Wikipedia Dutch-English dictionary created from Wikipedia database (7,430 terms)
Dutch | English |
0 (getal) | 0 (number) |
1 | 1 |
1 (getal) | 1 (number) |
1 aprilgrap | April Fools' Day |
1 augustus | August 1 |
1 januari | January 1 |
1 juli | July 1 |
1 mei | May 1 |
1 november | November 1 |
10 | 10 |
10 (getal) | 10 (number) |
100 | 100 |
100 (getal) | 100 (number) |
1000 | 1000 |
1000 (getal) | 1000 (number) |
101 | 101 |
105 | 105 |
11 | 11 |
11 (getal) | 11 (number) |
11 november | November 11 |
11 september | September 11 |
110 | 110 |
115 | 115 |
12 | 12 |
12 (getal) | 12 (number) |
12 februari | February 12 |
12 oktober | October 12 |
120 | 120 |
125 | 125 |
13 | 13 |
13 (getal) | 13 (number) |
130 | 130 |
135 | 135 |
14 | 14 |
14 (getal) | 14 (number) |
14 april | April 14 |
14 februari | February 14 |
14 juni | June 14 |
140 | 140 |
144 | 144 |
145 | 145 |
15 | 15 |
15 (getal) | 15 (number) |
15 augustus | August 15 |
150 | 150 |
1530-1539 | 1530s |
155 | 155 |
16 | 16 |
16 (getal) | 16 (number) |
160 | 160 |
165 | 165 |
17 | 17 |
17 (getal) | 17 (number) |
17 maart | March 17 |
17 september | September 17 |
170 | 170 |
1728 | 1728 |
175 | 175 |
1750-1759 | 1750s |
1760-1769 | 1760s |
1770-1779 | 1770s |
1780-1789 | 1780s |
1790-1799 | 1790s |
18 | 18 |
18 (getal) | 18 (number) |
180 | 180 |
1820-1829 | 1820s |
1830-1839 | 1830s |
1840-1849 | 1840s |
1850-1859 | 1850s |
1860-1869 | 1860s |
1870-1879 | 1870s |
1880-1889 | 1880s |
1890-1899 | 1890s |
19 | 19 |
19 (getal) | 19 (number) |
19 januari | January 19 |
19 maart | March 19 |
190 | 190 |
1900-1909 | 1900s |
1920-1929 | 1920s |
1930-1939 | 1930s |
1940-1949 | 1940s |
1950-1959 | 1950s |
1960-1969 | 1960s |
1970-1979 | 1970s |
1980-1989 | 1980s |
1990-1999 | 1990s |
2 | 2 |
2 (getal) | 2 (number) |
2 februari | February 2 |
2 maart | March 2 |
2 november | November 2 |
2,4,6-trinitrotolueen | Trinitrotoluene |
20 | 20 |
20 (getal) | 20 (number) |
20 januari | January 20 |
200 | 200 |
21 | 21 |
21 (getal) | 21 (number) |
21 juni | June 21 |
22 | 22 |
22 (getal) | 22 (number) |
22 februari | February 22 |
23 | 23 |
23 (getal) | 23 (number) |
23 juni | June 23 |
24 | 24 |
24 (getal) | 24 (number) |
24 (televisie) | 24 (TV series) |
24 juni | June 24 |
24 mei | May 24 |
24 oktober | October 24 |
25 | 25 |
25 (getal) | 25 (number) |
25 maart | March 25 |
26 | 26 |
26 (getal) | 26 (number) |
27 | 27 |
27 (getal) | 27 (number) |
28 | 28 |
28 (getal) | 28 (number) |
29 | 29 |
29 (getal) | 29 (number) |
29 februari | February 29 |
29 juni | June 29 |
29 september | September 29 |
3 | 3 |
3 (getal) | 3 (number) |
3 juni | June 3 |
30 | 30 |
30 (getal) | 30 (number) |
300 | 300 |
31 | 31 |
31 (getal) | 31 (number) |
31 december | December 31 |
32 | 32 |
32 (getal) | 32 (number) |
33 | 33 |
33 (getal) | 33 (number) |
34 | 34 |
34 (getal) | 34 (number) |
35 | 35 |
35 (getal) | 35 (number) |
36 | 36 |
36 (getal) | 36 (number) |
37 | 37 |
37 (getal) | 37 (number) |
38 | 38 |
38 (getal) | 38 (number) |
39 | 39 |
39 (getal) | 39 (number) |
4 | 4 |
4 (getal) | 4 (number) |
4 juli | July 4 |
40 | 40 |
40 (getal) | 40 (number) |
400 | 400 |
41 | 41 |
41 (getal) | 41 (number) |
42 | 42 |
42 (getal) | 42 (number) |
43 | 43 |
43 (getal) | 43 (number) |
44 | 44 |
45 | 45 |
45 (getal) | 45 (number) |
46 | 46 |
46 (getal) | 46 (number) |
47 | 47 |
48 | 48 |
49 | 49 |
49 (getal) | 49 (number) |
5 | 5 |
5 (getal) | 5 (number) |
5 november | November 5 |
50 | 50 |
50 (getal) | 50 (number) |
500 | 500 |
51 | 51 |
52 | 52 |
53 | 53 |
54 | 54 |
55 | 55 |
56 | 56 |
57 | 57 |
58 | 58 |
59 | 59 |
6 | 6 |
6 (getal) | 6 (number) |
6 augustus | August 6 |
6 januari | January 6 |
60 | 60 |
60 (getal) | 60 (number) |
61 | 61 |
62 | 62 |
63 | 63 |
64 | 64 |
65 | 65 |
66 | 66 |
67 | 67 |
68 | 68 |
69 | 69 |
7 | 7 |
7 (getal) | 7 (number) |
70 | 70 |
71 | 71 |
72 | 72 |
73 | 73 |
74 | 74 |
75 | 75 |
76 | 76 |
77 | 77 |
78 | 78 |
79 | 79 |
8 | 8 |
8 (getal) | 8 (number) |
8 december | December 8 |
80 | 80 |
80 (getal) | 80 (number) |
81 | 81 |
82 | 82 |
83 | 83 |
84 | 84 |
85 | 85 |
86 | 86 |
87 | 87 |
88 | 88 |
89 | 89 |
9 | 9 |
9 (getal) | 9 (number) |
90 | 90 |
91 | 91 |
92 | 92 |
93 | 93 |
94 | 94 |
95 | 95 |
96 | 96 |
97 | 97 |
98 | 98 |
99 | 99 |
A (letter) | A |
A capella | A cappella |
ASCII (tekenset) | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
AZ (voetbalclub) | AZ (football club) |
Aalborg (stad) | Aalborg |
Aalscholvers | Cormorant |
Aambei | Hemorrhoid |
Aandeel | Share (finance) |
Aanslag (misdrijf) | Assassination |
Aanslagen op 11 september 2001 | September 11 |
Aansteker | Lighter |
Aardappel | Potato |
Aardbei | Strawberry |
Aardbeving | Earthquake |
Aarde (planeet) | Earth |
Aardgas | Natural gas |
Aardkorst | Crust (geology) |
Aardmantel | Mantle (geology) |
Aardolie | Petroleum |
Aardrijkskunde | Geography |
Aardse planeet | Terrestrial planet |
Aardvarken | Aardvark |
Aardwetenschappen | Earth science |
Aare | Aar |
Aartsbisschop | Archbishop |
Aartsengel | Archangel |
Abacus (rekentuig) | Abacus |
Abadan | Abadan |
Abchazië | Abkhazia |
Abel Tasman | Abel Tasman |
Abelse groep | Abelian group |
Aberdeen | Aberdeen |
Abidjan | Abidjan |
Abolitionisme (slavernij) | Abolitionism |
Abortus | Abortion |
Abraham | Abraham |
Abraham Lincoln | Abraham Lincoln |
Abrikoos | Apricot |
Absint | Absinthe |
Absintalsem | Artemisia absinthium |
Absolute helderheid | Absolute magnitude |
Absolute waarde | Absolute value |
Absoluut nulpunt | Absolute zero |
Abstract expressionisme | Abstract expressionism |
Abstracte kunst | Abstract art |
Abstractie | Abstraction |
Abt (abdij) | Abbot |
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi (emirate) |
Abu Dhabi (stad) | Abu Dhabi |
Abuja | Abuja |
Acacia | Acacia |
Academy Award | Academy Award |
Acapulco (Guerrero) | Acapulco |
Accordeon | Accordion |
Accra | Accra |
Accusatief | Accusative case |
Aceetaldehyde | Acetaldehyde |
Aceton | Acetone |
Acetylcholine | Acetylcholine |
Acetylsalicylzuur | Aspirin |
Acheron (mythologie) | Acheron |
Achilles | Achilles |
Achnaton | Akhenaten |
Achternaam | Family name |
Achtersteven (sterrenbeeld) | Puppis |
Acne | Acne vulgaris |
Aconcagua | Aconcagua |
Acre (oppervlaktemaat) | Acre |
Acre (staat) | Acre (state) |
Acteur | Actor |
Actinide | Actinide |
Actinium | Actinium |
Acupunctuur | Acupuncture |
Ada (programmeertaal) | Ada (programming language) |
Adam | Adam |
Adam Smith | Adam Smith |
Adana (stad) | Adana |
Addis Abeba | Addis Ababa |
Additief | Food additive |
Adel | Nobility |
Adelaide | Adelaide |
Aden | Aden |
Adenine | Adenine |
Adenosinetrifosfaat | Adenosine triphosphate |
Ader (anatomie) | Vein |
Adiabatisch proces | Adiabatic process |
Adige | Adige |
Admiraal | Admiral |
Adolescentie | Adolescence |
Adolf Eichmann | Adolf Eichmann |
Adolf Hitler | Adolf Hitler |
Adonis (mythologie) | Adonis |
Adoptie | Adoption |
Adrenaline | Epinephrine |
Adriatische Zee | Adriatic Sea |
Adsorptie | Adsorption |
Advent | Advent |
Advocaat (beroep) | Lawyer |
Aeneas | Aeneas |
Aeneis | Aeneid |
Aeolus (mythologie) | Aeolus |
Aerodynamica | Aerodynamics |
Aerosol | Aerosol |
Afasie | Aphasia |
Affix | Affix |
Afgeleide | Derivative |
Afghanistan | Afghanistan |
Afkorting | Abbreviation |
Aflaat | Indulgence |
Aforisme | Aphorism |
Afrika | Africa |
Afrikaans | Afrikaans |
Afro-Amerikanen | African American |
Afstand | Distance |
Aftrekken (wiskunde) | Subtraction |
Afval (vuilnis) | Waste |
Afweer | Immune system |
Agaat | Agate |
Agamemnon | Agamemnon |
Agar-agar | Agar |
Agatha Christie | Agatha Christie |
Agnosticisme | Agnosticism |
Agora | Agora |
Agorafobie | Agoraphobia |
Agra (India) | Agra |
Agressie | Aggression |
Agrigento (stad) | Agrigento |
Aids | AIDS |
Aikido | Aikido |
Ain (departement) | Ain |
Airbus | Airbus |
Aischylos | Aeschylus |
Aisopos | Aesop |
Ajax | Ajax |
Ajax (mythologie) | Ajax (mythology) |
Akaba | Aqaba |
Aken (stad) | Aachen |
Akira Kurosawa | Akira Kurosawa |
Akko | Acre |
Akkoord (muziek) | Chord (music) |
Akoestiek | Acoustics |
Akropolis | Acropolis |
Al Capone | Al Capone |
Al Gore | Al Gore |
Al Qaida | Al-Qaeda |
Alabama | Alabama |
Alan Shepard | Alan Shepard |
Alan Turing | Alan Turing |
Alanine | Alanine |
Alaska | Alaska |
Alban Berg | Alban Berg |
Albanië | Albania |
Albany (New York) | Albany |
Albatrossen | Albatross |
Albert Camus | Albert Camus |
Albert Einstein | Albert Einstein |
Albert Michelson | Albert Abraham Michelson |
Albert Schweitzer | Albert Schweitzer |
Albert Speer | Albert Speer |
Alberta | Alberta |
Albiet | Albite |
Albinisme | Albinism |
Album (muziek) | Album |
Albuquerque | Albuquerque |
Alchemie | Alchemy |
Alcohol (stofklasse) | Alcohol |
Alcoholische drank | Alcoholic beverage |
Alcoholisme | Alcoholism |
Aldebaran | Aldebaran |
Aldehyde | Aldehyde |
Aldous Huxley | Aldous Huxley |
Alec Guinness | Alec Guinness |
Aleksandr Poesjkin | Alexander Pushkin |
Aleksandr Solzjenitsyn | Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn |
Aleoeten | Aleutian Islands |
Aleppo | Aleppo |
Alexander | Alexander |
Alexander Fleming | Alexander Fleming |
Alexander Graham Bell | Alexander Graham Bell |
Alexander Hamilton | Alexander Hamilton |
Alexander Pope | Alexander Pope |
Alexander de Grote | Alexander the Great |
Alexandre Dumas fils | Alexandre Dumas |
Alexandre Dumas père | Alexandre Dumas |
Alexandrië | Alexandria |
Alexis de Tocqueville | Alexis de Tocqueville |
Alfa (letter) | Alpha (letter) |
Alfabet | Alphabet |
Alfabetiseringsgraad | Literacy |
Alfadeeltje | Alpha particle |
Alfred Dreyfus | Alfred Dreyfus |
Alfred Hitchcock | Alfred Hitchcock |
Alfred Nobel | Alfred Nobel |
Alfred North Whitehead | Alfred North Whitehead |
Alfred Russel Wallace | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Alfred de Grote | Alfred the Great |
Algebra | Algebra |
Algebraïsch getal | Algebraic number |
Algemene relativiteitstheorie | General relativity |
Algen | Algae |
Algerije | Algeria |
Algiers | Algiers |
Algol (programmeertaal) | ALGOL |
Algoritme | Algorithm |
Alhambra | Alhambra |
Ali ibn Abu Talib | Ali |
Alkaan | Alkane |
Alkalimetaal | Alkali metal |
Alkaloïde | Alkaloid |
Alkeen | Alkene |
Alkyn | Alkyne |
Allah | Allah |
Allegorie (letterkunde) | Allegory |
Allel | Allele |
Allen Ginsberg | Allen Ginsberg |
Allergie | Allergy |
Allofoon | Allophone |
Allosaurus | Allosaurus |
Allotropie | Allotropy |
Alma-Ata | Almaty |
Almanak | Almanac |
Aloë | Aloe |
Alpen | Alps |
Alpha Centauri | Alpha Centauri |
Alsem | Artemisia (plant) |
Altaar (religie) | Altar |
Altaar (sterrenbeeld) | Ara (constellation) |
Altair | Altair |
Altaj (gebergte) | Altay Mountains |
Alternatieve geneeswijzen | Alternative medicine |
Althobo | Cor anglais |
Altruïsme | Altruism |
Altviool | Viola |
Aluminium | Aluminium |
Aluminiumoxide | Aluminium oxide |
Alvar Aalto | Alvar Aalto |
Alvleesklier | Pancreas |
Amandel | Almond |
Amaterasu | Amaterasu |
Amazone (rivier) | Amazon River |
Ambassadeur | Ambassador |
Ambrosius van Milaan | Ambrose |
Amedeo Avogadro | Amedeo Avogadro |
Amelia Earhart | Amelia Earhart |
American football | American football |
Americium | Americium |
Amerigo Vespucci (persoon) | Amerigo Vespucci |
Amerikaans Congres | United States Congress |
Amerikaans-Samoa | American Samoa |
Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog | American Civil War |
Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden | United States Virgin Islands |
Amerikaanse Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog | American Revolutionary War |
Amerikaanse Senaat | United States Senate |
Amerikaanse bizon | American Bison |
Amerikaanse dollar | United States dollar |
Amerikaanse zwarte beer | American Black Bear |
Amethist | Amethyst |
Amfetamine | Amphetamine |
Amfibieën | Amphibian |
Amfitheater | Amphitheatre |
Amfora | Amphora |
Amhaars | Amharic |
Amide | Amide |
Amine | Amine |
Aminozuur | Amino acid |
Amish | Amish |
Amman (stad) | Amman |
Ammoniak | Ammonia |
Amnestie | Amnesty |
Amoer (rivier) | Amur |
Amon (mythologie) | Amun |
Amplitude | Amplitude |
Ampère | Ampere |
Ampèremeter | Ammeter |
Amsterdam | Amsterdam |
Anabaptisme | Anabaptist |
Anagram | Anagram |
Anaheim | Anaheim |
Anale seks | Anal sex |
Analyse (wiskunde) | Calculus |
Analytische meetkunde | Analytic geometry |
Ananas | Pineapple |
Anarchisme | Anarchism |
Anatidae | Anatidae |
Anatole France | Anatole France |
Anatomie | Anatomy |
Anaxagoras | Anaxagoras |
Anaximander | Anaximander |
Anchorage (Alaska) | Anchorage |
Andalusië | Andalusia |
Andamanse Zee | Andaman Sea |
Anders Celsius | Anders Celsius |
Andes | Andes |
Andhra Pradesh | Andhra Pradesh |
Andorra | Andorra |
Andrea Palladio | Andrea Palladio |
Andreas (apostel) | Saint Andrew |
Andrej Sacharov | Andrei Sakharov |
Andrej Tarkovski | Andrei Tarkovsky |
Andrew Jackson | Andrew Jackson |
Andrew Johnson | Andrew Johnson |
Andrew Lloyd Webber | Andrew Lloyd Webber |
Andromeda | Andromeda |
Andromeda (mythologie) | Andromeda (mythology) |
Andromeda (sterrenbeeld) | Andromeda (constellation) |
Andromedanevel | Andromeda Galaxy |
Androïde | Android |
Andy Warhol | Andy Warhol |
Anemometer | Anemometer |
Anesthesie | Anesthesia |
Angara | Angara River |
Anglicaanse Kerk | Church of England |
Anglicanisme | Anglicanism |
Angola | Angola |
Angst | Fear |
Anguilla (eiland) | Anguilla |
Anijs | Anise |
Aniline | Aniline |
Animatie | Animation |
Anime | Anime |
Animisme (religie) | Animism |
Ankara | Ankara |
Anker (schip) | Anchor |
Anna Boleyn | Anne Boleyn |
Annapolis | Annapolis |
Annapurna | Annapurna |
Anno Domini | Anno Domini |
Annunciatie | Annunciation |
Anode | Anode |
Anorganische chemie | Inorganic chemistry |
Antalya (stad) | Antalya |
Antananarivo (stad) | Antananarivo |
Antarctica | Antarctica |
Antares (ster) | Antares |
Antenne (straling) | Antenna (radio) |
Anthony Hopkins | Anthony Hopkins |
Antibioticum | Antibiotic |
Antichrist | Antichrist |
Anticonceptie | Birth control |
Antigeen | Antigen |
Antigone (dochter van Oedipus) | Antigone |
Antigua en Barbuda | Antigua and Barbuda |
Antimaterie | Antimatter |
Antimoon | Antimony |
Antiochië | Antakya |
Antioxidant | Antioxidant |
Antisemitisme | Antisemitism |
Antofagasta (stad) | Antofagasta |
Antoine Henri Becquerel | Henri Becquerel |
Antoine Lavoisier | Antoine Lavoisier |
Anton Bruckner | Anton Bruckner |
Anton Tsjechov | Anton Chekhov |
Antoniem | Antonym |
Antonio Stradivari | Antonio Stradivari |
Antonio Vivaldi (componist) | Antonio Vivaldi |
Antropologie | Anthropology |
Antroposofie | Anthroposophy |
Antwerpen (provincie) | Antwerp (province) |
Antwerpen (stad) | Antwerp |
Anubis (god) | Anubis |
Anus (anatomie) | Anus |
Aorta | Aorta |
Apache (volk) | Apache |
Apatiet | Apatite |
Apennijns Schiereiland | Italian Peninsula |
Aphrodite | Aphrodite |
Apia | Apia |
Apocrief | Apocrypha |
Apollo | Apollo (disambiguation) |
Apollon | Apollo |
Apoptose | Apoptosis |
Appalachen | Appalachian Mountains |
Appel (vrucht) | Apple |
April | April |
Apsis (architectuur) | Apse |
Apulië | Apulia |
Aquaduct (waterbouwkunde) | Aqueduct |
Aquamarijn | Aquamarine |
Aquarium | Aquarium |
Aquitanië | Aquitaine |
Arabieren | Arab |
Arabisch | Arabic language |
Arabisch Schiereiland | Arabian Peninsula |
Arabisch alfabet | Arabic alphabet |
Arabische Liga | Arab League |
Arabische Zee | Arabian Sea |
Arafurazee | Arafura Sea |
Aragón | Aragon |
Aralmeer | Aral Sea |
Aram Chatsjatoerjan | Aram Khachaturian |
Ararat (berg) | Mount Ararat |
Arcadië | Arcadia |
Arcangelo Corelli | Arcangelo Corelli |
Archaeopteryx | Archaeopteryx |
Archeologie | Archaeology |
Archetype (model) | Archetype |
Archeïcum | Archean |
Archief | Archive |
Archimedes | Archimedes |
Archipel | Archipelago |
Architect | Architect |
Architectuur | Architecture |
Archosauria | Archosaur |
Arctis | Arctic |
Ardennen | Ardennes |
Ardennes | Ardennes (department) |
Are | Are |
Arend (roofvogel) | Eagle |
Arend (sterrenbeeld) | Aquila (constellation) |
Ares (mythologie) | Ares |
Argentijnse tango | Tango (dance) |
Argentinië | Argentina |
Argon | Argon |
Argos (stad) | Argos |
Argumentum ad hominem | Ad hominem |
Aria (compositie) | Aria |
Ariadne | Ariadne |
Arianisme | Arianism |
Aristarchus | Aristarchus of Samos |
Aristocratie | Aristocracy |
Aristophanes/ Aristofanes (blijspeldichter) | Aristophanes |
Aristoteles | Aristotle |
Arius (theoloog) | Arius |
Arizona (staat) | Arizona |
Ark van het Verbond | Ark of the Covenant |
Arkansas (staat) | Arkansas |
Arles | Arles |
Armeens | Armenian language |
Armenië | Armenia |
Arminius (veldheer) | Arminius |
Armoede | Poverty |
Arnhem | Arnhem |
Arno (rivier) | Arno River |
Arnold Schönberg | Arnold Schoenberg |
Aromatische verbinding | Aromatic hydrocarbon |
Aronskelkfamilie | Araceae |
Arras | Arras |
Arseen | Arsenic |
Art deco | Art Deco |
Artemis (mythologie) | Artemis |
Arthur Conan Doyle | Arthur Conan Doyle |
Arthur Holly Compton | Arthur Compton |
Arthur Miller | Arthur Miller |
Arthur Rimbaud | Arthur Rimbaud |
Arthur Schopenhauer | Arthur Schopenhauer |
Arthur Wellesley | Arthur Wellesley |
Artiest | Artist |
Artillerie | Artillery |
Artisjok | Globe artichoke |
Artritis | Arthritis |
Arts | Physician |
Arturo Toscanini | Arturo Toscanini |
Aruba | Aruba |
Asbest | Asbestos |
Asclepius | Asclepius |
Aseksualiteit | Asexuality |
Asfalt | Asphalt |
Asgaard (mythologie) | Asgard |
Asmara | Asmara |
Aspartaam | Aspartame |
Assam | Assam |
Assepoester | Cinderella |
Association of Southeast Asian Nations | Association of Southeast Asian Nations |
Assurbanipal | Ashurbanipal |
Assyrische Rijk | Assyria |
Astana (stad) | Astana |
Astatium | Astatine |
Asthenosfeer | Asthenosphere |
Astigmatisme (aandoening) | Astigmatism (eye) |
Astma | Asthma |
Astrachan | Astrakhan |
Astrobiologie | Astrobiology |
Astrofysica | Astrophysics |
Astrolabium | Astrolabe |
Astrologie | Astrology |
Astrometrie | Astrometry |
Astronomie | Astronomy |
Astronomische eenheid | Astronomical unit |
Astronoom | Astronomer |
Aswan | Aswan |
Aswoensdag | Ash Wednesday |
Asymptoot | Asymptote |
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML | Ajax (programming) |
Asynchronous Transfer Mode | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
Atacama (woestijn) | Atacama Desert |
Athene | Athens |
Athos (schiereiland) | Mount Athos |
Atlanta | Atlanta |
Atlantis (eiland) | Atlantis |
Atlantische Oceaan | Atlantic Ocean |
Atlas | Atlas (disambiguation) |
Atlas (maan) | Atlas (moon) |
Atlas (mythologie) | Atlas (mythology) |
Atlasgebergte | Atlas Mountains |
Atletiek | Athletics (track and field) |
Atmosfeer (astronomie) | Atmosphere |
Atmosfeer (eenheid) | Atmosphere (unit) |
Atol | Atoll |
Atomaire massa-eenheid | Atomic mass unit |
Aton | Aten |
Atoom | Atom |
Atoombom | Nuclear weapon |
Atoomfysica | Atomic physics |
Atoomklok | Atomic clock |
Atoommassa | Atomic mass |
Atoomnummer | Atomic number |
Atreus | Atreus |
Atropine | Atropine |
Attika | Attica |
Attila de Hun | Attila the Hun |
Attische tragedie | Tragedy |
Au | Au |
Aubergine | Eggplant |
Auckland | Auckland |
August Strindberg | August Strindberg |
Augusta (Maine) | Augusta |
Auguste Comte | Auguste Comte |
Auguste Rodin | Auguste Rodin |
Augustinus van Hippo | Augustine of Hippo |
Augustus (maand) | August |
Aurora | Aurora |
Austin (Texas) | Austin |
Australazië | Australasia |
Australische dollar | Australian dollar |
Australië (land) | Australia |
Australopithecus | Australopithecus |
Auteur | Author |
Auteur | Writer |
Auteursrecht | Copyright |
Autisme | Autism |
Auto | Automobile |
Autobiografie | Autobiography |
Autobus | Bus |
Autonoom zenuwstelsel | Autonomic nervous system |
Autoriteit | Authority |
Autosport | Auto racing |
Autotroof | Autotroph |
Auvergne | Auvergne (region) |
Avant-garde | Avant-garde |
Avatar (hindoeïsme) | Avatar |
Averroes | Averroes |
Avesta (literatuur) | Avesta |
Avicenna | Avicenna |
Avignon | Avignon |
Avocado | Avocado |
Axioma | Axiom |
Axon | Axon |
Ayatollah | Ayatollah |
Ayn Rand | Ayn Rand |
Azerbeidzjan | Azerbaijan |
Azijn | Vinegar |
Azijnzuur | Acetic acid |
Azimut | Azimuth |
Azië | Asia |
Azoren | Azores |
Azteken | Aztec |
Azuriet | Azurite |
Aäron | Aaron |
B (letter) | B |
Baan (hemellichaam) | Orbit |
Baarmoeder | Uterus |
Baarsachtigen | Perciformes |
Babylon (stad) | Babylon |
Babylonië | Babylonia |
Backgammon | Backgammon |
Bacterie | Bacteria |
Bacteriofaag | Bacteriophage |
Badminton | Badminton |
Baffinbaai | Baffin Bay |
Baffineiland | Baffin Island |
Bagdad | Baghdad |
Bahrein | Bahrain |
Baikalmeer | Lake Baikal |
Baja California (staat) | Baja California |
Bajonet | Bayonet |
Baklava | Baklava |
Bakoe | Baku |
Baksteen | Brick |
Bal (voorwerp) | Ball |
Balalaika | Balalaika |
Balans (boekhouden) | Balance sheet |
Balatonmeer | Lake Balaton |
Baldr | Baldr |
Balearen | Balearic Islands |
Baleinwalvissen | Baleen whale |
Bali (eiland) | Bali |
Balkan (gebergte) | Balkan Mountains |
Balkan (schiereiland) | Balkans |
Balkanoorlogen | Balkan Wars |
Ballet | Ballet |
Ballistische raket | Ballistic missile |
Balpen | Ballpoint pen |
Baltimore (Maryland) | Baltimore |
Bamako | Bamako |
Bamboe | Bamboo |
Banaan (fruit) | Banana |
Banaan (geslacht) | Musa (genus) |
Bananenrepubliek | Banana republic |
Bangalore | Bangalore |
Bangkok | Bangkok |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
Bangui (stad) | Bangui |
Banjul | Banjul |
Bank (financiële instelling) | Bank |
Bankbiljet | Banknote |
Baobab | Adansonia |
Baptisme | Baptist |
Bar (druk) | Bar (unit) |
Barbaar | Barbarian |
Barbados | Barbados |
Barbra Streisand | Barbra Streisand |
Barcelona (stad) | Barcelona |
Barentszzee | Barents Sea |
Bari (stad) | Bari |
Barium | Barium |
Barnsteen | Amber |
Barok (stijlperiode) | Baroque |
Barometer | Barometer |
Baron (titel) | Baron |
Barranquilla | Barranquilla |
Baryon | Baryon |
Basalt (gesteente) | Basalt |
Base (scheikunde) | Base (chemistry) |
Basgitaar | Bass guitar |
Bash | Bash |
Basidiomycota | Basidiomycota |
Basilicata | Basilicata |
Basilicum | Basil |
Basiliek | Basilica |
Basiliscus | Basiliscus |
Basilisk (fabeldier) | Basilisk |
Basilius de Grote | Basil of Caesarea |
Basketbal | Basketball |
Basra | Basra |
Basse-Normandie | Basse-Normandie |
Basseterre | Basseterre |
Bastet | Bast (mythology) |
Bastille Saint-Antoine | Bastille |
Bataljon | Battalion |
Bath (Engeland) | Bath |
Batman (fictief personage) | Batman |
Baton Rouge | Baton Rouge |
Batterij (elektrisch) | Battery (electricity) |
Bauhaus | Bauhaus |
Bauxiet | Bauxite |
Bavianen | Baboon |
Bayer | Bayer |
Bayonne (Frankrijk) | Bayonne |
Bazel (Zwitserland) | Basel |
Baäl | Baal |
Beagle (hond) | Beagle |
Beaufortzee | Beaufort Sea |
Becquerel | Becquerel |
Bed | Bed |
Beda | Bede |
Bedektzadigen | Flowering plant |
Bedoeïenen | Bedouin |
Bedrijf | Corporation |
Beeldhouwer (sterrenbeeld) | Sculptor (constellation) |
Beeldhouwkunst | Sculpture |
Beeldmerk | Logo |
Beeldscherm | Computer display |
Beenmerg | Bone marrow |
Beerdiertjes | Tardigrade |
Beginrijm | Alliteration |
Begraafplaats | Cemetery |
Beha | Brassiere |
Behaviorisme | Behaviorism |
Bei | Bey |
Beieren | Bavaria |
Beiroet | Beirut |
Beker (sterrenbeeld) | Crater (constellation) |
Belasting (fiscaal) | Tax |
Beletselteken | Ellipsis |
Belfast | Belfast |
België | Belgium |
Belgrado | Belgrade |
Belisarius | Belisarius |
Belize (land) | Belize |
Bellerophon | Bellerophon |
Belo Horizonte | Belo Horizonte |
Benelux | Benelux |
Bengalen (gebied) | Bengal |
Benghazi | Benghazi |
Benin | Benin |
Benito Mussolini | Benito Mussolini |
Benjamin Britten | Benjamin Britten |
Benjamin Disraeli | Benjamin Disraeli |
Benjamin Franklin | Benjamin Franklin |
Benjamin Harrison | Benjamin Harrison |
Benny Goodman | Benny Goodman |
Benzine | Gasoline |
Beowulf (gedicht) | Beowulf |
Beren | Bear |
Berg (geografie) | Mountain |
Bergen (België) | Mons |
Bergen (Noorwegen) | Bergen |
Bergpas | Mountain pass |
Beringstraat | Bering Strait |
Beringzee | Bering Sea |
Berk | Birch |
Berkelium | Berkelium |
Berkshire | Berkshire |
Berlijn | Berlin |
Bermuda | Bermuda |
Bermudadriehoek | Bermuda Triangle |
Bern (stad) | Berne |
Bernardo Bertolucci | Bernardo Bertolucci |
Bernhard Riemann | Bernhard Riemann |
Beroerte | Stroke |
Bertolt Brecht | Bertolt Brecht |
Bertrand Russell | Bertrand Russell |
Beryl | Beryl |
Beryllium | Beryllium |
Bes (botanisch) | Berry |
Beschaving | Civilization |
Bestand (computer) | Computer file |
Bestandssysteem | File system |
Bestuiving | Pollination |
Besturingssysteem | Operating system |
Betaverval | Beta decay |
Betelgeuze | Betelgeuse |
Bethlehem | Bethlehem |
Beton | Concrete |
Bette Davis | Bette Davis |
Beurshandel | Stock exchange |
Bevalling | Childbirth |
Beverly Hills | Beverly Hills |
Bevers | Beaver |
Bevolking | Population |
Bevruchting | Fertilisation |
Beweging (natuurkunde) | Motion (physics) |
Bhutan | Bhutan |
Bibliografie | Bibliography |
Bibliotheek (algemeen) | Library |
Bibliotheekwetenschap | Library science |
Biecht | Confession |
Bier | Beer |
Big Ben | Clock Tower |
Bihar | Bihar |
Bijbel (christendom) | Bible |
Bijen | Bee |
Bijl | Axe |
Bijnier | Adrenal gland |
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord | Adjective |
Bijwoord | Adverb |
Bikini (kleding) | Bikini |
Bill Clinton | Bill Clinton |
Bill Gates | Bill Gates |
Billy Wilder | Billy Wilder |
Bindweefsel | Connective tissue |
Binnen-Mongolië | Inner Mongolia |
Biochemie | Biochemistry |
Biodiversiteit | Biodiversity |
Biofysica | Biophysics |
Biogeografie | Biogeography |
Biografie | Biography |
Biologie | Biology |
Biomassa | Biomass |
Biometrie | Biometrics |
Bioom | Biome |
Biopsie | Biopsy |
Biosfeer | Biosphere |
Biotechnologie | Biotechnology |
Biotine | Biotin |
Biowapens | Biological warfare |
Bipolaire stoornis | Bipolar disorder |
Birmingham (Alabama) | Birmingham |
Bisdom | Diocese |
Biseksualiteit | Bisexuality |
Bisjkek | Bishkek |
Bismarck | Bismarck (disambiguation) |
Bismarck (North Dakota) | Bismarck |
Bismut | Bismuth |
Bissau | Bissau |
Bisschop | Bishop |
Bit (informatica) | Bit |
Blaasinstrument | Wind instrument |
Blad | Leaf |
Bladgroen | Chlorophyll |
Bladgroenkorrel | Chloroplast |
Blaise Pascal | Blaise Pascal |
Blauw | Blue |
Blauwalgen | Cyanobacteria |
Blauwe Rivier | Yangtze River |
Blauwe vinvis | Blue Whale |
Blauwzuur | Hydrogen cyanide |
Blender (programma) | Blender (software) |
Bliksem | Lightning |
Blindedarmontsteking | Appendicitis |
Blindheid | Blindness |
Blitzkrieg | Blitzkrieg |
Bloed | Blood |
Bloedarmoede | Anemia |
Bloeddruk | Blood pressure |
Bloedgroep | Blood type |
Bloedplaatje | Platelet |
Bloedplasma | Blood plasma |
