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Tilburg University - Dutch-English Glossary of University related terms (1,657 entries)

From michaelbeijer.co.uk
Dutch English Abbreviation (Dutch) Domain
aanvraag application
aanvrager applicant
aard nature
administratienummer (Tilburg University) registration number ANR
adviesgroep advisory committee
advocaat (algemeen) lawyer
afmelden to check out, to sign out
afspraak, een afspraak maken appointment, to make an appointment
akkoord (zelfstandig naamwoord) approval
aldus naar waarheid ingevuld filled in truthfully
allochtoon (bijvoeglijk naamwoord) foreign
allochtoon (persoon) immigrant
analfabetisme illiteracy
antwoordkaart reply card
asielzoekers asylum seekers
automaat (drank, snoep, koek etc.) vending machine
bankpas cash card
bankrekening bank account
bedrag amount
begeleider supervisor
begeleiding supervision
begroting budget
belangenorganisatie special interest group
beleid management, policy
bemiddelen to mediate
bemiddeling mediation
beoordelen to assess
beoordeling assessment
bestuur management
bestuurs- en beheersreglement Management and Control Regulations
betaald door DEA/PIA Paid out by DEA/PIA
betalingsreferentie reference
bevestigen to confirm
bevestiging confirmation
bevestigingsbrief letter of confirmation
bevestigingsbrief van aanmelding written confirmation of registration
bewaking security
bijlage attachment
bijlage (in brieven) enclosures
blok block
brochure brochure
bruto gross (before taxes/deductions)
budgetjaar budgetary year
Buitenlandse Zaken Foreign Affairs
bureau (firma) agency
bureau (kamer) office
bureau (meubel) desk
chipkaart / chipknip chip card
commissie, in een commissie zitten committee, to be on a committee
communicatie communication
contante betaling cash payment
dagelijkse leiding day-to-day management
deelnemers participants
derde geldstroom onderzoek contract research
deskundige op dat gebied, een expert in that field, an
discussiëren over (politiek) to discuss (politics)
economie (discipline) economics
economie floreert, De The economy is booming
econoom economist
eisen (zelfstandig naamwoord) requirements
etnische minderheid ethnic minority
exemplaar copy
Faculteitsreglement Faculty Regulations
folder leaflet
formulier form
geldautomaat cashpoint (Br), cash machine, cash dispenser
geïnspireerd door de katholieke traditie inspired by the Christian tradition
giropas, bankpas cash card, cashpoint card
handtekening signature
handtekening directeur approved by director
hervatten (van werk) to resume (work)
hoofd DEA/FIA head of DEA/FIA Office
huisreglement house rules
in te vullen door to be filled in by
indien afwijkend if other
informatie verschaffen (over) to provide information (on)
informatie verzamelen (over) to collect information (on), to gather information (on)
ingangsvoorwaarden entrance requirements
initiatiefrecht right to submit proposals
inschrijfformulier registration form
inschrijven voor to register for
inschrijving registration
inschrijvingsduur registration period
instelling institution
instellingsplan institution's plan
instemmingsrecht right to consent
instituut institute
internationalisering internationalisation
Interne Zaken Internal Affairs
Internet / op Internet the Internet / on the Internet
invullen to fill in (Br), to fill out (Am)
invullen indien bekend fill in if known
jaarrekening annual (statement of) account(s)
jaarverslag annual report
kiesbrief polling card
kiesdeler electoral quota
kiesregister (=lijst van kiesgerechtigden) electoral role
Klachtenregeling ongewenst gedrag Undesirable Behaviour Complaints Procedure; Grievance Procedure
klokkenluider whistle blower
koffieautomaat coffee machine
kopieerapparaat photocopier, Xerox machine
kwaliteitszorg quality assurance
leidinggevende executive official
lezing houden over, een to deliver a lecture on, to lecture on
maandbedrag monthly sum
mededelingenbord, iets ophangen op het to put something up on the notice board
mededelingenbord, publicatiebord, prikbord notice board, bulletin board
medezeggenschap (van werknemers) (employee) participation
medezeggenschapsorgaan employee board, employee committee
milieu (ecologisch) environment
milieu (sociaal) social background
minderheid minority
minderheidsgroep minority group
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
multidisciplinair multidisciplinary
naam declarant submitter's name
namens (in opdracht van) by order of
namens (tekenen namens) on behalf of
nota, notitie (geschrift) memo, memorandum
omschrijving definition
onder andere (zaken) among other things
onder anderen (personen) among others (no abbreviation) o.a.
ondernemer entrepreneur
ondernemingsraad Works Council
ondertekening signature
ongewenst gedrag unacceptable behaviour
ongewenste intimiteiten sexual harassment
onkosten expenses
onkostenvergoeding reimbursement of expenses
ontwikkelingsplan development plan
op bijzondere grondslag inspired by the Christian tradition
op de universiteit, aan de universiteit at (the) university
open dagen open days
opkomst; open, bijv. bij wedstrijden, demonstraties turnout
opkomst; bij colleges en vergaderingen; De opkomst stijgt; De opkomst loopt terug attendance; Attendance at lectures is going up; Attendance at lectures is falling
oproepbericht (electronisch; Kiesregelement) invitation to vote
oproepen (van gegevens) to retrieve (data)
oproepkaart (Kiesreglement) poll card; voter registration card (Elections Act)
opschorten to defer, to suspend
orgaan (als in 'openbaar orgaan') body (as in 'public body')
organisatiecode organization code
orginele bonnen toevoegen include original receipts
overige kosten other expenses
politiek asiel political asylum
postvak pigeon hole (Br), mail box (Am)
psycholoog psychologist
rechtspositie legal status
reden reason
regeling arrangement
reglement (set of) rules
rekeningcode ledger account number
renteloos voorschot interest-free loan
resultaten opleveren to yield results
richtlijnen (aanwijzingen) guidelines
richtlijnen (instructie) instructions
secretaresse secretary
secretariaat secretary's (-ries') office
socioloog sociologist
specialisatie specialisation
specialiteit speciality (Br), specialty (Am)
specificatie specification
stemapplicatie voting application
stembiljet (papaier) ballot paper
Stembureau electoral committee
stemcijfer total vote
stemformulier (electronisch) ballot form
strategisch plan strategic plan
subtotaal sub-total
surveilleren to invigilate
taakverdeling division of tasks
taalbeheersing language proficiency
talenpracticum language lab(oratory)
tarief compensation rate
tekort (aan) shortage (of)
tekstverwerker word pocessor
tekstverwerking word processing
ten name van in the name of t.n.v.
tenaamstelling ascription
terugkrijgen van geld to get a refund
thema theme
theoloog theologian
toelichting, zie ommezijde (z.o.z.) for further information, please turn over (PTO)
totaal total
totaal bedrag total amount
totale kosten total expenses
UvT kaart UvT card
vergoeden (terugbetalen) to reimburse
vergoeding reimbursement
vergoeding aanvragen to apply for a refund
verontschuldigingen voor het ongemak, Onze We apologise for the inconvenience
vertrouwenspersoon Confidential Adviser; complaints officer
vervangen, iemand (bij vergaderingen) to sit in for somebody
vervangen, iemand (permanent) to replace somebody
vervangen, iemand (tijdelijk) to fill in for somebody
verzamellijst (kiesreglement) collective list
vluchteling refugee
volledig invullen fill in the entire section
voor zover van toepassing if applicable
voorlichting public relations, PR; information
voortvluchtige fugitive
voorwaardelijke financiering conditional funding
vrijwilligerswerk volunteer work
wetgeving law, legislation
wijziging amendment
wiskundige reserves actuarial reserves
adjunct- ... deputy ...
Afdeling Office, Section
Afdeling Financiële Informatie en Administratie Finance Information and Accounting office (Finance Office) DEA-FIA University organisations
Afdeling Informatie Management Information Management Office DEA-IM University organisations
Afdeling Personele Informatie en Administratie Personnel Information and Administration Office (Personnel Office) DEA-PIA University organisations
Afdeling Planning & Control Planning and Control Office DEA-PC University organisations
Alumniverenigingen Alumni Associations University organisations
Application and Services Management Application and Services Management ASM University organisations
Babylon Babylon University organisations
Bedrijfshulpverlener(s) University aid worker(s) BHV-er(s) University organisations
Bedrijfshulpverlening University (or campus) emergency services BHV University organisations
Bestuursondersteuning Management Support Office BO University organisations
Beveiliging Security University organisations
Brabant Collection Brabant Collection BC University organisations
Bureau van de Universiteit University Office BU University organisations
Cedla --- University organisations
CentER Applied Research CentER for Applied Research University organisations
Center for Company Law Center for Company Law CCL University organisations
CentER for Economic Research CentER for Economic Research CentER University organisations
Center for Transboundary Legal Development Center for Transboundary Legal Development CTLD University organisations
CentERdata CentERdata CentERdata University organisations
Centrale Studentenbalie Central Student Information Desk CSB University organisations
Centrum voor Aansprakelijkheidsrecht Center for Liability Law CVsA University organisations
Centrum voor Interculturele Ethiek Center for Intercultural Ethics University organisations
Centrum voor Kennistransfer Centre for Knowledge Transfer CVsK University organisations
Centrum voor Procesrecht Center for Legal Procedure Litigation CVsP University organisations
Centrum voor Wetenschap en Levensbeschouwing Centre for Science and Values CWL University organisations
Centrum voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken Center for Legislative Studies CVsW University organisations
CML Loopbaanontwikkeling Staff Development Service CML University organisations
CMO, Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Ondernemen CMO, Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility University organisations
Collection Management Collection Management CM University organisations
College van Beroep voor de Examens --- CBE University organisations
College van Bestuur Executive Board, The Executive Board of Tilburg University CVsB University organisations
College van Decanen Deans of the Faculties, Committee of Deans University organisations
College voor Promoties Doctorate Board CVsP University organisations
Commissie Committee University organisations
Commissie financien en infrastructuur Committee finance and infrastructure University organisations
Commissie onderwijs en onderzoek Committee education and research University organisations
Commissie studenten, personeel en Arbo Committee students, staff & safety University organisations
Congresbureau Conference Office University organisations
Copyshop Copy Shop University organisations
Dagelijks bestuur Executive Committee University organisations
Decaan van een faculteit Dean of a Faculty University organisations
Departement (Departementen wordt exclusief gebruikt voor departementen) Department University organisations
Departement Accountancy Department of Accountancy University organisations
Departement Belastingrecht Department of Tax Law University organisations
Departement Business Law Department for Business Law University organisations
Departement Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschap Department of Communication and Information Science University organisations
Departement Econometrie en Operations Department of Economics and Operations Research University organisations
Departement Economie Department of Economics University organisations
Departement Encyclopedie en Rechtsgeschiedenis Department of Jurisprudence and Legal History University organisations
