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Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkgelegenheid (NOW)

From michaelbeijer.co.uk

See also:


  • Tijdelijke noodmaatregel overbrugging voor behoud van werkgelegenheid[1]
  • Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkgelegenheid
  • NOW
  • NOW-regeling
  • regeling NOW
  • Tijdelijke Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkbehoud NOW


  • Temporary Emergency Measure for the Preservation of Jobs (NOW)
  • NOW scheme
  • Dutch Temporary Emergency Measure Scheme to safeguard the Preservation of Jobs

Juridisch-Economisch Lexicon (JurLex)

Tijdelijke Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkbehoud (NOW) = Temporary Emergency Bridging Measure for Sustained Employment  

1. The implementation of a temporary scheme allowing companies to apply for help in paying their labour costs (Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment)

Any company that expects to lose at least 20 per cent of its revenue may apply with the Employee Insurance Agency for an allowance that will enable it to pay its employees' wages for three months (up to a maximum of 90 per cent of the company's wage bill, depending on the loss of turnover). The Employee Insurance Agency will provide the company with an advance amounting to 80 per cent of the requested allowance. This will allow companies to keep paying their employees' salaries. In order to be eligible, companies must not dismiss any employees from their jobs for economic reasons during the period covered by the allowance. This Temporary Emergency Measure for the Preservation of Jobs (NOW) will enter into effect as soon as possible and will supersede the current Regulation for Reduction in Working Hours (regeling werktijdverkorting). As of today, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment will no longer accept applications for the latter. Applications previously submitted but not yet processed will be processed in accordance with the new scheme. Companies are welcome to apply for an allowance for any drop in turnover they may have experienced since 1 March.


Do you employ staff and do you suffer a substantial turnover loss as a result of the corona crisis? You can claim a compensation towards wages from NOW: Temporary Emergency Bridging Measure for Sustained Employment (Tijdelijke Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkbehoud NOW).

The NOW-scheme replaces the unemployment benefit during short-time working (wtv). You can no longer apply for unemployment benefit during short-time working.