Bloedvat | Blood vessel |
Bloem (plant) | Flower |
Bloemfontein | Bloemfontein |
Bloemkool | Cauliflower |
Blues | Blues |
Bob Dylan | Bob Dylan |
Bob Marley | Bob Marley |
Bobby Fischer | Bobby Fischer |
Bobsleeën | Bobsleigh |
Bodem | Soil |
Bodenmeer | Lake Constance |
Bodhisattva | Bodhisattva |
Bodybuilding | Bodybuilding |
Boedapest | Budapest |
Boeddha (verlichte) | Buddha |
Boeddhisme | Buddhism |
Boek (document) | Book |
Boek van Mormon | Book of Mormon |
Boekarest | Bucharest |
Boekdrukkunst | Printing |
Boekhouding | Accountancy |
Boekweit | Buckwheat |
Boemerang | Boomerang |
Boerenzwaluw | Barn Swallow |
Boerka | Burqa |
Bohemen | Bohemia |
Bohrium | Bohrium |
Boise | Boise |
Boksen | Boxing |
Bol (lichaam) | Sphere |
Bolivia | Bolivia |
Bollywood | Bollywood |
Bologna (stad) | Bologna |
Bolsjewiek | Bolshevik |
Bom (wapen) | Bomb |
Bombay | Mumbai |
Bommenwerper | Bomber |
Bondsstaat | Federation |
Bonn | Bonn |
Bonsai | Bonsai |
Boog (bouwkunde) | Arch |
Boog (wapen) | Bow (weapon) |
Booggraad | Degree (angle) |
Boogschutter | Sagittarius (constellation) |
Booleaanse algebra | Boolean algebra (structure) |
Boom (plant) | Tree |
Boor (element) | Boron |
Boot (vaartuig) | Boat |
Bop | Bebop |
Bordeaux (stad) | Bordeaux |
Bordspel | Board game |
Boris Godoenov | Boris Godunov |
Boris Pasternak | Boris Pasternak |
Boris Spasski | Boris Spassky |
Borneo | Borneo |
Borst | Breast |
Borstbeen | Sternum |
Borstkanker | Breast cancer |
Bos | Forest |
Bosbouw | Forestry |
Bosnië en Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Boson | Boson |
Bosporus | Bosporus |
Boston | Boston |
Boston Tea Party | Boston Tea Party |
Bosuil | Tawny Owl |
Bot (anatomie) | Bone |
Boter (room) | Butter |
Botnische Golf | Gulf of Bothnia |
Botswana | Botswana |
Bourgondië (regio) | Bourgogne |
Bouvet | Bouvet Island |
Bovenmeer | Lake Superior |
Bowlen | Bowling |
Boxer (hond) | Boxer (dog) |
Bozen (stad) | Bolzano |
Boëthius | Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius |
Braga (stad) | Braga |
Brahma (hindoeïsme) | Brahma |
Brahmaputra | Brahmaputra River |
Braille | Braille |
Brainstormen | Brainstorming |
Braken (lichaamsfunctie) | Vomiting |
Bram Stoker | Bram Stoker |
Brandenburg (deelstaat) | Brandenburg |
Brandewijn (drank) | Brandy |
Brandstof | Fuel |
Brandstofcel | Fuel cell |
Brandweer | Firefighter |
Bratislava | Bratislava |
Braunschweig (stad) | Braunschweig |
Brazilië | Brazil |
Brazzaville | Brazzaville |
Breedtegraad | Latitude |
Brekingsindex | Refractive index |
Bremen (stad) | Bremen |
Bremerhaven | Bremerhaven |
Brescia (stad) | Brescia |
Brest | Brest |
Brest (Frankrijk) | Brest |
Brest (Wit-Rusland) | Brest |
Bretagne (regio) | Bretagne |
Breuk (geologie) | Fault (geology) |
Breuk (wiskunde) | Fraction (mathematics) |
Bridge | Contract bridge |
Bridgetown | Bridgetown |
Brief van Paulus aan de Galaten | Epistle to the Galatians |
Brief van Paulus aan de Romeinen | Epistle to the Romans |
Brigade | Brigade |
Brighton | Brighton |
Bril | Glasses |
Brindisi (stad) | Brindisi |
Brisbane | Brisbane |
Bristol (stad) | Bristol |
Brits-Columbia | British Columbia |
Britse Eilanden | British Isles |
Britse Maagdeneilanden | British Virgin Islands |
Britse Rijk | British Empire |
Brno | Brno |
Broadway (Manhattan) | Broadway (New York City) |
Broccoli | Broccoli |
Broeikaseffect | Greenhouse effect |
Broeikasgas | Greenhouse gas |
Broncode | Source code |
Brons | Bronze |
Bronstijd | Bronze Age |
Brood | Bread |
Brooklyn | Brooklyn |
Brooklyn Bridge | Brooklyn Bridge |
Broom | Bromine |
Brownse beweging | Brownian motion |
Bruce Lee | Bruce Lee |
Brug (bouwwerk) | Bridge |
Brugge | Bruges |
Bruin | Brown |
Bruine beer | Brown Bear |
Brunei | Brunei |
Brussel (stad) | Brussels |
Bruto binnenlands product | Gross domestic product |
Buckingham Palace | Buckingham Palace |
Buddy Holly | Buddy Holly |
Buenos Aires (stad) | Buenos Aires |
Buffalo (New York) | Buffalo |
Buideldieren | Marsupial |
Buidelwolf | Thylacine |
Buik | Abdomen |
Buikdans | Belly dance |
Buitenspel (voetbal) | Offside (football) |
Bujumbura | Bujumbura |
Bulgarije | Bulgaria |
Bultrug | Humpback Whale |
Burcht (kasteel) | Castle |
Bureaucratie | Bureaucracy |
Burgemeester | Mayor |
Burgemeester | Burgomaster |
Burgerij | Bourgeoisie |
Burgeroorlog | Civil war |
Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
Bursa (stad) | Bursa |
Bus (elektronica) | Bus (computing) |
Buskruitverraad | Gunpowder Plot |
Buster Keaton | Buster Keaton |
Butaan | Butane |
Bydgoszcz | Bydgoszcz |
Byte | Byte |
Bèta (letter) | Beta (letter) |
C (letter) | C |
C (programmeertaal) | C (programming language) |
C.S. Lewis | C. S. Lewis |
C14-datering | Radiocarbon dating |
CD | CD (disambiguation) |
CHAOS | CHAOS (Linux distribution) |
CN Tower | CN Tower |
Cabaret (kleinkunst) | Cabaret |
Cacaoboom | Cacao |
Cache | Cache |
Cactusfamilie | Cactus |
Cadmium | Cadmium |
Cafeïne | Caffeine |
Calabrië | Calabria |
Calais | Calais |
Calciet | Calcite |
Calcium | Calcium |
Calciumcarbonaat | Calcium carbonate |
Calciumoxide | Calcium oxide |
Calcutta | Kolkata |
Caldera | Caldera |
Californium | Californium |
Californië | California |
Caligula | Caligula |
Callisto (maan) | Callisto (moon) |
Callisto (mythologie) | Callisto (mythology) |
Calorie | Calorie |
Calvados (departement) | Calvados |
Calvin Coolidge | Calvin Coolidge |
Calvinisme | Calvinism |
Cambodja | Cambodia |
Cambridge | Cambridge (disambiguation) |
Cambridge (Engeland) | Cambridge |
Cambridge (Massachusetts) | Cambridge |
Cambrium | Cambrian |
Camembert (kaas) | Camembert (cheese) |
Campania | Campania |
Canada | Canada |
Canadese dollar | Canadian dollar |
Canadese kano | Canoe |
Canarische Eilanden | Canary Islands |
Canberra | Canberra |
Candela (eenheid) | Candela |
Cannes | Cannes |
Canon, Inc. | Canon (company) |
Canopus (ster) | Canopus |
Cantate | Cantata |
Canterbury (Engeland) | Canterbury |
Cape Canaveral | Cape Canaveral |
Cappadocië | Cappadocia |
Capsicum | Capsicum |
Caracal (dier) | Caracal |
Caracas | Caracas |
Carambola | Carambola |
Caravaggio (schilder) | Caravaggio |
Caraïben | Caribbean |
Caraïbische Zee | Caribbean Sea |
Carbonzuur | Carboxylic acid |
Carboon | Carboniferous |
Carburateur | Carburetor |
Cardiff | Cardiff |
Cardiologie | Cardiology |
Cariës | Dental caries |
Carl Anderson (natuurkundige) | Carl David Anderson |
Carl Gustav Jung | Carl Jung |
Carl Lewis | Carl Lewis |
Carl Maria von Weber | Carl Maria von Weber |
Carl Orff | Carl Orff |
Carnaval | Carnival |
Carnivoor | Carnivore |
Carolus Linnaeus | Carolus Linnaeus |
Carson City | Carson City |
Cartagena (Spanje) | Cartagena |
Cartesisch coördinatenstelsel | Cartesian coordinate system |
Cartesisch product | Cartesian product |
Carthago | Carthage |
Cartografie | Cartography |
Cary Grant | Cary Grant |
Caryophyllales | Caryophyllales |
Casablanca (stad) | Casablanca |
Cashew | Cashew |
Casino (gokken) | Casino |
Cassandra | Cassandra |
Cassiopeia (sterrenbeeld) | Cassiopeia (constellation) |
Castilië | Castile (historical region) |
Castries (Saint Lucia) | Castries |
Casus belli | Casus belli |
Catalonië | Catalonia |
Cataratas do Iguaçu | Iguazu Falls |
Categorie:1750-1759 | 1750s |
Categorie:1760-1769 | 1760s |
Categorie:1770-1779 | 1770s |
Categorie:1780-1789 | 1780s |
Categorie:1790-1799 | 1790s |
Categorie:1820-1829 | 1820s |
Categorie:1830-1839 | 1830s |
Categorie:1840-1849 | 1840s |
Categorie:1860-1869 | 1860s |
Categorie:1870-1879 | 1870s |
Categorie:1880-1889 | 1880s |
Categorie:1890-1899 | 1890s |
Categorie:1900-1909 | 1900s |
Categorie:1920-1929 | 1920s |
Categorie:1930-1939 | 1930s |
Categorie:1940-1949 | 1940s |
Categorie:1950-1959 | 1950s |
Categorie:1960-1969 | 1960s |
Categorie:1970-1979 | 1970s |
Categorie:1980-1989 | 1980s |
Categorie:1990-1999 | 1990s |
Categorie:Abchazië | Abkhazia |
Categorie:Adel | Nobility |
Categorie:Afghanistan | Afghanistan |
Categorie:Afrika | Africa |
Categorie:Akoestiek | Acoustics |
Categorie:Alabama | Alabama |
Categorie:Alaska | Alaska |
Categorie:Albanië | Albania |
Categorie:Alberta | Alberta |
Categorie:Alchemie | Alchemy |
Categorie:Algebra | Algebra |
Categorie:Algerije | Algeria |
Categorie:Alles | Fundamental |
Categorie:Alpen | Alps |
Categorie:Alternatieve geneeswijze | Alternative medicine |
Categorie:American football | American football |
Categorie:Amsterdam | Amsterdam |
Categorie:Amusement | Entertainment |
Categorie:Anarchisme | Anarchism |
Categorie:Anatomie | Anatomy |
Categorie:Anatomie van het oog | Eye |
Categorie:Andorra | Andorra |
Categorie:Angola | Angola |
Categorie:Anorganische chemie | Inorganic chemistry |
Categorie:Anseriformes | Anseriformes |
Categorie:Antarctica | Antarctica |
Categorie:Antigua en Barbuda | Antigua and Barbuda |
Categorie:Antisemitisme | Antisemitism |
Categorie:Antropologie | Anthropology |
Categorie:Apollo (ruimtevaartuig) | Apollo program |
Categorie:Archeologie | Archaeology |
Categorie:Architectuur | Architecture |
Categorie:Argentinië | Argentina |
Categorie:Arizona | Arizona |
Categorie:Arkansas | Arkansas |
Categorie:Armenië | Armenia |
Categorie:Artillerie | Artillery |
Categorie:Aruba | Aruba |
Categorie:Assyrische oudheid | Assyria |
Categorie:Asteraceae | Asteraceae |
Categorie:Astrofysica | Astrophysics |
Categorie:Astrologie | Astrology |
Categorie:Astronomie | Astronomy |
Categorie:Atheïsme | Atheism |
Categorie:Atlantische Oceaan | Atlantic Ocean |
Categorie:Atletiek | Athletics |
Categorie:Atoomfysica | Atomic physics |
Categorie:Australië | Australia |
Categorie:Azerbeidzjan | Azerbaijan |
Categorie:Azië | Asia |
Categorie:Bacterie | Bacteria |
Categorie:Bahama's | Bahamas |
Categorie:Bahrein | Bahrain |
Categorie:Ballet | Ballet |
Categorie:Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
Categorie:Bank | Banks |
Categorie:Barbados | Barbados |
Categorie:Barcelona (stad) | Barcelona |
Categorie:Basketbal | Basketball |
Categorie:Beeldhouwkunst | Sculpture |
Categorie:Beieren | Bavaria |
Categorie:Belasting | Taxation |
Categorie:België | Belgium |
Categorie:Belize | Belize |
Categorie:Benin | Benin |
Categorie:Berlijn | Berlin |
Categorie:Bermuda | Bermuda |
Categorie:Beveiliging | Security |
Categorie:Bhutan | Bhutan |
Categorie:Bier | Beer |
Categorie:Bijbel | Bible |
Categorie:Bijenhouderij | Beekeeping |
Categorie:Biochemie | Biochemistry |
Categorie:Biologie | Biology |
Categorie:Biotechnologie | Biotechnology |
Categorie:Boeddhisme | Buddhism |
Categorie:Boekhouden | Accountancy |
Categorie:Boksen | Boxing |
Categorie:Bokser | Boxers |
Categorie:Bolivia | Bolivia |
Categorie:Bosnië en Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Categorie:Botswana | Botswana |
Categorie:Brazilië | Brazil |
Categorie:Brits persoon | British people |
Categorie:Brug | Bridges |
Categorie:Brunei | Brunei |
Categorie:Bulgarije | Bulgaria |
Categorie:Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
Categorie:Burundi | Burundi |
Categorie:Byzantijnse Rijk | Byzantine Empire |
Categorie:Californië | California |
Categorie:Cambodja | Cambodia |
Categorie:Canada | Canada |
Categorie:Canarische Eilanden | Canary Islands |
Categorie:Caraïben | Caribbean |
Categorie:Cardiologie | Cardiology |
Categorie:Cartografie | Cartography |
Categorie:Catalonië | Catalonia |
Categorie:Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek | Central African Republic |
Categorie:Chili | Chile |
Categorie:China | China |
Categorie:Christendom | Christianity |
Categorie:Chronologie | Chronology |
Categorie:Colombia | Colombia |
Categorie:Colorado | Colorado |
Categorie:Communicatie | Communication |
Categorie:Communisme | Communism |
Categorie:Comoren | Comoros |
Categorie:Computergraphics | Computer graphics |
Categorie:Computerhardware | Computer hardware |
Categorie:Congo-Brazzaville | Republic of the Congo |
Categorie:Congo-Kinshasa | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Categorie:Connecticut | Connecticut |
Categorie:Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
Categorie:Criminologie | Criminology |
Categorie:Cryptografie | Cryptography |
Categorie:Cuba | Cuba |
Categorie:Cultuur | Culture |
Categorie:Cyprus | Cyprus |
Categorie:Dans | Dance |
Categorie:Datum | Days |
Categorie:Deeltjesfysica | Particle physics |
Categorie:Delaware | Delaware |
Categorie:Demografie | Demography |
Categorie:Denemarken | Denmark |
Categorie:Design | Design |
Categorie:Dichtkunst | Poetry |
Categorie:Diplomatie | Diplomacy |
Categorie:Djibouti | Djibouti |
Categorie:Dominica | Dominica |
Categorie:Dominicaanse Republiek | Dominican Republic |
Categorie:Dood | Death |
Categorie:Duifachtige | Columbiformes |
Categorie:Duits | German language |
Categorie:Duitsland | Germany |
Categorie:Ecologie | Ecology |
Categorie:Economie | Economics |
Categorie:Ecuador | Ecuador |
Categorie:Eerste Wereldoorlog | World War I |
Categorie:Egypte | Egypt |
Categorie:El Salvador | El Salvador |
Categorie:Elektriciteit | Electricity |
Categorie:Elektrochemie | Electrochemistry |
Categorie:Elektromagnetisme | Electromagnetism |
Categorie:Elektronica | Electronics |
Categorie:Elektrotechniek | Electrical engineering |
Categorie:Endocrinologie | Endocrinology |
Categorie:Energie | Energy |
Categorie:Engeland | England |
Categorie:Engels | English language |
Categorie:Engels persoon | English people |
Categorie:Entomologie | Entomology |
Categorie:Equatoriaal-Guinea | Equatorial Guinea |
Categorie:Eritrea | Eritrea |
Categorie:Esperanto | Esperanto |
Categorie:Estland | Estonia |
Categorie:Ethiek | Ethics |
Categorie:Ethiopië | Ethiopia |
Categorie:Europa | Europe |
Categorie:Europese Unie | European Union |
Categorie:Faeröer | Faroe Islands |
Categorie:Fagaceae | Fagaceae |
Categorie:Farmacologie | Pharmacology |
Categorie:Fascisme | Fascism |
Categorie:Feminisme | Feminism |
Categorie:Fictie | Fiction |
Categorie:Fiji | Fiji |
Categorie:Filatelie | Philately |
Categorie:Filipijnen | Philippines |
Categorie:Film | Film |
Categorie:Filologie | Philology |
Categorie:Filosofie | Philosophy |
Categorie:Finland | Finland |
Categorie:Florida | Florida |
Categorie:Folklore | Folklore |
Categorie:Fonetiek | Phonetics |
Categorie:Fotografie | Photography |
Categorie:Frankfurt am Main | Frankfurt |
Categorie:Frankrijk | France |
Categorie:Frans persoon | French people |
Categorie:Frans-Polynesië | French Polynesia |
Categorie:Franse Revolutie | French Revolution |
Categorie:Fruit | Fruit |
Categorie:Fysiologie | Physiology |
Categorie:Fysische chemie | Physical chemistry |
Categorie:Gabon | Gabon |
Categorie:Gambia | The Gambia |
Categorie:Geesteswetenschappen | Humanities |
Categorie:Gemoedstoestand | Emotion |
Categorie:Genealogie | Genealogy |
Categorie:Geneeskunde | Medicine |
Categorie:Genetica | Genetics |
Categorie:Genocide | Genocide |
Categorie:Geodesie | Geodesy |
Categorie:Geofysica | Geophysics |
Categorie:Geografie | Geography |
Categorie:Geologie | Geology |
Categorie:Geomorfologie | Geomorphology |
Categorie:Georgia | Georgia (U.S. state) |
Categorie:Georgië | Georgia (country) |
Categorie:Geschiedenis | History |
Categorie:Getal | Numbers |
Categorie:Gezondheid | Health |
Categorie:Ghana | Ghana |
Categorie:Gibraltar | Gibraltar |
Categorie:Golf | Golf |
Categorie:Goniometrie | Trigonometry |
Categorie:Google | |
Categorie:Grafische vormgeving | Graphic design |
Categorie:Grammatica | Grammar |
Categorie:Grenada | Grenada |
Categorie:Griekenland | Greece |
Categorie:Grieks alfabet | Greek alphabet |
Categorie:Griekse mythologie | Greek mythology |
Categorie:Groenland | Greenland |
Categorie:Groothertogdom Luxemburg | Luxembourg |
Categorie:Grote Oceaan | Pacific Ocean |
Categorie:Guatemala | Guatemala |
Categorie:Guinee | Guinea |
Categorie:Guinee-Bissau | Guinea-Bissau |
Categorie:Guyana | Guyana |
Categorie:Hamburg | Hamburg |
Categorie:Handel | Commerce |
Categorie:Hawaï | Hawaii |
Categorie:Haïti | Haiti |
Categorie:Heelkunde | Surgery |
Categorie:Heilige Roomse Rijk | Holy Roman Empire |
Categorie:Hematologie | Hematology |
Categorie:Hemelmechanica | Celestial mechanics |
Categorie:Heraldiek | Heraldry |
Categorie:Hessen | Hesse |
Categorie:Hindoeïsme | Hinduism |
Categorie:Histologie | Histology |
Categorie:Hoen | Galliformes |
Categorie:Honduras | Honduras |
Categorie:Hongarije | Hungary |
Categorie:Hongkong | Hong Kong |
Categorie:Honkbal | Baseball |
Categorie:Humor | Humor |
Categorie:Hydrologie | Hydrology |
Categorie:Hygiëne | Hygiene |
Categorie:IJshockey | Ice hockey |
Categorie:IJsland | Iceland |
Categorie:Idaho | Idaho |
Categorie:Ierland | Republic of Ireland |
Categorie:Ierland | Ireland |
Categorie:Iers persoon | Irish people |
Categorie:Illinois | Illinois |
Categorie:Immunologie | Immunology |
Categorie:India | India |
Categorie:Indiana | Indiana |
Categorie:Indische Oceaan | Indian Ocean |
Categorie:Indonesië | Indonesia |
Categorie:Industrie | Industry |
Categorie:Informatica | Computer science |
Categorie:Informatica | Computing |
Categorie:Internationaal recht | International law |
Categorie:Internet | Internet |
Categorie:Iowa | Iowa |
Categorie:Irak | Iraq |
Categorie:Iran | Iran |
Categorie:Islam | Islam |
Categorie:Israël | Israel |
Categorie:Istanbul | Istanbul |
Categorie:Italië | Italy |
Categorie:Jamaica | Jamaica |
Categorie:Japan | Japan |
Categorie:Jaren | Years |
Categorie:Jazz | Jazz |
Categorie:Jemen | Yemen |
Categorie:Jeruzalem | Jerusalem |
Categorie:Jodendom | Judaism |
Categorie:Joegoslavië | Yugoslavia |
Categorie:Jordanië | Jordan |
Categorie:Journalistiek | Journalism |
Categorie:Jupiter | Jupiter |
Categorie:Kaapverdië | Cape Verde |
Categorie:Kameroen | Cameroon |
Categorie:Kansas | Kansas |
Categorie:Kansrekening | Probability theory |
Categorie:Kaukasus | Caucasus |
Categorie:Kazachstan | Kazakhstan |
Categorie:Kenia | Kenya |
Categorie:Kentucky | Kentucky |
Categorie:Kernfysica | Nuclear physics |
Categorie:Kerst | Christmas |
Categorie:Kirgizië | Kyrgyzstan |
Categorie:Kiribati | Kiribati |
Categorie:Klassieke muziek | Classical music |
Categorie:Kleding | Clothing |
Categorie:Klimatologie | Climatology |
Categorie:Koerdistan | Kurdistan |
Categorie:Koeweit | Kuwait |
Categorie:Koffie | Coffee |
Categorie:Korea | Korea |
Categorie:Kosmologie | Cosmology |
Categorie:Kosovo | Kosovo |
Categorie:Koude Oorlog | Cold War |
Categorie:Kristallografie | Crystallography |
Categorie:Kroatië | Croatia |
Categorie:Kunst | Arts |
Categorie:Kunstgeschiedenis | Art history |
Categorie:Kunstmatige intelligentie | Artificial intelligence |
Categorie:Kwantumfysica | Quantum mechanics |
Categorie:Landbouw | Agriculture |
Categorie:Laos | Laos |
Categorie:Lesotho | Lesotho |
Categorie:Letland | Latvia |
Categorie:Libanon | Lebanon |
Categorie:Liberalisme | Liberalism |
Categorie:Liberia | Liberia |
Categorie:Libië | Libya |
Categorie:Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
Categorie:Lineaire algebra | Linear algebra |
Categorie:Linux | Linux |
Categorie:Literatuur | Literature |
Categorie:Litouwen | Lithuania |
Categorie:Logica | Logic |
Categorie:Londen | London |
Categorie:Louisiana | Louisiana |
Categorie:Luchtvaart | Aviation |
Categorie:Macro-economie | Macroeconomics |
Categorie:Madagaskar | Madagascar |
Categorie:Magnetisme | Magnetism |
Categorie:Maine | Maine |
Categorie:Malawi | Malawi |
Categorie:Maldiven | Maldives |
Categorie:Maleisië | Malaysia |
Categorie:Mali | Mali |
Categorie:Malta | Malta |
Categorie:Man (eiland) | Isle of Man |
Categorie:Marketing en verkoop | Marketing |
Categorie:Marokko | Morocco |
Categorie:Mars | Mars |
Categorie:Marshalleilanden | Marshall Islands |
Categorie:Marxisme | Marxism |
Categorie:Maryland | Maryland |
Categorie:Massachusetts | Massachusetts |
Categorie:Mauritanië | Mauritania |
Categorie:Mauritius | Mauritius |
Categorie:Mechanica | Mechanics |
Categorie:Meetkunde | Geometry |
Categorie:Meettechniek | Measurement |
Categorie:Mens en maatschappij | Society |
Categorie:Mesopotamië | Mesopotamia |
Categorie:Metafysica | Metaphysics |
Categorie:Metal | Heavy metal |
Categorie:Meteorologie | Meteorology |
Categorie:Metro | Rapid transit |
Categorie:Meubilair | Furniture |
Categorie:Mexico | Mexico |
Categorie:Michigan | Michigan |
Categorie:Micro-economie | Microeconomics |
Categorie:Microbiologie | Microbiology |
Categorie:Micronesia | Federated States of Micronesia |
Categorie:Middeleeuwen | Middle Ages |
Categorie:Middellandse Zee | Mediterranean |
Categorie:Midden-Amerika | Central America |
Categorie:Midden-Oosten | Middle East |
Categorie:Milieu | Environment |
Categorie:Militaria | Military |
Categorie:Mineralogie | Mineralogy |
Categorie:Minnesota | Minnesota |
Categorie:Mississippi | Mississippi |
Categorie:Missouri | Missouri |
Categorie:Mode | Fashion |
Categorie:Moldavië | Moldova |
Categorie:Moleculaire biologie | Molecular biology |
Categorie:Monaco | Monaco |
Categorie:Mongolië | Mongolia |
Categorie:Montana | Montana |
Categorie:Montenegro | Montenegro |
Categorie:Moskou | Moscow |
Categorie:Mozambique | Mozambique |
Categorie:Munteenheid | Currency |
Categorie:Muziek | Music |
Categorie:Myanmar | Burma |
Categorie:Myanmar | Myanmar |
Categorie:Mycologie | Mycology |
Categorie:Mythologie | Mythology |
Categorie:NAVO | NATO |
Categorie:Namibië | Namibia |
Categorie:Nationaal-socialisme | Nazism |
Categorie:Nationalisme | Nationalism |
Categorie:Natuur | Nature |
Categorie:Natuurkunde | Physics |
Categorie:Nauru | Nauru |
Categorie:Navigatie | Navigation |
Categorie:Nazi-Duitsland | Nazi Germany |
Categorie:Nebraska | Nebraska |
Categorie:Nederland | Netherlands |
Categorie:Nederlands persoon | Dutch people |
Categorie:Nepal | Nepal |
Categorie:Neurologie | Neurology |
Categorie:Nevada | Nevada |
Categorie:New Hampshire | New Hampshire |
Categorie:New Jersey | New Jersey |
Categorie:New Mexico | New Mexico |
Categorie:New York (staat) | New York |
Categorie:New York City | New York City |
Categorie:Nicaragua | Nicaragua |
Categorie:Nieuw-Zeeland | New Zealand |
Categorie:Niger | Niger |
Categorie:Nigeria | Nigeria |
Categorie:Nobelprijs | Nobel Prize |
Categorie:Noord-Amerika | North America |
Categorie:Noord-Ierland | Northern Ireland |
Categorie:Noord-Korea | North Korea |
Categorie:Noordse mythologie | Norse mythology |
Categorie:Noorwegen | Norway |
Categorie:North Carolina | North Carolina |
Categorie:North Dakota | North Dakota |
Categorie:Numismatiek | Numismatics |
Categorie:Oceanië | Oceania |
Categorie:Oceanografie | Oceanography |
Categorie:Oeganda | Uganda |
Categorie:Oekraïne | Ukraine |
Categorie:Oezbekistan | Uzbekistan |
Categorie:Ohio | Ohio |
Categorie:Oklahoma | Oklahoma |
Categorie:Olympische Spelen | Olympics |
Categorie:Olympische Winterspelen | Winter Olympic Games |
Categorie:Oman | Oman |
Categorie:Oncologie | Oncology |
Categorie:Onderwijs | Education |
Categorie:Ontario | Ontario |
Categorie:Oorlog | War |
Categorie:Oost-Timor | East Timor |
Categorie:Oostenrijk | Austria |
Categorie:Optica | Optics |
Categorie:Oregon | Oregon |
Categorie:Organische chemie | Organic chemistry |
Categorie:Ornithologie | Ornithology |
Categorie:Ottomaanse Rijk | Ottoman Empire |
Categorie:Oudheid | Ancient history |
Categorie:Pakistan | Pakistan |
Categorie:Palau | Palau |
Categorie:Paleontologie | Paleontology |
Categorie:Palestijnse Autoriteit | Palestine |
Categorie:Panama | Panama |
Categorie:Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea | Papua New Guinea |
Categorie:Paraguay | Paraguay |
Categorie:Parijs | Paris |
Categorie:Pedagogiek | Pedagogy |
Categorie:Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
Categorie:Persoon | People |
Categorie:Persoon uit het bedrijfsleven | Businesspeople |
Categorie:Peru | Peru |
Categorie:Plantkunde | Botany |
Categorie:Polen | Poland |
Categorie:Politicologie | Political science |
Categorie:Politie | Law enforcement |
Categorie:Politiek | Politics |
Categorie:Portugal | Portugal |
Categorie:Praag | Prague |
Categorie:Prehistorie | Prehistory |
Categorie:Primaat | Primates |
Categorie:Programmeren | Computer programming |
Categorie:Protista | Protista |
Categorie:Pseudowetenschap | Pseudoscience |
Categorie:Psychiatrie | Psychiatry |
Categorie:Psychologie | Psychology |
Categorie:Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico |
Categorie:Punk | Punk |
Categorie:Qatar | Qatar |
Categorie:Québec | Quebec |
Categorie:Racisme | Racism |
Categorie:Radio | Radio |
Categorie:Recht | Law |
Categorie:Rekenen | Arithmetic |
Categorie:Relativiteit | Relativity |
Categorie:Religie | Religion |
Categorie:Renaissance | Renaissance |
Categorie:Retorica | Rhetoric |
Categorie:Rhode Island | Rhode Island |
Categorie:Rock | Rock music |
Categorie:Roemenië | Romania |
Categorie:Rome | Rome |
Categorie:Romeinse godsdienst | Roman mythology |
Categorie:Rusland | Russia |
Categorie:Rwanda | Rwanda |
Categorie:Saint Kitts en Nevis | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Categorie:Saint Lucia | Saint Lucia |
Categorie:Saint Vincent en de Grenadines | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Categorie:Saksen | Saxony |
Categorie:Salomonseilanden | Solomon Islands |
Categorie:Samoa | Samoa |
Categorie:San Marino | San Marino |
Categorie:Saoedi-Arabië | Saudi Arabia |
Categorie:Saturnus | Saturn |
Categorie:Scandinavië | Scandinavia |
Categorie:Schaken | Chess |
Categorie:Scheikunde | Chemistry |
Categorie:Schilderkunst | Painting |
Categorie:Schimmel | Fungi |
Categorie:Schotland | Scotland |
Categorie:Sciencefiction | Science fiction |
Categorie:Seksualiteit | Sexuality |
Categorie:Semantiek | Semantics |
Categorie:Senegal | Senegal |
Categorie:Servië | Serbia |
Categorie:Servië en Montenegro | Serbia and Montenegro |
Categorie:Seychellen | Seychelles |
Categorie:Sicilië | Sicily |
Categorie:Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone |
Categorie:Singapore | Singapore |
Categorie:Sint-Petersburg | Saint Petersburg |
Categorie:Skelet | Skeletal system |
Categorie:Slovenië | Slovenia |
Categorie:Slowakije | Slovakia |
Categorie:Socialisme | Socialism |
Categorie:Sociologie | Sociology |
Categorie:Soedan | Sudan |
Categorie:Software | Software |
Categorie:Solanaceae | Solanaceae |
Categorie:Somalië | Somalia |
Categorie:South Carolina | South Carolina |
Categorie:South Dakota | South Dakota |
Categorie:Sovjet-Unie | Soviet Union |
Categorie:Spaans persoon | Spanish people |
Categorie:Spanje | Spain |
Categorie:Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
Categorie:Statistiek | Statistics |
Categorie:Strafrecht | Criminal law |
Categorie:Suriname | Suriname |
Categorie:Swaziland | Swaziland |
Categorie:Syrië | Syria |
Categorie:Taalkunde | Linguistics |
Categorie:Tadzjikistan | Tajikistan |
Categorie:Taiwan | Taiwan |
Categorie:Tandheelkunde | Dentistry |