Departement Europees en Internationaal Publieksrecht Department of European and International Public Law University organisations
Departement Filosofie Department of Philosophy FGW University organisations
Departement Finance Department of Finance University organisations
Departement Fiscale Economie Department of Fiscal Economics University organisations
Departement Informatiekunde Department of Information Systems and Management University organisations
Departement Marketing Department of Marketing University organisations
Departement Methoden en Technieken van Onderzoek Department of Methodology and Statistics University organisations
Departement Organisatie en Strategie Department of Organization and Strategy University organisations
Departement Organisatiewetenschappen Department of Organisation Studies University organisations
Departement Personeelwetenschappen Department of Human Resource Studies University organisations
Departement Privaatrecht Department of Private Law University organisations
Departement Psychologie en Gezondheid Department of Psychology and health University organisations
Departement Psychologie en Maatschappij Department Psychology and Society University organisations
Departement Religie Wetenschappen en Theologie Departement Theologie en Religiewetenschappen DRT University organisations
Departement Religiewetenschappen en Theologie Deaprtment of Religious Studies and Theology University organisations
Departement Sociaal Recht en Sociale Politiek Department of Social Law and Social Policy University organisations
Departement Sociale psychologie Department of Social Psychology University organisations
Departement Sociologie en Vrijetijdwetenschappen Department of Leisure Studies and Sociology University organisations
Departement Staats- en Bestuursrecht Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law University organisations
Departement Strafrechtwetenschappen Department of Criminal Law University organisations
Departement Taal- en Cultuurstudies Department of Language and Culture Studies University organisations
Dienst (administratieve diensten of afdelingen) Office University organisations
Dienst directeur (operationele diensten of afdelingen) Service Director University organisations
Dienst Economische en Administratieve Zaken Office of Economic and Administrative Affairs DEA University organisations
Dienst Facilitaire Bedrijven Facility Service DFB University organisations
Dienst Studentenzaken Office of Student Affairs DSZ University organisations
Diensten (wanneer er in het algemeen sprake is van de diensten BU, DBI, DEA, DSZ, ITS etc.) Service departments University organisations
Dienstraad Service Council University organisations
Diktatenmagazijn Course Materials Shop University organisations
Directeur van een dienst Director University organisations
Directie Management University organisations
Documentaire Informatie Voorziening Documentary Information Services DIV University organisations
Drukkerij Printing Office University organisations
ECNC --- University organisations
European Value Studies European Value Studies EVS University organisations
Faculteit Faculty University organisations
Faculteit (Faculteit wordt niet vertaald met 'school/college' omdat dit erg ongebruikelijk is en verwarring wekt met bijvoorbeeld Business Schools Faculty University organisations
Faculteit Communicatie en Cultuur (vervalt per 1-1-2007) Faculty of Arts (vervalt per 1-1-2007) FCC University organisations
Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen Faculty of Economics and Business Administration FEB University organisations
Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen Faculty of Humanities University organisations
Faculteit Katholieke Theologie Faculty of Catholic Theology FKT University organisations
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid Faculty of Law FRW University organisations
Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen Faculty of Social Behavioural Sciences FSW University organisations
Faculteitsbestuur Faculty Board University organisations
Faculteitsbureau (Directeur) Faculty Office (Director) University organisations
Faculteitsraad Faculty Council University organisations
FIT, Fiscaal Instituut Tilburg FIT, Fiscal Institute Tilburg FIT University organisations
Hoofd van een afdeling of departement Head University organisations
Huisvesting --- University organisations
Infolab --- Infolab University organisations
Instellingsbeleid Institutional Policy Office IB University organisations
Interfacultair Bureau Geesteswetenschappen Humanities Office IBG University organisations
International Office International Office IO University organisations
Interne Controle Internal Control Office DEA-IC University organisations
INTERVICT INTERVICT University organisations
IT Development IT Development ITD University organisations
IT Service Desk IT Service Desk University organisations
IVA, Instituut voor sociaal wetenschappelijk beleidsonderzoek en advies --- IVA University organisations
IVO, Instituut voor Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken IVO, Development Research Institute IVO University organisations
Juridische Zaken Legal Affairs JZ University organisations
KCS Tilburg University Career Services KCS University organisations
Kernwaarden Code of conduct: Integriteit, respect, deskundigheid en betrokkenheid Core values: Integrity, respect, expertise, and involvement University organisations
Library and IT Services Library and IT Services LIS University organisations
Library Service Desk Library Service Desk University organisations
Library User Services Library User Services LUS University organisations
lid College van Bestuur Member of the Executive Board (of Tilburg University) University organisations
Liturgisch Instituut Liturgical Institute LI University organisations
Lokaal Overleg University Labour Representation Board University organisations
Lokale Automatiserings Unit Computer Support Unit LAU University organisations
Loket MKB (niet gebruiken: MKB Loket) Desk for Small and medium-sized Enterprises University organisations
Loopbaan Advies Centrum Student Career Services LAC University organisations
Luce --- University organisations
Medezeggenschap Employee participation University organisations
mens- en maatschappijwetenschappen social sciences and humanities University organisations
Netspar Netspar University organisations
Networks and Telephony Networks and Telephony NOC University organisations
Nexus Instituut Nexus Institute Nexus University organisations
Office Automation Office Automation OA University organisations
Oldendorff Onderzoeksinstituut Oldendorff Research Institute University organisations
Ondernemerscentrum Business Centre University organisations
Onderzoeksinstituut (Onderzoeksdirecteur) Institute (Research director) University organisations
Onderzoeksschool voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken Research School for Legislative Studies University organisations
OSA, Organisatie voor Strategisch Arbeidsmarktonderzoek Institute for Labour Studies OSA University organisations
Personeel en Organisatie Peronnel and Organisation Office P University organisations
Postdoctorale Opleiding Accountancy -- University organisations
Postverzorging -- University organisations
Rector Magnificus Rector Magnificus (Gebruik geen: rector, vice-chancellor, provost etc.) University organisations
Reglement Universiteitsraad University Council Regulation University organisations
Repro Repro University organisations
Research Support Research Support RS University organisations
Restauratieve Voorzieningen Catering Services University organisations
Salarisadministratie Salary Records University organisations
Schoordijk Instituut Schoordijk Institute University organisations
Secretaris van de Universiteit Secretary of the Executive Board University organisations
Sportcentrum Sports Centre University organisations
Staff Department Staff Department SD University organisations
Starterslift --- University organisations
Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant (niet meer in gebruik) Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant University organisations
Stichting Professor Cobbenhagen --- SPC University organisations
Stichtingsbestuur Board of Governors SB University organisations
Stiltecentrum Meditation Centre University organisations
Studenten Advies Bureau Student Advisory Office SAB University organisations
Studentenadministratie Student Administration SA University organisations
Studentenkerk Maranatha Maranatha Student Church University organisations
Studie- en studentenverenigingen Student Associations University organisations
Studievoorlichting Study Information Centre University organisations
Studium Generale Studium Generale SG University organisations
Talencentrum Language Centre University organisations
Teaching and Learning Support Teaching and Learning Support TLS University organisations
Telos, Brabants Centrum voor Duurzaamheidsvraagstukken --- Telos University organisations
TFC, Tilburg Center of Finance TFC, Tilburg Center of Finance TFC University organisations
Thomas Institute Thomas Institute University organisations
TiasNimbas Business School --- University organisations
TIBER, Tilburg Institute for Behavioral Economics Research TIBER, Tilburg Institute for Behavioral Economics Research TIBER University organisations
Ticer, Tilburg Innovation Centre for Electronic Resources Ticer, Tilburg Innovation Centre for Electronic Resources TICER University organisations
Tiger, Tilburg Institute for Game Theory and Economic Research Tiger, Tilburg Institute for Game Theory and Economic Research Tiger University organisations
Tilburg Graduate Law School Tilburg Graduate Law School University organisations
Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur Tilburg School of Politics and Public Administration University organisations
TILEC, Tilburg Law and Economic Center TILEC, Tilburg Law and Economic Center TILEC University organisations
TiLPS, Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science TiLPS, Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science TiLPS University organisations
TILT - Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society TILT - Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society TILT University organisations
Tisser, Tilburg Institute for Social and Socio-Economic Research Tisser, Tilburg Institute for Social and Socio-Economic Research University organisations
Tranzo Tranzo University organisations
Univers Univers Univers University organisations
Universiteit van Tilburg Tilburg University UvT (Engels: geen afkorting) University organisations
Universiteitsraad University Council University organisations
Unix Unix Unix University organisations
Vice-voorzitter College van Bestuur Vice-president of the Executive Board (of Tilburg University) University organisations
Voorlichting en Externe Betrekkingen Office of Public and External Affairs VEB University organisations
Voorzitter College van Bestuur President of the Executive Board (of Tilburg University) University organisations
Wetenschapswinkel Science Shop Wewi University organisations
(studie)voorlichting study information
aanmelding registration Education
aanmeldingscijfers registration figures Education
aantekeningen maken to make notes Education
afsluitend examen final examination Education
afsluitend tentamen final exam Education
afstudeerbegeleiding (Master's thesis) supervision Education
afstudeerformulier graduation (application) form Education
afstudeerrichting specialisation, main subject (Br), major (Am) Education
afstuderen in to take a degree in, to earn a degree in, to receive a degree Education
avondopleiding evening course Education
basis fase / basis fase (FEW) foundation phase / Economics Foundation Phase Education
basisbeurs basic (student) grant Education
basisschool primary school (Br), elementary school (Am) Education
beginnerscursus beginners' course, introductory course Education
