Technical Glossary (29329 Dutch-English entries)
Dutch: A/D conversie English: analog-to-digital conversion Dutch: aërodynamica English: aerodynamics Dutch: aërodynamisch English: aerodynamic Dutch: aërodynamisch gevormd English: aerodynamically shaped Dutch: aan de maat zijn English: to be to size Dutch: aan de ontvangerzijde English: at the receiving end; at the receiver end Dutch: aan de ontvangstzijde English: at the receiving end; at the receiver end Dutch: aan de orde stellen English: to discuss; to bring on the carpet Dutch: aan de orde zijn English: to be under discussion; to be in order Dutch: aan de randen English: at the edges Dutch: aan het net leggen English: to connect to the mains Dutch: aan weerskanten van English: on both sides of; on each side of Dutch: aan/uitschakelen English: to toggle Dutch: aanbeeldhoorn English: anvil beak Dutch: aanbesteden English: to invite tenders for Dutch: aanbod English: offer; submission; labour supply Dutch: aanbotsen English: to collide Dutch: aanbouw English: construction Dutch: aanbrengen English: to apply; to mount; to fit Dutch: aanbrenggereedschap English: applicator; application equipment Dutch: aandeel in de winst English: profitsharing Dutch: aandraaien English: to tighten; to switch on Dutch: aandrijfas English: drive shaft; drive spindle Dutch: aandrijfbeugel English: drive bracket Dutch: aandrijfbus English: drive bush Dutch: aandrijfeenheid English: actuating device; drive; drive unit Dutch: aandrijfimpuls English: driver pulse Dutch: aandrijfketting English: drive chain Dutch: aandrijfknop English: drive knob Dutch: aandrijfkoord English: drive cord Dutch: aandrijfkoppel English: drive torque Dutch: aandrijfmechanisme English: drive; drive mechanism Dutch: aandrijfmoment English: drive torque Dutch: aandrijfmotor English: drive motor Dutch: aandrijfpen English: drive pin Dutch: aandrijfpuls English: driver pulse Dutch: aandrijfriem English: drive belt Dutch: aandrijfriemschijf English: drive pulley Dutch: aandrijfring English: drive ring Dutch: aandrijfrol English: driving pulley; capstan Dutch: aandrijfschijf English: driving disc Dutch: aandrijfsignaal English: driver signal Dutch: aandrijfsnaar English: drive belt Dutch: aandrijfstang English: drive rod Dutch: aandrijftrap English: driver stage Dutch: aandrijfwerk English: drive; drive gear Dutch: aandrijven English: to drive; to control Dutch: aandrijvend English: driving Dutch: aandrijvend element English: driving element Dutch: aandrijver English: actuator Dutch: aandrijving English: actuation; drive; driving; drive gear Dutch: aandrijvingssysteem English: actuating system Dutch: aandroging English: setting; setting up; initial drying Dutch: aandrukbeugel English: pressure bracket Dutch: aandrukgereedschap English: press-on tool; hold-down tool Dutch: aandrukken English: to press on; to squeeze; to press home Dutch: aandrukkracht English: press-on force; hold-down force; press- home force Dutch: aandrukkussen English: pressure pad; hold-down pad Dutch: aandrukplaat English: pressure plate; hold-down plate Dutch: aandrukring English: pressure ring Dutch: aandrukrol English: pinch wheel; pressure roller; pinch roller Dutch: aandrukveer English: pressure spring; hold-down spring Dutch: aandrukviltje English: pressure felt Dutch: aanduiden English: to designate; to indicate Dutch: aanduiding English: designation; indication; mark Dutch: aanduwen English: to push (on) Dutch: aaneengesloten netwerk English: closed network; continuous network Dutch: aaneenklinken English: to rivet together Dutch: aaneenlassen English: to weld together Dutch: aaneenlijmen English: to bond together Dutch: aaneenpassen English: to fit together Dutch: aaneenschakelen English: to interlink; to concatenate Dutch: aaneenschakeling English: concatenation Dutch: aaneensluitend English: joining Dutch: aaneensmelten English: to fuse together; to melt together Dutch: aaneensolderen English: to solder together Dutch: aaneenspijkeren English: to nail together Dutch: aangedreven English: driven Dutch: aangedrukt English: pressed-on; squeezed; held-down Dutch: aangehamerd English: peened Dutch: aangehouden order English: retained order Dutch: aangehouden toon English: sustained tone Dutch: aangelegde spanning English: applied voltage; impressed voltage Dutch: aangenomen atoomafstand English: assumed atomic spacing Dutch: aangenomen gemiddelde English: assumed mean Dutch: aangenomen waarde English: assumed value Dutch: aangepast English: adapted; matched; fitted; matching Dutch: aangepast paar English: matched pair Dutch: aangepaste belasting English: matched load Dutch: aangespoten steker English: integral plug; moulded-on plug Dutch: aangesproken element English: disturbed cell; partially switched cell Dutch: aangetekend English: registered Dutch: aangetoonde capaciteit English: demonstrated capacity Dutch: aangeven English: to mention; to state; to indicate; to designate Dutch: aangewezen snelheid English: indicated speed Dutch: aangeworven persoon English: recruited person Dutch: aangezet English: sharpened; wetted Dutch: aangrenzend English: adjacent Dutch: aangrenzend kanaal English: adjacent channel Dutch: aangrenzend spoor English: adjacent track Dutch: aangrenzende domeinen English: adjacent domains Dutch: aangrenzende toewijzing English: contiguous allocation Dutch: aangrenzende winding English: adjacent turn; adjacent coil Dutch: aangrijpingslijn English: line of action Dutch: aangrijpingspunt English: point of application; taking point Dutch: aanhaken English: to hook on; to hitch on; to attach; to couple Dutch: aanhameren English: to peen Dutch: aanhangen; aanhangen [3] English: to tag Dutch: aanhangwagen English: trailer Dutch: aanhechten English: to attach Dutch: aanhechting English: attachment Dutch: aanhef English: header; under the first part Dutch: aanhefdeel English: header part Dutch: aanhouden English: to observe; to respect; to adhere to Dutch: aankiezen English: access Dutch: aankleuring English: colouring Dutch: aankoeken English: to clog; to get incrusted Dutch: aankoeking English: clogging; incrustation Dutch: aankomstbericht English: arrival notice Dutch: aankomstdatum English: arrival date Dutch: aanlading English: loading Dutch: aanleercurve English: learning curve Dutch: aanleggen English: to push against; to hold against; to guide against; to rest against; to install; to apply Dutch: aanlegvlak English: guiding surface; reference surface; datum surface Dutch: aanleiding (naar - van) English: with reference to; in connection with; in consequence of Dutch: aanlengen English: to dilute; to thin Dutch: aanligeigenschappen English: conformability Dutch: aanliggen English: to butt (against); to lie against; to rest against; to mate; to bed down on; to seat on; to bear on Dutch: aanliggend English: butting; abutting; mating; adjacent; conformal; body-following Dutch: aanliggend vlak English: butting surface; abutting surface; mating surface; adjacent surface Dutch: aanloop English: running-in; start; approach; learning period Dutch: aanloopband English: starting belt; leader tape Dutch: aanloopkoppel English: starting torque Dutch: aanloopkosten English: running-in costs Dutch: aanloopmodel English: initial model; starting model Dutch: aanlooppatroon English: running-in pattern Dutch: aanloopserie English: starting run; starting series Dutch: aanloopspanning English: starting voltage Dutch: aanloopstroom English: starting current Dutch: aanloopstuk English: leader Dutch: aanlooptijd English: starting time; running-in time; start delay Dutch: aanlooptrap English: starting stage Dutch: aanloopweerstand English: starting resistance Dutch: aanloopwikkeling English: starting winding Dutch: aanlopen English: to start; to colour; to tarnish; to interfere with; to rub against; to be out of centre Dutch: aanmaak English: preparation; makeup; manufacture Dutch: aanmaakvloeistof English: mixing liquid Dutch: aanmaken English: to prepare; to manufacture Dutch: aanmerking (in - nemen) English: to take into consideration Dutch: aanname English: assumption Dutch: aannemen English: to accept; to assume; to undertake; to recruit Dutch: aanneming English: contracting; engagement; enlisting; recruitment Dutch: aanpakken English: to approach Dutch: aanpasbus English: adaptation bush; adapter bush Dutch: aanpasfout English: matching error Dutch: aanpashoorn English: matching horn Dutch: aanpassen English: to adapt; to edit Dutch: aanpassen aan English: to adapt to; to match to; to fit; to adjust oneself to Dutch: aanpassende regeling English: adaptive control Dutch: aanpassing English: adaptation; editing; matching; curve fitting Dutch: aanpassingsdeel English: interface Dutch: aanpassingseenheid English: adapter; adaptor Dutch: aanpassingsgegevens English: adaptation data Dutch: aanpassingsleiding English: matching stub Dutch: aanpassingsparameter English: adaptation parameter Dutch: aanpassingssectie English: matching stub Dutch: aanpassingsspoel English: matching coil Dutch: aanpassingsstuk English: adapter Dutch: aanpassingsweerstand English: matching resistor Dutch: aanpasstuk English: adapter; adaptor; matching piece Dutch: aanplakbord English: notice board; bulletin board Dutch: aanraakbaar English: touchable; exposed Dutch: aanraakbaarheid English: touchability; exposedness Dutch: aanraakgevoelig scherm English: touch-sensitive display Dutch: aanraken English: to touch (each other); to be in contact Dutch: aanrakingsgevaar English: risk of contacting; risk of touching Dutch: aanrakingsoppervlak English: contact area; area of contact Dutch: aanrakingsoppervlakte English: contact surface; surface of contact Dutch: aanrechtmodel English: sink model Dutch: aanrijgen English: to thread Dutch: aanroeping English: invocation Dutch: aanroepopdracht English: call instruction Dutch: aanroepprogramma English: calling sequence Dutch: aanroeppunt English: point of invocation Dutch: aanschaf English: purchase; procurement Dutch: aanschaffen English: to buy; to purchase; to procure Dutch: aanschaffing English: purchase; procurement Dutch: aanschaffingskosten English: initial cost Dutch: aanschakelniveau English: trigger level Dutch: aanscherpen English: to sharpen; to point Dutch: aanscherper English: sharpener Dutch: aanslaan English: to tarnish; to blacken; to strike; to touch; to start; to fire; to key Dutch: aanslag English: stop; touch; deposit; settlement; scale; incrustation; tarnish; blackening; stroke Dutch: aanslagbeugel English: stop bracket Dutch: aanslaghouder English: stop holder Dutch: aanslagnok English: stop; stop boss Dutch: aanslagpen English: stop pin Dutch: aanslagplaat English: stop plate Dutch: aanslagring English: stop ring; stop collar Dutch: aanslagschroef English: stop screw Dutch: aanslagspanning English: starting voltage Dutch: aanslagspleet English: stop slot Dutch: aanslagstift English: connecting pin Dutch: aanslagstroom English: starting current Dutch: aanslagstuk English: stopper; stop piece Dutch: aanslagvinger English: finger stop Dutch: aansluitbaarheid English: connectivity Dutch: aansluitbout English: connecting bolt Dutch: aansluitbus English: terminal socket Dutch: aansluitcontact English: terminal contact Dutch: aansluitdemping English: terminal attenuation; terminal damping; connection damping Dutch: aansluitdoos English: outlet; outlet socket; terminal box; junction box Dutch: aansluitdop English: terminal cap; connecting cap Dutch: aansluitdraad English: connecting wire; connecting lead Dutch: aansluiten English: to connect; to branch; to hook up; to fit; to close up; to abut Dutch: aansluitend English: abutting Dutch: aansluitflens English: connecting flange Dutch: aansluiting English: connection; interface Dutch: aansluitingsbevestiging English: handshake; handshaking Dutch: aansluitkaart English: interface board Dutch: aansluitkabel English: connecting cable Dutch: aansluitkast English: terminal box; junction box Dutch: aansluitklem English: terminal; connecting terminal Dutch: aansluitlip English: tag Dutch: aansluitmateriaal English: connecting material Dutch: aansluitmoer English: connecting nut; terminal nut Dutch: aansluitmof English: coupling box; coupling sleeve Dutch: aansluitmogelijkheid English: provision for connection Dutch: aansluitnippel English: connecting nipple Dutch: aansluitoog English: connecting eyelet Dutch: aansluitpen English: connecting pin; terminal; terminal pin; pin Dutch: aansluitplaat English: connecting plate; terminal plate Dutch: aansluitpunt English: connecting point; terminal Dutch: aansluitslang English: connecting hose Dutch: aansluitsnoer English: connecting flex; connecting lead; connecting cord Dutch: aansluitstrip English: terminal strip; connecting strip; tagstrip Dutch: aansluitstuk English: connecting piece; connector Dutch: aansluittijd English: connecting time; session Dutch: aansluitventiel English: connecting valve Dutch: aansluitvlak English: contact area Dutch: aansmelten (aan) English: to weld to; to seal to Dutch: aansnijding English: chamfer Dutch: aansolderen English: to solder on Dutch: aanspreekdiepte English: reaction depth Dutch: aanspreekgevoeligheid English: discrimination Dutch: aanspreekimpuls English: disturb pulse; post-write disturb pulse; pre-read disturb pulse Dutch: aanspreekstroom English: reaction current Dutch: aanspreektijd English: pick-up time; pull-in time; operate time; reaction time Dutch: aanspreken English: to pick-up; to pull-in; to operate; to be energized Dutch: aanspuitboom English: runner Dutch: aanspuitbus English: feed bush; sprue bush Dutch: aanspuiting English: sprue; gate Dutch: aanspuitingafsnijder English: gate Dutch: aanspuitingskanaal English: runner Dutch: aanspuitingsuitstoter English: sprue ejector Dutch: aanspuitinguittrekker English: sprue puller Dutch: aanspuitkanaal English: runner Dutch: aanspuitkegel English: sprue Dutch: aanspuitopening English: gate Dutch: aanspuitpoort English: gate Dutch: aanspuitrest English: transfer pull; sprue mark Dutch: aanstootfrequentie English: excitation frequency Dutch: aanstoten English: to strike against; to impact; to excite; to strike the stop Dutch: aanstreepmethode English: mark sensing; mark scanning Dutch: aansturen English: to drive Dutch: aantal English: number; quantity; absolute frequency; number of Dutch: aantal fouten English: number of defects; defects per unit Dutch: aantal instel-items English: set-up quantity Dutch: aantal lijnen English: number of lines Dutch: aantal per verpakking English: number per package; quantity per package Dutch: aantal windingen English: number of turns; number of coils Dutch: aantasten; aan te tasten English: to affect; to impair; to infringe; to violate; to attack Dutch: aantekenen English: to note; to jot down; to record Dutch: aantekening English: note; record; memorandum; memo Dutch: aantrekkelijkheid English: attractiveness; attraction Dutch: aantrekken English: to attract; to pick-up; to pull-in; to operate; to engage; to enlist Dutch: aantrekking English: attraction; pick-up; pull-in; operate; engagement; enlistment; pulling Dutch: aantrekkingskracht English: force of attraction; attractive force Dutch: aantrekspanning English: pick-up voltage; pull-in voltage Dutch: aantrekstroom English: pick-up current; pull-in current Dutch: aan-uit-bewerking English: on-off operation Dutch: aan-uit-schakelaar English: on-off switch Dutch: aan-uit-verhouding English: on-off ratio Dutch: aanvangslaadstroom English: initial charging current Dutch: aanvangssnelheid English: initial speed; initial velocity Dutch: aanvankelijk English: initial Dutch: aanverwante bedrijven English: allied industries Dutch: aanvoer English: supply; feed Dutch: aanvoerapparaat English: feeding device Dutch: aanvoerband English: supply belt; feed belt; feeder to waterfall-glazing-machine (IATE: Chemical compound) Dutch: aanvoerbeweging English: feed movement Dutch: aanvoerbuis English: feed tube Dutch: aanvoeren English: to supply; to feed; to allege Dutch: aanvoergoot English: feed chute Dutch: aanvoering English: allegation Dutch: aanvoerleiding English: supply line Dutch: aanvoermondstuk English: supply nozzle; feed nozzle Dutch: aanvoerrol English: feed roller Dutch: aanvoerslede English: feed slide Dutch: aanvoersnelheid English: rate of feed Dutch: aanvoerspruitstuk English: supply manifold; feed manifold Dutch: aanvoerwals English: feed roll Dutch: aanvraagbelasting English: demand load Dutch: aanvraagtoekenning English: demand assignment Dutch: aanvreten English: to impair Dutch: aanvullen English: to replenish; to top up; to complete; to supplement Dutch: aanvullend English: supplementary Dutch: aanvullend bericht English: amplifying message Dutch: aanvullend onderhoud English: supplementary maintenance Dutch: aanvullende attributen English: additive attributes Dutch: aanvullende tekening English: supplementary drawing Dutch: aanvuller English: replenisher Dutch: aanvulling English: replenishment; top-up; completion; supplementation; supplement Dutch: aanvullingsmiddel English: replenisher Dutch: aanwezige ordening English: ordering bias Dutch: aanwezigheidscontrole English: checking-in Dutch: aanwezigheidsuren English: attendance hours Dutch: aanwijsbare fout English: noticeable error Dutch: aanwijsbare oorzaak English: assignable cause Dutch: aanwijzen English: to indicate; to show; to point out; to appoint; to nominate; to assign a task to a person; to indicate; to read Dutch: aanwijzer English: indicator; index; pointer Dutch: aanwijzing English: indication; appointment; nomination; assignment; reading Dutch: aanzet English: directive; pseudo-instruction; longitudinal feed; traverse; cross feed Dutch: aanzetkoppel English: starting torque Dutch: aanzetmechanisme English: starting gear; starting mechanism Dutch: aanzetslinger English: starting handle Dutch: aanzetten English: to start; to feed in; to sharpen; to wet Dutch: aanzetwinding English: preliminary turn Dutch: aanzicht English: view; appearance; shot Dutch: aanzuigen English: to suck; to draw; to prime Dutch: aanzuigleiding English: suction line Dutch: aanzuiglucht English: intake air Dutch: aanzuigsnelheid English: suction rate Dutch: aanzuigtafel English: vacuum table Dutch: aanzuigvermogen English: suction capacity Dutch: aanzuigzijde English: suction side Dutch: aanzuren English: to acidify; to acidulate Dutch: aanzuring English: acidulation Dutch: A-apparaat English: receiver with transformer supply Dutch: aardaansluiting English: earth connection; earth terminal; ground connection; ground terminal Dutch: aardabsorptie English: ground absorption Dutch: aardbus English: ground bus Dutch: aardcapaciteit English: earth contact; ground contact; mass contact Dutch: aarddetector English: ground detector Dutch: aarddraad English: earth wire; earth lead; ground wire; ground lead; mass wire; mass lead Dutch: aarde English: earth; mass; earth ground; ground Dutch: aarden English: to earth; to ground Dutch: aardgeleiding English: ground conductivity Dutch: aardimpedantie English: impedance ground Dutch: aarding English: earthing; grounding (US) Dutch: aardisolatie English: ground insulation Dutch: aardklem English: earth terminal; ground terminal Dutch: aardleiding English: earth lead; earth wire; ground lead; ground wire Dutch: aardlek English: earth leakage Dutch: aardlekbeveiliging English: earth leakage protection Dutch: aardlip English: earth tag; ground tag Dutch: aardmagnetisch veld English: earth's magnetic field; terrestrial magnetic field Dutch: aardmagnetisme English: earth magnetism; terrestrial magnetism Dutch: aardmeetkunde English: geodesy Dutch: aard-onsymmetrisch English: unbalanced-to-earth; unbalanced- to-ground Dutch: aardplaat English: earth plate; ground plate Dutch: aardpotentiaal English: earth potential; ground potential Dutch: aardpunt English: earth point Dutch: aardresistentie English: ground resistance Dutch: aardruis English: ground noise Dutch: aardschakelaar English: earth switch Dutch: aardsluitingsaanwijzer English: ground detector Dutch: aardspanning English: voltage to ground Dutch: aardstang English: ground rod Dutch: aardstation English: earth station Dutch: aardstrip English: earth strip Dutch: aardstromen English: earth currents Dutch: aardstroom English: ground current Dutch: aardsymbool English: earth symbol; ground symbol Dutch: aard-symmetrisch English: balanced-to-earth; balanced-to- ground Dutch: aardteken English: earth sign; earth symbol; ground sign; ground symbol Dutch: aardveer English: earth spring Dutch: aardverbinding English: earth connection; earth lead; ground connection; ground lead Dutch: aardverklikker English: leakage indicator; earth detector Dutch: aardwas English: mineral wax; ozokerite Dutch: aardweerstand English: earth resistance Dutch: aardzijde English: earth side; cold side; low side Dutch: AB English: alternating burst Dutch: abacus English: abacus Dutch: abampére English: abampere Dutch: ABC-analyse English: ABC analysis Dutch: ABC-classificatie English: ABC classification Dutch: ABC-plan English: ABC-plan Dutch: ABC-planning English: ABC planning Dutch: ABC-principe English: ABC principle; ABC analysis Dutch: ABC-voorraadbeheer English: ABC stock control Dutch: abductie English: abduction Dutch: ABEL English: Acid-Base and Electrolyte disorders: ABEL Dutch: abfarad English: abfarad Dutch: abhenry English: abhenry Dutch: abnormaal einde English: abnormal end: abend Dutch: abnormale activering English: abnormal triggering Dutch: abnormale dissipatie English: abnormal dissipation Dutch: abnormale gloei English: abnormal glow Dutch: abnormale oscillatie English: abnormal oscillation Dutch: abnormale propagatie English: abnormal propagation Dutch: abohm English: abohm Dutch: abonnee English: subscriber Dutch: abonnee-uitgang English: subscriber output Dutch: abonnementsgeld English: subscription rate; subscription fee Dutch: abonneren English: to subscribe Dutch: abrupte junctie English: step junction Dutch: abscis English: abscissa Dutch: absolute adressering English: absolute addressing; specific addressing; absolute coding; specific coding Dutch: absolute afwijking English: absolute deviation Dutch: absolute alcohol English: absolute alcohol Dutch: absolute cijfers English: absolute figures Dutch: absolute coördinaten English: absolute coordinates Dutch: absolute code English: absolute code Dutch: absolute codering English: absolute coding; actual coding; basic coding Dutch: absolute dimensies English: absolute dimensions Dutch: absolute eenheden English: absolute units Dutch: absolute frequentie English: absolute frequency Dutch: absolute instructie English: absolute instruction Dutch: absolute kracht English: absolute power Dutch: absolute laadkaart English: absolute loader card Dutch: absolute laadmodule English: absolute load module Dutch: absolute machinecode English: absolute machine code Dutch: absolute padnaam English: absolute pathname Dutch: absolute programmering English: absolute programming Dutch: absolute schaal English: absolute scale Dutch: absolute stroommeting English: absolute measurement of current Dutch: absolute taal English: absolute language Dutch: absolute tolerantie English: absolute tolerance Dutch: absolute uitdrukking English: absolute expression Dutch: absolute vertraging English: absolute delay Dutch: absolute-positiesensor English: absolute position sensor Dutch: absoluut adres English: absolute address; actual address Dutch: absoluut laadprogramma English: absolute loader; absolute program loader Dutch: absoluut vermogen English: absolute power Dutch: absoluut vrij veld English: absolute free field Dutch: absorptiecircuit English: absorption circuit Dutch: absorptiegolfmeter English: absorption wavemeter Dutch: absorptiekoelkast English: absorption refrigerator Dutch: absorptiekromme English: absorption curve Dutch: absorptiemeter English: absorptiometer Dutch: absorptieve modulatie English: absorptive modulation Dutch: absorptieverlies English: absorption loss Dutch: absorptievermogen English: absorption capacity Dutch: abstract datatype English: abstract data type: ADT Dutch: abstract gegevenstype English: abstract data type: ADT Dutch: abstract object English: abstract object Dutch: abstract symbool English: abstract symbol Dutch: abstracte klasse English: abstract class Dutch: abstracte machine English: abstract machine Dutch: abstracte methode English: abstract method Dutch: abstracte testgroep English: abstract test suite Dutch: abstractie English: abstraction Dutch: abuis English: mistake Dutch: abvolt English: abvolt Dutch: abwatt English: abwatt Dutch: acacia English: acacia Dutch: acceleratie English: acceleration Dutch: acceleratiepaneel English: accelerator board Dutch: acceleratietijd English: acceleration time Dutch: accelereren English: to accelerate Dutch: accentuering English: emphasis Dutch: acceptatie van goederen English: acceptance of goods Dutch: acceptatiegrenzen English: acceptance limits Dutch: acceptatietest English: acceptance test Dutch: acceptatietesten English: acceptance testing Dutch: acceptor English: acceptor Dutch: acceptordoopstof English: acceptor impurity Dutch: acceptordoping English: acceptor doping Dutch: accessoire English: accessory; feature Dutch: accomodatiegrenzen English: accommodation limits Dutch: accountinglegende English: accounting legend Dutch: accountingsymbool English: accounting symbol Dutch: accreditief English: documentary credit Dutch: accu English: accumulator; battery Dutch: accubak English: accumulator box; battery container Dutch: accucel English: storage cell Dutch: accugelijkrichter English: battery rectifier Dutch: acculaadstroom English: battery charging current Dutch: acculader English: battery charger Dutch: acculading English: battery charge Dutch: accuvoeding English: battery supply Dutch: accuzuur English: battery acid Dutch: acetaatband English: acetate tape Dutch: acetaatbutyraat English: acetate butyrate Dutch: acetaatfoelie English: acetate foil Dutch: achromatisch gebied English: achromatic locus; achromatic region Dutch: achromatische kleur English: achromatic colour Dutch: achromatische lens English: achromatic lens Dutch: achteraan beginnen English: last in, first out: LIFO Dutch: achteraanslag English: back stop Dutch: achteraanzicht English: rear view; back view Dutch: achterbankpassagiers English: rear seat passengers Dutch: achterblijvend English: residual Dutch: achterbrug English: final drive Dutch: achtereenvolgend English: sequential Dutch: achtereenvolgens English: sequential; serial Dutch: achtereindprocessor English: back-end processor Dutch: achterflank English: trailing edge Dutch: achtergrond English: background; fond Dutch: achtergrondgeheugen English: background memory Dutch: achtergrondpartitie English: background partition Dutch: achtergrondregeling English: background control Dutch: achtergrondruis English: background noise Dutch: achtergrondverwerking English: background processing Dutch: achter-het-oor apparaat English: behind-the-ear hearing aid Dutch: achterhoofdskwab English: occipital lobe Dutch: achterkant English: rear; back Dutch: achterlicht English: quarterlight Dutch: achterlichten English: rear lights Dutch: achteroverhellend English: reclining Dutch: achteroverklappen English: to swing back; to fold back Dutch: achterplaat English: backplate; rear plate Dutch: achterprojectie English: back projection Dutch: achterrichting English: back direction Dutch: achterruitverwarming English: heated backlight Dutch: achterspruit English: rear branch pipe Dutch: achterstallige order English: delinquent order Dutch: achterstand English: arrears; backlog Dutch: achterste kasthelft English: back cabinet half Dutch: achterste zwartstoep English: backporch Dutch: achtersteun English: tailstock Dutch: achterstoep English: back porch Dutch: achteruitgang English: deterioration Dutch: achteruitversnelling English: reverse gear Dutch: achteruitverstelling English: aft-adjustment Dutch: achtervoegsel English: suffix; subscript Dutch: achterwaarts ketenen English: backward chaining Dutch: achterwaarts redeneren English: backward reasoning Dutch: achterwaartskanaal English: backward channel Dutch: achterwand English: backplate; rear cover; back cover Dutch: achterwandschroef English: backplate screw Dutch: achterwielophanging English: rear suspension Dutch: achterzijde English: back Dutch: achterzitting English: rear seat Dutch: achthoekig English: octagonal Dutch: achtkantig English: octagonal Dutch: achttallig cijfer English: octal digit Dutch: achttallig stelsel English: octal notation Dutch: achtvlak English: octahedron Dutch: achtvlakkig English: octahedral Dutch: achtvoetstoon English: eight-foot tone Dutch: aciditeit English: acidity Dutch: acquisitieplanning English: acquisition planning Dutch: acroniem English: acronym Dutch: acrylaathars English: acrylic resin Dutch: acrylonitril English: acrylonitrile; acrylic nitrile Dutch: acrylzuur English: acrylic acid; acroleic acid Dutch: actiebericht English: action message Dutch: actief apparaat English: active device Dutch: actief component English: active component Dutch: actief detectiesysteem English: active detection system Dutch: actief element English: active element Dutch: actief filter English: active filter Dutch: actief netwerk English: active network Dutch: actief object English: active object Dutch: actiefactor English: action factor Dutch: actiegrens English: action limit Dutch: actie-ingang English: action entry Dutch: actienemend kantoor English: action office Dutch: actieomschrijving English: action stub Dutch: actieplan English: action plan; plan of action Dutch: actiepotentie English: action potential Dutch: actietaal English: action language Dutch: actieve accommodatie English: active accommodation Dutch: actieve eenheid English: active device Dutch: actieve laag English: active layer Dutch: actieve omvormer English: active transducer Dutch: actieve optica English: active optics Dutch: actieve partitie English: active partition Dutch: actieve redundantie English: active redundancy Dutch: actieve reparatietijd English: active repair time Dutch: actieve sonar English: active sonar Dutch: actieve stof English: active material Dutch: actieve tijd English: active time Dutch: actieve voorraad English: active inventory Dutch: actinometrie English: actinometry Dutch: activator English: activator Dutch: activeren English: to activate; to actuate; to enable Dutch: activering English: activation; firing Dutch: activeringsmiddel English: activator Dutch: activeringspoort English: enabling gate Dutch: activiteit English: activity Dutch: activiteitenbesturing English: activity control Dutch: activiteitengedrag English: activity behaviour Dutch: activiteitenplanning English: activity planning Dutch: activiteitsfactor English: activity factor Dutch: activiteitspercentage English: activity rate Dutch: actor English: actor Dutch: actuator English: actuator Dutch: actueel argument English: actual argument (parameter) Dutch: actueel resultaat English: actual outcome Dutch: actuele parameter English: actual parameter Dutch: actuele parameterlijst English: actual parameter list Dutch: ad English: advertisement Dutch: ad hoc testen English: ad hoc testing Dutch: ad mats English: advertisement materials Dutch: ad rem-uitvoer English: real-time output Dutch: adaptie English: adaption Dutch: adaptief onderhoud English: adaptive maintenance Dutch: adaptieve routering English: adaptive routing Dutch: adaptor English: adaptor; adapter Dutch: additief kleurenmengsel English: additive colour mixture Dutch: additief kleurensysteem English: additive colour system Dutch: additief mengen English: additive mixing Dutch: additief mengsel English: additive mixture Dutch: additieve kleurmenging English: additive colour mixing Dutch: additioneel English: additional Dutch: additionele behoefte English: additional requirement Dutch: additiviteit English: additivity Dutch: ader English: core; conductor; vein Dutch: adjusteren English: to adjust Dutch: administrateur English: accountant Dutch: administratie English: administration; accounting Dutch: administratief English: administrative; clerical; business Dutch: administratief netwerk English: administrative network Dutch: administratiemachine English: tabulator; accounting machine Dutch: administratiesysteem English: accounting system Dutch: admittantie English: admittance Dutch: AD-omzetter English: analogue-digital converter Dutch: A-doos English: A-box; A-carton Dutch: adres met twee niveaus English: two-level address Dutch: adresboek English: directory Dutch: adresbus English: address bus Dutch: adresconstante English: address constant Dutch: adresdeel English: address part Dutch: adresformaat English: address format Dutch: adresgroep English: address group Dutch: adresgroeptoewijzing English: address group allocation Dutch: adresindeling English: address format Dutch: adresindicatiegroep English: address indicating group: AIG Dutch: adresloze opdrachtvorm English: zero address instruction format; addressless instruction format Dutch: adresmodificatie English: address modification Dutch: adresoproep English: call by name Dutch: adresregister English: address register Dutch: adresresolutieprotocol English: address resolution protocol: ARP Dutch: adresruimte English: address space Dutch: adresscheidingsteken English: address separator Dutch: adresseerbaar English: addressable Dutch: adresseerbaar punt English: addressable point Dutch: adresseerbaarheid English: addressability Dutch: adresseerlijst English: map Dutch: adresseren English: to address Dutch: adressering English: addressing Dutch: adresseringsbericht English: address message Dutch: adresseringsexceptie English: addressing exception Dutch: adressignaal English: address signal Dutch: adressoortcode English: address designator Dutch: adresspoor English: address track Dutch: adrestopologie English: address topology Dutch: adresveld English: address field Dutch: adresvelduitbreiding English: address field extension Dutch: adresvertaalprogramma English: address translator Dutch: adverteren English: advertising Dutch: adviesbericht English: advice notice Dutch: adviesprijs English: suggested list price; suggested retail price Dutch: adviseur English: consultant; adviser; advisor Dutch: Aegis English: Aegis Dutch: aethanol English: aethanol; ethyl alcohol Dutch: aether English: ether Dutch: afbeelden English: to depict; to display; to project; to map Dutch: afbeelding English: image; map Dutch: afbeitsen English: to etch; to pickle; to reduce by pickling Dutch: afbijtmiddel English: stripper; remover Dutch: afbikken English: to scale; to descale Dutch: afbinden English: to bind; to set; to cure; to harden Dutch: afbindtijd English: setting time Dutch: afbladderen English: to scale; to flake; to exfoliate Dutch: afblazen English: to blow clean; to eject by air; to blow off Dutch: afboektelpunt English: count point backflush Dutch: afborstelen English: to brush off; to brush down Dutch: afbraakproducten English: breakdown products; decomposition products Dutch: afbramen English: to deburr; to fettle; to trim; to snag Dutch: afbranden English: to deflash Dutch: afbreektijd English: breaking-down time; tear down time Dutch: afbreken English: to abort; to break off Dutch: afbrokkelen English: to crumble off Dutch: afbuigcentrum English: deflection centre Dutch: afbuigconversie-unit English: deflection-convergence unit Dutch: afbuigeenheid English: deflection unit; yoke Dutch: afbuigelektrode English: deflection and focusing electrode; beamforming electrode; deflection electrode Dutch: afbuiggevoeligheid English: deflection sensitivity Dutch: afbuighoek English: deflection angle; angle of deflection Dutch: afbuigingsgenerator English: sweep regenerator Dutch: afbuiginrichting English: deflector Dutch: afbuigjuk English: deflection yoke Dutch: afbuigkwaliteit English: deflection quality Dutch: afbuigplaat English: deflecting plate Dutch: afbuigplaatje English: deflection plate Dutch: afbuigpolariteit English: deflection polarity Dutch: afbuigpunt English: deflection center Dutch: afbuigspanning English: deflection voltage; sweep voltage Dutch: afbuigspiegel English: mirror; deflector Dutch: afbuigspoel English: deflection coil Dutch: afbuigstroom English: deflection current; deflecting current Dutch: afbuigsysteem English: deflection system; deflecting system Dutch: afbuigtransformator English: deflection transformer Dutch: afbuigvermogen English: deflection power Dutch: afbuigvlak English: deflection plane Dutch: afdak English: shelter Dutch: afdalend English: descending; falling Dutch: afdekkap English: guard Dutch: afdekken English: to cover; to mask; to shield Dutch: afdeklaag English: protective layer; protective coating Dutch: afdekmassa English: covering compound Dutch: afdekplaat English: cover plate; cover; screening plate; masking plate Dutch: afdeling English: department Dutch: afdeling vormgeving English: industrial design department Dutch: afdelingschef English: head of department; department head; department chief; department manager; departmental manager Dutch: afdelingsplanning English: department scheduling Dutch: afdelingsstructuur English: departmental structure Dutch: afdelingsvoorraden English: departmental stocks Dutch: afdichtbus English: sealing bush; packing bush; dust cap Dutch: afdichten English: to seal; to pack Dutch: afdichting English: packing; sealing; gasket Dutch: afdichtkoord English: packing cord Dutch: afdichtmassa English: sealing compound Dutch: afdichtprop English: sealing plug Dutch: afdichtring English: sealing ring; packing ring Dutch: afdoend middel English: effective means Dutch: afdraaien English: to turn off Dutch: afdruipbak English: drain tray Dutch: afdruipen English: to drain; to drip Dutch: afdruiprek English: drain rack Dutch: afdruk English: hardcopy; listing; print; copy Dutch: afdrukapparaat English: printer Dutch: afdrukbare kopie English: printable copy Dutch: afdrukeenheid English: chain printer; printer Dutch: afdrukgebied English: print area Dutch: afdrukgedeelte English: print area Dutch: afdrukken English: to list; to print; to copy Dutch: afdrukketting English: print chain Dutch: afdrukmachine English: printer Dutch: afdrukmedium English: print member Dutch: afdruk-ontwerpformulier English: printer spacing chart Dutch: afdrukprogramma English: list program Dutch: afdrukstang English: print bar Dutch: afdrukstation English: print station Dutch: afdrukwiel English: print wheel Dutch: afdwingende toestand English: forcing state Dutch: afferent English: afferent Dutch: affiene geometrie English: affined geometry Dutch: affilteren English: to separate by filtration; to filtrate off; to filter Dutch: afgebroken keuring English: curtailed inspection Dutch: afgedekt English: lidded Dutch: afgedrukt English: printed; copied Dutch: afgegeven spanning English: output voltage Dutch: afgekant English: sharp edges removed Dutch: afgeknipt English: cut off; sheared; squared off Dutch: afgeknotte kegel English: truncated cone; frustum of a cone Dutch: afgelegen English: distant; remote; most distant; most remote Dutch: afgeleid type English: derived type Dutch: afgeleid van English: derived from Dutch: afgeleide English: derivative; derived version; derived type Dutch: afgeleverd overheadbit English: delivered overhead bit Dutch: afgeleverd overheadblok English: delivered overhead block Dutch: afgeschermd English: screened; shielded; protected; guarded; covered; masked Dutch: afgeschermd rooster English: shielded grid Dutch: afgeschermde draad English: shielded wire Dutch: afgeschuind English: bevelled; chamfered Dutch: afgeslankt English: lean Dutch: afgeslankte productie English: lean production Dutch: afgesloten English: lidded Dutch: afgestemd English: tuned; balanced Dutch: afgestemd circuit English: tuned circuit Dutch: afgestemd diafragma English: resonant diaphragm Dutch: afgestemd op English: tuned to; attuned to; tailored to; geared to; adapted to; aligned with Dutch: afgestemd relais English: tuned relay Dutch: afgestemd steunstuk English: resonant supporting piece Dutch: afgestemde antenne English: tuned antenna; tuned aerial Dutch: afgestemde kring English: tuned circuit Dutch: afgestemde lijn English: tuned line Dutch: afgestemde productie English: synchronized production Dutch: afgezakte windingen English: sagged turns Dutch: afgifte English: exudation; emission; dissipation Dutch: afgiftebon English: requisition note Dutch: afgiftestaat English: requisition list Dutch: afhakbuiggatenstempel English: cutting-off, piercing and bending tool; cropping, piercing and bending tool; cutting-off, piercing and forming tool; cropping, piercing and forming tool Dutch: afhakbuigstempel English: cutting off and bending tool; cropping and bending tool Dutch: afhakgereedschap English: cropping tool; cutting-off tool; chopping tool Dutch: afhakken English: to chop; to cut off Dutch: afhakstempel English: cropping tool; cutting-off tool Dutch: afhalen English: to take off Dutch: afhandeling inkomend English: inward handling Dutch: afhandeling uitgaand English: outward handling Dutch: afhandelingsdienst English: handling service Dutch: afhankelijk (van) English: dependent (on) Dutch: afhankelijke vraag English: dependent demand Dutch: afhankelijkheidsdiagram English: dependency diagram Dutch: afhechten English: to anchor; to siphon off Dutch: afkanten English: to remove sharp edges; to bevel; to chamfer Dutch: afkapfout English: truncation error Dutch: afkappen English: to truncate Dutch: afkeurbaar English: rejectable Dutch: afkeurcriterium English: rejection number Dutch: afkeuren English: to reject Dutch: afkeurgrens English: no go limit; reject limit Dutch: afkeurkaliber English: no go gauge Dutch: afkeurlijn English: rejection line Dutch: afkeurpercentage English: rejects percentage Dutch: afkeurzijde English: no go side Dutch: afkloppen English: to knock off Dutch: afknijpen English: to cutoff; to pinch off; to nip off Dutch: afknijpfrequentie English: cutoff frequency Dutch: afknijpgolflengte English: cutoff wavelength Dutch: afknijping English: cutting-off; pinching-off; nipping-off; land flash Dutch: afknijppunt English: cut-off value; cut-off point; cut-off Dutch: afknijprand English: flash ridge; land surface Dutch: afknijpring English: flash ring Dutch: afknijpspanning English: cut-off voltage Dutch: afknippen English: to clip; to cut off; to shear; to square; to square off Dutch: afkniptang English: cutting pliers Dutch: afknotten English: to clip Dutch: afkoelen English: to cool; to cool down Dutch: afkoeling English: cooling; cooling down Dutch: afkoelingsperiode English: cooling-off period Dutch: afkoelklem English: cooling clamp; heatsink Dutch: afkoeltijd English: cooling time; cooling-down time Dutch: afkomstig van English: originating from Dutch: afkorting English: abbreviation Dutch: afkrabben English: to scrape; to scrape off Dutch: afkrijtend English: chalking Dutch: afkrijting English: chalking Dutch: aflakbout English: sealing iron Dutch: aflakken English: to seal; to lock-paint; to finish; to apply a finish coat(ing); to lacquer-coat Dutch: aflaklaag English: finish coat; finish; top coat Dutch: aflakmachine English: sealing device Dutch: afleesapparaat English: reading device Dutch: afleesbaar English: readable Dutch: afleesbaarheid English: readability Dutch: afleesbereik English: reading range Dutch: afleesfout English: error in reading; reading error; reading accuracy Dutch: aflegmagazijn English: cart stacker; receiver Dutch: aflegvlak English: pocket Dutch: afleiding English: conduction; derivation; dissipation; deduction Dutch: afleveringsbevestiging English: delivery confirmation Dutch: afleverinstructie English: delivery instruction Dutch: afleverkwaliteit English: delivery quality Dutch: aflevernota English: delivery invoice Dutch: aflezing English: reading Dutch: aflezingssysteem English: read-out system Dutch: afloop English: fall; run off; slope; tailing-off Dutch: afloopband English: trailing tape Dutch: afloopeffect English: tailing-off effect Dutch: aflooppatroon English: tailing-off pattern Dutch: afloopperiode English: tailing-off period Dutch: afloopstoel English: feed reel; unreeling device; spooling-off bracket; dereeler Dutch: aflopen English: to slope; to run off; to run out; to expire Dutch: aflopend kader English: bleed border Dutch: afmeting English: dimension; size Dutch: afmontage English: final assembly Dutch: afmonteren English: finish (assembly); complete (assembly) Dutch: afname English: decrease; reduction; diminution; offtake; taking; take-off Dutch: afnamekwaliteit English: purchase quality Dutch: afnamepatroon English: off-take pattern [1] Dutch: afnametesten English: acceptance trials Dutch: afneembaar English: detachable; removable Dutch: afneembaar schakelbord English: detachable plug-board Dutch: afneembaar snoer English: detachable cord Dutch: afneemcontact English: take-off contact Dutch: afneeminrichting English: take-off device Dutch: afneempunt English: take-off point Dutch: afneemveer English: wiper spring; slip spring Dutch: afnemen; af te nemen English: buy; purchase Dutch: afnemer English: buyer; consumer; customer Dutch: afnemersrisico English: consumer's risk Dutch: afplakken English: to mask; to tape seal; to stick Dutch: afplatten English: to flatten Dutch: afplatting van de kern English: basic minor truncation Dutch: afplatting van de top English: basic major truncation Dutch: afregelen English: to adjust; to trim; to align; to set Dutch: afregeling English: adjustment; alignment; trimming Dutch: afregeltafel English: alignment table; balancing testboard; coil adjusting testboard Dutch: afregelweerstand English: trimmer resistor Dutch: afremmechanisme English: braking device Dutch: afremmen English: to brake; to slow down Dutch: afremming English: braking; wire tension Dutch: afremmingsregelaar English: wire tensioner Dutch: afremveer English: brake spring Dutch: afremviltje English: brake felt Dutch: afroepen English: call off Dutch: afroeplijst English: call-off list Dutch: afroepplan English: call-off schedule: COS Dutch: afroepplanning English: call-off planning; call-off scheduling Dutch: afroepserie English: call-off quantity Dutch: afroepsysteem English: call-off system Dutch: afroepvrijgaven English: blanket releases Dutch: afrollen English: to unroll; to unwind; to decoil; to unreel Dutch: afronden English: to round off; to radius; to round; to complete Dutch: afronding English: rounding; rounding-off; radius; completion Dutch: afrormosia English: afrormosia Dutch: afschaduwing English: corner cutting Dutch: afscheiden English: to partition off; to detach; to separate Dutch: afscheiding English: partitioning; detachment; coming loose; lifting; separation Dutch: afscheidingswand English: partition Dutch: afschermblik English: shield can Dutch: afschermbus English: screening can Dutch: afschermdeksel English: face screen Dutch: afschermdoos English: shield box Dutch: afschermen English: fence (off); mask; screen (off); shield; protect; guard; cover Dutch: afschermfolie English: screening foil Dutch: afschermfreem English: screening frame Dutch: afschermkap English: screening cap Dutch: afschermkous English: sleeve; tubing Dutch: afschilferen English: to flake; to peel Dutch: afschrijven English: to scribe; to mark out; to depreciate; to write off Dutch: afschrikken English: to quench; to chill Dutch: afschuifkracht English: shearing force Dutch: afschuifspanning English: shear stress Dutch: afschuinen English: to bevel; to chamfer Dutch: afschuining English: bevel; chamfer Dutch: afschuiningshoek English: angle of bevel; angle of chamfer Dutch: afschuiven English: to shear Dutch: afslaan English: to shut off; to stall; to stop Dutch: afslaglengte English: length measurement; cut-off length Dutch: afslagoscillator English: blocking oscillator Dutch: afslagschakelaar English: limit switch; autostop switch Dutch: afslijten English: to wear Dutch: afsluitbaar English: lockable Dutch: afsluitbus English: dust cap Dutch: afsluiter English: shut-off valve; stop cock; obturator; valve Dutch: afsluitimpedantie English: terminal impedance; terminating impedance Dutch: afsluiting English: closure; termination; match; matching; shut-off; cut-off; turn-off; seal; covering; conclusion Dutch: afsluitingskenmerk English: segment terminator Dutch: afsluitkraan English: stop cock Dutch: afsluitprocedure English: cut-off procedure Dutch: afsluitsteker English: terminating plug Dutch: afsluitweerstand English: terminating resistance Dutch: afsmelten English: to seal off Dutch: afsnijbuiggatenstempel English: cutting-off, piercing and bending tool; cropping, piercing and bending tool; cutting-off, piercing and forming tool; cropping, piercing and forming tool Dutch: afsnijbuigstempel English: cutting-off and bending tool; cropping and bending tool; cutting-off and forming tool; cropping and forming tool Dutch: afsnijden English: to cut off; to shear; to crop; to clip; to chop Dutch: afsnijfelsgereedschap English: cutting-riveting tool Dutch: afsnijfrequentie English: cut-off frequency; limit frequency Dutch: afsnijgatenstempel English: cutting-off and piercing tool; cropping and piercing tool Dutch: afsnijlengte English: cutting length Dutch: afsnijpons English: cropping punch Dutch: afsnijrand English: cut edge Dutch: afsnijstempel English: cutting-off tool; cropping tool Dutch: afsnuiten English: to chamfer Dutch: afspanisolator English: strain isolator Dutch: afspannen English: to unclamp Dutch: afspeelapparatuur English: playback equipment; audio equipment; music equipment Dutch: afspelen English: to play; to playback; to reproduce; to replay Dutch: afsplitsen English: to split off; to separate; to divide; to sever Dutch: afspoelen English: to de-reel; to unreel; to unspool; to spool off; to wash off; to rinse Dutch: afspraak English: agreement; convention; appointment Dutch: afspuiten English: to spray off; to spray clean Dutch: afstand English: distance; spacing; separation; interval; pitch row; pitch; array pitch Dutch: afstandisolator English: stand-off isolator Dutch: afstandsafstelling English: remote tuning Dutch: afstandsbesturing English: remote control Dutch: afstandsbeugel English: distance bracket; spacer bracket Dutch: afstandsbus English: distance piece; spacer Dutch: afstandshuls English: spacer sleeve Dutch: afstandsinstelling English: range adjustment Dutch: afstandsinstelring English: range-adjusting ring Dutch: afstandsmal English: spacing jig Dutch: afstandsnauwkeurigheid English: distance accuracy Dutch: afstandsplaat English: distance plate; spacer plate; spacer; shim; packing plate; distance piece Dutch: afstandsring English: spacer; spacing ring Dutch: afstandsschakelaar English: remote control switch Dutch: afstandssensor English: range sensor Dutch: afstandsstuk English: distance piece; spacer Dutch: afstandsthermometer English: remote thermometer Dutch: afsteekbeitel English: parting-off tool Dutch: afsteekpunt English: parting-off point; part-off pip Dutch: afsteken English: to part off Dutch: afstellen English: adjust; set; tune Dutch: afstelmal English: adjusting ring; setting jig Dutch: afstelregel English: heads alignment checking tool Dutch: afstemas English: tuning shaft; tuning spindle Dutch: afstembaar English: tunable Dutch: afstembare leiding English: tuned line Dutch: afstembereik English: tuning range Dutch: afstemcapaciteit English: tuning capacitance Dutch: afstemcondensator English: tuning capacitor; variable capacitor; tuning gang Dutch: afstemeenheid English: tuner Dutch: afstemfrequentie English: tuning frequency Dutch: afstemgebied English: tuning range Dutch: afstemgemak English: ease of tuning Dutch: afstemindicatie-unit English: tuning indicator Dutch: afstemindicator English: tuning indicator Dutch: afstemindicatorbuis English: magic eye; tuning indicator tube Dutch: afstemkern English: trimming core; slug Dutch: afstemknop English: tuning knob Dutch: afstemkring English: tuned circuit Dutch: afstemkromme English: tuning curve Dutch: afstemmen English: to tune; to balance Dutch: afstemmen op English: to tune to; to attune to; to tailor to; to gear to Dutch: afstemming English: balancing; tuning Dutch: afstemoog English: electronic tuning indicator; magic eye Dutch: afstemparallelkring English: parallel tuned circuit Dutch: afstemschaal English: tuning dial Dutch: afstemspoel English: tuning coil Dutch: afstemunit English: tuner Dutch: afstemverlies English: tuning loss; balancing loss Dutch: afstemverloop English: tuning drift Dutch: afstootkracht English: repellent force; repelling force Dutch: afstoppen English: to plug Dutch: afstopweerstand English: pull-up resistor Dutch: afstoten English: to repel Dutch: afstoting English: repulsion; repellency Dutch: afstrijkmes English: doctor knife Dutch: afstroopbout English: stripper bolt Dutch: afstroopbus English: stripper bush; stripping sleeve Dutch: afstroopeenheid English: stripper Dutch: afstroopinrichting English: stripping attachment Dutch: afstrooppen English: stripper pin Dutch: afstroopplaat English: stripper plate Dutch: afstroopring English: stripper ring Dutch: afstropen English: to strip Dutch: afstroper English: stripper Dutch: aftakcomponent English: tapped component Dutch: aftakdoos English: distribution box Dutch: aftakinductor English: tapped inductor Dutch: aftakken English: to branch off; to tap; to tap off; to take off Dutch: aftakking English: branch; drop; tap Dutch: aftakkingskabel English: branched cable Dutch: aftakplaat English: tapping plate Dutch: aftakspoel English: tapped coil Dutch: aftaktransformator English: tapped transformer Dutch: aftakweerstand English: tapped resistor Dutch: aftakwinding English: tapped winding Dutch: aftapbeugel English: scanning bracket; sensing bracket; velocity trip lever Dutch: aftapkraan English: drain cock; tap; draw off cock Dutch: aftappen English: to drain Dutch: aftastbekwaamheid English: trackability Dutch: aftastbeweging English: scanning motion; sensing motion Dutch: aftastcircuit English: scanning circuit Dutch: aftastcyclus English: scanning cycle Dutch: aftasten English: to scan; to sense; to feel; to track; to trace; to probe Dutch: aftaster English: scanner; tracer; sensor; velocity trip lever Dutch: aftastfout English: scanning error; sensing error; tracing error Dutch: aftastfrequentie English: scanning frequency Dutch: aftasthoek English: scanning angle; sensing angle; tracking angle; tracing angle Dutch: aftasting English: scanning; sensing; feeling; tracking; tracing; probing Dutch: aftastlijn English: scan; scanning line; active line Dutch: aftastlus English: scan loop Dutch: aftastprogramma English: scan program Dutch: aftastpunt English: scanning point; tracking point; tracing point; probing point Dutch: aftastsignaal English: sense signal; read output; read output signal Dutch: aftastsnelheid English: scanning speed; scanning rate; tracking speed; tracing speed Dutch: aftastspanning English: scanning voltage; sweep voltage Dutch: aftaststraal English: scanning beam Dutch: aftastverlies English: scanning loss Dutch: aftastvervorming English: scanning distortion; tracking distortion; tracing distortion Dutch: aftastvlek English: scanning spot Dutch: aftastwinding English: sense winding Dutch: aftekenen; aftekenen [6] English: sign(ing) off; to initial; endorse (cheque, rekening); OK (voor gezien tekenen, informeel); check / tick off (op een lijst) Dutch: aftekengereedschap English: scribing tool Dutch: aftekenkaliber English: marking gauge Dutch: aftrekken English: to draw off; to remove; to pull off; to peel; to subtract Dutch: aftrekking English: drawing off; removal; pulling off; peeling; subtraction Dutch: aftrekkracht English: withdrawal force; pull-off force Dutch: aftrekschakeling English: subtracter; two-input subtracter Dutch: aftrektal English: minuend Dutch: afvalafvoer English: waste disposal; swarf disposal Dutch: afvalbak English: scrap box; scrap bin; tote box; waste bin; litter bin; rubbish bin; waste container Dutch: afvalfactor English: scrap factor Dutch: afvallen English: to release; to drop out; to be de-energized; to drop off; to decay; to die out; to fall; to slope Dutch: afvalmateriaal English: scrap; waste material Dutch: afvalpunt English: drop-out point, release point, 3dB point Dutch: afvalspanning English: drop-out voltage; release voltage; dropout voltage Dutch: afvalstrook English: waste strip Dutch: afvalstroom English: release current; drop-out current Dutch: afvaltijd English: decay time; release time; drop-out time; fall time Dutch: afvaltijd van een puls English: pulse fall time Dutch: afvalvernietiger English: waste disposer Dutch: afvalwaarde English: dropout value Dutch: afvijlen English: to file off; to file away Dutch: afvlakcondensator English: smoothing capacitor Dutch: afvlakfilter English: smoothing filter; capacitor input filter; choke input filter; two-section filter Dutch: afvlakken English: to smooth; to flatten; to level off Dutch: afvlakking English: smoothing; flattening; levelling-off Dutch: afvloeien (doen) English: to lay off; to release; to discharge Dutch: afvoerband English: discharge belt; discharge conveyor Dutch: afvoercircuit English: sink circuit Dutch: afvoergat English: discharge hole; drain hole Dutch: afvoergoot English: discharge chute; drain pipe Dutch: afvoerhoogte English: drain height Dutch: afvoerleiding English: discharge pipe; drain pipe Dutch: afvoerpomp English: drain pump Dutch: afvoerslang English: drain hose; discharge hose Dutch: afvoertrechter English: chute Dutch: afvoertuit English: spout Dutch: afvuren English: to fire Dutch: afwas English: wash Dutch: afwascyclus English: washing cycle Dutch: afwasmachine English: dishwasher Dutch: afwasmiddel English: detergent Dutch: afwegen English: to weigh out; to weigh Dutch: afwerken English: to finish; to true up; to complete; to accomplish Dutch: afwerking English: finish; completion; accomplishment; trim Dutch: afwerkingsspecificatie English: finish specification Dutch: afwerkknop English: finishing head Dutch: afwezigheidsdienst English: absent user service Dutch: afwezigheidsuren English: absence hours Dutch: afwijken van English: to deviate from Dutch: afwijkend English: distinctive; contrasting; distinguished Dutch: afwijking English: deviation; error; mutation analysis Dutch: afwijssignaal English: call-not-accepted signal Dutch: afwijzing English: quiescing Dutch: afwikkelen English: to de-reel; to unreel; to spool off; to unwind; to uncoil; to de-coil; to develop; to generate; to complete; to settle Dutch: afwikkelremkoppel English: braking torque on spooling off Dutch: afwikkelspoel English: feed reel; reservoir spool Dutch: afwisselen English: to alternate; to vary Dutch: afwisselend English: alternate; varying Dutch: afzet English: sales; offtake Dutch: afzetgebied English: outlet Dutch: afzetkanaal English: distribution channel Dutch: afzetniveau English: sales level Dutch: afzetten English: to stop; to switch off; to set off; to mark off; to deposit; to sell Dutch: afzetting English: stopping; switching-off; marking-off; deposit Dutch: afzonderlijk English: separate; isolated Dutch: afzonderlijke fabricage English: discrete manufacturing Dutch: afzuigen English: to exhaust; to extract; to suck out Dutch: afzuiging English: exhaust; exhaustion; extraction Dutch: afzuiginstallatie English: exhauster; exhaust system Dutch: afzuigkolf English: suction flask Dutch: afzwakken English: to weaken Dutch: agentschap English: agency Dutch: agglomeratienet: AGN English: agglomeration net Dutch: aggregaat English: aggregate; unit Dutch: aggregeren English: to aggregate Dutch: ahorn English: maple Dutch: air-slip methode English: air-slip method Dutch: akkoord English: chord; agreement; arrangement Dutch: akkoordbevinding English: approval Dutch: akoestiek English: acoustics Dutch: akoestisch filter English: acoustic filter Dutch: akoestisch scherm English: acoustic baffle Dutch: akoestisch systeem English: acoustic system Dutch: akoestische box English: acoustic box; acoustic enclosure Dutch: akoestische capaciteit English: acoustic capacitance Dutch: akoestische elektronica English: acousto-electronics Dutch: akoestische geleiding English: acoustical conduction Dutch: akoestische golf English: acoustic wave Dutch: akoestische impedantie English: acoustic impedance Dutch: akoestische isolatie English: acoustic insulation Dutch: akoestische koppeling English: acoustic coupling Dutch: akoestische ohm English: acoustic ohm Dutch: akoestische omvormer English: acoustic transducer Dutch: akoestische propagatie English: acoustic propagation Dutch: akoestische ruis English: acoustic noise Dutch: akoestische sensor English: acoustic sensor Dutch: akoestische transmissie English: acoustic transmission Dutch: akoestisch-optisch English: acousto-optic Dutch: alarm English: alarm Dutch: alarmcentrum English: alarm center Dutch: alarmering English: signalling Dutch: alarmsignaal English: alarm signal Dutch: alarmsignalering English: emergency signalling Dutch: albedo English: directional reflectance Dutch: alfabet English: alphabet; character set Dutch: alfabetisch English: alphabetical Dutch: alfabetisch woord English: alphabetic word Dutch: alfabetische code English: alphabetic code Dutch: alfabetische telegrafie English: alphabetic telegraphy Dutch: alfacode English: alpha code Dutch: alfadeeltjes English: alpha particles Dutch: alfafactor English: alpha factor Dutch: alfamozaïke standaard English: alphamosaic standard Dutch: alfanumeriek English: alphanumeric; alphameric Dutch: alfanumerieke code English: alphanumeric code; alphameric code Dutch: alfatest English: alpha test Dutch: algebraïsch English: algebraic; algebraical Dutch: algebraïsche bewerking English: algebraic operation Dutch: algebraïsche som English: algebraical sum Dutch: algebraïsche taal English: algebraic language Dutch: algebraïsche teller English: algebraic adder Dutch: algehele correctheid English: total correctness Dutch: algehele reflectie English: total reflection Dutch: algemeen belang English: general interest; public interest Dutch: algemeen bericht English: general message Dutch: algemeen directeur English: managing director; chief executive officer; CEO Dutch: algemeen gemiddelde English: grand average Dutch: algemeen onderwijs English: general education Dutch: algemeen totaal English: grand total Dutch: algemeenheid English: commonality; genericity Dutch: algemene punten English: general points; general remarks; general notes Dutch: algemene vorming English: general education Dutch: Algol English: algorithmic language Dutch: algoritmisch English: algorithmic Dutch: algoritmische taal English: algorithmic language Dutch: alias English: alias; AKA Dutch: aliaserende ruis English: aliasing noise Dutch: aliasering English: aliasing Dutch: alifatisch English: aliphatic Dutch: alkali English: alkali Dutch: alkalibestendig English: alkali-proof; alkali-resistant Dutch: alkalifosfaat English: alkali phosphate Dutch: alkalisch bad English: alkaline solution Dutch: alkalisch ontvetten English: alkaline degreasing Dutch: alkalisch vertinnen English: alkaline tin-plating Dutch: alkalisilicaat English: alkali silicate Dutch: alkaliteit English: alkalinity Dutch: alkydhars English: alkyd resin Dutch: alkydharslijm English: alkyd resin glue; alkyd resin adhesive Dutch: alkylfenolhars English: alkyl phenol resin Dutch: alleenstaand English: stand-alone Dutch: allessnijder English: universal slicer; all-purpose slicer Dutch: alliage English: alloy Dutch: allotropisch English: allotropic Dutch: all-time-behoefte English: all-time requirement Dutch: all-time-voorraad English: all-time stock Dutch: alodiniseren English: Alocrom treatment Dutch: aloxeren English: anodizing Dutch: als-is fabriek English: as-is plant Dutch: alt English: alto; contralto Dutch: alternatief product English: alternative product Dutch: alternatieve bewerking English: alternate operation Dutch: alternatieve frequentie English: alternate frequency Dutch: alternatieve hypothese English: alternative hypothesis Dutch: alternatieve levering English: alternate feedstock Dutch: alternatieve route English: alternative route Dutch: alternatieve routering English: alternate routing Dutch: alternatievenkeuze English: control change; change of control Dutch: aluminiseren English: to aluminize Dutch: aluminiumantomoon English: aluminum antomonide Dutch: aluminiumdraad English: aluminium wire Dutch: aluminiumfoelie English: aluminium foil Dutch: aluminiumtrioxyde English: alumina Dutch: aluminiumverf English: aluminium paint; aluminia paint Dutch: alundum English: alundum Dutch: alzijdig-gericht English: omnidirectional Dutch: alzijdigheid English: generality Dutch: AM English: amplitude modulation Dutch: AM-antenne English: AM-antenna; AM-aerial Dutch: amaril English: emery Dutch: amarilpolijsten English: emery polishing; emery bobbing; scurfing; scurf bobbing Dutch: amateurontvanger English: amateur radio receiver; ham band receiver Dutch: ambachtsschool English: elementary technical school Dutch: ambiance English: ambience Dutch: ambigu English: ambiguous Dutch: ambiguïteit English: ambiguity Dutch: ambiofonisch English: ambiophonic Dutch: ambtenaar English: civil servant; public servant Dutch: AM-detectie English: AM detection Dutch: AM-gemoduleerd English: amplitude modulated; AM-modulated Dutch: ammonia English: ammonium hydroxide Dutch: ammoniakaal English: ammoniacal Dutch: ammoniakaal maken English: to render ammoniacal Dutch: ammoniumacetaat English: ammonium acetate Dutch: ammoniumbifluoride English: ammonium bifluoride Dutch: ammoniumchloride English: ammonium chloride; sal ammoniac Dutch: ammoniumpersulfaat English: ammonium persulphate Dutch: ampère English: ampere Dutch: ampèremeter English: ammeter; ampere-meter Dutch: ampère-uur English: ampere-hour: Ah Dutch: ampèrewinding English: ampere-turn Dutch: amperage English: amperage Dutch: amplitude English: amplitude; range; interquartile range: IQR Dutch: amplitude gemoduleerd English: amplitude modulated: AM Dutch: amplitudebegrenzer English: amplitude limiter; amplitude separator; clipper; sync separator Dutch: amplitudebegrenzing English: amplitude limitation; amplitude separation; clipping; sync separation Dutch: amplitudegelijkrichter English: amplitude equalizer Dutch: amplitudekarakteristiek English: amplitude characteristic Dutch: amplitudemodulatie English: amplitude modulation: AM Dutch: amplitudemodulator English: amplitude modulator Dutch: amplituderegelaar English: amplitude control Dutch: amplitudeverhouding English: amplitude ratio; one to zero ratio Dutch: amplitudevervorming English: amplitude distortion Dutch: AM-tegenkoppeling: AMTK English: AM negative feedback Dutch: amusement English: entertainment Dutch: amusementselektronica English: entertainment electronics Dutch: amylacetaat English: amyl acetate Dutch: anafora English: anaphora; pronoun resolution Dutch: analoge besturing English: analog control Dutch: analoge codering English: analog encoding Dutch: analoge data English: analog data Dutch: analoge decodering English: analog decoding Dutch: analoge deler English: analog divider; divider Dutch: analoge elektronica English: analog electronics Dutch: analoge gegevens English: analog data Dutch: analoge integrator English: analog integrator Dutch: analoge opteller English: analog adder; summer Dutch: analoge rekenautomaat English: analog computer Dutch: analoge representatie English: analog representation Dutch: analoge simulatie English: analog simulation Dutch: analoge sommator English: analog adder; summer Dutch: analoge switch English: analog switch Dutch: analoge synchronisatie English: analog synchronization Dutch: analoge telefoon English: analog telephone Dutch: analoge teller English: analog adder Dutch: analoge transmissie English: analog transmission Dutch: analoge variabele English: analog variable Dutch: analoge voorstelling English: analog representation Dutch: analogie-netwerk English: network analog Dutch: analogisch oplossen English: analogical learning Dutch: analogon English: analog computer; analogon Dutch: analoog English: analog; analogous Dutch: analoog apparaat English: analog device Dutch: analoog datakanaal English: analog data channel Dutch: analoog kanaal English: analog channel Dutch: analoog netwerk English: analog network Dutch: analoog schakelen English: analog switching Dutch: analoog signaal English: analog signal Dutch: analoog toestel English: analog device Dutch: analoog-digitaal English: analog-digital: A/D Dutch: analysator English: analyzer Dutch: analysecertificaat English: certificate of analysis Dutch: analysemethode English: method of analysis Dutch: analysemiddelen English: analyzers Dutch: analysemonster English: analysis sample; test sample Dutch: analyseprogramma English: analysis program Dutch: analyseren English: to analyze Dutch: analyserend vermogen English: analytical power Dutch: analyse-uitkomst English: result of the analysis; analysis results Dutch: analytisch oppervlak English: analytical surface Dutch: analytische balans English: analytical balance Dutch: analytische machine English: analytical engine Dutch: analytische procedure English: analytical procedure Dutch: analytische relatie English: analytical relationship Dutch: anamorfisch English: anamorphic Dutch: anastigmatisch English: anastigmatic Dutch: anciënniteit English: seniority Dutch: Angström English: Angstrom Dutch: anijsolie English: anise oil Dutch: anilinekleurstof English: aniline dye Dutch: animator English: animator Dutch: anion English: anion Dutch: anionisch English: anionic Dutch: anisochronisch English: anisochronous Dutch: anisotroop English: anisotropic; anisotropical Dutch: anisotropisch English: anisotropic Dutch: anker English: anchor; armature Dutch: ankerblik English: armature lamination Dutch: ankerboring English: anchoring bore Dutch: ankerplaat English: anchor plate Dutch: ankerrelais English: armature relay Dutch: ankerwikkeling English: rotor winding Dutch: annotatie English: annotation Dutch: annoteren English: to annotate Dutch: annulatie English: cancellation Dutch: annuleer English: cancel Dutch: annuleerteken English: deleted representation; erase character Dutch: annuleren English: to cancel Dutch: annuleringsrecord English: deletion record Dutch: annuleringsteken English: cancel character: CAN Dutch: anode aan massa English: grounded anode Dutch: anode-afstemkring English: anode tuned-circuit Dutch: anode-afval English: anode scrap; anode waste Dutch: anodebasisschakeling English: cathode follower; cathode- coupled circuit Dutch: anodebasisversterker English: cathode follower Dutch: anodebatterij English: anode battery Dutch: anodebelasting English: anode load Dutch: anodecircuit English: anode circuit Dutch: anode-contactpunt English: anode terminal Dutch: anodedetector English: anode bend detector; anode detector Dutch: anodedissipatie English: anode dissipation Dutch: anode-eigenschappen English: anode properties Dutch: anodegelijkspanning English: anode voltage; DC plate voltage; DC supply voltage Dutch: anodehaak English: anode connector; anode hook; anode hanger Dutch: anodekap English: anode cap Dutch: anode-katodecapaciteit English: anode-to-cathode capacitance Dutch: anodeketen English: anode circuit Dutch: anodekorf English: anode basket Dutch: anodekring English: anode circuit Dutch: anodemateriaal English: anode material Dutch: anodemetaal English: anode metal Dutch: anodemodulatie English: anode modulation Dutch: anode-ophanging English: anode suspension Dutch: anodepolarisatie English: anode polarization Dutch: anoderendement English: anode efficiency Dutch: anode-roostercapaciteit English: grid-to-anode capacitance Dutch: anoderuststroom English: zero signal anode current; quiescent anode current Dutch: anodeslib English: anode mud; anode slim; anode sludge Dutch: anodespanning English: anode voltage Dutch: anodespanningsbatterij English: anode voltage battery Dutch: anodespanningsvoeding English: anode voltage supply Dutch: anodestang English: anode bar; anode rod Dutch: anodestopweerstand English: anode stopper Dutch: anodestroom English: anode current; plate current Dutch: anode-uitrusting English: anode equipment Dutch: anodeval English: anode drop; anode fall Dutch: anodeverliezen English: anode losses Dutch: anodevormen English: anode shapes Dutch: anodeweerstand English: anode resistance Dutch: anodewisselspanning English: AC anode voltage; AC plate voltage; AC supply voltage Dutch: anodezak English: anode bag Dutch: anodisch English: anodic Dutch: anodisch glanzen English: anode brightening; anodic brightening Dutch: anodisch ontvetten English: anodic cleaning; anodic oxidation; to anodize Dutch: anodisch oxydeerbaar English: anodizing quality Dutch: anodisch oxyderen English: anodizing; anodic oxidation; to anodize Dutch: anodisch polijsten English: anodic grinding; anodic polishing; anode polishing Dutch: anodisch reinigen English: anodic cleaning Dutch: anodiseerbad English: anodizing bath; anodizing liquid solution; anodizing solution Dutch: anodiseren English: to anodize Dutch: anomale voortplanting English: anomalous propagation Dutch: anomalie English: anomaly Dutch: anonieme variabele English: anonymous variable Dutch: anorganisch English: inorganic Dutch: anox English: anodizing quality Dutch: ANSI/SPARC architectuur English: ANSI/SPARC architecture Dutch: antenne-aanpassing English: antenna matching; aerial matching Dutch: antenne-aansluitdoos English: antenna terminal box; aerial terminal box; antenna outlet Dutch: antenne-aansluiting English: antenna connection; aerial connection Dutch: antenne-aansluitplaat English: antenna terminal plate; antenna connection plate; aerial terminal plate; aerial connection plate Dutch: antenne-apertuur English: antenna aperture Dutch: antennebandfilter English: antenna bandpass filter; aerial bandpass filter Dutch: antennebouwdoos English: antenna kit; aerial kit Dutch: antennebus English: antenna socket; aerial socket Dutch: antenneconfiguratie English: antenna array; aerial array Dutch: antenneconstante English: antenna constant; aerial constant Dutch: antenneconstructie English: antenna design; aerial design Dutch: antenneconvertor English: antenna convertor; antennaverter; aerial convertor Dutch: antennedrager English: boom Dutch: antennedynamica English: antenna dynamics Dutch: antenne-eigenschappen English: antenna properties; aerial properties Dutch: antenne-eindpunten English: aerial ends Dutch: antennefabriek English: antenna factory; antenna works; aerial factory; aerial works Dutch: antennefabrikant English: antenna manufacturer; aerial manufacturer Dutch: antennefilter English: antenna filter; aerial filter Dutch: antennefixatie English: lock-on Dutch: antennegevoeligheid English: antenna sensitivity; aerial sensitivity Dutch: antennegroepering English: antenna array; aerial array Dutch: antennehoogte English: antenna elevation; antenna height; aerial elevation; aerial height Dutch: antenne-impedantie English: antenna-impedance; aerial- impedance Dutch: antenne-impedantiemeter English: aerial impedance meter Dutch: antenne-ingang English: antenna input; aerial input Dutch: antenne-installateur English: antenna installer; aerial installer Dutch: antenne-installatie English: antenna installation; aerial installation Dutch: antenne-interferentie English: antenna interference Dutch: antennekabel English: antenna cable; aerial cable Dutch: antennekabelinvoer English: antenna cable lead-in; aerial cable lead-in Dutch: antennekarakteristiek English: antenna characteristic; aerial characteristic Dutch: antennekeuzeschakelaar English: antenna selector switch; aerial selector switch Dutch: antenneklem English: antenna terminal; aerial terminal; antenna clamp; aerial clamp Dutch: antennekoppelfilter English: antenna signal splitter; antenna coupler; antenna mixer network; antenna mixer filter; antenna band- separator; antenna frequency separator; aerial signal splitter; aerial coupler; aerial mixer network; aerial mixer filter; aerial band-separator; aerial frequency separator Dutch: antennekring English: antenna circuit; aerial circuit Dutch: antenneleiding English: antenna downlead; antenna feeder; aerial feeder; antenna lead-in; aerial lead-in Dutch: antennelus English: antenna lobe Dutch: antennemast English: antenna mast; aerial mast Dutch: antennemetingen English: antenna measurements; aerial measurements Dutch: antennemontage English: antenna mounting; aerial mounting Dutch: antenne-omschakelaar English: antenna switch; aerial switch Dutch: antenne-oriëntatie English: antenna orientation; antenna probing; aerial orientation; aerial probing Dutch: antennerotatie English: antenna rotation Dutch: antennerotatieperiode English: antenna rotation period Dutch: antennerotor English: antenna rotor; aerial rotor Dutch: antenneschotel English: antenna dish; aerial dish Dutch: antenneseriespoel English: antenna series coil; aerial series coil Dutch: antennesignaal English: antenna signal; aerial signal Dutch: antennespanning English: antenna voltage; aerial voltage Dutch: antennespoel English: antenna coil; serial coil Dutch: antennespray English: antenna spray; aerial spray Dutch: antennesteker English: antenna plug; aerial plug Dutch: antennestraling English: antenna radiation; aerial radiation Dutch: antennesturing English: aerial control; antenna control Dutch: antennesysteem English: antenna system; aerial system Dutch: antennetechniek English: antenna technology; aerial technology Dutch: antennetoebehoren English: antenna accessories; aerial accessories Dutch: antennetransformator English: antenna transformer; aerial transformer Dutch: antennetrimmer English: antenna trimmer; aerial trimmer Dutch: antennetype English: antenna type; aerial type Dutch: antenne-uitbreiding English: antenna multiplier Dutch: antennevakman English: antenna expert; aerial expert Dutch: antenneverlengmast English: antenna extension mast; aerial extension mast Dutch: antennevermogen English: antenna power; aerial power Dutch: antenneversterker English: antenna amplifier; aerial amplifier Dutch: antenneversterking English: antenna gain; aerial gain Dutch: antennevoeding English: antenna feed Dutch: antennevoorversterker English: antenna preamplifier; aerial preamplifier; antenna preamp; aerial preamp Dutch: antennewissel English: antenna signal splitter; antenna coupler; antenna mixer network; antenna mixer filter; antenna band- separator; antenna frequency separator; aerial signal splitter; aerial coupler; aerial mixer network; aerial mixer filter; aerial band-separator; aerial frequency separator Dutch: antennezwaaihoek English: antenna sweep Dutch: anti-aliasering English: anti-aliasing Dutch: anti-aliaseringsfilter English: anti-aliasing filter Dutch: anticipatie-analyse English: look-ahead analysis Dutch: anticipatievoorraad English: anticipation stock Dutch: anticiperende buffering English: anticipatory buffering Dutch: antidroogpasta English: anti-drying paste Dutch: antifrictiemetaal English: white metal; antifriction metal; Babbitt metal; bearing metal Dutch: antikathode English: anticathode Dutch: anti-klokkromme English: inverted bell-shape curve; mise-en- forme curve Dutch: antikraakdraad English: anti-crackle wire Dutch: antikrasvloeistof English: scratch resistant liquid Dutch: antilogaritmisch English: antilogarithmic Dutch: antilossing English: counterdraft Dutch: antimagnetisch English: antimagnetic Dutch: antimaterie English: antimatter Dutch: antimoongoudband English: gold antimony strip Dutch: antimoonlegering English: antimony alloy Dutch: antimoonlood English: antimony lead Dutch: antimoonoxyde English: antimony oxide Dutch: antimoontrioxyde English: antimony trioxide Dutch: antineutron English: antineutron Dutch: antioxidans English: antioxidant Dutch: antiproton English: antiproton Dutch: antireflectiefilter English: optical light filter Dutch: antireflectielaag English: antireflection coating Dutch: antiresonantie-eenheid English: antisinging device Dutch: antischuimmiddel English: antifoaming agent Dutch: antistatisch English: antistatic Dutch: antistatisch middel English: antistatic agent; destaticizer Dutch: antivelmiddel English: antiskinning agent; antiskinner Dutch: antiverblindingsspiegel English: dipping rear-end mirror Dutch: antracietzwart English: anthracite black Dutch: antropomorf English: anthropomorphic Dutch: antropomorfe robot English: anthropomorphic robot; articulated robot; revolute robot Dutch: antwoordkaart English: business reply card Dutch: antwoordmodus English: answer mode Dutch: antwoordsignaal English: answer-back code; answerback Dutch: antwoordunit English: answer-back unit Dutch: A-pennen English: A-pins Dutch: A-periode English: A-period Dutch: aperiodiek English: aperiodic; dead-beat Dutch: aperiodieke antenne English: aperiodic antenna Dutch: aperiodieke demping English: aperiodic damping; overdamping Dutch: aperiodieke functie English: aperiodic function Dutch: aperiodieke stroom English: aperiodic current Dutch: aperiodisch English: aperiodic; dead-beat Dutch: apertuur English: aperture Dutch: apertuurcorrectie English: aperture correction Dutch: apertuurfout English: aperture error Dutch: apertuurverhouding English: aperture ratio Dutch: apertuurvervorming English: aperture distortion Dutch: apogeum English: apogee Dutch: apolair English: nonpolar Dutch: Apollo English: Apollo Dutch: apparaat English: apparatus; equipment; set; attachment; instrument; device; appliance Dutch: apparaatgebonden English: apparatus-bound Dutch: apparaatnummer English: apparatus number Dutch: apparatenfabriek English: set factory Dutch: apparatuur English: equipment; gear; tooling; tools; instrumentation; hardware Dutch: apparatuurketen English: equipment chain Dutch: apparatuurklok English: equipment clock Dutch: apparatuurproduct English: hardware product Dutch: apparatuurredundantie English: hardware redundancy Dutch: apparatuurzijde English: equipment side Dutch: applet English: applet Dutch: AppleTalk English: AppleTalk Dutch: applicatiebeheer English: application management Dutch: applicatiedomein English: application domain Dutch: applicatiegebied English: application area Dutch: applicatiegenerator English: application generator Dutch: applicatiegerichte taal English: application-oriented language Dutch: applicatielaag English: application layer Dutch: applicatielaboratorium English: application laboratory Dutch: applicatienetwerk English: application network Dutch: applicatieobjecten English: application objects Dutch: applicatieproces English: application process Dutch: applicatieprogramma English: application program Dutch: applicatieprotocol English: application protocol Dutch: applicatieserver English: application server Dutch: applicatiesoftware English: application software Dutch: applicatietaal English: application language Dutch: appliqué English: applique Dutch: appreciatie English: appreciation Dutch: approbatie English: approbation; approval Dutch: approbatieland English: approbation country; approval country Dutch: aquadag English: aquadag Dutch: aquadaglaag English: aquadag coating Dutch: arbeid English: work; labour; energy Dutch: arbeider English: worker; labourer operator Dutch: arbeidersorganisatie English: worker's union Dutch: arbeidsanalyse English: work study; function analysis; work analysis Dutch: arbeidsbemiddeling English: placing; placement Dutch: arbeidsbescherming English: protection of labour Dutch: arbeidsbesparend English: labour saving Dutch: arbeidsbeurs English: labour exchange Dutch: arbeidsbezetting English: employment level Dutch: arbeidscoëfficient English: power factor Dutch: arbeidscontact English: normally open; normally-open contact Dutch: arbeidsdiagram English: work diagram Dutch: arbeidseenheid English: unit of energy; unit of work Dutch: arbeidsgang English: cycle of operations Dutch: arbeidsgeschiktheid English: capacity to work Dutch: arbeidsgeschil English: industrial dispute; labour dispute Dutch: arbeidsgroep English: working group Dutch: arbeidshygiène English: factory hygiene; occupational health Dutch: arbeidsintensief English: labour intensive Dutch: arbeidskosten English: labour costs Dutch: arbeidskracht English: worker; labourer Dutch: arbeidskrachten English: manpower; workers; labour force Dutch: arbeidsonderbreking English: temporary stoppage; interruption of work Dutch: arbeidsongeval English: work accident; work injury Dutch: arbeidspotentieel English: work force; labour force; manpower Dutch: arbeidsprestatie English: work output; labour output; performance Dutch: arbeidsproductiviteit English: labour productivity; productivity of labour Dutch: arbeidsreserve English: labour reserve Dutch: arbeidsrust English: labour peace; industrial peace; peace in industry Dutch: arbeidsschuwheid English: work-shyness Dutch: arbeidsstroom English: operating current Dutch: arbeidsstudie English: work study Dutch: arbeidstempo English: working speed; pace Dutch: arbeidsterrein English: working field; field of activity Dutch: arbeidsuren English: working hours Dutch: arbeidsverhoudingen English: industrial relations; labour relations Dutch: arbeidsverloop English: labour turnover; labour wastage Dutch: arbeidsvermogen English: energy; power; mechanical energy; kinetic energy; potential energy Dutch: arbeidsvoldoening English: job satisfaction Dutch: arbeidsvrede English: labour peace; industrial peace; peace in industry Dutch: arbeidsvreugde English: job satisfaction Dutch: arbitrair woord English: condition name Dutch: arceren English: to hatch; to shade; shadowing Dutch: arcering English: cross-hatching; hatching; hatched part Dutch: archief English: archives; files department; archive Dutch: archiefbeheer English: archives management Dutch: archiefgeheugen English: archival storage Dutch: archiefkast English: filing cabinet Dutch: architectonisch ontwerp English: architectural design Dutch: architectuurmiddelen English: architectural resources Dutch: architectuurplanning English: architectural planning Dutch: areometer English: hydrometer Dutch: argongas English: argon gas Dutch: argument English: argument Dutch: argumentenlijst English: argument list Dutch: arm English: arm; lean; poor; leg Dutch: armatuur English: armature Dutch: armsteun English: armrest Dutch: Armstrong oscillator English: Armstrong oscillator Dutch: ARPA-netwerk English: advanced research projects agency network Dutch: arpeggio English: arpeggio Dutch: arrangeerder English: sequencer Dutch: array English: array Dutch: arret English: stop; detent Dutch: arretarm English: stop arm; detent arm Dutch: arretbladveer English: stop spring; detent spring Dutch: arreteerinrichting English: stop mechanism; detent Dutch: arreteerpal English: catch; pawl Dutch: arreteerring English: stop ring Dutch: arreteren English: to lock; to catch; to detent Dutch: arrethefboom English: stop lever; detent lever Dutch: arretkwaliteit English: atop quality; detent quality Dutch: arretmagneet English: atop magnet Dutch: arretnauwkeurigheid English: stop accuracy; detent accuracy Dutch: arretrol English: stop roller; detent roller Dutch: arretschijf English: stop disc; detent disc Dutch: arretspoor English: detent track Dutch: arretstand English: stop position; detent position Dutch: arretveer English: stop spring; detent spring Dutch: arseen English: arsenic Dutch: arseenzuur English: arsenic acid Dutch: artikelassortiment English: article assortment; product line Dutch: artikelbestand English: article file; article stock; story (file) Dutch: artikelpakket inkopen English: commodity buying Dutch: artikelreeks English: article line; article assortment; product line Dutch: artikelsoort inkopen English: commodity buying Dutch: artilect English: artilect Dutch: as English: shaft; spindle; axis; ash Dutch: asbak English: ashtray Dutch: asbestcementplaat English: asbestos cement sheet Dutch: asbestphilite English: asbestos philite Dutch: asbestring English: asbestos washer Dutch: ASCII English: American standard code for information interchange Dutch: ASCII-code English: ASCII code Dutch: ASCII-terminal English: ASCII terminal Dutch: aselect English: random Dutch: aselecte getallen English: random numbers Dutch: aselecte steekproef English: random sample Dutch: aselecte trekking English: random sampling Dutch: asfaltbitumen English: asphalt bitumen Dutch: asfalteren English: to asphalt Dutch: asgehalte English: ash content Dutch: ashals English: journal; neck Dutch: askaliber English: snap gauge Dutch: askoppeling English: spindle coupling; shaft coupling Dutch: aslijn English: centre line; axis Dutch: asmaat English: size of shaft Dutch: asmoer English: shaft nut Dutch: aspectverhouding English: aspect ratio Dutch: asrest English: ash residue Dutch: asrotatie English: shaft rotation Dutch: assemblagecycli English: build cycles Dutch: assemblagedoorlooptijd English: assembly lead time Dutch: assemblagefabriek English: assembly factory Dutch: assemblagemodel English: assembly model Dutch: assemblagemodellering English: assembly modelling Dutch: assemblage-opdracht English: assembly order Dutch: assemblageprogramma English: assembly programme Dutch: assembleer en verwerk English: assemble-and-go Dutch: assembleercode English: assembly code Dutch: assembleerprogramma English: assembler; assembly program Dutch: assembleertaal English: assembler language; assembly language; assembler Dutch: assembleren English: to assemble Dutch: assembleren-op-order English: assemble to order Dutch: assembleur English: assembler; assembly program Dutch: assembly English: assembly Dutch: assenkruis English: system of coordinates Dutch: assenstaal English: spindle steel Dutch: assertie English: assertion Dutch: asset English: asset Dutch: assetbibliotheek English: asset library Dutch: assetcatalogus English: asset catalog Dutch: assetcertificatie English: asset certification Dutch: assetevaluatie English: asset evaluation Dutch: associatiecoëfficient English: coefficient of association Dutch: associatief English: associative Dutch: associatief geheugen English: associative memory; contents- addressable storage; associatron Dutch: associatief herinneren English: associative recall Dutch: associatief zoeken English: associative search Dutch: associatieve database English: associative database Dutch: associatieve relatie English: associative relation Dutch: associativiteit English: associativity Dutch: assortiment English: assortment; line; product line Dutch: astabiele multivibrator English: astable multivibrator Dutch: A-ster algoritme English: A* algorithm Dutch: astigmatisme English: astigmatism Dutch: astrionica English: astrionics Dutch: astronomische eenheid English: astronomical unit Dutch: asymmetrie English: asymmetry Dutch: asymmetrische golf English: asymmetrical wave Dutch: asymmetrische verdeling English: asymmetrical distribution; skew distribution Dutch: asymptotisch English: asymptotic; asymptotical Dutch: asymptotisch raak English: consistent; consistency; accuracy in the mean; asymptotically efficient Dutch: asymptotisch zuiver English: asymptotically unbiassed Dutch: asynchrone bewerking English: asynchronous operation Dutch: asynchrone communicatie English: asynchronous communication Dutch: asynchrone computer English: asynchronous computer Dutch: asynchrone eenheid English: asynchronous device Dutch: asynchrone invoer English: asynchronous input Dutch: asynchrone signalen English: asynchronous signals Dutch: asynchrone transmissie English: asynchronous transmission Dutch: asynchrone verwerking English: asynchronous working Dutch: asynchroon English: asynchronous; nonsynchronous Dutch: asynchroonmotor English: asynchronous motor Dutch: Athena project English: Athena project Dutch: Atherton-technologie English: Atherton technology Dutch: atmosfeeroverdruk: ato English: atmospheres effective pressure; atmospheres excess pressure; atmospheres above atmospheric pressure; atmospheric overpressure; atmospheric gauge pressure Dutch: atmosferisch kanaal English: atmospheric duct Dutch: atmosferische ruis English: atmospheric noise Dutch: atmosferische storingen English: atmospheric statics Dutch: atomair type English: atomic type Dutch: atomaire foutabsorptie English: atomic defect absorption Dutch: atomaire lading English: atomic charge Dutch: atomaire laser English: atomic laser Dutch: atomisch English: atomic Dutch: atoomafstand English: atomic spacing Dutch: atoomcentrum English: atomic centre Dutch: atoomenergie English: atomic energy; nuclear energy Dutch: atoomgetal English: atomic number Dutch: atoomgewicht English: atomic weight Dutch: atoomkracht English: atomic power; nuclear power Dutch: atoomkrachtcentrale English: nuclear power plant Dutch: atoomordening English: atomic ordering; chemical constitution Dutch: atoomstructuur English: atomic structure Dutch: atoomtheorie English: atomic theory Dutch: atoomtijdperk English: atomic age; nuclear age Dutch: attentiesein English: attention sign Dutch: atto English: atto Dutch: attofarad English: attofarad Dutch: attributenkeuring English: inspection by attributes Dutch: audiocomponent English: audio component Dutch: audiofrequentie English: audio frequency: AF Dutch: audiofrequentiegolf English: audio-frequency wave Dutch: audiosysteem English: audio system Dutch: audiovisueel hulpmiddel English: audiovisual aid Dutch: auraal English: aural Dutch: auteursrecht English: copyright Dutch: auteurssysteem English: authoring system Dutch: auteurstaal English: author language; authoring language Dutch: authentiek English: authentic Dutch: authentiseren English: to authenticate Dutch: authentisering English: authentication Dutch: authentiseringssysteem English: authentication system Dutch: auto-antenne English: car aerial; car antenna Dutch: auto-antenneschakelaar English: car aerial switch Dutch: auto-associatief leren English: auto-associative learning Dutch: autobatterij English: car battery Dutch: autobaud English: auto-baud Dutch: autocode English: autocode Dutch: autocorrelatie English: autocorrelation Dutch: autodiscriminatie English: auto-discrimination Dutch: autodyne English: autodyne Dutch: auto-eigenaar English: car owner Dutch: auto-elektronica English: car electronics Dutch: auto-emissie English: auto-emission Dutch: autogeen lasapparaat English: gas welding apparatus Dutch: autogeen lassen English: torch welding; gas welding Dutch: autoheterodyne English: autoheterodyne Dutch: autokatalytisch English: electroless Dutch: automaat English: automaton; automatic; auto-lathe; autosync Dutch: automatenboormachine English: automatic drilling machine Dutch: automatendraaien English: automatic lathe turning Dutch: automatenstaal English: free cutting steel Dutch: automatie-eiland English: island of automation Dutch: automatiesysteem English: automation system Dutch: automatisch aanpassend English: self-adapting Dutch: automatisch leren English: automatic learning Dutch: automatisch logboek English: logger Dutch: automatisch oproepen English: automatic calling Dutch: automatisch schakelen English: automatic switching Dutch: automatisch tekenen English: automatic drawing Dutch: automatisch telefoneren English: auto-dial Dutch: automatisch terugbellen English: auto-dial back Dutch: automatisch volgen English: auto tracking Dutch: automatische afstemming English: automatic tuning Dutch: automatische bandstop English: auto-shutoff Dutch: automatische centrale English: automatic exchange Dutch: automatische controle English: automatic check; automatic control; built-in check Dutch: automatische instelling English: automatic bias Dutch: automatische meeloop English: auto tracking Dutch: automatische modus English: automatic mode Dutch: automatische omvormer English: autotransducer Dutch: automatische ontdooier English: no-froster Dutch: automatische ontvanger English: automatic receiver Dutch: automatische productie English: automatic production Dutch: automatische regeling English: automatic regulation Dutch: automatische reset English: automatic reset Dutch: automatische rollback English: automatic rollback Dutch: automatische routering English: autorouting; automated routing Dutch: automatische scan English: automatic scanning Dutch: automatische stop English: autostop; automatic stop; automatic shutoff; auto-shutoff Dutch: automatische telegrafie English: automatic telegraphy Dutch: automatische voeding English: automatic feed Dutch: automatiseringsafdeling English: data center Dutch: automatiseringsbeleid English: automation policy Dutch: automatiseringsfasen English: automation phases Dutch: automatiseringsmiddelen English: automation resources Dutch: automatiseringssysteem English: automation system Dutch: automatiseringstheorie English: automatics Dutch: automobiel English: automobile; motor car; car Dutch: automobielindustrie English: automotive industry Dutch: automonteur English: motor mechanic; car mechanic Dutch: autonavigatiesysteem English: automatic navigation system Dutch: autonome robot English: autonomous robot Dutch: autonome verwerking English: autonomous working; autonomous operation Dutch: autonoom English: stand alone Dutch: autonoom systeem English: autonomous system Dutch: autonoom voertuig English: autonomous vehicle Dutch: autoradio English: car radio; auto radio Dutch: autoradio-antenne English: car radio aerial; auto radio aerial Dutch: autoradiohobbelproef English: car radio bump test; auto radio bump test Dutch: autorecorder English: car recorder; auto recorder; auto tape playing unit Dutch: autorelatief adres English: self-relative address Dutch: autorisatie English: authorization Dutch: autotelefoon English: car phone Dutch: autotelefooncentrale English: car phone exchange Dutch: autotransformer English: auto-transformer Dutch: avigatie English: avigation Dutch: AVO-meter English: multimeter; Avo-meter; universal meter Dutch: avondcursus English: evening course Dutch: AVR-kring English: AGC circuit; AVC circuit Dutch: AVR-kromme English: AGC curve; AVC curve Dutch: AVR-versterker English: AGC amplifier; AVC amplifier Dutch: axiaal English: axial Dutch: axiale belasting English: axial load Dutch: axiale bundel English: axial bundle Dutch: axon English: axon Dutch: azeotroop English: azeotropic Dutch: azimuth English: azimuth Dutch: azimuthinstelling English: azimuth alignment Dutch: azimuthmeetband English: azimuth-test tape Dutch: azimuthmeetcassette English: azimuth-test cassette Dutch: azimuth-over-hoogte English: azimuth-over-altitude Dutch: B.Q.