Categorie:Tanzania | Tanzania |
Categorie:Techniek | Technology |
Categorie:Technische wetenschappen | Engineering |
Categorie:Televisie | Television |
Categorie:Tennessee | Tennessee |
Categorie:Tennis | Tennis |
Categorie:Terrorisme | Terrorism |
Categorie:Texas | Texas |
Categorie:Thailand | Thailand |
Categorie:Thee | Tea |
Categorie:Theologie | Theology |
Categorie:Thermodynamica | Thermodynamics |
Categorie:Thüringen | Thuringia |
Categorie:Tibet | Tibet |
Categorie:Tijd | Time |
Categorie:Toerisme | Tourism |
Categorie:Togo | Togo |
Categorie:Toneel | Theatre |
Categorie:Tonga | Tonga |
Categorie:Topologie | Topology |
Categorie:Trinidad en Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago |
Categorie:Tsjaad | Chad |
Categorie:Tsjechië | Czech Republic |
Categorie:Tsjecho-Slowakije | Czechoslovakia |
Categorie:Tsjetsjenië | Chechnya |
Categorie:Tunesië | Tunisia |
Categorie:Turkije | Turkey |
Categorie:Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan |
Categorie:Tuvalu | Tuvalu |
Categorie:Tweede Wereldoorlog | World War II |
Categorie:Typografie | Typography |
Categorie:Unix | Unix |
Categorie:Uranus | Uranus |
Categorie:Uruguay | Uruguay |
Categorie:Utah | Utah |
Categorie:Vanuatu | Vanuatu |
Categorie:Vaticaanstad | Vatican City |
Categorie:Venezuela | Venezuela |
Categorie:Verenigd Koninkrijk | United Kingdom |
Categorie:Verenigde Arabische Emiraten | United Arab Emirates |
Categorie:Verenigde Naties | United Nations |
Categorie:Verenigde Staten | United States |
Categorie:Vermont | Vermont |
Categorie:Vervoer | Transportation |
Categorie:Verzamelingenleer | Set theory |
Categorie:Vietnam | Vietnam |
Categorie:Vietnamoorlog | Vietnam War |
Categorie:Virginia | Virginia |
Categorie:Vis | Fish |
Categorie:Visserij | Fishing |
Categorie:Vleermuis | Bats |
Categorie:Vliegtuig | Aircraft |
Categorie:Vliesvleugelige | Hymenoptera |
Categorie:Voeding | Nutrition |
Categorie:Voetbal | Football (soccer) |
Categorie:Voetbal naar land | Football (soccer) by country |
Categorie:Voetbalclub | Football (soccer) clubs |
Categorie:Voetbalcoach | Football (soccer) managers |
Categorie:Voetballer | Football (soccer) players |
Categorie:Voetbalstadion | Football (soccer) venues |
Categorie:Volleybal | Volleyball |
Categorie:Vulkanologie | Volcanology |
Categorie:Wales | Wales |
Categorie:Washington | Washington |
Categorie:Water | Water |
Categorie:Wenen | Vienna |
Categorie:Wereld | Earth |
Categorie:Werktuigbouwkunde | Mechanical engineering |
Categorie:West Virginia | West Virginia |
Categorie:Westelijke Sahara | Western Sahara |
Categorie:Wetenschap | Science |
Categorie:Wielersport | Cycling |
Categorie:Wijn | Wine |
Categorie:Wikipedia:Doorverwijspagina | Disambiguation |
Categorie:Wisconsin | Wisconsin |
Categorie:Wiskunde | Mathematics |
Categorie:Wit-Rusland | Belarus |
Categorie:Woestijn | Deserts |
Categorie:World Wide Web | World Wide Web |
Categorie:Wyoming | Wyoming |
Categorie:Zambia | Zambia |
Categorie:Zangvogel | Passeriformes |
Categorie:Zeestraat | Straits |
Categorie:Zenuwstelsel | Nervous system |
Categorie:Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Categorie:Zon | Sun |
Categorie:Zonnestelsel | Solar System |
Categorie:Zoölogie | Zoology |
Categorie:Zuid-Afrika | South Africa |
Categorie:Zuid-Amerika | South America |
Categorie:Zuid-Korea | South Korea |
Categorie:Zweden | Sweden |
Categorie:Zwemmen | Swimming |
Categorie:Zwitserland | Switzerland |
Categorie:Zwitsers persoon | Swiss people |
Catharina Parr | Catherine Parr |
Catharina van Aragón | Catherine of Aragon |
Cavalerie | Cavalry |
Cayenne (stad) | Cayenne |
Caïro (stad) | Cairo |
Cecil Rhodes | Cecil Rhodes |
Ceder | Cedar |
Cel (biologie) | Cell (biology) |
Celebes | Sulawesi |
Celibaat | Celibacy |
Celkern | Cell nucleus |
Cello | Cello |
Cellulose | Cellulose |
Celmembraan | Cell membrane |
Celsius | Celsius |
Celwand | Cell wall |
Cement | Cement |
Cenozoïcum | Cenozoic |
Centaur (mythologie) | Centaur |
Centaur (sterrenbeeld) | Centaurus |
Centimeter | Centimetre |
Centraal zenuwstelsel | Central nervous system |
Centraal-Afrika | Central Africa |
Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek | Central African Republic |
Centraal-Amerika | Central America |
Central Intelligence Agency | Central Intelligence Agency |
Central Park | Central Park |
Centrale bank | Central bank |
Centrale mogendheid | Central Powers |
Centre (Frankrijk) | Centre |
Centriool | Centriole |
Cepheus (sterrenbeeld) | Cepheus (constellation) |
Cerberus (mythologie) | Cerberus |
Ceres | Ceres |
Ceres (dwergplaneet) | Ceres (dwarf planet) |
Ceres (mythologie) | Ceres (mythology) |
Cerium | Cerium |
Cesare Borgia | Cesare Borgia |
Cesium | Caesium |
Chabarovsk | Khabarovsk |
Chalcedoon | Chalcedony |
Champagne (wijn) | Champagne (wine) |
Champagne-Ardennen | Champagne-Ardenne |
Chanoeka | Hanukkah |
Chaos (Griekse mythologie) | Chaos (mythology) |
Charkov | Kharkiv |
Charleroi | Charleroi |
Charles Baudelaire | Charles Baudelaire |
Charles Darwin | Charles Darwin |
Charles Dickens | Charles Dickens |
Charles Fourier | Charles Fourier |
Charles Lindbergh | Charles Lindbergh |
Charles Peirce | Charles Peirce |
Charles Thomson Rees Wilson | Charles Thomson Rees Wilson |
Charles de Gaulle | Charles de Gaulle |
Charles, prins van Wales | Charles |
Charleston (West Virginia) | Charleston |
Charlie Chaplin | Charlie Chaplin |
Charlie Parker | Charlie Parker |
Charlotte (North Carolina) | Charlotte |
Charmed | Charmed |
Charon (god) | Charon (mythology) |
Charon (maan) | Charon (moon) |
Chartres | Chartres |
Chauvinisme | Chauvinism |
Che Guevara | Che Guevara |
Chemisch bestrijdingsmiddel | Pesticide |
Chemisch element | Chemical element |
Chemische binding | Chemical bond |
Chemische groep | Group (periodic table) |
Chemische reactie | Chemical reaction |
Chemische technologie | Chemical engineering |
Chemische verbinding | Chemical compound |
Chemische wapens | Chemical warfare |
Chemnitz | Chemnitz |
Chemotherapie | Chemotherapy |
Cheque | Cheque |
Cherubijn | Cherub |
Chester A. Arthur | Chester A. Arthur |
Cheyenne (Wyoming) | Cheyenne |
Chi (letter) | Chi (letter) |
Chiang Kai-shek | Chiang Kai-shek |
Chicago | Chicago |
Chihuahua (staat) | Chihuahua |
Chili | Chile |
Chimaera (mythologie) | Chimera (mythology) |
Chimborazo (vulkaan) | Chimborazo (volcano) |
Chimpansees | Chimpanzee |
China | China |
Chinese Muur | Great Wall of China |
Chios (eiland) | Chios |
Chiron | Chiron |
Chirurgie | Surgery |
Chitine | Chitin |
Chloor | Chlorine |
Chloroform | Chloroform |
Chocolade | Chocolate |
Cholera | Cholera |
Cholesterol | Cholesterol |
Chordadieren | Chordate |
Christchurch (Nieuw-Zeeland) | Christchurch |
Christendom | Christianity |
Christiaan Huygens | Christiaan Huygens |
Christian Dior | Christian Dior |
Christoffel Columbus | Christopher Columbus |
Christopher Marlowe | Christopher Marlowe |
Christus (Jezus) | Jesus |
Chromatine | Chromatin |
Chromatografie | Chromatography |
Chromosoom | Chromosome |
Chroom (element) | Chromium |
Chuck Berry | Chuck Berry |
Chufu | Khufu |
Cider | Cider |
Cilinder | Cylinder (geometry) |
Cinnaber | Cinnabar |
Cipresfamilie | Cupressaceae |
Circe | Circe |
Circumcisie | Circumcision |
Circus (cultuur) | Circus |
Cirkel | Circle |
Citroen (vrucht) | Lemon |
Citroenmelisse | Lemon balm |
Citroenzuur | Citric acid |
Citroenzuurcyclus | Citric acid cycle |
Citrusvrucht | Citrus |
Civilization | Civilization (computer game) |
Clark Gable | Clark Gable |
Classicisme | Classicism |
Claude Monet | Claude Monet |
Claude Shannon | Claude Shannon |
Claudio Monteverdi | Claudio Monteverdi |
Claudius Galenus | Galen |
Claudius I | Claudius |
Claudius Ptolemaeus | Ptolemy |
Clement Attlee | Clement Attlee |
Cleopatra | Cleopatra (disambiguation) |
Cleveland (Ohio) | Cleveland |
Client-servermodel | Client-server |
Clio (muze) | Clio |
Clitoris | Clitoris |
Cloacadieren | Monotreme |
Clovis I | Clovis I |
Cocaïne | Cocaine |
Cocktail | Cocktail |
Cocoseilanden | Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
Codeïne | Codeine |
Cognac (drank) | Cognac (drink) |
Cognitieve psychologie | Cognitive psychology |
Cognitiewetenschap | Cognitive science |
Cola | Cola |
Colchis | Colchis |
Colin Powell | Colin Powell |
Collage | Collage |
Collageen | Collagen |
Colloïde | Colloid |
Colombia | Colombia |
Colombo (stad) | Colombo |
Colorado (rivier) | Colorado River |
Colorado (staat) | Colorado |
Colosseum | Colosseum |
Columbia | Columbia |
Columbia (South Carolina) | Columbia |
Columbia (rivier) | Columbia River |
Columbia-universiteit | Columbia University |
Columbus | Columbus |
Columbus (Ohio) | Columbus |
Coma (geneeskunde) | Coma |
Commedia dell'arte | Commedia dell'arte |
Communicatie | Communication |
Communisme | Communism |
Comoren | Comoros |
Compact disc | Compact Disc |
Compagnie | Company (military unit) |
Compiler | Compiler |
Complex Instruction Set Computer | Complex instruction set computer |
Complex getal | Complex number |
Componist | Composer |
Composiet (materiaal) | Composite material |
Composietenfamilie | Asteraceae |
Computationele taalkunde | Computational linguistics |
Computer | Computer |
Computer Aided Design | Computer-aided design |
Computerarchitectuur | Computer architecture |
Computernetwerk | Computer network |
Computerprogramma | Computer program |
Computerspel | Video game |
Computertomografie | Computed tomography |
Computervertaling | Machine translation |
Computervirus | Computer virus |
Conakry | Conakry |
Concentratie (oplossing) | Concentration |
Concentratiekamp | Internment |
Concerto | Concerto |
Concilie | Ecumenical council |
Concilie van Chalcedon | Council of Chalcedon |
Concilie van Constantinopel I | First Council of Constantinople |
Concilie van Efeze | Council of Ephesus |
Concilie van Trente | Council of Trent |
Concord (New Hampshire) | Concord |
Condensator | Capacitor |
Condoom | Condom |
Confederatie | Confederation |
Conferentie van Jalta | Yalta Conference |
Conflict (onenigheid) | Conflict |
Confucianisme | Confucianism |
Confucius | Confucius |
Congo | Congo |
Congo-Brazzaville | Republic of the Congo |
Congo-Kinshasa | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Connecticut | Connecticut |
Conquistador (geschiedenis) | Conquistador |
Consensus | Consensus |
Conservatisme | Conservatism |
Constantijn de Grote | Constantine I |
Constantinopel | Constantinople |
Consul (Rome) | Consul |
Consumptie | Consumption (economics) |
Contactlens | Contact lens |
Continentaal plat | Continental shelf |
Continentverschuiving | Continental drift |
Contrabas | Double bass |
Contrapunt | Counterpoint |
Convectie | Convection |
Coordinated Universal Time | Coordinated Universal Time |
Corioliseffect | Coriolis effect |
Cork (stad) | Cork (city) |
Cornell-universiteit | Cornell University |
Cornwall | Cornwall |
Corrosie | Corrosion |
Corsica | Corsica |
Corylus | Hazel |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
Cotonou | Cotonou |
Cotopaxi (vulkaan) | Cotopaxi |
Coulomb (eenheid) | Coulomb |
Countrymuziek | Country music |
Covalente binding | Covalent bond |
Coventry | Coventry |
Coyote | Coyote |
Coöperatie | Cooperative |
Coördinaat | Coordinate system |
Creationisme | Creationism |
Cremona (stad) | Cremona |
Cricket | Cricket |
Criminologie | Criminology |
Cryptografie | Cryptography |
Cuba (land) | Cuba |
Culturele Revolutie | Cultural Revolution |
Cultuur | Culture |
Cumbria | Cumbria |
Cumulus | Cumulus cloud |
Curcuma longa | Turmeric |
Curitiba | Curitiba |
Curium | Curium |
Curling (sport) | Curling |
Cuzco (stad) | Cusco |
Cyaan | Cyan |
Cyanide | Cyanide |
Cybele | Cybele |
Cybernetica | Cybernetics |
Cyberpunk | Cyberpunk |
Cycladen | Cyclades |
Cycloop | Cyclops |
Cypergrassenfamilie | Cyperaceae |
Cyprus | Cyprus |
Cyrillisch alfabet | Cyrillic alphabet |
Cyrus II | Cyrus the Great |
Cytoplasma | Cytoplasm |
Cytosine | Cytosine |
Cytoskelet | Cytoskeleton |
D (letter) | D |
D.H. Lawrence | D. H. Lawrence |
D.W. Griffith | D. W. Griffith |
DDT (insecticide) | DDT |
DOS (besturingssysteem) | DOS |
DSL | Digital subscriber line |
Dactyloscopie | Fingerprint |
Dadaïsme | Dada |
Dadelpalm | Date Palm |
Daedalus | Daedalus |
Dag | Day |
Daguerreotypie | Daguerreotype |
Dahlia | Dahlia |
Dakar | Dakar |
Dakconstructie | Roof |
Dal | Valley |
Dalai Lama | Dalai Lama |
Dallas (Texas) | Dallas |
Dalmatia | Dalmatia |
Dam (waterkering) | Dam |
Damascus | Damascus |
Dame (schaken) | Queen (chess) |
Damhert | Fallow Deer |
Dammen | Draughts |
Daniel Bernoulli | Daniel Bernoulli |
Daniel Defoe | Daniel Defoe |
Daniel Ortega | Daniel Ortega |
Dans | Dance |
Dante Alighieri | Dante Alighieri |
Daphne (mythologie) | Daphne |
Dar es Salaam (stad) | Dar es Salaam |
Dardanellen | Dardanelles |
Darfur (regio) | Darfur |
Darjeeling (stad) | Darjeeling |
Darmstadtium | Darmstadtium |
Darwin | Darwin |
Darwin (Australië) | Darwin |
Das (dier) | Eurasian Badger |
Dashond | Dachshund |
Data mining | Data mining |
Database | Database |
Databasemanagementsysteem | Database management system |
Datastructuur | Data structure |
Datief | Dative case |
Daugavpils | Daugavpils |
Dauw | Dew |
Dauwpunt | Dew point |
David Hilbert | David Hilbert |
David Hume | David Hume |
David Livingstone | David Livingstone |
David Ricardo | David Ricardo |
Davidster | Star of David |
Davis Cup | Davis Cup |
De facto | De facto |
December | December |
Decennium | Decade |
Decibel | Decibel |
Decimaal | Decimal |
Decius | Decius (emperor) |
Declinatie (astronomie) | Declination |
Deco | Deco |
Deconstructie | Deconstruction |
Deductie | Deductive reasoning |
Deeltjesfysica | Particle physics |
Deelverzameling | Subset |
Deense kroon | Danish krone |
Definitie | Definition |
Deflatie | Deflation |
Deimos (maan) | Deimos (moon) |
Delaware | Delaware |
Delen | Division (mathematics) |
Delft | Delft |
Delhi (stad) | Delhi |
Dell | Dell |
Delphi (Griekenland) | Delphi |
Delta | Delta |
Delta (letter) | Delta (letter) |
Demagogie | Demagogy |
Dementie | Dementia |
Demeter (mythologie) | Demeter |
Democratie | Democracy |
Democratische Partij (Verenigde Staten) | Democratic Party (United States) |
Democritus | Democritus |
Demografie | Demography |
Demon | Demon |
Den Haag | The Hague |
Denemarken | Denmark |
Deng Xiaoping | Deng Xiaoping |
Dengue | Dengue fever |
Denis Diderot | Denis Diderot |
Denken | Thought |
Denktank | Think tank |
Dennenfamilie | Pinaceae |
Dennis Gabor | Dennis Gabor |
Denver | Denver |
Derde Kruistocht | Third Crusade |
Derde wereld | Third World |
Dermatologie | Dermatology |
Dertigjarige Oorlog | Thirty Years' War |
Des Moines (Iowa) | Des Moines |
Desiderius Erasmus | Desiderius Erasmus |
Desmond Tutu | Desmond Tutu |
Destillatie | Distillation |
Determinant | Determinant |
Determinisme (filosofie) | Determinism |
Detroit (Michigan) | Detroit |
Deugd | Virtue |
Deur | Door |
Deuterium | Deuterium |
Deuteronomium | Deuteronomy |
Devon | Devon |
Devoon | Devonian |
Dewey Decimale Classificatie | Dewey Decimal Classification |
Deïsme | Deism |
Dhaka (stad) | Dhaka |
Dharma | Dharma |
Dhaulagiri | Dhaulagiri |
Dhole | Dhole |
Diabetes mellitus | Diabetes mellitus |
Diaken | Deacon |
Diakritisch teken | Diacritic |
Dialect | Dialect |
Dialectiek | Dialectic |
Diamant | Diamond |
Diameter | Diameter |
Diana (godin) | Diana (mythology) |
Diana Frances Spencer | Diana |
Diarree | Diarrhea |
Diaspora | Diaspora |
Diatomee | Diatom |
Dichtheid (natuurkunde) | Density |
Dictatuur | Dictatorship |
Diego Rivera | Diego Rivera |
Dieren (rijk) | Animal |
Dierenriem | Zodiac |
Dierentuin | Zoo |
Dieselmotor | Diesel engine |
Dieselolie | Diesel |
Dietrich Bonhoeffer | Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
Differentiaalvergelijking | Differential equation |
Diffractie | Diffraction |
Diffusie | Diffusion |
Difterie | Diphtheria |
Digitaal | Digital |
Digitale camera | Digital camera |
Digitale fotografie | Digital photography |
Dijon | Dijon |
Dille | Dill |
Dimensie | Dimension |
Dingo | Dingo |
Dinosauriërs | Dinosaur |
Dinsdag | Tuesday |
Diocletianus | Diocletian |
Diode | Diode |
Dionysos | Dionysus |
Diplodocus | Diplodocus |
Diplomatie | Diplomacy |
Dire Straits | Dire Straits |
Dirigent | Conducting |
Disacharide | Disaccharide |
Discriminatie | Discrimination |
Diskette | Floppy disk |
Diskjockey | Disc jockey |
Divergentie (vectorveld) | Divergence |
Dizzy Gillespie | Dizzy Gillespie |
Djedda | Jeddah |
Djibouti (stad) | Djibouti (city) |
Djinn | Genie |
Dmitri Mendelejev | Dmitri Mendeleev |
Dmitri Sjostakovitsj | Dmitri Shostakovich |
Dnjepr | Dnieper River |
Dnjepropetrovsk | Dnipropetrovsk |
Dobbelsteen | Dice |
Dobermann | Doberman Pinscher |
Document | Document |
Dode Zee | Dead Sea |
Dode-Zeerollen | Dead Sea scrolls |
Dodecaëder | Dodecahedron |
Dodekanesos | Dodecanese |
Dodo | Dodo |
Dodoma (stad) | Dodoma |
Doejong | Dugong |
Doelman | Goalkeeper |
Doesjanbe | Dushanbe |
Dogma (algemeen) | Dogma |
Doha | Doha |
Dolfijn (sterrenbeeld) | Delphinus |
Dolfijnen | Dolphin |
Dolk | Dagger |
Dollar (munt) | Dollar |
Dolly (schaap) | Dolly (sheep) |
Domein (biologie) | Domain (biology) |
Domeinnaam | Domain name |
Domesday Book | Domesday Book |
Domesticatie | Domestication |
Dominica | Dominica |
Dominicaanse Republiek | Dominican Republic |
Dominicanen | Dominican Order |
Don (Rusland) | Don River (Russia) |
Don Quichot | Don Quixote |
Donald Duck (figuur) | Donald Duck |
Donatello | Donatello |
Donato Bramante | Donato Bramante |
Donau | Danube |
Donderdag | Thursday |
Donetsk | Donetsk |
Donkere materie | Dark matter |
Dood | Death |
Doodstraf | Capital punishment |
Doop (sacrament) | Baptism |
Doorsnede (verzamelingenleer) | Intersection (set theory) |
Dopamine | Dopamine |
Dopplereffect | Doppler effect |
Doris Lessing | Doris Lessing |
Dorische orde | Doric order |
Dorp | Village |
Dortmund | Dortmund |
Douala | Douala |
Douglas MacArthur | Douglas MacArthur |
Dover (Delaware) | Dover |
Dover (Engeland) | Dover |
Draadnagel | Nail (fastener) |
Draaibank | Lathe |
Draak (fabeldier) | Dragon |
Draak (sterrenbeeld) | Draco (constellation) |
Dracula | Dracula |
Dragon (plant) | Tarragon |
Drama (kunst en cultuur) | Drama |
Dresden | Dresden |
Drie-eenheid | Trinity |
Driehoek (meetkunde) | Triangle |
Driehoek (sterrenbeeld) | Triangulum |
Driekoningen | Epiphany (Christian) |
Drogreden | Fallacy |
Dromedaris | Dromedary |
Droogte | Drought |
Droom | Dream |
Druif | Grape |
Druk | Pressure |
Druïde | Druid |
Dualisme | Dualism |
Dualisme (filosofie van de geest) | Dualism (philosophy of mind) |
Dubai (emiraat) | Dubai |
Dubbelster | Binary star |
Dublin | Dublin |
Dubnium | Dubnium |
Dubrovnik | Dubrovnik |
Duif (sterrenbeeld) | Columba (constellation) |
Duifachtigen | Columbiformes |
Duim (lengtemaat) | Inch |
Duim (vinger) | Thumb |
Duin | Dune |
Duinkerke | Dunkirk |
Duits | German language |
Duitse Democratische Republiek | East Germany |
Duitse herder | German Shepherd Dog |
Duitse mark | German mark |
Duitsland | Germany |
Duiven en tortels | Columbidae |
Duizendblad | Achillea millefolium |
Duizendpotigen | Myriapoda |
Duke Ellington | Duke Ellington |
Duke-universiteit | Duke University |
Dunne darm | Small intestine |
Durban (Zuid-Afrika) | Durban |
Dustin Hoffman | Dustin Hoffman |
Dvd | DVD |
Dwight D. Eisenhower | Dwight D. Eisenhower |
Dynamica | Dynamics (physics) |
Dynamiet | Dynamite |
Dynastie | Dynasty |
Dyslexie | Dyslexia |
Dysprosium | Dysprosium |
Dystopie | Dystopia |
E (letter) | E |
E (wiskunde) | E (mathematical constant) |
E.T.A. Hoffmann | E. T. A. Hoffmann |
East Sussex | East Sussex |
Ebolavirus | Ebola |
Ebro | Ebro |
Echidna (mythologie) | Echidna (mythology) |
Echte mezen | Tit (bird) |
Echtscheiding | Divorce |
Eclips | Eclipse |
Eclipse (software) | Eclipse (software) |
Ecliptica (astronomie) | Ecliptic |
Ecologie | Ecology |
Econometrie | Econometrics |
Economie | Economics |
Economie | Economy |
Ecosysteem | Ecosystem |
Ecstasy | Methylenedioxymethamphetamine |
Ecuador | Ecuador |
Edelgas | Noble gas |
Edelhert | Red Deer |
Edelsteen | Gemstone |
Edgar Allan Poe | Edgar Allan Poe |
Edgar Degas | Edgar Degas |
Edgar Rice Burroughs | Edgar Rice Burroughs |
Edinburgh | Edinburgh |
Edirne | Edirne |
Edmond Halley | Edmond Halley |
Edmonton | Edmonton |
Edmund Burke | Edmund Burke |
Edmund Hillary | Edmund Hillary |
Edmund Husserl | Edmund Husserl |
Edo (Japan) | Edo |
Eduard Buchner | Eduard Buchner |
Eduard de Belijder | Edward the Confessor |
Edvard Grieg | Edvard Grieg |
Edvard Munch | Edvard Munch |
Edward Gibbon | Edward Gibbon |
Edward Jenner | Edward Jenner |
Edward Teller | Edward Teller |
Edwin Hubble | Edwin Hubble |
Eed van Hippocrates | Hippocratic Oath |
Eekhoorn | Squirrel |
Eekhoorns | Sciuridae |
Eekhoorntjesbrood | Boletus edulis |
Eenden | Duck |
Eendvogels | Anseriformes |
Eenheidsmatrix | Identity matrix |
Eenhoorn (fabeldier) | Unicorn |
Eenzaadlobbigen | Monocotyledon |
Eerste Concilie van Nicea | First Council of Nicaea |
Eerste Hulp bij Ongelukken | First aid |
Eerste Kruistocht | First Crusade |
Eerste Wereldoorlog | World War I |
Eerste brief van Paulus aan de Korintiërs | First Epistle to the Corinthians |
Eerste wet van de thermodynamica | Conservation of energy |
Eeuw | Century |
Efeze | Ephesus |
Egel | Hedgehog |
Egeïsche Zee | Aegean Sea |
Egypte (land) | Egypt |
Egyptisch pond | Egyptian pound |
Egyptologie | Egyptology |
Ei (dier) | Egg (biology) |
Eicel | Ovum |
Eierstok | Ovary |
Eiffeltoren | Eiffel Tower |
Eigenlijke karpers | Cyprinid |
Eik | Oak |
Eikel (vrucht) | Acorn |
Eiland | Island |
Eileider | Fallopian tube |
Eindhoven | Eindhoven |
Einsteinium | Einsteinium |
Ejaculatie | Ejaculation |
Ekster | European Magpie |
El Greco | El Greco |
El Paso (Texas) | El Paso |
El Salvador | El Salvador |
Elam | Elam |
Eland | Moose |
Elasticiteitsmodulus | Young's modulus |
Elbe | Elbe |
Eleanor Roosevelt | Eleanor Roosevelt |
Elegie | Elegy |
Elektra (mythologie) | Electra |
Elektriciteit | Electricity |
Elektriciteitscentrale | Power station |
Elektrisch veld | Electric field |
Elektrische capaciteit | Capacitance |
Elektrische gitaar | Electric guitar |
Elektrische lading | Electric charge |
Elektrische spanning | Voltage |
Elektrische stroom | Electric current |
Elektrische weerstand (component) | Resistor |
Elektrische weerstand (eigenschap) | Electrical resistance |
Elektrocardiogram | Electrocardiogram |
Elektrochemie | Electrochemistry |
Elektrolyse | Electrolysis |
Elektrolyt | Electrolyte |
Elektromagnetisch spectrum | Electromagnetic spectrum |
Elektromagnetische straling | Electromagnetic radiation |
Elektromagnetisme | Electromagnetism |
Elektromotor | Electric motor |
Elektron | Electron |
Elektronegativiteit | Electronegativity |
Elektronenbuis | Vacuum tube |
Elektronenmicroscopie | Electron microscope |
Elektronica | Electronics |
Elektrotechniek | Electrical engineering |
Element | Element |
Elementair deeltje | Elementary particle |
Elf (mythologie) | Elf |
Elia (profeet) | Elijah |
Elia Kazan | Elia Kazan |
Elias Canetti | Elias Canetti |
Elizabeth Taylor | Elizabeth Taylor |
Ella Fitzgerald | Ella Fitzgerald |
Ellips (wiskunde) | Ellipse |
Els (boom) | Alder |
Elvis Presley | Elvis Presley |
Elzas | Alsace |
Embryo | Embryo |
Embryologie | Embryology |
Emilia-Romagna | Emilia-Romagna |
Emiliano Zapata | Emiliano Zapata |
Emily Dickinson | Emily Dickinson |
Emir | Emir |
Emma Goldman | Emma Goldman |
Emoe | Emu |
Emoticon | Emoticon |
Emotie | Emotion |
Empathie | Empathy |
Empedocles | Empedocles |
Empire State Building | Empire State Building |
Empirisme | Empiricism |
Emulator | Emulator |
Emulsie | Emulsion |
Encyclopedie | Encyclopedia |
Endemie (biogeografie) | Endemism |
Endocrien systeem | Endocrine system |
Endocrinologie | Endocrinology |
Energie | Energy |
Energie | Energy (society) |
Engel | Angel |
Engeland | England |
Engels | English language |
Engelse Burgeroorlog | English Civil War |
Engelsen (volk) | English people |
Enki | Enki |
Enrico Caruso | Enrico Caruso |
Enrico Fermi | Enrico Fermi |
Enthalpie | Enthalpy |
Entomologie | Entomology |
Entropie | Entropy |
Enzym | Enzyme |
Eoceen | Eocene |
Eon (geologie) | Eon (geology) |
Eos (mythologie) | Eos |
Epicentrum | Epicenter |
Epictetus | Epictetus |
Epicurus | Epicurus |
Epidemie | Epidemic |
Epidemiologie | Epidemiology |
Epiek | Epic poetry |
Epigrafie | Epigraphy |
Epilepsie | Epilepsy |
Epimetheus (mythologie) | Epimetheus (mythology) |
Epirus | Epirus (periphery) |
Epitheel | Epithelium |
Epsilon | Epsilon |
Equatoriaal-Guinea | Equatorial Guinea |
Equinox | Equinox |
Erasure | Erasure |
Erato | Erato |
Eratosthenes | Eratosthenes |
Erbium | Erbium |
Erebus (god) | Erebus |
Erectie | Erection |
Erfzonde | Original sin |
Ericales | Ericales |
Eridanus (sterrenbeeld) | Eridanus (constellation) |
Eriemeer | Lake Erie |
Erik Satie | Erik Satie |
Eris (dwergplaneet) | Eris (dwarf planet) |
Eris (mythologie) | Eris (mythology) |
Ernest Hemingway | Ernest Hemingway |
Ernest Rutherford | Ernest Rutherford |
Eros (god) | Eros (mythology) |
Erosie | Erosion |
Erotiek | Erotica |
Erwin Rommel | Erwin Rommel |
Erwt | Pea |
Eschatologie | Eschatology |
Escherichia coli | Escherichia coli |
Esdoorn | Maple |
Esperanto | Esperanto |
Espoo | Espoo |
Espresso | Espresso |
Essay | Essay |
Essen (Noord-Rijnland-Westfalen) | Essen |
Essex | Essex |
Ester (boek) | Book of Esther |
Ester (chemie) | Ester |
Esthetica | Aesthetics |
Ethaan | Ethane |
Ethanol | Ethanol |
Etheen | Ethylene |
Ether (chemie) | Ether |
Etherische olie | Essential oil |
Ethernet | Ethernet |
Ethiek | Ethics |
Ethiopië | Ethiopia |
Ethologie | Ethology |
Ethyn | Acetylene |
Etna | Mount Etna |
Etniciteit | Ethnic group |
Etnografie (diergeneeskunde) | Ethnography |
Ets | Etching |
Etymologie | Etymology |
Eucalyptus | Eucalyptus |
Eucharistie | Eucharist |
Euclides van Alexandrië | Euclid |
Eufemisme | Euphemism |
Eufraat | Euphrates |
Eukaryoten | Eukaryote |
Eunuch | Eunuch |
Eurazië | Eurasia |
Euripides | Euripides |
Euro | Euro |
Europa (maan) | Europa (moon) |
Europa (mythologie) | Europa (mythology) |
Europa (werelddeel) | Europe |
Europese Centrale Bank | European Central Bank |
Europese Gemeenschap | European Community |
Europese Unie | European Union |
Europium | Europium |
Eusebius van Caesarea | Eusebius of Caesarea |
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna | ETA |
Euterpe | Euterpe |
Euthanasie | Euthanasia |
Eva Braun | Eva Braun |
Evanescence | Evanescence |
Evangelie | Gospel |
Evangelie naar Lucas | Gospel of Luke |
Evangelista Torricelli | Evangelista Torricelli |
Even | Parity (mathematics) |
Evenaar | Equator |
