Tilburg University - Dutch-English Glossary of University related terms (1,657 entries)
Dutch | English | Abbreviation (Dutch) | Domain |
aanvraag | application | ||
aanvrager | applicant | ||
aard | nature | ||
administratienummer | (Tilburg University) registration number | ANR | |
adviesgroep | advisory committee | ||
advocaat (algemeen) | lawyer | ||
afmelden | to check out, to sign out | ||
afspraak, een afspraak maken | appointment, to make an appointment | ||
akkoord (zelfstandig naamwoord) | approval | ||
aldus naar waarheid ingevuld | filled in truthfully | ||
allochtoon (bijvoeglijk naamwoord) | foreign | ||
allochtoon (persoon) | immigrant | ||
analfabetisme | illiteracy | ||
antwoordkaart | reply card | ||
asielzoekers | asylum seekers | ||
automaat (drank, snoep, koek etc.) | vending machine | ||
bankpas | cash card | ||
bankrekening | bank account | ||
bedrag | amount | ||
begeleider | supervisor | ||
begeleiding | supervision | ||
begroting | budget | ||
belangenorganisatie | special interest group | ||
beleid | management, policy | ||
bemiddelen | to mediate | ||
bemiddeling | mediation | ||
beoordelen | to assess | ||
beoordeling | assessment | ||
bestuur | management | ||
bestuurs- en beheersreglement | Management and Control Regulations | ||
betaald door DEA/PIA | Paid out by DEA/PIA | ||
betalingsreferentie | reference | ||
bevestigen | to confirm | ||
bevestiging | confirmation | ||
bevestigingsbrief | letter of confirmation | ||
bevestigingsbrief van aanmelding | written confirmation of registration | ||
bewaking | security | ||
bijlage | attachment | ||
bijlage (in brieven) | enclosures | ||
blok | block | ||
brochure | brochure | ||
bruto | gross (before taxes/deductions) | ||
budgetjaar | budgetary year | ||
Buitenlandse Zaken | Foreign Affairs | ||
bureau (firma) | agency | ||
bureau (kamer) | office | ||
bureau (meubel) | desk | ||
chipkaart / chipknip | chip card | ||
commissie, in een commissie zitten | committee, to be on a committee | ||
communicatie | communication | ||
contante betaling | cash payment | ||
dagelijkse leiding | day-to-day management | ||
deelnemers | participants | ||
derde geldstroom onderzoek | contract research | ||
deskundige op dat gebied, een | expert in that field, an | ||
discussiëren over (politiek) | to discuss (politics) | ||
economie (discipline) | economics | ||
economie floreert, De | The economy is booming | ||
econoom | economist | ||
eisen (zelfstandig naamwoord) | requirements | ||
etnische minderheid | ethnic minority | ||
exemplaar | copy | ||
Faculteitsreglement | Faculty Regulations | ||
folder | leaflet | ||
formulier | form | ||
geldautomaat | cashpoint (Br), cash machine, cash dispenser | ||
geïnspireerd door de katholieke traditie | inspired by the Christian tradition | ||
giropas, bankpas | cash card, cashpoint card | ||
handtekening | signature | ||
handtekening directeur | approved by director | ||
hervatten (van werk) | to resume (work) | ||
hoofd DEA/FIA | head of DEA/FIA Office | ||
huisreglement | house rules | ||
in te vullen door | to be filled in by | ||
indien afwijkend | if other | ||
informatie verschaffen (over) | to provide information (on) | ||
informatie verzamelen (over) | to collect information (on), to gather information (on) | ||
ingangsvoorwaarden | entrance requirements | ||
initiatiefrecht | right to submit proposals | ||
inschrijfformulier | registration form | ||
inschrijven voor | to register for | ||
inschrijving | registration | ||
inschrijvingsduur | registration period | ||
instelling | institution | ||
instellingsplan | institution's plan | ||
instemmingsrecht | right to consent | ||
instituut | institute | ||
internationalisering | internationalisation | ||
Interne Zaken | Internal Affairs | ||
Internet / op Internet | the Internet / on the Internet | ||
invullen | to fill in (Br), to fill out (Am) | ||
invullen indien bekend | fill in if known | ||
jaarrekening | annual (statement of) account(s) | ||
jaarverslag | annual report | ||
kiesbrief | polling card | ||
kiesdeler | electoral quota | ||
kiesregister (=lijst van kiesgerechtigden) | electoral role | ||
Klachtenregeling ongewenst gedrag | Undesirable Behaviour Complaints Procedure; Grievance Procedure | ||
klokkenluider | whistle blower | ||
koffieautomaat | coffee machine | ||
kopieerapparaat | photocopier, Xerox machine | ||
kwaliteitszorg | quality assurance | ||
leidinggevende | executive official | ||
lezing houden over, een | to deliver a lecture on, to lecture on | ||
maandbedrag | monthly sum | ||
mededelingenbord, iets ophangen op het | to put something up on the notice board | ||
mededelingenbord, publicatiebord, prikbord | notice board, bulletin board | ||
medezeggenschap (van werknemers) | (employee) participation | ||
medezeggenschapsorgaan | employee board, employee committee | ||
milieu (ecologisch) | environment | ||
milieu (sociaal) | social background | ||
minderheid | minority | ||
minderheidsgroep | minority group | ||
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | The Ministry of Foreign Affairs | ||
multidisciplinair | multidisciplinary | ||
naam declarant | submitter's name | ||
namens (in opdracht van) | by order of | ||
namens (tekenen namens) | on behalf of | ||
nota, notitie (geschrift) | memo, memorandum | ||
omschrijving | definition | ||
onder andere (zaken) | among other things | ||
onder anderen (personen) | among others (no abbreviation) | o.a. | |
ondernemer | entrepreneur | ||
ondernemingsraad | Works Council | ||
ondertekening | signature | ||
ongewenst gedrag | unacceptable behaviour | ||
ongewenste intimiteiten | sexual harassment | ||
onkosten | expenses | ||
onkostenvergoeding | reimbursement of expenses | ||
ontwikkelingsplan | development plan | ||
op bijzondere grondslag | inspired by the Christian tradition | ||
op de universiteit, aan de universiteit | at (the) university | ||
open dagen | open days | ||
opkomst; open, bijv. bij wedstrijden, demonstraties | turnout | ||
opkomst; bij colleges en vergaderingen; De opkomst stijgt; De opkomst loopt terug | attendance; Attendance at lectures is going up; Attendance at lectures is falling | ||
oproepbericht (electronisch; Kiesregelement) | invitation to vote | ||
oproepen (van gegevens) | to retrieve (data) | ||
oproepkaart (Kiesreglement) | poll card; voter registration card (Elections Act) | ||
opschorten | to defer, to suspend | ||
orgaan (als in 'openbaar orgaan') | body (as in 'public body') | ||
organisatiecode | organization code | ||
orginele bonnen toevoegen | include original receipts | ||
overige kosten | other expenses | ||
politiek asiel | political asylum | ||
postvak | pigeon hole (Br), mail box (Am) | ||
psycholoog | psychologist | ||
rechtspositie | legal status | ||
reden | reason | ||
regeling | arrangement | ||
reglement | (set of) rules | ||
rekeningcode | ledger account number | ||
renteloos voorschot | interest-free loan | ||
resultaten opleveren | to yield results | ||
richtlijnen (aanwijzingen) | guidelines | ||
richtlijnen (instructie) | instructions | ||
secretaresse | secretary | ||
secretariaat | secretary's (-ries') office | ||
socioloog | sociologist | ||
specialisatie | specialisation | ||
specialiteit | speciality (Br), specialty (Am) | ||
specificatie | specification | ||
stemapplicatie | voting application | ||
stembiljet (papaier) | ballot paper | ||
Stembureau | electoral committee | ||
stemcijfer | total vote | ||
stemformulier (electronisch) | ballot form | ||
strategisch plan | strategic plan | ||
subtotaal | sub-total | ||
surveilleren | to invigilate | ||
taakverdeling | division of tasks | ||
taalbeheersing | language proficiency | ||
talenpracticum | language lab(oratory) | ||
tarief | compensation rate | ||
tekort (aan) | shortage (of) | ||
tekstverwerker | word pocessor | ||
tekstverwerking | word processing | ||
ten name van | in the name of | t.n.v. | |
tenaamstelling | ascription | ||
terugkrijgen van geld | to get a refund | ||
thema | theme | ||
theoloog | theologian | ||
toelichting, zie ommezijde (z.o.z.) | for further information, please turn over (PTO) | ||
totaal | total | ||
totaal bedrag | total amount | ||
totale kosten | total expenses | ||
UvT kaart | UvT card | ||
vergoeden (terugbetalen) | to reimburse | ||
vergoeding | reimbursement | ||
vergoeding aanvragen | to apply for a refund | ||
verontschuldigingen voor het ongemak, Onze | We apologise for the inconvenience | ||
vertrouwenspersoon | Confidential Adviser; complaints officer | ||
vervangen, iemand (bij vergaderingen) | to sit in for somebody | ||
vervangen, iemand (permanent) | to replace somebody | ||
vervangen, iemand (tijdelijk) | to fill in for somebody | ||
verzamellijst (kiesreglement) | collective list | ||
vluchteling | refugee | ||
volledig invullen | fill in the entire section | ||
voor zover van toepassing | if applicable | ||
voorlichting | public relations, PR; information | ||
voortvluchtige | fugitive | ||
voorwaardelijke financiering | conditional funding | ||
vrijwilligerswerk | volunteer work | ||
wetgeving | law, legislation | ||
wijziging | amendment | ||
wiskundige reserves | actuarial reserves | ||
adjunct- ... | deputy ... | ||
Afdeling | Office, Section | ||
Afdeling Financiële Informatie en Administratie | Finance Information and Accounting office (Finance Office) | DEA-FIA | University organisations |
Afdeling Informatie Management | Information Management Office | DEA-IM | University organisations |
Afdeling Personele Informatie en Administratie | Personnel Information and Administration Office (Personnel Office) | DEA-PIA | University organisations |
Afdeling Planning & Control | Planning and Control Office | DEA-PC | University organisations |
Alumniverenigingen | Alumni Associations | University organisations | |
Application and Services Management | Application and Services Management | ASM | University organisations |
Babylon | Babylon | University organisations | |
Bedrijfshulpverlener(s) | University aid worker(s) | BHV-er(s) | University organisations |
Bedrijfshulpverlening | University (or campus) emergency services | BHV | University organisations |
Bestuursondersteuning | Management Support Office | BO | University organisations |
Beveiliging | Security | University organisations | |
Brabant Collection | Brabant Collection | BC | University organisations |
Bureau van de Universiteit | University Office | BU | University organisations |
Cedla | --- | University organisations | |
CentER Applied Research | CentER for Applied Research | University organisations | |
Center for Company Law | Center for Company Law | CCL | University organisations |
CentER for Economic Research | CentER for Economic Research | CentER | University organisations |
Center for Transboundary Legal Development | Center for Transboundary Legal Development | CTLD | University organisations |
CentERdata | CentERdata | CentERdata | University organisations |
Centrale Studentenbalie | Central Student Information Desk | CSB | University organisations |
Centrum voor Aansprakelijkheidsrecht | Center for Liability Law | CVsA | University organisations |
Centrum voor Interculturele Ethiek | Center for Intercultural Ethics | University organisations | |
Centrum voor Kennistransfer | Centre for Knowledge Transfer | CVsK | University organisations |
Centrum voor Procesrecht | Center for Legal Procedure Litigation | CVsP | University organisations |
Centrum voor Wetenschap en Levensbeschouwing | Centre for Science and Values | CWL | University organisations |
Centrum voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken | Center for Legislative Studies | CVsW | University organisations |
CML Loopbaanontwikkeling | Staff Development Service | CML | University organisations |
CMO, Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Ondernemen | CMO, Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility | University organisations | |
Collection Management | Collection Management | CM | University organisations |
College van Beroep voor de Examens | --- | CBE | University organisations |
College van Bestuur | Executive Board, The Executive Board of Tilburg University | CVsB | University organisations |
College van Decanen | Deans of the Faculties, Committee of Deans | University organisations | |
College voor Promoties | Doctorate Board | CVsP | University organisations |
Commissie | Committee | University organisations | |
Commissie financien en infrastructuur | Committee finance and infrastructure | University organisations | |
Commissie onderwijs en onderzoek | Committee education and research | University organisations | |
Commissie studenten, personeel en Arbo | Committee students, staff & safety | University organisations | |
Congresbureau | Conference Office | University organisations | |
Copyshop | Copy Shop | University organisations | |
Dagelijks bestuur | Executive Committee | University organisations | |
Decaan van een faculteit | Dean of a Faculty | University organisations | |
Departement (Departementen wordt exclusief gebruikt voor departementen) | Department | University organisations | |
Departement Accountancy | Department of Accountancy | University organisations | |
Departement Belastingrecht | Department of Tax Law | University organisations | |
Departement Business Law | Department for Business Law | University organisations | |
Departement Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschap | Department of Communication and Information Science | University organisations | |
Departement Econometrie en Operations | Department of Economics and Operations Research | University organisations | |
Departement Economie | Department of Economics | University organisations | |
Departement Encyclopedie en Rechtsgeschiedenis | Department of Jurisprudence and Legal History | University organisations | |
Departement Europees en Internationaal Publieksrecht | Department of European and International Public Law | University organisations | |