beoordeelaar, tweede second evaluator Education
beroepsonderwijs (lager en middelbaar) vocational training Education
beroepsonderwijs / beroepsopleiding (hoger) professional education Education
bestuursbeurs management participation grant Education
beurs grant, scholarship Education
bewijs betaald collegegeld proof of tuition fee payment Education
bewijs van de examencommissie statement from the examining board Education
bewijs van inschrijving / bewijs van betaald collegegeld proof of registration ; certificate of registration Education
beëindiging inschrijving termination of registration Education
bijvak subsidiary subject, minor subject (Am) Education
bindend studieadvies binding recommendation regarding the continuation of studies Education
boekenlijst (gelezen werken bij een artikel) bibliography Education
boekenlijst (te lezen literatuur) reading list Education
boekenlijst (verplicht) books required for the course Education
bovenbouwstudie post-propaedeutic programme Education
buitenschoolse activiteiten extracurricular activities Education
bul (doctoraal) Master's certificate, diploma Education
bursaal PhD student Education
cijfer, punt mark (Br), mark, grade (Am) Education
cijferlijst list of marks Education
college lecture (Br), class (Am) Education
college bijwonen (niet als cursist) to sit in on lectures (Br), to sit in on classes (Am) Education
college geven to lecture Education
college lopen to attend lectures Education
College van Beroep voor de examens Examination Appeals Board Education
collegegeld tuition fee(s) Education
collegekaart student card Education
collegeldvergoeding reimbursement of tuition fees Education
collegevrij no lectures (Br), no classes (Am) Education
collegezaal lecture room Education
colloguium Doctum (University) entrance examination Education
Commissie van advies voor de bezwaar- en beroepschriften Objections and Appeals Advisory Committee Education
contractonderwijs contract teaching Education
cursus course Education
cursusaanbod available courses; curriculum Education
cursusboek coursebook Education
cursusgeld course fee Education
deelnemen aan een cursus to take part / to participate in a course Education
deelopleiding subprogramme Education
deeltijdopleiding part-time programme Education
deeltijdstudent part-time student Education
diploma certificate, diploma Education
diploma halen, een to obtain a certificate Education
diplomawaardering valuation / assessement of certificates Education
doctoraal Master's (degree) Education
doctoraalexamen Master's exam, Master's examination Education
een punt compenseren (met) compensate for a mark (with) Education
eerstejaars studenten first-year students Education
examen afleggen, een to take an exam, to sit an exam Education
examencommissie examining board Education
examens examinations, exams, preliminary exaministions, interim examiniations Education
extraneus student with partial enrolment Education
geleding studenten student representatives/representation Education
geschillencommissie disputes committee Education
getuigschrift certificate, diploma Education
herexamen resit Education
herkansing resit Education
hertentamen re-examination, resit Education
Hij heeft taalkunde als hoofdvak Linguistics is his main subject (Br), He's a linguistics major (Am) Education
Hij studeert economie He's a student of economics Education
Hoger Beroeps Onderwijs higher professional education HBO Education
hoger onderwijs higher education Education
hoofdvak principal subject (Br), major (Am), main subject Education
hooggeschoold highly educated Education
hoorcollege (theoretical) lecture Education
huur van een kamer rent Education
huur van een studentenflat hall fees Education
initiële opleiding initial (degree) programme Education
inloopspreekuur consultation hours Education
inschrijven, zich (aan de universiteit) to enrol (Br) / to enroll (Am), to register Education
instellingstarief collegegeld institute-specific tuition fees Education
instroom (van eerstejaars studenten) intake of first-year students Education
intake toets intake test Education
intekenen voor (een examen) to sign up for (an exam) Education
keuzevak optional subject (Br), elective (Am) Education
laaggeschoold semiskilled or unskilled Education
leermiddelen educational tools, teaching aid, teaching materials Education
leeronderzoek (individueel) (individual) apprentice research Education
leerplan (ontwikkeling) curriculum (development) Education
leerplicht compulsory education Education
leslokaal classroom Education
lesuur period Education
Managementtean Onderwijs Education Management Team Education
medestudent fellow student Education
mentor counsellor Education
middelbare school secondary school Education
Minister van Onderwijs Minister of Education Education
Ministerie van Onderwijs Ministry of Education Education
mondeling tentamen oral exam Education
NLO Teacher Training College Education
onderwijs (heel algemeen) (formal) education Education
onderwijs en onderzoek teaching and research Education
onderwijs geven to teach, teaching ; lecturing (academic level) Education
onderwijs in economie classes in economics Education
onderwijs, We hebben 7 uur per week onderwijs instruction, We've got 7 hours of instruction per week Education
Onderwijs- en examenregeling(en) Education and Examination regulation(s) Education
Onderwijsbestuur Education Committee Education
Onderwijsbureau ; Onderwijsbureau (F..) Education Office ; ... Faculty's Office of Education Education
onderwijsprogramma study programme Education
ongeschoold unskilled Education
onvoldoende, een a fail Education
op kamers wonen to live in digs Education
opfriscursus refresher course Education
opleiding programme Education
opleiding (cursus) course, training, education Education
opleiding (school) institute, college, academy Education
opleiding tot leraar basisonderwijs Primary Teacher Training College (Br), Elementary (Am) Teacher Training College Education
opleiding van drie jaar a three-year programme Education
opleidingsbestuur programme board Education
opleidingscentrum training centre Education
opleidingscommissie programme committee Education
opleidingsdossier programme dossier Education
opleidingsgegevens educational qualifications Education
opleidingsinstituut training institute Education
Orientatiedagen (Aansluitingsactiviteiten) Orientation days Education
persoonsgerichte studiebegeleiding individual student supervision Education
Post Akademisch Onderwijs postgraduate continuing university education PAO Education
postdoctorale opleiding post-'doctoraal' programme Education
Psychologie studeren to study Psychology Education
Reglement bescherming persoonsgegevens studenten Universiteit van Tilburg Personal Data Protection Regulation for Tilburg University Students Education
rooster schedule, timetable Education
schakelprogramma transition programme Education
scholier pupil Education
schoolopleiding school training Education
schriftelijk, schriftelijk tentamen, schriftelijk examen written, written test, written exam Education
scriptie Master's thesis, dissertation Education
scriptiebegeleider thesis supervisor Education
scriptiecoordinator thesis coordinator Education
scriptievertrouwenspersoon thesis ombudsman Education
spreekuur consulting Education
stage internship, work placement, traineeship (Br) Education
stagelopen to do an internship / a traineeship Education
stageperiode period of practical training Education
stageplaats trainee post; internship post/place Education
stageverslag internship report, work placement report Education
stoomcursus crash course Education
Studentenberaad Student Council Education
Studentencentrum Student Centre Education
studentencoördinator student coodinator Education
studentendecaan student counsellor Education
studentenflat hall of residence Education
studentenfractie student party Education
studentenhuisvesting student accommodation Education
studentenpsycholoog student psychologist Education
Studentenstatuut Student Statue, students' charter Education
studentenstop voor vier richtingen, een quota in four subjects, a Education
studentenstop, numerus fixus quota Education
studentenuitwisseling student exchange Education
studentenuitwisselingsprogramma student exchange programme Education
studentenvakbond student union Education
studentenvereniging student(s') society (Br), fraternity, sorority (Am) Education
studentenvoorzieningen student(s') facilities Education
Studentgericht Onderwijs Student-centred teaching Education
studie, mijn studie a course of studies, my studies, my programme, my course Education
studieadres study address Education
studieadviseur academic advisor, (study counsellor heeft niet de voorkeur) Education
studiebegeleiding tutoring; student counselling Education
studiebeurs (government) grant, scholarship Education
studieboek textbook Education
studiefinanciering aanvragen to apply for a student grant Education
studiefinanciering opzeggen to terminate the student grant Education
studiegids prospectus (Br) / Catalog (Am) Education
studiehouding attitude towards studying Education
Studiekeuze- en loopbaanadviseur Study and Career Counsellor Education
studielast course load, work load, study load Education
studiemethode method of study Education
studiepunt credit Education
studieresultaten marks Education
studierichtingscommissie curriculum committee Education
studievoortgang student progress, study progress Education
studievoortgangscontrole student progress check/monitoring, monitoring of students' progress Education
studievoortgangsregistratiesysteem student progress monitoring system Education
Stuurgroep Kwaliteitszorg Onderwijs Education Quality Assurance Steering Group SKO Education
syllabus syllabus, reader Education
tentamen exam(ination) Education
tentamenoproep exam notification Education
tentamenperiode test week(s), test period, exam week(s), exam period Education
toehoorder auditor Education
toelating admission Education
toelatingsbewijs confirmation of admission Education
toelatingsbrief admission letter Education
toelatingseisen entrance requirements Education
toelatingsexamen entrance exam Education
toets afnemen, een to administer a test Education
toets maken, een (door studenten) to take a test, to do a test, to sit a test Education
toets opstellen, een to draw up a test Education
tussentoets mid-term test Education
uitschrijven, zich uitschrijven to remove a person's name from the register, to have one's name removed from the register, to deregister Education
uitslagen, De uitslagen hangen op het prikbord results, The results are up on the notice board Education
uitwisselingsprogramma exchange programme Education
uitwisselingsstudent exchange student Education
vak (schoolvak) subject Education
verkort programma shortened programme Education
verplicht vak compulsary subject Education
verplichte literatuur required reading Education
vervolgcursus follow-up course Education
voldoende, een a pass Education
vooraanmeldingen preliminary registration Education
vooraanmeldingscijfers preliminary registration figures Education
voorlichtingsdagen information days Education
vooropleiding previous education Education
Voortgezet Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs pre-university education VWO Education
vrij programma flexible programme Education
VWO-decanen Secondary school guidance counselors Education
waarderen van diploma's (waarde bepalen) to assess certificates, to value certificates Education
waarmerken van diploma's to certify certificates Education
werkcollege practical (lecture), seminar Education
werkgroep working group Education
werkstuk essay, paper, project Education
Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Higher Education and Research Act WHW Education
wettelijk tarief collegegeld legally fixed tuition fees Education
zakken (voor een examen) to fail (an exam) Education
Mathematical Economics and Econometric Methods Mathematical Economics and Econometric Methods University departments
