Techniek dut eng.xlsx (in 11 parts: Part 6)
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Dutch | English | Notes |
logicabewerking | logical operation | |
logicabewerking | logic operation | |
logicamatrix | logic array | |
logica-ontwerp | logic design | |
logicaschema | logic diagram | |
logicasymbool | logic symbol | |
logies | dwelling | |
logies | residence | |
logies | accommodation | |
logies | abode | |
logisch | logical | general |
logisch adres | logical address | |
logisch bestand | logical file | |
logisch bevestigingsbericht | logical acknowledgement message | airforce |
logisch bewerkingsteken | logical operator | |
logisch circuit | logical circuit | |
logisch element | gate | |
logisch element | logical element | |
logisch element | logic element | |
logisch equivalent | logical equivalence | |
logisch gegevensmodel | logical data model | |
logisch kanaal | logical channel | |
logisch niveau | logic level | |
logisch ontwerp | logic design | |
logisch ontwerp | logical design | |
logisch primitief | logical primitive | |
logisch product | logical product | |
logisch record | logical record | |
logisch schema | logic diagram | |
logisch schema | logical diagram | |
logisch signaal | logical signal | |
logisch station | logical station | |
logisch stroomschema | logic flowchart | |
logisch symbool | logic symbol | |
logisch systeemontwerp | logical system design | |
logisch type | logical type | |
logische één | logical one | |
logische analysator | logical analyzer | |
logische basisbewerking | logical elementary operation | |
logische bewerking | logic operator | |
logische bewerking | logical operation | |
logische bouwstenen | logical building blocks | |
logische cel | logical cell | |
logische circuits | logic circuits | |
logische cohesie | logical cohesion | |
logische constante | logical constant | |
logische database | logical database | |
logische disjunct | disjunct | |
logische drempel | logical threshold | |
logische eenheid | logical unit: LU | |
logische expressie | logical expression | |
logische families | logical families | |
logische functie | logic function | |
logische gegevensverbinding | logical data link | |
logische grafische functie | logical graphical function | |
logische impliciete conditie | logical implication | |
logische instructie | logic instruction | |
logische laag | logical layer | |
logische nul | logical nul | |
logische ontvangstbevestiging | logical acknowledgement | airforce |
logische opdracht | logical instruction | |
logische operatie | logic operation | |
logische operator | logical operator | |
logische operator | boolean connective | |
logische operator | logical instruction | |
logische optelling | logical addition | |
logische optelling | logical add: XOR | |
logische primitieven | logical primitives | |
logische programmeertaal | logic programming language | |
logische programmering | logic programming | |
logische relatie | logical relation | |
logische schuifopdracht | logical shift | |
logische simulatie | logic simulation | |
logische som | disjunction | |
logische som | logical sum | |
logische sonde | logic probe | |
logische sterkte | logic strength | |
logische structuur | logical structure | |
logische taal | logical language | |
logische toestand | logical state | |
logische trace | logical trace | |
logische uitdrukking | logical expression | |
logische verbinding | logical connection | |
logische verbindingsbesturing | logical link control: LLC | |
logische vergelijking | logical comparison | |
logische waarde | logical value | |
logische waarheid | logical truth | |
logischerwijs | logically | general |
logistiek | logistics | |
logistiek besturingscentrum | logistic control center: LCC | |
logistiek commando | Air Support Command | airforce |
logistiek planner | logistic planner | |
logistiek systeem | logistic system | |
logistieke bedrijfsgroep | logistic business team: LBT | |
logistieke bedrijfsgroep | logistics business team: LBT | |
logistieke dienst | Army Ordnance Office | army |
logistieke dienst/bevoorradingskorps | Ordnance Corps | army |
logistieke documenten | logistic documents | |
logistieke eenheid | logistic unit | |
logistieke voorraad | logistic stock | |
Logit | Logit | Logit(Y) is the natural logarithm (base e) of the odds ratio. Logit(p) (where p = probability y=1 in binomial logistic regression or y=highest value in multinomial logistic regression) becomes negative and increasingly large in magnitude as the odds ratio decreases from 1 to 0, and becomes increasingly large and positive as the odds ratio increases from 1 to infinity. |
Logits are used in log-linear analysis in preference to odds ratios because of their mathematical properties. Odds ratios are asymmetric in interpretation: an odds ratio of 3.0 indicates the same difference in odds as an odds ratio of .33. This asymmetry disappears when one takes the natural log of the odds ratios. Thus LN(3) = +1.0986 and LN(.333333)=-1.0986. That is, odds ratios asymmetrically vary from 0 to 1 on the negative side and 1 to infinity on the positive side. Logits vary symmetrically from 0 to minus infinity on the negative side and from 0 to plus infinity on the positive side. Logits and odds ratios contain the same information, but this difference in mathematical properties makes logits better building blocks for logistic regression and log-linear analysis. | ||
Note also that the logit equals the difference in the natural logs of the odds that make up the odds ratio: | ||
Odds of a woman being a Democrat = .75 | ||
Odds of a man being a Democrat = .50 | ||
Odds ratio for women = .75/.5 = 1.5 | ||
Odds ratio for men = .5/.75 = .67 | ||
Logit for women = LN(1.5) = +.405 = LN(.75) - LN(.5) = -.288 - (-.693) = +.405 | ||
Logit for men = LN(.67) = -.405 = LN(.5) - LN(.75) = -.693 -(-.288) = -.405 | ||
logopedie | speech therapy | music |
logopedie/spraakkunde | logopaedics | medical specialities |
logopedisch/stemkundig/spraakkundig | logopaedic | medical |
logopedist | speech therapist | music |
log-periodiek | log-periodic | |
logschrijver | logger | |
logspatel | lung spatula | medical equipment |
logtijd | log time | |
lok | curl | ergane |
lokaal | local | |
lokaal | vernacular | |
lokaal | chamber | |
lokaal | place | |
lokaal | room | |
lokaal einde | local end | |
lokaal geheugen | local memory | |
lokaal kanaal | local channel | |
lokaal net | local network | |
lokaal netwerk | local area network: LAN | |
lokaal station | local station | |
lokaas | bait | |
lokale afbreekfout | local truncation error | |
lokale ambiguïteit | local ambiguity | |
lokale centrale | local exchange | |
lokale combinatie | local mount | |
lokale compactheid | local compaction | |
lokale gegevens | local data | |
lokale lijn | local loop | |
lokale oproep | local call | |
lokale oscillator | local oscillator | |
lokale overheid | local authority | environment |
lokale parameter | local parameter | |
lokale raamovereenkomst | local delivery agreement | |
lokale transmissie | local transmission | |
lokale uitdrukking | vernacularity | |
lokale uitdrukking | vernacularism | |
lokale variabele | local variable | |
lokale, plaatselijke verdoving/lokaalanesthesie | local anesthesia | medical treatments |
lokale/plaatselijke verdoving | local anaesthetic | medical treatments |
lokalisatie | locating | |
lokalisatie/plaatsbepaling | localization | computers |
lokaliseren | locate | |
lokaliteit | location | |
lokaliteit | spot | |
lokaliteit | place | |
lokatie | location | building |
loket | ticket-window | |
loket | window | |
loketstation | teller terminal | |
loketwachttijd | waiting time at a service channel | |
Loki | Loki | ergane |
lokken | decoy | |
lokken | lure | |
lokken | attract | |
lokmiddel | bait | ergane |
lol | fun | |
lol | frolic | |
lol | lark | |
lommerd | pawnshop | ergane |
lomp | coarse | |
lomp | rag | |
lomp | rude | |
lomp | scrap | |
lomp | crude | |
lomp | harsh | |
Londen | London | |
Londenaar | Londoner | ergane |
lonen | reward | |
lonen | be worth | |
lonen | compensate | |
long | pulmo | anatomy |
long | lung | music |
long john | Farmer-John | diving |
long(weefsel)paktang | lung grasping forceps | medical equipment |
long…/van, m.b.t. de long | pneumonic | |
long…/pulmonaal/van, m.b.t., in de longen | pulmonary | |
longader | pulmonary vein | anatomy |
longan | longan | ergane |
longarts | lung specialist | medical professions |
longarts | pneumonologist | medical professions |
longarts | pulmonologist | medical professions |
longbiopsie | lung biopsy | medical treatments |
longbiopsie | pulmonary biopsy | medical treatments |
longbiopsiecanule | lung biopsy canula | medical equipment |
longblaasje | alveolus | anatomy |
longblaasje | pulmonary alveolus | anatomy |
longblaasjes | alveoli (pulmonis) | anatomy |
longcapaciteit | lung capacity | medical |
longen | pulmones | anatomy |
longenfyseem | emphysema | a progressive lung disease caused by smoking and pollution at work and in the environment … medical |
longfoto | lung x-ray | medical treatments |
longfunctie | pulmonary function | medical |
longfunctietest | PFT (pulmonary function test) | medical treatments |
longfunctietest | pulmonary function test | medical treatments |
longgeneeskunde | pulmonary medicine | medical specialities |
longinhoud | lung volume | medical |
longitudinale golf | longitudinal wave | |
longitudinale jitter | longitudinal jitter | |
longitudinale resolutie | longitudinal resolution | |
longitudinale zorg | longitudinal care | medical |
longklep/pulmonaalklep/pulmonalisklep | pulmonary valve | anatomy |
longknop | lung bud | anatomy |
longkruid | lungwort | |
longkruid | pulmonaria | |
longkwab | lobe of the lung | anatomy |
longkwab | lung lobe | anatomy |
longkwab… | lobular | |
longontsteking | pneumonia | |
longplaying | (long-playing) record | music |
longpoort | hilus of lung | anatomy |
longpoort/longhilus/hilum pulmonis | lung hilus | anatomy |
longpunctie | lung puncture | medical treatments |
longpunctie | lung tap | medical treatments |
longpunctie | pneumocentesis | medical treatments |
longpunctie | pulmonary puncture | medical treatments |
longpunctie | pulmonary tap | medical treatments |
longroom | officers quarters | navy |
longruis | pulmonic sound | medical |
longslagader | lung artery | anatomy |
longslagader | pulmonary artery | anatomy |
longslagaderstam | pulmonary trunk | anatomy |
longtering | tuberculosis | |
longtering | consumption | |
longtest | chest PT | medical treatments |
longtoilet | pulmonary toilet | medical equipment |
longtop | apex of the lung | anatomy |
longvaatbed | pulmonary vasculature | anatomy |
longvene/longader | vena pulmonalis | anatomy |
longvlies | pulmonary pleura | anatomy |
longvlies | visceral pleura | anatomy |
longweefsel | lung tissue | anatomy |
longziekte | pulmonary | |
longziekte | pulmonic | |
longziekte | lung disease | |
longziekten/pulmonologie | pulmonary diseases | medical specialities |
longziekten-intensive care/longziekten-IC | pulmonary medical ICU | medical specialities |
lonken | ogle | |
lonken | stare at | |
lonken | make eyes at | |
lont | wick | |
lont | fuse | |
lont / ontstekingskoord | fuse | |
loochenen | deny | ergane |
lood | lead | building |
lood | lead (Pb) | heavy soft metallic element, which is poisonous in compounds and is used as a shield in nuclear reactors … environment |
Lood | Lead | Lead line, or sounding line; a line, wire, or cord used in sounding, which is weighted at one end with a plummet (sounding lead) … hydraulics |
lood | lead | |
loodaccu | lead accumulator | |
loodafscherming | lead screen | navy |
loodchloride | lead chloride | medical |
loodchloride | chloride of lead | |
loodfluosilicaatbad | lead fluosilicate solution | |
loodfluosilicaatbad | fluosilicate lead bath | |
loodgieten / van leidingen voorzien | plumb | |
loodgieter | heating engineer | building |
loodgieter | pipefitter | building |
loodgieter | plumber | |
loodgieterij | plumber's workshop | building |
loodgietersgereedschap | gas fitter's tools | building |
loodgietersgereedschap | plumber's tools | building |
loodgietersgereedschap | plumbing tools | building |
loodgieterswerk | plumber's work | building |
loodgieterswerk | plumbing work | building |
loodgieterswerk | plumbery | |
loodgieterswerk | plumbing | |
loodglas | crystal glass | |
loodglas | lead-glass | |
loodglit | lead monoxide | |
loodglit | litharge | |
loodgordel | led belt | diving |
loodhamer | lead hammer | building |
loodhoudend | plumbic | building |
loodhoudend | leaded | (petrol) to which lead tetraethyl has been added to improve its performance … environment |
loodhoudend | plumbiferous | |
loodhoudend/lood… | plumbic | medical |
loodkleurig, bleekblauw | livid | botanics |
loodlegeringsanode | alloy lead anode | |
Loodlijn | Sounding line | A line, wire, or cord used in sounding, which is weighted at one end with a plummet (sounding lead). Also called LEAD LINE. … hydraulics |
loodlijn | perpendicular line | |
