rare-earth magnet |
Želeč (okres Tábor) | Želeč (Tábor District) |
Żelechlinek (gemeente) | Gmina Żelechlinek |
Želechovice | Želechovice |
Żelechów (gemeente) | Gmina Żelechów |
Zeledonia (vogel) | Wrenthrush |
Zelená Hora | Zelená Hora (Vyškov District) |
Zeleneč (okres Trnava) | Zeleneč, Slovakia |
Želenice (okres Kladno) | Želenice (Kladno District) |
Želenice (okres Most) | Želenice (Most District) |
Zelenikovo | Zelenikovo |
Zelenodolsk (Rusland) | Zelenodolsk, Russia |
Zelenograd | Zelenograd |
Zelenogradsk | Zelenogradsk |
Želetice (okres Hodonín) | Želetice (Hodonín District) |
Želetice (okres Znojmo) | Želetice (Znojmo District) |
Železná Breznica | Železná Breznica |
Železnice | Železnice |
Železnice Slovenskej republiky | Railways of Slovak Republic |
Železník | Železník (village) |
Železniki (gemeente) | Municipality of Železniki |
Zelfactualisering | Self-actualization |
Zelfbediening | Self-service |
Zelfbedieningsrestaurant | Fast food restaurant |
Zelfbeschikkingsrecht | Self-determination |
Zelfbeschikkingstheorie | Self-determination theory |
Zelfbestuiving | Self-pollination |
Zelfbinder | Reaper-binder |
Zelfcensuur | Self-censorship |
Zelfeffectiviteit | Self-efficacy |
Zelfgelijkvormigheid | Self-similarity |
Zelfgemaakte sterkedrank | Moonshine |
Zelfgenezend vermogen | Self-healing |
Zelfhulp | Self-help |
Zelfinductie | Inductance |
Zelfinformatie | Self-information |
Zelfkant | Selvage |
Zelfkastijding | Mortification of the flesh |
Zelfkennis | Self-knowledge (psychology) |
Zelfklevende postzegel | Self-adhesive stamp |
Zelfmoord | Suicide |
Zelfmoordaanslag | Suicide attack |
Zelfmoordbrief | Suicide note |
Zelfontbranding (scheikunde) | Spontaneous combustion |
Zelfontbrandingstemperatuur | Fire point |
Zelfontspanner | Self-timer |
Zelforganisatie | Self-organization |
Zelfportret | Self-portrait |
Zelfportretten van Vincent van Gogh | Self-portraits by Vincent van Gogh |
Zelfpsychologie | Self psychology |
Zelfreferentie | Self-reference |
Zelfreplicatie | Self-replication |
Zelfscankassa | Self checkout |
Zelfspot | Self-deprecation |
Zelfstandig bestuursorgaan | Quango |
Zelfstandig naamwoord | Noun |
Zelfverbranding | Self-immolation |
Zelfverdediging | Self-defence |
Zelfverdediging van de Poolse Republiek | Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland |
Zelfverdichtend beton | Self-consolidating concrete |
Zelfvernietiging | Self-destruct |
Zelfvoorzieningslandbouw | Subsistence agriculture |
Zelfzorgmedicijn | Over-the-counter drug |
Zelhem | Zelhem |
Zelig | Zelig |
Zelikah | Zuleika (legendary) |
Zelimchan Jandarbiejev | Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev |
Želino | Municipality of Želino |
Želiv | Želiv |
Želivsko | Želivsko |
Željin | Željin |
Željine | Željine |
Željko Kalac | Željko Kalac |
Željko Milinovič | Željko Milinovič |
Željko Pavlović | Željko Pavlović |
Željuša (Dimitrovgrad) | Željuša |
Zelkova | Zelkova |
Zell (Cochem-Zell) | Zell (Mosel) |
Zell (Luzern) | Zell, Lucerne |
Zell (Oostenrijk) | Zell, Carinthia |
Zell (Opper-Palts) | Zell, Upper Palatinate |
Zell (Zürich) | Zell, Zurich |
Zell am See (district) | Zell am See District |
Zella/Rhön | Zella/Rhön |
Zeller See | Lake Zell |
Zellig Harris | Zellig Harris |
Zellige | Zellige |
Zellik | Zellik |
Želmanovce | Želmanov |
Zeloten | Zealotry |
Zelotes | Zelotes |
Zelotibia | Zelotibia |
Zelotomys | Zelotomys |
Zelotomys hildegardeae | Hildegarde's broad-headed mouse |
Zelotomys woosnami | Woosnam's broad-headed mouse |
Želovce | Želovce |
Zelów (gemeente) | Gmina Zelów |
Zeltbahn (multi-functioneel zeil) | Shelter-half |
Zeltweg Luchthaven Circuit | Zeltweg Air Base |
Zelus | Zelus |
Žemaičių Naumiestis | Žemaičių Naumiestis |
Zeman | Zeman |
Žemberovce | Žemberovce |
Zembrzyce (gemeente) | Gmina Zembrzyce |
Zeme | Zeme, Lombardy |
Zemelen | Bran |
Zemeros flegyas | Zemeros flegyas |
Zemětice | Zemětice |
Zemfira | Zemfira |
Zemianske Podhradie | Zemianske Podhradie |
Zemianske Sady | Zemianske Sady |
Zemiansky Vrbovok | Zemiansky Vrbovok |
Zemitz | Zemitz |
Žemliare | Žemliare |
Zemnick | Zemnick |
Zempin | Zempin |
Zemplén | Zemplén |
Zemplín | Zemplín (village) |
Zemplínska Nová Ves | Zemplínska Nová Ves |
Zemplínska Široká | Zemplínska Široká |
Zemplínske Jastrabie | Zemplínske Jastrabie |
Zemplínske Kopčany | Zemplínske Kopčany |
Zemplínsky Branč | Zemplínsky Branč |
Zemships | Zemships |
Zemst-Bos | Zemst-Bos |
Zemstvo | Zemstvo |
Zen en de Kunst van het Motoronderhoud | Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance |
Zena (Oklahoma) | Zena, Oklahoma |
Zena Grey | Zena Grey |
Zenaida | Zenaida doves |
Zénaïde Bonaparte | Zénaïde Laetitia Julie Bonaparte |
Zenata | Zenata |
Zendek | Zendek |
Zendeling | Christian ministry |
Zender Belmont | Belmont transmitting station |
Zender Donebach | Sender Donebach |
Zenderen | Zenderen |
Zender-ontvanger | Transducer |
Zendersluiting | Sign-off |
Zendgraaf | Missus dominicus |
Zendmast | Radio masts and towers |
Zendmast Sint-Pieters-Leeuw | Sint-Pieters-Leeuw Tower |
Zendmast Zygry | FM- and TV-mast Zygry |
Zendstation Gufuskálar | Longwave radio mast Hellissandur |
Zendstation Smilde | Zendstation Smilde |
Zendvermogen | Transmitter power output |
Zenegroen | Ajuga |
Zenerdiode | Zener diode |
Zenereffect | Zener effect |
Zeng Liansong | Zeng Liansong |
Zengi | Imad ad-Din Zengi |
Zəngilan | Zəngilan |
Zəngilan (district) | Zangilan Rayon |
Zenica-Doboj | Zenica-Doboj Canton |
Zenit | Zenit |
Zenit (astronomie) | Zenith |
Zenit (persagentschap) | Zenit News Agency |
Zénith | Le Zénith |
Zénith (Parijs) | Zénith de Paris |
Zenithal hourly rate | Zenithal Hourly Rate |
Zenithoptera | Zenithoptera |
Zenkers vliegende slaapmuis | Pygmy scaly-tailed flying squirrel |
Ženklava | Ženklava |
Zenne | Zenne |
Zennewijnen | Zennewijnen |
Zeno | Zeno |
Zeno van Byzantium | Zeno (emperor) |
Zeno van Citium | Zeno of Citium |
Zeno van Elea | Zeno of Elea |
Zeno van Sidon | Zeno of Sidon |
Zeno van Tarsus | Zeno of Tarsus |
Zeno van Verona | Zeno of Verona |
Zenobia | Zenobia |
Zenobius van Florence | Zenobius of Florence |
Zenodorus | Zenodorus |
Zenon | Zeno of Caunus |
Zenon Caravella | Zenon Caravella |
Zenopsis nebulosa | Mirror dory |
Zenos | Zenos |
Zeno's paradoxen | Zeno's paradoxes |
Zens (Saksen-Anhalt) | Zens |
Zentralfriedhof | Zentralfriedhof |
Zentralstadion (Almaty) | Almaty Central Stadium |
Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung in Amsterdam | Central Office for Jewish Emigration |
Zentrum | Zentrum |
Zentrum Paul Klee | Zentrum Paul Klee |
Zenumagiër | Neuromancer |
Zenuw | Nerve |
Zenuwcel | Neuron |
Zenuwgas | Nerve agent |
Zenuwgroeifactor | Nerve growth factor |
Zenuwinzinking | Mental breakdown |
Zenuwknoop | Ganglion |
Zenuwreceptor | Sensory receptor |
Zenuwspiraal | Wire loop game |
Zenuwstelsel | Nervous system |
Zenuwweefsel | Nervous tissue |
Zenvo | Zenvo |
Zenwalk Linux | Zenwalk Linux |
Zeoliet | Zeolite |
Žepa | Žepa |
Zepelin | Zepelin |
Zephyr | Zephyr |
Zephyr Cove-Round Hill Village | Zephyr Cove–Round Hill Village, Nevada |
Zephyrhills | Zephyrhills, Florida |
Zephyros | Zephyrus |
Zephyrosaurus | Zephyrosaurus |
Zeppelin | Zeppelin (disambiguation) |
Zeppelin (schip) | USS Zeppelin (1914) |
Zeppelinpost | Zeppelin mail |
Zepperen | Zepperen |
Zepto | Zepto- |
Žerađe | Žerađe |
Zera'iem | Zeraim |
Zerain | Zerain |
Žeranovice | Žeranovice |
Zeraphine | Zeraphine |
Žeravice | Žeravice |
Žeravino | Žeravino |
Zerbo | Zerbo |
Zerbst (Anhalt) | Zerbst |
Zərdab | Zərdab (disambiguation) |
Zərdab (district) | Zardab Rayon |
Zerene | Zerene |
Zerene cesonia | Zerene cesonia |
Zerene eurydice | Zerene eurydice |
Zerkegem | Zerkegem |
Zerkel | Sercus |
Żerków (gemeente) | Gmina Żerków |
Žermanice | Žermanice |
Zermelo-Fraenkel-verzamelingenleer | Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory |
Zermelo-verzamelingenleer | Zermelo set theory |
Zermezele | Zermezeele |
Zernien | Zernien |
Zernikepolynoom | Zernike polynomials |
Zernitz | Zernitz |
Zernitz-Lohm | Zernitz-Lohm |
Žernov (okres Náchod) | Žernov |
Žernov (okres Semily) | Žernov (Semily District) |
Zero | Zero (disambiguation) |
Zero (kunst) | Zero (art) |
Zero 7 | Zero 7 |
Zéro de conduite | Zero for Conduct |
Zero Gravity Corporation | Zero Gravity Corporation |
Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge |
Zero Hour | Zero Hour |
Zero Hour (band) | Zero Hour (band) |
Zero no Tsukaima | The Familiar of Zero |
Zero Skateboards | Zero Skateboards |
Zero-capacitor random-access memory | Z-RAM |
Zeroconf | Zero-configuration networking |
Zero-day attack | Zero-day attack |
Žerotice | Žerotice |
Žerotín (okres Louny) | Žerotín (Louny District) |
Žerotín (okres Olomouc) | Žerotín (Olomouc District) |
Zerrenthin | Zerrenthin |
Zersenay Tadese | Zersenay Tadese |
Zerubbabel | Zerubbabel |
Zérubia | Zérubia |
Žerůtky (okres Blansko) | Žerůtky (Blansko District) |
Žerůtky (okres Znojmo) | Žerůtky (Znojmo District) |
Zervreilahorn | Zervreilahorn |
Zerynthia | Zerynthia |
Zes Bodhibomentempel | Temple of the Six Banyan Trees |
Zes Dynastieën | Six Dynasties |
Zes Oktober (gouvernement) | 6th of October Governorate |
Zes Oktober (stad) | 6th of October City |
Zes partita's (Bach) | Partitas for keyboard (Bach) |
Zes suites voor onbegeleide cello (J.S. Bach) | Cello Suites (Bach) |
Zes van Birmingham | Birmingham Six |
Zes zintuigen | Ṣaḍāyatana |
Zesbandgordeldier | Six-banded armadillo |
Zeschdorf | Zeschdorf |
ZESCO United | ZESCO United F.C. |
Zesdaagse | Six-day racing |
Zesdaagse Oorlog | Six-Day War |
Zesdaagse van Grenoble | Six Days of Grenoble |
Zesdaagse van Vlaanderen-Gent | Six Days of Ghent |
Zesdaagse Veldtocht | Six Days' Campaign |
Zesde Coalitieoorlog | War of the Sixth Coalition |
Zesde Kruistocht | Sixth Crusade |
Zesde ziekte | Exanthema subitum |
Zesendertig gezichten op de berg Fuji | Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji |
Zesgehuchten | Zesgehuchten |
Zeshan Rehman | Zesh Rehman |
Zeshoek | Hexagon |
Zeshoeksgetal | Hexagonal number |
Zeskeizerjaar | Year of the Six Emperors |
Zeskieuwige doornroggen | Sixgill stingray |
Zeskieuwszaaghaai | Sixgill sawshark |
Zeslandenoverleg | Six-party talks |
Zeslandentoernooi | Six Nations Championship |
Zeslandentoernooi 2013 | 2013 Six Nations Championship |
Zesoogspinnen | Tube-dwelling spider |
Zespotigen | Hexapoda |
Zespuntmoerasloopkever | Agonum sexpunctatum |
Zesstreepuil | Six-striped Rustic |
Zest Airways | Zest Airways |
Zestaponi (stad) | Zestaponi |
Zesteur | Zester |
Zestienhoek | Hexadecagon |
Zestigers | Sestigers |
Zestoa | Zestoa |
Zesvlak | Hexahedron |
Zeta | Zeta (disambiguation) |
Zèta | Zeta (letter) |
Zeta (land) | Principality of Zeta |
Zeta (rivier) | Zeta (river) |
Zetabanaat | Zeta Banovina |
Zèta-functie | List of zeta functions |
Zetaquira | Zetaquirá |
Zèta-verdeling | Zeta distribution |
Zetel | Seat (disambiguation) |
Zetellift | Chairlift |
Zethlingen | Zethlingen |
Zethner See | Zethner See |
Zetmeel | Starch |
Zetpil | Suppository |
Zetta | Zetta- |
Zettagram | Orders of magnitude (mass) |
Zetten (druktechniek) | Typesetting |
Zetten (Gelderland) | Zetten |
Zetten (metaaltechniek) | Bending (metalworking) |
Zetting (proces) | Consolidation (soil) |
Zeuchfeld | Zeuchfeld |
Zeughaus (Deutsches Historisches Museum) | Zeughaus |
Zeugma | Zeugma |
Zeugopterus | Zeugopterus |
Zeus (doorverwijspagina) | Zeus (disambiguation) |
Zeus (geslacht) | Zeus (fish) |
Zeus capensis | Cape Dory |
Zeuxippus | Zeuxippus |
Zeuxis | Zeuxis |
Z'EV | Z'EV |
Zévaco | Zévaco |
Zeven bankiers | Semibankirschina |
Zeven bruggen van Koningsbergen | Seven Bridges of Königsberg |
Zeven deugden | Seven virtues |
Zeven Gaven | Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit |
Zeven gemeenten | Seven churches of Asia |
Zeven geslachten van Brussel | Seven Noble Houses of Brussels |
Zeven heuvels van Rome | Seven hills of Rome |
Zeven Hoofdzonden | Seven deadly sins (disambiguation) |
Zeven Hoofdzonden (Jheronimus Bosch of navolger) | The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things |
Zeven jaar in Tibet | Seven Years in Tibet |
Zeven pelgrimskerken van Rome | Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome |
Zeven Provinciën (scheepsnaam) | HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën |
Zeven Provinciën (vlaggenschip 1665-1694) | Dutch ship De Zeven Provinciën (1665) |
Zeven Slapers van Efeze | Seven Sleepers |
Zeven Speren van Shizugatake | Seven Spears of Shizugatake |
Zeven Steden van Cibola | Seven Cities of Gold (myth) |
Zeven tegen Thebe | Seven Against Thebes |
Zeven toegangswegen van Kamakura | Kamakura's Seven Entrances |
Zeven toppen | Seven Summits |
Zeven tweede toppen | Seven Second Summits |
Zeven Valleien | The Seven Valleys |
Zeven Vreugden van Maria | Seven Joys of the Virgin |
Zeven vrije kunsten | Liberal arts |
Zeven wereldwonderen van de antieke wereld | Seven Wonders of the Ancient World |
Zeven werken van barmhartigheid | Works of mercy |
Zeven Wijzen | Seven Sages of Greece |
Zeven wijzen van Mexico | Los Siete Sabios de México |
Zeven wonderen van Portugal | Seven Wonders of Portugal |
Zeven zeeën | Seven Seas |
Zeven Zusters (Moskou) | Seven Sisters (Moscow) |
Zevenbandgordeldier | Seven-banded armadillo |
Zevenblad | Aegopodium podagraria |
Zevenburger Saksen | Transylvanian Saxons |
Zevenburger Saksisch | Transylvanian Saxon dialect |
Zevendagenslag | Seven Days Battles |
Zevende Kruistocht | Seventh Crusade |
Zevendedagsadventisten | Seventh-day Adventist Church |
Zevendedagsbaptisten | Seventh Day Baptists |
Zevender | Zevender |
Zevenentwintigste amendement van de grondwet van de Verenigde Staten | Twenty-seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution |
Zevengesternte | Pleiades (star cluster) |
Zevenheuvelenloop | Zevenheuvelenloop |
Zevenhoek | Heptagon |
Zevenhuizen | Zevenhuizen |
Zevenhuizen (Bunschoten) | Zevenhuizen, Bunschoten |
Zevenhuizen (Zuidplas) | Zevenhuizen, Zuidplas |
Zevenjarige Oorlog (1756-1763) | Seven Years' War |
Zevenkamp (atletiek) | Heptathlon |
Zevenkleurige tangare | Seven-coloured Tanager |
Zevenmijlslaarzen | Seven-league boots |
Zevensegmentendisplay | Seven-segment display |
Zevenster | Trientalis europaea |
Zevenstippelig lieveheersbeestje | Coccinella septempunctata |
Zevenstromenland | Zhetysu |
Zeventien Provinciën | Seventeen Provinces |
Zeventienhoek | Heptadecagon |
Zeventig discipelen | Seventy disciples |
Zevio | Zevio |
Zeybek | Zeibekiko |
Zeynep Sever | Zeynep Sever |
Zeynep Tokuş | Zeynep Tokuş |
Zeytinburnuspor | Zeytinburnuspor |
Zêzere | Zêzere River |
ZF Mgcawu | ZF Mgcawu District Municipality |
ZFC | ZFC (disambiguation) |
ZFC Meuselwitz | ZFC Meuselwitz |
Zgharta | Zgharta |
Zgharta (district) | Zgharta District |
Zgierz (gemeente) | Gmina Zgierz |
Zgorzelec (gemeente) | Gmina Zgorzelec |
Zhabei (district) | Zhabei District |
Zhang | Zhang |
Zhang (张) | Zhang (surname) |
Zhang Guohua | Zhang Guohua |
Zhang Jun | Zhang Jun (badminton) |
Zhang Lin | Zhang Lin (swimmer) |
Zhang Qingli | Zhang Qingli |
Zhang Shuai | Zhang Shuai |
Zhang Shuai (tennis) | Zhang Shuai (tennis) |
Zhang Shuang | Zhang Shuang |
Zhang Shujing | Zhang Shujing |
Zhang Xiangxiang | Zhang Xiangxiang |
Zhang Xiaogang | Zhang Xiaogang |
Zhang Yingying | Zhang Yingying |
Zhang Zhidong | Zhang Zhidong |
Zhang Zhongjing | Zhang Zhongjing |
Zhang Zhongqi | Zhang Zhongqi |
Zhangzhung | Zhangzhung |
Zhao (staat) | Zhao (state) |
Zhao Jin | Zhao Jin |
Zhao Jing | Zhao Jing (swimmer) |
Zhejiangnese Yue-opera | Yueju opera |
Zhemgang (district) | Zhemgang District |
Zheng | Zheng |
Zheng (staat) | Zheng (state) |
Zhengde | Zhengde Emperor |
Zhengtong | Zhengtong Emperor |
Zhenwei Wang | Zhenwei Wang |
Zhi Gin Lam | Lam Zhi Gin |
Zhijiang | Zhijiang, Hubei |
Zhi-Vago | Zhi-Vago |
Zhongshan (staat) | Zhongshan (state) |
ZhongTong Bus | Zhongtong Bus |
Zhongxing | ZX Auto |
Zhongyuan | Central Plain (China) |
Zhongyuan-Mandarijn | Central Plains Mandarin |
Zhongyuansaurus | Zhongyuansaurus |
Zhoř (okres Brno-venkov) | Zhoř (Brno-Country District) |
Zhoř (okres Jihlava) | Zhoř (Jihlava District) |
Zhoř (okres Písek) | Zhoř (Písek District) |
Zhoř (okres Tachov) | Zhoř (Tachov District) |
Zhor El Kamch | Zhor El Kamch |
Zhoř u Mladé Vožice | Zhoř u Mladé Vožice |
Zhoř u Tábora | Zhoř u Tábora |
Zhořec | Zhořec (Pelhřimov District) |
Zhou Huanwang | King Huan of Zhou |
Zhou Pingwang | King Ping of Zhou |
Zhou Xuan | Zhou Xuan |
Zhou Yang | Zhou Yang (speed skater) |
Zhou Youwang | King You of Zhou |
Zhou-dynastie | Zhou Dynasty |
Zhovti Vody | Zhovti Vody |
Zhu Jianhua | Zhu Jianhua |
Zhu Qianwei | Zhu Qianwei |
Zhuang | Zhuang |
Zhuang (taal) | Zhuang languages |
Zhuang (volk) | Zhuang people |
Zhuangzi | Chuang Tzu |
Zhubei | Zhubei |
Zhuchengtyrannus | Zhuchengtyrannus |
Zhuge | Zhuge |
Zhuhai International Circuit | Zhuhai International Circuit |
Zhukaigou-cultuur | Zhukaigou culture |
Zhurong | Zhu Rong (god) |
Zhuyin | Zhuyin |
Zia | Zia |
Zia al-Din Tabataba'i | Zia'eddin Tabatabaee |
Zia Pueblo | Zia Pueblo, New Mexico |
Ziad Tlemçani | Ziad Tlemçani |
Zianiden | Zayyanid dynasty |
Žiar (okres Liptovský Mikuláš) | Žiar, Liptovský Mikuláš District |
Žiar (okres Revúca) | Žiar, Revúca District |
Zibal | Zeta Eridani |
ZIB-FPA | Forensic psychiatry |
Žibritov | Žibritov |
Zicavo | Zicavo |
Zichovec | Zichovec |
Žichovice | Žichovice |
Zichow | Zichow |
Zichtau | Zichtau |
Zichtbaar spectrum | Visible light |
Zichtbaarheid | Visibility |
Zichzelf waarmakende voorspelling | Self-fulfilling prophecy |
Zickhusen | Zickhusen |
Zics | Zics |
ZiD | Degtyarev plant |
Zidane | Zidane (name) |
Zidani Most (Laško) | Zidani Most |
Zidanta I | Zidanta I |
Židlochovice | Židlochovice |
Židněves | Židněves |
Židovice (okres Jičín) | Židovice (Jičín District) |
Židovice (okres Litoměřice) | Židovice (Litoměřice District) |
Zié Diabaté | Zié Diabaté |
Ziebach County | Ziebach County, South Dakota |
Ziębice (gemeente) | Gmina Ziębice |
Ziege | Pelecus cultratus |
Ziegendorf (Mecklenburg-Voor-Pommeren) | Ziegendorf |
Ziegenhain (Westerwald) | Ziegenhain |
Ziegfeld Follies (film) | Ziegfeld Follies (film) |
Ziegfeld Girl | Ziegfeld Girl (film) |
Ziegler-Natta-katalysator | Ziegler–Natta catalyst |
Ziehl-Neelsen-kleuring | Ziehl–Neelsen stain |
Zieke man van Europa | Sick man of Europe |
Ziekenfonds (Nederland) | Health maintenance organization |
Ziekenhuis | Hospital |
Ziekenhuisinfectie | Hospital-acquired infection |
Ziekenhuisinformatiesysteem | Hospital information system |
Ziekenhuisserie | Medical drama |
Ziekenzalving | Anointing of the Sick |
Ziekte | Disease |
Ziekte van Addison | Addison's disease |
Ziekte van Alper | Alpers' disease |
Ziekte van Alzheimer | Alzheimer's disease |
Ziekte van Aujeszky | Pseudorabies |
Ziekte van Bechterew | Ankylosing spondylitis |
Ziekte van Behçet | Behçet's disease |
Ziekte van Binswanger | Binswanger's disease |
Ziekte van Bornholm | Bornholm disease |
Ziekte van Buerger | Thromboangiitis obliterans |
Ziekte van Chagas | Chagas disease |
Ziekte van Coats | Coats' disease |
Ziekte van Creutzfeldt-Jakob | Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease |
Ziekte van Crohn | Crohn's disease |
Ziekte van Dercum | Adiposis dolorosa |
Ziekte van Duchenne | Duchenne muscular dystrophy |
Ziekte van Dupuytren | Dupuytren's contracture |
Ziekte van Ebstein | Ebstein's anomaly |
Ziekte van Fabry | Fabry disease |
Ziekte van Forestier | Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis |
Ziekte van Gaucher | Gaucher's disease |
Ziekte van Glanzmann | Glanzmann's thrombasthenia |
Ziekte van Graves | Graves' disease |
Ziekte van Hartnup | Hartnup disease |
Ziekte van Hashimoto | Hashimoto's thyroiditis |
Ziekte van Hirschsprung | Hirschsprung's disease |
Ziekte van Hodgkin | Hodgkin's lymphoma |
Ziekte van Huntington | Huntington's disease |
Ziekte van Kawasaki | Kawasaki disease |
Ziekte van Kennedy | Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy |
Ziekte van Köhler | Köhler disease |
Ziekte van Krabbe | Krabbe disease |
Ziekte van Ledderhose | Plantar fibromatosis |
Ziekte van Legg-Calvé-Perthes | Legg–Calvé–Perthes syndrome |
Ziekte van Marie-Bamberger | Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy |
Ziekte van Ménière | Ménière's disease |
Ziekte van Menkes | Menkes disease |
Ziekte van Mondor | Mondor's disease |
Ziekte van Newcastle | Newcastle disease |
Ziekte van Niemann-Pick type C | Niemann–Pick disease, type C |
Ziekte van Osgood-Schlatter | Osgood–Schlatter disease |
Ziekte van Paget | Paget's disease of bone |
Ziekte van Paget (huid) | Paget's disease of the breast |
Ziekte van Parkinson | Parkinson's disease |
Ziekte van Pelizaeus-Merzbacher | Pelizaeus–Merzbacher disease |
Ziekte van Peyronie | Peyronie's disease |
Ziekte van Pick | Pick's disease |
Ziekte van Pompe | Glycogen storage disease type II |
Ziekte van Rendu-Osler-Weber | Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia |
Ziekte van Sanfilippo | Sanfilippo syndrome |
Ziekte van Strümpell | Hereditary spastic paraplegia |
Ziekte van Tangier | Tangier disease |
Ziekte van Tay-Sachs | Tay-Sachs disease |
Ziekte van Von Hippel-Lindau | Von Hippel–Lindau disease |
Ziekte van Von Recklinghausen | Neurofibromatosis type I |
Ziekte van Waldenström | Waldenström's macroglobulinemia |
Ziekte van Wegener | Wegener's granulomatosis |
Ziekte van Weil | Leptospirosis |
Ziekte van Whipple | Whipple's disease |
Ziekte van Wilson | Wilson's disease |
Ziektebeeld | List of diseases |
Ziektecompartimentenmodel | Compartmental models in epidemiology |
Ziektekostenverzekering | Health insurance |
Ziekte-overdracht | Transmission (medicine) |
Ziel (film) | Dusha |
Ziel (filosofie) | Soul |
Ziel van het vuur | Soul of the Fire |
Zielen (boek) | The Host (novel) |
Zielitz | Zielitz |
Zielona Góra (gemeente) | Gmina Zielona Góra |
Zielona Góra (woiwodschap) | Zielona Góra Voivodeship (1975–98) |
Zielonka | Zielonka |
Zielonki | Zielonki |
Zielonki (gemeente) | Gmina Zielonki |
Zieltonen | Soul Music (novel) |
Zieluń | Zieluń |
Ziemendorf | Ziemendorf |
Ziemomysł van Inowrocław | Ziemomysł of Kuyavia |
Ziemovit I van Mazovië | Siemowit I of Masovia |
Ziemovit III van Mazovië | Siemowit III, Duke of Masovia |
Ziemovit van Bytom | Siemowit of Bytom |
Ziemovit van Rawa | Siemowit II of Masovia |
Zien | Visual perception |
Zierbena | Zierbena |
Zierer | Zierer |
Zierfandler | Zierfandler |
Zierzow | Zierzow |
Ziesendorf | Ziesendorf |
Ziethen (Barnim) | Ziethen, Brandenburg |
Ziethen (bij Anklam) | Ziethen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Ziethen (Lauenburg) | Ziethen, Schleswig-Holstein |
Zigeunermuziek | Romani music |
Zigeunertoonladder | Gypsy scale |
Ziggo | Ziggo |
Ziggo Dome | Ziggo Dome |
Ziggoerat | Ziggurat |
Zigismunds Sirmais | Zigismunds Sirmais |
Zigliara | Zigliara |
Zigoitia | Zigoitia |
Ziguinchor (regio) | Ziguinchor Region |
Ziguy Badibanga | Ziguy Badibanga |
Zigzag | Zigzag (disambiguation) |
Zigzag (lijn) | Zigzag |
Zigzagstoel | Zig-Zag Chair |
Žihle | Žihle |
Žihobce | Žihobce |
Zij danste slechts een zomer | One Summer of Happiness |
Zijbeuk | Aisle |
Zijde (meetkunde) | Face (geometry) |
Zijde (textiel) | Silk |
Zijdebijen | Colletes |
Zijdehaai | Silky shark |
Zijdehoen | Silkie |
Zijdeplant | Asclepias syriaca |
Zijderoute | Silk Road |
Zijderveld | Zijderveld |
Zijdesifaka | Silky sifaka |
Zijdespinnen | Nephilidae |
Zijdestaart | Grey Hypocolius |
Zijdevlinder | Bombyx mori |
Zijdewind | Zijdewind |
Zijklepmotor | Flathead engine |
Zijldijk | Zijldijk |
Zijlijn | Lateral line |
Zijlstra | Zijlstra |
Zijn | Being |
Zijn beste vriend | A Boy's Best Friend |
Zijn en Tijd | Being and Time |
Zijn laatste buiging | His Last Bow |
Zijner Majesteits (scheepsaanduiding) | His/Her Dutch Majesty's Ship |
Zijrivier | Tributary |
Zijspan | Sidecar |
Zijspancross | Sidecarcross |
Zijwieltjes | Training wheels |
Zijwind | Crosswind |
Zijwindlanding | Crosswind landing |
Zijwortel | Lateral root |
Žikava | Žikava |
Ziklag | Ziklag |
Ziklokross Igorre | Ziklokross Igorre |
Žilina (okres Kladno) | Žilina (Kladno District) |
Žilina (regio) | Žilina Region |
Žilinci | Žilinci |
Žiljci | Žiljci |
Zilla Huma Usman | Zil-e-Huma Usman |
Zillebeke | Zillebeke |
Zillertal Arena | Zillertal Arena |
Zillertaler Alpen | Zillertal Alps |
Zillertalspoorlijn | Zillertal Railway |