-systeem English: BQ-system Dutch: B+ English: B plus Dutch: baan English: band; web; way; bedway; guideway; slideway; runway; path; orbit; job; post; place Dutch: baanbeschrijving English: path definition Dutch: baancorrectie English: path correction Dutch: baanimpulsmoment English: orbital angular momentum Dutch: baannauwkeurigheid English: path accuracy Dutch: baanreproduceerbaarheid English: path repeatability Dutch: baansgewijze English: strip-wise Dutch: baansnelheid English: path velocity Dutch: baanversnelling English: path acceleration Dutch: baar English: bar Dutch: baarmeter English: bar meter Dutch: baas English: foreman; boss; chief Dutch: babyspoel English: baby coil Dutch: back-end English: back end Dutch: backflush English: backflush Dutch: backflush-telpunt English: count point backflush Dutch: back-to-back junctie English: back-to-back junction Dutch: backup-programmeur English: backup programmer Dutch: Backus-Naur Form English: Backus-Naur Form: BNF Dutch: backward diode English: backward diode Dutch: bad English: solution; bath Dutch: badafdekking English: tank cover Dutch: badanalyse English: solution analysis Dutch: badarmaturen English: conducting equipment of a plating tank Dutch: badbereiding English: solution preparation Dutch: badbeweging English: bath agitation; solution agitation Dutch: badcomponenten English: bath components Dutch: badcontrole English: solution control Dutch: badcorrectie English: solution correction; regeneration; solution adjustment Dutch: baddampen English: bath fumes Dutch: badfilter English: bath liquid filter Dutch: badkuipkromme English: bathtub curve Dutch: badmoeilijkheden English: solution troubles Dutch: badmonster English: solution sample Dutch: badmontuur English: bath fittings Dutch: badonderhoud English: solution maintenance Dutch: badrecept English: solution formula Dutch: badsamenstelling English: bath composition; solution composition Dutch: badspanning English: bath voltage Dutch: badtijd English: plating time Dutch: baduitrusting English: tank equipment Dutch: badverwarming English: tank heating Dutch: badvloeistof English: bath liquid Dutch: badvoorschriften English: bath instructions Dutch: badweerstand English: solution resistance Dutch: bajonethuls English: bayonet cap Dutch: bajonetsluiting English: bayonet catch Dutch: bak English: container; bin; tray; tank; plating tank; casing; housing; plinth Dutch: bakbekleding English: tank lining Dutch: baken English: beacon Dutch: bakennavigatiesysteem English: beacon navigation system Dutch: bakjesdoos English: box and lid; case lid case Dutch: bakken English: to bake; to cure Dutch: bakmal English: baking jig Dutch: bakpan English: frying pan Dutch: balafsluiter English: ball-type valve Dutch: balanceerfout English: balance error Dutch: balanceerspoel English: balancing coil Dutch: balanceerstatus English: balance check mode Dutch: balanceren English: to balance Dutch: balancering English: balancing Dutch: balanscircuit English: push-pull circuit Dutch: balansdetector English: push-pull detector Dutch: balanseindtrap English: push-pull output stage Dutch: balansgelijkheid English: balance equality Dutch: balansgeschakeld English: connected in push-pull Dutch: balansmodulator English: balanced modulator Dutch: balansoscillator English: push-pull oscillator Dutch: balanspotentiometer English: balancing potentiometer Dutch: balansregelaar English: balance control Dutch: balansregeling English: balance control; balance system Dutch: balanstransformator English: push-pull transformer Dutch: balansuitgang English: push-pull output Dutch: balansvermenigvuldiger English: push-pull multiplier Dutch: balansversterker English: push-pull amplifier; balanced amplifier Dutch: balk English: beam; bar Dutch: balkendiagram English: bar graph; bar chart Dutch: balkengenerator English: bar generator Dutch: balkenplanning English: bar charts planning Dutch: ballastbuis English: ballast tube Dutch: ballaststroom English: ballast current Dutch: ballasttriode English: ballast triode; shunt-stabilizing triode; shunt regulator Dutch: ballastweerstand English: ballast resistor Dutch: ballistisch English: ballistic Dutch: ballon English: bulb Dutch: ballonspuit English: hand-bulb spray Dutch: balun English: balanced/unbalanced: balun Dutch: banaansteker English: banana plug Dutch: band English: strip; tape; strap; belt; assembly line; conveyor; tyre; band Dutch: band zonder snippers English: chadless tape Dutch: bandaandrijving English: tape drive Dutch: bandaandrukhefboom English: tape pressure lever Dutch: bandafstand English: energy gap Dutch: bandafstandsenergie English: band-gap energy Dutch: bandanode English: strip anode Dutch: bandarbeider English: belt operator Dutch: bandbegrenzing English: limitation of frequency band Dutch: bandbeweging English: tape motion Dutch: bandbreedte op verzoek English: bandwidth on demand Dutch: bandbreedteschakelaar English: bandwidth switch Dutch: bandbreuk English: tape breakage Dutch: bandcassette English: tape cartridge Dutch: bandcombinatie English: belt team; belt combination Dutch: banddikte English: tape thickness Dutch: banddoorlaat English: bandpass; strip guide Dutch: banddoorlaatfilter English: band-pass filter Dutch: banddoorvoer English: strip guide; tape guide; tape channel Dutch: banddrager English: tape support; tape carrier; tape-guide bracket Dutch: bandeenheid English: magnetic tape unit Dutch: bandenknersen English: tyre squeal Dutch: bandenplan English: belt plan Dutch: bandenschema English: band diagram Dutch: bandenspanning English: tyre pressure; tire pressure Dutch: bandfilter English: band-pass filter Dutch: bandfilterafstemming English: band-pass tuning Dutch: bandflux English: tape flux Dutch: bandfout English: tape defect Dutch: bandgeknutsel English: tape-tampering Dutch: bandgeleidebeugel English: tape-guide bracket Dutch: bandgeleidebus English: tape-guide bush Dutch: bandgeleider English: tape guide Dutch: bandgereedschap English: belt tool Dutch: bandinleggleuf English: tape loading slot Dutch: bandkabel English: tape cable Dutch: bandkern English: tape core; tape wound core Dutch: band-kop contact English: head-to-tape contact Dutch: band-kop snelheid English: tape-to-head speed Dutch: bandligging English: tape threading; tape lace-up Dutch: bandloop English: tape threading; tape lace-up Dutch: bandloopvlak English: head face Dutch: bandlus English: tape loop Dutch: bandmateriaal English: strip stock; tape material Dutch: bandmicrofoon English: ribbon microphone Dutch: bandomschakeling English: band switching Dutch: bandomstelling English: belt-setup change Dutch: bandophanging English: ribbon suspension Dutch: bandoplegging English: tape threading; tape lace-up Dutch: bandopname English: tape recording Dutch: bandopnemer English: tape recorder; professional recorder; domestic recorder Dutch: bandplaats English: belt place; belt station Dutch: bandponsmachine English: tape punch; paper tape punch Dutch: bandpreparatie English: tape preparation Dutch: bandrecord English: tape record Dutch: bandrecorder English: tape recorder Dutch: bandrek English: tape stretch Dutch: bandreserve English: belt reserve Dutch: bandrol English: coil of strip Dutch: bandruis English: tape noise; tape hiss Dutch: bandschakelaar English: band switch Dutch: bandschakeling English: bandswitching Dutch: bandschakelprint English: band-switch printed circuit board Dutch: bandslijtsel English: tape dust particles Dutch: bandsnelheid English: belt speed; tape speed Dutch: bandsnelheidsvariaties English: tape speed variations Dutch: bandspanbeugel English: tape tensioner bracket Dutch: bandspanner English: tape tensioner; belt tensioner Dutch: bandspanning English: belt tension; tape tension Dutch: bandspreiding English: band spread Dutch: bandspreidingschakelaar English: band-spread switch Dutch: bandspreidingstechniek English: bandspreading technique Dutch: bandstaal English: steel strapping Dutch: bandstopfilter English: band-stop filter Dutch: bandstructuur English: band structure; atom band structure Dutch: bandtafel English: belt table Dutch: bandtransport English: tape drive Dutch: bandtransportmechanisme English: tape transport mechanism; tape transport; tape deck Dutch: bandtransportmotor English: tape drive motor Dutch: bandtrek English: tape pull Dutch: banduitval English: belt rejects; belt stoppage Dutch: bandvlinder English: butterfly Dutch: bandvoorraad English: tape inventory; intermediate stock; belt stock; stock in process Dutch: bandwijdte English: bandwidth Dutch: bandzegel English: seal Dutch: bankschroef English: bench vice; vice Dutch: bankwerken English: bench work Dutch: bankwerker English: bench mechanic; bench hand; benchman; bench fitter; bench worker Dutch: bankwerkerij English: fitting shop; machine shop Dutch: bankwikkeling English: banked winding; bank winding Dutch: bar English: bar Dutch: baretvijl English: barette file; barette Dutch: bariumoxyde English: barium oxide Dutch: bariumstrontiumoxide English: barium-strontium oxide Dutch: bariumstrontiumtitanaat English: barium-strontium titanate Dutch: bariumtitanaat English: barium titanate Dutch: Barkercode English: Barker code Dutch: barnsteenzuur English: succinic acid Dutch: barrière English: barrier Dutch: barst English: crack Dutch: barsten English: to crack Dutch: barstjes English: cracks; fissures; crevices; checks Dutch: barstvrij verchromen English: crackfree chromium plating Dutch: bas English: bass Dutch: base English: base Dutch: baseren English: to base; to found; to ground Dutch: basgedeelte English: bass part Dutch: basis English: basis; base Dutch: basis testserie English: basis test set Dutch: basisadres English: base address Dutch: basisband English: base band; baseband Dutch: basisbandnetwerk English: baseband network Dutch: basisbedradingsschema English: ladder diagram Dutch: basisblok English: basic block Dutch: basisch maken English: to render basic Dutch: basische klei English: basic clay Dutch: basiscirkel English: base circle Dutch: basiscoördinatenstelsel English: base coordinate system Dutch: basisdienst-ISDN English: basic rate ISDN: BRI Dutch: basisdocument English: source document Dutch: basiselektrode English: base electrode Dutch: basiselement English: base element Dutch: basisfrequentie English: base frequency; fundamental frequency Dutch: basisgegeven English: base item Dutch: basisgegevens English: source data Dutch: basisgenerator English: master generator Dutch: basisgewicht English: base weight Dutch: basisgrensmaat English: fundamental limit of size Dutch: basisgrensmaatafwijking English: fundamental deviation Dutch: basisgroep English: basic group Dutch: basisinstructie English: basic instruction Dutch: basiskennis English: basic knowledge Dutch: basiskleurbeeld English: basic colour picture Dutch: basislijn English: base line Dutch: basisloonuur English: basic wage hour Dutch: basismaat English: basic dimension Dutch: basismaatafwijking English: basic deviation Dutch: basismetaal English: basic metal; base metal Dutch: basismontagevlak English: base mounting surface Dutch: basisnorm English: base standard Dutch: basispen English: base pin Dutch: basisregister English: base register Dutch: basisschakeling English: basic circuit; common-base circuit; grounded-base circuit Dutch: basisspanning English: base voltage Dutch: basisstation English: base station Dutch: basisstatus English: basic status Dutch: basisstroom English: base current Dutch: basisvoorraad English: base stock Dutch: basisvoorraadbesturing English: base stock control Dutch: basisvoorraadsysteem English: base stock system Dutch: basisweerstand English: base resistance Dutch: basreflexkast English: base-reflex speaker cabinet Dutch: baterrijruimte English: battery chamber; battery compartment Dutch: batterij(op)lader English: battery charger Dutch: batterijbak English: battery compartment; battery chamber Dutch: batterijbandopnemer English: battery tape recorder Dutch: batterijdeksel English: battery cover Dutch: batterijgelijkrichter English: battery charger Dutch: batterijhouder English: battery holder; battery compartment Dutch: batterijklep English: battery cover Dutch: batterijlevensduur English: battery life Dutch: batterijmotor English: battery motor Dutch: batterij-ontvanger English: battery receiver Dutch: batterijscheerapparaat English: battery shaver Dutch: batterijspanning English: battery voltage Dutch: batterijverbruik English: battery consumption; battery drain Dutch: batterijvoeding English: battery supply Dutch: batterijweerstand English: battery resistance Dutch: baud English: baud Dutch: baudfrequentie English: baud rate Dutch: Baudotcode English: Baudot code Dutch: baudsnelheid English: baud rate Dutch: B-boom English: B-tree Dutch: beam-lead English: beam lead Dutch: beam-lead isolatie English: beam-lead isolation Dutch: beamtetrode English: beam tetrode Dutch: bean English: bean Dutch: beantwoording English: answering Dutch: beantwoordingsnet English: answering net Dutch: beantwoordingsplug English: answering plug Dutch: Bedacryllak English: Bedacryl lacquer Dutch: bedekken English: to cover; to coat; to plate Dutch: bedekken met legering English: alloy plating; alloy deposition Dutch: bedekking English: coating; covering; plating Dutch: bedekkingsgebied English: coverage area Dutch: bediener English: operator; attendant Dutch: bedieningsbeugel English: actuating bracket Dutch: bedieningscomfort English: ease of manipulation; control convenience Dutch: bedieningsfunctionaris English: operator Dutch: bedieningshandleiding English: operating instructions; instructions for operation Dutch: bedieningshefboom English: actuating lever; control handle Dutch: bedieningskastje English: control box Dutch: bedieningsketen English: control circuit Dutch: bedieningsknop English: control knob; control Dutch: bedieningskoppel English: operating torque; actuating torque Dutch: bedieningskosten English: operational cost Dutch: bedieningskracht English: actuating force Dutch: bedieningslessenaar English: control desk Dutch: bedieningsorgaan English: control device; control Dutch: bedieningsunit English: control unit Dutch: bedieningsverliestijd English: operating delays Dutch: bedieningsvoorschrift English: operating instructions Dutch: bedplaat English: bedplate Dutch: bedraad programma English: wired program Dutch: bedrade functie English: wired function Dutch: bedrade koppeling English: hard-wired link Dutch: bedrade logica English: wired logic Dutch: bedraden English: to wire Dutch: bedrading English: wiring Dutch: bedradingsboom English: wiring harass; wire tree; wiring preform; cable harass Dutch: bedradingscapacitantie English: wiring capacitance Dutch: bedradingscapaciteit English: wiring capacitance Dutch: bedradingsfitting English: wiring connector Dutch: bedradingsimpedantie English: wiring impedance Dutch: bedradingsinductantie English: wiring inductance Dutch: bedradingskanaal English: wiring channel Dutch: bedradingslijst English: wire list Dutch: bedradingsmal English: wiring jig Dutch: bedradingspaneel English: wiring board; wiring panel Dutch: bedradingsplan English: wire plan Dutch: bedradingsreactantie English: wiring reactance Dutch: bedradingsregel English: wire rule Dutch: bedradingsresistentie English: wiring resistance Dutch: bedradingsruimte English: wiring closet Dutch: bedradingsschema English: circuit diagram; circuit schematic; wiring diagram Dutch: bedradingssegment English: wire segment Dutch: bedrag ineens English: lumpsum Dutch: bedrijf English: company; firm; business; enterprise; undertaking; operations Dutch: bedrijfsadviseur English: management consultant Dutch: bedrijfsautomaat English: private automatic branch exchange: PABX Dutch: bedrijfsbeheerder English: plant manager Dutch: bedrijfsbelasting English: trade income tax Dutch: bedrijfsbeleid English: industrial policy; policy Dutch: bedrijfsbescherming English: works' civil defense Dutch: bedrijfscapaciteit English: working capacity; production capacity Dutch: bedrijfscentrale English: private branch exchange: PBX Dutch: bedrijfsconcentratie English: industrial concentration Dutch: bedrijfscondensator English: running capacitor Dutch: bedrijfsdienst English: business service Dutch: bedrijfsdirecteur English: managing director Dutch: bedrijfsdoorlichting English: management and organization audit Dutch: bedrijfsduur English: working time; operating time Dutch: bedrijfseconomisch English: business; economic; commercial Dutch: bedrijfseenheid English: business unit Dutch: bedrijfsentiteit English: business entity Dutch: bedrijfservaring English: operating experience Dutch: bedrijfsfunctie English: business function Dutch: bedrijfsgroep English: business group Dutch: bedrijfshiërarchie English: corporate hierarchy Dutch: bedrijfshoofd English: head of business Dutch: bedrijfsinrichting English: plant layout; plant lay-out Dutch: bedrijfsinstallatie English: plant; industrial equipment Dutch: bedrijfsinventarislijst English: plant list Dutch: bedrijfskader English: key personnel; executive staff; supervisory staff Dutch: bedrijfskleding English: industrial clothing Dutch: bedrijfskolom English: business chain Dutch: bedrijfskosten English: working expenses Dutch: bedrijfskunde English: industrial engineering Dutch: bedrijfskundig adviseur English: management consultant Dutch: bedrijfsleer English: business economics Dutch: bedrijfsleiding English: management Dutch: bedrijfsleven English: industry; trade and industry; business; industrial life; businesses; the corporate sector Dutch: bedrijfsmechanisatie English: production mechanization Dutch: bedrijfsmiddel English: asset Dutch: bedrijfsmodel English: enterprise model Dutch: bedrijfsnetwerk English: company network Dutch: bedrijfsnormalisatie English: industrial standardization; industrial normalization Dutch: bedrijfsomstandigheden English: working conditions; operating conditions Dutch: bedrijfsonderdeel English: department; business unit Dutch: bedrijfsorganisatie English: business organization; industrial organization Dutch: bedrijfsplan English: business plan Dutch: bedrijfsproces English: business process; operation Dutch: bedrijfsprocesbesturing English: business process control Dutch: bedrijfspsychologie English: industrial psychology; occupational psychology Dutch: bedrijfspsycholoog English: industrial psychologist; occupational psychologist Dutch: bedrijfsreglement English: works regulation Dutch: bedrijfssignalering English: management information systems; management controls Dutch: bedrijfsspanning English: working voltage; operating voltage Dutch: bedrijfsspel English: business game Dutch: bedrijfsstatistiek English: industrial statistics Dutch: bedrijfsstoring English: breakdown; failure Dutch: bedrijfssysteem English: operating system: OS Dutch: bedrijfstemperatuur English: working temperature; operating temperature Dutch: bedrijfstijd English: up time Dutch: bedrijfsuitkomsten English: trading results Dutch: bedrijfsverliezen English: operating losses Dutch: bedrijfsvermogen English: operating power Dutch: bedrijfswinst English: trading profit Dutch: bedrijfszelfbescherming English: works' civil defense Dutch: bedrijfszetel English: seat of the firm; seat of the company Dutch: bedrock English: bedrock Dutch: bedrukkingsfoelie English: printing foil Dutch: bedrukkingsmechanisme English: printing machine Dutch: bedslede English: carriage; slide Dutch: beëindigd English: clear Dutch: beëindigd kanaal English: drop channel Dutch: beëindigde oproep English: finished call Dutch: beëindigen English: to kill Dutch: beëindiging English: retirement Dutch: beëindigingsfase English: retirement phase Dutch: beeld English: image; display; scene; picture; idea; frame; field; view Dutch: beeld in geluid English: vision on sound Dutch: beeld met diepte English: deep dimension picture Dutch: beeldacquisitie English: image acquisition Dutch: beeldafbuiging English: frame deflection Dutch: beeldafbuigspoel English: frame deflection coil Dutch: beeldafmetingen English: picture dimensions Dutch: beeldafstand English: distance between screen and lens; image intercept Dutch: beeldaftastapparaat English: picture scanning apparatus Dutch: beeldaftastbuis English: picture scanning tube Dutch: beeldaftasting English: scanning Dutch: beeldaftasttijd English: scanning time Dutch: beeldamplitude English: frame amplitude Dutch: beeldband English: video tape Dutch: beeldbandbreedte English: vision bandwidth; video bandwidth; picture bandwidth Dutch: beeldbandopname English: video recording Dutch: beeldbandopnemer English: video recorder Dutch: beeldbandregistratie English: video recording Dutch: beeldbegrenzing English: field stop Dutch: beeldbestand English: image file Dutch: beeldbreedte English: picture width Dutch: beeldbreedteregelaar English: picture width control Dutch: beeldbuis English: picture tube; cathode ray tube; kinescope Dutch: beeldbuishals English: picture tube neck Dutch: beeldbuishouder English: picture tube socket Dutch: beeldbuiskanon English: picture tube gun Dutch: beeldbuisnek English: picture tube neck Dutch: beeldbuisscherm English: picture tube screen; display screen Dutch: beeldbuisstation English: display unit Dutch: beeldbuisvoet English: picture tube base Dutch: beeldcentrering English: picture centring Dutch: beeldcontouren English: picture contours Dutch: beeldconverter English: image converter Dutch: beelddefinitie English: image definition; picture definition; picture resolution Dutch: beelddeflectie English: frame deflection Dutch: beelddeflectiespoel English: frame coil Dutch: beelddelen English: picture areas Dutch: beelddetail English: picture detail; image detail Dutch: beelddetector English: video detector Dutch: beelddiagram English: ideograph Dutch: beelddraaggolf English: vision carrier; picture carrier Dutch: beeldeenheid English: display unit Dutch: beeldeindbuis English: frame output tube Dutch: beeldeindtrap English: video output stage Dutch: beeldelement English: picture element; display element; pixel Dutch: beeldfase English: picture phase Dutch: beeldfaseregelaar English: tracking control Dutch: beeldflikkering English: frame flicker Dutch: beeldformaat English: picture size Dutch: beeldfout English: picture fault Dutch: beeldfrequentie English: frame frequency; vertical frequency; picture frequency Dutch: beeldgeheugen English: image storage Dutch: beeldgelijkrichter English: video detector Dutch: beeldgelijkrichting English: video detection Dutch: beeldgenerator English: test pattern generator Dutch: beeldhelderheid English: brightness Dutch: beeldhoogte English: picture height Dutch: beeldhoogteregelaar English: picture height control Dutch: beeldimpuls English: frame pulse Dutch: beeldindruk English: presentation Dutch: beeldinformatie English: picture information Dutch: beeldingang English: frame input Dutch: beeldinhoud English: picture content Dutch: beeldinstelling English: framing Dutch: beeldinstelspoel English: picture control coil Dutch: beeldinterferentie English: image interference Dutch: beeldkaart English: bit map; bit plane Dutch: beeldkanaal English: vision channel; video channel; picture channel Dutch: beeldkleur English: picture colour Dutch: beeldkwaliteit English: picture quality Dutch: beeldlijn English: picture line; video line Dutch: beeldmasker English: picture tube mask Dutch: beeldmengpaneel English: video mixer; vision mixer; video monitoring and mixing desk Dutch: beeldmidden English: centre of picture Dutch: beeldmodulatie English: vision modulation Dutch: beeldmodulator English: vision modulator Dutch: beeldomvormbuis English: image converter tube Dutch: beeldonderdrukking English: vision suppression Dutch: beeldopname English: video recording Dutch: beeldorthicon English: image orthicon Dutch: beeldoscillatorspoel English: frame oscillator coil Dutch: beeldoverdracht English: vision transmission; video transmission; picture transmission; image transmission; image transfer Dutch: beeldplaat English: optical disc Dutch: beeldpotentiaal English: image potential Dutch: beeldpunt English: picture point; picture element Dutch: beeldranden English: edges of picture Dutch: beeldregistratie English: video recording Dutch: beeldscheiding English: picture reparation Dutch: beeldscherm English: picture screen; viewing screen; visual display; display screen Dutch: beeldschermbeheerder English: display manager Dutch: beeldschermmidden English: screen centre Dutch: beeldschermranden English: screen edges Dutch: beeldscherpte English: picture sharpness Dutch: beeldschommeling English: image drift Dutch: beeldsegment English: image segment Dutch: beeldsignaal English: vision signal; video signal; picture signal Dutch: beeldspecificatie English: picture specification Dutch: beeldspoel English: frame coil Dutch: beeldspoor English: video track Dutch: beeldsprong English: bouncing; jumping Dutch: beeldstabiliteit English: steadiness of picture Dutch: beeldstation English: display unit; visual display unit: VDU Dutch: beeldstoring English: picture breakdown Dutch: beeldstroom English: picture current Dutch: beeldsuperpositie English: superposition; overlay Dutch: beeldsynchronisatie English: frame synchronization Dutch: beeldsynthese English: picture synthesis Dutch: beeldtechnicus English: video engineer; vision control supervisor Dutch: beeldtelegrafie English: facsimile Dutch: beeldterugslag English: frame flyback Dutch: beeldtijd English: picture duration; frame duration Dutch: beeldtijdbasis English: frame time base Dutch: beelduitzending English: image transmission; picture transmission Dutch: beeldveldkromming English: curvature of the field Dutch: beeldverdubbeling English: ringing; intermediate multiple image; split image Dutch: beeldverhouding English: aspect ratio Dutch: beeldverschuiving English: image shift; hunting Dutch: beeldversterker English: video amplifier Dutch: beeldvervorming English: image distortion; picture distortion Dutch: beeldverwerker English: graphic processor Dutch: beeldverwerkingssysteem English: image processing system Dutch: beeldvlak English: display screen Dutch: beeldvorming English: image formation; representation Dutch: beeldweergave English: image reproduction; picture reproduction Dutch: beeldwisselfrequentie English: frame frequency Dutch: beeldzender English: video transmitter Dutch: beenderlijm English: bone glue Dutch: beenruimte English: legroom; leg space Dutch: begeleide landing English: carrier-controlled approach: CCA Dutch: begeleide programmering English: lead-through programming Dutch: begeleiding English: support; nursing; care and feeding; accompaniment Dutch: begin- of eindsymbool English: mark; marker Dutch: beginadres English: origin; starting address Dutch: beginblok English: header Dutch: beginisolatie English: initial insulation Dutch: beginnende storing English: incipient failure Dutch: beginopdracht English: entry instruction; begin instruction Dutch: beginsnelheid English: initial speed; initial velocity Dutch: beginstand English: starting position Dutch: begintoestand English: initial state; initial condition Dutch: beginuitloper English: initial lead-out; start lead Dutch: beginvoorraad English: initial stock; opening stock Dutch: begraven laag English: buried layer Dutch: begrensde integrator English: limited integrator Dutch: begrensde kennis English: boundary knowledge Dutch: begrensde ruimte English: restricted space Dutch: begrensde variabele English: bound variable Dutch: begrenzen English: to limit; to bound; to clip Dutch: begrenzer English: limiter Dutch: begrenzerdiode English: limiter diode Dutch: begrenzerschakelaar English: limit switch Dutch: begrenzertrap English: limiter stage Dutch: begrenzing English: boundary; limitation; limiting; circumscription Dutch: begrenzingsbeugel English: stop bracket Dutch: begrenzingsteken English: delimiter Dutch: begrenzingsweerstand English: limiting resistor Dutch: begrip English: idea; notion; concept; conception Dutch: behandelen English: to handle; to treat; to process Dutch: behandeling English: handling; treatment; processing Dutch: beheer English: management; conduct; control Dutch: beheersaspect English: management aspect; control aspect Dutch: beheersen English: to control Dutch: beheersplan English: control plan Dutch: beheerst proces English: process under control; process in control; controlled process Dutch: beheerstechniek English: management technique Dutch: behendige manipulator English: dexterous manipulator Dutch: behendigheid English: dexterity Dutch: beheren English: to control; to manage; to administer Dutch: behoefte English: requirement; want; need; requirements Dutch: behoefteberekening English: requirements calculation Dutch: behoeftedatum English: need date Dutch: behoeftedefinitiemodel English: requirements definition model Dutch: behoefte-explosie English: requirements explosion Dutch: behoeftepatroon English: requirements pattern Dutch: behoefteplan English: requirement schedule Dutch: behoefteplanning English: requirement scheduling Dutch: behoeftewijziging English: requirements alteration Dutch: behuizing English: cartridge; enclosure; package Dutch: beïnvloeden English: to influence Dutch: beitel English: chisel; tool; cutter Dutch: beitelbreuk English: tool breakage Dutch: beitelen English: to chip; to chisel Dutch: beitelhouder English: toll holder; cutter holder Dutch: beitelkop English: tool holder Dutch: beitelpunt English: tool tip; tool bit Dutch: beitelschacht English: tool shank Dutch: beitelslijtage English: tool wear Dutch: beitelstaal English: tool steel Dutch: beitelsupport English: toolpost Dutch: beits English: pickle; mordant; stain Dutch: beitsautomaat English: automatic pickling equipment Dutch: beitsbak English: pickling tank; pickle container Dutch: beitsbewerking English: pickling action Dutch: beitsblazen English: pickling blisters; pickling blistering Dutch: beitserij English: pickling shop; pickling department Dutch: beitsfout English: pickling defect Dutch: beitsinstallatie English: pickling equipment; pickling installation Dutch: beitskorf English: pickling basket Dutch: beitsoplossing English: pickling solution Dutch: beitsporiën English: pickling pits Dutch: beitsrem English: inhibitor Dutch: beitssnelheid English: rate of pickling Dutch: beitstrommel English: pickling barrel Dutch: beitsvertrager English: inhibitor Dutch: beitsvloeistof English: pickling acid; pickling liquid Dutch: beitszuur English: pickling acid Dutch: bek English: jaws; frame; nose Dutch: bekabelingsschema English: cabling diagram Dutch: bekerglas English: beaker Dutch: bekermenger English: liquidizer/grinder; blender Dutch: bekkaliber English: snap gauge Dutch: bekleden met English: to clad; to line; to sheathe with; to coat with; to cover with; to face with Dutch: bekleding English: cladding; coating; lining; sheathing; covering; facing; upholstery; trim Dutch: bekleed English: clad; lined; sheathed; covered; coated; faced Dutch: beknopte code English: brevity code Dutch: beknopte lijst English: brevity list Dutch: bekrachtigd circuit English: load Dutch: bekrachtigen English: to excite; to energize; to conform; to ratify; to certify Dutch: bekrachtiger English: exciter Dutch: bekrachtiging English: excitation; energizing; confirmation; ratification; certification Dutch: bekrachtigingsdraad English: drive wire; drive winding Dutch: bekrachtigingsimpuls English: drive pulse Dutch: bekrachtigingsspoel English: exciter coil Dutch: bekrachtigingsstroom English: exciter current Dutch: bektang English: nose pliers Dutch: bekwaam English: able; capable; competent; skilled Dutch: bekwaamheid English: capability; competence; skill; expertness Dutch: bekwijdte English: size of jaw; width between jaws Dutch: bel English: alarm; bell; bubble; inclusion; bel Dutch: beladen gewicht English: laden weight Dutch: belangensfeer English: sphere of interests Dutch: belanghebbende English: interested party Dutch: belastbaarheid English: power handling capacity; load-taking capacity Dutch: belasten English: to load Dutch: belasting English: load; loading; tax; taxation Dutch: belastingdruk English: burden of taxation Dutch: belastingsbuis English: load tube Dutch: belastingscapacitantie English: load capacitance Dutch: belastingscircuit English: load circuit Dutch: belastingsfactor English: load factor Dutch: belastingsfout English: loading error Dutch: belastingsgrens English: load limit Dutch: belastingsimpedantie English: load impedance Dutch: belastingslijn English: load line Dutch: belastingsspanning English: load voltage Dutch: belastingsstroom English: load current Dutch: belastingsvariaties English: load variations Dutch: belastingsvermogen English: load power Dutch: belastingsweerstand English: load resistance; load resistor Dutch: belastingswikkeling English: load winding Dutch: beleid English: policy; control Dutch: beleidsbeslissing English: policy decision Dutch: beleidscriterium English: policy criterion Dutch: beleidsfactor English: policy factor Dutch: beleidsformulering English: policy formulation Dutch: beleidslijn English: policy Dutch: beleidsnorm English: policy standard Dutch: beleidsorganisatie English: policy organization Dutch: beleidsrealisatie English: policy implementation Dutch: beleidsregel English: policy rule Dutch: beleidsverklaring English: policy statement Dutch: belemmeren English: to hamper Dutch: beletten English: to inhibit Dutch: belichaming English: embodiment Dutch: belichten English: to expose Dutch: belichting English: exposure Dutch: belichtingskast English: exposure box Dutch: belichtingsmeter English: exposure meter Dutch: belichtingsraam English: exposure frame Dutch: Bell modem English: Bell modem Dutch: bellenkaart English: bubble chart Dutch: belteken English: bell character Dutch: belucht English: aerated Dutch: beluisteren English: to listen to Dutch: bemeten English: to dimension Dutch: bemeting English: sizing Dutch: bemoeilijkt English: impaired Dutch: bemonsteren English: to sample Dutch: bemonstering English: sampling; acceptance sampling; bulk sampling Dutch: bemonsteringscircuit English: sensing circuit Dutch: bemonsteringsgegevens English: sample data Dutch: bemonsteringsinterval English: sampling interval Dutch: bemonsteringssnelheid English: sampling rate Dutch: benaderen English: to access; to approach; to approximate; to estimate Dutch: benadering English: approach; approximation; estimate; estimation Dutch: benaming English: denomination; designation Dutch: benedengrens English: lower limit Dutch: benedenspoor English: bottom track Dutch: benodigd English: required Dutch: benodigde capaciteit English: required capacity Dutch: benutten English: to utilize; to take advantage of Dutch: benzine English: petrol; gasoline; gas Dutch: benzinemeter English: fuel gauge Dutch: benzing gereedschap English: benzing tool Dutch: benzol English: benzene Dutch: Benzoliteplaat English: Benzolite sheet Dutch: benzoylperoxyde English: benzoyl peroxide Dutch: beoordelen English: to judge; to evaluate; to assess; to rate Dutch: beoordeling English: judgment; evaluation; assessment; rating; review Dutch: bepalen English: to determine; to fix; to stipulate; to prescribe; to define; dictate Dutch: bepalen van de waarde English: to validate Dutch: beperken English: to limit; to restrict; to constrain Dutch: beperkende regel English: constraint rule Dutch: beperking English: restriction; limitation; constraint Dutch: beperkingen English: constraints Dutch: beperkt prototype English: limited prototype Dutch: beperkte aftasting English: limited scanning Dutch: beperkte bandbreedte English: bandwidth limited Dutch: beplakken met English: to cover with Dutch: beplakt karton English: lined board Dutch: beproeven English: to test Dutch: beproeving English: testing; proving Dutch: beproevingsapparaat English: tester; test apparatus; test equipment Dutch: beproevingsmethode English: test method Dutch: beproevingsomgeving English: test environment Dutch: beproevingsprogramma English: test program; test routine; test plan Dutch: beproevingsresultaat English: test result Dutch: beproevingsruimte English: test room; test chamber Dutch: beproevingstijd English: proving time; test time Dutch: beproevingsvoorschrift English: test instructions Dutch: beproevingsvoorwaarden English: test conditions Dutch: beredeneerde aanname English: reasoned assumption Dutch: bereiden English: to prepare; to make up Dutch: bereiding English: preparation; make up Dutch: bereik English: range; scope Dutch: bereikbaar English: attainable Dutch: bereikbaar kleurgebied English: colour gamut Dutch: bereikbaarheid English: attainability Dutch: berekend gebruik English: calculated usage Dutch: berekende capaciteit English: rated capacity Dutch: berekende waarde van F English: calculated value of F Dutch: berekenen English: to calculate; to compute Dutch: berekening English: calculation; computation Dutch: berekenkaart English: operation card Dutch: bergbeklimming English: hill climbing Dutch: bergen English: to preserve; to dump; to salvage Dutch: bergruimte English: storage space Dutch: berichtbeëindiging English: ending Dutch: berichtenprogramma English: message handler Dutch: berichtindeling English: message format Dutch: Berlijns blauw English: Prussian blue Dutch: Bernoulliverdeling English: Bernoulli distribution Dutch: beroepenclassificatie English: job classification Dutch: beroepengids English: careers guide Dutch: beroepenstandaard English: occupational title standard Dutch: beroepsmanager English: professional manager Dutch: berstdrukproef English: bursting test Dutch: berylliumkoper English: beryllium copper Dutch: berylliumkoperband English: beryllium copper strip Dutch: beschaduwen English: to shade; shadowing Dutch: beschermbril English: safety goggles Dutch: beschermende bias English: protective bias Dutch: bescherming English: protection Dutch: beschermingsexceptie English: protection exception Dutch: beschermingsring English: file protection ring Dutch: beschermingssleutel English: protection key Dutch: beschermkast English: guard Dutch: beschermlaag English: protective layer; protective coating Dutch: beschermmiddel English: protective agent; protective medium Dutch: beschermtule English: protective grommet Dutch: beschermweerstand English: protective resistor Dutch: beschikbaar materiaal English: available material Dutch: beschikbaar product English: available product Dutch: beschikbaar werk English: available work Dutch: beschikbaarheidsfactor English: availability ratio Dutch: beschikbare capaciteit English: available capacity Dutch: beschikbare lijnlengte English: available line length Dutch: beschikbare ruimte English: available space; space allowance; loading density (IATE) Dutch: beschikbare toestand English: available state Dutch: beschikbare voorraad English: available stock Dutch: beschikken English: to dispose Dutch: beschikking English: disposition; to have at one's disposal Dutch: beschrijvend English: descriptive; describing Dutch: beschrijvende lijn English: generating line Dutch: beschrijving English: description Dutch: beschrijvingselement English: descriptor Dutch: beslaan English: to become misted; to become blurred; to cover; to plate; to trim Dutch: beslag English: furniture; fittings; decorative trim Dutch: besliskunde English: decision science Dutch: beslisser English: decision-maker Dutch: beslissingsanalyse English: decision analysis Dutch: beslissingsboom English: decision tree Dutch: beslissingscentrum English: decision center Dutch: beslissingscircuit English: decision circuit Dutch: beslissingsconditie English: decision condition Dutch: beslissingsfunctie English: decision function Dutch: beslissingsinstructie English: decision instruction Dutch: beslissingslogica English: decision logic Dutch: beslissingsmatrix English: decision matrix Dutch: beslissingsniveau English: decision level Dutch: beslissingspatroon English: decision pattern Dutch: beslissingsprobleem English: decision problem Dutch: beslissingspunt English: decision; decision point Dutch: beslissingsrecht English: right of decision Dutch: beslissingsresultaat English: decision outcome Dutch: beslissingssectie English: decision section Dutch: beslissingsspel English: decision game; business game Dutch: beslissingssymbool English: decision box Dutch: beslissingssysteem English: decision system Dutch: beslissingstabel English: decision table Dutch: beslissingstoestand English: decision condition Dutch: beslissingsvariabele English: decision variable Dutch: besloten abonneegroep English: closed subscriber group Dutch: besloten circuit English: closed circuit Dutch: besloten communicatie English: dedicated communication Dutch: besloten netwerk English: closed network Dutch: besloten type English: private type Dutch: besluitvormingssysteem English: decision-making system Dutch: besluitvormingstheorie English: decision-making theory Dutch: besmettingscorrosie English: contamination corrosion Dutch: besparen English: to save; to economize Dutch: besparing English: saving; economy Dutch: bespelen English: to play Dutch: bespreken English: to discuss; to talk about; to book Dutch: bespreking English: discussion; talk; booking Dutch: Besselfuncties English: Bessel functions Dutch: bestaand English: existing Dutch: bestand English: file; master file; resistant Dutch: bestand tegen English: resistant to Dutch: bestandheid English: resistance Dutch: bestandmarkering English: file mark Dutch: bestandsbehandeling English: file handling Dutch: bestandsbeheerder English: file manager Dutch: bestandsbeheerssysteem English: file management system Dutch: bestandsbeveiliging English: file protection Dutch: bestandsbijwerking English: file maintenance; file update Dutch: bestandsconstante English: file constant Dutch: bestandsindex English: file directory Dutch: bestandskenmerk English: file attribute Dutch: bestandslabel English: file label Dutch: bestandsmedium English: file medium Dutch: bestandsnaam English: file name Dutch: bestandsorganisatie English: file organization Dutch: bestandsoverdracht English: file transfer Dutch: bestandsrecord English: file record Dutch: bestandsserver English: file server Dutch: bestandsstructuur English: file structure Dutch: bestandssysteem English: file system Dutch: bestandsvariabele English: file variable Dutch: beste schatter English: best estimator Dutch: bestedingsbeperking English: credit squeeze Dutch: best-eerst English: best-first Dutch: bestek English: scope; compass; cover; flatware articles; specification Dutch: bestektekening English: engineering drawing Dutch: bestelcategorie English: ordering category Dutch: besteldatum English: order date Dutch: bestelfrequentie English: ordering frequency Dutch: bestelgrafiek English: ordering chart Dutch: bestelinterval English: ordering interval Dutch: bestelkaart English: ordering table Dutch: bestellijst English: order list Dutch: bestelling English: order; articles ordered; procurement order Dutch: bestelmomentsysteem English: order point system Dutch: bestelniveau English: re-order level; order point; order level Dutch: bestelnomogram English: ordering nomogram Dutch: bestelperiode English: ordering cycle Dutch: bestelserie English: order quantity; order series Dutch: bestelseriegrootte English: lot size Dutch: bestelsysteem English: ordering system Dutch: besteltabel English: ordering table Dutch: bestemd voor English: intended for; destined for Dutch: bestemmingsadres English: destination address Dutch: bestendige toestand English: steady-state Dutch: bestralen English: to irradiate Dutch: bestraling English: irradiation Dutch: bestralingsapparatuur English: irradiation appliances Dutch: bestralingssterkte English: irradiance; irradiation intensity Dutch: bestuiven English: to powder; to dust Dutch: besturingsapparaat English: controller Dutch: besturingsaspect English: control aspect Dutch: besturingsband English: control tape Dutch: besturingsbus English: control bus Dutch: besturingscircuit English: control circuit Dutch: besturingsdeel English: control section Dutch: besturingseenheid English: control unit Dutch: besturingsgeheugen English: control store Dutch: besturingsinvoer English: control input Dutch: besturingskaart English: control card Dutch: besturingskoppeling English: control coupling Dutch: besturingskosten English: cost of control Dutch: besturingsmethode English: control method Dutch: besturingsnet English: control net Dutch: besturingsopdracht English: command statement; control statement; control command Dutch: besturingsorgaan English: control unit Dutch: besturingsoverdracht English: sub-contracting control Dutch: besturingspaneel English: control panel Dutch: besturingsponsing English: designation punching; control punching; control hole; function hole; control punch Dutch: besturingsprogramma English: control program Dutch: besturingspunt English: control point Dutch: besturingsrelatie English: control relationship Dutch: besturingsroutine English: executive routine Dutch: besturingsrubriek English: control filed Dutch: besturingssectie English: control section Dutch: besturingssignaal English: control signal Dutch: besturingssignalering English: control signalling Dutch: besturingsstation English: control station Dutch: besturingsstatus English: computer control mode; control mode Dutch: besturingsstroom English: control flow Dutch: besturingsstroomschema English: control flow diagram Dutch: besturingstaal English: command language; control language Dutch: besturingstafel English: control table; console Dutch: besturingsteken English: control character; functional character Dutch: besturingsuitvoer English: control output Dutch: besturingsvariabele English: control variable Dutch: besturingsveld English: control field Dutch: besturingsverloop English: flow of control Dutch: besturingswoord English: control word Dutch: bestuurd gebied English: controlled area Dutch: bestuurd magazijn English: controlled store Dutch: bestuurd volgen English: aided tracking Dutch: bestuurder English: driver; manager Dutch: bestuurderszitplaats English: driver's seat Dutch: bestuurswetenschappen English: administrative sciences Dutch: bèta English: beta Dutch: betaalde vakantie English: holidays with pay; paid leave Dutch: bètadeeltjes English: beta particles Dutch: bètatest English: beta test Dutch: bètaverdeling English: beta distribution Dutch: betonbalk English: concrete beam Dutch: betreffend English: relating; regarding: re; concerning Dutch: betrekken English: buy; purchase; procure Dutch: betrekking English: relationship; relation; job; post; position Dutch: betrokken English: committed [1]; involved; engaged Dutch: betrouwbaarheid English: reliability; dependability; confidence Dutch: betrouwbaarheidsgebied English: confidence region; confidence belt Dutch: betrouwbaarheidsgrens English: confidence limit Dutch: betrouwbaarheidsniveau English: confidence level Dutch: betrouwbaarheidstest English: reliability test; dependability test Dutch: beugel English: bracket Dutch: beugelzaagmachine English: hacksaw machine Dutch: beuken English: beech Dutch: beuken deuvel English: beech dowel Dutch: beuken multiplex English: beach multi-ply Dutch: beul English: torture test apparatus Dutch: beveiligd tegen English: protected against Dutch: beveiligde ingang English: guarded input Dutch: beveiligde kern(el) English: security kernel Dutch: beveiliging English: protection; safety; guard; security Dutch: beveiligingskabel English: guard wire Dutch: beveiligingsklep English: safety valve; safety cover Dutch: beveiligingsschakelaar English: safety switch Dutch: beveiligingssysteem English: protection system Dutch: bevelslijn English: line of command Dutch: bevestigen English: to fix; to fasten; to secure; to attach Dutch: bevestiging English: fixture; fastening; attachment; mounting Dutch: bevestigingsbeugel English: bracket; mounting bracket; fixing bracket; clip Dutch: bevestigingsbout English: fixing bolt Dutch: bevestigingsbus English: tabular rivet Dutch: bevestigingsdraad English: fixing wire Dutch: bevestigingsformulier English: confirmation note Dutch: bevestigingsgat English: fixing hole Dutch: bevestigingsoor English: fixing ear Dutch: bevestigingsschroef English: fixing screw; fastening screw Dutch: bevestigingssignaal English: acknowledge signal Dutch: bevestigingsstrip English: fastening strip Dutch: bevestigingstechnieken English: fastening techniques Dutch: bevestigingsteken English: acknowledge character: ACK Dutch: bevestigingsveer English: spring clip Dutch: beving English: dither Dutch: bevlokken English: to flock Dutch: bevochtigen English: to moisten; to wet; to humidify Dutch: bevochtiger English: moistening agent; wetting agent; humectant; humidifier; moistener Dutch: bevochtiging English: moistening; wetting; humidification Dutch: bevoegd English: competent; authorized; qualified Dutch: bevoegde instantie English: (competent) authority Dutch: bevoordelen English: to benefit; to favour Dutch: bevoorrading English: replenishment; supply; provisioning Dutch: bevoorradingsinterval English: replenishment interval Dutch: bevoorradingsperiode English: replenishment period Dutch: bevoorradingssysteem English: replenishment system Dutch: bevoorrechte opdracht English: privileged instruction Dutch: bevriende onderneming English: associated company Dutch: bevriezen English: to freeze Dutch: bewaakte frequentie English: guarded frequency Dutch: bewaarkist English: storage chest Dutch: bewaarproef English: storage test Dutch: bewaken English: to monitor Dutch: bewaking English: security Dutch: bewakingssignaal English: guard signal Dutch: bewaren English: to preserve; to keep; to store Dutch: beweegbare tafel English: movable platen Dutch: beweegbare tussenplaat English: floating platen Dutch: beweeglijke passing English: clearance fit Dutch: bewegen English: to move Dutch: bewegende delen English: moving parts; movable parts Dutch: bewegende matrijshelft English: movable mould-half Dutch: bewegende matrijsplaat English: moving mould platen Dutch: bewegingsanalyse English: motion analysis Dutch: bewegingskans English: risk of mechanical instability Dutch: bewegingsleer English: kinematics Dutch: bewegingsruimte English: motion space Dutch: bewegingsstudie English: motion study Dutch: beweren English: to assert Dutch: bewering English: assertion Dutch: bewerkbaar English: workable; processable; machinable Dutch: bewerkbaarheid English: workability; processability; machinability Dutch: bewerken English: to work; to process; to machine; to adapt Dutch: bewerkingen uitvoeren English: to operate Dutch: bewerkingsafdeling English: machining department; processing department Dutch: bewerkingsbesturing English: job control Dutch: bewerkingsblad English: operation sheet; operation lay-out Dutch: bewerkingscentrum English: machining center Dutch: bewerkingscode English: operation code: op code; order code Dutch: bewerkingsdeel English: operation part; function part Dutch: bewerkingsexceptie English: operation exception Dutch: bewerkingsgang English: job Dutch: bewerkingsgroep English: machining group; processing group; production unit; production cell; work center Dutch: bewerkingskaart English: operational-sequence sheet; processing sheet; operation sheet Dutch: bewerkingsmaten English: machining dimensions Dutch: bewerkingsmethode English: processing method; machining method Dutch: bewerkingsomschrijving English: job definition Dutch: bewerkingsplaats English: processing station Dutch: bewerkingsplan English: processing schedule; machining schedule; process plan Dutch: bewerkingsplanning English: operation planning Dutch: bewerkingsprioriteit English: operation priority Dutch: bewerkingsproces English: machining process; working process Dutch: bewerkingsregister English: operation register Dutch: bewerkingsstap English: job step Dutch: bewerkingsstartdatum English: operation start date Dutch: bewerkingsteken English: operator Dutch: bewerkingsuitdrukking English: operation expression Dutch: bewerkingsveld English: operation field Dutch: bewerkingsvolgorde English: operations sequence; sequence of operations Dutch: bewerktuigen English: to implement Dutch: bewerktuiging English: implementation Dutch: bezet English: busy; occupied Dutch: bezet energieniveau English: occupied energy level Dutch: bezetsignaal English: busy signal Dutch: bezette band English: occupied band Dutch: bezette bandbreedte English: occupied bandwidth Dutch: bezettest English: engaged test Dutch: bezetting English: capacity load Dutch: bezettingsdichtheid English: packaging density Dutch: bezettingsduur English: busy time Dutch: bezettingseffening English: load leveling Dutch: bezettingsgraad English: capacity utilization (degree); loading degree; load factor; stocking level; occupancy coefficient Dutch: bezettingsnivellering English: load leveling Dutch: bezettingsoverzicht English: load profile Dutch: bezettingsplanning English: capacity planning Dutch: bezettingsprofiel English: load profile Dutch: bezettoon English: engaged tone Dutch: Bézier-methode English: Bezier method Dutch: Bézier-oppervlak English: Bezier surface Dutch: bezig English: busy Dutch: bezinken English: to deposit; to settle Dutch: bezinkmethode English: settling method Dutch: bezinksel English: deposit; settlement Dutch: bezinktijd English: settling time; sedimentation time Dutch: bezitsvorming English: acquisition of property; creation of property Dutch: bezuinigingsmaatregel English: measure of economy Dutch: bezwaarlijk English: objectionable Dutch: bi-ampli English: bi-ampli Dutch: bias English: bias Dutch: biasloze eenheid English: unbiased unit Dutch: biaxiaal English: bi-axial Dutch: biaxiale krimp English: biaxial shrink Dutch: bibbereffect English: jitter; horizontal hunting Dutch: bibliotheekcomponent English: library element Dutch: bibliotheekindex English: library directory Dutch: bibliotheeklijst English: library list Dutch: bibliotheekmetriek English: library metric Dutch: bibliotheekobject English: library object Dutch: bibliotheekprogramma English: library program Dutch: bibliotheekroutine English: library routine Dutch: biconcaaf English: biconcave Dutch: bidirectioneel English: bi-directional Dutch: bies English: strip; decorative line; ornamental line Dutch: biezentrekker English: striper Dutch: bifilaire wikkeling English: bifilar winding Dutch: bifluoride English: bifluoride Dutch: bifocaal English: bifocal Dutch: bifurcatie English: bifurcation Dutch: bij montage instellen English: to adjust on assembly Dutch: bij ontvangst English: on receipt Dutch: bij voorkeur English: preferably Dutch: bijbaan English: side run Dutch: bijbehorend English: associated; mating; matching; accompanied Dutch: bijblijven English: to keep updated; to keep abreast of Dutch: bijdraaien English: to tighten; to retighten; to post-adjust Dutch: bijgeluiden English: alien sounds; parasitic noise Dutch: bijkleuren English: to tint Dutch: bijkomende tijd English: incidental time Dutch: bijladen English: to recharge Dutch: bijlage English: appendix; enclosure; attachment; addendum; annexe Dutch: bijluco English: air-gap trimmer; air-dielectric trimmer Dutch: bijna lege matrix English: sparse matrix Dutch: bijpakken English: to pack with Dutch: bijpassend English: matching Dutch: bijplaatsen English: to add Dutch: bijproduct English: by-product; spin Dutch: bijproductenstuklijst English: breeder bill-of-material Dutch: bijregeling English: adjustment; readjustment Dutch: bijregelplaat English: corrector vane Dutch: bijscholing English: supplementary training Dutch: bijschrift English: caption; legend Dutch: bijstand English: support Dutch: bijstelcondensator English: trimmer Dutch: bijstellen English: to adjust; to readjust; to trim; to align Dutch: bijstelspoel English: correction coil Dutch: bijstemmen English: to retune Dutch: bijstroom English: bias; pre-magnetization Dutch: bijstroomamplitude English: bias amplitude Dutch: bijstroomfrequentie English: bias frequency Dutch: bijstroomniveau English: bias level Dutch: bijstroomoscillator English: bias oscillator Dutch: bijtend English: corrosive; caustic Dutch: bijtende kritiek English: scathing criticism Dutch: bijtende stoffen English: corrosive substances; caustic substances; caustics Dutch: bijtoestel English: remote station Dutch: bijtrimmen English: to retrim; to realign Dutch: bij-verstek English: default Dutch: bij-verstek redeneren English: default reasoning Dutch: bij-versteklogica English: default logic Dutch: bij-verstekwaarde English: default value Dutch: bijverwarming English: additional heating Dutch: bijvoorbeeld: bijv English: for instance: eg Dutch: bijvullak English: replenisher lacquer Dutch: bijvullen English: to fill up; to top up Dutch: bijwerken English: to update; to trim; to touch up; to true up Dutch: bijwonen English: to attend Dutch: bijzonder teken English: special character; additional character; symbol Dutch: bikhamer English: scaling hammer; chipping hammer Dutch: bilateraal English: bilateral Dutch: bilaterale grenzen English: bilateral limits Dutch: bimetaal English: bimetal Dutch: bin English: bin Dutch: binair English: binary Dutch: binair cijfer English: binary digit; bit Dutch: binair getal English: binary digit: bit; binary number; binary numeral Dutch: binair stelsel English: binary notation Dutch: binaire boom English: binary tree Dutch: binaire code English: binary scale Dutch: binaire kaartcode English: column binary Dutch: binaire komma English: binary point Dutch: binaire logica English: binary logic Dutch: binaire modulatie English: binary modulation Dutch: binaire signalering English: binary signalling Dutch: binaire variabele English: binary variable Dutch: binauraal English: binaural Dutch: binddraad English: binding wire Dutch: binden English: to bind; to combine with; to bond Dutch: binder English: binder; binding agent Dutch: binderkit English: binder cement Dutch: binderlijm English: binder glue Dutch: binding English: binding; bonding; bond; linkage Dutch: bindingen English: bindings Dutch: bindingsfrequentie English: bond frequency Dutch: bindingskracht English: binding force; bonding force Dutch: bindkracht English: binding force; bonding force Dutch: bindmiddel English: binder; binding agent; vehicle; medium Dutch: binistor English: binistor Dutch: binnen English: within doors Dutch: binnen de tolerantie English: within tolerances Dutch: binnenaanzicht English: interior view; inside view Dutch: binnenanode English: internal anode; inside anode Dutch: binnenantenne English: indoor aerial Dutch: binnendiameter English: inside diameter; bore Dutch: binnendipool English: internal dipole Dutch: binnendoos English: inner box Dutch: binnenelektron English: inner-shell electron Dutch: binnenfineer English: core veneer Dutch: binnenhoek English: internal angle Dutch: binnenhuis English: interior Dutch: binnenhuisantenne English: indoor aerial Dutch: binnenhuisarchitect English: interior designer Dutch: binnenkabel English: inner cable Dutch: binnenkaliber English: inside gauge Dutch: binnenkant English: inside; inner side Dutch: binnenklep English: inner flap Dutch: binnenkomende goederen English: incoming goods Dutch: binnenkomende orders English: incoming business Dutch: binnenmaat English: inside dimension; internal dimension Dutch: binnenmontage English: indoor installation; indoor mounting Dutch: binnenopslag English: indoor storage Dutch: binnenpasser English: inside caliper Dutch: binnenrotor English: inside rotor Dutch: binnenslijpbank English: internal grinder Dutch: binnenslijpen English: internal grinding Dutch: binnenspiegel English: interior driving mirror Dutch: binnentak English: internal branch Dutch: binnenverlichting English: interior lighting Dutch: binnenverpakking English: inner packaging Dutch: binnenwerk English: internal parts; interior parts Dutch: binnenwerks English: inside; interior Dutch: binnenzijde English: inside; inner side Dutch: binoculair instrument English: binocular instrument Dutch: binomiale verdeling English: binomial distribution Dutch: bipolair English: bipolar Dutch: bipolaire codering English: bipolar coding Dutch: bipolaire transistor English: bipolar transistor Dutch: biquinaire code English: biquinary code Dutch: biradiaal English: bi-radial; elliptical Dutch: biradiale naaldpunt English: biradial stylus tip Dutch: bissectrice English: bisector; bisecting line Dutch: bistabiel English: bistable; flip-flop Dutch: bistabiel relais English: bistable relay Dutch: bistabiele eenheid English: bistable device Dutch: bistabiele schakeling English: bistable circuit Dutch: bistabiele trekker English: bistable trigger; binary pair; trigger pair; flip-flop Dutch: bit English: binary digit: bit Dutch: bitbus English: bitbus Dutch: bitfoutenpercentage English: bit error rate Dutch: bitfoutfrequentie English: bit error rate: BER Dutch: bitgeleiding English: bit steering Dutch: bit-georiënteerd English: bit oriented Dutch: bitintegriteit English: bit integrity Dutch: bitinterval English: bit interval Dutch: bitinversie English: bit inversion Dutch: bitmap English: bit map Dutch: Bitnet English: Bitnet Dutch: bitopvulling English: bit stuffing Dutch: bitovereenstemming English: bit mapping Dutch: bitpatroon English: bit pattern Dutch: bitplakje English: bit-slice Dutch: bitrij English: bit string Dutch: bits per seconde English: bits per second: b/s Dutch: bitsequentieel English: bit sequential Dutch: bitslice English: bit-slice Dutch: bitslice-processor English: bit-slice processor Dutch: bitsnelheid English: bit rate Dutch: bitstroom English: bit stream Dutch: bitstroomtransmissie English: bit-stream transmission Dutch: bitsynchrone bewerking English: bit-synchronous operation Dutch: bitsynchronisatie English: bit-synchronisation Dutch: bitumenwateremulsie English: bituminous water emulsion Dutch: bitumenweg English: tarmacadam; bituminous road Dutch: bitumineuze verf English: bituminous paint Dutch: blaar English: blister Dutch: blaarvorming English: blistering Dutch: blaasje English: inclusion; occlusion; blister; boiling bubble; stoving bubble; flaw; blowhole Dutch: blaaslucht English: blow-air; blower air Dutch: blaaspijp English: blow pipe Dutch: blaasvorming English: bubble formation Dutch: blackboard English: blackboard Dutch: blackboardsysteem English: blackboard system Dutch: blackbox English: blackbox Dutch: blackboxtest English: black box test Dutch: blackout English: blackout Dutch: blad English: sheet; top; blade; leaf Dutch: bladdrukker English: page-at-a-time printer Dutch: bladknooppunt English: leaf node Dutch: bladmetaal English: foil metal; metal foil Dutch: bladveer English: flat spring; leaf spring Dutch: bladveerring English: compression ring Dutch: bladzijde English: page Dutch: blanco bepaling English: blank determination Dutch: blanco positie English: blank Dutch: blane lak English: clear lacquer Dutch: blank English: bright; clear; bare; blank Dutch: blank gegloeid English: bright annealed Dutch: blank gloeien English: bright annealing Dutch: blank metaal English: non-coated metal; bright metal Dutch: blanke draad English: blank wire Dutch: blanking English: blanking Dutch: blankslijpen English: bright grinding Dutch: blaren vormen English: to blister Dutch: blauw beeld English: blue picture Dutch: blauw videosignaal English: blue video signal Dutch: blauwaandeel English: blue component Dutch: blauwachtig English: bluish Dutch: blauwbandfilter English: blue ribbon filter Dutch: blauwcorrectiemagneet English: blue lateral magnet Dutch: blauwdruk English: blueprint Dutch: blauwe ruis English: blue noise Dutch: blauwe signaal English: blue signal Dutch: blauwen English: to blue Dutch: blauwfilter English: blue filter Dutch: blauw-groen English: cyan Dutch: blauwinformatie English: blue information Dutch: blauwinhoud English: blue content Dutch: blauwinstelmagneet English: blue lateral magnet Dutch: blauwkanon English: blue gun Dutch: blauwsignaal English: blue signal Dutch: blauwverschilsignaal English: blue-difference signal; B-Y signal; U-signal Dutch: blauwverschuiving English: blue lateral displacement Dutch: blauw-verticaal tilt English: blue field tilt Dutch: bledkraan English: plug cock Dutch: bleek English: faded; pale Dutch: bleekmiddel English: bleaching agent; bleach Dutch: bleekwater English: bleaching water; bleaching liquid Dutch: bleken English: to bleach Dutch: blijven zitten English: to get stuck Dutch: blijvende rek English: permanent elongation Dutch: blijvende storing English: permanent fault Dutch: blijvende vervorming English: permanent set; permanent distortion Dutch: blik English: tinplate; tin; can; lamination Dutch: blikmaat English: lamination dimension Dutch: blikopener English: can opener Dutch: blikpakket English: lamination core Dutch: blikrammel English: transformer patter Dutch: blikschaar English: tinman's shears; tinsnips Dutch: blind gat English: blind hole Dutch: blind gebied English: blind area Dutch: blinde bevestiging English: blind attachment Dutch: blinde transmissie English: blind transmission Dutch: blinderen English: to blank Dutch: blindlast English: reactive load Dutch: blindvermogen English: reactive power; wattless power; idle power Dutch: blockingoscillator English: blocking oscillator Dutch: bloeden English: to bleed; to bloom (paint) Dutch: blok English: block; chunk Dutch: blokannuleringsteken English: block cancel character Dutch: blokcode English: block code Dutch: blokcontrole English: block check Dutch: blokcontroleteken English: block check character Dutch: blokdiagram English: block diagram; box diagram Dutch: blokefficiëntie English: block efficiency Dutch: blokformaat English: block format Dutch: blokformaatadres English: address block format Dutch: blokformaattabulatie English: tabulation block format Dutch: blok-georiënteerd English: block oriented Dutch: blokkeeroscillator English: blocking oscillator Dutch: blokkeersignaal English: inhibiting signal Dutch: blokkeerspanning English: blocking voltage Dutch: blokkeerstrip English: blocking strip Dutch: blokkeertijd English: time out Dutch: blokkeertransformator English: blocking transformer Dutch: blokken English: blocking Dutch: blokkendoos English: blocks world Dutch: blokkendoosprincipe English: building-block principle Dutch: blokkenpatroon English: block pattern Dutch: blokkeren English: to block; to disable; to jam Dutch: blokkerend signaal English: disabling signal; inhibiting signal Dutch: blokkerende toon English: disabling tone Dutch: blokkering English: blocking; jamming; lockout; blocking action Dutch: blokkeringsmarge English: jamming margin Dutch: blokkeringsmodulatie English: jammer modulation Dutch: blokkeringsontvanger English: jammer receiver Dutch: blokkeringssignaal English: jamming signal Dutch: blokkeringszender English: jammer Dutch: blokkingsfactor English: blocking factor Dutch: bloklengte English: block length Dutch: blokmagneet English: block magnet Dutch: blokmarkering English: block mark Dutch: bloknegeerteken English: block ignore character Dutch: blokoverbrenging English: block transfer Dutch: blokoverdrachtspoging English: block transfer attempt Dutch: blokoverdrachtssucces English: block transfer success Dutch: blokoverdrachtstijd English: block transfer time Dutch: bloksgewijs plannen English: block scheduling Dutch: bloksorteren English: to block sort Dutch: blokspanning English: square-wave voltage Dutch: blokspouw English: inter-block gap; inter-record gap: IRG Dutch: bloksynchronisatie English: block synchronization Dutch: bloktussenruimte English: inter-block gap; inter-record gap: IRG; interblock gap Dutch: blokvijl English: block file; flat file Dutch: blokvorming English: blocking Dutch: blokwinkelhaak English: engineer's square; try square; set square Dutch: blokzoekfaciliteit English: tape search Dutch: blooming English: blooming Dutch: blowerlucht English: blower air; low-pressure air Dutch: bobbel English: blob Dutch: bochtstuk English: bend Dutch: bodemgolf English: ground wave Dutch: bodemplaat; bodemplaten English: bottom plate; base cover; bottom plates Dutch: Boehme-apparatuur English: Boehme equipment Dutch: boekbinderslinnen English: book cloth Dutch: boekhouding English: administration; bookkeeping; accounting Dutch: boenen English: to polish; to rub Dutch: bogus English: grey paper Dutch: bol English: sphere Dutch: bol staan English: to bulge Dutch: bolcoördinatenstelsel English: spherical coordinate system Dutch: bolhechting English: ball bonding Dutch: bolheid English: bow; convexity Dutch: bolkoeler English: bulb condenser; ball condenser; spherical condenser Dutch: bolkopschroef English: round head screw Dutch: bolletje English: globule Dutch: bolometer English: bolometer Dutch: bolrond English: convex; spherical Dutch: bolsweep English: spherical sweep Dutch: Boltzmann-machine English: Boltzmann machine Dutch: bolvormig English: spherical; convex Dutch: bonderiseren English: to bonderize Dutch: bonensnijder English: bean slicer Dutch: bonte was English: coloured laundry; coloureds Dutch: Booch English: Booch Dutch: boog English: arc Dutch: booglamp English: arc lamp Dutch: boogontlading English: arc discharge Dutch: boogvormig English: arched; arc-shaped Dutch: Booleaanse algebra English: Boolean algebra Dutch: Booleaanse bewerking English: Boolean operation Dutch: Booleaanse calculus English: Boolean calculus Dutch: Booleaanse functie English: Boolean function Dutch: Booleaanse grootheid English: Boolean Dutch: Booleaanse logica English: Boolean logic Dutch: Booleaanse operator English: Boolean operator Dutch: Booleaanse optelling English: Boolean add Dutch: Booleaanse variabele English: Boolean variable Dutch: Boolebewerking English: Boolean operation; binary operation Dutch: Boolebewerkingstafel English: Boolean operation table Dutch: boom English: tree; wiring harness; wiring tree; cable harness; cable preform Dutch: boomstructuur English: tree structure Dutch: booncomponent English: bean Dutch: boorbeitel English: boring tool Dutch: boorbus English: drill bush Dutch: boordlicht English: side light Dutch: boorgat English: drilled hole; bore Dutch: boorhouder English: drill chuck Dutch: boorkolf English: drill shank Dutch: boorkolom English: pillar; column Dutch: boorkop English: drill head; drill chuck; drill bit Dutch: boorlip English: cutting edge Dutch: boormachine English: drill; drilling machine; drill press Dutch: boormal English: boring jig; drilling jig; drilling template Dutch: boorolie English: cutting oil; cutting lubrication Dutch: booromslag English: drill brace Dutch: boorpunt English: drill point Dutch: boorschacht English: drill shank Dutch: boorspil English: drill spindle Dutch: boorstandaard English: drill stand Dutch: boortafel English: working table; drilling table Dutch: boortekening English: drill drawing Dutch: booster English: booster Dutch: boosterdiode English: booster diode Dutch: boosterspanning English: booster voltage Dutch: boostspanning English: booster voltage Dutch: booten English: to boot Dutch: bootstrap English: bootstrap Dutch: bootstrapcircuit English: bootstrap circuit Dutch: borax English: borax; sodium borate Dutch: bordenwarmer English: hot plate Dutch: borduren English: to stitch Dutch: boren English: to drill; to bore Dutch: borgen; borgen [2] English: to lock; to seal; secure Dutch: borgfelspen English: locking rivet; locking insert pin Dutch: borging English: locking; sealing Dutch: borglak English: locking paint; sealing paint Dutch: borglakken English: to lock with paint; to seal with paint Dutch: borgmiddel English: locking agent; sealing agent Dutch: borgmoer; contramoer English: lock nut; locking nut; PAL nut Dutch: borgnok English: locking pip Dutch: borgpasta English: locking paste; sealing paste Dutch: borgplaat English: locking plate Dutch: borgschroef English: locking screw Dutch: borgspie English: parallel key Dutch: borgsteek English: lock stitch Dutch: borgveer English: spring clip; circlip; drag spring Dutch: boring en slag English: bore and stake Dutch: borstbout English: shouldered bolt Dutch: borstel English: brush Dutch: borstelen English: to brush; to brush finish Dutch: borstelfelspen English: shoulder pin Dutch: borstelgedeelte English: brush attachment Dutch: borstelhouder English: brush holder Dutch: borstelloos English: brushless Dutch: borstelzuigmond English: brush nozzle Dutch: borstpen English: shouldered pin Dutch: borstschroef English: shouldered screw Dutch: boterschaaltje English: butter dish Dutch: botervakje English: butter compartment Dutch: boterzuur English: butyric acid Dutch: botsing English: collision; impact Dutch: bottleneck English: bottleneck Dutch: bottom-up English: bottom-up Dutch: Bouger's wet English: Bouger's law Dutch: bougie English: spark plug; sparking plug Dutch: bounce compensatie English: bounce compensation Dutch: Bourne shell English: Bourne shell Dutch: bout English: bolt; soldering iron Dutch: boutsolderen English: to solder with soldering iron Dutch: bouwbloktechniek English: building-block technique Dutch: bouwbloktype English: building block type Dutch: bouwdoos English: construction kit Dutch: bouwelementen English: sub-assemblies; modules Dutch: bouwmaterialen English: structural materials Dutch: bouwpakket English: building kit; construction kit Dutch: bouwstaal English: structural steel Dutch: bouwsteen English: module; building block Dutch: bouwvaknijverheid English: construction industry Dutch: bouwwerk English: build Dutch: boven de maat zijn English: to be oversize Dutch: bovenaanzicht English: top view; plan Dutch: bovenaf (van - gezien) English: viewed from the top Dutch: bovenbuffer English: top cushion Dutch: bovendeken English: overblanket Dutch: bovendeksel English: upper cover Dutch: bovendoorlaatfilter English: high-pass filter Dutch: bovendrijven English: to float Dutch: bovenfrees English: router Dutch: bovengrens English: upper boundary; upper limit Dutch: boven-index English: superscript Dutch: bovenkant English: top; upper side; top side Dutch: bovenkast English: upper cabinet Dutch: bovenklep English: upper case Dutch: bovenkritisch English: upper flap Dutch: bovenlader English: top-loader; top-loading model Dutch: bovenlager English: upper bearing Dutch: bovenliggende nokkenas English: overhead camshaft; overhead cam shaft Dutch: bovenmal English: upper jig Dutch: bovenmatrijs English: upper mould Dutch: bovenplaat English: top plate; upper plate Dutch: bovenponsing English: zone punch; over-punching Dutch: bovenslede English: top slide Dutch: bovenspoor English: top track Dutch: bovenstaande vloeistof English: supernatant liquid Dutch: bovenste English: top; upper Dutch: bovenste band English: upper band Dutch: bovenste bocht English: upper bend Dutch: bovenste dode punt English: top dead centre Dutch: bovenste gedeelte English: upper part Dutch: bovenste grensmaat English: upper limit of size Dutch: bovenste opspanplaat English: top clamping plate Dutch: bovenste regelgrens English: upper control limit Dutch: bovenste zijband English: upper sideband Dutch: bovenstempel English: upper die Dutch: bovenvlak English: face Dutch: bovenvulling English: top loading Dutch: bovenwaarts-compatibel English: upward compatible Dutch: bovenzijde English: top; upper side Dutch: bovenzone English: upper curtate; over-punching Dutch: Bowdenkabel English: Bowden cable; control cable Dutch: Box-Jenkins-techniek English: Box-Jenkins technique Dutch: boxpallet English: box pallet Dutch: B-periode English: B-period Dutch: braadpan English: frying pan Dutch: braam English: burr; flash; fin Dutch: braamkant English: burr side; flash side; fin side Dutch: braamvrij English: free from burrs; burr free; free from flash (bij kunststoffen); free from fins Dutch: brandbaar English: inflammable; combustible Dutch: brandbestrijding English: firefighting; fire prevention; fire control Dutch: brandduur English: life; operating period; durability Dutch: branden English: to burn Dutch: brandgevaar English: fire hazard; fire risk Dutch: brandgevaarlijke stof English: flammable substance Dutch: brandplekken English: burn spots; burns Dutch: brandpuntelektrode English: focus electrode Dutch: brandpuntsafstand English: focal length Dutch: brandspanning English: operating voltage; working voltage Dutch: brandspeelproef English: operating test; working test Dutch: brandstofdosering English: fuel metering Dutch: brandstofinspuiting English: fuel injection Dutch: brandstofmeter English: fuel gauge Dutch: branduur English: burning hour Dutch: brandvrij English: fireproof Dutch: brandwerend middel English: fire protecting agent Dutch: break-even gewicht English: break-even weight Dutch: bredebandantenne English: wide-band antenna; wide-band aerial; broadband antenna; broadband aerial Dutch: bredebandas English: wide-band axis Dutch: bredebandsignaal English: wideband signal Dutch: bredebandversterker English: wide-band amplifier; broadband amplifier Dutch: breed English: wide; broad Dutch: breed spoor English: wide track Dutch: breedband English: broadband; wideband Dutch: breedbandantenne English: wide-band antenna; wide-band aerial; broadband antenna; broadband aerial Dutch: breedbandcommunicaties English: wideband communications Dutch: breedbandgenerator English: wideband generator Dutch: breedbandherhaler English: wideband repeater Dutch: breedbandkanaal English: broadband Dutch: breedbandnetwerk English: broadband network Dutch: breedbandontvanger English: wideband receiver Dutch: breedbandoscillator English: wide-range oscillator Dutch: breedbandoscilloscoop English: wideband oscilloscope Dutch: breedbandoverdracht English: wide-band transmission Dutch: breedbandverhouding English: wideband ratio Dutch: breedbandversterker English: broadband amplifier; wideband amplifier Dutch: breedbasisdiode English: wide-base diode Dutch: breedst-eerst English: breadth-first Dutch: breedte English: width; range Dutch: breedte van de kern English: width of basic minor truncation Dutch: breedte van de top English: width of basic major truncation Dutch: breedte-afregeling English: width control Dutch: breedte-effect English: latitude effect Dutch: breedtegeleider English: combination rip Dutch: breedtenaad English: widthway seam Dutch: breedteregelaar English: picture width control Dutch: breedterichting English: widthwise direction; crosswise direction Dutch: breekbaarheid English: fragility Dutch: breekgereedschap English: breaking tool Dutch: breekkracht English: tensile break; failing load Dutch: breeklengte English: breaking length Dutch: breekpunt English: breakpoint Dutch: breeksterkte English: breaking strength; failing strength; rupture strength Dutch: breidt uit English: extends Dutch: breking English: refraction Dutch: brekingshoek English: angle of refraction Dutch: brekingsindex English: refractive index; index of refraction Dutch: bret English: storage jig; tray Dutch: breuk English: breakage; rupture; crack Dutch: Brewsterhoek English: Brewster angle Dutch: Brewster's wet English: Brewster's law Dutch: briefhoofd English: letterhead Dutch: brievenbakje English: letter tray Dutch: brievenrekje English: desk letter rack Dutch: brigadier English: charge-hand Dutch: bril English: glasses; spectacles; stay Dutch: briletui English: spectacles case Dutch: brillepoot English: bow; temple Dutch: Brillouinverstrooiing English: Brillouin scattering Dutch: brochure English: pamphlet; brochure; leaflet Dutch: broek van singelband English: webbing harness Dutch: brok English: lump; crumb Dutch: brokje English: button Dutch: brokkelig English: crumbly; friable; with drop-outs Dutch: brokkeligheid English: dropping-out Dutch: brom English: hum Dutch: bromafstand English: signal-to-hum ratio Dutch: bromfilter English: hum filter Dutch: brominterferentie English: hum interference Dutch: bromium English: bromine Dutch: brommen English: to hum Dutch: brommodulatie English: hum modulation Dutch: brommodulatiediepte English: hum modulation depth Dutch: bromocresol English: brom(o)cresol Dutch: bromocresolpurper English: bromcresol purple Dutch: bromofenol English: bromphenol Dutch: bromothymol English: bromthymol Dutch: bromproef English: hum test Dutch: bromspanning English: hum voltage Dutch: bromveld English: hum field Dutch: bronadres English: source address Dutch: bronbestand English: source file Dutch: bronbibliotheek English: source library Dutch: broncodebeheerssysteem English: source code control system: SCCS Dutch: broncodegenerator English: source code generator Dutch: brongebied English: source area Dutch: brongegevens English: source data Dutch: bronimpedantie English: source impedance Dutch: bronmerken English: source marking Dutch: bronmodule English: source module Dutch: bronopdracht English: source statement Dutch: bronsbad English: bronze solution; bronze cyanide bath Dutch: bronzen English: to bronze; to bronze plate Dutch: broodje English: contact strip; biscuit Dutch: broodplank English: breadboard Dutch: broodplankmodel English: breadboard model Dutch: broodrooster English: toaster; automatic toaster; pop-up toaster Dutch: broomcresolpurper English: bromcresol purple Dutch: broomthymolblauw English: bromthymol blue Dutch: broos English: brittle Dutch: brootsen English: to broach Dutch: brosheid English: brittleness; embrittlement Dutch: brouter English: brouter Dutch: brug van Wheatstone English: Wheatstone bridge Dutch: brug van Wien English: Wien bridge Dutch: brugarm English: bridge arm Dutch: brugbegrenzer English: bridge limiter Dutch: brugbeugel English: bridge bracket Dutch: brugdraad English: jumper Dutch: brugfout English: bridging fault Dutch: bruggenerator English: bridge generator Dutch: brug-invoercircuit English: bridge input circuit Dutch: brugmodulator English: bridge modulator Dutch: brugschakeling English: bridge circuit Dutch: brugstuk English: bridge Dutch: brugtak English: bridge branch Dutch: brugversterking English: bridging gain Dutch: brugverzwakking English: bridging loss Dutch: bruikbaar English: usability; usable; fit for use; suitable Dutch: bruikbaarheid English: usability; usefulness; suitability; serviceability; efficiency Dutch: bruikbaarheidsfactor English: serviceability ratio Dutch: bruikbare tijd English: serviceable time Dutch: bruin menggas English: combustibel gas mixture Dutch: bruineren English: browning; black finishing; chemical black processing Dutch: bruinregelaar English: browning control(ler) Dutch: bruinsteencel English: brownstone cell; pyrolusite cell Dutch: brutobehoefte English: gross requirements Dutch: brutobelasting English: gross load Dutch: bruto-belastingmethode English: gross load method Dutch: brutogewicht English: gross weight Dutch: brutoprijs English: list price Dutch: B-signaal English: B signal Dutch: B-spline English: B-spline Dutch: B-spline oppervlak English: B-spline surface Dutch: BS-systeem English: BS system Dutch: bubbel English: bubble Dutch: budgetadministrateur English: financial controller Dutch: budgetaire controle English: budgetary control Dutch: budgetcommissie English: budget committee Dutch: budgetjaar English: financial year Dutch: budgetperiode English: budget period Dutch: budgetteren English: to budget Dutch: buffer English: buffer; cushion; pad; buffer store Dutch: bufferbesturing English: buffer control Dutch: buffercircuit English: buffer circuit Dutch: buffercondensator English: reservoir capacitor; buffer capacitor Dutch: bufferen English: to buffer Dutch: buffermateriaal English: cushioning Dutch: bufferoplossing English: buffer solution Dutch: buffertransistor English: buffer transistor Dutch: buffertrap English: buffer stage Dutch: buffertypes English: buffer types Dutch: bufferversterker English: buffer amplifier Dutch: buffervoorraad English: bank; decoupling stock; buffer stock; safety stock Dutch: bufferzout English: buffer; buffer agent Dutch: buidelfilter English: bag filter Dutch: buigbaar English: bendable; flexible Dutch: buigbaarheid English: bendability; flexibility Dutch: buigblok English: bending block; forming block Dutch: buigblokhouder English: bending-block holder; forming-block holder Dutch: buigen English: to bend; to fold; to form Dutch: buiger English: forming punch Dutch: buiggereedschap English: bending tool Dutch: buighoek English: bending angle Dutch: buigijzer English: bending tool Dutch: buiging English: diffraction Dutch: buigingsas English: folding axis Dutch: buigingsverlies English: bending loss Dutch: buiglijn English: bending line Dutch: buiglip English: bending lug Dutch: buigmachine English: bending machine Dutch: buigmal English: bending jig Dutch: buigmatrijs English: forming die Dutch: buigpers English: bending press; press brake Dutch: buigproef English: bending test Dutch: buigpunt English: bending point Dutch: buigradius English: bending radius Dutch: buigrand English: bending edge Dutch: buigstempel English: bending tool; bending die; forming tool; forming die Dutch: buigsterkte English: bending strength; bending stress; flexural strength; flexural stress Dutch: buigstraal English: bending radius Dutch: buigtang English: pliers; bending pliers Dutch: buigzaamheid English: flexibility Dutch: buigzame koppeling English: flexible coupling Dutch: buik English: antinode; loop Dutch: buiken English: to sag Dutch: buis English: cathode ray tube: CRT; conduit; tube; valve; sleeve Dutch: buis zonder bias English: zero-bias tube Dutch: buiscapaciteiten English: inter-electrode capacitances Dutch: buiscondensator English: tubular capacitor Dutch: buisdefect English: valve failure Dutch: buisdiode English: tube diode Dutch: buisgelijkrichter English: valve rectifier; tube rectifier Dutch: buishouder English: valve holder; tube socket Dutch: buiskabel English: tubular cable Dutch: buiskarakteristiek English: valve characteristic Dutch: buiskoppeling English: pipe joint Dutch: buismeter English: tube tester Dutch: buisparameters English: tube parameters Dutch: buisschakeling English: tube circuit; valve circuit Dutch: buistester English: valve tester Dutch: buisveer English: valve spring Dutch: buisversterker English: tube amplifier Dutch: buisvoet English: valve base; tube base Dutch: buisvoetenpers English: valve-holder press Dutch: buisvoltmeter: BVM English: valve voltmeter: VVM; tube voltmeter: TVM Dutch: buisvormig English: tubular Dutch: buiten bedrijf English: down Dutch: buiten bedrijf zijn English: to be out of operation; to be out of service; to be shut down; to be closed down Dutch: buiten voorraad English: stock-out; out of stock Dutch: buiten werktijd English: outside working hours Dutch: buitenafmetingen English: outside dimensions; external dimensions Dutch: buitenantenne English: outdoor aerial; external aerial Dutch: buitenbandwiel English: tyre wheel; tire wheel Dutch: buitenboordmotor English: outboard motor Dutch: buitendiameter English: outside diameter; outer diameter Dutch: buitendipool English: external dipole Dutch: buitendoos English: outer box Dutch: buitenelektron English: outer-shell electron Dutch: buitenfabriek English: associated factory Dutch: buitenkabel English: outer cable Dutch: buitenkaliber English: outside gauge Dutch: buitenketen English: external