Techniek dut eng.xlsx (in 11 parts: Part 9)
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Dutch | English | Notes |
standaard lichtbron | luminator for colorimetry | |
standaard lichtbron | standard source | |
standaard lopende passing | normal running fit | |
standaard maat | standard gauge | |
standaard maat | standard measure | |
standaard maat | standard size | |
standaard methode | method standard | |
standaard microfoon | standard microphone | |
standaard monster | reference sample | |
standaard monster | standard sample | |
standaard ontwerp | standard design | |
standaard pakket | standard package | |
standaard plaat | standard disc | |
standaard plaat | standard record | |
standaard prijs | standard price | |
standaard product | standard product | |
standaard product | stock product | |
standaard product | off-the-shelf product | |
standaard regionale routefrequenties | standard regional route transmitting frequencies | airforce |
standaard schakeling | standard circuit | |
standaard seriegrootte | standard batch quantity: SBQ | |
standaard snelheid | standard speed | |
standaard systeemactie | standard system action | |
standaard tijd | standard time | |
standaard tolerantie | standard tolerance | |
standaard toonhoogte | standard pitch | |
standaard transmissie-interface | standard transmission interface | |
standaard type | standard type | |
standaard uitrusting | standard equipment | |
standaard uren | standard hours | |
standaard vergelijkingsapparaat | standard comparison apparatus | |
standaard verpakkingseenheid | standard packing unit | |
standaard voorschrift | standard specification | |
standaard voorstelling | standard form | |
standaard waarnemer | standard observer | |
standaard waterverplaatsing | normal displacement | navy |
standaard waterverplaatsing | standard displacement | navy |
standaard wit | standard white | |
standaardafleiding | standard deviation | |
standaardafmeting | standard dimension | |
standaardafwijking | SD (standard deviation) | medical |
standaardafwijking | standard deviation | |
standaardartikel | stock item | |
standaardasmethode | standard-shaft practice | |
standaardbadoplossing | standard-bath solution | |
standaardbakenbenadering | standard-beam approach | airforce |
standaardband | standard tape | |
standaardbetekenis v.e. woord | acceptation | |
standaardcel | standard cell | |
standaardcel ontwerptechniek | standard cell design technique | |
standaardcommunicatieplan voor de luchtpatrouilles | aircraft communication standard plan | |
standaarddosis | standard dosing | medical |
standaarden | standard | |
standaard-gatmethode | standard-hole practice | |
standaardinstrumentaankomst | standard instrument arrival | airforce |
standaardinstrumentvertrek | standard instrument departure | airforce |
standaardisatie | standardization | |
standaardisatie | standardisation | |
standaardiseren | standardize | |
standaardiseren | standardize | medical |
standaard-kanalenkiezer | standard channel selector | |
standaard-kleurenpatroon | standard colour pattern | |
standaardkostencentrum | Engineered expense center | economical |
standaardmaat | norm | |
standaardmaat | standard | |
Standaardnederlands | standard Dutch | education |
standaardomstandigheden | standard temperature and pressure | Onder standaardomstandigheden verstaat men in de scheikunde een atmosferische druk van 1 atmosfeer en een temperatuur van 25°C. |
standaardomstandigheden | stp | Onder standaardomstandigheden verstaat men in de scheikunde een atmosferische druk van 1 atmosfeer en een temperatuur van 25°C. … standard temperature and pressure |
standaard-PAL | standard-PAL | |
standaardprocedure | standard operating procedure | army |
standaardproduct met varianten | standard product with variants | |
standaardrepertoire | standard repertoire | music |
standaard-seriegroottebesturing | standard batch control | |
standaardwerkprocedure/standaardbedieningsprocedure | standard operating procedure | airforce |
standalone | stand-alone | |
Standard mash | Standard mash | Een brouwsel gemaakt op een voorgeschreven wijze met een specifieke hoeveelheid water en mout ten behoeve van analysedoeleinden … beer |
standard operating procedure | SOP | army |
standardisatie instituten | standardisation institutes | Algemeen erkend instituten dat standaards opzet en bewaakt. |
Meervoud van: standaardisatie instituut | ||
Ook: Normalisatie instituut (Normen) … Acknowledged institutes that provides Standards. | ||
Plural form of: standardisation institute | ||
Also: Normalisation Institute (Norms) … general | ||
standbeeld | statue | |
standbouw | stand building | |
standby | alert (on alert) | airforce |
standby | standby | |
standby redundantie | standby redundancy | |
standby van ontvangststation | listening silence | |
stand-by/paraat | on alert | airforce |
stand-by…/reserve/nood… | stand by (bn) | airforce |
stand-bybericht | stand-by message | airforce |
stand-bypassagier | stand by | |
stand-byticket | stand by | |
standen | positions | |
standen | states | |
standen | heights | |
standen | levels | |
stander | stand | |
stander | support | |
stander | workbench | |
stander | tressle | |
stander | easel | |
stander | bench | |
standhouden | withstand | |
standhouden | stand up to | |
standhouden | confront | |
standhouden | last | |
standhouden | keep on | |
standhouden | endure | |
standhouden | continue | |
standhouden, voortduren | persist (v) | to remain active for some time … environment |
standje | observation | |
standje | remark | |
standje | reproach | |
standje | reproof | |
standkachel | short-stop heater | automobiles |
standkoers | attitude heading | airforce |
standkoersreferentiesysteem | attitude-heading reference system | airforce |
standleiding | vertical supply header | |
standleiding | horizontal supply header | |
standleiding | stand pipe | |
standmelder | position notifier | |
standmelding | position-indication | een positie aangegeven door middel van een standmelder. … a position transmitted uing a position- indicator. … general |
standolie | bodied oil | |
standolie | stand oil | |
standpijp | stand pipe | building |
standpijp | vertical pipe | building |
standplaats | habitat | botanics |
standpunt | point of view | |
standpunt | standpoint | |
standpunt | position | |
standpunt | viewpoint | |
standtijd | tool life | mechanical engineering |
standtijd | life | |
standtijd | standing time | |
standvastig | sustained | |
standvastig | permanent | |
standvastig | continual | |
standvastig | constant | |
standvink | queen post | building |
standvink | trusspost | building |
standvink | stud | |
standvink | stile | |
standvlucht/stilhangen | hovering | airforce |
standzekerheid | stability | hydraulics |
stang | rod | |
stang | bar | |
stang | stanchions | |
stang | pole | |
stang | bar | |
stang | bar | |
stangafdrukeenheid | bar printer | |
stangeind | rod end | |
stangen | bars | dunne, langwerpige objecten of voorwerpen … thin, long objects |
stangen | rods | |
stangen | needle | iemand stangen … to needle someone |
stangen | nettle | iemand stangen … to nettle someone |
stangen | rattle | iemand stangen … to rattle someone |
stangen | rile | iemand stangen … to rile someone |
stangen | staves | |
stangen | rails | |
stangen | poles | |
stangenmechanisme | bar mechanism | |
stangenmechanisme | link mechanism | |
stangenstelsel | linkage | |
stangenveelhoek | polygon linkage | |
stangkop | rod eye | general |
stangkop | rod head | |
stangkop | rod end | |
stangoverbrenging | linkage | |
stank | odour | unpleasant smell … environment |
stank | bad smell | |
stank | smell | |
stank | stench | |
stank voor dank | get small thanks for ones pains | |
stankafsluiter | trap | hydraulics |
stankafsluiter | stench trap | |
stankbestrijding | deodorisation | removal of noxious gases and odours … environment |
stankloos | inodorous | |
stankloos | odourless | |
stankoverlast | odour nuisance | discomfort caused by unpleasant smells … environment |
stanleymes | box cutter | building |
stanleymes | cardboard cutter | building |
stanleymes | Stanley knife | building |
stannaat | stannate | |
stannaatbad | stannate bath | |
stannaatbad | stannate solution | |
stanniet | stannite | |
stannigehalte | stanni content | |
stanniool | tin foil | |
stannogehalte | stanno content | |
stanolester | stanol ester | medical |
stans | punch | medical equipment |
stans | dictionary | |
stansdegel | platen | |
Stansen | Die cutting | plastics |
stansen | blank | |
stansen | die cut | |
stansen | gangpunching | |
stansen | cut | |
stansen | punch | |
stansmachine | diecutting machine | screen printing |
stansmachine | blanking machine | |
stansmachine | cutting machine | |
stansmachine | die cutter | |
stansmachine | gang punch | |
stansmachine | punching machine | |
Stansmachines, gebruikt | punching machines, used | plastics |
stansmes | dinking punch | |
stansmes | dinking die | |
stansmodel | punch pattern | |
stanspers | punch press | |
stansproduct | die-cutting | |
stansproduct | blank | |
stansproduct | stamping | |
stap | step | |
stap | stride | |
stap | pace | |
stap | step | Step one |
stap in de levenscyclus | life cycle stage/step | environment |
stapel | heap | |
stapel | stack | |
stapel | pile | |
stapel | nuts | |
stapel | mad | |
stapel | insane | |
stapel | crazy | |
stapel | multitude | |
stapel | mass | |
stapel | crowd | |
stapel | accumulation | |
stapel | sound post | music |
stapel papier | pile of paper | |
stapel… | drystone | building |
stapelaanwijzer | stack pointer | |
Stapelaar | Palletiser | beer |
stapelaar | stacker | screen printing |
stapelbaar | stackable | |
stapelbak | stackable container | |
stapelbed | bunk bed | |
stapelbord | pallet | |
stapeldiagram | compound bar chart | |
Stapelen | Stacking | beer |
stapelen | pile | |
stapelen | amass | |
stapelen | stack | |
stapelen | pile up | |
stapelen | heap | |
stapelen | accumulate | |
stapelen | stack, super(im)pose | music |
stapelfout | stacking fault | |
stapelgeheugen | cellar | |
stapelgeheugen | nesting store | |
stapelgeheugen | push-down store | |
stapelgeheugen | running accumulator | |
stapelgeheugen | stack | |
stapelhoogte | stacking height | |
stapeling | piling | |
stapeling | stacking | |
stapeling | stacking, super(im)position | music |
Stapelinstallaties | Piling equipment | plastics |
stapelmal | piling jig | |
stapelmal | stacking jig | |
stapelmuurtje | drywall | building |
stapelpijp | piling trough | |
stapelpijp | stacking trough | |
stapelplaat | piling plate | |
stapelplaat | stacking plate | |
stapelplank | piling board | |
stapelplank | stacking board | |
stapelproef | piling test | |
stapelproef | stacking test | |
stapelput | soakaway | hydraulics |
stapelrooster | stacking grid | |
stapelschakelaar | disc built-up switch | |
stapelsteker | adapter | |
stapelwachttijd | stacking waiting time | |
stapelwagen | stacking cart | |
stapelwolk | heap cloud | airforce |
stapelwolk | woolpack cloud | airforce |
stapgrootte | step size | electrical |
stapler | staple gun/stapler | medical equipment |
stappen | pace | |
stappen | step | |
stappen | tread | |
stappen | stride | |
stappen | stalk | |
stappen | vamp | |
stappencircuit | step circuit | |
stappenmotor | stepping motor | |
stappenplan | flowchart | Stap voor stap in plan verwerken … computers |
stappenplan | sequence | |
stappenrelais | stepping relay | |
stappenverzwakker | step attenuator | |
stapsgewijs | in steps | |
stapsgewijs | stepwise | |
stapsgewijs | successively | |
stapsgewijs | in stages | |
stapsgewijze bewerking | single-step operation | |
stapsgewijze bewerking | step-by-step operation | |
stapsgewijze verfijning | stepwise refinement | |
stapvoets | walking pace | |
stapvoets rijden | slow driving | |
stap-voor-stap-verwerking | one-shot operation | |
stap-voor-stap-verwerking | single-shot operation | |
stap-voor-stap-verwerking | single-step operation | |
stap-voor-stap-verwerking | step-by-step operation | |
star | rigid | |
star | fixed | |
star | stiff | |
star onvervormbaar lichaam | rigid body | |
staren | peer | |
staren | gaze | |
staren | stare | |
starheid | rigidity | |
Starre as | Dead axle (beam axle) | De simpelste vorm van as, bestaande uit een horizontale verbinding, bevestigd aan het koetswerk met veren. Deze soort as wordt als achteras toegepast bij sommige voorwielaangedreven auto`s. … automobiles |
starre ordergrootte | fixed order size | |
starre verkeerslichtenregeling | fixed-time signals | |
start | start | |
start | lift-off | |
start | take-off | |
start met extra raketmotor | assisted take-off | airforce |
start met extra raketmotor | jet-assisted take-off | airforce |
start met extra raketmotor | rocket-assisted take-off(from the ground) | airforce |
start met extra raketmotor | (from the ground) | airforce |
start op vol vermogen | full dry power take-off | airforce |
start van de aanval | initial point | airforce |
