Open Dutch WordNet (ODWN) - ‘adjectives monosemous.csv’
Source: ‘adjectives_monosemous.csv’
For info, see: Open Dutch WordNet (ODWN)
english_word | definition | spelling |
abdominal | of or relating to or near the abdomen | abdominaal |
abridged | (used of texts) shortened by condensing or rewriting | beknopt |
absolutist | pertaining to the principle of totalitarianism | absolutistisch |
absolutist | pertaining to the principle of totalitarianism | absolutistisch |
abundant | present in great quantity | overvloedig |
abundant | present in great quantity | overvloedig |
acellular | not made up of or divided into cells | acellulair |
acellular | not made up of or divided into cells | acellulair |
acquisitive | eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas | hebzuchtig |
actuarial | of or relating to the work of an actuary | actuarieel |
adaptive | having a capacity for adaptation | adaptief |
adjectival | of or relating to or functioning as an adjective | bijvoeglijk |
adjudicatory | concerned with adjudicating | voorafgaand |
administrative | of or relating to or responsible for administration | bestuursrechtelijk |
adopted | acquired as your own by free choice | geadopteerd |
adopted | acquired as your own by free choice | geadopteerd |
adroit | quick or skillful or adept in action or thought | behendig |
adverbial | of or relating to or functioning as an adverb | bijwoordelijk |
advisable | worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise | raadzaam |
afebrile | having no fever | afebriel |
afebrile | having no fever | koortsvrij |
afferent | of nerves and nerve impulses; conveying sensory information from the sense organs to the CNS | afferent |
affirmatory | affirming or giving assent | bevestigend |
afghani | of or relating to or characteristic of Afghanistan or its people | Afgaans |
agronomic | of or relating to or promoting agronomy | agronomisch |
agronomic | of or relating to or promoting agronomy | agronomisch |
agronomic | of or relating to or promoting agronomy | landbouwkundig |
airworthy | (of aircraft) fit to fly | luchtwaardig |
alarming | frightening because of an awareness of danger | alarmerend |
alarming | frightening because of an awareness of danger | alarmerend |
alarming | frightening because of an awareness of danger | zorgwekkend |
albinistic | of or pertaining to or affected by albinism | Cubaans |
albuminous | relating to or containing or resembling albumin | eiwithoudend |
alexandrian | of or relating to Alexander the Great or his empire | Alexandrijns |
algebraic | of or relating to algebra | algebraïsch |
algebraic | of or relating to algebra | algebraïsch |
algebraical | of or relating to algebra | algebraïsch |
algerian | of or relating to or characteristic of Algeria or its inhabitants | Algerijns |
alkaline | relating to or containing an alkali; having a pH greater than 7 | alkalisch |
alkaline | relating to or containing an alkali; having a pH greater than 7 | alkalisch |
alkaline | relating to or containing an alkali; having a pH greater than 7 | basisch |
allopathic | of or relating to the practice of allopathy | allopathisch |
allopathic | of or relating to the practice of allopathy | allopathisch |
alphameric | of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters | alfanumeriek |
alphanumeric | of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters | alfanumeriek |
alphanumeric | of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters | alfanumeriek |
alphanumerical | of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters | alfanumeriek |
aluminous | pertaining to or containing aluminum or alum | aluminiumhoudend |
amicable | characterized by friendship and good will | minnelijk |
amicable | characterized by friendship and good will | minnelijk |
amicable | characterized by friendship and good will | vriendschappelijk |
anaglyphic | related to anaglyphs or anaglyphy | stereoscopisch |
anaphoric | relating to anaphora | anaforisch |
anarchistic | of or related to anarchism or tending toward anarchism | anarchistisch |
anarchistic | of or related to anarchism or tending toward anarchism | anarchistisch |
andorran | of or relating to or characteristic of Andorra or its people | Andorraans |
anglican | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Anglican church | anglicaans |
anglican | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Anglican church | anglicaans |
antenatal | occurring or existing before birth | prenataal |
antenatal | occurring or existing before birth | prenataal |
antenuptial | relating to events before a marriage | voorhuwelijks |
anthropocentric | human-centered | antropocentrisch |
anthropological | of or concerned with the science of anthropology | antropologisch |
anthropological | of or concerned with the science of anthropology | antropologisch |
anthropometric | of or relating to anthropometry | antropometrisch |
antibiotic | of or relating to antibiotic drugs | antibiotisch |
antipyretic | preventing or alleviating fever | koortswerend |
apsidal | of or relating to an apse | gelijkaardig |
arbitral | relating to or resulting from arbitration | arbitraal |
archaeologic | related to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology | oudheidkundig |
archdiocesan | of or relating to an archdiocese | aartsbisschoppelijk |
archducal | belonging to or befitting an archduke or his archduchy | aartshertogelijk |
archeologic | related to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology | archeologisch |
archeologic | related to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology | oudheidkundig |
archeological | related to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology | archeologisch |
archeological | related to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology | archeologisch |
archiepiscopal | of or associated with an archbishop | aartsbisschoppelijk |
architectonic | of or pertaining to construction or architecture | architectonisch |
architectonic | of or pertaining to construction or architecture | architectonisch |
architectural | of or pertaining to the art and science of architecture | architectonisch |
architectural | of or pertaining to the art and science of architecture | architectonisch |
architectural | of or pertaining to the art and science of architecture | bouwkundig |
architectural | of or pertaining to the art and science of architecture | bouwkundig |
archival | of or relating to or contained in or serving as an archive | archivaal |
arenaceous | resembling or containing or abounding in sand; or growing in sandy areas | kruimelig |
argentine | of or relating to or characteristic of Argentina or its people | Argentijns |
argentinian | of or relating to or characteristic of Argentina or its people | Argentijns |
argentinian | of or relating to or characteristic of Argentina or its people | Argentijns |
aristotelian | of or relating to Aristotle or his philosophy | aristotelisch |
aristotelic | of or relating to Aristotle or his philosophy | aristotelisch |
arithmetic | relating to or involving arithmetic | rekenkundig |
arithmetic | relating to or involving arithmetic | rekenkundig |
arithmetical | relating to or involving arithmetic | aritmetisch |
arithmetical | relating to or involving arithmetic | rekenkundig |
arithmetical | relating to or involving arithmetic | rekenkundig |
arminian | of or relating to Arminianism | arminiaans |
armorial | of or relating to heraldry or heraldic arms | wapenkundig |
arterial | of or involving or contained in the arteries | arterieel |
arterial | of or involving or contained in the arteries | slagaderlijk |
arterial | of or involving or contained in the arteries | slagaderlijk |
articulatory | of or relating to articulation | articulatorisch |
ascending | moving or going or growing upward | opstijgend |
asexual | not having or involving sex | ongeslachtelijk |
ashamed | feeling shame or guilt or embarrassment or remorse | beschaamd |
asian | of or relating to or characteristic of Asia or the peoples of Asia or their languages or culture | Aziatisch |
asian | of or relating to or characteristic of Asia or the peoples of Asia or their languages or culture | Aziatisch |
asiatic | of or relating to or characteristic of Asia or the peoples of Asia or their languages or culture | Aziatisch |
assertive | aggressively self-assured | assertief |
assertive | aggressively self-assured | zelfbewust |
associative | characterized by or causing or resulting from the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination | associatief |
associative | characterized by or causing or resulting from the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination | associatief |
astigmatic | of or relating to a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature which prevents light rays from meeting at a common focus and so results in distorted images | astigmatisch |
astigmatic | of or relating to a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature which prevents light rays from meeting at a common focus and so results in distorted images | astigmatisch |
astronautical | of or belonging to astronauts or the science of astronautics | astronautisch |
astrophysical | of or concerned with astrophysics | astrofysisch |
asymmetric | characterized by asymmetry in the spatial arrangement or placement of parts or components | asymmetrisch |
asymmetric | characterized by asymmetry in the spatial arrangement or placement of parts or components | asymmetrisch |
asymptotic | relating to or of the nature of an asymptote | asymptotisch |
asyndetic | lacking conjunctions | asyndetisch |
asyndetic | lacking conjunctions | asyndetisch |
atactic | lacking motor coordination; marked or caused by ataxia | atactisch |
atheist | related to or characterized by or given to atheism | atheïstisch |
athenian | of or relating to or characteristic of Athens or its inhabitants | Atheens |
athenian | of or relating to or characteristic of Athens or its inhabitants | Atheens |
atlantic | relating to or bordering the Atlantic Ocean | Atlantisch |
atlantic | relating to or bordering the Atlantic Ocean | Atlantisch |
atomistic | divided into separate and often disparate elements | atomistisch |
atonal | characterized by avoidance of traditional western tonality | atonaal |
atonal | characterized by avoidance of traditional western tonality | atonaal |
atrophied | (of an organ or body part) diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use | afgestorven |
attributive | of adjectives; placed before the nouns they modify | attributief |
audible | heard or perceptible by the ear | hoorbaar |
audiovisual | involving both hearing and seeing (usually relating to teaching aids) | audiovisueel |
audiovisual | involving both hearing and seeing (usually relating to teaching aids) | audiovisueel |
austrian | of or relating to Austria or its people or culture | Oostenrijks |
austrian | of or relating to Austria or its people or culture | Oostenrijks |
autarchic | of or relating to or characterized by autarchy | absolutistisch |
autarchic | of or relating to or characterized by autarchy | autarkisch |
authorial | of or by or typical of an author | autoritair |
autogamous | characterized by or fit for autogamy | autogaam |
autogenous | originating within the body | autogeen |
autographic | written in the author's own handwriting | autografisch |
autographic | written in the author's own handwriting | autografisch |
autotrophic | of or relating to organisms (as green plants) that can make complex organic nutritive compounds from simple inorganic sources by photosynthesis | autotroof |
avian | pertaining to or characteristic of birds | aviair |
avirulent | not virulent; unable to produce disease | avirulent |
avirulent | not virulent; unable to produce disease | avirulent |
avoidable | capable of being avoided or warded off | vermijdbaar |
award-winning | having received awards | bekroond |
axiomatical | of or relating to or derived from axioms | axiomatisch |
bacteriologic | of or relating to bacteriology | bacteriologisch |
bacteriological | of or relating to bacteriology | bacteriologisch |
bacteriological | of or relating to bacteriology | bacteriologisch |
bacteriostatic | of or relating to or causing bacteriostasis | bacteriostatisch |
bacteriostatic | of or relating to or causing bacteriostasis | bacteriostatisch |
bahamian | of or relating to or characteristic of the Bahama Islands or their inhabitants | Bahamaans |
bahraini | of or relating to or characteristic of Bahrain or its people or language | Bahreins |
balanced | being in a state of proper equilibrium | afgewogen |
barometric | relating to atmospheric pressure or indicated by a barometer | barometrisch |
barometric | relating to atmospheric pressure or indicated by a barometer | barometrisch |
barometrical | relating to atmospheric pressure or indicated by a barometer | barometrisch |
bathyal | relating to ocean depths between 200 and 2000 meters (corresponds to the continental slope) | continentaal |
believable | capable of being believed | geloofwaardig |
believable | capable of being believed | geloofwaardig |
bhutanese | of or pertaining to or characteristic of Bhutan or its people or culture or language | Bhutaans |
bibliographic | relating to or dealing with bibliography | bibliografisch |
bibliographic | relating to or dealing with bibliography | bibliografisch |
bibliographical | relating to or dealing with bibliography | bibliografisch |
bibliographical | relating to or dealing with bibliography | bibliografisch |
bilabial | of or relating to or being a speech sound that is articulated using both lips | tweelippig |
bimolecular | relating to or affecting two molecules | bimoleculair |
binaural | relating to or having or hearing with two ears | stereofonisch |
biogenetic | of or relating to the production of living organisms from other living organisms | biogeen |
biogenetic | of or relating to the production of living organisms from other living organisms | biogenetisch |
biographical | of or relating to or being biography | biografisch |
biographical | of or relating to or being biography | biografisch |
biped | having two feet | tweebenig |
bipedal | having two feet | tweevoetig |
blended | combined or mixed together so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable | gemengd |
boeotian | of or relating to ancient Boeotia or its people or to the dialect spoken there in classical times | Boeotisch |
bolivian | of or relating to or characteristic of Bolivia or its people | Boliviaans |
bolshevist | of or relating to Bolshevism | bolsjewistisch |
bolshevist | of or relating to Bolshevism | bolsjewistisch |
bolshevistic | of or relating to Bolshevism | bolsjewistisch |
bosnian | of or relating to or characteristic of Bosnia-Herzegovina or the people of Bosnia | Bosnisch |
bosnian | of or relating to or characteristic of Bosnia-Herzegovina or the people of Bosnia | Bosnisch |
botanic | of or relating to plants or botany | botanisch |
botanic | of or relating to plants or botany | botanisch |
botanical | of or relating to plants or botany | botanisch |
botanical | of or relating to plants or botany | botanisch |
brachycephalic | having a short broad head with a cephalic index of over 80 | kortschedelig |
brahminical | of or relating to or characteristic of a brahmin | brahmaans |
breakable | capable of being broken or damaged | breekbaar |
breakable | capable of being broken or damaged | breekbaar |
brisant | of or relating to the power (the shattering effect) of an explosive | brisant |
british | of or relating to or characteristic of Great Britain or its people or culture | Brits |
british | of or relating to or characteristic of Great Britain or its people or culture | Brits |
buddhist | of or relating to or supporting Buddhism | boeddhistisch |
buddhistic | of or relating to or supporting Buddhism | boeddhistisch |
buddhistic | of or relating to or supporting Buddhism | boeddhistisch |
budgetary | of or relating to a budget | budgettair |
bulimic | suffering from bulimia | vraatzuchtig |
cacophonous | having an unpleasant sound | onwelluidend |
cadastral | of or relating to the records of a cadastre | kadastraal |
cadastral | of or relating to the records of a cadastre | kadastraal |
caducous | shed at an early stage of development | vergankelijk |
calced | used of certain religious orders who wear shoes | geschoeid |
calcicolous | growing or living in soil rich in lime | kalkminnend |
calcitic | of or relating to or containing calcite | kalkhoudend |