circuit Dutch: buitenmantel English: outer cover Dutch: buitenmontage English: outdoor mounting Dutch: buitenopslag English: outside storage Dutch: buitenpasser English: outside caliper Dutch: buitenproef English: natural weathering test Dutch: buitenring English: external ring Dutch: buitenrotor English: outer rotor Dutch: buitenshuis English: outdoors Dutch: buitenslijpen English: external grinding Dutch: buitenspiegel English: exterior driving mirror Dutch: buitentak English: external branch Dutch: buitenverpakking English: outer packaging Dutch: buiten-voorraadkosten English: stock-out costs Dutch: buiten-voorraadrisico English: stock-out risk Dutch: buitenwerks English: outside; exterior Dutch: buizenbescherming English: tube protection Dutch: buizenfabricage English: manufacture of tubes Dutch: buizenhandboek English: valve manual; tube manual Dutch: buizenmeetapparaat English: valve tester Dutch: buizentekstplaat English: valve position label Dutch: buizentester English: tube tester; tube checker Dutch: bulk English: bulk Dutch: bulk-annotatie English: bulk annotation Dutch: bulkencryptie English: bulk encryption Dutch: bulkgoederen English: bulk goods; bulk material Dutch: bulklading English: bulk cargo Dutch: bulkmateriaalabsorptie English: bulk material absorption Dutch: bulkverpakking English: bulk packaging Dutch: bulletin-bord English: bulletin-board Dutch: bulletinbordsysteem English: bulletin board system: BBS Dutch: bult English: bulge Dutch: bundel English: beam; bundle Dutch: bundelantenne English: beam aerial; beam antenna Dutch: bundelbreedte English: beamwidth Dutch: bundeldiameter English: beam diameter Dutch: bundeldivergentie English: beam divergence Dutch: bundel-eindtetrode English: beam tetrode valve; beam tetrode tube; beam power valve Dutch: bundelen English: to bundle; to bunch; to focus Dutch: bundelkanteling English: beam tilt Dutch: bundelknoop English: cross-over point Dutch: bundelmachine English: bundling machine Dutch: bundelmantel English: bundle jacket Dutch: bundelonderdrukking English: blanking; black-out Dutch: bundelopsplitser English: beam splitter Dutch: bundelvormende plaat English: beam-forming plate Dutch: Bunsenbrander English: Bunsen burner Dutch: buret English: burette; buret; dropping glass Dutch: burgerband English: citizen band Dutch: burst English: burst Dutch: burstmethode English: burst mode Dutch: burstruis English: burst noise Dutch: burstsignaal English: burst signal; colour sync signal Dutch: burstsleuteling English: burst-keying Dutch: burstversterker English: burst amplifier Dutch: bus English: bus; trunk; bush; tin; can; socket Dutch: busbekrachtiger English: bus driver Dutch: buscontact English: socket connector Dutch: buscontactdoos English: fixed socket connector Dutch: buscontactstop English: free socket connector Dutch: business game English: business game Dutch: buslaag English: trunk layer Dutch: buslager English: bush Dutch: busnetwerk English: bus network Dutch: busstructuur English: bus structure Dutch: butaangas English: butane Dutch: butanol English: n-butyl alcohol; butanol Dutch: butylacetaat English: methylethylketon; butanone Dutch: butylcarbitol English: diethylene glycol monobutyl ether Dutch: butyllactaat English: butyl lactate Dutch: buurbeelddraaggolg English: adjacent picture carrier Dutch: buurgeluiddraaggolf English: adjacent sound carrier Dutch: buurtverkeer English: extended area service: EAS Dutch: buzzen English: to buzz Dutch: byte English: byte Dutch: bytecode English: bytecode Dutch: bytemethode English: byte mode Dutch: C7-signalering English: C7-signalling Dutch: cabine English: booth Dutch: cabrioletkap English: overhead roof Dutch: cache English: cache Dutch: cadmeren English: to cadmium plate Dutch: cadmiumanode English: cadmium anode Dutch: cadmiumbad English: cadmium bath; cadmium plating solution Dutch: cadmiumboraatfosfor English: cadmium borate phosphor Dutch: cadmiumsilicaatfosfor English: cadmium silicate phosphor Dutch: cadmiumwolfraamfosfor English: cadmium tungstate phosphor Dutch: CAD-raamwerk English: CAD framework Dutch: calciumfosfaatfosfor English: calcium phosphate phosphor Dutch: calciumsilicaatfosfor English: calcium silicate phosphor Dutch: calculatie English: calculation; computation; estimating; cost engineering Dutch: calculator English: calculator; estimator; cost engineer Dutch: calculeren English: to calculate; to compute; to estimate Dutch: calculus English: calculus Dutch: calite kogel English: ceramic pellet Dutch: calorimeter English: calorimeter Dutch: calorisch English: calorific; heating Dutch: calque English: transparency Dutch: calqueerpapier English: tracing paper Dutch: calquehouder English: transparency archivist Dutch: calqueuse English: tracer Dutch: Cambridge ring English: Cambridge ring Dutch: camerabuis English: camera tube Dutch: cameragrondkleuren English: camera primaries Dutch: camera-ingang English: camera input Dutch: camoufleren English: to camouflage Dutch: candela English: candela; candle Dutch: canoniek English: canonical Dutch: capacitantie English: capacitance Dutch: capacitantiefilter English: capacitance filter Dutch: capacitantiekoppeling English: capacitance coupling Dutch: capacitantieverhouding English: capacitance ratio Dutch: capaciteit English: capacitance; capacity; power; output Dutch: capaciteit inkopen English: capacity buying Dutch: capaciteitsarm English: anti-capacitance; low-capacitance Dutch: capaciteitsbeheer English: capacity management Dutch: capaciteitsbenutting English: capacity utilization Dutch: capaciteitsberekening English: capacity calculation Dutch: capaciteitsbezetting English: capacity load Dutch: capaciteitsbron English: resource Dutch: capaciteitsfactor English: capacity factor Dutch: capaciteitsgroep English: capacity group Dutch: capaciteitsmeter English: capacitance meter; farad-meter Dutch: capaciteitsplanning English: capacity planning Dutch: capaciteitssimulatie English: capacity simulation Dutch: capaciteitstekort English: capacity shortage Dutch: capaciteitsverloop English: capacitance drift Dutch: capaciteitswaarde English: capacitance value Dutch: capaci-tester English: capaci-tester; condenser checker Dutch: capacitief component English: capacitive component Dutch: capacitief element English: capacitive element Dutch: capacitief inspuiten English: to inject capacitively Dutch: capacitieve aarde English: capacitive earth Dutch: capacitieve eenheid English: capacitive load Dutch: capacitieve koppeling English: capacitance coupling; capacitive coupling Dutch: capacitieve omvormer English: capacitive transducer Dutch: capillair English: capillary Dutch: capillariteit English: capillarity Dutch: capsule English: capsule Dutch: capture ratio English: capture ratio Dutch: carbid English: carbide Dutch: carbitol English: diethylene glycol monoethyl ether Dutch: carbolzuur English: carbolic acid Dutch: carbonaat English: carbonate Dutch: carboneren English: carburizing Dutch: carboniseren English: to carburize Dutch: carbonitreren English: carbonitriding; liquid carbonitriding; cyaniding Dutch: carborundum English: carborundum; silicon carbide Dutch: carburator English: carburetter; carburettor Dutch: carbureren English: carburizing; liquid carburizing; gas carburizing Dutch: cardanas English: cardan shaft; shaft with universal joint Dutch: cardankoppeling English: universal joint Dutch: cardioide English: cardioid Dutch: carnaubawas English: carnauba wax Dutch: carrosseriemodel English: body style Dutch: carrousel English: voltage adapter Dutch: carrouselplaat English: voltage-adapter plate Dutch: Carson's bandbreedte English: Carson bandwidth Dutch: cartesisch product English: cartesian product Dutch: cartesische robot English: cartesian robot Dutch: cascadediagram English: cascade diagram Dutch: cascadegeschakeld English: connected in cascade; cascaded Dutch: cascade-ontvanger English: tuned radio frequency receiver; straight receiver Dutch: cascaderegeling English: cascade control Dutch: cascadeschakelaar English: cascade switch Dutch: cascadeschakeling English: cascade connection; concatenated connection; tandem connection Dutch: cascadeversterker English: cascade amplifier Dutch: cascodeschakeling English: cascode connection Dutch: cascodeversterker English: cascode amplifier Dutch: CASE gereedschappen English: CASE tools Dutch: CASE raamwerk English: CASE framework Dutch: CASE-clausule English: CASE-clause Dutch: caseïne English: casein Dutch: cassette English: cartridge; cassette Dutch: cassette-bandopnemer English: cassette tape recorder Dutch: cassette-compartiment English: cassette compartment Dutch: cassettehouder English: cassette holder Dutch: cassettelift English: cassette lift Dutch: cassettenaaf English: cassette hub Dutch: cassetterecorder English: cassette recorder Dutch: cassetteschotel English: reel disc Dutch: cassettespeler English: cassette player Dutch: cassette-uitwerper English: cassette ejector Dutch: cassettewisselaar English: cassette changer Dutch: cassettotheek English: cassette library Dutch: Casteljau-methode English: Casteljau method Dutch: castorolie English: castor oil Dutch: catalogiseren English: to catalog Dutch: catalogisering English: cataloguing Dutch: catalogus English: catalogue; catalog Dutch: catastrofale fout English: catastrophic failure Dutch: catastrofale storing English: catastrophic failure Dutch: catastrofe English: catastrophe; catastrophic failure Dutch: categorie English: category Dutch: categorietest English: class test Dutch: categorische planning English: categorical planning Dutch: cathexis English: cathexis Dutch: Cauchy-distributie English: Cauchy distribution Dutch: causaliteit English: causality Dutch: caustische kali English: caustic potash Dutch: caustische soda English: caustic soda Dutch: cavitatieblaas English: cavitation bubble Dutch: cavitatiekracht English: cavitation force Dutch: C-band English: C-band Dutch: celbesturingsapparaat English: cell controller Dutch: celdecompositie English: cell decomposition Dutch: celhouder English: cell holder Dutch: cellenbibliotheek English: cell library Dutch: cello English: violoncel; violoncello Dutch: cellofaan English: cellophane Dutch: cellulaire fabricage English: cellular manufacturing Dutch: celluloid English: celluloid Dutch: cellulose-acetaat English: cellulose acetate Dutch: celmeter English: cellmeter Dutch: celpoly-ethyleen English: cellular polyethylene Dutch: celrelais English: cell relay Dutch: Celsius: C English: centigrade Dutch: celstof English: cellulose Dutch: cementbedekking English: cement coating Dutch: cementeerpoeder English: solid carburizing compound; cementing powder Dutch: cementeerstaal English: case-hardening steel Dutch: cementeerzout English: case-hardening salt Dutch: cementeren English: to cement; to case-harden; to carbonize; to carburize; pack carburizing Dutch: cementering English: cementation; cementing; case hardening; carburization; carbonization Dutch: cementiet English: cementite; carbide of iron Dutch: center English: centre; centre dot Dutch: centerboor English: centre drill Dutch: centeren English: to centre Dutch: centerfrequentie English: centre frequency Dutch: centerloos slijpen English: centreless grinding Dutch: centerpunt English: centre point Dutch: centi English: centi Dutch: centiel English: centile Dutch: centraal veem English: central warehouse Dutch: centraal zenuwstelsel English: central nervous system: CNS Dutch: centrale English: centre; main power station; exchange Dutch: centrale antenne English: community antenna; community aerial; master antenna; master aerial Dutch: centrale batterij English: common battery Dutch: centrale frequentie English: central frequency Dutch: centrale lijn English: centre line Dutch: centrale opening English: central aperture Dutch: centrale tendentie English: central tendency Dutch: centralegebied English: exchange area Dutch: centralisatie English: centralization Dutch: centreerboor English: centring drill Dutch: centreerdop English: centring boss Dutch: centreereenheid English: centring unit Dutch: centreergat English: centring hole Dutch: centreergereedschap English: centring tool Dutch: centreerlip English: centring lug Dutch: centreermagneet English: centring magnet Dutch: centreermal English: centring jig Dutch: centreernok English: centring boss Dutch: centreerpen English: centring pin Dutch: centreerplaat English: centring plate Dutch: centreerstrip English: centring strip Dutch: centreren English: to centre; to center Dutch: centrering English: centring; centering Dutch: centreringsregelaar English: centring controller Dutch: centreringsregeling English: centring control Dutch: centrifugaaldroger English: centrifugal drier; hydroextractor Dutch: centrifugaalkoppeling English: centrifugal clutch Dutch: centrifugaalschakelaar English: centrifugal switch Dutch: centrifuge English: spin drier; spin; clothes drier; centrifuge Dutch: centrifugeergang English: spinning run Dutch: centrifugeertijd English: centrifuging time; spinning time Dutch: centrifugeertrommel English: spin drier drum Dutch: centrifugeren English: to centrifuge; to spin dry; to spin Dutch: centrum van een kanaal English: center of channel Dutch: centrumbemonstering English: center sampling Dutch: centrumfrequentie English: center frequency Dutch: centrumpen English: record spindle; adapter; adaptor Dutch: ceramiek English: ceramics Dutch: cermetweerstand English: cermet resistor Dutch: certificatie-instituut English: certification institute Dutch: certificeren English: to certify Dutch: cesium English: cesium Dutch: charge English: batch Dutch: chasseeractiviteit English: chasing activity Dutch: chasseren English: to chase; to expedite; expediting Dutch: chasseur English: chaser; expeditor Dutch: chassis English: chassis; frame; mounting plate; tape deck Dutch: chassisachterplaat English: chassis backplate Dutch: chassisafdekplaat English: chassis cover Dutch: chassisbeugel English: chassis bracket Dutch: chassissmering English: chassis lubrication Dutch: chaufferen English: to drive Dutch: checken English: to verify Dutch: checklist English: checklist Dutch: checkout English: checkout Dutch: chef English: supervisor; superior; manager Dutch: chef-programmeur English: chief programmer Dutch: chemicaliënvastheid English: resistance to chemicals Dutch: chemisch beitsen English: chemical pickling; non-electrolytic pickling Dutch: chemisch glanzend English: chemical bright dip; chemical brightening bath; chemical brightening solution Dutch: chemisch polijstbad English: chemical polishing bath; chemical polishing solution Dutch: chemisch polijsten English: chemical polishing; immersion polishing; chemical milling Dutch: chemisch schoon English: chemically clean Dutch: chemisch vergulden English: electroless gold plating Dutch: chemisch vernikkelen English: electroless nickel plating Dutch: chemisch zuiver English: chemically pure Dutch: chemische condensator English: chemical capacitor Dutch: chemische depositie English: chemical deposition Dutch: chemische verwering English: chemical weathering Dutch: chi-kwadraatproef English: Chi-square test Dutch: Chinese houtolie English: China wood oil; tung oil Dutch: Chinese kamer English: Chinese room Dutch: chinoline English: quinoline Dutch: chip English: chip; integrated circuit: IC Dutch: chipcondensator English: chip capacitor Dutch: chiptechnologie English: chip technology Dutch: chipweerstand English: chip resistor Dutch: chloorrubber English: chlorinated rubber Dutch: chloorrubberverf English: chlorinated rubber paint Dutch: chloorrubbervernis English: chlorinated rubber lacquer Dutch: chloorwaterstof English: hydrogen chloride Dutch: chloorzuur English: hydrochloric acid Dutch: chloraat English: chlorate Dutch: chloreren English: to chlorinate Dutch: chloriet English: chlorite Dutch: chlorigzuur English: chlorous acid Dutch: chloroform English: chlorophorm Dutch: choke English: choke Dutch: chopper English: chopper Dutch: chroma English: chroma Dutch: chromaatgeel English: lead chromate; chrome yellow Dutch: chromaatgroen English: chrome green Dutch: chromadetector English: chroma detector Dutch: chromaregelaar English: chroma control(ler) Dutch: chromaregeling English: chroma control Dutch: chroma-sperversterker English: colour killer Dutch: chromateermiddel English: chromating agent Dutch: chromateerpoeder English: chromatizing powder; chromating powder Dutch: chromateren English: to chromate Dutch: chromatisch English: chromatic Dutch: chromavector English: chroma vector Dutch: chromaversterker English: chrominance amplifier Dutch: chromeren English: chroma conversion coating; chromating Dutch: chrominantie English: chrominance Dutch: chrominantieamplitude English: chrominance amplitude Dutch: chrominantieband English: chrominance band Dutch: chrominantiebeeld English: chrominance image Dutch: chrominantiecomponent English: chrominance component Dutch: chrominantiedetector English: chrominance detector Dutch: chrominantiedraaggolf English: chrominance carrier Dutch: chrominantie-eenheid English: chrominance unit Dutch: chrominantiefilter English: chrominance band-pass filter Dutch: chrominantie-ingang English: chrominance input Dutch: chrominantiekanaal English: chrominance channel Dutch: chrominantiekromme English: chrominance curve Dutch: chrominantiemodulatie English: chrominance modulation Dutch: chrominantiemodulator English: chrominance modulator Dutch: chrominantieoscillator English: chrominance oscillator Dutch: chrominantiesignaal English: chrominance signal Dutch: chrominantiespectrum English: chrominance spectrum Dutch: chrominantiespoor English: chrominance track Dutch: chrominantietranscoder English: chrominance transcoder Dutch: chrominantietrap English: chrominance stage Dutch: chrominantieversterker English: chrominance amplifier; chroma amplifier; chroma bandpass amplifier Dutch: chromoscoop English: chromoscope; colour picture tube; colour kinescope Dutch: chronistor English: chronistor Dutch: chroombad English: chrome bath; chrome plating solution Dutch: chroomijzer English: ferrochrome; ferrochromium Dutch: chroomnikkelstaal English: chromium nickel steel Dutch: chroomvanadiumstaal English: chrome vanadium steel Dutch: chroomzuur English: chromium acid Dutch: chroomzuuranhydride English: chromium trioxide; chromium anhydride Dutch: chroomzuurbad English: chromic acid dip; chromate dip Dutch: chroomzuurbeitsbad English: chromic acid dip; chromate dip Dutch: chroomzuuroplossing English: chromic acid solution Dutch: chroomzwavelzuur English: chromic sulphuric acid Dutch: chunking English: chunking Dutch: cifax English: cifax Dutch: cijfer English: digit; figure; numeric character Dutch: cijfercode English: numerical code Dutch: cijfergedeelte English: body (of edit word) Dutch: cijfergenerator English: selective digit emitter; digit emitter Dutch: cijferimpuls English: digit pulse Dutch: cijferklok English: digital clock Dutch: cijferperiode English: digit period; digit time Dutch: cijferplaats English: digit position; digit place Dutch: cijferplaatsimpuls English: commutator pulse; P-pulse Dutch: cijferpositie English: digit position; digit place Dutch: cijferpositievertrager English: digit delay element; digit delay Dutch: cijferselectie English: digit selection Dutch: cijferteken English: digit; numeric character Dutch: cijfertijd English: digit time Dutch: cijferwijziging English: figure change Dutch: cijferwoord English: numeric word Dutch: cilindercoördinaten English: cylindric coordinates Dutch: cilindrisch English: cylindrical Dutch: cilindrische golf English: cylindrical wave Dutch: cilindrische golfpijp English: cylindrical waveguide Dutch: cilindrische robot English: cylindrical robot Dutch: cilindrisch-gekromd English: cylindrically curved Dutch: CIM-applicatie English: CIM application Dutch: CIM-architectuur English: CIM architecture Dutch: CIM-beeld English: CIM view Dutch: CIM-domein English: CIM domain Dutch: CIM-gegevens English: CIM data Dutch: CIM-product English: CIM product Dutch: CIM-systeem English: CIM system Dutch: CIM-vrijgave English: CIM release Dutch: cine-camera English: cine camera; movie camera Dutch: cinefilm English: cine film; movie film Dutch: cinema-apparatuur English: cine projector; movie projector Dutch: ciphony English: ciphony Dutch: circa English: approximately: approx.; about Dutch: circuitanalyse English: circuit analysis Dutch: circuitbelasting English: circuit load Dutch: circuitbescherming English: circuit protection Dutch: circuitbetrouwbaarheid English: circuit reliability Dutch: circuitcapacitantie English: circuit capacitance Dutch: circuitcapaciteit English: circuit capacity Dutch: circuitcomponent English: circuit component Dutch: circuitdiscipline English: circuit discipline Dutch: circuitefficiëntie English: circuit efficiency Dutch: circuitelement English: circuit element Dutch: circuitfout English: circuit fault Dutch: circuitgat English: circuit hole Dutch: circuitlog English: circuit log Dutch: circuitonwerp English: circuit engineering Dutch: circuitparameter English: circuit parameter Dutch: circuitrestoratie English: circuit restoration Dutch: circuitruis English: circuit noise Dutch: circuitschakelcentrum English: circuit switching center: CSC Dutch: circuitschakeleenheid English: circuit switching unit: CSU Dutch: circuitschakeling English: circuit switching Dutch: circuitsynthese English: circuit synthesis Dutch: circuittester English: circuit tester Dutch: circuitunit English: circuit unit Dutch: circulair tripel English: circular triad Dutch: circulaire aftasting English: circular scan Dutch: circulatieregister English: circulating register Dutch: cirkel English: circle Dutch: cirkelboog English: arc of circle Dutch: cirkeldiagram English: pie chart Dutch: cirkelomtrek English: circumference; periphery; perimeter Dutch: cirkelschaar English: rotary shears Dutch: cirkelvormig English: circular Dutch: citroengeel English: citrine; citron-colour Dutch: citroenpers English: citrus fruit squeezer Dutch: civette English: bulb; vessel; cuvette Dutch: C-kern English: C-core Dutch: C-kern transformator English: C-core transformer Dutch: Clapp-oscillator English: Clapp oscillator Dutch: classificatiegrootheid English: classification statistic Dutch: classificeren English: to classify Dutch: clausule van Horn English: Horn clause Dutch: cliché English: printing block Dutch: clichétekening English: master drawing; artwork master Dutch: cliënt/server-netwerk English: client/server network Dutch: cliëntobject English: client object Dutch: clignoteur English: flash indicator; flasher Dutch: clipper English: amplitude limiter; amplitude separator; clipper Dutch: closed-loop systeem English: closed-loop system Dutch: cluster English: cluster Dutch: C-netwerk English: C-network Dutch: coaguleren English: to coagulate Dutch: coaxconnector English: coax connector Dutch: coaxdemping English: coax damping Dutch: coaxiaal English: coaxial Dutch: coaxiaal filter English: coaxial filter Dutch: coaxiaalkabel English: coaxial cable; coax cable Dutch: coaxiaalsteker English: coaxial plug Dutch: coaxiale connector English: coaxial connector Dutch: coaxiale diode English: coaxial diode Dutch: coaxiale kabel English: coax; coaxial cable Dutch: coaxiale lijn English: coaxial line Dutch: coaxkabel English: coax; coaxial cable; coax cable Dutch: coaxsteker English: coaxial plug Dutch: coaxverbinder English: coax connector Dutch: cobalt English: cobalt Dutch: cobaltbad English: cobalt plating solution; cobalt bath Dutch: Cobol English: common business oriented language: Cobol Dutch: cocosmat English: coco mat Dutch: codabar English: codabar Dutch: code 128 English: code 128 Dutch: code 39 English: code 39 Dutch: code 93 English: code 93 Dutch: codebasis English: code base Dutch: codebeheer English: code management Dutch: codebeoordeling English: code review Dutch: codeblad English: code sheet Dutch: codeboek English: code book Dutch: codebreekpunt English: code breakpoint Dutch: codec English: coder/decoder Dutch: codeconversie English: code conversion Dutch: codedekking English: code coverage Dutch: codeerder English: coder Dutch: codeereenheid English: colour encoder; encoder Dutch: codeerorgaan English: encoder; coder Dutch: codegenerator English: code generator Dutch: codenummer English: code number Dutch: codenummerbestand English: code number file Dutch: code-onafhankelijk English: code-independent Dutch: codeprijs English: code price Dutch: coderen English: to code; to codify; to encode Dutch: codering English: coding; codification; encoding Dutch: coderingsapparaat English: coder Dutch: coderingstoestel English: encoder Dutch: codeteken English: code character Dutch: codeur English: coder Dutch: codewijziging English: locking Dutch: codewoord English: code word Dutch: codistor English: codistor Dutch: coëfficiënt English: coefficient Dutch: coërcitiekracht English: coercive force Dutch: coërciviteit English: coercivity Dutch: cognitieve wetenschap English: cognitive science Dutch: cognitiewetenschap English: cognitive science Dutch: cognitron English: cognitron Dutch: coherente bundel English: coherent bundle Dutch: coherente detector English: coherent detector Dutch: coherente draaggolf English: coherent carrier Dutch: coherente referentie English: coherent reference Dutch: coherente signalen English: coherent signals Dutch: coherente transponder English: coherent transponder Dutch: coherentie English: coherence Dutch: coïncidentele cohesie English: coincidental cohesion Dutch: coïncidentie English: coincidence Dutch: coïncidentiefout English: coincidence error Dutch: cold check English: cold check Dutch: collator English: collator Dutch: collectief oproepteken English: collective call sign Dutch: collectieve adresgroep English: collective address group Dutch: collectieve routering English: collective routing Dutch: collector English: collector; commutator Dutch: collectorcapacitantie English: collector capacitance Dutch: collectordissipatie English: collector dissipation Dutch: collectorefficiëntie English: collector efficiency Dutch: collectorjunctie English: collector junction Dutch: collectorlamel English: collector lamination; commutator lamination Dutch: collectorschakeling English: collector circuit Dutch: collectorsegment English: collector segment; commutator segment Dutch: collectorspanning English: collector voltage Dutch: collectorstroom English: collector current Dutch: collectorverbreking English: collector cutoff Dutch: collectorvoorspanning English: collector bias voltage Dutch: collectorweerstand English: collector resistance Dutch: colligatiecoëfficiënt English: coefficient of colligation Dutch: collimator English: collimator Dutch: collineair English: collinear Dutch: collisie English: collision Dutch: collisiecontrole English: collision check Dutch: collo English: package Dutch: colloïdaal English: colloidal Dutch: collomerk English: package mark; shipping mark Dutch: colour-killer English: colour killer Dutch: Colpittsoscillator English: Colpitts oscillator; Colpitts electron coupled oscillator Dutch: colporteur English: doorstep salesman Dutch: columbium English: columbium Dutch: co-maker overeenkomst English: co-maker agreement Dutch: combi-antenne English: combi-antenna; combi-aerial Dutch: combinatieantenne English: combination aerial; combination antenna Dutch: combinatiecircuit English: combinational circuit; diversity combiner Dutch: combinatietang English: combination pliers Dutch: combinatietekening English: combined drawing Dutch: combinatietonen English: combination frequencies Dutch: combinatiezaagblad English: combination saw blade Dutch: combinatorische logica English: combinational logic Dutch: combineert goed English: toned well Dutch: combiversterker English: combination amplifier Dutch: comfort English: comfort Dutch: comfortabel English: comfortable Dutch: commandobestand English: command file Dutch: commando-eenheid English: command unit Dutch: commandoreferentie English: command reference Dutch: commandoschijf English: control disc Dutch: commandotaal English: command language Dutch: commentaar English: comment Dutch: commentaarkanaal English: commentary channel Dutch: commentaaropdracht English: comment statement Dutch: commentaarregel English: comment line Dutch: commentaarveld English: comment field Dutch: commentator English: commentator Dutch: commercieel beleid English: commercial policy Dutch: commercieel plan English: market plan Dutch: commercieel type English: commercial type Dutch: commerciële functie English: marketing function Dutch: commerciële sector English: commercial sector Dutch: commerciële status English: commercial status Dutch: commerciële varianten English: commercial variants Dutch: commerciële voorraad English: commercial stock Dutch: commissaris English: supervising director; company director Dutch: commissienummer English: budget number Dutch: common-mode English: common mode Dutch: common-mode signaal English: common-mode signal Dutch: common-mode spanning English: common-mode voltage Dutch: communicatieaftaster English: communication scanner Dutch: communicatieapparatuur English: communications equipment Dutch: communicatiebeheer English: communication management Dutch: communicatieblokkering English: communication jamming: COMJAM Dutch: communicatiebuffer English: communication buffer Dutch: communicatiecentrum English: communication center Dutch: communicatiecomputer English: communication computer Dutch: communicatiedienst English: communication service Dutch: communicatie-exercitie English: communication exercise Dutch: communicatiefaciliteit English: communication facility Dutch: communicatiefunctie English: communication task Dutch: communicatiegebied English: communication region Dutch: communicatiekanaal English: communication channel Dutch: communicatiemedium English: means of communication Dutch: communicatiemiddelen English: communication means Dutch: communicatienet English: communication net; communication network Dutch: communicatieopdracht English: communication instruction Dutch: communicatieorganen English: communication media Dutch: communicatieparameters English: communication parameters Dutch: communicaties English: communications Dutch: communicatiesamenhang English: communication coherence Dutch: communicatiesatelliet English: communication satellite Dutch: communicatieschema English: communication diagram Dutch: communicatieserver English: communication server Dutch: communicatiesubsysteem English: communication subsystem Dutch: communicatiesysteem English: communication system Dutch: communicatieterminal English: communication terminal station Dutch: communicatietheorie English: communication theory Dutch: communicatieve cohesie English: communicational cohesion Dutch: communicatieverkeer English: communication traffic Dutch: communicatieverstoring English: communication jamming: COMJAM Dutch: communicatiewacht English: guard watch Dutch: communicatiewerkwijzen English: communication modes Dutch: communicatiezender English: communication transmitter Dutch: commutatiecondensator English: commutating capacitor Dutch: commutator English: commutator Dutch: compact cassette English: compact cassette Dutch: compact-disk PROM English: compact disk PROM: CD-PROM Dutch: compact-disk ROM English: compact disk ROM: CD-ROM Dutch: compactheid English: compaction; compactness Dutch: compander English: compander Dutch: compansie English: companding Dutch: comparator English: dial gauge; dial indicator Dutch: compatibele IC English: compatible IC Dutch: compatibele ontvangst English: compatible reception Dutch: compensatiecondensator English: compensating capacitor Dutch: compensatiediode English: compensating diode Dutch: compensatiefilter English: compensating filter Dutch: compensatiespoel English: compensation coil Dutch: compensatieweerstand English: compensating resistor Dutch: compilatie English: compilation; compiling Dutch: compilatie-eenheid English: compilation unit Dutch: compilatieprogramma English: compiler Dutch: compilator English: compiler; compiling program Dutch: compilator-generator English: compiler generator; compiler compiler Dutch: compileerfase English: compiling phase Dutch: compileermachine English: compiling computer; source computer Dutch: compileerprogramma English: compiler Dutch: compileertaal English: compiler; compiling program Dutch: compiler English: compiler Dutch: compilercode English: compiler code Dutch: compilergenerator English: compiler generator Dutch: compileringsduur English: compile time; compiling duration Dutch: compleet prototype English: full prototype Dutch: compleet stempel English: compound tool Dutch: complementair English: complementary Dutch: complementaire golf English: complementary wave Dutch: complete modulatie English: complete modulation Dutch: complete opdracht English: complete instruction; absolute instruction Dutch: completering English: closure Dutch: completeringswachttijd English: completion waiting time Dutch: complex getal English: complex number Dutch: complexe functie English: complex function Dutch: complexe golfvorm English: complex waveform Dutch: complexe toon English: complex tone Dutch: complexe vorm English: complex shape; complex geometry Dutch: complexeermiddel English: complexing agent Dutch: complexeren English: to complex Dutch: complexiteit English: complexity Dutch: compliantie English: compliance Dutch: compliantiebereik English: compliance range Dutch: componentdrager English: component carrier Dutch: componentenassemblage English: component assembly Dutch: componentschema English: component diagram Dutch: componentspanning English: component stress Dutch: componentstandaard English: component standard Dutch: compounderen English: to compound Dutch: compressie en expansie English: companding Dutch: compressiepersmatrijs English: compression mould Dutch: compressiewaarde English: compression value Dutch: compromis English: compromis Dutch: computer English: computer; automatic computer Dutch: computer op één plaat English: single board computer Dutch: computerdiode English: computer diode Dutch: computerelementen English: computer resources Dutch: computergebruik English: computer use Dutch: computergebruiker English: computer user Dutch: computergeheugen English: computer memory; computer store; automatic store; inherent store Dutch: computergeneratie English: computer generation Dutch: computergerichte taal English: computer oriented language Dutch: computer-gestuurd English: computer-controlled Dutch: computergrafiek English: computer graphics Dutch: computerinstructie English: computer instruction Dutch: computerinstructiecode English: computer instruction code Dutch: computerinvoer English: computer input Dutch: computerisatie English: computerization Dutch: computermodel English: computer model Dutch: computernet English: computer net Dutch: computer-ondersteund English: computer-aided: CA Dutch: computerrun English: computer run Dutch: computerspecialist English: computer specialist Dutch: computersysteem English: computer system Dutch: computertechniek English: computer technique Dutch: computertoegangstijd English: computer access time Dutch: computeruitdraai English: printer output Dutch: computeruitvoer English: computer output Dutch: computervertaling English: machine translation: MT Dutch: conbijluco English: concentric air-gap trimmer; concentric air-dielectric trimmer Dutch: concaaf English: concave Dutch: concatineren English: to concatenate Dutch: concentratieapparatuur English: concentrating equipment Dutch: concentratie-eenheid English: concentrator Dutch: concentrator English: concentrator Dutch: concentreren English: to concentrate Dutch: conceptfase English: concept phase Dutch: conceptie English: conception Dutch: conceptueel English: conceptual Dutch: conceptueel model English: conceptual model Dutch: conceptueel ontwerpen English: conceptual design engineering Dutch: conceptueel schema English: conceptual schema Dutch: concernplanning English: concern planning Dutch: concertzaal English: concert hall Dutch: concluderen English: to conclude Dutch: concreet; concr. English: concrete; tangible Dutch: concrete klasse English: concrete class Dutch: concurrent English: competitor; concurrent Dutch: concurrent gebruik English: concurrency Dutch: concurrente besturing English: concurrent control Dutch: condens English: condensate Dutch: condensaat English: condensate Dutch: condensator English: capacitor; condenser Dutch: condensatordecadenbank English: decade condenser instrument Dutch: condensatorfilter English: capacitor filter Dutch: condensatorgeheugen English: capacitor store Dutch: condensatormicrofoon English: electrostatic microphone; capacitor microphone Dutch: condensatorspanning English: capacitor voltage Dutch: condensatortester English: capacitor tester Dutch: condensatorvervanger English: dummy capacitor; substitution capacitor Dutch: condenseren English: to condensate Dutch: condensvorming English: condensation Dutch: condenswater English: condensed water; condensate; condensation Dutch: conditie English: condition; state Dutch: conditie-ingang English: condition entry Dutch: conditienaam English: condition name Dutch: conditieomschrijving English: condition stub Dutch: conditioneel English: conditional Dutch: conditionele sprong English: conditional jump Dutch: conditionele variabele English: conditional variable Dutch: conditioneren English: to condition Dutch: conditionering English: conditioning Dutch: conductantie English: conductance Dutch: conductor English: conductor Dutch: conferentieactie English: conference operation Dutch: conferentielijn English: conference circuit Dutch: confetti English: colour noise; colour snow; chad; chip Dutch: confettiloze band English: chadless tape Dutch: configuratie-audit English: configuration audit Dutch: configuratiebeheer English: configuration management: CM Dutch: configuratiebesturing English: configuration control Dutch: configuratie-element English: configuration element Dutch: configuratie-index English: configuration index Dutch: configuratie-item English: configuration item: CI Dutch: configuratielijst English: configuration list Dutch: configuratielogboek English: configuration log Dutch: configuratieruimte English: configuration space: C-space Dutch: configuratieschema English: configuration plan Dutch: configuratiestatus English: configuration state Dutch: configuratievoetlijn English: configuration baseline Dutch: configurator English: configurator Dutch: configureren English: to configure Dutch: conformantie English: conformance Dutch: conformantiecriterium English: conformance criterion Dutch: conformantietesten English: conformance testing Dutch: conformiteit English: conformity Dutch: confrontatie English: confrontation Dutch: congruentie English: congruency Dutch: coniciteit English: conicity; taper Dutch: coniciteitshoek English: draft angle Dutch: conisch aandrijfwiel English: tapered pulley Dutch: conisch tandwiel English: bevel gear Dutch: conisch verlopend English: tapering Dutch: conische aftasting English: conical scanning Dutch: conische drukveer English: conical compression spring Dutch: conische pen English: tapered pin Dutch: conjugeren English: to conjugate Dutch: conjunct English: conjunct Dutch: conjunctie English: conjunction Dutch: conjunctuur English: business cycle; trade cycle Dutch: conjunctuurbeweging English: economic trend Dutch: Connection Machine<\b> English: Connection Machine<\i> Dutch: connectiviteit English: connectivity Dutch: connectorkabel English: flat cable Dutch: connossement English: bill-of-lading: B/L Dutch: consensus theorie English: consensus theory Dutch: consequent English: consequent Dutch: consequentie English: consequence Dutch: conserveren English: to preserve Dutch: consignatievoorraad English: consignment stock Dutch: consistent English: consistent; accuracy of the mean Dutch: consistente toets English: consistent check Dutch: consistentie English: consistency; consistence Dutch: consistentiecontrole English: consistency check Dutch: console-apparaat English: console receiver Dutch: console-schrijfmachine English: console keyboard Dutch: consolette English: consolette Dutch: consonantie English: consonance Dutch: constant English: constant; stable; steady Dutch: constante kosten English: fixed costs Dutch: constante kwaliteit English: constant quality; consistent quality Dutch: constante spanning English: constant voltage Dutch: constante stroom English: constant current Dutch: constante van Planck English: Planck constant Dutch: constantheid English: constancy Dutch: constateren English: to establish; to ascertain; to state; to find Dutch: constituerend deel English: constituent Dutch: constructie English: construction; design; engineering Dutch: constructiebureau English: design office Dutch: constructiedetails English: engineering details Dutch: constructiefout English: error in design; design error Dutch: constructiegegevens English: constructional data; design data Dutch: constructie-idee English: design idea Dutch: constructietekening English: constructional drawing; construction drawing; engineering drawing; design drawing Dutch: constructieve inductie English: constructive induction Dutch: constructieverbetering English: design improvement Dutch: constructiewijziging English: change in design; engineering change; design change Dutch: constructor English: constructor Dutch: construeren English: to design; to construct; to engineer Dutch: contact maken English: to make contact Dutch: contactafdruk English: contact print Dutch: contactbelasting English: contact load Dutch: contactbeschermer English: contact protector Dutch: contactbeugel English: contact bracket Dutch: contactblok English: contact block Dutch: contactbol English: contact point Dutch: contactbus English: contact socket; jack Dutch: contactbuslek English: jacket leak Dutch: contactcommissie English: liaison committee Dutch: contactdetector English: contact detector Dutch: contactdruk English: contact pressure Dutch: contactgaatje English: hub Dutch: contactgelijkrichter English: contact rectifier Dutch: contacthouder English: contact maker Dutch: contactkast English: contact printing apparatus Dutch: contactkracht English: contact force Dutch: contactlip English: solder tag; contact tag; solder lug; contact lug Dutch: contactloos English: contactless; without contact Dutch: contactolie English: contact lubricant Dutch: contactonderbreker English: contact breaker Dutch: contactoog English: solder eyelet Dutch: contactopening English: contact gap Dutch: contactplaat English: contact plate; terminal plate Dutch: contactpotentiaal English: contact potential Dutch: contactproces English: contact process; contact plating Dutch: contactpunt English: contact point Dutch: contactpuntloos English: contactless Dutch: contactschakelaar English: contact switch Dutch: contactschroef English: contact screw Dutch: contactschuif English: contact slide Dutch: contactslot English: ignition lock Dutch: contactspanning English: contact potential Dutch: contactstop English: plug connector; plug Dutch: contactstrip English: contact strip Dutch: contactstrook English: terminal board Dutch: contactveer English: contact spring Dutch: contactverenband English: contact spring strip Dutch: contactverenstrip English: stator strip Dutch: contactverklikkerlamp English: ignition light Dutch: contactvlak English: contact pad; contact land; contact face Dutch: contactvlakinstelling English: pole-face alignment Dutch: contactvorming English: contact formation Dutch: container English: container Dutch: containerklasse English: container class Dutch: containerterminal English: container terminal Dutch: contentie English: contention Dutch: context English: context Dutch: contextanalyse English: context analysis Dutch: contextvrije taal English: context-free language Dutch: continu English: continuous Dutch: continu-arbeid English: shift work Dutch: continubedrijf English: continuous production firm; continuous working plant; continuously processing industry Dutch: continue baanbesturing English: continuous path control Dutch: continue bemonstering English: continuous sampling Dutch: continue bewerking English: continuous operation Dutch: continue code English: continuous code Dutch: continue drager English: continuous carrier Dutch: continue functie English: continuous function Dutch: continue golf English: continuous wave: CW Dutch: continue iteratie English: continuous iteration Dutch: continue ontvanger English: continuous receiver Dutch: continue productie English: continuous production Dutch: continue simulatie English: continuous simulation Dutch: continue variabele English: continuous variable; continuous variate Dutch: continue verbetering English: continuous improvement Dutch: continue-golfradar English: continuous wave radar Dutch: continue-tijdsysteem English: continuous time system Dutch: continue-uitvalsignaal English: continuity failure signal Dutch: continuïteitscontrole English: continuity check Dutch: continusignaal English: continuous emission Dutch: continuspectrum English: continuous spectrum Dutch: continu-stapeldiagram English: band chart Dutch: continutoeslag English: shift allowance; shift work rates Dutch: continuüm English: continuum Dutch: continuvermogen English: continuous power Dutch: continuverzwakker English: continuous attenuator Dutch: contour English: contour; profile Dutch: contourbewerking English: contouring operation Dutch: contourfilter English: contour filter Dutch: contourmal English: contour jig Dutch: contourveelhoek English: contour polygon Dutch: contourverscherping English: contour accentuation Dutch: contrabas English: double base Dutch: contractrapportage English: contract reporting Dutch: contractverloning English: contract payment Dutch: contragewicht English: counterweight; counterpoise Dutch: contramal English: counter-jig Dutch: contraplug English: coupling socket Dutch: contraring English: locking ring Dutch: contrastarm English: poor in contrast Dutch: contrasteker English: coupling socket; connector Dutch: contrastekker English: female plug Dutch: contrastexpansie English: contrast expansion Dutch: contrastinstelling English: contrast setting; contrast adjustment Dutch: contrastregelaar English: contrast control Dutch: contrastregeling English: contrast control Dutch: contrastrijk English: rich in contrast Dutch: contrastverbetering English: contrast improvement Dutch: contrastverhouding English: contrast ratio Dutch: contrastvermindering English: contrast reduction Dutch: controle-afdeling English: inspection department Dutch: controle-apparaat English: test instrument Dutch: controleblad English: test sheet; measurement instruction Dutch: controlecijfer English: check digit Dutch: controlediagram English: inspection card; test card; control chart; quality control chart Dutch: controledichtheid English: inspection density Dutch: controle-eis English: test requirement Dutch: controlefaciliteit English: monitoring facility Dutch: controlegereedschap English: inspection tool Dutch: controleglas English: sight glass Dutch: controlegroep English: check group Dutch: controlekaart English: inspection card; test card; control chart; quality control chart Dutch: controlekamer English: control room Dutch: controlelamp English: pilot lamp; check light Dutch: controlelijst English: checklist; inspection sheet Dutch: controlemaat English: reference dimension Dutch: controlemachine English: verifier Dutch: controlemal English: inspection jig; test jig Dutch: controlemeting English: test measuring Dutch: controle-oscilloscoop English: test oscilloscope Dutch: controlepen English: test pin Dutch: controleponsmachine English: verifier Dutch: controlepunt English: test point; checkpoint Dutch: controleren English: to inspect; to test; to check; to verify; to monitor Dutch: controlerend programma English: checking program Dutch: controlerij English: check row Dutch: controleschijf English: test disc Dutch: controlesom English: check sum Dutch: controlesymbool English: check symbol Dutch: controlesysteem English: control system Dutch: controleteken English: check character Dutch: controletekening English: check plot Dutch: controletotaal English: proof total; check total; check sum Dutch: controlevoorschrift English: test instruction Dutch: controlewoord English: check word Dutch: controurverschuiving English: contour shift Dutch: conus English: cone; taper; diaphragm; flare Dutch: conusbakmal English: cone baking jig Dutch: conusdrager English: chassis Dutch: conusluidspreker English: cone loudspeaker Dutch: convectie English: convection Dutch: convectiestroom English: convection current Dutch: conventionele stroom English: conventional current Dutch: conventionele techniek English: conventional technique Dutch: convergentie English: convergence Dutch: convergentieanode English: convergence anode Dutch: convergentiedoos English: convergence box Dutch: convergentie-eenheid English: convergence unit Dutch: convergentiefout English: convergence error Dutch: convergentiemagneet English: convergence magnet Dutch: convergentiepaneel English: convergence panel Dutch: convergentiepunt English: convergence point Dutch: convergentieraster English: convergence dot pattern Dutch: convergentieschakeling English: convergence circuit Dutch: convergentiesignaal English: convergence signal Dutch: convergentiespoel English: convergence coil Dutch: convergentiesysteem English: convergence system Dutch: convergentieunit English: convergence unit Dutch: convergeren English: to converge Dutch: convergerend English: convergent Dutch: conversatie English: discourse Dutch: conversationeel English: conversational Dutch: conversieprogramma English: conversion program Dutch: conversiesnelheid English: conversion rate Dutch: conversiesteilheid English: conversion conductance; transconductance Dutch: conversietesten English: conversion testing Dutch: conversietype English: conversion type Dutch: conversieversterking English: conversion gain Dutch: converteren English: to convert Dutch: conveyor English: conveyor Dutch: convolutionele code English: convolutional code Dutch: COOL-bibliotheek English: class object-oriented library Dutch: COOL-taal English: combined object-oriented language Dutch: Coons-element English: Coons patch Dutch: Coons-methode English: Coons method Dutch: coördinaten English: coordinates Dutch: coördinatenboormachine English: jig-boring machine; template boring machine Dutch: coördinatenboren English: jig boring; coordinate boring Dutch: coördinatenomzetter English: resolver Dutch: coördinatenstelsel English: system of coordinates Dutch: coördinatentekentafel English: coordinate drafting machine Dutch: coördinatieafstand English: coordination distance Dutch: coördinatiebehoeften English: coordination needs Dutch: coördinatiecommissie English: coordination committee Dutch: coördinatienet English: coordination net Dutch: coördinatograaf English: coordinate drafting machine Dutch: coördineren English: to coordinate Dutch: copie English: copy Dutch: C-oppervlak English: C-surface Dutch: coprocessor English: coprocessor Dutch: coquille English: ingot mould; chill mould; chill Dutch: coquille gieten English: gravity die-casting Dutch: Corguide-kabel English: Corguide Dutch: cornet English: cornet Dutch: coroutine English: co-routine Dutch: corps English: body Dutch: corpus English: corpus Dutch: correctheid English: correctness Dutch: correctheidsbewijs English: correctness proof; proof of correctness Dutch: correctiefilter English: correcting filter Dutch: correctiekring English: correcting circuit Dutch: correctiemagneet English: correction magnet; beam-positioning magnet Dutch: correctieschakeling English: correcting circuit Dutch: correctiespoel English: correction coil; convergence coil Dutch: correctiestroom English: correction current Dutch: correctieversterker English: equalizing amplifier Dutch: correctievloeistof English: correcting fluid Dutch: correlatiedetector English: correlation detector Dutch: correlatie-index English: correlation index Dutch: correlatierekening English: correlation calculation Dutch: correlatieverhouding English: correlation ratio Dutch: correleren English: to correlate Dutch: correspondentie English: mapping; matching; match Dutch: corresponderen English: to correspond (to); to agree (with); to correspond; to conform (with); to match Dutch: Correxmeter English: Correxmeter; spring pressure gauge Dutch: corrodeerbaar English: corrodible Dutch: corrodeerbaarheid English: corrodibility Dutch: corroderen English: to corrode Dutch: corrosief English: corrosive Dutch: corrosievast English: corrosion proof; resistant to corrosion; corrosion resistant Dutch: corrosievastheid English: corrosion resistance Dutch: corrosievrij English: corrosion-free Dutch: corrosiewerend English: anticorrosive Dutch: corrosiviteit English: corrodibility Dutch: corset English: earth wire Dutch: cosinusgolf English: cosine wave Dutch: coulance periode English: easy-terms period Dutch: coulomb English: coulomb: C Dutch: covalente binding English: covalent bond Dutch: covariantieanalyse English: covariance analysis Dutch: covariantiematrix English: covariance matrix Dutch: covariatie English: covariation Dutch: Cox-de-Booralgoritme English: Cox-de-Boor algorithm Dutch: C-periode English: C-period Dutch: craquelé English: crackle finish Dutch: crash English: crash Dutch: crêpepapier English: crêpe paper Dutch: crêpetape English: crêpe tape Dutch: crescendo English: crescendo Dutch: cresolformaldehyde English: cresol formaldehyde Dutch: cresolhars English: cresol resin Dutch: cresolsulfonzuur English: cresol sulphonic acid Dutch: criterium English: criterion; benchmark Dutch: critic<\b> English: critic<\i> Dutch: cron English: cron Dutch: crossover English: crossover Dutch: crossover distortie English: crossover distortion Dutch: C-ruimte English: C-space Dutch: crypto English: crypto Dutch: crypto-analyse English: cryptanalysis Dutch: crypto-apparaat English: cryptoequipment Dutch: cryptobeveiliging English: cryptosecurity Dutch: crypto-informatie English: cryptoinformation Dutch: cryptokanaal English: cryptochannel Dutch: cryptologie English: cryptology Dutch: cryptomateriaal English: cryptomaterial Dutch: cryptonet English: cryptonet Dutch: cryptosleutel English: cryptokey Dutch: cryptosysteem English: cryptosystem Dutch: C-schil English: C shell Dutch: C-shell English: C shell Dutch: CT-0 apparatuur English: CT-0 equipment Dutch: CT-1 apparatuur English: CT-1 equipment Dutch: CT-2 apparatuur English: CT-2 equipment Dutch: Cu-band English: copper strip; Cu-strip Dutch: cumulatief systeem English: cumulative system Dutch: cumulatieve fout English: cumulative error Dutch: cumulatieve frequentie English: cumulative frequency Dutch: cumulatieve MRP English: cumulative MRP Dutch: cumulatieve somtest English: cumulative sum test: CUSUM Dutch: curie English: curie Dutch: curium English: curium Dutch: curses English: curses Dutch: cursor English: cursor Dutch: curve fitten English: curve fitting Dutch: curvevolger English: curve follower Dutch: curvimeter English: opisometer; planimeter Dutch: cut-off English: cut-off Dutch: C-verfraaiier English: C beautifier: cb Dutch: cyaan English: cyan; greenish-blue; minus-red Dutch: cyaanbad English: cyanide bath; cyanide solution Dutch: cyaanijzerblauw English: Prussian blue Dutch: cyaankali English: potassium cyanide Dutch: cyaankalisch vergulden English: cyanide gold plating Dutch: cyaankalisch verzinken English: cyanide zinc plating Dutch: cyaanwaterstofzuur English: hydrocyanic acid; prussic acid Dutch: cyberspace English: cyberspace; virtual reality; virtual workspace Dutch: cyborg English: cyborg Dutch: cycli per seconde English: cycles per second: cps Dutch: cyclische planning English: cycle planning Dutch: cyclische vervorming English: cyclic distortion Dutch: cyclische verwisseling English: cyclical change Dutch: cyclische vochtproef English: cyclic humidity test Dutch: cyclograaf English: cyclograph Dutch: cyclohexanon English: cyclohexanone Dutch: cyclus English: cycle; pass Dutch: cyclusproductie English: cyclical production Dutch: cyclusteller English: cycle counter Dutch: cyclusvoorraad English: cycle stock Dutch: D/A-conversie English: digital-to-analog conversion Dutch: daemon English: daemon Dutch: dagelijkse goederen English: convenience goods Dutch: daggemiddelde English: daily average Dutch: dagkant English: reveal Dutch: daglicht English: daylight; natural light Dutch: daglichtopening English: daylight Dutch: dagopening English: aperture; day Dutch: dagplan English: day plan Dutch: dagtempostaat English: list of daily production Dutch: dagwijdte English: inside diameter; inside width; width in the clear Dutch: dakproef English: natural weathering test; outdoor exposure test; roof exposure test; roof test Dutch: dal English: dip; valley Dutch: daling English: decrease; fall; decline; descent; downstroke Dutch: dammetje English: wall; scrap bridge Dutch: damp English: vapour; fumes Dutch: dampafgevend materiaal English: fuming substance Dutch: dampcompartiment English: vapour compartment; vapour chamber Dutch: dampdruk English: vapour pressure Dutch: dampzone English: vapour zone Dutch: danseffect English: bouncing; jumping; vertical hunting Dutch: dashboardkastje English: coaming Dutch: databasebeheer English: data base management: DBM Dutch: databasebeheerssysteem English: data base management system: DBMS Dutch: databasebestand English: data base file Dutch: databasebestanddeel English: data base component Dutch: databasegegevens English: database data Dutch: database-oproep English: data base call Dutch: database-overgangstaal English: database transition language Dutch: databaseschema English: database schema Dutch: databasesysteem English: data base system Dutch: databasetransactie English: database transaction Dutch: databus; data bus English: data bus Dutch: datacapture English: data capture Dutch: datacircuit-apparatuur English: data circuit-termination equipment: DCE, DCTE Dutch: datacommunicatie English: data communication Dutch: datadictionary English: data dictionary: DD Dutch: datadirectory English: data directory Dutch: datadivision English: data division Dutch: data-encryptie English: data encryption Dutch: data-entry English: data entry Dutch: datagram English: datagram Dutch: datagramdienst English: datagram service Dutch: datagrammethode English: datagram method Dutch: datahuurlijn English: data lease line Dutch: data-item English: data item Dutch: datalink English: data link Dutch: datamanagement English: data management Dutch: datanet English: datanet Dutch: datapad English: data path Dutch: dataset English: data set; dataset Dutch: datastructuur English: data structure Dutch: datatablet English: data tablet Dutch: dataterminal English: data terminal Dutch: dataterminalapparatuur English: data terminal equipment: DTE Dutch: datatype English: data type; type Dutch: datum/tijd-groep English: date-time group: DTG Dutch: datumformaat English: dating format Dutch: datumplanningsysteem English: bucketless system Dutch: datumstempel English: date mark Dutch: datumwijziging English: date change Dutch: dB-schaal English: dB scale Dutch: de toets doorstaan English: to stand the test; to stand the examination Dutch: dealer English: dealer Dutch: debiet English: flow rate Dutch: deblokkeren English: to release Dutch: deblokkeringsmaatregel English: anti-jamming measure Dutch: deblokkeringsmarge English: anti-jamming margin Dutch: debugger English: debugger Dutch: debugging English: debugging Dutch: deca English: deca Dutch: decadencondensatorbank English: decade condenser instrument Dutch: decadenweerstandsbank English: decade resistance instrument Dutch: decametrische golf English: decametric wave Dutch: decanteren English: to decant; to pour off Dutch: decentralisatie English: decentralization Dutch: decentraliseren English: to decentralize Dutch: decentralisering English: decentralization Dutch: deci English: deci Dutch: decibel English: decibel: dB Dutch: decibelschaal English: decibel scale; dB scale Dutch: decimaal getal English: decimal numeral Dutch: decimaal stelsel English: decimal notation Dutch: decimaal teken English: decimal point Dutch: decimale komma English: decimal point Dutch: decimale punt English: decimal point Dutch: decimale verzwakker English: decimal attenuator Dutch: decimetrische golf English: decimetric wave Dutch: declaratieve kennis English: declarative knowledge Dutch: declaratieve regel English: declarative rule Dutch: declaratieve taal English: declarative language Dutch: decodeer/stuurorgaan English: decoder/driver Dutch: decodeerapparaat English: decoder Dutch: decodeerboom English: tree Dutch: decodeerder English: decoder Dutch: decodeereenheid English: colour decoder Dutch: decodeerorgaan English: decoder Dutch: decodeerschakeling English: decoder; decoder circuit Dutch: decoder English: decoder Dutch: decoderen English: to decode Dutch: decodering English: decoding Dutch: decolliminatie English: decollimation Dutch: decommutatie English: decommutation Dutch: decompilatie English: decompilation Dutch: decompileerprogramma English: decompiler Dutch: decompileren English: to decompile Dutch: decoupeerzaagblad English: jigsaw blade Dutch: decrement English: decrement Dutch: deductieve database English: deductive database Dutch: deegschraper English: scraper Dutch: deelbare graaf English: bipartite graph Dutch: deelcapaciteit English: partial capacitance Dutch: deelcircuit English: scaling circuit Dutch: deeldomein English: subdomain Dutch: deelfiguur English: subfigure Dutch: deelgroep English: sub-group Dutch: deelhandeling English: sub-activity Dutch: deelharmonische English: subharmonic Dutch: deelklasse English: subclass Dutch: deelkromme English: partial curve Dutch: deelleesimpuls English: partial read pulse Dutch: deellijn English: division line; parting line Dutch: deelmarkt English: market segment; section of the market Dutch: deelmatrix English: submatrix Dutch: deelmonster English: part sample; sub-sample Dutch: deelnaad English: division seam; division line Dutch: deelnemen English: to participate Dutch: deelnemer English: participant; subscriber Dutch: deelneming English: participation; profit sharing Dutch: deelopteller English: scaling adder Dutch: deelpad English: subpath Dutch: deelparameter English: subparameter Dutch: deelpopulatie English: sub-population Dutch: deelprogramma English: sub program; subprogram Dutch: deelsamenstelling English: subassembly Dutch: deelschrijfimpuls English: partial write pulse Dutch: deelserie English: split lot Dutch: deelsnede English: division cut Dutch: deelstreep English: graduation mark Dutch: deeltaak English: sub-activity; activity; subtask Dutch: deeltaal English: sublanguage Dutch: deeltabel English: subarray Dutch: deeltal English: dividend Dutch: deeltjesgrootte English: particle size; granular size Dutch: deeltjessysteem English: finite element system Dutch: deeltoon English: overtone Dutch: deeltrap English: divider stage Dutch: deeltype English: subtype Dutch: deelverzameling English: subset Dutch: deelverzameling tekens English: character subset Dutch: de-emfase English: de-emphasis Dutch: defect raken English: to become defective; to get out of order Dutch: definiëren English: to define Dutch: definiërende gegevens English: defining data Dutch: definiërende methode English: descriptive method Dutch: definiëring English: defining Dutch: definitief English: definitive; definite; final Dutch: definitietestbeeld English: definition test pattern; resolution pattern Dutch: definitieve afkeuring English: final rejection Dutch: definitiewig English: resolution wedge Dutch: deflectie English: deflection Dutch: deflector English: deflector Dutch: deformeren English: to deform; to distort; to warp Dutch: degeneratie English: degeneration Dutch: degraderen English: downgrading; to downgrade Dutch: degroepage English: degroupage Dutch: de-ionisatie English: deionization Dutch: de-ionisatietijd English: deionization time Dutch: de-ioniseren English: to deionize Dutch: dekensnoer English: blanket flex; blanket cord Dutch: dekfineer English: face veneer Dutch: dekindeling English: deck layout Dutch: dekken English: to cover; to hide; to coincide Dutch: dekkend vermogen English: covering power; hiding power; hiding properties Dutch: dekking English: coverage; hiding; coincidence; registration Dutch: dekkingsfout English: misregistration Dutch: dekkingsgraad English: fault coverage Dutch: dekkingsitem English: coverage item Dutch: dekkracht English: covering power; hiding power Dutch: deklaag English: finish coat; finishing coat; top coat Dutch: deklak English: finishing paint Dutch: deklijst English: masking frame Dutch: dekplaat English: cover plate; cover; screening plate; masking plate Dutch: dekprofiel English: top bracket Dutch: deksel English: lid; cover Dutch: dekselvergrendeling English: lid locking; lid latch Dutch: dekstrip English: cover strip Dutch: dekstroom English: flash current Dutch: dekverf English: finishing paint Dutch: dekvermogen English: covering power; hiding power; hiding properties Dutch: delaminatie English: delamination Dutch: delegatie English: delegation Dutch: delegeren English: to delegate Dutch: deler English: divisor; divider Dutch: delertrap English: divider stage Dutch: deleteteken English: delete character Dutch: delimiteren English: to delimit Dutch: deling English: division; parting; partition Dutch: Delphimethode English: Delphi method Dutch: Delta-4 English: definition and design of an open dependable distributed system architecture Dutch: deltamodulatie English: delta modulation Dutch: deltaregel English: delta rule Dutch: deltaruis English: delta noise Dutch: delta-sigmamodulatie English: delta sigma modulation: DSM Dutch: demagnetisatie English: demagnetization; degaussing Dutch: demagnetisatiecircuit English: degaussing circuit Dutch: demagnetisatiefactor English: demagnetization factor; demagnetizing factor; degaussing factor Dutch: demagnetisatiespoel English: degaussing coil Dutch: demagnetiseerapparaat English: demagnetizer; degausser; demagnetizing apparatus Dutch: demagnetiseerspoel English: degaussing coil Dutch: demagnetiseren English: to demagnetize; to degauss Dutch: dematriceren English: to dematrix Dutch: dematricering English: dematrixing Dutch: dematrix English: dematrix Dutch: demodularisatie English: demodularization Dutch: demodulatie English: demodulation; detection Dutch: demodulator English: demodulator; detector Dutch: demodulatoreenheid English: demodulator unit Dutch: demodulatormeetkop English: demodulator probe Dutch: demodulatortrap English: demodulating stage; demodulator stage; detector stage Dutch: demoduleren English: to demodulate; to detect Dutch: demonstrateur English: demonstrator Dutch: demonstreren English: to demonstrate Dutch: demonteren English: to demount; to dismantle; to disassemble; to dismount Dutch: dempbuis English: damping tube Dutch: dempdiode English: damping diode Dutch: dempelement English: damping element Dutch: dempen English: to damp; to attenuate Dutch: demper English: damper; shock absorber Dutch: demping English: attenuation; loss; muting; damping; damped reaction; damped response Dutch: dempingsblok English: damping block Dutch: dempingscoëfficiënt English: damping coefficient Dutch: dempingsdiode English: damping diode Dutch: dempingsfactor English: attenuation factor; damping factor Dutch: dempingsmassa English: damping compound Dutch: dempingsregelaar English: attenuator Dutch: dempingstest English: attenuation test Dutch: dempingsweerstand English: damping resistor Dutch: dempmal English: damping jig Dutch: demultiplexen English: to demultiplex Dutch: demultiplexer English: demultiplexer: DEMUX Dutch: demystificatie English: demystification Dutch: denatureren English: to denature Dutch: dendron English: dendrite Dutch: denktijd English: think time Dutch: denneboom English: family tree Dutch: denneboomstructuur English: family tree structure Dutch: depletiegebied English: depletion region Dutch: depletielaag English: depletion layer Dutch: depletielaagtransistor English: depletion-layer transistor Dutch: deployeringsdiagrammen English: deployment diagrams Dutch: depolarisatie English: depolarization; depassivation Dutch: depolariseren English: to depolarize; to depassivate Dutch: depositie English: deposition Dutch: depositietechnieken English: deposition techniques Dutch: depreciatie English: depreciation Dutch: derating English: derating Dutch: deratingkromme English: derating curve Dutch: derde programma English: third programme Dutch: derde-generatietaal English: third generation language: 3GL Dutch: derivaat English: derivative Dutch: derivatieproces English: derivation process Dutch: descriptiestandaard English: description standard Dutch: descriptor English: descriptor Dutch: desensibilisatie English: desensitization Dutch: desintegratie English: disintegration Dutch: desintegratieconstante English: disintegration constant Dutch: desintegratiespanning English: disintegration voltage Dutch: deskundig English: expert; knowledgeable Dutch: deskundige English: expert Dutch: deskundigheid English: expertness; expertise Dutch: destillaat English: distillate Dutch: destillatie English: distillation Dutch: destillatieapparaat English: still; distillation plant Dutch: destillatietraject English: distillation range Dutch: destilleerkolf English: distillation flask; distilling flask Dutch: destilleren English: to distill Dutch: destructief testen English: destructive testing Dutch: destructieve test English: destructive test Dutch: destructor English: destructor Dutch: desynchronisatie English: desynchronization Dutch: detaildefinitie English: detail definition; detail resolution Dutch: detailfout English: detail fault; detail error Dutch: detailhandel English: retail trade Dutch: detailkaart English: detail card; detailed card Dutch: detaillist English: retailer Dutch: detailmenging English: mixed highs Dutch: detailplanning English: detailed schedule; planning; detailed scheduling; detailed plan Dutch: detailtekening English: detail drawing; part drawing; detailed drawing Dutch: detecteren English: to detect; to demodulate Dutch: detectie English: detection; demodulation Dutch: detectiediscriminatie English: detection discrimination Dutch: detectie-eenheid English: detection unit Dutch: detectieresolutie English: detection resolution Dutch: detectieschakeling English: detection circuit Dutch: detectieweerstand English: detection resistor Dutch: detector English: detector; demodulator Dutch: detectorcircuit English: detector circuit Dutch: detectormeetkop English: diode probe Dutch: detectoruitgang English: detector output Dutch: determinator English: determinator Dutch: deterministisch English: deterministic Dutch: deterministisch model English: deterministic model Dutch: deur English: door; lid Dutch: deurafsluiting English: door gasket Dutch: deurhandgreep English: door handle Dutch: deurrek English: door shelf Dutch: deurrubber English: doorseal Dutch: deursluiting English: door seal Dutch: deuvel English: dowel Dutch: deviatie English: deviation; deflection Dutch: deviatieverhouding English: deviation ratio Dutch: deviatievervorming English: deviation distortion Dutch: D-functie English: discriminant function Dutch: dia English: slide; transparency Dutch: diachromie English: cross colour Dutch: diafragmaframe English: diaphragm frame Dutch: diafragma-opening English: aperture Dutch: diafragmaregeling English: diaphragm control Dutch: diagnostiek English: diagnostics Dutch: diagnostisch English: diagnostic Dutch: diagnostisch programma English: diagnostic program Dutch: diagnostische routine English: diagnostic routine Dutch: diagnostische test English: diagnostic test Dutch: diagonaal English: diagonal Dutch: diagram English: diagram; graph Dutch: diameter English: diameter; dia Dutch: diametraal English: diametrical Dutch: diapositief English: diapositive; transparency Dutch: diaprojector English: slide projector Dutch: diastuurapparaat English: slide synchronizer Dutch: diatheek English: slide library Dutch: diatonische schaal English: diatonic scale Dutch: diazocopie English: diazocopy Dutch: diazofilm English: diazofilm Dutch: diazoverbinding English: diazo compound Dutch: dibasisch English: dibasic Dutch: dibitou English: African walnut Dutch: diboraan English: diborane Dutch: dichotomie English: dichotomy Dutch: dichroisch English: dichroic Dutch: dichroische spiegel English: dichroic mirror; dichroic filter Dutch: dichromaat English: dichromate Dutch: dichtbebouwd gebied English: urban area Dutch: dichtdrukgereedschap English: closing tool Dutch: dichtdrukken English: to block Dutch: dichtgeweven English: closely woven Dutch: dichtheidsgraad English: degree of density Dutch: dichtingsmassa English: sealing compound Dutch: dichtingsring English: sealing ring; packing ring Dutch: dichtingsvlak English: packing face Dutch: dichtkitten English: seale (to) Dutch: dichtklapdiode English: snap diode Dutch: dichtknijpen English: to pinch up; to clench Dutch: dichtlassen English: to close by welding; to weld up Dutch: dichtring English: sealing ring; seal; gasket Dutch: dichtsmelten English: to seal up; to melt up Dutch: dichtsturen English: to close Dutch: dicteerapparaat English: dictating machine Dutch: dicteren English: to dictate Dutch: dictionaire English: dictionary Dutch: diefrand English: false cathode; dummy cathode Dutch: diëlectricum English: dielectric Dutch: diëlektrische draad English: dielectric wire Dutch: diëlektrische laag English: dielectric film Dutch: diëlektrische pijp English: dielectric guide Dutch: diëlektrische sterkte English: dielectric strength Dutch: diëlektrische stroom English: dielectric current Dutch: dienst English: service; employment; occupation; appointment Dutch: dienstbetrekking English: employment (relationship); service Dutch: diensten van derden English: services of third parties; third party services; outside services Dutch: dienstprogramma English: service program; utility program Dutch: dienstverlenend object English: server object Dutch: dienstverlening English: service Dutch: diep English: deep Dutch: diepdruk English: intaglio Dutch: diepgaand redeneren English: deep reasoning Dutch: diepgetrokken English: vacuum formed; deep drawn Dutch: dieplassen English: deep welding Dutch: diepte English: depth; intension Dutch: diepte-aanslag English: depth stop; setting stop Dutch: dieptemagnetisatie English: perpendicular magnetization Dutch: dieptemeetklok English: depth gauge with indicator Dutch: dieptemeter English: depth gauge Dutch: dieptemicrometer English: depth micrometer Dutch: dieptescherpte English: depth of field; depth of focus; depth of definition Dutch: diepteschrift English: vertical recording; hill and dale recording Dutch: diepteschuifmaat English: depth vernier Dutch: dieptrekken English: deep drawing; vacuum forming; to deep- draw Dutch: dieptrekkwaliteit English: deep-drawing quality Dutch: dieptrekolie English: deep-drawing oil Dutch: diepvriesinhoud English: frozen-food inventory Dutch: diepvriesinstallatie English: freezer; deep-freeze installation Dutch: diepvrieskast English: freezer; deep-freeze cabinet Dutch: diepvrieskist English: top-opening freezer; chest freezer; deep-freezing chest Dutch: diepvriestemperatuur English: freezer temperature Dutch: diepvriesvak English: freezer compartment Dutch: diepvriezen English: to freeze; to deep-freeze Dutch: difenylamine English: diphenyl amine Dutch: difenyl-p-chinon English: diphenyl-p-quinone Dutch: differentiaal English: differential Dutch: differentiaalspanning English: differential voltage Dutch: differentiatie English: distinction Dutch: differentiator English: differentiator Dutch: differentie English: difference Dutch: differentieel English: differential gear Dutch: differentiëernetwerk English: differentiating network Dutch: differentiële codering English: differential encoding Dutch: differentiële fase English: differential phase Dutch: differentiële invoer English: differential input Dutch: differentiëren English: to differentiate Dutch: diffractie English: diffraction Dutch: diffunderen English: to diffuse Dutch: diffunderingsproces English: diffusion process Dutch: diffuse nagalm English: diffuse reverberation Dutch: diffuse reflectie English: diffuse reflection Dutch: diffuse transmissie English: diffuse transmission Dutch: diffusie van Compton English: Compton diffusion Dutch: diffusieapparatuur English: diffusion apparatus Dutch: diffusiecapacitantie English: diffusion capacitance Dutch: diffusiediepte English: diffusion depth Dutch: diffusie-inspectie English: diffusion inspection; diffusion evaluation Dutch: diffusielaag English: diffused layer Dutch: diffusielengte English: diffusion length Dutch: diffusieproces English: diffusion process Dutch: diffusieprofiel English: diffusion profile Dutch: diffusiepunt English: spike Dutch: diffusierichting English: direction of diffusion Dutch: diffusiescherm English: diffusion screen Dutch: diffusiestof English: diffusant Dutch: diffusiestofpenetratie English: diffusant penetration Dutch: diffusiestroom English: diffusion current Dutch: diffusiesysteem English: diffusion system Dutch: diffusietemperatuur English: diffusion temperature Dutch: diffusietheorie English: diffusion theory Dutch: diffusietijd English: diffusion time Dutch: diffusietransistor English: diffusion transistor Dutch: diffusie-uitloper English: spike Dutch: diffusieverdeling English: diffused distribution Dutch: diffuus geluid English: diffuse sound Dutch: digilines English: digilines Dutch: digitaal blok English: digital block Dutch: digitaal circuit English: digital circuit Dutch: digitaal combineren English: digital combining Dutch: digitaal filter English: digital filter Dutch: digitaal kiezen English: digital data switching Dutch: digitaal schakelen English: digital switching Dutch: digitaal signaal English: digital signal Dutch: digitaal toestel English: digital device Dutch: digitaal-ontwerptaal English: digital design language: DDL Dutch: digitale aflezing English: digital readout Dutch: digitale aftrekker English: digital subtracter Dutch: digitale buis English: digital tube Dutch: digitale communicaties English: digital communications Dutch: digitale compressie English: digital compression Dutch: digitale deler English: digital divider; divider Dutch: digitale eenheid English: digital device Dutch: digitale elektronica English: digital electronics Dutch: digitale integrator English: digital integrator; integrator Dutch: digitale klok English: digital clock Dutch: digitale logica English: digital logic Dutch: digitale modulatie English: digital modulation Dutch: digitale opteller English: digital adder Dutch: digitale rekenautomaat English: digital computer Dutch: digitale rekenmachine English: digital computer Dutch: digitale representatie English: digital representation Dutch: digitale schakeling English: digital switch Dutch: digitale signalering English: digital signalling Dutch: digitale simulatie English: digital simulation Dutch: digitale slip English: digital slip Dutch: digitale televisie English: digital television Dutch: digitale transmissie English: digital transmission Dutch: digitale uitvoer English: digital output Dutch: digitale vergelijker English: digital comparator Dutch: digitale voltmeter English: digital voltmeter Dutch: digitale voorstelling English: digital representation Dutch: digitaliseerapparaat English: digitizer Dutch: digitaliseren English: to digitize Dutch: dikgetrokken lijn English: continuous thick line Dutch: dikke film English: thick film Dutch: dikke laag English: thick film; thick layer Dutch: dikke-filmcomponent English: thick-film component Dutch: dikke-filmtechniek English: thick-film technology Dutch: dikke-filmweerstand English: thick-film resistor Dutch: dikte English: thickness; gauge Dutch: diktemal English: thickness gauge Dutch: diktemeter English: gauging instrument Dutch: dikvloeibaar English: viscous Dutch: dikvloeibaarheid English: viscosity Dutch: dikwandig English: thick-walled Dutch: DIL-behuizing English: dual-in line package Dutch: dimensie English: dimension; proportion Dutch: dimethylaniline English: dimethylaniline Dutch: dimetrische projectie English: dimetric projection Dutch: diminuendo English: diminuendo Dutch: dimmen English: to dip Dutch: dimschakelaar English: dip switch; dip stalk Dutch: dinatriumzout English: disodium salt Dutch: diode English: diode Dutch: diode-aansluiting English: diode terminal; diode output Dutch: diodebegrenzer English: diode limiter Dutch: diodebelasting English: diode load Dutch: diodecapacitantie English: diode capacitance Dutch: diodecapaciteit English: diode capacitance Dutch: diodecondensator English: diode capacitor Dutch: diodedetectie English: diode detection Dutch: diodedetector English: diode detector Dutch: diode-functiegenerator English: diode function generator: DFG Dutch: diodegelijkrichter English: diode rectifier Dutch: diodehersteltijd English: diode recovery time Dutch: diode-impedantie English: diode impedance Dutch: diode-ingang/uitgang English: diode input/output Dutch: diodekarakteristiek English: diode characteristic Dutch: diodelekstroom English: diode leakage current Dutch: diode-opslag English: diode storage Dutch: diode-opslagtijd English: diode storage time Dutch: diode-oscillator English: diode oscillator Dutch: diodepoort English: diode gate Dutch: diodeschakelaar English: diode switch Dutch: diodespanning English: diode voltage Dutch: diodestroom English: diode current Dutch: diodetester English: diode checker; diode tester Dutch: diodetransistor English: diode transistor Dutch: diode-transistorlogica English: diode-transistor logic Dutch: diodeversterker English: diode amplifier Dutch: diodevoltmeter English: diode voltmeter Dutch: diodeweerstand English: diode resistor Dutch: dip English: dip; down Dutch: diplexapparaat English: diplexer Dutch: diplexbewerking English: diplex operation Dutch: dipool English: dipole Dutch: dipoolantenne English: dipole aerial Dutch: dipoolion English: zwitterion Dutch: dipoollaag English: dipole layer Dutch: direct afleesbaar English: direct-reading Dutch: direct daglicht English: direct daylight Dutch: direct materiaal English: direct material Dutch: direct verhit English: directly heated Dutch: directe besturing English: direct control Dutch: directe capacitantie English: direct capacitance Dutch: directe export English: direct export Dutch: directe golf English: direct wave; space wave Dutch: directe klokbesturing English: direct clock control Dutch: directe koppeling English: direct coupling Dutch: directe lijn English: direct line; hot line Dutch: directe lijst English: push-up stack Dutch: directe meting English: direct measurement Dutch: directe opdracht English: direct instruction Dutch: directe opname English: direct recording Dutch: directe oproep English: direct call Dutch: directe precedentie English: immediate precedence Dutch: directe uitzending English: live broadcast Dutch: directe versie English: immediate version Dutch: directe verwerking English: demand processing; immediate processing; in-line processing Dutch: directe weergever English: acoustic pick-up; sound box Dutch: directe zendingen English: direct shipments Dutch: directen English: direct labour Dutch: directie English: management Dutch: directief English: directive; pseudo-instruction Dutch: directielid English: management member Dutch: directiespelen English: management games Dutch: directieve opstelling English: directional array Dutch: directioneel English: directional Dutch: directoryservice English: directory service Dutch: direct-zichtbuis English: direct-vision tube Dutch: disassembleerprogramma English: disassembler Dutch: disassembleren English: to disassemble Dutch: discantgedeelte English: treble part; descant Dutch: discipline English: discipline Dutch: discofiel English: discophile Dutch: discontinu‹teit English: discontinuity Dutch: discontinue functie English: discontinuous function Dutch: discontinue productie English: discontinuous production; intermittent production Dutch: discontinue variabele English: discontinuous variable; discontinuous variate Dutch: discontinue vraag English: discontinuous demand Dutch: discreet English: discrete Dutch: discreet circuit English: discrete circuit Dutch: discreet component English: discrete component Dutch: discreet element English: discrete element Dutch: discreet type English: discrete type Dutch: discrete code English: discrete code Dutch: discrete condensator English: discrete capacitor Dutch: discrete eenheid English: discrete device Dutch: discrete inductor English: discrete inductor Dutch: discrete onderdelen English: discrete components; discrete parts Dutch: discrete programmering English: discrete programming Dutch: discrete simulatie English: discrete simulation Dutch: discrete variabele English: discontinuous variable; discontinuous variate Dutch: discrete weerstand English: discrete resistor Dutch: discretiseren English: discretization Dutch: discriminantfunctie English: classification statistic; discriminant function Dutch: discriminatie English: discrimination Dutch: discriminator English: discriminator Dutch: discriminatoreenheid English: discriminator unit Dutch: discriminatorkromme English: discriminator curve Dutch: discriminatorspoel English: discriminator coil Dutch: discrimineren English: to discriminate Dutch: disjunct English: disjoint Dutch: disjuncte signalen English: disjoint signals Dutch: disjunctie English: disjunction; inclusive-or operation; or operation; logical sum; union Dutch: diskette English: floppy disk Dutch: dislocatie English: dislocation Dutch: dispariteit English: disparity Dutch: dispensatie-indicator English: permission indicator Dutch: dispergeermiddel English: dispersing agent Dutch: dispergeervermogen English: dispersing power Dutch: dispergeren English: to disperse Dutch: disponeren English: supply scheduling Dutch: dissipatie English: dissipation Dutch: dissipatieconstante English: dissipation constant Dutch: dissipatiefactor English: dissipation factor Dutch: dissiperen English: to dissipate Dutch: dissociatie English: disassociation Dutch: dissonant English: dissonant Dutch: dissymmetrie English: dissymmetry Dutch: dissymmetrisch English: dissymmetrical Dutch: distorsie English: distortion Dutch: distorsiemeter English: distortion meter Dutch: distortiekromme English: distortion curve Dutch: distractie English: distraction Dutch: distribueren English: to distribute Dutch: distribuerend gewricht English: distributed joint Dutch: distributieco‰ffici‰nt English: distribution coefficient Dutch: distributiekanaal English: channel of distribution; distribution channel Dutch: distributieketting English: timing belt Dutch: distributiekosten English: distribution costs Dutch: distributiekwaliteit English: quality of distribution Dutch: distributieplanning English: distribution planning Dutch: distributiepunt English: distribution point; point of sale Dutch: distributietijd English: distribution time Dutch: distributieversterker English: distribution amplifier Dutch: divergent English: divergent Dutch: divergeren English: to diverge Dutch: divergerend English: divergent Dutch: divergerende stuklijst English: diverging bill-of-material Dutch: diverse English: various Dutch: diversen English: sundries; miscellaneous Dutch: diversiteitsontvangst English: diversity reception Dutch: D-netwerk English: D-network Dutch: dochterpositief English: derived positive Dutch: document English: document; hard copy Dutch: documentatieboom English: documentation tree Dutch: documentenbeheer English: document administration Dutch: documenteren English: to document Dutch: documentgroepnummer English: document group number Dutch: documentidentificatie English: document identification Dutch: documentsoort English: document type Dutch: documentverwerking English: document processing Dutch: dode kamer English: dead room; anechoic chamber Dutch: dode ruimte English: dead room; anechoic chamber Dutch: dode sector English: dead sector Dutch: dode tijd English: dead time Dutch: dode voorraad English: inactive inventory Dutch: dode zone English: silent zone; skip distance Dutch: dode-gangorgaan English: dead zone unit Dutch: dodelijke omhelzing English: deadlock; deadly embrace Dutch: doel English: objective; target; goal Dutch: doelcode English: object code Dutch: doeleinde English: practical purpose Dutch: doelen English: goals Dutch: doelmachine English: target computer; target configuration; object computer; object configuration; target machine Dutch: doelmatig English: efficient Dutch: doelmatige deelgroep English: rational sub-group Dutch: doelspanning English: target voltage Dutch: doelstelling English: objective; aim; goal Dutch: doelstelling/beperking English: objective/constraint Dutch: doelstellingen English: objectives Dutch: doeltaal English: object language; target language Dutch: doeltreffend English: effective Dutch: doelvariabele English: target variable Dutch: doelvoorraad English: target stock Dutch: doelzoekend English: homing Dutch: doelzoekende adapter English: homing adapter Dutch: doelzoekende procedure English: homing procedure Dutch: doen verminderen English: to decrement Dutch: dof English: dull Dutch: DO-groep English: DO-group Dutch: dol English: stripped; drunken; overturned Dutch: dolby English: dolby Dutch: dolle schroef English: drunken screw; overturned screw Dutch: DO-lus English: DO-loop Dutch: domeinanalist English: domain analyst Dutch: domeinanalyse English: domain analysis: DA Dutch: domeinarchitectuur English: domain architecture Dutch: domeinbeheerder English: domain manager Dutch: domeinbeperking English: domain constraint Dutch: domeinbeschrijving English: domain description Dutch: domeindefinitie English: domain definition Dutch: domeindeskundige English: domain expert Dutch: domeindoelstelling English: domain objective Dutch: domeinexpert English: domain expert Dutch: domeinimplementatie English: domain implementation Dutch: domeinintegriteit English: domain integrity Dutch: domeinkennis English: domain knowledge Dutch: domeinlaag English: domain layer Dutch: domeinmodel English: domain model Dutch: domeinontwikkeling English: domain engineering Dutch: domeinproces English: domain process Dutch: domeinrelatie English: domain relationship Dutch: dominant English: dominant Dutch: dominante golf English: dominant wave Dutch: dominante golflengte English: dominant wavelength Dutch: dominantie English: dominant Dutch: domineren English: to dominate Dutch: dominerende golflengte English: dominant wavelength Dutch: dominerende kleur English: dominant colour Dutch: dompelaar English: immersion heater Dutch: dompelelement English: immersion element Dutch: dompelen English: to immerse; to dip Dutch: dompelontvetten English: immersion degreasing; dip degreasing Dutch: dompelproces English: immersion process; immersion plating Dutch: dompelsolderen English: dip-soldering Dutch: dompeltank English: dipping tank; immersion tank Dutch: dompelverf English: dipping paint Dutch: dompelvergulden English: immersion gold plating; immersion gilding Dutch: dompelverguldvloeistof English: immersion gold-plating liquid Dutch: dompelverkoperen English: immersion copper plating Dutch: dompelvernikkelen English: immersion nickel plating Dutch: dompelvertinnen English: immersion tin plating; dip tinning Dutch: dompelverwarmer English: immersion heater Dutch: dompelverzilveren English: immersion silver plating; silver dipping Dutch: dompelwas English: dipping wax Dutch: donatie-elektron English: donated electron Dutch: donker gebied English: dark area Dutch: donkere periode English: dark interval; dark period Dutch: donor English: donor; donor impurity Dutch: donoratoom English: donor atom Dutch: donordoopstof English: donor impurity; donor dopant Dutch: donormateriaal English: donor material Dutch: dood gebied English: blind spot; dead band; dead space Dutch: dood geheugen English: fixed store; read-only store; read- only memory: ROM Dutch: doofcircuit English: killer circuit Dutch: doofoscillator English: quench oscillator Dutch: doofschakeling English: quenching circuit Dutch: doofspanning English: extinction voltage; killer-gating voltage Dutch: doofweerstand English: quench resistor Dutch: doopsolderen English: dip-soldering Dutch: doopstof English: impurity; dopant Dutch: doopstofatoom English: impurity atom; dopant atom Dutch: doopstofbron English: impurity source Dutch: doopstofconcentratie English: impurity concentration Dutch: doopstofdiffusie