subjects list (1,235 entries)
Category | Abbreviation |
General | gen. |
Computers | comp. |
Geology | geol. |
Biology | biol. |
Aviation | avia. |
Zoology | zool. |
Ancient Greek | |
Nautical | nautic. |
Medical | med. |
Informal | inf. |
Poetry (terminology) | poetry |
Jargon | jarg. |
Dialectal | dial. |
American (usage, not spelling) | amer. |
French | fr. |
Ironical | ironic. |
Clerical | cleric. |
Obsolete / dated | obs. |
Figurative | fig. |
Botany | bot. |
Sports | sport. |
Eskimo (usage) | eskim. |
Poetic | poetic |
Latin | lat. |
Military | mil. |
Psychiatry | psychiat. |
Philosophy | philos. |
Mineralogy | mineral. |
Technology | tech. |
Bookish / literary | book. |
Agriculture | agric. |
Humorous / Jocular | humor. |
Spanish-American | span.-am. |
Professional jargon | prof.jarg. |
Historical | hist. |
Uncommon / rare | uncom. |
Grammar | gram. |
Chemistry | chem. |
Construction | construct. |
Anatomy | anat. |
Collective | coll. |
Mathematics | math. |
Card games | cards |
Religion | relig. |
British English (spelling) | BrE |
Meteorology | meteorol. |
Rail transport | railw. |
Law | law |
Alternative dispute resolution | law, ADR |
Commerce | commer. |
Economy | econ. |
Accounting | account. |
Pharmacology | pharm. |
Linguistics | ling. |
Finances | fin. |
Statistics | stat. |
Insurance | insur. |
Australian | austral. |
Automobiles | auto. |
Arabic language | arabic |
Archaeology | archaeol. |
Architecture | archit. |
Astronomy | astr. |
Artillery | mil., artil. |
Bacteriology | bacteriol. |
Bible | bible.term. |
Stock Exchange | st.exch. |
Veterinary medicine | |
Hungarian Language | hung.lang. |
Military lingo | mil., lingo |
Rude | rude |
Geography | geogr. |
Surveying | survey. |
Geometry | geom. |
Heraldry | herald. |
Hydrography | hydrogr. |
Dutch | Dutch |
Mining | mining. |
Greek and Roman mythology | myth., gr.-rom. |
Greek | greek.lang. |
Childish | child. |
Classical antiquity (excl. mythology) | clas.ant. |
Road works | road.wrk. |
Diplomacy | dipl. |
Painting | paint. |
Hindi | hindi |
Irish | irish.lang. |
Spanish | span. |
Art | arts. |
Italian | ital. |
Cinematography | cinema |
Cooking | cook. |
Forestry | forestr. |
Martial arts and combat sports | mart.arts |
Logic | logic |
Metallurgy | met. |
Mythology | myth. |
Gloomy | gloom. |
Music | mus. |
German | germ. |
Optics (branch of physics) | opt. |
Hunting | hunt. |
Contracts | law, contr. |
Polygraphy | polygr. |
Politics | polit. |
Contemptuous | contempt. |
Psychology | psychol. |
Radio | radio |
Russian language | russ.lang. |
Rhetoric | rhetor. |
Sanskrit | sanscr. |
Scotland | Scotl. |
Common law (Anglo-Saxon legal system) | law, |
Stylistics | stylist. |
Television | TV |
Telecommunications | telecom. |
Turkish language | turkish |
Disapproving | disappr. |
Entomology | entomol. |
Abbreviation | abbr. |
Theatre | theatre. |
Textile industry | textile |
Topography | topogr. |
University | univer. |
Physics | phys. |
Physiology | physiol. |
Phonetics | phonet. |
Photography | photo. |
Surgery | surg. |
Chess | chess.term. |
School | |
Euphemistic | euph. |
Ethnography | ethnogr. |
Electronics | el. |
Southern Chinese | s.chin. |
Slang | slang |
Persian | pers. |
Information technology | IT |
Literature | lit. |
Chinese | chinese.lang. |
Oil / petroleum | oil |
Embryology | embryol. |
Biophysics | biophys. |
Genetics | genet. |
Obstetrics | obst. |
Allergology | allergol. |
Microbiology | microbiol. |
Cardiology | cardiol. |
Anesthesiology | anaesthes. |
Ophthalmology | ophtalm. |
Radiology | radiol. |
Turkey | Turk. |
Immunology | immunol. |
Neurology | neurol. |
Gastroenterology | gastroent. |
Hematology | hemat. |
Dentistry | dentist. |
Dermatology | dermat. |
Pathology | pathol. |
Teratology | terat. |
Parasitology | parasitol. |
Cytology | cytol. |
Helminthology | helminth. |
Histology | histol. |
Biochemistry | biochem. |
Cantonese | cant. |
Laboratory equipment | lab.eq. |
Virology | virol. |
Hygiene | hygien. |