Departement Filosofie | Department of Philosophy | FGW | University organisations |
Departement Finance | Department of Finance | University organisations | |
Departement Fiscale Economie | Department of Fiscal Economics | University organisations | |
Departement Informatiekunde | Department of Information Systems and Management | University organisations | |
Departement Marketing | Department of Marketing | University organisations | |
Departement Methoden en Technieken van Onderzoek | Department of Methodology and Statistics | University organisations | |
Departement Organisatie en Strategie | Department of Organization and Strategy | University organisations | |
Departement Organisatiewetenschappen | Department of Organisation Studies | University organisations | |
Departement Personeelwetenschappen | Department of Human Resource Studies | University organisations | |
Departement Privaatrecht | Department of Private Law | University organisations | |
Departement Psychologie en Gezondheid | Department of Psychology and health | University organisations | |
Departement Psychologie en Maatschappij | Department Psychology and Society | University organisations | |
Departement Religie Wetenschappen en Theologie | Departement Theologie en Religiewetenschappen | DRT | University organisations |
Departement Religiewetenschappen en Theologie | Deaprtment of Religious Studies and Theology | University organisations | |
Departement Sociaal Recht en Sociale Politiek | Department of Social Law and Social Policy | University organisations | |
Departement Sociale psychologie | Department of Social Psychology | University organisations | |
Departement Sociologie en Vrijetijdwetenschappen | Department of Leisure Studies and Sociology | University organisations | |
Departement Staats- en Bestuursrecht | Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law | University organisations | |
Departement Strafrechtwetenschappen | Department of Criminal Law | University organisations | |
Departement Taal- en Cultuurstudies | Department of Language and Culture Studies | University organisations | |
Dienst (administratieve diensten of afdelingen) | Office | University organisations | |
Dienst directeur (operationele diensten of afdelingen) | Service Director | University organisations | |
Dienst Economische en Administratieve Zaken | Office of Economic and Administrative Affairs | DEA | University organisations |
Dienst Facilitaire Bedrijven | Facility Service | DFB | University organisations |
Dienst Studentenzaken | Office of Student Affairs | DSZ | University organisations |
Diensten (wanneer er in het algemeen sprake is van de diensten BU, DBI, DEA, DSZ, ITS etc.) | Service departments | University organisations | |
Dienstraad | Service Council | University organisations | |
Diktatenmagazijn | Course Materials Shop | University organisations | |
Directeur van een dienst | Director | University organisations | |
Directie | Management | University organisations | |
Documentaire Informatie Voorziening | Documentary Information Services | DIV | University organisations |
Drukkerij | Printing Office | University organisations | |
ECNC | --- | University organisations | |
European Value Studies | European Value Studies | EVS | University organisations |
Faculteit | Faculty | University organisations | |
Faculteit (Faculteit wordt niet vertaald met 'school/college' omdat dit erg ongebruikelijk is en verwarring wekt met bijvoorbeeld Business Schools | Faculty | University organisations | |
Faculteit Communicatie en Cultuur (vervalt per 1-1-2007) | Faculty of Arts (vervalt per 1-1-2007) | FCC | University organisations |
Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen | Faculty of Economics and Business Administration | FEB | University organisations |
Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen | Faculty of Humanities | University organisations | |
Faculteit Katholieke Theologie | Faculty of Catholic Theology | FKT | University organisations |
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid | Faculty of Law | FRW | University organisations |
Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen | Faculty of Social Behavioural Sciences | FSW | University organisations |
Faculteitsbestuur | Faculty Board | University organisations | |
Faculteitsbureau (Directeur) | Faculty Office (Director) | University organisations | |
Faculteitsraad | Faculty Council | University organisations | |
FIT, Fiscaal Instituut Tilburg | FIT, Fiscal Institute Tilburg | FIT | University organisations |
Hoofd van een afdeling of departement | Head | University organisations | |
Huisvesting | --- | University organisations | |
Infolab | --- | Infolab | University organisations |
Instellingsbeleid | Institutional Policy Office | IB | University organisations |
Interfacultair Bureau Geesteswetenschappen | Humanities Office | IBG | University organisations |
International Office | International Office | IO | University organisations |
Interne Controle | Internal Control Office | DEA-IC | University organisations |
INTERVICT | INTERVICT | University organisations | |
IT Development | IT Development | ITD | University organisations |
IT Service Desk | IT Service Desk | University organisations | |
IVA, Instituut voor sociaal wetenschappelijk beleidsonderzoek en advies | --- | IVA | University organisations |
IVO, Instituut voor Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken | IVO, Development Research Institute | IVO | University organisations |
Juridische Zaken | Legal Affairs | JZ | University organisations |
KCS | Tilburg University Career Services | KCS | University organisations |
Kernwaarden Code of conduct: Integriteit, respect, deskundigheid en betrokkenheid | Core values: Integrity, respect, expertise, and involvement | University organisations | |
Library and IT Services | Library and IT Services | LIS | University organisations |
Library Service Desk | Library Service Desk | University organisations | |
Library User Services | Library User Services | LUS | University organisations |
lid College van Bestuur | Member of the Executive Board (of Tilburg University) | University organisations | |
Liturgisch Instituut | Liturgical Institute | LI | University organisations |
Lokaal Overleg | University Labour Representation Board | University organisations | |
Lokale Automatiserings Unit | Computer Support Unit | LAU | University organisations |
Loket MKB (niet gebruiken: MKB Loket) | Desk for Small and medium-sized Enterprises | University organisations | |
Loopbaan Advies Centrum | Student Career Services | LAC | University organisations |
Luce | --- | University organisations | |
Medezeggenschap | Employee participation | University organisations | |
mens- en maatschappijwetenschappen | social sciences and humanities | University organisations | |
Netspar | Netspar | University organisations | |
Networks and Telephony | Networks and Telephony | NOC | University organisations |
Nexus Instituut | Nexus Institute | Nexus | University organisations |
Office Automation | Office Automation | OA | University organisations |
Oldendorff Onderzoeksinstituut | Oldendorff Research Institute | University organisations | |
Ondernemerscentrum | Business Centre | University organisations | |
Onderzoeksinstituut (Onderzoeksdirecteur) | Institute (Research director) | University organisations | |
Onderzoeksschool voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken | Research School for Legislative Studies | University organisations | |
OSA, Organisatie voor Strategisch Arbeidsmarktonderzoek | Institute for Labour Studies | OSA | University organisations |
Personeel en Organisatie | Peronnel and Organisation Office | P | University organisations |
Postdoctorale Opleiding Accountancy | -- | University organisations | |
Postverzorging | -- | University organisations | |
Rector Magnificus | Rector Magnificus (Gebruik geen: rector, vice-chancellor, provost etc.) | University organisations | |
Reglement Universiteitsraad | University Council Regulation | University organisations | |
Repro | Repro | University organisations | |
Research Support | Research Support | RS | University organisations |
Restauratieve Voorzieningen | Catering Services | University organisations | |
Salarisadministratie | Salary Records | University organisations | |
Schoordijk Instituut | Schoordijk Institute | University organisations | |
Secretaris van de Universiteit | Secretary of the Executive Board | University organisations | |
Sportcentrum | Sports Centre | University organisations | |
Staff Department | Staff Department | SD | University organisations |
Starterslift | --- | University organisations | |
Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant (niet meer in gebruik) | Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant | University organisations | |
Stichting Professor Cobbenhagen | --- | SPC | University organisations |
Stichtingsbestuur | Board of Governors | SB | University organisations |
Stiltecentrum | Meditation Centre | University organisations | |
Studenten Advies Bureau | Student Advisory Office | SAB | University organisations |
Studentenadministratie | Student Administration | SA | University organisations |
Studentenkerk Maranatha | Maranatha Student Church | University organisations | |
Studie- en studentenverenigingen | Student Associations | University organisations | |
Studievoorlichting | Study Information Centre | University organisations | |
Studium Generale | Studium Generale | SG | University organisations |
Talencentrum | Language Centre | University organisations | |
Teaching and Learning Support | Teaching and Learning Support | TLS | University organisations |
Telos, Brabants Centrum voor Duurzaamheidsvraagstukken | --- | Telos | University organisations |
TFC, Tilburg Center of Finance | TFC, Tilburg Center of Finance | TFC | University organisations |
Thomas Institute | Thomas Institute | University organisations | |
TiasNimbas Business School | --- | University organisations | |
TIBER, Tilburg Institute for Behavioral Economics Research | TIBER, Tilburg Institute for Behavioral Economics Research | TIBER | University organisations |
Ticer, Tilburg Innovation Centre for Electronic Resources | Ticer, Tilburg Innovation Centre for Electronic Resources | TICER | University organisations |
Tiger, Tilburg Institute for Game Theory and Economic Research | Tiger, Tilburg Institute for Game Theory and Economic Research | Tiger | University organisations |
Tilburg Graduate Law School | Tilburg Graduate Law School | University organisations | |
Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur | Tilburg School of Politics and Public Administration | University organisations | |
TILEC, Tilburg Law and Economic Center | TILEC, Tilburg Law and Economic Center | TILEC | University organisations |
TiLPS, Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science | TiLPS, Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science | TiLPS | University organisations |
TILT - Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society | TILT - Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society | TILT | University organisations |
Tisser, Tilburg Institute for Social and Socio-Economic Research | Tisser, Tilburg Institute for Social and Socio-Economic Research | University organisations | |
Tranzo | Tranzo | University organisations | |
Univers | Univers | Univers | University organisations |
Universiteit van Tilburg | Tilburg University | UvT (Engels: geen afkorting) | University organisations |
Universiteitsraad | University Council | University organisations | |
Unix | Unix | Unix | University organisations |
Vice-voorzitter College van Bestuur | Vice-president of the Executive Board (of Tilburg University) | University organisations | |
Voorlichting en Externe Betrekkingen | Office of Public and External Affairs | VEB | University organisations |
Voorzitter College van Bestuur | President of the Executive Board (of Tilburg University) | University organisations | |
Wetenschapswinkel | Science Shop | Wewi | University organisations |
(studie)voorlichting | study information | ||
aanmelding | registration | Education | |
aanmeldingscijfers | registration figures | Education | |
aantekeningen maken | to make notes | Education | |
afsluitend examen | final examination | Education | |
afsluitend tentamen | final exam | Education | |
afstudeerbegeleiding | (Master's thesis) supervision | Education | |
afstudeerformulier | graduation (application) form | Education | |
afstudeerrichting | specialisation, main subject (Br), major (Am) | Education | |
afstuderen in | to take a degree in, to earn a degree in, to receive a degree | Education | |
avondopleiding | evening course | Education | |
basis fase / basis fase (FEW) | foundation phase / Economics Foundation Phase | Education | |
basisbeurs | basic (student) grant | Education | |
basisschool | primary school (Br), elementary school (Am) | Education | |
beginnerscursus | beginners' course, introductory course | Education | |
beoordeelaar, tweede | second evaluator | Education | |
beroepsonderwijs (lager en middelbaar) | vocational training | Education | |
beroepsonderwijs / beroepsopleiding (hoger) | professional education | Education | |
bestuursbeurs | management participation grant | Education | |
beurs | grant, scholarship | Education | |
bewijs betaald collegegeld | proof of tuition fee payment | Education | |
bewijs van de examencommissie | statement from the examining board | Education | |
bewijs van inschrijving / bewijs van betaald collegegeld | proof of registration ; certificate of registration | Education | |
beëindiging inschrijving | termination of registration | Education | |
bijvak | subsidiary subject, minor subject (Am) | Education | |
bindend studieadvies | binding recommendation regarding the continuation of studies | Education | |