English: impurity diffusion Dutch: doopstoffencompensatie English: impurity compensation Dutch: doopstofniveau English: impurity level Dutch: door elkaar vlechten English: to interlace Dutch: door elkaar weven English: to interweave Dutch: doorboren English: to drill through; to pierce; to perforate Dutch: doorbraak English: breakthrough; breakdown Dutch: doorbraakspanning English: reverse breakdown voltage Dutch: doorbranden English: to fuse; to blow; to melt; to burn; to burn out Dutch: doorbuigen English: bend through; deflect (to); sag Dutch: doorbuiging English: bending-through; deflection Dutch: doordacht; doordachte English: well-thought-out; sophisticated; well-considered; clever Dutch: doordiepen English: to emboss Dutch: doordiepstempel English: embossing tool Dutch: doordringen English: to penetrate; to punch through Dutch: doordringing English: penetration; punch-through Dutch: doordringspanning English: punch-through voltage Dutch: doordroging English: through drying Dutch: doordrukken English: to extrude; to emboss Dutch: doordrukking English: embossment Dutch: doordruklasapparaat English: projection welder Dutch: doordruklassen English: projection welding Dutch: doordrukveer English: extruded spring Dutch: doorfluitapparaat English: whistle apparatus Dutch: doorfluiten English: to whistle Dutch: doorfluitspanning English: whistle voltage Dutch: doorgang English: continuity; passage Dutch: doorgangmeten English: to test on continuity Dutch: doorgangsdemping English: insertion loss Dutch: doorgangsmeter English: continuity tester Dutch: doorgangsmeting English: continuity test Dutch: doorgeefformulier English: document filling note Dutch: doorgemetalliseerd English: plated through Dutch: doorgemetalliseerd gat English: via; feeded through hole Dutch: doorgeslipt English: slipped Dutch: doorgetrokken gat English: plunged hole; pierced hole; extruded hole Dutch: doorkiezen English: dial through; direct dialing-in: DDI Dutch: doorkijk English: peep-through Dutch: doorkijkvenster English: look-through window Dutch: doorkrasproef English: scratching test Dutch: doorlaat English: pass band; bore Dutch: doorlaatbaarheid English: permeability; perviousness Dutch: doorlaatband English: pass-band Dutch: doorlaatbandbreedte English: response bandwidth Dutch: doorlaatfactor English: transmission factor; transmittance Dutch: doorlaatfilter English: band-pass filter Dutch: doorlaatgebied English: band-pass range; pass band; response range; transmission band Dutch: doorlaatgeleiding English: forward conduction Dutch: doorlaatkarakteristiek English: response curve Dutch: doorlaatkromme English: forward characteristic; response curve Dutch: doorlaatpotentiaal English: forward potential Dutch: doorlaatrichting English: forward direction Dutch: doorlaatstroom English: forward current Dutch: doorlaatvermogen English: forward power Dutch: doorlaatversterker English: pass amplifier Dutch: doorlaatvoorspanning English: forward bias Dutch: doorlaatweerstand English: forward resistance Dutch: doorlaten English: to let through; to admit; to unblank Dutch: doorlatendheid English: transmittance Dutch: doorleesactie English: readthrough Dutch: doorleiden English: to inject; to blow gas Dutch: doorlekken English: to leak Dutch: doorloopproces English: continuous process Dutch: doorloopsnelheid English: machine speed; rate of flow; throughput speed Dutch: doorlooptijdvoorraad English: lead time inventory Dutch: doorlopen English: to pass through [6] Dutch: doorlopend gat English: bottomless hole Dutch: doorlopend klavier English: continuous keyboard Dutch: doorlopende order English: standing order Dutch: doorlopende storing English: continuous interference Dutch: doorloper English: prolonged production set; evergreen Dutch: doormeetapparaat English: continuity tester Dutch: doormeetapparatuur English: circuit tester; continuity tester Dutch: doormeettest English: continuity test Dutch: doormetalliseren English: to plate through Dutch: doormeten English: to test for continuity Dutch: doorn English: mandrel; arbor Dutch: doornemen English: to peruse; to browse; reading though Dutch: doorrekenen English: to calculate Dutch: doorrijgen English: to tack; to thread Dutch: doorrollen English: to wrap-around Dutch: doorschakelen English: to call forward; to extend Dutch: doorschieten English: to overshoot Dutch: doorschietfactor English: overshoot ratio Dutch: doorschijnend English: translucence; translucent Dutch: doorschot English: overshoot; overswing Dutch: doorschuiftijd English: transit time Dutch: doorslaan English: to blow; to fuse; to punch; to race Dutch: doorslag English: breakdown; race; puncture; copy; punch Dutch: doorslagkit English: arcing cement Dutch: doorslagmeettafel English: breakdown test board Dutch: doorslagspanning English: breakdown voltage; puncturing voltage Dutch: doorslagvastheid English: puncture strength Dutch: doorslagveldsterkte English: breakdown field strength Dutch: doorslijpen English: straight cylindrical grinding Dutch: doorslippen English: to slip Dutch: doorsmelten English: to melt through; to blow; to fuse Dutch: doorsmelttijd English: fusing time Dutch: doorsnede English: cross-section; cross-sectional drawing; sectional view; section Dutch: doorsnijding English: intersection Dutch: doorsnijstempel English: cutting tool; parting tool Dutch: doorspuiten English: to purge; purging Dutch: doorsteekbox English: break-out box Dutch: doorsteekketen English: break-out chain Dutch: doorsteken English: threading Dutch: doorstroming English: flow Dutch: doorstroomsnelheid English: flow rate; rate of flow Dutch: doortrekpons English: extruding punch Dutch: doortrekstempel English: extruding tool; hole-flanging tool Dutch: doorverbinden English: to interconnect; to connect; to connect together Dutch: doorverbinding English: interconnection Dutch: doorverkoperen English: to plate through Dutch: doorvoer; doorvoeren English: lead-through; feed-through conduit; throughput; feed-through conduits Dutch: doorvoerbuis English: sleeve; grommet Dutch: doorvoercomponent English: feedthrough component Dutch: doorvoercondensator English: feed-through capacitor Dutch: doorvoerdraad English: feed-through wire Dutch: doorvoeren English: to pass through; to lead through; to feed through Dutch: doorvoerfout English: feed check Dutch: doorvoergat English: feeded through hole Dutch: doorvoergloeidraad English: feed-through filament Dutch: doorvoerisolator English: feedthrough insulator Dutch: doorvoernummer English: lead through number Dutch: doorvoeropening English: feed-through aperture; conduit Dutch: doorvoeroven English: conveyor oven Dutch: doorvoersnelheid English: throughput Dutch: doorvoerterminal English: feedthrough terminal Dutch: doorvoertule English: grommet Dutch: doorwerken English: to plate out; to dummy; to hole-finish; to profile; to continue working; to make overtime Dutch: doorwerking English: plating out; electrolytic purification Dutch: doorwerknippel English: hole-finishing punch; profiling punch Dutch: doorzagen English: to saw through Dutch: doorzakken English: to sag Dutch: doorzakking English: sagging; bedding in; sag; dip Dutch: doorzetting English: embossment; overset Dutch: doorzichtig English: transparent Dutch: doos English: box; carton; container; kit Dutch: doosafmetingen English: box dimensions; carton dimensions Dutch: dooscondensator English: box capacitor Dutch: doosconfiguratie English: box configuration Dutch: dop English: cap; slug; plug; drain plug; socket Dutch: dopen English: to dope; to dip into Dutch: dopmoer English: cap nut; dome nut Dutch: Doppler-effect English: Doppler effect Dutch: Doppler-radar English: Doppler radar Dutch: Doppler-verschuiving English: Doppler shift Dutch: dopsleutel English: socket wrench; socket spanner; box spanner Dutch: doseerapparaat English: dosaging device; metering device Dutch: doseerpomp English: proportioning pump; metering pump Dutch: doseerschuif English: dosaging slide; metering slide Dutch: doseren English: to dose; to meter Dutch: dosis English: dose Dutch: doteerstof English: dopant Dutch: doteren English: to dope Dutch: doteringsatoom English: impurity atom Dutch: doteringsion English: impurity ion Dutch: doteringsstof English: impurity material Dutch: douanevoorschriften English: customs regulations Dutch: DO-variabele English: DO-variable Dutch: doven English: extinguish; to quench Dutch: dover English: colour killer Dutch: draad English: lead; wire; thread; grain Dutch: draadantenne English: wire antenna; wire aerial Dutch: draadas English: leadscrew Dutch: draadbeugel English: wire bracket Dutch: draadboom English: wire tree; wire beam; wiring loom Dutch: draadborstel English: wire brush Dutch: draadbreuk English: wire breakage; rupture of wire; breakage of wire Dutch: draadbrug English: bridging wire Dutch: draadbundel English: wire bundle Dutch: draadbus English: threaded brush Dutch: draadcommunicaties English: wire communications Dutch: draadcontactering English: wire bonding Dutch: draaddikte English: wire thickness; wire gauge Dutch: draadeind English: stud; threaded end; wire end Dutch: draadflens English: threaded flange Dutch: draadgang English: thread Dutch: draadgat English: tapped hole; threaded hole Dutch: draadgeleider English: wire guide; threaded bush Dutch: draadgeleiderdruk English: wire-guide pressure Dutch: draadgever English: wire dispenser Dutch: draadgewikkeld English: wire wrapped Dutch: draadgrafiek English: wire frame graphics Dutch: draadinvoermechanisme English: wire inserting mechanism Dutch: draadkaliber English: wire gauge Dutch: draadkaliberschroef English: thread plug gauge Dutch: draadklem English: wire clip; wire clamp Dutch: draadklos English: reel; bobbin Dutch: draadkniptang English: wire cutter; wire nippers Dutch: draadloos English: wireless Dutch: draadloze eenheid English: wireless device Dutch: draadloze telefoon English: wireless telephone Dutch: draadloze verbinding English: wireless communication Dutch: draadmaat English: wire gauge Dutch: draadmal English: wire jig Dutch: draadmeter English: wire gauge Dutch: draadmodel English: wire frame model Dutch: draadmodule English: thread Dutch: draadnagel English: wire nail Dutch: draadnippel English: threaded nipple; screwed nipple Dutch: draadnummer English: wire gauge Dutch: draadomroep English: wire broadcasting Dutch: draadoog English: wire eye Dutch: draadopneming English: thread pick-up Dutch: draadopspanning English: wire harness Dutch: draadopzetmechanisme English: wire setting mechanism Dutch: draadpin English: threaded pin Dutch: draadpotentiometer English: wire wound potentiometer Dutch: draadprofiel English: thread profile Dutch: draadprop English: threaded plug Dutch: draadraam English: wire harness Dutch: draadrek English: wire pull Dutch: draadrem English: wire brake Dutch: draadrolkop English: thread-rolling head Dutch: draadschacht English: wire duct Dutch: draadsnijden English: thread cutting; thread chasing Dutch: draadsnijmes English: thread chaser; thread cutter Dutch: draadsnijtap English: tap Dutch: draadsoort English: kind of wire; kind of thread Dutch: draadspanning English: filament voltage; wire tension Dutch: draadspil English: wire shaft Dutch: draadspindel English: threaded spindle Dutch: draadsplits English: wire splice Dutch: draadstaaf English: threaded rod Dutch: draadstang English: threaded rod Dutch: draadtap English: tap Dutch: draadtapmachine English: tapping machine Dutch: draadtelefonie English: wire telephony Dutch: draadtelegrafie English: wire telegraphy Dutch: draadtrekken English: to draw wire Dutch: draadtrekkerij English: wire drawing works; wire drawing department Dutch: draadtrekking English: wire drawing Dutch: draadtrekolie English: oil for wire drawing Dutch: draadtrimmer English: wire trimmer Dutch: draaduitlopers English: wire leads Dutch: draadveer English: wire spring Dutch: draadverbinding English: wire link Dutch: draadvormig English: cord form Dutch: draadweerstand English: wire wound resistor Dutch: draadwervelen English: thread swivelling Dutch: draadwikkeling English: filament winding Dutch: draadwikkelverbinding English: wire-wrap connection Dutch: draadzekering English: wire fuse Dutch: draagbaar English: portable Dutch: draagband English: carrier band; carrying strap Dutch: draagbeugel English: carrying handle Dutch: draagconstructie English: supporting structure Dutch: draagfrequentie English: carrier frequency Dutch: draaggolf English: carrier; carrier wave Dutch: draaggolfamplitude English: carrier amplitude Dutch: draaggolfbalans English: carrier balance Dutch: draaggolffase English: carrier phase Dutch: draaggolffrequentie English: carrier frequency Dutch: draaggolf-kleursignaal English: carrier colour signal Dutch: draaggolflek English: carrier leak Dutch: draaggolflijn English: carrier line Dutch: draaggolfniveau English: carrier level Dutch: draaggolfomhullende English: carrier envelope Dutch: draaggolfonderdrukking English: carrier suppression Dutch: draaggolfregeling English: carrier control Dutch: draaggolfregeneratie English: subcarrier regeneration Dutch: draaggolfregenerator English: carrier regenerator Dutch: draaggolfruis English: carrier noise Dutch: draaggolfspanning English: carrier voltage Dutch: draaggolfstroom English: carrier current Dutch: draaggolfsysteem English: carrier system Dutch: draaggolftransmissie English: carrier transmission Dutch: draaggolfvector English: subcarrier vector Dutch: draaggolfverschuiving English: carrier shift Dutch: draaghoogte English: depth of engagement Dutch: draagmal English: supporting jig Dutch: draagplaat English: punch-holder plate Dutch: draagpunt English: pole Dutch: draagrek English: carrying rack Dutch: draagriem English: carrying strap Dutch: draagsignaal English: carrier signal Dutch: draagsingel English: strap; webbing Dutch: draagstel English: carrying case Dutch: draagtap English: journal Dutch: draagtas English: carrying case Dutch: draagvermogen English: bearing capacity; load bearing capacity; carrying capacity; carrier power; load capacity Dutch: draagvlak English: bearing surface; bearing face; bearing area; bearing joint; platform Dutch: draaias English: axis of rotation; rotary shaft Dutch: draaibaar English: rotatable; capable of rotation; swivelling; swivel Dutch: draaibaar gemonteerd English: rotatable mounted Dutch: draaibaar om een pen English: pivoting around a pin Dutch: draaibankbed English: lathe bed Dutch: draaibankbeitel English: lathe tool Dutch: draaibankbril English: work stay Dutch: draaibankcenter English: lathe centre Dutch: draaibankslede English: lathe saddle Dutch: draaibankspil English: headstock spindle Dutch: draaibanksupport English: toolpost Dutch: draaibewerking English: turning operation Dutch: draaiboek English: continuity of operations; sequence of operations; continuity; script Dutch: draaibord English: rotating table; rotary table Dutch: draaicirkel English: turning cycle Dutch: draaicondensator English: variable capacitor; gang capacitor Dutch: draaien English: to turn; to rotate; to revolve; to swivel Dutch: draaien om een pen English: to pivot around a pin Dutch: draaien om zijn as English: to rotate around its axis Dutch: draaien over 90 graden English: to rotate through 90 degrees Dutch: draaiend elektron English: spinning electron Dutch: draaiende as English: rotary shaft Dutch: draaiende beweging English: rotating movement; rotary motion Dutch: draaiende trommel English: revolving drum; rotating tub Dutch: draaier English: turner; turning machinist Dutch: draaiingshoek English: angle of rotation Dutch: draaiknop English: rotary knob; turing knob Dutch: draaikoppel English: torque; turning moment; moment of torsion; twisting moment Dutch: draaikwaliteit English: free-cutting steel; free-machining quality Dutch: draailengte English: length between centres Dutch: draaimoment English: torsion; moment of torsion; torque Dutch: draai-omvormer English: rotary converter; rotary transformer Dutch: draaiproduct English: turned product Dutch: draaiproef English: running test; operating test Dutch: draaipunt English: pivot; point of rotation; centre of rotation Dutch: draairelais English: rotary relay Dutch: draairichting English: direction of rotation; sense of rotation; direction of revolution Dutch: draaischakelproef English: controls operating test; controls actuating test Dutch: draaischijf English: rotating disc; rotary disc; revolving disc; pivot Dutch: draaischijfintegrator English: potter's wheel integrator Dutch: draaisel English: turnings Dutch: draaisnelheid English: speed; revolutions per minute: rpm; number of revolutions Dutch: draaispoelgalvanometer English: moving-coil galvanometer Dutch: draaispoelmeter English: moving-coil meter Dutch: draaistroom English: three-phase current; rotating current Dutch: draaistroommotor English: three-phase motor Dutch: draaistroomnet English: three-phase mains Dutch: draaitafel English: rotating table; rotary table; revolving table; turntable; platter Dutch: draaitafelas English: turntable spindle Dutch: draaitafeldreun English: turntable rumble Dutch: draaitafelkom English: turntable recess Dutch: draaitafelmat English: turntable mat Dutch: draaitafelsnelheid English: turntable speed Dutch: draaitop English: swivel top Dutch: draaiwisselproef English: performance test Dutch: drabvorming English: sludge formation Dutch: draden English: threads Dutch: draden trekken English: cob webbing Dutch: dradennet English: wire net Dutch: dradennetlijst English: wire net list Dutch: dragen English: to carry; to bear; to support Dutch: drager English: support; bearer; carrier; tape base; tape support; tape carrier; substrate Dutch: drager/ruisverhouding English: carrier-to-noise ratio Dutch: drageraanduiding English: carrier indicator Dutch: dragerconcentratie English: carrier concentration Dutch: dragerdichtheid English: carrier density Dutch: dragerdienst English: carrier service Dutch: dragerdiffusie English: carrier diffusion Dutch: dragerlading English: carrier charge Dutch: dragerlevensduur English: carrier lifetime Dutch: dragermateriaal English: support; substrate; carrier; base Dutch: dragersconcentratie English: carrier concentration Dutch: dragertaal English: carrier language Dutch: dragerverdeling English: carrier distribution Dutch: drain English: drain Dutch: dreg English: drag Dutch: drempelelement English: threshold element; decision element Dutch: drempelfrequentie English: threshold frequency Dutch: drempelglijder English: threshold slide Dutch: drempelsolderen English: flow soldering Dutch: drempelspanning English: threshold voltage Dutch: drempelstroom English: threshold current Dutch: drempelwaarde English: threshold; threshold value; just noticeable difference: JND; threshold component Dutch: drempelwaarden English: threshold values Dutch: drenken English: to impregnate Dutch: drenkvloeisof English: impregnating liquid Dutch: dreun English: rumble Dutch: dreunbeeld English: rumble performance Dutch: dreunmeetwaarde English: measuring values of rumble Dutch: dreunmeting English: rumble measurement Dutch: dreunniveau English: rumble level Dutch: dreunspectrum English: rumble spectrum Dutch: drie-aderig English: three-core; triple-core Dutch: driebandkaart English: ninety-six columns card Dutch: driebandponsmachine English: data recorder Dutch: driedimensionaal English: three-dimensional Dutch: drie-elementsantenne English: three-element antenna; three- element aerial Dutch: driefasencircuit English: three-phase circuit Dutch: driefasengelijkrichter English: three-phase rectifier Dutch: driefasenspanning English: three-phase voltage Dutch: driefasenstroom English: three-phase current Dutch: driefasensysteem English: three-phase system Dutch: driegangig English: triple-start Dutch: driehoek van Pascal English: Pascal's Triangle Dutch: driehoekig facet English: triangular facet Dutch: driehoekig vlak(je) English: triangular facet Dutch: driehoekprofielsnaar English: triangular section belt Dutch: driehoeksbepaling English: triangulation Dutch: driehoekspanning English: delta voltage; mesh voltage; triangle voltage Dutch: driekante vijl English: three-square file Dutch: drieklank English: triad; common cord Dutch: driekleurenbuis English: three-colour picture tube; tricolour picture tube; tricolour kinescope Dutch: driekleurenmengsel English: three-colour mixture; tricolour mixture Dutch: driekleurenscherm English: three-colour screen; tricolour screen Dutch: driekleurensysteem English: trichromatic system Dutch: driekleurentelevisie English: three-colour television; tricolour television Dutch: driekopsdek English: three-head deck Dutch: drieploegendienst English: three shift working Dutch: driepuntsbelasting English: three-point loading Dutch: driepuntsmeting English: three-point measurement Dutch: driepuntsoplegging English: three-point support Dutch: drieruimte English: three-space Dutch: drie-s proef English: three standard deviations check Dutch: driestandenschakelaar English: three-position switch Dutch: driestralenbeeldbuis English: three-gun colour tube Dutch: drietopskurve English: three-hump curve Dutch: drietrapsversterker English: three-stage amplifier Dutch: drietrapszender English: three-stage transmitter Dutch: drievoud English: threefold Dutch: drievoudig English: threefold Dutch: drievoudige diode English: triple diode Dutch: driewaardig English: trivalent; threevalent; tervalent Dutch: driewaardige logica English: tri-state logic Dutch: driewals English: triple-roll mill Dutch: driewegklem English: three-way clamp Dutch: driewegsteker English: three-way plug Dutch: driezuilenpers English: dieing press Dutch: driftbeweeglijkheid English: drift mobility Dutch: driften English: to drift Dutch: driftfout English: drift error Dutch: driftmeter English: drift meter Dutch: driftsnelheid English: drift velocity Dutch: drijfriem English: driving belt; drive belt; transmission belt Dutch: drijfriemhaak English: driving-belt hook Dutch: drijfriemverbinder English: belt fastener Dutch: drijfsnaar English: driving belt Dutch: drijfstang English: drive rod; connecting rod Dutch: drijfwiel English: driving wheel Dutch: drijvend decimaalteken English: floating point Dutch: drijvend nulpunt English: floating zero Dutch: drijvend rooster English: floating grid Dutch: drijvende komma English: floating point Dutch: drijvende poort English: floating gate Dutch: drijvende-kommagetal English: floating point number Dutch: droge cel English: dry cell Dutch: droge elco English: dry elco Dutch: droge tantaalelco English: solid electrolyte tantalum capacitor Dutch: droge was English: dry laundry; dry clothes Dutch: droog circuit English: dry circuit Dutch: droogautomaat English: dryer; automatic laundry drier; automatic clothes drier Dutch: droogblazen English: to dry by blowing Dutch: drooggaasje English: drying screen Dutch: drooghoes English: drying hood Dutch: droogkap English: drying cap Dutch: droogkast English: drying box Dutch: droogkookbeveiliging English: boiling-dry protection Dutch: drooglichaam English: drying body Dutch: droogmiddel English: drying agent Dutch: droogontsmetter English: dry disinfectant Dutch: droogoven English: drying oven; drying furnace; drying stove Dutch: droogproces English: drying process Dutch: droogrek English: drying rack; drying frame Dutch: droogscheerapparaat English: dry-shaver Dutch: droogslijpen English: dry grinding; dry polishing Dutch: droogsmering English: dry-film lubrication Dutch: droogstof English: dryer; drier; desiccant Dutch: droogstoof English: drying stove; desiccator Dutch: droogtemperatuur English: drying temperature Dutch: droogtoestel English: drying apparatus; desiccator Dutch: droogtoren English: drying tower Dutch: droogtrommel English: drying drum; rotary drier Dutch: droogverlies English: drying loss Dutch: droogvorm English: drying form Dutch: drop English: drop Dutch: droppen English: to drop Dutch: druipbak English: drip tray Dutch: druipdroog English: drip dry Dutch: druipen English: to drip Dutch: druiplus English: drip loop Dutch: druipwater English: drip water; dripping water Dutch: druipwaterdicht English: dripproof Dutch: druk English: pressure; thrust; print Dutch: druk uitoefenen English: to exert pressure Dutch: drukaftaster English: pressure transducer Dutch: drukbelasting English: pressure load; compression load Dutch: drukbus English: bush Dutch: drukcabine English: pressurized cabin Dutch: drukcondensator English: pressure capacitor Dutch: drukcontact English: pressure contact; push contact Dutch: druk-druktoets English: push-push button Dutch: drukgereedschap English: pressing tool Dutch: drukgevoeligheid English: pressure sensitivity; pressure response Dutch: drukgradiëntmicrofoon English: pressure-gradient microphone Dutch: drukhoek English: pressure angle Dutch: drukinkt English: printing ink Dutch: drukkamer English: pressure chamber Dutch: drukken English: to press; to compress; to print; to depress Dutch: drukkend felsen English: impact riveting Dutch: drukketel English: pressure tank Dutch: drukklem English: pressure clamp Dutch: drukknoop English: press-stud Dutch: drukknoopsluiting English: snap-fastener Dutch: drukknop English: push button; press button; pushkey Dutch: drukknopas English: push-button spindle Dutch: drukknopbediening English: push-button control Dutch: drukknopcontact English: push-button contact Dutch: drukknopeenheid English: push-button unit; press-button unit Dutch: drukknoppastille English: ornamental disc Dutch: drukknopschakelaar English: push-button switch Dutch: drukknopschuif English: push-button slide Dutch: drukkoeling English: forced cooling Dutch: drukkracht English: pressure force Dutch: drukkussen English: pressure pad Dutch: druklager English: thrust bearing Dutch: druklassen English: projection welding Dutch: drukleiding English: pressure pipe; pressure line Dutch: drukletter English: printing type; printletter; printed character Dutch: druklucht English: compressed air Dutch: drukmicrofoon English: pressure microphone Dutch: drukomvormer English: pressure converter Dutch: drukopbouw English: pressure build-up Dutch: drukpen English: pressure pin; stylus Dutch: drukplaat English: pressure plate Dutch: drukproef; persproef English: pressure test; compression test; galley proof; proof sheet Dutch: drukrand English: gland Dutch: drukresponsie English: pressure response; pressure sensitivity Dutch: drukrolas English: pressure-roller spindle; pinch-wheel spindle Dutch: drukrolhefboom English: pressure-roller lever; pinch-wheel lever Dutch: drukrollager English: pressure-roller bearing; pinch-wheel bearing Dutch: drukrolverf English: pressure-roller paint Dutch: druksensor English: force sensor Dutch: druksluiting English: snap-fastener; snap-lock closure Dutch: drukstang English: push bar; push rod; print bar; type bar Dutch: drukstuk English: pressure piece; gland Dutch: druktoets English: button; key; push button Dutch: druktoetsblok English: push-button tuner Dutch: druktoetsschakelaar English: push-button switch; push-key switch Dutch: druktransducer English: pressure transducer Dutch: druk-trekschakelaar English: push-pull switch Dutch: drukvastheid English: compression strength; compressive strength Dutch: drukveer English: compression spring Dutch: drukverhoger English: pressure booster Dutch: druppelen English: to drip; to trickle Dutch: druppelflesje English: dropper; dropping bottle Dutch: druppelimpregneren English: to trickle-impregnate Dutch: druppeloliepot English: drip feed oil cup Dutch: druppelpunt English: dripping point; drop point Dutch: druppelsgewijs English: drop by drop; dropwise Dutch: druppelsmering English: drip lubrication Dutch: druppelteller English: drop counter; dropper Dutch: DTE/DCE-koppelvlak English: data terminal equipment/data circuit terminating equipment interface Dutch: duaal English: dual Dutch: duale bewerking English: dual operation Dutch: duale condensator English: dual capacitor Dutch: duale diode English: dual diode; duodiode Dutch: duale pentode English: dual pentode Dutch: duale poort English: dual gate Dutch: duale potentiometer English: dual potentiometer Dutch: duale triode English: dual triode Dutch: duale weerstand English: dual resistor Dutch: dual-in-line English: dual in line: DIL Dutch: dualiteit English: duality Dutch: dubbel computersysteem English: duplex computer system Dutch: dubbel filter English: two-section filter Dutch: dubbel ge‹soleerd English: double insulated Dutch: dubbel gedestilleerd English: redistilled Dutch: dubbel signaal English: double signal Dutch: dubbel vernikkelen English: double nickel plating; duplex nickel plating Dutch: dubbel vrijgavesignaal English: double clear Dutch: dubbel zaagtandsysteem English: bilateral area track Dutch: dubbelaftasting English: double scanning Dutch: dubbelbinair signaal English: duobinary signal Dutch: dubbelbinaire codering English: duobinary coding Dutch: dubbelbrekingseffect English: birefringence Dutch: dubbeldeks pallet English: double-deck pallet Dutch: dubbeldik golfkarton English: double-wall corrugated fibreboard Dutch: dubbele aansluiting English: dual homing Dutch: dubbele besturing English: dual control Dutch: dubbele conversie English: double conversion Dutch: dubbele dynamo English: double-current generator Dutch: dubbele effening English: second order smoothing Dutch: dubbele golf English: twin flute Dutch: dubbele grijper English: double gripper Dutch: dubbele ionisatie English: double ionization Dutch: dubbele modulatie English: double modulation Dutch: dubbele nauwkeurigheid English: double precision Dutch: dubbele precisie English: double precision Dutch: dubbele programmering English: dual programming Dutch: dubbele steeksleutel English: double open-ended spanner Dutch: dubbele wagen English: dual carriage; dual feed carriage Dutch: dubbele zijband English: double sideband Dutch: dubbele-pulsgolf English: double-pulse wave Dutch: dubbelfasige codering English: biphase coding Dutch: dubbelgekromd English: double curved Dutch: dubbelpolig English: bipolar; double pole Dutch: dubbelpoort-FET English: dual gate FET Dutch: dubbelpoort-MOSFET English: dual gate MOSFET Dutch: dubbelrol English: twin pulley Dutch: dubbelspeelband English: doubleplay tape Dutch: dubbelspoor English: double track Dutch: dubbelstoter English: twin ram Dutch: dubbelverhouding English: odds ratio Dutch: dubbelwaardig English: dual Dutch: dubbelwandig English: double walled; jacketed Dutch: dubbelwoord English: double word Dutch: dubbelzijband English: double sideband Dutch: dubbelzijdige toets English: double-tailed test Dutch: dubbelzinnigheid English: ambiguity Dutch: ductiliteit English: tensile properties; ductility Dutch: duidelijke boodschap English: clear message Dutch: duim English: inch Dutch: dummy English: dummy Dutch: dummy-argument English: dummy argument Dutch: dummy-instructie English: dummy instruction Dutch: dummy-variabele English: dummy variable Dutch: dump English: dump Dutch: dumpen English: to dump Dutch: dungetrokken lijn English: continuous thin line Dutch: dunne film English: thin film Dutch: dunne laag English: thin film; thin layer Dutch: dunne-film IC English: thin-film integrated circuit Dutch: dunne-filmcomponent English: thin-film component Dutch: dunne-filmcondensator English: thin-film capacitor Dutch: dunne-filmhalfgeleider English: thin-film semiconductor Dutch: dunne-filmtechniek English: thin-film technology Dutch: dunne-filmtransistor English: thin-film transistor Dutch: dunne-filmweerstand English: thin-film resistor Dutch: dunnelaagcondensator English: thin-film capacitor Dutch: dunnelaagelement English: thin-film element Dutch: dunnelaagschakeling English: thin-film circuit Dutch: dunnelaagtechniek English: thin-film technique Dutch: dunnelaagweerstand English: thin-film resistor Dutch: dunvloeibaar glansbad English: fluid bright dip Dutch: duodecimaal English: duodecimal Dutch: duo-diode English: double diode Dutch: duokaart English: dual card Dutch: duo-potentiometer English: twin potentiometer Dutch: duplex English: duplex; full duplex; two-ply Dutch: duplex karton English: duplex board Dutch: duplexapparatuur English: duplex equipment Dutch: duplexcircuit English: duplex circuit Dutch: duplexer English: duplexer Dutch: duplexkabel English: duplex cable Dutch: duplexkanaal English: duplex channel Dutch: duplexsysteem English: duplex system Dutch: duplextransmissie English: duplex transmission Dutch: duplexverbinding English: duplex circuit; duplex connection Dutch: duplexverwerking English: duplex operation Dutch: dupliceren English: to duplicate Dutch: duraluminium English: duralumin Dutch: duurtetoeslag English: cost-of-living bonus; cost-of-living allowance Dutch: dwarsampŠrewinding English: cross-ampere turn Dutch: dwarsbalk English: transverse beam; cross beam Dutch: dwarsdrukcompensatie English: side-thrust compensation Dutch: dwarskrachtcompensatie English: side-thrust compensation; anti-skating compensation Dutch: dwarslaag English: crossply Dutch: dwarsmagnetisatie English: transverse magnetization Dutch: dwarsomkering English: lateral inversion Dutch: dwarsplaat English: cross plate Dutch: dwarsrichting English: cross direction Dutch: dwarsslede English: cross slide Dutch: dwarssom English: sideways sum Dutch: dwarsstroom English: cross current Dutch: dwarssupport English: cross support; cross tool carriage Dutch: dwarstransportband English: cross conveyor belt Dutch: dwarsverbinding English: cross connection; cross coupling; transverse connection Dutch: dwarsvergroting English: lateral magnifying power Dutch: dwarsvoeding English: cross feed Dutch: dwarswalsen English: cross-rolling Dutch: dyadisch English: dyadic Dutch: dyadische bewerking English: dyadic operation; binary operation Dutch: dyadische operator English: dyadic operator Dutch: dynamiek English: dynamics Dutch: dynamiekomvang English: dynamic range Dutch: dynamisch bereik English: dynamic range Dutch: dynamisch breekpunt English: dynamic breakpoint Dutch: dynamisch bufferen English: dynamic buffering Dutch: dynamisch gedrag English: dynamic behaviour Dutch: dynamische afwijking English: dynamic deviation Dutch: dynamische basisstroom English: dynamic base current Dutch: dynamische beweging English: dynamic motion Dutch: dynamische binding English: dynamic binding Dutch: dynamische buistester English: dynamic tube tester Dutch: dynamische controle English: dynamic check Dutch: dynamische dump English: dynamic dump Dutch: dynamische eigenschap English: dynamic characteristic Dutch: dynamische flip-flop English: dynamic flip-flop Dutch: dynamische fout English: dynamic error Dutch: dynamische impedantie English: dynamic impedance Dutch: dynamische luidspreker English: moving-coil speaker; electrodynamic speaker; moving-coil loudspeaker; dynamic loudspeaker Dutch: dynamische microfoon English: moving-coil microphone; dynamic microphone Dutch: dynamische opslag English: dynamic store Dutch: dynamische regelaar English: dynamic regulator Dutch: dynamische relocatie English: dynamic relocation Dutch: dynamische routering English: dynamic routing Dutch: dynamische steilheid English: dynamic slope Dutch: dynamische stop English: dynamic stop Dutch: dynamische subroutine English: dynamic subroutine Dutch: dynamische toewijzing English: dynamic allocation Dutch: dynamische variatie English: dynamic variation Dutch: dynamiseerder English: dynamiciser Dutch: dyne English: dyne Dutch: dynistor English: dynistor Dutch: dynode English: dynode Dutch: E/N verhouding English: energy/noise ratio Dutch: Early-algoritme English: Earley algorithm Dutch: ebben(hout) English: ebony Dutch: eboniet English: ebonite Dutch: echobeeld English: multiple image; double image; ghost Dutch: echocompensatie English: echo cancelling Dutch: echocompensator English: echo compensator Dutch: echocontrole English: echo check Dutch: echo-effect English: echo effect Dutch: echoën English: to echo Dutch: echogolf English: echo wave Dutch: echo-interferentie English: echo interference Dutch: echokamer English: echo chamber Dutch: echolood English: depth sounder; echo sounder Dutch: echo-onderdrukking English: echo cancelling; echo suppression Dutch: echoplex English: echoplex Dutch: echotijd English: echo time Dutch: echoval English: echo trap Dutch: echoversterker English: echo amplifier Dutch: echoverzwakking English: echo attenuation Dutch: echtverklaren English: to authenticate Dutch: echtviolet English: fast violet Dutch: eclips English: eclipse Dutch: econometrie English: econometry Dutch: econometrist English: econometrist Dutch: economie English: economy; economics Dutch: economische afweging English: economic trade-off: ETO Dutch: eddy-stroomverlies English: eddy-current loss Dutch: edelfineer English: high-grade veneer; face veneer Dutch: edelgas English: inert gas; rare gas; noble gas Dutch: edelmetaal English: precious metal Dutch: edelstaal English: high-grade steel; refined steel Dutch: EDI-gateway English: electronic data interchange gateway Dutch: EDI-organisaties English: electronic data interchange organizations Dutch: editie English: edition Dutch: EDI-werkstation English: electronic data interchange workstation Dutch: EDP-centrum English: computer center Dutch: EDP-manager English: EDP-manager Dutch: educatief English: educative; educational Dutch: educatieve waarde English: educational value Dutch: een exemplaar maken English: to instance Dutch: een richting hebbend English: unidirectional Dutch: een stand innemen English: to assume a position Dutch: eenaderige kabel English: single-core cable Dutch: eenadresopdracht English: one-address instruction Dutch: eenadresopdrachtvorm English: one address instruction format Dutch: eenassig English: uniaxial Dutch: een-complement English: ones complement; complement of one Dutch: eencomponentlak English: one-component lacquer; single component lacquer Dutch: eencomponentverf English: one-component paint; single component paint Dutch: eendimensionaal English: univariate; one-dimensional Dutch: eendraadsgeleiding English: single-wire line Dutch: eendraadsleiding English: single-wire line Dutch: eenduidig English: unambiguous Dutch: eenfasegelijkrichter English: half-wave rectifier Dutch: eenfasegelijkrichting English: single-phase rectification Dutch: eenfasige halve golf English: single-phase half-wave Dutch: eengangig English: single-thread; single-start Dutch: eenheden per uur English: M's hour Dutch: eenhedenstelsel English: system of units Dutch: eenheid English: device; item; unit; individual; man- minute Dutch: eenheid van vermogen English: power unit Dutch: eenheid van warmte English: heat unit Dutch: eenheidsafstandcode English: unit-distance code; cyclic permuted code; continuous progressive code: CP code Dutch: eenheidsas English: basic shaft Dutch: eenheidsgat English: basic hole Dutch: eenheidsgatstelsel English: hole basis system of fits Dutch: eenheidsinterval English: unit interval Dutch: eenheidslengte English: unit length Dutch: eenheidslichtbron English: unit source of light Dutch: eenheidsmatrix English: unit matrix Dutch: eeningangsterminal English: one-input terminal Dutch: eenjunctietransistor English: single-junction transistor Dutch: eenkleurig English: monochromatic; uni-coloured Dutch: eenkopsysteem English: single-head system Dutch: eenkristal English: single crystal; monocrystal Dutch: eenlidsrij English: unit string Dutch: eenlijnschrijver English: one-line tracer Dutch: E-en-M signalering English: E-and-M lead signalling Dutch: een-niveau adres English: one-level address Dutch: een-op-een afbeelding English: one-to-one correspondence Dutch: een-op-een associatie English: one-to-one association Dutch: een-op-een vertaler English: one-to-one translator; one-to-one assembler Dutch: een-op-veel associatie English: one-to-many association Dutch: eenparig English: uniform Dutch: eenpersoonsdeken English: single blanket Dutch: eenpolig English: unipolar Dutch: eenrichtingsbus English: unidirectional bus Dutch: eenrichtingsgeleiding English: unidirectional conductivity Dutch: eenrichtingsgraaf English: unidirected graph Dutch: eenrichtingsnetwerk English: unidirectional network Dutch: eenrichtingspuls English: unidirectional pulse Dutch: eenrichtingsspanning English: unidirectional voltage Dutch: eenrichtingsstroom English: unidirectional current Dutch: eenrichtingsventiel English: non-return valve Dutch: eenrijig English: single row Dutch: eenschrift-meertalig English: uniscript-multilingual Dutch: eenslagkoppeling English: single-revolution clutch; single- stroke clutch Dutch: eenstand English: one condition; one state Dutch: eentoestand English: one state Dutch: eentoppig English: single-peaked Dutch: eentoppige verdeling English: unimodal distribution; single- peaked distribution Dutch: eentrapsversteker English: single-stage amplifier Dutch: eenuitgangssignaal English: one output signal; one output Dutch: eenuitgangsterminal English: one-output terminal Dutch: eenvoud English: simplicity Dutch: eenvoudige deelroute English: simple subpath Dutch: eenvoudige quad English: simple quad Dutch: eenwaardig English: monovalent; univalent Dutch: eenwals English: single-roll mill Dutch: eenwegcommunicatie English: one-way communication Dutch: eenwegventiel English: one-way valve Dutch: eenwindingsspoel English: single-turn coil Dutch: eenzijband English: single-sideband: SSB Dutch: eenzijbandbereik English: single-sideband range Dutch: eenzijbanddistortie English: single-sideband distortion Dutch: eenzijbandfout English: single-sideband error Dutch: eenzijbandontvanger English: single-sideband receiver Dutch: eenzijbandontvangst English: single-sideband reception Dutch: eenzijbandsignaal English: single-sideband signal Dutch: eenzijbandversterker English: single-sideband amplifier Dutch: eenzijbandzender English: single-sideband transmitter Dutch: eenzijdige bevestiging English: single-sided mounting Dutch: eenzijdige golf English: one-sided wave Dutch: eenzijdige toets English: one-sided test; single-tail test Dutch: eerste bundelknoop English: first beam cross-over point Dutch: eerste harmonische English: first harmonic Dutch: eerste leeskop English: pre-read head Dutch: eerste-orde effening English: first order smoothing Dutch: effect van Josephson English: Josephson effect Dutch: effect van Wien English: Wien effect Dutch: effectief adres English: effective address Dutch: effectief geaard English: effectively grounded Dutch: effectief oppervlak English: effective area Dutch: effectief signaal English: rms signal Dutch: effectief vermogen English: real power Dutch: effectieve ampère English: effective ampere Dutch: effectieve bandbreedte English: effective bandwidth Dutch: effectieve datum English: effective date Dutch: effectieve energie English: effective energy Dutch: effectieve geleiding English: effective conductance Dutch: effectieve golflengte English: effective wavelength Dutch: effectieve massa English: effective mass Dutch: effectieve opdracht English: effective instruction; actual instruction Dutch: effectieve spanning English: effective voltage; rms voltage Dutch: effectieve stroom English: effective current; rms current Dutch: effectieve tijd English: effective time Dutch: effectieve volt English: effective volt Dutch: effectieve voorraad English: effective stock Dutch: effectieve waarde English: effective value; rms value; root- mean-square value Dutch: effectieve weerstand English: effective resistance Dutch: effectlak English: special-effect finish; novelty finish Dutch: effening English: smoothing Dutch: effeningsfactor English: smoothing factor Dutch: effeningsmethode English: smoothing method Dutch: efferent English: efferent Dutch: efferente besturing English: efferent control Dutch: efficiency English: efficiency Dutch: efficiencybepaling English: efficiencytest Dutch: efficiëntiefactor English: efficiency factor Dutch: egaal English: uniform; even Dutch: egalisatie-impuls English: equalizing pulse Dutch: egaliseerimpuls English: equalizing pulse Dutch: egobeweging English: egomotion Dutch: Eidophor English: eidophor Dutch: eierrek English: egg-stand Dutch: eigen directory English: home directory Dutch: eigen merk English: private label; private brand Dutch: eigenbias English: self-bias Dutch: eigencapaciteit English: self-capacitance; distributed capacitance Dutch: eigendomsclausule English: proprietary clause Dutch: eigenfrequentie English: natural frequency; resonant frequency Dutch: eigengeleiding English: intrinsic conduction Dutch: eigengeluid English: accompanying sound Dutch: eigenhalfgeleider English: intrinsic semiconductor Dutch: eigenimpedantie English: self-impedance Dutch: eigenkanaalscheiding English: co-channel separation Dutch: eigenresistentie English: self-resistance Dutch: eigenschap English: property; character; characteristic Dutch: eigenvector English: eigenvector Dutch: eiglans English: egg-shell finish; egg-shell gloss Dutch: eikelbuis English: acorn valve Dutch: eiken(hout) English: oak Dutch: eiland English: pad Dutch: eilandproblematiek English: island automation Dutch: eindaanslag English: end stop Dutch: eindassemblage English: final assembly Dutch: eindassemblageplan English: final assembly schedule: FAS Dutch: eindbestelling English: all-time order Dutch: eindbeugel English: end bracket Dutch: eindbuis English: output valve; power valve Dutch: eindcontrole English: final inspection Dutch: einde English: end; trailing end Dutch: einde-band English: end of tape Dutch: einde-berichtfunctie English: end-of-message function Dutch: einde-berichtindicator English: end-of-message indicator Dutch: einde-blokteken English: end of block character Dutch: eindeffector English: end effector Dutch: eindeloze band English: endless loop; continuous loop; endless tape; endless belt Dutch: einde-mediumteken English: end-of-medium character: EM Dutch: einden geslepen English: ends ground square Dutch: einden vlakgewikkeld English: plain ends squared Dutch: einde-rubriekcode English: end of field code Dutch: einde-tekstteken English: end-of-text character: ETX Dutch: einde-transmissieteken English: end-of-transmission character: EOT Dutch: eindige elementen English: finite elements Dutch: eindige populatie English: finite population Dutch: eindige rij English: finite series Dutch: eindige sectie English: finite section Dutch: eindigheid English: finitude; finiteness Dutch: eindisolatie English: final insulation Dutch: eindkeuring English: final inspection Dutch: eindknooppunt English: leaf node; terminal node Dutch: eindloze lus English: endless loop Dutch: eindloze-luscassette English: endless-loop cartridge; endless-loop cassette Dutch: eindmaat English: gauge block Dutch: eindmontage English: final assembly Dutch: eindontwerp English: final design Dutch: eindoverbenging English: final drive Dutch: eindpentode English: output pentode Dutch: eindplanning English: final assembly schedule: FAS Dutch: eindprijs English: final price Dutch: eindproduct English: finished good; finished product; end product Dutch: eindpunt English: end point Dutch: eindresultaat English: final result; end result Dutch: eindroutine English: leaf routine Dutch: eindsamenstelling English: final assembly Dutch: eindsamenstellingsplan English: final assembly schedule: FAS Dutch: eindschakelaar English: limit-switch Dutch: eindschijf English: end disc; final disc Dutch: eindstation English: terminal Dutch: eindtoestand English: ending status Dutch: eindtransistor English: output transistor Dutch: eindtrap English: output stage Dutch: einduitloper English: final lead; finish lead Dutch: eindversterker English: output amplifier; final amplifier; power amplifier Dutch: eindvoorraad English: closing stock; final stock; stock of finished products Dutch: eindwaarde English: end-mark Dutch: Einstein-verschuiving English: Einstein shift Dutch: eis English: requirement; demand Dutch: eisenanalyse English: requirements analysis Dutch: eisenblad English: requirements sheet Dutch: eisenfase English: requirements phase Dutch: eisenspecificatie English: requirements specification Dutch: eisenspecificatietaal English: requirements specification language Dutch: eisenstandaard English: requirement(s) standard Dutch: E-kern English: E core Dutch: elastantie English: elastance Dutch: elasticiteitsbehoud English: retention of elasticity; stability of elasticity Dutch: elasticiteitsgrens English: elastic limit; limit of elasticity Dutch: elasticiteitsmodus English: modulus of elasticity Dutch: elastiek English: rubber band; elastic band Dutch: elastisch geheugen English: elastic memory Dutch: elastisch vormherstel English: elastic recovery Dutch: elastische botsing English: elastic collision Dutch: elastische golf English: elastic wave Dutch: elastische rek English: elastic elongation Dutch: elastische vervorming English: elastic deformation Dutch: elco English: elco; electrolytic; electrolytic capacitor Dutch: electroless English: electroless Dutch: elektriceren English: to electrify Dutch: elektricien English: electrician Dutch: elektriciteitsbuis English: conduit Dutch: elektriciteitsstoring English: power breakdown; power failure Dutch: elektrificatie English: electrification Dutch: elektrisch English: electric; electrical Dutch: elektrisch analogon English: electric analogue Dutch: elektrisch circuit English: electric circuit Dutch: elektrisch filter English: electrical filter Dutch: elektrisch lasapparaat English: electric welder Dutch: elektrisch lassen English: electric welding Dutch: elektrisch moment English: electric moment Dutch: elektrisch netwerk English: electrical network Dutch: elektrisch schema English: electrical diagram; electric diagram Dutch: elektrisch signaal English: electric signal Dutch: elektrisch systeem English: electrical system Dutch: elektrisch veld English: electric field Dutch: elektrisch verbonden English: electrically connected Dutch: elektrisch vermogen English: electric power Dutch: elektrische afstand English: electrical distance Dutch: elektrische afstemming English: electric tuning Dutch: elektrische belasting English: electrical load Dutch: elektrische bias English: electrical bias Dutch: elektrische capaciteit English: capacitance Dutch: elektrische deken English: electric blanket Dutch: elektrische eenheid English: electrical unit Dutch: elektrische flux English: electric flux Dutch: elektrische geleiding English: electrical conduction; electric conduction; conductance Dutch: elektrische generator English: electric generator Dutch: elektrische golflengte English: electrical wavelength Dutch: elektrische graad English: electrical degree Dutch: elektrische hoek English: electrical angle Dutch: elektrische koppeling English: electrical coupling Dutch: elektrische krachten English: electric forces Dutch: elektrische kwaliteit English: electrical grade Dutch: elektrische lading English: electric charge Dutch: elektrische leiding English: power line Dutch: elektrische nul English: electrical zero Dutch: elektrische omvormer English: electrical transducer; electric transducer Dutch: elektrische ontlading English: electrical discharge Dutch: elektrische polariteit English: electrical polarity Dutch: elektrische ruis English: electrical noise Dutch: elektrische spanning English: potential; voltage Dutch: elektrische storing English: electric breakdown Dutch: elektrische straling English: electric radiation Dutch: elektrische stroom English: electric current Dutch: elektrische vector English: electric vector Dutch: elektrische weerstand English: electrical resistance Dutch: elektroakoestiek English: electroacoustics Dutch: elektroakoestisch English: electroacoustic Dutch: elektrochemisch English: electrochemical Dutch: elektrochemisch vormen English: electrochemical milling Dutch: elektrode-admittantie English: electrode admittance Dutch: elektrodecapacitantie English: electrode capacitance Dutch: elektrodedissipatie English: electrode dissipation Dutch: elektrode-efficiëntie English: electrode efficiency Dutch: elektrodegeleiding English: electrode conductance Dutch: elektrode-impedantie English: electrode impedance Dutch: elektrodenafstand English: electrode spacing; electrode gap Dutch: elektrodeneerslag English: electrodeposit Dutch: elektrodenruis English: valve noise Dutch: elektrodensysteem English: electrode system Dutch: elektrodepositie English: electrodeposition Dutch: elektrodespanning English: electrode voltage Dutch: elektrodestroom English: electrode current Dutch: elektrodeweerstand English: electrode resistance Dutch: elektrodynamiek English: electrodynamics Dutch: elektrodynamisch English: electrodynamic Dutch: elektroerosie English: electroerosion Dutch: elektrofoon English: electrophone Dutch: elektroforese English: electrophoresis Dutch: elektroforeseverf English: electropaint; electrocoating paint; electrodeposition paint Dutch: elektroforetisch English: electrophoretic Dutch: elektrofotografie English: electrophotography Dutch: elektrofotometer English: electrophotometer Dutch: elektroliseren English: to electrolyze Dutch: elektroluminescentie English: electroluminescence Dutch: elektrolyse English: electrolysis Dutch: elektrolyseren English: to electrolyze Dutch: elektrolytisch English: electrolytic Dutch: elektrolytisch beitsen English: electrolytic pickling; electro-brightening Dutch: elektrolytisch etsen English: electrolytic etching; electro- etching Dutch: elektrolytisch glanzen English: electrolytic brightening; electro-brightening Dutch: elektrolytisch slijpen English: electrolytic grinding; electro-grinding; electrolytic polishing Dutch: elektromagneet English: electromagnet; solenoid Dutch: elektromagnetica English: electromagnetics Dutch: elektromagnetisch English: electromagnetic Dutch: elektromagnetisme English: electromagnetism Dutch: elektromechanica English: electromechanics Dutch: elektromechanisch English: electromechanical Dutch: elektrometer English: electrometer Dutch: elektrometerbuis English: meter tube Dutch: elektromotor English: electric motor; electromotor Dutch: elektromotorisch English: electromotive Dutch: elektron English: electron Dutch: elektronenbeweging English: electron motion Dutch: elektronenbuiging English: electron diffraction Dutch: elektronenbuis English: cathode ray tube: CRT; electron tube; thermionic valve Dutch: elektronenbundel English: electron beam Dutch: elektronenconcentratie English: electron concentration Dutch: elektronenemissie English: electron emission Dutch: elektronenflitser English: electron ic flash; speed light Dutch: elektronengolfbuis English: electron-wave tube Dutch: elektronenkanon English: electron gun Dutch: elektronenkoppeling English: electron coupling Dutch: elektronenlens English: electron lens Dutch: elektronenmassa English: electron mass Dutch: elektronenoptiek English: electron optics Dutch: elektronenpakket English: bunched electrons Dutch: elektronensnelheid English: electron velocity Dutch: elektronenspin English: electron's spin Dutch: elektronenstraal English: electron beam; electron jet; electron stream Dutch: elektronenstraalbuis English: electron-beam tube Dutch: elektronenstroom English: electron current; electron flow Dutch: elektronentheorie English: electron theory Dutch: elektronenvanger English: electron catcher; acceptor Dutch: elektronenversterker English: electron-multiplier tube Dutch: elektronenwolk English: electron cloud Dutch: elektronica English: electronics; solid state electronics Dutch: elektronicus English: electronic engineer Dutch: elektronisch brein English: electronic brain Dutch: elektronisch circuit English: electronic circuit Dutch: elektronisch component English: electronic component Dutch: elektronisch filter English: electronic filter Dutch: elektronisch gekoppeld English: electronically coupled; electron-coupled Dutch: elektronisch kladblok English: spreadsheet Dutch: elektronisch onderhoud English: e-maintenance Dutch: elektronisch orgel English: electronic organ Dutch: elektronisch product English: electronic product Dutch: elektronisch relais English: electronic relay Dutch: elektronisch signaal English: electronic signal Dutch: elektronisch slot English: electronic lock Dutch: elektronische deceptie English: electronic deception Dutch: elektronische deler English: electronic divider Dutch: elektronische eenheid English: electronic device Dutch: elektronische hulp English: electronic aid Dutch: elektronische lens English: electronic lens Dutch: elektronische meting English: electronic measurement Dutch: elektronische opteller English: electronic adder Dutch: elektronische poort English: electronic gate Dutch: elektronische post English: electronic mail: e-mail Dutch: elektronische stilte English: electronic silence Dutch: elektronische timer English: electronic timer Dutch: elektro-optica English: electro-optics Dutch: elektro-optisch English: electro-optic Dutch: elektro-optisch effect English: electro-optic effect Dutch: elektroscoop English: electroscope Dutch: elektrostatisch veld English: electrostatic field Dutch: elektrostatische flux English: electrostatic flux Dutch: elektrotechnicus English: electrical engineer Dutch: elektrovalentie English: electrovalence Dutch: element English: element; individual; cell; member Dutch: elementair deeltje English: elementary particle Dutch: elementair gebied English: elemental area Dutch: elementaire lading English: elementary charge Dutch: elementenset English: array Dutch: elevatie English: elevation Dutch: ellips English: ellipse Dutch: elliptische baan English: elliptic orbit Dutch: elliptische naaldpunt English: elliptical stylus tip Dutch: eloxeren English: anodizing; to anodize Dutch: ELSE-clausule English: ELSE-clause Dutch: emaille English: enamel Dutch: emailledraad English: enamelled wire Dutch: emailleren English: to enamel Dutch: emailleweerstand English: enamelled resistor Dutch: embleem English: emblem; escutcheon Dutch: emissiebeeld English: emission image Dutch: emissiefrequentie English: emission frequency Dutch: emissiegolflengte English: emission wavelength Dutch: emissiemeter English: emission tester Dutch: emissieontvangstbereik English: emission intercept range Dutch: emissieregeling English: emission control Dutch: emissiespectrum English: emission spectrum Dutch: emissiestroom English: emission current Dutch: emissievermogen English: emission power Dutch: emitter English: emitter Dutch: emitter-basisjunctie English: emitter-base junction Dutch: emitterbias English: emitter bias Dutch: emitterdiffusie English: emitter diffusion Dutch: emitteren English: to emit Dutch: emitterende laag English: emissive layer; emitter coat Dutch: emitterjunctie English: emitter junction Dutch: emitteroppervlak English: emitter area Dutch: emitterpatroon English: emitter pattern Dutch: emitterrendement English: emitter efficiency Dutch: emitterspanning English: emitter voltage Dutch: emitterstroom English: emitter current Dutch: emittervolger English: emitter follower Dutch: emittervoorspanning English: emitter bias Dutch: emitterweerstand English: emitter resistance; emitter series resistance Dutch: emittor English: emitter Dutch: emittorschakeling English: emitter circuit Dutch: emittorstroom English: emitter current Dutch: emittorvolger English: emitter follower Dutch: emittorweerstand English: emitter resistance Dutch: empirisch English: empirical; empiric Dutch: empirisch ontwerp English: empirical design Dutch: empirische associatie English: empirical association Dutch: empirische methode English: empiric method Dutch: EMP-weerstand English: electromagnetic pulse resistance Dutch: emulatie English: emulation Dutch: emulatieprogramma English: emulation program Dutch: emulator English: emulator Dutch: emulatorgeneratie English: emulator generation Dutch: emuleren English: to emulate Dutch: emulgator English: emulsifying agent; emulsifier Dutch: emulgeerbaar English: emulsifiable Dutch: emulgeermiddel English: emulsifying agent; emulsifier Dutch: emulgeren English: to emulsify Dutch: emulgering English: emulsion Dutch: emulsie English: emulsion Dutch: emulsie-ontvetten English: emulsion cleaning; emulsion degreasing Dutch: emulsiepolymerisatie English: emulsion polymerization Dutch: emulsieverf English: emulsion paint Dutch: emulsiewas English: emulsion wax Dutch: en/of poort English: and/or gate Dutch: en-bewerking English: and operation; conjunction Dutch: en-circuit English: and circuit Dutch: encoder English: encoder Dutch: encoderen English: to encode Dutch: encryptiecodelijst English: key list Dutch: encryptievariabele English: key variable Dutch: endemische fout English: indigenous error Dutch: endogeen English: endogenous Dutch: endogene variabele English: endogenous variable Dutch: END-opdracht English: END-statement Dutch: endossement English: endorsement Dutch: en-element English: and element Dutch: energie van een lading English: energy of a charge Dutch: energieafgifte English: release of energy Dutch: energieband English: energy band Dutch: energiebandenschema English: energy band diagram Dutch: energiebandenstructuur English: energy band structure; band structure Dutch: energiebarrière English: energy barrier Dutch: energieniveau English: energy level Dutch: energieniveausplitsing English: energy level splitting Dutch: energieoverdracht English: energy transfer Dutch: energietoestand English: energy state; state Dutch: energieverlies English: energy loss; loss of energy Dutch: energieverschil English: energy gap Dutch: energievoorziening English: power supply Dutch: E-netwerk English: E-network Dutch: eng roosteren English: close scheduling Dutch: Engelse sleutel English: monkey wrench Dutch: engineering English: engineering Dutch: engineeringcircuit English: engineering circuit Dutch: engineeringkanaal English: engineering channel Dutch: engineeringtraject English: engineering path Dutch: enkel golfkarton English: double-faced corrugated fibreboard Dutch: enkelchip CPU English: single chip CPU Dutch: enkeldeks pallet English: single-deck pallet Dutch: enkele dipool English: single dipole Dutch: enkele precisie English: single precision Dutch: enkele schuinte English: single taper; angle with centre line Dutch: enkele speling English: clearance Dutch: enkelfabricage English: jog shop production; unit production Dutch: enkelfasig English: monophase; one-phase; single-phase Dutch: enkelgangig English: single-thread; single-start Dutch: enkelgebruiker English: single user Dutch: enkelgebruikersysteem English: single user system Dutch: enkelkopsysteem English: single-head system Dutch: enkellaagwikkelen English: single-layer winding Dutch: enkellaagwikkelmachine English: single-layer winding machine; single-layer winder Dutch: enkelniveau-stuklijst English: single-level bill-of- material Dutch: enkelniveau-tracering English: single-level where-used Dutch: enkelpolig English: single pole; unipolar Dutch: enkelspoor English: single track Dutch: enkelspooropname English: single-track recording Dutch: enkelverpakking English: unit packaging Dutch: enkelverwerking English: single tasking Dutch: enkelvoudig English: single; singular Dutch: enkelvoudig LC-filter English: single-section filter Dutch: enkelvoudig monster English: simple sample; single sample Dutch: enkelvoudig product English: single product Dutch: enkelvoudige bewerking English: single-step operation Dutch: enkelvoudige diode English: single diode Dutch: enkelvoudige effening English: first order smoothing Dutch: enkelvoudige fase English: single-phase Dutch: enkelvoudige geleider English: uniconductor cable Dutch: enkelvoudige grijper English: single gripper Dutch: enkelvoudige hypothese English: simple hypothesis Dutch: enkelvoudige matrijs English: single-cavity mould; single- impression mould Dutch: enkelvoudige order English: single-item order Dutch: enkelvoudige toon English: pure sound Dutch: enkelwandig English: single walled Dutch: enkelzijband English: single-sideband Dutch: enkelzijdig English: one-sided; single-sided Dutch: en-of graaf English: and/or graph Dutch: en-poort English: and gate Dutch: en-schakeling English: and circuit Dutch: enten English: to graft Dutch: entiteit English: entity Dutch: entiteitattribuut English: entity attribute Dutch: entiteit-relatiemodel English: entity-relationship model: ERM Dutch: entiteitsintegriteit English: entity integrity Dutch: entiteitstype English: entity type Dutch: entkristal English: seed crystal Dutch: entropie English: entropy Dutch: entry English: entry Dutch: E-O transformatie English: epistemological fact-object transformation Dutch: epiloog English: epilog; epilogue Dutch: epiloogbreekpunt English: epilog breakpoint Dutch: epitaxiale groei English: epitaxial growth Dutch: epitaxiale laag English: epitaxial layer Dutch: epitaxiale transistor English: epitaxial transistor Dutch: epitaxie English: epitaxy Dutch: epitaxiediffusieproces English: epitaxial-diffused process Dutch: epitaxieproces English: epitaxial process Dutch: epitaxietechniek English: epitaxial technique Dutch: epoxy English: epoxy Dutch: epoxyglasvezelplaat English: epoxy glassfibre-reinforced sheet Dutch: epoxyglasweefselplaat English: epoxy glassfibre-reinforced sheet Dutch: epoxyvernis English: epoxy lacquer; epoxy varnish Dutch: equidistant English: equidistant Dutch: equimoleculair English: equimolecular Dutch: equipotentiaal English: equipotential Dutch: equipotentiaallijn English: equipotential line Dutch: equipotentiaalvlak English: equipotential surface Dutch: equivalent aantal bits English: equivalent binary digits Dutch: equivalent netwerk English: equivalent network Dutch: equivalente fouten English: equivalent faults Dutch: equivalente ruis English: equivalent noise Dutch: equivalentie English: equivalence; exclusive nor; if and only if operation Dutch: equivalentie-element English: equivalence element; equivalent-to element; identity element Dutch: equivalentieklasse English: equivalence class Dutch: equivalentiepartitie English: equivalence partition Dutch: erg lage frequentie English: very low frequency Dutch: ergonomie English: ergonomics; human engineering Dutch: ergonomisch English: ergonomic Dutch: ergste-gevalanalyse English: worst-case analysis Dutch: ergste-gevalvertraging English: worst-case delay Dutch: eriochroom/zwart English: eriochrome black; T indicator mixture Dutch: erlang English: erlang Dutch: ERMES-netwerk English: European radio message services network Dutch: ernstige fout English: major defect Dutch: esparto English: esparto; Spanish grass Dutch: essenhout English: ash Dutch: estergetal English: ester value; ester number Dutch: esthetica English: aesthetics; esthetics Dutch: esthetische controle English: aesthetical inspection Dutch: etage-antenne English: stacked antenna; stacked aerial Dutch: etaleren English: to display Dutch: ethanol English: ethanol; ethyl alcohol Dutch: ether English: ether Dutch: ethoxyline English: epoxy Dutch: ethyl English: ethyl Dutch: ethylalcohol English: ethyl alcohol; ethanol Dutch: ethylcelluloseverf English: ethyl cellulose paint Dutch: ethylglycol English: ethylene glycol monoethyl ether Dutch: ethylsilicaat English: ethyl silicate Dutch: etiket English: label; sticker Dutch: etsbad English: etch; etch bath; etching solution Dutch: etsen English: to etch; to pickle Dutch: etsmachine English: etcher Dutch: etsmiddel English: etchant; mordant; etching agent Dutch: etsoverneemmethode English: etching transfer method; etched- foil transfer method; subtractive transfer method Dutch: etsresist English: etching resist Dutch: etsvloeistof English: etching fluid; etchant Dutch: Euler operaties English: Euler operations Dutch: Europese Betalingsunie English: European Payment Union Dutch: Eurovisie English: Eurovision Dutch: eutectisch punt English: eutectic point Dutch: EUTELSAT-satellieten English: EUTELSAT satellites Dutch: evaluatiefunctie English: evaluation function Dutch: even (beeld)lijn English: even line Dutch: even pariteit English: even parity Dutch: evenaren English: to equal Dutch: even-bit pariteit English: even parity Dutch: evenement English: event Dutch: evenementteller English: event counter Dutch: even-pariteitscontrole English: even parity check Dutch: evenredig met English: proportional to Dutch: evenredigheid English: proportionality Dutch: eventklasse English: event class Dutch: eventualiteit English: contingency Dutch: eventueel English: if necessary; if possible; if any Dutch: evenwicht English: balance; equilibrium Dutch: evenwichtsinrichting English: compensator Dutch: evenwichtspunt English: break-even point Dutch: evenwichtstoestand English: balanced condition; state of equilibrium; equilibrium state Dutch: evenwijdigheid English: parallelism Dutch: evolvente English: involute Dutch: EVR-cassette English: EVR-cartridge Dutch: EVR-film English: EVR-film Dutch: EVR-reproductie English: EVR-reproduction; EVR-playback Dutch: EVR-speler English: EVR-player Dutch: EVR-systeem English: EVR-system Dutch: EVR-videosignaal English: EVR video-signal Dutch: exact English: exact; precise Dutch: exacte representatie English: exact representation Dutch: exactheid English: exactness; precision Dutch: excenter English: eccentric Dutch: excenterblok English: eccentric block Dutch: excentergroef English: eccentric groove Dutch: excenterschijf English: eccentric cam Dutch: excentrisch English: eccentric; off-centre Dutch: exceptie English: exception Dutch: exceptiecode English: exception handler Dutch: excerpt English: abstract Dutch: excitatie English: excitation Dutch: excitatie-energie English: excitation energy Dutch: excitatiespanning English: excitation voltage Dutch: excitatiestroom English: excitation current Dutch: exciterende spanning English: exciting voltage Dutch: exciterende stroom English: exciting current Dutch: exclusie English: exclusion; not-if-then operation; and not operation; except operation Dutch: exclusief bericht English: exclusive message Dutch: exclusieve noch-noch English: exclusive nor Dutch: exclusieve of English: exclusive or Dutch: exempel English: exemplar Dutch: exemplaar English: instance; unit; piece; copy; individual; item; instantiated item; specimen Dutch: ex-fabriek English: ex works Dutch: exogeen English: exogenous Dutch: exogene variabele English: exogenous variable Dutch: expanderen English: to expand; to oversize Dutch: expansieorgaan English: expander Dutch: expeditie English: forwarding; shipping; despatch; dispatch Dutch: expeditielijst English: forwarding list; shipping list Dutch: experimenteren English: to experiment Dutch: expertisemodel English: assessment model Dutch: expertkennis English: expert knowledge Dutch: expertsysteem English: expert system Dutch: expliciet adres English: explicit address Dutch: expliciet tekenen English: explicit draughting Dutch: expliciete functie English: explicit function Dutch: expliciete verklaring English: explicit declaration Dutch: exploitatiekosten English: running cost; operating costs Dutch: exponent English: exponent; characteristic Dutch: exponentieel English: exponential Dutch: exponentiële effening English: exponential smoothing Dutch: exponentiële functie English: exponential function Dutch: exponentiële golfvorm English: exponential waveform Dutch: exporteren English: to export Dutch: expressie English: expression Dutch: exsiccator English: desiccator Dutch: extern English: external; outside; off-line Dutch: extern beeld English: external view Dutch: extern circuit English: external circuit Dutch: extern geheugen English: backing store; backing storage; external memory; external storage; external store; secondary storage Dutch: extern programmeren English: off-line programming Dutch: extern schema English: external schema Dutch: extern symbool English: external symbol Dutch: extern vervoer English: external transport Dutch: externe afnemer English: external customer Dutch: externe agent English: external agent Dutch: externe apparatuur English: off-line devices Dutch: externe beïnvloeding English: external influence Dutch: externe betrekkingen English: external relations Dutch: externe componenten English: outboard components Dutch: externe condensator English: external capacitor Dutch: externe fabrikant English: external manufacturer Dutch: externe functie English: external function Dutch: externe grijper English: external gripper Dutch: externe impedantie English: external impedance Dutch: externe insteltijd English: external set-up time Dutch: externe klok English: external clock Dutch: externe leverancier English: external supplier Dutch: externe modem English: external modem Dutch: externe naam English: external name Dutch: externe opdracht English: external command Dutch: externe procedure English: external procedure Dutch: externe ruis English: external noise Dutch: externe terugkoppeling English: external feedback Dutch: externe verliestijd English: external delays Dutch: externe verwerking English: off-line processing Dutch: extra English: extra; supplementary Dutch: extra aansluiting English: extension connection Dutch: extra bel English: extension bell Dutch: extra bit English: added bit Dutch: extra blok English: added block Dutch: extra faciliteit English: extension facility Dutch: extra inrichting English: optional feature Dutch: extra luidspreker English: extension loudspeaker Dutch: extra puls English: afterpulse Dutch: extract English: extract Dutch: extraheren English: to extract Dutch: extrapoleren English: to extrapolate Dutch: extrinsiek English: extrinsic Dutch: extrinsieke geleiding English: extrinsic conductance Dutch: extrinsieke prognose English: extrinsic forecast Dutch: extruderen English: to extrude Dutch: extrusie English: extrusion Dutch: extrusiematrijs English: extrusion die; die Dutch: extrusiepers English: extrusion press; extruder press Dutch: extrusiestempel English: extrusion tool Dutch: ezelsoor English: dog's ear Dutch: Fa Fa eenheid English: automatic tuning unit Dutch: fabricage English: fabrication; manufacturing; manufacture Dutch: fabricagebeleid English: manufacturing policy Dutch: fabricagecel English: manufacturing cell Dutch: fabricagecentrum English: production centre Dutch: fabricagedoorlooptijd English: manufacturing lead time; production lead time; manufacturing throughput time: MTT Dutch: fabricagefase English: manufacturing phase Dutch: fabricagefout English: manufacturing fault; manufacturing error Dutch: fabricagegegevens English: manufacturing data Dutch: fabricagegroep English: manufacturing cell; manufacturing group Dutch: fabricage-interval English: manufacturing interval Dutch: fabricagekaart English: operation layout Dutch: fabricagelicentie English: manufacturing licence Dutch: fabricagemethode English: manufacturing method Dutch: fabricageniveau English: fabrication level; production level Dutch: fabricagenummer English: serial number Dutch: fabricage-opstelling English: manufacturing lay-out Dutch: fabricageplanning English: production planning; manufacturing planning Dutch: fabricageprocedure English: manufacturing procedure Dutch: fabricageproces English: manufacturing process; production process Dutch: fabricageprogramma English: production program Dutch: fabricageserie English: manufacturing run Dutch: fabricagestuklijst English: production bill-of-material; manufacturing parts list Dutch: fabricagetechnologie English: manufacturing technology Dutch: fabricagetolerantie English: manufacturing tolerance Dutch: fabricagevoorbereiding English: production preparation; process planning; manufacturing engineering: ME Dutch: fabriceren English: to manufacture Dutch: fabriek English: factory; works; plant Dutch: fabriek-klantcontacten English: customer returns; requests and feedback Dutch: fabriekscomplex English: plant Dutch: fabriekscomputer English: plant computer Dutch: fabriekscontrole English: factory inspection Dutch: fabrieksinrichting English: plant layout Dutch: fabrieksinstelling English: factory settings; factory adjustment Dutch: fabriekslevering English: factory delivery Dutch: fabrieksmagazijn English: factory warehouse Dutch: fabrieksorder English: shop order; manufacturing order Dutch: fabrieksplaatje English: factory plate; name plate Dutch: fabrieksplanning English: factory planning Dutch: fabrieksrondleiding English: guided tour of factory Dutch: fabrieksterrein English: factory premises; factory site Dutch: fabrieksvacantie English: factory holidays; factory vacation Dutch: fabrieksverrekenprijs English: factory standard price: fsp Dutch: fabrieksvoorraad English: factory stock Dutch: fabrikaat English: make; brand Dutch: facetrepresentatie English: facet representation Dutch: facilitair bedrijf English: facilities service; facilities services; general and technical services company Dutch: faciliteit English: facility Dutch: faciliteiten English: facilities Dutch: facsimile English: facsimile; fax Dutch: facsimile-apparatuur English: facsimile equipment Dutch: facsimilebandbreedte English: facsimile bandwidth Dutch: facsimilebeeldsignaal English: facsimile picture signal Dutch: facsimilecommunicatie English: facsimile communication Dutch: facsimilemodem English: facsimile modem Dutch: facsimile-omzetter English: facsimile converter Dutch: facsimile-ontvanger English: facsimile receiver Dutch: facsimilerecorder English: facsimile recorder Dutch: facsimilesignaalniveau English: facsimile signal level Dutch: facsimilesysteem English: facsimile system Dutch: facsimiletransmissie English: facsimile transmission Dutch: facsimilezendeenheid English: facsimile transmitter Dutch: factor English: factor; sub-multiple; operand Dutch: factoriseren English: factoring Dutch: factureren English: to invoice; invoicing Dutch: factuuraanhef English: invoice header Dutch: faculteit English: factorial; faculty Dutch: fading English: fading Dutch: FAFA-eenheid English: automatic tuning unit Dutch: fakirbed English: bed-of-nails Dutch: falend English: failing Dutch: familie English: family; relatives Dutch: familiematrix English: family matrix Dutch: familiestuklijst English: family bill-of-material Dutch: fanin English: fanin Dutch: fan-in English: fan-in Dutch: fanin-circuit English: fanin circuit Dutch: fanin-netwerk English: fanin network Dutch: fanin-tabel English: fanin table Dutch: fanout English: fanout Dutch: fan-out English: fan-out Dutch: fanout-circuit English: fanout circuit Dutch: fanout-netwerk English: fan-out network Dutch: fanout-tabel English: fan-out table Dutch: fantastron English: phantastron: phant Dutch: fantoomcircuit English: phantom circuit Dutch: fantoomkanaal English: phantom channel Dutch: farad English: farad: F, f, fd Dutch: faraday English: faraday Dutch: Farnsworthbuis English: Farnsworth tube; Farnsworth image dissector Dutch: fase-afhankelijk English: phase-sensitive Dutch: fasebalk English: phase bar Dutch: fasebijstelspoel English: phase-correction coil Dutch: fasecompensatie English: phase compensation; phase equalization Dutch: faseconditie English: phase relationship Dutch: faseconstante English: phase factor Dutch: fasecorrectie English: phase correction Dutch: fasecorrectiecircuit English: phase corrector Dutch: fasecorrectiesignaal English: phase correcting signal Dutch: fasedeler English: phase splitter Dutch: fasedemodulator English: phase demodulator Dutch: fasedetector English: phase detector Dutch: fasediagram English: phase diagram Dutch: fasediscriminator English: phase discriminator; phase detector; phase comparison circuit Dutch: fasedistortie English: phase distortion Dutch: fasedraaier English: phase shifter; phase shift; phase changer Dutch: fasedraaiing English: phase shift Dutch: fasefout English: phase error Dutch: fasegemoduleerd English: phase-modulated Dutch: fasegevoelig English: phase-sensitive Dutch: fasegevoeligheid English: phase sensitivity Dutch: fasehoek English: phase angle Dutch: fasehoekfout English: phase angle error Dutch: fase-insteltijd English: phase alignment Dutch: faselooptijd English: phase delay Dutch: fasemodulatie English: phase modulation; PM Dutch: fasemodulator English: phase modulator Dutch: fasenaijling English: phase lag Dutch: fase-omkeerbuis English: phase-inverter tube; phase-inverter valve Dutch: fase-omkeerder English: phase inverter Dutch: fase-omkeerschakeling English: phase inverter; phase splitter Dutch: fase-omkering English: phase inversion; phase reversal Dutch: fase-omvormer English: phase converter Dutch: fase-omzetting English: phase transformation Dutch: fase-ongevoelig English: phase insensitive Dutch: fase-ongevoeligheid English: phase insensitivity Dutch: fase-opsplitscircuit English: phase-splitting circuit Dutch: faseplanning English: phase planning Dutch: fasereferentie English: phase reference Dutch: faseregelaar English: phase control Dutch: faseregeling English: phase control Dutch: faseren in de tijd English: time phasing Dutch: faseresonantie English: phase resonance Dutch: fasesprong English: phase jump Dutch: fasestabilisatie English: phase stabilization Dutch: fasesynchronisatie English: phase synchronization Dutch: fasevector English: phasor Dutch: fasevergelijker English: phase discriminator; phase comparison circuit Dutch: fase-vergrendeld English: phase-locked Dutch: faseverhouding English: phase relationship Dutch: faseverloop English: phase shift Dutch: fasevermenigvuldiger English: phase multiplier Dutch: faseverschil English: phase difference Dutch: faseverschuiver English: phase shifter Dutch: faseverschuiving English: phase shift Dutch: faseversnelling English: phase advancing; phase lead Dutch: fasevertraging English: phase retardation; phase lag Dutch: fasevervorming English: phase distortion; phase-frequency distortion Dutch: fasevoorijling English: phase lead Dutch: fasezwaai English: phase swing Dutch: fatale fout English: fatal error Dutch: fax English: facsimile; fax Dutch: F-band English: F-band Dutch: feature English: feature Dutch: feeder English: feeder Dutch: feeder-echoruis English: feeder echo noise Dutch: feedhorn English: feedhorn Dutch: felsbaar English: suitable for spinning; suitable for riveting; riveting quality; spinning quality Dutch: felsbus English: fixing bush; eyelet; insert bush; bearing bush Dutch: felsen English: to rivet; to spin over; to rivet rotatingly Dutch: felsgereedschap English: riveting tool; spinning tool Dutch: felshamer English: riveting hammer Dutch: felsmoer English: insert nut Dutch: felsnaad English: riveted seam; riveted joint; seamed joint Dutch: felsnaaf English: insert bush; bearing bush Dutch: felsnagel English: semi-tubular rivet Dutch: felspen English: punch; riveting tool; insert pin Dutch: felspotje English: riveting cap Dutch: felsrand English: flange Dutch: felssoldeerlip English: insert solder tag; rivet solder tag Dutch: femto English: femto Dutch: fenolformaldehydehars English: phenolic resin; phenol formaldehyde resin Dutch: fenolhars English: phenolic resin; phenol resin Dutch: fenolsulfonzuur English: phenolsulphonic acid Dutch: fenoltaleïne English: phenolphthalein Dutch: fenomeen English: phenomenon Dutch: fermi English: fermi Dutch: Fermi-niveau English: Fermi level Dutch: Fermi-rand English: Fermi brim Dutch: ferri- English: ferric Dutch: ferriammoniumsulfaat English: ferric ammonium sulphate Dutch: ferrichloride English: ferric chloride Dutch: ferriet English: ferrite Dutch: ferrietantenne English: ferrite aerial; ferroceptor Dutch: ferrietkern English: ferrite core Dutch: ferrietkerngeheugen English: ferrite core memory Dutch: ferrietring English: ferrite ring Dutch: ferrietschakelaar English: ferrite switch Dutch: ferro- English: ferrous Dutch: ferroammoniumsulfaat English: ferrous ammonium sulphate Dutch: ferroceptor English: ferroceptor; ferrite aerial Dutch: ferroceptorhouder English: ferroceptor holder Dutch: ferrochloride English: ferrous chloride Dutch: ferrocyanideblauw English: ironcyanogen blue; Prussian blue; Berlin blue Dutch: ferro-elektriciteit English: ferroelectricity Dutch: ferro-elektrisch English: ferroelectric Dutch: ferro-elektrische stof English: ferroelectric material Dutch: ferroïne English: ferroin Dutch: ferromagnetisch English: ferromagnetic Dutch: ferromagnetische stof English: ferromagnetic material Dutch: ferroxcube English: ferroxcube Dutch: fiber English: fiber Dutch: fiberpen English: fibre-point pin Dutch: fiberscope English: fiberscope Dutch: Fibonacciselectie English: Fibonacci search Dutch: field test English: field test Dutch: FIFO-geheugen English: push-up storage Dutch: figuratie English: figure; configuration figure Dutch: figuratieve afbeelding English: figurative image Dutch: figuratieve constante English: figurative constant Dutch: figuurzaag English: fret-saw Dutch: fijn detail English: fine detail Dutch: fijnafstemming English: fine tuning Dutch: fijnboormachine English: precision drilling machine Dutch: fijne golf English: fine flute; B-flue Dutch: fijne granulariteit English: fine granularity Dutch: fijne lopende passing English: fine tuning fit Dutch: fijne overgangspassing English: fine location fit Dutch: fijne passing English: fine fit; close fit Dutch: fijne was English: fine fabrics Dutch: fijngeslagen English: finely stranded Dutch: fijnheidsgraad English: degree of fineness Dutch: fijnheidsmeter English: fineness gauge Dutch: fijninstelling English: precision adjustment; fine adjustment; vernier adjustment Dutch: fijnkorrelig English: fine-grained; close grained Dutch: fijnregelaar English: fine control; vernier control Dutch: fijnregelbereik English: fine-tuning range; fine-adjustment range Dutch: fijnregeling English: fine tuning; fine adjustment; fine control; fine vernier Dutch: fijnregelknop English: fine-tuning knob; fine-adjustment knob Dutch: fijnslaan English: to strand finely Dutch: fijnslijpen English: finish grinding; precision grinding Dutch: fijnstampen English: fine blanking; smooth edge blanking; to pulverize Dutch: fijnstansautomaat English: automatic fine-blanking press Dutch: fijnstansmachine English: fine-blanking machine; smooth edge blanking machine Dutch: fijntrekken English: fine wire drawing Dutch: fijnverdeeld English: finely divided; finely powdered Dutch: file English: file Dutch: filiaal English: branch; subsidiary Dutch: film English: film; motion picture Dutch: filmaftaster English: film pickup; film scanner Dutch: filmarchief English: film archive Dutch: filmbeeld English: frame; film image Dutch: filmbeweging English: film movement Dutch: filmcamera English: film camera; movie camera Dutch: filmcondensator English: film capacitor Dutch: filmdienst English: film service Dutch: filmdrager English: film base; film support Dutch: filmdrukker English: film printer Dutch: filmgeleider English: film guide Dutch: filminleg English: film threading; film path Dutch: filmkanaal English: film gate Dutch: filmkorrel English: film grain Dutch: filmotheek English: film library Dutch: filmrecording English: film recording Dutch: filmschraapapparaat English: film scraping device Dutch: filmsnelheid English: film speed Dutch: filmstrip English: film strip Dutch: filmtransport English: film transport Dutch: filmvormer English: filmformer; film forming agent Dutch: filteraarde English: filter earth Dutch: filterbuis English: filter tube Dutch: filtercondensator English: filter capacitor Dutch: filterdemping English: filter attenuation Dutch: filteren English: to filter Dutch: filterhuis English: filter housing Dutch: filtering English: filtering Dutch: filterkring English: filter circuit Dutch: filterkristal English: filter crystal Dutch: filterolie English: filter oil Dutch: filterpomp English: filter pump Dutch: filterschakeling English: filter circuit Dutch: filterschijf English: filter disc Dutch: filterspoel English: filter coil Dutch: filteruitgangsspanning English: filter output voltage Dutch: filterwerking English: filter action Dutch: filtraat English: filtrate; filtered matter Dutch: filtreerbeker English: cylindrical jar Dutch: filtreren English: to filter Dutch: financieel English: financial Dutch: financiële stuklijst English: costed bill-of-material Dutch: financieren English: to finance Dutch: fineersoorten English: kinds of veneer Dutch: fineren English: veneer Dutch: firmabriefhoofd English: company letterhead Dutch: firmware English: firmware Dutch: fiscaal English: fiscal Dutch: fit English: fit Dutch: fitterij English: fitting shop Dutch: fitting English: fitting; socket Dutch: fittinghuis English: lamp casting Dutch: fixeerlip English: fixing lug Dutch: fixeervloeistof English: fixer; fixing liquid Dutch: fixeren English: to fix Dutch: flankcorrectiefilter English: colour take-off filter Dutch: flankdiameter English: basic effective pitch diameter Dutch: flankhoek English: flank angle Dutch: flanksteilheid English: slope Dutch: flatpack English: flat pack Dutch: flensmachine English: flanging machine Dutch: fleshouder English: bottle holder Dutch: flessenhals English: bottleneck Dutch: flessenkoeler English: bottle cooler Dutch: flessenrek English: bottle rack Dutch: flexcode English: flexcode Dutch: flexibele machinegroep English: flexible machine center: FMC Dutch: flexowriter English: flexowriter Dutch: flikkereffect English: flicker effect Dutch: flikkeren English: to flicker Dutch: flikkerfrequentie English: flicker frequency Dutch: flikkering English: flash; flicker; flickering Dutch: flikkerlicht English: flash-light Dutch: flintglas English: flint glass Dutch: flip-flop English: flip-flop; bistable; toggle Dutch: flip-flop generator English: flip-flop generator Dutch: flitsbuis English: flashtube Dutch: flitsvertraging English: flash delay Dutch: floppy English: floppy Dutch: fluctuatievoorraad English: fluctuation inventory Dutch: fluctueren English: to shuttle Dutch: fluidica English: fluidics Dutch: fluitje English: whistle; repeat spot Dutch: fluorboorzuur English: fluoboric acid Dutch: fluorboraat English: fluoborate Dutch: fluorescentielamp English: fluorescent lamp Dutch: fluorescentiepoeder English: fluorescent powder Dutch: fluorescerend scherm English: fluorescent screen Dutch: fluorescerende stoffen English: fluorescent materials Dutch: fluorescerende verf English: fluorescent paint Dutch: fluoride English: fluoride Dutch: fluoroscoop English: fluoroscope Dutch: fluorverbinding English: fluoride compound Dutch: fluorwaterstof English: hydrogen fluoride Dutch: flutter English: flutter Dutch: fluttersnelheid English: flutter rate Dutch: fluweelglans English: velvet gloss Dutch: flux English: flux Dutch: fluxdichtheid English: flux density Dutch: fluxkoppeling English: flux linkage Dutch: fluxmasker English: fluxing mask Dutch: fluxmeter English: fluxmeter Dutch: FM English: frequency modulation Dutch: FM-AM English: frequency modulation - amplitude modulation Dutch: FM-AM versterker English: FM-AM multiplier Dutch: FM-antenne English: FM antenna; FM aerial Dutch: FM-demodulator English: FM demodulator Dutch: FM-detectie English: FM detection Dutch: FM-detector English: FM detector; discriminator Dutch: FM-generator English: FM generator Dutch: FM-testoscillator English: FM test oscillator Dutch: FM-verbeteringsdrempel English: frequency modulation improvement threshold Dutch: FM-verbeteringsfactor English: frequency modulation improvement factor Dutch: FM-zender English: FM transmitter Dutch: focusseeranode English: focusing anode Dutch: focusseerbereik English: focusing range Dutch: focusseerelektrode English: focusing electrode Dutch: focusseermagneet English: focusing magnet Dutch: focusseerregelaar English: focusing control Dutch: focusseerrooster English: focus grid Dutch: focusseerspanning English: focusing voltage Dutch: focussen English: to focus Dutch: focusseren English: to focus Dutch: focussering English: focusing Dutch: focusspanning English: focusing voltage Dutch: foelie English: foil; film Dutch: folder English: folder Dutch: folie English: foil; film Dutch: foliebedrukken English: hot foil printing; roll leaf stamping Dutch: foliecondensator English: foil capacitor Dutch: foliegeleider English: foil conductor Dutch: foliekast English: foil sheathed cabinet Dutch: folietrimmer English: foil dielectric trimmer; film dielectric trimmer Dutch: foliumzuur English: folic acid Dutch: follow-up-planning English: follow-up planning Dutch: fonografie English: sound recording; audio recording Dutch: fonon English: phonon Dutch: font English: font Dutch: fonteinsolderen English: fountain soldering Dutch: foon English: phon Dutch: footcandle English: footcandle Dutch: footlambert English: footlambert Dutch: forceerbank English: spinning lathe Dutch: forceerijzer English: spinning tool Dutch: forceerwerk English: spinning work Dutch: forceren English: to spin Dutch: forcerende toestand English: forcing state Dutch: forceringssignaal English: duress signal Dutch: forensentrein English: commuter train Dutch: formaat English: size; format Dutch: formaatlijn English: format line Dutch: formaline