loodlijn | vertical line | |
loodlijn | perpendicular | hydraulics |
loodlijn | plumb line | hydraulics |
loodlijn / lood / peillood / schietlood | plumb line | |
loodmenie | red lead | |
loodmenieverf | red lead paint | |
loodmes | lead knife | building |
loodneerslag | lead deposit | |
loodneerslag | deposition of lead | |
loodplaat | lead sheet | |
loodrecht | plumb (bn) | building |
loodrecht | right-angle | |
loodrecht | vertical | |
loodrecht | perpendicular | |
loodrecht | square | |
loodrecht | perpendicular | ik zet mijn haak haaks |
loodrecht / in het lood / vlak / verticaal | plumb | building |
loodrecht op | normal to | |
loodrecht op | at right angels to | |
loodrecht op | perpendicular to | |
loodrecht op | at right angles to | |
loods | shack | |
loods | stand | |
loods | barn | |
loods | barrack | |
loods | shanty | |
loods | pilot | |
loods | shed | |
loodsboot | pilot vessel | navy |
loodsen | pilot | |
loodsen | hangars | |
loodslabbe | counter flashing | building |
loodsulfaat | lead sulphate | |
loodsulfide | lead sulphide | |
lood-tin | lead-tin | |
lood-tin legering | lead-tin alloy | |
lood-tin versoldeerd | solder plated | |
lood-tinanode | lead-tin anode | |
loodtitanaat | lead titanate | |
loodvrij | unleaded | (of petrol) without lead additives and therefore creating less pollution … environment |
loodvrij | lead free | with no lead in it … environment |
Loodvrije benzine | Lead-free petrol | Bevat geen lood. Er is geen lood aan toegevoegd tijdens de productie, en het natuurlijk loodgehalte is er uit gefilterd. Dit soort benzine is momenteel niet beschikbaar voor algemeen gebruik in de UK, en moet niet verward worden met `ongelode` benzine. … automobiles |
loodvrije benzine | no-lead gasoline | |
loodzirconiumtitanaat | lead-zirconium titanate | |
loodzwavelzuuraccu | lead-acid battery | |
loof | foliage | |
loofboom | deciduous tree | a tree which sheds its leaves annually at a particular season; contrast with evergreen … environment |
loofhout | hardwood | |
Loofhuttenfeest | Feast of Tabernacles | ergane |
loog | lye | |
loogachtig | alkaline | |
loogbestendig | alkali-proof | |
Loogsmaak | Alkaline taste | beer |
loogzout | alkali | ergane |
looien | tan | |
looistof | tannin | ergane |
Looistoffen afkomstig uit de hop | Hop tannin | beer |
Looistoffen afkomstig van de mout | Malt tannins | beer |
Looizuur | Tannic acid | beer |
looizuur | tannin | ergane |
look | leek | ergane |
look | garlic | |
look for struggle | struggling | |
lookahead | look-ahead | |
loon | pay | |
loon | salary | |
loon | wage | |
loon | compensation | |
loon | wages | |
loon | reward | |
loon- en prijspolitiek | wages and prices policy | |
loonadministratie | wages department | |
loonadministratie | wage administration | |
loonarbeider | labourer | |
loonarbeider | wage earner | |
loonarbeider | workman | |
loonarbeider | worker | |
loonbelasting | income tax | |
loonbelasting | income taxes | |
loonberekening | wage determination | |
Loon-compounding | Custom compounding | plastics |
loonderving | loss of wages | |
loondienst | employ | |
looneisen | wage demands | |
looneisen | wage claims | |
Loongranuleren | Custum granulating | plastics |
loongrens | wage ceiling | |
loongrens | wage limit | |
loonheffing | income tax | |
loonklasse | wage class | |
loonkosten | labour costs | |
loonlijst | wage sheet | |
loonlijst | payroll | |
loonovereenkomst | wage agreement | |
loonpolitiek | wage policy | |
loonronde | round of wage increases | |
loonschaal | wage scale | |
Loonspuitgieten | Custom injection moulding | plastics |
loonstaat | payroll | |
loonstrook | pay slip | |
loonsverhoging | wage increase, wage advance | |
loonsverhoging | increase of wages | |
Loonvermalen | Custom milling | plastics |
loop | loop | |
loop | stream | |
loop | tube | |
loop | pipe | |
loop | channel | |
loop | barrel | |
loop | flow | |
loop | current | |
loop naar de maan | fuck you | |
loop naar de maan | fuck you | fuck you the way to the top |
loop naar de verdommenis | fuck you | |
loopafstand | walking distance | |
loop-antenne | loop aerial | |
loopbaan | career | |
Loopbaan Advies Centrum | Career Advisory Service (LAC) | Loopbaan Advies Centru … education |
loopband | conveyor belt | |
loopbrug | footbridge | hydraulics |
loopbrug | balcony | |
Loopbruggen GVK | Footbridges, GFRP | plastics |
loopbus | liner | |
loopbus | walking bus | Een begeleide wandeling naar school. Kinderen worden onderweg aan \haltes\' opgehaald.' … Typically a guided walk to school. Children are picked up at \stops\' along the walk.' |
loopeigenschappen | running properties | |
loopgraaf | trench (line) | airforce |
loopgraaf | trench | |
loopgraafmortier | trench mortar | army |
loopgraven/greppels graven | trench | army |
loopgravengevecht | trench fight | army |
loopgravenoorlog | trench warfare | army |
loopgroef | running groove | |
loophulp | mobility aid | medical equipment |
looping | loop | airforce |
looping | loop the loop | airforce |
looping/lusvlucht | looping | airforce |
loopje | run, roulade | music |
loopje | gait | A particular way or manner of moving on foot: a person who ran with a clumsy, hobbling gait. |
loopjongen | errand-boy | ergane |
loopkat | travelling crab | |
loopkat | crab | |
loopkat | crab | building |
loopkat | travelling crab | building |
loopkraan | travelling crane | |
looplamp | inspection lamp / light | building |
looplamp | portable lamp | building |
looplamp | handlamp | |
looplijn | orthogonal | hydraulics |
looppad | walkway | |
looppas! | on the double! | military commands |
loopplank | running board | building |
loopplank | gangway | ergane |
looprail | traverse rod | building |
looprek | Zimmer (frame) | medical equipment |
looprek (met wieltjes | walker/walking frame | |
looprichting | direction of movement | |
loopring | ball race | |
looprol | runner | railways |
looprol | travelling roller | |
looprol | bearing roller | |
looprooster | walkover grid | |
Looproosters GVK | Footbridge grids, GFRP | plastics |
loopschoep | blade | hydraulics |
loopspieren | gressorial muscles | anatomy |
loopsteiger | foot jetty | hydraulics |
loopstok | orthostick | medical equipment |
loopt | is walking | general |
looptijd | duration | hydraulics |
looptijd | product life cycle | |
looptijd | term | |
looptijd | lead time | |
looptijd | time delay | |
looptijd | delay time | |
looptijd | delay | |
looptijd | transit time | |
looptijddemodulator | delay line demodulator | |
looptijdfout | relative time delay | |
looptijdfout | phase delay distortion | |
looptijdfout | phase-delay distortion | |
looptijdhoek | transit phase angle | |
looptijdverschil | difference in delay | |
loopvlak | tread | automobiles |
loopvlak | tire tread | ergane |
loopvlak | pole-face | |
loopvlak | bearing surface | |
loopvlak | wearing surface | |
loopvlak | running surface | |
loopvlak | working surface | |
loopvlak | pole face | |
loopwerk | tape transport | |
loopwerk | tape-deck | |
loopwerk | running parts | |
loopwerk | mechanism | |
loopwerk | tape deck | |
loopwiel | landing wheel | airforce |
loopwiel | runner | hydraulics |
loopwiel | pulley | |
loos | empty | |
loos | FALSE | |
loos | void | |
loos | false | |
loos contact | blank contact | |
loos teken | null representation | |
loos wiel | idler | |
loot | shoot | botanics |
loot | child | |
loot | layer | |
loot | young | |
loot | offspring | |
loot, scheut | innovation | |
lopen | buy | general |
lopen | be out of synchronization | |
lopen | roll | |
lopen | pace | |
lopen | walk | |
lopen | flow | |
lopen | go | |
lopen | march | |
lopen | step | |
lopen | tread | |
lopen | stroll | |
lopen | go for a walk | |
lopen | go on foot | |
lopen | stride | |
lopen | stalk | |
lopen | run | |
lopen | gait | studies omtrent het lopen van de mensen … gait studies |
lopen | vamp | |
lopen | buy | |
lopen | travel | hydraulics |
lopen door | pass through | |
lopen tussen | pass between | |
lopend | running | lopend want |
lopend ten anker … running gear | ||
running moor … ships | ||
lopend aantal | run quantity | |
lopende | pending | |
lopende band | conveyor | |
lopende band | belt | |
lopende band | assembly line | |
Lopende golf | Progressive wave | A wave that moves relative to a fixed co-ordinate system in a fluid. The direction in which it moves is termed the direction of wave propagation. … hydraulics |
lopende golf | progressive wave | |
lopende kosten | current expenses | |
lopende kosten | running expenses | |
lopende order | open order | |
lopende order | released order | |
lopende passing | running fit | |
lopende storing | continuous interferences | |
lopende zaken | ongoing business | |
lopende-golfbuis | travelling-wave tube | |
lopende-golfversterker | travelling-wave amplifier | |
lopendehondmotief | running dog | building |
lopendehondmotief | Vitruvian scroll | building |
loper | courier | ergane |
loper | slide cursor | |
loper | slider | |
loper | wiper | |
loper | carpet strip | building |
loper, traploper | runner | |
lor | rag | |
lor | scrap | |
LORAS-systeem | LORAS-system | airforce |
lord | lord | |
Lorelei | Lorelei | |
Lorentzkracht | Lorentz force | |
lork | larch | |
lorkeboom | larch | |
los | lax | botanics |
los | accessory | |
los | removable | |
los | replaceable | |
los | detachable | |
los | loose | |
los | free | |
los | mobile | |
los | sandy | |
los | lynx | |
los | special | |
los | separate | |
los | particular | |
los | apart | |
los | open | botanics |
los bijgeleverd | supplied separately | |
los bijleveren | supply separately | |
los draaien | un screw | alternative: dissassemble |
los laten | release | |
los van | not related to | |
los van | seperated from | |
los voorwerp | object lying on the road | |
losbarsten | explode | |
losbinden | untie | |
losbladig | polyphyllous | botanics |
losbladig | loose-leaf system | |
losbladig | polysepalous | botanics |
losbladig | polypetallous | botanics |
losbladig | polypetalous | botanics |
losbranden | fire off | |
losbranden | fire | |
losbranden | discharge | |
losbreken | break off | |
losbreken | break | |
losdraaien | undo | |
losdraaien | unscrew | |
losdraaien | slacken | |
losdraaien | loosen | |
losgedraaid | detached | |
losgedraaid | loosened | |
losgedraaid | unscrewed | |
losgedraaid | slackened | |
losgemaakt | detached | |
losgesoldeerd | desoldered | |
losgesoldeerd | unsoldered | |
losgestort | in bulk | |
loshaken | unhook | |
loshalen | detach | demonteren … dismount |
disconnect … general | ||
losheid | abandonment | ergane |
losjes | loosely | |
loskade | wharf | hydraulics |
losklep | release valve | mechanical engineering |
loskomen | releasing | |
loskomen/van de grond komen | unstick | airforce |
loskopen | ransom | |
loskopen | redeem | |
loskoppelen | unclutch | |
loskoppelen | disengage | |
loskoppelen | disconnect | |
loslaatpunt | separation point | hydraulics |
loslaten | chip off | |
loslaten | come loose | |
loslaten | come off | |
loslaten | peel off | |
loslaten | lift | |
loslaten | detach | |
loslaten | release | |
loslaten | reveal | |
loslaten | let | |
loslaten | leave | |
loslaten | allow | |
loslaten | disbond | airforce |
loslaten | release | music |
loslaten van inkt | ink release | screen printing |
loslaten/ontkoppelen/losmaken | release | |
loslating | separation | hydraulics |
loslijvig | loose | medical |
loslopen | run free | |
losmaken | dislodge | general |
losmaken | disengage | |
losmaken | undo | |
losmaken | loosen | |
losmaken | detach | |
losmaken | disconnect | |
losmaken | unlash | |
losmaken | untie | |
losmaken, scheiden, afzonderen | detach, to | botanics |
losmiddel | mould release agent | |
losmiddel | release agent | |
losneembaar | detachable | |
losnemen | detach | |
losnemen | take off | |
losplaats | unloading location | |
losraken | release | |
loss | loess | hydraulics |
losschieten | popped loose | To \pop\' is for example opening a bottle of champagne. The cork of the champagne has popped loose. ' … general |
losschieten | detach | |
losschroeven | unscrew | building |
losse | loose | |
losse flodder | blank cartridge | |
losse kop | tailstock | |
losse koppeling | loose coupling | |
losse onderdelen | loose parts | |
losse onderdelen | spare parts | |
losse passing | clearance fit | |
losse patroon | blank cartridge | |
losse snaar | open string | music |
losse vlam | loose flame | |
losse vlam | soft flame | |
losse wisselkop | tailstock | |
losse-kopcenter | tailstock centre | |
losse-kopspil | tailstock spindle | |
lossen | discharge | |
lossen | come off | |
lossen | loosen | |
lossen | lift | |
lossen | release | |
lossen | unload | |
lossend | with draft | |
lossend | tapered | |
lossend | tapering | |
lossende | loosening | |
losser spannen | loosen | music |
lossing | acquittal | ergane |
lossing | draft | |
lossing | taper | |
lossingshoek | draft angle | |
lossingsmiddel | release agent | |
lossingsmiddel | drafting agent | |
Lossingsmiddelen | Antistick agents, release agents | plastics |