Zilner Randolph | Zilner Randolph |
Žilov | Žilov |
Zilpa | Zilpah |
Zilt water | Salt water |
Zilupes novads | Zilupe municipality |
Zilver | Silver |
Zilver(I)fluoride | Silver(I) fluoride |
Zilver(I)oxide | Silver oxide |
Zilver(II)fluoride | Silver(II) fluoride |
Zilveracetylide | Silver acetylide |
Zilverazide | Silver azide |
Zilverbekje | African Silverbill |
Zilverbladvis | Silver moony |
Zilverbladvissen | Monodactylidae |
Zilverbromaat | Silver bromate |
Zilverbromide | Silver bromide |
Zilverbruin blauwtje | Plebejus nicias |
Zilvercarbonaat | Silver carbonate |
Zilverchloraat | Silver chlorate |
Zilverchloride | Silver chloride |
Zilverchloride-elektrode | Silver chloride electrode |
Zilverchromaat | Silver chromate |
Zilvercyanide | Silver cyanide |
Zilverdas | American badger |
Zilverdikdik | Silver dik-dik |
Zilverdistel | Carlina acaulis |
Zilverdoorn | Silverthorn (novel) |
Zilveren arowana | Silver arowana |
Zilveren Beer voor Beste Regisseur | Silver Bear for Best Director |
Zilveren blaaskop | Conops quadrifasciatus |
Zilveren boomkussen | Enteridium lycoperdon |
Zilveren dwergijsvogel | Silvery Kingfisher |
Zilveren groenuil | Pseudoips prasinana |
Zilveren maan | Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary |
Zilveren zwaan | Silver Swan (automaton) |
Zilverfazant | Silver Pheasant |
Zilverflanken | Mercer's tusked silverside |
Zilverfulminaat | Silver fulminate |
Zilverfuut | Silvery Grebe |
Zilvergibbon | Silvery gibbon |
Zilvergrijze zandrat | Silvery mole rat |
Zilverhaak | Lithacodia uncula |
Zilverhalogenide | Silver halide |
Zilverhaver | Aira caryophyllea |
Zilverhexafluorfosfaat | Silver hexafluorophosphate |
Zilverjodaat | Silver iodate |
Zilverjodide | Silver iodide |
Zilverkarper | Silver carp |
Zilverkopvissen | Spinyfin |
Zilverkruid | Dryas octopetala |
Zilverlinde | Tilia tomentosa |
Zilverling | Thirty pieces of silver |
Zilvermeeuw | Herring Gull |
Zilvermijn Iwami Ginzan | Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine |
Zilvermuseum Sterckshof | Sterckshof silver museum |
Zilvernitraat | Silver nitrate |
Zilvernitride | Silver nitride |
Zilveroorneushoornvogel | Silvery-cheeked Hornbill |
Zilveroxalaat | Silver oxalate |
Zilverperchloraat | Silver perchlorate |
Zilverplevier | Grey Plover |
Zilverpunthaai | Silvertip shark |
Zilverschoon | Argentina anserina |
Zilversmelten | Herring smelt |
Zilverspar | Fir |
Zilverstift | Silverpoint |
Zilverstreep | Deltote bankiana |
Zilverstreephooibeestje | Coenonympha hero |
Zilversubfluoride | Silver subfluoride |
Zilversulfaat | Silver sulfate |
Zilversulfadiazine | Silver sulfadiazine |
Zilversulfide | Silver sulfide |
Zilvertaling | Silver Teal |
Zilvertelluride | Silver telluride |
Zilvertetrafluorboraat | Silver tetrafluoroborate |
Zilvervenster | Gold Spangle |
Zilvervisje | Silverfish |
Zilvervissen | Pomfret |
Zilvervlek | Pearl-bordered Fritillary |
Zilvervlekbladroller | Pseudargyrotoza conwagana |
Zilvervlekdansvlieg | Empis opaca |
Zilvervloot | Spanish treasure fleet |
Zim | Zim |
Zim Ngqawana | Zim Ngqawana |
Zimány | Zimány |
Zimbabwaans cricketelftal | Zimbabwe national cricket team |
Zimbabwaans rugbyteam | Zimbabwe national rugby union team |
Zimbabwaans voetbalelftal | Zimbabwe national football team |
Zimbabwaanse Afrikaanse Nationale Unie – Patriottisch Front | Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front |
Zimbabwaanse dollar | Zimbabwean dollar |
Zimbabwaanse onafhankelijkheidsoorlog | Rhodesian Bush War |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Zimbabwe Afrikaanse Nationale Unie | Zimbabwe African National Union |
Zimbabwe op de Olympische Spelen | Zimbabwe at the Olympics |
Zimbabwe op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2008 | Zimbabwe at the 2008 Summer Olympics |
Zimbabwe Premier Soccer League | Zimbabwe Premier Soccer League |
Zimbabwe Saints | Zimbabwe Saints F.C. |
Zimbabwe-gordelstaarthagedis | Rhodesian girdled lizard |
Zimbabwe-Rhodesië | Zimbabwe-Rhodesia |
Zimbern | Cimbrian language |
Zimbor | Zimbor |
Zimelidine | Zimelidine |
Zimmer | Zimmer |
Zimmer 483 | Zimmer 483 |
Zimmermann (piano) | Zimmermann (piano) |
Zimmermanntelegram | Zimmermann Telegram |
Zimmern (Thüringen) | Zimmern, Thuringia |
Zimmertoren | Zimmer tower |
Zimmerwaldconferentie | Zimmerwald Conference |
Zimmerwaldobservatorium | Zimmerwald Observatory |
Zimna Wódka | Zimna Wódka |
Zimri | Zimri (king) |
Zimri-Lim | Zimri-Lim |
Zin | Zin |
Zin (logica) | Word sense |
Zin van het leven | Meaning of life |
Zinaida Hippius | Zinaida Gippius |
Zinaïda Joesoepova | Zinaida Yusupova |
Zinaida Serebriakova | Zinaida Serebriakova |
Zinaida Stahoerskaja | Zinaida Stahurskaya |
Zinalsiet | Fraipontite |
Zindelijkheid | Toilet training |
Zinder (departement) | Zinder Region |
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali | Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali |
Zineb | Zineb |
Zinédine Zidane | Zinedine Zidane |
Zingcicadeachtigen | Cicadomorpha |
Zingel asper | Zingel asper |
Zingel streber | Streber |
Zingel zingel | Common zingel |
Zingende revolutie | Singing Revolution |
Zingende zaag | Musical saw |
Zingiber | Zingiber |
Zingiberales | Zingiberales |
Zingiberidae | Zingiberidae |
Zingst | Zingst |
Zinho | Zinho |
Ziniaré | Ziniaré |
Zinjibar | Zinjibar |
Zink | Zink |
Zink (element) | Zinc |
Zink (muziekinstrument) | Cornett |
Zinkacetaat | Zinc acetate |
Zinkblende | Sphalerite |
Zinkbromide | Zinc bromide |
Zinkchloride | Zinc chloride |
Zinkchromaat | Zinc chromate |
Zinkdithiofosfaten | Zinc dithiophosphate |
Zinkeniet | Zinkenite |
Zinkfluoride | Zinc fluoride |
Zinkfosfide | Zinc phosphide |
Zinkgat | Sinkhole |
Zinkhydroxide | Zinc hydroxide |
Zinkiet | Zincite |
Zinkjodide | Zinc iodide |
Zink-koolstofcel | Zinc–carbon battery |
Zinknitraat | Zinc nitrate |
Žinkovy | Žinkovy |
Zinkoxide | Zinc oxide |
Zinkpest | Zinc pest |
Zinkprotoporfyrine | Zinc protoporphyrin |
Zinkpyrithion | Zinc pyrithione |
Zinkselenide | Zinc selenide |
Zinkstearaat | Zinc stearate |
Zinksulfaat | Zinc sulfate |
Zinksulfide | Zinc sulfide |
Zink-zinkoxidecyclus | Zinc–zinc oxide cycle |
Zinn | Zinn |
Zinneke Parade | Zinneke Parade |
Zinnia | Zinnia |
Zinnwaldiet | Zinnwaldite |
Zinovi Rozjestvenski | Zinovy Rozhestvensky |
Zinovjev | Zinoviev |
Zinsdeel | Phrase |
Zintan | Zintan |
Zintuig | Sense |
Zintuiglijke indrukken | Sense data |
Zintuigstelsel | Sensory system |
Zion | Zion |
Zion & Lennox | Zion & Lennox |
Zion (Illinois) | Zion, Illinois |
Zion Narrows | The Narrows (Zion National Park) |
Zion National Park | Zion National Park |
Zionisme | Zionism |
Zionistische entiteit | Zionist entity |
Zions Hill | Hell's Gate, Saba |
Zionsville | Zionsville, Indiana |
Ziordia | Ziordia |
ZIP | Zip |
Žíp | Žíp |
ZIP (bestandstype) | ZIP (file format) |
Zipacón | Zipacón |
Zipdisk | Zip drive |
Žipov | Žipov |
Zippora | Zipporah |
Zira | Zira |
Žirany | Žirany |
Zircalloy | Zirconium alloy |
Žirče | Žirče |
Zirchow | Zirchow |
Ziri ibn Atiyya | Ziri ibn Atiyya |
Ziriden | Zirid dynasty |
Zirkel | Zirkel (Studentenverbindung) |
Zirkelstein | Zirkelstein |
Zirkonia | Cubic zirconia |
Zirkonium(IV)oxide | Zirconium dioxide |
Zirkonoceendichloride | Zirconocene dichloride |
Zirkoon (mineraal) | Zircon |
Zirkow | Zirkow |
Zirl | Zirl, Tyrol |
Ziro (provincie) | Ziro Province |
Ziros | Ziros, Preveza |
Žirov | Žirov |
Žirovnica (gemeente) | Municipality of Žirovnica |
Žirovnice | Žirovnice |
Ziryâb | Ziryab |
Zita Kabátová | Zita Kabátová |
Zita van Bourbon-Parma | Zita of Bourbon-Parma |
Zita van Lucca | Zita |
Zitadelle | Zitadelle (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Žitavce | Žitavce |
Zitbank | Bench |
Zitbeen | Ischium |
Žitenice | Žitenice |
Žitkovac | Žitkovac |
Žitná-Radiša | Žitná-Radiša |
Žitniće | Žitniće |
Žitný ostrov | Žitný ostrov |
Žitorađa | Žitorađa |
Žitovlice | Žitovlice |
Zittard | Zittard |
Zittard (Noord-Brabant) | Zittard, North Brabant |
Zitten | Sitting |
Zittenblijven | Grade retention |
Zitterwald | Zitter Forest |
Zitvolleybal | Sitting volleyball |
Ziva | Zivah |
Živaja | Živaja |
Zivildienst | Zivildienst in Austria |
Živilė Raudonienė | Aksana (wrestler) |
Živinice | Živinice (disambiguation) |
Živinice (Bosnië en Herzegovina) | Živinice |
Živinice (Priboj) | Živinice (Priboj) |
Živkovac | Živkovac |
Životice | Životice |
Životice (okres Plzeň-jih) | Životice (Plzeň-South District) |
Ziya Songülen | Ziya Songülen |
Ziyadat Allah I | Ziyadat Allah I of Ifriqiya |
Ziyariden | Ziyarid dynasty |
Ziz | Ziz |
Zizeeria karsandra | Zizeeria karsandra |
Žiželice (okres Louny) | Žiželice (Louny District) |
Žižice | Žižice |
Žižkov-televisietoren | Žižkov Television Tower |
Zizula hylax | Zizula hylax |
Zizur Mayor | Zizur Mayor/Zizur Nagusia |
Zizurkil | Zizurkil |
Zjanaozen | Zhanaozen |
Zjanna Block | Zhanna Pintusevich-Block |
Zjdanovdoctrine | Zhdanov Doctrine |
Zjeleznodorozjny (oblast Moskou) | Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow Oblast |
Zjeleznogorsk | Zheleznogorsk |
Zjeleznogorsk (kraj Krasnojarsk) | Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai |
Zjeleznovodsk | Zheleznovodsk |
Zjeljoe Zjelev | Zhelyu Zhelev |
Zjigoeljovsk | Zhigulyovsk |
Zjivko Milanov | Zhivko Milanov |
Zjochov-eiland | Zhokhov Island |
Zjodzina | Zhodzina |
Zjoekovski | Żukowski |
Zjoekovski (stad) | Zhukovsky, Moscow Oblast |
Zjores Ivanovitsj Alferov | Zhores Alferov |
Zjovkva | Zhovkva |
Zjytomyr | Zhytomyr |
ŽKK Partizan | ŽKK Partizan |
ŽKK Rode Ster Belgrado | ŽKK Crvena zvezda |
Zlakusa | Zlakusa |
Zlatá | Zlatá |
Zlatá Idka | Zlatá Idka |
Zlata Ohnevitsj | Zlata Ognevich |
Zlatá Olešnice (okres Jablonec nad Nisou) | Zlatá Olešnice (Jablonec nad Nisou District) |
Zlatá Olešnice (okres Trutnov) | Zlatá Olešnice (Trutnov District) |
Zlatar | Zlatar, Croatia |
Zlatar-Bistrica | Zlatar Bistrica |
Zlatare | Zlatare |
Zlatari | Zlatari, Serbia |
Zlátenka | Zlátenka |
Zlatibor | Zlatibor (disambiguation) |
Zlatibor (district) | Zlatibor District |
Zlatko Arambašić | Zlatko Arambasic |
Zlatko Papec | Zlatko Papec |
Zlatko Portner | Zlatko Portner |
Zlatko Saračević | Zlatko Saračević |
Zlatna (Roemenië) | Zlatna |
Zlatni pjasatsi | Golden Sands |
Zlatni Rat | Zlatni Rat |
Zlatník | Zlatník |
Zlatníky | Zlatníky |
Zlatno | Zlatno |
Zlatno (okres Poltár) | Zlatno, Poltár District |
Zlatno (okres Zlaté Moravce) | Zlatno, Zlaté Moravce District |
Zlato-oest | Zlatoust |
Zławieś Wielka | Zławieś Wielka |
Zławieś Wielka (gemeente) | Gmina Zławieś Wielka |
Žlebské Chvalovice | Žlebské Chvalovice |
Zlechov | Zlechov |
Zli Dol | Zli Dol |
Zlín (regio) | Zlín Region |
Zlín Z-37 Čmelák | Zlín Z-37 Čmelák |
Zlín Z-XII | Zlín Z-XII |
ZLinux | Linux on System z |
Zliv | Zliv |
Žlkovce | Žlkovce |
Zlobin | Zhlobin |
Złocieniec (gemeente) | Gmina Złocieniec |
Zloćudovo | Zloćudovo |
Złoczew (gemeente) | Gmina Złoczew |
Zlodol | Zlodol |
Zlot | Zlot, Bor |
Złota | Złota |
Złota (gemeente) | Gmina Złota |
Złota (powiat Pińczowski) | Złota, Pińczów County |
Złota 44 | Złota 44 |
Złotniki Kujawskie | Złotniki Kujawskie |
Złotniki Kujawskie (gemeente) | Gmina Złotniki Kujawskie |
Złotoryja (gemeente) | Gmina Złotoryja |
Złotów (gemeente) | Gmina Złotów |
Złoty Stok (gemeente) | Gmina Złoty Stok |
Zmago Jelinčič | Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti |
Żmigród | Żmigród |
Żmigród (gemeente) | Gmina Żmigród |
Żmudź (gemeente) | Gmina Żmudź |
Zmutt | Zmutt |
Znak | Znak (association) |
Znamennyj-zang | Znamenny chant |
Znamensk | Znamensk |
Znamensk (oblast Astrachan) | Znamensk, Astrakhan Oblast |
Znětínek | Znětínek |
Żnin (gemeente) | Gmina Żnin |
Zo | Zo |
Zoantharia | Hexacorallia |
Zoanthidea | Zoantharia |
Zoar | Zoar |
Zoar (Zuid-Afrika) | Zoar, Western Cape |
Zoarces | Zoarces |
Zobbenitz | Zobbenitz |
Zochrot | Zochrot |
Zodarion | Zodarion |
Zodiac | Zodiac (disambiguation) |
Zodiac (film) | Zodiac (film) |
Zodiac Killer | Zodiac Killer |
Zodiakaal licht | Zodiacal light |
Zoë | Zoe (name) |
Zoë Bell | Zoë Bell |
Zoe Naylor | Zoe Naylor |
Zoë Porphyrogenita | Zoe Porphyrogenita |
Zoë Saldana | Zoe Saldana |
Zoe Tapper | Zoe Tapper |
Zoeaaf | Zouave |