Operations Research and Management Science Operations Research and Management Science University departments
Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Sciences Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Sciences University departments
Research Master Business Research Master Business University departments
Research Master Economics Research Master Economics University departments
Strategic Management Strategic Management University departments
Constitutional Principles of International and European Law Constitutional Principles of International and European Law University departments
International and European Business Law International and European Business Law University departments
Research Master Social and Behavioural Sciences Research Master Social and Behavioural Sciences University departments
Marketing Research Marketing Research University departments
Logistics and Operations Management Logistics and Operations Management University departments
Investment Analysis Investment Analysis University departments
Financial Management Financial Management University departments
Economics and Finance of Ageing Economics and Finance of Ageing University departments
Economics Economics University departments
Accounting Accounting University departments
Accountancy and Management Control Accountancy and Management Control University departments
International Business International Business University departments
International Economics and Finance International Economics and Finance University departments
Business Studies Business Studies University departments
Master in Finance Master in Finance University departments
MBA for Young Professionals MBA for Young Professionals University departments
International Executive MBA International Executive MBA University departments
Labour Law and Social Security Law Labour Law and Social Security Law University departments
Law and Technology Law and Technology University departments
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen Culture Studies University departments
Algemene Economie --- University departments
Bedrijfscommunicatie en Digitale Media --- University departments
Bedrijfseconomie Business Administration University departments
Bestuurskunde Public Administration University departments
Christendom en Cultuur --- University departments
Christendom en Islam --- University departments
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen Communication and Information Sciences University departments
Econometrie en Operationele Research Econometrics and Operations Research University departments
Fiscaal Recht Tax Law University departments
Fiscale Economie Fiscal Economics University departments
Informatiekunde Information Management University departments
Interculturele Communicatie --- University departments
Internationaal en Europees Recht International and European Law University departments
Marketing Management --- University departments
Milieurecht --- University departments
Nederlands Recht Dutch Law University departments
Nederlands Strafrecht in Europa --- University departments
Onderzoeksmaster Rechtsgeleerdheid Research Master in Law University departments
Organisatiewetenschappen Organisation Studies University departments
Personeelswetenschappen Human Resource Studies University departments
Psychologie Psychology University departments
Psychologie en Geestelijke Gezondheid --- University departments
Recht en Management Law and Management University departments
Religie en Cultuur Religion and Culture University departments
Sociaal Recht en Sociale Politiek --- University departments
Sociale Psychologie --- University departments
Sociologie Sociology University departments
Taalkunde en Interculturele Communicatie Linguistics and Intercultural Communication University departments
Tekst en Communicatie --- University departments
Theologie Theology University departments
Vrijetijdwetenschappen Leisure Studies University departments
Wijsbegeerte Philosophy University departments
Wijsbegeerte van een Bepaald Wetenschapsgebied --- University departments
Zorg, Ethiek en Beleid --- University departments
academisch dossier academic file University research
academische zitting academic session University research
Assistent in Opleiding PhD student (Br), graduate student, doctoral student (Am), research trainee, trainee, research assistant AiO University research
baret (bij toga) cap University research
bursaal scholarship student University research
conferentie conference University research
congres conference, congress University research
discussiestuk working paper University research
dissertatie doctoral dissertation University research
eerste geldstroom direct funding (mechanism) University research
gebied (wetenschap) field University research
gepromoveerd zijn in de taalkunde have a PhD in linguistics University research
graad (universitair) degree University research
inaugurele rede inaugural address University research
internationale relaties international relations (niet gebruiken: relationships) University research
kappa kappa University research
leerstoel bekleden, een to hold a chair University research
leerstoel, een chair, a University research
leerstoelenplan professorship plan University research
Maatschappelijke Adviesraad Social Advisory Board University research
Medewerker tweede en derde geldstroom Officer direct - and indirect funding University research
onderzoek research (niet-telbaar zelfst nw.), a study, an investigation, an inquiry (telbaar) University research
onderzoek doen naar to do research into / to research into University research
onderzoek naar, een an inquiry into, a study of University research
onderzoek(s)programma research programme University research
onderzoeker researcher University research
Onderzoeker in Opleiding PhD student OiO University research
Onderzoeksbestuur Research Board University research
onderzoeksmethode research method University research
onderzoeksplan research project University research
onderzoeksschool graduate school University research
ondezoeksvraag research question University research
pedel beadle University research
proefschrift doctoral thesis (plural - doctoral theses) (Br), doctoral dissertation (Am) University research
promotie PhD defence University research
promotiecommissie doctoral board University research
promotor dissertation supervisor, dissertation advisor University research
promoveren to take one's PhD, to get one's doctorate, to obtain ones doctorate University research
Regeling tegemoetkoming promotiekosten AIO's, OIO's en bursaal Regulation for the Reimbursement of the Costs Related to the Defence of Thesis Ceremony for Trainee Research Assistants (AIOs and OIOs) and Scholarship Students (bursalen) University research
Regeling tegemoetkoming promotiekosten wetenschappelijk personeel zijnde geen AIO's, OIO's en bursaal Regulation for the Reimbursement of the Costs Related to the Defence of Thesis Ceremony for Academic Personnel Who Are Not Trainee Research Assistants (AIOs and OIOs) or Scholarship Students (bursalen) University research
student-assistent student-assistant University research
terrein (wetenschappelijk) field University research
toegepast onderzoek applied research University research
toga gown University research
tweede geldstroom indirect funding (mechanism) University research
vakgroep department University research
vakkennis expertise University research
verdediging van een proefschrift defence of a thesis University research
wetenschappelijk scientific (exacte vakken), academic, scholary University research
wetenschappelijke staf academic staff University research
wetenschapper (exacte vakken) scientist University research
wetenschapper (mensvakken) scholar, academic University research
Wetenschapscommissie Science Committee University research
aaneengesloten periode uninterrupted period CVs
aanloopschaal starting scale CVs
aannemen van werknemers to hire employees CVs
aanpassen (salaris) to adjust CVs
aanspreektitel term of address CVs
aanstelling appointment CVs
ABP (Stichting Pensioenfonds) ABP Pension Fund Foundation CVs
achternaam surname CVs
administratief medewerker administrative assistant CVs
advertentie advertisement CVs
afroepcontract work on call contract CVs
afwijkende werktijd unusual working hours CVs
Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds Public Servants Superannuantion Fund ABP CVs
Algemene Seniorenregeling General Regulation for Senior Employees CVs
arbeidsbureau job centre (Br), employment exchange CVs
arbeidskosten labour cost(s) CVs
arbeidsmarkt labour market, job market CVs
arbeidsongeschikt incapacitated CVs
arbeidsplaats job CVs
arbeidstijdverkorting shorter working hours CVs
arbeidsverleden employment history CVs
arbeidsverzuim absenteeism CVs
ARBO-wet Working Conditions Act CVs
baan job, position CVs
behoud van bezoldiging (with or without) salary retention CVs
beoordeling assessment (interview) CVs
Besluit werkloosheid onderwijs- en onderzoekspersoneel Unemployment Decree for Teaching and Research Staff BWOO CVs
bevallingsverlof childbirth leave (12-10 weeks after delivery, depending on how long pregnancy leave lasted; max. 16 weeks in event of early birth) CVs
bevolkingsregister municipal register CVs
bezoldigd paid CVs
bezoldiging remuneration CVs
bijbaan job on the side CVs
bijverdienen to earn additional income CVs
bovenwettelijk non-statutory CVs
bovenwettelijk Non-Statutory CVs
Bovenwettelijke Werkloosheidsregeling Nederlandse Universtiteiten Non-Statutory Unemployment Regulation of the Dutch Universities BWNU CVs
bronnen inzetten to use / exchange sources CVs
buitenlandse werknemer (arbeider) foreign worker, immigrant worker CVs
buitenlandse werknemer (stafmedewerker) foreign employee CVs
buitenschoolse opvang out-of-school care CVs
burgerlijke staat marital status CVs
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen Centre for Work and Income CWI CVs
Collectieve Arbeids Overeenkomst Collective Labour Agreement CAO CVs
collega colleague CVs
collegiale intervisie (beoordeling onderwijsresultaten) peer review CVs
Commissie Personeelsoverleg Personnel Consultative Committee CPO CVs
computervergoeding computer reimbursement CVs
dagen waarop werkzaam working days CVs
dagopvang day nursery CVs
declaratie (reiskosten) expense claim CVs
dienstbelang / indien het dienstbeland zich hiertegen verzet / tenzij zwaarwegende bedrijfs- of -en zich daartegen verzetten / if it would be contrary to the interests of the institution / unless dictated otherwise by substantial interests of the institution or service CVs
dienstjubileum service anniversary CVs
dienstopdracht assignment CVs
dienstraad council of the service department; service council CVs
doorbetaling continued payment CVs
e-mail adres e-mail address CVs
eigen inkomen personal income CVs
eigennaam propes name CVs
einddatum (van arbeidscontract) final date of employment given CVs
eindejaarsuitkering year-end bonus CVs
Faciliteitenregeling en Keuzemodel Arbeidsvoorwaarden Facilities Regulation and Terms and Conditions of Employment Options Model CVs
Faciliteitenregeling Personeel Personnel Facilities Regulation CVs
Fietsregeling UvT Bicycle Plan CVs
fiscaal belastbaar inkomen taxable income CVs
Flexibel Pensioen en Uittreding Flexible Pension and Retirement Scheme; flexible retirement (contribution) ; flexible and early retirement pension FPU CVs
formatieplaats establishment post CVs
functie position CVs
functie, in zijn/haar functie van position, in his/her capacity as CVs
functieniveau job level CVs
functieordenen, systeem van job ranking system CVs
functieprofiel job profile CVs
functiewaardering job evaluation CVs
functionaris official CVs
functioneringsgesprek performance appraisal CVs
functioneringstoelage merit pay CVs
geboortedatum date of birth CVs
gegevens partner data of partner CVs
geheel, de CAO vormt een - met de ARB0 overeenkomst the CEA is an integral part of the employment contract CVs
gehuwd married CVs
Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie Municipal Personal Records Database GBA CVs