Lossingsmiddelen v. rubber | Release agents rubber | plastics |
Lossingsmiddelen v. thermoharders | Release agents thermosets | plastics |
Lossingsmiddelen v. thermoplasten | Release agens thermoplastics | plastics |
lossingsschuinte | draft | |
lossnijstempel | lancing tool | |
lossolderen | desolder | |
lossolderen | unsolder | |
losstaan | stand loose | niet stevig staan … be unstable |
losstaan van | be unrelated to | |
losstaand | stand-alone | |
lossteiger | landing stage | hydraulics |
lostrekken | pull loose | |
lostrillen | coming loose by vibrations | |
losvast | finger tight | |
losvaste passing | transition fit | |
loswal | wharf | hydraulics |
lot | fate | |
lot | destiny | |
lot | fortune | |
lot | luck | |
lot | ill fate | |
loten | allot | |
loten | draw lots | |
loterij | raffle | |
loterij | lottery | |
loterijsteekproef | lottery sample | |
lotgenoten | destiny-enjoyed | |
lotgeval | adventure | |
lotgeval | experience | |
Lotharingen | Lorraine | |
Lotharingen | Lothringen | |
lotiondispenser | lotion dispenser | building |
lotsbestemming | destiny | |
lotsbestemming | fate | |
lotsuhouding | lotus position | medical |
lotus | lotus | |
lotuszuil | lotus column | building |
Louis XVI-… / Louis XVI-stijl | Louis Seize | building |
loupe | magnifier | |
loupe | magnifying glass | |
louter | mere | |
louter | sole | |
louter | solitary | |
louter | alone | |
louter | only | |
louter | pure | |
louteren | cleanse | |
louteren | purge | |
louteren | refine | |
louteren | make clean | |
louteren | clean | |
louwmaand | January | |
loven | commend | |
loven | glorify | |
loven | laud | |
loven | praise | |
low density-lipoproteïne/LDL (het ‘slechte’ cholesteroldeeltje | LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) | |
low density-lipoproteïne/LDL (het ‘slechte’ cholesteroldeeltje | Low Density Lipoprotein | |
low level waste | LLW | environment |
low load-tarief | low load tariff | electrical |
low load-tarief (goedkoper tarief voor touroperators | low load tariff | airforce |
low-level jet | low-level jet | gebied met hoge windsnelheden en gevaarlijke turbulenÂtie dicht boven het aardoppervlak, vooral gevaarlijkbij starten en landen van vliegtuiÂgen … weather |
loyaal | loyal | |
loyaal | faithful | |
loyaliteit | fidelity | diving |
loyaliteit | adherence | ergane |
loyaliteit | allegiance | |
loze deur | false door | building |
loze groep | dummy group | |
loze instructie | no-operation instruction | |
loze lip | blank contact lug | |
loze opdracht | dummy statement | |
loze opdracht | dummy instruction | |
lozen | discharge | |
lozing | discharge | hydraulics |
lozingsnorm | effluent standard | the maximum amount of specified pollutants permitted in effluents … environment |
lozingsperiode | discharge period | hydraulics |
lozingspunt | outfall | hydraulics |
LP | LP | |
lpc | lpc | Lage Druk Compressor … Low Pressure Compressor … aerospace |
lpc | lpc | LageDrukCompressor … Low-Pressure Compressor |
LP-filter | low-pass filter | |
LPG | LPG | |
LPG | liquefied petroleum gas | |
lpt | lpt | Lage Druk Turbine … Low Pressure Turbine … aerospace |
lpt | lpt | LageDrukTurbine … Low-Pressure Turbine |
LR aluminiumlegering | Birmabrite | automobiles |
LRN/LORAN/lange-afstandsnavigatie | long range navigation | airforce |
LSD | LSD | |
LSD | acid | |
lubben | ruffle | |
lucht | air navigation service(s) | airforce |
Lucht | Air | beer |
lucht | Air | diving |
lucht | odour | |
lucht | air | |
lucht | air | |
lucht | atmosphere | |
lucht | heaven | |
lucht | odor | |
lucht | scent | |
lucht | sky | |
lucht | smell | |
lucht | air power | |
lucht- | overground | |
lucht- | overhead | |
lucht- | aerial | |
lucht afkomstig uit de poolstreek | arctic air | weather |
lucht afkomstig van de gematigde breedte | polar air | weather |
lucht- en ruimtevaart | aerospace | airforce |
lucht- en ruimtevaart bedrijven | aerospace companies | |
lucht- en ruimtevaartmuseum | air-and-space museum | airforce |
lucht- en vochtinwerking | influence of air and moisture | |
lucht- en zeedoelkanon | all purpose gun | navy |
lucht(mach)potentieel | air power | |
lucht(verkeers)recht | aviation law | airforce |
lucht(verkeersleidings)radar | air control radar | airforce |
luchtaansluiting | compressed-air connection | |
luchtaanval | air attack | airforce |
luchtaanval | airborne assault | airforce |
luchtaanval | airraid | airforce |
luchtaanval | air strike | airforce |
luchtaanval | strike mission | airforce |
luchtaanval | airstrike | |
luchtaanval | air raid | |
luchtaanval | air assault | airforce |
luchtaanval/lucht(landings)offensief | airborne attack | airforce |
luchtaanval/luchtbombardement | aerial bombardment | airforce |
luchtaanvoer | air supply | |
luchtaanzuiging | air suction | |
luchtaanzuigschacht | air extractor duct | navy |
luchtacrobatiek | aerobatics | ergane |
luchtaftap | air bleed | airforce |
luchtafvoer | air escape | airforce |
luchtafvoer | exhaust | |
luchtafvoer | air exhaust | |
luchtafvoerkanaal | air exhaust duct | airforce |
luchtafvoerkraan | air escape cock | airforce |
luchtafweer | AA-defence | airforce |
luchtafweer | flak | airforce |
luchtafweer | anti-aircraft cover | army |
luchtafweer | AA (anti-aircraft) | navy |
luchtafweer | air-defence | |
luchtafweer | anti-aircraft defences | |
luchtafweer | anti-aircraft defence | |
luchtafweer(geschut)/luchtdoelgeschut | anti-aircraft fire | airforce |
luchtafweer(geschut)/luchtdoelgeschut | anti-aircraft gun(s) | airforce |
luchtafweer(geschut)/luchtdoelgeschut/luchtafweerbatterij | anti-aircraft battery | airforce |
luchtafweer(geschut)/luchtdoelkanon | AA-gun | airforce |
luchtafweer/luchtdoelartillerie | anti-aircraft artillery | airforce |
luchtafweer/luchtverdediging | air defence(s) | |
luchtafweergeschut | ack-ack | |
luchtafweergeschut | anti-aircraft guns | |
luchtafweerradar | airraid warning radar | airforce |
luchtafweerrakket of anti-luchtdoelraket | anti-aircraft missile | navy |
luchtafzuiger | air exhauster | airforce |
luchtafzuiging | exhaust | |
luchtafzuigschacht | air extractor duct | airforce |
luchtalarm | air alert | airforce |
luchtalarm | airraid alarm | airforce |
luchtalarm | airraid alert | airforce |
luchtalarm | airraid siren | airforce |
luchtalarm | airraid warning | airforce |
luchtanker | air anchor | Verankering in lucht … Anchor used for attaching anything to air … mechanical engineering |
luchtanker | air-anchor | |
luchtautomaat | pneumatic screwdriver | |
luchtbalg | pair of bellows | |
luchtballon | air balloon | airforce |
luchtballon | air-balloon | |
luchtballon | balloon | |
luchtballon/Politzer-ballon | inflator | medical equipment |
luchtband | tube | |
luchtband | tyre | |
luchtbataljon | air batalion | airforce |
luchtbed | air mattress | |
luchtbed | airbed | |
luchtbehandeling | air conditioning | |
luchtbehandeling | air treatment | |
luchtbehandeling | climatisation | |
Luchtbehandelingsapparatuur | Airconditioning equipment | plastics |
luchtbehandelingskast | air conditioning cabinet | mechanical engineering |
luchtbel | bubble | ergane |
luchtbel | air-bubble | |
luchtbel | airbubble | hydraulics |
luchtbel | bubble | hydraulics |
luchtbelgordijn | pneumatic barrier | hydraulics |
luchtbellen | air bubbles | general |
luchtbescherming | airraid defence service | airforce |
luchtbescherming | airraid precautions service | airforce |
luchtbescherming | airraid precautions/protection | airforce |
luchtbescherming | air defence(s) | |
luchtbeschermings(blok)hoofd | airraid warden | airforce |
luchtbeschermings(blok)hoofd | air warden | airforce |
Luchtbesmetting | Air contamination | beer |
luchtbevochtiger | air humidifier | |
Luchtbevochtiging | Humidification of air | beer |
luchtbevrachting | air freighting | airforce |
luchtblaas | bladder | airforce |
luchtblaasje | air bubble | screen printing |
luchtboog | flying buttress | building |
luchtboogpijler | abutment | |
luchtborreling | air motion | |
luchtbrug | air-lift | |
luchtbrug | airlift | |
luchtbrug | air bridge | |
luchtbrug | lift | |
luchtbrug | air lift | navy |
luchtbuks | air rifle | |
luchtbuks | airgun | |
luchtbus | airbus | ergane |
luchtcamera | aerial camera | airforce |
luchtcilinder | air cylinder | |
luchtcirculatie | air recirculation | airforce |
luchtcirculatie | air circulation | |
luchtcompressor | air compressor | screen printing |
luchtcondensator | air-gap capacitor | |
luchtcorridor | aerial corridor | airforce |
luchtcorridor | air lane | airforce |
luchtcorridor | flying lane | airforce |
luchtdefilé/luchtparade | fly-by | airforce |
luchtdefilé/luchtparade | flying show | airforce |
luchtdefilé/luchtparade | fly-over (AE) | airforce |
luchtdefilé/luchtparade | fly-past | airforce |
luchtdekking | combat air protecting | airforce |
luchtdekking | flying CAP (flying combat air protecting) | airforce |
luchtdicht | airtight | screen printing |
luchtdicht | hermetic | |
luchtdicht | air-tight | |
luchtdichtheid | air density | airforce |
luchtdichtheid buitenwanden | air tightness exteriour wall fillings | |
lucht-diëlektrische coaxiaalkabel | air-dielectric coax | |
luchtdoel | airborne target | airforce |
luchtdoel | air target | airforce |
luchtdoel… | anti-aircraft … | navy |
luchtdoel…/luchtafweer | anti-aircraft … | army |
luchtdoel…/luchtafweer… | anti-aircraft… | airforce |
luchtdoelartillerie | air defence artillery | army |
luchtdoelartillerie | anti-aircraft artillery | army |
luchtdoelartillery | AA artillery | army |
luchtdoelbatterij | anti-aircraft battery | navy |
luchtdoelgeschut | anti-aircraft gun | navy |
luchtdoelgeschut | anti-aircraft guns | |
luchtdoelgeschut | ack-ack | |
luchtdoelgeschut/(lucht)afweergeschut | ground flak unit | airforce |
luchtdoelgeschut/(lucht)afweergeschut | triple A (anti aircraft artillery) | airforce |
luchtdoelgeschut/luchtafweer | ack-ack | airforce |
luchtdoelgeschut/luchtafweer(geschut)/luchtafweerbatterij | AA-battery | airforce |
luchtdoelgeschut/luchtafweergeschut | flak gun | airforce |
luchtdoelkanon | anti-aircraft gun | army |
luchtdoelraket | anti-aircraft missile | airforce |
luchtdoelraket | air defence missile | army |
luchtdoelraket | anti-aircraft rocket | army |
luchtdoeltank | anti-aircraft tank | army |
luchtdoelvoertuig | anti-aircraft vehicle | army |
luchtdoop | first flight | airforce |
luchtdoop/eerste vlucht | maiden flight | airforce |
luchtdoorlatend | permable | |
luchtdreiging | air threat | airforce |
luchtdrogend | air-drying | |
luchtdroger | jet dryer | screen printing |
luchtdroger | jet dryer | |
luchtdroging | air drying | |
luchtdroging | air-drying | |
luchtdroog | air dry | |
luchtdruk | Air pressure | diving |
luchtdruk | air pressure | pressure of the air on the surface of the earth … environment |
luchtdruk | air pressure | |
luchtdruk | air-pressure | |
luchtdrukgeweer | air-gun | |
luchtdrukgeweer | air gun | |
luchtdrukgradiënt | air pressure gradient | airforce |
luchtdrukmeter | air gauge | airforce |
luchtdrukmeter | air pressure gauge | airforce |
luchtdrukmeter | air-pressure gauge | |
luchtdrukrem | air brake | |
luchtdrukrem | airbrake | |
luchtduel | dog fight | navy |
luchtduel/luchtgevecht | aerial fighting | airforce |
luchtduel/luchtgevecht | air combat | airforce |
luchtduel/luchtgevecht | air encounter | airforce |
luchtduel/luchtgevecht | air to air combat | airforce |
luchtduel/luchtgevecht | dog fight | airforce |
luchtduel/luchtgevecht | air combat manoeuvring | |
luchten | ventilate | |
luchten | give an airing | |
luchten | air out | |
luchten | aerate | |
luchter | chandelier | |
luchteskader | air-squadron | |
Luchtfilter | Air filter | beer |
luchtfilter | air filter element | biking |
luchtfilter | air cleaner filter | building |
luchtfilter | air cleaner | |
luchtfilter | air filter | |
luchtfilter | air-filter | |
luchtfilterelement | air-filter element | |
luchtfoto | aerial photo(graph) | airforce |
luchtfoto | aerial picture | airforce |
luchtfoto | aerial shot | airforce |
luchtfoto | air view | ergane |
luchtfotograaf | aerial photographer | airforce |
luchtfotografie | aerial photography | airforce |
luchtgat | gable vent | building |
luchtgat | vent hole | building |
luchtgat | air hole | |
luchtgat | vent | |
lucht-geïsoleerde kabel | air-insulated line | |
luchtgeest | elf | ergane |
luchtgegevenssysteem | air data sytem | airforce |
luchtgekoeld | air cooled | airforce |
luchtgekoeld | air-cooled | |
luchtgekoelde handgreep | air-cooled handle | |
luchtgevecht | air combat | navy |
luchtgevecht | air battle | |
luchtgevechtsimulator | Air Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation | airforce |
luchtgevechtsimulator | Tactical Aircrew Combat System | airforce |
luchtgolf | air wave | |
luchtgroep | air handling unit | building |
lucht-grond communicaties | air-ground communications | |
lucht-grond… | air to ground… | airforce |
lucht-grondaanval | air-ground attack | airforce |
lucht-grondcoördinatie/lucht-grondsamenwerking | air-ground coordination | airforce |