californian | of or relating to or characteristic of California or its inhabitants | Californisch |
californian | of or relating to or characteristic of California or its inhabitants | Californisch |
calligraphic | of or relating to or expressed in calligraphy | kalligrafisch |
calorimetric | of or relating to the measurement of heat | calorimetrisch |
cambodian | of or relating to or characteristic of Cambodia or its people or language | Cambodjaans |
cambodian | of or relating to or characteristic of Cambodia or its people or language | Cambodjaans |
cameroonian | of or relating to or characteristic of Cameroon or its people | Kameroens |
carbonaceous | relating to or consisting of or yielding carbon | koolstofhoudend |
carcinogenic | causing or tending to cause cancer | kankerverwekkend |
carcinogenic | causing or tending to cause cancer | kankerverwekkend |
cardiologic | of or relating to or used in or practicing cardiology | cardiologisch |
cardiovascular | of or pertaining to or involving the heart and blood vessels | cardiovasculair |
cardiovascular | of or pertaining to or involving the heart and blood vessels | cardiovasculair |
cared-for | having needed care and attention | verzorgd |
carolingian | of or relating to the Frankish dynasty founded by Charlemagne's father | Karolingisch |
cartographic | of or relating to the making of maps or charts | cartografisch |
cartographical | of or relating to the making of maps or charts | cartografisch |
cartographical | of or relating to the making of maps or charts | cartografisch |
carunculated | having a caruncle | wrattig |
catatonic | characterized by catatonia especially either rigidity or extreme laxness of limbs | catatonisch |
catatonic | characterized by catatonia especially either rigidity or extreme laxness of limbs | catatonisch |
catechetical | of or relating to or involving catechesis | catechetisch |
categorial | of or relating to the concept of categories | categoriaal |
cathodic | of or at or pertaining to a cathode | kathodisch |
causative | producing an effect | oorzakelijk |
celebratory | used for celebrating | feestelijk |
centennial | of or relating to or completing a period of 100 years | honderdjarig |
centralist | advocating centralization | centralistisch |
centralist | advocating centralization | centralistisch |
centralistic | advocating centralization | centralistisch |
cephalopod | relating or belonging to the class Cephalopoda | koppotig |
chadian | of or relating to or characteristic of the Republic of Chad or its people or language | Tsjaads |
chadian | of or relating to or characteristic of the Republic of Chad or its people or language | Tsjaads |
chasidic | of or relating to the Jewish Hasidim or its members or their beliefs and practices | chassidisch |
chassidic | of or relating to the Jewish Hasidim or its members or their beliefs and practices | chassidisch |
chilean | of or relating to or characteristic of Chile or its people | Chileens |
chilean | of or relating to or characteristic of Chile or its people | Chileens |
choreographic | of or concerned with choreography | choreografisch |
cinerary | containing or used for ashes of the cremated dead | asgrauw |
climatic | of or relating to a climate | klimatologisch |
climatical | of or relating to a climate | klimatologisch |
clonic | of or relating to abnormal neuromuscular activity characterized by rapidly alternating muscle contraction and relaxation | klonisch |
cloven-hoofed | of or relating to the cloven feet of ruminants or swine | evenhoevig |
cognitive | of or being or relating to or involving cognition | cognitief |
cognitive | of or being or relating to or involving cognition | cognitief |
cognizable | capable of being known | waarneembaar |
coiled | curled or wound (especially in concentric rings or spirals) | gedraaid |
collapsable | capable of collapsing or being collapsed | demontabel |
collapsible | capable of collapsing or being collapsed | inklapbaar |
collapsible | capable of collapsing or being collapsed | opvouwbaar |
colloidal | of or relating to or having the properties of a colloid | colloïdaal |
columbian | of or relating to Christopher Columbus | Columbiaans |
combed | (of hair) made tidy with a comb | gekamd |
combined | made or joined or united into one | gecombineerd |
combined | made or joined or united into one | gecombineerd |
combined | made or joined or united into one | gelijktijdig |
combustible | capable of igniting and burning | brandbaar |
combustible | capable of igniting and burning | brandbaar |
commodious | large and roomy (`convenient' is archaic in this sense) | aangenaam |
commodious | large and roomy (`convenient' is archaic in this sense) | geriefelijk |
communicatory | able or tending to communicate | informatief |
communist | relating to or marked by communism | communistisch |
communist | relating to or marked by communism | communistisch |
compliant | disposed or willing to comply | volgzaam |
concave | curving inward | concaaf |
concave | curving inward | holrond |
concentric | having a common center | concentrisch |
concentric | having a common center | concentrisch |
conclusive | forming an end or termination; especially putting an end to doubt or question | afdoend |
conclusive | forming an end or termination; especially putting an end to doubt or question | voldoend |
cone-shaped | relating to or resembling a cone | kegelvormig |
confrontational | of or relating to confrontation | confronterend |
confrontational | of or relating to confrontation | confronterend |
conic | relating to or resembling a cone | conisch |
conical | relating to or resembling a cone | conisch |
conical | relating to or resembling a cone | conisch |
conical | relating to or resembling a cone | kegelvormig |
conjugal | of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband | echtelijk |
conjugal | of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband | echtelijk |
conspiratorial | relating to or characteristic of conspiracy or conspirators | samenzweerderig |
constipated | have difficult or incomplete or infrequent evacuation of the bowels | geconstipeerd |
consular | having to do with a consul or his office or duties | consulair |
consular | having to do with a consul or his office or duties | consulair |
contented | satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are | tevreden |
contestable | capable of being contested | betwistbaar |
contextual | relating to or determined by or in context | systematisch |
continued | without stop or interruption | voortgezet |
contractual | relating to or part of a binding legal agreement | contractueel |
contractual | relating to or part of a binding legal agreement | contractueel |
contrasty | having sharp differences between black and white | contrastrijk |
controlled | restrained or managed or kept within certain bounds | beheerst |
controlled | restrained or managed or kept within certain bounds | onderdrukt |
convergent | tending to come together from different directions | convergent |
convex | curving or bulging outward | convex |
convex | curving or bulging outward | convex |
corbelled | having a corbel | uitspringend |
corbelled | having a corbel | uitstekend |
cordless | not having a cord | draadloos |
coronary | surrounding like a crown (especially of the blood vessels surrounding the heart) | coronair |
coronary | surrounding like a crown (especially of the blood vessels surrounding the heart) | coronair |
corporatist | of or relating to corporatism | corporatistisch |
corpuscular | of or relating to corpuscles | corpusculair |
corpuscular | of or relating to corpuscles | corpusculair |
corvine | relating to or resembling a crow | raafachtig |
costive | retarding evacuation of feces; binding; constipating | hardlijvig |
cowardly | lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted | lafhartig |
crease-resistant | of fabric that does not wrinkle easily | kreukvrij |
creaseproof | of fabric that does not wrinkle easily | kreukvrij |
cretaceous | abounding in chalk | krijtachtig |
cuban | of or relating to or characteristic of Cuba or the people of Cuba | Cubaans |
cuban | of or relating to or characteristic of Cuba or the people of Cuba | Cubaans |
cubic | having three dimensions | derdegraads |
cubist | relating to or characteristic of cubism | kubistisch |
cubital | of or relating to the elbow | kubusvormig |
culinary | of or relating to or used in cooking | culinair |
culinary | of or relating to or used in cooking | culinair |
curly | (of hair) having curls or waves | gekruld |
curly | (of hair) having curls or waves | krullend |
curved | having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend | gebogen |
curved | having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend | gekromd |
curving | having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend | gebogen |
cybernetic | of or relating the principles of cybernetics | cybernetisch |
cybernetic | of or relating the principles of cybernetics | cybernetisch |
cyclopean | of or relating to or resembling the Cyclops | cyclopisch |
cypriot | of or relating to Cyprus or its people or culture | Cyprisch |
cypriote | of or relating to Cyprus or its people or culture | Cyprisch |
cyrillic | relating to or written in the alphabet used for writing Slavic languages | cyrillisch |
cyrillic | relating to or written in the alphabet used for writing Slavic languages | cyrillisch |
cytologic | of or relating to the science of cytology | cytologisch |
czarist | of or relating to or characteristic of a czar | tsaristisch |
czechoslovakian | of or relating to Czechoslovakia or its people or their language | Tsjechoslowaaks |
dactylic | of or consisting of dactyls | dactylisch |
dalmatian | of or relating to Dalmatia or its inhabitants | Dalmatisch |
darwinian | of or relating to Charles Darwin's theory of organic evolution | darwiniaans |
darwinian | of or relating to Charles Darwin's theory of organic evolution | darwinistisch |
darwinian | of or relating to Charles Darwin's theory of organic evolution | darwinistisch |
datable | that can be given a date | dateerbaar |
debilitating | impairing the strength and vitality | slopend |
debilitating | impairing the strength and vitality | slopend |
debilitating | impairing the strength and vitality | uitputtend |
decentralised | withdrawn from a center or place of concentration; especially having power or function dispersed from a central to local authorities | decentraal |
decentralized | withdrawn from a center or place of concentration; especially having power or function dispersed from a central to local authorities | decentraal |
declaratory | relating to the use of or having the nature of a declaration | bevestigend |
declaratory | relating to the use of or having the nature of a declaration | verklarend |
decorated | provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction | onderscheidene |
defiant | boldly resisting authority or an opposing force | opstandig |
deflationary | associated with or tending to cause decreases in consumer prices or increases in the purchasing power of money | deflationistisch |
deflationary | associated with or tending to cause decreases in consumer prices or increases in the purchasing power of money | deflatoir |
deflationary | associated with or tending to cause decreases in consumer prices or increases in the purchasing power of money | deflatoir |
dejected | affected or marked by low spirits | neerslachtig |
deliverable | suitable for or ready for delivery | leverbaar |
demagogical | characteristic of or resembling a demagogue | demagogisch |
demanding | requiring more than usually expected or thought due; especially great patience and effort and skill | veeleisend |
demanding | requiring more than usually expected or thought due; especially great patience and effort and skill | veeleisend |
demographic | of or relating to demography | demografisch |
demographic | of or relating to demography | demografisch |
demosthenic | of or relating to Demosthenes or his oratory | veelzeggend |
depressant | capable of depressing physiological or psychological activity or response by a chemical agent | onderdrukkend |
depressing | causing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy | deprimerend |
derived | formed or developed from something else; not original | afgeleid |
derived | formed or developed from something else; not original | afgeleid |
dermatological | of or relating to or practicing dermatology | dermatologisch |
dermatological | of or relating to or practicing dermatology | dermatologisch |
deserved | properly deserved | verdiend |
detachable | designed to be unfastened or disconnected without damage | afneembaar |
detachable | designed to be unfastened or disconnected without damage | afneembaar |
diachronic | used of the study of a phenomenon (especially language) as it changes through time | diachronisch |
dialectical | of or relating to or employing dialectic | dialogisch |
diametral | related to or along a diameter | diametraal |
dicotyledonous | (of a flowering plant) having two cotyledons in the seed | tweezaadlobbig |
dietary | of or relating to the diet | diëtisch |
digestible | capable of being converted into assimilable condition in the alimentary canal | verteerbaar |
digestible | capable of being converted into assimilable condition in the alimentary canal | verteerbaar |
digestive | relating to or having the power to cause or promote digestion | misvormd |
disadvantageous | constituting a disadvantage | nadelig |
disarranged | having the arrangement disturbed; not in order | ontregeld |
discalced | (used of certain religious orders) barefoot or wearing only sandals | ongeschoeid |
discernable | perceptible by the senses or intellect | waarneembaar |
discernable | perceptible by the senses or intellect | waarneembaar |
discontented | showing or experiencing dissatisfaction or restless longing | ontevreden |
discontinued | stopped permanently or temporarily | gestopt |
disenchanted | freed from enchantment | ontgoocheld |
dishonourable | lacking honor or integrity; deserving dishonor | oneervol |
disinclined | unwilling because of mild dislike or disapproval | geneigd |
disinclined | unwilling because of mild dislike or disapproval | ongenegen |
disingenuous | not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness | onoprecht |
displeased | not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure | misnoegd |
displeased | not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure | ontevreden |
displeasing | causing displeasure or lacking pleasing qualities | onaangenaam |
displeasing | causing displeasure or lacking pleasing qualities | onwelgevallig |
disproportional | out of proportion | disproportioneel |
disproportional | out of proportion | onevenredig |
disreputable | lacking respectability in character or behavior or appearance | berucht |
disreputable | lacking respectability in character or behavior or appearance | berucht |
distributed | spread out or scattered about or divided up | verspreid |
distributive | serving to distribute or allot or disperse | distributief |
distrustful | having or showing distrust | achterdochtig |
distrustful | having or showing distrust | wantrouwend |
dithyrambic | of or in the manner of a dithyramb | lovend |
divalent | having a valence of two or having two valences | divalent |
divalent | having a valence of two or having two valences | tweewaardig |
diverging | tending to move apart in different directions | divergerend |
diverging | tending to move apart in different directions | uiteenlopend |
diverging | tending to move apart in different directions | uiteenlopend |
djiboutian | of or relating to Djibouti or its people or culture | Djiboutiaans |
doctrinal | relating to or involving or preoccupied with doctrine | doctrinair |
dolichocephalic | having a relatively long head with a cephalic index of under 75 | langschedelig |
domineering | tending to domineer | heerszuchtig |
draconian | of or relating to Draco or his harsh code of laws | draconisch |
draconian | of or relating to Draco or his harsh code of laws | draconisch |
drinkable | suitable for drinking | drinkbaar |
dualistic | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of dualism | dualistisch |
dynastic | of or relating to or characteristic of a dynasty | dynastiek |
eager | having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy | bronstig |
eager | having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy | enthousiast |
eager | having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy | gretig |