boekenlijst (gelezen werken bij een artikel) | bibliography | Education | |
boekenlijst (te lezen literatuur) | reading list | Education | |
boekenlijst (verplicht) | books required for the course | Education | |
bovenbouwstudie | post-propaedeutic programme | Education | |
buitenschoolse activiteiten | extracurricular activities | Education | |
bul (doctoraal) | Master's certificate, diploma | Education | |
bursaal | PhD student | Education | |
cijfer, punt | mark (Br), mark, grade (Am) | Education | |
cijferlijst | list of marks | Education | |
college | lecture (Br), class (Am) | Education | |
college bijwonen (niet als cursist) | to sit in on lectures (Br), to sit in on classes (Am) | Education | |
college geven | to lecture | Education | |
college lopen | to attend lectures | Education | |
College van Beroep voor de examens | Examination Appeals Board | Education | |
collegegeld | tuition fee(s) | Education | |
collegekaart | student card | Education | |
collegeldvergoeding | reimbursement of tuition fees | Education | |
collegevrij | no lectures (Br), no classes (Am) | Education | |
collegezaal | lecture room | Education | |
colloguium Doctum | (University) entrance examination | Education | |
Commissie van advies voor de bezwaar- en beroepschriften | Objections and Appeals Advisory Committee | Education | |
contractonderwijs | contract teaching | Education | |
cursus | course | Education | |
cursusaanbod | available courses; curriculum | Education | |
cursusboek | coursebook | Education | |
cursusgeld | course fee | Education | |
deelnemen aan een cursus | to take part / to participate in a course | Education | |
deelopleiding | subprogramme | Education | |
deeltijdopleiding | part-time programme | Education | |
deeltijdstudent | part-time student | Education | |
diploma | certificate, diploma | Education | |
diploma halen, een | to obtain a certificate | Education | |
diplomawaardering | valuation / assessement of certificates | Education | |
doctoraal | Master's (degree) | Education | |
doctoraalexamen | Master's exam, Master's examination | Education | |
een punt compenseren (met) | compensate for a mark (with) | Education | |
eerstejaars studenten | first-year students | Education | |
examen afleggen, een | to take an exam, to sit an exam | Education | |
examencommissie | examining board | Education | |
examens | examinations, exams, preliminary exaministions, interim examiniations | Education | |
extraneus | student with partial enrolment | Education | |
geleding studenten | student representatives/representation | Education | |
geschillencommissie | disputes committee | Education | |
getuigschrift | certificate, diploma | Education | |
herexamen | resit | Education | |
herkansing | resit | Education | |
hertentamen | re-examination, resit | Education | |
Hij heeft taalkunde als hoofdvak | Linguistics is his main subject (Br), He's a linguistics major (Am) | Education | |
Hij studeert economie | He's a student of economics | Education | |
Hoger Beroeps Onderwijs | higher professional education | HBO | Education |
hoger onderwijs | higher education | Education | |
hoofdvak | principal subject (Br), major (Am), main subject | Education | |
hooggeschoold | highly educated | Education | |
hoorcollege | (theoretical) lecture | Education | |
huur van een kamer | rent | Education | |
huur van een studentenflat | hall fees | Education | |
initiële opleiding | initial (degree) programme | Education | |
inloopspreekuur | consultation hours | Education | |
inschrijven, zich (aan de universiteit) | to enrol (Br) / to enroll (Am), to register | Education | |
instellingstarief collegegeld | institute-specific tuition fees | Education | |
instroom (van eerstejaars studenten) | intake of first-year students | Education | |
intake toets | intake test | Education | |
intekenen voor (een examen) | to sign up for (an exam) | Education | |
keuzevak | optional subject (Br), elective (Am) | Education | |
laaggeschoold | semiskilled or unskilled | Education | |
leermiddelen | educational tools, teaching aid, teaching materials | Education | |
leeronderzoek (individueel) | (individual) apprentice research | Education | |
leerplan (ontwikkeling) | curriculum (development) | Education | |
leerplicht | compulsory education | Education | |
leslokaal | classroom | Education | |
lesuur | period | Education | |
Managementtean Onderwijs | Education Management Team | Education | |
medestudent | fellow student | Education | |
mentor | counsellor | Education | |
middelbare school | secondary school | Education | |
Minister van Onderwijs | Minister of Education | Education | |
Ministerie van Onderwijs | Ministry of Education | Education | |
mondeling tentamen | oral exam | Education | |
NLO | Teacher Training College | Education | |
onderwijs (heel algemeen) | (formal) education | Education | |
onderwijs en onderzoek | teaching and research | Education | |
onderwijs geven | to teach, teaching ; lecturing (academic level) | Education | |
onderwijs in economie | classes in economics | Education | |
onderwijs, We hebben 7 uur per week onderwijs | instruction, We've got 7 hours of instruction per week | Education | |
Onderwijs- en examenregeling(en) | Education and Examination regulation(s) | Education | |
Onderwijsbestuur | Education Committee | Education | |
Onderwijsbureau ; Onderwijsbureau (F..) | Education Office ; ... Faculty's Office of Education | Education | |
onderwijsprogramma | study programme | Education | |
ongeschoold | unskilled | Education | |
onvoldoende, een | a fail | Education | |
op kamers wonen | to live in digs | Education | |
opfriscursus | refresher course | Education | |
opleiding | programme | Education | |
opleiding (cursus) | course, training, education | Education | |
opleiding (school) | institute, college, academy | Education | |
opleiding tot leraar basisonderwijs | Primary Teacher Training College (Br), Elementary (Am) Teacher Training College | Education | |
opleiding van drie jaar | a three-year programme | Education | |
opleidingsbestuur | programme board | Education | |
opleidingscentrum | training centre | Education | |
opleidingscommissie | programme committee | Education | |
opleidingsdossier | programme dossier | Education | |
opleidingsgegevens | educational qualifications | Education | |
opleidingsinstituut | training institute | Education | |
Orientatiedagen (Aansluitingsactiviteiten) | Orientation days | Education | |
persoonsgerichte studiebegeleiding | individual student supervision | Education | |
Post Akademisch Onderwijs | postgraduate continuing university education | PAO | Education |
postdoctorale opleiding | post-'doctoraal' programme | Education | |
Psychologie studeren | to study Psychology | Education | |
Reglement bescherming persoonsgegevens studenten Universiteit van Tilburg | Personal Data Protection Regulation for Tilburg University Students | Education | |
rooster | schedule, timetable | Education | |
schakelprogramma | transition programme | Education | |
scholier | pupil | Education | |
schoolopleiding | school training | Education | |
schriftelijk, schriftelijk tentamen, schriftelijk examen | written, written test, written exam | Education | |
scriptie | Master's thesis, dissertation | Education | |
scriptiebegeleider | thesis supervisor | Education | |
scriptiecoordinator | thesis coordinator | Education | |
scriptievertrouwenspersoon | thesis ombudsman | Education | |
spreekuur | consulting | Education | |
stage | internship, work placement, traineeship (Br) | Education | |
stagelopen | to do an internship / a traineeship | Education | |
stageperiode | period of practical training | Education | |
stageplaats | trainee post; internship post/place | Education | |
stageverslag | internship report, work placement report | Education | |
stoomcursus | crash course | Education | |
Studentenberaad | Student Council | Education | |
Studentencentrum | Student Centre | Education | |
studentencoördinator | student coodinator | Education | |
studentendecaan | student counsellor | Education | |
studentenflat | hall of residence | Education | |
studentenfractie | student party | Education | |
studentenhuisvesting | student accommodation | Education | |
studentenpsycholoog | student psychologist | Education | |
Studentenstatuut | Student Statue, students' charter | Education | |
studentenstop voor vier richtingen, een | quota in four subjects, a | Education | |
studentenstop, numerus fixus | quota | Education | |
studentenuitwisseling | student exchange | Education | |
studentenuitwisselingsprogramma | student exchange programme | Education | |
studentenvakbond | student union | Education | |
studentenvereniging | student(s') society (Br), fraternity, sorority (Am) | Education | |
studentenvoorzieningen | student(s') facilities | Education | |
Studentgericht Onderwijs | Student-centred teaching | Education | |
studie, mijn studie | a course of studies, my studies, my programme, my course | Education | |
studieadres | study address | Education | |
studieadviseur | academic advisor, (study counsellor heeft niet de voorkeur) | Education | |
studiebegeleiding | tutoring; student counselling | Education | |
studiebeurs | (government) grant, scholarship | Education | |
studieboek | textbook | Education | |
studiefinanciering aanvragen | to apply for a student grant | Education | |
studiefinanciering opzeggen | to terminate the student grant | Education | |
studiegids | prospectus (Br) / Catalog (Am) | Education | |
studiehouding | attitude towards studying | Education | |
Studiekeuze- en loopbaanadviseur | Study and Career Counsellor | Education | |
studielast | course load, work load, study load | Education | |
studiemethode | method of study | Education | |
studiepunt | credit | Education | |
studieresultaten | marks | Education | |
studierichtingscommissie | curriculum committee | Education | |
studievoortgang | student progress, study progress | Education | |
studievoortgangscontrole | student progress check/monitoring, monitoring of students' progress | Education | |
studievoortgangsregistratiesysteem | student progress monitoring system | Education | |
Stuurgroep Kwaliteitszorg Onderwijs | Education Quality Assurance Steering Group | SKO | Education |
syllabus | syllabus, reader | Education | |
tentamen | exam(ination) | Education | |
tentamenoproep | exam notification | Education | |
tentamenperiode | test week(s), test period, exam week(s), exam period | Education | |
toehoorder | auditor | Education | |
toelating | admission | Education | |
toelatingsbewijs | confirmation of admission | Education | |
toelatingsbrief | admission letter | Education | |
toelatingseisen | entrance requirements | Education | |
toelatingsexamen | entrance exam | Education | |
toets afnemen, een | to administer a test | Education | |
toets maken, een (door studenten) | to take a test, to do a test, to sit a test | Education | |
toets opstellen, een | to draw up a test | Education | |
tussentoets | mid-term test | Education | |
uitschrijven, zich uitschrijven | to remove a person's name from the register, to have one's name removed from the register, to deregister | Education | |
uitslagen, De uitslagen hangen op het prikbord | results, The results are up on the notice board | Education | |
uitwisselingsprogramma | exchange programme | Education | |
uitwisselingsstudent | exchange student | Education | |
vak (schoolvak) | subject | Education | |
verkort programma | shortened programme | Education | |
verplicht vak | compulsary subject | Education | |
verplichte literatuur | required reading | Education | |
vervolgcursus | follow-up course | Education | |
voldoende, een | a pass | Education | |
vooraanmeldingen | preliminary registration | Education | |
vooraanmeldingscijfers | preliminary registration figures | Education | |
voorlichtingsdagen | information days | Education | |
vooropleiding | previous education | Education | |
Voortgezet Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs | pre-university education | VWO | Education |
vrij programma | flexible programme | Education | |
VWO-decanen | Secondary school guidance counselors | Education | |
waarderen van diploma's (waarde bepalen) | to assess certificates, to value certificates | Education | |
waarmerken van diploma's | to certify certificates | Education | |
werkcollege | practical (lecture), seminar | Education | |
werkgroep | working group | Education | |
werkstuk | essay, paper, project | Education | |
Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek | Higher Education and Research Act | WHW | Education |
wettelijk tarief collegegeld | legally fixed tuition fees | Education | |
zakken (voor een examen) | to fail (an exam) | Education | |
Mathematical Economics and Econometric Methods | Mathematical Economics and Econometric Methods | University departments | |
Operations Research and Management Science | Operations Research and Management Science | University departments | |
Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Sciences | Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Sciences | University departments | |
Research Master Business | Research Master Business | University departments | |
Research Master Economics | Research Master Economics | University departments | |
Strategic Management | Strategic Management | University departments | |
Constitutional Principles of International and European Law | Constitutional Principles of International and European Law | University departments | |
International and European Business Law | International and European Business Law | University departments | |
Research Master Social and Behavioural Sciences | Research Master Social and Behavioural Sciences | University departments | |
Marketing Research | Marketing Research | University departments | |
Logistics and Operations Management | Logistics and Operations Management | University departments | |