Business style | bus.styl. |
Gynecology | gynecol. |
Toxicology | toxicol. |
Oncology | oncol. |
Venereology | venereol. |
Urology | urol. |
Nephrology | nephr. |
Sexology | sexol. |
Neurosurgery | neurosurg. |
Orthopedics | orthop. |
Anthropology | anthr. |
South African | south.afr. |
Pediatrics | pediatr. |
Emphatic | emph. |
Swedish | swed. |
Czech | chech. |
Folklore | folk. |
Diminutive | dimin. |
Turk | tirk. |
College vernacular | college.vern. |
Ukrainian (usage) | ukr.usg. |
Sociology | sociol. |
Scandinavian | scandinav. |
Communications | commun. |
Gardening | garden. |
Fish farming (pisciculture) | |
Romanian | romanian.lang. |
Astronautics | astronaut. |
Beekeeping | beekeep. |
Nonstandard | nonstand. |
Portuguese | port. |
Polish | polish. |
Paleontology | paleont. |
Formal | formal |
Cartography | cartogr. |
Figure of speech | fig.of.sp. |
New Zealand | new.zeal. |
Moldavian | moldav. |
Malay | malay. |
Korean | korea. |
Leather | leath. |
Officialese | offic. |
Canada | Canada |
Ichthyology | ichtyol. |
Iceland | icel. |
Iimitative (onomatopoeic) | imitat. |
Egyptology | egypt. |
Ancient Hebrew | anc.hebr. |
Hebrew | hebr. |
Danish | dan. |
Hawaii | hawai. |
Spain | Spain |
Sublime | subl. |
Pulp and paper industry | pulp.n.paper |
Low register | low |
Banking | bank. |
Biotechnology | biotechn. |
Fiber optic | fib.optic |
Geophysics | geophys. |
Demography | demogr. |
Labor organization | |
Ritual | rit. |
Transport | transp. |
Bridge (card game) | bridge. |
Algebra | alg. |
Applied mathematics | appl.math. |
Netherlands (usage) | netherl. |
Heavy equipment vehicles | heavy.eq. |
Cybernetics | cyber. |
Polo | polo. |
Topology | topol. |
Food industry | food.ind. |
Resins | resin. |
Mechanic engineering | mech.eng. |
Silicate industry | silic. |
Nuclear and fusion power | nucl.pow. |
Aeronautics | aeron. |
Hydroelectric power stations | |
Engines | engin. |
Integrated circuits | int.circ. |
Radiolocation | radioloc. |
Metrology | metrol. |
Mechanics | mech. |
Perfume | perf. |
Strength of materials | str.mater. |
Foil ships | foil.ships |
Packaging | pack. |
Mongolian | mong. |
Thermal engineering | therm.eng. |
Knitted goods | knit.goods |
Trademark | tradem. |
Refrigeration | refrig. |
Company name | |
Sewing and clothing industry | sew. |
Ecology | ecol. |
Cathode-ray tubes | CRT |
Energy industry | energ.ind. |
Welding | weld. |
Shanghainese | shangh. |
Manchu language | manch. |
British (usage, not spelling) | brit. |
Australia | Australia |
Irish (usage, not language) | irish |
Doping | doping. |
Dragon boat | drag. |
Kick volleyball | kick.volley. |
Dragon dance | |
Croquet | croq. |
Computer numerical control | CNC |
Desert science | desert. |
Israel | Isr. |
France | France |
Japan | Jap. |
Japanese language | jap. |
Ancient French | |
Police | police |
Seismology | seism. |
Advertising | adv. |
Taxes | tax. |
Patents | patents. |
Mass media | media. |
Business | busin. |
Tectonics | tecton. |
Petrography | petrogr. |
Ore formation | ore.form. |
Geomorphology | geomorph. |
Geochemistry | geochem. |
Hydrogeology | hydrogeol. |
Crystallography | crystall. |
Lithology | lithol. |
Stratigraphy | stratigr. |
Trade classification | trd.class. |
Volcanology | volcan. |
Publishing | publish. |
Engineering | eng. |
Household appliances | house. |
Canadian | canad. |
SAP | SAP. |
Northeastern Mandarin | n.east.mand. |
Beijing dialect | beij. |
Proverb | proverb |
Drilling | dril. |
Sakhalin | O&G, sakh. |
Oil and gas technology | O&G. tech. |
Oilfields | O&G, oilfield. |
Baseball | baseb. |
Production | product. |
Postal service | post |
Criminal law | |
Audit | audit. |
Bills | bill. |
Management | manag. |
Copyright | law, copyr. |
Education | ed. |
Customs | cust. |
Industry | industr. |
Verbatim | verbat. |
Environment | environ. |
Real estate | real.est. |
Warehouse | wareh. |
Welfare & Social Security | welf. |
Inheritance law | |
Planning | plann. |
American English (spelling) | AmE |