lucht-grondcommunicaties | air-ground communications | airforce |
lucht-grondraket | air to ground missile | airforce |
lucht-grondraket | air to surface missile | airforce |
luchthamer | air hammer | |
luchthamer | pneumatic hammer | |
luchthardend | air-hardening | |
luchthartig | flighty | |
luchthartig | impulsive | |
luchthartig | airily | |
luchthaven | airport | |
luchthaven | air terminal | |
luchthaven van aankomst | port of entry | |
luchthaven van aankomst | airport of entry (VS) | airforce |
luchthaven van bestemming | destination airport/aerodrome | airforce |
luchthaven van vertrek | departure airport/aerodrome | airforce |
luchthaven voor burgerluchtverkeer | civil airport | airforce |
luchthavenautoriteit | airport authority | airforce |
luchthavenbelasting | airport service charge | airforce |
luchthavenbelasting | departure tax | airforce |
luchthavenbelasting | airport tax | ergane |
luchthavenbeveiliging | airport security | airforce |
luchthavenbrandweer | aerodrome fire service | airforce |
luchthavenbrandweer | airport fire service | airforce |
luchthavencapaciteit | airport capacity | airforce |
luchthavencode | airport code | airforce |
luchthavenexploitatie | airport operations | airforce |
luchthavenfaciliteiten | aerodrome facilities | airforce |
luchthavengebouw | airport building | airforce |
luchthavenhotel | airport hotel | airforce |
luchthaveninfrastructuur | aerodrome infrastructure | airforce |
luchthavenmaterieel | ground airport equipment | airforce |
luchthavenpolitie | airport police | airforce |
luchtig | airy | botanics |
luchtig | slender | |
luchtig | flighty | |
luchtig | fresh | |
luchtig | impulsive | |
luchtig | recent | |
luchtig | airily | |
luchtig | airy-fairy | |
luchtig | sandy | |
luchtig | loose | |
luchtig | thin | |
luchtig | lean | |
luchtig | gaunt | |
luchtinfanterie | airborne infantry | airforce |
Luchtinfectie | Air infection | beer |
luchtinlaat | engine air inlet | airforce |
luchtinlaat | air scoop | automobiles |
Luchtinlaat | Air intake | automobiles |
luchtinlaat | air inlet | screen printing |
luchtinlaat | air intake | |
luchtinlaat of luchtuitlaat | air orifice | airforce |
luchtinlaatkanaal | air intake duct | airforce |
luchtinlaatklep | air intake valve | airforce |
luchtinlaatklep | air inlet valve | automobiles |
luchtinsluiting | inclusion of air | |
luchtinspuiting | air injection | |
luchtintreding | air entry | |
luchtisolatie | air insulation | |
luchtje | odor | |
luchtje | odour | |
luchtje | scent | |
luchtje | smell | |
luchtkamer | air chamber | |
luchtkanaal | conduit duct | mechanical engineering |
luchtkanaal | air duct | |
luchtkanaal / luchtkoker | ventiduct | building |
luchtkanalen | vents | |
luchtkap | air cap | building |
luchtkartering | aerial survey(ing) | airforce |
luchtkartering | air mapping | airforce |
luchtkast | air compartment | hydraulics |
luchtkern | air core | |
luchtketel | air pressure tank | |
luchtklep | air valve | |
luchtklep | air-valve | |
luchtkoeler | air cooler | airforce |
Luchtkoeling | Air cooling | Alternatieve methode om een motor te koelen, waar geen water aan te pas komt. Een ventilator, die door de motor wordt aangedreven, blaast lucht met hoge snelheid over de notor/cilinders. (bijvoorbeeld VW kever en eend) … automobiles |
luchtkoeling | air cooling | |
luchtkolom | air column | music |
luchtkoppeling | air clutch | |
luchtkussen | air cushion | |
luchtkussen | air-cushion | |
luchtkuur | aerotherapeutics | medical treatments |
luchtkuur | air-cure | medical treatments |
luchtkuur | fresh-air cure | medical treatments |
luchtkwaliteit | air quality | |
luchtlaag | air cushion | |
luchtlaag | layer of air | |
luchtlager | air bearing | |
luchtlandingshoofd | air head | airforce |
luchtlandingsparachute | troopparachute | army |
luchtledig | airless | ergane |
luchtledig | airvoid | |
luchtledig | vacuum | |
luchtledig gemaakt | evacuated | |
luchtledig maken | evacuate | |
luchtledige ruimte | vacuum | |
luchtleger | air army | airforce |
luchtleger | Air Force/air force | |
luchtleiding | air pipe | |
luchtleiding | airline | |
luchtleiding | air mains | |
luchtlek | air leak | |
luchtlijn | airway | |
luchtlijn | airline | |
lucht-lucht… | air to air… | |
lucht-luchtraket | air to air missile | airforce |
luchtmacht | Air Arm | airforce |
luchtmacht | air force | ergane |
luchtmacht | Air Force/air force | |
luchtmachtbasis | air base | ergane |
luchtmachtbasis | air station | |
luchtmachtbasis | air force base | airforce |
luchtmachtcommandant | Chief of the Air Corps | airforce |
luchtmachtcommando | air command | airforce |
luchtmachtdivisie | air division | airforce |
luchtmachtdivisie | air force division | airforce |
luchtmachteenheid | Air Force/air force | |
luchtmachtkapel | air force band | music |
luchtmachtofficier | air force officer | airforce |
luchtmachtplanner/luchtmachtstrateeg | air force planner | airforce |
luchtmachtraad | Air Force Council | airforce |
luchtmachtspecificatie | air ministry specification | airforce |
luchtmachtsquadron | aerial squadron | airforce |
luchtmachtsquadron | air squadron | airforce |
luchtmachtstaf | air staff | airforce |
luchtmachtstafchef | Chief of the Air Staff | airforce |
luchtmachtterm voor vliegtuig | bus | |
luchtmachtversterkingen | air reinforcement(s) | airforce |
luchtmachtvrouwen | ATS | army |
luchtmeter | aerometer | airforce |
luchtmobiel | airmobile (bn) | airforce |
luchtnavigatie | air navigation | airforce |
luchtnavigatie | air navigation device | airforce |
luchtoffensief | air campaign | airforce |
luchtoffensief | air offensive | airforce |
luchtoffensief/bomaanvallen | bombing campaign | airforce |
luchtoorlog | aerial war(fare) | airforce |
luchtoorlog | air conflict | airforce |
luchtoorlog | air war | airforce |
luchtoorlog | war in the air | airforce |
luchtopbrengst | air output | |
luchtopening | air vent | |
luchtopening | air outlet | |
luchtoperatie/luchtlandingsactie | airborne operation | airforce |
luchtopname | aerial picture | |
luchtopname | absorption of air | |
luchtopname | aerial photograph | |
luchtopname | intake of air | |
luchtoverwicht | air dominance | airforce |
luchtoverwicht | air superiority | airforce |
luchtoverwicht | air supremacy | airforce |
luchtpatrouille | air patrol | airforce |
luchtpers | air press | |
luchtpers | pneumatic press | |
luchtpijp | air tube | anatomy |
luchtpijp | windpipe | |
luchtpijp | tube | |
luchtpijp | inner tube | |
luchtpijp | windpipe | music |
luchtpijp/trachea | windpipe | anatomy |
luchtpiraat/vliegtuigkaper | air pirate | airforce |
luchtpiraterij/vliegtuigkaperij | air piracy | airforce |
luchtpistool | air gun | |
Luchtpomp | Air pump | beer |
luchtpomp | air pump | |
luchtpoort | airport | |
luchtpost | airpost | airforce |
luchtpost | airmail | ergane |
luchtpost | air-mail | |
luchtpostblad | air letter | |
luchtpostblad | aerogramme | |
luchtpostbrief | aerogramme | |
luchtpostbrief | air letter | |
luchtpostdienst | airmail service | airforce |
luchtpostzegel | air-mail stamp | ergane |
luchtradar | air control radar | navy |
luchtrapport/uitgebreide positiemelding | air report | airforce |
luchtreclame | aerial advertizing | airforce |
luchtreclame | sky advertizing | airforce |
luchtredding | air rescue | airforce |
luchtregeling | air regulator | environment |
luchtreiziger | air passenger | airforce |
luchtretourleiding | return outlet | building |
luchtroering | air agitation | |
luchtroering | air stirring | |
luchtrooster | wall ventilator | building |
luchtrooster | air-grid | |
luchtrooster, ventilatierooster | air grate | building |
luchtroute in de hogere luchtruimte | upper air route | airforce |
luchtroute/vliegroute | air route | airforce |
luchtruim | airspace | ergane |
luchtruim waarin geschoten wordt | bad air space | airforce |
luchtruimte | airspace | airforce |
luchtruimtebeleid | airspace management | airforce |
luchtruimtebeleidscel | airspace management cell | airforce |
luchtruimtegebruikersplan | airspace use plan | airforce |
luchtschema | pneumatic diagram | |
luchtschip | dirigible | airforce |
luchtschip | lighter-than-air aircraft | airforce |
luchtschip | air-ship | |
luchtschip | airship | |
luchtschip/zeppelin | air ship | airforce |
luchtschipper | aeronaut | ergane |
luchtschip-producenten | airship producers | |
luchtschroef | airscrew | ergane |
luchtschroevendraaier | air screwdriver | |
luchtschroevendraaier | pneumatic screwdriver | |
luchtslag | air battle | |
luchtslang | air hose | |
luchtsleutel | impact wrench | |
luchtsleutel | impact spanner | |
luchtsluis | airlock | ergane |
luchtsluis | air lock | hydraulics |
luchtsnelheid | airspeed | ergane |
luchtsnelheid | air velocity/speed | |
luchtspiegeling | mirage | |
luchtspleet | air gap | |
luchtspleetopvulling | air-gap filling | |
luchtspoel | coreless coil | |
luchtspoel | air-cored coil | |
luchtspoel | air-spaced coil | |
luchtspoorweg | elevated railway | |
luchtspouw | cavity | |
Luchtsteentje | Air stone | beer |
luchtsteun | air support | airforce |
luchtsteun | close air support | airforce |
luchtstofkrijt | levigated chalk | |
luchtstraal | air jet | |
luchtstreek | region | airforce |
luchtstreek | zone | airforce |
luchtstrijdkrachten | air force | ergane |
luchtstroom | flow of air | airforce |
luchtstroom | air current | music |
luchtstroom | air jet | screen printing |
luchtstroom | stream of air | |
luchtstroom | air flow | |
luchtstroom | air stream | |
luchtstroomregelaar | air-stream control | |
luchtsurveillance | air surveillance | |
luchttaxi | air taxi | airforce |
luchttaxi | taxiplane | airforce |
luchttemperatuur | air temperature | airforce |
luchttoevoer | air supply | |
luchttoevoer naar de motor | air admission | automobiles |
luchttoevoer naar de motor | air admission | |
luchttol | pneumatic grinder | Pneumatische haakse slijpmachine … general |
luchttorpedo | aerial torpedo | airforce |
luchttransport | aerial transport | |
luchttransport | air transport | |
luchttransport algemeen | air transport | |
luchttrilling | aerial vibration | airforce |
luchttrilling | air vibration | airforce |
luchttrimmer | air-dielectric trimmer | |
luchttrimmer | air-gap trimmer | |
luchttunneldroger | tunnel dryer | screen printing |
luchtturbinemotor | air turbine motor | airforce |
luchtuitlaat | air vent | airforce |
luchtuitlaat | air escape | |
luchtuitlaat | air outlet | |
luchtuitlaatstuurschoepen | exhaust guide vanes | airforce |
luchtvaarder | aeronaut | ergane |
luchtvaart | aviation | airforce |
luchtvaart- en ruimtevaartechniek | aerospace engineering | airforce |
luchtvaart terrein | aerodrome | hydraulics |
luchtvaartcommunicatie | air communications | airforce |
luchtvaartcommunicatie | airways communications | airforce |
luchtvaartcommunicatie | airways/air communications | |
luchtvaartdekking | aviation coverage | airforce |
luchtvaarterreinniveau | aerodrome level | airforce |
luchtvaartgeneeskunde | aeromedicine | airforce |
luchtvaartgeneeskunde | air medicine | airforce |
luchtvaartgeneeskunde | aviation medicine | airforce |
luchtvaartgeneeskundige | flight surgeon | airforce |
luchtvaartgids | aeronautical information manual/publication | airforce |
luchtvaartgrondlicht | aeronautical ground light | airforce |
luchtvaarthistoricus | aviation historian | airforce |
luchtvaarthistorie/geschiedenis van de luchtvaart | aviation history | airforce |
luchtvaartinlichtingendienst | aeronautical information service(s) | airforce |
luchtvaartjournalist | aviation journalist | airforce |
luchtvaartjournalist | aviation writer | airforce |
luchtvaartkaart | aeronautical chart | airforce |
luchtvaartkaart | aeronautical map | airforce |
luchtvaartkaart | aviation map | airforce |
luchtvaartkerosine | aviation kerosene | airforce |
luchtvaartkunde | aeronautics | ergane |
luchtvaartmaatschappij | carrier | |
luchtvaartmaatschappij/exploitant | operator | |
luchtvaartmaatschappij/vliegmaatschappij | air carrier | |
luchtvaartmeteorologisch wachtcentrum | meteorological watch office | airforce |
luchtvaartmeteorologische code | aeronautical meteorological code | airforce |
luchtvaartminister/minister van luchtvaart | Air Minister | airforce |
luchtvaartministerie/ministerie van luchtvaart | Air Ministry | airforce |
luchtvaartmobiele satellietservice | aeronautical mobil satellite service | airforce |
luchtvaartmuseum | aviation museum | airforce |
luchtvaartnavigatie | aviation navigation | airforce |
luchtvaartongeval/vliegtuigongeluk | aircraft accident | airforce |
luchtvaarttarieven | air fares | airforce |
luchtvaarttelecommunicatienetwerk | aeronautical telecommunication network | airforce |
luchtvaartterrein/vliegveld/(kleine)luchthaven | aerodrome | airforce |
luchtvaartterreinbaken | aerodrome beacon | airforce |
luchtvaartterreinhinderniskaart | aerodrome obstacle chart | airforce |
luchtvaartterreininformatiedienst | aerodrome information service | airforce |
luchtvaartterreininformatiegebied | aerodrome (flight) information zone | airforce |