Investment Analysis | Investment Analysis | University departments | |
Financial Management | Financial Management | University departments | |
Economics and Finance of Ageing | Economics and Finance of Ageing | University departments | |
Economics | Economics | University departments | |
Accounting | Accounting | University departments | |
Accountancy and Management Control | Accountancy and Management Control | University departments | |
International Business | International Business | University departments | |
International Economics and Finance | International Economics and Finance | University departments | |
Business Studies | Business Studies | University departments | |
Master in Finance | Master in Finance | University departments | |
MBA for Young Professionals | MBA for Young Professionals | University departments | |
International Executive MBA | International Executive MBA | University departments | |
Labour Law and Social Security Law | Labour Law and Social Security Law | University departments | |
Law and Technology | Law and Technology | University departments | |
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen | Culture Studies | University departments | |
Algemene Economie | --- | University departments | |
Bedrijfscommunicatie en Digitale Media | --- | University departments | |
Bedrijfseconomie | Business Administration | University departments | |
Bestuurskunde | Public Administration | University departments | |
Christendom en Cultuur | --- | University departments | |
Christendom en Islam | --- | University departments | |
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen | Communication and Information Sciences | University departments | |
Econometrie en Operationele Research | Econometrics and Operations Research | University departments | |
Fiscaal Recht | Tax Law | University departments | |
Fiscale Economie | Fiscal Economics | University departments | |
Informatiekunde | Information Management | University departments | |
Interculturele Communicatie | --- | University departments | |
Internationaal en Europees Recht | International and European Law | University departments | |
Marketing Management | --- | University departments | |
Milieurecht | --- | University departments | |
Nederlands Recht | Dutch Law | University departments | |
Nederlands Strafrecht in Europa | --- | University departments | |
Onderzoeksmaster Rechtsgeleerdheid | Research Master in Law | University departments | |
Organisatiewetenschappen | Organisation Studies | University departments | |
Personeelswetenschappen | Human Resource Studies | University departments | |
Psychologie | Psychology | University departments | |
Psychologie en Geestelijke Gezondheid | --- | University departments | |
Recht en Management | Law and Management | University departments | |
Religie en Cultuur | Religion and Culture | University departments | |
Sociaal Recht en Sociale Politiek | --- | University departments | |
Sociale Psychologie | --- | University departments | |
Sociologie | Sociology | University departments | |
Taalkunde en Interculturele Communicatie | Linguistics and Intercultural Communication | University departments | |
Tekst en Communicatie | --- | University departments | |
Theologie | Theology | University departments | |
Vrijetijdwetenschappen | Leisure Studies | University departments | |
Wijsbegeerte | Philosophy | University departments | |
Wijsbegeerte van een Bepaald Wetenschapsgebied | --- | University departments | |
Zorg, Ethiek en Beleid | --- | University departments | |
academisch dossier | academic file | University research | |
academische zitting | academic session | University research | |
Assistent in Opleiding | PhD student (Br), graduate student, doctoral student (Am), research trainee, trainee, research assistant | AiO | University research |
baret (bij toga) | cap | University research | |
bursaal | scholarship student | University research | |
conferentie | conference | University research | |
congres | conference, congress | University research | |
discussiestuk | working paper | University research | |
dissertatie | doctoral dissertation | University research | |
eerste geldstroom | direct funding (mechanism) | University research | |
gebied (wetenschap) | field | University research | |
gepromoveerd zijn in de taalkunde | have a PhD in linguistics | University research | |
graad (universitair) | degree | University research | |
inaugurele rede | inaugural address | University research | |
internationale relaties | international relations (niet gebruiken: relationships) | University research | |
kappa | kappa | University research | |
leerstoel bekleden, een | to hold a chair | University research | |
leerstoel, een | chair, a | University research | |
leerstoelenplan | professorship plan | University research | |
Maatschappelijke Adviesraad | Social Advisory Board | University research | |
Medewerker tweede en derde geldstroom | Officer direct - and indirect funding | University research | |
onderzoek | research (niet-telbaar zelfst nw.), a study, an investigation, an inquiry (telbaar) | University research | |
onderzoek doen naar | to do research into / to research into | University research | |
onderzoek naar, een | an inquiry into, a study of | University research | |
onderzoek(s)programma | research programme | University research | |
onderzoeker | researcher | University research | |
Onderzoeker in Opleiding | PhD student | OiO | University research |
Onderzoeksbestuur | Research Board | University research | |
onderzoeksmethode | research method | University research | |
onderzoeksplan | research project | University research | |
onderzoeksschool | graduate school | University research | |
ondezoeksvraag | research question | University research | |
pedel | beadle | University research | |
proefschrift | doctoral thesis (plural - doctoral theses) (Br), doctoral dissertation (Am) | University research | |
promotie | PhD defence | University research | |
promotiecommissie | doctoral board | University research | |
promotor | dissertation supervisor, dissertation advisor | University research | |
promoveren | to take one's PhD, to get one's doctorate, to obtain ones doctorate | University research | |
Regeling tegemoetkoming promotiekosten AIO's, OIO's en bursaal | Regulation for the Reimbursement of the Costs Related to the Defence of Thesis Ceremony for Trainee Research Assistants (AIOs and OIOs) and Scholarship Students (bursalen) | University research | |
Regeling tegemoetkoming promotiekosten wetenschappelijk personeel zijnde geen AIO's, OIO's en bursaal | Regulation for the Reimbursement of the Costs Related to the Defence of Thesis Ceremony for Academic Personnel Who Are Not Trainee Research Assistants (AIOs and OIOs) or Scholarship Students (bursalen) | University research | |
student-assistent | student-assistant | University research | |
terrein (wetenschappelijk) | field | University research | |
toegepast onderzoek | applied research | University research | |
toga | gown | University research | |
tweede geldstroom | indirect funding (mechanism) | University research | |
vakgroep | department | University research | |
vakkennis | expertise | University research | |
verdediging van een proefschrift | defence of a thesis | University research | |
wetenschappelijk | scientific (exacte vakken), academic, scholary | University research | |
wetenschappelijke staf | academic staff | University research | |
wetenschapper (exacte vakken) | scientist | University research | |
wetenschapper (mensvakken) | scholar, academic | University research | |
Wetenschapscommissie | Science Committee | University research | |
aaneengesloten periode | uninterrupted period | CVs | |
aanloopschaal | starting scale | CVs | |
aannemen van werknemers | to hire employees | CVs | |
aanpassen (salaris) | to adjust | CVs | |
aanspreektitel | term of address | CVs | |
aanstelling | appointment | CVs | |
ABP (Stichting Pensioenfonds) | ABP Pension Fund Foundation | CVs | |
achternaam | surname | CVs | |
administratief medewerker | administrative assistant | CVs | |
advertentie | advertisement | CVs | |
afroepcontract | work on call contract | CVs | |
afwijkende werktijd | unusual working hours | CVs | |
Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds | Public Servants Superannuantion Fund | ABP | CVs |
Algemene Seniorenregeling | General Regulation for Senior Employees | CVs | |
arbeidsbureau | job centre (Br), employment exchange | CVs | |
arbeidskosten | labour cost(s) | CVs | |
arbeidsmarkt | labour market, job market | CVs | |
arbeidsongeschikt | incapacitated | CVs | |
arbeidsplaats | job | CVs | |
arbeidstijdverkorting | shorter working hours | CVs | |
arbeidsverleden | employment history | CVs | |
arbeidsverzuim | absenteeism | CVs | |
ARBO-wet | Working Conditions Act | CVs | |
baan | job, position | CVs | |
behoud van bezoldiging | (with or without) salary retention | CVs | |
beoordeling | assessment (interview) | CVs | |
Besluit werkloosheid onderwijs- en onderzoekspersoneel | Unemployment Decree for Teaching and Research Staff | BWOO | CVs |
bevallingsverlof | childbirth leave (12-10 weeks after delivery, depending on how long pregnancy leave lasted; max. 16 weeks in event of early birth) | CVs | |
bevolkingsregister | municipal register | CVs | |
bezoldigd | paid | CVs | |
bezoldiging | remuneration | CVs | |
bijbaan | job on the side | CVs | |
bijverdienen | to earn additional income | CVs | |
bovenwettelijk | non-statutory | CVs | |
bovenwettelijk | Non-Statutory | CVs | |
Bovenwettelijke Werkloosheidsregeling Nederlandse Universtiteiten | Non-Statutory Unemployment Regulation of the Dutch Universities | BWNU | CVs |
bronnen inzetten | to use / exchange sources | CVs | |
buitenlandse werknemer (arbeider) | foreign worker, immigrant worker | CVs | |
buitenlandse werknemer (stafmedewerker) | foreign employee | CVs | |
buitenschoolse opvang | out-of-school care | CVs | |
burgerlijke staat | marital status | CVs | |
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen | Centre for Work and Income | CWI | CVs |
Collectieve Arbeids Overeenkomst | Collective Labour Agreement | CAO | CVs |
collega | colleague | CVs | |
collegiale intervisie (beoordeling onderwijsresultaten) | peer review | CVs | |
Commissie Personeelsoverleg | Personnel Consultative Committee | CPO | CVs |
computervergoeding | computer reimbursement | CVs | |
CV | CV | CVs | |
dagen waarop werkzaam | working days | CVs | |
dagopvang | day nursery | CVs | |
declaratie (reiskosten) | expense claim | CVs | |
dienstbelang / indien het dienstbeland zich hiertegen verzet / tenzij zwaarwegende bedrijfs- of -en zich daartegen verzetten | / if it would be contrary to the interests of the institution / unless dictated otherwise by substantial interests of the institution or service | CVs | |
dienstjubileum | service anniversary | CVs | |
dienstopdracht | assignment | CVs | |
dienstraad | council of the service department; service council | CVs | |
doorbetaling | continued payment | CVs | |
e-mail adres | e-mail address | CVs | |
eigen inkomen | personal income | CVs | |
eigennaam | propes name | CVs | |
einddatum (van arbeidscontract) | final date of employment given | CVs | |
eindejaarsuitkering | year-end bonus | CVs | |
Faciliteitenregeling en Keuzemodel Arbeidsvoorwaarden | Facilities Regulation and Terms and Conditions of Employment Options Model | CVs | |
Faciliteitenregeling Personeel | Personnel Facilities Regulation | CVs | |
Fietsregeling UvT | Bicycle Plan | CVs | |
fiscaal belastbaar inkomen | taxable income | CVs | |
Flexibel Pensioen en Uittreding | Flexible Pension and Retirement Scheme; flexible retirement (contribution) ; flexible and early retirement pension | FPU | CVs |
formatieplaats | establishment post | CVs | |
functie | position | CVs | |
functie, in zijn/haar functie van | position, in his/her capacity as | CVs | |
functieniveau | job level | CVs | |
functieordenen, systeem van | job ranking system | CVs | |
functieprofiel | job profile | CVs | |
functiewaardering | job evaluation | CVs | |
functionaris | official | CVs | |
functioneringsgesprek | performance appraisal | CVs | |
functioneringstoelage | merit pay | CVs | |
geboortedatum | date of birth | CVs | |
gegevens partner | data of partner | CVs | |
geheel, de CAO vormt een - met de ARB0 overeenkomst | the CEA is an integral part of the employment contract | CVs | |
gehuwd | married | CVs | |
Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie | Municipal Personal Records Database | GBA | CVs |
geregistreerd partnerschap | officially registered cohabition contract | CVs | |
geslacht | sex | CVs | |
herbezetting | reallocation | CVs | |
herbezettingsgelden | reallocation money | CVs | |
huisnummer | house number | CVs | |
indiensttreding | entrance into office | CVs | |
initialen | initials | CVs | |
invaliditeitspensioen | disability pension | CVs | |
jubileumgratificatie | bonus (for ... years of service); also: long service award | CVs | |
kamer | room | CVs | |
keuringsarts | medical examiner | CVs | |
keuzeblad | options form | CVs | |
Keuzemodel Arbeidsvoorwaarden | Terms and Conditions of Employment Options Model | CVs | |
kinderbijslag | child benefit | CVs | |
kleine deeltijder | employees with a small part-time contract | CVs | |
land | country | CVs | |
leeftijdsbewust personeelsbeleid | age-conscious personnel policy | CVs | |
leeftijdsdagen | age-related days | CVs | |
leges (voor verblijfsvergunning) | administrative charges; fees | CVs | |
leidinggevende (direct -) | (immediate) supervisor | CVs | |
levensloopregeling | life-course savings scheme | CVs | |
lidmaatschap | membership | CVs | |
machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf | Authorisation for Temporary Stay | MVV | CVs |
man | male | CVs | |
medeverzekerd bij partner | jointly insured with spouse | CVs | |