Zoebr | Zubr (political organization) |
Zoebtsov | Zubtsov |
Zoegdidi (stad) | Zugdidi |
Zoehair Mohsen | Zuheir Mohsen |
Zoekalgoritme | Search algorithm |
Zoeker | Viewfinder |
Zoeklicht | Searchlight |
Zoekmachine | Search engine (computing) |
Zoekmachinemarketing | Search engine marketing |
Zoekmachineoptimalisatie | Search engine optimisation |
Zoël Amberg | Zoël Amberg |
Zoelen | Zoelen |
Zoelfia Tsjinsjanlo | Zulfiya Chinshanlo |
Zoelfia Zabirova | Zulfiya Zabirova |
Zoelmond | Zoelmond |
Zoeloe (taal) | Zulu language |
Zoeloekoninkrijk | Zulu Kingdom |
Zoeloe-oorlog | Anglo-Zulu War |
Zoeloes | Zulu people |
Zoem in op Maggie | The Buzz on Maggie |
Zoen | Kiss |
Zoen van Delft | Treaty of Delft |
Zoenvis | Kissing gourami |
Zoerab Azmaiparasjvili | Zurab Azmaiparashvili |
Zoerab Chizanisjvili | Zurab Khizanishvili |
Zoerab Zjvania | Zurab Zhvania |
Zoet | Sweet (disambiguation) |
Zoet (smaak) | Sweetness |
Zoet water | Fresh water |
Zoete aardappel | Sweet potato |
Zoete kers | Prunus avium |
Zoeterwoude-Dorp | Zoeterwoude-Dorp |
Zoeterwoude-Rijndijk | Zoeterwoude-Rijndijk |
Zoethout | Liquorice |
Zoetstof | Artificial sweetener |
Zoetwaar | Confectionery |
Zoetwaterkrokodil | Freshwater crocodile |
Zoetwaterkwal | Craspedacusta sowerbii |
Zoetwaterneriet | Theodoxus fluviatilis |
Zoetwaterpoliepen | Hydra (animal) |
Zoetwaterroggen | Potamotrygonidae |
Zoetwatervlokreeft | Gammarus pulex |
Zoetzak | Annona squamosa |
Zoey 101 | Zoey 101 |
Zofingen (district) | Zofingen District |
Zofingen (gemeente) | Zofingen |
Zog | ZOG |
Zog I van Albanië | Zog I, King of Albania |
Zografklooster | Zograf Monastery |
Zografou | Zografou |
Zogturbulentie | Wake turbulence |
Zohar | Zohar |
Zohra Segal | Zohra Sehgal |
Zoio | Zoio |
Zoisiet | Zoisite |
Zoja Ivanova | Zoya Ivanova |
Zoja Kosmodemjanskaja | Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya |
Zoja Roednova | Zoja Rudnova |
Zók | Zók |
Zola Matumona | Zola Matumona |
Zolder (gebouw) | Attic |
Zoledronaat | Zoledronic acid |
Zolfo Springs | Zolfo Springs, Florida |
Żółkiewka (gemeente) | Gmina Żółkiewka |
Zölkow | Zölkow |
Zollernalbkreis | Zollernalbkreis |
Zöllner-illusie | Zöllner illusion |
Zöllnitz | Zöllnitz |
Zollverein | Zollverein |
Zolotoj Rog | Zolotoy Rog |
Zoltán | Zoltán |
Zoltán Gyimesi | Zoltan Gyimesi |
Zoltán Harsányi | Zoltán Harsányi |
Zoltan Sarosy | Zoltan Sarosy |
Zoltán van Hongarije | Zoltán of Hungary |
Zoltán Varga (schaker) | Zoltán Varga (chess player) |
Zoltán Varga (voetballer) | Zoltán Varga (footballer) |
Żołynia | Żołynia |
Żołynia (gemeente) | Gmina Żołynia |
Zomba | Zomba |
Zomba (district) | Zomba District |
Zomba (stad) | Zomba, Malawi |
Zomba Music Group | Zomba Group of Companies |
Zombi Holocaust | Zombie Holocaust |
Zombibi | Zombibi |
Zombie | Zombie |
Zombie (cocktail) | Zombie (cocktail) |
Zombie (single) | Zombie (song) |
Zombie Nation | Zombie Nation |
Zombie Nation (band) | Zombie Nation (band) |
Zombie Walk | Zombie walk |
Zombiecomputer | Zombie computer |
Zombieland | Zombieland |
Zombilation – The Greatest Cuts | Zombilation – The Greatest Cuts |
Zombor | Zombor, Veľký Krtíš District |
Zomer | Summer |
Zomer met Monika | Summer with Monika |
Zomeradonis | Adonis aestivalis |
Zomeralsem | Artemisia annua |
Zomerbitterling | Blackstonia perfoliata |
Zomerbremspanner | Chesias rufata |
Zomerdriehoek | Summer Triangle |
Zomereik | Quercus robur |
Zomererebia | Scotch Argus |
Zomerfijnstraal | Erigeron annuus |
Zomerintermezzo | Summer Interlude |
Zomerkamp (recreatie) | Summer camp |
Zomerlinde | Tilia platyphyllos |
Zomerpaleis (Peking) | Summer Palace |
Zomerschroeforchis | Spiranthes aestivalis |
Zomertaling | Garganey |
Zomertijd | Daylight saving time |
Zomertortel | Turtle Dove |
Zomertruffel | Tuber aestivum |
Zomervakantie | Summer vacation |
Zomervlinder | Large Emerald |
Zomprus | Juncus articulatus |
Zompzegge | Carex canescens |
Zon | Sun |
Zon van Vergina | Vergina Sun |
Zona Bananera | Zona Bananera, Magdalena |
Zona da Mata | Zona da Mata (Minas Gerais) |
Zona pellucida | Zona pellucida |
Zona Rosa | Zona Rosa (Mexico) |
Zona Sur | Zona Sur |
Zonaras | John Zonaras |
Zonastrild | Crimson Finch |
Zonda | Zonda |
Zonda (departement) | Zonda Department |
Zondag | Sunday |
Zondagsheiliging | Sabbath desecration |
Zondagskind | Monday's Child |
Zondagsletter | Dominical letter |
Zondagsschool | Sunday School |
Zonde | Sin |
Zonde (christendom) | Christian views on sin |
Zondebok | Scapegoat |
Zonder verlies van algemeenheid | Without loss of generality |
Zondeval | Fall of man |
Zondoma | Zondoma Province |
Zondprogramma | Zond program |
Zondvloed | Deluge myth |
Zone | Zone |
Zone (Brescia) | Zone, Lombardy |
Zone Fighter | Zone Fighter |
Zone of the Enders | Zone of the Enders (video game) |
Zone van de naaste ontwikkeling | Zone of proximal development |
ZoneAlarm | ZoneAlarm |
Zonedieet | Zone diet |
Zonen en minnaars | Sons and Lovers |
Zonen van de Goddelijke Voorzienigheid | Sons of Divine Providence |
Zonering | Zoning |
Zonerodius | Forest Bittern |
Zonesmelten | Zone melting |
Zone-systeem | Zone System |
Zoneverdediging | Zone defense |
Zong | Zong massacre |
Zonguldak (provincie) | Zonguldak Province |
Zoni Weisz | Zoni Weisz |
Zoniana | Zoniana |
Zoniënwoud | Sonian Forest |
Zonisamide | Zonisamide |
Zonites algirus | Zonites algirus |
Zonitidae | Zonitidae |
Zonkracht | Ultraviolet index |
Zonlicht | Sunlight |
Zonnebaars | Pumpkinseed |
Zonnebaarzen | Centrarchidae |
Zonnebaden | Sun tanning |
Zonnebank | Tanning bed |
Zonnebloem | Sunflower |
Zonnebloemen (Van Gogh) | Sunflowers (Van Gogh series) |
Zonnebloemolie | Sunflower oil |
Zonneboiler | Solar water heating |
Zonneboog | Sun path |
Zonnebrand | Sunburn |
Zonnebril | Sunglasses |
Zonnecel | Solar cell |
Zonnecollector | Solar thermal collector |
Zonneconstante | Solar constant |
Zonnecyclus | Solar cycle |
Zonnedauw | Drosera |
Zonnedauwfamilie | Droseraceae |
Zonnediertjes | Heliozoa |
Zonne-energie | Solar energy |
Zonnefakkel | Facula |
Zonnefysica | Solar physics |
Zonnegeel FCF | Sunset Yellow FCF |
Zonnegod | Solar deity |
Zonnegroet | Surya Namaskara |
Zonneletter | Sun and moon letters |
Zonnelied | Canticle of the Sun |
Zonnemaire | Zonnemaire |
Zonnemassa | Solar mass |
Zonnepaneel | Solar panel |
Zonneradius | Solar radius |
Zonneral | Sunbittern |
Zonneroosjesfamilie | Cistaceae |
Zonneroosjesmot | Mompha miscella |
Zonnescherm | Awning |
Zonneschijnmeter | Sunshine recorder |
Zonnestaartmeerkat | Sun-tailed monkey |
Zonnestanddiagram | Sunrise equation |
Zonnestelsel | Solar System |
Zonnestrijdwagen van Trundholm | Trundholm sun chariot |
Zonnestroom | Solar power plant |
Zonnetekenastrologie | Sun sign astrology |
Zonnetijd | Solar time |
Zonnetoren | Solar updraft tower |
Zonnevis | John Dory |
Zonnevisachtigen | Zeiformes |
Zonnevlam | Solar flare |
Zonnevlek | Sunspot |
Zonnewagen | Solar vehicle |
Zonnewende | Solstice |
Zonnewiel | Sun cross |
Zonnewijzer | Sundial |
Zonnewijzers | Trithemis |
Zonnewind | Solar wind |
Zonnezeil | Solar sail |
Zonopetala clerota | Zonopetala clerota |
Zonopetala decisana | Zonopetala decisana |
Zonotrichia | Zonotrichia |
Zonparkiet | Sun Parakeet |
Zonscherende komeet | Sungrazing comet |
Zonsondergang | Sunset |
Zonsopkomst | Sunrise |
Zonsverduistering | Solar eclipse |
Zonsverduistering van 1 augustus 2008 | Solar eclipse of August 1, 2008 |
Zonula adhaerens | Adherens junction |
Zonula occludens | Tight junction |
Zonvolger | Solar tracker |
Zonza | Zonza |
Zoo | Zoo (disambiguation) |
ZOO Antwerpen | Antwerp Zoo |
Zoo Dresden | Dresden Zoo |
Zoo Duisburg | Duisburg Zoo |
Zoo Frankfurt | Frankfurt Zoological Garden |
Zoo Leipzig | Leipzig Zoological Garden |
Zoo Praag | Prague Zoo |
Zoo Tycoon | Zoo Tycoon |
Zoo Wuppertal | Wuppertal Zoo |
Zoo York | Zoo York (company) |
Zoöfilie | Zoophilia |
Zoöfobie | Zoophobia |
Zoogdieren | Mammal |
Zookeeper | Zookeeper (film) |
Zool | Sole |
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society | Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society |
Zoölogie | Zoology |
Zoölogische nomenclatuur | International Code of Zoological Nomenclature |
Zoologischer Garten Berlin | Berlin Zoological Garden |
Zoolook | Zoolook |
Zoom | Zoom |
Zoom (film) | Zoom (film) |
ZOOM Erlebniswelt | ZOOM Erlebniswelt Gelsenkirchen |
Zoom! | Zoom! |
Zoomobjectief | Zoom lens |
Zoon (familie) | Son |
Zoon van God | Son of God |
Zoönose | Zoonosis |
Zoop (computerspel) | Zoop |
Zoopagales | Zoopagales |
Zoöplankton | Zooplankton |
Zoot Horn Rollo | Zoot Horn Rollo |
Zoot Money | Zoot Money |
Zoothera | Asian thrush |
Zoötroop | Zoetrope |
Zoöxanthellen | Symbiodinium |
Zopiclon | Zopiclone |
Zora | Zora |
Zoramia | Zoramia |
Zoramia leptacantha | Threadfin cardinalfish |
Zoran Bojović | Zoran Bojović |
Zoran Dragić | Zoran Dragić |
Zoran Janković | Zoran Janković |
Zoran Janković (politicus) | Zoran Janković (politician) |
Zoran Kalinić | Zoran Kalinić |
Zoran Mirković | Zoran Mirković |
Zoran Rendulić | Zoran Rendulić |
Zoran Thaler | Zoran Thaler |
Zoraptera | Zoraptera |
Żórawina (gemeente) | Gmina Żórawina |
Żórawina (plaats) | Żórawina |
Zorba de Griek | Zorba the Greek (film) |
Zorbau | Zorbau |
Zorg | Zorg |
Zorg en Hoop (vliegveld) | Zorg en Hoop Airport |
Zorgboerderij | Care farming |
Zorge | Zorge |
Zorgethiek | Ethics of care |
Zorgho | Zorgho |
Zorgverzekering (Nederland) | Healthcare in the Netherlands |
Zorgvlied (Drenthe) | Zorgvlied |
Zorita | Zorita |
Zorita de los Canes | Zorita de los Canes |
Zorja Loehansk | FC Zorya Luhansk |
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz | Zork II |
Zork III: The Dungeon Master | Zork III |
Zork: The Great Underground Empire | Zork I |
Zorka van Montenegro | Princess Zorka of Montenegro |
Zorn | Zorn |
Zörnigall | Zörnigall |
Zoroastrisme | Zoroastrianism |
Zorocratidae | Zorocratid spider |
Zoroga | Zoroga |
Zoropsidae | Zoropsidae |
Zoropsis | Zoropsis |
Zorraquín | Zorraquín |
Zorro (1975) | Zorro (1975 film) |
Zorro (doorverwijspagina) | Zorro (disambiguation) |
Zorro (serie uit 1990) | Zorro (1990 TV series) |
Zorro and Son | Zorro and Son |
Zorro Rides Again | Zorro Rides Again |
Zorro, the Gay Blade | Zorro, The Gay Blade |
Zorro: Generation Z | Zorro: Generation Z |
Zorro: La Espada y la Rosa | Zorro, La Espada y la Rosa |
Zorro's Fighting Legion | Zorro's Fighting Legion |
Zortéa | Zortéa |
Zos Kia Cultus - Here and Beyond | Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond) |
Zöschen | Zöschen |
Zosimos van Panopolis | Zosimos of Panopolis |
Zosimus | Zosimus |
Zosterisessor ophiocephalus | Grass goby |
Zoteux | Zoteux |
Zotskolf | Marotte |
Zotto | Zotto |
Zou | Zou Department |
Zouafques | Zouafques |
Zouar | Zouar, Chad |
Zouérat | Zouérat |
Zoundwéogo | Zoundwéogo Province |
Zoutbrug | Salt bridge |
Zoutdiapier | Salt dome |
Zouten | Salt |
Zouteveen | Zouteveen |
Zoutgrasfamilie | Juncaginaceae |
Zoutkamp | Zoutkamp |
Zoutkathedraal | Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá |
Zoutkoepel Gorleben | Gorleben salt dome |
Zoutkruid | Bassia |
Zoutleeuw | Zoutleeuw |
Zoutmars | Salt March |
Zoutmeer | Salt lake |
Zoutmijn | Salt mining |
Zoutmoeras | Salt marsh |
Zoutpan | Salt evaporation pond |
Zoutvlakte | Dry lake |
Zoutzuur | Hydrochloric acid |
Zoysia | Zoysia |
Zoza | Zoza |
Zozo | Zozo |
Z-Plan | Plan Z |
ZR-1 "USS Shenandoah" | USS Shenandoah (ZR-1) |
Zrinski | House of Zrinski |
Zrinski Topolovac | Zrinski Topolovac |
Zrnovci | Zrnovci Municipality |
Zruč nad Sázavou | Zruč nad Sázavou |
Zsa Zsa Gábor | Zsa Zsa Gábor |
Zsadány | Zsadány |
Zsámbék | Zsámbék |
Zsámbok | Zsámbok |
Zsana | Zsana |
Zsarolyán | Zsarolyán |
Zsasz | Victor Zsasz |
Zschornewitz | Zschornewitz |
Z-score | Standard score |
Zsédeny | Zsédeny |
Zselickisfalud | Zselickisfalud |
Zselickislak | Zselickislak |
Zselicszentpál | Zselicszentpál |
Zsennye | Zsennye |
Zsolt Petry | Zsolt Petry |
Zsombó | Zsombó |
Zsombor Kerekes | Zsombor Kerekes |
Zsurk | Zsurk |
Zsuzsanna Jakabos | Zsuzsanna Jakabos |
Z-toets | Z-test |
Z-transformatie | Z-transform |
Zu | Zu (genus) |
Zu cristatus | Scalloped ribbonfish |