start van overdracht | transfer initiation | airforce |
startbaan | departure runway | airforce |
startbaan | take-off runway | airforce |
startbaan | runway | hydraulics |
startbaantussenruimte | runway spacing | airforce |
startbaanuitloop | stopway | airforce |
startbaanuitlooplicht | stopway light(s) | airforce |
Startbootje | Stakeboat | rowing |
startcontainer voor geleidewapens | missile launching house | navy |
startdatum | start date | |
startduur | time to take-off | |
starten | initiate | |
starten | trigger | |
starten | start | |
starten | start off | |
starten | commencing | |
starten | launch a glider | airforce |
startende ondernemers | starting entreprenneurs | |
startende ondernemers | starting entreprenneurs | |
starter | starter | |
starterkrans | starter ring gear | A starter ring gear, sometimes called a starter ring or ring gear, is a medium carbon steel ring with teeth that is fitted on the periphery of a flexplate or flywheel of an internal combustion engine, mostly for automotive applications. … automobiles |
starterkrans | starter gear ring | |
Starterrondsel | Starter gear | automobiles |
starterslot | starter lock | |
startgewicht | launch weight | civil engineering |
starthoogte | take-off screen height | typically 50ft above the runway … aerospace |
startinrichting | starter | ergane |
Startinstallatie | Starting installation | rowing |
Startkabels | Jump leads | Zware elektrische kabels met klemmen om het mogelijk te maken dat een accu verbonden wordt met een andere accu om in een noodgeval te starten. … automobiles |
startklaar | ready to go | automobiles |
startknop | start button | |
startkoppel | starting torque | |
startlengte/startafstand | take-off distance | airforce |
startmantel | skirt | army |
startmoter | starter motor | automobiles |
Startmotor | Starter motor | automobiles |
startmotor | starter motor | biking |
startmotor | starter | |
startmotor | starting motor | |
startmotor | starter | startonderbreker |
Startmotorrotor | Armature | automobiles |
startofficier | duty pilot | airforce |
startonderbrekingsrelais | starting circuit cut-off relais | Relais waarmee voorkomen wordt dat een al gestarte motor opnieuw gestart wordt of onder onveilige omstandigheden gestart wordt. Te denken valt aan niet-ingetrapte voetrem of niet-ingeknepen remhendel, of bij uitgeklapte zijstandaard. … A cut-off device for engine starting systems. The cut-off device has a cut-off relay unit and prevents electric current of a storage battery from being applied to the magnetic switch of an activated starter motor, thus positively preventing the activated starter motor from being restarted carelessly … automobiles |
startpen | starting pin | |
startplaats | launch point | airforce |
startprogramma | start (-up) programme (Sustainably-Safe) | |
startpunt | starting point | |
startsnelheid | take-on speed | airforce |
startsnelheid/ loskomsnelheid/aanloopsnelheid | take-off speed | airforce |
startstrip | starting strip | |
starttijd | starting time | |
starttoets | start button | |
starttoets | start key | |
Starttoren | Starter's tower | rowing |
startvermogen | take-off power | airforce |
startvermogen | take-off rating | airforce |
Startvlag | Starter's flag | rowing |
startvolgorde | launch sequence | |
startwagen | air start unit | airforce |
startwagen | compressed air starting unit | airforce |
stase/stilstand | stasis | medical |
statampère | statampere | |
statcoulomb | statcoulomb | |
statement | statement | |
staten | states | |
staten | conditions | |
staten generaal | states general | |
Staten-Generaal | States General | |
state-of-the-art | state of the art | |
statfarad | statfarad | |
stathenry | stathenry | |
statica | statics | |
statie | stop | |
statie | station | |
statie | stage | |
statief | stand | |
statief | support | |
statief | tripod | |
statief/standaard | stand | medical equipment |
statiefring | retort ring | environment |
Statiegeld | Deposit money | beer |
statiegeld | deposit | sum of money you pay for the use of something, which you get back if you return it … environment |
statiegeld | deposit | |
Statiegeldfles | Returnable bottle | beer |
statieven | tri-pod | |
statig | ceremonious | |
statig | majestic | |
statig | solemn | |
statigheid | majesty | |
statigheid | solemnity | |
statigheid | ceremony | |
statine | statin(s) | pharmaceutical |
station | station | |
station | stop | |
station | stage | |
station dat een constante bewaking verzorgt | constant-watch station | |
stationair | idle | automobiles |
stationair | motionless | ergane |
stationair | stationary | |
stationair | idle | airforce |
stationair draaien/lopen | idle | airforce |
stationair sproeier | slow jet | biking |
stationaire bevolking | zero population growth | condition in which population is not increasing … environment |
stationaire beweging | stationary motion | hydraulics |
stationaire beweging | steady motion | hydraulics |
stationaire daalsnelheid | equilibrium rate of descent | airforce |
stationaire/statische slag | stationary/static stroke | canoeing |
Stationairsproeier | Slow idling jet | automobiles |
stationcar | station wagon | |
stationcar | estate car | |
stationeren | place | |
stationeren | locate | |
Stations voor flexibele containers | containers | plastics |
stationschef | station-master | |
stationsgebouw | station | |
stationsgebouw | railway station | |
stationsnamenschaal | sial | |
stationsnamenschaal | station scale | |
stationwagen | Station wagon | automobiles |
stationwagen | estate car | automobiles |
stationzeeschip | ocean station vessel | airforce |
statisch | static | |
statisch analysegereedschap | static analyzer | |
statisch bepaald | perfect | hydraulics |
statisch bepaald | isostatic | hydraulics |
statisch bepaald | statically determinate | |
statisch breekpunt | static breakpoint | |
statisch draaggetal | static load rating | |
statisch moment | first moment | hydraulics |
statisch onbepaald | redundant | hydraulics |
statisch onbepaald | hyperstatic | hydraulics |
statisch onbepaald | statically indeterminate | |
statisch overbodig | statical redundant | |
statisch overbodige beperking | constraint redundant | |
statische analyse | static analysis | |
statische belasting | static load | |
statische binding | static binding | |
statische collector | static collector | |
statische compliantie | static compliance | |
statische convergentie | static convergence | |
statische druk | static pressure | |
statische dump | static dump | |
statische eenheid | static device | |
statische eigenschap | static characteristic | |
statische elektriciteit | static | |
statische elektriciteit | static electricity | |
statische fout | static error | |
statische klasse | static class | |
statische lading | static charge | |
Statische mengers | Mixers, static | plastics |
Statische mengers | Static mixers | plastics |
statische methode | static method | |
statische ontlader | electrostatic conductor | airforce |
statische ontlading | static discharge | |
statische ontladingsweerstand | static discharge resistor | |
statische oplading | static buildup | |
statische oplading | static charging | |
statische opvoerhoogte | static discharge head | hydraulics |
statische tijdverificatie | static timing verification | |
statische voltmeter | static voltmeter | |
statische zuighoogte | static suction head | hydraulics |
statiseerder | staticiser | |
statisticus | statistician | |
statistiek | statistics | |
Statistiek | Statistics | education |
statistisch | statistical | |
statistisch | statistical | medical |
statistisch testen | statistical testing | |
statistische controle | statistical check | |
statistische kwaliteitsbeheersing | statistical quality control | |
statistische kwaliteitscontrole | statistical quality control | |
statistische patroonherkenning | statistical pattern recognition | |
statistische voorspelling | statistical forecasting | |
statmho | statmho | |
statoersted | statoersted | |
statohm | statohm | |
Stator | Stator | automobiles |
stator | stator | |
stator | stator | building |
statorblik | stator lamination | |
statorkern | stator core | |
statorpakket | stator packet | |
statorplaat | stator plate | |
statorplaat | stator vane | |
statorspoel | stator coil | |
statorstrip | biscuit | |
statorstrip | stator strip | |
status | rate | electrical |
status | O chart | medical equipment |
status | patient’s chart | medical equipment |
status | state | |
status | status | |
status | rank | |
status | grade | |
status | standing | |
status | chart | medical equipment |
status van de leveringsopdracht | supply order status | |
status/lijst/dossier | chart | medical |
status/stand/toestand | status | medical |
statuscode | status code | |
statusconsistentie | state consistency | |
statusindicator van een document | status indicator of a document | |
statusintegriteit | state integrity | |
status-modificatieverzoek | state modifying request | |
status-quo | status quo | |
statusrapport | status report | |
statussen | compile a clinical/medical record | medical |
statutair | statutory | |
statuten | regulations | |
statuten | statutes | |
statuten | bimmest | |
statuur | stature | ergane |
statuut | by-laws | |
statuut | statute | |
statuut | regulations | |
statuut | rules | |
statuut | statute | education |
statvolt | statvolt | |
statweber | statweber | |
staven | prove | |
staven | corroborate | |
staven | confirm | |
staven | acknowledge | |
staven, bewijzen, oprichten, vestigen | establish | |
stc | pcd | Steek- Cirkel … Pitch- Circel- diameter |
stc | pcd | |
stc | pcd | Steek- Cirkel … Pitch- Circle- diameter |
steady state | steady state | medical |
stealth/onzichtbaar voor de radar | stealth | airforce |
stealthbommenwerper | stealth bomber | airforce |
stealthjager | stealth fighter (aircraft) | airforce |
stealthvliegtuig | stealth aircraft | airforce |
stearaat | stearate | |
Stearaten | Stearates | plastics |
stearine | stearin | |
stearinezuur | stearic acid | |
steat | steat(o) | medical |
steatiet | steatite | |
stedebouwkundige | town planner | building |
stedelijk | urban | referring to towns … environment |
stedelijk afvalwater | city water | |
stedelijk gebied | urban area | |
steden | cities | |
stedenbouw | town (and country) planning | |
stedenbouwkundig | urban design | |
stedenbouwkundige | town planner | environment |
stedenbouwkundige | urban development | |
stedenbouwkundige dienst | town planning board | |
steeds | always | |
steeds | ever | |
steeds meer | more and more | |
steeds meer | increasingly | |
steeds minder | less and less | ergane |
steeg | alley | |
steeg | lane | |
steek | pitch | (klinknagel, tandrad, enz.) … (rivet, gear, etc.) … hydraulics |
steek | stitch | (van een naald) … (of a needle) … mechanical engineering |
steek | loop | |
steek | mesh | |
steek | spades | |
steek | sting | |
steek | prick | |
steek | pitch | |
steek | knot | (scheepsterm) |
steek | bend | (scheepsterm) |
steek | hitch | (scheepsterm) |
steek | grid spacing | (printplaten) … (printed circuit boards) |
steek | grid pitch | (printplaten) … (printed circuit boards) |
steek | pass | (machinedoorgang) |
steek | prick | |
steek van een wikkeling | pitch of winding | |
steekas | half shaft | automobiles |
steekbalk / bintbalk | hammer beam | building |
steekbeitel | bevelled-edge chisel | building |
steekbeitel | paring chisel | building |
steekbeitel | cutter | |
steekbeitel | cutting tool | |
steekbeitel | firmer chisel | |
steekbeitel | gouge | |
steekbeitel / gatbeitel / hakbeitel / schietbeitel | mortise(-cutting) chisel | building |
steekbijl / steekbeitel | mortise axe | building |
steekbreedte | pitch width | |
steekcirkel | pitch circle | mathematics |
steekcirkel | pitch cirkel diameter | mechanical engineering |
steekcirkel | pitch circle diameter | |
steekcontact | plug contact | |
steekflens | spade | |
steekhoogte | pitch height | |
steekleiding | feeder line | |
steeklengte | pitch length | |
steekmaat | pitch | |
steekmug | gnat | |
steekpasser | dividers | |
steekpasser | calipers | |
steekpenningen aannemen | be on the take | |
steekpenningen aannemen | be on the pad | |
steekpipet | graduated pipette | environment |
steekplaat | junction plate | |
steekproef | random sample | |
steekproef | experimental sounding | |
steekproef | random test | |
steekproef | sample | |
steekproef | test sample | |
steekproef | random inspection | |
steekproef | snap check | |
steekproef met teruglegging | sampling with replacement | |
steekproef nemen | sample | |
steekproef zonder teruglegging | sampling without replacement | |
steekproefamplitude | sample range | |
steekproefexemplaar | sample unit | |
steekproefgemiddelde | sample average | |
steekproefgetal | sample number | |
steekproefgrootte | sample size | |
steekproefkeuring | sampling inspection | |
steekproefmediaan | sample median | |