geregistreerd partnerschap officially registered cohabition contract CVs
geslacht sex CVs
herbezetting reallocation CVs
herbezettingsgelden reallocation money CVs
huisnummer house number CVs
indiensttreding entrance into office CVs
initialen initials CVs
invaliditeitspensioen disability pension CVs
jubileumgratificatie bonus (for ... years of service); also: long service award CVs
kamer room CVs
keuringsarts medical examiner CVs
keuzeblad options form CVs
Keuzemodel Arbeidsvoorwaarden Terms and Conditions of Employment Options Model CVs
kinderbijslag child benefit CVs
kleine deeltijder employees with a small part-time contract CVs
land country CVs
leeftijdsbewust personeelsbeleid age-conscious personnel policy CVs
leeftijdsdagen age-related days CVs
leges (voor verblijfsvergunning) administrative charges; fees CVs
leidinggevende (direct -) (immediate) supervisor CVs
levensloopregeling life-course savings scheme CVs
lidmaatschap membership CVs
machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf Authorisation for Temporary Stay MVV CVs
man male CVs
medeverzekerd bij partner jointly insured with spouse CVs
medische verklaring health certificate CVs
meisjesnaam maiden name CVs
minimumloon, wettelijk statutory minimum wage WML CVs
mobiliteitstoelage mobility bonus CVs
nabestaandenpensioen surviving dependants' pension CVs
nationaliteit nationality CVs
neveninkomsten additional earnings, additional income CVs
nevenwerkzaamheden additional positions CVs
nieuwelingenbeoordeling starter's assessment CVs
nulurencontract zero-hours contract CVs
omvang aanstelling hours per week CVs
onbezoldigd unpaid CVs
ondersteunend en beheerspersoneel support and management staff, non-academic staff OBP CVs
ongehuwd single CVs
ongeschoold; ongeschoolde arbeid; ongeschoolde arbeider unskilled; unskilled labour; unskilled labourer CVs
ongeschoolde arbeid / arbeider unskilled labour / labourer CVs
onregelmatige dienst irregular working hours CVs
ontslag dismissal, discharge, redundancy (door inkrimping); resignation, notice CVs
ontslaguitkering severance pay CVs
opplussen upgrading CVs
oproepkracht stand-by contract CVs
opzegging notice CVs
ouderdomspensioen old age pension CVs
ouderschapsverlof parental leave CVs
ouderschapsverlofregeling parental leave regulation CVs
overeenkomst op hoofdlijnen outline agreement CVs
overgangsregeling transitional arrangement CVs
overlegprotocol (bij CAO) Consultation Protocol CVs
overwerktoeslag (overwerkvergoeding) compensation for overtime CVs
particuliere ziektekostenverzekering private health insurance CVs
partner partner CVs
PC-prive regeling Home PC Regulation CVs
pensioengevend salaris pensionable salary CVs
pensioenjaren pensionable years CVs
periodiek periodic salary increase; higher step in the salary scale; incremental raise/salary increase CVs
periodiekdatum date of the next incremental period; date of the next incremental raise/salary increase CVs
personeel personnel CVs
personeelsgeleding personnel section CVs
personeelsvereniging staff association CVs
Personeelszaken Personnel and Organisation CVs
persoonsgegevens personal data CVs
PIM-formulier Staff Intake and Amendment Form CVs
plaats city CVs
postadres postal address CVs
postcode post code CVs
premiespaarregeling National premium savings plan CVs
premiespaarregeling Rijksambtenaren Public Servants National premium savings plan CVs
prestatieplicht (contract met uitgestelde -) contract with a delayed performance clause CVs
proeftijd probationary period CVs
Raamregling meerjaren- en lifetime-variant van de arbeidsduurverkorting Mulit-year and lifetime ADV variants framework regulation CVs
Regeling Computerapparatuur UvT Tilburg University Computer Purchase Regulation CVs
Regeling keuzemodel arbeidsvoorwaarden UvT Tilburg Univesrity Options Model Regulation CVs
Regeling Kinderopvang UvT Tilburg University Childcare Regulation CVs
Regeling leeftijdsuren Age-Related Hours Regulation CVs
Regeling Ouderschapsverlof UvT Tilburg University Parental Leave Regulation CVs
Regeling Tegemoetkoming reiskosten woon-werkverkeer en verhuiskosten UvT Tilburg University Commuting and Relocation Costs Reimbursement Regulation CVs
Regeling vergoeding dienstreizen UvT Tilburg University Business Trips Reimbursement Regulation CVs
Regeling vergoeding propagandakosten Publicity Material Reimbursement Regulation CVs
Reglement bescherming persoonsgegevens personeel Universiteit van Tilburg Personal Data Protection Regulation for Tilburg University Staff CVs
Reglement Rechtmatigheidsberoep Lawfulness of Decisions Appeals Regulation CVs
Reis- en pensioenkostenbeschikking ongehuwd burgerlijk rijkspersoneel Unmarried Public Service Staff Travel and Accommodation Expenses Decision CVs
Reisbesluit buitenland van de sector Rijk International Travel Decree of the State Sector CVs
reiskostenvergoeding travel allowance CVs
roepnaam first name CVs
salarisindicatie salary scale CVs
salarisnummer salary number CVs
salarisnummer salary number CVs
salarisregeling bij extraterritoriale vergoeding (Tilburg University) Reimbursement of Extraterriorial Expenses Salary Regulation perspectives CVs
salarisschaal salary scale CVs
salarisvooruitzichten perspectives CVs
samenwonend living together CVs
SAP-nummer SAP number CVs
Seniorenregeling Regulation for Senior Employees CVs
sollicitant (job) applicant CVs
sollicitatie application CVs
sollicitatiebrief letter of application CVs
sollicitatiegesprek (job) interview CVs
solliciteren apply (for a job) CVs
SOP regeling SOP regulation (policy for Educational Staff) CVs
spaarloon the save-as-you-earn amount CVs
spaarloonregeling save-as-you-earn scheme CVs
spaarloonrekening save-as-you-earn account CVs
standplaats place of work CVs
stimuleringsregeling incentive scheme/arrangement, promotion system CVs
Stimuleringsregeling Fiets Bicycle Incentive Scheme CVs
straatnaam street name CVs
Structuurregeling Structure Regulation CVs
studiefaciliteiten study facilities CVs
studieverlof study leave, sabbatical (leave) CVs
Subsidie- en voorschotregeling openbaar vervoer KUB Tilburg University Public Transport Subsidy and Loan Regulation CVs
SUM regeling SUM Regulation; Regulation on senior university employees CVs
titel(s) academic degree(s) CVs
toelage AIO (op loonstrookje) "AIO allowance" CVs
toelagen special bonuses CVs
UFO project job ranking project CVs
uitkerende instantie (=uitvoeringsorgaan) body/institution responsible for benefits CVs
uitkering bij vermissing benefit in the event the employee goes missing CVs
uitkering na overlijden death benefit CVs
uitvoering binnen werktijd (tasks) during working hours CVs
uitvoering buiten werktijd (tasks) outside working hours CVs
uitvoeringsregeling vergoeding verblijfsvergunning UvT Tilburg University Reimbursement of Residence Permit Implementation Regulation CVs
uitzendbureau temp agency CVs
urenverantwoordingsformulier time record form CVs
vacature vacancy CVs
vacature opvullen, een to fill a vacancy CVs
vakantie-uitkering holiday pay CVs
vakantieverlof recreational leave CVs
variabele werktijden flextime CVs
variabele werktijden hebben to work flexihours, to work flextime CVs
vaste aanstelling hebben, een to have tenure CVs
verblijfadres residential address CVs
verblijfsstatus residency status CVs
verblijfstitel (een zelfstandige - hebben) to be entitled to temporary residence in his own right CVs
verblijfsvergunning residence permit CVs
verdeelsleutel distribution formula CVs
Vereniging van Nederlandse Universiteiten Association of Universities in the Netherlands VSNU CVs
verhuiskosten relocation expenses CVs
Verklaring verplichte ziekenfondsverzerking zelfstandigen Self-employed persons compulsory health insurance statement CVs
verklaring, eigen Statement of Intent CVs
verlof (buitengewoon) (special) leave of absence CVs
verlofkaart leave registration card CVs
verlofsparen leave saving CVs
Verplaatsingskostenbeschiking 1962 Travel and Relocation Expenses Decision 1962 CVs
Verplaatsingskostenbesluit 1962 Travel and Relocation Expenses Decree 1962 CVs
verplichte ziekenfondsverzekering compulsory health insurance CVs
VKK-CAO Collective Employment Agreement of the Special (Dutch) Universities CVs
voorkeur aanspreekbenaming preferred surname CVs
voorletters initials CVs
voornaam / voornamen first name(s) CVs
voorvoegsel (van, van der) -- CVs
vrouw female CVs
waarnemingstoelage bonus for temporary substituiton CVs
wachtgeld severance pay CVs
wachtgeld krijgen to be on severance pay CVs
werkervaring professional experience CVs
werkgever employer CVs
werkgeversverklaring employer's statement CVs
werkoverleg progress meeting CVs
Werktijdenregeling Tilburg Uniersity Working Hours Regulation CVs
wetenschappelijk personeel academic staff WP CVs
woonplaats city CVs
ziekenfonds (verzekeringsmaatschappij) health insurance company CVs
ziekenfonds (ziektekostenverzekering) health insurance CVs
ziekenfondsgrens compulsory health insurance income limit CVs
ziekenfondsnummer health insurance number CVs
ZNU-uitkering compensation for private (medical) insurance CVs
zwangerschaps- en bevallingsverlof pregnancy and childbirth leave ; maternity leave (als verzamelterm) CVs
zwangerschapsverklaring notice of pregnancy CVs
zwangerschapsverlof pregnancy leave (4-6 weeks before expected date of delivery) CVs
AIO PhD student University job titles
Ambtelijk secretaris Administrative secretary University job titles
bijzonder hoogleraar professor occupying an endowed chair University job titles
buitengewoon hoogleraar (Belgie) professor by special appointment University job titles
collega docent fellow lecturer University job titles
collega onderzoeker fellow researcher University job titles
Decaan Dean University job titles
Directeur onderwijsinstituut Director education institute University job titles
Directeur onderzoeksinstituut Director research institute University job titles
Docent Lecturer (Br) / Instructor (Am) University job titles
gastdocent visiting lecturer University job titles
gasthoogleraar visiting professor University job titles
Hij is doctorandus in de psychologie He's got a Master's (degree) in psychology Drs. University job titles
Hoogleraar Full Professor University job titles
Hoogleraar (in) Professor (of) University job titles
jurist lawyer, legist University job titles
Onderzoeker Researcher University job titles
post-doc post-doctoral researcher University job titles
prodecaan prospective dean University job titles
professor professor (Br), (a full) professor (Am) University job titles
Promovendus Doctoral candidate University job titles
Toegevoegd Docent lecturer (Br) / instructor (Am) University job titles
Toegevoegd Onderzoeker junior researcher University job titles
Universitair Docent Assistant Professor University job titles
Universitair Hoofdddocent Associate Professor University job titles
Universitair Hoofddocent Associate Professor University job titles
Zij/hij is een professor in de economie She/he is a professor of economics University job titles
aanmaken van een bestand to save information to disk / to save information on a diskette Libraries
aanvraagbriefje request note Libraries
aanwinsten accessions Libraries
Algemene Bibliotheek Adviescommissie General Library Advisory Committee ABAC Libraries
archiefdozen filing boxes Libraries
beeldbank image database Libraries
bestand (tekstbestand op diskette) file Libraries
bestand (verzameling gegevens) database Libraries
bestelnummer order number Libraries
bezoeker user, visitor Libraries
Bibliografische collectie Bibliographic collection BIC Libraries
bibliografische database bibliographic database Libraries
bibliothecaris librarian Libraries
bibliotheek library Libraries
bibliotheekinstructie library instruction course Libraries
bibliotheekopdracht library assignment Libraries
blad (week-, maand-) (anders dan wetenschappelijk) magazine Libraries
blad (week-, maand-,) (wetenschappelijk) journal Libraries
boek te leen hebben van de bibliotheek, een to have a book on loan from the library Libraries