Zu Warriors of the Magic Mountain | Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain |
Zuara | Zuwarah |
Zubák | Zubák |
Zubayr ibn al-Awwam | Zubayr ibn al-Awam |
Zuben Elakribi | Delta Librae |
Zuben Elgenubi | Alpha Librae |
Zuben Elschemali | Beta Librae |
Zubieta | Zubieta |
Zubin Potok | Zubin Potok |
Zubné | Zubné |
Zubovići | Zubovići |
Zubří | Zubří |
Zubří (okres Vsetín) | Zubří (Vsetín District) |
Zubří (okres Žďár nad Sázavou) | Zubří (Žďár nad Sázavou District) |
Žuč | Žuč |
Zucchero | Zucchero Fornaciari |
Žuče | Žuče |
Zuchau | Zuchau |
Zucker, Abrahams en Zucker | Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker |
Zuckermuseum | Sugar Museum (Berlin) |
Zuco 103 | Zuco 103 |
Zudar | Zudar |
Zue Robertson | Zue Robertson |
Zuera | Zuera |
Zug | Zug (disambiguation) |
Zug (kanton) | Zug (canton) |
Zug (stad) | Zug |
Zugarramurdi | Zugarramurdi |
Zugerberg | Zugerberg |
Zugot | Zugot |
Zuhal Demir | Zuhal Demir |
Zuid | South |
Zuid (Bahrein) | Southern Governorate |
Zuid (Israël) | Southern District (Israel) |
Zuid (Libanon) | South Governorate |
Zuid-Afrika | South Africa |
Zuid-Afrika op de Olympische Jeugdwinterspelen 2012 | South Africa at the 2012 Winter Youth Olympics |
Zuid-Afrika op de Olympische Spelen | South Africa at the Olympics |
Zuid-Afrika op de Olympische Winterspelen 2010 | South Africa at the 2010 Winter Olympics |
Zuid-Afrika op het wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2010 | South Africa national football team 2010 |
Zuid-Afrikaans cricketelftal | South Africa national cricket team |
Zuid-Afrikaans Engels | South African English |
Zuid-Afrikaans Open | South African Open (golf) |
Zuid-Afrikaans referendum 1960 | South African republic referendum, 1960 |
Zuid-Afrikaans rugbyteam | South Africa national rugby union team |
Zuid-Afrikaans stekelvarken | Cape porcupine |
Zuid-Afrikaans voetbalelftal | South Africa national football team |
Zuid-Afrikaans vrouwenvoetbalelftal | South Africa women's national football team |
Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek | South African Republic |
Zuid-Afrikaanse aronskelkkikker | Arum frog |
Zuid-Afrikaanse bladvingergekko | Marbled leaf-toed gecko |
Zuid-Afrikaanse Communistische Partij | South African Communist Party |
Zuid-Afrikaanse egel | Southern African hedgehog |
Zuid-Afrikaanse galago | Mohol bushbaby |
Zuid-Afrikaanse Grensoorlog | South African Border War |
Zuid-Afrikaanse heek | Merluccius capensis |
Zuid-Afrikaanse keuken | South African cuisine |
Zuid-Afrikaanse kielhagedissen | Tropidosaura |
Zuid-Afrikaanse olifantspitsmuis | Bushveld elephant shrew |
Zuid-Afrikaanse parlementsverkiezingen 1994 | South African general election, 1994 |
Zuid-Afrikaanse rand | South African rand |
Zuid-Afrikaanse renmuis | Hairy-footed gerbil |
Zuid-Afrikaanse voetbalbond | South African Football Association |
Zuid-Afrikaanse Waarheids- en Verzoeningscommissie | Truth and Reconciliation Commission (South Africa) |
Zuid-Amerika | South America |
Zuid-Amerikaans voetballer van het jaar | South American Footballer of the Year |
Zuid-Amerikaanse aardschildpad | Spot-legged turtle |
Zuid-Amerikaanse grootkopschildpad | Big-headed Amazon River turtle |
Zuid-Amerikaanse havik | Grey-bellied Hawk |
Zuid-Amerikaanse hoornkikkers | Ceratophrys |
Zuid-Amerikaanse koraalslang | Micrurus lemniscatus |
Zuid-Amerikaanse modderschildpad | Scorpion mud turtle |
Zuid-Amerikaanse opossum | White-eared opossum |
Zuid-Amerikaanse pijlstaart | Yellow-billed Pintail |
Zuid-Amerikaanse Plaat | South American Plate |
Zuid-Amerikaanse ratelslang | Crotalus durissus |
Zuid-Amerikaanse roerdomp | Pinnated Bittern |
Zuid-Amerikaanse Spelen | South American Games |
Zuid-Amerikaanse zeebeer | South American fur seal |
Zuid-Amerikaanse zwarte scholekster | Blackish Oystercatcher |
Zuid-Andaman | South Andaman Island |
Zuid-Arabische Federatie | Federation of South Arabia |
Zuidas | Zuidas |
Zuid-Atlantische Anomalie | South Atlantic Anomaly |
Zuid-Australië | South Australia |
Zuid-Aziatische Associatie voor Regionale Coöperatie | South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation |
Zuid-Aziatische valkuil | Brown Hawk-Owl |
Zuid-Azië | South Asia |
Zuid-Bačka | South Bačka District |
Zuid-Baden | South Baden |
Zuid-Banaat | South Banat District |
Zuidbarge | Zuidbarge |
Zuid-Beijerland | Zuid-Beijerland |
Zuidboheemse Universiteit České Budějovice | University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice |
Zuid-Bohemen | South Bohemian Region |
Zuidbroek (Groningen) | Zuidbroek, Groningen |
Zuidbuurt | Zuidbuurt |
Zuid-Californië | Southern California |
Zuid-Celebes | South Sulawesi |
Zuid-Centraal-China | South Central China |
Zuid-Chinees Bergland | Nan Mountains |
Zuid-Chinese bosmuis | South China field mouse |
Zuid-Chinese karstlandschap | South China Karst |
Zuid-Chinese kathaai | South China catshark |
Zuid-Chinese Zee | South China Sea |
Zuid-Delhi | South Delhi |
Zuid-Denemarken | Region of Southern Denmark |
Zuiddorpe | Zuiddorpe |
Zuid-Duitse voetbalbond | Southern German football championship |
Zuid-Duitsland | Southern Germany |
Zuid-Egeïsche Eilanden | South Aegean |
Zuideinde | Zuideinde |
Zuidelijk Afrika | Southern Africa |
Zuidelijk dambordje | Melanargia russiae |
Zuidelijk dwergblauwtje | Osiris Blue |
Zuidelijk esparcetteblauwtje | Ripart's Anomalous Blue |
Zuidelijk Federaal District | Southern Federal District |
Zuidelijk gordeldier | Southern long-nosed armadillo |
Zuidelijk halfrond | Southern Hemisphere |
Zuidelijk kaalstaartgordeldier | Southern naked-tailed armadillo |
Zuidelijk Leger | Southern Expeditionary Army Group |
Zuidelijk Libanon | Southern Lebanon |
Zuidelijk oranjetipje | Sooty Orange Tip |
Zuidelijk staartblauwtje | Cupido alcetas |
Zuidelijk Thai | Southern Thai language |
Zuidelijke akkerslak | Deroceras panormitanum |
Zuidelijke Alpen (geologie) | Southern Alps (geology) |
Zuidelijke aurelia | Polygonia egea |
Zuidelijke blauwe wijting | Southern blue whiting |
Zuidelijke blauwoorglansspreeuw | Miombo Blue-eared Starling |
Zuidelijke blauwvintonijn | Southern bluefin tuna |
Zuidelijke Bocht | Southern Bight |
Zuidelijke Boeg | Southern Bug |
Zuidelijke boomklipdas | Southern tree hyrax |
Zuidelijke boommiereneter | Southern tamandua |
Zuidelijke boomsprinkhaan | Meconema meridionale |
Zuidelijke breedneuswombat | Southern hairy-nosed wombat |
Zuidelijke butskop | Southern bottlenose whale |
Zuidelijke Dobroedzja | Southern Dobruja |
Zuidelijke dwergcavia | Southern mountain cavy |
Zuidelijke Dynastieën | List of Emperors of China's Southern Dynasties |
Zuidelijke eikvaren | Polypodium cambricum |
Zuidelijke en Noordelijke Dynastieën | Southern and Northern Dynasties |
Zuidelijke erebia | De Prunner's Ringlet |
Zuidelijke franjeaap | Angolan Colobus |
Zuidelijke geelsnaveltok | Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill |
Zuidelijke gevlekte skunk | Southern spotted skunk |
Zuidelijke gladde dolfijn | Southern right whale dolphin |
Zuidelijke glanslibellen | Synthemistidae |
Zuidelijke glazenmaker | Aeshna affinis |
Zuidelijke graafadder | Atractaspis bibronii |
Zuidelijke haasmuis | Wolffsohn's viscacha |
Zuidelijke heidelibel | Sympetrum meridionale |
Zuidelijke hoekkopagame | Hypsilurus spinipes |
Zuidelijke hoornraaf | Southern Ground Hornbill |
Zuidelijke Kalkalpen | Southern Limestone Alps |
Zuidelijke kamperfoelie-uil | Calliergis ramosa |
Zuidelijke karmijnrode bijeneter | Southern Carmine Bee-eater |
Zuidelijke keizerlibel | Anax parthenope |
Zuidelijke kielnagelgalago | Southern needle-clawed bushbaby |
Zuidelijke koninginnenpage | Papilio alexanor |
Zuidelijke kortstaartspitsmuis | Southern short-tailed shrew |
Zuidelijke krekelkikker | Acris gryllus |
Zuidelijke lemmingmuis | Southern bog lemming |
Zuidelijke luzernevlinder | Colias sareptensis |
Zuidelijke mierenzakkever | Clytra laeviuscula |
Zuidelijke Ming | Southern Ming Dynasty |
Zuidelijke Nederlanden | Southern Netherlands |
Zuidelijke Oceaan | Southern Ocean |
Zuidelijke oeverlibel | Orthetrum brunneum |
Zuidelijke olifant | Mammuthus meridionalis |
Zuidelijke opossum | Common opossum |
Zuidelijke Orkneyeilanden | South Orkney Islands |
Zuidelijke pijpbloemvlinder | Zerynthia polyxena |
Zuidelijke Provincie | Southern Province, Sri Lanka |
Zuidelijke reuzenstormvogel | Southern Giant Petrel |
Zuidelijke rivierotter | Southern river otter |
Zuidelijke Shetlandeilanden | South Shetland Islands |
Zuidelijke sikkelsprinkhaan | Phaneroptera nana |
Zuidelijke Sinaï | South Sinai Governorate |
Zuidelijke spikkelspanner | Synopsia sociaria |
Zuidelijke spinaap | Southern muriqui |
Zuidelijke Sporaden | Southern Sporades |
Zuidelijke sprinkhaanmuis | Southern grasshopper mouse |
Zuidelijke stekelstaartkangoeroe | Crescent nail-tail wallaby |
Zuidelijke tandvlinder | Drymonia velitaris |
Zuidelijke veldkrekel | Gryllus bimaculatus |
Zuidelijke Verenigde Staten | Southern United States |
Zuidelijke woelpad | Couch's spadefoot toad |
Zuidelijke zadelrug | Saddleback (bird) |
Zuidelijke zandvissen | Southern sandfish |
Zuidelijke zeeolifant | Southern elephant seal |
Zuidequatoriale stroom | South Equatorial Current |
Zuiderdam | MS Zuiderdam |
Zuiderdriehoek | Triangulum Australe |
Zuidereiland | South Island |
Zuidereilandkiwi | Southern Brown Kiwi |
Zuiderkerk (Amsterdam) | Zuiderkerk |
Zuiderkroon | Corona Australis |
Zuiderkruis | Southern Cross (disambiguation) |
Zuiderkruis (sterrenbeeld) | Crux (constellation) |
Zuidermeer | Zuidermeer |
Zuiderparkstadion | Zuiderpark Stadion |
Zuidertoren (Brussel) | South Tower (Brussels) |
Zuidervis | Piscis Austrinus |
Zuiderwoude | Zuiderwoude |
Zuiderzee (departement) | Zuyderzée |
Zuiderzeekrabbetje | Rhithropanopeus harrisii |
Zuiderzeemuseum | Zuiderzeemuseum |
Zuiderzeewerken | Zuiderzee Works |
Zuidestisch | South Estonian language |
Zuid-Europa | Southern Europe |
Zuid-Filipijnse kuifarend | Pinsker's Hawk-Eagle |
Zuid-Finland | Southern Finland Province |
Zuid-Frankisch | South Franconian German |
Zuid-Frankrijk | Southern France |
Zuid-Gelders | South Guelderish |
Zuid-Georgia en de Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Zuid-Halmahera-West-Nieuw-Guinese talen | Halmahera–Cenderawasih languages |
Zuid-Holland | South Holland |
Zuid-Ierland | Southern Ireland |
Zuid-India | South India |
Zuid-Indiase palmroller | Brown palm civet |
Zuid-Indische stekelslaapmuis | Malabar spiny dormouse |
Zuid-Jemenitisch voetbalelftal | South Yemen national football team |
Zuid-Jutland | South Jutland County |
Zuid-Jutlands | South Jutlandic |
Zuid-Kalimantan | South Kalimantan |
Zuidkaper | Southern right whale |
Zuidkegel | Southern Cone |
Zuid-Khorasan | South Khorasan Province |
Zuid-Kivu | South Kivu |
Zuid-Korea | South Korea |
Zuid-Korea op de Olympische Jeugdwinterspelen 2012 | South Korea at the 2012 Winter Youth Olympics |
Zuid-Korea op de Olympische Spelen | South Korea at the Olympics |
Zuid-Korea op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 | South Korea at the 2012 Summer Olympics |
Zuid-Koreaans honkbalteam | South Korea national baseball team |
Zuid-Koreaans olympisch voetbalelftal | South Korea national under-23 football team |
Zuid-Koreaans voetbalelftal | Korea Republic national football team |
Zuid-Koreaanse gijzelcrisis in Afghanistan | 2007 South Korean hostage crisis in Afghanistan |
Zuid-Koreaanse voetbalbond | Korea Football Association |
Zuid-Koreaanse won | South Korean won |
Zuidlaardermeer | Zuidlaardermeer |
Zuidlaarderveen | Zuidlaarderveen |
Zuidland | Zuidland |
Zuid-Limburg (Nederland) | South Limburg (Netherlands) |
Zuid-Limburgse Stoomtrein Maatschappij | Zuid-Limburgse Stoomtrein Maatschappij |
Zuid-Moravië | South Moravian Region |
Zuid-Ndebele | Southern Ndebele language |
Zuidoost-Anatolië | Southeastern Anatolia Region |
Zuidoost-Aziatische Spelen | Southeast Asian Games |
Zuidoost-Aziatische Verdragsorganisatie | Southeast Asia Treaty Organization |
Zuidoost-Azië | Southeast Asia |
Zuidoostbeemster | Zuidoostbeemster |
Zuidoost-Celebes | Southeast Sulawesi |
Zuidoostelijke kuststrook tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog | Lower Seaboard Theater of the American Civil War |