English: formalin Dutch: formant English: formant Dutch: formantbereik English: formant range Dutch: formantfilter English: formant filter Dutch: formatteerprogramma English: formatting program Dutch: formeel argument English: formal argument Dutch: formeel bericht English: formal message Dutch: formeel bewijs English: formal proof Dutch: formele parameter English: formal parameter Dutch: formele parameterlijst English: formal parameter list Dutch: formele specificatie English: formal specification Dutch: formele taal English: formal language Dutch: formele test English: formal test Dutch: formele waarheid English: formal truth Dutch: formeren van pakketten English: to kit; kitting Dutch: formule van Camp English: Wilson lot-sized formula Dutch: formule van Wilson English: Wilson lot-sized formula Dutch: formulering English: formulation; formalization; wording; phrasing Dutch: formulevorm English: formulated form Dutch: formulier English: form; blank Dutch: formulieropschuiving English: skip; skipping Dutch: formuliersprong English: form feed Dutch: fosfaat English: phosphate Dutch: fosfateervloeistof English: phosphoric acid pickle Dutch: fosfateerzout English: phosphoric pickle salt Dutch: fosfateren English: to phosphate Dutch: fosfine English: phosphine Dutch: fosfor English: phosphor; phosphorus Dutch: fosfordoppen English: phosphor dots Dutch: fosforescentie English: phosphorescence Dutch: fosforescerend scherm English: phosphorescent screen Dutch: fosforhoudend English: phosphoric; phosphorus-bearing Dutch: fosforkoper English: phosphor copper Dutch: fosforlaag English: layer of phosphors Dutch: fosforpunt English: phosphor dot Dutch: fosforraster English: phosphor dot raster Dutch: fosforscherm English: phosphor screen Dutch: fosforstreep English: phosphor stripe Dutch: fosforus English: phosphorus Dutch: fosforzuur English: phosphoric acid Dutch: fosforzuurbeitsbad English: phosphoric acid pickle Dutch: foto English: photo; photograph Dutch: fotoblad English: photosheet Dutch: fotobuis English: phototube Dutch: fotochemie English: photo-chemistry Dutch: fotoconductiviteit English: photo-conductivity Dutch: fotodetector English: photodetector Dutch: fotodiode English: phot crystal diode; photodiode Dutch: foto-effect English: photoelectric effect Dutch: foto-elektriciteit English: photoelectricity Dutch: foto-elektrisch effect English: photoelectric effect Dutch: foto-elektrische cel English: photoelectric cell Dutch: foto-emissie English: photoemission Dutch: foto-emitterend English: photo-emissive Dutch: foto-ets methode English: photo-etch method; photo-resist method Dutch: foto-ets techniek English: photo-etch technique; photo-resist technique Dutch: foto-etsen English: photo-etching; photo-resist Dutch: fotogalvanische cel English: photovoltaic cell Dutch: fotogalvanische stof English: photovoltaic material Dutch: fotogeleidend English: photo-conductive Dutch: fotogeleidend effect English: photoconductive effect Dutch: fotogeleidende cel English: photoconductive cell Dutch: fotogeleidende stof English: photoconductive material Dutch: fotogeleider English: photoconductor Dutch: fotogeleidingsvermogen English: photoconductivity Dutch: fotogevoelige eenheid English: photosensitive device Dutch: fotografische film English: photographic film Dutch: foto-ionisatie English: photoionization Dutch: fotokamer English: photo room Dutch: fotokatode English: photo-sensitive cathode; photo- cathode Dutch: fotokwaliteit English: photographic grade Dutch: fotolak English: photo resist Dutch: fotolakproces English: photo-resist process Dutch: fotomasker English: photomask Dutch: fotometer English: photometer Dutch: fotometrie English: photometry Dutch: fotomontagemal English: phot assembly jig Dutch: fotomultiplicator English: photomultiplier Dutch: fotomultiplicatorbuis English: photomultiplier tube Dutch: fotoneutron English: photoneutron Dutch: foto-opgroeimethode English: photo-transfer method Dutch: fotopisch zien English: photopic vision Dutch: fotoplotter English: photoplotter Dutch: fotopolymeer English: photopolymer Dutch: fotoresist English: photo-resist Dutch: fotospanningscel English: photoelectric cell Dutch: fototransistor English: photo transistor Dutch: fotovermenigvuldiger English: photomultiplier Dutch: fotoweerstand English: photo resistor Dutch: Foucaultsche stromen English: eddy flows Dutch: Fourier-analyse English: Fourier analysis Dutch: Fourier-reeksen English: Fourier series Dutch: Fourier-transformatie English: Fourier transformation Dutch: fout English: bug; error; fault; mistake; defect; deviation Dutch: fout met nulgemiddelde English: balanced error Dutch: foutaanpassing English: mismatch Dutch: foutafregeling English: misalignment Dutch: foutafstelling English: maladjustment Dutch: foutbehandeling English: error handling Dutch: foutbestendig English: fault tolerant Dutch: foutboom English: fault tree Dutch: foutconditie English: fault condition Dutch: foutdekking English: fault coverage Dutch: foutdetectie English: fault detection Dutch: foutdistributie English: error budget Dutch: fouten opsporen English: debug; debugging Dutch: fouten toevoegen English: error seeding Dutch: foutenbereik English: error span Dutch: foutencontrole English: error check Dutch: foutencorrectie English: error correction Dutch: foutendetectie English: error detection Dutch: foutendiagnose English: error diagnostics Dutch: foutendiagnostiek English: error diagnostics Dutch: foutendictionaire English: fault dictionary Dutch: foutengissing English: error guessing Dutch: foutenherstel English: error recovery Dutch: foutenkaart English: check card Dutch: foutenmarge English: error range; margin of error; error rate (na berekening) Dutch: foutenopsporing English: faultfinding; fault locating; troubleshooting; debugging Dutch: foutenpercentage English: per cent defective; percentage defective; error rate Dutch: foutenpunten English: fault marks Dutch: foutenreeks English: error range Dutch: fouten-tolerant English: fault-tolerant Dutch: foutenwaardering English: fault rating Dutch: foutfrequentie English: error rate Dutch: foutgrens English: reject limit Dutch: foutherstelbit English: error-correction bit Dutch: foutherstellende code English: error-correcting code Dutch: fouthersteltoets English: error reset key Dutch: fouthoek English: tracking-angle error; error angle Dutch: foutief English: erroneous; deviating; defective; faulty Dutch: foutief exemplaar English: defective unit Dutch: foutief product English: non-conforming product Dutch: foutieve aanpassing English: mismatch Dutch: foutieve geleiding English: defect conduction Dutch: foutieve gelijkloop English: mistracking; asynchronism Dutch: foutieve instelling English: misalignment; maladjustment Dutch: foutieve signaalreeks English: error burst Dutch: foutieve vrijgave English: false clear Dutch: foutinplanting English: fault insertion Dutch: foutkans English: probability of failure; error probability Dutch: foutkarakteristiek English: fault signature Dutch: foutlocalisatie English: fault localization Dutch: foutloos exemplaar English: effective unit Dutch: foutloos-werken-aanpak English: zero defects; do it right first time Dutch: foutmaskering English: fault masking Dutch: foutmodel English: error model Dutch: foutmodellering English: fault modelling Dutch: foutopsporing English: error detection; fault finding; troubleshooting; fault location Dutch: foutopsporingsorgaan English: error detector Dutch: foutregeling English: error control Dutch: foutsignaal English: error signal Dutch: foutsignalerend bit English: error-detection bit Dutch: foutsignalerende code English: error-detecting code Dutch: foutsignalering English: diagnostic message; error message Dutch: foutsimulatie English: fault simulation Dutch: foutsimulator English: fault simulator Dutch: foutspanning English: error voltage Dutch: foutstroom English: error current Dutch: fouttasten English: mistracking Dutch: fouttoestand English: failure mode Dutch: fouttolerant English: fault tolerant Dutch: fouttolerantie English: error tolerance; fault tolerance Dutch: foutuitlijning English: misalignment Dutch: foutveilig English: fault secure Dutch: foutverhouding English: error ratio Dutch: foutvlag English: error flag Dutch: foutvoorspelling English: error prediction Dutch: fovea English: fovea Dutch: fraai afdrukken English: pretty printing Dutch: fractie intact English: fraction effective Dutch: fragmentatie English: fragmentation Dutch: frame-afregeling English: frame alignment Dutch: framefrequentie English: frame frequency Dutch: frameprobleem English: frame problem Dutch: framerelais English: frame relay Dutch: framerooster English: frame grid Dutch: framesynchronisatie English: frame synchronization Dutch: framewerk English: framework Dutch: free running English: free running Dutch: freem English: frame Dutch: frees- en snijbestand English: cutter location file: CLFILE Dutch: frees/snijbaan English: cutter path Dutch: freesbank English: milling machine Dutch: freesbeitel English: milling tool; milling cutter Dutch: freesdoorn English: cutter head Dutch: freeskop English: cutter head Dutch: freesradius English: cutter radius Dutch: freesspil English: milling-cutter arbor Dutch: freesspindel English: milling-cutter arbor Dutch: freesuitloop English: cutter run-out Dutch: frequentie moduleren English: to frequency-modulate Dutch: frequentieafhankelijk English: frequency-dependent Dutch: frequentieaftasting English: frequency scanning Dutch: frequentieafwijking English: frequency deviation Dutch: frequentieallocatie English: frequency allocation Dutch: frequentieband English: frequency band Dutch: frequentiebandbreedte English: frequency band width Dutch: frequentiebereik English: frequency range Dutch: frequentiebias English: frequency bias Dutch: frequentiebrug English: frequency bridge Dutch: frequentieconstantheid English: frequency stability Dutch: frequentieconversie English: frequency translation Dutch: frequentiecordinatie English: frequency coordination Dutch: frequentiedeler English: frequency divider Dutch: frequentiedeling English: frequency division Dutch: frequentiedetector English: frequency detector Dutch: frequentiedeviatie English: frequency deviation Dutch: frequentiedichtheid English: frequency density Dutch: frequentiediversiteit English: frequency diversity Dutch: frequentiedomein English: frequency domain Dutch: frequentiedrift English: frequency drift Dutch: frequentie-effecten English: frequency effects Dutch: frequentiefamilie English: frequency family Dutch: frequentiegebied English: frequency range Dutch: frequentiegemoduleerd English: frequency modulated Dutch: frequentiegenerator English: frequency generator Dutch: frequentiegroepen English: grouped frequencies Dutch: frequentiegroepentabel English: grouped frequency table Dutch: frequentie-interval English: frequency span Dutch: frequentiekalibrator English: frequency calibrator Dutch: frequentiekanaal English: frequency channel; radio channel Dutch: frequentiekant English: frequency side Dutch: frequentiekiezer English: cycle selector Dutch: frequentiekromme English: frequency curve Dutch: frequentielijndiagram English: frequency polygon Dutch: frequentiemanagement English: frequency management Dutch: frequentiemediaan English: median frequency Dutch: frequentiemeter English: frequency meter Dutch: frequentiemiddeling English: frequency averaging Dutch: frequentiemodulatie English: frequency modulation: FM Dutch: frequentiemodulator English: frequency modulator Dutch: frequentiemonitor English: frequency monitor Dutch: frequentieomvormer English: frequency converter Dutch: frequentieomzetter English: frequency changer; frequency converter Dutch: frequentieoverlapping English: frequency overlap Dutch: frequentieprioriteit English: frequency priority Dutch: frequentiequotiënt English: relative frequency Dutch: frequentieregeling English: frequency control Dutch: frequentieregulering English: frequency control Dutch: frequentieresponsie English: frequency response Dutch: frequentiescanning English: frequency scanning Dutch: frequentiescheider English: frequency separator Dutch: frequentieschommeling English: frequency drift Dutch: frequentieselectie English: frequency selection; frequency discrimination Dutch: frequentiesom English: frequency sum Dutch: frequentiespectrograaf English: frequency spectrograph; panoramic monitor Dutch: frequentiespectrum English: frequency spectrum Dutch: frequentiespreiding English: frequency dispersion; frequency spread Dutch: frequentiesprong English: frequency jumping; sudden change in frequency Dutch: frequentiestabilisatie English: frequency control; frequency stabilization Dutch: frequentiestabiliteit English: frequency stability Dutch: frequentiestandaard English: frequency standard Dutch: frequentieteller English: frequency counter Dutch: frequentietoekenning English: frequency assignment Dutch: frequentietoewijzing English: frequency allocation Dutch: frequentietolerantie English: frequency tolerance Dutch: frequentietransmissie English: frequency transmission Dutch: frequentievariatie English: frequency variation; variation of frequency; wobbulation Dutch: frequentieveelhoek English: frequency polygon Dutch: frequentieverdeler English: frequency divider Dutch: frequentieverdeling English: frequency distribution; distribution; frequency division Dutch: frequentieverdubbelaar English: frequency doubler Dutch: frequentieverdubbeling English: frequency doubling Dutch: frequentievergrendeld English: frequency-locked Dutch: frequentieverhouding English: frequency relationship Dutch: frequentieverloop English: frequency change; frequency sliding Dutch: frequentieverscherving English: frequency interleaving Dutch: frequentieverschil English: frequency difference Dutch: frequentieverschuiving English: frequency shift; frequency change; frequency sliding Dutch: frequentievertaling English: frequency translation Dutch: frequentievervlechting English: frequency interlace; frequency interlacing Dutch: frequentievervorming English: frequency distortion Dutch: frequentievoorspelling English: frequency prediction Dutch: frequentiewaker English: frequency monitor Dutch: frequentieweergave English: frequency response Dutch: frequentiezwaai English: frequency sweep; frequency swing Dutch: Fresnelgetal English: Fresnel number Dutch: fret English: fret Dutch: fretboor English: gimlet Dutch: frezen English: to mill; to mould; milling Dutch: frezer English: milling machinist Dutch: frictie English: friction Dutch: frictiekoppel English: friction torque Dutch: frictiekoppeling English: friction clutch; slipping clutch Dutch: frictiepers English: friction-screw press Dutch: frictieplaat English: friction plate Dutch: frictiering English: friction ring Dutch: frictieschijf English: friction disc Dutch: fringegebied English: fringe area; edge region Dutch: frituurpan English: deep-fat frier Dutch: front-eind English: front end Dutch: front-end English: front end Dutch: front-end computer English: front-end computer Dutch: front-end processor English: front-end processor: FEP Dutch: frontpaneel English: front panel Dutch: fruitpers English: juice extractor Dutch: F-toets English: F-test Dutch: functie English: feature; function Dutch: functiebeeld English: function view Dutch: functiebereik English: function range Dutch: functiebesturing English: function control Dutch: functiebesturingsteken English: function control signal Dutch: functiedeel English: operation part; function part Dutch: functiedirectory English: appointment directory Dutch: functiegenerator English: function generator Dutch: functie-invoer English: function input Dutch: functiekiezer English: operation mode selector Dutch: functienaam English: function name Dutch: functieponsing English: designation punching; control punching; control hole; function hole Dutch: functieprocedure English: function procedure Dutch: functieprogramma English: utility program Dutch: functieschema English: functional diagram; functional schema; functional schematic diagram; function diagram Dutch: functiesignaal English: function signal Dutch: functie-subprogramma English: function subprogram Dutch: functie-toetsenbord English: function keyboard Dutch: functietypering English: function definition Dutch: functie-uitvoer English: function output Dutch: functievergelijking English: mathematical equation Dutch: functieverwijzing English: function reference Dutch: functiewaarde English: function value Dutch: functioneel English: functional Dutch: functioneel blok English: functional block Dutch: functioneel model English: functional model Dutch: functioneel netwerk English: functional network Dutch: functioneel schema English: functional diagram Dutch: functioneel testen English: functional testing Dutch: functionele analyse English: functional analysis Dutch: functionele beproeving English: functional test Dutch: functionele cohesie English: functional cohesion Dutch: functionele eis English: functional requirement Dutch: functionele entiteit English: functional entity Dutch: functionele fout English: functional fault Dutch: functionele interfaces English: functional interfaces Dutch: functionele opstelling English: functional layout; process layout Dutch: functionele relatie English: functional relationship Dutch: functionele simulatie English: functional simulation Dutch: functionele simulator English: functional simulator Dutch: functionele stuklijst English: functional bill-of- material Dutch: functionele symbolen English: functional symbols Dutch: functionele taal English: functional language Dutch: functionele voetlijn English: functional baseline Dutch: fundamenteel English: fundamental Dutch: fundamentele eisen English: basic requirements Dutch: fundamentele research English: basic research Dutch: funkeleffect English: flicker effect Dutch: fuzzy English: fuzzy Dutch: fuzzy logica English: fuzzy logic Dutch: fuzzy theorie English: fuzzy theory Dutch: fysicus English: physicist Dutch: fysiek English: physical Dutch: fysiek bestandsformaat English: physical file format Dutch: fysiek etiket English: physical label Dutch: fysiek gegevensmodel English: physical data model Dutch: fysiek model English: physical model Dutch: fysiek ontwerp English: physical design; product design Dutch: fysiek systeem English: physical system Dutch: fysieke beschrijving English: physical description Dutch: fysieke distributie English: physical distribution: PD Dutch: fysieke eigenschappen English: physical properties Dutch: fysieke eis English: physical requirement Dutch: fysieke geheugenplaats English: physical storage location Dutch: fysieke grootheid English: physical quantity Dutch: fysieke laag English: physical layer Dutch: fysieke middelen English: physical means Dutch: fysieke record English: physical record Dutch: fysieke simulatie English: physical simulation Dutch: fysieke verbinding English: physical connection Dutch: fysieke voorraad English: physical stock; physical inventory Dutch: fysiologisch English: physiologic Dutch: gaas English: scrim; gauze Dutch: gaasspanapparaat English: gauze stretching device; gauze stretcher Dutch: gaatjesmasker English: shadowmask; aperture mask Dutch: gaffel English: fork Dutch: gaffelkop English: forked head Dutch: gaffelveer English: fork spring Dutch: galliumarseen English: gallium arsenide Dutch: galliumarseen-diode English: gallium-arsenide diode Dutch: galliumfosfide English: gallium Phosphide Dutch: galm English: reverberation; reverbeo Dutch: galmen English: to reverberate Dutch: galmkamer English: reverberant room; reverberant chamber Dutch: galvanisch English: galvanic; plating; electroplating Dutch: galvanisch bad English: plating bath; plating solution Dutch: galvanisch proces English: electroplating process; electrodeposition process Dutch: galvanisch trommelen English: to barrel plate Dutch: galvanisch vertinnen English: to tin plate Dutch: galvanisch verzinken English: to zinc plate Dutch: galvanisch voorschrift English: plating instructions Dutch: galvanische bedekking English: electrolytic deposition; electroplate; electroplating Dutch: galvanische cel English: galvanic cell Dutch: galvanische dekking English: coverage Dutch: galvanische laag English: electrodeposition; electrodeposit; electroplate Dutch: galvanische neerslag English: electrodeposition; electrodeposit; electroplate Dutch: galvanische stroom English: galvanic current Dutch: galvaniseerafdeling English: plating department; plating shop Dutch: galvaniseerinrichting English: plating department; plating shop Dutch: galvaniseervloeistof English: plating bath; plating solution Dutch: galvaniseren English: to electroplate; to electrodeposit Dutch: galvanisering English: electroplating Dutch: galvanometer English: galvanometer Dutch: galvanoplastiek English: electroforming Dutch: gamma English: gamma Dutch: gammacorrectie English: gamma correction Dutch: gammafactor English: gamma value Dutch: gamma-gecorrigeerd English: gamma corrected Dutch: gammaregelaar English: gamma control Dutch: gammaregeling English: gamma control Dutch: gammastralen English: gamma rays Dutch: gammaverdeling English: gamma distribution Dutch: gammaversterker English: gamma amplifier Dutch: gammawaarde English: gamma value Dutch: gang English: run Dutch: gangreserve English: spring reserve Dutch: gangwissel English: gear change Dutch: Gantt-diagram English: Gantt chart Dutch: gap English: gap Dutch: gaping English: gap Dutch: garantieaanvraagkaart English: guarantee application card Dutch: garantiebepalingen English: guarantee provisions; warranty provisions Dutch: garantiebewijs English: guarantee card; guarantee certificate Dutch: garantietijdvak English: guarantee period Dutch: garen English: thread Dutch: gasafsluiter English: obturator Dutch: gasatmosfeer English: gaseous atmosphere Dutch: gasbel English: gas bubble; gas occlusion Dutch: gasbinder English: getter; gas blister; blowhole Dutch: gasbrander English: gas burner Dutch: gasbuis English: gas tube Dutch: gasdetector English: gas detector Dutch: gasdiode English: gas diode; gas-filled diode Dutch: gasdraad English: gas thread; pipe thread Dutch: gaselement English: gas cell Dutch: gasfase English: gas phase Dutch: gasfornuis English: gas range Dutch: gasgevulde lamp English: gas-filled lamp Dutch: gashouder English: gasholder; gasometer Dutch: gasion English: gasion Dutch: gaskraan; gaskranen English: gas tap; gas taps; gas cock Dutch: gasleiding English: gas pipe; gas mains; gas line Dutch: gaslekkage English: gas leakage Dutch: gasmasker English: gas mask Dutch: gasmengsel English: gas mixture; gas compound Dutch: gasmeter English: gasmeter Dutch: gasontlading English: gas discharge Dutch: gasontladingsbuis English: ignitron Dutch: gasontladingslamp English: gas-discharge lamp; vapour lamp Dutch: gasontwikkeling English: gas evolution; gassing Dutch: gasopbrengst English: gas yield Dutch: gasresten English: residual gases Dutch: gasroet English: carbon black; gas black Dutch: gasruis English: gas noise Dutch: gasschroefdraad English: gas thread Dutch: gassen English: gas evolution; gassing Dutch: gasslang English: gas hose; flexible gas tube Dutch: gasstroom English: gas current Dutch: gastang English: gas pliers; gas-pipe tongs Dutch: gastheer English: host Dutch: gastheerinterface English: host interface Dutch: gastheerknooppunt English: host node Dutch: gastheermachine English: host machine Dutch: gastriode English: gas triode Dutch: gasversterking English: gas amplification Dutch: gasvlam English: gas flame; gas jet Dutch: gasvorming English: formation of gas; gas evolution Dutch: gasvulling English: gasfilled Dutch: gaszwart English: gas black; carbon black Dutch: gat English: hole; aperture; gap Dutch: gat snijden English: to pierce Dutch: gate English: gate Dutch: gate-array English: gate array Dutch: gat-elektronpaar English: hole-electron pair Dutch: gaten overnemen English: holes to be in accordance Dutch: gatenbeweeglijkheid English: hole mobility Dutch: gatenconcentratie English: hole concentration Dutch: gatendiffusie English: hole diffusion Dutch: gatengeleiding English: hole conduction Dutch: gatenmasker English: shadow mask; aperture mask Dutch: gatenpatroon English: hole pattern Dutch: gatenplaat English: aperture plate Dutch: gatenrooster English: hole grid Dutch: gatenschijf English: perforated disc Dutch: gatenstempel English: piercing tool Dutch: gatenstroom English: hole current Dutch: gatentoeneming English: hole increment Dutch: gatewaycentrale English: gateway switching center Dutch: gateway-interface English: gateway interface Dutch: gatkaliber English: hole gauge Dutch: gatmaat English: size of hole; hole size Dutch: gatzaag English: hole saw Dutch: gauss English: gauss Dutch: Gaussisch gebied English: Gaussian sphere Dutch: Gaussische kromming English: Gaussian curvature Dutch: Gauss-verdeling English: Gaussian distribution Dutch: G-band English: G-band Dutch: geaard English: earthed; grounded; held at ground potential Dutch: geaard systeem English: grounded system Dutch: geaarde basis English: grounded base; common base Dutch: geaarde elektrode English: grounding electrode Dutch: geaarde emitter English: grounded emitter; common emitter Dutch: geaarde gate English: grounded gate Dutch: geaarde geleider English: earthed conductor Dutch: geaarde source English: grounded source Dutch: geaccepteerde order English: accepted order Dutch: geactiveerde procedure English: invoked procedure Dutch: geadjungeerde matrix English: adjoint matrix Dutch: gearceerd English: hatched; shaded Dutch: gearceerd beeld English: shaded image Dutch: gearticuleerd English: articulated Dutch: geautoriseerd English: authorized Dutch: gebalanceerd English: balanced Dutch: gebalanceerd circuit English: balanced circuit Dutch: gebalanceerd filter English: balanced filter Dutch: gebalanceerd netwerk English: balanced network Dutch: gebalanceerd station English: balanced station Dutch: gebalanceerde code English: balanced code Dutch: gebalanceerde lijn English: balanced line Dutch: gebarsten oppervlak English: cracked surface Dutch: gebeeldhouwd oppervlak English: sculptured surface Dutch: gebeurtenis-gestuurd English: event-driven Dutch: gebezigd English: occupied Dutch: gebied English: range; territory; area; scope; field Dutch: gebiedsdekking English: area coverage Dutch: gebiedsleider English: regional manager; area manager Dutch: gebiedsopvulling English: area fill Dutch: geblokkeerd English: blocked; locked; frozen Dutch: geblokkeerde lengte English: solid length Dutch: geblokkeerde tijdbasis English: ratchet time base Dutch: geblokkeerde voorraad English: blocked stock Dutch: geblokt record English: blocked record Dutch: geboekt in voorraad English: booked in-stock Dutch: geboekt staan als English: reputed Dutch: geboekt uit voorraad English: booked ex-stock Dutch: gebogen English: bent; curved Dutch: gebogen golf English: diffracted wave Dutch: gebogen kromme English: non-linear curve Dutch: gebogen staafanode English: curved bar anode Dutch: gebouwenbeveiliging English: building protection Dutch: gebrande kalk English: burned lime Dutch: gebrek English: defect; lack; shortage Dutch: gebrekkig English: deficient Dutch: gebroken golf English: refracted wave Dutch: gebroken straal English: refracted ray Dutch: gebroken wit English: off-white; broken white Dutch: gebrom English: hum Dutch: gebruik English: usage; use Dutch: gebruik van de taal English: speech act Dutch: gebruikelijk English: usual Dutch: gebruiken English: to use; to make use of; to employ Dutch: gebruikersafhankelijk English: user-dependent Dutch: gebruikersdocumentatie English: user documentation Dutch: gebruikersgericht English: user-oriented Dutch: gebruikershandleiding English: user manual Dutch: gebruikersinteractie English: user interaction Dutch: gebruikersinterface English: user interface Dutch: gebruikersmodel English: user model Dutch: gebruikersspecificatie English: user specification Dutch: gebruikersspecifiek English: user-specific Dutch: gebruikerstest English: consumer test Dutch: gebruiksaanwijzing English: directions for use; operating instructions; owner's manual Dutch: gebruiksduur English: useful life; life Dutch: gebruiksgegevens English: data for use; field data Dutch: gebruiksgeval English: use case Dutch: gebruikskwaliteit English: customer performance; consumer quality Dutch: gebruiksmateriaal English: starting material Dutch: gebruiksmogelijkheden English: uses; application possibilities Dutch: gebruiksomstandigheden English: conditions of use; use conditions; operating conditions Dutch: gebruiksperiode English: period of use Dutch: gebruiksstand English: position of normal end use Dutch: gebruikstemperatuur English: application temperature; service temperature Dutch: gebufferd lezen English: multi-reading feature Dutch: gebufferde uitvoer English: buffered output Dutch: gebufferde versterker English: buffered repeater Dutch: gecacheerde optica English: coated optics Dutch: gecalculeerd gebruik English: calculated usage Dutch: gecarboneerde plaat English: carbonized plate Dutch: gecodeerd English: coded Dutch: gecodeerd programma English: coded program Dutch: gecodeerde spraak English: coded speech Dutch: gecombineerd station English: combined station Dutch: gecompleteerd circuit English: closed circuit Dutch: gecompliceerdheid English: complexity; intricacy Dutch: gecomprimeerd English: compressed; packed; condensed Dutch: gecomprimeerd bestand English: compressed file Dutch: geconcentreerd English: concentrated; strong; lumped Dutch: geconditioneerde lus English: conditioned loop Dutch: geconjugeerde brug English: conjugate bridge Dutch: gedachtenexperiment English: thought experiment Dutch: gede‹oniseerd English: deionized Dutch: gede‹oniseerd water English: deionized water Dutch: gedeeld beeld English: split image Dutch: gedeeld circuit English: divided circuit Dutch: gedeelde apparatuur English: divided equipment Dutch: gedeelde communicaties English: joint communications Dutch: gedeelte English: part; portion Dutch: gedeeltelijk gehard English: zone toughened Dutch: gedefinieerd item English: defined item Dutch: gedegenereerd English: degenerate Dutch: gedegenereerd beeld English: degenerate image Dutch: gedempt reageren English: damped reaction; damped response Dutch: gedempte golf English: damped wave Dutch: gedempte reactie English: damped reaction Dutch: gedempte trilling English: damped oscillation; damped wave Dutch: gedenatureerd English: denatured Dutch: gedepolariseerde anode English: depolarized anode; depassive anode Dutch: gederfd loon English: lost wages; foregone wages Dutch: gedestilleerd English: distilled Dutch: gedestilleerd water English: distilled water Dutch: gedetailleerd English: detailed; in detail Dutch: gedetailleerd ontwerp English: detailed design Dutch: gedetailleerdheid English: detailedness Dutch: gedifferentieerd English: differentiated Dutch: gediffundeerde eenheid English: diffused device Dutch: gediffundeerde junctie English: diffused junction Dutch: gediffundeerde laag English: diffused layer Dutch: gedigitaliseerd English: digitised Dutch: gedimd licht English: dipped headlights Dutch: gedistribueerd English: distributed Dutch: gedistribueerd systeem English: distributed system Dutch: gedompeld in compound English: compound dipped Dutch: gedoopt English: doped Dutch: gedoteerd English: doped Dutch: gedoteerde junctie English: doped junction Dutch: gedragsmodel English: behavioural model Dutch: gedragspatroon English: conduct pattern Dutch: gedragssimulatie English: behavioural level simulation Dutch: gedropt bericht English: drop message Dutch: gedrukt circuit English: printed circuit Dutch: gedrukt component English: printed component Dutch: gedrukte bedrading English: printed wire; printed wiring Dutch: gedrukte condensator English: printed capacitor Dutch: gedrukte schakeling English: printed circuit Dutch: gedrukte spoel English: printed coil Dutch: gedwongenheid English: constraint Dutch: geel English: yellow; minus-blue Dutch: geelachtig English: yellowish Dutch: geelkoper English: brass Dutch: geëmitteerd elektron English: emitted electron Dutch: geen aanspuiting English: properly de-gated Dutch: geen uitslag English: zero deflection Dutch: geen-bit English: no-bit Dutch: geëngageerdheid English: involvement; commitment Dutch: geen-gezeur garantie English: no-quibble guarantee Dutch: geërfde fout English: inherited error Dutch: geest English: double image; echo; ghost; ghost image; multipath effect; mind Dutch: geestbeeld English: double image; echo; ghost; ghost image; multipath effect Dutch: geesteskind English: brainchild Dutch: geëtst circuit English: etched circuit Dutch: geëxciteerde toestand English: excited state Dutch: geëxtrudeerde anode English: extruded anode Dutch: gefocusseerd English: focused Dutch: gefractioneerd English: fractionated Dutch: gegarandeerd loon English: guaranteed wage Dutch: gegenereerd adres English: generated address; synthetic address Dutch: gegeven English: entry; item; datum Dutch: gegevens English: data; details; particulars; items Dutch: gegevens en informatie English: data and information Dutch: gegevensabstractie English: data abstraction Dutch: gegevensaggregaat English: data aggregate Dutch: gegevensattribuut English: data attribute Dutch: gegevensbeheer English: data management Dutch: gegevensbeheerder English: data officer; data steward Dutch: gegevensbeheerssysteem English: database management system: DBMS Dutch: gegevensbestand English: data file; file Dutch: gegevensbestanddeel English: data component Dutch: gegevensbeveiliging English: data security Dutch: gegevensbibliotheek English: data library Dutch: gegevensbreekpunt English: data breakpoint Dutch: gegevenscentrale English: data switching exchange: DSE Dutch: gegevenscircuit English: data circuit Dutch: gegevenscode English: data code Dutch: gegevenscommunicatie English: data communication Dutch: gegevenscomprimering English: data compression Dutch: gegevensconcentrator English: data concentrator Dutch: gegevensconsistentie English: data consistency Dutch: gegevensdefinitie English: data definition Dutch: gegevensdefinitietaal English: data definition language: DDL Dutch: gegevensdictionaire English: data dictionary Dutch: gegevensdragergeheugen English: data carrier store Dutch: gegevenselement English: data element Dutch: gegevensexceptie English: data exception Dutch: gegevensfaciliteiten English: data services Dutch: gegevensgebruik English: data use Dutch: gegevensgeneratietaal English: data generation language: DGL Dutch: gegevensgestuurd English: data-driven Dutch: gegevensgevoelige fout English: data-sensitive fault Dutch: gegevenshoofdlijn English: data bus Dutch: gegevensinhoud English: data content Dutch: gegevensintegratie English: data integration Dutch: gegevensintegriteit English: data integrity Dutch: gegevensinterface English: data interface Dutch: gegevensinvoerblad English: data input sheet Dutch: gegevenskenmerk English: attribute; data characteristic Dutch: gegevenskoppeling English: data chaining; data coupling; data link Dutch: gegevenskoppelingslaag English: data-link layer Dutch: gegevenslijst English: data list Dutch: gegevensmodel English: data model; information model Dutch: gegevensmodus English: data mode Dutch: gegevensmultiplexer English: data multiplexer Dutch: gegevensnaam English: data name Dutch: gegevensnauwkeurigheid English: data accuracy Dutch: gegevensnetwerk English: data network Dutch: gegevensobject English: data object Dutch: gegevensomvormer English: data transducer Dutch: gegevensomzetter English: data converter Dutch: gegevensontvangst English: data reception Dutch: gegevensopname-eenheid English: data logger Dutch: gegevensopvraag English: query Dutch: gegevensorganisatie English: data organization Dutch: gegevensoverbrenging English: data transfer Dutch: gegevensoverdracht English: data transfer Dutch: gegevensrecord English: data record Dutch: gegevensrepresentatie English: data representation Dutch: gegevens-retrieval English: data retrieval Dutch: gegevensschakeling English: data switch Dutch: gegevenssegment English: data segment Dutch: gegevenssignaal English: data signal Dutch: gegevenssplitsing English: data fission; fission Dutch: gegevensstadium English: data phase Dutch: gegevensstation English: data station Dutch: gegevensstroom English: data flow; data stream Dutch: gegevensstroomdiagram English: data flow diagram: DFD Dutch: gegevensstroomschema English: data flowchart Dutch: gegevensstructuur English: data structure Dutch: gegevenstester English: data tester Dutch: gegevenstraject English: datawire Dutch: gegevenstransmissie English: data transmission Dutch: gegevenstype English: data type; type Dutch: gegevenstypering English: data typing Dutch: gegevensvastlegging English: logging Dutch: gegevensverberging English: data hiding; hiding Dutch: gegevensverbinding English: data connection; data link Dutch: gegevensverdichting English: data compaction Dutch: gegevensverklaring English: data declaration Dutch: gegevensversmelting English: data fusion; fusion Dutch: gegevensverwerkend English: data processing Dutch: gegevensverwerker English: data processor Dutch: gegevensverzameling English: data collection; file; data acquisition; data gathering; data set Dutch: gegevensverzendeenheid English: data transmitter Dutch: gegevensverzendstation English: data transmitter Dutch: gegevenswaarde English: data value Dutch: gegloeid English: annealed Dutch: gegolfd English: corrugated; undulating Dutch: gegoten anode English: cast anode Dutch: gegoten component English: moulded component Dutch: gegoten pulp English: moulded pulp Dutch: gegroefd English: channelled; fluted; grooved Dutch: gegroepeerd materiaal English: staged material Dutch: gegroepeerde records English: grouped records Dutch: gegrond English: primed; founded Dutch: gehalte English: content Dutch: geharmoniseerd systeem English: harmonized standards Dutch: geheel gewijzigd English: completely changed; revised Dutch: geheel-deel relatie English: whole-part relation Dutch: geheugen English: memory; store; storage; data store Dutch: geheugenallocatie English: storage allocation Dutch: geheugenbeeldbuis English: display-storage tube Dutch: geheugenbescherming English: memory protection; storage protection Dutch: geheugenbeveiliging English: memory protection; storage protection Dutch: geheugenblok English: storage block; memory block Dutch: geheugenbuis English: storage tube Dutch: geheugencapaciteit English: capacity; memory capacity; storage capacity Dutch: geheugencel English: storage cell Dutch: geheugenchip English: memory chip Dutch: geheugencompactie English: memory compaction Dutch: geheugencyclus English: memory cycle Dutch: geheugendump English: memory dump Dutch: geheugeneffici‰ntie English: storage efficiency Dutch: geheugenelektrode English: storage electrode Dutch: geheugenelement English: latch; storage cell; cell Dutch: geheugengebied English: storage area Dutch: geheugenkern English: storage core Dutch: geheugenomvang English: memory capacity Dutch: geheugenoscilloscoop English: memoscope; storage oscilloscope Dutch: geheugenoverzicht English: memory map Dutch: geheugenplaats English: memory location; location Dutch: geheugenpositie English: storage location Dutch: geheugenprotectie English: memory protection Dutch: geheugenschijf English: memory disk Dutch: geheugensegment English: partition; storage partition Dutch: geheugentoewijzing English: storage allocation Dutch: geheugentrommel English: memory drum Dutch: geheugenwisseling English: memory swapping Dutch: gehoor English: hearing; audience Dutch: gehoordrempel English: hearing threshold; auditory threshold Dutch: gehoorgrens English: limit of hearing; limit of audibility Dutch: gehoorkromme English: hearing characteristic; hearing curve; audiogram Dutch: gehoorverlies English: hearing loss Dutch: gehoorverslechtering English: hearing impairment Dutch: geïdealiseerde anode English: idealized anode Dutch: geïndiceerd English: indexed Dutch: geïndiceerd adres English: indexed address Dutch: geïndiceerd bestand English: indexed file Dutch: geïnduceerd English: induced Dutch: geïnduceerde lading English: induced charge Dutch: geïnduceerde spanning English: induced voltage Dutch: geïnduceerde stroom English: induced current Dutch: geïnfereerde kennis English: inferred knowledge Dutch: geïnstantieerde kopie English: instance Dutch: geïntegreerd English: integrated Dutch: geïntegreerd moduul English: integrated module Dutch: geïntegreerd systeem English: integrated system Dutch: geïntegreerde tuner English: integrated tuner Dutch: geïnterviewde English: interviewee Dutch: geïoniseerd gas English: ionized gas Dutch: geïsoleerd English: insulated; isolated Dutch: gekalibreerde meting English: calibrated measurement Dutch: geketende lijst English: linked list Dutch: gekleurd English: coloured; dyed Dutch: geklokte flip-flop English: clocked flip-flop Dutch: geklokte informatie English: clocked information Dutch: geklokte poort English: clocked gate Dutch: geklokte verbinding English: clocked thread Dutch: gekoelde versterker English: cooled amplifier Dutch: gekookt English: boiled Dutch: gekookte lijnolie English: boiled linseed oil Dutch: gekoperiseerd English: copper faced; copper clad Dutch: gekoppeld English: on-line; coupled; interfaced; linked Dutch: gekoppeld afroepen English: dedicated call-off Dutch: gekoppeld bestellen English: dedicated purchase order Dutch: gekoppeld dipool English: linked dipole Dutch: gekoppeld systeem English: coupled system Dutch: gekoppeld toetsenbord English: manual input unit; manual word generator; number generator Dutch: gekoppelde kring English: coupled circuit Dutch: gekoppelde werkwijzen English: coupled modes Dutch: gekozen element English: selected cell Dutch: gekraak English: crackle; crackling Dutch: gekraakt English: cracked Dutch: gekristalliseerd English: crystallized Dutch: gekristalliseerd glas English: devitrifying-type glass Dutch: gekrompen op English: shrunk on Dutch: gel English: gel Dutch: gelaagd contact English: laminated contact Dutch: gelaagd materiaal English: laminate Dutch: gelaagd persproduct English: laminated moulding Dutch: gelaagd protocol English: layered protocol Dutch: gelaagd systeem English: layered system Dutch: gelaagde opbouw English: layered structure Dutch: gelaagde taal English: stratified language Dutch: gelaatsscherm English: face guard; face shield Dutch: gelabelde behoefte English: pegged requirement Dutch: geladen oorsprong English: loaded origin Dutch: gelagerd English: borne; bearing Dutch: gelatine English: gelatin; gelatine Dutch: gelden English: to be valid; to apply; to hold good Dutch: geldig zijn voor English: to be valid for; to apply to; to hold good for Dutch: geldigheidsaanduiding English: validity indicator Dutch: gele vlek English: fovea Dutch: gelede steekproef English: stratified sample Dutch: gelede testvinger English: articulated test finger Dutch: geleding English: joint; linkage; articulation; stratification Dutch: geleed monster English: stratified sample Dutch: gelegeerd English: alloyed Dutch: gelegeerde diode English: alloy diode Dutch: gelegenheid English: opportunity; occasion; facility Dutch: gelei English: jelly Dutch: geleid wikkelen English: guided winding Dutch: geleidbaar English: conductive Dutch: geleidbaarheid English: conductance; conductivity Dutch: geleide loonpolitiek English: guided wage policy Dutch: geleidearm English: guide arm Dutch: geleidebeugel English: guide bracket Dutch: geleidebus English: guide bush Dutch: geleidegat English: feed hole; sprocket hole; pinhole Dutch: geleidegatafstand English: feed pitch Dutch: geleiden English: to guide; to conduct Dutch: geleidend English: conducting; conductive Dutch: geleidend zout English: conducting salt Dutch: geleidende lijm English: conductive adhesive Dutch: geleidende toestand English: conducting state Dutch: geleidepen English: guide pin; dowel Dutch: geleideplaat English: guide plate Dutch: geleider English: conductor; guide Dutch: geleiderbrug English: jumper Dutch: geleiderol English: guide roller Dutch: geleidespoor English: feed track Dutch: geleidestang English: guide post Dutch: geleidestift English: guide pin Dutch: geleiding English: conductance; conduction; guide; guiding Dutch: geleidingsband English: conductance band; conduction band Dutch: geleidingsbronsdraad English: conductive bronze wire Dutch: geleidingsdraad English: conducting wire Dutch: geleidingselektron English: conduction electron Dutch: geleidingsstroom English: conduction current Dutch: geleidingssysteem English: conducting system Dutch: geleidingsveld English: conduction field Dutch: geleidingsvermogen English: conductance; conductivity Dutch: geleidingszuil English: guide pillar Dutch: geleipen English: guide pin; dowel Dutch: geleren English: to gel Dutch: geleringstijd English: gelling time Dutch: gelijk aan English: identical to; equal to; similar to Dutch: gelijk met English: flush with; level with; even with Dutch: gelijk verdeeld English: equally divided; equally spaced; equispaced; uniformly distributed Dutch: gelijk worden aan English: to equal Dutch: gelijk zijn aan English: to equal Dutch: gelijke-lengte code English: equal-length code Dutch: gelijkfasig English: in-phase; cophasal Dutch: gelijkfasige aftasting English: synchronous scanning Dutch: gelijkheidsorgaan English: equality unit; equality circuit Dutch: gelijkloop English: tracking Dutch: gelijkloopcontrole English: tracking inspection Dutch: gelijklopen English: tracking; synchronism; parity of law Dutch: gelijkmatig English: even; uniform Dutch: gelijkmatig lopen English: to have uniform torque Dutch: gelijkmatig opgespoeld English: evenly wound Dutch: gelijkmatig rood English: uniformly red Dutch: gelijkmatig verdeeld English: uniformly distributed Dutch: gelijkmatigheid English: uniformity; evenness Dutch: gelijkrichtbrug English: rectifier bridge Dutch: gelijkrichtbuis English: rectifier valve Dutch: gelijkrichtdiode English: rectifier diode Dutch: gelijkrichtefficiëntie English: rectification efficiency Dutch: gelijkrichten English: to rectify Dutch: gelijkrichter English: rectifier Dutch: gelijkrichterelement English: rectifier element Dutch: gelijkrichterkring English: rectifier circuit Dutch: gelijkrichting English: rectification Dutch: gelijkrichtschakeling English: rectifier circuit Dutch: gelijkspanning English: direct voltage; direct-current voltage; rectified voltage Dutch: gelijkspanningsherstel English: dc restoration Dutch: gelijkspanningsklem English: DC terminal Dutch: gelijkstelling English: peer-to-peer Dutch: gelijkstoten English: to joggle Dutch: gelijkstroom English: direct current: DC Dutch: gelijkstroombron English: DC source Dutch: gelijkstroomcentrering English: DC centring Dutch: gelijkstroomgenerator English: DC generator Dutch: gelijkstroomkring English: DC circuit Dutch: gelijkstroommachine English: DC machine Dutch: gelijkstroommotor English: DC motor Dutch: gelijkstroomomvormer English: DC converter Dutch: gelijkstroomuitzending English: direct current transmission Dutch: gelijkstroomweerstand English: DC resistance Dutch: gelijktijdig English: concurrent; simultaneous Dutch: gelijktijdig bruikbaar English: re-entrant Dutch: gelijktijdigheid English: concurrency Dutch: gelijkvloers English: flush with; ground floor Dutch: gelijkwaardig aan English: equivalent to Dutch: gelijkwaardig circuit English: equivalent circuit Dutch: gelijkwaardige diode English: equivalent diode Dutch: gelijkwaardige eenheid English: peer Dutch: gelijkzijdig English: equilateral Dutch: gelinkt English: linked Dutch: geluid in beeld English: sound on vision Dutch: geluidabsorberend English: sound-absorbing Dutch: geluiddempend English: sound dampening Dutch: geluiddempende stoffen English: sound-damping materials Dutch: geluiddicht English: soundproof Dutch: geluiddicht maken English: to sound-proof Dutch: geluidsafsplitser English: sound take-off filter Dutch: geluidsafsplitsing English: sound take-off Dutch: geluidsband English: audiotape; sound recording tape Dutch: geluidsbandbreedte English: sound bandwidth Dutch: geluidsblok English: sound block Dutch: geluidsbron English: sound source Dutch: geluidsdetectie English: sound detection Dutch: geluidsdetector English: sound detector Dutch: geluidsdiscriminator English: sound discriminator Dutch: geluidsdraaggolf English: sound carrier; audio carrier Dutch: geluidsdraaggolffilter English: sound trap Dutch: geluidsdraaggolfzwaai English: sound carrier sweep Dutch: geluidsdrager English: sound carrier Dutch: geluidsdruk English: sound pressure Dutch: geluidsdrukniveau English: sound pressure level Dutch: geluidseffect English: sound effect Dutch: geluidsenergieflux English: sound-energy flux Dutch: geluidsflux English: sound flux Dutch: geluidsfrequentie English: audio frequency; sound frequency: AF Dutch: geluidsfrequentiemeter English: audio-frequency meter Dutch: geluidsfrequentieruis English: audio-frequency noise Dutch: geluidsgedeelte English: audiopart Dutch: geluidsgolf English: sound wave; acoustic wave Dutch: geluidshinder English: noise pollution; noise nuisance Dutch: geluidsinformatie English: sound information; audio information Dutch: geluidsinstallatie English: sound reproducing equipment; sound reproduction equipment Dutch: geluidsintensiteit English: sound intensity Dutch: geluidsisolerend English: sound insulating Dutch: geluidsjagen English: to record Dutch: geluidsjager English: recordist; sound hunter Dutch: geluidskanaal English: sound channel; audio channel Dutch: geluidskeuzeschakelaar English: sound selector switch Dutch: geluidskop English: audio head; sound head Dutch: geluidskophuis English: audio-head casing; sound-head casing Dutch: geluidsmengpaneel English: sound mixer panel Dutch: geluidsmodulatie English: sound modulation Dutch: geluidsmodulator English: sound modulator Dutch: geluidsmontage English: sound editing Dutch: geluidsniveau English: sound level Dutch: geluidsonderdrukking English: sound rejection Dutch: geluidsopname English: sound recording; audio recording Dutch: geluidsreflector English: sound reflector Dutch: geluidsregelaar English: volume control Dutch: geluidsregistratie English: sound recording; audio recording Dutch: geluidssnelheid English: speed of sound Dutch: geluidsspectrum English: audio spectrum; sound spectrum Dutch: geluidssperkring English: sound trap Dutch: geluidsspoor English: sound track; audio track Dutch: geluidssterkte English: sound intensity Dutch: geluidsstoring English: sound disturbance; sound interference Dutch: geluidstechnicus English: audio engineer; sound engineer Dutch: geluidstrap English: sound stage Dutch: geluidstrilling English: acoustic oscillation; sound vibration Dutch: geluidsuitgang English: sound output Dutch: geluidsveld English: sound field Dutch: geluidsversterker English: sound amplifier; audio amplifier Dutch: geluidsvolume English: sound volume; volume Dutch: geluidsweergave English: sound reproduction Dutch: geluidszender English: sound transmitter Dutch: gelusd netwerk English: loop network Dutch: gemakkelijk English: convenient; handy; easy Dutch: gemakkelijk bereikbaar English: well accessible; of easy access; easy to get Dutch: gemakkelijk te slijpen English: easy to grind Dutch: gemakkelijkheid English: convenience Dutch: gematrixd English: matrixed Dutch: gemeenschappelijk English: common; shared; concerted Dutch: gemeenschappelijkheid English: commonality Dutch: gemene-weg-signalering English: common-channel signalling Dutch: gemengd talstelsel English: mixed radix notation; mixed base notation Dutch: gemengde modulatie English: mixed modulation Dutch: gemengde modus English: mixed mode Dutch: gemengde spanning English: composite voltage Dutch: gemengde stroom English: composite current Dutch: gemerkt materiaal English: earmarked material Dutch: gemeten tarief English: calculated piece rates; measured piece rates Dutch: gemicrominiaturiseerd English: micro-miniaturized Dutch: gemiddeld bereik English: mean range Dutch: gemiddeld vermogen English: average power Dutch: gemiddeld wit English: equal-signal white Dutch: gemiddelde English: average; mean Dutch: gemiddelde afwijking English: average deviation; mean deviation; bias Dutch: gemiddelde bloklengte English: average block length Dutch: gemiddelde helderheid English: average brightness Dutch: gemiddelde levensduur English: mean life-time Dutch: gemiddelde spanning English: average voltage Dutch: gemiddelde stroom English: average current Dutch: gemiddelde voorraad English: average inventory Dutch: gemiddelde waarde English: average value; mean value Dutch: gemiddelde waarnemer English: average observer Dutch: gemiste verkopen English: missed sales Dutch: gemodificeerd English: modified Dutch: gemodificeerd systeem English: modified system Dutch: gemoduleerd (met) English: modulated (at) Dutch: gemoduleerd gedeelte English: take Dutch: gemoduleerde draaggolf English: modulated carrier wave Dutch: gemoduleerde drager English: modulated carrier Dutch: gemoduleerde groef English: recorded groove Dutch: gemoduleerde straal English: modulated beam Dutch: generalisatie English: generalization Dutch: generatieproces English: generation process Dutch: generatieve planning English: generative planning Dutch: generator English: generator; generating program Dutch: generatorefficiëntie English: generator efficiency Dutch: generatorsignaal English: generator signal Dutch: genereer-en-test English: generate-and-test Dutch: genereerprogramma English: generating program; generator Dutch: genereren English: to generate Dutch: generiek English: generic Dutch: generiek bouwblok English: generic building block Dutch: generiek niveau English: generic level Dutch: generiek object English: generic object Dutch: generiek ontwerp English: generic design Dutch: generieke bewerking English: generic operation Dutch: generieke middelen English: generic resources Dutch: generieke notatie English: generic markup Dutch: genest deelprogramma English: nesting subroutine Dutch: genest; geneste English: nested Dutch: geneste DO-groep English: nested DO-group Dutch: geneste lussen English: nested loops; nesting loop Dutch: geneste procedure English: nested procedure Dutch: geneste subroutine English: nested subroutine Dutch: genetisch English: genetic Dutch: geodetisch English: geodesic Dutch: geoefende arbeider English: semi-skilled worker Dutch: geometrie English: geometry Dutch: geometrisch gemiddelde English: geometric mean Dutch: geometrisch model English: geometric model Dutch: geometrische fout English: geometric distortion; geometric error Dutch: geometrische opzet English: geometric design Dutch: geometrische verdeling English: geometric distribution Dutch: geometrische vorm English: geometric shape Dutch: geordende boom English: ordered tree Dutch: georiënteerd kristal English: oriented crystal Dutch: geostationaire baan English: geostationary orbit Dutch: geosynchroon English: geosynchrone Dutch: gepantserd English: armoured Dutch: geperforeerd bord English: perforated board Dutch: geperste kast English: moulded cabinet Dutch: geperste spoel English: pressed coil Dutch: gepiekt English: peaked Dutch: gepiekte golfvorm English: peaked waveform Dutch: gepigmenteerde stof English: pigmented matter Dutch: gepland onderhoud English: scheduled maintenance Dutch: geplande audit English: scheduled audit Dutch: geplande bezetting English: planned load Dutch: geplande capaciteit English: planned capacity Dutch: geplande inkoop English: scheduled purchasing Dutch: geplande levering English: scheduled delivery Dutch: geplande ontvangst English: planned receipt Dutch: geplande ontvangsten English: scheduled receipts Dutch: geplande opdracht English: planned order Dutch: geplande order English: planned order Dutch: geplande ordervrijgave English: planned order release Dutch: geplande uitgifte English: planned issue Dutch: geplande voorraad English: planned stock Dutch: geplasticeerd English: plasticized Dutch: geplastificeerd English: plasticized Dutch: geplatteerd English: clad Dutch: gepolijst oppervlak English: polished surface; buffed surface Dutch: geponst werkprogramma English: object deck Dutch: geprecipiteerd English: precipitated Dutch: geprefabriceerd English: prefabricated: prefab Dutch: geprofileerde veer English: profiled spring Dutch: geprogrammeerd English: programmed Dutch: geprogrammeerde logica English: programmed logic Dutch: geprogrammeerde robot English: programmed robot Dutch: geprojecteerd beeld English: projected image Dutch: gerammel English: rattle; rattling Dutch: geratel English: rattling Dutch: gerede kabel English: cable assembly Dutch: gereduceerde amplitude English: de-emphasis Dutch: gereed maken English: to set up Dutch: gereed product English: end product; finished product Dutch: gereedkomen English: to get ready Dutch: gereedschapaanmaak English: making of tools; toolmaking Dutch: gereedschapsbaan English: tool path Dutch: gereedschapsbeheer English: tool management Dutch: gereedschapsfamilie English: tooling family Dutch: gereedschapsfunctie English: tool function Dutch: gereedschapsgat English: pilot hole; locating hole; tooling hole Dutch: gereedschapsgebruik English: tooling Dutch: gereedschapshouder English: tool holder Dutch: gereedschapskist English: kit; tool chest; tool box; tool case Dutch: gereedschapsklem English: tool clip Dutch: gereedschapslijst English: tool list Dutch: gereedschapsmachine English: machine tool; tooling machine Dutch: gereedschapsmaker English: tool maker Dutch: gereedschapsmakerij English: tool shop; toolroom Dutch: gereedschapsmiddelpunt English: tool center point: TCP Dutch: gereedschapsnummer English: tool number Dutch: gereedschapsstaal English: tool steel Dutch: gereedschapsstempel English: tool die Dutch: gereedschapstas English: tool kit Dutch: gereedschapswerktuig English: machine tool Dutch: gereedsmaat English: final size Dutch: gereflecteerde golf English: reflected wave Dutch: geregeld onderhoud English: scheduled maintenance; routine maintenance Dutch: geregelde grootheid English: controlled variable Dutch: geregistreerde oproep English: booked call Dutch: geremd schuim English: low lather Dutch: gereserveerd gebied English: reserved area Dutch: gereserveerd woord English: reserved word, keyword Dutch: gereserveerde voorraad English: reserved stock Dutch: geribbelde anode English: ribbed anode Dutch: geribde zuigmond English: ribbed nozzle Dutch: gericht English: directed; oriented; directional Dutch: gericht net English: directed net Dutch: gericht netwerk English: directed graph Dutch: gericht plaatsen English: to locate; to orient Dutch: gericht wikkelen English: guided winding Dutch: gerichte aftasting English: directed scan Dutch: gerichte boom English: directed tree Dutch: gerichte fabriek English: focused factory Dutch: gerichte graaf English: directed graph Dutch: gerichte overdracht English: collimated transmittance Dutch: gerichte reflectie English: regular reflection; direct reflection Dutch: gerichte transmissie English: directional transmission Dutch: gerichtheid English: orientation Dutch: gerild English: creased; corrugated Dutch: gerilsaneerd English: Rilsan coated Dutch: gering English: slight Dutch: geringe compliantie English: stiffness; low compliance Dutch: geringe fout English: minor defect; minor mistake; minor error Dutch: geringste verplichting English: least commitment Dutch: germaniumdiode English: germanium diode Dutch: germaniumdioxide English: germanium dioxide Dutch: germaniumgelijkrichter English: germanium rectifier Dutch: germaniumtransistor English: germanium transistor Dutch: geruisloos English: silent; quiet Dutch: geruisloos werkend English: silent-operating Dutch: geruisloosheid English: silentness; quietness Dutch: geruisloze afstemming English: silent tuning Dutch: geschakeld circuit English: switched circuit Dutch: geschatte aankomsttijd English: estimated time of arrival: ETA Dutch: geschatte levensduur English: expected life-time Dutch: gescheiden English: separated; parted Dutch: gescheiden kanalen English: separate channels Dutch: gescheiden klavier English: divided keyboard Dutch: gescheiden signalen English: separated signals Dutch: gescheiden versterkers English: separate amplifiers Dutch: geschept papier English: moulded paper; scooped paper; moulded pulp Dutch: geschiedenisboom English: history tree Dutch: geschikt English: suitable Dutch: geschikt maken English: suite (to) Dutch: geschild fineer English: rotary cut veneer Dutch: geschoolde arbeider English: skilled worker Dutch: geschreven English: written Dutch: geschrokken las English: disturbed joint Dutch: geschubd English: squamous Dutch: gesegmenteerde lijn English: polyline Dutch: gesimuleerd harden English: simulated annealing Dutch: geslagen English: stranded Dutch: geslepen na het harden English: ground after hardening Dutch: gesleufd hoekijzer English: slotted angle Dutch: gesleuteld English: keyed; gated Dutch: gesleuteld interval English: keyed interval Dutch: gesloten architectuur English: closed architecture Dutch: gesloten capacitantie English: closed capacitance Dutch: gesloten deelprogramma English: closed subprogram Dutch: gesloten hoogte English: shut height; die height Dutch: gesloten kanaal English: closed-loop channel Dutch: gesloten kring English: closed loop Dutch: gesloten kringloop English: closed loop Dutch: gesloten kroes English: closed cup; closed crucible Dutch: gesloten lus English: closed loop Dutch: gesloten nummering English: all number calling: ANC Dutch: gesloten regelkring English: closed-loop control Dutch: gesloten regelsysteem English: closed-loop system Dutch: gesloten subroutine English: closed subroutine Dutch: gesloten systeem English: closed system Dutch: gesloten vakverdeling English: bumper cell partition Dutch: gesloten-lus MRP English: closed-loop MRP Dutch: gesloten-lusbesturing English: closed-loop control Dutch: gesloten-lussysteem English: closed loop system Dutch: gesmolten was-proces English: lost wax process Dutch: gesmolten zink English: molten zinc Dutch: gesmolten zoutbad English: fused salt bath; molten salt bath Dutch: gesneden fineer English: flat cut veneer Dutch: gesneden lakplaat English: master; prodac Dutch: gespecificeerd domein English: specified domain Dutch: gespecificeerde invoer English: specified input Dutch: gesperd English: blocked Dutch: gesperde functie English: inhibited function Dutch: gespiraliseerd snoer English: coiled cord Dutch: gespleten ruit English: split screen Dutch: gesplitst contact English: bifurcated contact Dutch: gesplitste levering English: part delivery Dutch: gesplitste orderregel English: split order line Dutch: gesplitste serie English: split lot Dutch: gespoten English: sprayed; spray painted; injection moulded; diecast; squirted Dutch: gespreid English: distributed; spread Dutch: gespreide vorm English: unpacked format; zoned format Dutch: gesprek English: discourse Dutch: gesprongen oppervlak English: cracked surface Dutch: gestandaardiseerd English: standardized Dutch: gestreken lasnaad English: flush weld Dutch: gestructureerd English: structured Dutch: gestructureerd ontwerp English: structured design Dutch: gestructureerde taal English: structured language Dutch: gestuurd English: controlled; driven Dutch: gesublimeerd English: sublimated Dutch: gesuperponeerd English: heterodyne Dutch: getabuleerde cilinder English: tabulated cylinder Dutch: getal English: number; numeral Dutch: getalvoorstelling English: numeral; number; number representation; number system Dutch: getand English: jagged Dutch: geteleviseerd English: televized Dutch: getolereerde maat English: toleranced dimension Dutch: getransistoriseerd English: transistorized Dutch: getrapt English: stepped Dutch: getrapte bemonstering English: nested sampling Dutch: getrapte boor English: stepped drill Dutch: getrapte snaarschijf English: stepped pulley Dutch: getrapte steekproef English: nested sample Dutch: getrokken diode English: grown diode Dutch: getrokken junctie English: grown junction Dutch: getrokken part English: driven part Dutch: getrouw English: faithful; true Dutch: getrouwe kleurweergave English: colour fidelity Dutch: getrouwe weergave English: faithful response; true-to-life reproduction Dutch: getrouwheidsgraad English: accuracy Dutch: getrouwheidskromme English: fidelity curve Dutch: getter English: getter Dutch: getwist aderpaar English: twisted pair Dutch: geus English: pig Dutch: gevaar English: danger; risk; hazard Dutch: gevaar van lasers English: laser hazard Dutch: gevaarlijk English: dangerous; hazardous; critical Dutch: geval English: case Dutch: gevarengrens English: warning limit; danger zone Dutch: gevat in English: mounted in; framed Dutch: geveerd English: spring-loaded Dutch: gevelbekledingsplaat English: siding Dutch: geventileerd English: ventilated Dutch: gevlamd English: flamed Dutch: gevlochten draad English: woven wire Dutch: gevlochten netwerk English: braid Dutch: gevoel English: feeling; touch; sensation; sense Dutch: gevoelig element English: sensor Dutch: gevoelig voor English: sensitive to Dutch: gevoelige zijde English: sensitive side Dutch: gevoeligheid English: sensitivity; response; susceptibility Dutch: gevoeligheid voor English: susceptibility to; sensitivity to Dutch: gevoeligheidscontrole English: sensitivity test Dutch: gevoeligheidskromme English: sensitivity curve Dutch: gevoeligheidsregeling English: sensitivity control Dutch: gevoerd English: lined Dutch: gevolge (ten - van) English: in consequence of; as a result of; due to Dutch: gevormd English: shaped Dutch: gevouwen dipool English: folded dipole Dutch: gewalste anode English: rolled anode Dutch: gewapend glas English: armour-plate glass Dutch: geweigerde toegang English: access denial Dutch: gewenste toestand English: goal state Dutch: gewicht English: weight; significance Dutch: gewichtsafname English: decrease in weight Dutch: gewichtsdeel English: part by weight Dutch: gewichtseenheid English: unit of weight Dutch: gewichtshoeveelheid English: quantity of weight Dutch: gewichtsprocent English: percent by weight; weight percent; weight percentage Dutch: gewichtsverdeling English: weight distribution Dutch: gewikkeld met papier English: paper wound Dutch: gewikkelde weerstand English: wire-wound resistor Dutch: gewogen gemiddelde English: moving average; weighted average Dutch: gewogen netwerk English: weighting network Dutch: gewonden spiraalbuis English: flexible metallic tube; Bowden cable Dutch: gewone instelpassing English: ordinary adjustable fit Dutch: gewoon lopende passing English: ordinary running fit Dutch: gezagvoerder English: master; master unit Dutch: gezamenlijk personeel English: personnel Dutch: gezamenlijke voorraad English: aggregate inventory Dutch: gezandstraald English: sand-blast; sand-blasted Dutch: gezichtshoek English: visual angle; viewing angle; angle of vision Dutch: gezichtslijn English: line of vision Dutch: gezichtsvelddiafragma English: viewfield diaphragm Dutch: gezien English: viewed Dutch: gezien op prentzijde English: viewed from print side Dutch: gezien van boven English: viewed from top Dutch: gezien van links English: viewed from the left Dutch: gezien van onderen English: viewed form bottom Dutch: gezien van rechts English: viewed from the right Dutch: gezinkiseerd English: hot zinc sprayed; zinc clad Dutch: gezochte groep English: hunt group Dutch: gezond English: healthy; sun finish; spun illuminated; sun- ray finish Dutch: ghostscript English: ghostscript Dutch: ghostview English: ghostview Dutch: gieren English: to yaw Dutch: gieten English: to cast; to diecast; to mould Dutch: gieterij English: foundry; casting bay; moulding shop Dutch: gietfout English: flaw Dutch: gietgal English: flaw Dutch: giethars English: moulding resin Dutch: giethuid English: casting scale; mill skin Dutch: gietkern English: core Dutch: gietkroes English: crucible Dutch: gietlepel English: ladle Dutch: gietmaat English: casting dimension Dutch: gietmal English: moulding jig Dutch: gietmassa English: moulding compound Dutch: gietmatrijzenstaal English: steel for diecasting moulds Dutch: gietmessing English: cast brass Dutch: gietmodel English: pattern; casting pattern Dutch: gietnaad English: fin Dutch: gietpoeder English: casting powder Dutch: gietproduct English: casting product; casting; moulding Dutch: gietrubber English: casting rubber Dutch: gietstuk English: casting mould; ingot mould; mould; casting (different meaning) Dutch: gietvorm English: mould Dutch: gifkluis English: poison safe Dutch: giftig English: poisonous; toxic Dutch: giga English: giga Dutch: gigahertz English: gigahertz: GHz Dutch: gillen English: to scream; to howl Dutch: gips English: gypsum; plaster of Paris Dutch: gitaar English: guitar Dutch: glad English: smooth; slippery Dutch: glad afsnijden English: to cut off smooth; to cut off clean Dutch: gladde zuigmond English: smooth nozzle Dutch: gladheid English: smoothness; slipperiness Dutch: gladmaken English: to smooth Dutch: gladponsen English: to shave Dutch: gladschuren English: to polish; to sand smooth Dutch: glans English: gloss; lustre; brightness Dutch: glansbad English: bright dip; bright plating bath Dutch: glansbehoud English: retention of gloss; stability of gloss Dutch: glansbeits English: bright pickle Dutch: glansbeitsen English: bright pickling Dutch: glansbereik English: brightening range Dutch: glanseffect English: brightening effect; brightening action Dutch: glansinstallatie English: bright dipping equipment Dutch: glanslak English: gloss paint Dutch: glansmeter English: gloss meter; reflectometer Dutch: glansmiddel English: brightening agent; brightener; bright dip Dutch: glansnikkelbad English: bright nickel plating bath Dutch: glanspasta English: bright polishing paste Dutch: glanspolijsten English: burnishing; superfinishing; superfine polishing Dutch: glanstraject English: bright plating range Dutch: glansvercadmiummen English: bright cadmium plating Dutch: glansverchromen English: bright chromium plating Dutch: glansverkoperen English: bright copper plating Dutch: glansverlies English: loss of gloss Dutch: glansverloden English: bright lead plating Dutch: glansvernikkelen English: bright nickel plating Dutch: glansverzilverbad English: bright silver-plating solution Dutch: glansverzilveren English: bright silver plating Dutch: glansverzinken English: bright zinc plating Dutch: glansvloeistof English: brightener; gloss liquid Dutch: glanzen English: to shine; to gloss; to glaze Dutch: glanzend English: bright; brilliant; glossy; lustrous Dutch: glanzend maken English: to brighten Dutch: glanzende zijde English: shining side Dutch: glasblazer English: glass blower Dutch: glasbol English: glass bowl; glass microballoon Dutch: glasdeksel English: glass lid Dutch: glasfilter English: glass filter Dutch: glasinkt English: glass ink Dutch: glas-metaalafdichting English: glass-to-metal seal Dutch: glas-metaalverbinding English: glass-to-metal joint Dutch: glasplaat English: glass plate; glass pane Dutch: glaspoeder English: glass powder Dutch: glaspotlood English: glass marker Dutch: glassolderen English: glass soldering Dutch: glasvezel English: fiber; glass fibre Dutch: glasvezel versterkt English: glass-fibre reinforced Dutch: glasvezeloptica English: fiberoptics Dutch: glasvezeloptiek English: fiber optics Dutch: glasvoet English: glass base Dutch: glasweefsel English: glass cloth; glass fabric Dutch: glaswol English: glass wool Dutch: glazen doos English: glass box Dutch: glazen stop English: glass stopper Dutch: glazuren English: to enamel; to glaze Dutch: glazuur English: glaze; glazing Dutch: glazuurpoeder English: glass frit Dutch: gleuf English: groove; slit; slot Dutch: gleuven English: grooves; slits; slots Dutch: gliacel English: glial cell Dutch: glijbaan English: slide track; slideway Dutch: glijbaanhouder English: train cartridge Dutch: glijbalk English: batten Dutch: glijblok English: slide; slide block Dutch: glijcontact English: sliding contact Dutch: glijden English: to slide Dutch: glijdend gewricht English: sliding joint Dutch: glijdende passing English: sliding fit Dutch: glijdingsmodulus English: sliding modulus Dutch: glijgoot English: chute Dutch: glijlager English: plain bearing; sleeve bearing Dutch: glijlagerbus English: sleeve-bearing bush Dutch: glijlijnen English: slip bands Dutch: glijplaat English: slide plate Dutch: glijstangoverbrenging English: slide linkage Dutch: glijvlak English: sliding surface Dutch: glijvoet English: slide Dutch: glijweerstand English: sliding resistance Dutch: glimlamp English: glow lamp Dutch: glimlicht English: blue glow Dutch: glimmend English: semi-bright Dutch: glimontlading English: glow discharge Dutch: glinsterend English: iridescent Dutch: glitch English: glitch Dutch: globaal netwerk English: global network Dutch: globale ambigu‹teit English: global ambiguity Dutch: globale compactheid English: global compaction Dutch: globale gegevens English: global data Dutch: globale optimalisator English: global optimizer Dutch: globale variabele English: global variable Dutch: gloeidraad English: filament; heater Dutch: gloeidraademissie English: filament emission Dutch: gloeidraadwikkeling English: filament winding Dutch: gloeien English: to glow; to anneal Dutch: gloeihuid English: annealing skin Dutch: gloeilamp English: incandescent lamp; tungsten lamp Dutch: gloeirest English: residue after calcining Dutch: gloeispanning English: heater voltage Dutch: gloeispiraal English: coiled filament; spiral filament Dutch: gloeistroom English: heater current Dutch: gloeistroomcircuit English: heater circuit Dutch: gloeistroomketen English: heater circuit Dutch: gloeistroomweerstand English: filament rheostat Dutch: gloeiverlies English: loss on calcining Dutch: gloeizout English: salt for heat treatment Dutch: glucose English: glucose; dextrose Dutch: glycerine English: glycerine; glycerin Dutch: glycol English: glycol; alcohol ethylene; ethylene glycol Dutch: glycolzuur English: glycolic acid Dutch: goed/fout-test English: go/nogo test Dutch: goederen English: goods; merchandise; commodities Dutch: goederen in bewerking English: work in progress Dutch: goederenbeweging English: movement of goods; goods movement Dutch: goederenpost English: goods item Dutch: goederenstroom English: flow of goods; goods flow Dutch: goedgekeurd circuit English: approved circuit Dutch: goedgekeurde vraag English: approved demand Dutch: goedkeurcriterium English: acceptance number Dutch: goedkeuren English: to approve; to accept Dutch: goedkeurgrens English: acceptance boundary; go/limit Dutch: goedkeuring English: approval; acceptance Dutch: goedkeurkaliber English: go/gauge Dutch: goedkeurlijn English: acceptance line Dutch: goedkeurmaat English: go/dimension; go/limit; go/gauge Dutch: goedkeurzijde English: go/side; go/end Dutch: goedkoop English: cheap; inexpensive; low-cost Dutch: golf English: wave; corrugation; flute Dutch: golfabsorptie English: wave absorption Dutch: golfafstand English: wave spacing Dutch: golfamplitude English: wave amplitude Dutch: golfcyclus English: wave cycle Dutch: golffilter English: wave filter Dutch: golffunctie English: wave function Dutch: golfgebied English: wave range Dutch: golfhoek English: wave angle Dutch: golfinterferentie English: wave interference Dutch: golfkartonnen doos English: corrugated fibreboard box Dutch: golflengte English: wave length Dutch: golflengte-aanduiding English: wave-length indication Dutch: golflengteconstante English: wavelength constant Dutch: golflengtegebied English: wave range Dutch: golflengteschakelaar English: wave-change switch; wave-range selector Dutch: golfmeter English: wavemeter Dutch: golfnormaal English: wave normal Dutch: golfpad English: wave path Dutch: golfpapier English: single-faced corrugated paper Dutch: golfpijp English: wave guide Dutch: golfpijpafknijping English: waveguide cutoff Dutch: golfpijpcomponent English: waveguide component Dutch: golfpijpconnector English: waveguide connector Dutch: golfpijpdemper English: waveguide attenuator Dutch: golfpijpimpedantie English: waveguide impedance Dutch: golfpijpovergang English: waveguide junction Dutch: golfpijppropagatie English: waveguide propagation Dutch: golfpijpschakelaar English: waveguide switch Dutch: golfpijpsysteem English: waveguide system Dutch: golfpijptransformator English: waveguide transformer Dutch: golfrefractie English: wave refraction Dutch: golfrichting English: flute direction; wave direction Dutch: golfsoldeermachine English: wave-soldering machine Dutch: golfsoldeerproces English: wave soldering process Dutch: golfstraal English: wave beam Dutch: golftoon English: warble tone Dutch: golftrein English: wave train Dutch: golfvoortplanting English: wave propagation Dutch: golfvorm English: wave form; wave shape Dutch: golfvormdeformatie English: waveform distortion Dutch: golfweerstand English: characteristic impedance; surge impedance Dutch: golven English: to wave Dutch: golvend English: waving; wavy; undulating Dutch: golving English: waviness; undulation Dutch: gong English: chime Dutch: Goochkroes English: Gooch crucible Dutch: Gopher English: Gopher Dutch: gordijneffect English: ringing Dutch: goto English: go to Dutch: goudanode English: gold anode Dutch: goudbad English: gold bath; gold-plating solution Dutch: goudbronspoeder English: gold-bronze powder Dutch: goudconcentratie English: gold concentration Dutch: goudcyanide English: gold cyanide Dutch: gouddiffusie English: gold diffusion Dutch: gouddoping English: gold doping Dutch: gouddotering English: gold doping Dutch: goud-gedoopt English: gold-doped Dutch: goudverf English: gold paint Dutch: Gouraud arcering English: Gouraud shading Dutch: gozintograaf English: gozintograph Dutch: graad English: degree; extent Dutch: graaf English: graph Dutch: grad English: grad Dutch: gradatiebalk English: gradation bar Dutch: gradenmal English: graduated jig Dutch: gradenverdeling English: graduation Dutch: gradiënt English: gradient Dutch: grafiek English: graph; graphics Dutch: grafieklijn English: graph line Dutch: grafiekschrijver English: plotting table; output table Dutch: grafiekvolger English: curve follower Dutch: grafiet English: graphite; black lead Dutch: grafietanode English: graphite anode Dutch: grafietlagerbus English: graphite bearing bush Dutch: grafietplaat English: graphite plate Dutch: grafietpotentiometer English: carbon potentiometer Dutch: grafietsmeer English: graphite lubricant Dutch: grafietvet English: graphite grease Dutch: grafisch English: graphic; graphical; graphics Dutch: grafisch beeldscherm English: graphical display Dutch: grafisch bestand English: graphics file Dutch: grafisch element English: graphic primitive Dutch: grafisch tablet English: graphical tablet Dutch: grafische bibliotheek English: graphics library Dutch: grafische invoer English: graphical input Dutch: grafische manipulaties English: graphical manipulations Dutch: grafische schuifbalk English: slider bar Dutch: grafische taal English: graphics language Dutch: grafische uitvoer English: graphical output Dutch: grafische voorstelling English: graphic representation Dutch: grafische vorm English: graphitic level Dutch: grafiteren English: to cover with graphite; to graphite Dutch: gram-atoomgewicht English: gram atomic weight Dutch: gram-calorie English: gram-calorie Dutch: gram-centimeter English: gram-centimeter Dutch: grammatica English: grammar Dutch: grammofoon English: gramophone Dutch: grammofoonopnemer English: phono cartridge Dutch: grammofoonplaat English: record; disc; phonograph record Dutch: granulatie English: granularity Dutch: granuleren English: to granulate Dutch: grasduinen English: to browse Dutch: grasmaaier English: lawn-mower Dutch: graveermachine English: engraving machine Dutch: graveermal English: engraving jig Dutch: graveren English: to engrave Dutch: graviteit English: gravity Dutch: Gray-code English: gray code; reflected binary code; cyclic permuted code: CP code Dutch: greep English: grip; handle; prise Dutch: grendelen English: to lock; to latch Dutch: grendeling English: locking; interlocking; latching Dutch: grenen(hout) English: red wood Dutch: grens English: limit; frontier; boundary Dutch: grensbelasting English: marginal load Dutch: grensdraagvermogen English: limit bearing capacity Dutch: grensfactor English: limit factor Dutch: grensfrequentie English: cut-off frequency Dutch: grensfrequenties English: limit frequencies Dutch: grensgevoeligheid English: limit sensitivity Dutch: grensgolf English: limit wave Dutch: grenskaliber English: limit gauge Dutch: grenskromme English: boundary curve Dutch: grenskwaliteit English: lot tolerance percent defective; acceptance quality level Dutch: grenslaag English: depletion layer Dutch: grenslaagwet English: law of the junction Dutch: grenslijn English: boundary line Dutch: grensmaat English: limit dimension; limit of size Dutch: grensproduct English: marginal product; borderline product Dutch: grenspunt English: boundary point Dutch: grensreflectie English: half-reflection Dutch: grensstroom English: limiting current Dutch: grensversterker English: limiting amplifier Dutch: grensvlak English: boundary face; boundary plane; boundary surface; interface Dutch: grensvlakactieve stof English: interfacial surface active agent; interfacially active agent Dutch: grensvoxel English: boundary voxel Dutch: grenswaarde English: boundary value; limit value Dutch: grenswaarde-analyse English: boundary value analysis Dutch: grenswaardedekking English: boundary value coverage Dutch: grenzen (aan) English: to be adjacent (to); to border (on) Dutch: grid-dipmeter English: grid-dip meter Dutch: grijpbaar English: prehensile Dutch: grijpen English: to grasp; to seize; to grip Dutch: grijpvoorraden English: floor stocks Dutch: grijsbalans English: gray scale; grey scale Dutch: grijsniveau English: grey level Dutch: grijspapier English: grey paper; bogus Dutch: grijsschaal English: gray scale; grey scale Dutch: grijstint English: shade of grey; grey step; picture half- tone Dutch: grijstrap English: shade of grey; grey step; picture halftone Dutch: grijswaarde English: picture halftone Dutch: grijsweergave English: grey reproduction Dutch: grijze code English: grey code Dutch: grill English: grill Dutch: grille English: grille Dutch: grilleerautomaat English: automatic grill Dutch: grilleren English: to grill Dutch: groef herhalen English: groove repeating Dutch: groefbreedte English: groove width Dutch: groefcontour English: groove contour Dutch: groefgedeelte English: groove area Dutch: groefprofiel English: groove profile; groove contour Dutch: groefruis English: surface noise Dutch: groefschijf English: indexing cam Dutch: groefsnijder English: cutter; mechanical recording head Dutch: groefspoed English: groove pitch Dutch: groefspringen English: groove jumping; groove skipping; skating Dutch: groeftastelement English: pick-up cartridge Dutch: groeftaster English: groove scanner; gramophone pick-up; phonocartridge Dutch: groeftasterarm English: pick-up arm Dutch: groeftasterkop English: pick-up; playback head Dutch: groefwand English: groove wall Dutch: groeifouten English: natural defects Dutch: groeikromme English: growth curve Dutch: groeisnelheid English: growth rate Dutch: groen beeld English: green picture Dutch: groen kanon English: green electron gun; green gun Dutch: groen menggas English: incombustable gas mixture Dutch: groen raster English: green raster Dutch: groen signaal English: green signal Dutch: groenaandeel English: green component Dutch: groenachtig English: greenish Dutch: groene zeep English: soft soap Dutch: groenfilter English: green filter Dutch: groeninformatie English: green information Dutch: groeninhoud English: green content Dutch: groentebak English: crisper Dutch: groentelade English: crisper compartment; crisper; crisper drawer Dutch: groentesnijder English: vegetable grater; vegetable shredder Dutch: groenverschilsignaal English: green-difference signal; G-Y signal Dutch: groenvideosignaal English: green video signal Dutch: groepage English: groupage; joint cargo; grouping Dutch: groepagedienst English: joint-cargo service Dutch: groepbandmodem English: group band modem: GB modem Dutch: groepenscheiding English: control change Dutch: groepentechnologie English: group technology Dutch: groeperen English: to stage; to group Dutch: groeplooptijd English: envelope delay time; group delay time Dutch: groeplooptijdkromme English: envelope delay curve; group delay curve Dutch: groepselector English: group selector Dutch: groepsgegeven English: group item Dutch: groepsgewijs English: batchwise Dutch: groepsidentificatie English: group mark Dutch: groepsitem English: group item Dutch: groepsleider English: group leader; supervisor Dutch: groepsmarkering English: group mark Dutch: groepsmateriaalstroom English: group flow Dutch: groepsnelheid English: group velocity Dutch: groepsnummer English: group number Dutch: groepsoproepteken English: indefinite call sign Dutch: groepsopstelling English: group layout Dutch: groepsstructuur English: group structure Dutch: groepstechnologie English: group technology Dutch: groepsverandering English: control break Dutch: groepsvertraging English: group delay Dutch: groepsverwerking English: batch processing Dutch: groepverdeelkast English: group distribution frame: GDF Dutch: groevenschijf English: indexing cam Dutch: grof detail English: coarse detail Dutch: grof instellen English: to coarse-adjust Dutch: grofkorrelig English: coarse grained Dutch: grofkristallijn English: coarsely crystalline Dutch: grofpolijsten English: cut-down polishing; cutting-down; coarse polishing; pre-polishing; rough polishing Dutch: grofregeling English: coarse tuning; coarse control Dutch: grofslijpen English: rough grinding; roughing Dutch: grond English: soil; site; ground; land Dutch: grond/aardstation English: land earth station: LES Dutch: grondantenne English: ground antenna Dutch: grondapparaat English: basic set Dutch: grondbeginsel English: basic principle; fundamental Dutch: grondbegrip English: fundamental notion; basic idea Dutch: grondcirkel English: base circle Dutch: grondcomponent English: fundamental component Dutch: grondeenheid English: fundamental unit Dutch: gronden English: to prime Dutch: grondfrequentie English: fundamental frequency Dutch: grondgegeven English: basic datum Dutch: grondgolf English: fundamental wave Dutch: grondgolflengte English: fundamental wavelength Dutch: grondharmonische English: fundamental harmonic Dutch: grondinstallaties English: ground environment Dutch: grondkleur English: primary colour Dutch: grondkleureenheid English: unit of primary colour Dutch: grondkleuren English: primaries Dutch: grondkleursignaal English: primary colour signal Dutch: grondloon English: basic wage Dutch: grondplaat English: bed plate; base plate Dutch: grondreflectie English: ground reflection Dutch: grondschema English: basic diagram Dutch: grondsegment English: ground segment Dutch: grondslag English: basis; fundamentals; foundation Dutch: grondslagen English: fundamentals Dutch: grondstation English: ground station; earth station; land station Dutch: grondstem English: basic tone Dutch: grondsteunzender English: ground relay Dutch: grondstof English: base material; raw material Dutch: grondstoffenverbruik English: material consumption Dutch: grondtal English: base; radix Dutch: grondtoestand English: ground state Dutch: grondtoon English: tonic; fundamental; keynote Dutch: grondverf English: primer Dutch: grondvlak English: base; base area Dutch: grondvorm English: basic shape; basic form Dutch: grondwerk English: bedplate Dutch: groot English: big; great; large Dutch: grootbeeldprojectie English: large-screen television projection Dutch: grootcirkelafstand English: spherical distance Dutch: grootlichtsignalering English: headlamp flash Dutch: grootsignaal English: large signal Dutch: grootste grensmaat English: maximum limit of size Dutch: grootste middellijn English: major diameter Dutch: grootte English: size; magnitude; volume; extent; span Dutch: grootteorde English: order of magnitude Dutch: grote hersenen English: cerebrum Dutch: grote instelling English: major set-up Dutch: grote terts English: major third Dutch: grote voorruit English: single pane Dutch: grove golf English: coarse flute Dutch: grove losse passing English: coarse clearance fit Dutch: G-signaal English: G signal Dutch: guillotinemes English: cross cutter; guillotine; guillotine cutter Dutch: guillotineschaar English: guillotine shears Dutch: gummi English: rubber Dutch: Gunn-diode English: gunn diode Dutch: gunzip English: gunzip Dutch: guts English: gouge Dutch: guttapercha English: gutta percha Dutch: haakje English: hook; parenthesis Dutch: haakje openen English: left parenthesis Dutch: haakje sluiten English: right parenthesis Dutch: haakjesbuigmachine English: hook bending machine; hook forming machine Dutch: haakjesinzetmachine English: hook inserting machine Dutch: haaknaald English: crochet hook; crochet pin Dutch: haaks English: square Dutch: haaks afgeknipt English: squared off Dutch: haaks ombuigen English: to bend through 90 degrees; to bend square Dutch: haaks op English: at right angels to; perpendicular to Dutch: haaks op elkaar staan English: to be at right angles to each other Dutch: haakse toerenwisselaar English: right angle speed changer Dutch: haaksheid English: squareness Dutch: haaksheidfout English: out of square Dutch: haaksleutel English: hook-spanner Dutch: haaksleutelmoer English: hook-spanner nut Dutch: haalbaar English: attainable; realizable Dutch: haalbaarheidsstudie English: feasibility study Dutch: haarborstel English: hair brush Dutch: haardroogkap English: helmet; hood Dutch: haarhygrometer English: hair hygrometer Dutch: haarkamer English: hair chamber; hair collector Dutch: haarlak English: hairspray Dutch: haarlijn English: hair line Dutch: haarlineaal English: knife-edge rule Dutch: haarscheur English: hair crack; hairline crack Dutch: haarspeldveer English: hairpin spring Dutch: haarspoeling English: hair colouring Dutch: haarstofafdichting English: dust seal Dutch: haarstukje English: hair piece Dutch: haarversteviger English: hair strengthener Dutch: hakbeitel English: cold chisel Dutch: haken English: to stick; to seize Dutch: hakende koolborstel English: sticking carbon brush Dutch: hakker English: chopper; kitchen chopper Dutch: hakmachine English: guillotine; guillotine shears Dutch: halen English: to get; to fetch; to attain Dutch: halen van de planning English: to attain the planning Dutch: halfautomatisch English: semi-automatic Dutch: halfbaudcodering English: half-baud coding Dutch: halfbolvormig English: hemispherical Dutch: halfdoorlatend English: semi-transparent Dutch: halfduplex English: half-duplex Dutch: halfduplex kanaal English: half-duplex channel Dutch: halfduplex systeem English: half-duplex system Dutch: halfduplexapparatuur English: half-duplex equipment Dutch: halfduplexbewerking English: half-duplex operation Dutch: halfduplexcircuit English: half-duplex circuit Dutch: halfduplextransmissie English: half-duplex transmission Dutch: halffabrikaat English: semi-finished product; subassembly; semi-manufactured product Dutch: halfgeleidercircuit English: solid-state circuit Dutch: halfgeleiderdiode English: semiconductor diode Dutch: halfgeleidereenheid English: semiconductor device Dutch: halfgeleiderelementen English: solid-state components Dutch: halfgeleiderfysica English: semiconductor physics Dutch: halfgeleiderjunctie English: semiconductor junction Dutch: halfgeleiderkristal English: semiconductor crystal Dutch: halfgeleidermateriaal English: semi-conductor material Dutch: halfgeleiderrelais English: solid-state relay Dutch: halfgeleidertheorie English: semiconductor theory Dutch: halfgestuurd English: semi-controlled Dutch: halfglanzend English: semi-bright Dutch: halfhard English: half hard; semicured Dutch: halfmachinale montage English: semi-mechanical assembly Dutch: halfproduct English: subassembly; semi-manufacture Dutch: halfronde vijl English: half-round file Dutch: halftoon English: continuous tone Dutch: halftooneigenschap English: halftone characteristic Dutch: halfuniek onderdeel English: semi-unique item Dutch: halfvaste passing English: location fit; transition fit Dutch: halfvet English: semi-bold Dutch: halfvloeibaar English: semi-fluid Dutch: halfwoord English: half word Dutch: halfzoete vijl English: second-cut file Dutch: halide English: halide Dutch: halo English: corona; halo disturbances Dutch: halogeen English: halogen Dutch: halogeenzout English: halide Dutch: haloïde English: halide Dutch: haloïdekristal English: halide