Foreign exchange market | forex |
Microelectronics | microel. |
Investment | invest. |
Missiles | missil. |
Football | footb. |
Computer networks | comp., net. |
Solar power | sol.pow. |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | EBRD |
Polymers | polym. |
Scottish (usage) | scottish |
Austrian (usage) | austrian |
Compressors | compr. |
Vienna dialect | vien. |
Galvanoplasty | galv.plast. |
Crustacean | crust. |
Companies & Partnerships | comp. & partnerships |
Confectionery | confect. |
Canning | can. |
Criminology | crim. |
Magnetics | magn. |
Navigation | navig. |
Norway | norw. |
Occupational health & safety | OHS |
Programming | progr. |
Rhine | Rhine. |
Plumbing | plumb. |
Sugar production | sugar. |
Operation systems | op.syst. |
Transformers | transf. |
Philately / stamp collecting | philat. |
Philology | philolog. |
Swiss term | swiss. |
South German | s.germ. |
Eastern Chinese | east.chin. |
Avuncular | avunc. |
Northern German | nor.germ. |
Automated equipment | automat. |
Belarus | Belar. |
Nuclear physics | nucl.phys. |
Berlin expression | berl. |
East-Middle-German | east-mid.germ. |
South-West-German | s.w.germ. |
Middle German | mid.germ. |
Lower German | low.germ. |
Invective | invect. |
Foreign trade | |
Travel | trav. |
Black slang / African-American Vernacular | |
Jamaican English | jamaic.eng. |
Quality control and standards | qual.cont. |
Press equipment | press. |
Extrusion | extr. |
West-German | w.germ. |
Stratified plastics | strat.plast. |
Dice | dice. |
Money & world curencies | money |
Plastics | plast. |
Echinoderms | echinoderm. |
Coelenterates | coelent. |
Data processing | dat.proc. |
Socialism | social. |
Robotics | robot. |
Wood processing | wood. |
Roll stock | roll. |
Brewery | brew. |
Weapons and gunsmithing | weap. |
Semiconductors | semicond. |
Watchmaking | watchm. |
Acoustics | acoust. |
Lunfardo | lunfardo. |
Paint work | paint.w. |
Telephony | tel. |
Sanitation | sanit. |
Concrete | concr. |
Hydraulics | hydraul. |
Heating | heat. |
Sakhalin R | O&G, sahk.r. |
Oceanography & oceanology | ocean. |
Sakhalin S | O&G, sahk.s. |
Sakhalin A | O&G, sakh.a. |
Petanque | petanq. |
Tools | tools |
Scientific | scient. |
Telegraphy | telegr. |
Bricks | bricks |
News style | news |
Mathematical analysis | math.anal. |
Cables and cable production | cables |
Reliability | reliabil. |
Forensic medicine | |
Pulmonology | pulm. |
Traumatology | traumat. |
Diseases | med., dis. |
Epidemiology | med., epid. |
Endocrinology | endocr. |
Medical appliances | med.appl. |
Notarial practice | notar. |
Molluscs | moll. |
Well control | well.contr. |
Furniture | furn. |
Matches | |
Timber floating | timb.float. |
Reinforced concrete | reinf.conc. |
Hong Kong | Hong.Kong. |
Vacuum technique | vac. |
Taxation of forests | tax.for. |
Forest chemistry | for.chem. |
Logging | logging |
United Kingdom | UK |
Aerial photography and topography | aer.phot. |
Drawing | drw. |
Gravimetry | grav. |
Radiogeodesy | rad.geod. |
Weapons of mass destruction | mil., WMD |
Diesel engines | diesel. |
Quantum mechanics | quant.mech. |
Nonlinear optics | nonlin.opt. |
Genetic engineering | gen.eng. |
Chromatography | chromat. |
Electrophoresis | electrophor. |
Transplantology | transpl. |
Molecular genetics | mol.gen. |
Microscopy | microsc. |
Cytogenetics | cytog. |
Steam boilers | steam. |
Boiler equipment | boil. |
Pottery | pott. |
Tabletop games | |
Analytical chemistry | anal.chem. |
Metal physics | met.phys. |
Non-destructive testing | non-destruct.test. |
Blast-furnace practice | blast.furn. |
Open-hearth process | op.hearth. |
Mineral processing | min.proc. |
Continuous casting | cont.cast. |
Nonferrous industry | nonferr. |
Powder metallurgy | powd.met. |
Tenders | tenders |
Converter industry | conv.ind. |
Forging | forg. |
Stamping | stmp. |
Metal science | met.sci. |
Wire drawing | wire.drw. |
Radioengineering | radioeng. |
Aviation medicine | avia., med. |
International Classification of Goods and Services | NCL |