boekbespreking book review Libraries
boekerij library Libraries
Brabant-Collectie Brabant Collection BRA Libraries
Brabants Film Archief Brabant Film Archive BFA Libraries
brailleregel braille display Libraries
budgetcode budget code Libraries
budgetformulier budget form Libraries
budgetkaart budget card Libraries
catalogus (gebruik niet: WebOPC) catalogue Libraries
cd-rom pc (gebruik niet: stand-alone cd-rom) CD-ROM PC Libraries
cd-rom, cd-rom's (gebruik: onderkast) CD ROM, CD ROMs Libraries
Centraal boekenmagazijn closed stacks CBM Libraries
Centrale informatiebalie Central information desk Libraries
collectie collection Libraries
collectie (Nederlandse) Geschiedenis (Dutch) History collection NGE / GES Libraries
collectie Economie en Informatica Economics and Information Science collection ECO Libraries
collectie Filosofie Philosophy collection CIF Libraries
collectie Letteren Language and Literature collection (niet: Arts collection) LET Libraries
collectie Rechtsgeleerdheid Law collection JUR Libraries
collectie Sociale Wetenschappen Social Sciences collection SOC Libraries
collectie- en informatiespecialist collection and information specialist Libraries
deeltitel one volume from a multi-volume publication Libraries
documentalist (gebruik: informatiespecialist) information specialist Libraries
Documentatiecentrum voor Internationale en Statistieken Collecties Documentation Centre for International and Statistics Collections DISC Libraries
documentleverantie document delivery Libraries
dubbelklikken to double click Libraries
elektronische naslagwerken electronic reference guides Libraries
Europees Documentatiecentrum European Documentation Centre EDC Libraries
Europese digitale economiebibliotheek European digital library for economics Libraries
fotocopie (gebruik niet: copie) photo copy, Xerox Libraries
gebruikersonderzoek user survey Libraries
gesloten magazijn closed stacks Libraries
geïntegreerde werkplek (gebruik niet: werkplek) integrated desktop GIW Libraries
groepsruimte group workroom Libraries
Handelingen Parliamentary Proceedings Libraries
hierarchie (als zoekoptie in database) classification, analytical index Libraries
informatica computer science (niet: informatics) Libraries
informatiebestanden library information systems Libraries
informatiedrager information carriers / information storage device Libraries
informatiespecialist (Rechtsgeleerdheid) (gebruik niet: documentalist) information specialist (for law) Libraries
Interbibliothecair leenverkeer Inter-Library Loan (ILL) IBL Libraries
interesseprofiel profile Libraries
internetlink internet link Libraries
inzien to consult Libraries
Kamerstukken Parliamentary docuements Libraries
Kamervragen Parliamentary Questions Libraries
kluisjes lockers Libraries
koffiekamer coffee corner Libraries
korte presentatie list of titles Libraries
kostenplaats budget code Libraries
Landelijke Online Contents National Online Contents Libraries
leeszaal reading room Libraries
lenen (algemeen), uitlenen aan to lend to Libraries
lenen (van) (algemeen) to borrow (from) Libraries
lenerskaart library card Libraries
lijst met deelrubrieken sublist Libraries
lijst met onderwerpsrubrieken list of subject categories Libraries
losbladige reeksen loose-leaf series Libraries
maatwerkcursussen tailored courses Libraries
microfiche microfiche Libraries
muis slepen over to drag the mouse Libraries
muisknop mouse button Libraries
navigeren to navigate Libraries
Nederlandse Centrale Catalogus Netherlands Central Catalogue NCC Libraries
niet-uitleenbaar non-loanable Libraries
niveau (gebruik niet: nivo / gebruik niet: verdieping) level Libraries
nota memorandum Libraries
numeriek gegevensbestand (gebruik niet: databestand met numerieke gegevens) database Libraries
nummer (van een tijdschrift) issue Libraries
nummer, oud (van een tijdschrift) back issue Libraries
onderwerpsregister subject index Libraries
onderwerpsrubriek subject category Libraries
ontsluiting (van de collectie) subject indexing Libraries
op vertoon van on presentation of Libraries
pc / pc's (gebruik: onderkast) PC / PCs Libraries
persoonlijke vakliteratuurservice current awareness service PVS Libraries
raadpleeg-pc / raadpleeg-pc's retrieval PC / retrieval PCs Libraries
raadplegen (bestand) to search Libraries
raadplegen (boek) to consult Libraries
rappelbericht overdue notice Libraries
rappelkosten, boete overdue notice, fine Libraries
rechtsgeleerdheid (gebruik niet: rechten / gebruik niet: rechtswetenschappen) law Libraries
reserveren to reserve Libraries
rubriek subject category Libraries
schuifbalk scrollbar Libraries
Staatsblad Bulletin of Acts and Decrees Libraries
Staatscourant (Netherlands) Official Journal Libraries
stille studiezaal quiet area Libraries
Studentengebruikerscommissie Student Users Committee SGC Libraries
studentenwerkplek (gebruik niet: studenten-GIW) student desktop Libraries
tijdschrift periodical Libraries
tijdschriftaflevering periodical issue Libraries
tijdschriftenkasten periodicals shelves Libraries
tonen to show, to display Libraries
Topografisch-Historische Atlas Topographic Historical Atlas THA Libraries
treffer hit, match, result Libraries
trefwoord keyword Libraries
uitgebreide zoekactie detailed search Libraries
uitgeleend (out) on loan Libraries
uitleenbaar loanable Libraries
uitleenbeleid lending policy Libraries
uitleenstraat self-service circulation system Libraries
uitleentermijn lending period Libraries
uitleenvoorwaarden lending conditions, lending policy Libraries
UvT catalogus Tilburg University Catalogue Libraries
UvT Online Contents Tilburg University Online Contents Libraries
UvTnet-thuisabonnement UvTnet home subscription Libraries
Vergaderjaar Session Libraries
verlengen to renew Libraries
verwijzing reference Libraries
vindplaats (gebruik niet: aanvraagnummer / gebruik niet: signatuur) location, shelf number, shelf mark Libraries
wachtwoord password Libraries
werkplekreserveringssysteem desktop reservation system Libraries
Wetenschappelijk (maand)blad (scientific/Academic) journal Libraries
wetsvoorstel bill Libraries
wettensets bill files Libraries
zoekactie search operation Libraries
zoeken op to search (by) / to use ... as a search option Libraries
zoekset result set Libraries
zoeksleutel search key Libraries
zoekterm search term Libraries
aankomsttijden arrival times Travel
aankondiging, melding (luidspreker) announcement Travel
aantal km number of kms Travel
Amsterdamse grachten The Amsterdam canals Travel
bestemming destination Travel
bij aankomst on arrival Travel
binnenlandse vlucht domestic flight Travel
BTW, Prijzen zijn inclusief BTW VAT, Prices are inclusive of VAT, VAT included BTW Travel
bushalte bus stop Travel
carpoolen carpooling Travel
declaratie kosten binnenland claim for domestic travelling expenses Travel
declaratie kosten buitenland claim for international travelling expenses Travel
dienstregeling timetable Travel
diner dinner Travel
doel van de reis purpose of trip Travel
eenpersoons bed single bed Travel
eenpersoons kamers single rooms Travel
eigen vervoer private transport Travel
Elke 20 minuten gaat er een bus There's a bus every 20 minutes Travel
enkeltje single (Br) / one-way (Am) / ticket Travel
Er is een halte vlakbij de universiteit There's a stop right near the university Travel
heen en terug there and back Travel
Het Kanaal The (English) Channel Travel
hotel is vol, Het The hotel is full, The hotel is all booked-up Travel
hotelkamer boeken, een to make hotel reservations, to book a room Travel
huisvesting regelen to arrange for accommodation Travel
hut cabin Travel
instappen to get on (buses, trains, planes) Travel
internationale vlucht international flight Travel
kaartjesautomaat ticket machine Travel
kamer met ontbijt bed and breakfast Travel
kilometervergoeding mileage allowance Travel
logies accommodation Travel
loket ticket window, booking office Travel
luchthaven airport Travel
lunch lunch Travel
medepassagiers (bij carpoolen) fellow passengers (when carpooling) Travel
NS voordeel-urenkaart NS off-peak discount pass Travel
NS-jaarkaart an NS annual pass Travel
NS-jaartrajectkaart an NS annual trajectory pass Travel
op en neer reizen tussen travel up and down between Travel
openbaar vervoer public transport (Br), transportation (Am) Travel
OV-jaarkaart an annual public transport card Travel
OV-studentenkaart public transport pass for students Travel
overnachting in een hotel a room for the night Travel
overstappen (trein) to change trains Travel
perron platform Travel
rechtstreekse vlucht direct flight Travel
reis (kort + impliceert terugkeer) trip Travel
reis (meest algemeen) journey Travel
reis (over zee) voyage Travel
reiskosten travelling expenses Travel
reiskostenvergoeding travelling allowance Travel
reistijd journey-time Travel
retourdatum date of return journey/trip Travel
retourtje return (Br) / round trip (Am) / ticket Travel
Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Travel
sneltrein fast train Travel
sterabonnement zone pass Travel
stoptrein slow train Travel
toestemming autogebruik permission for car use Travel
treinen kunnen zo'n 5 à 10 minuten vertraging hebben, De Trains may be delayed by 5 or 10 minutes Travel
treinen van en naar Breda trains from and to Breda Travel
tussenstop stopover Travel
tweepersoons bed double bed Travel
tweepersoons kamers double rooms Travel
uitstappen to get off (buses, trains, planes) Travel
veerboot ferry Travel
verblijfkosten accommodation expenses Travel
vertraging delay Travel
vertrekdatum date of departure Travel
vertrektijd time of departure Travel
vertrektijden departure times Travel
vlucht flight Travel
Wat kost een kaartje naar A.? What is the (train/bus) fare to A.? Travel
Zij die aankomen met de sneltrein Those arriving on the fast train Travel
aan de lijn hebben to have on the line Telephone calls
afbellen to phone to cancel an appointment Telephone calls
antwoordapparaat answering machine Telephone calls
bericht, een bericht inspreken, een bericht achterlaten message, to leave a message Telephone calls
binnenkomende boodschap incoming message Telephone calls
binnenlijn internal line, inside line Telephone calls
buitenlijn external line, outside line Telephone calls
Dank u voor de inlichtingen Thank you (very much) for the information Telephone calls
Een moment a.u.b. Just a minute, please Telephone calls
Er is telefoon voor u / Er is telefoon voor je You are wanted on the phone Telephone calls
Er zit een gesprek tussen The lines are crossed Telephone calls
gesprek beëindigen, een to ring off Telephone calls
gesprek onderbreken, een to interrupt a call Telephone calls
gesprek voor rekening van de persoon die gebeld wordt a collect call / to call collect Telephone calls
Gouden Gids, de The Yellow Pages Telephone calls
Graag gedaan You're welcome (sir/madam) Telephone calls
Hij is er momenteel niet He's not in at the moment Telephone calls
iemand telefonisch spreken to speak to someone on the phone / to speak to someone over the phone Telephone calls
Ik bel je nog wel I'll give you a ring, I'll give you a call Telephone calls
Ik bel u straks terug I'll call you back later Telephone calls
Ik verbind u door I'll put you through Telephone calls
Ik zal u de heer A. geven I'll put you through to Mr A., I'll put Mr A. on the line Telephone calls
inlichtingen (directory) enquiries Telephone calls
interlokaal gesprek trunk call (Br) / long distance call (Am) Telephone calls
interne telefoon office telephone number Telephone calls
Kan ik iets (een bericht) doorgeven? Can I take a message? Telephone calls
kosteloos free of charge Telephone calls
Kunt u even wachten? (informeel) Hang on (please) Telephone calls
Kunt u wat luider spreken? Could you speak a little louder please? I can't hear you. Telephone calls
lijn, De lijn is bezet, Het nummer is in gesprek Line, The line's engaged, The line is busy Telephone calls
mobiele telefoon, GSM cell(ular) phone, mobile phone Telephone calls
na de pieptoon after de beep Telephone calls
netnummer area code Telephone calls
nummer op kantoor office number Telephone calls