Zuidoost-Europa | Southeast Europe |
Zuidoost-Limburgs | Southeast Limburgish dialect |
Zuid-Ossetië | South Ossetia |
Zuid-Ossetische Autonome Oblast | South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast |
Zuid-Pagai | South Pagai |
Zuid-Pemba | South Pemba Region |
Zuid-Piceens | South Picene language |
Zuidplaspolder | Zuidplaspolder |
Zuidpool | South Pole |
Zuidpool-Aitken-bekken | South Pole–Aitken basin |
Zuidpoolcirkel | Antarctic Circle |
Zuidpoolkip | Snowy Sheathbill |
Zuidpoolstation Amundsen-Scott | Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station |
Zuid-Pruisen | South Prussia |
Zuid-Rhodesië | Southern Rhodesia |
Zuid-Rhodesië op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1928 | Rhodesia at the 1928 Summer Olympics |
Zuid-Russische owcharka | South Russian Ovcharka |
Zuid-Samisch | Southern Sami language |
Zuidschalkwijk | Zuidschalkwijk |
Zuid-Scharwoude | Zuid-Scharwoude |
Zuidschermer | Zuidschermer |
Zuid-Slavische talen | South Slavic languages |
Zuid-Sleeswijk | Southern Schleswig |
Zuid-Soedan | South Sudan |
Zuid-Soedanees pond | South Sudanese pound |
Zuid-Soedanees voetbalelftal | South Sudan national football team |
Zuid-Sotho | Sotho language |
Zuid-Spaanse schijftongkikker | Spanish painted frog |
Zuid-Sumatra | South Sumatra |
Zuid-Tarawa | South Tarawa |
Zuid-Texas | South Texas |
Zuid-Thailand | Southern Thailand |
Zuid-Tirol | South Tyrol |
Zuid-Tiroler Archeologiemuseum | South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology |
Zuid-Ubangi | Sud-Ubangi District |
Zuidveen | Zuidveen |
Zuidvelde | Zuidvelde |
Zuid-Vietnam | South Vietnam |
Zuid-Vietnamees voetbalelftal | South Vietnam national football team |
Zuid-Waddinxveen | Zuid-Waddinxveen |
Zuid-Wales | South Wales |
Zuid-Waziristan | South Waziristan |
Zuid-Wervik | Wervicq-Sud |
Zuidwest | Southwest |
Zuidwest-Afrika | South-West Africa |
Zuidwest-Azië | Southwest Asia |
Zuidwest-China | Southwest China |
Zuidwest-Delhi | South West Delhi |
Zuidwesteilanden | Southwest Islands (Palau) |
Zuidwestelijke Universiteit voor Nationaliteiten | Southwest University for Nationalities |
Zuidwest-Mandarijn | Southwestern Mandarin |
Zuidwest-Soemba | Southwest Sumba Regency |
Zuidwest-Somalië | Southwestern Somalia |
Zuidwijk (Boskoop) | Zuidwijk |
Zuidwolde | Zuidwolde |
Zuidwolde (Drenthe) | Zuidwolde, Drenthe |
Zuidzande | Zuidzande |
Zuidzee-zwaluw | Pacific Swallow |
Zuiger | Piston |
Zuigercompressor | Reciprocating compressor |
Zuigermotor | Reciprocating engine |
Zuigerpomp | Piston pump |
Zuigerveer | Piston ring |
Zuigkarpers | Catostomidae |
Zuignap | Suction cup |
Zuigschijfvleermuis | Madagascar sucker-footed bat |
Zuigschijfvleermuizen | Myzopoda |
Zuigspanning | Water retention curve |
Zuigwormen | Trematode |
Zuigzoen | Hickey |
Zuiho (vliegdekschip) | Japanese aircraft carrier Zuihō |
Zuikaku | Japanese aircraft carrier Zuikaku |
Zuil (bouwkunde) | Column |
Zuil van Antoninus Pius | Column of Antoninus Pius |
Zuil van Marcus Aurelius | Column of Marcus Aurelius |
Zuil van Phocas | Column of Phocas |
Zuil van Trajanus | Trajan's Column |
Zuil van Volta | Voltaic pile |
Zuilen | Pillar |
Zuilen der schepping | The Pillars of Creation |
Zuilen van geloof | Iman (concept) |
Zuilen van Hercules | Pillars of Hercules |
Zuilichem | Zuilichem |
Zuivel | Dairy product |
Zuivelfabriek | Dairy |
Zuiver Land-boeddhisme | Pure Land Buddhism |
Zuivere wiskunde | Pure mathematics |
Zújar | Zújar |
Zuko | Zuko |
Żukowice (gemeente) | Gmina Żukowice |
Żukowice (Neder-Silezië) | Żukowice, Lower Silesian Voivodeship |
Żukowo | Żukowo |
Żukowo (gemeente) | Gmina Żukowo |
Zukve | Zukve |
Zuleyka Rivera | Zuleyka Rivera Mendoza |
Zulfikar | Zulfiqar |
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto | Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto |
Zulfiqar | Zulfiqar (tank) |
Zulia (staat) | Zulia |
Zulkifl (profeet) | Dhul-Kifl |
Zülow | Zülow |
Zulte (plant) | Aster tripolium |
Zululand | Zululand District Municipality |
Zum ewigen Frieden | Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch |
Zuma (album) | Zuma (album) |
Zumarraga | Zumarraga |
Zumarraga (Samar) | Zumarraga, Samar |
Zumarraga (Spanje) | Zumarraga, Spain |
Žumberak | Žumberak, Zagreb County |
Zumbi | Zumbi |
Zumbrota | Zumbrota, Minnesota |
Zumholz | Zumholz |
Zummara | Double clarinet |
Zumpango (gemeente) | Zumpango, State of Mexico |
Zumpano | Zumpano, Calabria |
Zumsteinspitze | Zumsteinspitze |
Zündapp Janus | Zündapp Janus |
Zunderdorp | Zunderdorp |
Zune HD | Zune HD |
Zuñeda | Zuñeda |
Zungaro zungaro | Zungaro zungaro |
Zúñiga | Zúñiga, Navarre |
Zuniga (geslacht) | Zuniga (genus) |
Žunje (Brus) | Žunje (Brus) |
Žunjeviće | Žunjeviće |
Zunyiet | Zunyite |
Župa | Župa (disambiguation) |
Župa (Tutin) | Župa (Tutin) |
Župan | Ispán |
Županja | Županja |
Županovice (okres Jindřichův Hradec) | Županovice (Jindřichův Hradec District) |
Župkov | Župkov |
Zurab Ionanidze | Zurab Ionanidze |
Zurab Menteshashvili | Zurab Menteshashvili |
Żurawica (gemeente) | Gmina Żurawica |
Żurawlówka | Żurawlówka |
Zürcher geschnetzeltes | Zürcher Geschnetzeltes |
Zure haring | Pickled herring |
Zure kers | Prunus cerasus |
Zure regen | Acid rain |
Zure room | Sour cream |
Zure sinaasappel | Bitter orange |
Zurgena | Zurgena |
Zurich | Zurich (disambiguation) |
Zürich (district) | Zurich District |
Zurich (Kansas) | Zurich, Kansas |
Zürich (kanton) | Zürich (canton) |
Zurich (Nederland) | Zurich, Friesland |
Zürich (stad) | Zurich |
Zurich Classic of New Orleans | Zurich Classic of New Orleans |
Zürich Hauptbahnhof | Zürich Hauptbahnhof |
Zuring | Rumex |
Zuringspanner | Lythria cruentaria |
Zuringuil | Acronicta rumicis |
Zuringwants | Coreus marginatus |
Zuringwespvlinder | Pyropteron chrysidiformis |
Züriputsch | Züriputsch |
Zurjeens | Komi language |
Żuromin (gemeente) | Gmina Żuromin |
Zurow | Zurow |
Zurrieq FC | Żurrieq F.C. |
Zurzach | Zurzach District |
Zus & Zo | Zus & Zo |
Züsedom | Züsedom |
Zushi | Zushi, Kanagawa |
Züsow | Züsow |
Züssow | Züssow |
Züst | Zust |
Zuster | Sister (disambiguation) |
Zuster (religie) | Nun |
Zuster Emmanuelle | Sœur Emmanuelle |
Zuster van de duisternis | Faith of the Fallen |
Zustergroep | Sister group |
Zusters Mirabal | Mirabal sisters |
Zusters van het arme Kind Jezus | Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus |
Zusters van Liefde van Jezus en Maria (Gent) | Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary |
Zusterschip | Sister ship |
Žutice | Žutice |
Zutswa | Zutswa |
Zuunmod | Zuunmod |
Zuur-basereactie | Acid–base reaction |
Zuurbes | Berberis vulgaris |
Zuurconstante | Acid dissociation constant |
Zuurdesem | Sourdough |
Zuurkast | Fume hood |
Zuurkool | Sauerkraut |
Zuurstof | Oxygen (disambiguation) |
Zuurstof (element) | Oxygen |
Zuurstof-18 | Oxygen-18 |
Zuurstofdifluoride | Oxygen difluoride |
Zuurstofelektrode | Clark electrode |
Zuurstofgroep | Group 16 element |
Zuurstofisotopenanalyse | Oxygen isotope ratio cycle |
Zuurstofmasker | Oxygen mask |
Zuurstofvergiftiging | Oxygen toxicity |
Zuurstok | Barley sugar |
Zuurvaste staaf | Acid-fast |
Zuurzak | Annona muricata |
Zuzana Kučová | Zuzana Kučová |
Zuzanów | Zuzanów |
Zuzwil (Bern) | Zuzwil, Bern |
Zuzwil (Sankt Gallen) | Zuzwil, St. Gallen |
Zvartnots Erevan | Zvartnots-AAL F.C. |
Zvenigorodskaja (metrostation) | Zvenigorodskaya |
Zvenigovo | Zvenigovo |
Zveno | Zveno |
Zvěřínek | Zvěřínek |
Zvěrotice | Zvěrotice |
Zvěstovice | Zvěstovice |
Zvezd | Zvezd |
Zvezda 2005 Perm | Zvezda 2005 Perm |
Zvezda Irkoetsk | FC Zvezda Irkutsk |
Zvezdan Čebinac | Zvezdan Čebinac |
Zvezdoliki | Le roi des étoiles |
Zviad Endeladze | Zviad Endeladze |
Zviad Gamsachoerdia | Zviad Gamsakhurdia |
Zviad Izoria | Zviad Izoria |
Zvijezd | Zvijezd |
Zvíkov (okres České Budějovice) | Zvíkov (České Budějovice District) |
Zvíkov (okres Český Krumlov) | Zvíkov (Český Krumlov District) |
Zvizdar | Zvizdar |
Zvjozdnaja (metrostation) | Zvyozdnaya |
Zvjozdny | Zvyozdny |
Zvjozdny gorodok | Zvyozdny gorodok (urban-type settlement) |
Zvole (okres Šumperk) | Zvole (Šumperk District) |
Zvole (okres Žďár nad Sázavou) | Zvole (Žďár nad Sázavou District) |
Zvoleněves | Zvoleněves |
Zvolenovice | Zvolenovice |
Zvolenská Slatina | Zvolenská Slatina |
Zvonce | Zvonce |
Zvončín | Zvončín |
Zvonimir Deranja | Zvonimir Deranja |
Zvonimir Janko | Zvonimir Janko |
Zvonko Bego | Zvonko Bego |
Zvonko Milojević | Zvonko Milojević |
Zvoriștea | Zvoriștea |
Zwaagdijk-West | Zwaagdijk-West |
Zwaagwesteinde | De Westereen |
Zwaaien | Wave (gesture) |
Zwaailicht | Emergency vehicle lighting |
Zwaan (sterrenbeeld) | Cygnus (constellation) |
Zwaangans | Swan Goose |
Zwaanridder | Knight of the Swan |
Zwaanshoek | Zwaanshoek |
Zwaar metaal | Heavy metal (chemistry) |
Zwaar mineraal | Heavy mineral sands ore deposits |
Zwaar water | Heavy water |
Zwaard (wapen) | Sword |
Zwaard (zeilboot) | Leeboard |
Zwaarddrager | Green swordtail |
Zwaardkolibrie | Sword-billed Hummingbird |
Zwaardvaren | Polystichum munitum |
Zwaardvis | Swordfish |
Zwaartekracht | Gravitation |
Zwaartekrachtanomalie | Gravity anomaly |
Zwaartekrachtimplosie | Gravitational collapse |
Zwaartekrachtlens | Gravitational lensing |
Zwaartekrachtsgolf | Gravitational wave |
Zwaartekrachtspotentiaal | Gravitational potential |
Zwaartekrachtsslinger | Gravity assist |
Zwaartekrachtsveld | Gravitational field |
Zwaartelijn | Median (geometry) |
Zwaartepunt | Centers of gravity in non-uniform fields |
Zwaarwaterreactor | Heavy water reactor |
Zwabber | Mop |
Zwaben (streek) | Swabia |
Zwabenspiegel | Schwabenspiegel |
Zwabisch | Swabian German |
Zwabisch Turkije | Swabian Turkey |
Zwabische Kreits | Swabian Circle |
Zwad | Windrow |
Zwadmaaier | Swather |
Zwagerbosch | Zwagerbosch |
Zwak zuur | Weak acid |
Zwake | Oost- en Middelzwake |
Zwakke base | Weak base |
Zwakke kernkracht | Weak interaction |
Zwakke vermoeden van Goldbach | Goldbach's weak conjecture |
Zwaluwbaardkoekoek | Swallow-winged Puffbird |
Zwaluwen (zangvogels) | Swallow |
Zwaluwnest | Swallow's Nest |
Zwaluwpapegaai | Swift Parrot |
Zwaluwstaartbijeneter | Swallow-tailed Bee-eater |
Zwaluwstaartcotinga | Swallow-tailed Cotinga |
Zwaluwstaartkoningstiran | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher |
Zwaluwstaartmeeuw | Swallow-tailed Gull |
Zwaluwstaartverbinding | Dovetail joint |
Zwaluwstaartwouw | Swallow-tailed Kite |
Zwaluwtangare | Swallow Tanager |
Zwaluwtong | Fallopia convolvulus |
Zwammerdam | Zwammerdam |
Zwampkikkers | Limnodynastes |
Zwamvlok | Mycelium |
Zwanehalsfuut | Western Grebe |
Zwanen | Swan |
Zwanenbloem | Butomus umbellatus |
Zwanenburg (dorp) | Zwanenburg |
Zwanenmeer | Swan Lake |
Zwanenmossel | Swan mussel |
Zwanenzang (gedicht) | Swan song |
Zwangerschap | Pregnancy |
Zwangerschapscategorie | Pregnancy category |
Zwangerschapsdiabetes | Gestational diabetes |
Zwangerschapsmisselijkheid | Morning sickness |
Zwangerschapstest | Pregnancy test |
Zwardoń | Zwardoń |
Zware bedrijfswagen | Large goods vehicle |
Zware industrie | Heavy industry |
Zware Jongens (Disney) | Beagle Boys |
Zware kruiser | Heavy cruiser |
Zwart | Zwart |
Zwart (kleur) | Black |
Zwart beertje | Atolmis rubricollis |
Zwart blauwtje | Plebejus eumedon |
Zwart Blok | Black bloc |
Zwart boshoen | Dusky Megapode |
Zwart doodshoofdaapje | Black squirrel monkey |
Zwart Front | Black Front (Netherlands) |
Zwart gat | Black hole |
Zwart haar | Black hair |
Zwart knoopkruid | Centaurea nigra |
Zwart muskushert | Black musk deer |
Zwart parelhoen | Black Guineafowl |
Zwart peperboompje | Daphne laureola |
Zwart water (milieu) | Blackwater (waste) |
Zwart weeskind | Mormo maura |
Zwart woudaapje | Black Bittern |
Zwartbaard | Edward Teach |
Zwartbandbaardvogel | Bearded Barbet |
Zwartbandslijmvis | Longstriped blenny |
Zwartbandspanner | Garden Carpet |
Zwartbekgrondel | Round goby |
Zwartbles | Zwartbles |
Zwartboek | Black book |
Zwartboek (film) | Black Book (film) |
Zwartborsthazelhoen | Chinese Grouse |
Zwartborstslangenarend | Black-chested Snake Eagle |
Zwartborststormvogel | Galápagos Petrel |
Zwartborsttandkwartel | Black-breasted Wood Quail |
Zwartbrauwbaardvogel | Black-browed Barbet |