earned | gained or acquired; especially through merit or as a result of effort or action | verdiend |
earned | gained or acquired; especially through merit or as a result of effort or action | verdiend |
earthly | of or belonging to or characteristic of this earth as distinguished from heaven | aards |
earthly | of or belonging to or characteristic of this earth as distinguished from heaven | aards |
eatable | suitable for use as food | eetbaar |
eccrine | (of exocrine glands) producing a clear aqueous secretion without releasing part of the secreting cell; important in regulating body temperature | exocrien |
ectopic | exhibiting ectopia | buitenbaarmoederlijk |
ectopic | exhibiting ectopia | ectopisch |
ecuadorian | of or relating to or characteristic of Ecuador or its people | Ecuadoraans |
edible | suitable for use as food | eetbaar |
edible | suitable for use as food | eetbaar |
edifying | enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement | onverstaanbaar |
edifying | enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement | opbouwend |
edifying | enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement | verheerlijkt |
efferent | of nerves and nerve impulses; conveying information away from the CNS | efferent |
effortful | requiring great physical effort | inspannend |
egocentric | limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs | egocentrisch |
egocentric | limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs | egocentrisch |
egoistic | limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs | egoïstisch |
egoistic | limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs | egoïstisch |
egoistical | limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs | egoïstisch |
elapsed | (of time) having passed or slipped by | verstreken |
electrophoretic | of or relating to electrophoresis | elektroforetisch |
electrostatic | concerned with or producing or caused by static electricity | elektrostatisch |
embolic | of or relating to an embolism or embolus | embolisch |
emmetropic | of or relating to the normal condition of the eye in which visual images are in clear focus on the retina | emmetroop |
employable | physically and mentally capable of working at a regular job and available | inzetbaar |
employable | physically and mentally capable of working at a regular job and available | inzetbaar |
enclosed | closed in or surrounded or included within | bijgesloten |
encysted | enclosed in (or as if in) a cyst | ingekapseld |
encysted | enclosed in (or as if in) a cyst | ingekapseld |
endocrinal | of or belonging to endocrine glands or their secretions | endocrien |
endothermal | (of a chemical reaction or compound) occurring or formed with absorption of heat | endotherm |
endothermic | (of a chemical reaction or compound) occurring or formed with absorption of heat | endotherm |
endowed | provided or supplied or equipped with (especially as by inheritance or nature) | begiftigd |
enforceable | capable of being enforced | uitvoerbaar |
enforced | forced or compelled or put in force | afgedwongen |
enterprising | marked by imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects | ondernemend |
enterprising | marked by imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects | ondernemend |
enthusiastic | having or showing great excitement and interest | enthousiast |
enthusiastic | having or showing great excitement and interest | enthousiast |
entomological | of or relating to the biological science of entomology | entomologisch |
entomological | of or relating to the biological science of entomology | entomologisch |
epenthetic | of or pertaining to epenthesis | epenthetisch |
epical | constituting or having to do with or suggestive of a literary epic | episch |
epicurean | of Epicurus or epicureanism | genotzuchtig |
epidemiologic | of or relating to epidemiology | epidemiologisch |
epidemiological | of or relating to epidemiology | epidemiologisch |
epidemiological | of or relating to epidemiology | epidemiologisch |
epileptic | of or relating to or characteristic of epilepsy | epileptisch |
epileptic | of or relating to or characteristic of epilepsy | epileptisch |
epiphyseal | relating to the epiphysis of a bone | epifysair |
epiphysial | relating to the epiphysis of a bone | epifysair |
episcopal | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Episcopal church | bisschoppelijk |
episcopal | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Episcopal church | bisschoppelijk |
episcopalian | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Episcopal church | episcopaal |
eponymous | being or relating to or bearing the name of an eponym | gelijknamig |
equitable | fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience | billijk |
equitable | fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience | billijk |
equitable | fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience | rechtvaardig |
ergonomic | of or relating to ergonomics | ergonomisch |
ergonomic | of or relating to ergonomics | ergonomisch |
essene | said of or relating to the Essenes | essen |
estonian | of or pertaining to Estonia or the people or culture of Estonia | Ests |
estonian | of or pertaining to Estonia or the people or culture of Estonia | Ests |
ethiopian | of or relating to or characteristic of Ethiopia or its people or languages | Ethiopisch |
ethiopian | of or relating to or characteristic of Ethiopia or its people or languages | Ethiopisch |
ethnocentric | centered on a specific ethnic group, usually one's own | etnocentrisch |
ethnographic | of or relating to ethnography | etnografisch |
ethnographic | of or relating to ethnography | etnografisch |
ethnographical | of or relating to ethnography | etnografisch |
ethnologic | of or relating to ethnology | etnologisch |
ethnological | of or relating to ethnology | etnologisch |
etymological | based on or belonging to etymology | etymologisch |
eucharistic | of or relating to the sacrament of the Eucharist | eucharistisch |
european | of or relating to or characteristic of Europe or the people of Europe | Europees |
european | of or relating to or characteristic of Europe or the people of Europe | Europees |
european | of or relating to or characteristic of Europe or the people of Europe | Europees |
eutrophic | (ecology) of a lake or other body of water rich in nutrients and subject to eutrophication | eutroof |
even-toed | of or relating to or belonging to mammals of the order Artiodactyla | evenhoevig |
evolutionary | of or relating to or produced by evolution | evolutionair |
evolutionary | of or relating to or produced by evolution | evolutionair |
excrescent | forming an outgrowth (usually an excessive outgrowth) | overtollig |
exculpatory | clearing of guilt or blame | ontlastend |
exculpatory | clearing of guilt or blame | ontlastend |
exegetic | relating to exegesis | exegetisch |
exegetical | relating to exegesis | exegetisch |
existentialist | relating to or involving existentialism | existentialistisch |
exocrine | of or relating to exocrine glands or their secretions | exocrien |
exogenous | derived or originating externally | exogeen |
exoteric | suitable for the general public | exoterisch |
exoteric | suitable for the general public | exoterisch |
exothermic | (of a chemical reaction or compound) occurring or formed with the liberation of heat | exotherm |
expansionist | of or involving or guided by expansionism | expansionistisch |
expansionist | of or involving or guided by expansionism | expansionistisch |
expiatory | having power to atone for or offered by way of expiation or propitiation | verzoenend |
expired | having come to an end or become void after passage of a period of time | verstreken |
explicable | capable of being explicated or accounted for | verklaarbaar |
exploratory | serving in or intended for exploration or discovery | oriënterend |
exponential | of or involving exponents | exponentieel |
expressionist | of or relating to expressionism | expressionistisch |
extant | still in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost | bestaand |
extant | still in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost | bestaand |
extracellular | located or occurring outside a cell or cells | extracellulair |
extracellular | located or occurring outside a cell or cells | extracellulair |
extramural | carried on outside the bounds of an institution or community | extra |
extramural | carried on outside the bounds of an institution or community | extramuraal |
extrasensory | seemingly outside normal sensory channels | buitenzintuiglijk |
extrasensory | seemingly outside normal sensory channels | buitenzintuiglijk |
extraterrestrial | originating or located or occurring outside Earth or its atmosphere | buitenaards |
extrinsic | not forming an essential part of a thing or arising or originating from the outside | extrinsiek |
fascist | relating to or characteristic of fascism | fascistisch |
fascist | relating to or characteristic of fascism | fascistisch |
fatalistic | of or relating to fatalism | fatalistisch |
fatalistic | of or relating to fatalism | fatalistisch |
febrile | of or relating to or characterized by fever | febriel |
feline | of or relating to cats | felien |
feminist | of or relating to or advocating equal rights for women | feministisch |
ferrous | of or relating to or containing iron | ijzerhoudend |
ferrous | of or relating to or containing iron | ijzerhoudend |
fetal | of or relating to a fetus | foetaal |
fewest | (superlative of `few' used with count nouns and usually preceded by `the') quantifier meaning the smallest in number | minst |
fiscal | involving financial matters | budgettair |
fissionable | capable of undergoing nuclear fission | splijtbaar |
flattering | showing or representing to advantage | vleiend |
florentine | of or relating to or characteristic of the city of Florence | Florentijns |
florentine | of or relating to or characteristic of the city of Florence | Florentijns |
fluvial | of or relating to or happening in a river | fluviatiel |
follicular | of or relating to or constituting a follicle | folliculair |
follicular | of or relating to or constituting a follicle | folliculair |
forceless | lacking force; feeble | machteloos |
formalistic | concerned with or characterized by rigorous adherence to recognized forms (especially in religion or art) | formalistisch |
formalistic | concerned with or characterized by rigorous adherence to recognized forms (especially in religion or art) | formalistisch |
four-footed | having four feet | viervoetig |
four-wheel | of or relating to vehicles with four wheels | vierwielig |
fractional | constituting or comprising a part or fraction of a possible whole or entirety | fractioneel |
fragrant | pleasant-smelling | geurig |
fragrant | pleasant-smelling | geurig |
franciscan | of or relating to Saint Francis of Assisi or to the order founded by him | franciscaans |
franciscan | of or relating to Saint Francis of Assisi or to the order founded by him | franciscaner |
frivolous | not serious in content or attitude or behavior | frivool |
fruitful | productive or conducive to producing in abundance | fruitig |
fugal | of or relating to or in the style of a musical fugue | fugatisch |
fundamentalist | of or relating to or tending toward fundamentalism | fundamentalistisch |
fundamentalist | of or relating to or tending toward fundamentalism | fundamentalistisch |
fundamentalistic | of or relating to or tending toward fundamentalism | fundamentalistisch |
gambian | of or relating to or characteristic of Gambia or its inhabitants | Gambiaans |
gaseous | existing as or having characteristics of a gas | gasvormig |
gaseous | existing as or having characteristics of a gas | gasvormig |
gastronomic | of or relating to gastronomy | gastronomisch |
gastronomic | of or relating to gastronomy | gastronomisch |
gastronomical | of or relating to gastronomy | gastronomisch |
genealogic | of or relating to genealogy | genealogisch |
genealogical | of or relating to genealogy | genealogisch |
genealogical | of or relating to genealogy | genealogisch |
geocentric | having the earth as the center | geocentrisch |
geocentric | having the earth as the center | geocentrisch |
geodesic | of or relating to or determined by geodesy | geodetisch |
geodetic | of or relating to or determined by geodesy | geodetisch |
geologic | of or relating to or based on geology | geologisch |
geophysical | of or concerned with geophysics | geofysisch |
geophysical | of or concerned with geophysics | geofysisch |
geothermal | of or relating to the heat in the interior of the earth | geothermisch |
geothermal | of or relating to the heat in the interior of the earth | geothermisch |
geothermic | of or relating to the heat in the interior of the earth | geothermisch |
germfree | free from germs or pathogenic organisms; sterile | kiemvrij |
gerontological | of or relating to or practicing geriatrics | gerontologisch |
gilled | provided with gills | ontdaan |
gluttonous | given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink | gulzig |
gnomic | relating to or containing gnomes | gnomisch |
gnostic | of or relating to Gnosticism | gnostisch |
gnostic | of or relating to Gnosticism | gnostisch |
grammatic | of or pertaining to grammar | grammaticaal |
greater | greater in size or importance or degree | hoger |
groomed | neat and smart in appearance; well cared for | verzorgd |
guatemalan | of or relating to or characteristic of Guatemala or its residents | Guatemalaans |
guatemalan | of or relating to or characteristic of Guatemala or its residents | Guatemalaans |
guyanese | of or relating to or characteristic of Guyana or its inhabitants | Guyaans |
gymnospermous | relating to or characteristic of plants of the class Gymnospermae | naaktzadig |
gynaecological | of or relating to or practicing gynecology | gynaecologisch |
gynaecological | of or relating to or practicing gynecology | gynaecologisch |
gynecologic | of or relating to or practicing gynecology | gynaecologisch |
gynecological | of or relating to or practicing gynecology | gynaecologisch |
habit-forming | causing or characterized by addiction | verslavend |
haemolytic | relating to or involving or causing hemolysis | hemolytisch |
haemorrhagic | of or relating to a hemorrhage | hemorragisch |
haitian | of or relating to or characteristic of the republic of Haiti or its people | Haïtiaans |
haitian | of or relating to or characteristic of the republic of Haiti or its people | Haïtiaans |
handed | having or involving the use of hands | linkshandig |
handled | having a usually specified type of handle | verzorgd |
harmful | causing or capable of causing harm | schadelijk |
harmful | causing or capable of causing harm | schadelijk |
harmless | not causing or capable of causing harm | ongevaarlijk |
harmless | not causing or capable of causing harm | ongevaarlijk |
harmless | not causing or capable of causing harm | onschadelijk |
hasidic | of or relating to the Jewish Hasidim or its members or their beliefs and practices | chassidisch |
hearable | heard or perceptible by the ear | hoorbaar |
held | occupied or in the control of; often used in combination | gehouden |
heliocentric | having the sun as the center | heliocentrisch |
heliocentric | having the sun as the center | heliocentrisch |
helpful | providing assistance or serving a useful function | behulpzaam |
helpful | providing assistance or serving a useful function | nuttig |
helpful | providing assistance or serving a useful function | nuttig |
hematologic | of or relating to or involved in hematology | hematologisch |
hematological | of or relating to or involved in hematology | hematologisch |
hemolytic | relating to or involving or causing hemolysis | hemolytisch |
hemorrhagic | of or relating to a hemorrhage | hemorragisch |
hepatic | pertaining to or affecting the liver | hepatisch |
herbal | of or relating to herbs | plantaardig |
herbivorous | feeding only on plants | plantenetend |
hermeneutic | interpretive or explanatory | hermeneutisch |
hertzian | of or relating to the physicist Heinrich Hertz or his work | draadloos |
heterozygous | having dissimilar alleles at corresponding chromosomal loci | heterozygoot |
heuristic | of or relating to or using a general formulation that serves to guide investigation | heuristisch |
heuristic | of or relating to or using a general formulation that serves to guide investigation | heuristisch |
hexagonal | having six sides or divided into hexagons | hexagonaal |
hexagonal | having six sides or divided into hexagons | vijfhoekig |