crystal Dutch: halt English: halt Dutch: halve aftrekker English: half subtracter; one-digit subtracter Dutch: halve brug English: half-bridge Dutch: halve cyclus English: half-cycle Dutch: halve golf English: half wave Dutch: halve golflengte English: half wave Dutch: halve groentelade English: half-width crisper Dutch: halve opteller English: half adder; one-digit adder Dutch: halve optelling English: half-add Dutch: halve periode English: half-cycle Dutch: halve toon English: semitone Dutch: halvegolflengtedipool English: half-wave dipole Dutch: halvegolflijnsectie English: half-wave stub Dutch: halvegolfplaat English: half-wave plate Dutch: halvemaansleutel English: hook spanner Dutch: halveren English: to halve Dutch: halveringsselectie English: binary search Dutch: halverwege tussen English: midway between; halfway between Dutch: hamereffectverf English: hammer-finish paint Dutch: hameren English: to hammer Dutch: hamerruwheid English: hammer roughness Dutch: hamerslag English: hammer stroke; hammer blow; hammer scale; scale Dutch: hamersteel English: hammer handle Dutch: Hamming-code English: Hamming code Dutch: handbediend English: hand-operated Dutch: handbedrijf English: hand-labour; manual labour Dutch: handbesturing English: manual control Dutch: handboek English: manual Dutch: handboormachine English: hand drill; hand drilling machine Dutch: handcapaciteit English: hand capacitance; body effect Dutch: handdompelsolderen English: manual dip-soldering Dutch: handeffect English: hand capacitance; body effect Dutch: handel English: trade Dutch: handel en nijverheid English: trade and industry Dutch: handelbaarheid English: handling; manipulation; tractability Dutch: handeling English: operation; manipulation Dutch: handelsprocedures English: trade procedures Dutch: handelsreiziger English: salesman; sales representative; sales rep Dutch: handelstaktiek English: trading tactics Dutch: handelsverrekenprijs English: sales standard price: ssp Dutch: handgemaakt English: hand made Dutch: handgereedschap English: hand tool; hand-operated tool Dutch: handgewikkeld English: manually wound Dutch: handgreep English: handle; grip Dutch: handhaven English: to maintain Dutch: handhaving English: maintenance Dutch: handig English: convenient; handy; easy Dutch: handinvoerorgaan English: manual input unit; manual word generator; number generator Dutch: handlassen English: manual welding Dutch: handleiding; manuaal English: manual; guideline; operating manual; operating instructions; user's guide; vehicle manual Dutch: handmatige controle English: desk checking Dutch: handmatrijs English: hand mould Dutch: handmeting English: hand measurement Dutch: handmixer English: handmixer; food mixer Dutch: handmontage English: manual assembly Dutch: handpers English: hand-operated press Dutch: handponsmachine English: keyboard punch; keypunch Dutch: handschoenenkastje English: glove compartment Dutch: handschroef English: hand vice Dutch: handslijpmachine English: portable grinder Dutch: handsolderen English: manual soldering Dutch: handspilpers English: hand-operated fly press Dutch: handspuiten English: manual spraying; hand spraying Dutch: handsterkteregeling English: gain control Dutch: handstofzuiger English: upright vacuum cleaner Dutch: handtelefoon English: handset Dutch: handvat English: handle; grip Dutch: handvoeding English: feed by hand; manual feed Dutch: handwarm English: luke warm; hand-hot Dutch: handwiel English: hand wheel Dutch: handwikkelen English: to wind manually Dutch: hangbout English: suspension bolt Dutch: hangen English: to hang; to be suspended; to suspend; to stick; to seize Dutch: hangend English: suspended; hanging Dutch: hanteren English: to handle Dutch: hantering English: handling Dutch: haperen English: to hesitate Dutch: haptisch English: haptic Dutch: hard English: hard; rigid; stiff Dutch: hard beeld English: high-contrast picture; hard picture; harsh picture; crisp picture Dutch: hard document English: hardcopy document Dutch: hard schuim English: rigid foam Dutch: hardbaar English: hardenable; suitable for hardening Dutch: hardbaarheid English: hardenability Dutch: harde kamer English: reverberant room; reverberant chamber Dutch: harde kunststof English: rigid plastic Dutch: harde storing English: hard failure Dutch: harden English: to cure; tempering; hardening Dutch: harder English: hardener; hardening agent Dutch: harderij English: hardening department; hardening shop Dutch: hardgesoldeerd English: hard soldered; brazed Dutch: hardheidsmeter English: hardness tester Dutch: hardheidsproef English: hardness test Dutch: hardhout English: hardwood Dutch: harding English: hardening; curing; setting Dutch: hardingskatalysator English: curing catalyst; setting catalyst Dutch: hardingsoven English: hardening furnace; curing oven Dutch: hardingssnelheid English: hardening rate; curing rate; setting rate Dutch: hardingstemperatuur English: hardening temperature; curing temperature; setting temperature Dutch: hardingstijd English: hardening time; curing time; setting time Dutch: hardmetaal English: tungsten carbide; hard metal Dutch: hardnekkig object English: persistent object Dutch: hardpapier English: synthetic resin bonded paper; phenolic paper laminate Dutch: hardrubber English: hard rubber Dutch: hardsoldeerdraad English: hard-soldering wire Dutch: hardsoldeermassa English: brazing compound Dutch: hardsolderen English: hard soldering; brazing Dutch: hardvacuüm English: hard vacuum Dutch: hardverchromen English: hard chromium plating; engineering chromium plating; industrial chromium plating Dutch: hardwarelus English: hardware loop Dutch: hardwaremodel English: hardware model Dutch: hardwaremonitor English: hardware monitor Dutch: hardware-ontwerptaal English: hardware design language: HDL Dutch: hardwaresimulator English: hardware simulator Dutch: hardweefsel English: synthetic resin bonded fabric: srbf Dutch: harmonicakatode English: zigzag cathode Dutch: harmonicaplaat English: zigzag sheet Dutch: harmonische English: harmonic Dutch: harmonische analyse English: harmonic analysis Dutch: harmonische banden English: harmonically related bands Dutch: harmonische demping English: harmonic attenuation Dutch: harmonische detector English: harmonic detector Dutch: harmonische eliminatie English: harmonic elimination Dutch: harmonische frequentie English: harmonic frequency Dutch: harmonische functie English: harmonic function Dutch: harmonische oscillator English: harmonic oscillator Dutch: harmonische reeks English: harmonic series Dutch: harmonische resonantie English: harmonic resonance Dutch: harmonische verdeling English: harmonic distribution Dutch: harmonische verhouding English: harmonic ratio Dutch: harmonische versterker English: harmonic amplifier Dutch: harmonische vervorming English: harmonic distortion Dutch: hars English: resin; rosin Dutch: harsachtig English: resinous Dutch: harsen English: to flux Dutch: harsgevuld English: resin-cored; flux-cored Dutch: harskit English: resin cement; resinous cement Dutch: harslijmen English: rosin sizing Dutch: harsoplossing English: resin solution Dutch: harspot English: resin pot Dutch: hart English: center; centre; core Dutch: hartafstand English: centre distance Dutch: Hartley-oscillator English: Hartley oscillator: Hartley ECO Dutch: Hartley-schakeling English: Hartley circuit Dutch: hartlijn English: centre line; axis Dutch: hartpunt English: centre point Dutch: hartschijf English: heart-shaped cam Dutch: hashfunctie English: hash function Dutch: hashing English: hashing Dutch: hashtabel English: hash table Dutch: haspel English: reel; spool Dutch: haspelen English: to reel; to spool Dutch: Hay-brug English: Hay bridge Dutch: Hayes commandoset English: Hayes command set Dutch: hazard English: hazard Dutch: hebbiaans English: hebbian Dutch: hechten met draad English: to stitch Dutch: hechten met lijm English: to bond Dutch: hechten met nietjes English: to staple Dutch: hechtend English: adherent; adhesive Dutch: hechtend vermogen English: adhesive capacity Dutch: hechter English: staple Dutch: hechting English: staple; attachment; fixing; fastening; stapling; bonding; stitching; adhesion; adherence; bond Dutch: hechtlassen English: stitch welding; tack welding Dutch: hechtmachine English: stapler; stapling machine Dutch: hechtmiddel English: adhesive; adhesive agent Dutch: hechtprimer English: primer Dutch: hechtvermogen English: adhesivity; adhesiveness; adhesive power; adhesive capacitance Dutch: hecto English: hecto Dutch: hectometrische golf English: hectometric wave Dutch: hectowatt English: hectowatt Dutch: heen- en terugteller English: reversible counter Dutch: heen en weer bewegen English: to move to and fro; to reciprocate Dutch: heen en weergaand English: reciprocating; reciprocal Dutch: heenrichting English: forward direction Dutch: heenslag English: scan; trace Dutch: heetkathode English: hot cathode Dutch: heetwatermantel English: hot-water jacket Dutch: hefas English: lifting spindle Dutch: hefbeugel English: lifting bracket Dutch: hefboomknop English: lever knob Dutch: hefboomschakelaar English: lever switch Dutch: hefbrug English: lift bridge Dutch: heffen English: to lift; to hoist; to raise Dutch: hefhoogte English: lifting height Dutch: hefkracht English: lifting power; leverage Dutch: hefmagneet English: lifting magnet Dutch: hefmoment English: lifting moment Dutch: hefstift English: lifting pin Dutch: heft English: handle; grip Dutch: heftoestel English: lifter; lifting gear Dutch: heftruck English: lifting truck; fork lift truck; forklift Dutch: hefwagen English: lift truck; lifting trolley Dutch: hefwerking English: lifting action; leverage Dutch: hefwerktuig English: lifting gear; hoist Dutch: heggeschaar English: hedge trimmer Dutch: helder English: clear; transparent; bright; vivid Dutch: heldere grondstem English: bright basic tone Dutch: heldere solostem English: bright solo tone Dutch: helderheid English: brightness; clearness; transparency; clarity; luminosity; luminance; perspicuity Dutch: helderheidscoëfficiënt English: luminosity coefficient Dutch: helderheidscomponent English: luminance component Dutch: helderheidsgemiddelde English: average luminance Dutch: helderheidsindruk English: luminosity; brightness sensation; brightness impression Dutch: helderheidsinformatie English: luminance information Dutch: helderheidskleurenbalk English: luminance colour bar Dutch: helderheidskromme English: luminosity curve Dutch: helderheidsmodulatie English: brightness modulation Dutch: helderheidsniveau English: brightness level Dutch: helderheidsregelaar English: brightness control; luminosity control Dutch: helderheidsregeling English: brightness control; luminosity control Dutch: helderheidssignaal English: luminance signal; brightness signal Dutch: helderheidssprong English: jump in brightness Dutch: helderheidstrap English: shading value; tonal value Dutch: helderheidsvariaties English: brightness variations Dutch: helderheidsverloop English: brightness sequence Dutch: helderheidswaarde English: brightness value; density value Dutch: heliumgas English: helium gas Dutch: heliumgroep English: helium group Dutch: helix English: helix Dutch: hellend beeld English: inclinometer Dutch: hellend vlak English: inclined plane Dutch: helling English: slope; taper; inclination Dutch: hellingplaatje English: clamping plate Dutch: hellingshoek English: slope; taper; angle of inclination; helix angle Dutch: hellingsmeter English: inclinometer Dutch: helpbestand English: help file Dutch: helpfunctie English: help function Dutch: henry English: henry Dutch: heptode English: heptode Dutch: herbestelhoeveelheid English: re-order quantity Dutch: herbestelling English: repeat order Dutch: herbestelniveau English: re-order level Dutch: herbetreedbaar English: re-entrant Dutch: herbetreedbare routine English: re-entrant routine Dutch: herbewerkingsopdracht English: rework order Dutch: herbruikbaar asset English: reusable asset Dutch: herbruikbaar component English: reusable component Dutch: herbruikbare software English: reusable software Dutch: hercoderen English: to recode; to recodify Dutch: herconfiguratie English: reconfiguration Dutch: herdocumentatie English: redocumentation Dutch: herformulatie English: reformulation Dutch: hergebruik English: reuse Dutch: hergroei English: regrowth Dutch: hergroeilaag English: regrowth layer Dutch: hergroepage English: regroupage Dutch: hergroepagefunctie English: regroupage function; reforwarding function Dutch: hergroeperen English: to regroup Dutch: hergroepering English: regrouping Dutch: herhaalbaarheid English: repeatability Dutch: herhaald English: repeated; recurrent Dutch: herhaalde bewerking English: repetitive operation Dutch: herhalen English: to iterate; to repeat Dutch: herhalende adressering English: repetitive addressing Dutch: herhaler English: repeater Dutch: herhalingscursus English: refresher course Dutch: herhalingsfrequentie English: repetition frequency; repetition rate Dutch: herhalingsopdracht English: repeat instruction Dutch: herhalingsorder English: repeat order Dutch: herindelen English: to reformat Dutch: herinstellingstoestand English: reset condition Dutch: herkennen van plannen English: plan recognition Dutch: herkenningskleur English: colour code; identification colour Dutch: herleiden; herleidt English: reduce; transform; convert; trace; determine; trace back to; deduce from (herleiden uit) Dutch: herleiding English: reduction; conversion Dutch: hermeneutisch English: hermeneutic Dutch: hermetische afsluiting English: hermetic seal Dutch: Hermite-kromme English: Hermite curve Dutch: herontwikkelen English: reverse engineering Dutch: herontwikkeling English: re-engineering Dutch: heropnemen English: to copy Dutch: heropslaan English: to roll in Dutch: herplannen English: to reschedule Dutch: herplanningaanname English: rescheduling assumption Dutch: herroepen English: to revoke; to restore; to reinstate Dutch: herrouteren English: rerouting; to reroute Dutch: herscholing English: occupational resettlement; retraining Dutch: herschrijven English: to rewrite Dutch: hersenarbeid English: mental work Dutch: hersenen English: brain Dutch: herstart English: restart Dutch: herstarten English: to restart Dutch: herstartpunt English: restart point Dutch: herstelbaar English: recoverable Dutch: herstelband English: mending tape Dutch: hersteld English: clear Dutch: herstellen English: to fix Dutch: hersteltest English: recovery test Dutch: hersteltijd English: recovery time Dutch: herstelwerkplaats English: repair shop Dutch: herstructurering English: restructuring Dutch: hertoewijzen English: to reallocate Dutch: hertz English: hertz Dutch: Hertz-vector English: Hertz vector Dutch: heruniversaliteit English: reverse compatibility Dutch: herverwerkbaarheid English: reprocessability Dutch: herziening English: revision; review; review fees; revision fees Dutch: het inititatief nemen English: to take the initiative Dutch: het ontstaan English: origination; arising; generation Dutch: hete draad English: hot lead; hot wire Dutch: hete junctie English: hot junction Dutch: hete ladingdrager English: hot carrier Dutch: hete plek English: hot spot Dutch: hete weerstand English: hot resistance Dutch: hete zijde English: hot side; high side Dutch: heteluchtmotor English: hot air motor Dutch: heterodyne English: heterodyne Dutch: heterodyne detector English: heterodyne detector Dutch: heterodyne frequentie English: heterodyne frequency Dutch: heterodyne ontvangst English: beat reception; heterodyne reception Dutch: heterodyne oscillator English: heterodyne oscillator Dutch: heterogeen English: heterogeneous Dutch: heterogeen netwerk English: heterogeneous network Dutch: heterolyse English: heterolysis Dutch: heugel English: rack Dutch: heugel en tandwiel English: rack and pinion Dutch: heuristiek English: heuristics Dutch: heuristisch English: heuristic Dutch: heuristisch proces English: heuristic process Dutch: heuristisch programma English: heuristic program Dutch: heuristisch zoeken English: heuristic search Dutch: heuristische regels English: heuristic rules Dutch: hevig English: violent; severe Dutch: hexadecimaal English: hexadecimal Dutch: hexaëder English: hexahedron Dutch: hexamethyleentetramine English: hexamethylene tetramine Dutch: hexode English: hexode; six-electrode valve Dutch: HF English: high frequency: HF Dutch: HF-generator English: HF generator; RF generator Dutch: HF-inductieverhitting English: HF induction heating; RF induction heating Dutch: HF-kabel English: HF cable; RF cable Dutch: HF-massa English: RF earth potential Dutch: HF-massapotentiaal English: RF earth potential Dutch: HF-meetkop English: RF probe Dutch: HF-meetzender English: RF signal generator Dutch: HF-oscillator English: RF oscillator: HF oscillator Dutch: HF-signaalgenerator English: RF signal generator Dutch: HF-smoorspoel English: RF choke: RFC Dutch: HF-spectrum English: RF spectrum Dutch: HF-spoel English: RF coil Dutch: HF-transformator English: RF transformer Dutch: HF-trap English: RF stage Dutch: HF-tussenkring English: RF interstage circuit Dutch: HF-tussenkringspoel English: RF interstage coil Dutch: HF-verhitten English: HF heating; dielectric heating; electronic heating Dutch: HF-versterker English: RF amplifier Dutch: hiërarchieke opbouw English: hierarchical construction Dutch: hiërarchisch netwerk English: hierarchical network Dutch: hiërarchisch ontwerp English: hierarchical design Dutch: hiërarchische lagen English: hierarchical layers Dutch: hiërarchische planning English: hierarchical planning Dutch: hiërarchische relaties English: hierarchical relations Dutch: hierin moet passen ... English: exact fit in ... Dutch: Hi-Fi-combinatie English: Hi-Fi chain Dutch: Hi-Fi-enthousiast English: Hi-Fi enthusiast; Hi-Fi adept Dutch: Hi-Fi-ontvanger English: Hi-Fi receiver Dutch: Hi-Fi-versterker English: Hi-Fi amplifier; high fidelity amplifier Dutch: hikken English: motor-boating Dutch: hikoscillator English: squegging oscillator Dutch: hinderend English: inhibitory Dutch: hinderlijk English: troublesome; annoying Dutch: hinderlijkheidsgraad English: nuisance level Dutch: hinderpaal English: obstacle; impediment; hindrance Dutch: hint English: cue Dutch: hippocampus English: hippocampus Dutch: histogram English: histogram; bar chart Dutch: historie gebonden English: history based Dutch: historieboom English: history tree Dutch: historievrij English: history free Dutch: historisch bestand English: history file Dutch: historische reeks English: time series Dutch: hitcode English: hit code Dutch: hittebestendig English: heat-resistant Dutch: hittebestendigheid English: heat resistance Dutch: hittedraadmicrofoon English: hot-wire microphone; thermal microphone Dutch: hittevast English: heat-resistant Dutch: hittevastheid English: heat-resistance Dutch: hobbelen English: to rock; to bump Dutch: hobbelige plaat English: bumpy record; bumpy disc Dutch: hobbelige wegen English: bumpy roads Dutch: hobbelproef English: rock test; bump test Dutch: hobbeltafel English: rock bench; bump table Dutch: hobbelzweving English: record-wobble wow Dutch: hobben English: to hob Dutch: hoek English: corner; angle; edge Dutch: hoek van inval English: angle of incidence Dutch: hoekafwijking English: angular deviation Dutch: hoekbeschermer English: corner guard Dutch: hoekbeugel English: angle bracket Dutch: hoekeenheid English: unit angle Dutch: hoeken scherp English: sharp corners Dutch: hoekenbuigmachine English: angle bending machine; angle bender; angle forming machine Dutch: hoekfout English: angular error Dutch: hoekfrees English: angel cutter Dutch: hoekfrequentie English: angular frequency Dutch: hoekgraad English: degree of angle Dutch: hoekgrootte English: rake Dutch: hoekijzer English: angle iron; angle Dutch: hoekklamp English: corner bracket; gusset Dutch: hoekklem English: corner clamp; corner clip Dutch: hoekklos English: fillet Dutch: hoekkogelgewricht English: angle baal joint Dutch: hoeklas English: fillet weld Dutch: hoeklip English: angular tag Dutch: hoekmaat English: angular dimension Dutch: hoekmal English: bending block Dutch: hoekmateriaal English: angle material Dutch: hoekmeter English: protractor; angle gauge; angle measuring instrument Dutch: hoekminuut English: minute of angle; arc minute Dutch: hoekmodulatie English: angle modulation Dutch: hoekmoment English: angular momentum Dutch: hoekpunt English: angular point; vertex; vertice Dutch: hoekresolutie English: angular resolution Dutch: hoekschaaf English: angle plane Dutch: hoekschaar English: corner cutting machine Dutch: hoekseconde English: second of angle Dutch: hoeksleutel English: hook spanner Dutch: hoekstaal English: angle steel Dutch: hoekstand English: angular position Dutch: hoeksteun English: corner support; angular support Dutch: hoektolerantie English: angular tolerance Dutch: hoekverbinding English: corner joint Dutch: hoekverdeling English: angular division Dutch: hoekverdraaiing English: angular rotation Dutch: hoekverplaatsing English: angular displacement Dutch: hoekversterking English: corner reinforcement Dutch: hoekvertraging English: angular retardation Dutch: hoekvormig English: angle-shaped; angular Dutch: hoepel English: hoop Dutch: hoes; hoezen English: cover; sleeve; sleeves; covers Dutch: hoeveelheid English: quantity; amount Dutch: hoeveelheid per English: quantity per Dutch: hoeveelheidsstandaard English: quantity standard Dutch: hoge band English: high band Dutch: hoge compliantie English: springy; high compliance Dutch: hoge eisen English: strict requirements; stringent requirements; severe requirements Dutch: hoge frequentie English: high frequency: HF Dutch: hoge Q English: high Q Dutch: hoge Q-spoel English: high Q coil Dutch: hoge resolutie English: high resolution Dutch: hoge temperaturen English: elevated temperatures Dutch: hoge tonen English: treble; high notes Dutch: hoge waterstand English: high water level Dutch: hogedrukcompressor English: high-pressure compressor Dutch: hogedrukpomp English: high-pressure pump Dutch: hogedrukvet English: high-pressure grease Dutch: hogelichten English: highlights Dutch: hoger kader English: key executives; senior executives Dutch: hogere programmeertaal English: high level language: HLL; high-level programming language Dutch: hogere-orde taal English: high order language: HOL Dutch: hoge-resolutie TV English: high-definition TV: HDTV Dutch: hoge-temperatuurproef English: high-temperature test Dutch: hoge-tonenkegel English: high-note cone Dutch: hoge-tonenluidspreker English: treble loudspeaker; tweeter Dutch: hoge-tonenregelaar English: treble control; high-note control; treble-one control Dutch: hokje English: square Dutch: hol English: hollow; concave Dutch: holbeitel English: gouge Dutch: holheid English: hollowness; concavity Dutch: hollander English: hollander; beating engine; beater; pulper Dutch: holle felsnagel English: tubular rivet Dutch: holle klinknagel English: tubular rivet Dutch: hologram English: hologram Dutch: holonomisch English: holonomic Dutch: holpijp English: dinking punch; washer cutter Dutch: holte English: cavity; void; blowhole Dutch: holtenummer English: cavity number; mould impression number Dutch: holtevorming English: cavitation Dutch: homochroon English: homochrone Dutch: homoformisme English: homomorphism Dutch: homogeen English: homogeneous Dutch: homogeen netwerk English: homogeneous network Dutch: homogeen veld English: homogeneous field Dutch: homogene multiplexing English: homogeneous multiplexing Dutch: homogene redundantie English: homogeneous redundancy Dutch: homogeniseren English: to homogenize Dutch: homolyse English: homolysis Dutch: homopolair English: homopolar Dutch: honderd circuituren English: hundred-circuit-hours: cch Dutch: honen English: to hone Dutch: honingraatwikkeling English: honeycomb winding Dutch: hoofd English: head; main; principal; major Dutch: hoofdafmetingen English: main dimensions; principal dimensions Dutch: hoofdanode English: main anode Dutch: hoofdarbeider English: clerical worker; white-collar worker Dutch: hoofdas English: main spindle; main shaft; major axis; principal axis Dutch: hoofdbedieningsorganen English: major controls Dutch: hoofdbesturing English: master control Dutch: hoofdbewerking English: primary operation Dutch: hoofdbewerkingen English: prime operations Dutch: hoofdbewerkingsgroep English: primary work center Dutch: hoofdbibliotheek English: master library Dutch: hoofdbrandpunt English: principal focus Dutch: hoofdbudget English: master budget Dutch: hoofdcompiler English: root compiler Dutch: hoofddirectory English: root directory Dutch: hoofddraaggolf English: main carrier Dutch: hoofdfabricageplan English: master manufacturing plan Dutch: hoofdfrequentie English: master frequency Dutch: hoofdgeheugen English: main memory; main storage Dutch: hoofdgenerator English: main generator Dutch: hoofdindex English: parent directory; root directory Dutch: hoofdindustriegroep English: product division Dutch: hoofdkabel English: main cable Dutch: hoofdkleur English: primary colour Dutch: hoofdklok English: master clock Dutch: hoofdkring English: major loop Dutch: hoofdletter English: capital; upper case Dutch: hoofdlijn English: highway; trunk; bus Dutch: hoofdlob English: major lobe Dutch: hoofdlus English: major loop Dutch: hoofdmagazijn English: main store Dutch: hoofdonderdelen English: major parts; main parts Dutch: hoofdorgaan English: central processor; main frame Dutch: hoofdoscillator English: main oscillator Dutch: hoofdpaneel English: main board Dutch: hoofdplan English: master schedule; master plan Dutch: hoofdplanner English: master scheduler Dutch: hoofdplanning English: master planning Dutch: hoofdpost English: master station Dutch: hoofdproductieplan English: master production schedule: MPS Dutch: hoofdsamenstelling English: main assembly; general assembly Dutch: hoofdspil English: arbor; main spindle Dutch: hoofdspoel English: tuning coil Dutch: hoofdstuklijst English: main parts list Dutch: hoofdtelefoon English: earphone; headphone; headset Dutch: hoofdtoestel English: master station Dutch: hoofdtransmissielijn English: highway; trunk; bus Dutch: hoofdvoorraadhouder English: supply centre Dutch: hoofdvraagplan English: master demand schedule Dutch: hoofdwas English: main wash Dutch: hoog gelegeerd English: high-alloy Dutch: hoogafzwakking English: de-emphasis Dutch: hoogdoorlaatfilter English: high-pass filter Dutch: hoogdoorlatend filter English: high-pass filter Dutch: hoogfrequent English: high frequency: HF; radio frequency: RF Dutch: hoogfrequentbias English: high frequency bias Dutch: hoogfrequentie English: high frequency: HF; radio frequency: RF Dutch: hoogfrequentverdeler English: high-frequency distributor Dutch: hooggelegeerd staal English: high-alloy steel Dutch: hooggepolijst English: highly polished Dutch: hoogglangsvernikkelen English: mirror bright nickel plating Dutch: hoogglans English: high gloss Dutch: hoogglanspasta English: high-gloss polishing paste Dutch: hoogglansverchromen English: mirror bright chromium plating; high lustre chromium plating Dutch: hoogglanzend English: mirror bright Dutch: hoogkantwikkelen English: cross-winding; universal winding Dutch: hoogkokend English: high-boiling; anti-ebullient Dutch: hoogniveaubesturing English: high-level control Dutch: hoogniveau-modulatie English: high-level modulation Dutch: hoogniveauprotocol English: high-level protocol Dutch: hoogniveautaal English: high level language Dutch: hoogohmig English: high-impedance; high-ohmic Dutch: hoogophaling English: pre-emphasis Dutch: hoogoven English: blast furnace Dutch: hoogovenslak English: furnace slack; blast furnace slag Dutch: hoogselectief English: high selectivity Dutch: hoogsmeltend English: high-melting Dutch: hoogspanning English: high voltage; high tension; extremely high tension: EHT Dutch: hoogspanningsbelasting English: high-voltage load; EHT load Dutch: hoogspanningscontact English: high-voltage contact: EHT contact Dutch: hoogspanningsdief English: high-voltage cheater; EHT cheater Dutch: hoogspanningsdop English: high-voltage cap; EHT cap Dutch: hoogspanningsgedeelte English: high-voltage part; EHT part Dutch: hoogspanningskooi English: high-voltage cage; EHT cage Dutch: hoogspanningsmeetkop English: high-voltage probe; EHT probe Dutch: hoogspanningsproef English: high-voltage test; breakdown test: EHT test Dutch: hoogspanningssnoer English: high-voltage flex; EHT cable Dutch: hoogspanningsspoel English: high-voltage coil; EHT coil Dutch: hoogspanningsvoeding English: high-voltage supply; EHT supply Dutch: hoogspanningswikkeling English: high-voltage winding; EHT winding Dutch: hoogste versnelling English: top gear Dutch: hoogte English: height Dutch: hoogte-afstelling English: height adjustment Dutch: hoogte-instelling English: lateral alignment; height alignment Dutch: hoogtemaat English: height gauge Dutch: hoogtemeter English: altimeter Dutch: hoogtemeterstation English: altimeter station Dutch: hoogte-over-azimuth English: altitude-over-azimuth Dutch: hoogtezon English: sun lamp Dutch: hoogvacuüm English: high vacuum Dutch: hoogvacuümbuis English: high-vacuum tube Dutch: hoogwaardig lagervet English: high-grade bearing grease Dutch: hoogweergave English: top response; treble response Dutch: hoogweergever English: tweeter Dutch: hoorapparaat English: hearing aid Dutch: hoorbaar English: audible Dutch: hoorbaar spectrum English: audible spectrum Dutch: hoorbaarheid English: audibility Dutch: hoorbare frequentie English: low frequency Dutch: hoorbatterij English: hearing aid battery Dutch: hoorbril English: hearing glasses Dutch: hoorn English: French horn; horn; beak Dutch: hoornantenne English: horn antenna; horn aerial Dutch: hoornvlies English: cornea Dutch: hoorstuk English: ear piece Dutch: Hopfield-netwerk English: Hopfield network Dutch: horizontaal hergebruik English: horizontal reuse Dutch: horizontaalamplitude English: horizontal amplitude Dutch: horizontaaldomein English: horizontal domain Dutch: horizontaalfase English: horizontal phase Dutch: horizontaalparabool English: horizontal phase Dutch: horizontale afbuiging English: horizontal deflection; line deflection Dutch: horizontale amplitude English: horizontal amplitude; line amplitude Dutch: horizontale definitie English: horizontal definition; horizontal resolution Dutch: horizontale deflectie English: horizontal deflection; line deflection Dutch: horizontale frequentie English: horizontal frequency Dutch: horizontale geleider English: horizontal wire; flat-top Dutch: horizontale pariteit English: longitudinal parity Dutch: horizontale tijdbasis English: time base; line time base Dutch: horizontale versterker English: horizontal amplifier Dutch: horlogeglas English: watch-glass; clock-glass Dutch: host English: host Dutch: host/satelliet-systeem English: host/satellite system Dutch: hostcomputer English: host computer Dutch: host-taal English: host language Dutch: hot standby English: hot standby Dutch: hotelschakelaar English: two-way switch Dutch: houdanode English: holding anode Dutch: houdbaar English: tenable Dutch: houdbaarheden English: tenability; storage life; shelf life; working life; pot life; shelf lives; can life; preservability Dutch: houdcircuit English: holding circuit Dutch: houdelektrode English: hold electrode Dutch: houden English: to hold Dutch: houder English: cartridge; holder; work-holding fixture; fixture; container; package; bearer; proprietor Dutch: houderpen English: package lead Dutch: houdgebied English: retaining zone Dutch: houding English: attitude; posture Dutch: houdstroom English: hold current Dutch: houdtijd English: holding time; hold time Dutch: houdtoestand English: hold mode Dutch: houtbeits English: wood stain Dutch: houtbewerking English: woodworking Dutch: houtcellulose English: lignocellulose; wood cellulose Dutch: houtdraaibank English: lathe Dutch: houtfrees English: moulding cutter; moulding machine Dutch: houthoudend English: woody; containing wood Dutch: houtlijm English: wood glue; joiner's putty Dutch: houtmeel English: wood flour; wood dust; boring dust Dutch: houtnerf English: grain; woodgrain; herringbone Dutch: houtnerfpatroon English: woodgrain pattern Dutch: houtschroef English: wood screw Dutch: houtslijp English: ground wood pulp; mechanical wood pulp Dutch: houtsoorten English: kinds of wood Dutch: houtverbinding English: wood joint Dutch: houtverwerking English: wood conversion; wood processing Dutch: houtvezel English: wood fibre; ligneous fibre Dutch: houtvezelplaat English: wood fibreboard; wood wool slab Dutch: houtvrij English: cellulose-free; without cellulose Dutch: houtwol English: wood-wool; wood shaving Dutch: houtzaagsel English: sawdust Dutch: houtzagerij English: sawmill Dutch: houvast English: grip; handgrip Dutch: Huffman-codering English: Huffman coding Dutch: huidenlijm English: hide glue Dutch: huidig karwei English: current job Dutch: huidige toestand English: current state Dutch: huidskelet English: exoskeleton Dutch: huis English: house; housing; casing Dutch: huis-aan-huis verkoop English: door-to-door selling; doorstep selling Dutch: huishoud-elektronica English: domestic electronics Dutch: huishoudelijk apparaat English: domestic appliance; household appliance; home appliance Dutch: huishoudelijke stoffen English: domestic substances; household substances; condiments Dutch: huishoudkoelkast English: household refrigerator Dutch: huiskamerontvanger English: residential receiver Dutch: huiskamerrecorder English: domestic recorder Dutch: huisvesten English: to accommodate; to house Dutch: huisvesting English: accommodation; housing Dutch: Hullceltest English: Hull-cell test Dutch: hulpafdeling English: auxiliary department Dutch: hulpanode English: auxiliary anode; intermediate anode Dutch: hulpapparaat English: auxiliary apparatus Dutch: hulpapparatuur English: auxiliary equipment Dutch: hulparbeider English: relief worker Dutch: hulpas English: auxiliary spindle; lay shaft Dutch: hulpbewerking English: auxiliary operation Dutch: hulpbronconstructies English: resource constructs Dutch: hulpbronmodel English: resource model Dutch: hulpbronnen English: resources Dutch: hulpcontacten English: auxiliary contacts Dutch: hulpdraaggolf English: subcarrier Dutch: hulpdraaggolfgenerator English: reference oscillator Dutch: hulpgat English: tooling hole; auxiliary hole; pilot hole Dutch: hulpgeheugen English: auxiliary store; backing store; secondary store; bump Dutch: hulpgenerator English: auxiliary generator Dutch: hulpkanaal English: auxiliary channel Dutch: hulplijn English: auxiliary line; dummy Dutch: hulpmaat English: auxiliary dimension Dutch: hulpmaatlijn English: extension line Dutch: hulpmateriaal English: ancillary material Dutch: hulposcillator English: subcarrier oscillator Dutch: hulposcillatorsignaal English: subcarrier oscillator signal Dutch: hulppaneel English: auxiliary board; auxiliary panel Dutch: hulpschakelaar English: auxiliary switch Dutch: hulpsignaal English: steering signal; S-signal; stereo signal Dutch: hulpspanning English: auxiliary voltage Dutch: hulpstation English: auxiliary station; auxiliary terminal Dutch: hulpstroomkring English: auxiliary circuit Dutch: hulpstuk English: attachment; accessory Dutch: hulpstuklijst English: phantom bill-of-material Dutch: hulpvoeding English: auxiliary power Dutch: hulpwikkeling English: auxiliary winding Dutch: huls English: jacket; sleeve; wrap; breech; case; thimble Dutch: huren; inhuren; inhuring English: rent Dutch: Hut-Kühn-oscillator English: tuned plate-tuned grid oscillator: TPTG oscillator; tuned grid-tuned plate oscillator Dutch: huurlijn English: leased line Dutch: hybride English: hybrid Dutch: hybride computer English: hybrid computer Dutch: hybride junctie English: hybrid junction Dutch: hybride koppeling English: hybrid coupling Dutch: hybride spoel English: hybrid coil Dutch: hybridische schakeling English: hybrid circuit Dutch: hybridische simulator English: mixed-mode simulator Dutch: hydraulische besturing English: liquid-pressure control Dutch: hydraulische vloeistof English: hydraulic fluid Dutch: hydro-akoestisch English: hydroacoustic Dutch: hydro-elektrisch English: hydroelectric Dutch: hydrofiel English: hydrophilic Dutch: hydroxylgroepen English: hydroxyl groups Dutch: hygrostaat English: hygrostat Dutch: hygroweerstand English: hygristor Dutch: hyperbolisch English: hyperbolic Dutch: hyperbool English: hyperbola Dutch: Hypercard English: Hypercard Dutch: hyperkanaal English: hyperchannel Dutch: hyperkolom English: hypercolumn Dutch: hyperkubus English: hypercube Dutch: Hypertalk English: Hyper-talk Dutch: hypnopedie English: sleep learning Dutch: hypothese English: hypothesis Dutch: hysteresis English: hysteresis Dutch: hysteresisarbeid English: hysteresis work Dutch: hysteresiscoëfficiënt English: hysteresis coefficient Dutch: hysteresisconstante English: hysteresis constant Dutch: hysteresisfout English: hysteresis error Dutch: hysteresiskromme English: hysteresis curve Dutch: hysteresislus English: hysteresis loop Dutch: hysteresismeter English: hysteresis meter; hysteresis tester Dutch: hysteresisverlies English: hysteresis loss Dutch: hysteresisverliezen English: hysteresis losses Dutch: I-as English: I-axis; wide-band axis Dutch: I-balk English: I-beam; I-girder Dutch: I-band English: I-band Dutch: I-component English: I component Dutch: iconoscoop English: iconoscope Dutch: icoon English: icon Dutch: IC-techniek English: IC technique Dutch: IC-tester English: IC tester Dutch: ideaal component English: ideal component Dutch: ideale condensator English: ideal capacitor Dutch: ideale inductor English: ideal inductor Dutch: ideale kromme English: ideal curve Dutch: idee English: idea; notion; concept; conception; suggestion Dutch: ideeënbus English: suggestion box Dutch: ideeënuitwisseling English: idea exchange Dutch: idem English: ditto: do. Dutch: identificatie English: identification: ID; identifier Dutch: identificatie-impuls English: identification pulse Dutch: identificatiesignaal English: identification signal Dutch: identificatiesymbool English: identifier Dutch: identificatiesysteem English: identification system Dutch: identificeren English: to identify Dutch: identificerend element English: descriptor Dutch: identiteitsbepaling English: challenge Dutch: identiteitsorgaan English: identity unit Dutch: I-detector English: I detector Dutch: iepenhout English: elm Dutch: iets actueel maken English: to instance Dutch: IF-opdracht English: IF-statement Dutch: IF-THEN bewerking English: IF-THEN operation Dutch: IF-THEN-ELSE bewerking English: IF-THEN-ELSE operation Dutch: IF-uitdrukking English: IF-expression Dutch: ignitron English: ignitron Dutch: IHF English: Institute of High Fidelity Dutch: IHF-gevoeligheid English: IHF-sensitivity Dutch: ijkcondensator English: calibration capacitor Dutch: ijkdiafragma English: calibration diaphragm Dutch: ijken English: to calibrate; to gauge Dutch: ijkinstrument English: calibrator Dutch: ijkkop English: standard head; calibrating head Dutch: ijklicht English: calibration light Dutch: ijksignaal English: calibration signal Dutch: ijkspoeltje English: standard coil; calibrating coil Dutch: ijkvoorschrift English: calibration instructions Dutch: ijlgang English: fast traverse; rapid traverse Dutch: ijsazijn English: glacial acetic acid Dutch: ijsazijnzuur English: glacial acetic acid Dutch: ijsbakje English: ice-cube storage bin; ice-cube tray Dutch: ijsblokjesbakje English: ice-cube storage bin; ice-cube tray Dutch: ijsblokjeskast English: ice-cube freezer Dutch: ijsblokjesvak English: ice-cube freezer Dutch: ijskast English: refrigerator Dutch: ijslade English: cube ice tray Dutch: ijzer English: iron Dutch: ijzerarm English: poor in iron Dutch: ijzercircuit English: iron circuit Dutch: ijzerdraad English: iron wire Dutch: ijzerdraadgrafiek English: wire frame graphics Dutch: ijzerdraadmodel English: wire frame model Dutch: ijzerdraadweerstand English: iron wire resistance; barreter Dutch: ijzeren magneet English: iron magnet Dutch: ijzeren voorraad English: safety stock Dutch: ijzerfosfaat English: iron phosphate Dutch: ijzerhamerslag English: hammer scale Dutch: ijzerlegering English: alloy iron; alloy of iron Dutch: ijzerpoeder English: iron dust; iron powder Dutch: ijzerpoederkern English: iron-powder core; iron-dust core Dutch: ijzerspaat English: siderite; spathic iron Dutch: ijzerverliezen English: iron losses Dutch: ijzervijlsel English: iron filings Dutch: ijzervrij English: free of iron Dutch: ijzerzaag English: metal saw; hacksaw Dutch: I-kanaal English: I channel Dutch: I-kern English: I-core Dutch: illegale code English: illegal code Dutch: illocutionair English: illocutionary Dutch: illustratieinkt English: illustrating ink Dutch: IM English: intermodulation Dutch: image English: image Dutch: imaginair English: imaginary Dutch: imaginair component English: imaginary component Dutch: imaginair deel English: imaginary part Dutch: imaginair getal English: imaginary number Dutch: imitatiebatterij English: dummy battery Dutch: imitatiefineer English: imitation veneer Dutch: imitatiehoutnerf English: simulated wood grain Dutch: imitatieverzendproef English: transport test Dutch: immaterieel English: immaterial Dutch: immersielens English: immersion lens Dutch: immitantie English: immitance Dutch: impacter English: impacter Dutch: impasse English: deadlock Dutch: IMPATT English: Impact Avalanche Transit Time Dutch: IMPATT-diode English: IMPATT diode Dutch: impedantie English: impedance; apparent resistance Dutch: impedantieaanpassing English: impedance matching Dutch: impedantiearm English: impedance arm Dutch: impedantiebrug English: impedance bridge Dutch: impedantiefout English: component error Dutch: impedantiemeter English: impedance measuring set Dutch: impedantieomvormer English: impedance converter; impedance transformer Dutch: impedantiepolen English: poles of impedance Dutch: impedantieval English: impedance drop Dutch: impedantieverhouding English: impedance ratio Dutch: imperfecte inductie English: imperfect induction Dutch: implementatie-eis English: implementation requirement Dutch: implementatietaal English: implementation language Dutch: implementatievorm English: implementation form Dutch: implementeren English: to implement Dutch: implicatie English: inclusion; IF-THEN operation; implication; conditional implication operation Dutch: impliceren English: to imply Dutch: impliciete adressering English: implied addressing Dutch: impliciete DO-opdracht English: implied DO Dutch: impliciete functie English: implicit function Dutch: imploderen English: implode Dutch: implosie English: implosion Dutch: importeren English: to import Dutch: impregneerlak English: impregnating lacquer Dutch: impregneermiddel English: impregnating agent; impregnant Dutch: improvisatie English: improvisation Dutch: impuls English: pulse; impulse Dutch: impulsamplitude English: pulse amplitude Dutch: impulsbreedte English: pulse width Dutch: impulsflank English: pulse edge Dutch: impulsfrequentie English: impulse frequency Dutch: impulsgenerator English: pulse generator Dutch: impulsmenging English: pulse mixing Dutch: impulsremschijf English: pulse brake disc Dutch: impulsruis English: impulse noise Dutch: impulsschijf English: pulse disc Dutch: impulsspanning English: pulse voltage Dutch: impulsstoring English: impulse noise Dutch: impulsteller English: pulse counter Dutch: impulstransformator English: pulse transformer Dutch: impulsverhouding English: impulse ratio Dutch: impulsvormer English: pulse shaper Dutch: IM-vervorming English: IM distortion Dutch: IM-verzwakking English: spurious response rejection Dutch: in balans English: push-pull Dutch: in bedrijf English: busy; up Dutch: in de hand gehouden English: handheld Dutch: in de hand hebben English: to have control over Dutch: in de handel brengen English: to release for commercial purposes: to commercialize Dutch: in de lengte English: lengthwise; longitudinally Dutch: in de lengterichting English: lengthwise; longitudinally Dutch: in de orde van grootte English: in the order of magnitude Dutch: in de weg staan English: to foul; to interfere with Dutch: in dienst nemen English: to engage; to enlist; to recrute Dutch: in dienst treden English: to enter into service; to commence duty Dutch: in dienst zijn English: to be employed; to be gainfully employed Dutch: in elkaar overgaan English: to merge into one another Dutch: in- en uitvoeropdracht English: input/output statement Dutch: in- en/of omstelling English: set-up Dutch: in evenwicht English: balanced Dutch: in groepsverband English: in groups Dutch: in het midden English: at the centre Dutch: in het midden brengen English: to put forward Dutch: in het midden laten English: to leave aside Dutch: in het verlengde van English: in line with Dutch: in laagjes verdelen English: slicing Dutch: in niveaus opdelen English: leveling Dutch: in orde van grootte English: in order of magnitude Dutch: in orde zijn English: to be in order Dutch: in plaats van: ipv English: instead of Dutch: in plakken snijden English: wafer slicing Dutch: in rekening brengen English: to charge Dutch: in twee richtingen English: bidirectional Dutch: in vaste dienst zijn English: to be permanently employed; to hold a permanent appointment Dutch: in verband met: ivm English: in connection with; in view of; with a view to Dutch: in verhouding tot English: in relation to Dutch: in voorraad English: on hand; in hand; in store; available Dutch: in werkelijkheid English: in reality; actually Dutch: in werktijd English: during working hours; on company time Dutch: in/uitvoer English: input/output Dutch: inactief English: idle Dutch: inbedden English: to embed Dutch: inbegrepen English: included; inclusive of Dutch: inbouw English: incorporation; building-in Dutch: inbouwartikelen English: incorporatives Dutch: inbouwen English: to build in; to incorporate; to encase Dutch: inbouwfilter English: built-in filter Dutch: inbouwgrammofoon English: record player deck Dutch: inbouwhoogte English: overall height Dutch: inbouwkoppelfilter English: built-in signal splitter; built-in mixer filter Dutch: inbouwpakket English: mounting kit Dutch: inbouwpassing English: shaft and housing fit Dutch: inbouwspeler English: built-in player Dutch: inbouwvoet English: plinth Dutch: inbouwvoorschrift English: encasing instructions Dutch: inbraakalarm English: burglar alarm; intrusion alarm Dutch: inbraakprocedure English: break-in procedure Dutch: inbrengen English: to snap in; to dope Dutch: inbusbout English: recessed head screw; socket screw; socket-head screw Dutch: inbusgereedschap English: canning-in tool Dutch: inbusschroef English: recessed head screw; socket screw; socket-head screw Dutch: inbussen English: canning in Dutch: inbussleutel English: hollow-head screw wrench; socket-head screw wrench Dutch: incidentele bewegingen English: accountable fluctuations Dutch: incidentele fout English: incidental defect Dutch: incidentiehoek English: incidence angle Dutch: in-circuit tester English: in-circuit tester Dutch: inclusie English: conditional implication operation Dutch: inclusief English: inclusive; included; inclusive of Dutch: inclusief OF English: inclusive OR Dutch: incoherent English: noncoherent Dutch: incoherent licht English: incoherent light Dutch: incoherente bundel English: incoherent bundle Dutch: incompatibel English: incompatible Dutch: incorrect bit English: incorrect bit Dutch: incorrect blok English: incorrect block Dutch: incourant English: obsolete; uncurrent; incurrent Dutch: incourante voorraad English: dead stock; obsolete stock Dutch: increment English: increment Dutch: incrementeel testen English: incremental testing Dutch: incrementele backup English: incremental backup Dutch: incrementele compiler English: incremental compiler Dutch: incrementele planning English: incremental planning Dutch: indampen English: to reduce by evaporation Dutch: indampresidu English: residue after evaporation Dutch: indampschaal English: evaporating dish Dutch: indampverliezen English: evaporation losses Dutch: indekking English: hedging Dutch: indelen English: to arrange; to stratify; to layout; to classify Dutch: indeling English: arrangement; stratification; format; layout; classification Dutch: indelingskaart English: lay-out map Dutch: indent-verkopen English: indent sales Dutch: indeuken English: to dent; to indent Dutch: indeuking English: dent; indentation Dutch: index English: directory; index; suffix; subscript Dutch: indexcijfer English: index number; index figure Dutch: indexingang English: index entry Dutch: indexnaam English: index name Dutch: indexrecord English: index record Dutch: indexregister English: index register; modifier register; B-register Dutch: indicatieafwijking English: indication error Dutch: indicatielampje English: indicator light; pilot lamp; LE Dutch: indicatiemeter English: indicator; recording level indicator Dutch: indicatieplaat English: indication plate Dutch: indicatieschakelaar English: indicator switch Dutch: indicatiestrip English: indicator strip Dutch: indicatorbeugel English: indicator bracket Dutch: indicatorbuis English: indicator valve Dutch: indiceren English: indexing; to index Dutch: indicering English: indexing Dutch: indien mogelijk English: if possible Dutch: indieping English: recess Dutch: indifferente balans English: indifferent balance Dutch: indikken English: to thicken Dutch: indirect English: indirect Dutch: indirect materiaal English: indirect material Dutch: indirect verhit English: indirectly heated Dutch: indirecte aarde English: indirect ground Dutch: indirecte adressering English: indirect addressing Dutch: indirecte aftasting English: indirect scanning Dutch: indirecte besturing English: indirect control Dutch: indirecte golf English: indirect wave Dutch: indirecte koppeling English: indirect coupling Dutch: indirecte kosten English: overhead; overhead costs; indirect costs Dutch: indirecte opdracht English: indirect instruction Dutch: indirecte verwijzing English: indirect referencing Dutch: indirecte werkwijze English: indirect mode Dutch: indirecten English: indirect labour Dutch: indiumschijf English: indium disc Dutch: individuele montage English: individual assembly Dutch: indoctrinatie English: indoctrination Dutch: indoctrineren English: to indoctrinate Dutch: indopen English: to immerse; to dip Dutch: indraaien English: tighten; to turn in; to screw in; to mesh Dutch: indraaiprocédé English: drive-in procedure Dutch: indrijving English: drive-in Dutch: indringdiepte English: penetration depth; indentation depth; depth of penetration Dutch: indringdieptemeter English: penetration meter; indentation meter; indentor Dutch: indringhardheid English: penetration hardness; indentation hardness Dutch: indringmeter English: penetration meter; indentation meter; indentor Dutch: indrogen English: to dry up; to dry in Dutch: indrukbaar English: crushable Dutch: indrukgereedschap English: press-in tool Dutch: indrukken English: to push in; to press in; to depress; to press; to push; to impress; to compress; to crush; to hot-stamp Dutch: indrukking English: pushing-in; pressing-in; depression; impression; compression; crushing; hot-stamping; hot foil printing Dutch: indrukkracht English: insertion force Dutch: indrukmal English: impression jig Dutch: induceren English: to induce Dutch: inductantie English: inductance Dutch: inductie English: induction; inductance Dutch: inductieconstante English: induction constant Dutch: inductief English: inductive Dutch: inductief circuit English: inductive circuit Dutch: inductief element English: inductive element Dutch: inductief leren English: inductive learning Dutch: inductiemotor English: induction motor Dutch: inductiespanning English: induction voltage Dutch: inductiespoel English: induction coil Dutch: inductieve afstemming English: inductive tuning; permeability tuning Dutch: inductieve condensator English: inductive capacitor Dutch: inductieve koppeling English: inductive coupling Dutch: inductieve logica English: inductive logic Dutch: inductieve omvormer English: inductive transducer Dutch: inductieve reactantie English: inductive reactance Dutch: inductieveld English: induction filed Dutch: inductieverhitting English: induction heating Dutch: inductievrij English: non-inductive Dutch: inductiviteit English: inductivity; inductance; self-inductance Dutch: inductor English: catcher Dutch: inductorrooster English: catcher grid Dutch: industrialisatie English: industrialization Dutch: industrialiseren English: to industrialize Dutch: industrieel English: industrial Dutch: industrieel plan English: master schedule: MS Dutch: industriegroep English: product subdivision Dutch: industriële apparaten English: industrial equipment Dutch: industriële computer English: industrial computer Dutch: industriële robot English: industrial robot Dutch: industrieluidspreker English: industrial loudspeaker Dutch: industrietak English: branch of industry Dutch: ineengrijpen English: to engage; to mesh; to mesh together; to enmesh; to mesh with each other; to be in mesh with each other Dutch: ineenvoegen English: to merge; to collate Dutch: ineffectieve tijd English: ineffective time Dutch: inert gas English: inert gas; shielding gas Dutch: inertanza acustica English: acoustic mass; acoustic inertia Dutch: inerte atmosfeer English: inert atmosphere Dutch: in-fase English: in phase Dutch: in-fasespanning English: in-phase voltage Dutch: in-fasestroom English: in-phase current Dutch: inferentie English: inference Dutch: inferentielaag English: inference layer Dutch: inferentiemachine English: inference engine Dutch: inferentiemechanisme English: inference mechanism Dutch: inferentieprocessen English: inference processes Dutch: inferentieregels English: inference rules Dutch: inferentietechnieken English: inference techniques Dutch: infereren English: to infer Dutch: infix-notatie English: infix notation Dutch: influiten English: to whistle Dutch: informatie-analyse English: information analysis; data analysis Dutch: informatiebank English: data bank; data base Dutch: informatiebeeld English: information view Dutch: informatiedrager English: data carrier; information medium; information carrier; information storage device Dutch: informatie-element English: data element Dutch: informatie-entiteit English: information entity Dutch: informatiefaciliteit English: information facility Dutch: informatiekanaal English: information channel Dutch: informatieklasse English: information class Dutch: informatieloos teken English: null character; null representation Dutch: informatiemodel English: information model Dutch: informatieontvanger English: information addressee Dutch: informatieoverdracht English: information transfer Dutch: informatiepatroon English: data cartridge Dutch: informatieplan English: information plan Dutch: informatieschema English: information schema Dutch: informatiesnelheid English: information speed Dutch: informatiespoor English: code track Dutch: informatiestrategie English: information strategy Dutch: informatiestroom English: information flow; flow of information; provision of information Dutch: informatiestroomschema English: flowchart Dutch: informatietechnologie English: information technology: IT Dutch: informatieteken English: character Dutch: informatieverberging English: information hiding Dutch: informatieverspreiding English: information dissemination Dutch: informatieverwerkend English: data processing; information processing Dutch: informatieverwerking English: data processing; information processing Dutch: informatieverzoek English: inquiry Dutch: informatievoorziening English: provision of information; information provision; information Dutch: informeel English: informal Dutch: informele test(en) English: informal testing Dutch: infrarode band English: infrared band Dutch: infrarode diode English: infrared diode Dutch: infrarood spectrum English: infrared spectrum Dutch: infrasone trilling English: infrasound Dutch: infrasoon English: infrasonic Dutch: ingaande as English: input shaft Dutch: ingang English: entrance; entry; input; entry point; port Dutch: ingang vinden English: to find acceptance; to gain currency; to take on Dutch: ingangsadmittantie English: input admittance Dutch: ingangsadres English: entry Dutch: ingangsbelasting English: input load Dutch: ingangscapacitantie English: input capacitance Dutch: ingangscapaciteit English: input capacitance Dutch: ingangscondensator English: input capacitor Dutch: ingangsconstante English: entry constant Dutch: ingangscontrole English: incoming goods inspection; incoming inspection; receiving inspection Dutch: ingangsfilter English: input filter Dutch: ingangsgeleiding English: input conductance Dutch: ingangsgevoeligheid English: input sensitivity Dutch: ingangsimpedantie English: input impedance Dutch: ingangsinstelstroom English: input bias current Dutch: ingangskarakteristiek English: input characteristic Dutch: ingangskeuzeschakelaar English: input selector switch Dutch: ingangsklem English: input terminal Dutch: ingangskring English: input circuit Dutch: ingangsnaam English: entry name Dutch: ingangspunt English: entry point Dutch: ingangsresonator English: input resonator Dutch: ingangssignaal English: input signal Dutch: ingangsspanning English: input voltage Dutch: ingangsspoel English: input coil Dutch: ingangsstroom English: input current Dutch: ingangssymbool English: entry symbol Dutch: ingangstank English: input tank Dutch: ingangsterminals English: input terminals Dutch: ingangstransducer English: input transducer Dutch: ingangstransformator English: input transformer; driver transformer Dutch: ingangsvariabele English: entry variable Dutch: ingangsvermogen English: input power Dutch: ingangsvoorraadpunt English: inbound stockpoint Dutch: ingangsvoorwaarden English: entry conditions Dutch: ingangswaarde English: entry value Dutch: ingangsweerstand English: input resistance Dutch: ingebed Java English: embedded Java Dutch: ingebed SQL English: embedded SQL Dutch: ingebed systeem English: embedded system Dutch: ingebedde software English: embedded software Dutch: ingeblikt programma English: confectioned program; canned program Dutch: ingeblikte muziek English: canned music Dutch: ingebouwd English: built-in; incorporated; encased Dutch: ingebouwde controle English: automatic check; built-in check Dutch: ingebouwde functie English: built-in function Dutch: ingebouwde zelf-test English: built-in self-test: BIST Dutch: ingedampt English: reduced by evaporation Dutch: ingedeukt English: dented; indented Dutch: ingedraaid English: turned-in; screwed-in Dutch: ingedrukte ril English: crease Dutch: ingegoten English: poured-in; cast-in; moulded-in; encapsulated; potted; embedded Dutch: ingekapseld English: encapsulated; potted Dutch: ingekast English: encased Dutch: ingekocht item English: bought item Dutch: ingekofferd English: encased Dutch: ingekort English: shortened Dutch: ingelaten English: recessed; cutaway Dutch: ingenieurschap English: engineering Dutch: ingeölied met English: oiled with; lubricated with Dutch: ingeperst English: pressed-in; moulded-in Dutch: ingeschakeld English: switched on; connected in circuit Dutch: ingeschreven maat English: dimension Dutch: ingeslagen lucht English: mixed-in air Dutch: ingeslepen stop English: ground stopper Dutch: ingesloten luchtbel English: entrapped air-bubble Dutch: ingesloten opdracht English: embedded command Dutch: ingesneden English: cut-in; slit; scored Dutch: ingesnoerd English: laterally contracted Dutch: ingesnoerde bedrading English: laced wiring Dutch: ingespannen English: clamped Dutch: ingespannen werken English: to work strenuously Dutch: ingesteld English: adjusted; aligned; set Dutch: ingestoken English: inserted; plugged-in Dutch: ingevet English: lubricated greased Dutch: ingevlochten English: stacked Dutch: ingewalst English: rolled-in Dutch: ingeweven hechting English: interwoven stitching Dutch: ingewikkeld English: complicated; intricate; wrapped-up Dutch: ingezaagd English: serrated; split Dutch: ingieten English: to pour in; to cast in; to mould in; to encapsulate; to pot; to embed Dutch: ingietmal English: mould Dutch: ingietmassa English: encapsulated compound; casting compound Dutch: ingietmatrijs English: mould; mold; die Dutch: ingreep English: interrupt Dutch: ingrijpen English: to mesh; to engage Dutch: inhaalbuis English: klystron; klystron valve; klystron tube Dutch: inhaalbuisversterker English: klystron amplifier Dutch: inharsgereedschap English: mould-in tool Dutch: inharsmoer English: moulded-in nut Dutch: inherent English: inherent Dutch: inherent component English: inherent component Dutch: inherent vermogen English: incident power Dutch: inherente golf English: incident wave Dutch: in-het-oor apparaat English: in-the-ear hearing aid Dutch: inhibitor English: inhibitor Dutch: inhomogene vezel English: inhomogeneous fiber Dutch: inhomogeniteit English: discontinuity Dutch: inhouden English: to contain; to hold operated Dutch: inhoudskoppeling English: content coupling Dutch: inhoudsmaat English: measure of capacity Dutch: initiale kosten English: initial cost Dutch: initialisatie English: initialization; boot Dutch: initialiseren English: to initialize Dutch: initiatiepuls English: enable pulse Dutch: initieel laadprogramma English: initial program loader Dutch: initiële afvoer English: initial drain Dutch: initiële bestelling English: initial order Dutch: initiële markt English: initial market Dutch: initiële order English: initial order Dutch: initiële positie English: initial position Dutch: initiële status English: reset mode; initial mode; initial condition mode Dutch: initiële toestand English: initial condition Dutch: initiëren English: to initialize Dutch: injecteren English: to inject Dutch: injecteur English: injector Dutch: injectie English: injection; injection shot Dutch: injectiecapaciteit English: injection capacity; shot capacity Dutch: injectiecilinder English: injection cylinder Dutch: injectie-efficiency English: injection efficiency Dutch: injectieplunjer English: injection ram Dutch: inkapselen English: to encapsulate; to pot Dutch: inkasten English: to encase Dutch: inkastmal English: encasing jig Dutch: inkepen English: to notch Dutch: inkeping English: notch Dutch: inkijk English: peep-in; people to look in; looking in Dutch: inklapbaar English: collapsible Dutch: inklapbaar TV chassis English: hinged chassis Dutch: inklappen English: to collapse Dutch: inkleuren English: colouring Dutch: inklikken English: to snap in Dutch: inkofferen English: to encase Dutch: inkomend signaal English: incoming signal Dutch: inkomend voorraadpunt English: inbound stockpoint Dutch: inkomende verbinding English: incoming lead Dutch: inkoop English: purchase; procurement Dutch: inkoopartikel English: purchase article; purchase item Dutch: inkoopbeleid English: buying policy; procurement policy Dutch: inkoopbeslissing English: buy decision Dutch: inkoopbon English: purchase requisition Dutch: inkoopbudget English: purchasing budget Dutch: inkoopcapaciteit English: purchasing capacity Dutch: inkooporder English: purchase order; procurement order; buying order Dutch: inkoopovereenkomst English: purchase agreement Dutch: inkoopprijs English: purchase price Dutch: inkoopproduct English: purchased product Dutch: inkopen English: to purchase; to buy; to procure Dutch: inkopen op partijbasis English: batch buying Dutch: inkorten English: to shorten Dutch: inkrimpen English: to undersize Dutch: inkrimping English: shrinkage Dutch: inktspuitplotter English: inkjet plotter Dutch: inlaat English: inlead; inlet; intake Dutch: inlaatklep English: intake valve; inlet valve Dutch: inlage English: nest Dutch: inleertijd English: learning time Dutch: inleggen English: to insert; to thread Dutch: inlegger English: liner; paper feeder Dutch: inlegplaat English: locating plate Dutch: inlegspie English: slot and feather Dutch: inlegstuk English: insert Dutch: inlegvel English: leaflet Dutch: inlezen English: to read; to write Dutch: inlichtingenstation English: inquiry terminal; inquiry station Dutch: inline-code English: inline code Dutch: inline-procedures English: inline procedures Dutch: inlining English: inlining Dutch: inloggen English: to log in Dutch: inloopgroef English: lead-in groove; run-in groove Dutch: inloopvang English: entrance catch Dutch: inoliën met English: to oil with; to lubricate with Dutch: inpakhandelingen English: packaging proceedings Dutch: inpakken English: to pack; to package Dutch: inpakker English: packer; packager Dutch: inpaklepel English: packaging ladle Dutch: inpakmachine English: packaging machine Dutch: inpakster English: female packer Dutch: inpersen English: to,press in; to mould in Dutch: inpersmoer English: press-in nut; mould-in nut Dutch: inpikfunctie English: snap function Dutch: inregeltijd English: attack time; synchronizing time Dutch: inruilen English: to trade in Dutch: inruilkorting English: trade-in allowance Dutch: inruilprijs English: trade-in price Dutch: inschakelduur English: duty cycle Dutch: inschakelstroom English: switch-on current Dutch: inschakelstroomstoot English: current inrush Dutch: inschakeltijd English: turn-on time Dutch: inschieten English: to shoot in Dutch: inschietmal English: shooting jig Dutch: inschrijven English: to dimension; to enter; to record; to enlist; to enroll; to subscribe to; to tender; to submit a tender Dutch: inschrijver English: subscriber; applicant; bidder; tenderer Dutch: inschrijving English: dimensioning; entering; recording; enlistment; enrollment; subscription to; tender; bid Dutch: inschuifbaar English: telescopic; retractable Dutch: inschuifoscilloscoop English: plug-in oscilloscope Dutch: inschuifterminal English: push-in terminal Dutch: inschuiven English: to slide into; to push into; to insert; to retract Dutch: inscriptieblok English: mould insert for marking Dutch: inscriptiepen English: inscription pad; mould insert for marking Dutch: inslaan English: to strike Dutch: inslag English: weft; woof Dutch: inslagmal English: tapping jig Dutch: inslagmoer English: hammer bush; press-in nut Dutch: inslepen English: to drag in Dutch: insluitblok English: bounding box Dutch: insluiting English: inclusion Dutch: insluitsel English: inclusion Dutch: insmeerapparaat English: smearing device; applicator Dutch: insmeren English: to smear; to grease; to lubricate Dutch: insnijden English: to cut in; to slit; to score Dutch: insnijding English: incision; slit; score Dutch: insnijstempel English: lancing tool Dutch: insnoeren English: to constrict; to contract Dutch: insnoering English: constriction; contraction; waist; reduction of area Dutch: inspanklem English: clamp Dutch: inspanning English: clamping; fixture; effort Dutch: inspanpen English: spigot; shank Dutch: inspectieprocedure English: inspection procedure Dutch: insplitsen English: to merge; to collate Dutch: inspraak English: participation Dutch: inspringen English: to recess; to stand back; to indent Dutch: inspringende delen English: recessed parts Dutch: inspringende stuklijst English: indented bill-of-material Dutch: instabiel English: instable; unstable Dutch: instabiliteit English: instability; unstability Dutch: installateur English: installer Dutch: installatiedetails English: installation details Dutch: installatiehandleiding English: Installation guide; installation manual Dutch: installatietijd English: set-up time Dutch: installeertijd English: installation time Dutch: installeren English: to install Dutch: instantiatie English: instantiation Dutch: instantiatieproces English: instantiation process Dutch: instantiatievariabele English: instance variable Dutch: instantiëren English: to instance; to instantiate Dutch: insteekbaar English: pluggable Dutch: insteekbare kop English: plug-in head Dutch: insteekbare spoel English: plug-in coil Dutch: insteekbeitel English: recessing tool Dutch: insteekgereedschap English: inserting tool Dutch: insteekkoppeling English: insert socket Dutch: insteeklengte English: insert length Dutch: insteekrand English: insert edge Dutch: insteektelefoon English: insert earphone Dutch: insteekthermometer English: inserted thermometer Dutch: insteekvoetje English: receptacle Dutch: insteken English: to insert; to plug in Dutch: instelbeugel English: adjusting bracket Dutch: instelgat English: adjusting hole Dutch: instelimpuls English: set pulse Dutch: instelkaliber English: adjusting gauge Dutch: instelknop English: adjustment knob; tuning knob Dutch: instelkoppel English: controlling torque; setting torque Dutch: instelkosten English: setup costs Dutch: instellen English: to set; to adjust; to align; to index; to establish; to set up; to set a machine; machine-setting; to tune in; to tune upon; to adjust on assembly Dutch: instellen op English: to set to; to set at Dutch: instelling English: setting; adjustment; alignment; set-up; establishment; foundation; institution; attitude; machine-setting; tuning-in; adjustment on assembly Dutch: instellip English: adjusting lug Dutch: instelmal English: adjusting jig Dutch: instelmogelijkheid English: adjustment possibility; adjustment facility Dutch: instelnauwkeurigheid English: setting accuracy Dutch: instelnormalen English: calibration standards Dutch: instelorgaan English: adjusting element Dutch: instelpen English: adjusting pin Dutch: instelpotentiometer English: trimming potentiometer Dutch: instelpunt English: point of operation; operating point; working point; setpoint Dutch: instelring English: adjusting ring Dutch: instelschema English: set-up diagram Dutch: instelschroef English: adjusting screw; set screw Dutch: instelspanning English: setting voltage Dutch: instelstrip English: adjusting strip Dutch: instelstroom English: bias; bias current Dutch: insteltijd English: setting time; set-up time Dutch: instelvlak English: adjusting band Dutch: instelvoorschrift English: adjustment instructions Dutch: instelwaarde English: setting value; set value Dutch: instraling English: external radiation; irradiation Dutch: instructeur English: instructor Dutch: instructie English: instruction; order; command Dutch: instructiecode English: instruction code Dutch: instructiecyclus English: instruction cycle Dutch: instructief English: instructive Dutch: instructie-indeling English: instruction format Dutch: instructiepaneel English: teach pendant Dutch: instructieset English: instruction set Dutch: instructiestap English: instruction cycle Dutch: instrueren English: to instruct Dutch: instrumentaal English: instrumental Dutch: instrumentatie English: instrumentation Dutch: instrumentenpaneel English: instrument panel; facia panel; dashboard Dutch: instrumenteren English: to instrument Dutch: instrumentering English: instrumentation Dutch: instrumentknop English: instrument knob Dutch: instrumentmaker English: precision mechanic; instrument maker Dutch: integer type English: integer type Dutch: integrale logistiek English: integral logistics Dutch: integrale planning English: integral planning Dutch: integrale productgroep English: business unit: BU Dutch: integrand English: integrand Dutch: integratiegraad English: degree of integration Dutch: integratieniveaus English: levels of integration Dutch: integratieproces English: integration proces Dutch: integratieprofiel English: integration profile Dutch: integratieprotocol English: integration protocol Dutch: integratietesten English: integration testing Dutch: integreren English: to integrate Dutch: integrerend deel English: integrating part Dutch: integrerende motor English: integrating motor; messmotor Dutch: integriteitsbeperking English: integrity constraint Dutch: integriteitsregel English: integrity rule Dutch: intekenen; ingetekend English: draw in; sketch in; plot (op kaart) Dutch: intekening English: subscription Dutch: intelligent front-end English: intelligent front end Dutch: intelligent netwerk English: intelligent network Dutch: intelligent signaal English: intelligent signal Dutch: intelligente agent English: intelligent agent Dutch: intelligente database English: intelligent database Dutch: intelligente interface English: intelligent interface Dutch: intelligente robot English: intelligent robot Dutch: intelligente simulatie English: intelligent simulation Dutch: intelligente terminal English: intelligent terminal Dutch: intelligentie English: intelligence Dutch: intelligentieproces English: intelligence process Dutch: intelligoloog English: intelligist Dutch: intensiteit English: intensity Dutch: intensiteitsmodulatie English: intensity modulation Dutch: intensiteitssysteem English: variable density track Dutch: intensivering English: intensivation Dutch: interactief English: interactive; conversational Dutch: interactief systeem English: interactive system Dutch: interactieoverspraak English: interaction crosstalk Dutch: interactietaal English: interaction language Dutch: interactieve simulator English: interactive simulator Dutch: interactieve taal English: interactive language Dutch: interbasisstroom English: interbase current Dutch: interbasisweerstand English: interbase resistance Dutch: interblokspatie English: inter-block gap Dutch: intercarrier English: intercarrier Dutch: intercom English: intercom; interphone Dutch: intercomsysteem English: intercom system Dutch: interconnectiepad English: interconnection path; conductor path Dutch: interdisciplinair English: interdisciplinary; synergetic Dutch: interdraaggolf English: intercarrier Dutch: interdraaggolfdetectie English: intercarrier detection Dutch: interfacebeheer English: interface control Dutch: interface-eis English: interface requirement Dutch: interfacen English: to interface Dutch: interfaceprocessor English: interface processor Dutch: interfacespecificatie English: interface specification Dutch: interfacetest English: interface test Dutch: interfacetype English: interface type Dutch: interferentie English: interference Dutch: interferentieaftasting English: interference scanning Dutch: interferentiecontrole English: interference checking Dutch: interferentiedemping English: interference attenuator Dutch: interferentiefluit(je) English: heterodyne whistle; beat whistle Dutch: interferentielimiet English: interference limit Dutch: interferentiepatroon English: pattern of interference Dutch: interferentiesignaal English: interference signal; spurious signal Dutch: interferentiestreep English: interference line Dutch: interlingua English: interlingua Dutch: interliniëren English: to interlace Dutch: interliniëring English: interlaced scanning Dutch: interlokaal English: long distance Dutch: interlokaal nummer English: area code Dutch: intermitterend signaal English: intermittent signal Dutch: intermitterende fout English: intermittent fault Dutch: intermodulatie English: intermodulation: IM; crosstalk Dutch: intermodulatieproduct English: intermodulation product Dutch: intermodulatieruis English: intermodulation noise Dutch: intermoleculair English: intermolecular Dutch: intern English: internal Dutch: intern beeld English: internal view Dutch: intern gegevensmodel English: internal schema Dutch: intern geheugen English: internal memory; internal store; primary storage Dutch: intern programma English: stored program Dutch: intern schema English: internal schema Dutch: intern vervoer English: internal transport Dutch: internationale coulomb English: international coulomb Dutch: internationale farad English: international farad Dutch: internationale henry English: international henry Dutch: internationale joule English: international joule Dutch: internationale ohm English: international ohm Dutch: internationale volt English: international volt Dutch: internationale watt English: international watt Dutch: interne absorptie English: internal absorption Dutch: interne cursus English: internal course Dutch: interne grijper English: internal gripper Dutch: interne impedantie English: internal impedance Dutch: interne insteltijd English: internal set-up time Dutch: interne levering English: internal supply Dutch: interne mededeling English: internal memorandum; internal communication Dutch: interne modem English: internal modem Dutch: interne naam English: internal name Dutch: interne ontvangst English: internal receipt Dutch: interne order English: internal order Dutch: interne ruis English: internal noise Dutch: interne tekst English: internal text Dutch: interne tijdklok English: internal timer Dutch: interne verbinding English: internal connection Dutch: interne verpakking English: works packaging Dutch: interne versterking English: internal amplification Dutch: interne verwerking English: on-line processing Dutch: interne weerstand English: internal resistance Dutch: Internetadres English: Internet address Dutch: Internetprotocol English: Internet protocol: IP Dutch: interpolatie English: interpolation Dutch: interpolatiecomputer English: director Dutch: interpolatiekromme English: interpolation curve Dutch: interpolatie-oppervlak English: interpolation surface Dutch: interpolatieparameters English: interpolation parameters Dutch: interpolator English: interpolator Dutch: interpoleren English: to interpolate Dutch: interpretatieve code English: interpretive code Dutch: interpretator English: interpretive program; interpreter Dutch: interpreteren English: to interpret Dutch: inter-proces English: inter-process Dutch: interpunctering English: dot interlacing; punctuation Dutch: interpunctie English: punctuation Dutch: interpuntflikkering English: interdot flicker Dutch: interrecordspatie English: record gap; inter record gap: IRG Dutch: interrupt English: interrupt Dutch: interruptie English: interruption; interrupt Dutch: interruptiesysteem English: interruption system Dutch: intersectie English: intersection Dutch: interspeeder English: interspeeder Dutch: intervalschakeling English: interval circuit Dutch: intervariant English: intervariant Dutch: interviewen English: to interview Dutch: interviewer English: interviewer Dutch: interworking English: interworking Dutch: intoetsen English: keying-on; to key Dutch: intoetsgebied English: key entry area Dutch: intoets-overgangen English: keying transients Dutch: intoetspuls English: key pulse Dutch: intrabandniveau English: intra-gap state Dutch: intracel-bedrading English: intra-cell wiring Dutch: intrappen English: to depress Dutch: intraproces English: intra-process Dutch: intreespits English: leading edge Dutch: intreestroom English: input current Dutch: intreewisselteken English: shift-in character Dutch: intrinsiek beeld English: intrinsic image Dutch: intrinsieke functie English: intrinsic function Dutch: intrinsieke prognose English: intrinsic forecast Dutch: intrinsieke ruis English: intrinsic noise Dutch: introduceren English: to introduce Dutch: introspectie English: introspection Dutch: intuïtief ontwerp English: intuitive design Dutch: in-uit knop English: on-off button Dutch: in-uitvoerorgaan English: input/output unit Dutch: inval English: incidence; recess; sink mark; idea Dutch: invalide English: invalid; disabled Dutch: invallen English: to incide; to enter; to sink in; to collapse Dutch: invallend licht English: incident light; incoming light Dutch: invallende straal English: incident ray Dutch: invalshoek English: angle of incidence Dutch: invangen English: to intercept; to catch Dutch: invanggebied English: pull-in range; lock-in range Dutch: invar English: invar Dutch: inventarisatie English: stock-taking Dutch: inventief; inventieve English: inventive Dutch: invers English: inverse Dutch: invers fotoëtsen English: inverse photoetch; inverse photoresist Dutch: invers metaalmaskeren English: inverse metal masking Dutch: inverse impedantie English: inverse impedance Dutch: inverse kinematica English: inverse kinematics Dutch: inverse spanning English: inverse voltage Dutch: inverteren English: to invert Dutch: investeringsbeslissing English: investment decision Dutch: invetten English: to lubricate; to grease Dutch: invlechten English: to stack alternately Dutch: invlechtmal English: stacking jig Dutch: invloedsfactor English: influencing factor Dutch: invoegen English: to interpose; to insert; to merge; to collate Dutch: invoegverlies English: insertion loss Dutch: invoegversterking English: insertion gain Dutch: invoegweerstand English: insertion resistance Dutch: invoer English: feed; advance; import; importation; intake; inlet; input Dutch: invoer en uitvoer; I/O English: input and output; I/O Dutch: invoer van golfvormen English: waveform input Dutch: invoer/uitvoer English: input-output: IO Dutch: invoer/uitvoerbeheer English: input/output control Dutch: invoer/uitvoereenheid English: input-output device Dutch: invoerassertie English: input assertion Dutch: invoerbestand English: input file; hopper deck Dutch: invoercircuit English: input circuit Dutch: invoerdomein English: input domain Dutch: invoerdraad English: lead-in wire Dutch: invoereenheid English: input device; input unit Dutch: invoeren English: to feed; to import; to introduce; to initiate; to input Dutch: invoergebied English: input section; input area; input block Dutch: invoergegevens English: input data Dutch: invoerimpedantie English: input impedance Dutch: invoerimpuls English: input pulse Dutch: invoering English: introduction Dutch: invoerkaarten English: hopper deck Dutch: invoerkanaal English: input channel Dutch: invoermagazijn English: hopper Dutch: invoermechanisme English: feed mechanism Dutch: invoermedium English: input medium Dutch: invoermodus English: input mode Dutch: invoermoduul English: input module Dutch: invoerorgaan English: input unit Dutch: invoer-proces-uitvoer English: input-process-output: IPO Dutch: invoerprogramma English: input program; input routine Dutch: invoerrand English: leading edge Dutch: invoerrechten English: import duties Dutch: invoerregel English: input line Dutch: invoerroutine English: input routine Dutch: invoersignaal English: input signal Dutch: invoerstimuli English: input stimuli Dutch: invoerstroom English: input current Dutch: invoersysteem English: entry system Dutch: invoertaal English: input language Dutch: invoertoetsenbord English: data entry keyboard Dutch: invoervector English: input vector Dutch: invoerwaarde English: input value Dutch: invoerwerkwijze English: input mode Dutch: invreten English: to bite into; to dig into; to score; to groove; to attack Dutch: invriesruimte English: freezing room Dutch: invullen English: to fill out; to complete Dutch: inwalsen English: to roll into; to roll in Dutch: inwendig English: internal; inside Dutch: inwendige afscherming English: internal screening Dutch: inwendige luidspreker English: internal loudspeaker Dutch: inwendige maat English: inside dimension Dutch: inwendige middellijn English: inside diameter Dutch: inwendige spanning English: internal voltage; internal stress Dutch: inwendige weerstand English: internal resistance; anode AC resistance; volume resistance Dutch: inwerken English: to train; to learn; to coach; to attack; to affect; to recess out Dutch: inwerkingstelling English: putting into operation; commissioning Dutch: inwikkelen English: to wrap up Dutch: inwrijfmechanisme English: rubbing mechanism Dutch: inwrijven English: to rub; to rub in Dutch: inzadeling English: dip Dutch: inzagen English: to saw in; to serrate; to split Dutch: inzakken English: to sink in; to collapse Dutch: inzakking English: sinking; sink mark Dutch: inzet van krachten English: mustering of forces Dutch: inzetdeel English: insert Dutch: inzetharden English: to case-harden; to cement; to carburize Dutch: inzetharding English: case-hardening; cementation; carburation Dutch: inzetmachine English: inserting machine; inserter Dutch: inzetmateriaal English: insert material Dutch: inzetmeetruit English: insert measuring glass Dutch: inzetpen English: insert pin Dutch: inzetstaal English: case-hardened steel; cemented steel; carburized steel Dutch: inzetstuk English: insert Dutch: inzetten English: to insert; to subject to test Dutch: inzicht in; inzicht English: insight (into); understanding Dutch: inzoomen English: to zoom; to zoom in Dutch: IOCS English: Input Output Control System Dutch: IOCS-bibliotheek English: IOCS library Dutch: IOCS-functie English: IOCS function Dutch: IOCS-subroutine English: IOCS subroutine Dutch: ion English: ion Dutch: ionenbinding English: ionic bond; ionic linkage Dutch: ionengeleiding English: ionic conduction Dutch: ionenhalfgeleider English: ionic semiconductor Dutch: ionenkristal English: ionic crystal Dutch: ionenluidspreker English: ionic loudspeaker Dutch: ionenmicrofoon English: ionic microphone Dutch: ionenstroom English: ionic current Dutch: ionenuitwisselaar English: ion exchanger Dutch: ionenval English: ion trap Dutch: ionenvlek English: ion spot Dutch: ionisatie English: ionization Dutch: ionisatiegraad English: degree of ionization Dutch: ionisatievat English: ionization vessel Dutch: ioniseren English: to ionize Dutch: ionosferische lagen English: ionospheric layers Dutch: IPO-schema English: input-process-output (IPO) chart Dutch: iris English: iris Dutch: iriserend English: iridescent Dutch: irisering English: iridescence Dutch: irisgeel passiveren English: iridite passivation Dutch: ISDN-signalering English: integrated services digital network signalling Dutch: ishikawa diagram English: cause and effect diagram Dutch: I-signaal English: I signal Dutch: isobaar English: isobar Dutch: isochrone aftasting English: isochronous scanning Dutch: isochrone modulatie English: isochronous modulation Dutch: isochrone transmissie English: isochronous transmission Dutch: isochrone vervorming English: isochronous distortion Dutch: isochroon English: isochrone; isochronous Dutch: isocyanaathars English: isocyanate resin Dutch: iso-elektrisch English: isoelectric Dutch: iso-elektronisch English: isoelectronic Dutch: isolatie English: insulation; isolation Dutch: isolatieband English: insulating tape Dutch: isolatiebreedte English: insulation width Dutch: isolatiebuis English: insulating sleeve Dutch: isolatiediffusie English: isolation diffusion Dutch: isolatiedikte English: insulation thickness Dutch: isolatie-eigenschappen English: insulating properties Dutch: isolatiefolie English: insulating foil Dutch: isolatiegebied English: isolation region Dutch: isolatiekanaal English: isolation channel Dutch: isolatiekarton English: pressboard Dutch: isolatiekous English: insulating sleeve; insulating tubing Dutch: isolatielaag English: isolation barrier Dutch: isolatielak English: insulating lacquer Dutch: isolatiemantel English: sheath; insulating sheath Dutch: isolatiemaskering English: isolation masking Dutch: isolatiemateriaal English: insulating material Dutch: isolatiemengsel English: insulating compound Dutch: isolatiemiddel English: insulant Dutch: isolatiepatroon English: isolation pattern Dutch: isolatieplaat English: insulating plate Dutch: isolatieproef English: insulation test Dutch: isolatiering English: insulating ring Dutch: isolatiestof English: insulant Dutch: isolatietesten English: isolation testing Dutch: isolatietester English: insulation tester Dutch: isolatiewaarde English: insulating value Dutch: isolatieweerstand English: insulation resistance Dutch: isoleren English: to insulate; to isolate Dutch: isometrisch English: isometric Dutch: isometrische English: isometric Dutch: isometrische projectie English: isometric projection Dutch: isomorf English: isomorphic Dutch: isomorfisme English: isomorphism Dutch: isoplanair English: isoplanar Dutch: isopropanol English: isopropyl alcohol Dutch: isothermisch English: isothermal Dutch: isotrope antenne English: isotropic antenna Dutch: item English: item Dutch: iteratie English: iteration Dutch: iteratief uitdiepen English: iterative deepening Dutch: iteratieve bewerking English: iterative operation Dutch: iteratieve impedantie English: iterative impedance Dutch: itereren English: to iterate Dutch: ITF-code English: interleave two of five code Dutch: ivoorkarton English: ivory cardboard Dutch: jaarcontract English: annualized contract Dutch: jaarprogramma English: annual programme Dutch: jaarserie English: annual run; annual series Dutch: jaarstempel English: year mark Dutch: jaartrend English: year trend Dutch: jacht maken op English: hunting Dutch: jacobsladder English: chain conveyor Dutch: jalouziedeur English: tambour door; roll shutter; roller blind Dutch: jalouzie-effect English: Hanover blind; Hanover bars Dutch: jammer English: jammer Dutch: jank English: wow Dutch: janken English: to whine Dutch: janktoon English: warble tone Dutch: Japanwas English: Japan wax Dutch: JAR-bestand English: Java archive file Dutch: JAR-bestandsformaat English: Java archive file format Dutch: Java mediaraamwerk English: Java media framework: JMF Dutch: Java-archief English: Java archive: JAR Dutch: Java-bean English: Java bean Dutch: Java-blend English: Java blend Dutch: Java-chip English: Java chip Dutch: Java-databaseconnectie English: Java database connectivity: JDBC Dutch: Java-platform English: Java platform Dutch: Java's basisklasse English: Java foundation class: JFC Dutch: Java-verwerking English: Java computing Dutch: Java-wallet English: Java wallet Dutch: Java-webserver English: Java web server Dutch: J-band English: J-band Dutch: jengel English: wow and flutter Dutch: jengelapparaat English: wow apparatus Dutch: jengelband English: wow tape Dutch: jengelen English: to wow Dutch: jengelmeter English: wow meter Dutch: jengelproef English: wow test Dutch: jidoka English: jidoka Dutch: JIT-compiler English: just-in-time compiler Dutch: jitter English: jitter Dutch: J-K flip-flop English: J-K flip-flop Dutch: job English: job Dutch: job mix English: job mix Dutch: job-rotatie English: job rotation Dutch: job-shop English: job shop Dutch: jobstroom English: job stream Dutch: jodide English: iodine Dutch: jodiumoplossing English: iodine solution Dutch: jodometrisch English: iodometric Dutch: jongeren English: youths; youngsters Dutch: joodgetal English: iodine value; iodine number Dutch: joule English: joule: J Dutch: journaal English: log Dutch: joystick English: joystick Dutch: juistheid English: correctness; accuracy Dutch: juistheidscontrole English: correctness check Dutch: jukmethode English: yoke method Dutch: jumbo-computer English: jumbo-computer Dutch: jumper English: jumper Dutch: junctie English: junction Dutch: junctiepiek English: junction spike; junction pipe Dutch: junctietemperatuur English: junction temperature Dutch: junctietransistor English: junction transistor Dutch: junctieverlies English: junction loss Dutch: juridisch English: legal Dutch: justage English: adjustment Dutch: justeren English: to adjust; to justify Dutch: just-in-time English: just-in-time: JIT Dutch: kaapstander English: capstan Dutch: kaars English: candela Dutch: kaart English: card; map Dutch: kaartaanduwer English: card pusher Dutch: kaartachterkant English: card back Dutch: kaartachterrand English: card trailing edge Dutch: kaartbaan English: card bed; card path Dutch: kaartbeeld English: card image Dutch: kaartbestand English: card file Dutch: kaartenpakket English: card deck Dutch: kaartgeleider English: card track; card bed; card guide Dutch: kaartindeling English: card layout Dutch: kaartinvoermechanisme English: card feed Dutch: kaartkarton English: card stock Dutch: kaartkolom English: card column Dutch: kaartkreukel English: card wreck Dutch: kaartleesmachine English: card reader Dutch: kaartlezer English: card reader Dutch: kaartmes English: card feed Dutch: kaartponsmachine English: card punch Dutch: kaartponsprogramma English: data recording program Dutch: kaartregel English: card row Dutch: kaartrubriek English: card field Dutch: kaartschakelaar English: punch card switch Dutch: kaartselectie English: card selection Dutch: kaartsysteem English: card index system Dutch: kaarttoevoer English: feed Dutch: kaartveld English: field Dutch: kaartvoorkant English: card face Dutch: kaartvoorrand English: card leading edge Dutch: kaasvak English: cheese compartment Dutch: Ka-band English: Ka-band Dutch: kabel English: cable; wire rope Dutch: kabelader English: cable conductor Dutch: kabeladrescode English: cable address code Dutch: kabelafsluiting English: cable termination Dutch: kabelbinders English: cable ties Dutch: kabelboom English: cable harness; cable tree; cable preform Dutch: kabelcode English: cable code Dutch: kabeldemping English: cable attenuation Dutch: kabeleinddop English: cable-end cap Dutch: kabelgoot English: cable conduit Dutch: kabelimpedantie English: cable impedance Dutch: kabelisolatie English: cable