steekproefneming | sampling | |
steekproefomvang | amount of inspection | |
steekproefomvang | sample size | |
steekproefonderzoek | sampling enquiry | |
steekproefonderzoek | sampling investigation | |
steekproefparameter | sample statistic | |
steekproefplan | sample plan | |
steekproefruimte | sample space | |
steekproefschema | sampling inspection plan | |
steekproefschema | sampling plan | |
steekproefsgewijs | at random | |
steekproefsysteem | sampling | |
steekproeftabel | sampling table | |
steekproefvariantie | sample variance | |
steekproefverdeling | sampling distribution | |
steekproefvoorschrift | sampling instructions | |
steeksleutel | spanner | automobiles |
steeksleutel | box wrench | building |
steeksleutel | fork spanner | building |
steeksleutel | fork wrench | building |
steeksleutel | open-end spanner | building |
steeksleutel | open-end wrench | general |
steeksleutel | open-ended spanner | |
steeksleutel | angle wrench | |
steeksleutel, ringsleutel | spanner | automobiles |
steeksleutelset | set of fork spanners | building |
steekspant | collar beam roof | building |
steekspant | trussed-rafter roof | building |
steekspant | collar beam roof | |
steekspel | tournament | |
steekspijker | skew nail | building |
steektrap | straight flight staircase | building |
steekveer | spring washer | |
steekverbinding | plug-and-socket connection | |
steekvlam | shooting flame | |
steekvlam | tongue of fire | |
steekwagen | barrow | |
steekwagen | hand truck | |
steekwagen | sack car | |
steekwagen | sack truck | |
steekwagen | sack lift | |
steekwagen | two wheeled barrow | (spoorwegen) … (railroads) |
steekwagentje | bag truck | |
steekwoord | catchword | |
steekwoorden | curators | general |
steel | shank | building |
steel | pedicel | medical |
steel | pedicle/pedicel | medical |
Steel | Loom | rowing |
Steel | Oarshaft | rowing |
Steel | Shaft | rowing |
steel | neck | |
steel | handle | |
steel | tube | |
steel | pipe | |
steel | channel | |
steel | barrel | |
steel | stem | |
steel | stalk | |
steel | knob | |
steel v.bloeiwijze of deel ervan | peduncle | |
steel van de helix | crus of helix/crus helicis | anatomy |
steel van een tumor | pedicle of a tumor | medical |
steel/voetje | pedicle | anatomy |
steelblaadje | stemleaf | botanics |
steelblaadje | bracteole | botanics |
steelgranaat | stick(y)bomb | |
steelgranaat | stick round | |
steelhechter | handle holder | |
steelhouder | jumper valve plate | building |
steelpakking | washer | |
steelpan | casserole | |
steelpan | saucepan | |
steels | veiled | ergane |
steelsgewijs | stealthily | |
steelstofzuiger | upright vacuum cleaner | |
steelvijl | needle file | |
steen | brick | |
steen | dictionary | |
steen | wheel | |
steen | stone | |
steen | jewel | |
steen | gem | |
steen | paving stone | |
steen | tile | |
steen en been klagen | lament | |
steen en been klagen | wail | |
steen…/graveel… | calculous | |
steenaarde / steenklei | brick clay | building |
steenachtig | stony | |
steenachtig, steenhard | flinty | botanics |
Steenarend | Golden Eagle | birds |
steenarend | golden eagle | ergane |
steenbanket | stone banket | hydraulics |
steenbeitel | brick chisel | building |
steenbeitel | mason's chisel | building |
steenbeitel / metselaarsbeitel | bolster (chisel) | building |
steenbeitel / metselaarsbeitel | brick bolster | building |
steenbeitel / rotsbeitel | cone bit | building |
steenbeitel / rotsbeitel | rock bit | building |
steenbekleding / bekleding met metselwerk | brick lining | building |
steenbestorting | stoning, rubble layer | hydraulics |
steenbestrating | stone paving | hydraulics |
Steenbok | Capricorn | |
steenbok | ibex | |
steenboor | jumber | building |
steenboor | masonry bit | building |
steenboor | masonry drill | building |
steenboor | stone drill | building |
steenbreek | saxifrage | ergane |
steenbreker | brick crusher | building |
steenbrok | block | |
steendruk | lithography | |
steendruk | lithographic printing | |
steenfabriek | brickfield | building |
steenfabriek | brickworks | building |
steenfabriek | brickyard | building |
steengaas | bricanion | building |
steengaas | Bricanion lathing | hydraulics |
steenglooiing | pitched slope | hydraulics |
steengroeve | quarry | |
steengroeveboor | quarry drill | building |
steengruis | grit | |
steengruis | gravel | |
steengruis / steenslag | rubble | |
steenhouwer | stonemason | |
steenhouwer | stone-cutter | |
steenkool | coal | solid black organic substance found in layers underground in most parts of the world, burnt to provide heat or power … environment |
steenkool | coal | |
steenkool | pit coal | |
steenkop | head of a stone | hydraulics |
steenkorf | gabion | metalen of kunststof korf gevuld met steen, gebruikt in erosiebescherming langs waterlopen en op taluds … metal or plastic cage filled with rock, used in slope protection and embankments … building |
steenlijst | sill of frame | building |
Steenloper | Ruddy Turnstone | birds |
steenmarter | stone-marten | ergane |
steenmonster | brick sample | building |
steenpers | brick mill | building |
steenpers | brick-moulding machine | building |
steenpincet | stone-grapsing forceps | medical equipment |
steenschroef | wall screw | building |
steenslag | stone chippings | hydraulics |
steenslag | chippings | |
steenslag | road-metal | |
steenslag | stone-chippings | |
steenslag | rubble | |
steenslag | broken stones | |
steensmuur | whole-brick wall | building |
steensrollaag | soldier course | building |
steenstapeling | stone setting | hydraulics |
steenstorter | stone-dumper | hydraulics |
steenstorting | rubble | hydraulics |
steentas | stack of bricks | building |
Steenuil | Little Owl | birds |
steenuil | little owl | ergane |
steenuil | screech-owl | |
steenvalk | stone-falcon | |
steenvalk | merlin | |
steenvang | stone box | hydraulics |
steenvang | stone trap | hydraulics |
steenverband | brick bond | building |
steenvorm | brick mould | building |
steenvrucht | drupe | botanics |
steenvrucht | pyrene | botanics |
steenvrucht | stone fruit | botanics |
steenwol | mineral wool | building |
steenwol | rock wool | building |
steenzaag | stone saw | building |
steenzetting | stone pitching | hydraulics |
Steenzetting, bekleding | Revetment | A facing of stone, concrete, etc., built to protect a scarp, embankment, or shore structure against erosion by wave action or currents. … hydraulics |
steenzwaluw | swift | ergane |
steevast | regular | computers |
steevast | even | |
steg | hedge | |
steiger | landing stage | building |
steiger | pier | |
steiger | landing-stage | |
steiger | platform | |
steiger | scaffolding | |
steiger / steigervloer | platform | |
steiger net | scaffolding net | steiger doek … building |
steigerbouw | scaffolding | |
steigerbouwer | scaffoldbuilder | |
steigeren | pitch up | airforce |
steigeren | scaffold | airforce |
steigerkaart | scaffold tag | kaart met essentieële info zoals plaats, datum en door wie gebouwd, max. belasting etc. … tag with official info about by whom, wheren and when it was build, max. load etc. … building |
steigerladder | standard ladder | building |
steigermateriaal | scaffolding | |
steigerpaal | scaffold pole | building |
steigerpaal | scaffold standard | building |
steigerpijp | tubular steel | |
steigerplank | scaffold board | building |
steigersnelheid | pitch rate | |
steigerung | intensification | music |
steigervloer | boardplatform | building |
steigervloer | boards | building |
steigervloer | planking | building |
steigervloer | plank platform | building |
steigervloer | planks | building |
steigervloer | platform | |
steigerwerk | falsework | architecture |
steil | erect | |
steil | upright | |
steil | very straight | |
steil | steep | |
steil | abrupt | |
steil | precipitously | |
steil achter sleepkist | climb steeply behind the tug | airforce |
steil starten | climb steeply | airforce |
steile afvoergoot | chute | hydraulics |
steile flank | steep side | |
steile helling | precipice | ergane |
steile overtrek/steil overtrekken | whip stall | airforce |
steile rand | cliff | botanics |
steile rotswand | cliff | botanics |
steiler | more steep | |
steiler | more steep | |
steilheid | mutual conductance | |
steilheid | variable-u | |
steilheid | remote cut-off | |
steilheid | steepness | |
steilheid | slope | |
steilheidsmeter | mutual-conductance tester | |
steilte | steepness | |
steilte | precipice | |
stek | starter bar | building |
stek | sprig | Nieuwe loot aan een plant, die er vanaf wordt gehaald en wordt herplant. … New part of a plant, that is taken off and is replanted. |
stek | refuge | Schuilplaats … A place to seek shelter |
stekeind | protuding bar | architecture |
stekeinden | projecting reinforcement | building |
stekel | prickle | botanics |
stekel | thorn | botanics |
stekel | sting | ergane |
stekelharig | prieklybristled | botanics |
stekelig | aristate | botanics |
stekelig | barbed | botanics |
stekelig | barbed | botanics |
stekelpuntig | mucronate | botanics |
stekelpuntig | prickly | botanics |
stekelpuntig | pungent | botanics |
stekelvarken | porcupine | ergane |
steken | enter | |
steken | sting | |
steken | insert | |
steken | stab | |
steken | pick | |
steken | put down | |
steken | put | |
steken | place | |
steken | lay down | |
steken | put in | |
steken | sniggling | |
steker | plug | |
stekerbus | hub | |
stekerbus | pin-bushing | |
stekerbus | jack | |
stekerbus | socket | |
stekerbusafdekplaat | socket mask | |
stekerbusbeugel | socket bracket | |
stekerdeksel | plug cover | |
stekerdoos | wall receptacle | |
stekerdoos | wall socket | |
stekerdoos | socket outlet | |
stekerdoos | tap | |
stekerhuis | plug housing | |
stekerpaneel | plug strip | |
stekerpen | plug pin | |
stekerpenplaat | plug-pin plate | |
stekerschuif | plug slide | |
stekervoet | plug base | |
stekken | pipe | |
stekken | strike | planten stekken … strike cuttings of plants |
stekken | slip | planten stekken … slip plants |
stekken bak | starterbar container | een prefab casette ( waar wapenings stekken zijn in omgebogen )die word mee ingestord in een beton kist , om na ondkisting uitgevouwen te worden … a prefab container ( where bent starterbars are cept ) that is cast withe in a concreate mold , to be opend and unfolded after casting … building |
stekkenbak | slipping barge | |
stekkenbak | slipping bar | |
stekkenbak | slipping bar | |
stekkenbak | slipping bar | slipping bar |
stekker | plug | |
stekker | stopper | |
stekker | electric plug | |
stekker / wandcontact | wall plug | |
stekkerbus | jackbush | building |
stekkerdoos | multiple socket | electrical |
stekkerdoos | wall socket | |
stekkerdoos | wall receptacle | |
stekkerdoos | socket outlet | |
stekkerdoos | powerboard | (in Australie) |
stekkerhelft | cover | |
stel | deck | |
stel | pack | |
stel | set | |
stel | outfit | |
stel | suit | |
stel | pair | |
stel | herd | |
stel | heap | |
stel | group | |
stel | collection | |
stel | bevy | |
stel- en spangereedschap | setting and clamping tools | |
stel voor | suggest | Idee/concept voorstellen aan anderen … Introducing idea/concept to others |
stel voor | introduce | |
stel voor | proposition | |
stelÂselwijzigingen | Accounting changes | economical |
stelbeugel | adjusting bracket | |
stelblok | adjusting block | |
stelbout | set screw | |
stelconplaat | stelcon sheet | |
stele | stela | building |
stelen | steal | ergane |
stelen | lift | |
stelen, jatten, pikken | blag (BE) | police |
steler | thief | |
ST-elevatie | ST elevation | medical |
stelhoogte | leverhight | general |
stelhoogte | height adjustment | |
stelinrichting | height adjustment scale | building |
stelkozijn | subframe | Een raamwerk dat tijdens het metselen in de muuropening wordt aangebracht en waartegen men later, in de afbouwfase, het montagekozijn (het eigenlijke kozijn) plaatst. … civil engineering |
stelkunde | algebra | |
stellage | rack | |
stellage | scaffold | |
stellage | stage | |
stellage | stand | |
stellage | workbench | |
stellage | tressle | |
stellage | easel | |
stellage | bench | |
stellair | of a star | |
stellair | star- | |
stellair | star | |
stellair | sideral | |
stellat | wooden ratchet | civil engineering |
stellen | assume | |
stellen | pose | |
stellen | determine | |
stellen | erect | |
stellen | set | |
stellen | suppose | |
stellen | put right | |
stellen | adjust | |
stellen | surmise | |
stellen | presume | |
stellen | guess | |
stellen | edit | |
stellen | put down | |
stellen | put | |
stellen | place | |
stellen | lay down | |
stellend | stating | |
stellende trap | positive | ergane |
steller | setter | |
Stellers Eider | Steller`s Eider | birds |
stelletje | outfit | |
stelletje | suit | |
stelletje | pair | |
stelletje | set | |
stellig | certain | |
stellig | sure | |
stelligheid | certainty | ergane |
Stelling | Rack | rowing |
stelling | scaffold | |
stelling | stage | |
stelling | stand | |
stelling | rack | |