hexagonal | having six sides or divided into hexagons | zeshoekig |
hexagonal | having six sides or divided into hexagons | zeshoekig |
hierarchal | classified according to various criteria into successive levels or layers | hiërarchisch |
hierarchic | classified according to various criteria into successive levels or layers | hiërarchisch |
hierarchical | classified according to various criteria into successive levels or layers | hiërarchisch |
hierarchical | classified according to various criteria into successive levels or layers | hiërarchisch |
hirsute | having or covered with hair | behaard |
hirsute | having or covered with hair | oorlogszuchtig |
histologic | of or relating to histology | histologisch |
histological | of or relating to histology | histologisch |
histological | of or relating to histology | histologisch |
holistic | emphasizing the organic or functional relation between parts and the whole | holistisch |
holistic | emphasizing the organic or functional relation between parts and the whole | holistisch |
homemade | made or produced in the home or by yourself | zelfgemaakt |
homemade | made or produced in the home or by yourself | zelfgemaakt |
homeopathic | of or relating to the practice of homeopathy | homeopathisch |
homeopathic | of or relating to the practice of homeopathy | homeopathisch |
homeopathic | of or relating to the practice of homeopathy | homeopathisch |
homeostatic | related to or characterized by homeostasis | homeostatisch |
homeric | relating to or characteristic of Homer or his age or the works attributed to him | homerisch |
homeric | relating to or characteristic of Homer or his age or the works attributed to him | homerisch |
homogeneous | all of the same or similar kind or nature | homogeen |
homogeneous | all of the same or similar kind or nature | homogeen |
homogenous | all of the same or similar kind or nature | homogeen |
homogenous | all of the same or similar kind or nature | homogeen |
horizontal | parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line | horizontaal |
horizontal | parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line | horizontaal |
horizontal | parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line | horizontaal |
hormonal | of or relating to or caused by hormones | hormonaal |
hormonal | of or relating to or caused by hormones | hormonaal |
horned | having a horn or horns or hornlike parts or horns of a particular kind | gehoornd |
horned | having a horn or horns or hornlike parts or horns of a particular kind | gehoornd |
humorless | lacking humor; a wink of warning"- Truman Capote | humorloos |
humorous | full of or characterized by humor | humoristisch |
humorous | full of or characterized by humor | humoristisch |
humorous | full of or characterized by humor | komisch |
humourous | full of or characterized by humor | humoristisch |
hydrodynamic | of or relating to hydrodynamics | hydrodynamisch |
hydroelectric | of or relating to or used in the production of electricity by waterpower | hydro-elektrisch |
hydrographical | of or relating to the science of hydrography | hydrografisch |
hydrophilic | having a strong affinity for water; tending to dissolve in, mix with, or be wetted by water | hydrofiel |
hydrophilic | having a strong affinity for water; tending to dissolve in, mix with, or be wetted by water | hydrofiel |
hydrostatic | relating to fluids at rest or to the pressures they exert or transmit | hydrostatisch |
hydrostatic | relating to fluids at rest or to the pressures they exert or transmit | hydrostatisch |
hydrous | containing combined water (especially water of crystallization as in a hydrate) | waterhoudend |
hymenopterous | of or relating to insects of the order Hymenoptera | vliesvleugelig |
hypotensive | having abnormally low blood pressure | bloeddrukverlagend |
iambic | of or consisting of iambs | jambisch |
iambic | of or consisting of iambs | jambisch |
iconic | relating to or having the characteristics on an icon | iconisch |
iconic | relating to or having the characteristics on an icon | iconisch |
iconic | relating to or having the characteristics on an icon | symbolisch |
identifiable | capable of being identified | aantoonbaar |
identifiable | capable of being identified | aanwijsbaar |
identifiable | capable of being identified | herkenbaar |
idiomatic | of or relating to or conforming to idiom | idiomatisch |
idiomatic | of or relating to or conforming to idiom | idiomatisch |
idiopathic | (of diseases) arising from an unknown cause | idiomatisch |
idiopathic | (of diseases) arising from an unknown cause | idiomatisch |
ill-advised | without careful prior deliberation or counsel | onbezonnen |
ill-advised | without careful prior deliberation or counsel | onverstandig |
ill-natured | having an irritable and unpleasant disposition | slechtgehumeurd |
illegal | prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules | verboden |
illuminating | tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance | verhelderend |
illuminating | tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance | verhelderend |
imbalanced | being or thrown out of equilibrium | onevenwichtig |
immoderate | beyond reasonable limits | mateloos |
immoderate | beyond reasonable limits | overmatig |
immunologic | of or relating to immunology | immunologisch |
immutable | not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form or quality or nature | onveranderbaar |
immutable | not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form or quality or nature | onveranderlijk |
immutable | not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form or quality or nature | onveranderlijk |
impassable | incapable of being passed | onbegaanbaar |
impassable | incapable of being passed | ondoordringbaar |
impassable | incapable of being passed | ontoegankelijk |
imperceptible | impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses | onmerkbaar |
imperialist | of or relating to imperialism | imperialistisch |
imperialist | of or relating to imperialism | imperialistisch |
imperialistic | of or relating to imperialism | imperialistisch |
imperialistic | of or relating to imperialism | imperialistisch |
impermeable | preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through | ondoordringbaar |
impermeable | preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through | ondoordringbaar |
impervious | not admitting of passage or capable of being affected | ondoordringbaar |
impervious | not admitting of passage or capable of being affected | ondoordringbaar |
implacable | incapable of being placated | onverzoenlijk |
implacable | incapable of being placated | onverzoenlijk |
impolite | not polite | onbeleefd |
impolitic | not politic | ontactisch |
imprecise | not precise | onnauwkeurig |
imprecise | not precise | onnauwkeurig |
impressionable | easily impressed or influenced | beïnvloedbaar |
inaccurate | not exact | onnauwkeurig |
inaccurate | not exact | onnauwkeurig |
inaccurate | not exact | verkeerd |
inadmissible | not deserving to be admitted | niet-ontvankelijk |
inadmissible | not deserving to be admitted | ontoelaatbaar |
inaudible | impossible to hear; imperceptible by the ear | onhoorbaar |
inaudible | impossible to hear; imperceptible by the ear | onverstaanbaar |
inclusive | including much or everything; and especially including stated limits | allesomvattend |
incombustible | not capable of igniting and burning | vuurvast |
incommunicative | not inclined to talk or give information or express opinions | eenzelvig |
incongruous | lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness | ongerijmd |
incongruous | lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness | ongerijmd |
inconsolable | sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled | ontroostbaar |
inconsolable | sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled | onvermurwbaar |
inconspicuous | not prominent or readily noticeable | onopvallend |
inconspicuous | not prominent or readily noticeable | onopvallend |
inconstant | likely to change frequently often without apparent or cogent reason; variable | wispelturig |
incontinent | not having control over urination and defecation | incontinent |
incontinent | not having control over urination and defecation | incontinent |
increased | made greater in size or amount or degree | vergroot |
inculpatory | causing blame to be imputed to | beschuldigend |
indigestible | digested with difficulty | onverteerbaar |
indigestible | digested with difficulty | onverteerbaar |
indistinct | not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand | onduidelijk |
indistinct | not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand | onduidelijk |
induced | brought about or caused; not spontaneous | opgewekt |
inebriated | stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol) | dronken |
inedible | not suitable for food | oneetbaar |
inefficacious | lacking the power to produce a desired effect | ondoeltreffend |
inelegant | lacking in refinement or grace or good taste | onbevallig |
inelegant | lacking in refinement or grace or good taste | onelegant |
inelegant | lacking in refinement or grace or good taste | onelegant |
ineradicable | not able to be destroyed or rooted out | ingeworteld |
inexperienced | lacking practical experience or training | onervaren |
inexplicable | incapable of being explained or accounted for | onverklaarbaar |
inexplicable | incapable of being explained or accounted for | onverklaarbaar |
infallible | incapable of failure or error | feilloos |
infected | containing or resulting from disease-causing organisms | geïnfecteerd |
infected | containing or resulting from disease-causing organisms | geïnfecteerd |
inflationary | associated with or tending to cause increases in inflation | inflatoir |
influential | having or exercising influence or power | invloedrijk |
influential | having or exercising influence or power | invloedrijk |
informational | relating to or having the nature of information | informatief |
informational | relating to or having the nature of information | informatief |
informatory | providing or conveying information | informatief |
inhibited | held back or restrained or prevented | geremd |
injured | harmed | gewond |
injured | harmed | gewond |
inodorous | having no odor | reukloos |
inopportune | not opportune | ongelegen |
inquiring | given to inquiry | onderzoekend |
insanitary | not sanitary or healthful | onhygiënisch |
insatiable | impossible to satisfy | onverzadigbaar |
insatiable | impossible to satisfy | onverzadigbaar |
insectivorous | (of animals and plants) feeding on insects | insectenetend |
insincere | lacking sincerity | onoprecht |
insolvent | unable to meet or discharge financial obligations | insolvent |
insolvent | unable to meet or discharge financial obligations | insolvent |
inspiring | stimulating or exalting to the spirit | inspirerend |
inspiring | stimulating or exalting to the spirit | inspirerend |
instructional | of or relating to or used in instruction | educatief |
instructive | serving to instruct or enlighten or inform | instructief |
instructive | serving to instruct or enlighten or inform | leerrijk |
instructive | serving to instruct or enlighten or inform | leerzaam |
insufficient | of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement | ontoereikend |
insufficient | of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement | ontoereikend |
insurrectionary | of or relating to or given to insurrection | oproerig |
intercontinental | extending or taking place between or among continents | intercontinentaal |
intercontinental | extending or taking place between or among continents | intercontinentaal |
intercontinental | extending or taking place between or among continents | intercontinentaal |
interest-bearing | of financial obligations on which interest is paid | rentedragend |
intergalactic | between or among galaxies | intergalactisch |
intergalactic | between or among galaxies | intergalactisch |
interlinear | written between lines of text | interlineair |
intermolecular | existing or acting between molecules | intermoleculair |
interplanetary | between or among planets | interplanetair |
interplanetary | between or among planets | interplanetair |
interrogatory | relating to the use of or having the nature of an interrogation | onderzoekend |
interstellar | between or among stars | interstellair |
interstellar | between or among stars | interstellair |
interstitial | of or relating to interstices | interstitieel |
intolerable | incapable of being put up with | onaanvaardbaar |
intolerable | incapable of being put up with | ondraaglijk |
intolerable | incapable of being put up with | onuitstaanbaar |
intolerable | incapable of being put up with | onverdraaglijk |
intracellular | located or occurring within a cell or cells | intracellulair |
intracranial | within the skull | intracraniaal |
intramuscular | within a muscle | intramusculair |
intramuscular | within a muscle | intramusculair |
intransitive | designating a verb that does not require or cannot take a direct object | onovergankelijk |
intrastate | relating to or existing within the boundaries of a state | binnenlands |
intravenous | within or by means of a vein | intraveneus |
intravenous | within or by means of a vein | intraveneus |
intrinsical | belonging to a thing by its very nature | intrinsiek |
introverted | given to examining own sensory and perceptual experiences | introvert |
invariable | not liable to or capable of change | onveranderlijk |
invertebrate | lacking a backbone or spinal column | ongewerveld |
invertebrate | lacking a backbone or spinal column | ongewerveld |
invertible | having an additive or multiplicative inverse | omkeerbaar |
invigorating | imparting strength and vitality | verkwikkend |
invigorating | imparting strength and vitality | verkwikkend |
invigorating | imparting strength and vitality | versterkend |
inviting | attractive and tempting | aanlokkelijk |
invulnerable | immune to attack; impregnable | onkwetsbaar |
irreconcilable | impossible to reconcile | onoverbrugbaar |
irreconcilable | impossible to reconcile | onoverkomelijk |
irreconcilable | impossible to reconcile | onverzoenlijk |
irrecoverable | incapable of being recovered or regained | oninbaar |
irrelevant | having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue | irrelevant |
irrelevant | having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue | onbelangrijk |
irreligious | hostile or indifferent to religion | ongodsdienstig |
irremediable | impossible to remedy or correct or redress | onherstelbaar |
irreplaceable | impossible to replace | onvervangbaar |
irresolute | uncertain how to act or proceed | besluiteloos |
irreversible | incapable of being reversed | irreversibel |
irreversible | incapable of being reversed | onomkeerbaar |
irreversible | incapable of being reversed | onomkeerbaar |
islamic | of or relating to or supporting Islamism | islamitisch |
islamic | of or relating to or supporting Islamism | islamitisch |
isolationist | of or relating to isolationism | isolationistisch |
isolationist | of or relating to isolationism | isolationistisch |
isomorphic | having similar appearance but genetically different | isomorf |
isomorphic | having similar appearance but genetically different | isomorf |
isomorphous | having similar appearance but genetically different | isomorf |
jacobean | of or relating to James I or his reign or times | jakobijns |
joyless | not experiencing or inspiring joy | vreugdeloos |
joyous | full of or characterized by joy | vreugdevol |
kampuchean | of or relating to or characteristic of Cambodia or its people or language | Cambodjaans |
kenyan | of or relating to or characteristic of Kenya or its people | Keniaans |
kenyan | of or relating to or characteristic of Kenya or its people | Keniaans |
known | apprehended with certainty | alcoholisch |
kurdish | of or relating to Kurdistan or the Kurds or their language and culture | Koerdisch |
kurdish | of or relating to Kurdistan or the Kurds or their language and culture | Koerdisch |
latter | referring to the second of two things or persons mentioned (or the last one or ones of several) | laatstgenoemd |
laxative | stimulating evacuation of feces | laxerend |
laxative | stimulating evacuation of feces | laxerend |
leadless | not treated with lead | loodvrij |
leguminous | relating to or consisting of legumes | vlinderbloemig |
leprous | relating to or resembling or having leprosy | melaats |