nummer thuis / privé nummer home number Telephone calls
opbellen to phone (up), to ring (up) (Br), to call (up) (Am) Telephone calls
ophangen to hang up, to ring off Telephone calls
pieper bleeper Telephone calls
telefoneren to telephone, to make a phonecall Telephone calls
telefoon, De telefoon is kapot Phone, The phone is out of order Telephone calls
telefoonboek phone-book, (telephone) directory Telephone calls
toestel 15 extension 15 Telephone calls
Verbinding, De verbinding is slecht The line, The line is bad Telephone calls
verkeerd verbonden / verkeerd gedraaid wrong number Telephone calls
Wilt u aan de lijn blijven Will you hold (the line), please? Telephone calls
aanwezig, de aanwezige personen present, the persons present Meetings
aanwezigheid presence Meetings
afwezig absent Meetings
afwezig met bericht van verhindering absent with notice Meetings
afwezig zonder bericht van verhindering absent without notice Meetings
afwezigheid absence Meetings
agenda (kantoor, school etc.) diary (Br), appointment book (Am) Meetings
agenda (vergadering) agenda Meetings
agendapunten, volgende punt op de agenda items on the agenda, next item on the agenda Meetings
Als ik er even tussen mag komen If I might butt in here Meetings
besluit decision Meetings
besluitvormingsproces decision-making (process), decision process Meetings
dat is niet persoonlijk bedoeld (okay) no offence (none taken) Meetings
datum vaststellen voor de volgende vergadering to fix a date for the next meeting Meetings
drukfout misprint Meetings
eens zijn, Zijn we het daar allemaal over eens? to agree, Are we all agreed on that? Meetings
het woord geven aan to give the floor to Meetings
Ik heb niet helemaal verstaan wat u net zei I didn't quite catch what you just said Meetings
Ik vrees dat we over moeten gaan naar het volgende agendapunt I'm afraid we have to move on to the next item on the agenda Meetings
ingekomen stukken communications received Meetings
invallen voor (tijdelijk) fill in for Meetings
koffiepauze coffee break Meetings
Kortom, ... In short, ... Meetings
Kunt u daar wat meer over vertellen? Could you elaborate on that? Meetings
Kunt u het kort houden S.V.P. Could you keep it brief, please / Please be brief Meetings
Laat me nou even uitpraten Please let me finish Meetings
Laten we daarover stemmen Let's vote on that, Let's put that to the vote Meetings
nadeel, belangrijk nadeel, minpunt drawback, major drawback Meetings
nadelen disadvantages Meetings
notulen, door de notulen van de vorige vergadering lopen minutes, to go through the minutes of the previous meeting Meetings
notuleren to take notes / take minutes Meetings
notulist secretary Meetings
Om een lang verhaal kort te maken To cut a long story short Meetings
oneens zijn to disagree Meetings
punt naar voren brengen, een raise a point Meetings
rondvraag, Heeft er iemand iets voor de rondvraag?, iets voor de rondvraag hebben, Dat kunnen we beter bij de rondvraag bespreken any other business, Has anyone got any other business?, have a question (something) for 'any other business', We'd better discuss that under 'any other business' Meetings
samengevat, ... summarizing, ... Meetings
schema, We liggen op schema, We liggen voor op schema, We liggen achter op schema schedule, We're on schedule, We're ahead of schedule, We're behind schedule Meetings
spelfout spelling error Meetings
streefdatum target date Meetings
te zijner tijd in due course Meetings
tegen iets zijn to be against something Meetings
ter sprake komen to come up for discussion Meetings
theepauze tea break Meetings
tijdslimiet vaststellen to set a time limit (on) Meetings
tikfout typo Meetings
U hebt nog vijf minuten You've got five more minutes Meetings
vergadering beleggen over to schedule a meeting for Meetings
vergadering bijwonen, een to attend a meeting Meetings
vergadering houden over to have a meeting on Meetings
vergadering openen, een to open a meeting Meetings
vergadering, een bijzondere vergadering, een normale vergadering meeting, a special meeting, a regular meeting Meetings
vergaderzaal conference room Meetings
vervangen (permanent) to replace Meetings
voor iets zijn be in favour of something Meetings
voor- en nadelen (niet los van elkaar gebruiken) pros and cons Meetings
voordelen advantages Meetings
voorzitten to chair Meetings
voorzitter chairman, chairperson Meetings
Wil iedereen die er voor is zijn hand opsteken All those in favour, please raise your hands Meetings
woord is aan Mr. Brown Mr Brown has the floor Meetings
zwak punt in je redenering a flaw in your argument Meetings
(recht) achter u (right) behind you Directions
(recht) voor u (right) in front of Directions
100 km per uur 60 miles an hour Directions
120 km per uur (ongeveer) 75 miles an hour Directions
50 km per uur (ongeveer) 30 miles an hour Directions
80 km per uur (ongeveer) 50 miles an hour Directions
aan de overkant across from here Directions
afslag junction Directions
als u mij wilt volgen If you will follow me Directions
amfitheater lecture theatre (Br), lecture hall (Am) Directions
aula auditorium Directions
automatische deuren automatic doors Directions
automatische schuifdeuren automatic sliding doors Directions
balie information desk Directions
begane grond ground floor (Br), first floor (Am) Directions
bezoekadres visiting address Directions
bordje / wegwijzer sign Directions
bovenste verdieping top floor Directions
campus campus Directions
Cobbenhagen building Cobbenhagen building C Directions
Congresbalie Conference Desk Directions
Dante building Dante building D Directions
deze weg volgen tot continue along this road as far as Directions
draaideuren revolving doors Directions
eerste straat links take the first turning to the left Directions
eerste straat rechts take the first turning to the right Directions
Esplanade building Esplanade building E Directions
fietsenkelder bicycle basement Directions
fietsenrekken bicycle racks Directions
fietsenstalling (apart hokje) bicycle shed Directions
fietspad bicycle path Directions
Food Plaza Food Plaza F Directions
gang corridor Directions
gebouw (zoek op building) building Directions
gemeentehuis town hall Directions
glazen gang glass corridor Directions
Goossens building Goossens building G Directions
hoofdbalie main desk Directions
hoofdingang main entrance Directions
huisvesting accommodation Directions
in een hoek in a corner Directions
in een hoek (van bijv. 40 graden) at an angle Directions
informatiebalie information desk Directions
Je doet er anderhalf uur over met de trein It takes you an hour and a half to get there by train Directions
Je doet er twee uur over met de auto It's a two-hour drive Directions
kamer van Hr./Mevr. B., de Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms B's office Directions
kelder basement Directions
Kleine Foyer --- Directions
koffiekamer refreshment room Directions
Koopmans building Koopmans building K Directions
kruispunt cross-roads Directions
Library Library L Directions
lift lift (Br), elevator (Am) Directions
linker rijbaan left lane Directions
links afslaan bij turn left at, a left at (Am) Directions
links van u to your left, on your left Directions
Loop langs gebouw S Go past Building S Directions
loopbrug (bij de bibliotheek) footbridge Directions
maximum snelheid speed limit Directions
mensa restaurant Directions
Montesquieu building Montesquieu building M Directions
Olympia building Olympia building O Directions
onder de loopbrug door lopen pass under the footbridge Directions
parkeerterrein car park (Br), parking lot (Am) Directions
plattegrond map Directions
plein square Directions
politiebureau police station Directions
prachtig uitzicht op, een a beautiful view of Directions
Prisma building Prisma building P Directions
rechtdoor straight ahead, straight on Directions
rechtdoor tot keep straight until you come to Directions
rechter rijbaan right lane Directions
rechts afslaan bij turn right at, take a right at (Am) Directions
rechts van u to your right, on your right Directions
restaurant restaurant Directions
rondleiding door, een / een rondleiding langs a tour of Directions
schuifdeuren sliding doors Directions
Simon building Simon building S Directions
snelweg motorway (Br), highway, freeway (Am) Directions
splitsing T-junction Directions
stadsbus city bus Directions
Tias building Tias building T Directions
touring car coach Directions
trap, trappen stairs Directions
tweede afslag op de rotonde, de the second exit from the roundabout Directions
universiteitsgebouwen university buildings Directions
universiteitsterrein university grounds Directions
verdieping / eerste verdieping floor / first floor (Br), second floor (Am) Directions
verkeersdrempel speed ramp Directions
verkeerslichten / stoplichten traffic lights Directions
viaduct underpass Directions
vijver pond Directions
vleugel, de westelijke vleugel wing, the west wing Directions
Volg de autoweg tot afslag A Take the motorway as far as junction A. Directions
volg de verkeerstekens naar follow the (road)signs to Directions
Warande building Warande building W Directions
weg wijzen, de to show the way, to give directions Directions
zij-ingang side entrance Directions
Zwijsen building Zwijsen building Z Directions
7 (arabic nummeral) seven Formatting & Punctuation
aanhalingstekens quotation marks (" ") / inverted commas ('...') Formatting & Punctuation
accolades curly brackets Formatting & Punctuation
afkorting abbreviation Formatting & Punctuation
alinea paragraph Formatting & Punctuation
apostrof apostrophe Formatting & Punctuation
bladzijde omslaan, een to turn over a page Formatting & Punctuation
bovenaan de bladzijde at the top of the page Formatting & Punctuation
cursief in italics Formatting & Punctuation
dubbele punt colon Formatting & Punctuation
gedachtenstreep dash (- - endash; -- emdash) Formatting & Punctuation
hoofdletters capital letters / capitals Formatting & Punctuation
kleine letters small letters Formatting & Punctuation
kolom / linker / rechter / middelste kolom column / left-hand / right-hand / middle column Formatting & Punctuation
komma comma Formatting & Punctuation
leeg vel (papier), een blank sheet, a Formatting & Punctuation
lettergreep syllable Formatting & Punctuation
linker benedenhoek bottom left-hand corner Formatting & Punctuation
linker bovenhoek top left-hand corner Formatting & Punctuation
marge (kantlijn) margin Formatting & Punctuation
midden op de bladzijde in the middle of the page Formatting & Punctuation
onderaan de bladzijde at the bottom of the page Formatting & Punctuation
paragraaf section Formatting & Punctuation
punt full stop (Br) / period (Am) Formatting & Punctuation
puntjes dots Formatting & Punctuation
puntkomma semicolon Formatting & Punctuation
rechter benedenhoek bottom right-hand corner Formatting & Punctuation
rechter bovenhoek top right-hand corner Formatting & Punctuation
regel line Formatting & Punctuation
ronde haken round brackets; parentheses Formatting & Punctuation
schuine streep (forward) slash (/) / backslash (\) Formatting & Punctuation
spatie space Formatting & Punctuation
stippellijn dotted line Formatting & Punctuation
telkens een regel overslaan write on alternate lines Formatting & Punctuation
tiende regel van boven, de ten lines from the top Formatting & Punctuation
tiende regel van onderen, de ten lines from the bottom Formatting & Punctuation
tussen haakjes (overigens, trouwens) incidentally, by the way Formatting & Punctuation
uitroepteken exclamation mark Formatting & Punctuation
vel papier, een sheet of paper, a Formatting & Punctuation
verbindingsstreepje hyphen (as in "close-up") Formatting & Punctuation
vierkante haken square brackets Formatting & Punctuation
VII roman (numeral) seven Formatting & Punctuation
vishaakjes (<...>) angle brackets (<...>) Formatting & Punctuation
vraagteken question mark Formatting & Punctuation
witregel (tussen alinea's) extra space (between paragraphs) Formatting & Punctuation
z.o.z. p.t.o. (please turn over) Formatting & Punctuation