medische verklaring | health certificate | CVs | |
meisjesnaam | maiden name | CVs | |
minimumloon, wettelijk | statutory minimum wage | WML | CVs |
mobiliteitstoelage | mobility bonus | CVs | |
nabestaandenpensioen | surviving dependants' pension | CVs | |
nationaliteit | nationality | CVs | |
neveninkomsten | additional earnings, additional income | CVs | |
nevenwerkzaamheden | additional positions | CVs | |
nieuwelingenbeoordeling | starter's assessment | CVs | |
nulurencontract | zero-hours contract | CVs | |
omvang aanstelling | hours per week | CVs | |
onbezoldigd | unpaid | CVs | |
ondersteunend en beheerspersoneel | support and management staff, non-academic staff | OBP | CVs |
ongehuwd | single | CVs | |
ongeschoold; ongeschoolde arbeid; ongeschoolde arbeider | unskilled; unskilled labour; unskilled labourer | CVs | |
ongeschoolde arbeid / arbeider | unskilled labour / labourer | CVs | |
onregelmatige dienst | irregular working hours | CVs | |
ontslag | dismissal, discharge, redundancy (door inkrimping); resignation, notice | CVs | |
ontslaguitkering | severance pay | CVs | |
opplussen | upgrading | CVs | |
oproepkracht | stand-by contract | CVs | |
opzegging | notice | CVs | |
ouderdomspensioen | old age pension | CVs | |
ouderschapsverlof | parental leave | CVs | |
ouderschapsverlofregeling | parental leave regulation | CVs | |
overeenkomst op hoofdlijnen | outline agreement | CVs | |
overgangsregeling | transitional arrangement | CVs | |
overlegprotocol (bij CAO) | Consultation Protocol | CVs | |
overwerktoeslag (overwerkvergoeding) | compensation for overtime | CVs | |
particuliere ziektekostenverzekering | private health insurance | CVs | |
partner | partner | CVs | |
PC-prive regeling | Home PC Regulation | CVs | |
pensioengevend salaris | pensionable salary | CVs | |
pensioenjaren | pensionable years | CVs | |
periodiek | periodic salary increase; higher step in the salary scale; incremental raise/salary increase | CVs | |
periodiekdatum | date of the next incremental period; date of the next incremental raise/salary increase | CVs | |
personeel | personnel | CVs | |
personeelsgeleding | personnel section | CVs | |
personeelsvereniging | staff association | CVs | |
Personeelszaken | Personnel and Organisation | CVs | |
persoonsgegevens | personal data | CVs | |
PIM-formulier | Staff Intake and Amendment Form | CVs | |
plaats | city | CVs | |
postadres | postal address | CVs | |
postcode | post code | CVs | |
premiespaarregeling | National premium savings plan | CVs | |
premiespaarregeling Rijksambtenaren | Public Servants National premium savings plan | CVs | |
prestatieplicht (contract met uitgestelde -) | contract with a delayed performance clause | CVs | |
proeftijd | probationary period | CVs | |
Raamregling meerjaren- en lifetime-variant van de arbeidsduurverkorting | Mulit-year and lifetime ADV variants framework regulation | CVs | |
Regeling Computerapparatuur UvT | Tilburg University Computer Purchase Regulation | CVs | |
Regeling keuzemodel arbeidsvoorwaarden UvT | Tilburg Univesrity Options Model Regulation | CVs | |
Regeling Kinderopvang UvT | Tilburg University Childcare Regulation | CVs | |
Regeling leeftijdsuren | Age-Related Hours Regulation | CVs | |
Regeling Ouderschapsverlof UvT | Tilburg University Parental Leave Regulation | CVs | |
Regeling Tegemoetkoming reiskosten woon-werkverkeer en verhuiskosten UvT | Tilburg University Commuting and Relocation Costs Reimbursement Regulation | CVs | |
Regeling vergoeding dienstreizen UvT | Tilburg University Business Trips Reimbursement Regulation | CVs | |
Regeling vergoeding propagandakosten | Publicity Material Reimbursement Regulation | CVs | |
Reglement bescherming persoonsgegevens personeel Universiteit van Tilburg | Personal Data Protection Regulation for Tilburg University Staff | CVs | |
Reglement Rechtmatigheidsberoep | Lawfulness of Decisions Appeals Regulation | CVs | |
Reis- en pensioenkostenbeschikking ongehuwd burgerlijk rijkspersoneel | Unmarried Public Service Staff Travel and Accommodation Expenses Decision | CVs | |
Reisbesluit buitenland van de sector Rijk | International Travel Decree of the State Sector | CVs | |
reiskostenvergoeding | travel allowance | CVs | |
roepnaam | first name | CVs | |
salarisindicatie | salary scale | CVs | |
salarisnummer | salary number | CVs | |
salarisnummer | salary number | CVs | |
salarisregeling bij extraterritoriale vergoeding | (Tilburg University) Reimbursement of Extraterriorial Expenses Salary Regulation perspectives | CVs | |
salarisschaal | salary scale | CVs | |
salarisvooruitzichten | perspectives | CVs | |
samenwonend | living together | CVs | |
SAP-nummer | SAP number | CVs | |
Seniorenregeling | Regulation for Senior Employees | CVs | |
sollicitant | (job) applicant | CVs | |
sollicitatie | application | CVs | |
sollicitatiebrief | letter of application | CVs | |
sollicitatiegesprek | (job) interview | CVs | |
solliciteren | apply (for a job) | CVs | |
SOP regeling | SOP regulation (policy for Educational Staff) | CVs | |
spaarloon | the save-as-you-earn amount | CVs | |
spaarloonregeling | save-as-you-earn scheme | CVs | |
spaarloonrekening | save-as-you-earn account | CVs | |
standplaats | place of work | CVs | |
stimuleringsregeling | incentive scheme/arrangement, promotion system | CVs | |
Stimuleringsregeling Fiets | Bicycle Incentive Scheme | CVs | |
straatnaam | street name | CVs | |
Structuurregeling | Structure Regulation | CVs | |
studiefaciliteiten | study facilities | CVs | |
studieverlof | study leave, sabbatical (leave) | CVs | |
Subsidie- en voorschotregeling openbaar vervoer KUB | Tilburg University Public Transport Subsidy and Loan Regulation | CVs | |
SUM regeling | SUM Regulation; Regulation on senior university employees | CVs | |
titel(s) | academic degree(s) | CVs | |
toelage AIO (op loonstrookje) | "AIO allowance" | CVs | |
toelagen | special bonuses | CVs | |
UFO project | job ranking project | CVs | |
uitkerende instantie (=uitvoeringsorgaan) | body/institution responsible for benefits | CVs | |
uitkering bij vermissing | benefit in the event the employee goes missing | CVs | |
uitkering na overlijden | death benefit | CVs | |
uitvoering binnen werktijd | (tasks) during working hours | CVs | |
uitvoering buiten werktijd | (tasks) outside working hours | CVs | |
uitvoeringsregeling vergoeding verblijfsvergunning UvT | Tilburg University Reimbursement of Residence Permit Implementation Regulation | CVs | |
uitzendbureau | temp agency | CVs | |
urenverantwoordingsformulier | time record form | CVs | |
vacature | vacancy | CVs | |
vacature opvullen, een | to fill a vacancy | CVs | |
vakantie-uitkering | holiday pay | CVs | |
vakantieverlof | recreational leave | CVs | |
variabele werktijden | flextime | CVs | |
variabele werktijden hebben | to work flexihours, to work flextime | CVs | |
vaste aanstelling hebben, een | to have tenure | CVs | |
verblijfadres | residential address | CVs | |
verblijfsstatus | residency status | CVs | |
verblijfstitel (een zelfstandige - hebben) | to be entitled to temporary residence in his own right | CVs | |
verblijfsvergunning | residence permit | CVs | |
verdeelsleutel | distribution formula | CVs | |
Vereniging van Nederlandse Universiteiten | Association of Universities in the Netherlands | VSNU | CVs |
verhuiskosten | relocation expenses | CVs | |
Verklaring verplichte ziekenfondsverzerking zelfstandigen | Self-employed persons compulsory health insurance statement | CVs | |
verklaring, eigen | Statement of Intent | CVs | |
verlof (buitengewoon) | (special) leave of absence | CVs | |
verlofkaart | leave registration card | CVs | |
verlofsparen | leave saving | CVs | |
Verplaatsingskostenbeschiking 1962 | Travel and Relocation Expenses Decision 1962 | CVs | |
Verplaatsingskostenbesluit 1962 | Travel and Relocation Expenses Decree 1962 | CVs | |
verplichte ziekenfondsverzekering | compulsory health insurance | CVs | |
VKK-CAO | Collective Employment Agreement of the Special (Dutch) Universities | CVs | |
voorkeur aanspreekbenaming | preferred surname | CVs | |
voorletters | initials | CVs | |
voornaam / voornamen | first name(s) | CVs | |
voorvoegsel (van, van der) | -- | CVs | |
vrouw | female | CVs | |
waarnemingstoelage | bonus for temporary substituiton | CVs | |
wachtgeld | severance pay | CVs | |
wachtgeld krijgen | to be on severance pay | CVs | |
werkervaring | professional experience | CVs | |
werkgever | employer | CVs | |
werkgeversverklaring | employer's statement | CVs | |
werkoverleg | progress meeting | CVs | |
Werktijdenregeling | Tilburg Uniersity Working Hours Regulation | CVs | |
wetenschappelijk personeel | academic staff | WP | CVs |
woonplaats | city | CVs | |
ziekenfonds (verzekeringsmaatschappij) | health insurance company | CVs | |
ziekenfonds (ziektekostenverzekering) | health insurance | CVs | |
ziekenfondsgrens | compulsory health insurance income limit | CVs | |
ziekenfondsnummer | health insurance number | CVs | |
ZNU-uitkering | compensation for private (medical) insurance | CVs | |
zwangerschaps- en bevallingsverlof | pregnancy and childbirth leave ; maternity leave (als verzamelterm) | CVs | |
zwangerschapsverklaring | notice of pregnancy | CVs | |
zwangerschapsverlof | pregnancy leave (4-6 weeks before expected date of delivery) | CVs | |
AIO | PhD student | University job titles | |
Ambtelijk secretaris | Administrative secretary | University job titles | |
bijzonder hoogleraar | professor occupying an endowed chair | University job titles | |
buitengewoon hoogleraar (Belgie) | professor by special appointment | University job titles | |
collega docent | fellow lecturer | University job titles | |
collega onderzoeker | fellow researcher | University job titles | |
Decaan | Dean | University job titles | |
Directeur onderwijsinstituut | Director education institute | University job titles | |
Directeur onderzoeksinstituut | Director research institute | University job titles | |
Docent | Lecturer (Br) / Instructor (Am) | University job titles | |
gastdocent | visiting lecturer | University job titles | |
gasthoogleraar | visiting professor | University job titles | |
Hij is doctorandus in de psychologie | He's got a Master's (degree) in psychology | Drs. | University job titles |
Hoogleraar | Full Professor | University job titles | |
Hoogleraar (in) | Professor (of) | University job titles | |
jurist | lawyer, legist | University job titles | |
Onderzoeker | Researcher | University job titles | |
post-doc | post-doctoral researcher | University job titles | |
prodecaan | prospective dean | University job titles | |
professor | professor (Br), (a full) professor (Am) | University job titles | |
Promovendus | Doctoral candidate | University job titles | |
Toegevoegd Docent | lecturer (Br) / instructor (Am) | University job titles | |
Toegevoegd Onderzoeker | junior researcher | University job titles | |
Universitair Docent | Assistant Professor | University job titles | |
Universitair Hoofdddocent | Associate Professor | University job titles | |
Universitair Hoofddocent | Associate Professor | University job titles | |
Zij/hij is een professor in de economie | She/he is a professor of economics | University job titles | |
aanmaken van een bestand | to save information to disk / to save information on a diskette | Libraries | |
aanvraagbriefje | request note | Libraries | |
aanwinsten | accessions | Libraries | |
Algemene Bibliotheek Adviescommissie | General Library Advisory Committee | ABAC | Libraries |
archiefdozen | filing boxes | Libraries | |
beeldbank | image database | Libraries | |
bestand (tekstbestand op diskette) | file | Libraries | |
bestand (verzameling gegevens) | database | Libraries | |
bestelnummer | order number | Libraries | |
bezoeker | user, visitor | Libraries | |
Bibliografische collectie | Bibliographic collection | BIC | Libraries |
bibliografische database | bibliographic database | Libraries | |
bibliothecaris | librarian | Libraries | |
bibliotheek | library | Libraries | |
bibliotheekinstructie | library instruction course | Libraries | |
bibliotheekopdracht | library assignment | Libraries | |
blad (week-, maand-) (anders dan wetenschappelijk) | magazine | Libraries | |
blad (week-, maand-,) (wetenschappelijk) | journal | Libraries | |
boek te leen hebben van de bibliotheek, een | to have a book on loan from the library | Libraries | |
boekbespreking | book review | Libraries | |
boekerij | library | Libraries | |
Brabant-Collectie | Brabant Collection | BRA | Libraries |
Brabants Film Archief | Brabant Film Archive | BFA | Libraries |
brailleregel | braille display | Libraries | |
budgetcode | budget code | Libraries | |
budgetformulier | budget form | Libraries | |
budgetkaart | budget card | Libraries | |
catalogus (gebruik niet: WebOPC) | catalogue | Libraries | |
cd-rom pc (gebruik niet: stand-alone cd-rom) | CD-ROM PC | Libraries | |
cd-rom, cd-rom's (gebruik: onderkast) | CD ROM, CD ROMs | Libraries | |
Centraal boekenmagazijn | closed stacks | CBM | Libraries |
Centrale informatiebalie | Central information desk | Libraries | |
collectie | collection | Libraries | |
collectie (Nederlandse) Geschiedenis | (Dutch) History collection | NGE / GES | Libraries |
collectie Economie en Informatica | Economics and Information Science collection | ECO | Libraries |
collectie Filosofie | Philosophy collection | CIF | Libraries |
collectie Letteren | Language and Literature collection (niet: Arts collection) | LET | Libraries |
collectie Rechtsgeleerdheid | Law collection | JUR | Libraries |
collectie Sociale Wetenschappen | Social Sciences collection | SOC | Libraries |
collectie- en informatiespecialist | collection and information specialist | Libraries | |
deeltitel | one volume from a multi-volume publication | Libraries | |
documentalist (gebruik: informatiespecialist) | information specialist | Libraries | |