levitical | of or relating to the book of Leviticus in the Bible | levitisch |
lexicographic | of or relating to lexicography | lexicografisch |
lexicographical | of or relating to lexicography | lexicografisch |
liberian | of or relating to Liberia or its people | Liberiaans |
liberian | of or relating to Liberia or its people | Liberiaans |
libyan | of or relating to Libya or its people | Libisch |
libyan | of or relating to Libya or its people | Libisch |
liechtensteiner | of or relating to Liechtenstein or its inhabitants | Liechtensteins |
light-colored | (used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent | lichtgekleurd |
light-footed | (of movement) having a light and springy step | lichtvoetig |
limbic | of or relating to or forming a limbus | limbisch |
limbic | of or relating to or forming a limbus | limbisch |
lithographic | of or produced by or involved in lithography | lithografisch |
lithographic | of or produced by or involved in lithography | lithografisch |
liturgical | of or relating to or in accord with liturgy | liturgisch |
liturgical | of or relating to or in accord with liturgy | liturgisch |
live-bearing | producing living young (not eggs) | levendbarend |
loamy | consisting of or having the character of loam | Haspengouws |
loamy | consisting of or having the character of loam | leemachtig |
loving | feeling or showing love and affection | liefdevol |
loving | feeling or showing love and affection | liefhebbend |
loving | feeling or showing love and affection | liefhebbend |
luckless | having or bringing misfortune | onfortuinlijk |
lumbar | of or relating to or near the part of the back between the ribs and the hipbones | lumbaal |
macaronic | of or containing a mixture of Latin words and vernacular words jumbled together | macaronisch |
machiavellian | of or relating to Machiavelli or the principles of conduct he recommended | geslepen |
macroeconomic | of or relating to macroeconomics | macro-economisch |
macromolecular | relating to or consisting of or characterized by macromolecules | macromoleculair |
maladaptive | showing faulty adaptation | onaangepast |
malawian | relating to or characteristic of Malawi or its people or culture | Malawisch |
malicious | having the nature of or resulting from malice | kwaadwillig |
malicious | having the nature of or resulting from malice | schadelijk |
malignant | dangerous to health; characterized by progressive and uncontrolled growth (especially of a tumor) | maligne |
malnourished | not being provided with adequate nourishment | ondervoed |
malnourished | not being provided with adequate nourishment | ondervoed |
malodorous | having an unpleasant smell | onwelriekend |
malodorous | having an unpleasant smell | onwelriekend |
malodourous | having an unpleasant smell | onwelriekend |
mandibular | relating to the lower jaw | mandibulair |
manichean | of or relating to Manichaeism | dualistisch |
manorial | of or relating to or based on the manor | deftig |
many | a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as' or `too' or `so' or `that'; amounting to a large but indefinite number | hartelijk |
maoist | of or relating to Maoism | maoïstisch |
marital | of or relating to the state of marriage | echtelijk |
marital | of or relating to the state of marriage | echtelijk |
marital | of or relating to the state of marriage | huwelijks |
marmoreal | of or relating to or characteristic of marble | marmerachtig |
masochistic | deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from being abused or dominated | masochistisch |
masochistic | deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from being abused or dominated | masochistisch |
matriarchal | characteristic of a matriarchy | matriarchaal |
matriarchal | characteristic of a matriarchy | matriarchaal |
matrimonial | of or relating to the state of marriage | huwelijks |
mauritanian | of or related to the island or country of Mauritius or its inhabitants | Mauritaans |
meaningless | having no meaning or direction or purpose | betekenisloos |
meaningless | having no meaning or direction or purpose | zinloos |
meatless | lacking meat | vleesloos |
mediatorial | of or relating to a mediator or the duties of a mediator | bemiddelend |
mediatory | of or related to or directed toward mediation | bemiddelend |
mediterranean | of or relating to or characteristic of or located near the Mediterranean Sea | mediterraan |
mediterranean | of or relating to or characteristic of or located near the Mediterranean Sea | middellands |
megalithic | of or relating to megaliths or the people who erected megaliths | megalitisch |
melanesian | of or relating to Melanesia or its people or culture | Melanesisch |
melanesian | of or relating to Melanesia or its people or culture | Melanesisch |
merciless | having or showing no mercy | genadeloos |
merciless | having or showing no mercy | meedogenloos |
merciless | having or showing no mercy | meedogenloos |
merited | properly deserved | verdiend |
metallurgical | of or relating to metallurgy | metallurgisch |
metallurgical | of or relating to metallurgy | metallurgisch |
meteorological | of or pertaining to atmospheric phenomena, especially weather and weather conditions | meteorologisch |
meteorological | of or pertaining to atmospheric phenomena, especially weather and weather conditions | meteorologisch |
methodist | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the branch of Protestantism adhering to the views of Wesley | methodistisch |
methodological | relating to the methodology of some discipline | methodologisch |
methodological | relating to the methodology of some discipline | methodologisch |
metrological | of or relating to metrology | metrologisch |
mexican | of or relating to Mexico or its inhabitants | Mexicaans |
mexican | of or relating to Mexico or its inhabitants | Mexicaans |
microcosmic | relating to or characteristic of a microcosm | microkosmisch |
microeconomic | of or relating to microeconomics | micro-economisch |
millennial | relating to a millennium or span of a thousand years | duizendjarig |
millennial | relating to a millennium or span of a thousand years | duizendjarig |
mindful | bearing in mind; attentive to | bedachtzaam |
mindful | bearing in mind; attentive to | indachtig |
minimal | the least possible | minimaal |
minimal | the least possible | minimaal |
missional | relating to or connected to a religious mission | missionair |
mitotic | of or relating to or undergoing mitosis | mitotisch |
mnemonic | of or relating to or involved the practice of aiding the memory | mnemonisch |
mnemonic | of or relating to or involved the practice of aiding the memory | mnemotechnisch |
mnemonic | of or relating to or involved the practice of aiding the memory | mnemotechnisch |
mohammedan | of or relating to the Arabian prophet Muhammad or to the religion he founded | mohammedaans |
moldovan | of or relating to or characteristic of Moldova or its people or culture | Moldavisch |
monegasque | of or relating to or characteristic of Monaco or its people | Monegaskisch |
monegasque | of or relating to or characteristic of Monaco or its people | Monegaskisch |
monetary | relating to or involving money | monetair |
monetary | relating to or involving money | monetair |
mongoloid | characteristic of or resembling a Mongol | mongoloïde |
monistic | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of monism | monistisch |
monocarboxylic | containing one carboxyl group | eenwaardig |
monocotyledonous | (of a flowering plant) having a single cotyledon in the seed as in grasses and lilies | eenzaadlobbig |
monolingual | using or knowing only one language | eentalig |
monolingual | using or knowing only one language | eentalig |
mononucleate | having only one nucleus | mononucleair |
monotheistic | believing that there is only one god | monotheïstisch |
moorish | relating to or characteristic of the Moors | Moors |
moorish | relating to or characteristic of the Moors | Moors |
moravian | of or relating to the people or culture of Moravia | Moravisch |
moravian | of or relating to the people or culture of Moravia | Moravisch |
moresque | relating to or characteristic of the Moors | Moors |
motivated | provided with a motive or given incentive for action | gemotiveerd |
motivated | provided with a motive or given incentive for action | gemotiveerd |
motivational | of or relating to motivation | motiverend |
motivational | of or relating to motivation | motiverend |
motorised | equipped with a motor or motors | gemotoriseerd |
motorised | equipped with a motor or motors | gemotoriseerd |
mucoid | relating to or resembling mucus | mucoïd |
mucoid | relating to or resembling mucus | slijmachtig |
muhammadan | of or relating to the Arabian prophet Muhammad or to the religion he founded | mohammedaans |
multiform | occurring in or having many forms or shapes or appearances | veelvormig |
multiform | occurring in or having many forms or shapes or appearances | veelvormig |
multilateral | having many parts or sides | multilateraal |
multilateral | having many parts or sides | multilateraal |
multiple | having or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual | meerder |
multiple | having or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual | multiple |
muslim | of or relating to or supporting Islamism | islamitisch |
mycenaean | of or relating to or characteristic of ancient Mycenae or its inhabitants | Myceens |
namibian | of or relating to Namibia or its people | Namibisch |
namibian | of or relating to Namibia or its people | Namibisch |
napoleonic | of or relating to or like Napoleon Bonaparte | napoleontisch |
napoleonic | of or relating to or like Napoleon Bonaparte | napoleontisch |
nautical | relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen | nautisch |
nearsighted | unable to see distant objects clearly | bijziend |
nearsighted | unable to see distant objects clearly | bijziend |
necrotic | relating to or affected by necrosis | necrotisch |
necrotic | relating to or affected by necrosis | necrotisch |
negligent | characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern | nalatig |
negligent | characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern | nalatig |
neolithic | of or relating to the most recent period of the Stone Age (following the mesolithic) | neolithisch |
neoplastic | of or related to or having the properties of a neoplasm | neoplastisch |
neoplastic | of or related to or having the properties of a neoplasm | neoplastisch |
neuralgic | of or relating to or suffering from neuralgia | neuralgisch |
neuralgic | of or relating to or suffering from neuralgia | neuralgisch |
neurologic | of or relating to or used in or practicing neurology | neurologisch |
neurological | of or relating to or used in or practicing neurology | neurologisch |
neurological | of or relating to or used in or practicing neurology | neurologisch |
nicaraguan | of or relating to Nicaragua or is people | Nicaraguaans |
nicaraguan | of or relating to Nicaragua or is people | Nicaraguaans |
nicaraguan | of or relating to Nicaragua or is people | Nigeriaans |
nihilistic | of or relating to nihilism | nihilistisch |
nihilistic | of or relating to nihilism | nihilistisch |
nitrogenous | of or relating to or containing nitrogen | stikstofhoudend |
nomothetic | relating to or involving the search for abstract universal principles | nomothetisch |
non-conducting | not able to conduct heat or electricity or sound | niet-geleidend |
noncompetitive | not involving competition or competitiveness | competitief |
nonconducting | not able to conduct heat or electricity or sound | geleidend |
nonconductive | not able to conduct heat or electricity or sound | geleidend |
nonexistent | not having existence or being or actuality | niet-bestaand |
nonexistent | not having existence or being or actuality | onbestaand |
nonfatal | not bringing death | fataal |
nonhuman | not human; not belonging to or produced by or appropriate to human beings | humaan |
nonjudgmental | refraining from making judgments especially ones based on personal opinions or standards | onbevooroordeeld |
nonjudgmental | refraining from making judgments especially ones based on personal opinions or standards | onbevooroordeeld |
nonlinear | designating or involving an equation whose terms are not of the first degree | lineair |
nonmagnetic | not capable of being magnetized | magnetisch |
nonpolitical | not political | apolitiek |
nonresident | not living in a particular place or owned by permanent residents | inwonend |
nonreversible | not reversible or capable of having either side out | onomkeerbaar |
nonspecific | not caused by a specific agent; used also of staining in making microscope slides | aspecifiek |
nonsurgical | not surgical | chirurgisch |
noxious | injurious to physical or mental health | schadelijk |
noxious | injurious to physical or mental health | schadelijk |
nuptial | of or relating to a wedding | huwelijks |
nutritional | of or relating to or providing nutrition | voedzaam |
obstetric | of or relating to or used in or practicing obstetrics | verloskundig |
obstetric | of or relating to or used in or practicing obstetrics | verloskundig |
obstetrical | of or relating to or used in or practicing obstetrics | verloskundig |
obstetrical | of or relating to or used in or practicing obstetrics | verloskundig |
obvious | easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind | evident |
octagonal | of or relating to or shaped like an octagon | achthoekig |
octagonal | of or relating to or shaped like an octagon | achthoekig |
octangular | of or relating to or shaped like an octagon | achthoekig |
octangular | of or relating to or shaped like an octagon | achtkantig |
odorless | having no odor | geurloos |
odorless | having no odor | reukloos |
odourless | having no odor | geurloos |
odourless | having no odor | reukloos |
oiled | treated with oil | geolied |
oiled | treated with oil | geolied |
olfactory | of or relating to olfaction | olfactorisch |
oligarchic | of or relating to or supporting or characteristic of an oligarchy | oligarchisch |
oligarchic | of or relating to or supporting or characteristic of an oligarchy | oligarchisch |
oligarchical | of or relating to or supporting or characteristic of an oligarchy | oligarchisch |
omani | of or relating to Oman or its people | Omaans |
omissive | characterized by omissions | nalatig |
onomastic | of or related to onomastics | onomastisch |
opportune | suitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose | opportuun |
opposable | capable of being placed opposite to something | beweegbaar |
opposed | being in opposition or having an opponent | tegenovergesteld |
optional | possible but not necessary; left to personal choice | facultatief |
optional | possible but not necessary; left to personal choice | optioneel |
orchestral | relating to or composed for an orchestra | orkestraal |
organizational | of or relating to an organization | organisatorisch |
orienting | positioning with respect to a reference system or determining your bearings physically or intellectually | oriënterend |
ornithological | of or relating to ornithology | ornithologisch |
ornithological | of or relating to ornithology | ornithologisch |
ornithological | of or relating to ornithology | ornithologisch |
orthographic | of or relating to or expressed in orthography | autografisch |
orthographic | of or relating to or expressed in orthography | orthografisch |
orthopaedic | of or relating to orthopedics | orthopedisch |
orthopedic | of or relating to orthopedics | orthopedisch |
orthopedic | of or relating to orthopedics | orthopedisch |
overt | open and observable; not secret or hidden | openlijk |
overt | open and observable; not secret or hidden | openlijk |
overt | open and observable; not secret or hidden | uitgesproken |
oviparous | egg-laying | eierleggend |
ownerless | having no owner | onbeheerd |
oxidised | combined with or having undergone a chemical reaction with oxygen | geoxydeerd |
oxidized | combined with or having undergone a chemical reaction with oxygen | geoxydeerd |
pakistani | of or relating to Pakistan or its people or language | Pakistaans |
pakistani | of or relating to Pakistan or its people or language | Pakistaans |
palaeolithic | of or relating to the second period of the Stone Age (following the eolithic) | paleolithisch |
palatable | acceptable to the taste or mind | verteerbaar |
paleolithic | of or relating to the second period of the Stone Age (following the eolithic) | paleolithisch |