stelling | theorem | |
stelling | postulate | |
stelling | essay | |
stelling | thesis | |
stelling | sentence | |
stellingen | postulates | |
stelmoer | adjusting nut | |
stelpen | stop | ergane |
stelpen | dowel pin | |
stelplaat | face plate | |
stelplaat / frontplaat | face plate | |
Stelplaatjes | Adjusting plates | plastics |
stelpoot | adjustable leg | |
stelpost | allowance | building |
stelpost | provisional estimate | |
stelpost | approximate estimate | |
stelring | adjusting ring | |
stelring | collar | |
stelruimte | adjustment space | automobiles |
Stelschroef | Adjuster screw | automobiles |
stelschroef | levelling screw | hydraulics |
stelschroef | grub screw | |
stelschroef | set screw | |
stelschroef | adjusting screw | |
stelschroef | grub screw | |
stelschroef | adjusting screw | |
stelsel | numeration | |
stelsel | scheme | |
stelsel | set | |
stelsel | system | |
stelsel | régime | |
stelsel | regime | |
stelsel | régime | |
stelsel met variabele recordlengte | variable-length record system | |
stelsel met vaste recordlengte | fixed-length record system | |
stelsel/systeem | system | medical |
stelselmatig | systematic | ergane |
stelspie | adjusting wedge | |
steltijd | setting time | |
Steltkluut | Black-winged Stilt | birds |
Steltstrandloper | Stilt Sandpiper | birds |
stelvlak/stuurvlak | tab | airforce |
stelvoet | levelling foot | |
Stelvoeten | Adjusting screw | plastics |
stelwerk | punchlist | civil engineering |
stelwig / heok | coin | building |
stem | voice | |
stem | faction | |
stem | vote | |
stem | side | |
stem | party | |
stem | voice | music |
stem kwijt zijn , zijn/haar | have (had) | music |
stem voor | pro | |
stemband | vocal cord(s) | anatomy |
stemband | cord | |
stemband | string | |
stembanden | vocal | music |
stembandknobbeltjes | vocal nodules | music |
stembereik | vocal | music |
stemboek | part book | music |
stembreuk | break(ing of the voice), voice change | music |
stembuiging | inflection, intonation | music |
stemfluitje | pitch pipe | music |
stemgebruik | voice use | music |
stemgeluid | voice | ergane |
stemhebbend | sonourous | |
stemhebbend | sonorous | |
stemhebbende medeklinker / consonant | voiced consonant | music |
stemkamer | dressing room | music |
stemkruising | voice/ part crossing | music |
stemloze medeklinker / consonant | voiceless consonant | music |
stemmateriaal | vocal | music |
stemmen | tune | |
stemmen | vote | |
stemmen | tune | music |
stemmen met | be (was/were, been) | music |
stemmen op | tune | music |
stemmer | tuner | music |
stemmig | earnest | |
stemmig | temperate | |
stemmig | staid | |
stemmig | sober | |
stemmig | abstemious | |
stemmig | serious | |
stemming | mood | |
stemming | tuning | |
stemming | ethos | |
stemming | tendency | |
stemming | atmosphere | |
stemming | voting by ballot | |
stemming | balloting | |
stemming | ballot | |
stemming | temperament | music |
stemomvang | vocal | music |
stemorgaan | vocal | music |
stempel | stigma | botanics |
stempel | jack | building |
stempel | prop | uitschuifbare ondersteuning voor bouwconstructies … adjustable support for construction … building |
stempel | strut | civil engineering |
stempel | Stamp | diving |
stempel | brace | hydraulics |
stempel | dictionary | |
stempel | press tool | |
stempel | punch and die | |
stempel | punch stamp | |
stempel | mark | |
stempel | hallmark | |
stempel | upright member | |
stempel | jack | stempel |
stempel | ceiling paperhanger | building |
stempel | shuttering strut | building |
stempel met leidingpen | pillar-guided tool | |
stempelconstructie | die construction | |
stempelen | stamp | |
stempelen | mark | |
stempelhouder | punch holder | |
stempelhouder | punch plate | |
stempelhuis | die set | |
stempelhuis bovenplaat | die-set top plate | |
stempelhuis onderplaat | die-set bottom plate | |
stempeling | marking | |
stempeling | stamping | |
stempeling | mark | |
stempelinkt | stamping ink | |
stempelinkt | stamp-pad ink | |
stempelkussen | stamping pad | |
stempelkussen | stamp-pad | |
stempelmaker | die maker | |
Stempelmakerij | Die making | plastics |
stempelpasta | marking paste | |
stempelplaat | punch holder | |
stempelplaat | punch plate | |
stempelraam | screen frame | building |
Stempelrubber | Stamp-rubber | plastics |
Stempels | Stamps | plastics |
stempelstaal | punch steel | |
stempelstaal | tool steel | |
stempelverf | marking paint | |
stempelvernis | marking lacquer | |
stempelvernis | marking varnish | |
stempelzuiltje | column | botanics |
stempelzuur | marking acid | |
stempomp | tuning | music |
stemrecorder | voice recorder | airforce |
stemsleutel | tuning | music |
stemsoort | voice type | music |
stemspleet | glottal aperture | anatomy |
stemspleet | glottis | music |
stemspleet/glottis/luchtpijpopening | glottis | anatomy |
stemstoornis | voice disorder | music |
stemtest | voice test | music |
stemtoon | (standard/concert/tuning | music |
stemtoon a | tuning A | music |
stemuitwisseling | voice exchange | music |
stemvak | voice type | music |
stemverlies | loss of voice, voice loss | music |
stemvoering | voice leading, partwriting | music |
stemvoeringsakkoord | linear | music |
stemvoeringsreductie | voice-leading reduction | music |
stemvoeringsregels | rules of motion/movement, voice-leading/voicing/ partwriting | music |
stemvork | tuning | music |
stemvork | tuning fork | |
stemvork-FET | tuned-gate FET | |
stemvorkgenerator | tuning-fork oscillator | |
stemvorming | vocal | music |
stemwisseling | break(ing of the voice), voice change | music |
sten | sten(o) | medical |
stencil | stencil | |
stenen | brick | |
stenen | groan | |
stenen | metalled | |
stenen | stone | |
stenen drempel | doorstone | |
stenen pot | stone jar | |
stenen sokkel | natural stone base course | building |
stenen sokkel | natural stone plinth | building |
stenen stoep | doorstone | |
stenenzeef | poppet | |
steng | top mast | navy |
stengel | petiole | botanics |
stengel | stalk | botanics |
stengel | stem | |
stengel | blade | |
stengel, steel | stalk | botanics |
stengel.., van de stengel | cauline | botanics |
stengelknol | tuber | botanics |
stengelknoop | joint | botanics |
stengellid | internode | botanics |
stengelomvattend | perfoliate | botanics |
stengelomvattend | stem-clasping | botanics |
stengelomvattend | stem-embracing | botanics |
stengelomvattend | perfoliate | botanics |
stengun | sten gun | army |
stenig | metalled | |
stenig | stone | |
steno | shorthand | |
stenograferen | write shorthand | ergane |
stenografie | stenography | |
stenografie | shorthand | |
stenoserend/vernauwing veroorzakend | stenosing | medical |
stenotypiste | stenotypist | |
stenotypiste | female stenotypist | |
stent | stent | medical equipment |
stent-implantatie | stent implantation | medical treatments |
step | scooter | |
steppe | steppe | |
steppe | moor | |
stepper | stepper | Onderdeel van bepaalde produktiemachines in de halfgeleider industrie die het produkt met gedefinieerde stappen verplaatst … Part of certain production machines in the semiconductor industry that moves the product over predefined steps … general |
steptest van Master/hartfunctieproef | Master two-step test | medical treatments |
steptest van Master/hartfunctieproef | Master(‘s) (two step) test | medical treatments |
ster | star | |
ster | celebrity | |
ster | heavenly body | |
ster | star | music |
ster driehoek | star triangle | electrical |
steradiaal | steradian | |
sterallures | starlike airs | music |
stercodering | star rating | |
sterdriehoekschakelaar | star-delta connection | |
sterdriehoekschakelaar | star-delta switch | |
stereo | stereo | |
stereo | stereophonic | |
stereo op band | stereo on tape | |
stereo op plaat | stereo on disc | |
stereoachtcassette | stereo-eight cartridge | |
stereoadapter | stereo decoder | |
stereoapparaat | stereo apparatus | |
stereoapparatuur | stereo equipment | |
stereobaat / onderbouw | stereobate | building |
stereobalans | stereo balance | |
stereobanddek | stereo tape deck | |
stereobandopnemer | stereo tape recorder | |
stereocassette | stereo cassette | |
stereocassetterecorder | stereo cassette recorder | |
stereochemie | stereochemistry | |
stereoconsole | stereo console | |
stereodecoder | stereo decoder | |
stereoeffect | stereo effect | |
stereoeffect | stereophonic effect | |
stereoexpanderknop | stereo expander button | |
stereofiel | stereophile | |
stereofonie | stereophony | |
stereofonisch | stereo | |
stereofonisch | stereophonic | |
stereofonische microfoon | stereophonic microphone | |
stereofonische opname | stereophonic recording | |
stereofonische weergave | stereophonic playback | |
stereofotografie | stereophotography | hydraulics |
stereogeluid | stereo sound | |
stereografie | stereography | |
stereografisch | stereographic | |
stereogram | stereogram | |
stereogrammofoon | stereo gramophone | |
stereohoofdtelefoon | stereo headphone | |
stereohulpsignaal | steering signal | |
stereohulpsignaal | S-signal | |
stereohulpsignaal | stereo signal | |
Stereolithografie | Stereolithography | plastics |
stereolithografie | stereo-lithography: SL | |
stereometrie | stereometry | |
stereomultiplexgenerator | stereo multiplex generator | |
stereo-ontvanger | stereo receiver | |
stereo-ontvangst | stereophonic reception | |
stereo-ontvangst | stereo reception | |
stereopentaplug | stereo five-pin plug | |
stereophoob | stereophobic | |
stereoplaat | stereo disc | |
stereoplatenspeler | stereo record player | |
stereoscheiding | stereo reparation | |
stereoscoop | stereoscope | |
stereosignaal | S-signal | |
stereosignaal | stereo signal | |
stereotactisch | stereotactic/stereotaxic | medical |
stereotactische biopsie | stereotactic biopsy | medical treatments |
stereotactische borstbiopsie | stereotactic breast biopsy | medical treatments |
stereotactische punctie | stereotactic punture | medical treatments |
stereotactische radiochirurgie/radiotherapie | stereotactic radiosurgery/stereotactic radiation therapy | medical treatments |
stereotapedek | stereo tape deck | |
stereotiep | figurative constant | |
stereotiep | standard | |
stereotiep | stereotype | |
stereotiep | stereotyped | |
stereotiep | stock | |
stereotiep | literal | |
stereotuner | stereo tuner | |
stereotype | stereotype | ergane |
stereotyperen | stereotype | |
stereotypie | stereotype printing | |
stereotypie | stereotypy | |
stereouitzending | stereo broadcast | |
stereoversterker | stereo amplifier | |
stereovoorversterker | stereo preamplifier | |
stereowisselaar | stereo record changer | |
sterfelijk | mortal | |
sterfgeval | death | |
sterfgeval | bereavement | |
sterfscène | death scene | music |
sterftecijfer | mortality | number of deaths in a population … environment |
sterftecijfer | death rate | the number of deaths per head of population during a year, expressed as a percentage … environment |
stergewelf | stellar vault | building |
stergewikeld | Y-wound | |
stergreep | star-grip handle | |
steriel | barren | botanics |
steriel | fruitless | botanics |
steriel | nonfruiting | botanics |
steriel | sterile | |
steriel | infertile | |
steriel gaas | sterile gauze | medical equipment |
steriel verband | sterile dressing | medical equipment |
Steriel vullen | Sterile filling | beer |
steriel, onvruchtbaar | sterile | (1) with no microbes or infectious organisms; (2) infertile or not able to produce offspring … environment |
steriele doek | blue towel | medical equipment |
steriele doek | sterile cloth | medical equipment |
Steriele filtratie | Sterile filtration | beer |
steriele verpakking | sterile packing | medical |
steriele zoutoplossing | sterile saline solution | medical equipment |
Sterilisatie | Sterilization | Het afdoden van alle micro-organismen … beer |
sterilisatie | sterilisation/sterilization | medical treatments |
sterilisatieafdeling | sterilistaion department | medical specialities |
sterilisatiecontainer | sterilizing container | medical equipment |
sterilisatiepincet/sterilisatietang | sterilizing forceps | medical equipment |
sterilisatierek | sterilizing rack | medical equipment |
sterilisatieruimte | sterilisation room | medical specialities |
sterilisatietrommel | dressing sterilizing drum | medical equipment |
sterilisatietrommel | sterilizing box | medical equipment |
sterilisator | sterilizer | medical equipment |
Steriliseerder | Sterilizer | Een apparaat voor het steriliseren van voorwerpen … beer |
steriliseerklem | safety pin | |
steriliseren | sterilize | |
steriliteit, onvruchtbaarheid | sterility | (1) being free from germs; (2) infertility or being unable to produce offspring … environment |
steriliteit/onvruchtbaarheid | sterility | medical |
sterische hindernis | steric hindrance | |
sterk | distinctly | botanics |
sterk | strong | |
sterk | intense | |
sterk | intensive | |
sterk | concentrated | |
sterk | acute | |
sterk | sturdy | |
sterk | robust | |
sterk | firm | |