Zwartbruin dikkopje | Erynnis marloyi |
Zwartbruine wegmier | Black garden ant |
Zwartbuikaardschildpad | Indian black turtle |
Zwartbuikagoeti | Black-rumped agouti |
Zwartbuikcotinga | Blue Cotinga |
Zwartbuikfluiteend | Black-bellied Whistling Duck |
Zwartbuikmalkoha | Black-bellied Malkoha |
Zwartbuikpijlstormvogel | Black-vented Shearwater |
Zwartbuikstormvogeltje | Black-bellied Storm Petrel |
Zwartbuikzandhoen | Black-bellied Sandgrouse |
Zwarte aalscholver | Little Black Cormorant |
Zwarte aardslak | Limax cinereoniger |
Zwarte adder | Red-bellied black snake |
Zwarte adel | Black Nobility |
Zwarte albatros | Sooty Albatross |
Zwarte anemoonvis | Clark's anemonefish |
Zwarte apollovlinder | Clouded apollo |
Zwarte arend | Verreaux's Eagle |
Zwarte bamboe | Phyllostachys nigra |
Zwarte beer | Black bear |
Zwarte bes | Blackcurrant |
Zwarte bewustzijnsbeweging | Black Consciousness Movement |
Zwarte bijeneter | Black Bee-eater |
Zwarte boek van Carmarthen | Black Book of Carmarthen |
Zwarte bonenluis | Black bean aphid |
Zwarte bospatrijs | Black Partridge |
Zwarte brulaap | Black howler |
Zwarte buulbuul | Malagasy Bulbul |
Zwarte c-uil | Setaceous Hebrew character |
Zwarte den | Pinus nigra |
Zwarte Dennenhoutwesp | Xeris spectrum |
Zwarte diepzeealen | Bobtail snipe eel |
Zwarte dikkopschildpad | Black marsh turtle |
Zwarte Dood | Black Death |
Zwarte doos | Black box |
Zwarte doosschildpad | West African black turtle |
Zwarte drank | Black drink |
Zwarte duiker | Black duiker |
Zwarte dwerg | Black dwarf |
Zwarte dwergmeerval | Black bullhead |
Zwarte eekhoorn | Fox squirrel |
Zwarte els | Alnus glutinosa |
Zwarte erebia | Black Ringlet |
Zwarte Ernz | Black Ernz |
Zwarte ezelhaas | Black jackrabbit |
Zwarte fantoomzalm | Black phantom tetra |
Zwarte franjeaap | Black colobus |
Zwarte frankolijn | Black Francolin |
Zwarte Galathea | Galathea squamifera |
Zwarte Getijdenboek | Black Hours, Morgan Library |
Zwarte gier | Black Vulture |
Zwarte gierzwaluw | American Black Swift |
Zwarte goean | Black Guan |
Zwarte grondel | Black goby |
Zwarte haarstaartvis | Black scabbardfish |
Zwarte Hand (afpersing) | Black Hand (extortion) |
Zwarte Hand (Bosnië) | Black Hand |
Zwarte havik | Black Sparrowhawk |
Zwarte heidelibel | Black Darter |
Zwarte heksenkruidmot | Mompha langiella |
Zwarte herfstspinner | Poecilocampa populi |
Zwarte hokko | Black Curassow |
Zwarte humor | Black comedy |
Zwarte ibis | Glossy Ibis |
Zwarte Januari | Black January |
Zwarte kaaiman | Black caiman |
Zwarte kaketoe | Palm Cockatoo |
Zwarte katvogel | Black Catbird |
Zwarte Keizersvis | Gray angelfish |
Zwarte kerkuil | Greater Sooty Owl |
Zwarte kiekendief | Black Harrier |
Zwarte klauwierkraai | Black Currawong |
Zwarte knoopzwam | Bulgaria inquinans |
Zwarte komijn | Nigella sativa |
Zwarte kraai | Carrion Crow |
Zwarte kroonkraan | Black Crowned Crane |
Zwarte kuifarend | Black Hawk-Eagle |
Zwarte lantaarnhaai | Black dogfish |
Zwarte lathyrus | Lathyrus niger |
Zwarte leeuwerik | Black Lark |
Zwarte legende | Black Legend |
Zwarte Leger (Hongarije) | Black Army of Hungary |
Zwarte leguaan | Ctenosaura similis |
Zwarte Lente | Black Spring |
Zwarte Lente (Cuba) | Black Spring (Cuba) |
Zwarte lijst (ongewenste zaken) | Blacklisting |
Zwarte lijst van Hollywood | Hollywood blacklist |
Zwarte l-vlinder | Arctornis l-nigrum |
Zwarte madonna | Black Madonna |
Zwarte madonna van Częstochowa | Black Madonna of Częstochowa |
Zwarte Madonna van Montserrat | Virgin of Montserrat |
Zwarte Magica | Magica De Spell |
Zwarte makrelen | Longfin escolar |
Zwarte mamba | Black mamba |
Zwarte markt | Black market |
Zwarte mees | Coal Tit |
Zwarte mis | Black Mass |
Zwarte moerbei | Morus nigra |
Zwarte monarch | Shining Flycatcher |
Zwarte mosterd | Brassica nigra |
Zwarte nachtschade | Solanum nigrum |
Zwarte neon | Black neon tetra |
Zwarte neushoorn | Black rhinoceros |
Zwarte neushoornvogel | Black Hornbill |
Zwarte ogen | Dark Eyes (song) |
Zwarte ooievaar | Black Stork |
Zwarte orgelvogel | Black Butcherbird |
Zwarte pacu | Tambaqui |
Zwarte pad | Black toad |
Zwarte Piet | Zwarte Piet |
Zwarte populier | Populus nigra |
Zwarte rat | Black rat |
Zwarte rattenslang | Western rat snake |
Zwarte reiger | Black Heron |
Zwarte reuzenmier | Camponotus vagus |
Zwarte rietprachtmot | Cosmopterix scribaiella |
Zwarte roest | Stem rust |
Zwarte roodborsttapuit | Pied Bush Chat |
Zwarte roodstaart | Black Redstart |
Zwarte ruiter (vogel) | Spotted Redshank |
Zwarte Russische terriër | Black Russian Terrier |
Zwarte salamander | Black salamander |
Zwarte Schilderijen | Black Paintings |
Zwarte Schim | Phantom Blot |
Zwarte September | Black September |
Zwarte September (conflict) | Black September in Jordan |
Zwarte September (organisatie) | Black September (group) |
Zwarte sidderrog | Atlantic torpedo |
Zwarte Sigatokaziekte | Black sigatoka |
Zwarte sikkelsnavel | Black Sicklebill |
Zwarte Sneeuw | Black Snow |
Zwarte specht | Black Woodpecker |
Zwarte spreeuw | Spotless Starling |
Zwarte Steen (Mekka) | Black Stone |
Zwarte steltkluut | Black Stilt |
Zwarte stern | Black Tern |
Zwarte stormvogel | Black Petrel |
Zwarte straler | Black body |
Zwarte Taal | Black Speech |
Zwarte tapuit | Black Wheatear |
Zwarte tetra | Black tetra |
Zwarte thee | Black tea |
Zwarte tinamoe | Black Tinamou |
Zwarte tok | Black Dwarf Hornbill |
Zwarte toorts | Verbascum nigrum |
Zwarte trekkervis | Black triggerfish |
Zwarte trilzwam | Exidia nigricans |
Zwarte truffel | Tuber melanosporum |
Zwarte trui (Ronde van Italië) | Maglia nera |
Zwarte valk | Black Falcon |
Zwarte vanga | Bernier's Vanga |
Zwarte veelvraat | Black swallower |
Zwarte Vijvers | Étangs Noirs/Zwarte Vijvers metro station |
Zwarte vis | Rudderfish |
Zwarte vleerhond | Mauritian flying fox |
Zwarte vlek | Black Spot (Treasure Island) |
Zwarte vliegen | Bibionidae |
Zwarte Volta | Black Volta |
Zwarte waaierstaart | Black Scrub Robin |
Zwarte wallaroe | Black wallaroo |
Zwarte walnoot | Juglans nigra |
Zwarte waterspringstaart | Podura aquatica |
Zwarte weduwe (spin) | Latrodectus mactans |
Zwarte wegslak | Black slug |
Zwarte witvleugeluil | Aporophyla nigra |
Zwarte Woud | Black Forest |
Zwarte wouw | Black Kite |
Zwarte zaadmier | Pavement ant |
Zwarte zapote | Diospyros digyna |
Zwarte zaterdag | Black Saturday |
Zwarte Zee | Black Sea |
Zwarte zee-eend | Common Scoter |
Zwarte zeekoet | Black Guillemot |
Zwarte Zee-regio | Black Sea Region |
Zwarte zijdevliegenvanger | Phainopepla |
Zwarte zwaan | Black Swan |
Zwarte zwaardwalvis | False Killer Whale |
Zwartemeer | Zwartemeer |
Zwarten | Black people |
Zwartepiet | Old maid (card game) |
Zwartewaal | Zwartewaal |
Zwarte-w-vlinder | Macaria wauaria |
Zwartfigurige stijl | Black-figure pottery |
Zwartgele aardleguaan | Liolaemus pictus |
Zwartgele argiope | Argiope aurantia |
Zwartgele blaaskop | Conops flavipes |
Zwartgele hapvogel | Black-and-yellow Broadbill |
Zwartgestippelde sidderrog | Blackspotted torpedo |
Zwartgestreepte wezel | Back-striped weasel |
Zwartgezichtslingeraap | Peruvian spider monkey |
Zwartgroene melkzwam | Lactarius turpis |
Zwarthalscobra | Naja nigricollis |
Zwarthalskraanvogel | Black-necked Crane |
Zwarthalsooievaar | Black-necked Stork |
Zwarthalszwaan | Black-necked Swan |
Zwarthandslingeraap | Geoffroy's spider monkey |
Zwarthandtamarin | Black tamarin |
Zwartharige vachtegel | Eastern long-beaked echidna |
Zwarthemden | Black Shirts |
Zwartkamdwergspanner | Double-striped Pug |
Zwartkapdonacobius | Black-capped Donacobius |
Zwartkapijsvogel | Black-capped Kingfisher |
Zwartkaplori | Black-capped Lory |
Zwartkapsaterhoen | Western Tragopan |
Zwartkapstormvogel | Black-capped Petrel |
Zwartkaptinamoe | Hooded Tinamou |
Zwartkeelbaardvogel | Bornean Barbet |
Zwartkeelbobwhite | Yucatan Bobwhite |
Zwartkeelheggenmus | Black-throated Accentor |
Zwartkeellijster | Black-throated Thrush |
Zwartkeelorgelvogel | Pied Butcherbird |
Zwartkeelsmaragdbreedbek | Whitehead's Broadbill |
Zwartkeeltandkwartel | Tacarcuna Wood Quail |
Zwartkijken | Idées noires |
Zwartkop | Eurasian Blackcap |
Zwartkopbijeneter | Black-headed Bee-eater |
Zwartkopbuulbuul | Black-headed Bulbul |
Zwartkopgors | Black-headed Bunting |
Zwartkoplar | Pileated gibbon |
Zwartkopleeuwaapje | Superagui lion tamarin |
Zwartkopmeeuw | Mediterranean Gull |
Zwartkopoeakari | Golden-backed uakari |
Zwartkoppython | Aspidites melanocephalus |
Zwartkopreiger | Black-headed Heron |
Zwartkoprietzanger | Moustached Warbler |
Zwartkopspecht | Black-headed Woodpecker |
Zwartkopspringaap | Atlantic titi |
Zwartkoptenrek | Highland streaked tenrec |
Zwartkoptinamoe | Black-capped Tinamou |
Zwartkopvliegenvanger | Hooded Robin |
Zwartkopvuurkever | Cardinal beetle |
Zwartkopzaadkraker | Chestnut-bellied Seed Finch |
Zwartkopzijdeaapje | Black-headed marmoset |
Zwartkoren | Melampyrum |
Zwartkraagagapornis | Black-collared Lovebird |
Zwartkraagspreeuw | Black-collared Starling |
Zwartkruinpitta | Graceful Pitta |
Zwartkruinvinkleeuwerik | Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark |
Zwartkuiflangoer | Sumatran surili |
Zwartkuifneushoornvogel | Bushy-crested Hornbill |
Zwartlijven | Darkling beetle |
Zwartlipfluithaas | Plateau pika |
Zwartmaskeragapornis | Yellow-collared Lovebird |
Zwartmaskerboszanger | Black-faced Warbler |
Zwartmaskergoean | Black-fronted Piping Guan |
Zwartmaskeribis | Black-faced Ibis |
Zwartmaskerpitta | Black-faced Pitta |
Zwartmaskerrupsvogel | Sunda Cuckooshrike |
Zwartmaskertandkwartel | Black-fronted Wood Quail |
Zwartmoeskervel | Smyrnium olusatrum |
Zwartnekhaas | Indian hare |
Zwartnekjufferduif | Black-naped Fruit Dove |
Zwart-nestsalangaan | Black-nest Swiftlet |
Zwartooglipvis | Corkwing wrasse |
Zwartoorpenseelaapje | Black-tufted marmoset |
Zwartoortandkwartel | Black-eared Wood Quail |
Zwartoorvruchtenduif | Tawitawi Brown Dove |
Zwartpootroetneusje | Parasyrphus lineolus |
Zwartpunthaai | Blacktip shark |
Zwartpuntrifhaai | Blacktip reef shark |
Zwartpuntvolgeling | Noctua orbona |
Zwartpurperen russula | Russula atropurpurea |
Zwartrijden | Fare evasion |
Zwartringbrilvogel | Mountain Blackeye |
Zwartroze vliegenvanger | Pink Robin |
Zwartrugbosmier | Formica pratensis |
Zwartrugduiker | Bay duiker |
Zwartrugfluitvogel | Australian Magpie |
Zwartruggierzwaluw | Dark-rumped Swift |
Zwartrughavik | Black-mantled Goshawk |
Zwartrugorgelvogel | Black-backed Butcherbird |
Zwartrugrenspin | Philodromus dispar |
Zwartrugtamarin | Black-mantled tamarin |
Zwartrugtandkwartel | Dark-backed Wood Quail |
Zwartscheendoek | Black-shanked douc |
Zwartschoudernachtzwaluw | Black-shouldered Nightjar |
Zwartsluis | Zwartsluis |
Zwartsnavelboskalkoen | Black-billed Brushturkey |
Zwartsnavelkoekoek | Black-billed Cuckoo |
Zwartsnavelooievaar | Oriental Stork |
Zwartsnavelzaadkraker | Black-billed Seed Finch |
Zwartsnuithaai | Blacknose shark |
Zwartsprietdikkopje | Essex Skipper |
Zwartstaart | Blackstart |
Zwartstaartbuidelmarter | Western quoll |
Zwartstaartdoornhaai | Blacktailed spurdog |
Zwartstaarthaas | Black-tailed jackrabbit |
Zwartstaartprairiehond | Black-tailed prairie dog |
Zwartstaartzijdeaapje | Black-tailed marmoset |
Zwartsteel | Asplenium adiantum-nigrum |
Zwartstiphaai | Blackspot shark |
Zwartstipspanner | Scopula nigropunctata |
Zwartstreepsmalbok | Stenurella melanura |
Zwartstreepuil | Hyppa rectilinea |
Zwartteugelspitsvogel | Black-faced Woodswallow |
Zwarttipvaalhaai | Blacktip tope |
Zwartvinanemoonvis | Amphiprion nigripes |
Zwartvintonijn | Blackfin tuna |
Zwartvissen | Medusafish |
Zwartvlekdwergspanner | Lime-speck Pug |
Zwartvlektoonhaai | Blackspotted smooth-hound |
Zwartvlekwinteruil | Conistra rubiginosa |
Zwartvleugelagapornis | Black-winged Lovebird |
Zwartvleugelstormvogel | Black-winged Petrel |
Zwartvleugeltangare | Scarlet Tanager |
Zwartvoetalbatros | Black-footed Albatross |
Zwartvoetboomkikker | Wallace's flying frog |
Zwartvoetbunzing | Black-footed ferret |
Zwartvoethoelman | Black-footed gray langur |
Zwartvoetkat | Black-footed cat |
Zwartvoetpinguïn | African Penguin |
Zwartvoorhoofdduiker | Black-fronted duiker |
Zwartwangagapornis | Black-cheeked Lovebird |