zet tussen haakjes to put in brackets (parentheses) Formatting & Punctuation
(public) feestdagen holidays Time, Dates & Holidays
10 januari 10 January, 10th January, January 10th Time, Dates & Holidays
academisch jaar academic year Time, Dates & Holidays
al in 1970 as early as 1970 Time, Dates & Holidays
april April Time, Dates & Holidays
augustus August Time, Dates & Holidays
Bevrijdingsdag Liberation Day Time, Dates & Holidays
collegevrije periode Break Time, Dates & Holidays
collegevrije periode (herfst) mid-term Break Time, Dates & Holidays
collegevrije periode (kerst) Christmas Break Time, Dates & Holidays
collegevrije periode (Pasen) Easter Break Time, Dates & Holidays
dag tevoren, de day before, the Time, Dates & Holidays
datum date Time, Dates & Holidays
december December Time, Dates & Holidays
dinsdag Tuesday Time, Dates & Holidays
donderdag Thursday Time, Dates & Holidays
door de week(s) on weekdays Time, Dates & Holidays
eergisteren day before yesterday, the Time, Dates & Holidays
Eerste Kerstdag Christmas Day Time, Dates & Holidays
Eerste Paasdag Easter Sunday Time, Dates & Holidays
Eerste Pinksterdag Whitsunday (Br) / Pentecost (Am) Time, Dates & Holidays
einddatum (bepaalde tijd) final date (in case of temporary appointment) Time, Dates & Holidays
etmaal twenty-four hours Time, Dates & Holidays
februari February Time, Dates & Holidays
gisteravond last night / yesterday evening Time, Dates & Holidays
half elf half past ten, ten-thirty Time, Dates & Holidays
Hemelvaartsdag Ascension Day Time, Dates & Holidays
Herfstvakantie Autumn holiday (Br) / Autumn vacation (Am) Time, Dates & Holidays
in het weekend (elk weekend) in the weekends Time, Dates & Holidays
ingangsdatum commencing date Time, Dates & Holidays
is precies elf uur, Het It's exactly eleven o'clock Time, Dates & Holidays
januari January Time, Dates & Holidays
juli July Time, Dates & Holidays
juni June Time, Dates & Holidays
kantooruren office hours Time, Dates & Holidays
Kerstvakantie Christmas holiday (Br) / Christmas vacation (Am) Time, Dates & Holidays
komende woensdag this (coming) Wednesday Time, Dates & Holidays
Koninginnedag Queen's birthday Time, Dates & Holidays
kwart, tien, vijf voor elf a quarter, ten, five to eleven / digitally: ten-oh-five (10:05) (Am) / ten-fifteen, ten twenty-five, ten-thirty, ten-fifty, etc. Time, Dates & Holidays
laatste tijd, de lately Time, Dates & Holidays
maandag ; 's maandags (=elke maandag) Monday; on Mondays Time, Dates & Holidays
maandag t/m zaterdag Monday through Saterday (vnl. Am) Time, Dates & Holidays
maart March Time, Dates & Holidays
mei May Time, Dates & Holidays
namiddag p.m. n.m. (ned) / p.m. (eng) Time, Dates & Holidays
november November Time, Dates & Holidays
oktober October Time, Dates & Holidays
om de andere dag every other day Time, Dates & Holidays
om tien uur at ten Time, Dates & Holidays
om twaalf uur 's middags at noon Time, Dates & Holidays
onlangs, pas geleden the other day Time, Dates & Holidays
op dinsdag (elke dinsdag) on Tuesdays Time, Dates & Holidays
over drie jaar three years from now /in three years' time Time, Dates & Holidays
over een week in a week / a week from now Time, Dates & Holidays
Paasvakantie Easter holiday (Br) / Easter vacation (Am) Time, Dates & Holidays
Pinksteren Whitsuntide (Br) / Pentecost (Am) Time, Dates & Holidays
semester semester Time, Dates & Holidays
september September Time, Dates & Holidays
Sinterklaasavond Saint Nicolas Eve Time, Dates & Holidays
t/m till Time, Dates & Holidays
tien, vijf voor half elf twenty, twenty-five past ten / twenty, twenty-five after ten (Am) Time, Dates & Holidays
tijdelijk temporary / temporarily Time, Dates & Holidays
tijdig timely / in time Time, Dates & Holidays
tijdvak period Time, Dates & Holidays
trimester term Time, Dates & Holidays
tussen de middag at lunchtime Time, Dates & Holidays
Tweede Kerstdag Boxing Day Time, Dates & Holidays
Tweede Paasdag Easter Monday Time, Dates & Holidays
Tweede Pinksterdag Whitmonday Time, Dates & Holidays
uiterlijk op 12 april on 12 April at the latest Time, Dates & Holidays
uiterste datum deadline Time, Dates & Holidays
uren per week hours per week Time, Dates & Holidays
vanaf 1 september as of 1 September Time, Dates & Holidays
vandaag is het maandag today is Monday Time, Dates & Holidays
vannacht (aankomende nacht) tonight Time, Dates & Holidays
vannacht (afgelopen nacht) last night Time, Dates & Holidays
vijf, tien over over half elf twenty-five, twenty to eleven Time, Dates & Holidays
vijf, tien, kwart over tien five, ten, a quarter past ten (Br) / five, ten, a quarter after ten (Am) Time, Dates & Holidays
volgende week next week Time, Dates & Holidays
volgende week niet maar dan the week after next Time, Dates & Holidays
volgende week woensdag next Wednesday Time, Dates & Holidays
voormiddag a.m. v.m. (ned) / am. (eng) Time, Dates & Holidays
vorige week last week Time, Dates & Holidays
vrijdag Friday Time, Dates & Holidays
We beginnen om tien uur precies We start at ten o'clock sharp Time, Dates & Holidays
week daarvoor, de week before, the Time, Dates & Holidays
woensdag Wednesday Time, Dates & Holidays
woensdag over een week Wednesday week / a week from Wednesday Time, Dates & Holidays
zaterdag Saturday Time, Dates & Holidays
zodra het u schikt at your earliest convenience Time, Dates & Holidays
zondag Sunday Time, Dates & Holidays
(Studie)loopbaanadviseur (Course) advisor Support and management staff
Administrateur Administrator Support and management staff
Administratief medewerker Administrative assistant Support and management staff
Afdelingshoofd Head of department Support and management staff
Ambachtelijk medewerker Craftsman Support and management staff
Arbo- en milieuconsulent Health and safety & environment consultant Support and management staff
Arbo- en milieucoordinator Health and safety & environment coordinator Support and management staff
Arbo- en milieudeskundige Health and safety & environment expert Support and management staff
Archiefmedewerker Filing assistant Support and management staff
Bedrijfsmaatschappelijk werker Company welfare officer Support and management staff
Beheerder ICT ICT Manager Support and management staff
Beheertechnicus Maintenance engineer Support and management staff
Beleidsdirecteur Policy director Support and management staff
Beleidsmedewerker Policy advisor Support and management staff
Bestuurssecretaris Public servant Support and management staff
Beveiligingsmedewerker Security officer Support and management staff
Bibliotheektechnisch medewerker Library assistant Support and management staff
Communicatieadviseur Communication advisor Support and management staff
Communicatiemedewerker Communications Officer Support and management staff
Consultant ICT ICT Consultant Support and management staff
Controller Controller Support and management staff
Coordinator externe samenwerking Coordinator external cooperation Support and management staff
Directeur bedrijfsvoering Business operations director Support and management staff
Directeur dienst Service director Support and management staff
Facilitair accountmanager General and technical services account manager Support and management staff
Informatie-/collectiespecialist Information/collection specialist Support and management staff
Inkoopmedewerker Purchasing assistant Support and management staff
Inkoper Purchaser Support and management staff
Intern accountant Internal accountant Support and management staff
Jurist Lawyer Support and management staff
Kok Chef Support and management staff
Kwaliteitsmanager Arbo en Milieu Quality manager Health and Safety and Environment Support and management staff
Logistiek medewerker Logistic assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker administratieve processen en systemen Administrative processes and systems assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker afval en gevaarlijke stoffen Waste and hazardous substances officer Support and management staff
Medewerker arbeidsvoorwaarden Terms of employment assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker audiovisuele technieken (regie) audiovisual technology assistant (direction) Support and management staff
Medewerker audiovisuele technieken (vervaardiging) Audiovisual technology assistant (production) Support and management staff
Medewerker bestuurlijke informatievoorziening Management information provision assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker bureau buitenland International student office assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker contractmanagement Contract management assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker drukkerij en repro Printing and repro assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker frontoffice front office assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker groenvoorziening, wegen en terreinen Green areas, roads and grounds assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker interne dienst internal service assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker kennistransfer Knowledge transfer assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker mobiliteit Mobility assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker onderwijsontwikkeling Education development assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker personeelsbeheer Personnel management assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker restauratieve voorzieningen Restaurant facilities assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker studentenzaken Student affairs officer Support and management staff
Medewerker studium generale/ cultuur general studies/ culture assistant Support and management staff
Medewerker wetenschapswinkel Science shop assistant Support and management staff
Ondersteuner ICT ICT Supporter Support and management staff
Onderwijs-/ onderzoeksassistent Education/ research assistant Support and management staff
Onderwijs-/Onderzoeksmedewerker Education/Research assistant Support and management staff
Onderwijscoordinator Education coordinator Support and management staff
Ontwikkelaar ICT ICT Developer Support and management staff
Operationeel technicus Operational engineer Support and management staff
Operator Operator Support and management staff
Opleider Trainer Support and management staff
P adviseur P advisor Support and management staff
Portier/ receptionist/ telefonist Doorman/ receptionist/ telephonist Support and management staff
Procescoordinator ICT Process coordinator ICT Support and management staff
Projectleider Project leader Support and management staff
Projectmanager Project manager Support and management staff
Redacteur Editor Support and management staff
Schoonmaakmedewerker Cleaner Support and management staff
Secretaresse Secretary Support and management staff
Secretaris Secretary Support and management staff
Secretaris van de universiteit University secretary Support and management staff
Service level manager Service level manager Support and management staff
Sportdocent Sport teacher Support and management staff
Stagecoordinator Work placement coordinator Support and management staff
Studentendecaan Student counsellor Support and management staff
Studentenpsycholoog Student psychologist Support and management staff
Studieadviseur Study advisor Support and management staff
Surveillant Supervisor Support and management staff
Teamleider Team leader Support and management staff
Technicus onderwijs- en onderzoeksgebonden, profiel Technical education and research associates, profile Support and management staff
Technisch facilitair bestandsbeheerder Technical service account manager Support and management staff
Technisch projectmedewerker Technical project assistant Support and management staff
Trainer --- Support and management staff
Treasurer Treasurer Support and management staff
Verkoopmedewerker Sales assistant Support and management staff
Vertaler/ tolk Translator/ interpreter Support and management staff
Vertrouwenspersoon Confidential advisor Support and management staff