palestinian | of or relating to the area of Palestine and its inhabitants | Palestijns |
palestinian | of or relating to the area of Palestine and its inhabitants | Palestijns |
paniculate | having a panicle | pluimvormig |
papal | proceeding from or ordered by or subject to a pope or the papacy regarded as the successor of the Apostles | pauselijk |
papal | proceeding from or ordered by or subject to a pope or the papacy regarded as the successor of the Apostles | pauselijk |
papillary | of or relating to or resembling papilla | papillair |
papillary | of or relating to or resembling papilla | papillair |
papillate | resembling or covered with papillae | papillair |
papillose | of or relating to or resembling papilla | papillair |
papist | of or relating to or supporting Romanism | paaps |
papist | of or relating to or supporting Romanism | paaps |
papistical | of or relating to or supporting Romanism | paaps |
paraguayan | of or relating to or characteristic of Paraguay or its people | Paraguayaans |
paraguayan | of or relating to or characteristic of Paraguay or its people | Paraguayaans |
paramedical | of or denoting a person who assists physicians and nurses or is trained physicians and nurses in their activities | paramedisch |
paramedical | of or denoting a person who assists physicians and nurses or is trained physicians and nurses in their activities | paramedisch |
paramilitary | of or relating to a group of civilians organized to function like or to assist a military unit | paramilitair |
paramilitary | of or relating to a group of civilians organized to function like or to assist a military unit | paramilitair |
pardonable | admitting of being pardoned | vergeeflijk |
pardonable | admitting of being pardoned | vergeeflijk |
parentless | having no parent or parents or not cared for by parent surrogates | ouderloos |
parhelic | relating to or resembling a parhelion | parhelisch |
particularistic | relating to particularism (exclusive interest in one group or class or sect etc.) | particularistisch |
particularistic | relating to particularism (exclusive interest in one group or class or sect etc.) | particularistisch |
parttime | involving less than the standard or customary time for an activity | parttime |
passionate | having or expressing strong emotions | gepassioneerd |
patriotic | inspired by love for your country | patriottisch |
patriotic | inspired by love for your country | patriottisch |
patriotic | inspired by love for your country | vaderlandslievend |
paved | covered with a firm surface | geplaveid |
paved | covered with a firm surface | geplaveid |
peaty | of or pertaining to or of the nature of peat | turfachtig |
peaty | of or pertaining to or of the nature of peat | turfachtig |
peaty | of or pertaining to or of the nature of peat | veenachtig |
pedagogic | of or relating to pedagogy | pedagogisch |
pedagogic | of or relating to pedagogy | pedagogisch |
pedagogical | of or relating to pedagogy | pedagogisch |
pedagogical | of or relating to pedagogy | pedagogisch |
pediatric | of or relating to the medical care of children | tweewekelijks |
peloponnesian | of or relating to Peloponnesus | Peloponnesisch |
penitent | feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds | boetvaardig |
pentagonal | of or relating to or shaped like a pentagon | pentagonaal |
pentagonal | of or relating to or shaped like a pentagon | vijfhoekig |
pentagonal | of or relating to or shaped like a pentagon | vijfhoekig |
pentangular | of or relating to or shaped like a pentagon | vijfhoekig |
perceptual | of or relating to the act of perceiving | perceptueel |
perceptual | of or relating to the act of perceiving | waarneembaar |
perishable | liable to perish; subject to destruction or death or decay | bederfelijk |
perishable | liable to perish; subject to destruction or death or decay | bederfelijk |
perishable | liable to perish; subject to destruction or death or decay | vergankelijk |
permeable | allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through | doordringbaar |
permeable | allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through | permeabel |
permeable | allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through | poreus |
perplexed | full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment | perplex |
perplexed | full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment | verbijsterd |
persuasive | intended or having the power to induce action or belief | overredend |
peruvian | of or relating to or characteristic of Peru or its people | Peruaans |
peruvian | of or relating to or characteristic of Peru or its people | Peruaans |
pervious | admitting of passage or entrance | doorlatend |
pharmaceutic | of or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists | farmaceutisch |
pharmaceutic | of or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists | farmaceutisch |
pharmacologic | of or relating to pharmacology | farmacologisch |
pharmacologic | of or relating to pharmacology | farmacologisch |
pharyngeal | of or relating to the throat | faryngaal |
philatelic | of or relating to philately or of interest to philatelists | filatelistisch |
philippine | of or relating to or characteristic of the Philippines or its people or customs | Filipijns |
philippine | of or relating to or characteristic of the Philippines or its people or customs | Filipijns |
philippine | of or relating to or characteristic of the Philippines or its people or customs | Filipijns |
philological | of or relating to or dealing with philology | filologisch |
philological | of or relating to or dealing with philology | filologisch |
phlegmy | characterized by phlegm | flegmatiek |
phlegmy | characterized by phlegm | slijmachtig |
phonologic | of or relating to phonology | fonologisch |
phrenological | of or relating to phrenology | frenologisch |
phrenological | of or relating to phrenology | frenologisch |
phylogenetic | of or relating to the evolutionary development of organisms | fylogenetisch |
physicochemical | relating to physical chemistry | fysisch |
piezoelectric | relating to or involving piezoelectricity | piëzo-elektrisch |
pious | having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity | vroom |
pious | having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity | vroom |
placental | pertaining to or having or occurring by means of a placenta | placentair |
platonic | of or relating to or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy | platonisch |
platonic | of or relating to or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy | platonisch |
playable | capable of or suitable for being played or played on | speelbaar |
pleasing | giving pleasure and satisfaction | aangenaam |
pleasing | giving pleasure and satisfaction | plezierig |
plowed | (of farmland) broken and turned over with a plow | beschonken |
plutocratic | of or relating to or characteristic of a plutocrat | plutocratisch |
plutocratic | of or relating to or characteristic of a plutocrat | plutocratisch |
polygonal | having many sides or relating to a surface marked by polygons | veelhoekig |
polyphonous | of or relating to or characterized by polyphony | meerstemmig |
polytheistic | worshipping or believing in more than one god | polytheïstisch |
poriferous | full of pores or vessels or holes | poreus |
positivist | of or relating to positivism | positivistisch |
positivistic | of or relating to positivism | positivistisch |
post-communist | no longer communist; subsequent to being communistic | postcommunistisch |
postdoctoral | of or relating to study or research that is done after work for the doctoral degree has been completed | postdoctoraal |
postmodernist | of or relating to postmodernism | postmodern |
postnatal | occurring immediately after birth | postnataal |
postpartum | occurring immediately after birth | postnataal |
postwar | belonging to the period after a war | naoorlogs |
postwar | belonging to the period after a war | naoorlogs |
potable | suitable for drinking | drinkbaar |
powerless | lacking power | machteloos |
pre-christian | of or relating to or being the time before the beginning of the Christian era | voorchristelijk |
preclinical | of or relating to the early phases of a disease when accurate diagnosis is not possible because symptoms of the disease have not yet appeared | preklinisch |
preclinical | of or relating to the early phases of a disease when accurate diagnosis is not possible because symptoms of the disease have not yet appeared | preklinisch |
predicative | of adjectives; relating to or occurring within the predicate of a sentence | predicatief |
premarital | relating to events before a marriage | voorhuwelijks |
premenstrual | of or relating to or occurring during the period just before menstruation | premenstrueel |
prenatal | occurring or existing before birth | prenataal |
prenatal | occurring or existing before birth | prenataal |
prenuptial | relating to events before a marriage | huwelijks |
prescriptive | pertaining to giving directives or rules | normatief |
prescriptive | pertaining to giving directives or rules | normatief |
pressor | increasing (or tending to increase) blood pressure | bloeddrukverhogend |
professorial | relating to or characteristic of professors | professoraal |
profitable | yielding material gain or profit | rendabel |
profitable | yielding material gain or profit | rendabel |
profitable | yielding material gain or profit | winstgevend |
profitable | yielding material gain or profit | winstgevend |
prolix | tediously prolonged or tending to speak or write at great length | uitvoerig |
pronominal | relating to pronouns | voornaamwoordelijk |
propagandist | of or relating to or characterized by propaganda | propagandistisch |
propagandistic | of or relating to or characterized by propaganda | propagandistisch |
proprietary | protected by trademark or patent or copyright; made or produced or distributed by one having exclusive rights | farmaceutisch |
prosodic | of or relating to the rhythmic aspect of language or to the suprasegmental phonemes of pitch and stress and juncture and nasalization and voicing | prosodisch |
proteinaceous | relating to or of the nature of protein | eiwitachtig |
proteinaceous | relating to or of the nature of protein | eiwithoudend |
proteolytic | of or relating to proteolysis | proteolytisch |
protozoic | of or relating to the Protozoa | protozoïsch |
prudent | careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment | verstandig |
prudent | careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment | voorzichtig |
prussian | of or relating to or characteristic of Prussia or its inhabitants | Pruisisch |
prussian | of or relating to or characteristic of Prussia or its inhabitants | Pruisisch |
psychoanalytic | of or relating to or incorporating the methods and theory of psychiatric treatment originated by Sigmund Freud | psychoanalytisch |
psycholinguistic | of or relating to the psychology of language | psycholinguïstisch |
psycholinguistic | of or relating to the psychology of language | psycholinguïstisch |
pulmonary | relating to or affecting the lungs | pulmonair |
pulmonary | relating to or affecting the lungs | pulmonair |
punctual | acting or arriving or performed exactly at the time appointed | punctueel |
punctual | acting or arriving or performed exactly at the time appointed | stipt |
punctual | acting or arriving or performed exactly at the time appointed | stipt |
purebred | bred for many generations from member of a recognized breed or strain | raszuiver |
pyretic | causing fever | koortswerend |
pyrotechnical | of or relating to the craft of making fireworks | pyrotechnisch |
quadrupedal | having four feet | viervoetig |
quartzose | relating to or made of quartz | kwartsachtig |
rabbinic | of or relating to rabbis or their teachings | rabbijns |
rabbinical | of or relating to rabbis or their teachings | rabbijns |
rabbinical | of or relating to rabbis or their teachings | rabbijns |
radioactive | exhibiting or caused by radioactivity | radioactief |
radioactive | exhibiting or caused by radioactivity | radioactief |
radiographic | relating to or produced by radiography | radiografisch |
radiological | of or relating to radiology | radiologisch |
radiological | of or relating to radiology | radiologisch |
re-entrant | (of angles) pointing inward | inspringend |
reassuring | restoring confidence and relieving anxiety | geruststellend |
reassuring | restoring confidence and relieving anxiety | geruststellend |
reconcilable | capable of being reconciled | verenigbaar |
recoverable | capable of being recovered or regained | herstelbaar |
recoverable | capable of being recovered or regained | verhaalbaar |
reducible | capable of being reduced | herleidbaar |
regulated | controlled or governed according to rule or principle or law | gereglementeerd |
relaxed | without strain or anxiety | relaxed |
relevant | having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue | desbetreffende |
relevant | having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue | relevant |
relevant | having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue | relevant |
remediable | capable of being remedied or redressed | herstelbaar |
remediable | capable of being remedied or redressed | herstelbaar |
reparable | capable of being repaired or rectified | herstelbaar |
repentant | feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds | berouwvol |
repentant | feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds | berouwvol |
replaceable | capable of being replaced | vervangbaar |
replaceable | capable of being replaced | vervangbaar |
reputable | having a good reputation | achtenswaardig |
reputable | having a good reputation | gerenommeerd |
requested | asked for | gevraagd |
requested | asked for | gevraagd |
resentful | full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will | haatdragend |
resentful | full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will | verbitterd |
respiratory | pertaining to respiration | respiratoir |
restful | affording physical or mental rest | rustgevend |
restful | affording physical or mental rest | rustgevend |
retarded | relatively slow in mental or emotional or physical development | achtergebleven |
reticular | resembling or forming a network | reticulair |
retractile | capable of retraction; capable of being drawn back | intrekbaar |
revocable | capable of being revoked or annulled | herroepelijk |
rhombic | resembling a rhombus | ruitvormig |
rhomboidal | shaped like a rhombus or rhomboid | ruitvormig |
ridged | having a ridge or shaped like a ridge or suggesting the keel of a ship | geribbeld |
rimmed | having a rim or a rim of a specified kind | hoornen |
romaic | relating to modern Greece or its inhabitants or its language | romaans |
romance | relating to languages derived from Latin | romaans |
romani | of or relating to the Gypsies or their language or culture | romaans |
romanic | of or relating to or derived from Rome (especially ancient Rome) | romaans |
romanic | of or relating to or derived from Rome (especially ancient Rome) | romaans |
romansh | of or relating to the Romansh language | romaans |
romish | of or relating to or supporting Romanism | Rooms |
romish | of or relating to or supporting Romanism | paaps |
rotational | of or pertaining to rotation | roterend |
rotatory | of or relating to or characteristic or causing an axial or orbital turn | roterend |
rupicolous | composed of or inscribed on rock | kalkminnend |
rusted | having accumulated rust | verroest |
rusted | having accumulated rust | verroest |
sacramental | of or relating to or involving a sacrament | sacramenteel |
sadistic | deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from inflicting pain on another | sadistisch |
sadistic | deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from inflicting pain on another | sadistisch |
sadomasochistic | of or relating to sadomasochism | sadomasochistisch |
salable | capable of being sold; fit for sale | verkoopbaar |
saleable | capable of being sold; fit for sale | verkoopbaar |
salvadoran | of or relating to or characteristic of El Salvador or its people | Salvadoraans |
salvadorean | of or relating to or characteristic of El Salvador or its people | Salvadoraans |
sanitised | made sanitary | aseptisch |
saponaceous | resembling or having the qualities of soap | zeepachtig |
sarcastic | expressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds | sarcastisch |
sarcastic | expressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds | sarcastisch |