sterk | strongly | |
Sterk | Firm (port or starboard) | rowing |
Sterk | Pressure (port or starboard) | rowing |
sterk gebonden consistentie | tight consistency | |
sterk geprofileerd gedeelte | deeply recessed part | |
sterk geprofileerd gedeelte | irregularly shaped part | |
sterk getypeerde taal | strongly typed language | |
sterk maatdeel | downbeat, strong/heavy beat | music |
sterk magnetische materialen | hard magnetic material | |
sterk signaal | large signal | |
sterk signaal | strong signal | |
sterk vergroot | greatly magnified | |
sterk vergroot | strongly magnified | |
sterk verspreid | overextended | army |
sterk werkend | drastic | |
sterk, solide, niet gauw slijtend | hard-wearing | botanics |
sterke drank | booze | |
sterke drank | strong drink | |
sterke drank | spirits | |
sterke drank | liquor | |
sterke drank | alcohol | |
sterke fundamentsschrede | strong root progression | music |
sterke gegevenstypering | strong typing | |
sterke pijlstelling | positive sweepback | airforce |
sterke temperatuurinversie | marked temperature inversion | airforce |
sterke-armschaafbank | shaper | |
sterke-armschaafbank | shaping machine | |
sterken | fortify | |
sterker | tensile strength | een sterker metaal (hogere treksterkte) … a metal with higher tensile strength |
sterker nog | even more | |
sterker worden | freshen | |
sterker worden | increase | |
sterker worden | increase | music |
sterker zijn dan | prevail over | |
sterker zijn dan | overpower | |
sterknop | Star grips | general |
sterknop | snagging | |
sterkstroom | heavy current | |
sterkstroom | high-tension current | |
sterkte | intensity | |
sterkte | loudness | |
sterkte | volume | |
sterkte | power | |
sterkte | resistance | |
sterkte | strength | |
sterkte | fortification | |
sterkte | quantity | |
sterkte | vigour | |
sterkte | force | |
sterkte | strenght | |
sterkte | strenght | |
sterkte | volume | music |
sterkteberekening | strenght calculation | mathematics |
sterkteberekening | strenght calculation | |
sterkteberekening | force calculation | |
sterktegraad | dynamic | music |
sterkteklasse | strength class | De kwaliteit van het materiaal (meestal gaat dit om staal) |
Bijvoorbeeld : Bout M8 8.8 | ||
⇒ Treksterkte (sigma) = 8x8x10 | ||
= 640N/mm² … The quality of the material (most of the time si't about steel). | ||
for example : Bolt M8 8.8 | ||
⇒ Tensile nominal (sigma) = 8x8x10 | ||
= 640N/mm² … general | ||
sterkteklasse | grade | general |
sterkteleer | strength of materials | hydraulics |
sterkteregeling | gain control | |
sterkteregeling | volume control | |
stermoer | star nut | |
stermotor | radial engine | airforce |
Stern | Tern | birds |
sternetwerk | star network | |
sternocostaal | sternocostal | medical |
sternumbeitel | sternum chisel | medical equipment |
sternumpunctie | sternum puncture | medical treatments |
sternumpunctiecanule | sternum puncture needle | medical equipment |
sternumschaar | sternum shears | medical equipment |
steroïd | steroid | medical |
sterpunt | neutral point | |
sterre- | of a star | |
sterre- | star- | |
sterre- | star | |
sterre- | sideral | |
sterren- | of a star | |
sterren- | star- | |
sterren- | star | |
sterren- | sideral | |
sterrenbeeld | constellation | general |
sterrenbeeld | zodiac sign | |
sterrenbeeld | zodiac sign | (astrologie) |
sterrenbeeld | constellation | (astronomie) |
sterrencultus | star cult | music |
sterrenkijker | telescope | |
sterrenkunde | astronomy | |
Sterrenkunde | Astronomy | education |
sterrenkundige | astronomer | |
sterrenwichelaar | astrologer | |
sterrenwichelarij | astrology | ergane |
sterretje | asterisk | |
sterschakeling | star connection | |
sterschroevendraaier | crosshead screwdriver | building |
sterven | die | |
sterven | pass away | |
sterven | expire | |
sterven | withdraw | |
sterven | retreat | |
sterven | march off | |
stervensbegeleiding | care for the dying | medical |
stervensnood | death throes | |
stervensnood | agony | |
stervormig | asteroid | botanics |
stervormig | stellate | botanics |
stervormig | stellated | botanics |
stervormig | stelliform | botanics |
stervormig | star-shaped | |
stervormig | radially arranged | |
stervormige aanspuiting | spider-like sprue | |
sterwaarneming | star observation | hydraulics |
sterwiel | starwheel | |
sterwiel | star wheel | |
steth | steth(o) | medical |
stethoscoop | stethoscope | |
stethoscoopkoptelefoon | stethoscope headphones | |
stethoscopie/onderzoek met de stethoscoop | stethoscopy | medical treatments |
stethoscopisch | stethoscopic | medical |
Steun | Housing | automobiles |
steun | brace | canoeing |
steun | armrest | |
steun | assistance | |
steun | heel rest | |
steun | foot rest | |
steun | stay | |
steun | support | |
steun | tone-arm rest | |
steun | prop | |
steun | wing support | airforce |
steun / stut / stijl | stay | building |
steun(punt) / beer / schoor / draagvlak | abutment | |
Steunarm | Suspension arm | automobiles |
steunas | supportshaft | |
steunbalk | brace | |
steunbalk | strut | |
steunbalk | supporting beam | |
steunbalk / draagbalk / dwarsbalk / ligger | girder | building |
steunbalk / dwarsbalk langsverband | stringer | |
steunbalk / standvink | gable stud | building |
steunband | reinforcement band | |
steunbeer | buttress | hydraulics |
steunbeer | abutment | |
steunbeer / steun / schoor / steunpilaar | buttres | building |
steunbeugel | supporting bracket | |
steunbeugel | support | |
steunblaadje | stipule | botanics |
steunblok | supporting block | |
steunbout | stay bolt | |
steuncel | neuroglia | medical |
steundraad | cramp-iron | |
steundraad | brace | |
steunen | assist | |
steunen | back | |
steunen | rest on | |
steunen | promote | |
steunen | groan | |
steunen | lean | |
steunen | support | |
steunen | sustain | |
steunen | abet | |
steunen / stutten / schoren | stay | building |
steunen op | trust in | |
steunen op | rely on | |
steunend | incumbent | |
steunkolom | support pillar | |
steunkraag/halskraag | brace for neck injuries | medical equipment |
steunkraag/halskraag | cervical collar | medical equipment |
steunkraag/halskraag | collar (for neck immobilisation) | medical equipment |
steunkraag/halskraag | neck collar | medical equipment |
Steunlager | Centre bearing | automobiles |
steunlat | reinforcement strip | |
steunlat | fillet | |
steunligger | supporting girder | hydraulics |
steunmal | supporting jig | |
steunmuur | supporting wall | ergane |
steunmuur | retaining wall | hydraulics |
steunmuur / revêtement | revetment | building |
steunpen | supporting pin | |
steunpilaar | column | |
steunpilaar | pillar | |
steunplaat | backing plate | |
steunplaat | back plate | |
steunplaat | support plate | |
steunplaat | supporting plate | |
steunpoot | support, support leg, support beam, pillar | general |
steunpunt | point of support | |
steunpunt | supporting point | |
steunrib | supporting rib | |
steunring | supportring | |
steunring | backing ring | |
steunsoftware | scaffolding | |
steunstok voor letterzetter | mahlstick | building |
steunstrip | supporting strip | |
steuntje | support | kleine steun, ondersteuning … small one … general |
steuntje | support | |
steuntoon | principal tone/ note | music |
steunvlak | bearing face | |
steunvlak | supporting surface | |
steunweefsel/weefselmatrix | stroma | anatomy |
steunwiel | jockey wheel | |
steunzender | relay transmitter | |
steunzender | radio relay | |
steur | sturgeon | ergane |
steurgarnaal | prawn | |
steurkuit | caviar | ergane |
steven | steven | Jongensnaam … Boysname … general |
steven | bow | ships |
steven | prow | ships |
steven | stem | ships |
stevenen | make | |
stevenen | bear down | |
stevig | stout | botanics |
stevig | robust | |
stevig | strong | |
stevig | sturdy | |
stevig | firm | |
stevig | secure | |
stevig | solid | |
stevig | tight | |
stevig | firmly | |
stevig | stable | |
stevig | fast | |
stevig | plump | botanics |
stevige bries | blowing | airforce |
steviger | sturdier | general |
stevigheid | virtue | ergane |
steward | cabin attendant | airforce |
steward | flight attendant | airforce |
steward | stew | airforce |
steward | attendant | |
steward | steward | |
stewardess | hostess | airforce |
stewardess | stewardess | |
stewardess | air hostess | |
Stewing | Stewing | Bij de moutbereiding het broeien van groenmout voor de productie van aromamoutsoorten (in het verleden caramelmout genoemd) … beer |
ST-gedeelte | ST segment | medical |
stichnoot | cue note | music |
stichten | edify | |
stichten | erect | |
stichten | establish | |
stichten | give rise to | |
stichten | cause | |
stichten | activate | |
stichten | found | |
stichten | establishing | |
stichting | foundation | |
stichting | endowment | |
stickcontrole | stick check | airforce |
sticker | sticker | |
sticker, zelfklever | sticker, pressure sensitive | screen printing |
stickeren | sticker | van een sticker voorzien … placing a plackard … general |
stiefbroer | step-brother | |
stiefbroer | half-brother | |
stiefdochter | step-daughter | |
stiefkind | step-child | |
stiefmoeder | step-mother | |
stiefmoeder | stepmother | |
stiefvader | step-father | |
stiefvader | stepfather | |
stiefzus | step-sister | ergane |
stiefzuster | step-sister | ergane |
stiekem | underhand | |
stiep | stereotype | ergane |
stiep | pier | hydraulics |
stier | bull | |
Stiermarken | Styria | |
stierzuil | double bull column | building |
stift | pin | |
stift | pivot | |
stift | stylus | |
stift | needle | |
stift | pins | |
stift | post | medical equipment |
stift | staple | music |
stift | shank | |
stiftdraad | pin wire | building |
stiften | pinning | |
stiftlassen | stud welding | |
stiftsleutel | allen key | De Stiftsleutel woirdt gebruikt voor bouten met een ´binnenzeskant´ … A hex key, also known as an Allen, hex-head, or zeta key or wrench, is a tool used to drive screws and bolts that have a hexagonal socket in the head. … general |
stiftsleutel | pin wrench | |
stiftsleutel | socket wrench | |
stifttand | false tooth | medical equipment |
stifttand | post crown | medical equipment |
stifttap | grub screw | |
stiftvijl | pillar file | |
stijf | rigid | |
stijf | stiff | |
stijf | starch | |
stijf aangedrukte haren, met | strigose | botanics |
stijf slaan | whisk | |
stijf, stevig, onbuigzaam | stiff | botanics |
stijf, strak, star, onbuigzaam | rigid | botanics |
stijfheid | rigidity | mechanical engineering |
stijfheid | stiffness | |
stijfheid | rigor | |
stijfheid | rigour | |
stijfheidsmatrix | stiffness matrix | |
stijfheidsproef | compliance test | |
stijfheidsproef | rigidity test | |
stijfheidsproef | stiffness test | |
stijfhoofdig | stubborn | |
stijfhoofdig | obstinate | |
stijfmiddel | starch | ergane |
stijfsel | starch | |
stijfseloplossing | starch solution | |
stijfte | rigidity | |
stijfte | stiffness | |
stijg | hove | general |
stijgbeugel/stapes | stapes | anatomy |
stijgbeugel/stapes | stirrup | anatomy |
stijgbeugelamputatie/stapedectomie | stapedectomy | medical treatments |
stijgbuis | piezometer tube | hydraulics |
stijgbuis | riser | |
stijgen | go up | |
stijgen | climb | |
stijgen | ascend | |
stijgen | increase | |
stijgen | grow | |
stijgen | augment | |
stijgen | advance | |
stijgen | accrue | |
stijgen | arise | |
stijgen | rise | |
stijgen | lift | |
stijgen | get up | |
stijgen | ascend | music |
stijgend | ascending | |
stijgend | increasing | |
stijgend | rising | |
stijgend oplossen | resolve | music |
stijgende kruisvlucht | climb(ing) cruise | airforce |
stijgende leidtoon | ascending | music |
stijgende toonladder | ascending | music |
stijger | fold | |
stijghoogte | head | civil engineering |
stijghoogte | hydraulic head | the height of the free surface of a body of water relative the earth's surface or a datum level … environment |
stijghoogte | rise | hydraulics |
stijging | ascent | |
stijging | increase | |
stijging | rise | |
stijging/stijgkracht | climb | |
stijgingshoek | lead | |
stijgleiding | service riser | building |
stijgprocedure ter voorkoming van lawaaioverlast | noise abatement climb procedure | airforce |
stijgsnelheid | rising velocity | hydraulics |
stijgsnelheid | rise velocity | hydraulics |
stijgtijd | rise time | |
stijgtijd van een puls | pulse rise time | |
stijgvermogen | grade climbing ability | army |
stijgvlucht tot kruishoogte | en route climb | airforce |
stijgvluchtschema | climb schedule | airforce |
stijl | stanchions | building |
stijl | quarter | building |
stijl | style | music |
stijl | stake | |
stijl | stanchion | |
stijl | post | |
stijl | pole | |
stijl | newel | |
stijl | stile | |
stijl | stanchions | |
stijl | post | building |
stijl | wall stud | building |
stijl | side post | computers |
stijl | stud | |
stijl / plank | stud | |
stijl / school / stroming / richting | style | building |
stijl en regelwerk | style and tilework | |
stijl tussen de vleugels | interplane strut | airforce |