Foreign policy | for.pol. |
Labor law | |
Germany | Germ. |
East Germany | GDR |
Private international law | |
Quran | quran |
Gaelic | gaelic |
Norse mythology | myth., nors. |
Procedural law | |
Public law | |
Pulling equipment | pull.eq. |
Legal theory / Jurisprudence | |
Administrative law | |
International law | int. law. |
Old-fashioned or obsolescent | old.fash. |
Economic law | |
Civil law | |
School (terminology) | school |
Cliche / convention | cliche. |
Jewelry | jewl. |
Engineering geology | eng.geol. |
Spectroscopy | spectr. |
Solid-state physics | |
Biotaxy | biotaxy. |
Local name | |
Paleobotany | |
Subsurface mining | subsurf. |
Geochronology | geochron. |
Mineral classification | min.class. |
Mine surveying | mine.surv. |
Rollerblades | rollers. |
Geomechanics | geomech. |
Mineral products | |
Physical chemistry | phys.chem. |
Criminal jargon | crim.jarg. |
Finishing | finish. |
Makarov | Makarov. |
Archaic | arch. |
Melioration | melior. |
Soil science | soil. |
Herpetology (incl. serpentology) | herpet. |
Quantum electronics | quant.el. |
Neural networks | |
Meaning 4 | mean.4 |
Bobsley | bob. |
Grass hockey | grass.hock. |
Prefix | pref. |
Opencast mining | opencast. |
Nonwoven fabric | nonwoven. |
Kayaking | kayak. |
Port facilities | port.facil. |
Poultry farming | poultr. |
Pig breeding | pig. |
Plastic surgery | plast.surg. |
Meat processing | meat. |
Ethology | ethol. |
Alcohol distilling | acl. |
Horse breeding | hrs.brd. |
Floriculture | flor. |
Milk production | milk. |
Tribology | trib. |
Palynology | palyn. |
Aerodynamics | aerodyn. |
Wine growing | |
Mycology | mycol. |
Thermodynamics | therm. |
Bionics | bion. |
Flour production | |
Selective breeding | sel.breed. |
Derogatory | derog. |
Northern Chinese | n.chin. |
Checkers | checkers. |
Ground forces (Army) | mil., grnd.forc. |
Cockney rhyming slang | cockney |
Wales | wales |
Latin American slang | |
LGBT | lgbt |
Exclamation | excl. |
Mexican | mexic. |
Navy | mil., navy |
Northern Ireland | N.Ireland. |
North American (USA and Canada) | n.amer. |
West Indies | west.Ind. |
Thai | thai. |
Taboo expressions and obscenities | taboo |
Molikpaq | O&G, molikpaq. |
Road traffic | traf. |
Cycling (other than sport) | cycl. |
Motorcycles | moto. |
Machinery and mechanisms | mach.mech. |
Trucks/Lorries | trucks |
Circus | circus |
Security systems | sec.sys. |
Vernacular language | vernac. |
Slavonic | slavon. |
Literally | literal. |
Augmentative | augm. |
Ornithology | ornit. |
Tatar | tat. |
Gold mining | goldmin. |
Theology | theol. |
Affectionate | affect. |
Eastern Orthodoxy | rel., east.orth. |
Catholic | rel., cath. |
Tauromachy | taur. |
Andalusia | Andalus. |
Antilles | Ant. |
Aragon | Arag. |
Argentina | Arg. |
Asturias | Astur. |
High energy physics | hi.energ. |
Bolivia | Bol. |
Brazil | Braz. |
Oriental | orient. |
Venezuela | Venezuel. |
Galicia | Galic. |
Guatemala | Guatem. |
Columbia | Col. |
Costa Rica | C.-R. |
Cuba | Cuba |
Netherlands | Netherl. |
Morocco | Moroc. |
Egyptian Arabic | |
Egypt (modern state) | Egypt |
Panama | Panam. |
Peru | Peru. |
Puerto Rican Spanish | puert. |
Salvadoran Spanish | salvad. |
Otorhinolaryngology | otorhinol. |
Uruguayan Spanish | urug.sp. |
Philippines | Philipp. |
Central America | Centr.Am. |
Chile | Chil. |
Ecuador | Ecuad. |
South Asia | S.Asia |
South America | S.Amer. |
Internet | inet. |
Cryptography | cryptogr. |
Bibliography | bibliogr. |
File extension | file.ext. |
Drug name | |
World trade organization | WTO |
Firefighting and fire-control systems | fire. |
Electric machinery | el.mach. |
Power lines | pwr.lines. |
Automatic control | auto.ctrl. |
Electrothermy | el.therm. |
Measuring instruments | meas.inst. |
Isolation | isol. |
Accumulators | accum. |
Drives | drv. |
Drugs and addiction medicine | drugs |
Energy system | energ.syst. |
Energy distribution | energ.distr. |
Electric traction | el.tract. |
Switches | swtch. |
Old orthography | old.orth. |