Documentatiecentrum voor Internationale en Statistieken Collecties | Documentation Centre for International and Statistics Collections | DISC | Libraries |
documentleverantie | document delivery | Libraries | |
dubbelklikken | to double click | Libraries | |
elektronische naslagwerken | electronic reference guides | Libraries | |
Europees Documentatiecentrum | European Documentation Centre | EDC | Libraries |
Europese digitale economiebibliotheek | European digital library for economics | Libraries | |
fotocopie (gebruik niet: copie) | photo copy, Xerox | Libraries | |
gebruikersonderzoek | user survey | Libraries | |
gesloten magazijn | closed stacks | Libraries | |
geïntegreerde werkplek (gebruik niet: werkplek) | integrated desktop | GIW | Libraries |
groepsruimte | group workroom | Libraries | |
Handelingen | Parliamentary Proceedings | Libraries | |
hierarchie (als zoekoptie in database) | classification, analytical index | Libraries | |
informatica | computer science (niet: informatics) | Libraries | |
informatiebestanden | library information systems | Libraries | |
informatiedrager | information carriers / information storage device | Libraries | |
informatiespecialist (Rechtsgeleerdheid) (gebruik niet: documentalist) | information specialist (for law) | Libraries | |
Interbibliothecair leenverkeer | Inter-Library Loan (ILL) | IBL | Libraries |
interesseprofiel | profile | Libraries | |
internetlink | internet link | Libraries | |
inzien | to consult | Libraries | |
Kamerstukken | Parliamentary docuements | Libraries | |
Kamervragen | Parliamentary Questions | Libraries | |
kluisjes | lockers | Libraries | |
koffiekamer | coffee corner | Libraries | |
korte presentatie | list of titles | Libraries | |
kostenplaats | budget code | Libraries | |
Landelijke Online Contents | National Online Contents | Libraries | |
leeszaal | reading room | Libraries | |
lenen (algemeen), uitlenen aan | to lend to | Libraries | |
lenen (van) (algemeen) | to borrow (from) | Libraries | |
lenerskaart | library card | Libraries | |
lijst met deelrubrieken | sublist | Libraries | |
lijst met onderwerpsrubrieken | list of subject categories | Libraries | |
losbladige reeksen | loose-leaf series | Libraries | |
maatwerkcursussen | tailored courses | Libraries | |
microfiche | microfiche | Libraries | |
muis slepen over | to drag the mouse | Libraries | |
muisknop | mouse button | Libraries | |
navigeren | to navigate | Libraries | |
Nederlandse Centrale Catalogus | Netherlands Central Catalogue | NCC | Libraries |
niet-uitleenbaar | non-loanable | Libraries | |
niveau (gebruik niet: nivo / gebruik niet: verdieping) | level | Libraries | |
nota | memorandum | Libraries | |
numeriek gegevensbestand (gebruik niet: databestand met numerieke gegevens) | database | Libraries | |
nummer (van een tijdschrift) | issue | Libraries | |
nummer, oud (van een tijdschrift) | back issue | Libraries | |
onderwerpsregister | subject index | Libraries | |
onderwerpsrubriek | subject category | Libraries | |
ontsluiting (van de collectie) | subject indexing | Libraries | |
op vertoon van | on presentation of | Libraries | |
pc / pc's (gebruik: onderkast) | PC / PCs | Libraries | |
persoonlijke vakliteratuurservice | current awareness service | PVS | Libraries |
raadpleeg-pc / raadpleeg-pc's | retrieval PC / retrieval PCs | Libraries | |
raadplegen (bestand) | to search | Libraries | |
raadplegen (boek) | to consult | Libraries | |
rappelbericht | overdue notice | Libraries | |
rappelkosten, boete | overdue notice, fine | Libraries | |
rechtsgeleerdheid (gebruik niet: rechten / gebruik niet: rechtswetenschappen) | law | Libraries | |
reserveren | to reserve | Libraries | |
rubriek | subject category | Libraries | |
schuifbalk | scrollbar | Libraries | |
Staatsblad | Bulletin of Acts and Decrees | Libraries | |
Staatscourant | (Netherlands) Official Journal | Libraries | |
stille studiezaal | quiet area | Libraries | |
Studentengebruikerscommissie | Student Users Committee | SGC | Libraries |
studentenwerkplek (gebruik niet: studenten-GIW) | student desktop | Libraries | |
tijdschrift | periodical | Libraries | |
tijdschriftaflevering | periodical issue | Libraries | |
tijdschriftenkasten | periodicals shelves | Libraries | |
tonen | to show, to display | Libraries | |
Topografisch-Historische Atlas | Topographic Historical Atlas | THA | Libraries |
treffer | hit, match, result | Libraries | |
trefwoord | keyword | Libraries | |
uitgebreide zoekactie | detailed search | Libraries | |
uitgeleend | (out) on loan | Libraries | |
uitleenbaar | loanable | Libraries | |
uitleenbeleid | lending policy | Libraries | |
uitleenstraat | self-service circulation system | Libraries | |
uitleentermijn | lending period | Libraries | |
uitleenvoorwaarden | lending conditions, lending policy | Libraries | |
UvT catalogus | Tilburg University Catalogue | Libraries | |
UvT Online Contents | Tilburg University Online Contents | Libraries | |
UvTnet-thuisabonnement | UvTnet home subscription | Libraries | |
Vergaderjaar | Session | Libraries | |
verlengen | to renew | Libraries | |
verwijzing | reference | Libraries | |
vindplaats (gebruik niet: aanvraagnummer / gebruik niet: signatuur) | location, shelf number, shelf mark | Libraries | |
wachtwoord | password | Libraries | |
werkplekreserveringssysteem | desktop reservation system | Libraries | |
Wetenschappelijk (maand)blad | (scientific/Academic) journal | Libraries | |
wetsvoorstel | bill | Libraries | |
wettensets | bill files | Libraries | |
zoekactie | search operation | Libraries | |
zoeken op | to search (by) / to use ... as a search option | Libraries | |
zoekset | result set | Libraries | |
zoeksleutel | search key | Libraries | |
zoekterm | search term | Libraries | |
aankomsttijden | arrival times | Travel | |
aankondiging, melding (luidspreker) | announcement | Travel | |
aantal km | number of kms | Travel | |
Amsterdamse grachten | The Amsterdam canals | Travel | |
bestemming | destination | Travel | |
bij aankomst | on arrival | Travel | |
binnenlandse vlucht | domestic flight | Travel | |
BTW, Prijzen zijn inclusief BTW | VAT, Prices are inclusive of VAT, VAT included | BTW | Travel |
bushalte | bus stop | Travel | |
carpoolen | carpooling | Travel | |
declaratie kosten binnenland | claim for domestic travelling expenses | Travel | |
declaratie kosten buitenland | claim for international travelling expenses | Travel | |
dienstregeling | timetable | Travel | |
diner | dinner | Travel | |
doel van de reis | purpose of trip | Travel | |
eenpersoons bed | single bed | Travel | |
eenpersoons kamers | single rooms | Travel | |
eigen vervoer | private transport | Travel | |
Elke 20 minuten gaat er een bus | There's a bus every 20 minutes | Travel | |
enkeltje | single (Br) / one-way (Am) / ticket | Travel | |
Er is een halte vlakbij de universiteit | There's a stop right near the university | Travel | |
heen en terug | there and back | Travel | |
Het Kanaal | The (English) Channel | Travel | |
hotel is vol, Het | The hotel is full, The hotel is all booked-up | Travel | |
hotelkamer boeken, een | to make hotel reservations, to book a room | Travel | |
huisvesting regelen | to arrange for accommodation | Travel | |
hut | cabin | Travel | |
instappen | to get on (buses, trains, planes) | Travel | |
internationale vlucht | international flight | Travel | |
kaartjesautomaat | ticket machine | Travel | |
kamer met ontbijt | bed and breakfast | Travel | |
kilometervergoeding | mileage allowance | Travel | |
logies | accommodation | Travel | |
loket | ticket window, booking office | Travel | |
luchthaven | airport | Travel | |
lunch | lunch | Travel | |
medepassagiers (bij carpoolen) | fellow passengers (when carpooling) | Travel | |
NS voordeel-urenkaart | NS off-peak discount pass | Travel | |
NS-jaarkaart | an NS annual pass | Travel | |
NS-jaartrajectkaart | an NS annual trajectory pass | Travel | |
op en neer reizen tussen | travel up and down between | Travel | |
openbaar vervoer | public transport (Br), transportation (Am) | Travel | |
OV-jaarkaart | an annual public transport card | Travel | |
OV-studentenkaart | public transport pass for students | Travel | |
overnachting in een hotel | a room for the night | Travel | |
overstappen (trein) | to change trains | Travel | |
perron | platform | Travel | |
rechtstreekse vlucht | direct flight | Travel | |
reis (kort + impliceert terugkeer) | trip | Travel | |
reis (meest algemeen) | journey | Travel | |
reis (over zee) | voyage | Travel | |
reiskosten | travelling expenses | Travel | |
reiskostenvergoeding | travelling allowance | Travel | |
reistijd | journey-time | Travel | |
retourdatum | date of return journey/trip | Travel | |
retourtje | return (Br) / round trip (Am) / ticket | Travel | |
Schiphol | Amsterdam Airport | Travel | |
sneltrein | fast train | Travel | |
sterabonnement | zone pass | Travel | |
stoptrein | slow train | Travel | |
toestemming autogebruik | permission for car use | Travel | |
treinen kunnen zo'n 5 à 10 minuten vertraging hebben, De | Trains may be delayed by 5 or 10 minutes | Travel | |
treinen van en naar Breda | trains from and to Breda | Travel | |
tussenstop | stopover | Travel | |
tweepersoons bed | double bed | Travel | |
tweepersoons kamers | double rooms | Travel | |
uitstappen | to get off (buses, trains, planes) | Travel | |
veerboot | ferry | Travel | |
verblijfkosten | accommodation expenses | Travel | |
vertraging | delay | Travel | |
vertrekdatum | date of departure | Travel | |
vertrektijd | time of departure | Travel | |
vertrektijden | departure times | Travel | |
vlucht | flight | Travel | |
Wat kost een kaartje naar A.? | What is the (train/bus) fare to A.? | Travel | |
Zij die aankomen met de sneltrein | Those arriving on the fast train | Travel | |
aan de lijn hebben | to have on the line | Telephone calls | |
afbellen | to phone to cancel an appointment | Telephone calls | |
antwoordapparaat | answering machine | Telephone calls | |
bericht, een bericht inspreken, een bericht achterlaten | message, to leave a message | Telephone calls | |
binnenkomende boodschap | incoming message | Telephone calls | |
binnenlijn | internal line, inside line | Telephone calls | |
buitenlijn | external line, outside line | Telephone calls | |
Dank u voor de inlichtingen | Thank you (very much) for the information | Telephone calls | |
Een moment a.u.b. | Just a minute, please | Telephone calls | |
Er is telefoon voor u / Er is telefoon voor je | You are wanted on the phone | Telephone calls | |
Er zit een gesprek tussen | The lines are crossed | Telephone calls | |
gesprek beëindigen, een | to ring off | Telephone calls | |
gesprek onderbreken, een | to interrupt a call | Telephone calls | |
gesprek voor rekening van de persoon die gebeld wordt | a collect call / to call collect | Telephone calls | |
Gouden Gids, de | The Yellow Pages | Telephone calls | |
Graag gedaan | You're welcome (sir/madam) | Telephone calls | |
Hij is er momenteel niet | He's not in at the moment | Telephone calls | |
iemand telefonisch spreken | to speak to someone on the phone / to speak to someone over the phone | Telephone calls | |
Ik bel je nog wel | I'll give you a ring, I'll give you a call | Telephone calls | |
Ik bel u straks terug | I'll call you back later | Telephone calls | |
Ik verbind u door | I'll put you through | Telephone calls | |
Ik zal u de heer A. geven | I'll put you through to Mr A., I'll put Mr A. on the line | Telephone calls | |
inlichtingen | (directory) enquiries | Telephone calls | |
interlokaal gesprek | trunk call (Br) / long distance call (Am) | Telephone calls | |
interne telefoon | office telephone number | Telephone calls | |
Kan ik iets (een bericht) doorgeven? | Can I take a message? | Telephone calls | |
kosteloos | free of charge | Telephone calls | |
Kunt u even wachten? (informeel) | Hang on (please) | Telephone calls | |
Kunt u wat luider spreken? | Could you speak a little louder please? I can't hear you. | Telephone calls | |
lijn, De lijn is bezet, Het nummer is in gesprek | Line, The line's engaged, The line is busy | Telephone calls | |
mobiele telefoon, GSM | cell(ular) phone, mobile phone | Telephone calls | |
na de pieptoon | after de beep | Telephone calls | |
netnummer | area code | Telephone calls | |
nummer op kantoor | office number | Telephone calls | |
nummer thuis / privé nummer | home number | Telephone calls | |
opbellen | to phone (up), to ring (up) (Br), to call (up) (Am) | Telephone calls | |
ophangen | to hang up, to ring off | Telephone calls | |
pieper | bleeper | Telephone calls | |
telefoneren | to telephone, to make a phonecall | Telephone calls | |
telefoon, De telefoon is kapot | Phone, The phone is out of order | Telephone calls | |
telefoonboek | phone-book, (telephone) directory | Telephone calls | |
toestel 15 | extension 15 | Telephone calls | |
Verbinding, De verbinding is slecht | The line, The line is bad | Telephone calls | |
verkeerd verbonden / verkeerd gedraaid | wrong number | Telephone calls | |
Wilt u aan de lijn blijven | Will you hold (the line), please? | Telephone calls | |
aanwezig, de aanwezige personen | present, the persons present | Meetings | |
aanwezigheid | presence | Meetings | |
afwezig | absent | Meetings | |
afwezig met bericht van verhindering | absent with notice | Meetings | |
afwezig zonder bericht van verhindering | absent without notice | Meetings | |
afwezigheid | absence | Meetings | |
agenda (kantoor, school etc.) | diary (Br), appointment book (Am) | Meetings | |
agenda (vergadering) | agenda | Meetings | |
agendapunten, volgende punt op de agenda | items on the agenda, next item on the agenda | Meetings | |
Als ik er even tussen mag komen | If I might butt in here | Meetings | |
besluit | decision | Meetings | |
besluitvormingsproces | decision-making (process), decision process | Meetings | |
dat is niet persoonlijk bedoeld (okay) | no offence (none taken) | Meetings | |