Evenhoevigen | Even-toed ungulate |
Evolutie | Evolution |
Excalibur | Excalibur |
Excentriciteit (wiskunde) | Eccentricity (mathematics) |
Excommunicatie | Excommunication |
Exhibitionisme | Exhibitionism |
Existentialisme | Existentialism |
Exodus (boek) | Exodus |
Experiment | Experiment |
Explosie | Explosion |
Exponentiële functie | Exponential function |
Expressionisme | Expressionism |
Eyremeer | Lake Eyre |
Ezel (dier) | Donkey |
Ezra Pound | Ezra Pound |
F (letter) | F |
F. Scott Fitzgerald | F. Scott Fitzgerald |
FIAT | Fiat |
Fabel | Fable |
Fabriek | Factory |
Faculteit (wiskunde) | Factorial |
Fado | Fado |
Fagales | Fagales |
Fagot | Bassoon |
Fagus | Beech |
Fahrenheit | Fahrenheit |
Fair use | Fair use |
Falco (geslacht) | Falcon |
Falklandeilanden | Falkland Islands |
Falun Gong | Falun Gong |
Familie (biologie) | Family (biology) |
Fanerozoïcum | Phanerozoic |
Fantasy | Fantasy |
Farad | Farad |
Farao | Pharaoh |
Farmacologie | Pharmacology |
Fascisme | Fascism |
Fase (stof) | Phase (matter) |
Fastfood | Fast food |
Fatah | Fatah |
Fauna (dierenleven) | Fauna |
Fax | Fax |
Februari | February |
Februarirevolutie (1917) | February Revolution |
Federal Bureau of Investigation | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Federal Reserve | Federal Reserve System |
Federico Fellini | Federico Fellini |
Fedora | Fedora (Linux distribution) |
Fee | Fairy |
Feest- en gedenkdagen | Holiday |
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy | Felix Mendelssohn |
Feminisme | Feminism |
Fenegriek | Fenugreek |
Feng Shui | Feng shui |
Feniciërs | Phoenicia |
Feniks | Phoenix (mythology) |
Fenol | Phenol |
Fenomenologie | Phenomenology |
Fenotype | Phenotype |
Fenrir (mythologie) | Fenrir |
Fenylalanine | Phenylalanine |
Fenylketonurie | Phenylketonuria |
Feodalisme | Feudalism |
Ferdinand II van het Heilige Roomse Rijk | Ferdinand II |
Ferdinand Magellaan | Ferdinand Magellan |
Ferdinand de Saussure | Ferdinand de Saussure |
Fermentatie | Fermentation (biochemistry) |
Fermentatie | Fermentation (food) |
Fermion | Fermion |
Fermium | Fermium |
Ferrara (stad) | Ferrara |
Fidel Castro | Fidel Castro |
Fiets | Bicycle |
Fiji | Fiji |
Filatelie | Philately |
File Allocation Table | File Allocation Table |
File Transfer Protocol | File Transfer Protocol |
Filipijnen | Philippines |
Filipijnenzee | Philippine Sea |
Filippo Brunelleschi | Filippo Brunelleschi |
Filips II van Spanje | Philip II of Spain |
Film (cinematografie) | Film |
Filmregisseur | Film director |
Filologie | Philology |
Filosofie | Philosophy |
Financiën | Finance |
Finland | Finland |
Finse Golf | Gulf of Finland |
Firewall | Firewall (networking) |
Firmware | Firmware |
Fjodor Dostojevski | Fyodor Dostoevsky |
Fjord | Fjord |
Flamenco | Flamenco |
Flamingo's | Flamingo |
Flashgeheugen | Flash memory |
Flavius Josephus | Josephus |
Fles | Bottle |
Flip-flop | Flip-flop (electronics) |
Florence (stad) | Florence |
Florence Nightingale | Florence Nightingale |
Florida (staat) | Florida |
Fluit (muziekinstrument) | Flute |
Fluïdum | Fluid |
Fobie | Phobia |
Foetus | Fetus |
Foliumzuur | Folic acid |
Folk | Folk music |
Folklore | Folklore |
Foneem | Phoneme |
Fonetiek | Phonetics |
Fonologie | Phonology |
Fontein | Fountain |
Formaldehyde | Formaldehyde |
Fort Worth | Fort Worth |
Fortran | Fortran |
Fosfaat | Phosphate |
Fosfor | Phosphorus |
Fosforzuur | Phosphoric acid |
Fossiel | Fossil |
Fossiele brandstof | Fossil fuel |
Fotocamera | Camera |
Fotografie | Photography |
Foton | Photon |
Fotosfeer | Photosphere |
Fotosynthese | Photosynthesis |
Fotovoltaïsche cel | Solar cell |
Fourierreeks | Fourier series |
Fractal | Fractal |
Framboos | Rubus idaeus |
Framboos | Raspberry |
Francesco Petrarca | Petrarch |
Francis Bacon (wetenschapper) | Francis Bacon |
Francis Crick | Francis Crick |
Francis Drake | Francis Drake |
Francis Ford Coppola | Francis Ford Coppola |
Francis Poulenc | Francis Poulenc |
Franciscanen | Franciscan |
Francisco Franco | Francisco Franco |
Francisco Goya | Francisco Goya |
Francisco Pizarro | Francisco Pizarro |
Franciscus van Assisi | Francis of Assisi |
Francium | Francium |
Frank Lloyd Wright | Frank Lloyd Wright |
Frank Sinatra | Frank Sinatra |
Frankfort (Kentucky) | Frankfort |
Frankfurt | Frankfurt (disambiguation) |
Frankfurt am Main | Frankfurt |
Frankfurt an der Oder | Frankfurt (Oder) |
Franklin Pierce | Franklin Pierce |
Frankrijk | France |
Frans Hals | Frans Hals |
Frans II van het Heilige Roomse Rijk | Francis II |
Frans-Duitse Oorlog | Franco-Prussian War |
Frans-Polynesië | French Polynesia |
Franse Revolutie | French Revolution |
Franse frank | French franc |
Franz Kafka | Franz Kafka |
Franz Liszt | Franz Liszt |
Franz Schubert | Franz Schubert |
Fred Astaire | Fred Astaire |
Frederick Sanger | Frederick Sanger |
Frederick Soddy | Frederick Soddy |
Fredericton | Fredericton |
Frederik I van het Heilige Roomse Rijk | Frederick I |
Frederik II van het Heilige Roomse Rijk | Frederick II |
Freetown | Freetown |
Freeware | Freeware |
Fregat | Frigate |
Frequentie | Frequency |
Fresco (schilderterm) | Fresco |
Fresno | Fresno |
Freya | Freyja |
Freyr | Freyr |
Fridtjof Nansen | Fridtjof Nansen |
Friedrich Engels | Friedrich Engels |
Friesland | Friesland |
Frigg | Frigg |
Fritz Haber | Fritz Haber |
Friuli-Venezia Giulia | Friuli-Venezia Giulia |
Fructose | Fructose |
Fucking | Fucking |
Fuga | Fugue |
Fuji (vulkaan) | Mount Fuji |
Fukuoka (stad) | Fukuoka |
Funafuti | Funafuti |
Functie (wiskunde) | Function (mathematics) |
Fundamentalisme | Fundamentalism |
Fundamentele natuurkracht | Fundamental interaction |
Funk | Funk |
Futen | Grebe |
Futurisme | Futurism (art) |
Fuut | Great Crested Grebe |
Fuzzy logic | Fuzzy logic |
Fysiologie | Physiology |
Fysische chemie | Physical chemistry |
Fytomenadion | Vitamin K |
G (letter) | G |
Gabon | Gabon |
Gaborone | Gaborone |
Gabriel Jonas Lippmann | Gabriel Lippmann |
Gabriël (aartsengel) | Gabriel |
Gadolinium | Gadolinium |
Gaea | Gaia (mythology) |
Gaetano Donizetti | Gaetano Donizetti |
Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus minor | Pliny the Younger |
Gaius Plinius Secundus maior | Pliny the Elder |
Gaius Valerius Catullus | Catullus |
Gal (stof) | Bile |
Galatië | Galatia |
Galblaas | Gallbladder |
Galei (schip) | Galley |
Galeniet | Galena |
Galicië (Oost-Europa) | Galicia (Central Europe) |
Galicië (Spanje) | Galicia (Spain) |
Galilea | Galilee |
Galileo (ruimtesonde) | Galileo (spacecraft) |
Galileo Galilei | Galileo Galilei |
Gallium | Gallium |
Gallië | Gaul |
Gallon | Gallon |
Galway (stad) | Galway |
Gamal Abdel Nasser | Gamal Abdel Nasser |
Gambia (land) | The Gambia |
Gamma (letter) | Gamma |
Gammastraling | Gamma ray |
Ganesha | Ganesha |
Ganges (rivier) | Ganges |
Gansu | Gansu |
Ganymedes (maan) | Ganymede (moon) |
Ganymedes (mythologie) | Ganymede |
Gap (Hautes-Alpes) | Gap |
Garfield (strip) | Garfield |
Garnalen | Shrimp |
Garonne | Garonne |
Gasconstante | Gas constant |
Gasreus | Gas giant |
Gasvormig | Gas |
Gautama Boeddha | Gautama Buddha |
Gaza | Gaza |
Gazastrook | Gaza Strip |
Geb | Geb |
Gebarentaal | Sign language |
Gebed | Prayer |
Gebergte | Mountain range |
Gebrandschilderd glas | Stained glass |
Geconfedereerde Staten van Amerika | Confederate States of America |
Geel (kleur) | Yellow |
Geelzucht | Jaundice |
Geestelijke | Clergy |
Gegeven | Data |
Geheel getal | Integer |
Geheugen (mens) | Memory |
Geheugenverlies | Amnesia |
Geiser (bron) | Geyser |
Geisha | Geisha |
Geit | Goat |
Gelaat | Face |
Geld | Money |
Geldautomaat | Automated teller machine |
Gele Rivier | Yellow River |
Gele Zee | Yellow Sea |
Geleedpotigen | Arthropod |
Gelijkrichter | Rectifier |
Gelijkstroom | Direct current |
Geloofsbelijdenis van Nicea-Constantinopel | Nicene Creed |
Geluid | Sound |
Geluk (emotie) | Happiness |
Gember | Ginger |
Gemeente (bestuur) | Municipality |
Gemenebest van Naties | Commonwealth of Nations |
Gemenebest van Onafhankelijke Staten | Commonwealth of Independent States |
Gems (dier) | Chamois |
Gen | Gene |
Genealogie | Family history |
Genealogie (geschiedkunde) | Genealogy |
Geneeskunde | Medicine |
Geneesmiddel | Medication |
Generaal | General Officer |
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
Genesis (boek) | Genesis |
Genetica | Genetics |
Genetische code | Genetic code |
Genetische technologie | Genetic engineering |
Genitief | Genitive case |
Genocide | Genocide |
Genoom | Genome |
Genootschap der Vrienden | Religious Society of Friends |
Genotype | Genotype |
Gent | Ghent |
Genua (stad) | Genoa |
Genève (stad) | Geneva |
Geochemie | Geochemistry |
Geodesie | Geodesy |
Geoffrey Chaucer | Geoffrey Chaucer |
Geofysica | Geophysics |
Geologie | Geology |
Geomorfologie | Geomorphology |
Geopolitiek | Geopolitics |
Georg Friedrich Händel | George Frideric Handel |
Georg Philipp Telemann | Georg Philipp Telemann |
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel |
George Berkeley | George Berkeley |
George Bernard Shaw | George Bernard Shaw |
George Boole | George Boole |
George Bush | George Bush |
George Gershwin | George Gershwin |
George Harrison | George Harrison |
George Lucas | George Lucas |
George Marshall (generaal) | George Marshall |
George Orwell | George Orwell |
George Paget Thomson | George Paget Thomson |
George Sand | George Sand |
George Stephenson | George Stephenson |
George W. Bush | George W. Bush |
George Washington (president) | George Washington |
Georges Bizet | Georges Bizet |
Georges Braque | Georges Braque |
Georges Clemenceau | Georges Clemenceau |
Georges Simenon | Georges Simenon |
Georgetown (Guyana) | Georgetown |
Georgia | Georgia (U.S. state) |
Georgië | Georgia (country) |
Gerald Ford | Gerald Ford |
Gerard Kuiper | Gerard Kuiper |
Gereedschap | Tool |
Germanium | Germanium |
Geronimo | Geronimo |
Gerst | Barley |
Geschiedenis | History |
Geschiedschrijving | Historiography |
Geslacht (biologie) | Genus |
Geslacht (taalkunde) | Grammatical gender |
Geslachtsgemeenschap | Sexual intercourse |
Geslachtsorgaan | Sex organ |
Gestapo | Gestapo |
Getal | Number |
Getijde (astronomie) | Tide |
Getto | Ghetto |
Gevangenis | Prison |
Gevechtswapen | Weapon |
Geweld | Violence |
Gewervelden | Vertebrate |
Gewicht | Weight |
Gewichtheffen | Weightlifting |
Gewone vinvis | Fin Whale |
Gewricht | Joint |
Gezichtsbedrog | Optical illusion |
Gezondheid | Health |
Geïntegreerde schakeling | Integrated circuit |
Ghana | Ghana |
Giacomo Puccini | Giacomo Puccini |
Gibbons | Gibbon |
Gibraltar | Gibraltar |
Gierzwaluwachtigen | Apodiformes |
Gietijzer | Cast iron |
Giftigheid | Toxicity |
Gigabyte | Gigabyte |
Gilde (beroepsgroep) | Guild |
Gilgamesj | Gilgamesh |
Ginkgo biloba | Ginkgo |
Giordano Bruno | Giordano Bruno |
Giorgio Vasari | Giorgio Vasari |
Giorgio de Chirico | Giorgio de Chirico |
Giotto di Bondone | Giotto di Bondone |
Giovanni Boccaccio | Giovanni Boccaccio |
Gips | Gypsum |
Giraffe (dier) | Giraffe |
Giraffidae | Giraffidae |
Girolamo Savonarola | Girolamo Savonarola |
Gironde (departement) | Gironde |
Gist | Yeast |
Gitaar | Guitar |
Giuseppe Garibaldi | Giuseppe Garibaldi |
Giuseppe Verdi | Giuseppe Verdi |
Gizeh | Giza |
Gladde slangen | Colubrid |
Gladiator | Gladiator |
Glas | Glass |
Glasgow | Glasgow |
Glasnost | Glasnost |
Glasvezel | Optical fiber |
Gletsjer | Glacier |
Global Positioning System | Global Positioning System |
Gloucestershire | Gloucestershire |
Glucagon | Glucagon |
Glucose | Glucose |
Gluon | Gluon |
Glutaminezuur | Glutamic acid |
Glycerine | Glycerol |
Glycine (aminozuur) | Glycine |
Glycogeen | Glycogen |
Glycolyse | Glycolysis |
Gneis | Gneiss |
Gnosticisme | Gnosticism |
Go (bordspel) | Go (board game) |
Goa (deelstaat) | Goa |
Gobi | Gobi Desert |
God | God |
Goede Vrijdag | Good Friday |
Goelag | Gulag |
Gokken | Gambling |
Golanhoogten | Golan Heights |
Golda Meïr | Golda Meir |
Golden Gate Bridge | Golden Gate Bridge |
Golden retriever | Golden Retriever |
Golf (natuurkunde) | Wave |
Golf (sport) | Golf |
Golf van Aden | Gulf of Aden |
Golf van Akaba | Gulf of Aqaba |
Golf van Bengalen | Bay of Bengal |
Golf van Biskaje | Bay of Biscay |
Golf van Guinee | Gulf of Guinea |
Golf van Mexico | Gulf of Mexico |
Golf van Oman | Gulf of Oman |
Golf van Riga | Gulf of Riga |
Golf van Thailand | Gulf of Thailand |
Golflengte | Wavelength |
Golfoorlog (1990-1991) | Gulf War |
Golfstroom | Gulf Stream |
Golgi-apparaat | Golgi apparatus |
Golgotha | Calvary |
Goniometrie | Trigonometry |
Goniometrische functie | Trigonometric function |
Google Inc. | |
Googol | Googol |
Gordeldieren | Armadillo |
Gorgonen (mythologie) | Gorgon |
Gorilla's | Gorilla |
Gotiek | Gothic architecture |
Gotisch | Gothic |
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing | Gotthold Ephraim Lessing |
Gottlieb Daimler | Gottlieb Daimler |
Goud | Gold |
Gouden Horde | Golden Horde |
Goudvis (sterrenbeeld) | Dorado |
Graad | Degree |
Graan | Cereal |
Grace Kelly | Grace Kelly |
Gradiënt (wiskunde) | Gradient |
Graffiti | Graffiti |
Grafiet | Graphite |
Grafische gebruikersomgeving | Graphical user interface |
Grafische vormgeving | Graphic design |
Graham Greene | Graham Greene |
Gram (eenheid) | Gram |
Grammatica | Grammar |
Granaat (mineraal) | Garnet |
Granaatappel | Pomegranate |
Granada (stad) | Granada |
Grand Canyon | Grand Canyon |
Grandslamtoernooi | Grand Slam (tennis) |
Graniet | Granite |
Grapefruit | Grapefruit |
Grassenfamilie | Poaceae |
Grauwe gans | Greylag Goose |
Graveerstift (sterrenbeeld) | Caelum |
Gravitatieconstante | Gravitational constant |
Graviton | Graviton |
Gray (eenheid) | Gray (unit) |
Graz | Graz |
Greenpeace | Greenpeace |
Greenwich (Londen) | Greenwich |
Greenwich Mean Time | Greenwich Mean Time |
Gregor Mendel | Gregor Mendel |
Gregoriaanse kalender | Gregorian calendar |
Grenoble | Grenoble |
Greta Garbo | Greta Garbo |
Griekenland | Greece |
Grieks alfabet | Greek alphabet |
Grieks vuur | Greek fire |
Griekse mythologie | Greek mythology |
Griep | Influenza |
Griffioen | Griffin |
Grijs | Grey |
Grijze staar | Cataract |
Groen (kleur) | Green |
Groene knolamaniet | Amanita phalloides |
Groenland | Greenland |
Groenlandzee | Greenland Sea |
Groente | Vegetable |
Groep | Group |
Groep (wiskunde) | Group (mathematics) |
Groepentheorie | Group theory |
Grondwet | Constitution (political) |
Grondwet van de Verenigde Staten | United States Constitution |
Groot Barrièrerif | Great Barrier Reef |
Groot-Brittannië | Great Britain |
Groot-Londen | Greater London |
Grootmeester (schaken) | Grandmaster (chess) |
Grootste gemene deler | Greatest common divisor |
Grot | Cave |
Grote Antillen | Greater Antilles |
Grote Beer | Ursa Major |
Grote Depressie | Great Depression |
Grote Hond | Canis Major |
Grote Meren | Great Lakes |
Grote Oceaan | Pacific Ocean |
Grote Slenk | Great Rift Valley |
Grove den | Scots Pine |
Grover Cleveland | Grover Cleveland |
Grozny | Grozny |
Guadalajara (Jalisco) | Guadalajara |
Guadeloupe | Guadeloupe |
Guam | Guam |
Guanine | Guanine |
Guano | Guano |
Guatemala-stad | Guatemala City |
Guayaquil | Guayaquil |
Guernsey | Guernsey |
Guglielmo Marconi | Guglielmo Marconi |
Guillaume Apollinaire | Guillaume Apollinaire |
Guillotine | Guillotine |
Guinee | Guinea |
Guinee-Bissau | Guinea-Bissau |
Gujarat | Gujarat |
Guppy | Guppy |
Gustav Klimt | Gustav Klimt |
Gustav Ludwig Hertz | Gustav Ludwig Hertz |
Gustav Mahler | Gustav Mahler |
Gustave Courbet | Gustave Courbet |
Gustave Flaubert | Gustave Flaubert |
Guy Fawkes | Guy Fawkes |
Guy de Maupassant | Guy de Maupassant |
Gymnastiek (sport) | Gymnastics |
Gynaecologie | Gynaecology |
Gyroscoop | Gyroscope |
Göteborg | Gothenburg |
Gəncə | Ganja |
H (letter) | H |
Haaien | Shark |
Haakbus | Arquebus |
Haakje | Bracket |
Haar (zoogdier) | Hair |
Haas (sterrenbeeld) | Lepus (constellation) |
Haasachtigen | Lagomorpha |
Haat | Hatred |
Habitat | Habitat |
Hacker | Hacker |
Hades | Hades |
Hadeïcum | Hadean |
Hadith | Hadith |
Hadj | Hajj |
Hadrianus | Hadrian |
Hadron | Hadron |
Hafnium | Hafnium |
Haften | Mayfly |
Hagedis (sterrenbeeld) | Lacerta |
Hagedissen | Lizard |
Hagel (neerslag) | Hail |
Hagia Sophia | Hagia Sophia |
Haiderabad | Hyderabad |
Haifa | Haifa |
Haiku (dichtvorm) | Haiku |
Halal en haram | Halal |
Halfgeleider | Semiconductor |
Halle (Saale) | Halle |
Halloween | Halloween |
Hallucinatie | Hallucination |
Halogeen | Halogen |
Halveringstijd | Half-life |
Hamas | Hamas |
Hamburg | Hamburg |
Hamburger | Hamburger |
Hamer (gereedschap) | Hammer |
Hamer en sikkel | Hammer and sickle |
Hamlet | Hamlet |
Hammurabi | Hammurabi |
Hampshire | Hampshire |
Hamsters | Hamster |
Han-dynastie | Han Dynasty |
Hand | Hand |
Handel | Trade |
Handelingen van de Apostelen | Acts of the Apostles |
Handgranaat | Hand grenade |
Handschrift (document) | Manuscript |
Hangende tuinen van Babylon | Hanging Gardens of Babylon |
Hannah Arendt | Hannah Arendt |
Hannibal Barkas | Hannibal |
Hannover (stad) | Hanover |
Hanoi | Hanoi |
Hans Bethe | Hans Bethe |
Hans Christian Andersen | Hans Christian Andersen |
Hanuman | Hanuman |
Hanze | Hanseatic League |
Harare | Harare |
Hardheid | Hardness |
Hardware | Computer hardware |
Harem | Harem |
Harlem | Harlem |
Harmonieleer | Harmony |
Harnas | Armour |
Harold Pinter | Harold Pinter |
Harp | Harp |
Harpij (mythologie) | Harpy |
Harriet Beecher Stowe | Harriet Beecher Stowe |
Harriet Tubman | Harriet Tubman |
Harrisburg (Pennsylvania) | Harrisburg |
Harry Houdini | Harry Houdini |
Hart | Heart |
Hart- en vaatstelsel | Circulatory system |
Hartford (Connecticut) | Hartford |
Hartinfarct | Myocardial infarction |
Hassium | Hassium |
Haute-Normandie | Haute-Normandie |
Havana | Havana |
Haven | Port |
Haver | Oat |
Havik (vogel) | Goshawk |
Havikachtigen | Accipitridae |
Hawaï | Hawaii |
Haïti | Haiti |
Heavy metal | Heavy metal music |
Hebe | Hebe (mythology) |
Hebei | Hebei |
Hebreeuws alfabet | Hebrew alphabet |
Hebriden | Hebrides |
Hectare | Hectare |
Hector (mythologie) | Hector |
Hector Berlioz | Hector Berlioz |
Hedonisme | Hedonism |
Heelal | Universe |
Heelkunde | Surgeon |
Hefboom | Lever |
Heidendom | Paganism |
Heifamilie | Ericaceae |
Heilige (christendom) | Saint |
Heilige Geest | Holy Spirit |
Heilige Graal | Holy Grail |
Heilige Roomse Rijk | Holy Roman Empire |
Heimdall | Heimdall |
Heinrich Hertz | Heinrich Hertz |
Heinrich Himmler | Heinrich Himmler |
Heinrich Schliemann | Heinrich Schliemann |
Hekate | Hecate |
Hel (geloofsconcept) | Hell |
Hel (godin) | Hel (being) |
Held | Hero |
Helen Keller | Helen Keller |
Helena (Montana) | Helena |
Helena (mythologie) | Helen |
Helikopter | Helicopter |
Helios | Helios |
Helium | Helium |
Hellebaard | Halberd |
Hellend vlak (mechanica) | Inclined plane |
Helmut Schmidt | Helmut Schmidt |
Helsinki | Helsinki |
Hematiet | Hematite |
Hematologie | Hematology |
Hemel | Heaven |
Hemelbol | Celestial sphere |
Hemelevenaar | Celestial equator |
Hemelmechanica | Celestial mechanics |
Hemofilie | Haemophilia |
Hemoglobine | Hemoglobin |
Hennep | Cannabis |
Henri Bergson | Henri Bergson |
Henri Matisse | Henri Matisse |
Henrik Ibsen | Henrik Ibsen |
Henry (inductie) | Henry (unit) |
Henry Cavendish | Henry Cavendish |
Henry David Thoreau | Henry David Thoreau |
Henry Fonda | Henry Fonda |
Henry Ford | Henry Ford |
Henry James | Henry James |
Henry Kissinger | Henry Kissinger |
Henry Miller | Henry Miller |
Henry Moore | Henry Moore |
Henry Purcell | Henry Purcell |
Hephaistos | Hephaestus |
Hera | Hera |
Heraclitus | Heraclitus |
Herakles | Hercules |
Herakles (mythologie) | Heracles |
Heraldiek | Heraldry |
Herat (stad) | Herat |
Herbert George Wells | H. G. Wells |
Herbert Hoover | Herbert Hoover |
Herbert Marcuse | Herbert Marcuse |
Herbert Spencer | Herbert Spencer |
Hercules (sterrenbeeld) | Hercules (constellation) |
Herfst | Autumn |
Hergebruik | Recycling |
Hermafrodiet | Hermaphrodite |
Herman Melville | Herman Melville |
Hermann Hesse | Hermann Hesse |
Hermann Minkowski | Hermann Minkowski |
Hermann von Helmholtz | Hermann von Helmholtz |
Hermeneutiek | Hermeneutics |
Hermes (mythologie) | Hermes |
Herodes I | Herod the Great |
Herodotus | Herodotus |
Heron van Alexandrië | Hero of Alexandria |
Heroïne | Heroin |
Hersenen | Brain |
Hersenvliesontsteking | Meningitis |
Hertachtigen | Deer |
Hertfordshire | Hertfordshire |
Hertog | Duke |
Hertz (eenheid) | Hertz |
Hesiodus | Hesiod |
Hesperiden | Hesperides |
Hessen | Hesse |
Hestia | Hestia |
Het Kanaal | English Channel |
Het Kapitaal | Das Kapital |
Heteroseksualiteit | Heterosexuality |
Heterotroof | Heterotroph |
Hexadecimaal | Hexadecimal |
Hezbollah | Hezbollah |
Hideki Yukawa | Hideki Yukawa |
Hilbertruimte | Hilbert space |
Himalaya | Himalayas |
Hindoekoesj | Hindu Kush |
Hindoeïsme | Hinduism |
Hipparchus (astronoom) | Hipparchus |
Hippie | Hippie |
Hippocrates van Kos | Hippocrates |
Hirohito | Hirohito |
Hiroshima (stad) | Hiroshima |
Hispania Lusitania | Lusitania |
Hispaniola | Hispaniola |
Histidine | Histidine |
Histologie | Histology |
Histon (eiwit) | Histone |
Hiv | HIV |
Hiëronymus van Stridon | Jerome |
Ho Chi Minh | Ho Chi Minh |
Ho Chi Minhstad | Ho Chi Minh City |
Hobart (Australië) | Hobart |
Hobbits | Hobbit |
Hobby | Hobby |
Hobo (muziekinstrument) | Oboe |
Hockey | Field hockey |
Hoek (meetkunde) | Angle |
Hoeksnelheid | Angular velocity |
Hoendervogels | Galliformes |
Hof van Eden | Garden of Eden |
Hogedrukgebied | Anticyclone |
Holhoornigen | Bovid |
Hollywood | Hollywood |
Holmium | Holmium |
Holoceen | Holocene |
Holografie | Holography |
Homel | Gomel |
Homeopathie | Homeopathy |
Homeostase (fysiologie) | Homeostasis |
Homerus | Homer |
Hominidae | Hominidae |
Hominoidea | Ape |
Hommels | Bumblebee |
Homo (geslacht) | Homo (genus) |
Homo erectus | Homo erectus |
Homo habilis | Homo habilis |
Homofobie | Homophobia |
Homoniem | Homonym |
Homoseksualiteit | Homosexuality |
Hond | Dog |
Hondachtigen | Canidae |
Honderdjarige Oorlog | Hundred Years' War |
Honduras | Honduras |
Hongarije | Hungary |
Honger | Hunger |
Hongkong | Hong Kong |
Honiara | Honiara |
Honing | Honey |
Honkbal | Baseball |
Honolulu | Honolulu |
Hoofd (anatomie) | Head |
Hoofdhaar (sterrenbeeld) | Coma Berenices |
Hoofdstad | Capital |
Hooggerechtshof (VS) | Supreme Court of the United States |
Hooglied | Song of Solomon |
Hoorn (anatomie) | Horn (anatomy) |
Hoorn (muziekinstrument) | Horn (instrument) |
Hoorn van Afrika | Horn of Africa |
Hoornvlies | Cornea |
Hop (vogel) | Hoopoe |
Horatio Nelson | Horatio Nelson |
Horatius | Horace |
Horigheid | Serfdom |
Horizon | Horizon |
Hormoon | Hormone |
Horoscoop | Horoscope |
Hortus botanicus | Botanical garden |
Horus | Horus |
Hosni Moebarak | Hosni Mubarak |
Hotel | Hotel |
House (televisieserie) | House (TV series) |
Houston | Houston |
Hout | Wood |
Houtblazer | Woodwind instrument |
Hovercraft | Hovercraft |
Howard Carter | Howard Carter (archaeologist) |
Hudson (rivier) | Hudson River |
Hudsonbaai | Hudson Bay |
Hugenoten | Huguenot |
Hugo Capet | Hugh Capet |
Hugo de Groot | Hugo Grotius |
Huid | Skin |
Huis van Afgevaardigden (Verenigde Staten) | United States House of Representatives |
Huiscavia | Guinea pig |
Huismuis | House Mouse |
Huismus | House Sparrow |
Humanisme | Humanism |
Humor | Humour |
Humphrey Bogart | Humphrey Bogart |
Humus | Humus |
Hunan | Hunan |
Hunebed | Dolmen |
Huronmeer | Lake Huron |
Hutu | Hutu |
Huursoldaat | Mercenary |
Huwelijk | Marriage |
Hybride (biologie) | Hybrid |
Hydrologie | Hydrology |
Hydrolyse | Hydrolysis |
Hydrosfeer | Hydrosphere |
Hydroxylgroep | Hydroxide |
Hyena's | Hyena |
Hymenoptera | Hymenoptera |
Hymne | Hymn |
HyperText Markup Language | HTML |
Hyperbool | Hyperbola |
Hyperion (maan) | Hyperion (moon) |
Hyperion (mythologie) | Hyperion (mythology) |
Hypertensie | Hypertension |
Hypertext | Hypertext |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
Hypnos | Hypnos |
Hypnose | Hypnosis |
Hypofyse | Pituitary gland |
Hypothalamus | Hypothalamus |
Hypothese | Hypothesis |
I (letter) | I |
I.M. Pei | I. M. Pei |
IJs | Ice |
IJsbeer | Polar bear |
IJsberg | Iceberg |
IJshockey | Ice hockey |
IJsland | Iceland |
IJstijd | Ice age |
IJzer (element) | Iron |
IJzeren Gordijn | Iron Curtain |
IJzertijd | Iron Age |
IPod | IPod |
IRA | Irish Republican Army |
Ian Fleming | Ian Fleming |
Iapetus (maan) | Iapetus (moon) |
Iapetus (mythologie) | Iapetus (mythology) |
Iberisch Schiereiland | Iberian Peninsula |
Ibuprofen | Ibuprofen |
Ichtyologie | Ichthyology |
Iconoclasme | Iconoclasm |
Icoon (religieuze kunst) | Icon |
Idaho | Idaho |
Ideaal gas | Ideal gas |
Idealisme | Idealism |
Ideologie | Ideology |
Ido (kunsttaal) | Ido |
Iep | Elm |
Ierland (eiland) | Ireland |
Ierland (land) | Republic of Ireland |
Ierse Zee | Irish Sea |
Iglo | Igloo |
Ignatius van Loyola | Ignatius of Loyola |
Igor Stravinsky | Igor Stravinsky |
Ilias | Iliad |
Illinois (staat) | Illinois |
Illyrië | Illyria |
Ilmenmeer | Lake Ilmen |
Imam | Imam |
Immanuel Kant | Immanuel Kant |
Immunoglobuline | Antibody |
Immunologie | Immunology |
Imperator Caesar Augustus | Augustus |
Imperialisme | Imperialism |
Impotentie | Erectile dysfunction |
Impressionisme | Impressionism |
Impuls (natuurkunde) | Momentum |
Impulsmoment | Angular momentum |
Incest | Incest |
Incheon | Incheon |
India | India |
Indiaan (sterrenbeeld) | Indus (constellation) |
Indiana | Indiana |
Indianapolis | Indianapolis |
Indira Gandhi | Indira Gandhi |
Indische Oceaan | Indian Ocean |
Indische tapir | Malayan Tapir |
Indium | Indium |
Indochina | Indochina |
Indonesië | Indonesia |
Indra | Indra |
Inductie (filosofie) | Inductive reasoning |
Indus (rivier) | Indus River |
Industrie | Industry |
Industriële revolutie | Industrial Revolution |
Industriële vormgeving | Design |
Infanterie | Infantry |
Infectieziekte | Infectious disease |
Infinitief | Infinitive |
Inflatie | Inflation |
Informatica | Computer science |
Informatie | Information |
Informatie- en Communicatietechnologie | Information technology |
Informatietheorie | Information theory |
Infrarood | Infrared |
Ingenieur | Engineer |
Ingmar Bergman | Ingmar Bergman |
Ingrid Bergman | Ingrid Bergman |
Inhoud | Volume |
Inktvissen | Cephalopod |
Innovatie | Innovation |
Innsbruck | Innsbruck |
Inquisitie | Inquisition |
Insecten | Insect |
Insecteneters | Insectivora |
Insecticide | Insecticide |
Insuline | Insulin |
Integraalrekening | Integral |
Intellectueel eigendom | Intellectual property |
Intelligentie | Intelligence |
Intelligentiemeting | Intelligence quotient |
Intercontinentale ballistische raket | Intercontinental ballistic missile |
Interferentie (natuurkunde) | Interference |
Interlingua | Interlingua |
Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap | International Atomic Energy Agency |
Internationaal Gerechtshof | International Court of Justice |
Internationaal Monetair Fonds | International Monetary Fund |
International Civil Aviation Organization | International Civil Aviation Organization |
Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie | International Labour Organization |
Internationale datumgrens | International Date Line |
Internationale organisatie | International organization |
Internet | Internet |
Interpreter | Interpreter (computing) |
Interval (muziek) | Interval (music) |
Intranet | Intranet |
Io (maan) | Io (moon) |
Io (mythologie) | Io (mythology) |
Ion (deeltje) | Ion |
Ionaire binding | Ionic bond |
Ionische Zee | Ionian Sea |
Ionië | Ionia |
Ionosfeer | Ionosphere |
Iota (letter) | Iota |
Iowa | Iowa |
Irak | Iraq |
Irak-Iranoorlog | Iran-Iraq War |
Iran | Iran |
Ireneüs van Lyon | Irenaeus |
Iridium (element) | Iridium |
Iris (anatomie) | Iris (anatomy) |
Iris (godin) | Iris (mythology) |
Iron Maiden | Iron Maiden |
Ironie | Irony |
Irrationaal getal | Irrational number |
Irredentisme | Irredentism |
Irtysj | Irtysh River |
Isaac Asimov | Isaac Asimov |
Isaac Bashevis Singer | Isaac Bashevis Singer |
Isaac Newton | Isaac Newton |
Isadora Duncan | Isadora Duncan |
Isfahan | Esfahan |
Isis (godin) | Isis |
Islam | Islam |
Islamabad | Islamabad |
Islamitische kalender | Islamic calendar |
Ismaël | Ishmael |
Isomeer | Isomer |
Isoroku Yamamoto | Isoroku Yamamoto |
Isotoop | Isotope |
Israël | Israel |
Istanboel | Istanbul |
Italië | Italy |
Italo Calvino | Italo Calvino |
Ithaka | Ithaca |
Ivan Lendl | Ivan Lendl |
Ivan Pavlov | Ivan Pavlov |
Ivan Toergenjev | Ivan Turgenev |
Ivoor | Ivory |
Ivy League | Ivy League |
Iwo Jima | Iwo Jima |
Izaäk (aartsvader) | Isaac |
J (letter) | J |
J. D. Salinger | J. D. Salinger |
JHWH | Jehovah |
JHWH | Yahweh |
Jaar | Year |
Jacht (activiteit) | Hunting |
Jachtluipaard | Cheetah |
Jachtvliegtuig | Fighter aircraft |
Jack Kerouac | Jack Kerouac |
Jack Lemmon | Jack Lemmon |
Jack London | Jack London |
Jack the Ripper | Jack the Ripper |
Jackson (Mississippi) | Jackson |
Jackson Pollock | Jackson Pollock |
Jacksonville (Florida) | Jacksonville |
Jacques Cartier | Jacques Cartier |
Jacques Derrida | Jacques Derrida |
Jacques Offenbach | Jacques Offenbach |
Jade (mineraal) | Jade |
Jaguar | Jaguar |
Jak | Yak |
Jakarta | Jakarta |
Jakob (aartsvader) | Jacob |
Jakobus de Meerdere | James |
Jalalabad | Jalalabad |
Jalta | Yalta |
Jamaica | Jamaica |
James Barrie | J. M. Barrie |
James Bond | James Bond |
James Buchanan | James Buchanan |
James Cook | James Cook |
James Franck | James Franck |
James Garfield | James A. Garfield |
James Joyce | James Joyce |
James Knox Polk | James K. Polk |
James Madison | James Madison |
James Maxwell | James Clerk Maxwell |
James Monroe | James Monroe |
James Naismith | James Naismith |
James Prescott Joule | James Prescott Joule |
James Watt | James Watt |
Jammu en Kasjmir (staat) | Jammu and Kashmir |
Jan Amos Comenius | Comenius |
Jan van Eyck | Jan van Eyck |
Jane Austen | Jane Austen |
Jane Fonda | Jane Fonda |
Jane Grey | Lady Jane Grey |
Jane Seymour (koningin van Engeland) | Jane Seymour |
Janis Joplin | Janis Joplin |
Janitsaren | Janissary |
Januari | January |
Janus (maan) | Janus (moon) |
Janus (mythologie) | Janus (mythology) |
Japan | Japan |
Japanse Zee | Sea of Japan |
Jason (mythologie) | Jason |
Java | Java (disambiguation) |
Java (eiland) | Java |
Java (programmeertaal) | Java (programming language) |
Jawaharlal Nehru | Jawaharlal Nehru |
Jazz | Jazz |
Jaïnisme | Jainism |
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres | Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres |
Jean Cocteau | Jean Cocteau |
Jean Piaget | Jean Piaget |
Jean Racine | Jean Racine |
Jean Sibelius | Jean Sibelius |
Jean de la Fontaine | Jean de La Fontaine |
Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Jean-Jacques Rousseau |
Jean-Paul Sartre | Jean-Paul Sartre |
Jean-Philippe Rameau | Jean-Philippe Rameau |
Jeanne d'Arc | Joan of Arc |
Jefferson City (Missouri) | Jefferson City |
Jefferson Davis | Jefferson Davis |
Jehova's getuigen | Jehovah's Witnesses |
Jemen | Yemen |
Jena | Jena |
Jenisej | Yenisei River |
Jeremy Bentham | Jeremy Bentham |
Jerevan | Yerevan |
Jerez de la Frontera | Jerez de la Frontera |
Jericho | Jericho |
Jeroen Bosch (schilder) | Hieronymus Bosch |
Jersey (eiland) | Jersey |
Jeruzalem | Jerusalem |
Jezuïeten | Society of Jesus |
Jicht | Gout |
Jihad | Jihad |
Jimi Hendrix | Jimi Hendrix |
Jimmy Carter | Jimmy Carter |
Jiujitsu | Jujutsu |
Joden | Jew |
Jodendom | Judaism |
Jodium | Iodine |
Joegoslavië | Yugoslavia |
Joeri Gagarin | Yuri Gagarin |
Johan Bernoulli | Johann Bernoulli |
Johann Sebastian Bach | Johann Sebastian Bach |
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |
Johannes Brahms | Johannes Brahms |
Johannes Calvijn | John Calvin |
Johannes Chrysostomus | John Chrysostom |
Johannes Diderik van der Waals | Johannes Diderik van der Waals |
Johannes Gutenberg | Johannes Gutenberg |
Johannes Hus | Jan Hus |
Johannes Kepler | Johannes Kepler |
Johannes de Doper | John the Baptist |
Johannesburg | Johannesburg |
John Adams (president VS) | John Adams |
John Bardeen | John Bardeen |
John Cage | John Cage |
John Dalton | John Dalton |
John Dewey | John Dewey |
John Galsworthy | John Galsworthy |
John Herschel | John Herschel |
John Keats | John Keats |
John Lennon | John Lennon |
John Locke | John Locke |
John Major | John Major |
John Maynard Keynes | John Maynard Keynes |
John Milton | John Milton |
John Napier | John Napier |
John Quincy Adams | John Quincy Adams |
John Ruskin | John Ruskin |
John Steinbeck | John Steinbeck |
John Stuart Mill | John Stuart Mill |
John Tyler | John Tyler |
John Wayne | John Wayne |
John Wyclif | John Wycliffe |
John von Neumann | John von Neumann |
Johnny Cash | Johnny Cash |
Jojo (speelgoed) | Yo-yo |
Jom Kipoer | Yom Kippur |
Jom Kipoeroorlog | Yom Kippur War |
Jonathan Swift | Jonathan Swift |
Joodse jaartelling | Hebrew calendar |
Jordaan (rivier) | Jordan River |
Jordanië | Jordan |
Jorge Luis Borges | Jorge Luis Borges |
Joris (heilige) | Saint George |
Joseph Conrad | Joseph Conrad |
Joseph Goebbels | Joseph Goebbels |
Joseph Haydn | Joseph Haydn |
Joseph McCarthy | Joseph McCarthy |
Joseph Priestley | Joseph Priestley |
Joseph Pulitzer | Joseph Pulitzer |
Joseph Schumpeter | Joseph Schumpeter |
Joseph Smith | Joseph Smith |
Joule | Joule |
Journalist | Journalist |
Journalistiek | Journalism |
Jovianus | Jovian |
Joystick | Joystick |
Jozef Stalin | Joseph Stalin |
Jozua (boek) | Book of Joshua |
Judas Iskariot | Judas Iscariot |
Judea | Judea |
Judo | Judo |
Judy Garland | Judy Garland |
Jugendstil | Art Nouveau |
Juglans | Walnut |
Jules Verne | Jules Verne |
Juli | July |
Juliaanse kalender | Julian calendar |
Julianus Apostata | Julian the Apostate |
Julius Caesar | Julius Caesar |
Juneau (Alaska) | Juneau |
Juni | June |
Juniperus | Juniper |
Juno (mythologie) | Juno (mythology) |
Jupiter | Jupiter (disambiguation) |
Jupiter (mythologie) | Jupiter (mythology) |
Jupiter (planeet) | Jupiter |
Jura (periode) | Jurassic |
Justinianus I | Justinian I |
Jutland | Jutland |
K (letter) | K |
K2 | K2 |
Kaaimaneilanden | Cayman Islands |
Kaakloze vissen | Agnatha |
Kaap Hoorn | Cape Horn |
Kaap de Goede Hoop | Cape of Good Hope |
Kaapstad | Cape Town |
Kaapverdië | Cape Verde |
Kaars | Candle |
Kaart (cartografie) | Map |
Kaartspel | Card game |
Kaas | Cheese |
Kaasjeskruidfamilie | Malvaceae |
Kabbala | Kabbalah |
Kabelspoorweg | Funicular |
Kabul (stad) | Kabul |
Kadmos | Cadmus |
Kajak | Kayak |
Kaketoes | Cockatoo |
Kakkerlakken | Cockroach |
Kalahari | Kalahari Desert |
Kalender | Calendar |
Kaliber | Caliber |
Kalief | Caliph |
Kalium | Potassium |
Kaliumnitraat | Potassium nitrate |
Kalksteen | Limestone |
Kalligrafie | Calligraphy |
Kalliope | Calliope |
Kalypso | Calypso (mythology) |
Kameel | Bactrian Camel |
Kamelen | Camel |
Kameleon (sterrenbeeld) | Chamaeleon |
Kameroen | Cameroon |
Kamikaze | Kamikaze |
Kampala | Kampala |
Kamtsjatka (schiereiland) | Kamchatka Peninsula |
Kan (titel) | Khan |
Kanaal (waterweg) | Canal |
Kanaaltunnel | Channel Tunnel |
Kandahar (stad) | Kandahar |
Kaneel | Cinnamon |
Kangoeroes | Kangaroo |
Kanker | Cancer |
Kannibalisme | Cannibalism |
Kanon | Cannon |
Kans (statistiek) | Probability |
Kansas (staat) | Kansas |
Kansas City (Missouri) | Kansas City |
Kansrekening | Probability theory |
Kanton (provincie) | Guangdong |
Kanton (stad) | Guangzhou |
Kantonees | Cantonese (linguistics) |
Kapitaal (economie) | Capital (economics) |
Kapitalisme | Capitalism |
Kappa (letter) | Kappa |
Karaat | Carat (mass) |
Karaat | Carat (purity) |
Karachi | Karachi |
Karakoram | Karakoram |
Karaoke | Karaoke |
Karate | Karate |
Karazee | Kara Sea |
Kardemom | Cardamom |
Kardinaal (geestelijke) | Cardinal (Catholicism) |
Kardinaal de Richelieu | Cardinal Richelieu |
Karel de Grote | Charlemagne |
Karel de Kale | Charles the Bald |
Karen Blixen | Karen Blixen |
Karikatuur | Caricature |
Karl Barth | Karl Barth |
Karl Jaspers | Karl Jaspers |
Karl Marx | Karl Marx |
Karl Popper | Karl Popper |
Karma | Karma |
Karnataka | Karnataka |
Karolingen | Carolingian dynasty |
Karpaten | Carpathian Mountains |
Karperachtigen | Cypriniformes |
Kas (glastuinbouw) | Greenhouse |
Kaspische Zee | Caspian Sea |
Kastanje | Chestnut |
Kasteel van Versailles | Palace of Versailles |
Kastenstelsel | Caste |
Kat (dier) | Cat |
Katachtigen | Felidae |
Katafrakt | Cataphract |
Katalysator | Catalysis |
Katharen | Catharism |
Katharine Hepburn | Katharine Hepburn |
Kathedraal | Cathedral |
Kathmandu | Kathmandu |
Kathode | Cathode |
Katholicisme | Catholicism |
Katoen | Cotton |
Katowice | Katowice |
Katrol | Pulley |
Katsushika Hokusai | Hokusai |
Kaukasus | Caucasus |
Kaukasus (gebergte) | Caucasus Mountains |
Kaunas | Kaunas |
Kauw | Jackdaw |
Kauwgom | Chewing gum |
Kaviaar | Caviar |
Kazachstan | Kazakhstan |
Kazan | Kazan |
Kazimir Malevitsj | Kazimir Malevich |
Ka'aba | Kaaba |
Kegel (ruimtelijke figuur) | Cone (geometry) |
Kegelsnede | Conic section |
Keizer | Emperor |
Keizerspinguïn | Emperor Penguin |
Kelvin (eenheid) | Kelvin |
Kenia | Kenya |
Kennis | Knowledge |
Kennistheorie | Epistemology |
Kent (graafschap) | Kent |
Kentucky | Kentucky |
Keramiek | Ceramic |
Kerk (instituut) | Church |
Kerkelijke Staat | Papal States |
Kerkgebouw | Church (building) |
Kerkleraar | Doctor of the Church |
Kerkuil | Barn Owl |
Kernel | Kernel (computer science) |
Kernenergie | Nuclear power |
Kernfusie | Nuclear fusion |
Kernfysica | Nuclear physics |
Kernsplijting | Nuclear fission |
Kerosine | Kerosene |
Kerrie | Curry |
Kers | Cherry |
Kerstavond | Christmas Eve |
Kerstboom | Christmas tree |
Kerstman | Santa Claus |
Kerstmis | Christmas |
Keton | Ketone |
Ketterij | Heresy |
Keukenzout | Salt |
Keulen | Cologne |
Kevers | Beetle |
Khartoem | Khartoum |
Kibboets | Kibbutz |
Kiel (sterrenbeeld) | Carina (constellation) |
Kiev | Kiev |
Kigali (stad) | Kigali |
Kikkererwt | Chickpea |
Kikvorsachtigen | Frog |
Kilimanjaro (berg) | Mount Kilimanjaro |
Kilobyte | Kilobyte |
Kilogram | Kilogram |
Kilometer | Kilometre |
Kilometer per uur | Kilometres per hour |
Kilowattuur | Watt-hour |
Kimono | Kimono |
Kind | Child |
Kinematica | Kinematics |
Kinetische energie | Kinetic energy |
King Lear | King Lear |
Kingston (Jamaica) | Kingston |
Kingstown (Saint Vincent) | Kingstown |
Kinshasa | Kinshasa |
Kioto (stad) | Kyoto |
Kip (vogel) | Chicken |
Kirgizië | Kyrgyzstan |
Kiribati | Kiribati |
Kirkoek | Kirkuk |
Kiwi's | Kiwi |
Klarinet | Clarinet |
Klasse | Class |
Klasse (biologie) | Class (biology) |
Klasse (informatica) | Class (computer science) |
Klassieke mechanica | Classical mechanics |
Klassieke muziek | Classical music |
Klavecimbel | Harpsichord |
Klaver | Clover |
Kleding | Clothing |
Klei | Clay |
Kleine Antillen | Lesser Antilles |
Kleine Beer | Ursa Minor |
Kleine Hond | Canis Minor |
Kleine Waterslang | Hydrus |
Kleine beren | Procyonidae |
Kleine hersenen | Cerebellum |
Kleine panda | Red Panda |
Kleur | Color |
Kleurenblindheid | Color blindness |
Kleuterschool | Kindergarten |
Klier | Gland |
Klimaat | Climate |
Klimaatverandering | Climate change |
Klimatologie | Climatology |
Klinische depressie | Clinical depression |
Klinker (klank) | Vowel |
Klok (bel) | Bell (instrument) |
Klok (tijd) | Clock |
Klonen | Cloning |
Klooster | Monastery |
Knaagdieren | Rodent |
Knesset | Knesset |
Knie | Knee |
Knobbelzwaan | Mute Swan |
Knoet de Grote | Canute the Great |
Knoflook | Garlic |
Knoop (zeevaart) | Knot (speed) |
Knossos | Knossos |
Knut Hamsun | Knut Hamsun |
Koala | Koala |
Kobalt | Cobalt |
Kobe | Kobe |
Koeblai Khan | Kublai Khan |
Koekoeksvogels | Cuculiformes |
Koepel | Dome |
Koera | Kura River |
Koerdische Arbeiderspartij | Kurdistan Workers Party |
Koerdistan | Kurdistan |
Koereiger | Cattle Egret |
Koersk (stad) | Kursk |
Koeweit | Kuwait |
Koeweit (stad) | Kuwait City |
Koffie | Coffee |
Koffieplant | Coffea |
Kokospalm | Coconut |
Kola (schiereiland) | Kola Peninsula |
Kolibries | Hummingbird |
Kolonel | Colonel |
Kolossus van Rodos | Colossus of Rhodes |
Komedie | Comedy |
Komeet | Comet |
Komkommer | Cucumber |
Komkommerfamilie | Cucurbitaceae |
Komma | Comma (punctuation) |
Komodovaraan | Komodo dragon |
Kompas | Compass |
Kompas (sterrenbeeld) | Pyxis |
Kongo (rivier) | Congo River |
Koning (schaken) | King (chess) |
Koning Arthur | King Arthur |
Koning David | David |
Koningswater | Aqua regia |
Konqueror | Konqueror |
Konrad Adenauer | Konrad Adenauer |
Kookkunst | Cooking |
Kookpunt | Boiling point |
Koolhydraat | Carbohydrate |
Koolstof | Carbon |
Koolstofdioxide | Carbon dioxide |
Koolstofkringloop | Carbon cycle |
Koolstofmonoxide | Carbon monoxide |
Koolwaterstof | Hydrocarbon |
Koolzaad | Rapeseed |
Koor (zang) | Choir |
Koorts | Fever |
Kopenhagen | Copenhagen |
Koper (element) | Copper |
Koppel (natuurkunde) | Torque |
Koraal (zoölogie) | Coral |
Koraalrif | Coral reef |
Koraalzee | Coral Sea |
Korea | Korea |
Koreaanse Oorlog | Korean War |
Koriander | Coriander |
Korinthe (stad) | Corinth |
Korstmos | Lichen |
Korund | Corundum |
Korvet | Corvette |
Kosmische achtergrondstraling | Cosmic microwave background radiation |
Kosmische straling | Cosmic ray |
Kosmologie | Cosmology |
Kosovo | Kosovo |
Koude Oorlog | Cold War |
Kraaiachtigen | Corvidae |
Kraaien | Crow |
Kraakbeenvissen | Chondrichthyes |
Kraanvogel (sterrenbeeld) | Grus (constellation) |
Kraanvogelachtigen | Gruiformes |
Kraanvogels | Crane (bird) |
Krabben | Crab |
Krabnevel | Crab Nebula |
Kracht | Force |
Krakatau (vulkaan) | Krakatoa |
Kreeft (sterrenbeeld) | Cancer (constellation) |
Kreeftachtigen | Crustacean |
Kreeftskeerkring | Tropic of Cancer |
Krekels | Cricket (insect) |
Kremlin | Kremlin |
Kreta | Crete |
Krijgsgevangene | Prisoner of war |
Krijt (periode) | Cretaceous |
Krim | Crimea |
Krimoorlog | Crimean War |
Krishna | Krishna |
Kristal (natuurwetenschappen) | Crystal |
Kristallografie | Crystallography |
Kroatië | Croatia |
Krokodilachtigen | Crocodilia |
Krokodillen | Crocodile |
Kromme | Curve |
Kronos | Cronus |
Kruidnagel | Clove |
Kruisbloemenfamilie | Brassicaceae |
Kruisboog | Crossbow |
Kruiser | Cruiser |
Kruisiging | Crucifixion |
Kruisproduct | Cross product |
Kruiswoordpuzzel | Crossword |
Krypton (element) | Krypton |
Ku Klux Klan | Ku Klux Klan |
Kuala Lumpur (stad) | Kuala Lumpur |
Kubieke meter | Cubic metre |
Kubisme | Cubism |
Kuipergordel | Kuiper belt |
Kumquat | Kumquat |
Kungfu | Kung fu (term) |
Kunlungebergte | Kunlun Mountains |
Kunst | Art |
Kunstgeschiedenis | Art history |
Kunstmaan | Satellite |
Kunstmatige intelligentie | Artificial intelligence |
Kunstmest | Fertilizer |
Kunstschaatsen | Figure skating |
Kurt Vonnegut | Kurt Vonnegut |
Kurt Waldheim | Kurt Waldheim |
Kust | Coast |
KwaZoeloe-Natal | KwaZulu-Natal |
Kwallen | Jellyfish |
Kwantummechanica | Quantum mechanics |
Kwantumveldentheorie | Quantum field theory |
Kwarts | Quartz |
Kweepeer | Quince |
Kwik | Mercury (element) |
Kwomintang | Kuomintang |
L (letter) | L |
LAMP | LAMP (software bundle) |
LEGO | Lego |
La Paz (stad in Bolivia) | La Paz |
La Plata (Buenos Aires) | La Plata |
La Spezia (stad) | La Spezia |
LaTeX | LaTeX |
Laboratorium | Laboratory |
Labour Party | Labour Party (UK) |
Labrador retriever | Labrador Retriever |
Lachen (humor) | Laughter |
Lactose | Lactose |
Ladogameer | Lake Ladoga |
Lagos (Nigeria) | Lagos |
Lahore | Lahore |
Laissez-faire | Laissez-faire |
Lakshmi | Lakshmi |
Lama (dier) | Llama |
Lamantijnen | Manatee |
Lambda | Lambda |
Lammergier | Lammergeier |
Lancashire (graafschap) | Lancashire |
Landbouw | Agriculture |
Landengte | Isthmus |
Landengte van Panama | Isthmus of Panama |
Landmacht (algemeen) | Army |
Landschildpadden | Tortoise |
Languedoc-Roussillon | Languedoc-Roussillon |
Lansing (Michigan) | Lansing |
Lanthanide | Lanthanide |
Lanthanium | Lanthanum |
Laos | Laos |
Laptevzee | Laptev Sea |
Laptop | Laptop |
Lariks | Larch |
Larve | Larva |
Las Vegas (stad) | Las Vegas |
Lascaux | Lascaux |
Laser (licht) | Laser |
Lassen | Welding |
Latijn | Latin |
Latijns alfabet | Latin alphabet |
Latijns-Amerika | Latin America |
Laurazië | Laurasia |
Laurier | Bay Laurel |
Lausanne (stad) | Lausanne |
Lava | Lava |
Lawine | Avalanche |
Lawrencium | Lawrencium |
Lazio | Lazio |
Le Corbusier | Le Corbusier |
Le Havre | Le Havre |
Led | Light-emitting diode |
Leda (mythologie) | Leda (mythology) |
Lee Harvey Oswald | Lee Harvey Oswald |
Leeds | Leeds |
Leenwoord | Loanword |
Leesteken | Punctuation |
Leeuw (dier) | Lion |
Leeuw (sterrenbeeld) | Leo (constellation) |
Legende | Legend |
Legering | Alloy |
Legioen | Roman legion |
Leicester (Engeland) | Leicester |
Leiden | Leiden |
Leipzig | Leipzig |
Leliefamilie | Liliaceae |
Lena (rivier) | Lena River |
Lengte (meetkunde) | Length |
Lens (optiek) | Lens (optics) |
Lente | Spring (season) |
Leo I van Byzantium | Leo I (emperor) |
Leon Trotski | Leon Trotsky |
Leonard Bernstein | Leonard Bernstein |
Leonardo da Vinci | Leonardo da Vinci |
Leonhard Euler | Leonhard Euler |
Leonid Brezjnev | Leonid Brezhnev |
Lepra | Leprosy |
Lepton | Lepton |
Leren | Learning |
Les Fauves | Fauvism |
Lesbienne | Lesbian |
Lesotho | Lesotho |
Letland | Latvia |
Leto | Leto |
Letter | Letter (alphabet) |
Lettergreep | Syllable |
Leugen | Lie |
Leukemie | Leukemia |
Levant | Levant |
Leven | Life |
Levercirrose | Cirrhosis |
Leverontsteking | Hepatitis |
Leviatan | Leviathan |
Leviticus | Leviticus |
Lewis Carroll | Lewis Carroll |
Lexicologie | Lexicology |
Lhasa | Lhasa |
Lhotse | Lhotse |
Libanon | Lebanon |
Libellen | Odonata |
Liberalisme | Liberalism |
Liberia | Liberia |
Libië | Libya |
Libretto | Libretto |
Libreville | Libreville |
Lichaam (algebra) | Field (mathematics) |
Licht | Light |
Lichtbreking | Refraction |
Lichtjaar | Light-year |
Lichtsnelheid | Speed of light |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
Lied | Song |
Liefde | Love |
Lier (sterrenbeeld) | Lyra |
Lieveheersbeestjes | Coccinellidae |
Lift (transport) | Elevator |
Ligurische Zee | Ligurian Sea |
Ligurië | Liguria |
Lijfland | Livonia |
Lijn (meetkunde) | Line (mathematics) |
Likeur | Liqueur |
Lilith | Lilith |
Lilongwe (stad) | Lilongwe |
Lima (stad) | Lima |
Limerick (stad) | Limerick |
Limiet | Limit (mathematics) |
Limnologie | Limnology |
Limousin | Limousin (region) |
Lincoln | Lincoln |
Lincoln (Nebraska) | Lincoln |
Lincolnshire | Lincolnshire |
Lindeboom | Tilia |
Lineaire algebra | Linear algebra |
Lineaire vergelijking | Linear equation |
Lingua franca | Lingua franca |
Linkshandigheid | Left-handed |
Lintwormen | Cestoda |
Linus Pauling | Linus Pauling |
Linux | Linux |
Linz | Linz |
Linze | Lentil |
Lipbloemenfamilie | Lamiaceae |
Lipide | Lipid |
Liquid Crystal Display | Liquid crystal display |
Lise Meitner | Lise Meitner |
Lisp (programmeertaal) | Lisp (programming language) |
Lissabon | Lisbon |
Liter | Litre |
Literatuur | Literature |
Lithium | Lithium |
Lithografie | Lithography |
Lithosfeer | Lithosphere |
Litouwen | Lithuania |
Liverpool | Liverpool |
Ljubljana | Ljubljana |
Local Area Network | Local area network |
Loch Ness (meer) | Loch Ness |
Locomotief (spoorwegmaterieel) | Locomotive |
Lodewijk de Stamelaar | Louis the Stammerer |
Lodewijk de Vrome | Louis the Pious |
Logaritme | Logarithm |
Logica | Logic |
Logische poort | Logic gate |
Logistiek | Logistics |
Loire (departement) | Loire |
Loire (rivier) | Loire River |
Loki | Loki |
Lolita (roman) | Lolita |
Lombardije | Lombardy |
Londen | London |
Long (orgaan) | Lung |
Long Beach (Californië) | Long Beach |
Long Island (New York) | Long Island |
Longkanker | Lung cancer |
Longontsteking | Pneumonia |
Longvissen | Lungfish |
Lood (element) | Lead |
Loopvogels | Ratite |
Loper (schaken) | Bishop (chess) |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles |
Lot (departement) | Lot (department) |
Lotharingen | Lorraine (region) |
Louis Aragon | Louis Aragon |
Louis Armstrong | Louis Armstrong |
Louis Braille | Louis Braille |
Louis Gay-Lussac | Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac |
Louis Pasteur | Louis Pasteur |
Louisiana (staat) | Louisiana |
Louisville (Kentucky) | Louisville |
Louvre | Louvre |
Luanda (stad) | Luanda |
Lublin | Lublin |
Luchtdruk | Atmospheric pressure |
Luchtmacht | Air force |
Luchtpomp (sterrenbeeld) | Antlia |
Luchtvaart | Aviation |
Luchtvaartmaatschappij | Airline |
Luchtvochtigheid | Humidity |
Luciano Pavarotti | Luciano Pavarotti |
Lucifer (Satan) | Lucifer |
Lucifer (vuur) | Match |
Lucrezia Borgia | Lucrezia Borgia |
Ludwig Boltzmann | Ludwig Boltzmann |
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe | Ludwig Mies van der Rohe |
Ludwig Wittgenstein | Ludwig Wittgenstein |
Ludwig van Beethoven | Ludwig van Beethoven |
Luftwaffe | Luftwaffe |
Luidspreker | Loudspeaker |
Luigi Galvani | Luigi Galvani |
Luigi Pirandello | Luigi Pirandello |
Luipaard | Leopard |
Luit | Lute |
Luitenant | Lieutenant |
Lumen (natuurkunde) | Lumen (unit) |
Luminescentie | Luminescence |
Lund (stad in Skåne) | Lund |
Lusaka (stad) | Lusaka |
Lutetium | Lutetium |
Lutheranisme | Lutheranism |
Lux (natuurkunde) | Lux |
Luxemburg (land) | Luxembourg |
Luxemburg (stad) | Luxembourg (city) |
Luxor | Luxor |
Luzern (stad) | Lucerne |
Luzon (eilandengroep) | Luzon |
Lychee | Lychee |
Lydië | Lydia |
Lymfevatenstelsel | Lymphatic system |
Lynx (sterrenbeeld) | Lynx (constellation) |
Lynx (webbrowser) | Lynx (web browser) |
Lyon | Lyon |
Lyserginezuurdiëthylamide | Lysergic acid diethylamide |
Lysine | Lysine |
Lysosoom | Lysosome |
L'Aquila (stad) | L'Aquila |
M (letter) | M |
M-theorie | M-theory |
MIDI | Musical Instrument Digital Interface |
MRI-scanner | Magnetic resonance imaging |
Maag | Stomach |
Maag-darmstelsel | Gastrointestinal tract |
Maag-darmstelsel#De darmen | Intestine |
Maagd (geneeskunde) | Virginity |
Maagd (sterrenbeeld) | Virgo (constellation) |
Maagdeneilanden | Virgin Islands |
Maagdenvlies | Hymen |
Maan | Moon |
Maand | Month |
Maandag | Monday |
Maansverduistering | Lunar eclipse |
Maart | March |
Maarten Luther | Martin Luther |
Maas | Meuse River |
Maat (wiskunde) | Measure (mathematics) |
Maatschappij | Society |
Macau | Macau |
Macbeth (tragedie) | Macbeth |
Macedonië | Macedonia |
Macedonië (Griekenland) | Macedonia (Greece) |
Macedonië (oudheid) | Macedon |
Machgetal | Mach number |
Machine | Machine |
Machinegeweer | Machine gun |
Machinetaal | Machine code |
Machtsverheffen | Exponentiation |
Machu Picchu | Machu Picchu |
Macintosh | Macintosh |
Macro-economie | Macroeconomics |
Madagaskar | Madagascar |
Madeira (eiland) | Madeira |
Madison (Wisconsin) | Madison |
Madonna (zangeres) | Madonna (entertainer) |
Madras | Chennai |
Madrid (regio) | Madrid (autonomous community) |
Madrid (stad) | Madrid |
Maffia | Mafia |
Magenta (kleur) | Magenta |
Maghreb | Maghreb |
Magie | Magic (paranormal) |
Maginotlinie | Maginot Line |
Magisch vierkant | Magic square |
Magma (gesteente) | Magma |
Magna Carta | Magna Carta |
Magnesium | Magnesium |
Magnetiet | Magnetite |
Magnetisch veld | Magnetic field |
Magnetisme | Magnetism |
Magnetron (oven) | Microwave oven |
Maharashtra | Maharashtra |
Mahatma Gandhi | Mahatma Gandhi |
Mahayana-boeddhisme | Mahayana |
Maimonides | Maimonides |
Main | Main |
Maine | Maine |
Mainframe | Mainframe computer |
Maitreya | Maitreya |
Majeur | Major scale |
Majoor | Major |
Majorca | Majorca |
Makalu | Makalu |
Malabo | Malabo |
Malachiet | Malachite |
Malacostraca | Malacostraca |
Malakka (schiereiland) | Malay Peninsula |
Malaria | Malaria |
Malawimeer | Lake Malawi |
Malcolm X | Malcolm X |
Maldiven | Maldives |
Maleisië | Malaysia |
Mali | Mali |
Malta (land) | Malta |
Maltees | Maltese language |
Maltose | Maltose |
Mammoeten | Mammoth |
Man (eiland) | Isle of Man |
Management | Management |
Managua (stad) | Managua |
Manamah | Manama |
Manchester | Manchester |
Mandala | Mandala |
Mandarijn (taal) | Mandarin (linguistics) |
Mandarijn (vrucht) | Mandarin orange |
Mandelbrotverzameling | Mandelbrot set |
Mangaan | Manganese |
Mangifera | Mango |
Mangoesten | Mongoose |
Mangrove | Mangrove |
Manhattan (New York) | Manhattan |
Manhattanproject (operatie) | Manhattan Project |
Manicheïsme | Manichaeism |
Manilla | Manila |
Manipur | Manipur |
Manitoba | Manitoba |
Maniërisme | Mannerism |
Mannheim | Mannheim |
Manteldieren | Tunicate |
Mantra | Mantra |
Mantsjoerije | Manchuria |
Mantua (stad) | Mantua |
Manuel de Falla | Manuel de Falla |
Mao Zedong | Mao Zedong |
Maoïsme | Maoism |
Maputo (stad) | Maputo |
Marathon (sport) | Marathon |
Marc Chagall | Marc Chagall |
Marcel Duchamp | Marcel Duchamp |
Marcel Marceau | Marcel Marceau |
Marcel Proust | Marcel Proust |
Marche (Italië) | Marche |
Marco Polo | Marco Polo |
Marcus Antonius | Mark Antony |
Marcus Aurelius | Marcus Aurelius |
Marcus Junius Brutus | Marcus Junius Brutus |
Marcus Tullius Cicero | Cicero |
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa | Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa |
Marduk (god) | Marduk |
Margaret Mead | Margaret Mead |
Margaret Mitchell | Margaret Mitchell |
Margaret Thatcher | Margaret Thatcher |
Maria (moeder van Jezus) | Mary (mother of Jesus) |
Maria Callas | Maria Callas |
Maria Magdalena | Mary Magdalene |
Marianen | Mariana Islands |
Marie Curie | Marie Curie |
Marie-Antoinette van Oostenrijk | Marie Antoinette |
Mariehamn | Mariehamn |
Marihuana | Cannabis (drug) |
Marilyn Monroe | Marilyn Monroe |