Lighting (other than cinema) | light. |
Electrochemistry | el.chem. |
Elevators | elev. |
Telemechanics | tel.mech. |
Wiring | wir. |
Winding | wnd. |
Electromedicine | |
Signalling | signall. |
Electrometallurgy | el.met. |
Foundry | foundr. |
SAP tech. | |
SAP finance | SAP.fin. |
Drug-related slang | sl., drug. |
Oil and gas | O&G |
Gas processing plants | gas.proc. |
Industrial hygiene | indust.hyg. |
Oil processing plants | oil.proc. |
Bakery | baker. |
Ice formation | ice.form. |
Facilities | facil. |
Argot123 | argot123 |
Belgian (usage) | belg. |
Proper and figurative | prop.&figur. |
Regional usage (other than language varieties) | reg.usg. |
Choreography | choreogr. |
Astrology | astrol. |
Typography | typogr. |
Fencing | fenc. |
Modern use | modern |
Refractory materials | refr.mat. |
Glass production | glass |
Ceramics | ceram. |
Verlan | verl. |
Psychotherapy | psychother. |
Parapsychology | parapsych. |
Psychophysiology | psychophys. |
Mental health | |
Psycholinguistics | psycholing. |
Ethnopsychology | ethnopsychol. |
Logistics | logist. |
Ice hockey | hockey. |
Figure skating | fig.skat. |
Tengiz | O&G, tengiz. |
Alpine skiing | |
Aerohydrodynamics | aerohydr. |
Phytophathology | phytophath. |
Biogeography | biogeogr. |
Mammalogy | mamal. |
Biometry | biom. |
Protozoology | protozool. |
Malacology | malac. |
Bioacoustics | bioacoust. |
Evolution | evol. |
Carcinology | carcin. |
Sample preparation | sampl. |
Reproductive biology | repr.biol. |
Cheesemaking (caseiculture) | cheese |
Exhibitions | exhib. |
Karachaganak | O&G, karach. |
Foreign affairs | foreig.aff. |
Combating corruption | corrupt. |
Yiddish | yiddish. |
Hotel industry | hotels |
Foundation engineering | found.engin. |
Building materials | build.mat. |
Stonemasonry | stn.mas. |
Tunneling | tunn. |
Soil mechanics | soil.mech. |
Building structures | build.struct. |
Acupuncture | acup. |
Belarusian (usage) | bel.usg. |
Russian (usage) | rus.usg. |
Indonesian | Indones. |
Saying | saying. |
Southern Dutch | south.Dutch. |
Dog breeding | dog. |
Maori | maor. |
Polynesian | polynes. |
Billiards | billiar. |
Christianity | rel., christ. |
Judaism | rel., jud. |
Armored vehicles | mil., arm.veh. |
Scuba diving | scub. |
Yachting | yacht. |
Tuscan | tuscan. |
Neapolitan | neapolitan. |
Marketing | market. |
Political economy | polit.econ. |
Astrometry | astrometr. |
Astrophysics | astrophys. |
Radioastronomy | radioastron. |
Celestial mechanics | cel.mech. |
Astrospectroscopy | astrospectr. |
Anglicanism | anglic. |
Space | space |
Aluminium industry | alum. |
Latin American | lat.amer. |
Paint, varnish and lacquer | paint.varn. |
Machine components | mach.comp. |
Caspian | O&G, casp. |
Combustion gas turbines | combust. |
Pumps | pmp. |
Waste management | |
Bodybuilding | bodybuild. |
Antarctic | antarct. |
Geobotanics | geobot. |
Fodder | fodd. |
Zootechnics | zoot. |
Agrochemistry | agrochem. |
Horticulture | horticult. |
Fishery (fishing industry) | fishery |
Gambling | gambl. |
Human resources | HR |
Securities | securit. |
Journalism (terminology) | journ. |
Shipbuilding | shipb. |
Tobacco industry | tobac. |
Starch industry | starch. |
Fat-and-oil industry | fat.oil. |
Cinema equipment | cinema.equip. |
Narrow film | |
Film lighting equipment | film.light. |
Photographical sound recording | photo.sound.rec. |
Projectors | project. |
Sound recording | snd.rec. |
Film processing | film.proc. |
Bowling | bowl. |
Sensitometry | sens. |
Filming equipment | film.equip. |
Magnetic image recording | magnet.image.rec. |
Animation and animated films | animat. |
Stereo | stereo. |
Road sign | road.sign. |
Disaster recovery | disast. |
Show business | |
Clothing | cloth. |
Electrical engineering | electr.eng. |
Kabaddi | kabad. |
Air defense | mil., air.def. |
Karate | karate. |
Infrared technology | infr.techn. |
Anti-air artillery | mil., AAA |
United States | USA |
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal | expl. |