Zwartwangspecht | Black-cheeked Woodpecker |
Zwartwangspoorkoekoek | Black-faced Coucal |
Zwartwaterrivier | Blackwater river |
Zwartwerken | Unreported employment |
Zwart-wit (media) | Black-and-white |
Zwartwitte franjeapen | Black-and-white colobus |
Zwartwitte kuifarend | Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle |
Zwartwordende wasplaat | Hygrocybe conica |
Zwartzadelvijlvis | Blacksaddle filefish |
Zwavel | Sulfur |
Zwavelborsttoekan | Keel-billed Toucan |
Zwavelbrug | Disulfide bond |
Zwavelchloride | Disulfur dichloride |
Zwaveldichloride | Sulfur dichloride |
Zwaveldioxide | Sulfur dioxide |
Zwavelhexafluoride | Sulfur hexafluoride |
Zwavelig oranjetipje | Anthocharis gruneri |
Zwaveligzuur | Sulfurous acid |
Zwavel-jodiumcyclus | Sulfur–iodine cycle |
Zwaveloxiden | Sulfur oxide |
Zwavelstuitkuiftangare | Sulphur-rumped Tanager |
Zwaveltrioxide | Sulfur trioxide |
Zwavelzuur | Sulfuric acid |
Zwavelzwam | Laetiporus sulphureus |
Zweden | Sweden |
Zweden (volk) | Swedes |
Zweden op de Europese kampioenschappen atletiek 2010 | Sweden at the 2010 European Athletics Championships |
Zweden op de Olympische Jeugdwinterspelen 2012 | Sweden at the 2012 Winter Youth Olympics |
Zweden op de Olympische Spelen | Sweden at the Olympics |
Zweden op het Eurovisiesongfestival | Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest |
Zweden op het Junior Eurovisiesongfestival | Sweden in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest |
Zweder van Culemborg | Zweder van Culemborg |
Zweeds | Swedish language |
Zweeds honkbalteam | Sweden national baseball team |
Zweeds kenteken | Vehicle registration plates of Sweden |
Zweeds Lijfland | Swedish Livonia |
Zweeds nationaal basketbalteam | Sweden national basketball team |
Zweeds voetbalelftal | Sweden national football team |
Zweeds vrouwenvoetbalelftal | Sweden women's national football team |
Zweedse Academie | Swedish Academy |
Zweedse dialecten | Swedish dialects |
Zweedse drank | Schwedentrunk |
Zweedse Grondwet | Constitution of Sweden |
Zweedse ijshockeyploeg | Sweden men's national ice hockey team |
Zweedse Kerk | Church of Sweden |
Zweedse kernwapenprogramma | Sweden and weapons of mass destruction |
Zweedse keuken | Swedish cuisine |
Zweedse Kok | Swedish Chef |
Zweedse koloniën | Swedish overseas colonies |
Zweedse kornoelje | Cornus suecica |
Zweedse kroon | Swedish krona |
Zweedse lappenhond | Swedish Lapphund |
Zweedse lijsterbes | Sorbus × intermedia |
Zweedse luchtmacht | Swedish Air Force |
Zweedse Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog | Swedish War of Liberation |
Zweedse Oost-Indische Compagnie | Swedish East India Company |
Zweedse parlementsverkiezingen 1988 | Swedish general election, 1988 |
Zweedse Ritus | Swedish Rite |
Zweedse tang | Plumber wrench |
Zweedse voetbalbeker | Svenska Cupen |
Zweedse voetbalbond | Swedish Football Association |
Zweedse Volkspartij in Finland | Swedish People's Party of Finland |
Zweedse Wikipedia | Swedish Wikipedia |
Zweedse Zeedienst | Swedish Maritime Administration |
Zweeds-Nederlandse Oorlog | Dano-Swedish War (1658–60) |
Zweeds-Noorse Oorlog | Swedish–Norwegian War (1814) |
Zweeds-Pommeren | Swedish Pomerania |
Zweedstalige Finnen | Swedish-speaking population of Finland |
Zweefbrug | Transporter bridge |
Zweefbrug van Newport | Newport Transporter Bridge |
Zweefmolen | Swing ride |
Zweefvliegen (dieren) | Hoverfly |
Zweefvliegen (sport) | Gliding |
Zweefvliegtuig | Glider |
Zweep | Whip |
Zweep (muziekinstrument) | Whip (instrument) |
Zweephagedissen | Tetradactylus |
Zweepspinnen | Amblypygi |
Zweepstaartje | Flagellum |
Zweepstaartschorpioenen | Thelyphonida |
Zweepworm | Trichuris trichiura |
Zweer | Ulcer |
Zweetdoek van Oviedo | Sudarium of Oviedo |
Zweethut | Sweat lodge |
Zweetvoeten | Foot odor |
Zweetziekte | Sweating sickness |
Zwegel | Pipe (instrument) |
Zweibrücken | Zweibrücken |
Zweibrücken Hauptbahnhof | Zweibrücken Central Station |
Zweig | Zweig |
Zweihaak | Sliding T bevel |
Zweimen | Zweimen |
Zweins | Zweins |
Zweinstein | Hogwarts |
Zwelghaaien en snavelhaaien | Centrophoridae |
Zwellichaam | Erectile tissue |
Zwelwerk | Expression pedal |
Zwembad | Swimming pool |
Zwembad van olympisch formaat | Olympic-size swimming pool |
Zwemband | Inflatable armbands |
Zwemblaas | Swim bladder |
Zwembroek | Swim briefs |
Zwemkrabben | Portunidae |
Zwemles | Swimming lessons |
Zwemmen | Swim |
Zwemmen op de Gemenebestspelen 2010 | Synchronised Swimming at the 2010 Commonwealth Games |
Zwemmen op de Olympische Jeugdzomerspelen 2010 | Swimming at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics |
Zwemmen op de Olympische Zomerspelen | Swimming at the Summer Olympics |
Zwemmen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1908 | Swimming at the 1908 Summer Olympics |
Zwemmen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – 100 meter vlinderslag vrouwen | Swimming at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Women's 100 metre butterfly |
Zwemmen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 – 50 meter vrije slag mannen | Swimming at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Men's 50 metre freestyle |
Zwemmen op de Paralympische Zomerspelen 2012 | Swimming at the 2012 Summer Paralympics |
Zwemmerseczeem | Athlete's foot |
Zwemvin | Swimfin |
Zwemvlies | Interdigital webbing |
Zwengel | Crank (mechanism) |
Zwenkvleugel | Variable-sweep wing |
Zwentendorf an der Donau | Zwentendorf |
Zwepenboom | Celtis occidentalis |
Zwerfafval | Litter |
Zwerfhond | Street dog |
Zwerflandbouw | Shifting cultivation |
Zwerfsteen | Glacial erratic |
Zwerfwoord | Wanderwort |
Zwerkbal | Quidditch |
Zwerkbal Door de Eeuwen Heen | Quidditch Through the Ages |
Zwerm | Swarm |
Zwerminktzwam | Coprinellus disseminatus |
Zwermintelligentie | Swarm intelligence |
Zwervende fluiteend | Wandering Whistling Duck |
Zwervende heidelibel | Red-veined darter |
Zwervende pantserjuffer | Lestes barbarus |
Zweten | Sweat |
Zwettl | Zwettl (disambiguation) |
Zwettl (district) | Zwettl District |
Zwettl (gemeente) | Zwettl |
Zwevende kiezer | Swing vote |
Zwevende vloer | Floating floor |
Zwevende wisselkoers | Floating exchange rate |
Zwevendekommagetal | Floating point |
Zweving | Beat (acoustics) |
Zwickau Hauptbahnhof | Zwickau Central Station |
Zwickauer Damm (metrostation) | Zwickauer Damm (Berlin U-Bahn) |
Zwickauer Land | Zwickauer Land |
Zwickauers | Zwickau prophets |
Zwickmühle | Windmill (chess) |
Zwierzyn (gemeente) | Gmina Zwierzyn |
Zwierzyniec | Zwierzyniec (disambiguation) |
Zwierzyniec (gemeente) | Gmina Zwierzyniec |
Zwierzyniec (stad) | Zwierzyniec |
Zwiesel (berg) | Zwiesel (mountain) |
Zwieselberg | Zwieselberg |
Zwiggelte | Zwiggelte |
Zwijgrecht | Right to silence |
Zwijgspiraal | Spiral of silence |
Zwijnaarde | Zwijnaarde |
Zwijndrecht (België) | Zwijndrecht, Belgium |
Zwijndrecht (Nederland) | Zwijndrecht, Netherlands |
Zwijnshert | Hog Deer |
Zwik | Spandrel |
Zwinderen | Zwinderen |
Zwinge (Sonnenstein) | Zwinge |
Zwingenberg (Baden) | Zwingenberg (Baden) |
Zwingenberg (Bergstraße) | Zwingenberg |
Zwinger | Zwinger |
Zwitserduits | Swiss German |
Zwitserland | Switzerland |
Zwitserland en de Europese Unie | Switzerland–European Union relations |
Zwitserland op de Europese kampioenschappen atletiek 2010 | Switzerland at the 2010 European Athletics Championships |
Zwitserland op de Olympische Jeugdwinterspelen 2012 | Switzerland at the 2012 Winter Youth Olympics |
Zwitserland op de Olympische Jeugdzomerspelen 2010 | Switzerland at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics |
Zwitserland op de Olympische Spelen | Switzerland at the Olympics |
Zwitserland op de Olympische Winterspelen 1924 | Switzerland at the 1924 Winter Olympics |
Zwitserland op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1924 | Switzerland at the 1924 Summer Olympics |
Zwitserland op het Eurovisiesongfestival | Switzerland in the Eurovision Song Contest |
Zwitserland op het Eurovisiesongfestival 2012 | Switzerland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 |
Zwitserland op het Junior Eurovisiesongfestival | Switzerland in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest |
Zwitserland tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog | Switzerland during the World Wars |
Zwitserland van A tot Z | Index of Switzerland-related articles |
Zwitsers | Swiss people |
Zwitsers kenteken | Vehicle registration plates of Switzerland |
Zwitsers leger | Military of Switzerland |
Zwitsers nationaal basketbalteam | Switzerland national basketball team |
Zwitsers Nationaal Park | Swiss National Park |
Zwitsers Sportpersoon van het Jaar | Swiss Sports Personality of the Year |
Zwitsers systeem | Swiss-system tournament |
Zwitsers voetbalelftal | Switzerland national football team |
Zwitsers vrouwenvoetbalelftal | Switzerland women's national football team |
Zwitsers zakmes | Swiss Army knife |
Zwitserse Bondsraadverkiezingen 2007 | Swiss Federal Council election, 2007 |
Zwitserse chocolade | Swiss chocolate |
Zwitserse Democraten | Swiss Democrats |
Zwitserse federale spoorwegen | Swiss Federal Railways |
Zwitserse Federatie van Vakverenigingen | Swiss Federation of Trade Unions |
Zwitserse frank | Swiss franc |
Zwitserse Garde | Swiss Guard |
Zwitserse gemeente | Municipalities of Switzerland |
Zwitserse glanserebia | Erebia tyndarus |
Zwitserse grondwet | Swiss Federal Constitution |
Zwitserse Hoogvlakte | Swiss Plateau |
Zwitserse inventaris van cultureel erfgoed van nationaal en regionaal belang | Swiss Inventory of Cultural Property of National and Regional Significance |
Zwitserse landsknechten | Swiss mercenaries |
Zwitserse lopende hond | Schweizer Laufhund |
Zwitserse luchtmacht | Swiss Air Force |
Zwitserse Nationale Bank | Swiss National Bank |
Zwitserse Partij van de Arbeid | Swiss Party of Labour |
Zwitserse Psalm | Swiss Psalm |
Zwitserse spoorwegen | Rail transport in Switzerland |
Zwitserse supercup | Swiss Super Cup |
Zwitserse voetbalbeker | Swiss Cup |
Zwitserse voetbalbond | Swiss Football Association |
Zwitserse Volkspartij | Swiss People's Party |
Zwitserse witte herder | Berger Blanc Suisse |
Zwitsers-Frans | Swiss French |
Zwoerd | Pork rind |
Zwoleń | Zwoleń |
Zwoleń (gemeente) | Gmina Zwoleń |
Zwolle | Zwolle, Overijssel |
Zwolle (doorverwijspagina) | Zwolle (disambiguation) |
Żychlin | Żychlin (disambiguation) |
Żychlin (gemeente) | Gmina Żychlin |
Zydeco | Zydeco |
Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa | Jewish Combat Organization |
Żydowski Związek Wojskowy | Jewish Military Union |
Zygaena angelicae | Zygaena angelicae |
Zygaena carniolica | Zygaena carniolica |
Zygaena ephialtes | Zygaena ephialtes |
Zygaena exulans | Zygaena exulans |
Zygaena fausta | Zygaena fausta |
Zygaena laeta | Zygaena laeta |
Zygaena loti | Zygaena loti |
Zygaena minos | Zygaena minos |
Zygaena occitanica | Zygaena occitanica |
Zygaena osterodensis | Zygaena osterodensis |
Zygaena purpuralis | Zygaena purpuralis |
Zygaena rhadamanthus | Zygaena rhadamanthus |
Zygaena transalpina | Zygaena transalpina |
Zygiella | Zygiella |
Zygmunt Janiszewski | Zygmunt Janiszewski |
Zygmunt Józef Pawłowicz | Zygmunt Pawłowicz |
Zygmunt Wróblewski | Zygmunt Florenty Wróblewski |
Zygmunt-zuil | Sigismund's Column |
Zygoballus | Zygoballus |
Zygoballus sexpunctatus | Zygoballus sexpunctatus |
Zygochloa | Zygochloa |
Zygodontomys brevicauda | Zygodontomys brevicauda |
Zygogeomys trichopus | Michoacan pocket gopher |
Zygophyllaceae | Zygophyllaceae |
Zygophyllales | Zygophyllales |
Zygote | Zygote |
Zyklon | Zyklon (disambiguation) |
Zyklon (band) | Zyklon |
Zylom | Zylom |
Żyraków (gemeente) | Gmina Żyraków |
Żyrzyn (gemeente) | Gmina Żyrzyn |
Żytno (gemeente) | Gmina Żytno |
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger | Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger |
Zyzomys | Zyzomys |
Zyzomys argurus | Common rock rat |
Zyzomys maini | Arnhem Land rock rat |
Zyzomys woodwardi | Kimberley rock rat |
Zzyzx | Zzyzx, California |
ZZz | ZZz |
Zzz | Zzz |
Ǯ | Ezh with caron |
Њ | Nje |
П (cyrillisch) | Pe (Cyrillic) |
Э | E (Cyrillic) |
Ю | Yu (Cyrillic) |
Я | Ya (Cyrillic) |