luchtvaartterreininformatiegebied | aerodrome information zone | airforce |
luchtvaartterreinmeetpunt | aerodrome reference point | airforce |
luchtvaartterreinniveau | aerodrome elevation | airforce |
luchtvaartterreinverkeersgebied | aerodrome traffic zone | airforce |
luchtvaartterreinweersverwachting | aerodrome forecast | airforce |
luchtvaartuiggrondstation | aircraft earth station | airforce |
luchtvaartveiligheid | aviation safety | airforce |
luchtvaartverdrag | aviation agreement | airforce |
luchtvaartverdrag | aviation treaty | airforce |
luchtvaartwet | aviation law | |
luchtvaartwetgeving/luchtvaartrecht | aviation legislation | airforce |
luchtvaartwetgeving/luchtvaartrecht | aviation law | |
luchtveer | air spring | |
luchtveiligheid | air safety | airforce |
luchtventiel | air valve | luchtventiel |
luchtventiel … air valve | ||
air solenoid … general | ||
luchtventilatiedeur | air vent door | airforce |
luchtverbinding | airlink | airforce |
luchtverbinding | airline | |
luchtverbinding/vliegverbinding | airline connection | airforce |
luchtverbinding/vliegverbinding | airplane connection | airforce |
luchtverdediging | AD (air defence) | navy |
luchtverdediging | air defence | navy |
luchtverdediging | air-defence | |
luchtverdediging | anti-aircraft defences | |
luchtverdediging | anti-aircraft defence | |
luchtverdedigingsidentificatiezone | air defence identification zone | airforce |
luchtverdedigingsradar | early-warning radar | airforce |
luchtverdeler | air spreader | |
luchtvering | air suspension | |
luchtverkeer/vliegverkeer | air traffic | airforce |
luchtverkeersdienst | air traffic service | airforce |
luchtverkeersdienst | air traffic services | airforce |
luchtverkeersgebied | controlled airspace | airforce |
luchtverkeersgeleidingscommunicatie | air traffic control communications | |
luchtverkeersleider | air boss | airforce |
luchtverkeersleider | air-traffic controller | ergane |
luchtverkeersleider | air controller | navy |
luchtverkeersleiding | air-traffic control | ergane |
luchtverkeersleidingscentrum | air route traffic control centre | airforce |
luchtverkeersleidingsysteem | air traffic control system | airforce |
luchtverkeersmeldingspost | air traffic services reporting office | airforce |
luchtverkeersregels | rules of the air | airforce |
luchtverkeersstroom | air traffic flow | airforce |
luchtverkeersstroomregeling | air traffic flow management | airforce |
luchtverkeersveiligheidsregels | air traffic safety | airforce |
luchtverkenning | airborne reconnaissance | airforce |
luchtverontreiniging | air pollution | |
luchtverontreiniging | air-pollution | |
luchtverplaatsing | air displacement | |
luchtverplaatsing | wake | airforce |
luchtversingssnelheid | air change rate | environment |
luchtverspreider | air spreader | |
luchtversterkingen | air reinforcements | navy |
luchtverversing | ventilation | |
luchtvervoer | air transport | |
luchtvervuiling | air pollution | presence of unwanted material in the air in excess of standards … environment |
luchtverwarming | air heating | |
luchtverzorging | air control | |
luchtvloot | air fleet | navy |
luchtvloot | air-fleet | |
luchtvloot | air fleet | airforce |
Luchtvochtigheid | Atmospheric humidity | beer |
luchtvochtigheid | air humidity | |
luchtvochtigheid | humidity | |
luchtvracht | air cargo | airforce |
luchtvracht | air-freight | ergane |
luchtvracht/luchtvrachtvervoer | air freight | airforce |
luchtvrachtbrief | airbill | airforce |
luchtvrachtbrief | air consignment note/bill | airforce |
luchtvrachtbrief | air freight consignment note/bill | airforce |
luchtvrachtbrief/vervoersdocument | airwaybill | airforce |
luchtvrachttarieven | air cargo rates | airforce |
luchtwaardig | flying condition, in | airforce |
luchtwaardig | airworthy | ergane |
luchtwaardigheid | airworthiness | airforce |
luchtwaardigheidsautoriteit | airworthiness authority/authorities | airforce |
luchtwaardigheidseis | airworthiness directive | airforce |
luchtwaardigheidsvoorschriften | airworthiness directives | officiele benaming … aerospace |
luchtwaarschuwing | air search | Luchtwaarschuwing (LW) is het zoeken naar vijandige vliegtuigen, vaak met behulp van radar. … Air search is finding enemy airplanes, usually done by radar. |
luchtwaarschuwingsradar | early warning antenna | airforce |
luchtwaarschuwingsradar | air search radar | navy |
luchtwaarschuwingsradar | EW-antenna | navy |
luchtwacht | enemy aircraft warning service | airforce |
luchtwacht | air surveillance | |
luchtwapen | air power | |
luchtweerstand | air resistance | airforce |
luchtweerstand | air-resistance | |
luchtweg | air passage(s) | anatomy |
luchtweg | air way(s) | anatomy |
luchtweg | clearance | |
luchtweg | air gap | |
luchtweg | airway | |
luchtweg/corridor | corridor | |
luchtweg/luchtroute | airway | |
luchtweg/vliegroute | air corridor | airforce |
luchtwerveling | air swirl | airforce |
luchtwerveling | air vortex | airforce |
luchtwerveling | air whirl | airforce |
luchtwortel | aerial root | botanics |
luchtwrijving/luchtweerstand | air friction | airforce |
luchtzak | air hole | airforce |
luchtzak | airsac | airforce |
luchtzak | hole | airforce |
luchtzak | air pocket | ergane |
luchtzak | air lock | |
luchtzak | air-pocket | |
luchtzak | ||
luchtzak/luchtcel | air sac | anatomy |
luchtziek | airsick | |
luchtziekte | airsickness | |
luchtziektezakje/kotszakje | airsickness bag | airforce |
luchtzuiger | air piston | airforce |
luchtzuiger/luchtslikker | windsucker | medical |
luchtzuiging | backwash | airforce |
Luchtzuivering | Air purification | beer |
luchvaart | aviation | |
luchvaart | aeronautics | |
Lucifer | Lucifer | |
lucifer | match | |
Lucifer | Satan | |
ludiek | playful | |
luetisch | luetic | medical |
luguber | horrible | |
luguber | gruesome | |
luguber | ghastly | |
luguber | gaunt | |
lui | lazy | |
lui | slothful | |
lui | people | |
luiaard | sloth | |
luiaard | ai | |
luid | loud | music |
luid | loudly | |
luid en duidelijk | 5 by 5 | airforce |
luiden | say | |
luiden | read | |
luiden | ring the bell | |
luiden | ring | |
luiden | give a ring | |
luiden | peal | |
luiden | toll | van een klok, in het bijzonder van een doodsklok |
luiden | ring (rang, rung) | music |
luidheid | loudness | music |
luidruchtig | noisy | |
luidruchtig en wild feesten | booming | |
luidsprekend telefoontoestel | handsfree | |
luidspreker | (loud)speaker | music |
luidspreker | speaker | |
luidspreker | loudspeaker | |
luidsprekeraansluiting | loudspeaker connection | |
luidsprekerbox | speaker box | |
luidsprekerbox | loudspeaker box | |
luidsprekerbus | loudspeaker socket | |
luidsprekercombinatie | multichannel loudspeaker | |
luidsprekercombinatie | composite loudspeaker | |
luidsprekercombinatie | multi-channel loudspeaker | |
luidsprekercondensator | loudspeaker capacitor | |
luidsprekerconus | loudspeaker diaphragm | |
luidsprekerconus | loudspeaker cone | |
luidsprekerdoek | loudspeaker cloth | |
luidsprekergat | baffle hole | |
luidsprekergat | loudspeaker aperture | |
luidsprekerhoorn | acoustic horn | |
luidsprekerimpedantie | loudspeaker impedance | |
luidsprekerkast | enclosure | |
luidsprekerkast | loudspeaker housing | |
luidsprekerkolom | loudspeaker column | |
luidsprekermagneet | loudspeaker magnet | |
luidsprekeropening | baffle aperture | |
luidsprekeropening | loudspeaker aperture | |
luidsprekerplaat | baffle | |
luidsprekerplank | baffle | |
luidsprekerrendement | loudspeaker efficiency | |
luidsprekerrooster | loudspeaker grille | |
luidsprekersleuven | slots for loudspeaker | |
luidsprekersleuven | slotted holes for loudspeaker | |
luidsprekerspoel | moving coil | |
luidsprekerspoel | loudspeaker coil | |
luidsprekerspoel | speech coil | |
luidsprekerspoel | voice coil | |
luidsprekersysteem | speaker system | |
luidsprekertransformator | output transformer | |
luidsprekervervangingsweerstand | resistor in place of loudspeaker | |
luidsprekerzuil | sound column | |
luier | swaddling cloth | ergane |
luierbroekje | pilch | |
luifel | awning | |
luifel | penthouse | |
luifel | shed | |
Luifels | Canopies | plastics |
luiheid | laziness | |
luik | companion hatch | navy |
luik | hatch | ships |
Luik | Liège | |
luik | shutter | |
luik | skylight | |
luik | porthole | |
luik | blind | |
luik | shutter board | |
luiken | hatchway covers | ships |
luiken | shutters | |
luiken | trap doors | |
luiken | scuttles | |
luiken | hatches | |
luikendak | folding roof | railways |
luikenwagen | wagon with folding roof | railways |
luimig | merry | |
luimig | gay | |
luimig | cheerful | |
luipaard | panther | |
luipaard | leopard | |
luis | louse | |
luis…/luizen… | pedicular/pediculous | medical |
luister | pomp | |
luister | splender | |
luisteraar | listener | |
luisterapparatuur | listening device(s) | airforce |
luisterapparatuur | listening devices | navy |
luisteren | listen | |
luisteren | listen | music |
luistergedrag | listening behavior | music |
luistergewoonten | listening habits | |
luisteroefening | listening | music |
luisterperiode voor noodoproepen | distress period | |
luisterproef | listening test | |
luisterproef | sound test | |
luisterrijk | resplendant | |
luisterspoel | listening coil | |
luistertoets | listening | music |
luistervaardigheid | listening | music |
luistervink spelen | eavesdrop | ergane |
luistervoorbeeld | listening | music |
luisterwacht | listening watch | |
luit | lute | music |
luit | lieut | army |
luitenant | lieutenant | |
luitenant | Lieutenant | |
luitenant | LAC | army |
luitenant-admiraal | admiral | military rank |
luitenant-generaal | Lieutenant-General | army |
luitenant-generaal | air marshal | military rank |
luitenant-generaal | lieutenant-general | military rank |
luitenant-kolonel | Lieutenant-Colonel | army |
luitenant-kolonel | wing commander | military rank |
luitenant-kolonel | lieutenant-colonel | military rank |
luitenant-ter-zee derde klas | sub-lieutenant | military rank |
luitenant-ter-zee eerste klas | lieutenant-commander | military rank |
luitenant-ter-zee tweede klas | lieutenant | military rank |
luitenant-ter-zee tweede klas | senior lieutenant | military rank |
luitist | lute | music |
luittabulatuur | lute tablature | music |
luizig | insignificant | |
luizig | trifling | |
lukken | manage | lukken … succeed |
lul | cock | |
lul | prick | |
lul | chunk of wood | |
lul | block | |
lul | son-of-a-bitch | |
lul | bastard | |
lul | arsehole | |
lul | nerd | |
lumbaal/lende…/van de lendenen | lumbar | medical |
lumbale drain | lumbar drain | medical treatments |
lumbale punctie/lumbaalpunctie | LP (lumbar puncture) | medical treatments |
lumbale punctie/lumbaalpunctie | lumbar puncture | medical treatments |
lumbosacraal | lumbosacral | medical |
lumbosacrale wervelkolom | lumosacral spine | anatomy |
lumen | lumen | |
luminaire | lighting fixture | |
luminaires | fixture | electrical |
luminaires | luminaires | electrical |
luminaires | light fixture | |
luminantie | luminance | candela per square metre - cd/m2 … environment |
luminantie | brightness | |
luminantie, lichtsterkte / helderheid | luminance / brightness | |
luminantieas | luminance axis | |
luminantieband | luminance band | |
luminantiecoëfficiënt | luminance coefficient | |
luminantiedetector | luminance detector | |
luminantie-eenheid | luminance unit | |
luminantiefactor | luminance factor | |
luminantieflikkering | luminance flicker | |
luminantiegedeelte | luminance block | |
luminantiegedeelte | luminance part | |
luminantiegrondkleurstof | luminance primary | |
luminantie-informatie | luminance information | |
luminantiekanaal | luminance channel | |
luminantiekromme | luminance curve | |
luminantieniveau | luminance level | |
luminantieregelaar | luminance control | |
luminantiesignaal | monochrome signal | |
luminantiesignaal | luminance signal | |
luminantiesignaal | Y-signal | |
luminantieverschilsignaal | luminance difference signal | |
luminantievertragingslijn | luminance delay line | |
luminantiewaarde | density value | |
luminantiewaarde | brightness value | |
luminescentie | luminescence | |
lumineus | bright | |
lumineus | brilliant | |
lumistor | lumistor | |
lumpectomie | lumpectomy | medical treatments |
lunair | lunar | |
lunch | lunch | |
lunch | snack | |
lunchconcert | lunch concert | music |
lunet / bril | lunet(te) | building |
luns | pivot | ergane |
lunula/ | lunula | anatomy |
lupine | lupine | ergane |
Lupuline | Lupulin | Het gele hopmeel … beer |
Lupuline syn | Hop flour | hopmeel … beer |
Lupulineklier | Lupulin gland | De zeer kleine klier in de oksel van een bloemblad van een hopbel In de klier worden de hopharsen en hopoliën aangemaakt … beer |
Lupulon | Lupulone | De betazuren van de hopharsenZachte hopharsen die weinig bijdragen aan de hopbitterheid in bier omdat ze niet goed oplosbaar zijnEén van de onderscheiden betazuren van de hopharsen … beer |
lupuscurette | lupus curette | medical equipment |
lurken | suck | |
lus | loop | |
lus | lobe | |