Fermentation industry | ferm. |
Water supply | water.suppl. |
Ventilation | vent. |
Ballistics | ballist. |
Military aviation | mil., avia. |
Intelligence and security services | intell. |
Mahjong | mahjong. |
Fantasy and science fiction | fant./sci-fi. |
Skateboarding | skateboard. |
Names and surnames | names |
High frequency electronics | HF.electr. |
Genealogy | geneal. |
Boxing | box. |
Laser medicine | |
Africa | afr. |
Basketball | sport, bask. |
Prison slang | |
Computer graphics | comp.graph. |
Research and development | R&D. |
Flow measurement | flow. |
Printed circuit boards | PCB |
Level measurement | level. |
Procurement | procur. |
Molecular biology | mol.biol. |
Pharmacy and pharmacology | pharma. |
Computer games | |
Aikido | aikido. |
Microsoft | comp., MS |
International relations | int.rel. |
United Nations | UN |
Machine tools | mach. |
Cement | cem. |
Toponym | topon. |
European Union | EU. |
Cosmetics and cosmetology | cosmet. |
Valves | valves |
Handicraft | handicraft. |
Galvanizing | galv. |
Chalcidology | chalcid. |
Loading equipment | load.equip. |
Elections | elect. |
Coal | coal. |
Health care | health. |
Soviet | soviet. |
Nanotechnology | nano |
LP players | |
Hi-Fi | hi-fi |
Hacking | hack. |
Glass container manufacture | glass. |
Dominican Republic | dominic. |
NASDAQ | Nasdaq |
Non-governmental organizations | NGO |
Chat and Internet slang | chat. |
Royal lexicon | royal Shabe |
New York Stock Exchange | NYSE. |
Airports and air traffic control | airports |
Software | softw. |
Monks' lexicon | monk. Shabe |
Federal Bureau of Investigation | FBI. |
Unit measures | unit.meas. |
Short message service | sms |
American stock exchange | AMEX. |
Trade unions | unions. |
Librarianship | libr. |
International trade | |
Museums | museum. |
Databases | d.b.. |
Quotes and aphorisms | quot.aph. |
Office equipment | office.equip. |
Project management | proj.manag. |
Winemaking | winemak. |
Ceramic tiles | ceram.tile. |
Idiomatic | idiom. |
Respectful | respect. |
Fairy tales | lit., f.tales |
Puzzle | puzzle. |
Epic of Jangar | Jangar. |
Torgut language | torgut. |
Derbet language | derbet. |
Employment | empl. |
Esperanto | esper. |
Dactyloscopy | dactyl. |
International transportation | int.transport. |
Dental implantology | dent.impl. |
Skydiving | skydive. |
Mountaineering | mount. |
Organized crime | org.crime. |
Numismatics | numism. |
Radiobiology | radiobiol. |
African | african. |
Algeria | Alg. |
School and university subjects | ed., subj. |
Greenhouse technology | |
Conventional notation | conv.notation. |
Clinical trial | clin.trial. |
Digital sound processing | snd.proc. |
Corporate governance | |
Public utilities | publ.util. |
Comics | comic. |
Sicilian | sicil. |
Footwear | footwear |
Esoterics | esot. |
Fashion | fash. |
Neuropsychology | neuropsychol. |
Cultural studies | cultur. |
Air conditioners | airccon. |
Lean production | |
Oils and lubricants | oil.lubr. |
Homeopathy | homeopath. |
Permit to work system | permits. |
Hydrology | hydrol. |
Information security and data protection | data.prot. |
Econometrics | econometr. |
Heat transfer | heat.transf. |
Heat exchangers | heat.exch. |
Lasers | laser. |
Ufology | ufol. |
Road construction | road.constr. |
Public relations | PR |
Satellite communications | sat.comm. |
Alkaloids | alk. |
Landscaping | landsc. |
Metro and rapid transit | metro |
Windows | windows |
Excavation support | exc.supp. |
American football | amer.footb. |
Social media | |
Helicopters | helic. |
Vibration monitoring | vibr.monit. |
Horse racing | horse.rac. |
Hovercraft | hovercr. |
Torpedoes | torped. |
Hydromechanics | hydromech. |
Submarines | subm. |
Hydroacoustics | hydroac. |
Sailing ships | sail.ships |
Radiography | radiogr. |
Amphibians and reptiles | reptil. |
Traffic control | traf.contr. |
Bridge construction | bridg.constr. |
Road surface | |
Apollo-Soyuz | Apollo-Soyuz |
Chemical fibers | chem.fib. |
Sewage and wastewater treatment | sewage |