Marine | Navy |
Mario Vargas Llosa | Mario Vargas Llosa |
Mark Twain | Mark Twain |
Marketing | Marketing |
Markies de Sade | Marquis de Sade |
Markt (economie) | Market |
Marlene Dietrich | Marlene Dietrich |
Marmer | Marble |
Marokko | Morocco |
Marrakesh | Marrakech |
Mars | Mars (disambiguation) |
Mars (mythologie) | Mars (mythology) |
Marseille | Marseille |
Marshalleilanden | Marshall Islands |
Marshallplan | Marshall Plan |
Martelaar | Martyr |
Martelen | Torture |
Marterachtigen | Mustelidae |
Martin Buber | Martin Buber |
Martin Heidegger | Martin Heidegger |
Martin Luther King | Martin Luther King |
Martin Scorsese | Martin Scorsese |
Martin Van Buren | Martin Van Buren |
Martina Navrátilová | Martina Navratilova |
Martinique | Martinique |
Marxisme | Marxism |
Mary Shelley | Mary Shelley |
Mary Wollstonecraft | Mary Wollstonecraft |
Maryland | Maryland |
Maseru (stad) | Maseru |
Mashhad | Mashhad |
Masqat | Muscat |
Massa (natuurkunde) | Mass |
Massachusetts | Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Massagetal | Mass number |
Massamiddelpunt | Center of mass |
Masturbatie | Masturbation |
Mata Hari | Mata Hari |
Materialisme (filosofie) | Materialism |
Materie | Matter |
Matrix (wiskunde) | Matrix (mathematics) |
Matterhorn | Matterhorn |
Mauna Kea | Mauna Kea |
Mauna Loa | Mauna Loa |
Maurice Ravel | Maurice Ravel |
Mauritanië | Mauritania |
Mauritius (land) | Mauritius |
Max Born | Max Born |
Max Bruch | Max Bruch |
Max Ernst | Max Ernst |
Max Planck | Max Planck |
Max Weber (socioloog) | Max Weber |
Maximianus | Maximian |
Mayenne (departement) | Mayenne |
Mayonaise | Mayonnaise |
Mazelen | Measles |
Maïs | Maize |
Mbabane | Mbabane |
McCarthyisme | McCarthyism |
Mechanica | Mechanics |
Mede (drank) | Mead |
Medea (mythologie) | Medea |
Mededinging | Competition |
Medeklinker | Consonant |
Mediaan (statistiek) | Median |
Medici | Medici |
Medina (Arabië) | Medina |
Meditatie | Meditation |
Medusa (mythologie) | Medusa |
Meel | Flour |
Meer (water) | Lake |
Meer van Genève | Lake Geneva |
Meervalachtigen | Catfish |
Meester Eckhart | Meister Eckhart |
Meetkunde | Geometry |
Meetkundige rij | Geometric progression |
Meeuwen (vogels) | Gull |
Megabyte | Megabyte |
Mei | May |
Meiose | Meiosis |
Meitnerium | Meitnerium |
Mekka | Mecca |
Mekong | Mekong |
Mel Gibson | Mel Gibson |
Melanesië | Melanesia |
Melk (drank) | Milk |
Melkweg (sterrenstelsel) | Milky Way |
Melkzuur | Lactic acid |
Melodie | Melody |
Melpomene | Melpomene |
Meme | Meme |
Memphis (Egypte) | Memphis |
Memphis (Tennessee) | Memphis |
Menachem Begin | Menachem Begin |
Mendelevium | Mendelevium |
Menelaos | Menelaus |
Mens | Human |
Menselijk ras | Race |
Menstruatie | Menstruation |
Menstruatiecyclus | Menstrual cycle |
Mercantilisme | Mercantilism |
Mercurius | Mercury |
Mercurius (god) | Mercury (mythology) |
Mercurius (planeet) | Mercury (planet) |
Merel | Blackbird |
Meridiaan (geografie) | Meridian (geography) |
Meridiaan van Greenwich | Prime Meridian |
Meritocratie | Meritocracy |
Merovingen | Merovingian |
Meryl Streep | Meryl Streep |
Mes (voorwerp) | Knife |
Mescaline | Mescaline |
Mesolithicum | Mesolithic |
Meson | Meson |
Mesopotamië | Mesopotamia |
Mesosfeer (atmosfeer) | Mesosphere |
Mesozoïcum | Mesozoic |
Messenger RNA | Messenger RNA |
Messias | Messiah |
Messina (stad) | Messina |
Messing (metaallegering) | Brass |
Metaal | Metal |
Metaalbinding | Metallic bond |
Metadata | Metadata |
Metafoor | Metaphor |
Metafysica | Metaphysics |
Metalloïde | Metalloid |
Metallurgie | Metallurgy |
Metamorf gesteente | Metamorphic rock |
Meten | Measurement |
Meteorenzwerm | Meteor shower |
Meteoriet | Meteorite |
Meteorologie | Meteorology |
Meteoroïde | Meteoroid |
Meter | Metre |
Methadon | Methadone |
Methamfetamine | Methamphetamine |
Methanol | Methanol |
Methionine | Methionine |
Methodisten | Methodism |
Metis (maan) | Metis (moon) |
Metonymie | Metonymy |
Metrische ruimte | Metric space |
Meubilair | Furniture |
Meuse | Meuse |
Mexico (land) | Mexico |
Mexico-stad | Mexico City |
Miami | Miami |
Mica | Mica |
Michael Faraday | Michael Faraday |
Michail Bakoenin | Mikhail Bakunin |
Michail Glinka | Mikhail Glinka |
Michail Gorbatsjov | Mikhail Gorbachev |
Michaël (aartsengel) | Michael (archangel) |
Michel Ney | Michel Ney |
Michelangelo Buonarroti | Michelangelo |
Michigan | Michigan |
Michiganmeer | Lake Michigan |
Mick Jagger | Mick Jagger |
Mickey Mouse | Mickey Mouse |
Micro-economie | Microeconomics |
Micro-organisme | Microorganism |
Microbiologie | Microbiology |
Microfoon | Microphone |
Microgolf | Microwave |
Micronesia | Federated States of Micronesia |
Micronesië | Micronesia |
Microscoop | Microscope |
Microscoop (sterrenbeeld) | Microscopium |
Middeleeuwen | Middle Ages |
Middellandse Zee | Mediterranean Sea |
Midden-Oosten | Middle East |
Middernachtzon | Midnight sun |
Mieren | Ant |
Mierenegels | Echidna |
Mierenzuur | Formic acid |
Migraine | Migraine |
Miguel de Cervantes | Miguel de Cervantes |
Mijl | Mile |
Mijnbouw | Mining |
Mike Tyson | Mike Tyson |
Milaan (stad) | Milan |
Miles Davis | Miles Davis |
Milieu | Environment |
Milieuverontreiniging | Pollution |
Militaire rang | Military rank |
Miljoen | Million |
Miljoenpoten | Millipede |
Millard Fillmore | Millard Fillmore |
Millennium | Millennium |
Millimeter | Millimetre |
Milt | Spleen |
Milton Friedman | Milton Friedman |
Miltvuur | Anthrax |
Milwaukee | Milwaukee |
Minaret | Minaret |
Mindanao | Mindanao |
Mineraal | Mineral |
Mineraalwater | Mineral water |
Mineralogie | Mineralogy |
Minerva (mythologie) | Minerva |
Mineur (muziek) | Minor scale |
Mingdynastie | Ming Dynasty |
Minimal Art | Minimalism |
Minister | Minister (government) |
Minister-president | Prime minister |
Minneapolis | Minneapolis |
Minnesota | Minnesota |
Minos | Minos |
Minotaurus | Minotaur |
Minoïsche beschaving | Minoan civilization |
Minsk | Minsk |
Minuut (tijd) | Minute |
Mioceen | Miocene |
Mis | Mass (liturgy) |
Misdaad | Crime |
Misjna | Mishnah |
Mississippi (rivier) | Mississippi River |
Missouri (rivier) | Missouri River |
Missouri (staat) | Missouri |
Mist | Fog |
Mitochondrion | Mitochondrion |
Mnemosyne | Mnemosyne |
Mobiele telefoon | Mobile phone |
Mode | Fashion |
Modem | Modem |
Modernisme | Modernism |
Modest Moessorgski | Modest Mussorgsky |
Modulatie (radio) | Modulation |
Moeder | Mother |
Moeder Teresa | Mother Teresa |
Moederdag | Mother's Day |
Moedertaal | First language |
Moerbei | Mulberry |
Moermansk | Murmansk |
Moessonklimaat | Monsoon |
Mogadishu | Mogadishu |
Mohammed | Muhammad |
Mol (eenheid) | Mole (unit) |
Moldavië (land) | Moldova |
Moleculaire biologie | Molecular biology |
Molecuul | Molecule |
Molecuulformule | Chemical formula |
Molise | Molise |
Molotovcocktail | Molotov cocktail |
Molybdeen | Molybdenum |
Mombassa | Mombasa |
Monaco | Monaco |
Monarch (staatshoofd) | Monarch |
Monarchie | Monarchy |
Mondharmonica | Harmonica |
Mondharp | Jew's harp |
Mondialisering | Globalization |
Mongolië | Mongolia |
Monica Seles | Monica Seles |
Monisme (filosofie) | Monism |
Monomeer | Monomer |
Mononatriumglutamaat | Monosodium glutamate |
Monopolie | Monopoly |
Monopoly | Monopoly (game) |
Monosacharide | Monosaccharide |
Monotheïsme | Monotheism |
Monroedoctrine | Monroe Doctrine |
Monrovia (Liberia) | Monrovia |
Monster van Loch Ness | Loch Ness Monster |
Mont Blanc | Mont Blanc |
Montana (staat) | Montana |
Monte Carlo (Monaco) | Monte Carlo |
Montenegro | Montenegro |
Monterrey | Monterrey |
Montevideo (stad) | Montevideo |
Montgomery (Alabama) | Montgomery |
Montpelier | Montpelier |
Montréal (Canada) | Montreal |
Montserrat (eiland) | Montserrat |
Moraal | Morality |
Moravië | Moravia |
Morfeem | Morpheme |
Morfine | Morphine |
Morfologie | Morphology |
Morfologie (taalkunde) | Morphology (linguistics) |
Morse | Morse code |
Mortier (wapen) | Mortar (weapon) |
Moselle (departement) | Moselle |
Moshe Dayan | Moshe Dayan |
Moskee | Mosque |
Moskou | Moscow |
Mosoel | Mosul |
Mossad | Mossad |
Mossen | Moss |
Mosterdgas | Sulfur mustard |
Motet | Motet |
Motor | Engine |
Motorfiets | Motorcycle |
Motto | Motto |
Mount Everest | Mount Everest |
Mount McKinley | Mount McKinley |
Mount Pinatubo | Mount Pinatubo |
Mount Rushmore | Mount Rushmore |
Mount Saint Helens | Mount St. Helens |
Mountainbike | Mountain bike |
Mozambique | Mozambique |
Mozaïek | Mosaic |
Mozes | Moses |
Mu | Mu (letter) |
Muezzin | Muezzin |
Muhammad Ali | Muhammad Ali |
Muildier/muilezel | Mule |
Muis (computer) | Mouse (computing) |
Muis (dier) | Mouse |
Multimedia | Multimedia |
Multiple sclerose | Multiple sclerosis |
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions | MIME |
Mummie | Mummy |
Munt (betaalmiddel) | Coin |
Munt (plant) | Mentha |
Muon | Muon |
Murray Gell-Mann | Murray Gell-Mann |
Museum | Museum |
Musicologie | Musicology |
Musket | Musket |
Mutatie (biologie) | Mutation |
Muur van Hadrianus | Hadrian's Wall |
Muzen | Muse |
Muziek | Music |
Muziekinstrument | Musical instrument |
Muzieknoot | Note |
Muzikant | Musician |
Myanmar | Burma |
Mycene | Mycenae |
Mycologie | Mycology |
Myopie | Myopia |
Mystiek | Mysticism |
Mythe | Myth |
Mythologie | Mythology |
München | Munich |
N (letter) | N |
Naaktzadigen | Gymnosperm |
Nacht | Night |
Nachtegaal | Nightingale |
Nachtschadefamilie | Solanaceae |
Nadine Gordimer | Nadine Gordimer |
Nadir | Nadir |
Nagasaki (stad) | Nagasaki |
Nagel (anatomie) | Nail (anatomy) |
Nagoya | Nagoya |
Nahuatl | Nahuatl |
Nairobi | Nairobi |
Namen (stad) | Namur (city) |
Namibië | Namibia |
Namibwoestijn | Namib Desert |
Nancy | Nancy |
Nanga Parbat | Nanga Parbat |
Nanking | Nanjing |
Nanotechnologie | Nanotechnology |
Nantes | Nantes |
Napalm | Napalm |
Napels (stad) | Naples |
Napoleontische Oorlogen | Napoleonic Wars |
Narcisfamilie | Amaryllidaceae |
Narcissus (mythologie) | Narcissus (mythology) |
Nashville (Tennessee) | Nashville |
Nassau (Bahama's) | Nassau |
Nathaniel Hawthorne | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Natie | Nation |
Nationaal park | National park |
Nationaal park Yellowstone | Yellowstone National Park |
Nationaal park Yosemite | Yosemite National Park |
Nationaalsocialistische Duitse Arbeiderspartij | Nazi Party |
National Security Agency | National Security Agency |
Nationalisme | Nationalism |
Natrium | Sodium |
Natriumchloride | Sodium chloride |
Natriumhydroxide | Sodium hydroxide |
Natriumwaterstofcarbonaat | Sodium bicarbonate |
Naturisme | Naturism |
Natuur (kosmos) | Nature |
Natuurkunde | Physics |
Natuurlijk getal | Natural number |
Natuurlijke selectie | Natural selection |
Natuurwetenschap | Natural science |
Nauru | Nauru |
Navigatie | Navigation |
Nazareth (Israël) | Nazareth |
Nazi-Duitsland | Nazi Germany |
Ndjamena | N'Djamena |
Neanderthaler | Neanderthal |
Nebraska | Nebraska |
Nebukadnezar II | Nebuchadrezzar II |
Neckar | Neckar |
Nederduits | Low German |
Nederland | Netherlands |
Nederlandse Antillen | Netherlands Antilles |
Nedersaksen | Lower Saxony |
Neerslag (atmosfeer) | Precipitation (meteorology) |
Nefertiti | Nefertiti |
Negev | Negev |
Neil Armstrong | Neil Armstrong |
Nelson Mandela | Nelson Mandela |
Nemesis (mythologie) | Nemesis (mythology) |
Nemeïsche leeuw | Nemean Lion |
Neodymium | Neodymium |
Neolithicum | Neolithic |
Neologisme | Neologism |
Neon | Neon |
Neoplatonisme | Neoplatonism |
Nepal | Nepal |
Nephthys | Nephthys |
Neptunium | Neptunium |
Neptunus (planeet) | Neptune |
Nereïde (maan) | Nereid (moon) |
Nero (keizer) | Nero |
Nerva (keizer) | Nerva |
Nestorianisme | Nestorianism |
Net (sterrenbeeld) | Reticulum |
Neteldieren | Cnidaria |
Netvlies | Retina |
Netwerktopologie | Network topology |
Neurenberg | Nuremberg |
Neurologie | Neurology |
Neurotransmitter | Neurotransmitter |
Neus | Nose |
Neushoorns | Rhinoceros |
Neutraal element | Identity element |
Neutrino | Neutrino |
Neutron | Neutron |
Neutronenster | Neutron star |
Neva | Neva River |
Nevada | Nevada |
Nevels en gaswolken | Nebula |
Neville Chamberlain | Neville Chamberlain |
New Brunswick | New Brunswick |
New Delhi | New Delhi |
New England (Verenigde Staten) | New England |
New Hampshire | New Hampshire |
New Jersey | New Jersey |
New Mexico | New Mexico |
New Orleans | New Orleans |
New York | New York (disambiguation) |
New York (staat) | New York |
New York City | New York City |
New York Stock Exchange | New York Stock Exchange |
Newark (New Jersey) | Newark |
Newfoundland | Newfoundland (island) |
Newfoundland en Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador |
Newport (Wales) | Newport |
Newton (eenheid) | Newton |
Niagarawatervallen | Niagara Falls |
Niamey | Niamey |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua |
Nice | Nice |
Niche | Ecological niche |
Nicolaas Copernicus | Nicolaus Copernicus |
Nicolaas van Myra | Saint Nicholas |
Nicolas Poussin | Nicolas Poussin |
Nicosia | Nicosia |
Nicotine | Nicotine |
Nicotinezuur | Niacin |
Niels Bohr | Niels Bohr |
Niels Henrik Abel | Niels Henrik Abel |
Nier (biologie) | Kidney |
Niet-metaal | Nonmetal |
Nieuw-Caledonië (Frans gebiedsdeel) | New Caledonia |
Nieuw-Guinea | New Guinea |
Nieuw-Zeeland | New Zealand |
Nieuw-Zuid-Wales | New South Wales |
Nieuwe Testament | New Testament |
Nieuwe Wereld | New World |
Nieuwjaar | New Year |
Niger (land) | Niger |
Niger (rivier) | Niger River |
Nigeria | Nigeria |
Nihilisme (filosofie) | Nihilism |
Nijl | Nile |
Nijlkrokodil | Nile crocodile |
Nijlpaard | Hippopotamus |
Nijmegen | Nijmegen |
Nike, Inc. | Nike |
Nikita Chroesjtsjov | Nikita Khrushchev |
Nikkel | Nickel |
Nikola Tesla | Nikola Tesla |
Nikè | Nike (mythology) |
Nimf (mythologie) | Nymph |
Ninive | Nineveh |
Ninja | Ninja |
Niobium | Niobium |
Nirwana | Nirvana |
Nitroglycerine | Nitroglycerin |
Nix (maan) | Nix (moon) |
Njord (mythologie) | Njord |
Noach | Noah |
Noam Chomsky | Noam Chomsky |
Nobelium | Nobelium |
Nobelprijs | Nobel Prize |
Nomade | Nomad |
Nominatief | Nominative case |
Noord (windstreek) | North |
Noord-Afrika | North Africa |
Noord-Amerika | North America |
Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie | NATO |
Noord-Europa | Northern Europe |
Noord-Ierland | Northern Ireland |
Noord-Korea | North Korea |
Noordelijk Territorium | Northern Territory |
Noordelijk halfrond | Northern Hemisphere |
Noordelijke IJszee | Arctic Ocean |
Noordelijke Marianen | Northern Mariana Islands |
Noordereiland (Nieuw-Zeeland) | North Island |
Noorderkroon | Corona Borealis |
Noordpool | North Pole |
Noordpoolcirkel | Arctic Circle |
Noordzee | North Sea |
Noorse Zee | Norwegian Sea |
Noorse kroon | Norwegian krone |
Noorse mythologie | Norse mythology |
Noorwegen | Norway |
Noot (vrucht) | Nut (fruit) |
Nootmuskaat | Nutmeg |
Norfolk (Verenigd Koninkrijk) | Norfolk |
Norfolk (eiland) | Norfolk Island |
Normale verdeling | Normal distribution |
Norman Mailer | Norman Mailer |
Normandië | Normandy |
Norn (mythologie) | Norn |
North Carolina | North Carolina |
North Dakota | North Dakota |
North Yorkshire | North Yorkshire |
Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories |
Nostradamus | Nostradamus |
Nouakchott (stad) | Nouakchott |
Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
Nova Zembla | Novaya Zemlya |
November | November |
Novial | Novial |
Novosibirsk | Novosibirsk |
Nu (letter) | Nu (letter) |
Nucleon | Nucleon |
Nucleotide | Nucleotide |
Nucleïnezuur | Nucleic acid |
Numeri | Book of Numbers |
Numidië | Numidia |
Numismatiek | Numismatics |
Nunavut | Nunavut |
Nyx (godin) | Nyx (mythology) |
O (letter) | O |
Oahu | Oahu |
Oakland (Californië) | Oakland |
Oase | Oasis |
Oaxaca (staat) | Oaxaca |
Ob (rivier) | Ob River |
Obelisk (bouwkunst) | Obelisk |
Obesitas | Obesity |
Objectoriëntatie | Object-oriented programming |
Obligatie | Bond (finance) |
Obsidiaan | Obsidian |
Oceaan | Ocean |
Oceaniden | Oceanid |
Oceanië | Oceania |
Oceanografie | Oceanography |
Oceanus (god) | Oceanus |
Ockhams scheermes | Occam's razor |
Octaaf (muziek) | Octave |
Octaal | Octal |
Octant (sterrenbeeld) | Octans |
Octopus (orde) | Octopus |
Octrooi | Patent |
Ode (dichtkunst) | Ode |
Oder | Oder River |
Odessa (stad) | Odessa |
Odin (god) | Odin |
Odyssee | Odyssey |
Odysseus | Odysseus |
Oedipus | Oedipus |
Oefa | Ufa |
Oeganda | Uganda |
Oekraïne | Ukraine |
Oeral (gebergte) | Ural Mountains |
Oerknal | Big Bang |
Oestrogeen | Estrogen |
Oezbekistan | Uzbekistan |
Ohio (staat) | Ohio |
Ohm (eenheid) | Ohm |
Okapi | Okapi |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma |
Oklahoma City | Oklahoma City |
Oktober | October |
Oktoberfest | Oktoberfest |
Oktoberrevolutie | October Revolution |
Olie | Oil |
Olie | Oil (disambiguation) |
Olieverf | Oil painting |
Olifanten | Elephant |
Oligarchie | Oligarchy |
Oligoceen | Oligocene |
Oligopolie | Oligopoly |
Olijf | Olive |
Olijfolie | Olive oil |
Oliver Cromwell | Oliver Cromwell |
Oliver Stone | Oliver Stone |
Olivijn | Olivine |
Olympia (Washington) | Olympia |
Olympia (stad) | Olympia |
Olympische Spelen | Olympic Games |
Olympische Winterspelen | Winter Olympic Games |
Olympus (berg) | Mount Olympus |
Omaha (Nebraska) | Omaha |
Oman | Oman |
Omega (letter) | Omega |
Omikron | Omicron |
Omsk | Omsk |
Onafhankelijkheid (staatkunde) | Independence |
Onderwijs | Education |
Onderwijzer | Teacher |
Onderzeeboot | Submarine |
Onegameer | Lake Onega |
Oneindigheid | Infinity |
Ongelijkheid | Inequality |
Ongewervelden | Invertebrate |
Onomastiek | Onomastics |
Ons (massa) | Ounce |
Ontario | Ontario |
Ontariomeer | Lake Ontario |
Ontlasting | Feces |
Ontologie (filosofie) | Ontology |
Ontsnappingssnelheid | Escape velocity |
Ontsteking (geneeskunde) | Inflammation |
Ontwikkelingspsychologie | Developmental psychology |
Onzekerheidsrelatie van Heisenberg | Uncertainty principle |
Onzevader | Lord's Prayer |
Oog (anatomie) | Eye |
Ooievaarachtigen | Ciconiiformes |
Ooievaars | Stork |
Oor | Ear |
Oorlog | War |
Oorlogsmisdaad | War crime |
Oorrobben | Eared seal |
Oortwolk | Oort cloud |
Oorzakelijkheid | Causality |
Oost | East |
Oost-Afrika | East Africa |
Oost-Chinese Zee | East China Sea |
Oost-Timor | East Timor |
Oostenrijk | Austria |
Oostenrijk-Hongarije | Austria-Hungary |
Oostzee | Baltic Sea |
Opaal | Opal |
Opel | Opel |
Openbaring van Johannes | Book of Revelation |
Opening (schaken) | Chess opening |
Opera (muziek) | Opera |
Opera (webbrowser) | Opera (Internet suite) |
Operette | Operetta |
Ophanging (doodstraf) | Hanging |
Opium | Opium |
Oplosmiddel | Solvent |
Oplossing (scheikunde) | Solution |
Opmaaktaal | Markup language |
Opperarmbeen | Humerus |
Oppervlakte | Area |
Oppervlaktespanning | Surface tension |
Opstal (bouwwerk) | Building |
Optellen | Addition |
Optica | Optics |
Opwarming van de Aarde | Global warming |
Orale seks | Oral sex |
Orang-oetans | Orangutan |
Oranje (kleur) | Orange (colour) |
Oratorium | Oratorio |
Orchideeënfamilie | Orchidaceae |
Orde (biologie) | Order (biology) |
Ordovicium | Ordovician |
Oregon | Oregon |
Orestes (mythologie) | Orestes (mythology) |
Orgaan | Organ (anatomy) |
Organel | Organelle |
Organisatie | Organization |
Organisatie van Amerikaanse Staten | Organization of American States |
Organisatie van Olie Exporterende Landen | OPEC |
Organische chemie | Organic chemistry |
Organische verbinding | Organic compound |
Organisme | Organism |
Orgasme | Orgasm |
Orgel | Organ (music) |
Origami | Origami |
Origenes | Origen |
Orinoco | Orinoco |
Orion (sterrenbeeld) | Orion (constellation) |
Orissa | Orissa |
Orka | Orca |
Orkest | Orchestra |
Orlando (Florida) | Orlando |
Ornithologie | Ornithology |
Orpheus | Orpheus |
Orson Welles | Orson Welles |
Orthodoxe Kerk (algemeen) | Eastern Orthodox Church |
Osaka | Osaka |
Osama bin Laden | Osama bin Laden |
Oscar Wilde | Oscar Wilde |
Osiris (Egyptische mythologie) | Osiris |
Oslo | Oslo |
Osman I | Osman I |
Osmium | Osmium |
Osteichthyes | Osteichthyes |
Osteoporose | Osteoporosis |
Ostrava | Ostrava |
Othello (Shakespeare) | Othello |
Otho | Otho |
Ottawa (stad) | Ottawa |
Otto Hahn | Otto Hahn |
Otto I van het Heilige Roomse Rijk | Otto I |
Otto von Bismarck | Otto von Bismarck |
Ottomaanse Rijk | Ottoman Empire |
Oude Testament | Old Testament |
Oudgrieks | Ancient Greek |
Oudkerkslavisch | Old Church Slavonic |
Oudnoords | Old Norse |
Oven (sterrenbeeld) | Fornax |
Overdrijving | Hyperbole |
Overeenkomst | Contract |
Overstroming | Flood |
Ovidius | Ovid |
Oviedo (stad) | Oviedo |
Oxford (Verenigd Koninkrijk) | Oxford |
Oxidatietoestand | Oxidation state |
Oxide | Oxide |
Oxymoron (stijlfiguur) | Oxymoron |
Oxytocine | Oxytocin |
Ozon (stof) | Ozone |
Ozonlaag | Ozone layer |
P (letter) | P |
PH | PH |
PLO | Palestine Liberation Organization |
Paard (dier) | Horse |
Paard (schaken) | Knight (chess) |
Paard van Troje | Trojan Horse |
Paardachtigen | Equidae |
Paardenkracht | Horsepower |
Paardenstaart (plant) | Equisetum |
Pablo Neruda | Pablo Neruda |
Pablo Picasso | Pablo Picasso |
Pacifisme | Pacifism |
Paddenstoel (schimmel) | Mushroom |
Padua (stad) | Padua |
Pakistan | Pakistan |
Palau (land) | Palau |
Paleoceen | Paleocene |
Paleolithicum | Paleolithic |
Paleontologie | Paleontology |
Paleozoïcum | Paleozoic |
Palermo (stad) | Palermo |
Palestijnse Autoriteit | Palestinian National Authority |
Palestina | Palestine |
Pali | Pali |
Palindroom | Palindrome |
Palingachtigen | Eel |
Palladium (element) | Palladium |
Pallas Athena | Athena |
Palmenfamilie | Arecaceae |
Palmyra (Syrië) | Palmyra |
Palmzondag | Palm Sunday |
Pamir | Pamir Mountains |
Pan (mythologie) | Pan (mythology) |
Panama (land) | Panama |
Panama-stad | Panama City |
Panamakanaal | Panama Canal |
Pandemie | Pandemic |
Pandora (mythologie) | Pandora |
Pangea | Pangaea |
Pantheon (Rome) | Pantheon |
Panthera | Panthera |
Pantheïsme | Pantheism |
Papegaaiachtigen | Parrot |
Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea | Papua New Guinea |
Papyrus | Papyrus |
Parabool (wiskunde) | Parabola |
Paracelsus | Paracelsus |
Parachute | Parachute |
Paradigma | Paradigm |
Paradijsvogel (sterrenbeeld) | Apus |
Paradox (logica) | Paradox |
Parafilie | Paraphilia |
Paraguay | Paraguay |
Parallax | Parallax |
Parallellogram | Parallelogram |
Paramaribo | Paramaribo |
Paranoia | Paranoia |
Parapente | Paragliding |
Paraplu | Umbrella |
Parapsychologie | Parapsychology |
Parasitair | Parasitism |
Parel | Pearl |
Parfum | Perfume |
Parijs | Paris |
Paris (mythologie) | Paris (mythology) |
Parlement | Parliament |
Parmenides | Parmenides |
Parodie | Parody |
Parsec | Parsec |
Parthen | Parthia |
Parthenon | Parthenon |
Parti Socialiste (Frankrijk) | Socialist Party (France) |
Parvati | Parvati |
Pascal | Pascal |
Pascal (eenheid) | Pascal (unit) |
Pascal (programmeertaal) | Pascal (programming language) |
Pasen | Easter |
Paspoort | Passport |
Passer (gereedschap) | Compass (drafting) |
Passer (sterrenbeeld) | Circinus |
Pasteuriseren | Pasteurization |
Patagonië | Patagonia |
Pathologie | Pathology |
Patras | Patras |
Patriarch | Patriarch |
Patricius | Saint Patrick |
Paul Gauguin | Paul Gauguin |
Paul Heyse | Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse |
Paul Klee | Paul Klee |
Paul McCartney | Paul McCartney |
Paul Newman | Paul Newman |
Paul Verlaine | Paul Verlaine |
Paul von Hindenburg | Paul von Hindenburg |
Paulus (apostel) | Paul the Apostle |
Paus | Pope |
Paus Alexander VI | Pope Alexander VI |
Pauw (sterrenbeeld) | Pavo (constellation) |
Pays de la Loire | Pays de la Loire |
Pearl Harbor (marinebasis) | Pearl Harbor |
Pedagogiek | Pedagogy |
Pediatrie | Pediatrics |
Pedofilie | Pedophilia |
Peer (vrucht) | Pear |
Pegasus (mythologie) | Pegasus |
Pegasus (sterrenbeeld) | Pegasus (constellation) |
Peking | Beijing |
Peloponnesische oorlog | Peloponnesian War |
Peloponnesos | Peloponnese |
Penelope | Penelope |
Penicilline | Penicillin |
Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
Pentagram | Pentagram |
Peper | Black pepper |
Pepijn de Korte | Pepin the Short |
Pepsi | Pepsi |
Perceptie | Perception |
Percy Bysshe Shelley | Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Perestrojka | Perestroika |
Perikles | Pericles |
Periode (scheikunde) | Period (periodic table) |
Periodiek systeem | Periodic table |
Perkament | Parchment |
Perm (periode) | Permian |
Perm (stad) | Perm |
Permafrost | Permafrost |
Permanente magneet | Magnet |
Permutatie | Permutation |
Pernambuco | Pernambuco |
Perpetuum mobile | Perpetual motion |
Persephone | Persephone |
Persepolis | Persepolis |
Perseus (mythologie) | Perseus |
Perseus (sterrenbeeld) | Perseus (constellation) |
Personage | Fictional character |
Personal Digital Assistant | Personal digital assistant |
Perth (Australië) | Perth |
Peru | Peru |
Perzik | Peach |
Perzische Golf | Persian Gulf |
Perzische Rijk | Persian Empire |
Pesach | Passover |
Pest (ziekte) | Bubonic plague |
Peter Paul Rubens | Peter Paul Rubens |
Peter Sellers | Peter Sellers |
Peterselie | Parsley |
Petrologie | Petrology |
Petrović Njegoš | Nicholas |
Petrus | Saint Peter |
Petrus Abaelardus | Peter Abelard |
Pharynx | Pharynx |
Phase Alternating Line | PAL |
Phi (letter) | Phi (letter) |
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) | Philadelphia |
Philip Mountbatten | Prince Philip |
Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard | Philipp Lenard |
Philippus II van Macedonië | Philip II of Macedon |
Phnom-Penh | Phnom Penh |
Phobos (maan) | Phobos (moon) |
Phoenix | Phoenix |
Phoenix (Arizona) | Phoenix |
Phoenix (ruimtesonde) | Phoenix (spacecraft) |
Phoenix (sterrenbeeld) | Phoenix (constellation) |
Pi (letter) | Pi (letter) |
Pi (wiskunde) | Pi |
Piano (instrument) | Piano |
Picardië | Picardie |
Pidgin (chatprogramma) | Pidgin (software) |
Pidgin (taal) | Pidgin |
Piemonte | Piedmont |
Pierre | Pierre |
Pierre Curie | Pierre Curie |
Pierre de Fermat | Pierre de Fermat |
Piet Mondriaan | Piet Mondrian |
Pieter Zeeman | Pieter Zeeman |
Pigment | Pigment |
Pijl (sterrenbeeld) | Sagitta |
Pijl (wapen) | Arrow |
Pilsen | Pilsen |
Pinda | Peanut |
Pindarus | Pindar |
Ping (netwerk) | Ping |
Pinguïns | Penguin |
Pinksterbeweging | Pentecostalism |
Pinksteren | Pentecost |
Pinus | Pine |
Pion (schaken) | Pawn (chess) |
Piramide (bouwwerk) | Pyramid |
Piramide (ruimtelijke figuur) | Pyramid (geometry) |
Pisa (stad) | Pisa |
Pistool | Handgun |
Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh |
Pixel | Pixel |
Pizza | Pizza |
Plagiaat | Plagiarism |
Planeet | Planet |
Planetaire nevel | Planetary nebula |
Planetoïde | Asteroid |
Planetoïdengordel | Asteroid belt |
Plankton | Plankton |
Planten | Plant |
Plantkunde | Botany |
Plasma (aggregatietoestand) | Plasma (physics) |