satanic | extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell | satanisch |
satanic | extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell | satanisch |
saudi | of or relating to Saudi Arabia or its people | Saudisch |
saudi | of or relating to Saudi Arabia or its people | Saudisch |
saudi-arabian | of or relating to Saudi Arabia or its people | Saudi-Arabisch |
scheduled | planned or scheduled for some certain time or times | gepland |
scheduled | planned or scheduled for some certain time or times | gepland |
schismatic | of or relating to or involved in or characteristic of schism | schismatiek |
schismatic | of or relating to or involved in or characteristic of schism | schismatiek |
schismatical | of or relating to or involved in or characteristic of schism | schismatiek |
seasonal | occurring at or dependent on a particular season | seizoengebonden |
seaworthy | fit for a sea voyage | zeewaardig |
seaworthy | fit for a sea voyage | zeewaardig |
seductive | tending to entice into a desired action or state | verleidelijk |
seductive | tending to entice into a desired action or state | verleidelijk |
seismological | of or concerned with seismology | seismologisch |
self-centered | limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs | egocentrisch |
self-centred | limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs | egocentrisch |
selfish | concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others | egoïstisch |
selfish | concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others | egoïstisch |
semantic | of or relating to meaning or the study of meaning | semantisch |
semantic | of or relating to meaning or the study of meaning | semantisch |
seminiferous | bearing or producing seed or semen | geleidend |
semiotic | of or relating to semiotics | semiotisch |
sensorial | involving or derived from the senses | sensorisch |
sensorial | involving or derived from the senses | zintuiglijk |
serologic | of or relating to serology | serologisch |
serological | of or relating to serology | serologisch |
sex-linked | concerning characteristics that are determined by genes carried on the sex chromosomes (on the X chromosome in particular) | geslachtsgebonden |
seychellois | of the Seychelles or their people | Seychels |
shambolic | (British slang) disorderly or chaotic | wanordelijk |
shapely | having a well-proportioned and pleasing shape | welgevormd |
shaved | having the beard or hair cut off close to the skin | geschoren |
shaven | having the beard or hair cut off close to the skin | geschoren |
shorn | having the hair or wool cut or clipped off as if with shears or clippers | geschoren |
siberian | of or relating to or characteristic of Siberia or the Siberians | Siberisch |
siberian | of or relating to or characteristic of Siberia or the Siberians | Siberisch |
silenced | reduced to silence | monddood |
siliceous | relating to or containing or resembling silica | kiezelhoudend |
sisterly | like or characteristic of or befitting a sister | zusterlijk |
sisterly | like or characteristic of or befitting a sister | zusterlijk |
skilled | having or showing or requiring special skill | geschoold |
slippy | causing or tending to cause things to slip or slide | glibberig |
smokeless | emitting or containing little or no smoke | rookvrij |
smokeless | emitting or containing little or no smoke | rookvrij |
snow-capped | (of mountains) capped with a covering of snow | besneeuwd |
socialist | advocating or following the socialist principles | socialistisch |
socialist | advocating or following the socialist principles | socialistisch |
socialistic | advocating or following the socialist principles | socialistisch |
socialistic | advocating or following the socialist principles | socialistisch |
sociocultural | relating to both social and cultural matters | sociaal-cultureel |
sociological | of or relating to or determined by sociology | sociologisch |
sociological | of or relating to or determined by sociology | sociologisch |
socratic | of or relating to Socrates or to his method of teaching | socratisch |
socratic | of or relating to Socrates or to his method of teaching | socratisch |
soiled | soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime | besmeurd |
solved | explained or answered; problems resolved and unresolved" | gemaakt |
somalian | of or relating to the African republic of Somalia or its people or their language and culture | Somalisch |
somalian | of or relating to the African republic of Somalia or its people or their language and culture | Somalisch |
sonant | produced with vibration of the vocal cords; | stemhebbend |
sorrowful | experiencing or marked by or expressing sorrow especially that associated with irreparable loss | bedroefd |
soteriological | of or relating to soteriology | soteriologisch |
south_african | of or pertaining to or characteristic of South Africa or its people | Zuid-Afrikaans |
south_american | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the continent or countries of South America or their peoples | Zuid-Amerikaans |
spacial | pertaining to or involving or having the nature of space | ruimtelijk |
spacial | pertaining to or involving or having the nature of space | ruimtelijk |
spatial | pertaining to or involving or having the nature of space | ruimtelijk |
spatial | pertaining to or involving or having the nature of space | ruimtelijk |
specialised | developed or designed for a special activity or function | gespecialiseerd |
specialised | developed or designed for a special activity or function | gespecialiseerd |
specialized | developed or designed for a special activity or function | gespecialiseerd |
specialized | developed or designed for a special activity or function | gespecialiseerd |
spectrographic | relating to or employing a spectrograph | spectrografisch |
spermicidal | destructive to spermatozoa | zaaddodend |
spoken | uttered through the medium of speech or characterized by speech; sometimes used in combination | gesproken |
spoken | uttered through the medium of speech or characterized by speech; sometimes used in combination | uitgesproken |
sporadic | recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances | sporadisch |
sporadic | recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances | sporadisch |
stalinist | of or relating to Joseph Stalin or his times | stalinistisch |
statistical | of or relating to statistics | statistisch |
statistical | of or relating to statistics | statistisch |
stimulative | capable of arousing or accelerating physiological or psychological activity or response by a chemical agent | stimulerend |
strategical | relating to or concerned with strategy | strategisch |
strategical | relating to or concerned with strategy | strategisch |
studied | produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation | bestudeerd |
studied | produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation | gestudeerd |
styleless | lacking in style or elegance | stijlloos |
subarctic | of or relating to latitudes just south of the Arctic Circle | subarctisch |
subarctic | of or relating to latitudes just south of the Arctic Circle | subarctisch |
subcutaneous | relating to or located below the epidermis | cilindervormig |
subjacent | lying nearby but lower | onderliggend |
sublittoral | of or relating to the region of the continental shelf (between the seashore and the edge of the continental shelf) or the marine organisms situated there | sublitoraal |
subsequent | following in time or order | daaropvolgend |
subsequent | following in time or order | volgend |
subsequent | following in time or order | volgend |
subsonic | (of speed) less than that of sound in a designated medium | subsonisch |
subsonic | (of speed) less than that of sound in a designated medium | subsonisch |
subtropic | of or relating to or characteristic of conditions in the subtropics | subtropisch |
subtropical | of or relating to or characteristic of conditions in the subtropics | subtropisch |
subtropical | of or relating to or characteristic of conditions in the subtropics | subtropisch |
sudden | happening without warning or in a short space of time | plots |
sudden | happening without warning or in a short space of time | plotseling |
sudden | happening without warning or in a short space of time | plotseling |
sufficient | of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant | toereikend |
sufficient | of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant | voldoend |
sugary | containing sugar | suikerachtig |
sugary | containing sugar | suikerhoudend |
sumerian | of or relating to ancient Sumer or its inhabitants | Samaritaans |
summery | belonging to or characteristic of or occurring in summer | zomers |
summery | belonging to or characteristic of or occurring in summer | zomers |
superhuman | above or beyond the human or demanding more than human power or endurance | bovenmenselijk |
superhuman | above or beyond the human or demanding more than human power or endurance | bovenmenselijk |
supernatural | not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material | bovennatuurlijk |
supernatural | not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material | bovennatuurlijk |
supernaturalist | of or relating to supernaturalism | supernaturalistisch |
supernaturalistic | of or relating to supernaturalism | bovennatuurlijk |
supportive | furnishing support or assistance | ondersteunend |
supportive | furnishing support or assistance | ondersteunend |
suppurative | relating to or characterized by suppuration | purulent |
surmounted | having something on top | overwonnen |
surprised | taken unawares or suddenly and feeling wonder or astonishment | verbaasd |
surprised | taken unawares or suddenly and feeling wonder or astonishment | verrast |
surprised | taken unawares or suddenly and feeling wonder or astonishment | verwonderd |
surprising | causing surprise or wonder or amazement | verbazingwekkend |
surprising | causing surprise or wonder or amazement | verwonderlijk |
suspected | believed likely | vermoedelijk |
suspected | believed likely | vermoedelijk |
swiss | of or relating to Switzerland or its people or culture | Zwitsers |
swiss | of or relating to Switzerland or its people or culture | Zwitsers |
syllogistic | of or relating to or consisting of syllogism | syllogistisch |
syllogistic | of or relating to or consisting of syllogism | syllogistisch |
synchronal | occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase | synchroon |
syntactical | of or relating to or conforming to the rules of syntax | syntactisch |
syntactical | of or relating to or conforming to the rules of syntax | syntactisch |
syntagmatic | related as members of a syntagma | syntagmatisch |
syphilitic | of or relating to or infected with syphilis | syfilitisch |
taciturn | habitually reserved and uncommunicative | zwijgzaam |
talented | endowed with talent or talents | getalenteerd |
talented | endowed with talent or talents | getalenteerd |
tanzanian | of or relating to the republic of Tanzania or its people | Tanzaniaans |
tanzanian | of or relating to the republic of Tanzania or its people | Tanzaniaans |
tasty | pleasing to the sense of taste | smaakvol |
taxonomic | of or relating to taxonomy | taxonomisch |
taxonomical | of or relating to taxonomy | taxonomisch |
teleological | of or relating to teleology | teleologisch |
teleological | of or relating to teleology | teleologisch |
tellurian | of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea or air | aards |
terminological | of or concerning terminology | terminologisch |
terminological | of or concerning terminology | terminologisch |
tetragonal | of or relating to or shaped like a quadrilateral | vierhoekig |
tetravalent | haveing a valence of four | staalgrijs |
teutonic | of or pertaining to the ancient Teutons or their languages | Teutoons |
teutonic | of or pertaining to the ancient Teutons or their languages | Teutoons |
thalloid | of or relating to or resembling or consisting of a thallus | taxonomisch |
theistic | of or relating to theism | theïstisch |
theocratic | of or relating to or being a theocracy | theocratisch |
theocratic | of or relating to or being a theocracy | theocratisch |
theological | of or relating to or concerning theology | theologisch |
theological | of or relating to or concerning theology | theologisch |
theosophical | of or relating to theosophy | theosofisch |
therapeutical | relating to or involved in therapy | therapeutisch |
thermodynamical | of or concerned with thermodynamics | thermodynamisch |
thermoelectric | involving or resulting from thermoelectricity | thermo-elektrisch |
thermometric | of or relating to thermometry | thermometrisch |
thermoplastic | having the property of softening or fusing when heated and of hardening and becoming rigid again when cooled | thermoplastisch |
thermoplastic | having the property of softening or fusing when heated and of hardening and becoming rigid again when cooled | thermoplastisch |
thermoset | having the property of becoming permanently hard and rigid when heated or cured | thermohardend |
thermosetting | having the property of becoming permanently hard and rigid when heated or cured | thermohardend |
thespian | of or relating to drama | tragisch |
thinkable | capable of being conceived or imagined or considered | denkbaar |
thinkable | capable of being conceived or imagined or considered | denkbaar |
toll-free | having no toll levied for its use | gratis |
toll-free | having no toll levied for its use | tolvrij |
topped | having a top of a specified character | bekroond |
tortious | of or pertaining to the nature of a tort | onrechtmatig |
totalistic | of or relating to the principles of totalitarianism according to which the state regulates every realm of life | totalitair |
transpolar | extending across or crossing either pole | transpolair |
tribal | relating to or characteristic of a tribe | tribaal |
tribal | relating to or characteristic of a tribe | tribaal |
trivalent | having a valence of three | driewaardig |
trivalent | having a valence of three | driewaardig |
trivalent | having a valence of three | trivalent |
trivalent | having a valence of three | trivalent |
tsarist | of or relating to or characteristic of a czar | tsaristisch |
tsaristic | of or relating to or characteristic of a czar | tsaristisch |
tucked | having tucked or being tucked | verscholen |
tuneless | not having a musical sound or pleasing tune | onwelluidend |
two-footed | having two feet | tweebenig |
two-year | having a life cycle lasting two seasons | tweejarig |
typographic | relating to or occurring or used in typography | typografisch |
typographic | relating to or occurring or used in typography | typografisch |
typographical | relating to or occurring or used in typography | typografisch |
typographical | relating to or occurring or used in typography | typografisch |
tzarist | of or relating to or characteristic of a czar | tsaristisch |
umbelliferous | relating to or belonging to plants of the family Umbelliferae | schermbloemig |
unaccessible | capable of being reached only with great difficulty or not at all | ontoegankelijk |
unaddressed | not addressed | ongeadresseerd |
unadvisable | not prudent or wise; not recommended | ongeraden |
unaesthetic | violating aesthetic canons or requirements; deficient in tastefulness or beauty | onesthetisch |
unalike | not alike or similar | verschillend |
unaltered | remaining in an original state | onbewerkt |
unaltered | remaining in an original state | ongewijzigd |
unaltered | remaining in an original state | ongewijzigd |
unaltered | remaining in an original state | onveranderd |
unamended | (of legislation) not amended | ongewijzigd |
unamended | (of legislation) not amended | ongewijzigd |
unashamed | used of persons or their behavior; feeling no shame | onbeschaamd |
unashamed | used of persons or their behavior; feeling no shame | schaamteloos |
unassertive | inclined to timidity or lack of self-confidence | assertief |
unavenged | for which vengeance has not been taken | ongewroken |
unbaptised | not having undergone the Christian ritual of baptism | ongedoopt |
unbaptized | not having undergone the Christian ritual of baptism | ongedoopt |
unbaptized | not having undergone the Christian ritual of baptism | ongedoopt |
unblemished | free from physical or moral spots or stains | onbevlekt |
unblemished | free from physical or moral spots or stains | onbevlekt |
unblemished | free from physical or moral spots or stains | smetteloos |