Vietnamese | viet. |
Albanian language | alban. |
Cooperage | coop. |
Bulgarian language | bulgar. |
Estonian language | est. |
Hairdressing | hairdr. |
Pipelines | pipes. |
Sailing | sail. |
Gymnastics | gymn. |
Shooting sport | shoot. |
Cycle sport | |
Skiing | skiing |
Platform diving | platf.div. |
Throw | throw. |
Wrestling | wrest. |
Horse riding (equestrianism) & tack | hrs.riding |
Equestrian sports | equest.sp. |
Ski jumping | ski.jump. |
Athletics | athlet. |
Luge | luge. |
Rowing | row. |
Swimming | swim. |
Handball | handb. |
Volleyball | voll. |
Tennis | tenn. |
Long jump | lo.jump. |
High jump | hi.jump. |
Speed skating | speed.skat. |
Table tennis | tab.tenn. |
Trampolining | trampol. |
Judo | judo. |
Archery | archer. |
Water polo | w.polo. |
Rugby football | rugb. |
Pole vaults | p.vault. |
Weightlifting | weightlift. |
Waterskiing | waterski. |
Acrobatics | acrob. |
Gyroscopes | gyrosc. |
Power system protection | PSP |
Teenager slang | sl., teen. |
Somatics | som. |
Neologism | neol. |
Tibetan | tib. |
Hydraulic engineering | hydr. |
Spinning | spin. |
Weaving | weav. |
Dyes | dye. |
Gear train | |
Antennas and waveguides | antenn. |
Astringents | atring. |
Additive manufacturing & 3D printing | addit. |
Chemical nomenclature | chem.nomencl. |
Nuclear chemistry | nucl.chem. |
Contextual meaning | context. |
Organic chemistry | org.chem. |
Chemical compounds | chem.comp. |
Distillation | distil. |
Fermentation | ferm. |
Colloid chemistry | colloid.chem. |
Inorganic chemistry | inorg.chem. |
Sculpture | sculp. |
Materials science | |
Mammals | mamm. |
Consulting | consult. |
Pets | pets |
Merchant navy | merch.nav. |
Golf | golf. |
Artificial intelligence | AI. |
Sex and sexual subcultures | sex |
Pejorative | pejor. |
Ethnology | ethnol. |
Psychopathology | psychopathol. |
Superlative | superl. |
Angling (hobby) | angl. |
Archiving | archive. |
Natural sciences | |
Life sciences | |
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation | nat.res. |
Earth sciences | |
Social science | |
Hobbies and pastimes | hobby |
Municipal planning | mun.plan. |
Animal husbandry | anim.husb. |
Work flow | work.fl. |
Immigration and citizenship | immigr. |
Government, administration and public services | gov. |
Physical sciences | |
Human rights activism | h.rghts.act. |
English | engl. |
Phaleristics | phaler. |
Food service and catering | food.serv. |
Traditional medicine | |
Afghanistan | afghan. |
Climatology | clim. |
Mobile and cellular communications | |
Medicine - Alternative medicine | med., alt. |
Manual therapy and osteopathy | manu. ther. |
Proper name | |
Nursing | nurs. |
Optometry | optometr. |
Buddhism | rel., budd. |
Manga | manga. |
Polite | polite |
Shinto | shinto. |
Sumo | sumo. |
Surname | surn. |
Historical figure | hist.fig. |
Given name | given. |
Name of organization | |
Product name | |
Titles of works of art | titles |
Epistolary | epist. |
Timberwork | timb. |
Risk Management | |
Wind Energy | wind. |
Computing slang | |
Computer security | comp.sec. |
Thermal Energy | therm.energ. |
Material safety data sheet | MSDS |
Palaeography | paleogr. |
Deafblindness | deaf. |
Personal protective equipment | PPE |
Chemical industry | chem.ind. |
Seismic resistance | seism.res. |
Paleozoology | paleozool. |
Barbarism | barbar. |
Screenwriting | scr. |
Phonology | phonol. |
Pragmatics | pragm. |
Syntax | synt. |
Morphology | morph. |
Semantics | semant. |
Typology | typol. |
Semiotics | semiot. |
Sociolinguistics | socioling. |
Tagmemics | tagmem. |
Neurolinguistics | neugoling. |
International Monetary Fund | IMF. |
Taiwan | taiw. |
Logopedics | logop. |
Biathlon | biath. |
Champagne and sparkling wines | champ. |
Hearing aid | hear. |
Magnetic tomography | magn.tomogr. |
Alloy addition | dop. |
Electronic commerce | |
Cults and miscellaneous spiritual practices | cults |
Paragliding | paraglid. |
Curling | curl. |
Darts | dart. |
Identification systems | ident.sys. |
Coffee | coff. |