stijlbreuk | (sudden) change of/in style | music |
stijlcitaat | musical borrowing | music |
stijldansen | ballroom dancing | |
stijlen | styles | |
stijlen en regels | frame work | |
stijlen en regels | framing | |
stijlgevoel | stylistic | music |
stijlniveau | stylistic | music |
stijlperiode | stylistic | music |
stijlvol | stylish | music |
stijlzuiver | true to style | music |
stijve koppeling | rigid coupling | |
stijve koppeling | stiff connection | |
stijve rotor/niet scharnierende rotor | rigid rotor | airforce |
stijven | supply | |
stijven | provide | |
stijven | encourage | |
stijven | finish | |
stijver | stiffer | general |
stijver | more rigid | |
stijving | encouragement | |
stikken | suffocate | |
stikken | quilt | |
stikken | choke | |
stikken | stitch | |
stikker | sticker | |
stiknaad | seam | ergane |
stiknaad | stitched seam | |
stiknaald | stitching needle | |
stiksel | stitch | |
stikstof | nitrogen (N) | element; odourless, invisible, chemically inactive gas that forms about 80% of the atmosphere; essential macronutrient for plants and so is used in fertilizers … environment |
stikstof | nitrogen | |
stikstofbellen | nitrogen bubbles | medical |
stikstofbinding | nitrogen fixation | conversion of atmospheric nitrogen (a gas) into nitrate and ammonium ions (inorganic), which can be used by plants … environment |
stikstofgenerator | nitrogen generator | machine die stikstof maakt … device which generates nitrogen … chemistry |
stikstofhoudend | nitrogenous | |
Stikstofhoudende verbinding | Nitrogenous compound | beer |
stikstofkringloop | nitrogen cycle | the circulation of nitrogen atoms through ecosystems, brought about mainly by living organisms … environment |
stikstofnarcose | Nitrogen narcosis | diving |
stikstofnarcose | nitrogen narcosis | medical treatments |
stikstofoxide | nitrogen oxides (NOx) | oxides formed when nitrogen is oxidized during combustion, such as nitric oxide and nitrous oxide, or nitrogen dioxide; harmful to organisms … environment |
stil | motionless | |
stil | quiet | |
stil | silent | |
stil | still | |
stil | calm | |
stil | noiseless | |
stil | silently | |
stil | hush | Sssst |
stil | quiet, silent | music |
stil water niveau | SWL | Still Water level, the elevation that the surface of the water would assume if all wave action were absent. … hydraulics |
stileren | edit | ergane |
stileren | stylize | |
stilering | stylization | music |
stilet | style | |
stilhangen | hover | airforce |
stilhangen ver boven de grond/stilhangen zonder grondeffect | hover out of ground effect | airforce |
stilhangen ver boven de grond/stilhangen zonder grondeffect | hover out of ground effect | airforce |
stilhangen vlak boven de grond | hover in ground effect | airforce |
stilhouden | stop | |
stilhouden | come to a halt | |
stilhouden | halt | |
stilist | writer | |
stilist | author | |
stilistisch | stylistic(al) | music |
stille | plant | |
stille afstemming | quiet tuning | |
stille afstemming | squelch tuning | |
stille en korte start en landing | quiet short take-off and landing | airforce |
stille film | silent film/movie | music |
stille gordel | silent zone | |
stille gordel | skip distance | |
stille groef | silence groove | |
stille inschakeling | mute start | |
stille mis | Low Mass | music |
Stille Oceaan | Pacific | |
Stille Oceaan | Pacific Ocean | |
stille start en landing | quiet take-off and landing | airforce |
Stille Zuidzee | Pacific Ocean | |
Stille Zuidzee | Pacific | |
stille/rechercheur | nose | |
stilleggen | close down | |
stilleggen | hold up | |
stilleggen | shut down | |
stilleggen | stop | |
stilleggen | halt | |
stillegging | shutting down | |
stillegging | stoppage | |
stillegging | suspension | |
stilliggen | be at standstill | |
stilliggen | lie still | |
stilliggen | be idle | |
stilstaan | be at a standstill | |
stilstaan | be idle | |
stilstaan | be stationary | |
stilstaan | stand still | |
stilstaan | stagnate | |
stilstaan | stop | |
stilstaan | come to a halt | |
stilstaan | halt | |
stilstaand | stationary | zonder beweging … without any movement … general |
stilstaand | static | zonder beweging beschouwend … no movement in consideration … general |
stilstaand | stagnant | zich niet ontwikkelend … without development … general |
stilstaand beeld | still frame | |
stilstaand beeld | still picture | |
stilstaand, stilstand | stationary | |
stilstand | dwell | |
stilstand | idleness | |
stilstand | stagnation | |
stilstand | stagnancy | |
stilstand | standstill | |
stilstand | stoppage | |
stilstandtijd | unused time | |
stilte | silence | |
stilte | quiet | |
stilte | calm | |
stiltekegel | cone of silence | |
stiltezone | zone of silence | |
stilvallen | come to a stop | |
stilvallen | come to a standstill | |
stilvallen | come to a stop | |
stilzetten | turn off | |
stilzetten | switch off | |
stilzetten | stop | |
stilzetten | shut off | |
stilzetten | halt | |
stilzetting | stoppage | |
stilzwijgen | silence | |
stilzwijgen | be quiet | |
stilzwijgen | modesty | |
stilzwijgend | silent | |
stilzwijgend | tacit | |
stilzwijgend instemmen | acquiesce | ergane |
stilzwijgend toestemmen | acquiesce | ergane |
stilzwijgende instemming | acquiescence | ergane |
stilzwijgende overeenkomst | mutual understanding | ergane |
stilzwijgende toestemming | acquiescence | ergane |
stilzwijgendheid | modesty | ergane |
stimmentausch | voice exchange | music |
Stimulans | Stimulant | beer |
stimulans | stimulans | |
stimulans/opwekkend middel/stimulerend middel | stimulant | pharmaceutical |
Stimulatie | Simulation | beer |
stimulatie | stimulation | |
stimulatie | stimulus | |
stimulatie | incitement | |
stimulatie | impetus | |
stimulatie, prikkelen | stimulation | |
stimuleren | stir up | |
stimuleren | stimulate | |
stimuleren | rouse | |
stimulerende (genees)middelen | doping | pharmaceutical |
stimulus | stimulus | |
stinkdier | skunk | ergane |
stinken | reek | |
stinken | smell | |
stinken | stink | |
stinken | smell bad | |
stinkend | foedid | botanics |
stinkend | bad-smelling | |
stinkend | fumy | |
stinkend | odorous | |
stinkend | stinking | |
stinkend | odourous | |
stinkende gouwe | greater celandine | ergane |
stip | dot | |
stip | point | |
stip | speck | |
stip | spot | |
stip | period | |
stip | dot | music |
stipendium | subsidy | |
stipendium | grant, scholarship | music |
stippel/punt/spikkel/vlek/oneffenheid/gaatje | punctum | medical |
stippelen | punctuate | ergane |
stippelen | dot | |
stippellijn | dotted line | |
stippenscherm | phosphor-dot screen | |
stipraster | dot pattern | |
stiprastergenerator | dot-pattern generator | |
stipstreeplijn | chain dotted line | |
stipstreeplijn | dash-and-dot line | |
stipt | punctual | |
stipt | strict | |
stipt | duly | |
stipt | tight | |
stipt | precise | |
stipt | accurate | |
stipt | prompt | |
stipt | on time | |
stiptheid | promptness | |
stiptheid | punctuality | |
stiptheid | strictness | |
stiptheid | accuracy | |
stiptheid | exactitude | |
stiptheid | exactness | |
stiptheid | precision | |
stipulatie | stipulation | |
stipuleren | stipulate | |
stipuleren | set conditions | |
stirlingmotor | stirling engine | |
STL-producten | STL products | plastics |
stoïcijn | stoic | ergane |
stoïcijns | stoic | |
stoïcijns | stoical | |
stoïsch | stoic | |
stoïsch | stoical | |
stochastiek | stochastics | |
stochastisch | aleatory | |
stochastisch | stochastic | |
stochastisch model | stochastic model | |
stochastisch proces | stochastic process | |
stochastische behoeftebepaling | stochastic requirements calculation | |
stochastische database | probabilistic database | |
stochastische grootheid | aleatory quantity | |
stochastische grootheid | stochastic quantity | |
stochastische muziek | stochastic | music |
stochastische variabele | aleatory variable | |
stochastische variabele | stochastic variable | |
stock | stock | ergane |
stockeren | store | |
Stockholm | Stockholm | |
stock-out | stock-out | |
stoeien | frolic | ergane |
stoel | seat | railways |
stoel | bracket | |
stoel | chair | |
stoel | cradle | |
stoelen | seats | automobiles |
stoelenmetafoor | chairs metaphor | |
stoelenplan | seating plan | music |
stoelenverwarming | Front seat heating | automobiles |
stoelgang | stool(s) | medical |
stoelgang/ontlasting | movement | medical |
stoelkilometer | available seat mile (ASM) | airforce |
stoelkilometer | seat mile | airforce |
stoelkilometer (één beschikbare stoel gevlogen | seat mile | airforce |
stoelmechanisme | seat mechanism | airforce |
stoelpoot | leg of a chair | general |
stoelpoot | chairleg | general |
stoelpoot | chair-leg | general |
stoep | porch | |
stoep | sidewalk | |
stoep | pavement | |
stoep | railway platform | |
stoep | platform | |
stoep | doorstep | |
stoepa | stupa | building |
stoeprand | kerb | building |
stoeprand | kerb [US = curb] | |
stoeptegel | pavement tile | |
stoeptegel / trottoirtegel | quarry tile | |
stoer | sturdy | |
stoer | robust | |
stoer | firm | |
stoet | procession | |
stoeterij | studfarm | ergane |
stof | dust | fine particles of solid materials … environment |
stof | cloth | |
stof | dust | |
stof | material | |
stof | subject-matter | |
stof | matter | |
stof | subject | |
stof | substance | |
stof | theme | |
stof | topic | |
stof | stuff | |
stof | substance | |
stof / materiaal / weefsel | fabric | |
stof afnemen | dust | ergane |
stof die het centrale zenuwstelsel remt | CNS depressant | pharmaceutical |
stof, materie | substance | chemical material … environment |
Stofachtige smaak | Powdery taste | beer |
stofafdichting | dust seal | |
stofafscherming | dust protection | |
stofafzuiging | dust collection | |
stofafzuiging | dust extraction | |
stofafzuiginstallatie | dust extraction unit | building |
stofbestrijding | dust control | |
stofbestrijding | dust prevention | |
stofbril | eye preservers | |
stofbril | goggles | |
stofbus | dust bush | |
stofdeeltje | dust particle | |
stofdeeltje | particle of matter | |
stofdeksel | dust cover | |
stofdicht | dust-tight | |
stofdicht | dust-proof | |
stofdoek | duster | |
stofdoek | dust rag | |
stofdoek | dish cloth | |
stofdroog | dust dry | |
Stofexplosie | Dust explosion | beer |
stoffelijk | material | |
stoffen | dust | |
stoffen | brag | |
stoffen | boast | |
stoffer | brush | ergane |
stoffer | whisk | |
stoffer en blik | dustpan and brush | |
stoffer en blik | dustpan and duster | een huishoudelijk stukje gereedschap, waarmee je stof en/of droog vuil kunt opvegen. … a household utensil; a kind of metal or plastic scoop and a small broom, brush or duster with which dust or dry dirt can be scooped up. |
stofferen | upholster | |
stofferen | furnish | |
stofferen | trim | |
stofferen | fit out | |
stofferen | garnish | |
stoffering | fitting | |
stoffering | furnishing | |
stoffering | upholstery | |
stoffig | dusty | |
stoffig maken | cover with dust | ergane |
stoffilter | dust filter | |
stofgehalte | dust content | |
stofgehalte | percentage of dust | |
Stofgist | Powdery yeast | beer |
stofhoes | dust cover | |
stofhoos | dustwhirl | weather |
stofhoos | dustdevil | weather |
stofjas | overall | |
stofkamer | dust chamber | |
stofkap | dust cap | |
stofketel | canister | |
stofketel | dust tank | |
stofmaler | macerator | |
stofmasker | breathing mask | |
stofmasker | dust mask | |
stofmijt | dust mite | medical |
stofophoping | dust accumulation | |
stofopneming | dust removal | |
stofplaatje | dust plate | |
stofproef | dust test | |
stofregen | drizzling rain | |
stofregen | drizzle | |
stofring | dust shield | |
stofstorm | dust storm | airforce |
stofstorm | blowing dust | (hoog opwaaiend) … weather |
stofstorm | drifting dust | weather |
stofstorm | duststorm | weather |
stofstroomanalyse | vertical analysis | environment |
stofstroomdiagram | flow diagram | environment |
stofvanger | dust collector | hydraulics |
stofvorming | dust formation | |
stofvrij | dust-proof | |
stofvrij | dust-free | |
stofvrij | dustless | |
stofvrij | free from dust | |
stofvrije ruimte | dust-free room | |
stofwerend | dust-preventing | |
stofwerveling | dust whirl | airforce |
Stofwisseling | Metabolism | beer |
stofwisselings… | metabolic | |
stofwolk | dust cloud | airforce |
stofzak | dirt bag | |
stofzak | dust bag | |
stofzuigapparaat | dust extractor | building |
stofzuigen | vacuum | |
stofzuigen | hoover | |
stofzuiger | vacuum cleaner | |
stofzuiger | vacuum-cleaner | |
stofzuiger | j. milchers | |
stoichiometrie | stoichiometry | Term uit de scheikunde. |
Leer der onderlinge verhoudingen, bv. van elementen in een verbinding of van reactiepartners … Stoichiometry is the calculation of quantitative (measurable) relationships of the reactants and products in chemical reactions (chemical equations). … earth Sciences | ||
stok | cane | |
stok | baton | |
stok | stick | |
stok | stick | music |
stokdrijver | rod float, velocity rod | hydraulics |
stokebrand | agitator | ergane |