lus | inductive loops | |
lus van Henle | ansa of Henle | anatomy |
lusassertie | loop assertion | |
lusbesturing | loop control | |
lusbesturingsopdracht | logic control statement | |
lusbesturingsvariabele | loop-control variable | |
lusbesturingsvariabele | logic control variable | |
lus-body | loop body | |
lusconstructie | loop construct | |
lusgestuurd | loop-controlled | |
lusinvariant | loop invariant | |
lussen | looping | |
lussignalering | loop signalling | |
lust | disposal | |
lust | inclination | |
lust | lust | |
lust | want | |
lust | sexual pleasure | |
lust | passion | |
lust | tendency | |
lust | wish | |
lust | desire | |
lusteloos | dispassionately | |
lusteloos | apathetic | |
lusteloos | lifeless | |
lusteloos | stodgy | |
lusteloos | dull | |
lusteloosheid | apathy | |
luster | chandelier | |
lustest | loop test | |
lustig | cheerful | |
lustig | merry | |
lustig | gay | |
lustopwekkend middel | aphrodisiac | ergane |
lustrum | lustrum | |
lusversterking | loop gain | |
lusvorming | looping | |
luswikkeling | lap winding | |
luteïniserend hormoon/LH | LH (luteinizing hormone) | medical |
luteïniserend hormoon/LH | luteinizing hormone | medical |
lutecium | lutetium | ergane |
luttel | diminutive | |
luttel | little | |
luttel | small | |
luur | swaddling cloth | ergane |
luwen | abate | |
luwen | subside | |
luwen | weaken | |
lux | lux | electrical |
lux | luxury | |
luxaflex | blind | Van oorsprong een merknaam dat een soortnaam geworden is. … general |
luxaflex | venetian blind | Luxaflex (brand name outside North America) |
HunterDouglas (brand name North America) | ||
venetian blind … general | ||
luxatie | dislocation | medical treatments |
luxatie/ontwrichting | luxation | medical treatments |
luxe | luxury | |
luxe- | high-end | |
luxe doos | gift box | |
luxe doos | deluxe box | |
luxe doos | fancy box | |
luxe glans | bright de luxe | |
luxe glanzend | bright de luxe | |
luxe mat | matt de luxe | |
luxeartikel | luxury | |
Luxemburg | Luxembourg | |
Luxemburg | Luxemburg | |
Luxemburger | Luxembourger | |
Luxemburger | Luxemburger | |
Luxemburgs | Luxemburg | ergane |
Luxor | Luxor | |
luxueus | luxurious | |
luxueus | deluxe | |
luxueus | de luxe | |
L-vormig | L-shaped | building |
Lyapunov analyse | Lyapunov analysis | |
lyceum | lyceum | |
lyceum | `lyceum` | education |
Lycië | Lycia | |
Lyciër | Lycian | ergane |
Lycische | Lycian | |
Lycische | Lycian woman | |
lycopeen | lycopene | medical |
Lydië | Lydia | |
Lydiër | Lydian | ergane |
lydisch | Lydian | music |
Lydisch | Lydian | |
lydische kwart | Lydian | music |
lymf | lympha (L.) | anatomy |
lymfachtig | lymphoid | |
lymfadenectomie | lymphadenectomy | medical treatments |
lymfangiografie | lymphangiography | medical treatments |
lymfatisch/lymf… | lymphoid | |
lymfatisch/lymf…/lymfvaten…/lymfklieren…/lymfachtig | lymphatic (bn) | medical |
lymfatisch/lymfoïd weefsel | lymphatic tissue | anatomy |
lymfedrainage | lymph drainage | medical treatments |
lymfefollikel | lymph nodule | anatomy |
lymfevloeistof | lymph fluid | medical |
lymfhart | lymph heart | anatomy |
lymfkanaal | lymphatic | medical |
lymfkanaal/lymfvat (linker- en rechterlymfkanaal/lymfvat | lymphatic duct (left and right -) | anatomy |
lymfklier/lymfeklier | lymphatic gland | anatomy |
lymfklier/lymfeklier | lymph gland | anatomy |
lymfklier/lymfknoop | lymph node | anatomy |
lymfklierdissectie | lymph node disection | medical treatments |
lymfklierstatus | N : Nodal status | medical |
lymfklierstatus niet te beoordelen | NX : regional lymph node(s) cannot be assessed | medical |
lymfknoop/lymfklier | submandibular lymph gland | anatomy |
lymfoblast/lymfcel | lymphoblast | medical |
lymfocyt/lymfcel | lymphocyte | medical |
lymfocytair | lymphocytic | medical |
lymfvat | lymphatic vessel | anatomy |
lymfvat | lymph vessel | anatomy |
lymfvat | lymphatic | medical |
lymfvat | vessel | |
lymfvaten | lymphatics | anatomy |
lymfvatenstelsel/lymfvaatstelsel | lymphatic system | anatomy |
lymfvatverwijding | cisterna | medical |
lynx | lynx | ergane |
lyofilisaat | lyophilisate | medical |
lyrisch | lyric(al) | music |
lysimeter | lysismeter | hydraulics |
lysis | lysis | medical |
lysosomaal | lysosomal | medical |
lysozym | lysostaphin | medical |
m | mink | |
m | mink | |
M | Mike | airforce |
'm smeren | disappear | ergane |
'm vatten | savvy | |
m.a.w | i.o.w | met andere woorden … in other words |
m.a.w. | with other words | afkorting voor \met andere woorden\'' |
m.b.t (hersen)vlies | meningeal | medical |
m.b.t de heup/heup… | ischiadic/ischial/ischiatic | medical |
m.b.t de kiemhuid | blastodermic/blastodermatic | medical |
m.b.t de portier | pyloric | medical |
m.b.t de rhinencefalon/reukhersenen | rhinencephalous/rhinencephalic | medical |
m.b.t de rolheuvel | trochanteral/trochanteric | medical |
m.b.t de voetwortel/voetwortel…/tarsaal | tarsal (bn) | |
m.b.t een blaas | vesicular | |
m.b.t een panniculus | pannicular | medical |
m.b.t een plaveiselcelcarcinoom | cancroid (bn) | medical |
m.b.t het maagdenvlies | hymenal | medical |
m.b.t of afkomstig van de pleura | pleurogenous | medical |
m.b.t. | with reference to | |
m.b.t. | in reference to | |
m.b.t. | with regard to | |
m.b.t. (gal/nier) stenen/litho… | lithic | medical |
m.b.t. bep. (beschermende) botjes rond het binnenoor | periotic (bn) | |
m.b.t. chorea | choreal/choreatic/choreic/choreoid | medical |
m.b.t. corpus callosum | callosal | medical |
m.b.t. de amandelkern | amygdaloidal | medical |
m.b.t. de blindedarm/het caecum | caecal | medical |
m.b.t. de buik/buik…/ventraal | ventricular | |
m.b.t. de cardia/maagmond/cardiacaal | cardiac (bn) | |
m.b.t. de elleboog | anconeal | medical |
m.b.t. de gonaden/geslachtsklier(en)/geslachts… | gonadal | medical |
m.b.t. de harde oogrok | sclerotic | |
m.b.t. de hartboezem/het hart | auricular (bn) | |
m.b.t. de hiel/het hielbeen | calcaneal | medical |
m.b.t. de karteldarm of de ingewanden | colic (bn) | medical |
m.b.t. de lederhuid | hypodermic (bn) | |
m.b.t. de longblaasjes/alveolair | alveolar | |
m.b.t. de maaltanden/maal…/malend | molar (bn) | medical |
m.b.t. de middenhand/het middenhandsbeentje | metacarpal (bn) | medical |
m.b.t. de neusschelp | turbinate | medical |
m.b.t. de oksel(holte)/oksel… | axillar(y) | medical |
m.b.t. de onderbuik/m.b.t. de schaamstreek/schaam… | pubic | medical |
m.b.t. de pijlnaad | sagittal | |
m.b.t. de sartorius/de kleermakersspier | sartorial (bn) | medical |
m.b.t. de schors/cortex/corticaal | cortical | medical |
m.b.t. de tandkassen/alveolair | alveolar | |
m.b.t. de trochlea/van de trochlea | trochlear | |
m.b.t. de voet/voet… | pedal | medical |
m.b.t. decidua | deciduate | |
m.b.t. difterie/difterie… | diphtherial/diphteric/diphteritic | medical |
m.b.t. een capsule | capsular | |
m.b.t. een corona/kroon…/krans… | coronal | |
m.b.t. een kapsel | capsular | |
m.b.t. een ventrikel/ventriculair | ventricular | |
m.b.t. een zenuwvezel | radicular | |
m.b.t. hernia/hernia… | hernial/herniary | medical |
m.b.t. hersenvliesontsteking/meningitis | meningitic | medical |
m.b.t. het beenvlies | periosteal/periosteous | medical |
m.b.t. het caecum/de blindedarm | cecal | medical |
m.b.t. het diafragma/het middenrif/diafragma…/middenrifs… | phrenic (bn) | medical |
m.b.t. het diafragma/middenrif | diaphragmatic | medical |
m.b.t. het jukbeen | jugular (bn) | |
m.b.t. het kogelgewricht | arthrodial/arthrodic | medical |
m.b.t. het os cuboideum | cuboid(a)l | |
m.b.t. het rostrum | rostral | |
m.b.t. het rotsbeen | petrosal (bn) | medical |
m.b.t. het spinnenwebvlies | arachnoid (bn) | medical |
m.b.t. het squamosum | squamosal (bn) | medical |
m.b.t. het tandvlees/tandvlees… | gingival | medical |
m.b.t. het tongbeen | hyoid(al) | medical |
m.b.t. in de richting van de kroonnaad | coronal | |
m.b.t. kiemholte | blastocoelic | medical |
m.b.t. kleppen (i.h.b. hartkleppen)/klep…/valvulair… | valvular | |
m.b.t. longontsteking/veroorzaakt/aangetast door longontsteking | pneumonic | |
m.b.t. malaria/malaria… | malarial | medical |
m.b.t. natuurgeneeswijzen | naturopathic | medical |
m.b.t. nervus vagus | vagal | medical |
m.b.t. neusgat | narial | medical |
m.b.t. of lijkend op een ader | phleboid (bn) | medical |
m.b.t. pus/pusachtig | pyoid | medical |
m.b.t. pyemie | pyeamic | medical |
m.b.t. roodvonk/lijkend op roodvonk | scarlatinoid | medical |
m.b.t. toxemie | toxemic | |
m.b.t. vingers/tenen | digital | |
m.b.t. waterpokken/varicellen…/met of door waterpokken | varicellar | medical |
m.b.t. zaad/sperma | spermal | medical |
m.b.t. zaad/sperma/zaad…/sperma… | spermous | medical |
m.b.t. zaad/sperma/zaad…/sperma… | spermic | medical |
m.b.t. ziekte, door uitwendige oorzaak | exopathic | medical |
m.b.t., van gangliën | ganglionic | |
m.b.t., van, aangetast door glaucoom | glaucomatous | medical |
m.b.t./van de gal/gal… | cholic | medical |
m.b.t./van de pancreas/alvleesklier/alvleesklier…/pancreas… | pancreatic | medical |
m.b.t./van flebitis/m.b.t., van aderontsteking | phlebitic | medical |
m.b.t./van het scheepvormig been | navicular | medical |
m.b.t./van insulae | insular | medical |
m.b.t./vlak bij de onderarm | cubital | medical |
m.b.v. | with the help of | met behulp van |
m.b.v. | by means of | met behulp van |
m.m. | mm | mutatis mutandis |
(\verander wat moet veranderd worden\')' … mutatis mutandis | ||
(\that having been changed which had to be changed\' | ||
M.M. | M.M. | music |
m2 | m2 | vierkante meter (oppervlakte maat) … square meters (size measure) |
M38-lanceerinstallatie | MM 38 anti-aircraft rocket launcher in launching container | navy |
ma | mam | |
ma | mammy | |
ma | mom | |
ma | mommy | |
m’n vliezen zijn gebroken | my membranes have ruptured | medical |
m’n vliezen zijn gebroken | my water has broken | medical |
Maïs | Indian corn | beer |
maïs | maize | |
maïs | mealies | |
Maïsgriesgeur en -smaak | Corn grits flavour | beer |
Maïsvlokken | Flaked maize | Kleurindicatie: 1,5 EBCAanbevolen maxstorting: 40%Wordt vaak in lichtgekleurde Amerikaanse bieren gebruikt … beer |
maag | gaster (ventriculus) | anatomy |
maag | ventriculus | anatomy |
maag | stomach | |
maag leegpompen | gastric suction | medical treatments |
maag…/gastrisch | stomachal | medical |
maag…/gastrisch | stomachic(al) | medical |
maagbrand | heartburn | |
maagd | maiden | I jonkvrouw, meisje, maagd |
II maagdelijk … general | ||
Maagd | Virgo | |
maagd | virgin | |
maag-darmstelsel/maag-darmkanaal | gastroenteric tract | anatomy |
maag-darmstelsel/maag-darmkanaal | gastrointestinal tract | anatomy |
maagdelijk | virgin | |
maagdelijk | virginal | |
maagdelijke band | virgin tape | |
maagdelijke ruis | virgin noise | |
Maagdeneilanden | Virgin Islands | ergane |
maagdenpalm | periwinkle | ergane |
maaghevel/maagspoelslang | stomach tube | medical equipment |
maaginhoud | gastric contents | medical |
maagkatheter | stomach catheter | medical equipment |
maagklem | stomach clamp (forceps) | medical equipment |
maaglediging/maag leegpompen | gastric emptying | medical treatments |
maagmond/cardia | cardiac orifice | anatomy |
maagmond/maagingang/cardia | cardia | anatomy |
maagonderzoek | stomach examination | medical treatments |
maagpijn | stomach ache | ergane |
maagpomp | stomach pump | medical equipment |
maagpoort/pylorus | duodenal orifice of the stomach | anatomy |
maagresectie | resection of the stomach | medical treatments |
maagsap | gastric juice | ergane |
maagslijmvlies | gastric mucosa | anatomy |
maagslijmvlies | mucous membrane of the stomach | anatomy |
maagslijmvlies | stomach lining | anatomy |
maagsonde | MIC-KEY (button) | medical equipment |
maagsonde | stomach probe | medical equipment |
maagspoeling | gastric lavage | medical treatments |
maagwand | lining of the stomach | anatomy |
maagwand | stomach wall | anatomy |
maagzuur | gastric acid | medical |
maagzuur | heartburn | |
maagzuur | gastric juice | |
maaien | cut | |
maaien | mow | |
maaier | mower | |
maaiveld | ground level | de oppervlakte van een terrein … hydraulics |
maaiveld | (on) grade | |
maaiveld | ground surface | |
maaiveld | ground level, surface level | |
maaiveld / grondniveau | ground level | building |
maaiveldhoogte | ground level | hydraulics |
maaiveldsmethode | ground-level method | hydraulics |
maak | make | |
maakbaar | achievable | ergane |
maakbaar | doable | |
maakbaarheid | feasibility | aerospace |
maakbaarheid | manufacturability | |
maakcontact | make contact | |
maakcontact | normally open contact (NO) | |
maakdeel | manufactured part | |
maakdelen | make parts | |
maakopdracht | manufacturing order | |
maakopdracht | shop order | |
maak-op-order | make to order | |
maakstand | pickupposition | |
maakstand | make position | |
maakstand | operate position | |
maakstand | pickup position | |
maakt | makes | tweede persoon van het werkwoord maken |
maaktijd | pull-in time | |
maaktijd | make time | |
maaktijd | operate time | |
maaktijd | pick-up time | |
maaktijd | pickup time | |
maak-voor-voorraad | make to stock | |