datum vaststellen voor de volgende vergadering | to fix a date for the next meeting | Meetings | |
drukfout | misprint | Meetings | |
eens zijn, Zijn we het daar allemaal over eens? | to agree, Are we all agreed on that? | Meetings | |
het woord geven aan | to give the floor to | Meetings | |
Ik heb niet helemaal verstaan wat u net zei | I didn't quite catch what you just said | Meetings | |
Ik vrees dat we over moeten gaan naar het volgende agendapunt | I'm afraid we have to move on to the next item on the agenda | Meetings | |
ingekomen stukken | communications received | Meetings | |
invallen voor (tijdelijk) | fill in for | Meetings | |
koffiepauze | coffee break | Meetings | |
Kortom, ... | In short, ... | Meetings | |
Kunt u daar wat meer over vertellen? | Could you elaborate on that? | Meetings | |
Kunt u het kort houden S.V.P. | Could you keep it brief, please / Please be brief | Meetings | |
Laat me nou even uitpraten | Please let me finish | Meetings | |
Laten we daarover stemmen | Let's vote on that, Let's put that to the vote | Meetings | |
nadeel, belangrijk nadeel, minpunt | drawback, major drawback | Meetings | |
nadelen | disadvantages | Meetings | |
notulen, door de notulen van de vorige vergadering lopen | minutes, to go through the minutes of the previous meeting | Meetings | |
notuleren | to take notes / take minutes | Meetings | |
notulist | secretary | Meetings | |
Om een lang verhaal kort te maken | To cut a long story short | Meetings | |
oneens zijn | to disagree | Meetings | |
punt naar voren brengen, een | raise a point | Meetings | |
rondvraag, Heeft er iemand iets voor de rondvraag?, iets voor de rondvraag hebben, Dat kunnen we beter bij de rondvraag bespreken | any other business, Has anyone got any other business?, have a question (something) for 'any other business', We'd better discuss that under 'any other business' | Meetings | |
samengevat, ... | summarizing, ... | Meetings | |
schema, We liggen op schema, We liggen voor op schema, We liggen achter op schema | schedule, We're on schedule, We're ahead of schedule, We're behind schedule | Meetings | |
spelfout | spelling error | Meetings | |
streefdatum | target date | Meetings | |
te zijner tijd | in due course | Meetings | |
tegen iets zijn | to be against something | Meetings | |
ter sprake komen | to come up for discussion | Meetings | |
theepauze | tea break | Meetings | |
tijdslimiet vaststellen | to set a time limit (on) | Meetings | |
tikfout | typo | Meetings | |
U hebt nog vijf minuten | You've got five more minutes | Meetings | |
vergadering beleggen over | to schedule a meeting for | Meetings | |
vergadering bijwonen, een | to attend a meeting | Meetings | |
vergadering houden over | to have a meeting on | Meetings | |
vergadering openen, een | to open a meeting | Meetings | |
vergadering, een bijzondere vergadering, een normale vergadering | meeting, a special meeting, a regular meeting | Meetings | |
vergaderzaal | conference room | Meetings | |
vervangen (permanent) | to replace | Meetings | |
voor iets zijn | be in favour of something | Meetings | |
voor- en nadelen (niet los van elkaar gebruiken) | pros and cons | Meetings | |
voordelen | advantages | Meetings | |
voorzitten | to chair | Meetings | |
voorzitter | chairman, chairperson | Meetings | |
Wil iedereen die er voor is zijn hand opsteken | All those in favour, please raise your hands | Meetings | |
woord is aan Mr. Brown | Mr Brown has the floor | Meetings | |
zwak punt in je redenering | a flaw in your argument | Meetings | |
(recht) achter u | (right) behind you | Directions | |
(recht) voor u | (right) in front of | Directions | |
100 km per uur | 60 miles an hour | Directions | |
120 km per uur (ongeveer) | 75 miles an hour | Directions | |
50 km per uur (ongeveer) | 30 miles an hour | Directions | |
80 km per uur (ongeveer) | 50 miles an hour | Directions | |
aan de overkant | across from here | Directions | |
afslag | junction | Directions | |
als u mij wilt volgen | If you will follow me | Directions | |
amfitheater | lecture theatre (Br), lecture hall (Am) | Directions | |
aula | auditorium | Directions | |
automatische deuren | automatic doors | Directions | |
automatische schuifdeuren | automatic sliding doors | Directions | |
balie | information desk | Directions | |
begane grond | ground floor (Br), first floor (Am) | Directions | |
bezoekadres | visiting address | Directions | |
bordje / wegwijzer | sign | Directions | |
bovenste verdieping | top floor | Directions | |
campus | campus | Directions | |
Cobbenhagen building | Cobbenhagen building | C | Directions |
Congresbalie | Conference Desk | Directions | |
Dante building | Dante building | D | Directions |
deze weg volgen tot | continue along this road as far as | Directions | |
draaideuren | revolving doors | Directions | |
eerste straat links | take the first turning to the left | Directions | |
eerste straat rechts | take the first turning to the right | Directions | |
Esplanade building | Esplanade building | E | Directions |
fietsenkelder | bicycle basement | Directions | |
fietsenrekken | bicycle racks | Directions | |
fietsenstalling (apart hokje) | bicycle shed | Directions | |
fietspad | bicycle path | Directions | |
Food Plaza | Food Plaza | F | Directions |
gang | corridor | Directions | |
gebouw (zoek op building) | building | Directions | |
gemeentehuis | town hall | Directions | |
glazen gang | glass corridor | Directions | |
Goossens building | Goossens building | G | Directions |
hoofdbalie | main desk | Directions | |
hoofdingang | main entrance | Directions | |
huisvesting | accommodation | Directions | |
in een hoek | in a corner | Directions | |
in een hoek (van bijv. 40 graden) | at an angle | Directions | |
informatiebalie | information desk | Directions | |
Je doet er anderhalf uur over met de trein | It takes you an hour and a half to get there by train | Directions | |
Je doet er twee uur over met de auto | It's a two-hour drive | Directions | |
kamer van Hr./Mevr. B., de | Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms B's office | Directions | |
kelder | basement | Directions | |
Kleine Foyer | --- | Directions | |
koffiekamer | refreshment room | Directions | |
Koopmans building | Koopmans building | K | Directions |
kruispunt | cross-roads | Directions | |
Library | Library | L | Directions |
lift | lift (Br), elevator (Am) | Directions | |
linker rijbaan | left lane | Directions | |
links afslaan bij | turn left at, a left at (Am) | Directions | |
links van u | to your left, on your left | Directions | |
Loop langs gebouw S | Go past Building S | Directions | |
loopbrug (bij de bibliotheek) | footbridge | Directions | |
maximum snelheid | speed limit | Directions | |
mensa | restaurant | Directions | |
Montesquieu building | Montesquieu building | M | Directions |
Olympia building | Olympia building | O | Directions |
onder de loopbrug door lopen | pass under the footbridge | Directions | |
parkeerterrein | car park (Br), parking lot (Am) | Directions | |
plattegrond | map | Directions | |
plein | square | Directions | |
politiebureau | police station | Directions | |
prachtig uitzicht op, een | a beautiful view of | Directions | |
Prisma building | Prisma building | P | Directions |
rechtdoor | straight ahead, straight on | Directions | |
rechtdoor tot | keep straight until you come to | Directions | |
rechter rijbaan | right lane | Directions | |
rechts afslaan bij | turn right at, take a right at (Am) | Directions | |
rechts van u | to your right, on your right | Directions | |
restaurant | restaurant | Directions | |
rondleiding door, een / een rondleiding langs | a tour of | Directions | |
schuifdeuren | sliding doors | Directions | |
Simon building | Simon building | S | Directions |
snelweg | motorway (Br), highway, freeway (Am) | Directions | |
splitsing | T-junction | Directions | |
stadsbus | city bus | Directions | |
Tias building | Tias building | T | Directions |
touring car | coach | Directions | |
trap, trappen | stairs | Directions | |
tweede afslag op de rotonde, de | the second exit from the roundabout | Directions | |
universiteitsgebouwen | university buildings | Directions | |
universiteitsterrein | university grounds | Directions | |
verdieping / eerste verdieping | floor / first floor (Br), second floor (Am) | Directions | |
verkeersdrempel | speed ramp | Directions | |
verkeerslichten / stoplichten | traffic lights | Directions | |
viaduct | underpass | Directions | |
vijver | pond | Directions | |
vleugel, de westelijke vleugel | wing, the west wing | Directions | |
Volg de autoweg tot afslag A | Take the motorway as far as junction A. | Directions | |
volg de verkeerstekens naar | follow the (road)signs to | Directions | |
Warande building | Warande building | W | Directions |
weg wijzen, de | to show the way, to give directions | Directions | |
zij-ingang | side entrance | Directions | |
Zwijsen building | Zwijsen building | Z | Directions |
7 | (arabic nummeral) seven | Formatting & Punctuation | |
aanhalingstekens | quotation marks (" ") / inverted commas ('...') | Formatting & Punctuation | |
accolades | curly brackets | Formatting & Punctuation | |
afkorting | abbreviation | Formatting & Punctuation | |
alinea | paragraph | Formatting & Punctuation | |
apostrof | apostrophe | Formatting & Punctuation | |
bladzijde omslaan, een | to turn over a page | Formatting & Punctuation | |
bovenaan de bladzijde | at the top of the page | Formatting & Punctuation | |
cursief | in italics | Formatting & Punctuation | |
dubbele punt | colon | Formatting & Punctuation | |
gedachtenstreep | dash (- - endash; -- emdash) | Formatting & Punctuation | |
hoofdletters | capital letters / capitals | Formatting & Punctuation | |
kleine letters | small letters | Formatting & Punctuation | |
kolom / linker / rechter / middelste kolom | column / left-hand / right-hand / middle column | Formatting & Punctuation | |
komma | comma | Formatting & Punctuation | |
leeg vel (papier), een | blank sheet, a | Formatting & Punctuation | |
lettergreep | syllable | Formatting & Punctuation | |
linker benedenhoek | bottom left-hand corner | Formatting & Punctuation | |
linker bovenhoek | top left-hand corner | Formatting & Punctuation | |
marge (kantlijn) | margin | Formatting & Punctuation | |
midden op de bladzijde | in the middle of the page | Formatting & Punctuation | |
onderaan de bladzijde | at the bottom of the page | Formatting & Punctuation | |
paragraaf | section | Formatting & Punctuation | |
punt | full stop (Br) / period (Am) | Formatting & Punctuation | |
puntjes | dots | Formatting & Punctuation | |
puntkomma | semicolon | Formatting & Punctuation | |
rechter benedenhoek | bottom right-hand corner | Formatting & Punctuation | |
rechter bovenhoek | top right-hand corner | Formatting & Punctuation | |
regel | line | Formatting & Punctuation | |
ronde haken | round brackets; parentheses | Formatting & Punctuation | |
schuine streep | (forward) slash (/) / backslash (\) | Formatting & Punctuation | |
spatie | space | Formatting & Punctuation | |
stippellijn | dotted line | Formatting & Punctuation | |
telkens een regel overslaan | write on alternate lines | Formatting & Punctuation | |
tiende regel van boven, de | ten lines from the top | Formatting & Punctuation | |
tiende regel van onderen, de | ten lines from the bottom | Formatting & Punctuation | |
tussen haakjes (overigens, trouwens) | incidentally, by the way | Formatting & Punctuation | |
uitroepteken | exclamation mark | Formatting & Punctuation | |
vel papier, een | sheet of paper, a | Formatting & Punctuation | |
verbindingsstreepje | hyphen (as in "close-up") | Formatting & Punctuation | |
vierkante haken | square brackets | Formatting & Punctuation | |
VII | roman (numeral) seven | Formatting & Punctuation | |
vishaakjes (<...>) | angle brackets (<...>) | Formatting & Punctuation | |
vraagteken | question mark | Formatting & Punctuation | |
witregel (tussen alinea's) | extra space (between paragraphs) | Formatting & Punctuation | |
z.o.z. | p.t.o. (please turn over) | Formatting & Punctuation | |
zet tussen haakjes | to put in brackets (parentheses) | Formatting & Punctuation | |
(public) feestdagen | holidays | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
10 januari | 10 January, 10th January, January 10th | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
academisch jaar | academic year | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
al in 1970 | as early as 1970 | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
april | April | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
augustus | August | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Bevrijdingsdag | Liberation Day | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
collegevrije periode | Break | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
collegevrije periode (herfst) | mid-term Break | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
collegevrije periode (kerst) | Christmas Break | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
collegevrije periode (Pasen) | Easter Break | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
dag tevoren, de | day before, the | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
datum | date | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
december | December | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
dinsdag | Tuesday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
donderdag | Thursday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
door de week(s) | on weekdays | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
eergisteren | day before yesterday, the | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Eerste Kerstdag | Christmas Day | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Eerste Paasdag | Easter Sunday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Eerste Pinksterdag | Whitsunday (Br) / Pentecost (Am) | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