stoken | stoke | |
stoken | heat | |
stoken | light | |
stoken | kindle | |
stoken | distil | |
stoker | stoker | navy |
stokerij | commotion | |
stokerij | agitation | |
stokindeling | bow | music |
stokje | switch | |
stokje | wand | |
stokje | rod | |
stokje | little stick | |
stokje | stick | |
stokpasser | trammels | |
stokvoering | bowing | music |
STOL | short take-off and landing | airforce |
Stollen | Solidification | beer |
stollen | solidify | |
stollen | congealing | |
stollen | Stollen | music |
stolling | congelation | hydraulics |
stolling | solidification | |
stolling/stremming/klontering/bevriezing/congelatie | congealment | medical |
stolling/stremming/klontering/bevriezing/congelatie | congelation | medical |
stollings-, door stolling gevormd | igneous | botanics |
stollingsgesteente | igneous rock | rock such as basalt or granite solidified from molten magma … environment |
stollingsgesteenten | igneous rocks | botanics |
stollingstraject | solidification range | mathematics |
stollingswarmte | congelation heat | hydraulics |
stollingswarmte | heat of solidification | |
stolp | bell | |
stolp | bell-jar | |
stolp | glass cover | |
stolpraam / naar binnen openslaand raam | casement window | building |
stolpunt | solidifying point | |
stolpunt | congealing point | |
stolselvermindering | restricted gating | |
STOL-vliegtuig | short take-off and landing aircraft | airforce |
stom | mute | |
stom | dumb | |
stom | speechless | |
stom | stupid | |
stom | foolish | |
stom | addled | |
stom… | stom | medical |
stoma | stoma | medical |
stoma, huidmondje | stoma (pl. stomata) | pore in a plant, especially in the leaves … environment |
stomatisch | fistular | |
stomatognathisch | stomatognathic | medical |
stomatologie | stomatology | medical specialities |
stomatologisch | stomatological | medical |
stomatoloog | stomatologist | medical professions |
stomen | steam | |
stomerij | dry cleaner's | ergane |
stomkop | fool | ergane |
stomme | mute | ergane |
stomme e | schwa | music |
stommel | rumble | |
stommeling | fool | ergane |
stomp | obtusc | civil engineering |
stomp | blunt | |
stomp | butt | |
stomp | obtuse | |
stomp | dull | |
stomp gelast | butt welded | |
stompe hoek | obtuse angle | |
stompe las | butt weld | hydraulics |
stompe lasnaad | butt weld | |
stompe punt | flat point | |
stompen | punch | |
stomplassen | butt welding | |
stomplassen / stuiklassen | buttweld(ing) | building |
stompzinnig | stupid | |
stompzinnig | dull | |
stompzinnig | obtuse | |
stond | stood | |
Stoney-schuif | Stoney gate | hydraulics |
stoof | footwarmer | ergane |
stookgas | heating gas | |
stookinstallatie | combustion plant | |
stooklijn | heating curve | building |
stooklijn | temperature curve | Een lijn die de (gewenste) temperatuur aangeeft in vergelijking met de buitentemperatuur. … A line (curve) which indicates the (desired) temperature in comparison to outside temperature. … civil Engineering |
stookmateriaal | fuel | |
stookmengsel | baking mixture | |
stookolie | heating oil | building |
stookolie | fueloil | hydraulics |
stookolie | fuel oil | |
stookplaats | hearth | |
stookplaats | fireplace | |
stookplaats | fireplace | |
stookruimte | heater room | building |
stookwaarde | net heating value | building |
stoom | steam | |
stoom | vapor | |
stoom | vapour | |
stoomafsluiter | stop valve | |
stoombad | steam bath | |
stoombevochtiger | steam humidifier | |
stoomboot | steamship | |
stoombuis | steam pipe | |
stoomcursus | intensive course | |
stoomdestillatie | steam distillation | |
stoomdicht | steam-tight | |
stoomdruk | steam pressure | |
stoomgenerator | steam generator | navy |
stoomhamer | power-hammer | |
stoomhamer | steam hammer | |
stoomkatapult | steam catapult | airforce |
stoomketel | steam boiler | |
stoomketel | boiler | |
stoomketel | steam-boiler | |
stoomkracht | steam power | |
stoomleiding | steam line | |
stoomleiding | steam pipes | |
stoomlicht | steaming light | navy |
stoommachine | steam engine | |
stoomoxidatie | steam oxidation | |
stoomregelaar | steam control | |
stoomregelaar | steam controller | |
stoomspiraal | steam coil | |
stoomspiraal | steam heating coil | |
stoomsterilisator | steam sterilizer | medical equipment |
stoomstralen | pressure steam cleaning | |
stoomstrijkijzer | steam iron | |
stoomtoevoer | supply of steam | |
stoomturbinegenerator | steam turbine generator | navy |
stoomverwarming | heating by steam | |
stoomverwarming | steam heating | |
Stoomvoorziening | Steam supply | beer |
stoomwals | steam roller | building |
stoor | disturb | Storen … To disturb … general |
stoorafstand | signal/noise ratio | |
stoorder | jammer | airforce |
stoordraad | disruptor | airforce |
stooreffect | interference effect | |
stoorfactor | interference factor | |
stoorfilter | noise filter | |
stoorfrequentie | interfering frequency | |
stoorfrequentie | spurious frequency | |
stoorgevoelig | susceptible to trouble | |
stoorgevoelig | sensitive to interference | |
stoorgevoelig | susceptible to interference | |
stoorgevoeligheid | sensitivity to interference | |
stoorgevoeligheid | susceptibility to interference | |
stoorgevoeligheid | susceptibility to trouble | |
stoorimpuls | interference pulse | |
stoorimpuls | noise pulse | |
stoorimpulsonderdrukking | interference-pulse suppression | |
stoorimpulsonderdrukking | quieting | |
stoorkanaal | interfering channel | |
stoorkastje | interference box | |
stoornis | disturbance | |
stoornis | interference | |
stoornis | trouble | |
stoornis | hindrance | |
stoornis | perturbation | |
stoornis | lesion | |
stoornis/ziekte/aandoening | disorder | medical |
stoorniveau | interference level | |
stoorniveau | noise level | |
stoorongevoelig | insusceptible to interference | |
stoorongevoelig | insusceptible to trouble | |
stoorongevoeligheid | insusceptibility to interference | |
stoorongevoeligheid | insusceptibility to trouble | |
stoorongevoeligheid | noise immunity | |
stoorpatroon | interference pattern | |
stoorsignaal | interference signal | |
stoorsignaal | noise signal | |
stoorsignaalcompensatie | shading compensation | |
stoorspanning | disturbing voltage | |
stoorspanning | interference voltage | |
stoorspanning | noise voltage | |
stoorstraling | interfering radiation | |
stoorveld | interference filed | |
stoorvrij | interference-free | |
stoorvrij | noise-free | |
stoorvrij | undisturbed | |
stoorzender | jamming station | |
stoot | impact | |
stoot | jolt | |
stoot | pulse | |
stoot | push | |
stoot | shock | |
stoot | surge | |
stoot | jerk | |
stoot | impulse, linear | |
stoot | linear impulse | |
stoot | spades | |
stoot | sting | |
stoot | prick | |
stootbelasting | impact | hydraulics |
stootbelasting | impact load | |
stootbelasting | shock load | |
stootblok | chock | building |
stootblok | buffer block | |
stootblok | setting block | |
stootblok | stop block | |
stootblok | stop | |
Stootblokken kunststof | Buffer blocks, plastic | plastics |
Stootblokken rubber | Buffer blocks, rubber | plastics |
stootboor / pulsboor | percussion drill | building |
stootbord | riser | (traptrede) |
stootbord | riser | |
stootbuffer | isolator | mechanical engineering |
stootcoëfficient | impact factor | hydraulics |
stootdemper | shock absorber | general |
stootkanten | edge | |
stootkracht | impact force | |
stootkussen | fender | hydraulics |
stootkussen | buffer | |
stootkussen | bumper | |
stootkussen | pad | |
stootkussen | padding | airforce |
stootmoment | angular impulse | |
stootmoment | impulse, angular | |
stootopwekking | impulse excitation | |
stootplaat | approach slab | Overgang tussen kunstwerk en wegbaan … transition slab between structure and road … civil engineering |
stootplaat | buffer plate | |
stootrand | tail braid | hydraulics |
stootrand | buffer edge | |
stootrand | stop shoulder | |
Stootranden PVC | Buffer strips, PVC | plastics |
Stootranden rubber | Buffer strips, rubber | plastics |
Stootringen rubber | Buffer (stop)rings, rubber | plastics |
stootsgewijs | by jerks and jolts | |
stootsgewijs | impulsive | |
stootsgewijs | in batches | |
stootsgewijs | intermittent | |
stootsgewijs | jerkily | |
stootsgewijs | pulsating | |
stootsgewijze transmissie | burst transmission | |
stootsgewijze verzending | burst mode | |
stootspanning | impact stress | |
stootspanning | pulse voltage | |
stootspanning | surge voltage | |
stootspanning | transient voltage | |
stootstang | push rod | automobiles |
stootsteen | curb stone | |
stoottactiek | shock tactics | army |
stoottroepen | shock troops | army |
stootvast | impact-resistant | |
stootvast | shock-resistant | |
stootvastheid | impact resistance | |
stootvastheid | shock resistance | |
stootvoeg | head joint | architecture |
stootvoeg / las / naad | butt | |
stootvoeg / las / naad / stuikvoeg | butt joint | building |
stootwil | fender | hydraulics |
Stop | Bung | SponEen meestal houten conische stop in een vat. … beer |
stop | buffer | |
stop | stopper | |
stop | plug | |
stop | stop | |
stop | electric plug | |
stop | patch | |
stop(verf)mes | putty knife | building |
stopband | stopband | |
stopblok | Scotch block | railways |
stopbus | stuffing box | |
stopbuspakking | mechanical seal | |
Stopbuspakkingen | Stuffing box gaskets | plastics |
stopcontact | plug point | building |
stopcontact | socket | electrical |
stopcontact | power connection terminal | electrical |
stopcontact | electric socket | ergane |
stopcontact | plug socket | |
stopcontact | wall socket | |
stopcontact | socket outlet | |
stopcontacten | plugs | electrical |
stop-einde | stop-end | airforce |
stopfles | stopper bottle | |
stopinriching op rails | Scotch block | railways |
stopkraan | stop valve | building |
stoplicht | stop light | |
stoplijst | adjusting strip | |
stoplus | loop stop | |
stopmassa | filling compound | |
stopmechanisme | arresting gear | airforce |
stopmes | putty knife | |
stopmiddel | adstringent | |
stopmiddel | stopper | |
stopmiddel | electric plug | |
stopmiddel | plug | |
stopmiddel/antidiarrhoicum | antidiarrhetic | pharmaceutical |
stopmiddel/antidiarrhoicum | antidiarrhoicum | pharmaceutical |
stopopdracht | hold order | |
stoporder | fill-in order | |
stoporder | stop order | |
stoppasta | filling paste | |
stoppen | tuck | ergens iets in stoppen. \Tuck in\' in het instoppen van een kind in bed.' … general |
stoppen | tuck | ergens iets in stoppen. \Tuck in\' in het instoppen van een kind in bed.' … general |
Stoppen | Inserts | plastics |
stoppen | cease | |
stoppen | clog | |
stoppen | constipate | |
stoppen | stop up | |
stoppen | plug up | |
stoppen | block | |
stoppen | stop | |
stoppen | fill up | |
stoppen | fill in | |
stoppen | fill | |
stoppen | put down | |
stoppen | put | |
stoppen | place | |
stoppen | lay down | |
stoppen | halt | |
stoppen | come to a halt | |
stoppen | patch up | |
stoppen | patch | |
stoppen | mend | |
stoppen | stop | music |
stoppen | putty | |
stoppen in | call at | ergane |
stoppen met roken | quit smoking | medical |
stoppen met roken | smoking cessation | medical |
Stoppen rubber | Plugs rubber | plastics |
stoppend | antidiarrhetic (bn) | medical |
stoppenkast | fuse cabinet | electrical |
stoppenkast | fusebox | een kast of kastje voorzien van zekeringen. De zekeringkast wordt gebruikt om zekeringen te groeperen en voor gemak en overzichtelijkheid. De zekeringen kunnen van het automatische te resetten type zijn of smeltzekeringen die vervangen dienen te worden indien er een kortsluiting is geweest. … a container equipped with fuses. The fusebox is used to group fuses and for service convinience. The fuses used can be automatic (resettable) fuses or the old style \blow out\' type that must be replaced after a short-circuit' |
stopper | parasitic suppressor | |
stopplaats | stop | mathematics |
stopslag | dead beat | music |
stopstand | stop position | |
stopstreep | break | ergane |
stopstreep | stop line | |
stopstreep | holding area marking | airforce |
stopstrip | stop strip | |
stopt | stops | een activiteit stopt … an activity stops … general |
stoptijd | stop time | |
stoptoestand | stop | |
stoptoets | stop button | |
stoptoets | stop key | |
stoptrein | local train | railways |
stopverbod | no stopping | |
stopverf | putty | |
stopwas | bee glue | |
stopwas | filling wax | |
Stopwatch | Watch | rowing |
stopwol | loose fill insulation | building |
stopzetten | bring to a standstill | |
stopzetten | close down | |
stopzetten | cease | |
stopzetten | shut down | |
stopzetten | stop | |
stopzetten | turn off | |
stopzetten | switch off | |
stopzetten | shut off | |
stopzetten | DC (als ww gebruikt) | medical |
stopzetten | discontinue | medical |
stopzetting | cessation | |
stopzetting | close-own | |
stopzetting | closing down | |
stopzetting | shut-down | |
stopzetting | shutting down | |
stopzetting | stoppage | |
stopzetting | switching-off | |
storen | interfere | |
storen | bother | |