Maritime law & Law of the Sea | |
Design | design. |
Limnology | limn. |
Metalworking | |
Musical instruments | mus.instr. |
Ship handling | ship.handl. |
Surfing, windsurfing, SUP surfing | surf. |
Snowboard | snowb. |
Charities | charit. |
Physiotherapy | physioth. |
Speech disorders | sp.dis. |
Wellness | welln. |
Dams | dam. |
Survey | surv. |
Antitrust law | antitrust. |
Sarcastical | sarcast. |
Legal entity types (business legal structures) | leg.ent.typ. |
Belarusian language | belar. |
Ukraine | Ukraine |
Ukrainian language | ukr. |
Misused | misused |
Loan translation | calque. |
Drywall | drywall |
Austria | Austria |
Public transportation | publ.transp. |
Kazakhstan | Kazakh. |
Cyprus | Cypr. |
Records management | rec.mngmt |
Poland | Poland |
Computer tomography | CT |
Glaciology | glac. |
Electricity | electric. |
Jet engines | jet. |
Turbines | turb. |
Hydroplanes | hydropl. |
Tinware | tin. |
Airships | airsh. |
Fortification | mil., fort. |
Pneumatics | pneum. |
Ammunition | ammo |
Pedagogics | pedag. |
Penitentiary system | penitent. |
Model sports | model. |
Reservoir simulation | reserv.sim. |
Spices | spice. |
Beverages | bev. |
Book binding | book.bind. |
Dyalysis | dialys. |
ICAO | avia., ICAO |
Bioenergy | bioenerg. |
Acridology | acrid. |
Water resources | water.res. |
Pest control | pest.contr. |
Remote sensing | rem.sens. |
Vacuum tubes | vac.tub. |
Electric motors | el.mot. |
Power electronics | pow.el. |
Piezoelectric crystals | piez. |
Electricity generation | el.gen. |
Video recording | video. |
Superconductivity | supercond. |
Ultrasound | ultrasnd. |
Sound engineering | sound.eng. |
Electrolysis | els. |
Speleology | speleo. |
Gemmology | gem. |
Quarrying | quar. |
Agronomy | agr. |
Sedimentology | sed. |
Cricket | crick. |
Dancing | danc. |
Typewriters and typewriting | typewrit. |
Audio electronics | audio.el. |
Calligraphy | calligr. |
Russia | Russia |
Dietology | diet. |
Groceries | groc. |
Wushu | wushu. |
Spoken | spoken |
Photometry | photometr. |
Hydrometry | hydrom. |
Stationery | station. |
Toys | toy. |
Sporting goods | sport.goods |
Haberdashery | hab. |
Fertilizers | fert. |
Enameling | enamel. |
Multimedia | multimed. |
Digital currencies, cryptocurrencies, blockchain | dig.curr. |
Vulgar | vulg. |
Finnish language | finn. |
Wine tasting | win.tast. |
Ampelography | amp. |
Meaning 1 | mean.1 |
Meaning 2 | mean.2 |
Meaning 3 | mean.3 |
Ball bearings | ball.bear. |
Racing and motorsport | racing |
Games (other than sports) | games |
Outdoor activities and extreme sports | outd. |
Emergency medical care | |
Ballet | ballet. |
Hydrobiology | hydrobiol. |
Written | written |
Taoism | tao. |
Law enforcement | law.enf. |
Court (law) | law, court |
Police jargon | police.jarg. |
India | India |
Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyz. |
Islam | rel., islam |
Explanatory translation | explan. |
Translator's false friend | faux ami |
Forensics | forens. |
Administrative geography | admin.geo. |
Offshore companies | offsh.comp. |
Confucianism | rel., conf. |
Middle Chinese | mid.chin. |
Pigeon racing | pigeon.race. |
Amateur radio service | radio.amat. |
Approving | appr. |
Taekwondo | taekwondo. |
Hinduism | rel., hind. |
Felinology | felin. |
China | China |
Iran | Iran |
Collecting | collect. |
Service industry | svc.ind. |
Languages | langs |
Jargon and slang | |
Stylistic values | stylistic |
Badminton | badm. |
Countries and regions | countr.reg. |
Grammatical labels | gramm.lab. |
Auxilliary categories (editor use only) | |
Parasciences | para |
Art and culture | art.cult. |
Emotional values | emot.val. |
Light industries | light.ind. |
Wood, pulp and paper industries | wood.pulp. |
Crafts | crafts |
Companion animals | comp.anim. |
Instead of | instead. |
Word formation | word.form. |
Steel production | steel. |
Cast iron | cast.iron. |
Subjects for Chinese dictionaries | chin.subj. |
Bavarian dialect | bav. |
Cloud technologies | Cloud. |
Testing | Test. |