einddatum (bepaalde tijd) | final date (in case of temporary appointment) | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
etmaal | twenty-four hours | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
februari | February | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
gisteravond | last night / yesterday evening | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
half elf | half past ten, ten-thirty | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Hemelvaartsdag | Ascension Day | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Herfstvakantie | Autumn holiday (Br) / Autumn vacation (Am) | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
in het weekend (elk weekend) | in the weekends | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
ingangsdatum | commencing date | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
is precies elf uur, Het | It's exactly eleven o'clock | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
januari | January | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
juli | July | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
juni | June | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
kantooruren | office hours | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Kerstvakantie | Christmas holiday (Br) / Christmas vacation (Am) | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
komende woensdag | this (coming) Wednesday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Koninginnedag | Queen's birthday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
kwart, tien, vijf voor elf | a quarter, ten, five to eleven / digitally: ten-oh-five (10:05) (Am) / ten-fifteen, ten twenty-five, ten-thirty, ten-fifty, etc. | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
laatste tijd, de | lately | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
maandag ; 's maandags (=elke maandag) | Monday; on Mondays | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
maandag t/m zaterdag | Monday through Saterday (vnl. Am) | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
maart | March | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
mei | May | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
namiddag | p.m. | n.m. (ned) / p.m. (eng) | Time, Dates & Holidays |
november | November | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
oktober | October | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
om de andere dag | every other day | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
om tien uur | at ten | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
om twaalf uur 's middags | at noon | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
onlangs, pas geleden | the other day | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
op dinsdag (elke dinsdag) | on Tuesdays | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
over drie jaar | three years from now /in three years' time | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
over een week | in a week / a week from now | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Paasvakantie | Easter holiday (Br) / Easter vacation (Am) | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Pinksteren | Whitsuntide (Br) / Pentecost (Am) | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
semester | semester | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
september | September | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Sinterklaasavond | Saint Nicolas Eve | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
t/m | till | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
tien, vijf voor half elf | twenty, twenty-five past ten / twenty, twenty-five after ten (Am) | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
tijdelijk | temporary / temporarily | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
tijdig | timely / in time | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
tijdvak | period | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
trimester | term | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
tussen de middag | at lunchtime | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Tweede Kerstdag | Boxing Day | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Tweede Paasdag | Easter Monday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
Tweede Pinksterdag | Whitmonday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
uiterlijk op 12 april | on 12 April at the latest | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
uiterste datum | deadline | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
uren per week | hours per week | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
vanaf 1 september | as of 1 September | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
vandaag is het maandag | today is Monday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
vannacht (aankomende nacht) | tonight | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
vannacht (afgelopen nacht) | last night | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
vijf, tien over over half elf | twenty-five, twenty to eleven | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
vijf, tien, kwart over tien | five, ten, a quarter past ten (Br) / five, ten, a quarter after ten (Am) | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
volgende week | next week | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
volgende week niet maar dan | the week after next | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
volgende week woensdag | next Wednesday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
voormiddag | a.m. | v.m. (ned) / am. (eng) | Time, Dates & Holidays |
vorige week | last week | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
vrijdag | Friday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
We beginnen om tien uur precies | We start at ten o'clock sharp | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
week daarvoor, de | week before, the | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
woensdag | Wednesday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
woensdag over een week | Wednesday week / a week from Wednesday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
zaterdag | Saturday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
zodra het u schikt | at your earliest convenience | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
zondag | Sunday | Time, Dates & Holidays | |
(Studie)loopbaanadviseur | (Course) advisor | Support and management staff | |
Administrateur | Administrator | Support and management staff | |
Administratief medewerker | Administrative assistant | Support and management staff | |
Afdelingshoofd | Head of department | Support and management staff | |
Ambachtelijk medewerker | Craftsman | Support and management staff | |
Arbo- en milieuconsulent | Health and safety & environment consultant | Support and management staff | |
Arbo- en milieucoordinator | Health and safety & environment coordinator | Support and management staff | |
Arbo- en milieudeskundige | Health and safety & environment expert | Support and management staff | |
Archiefmedewerker | Filing assistant | Support and management staff | |
Bedrijfsmaatschappelijk werker | Company welfare officer | Support and management staff | |
Beheerder ICT | ICT Manager | Support and management staff | |
Beheertechnicus | Maintenance engineer | Support and management staff | |
Beleidsdirecteur | Policy director | Support and management staff | |
Beleidsmedewerker | Policy advisor | Support and management staff | |
Bestuurssecretaris | Public servant | Support and management staff | |
Beveiligingsmedewerker | Security officer | Support and management staff | |
Bibliotheektechnisch medewerker | Library assistant | Support and management staff | |
Communicatieadviseur | Communication advisor | Support and management staff | |
Communicatiemedewerker | Communications Officer | Support and management staff | |
Consultant ICT | ICT Consultant | Support and management staff | |
Controller | Controller | Support and management staff | |
Coordinator externe samenwerking | Coordinator external cooperation | Support and management staff | |
Directeur bedrijfsvoering | Business operations director | Support and management staff | |
Directeur dienst | Service director | Support and management staff | |
Facilitair accountmanager | General and technical services account manager | Support and management staff | |
Informatie-/collectiespecialist | Information/collection specialist | Support and management staff | |
Inkoopmedewerker | Purchasing assistant | Support and management staff | |
Inkoper | Purchaser | Support and management staff | |
Intern accountant | Internal accountant | Support and management staff | |
Jurist | Lawyer | Support and management staff | |
Kok | Chef | Support and management staff | |
Kwaliteitsmanager Arbo en Milieu | Quality manager Health and Safety and Environment | Support and management staff | |
Logistiek medewerker | Logistic assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker administratieve processen en systemen | Administrative processes and systems assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker afval en gevaarlijke stoffen | Waste and hazardous substances officer | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker arbeidsvoorwaarden | Terms of employment assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker audiovisuele technieken (regie) | audiovisual technology assistant (direction) | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker audiovisuele technieken (vervaardiging) | Audiovisual technology assistant (production) | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker bestuurlijke informatievoorziening | Management information provision assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker bureau buitenland | International student office assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker contractmanagement | Contract management assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker drukkerij en repro | Printing and repro assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker frontoffice | front office assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker groenvoorziening, wegen en terreinen | Green areas, roads and grounds assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker interne dienst | internal service assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker kennistransfer | Knowledge transfer assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker mobiliteit | Mobility assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker onderwijsontwikkeling | Education development assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker personeelsbeheer | Personnel management assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker restauratieve voorzieningen | Restaurant facilities assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker studentenzaken | Student affairs officer | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker studium generale/ cultuur | general studies/ culture assistant | Support and management staff | |
Medewerker wetenschapswinkel | Science shop assistant | Support and management staff | |
Ondersteuner ICT | ICT Supporter | Support and management staff | |
Onderwijs-/ onderzoeksassistent | Education/ research assistant | Support and management staff | |
Onderwijs-/Onderzoeksmedewerker | Education/Research assistant | Support and management staff | |
Onderwijscoordinator | Education coordinator | Support and management staff | |
Ontwikkelaar ICT | ICT Developer | Support and management staff | |
Operationeel technicus | Operational engineer | Support and management staff | |
Operator | Operator | Support and management staff | |
Opleider | Trainer | Support and management staff | |
P adviseur | P advisor | Support and management staff | |
Portier/ receptionist/ telefonist | Doorman/ receptionist/ telephonist | Support and management staff | |
Procescoordinator ICT | Process coordinator ICT | Support and management staff | |
Projectleider | Project leader | Support and management staff | |
Projectmanager | Project manager | Support and management staff | |
Redacteur | Editor | Support and management staff | |
Schoonmaakmedewerker | Cleaner | Support and management staff | |
Secretaresse | Secretary | Support and management staff | |
Secretaris | Secretary | Support and management staff | |
Secretaris van de universiteit | University secretary | Support and management staff | |
Service level manager | Service level manager | Support and management staff | |
Sportdocent | Sport teacher | Support and management staff | |
Stagecoordinator | Work placement coordinator | Support and management staff | |
Studentendecaan | Student counsellor | Support and management staff | |
Studentenpsycholoog | Student psychologist | Support and management staff | |
Studieadviseur | Study advisor | Support and management staff | |
Surveillant | Supervisor | Support and management staff | |
Teamleider | Team leader | Support and management staff | |
Technicus onderwijs- en onderzoeksgebonden, profiel | Technical education and research associates, profile | Support and management staff | |
Technisch facilitair bestandsbeheerder | Technical service account manager | Support and management staff | |
Technisch projectmedewerker | Technical project assistant | Support and management staff | |
Trainer | --- | Support and management staff | |
Treasurer | Treasurer | Support and management staff | |
Verkoopmedewerker | Sales assistant | Support and management staff | |
Vertaler/ tolk | Translator/ interpreter | Support and management staff | |
Vertrouwenspersoon | Confidential advisor | Support and management staff |