maal | occasion | |
maal | time | |
maal | meal | |
maal , persmachine | crusher | a machine that breaks up hard materials such as glass into smaller pieces … environment |
Maalapparatuur | Grinding machines, granulators | plastics |
Maalapparatuur, gebruikt | Grinding equipment, used | plastics |
Maalgoed algemeen | Regrind, general | plastics |
Maalgoed PE | Regrind, PE | plastics |
maalgraad | fineness | |
maalgraad | freeness | |
maalgraadmeter | fineness gauge | |
maalgraadmeter | freeness gauge | |
maalloon | toll | |
Maalmolens | Mills | chemistry |
maalrol | grinding roll | |
maaltanden | grinding teeth | anatomy |
maaltanden | molariform teeth | anatomy |
maaltanden | molars | anatomy |
maaltijd | meal | ergane |
maalwerktuig | comminutor | hydraulics |
maan | moon | |
maan- | moon- | |
maan- | lunar | |
maanbrief | dunning-letter | |
maand | month | |
maand- | monthly | |
maandag | Monday | |
maandelijks | monthly | |
maandelijks verkoopplan | monthly sales plan | |
maanden | months | general |
maandplan | month plan | |
maandverdeling | monthlybreakdown | |
maandverdeling | breakdown per month | |
maandverdeling | monthly breakdown | |
maanswaarneming | lunar observation | hydraulics |
maar | only | |
maar | but | |
maar | however | |
maar | solely | |
maar | yet | |
maar | nevertheless | |
maar | just | |
maar | exclusively | |
maar één | only one | |
maar één | one only | |
maar één | just one | |
maar natuurlijk | ofcourse | |
maar net voorkomen van controlled flight into terrain | near-controlled flight into terrain(near CFIT) | airforce |
maar net voorkomen van controlled flight into terrain | (near CFIT) | airforce |
maart | March | |
maas | mesh | mathematics |
Maas | Meuse | |
maas | loop | |
maasgenerator | mesh generator | |
maasopening | mesh opening | screen printing |
maasoverbrugging | meshbridging | screen printing |
maasrouteringsprogramma | maze router | |
Maasstad | Rotterdam | |
Maastricht | Maastricht | |
Maastricht | Maestricht | |
maaswerk | tulle | A fine (often starched) net used for veils or tutus or gowns … general |
maaswerkvenster | batement light | building |
maaswerkvenster | tracery window | building |
maaswijdte | size of mesh | |
maat | metrics | |
maat | dimension | |
maat | mate | |
maat | measure | |
maat | tempo | |
maat | time | |
maat | gauge | |
maat | measurement | |
maat | size | |
maat | buddy | |
maat | companion | |
maat | comrade | |
maat | pal | |
maat | tact | |
maat | musical time | |
maat | metrics | metrics |
maat | meter | music |
maat houden | keep (kept, kept) | music |
maat voor vaatweerstand | PI (pulsatility index) | medical |
maat voor vaatweerstand | pulsatility index | medical |
maataanduiding | meter/ time signature | music |
maataanduiding | size indication | |
maataccent | metric accent | music |
maatafwijking | dimensional variation | building |
maatafwijking | deviation | |
Maatbeker | Measuring jug | beer |
maatbeker | graduated beaker | |
maatbeker | measure | |
Maatbekers | Measuring jugs, cups | plastics |
maatbestendig | size-holding | |
maatbestendig | dimensionally stable | |
maatchip | custom-designed chip | |
maatcijfer | meter/ time signature | music |
maatcilinder | measuring cylinder (glass) | environment |
maatcilinder | measuring cylinder | medical equipment |
maatcilinder | measuring glass | |
maatcilinder | graduated cylinder | |
Maatcilinders | Measuring cylinders | plastics |
maatdeel | part of the measure/ bar | music |
maateenheid | unit of measurement | |
maateenheid / maataanduiding | measure | |
maatgevend | normative | civil engineering |
Maatglas | Measuring cylinder | beer |
maatglas | graduate flask | hydraulics |
maatglas | measuring glass | |
maatglas | graduated cylinder | |
maatgroep | hypermeasure | music |
maatgroepering | hypermeter | music |
maathoudend | size-holding | |
maathoudend | dimensionally stable | |
maatinschrijving | dimensioning | |
maatkolf | measuring flask | |
maatkolf | graduated flask | |
maatkolf | volumetric flask | |
maatlat | measuring rod | |
maatlat | ruler | |
Maatlepels | Measuring spoons | plastics |
maatlijn | dimension line | |
maatlijn | tail | building |
maatnauwkeurigheid | dimensional accuracy | |
maatnummer | measure/ bar number | music |
maatopgave | indication of dimensions | |
maatpen | plug gauge | |
maatpipet | graduated pipette | |
maatregel | measure | an action carried out by a government or other authority to achieve a particular result … environment |
maatregel | corrective stop | |
maatregel | action | |
maatregel | measure | |
maatregel | arrangement | |
maatregel | adjustment | |
maatregel | accommodation | |
maatregelen | measures | |
maatregelen nemen | take measures | |
maatregelenpakket | set of measures | |
maatregel-wijzer | measure-indicator | |
maatschap | partnership | |
maatschappelijk | social | |
maatschappelijk werk | social services | medical specialities |
maatschappelijk werk | welfare work | |
maatschappelijk werk | social work | |
maatschappelijk werk(st)er | social worker | medical professions |
maatschappelijke eisen | social requirements | |
maatschappij | society | |
maatschappij | company | |
maatschappij | association | |
maatschappijcode | airline code | airforce |
maatschappijleer | sociology | |
maatschets | dimensions sketch | |
maatschets | dimensional sketch | |
maatschets | dimensioned sketch | |
maatslaan | beat (beat, beaten) | music |
maatslag | time beating | music |
maatsoort | meter, time | music |
maatstaf | standard | |
maatstaf | measure | |
maatstaf | criterion | |
maatstaf | yardstick | |
maatstaf | yardstick, measure | |
maatstaven | standards | |
maatstok | ruler | |
maatstok | measure | |
maatstreep | bar, bar line | music |
maatstrepen zetten in | bar | music |
maatteken | meter/ time signature | music |
maattekening | dimensional drawing | |
maattekening | blueprint | |
maattekeningen | blueprints | |
maattekeningen | dimensional drawings | |
maattolerantie | dimensional tolerance | |
maatvast | size-holding | |
maatvast | dimensionally stable | |
maatvastheid | dimensional stability | |
maatverandering | dimensional change | |
maatverandering | change of meter/ time, meter/ time change | music |
maatverschil | dimensional difference | |
maatvoerder | surveyor | |
maatvoering | dimensioning | |
maatwerk | custom made | |
maatwerkprogrammatuur | custom-made software | |
maatwijzer | meter/ time signature | music |
maatwisseling | change of meter/ time, meter/ time change | music |
M-ABS | M-ABS | plastics |
MAC | MAC | maximaal aanvaardbare concentratie … maximum allowable concentration |
macaber | macabre | ergane |
macadam | macadam | hydraulics |
Macao | Macao | |
macaroni | macaroni | |
Macau | Macau | |
Macedonië | Macedonia | |
Macedoniër | Macedonian | ergane |
Macedonisch | Macedonian | |
mach | mach | |
mach | mach | airforce |
machgetal | mach number | airforce |
Machiavelli | Machiavelli | |
machicoulis / mezenkooi / kanteling | machicolation | building |
machinaal | powered | |
machinaal | mechanical | |
machinaal aangepast | machined | |
machinaal leesbare gegevens | machine script | |
machinaal ontvetten | mechanical degreasing | |
machinaal slijpen | mechanical grinding | |
machinaal solderen | mechanical soldering | |
machinale montage | mechanical assembly | |
machinale verwerking | mechanizedprocessing | |
machinale verwerking | machine-processing | |
machinale verwerking | mechanized processing | |
machinale voorbehandeling | mechanical surface preparation | |
machinale voorbehandeling | mechanical pre-treatment | |
machinatie | plot | |
machine | engine | general |
machine | craft | |
machine | machine | |
machine voor grondverzet | building machine | building |
machine-afhankelijk | machine dependent | |
machine-afstelling | machine setting | |
machine-afstelling | machine-setting | |
machinebankwerk | bench work | |
machinebankwerker | engineer fitter | |
machinebankwerker | machinist | |
machinebankwerker | machine operator | |
machinebediende | machine operator | |
machinebediener | machine operator | |
machinebediening | machine operation | |
machinebelading | machine loading | |
machinebeschrijving | machine description | |
machinebesturingsprogramma | machine instructionset | |
machinebesturingsprogramma | machine instruction set | |
machinebeveiliging | machine guard | |
machinebewerking | function | |
machinebewerking | computer operation | |
machinebewerking | machine operation | |
machinebewerking | machineoperation | |
machinebewerking | machining operation | |
machinebezetting | machine loading | |
machinebezetting | machine load | |
Machinebouw | Mechanical engineering | plastics |
machinebouw | machinebuilding | |
machinebouw | machine building | |
machinebouw | mechanical engineering | |
machinebouw | mechanical engineering | |
Machinebouw speciaalmachines | Special machine engineering | plastics |
machinecode | machine code | |
machinedeel | machine part | |
machinedefect | machine breakdown | |
machine-element | machine element | |
machinefabriek | engineering works | |
machinefabriek | machine shop | |
machinegang | run | |
machinegang | machine run | |
machinegang | pass | |
machinegang | machining operation | |
machine-georiënteerde functionele activiteit | machinefunctional operation: MFO | |
machine-georiënteerde functionele activiteit | machine functional operation: MFO | |
machine-georiënteerde functionele entiteit | machinefunctional entity: MFE | |
machine-georiënteerde functionele entiteit | machine functional entity: MFE | |
machinegerichte taal | machine-oriented language | |
machinegerichte taal | computer-dependent language | |
machinegerichte taal | computer-oriented language | |
machinegeweer | machinegun | army |
machinegeweer | submachine gun | army |
machinegroep | machine group | |
machinehal | machine shop | |
machinehal | machine hall | |
machine-instructie | machine instruction | |
machine-intensief | capital intensive | |
machinekamer | engine room | |
machinekegel | morse taper | |
machineklem | machine vice | |
machineleesbaar | machine readable | |
machinelogica | machine logic | |
machine-olie | engine oil | |
machine-olie | machine oil | |
machine-onafhankelijk | machine independent | |
machine-onafhankelijke taal | computer-independentlanguage | |
machine-onafhankelijke taal | computer-independent language | |
machine-onderdelen | machine parts | |
machine-oorsprong | system basicorigin | |
machine-oorsprong | machine zero | |
machine-oorsprong | system basic origin | |
machine-opdracht | machineinstruction | |
machine-opdracht | computer instruction | |
machine-opdracht | machine instruction | |
machine-opdrachtencode | machine language | |
machine-opdrachtencode | computer instruction code | |
machine-opdrachtenrepertoire | computer instructionset | |
machine-opdrachtenrepertoire | computer instruction set | |
machinepark | machinery | general |
machinepark | machine park | |
machineplanning | machine scheduling | |
machineprogramma | machine program | |
machineprogrammagegevens | machine program data | |
machinereferentiepunt | machine reference point | |
machinerichting | machine direction | |
machinerichtlijn | machine directive | |
machinerie | action | ergane |
machinerieën | machinery | |
Machines recycling | Recycling equipment | plastics |
Machines voor de kunststofverwerking, gebruikt | Machines for plastic processing | plastics |
Machines, 2 componenten lijm | Machines, 2 component adhesives | plastics |
Machines, revisie | Reconditioning equipment | plastics |
machineschaaleenheid | machine unit | |
machineschrijven | type | ergane |
machineslag | machine cycle | |
machinestaal | machine carbon steel | |
machinesteller | machine setter | |
machinestoring | machine breakdown | |
machinetaal | machine code | |
machinetaal | computer language | |
machinetaal | machine language | |
machinetafel | platen | |
machinetafel | machine table | |
machinetijd | computer time | |
machinetijd | machine time | |
machine-uur | machine hour | |
machinewerkplaats | job shop | |
machinewoord | machine word | |
machinist | AMS | navy |
machinist | engineer | navy |
machmeter | mach meter | airforce |
macht | might | electrical |
macht | power | |
macht | ability | |
macht | vigour | |
macht | strength | |
macht | force | |
machteloos | powerless | |
machtig | powerful | |
machtig zijn | know how | |
machtig zijn | know | |
machtig zijn | be master of | |
Machtige Hoopje , het | the Mighty Handful, the Five | music |
machtigen | authorize | |
machtigen | empower | |
machtiging | authorization | |
machtpunt | fulcrum | |
machtreeks | power series | |
machtverheffen | raise to a power | |
MacPherson veerpoot | MacPherson strut | Een onafhankelijk voorwielophangingssysteem, waarbij het draaien, veren en schokdempen van het wielen wordt afgewerkt door 1 onderdeel. … hydraulics |
macro | macro-instructions | |
macro | macro | |
macro-assembleerprogramma | macro assembler | |
macro-assembleertaal | macro assembly language | |
macrobibliotheek | macro library | |