storen | disturb | |
storen | trouble | |
storen | hinder | |
storen | prevent | |
storen | inhibit | |
storen | bar | |
storen | jam/jamming | airforce |
storend | troublesome | |
storend | nasty | |
storend geluid | disturbing sound | |
storend geluid | noise | |
storing | hindrance | |
storing | interference | |
storing | interruption | |
storing | jamming | |
storing | malfunction | |
storing | breakdown | |
storing | trouble | |
storing | outage | |
storing | defect | |
storing | disturbance | |
storing | down time | |
storing | failure | |
storing | fault | |
storing | unrest | |
storing | disquiet | |
storing | malfunction | ketel steeds in storing |
storing veroorzaken | disquiet | |
storing veroorzaken | perturb | |
storing veroorzaken | interfere with | |
storing/gebrek | failure | airforce |
storingsarm | anti-interference | |
storingsarm | antiparasitic | |
storingsarm | low noise | |
storingsarme microfoon | anti-noise microphone | |
storingsarme microfoon | noise-cancelling microphone | |
storingsarme overdrager | low-noise converter | |
storingsarme versterker | low-noise amplifier | |
storingsbegrenzer | interference limiter | |
storingsbegrenzer | noise limiter | |
storingsbegrenzing | noise limitation | |
storingsbeschermend | fail-soft | |
storingsbestendig | fail-safe | |
storingsbron | interference source | |
storingsbron | noise source | |
storingsdienst | maintenance department | |
storingsdienst | jamming service | |
storingsdienst | breakdown service | |
storingsfilter | noise filter | |
storingsfrequentie | failure rate | |
storingsgevoelig | sensitive to interference | |
storingsgevoelig | susceptible to interference | |
storingsmelder | annunciator | electrical |
storingsmelding | failure notice | |
storingsmonteur | support engineer | |
storingsniveau | noise level | |
Storingsonderdrukker | Suppressor | Een onderdeel dat wordt gebruikt om elektrische storing te verminderen of te elimineren van het ontstekingssysteem en andere elektrische componenten. … automobiles |
storingsonderdrukker | noise inverter | |
storingsonderdrukking | interference absorption | |
storingsonderdrukking | interference suppression | |
storingsonderdrukking | noise inversion | |
storingsonderdrukkingsfilter | interference-suppression filter | |
storingsonderdrukkingsfilter | noise inverter | |
storingsongevoelig | insusceptible to interference | |
storingsongevoelig | insusceptible to trouble | |
storingsongevoelig | fail-safe | |
storingsongevoeligheid | noise immunity | |
storingsregeling | failure control | |
storingstheorie | perturbation theory | (kernfysica) … (nuclear physics) |
storingstijd | down time | |
storingstoestand | failure mode | |
storingsveilig | fail-safe | |
storingsverslag | failure report | |
storingsvrij | interference-free | |
storingsvrij | noise-free | |
storingsvrij | undisturbed | |
storingsvrij | trouble-free | |
storingsvrije werking | trouble-free operation | |
storingsvrijheid | noise immunity | |
storingzoeken | fault finding | |
storingzoeker | fault finder | |
storm | gale | |
storm | storm | |
storm | tempest | |
stormachtig | inclement | |
stormachtige wind | gale | windkracht 8 beaufort … weather |
stormbaan | assault course | army |
stormdeur | storm gate | hydraulics |
stormklaar maken | snug down | (zeevaart) |
bijv. een schip stormklaar maken … (nautic) | ||
e.g. to snug down a vessel | ||
stormloop | storming | |
stormloop | assault | |
Stormmeeuw | Mew Gull | birds |
stormrallp | storm catastrophe | hydraulics |
stormrallp | storm disaster | hydraulics |
stormram | battering-ram | |
stormrijp maken (het murw maken van vijandelijke troepen | soften-up | airforce |
stormtroepen | assault troops | army |
stormvloed | storm surge | hydraulics |
stormvloedkering | storm surge barrier | hydraulics |
stormvloedsramp | storm surge disaster | hydraulics |
stormvloedstand | storm-surge level | hydraulics |
Stormvogeltje | Storm-petrel | birds |
stormwind | storm | ergane |
stort | dumping site | hydraulics |
stort | blackplate | |
stort | tinned sheet-iron | |
stortbad | shower | ergane |
stortbak | cistern | building |
stortbak | flushing cistern | building |
stortbak | toilet cistern | building |
stortbak | chute | |
stortbak | shoot | |
stortbeek | torrent | hydraulics |
stortbui | downpour | |
stortbui | shower | |
stortbuis | tremi pipe | Buis waarmee beton gestort wordt … Pipe to pour concrete |
stortdrempel | lip wall | hydraulics |
stortebed | downstream apron | bestorting van de bodem met breuksteen, meestal op een zinkstuk … hydraulics |
stortebed | apron | bestorting van de bodem met breuksteen, meestal op een zinkstuk … Layer of stone, concrete or other material to protect the toe of a structure against scour. … hydraulics |
storten | pouring | als in 'beton storten' … as in 'pouring concrete' … building |
storten | shoot | |
storten | fall | |
storten | pay | |
storten | scatter | |
storten | pour out | |
storten | dump | |
storten | shed | |
storten | drop | |
storten | pour | (o.a. van beton) |
storten | landfill | dispose of waste in a landfill |
storten | deposite | |
storten | dump | hydraulics |
storten, lozen | dump (v) | to thrown away waste … environment |
stortgat | shooting hole | |
stortgewicht | dumpweight | general |
stortgoederen | bulk goods | |
stortgoot | chute | |
stortgoot | shoot | |
storthendel | flush handle | building |
Storting | Throw | beer |
storting | payment | ergane |
storting | deposit | |
storting | disposal | building |
stortkoker | chute | building |
stortkoker | refuse chute | building |
stortkoker | flare chute | airforce |
stortlaag | beaching | hydraulics |
stortlaag | rubble layer | hydraulics |
stortplaats | rubbish-tip | botanics |
stortplaats | dump(site) | place where waste is thrown away … environment |
stortplaats | waste site | place where rubbish is thrown away … environment |
stortplaats | dump | |
stortplaats | dumping place | |
stortplaats | dumping site | |
stortplaats | tip | |
stortplaats | rubbish tip | |
stortplaats | refuse dump | |
stortplaats/ storten | landfill/to - | environment |
stortregen | torrential rain | |
stortregenen | pour | |
stortregenen | rain cats and dogs | |
stortsel | rubble | hydraulics |
stortsteen | rubble | hydraulics |
stortsteen | rip-rap | hydraulics |
stortterrein | sanitary landfill | environment |
stortterrein | landfill | the disposal of refuse by tipping it in holes in the ground and covering it with earth; this is called sanitary landfill in the USA … environment |
storttrechter | hopper | |
stortvloed | avalanche | |
stortvloed | deluge | |
stortvloed | flood | |
stortvloed | inrush | |
stortvloed | rush | |
stortvloed | inundation | |
stortvoeg | construction joint | hydraulics |
stoten | bump | |
stoten | strike | |
stoten | thrust | |
stoten | shake | |
stoten | push | |
stoten op | crash into | |
stoten op | collide with | |
stoten tegen | push against | |
stotend | offensive | ergane |
stoter | ram | |
stoter | slide | |
stoter | tappet | |
stoter | ejector | |
stoter | knock-out | |
stotergeleiding | ram guiding | |
stoterspeling | ram clearance | |
stoterstang | push rod | automobiles |
Stoterstang | Pushrod | Een stang die op en neer wordt bewogen door de draaiende beweging van de nokkenas, en die de tuimelaars bedient in een kopklepmotor. … automobiles |
stoterstang | plunger rod | |
stoterstang | pushrod | Een stang die op en neer wordt bewogen door de draaiende beweging van de nokkenas, en die de tuimelaars bedient in een kopklepmotor. |
stotteren | stammer | |
stotteren | stutter | |
stout | audacious | |
stout | fearless | |
stout | bold | |
stout | daring | |
stout | intrepid | |
stout | courageous | |
stoutheid | daring | |
stoutheid | boldness | |
stoutheid | audacity | |
stoutmoedig | intrepid | |
stoutmoedig | audacious | |
stoutmoedig | bold | |
stoutmoedig | daring | |
stoutmoedig | fearless | |
stoutmoedig | courageous | |
stoutmoedigheid | daring | |
stoutmoedigheid | boldness | |
stoutmoedigheid | audacity | |
stouwen | stow | ergane |
stouwer | stevedore | |
straal | jet | |
straal | radius | |
straal | ray | |
straal | squirt | |
straal | stream | |
straal | beam | |
straal | flash | |
straal | jet | hydraulics |
straal | nappe | hydraulics |
straal | spout | |
straalaandrijving | jet propulsion | |
straalafbuiger | beam deflector | |
straalafbuiging | beam deflection | |
straalafbuigingsbuis | beam-deflection tube | |
straalaftasting | beam scanning | |
straalantenne | beam aerial | |
straalantenne | beam antenna | |
straalbloem | ligule | botanics |
straalbloem | ray floret | botanics |
straalbloem | ray flower | botanics |
straalblokkeerschakeling | gun disabling circuit | |
straalbommenwerper | jet bomber | airforce |
straalbrekend | refractive | |
straalbreking | refraction | |
straalbreking | refraction | |
straalbuiging | refraction | hydraulics |
straalbuis | nozzle | hydraulics |
straalbuis | Kort nozzle | hydraulics |
straalcoëfficient | jet coefficient | airforce |
straalconcentratiebuis | beam power tube | |
straaldeler | beam-deflector amplifier | |
straaldeler | flow divider | |
straaldeler | stream interaction amplifier | |
straaldraad | beam lead | |
straaldraadisolatie | beam-lead isolation | |
straalelement | heating coil | |
straalelement | heating element | |
straalgeheugen | beam store | |
straalhoek | radian | |
straaljager | jet fighter | airforce |
straalkachel | radiant heater | |
straalkachel | reflector heater | |
straalkapel (van kathedraal | apsidiole | building |
straalklep | jet flap | airforce |
straallichaam/ciliair lichaam | corpus ciliare | anatomy |
straalmodulatie | beam modulation | |
straalmodulator | beam modulator | |
straalmotor | jet turbine (engine) | airforce |
straalmotor | jet engine | |
straalmotor | jet | |
straalombuiger | jet deflector | hydraulics |
straalomkeerder | reverser | airforce |
straalomkeerder/stuwomkeersysteem | thrust reverser | airforce |
straalonderdrukking | beam suppression | |
straalpijp | nozzle | |
straalpijp/mondstuk | nozzle | airforce |
straalpijp/mondstuk | propelling nozzle | airforce |
straalpijp/mondstuk | propulsion nozzle | airforce |
straalpijp/uitlaatmond | exhaust nozzle | airforce |
straalpijp/uitlaatpijp | engine nozzle | airforce |
straalpijpring | shroud | airforce |
straalpijpringen | shrouds | (van vliegtuigen) … (of airplanes) … aerospace |
straalpomp | jet pump | hydraulics |
straalsgewijs | radial | |
straalsgewijs | radially arranged | |
straalsgewijs | radiate | medical |
straalsplitser | beam splitter | |
straalstroom | jet stream | airforce |
straalstroom | jetstream | gebied met zeer hoge windsnelheden op de grens van de troposfeer en de stratosfeer … weather |
straalstroom | beam current | |
straalstroombegrenzer | beam-current limiter | |
straalstroominstelling | beam-current adjustment | |
straaltijdperk | jet age | airforce |
straalvector | radius vector | |
straalventilatorkachel | radiant fan heater | |
straalverbinding | microwave radio link | |
straalverbinding | radio-beam link | |
straalverbinding | radio link | |
straalverkeersvliegtuig | jet airliner | airforce |
straalverkeersvliegtuig | jetliner | airforce |
straalverkeersvliegtuig | jet passenger aircraft | airforce |
straalviscometer | jet-type viscometer | hydraulics |
straalvliegtuig | jet aircraft/airplane | airforce |
straalvliegtuig | jet plane | ergane |
straalvliegtuig | streamjet | |
straalvliegtuig/straaljager | jet | |
straalvliegtuigbrandstof | jet plane fuel | airforce |
straalvlucht | jet flight | airforce |
straalvormer | orifice | hydraulics |
straalvormig | radiated | |
straalvormige krans | corona radiata | medical |
straalwarmte | radiant heat | |
straalwerking | jet action | |
straalzender | radio-beam transmitter | |
straalzender | radio relay | |
straat | strait | |
straat | street | |
Straat Bering | Bering Strait | ergane |
Straat Denemarken | Denmark Strait | ergane |
Straat Hudson | Hudson Strait | ergane |
Straat van Gibraltar | Strait of Gibraltar | ergane |
straat-, wijk-, verkeersagent, diender, rus, smeris | constable | |
straatbeeld | street scene | |
straatbeeld | streetscape | |
straatbengel | pickle | |
straatbengel | naughty boy | |
straatgoot | road gully | building |
straathoek | street-corner | |
straathoek | corner | |
straatklinker | paving brick | building |
straatkolk | gulley | hydraulics |
straatlaag | brick soling (laid on edge) | building |
straatlantaarn | street light | building |
straatlantaarn | streetlight | |
straatlantaarn | streetlamp | |
straatmeubilair | roadside fixtures | |
straatmeubilair | street furniture | building |
straatmuzikant | street musician, busker | music |
straatnaambord | street sign | |
Straatsburg | Strasbourg | |
Straatsburg | Strassbourg | |
Straatsburg | Strassburg | |
straatschender | vandal | |
straatschenner | vandal | ergane |
straatschuimer | apache | |
straatschuimer | hood | |
straatschuimer |