Michaellaneous Terms
- alinea (tekstgedeelte)
- paragraph
- decoratiestuk
- decorative piece, decorative item, ornament[1], compositional element
- doen ontstaan
- to cause
- eiser in conventie, gedaagde in reconventie
- the plaintiff in the main action, defendant in the counterclaim[2]
- gemaximeerd
- capped
- goodwill[3]
- goodwill
- oognietje, oogniet, oognieten
- loop staple
- knooppunt
- node
- preciseren
- specify precisely
- pro-fisco, pro fisco (Belgian)
- for tax purposes[4]
- rechtsonzekerheid
- legal uncertainty
- ‘uncertainty experienced by the parties with respect to the outcome of a litigation or in the context of laws and regulations’ (IATE)
- rechtsplegingsakte, akte van rechtspleging (Belgian Dutch)
- court document
- schranklader, schrank-lader, schrank lader
- skid loader, skid-steer loader or skidsteer
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skid-steer_loader
- vakwoord
- specialist term
- uitbatingsvergunning
- operating licence
- woordgroep analyse
- phrasal analysis
- aandelen zonder vermelding van waarde
- shares without nominal value
- shares that do not have a nominal value ascribed to them
- no par value shares[5]
- killing efficiency
- dodingsefficiëntie; dodingsrendement; efficiëntie/rendement bij het doden
- machine translation
- automatische vertaling; computervertaling[6]
- material subsidiary
- belangrijke dochteronderneming (see https://www.proz.com/kudoz/english-to-dutch/business-commerce-general/2085445-material-subsidiary.html)
- μL (also written as ‘μl’)
- microlitre (see e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litre)
- repelling groin [HYDROL., CIV.ENG.]
- declinante krib[7] (GWIT: diclinante krib)
- sensitizing
- sensibiliserend, overgevoelig makend, gevoelig makend, ontvankelijk makend
- specify
- specificeren; omschrijven (heel precies); noemen; precies vermelden/omschrijven/noemen, (in een bestek) opnemen
- throat bander, throat band
- slangklem
- vapor pressure; vapour pressure
- dampspanning
- car overtravel distance
- Überfahrweg[8]
- ↑ ornament: A thing used or serving to make something look more attractive but usually having no practical purpose, especially a small object such as a figurine.
- ↑ https://www.proz.com/kudoz/dutch-to-english/law-general/1269909-eiser-in-conventie-gedaagde-in-reconventie.html
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodwill_(accounting)
- ↑ https://www.proz.com/kudoz/flemish-to-english/bus-financial/627730-pro-fisco.html
- ↑ The main thrust of this report is to recommend that the legislative requirement that all shares be given a nominal value should be relaxed so that if a company proposes to issue shares it may, on the one band, elect to ascribe a nominal value to all of its ordinary shares or all of its, preference shares or, on the other band, to allot all of its ordinary shares or all of its Preference shares as shares without nominal value. In commercial circles "nominal value" is sometimes referred to as "par value". The two expressions mean the same thing. Shares that do not have a nominal value ascribed to them are referred to as "no par value shares". (https://www.takeovers.gov.au/content/Resources/cslrc/cslrc_report_no_11.aspx)
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_translation = https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computervertaling
- ↑ Krib - BETEKENIS & DEFINITIE (waterb.), dam, welke, als onderdeel van de normaliseering van een rivier, daarin van den oever af wordt uitgebouwd, om de breedte van de rivier te beperken en daardoor de diepte te vergrooten. Naar gelang de as van de krib loodrecht op den oever is gericht, dan wel een weinig stroomopwaarts of stroomafwaarts, spreekt men van perpendiculaire, inclinante of declinante krib. De afstand van de kribben houdt verband met de breedte van de rivier. https://www.ensie.nl/katholieke-encyclopaedie/krib
- ↑ https://glossar.item24.com/en/glossary-index/article/item//car-overtravel-distance-1.html