macrocyt | macrocyte | medical |
macrodefinitie | macro declaration | |
macro-expansie | macro expansion | |
macrofaag | macrophage | medical |
macrofoto | photomacrograph | |
macrofoto | macro-photograph | |
macrofoto | macrophotograph | |
macrofotografie | photomacrography | |
macrofotografie | macro-photography | |
macrofotografie | macrophotography | |
macrofunctie | macro function | |
macrogenerator | macrogenerator | |
macrogenerator | macro generating program | |
macrogenerator | macro generator | |
macrohardheid | macrohardness | |
macrohardheid | macro-hardness | |
macro-instructie | macro instruction | |
macromoleculair | macro-molecular | |
macromolecule/macromolecuul | macromolecule | medical |
macronutriënt | macronutrient | a chemical substance needed by living organisms in large quantities (e.g. carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen; contrast with micronutrient … environment |
macro-opdracht | macrostatement | |
macro-opdracht | macro instruction | |
macro-opdracht | macro statement | |
macro-oproep | macro call | |
macroprocessor | macro processor | |
macroprogrammatuurbestand | macro software file | |
macroprogrammering | macro programming | |
macropunt | N-point | |
macroscopisch | macroscopic | |
macroscopische anatomie | cellular anatomy | medical specialities |
macroscopische anatomie | gross anatomy | medical specialities |
macrostabiliteit | slope stability | civil engineering |
macrostructuur | macro structure | |
macrosubstitutie | macro substitution | |
macrotaal | macro language | |
macula | macula/macule (mv: maculae) | |
macula/vlek | macule | medical |
maculopapuleus | maculopapular | medical |
Madagascar | Madagascar | |
Madagaskisch | Madagascan | |
Madeira | Madeira | |
madeliefje | daisy | |
madeschroef | grub screw | |
Madonna | Madonna | |
Madrid | Madrid | |
madrigaal | madrigal | music |
madrigalisme | madrigalism | music |
maëstro | maestro | |
maëstro | master | |
maëstro | adept | |
maf | drowsy | ergane |
maffen | sleep | |
maffen | be asleep | |
mag | be allowed | Mag ik dit doen? = Am I allowed to do this? … Am I allowed to do this? = Mag ik dit doen? |
mag | can | Mag ik? = Can I? … Can I? = Mag ik? |
mag niet | is not allowed | |
magazijn | chain store | |
magazijn | cartridge | |
magazijn | storeroom | |
magazijn | department store | |
magazijn | magazine | |
magazijn | warehouse | |
magazijn | store | |
magazijn | pantry | |
magazijn | ammunition load | |
magazijn | magazine | |
magazijnartikel | article in stock | |
magazijnartikel | stock item | |
magazijnbasis | magazine base | army |
magazijnbediende | warehouse man | general |
magazijnbeheer | physical distribution management: PDM | |
magazijnbeheer | materials distribution management | |
magazijnbon | stores requisition | |
magazijngeweer | magazine rifke | army |
magazijnkosten | storage cost | |
magazijnkosten | physicaldistribution cost | |
magazijnkosten | materials distribution cost | |
magazijnkosten | physical distribution cost | |
magazijnlocatie | storage location | computers |
magazijnmedewerker | store room employee | |
magazijnmutatie | inventory transaction | |
magazijnontvangst | receipt stockroom | |
magazijnstelling | storage rack | |
magazijntypes | stock types | |
magazijnvergrendelpal | magazine catch | army |
magazijnvoorraad | store stock | |
magazijnvoorraad | physical inventory | |
magazijnwagen | platform trolley | building |
magazijnwerkzaamheden | warehousing | |
magazine | magazine | ergane |
Magdalena | Magdalena | |
Magdalenien | Magdalenian | |
magenta | minusgreen | |
magenta | bluishred | |
magenta | magenta | |
magenta | minus-green | |
magenta(rood), helrood | magenta | botanics |
magentaraster | magenta screen | screen printing |
mager | thin | |
mager | meager | |
mager | skimpy | |
mager | skinny | |
mager | slender | |
mager | gaunt | |
mager | lean | |
mager | sparse | |
magic eye | afstemoog | |
magie | magic | |
Magill-tang | Magill forceps | medical equipment |
magisch | magical | |
magister | master | ergane |
magistrale receptuur | magistral preparation | medical |
magma | magma | molten rock beneath the earth's crust; called lava when it spews from a volcano … environment |
magmatisch | igneous | botanics |
magneet | magneto | used in engine ignition system … electrical |
magneet | magnet | |
magneetband | magnetic tape | |
magneetbandcartridge | tape cartridge | |
magneetbandcassette | tape cassette | |
magneetbandeenheid | tape drive | |
magneetbandeenheid | tape deck | |
magneetbandeenheid | magnetic tape unit | |
magneetbandgeheugen | magnetictape storage | |
magneetbandgeheugen | magnetic tape storage | |
magneetbandgeheugen | magnetic tape store | |
magneetbandlezer | magnetic tape reader | |
magneetbandorgaan | tape deck | |
magneetbandorgaan | magnetic tape unit | |
magneetbellengeheugen | magnetic bubblememory | |
magneetbellengeheugen | bubble memory | |
magneetbellengeheugen | magnetic bubble memory | |
magneetblok | block magnet | |
magneetcontact | magnetically actuated switch | electrical |
magneetcontact | magnetic switch | |
magneetdeclinatie | magnetic declination | hydraulics |
magneetdraad | magnetic wire | |
magneetdraadgeheugen | magnetic wire store | |
magneetfilm | magnetic film | |
magneetfilmgeheugen | magnetic film store | |
magneethouder | magnet holder | |
magneethouder | magnet carrier | |
magneethouder | magnetic bracket | |
magneetinkt | magnetic ink | |
magneetkaart | magnetic card | |
magneetkaartgeheugen | magneticcard storage | |
magneetkaartgeheugen | magnetic card storage | |
magneetkaartgeheugen | magnetic card store | |
magneetkern | core | |
magneetkern | magnetic core | |
magneetkerngeheugen | magnetic core | |
magneetkerngeheugen | magnetic core storage | |
magneetkerngeheugen | magnetic core store | |
magneetkerngeheugen | magneticcore storage | |
magneetklep | magnetic valve | |
magneetkop | head | |
magneetkop | magnetic head | |
magneetrakel | magnetic squeegee | screen printing |
magneetring | ring magnet | |
magneetschakelaar | magnetic switch | general |
magneetschijf | magnetic disc | |
magneetschriftlezen | magnetic ink character recognition: MICR | |
magneetschriftlezen | magnetic character recognition | |
magneetschriftlezer | magnetic character reader | |
magneetspoel | magnet coil | |
magneetspoel | magnetizing coil | |
magneetspoel | magnet bobbin | |
magneetspoel | field coil | |
magneetspoor | magnetic track | |
magneetstaaf | magnetic bar | |
magneetstrip | magnetic stripe | |
magneetstripgeheugen | data cell storage | |
magneetsysteem | magnet system | |
magneettrommel | magnetic drum | |
magneettrommelgeheugen | magnetic drum file memory | |
magneettrommelgeheugen | magnetic drum store | |
magneettrommelgeheugen | drum | |
magneettrommelgeheugen | magneticdrum | |
magneettrommelgeheugen | magnetic drum | |
magneetventiel | magnet valve | |
magneetventiel | solenoid valve | |
magnegrafoon | magnetic recorder | |
magnegramdrager | magnetic tape | |
magnesium | magnesium | |
Magnesium Aluminiumsilicaat | Magnesium aluminum silicate | plastics |
magnesiumfluoridefosfor | magnesium fluoridephosphor | |
magnesiumfluoridefosfor | magnesium fluoride phosphor | |
Magnesiumhydroxide | Magnesium hydroxide | plastics |
Magnesiumoxide | Magnesium oxide | plastics |
magnesiumsilicaat | amphiboles | medical |
magnesiumsilicaatfosfor | magnesium silicatephosphor | |
magnesiumsilicaatfosfor | magnesium silicate phosphor | |
Magnesiumsulfaat | Epsons salts | Een zout dat toegevoegd om brouwwater harder te maken … beer |
Magnesiumsulfaat | Magnesium sulphate | beer |
magnesiumsulfaat | mag(nesium) sulphate | medical |
Magnesiumverbindingen | Magnesium compounds | plastics |
magnesiumwolfraamfosfor | magnesium tungsten phosphor | |
magnetisatie | magnetization | |
magnetisatiekromme | magnetization curve | |
magnetisch | magnetic | |
magnetisch beeld | magnetic picture | |
magnetisch circuit | magnetic circuit | |
magnetisch geheugen | magnetic memory | |
magnetisch geheugenelement | staticmagnetic cell | |
magnetisch geheugenelement | magnetic cell | |
magnetisch geheugenelement | static magnetic cell | |
magnetisch geluid | magnetic sound | |
magnetisch kompas | magnetic compass | airforce |
magnetisch materiaal | magnetic material | |
magnetisch meetinstrument | magnetic balance | |
magnetisch moment | magnetic moment | |
magnetisch moment van een elektron | electron magneticmoment | |
magnetisch moment van eenelektron | electron magnetic moment | |
magnetisch noorden | magnetic north | hydraulics |
magnetisch schriftlezen | magnetic ink character recognition: MICR | |
magnetisch schriftlezen | magnetic character recognition | |
magnetisch schriftlezen | magnetic characterrecognition | |
magnetisch spoor | magnetic track | |
magnetisch strooiveld | stray magnetic field | |
magnetisch veld | magnetic field | |
magnetisch veld van de aarde | earths magneticfield | |
magnetisch veld van de aarde | earths magnetic field | |
magnetisch wisselveld | alternating magnetic field | |
magnetische afbuiging | magnetic deflection | |
magnetische afscherming | magnetic shielding | |
magnetische afscherming | metal screen | |
magnetische afscherming | magnetic metal shell | |
magnetische afscherming | magnetic shield | |
magnetische band | magnetic tape | |
magnetische bandafsluiting | magnetic door gasket | |
magnetische bias | magnetic bias | |
magnetische brug | magnetic bridge | |
magnetische cel | magnetic cell | |
magnetische constante | magnetic constant | |
magnetische cyclus | magnetic cycle | |
magnetische dichtheid | magnetic density | |
magnetische dikke film | magnetic thick film | |
magnetische dipool | magnetic dipole | |
magnetische documentenlezer | magnetic documentreader | |
magnetische documentenlezer | magnetic document reader | |
magnetische draad | magnetic wire | |
magnetische dunne film | magnetic thin film | |
magnetische film | magnetic film | |
magnetische flip-flop | magnetic flip-flop | |
magnetische flux | magnetic flux | weber - Wb … environment |
magnetische flux | magnetic flux | |
magnetische fluxdichtheid | magnetic flux density | tesla - T … environment |
magnetische gegevensdrager | magnetic data carrier | |
magnetische geluidsopnemer | magnetic recorder | |
magnetische grondkoers | magnetic track | airforce |
magnetische inductie | magnetic induction | |
magnetische inkt | magnetic ink | |
magnetische intensiteit | magnetic intensity | |
magnetische kaart | magnetic card | |
magnetische kern | core | |
magnetische kern | magnetic core | |
magnetische koers | magnetic heading | airforce |
magnetische kop | magnetic head | |
magnetische kracht | magnetic force | |
magnetische kring | magnetic circuit | |
magnetische laag | magnetic coat | |
magnetische last | magnetic load | |
magnetische modulator | magnetic modulator | |
magnetische omvormer | magnetic transducer | |
magnetische opslag | magnetic storage | |
magnetische peiling | magnetic bearing | airforce |
magnetische polen | magnetic poles | |
magnetische rem | magnetic brake | |
magnetische resistentie | magnetoresistance | |
magnetische resonantie-imaging/MRI-diagnostiek | magnetic resonance imaging | medical treatments |
magnetische resonantiespectroscopie | magnetic resonance spectroscopy | medical |
magnetische resonantiespectroscopie | magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging | medical |
magnetische richting | magnetic orientation (of runway) | airforce |
magnetische schakelaar | magnetic switch | |
magnetische schijf | magnetic disc | |
magnetische sonde | magnetic probe | |
magnetische spleet | magnetic gap | |
magnetische spoel | magnetic coil | |
magnetische stof | magnetic material | |
magnetische straling | magnetic radiation | |
magnetische strip | magnetic stripe | |
magnetische tape | magnetic tape | |
magnetische terugkoppeling | magnetic feedback | |
magnetische transversale trilwijze | transversemagnetic mode | |
magnetische transversale trilwijze | transverse magnetic mode | |
magnetische trommel | magnetic drum | |
magnetische variatie | magnetic variation | airforce |
magnetische veldsterkte | magnetic field strength | ampere per metre - A/m … environment |
magnetische veldsterkte | magnetic field strength | |
magnetische versterker | magnetic amplifier | |
magnetische verzadiging | magnetic saturation | |
magnetische weerstand | magnetoresistor | |
magnetische weerstand | reluctivity | |
magnetische weerstand | magnetic resistance | |
magnetiseerapparaat | magnetizing apparatus | |
magnetiseerbaar | magnetizable | |
magnetiseren | magnetize | |
magnetiserende kracht | magnetizing force | |
magnetiserende stroom | magnetizing current | |
magnetisering | magnetization | |
magnetisme | magnetism | |
magnetocardiograaf | magnetocardiograph | medical equipment |
magnetocardiogram | magnetocardiogram | medical treatments |
magnetodynamisch | magnetoelectric | |
magneto-elektronica | magnetics | |
magneto-encefalograaf | magneto encephalograph | medical equipment |
magneto-encefalograaf |