unblended | not blended or mixed together | ongemengd |
unborn | not yet brought into existence | ongeboren |
unbreakable | impossible to break especially under ordinary usage | onbreekbaar |
unchangeable | not changeable or subject to change | onveranderbaar |
unchangeable | not changeable or subject to change | onveranderlijk |
unchangeable | not changeable or subject to change | onveranderlijk |
uncharacteristic | distinctive and not typical | atypisch |
uncharacteristic | distinctive and not typical | ongebruikelijk |
uncharitable | lacking love and generosity | liefdeloos |
unclothed | not wearing clothing | ontkleed |
uncomparable | such that comparison is impossible; unsuitable for comparison or lacking features that can be compared | onvergelijkbaar |
uncompromising | not making concessions | compromisloos |
unconcealed | not concealed or hidden | onverholen |
unconfirmed | not finally established or settled | onbevestigd |
unconfirmed | not finally established or settled | onbevestigd |
unconstitutional | not consistent with or according to a constitution; contrary to the U.S. Constitution | ongrondwettig |
uncontested | not disputed and not made the object of contention or competition | onbetwist |
uncontroversial | not likely to arouse controversy | onomstreden |
uncrowded | having or allowing sufficient room | dunbevolkt |
undamaged | not harmed or spoiled; sound | onbeschadigd |
undamaged | not harmed or spoiled; sound | onbeschadigd |
undefeated | victorious | ongeslagen |
undefeated | victorious | ongeslagen |
undemocratic | not in agreement with or according to democratic doctrine or practice or ideals | ondemocratisch |
undemocratic | not in agreement with or according to democratic doctrine or practice or ideals | ondemocratisch |
undeniable | not possible to deny | onbetwistbaar |
undeniable | not possible to deny | onloochenbaar |
undeniable | not possible to deny | onmiskenbaar |
undesigned | not done or made or performed with purpose or intent | onopzettelijk |
undifferentiated | not differentiated | ongedifferentieerd |
undifferentiated | not differentiated | ongedifferentieerd |
undignified | lacking dignity | onwaardig |
undiluted | not diluted | onverdund |
undiluted | not diluted | onverdund |
undiscriminating | not discriminating | onpartijdig |
undrinkable | unsuitable for drinking | ondrinkbaar |
unearned | not gained by merit or labor or service | onverdiend |
unearned | not gained by merit or labor or service | onverdiend |
uneatable | not suitable for food | oneetbaar |
unedifying | not edifying | verheffend |
unedifying | not edifying | vreugdeloos |
uneducated | not having a good education | ongeschoold |
uneducated | not having a good education | ongeschoold |
uneducated | not having a good education | onopgevoed |
uneducated | not having a good education | volks |
unendowed | not equipped or provided | gespeend |
unendurable | incapable of being put up with | ondraaglijk |
unethical | not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior | onethisch |
unethical | not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior | onethisch |
unexpected | not expected or anticipated | onverwacht |
unexpected | not expected or anticipated | onverwacht |
unexploited | undeveloped or unused | onbenut |
unexploited | undeveloped or unused | onbenut |
unfamiliar | not known or well known | onbemind |
unflattering | showing or representing unfavorably | geflatteerd |
unforgettable | impossible to forget | onvergetelijk |
unforgettable | impossible to forget | onvergetelijk |
unfurnished | not equipped with what is needed especially furniture | ongemeubileerd |
unfurnished | not equipped with what is needed especially furniture | ongemeubileerd |
ungrammatical | not grammatical; not conforming to the rules of grammar or accepted usage | grammaticaal |
ungrammatical | not grammatical; not conforming to the rules of grammar or accepted usage | ongrammaticaal |
unhallowed | not hallowed or consecrated | ongewijd |
unhardened | not brought to a proper consistency or hardness | ongehard |
unharmonious | not in harmony | conflictueus |
unhearable | impossible to hear; imperceptible by the ear | onhoorbaar |
unheeding | marked by or paying little heed or attention; we know now that it is bad economics"--Franklin D. Roosevelt | onachtzaam |
unhelpful | providing no assistance | nutteloos |
unhelpful | providing no assistance | nutteloos |
unicellular | having or consisting of a single cell | eencellig |
unimpaired | not damaged or diminished in any respect | onaangetast |
unimpaired | not damaged or diminished in any respect | onberispelijk |
unimpressive | not capable of impressing | indrukwekkend |
uninhibited | not inhibited or restrained | onbevangen |
uninjured | not injured physically or mentally | ongedeerd |
uninspiring | depressing to the spirit | ongeïnspireerd |
uninsured | not covered by insurance | onverzekerd |
uninsured | not covered by insurance | onverzekerd |
unintelligent | lacking intelligence | onintelligent |
unipolar | having a single pole | eenpolig |
unipolar | having a single pole | unipolair |
unipolar | having a single pole | unipolair |
unitarian | of or relating to or characterizing Unitarianism | unitair |
unitarian | of or relating to or characterizing Unitarianism | unitaristisch |
universalist | of or relating to or tending toward universalism | danig |
univocal | admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion | eenduidig |
unlivable | unfit or unsuitable to live in or with | onleefbaar |
unliveable | unfit or unsuitable to live in or with | onleefbaar |
unlogical | lacking in correct logical relation | onlogisch |
unloved | not loved | onbemind |
unloving | not giving or reciprocating affection | liefdeloos |
unmade | (of a bed) not having the sheets and blankets set in order | onverhard |
unmanned | lacking a crew | onbemand |
unmanned | lacking a crew | onbemand |
unmarried | not married or related to the unmarried state | ongehuwd |
unmarried | not married or related to the unmarried state | ongehuwd |
unmarried | not married or related to the unmarried state | ongetrouwd |
unmarried | not married or related to the unmarried state | ongetrouwd |
unmitigated | not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity; sometimes used as an intensifier | regelrecht |
unmodifiable | incapable of being modified in form or character or strength (especially by making less extreme) | onveranderlijk |
unmodified | not changed in form or character | ongewijzigd |
unmodified | not changed in form or character | ongewijzigd |
unmodified | not changed in form or character | onveranderd |
unmotorised | having no motor | gemotoriseerd |
unneeded | not necessary | onnodig |
unobstructed | free from impediment or obstruction or hindrance | onbelemmerd |
unobtrusive | not obtrusive or undesirably noticeable | onopvallend |
unobtrusive | not obtrusive or undesirably noticeable | onopvallend |
unpackaged | not packaged or put into packets | onverpakt |
unpackaged | not packaged or put into packets | onverpakt |
unpalatable | not pleasant or acceptable to the taste or mind | onverkwikkelijk |
unpalatable | not pleasant or acceptable to the taste or mind | onverteerbaar |
unpardonable | not admitting of pardon | onvergeeflijk |
unpardonable | not admitting of pardon | onvergeeflijk |
unparented | having no parent or parents or not cared for by parent surrogates | ouderloos |
unpaved | not having a paved surface | onverhard |
unpaved | not having a paved surface | onverhard |
unplayable | not capable of or suitable for being played or played on | onspeelbaar |
unpleasant | disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings | onaangenaam |
unpleasant | disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings | onaangenaam |
unpleasant | disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings | onplezierig |
unpleasant | disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings | onprettig |
unpopular | regarded with disfavor or lacking general approval | impopulair |
unpopular | regarded with disfavor or lacking general approval | impopulair |
unportable | not portable; not easily moved or transported | niet-overdraagbaar |
unprecedented | having no precedent; novel | ongekend |
unprecedented | having no precedent; novel | ongekend |
unprejudiced | free from undue bias or preconceived opinions | onbevangen |
unprejudiced | free from undue bias or preconceived opinions | onbevooroordeeld |
unprepared | without preparation; not prepared for | onvoorbereid |
unprofitable | producing little or no profit or gain | onrendabel |
unprofitable | producing little or no profit or gain | onrendabel |
unprotected | lacking protection or defense | onbeschermd |
unprotected | lacking protection or defense | onbeschermd |
unpublished | not published | onuitgegeven |
unquotable | not able or fit to be repeated or quoted | onbeleefd |
unrealistic | not realistic | onrealistisch |
unrealistic | not realistic | onrealistisch |
unreconcilable | impossible to reconcile | onverzoenlijk |
unrecoverable | incapable of being recovered or regained | onherstelbaar |
unrecoverable | incapable of being recovered or regained | onherstelbaar |
unreflected | (especially of incident sound or light) not turned back by physical reflection | ondoordacht |
unreplaceable | impossible to replace | onvervangbaar |
unrighteous | not righteous | onrechtvaardig |
unrighteous | not righteous | zondig |
unsalable | impossible to sell | onverkoopbaar |
unsaleable | impossible to sell | onverkoopbaar |
unsatisfactory | not giving satisfaction | onbevredigend |
unsatisfactory | not giving satisfaction | onbevredigend |
unscrupulous | without scruples or principles | gewetenloos |
unscrupulous | without scruples or principles | gewetenloos |
unseaworthy | unfit for a voyage | onzeewaardig |
unseaworthy | unfit for a voyage | zeewaardig |
unselected | not selected | uitgeschakeld |
unshaved | not shaved | ongeschoren |
unshaven | not shaved | ongeschoren |
unshorn | not sheared | ongeschoren |
unshrinkable | incapable of being shrunk or diminished or reduced | krimpvrij |
unsigned | lacking a signature | ongetekend |
unsociable | not inclined to society or companionship | mensenschuw |
unsocial | not seeking or given to association; being or living without companions | onmaatschappelijk |
unstatesmanlike | not statesmanlike | onwaardig |
unstoppable | not capable of being stopped | onstuitbaar |
unstratified | not deposited in layers | ongelaagd |
unstressed | not bearing a stress or accent | onbeklemtoond |
unsubstantial | lacking material form or substance; unreal | onstoffelijk |
unsupervised | not supervised or under constant observation | onbewaakt |
unsurprising | not causing surprise | verbazingwekkend |
unsurprising | not causing surprise | verwonderlijk |
unsuspected | not suspected or believed likely | onvermoed |
unsuspected | not suspected or believed likely | onvermoed |
unsystematic | lacking systematic arrangement or method or organization | onsystematisch |
unsystematic | lacking systematic arrangement or method or organization | onsystematisch |
untamed | in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated | ongetemd |
untamed | in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated | ongetemd |
unthinkable | incapable of being conceived or considered | ondenkbaar |
untidy | not neat and tidy | onordelijk |
untidy | not neat and tidy | vlotjes |
untoughened | physically untoughened | ongehard |
untraceable | incapable of being traced or tracked down | onvindbaar |
untranslatable | not capable of being put into another form or style or language | onvertaalbaar |
untranslatable | not capable of being put into another form or style or language | onvertaalbaar |
unvaried | lacking variety | onveranderd |
unvaried | lacking variety | onveranderlijk |
unwomanly | not womanly | onvrouwelijk |
unwomanly | not womanly | onvrouwelijk |
unwrapped | not yet wrapped or having the wrapping removed | ongeopend |
unwrapped | not yet wrapped or having the wrapping removed | onverpakt |
unwrapped | not yet wrapped or having the wrapping removed | voorverpakt |
uruguayan | of or relating to or characteristic of Uruguay or its people | Uruguayaans |
uruguayan | of or relating to or characteristic of Uruguay or its people | Uruguayaans |
useless | having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefully | nutteloos |
useless | having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefully | nutteloos |
useless | having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefully | zinloos |
utopian | of or pertaining to or resembling a utopia | utopisch |
utopian | of or pertaining to or resembling a utopia | utopisch |
uvular | of or relating to or associated with the uvula | uvulair |
vaginal | of or relating to the vagina | vaginaal |
vascular | of or relating to or having vessels that conduct and circulate fluids | coronair |
vascular | of or relating to or having vessels that conduct and circulate fluids | vasculair |
vascular | of or relating to or having vessels that conduct and circulate fluids | vasculair |
venereal | of or relating to the external sex organs | venerisch |
venereal | of or relating to the external sex organs | venerisch |
venetian | of or relating to or characteristic of Venice or its people | Venetiaans |
venetian | of or relating to or characteristic of Venice or its people | Venetiaans |
venezuelan | of or relating to or characteristic of Venezuela or its people | Venezolaans |
venezuelan | of or relating to or characteristic of Venezuela or its people | Venezolaans |
venous | of or contained in or performing the function of the veins | aderlijk |
venous | of or contained in or performing the function of the veins | aderlijk |
vertebral | of or relating to or constituting vertebrae | vertebraal |
vertebrate | having a backbone or spinal column | gewerveld |
vertebrate | having a backbone or spinal column | gewerveld |
veterinary | of or relating to veterinarians or veterinary medicine | diergeneeskundig |
viennese | of or relating to or characteristic of Vienna or its inhabitants | Weens |
viennese | of or relating to or characteristic of Vienna or its inhabitants | Weens |
voiced | produced with vibration of the vocal cords; | stemhebbend |
voiced | produced with vibration of the vocal cords; | stemhebbend |
voltaic | pertaining to or producing electric current by chemical action | galvanisch |
vulpine | resembling or characteristic of a fox | listig |
walk-on | not capable of or especially not involving speech or spoken lines | begaanbaar |
waning | (of the Moon) pertaining to the period during which the visible surface of the moon decreases | afnemend |
warmhearted | marked by warmth of feeling like kindness and sympathy and generosity | warmhartig |
washable | capable of being washed without injury | afwasbaar |
washable | capable of being washed without injury | wasbaar |
weaned | freed of dependence on something especially (for mammals) mother's milk | gespeend |
weaned | freed of dependence on something especially (for mammals) mother's milk | gespeend |
wigged | wearing a wig | gepruikt |
wingless | lacking wings | ongevleugeld |
wintery | characteristic of or occurring in winter | winters |
woolen | of or related to or made of wool | wollen |
woollen | of or related to or made of wool | wollen |
wrinkly | marked by wrinkles | gerimpeld |
wrinkly | marked by wrinkles | kreukelig |
wrinkly | marked by wrinkles | rimpelig |
wrinkly | marked by wrinkles | rimpelig |
xeric | being deficient in moisture | kalkminnend |
yemeni | of or relating to or characteristic of Yemen or its inhabitants | Jemenitisch |
yemeni | of or relating to or characteristic of Yemen or its inhabitants | Jemenitisch |
yugoslav | of or relating to or characteristic of the former country of Yugoslavia or its people or languages | Joegoslavisch |
yugoslav | of or relating to or characteristic of the former country of Yugoslavia or its people or languages | Joegoslavisch |
yugoslavian | of or relating to or characteristic of the former country of Yugoslavia or its people or languages | Joegoslavisch |
yugoslavian | of or relating to or characteristic of the former country of Yugoslavia or its people or languages | Joegoslavisch |
zambian | of or relating to or characteristic of Zambia or its people | Zambiaans |
zimbabwean | of or relating to or characteristic of Zimbabwe or its people | Zimbabwaans |
zodiacal | relating to or included in the zodiac | zodiakaal |