Plasmide | Plasmid |
Plastic | Plastic |
Plastide | Plastid |
Platentektoniek | Plate tectonics |
Platina | Platinum |
Plato (filosoof) | Plato |
Platwormen | Flatworm |
Playboy | Playboy |
Pleistoceen | Pleistocene |
Pleven (stad) | Pleven |
Plioceen | Pliocene |
Plotinus | Plotinus |
Plovdiv (stad) | Plovdiv |
Plutarchus | Plutarch |
Pluto | Pluto (disambiguation) |
Pluto (dwergplaneet) | Pluto |
Plutonium | Plutonium |
Plymouth (Engeland) | Plymouth |
Po (rivier) | Po River |
Podcasting | Podcast |
Poema | Cougar |
Pogrom | Pogrom |
Poitiers | Poitiers |
Poitou-Charentes | Poitou-Charentes |
Poker | Poker |
Polaris | Polaris |
Polen | Poland |
Poliomyelitis | Poliomyelitis |
Politicologie | Political science |
Politicus | Politician |
Politie | Police |
Politiek | Politics |
Politieke partij | Political party |
Polo (sport) | Polo |
Polonium | Polonium |
Polyetheen | Polyethylene |
Polygamie | Polygamy |
Polyhedron | Polyhedron |
Polyhymnia | Polyhymnia |
Polymeer | Polymer |
Polynesië | Polynesia |
Polynoom | Polynomial |
Polypeptide | Peptide |
Polytheïsme | Polytheism |
Polyvinylchloride | Polyvinyl chloride |
Pomp (machine) | Pump |
Pompeii | Pompeii |
Pompeius | Pompey |
Pompelmoes | Pomelo |
Pond (massa) | Pound (mass) |
Pond sterling | Pound sterling |
Pontius Pilatus | Pontius Pilate |
Pontus et Bithynia | Bithynia |
Poollicht | Aurora (astronomy) |
Poolvos | Arctic fox |
Pop-art | Pop art |
Popmuziek | Pop music |
Populier | Poplar |
Populisme | Populism |
Pornografie | Pornography |
Porselein | Porcelain |
Port Louis (stad) | Port Louis |
Port Moresby | Port Moresby |
Port Vila | Port Vila |
Port of Spain | Port of Spain |
Port-au-Prince | Port-au-Prince |
Portaal:Astronomie | Astronomy |
Portaal:Biologie | Biology |
Portaal:Film | Film |
Portaal:Filosofie | Philosophy |
Portaal:Geografie | Geography |
Portaal:Geschiedenis | History |
Portaal:Literatuur | Literature |
Portaal:Natuurkunde | Physics |
Portaal:Scheikunde | Chemistry |
Portaal:Wiskunde | Mathematics |
Portland | Portland |
Portland (Oregon) | Portland |
Porto (stad) | Porto |
Portret | Portrait |
Portsmouth (Engeland) | Portsmouth |
Portugal | Portugal |
Poseidon (mythologie) | Poseidon |
Positron | Positron |
Post (brief) | |
Postcode | Postal code |
Postmodernisme | Postmodernism |
Postulaten van Euclides | Euclidean geometry |
Postzegel | Postage stamp |
Potentiële energie | Potential energy |
Potlood | Pencil |
Potsdam | Potsdam |
Potvis | Sperm Whale |
Poëzie | Poetry |
Praag | Prague |
Praetor | Praetor |
Praia | Praia |
Praseodymium | Praseodymium |
Precambrium | Precambrian |
Precessie | Precession |
Prediker (boek) | Ecclesiastes |
Prehistorie | Prehistory |
President | President |
President van de Verenigde Staten | President of the United States |
Pretoria | Pretoria |
Priamus | Priam |
Priemgetal | Prime number |
Priester | Priest |
Prijs (betaling) | Price |
Prikken | Lamprey |
Primaten | Primate |
Princeton-universiteit | Princeton University |
Prins Edwardeiland (Canada) | Prince Edward Island |
Prins van Wales | Prince of Wales |
Prion | Prion |
Prisma (optica) | Prism (optics) |
Prisma (wiskunde) | Prism (geometry) |
Prix Goncourt | Prix Goncourt |
Procent | Percentage |
Processor | Central processing unit |
Profeet | Prophet |
Professor | Professor |
Programmeertaal | Programming language |
Programmeren | Computer programming |
Programmeur | Programmer |
Progressieve rock | Progressive rock |
Project | Project |
Project Apollo | Apollo program |
Prokaryoten | Prokaryote |
Prolog | Prolog |
Prometheus (mythologie) | Prometheus |
Promethium | Promethium |
Propaan | Propane |
Propaganda (communicatie) | Propaganda |
Prostaat | Prostate |
Protactinium | Protactinium |
Protectoraat | Protectorate |
Proterozoïcum | Proterozoic |
Protestantisme | Protestantism |
Proteïne | Protein |
Protisten | Protist |
Protocol | Protocol |
Proton (deeltje) | Proton |
Protozoa | Protozoa |
Providence (Rhode Island) | Providence |
Proxima Centauri | Proxima Centauri |
Proza | Prose |
Pruim | Plum |
Pruisen | Prussia |
Prunus | Prunus |
Psalmen | Psalms |
Pseudoniem | Pseudonym |
Pseudowetenschap | Pseudoscience |
Psi (letter) | Psi (letter) |
Psoriasis | Psoriasis |
Psychiatrie | Psychiatry |
Psychische aandoening | Mental disorder |
Psychoanalyse | Psychoanalysis |
Psychologie | Psychology |
Psychose | Psychosis |
Psychotherapie | Psychotherapy |
Ptah | Ptah |
Pterosauriërs | Pterosaur |
Ptolemaeën | Ptolemaic dynasty |
Puberteit | Puberty |
Public relations | Public relations |
Publiek domein | Public domain |
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus maior | Scipio Africanus |
Publius Cornelius Tacitus | Tacitus |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico |
Pula (Kroatië) | Pula |
Pulsar | Pulsar |
Punjab (India) | Punjab (India) |
Punk (muziek) | Punk rock |
Punt (meetkunde) | Point (geometry) |
Puntkomma | Semicolon |
Pupil (oog) | Pupil |
Pyongyang | Pyongyang |
Pyreneeën | Pyrenees |
Pyridoxine | Vitamin B6 |
Pyriet | Pyrite |
Pyrrusoverwinning | Pyrrhic victory |
Pythagoras | Pythagoras |
Python (programmeertaal) | Python (programming language) |
Q (letter) | Q |
Qatar | Qatar |
Qin-dynastie | Qin Dynasty |
Qing-dynastie | Qing Dynasty |
Quaestor (Rome) | Quaestor |
Quarantaine | Quarantine |
Quark | Quark |
Quartair | Quaternary |
Quasar | Quasar |
Quaternion | Quaternion |
Quechua (taal) | Quechua |
Queens | Queens |
Queensland | Queensland |
Quentin Tarantino | Quentin Tarantino |
Queteletindex | Body mass index |
Quetzalcoatl | Quetzalcoatl |
Quito | Quito |
Québec (provincie) | Quebec |
Québec (stad) | Quebec City |
R (letter) | R |
RAF | RAF (disambiguation) |
Ra (god) | Ra |
Raaf (sterrenbeeld) | Corvus (constellation) |
Rabat (Marokko) | Rabat |
Rabbijn | Rabbi |
Rabindranath Tagore | Rabindranath Tagore |
Rachel Carson | Rachel Carson |
Racisme | Racism |
Radar | Radar |
Raderdieren | Rotifer |
Radiaal | Radian |
Radioactief verval | Radioactive decay |
Radiologie | Radiology |
Radiotelescoop | Radio telescope |
Radium | Radium |
Radon (element) | Radon |
Rafaël (aartsengel) | Raphael (archangel) |
Rafaël Santi | Raphael |
Rainer Maria Rilke | Rainer Maria Rilke |
Raket | Rocket |
Raleigh (North Carolina) | Raleigh |
Ralph Waldo Emerson | Ralph Waldo Emerson |
Ram (sterrenbeeld) | Aries (constellation) |
Rama | Rama |
Ramadan | Ramadan |
Ramayana | Ramayana |
Ramses II | Ramesses II |
Random Access Memory | Random access memory |
Rangoon (stad) | Yangon |
Ranonkelfamilie | Ranunculaceae |
Ransuil | Long-eared Owl |
Rationaal getal | Rational number |
Rattus | Rat |
Ravenna (stad) | Ravenna |
Rawalpindi | Rawalpindi |
Ray Bradbury | Ray Bradbury |
Read Only Memory | Read-only memory |
Recessie | Recession |
Recht | Law |
Rechtbank | Court |
Rechte klimming | Right ascension |
Rechthoek | Rectangle |
Recife | Recife |
Reclame | Advertising |
Recursie | Recursion |
Reduced Instruction Set Computer | Reduced instruction set computer |
Redundant Array of Independent Disks | RAID |
Ree | Roe Deer |
Reeks (wiskunde) | Series (mathematics) |
Reformatie | Protestant Reformation |
Regen (neerslag) | Rain |
Regenboog (optica) | Rainbow |
Regent (bestuurder) | Regent |
Regering | Government |
Regeringsloosheid | Anarchy |
Regeringsvorm | Form of government |
Reggae | Reggae |
Regiment | Regiment |
Regina (Canada) | Regina |
Regio | Region |
Reigers en roerdompen | Heron |
Reims | Reims |
Rekenen | Arithmetic |
Rekenkundige rij | Arithmetic progression |
Rekenmachine | Calculator |
Relais | Relay |
Relatie (wiskunde) | Relation (mathematics) |
Relativisme | Relativism |
Relativiteitstheorie | Theory of relativity |
Relativiteitstheorie | Principle of relativity |
Religie | Religion |
Rembrandt van Rijn | Rembrandt |
Renaissance | Renaissance |
Rendier | Reindeer |
Renium | Rhenium |
Renpaard | Horse racing |
Rente | Interest |
Reptielen | Reptile |
Republiek | Republic |
Republiek China | Republic of China |
Republikeinse Partij (Verenigde Staten) | Republican Party (United States) |
Requiem (muziek) | Requiem |
Restaurant | Restaurant |
Retinol | Vitamin A |
Retinol | Retinol |
Reto-Romaans | Romansh |
Retorica | Rhetoric |
Reuzenpanda | Giant Panda |
Revolutie | Revolution |
Revolver (wapen) | Revolver |
Reëel getal | Real number |
Reïncarnatie | Reincarnation |
Rhea (maan) | Rhea (moon) |
Rhea (mythologie) | Rhea (mythology) |
Rho (letter) | Rho (letter) |
Rhode Island (staat) | Rhode Island |
Rhodium | Rhodium |
Rhythm-and-blues | Rhythm and blues |
Rib (anatomie) | Rib |
Ribkwallen | Ctenophore |
Riboflavine | Riboflavin |
Ribosoom | Ribosome |
Richard Buckminster Fuller | Buckminster Fuller |
Richard Feynman | Richard Feynman |
Richard Nixon | Richard Nixon |
Richard Strauss | Richard Strauss |
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner |
Richard Wright (Pink Floyd) | Richard Wright (musician) |
Richmond (Virginia) | Richmond |
Richteren | Book of Judges |
Ridder | Knight |
Riga | Riga |
Rigel | Rigel |
Rij (wiskunde) | Sequence |
Rij van Fibonacci | Fibonacci number |
Rijk (biologie) | Kingdom (biology) |
Rijk (staat) | Empire |
Rijm (stijlfiguur) | Rhyme |
Rijn | Rhine |
Rijsel | Lille |
Rijst | Rice |
Ring (wiskunde) | Ring (mathematics) |
Ringo Starr | Ringo Starr |
Ringwormen | Annelid |
Rio Grande (Río Bravo) | Rio Grande |
Rio de Janeiro (staat) | Rio de Janeiro (state) |
Rio de Janeiro (stad) | Rio de Janeiro |
Ritme | Rhythm |
Rivier | River |
Riyad (stad) | Riyadh |
Roald Amundsen | Roald Amundsen |
Robert Boyle | Robert Boyle |
Robert Burns | Robert Burns |
Robert De Niro | Robert De Niro |
Robert E. Lee | Robert E. Lee |
Robert Falcon Scott | Robert Falcon Scott |
Robert Heinlein | Robert A. Heinlein |
Robert Hooke | Robert Hooke |
Robert Koch | Robert Koch |
Robert Louis Stevenson | Robert Louis Stevenson |
Robert Millikan | Robert Andrews Millikan |
Robert Oppenheimer | Robert Oppenheimer |
Robert Owen | Robert Owen |
Robert Redford | Robert Redford |
Robert Schumann | Robert Schumann |
Robijn (edelsteen) | Ruby |
Robin Hood | Robin Hood |
Robot | Robot |
Rock | Rock music |
Rock-'n-roll | Rock and roll |
Rocky Mountains | Rocky Mountains |
Rococo | Rococo |
Rode Khmer | Khmer Rouge |
Rode Zee | Red Sea |
Rode bloedcel | Red blood cell |
Rode dwerg | Red dwarf |
Rode reus | Red giant |
Rodos (eiland) | Rhodes |
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar | El Cid |
Roebel | Ruble |
Roeien (sport) | Rowing (sport) |
Roek | Rook (bird) |
Roemenië | Romania |
Roentgenium | Roentgenium |
Roestvast staal | Stainless steel |
Roger Bacon | Roger Bacon |
Rogge | Rye |
Rokade | Castling |
Roman (literatuur) | Novel |
Romantiek (stroming) | Romanticism |
Rome (stad) | Rome |
Romeins recht | Roman law |
Romeinse Republiek | Roman Republic |
Romeinse Rijk | Roman Empire |
Romeinse kalender | Roman calendar |
Romeinse mythologie | Roman mythology |
Ronald Reagan | Ronald Reagan |
Ronde van Frankrijk | Tour de France |
Rondwormen | Nematode |
Rood (kleur) | Red |
Roodverschuiving | Redshift |
Roodverschuiving | Redshift (disambiguation) |
Roofdieren | Carnivora |
Roofvogels | Falconiformes |
Roomijs | Ice cream |
Rooms-katholieke Kerk | Roman Catholic Church |
Roosevelt | Roosevelt |
Rosa Parks | Rosa Parks |
Rosales (orde) | Rosales |
Rosario (Argentinië) | Rosario |
Roseau (Dominica) | Roseau |
Rosj Hasjana | Rosh Hashanah |
Rosszee | Ross Sea |
Rostock | Rostock |
Rote Armee Fraktion | Red Army Faction |
Rots (steen) | Rock (geology) |
Rotterdam | Rotterdam |
Router | Router |
Royal Air Force | Royal Air Force |
Royal Society | Royal Society |
Roze | Pink |
Rozemarijn | Rosemary |
Rozen | Rose |
Rozenfamilie | Rosaceae |
Rozenkrans | Rosary |
Rozenoorlogen | Wars of the Roses |
Rubber | Rubber |
Rubicon (Italiaanse rivier) | Rubicon |
Rubidium | Rubidium |
Ruby (programmeertaal) | Ruby (programming language) |
Rudolf Diesel | Rudolf Diesel |
Rudolf Hess | Rudolf Hess |
Rudolf Steiner | Rudolf Steiner |
Rudyard Kipling | Rudyard Kipling |
Rugby (balspel) | Rugby football |
Ruggenmerg | Spinal cord |
Ruimte (geografie) | Space |
Ruimtestation | Space station |
Ruimtevaarder | Astronaut |
Ruimtevaartuig | Spacecraft |
Ruimteveer | Space Shuttle |
Ruit (meetkunde) | Rhombus |
Rund | Cattle |
Rupert Murdoch | Rupert Murdoch |
Rusland | Russia |
Russisch-Japanse Oorlog | Russo-Japanese War |
Russisch-orthodoxe Kerk | Russian Orthodox Church |
Russische Revolutie | Russian Revolution (1917) |
Ruth (boek) | Book of Ruth |
Ruthenium | Ruthenium |
Rutherford B. Hayes | Rutherford B. Hayes |
Rutherfordium | Rutherfordium |
Rwanda | Rwanda |
Röntgenstraling | X-ray |
S (letter) | S |
SARS | Severe acute respiratory syndrome |
Sacharose | Sucrose |
Sacrament | Sacrament |
Sacramento (Californië) | Sacramento |
Saddam Hoessein | Saddam Hussein |
Safari (browser) | Safari (web browser) |
Saffier | Sapphire |
Saffraan | Saffron |
Sahara | Sahara |
Saint Kitts en Nevis | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Saint Lawrencerivier | Saint Lawrence River |
Saint Louis (Missouri) | St. Louis |
Saint Lucia | Saint Lucia |
Saint Paul (Minnesota) | Saint Paul |
Saint Vincent en de Grenadines | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Sake | Sake |
Saksen (deelstaat) | Saxony |
Saladin | Saladin |
Salamanders | Salamander |
Salat | Salah |
Salem (Oregon) | Salem |
Salerno (stad) | Salerno |
Salman Rushdie | Salman Rushdie |
Salomo | Solomon |
Salomonseilanden | Solomon Islands |
Salpeterzuur | Nitric acid |
Salt Lake City | Salt Lake City |
Salvador (stad) | Salvador |
Salzburg (deelstaat) | Salzburg (state) |
Salzburg (stad) | Salzburg |
Samara (stad) | Samara |
Samarium | Samarium |
Samarkand | Samarkand |
Samengesteld getal | Composite number |
Samoa | Samoa |
Samoerai | Samurai |
Samsara | Samsara |
Samuel Beckett | Samuel Beckett |
Samuel Morse | Samuel F. B. Morse |
Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
San Antonio (Texas) | San Antonio |
San Diego | San Diego |
San Francisco | San Francisco |
San José (Californië) | San Jose |
San Juan (Puerto Rico) | San Juan |
San Marino | San Marino |
San Marino (stad) | San Marino |
San Salvador (stad) | San Salvador |
Sandro Botticelli | Sandro Botticelli |
Sandwich (gerecht) | Sandwich |
Sanskriet | Sanskrit |
Santa Fe (New Mexico) | Santa Fe |
Santiago | Santiago |
Santiago (Chili) | Santiago |
Santiago de Cuba (stad) | Santiago de Cuba |
Santo Domingo (Dominicaanse Republiek) | Santo Domingo |
Santos | Santos (Săo Paulo) |
Saoedi-Arabië | Saudi Arabia |
Sappho | Sappho |
Sapporo | Sapporo |
Sarah Bernhardt | Sarah Bernhardt |
Sarajevo | Sarajevo |
Saratov | Saratov |
Sarcofaag | Sarcophagus |
Sardine | Sardine |
Sardinië | Sardinia |
Sari (stad) | Sari |
Sarin | Sarin |
Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan |
Satan | Satan |
Satanisme | Satanism |
Satire | Satire |
Saturnus | Saturn (disambiguation) |
Saturnus (god) | Saturn (mythology) |
Saturnus (planeet) | Saturn |
Satyr | Satyr |
Saul Bellow | Saul Bellow |
Saus | Sauce |
Savanne (landschap) | Savanna |
Saxofoon | Saxophone |
Scandinavisch schiereiland | Scandinavian Peninsula |
Scandinavië | Scandinavia |
Scandium | Scandium |
Scanner (grafisch) | Image scanner |
Scepticisme | Skepticism |
Schaal van Beaufort | Beaufort scale |
Schaar | Scissors |
Schaken | Chess |
Schapen | Ovis |
Scharrelaarvogels | Coraciiformes |
Schedel | Skull |
Schedellozen | Lancelet |
Scheikunde | Chemistry |
Schelde (rivier) | Scheldt |
Scheme | Scheme (programming language) |
Schermbloemenfamilie | Apiaceae |
Schermen | Fencing |
Schiereiland | Peninsula |
Schikgodinnen | Moirae |
Schild (bescherming) | Shield |
Schilder (sterrenbeeld) | Pictor |
Schildklier | Thyroid |
Schildpadden | Turtle |
Schimmels | Fungus |
Schimmels | Mold |
Schip (transportmiddel) | Ship |
Schizofrenie | Schizophrenia |
Scholastiek | Scholasticism |
Schoolgebouw | School |
Schorpioen (sterrenbeeld) | Scorpius |
Schorpioenen | Scorpion |
Schotland | Scotland |
Schots-Gaelisch | Scottish Gaelic |
Schouderblad | Scapula |
Schrift | Writing system |
Schrijfmachine | Typewriter |
Schrikkeljaar | Leap year |
Schroef (verbinding) | Screw |
Schroevendraaier | Screwdriver |
Schubreptielen | Squamata |
Schutzstaffel | Schutzstaffel |
Sciencefiction | Science fiction |
Scientology | Scientology |
Scouting | Scouting |
Scrabble | Scrabble |
Scrotum | Scrotum |
Seaborgium | Seaborgium |
Sears Tower | Sears Tower |
Seattle | Seattle |
Sebastopol | Sevastopol |
Seconde | Second |
Sedimentair gesteente | Sedimentary rock |
Seeland | Zealand |
Segovia (stad) | Segovia |
Seine | Seine |
Seismologie | Seismology |
Seizoen | Season |
Sekse | Sex |
Seksisme | Sexism |
Seksueel overdraagbare aandoening | Sexually transmitted disease |
Sekte | Sect |
Seleen | Selenium |
Selene | Selene |
Seleucus I Nicator | Seleucus I Nicator |
Semantiek | Semantics |
Semieten | Semitic |
Semiotiek | Semiotics |
Senaat (volksvertegenwoordiging) | Senate |
Senegal | Senegal |
Seoel | Seoul |
Seppuku | Seppuku |
September | September |
Septuagint | Septuagint |
Sergej Eisenstein | Sergei Eisenstein |
Sergej Rachmaninov | Sergei Rachmaninoff |
Serine | Serine |
Serotonine | Serotonin |
Server | Server (computing) |
Servië | Serbia |
Servië en Montenegro | Serbia and Montenegro |
Seth (Egyptische mythologie) | Set (mythology) |
Sevilla (stad) | Seville |
Sextant (navigatie) | Sextant |
Seychellen | Seychelles |
Sfinx | Sphinx |
Shahadah | Shahadah |
Shareware | Shareware |
Sharia | Sharia |
Sheffield | Sheffield |
Sherlock Holmes | Sherlock Holmes |
Shetlandeilanden | Shetland |
Shikoku (Japan) | Shikoku |
Shintoïsme | Shinto |
Shiva | Shiva |
Shogi | Shogi |
Shogun | Shogun |
Siberische husky | Siberian Husky |
Siberië | Siberia |
Sichuan | Sichuan |
Sicilië | Sicily |
Siemens (eenheid) | Siemens (unit) |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone |
Sigaret | Cigarette |
Sigma (letter) | Sigma |
Sigmund Freud | Sigmund Freud |
Sigrid Undset | Sigrid Undset |
Sikhisme | Sikhism |
Sikkim | Sikkim |
Silezië | Silesia |
Silicium | Silicon |
Siliciumdioxide | Silicon dioxide |
Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley |
Siluur | Silurian |
Simone de Beauvoir | Simone de Beauvoir |
Simple Object Access Protocol | SOAP |
Sinaasappel | Orange (fruit) |
Sinaï (schiereiland) | Sinai Peninsula |
Sinclair Lewis | Sinclair Lewis |
Singapore | Singapore |
Single (muziek) | Single (music) |
Sinkiang | Xinjiang |
Sint-Maarten (eiland) | Saint Martin |
Sint-Petersburg | Saint Petersburg |
Sirene (halfgodin) | Siren |
Sirius (ster) | Sirius |
Sisyphos | Sisyphus |
Sitcom | Situation comedy |
Sitting Bull | Sitting Bull |
Sixtijnse Kapel | Sistine Chapel |
Sjabloon:Beg | Stub |
Sjabloon:Bot | Bot |
Sjabloon:Feit | Fact |
Sjabloon:Zieook | Main |
Sjah | Shah |
Sjamanisme | Shamanism |
Sjanghai | Shanghai |
Skagerrak | Skagerrak |
Skateboard | Skateboard |
Skinhead | Skinhead |
Skopje | Skopje |
Skylab | Skylab |
Slaap (rust) | Sleep |
Slag aan de Somme | Battle of the Somme |
Slag bij Austerlitz | Battle of Austerlitz |
Slag bij Hastings | Battle of Hastings |
Slag bij Lepanto | Battle of Lepanto (1571) |
Slag bij Marathon | Battle of Marathon |
Slag bij Midway | Battle of Midway |
Slag bij Thermopylae | Battle of Thermopylae |
Slag bij Waterloo | Battle of Waterloo |
Slag om Engeland | Battle of Britain |
Slag om Verdun | Battle of Verdun |
Slag om de Ardennen | Battle of the Bulge |
Slagader | Artery |
Slaginstrument | Percussion instrument |
Slagschip | Battleship |
Slakken | Gastropoda |
Slang (sterrenbeeld) | Serpens |
Slangen | Snake |
Slangendrager | Ophiuchus |
Slash (artiest) | Slash (musician) |
Slavernij | Slavery |
Slayer | Slayer |
Slechtvalk | Peregrine Falcon |
Sleutel (muziek) | Clef |
Sleutelbeen | Clavicle |
Slinger (natuurkunde) | Pendulum |
Slinger van Foucault | Foucault pendulum |
Slokdarm | Esophagus |
Slovenië | Slovenia |
Slowakije | Slovakia |
Smaak (zintuig) | Taste |
Smaragd | Emerald |
Smelten (faseovergang) | Melting |
Smeltpunt | Melting point |
Smog | Smog |
Smolensk | Smolensk |
Snaartheorie | String theory |
Snavel | Beak |
Sneeuw | Snow |
Snelheid | Speed |
Snelheid | Velocity |
Snijselderij | Celery |
Snoek | Northern pike |
Snooker | Snooker |
Sociale psychologie | Social psychology |
Socialisme | Socialism |
Sociolinguïstiek | Sociolinguistics |
Sociologie | Sociology |
Socrates | Socrates |
Soedan | Sudan |
Soefisme | Sufism |
Soeharto | Suharto |
Soekarno | Sukarno |
Soennisme | Sunni Islam |
Soep (voedsel) | Soup |
Soera | Sura |
Soevereiniteit | Sovereignty |
Sofia (stad) | Sofia |
Sofistiek | Sophism |
Softbal | Softball |
Software | Computer software |
Sojaboon | Soybean |
Solid state | Solid state |
Solidarność | Solidarity |
Solon | Solon |
Somalië | Somalia |
Somerset | Somerset |
Somme (departement) | Somme |
Sonate | Sonata |
Sonnet | Sonnet |
Soort | Species |
Sophia Loren | Sophia Loren |
Sophokles | Sophocles |
Sopraan (zangstem) | Soprano |
Sorbonne | Sorbonne |
Sorghum | Sorghum |
Sorteeralgoritme | Sorting algorithm |
South Carolina | South Carolina |
South Dakota | South Dakota |
Sovjet-Unie | Soviet Union |
Spaans-Amerikaanse Oorlog | Spanish-American War |
Spaanse Burgeroorlog | Spanish Civil War |
Spaanse Successieoorlog | War of the Spanish Succession |
Spaghetti | Spaghetti |
Spam | Spam (electronic) |
Spanje | Spain |
Sparta (Griekenland) | Sparta |
Specerij | Spice |
Spechtvogels | Piciformes |
Speciale relativiteitstheorie | Special relativity |
Spectroscopie | Spectroscopy |
Speeksel | Saliva |
Speelgoed | Toy |
Speelkaart | Playing card |
Speer | Spear |
Spel | Game |
Speleologie | Speleology |
Spelling | Orthography |
Speltheorie | Game theory |
Spencer Tracy | Spencer Tracy |
Sperma | Semen |
Spiegel (optica) | Mirror |
Spier (anatomie) | Muscle |
Spijsvertering | Digestion |
Spin (kwantummechanica) | Spin (physics) |
Spinachtigen | Arachnid |
Spinazie | Spinach |
Spinnen (dieren) | Spider |
Spion | Espionage |
Spiraalvormig sterrenstelsel | Spiral galaxy |
Spitsbergen | Svalbard |
Split | Split |
Spoel | Inductor |
Sponsdieren | Sponge |
Spook | Ghost |
Spoorwegstation | Train station |
Sport | Sport |
Sportvissen | Fishing |
Spreadsheet | Spreadsheet |
Spree | Spree |
Springfield (Illinois) | Springfield |
Sprookje | Fairy tale |
Spyware | Spyware |
Squash | Squash (sport) |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
Staal (metaal) | Steel |
Staart | Tail |
Staat | State |
Staatshoofd | Head of state |
Stad | Town |
Stadion | Stadium |
Stadstaat | City-state |
Stalinisme | Stalinism |
Stam (biologie) | Phylum |
Stamcel | Stem cell |
Standaardafwijking | Standard deviation |
Standard Generalized Markup Language | Standard Generalized Markup Language |
Stanford-universiteit | Stanford University |
Stanley Kubrick | Stanley Kubrick |
Staten Island | Staten Island |
Statistiek | Statistics |
Statistische thermodynamica | Statistical mechanics |
Stavanger | Stavanger |
Steekmuggen | Mosquito |
Steen der wijzen | Philosopher's stone |
Steen van Rosetta | Rosetta Stone |
Steen, papier, schaar | Rock |
Steenarend | Golden Eagle |
Steenbok (sterrenbeeld) | Capricornus |
Steenbokskeerkring | Tropic of Capricorn |
Steenkool | Coal |
Steentijd | Stone Age |
Steenuil | Little Owl |
Stefan Zweig | Stefan Zweig |
Steffi Graf | Steffi Graf |
Stegosaurus | Stegosaurus |
Stekelhuidigen | Echinoderm |
Stelling (wiskunde) | Theorem |
Steltloperachtigen | Charadriiformes |
Stendhal | Stendhal |
Stenografie | Shorthand |
Stephen Hawking | Stephen Hawking |
Steppe | Steppe |
Ster (hemellichaam) | Star |
Steradiaal | Steradian |
Sterke kernkracht | Strong interaction |
Steroïde | Steroid |
Sterrenbeeld | Constellation |
Sterrenstelsel | Galaxy |
Sterrenwacht | Observatory |
Steven Spielberg | Steven Spielberg |
Stier (sterrenbeeld) | Taurus (constellation) |
Stikstof | Nitrogen |
Sting | Sting |
Stoa | Stoicism |
Stockholm | Stockholm |
Stoel | Chair |
Stoepa | Stupa |
Stofwisseling | Metabolism |
Stokstaartje | Meerkat |
Stollingsgesteente | Igneous rock |
Stonehenge | Stonehenge |
Stoom | Steam |
Stoommachine | Steam engine |
Storm (wind) | Storm |
Straal (wiskunde) | Radius |
Straat Magellaan | Strait of Magellan |
Straat van Gibraltar | Strait of Gibraltar |
Straat van Hormuz | Strait of Hormuz |
Straat van Messina | Strait of Messina |
Straatsburg | Strasbourg |
Strafrecht | Criminal law |
Strand (kust) | Beach |
Strategie | Strategy |
Stratigrafie | Stratigraphy |
Stratosfeer | Stratosphere |
Stress | Stress (medicine) |
Stromingsleer | Fluid mechanics |
Strontium | Strontium |
Stroomgebied | Drainage basin |
Stropdas | Necktie |
Strottenhoofd | Larynx |
Structuralistische taalkunde | Structuralism |
Struik | Shrub |
Struisvogel | Ostrich |
Student | Student |
Stuifmeel | Pollen |
Sturmabteilung | Sturmabteilung |
Stuttgart | Stuttgart |
Stuurprogramma | Device driver |
Styx (mythologie) | Styx |
Sub-Sahara Afrika | Sub-Saharan Africa |
Subcultuur | Subculture |
Sublimatie | Sublimation (chemistry) |
Subversion | Subversion (software) |
Sucre (Bolivia) | Sucre |
Sudoku | Sudoku |
Suezkanaal | Suez Canal |
Suffix | Suffix |
Sultan | Sultan |
Sumatra | Sumatra |
Sumer | Sumer |
Sumo | Sumo |
Sun Yat-sen | Sun Yat-sen |
Supercomputer | Supercomputer |
Supergeleiding | Superconductivity |
Superman | Superman |
Supernova | Supernova |
Suriname | Suriname |
Surrealisme | Surrealism |
Surrey | Surrey |
Susan Sontag | Susan Sontag |
Sushi | Sushi |
Suva | Suva |
Swastika (symbool) | Swastika |
Swaziland | Swaziland |
Sydney | Sydney |
Syfilis | Syphilis |
Sylvia Plath | Sylvia Plath |
Symbiose | Symbiosis |
Symbool | Symbol |
Symfonie | Symphony |
Symptoom | Symptom |
Synagoge | Synagogue |
Syndroom van Down | Down syndrome |
Synesthesie: Samenwerking tussen zintuigen | Synesthesia |
Synoniem (taalkunde) | Synonym |
Synthesizer | Synthesizer |
Syracuse (Italië) | Syracuse |
Syrië | Syria |
Systeem (wetenschap) | System |
Systematiek | Systematics |
Système International | International System of Units |
T (letter) | T |
T.S. Eliot | T. S. Eliot |
Taag | Tagus |
Taaislijmziekte | Cystic fibrosis |
Taal | Language |
Taalkunde | Linguistics |
Taart | Cake |
Tabak | Tobacco |
Taboe | Taboo |
Tadzjikistan | Tajikistan |
Taekwondo | Taekwondo |
Tafel (meubilair) | Table (furniture) |
Tafelberg (sterrenbeeld) | Mensa (constellation) |
Tafelsuiker | Sugar |
Tafeltennis | Table tennis |
Tahiti | Tahiti |
Tai chi | Tai chi chuan |
Taipei | Taipei |
Taiwan | Taiwan |
Taj Mahal | Taj Mahal |
Taliban | Taliban |
Talk (mineraal) | Talc |
Tallahassee | Tallahassee |
Tallinn | Tallinn |
Talmoed | Talmud |
Tamil Nadu | Tamil Nadu |
Tamiltijgers | Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam |
Tampa (Florida) | Tampa |
Tampere | Tampere |
Tand | Tooth |
Tandenborstel | Toothbrush |
Tandheelkunde | Dentistry |
Tandwiel | Gear |
Tang-dynastie | Tang Dynasty |
Tanganyikameer | Lake Tanganyika |
Tanger | Tangier |
Tank (voertuig) | Tank |
Tantalium | Tantalum |
Tantalus | Tantalus |
Tanzania | Tanzania |
Taoïsme | Taoism |
Tapirs | Tapir |
Tarn (departement) | Tarn |
Tartarus | Tartarus |
Tartu | Tartu |
Tarwe | Wheat |
Tasjkent | Tashkent |
Tasmaanse duivel | Tasmanian Devil |
Tasmanië | Tasmania |
Tasmanzee | Tasman Sea |
Tatoeage | Tattoo |
Tau (letter) | Tau |
Taxi (vervoer) | Taxicab |
Taxon | Taxon |
Taxonomie | Taxonomy |
Tbilisi | Tbilisi |
Technetium | Technetium |
Techniek | Engineering |
Techno | Techno |
Technologie | Technology |
Teelbal | Testicle |
Tegenpaus | Antipope |
Tegucigalpa | Tegucigalpa |
Teheran | Tehran |
Tekstverwerker | Word processor |
Tel Aviv | Tel Aviv |
Telecommunicatie | Telecommunication |
Telefoon | Telephone |
Telegrafie | Telegraphy |
Telepathie | Telepathy |
Telescoop (optica) | Telescope |
Telescoop (sterrenbeeld) | Telescopium |
Televisie | Television |
Telluur | Tellurium |
Tempel | Temple |
Tempel van Artemis in Efeze | Temple of Artemis |
Temperatuur | Temperature |
Tenach | Tanakh |
Tenerife | Tenerife |
Tennessee | Tennessee |
Tennessee Williams | Tennessee Williams |
Tennis | Tennis |
Tenor (zangstem) | Tenor |
Tenzing Norgay | Tenzing Norgay |
Tequila (drank) | Tequila |
Terbium | Terbium |
Termieten | Termite |
Terpsichore | Terpsichore |
Terrorisme | Terrorism |
Tertullianus | Tertullian |
Terugkoppeling | Feedback |
Tesla (eenheid) | Tesla (unit) |
Testament (akte) | Will (law) |
Testosteron | Testosterone |
Tetanus | Tetanus |
Tethys (maan) | Tethys (moon) |
Tethys (mythologie) | Tethys (mythology) |
Tetrahydrocannabinol | Tetrahydrocannabinol |
Texas (staat) | Texas |
Textiel | Textile |
Thailand | Thailand |
Thaleia | Thalia |
Thales van Milete | Thales |
Thallium | Thallium |
Thanatos | Thanatos |
Thanksgiving Day | Thanksgiving |
Thanksgiving Day | Thanksgiving (United States) |
Thanksgiving Day | Thanksgiving (Canada) |
Thanksgiving Day | Thanksgiving (disambiguation) |
The Marx Brothers | Marx Brothers |
The Star-Spangled Banner | The Star-Spangled Banner |
Theater (kunstvorm) | Theatre |
Thebe (Egypte) | Thebes |
Thebe (Griekenland) | Thebes |
Thebe (maan) | Thebe (moon) |
Thee (drank) | Tea |
Theems | River Thames |
Theia | Theia |
Themis (godheid) | Themis |
Themistocles | Themistocles |
Theocratie | Theocracy |
Theodoliet | Theodolite |
Theodor Mommsen | Theodor Mommsen |
Theodore Roosevelt | Theodore Roosevelt |
Theodosius I | Theodosius I |
Theologie | Theology |
Theorie | Theory |
Theravada | Theravada |
Thermodynamica | Thermodynamics |
Thermometer | Thermometer |
Theseus | Theseus |
Thessalië | Thessaly |
Thessaloniki (stad) | Thessaloniki |
Thetis | Thetis |
Thiamine | Thiamine |
Thomas Edison | Thomas Edison |
Thomas Edward Lawrence | T. E. Lawrence |
Thomas Hardy | Thomas Hardy |
Thomas Hobbes | Thomas Hobbes |
Thomas Jefferson | Thomas Jefferson |
Thomas Malthus | Thomas Malthus |
Thomas Mann | Thomas Mann |
Thomas More | Thomas More |
Thomas Paine | Thomas Paine |
Thomas Young | Thomas Young (scientist) |
Thomas van Aquino | Thomas Aquinas |
Thor | Thor |
Thora | Torah |
Thorium | Thorium |
Thoth | Thoth |
Thracië | Thrace |
Thucydides (historicus) | Thucydides |
Thulium | Thulium |
Thymine | Thymine |
Thèta | Theta |
Thüringen (deelstaat) | Thuringia |
Tianjin | Tianjin |
Tiber | Tiber |
Tiberius Claudius Nero (zoon) | Tiberius |
Tibet (gebied) | Tibet |
Ticino (kanton) | Ticino |
Tien geboden | Ten Commandments |
Tigris | Tigris |
Tijd | Time |
Tijdschrift | Magazine |
Tijdzone | Time zone |
Tijger | Tiger |
Tijm | Thyme |
Timboektoe (stad) | Timbuktu |
Time (tijdschrift) | Time (magazine) |
Timoer Lenk | Timur |
Timor | Timor |
Tin (element) | Tin |
Tirana (stad) | Tirana |
Tirol (deelstaat) | Tyrol (state) |
Titaan | Titan (disambiguation) |
Titaan (mythologie) | Titan (mythology) |
Titan (maan) | Titan (moon) |
Titania (maan) | Titania (moon) |
Titanic | Titanic (disambiguation) |
Titanium | Titanium |
Titiaan | Titian |
Titus (keizer) | Titus |
Titus Flavius Domitianus | Domitian |
Titus Livius | Livy |
Titus Lucretius Carus | Lucretius |
Tivoli (Italië) | Tivoli |
Tocantins (staat) | Tocantins (state) |
Toeareg | Tuareg |
Toegepaste wiskunde | Applied mathematics |
Toekan (sterrenbeeld) | Tucana |
Toekomst | Future |
Toendra | Tundra |
Toerisme | Tourism |
Toetsenbord (computer) | Keyboard (computing) |
Toetsinstrument | Keyboard instrument |
Tofoe | Tofu |
Togo | Togo |
Tokio | Tokyo |
Toledo (Spanje) | Toledo |
Tolueen | Toluene |
Tom Hanks | Tom Hanks |
Tom en Jerry | Tom and Jerry |
Tomaat | Tomato |
Tomatenketchup | Ketchup |
Ton (massa) | Tonne |
Ton (massa) | Ton |
Tong (anatomie) | Tongue |
Tonga (land) | Tonga |
Toni Morrison | Toni Morrison |
Tony Blair | Tony Blair |
Toonladder | Musical scale |
Topaas | Topaz |
Topeka (Kansas) | Topeka |
Topologie | Topology |
Toren (bouwwerk) | Tower |
Toren (schaken) | Rook (chess) |
Toren van Babel | Tower of Babel |
Toren van Pisa | Leaning Tower of Pisa |
Tornado (wervelwind) | Tornado |
Toronto | Toronto |
Torpedo (wapen) | Torpedo |
Torpedobootjager | Destroyer |
Torus | Torus |
Toscane | Tuscany |
Totalitarisme | Totalitarianism |
Toulon | Toulon |
Toulouse | Toulouse |
Tours (Indre-et-Loire) | Tours |
Tower of London | Tower of London |
Toxicologie | Toxicology |
Toyota | Toyota |
Traagheid | Inertia |
Tractor | Tractor |
Traditie | Tradition |
Trajanus | Trajan |
Tram | Tram |
Transcendent getal | Transcendental number |
Transformator | Transformer |
Transistor | Transistor |
Transliteratie | Transliteration |
Transmission Control Protocol | Transmission Control Protocol |
Transseksualiteit | Transsexualism |
Transsylvanië | Transylvania |
Trapezium | Trapezoid |
Trein | Train |
Trente (stad) | Trento |
Trenton | Trenton |
Trias | Triassic |
Triceratops | Triceratops |
Trier | Trier |
Trilling | Oscillation |
Trilobieten | Trilobite |
Trilogie | Trilogy |
Trinidad (eiland) | Trinidad |
Trinidad en Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago |
Triomfboog | Triumphal arch |
Tripoli (Libië) | Tripoli |
Triskelion | Triskelion |
Tritium | Tritium |
Triton (maan) | Triton (moon) |
Triton (mythologie) | Triton (mythology) |
Trojaans paard (computers) | Trojan horse (computing) |
Trojaanse Oorlog | Trojan War |
Troje | Troy |
Trol | Troll |
Troll (internet) | Troll (Internet) |
Trolleybus | Trolleybus |
Trombone | Trombone |
Trommel | Drum |
Trompet | Trumpet |
Trondheim | Trondheim |
Tropen | Tropics |
Troposfeer | Troposphere |
Trotskisme | Trotskyism |
Truffel | Tuber (genus) |
Trumandoctrine | Truman Doctrine |
Trygve Lie | Trygve Lie |
Tryptofaan | Tryptophan |
Tsaar | Tsar |
Tsjaad | Chad |
Tsjaadmeer | Lake Chad |
Tsjechië | Czech Republic |
Tsjecho-Slowakije | Czechoslovakia |
Tsjeljabinsk | Chelyabinsk |
Tsjernobyl | Chernobyl |
Tsjetsjenië | Chechnya |
Tsjoektsjenzee | Chukchi Sea |
Tsjoengking | Chongqing |
Tsunami | Tsunami |
Tuba (instrument) | Tuba |
Tuberculose | Tuberculosis |
Tucson | Tucson |
Tuimelaar | Bottlenose Dolphin |
Tuin | Garden |
Tuinieren | Gardening |
Tulp | Tulip |
Tumor | Tumor |
Tunesië | Tunisia |
Tunis | Tunis |
Tunnel | Tunnel |
Turbine | Turbine |
Turbofan | Jet engine |
Turf (brandstof) | Peat |
Turijn (stad) | Turin |
Turingmachine | Turing machine |
Turkije | Turkey |
Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan |
Tussenwerpsel | Interjection |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu |
Tux | Tux |
Twaalfvingerige darm | Duodenum |
Tweede Kruistocht | Second Crusade |
Tweede Vaticaans Concilie | Second Vatican Council |
Tweede Wereldoorlog | World War II |
Tweede wet van de thermodynamica | Second law of thermodynamics |
Tweeklank | Diphthong |
Tweekleppigen | Bivalvia |
Tweelingen | Gemini (constellation) |
Tweevleugeligen | Fly |
Tweezaadlobbigen | Dicotyledon |
Tycho Brahe | Tycho Brahe |
Typhon | Typhon |
Typografie | Typography |
Tyrannosaurus | Tyrannosaurus |
Tyrreense Zee | Tyrrhenian Sea |
Tyrus | Tyre |
U (letter) | U |
UNICEF | United Nations Children's Fund |
Ui (bolgewas) | Onion |
Uilen | Owl |
Uitroepteken | Exclamation mark |
Uitsluitingsprincipe van Pauli | Pauli exclusion principle |
Uitsterven | Extinction |
Uitvinding | Invention |
Uitvoerende macht | Executive (government) |
Uitzaaiing | Metastasis |
Ulaanbaatar | Ulan Bator |
Ulster | Ulster |
Ultrageluid | Ultrasound |
Ultraviolet | Ultraviolet |
Ulysses S. Grant | Ulysses S. Grant |
Umbrië | Umbria |
Unidentified Flying Object | Unidentified flying object |
Uniform Resource Locator | Uniform Resource Locator |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | UNESCO |
United States Air Force | United States Air Force |
United States Navy | United States Navy |
Universiteit | University |
Universiteit van Chicago | University of Chicago |
Universiteit van Pennsylvania | University of Pennsylvania |
Unix | Unix |
Ununbium | Ununbium |
Ununhexium | Ununhexium |
Ununpentium | Ununpentium |
Ununquadium | Ununquadium |
Ununtritium | Ununtrium |
Upanishad | Upanishad |
Uppsala (stad) | Uppsala |
Ur (Sumer) | Ur |
Uracil | Uracil |
Urania (Muze) | Urania |
Uranium | Uranium |
Uranus (god) | Uranus (mythology) |
Uranus (planeet) | Uranus |
Urdu | Urdu |
Ureum | Urea |
Urine | Urine |
Uruguay | Uruguay |
Utah | Utah |
Utilitarisme | Utilitarianism |
Utopie | Utopia |
Utrecht (provincie) | Utrecht (province) |
Utrecht (stad) | Utrecht (city) |
Uttar Pradesh | Uttar Pradesh |
Uur | Hour |
V (letter) | V |
Vaatplanten | Vascular plant |
Vaccin | Vaccine |
Vacuole | Vacuole |
Vacuüm | Vacuum |
Vaderlandsliefde | Patriotism |
Vaduz | Vaduz |
Vagina | Vagina |
Vakbond | Syndicate |
Vakbond | Trade union |
Vale gier | Griffon Vulture |
Valence (Drôme) | Valence |
Valencia | Valencia |
Valencia (stad) | Valencia |
Valentie (chemie) | Valence (chemistry) |
Valentijnsdag | Valentine's Day |
Valentina Teresjkova | Valentina Tereshkova |
Valletta | Valletta |
Valuta | Currency |
Vampier | Vampire |
Vanadium | Vanadium |
Vancouver | Vancouver |
Vancouvereiland | Vancouver Island |
Vandalisme | Vandalism |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu |
Var (departement) | Var (department) |
Varens | Fern |
Variantie | Variance |
Varna (stad) | Varna |
Vaste stof | Solid |
Vasten | Fasting |
Vastentijd | Lent |
Vat (eenheid) | Barrel (unit) |
Vaticaanstad | Vatican City |
Vector (wiskunde) | Vector (spatial) |
Veelhoek | Polygon |
Veer (vogel) | Feather |
Veerpont | Ferry |
Veeteelt | Animal husbandry |
Vegetarisme | Vegetarianism |
Veiling | Auction |
Veldspaat | Feldspar |
Velociraptor | Velociraptor |
Venetië (stad) | Venice |
Veneto | Veneto |
Venezuela | Venezuela |
Venijnboom | Taxus baccata |
Venkel | Fennel |
Venster (muur) | Window |
Venus | Venus (disambiguation) |
Venus (godheid) | Venus (mythology) |
Venus (planeet) | Venus |
Verboden Stad | Forbidden City |
Verbranding | Combustion |
Verdamping | Evaporation |
Verdrag | Treaty |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | United Kingdom |
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten | United Arab Emirates |
Verenigde Arabische Republiek | United Arab Republic |
Verenigde Naties | United Nations |
Verenigde Staten | United States |
Vereniging (verzamelingenleer) | Union (set theory) |
Vergelijking (wiskunde) | Equation |
Vergif | Poison |
Vergilius | Virgil |
Vergrootglas | Magnifying glass |
Verkiezing | Election |
Verkoudheid | Common cold |
Verkrachting | Rape |
Vermenigvuldigen | Multiplication |
Vermogen (natuurkunde) | Power (physics) |
Vermont | Vermont |
Verona (stad) | Verona |
Verre Oosten | Far East |
Verrekijker | Binoculars |
Versailles | Versailles |
Verschrikkelijke sneeuwman | Yeti |
Verslaving | Drug addiction |
Verslaving | Addiction |
Versnelling (natuurkunde) | Acceleration |
Verspringen | Long jump |
Vertoog | Discourse |
Verwachting (wiskunde) | Expected value |
Verzameling (wiskunde) | Set |
Verzamelingenleer | Set theory |
Verzekering | Insurance |
Vespasianus | Vespasian |
Vesta (mythologie) | Vesta (mythology) |
Vesting (verdedigingswerk) | Fortification |
Vesuvius | Mount Vesuvius |
Veto | Veto |
Vetzuur | Fatty acid |
Vicepresident van de Verenigde Staten | Vice President of the United States |
Vichy (Allier) | Vichy |
Victor Hugo | Victor Hugo |
Victoria | Victoria |
Victoria (Australië) | Victoria (Australia) |
Victoria (Canada) | Victoria |
Victoria (Seychellen) | Victoria |
Victoriameer | Lake Victoria |
Victoriavallen | Victoria Falls |
Video | Video |
Vienne (departement) | Vienne |
Vientiane (stad) | Vientiane |
Vierde Kruistocht | Fourth Crusade |
Vierhoek | Quadrilateral |
Vierkant (meetkunde) | Square (geometry) |
Vierkante meter | Square metre |
Vierkantsvergelijking | Quadratic equation |
Vierkantswortel | Square root |
Viervlak | Tetrahedron |
Viervoeters (biologie) | Tetrapod |
Vietnam | Vietnam |
Vietnamoorlog | Vietnam War |
Vijfhoek | Pentagon |
Vijgenboom | Common Fig |
Vikingen | Viking |
Vilfredo Pareto | Vilfredo Pareto |
Vilnius | Vilnius |
Vincent van Gogh | Vincent van Gogh |
Vincenzo Bellini | Vincenzo Bellini |
Vinger | Finger |
Vink (vogel) | Chaffinch |
Viool | Violin |
Virginia (staat) | Virginia |
Virginia Woolf | Virginia Woolf |
Virtual reality | Virtual reality |
Virtueel geheugen | Virtual memory |
Virus (biologie) | Virus |
Visarend | Osprey |
Viscositeit | Viscosity |
Vishnoe | Vishnu |
Vissen (dieren) | Fish |
Vissen (sterrenbeeld) | Pisces (constellation) |
Vitamine | Vitamin |
Vitamine D | Vitamin D |
Vitamine E | Tocopherol |
Vittorio De Sica | Vittorio De Sica |
Vitus Bering | Vitus Bering |
Vivien Leigh | Vivien Leigh |
Vlaams | Flemish (linguistics) |
Vlaanderen | Flanders |
Vladimir Lenin | Vladimir Lenin |
Vladimir Nabokov | Vladimir Nabokov |
Vladimir Poetin | Vladimir Putin |
Vladivostok | Vladivostok |
Vlag | Flag |
Vlak | Plane (mathematics) |
Vleermuizen | Bat |
Vlees | Meat |
Vleesetende plant | Carnivorous plant |
Vlieg (sterrenbeeld) | Musca |
Vliegdekschip | Aircraft carrier |
Vliegende Vis (sterrenbeeld) | Volans |
Vliegenzwam | Amanita muscaria |
Vliegeren | Kite |
Vliegtuig | Aircraft |
Vliegveld | Airport |
Vlinderbloemenfamilie | Fabaceae |
Vlindereffect | Butterfly effect |
Vlinders | Lepidoptera |
Vloeispaat | Fluorite |
Vloeistof | Liquid |
Vlooien | Flea |
Vluchteling | Refugee |
Vocatief | Vocative case |
Voedsel | Food |
Voedsel- en Landbouworganisatie | Food and Agriculture Organization |
Voedselketen | Food chain |
Voerman | Auriga (constellation) |
Voet (anatomie) | Foot |
Voet (lengtemaat) | Foot (unit of length) |
Voetbal | Football (soccer) |
Vogelbekdier | Platypus |
Vogelnest | Nest |
Vogels | Bird |
Volkenbond | League of Nations |
Volkslied | National anthem |
Volksraadpleging | Referendum |
Volksrepubliek China | People's Republic of China |
Volkstelling | Census |
Vollemaan (astronomie) | Full moon |
Volleybal | Volleyball |
Volt (eenheid) | Volt |
Voltaire | Voltaire |
Volwassene | Adult |
Voodoo | Voodoo |
Voornaamwoord | Pronoun |
Voortplanting (biologie) | Reproduction |
Vork (bestek) | Fork |
Vormsel | Confirmation |
Vos (dier) | Red Fox |
Vosje | Vulpecula |
Vraagteken | Question mark |
Vrachtauto | Truck |
Vrede | Peace |
Vrede van Versailles (1919) | Treaty of Versailles |
Vrede van Westfalen | Peace of Westphalia |
Vrijdag | Friday |
Vrije Hanzestad Bremen | Bremen (state) |
Vrije wil | Free will |
Vrijheid | Freedom (philosophy) |
Vrijheid van meningsuiting | Freedom of speech |
Vrijheidsbeeld (New York) | Statue of Liberty |
Vrijmetselarij | Freemasonry |
Vrijstaat (provincie) | Free State |
Vrouw | Woman |
Vrucht (plant) | Fruit |
Vruchtbare Sikkel | Fertile Crescent |
Vuilnishoop | Landfill |
Vulcanus (mythologie) | Vulcan (mythology) |
Vulgaat | Vulgate |
Vulgair Latijn | Vulgar Latin |
Vulkaan | Volcano |
Vulkanologie | Volcanology |
Vulva | Vulva |
Vuur | Fire |
Vuurland | Tierra del Fuego |
Vuursteen | Chert |
Vuursteen | Flint |
Vuurtoren | Lighthouse |
Vuurwapen | Firearm |
W (letter) | W |
Waarheid | Truth |
Wachtwoord | Password |
Wahabisme | Wahhabism |
Wake (eiland) | Wake Island |
Wales | Wales |
Walhalla (mythologie) | Valhalla |
Walkure | Valkyrie |
Walrus | Walrus |
Walt Disney | Walt Disney |
Walt Whitman | Walt Whitman |
Walter Gropius | Walter Gropius |
Walter Scott | Walter Scott |
Walvis (sterrenbeeld) | Cetus |
Walvissen | Cetacea |
Walvissen | Whale |
Wanen | Vanir |
Wapen (heraldiek) | Coat of arms |
Warmte | Heat |
Warmtemachine | Heat engine |
Warschau | Warsaw |
Was (substantie) | Wax |
Wasbeerhond | Raccoon Dog |
Washington | Washington (disambiguation) |
Washington (staat) | Washington |
Washington D.C. | Washington |
Wasmachine | Washing machine |
Wassily Kandinsky | Wassily Kandinsky |
Water | Water |
Watergateschandaal | Watergate scandal |
Waterkrachtcentrale | Hydroelectricity |
Waterleliefamilie | Nymphaeaceae |
Waterman (astronomie) | Aquarius (constellation) |
Watermeloen | Watermelon |
Waterpijp | Hookah |
Waterpokken | Chickenpox |
Waterpolo | Water polo |
Waterslang | Hydra (constellation) |
Waterspuwer | Gargoyle |
Waterstof | Hydrogen |
Waterstofbrug | Hydrogen bond |
Waterstofcarbonaat | Carbonic acid |
Waterstofperoxide | Hydrogen peroxide |
Waterval | Waterfall |
Watt | Watt |
Webbrowser | Web browser |
Webcam | Webcam |
Weber (eenheid) | Weber (unit) |
Weblog | Blog |
Webpagina | Web page |
Website | Website |
Weefsel (biologie) | Tissue (biology) |
Weegschaal (sterrenbeeld) | Libra (constellation) |
Week | Week |
Weekdieren | Mollusca |
Weer (meteorologie) | Weather |
Weerkaatsingsvermogen | Albedo |
Weerwolf | Werewolf |
Weesgegroet | Hail Mary |
Weg | Road |
Wega | Vega |
Weimar | Weimar |
Weimarrepubliek | Weimar Republic |
Wellington (stad) | Wellington |
Wenen | Vienna |
Wereldbank | World Bank |
Werelddeel | Continent |
Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie | World Health Organization |
Wereldhandelsorganisatie | World Trade Organization |
Wereldoorlog | World war |
Wereldtentoonstelling | Expo (exhibition) |
Wereldwijde web | World Wide Web |
Werkloosheid | Unemployment |
Werktuigbouwkunde | Mechanical engineering |
Werkwoord | Verb |
Werner von Siemens | Ernst Werner von Siemens |
Wernher von Braun | Wernher von Braun |
Wervel (anatomie) | Vertebra |
Wervelkolom | Vertebral column |
Wespendief | Honey Buzzard |
West | West |
West Point (academie) | United States Military Academy |
West Sussex | West Sussex |
West Virginia | West Virginia |
West-Afrika | West Africa |
West-Australië | Western Australia |
West-Bengalen | West Bengal |
West-Berlijn | West Berlin |
West-Duitsland | West Germany |
West-Romeinse Rijk | Western Roman Empire |
Westelijke Jordaanoever | West Bank |
Westelijke Sahara | Western Sahara |
Westminster Abbey | Westminster Abbey |
Wet van Archimedes | Buoyancy |
Wet van Avogadro | Avogadro's law |
Wet van Coulomb | Coulomb's law |
Wet van Hooke | Hooke's law |
Wet van Hubble | Hubble's law |
Wet van Murphy | Murphy's law |
Wet van Ohm | Ohm's law |
Wetenschap | Science |
Wetenschappelijke methode | Scientific method |
Wetenschapper | Scientist |
Wetgevende macht | Legislature |
Wetten van Maxwell | Maxwell's equations |
Wezer | Weser River |
Whisky | Whisky |
Whitehorse | Whitehorse |
Wicca | Wicca |
Wide Area Network | Wide area network |
Wiel (voortbeweging) | Wheel |
Wielersport | Cycling |
Wiesbaden | Wiesbaden |
Wight | Isle of Wight |
Wijn | Wine |
Wild zwijn | Boar |
Wilde eend | Mallard |
Wilde kat | Wildcat |
Wilde marjolein | Oregano |
Wilg | Willow |
Wilhelm I van Duitsland | William I |
Wilhelm II van Duitsland | William II |
Wilhelm Ostwald | Wilhelm Ostwald |
Willem van Ockham | William of Ockham |
William Blake | William Blake |
William Butler Yeats | William Butler Yeats |
William Ewart Gladstone | William Gladstone |
William Faulkner | William Faulkner |
William Golding | William Golding |
William Hamilton | William Rowan Hamilton |
William Harvey | William Harvey |
William Henry Harrison | William Henry Harrison |
William Herschel | William Herschel |
William Howard Taft | William Howard Taft |
William James | William James |
William McKinley | William McKinley |
William Shakespeare | William Shakespeare |
William Shockley | William Shockley |
William Somerset Maugham | W. Somerset Maugham |
William Wordsworth | William Wordsworth |
Willy Brandt | Willy Brandt |
Windenergie | Wind power |
Winderigheid | Flatulence |
Windhoek | Windhoek |
Windmolen | Windmill |
Windows Internet Explorer | Internet Explorer |
Winkelhaak (sterrenbeeld) | Norma (constellation) |
Winnipeg | Winnipeg |
Winst (onderneming) | Profit |
Winston Churchill | Winston Churchill |
Winter | Winter |
Winterslaap | Hibernation |
Wisconsin | Wisconsin |
Wiskunde | Mathematics |
Wiskundig bewijs | Mathematical proof |
Wiskundige logica | Mathematical logic |
Wisselkoers | Exchange rate |
Wisselstroom | Alternating current |
Wisła (rivier) | Vistula |
Wit-Rusland | Belarus |
Witte Donderdag | Maundy Thursday |
Witte Huis (Washington D.C.) | White House |
Witte Zee | White Sea |
Witte bloedcel | White blood cell |
Witte dolfijn | Beluga |
Witte dwerg | White dwarf |
Witte haai | Great white shark |
Wodka | Vodka |
Woensdag | Wednesday |
Woestijn | Desert |
Wolf (dier) | Gray Wolf |
Wolf (sterrenbeeld) | Lupus (constellation) |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart |
Wolfgang Pauli | Wolfgang Pauli |
Wolfraam | Tungsten |
Wolfskers | Deadly nightshade |
Wolga | Volga River |
Wolgograd | Volgograd |
Wolk | Cloud |
Wolkenkrabber | Skyscraper |
Wonder | Miracle |
Woning | House |
Woodrow Wilson | Woodrow Wilson |
Woody Allen | Woody Allen |
Woord | Word |
Woordenboek | Dictionary |
Worcestershire | Worcestershire |
World Meteorological Organization | World Meteorological Organization |
World Trade Center (New York) | World Trade Center |
Worm (dieren) | Worm |
Wormgat | Wormhole |
Worst | Sausage |
Wortel (groente) | Carrot |
Wortel (plant) | Root |
Wrat | Wart |
Wrijving | Friction |
Wuhan | Wuhan |
Wyoming | Wyoming |
X (letter) | X |
Xenarthra | Xenarthra |
Xenofobie | Xenophobia |
Xenon | Xenon |
Xenophanes | Xenophanes |
Xenophon | Xenophon |
Xi (letter) | Xi |
Xylofoon | Xylophone |
Y (letter) | Y |
Yakuza | Yakuza |
Yale-universiteit | Yale University |
Yard | Yard |
Yasser Arafat | Yasser Arafat |
Yggdrasil | Yggdrasil |
Yoga | Yoga |
Yoghurt | Yoghurt |
Yoko Ono | Yoko Ono |
Yokohama (stad) | Yokohama |
York (Engeland) | York |
Ypsilon | Upsilon |
Ytterbium | Ytterbium |
Yttrium | Yttrium |
Yuan-dynastie | Yuan Dynasty |
Yukon Territory | Yukon |
Yunnan | Yunnan |
Z (letter) | Z |
Zaad (plant) | Seed |
Zaadcel | Spermatozoon |
Zaadplanten | Spermatophyte |
Zachary Taylor | Zachary Taylor |
Zagreb | Zagreb |
Zalmen | Salmonidae |
Zambezi | Zambezi |
Zambia | Zambia |
Zand | Sand |
Zandloper | Hourglass |
Zandsteen | Sandstone |
Zangvogels | Passerine |
Zanzibar (eiland) | Zanzibar |
Zaragoza (stad) | Zaragoza |
Zarathustra | Zoroaster |
Zaterdag | Saturday |
Zebra | Zebra |
Zee | Sea |
Zee van Azov | Sea of Azov |
Zee van Marmara | Sea of Marmara |
Zee van Ochotsk | Sea of Okhotsk |
Zee-egels | Sea urchin |
Zeeanemonen | Sea anemone |
Zeehonden | Earless seal |
Zeekoeien | Sirenia |
Zeekomkommers | Sea cucumber |
Zeemeermin | Mermaid |
Zeemijl | Nautical mile |
Zeeniveau | Sea level |
Zeeotter | Sea Otter |
Zeep (reiniging) | Soap |
Zeepaard | Seahorse |
Zeeroofdieren | Pinniped |
Zeerover | Piracy |
Zeeslag bij Trafalgar | Battle of Trafalgar |
Zeesterren | Starfish |
Zeestraat | Strait |
Zeestroom | Ocean current |
Zeil (schip) | Sail |
Zeilen (sterrenbeeld) | Vela (constellation) |
Zelfinductie | Inductance |
Zelfstandig naamwoord | Noun |
Zen | Zen |
Zenit (astronomie) | Zenith |
Zeno van Byzantium | Zeno (emperor) |
Zeno van Citium | Zeno of Citium |
Zeno van Elea | Zeno of Elea |
Zenuwcel | Neuron |
Zenuwstelsel | Nervous system |
Zesdaagse Oorlog | Six-Day War |
Zeshoek | Hexagon |
Zetmeel | Starch |
Zeus | Zeus |
Zeus | Zeus (disambiguation) |
Zevengesternte | Pleiades (star cluster) |
Zevenjarige Oorlog (18e eeuw) | Seven Years' War |
Ziekenhuis | Hospital |
Ziekte | Disease |
Ziekte van Alzheimer | Alzheimer's disease |
Ziekte van Parkinson | Parkinson's disease |
Ziel | Soul |
Ziggoerat | Ziggurat |
Zijde (textiel) | Silk |
Zijderoute | Silk Road |
Zijdevlinder | Bombyx mori |
Zijrivier en aftakking | Tributary |
Zilver | Silver |
Zilvermeeuw | Herring Gull |
Zilverspar | Fir |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Zink (element) | Zinc |
Zinsbouw | Syntax |
Zionisme | Zionism |
Zirkonium | Zirconium |
Zoekmachine | Search engine |
Zoeloes | Zulu |
Zoen | Kiss |
Zoete aardappel | Sweet potato |
Zoethout | Liquorice |
Zoetwater | Freshwater |
Zombie | Zombie |
Zomer | Summer |
Zomereik | Pedunculate Oak |
Zon | Sun |
Zondag | Sunday |
Zonde | Sin |
Zondvloed | Deluge (mythology) |
Zonne-energie | Solar energy |
Zonnebloem | Sunflower |
Zonnestelsel | Solar System |
Zonnevlek | Sunspot |
Zonnevlek | Facula |
Zonnewende | Solstice |
Zonnewijzer | Sundial |
Zonnewind | Solar wind |
Zonsverduistering | Solar eclipse |
Zoogdieren | Mammal |
Zoroastrisme | Zoroastrianism |
Zouten | Salt (chemistry) |
Zoutzuur | Hydrochloric acid |
Zoölogie | Zoology |
Zuid | South |
Zuid-Amerika | South America |
Zuid-Australië | South Australia |
Zuid-Chinese Zee | South China Sea |
Zuid-Korea | South Korea |
Zuid-Vietnam | South Vietnam |
Zuidelijk halfrond | Southern Hemisphere |
Zuiderdriehoek | Triangulum Australe |
Zuidereiland | South Island |
Zuiderkruis | Crux |
Zuidoost-Azië | Southeast Asia |
Zuidpool | South Pole |
Zuiger | Piston |
Zure regen | Acid rain |
Zuur (scheikunde) | Acid |
Zuurstof | Oxygen |
Zwaan (sterrenbeeld) | Cygnus (constellation) |
Zwaar water | Heavy water |
Zwaard (wapen) | Sword |
Zwaartekracht | Gravitation |
Zwakke kernkracht | Weak interaction |
Zwaluwen | Swallow |
Zwanen | Swan |
Zwangerschap | Pregnancy |
Zwart | Black |
Zwart gat | Black hole |
Zwarte Dood | Black Death |
Zwarte Woud | Black Forest |
Zwarte Zee | Black Sea |
Zwarte ooievaar | Black Stork |
Zwarte straler | Black body |
Zwarte wouw | Black Kite |
Zwavel | Sulfur |
Zwaveldioxide | Sulfur dioxide |
Zwavelzuur | Sulfuric acid |
Zweden | Sweden |
Zweedse kroon | Swedish krona |
Zweefvliegtuig | Glider |
Zweepstaartje | Flagellum |
Zwemmen | Swimming |
Zwitserland | Switzerland |
Zwitserse frank | Swiss franc |
Zèta | Zeta |
burger | Citizenship |
buskruit | Gunpowder |
dutch | english |
merk | Trademark |
Ángelwaterval | Angel Falls |
Århus | Aarhus |
Èta | Eta (letter) |