- overtuigingsstuk, het (‘juridisch in beslag genomen voorwerp dat mede kan dienen om de waarheid aan de dag te brengen’)
- piece of evidence
- documentary evidence
- item of evidence
- exhibit (‘a document or other object produced in a court as evidence’: many exhibits, including the cockpit voice recordings, will be produced in court)
- item produced in evidence
- evidentiary item
- evidence
- incriminating document
External links
- https://www.proz.com/kudoz/dutch-to-german/law-general/876594-overtuigingsstukken.html
- https://iate.europa.eu/search/result/1659647441676/1
Dutch | English | Source |
e) "bewijsstuk": objecten, documenten of gegevens die als overtuigingsstuk kunnen dienen in een strafprocedure inzake een in artikel 3 genoemd strafbaar feit. | (e) "evidence" shall mean objects, documents or data which could be produced as evidence in criminal proceedings concerning an offence referred to in Article 3. | Kaderbesluit 2003/577/JBZ van de Raad van 22 juli 2003 inzake de tenuitvoerlegging in de Europese Unie van beslissingen tot bevriezing van voorwerpen of bewijsstukken |
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Please note: The pages in the ‘Terms’ category contain my own research while translating. I basically use this wiki as a notepad and memory aid, so a lot of the content will be quickly written and potentially far from perfect. If you find anything glaringly incorrect feel free to drop me a line @ michael@beijer.uk!