insulation Dutch: kabelkern English: cable core Dutch: kabelklem English: cable clamp Dutch: kabellas English: cable joint Dutch: kabellasser English: cable jointer Dutch: kabelmantel English: cable jacket; cable sheath Dutch: kabelnet English: cable network Dutch: kabelretentie English: cable retention Dutch: kabelruimte English: cable storage space Dutch: kabelschema English: cabling diagram Dutch: kabelsplits English: cable splice Dutch: kabelstelbout English: cable set screw Dutch: kabeltraject English: cable run Dutch: kabelverbinder English: cable connector Dutch: kabelverbinding English: cable connection; cable link Dutch: kabelverbreding English: cable run Dutch: kabelverlies English: cable loss; cable wastage Dutch: kabelvertraging English: cable delay Dutch: kabelvoeding English: cable powering Dutch: kabelwartel English: cable coupling Dutch: kabinet English: cabinet Dutch: kader English: frame; framework; scope; border; management Dutch: kaderpersoneel English: executives; executive staff Dutch: kadervorming English: executive training; management development Dutch: kalander English: calender; callender Dutch: kalender English: calender Dutch: kalendertijd English: calender time Dutch: kalfsleer English: calf-leather Dutch: kali English: potash; potassium Dutch: kaliber English: gauge; size Dutch: kalibratiegegevens English: calibration data Dutch: kalibratiekromme English: calibration curve Dutch: kalibratieschema English: calibration schedule Dutch: kalibratiestatus English: calibration status Dutch: kalibreerpen English: calibrating pin; sizing pin Dutch: kalibreervoorschrift English: calibration instructions Dutch: kalibreren English: to calibrate; to size Dutch: kalibrering English: calibration; sizing Dutch: kaliloog English: potash lye; caustic potash Dutch: kalium English: potassium Dutch: kaliumbichromaat English: potassium bichromate Dutch: kaliumcarbonaat English: potassium carbonate Dutch: kaliumcitraat English: potassium citrate Dutch: kaliumcyanide English: potassium cyanide Dutch: kaliumgoudcyanide English: potassium gold cyanide Dutch: kaliumhydroxide English: potassium hydroxide Dutch: kaliumnatriumtartraat English: sodium potassium tartrate; Rochelle salt Dutch: kaliumpermangaat English: potassium permanganate Dutch: kaliumrhodanide English: potassium thiocyanate; potassium sulphocyanide Dutch: kaliumzilvercyanide English: potassium silver cyanide Dutch: kalk English: lime; mortar; limewash Dutch: kalkmergel English: lime marl Dutch: kalkpoeder English: calcium powder Dutch: kalkspaat English: calcite; calcspar Dutch: kalkspecie English: lime mortar Dutch: kam English: cam; cog; tooth; comb Dutch: kambeitel English: pack cutter Dutch: kamer English: room; chamber; cavity; recess Dutch: kameranode English: cavity anode Dutch: kamerantenne English: indoor aerial; room aerial Dutch: kamerbeitel English: recessing tool Dutch: kameroven English: semi-muffle furnace; oven-type furnace Dutch: kamersterkte English: room loudness Dutch: kamerverlichting English: room lighting Dutch: kamgeleiding English: comb guides Dutch: kamkern English: cammed core Dutch: kamwiel English: cog wheel Dutch: kanaal English: canal; channel; duct Dutch: kanaalafstand English: channel spacing; channel separation Dutch: kanaalantenne English: channel antenna; channel aerial Dutch: kanaalbalans English: channel balance Dutch: kanaalbank English: channel bank Dutch: kanaalbetrouwbaarheid English: channel reliability Dutch: kanaalbreedte English: channel width Dutch: kanaalcapaciteit English: channel capacity Dutch: kanaalets English: channel etch Dutch: kanaalfrequentie English: channel frequency Dutch: kanaalgolf English: channel wave Dutch: kanaalgroep English: channel group Dutch: kanaalgroepantenne English: channel-group antenna; channel-group aerial Dutch: kanaalhoofdgroep English: channel mastergroup Dutch: kanaalindeling English: channel allocation Dutch: kanaalmaximalisering English: channel packing Dutch: kanaalpoort English: channel gate Dutch: kanaalprogramma English: channel program Dutch: kanaalruisniveau English: channel noise level Dutch: kanaalscheiding English: channel separation Dutch: kanaalsplitsing English: channel splitting Dutch: kanaalsupergroep English: channel supergroup Dutch: kanaaltijdslot English: channel time slot Dutch: kanaaltoewijzing English: channel allocation Dutch: kanaalversterker English: channel amplifier Dutch: kanalenkiezer English: channel selector; tuner Dutch: kanalisering English: channelization Dutch: kanariën English: flutter Dutch: kanban English: kanban Dutch: kandidaatsleutel English: candidate key Dutch: kanon English: gun Dutch: kanonboor English: gun drill Dutch: kans English: chance; risk; hazard; probability Dutch: kans op fouten English: risk of failure Dutch: kansdichtheid English: probability density Dutch: kansvariabele English: probability variable Dutch: kansverdeling English: probability distribution Dutch: kansverdelingsfunctie English: probability distribution function Dutch: kant English: edge; side; face; margin; aspect Dutch: kanteelgolf English: rectangular wave; square wave Dutch: kanteelspanning English: square-wave voltage Dutch: kanteelvormig English: toothed Dutch: kantelbaar English: tilting; tiltable; canting Dutch: kanteldeur English: swing-up door; overhead door Dutch: kantelen English: to tilt Dutch: kantelen English: to tilt; to tip; to topple Dutch: kantelfilter English: crossover filter Dutch: kantelfrequentie English: turnover frequency; crossover frequency Dutch: kantelklem English: tilting clamp Dutch: kantelmoment English: tilting moment Dutch: kantelpers English: inclined press Dutch: kantelproef English: tilting test Dutch: kantelpunt English: crossover point Dutch: kantelsteun English: tilting support Dutch: kanteltoets English: rocker button Dutch: kanteltuimelklem English: tilting-rolling clamp Dutch: kantelwagen English: tilting cart; tipping cart Dutch: kanten English: to fold Dutch: kanten afgerond English: sharp edges removed Dutch: kanten gebroken English: sharp edges removed Dutch: kanten scherp English: sharp corner Dutch: kantenbank English: folding machine; angle bender Dutch: kantlas English: edge weld Dutch: kantlijn English: margin Dutch: kantoormachine English: business machine Dutch: kantpers English: press brake Dutch: kantrechtbank English: squaring machine; edging machine Dutch: kantrechten English: to square; to edge Dutch: kantschaar English: trimming shears Dutch: kantwals English: edger Dutch: kaolien English: kaolin Dutch: kap English: cap; cover; roof; mask; hood; guard; can Dutch: kapbeitel English: chipping chisel Dutch: kaphamer English: cutting hammer Dutch: kapitaalbeslag English: capital tie-up Dutch: kapitaalgoederen English: capital equipment; capital goods; capital items Dutch: kapitaalinvestering English: capital investment; capital outlay Dutch: kapitaalkosten English: capital costs Dutch: kapitaaluitgaven English: capital spending; capital appropriations Dutch: kapitaaluitrustingen English: capital facilities Dutch: kapot English: defective; faulty Dutch: karaat English: carat; karat Dutch: karakteriseren English: to characterize; to be characteristic of Dutch: karakteristiek beeld English: characteristic view Dutch: karakteristiek voor English: characteristic of Dutch: karakteristieke kromme English: characteristic curve Dutch: karneffect English: line crawl Dutch: karnton English: churn Dutch: karren English: motor-boating Dutch: kartel English: knurl Dutch: kartelen English: to knurl; to serrate Dutch: karteling English: knurling; serration Dutch: kartelmoer English: knurled nut; milled nut Dutch: kartelrolhouder English: knurling-roller holder Dutch: kartelschaar English: pinking shears; serrated shears Dutch: kartelschroef English: knurled screw Dutch: karton English: cardboard; paperboard; boxboard Dutch: karwei English: job Dutch: karweibesturing English: job control Dutch: karweifunctie English: job function Dutch: karweimix English: job mix Dutch: karwei-overhead English: job overhead Dutch: karweiserie English: job lot Dutch: karweistatus English: job status Dutch: kast English: cabinet; casing; case; cupboard Dutch: kastenfabriek English: cabinet factory Dutch: kastfront English: cabinet front Dutch: kasthelft English: cabinet half Dutch: kastmodel English: cabinet model Dutch: kastontwerp English: cabinet design Dutch: kastverstek English: cabinet mitre Dutch: kastwand English: side of cabinet; cabinet wall Dutch: katalysator English: catalyst Dutch: katalyseren English: to catalize; to catalyze Dutch: kathode English: cathode Dutch: kathode-activiteit English: cathode activity Dutch: kathodebasisschakeling English: grounded cathode circuit; cathode virtually connected to chassis Dutch: kathodebelasting English: cathode load Dutch: kathodebelastingkring English: cathode load circuit Dutch: kathode-elektrode English: cathode electrode Dutch: kathode-element English: cathode element Dutch: kathode-emissie English: cathode emission Dutch: kathode-injectie English: cathode-injection Dutch: kathode-interface English: cathode interface Dutch: kathodekoppeling English: cathode coupling Dutch: kathodemodulatie English: cathode modulation Dutch: kathodeomschakeling English: cathode switch Dutch: kathodeoppervlak English: cathode surface; cathode area Dutch: kathodeopwarmtijd English: cathode heating time Dutch: kathoderek English: cathode rack Dutch: kathoderendement English: cathode efficiency Dutch: kathodespanning English: cathode voltage Dutch: kathodestang English: cathode bar; cathode rod Dutch: kathodestangbeweging English: cathode bar agitation; cathode rod agitation Dutch: kathodestraal English: cathode ray Dutch: kathodestraalbuis English: cathode ray tube: CRT Dutch: kathodestroom English: cathode current Dutch: kathodetegenkoppeling English: cathode feedback Dutch: kathodeterminal English: cathode terminal Dutch: kathodevolger English: cathode follower Dutch: kathodeweerstand English: cathode resistor Dutch: kathodisch English: cathodic Dutch: kathodisch ontvetten English: cathodic degreasing Dutch: kathodyne English: cathodyne Dutch: kation English: cation; kation Dutch: kationenuitwisselaar English: cation exchanger Dutch: katoenband English: cotton tape Dutch: katoenen lappenschijf English: rag buff Dutch: katoenen stofzak English: cotton dust-bag Dutch: katoen-omvlochten English: cotton-braided Dutch: katoog English: cat's eye Dutch: K-band English: K-band Dutch: keelmicrofoon English: throat microphone Dutch: keep English: notch Dutch: keerrooster English: suppressor grid Dutch: keerroostermodulatie English: suppressor grid modulation Dutch: keerschoep English: turning blade Dutch: kegel English: cone; morse taper Dutch: kegelmantel English: envelope of cone Dutch: kegeltandwiel English: conical gear; bevel gear Dutch: kegeltje English: cone Dutch: kegeltjes zien English: photopic vision Dutch: kegelvormig English: conical; cone shaped Dutch: kelknaad English: U-butt joint Dutch: kelkveer English: cup spring; cup-shaped spring Dutch: Kell-factor English: Kell factor Dutch: Kelliebinding English: Kellie bond Dutch: Kelvin-contacten English: Kelvin contact Dutch: Kendall-effect English: Kendall effect Dutch: kengetal English: access code Dutch: kengetal English: characteristic; parameter; code figure; index; identification number; area prefix; trunk call number Dutch: kenletter English: code letter; identification letter Dutch: kenmerk English: character; characteristic; attribute; classmark; feature; unique; special; distinctive Dutch: kenmerken English: to qualify Dutch: kenmerkend accessoire English: feature Dutch: kenmerkende eigenschap English: feature Dutch: kenmerkende functie English: feature Dutch: kenmerkende ruimte English: feature space Dutch: kennisacquisitie English: knowledge acquisition Dutch: kennisanalist English: knowledge engineer Dutch: kennisautomaat English: knowledge automaton Dutch: kennisbank English: knowledge base Dutch: kennisbeheerssysteem English: knowledge management system: KMS Dutch: kennisbestand English: knowledge base Dutch: kennisconstructie English: knowledge craft Dutch: kennisengineering English: knowledge engineering Dutch: kennis-expertsysteem English: knowledge-based expert system Dutch: kennisgebieden English: knowledge areas Dutch: kennisindustrie English: knowledge industry Dutch: kennisingenieur English: knowledge engineer Dutch: kennisleer English: knowledge science Dutch: kennismodel English: knowledge model Dutch: kennisproducenten English: knowledge producers Dutch: kennisrepresentatie English: knowledge representation Dutch: kennissysteem English: expert system; knowledge based system: KBS Dutch: kennissysteemtalen English: knowledge languages Dutch: kennistechnologie English: knowledge based technology Dutch: kennisverspreiders English: knowledge distributors Dutch: kennisverwerking English: knowledge processing Dutch: kennisverwerving English: knowledge acquisition Dutch: kenotron English: kenotron Dutch: kenponsing English: control punch Dutch: kenteken English: mark; marking Dutch: keperband English: twill tape Dutch: keramiekkogel English: pellet Dutch: keramiekmetaal English: cermet Dutch: keramisch English: ceramics; ceramic materials Dutch: keramisch diëlectricum English: ceramic dielectric Dutch: keramische buis English: ceramic tube Dutch: keramische buistrimmer English: ceramic capacitor Dutch: keramische condensator English: ceramic capacitor Dutch: keramische kit English: ceramic cement Dutch: keramische magneet English: ceramic magnet Dutch: keramische omvormer English: ceramic transducer Dutch: keramische staaf English: ceramic rod Dutch: keramische transductor English: ceramic transductor Dutch: keramische trimmer English: ceramic trimmer Dutch: keramische weerstand English: ceramic resistor Dutch: kerf English: notch Dutch: kerfbreuk English: notch fracture Dutch: kerfmes English: notching knife Dutch: kerfnagel English: fluted rivet Dutch: kerfslagproef English: notch bar impact test Dutch: kerfslagsterkte English: notch impact strength Dutch: kerfstift English: fluted pin Dutch: kerftreksterkte English: notch tensile strength Dutch: kern English: core; kernel; magnetic core; nucleus Dutch: kernblik English: core lamination Dutch: kerndeeltje English: nucleon Dutch: kerndiameter English: minor diameter; tap-drill diameter; bore Dutch: kernel English: kernel Dutch: kernenergiecentrale English: nuclear power station Dutch: kernfusie English: fusion Dutch: kerngeheugen English: core memory; core store; core storage Dutch: kernklasse English: core class Dutch: kernlading English: nuclear charge Dutch: kernmantel English: core wrap Dutch: kernpakket English: core packet Dutch: kernspleet English: minor clearance Dutch: kernstift English: core pin Dutch: kerntransformator English: core transformer Dutch: kerntreksterkte English: tensile strength Dutch: kernverlies English: core loss Dutch: kerosine English: kerosene; paraffin oil; lamp oil Dutch: Kerr-effect English: Kerr effect Dutch: kersenhout English: cherry wood Dutch: kerven English: to notch Dutch: ketelhuis English: boiler house Dutch: ketelsteen English: scale Dutch: keteneffect English: amplification effect Dutch: ketenen English: to chain Dutch: ketenselectie English: chaining search Dutch: ketenverwerking English: list processing Dutch: ketting English: chain; warp Dutch: kettingaandrijving English: chain drive Dutch: kettingbeeld English: chain image Dutch: kettingfunctie English: chain function Dutch: kettinghouder English: chain cartridge Dutch: kettinglijst English: chained list Dutch: kettingreactie English: chain reaction Dutch: kettingtandwiel English: sprocket Dutch: kettingtransporteur English: chain conveyor Dutch: kettingwiel English: sprocket; chain wheel Dutch: keukenafval English: kitchen garbage Dutch: keukenafvalvernietiger English: garbage disposer Dutch: keukendoek English: kitchen cloth Dutch: keukenfornuis English: kitchen range Dutch: keukenverdunning English: dilution 1322 505 51301 Dutch: keur English: certification mark Dutch: keurbureau English: approbation office; approving authority Dutch: keurcabine English: test booth Dutch: keuren English: to inspect; to examine; to test; to approve Dutch: keurend land English: approbation country Dutch: keuring English: inspection; examination; testing; test; approbation; approval Dutch: keuring op attributen English: inspection by attributes Dutch: keuring op variabelen English: inspection by variables; variables inspection Dutch: keuringsblad English: check card Dutch: keuringsdiagram English: inspection diagram Dutch: keuringsdichtheid English: inspection density Dutch: keuringseis English: test requirement Dutch: keuringsinstantie English: approving authority; inspecting authority; testing authority Dutch: keuringsinstituut English: inspection institute Dutch: keuringsintensiteit English: degree of inspection Dutch: keuringskarakteristiek English: operating characteristic; performance characteristic Dutch: keuringsmethode English: inspection method; sampling method Dutch: keuringsprocedure English: inspection procedure; acceptance procedure Dutch: keuringsscherpte English: inspection level Dutch: keuringsvoorschrift English: inspection specification Dutch: keuringszegel English: approval label; approval seal Dutch: keurmal English: test jig; inspection gauge Dutch: keurmethode English: test method; test procedure Dutch: keurteken English: control mark; approbation mark; hallmark Dutch: keuze English: choice; selection; option Dutch: keuzeblad English: option sheet Dutch: keuze-effect English: capture effect Dutch: keuzeopdracht English: discrimination instruction; decision instruction Dutch: keuzeschakelaar English: selector switch; switch Dutch: keuzeschijf English: dial Dutch: keuzeweerstand English: selector resistor Dutch: k-groeperingsalgoritme English: k-means clustering algorithm Dutch: kick English: kick Dutch: kicken English: to kick Dutch: kiem English: nucleus; seed Dutch: kiemkristal English: seed crystal Dutch: kiemvorming English: germing; nucleation Dutch: kier English: chink; slit Dutch: kierend English: jarring Dutch: kieskanaal English: selector channel Dutch: kiesloze verbinding English: hot line Dutch: kiespuls English: dial pulse Dutch: kiesschijf English: selector control; dial Dutch: kiessignalering English: dial signalling Dutch: kiestoets English: dialing key Dutch: kiestoon English: dial tone Dutch: kiesverbinding English: dial line Dutch: kieswijze English: dial mode Dutch: kiezelaarde English: silica; flinty earth Dutch: kiezelachtig English: siliceous; silicious Dutch: kiezelhoudend English: siliceous; silicious Dutch: kiezelzuur English: silicic acid Dutch: kiezen English: dialing; to dial; to choose; to select Dutch: kiezer English: selector Dutch: kiezerrol English: selector roller Dutch: kiezervet English: selector grease Dutch: kijk English: outlook Dutch: kijkafstand English: viewing distance Dutch: kijken English: to view; to watch Dutch: kijker English: viewer Dutch: kijkers English: viewers; audience Dutch: kijkersgewoonten English: viewing habits Dutch: kijkersonderzoek English: viewer research Dutch: kijkgeld English: television fee Dutch: kijkglas English: eyepiece; ocular; sight glass Dutch: kijk-grijp-reactie English: look-pick-reaction Dutch: kijkintensiteitsmeter English: audiometer Dutch: kijkmodel English: belt stage model Dutch: kikker English: clamp Dutch: kikkeren English: motor-boating Dutch: kikkerklem English: clamp Dutch: kikkerplaat English: clamp plate Dutch: kilo English: kilo Dutch: kilogram English: kilogramme Dutch: kilohertz English: kilohertz: KHz Dutch: kinazuur English: quinic acid Dutch: kindersloten English: childproof locks Dutch: kinematisch English: kinematic Dutch: kinematische analyse English: kinematic analysis Dutch: kinematische simulatie English: kinematic simulation Dutch: kinetisch English: kinetic Dutch: kinetische energie English: kinetic energy; energy of motion Dutch: kinine English: quinine Dutch: kinken English: to kink Dutch: kist English: case Dutch: kist carboneren English: pack carburizing; case hardening Dutch: kit English: kit; cement Dutch: kitlijst English: kit list Dutch: kitpoeder English: cement powder; to bond Dutch: kitten English: to kit; to bond Dutch: Kjeldahlkolf English: Kjeldahl flask Dutch: KK-3-code English: KK-3 code Dutch: klaarkomen English: to get ready Dutch: klachtenrapport English: complaint report Dutch: klamp English: cleat Dutch: klampschakeling English: clamping circuit Dutch: klank English: sound Dutch: klankanalyse English: sound analysis Dutch: klankbord English: baffle Dutch: klankbordopening English: baffle hole Dutch: klankfilter English: sound filter Dutch: klankkast English: acoustic box; enclosure Dutch: klankkleur English: tone colour; timbre Dutch: klankleer English: acoustics Dutch: klankregeling English: tone control Dutch: klankspectrum English: sound spectrum Dutch: klanksynthese English: synthesis of sound Dutch: klanktoets English: tone key Dutch: klankverstrooier English: sound diffuser; high-note cone Dutch: klankvervorming English: sound distortion Dutch: klankvorming English: formation of sound Dutch: klantaanpassing English: customizing Dutch: klant-dienstverlener English: client-server Dutch: klanteneis English: customer requirement Dutch: klantenkeuring English: customer check; customer test Dutch: klantenklacht English: customer complaint Dutch: klantenmoduul English: customer module Dutch: klantenorder English: customer order Dutch: klantenorderverwerking English: customer order processing Dutch: klantenprofiel English: customer profile Dutch: klantenservice English: customer service; after-sales service Dutch: klantenservicegraad English: customer service level Dutch: klantenspecificatie English: customer specification Dutch: klantenspecificering English: customer specification process Dutch: klantenstuklijst English: customer bill-of-material Dutch: klantentest English: customer performance test Dutch: klant-georiënteerd English: customized Dutch: klant-server English: client-server Dutch: klant-specifieke IC English: custom IC Dutch: klapchassis English: folding chassis; hinged chassis Dutch: klapdoos English: snapbox Dutch: klapmal English: folding jig; clapmal Dutch: klapperen English: rattle Dutch: klapperspanning English: rattle voltage Dutch: klapsteun English: collapsible support Dutch: klasse English: class; grade Dutch: klasse-A instelling English: class 'A' operation Dutch: klasse-A versterker English: class 'A' amplifier Dutch: klassebibliotheek English: class library Dutch: klassebreedte English: class interval; size of class Dutch: klasseconditie English: class condition Dutch: klassegrens English: class limit; class boundary Dutch: klassegrootte English: class interval; size of class Dutch: klasse-indeling English: classification Dutch: klasse-interval English: cell interval; class interval Dutch: klassemethode English: class method Dutch: klassemidden English: mid-value of class limits; class mark Dutch: klassen van objecten English: object classes Dutch: klasse-overerving English: class inheritance Dutch: klassepad English: class path Dutch: klasse-relatiemethode English: class-relation method Dutch: klassering English: grading Dutch: klasseschema English: class diagram Dutch: klassesymbool English: class symbol Dutch: klassevariabele English: class variable Dutch: klauw English: jaw; claw Dutch: klauwhamer English: claw hammer Dutch: klauwkoppeling English: claw coupling; claw clutch; clutch coupling; dog clutch Dutch: klauwplaat English: chuck; catch plate Dutch: klavier English: keyboard Dutch: klavierinstrument English: keyboard instrument Dutch: klavieromvang English: range of the keyboard; compass of the keyboard Dutch: kleefband English: adhesive tape Dutch: kleefkant English: adhesive side Dutch: kleefkracht English: adhesiveness; adhesivity; adhesive power Dutch: kleeflijm English: permanent adhesive; pressure sensitive adhesive Dutch: kleefmiddel English: adhesive; agglutinant Dutch: kleefstift English: gum applicator Dutch: kleefvrij English: non-sticky; non-tacky; tack-free Dutch: klein signaal English: small signal Dutch: kleine aflevering English: small delivery Dutch: kleine auto English: compact car Dutch: kleine band English: low band Dutch: kleine hersenen English: cerebellum Dutch: kleine instelling English: minor setup Dutch: kleine lettertjes English: small print Dutch: kleine order English: small order Dutch: kleine terts English: minor third Dutch: kleine voorwerpen English: small objects Dutch: kleingebruikers English: small users Dutch: klein-signaalanalyse English: small-signal analysis Dutch: klein-signaalcomponent English: small-signal component Dutch: klein-signaaldiode English: small-signal diode Dutch: klein-signaalpaneel English: small signal PC board Dutch: klein-signaalproces English: small-signal operation Dutch: kleinste grensmaat English: minimum limit of size Dutch: kleinste kwadraten English: least squares Dutch: klem English: clamp; clip; terminal Dutch: klemaansluiting English: terminal connection Dutch: klembek English: clamping jaw; gripping jaw; contact jaw Dutch: klembeugel English: clamping bracket; clamp Dutch: klembevestiging English: clamp fixing Dutch: klemblok English: clamping block Dutch: klembout English: clamping bush; clamping sleeve; terminal socket Dutch: klemdiode English: clamp diode; clamping diode Dutch: klemdruk English: clamping pressure Dutch: klemgat English: fixing hole Dutch: klemimpuls English: clamp pulse Dutch: kleminrichting English: clamping device Dutch: klemkabel English: terminal lead Dutch: klemkegel English: clamping cone Dutch: klemklauw English: clamping jaw; gripping jaw Dutch: klemkracht English: clamping force Dutch: klemlijst English: terminal strip Dutch: klemlip English: clamping jug Dutch: klemlopen English: to be jammed; to be seized; to be stuck Dutch: klemmal English: clamping jig Dutch: klemmen English: to clamp Dutch: klemmenbord English: terminal board Dutch: klemmend English: tight fit; secured tightly Dutch: klemming English: grip; seizure; sticking Dutch: klemmoer English: clamping nut Dutch: klemniveau English: clamping level Dutch: klempassing English: light drive fit Dutch: klemplaat English: clamping plate Dutch: klemraam English: clamping frame Dutch: klemrand English: gripping edge Dutch: klemring English: clamping ring; circlip Dutch: klemrol English: gripping roller Dutch: klemschakeling English: clamp circuit; DC restorer Dutch: klemspanning English: terminal voltage; clamping stress Dutch: klemspil English: clamping spindle Dutch: klemstuk English: clamping piece; clamp Dutch: klemvast English: clamping fit; fit tightly against Dutch: klemveer English: clamping spring; speed fix; drag spring Dutch: klemverbinding English: clamped joint; clamp connection Dutch: klemvlak English: gripping face Dutch: klemwerking English: clamped action Dutch: klemzitten English: to be jammed; to be seized; to be stuck Dutch: klep English: valve; lid; cover; flap Dutch: klepafdichting English: valve seal Dutch: klepafstelling English: valve timing Dutch: klepdeksel English: valve cover Dutch: klepel English: tongue Dutch: klepgat English: valve opening Dutch: klepgeleider English: valve guide Dutch: klephuis English: valve housing; valve body Dutch: klepkamer English: valve chamber Dutch: klepkast English: valve box Dutch: klepkogel English: valve ball Dutch: kleplekkage English: valve leakage Dutch: kleplichter English: valve lifter Dutch: kleplichting English: valve lift Dutch: klepopening English: valve opening Dutch: kleppakking English: valve packing Dutch: kleppenslijpmachine English: valve grinder Dutch: kleppensnijmachine English: flap cutter Dutch: kleppensysteem English: valving Dutch: kleppoort English: valve port Dutch: klepschotel English: valve disc Dutch: klepslag English: valve travel Dutch: klepspeling English: valve clearance Dutch: klepstang English: valve rod Dutch: klepsteel English: valve stem Dutch: klepstoter English: tappet Dutch: klepveer English: valve spring Dutch: kleur- en beeldmonitor English: colour and sound monitor; colour picture and waveform monitor Dutch: kleuraanpassing English: colour match; colour matching Dutch: kleurafsplitsing English: colour take-off Dutch: kleurafwijking English: colour deviation; chromatic aberration Dutch: kleuras English: colour axis Dutch: kleurbad English: metal colouring solution Dutch: kleurbalancering English: grey scale tracking; colour balance Dutch: kleurbalans English: colour balance Dutch: kleurbalken English: colour bars Dutch: kleurbedrog English: colour illusion Dutch: kleurbeeld English: colour picture; colour image; coloured picture Dutch: kleurbeits English: stainer Dutch: kleurcentrum English: colour centre Dutch: kleurcode English: colour code Dutch: kleurcodeerder English: colour coder; colour encoder Dutch: kleurcomponent English: colour component Dutch: kleurcontaminatie English: colour contamination Dutch: kleurcontrast English: colour contrast Dutch: kleurcoördinaten English: chromaticity coordinates Dutch: kleurdecodeerder English: colour decoder Dutch: kleurdekking English: colour registration Dutch: kleurdekkingsfout English: misregistration Dutch: kleurdemodulator English: colour demodulator; chrominance demodulator Dutch: kleurdetectie English: colour detection Dutch: kleurdifferentie English: colour difference; chrominance Dutch: kleurdiscriminator English: colour discriminator Dutch: kleurdoder English: colour killer Dutch: kleurdoofschakelaar English: colour-off switch Dutch: kleurdover English: colour killer Dutch: kleurdoverschakeling English: colour killer circuit Dutch: kleurdraaggolf English: colour subcarrier; chrominance subcarrier Dutch: kleurdraaggolfband English: colour carrier band Dutch: kleurdrager English: colour carrier Dutch: kleurdrageroscillator English: colour carrier reinsertion oscillator Dutch: kleurdrempel English: colour threshold Dutch: kleurelement English: colour element Dutch: kleuren English: to colour; to dye; to colour dip; to colour finish Dutch: kleurenautomaat English: colour killer Dutch: kleurenbalk English: colour bar Dutch: kleurenbalkgenerator English: colour bar generator Dutch: kleurenbalkpatroon English: colour bar pattern Dutch: kleurenbalksignaal English: colour bar signal Dutch: kleurenbalktest English: colour bar test Dutch: kleurenbalktestbeeld English: colour bar pattern Dutch: kleurenbeeld English: colour picture; colour image; coloured picture Dutch: kleurenbeeldbuis English: colour kinescope; chromoscope; colour picture tube Dutch: kleurenbeeldmonitor English: colour picture monitoring receiver; colour picture performance monitor; colour picture monitor Dutch: kleurenbeeldscherm English: colour display; colour-picture tube Dutch: kleurenbeeldsignaal English: colour picture signal Dutch: kleurenbeeldsignaal English: colour-picture signal Dutch: kleurenblindheid English: defective colour vision; daltonism Dutch: kleurenblok English: colour block Dutch: kleurenbuis English: colour picture tube Dutch: kleurenbundel English: colour beam Dutch: kleurencamera English: colour camera Dutch: kleurencirkel English: colour circle; colour clock Dutch: kleurendia English: colour slide; colour transparency Dutch: kleurendia-aftaster English: colour slide camera Dutch: kleurendriehoek English: colour triangle; chromaticity diagram; Maxwell triangle Dutch: kleurendruk English: colour printing Dutch: kleurenevenwicht English: colour balance Dutch: kleurenfilm English: colour film Dutch: kleurenfilter English: colour filter; colour screen Dutch: kleurenfilterschijf English: colour filter disc Dutch: kleurenfotografie English: colour photography Dutch: kleurengamma English: range of colours Dutch: kleurenkast English: colorimeter Dutch: kleurenmengsel English: colour mixture Dutch: kleurenmengselgegevens English: colour-mixture data Dutch: kleurenmonitor English: colour monitor Dutch: kleurenontvanger English: colour receiver; colour television receiver Dutch: kleurenontvangst English: colour reception Dutch: kleurenoverdracht English: colour transmission Dutch: kleurenovereenstemming English: colour matching Dutch: kleurenovergang English: colour transition Dutch: kleurenpatroon English: colour test pattern Dutch: kleurenpunt English: colour point; colour dot Dutch: kleurenrooster English: colour grid Dutch: kleurenruimte English: colour space Dutch: kleurenruis English: colour noise Dutch: kleurenschakelaar English: colour sampler Dutch: kleurenscherm English: colour picture screen Dutch: kleurenschijf English: colour disc Dutch: kleurensignaal English: colour signal; chroma signal Dutch: kleurenspectrum English: colour spectrum; chromatic spectrum Dutch: kleurensplitsend English: dichroic Dutch: kleurensplitsing English: colour break-up Dutch: kleurensplitssysteem English: dichroic system Dutch: kleurensuperpositie English: colour registration; colour superimposition Dutch: kleurensynchronisatie English: colour synchronization Dutch: kleurensysteem English: colour system Dutch: kleurentelevisie English: colour television: CTV Dutch: kleurentelevisienorm English: standard for colour television transmission; CTV standard Dutch: kleurentestbeeld English: colour test pattern Dutch: kleurentriplet English: colour triad; dot trio Dutch: kleurenuitzending English: colour broadcasting Dutch: kleurenverschuiving English: colour shift Dutch: kleurfilter English: colour filter Dutch: kleurflikkering English: colour flicker; chromaticity flicker Dutch: kleurfout English: colour defect; colour error; chromatic error Dutch: kleurfoutcorrectie English: colour error correction Dutch: kleurgedeelte English: chrominance section Dutch: kleurgelijkheid English: colour equality Dutch: kleurgetal English: colour index number Dutch: kleurgetrouwheid English: colour fidelity Dutch: kleurgevoeligheid English: colour sensitivity; chromatic sensitivity Dutch: kleurgrensfout English: colour edging Dutch: kleurhulpdraaggolf English: colour subcarrier; chrominance subcarrier Dutch: kleurig English: colourful Dutch: kleurindruk English: colour sensation; colour perception; colour impression Dutch: kleurinformatie English: colour information Dutch: kleurinstelling English: colour adjustment Dutch: kleurkanaal English: colour channel Dutch: kleurkracht English: colouring power; tinting power; tinctorial value Dutch: kleurkwaliteit English: chromaticity; hue Dutch: kleurloos English: colourless; achromatic Dutch: kleurmasker English: colour mask Dutch: kleurmaskering English: masking Dutch: kleurmatrix English: colour matrix Dutch: kleurmatrixschakeling English: colour matrix unit Dutch: kleurmenging English: colour mixing Dutch: kleurmengsel English: colour mixture Dutch: kleurmiddel English: dye; stain; colouring matter; colorant Dutch: kleurmodulatie English: colour modulation Dutch: kleurmodulator English: colour modulator; chrominance modulator Dutch: kleurmonitor English: colour monitor Dutch: kleurmonster English: colour guide Dutch: kleurmultiplexen English: colour-division multiplexing: CDM Dutch: kleurniveau English: colour level Dutch: kleuromslag English: colour turn; colour change Dutch: kleuronderdrukker English: colour killer Dutch: kleuroptelling English: colour addition Dutch: kleurovereenstemming English: colour matching Dutch: kleurovergang English: colour transition Dutch: kleuroverspraak English: cross colour Dutch: kleurprikkeling English: colour stimulus Dutch: kleurpunt English: colour point; colour dot Dutch: kleurraster English: colour field; colour frame Dutch: kleurregelaar English: colour control; chroma control Dutch: kleurregeling English: colour control; chroma control Dutch: kleurrijk English: colourful; rich in colour Dutch: kleurruis English: colour noise; colour streaks; confetti Dutch: kleursalvo English: colour burst Dutch: kleurschakelaar English: colour sampler Dutch: kleurschakelen English: colour switching Dutch: kleurschakelfrequentie English: colour sampling frequency; colour sampling rate Dutch: kleurschakeling English: sampling Dutch: kleurschakelvolgorde English: colour sampling sequence Dutch: kleurselectief English: dichroic Dutch: kleursignaal English: colour signal; chroma signal Dutch: kleurslip English: colour fringing Dutch: kleursoort English: chromaticity; chroma Dutch: kleursoortband English: chromaticity band Dutch: kleursoortcoördinaat English: chromaticity coordinate Dutch: kleursoortflikkering English: chromaticity flicker Dutch: kleursoortfout English: chromaticity error Dutch: kleursoortkanaal English: chromaticity channel Dutch: kleursoortsignaal English: chromaticity signal Dutch: kleursoortspanning English: chromaticity voltage Dutch: kleursoortverschil English: chromaticity difference Dutch: kleursoortversterker English: chromaticity amplifier Dutch: kleursper English: colour killer Dutch: kleursplitser English: decoder Dutch: kleursplitsing English: colour break-up Dutch: kleursprong English: colour step Dutch: kleursterkte English: colour density Dutch: kleurstip English: colour dot Dutch: kleurstof English: colouring matter; colorant; dye Dutch: kleurstofconcentraat English: dye concentrate Dutch: kleursuperimpositie English: colour superimposition; colour registration Dutch: kleursynchronisatie English: colour synchronization; colour sync; colour synchronism Dutch: kleurt goed English: toned well Dutch: kleurtint English: colour shade Dutch: kleurtintverandering English: colour shade change Dutch: kleurtoon English: hue Dutch: kleurtoonbereik English: hue range Dutch: kleurtooncorrectie English: hue correction Dutch: kleurtoonfout English: hue error Dutch: kleurtoonregelaar English: hue control Dutch: kleurtoonregeling English: hue control Dutch: kleurtoonsignaal English: chrominance signal Dutch: kleurtoonvariaties English: hue variations Dutch: kleurtoonvector English: colour vector; colour phasor Dutch: kleurtoonversterker English: chrominance amplifier Dutch: kleurtrap English: chrominance stage Dutch: kleuruitzending English: colourcast; colorcast Dutch: kleurverf English: colour paint Dutch: kleurverloop English: colour shift Dutch: kleurverschil English: colour difference; chrominance Dutch: kleurverschilsignaal English: colour difference signal Dutch: kleurverschilsturing English: colour difference control Dutch: kleurverschuiving English: colour shift Dutch: kleurversmelting English: colour contamination Dutch: kleurversterker English: colour amplifier Dutch: kleurversteviger English: colour strengthener Dutch: kleurvervalsing English: hue error; colour fringing; colour purity error Dutch: kleurverzadiging English: colour saturation Dutch: kleurverzadigingsgraad English: colour saturation degree; colorimetric purity Dutch: kleurvideosignaal English: colour video signal Dutch: kleurvlaggen English: colour fringing; edge fringing Dutch: kleurvlak English: colour area Dutch: kleurweergave English: colour rendition; colour reproduction; colour rendering Dutch: kleurweergave-eenheid English: colour-display unit Dutch: kleurwillekeurig English: colour immaterial Dutch: kleurwisselsysteem English: sequential colour system Dutch: kleurzender English: colour transmitter Dutch: kleurzoom English: colour fringe; colour fringing Dutch: kleurzuiverheid English: colour purity; purity Dutch: kleurzuiverheidsring English: purity ring magnet; colour purity magnet Dutch: kleven English: to stick; to adhere; to bind Dutch: kleverig English: sticky; tacky Dutch: klik English: click Dutch: klik-in constructie English: snap-in construction Dutch: klikverbinding English: snap connection Dutch: klimaatvast English: climate resistant Dutch: klimatologische proef English: climatic test; climatological test Dutch: klink English: latch; catch Dutch: klinken English: to river; to toast Dutch: klinkgereedschap English: riveting tool Dutch: klinkmachine English: riveting machine; riveter Dutch: klinkmal English: riveting jig Dutch: klinknaad English: riveted joint Dutch: klinknagel English: solid rivet; rivet Dutch: klinkpen English: rivet pin Dutch: klinkverbinding English: riveted joint Dutch: klokcyclus English: clock cycle Dutch: klokfrequentie English: clock frequency Dutch: klokgenerator English: clock generator Dutch: klokimpuls English: clock pulse Dutch: klokimpuls-gestuurd English: clock-pulse controlled Dutch: klokken English: clocking; to clock Dutch: klokkenolie English: watch oil Dutch: klokkromme English: bell-shaped curve; remise-en-form curve Dutch: klokonderbreking English: clock interrupt Dutch: klokperiode English: clock period Dutch: klokpuls English: clock pulse Dutch: klokradio English: clockradio Dutch: klokregister English: clock register Dutch: kloksignaal English: clock signal Dutch: kloksignaalgenerator English: clock signal generator Dutch: kloksnelheid English: clock speed; clock rate Dutch: klokspoor English: clock track Dutch: kloktijd English: clock time Dutch: klokvorm English: bell shape Dutch: klont English: lump Dutch: klonteren English: to clot; to coagulate Dutch: klonterig English: lumpy; clotty Dutch: klopgewicht English: tap weight Dutch: klopper English: beater; whipper Dutch: klopperaansluiting English: beater connection Dutch: klopperas English: beater spindle Dutch: klopperhouder English: beater holder Dutch: klopveegzuigmond English: beating and brushing nozzle; vitra-beat nozzle Dutch: klos English: bobbin; reel; coil; block; fillet; core Dutch: klystron English: klystron Dutch: klystronbuis English: klystron valve; klystron tube; klystron Dutch: klystronversterker English: klystron amplifier Dutch: knabbelschaar English: gauge shears; nibbling shears Dutch: kneedhaak English: agitator; kneading hook Dutch: kneedmachine English: kneading machine Dutch: kneedmetaal English: wrought metal Dutch: knellen English: to jam; to seize; to stick Dutch: knellend English: jamming; sticking Dutch: knelpuntbewerking English: bottleneck operation; limiting operation Dutch: knelpuntsfactor English: key factor Dutch: knevel English: toggle; cross bar Dutch: knie English: knee; elbow; toggle; anode bend Dutch: knieafsluiter English: angle valve Dutch: kniegewricht English: toggle joint Dutch: kniehefboom English: toggle lever Dutch: kniehefboompers English: toggle press Dutch: kniehefboomsluiting English: toggle joint lock Dutch: kniepers English: toggle press Dutch: knieschakelaar English: knee switch Dutch: kniespanning English: knee voltage Dutch: knijpbout English: soldering iron with solder supply Dutch: knijpbus English: damping bush; clenching bush Dutch: knijpeffect English: pinch effect Dutch: knijpen English: to damp; to pinch; to clench; to throttle Dutch: knijpring English: retaining ring Dutch: knijprol English: pinch roller Dutch: knijpsoldeerbout English: soldering iron with solder supply Dutch: knijpwals English: pinch roll Dutch: knik English: bend; kink; collapse Dutch: knikbelasting English: collapsing load; buckling load Dutch: knikgereedschap English: kinking tool Dutch: knikken English: to kink; to collapse; to buckle Dutch: knikpunt English: corner; slope discontinuity; breakpoint Dutch: kniksterkte English: buckling strength; ultimate collapsing stress Dutch: knikvastheid English: collapsing strength Dutch: knikvrij English: free from kinks; kink-free Dutch: knip- en plakwerk English: sectioning & panelling Dutch: knipbuigmachine English: cutting and bending machine Dutch: knipbuigtang English: combination pliers Dutch: kniplengte English: cutting length Dutch: kniplijn English: cutting line Dutch: knipmachine English: cutting machine; shearing machine Dutch: knipmal English: cutting jig Dutch: knippen English: to scissor; to shear; to trim; to cut Dutch: knipperen English: to blink Dutch: knipperprecedentie English: flash precedence Dutch: knipplaat English: cutting plate Dutch: knipschaar English: shear Dutch: knipschakeling English: curvature-narrowing circuit Dutch: kniptang English: nippers Dutch: knobbeltjes English: nodules Dutch: knoeiwerk English: garble Dutch: knoest English: knot Dutch: knoop English: button; knot; node Dutch: knoopaanslag English: button stop Dutch: knooppunt English: junction; nodal point; junction point; node Dutch: knooppuntcircuit English: joint circuit Dutch: knooppuntsnaam English: node name Dutch: knoopsgatmicrofoon English: lapel microphone Dutch: knooptrimmer English: button trimmer Dutch: knop English: knob; button; dial Dutch: knopbediening English: knob control Dutch: knoppenpaneel English: control panel Dutch: koelaggregaat English: cooling unit; refrigeration unit Dutch: koelbeugel English: cooling fin; fin Dutch: koelcapaciteit English: cooling capacity; refrigerating capacity Dutch: koelcel English: cold room; cold storage room; cold storage; cold store Dutch: koelcompressor English: refrigerating compressor Dutch: koeleenheid English: cooling unit Dutch: koelen English: to cool; to refrigerate; to cool down; to quench Dutch: koeler English: cooler; radiator; condenser Dutch: koelermantel English: cooler jacket Dutch: koeling English: cooling; refrigeration Dutch: koelkanaal English: cooling channel; cooling duct Dutch: koelkast English: refrigerator Dutch: koelkastrek English: refrigerator rack; refrigerator shelf Dutch: koelkoepel English: dome; radome Dutch: koelkoepeloven English: cupola furnace; cupola Dutch: koelmachine-olie English: refrigerating oil Dutch: koelmal English: cooling jig Dutch: koelmantel English: cooling jacket Dutch: koelmiddel English: cooling agent; coolant; refrigerant Dutch: koelolie English: cooling oil; cutting oil Dutch: koeloppervlak English: cooling area; cooling surface Dutch: koeloven English: annealing oven; cooling furnace Dutch: koelpijp English: cooling pipe; refrigerating pipe Dutch: koelplaat English: cooling plate; heat sink Dutch: koelrib English: cooling fin; fin Dutch: koelruimte English: cold room; cold storage room Dutch: koelspiraal English: cooling spiral; cooling coil; condensing coil Dutch: koelsysteem English: cooling system Dutch: koeltank English: cooling tank Dutch: koelvin English: cooling fin; fin Dutch: koelvlak English: cooling surface; cooling face Dutch: koel-vriescombinatie English: refrigerator-freezer combination Dutch: koelzone English: cooling zone; condensing zone Dutch: koepelvormig English: dome-shaped Dutch: koeriersbericht English: couriergram Dutch: koeriersdienst English: courier service Dutch: koers English: course; price; quotation Dutch: koersafwijking English: course deviation Dutch: koetsen English: to couch Dutch: koetswerk English: body; coachwork Dutch: koevoet English: crow bar Dutch: koffer English: case Dutch: kofferdeksel English: case cover; case lid Dutch: kofferruimte English: boot; luggage boot; luggage compartment Dutch: koffersluiting English: case lock Dutch: koffieautomaat English: vending machine Dutch: koffiemolen English: coffee mill; coffee grinder Dutch: koffiezetapparaat English: coffee maker; coffee set Dutch: kogel English: ball; pellet Dutch: kogelanode English: ball anode Dutch: kogelbaan English: ball track Dutch: kogelbolknop English: ball knob Dutch: kogelfijnregeling English: planetary vernier drive Dutch: kogelfrees English: spherical cutter Dutch: kogelgeleiding English: ball bushing; ball guide Dutch: kogelgroef English: ball groove Dutch: kogelknop English: ball knob; ball Dutch: kogelkooi English: ball cage Dutch: kogelkraagblok English: collar ball bearing Dutch: kogellagerblok English: ball-bearing block Dutch: kogellagerkwaliteit English: ball-bearing quality Dutch: kogellagervetoplossing English: ball-bearing grease solution Dutch: kogelleibus English: ball guide bush Dutch: kogelring English: ball race Dutch: kogeltest English: ball-pressure test Dutch: kogelvalproef English: falling ball test Dutch: kogelvormig English: spherical Dutch: Kohonen-netwerk English: Kohonen network Dutch: koken English: to cook; to boil; to caulk Dutch: kokend English: boiling Dutch: koker English: duct; sleeve; coil former; coil bobbin Dutch: koksignaal English: clock signal Dutch: kolf English: cooker; boiler flask Dutch: Kolmogov theorema English: Kolmogov theorem Dutch: kolofonium English: colophony; rosin Dutch: kolom English: column; bar; upright; pillar; guide post Dutch: kolom volponsen English: to lace Dutch: kolomaanwijzer English: column indicator Dutch: kolomboor English: pillar drill Dutch: kolombout English: pillar bolt Dutch: kolommendiagram English: histogram; bar chart Dutch: kolommenpers English: dieing press Dutch: kolomschroef English: machine screw; stove screw Dutch: kolomsplitser English: column split Dutch: kolomstructuur English: columnar structure Dutch: kom English: cup; bowl Dutch: komma English: comma; radix point Dutch: komnokschijf English: hollow cam Dutch: kompasrichting English: compass direction Dutch: komschijf English: cup wheel Dutch: komslijpsteen English: cup grinding wheel Dutch: komstaaldraadborstel English: wire cup brush Dutch: komveer English: cup spring Dutch: koningswater English: aqua regia Dutch: kooianker English: squirrel-cage armature Dutch: kooiantenne English: cage antenna; cage aerial Dutch: kooivuller English: squirrel cage Dutch: kookbeitel English: caulking chisel; caulking tool Dutch: kookplaat English: hotplate Dutch: kookpuntsbenzine English: special boiling point spirit Dutch: kookstaafje English: boiling rod Dutch: kooksteentje English: boiling stone Dutch: kooktraject English: boiling range Dutch: kool English: coal; carbon Dutch: koolbaan English: carbon track Dutch: koolboog English: carbon arc Dutch: kooldioxyde English: carbon dioxide Dutch: koolfilm English: carbon film Dutch: koollasapparaat English: carbon-welding tool Dutch: koolmicrofoon English: carbon microphone Dutch: koolmonoxyde English: carbon monoxide Dutch: koolmonoxydemasker English: carbon monoxide mask Dutch: koolpotentiometer English: antilogarithmic carbon potentiometer; linear carbon potentiometer Dutch: koolstof English: carbon Dutch: koolstofanode English: carbon anode Dutch: koolweerstand English: carbon resistor Dutch: koolzuur English: carbonic acid Dutch: koolzuurcilinder English: carbonic acid cylinder; carbonic acid bottle Dutch: koolzuurgas English: carbon dioxide Dutch: koolzuursneeuw English: carbon dioxide snow Dutch: koop English: purchase; procurement Dutch: koopfrequentie English: buying frequency; frequency of purchase Dutch: koopgewoonten English: buying habits Dutch: koopmotief English: buying motive Dutch: koopplannen English: buying intentions Dutch: koorde English: chord Dutch: koordopspanning English: dial cord stringing; dial cord rigging Dutch: kopaandrijving English: head drive Dutch: kopafscherming English: head screening Dutch: kopcirkel English: addendum circle Dutch: kopdraaibank English: face lathe; facing lathe Dutch: kopdrager English: head support Dutch: kopeindapparatuur English: head-end equipment; front-end equipment Dutch: kopen English: to buy; to purchase; to procure Dutch: koper English: buyer; purchaser; copper Dutch: koperanode English: copper anode Dutch: koperbad English: copper bath; copper plating bath Dutch: koperchloride English: copper chloride Dutch: koperdiepdruk English: copper intaglio printing Dutch: koperdraad English: copperwire Dutch: kopereiland English: copper land Dutch: koperemailledraad English: enamelled copper wire Dutch: koperfolie English: copper foil Dutch: kopergaas English: copper gauze Dutch: kopergeleider English: copper conductor Dutch: koperglansbeits English: bright copper dip Dutch: kopermanteldraad English: copper-clad wire Dutch: koperomsponnen draad English: copper-covered wire Dutch: koperoxidediode English: copper-oxide diode Dutch: koperpatroon English: copper pattern Dutch: kopersoldeer English: hard solder; copper solder Dutch: koperspoor English: printed conductor Dutch: koperstaking English: buyers strike; fence-sitting buyers; tight-fisted buyers Dutch: koperstrike English: copper strike; copper sulphate; cupric sulphate Dutch: koperverliezen English: copper losses Dutch: koperverzuurbad English: acid copper bath Dutch: kopfrees English: face mill; end mill; face cutter; shell end mill; shell and cutter Dutch: kophelft English: head half Dutch: kophoek English: off-set angle Dutch: kophoogte English: depth of head Dutch: kopie English: copy; dubbing; facsimile Dutch: kopieerdraaibank English: copy turing lathe; copying lathe Dutch: kopieereffect English: print-through; accidental printing; copying effect; echo effect; printing effect; spurious printing Dutch: kopieerfreesmachine English: copy-milling machine Dutch: kopieermachine English: copying machine; duplicator Dutch: kopieermal English: template; templet Dutch: kopieerstift English: tracer; follower Dutch: kopiëren English: to copy; re-recording; to dub; to tape copy Dutch: kopinstelling English: head alignment; head adjustment; head setting Dutch: kopkaart English: header card; heading card Dutch: kopkniptang English: end cutting nipper; end cutters Dutch: koplabel English: header label Dutch: koplager English: bearing of magnetic head Dutch: koplamp English: headlamp; head light Dutch: koplas English: butt weld Dutch: koplevensduur English: head life Dutch: kopoppervlak English: head face Dutch: koppel(ings)stuk English: coupler Dutch: koppel/toerentalkromme English: torque/rpm curve Dutch: koppelas English: coupling spindle; coupling shaft Dutch: koppelbeugel English: coupling bracket Dutch: koppelcondensator English: coupling capacitor; interstage capacitor Dutch: koppeldiode English: coupling diode; interstage diode Dutch: koppeleenheid English: coupler Dutch: koppelefficiëntie English: coupling efficiency Dutch: koppelelement English: coupling element Dutch: koppelen English: to couple; to clutch; to chain; to link; to interface Dutch: koppelen met English: to couple to Dutch: koppelfactor English: coupling factor; coefficient of coupling Dutch: koppelfilter English: coupling filter Dutch: koppelimpedantie English: coupling impedance; transfer impedance Dutch: koppelindexen English: mounting directories Dutch: koppeling English: coupling; clutch; link; chain; attachment; interface; linkage Dutch: koppelinggewicht English: clutch weight Dutch: koppelingplaat English: clutch plate Dutch: koppelingsbesturing English: link control Dutch: koppelingschijf English: clutch disc; friction disc; coupling disc Dutch: koppelingscoëfficiënt English: coefficient of coupling Dutch: koppelingseenheid English: interface Dutch: koppelingssignaal English: interface signal Dutch: koppelingswerking English: clutch action Dutch: koppel-laadprogramma English: linking loader Dutch: koppelleiding English: coupling link Dutch: koppellus English: coupling loop Dutch: koppelmeter English: torque meter Dutch: koppelraam English: coupling frame Dutch: koppelreactantie English: coupling reactance Dutch: koppelschroevendraaier English: torque screwdriver Dutch: koppelsnoer English: coupling flex; signal cable; patch cord Dutch: koppelspoel English: coupling coil Dutch: koppelspoor English: linking track Dutch: koppelstang English: coupling rod; coupling bar Dutch: koppelstrip English: coupling strip Dutch: koppelstuk English: coupling piece Dutch: koppeltransformator English: coupling transformer; interstage transformer Dutch: koppelverbinding English: splice Dutch: koppelvlak English: interface Dutch: koppelweerstand English: coupling resistor Dutch: koppelwikkeling English: coupling winding Dutch: koppen English: headed pin Dutch: koppenplaat English: head mounting plate Dutch: kopplaat English: punch head; clutch disc; clutch plate Dutch: koprecord English: header record Dutch: kopschijf English: head disc Dutch: kopschroef English: filister head screw; cap screw Dutch: kopset English: head set Dutch: kopsgelijmd English: butt-joined Dutch: kopshout English: end grain wood Dutch: kopspie English: gib-headed key Dutch: kopspiegel English: head face; head mirror Dutch: kopspiegellamp English: silver-cupped lamp Dutch: kopspijker English: tack Dutch: kop-staartverbinding English: butt coupling Dutch: kopsteekbeitel English: axial recessing tool Dutch: kopstelschroef English: head adjustment screw Dutch: koptelefoon English: headset; headphones; earphone Dutch: kopvlak English: end face; head face Dutch: korfboogvormig English: basket-handle shaped Dutch: korfspoel English: basket coil Dutch: korrel English: grain; granule; grit Dutch: korrelgrens English: grain boundary Dutch: korrelgrootte English: granular size; grain size Dutch: korrelig English: granular; grained; granulated Dutch: korrelig lopen English: to run grittily Dutch: korreligheid English: graininess; granularity Dutch: korrelstructuur English: granular structure; grain structure Dutch: korrelverfijner English: grain refiner Dutch: korte as English: minor axis Dutch: korte golf English: short wave: SW Dutch: korte-golf zender English: short-wave transmitter Dutch: korte-termijnplan English: short-term plan Dutch: korte-termijnplanning English: short-term planning Dutch: korte-termijnprognose English: short-term forecast Dutch: kortgesloten English: short-circuited; shorted; shortcut Dutch: kortgesloten leiding English: shorted line; short-circuited line Dutch: kortsluitanker English: squirrel-cage armature Dutch: kortsluitbeugel English: short-circuit bracket Dutch: kortsluitblok English: short-circuit block Dutch: kortsluitbrug English: short-circuit bridge Dutch: kortsluiten English: to short-circuit; to short; to short-cut Dutch: kortsluithaak English: short-circuit bracket Dutch: kortsluitimpedantie English: short-circuit impedance; free impedance Dutch: kortsluiting English: short-circuit; short; shortcut; bypassing Dutch: kortsluitplaat English: short-circuit plate Dutch: kortsluitschakelaar English: short-circuit switch Dutch: kortsluitstroom English: short-circuit current Dutch: kortsluitvastheid English: resistance to short circuit; short-circuit resistance Dutch: kortsluitvermogen English: short-circuit power Dutch: kortsluitwinding English: short-circuited turn Dutch: kortstondige variatie English: short-term variation Dutch: kosmische ruis English: cosmic noise Dutch: kosten per eenheid English: unit cost Dutch: kosten/baten-analyse English: cost/benefit analysis Dutch: kostenbeheersfunctie English: cost control function Dutch: kostenbeheersing English: const control Dutch: kostenbeleid English: cost policy Dutch: kostenberekening English: costing; cost calculation Dutch: kostenbewustheid English: cost consciousness Dutch: kostenbudget English: cost budget Dutch: kostencalculatie English: calculation of cost; costing; cost calculation Dutch: kostenindicatie English: charge indication Dutch: kostenmodel English: cost model Dutch: kostenoverschrijding English: cost overrun Dutch: kostenverbijzondering English: cost allocating Dutch: kostenverdeling English: distribution of costs Dutch: kostenvergelijking English: cost comparison Dutch: kostenverhogend English: cost-increasing Dutch: kostenverlagend English: cost lowering; cost-cutting Dutch: kostenvraagstuk English: costs problem Dutch: kostprijsberekening English: costing Dutch: kostprijsboekhouding English: cost accounting Dutch: kostprijscalculatie English: costing Dutch: kostprijsfactor English: cost price factor Dutch: kotterbank English: boring machine Dutch: kotterbeitel English: boring tool; cutter Dutch: kotteren English: to bore Dutch: kotterkop English: boring head Dutch: kottermachine English: boring machine Dutch: kotterspil English: boring bar Dutch: koud apparaat English: cold receiver Dutch: koud spoelbad English: cold rinse; cold swill Dutch: koudbeitel English: cold chisel Dutch: koudbewerken English: to cold work Dutch: koudbewerkingseffect English: cold-working effect Dutch: koudbuigen English: to cold bend Dutch: koude draad English: cold lead Dutch: koude emissie English: cold emission Dutch: koude kathode English: cold cathode Dutch: koude kathodebuis English: cold-cathode type valve Dutch: koude las English: cold junction; cold joint Dutch: koude proef English: low-temperature test Dutch: koude prop English: cold slug Dutch: koude start English: cold start Dutch: koude vloei English: cold flow Dutch: koude weerstand English: cold resistance Dutch: koude zijde English: cold side; low side; earth side; ground side Dutch: koudelascompensatie English: cold-junction compensation Dutch: koudeverlies English: loss of cold Dutch: koudextrusie English: cold extrusion Dutch: koudgaskoelmachine English: cryogenerator Dutch: koudkatode English: cold cathode Dutch: koudsmeden English: to cold forge Dutch: koudstuiken English: to cold upset Dutch: koudtrekken English: to cold draw Dutch: koudvast English: cold resistant Dutch: koudvervormbaarheid English: cold deformability Dutch: koudvervormen English: cold forming; cold deformation Dutch: koudvervorming English: cold forming; cold deformation Dutch: koudverzinkverf English: zinc dust paint Dutch: koudwalsen English: to cold roll Dutch: kous English: sleeve; tubing Dutch: kovardrop English: kovar eyelet Dutch: kraag English: collar Dutch: kraagbus English: flanged bush Dutch: kraagtap English: collar journal Dutch: kraak English: crackle Dutch: kraakcontact English: intermittent contact; noise contact Dutch: kraaktoon English: crackling noise; crackling sound Dutch: kraal English: bead Dutch: kraalrand English: beaded edge Dutch: kraalstempel English: beading tool; curling tool Dutch: kraan English: tap; cock; valve; crane Dutch: kracht English: force; power Dutch: krachtaandrijving English: power drive Dutch: krachtafneempunt English: power take-off Dutch: krachtbron English: power source; powerplant Dutch: krachtcentrale English: power station Dutch: krachtenpaar English: couple Dutch: krachtlijn English: line of force Dutch: krachtlijnendichtheid English: flux density Dutch: krachtschakelaar English: power switch Dutch: krachtsensor English: force sensor Dutch: krachtstation English: power station Dutch: krachtstroom English: power current Dutch: krachtveld English: field of force Dutch: kraftpapier English: kraft paper Dutch: kraken English: to crackle; to crack Dutch: kralen English: to bead; to curl Dutch: kram English: clamp; cramp; staple Dutch: kramforsplaat English: acoustic board Dutch: krans English: ring Dutch: kras English: scratch Dutch: krasapparaat English: scratch pin apparatus Dutch: krasgevoeligheid English: susceptibility to scratching Dutch: kraslijn English: V-groove Dutch: krasnaald English: scriber; marking tool Dutch: kraspen English: scriber; marking tool; scratch pin Dutch: kraspentekensysteem English: scriber Dutch: krassen English: to scratch Dutch: krasspoor English: scratch track Dutch: krasvastheid English: scratch resistance Dutch: krasvrij English: free from scratches Dutch: krat; kratten English: crate; crates Dutch: krater English: crater; pinhole Dutch: kratervorming English: pin holing; cratering Dutch: kreoline English: creolin Dutch: kreuk English: crease Dutch: kreuken English: to crease Dutch: krijten English: to chalk Dutch: krijtingsweerstand English: chalking resistance Dutch: krijtvast English: chalk resistant; non-chalking Dutch: krik English: jack; screw jack Dutch: krimp English: shrinkage; contraction Dutch: krimp na warm ponsen English: shrinkage after hot piercing Dutch: krimpapparatuur English: shrinking equipment Dutch: krimpblok English: shrinkage block Dutch: krimpbuis English: shrink-sleeve; shrink-on sleeve Dutch: krimpen English: to shrink; to crimp Dutch: krimpfilm English: shrink-film; shrink-foil Dutch: krimpfilmverpakking English: shrink-film packaging; shrink-foil packaging; tight pack Dutch: krimpfolie English: shrink-film; shrink-foil Dutch: krimpgraad English: shrinkage from mould dimensions Dutch: krimphoes English: shrink-wrap Dutch: krimpkameroven English: shrink-chamber furnace Dutch: krimpkanon English: shrink-heater Dutch: krimpmal English: cooling jig; cooling fixture; shrinkage jig Dutch: krimpoven English: shrink-furnace Dutch: krimpraam English: shrink-frame Dutch: krimpspanning English: shrinkage stress Dutch: krimptoegift English: contraction allowance Dutch: krimptolerantie English: shrinkage tolerance; contraction allowance Dutch: krimpvrij English: non-shrinkable; non-shrinking Dutch: kring; kringen English: circuit; loop; circuits Dutch: kringconstante English: circuit constant Dutch: kringnulcapaciteit English: minimum tuning capacitance Dutch: kringproces English: cycle of work Dutch: kringpulsering English: loop pulsing Dutch: kringsignaal English: tuned-circuit voltage Dutch: kringspoel English: tuned-circuit coil Dutch: kristal English: crystal Dutch: kristalbinding English: crystalline bond Dutch: kristalbuiging English: crystal diffraction Dutch: kristalcalibrator English: crystal calibrator Dutch: kristaldetector English: crystal detector Dutch: kristaldiode English: crystal diode Dutch: kristaldiodemeetkop English: crystal diode probe Dutch: kristaldompeloven English: crystal dipping oven Dutch: kristalelement English: crystal element Dutch: kristalfrequentie English: crystal frequency Dutch: kristalgelijkrichter English: crystal rectifier Dutch: kristalgestuurd English: crystal controlled Dutch: kristalgrens English: crystal boundary Dutch: kristalgroei English: accretion of crystals; crystal growth; crystal growing Dutch: kristalgrootte English: crystal size Dutch: kristalhouder English: crystal holder Dutch: kristalkiem English: seed crystal Dutch: kristallens English: crystalline lens Dutch: kristalliet English: crystallite Dutch: kristallijn English: crystalline Dutch: kristallijne structuur English: crystalline structure Dutch: kristalliseren English: to crystallize Dutch: kristallogram English: crystallogram Dutch: kristalluidspreker English: piezo-electric loudspeaker Dutch: kristalmeter English: crystal meter Dutch: kristalmicrofoon English: piezo-electric microphone; crystal microphone Dutch: kristalontvanger English: crystal receiver Dutch: kristaloriëntatie English: crystal orientation Dutch: kristaloscillator English: crystal oscillator; crystal-controlled oscillator Dutch: kristalplaat English: crystal plate Dutch: kristalresonator English: crystal resonator Dutch: kristalrooster English: crystal lattice Dutch: kristalschakeling English: crystal circuit; monolithic circuit Dutch: kristalstroom English: crystal current Dutch: kristalstructuur English: crystal structure; crystalline structure Dutch: kristalsturing English: crystal control Dutch: kristalsuiker English: crystal sugar; sugar crystalline Dutch: kristaltester English: crystal tester Dutch: kristaltetrode English: crystal tetrode Dutch: kristaltransducer English: crystal transducer Dutch: kristaltrekken English: crystal pulling Dutch: kristalversterker English: crystal amplifier Dutch: kristalweerstand English: crystal resistor Dutch: kristalzijde English: crystal face; crystal plane Dutch: kritiek English: criticism; review Dutch: kritiek element English: criticality Dutch: kritiek gebied English: critical region Dutch: kritiek veld English: critical field Dutch: kritiekbespreking English: commentary meeting Dutch: kritieke fout English: critical defect; critical failure Dutch: kritieke pad English: critical path Dutch: kritieke padanalyse English: critical path analysis Dutch: kritieke padmethode English: critical path method: CPM Dutch: kritieke plek English: hot spot Dutch: kritieke sectie English: critical section Dutch: kritieke spanning English: critical voltage Dutch: kritieke waarde English: critical value Dutch: kritieke zone English: critical region Dutch: kritisch component English: critical component Dutch: kritisch item English: critical item Dutch: kritische demping English: critical damping Dutch: kritische eigenschap English: critical characteristic Dutch: kritische frequentie English: critical frequency Dutch: kritische luisteraar English: discriminating listener Dutch: kritische potentiaal English: critical potential Dutch: kritische radius English: critical radius Dutch: kritische software English: critical software Dutch: kroes English: crucible; susceptor Dutch: kroestang English: crucible tong Dutch: krokodillebekklem English: crocodile clip; alligator clip Dutch: krom English: bent; curved; crooked Dutch: kromheid English: curvature; crookedness Dutch: kromlijnig English: curvilinear Dutch: kromme English: curve Dutch: kromme van Gauss English: Gauss distribution; Gaussian curve Dutch: kromme vlakken English: curved faces Dutch: kromme vorm English: curvature; shape of curve Dutch: krommingsstraal English: radius of curve Dutch: krompasser English: outside calipers Dutch: kromte English: curvature Dutch: kromtrekken English: to warp Dutch: kroonsteentje English: porcelain connector; plastic connector; luster terminal Dutch: kruimelbakje English: crumb tray Dutch: kruip English: creep; deformation under load; creepage Dutch: kruipgrens English: creep limit Dutch: kruiplijnhoogte English: airdraft Dutch: kruipproefapparaat English: creep testing device Dutch: kruiproest English: filiform rust Dutch: kruipsnelheid English: creep rate Dutch: kruipsterkte English: creep strength Dutch: kruipstroom English: creepage current; creeping current Dutch: kruipstroomspanning English: creepage voltage Dutch: kruipstroomweerstand English: tracking resistance Dutch: kruipvast English: non-tracking; creep resistant Dutch: kruipweg English: creepage path; creepage distance Dutch: kruiscompiler English: cross compiler Dutch: kruiscorrelatie English: cross correlation Dutch: kruisdraden English: tracking cross Dutch: kruiselings English: crosswise Dutch: kruisgatkern English: cross-hole core Dutch: kruisgleuf English: cross groove; cross slot Dutch: kruising English: crossover Dutch: kruiskartel English: diagonal knurl; cross knurl Dutch: kruiskastje English: cross bar generator Dutch: kruisknop English: cross-shaped knob; crosshead; cross head; recess head Dutch: kruiskopschroef English: cross-slotted screw Dutch: kruislaag English: cross layer Dutch: kruismodulatie English: cross modulation Dutch: kruismoment English: covariance Dutch: kruispatroon English: cross pattern Dutch: kruisprogramma English: cross program Dutch: kruispunt English: crossover point Dutch: kruisschakelsysteem English: crossbar system Dutch: kruisslagwikkelen English: cross-winding; universal winding Dutch: kruissleuf English: cross groove; cross slot Dutch: kruissleutel English: four-way wrench Dutch: kruissnelheid English: touring speed Dutch: kruissoftware English: cross software Dutch: kruisstangkiezer English: crossbar switch Dutch: kruistabulatie English: cross tabulation Dutch: kruisveldsysteem English: cross field system Dutch: kruisverbinding English: cross connection Dutch: kruisvertanding English: staggered teeth Dutch: kruisverwijzingslijst English: cross-reference list Dutch: kruisvuur English: cross fire Dutch: kruiswikkelen English: cross-winding; universal winding Dutch: kruiswikkelmachine English: cross-winding machine; cross-winder; universal winding machine; universal winder Dutch: kruk English: crank; handle Dutch: krukbeugel English: cranked clamp Dutch: krukpen English: crank pin Dutch: krukpers English: crank press Dutch: kruk-sleufoverbrenging English: scotch yoke Dutch: krul English: chip; shavings Dutch: krullen English: to curl Dutch: krulstift English: twisting rod; torsing rod Dutch: kryogeen geheugen English: cryogenic store Dutch: kryptol English: kryptol Dutch: Ku-band English: Ku-band Dutch: kubiek English: cubic Dutch: kubieke inhoud English: cubic capacity Dutch: kubische functie English: cubic function Dutch: kubische spline English: cubic spline Dutch: kubusvlak English: cube face Dutch: kuil English: pit; gap Dutch: kuipstoel English: bucket seat Dutch: kundigheid English: skill Dutch: kunstaarde English: counterpoise earth Dutch: kunstaccu English: artificial accumulator Dutch: kunstantenne English: artificial antenna; dummy antenna; artificial aerial; dummy aerial Dutch: kunstbeeldgenerator English: pattern generator Dutch: kunstharsgebonden English: synthetic resin-bound Dutch: kunstharslak English: synthetic resin-lacquer Dutch: kunstharspasta English: synthetic resin-paste Dutch: kunstleer English: artificial leather; leatherette; simulated leather; imitation leather Dutch: kunstlichtfilm English: tungsten film; tungsten type film Dutch: kunstmagneet English: artificial magnet Dutch: kunstmatig leven English: artificial life Dutch: kunstmatige herkenning English: artificial recognition Dutch: kunstmatige pupil English: artificial pupil Dutch: kunstmatige satelliet English: artificial satellite Dutch: kunstnet English: artificial mains Dutch: kunstoffenlaboratorium English: plastics laboratory Dutch: kunstoor English: artificial ear Dutch: kunstsignaal English: artificial signal Dutch: kunststof English: synthetic material; plastic Dutch: kunststofpers English: moulding press Dutch: kunststoorgenerator English: noise generator Dutch: kunstterpentijn English: white spirit Dutch: kunstzijde English: artificial silk; artsilk; rayon Dutch: kunstzweet English: artificial perspiration Dutch: kurkdroog English: bone-dry Dutch: kurketrekker English: corkscrew Dutch: kurkstop English: cork stopper Dutch: kussen English: cushion; pillow Dutch: kussenblok English: bearing block; pillow block Dutch: kussencorrectie English: pin-cushion correction Dutch: kussensloop English: pillow case Dutch: kussenvervorming English: pin-cushion distortion Dutch: kwadraat English: square Dutch: kwadratensom English: sum of squares Dutch: kwadratische detectie English: square-law detection Dutch: kwadratuurcomponent English: quadrature component Dutch: kwadratuurdetector English: quadrature detector Dutch: kwadratuurfout English: quadrature distortion Dutch: kwadratuurgetal English: quadrature number Dutch: kwadratuurmodulatie English: quadrature modulation: quam Dutch: kwadratuurstroom English: quadrature current Dutch: kwadratuurversterker English: quadrature amplifier Dutch: kwalificatie English: qualification; rating Dutch: kwalificatiegegeven English: qualifier Dutch: kwalificatieprobleem English: qualification problem Dutch: kwalificatieresultaten English: qualification results Dutch: kwalificatietesten English: qualification testing Dutch: kwalitatief redeneren English: qualitative reasoning Dutch: kwaliteit English: quality; grade Dutch: kwaliteitsaspecten English: quality aspects Dutch: kwaliteitsattribuut English: quality attribute Dutch: kwaliteitsaudit English: quality audit Dutch: kwaliteitsbeheersing English: quality control: QC Dutch: kwaliteitsbeleid English: quality assurance policy; quality policy Dutch: kwaliteitsbeproeving English: quality inspection Dutch: kwaliteitsbescherming English: quality protection Dutch: kwaliteitsbewustheid English: quality awareness; quality consciousness; quality mindedness Dutch: kwaliteitsborging English: quality assurance; QA Dutch: kwaliteitseigenschap English: quality characteristic Dutch: kwaliteitseis English: quality requirement Dutch: kwaliteitsfactor English: quality factor Dutch: kwaliteitsfunctie English: quality function Dutch: kwaliteitsgarantie English: quality warranty; warranty of quality Dutch: kwaliteitsgraad English: degree of quality; grade of quality; quality degree Dutch: kwaliteitsinspectie English: quality inspection Dutch: kwaliteitskenmerk English: quality characteristic; quality feature Dutch: kwaliteitskringloop English: quality loop Dutch: kwaliteitsmethodiek English: quality methodology Dutch: kwaliteitsmeting English: quality metric Dutch: kwaliteitsnorm English: quality standard Dutch: kwaliteitsofficier English: quality control officer Dutch: kwaliteitsonderzoek English: quality inspection; quality investigation Dutch: kwaliteitsplan English: quality plan Dutch: kwaliteitsprobleem English: quality problem Dutch: kwaliteitsprogramma English: quality program Dutch: kwaliteitsspecificatie English: quality specification Dutch: kwaliteitssysteem English: quality system Dutch: kwaliteitsverbetering English: quality improvement Dutch: kwaliteitsverificatie English: quality audit Dutch: kwaliteitszorg English: quality assurance; quality control; quality management: QM Dutch: kwantiel English: quantile Dutch: kwantificeren English: to quantify Dutch: kwantiseren English: to quantize Dutch: kwantisering English: quantization Dutch: kwantiseringseenheid English: quantizer Dutch: kwantitatieve analyse English: quantitative analysis Dutch: kwantitatieve ruimte English: quantity space Dutch: kwantitatieve test English: quantitative test Dutch: kwantumorder English: bulk order Dutch: kwartaal English: quarter Dutch: kwartgolf English: quarter wave Dutch: kwartgolflijninspectie English: quarter-wave stub Dutch: kwarto English: quarto Dutch: kwartsbrander English: quartz burner Dutch: kwartsdompelelement English: quarts immersion heater Dutch: kwartsfilter English: crystal filter; piezoelectric filter Dutch: kwartskristal English: quartz crystal Dutch: kwartsplaat English: quartz plate Dutch: kwartsstralers English: quartz lamps Dutch: kwast English: knot; brush; tassel Dutch: kwetsdoorn English: squeezing mandrel Dutch: kwetsen English: to crimp; to squeeze Dutch: kwikaccu English: mercury battery Dutch: kwikbatterij English: mercury battery Dutch: kwikboog English: mercury arc Dutch: kwikbooggelijkrichter English: mercury arc rectifier Dutch: kwikcel English: mercury cell Dutch: kwikdamp English: mercury vapour Dutch: kwikdamplamp English: mercury discharge lamp; mercury vapour lamp Dutch: kwikdampontladingsbuis English: thyratron Dutch: kwikdruk English: mercury pressure Dutch: kwikkolom English: mercury column Dutch: kwikontladingslamp English: mercury discharge lamp Dutch: kwikpoelkathode English: mercury-pool cathode Dutch: kwikproef English: mercury test Dutch: kwikrelais English: mercury relay Dutch: kwikschakelaar English: mercury switch Dutch: kwikthermometer English: mercury in glass thermometer; mercurial thermometer Dutch: kwikvertragingslijn English: mercury delay line Dutch: kwikzilver English: mercury; quicksilver Dutch: kwint English: fifth; quint Dutch: laad- of stapelbord English: pallet Dutch: laadbord English: pallet Dutch: laadcapaciteit English: loading capacity; charging capacity; load-taking capacity; capacity in place settings Dutch: laadcircuit English: load circuit Dutch: laadcondensator English: charging capacitor Dutch: laaddoorlooptijd English: loading lead time Dutch: laadeenheid English: unit load Dutch: laadgelijkrichter English: charging rectifier Dutch: laadgoot English: loading chute Dutch: laadkist English: container Dutch: laadkring English: charging circuit Dutch: laadkromme English: charging curve Dutch: laadmethode English: loading method Dutch: laadmodule English: load module Dutch: laadoverzicht English: load map Dutch: laadoverzichten English: loading records Dutch: laadperiode English: charging period Dutch: laadplaats English: loading location Dutch: laadprogramma English: loader; load program Dutch: laadsnelheid English: rate of charging; charging rate Dutch: laadspanning English: charged voltage; charging voltage Dutch: laadstroom English: charging current; load current Dutch: laadstroombaan English: charging current Dutch: laadtijd English: loading time Dutch: laadtoets English: load key Dutch: laadvermogen English: carrying capacity; charging capacity Dutch: laadvoorraad English: loading stock Dutch: laadweerstand English: charging resistor Dutch: laag English: layer; coat; deposit; stratum; multiplex; ply Dutch: laag gelegeerd English: low alloy Dutch: laag vermogen English: low power Dutch: laagdikte English: layer thickness; thickness of deposit; film thickness; coating thickness Dutch: laagdiscriminatie English: layer discrimination Dutch: laagdoorlaat English: low pass Dutch: laagdoorlaatfilter English: low-pass filter Dutch: laagdoorlatend filter English: low-pass filter Dutch: laagfrequent English: low frequency: LF; audio frequency: AF Dutch: laaggelegeerd staal English: low-alloy steel Dutch: laagmoffelend English: low baking Dutch: laagniveau English: low level Dutch: laagniveau logica English: low-level logic Dutch: laagniveau modulatie English: low-level modulation Dutch: laagniveau protocol English: low-level protocol: LLP Dutch: laagniveau taal English: low level language Dutch: laagohmig English: low-impedance; low-ohmic Dutch: laagrichting English: direction of layer Dutch: laagsmeltend English: low-melting Dutch: laagspanning English: low voltage; low tension Dutch: laagspanningsvoeding English: low-voltage supply Dutch: laagste band English: lower band Dutch: laagste totaalkosten English: least total cost Dutch: laagste-niveaucode English: low level code Dutch: laagviskeus English: low-viscous Dutch: laagvormingstechniek English: junction-forming technique Dutch: laagweergave English: bass response Dutch: laagweergever English: woofer Dutch: laagweerstand English: film resistor Dutch: laatste modulatie English: final modulation Dutch: laatste startdatum English: latest start date Dutch: label English: label Dutch: labelrecord English: label record Dutch: labiele balans English: unstable balance Dutch: laboratorium English: laboratory: lab Dutch: laboratoriuminrichting English: laboratory equipment Dutch: laboratoriumonderzoek English: laboratory investigation Dutch: laboratoriumtafel English: laboratory bench Dutch: laboratoriumuitrusting English: laboratory equipment Dutch: labyrinth afdichtring English: labyrinth-seal Dutch: labyrintweergever English: labyrinth speaker Dutch: lade English: drawer Dutch: ladekast English: chest of drawers Dutch: laden English: to charge; to load Dutch: laden en uitvoeren English: load-and-go Dutch: lading English: load; cargo; charge Dutch: ladingsbeeld English: charge image; charge pattern Dutch: ladingsdichtheid English: charge density Dutch: ladingsdrager English: charge carrier Dutch: ladingsopslag English: charge storage Dutch: ladingsvloei English: flow of charges Dutch: lage band English: low band Dutch: lage druk English: low pressure Dutch: lage frequentie English: low frequency: LF Dutch: lage moer English: lock nut Dutch: lage Q English: low Q Dutch: lage resolutie English: low resolution Dutch: lage ruis English: low noise Dutch: lage spanning English: low voltage Dutch: lage tonen English: bass; dark notes; low notes Dutch: lagendiode English: junction diode Dutch: lagen-FET English: junction FET Dutch: lagengelijkrichter English: junction rectifier Dutch: lagenisolatie English: layer insulation Dutch: lagenprotocol English: layer protocol Dutch: lagenstructurering English: layering Dutch: lagenstructuur English: layered structure Dutch: lagentransistor English: junction transistor Dutch: lager kader English: lower management; junior executives Dutch: lagerafdekplaat English: bearing cover-plate Dutch: lagerbekleding English: bearing liner; bearing lining Dutch: lagerbeugel English: bearing bracket Dutch: lagerbus; lagerbussen English: bearing bush; bearing bushes Dutch: lagere programmeertaal English: low-level programming language Dutch: lagere zijband English: lower sideband Dutch: lagergietbrons English: cast bearing bronze Dutch: lagerhals English: bearing journal Dutch: lagerhuis English: bearing house; bearing housing Dutch: lagering English: bearing Dutch: lagermetaal English: bearing metal; anti-friction metal Dutch: lagernaald English: bearing needle Dutch: lagerolie English: bearing oil Dutch: lagerpen English: bearing pin; bearing bolt Dutch: lagerplaat English: bearing plate Dutch: lagerpunt English: bearing point; point of support Dutch: lagerschaal English: shell; liner; bearing halfliner; bearing shell Dutch: lagerspeling English: bearing clearance; bearing play Dutch: lagerstoel English: bearing block; bearing bracket Dutch: lagertap English: bearing journal Dutch: lagervoering English: bearing liner; bearing lining Dutch: lage-temperatuur proef English: low-temperature test Dutch: lage-tonen luidspreker English: low notes speaker; bass loudspeaker; woofer Dutch: lage-tonen regelaar English: bass control; bass tone control Dutch: Lagrangekromme English: Lagrange curve Dutch: Lagrange-oppervlak English: Lagrange surface Dutch: lak English: lacquer; varnish Dutch: laken English: sheet Dutch: lakfilm English: lacquer film Dutch: lakfilmcondensator English: lacquer-film capacitor Dutch: lakfoeliecondensator English: lacquered foil capacitor Dutch: lakken English: to lacquer; to varnish Dutch: lakmoes English: litmus Dutch: lakmoespapier English: litmus paper Dutch: lakopbrengwals English: lacquer applicator roll; paint roller coater Dutch: lakspuiten English: paint spraying; lacquer spraying Dutch: lakspuiterij English: paint spraying shop Dutch: lakstraat English: lacquering line Dutch: lakverf English: enamel Dutch: lambda English: lambda: l Dutch: lambda-abstractie English: lambda abstraction Dutch: lambdacalculus English: lambda calculus Dutch: lambda-expressie English: lambda expression Dutch: lambdagolf English: lambda wave Dutch: lambda-uitdrukking English: lambda-expression Dutch: lambert English: lambert Dutch: lamel English: lamination; bar; segment; lamella Dutch: lamellair grafiet English: flake graphite Dutch: lamelleren English: to laminate Dutch: laminatie English: lamination Dutch: lamineren English: to laminate Dutch: lamp English: lamp; valve; tube Dutch: lampbeugel English: lamp bracket Dutch: lamphouder English: lamp holder Dutch: lampzwart English: lamp black; carbon black Dutch: lanceervoertuig English: launch vehicle Dutch: landed kostprijs English: landed cost price Dutch: landenchef English: relation officer Dutch: landenlijst English: country list Dutch: landing English: landing; impact; beam landing; setdown Dutch: landingsfouten English: mislanding Dutch: landklimaat English: continental climate Dutch: landnetnummer English: country-network identity Dutch: langdoorlaatfilter English: long wavelength pass filter: LWP Dutch: langdurige beveiliging English: long-term security Dutch: langdurige vochtproef English: long-term humidity test; prolonged humidity test Dutch: lange afstand English: long distance Dutch: lange as English: major axis Dutch: lange golf English: long wave: LW Dutch: lange golven English: long waves Dutch: lange lijn English: long line Dutch: lange uitloper English: pigtail Dutch: lange-afstandslijn English: long distance line Dutch: lange-afstandsoproep English: long distance call Dutch: lange-termijnplan English: long-term plan Dutch: lange-termijnplanning English: long-term planning; long-range planning Dutch: langgatboormachine English: deep-hole drilling machine; mortising machine Dutch: langgerekt English: elongated Dutch: langsaanzet English: longitudinal feed Dutch: langsbeweging English: longitudinal traverse Dutch: langsdraai-automaat English: automatic traversing lathe Dutch: langsdraaibank English: traversing lathe Dutch: langsdraaien English: longitudinal turning; traversing Dutch: langsdruk English: axial thrust Dutch: langsgeleider English: rip fence Dutch: langshout English: wood with the grain Dutch: langsmagnetisatie English: longitudinal magnetization Dutch: langspeelband English: longplay tape Dutch: langspeelplaat English: long-playing record Dutch: langsrichting English: longitudinal direction Dutch: langsruwbeitel English: rough turing tool Dutch: langsslede English: traversing slide; bed slide Dutch: langssteun English: longitudinal stay Dutch: langsstroom English: longitudinal current Dutch: langsvoeding English: longitudinal feed Dutch: langzaam English: slow; low-speed Dutch: langzame jank English: wow Dutch: lanoline English: lanolin Dutch: lap English: cloth; rag; lap Dutch: Laplace-transformatie English: Laplace transform Dutch: lapmiddel English: stopgap measure; makeshift; palliative; stopgap; lapping compound; lapping abrasive Dutch: lapnaad English: lap joint Dutch: lappen English: to lap Dutch: lappenschijf English: cloth wheel; buff wheel Dutch: larmorbaan English: Larmor orbit Dutch: las English: joint; weld; splice Dutch: lasapparaat English: welder; welding apparatus; splicer Dutch: lasautomaat English: automatic welder Dutch: lasbaar English: weldable Dutch: lasbaarheid English: weldability; suitability for welding Dutch: lasband English: splicing tape Dutch: lasboog English: welding arc Dutch: lasbrander English: welding torch Dutch: lasbril English: welder's goggles; welding goggles Dutch: lasdoos English: branch box; distribution junction box; conduit box; connection box Dutch: lasdop English: wire connector Dutch: lasdraad English: welding wire; filling wire Dutch: laseind English: welding stud Dutch: laselektrode English: welding electrode Dutch: laser-aftasteenheid English: laser scanner Dutch: laserdiode English: laser diode: LD Dutch: laserdrukker English: laser printer Dutch: laserlijnbreedte English: laser linewidth Dutch: laserplaat English: laser disk Dutch: laserplotter English: laser plotter Dutch: laserpulslengte English: laser pulse length Dutch: lashelm English: welding helmet; welder's mask Dutch: laskap English: welding mask; welder's mask Dutch: lasklem English: welding clamp Dutch: laskop English: welding head Dutch: laslaag English: run; welding run Dutch: lasmachine English: welder; welding machine Dutch: lasmal English: welding fixture Dutch: lasmetaal English: welding metal; filler metal Dutch: lasmoer English: weld nut Dutch: lasnaad English: weld seam; welded joint Dutch: laspasta English: welding paste Dutch: laspoeder English: welding powder Dutch: laspunt English: welding point; weld point; weld joint; spot weld mark Dutch: lasrichting English: direction of welding Dutch: lasrups English: bead; run Dutch: lasschild English: welding shield Dutch: lassen English: to weld; to splice Dutch: lasslak English: welding slag Dutch: lasstaaf English: welding rod; welding electrode Dutch: last English: load; cargo; trouble; hinder Dutch: lastang English: electrode holder Dutch: lastekening English: welding drawing Dutch: lastpunt English: fulcrum Dutch: lastransformator English: welding transformer Dutch: lasveer English: solder spring Dutch: lasverbinding English: sealed joint; welded joint Dutch: lasvloeimiddel English: welding flux Dutch: laswagen English: mobile welder Dutch: lat English: lath Dutch: laten staan English: to allow to stand Dutch: laten vallen English: to drop Dutch: latent beeld English: latent image Dutch: lateraal English: lateral Dutch: lateraalblauw English: lateral blue Dutch: laterale communicaties English: lateral communications Dutch: laterale compressie English: lateral compression Dutch: laterale convergentie English: lateral convergence Dutch: laterale registratie English: lateral recording Dutch: latoenkoper English: brass-lamella Dutch: lawaaibeheersing English: noise control Dutch: lawaaibron English: noise source Dutch: lawaainiveau English: noise level Dutch: lawaaivermoeidheid English: noise fatigue Dutch: lawinediode English: avalanche diode Dutch: lawinedoorbraak English: avalanche breakdown Dutch: lawinedoorslag English: avalanche breakdown Dutch: lawine-effect English: avalanche effect Dutch: layout English: component layout; layout Dutch: lay-out English: layout Dutch: LC-filter English: LC filter Dutch: LC-kring English: LC circuit Dutch: LC-parallelkring English: parallel LC circuit Dutch: LC-seriekring English: series LC circuit Dutch: lecherdraden English: Lecher wires Dutch: Lecherverbinding English: Lecher line Dutch: leeg English: empty; blank; virginal; exhausted; null Dutch: leeg medium English: empty medium Dutch: leeggewicht English: unladen weight Dutch: leegpompen English: to exhaust; to evacuate Dutch: leen English: borrow Dutch: leer English: leather; theory Dutch: leer van de akoestiek English: acoustics Dutch: leer van de kleuren English: colour theory; science of colour; chromatics Dutch: leerboek English: textbook Dutch: leerdoek English: leather cloth; imitation leather Dutch: leerkromme English: learning curve Dutch: leermachine English: teaching machine Dutch: leermiddelen English: training aids; teaching aids; teaching materials Dutch: leerpaneel English: teach pendant Dutch: leerprogrammering English: teach programming Dutch: lees-alleen English: read-only Dutch: lees-alleengeheugen English: read-only memory: ROM Dutch: leesbaan English: reading track Dutch: leesbaar English: legible; right reading Dutch: leesfout English: read check; reading error Dutch: leesimpuls English: read pulse; full read pulse; reading pulse Dutch: leeskop English: read head; reading head; playback head Dutch: leesorgaan English: reading station; sensing station Dutch: lees-schrijfkop English: combined read/write head; combined head; read/write head Dutch: leessnelheid English: reading speed Dutch: leesstation English: reading station; read station; sensing station Dutch: leesteken English: special character; additional character; symbol Dutch: leesvenster English: read-out Dutch: legato English: legato Dutch: lege accu English: low battery Dutch: lege batterij English: low battery Dutch: lege rij English: null string; empty row Dutch: legende English: legend Dutch: leger English: bearing; army Dutch: legeren English: to alloy Dutch: legeringsanode English: alloy anode Dutch: legeringsjunctie English: alloy junction Dutch: legeringslagendiode English: alloy junction diode Dutch: legeringsovergang English: alloy junction Dutch: legeringstransistor English: alloy transistor; alloyed transistor Dutch: legplank English: parcel shelf Dutch: legpuzzelplanning English: jig-sam puzzle scheduling Dutch: leibaan English: guide way; bed way Dutch: leiblok English: guide block Dutch: leibus English: guide bush Dutch: leiden English: to manage; to conduct a business; to lead; to guide Dutch: leidend beginsel English: guiding principle; unifying concept Dutch: leiderschapspatroon English: managerial aid Dutch: leiding English: line; lead; connection; pipe; tube; management Dutch: leiding geven English: to manage Dutch: leidingverlies English: line loss Dutch: leidingwater English: tap water; mains water; city water; domestic water Dutch: leipen English: guide pin; guide post; pillar Dutch: leiplaat English: guide plate Dutch: leirand English: margin Dutch: leirol English: guide; idler Dutch: leischroef English: lead screw Dutch: leisleuf English: guiding slot Dutch: leispil English: lead screw Dutch: leispindel English: guide spindle; leading screw Dutch: leisteenpoeder English: slate powder; ground slate Dutch: leistuk English: guiding piece Dutch: leivinger English: wire guide Dutch: leiwiel English: guide wheel Dutch: lek English: leak; leakage; walk down; loss of information Dutch: lekbak; lekbakken English: drip tray; oil through; drip trays Dutch: lekinductie English: leakage inductance Dutch: lekkage English: leakage Dutch: lekken English: to leak; to drip Dutch: lekkend English: leaky; leaking Dutch: lekreactantie English: leakage reactance Dutch: lekresistentie English: stray resistance Dutch: lekstroommeter English: leakage current meter Dutch: lekveld English: stray field; leakage field Dutch: lekweerstand English: leakage resistance; leakage resistor Dutch: lemma English: lemma Dutch: lengteafmeting English: length dimension Dutch: lengte-eenheid English: unit of length; unit length Dutch: lengtemeetapparaat English: linear measuring apparatus Dutch: lengtenaad English: longitudinal seam Dutch: lengterichting English: longitudinal direction Dutch: lens English: lens Dutch: lens met wijde opening English: wide-angle lens Dutch: lensopening English: lens aperture Dutch: lensrevolver English: lens turret Dutch: lensscherm English: lens screen Dutch: lensvatting English: lens mount Dutch: lepelcontactveer English: spoon-shaped contact spring Dutch: lepelveer English: spoon-shaped spring Dutch: lepmachine English: lapping machine Dutch: lepmiddel English: lapping compound; lapping abrasive Dutch: leppasta English: lapping paste Dutch: leppen English: to lap Dutch: lepschijf English: lapping disc; lapping wheel Dutch: leren onder toezicht English: supervised learning Dutch: lerende regeling English: learning control Dutch: letter English: letter; character Dutch: letter of intent English: letter of intent Dutch: letterbox English: distribution amplifier Dutch: lettercode English: alphabetical code Dutch: letterlijk English: figurative Dutch: letterlijkheid English: literal; ,figurative constant Dutch: letterrij English: alphabetical string Dutch: letterstempel English: letter stamp Dutch: letterwaarde English: literal Dutch: letterwijziging English: letter change Dutch: letterwoord English: alphabetic word Dutch: letterzetsjabloon English: lettering guide Dutch: levend English: live Dutch: levenscyclus English: life cycle Dutch: levensduurproef English: life test Dutch: levensechte uitzending English: live transmission; live broadcast Dutch: levensgevaar English: life hazard; danger of life Dutch: levensgevaarlijk English: involving risk of life Dutch: levensvatbaarheid English: viability Dutch: leverancier English: carrier; supplier; vendor; contractor Dutch: leverancierscontrole English: vendor inspection Dutch: leveranciersdienst English: carrier service Dutch: leveranciersrisico English: producer's risk Dutch: leverantie English: supply Dutch: leverdatum English: sate of delivery; supply date Dutch: leveren English: to supply; to deliver Dutch: leverethiek English: delivery ethics Dutch: levering English: delivery; supply; consignment; item Dutch: leveringenplanning English: supply planning Dutch: leveringsachterstand English: backlog of orders Dutch: leveringsbeleid English: delivery policy Dutch: leveringsconditie English: condition of delivery Dutch: leveringsdatum English: delivery date Dutch: leveringsdoorlooptijd English: delivery lead time Dutch: leveringsgraad English: degree of delivery Dutch: leveringsketenbeheer English: supply chain management Dutch: leveringskwaliteit English: delivery quality Dutch: leveringsopdracht English: supply order; supply contract (aanbest.); contract for the supply of Dutch: leveringsplan English: delivery plan Dutch: leveringsprocedure English: delivery procedure Dutch: leveringsrooster English: delivery schedule Dutch: leveringsschema English: delivery schedule Dutch: leveringstoezegging English: delivery promise Dutch: lex English: lex Dutch: lexicaal English: lexical Dutch: lexicografisch English: lexicographical Dutch: lezen met uitwissen English: destructive reading Dutch: lezen zonder uitwissen English: non-destructive reading Dutch: lezer English: reader Dutch: lezerskring English: audience; readership Dutch: LF English: low frequency Dutch: LF-analysator English: AF analyzer Dutch: LF-correctienetwerk English: audio correction network Dutch: LF-eindtrap English: AF output stage Dutch: LF-generator English: audio generator; audio signal generator Dutch: LF-getrouwheid English: LF characteristic; AF response Dutch: LF-karakteristiek English: LF characteristic; AF response Dutch: LF-oscillator English: AF oscillator Dutch: LF-signaalgenerator English: audio signal generator Dutch: LF-transformator English: AF transformer Dutch: LF-trap English: AF stage Dutch: LF-uitgangsspanning English: audio output voltage Dutch: LF-uitgangsvermogen English: audio output power Dutch: LF-versterker English: AF amplifier; audio amplifier Dutch: LF-versterkertrap English: AF amplifier stage; audio amplifier stage Dutch: LF-versterking English: AF amplification; AF gain; audio amplification Dutch: LF-wattmeter English: AF wattmeter Dutch: LH-band English: low-noise high-output band: LH band Dutch: licentiestandaard English: licensing standard Dutch: licht aanzuren English: to acidulate Dutch: licht gebied English: light area Dutch: licht metalen English: alloy Dutch: lichtafschermkap English: viewing hood Dutch: lichtbreker English: light refractor Dutch: lichtbreking English: refraction of light Dutch: lichtbron English: light source Dutch: lichtbundel English: light beam; beam of light Dutch: lichtclaxon English: headlamp flash Dutch: lichtdiode English: light-emitting diode: LED Dutch: lichtdoorlaatbaar English: light-transmitting Dutch: lichtdoorlaatbaarheid English: light transmission Dutch: lichtdoorlatend English: translucence; translucent Dutch: lichtdrukafdeling English: reprographic department; light transmission department Dutch: lichtdrukcopie English: photoprint Dutch: lichtdrukken English: to photoprint Dutch: lichtdrukmachine English: photo-print machine Dutch: lichte aanslag English: light touch; slight tarnish Dutch: lichte braam English: slight burr Dutch: lichte industrie English: light industry; light engineering industry Dutch: lichte materialen English: light-weight materials Dutch: lichte perspassing English: light interference fit; drive fit Dutch: lichtecht English: light fast; fadeless Dutch: lichtflits English: flash Dutch: lichtflux English: luminous flux Dutch: lichtgeel English: light yellow; pale yellow Dutch: lichtgevende diode English: light-emitting diode Dutch: lichtgevende verf English: luminous paint Dutch: lichtgevoelig English: light sensitive; photo-sensitive Dutch: lichtgevoelige buis English: light-sensitive tube Dutch: lichtgevoelige diode English: light-sensitive diode Dutch: lichtgevoelige emulsie English: photo-sensitive emulsion Dutch: lichtgevoelige kathode English: light-sensitive cathode Dutch: lichtgevoelige laag English: photo-sensitive layer Dutch: lichtgevoelige stof English: light-sensitive material Dutch: lichtgevoeligheid English: light sensitivity; photosensitivity Dutch: lichtgewicht English: lightweight Dutch: lichtgolf English: light wave Dutch: lichtindruk English: light impression Dutch: lichtintensiteit English: light intensity; luminous intensity Dutch: lichtinval English: incidence of light Dutch: lichtjaar English: light-year Dutch: lichtkabel English: light cable Dutch: lichtmeter English: light meter, photo-meter Dutch: licht-microseconde English: light microsecond Dutch: lichtmodulatie English: light modulation Dutch: lichtmodulator English: light modulator Dutch: lichtpijp English: light pipe Dutch: lichtpunt English: point of light; light-point; plug-point; electric point; light spot; redeeming feature; bright spot; luminous spot Dutch: lichtscherm English: reflector Dutch: lichtschrijver English: light-scriber; light scribing coordinatograph; light-able Dutch: lichtsensor English: light sensor Dutch: lichtsnelheid English: speed of light Dutch: lichtspectrum English: light spectrum Dutch: lichtstip English: luminous spot; light spot Dutch: lichtstipaftaster English: flying-spot scanner Dutch: lichtstipaftasting English: flying-spot scanning Dutch: lichtstraal English: light beam; light ray; beam of light Dutch: lichtstraalaftasting English: beam scanning Dutch: lichtstroom English: luminous flux; mains current; photocurrent Dutch: lichtstroomverbruik English: mains current consumption; mains current drain Dutch: lichtvastheid English: light fastness Dutch: lichtversterker English: light amplifier Dutch: lichtvlek English: light spot; luminous spot Dutch: lichtvlekonderdrukking English: beam suppression Dutch: lichtweg English: optical path; light path Dutch: licrystal English: licrystal Dutch: lidfunctie English: member function Dutch: lidmaatschapsfunctie English: membership function Dutch: Liebigse koeler English: Liebig condenser Dutch: LIFO-geheugen English: push-down storage Dutch: lift English: elevator; lift Dutch: liggende braam English: horizontal flash Dutch: ligging English: situation; sitting; smoothness Dutch: ligplaats English: berth Dutch: lijm English: glue; adhesive Dutch: lijmen English: to glue; to bond; adhesive bonding Dutch: lijmmal English: gluing jig Dutch: lijmnummer English: glue number; adhesive number Dutch: lijmopbrengmachine English: adhesive applicator Dutch: lijmopbrengwals English: adhesive roller coater Dutch: lijmpeer English: glue spreader Dutch: lijmrest English: glue rest; adhesive rest; adhesive remainder; adhesive trace Dutch: lijmspuit English: squirt; glue spray-gun; glue squirt Dutch: lijmverbinding English: glued joint; adhesive joint Dutch: lijmverf English: non washable water paint; non washable distemper; glue-water colour Dutch: lijmvoorschrift English: gluing instructions Dutch: lijmwater English: glue water Dutch: lijmzijde English: glued side; adhesive side; gummed side Dutch: lijn English: circuit; line Dutch: lijn en staf English: line and staff Dutch: lijn vrij signaal English: clear signal Dutch: lijnaandrijver English: line driver Dutch: lijnachterstoep English: line back porch Dutch: lijnafbuigeenheid English: line deflection unit; horizontal deflection unit Dutch: lijnafbuigfrequentie English: horizontal sweep frequency Dutch: lijnafbuiggenerator English: line deflection generator; horizontal deflection generator Dutch: lijnafbuiging English: line deflection; horizontal deflection; horizontal sweep Dutch: lijnafbuigoscillator English: line deflection oscillator; horizontal deflection oscillator Dutch: lijnafbuigspoel English: line deflection coil; horizontal deflection coil Dutch: lijnaftastfout English: line scanning error Dutch: lijnaftasting English: carrier sense; line scanning; horizontal scanning Dutch: lijnamplitude English: line amplitude Dutch: lijnanalyse English: line analysis Dutch: lijnapparatuur English: line equipment Dutch: lijnautomaat English: automatic horizontal hold Dutch: lijnbekrachtiger English: bus driver; line driver Dutch: lijnbelasting English: line load Dutch: lijnbelastingbesturing English: line load control Dutch: lijnbesturing English: line control Dutch: lijnbesturingseenheid English: line control unit: LCU Dutch: lijnbevriezing English: line seizure Dutch: lijnbreedte English: line width Dutch: lijncircuit English: line circuit Dutch: lijncircuitoverdrager English: line circuit converter Dutch: lijncode English: line code Dutch: lijnconcentratie English: hub Dutch: lijnconvergentie English: line convergence Dutch: lijnconverter English: line converter Dutch: lijncorrectie English: line correction Dutch: lijndeflectie English: line deflection; horizontal deflection Dutch: lijndeflectie-eenheid English: line deflection unit; horizontal deflection unit Dutch: lijndeflectiespoel English: line deflection coil; horizontal deflection coil Dutch: lijnegalisering English: line smoothing Dutch: lijneindbuis English: line output tube; horizontal output tube Dutch: lijneindtrap English: line output stage; horizontal output stage Dutch: lijnenpaar English: line couple Dutch: lijnenspectrum English: line spectrum Dutch: lijnfilter English: line filter Dutch: lijnflikkering English: interline flicker Dutch: lijnfrequentie English: line frequency; horizontal frequency Dutch: lijnfrequentiedeler English: line divider Dutch: lijnfunctionaris English: line executive; line functionary Dutch: lijngenerator English: line generator; horizontal generator Dutch: lijngroepering English: line grouping Dutch: lijnheenslag English: scan; trace Dutch: lijnidentificatie English: line identification Dutch: lijnimpuls English: line sync pulse; line pulse; horizontal sync pulse; horizontal pulse Dutch: lijnimpulsspanning English: line pulse voltage; horizontal pulse voltage Dutch: lijninformatie English: line information Dutch: lijninterface English: line interface Dutch: lijninterval English: line period; line interval Dutch: lijnkast English: high-voltage cage Dutch: lijnkeuze English: line choice Dutch: lijnkiezer English: key telephone system Dutch: lijnlineariteit English: horizontal linearity Dutch: lijnmateriaalstroom English: line flow Dutch: lijnoffset English: line offset Dutch: lijnolie English: linseed oil Dutch: lijnonderbreking English: line disconnection Dutch: lijnonderdrukking English: line blanking; horizontal blanking Dutch: lijnonderdrukkingstijd English: line blanking time; horizontal blanking time Dutch: lijnopeenvolging English: line sequence Dutch: lijnoplossing English: line obliteration Dutch: lijnopstelling English: line layout; product layout Dutch: lijnoscillator English: line oscillator; horizontal oscillator Dutch: lijnoscillatorspoel English: line oscillator coil; horizontal oscillator coil Dutch: lijnovereenkomst English: line balance Dutch: lijnoverloop English: line overflow Dutch: lijnpiep English: line oscillator frequency noise Dutch: lijnproductie English: line production Dutch: lijnprofielbuis English: line monitoring tube Dutch: lijnprotocol English: line protocol Dutch: lijnpuls English: line sync pulse; line pulse; horizontal sync pulse; horizontal pulse Dutch: lijnraster English: line-scanning pattern; line-scanning raster Dutch: lijnrichting English: line direction Dutch: lijnschakelaar English: line switch; line phase switch; subcarrier phase switch Dutch: lijnschakeling English: circuit switch Dutch: lijnscheider English: line separator Dutch: lijnsnelheid English: line speed Dutch: lijnsoort English: line style; line type Dutch: lijnspanning English: line voltage Dutch: lijnspanningsval English: line drop Dutch: lijnspoel English: line oscillator coil; horizontal oscillator coil; line deflection coil; horizontal deflection coil Dutch: lijnstandolie English: linseed stand oil Dutch: lijnstroom English: line current Dutch: lijnsynchronisatie English: line synchronization; line sync; horizontal synchronization; horizontal sync Dutch: lijnterugslag English: line fly-back; line retrace; horizontal fly-back Dutch: lijnterugslagimpuls English: line fly-back pulse; horizontal fly-back pulse Dutch: lijnterugslagtijd English: line fly-back time; line fly-back duration; horizontal fly-back time; horizontal fly-back duration Dutch: lijntijd English: line duration Dutch: lijntijdbasis English: line timebase Dutch: lijntransformator English: line transformer Dutch: lijnuitgang English: line output; horizontal output Dutch: lijnuitgangbuis English: line output tube; horizontal output tube Dutch: lijnverbinding English: data circuit Dutch: lijnverlies English: line loss Dutch: lijnverspringing English: interlaced scanning Dutch: lijnversterker English: line amplifier; line extender; line stretcher Dutch: lijnvoorstoep English: line front porch Dutch: lijnwisseling English: interlacing Dutch: lijnwisselsysteem English: interlaced scanning Dutch: lijst van series English: bill-of-batches Dutch: lijsten English: to list Dutch: lijstverwerking English: list processing Dutch: lijstverwerkingstaal English: list processing language Dutch: limiteringsprobleem English: ramification problem Dutch: lineair circuit English: linear circuit Dutch: lineaire beweging English: linear motion Dutch: lineaire code English: straight-line code Dutch: lineaire codering English: straight-line coding Dutch: lineaire lijst English: linear list Dutch: lineaire maat English: linear dimension Dutch: lineaire modulatie English: linear modulation Dutch: lineaire motor English: linear motor Dutch: lineaire ontvanger English: linear receiver Dutch: lineaire oscillator English: linear oscillator Dutch: lineaire programmering English: linear programming: LP Dutch: lineaire recurrentie English: linear recurrence Dutch: lineaire schaal English: linear scale Dutch: lineaire spoed English: linear pitch Dutch: lineaire transformator English: linear transformer Dutch: lineaire versneller English: linear accelerator Dutch: lineaire versterker English: linear amplifier Dutch: linearisatieweerstand English: linearizing resistance; peaking resistance Dutch: lineariteit English: linearity Dutch: lineariteitsfout English: linearity error Dutch: lineariteitsmeter English: linearity meter Dutch: lineariteitsregelaar English: linearity control Dutch: lineariteitsspoel English: linearity coil Dutch: lineariteitstoetsplaat English: space pattern Dutch: linguïstiek English: linguistics Dutch: linken English: to link Dutch: linker English: linker Dutch: linkerbenedenhoek English: left-hand bottom corner Dutch: linkerspoel English: left-hand reel: LH reel Dutch: linkerzijaanzicht English: left-hand view: LH view; left-hand end view Dutch: links boven English: top left Dutch: links lijnen English: left justify Dutch: links onder English: bottom left Dutch: linkse draad English: let-hand screw Dutch: linkse schroefdraad English: left-hand screw-thread Dutch: linkse spoed English: left-hand lead Dutch: linkse spoedrichting English: left-hand lead Dutch: linkse tandrichting English: left-hand lead Dutch: linksgangig English: left-hand threaded Dutch: linnen English: linen Dutch: lint English: lint Dutch: lintkabel English: flat cable; twin-lead; ribbon cable; moulded par cable Dutch: lintzaag English: band-saw Dutch: lip English: tag; lip; lug; locking lug Dutch: lipmicrofoon English: lip microphone Dutch: liquide middelen English: liquid capital Dutch: Lisp-computer English: Lisp machine Dutch: literaal English: literal Dutch: literal English: literal Dutch: lithiumcel English: lithium cell Dutch: lithopoon English: lithopone Dutch: litzedraad English: litzwire; stranded wire Dutch: L-kern English: L-core Dutch: locatiebepalingsvlak English: cut plane Dutch: locator English: locator Dutch: loep English: magnifier; magnifying glasses Dutch: loft English: loft Dutch: lofting English: lofting Dutch: log English: journal; log Dutch: logaritmisch English: logarithmic Dutch: logaritmisch papier English: logarithmic paper; logarithmic graph-paper Dutch: logaritmisch periodiek English: log-periodic Dutch: logaritmische kromme English: logarithmic curve Dutch: logaritmische schaal English: logarithmic scale Dutch: logboek English: log Dutch: logboekeenheid English: logging device; logger Dutch: logica English: logic Dutch: logica van Lukasiewicz English: Lukasiewicz logic Dutch: logicabewerking English: logic operation; logical operation Dutch: logicamatrix English: logic array Dutch: logica-ontwerp English: logic design Dutch: logicaschema English: logic diagram Dutch: logicasymbool English: logic symbol Dutch: logisch adres English: logical address Dutch: logisch bestand English: logical file Dutch: logisch circuit English: logical circuit Dutch: logisch element English: logic element; logical element; gate Dutch: logisch equivalent English: logical equivalence Dutch: logisch gegevensmodel English: logical data model Dutch: logisch kanaal English: logical channel Dutch: logisch niveau English: logic level Dutch: logisch ontwerp English: logical design; logic design Dutch: logisch primitief English: logical primitive Dutch: logisch product English: logical product Dutch: logisch record English: logical record Dutch: logisch schema English: logical diagram; logic diagram Dutch: logisch signaal English: logical signal Dutch: logisch station English: logical station Dutch: logisch stroomschema English: logic flowchart Dutch: logisch symbool English: logic symbol Dutch: logisch systeemontwerp English: logical system design Dutch: logisch type English: logical type Dutch: logische analysator English: logical analyzer Dutch: logische bewerking English: logical operation; logic operator Dutch: logische bouwstenen English: logical building blocks Dutch: logische cel English: logical cell Dutch: logische circuits English: logic circuits Dutch: logische cohesie English: logical cohesion Dutch: logische constante English: logical constant Dutch: logische database English: logical database Dutch: logische disjunct English: disjunct Dutch: logische drempel English: logical threshold Dutch: logische één English: logical one Dutch: logische eenheid English: logical unit: LU Dutch: logische expressie English: logical expression Dutch: logische families English: logical families Dutch: logische instructie English: logic instruction Dutch: logische laag English: logical layer Dutch: logische nul English: logical nul Dutch: logische opdracht English: logical instruction Dutch: logische operatie English: logic operation Dutch: logische operator English: logical instruction; boolean connective; logical operator Dutch: logische optelling English: logical add: XOR; logical addition Dutch: logische primitieven English: logical primitives Dutch: logische programmering English: logic programming Dutch: logische relatie English: logical relation Dutch: logische simulatie English: logic simulation Dutch: logische som English: logical sum; disjunction Dutch: logische sonde English: logic probe Dutch: logische sterkte English: logic strength Dutch: logische structuur English: logical structure Dutch: logische taal English: logical language Dutch: logische toestand English: logical state Dutch: logische trace English: logical trace Dutch: logische uitdrukking English: logical expression Dutch: logische vergelijking English: logical comparison Dutch: logische waarde English: logical value Dutch: logische waarheid English: logical truth Dutch: logistiek English: logistics Dutch: logistiek planner English: logistic planner Dutch: logistieke documenten English: logistic documents Dutch: logistieke eenheid English: logistic unit Dutch: logistieke voorraad English: logistic stock Dutch: log-periodiek English: log-periodic Dutch: logschrijver English: logger Dutch: logtijd English: log time Dutch: lokaal English: local Dutch: lokaal einde English: local end Dutch: lokaal geheugen English: local memory Dutch: lokaal kanaal English: local channel Dutch: lokaal net English: local network Dutch: lokaal netwerk English: local area network: LAN Dutch: lokaal station English: local station Dutch: lokale afbreekfout English: local truncation error Dutch: lokale ambiguïteit English: local ambiguity Dutch: lokale centrale English: local exchange Dutch: lokale combinatie English: local mount Dutch: lokale compactheid English: local compaction Dutch: lokale gegevens English: local data Dutch: lokale lijn English: local loop Dutch: lokale oproep English: local call Dutch: lokale oscillator English: local oscillator Dutch: lokale parameter English: local parameter Dutch: lokale transmissie English: local transmission Dutch: lokale variabele English: local variable Dutch: lokalisatie English: locating Dutch: lokaliseren English: to locate Dutch: loketstation English: teller terminal Dutch: loketwachttijd English: waiting time at a service channel Dutch: longitudinale golf English: longitudinal wave Dutch: longitudinale jitter English: longitudinal jitter Dutch: loodaccu English: lead accumulator Dutch: loodchloride English: lead chloride; chloride of lead Dutch: loodfluosilicaatbad English: fluosilicate lead bath; lead fluosilicate solution Dutch: loodgieter English: plumber Dutch: loodgieterswerk English: plumbing; plumbery Dutch: loodglas English: lead-glass; crystal glass Dutch: loodglit English: litharge; lead monoxide Dutch: loodhoudend English: plumbiferous Dutch: loodlegeringsanode English: alloy lead anode Dutch: loodlijn English: vertical line; perpendicular line Dutch: loodmenie English: red lead Dutch: loodmenieverf English: red lead paint Dutch: loodneerslag English: deposition of lead; lead deposit Dutch: loodplaat English: lead sheet Dutch: loodrecht op English: perpendicular to; at right angles to; normal to Dutch: loodsulfaat English: lead sulphate Dutch: loodsulfide English: lead sulphide Dutch: lood-tin English: lead-tin Dutch: lood-tin versoldeerd English: solder plated Dutch: lood-tinanode English: lead-tin anode Dutch: loodtitanaat English: lead titanate Dutch: loodvrije benzine English: no-lead gasoline Dutch: loodzirconiumtitanaat English: lead-zirconium titanate Dutch: loodzwavelzuuraccu English: lead-acid battery Dutch: loofhout English: hardwood Dutch: loogbestendig English: alkali-proof Dutch: lookahead English: look-ahead Dutch: loon English: wage; salary; pay Dutch: loon- en prijspolitiek English: wages and prices policy Dutch: loonadministratie English: wage administration; wages department Dutch: loonarbeider English: wage earner; worker; workman; labourer Dutch: loonberekening English: wage determination Dutch: loonderving English: loss of wages Dutch: looneisen English: wage claims; wage demands Dutch: loongrens English: wage limit; wage ceiling Dutch: loonklasse English: wage class Dutch: loonlijst English: payroll; wage sheet Dutch: loonovereenkomst English: wage agreement Dutch: loonpolitiek English: wage policy Dutch: loonronde English: round of wage increases Dutch: loonschaal English: wage scale Dutch: loonstaat English: payroll Dutch: loonsverhoging English: increase of wages; wage increase, wage advance Dutch: loopafstand English: walking distance Dutch: loop-antenne English: loop aerial Dutch: loopgroef English: running groove Dutch: loopkat English: crab; travelling crab Dutch: looptijd English: transit time; delay; delay time; time delay; lead time; product life cycle Dutch: looptijddemodulator English: delay line demodulator Dutch: looptijdfout English: phase delay distortion; relative time delay Dutch: looptijdhoek English: transit phase angle Dutch: looptijdverschil English: difference in delay Dutch: loopvlak English: running surface; bearing surface; wearing surface; working surface; tread; pole-face Dutch: loopwerk English: running parts; mechanism; tape-deck; tape transport Dutch: loopwiel English: pulley Dutch: loos contact English: blank contact Dutch: loos teken English: null representation Dutch: loos wiel English: idler Dutch: lopen English: to run; to flow; to roll; to be out of synchronization Dutch: lopen door English: to pass through Dutch: lopen tussen English: to pass between Dutch: lopend aantal English: run quantity Dutch: lopende band English: belt; assembly line; conveyor Dutch: lopende golf English: progressive wave Dutch: lopende kosten English: running expenses; current expenses Dutch: lopende order English: released order; open order Dutch: lopende passing English: running fit Dutch: lopende storing English: continuous interferences Dutch: lopende-golfbuis English: travelling-wave tube Dutch: lopende-golfversterker English: travelling-wave amplifier Dutch: loper English: wiper; slider; slide cursor Dutch: Lorentzkracht English: Lorentz force Dutch: los English: loose; detachable; removable; replaceable; accessory Dutch: los bijgeleverd English: supplied separately Dutch: los bijleveren English: to supply separately Dutch: losbladig English: loose-leaf system Dutch: losdraaien English: to loosen; to slacken; to unscrew; to undo Dutch: losgedraaid English: loosened; slackened; unscrewed; detached Dutch: losgemaakt English: detached Dutch: losgesoldeerd English: unsoldered; desoldered Dutch: losgestort English: in bulk Dutch: loskoppelen English: to disconnect; to disengage; to unclutch Dutch: loslaten English: to release; to come off; to come loose; to detach; to lift; to peel off; to chip off Dutch: losmaken English: to disconnect; to detach; to loosen; to undo; to disengage Dutch: losmiddel English: release agent; mould release agent Dutch: losplaats English: unloading location; unloading area; unloading bay Dutch: losse kop English: tailstock Dutch: losse koppeling English: loose coupling Dutch: losse passing English: clearance fit Dutch: losse vlam English: soft flame; loose flame Dutch: losse wisselkop English: tailstock Dutch: losse-kopcenter English: tailstock centre Dutch: losse-kopspil English: tailstock spindle Dutch: lossen English: to come off; to lift Dutch: lossend English: tapering; tapered; with draft Dutch: lossing English: taper; draft Dutch: lossingshoek English: draft angle Dutch: lossingsmiddel English: drafting agent; release agent Dutch: lossingsschuinte English: draft Dutch: lossnijstempel English: lancing tool Dutch: lossolderen English: to unsolder; to desolder Dutch: losvast English: finger tight Dutch: losvaste passing English: transition fit Dutch: loterijsteekproef English: lottery sample Dutch: loupe English: magnifying glass; magnifier Dutch: loze groep English: dummy group Dutch: loze instructie English: no-operation instruction Dutch: loze lip English: blank contact lug Dutch: loze opdracht English: dummy instruction; dummy statement Dutch: LP-filter English: low-pass filter Dutch: lubben English: to ruffle Dutch: lucht English: air; odour Dutch: luchtaansluiting English: compressed-air connection Dutch: luchtaanvoer English: air supply Dutch: luchtafvoer English: exhaust Dutch: luchtafzuiging English: exhaust Dutch: luchtautomaat English: pneumatic screwdriver Dutch: luchtbehandeling English: air-conditioning; air-treatment; climatisation Dutch: luchtbehandelingskast English: air handling unit Dutch: luchtbevochtiger English: air humidifier Dutch: luchtborreling English: air motion Dutch: luchtcondensator English: air-gap capacitor Dutch: luchtdicht English: airtight; hermetic Dutch: luchtdrogend English: air-drying Dutch: luchtdroog English: air dry Dutch: luchtdrukmeter English: air-pressure gauge Dutch: luchtfilter English: air filter; air cleaner Dutch: luchtfilterelement English: air-filter element Dutch: luchtgat English: vent; air hole Dutch: luchthamer English: pneumatic hammer; air hammer Dutch: luchthardend English: air-hardening Dutch: luchtinsluiting English: inclusion of air Dutch: luchtinspuiting English: air injection Dutch: luchtisolatie English: air insulation Dutch: luchtkamer English: air chamber Dutch: luchtkanaal English: air duct Dutch: luchtkern English: air core Dutch: luchtkussen English: air cushion Dutch: luchtlaag English: layer of air; air cushion Dutch: luchtledig English: vacuum; airvoid Dutch: luchtledig gemaakt English: evacuated Dutch: luchtledig maken English: to evacuate Dutch: luchtleiding English: air pipe; airline; air mains Dutch: luchtopbrengst English: air output Dutch: luchtopening English: air outlet; air vent Dutch: luchtopname English: intake of air; absorption of air; aerial photograph; aerial picture Dutch: luchtpers English: pneumatic press; air press Dutch: luchtpistool English: air gun Dutch: luchtroering English: air stirring; air agitation Dutch: luchtschema English: pneumatic diagram Dutch: luchtschroevendraaier English: pneumatic screwdriver; air screwdriver Dutch: luchtspleetopvulling English: air-gap filling Dutch: luchtspoel English: air-cored coil; air-spaced coil; coreless coil Dutch: luchtstofkrijt English: levigated chalk Dutch: luchtstroomregelaar English: air-stream control Dutch: luchtsurveillance English: air surveillance Dutch: luchttemperatuur English: air temperature; atmospheric temperature Dutch: luchttoevoer English: air supply Dutch: luchttrimmer English: air-gap trimmer; air-dielectric trimmer Dutch: luchtuitlaat English: air outlet; air escape Dutch: luchtvaartcommunicatie English: airways/air communications Dutch: luchtverdeelsysteem English: air supply system Dutch: luchtverdeler English: air spreader Dutch: luchtvering English: air suspension Dutch: luchtverplaatsing English: air displacement; air flow Dutch: luchtverspreider English: air spreader Dutch: luchtverwarming English: air heating Dutch: luchtverzadiging English: saturation of air Dutch: luchtvochtigheid English: atmospheric humidity; humidity; air humidity Dutch: luchtweerstand English: air resistance Dutch: luchtweg English: air gap; clearance Dutch: luchtzak English: air lock Dutch: luidspreker English: loudspeaker; speaker Dutch: luidsprekeraansluiting English: loudspeaker connection Dutch: luidsprekerbox English: loudspeaker box; speaker box Dutch: luidsprekerbus English: loudspeaker socket Dutch: luidsprekercombinatie English: composite loudspeaker; multichannel loudspeaker Dutch: luidsprekercondensator English: loudspeaker capacitor Dutch: luidsprekerconus English: loudspeaker cone; loudspeaker diaphragm Dutch: luidsprekerdoek English: loudspeaker cloth Dutch: luidsprekergat English: loudspeaker aperture; baffle hole Dutch: luidsprekerhoorn English: acoustic horn Dutch: luidsprekerimpedantie English: loudspeaker impedance Dutch: luidsprekerkast English: loudspeaker housing; enclosure Dutch: luidsprekerkolom English: loudspeaker column Dutch: luidsprekermagneet English: loudspeaker magnet Dutch: luidsprekeropening English: loudspeaker aperture; baffle aperture Dutch: luidsprekerplaat English: baffle Dutch: luidsprekerplank English: baffle Dutch: luidsprekerrendement English: loudspeaker efficiency Dutch: luidsprekerrooster English: loudspeaker grille Dutch: luidsprekersleuven English: slotted holes for loudspeaker; slots for loudspeaker Dutch: luidsprekerspoel English: loudspeaker coil; voice coil; speech coil; moving coil Dutch: luidsprekersysteem English: speaker system Dutch: luidsprekerzuil English: sound column Dutch: luistergewoonten English: listening habits Dutch: luisterproef English: sound test; listening test Dutch: luisterspoel English: listening coil Dutch: luisterwacht English: listening watch Dutch: luminantie English: luminance; brightness Dutch: luminantieas English: luminance axis Dutch: luminantieband English: luminance band Dutch: luminantiecoëfficiënt English: luminance coefficient Dutch: luminantiedetector English: luminance detector Dutch: luminantie-eenheid English: luminance unit Dutch: luminantiefactor English: luminance factor Dutch: luminantieflikkering English: luminance flicker Dutch: luminantiegedeelte English: luminance part; luminance block Dutch: luminantie-informatie English: luminance information Dutch: luminantiekanaal English: luminance channel Dutch: luminantiekromme English: luminance curve Dutch: luminantieniveau English: luminance level Dutch: luminantieregelaar English: luminance control Dutch: luminantiesignaal English: luminance signal; Y-signal; monochrome signal Dutch: luminantiewaarde English: brightness value; density value Dutch: luminescentie English: luminescence Dutch: lumistor English: lumistor Dutch: lus English: lobe; loop Dutch: lusassertie English: loop assertion Dutch: lusbesturing English: loop control Dutch: lusbesturingsopdracht English: logic control statement Dutch: lusbesturingsvariabele English: logic control variable; loop-control variable Dutch: lus-body English: loop body Dutch: lusconstructie English: loop construct Dutch: lusgestuurd English: loop-controlled Dutch: lusinvariant English: loop invariant Dutch: lussen English: looping Dutch: lussignalering English: loop signalling Dutch: lustest English: loop test Dutch: lusversterking English: loop gain Dutch: lusvorming English: looping Dutch: luswikkeling English: lap winding Dutch: luxe doos English: fancy box; deluxe box; gift box Dutch: luxe glans English: bright de luxe Dutch: luxe glanzend English: bright de luxe Dutch: luxe mat English: matt de luxe Dutch: Lyapunov analyse English: Lyapunov analysis Dutch: maagdelijke band English: virgin tape Dutch: maagdelijke ruis English: virgin noise Dutch: maakbaarheid English: manufacturability; feasibility Dutch: maakcontact English: make contact Dutch: maakopdracht English: shop order; manufacturing order Dutch: maak-op-order English: make to order Dutch: maakstand English: make position; operate position; pickup position Dutch: maaktijd English: make time; operate time; pickup time; pull- in time Dutch: maak-voor-voorraad English: make to stock Dutch: maalgraad English: freeness; fineness Dutch: maalgraadmeter English: freeness gauge; fineness gauge Dutch: maalrol English: grinding roll Dutch: maandplan English: month plan Dutch: maandverdeling English: breakdown per month; monthly breakdown Dutch: maas English: mesh Dutch: maasgenerator English: mesh generator Dutch: maat English: dimension; size; measurement; gauge; measure; time; tempo; mate; metrics Dutch: maataanduiding English: size indication Dutch: maatafwijking English: deviation Dutch: maatbeker English: graduated beaker Dutch: maatbestendig English: dimensionally stable; size-holding Dutch: maatchip English: custom-designed chip Dutch: maatcilinder English: graduated cylinder; measuring glass Dutch: maateenheid English: unit of measurement Dutch: maatglas English: graduated cylinder; measuring glass Dutch: maathoudend English: dimensionally stable; size-holding Dutch: maatinschrijving English: dimensioning Dutch: maatkolf English: volumetric flask; graduated flask; measuring flask Dutch: maatlat English: measuring rod Dutch: maatlijn English: dimension line Dutch: maatopgave English: indication of dimensions Dutch: maatpen English: plug gauge Dutch: maatpipet English: graduated pipette Dutch: maatregel English: measure; action; corrective stop Dutch: maatschappelijk werk English: social work; welfare work Dutch: maatschappelijke eisen English: social requirements Dutch: maatschappij English: company; society Dutch: maatschets English: dimensioned sketch; dimensional sketch; dimensions sketch Dutch: maatstaf English: yardstick; criterion; measure; standard Dutch: maattolerantie English: dimensional tolerance Dutch: maatvast English: dimensionally stable; size-holding Dutch: maatverandering English: dimensional change Dutch: maatverschil English: dimensional difference Dutch: machinaal English: mechanical; powered Dutch: machinaal ontvetten English: mechanical degreasing Dutch: machinaal slijpen English: mechanical grinding Dutch: machinaal solderen English: mechanical soldering Dutch: machinale verwerking English: machine-processing; mechanized processing Dutch: machine English: machine; engine; craft Dutch: machine-afhankelijk English: machine dependent Dutch: machine-afstelling English: machine setting Dutch: machinebankwerk English: bench work Dutch: machinebankwerker English: machinist; machine operator; engineer fitter Dutch: machinebediende English: machine operator Dutch: machinebediener English: machine operator Dutch: machinebediening English: machine operation Dutch: machinebelading English: machine loading Dutch: machinebeschrijving English: machine description Dutch: machinebewerking English: machining operation; machine operation; computer operation; function Dutch: machinebezetting English: machine load; machine loading Dutch: machinecode English: machine code Dutch: machinedeel English: machine part Dutch: machinedefect English: machine breakdown Dutch: machine-element English: machine element Dutch: machinefabriek English: machine shop; engineering works Dutch: machinegang English: machining operation; machine run; pass; run Dutch: machinegerichte taal English: computer-oriented language; computer-dependent language; machine-oriented language Dutch: machinegroep English: machine group Dutch: machinehal English: machine hall; machine shop Dutch: machine-instructie English: machine instruction Dutch: machine-intensief English: capital intensive Dutch: machinekamer English: engine room Dutch: machinekegel English: morse taper Dutch: machineklem English: machine vice Dutch: machineleesbaar English: machine readable Dutch: machinelogica English: machine logic Dutch: machine-olie English: machine oil; engine oil Dutch: machine-oorsprong English: machine zero; system basic origin Dutch: machine-opdracht English: computer instruction; machine instruction Dutch: machine-opdrachtencode English: computer instruction code; machine language Dutch: machineprogramma English: machine program Dutch: machinereferentiepunt English: machine reference point Dutch: machinerichting English: machine direction Dutch: machineschaaleenheid English: machine unit Dutch: machineslag English: machine cycle Dutch: machinestaal English: machine carbon steel Dutch: machinesteller English: machine setter Dutch: machinestoring English: machine breakdown Dutch: machinetaal English: machine language; computer language; machine code Dutch: machinetafel English: machine table; platen Dutch: machinetijd English: machine time; computer time Dutch: machine-uur English: machine hour Dutch: machinewerkplaats English: job shop Dutch: machinewoord English: machine word Dutch: machtpunt English: fulcrum Dutch: macro English: macro; macro-instructions Dutch: macro-assembleertaal English: macro assembly language Dutch: macrobibliotheek English: macro library Dutch: macrodefinitie English: macro declaration Dutch: macro-expansie English: macro expansion Dutch: macrofoto English: macrophotograph; photomacrograph Dutch: macrofotografie English: macrophotography; photomacrography Dutch: macrofunctie English: macro function Dutch: macrogenerator English: macro generating program; macro generator Dutch: macrohardheid English: macro-hardness; macrohardness Dutch: macro-instructie English: macro instruction Dutch: macromoleculair English: macro-molecular Dutch: macro-opdracht English: macro instruction; macro statement Dutch: macro-oproep English: macro call Dutch: macroprocessor English: macro processor Dutch: macroprogrammering English: macro programming Dutch: macropunt English: N-point Dutch: macrostructuur English: macro structure Dutch: macrosubstitutie English: macro substitution Dutch: macrotaal English: macro language Dutch: madeschroef English: grub screw Dutch: magazijnartikel English: stock item; article in stock Dutch: magazijnbeheer English: materials distribution management; physical distribution management: PDM Dutch: magazijnbon English: stores requisition Dutch: magazijnkosten English: materials distribution cost; physical distribution cost; storage cost Dutch: magazijnontvangst English: receipt stockroom Dutch: magazijntypes English: stock types Dutch: magazijnvoorraad English: physical inventory; store stock Dutch: magazijnwerkzaamheden English: warehousing Dutch: magenta English: magenta; bluishred; minusgreen Dutch: magneetbandcartridge English: tape cartridge Dutch: magneetbandcassette English: tape cassette Dutch: magneetbandeenheid English: magnetic tape unit; tape deck; tape drive Dutch: magneetbandgeheugen English: magnetic tape store; magnetic tape storage Dutch: magneetbandlezer English: magnetic tape reader Dutch: magneetbandorgaan English: magnetic tape unit; tape deck Dutch: magneetbellengeheugen English: bubble memory; magnetic bubble memory Dutch: magneetblok English: block magnet Dutch: magneetdraad English: magnetic wire Dutch: magneetdraadgeheugen English: magnetic wire store Dutch: magneetfilm English: magnetic film Dutch: magneetfilmgeheugen English: magnetic film store Dutch: magneethouder English: magnetic bracket; magnet carrier; magnet holder Dutch: magneetinkt English: magnetic ink Dutch: magneetkaartgeheugen English: magnetic card store; magnetic card storage Dutch: magneetkern English: magnetic core; core Dutch: magneetkerngeheugen English: magnetic core store; magnetic core storage; magnetic core Dutch: magneetkop English: magnetic head; head Dutch: magneetring English: ring magnet Dutch: magneetschijf English: magnetic disc Dutch: magneetschriftlezen English: magnetic character recognition; magnetic ink character recognition: MICR Dutch: magneetschriftlezer English: magnetic character reader Dutch: magneetspoor English: magnetic track Dutch: magneetstaaf English: magnetic bar Dutch: magneetstrip English: magnetic stripe Dutch: magneetstripgeheugen English: data cell storage Dutch: magneetsysteem English: magnet system Dutch: magneettrommel English: magnetic drum Dutch: magneettrommelgeheugen English: magnetic drum store; magnetic drum; drum; magnetic drum file memory Dutch: magnegrafoon English: magnetic recorder Dutch: magnegramdrager English: magnetic tape Dutch: magnetisatie English: magnetization Dutch: magnetisatiekromme English: magnetization curve Dutch: magnetisch beeld English: magnetic picture Dutch: magnetisch circuit English: magnetic circuit Dutch: magnetisch geheugen English: magnetic memory Dutch: magnetisch geluid English: magnetic sound Dutch: magnetisch materiaal English: magnetic material Dutch: magnetisch moment English: magnetic moment Dutch: magnetisch spoor English: magnetic track Dutch: magnetisch strooiveld English: stray magnetic field Dutch: magnetisch veld English: magnetic field Dutch: magnetisch wisselveld English: alternating magnetic field Dutch: magnetische afbuiging English: magnetic deflection Dutch: magnetische band English: magnetic tape Dutch: magnetische bias English: magnetic bias Dutch: magnetische brug English: magnetic bridge Dutch: magnetische cel English: magnetic cell Dutch: magnetische constante English: magnetic constant Dutch: magnetische cyclus English: magnetic cycle Dutch: magnetische dichtheid English: magnetic density Dutch: magnetische dikke film English: magnetic thick film Dutch: magnetische dipool English: magnetic dipole Dutch: magnetische draad English: magnetic wire Dutch: magnetische dunne film English: magnetic thin film Dutch: magnetische film English: magnetic film Dutch: magnetische flip-flop English: magnetic flip-flop Dutch: magnetische flux English: magnetic flux Dutch: magnetische inductie English: magnetic induction Dutch: magnetische inkt English: magnetic ink Dutch: magnetische kaart English: magnetic card Dutch: magnetische kern English: magnetic core; core Dutch: magnetische kop English: magnetic head Dutch: magnetische kracht English: magnetic force Dutch: magnetische kring English: magnetic circuit Dutch: magnetische laag English: magnetic coat Dutch: magnetische last English: magnetic load Dutch: magnetische modulator English: magnetic modulator Dutch: magnetische omvormer English: magnetic transducer Dutch: magnetische opslag English: magnetic storage Dutch: magnetische polen English: magnetic poles Dutch: magnetische rem English: magnetic brake Dutch: magnetische schakelaar English: magnetic switch Dutch: magnetische schijf English: magnetic disc Dutch: magnetische sonde English: magnetic probe Dutch: magnetische spleet English: magnetic gap Dutch: magnetische spoel English: magnetic coil Dutch: magnetische stof English: magnetic material Dutch: magnetische straling English: magnetic radiation Dutch: magnetische strip English: magnetic stripe Dutch: magnetische tape English: magnetic tape Dutch: magnetische trommel English: magnetic drum Dutch: magnetische versterker English: magnetic amplifier Dutch: magnetische weerstand English: magnetic resistance; reluctivity; magnetoresistor Dutch: magnetiseerapparaat English: magnetizing apparatus Dutch: magnetiseren English: to magnetize Dutch: magnetiserende kracht English: magnetizing force Dutch: magnetiserende stroom English: magnetizing current Dutch: magnetisering English: magnetization Dutch: magnetodynamisch English: magnetoelectric Dutch: magneto-elektronica English: magnetics Dutch: magnetofoon English: tape recorder Dutch: magnetostrictie English: magnetostriction Dutch: magnitude English: magnitude Dutch: Maillechort-draad English: argentan Dutch: mainframe English: mainframe Dutch: majoreereffect English: effect of majorating Dutch: majoreren English: to majorate Dutch: majoriteitsdrager English: majority carrier Dutch: maken of kopen English: make or buy Dutch: maken-op-order English: make to order Dutch: maken-voor-voorraad English: make to stock Dutch: makore English: macore; makoré Dutch: mal; mallen English: die; jig; fixture; template; master; gauge; mould; moulds Dutch: malcode English: template code Dutch: maleïnaathars English: maleic resin Dutch: malen English: to grind Dutch: Maltezer kruis English: Maltese cross Dutch: managementactiviteiten English: management processes Dutch: managementfunctie English: management function Dutch: managementfuncties English: management functions Dutch: manbezetting English: manpower loading; manpower utilization Dutch: manchet English: sealing Dutch: mancovoorraad English: shortage Dutch: mandfles English: wicker bottle; carboy Dutch: mangaankoperband English: manganese copper strip Dutch: mangaannikkel English: manganese nickel Dutch: mangaanstaal English: manganese steel Dutch: manipulator English: manipulator Dutch: manjaren English: man years Dutch: manmaand English: man month Dutch: mannetjesstekker English: male plug Dutch: manniet English: mannite; mannitol Dutch: manometer English: manometer; pressure gauge Dutch: mantel English: casing; housing; sheath; shell; jacket Dutch: mantel voor glasvezel English: cladding Dutch: manteldraad English: clad wire Dutch: mantelfrees English: plain milling cutter; slab mill Dutch: mantelgekoeld English: jacketed Dutch: mantelkopfrees English: shell end mill; side and face cutter Dutch: mantijd English: mantime Dutch: mantisse English: mantissa; fixed point part Dutch: manuaal English: manual Dutch: manueel English: manual Dutch: manuur English: man hour Dutch: map English: file Dutch: mappenrek English: file rack Dutch: Marconi-antenne English: Marconi antenna; Marconi aerial Dutch: marge English: margin; guide margin Dutch: marginaal English: marginal Dutch: marginale beproeving English: marginal testing; bias testing Dutch: marginale kosten English: marginal costs Dutch: markering English: mark; marker Dutch: markeringssignaal English: marker signal Dutch: markeringsteken English: marker Dutch: marketing planning English: marketing planning Dutch: marketing-mix English: marketing mix Dutch: marktaandeel English: market share; market coverage Dutch: marktgebied English: market area Dutch: marktgroei English: market growth Dutch: marktonderzoek English: market research; market investigation Dutch: marktonderzoeker English: market researcher; market investigator Dutch: marktontwikkeling English: market development; market trend Dutch: marktsituatie English: market situation Dutch: marktvoorspelling English: market forecast Dutch: marktvraag English: market demand Dutch: marktwaarde English: market value Dutch: markup English: markup Dutch: marmerkalkspaat English: marble calcide Dutch: maser English: maser Dutch: masker English: mask; face mask Dutch: maskerbeeldbuis English: shadowmask tube Dutch: maskerhouder English: mask holder Dutch: maskering English: masking Dutch: maskermicrofoon English: mask microphone Dutch: maskerontwerp English: artwork; mask design Dutch: maskeropening English: aperture Dutch: maskerrand English: mask edge Dutch: massa English: mass; earth; ground; chassis Dutch: massa-aansluitpunt English: earthing point Dutch: massaal English: massive Dutch: massacommunicatie English: mass communication Dutch: massadeeltje English: mass particle; mass element Dutch: massafabricage English: mass production Dutch: massageheugen English: large-capacity storage; mass storage; file store; bulk storage Dutch: massagoedlading English: bulk cargo Dutch: massakerngeheugen English: bulk core storage Dutch: massaproduct English: mass product Dutch: massapunt English: mass point Dutch: massareactie English: mass reaction Dutch: massatraagheidsmoment English: mass moment of inertia Dutch: massa-uitgifte English: bulk issue Dutch: massaweerstand English: mass resistivity Dutch: massawerk English: production work Dutch: massawerking English: mass effect Dutch: massazwaartepunt English: mass centre; centre of gravity Dutch: massief English: solid Dutch: massief circuit English: solid circuit Dutch: mast English: mast Dutch: mastbevestiging English: mast mounting Dutch: master English: master Dutch: masterdiskette English: master diskette Dutch: mastisolator English: mast insulator Dutch: mastklem English: mast clamp Dutch: mastkoppelfilter English: mast antenna-coupler; mast antenna- signal splitter; mast aerial-coupler; mast aerial signal- splitter Dutch: mastmontage English: mast mounting Dutch: mat English: mat; matt; matte; flat; dull; frosted Dutch: matbeitsbad English: ground mat dip; dead dip; mat finish; dull finish Dutch: matbeitsen English: mat dipping; dead dipping Dutch: matblank English: uncoloured matt Dutch: mate English: degree Dutch: maten uitzetten English: to plot measurements Dutch: materiaal English: material; stock Dutch: materiaalaanslag English: stock stop Dutch: materiaalaanvoer English: materials supply; feed; stock feed; material feed; supply of material(s) Dutch: materiaalaanvraag English: material requisition Dutch: materiaalafgifte English: material issue Dutch: materiaalafname English: material removal; material delivery; material issue Dutch: materiaalbak English: bin; tray; tote box Dutch: materiaalbehandeling English: materials handling Dutch: materiaalbeheer English: material management: MM; materials control Dutch: materiaalbeheerder English: material manager Dutch: materiaalbehoefte English: material requirement Dutch: materiaalbesparing English: material economy; saving in material; material saving Dutch: materiaalbestand English: materials file Dutch: materiaalbesturing English: material control Dutch: materiaalbon English: materials requisition note Dutch: materiaalbreedte English: width of stock Dutch: materiaalcode English: materials code Dutch: materiaaldeeltje English: material particle Dutch: materiaaldikte English: material thickness; stock thickness Dutch: materiaaleigenschap English: material property Dutch: materiaaleis English: material requirement Dutch: materiaalfout English: material defect Dutch: materiaalgebruik English: material usage; use of materials Dutch: materiaalgeleiding English: stock guide Dutch: materiaalhardheid English: material hardness Dutch: materiaalinkoop English: materials purchase; materials procurement Dutch: materiaalinkoopbon English: materials purchase requisition note Dutch: materiaalkeuring English: material inspection Dutch: materiaalkeuze English: material selection; choice of materials Dutch: materiaalkosten English: material cost Dutch: materiaallijst; BOM English: bill of materials; BOM Dutch: materiaalmutatie English: material mutation Dutch: materiaalopbrengst English: material yield Dutch: materiaalophoping English: material accumulation Dutch: materiaalopnamen English: withdrawals Dutch: materiaalopschuiving English: stock advance Dutch: materiaalopslag English: material storage Dutch: materiaalopstand English: material rack Dutch: materiaalovermaat English: surplus material Dutch: materiaalplanner English: material planner Dutch: materiaalplanning English: material planning Dutch: materiaalprijs English: material price; material cost Dutch: materiaalproducent English: basic producer Dutch: materiaalsoort English: kind of material; type of material; material type Dutch: materiaalspanning English: material stress Dutch: materiaalspecificatie English: material specification Dutch: materiaalsterkte English: material strength Dutch: materiaalstrook English: stock strip Dutch: materiaalstroom English: flow of materials; material flow Dutch: materiaalstroomsysteem English: material flow system Dutch: materiaaltoegift English: material allowance; surplus stock Dutch: materiaaltoevoer English: materials supply; feed; stock feed Dutch: materiaaluitgifte English: material issue Dutch: materiaalverbruik English: material consumption Dutch: materiaalvermoeidheid English: material fatigue Dutch: materiaalverspilling English: material wastage Dutch: materiaalverwerving English: material procurement Dutch: materiaalvoeding English: stock feed Dutch: materiaalvoorraad English: material stock Dutch: materiaalvorm English: material form Dutch: materials management English: materials management Dutch: materials manager English: materials manager Dutch: materie English: matter Dutch: materiedeeltje English: particle of matter Dutch: materieel English: plant; material Dutch: materiële schade English: material damage; loss of property Dutch: matglas English: frosted glass; ground glass; focusing screen; ground glass Dutch: matheid English: mattness Dutch: mathematiek English: mathematics Dutch: mathematisch model English: mathematical model Dutch: matig glanzend English: semi-glossy Dutch: matricator English: matrix unit Dutch: matriceren English: to matrix Dutch: matricering English: matrixing Dutch: matrijs English: mould; mold; die; die set Dutch: matrijsafmeting English: die size Dutch: matrijsbouwer English: mould designer Dutch: matrijsconstructie English: mould design; mould construction; die design Dutch: matrijscorrectie English: mould correction Dutch: matrijsdeel English: mould part; mould section Dutch: matrijsdeelnaad English: mould parting line Dutch: matrijsdoorn English: head mandrel Dutch: matrijshelft English: mould half Dutch: matrijsholte English: mould cavity; mould impression; die cavity Dutch: matrijshouder English: die adaptor Dutch: matrijsinzetstuk English: mould insert Dutch: matrijskern English: mould core Dutch: matrijsklem English: head clamp Dutch: matrijslippen English: die lips Dutch: matrijsmontageplaat English: mould mounting plate Dutch: matrijsontwerp English: mould design; mould construction Dutch: matrijs-open tijd English: mould opening time Dutch: matrijsopening English: mould opening; daylight Dutch: matrijsopeningshoogte English: maximum clearance of mould Dutch: matrijsopspanplaat English: die plate; die platen Dutch: matrijsplaat English: mould platen Dutch: matrijsslede English: mould slide Dutch: matrijssluiteenheid English: mould closing unit Dutch: matrijssluiting English: mould closure Dutch: matrijssluitkracht English: mould clamping force; clamping pressure Dutch: matrijssluittijd English: mould closing time Dutch: matrijssmeden English: die forging Dutch: matrijstekening English: mould drawing Dutch: matrijstorpedo English: die torpedo Dutch: matrijsvergrendeling English: mould clamp Dutch: matrijsvulling English: shot Dutch: matrix English: array; matrix Dutch: matrixeenheid English: array device Dutch: matrixering English: matrixing Dutch: matrixgeheugen English: matrix store; coordinate store Dutch: matrixschakeling English: matrix circuit Dutch: matrixstuklijst English: matrix bill-of-material Dutch: matrixtrap English: matrix stage Dutch: matrixversterkerbuis English: matrix amplifier tube Dutch: matteerpap English: flatting paste Dutch: matteren English: to flatten; to frost; to grind Dutch: matteringsmiddel English: flatting agent; gloss-reducing agent; matting agent Dutch: matvernikkelen English: dull nickel plating Dutch: matverschromen English: dull chromium plating Dutch: matverzilveren English: dull silver plating Dutch: matverzinken English: dull zinc plating Dutch: maxima English: maxima Dutch: maxima en minima English: maxima and minima Dutch: maximaal English: maximum; maximal: max Dutch: maximaal signaalniveau English: maximum signal level Dutch: maximaal tilt English: full tilt Dutch: maximaal vermogen English: maximum power Dutch: maximaal wit English: white peak; peak white Dutch: maximaal zwart English: black peak; peak black Dutch: maximale frequentie English: full-scale frequency Dutch: maximale ruimte English: maximum space Dutch: maximale spanning English: maximum voltage Dutch: maximale stroom English: full-scale current; maximum current Dutch: maximale uitbuiging English: maximum deflection Dutch: maximale uitrekking English: maximum elongation Dutch: maximale waarde English: maximum value; maximal value Dutch: maximale wringing English: maximum torque Dutch: maximaliseren English: to maximize Dutch: maximum beveiliging English: overload protection; overload release Dutch: maximum contrast English: maximum contrast Dutch: maximum schakelaar English: overload protection; overload release Dutch: maximum wit English: white peak; peak white Dutch: maximum zwart English: black peak; peak black Dutch: maximumvoorraad English: maximum inventory; maximum stock; permissible stock Dutch: Maxwell-brug English: maxwell bridge Dutch: Maxwelldriehoek English: Maxwell triangle Dutch: McCulloch-Pitts neuron English: McCulloch-Pitts neuron Dutch: mechanica English: mechanics Dutch: mechaniek English: mechanism Dutch: mechanisatie English: mechanization Dutch: mechanisch lawaai English: mechanical noise Dutch: mechanische bias English: mechanical bias Dutch: mechanische controle English: mechanical inspection Dutch: mechanische demping English: mechanical damping Dutch: mechanische impedantie English: mechanical impedance Dutch: mechanische integrator English: integrating mechanism; integrating gear; variable speed gear: VSG Dutch: mechanische interface English: mechanical interface Dutch: mechanische reactantie English: mechanical reactance Dutch: mechanische scanner English: mechanical scanner Dutch: mechanische vertaling English: mechanical translation Dutch: mechanische verwerking English: mechanized processing; automated data processing; electronic data processing Dutch: mechanische werkplaats English: job-shop Dutch: medebeslissingsrecht English: right of co-determination Dutch: mededeling English: information; communication Dutch: mededinger English: rival; competitor Dutch: medewerker English: co-worker; collaborator Dutch: medewerking English: buy-in Dutch: mediaan English: median Dutch: mediaangemiddelde English: median Dutch: meedelen English: to inform; to communicate Dutch: meedelen aan English: to impart to Dutch: meedraaien English: to rotate at the same time; to, be entrained Dutch: meedraaien met English: to rotate with Dutch: meedraaiend centrum English: revolving centre Dutch: meegaandheid English: compliance; trackability Dutch: meegeperst English: moulded-in Dutch: meegevend English: flexible; compliant; conformal Dutch: meekoppeling English: positive feedback Dutch: meeleveren English: supply with; co-supply Dutch: meeloop English: tracking Dutch: meelopen English: to run with; to travel with Dutch: meeluisteren English: to monitor Dutch: meeluisterversterker English: monitoring amplifier; bridging amplifier Dutch: meeneemfrictie English: carrying friction Dutch: meeneempal English: catch; carrier pawl Dutch: meeneempen English: carrier; dragger Dutch: meeneemplaat English: driver plate; catch plate Dutch: meeneemschijf English: coupling disc; catch plate Dutch: meeneemspil English: catch spindle Dutch: meeneemsynchronisatie English: pull-in type synchronization Dutch: meeneemveer English: catch spring Dutch: meenemer English: catch; driver; carrier Dutch: meenemerplaat English: carrier plate Dutch: meepersen English: to mould in Dutch: meeraderig English: multi-core Dutch: meeraderige kabel English: multi-core cable Dutch: meeradresinstructie English: multiple address instruction; multi-address instruction Dutch: meeradresopdracht English: multiple address instruction; multi-address instruction Dutch: meerderheidsdrager English: majority carrier Dutch: meerderheidselement English: majority element Dutch: meerdimensionaal English: multivariate Dutch: meerelementsantenne English: multi-element antenna; multi- element aerial Dutch: meerfasig English: polyphase Dutch: meergebruikerssyteem English: multi-user system Dutch: meerkarweibewerking English: multi-job processing Dutch: meerkopsysteem English: multi-head system Dutch: meerlaagscircuit English: multilayer circuit Dutch: meerlaagsconstructie English: multi-junction device Dutch: meerlaagswikkeling English: multilayer winding Dutch: meerlevering English: overdelivery Dutch: meermaals lezen English: multi-real feeding Dutch: meerniveau English: multilevel Dutch: meerniveausimulator English: multilevel simulator Dutch: meerniveaustuklijst English: multilevel bill-of-material Dutch: meerniveautracering English: multilevel where-used Dutch: meerpaal English: terminal post; contact rod Dutch: meerpaaltje English: terminal post; contact rod Dutch: meerpenaansluiting English: multipin connection Dutch: meerpolig English: multi-pole Dutch: meerprijs English: extra charge; extra cost; more-price; additional costs; extra costs Dutch: meerschroefextruder English: multi-screw extruder Dutch: meersectiewikkeling English: multi-section winding; Pi- winding Dutch: meerspillige boorkop English: multi-spindle drilling head Dutch: meersporenkop English: multi-track head Dutch: meerstandenschakelaar English: multiple switch Dutch: meertakenverwerking English: multitasking; multitask operation Dutch: meertoegangssysteem English: multi-access system Dutch: meertoppig English: multi-peaked Dutch: meertoppige verdeling English: multimodal distribution; multi-peaked distribution Dutch: meertrapseenheid English: multistage device Dutch: meertrapsversterker English: multi-stage amplifier Dutch: meervoudig bedraad English: multiwired Dutch: meervoudig circuit English: composite circuit Dutch: meervoudig gebruik English: multi-usage Dutch: meervoudig gekoppeld English: multilinked Dutch: meervoudige correlatie English: multiple correlation Dutch: meervoudige grijper English: multiple gripper Dutch: meervoudige kabel English: composite cable Dutch: meervoudige matrijs English: multi-cavity mould; composite mould Dutch: meervoudige overerving English: multiple inheritance Dutch: meervoudige routering English: diverse routing Dutch: meervoudige selectie English: CASE clause Dutch: meervoudige tekenset English: multiple character set Dutch: meervoudige toegang English: multi-access; multiple access Dutch: meervoudige verwerking English: multiprocessing Dutch: meerwaardige logica English: multivalued logic Dutch: meesleeposcillator English: locked oscillator Dutch: meest linkse byte English: high order byte Dutch: meest linkse positie English: high order position Dutch: meest rechtse byte English: low order byte Dutch: meest rechtse positie English: low order position Dutch: meestergast English: foreman Dutch: meetafdeling English: metrological department Dutch: meetapparaat English: measuring apparatus; test apparatus; measuring instrument Dutch: meetapparatuur English: measuring equipment Dutch: meetbaar English: measurable Dutch: meetbaar getal English: rational number Dutch: meetband English: measuring tape; test tape Dutch: meetbeker English: measuring can Dutch: meetbereik English: measuring range Dutch: meetbeugel English: measuring bracket Dutch: meetbrug English: bridge Dutch: meetbuis English: measuring tube; test electron tube Dutch: meetbureau English: test board; test deck Dutch: meetcircuit English: measuring circuit; test circuit Dutch: meetdiafragma English: test diaphragm; orifice Dutch: meetdraad English: test lead Dutch: meetdruk English: measuring pressure Dutch: meeteenheid English: measuring unit; unit of measurement Dutch: meeteis English: test requirement; measurement requirement Dutch: meet-en regeltechniek English: automatic control engineering; process control Dutch: meetfout English: measurement error; measuring error Dutch: meetfrequentie English: measuring frequency; test frequency Dutch: meetgebied English: measuring area Dutch: meetgereedschap English: measuring tools; measuring equipment Dutch: meetgevoeligheid English: measuring sensitivity Dutch: meetinrichting English: measuring instrument Dutch: meetinstrument English: meter Dutch: meetkabel English: measuring cable; test lead Dutch: meetkaliber English: measuring gauge Dutch: meetkamer English: metrological department Dutch: meetklem English: test terminal Dutch: meetklokje English: dial gauge; dial indicator Dutch: meetkogel English: measuring ball Dutch: meetkooi English: test cage Dutch: meetkop English: probe; measuring head Dutch: meetkundige plaats English: locus Dutch: meetlat English: rule Dutch: meetlint English: measuring tape Dutch: meetloep English: graduated magnifier Dutch: meetlus English: test loop Dutch: meetmal English: test jig Dutch: meetmethode English: measuring method; method of measurement; test method Dutch: meetniveau English: test level Dutch: meetonnauwkeurigheid English: measuring inaccuracy Dutch: meetontvanger English: measurement receiver Dutch: meetopnemer English: measuring transducer Dutch: meetopstelling English: measuring arrangement; measuring array; test array Dutch: meetoscilloscoop English: test oscilloscope; precision oscilloscope Dutch: meetpaneel English: test panel Dutch: meetpen English: measuring pin; measuring prod; test pin; test prod Dutch: meetplaat English: test record Dutch: meetplaats English: measuring stage; measuring station; measuring unit; measuring room; gauge point Dutch: meetpunt English: measuring point; test point Dutch: meetpuntaanpassing English: measuring point adaptation Dutch: meetrek English: test rack Dutch: meetrekeffect English: pulling effect; frequency pulling Dutch: meetresultaat English: result; result of measurement; test result Dutch: meetschakeling English: measuring circuit; test circuit Dutch: meetschema English: test diagram Dutch: meetsignaal English: measuring signal; test signal Dutch: meetsignaalgenerator English: test signal generator Dutch: meetsnoer English: measuring flex; test lead Dutch: meetspanning English: test voltage Dutch: meetspoel English: measuring coil; standard coil; test coil Dutch: meetstaaf English: measuring rod Dutch: meetstand English: measuring position Dutch: meetstandaard English: measurement standard Dutch: meetstift English: measuring pin Dutch: meetstraat English: measuring line Dutch: meetsysteem English: measuring system Dutch: meettafel English: test board; test desk Dutch: meettechniek English: measuring technique; science of measurement Dutch: meettechnieken English: measuring techniques Dutch: meettemperatuur English: measuring temperature Dutch: meettoestand English: measuring condition Dutch: meettoestel English: measuring apparatus; measuring appliance; measuring set; test set Dutch: meettransformator English: test transformer Dutch: meetvlak English: gauging face; measuring surface; test land; test pad Dutch: meetvoorschrift English: measuring instructions Dutch: meetweerstand English: measuring resistance Dutch: meetzender English: signal generator Dutch: meezingen English: vibrating in resonance Dutch: mega English: mega Dutch: mega-ampère English: megampere Dutch: megabit English: megabit Dutch: megabyte English: megabyte Dutch: megacyclus English: megacycle Dutch: megahertz English: megahertz: MHz Dutch: megavolt English: megavolt Dutch: megawatt English: megawatt Dutch: melamine English: melamine Dutch: melaminehars English: melamine resin Dutch: melddienst English: information service Dutch: meldingssysteem English: signalling system Dutch: meldontvanger English: access receiver Dutch: melkachtig English: milky Dutch: melkglas English: opal glass; milk glass Dutch: melkzure butylester English: butyl lactate Dutch: melkzure ethylester English: ethyl lactate Dutch: membraan English: diaphragm Dutch: membraanafsluiter English: diaphragm valve Dutch: memoryknop English: memory knob Dutch: mengbaar English: miscible; mixable Dutch: mengbeeld English: mixed image Dutch: mengbeker English: cup; bowl Dutch: mengbuis English: mixer valve; mixer tube Dutch: mengdiode English: mixer diode Dutch: mengelmoestotaal English: hash total Dutch: mengen English: to mix; to blend Dutch: menger English: mixer; blender Dutch: mengfilter English: mixing filter Dutch: menggas English: gas mixture Dutch: menging English: mixing; dubbing Dutch: mengkastje English: mixer; mixer unit Dutch: mengketel English: mixing drum; mixing vessel Dutch: mengkleur English: mixing colour; matching colour; mixed colour; matched colour Dutch: mengkoppeling English: furcation coupling Dutch: mengkraan English: mixing valve Dutch: menglessenaar English: mixer; mixer unit; mixing console Dutch: menglicht English: mixed light Dutch: mengmogelijkheid English: mixing facility Dutch: mengopdracht English: assembly order Dutch: mengpaneel English: mixer; mixing unit; mixing desk Dutch: mengproduct English: mixer product; mixture product Dutch: mengrecept English: assembly parts list Dutch: mengschakeling English: mixer circuit Dutch: mengsel English: mix; mixture; compound Dutch: mengsel van karweien English: job mix Dutch: mengsignaal English: mixing signal Dutch: mengsignalering English: composite signalling: CX Dutch: mengtafel English: mixer; mixing console; master control; central control desk Dutch: mengtotaal English: hash total Dutch: mengtransistor English: mixer transistor Dutch: mengtrap English: mixer stage Dutch: mengvat English: mixing barrel; mixing vessel Dutch: mengverf English: matching paint; mixing paint Dutch: mengverhouding English: mixing ratio; ratio of mixture Dutch: mengvorm English: mixed mode; mixing vessel; intermediate form; hybrid Dutch: menie English: red lead Dutch: menselijke factor English: human factor; human element Dutch: menselijke interface English: human interface Dutch: mensen English: people; manpower; labour force Dutch: mens-machine interface English: human-machine interface: HMI; man-machine interface: MMI Dutch: mensuur English: man hour Dutch: mentaal model English: mental model Dutch: menugeoriënteerd English: menu-oriented Dutch: menugestuurd English: menu-driven Dutch: menu-omzeiling English: menu by-pass Dutch: mepolesco English: metallized polyester capacitor Dutch: mercurijodide English: mercuric iodide Dutch: merk English: brand; mark Dutch: merkartikel English: branded product Dutch: merkbaar English: perceptible; noticeable Dutch: merkcijfer English: figure stencil Dutch: merkenimage English: brand image Dutch: merkletter English: letter stencil Dutch: merkpunt English: mark Dutch: merkstempel English: marking punch Dutch: merkstreep English: mark Dutch: merkstrip English: brand strip Dutch: merkteken English: mark; marker Dutch: merktekenlezer English: marker Dutch: mes English: knife; cutter; blade; cutting blade Dutch: mesa English: mesa Dutch: mesatransistor English: mesa transistor Dutch: mesbeitel English: knife; side cutting tool Dutch: mescontact English: blade contact Dutch: mesje English: cutter Dutch: meskantoplegging English: knife edge bearing Dutch: meskopfrees English: inserted-tooth cutter Dutch: meskopsteunpunt English: knife edge fulcrum Dutch: meson English: meson Dutch: mesplaat English: cutter holder Dutch: mesplamuur English: knifing filler; putty Dutch: mespoot English: cutter blade Dutch: messchakelaar English: knife switch Dutch: messenslijper English: knife sharpener Dutch: messinganode English: brass anode Dutch: messingbad English: brass bath; brass solution Dutch: messingbeitsbad English: brass pickling bath; brass bright dip Dutch: messingdraad English: brass wire Dutch: messingfrees English: tongue cutter; tonguing cutter Dutch: messinggaas English: brass gauze Dutch: messingschaaf English: tonguing plane; tongue plane Dutch: messtemppel English: dinking tool; compound dinking tool Dutch: met de hand bedienen English: to operate by hand Dutch: met de hand ontvetten English: manual degreasing Dutch: met draad omwikkelen English: to wind with wire Dutch: met gas gevulde kabel English: gas-filled cable Dutch: met klep afsluiten English: lidded Dutch: met lid afsluiten English: lidded Dutch: met onderdrukt nulpunt English: with suppressed zero Dutch: met redenen omkleden English: to give reasons for Dutch: metaalbasistransistor English: metal-base transistor Dutch: metaaldamp English: metal vapour Dutch: metaaldeeltje English: metal particle Dutch: metaaldraad English: metal wire Dutch: metaaldraaien English: metal turning Dutch: metaalfilm English: metal film Dutch: metaalgelijkrichter English: metal rectifier Dutch: metaalgieterij English: metal foundry Dutch: metaalgietstuk English: metal casting Dutch: metaalglans English: metallic lustre Dutch: metaalglansverf English: metallic-lustre paint Dutch: metaalgruis English: metal grit Dutch: metaalhoudend English: metalliferous Dutch: metaalindustrie English: metal industry Dutch: metaalinkt English: ink for metal Dutch: metaalkeramiek English: powder metallurgy Dutch: metaalkunde English: metallurgy Dutch: metaallaag English: metal film Dutch: metaallaagweerstand English: metal-film resistor Dutch: metaalmaskeren English: metal masking Dutch: metaalneerslag English: metal deposition Dutch: metaalproducten English: metal products Dutch: metaalschroef English: metal screw Dutch: metaalschuim English: dross Dutch: metaalslak English: metal slag Dutch: metaalspuiten English: metal spraying Dutch: metaalstof English: metal dust Dutch: metaalstructuur English: metal structure Dutch: metaalwaren English: metal wares Dutch: metaalwasmachine English: metal washer; metal washing machine Dutch: metaalzout English: salt of the metal to be deposited Dutch: metabestand English: metafile Dutch: meta-CASE gereedschap English: meta-CASE tool Dutch: metacresolpurper English: metacresol purple Dutch: metagegevens English: meta-data Dutch: metakennis English: meta-knowledge Dutch: metaklasse English: meta-class Dutch: metalen afscherming English: metal screening; metal shielding Dutch: metallisch English: metallic Dutch: metalloïde English: metalloid Dutch: metallurgie English: metallurgy Dutch: metalluster English: metallic lustre; metallustre Dutch: metallusterverf English: metallic-lustre paint Dutch: metameer English: metamer Dutch: metamere kleur English: metameric colour Dutch: metamere voorwerpen English: metameric objects Dutch: metameren English: metamers Dutch: metaniveau English: meta-level Dutch: meta-object English: meta-object Dutch: metaplanning English: meta-planning Dutch: metaregel English: meta-rule Dutch: metasysteem English: meta-system Dutch: metataal English: meta-language Dutch: metateken English: meta-character Dutch: metatinzuur English: metastannic acid Dutch: metatitaanzuur English: metatitanic acid Dutch: meten English: to gauge Dutch: meten op English: to measure at; to gauge Dutch: meteraanwijzing English: meter reading; meter indication Dutch: meteraflezing English: meter reading Dutch: meter-equivalent English: meter-equivalent Dutch: meter-kilogram-seconde English: meter-kilogram-second Dutch: methaan English: methane Dutch: methaancarbonzuur English: methane carboxylic acid Dutch: methacrylaat English: methacrylate Dutch: methacrylaatplaat English: methacrylate plate Dutch: methacrylzuur English: methacrylic acid Dutch: methanol English: methanol; methyl alcohol Dutch: methode English: method; mode Dutch: methode van Jackson English: Jackson method Dutch: methodebinding English: method binding Dutch: methodetijdbemeting English: methods time measurement: MTM Dutch: methodetoeslag English: process allowance Dutch: methodisch English: methodic Dutch: methylalcohol English: methyl alcohol; methanol Dutch: methyleenchloride English: methylene chloride Dutch: methylethylketon English: methyl ethyl ketone; butanone Dutch: methylglycol English: ethylene glycol monomethyl ether Dutch: methylisobutylketon English: methyl isobutyl ketone: MIBK; hexone Dutch: methyloranje English: methyl orange Dutch: meting English: measurement; gauging Dutch: metriek English: metric Dutch: metrisch English: metric Dutch: metrisch systeem English: metric system Dutch: metrische zuiverheid English: metric purity Dutch: Mexicaanse hoed English: Mexican hat Dutch: MF-bandfilter English: IF band-pass filter Dutch: MF-fluit English: IF sound signal Dutch: MF-geluid English: IF sound Dutch: MF-geluidssignaal English: IF sound signal Dutch: MF-kleurensignaal English: IF colour signal Dutch: MF-onderdrukking English: IF rejection Dutch: MF-signaal English: IF signal Dutch: MF-sperkring English: parallel-tuned IF trap Dutch: MF-spoel English: IF coil Dutch: MF-transformator English: IF transformer Dutch: MF-trap English: IF stage Dutch: MF-versterker English: IF amplifier Dutch: MF-versterking English: IF amplification Dutch: MF-video English: IF video Dutch: MF-zuigkring English: IF absorption circuit; series-tuned IF trap Dutch: MF-zuigkringspoel English: IF absorption coil Dutch: micacondensator English: mica capacitor Dutch: micro English: micro; microphone; mike Dutch: micro-ampère English: microampere Dutch: micro-architectuur English: microarchitecture Dutch: microbandfilter English: microband filter Dutch: microbar English: microbar Dutch: microbesturingseenheid English: microprocessor Dutch: microbewerking English: micro-operation Dutch: microbord English: microprint Dutch: microcircuit English: microcircuit Dutch: microcode English: microcode Dutch: microcomponent English: microcomponent Dutch: microdiskette English: microdiskette Dutch: microdoorsnede English: microsection Dutch: micro-elektrode English: microelectrode Dutch: micro-elektrolyse English: microelectrolyse Dutch: micro-elektronica English: microelectronics Dutch: microfarad English: microfarad Dutch: microfilm English: microfilm Dutch: microfonie English: microphony; microphonic noise Dutch: microfoon English: microphone Dutch: microfooningang English: microphone input Dutch: microfoonopname English: recording by microphone Dutch: microfoontransformator English: microphone transformer Dutch: microfoonversterker English: microphone amplifier Dutch: microfoonzuil English: line microphone Dutch: microfoto English: microphotograph Dutch: microfotografie English: microphotography Dutch: microgolfbron English: microwave source Dutch: microgolfcommunicatie English: microwave communication Dutch: microgolfgebied English: microwave range Dutch: microgolven English: microwaves Dutch: microgroef English: microgroove; finegroove; minigroove Dutch: microhardheid English: micro-hardness; microhardness Dutch: microhenry English: microhenry Dutch: micro-ingreep English: hesitation Dutch: micro-instructie English: micro-instruction Dutch: microjoule English: microjoule Dutch: microkernel English: microkernel Dutch: microkristal English: microcrystal Dutch: microkristallijn English: microcrystalline Dutch: micrometrisch English: micrometric Dutch: microminiaturisatie English: microminiaturization Dutch: microminiaturisering English: microminiaturization Dutch: micromoduul English: micromodule Dutch: micron English: micron Dutch: micro-ohm English: microhm Dutch: micro-ohmmeter English: microhmeter Dutch: micro-opdracht English: microinstruction; microcommand Dutch: microprocessor English: microprocessor Dutch: microprogramma English: microprogram Dutch: microprogrammering English: microprogramming Dutch: micropunt English: M-point Dutch: microrobot English: microrobot Dutch: microschakelaar English: microswitch Dutch: microschakeling English: microcircuit Dutch: microseconde English: microsecond Dutch: microsiemens English: microsiemens Dutch: microstrip English: microstrip Dutch: microstriplijn English: microstrip line Dutch: microstriptrilholte English: microstrip resonator Dutch: microvolt English: microvolt Dutch: microvoltmeter English: microvoltmeter Dutch: microwafel English: microwafer Dutch: microwatt English: microwatt Dutch: microwave English: microwave Dutch: microwoord English: microword Dutch: middel English: means; agent, medium, resource Dutch: middelen English: resources; to average Dutch: middelen van bestaan English: means of subsistence Dutch: middelenacquisitie English: resource acquisition Dutch: middelenallocatie English: resource allocation Dutch: middelenbeeld English: resource view Dutch: middelenbeheer English: resource management Dutch: middelencel English: resource cell Dutch: middelencomponent English: resource component Dutch: middelenconstructies English: resource constructs Dutch: middeleneenheid English: resource unit Dutch: middeleninvoer English: resource input Dutch: middelenlijst English: bill-of-resources Dutch: middelenplan English: resource plan Dutch: middelenplanning English: resource planning Dutch: middelenreservering English: resource reservation Dutch: middelentoekenning English: resource assignment Dutch: middelenuitvoer English: resource output Dutch: middelfrequentie English: medium-frequency Dutch: middelgroot English: medium-sized Dutch: middellangtermijnplan English: medium-term plan Dutch: middellijn English: diameter; dia Dutch: middelmanagement English: middle management Dutch: middelohmig English: medium-impedance; medium-ohmic Dutch: middelpunt English: centre Dutch: middelpuntzoekend English: centripetal Dutch: midden English: centre; center Dutch: middenaftakking English: centre tap Dutch: middenantenne English: centre tap of antenna; centre tap of aerial Dutch: middenband English: midband Dutch: middencontact English: centre contact Dutch: middendoor English: bisected Dutch: middendoor delen English: to bisect Dutch: middendoor snijden English: to cut in two Dutch: middenelektrode English: centre electrode Dutch: middenfrequent English: intermediate frequency: IF Dutch: middenfrequentie: MF English: intermediate frequency: IF; center frequency; midfrequency Dutch: middengat English: central hole Dutch: middengedeelte English: centre portion; centre part Dutch: middengolf English: medium wave: MW Dutch: middenkader English: middle management; intermediate executives Dutch: middenstand English: intermediate position; mid-position; midway position; retailers; middle class Dutch: middenwaarde English: average; median value; central value Dutch: mid-range English: mid-range Dutch: migratiepad English: migration path Dutch: migratiestap English: migration step Dutch: migreren English: to migrate Dutch: mijlpaal English: milestone; event Dutch: mil English: one thousands of an inch Dutch: milieu English: milieu; environment Dutch: milieubeheer English: environment control Dutch: milieuhygiëne English: environmental health; environment hygienics Dutch: militaire apparaten English: military equipment Dutch: Miller-effect English: miller effect Dutch: milli English: milli Dutch: milli-ampère English: milliampere Dutch: milligram English: milligram Dutch: millihenry English: millihenry Dutch: millilambert English: millilambert Dutch: milliliter English: millilitre Dutch: millimetergolven English: millimeter waves Dutch: millimeterpapier English: arithmetic paper; graph paper Dutch: millimicron English: millimicron; millimu Dutch: milli-ohm English: milliohm Dutch: milliseconde English: millisecond Dutch: millivolt English: millivolt Dutch: milliwatt English: milliwatt Dutch: min aan de massa English: negative earth Dutch: minder gevoelig maken English: to desensitize Dutch: minder significant English: low order Dutch: minderheidsdrager English: minority carrier Dutch: minderlevering English: under-delivery Dutch: miniaturisatie English: miniaturization Dutch: miniaturiseren English: to miniaturize Dutch: miniaturisering English: miniaturization Dutch: miniatuur English: miniature Dutch: minicalculator English: minicalculator Dutch: minicomputer English: minicomputer Dutch: minima English: minimums Dutch: minimaal English: minimal; minimum Dutch: minimaal toelaatbaar English: minimally permissable Dutch: minimaliseren English: to minimize Dutch: minimax functie English: minimax function Dutch: minimumafstandcode English: minimum-distance code Dutch: minimumvoorraad English: minimum inventory; minimum stock Dutch: mini-opnemer English: pocket recorder Dutch: min-max systeem English: min-max system Dutch: minoreren English: conscious underreacting Dutch: minoriteitsdrager English: minority carrier Dutch: minpool English: negative pole; negative terminal Dutch: minpunt English: demerit; disadvantage; minus Dutch: minst-significante bit English: least-significant bit Dutch: minus Y-signaal English: minus Y-signal Dutch: minuscule versterking English: fractional gain Dutch: misaanpassing English: mismatch Dutch: mishandelen English: to abuse Dutch: misleidende versterker English: deception repeater Dutch: misvatting English: fallacious argument Dutch: miswijzing English: indication error; error in indication; erroneous reading Dutch: mixer English: mixer Dutch: mixerstroom English: mixer current Dutch: mnemonisch symbool English: mnemonic symbol Dutch: mnemonische naam English: mnemonic Dutch: mobiel station English: mobile station Dutch: mobiele robot English: mobile robot Dutch: mobilofoon English: CB-radio; CB-band Dutch: modale logica English: modal logic Dutch: modderstralen English: to mud-blast Dutch: model English: model; pattern; template Dutch: modelbase English: model base Dutch: modelbouw English: model building Dutch: modelgestuurd English: model-driven Dutch: modellenbank English: model bank Dutch: modellenbouw English: model building Dutch: modellenreeks English: model range Dutch: modellenserie English: model range Dutch: modelleren English: to model Dutch: modelleringsbeeld English: modelling view Dutch: modelmaker English: pattern maker; wood pattern maker; model maker Dutch: modelmakerij English: pattern shop; pattern making shop Dutch: modelopdracht English: model statement Dutch: modelopslagmechanisme English: model storage mechanism Dutch: modificatie English: modification; override Dutch: modificatie-element English: modifier Dutch: modificator English: modificator; index word Dutch: modificatorgeheugen English: modifier store; B-store Dutch: modificatorregister English: modifier register; index register; B-register Dutch: modulair ontwerp English: modular design Dutch: modulair programmeren English: modular programming Dutch: modulair systeem English: modular system; building-block system Dutch: modulaire decompositie English: modular decomposition Dutch: modulaire draadbrug English: modular bridging wire Dutch: modulaire stuklijst English: modular bill-of-material Dutch: modulariteit English: modularity Dutch: modulatie English: modulation Dutch: modulatiebrom English: modulation hum Dutch: modulatiediepte English: modulation depth; percentage modulation Dutch: modulatiefrequentie English: modulation frequency Dutch: modulatiegrootte English: modulation factor; degree of modulation Dutch: modulatie-index English: modulation index Dutch: modulatie-indicator English: recording level indicator Dutch: modulatiekromme English: modulation characteristic Dutch: modulatieonderdrukking English: modulation suppression Dutch: modulatiepatroon English: modulation pattern Dutch: modulatiepercentage English: modulation percentage Dutch: modulatiepiek English: modulation peak Dutch: modulatieprocedure English: modulation procedure Dutch: modulatierichting English: direction of modulation Dutch: modulatieruis English: modulation noise Dutch: modulatiesignaal English: modulation signal; modulating signal Dutch: modulatiespanning English: modulation voltage; modulating voltage Dutch: modulatiespoor English: modulation track Dutch: modulatiestroom English: modulation current Dutch: modulatiesysteem English: modulation system Dutch: modulatietaal English: modulation language Dutch: modulatievervorming English: modulation distortion Dutch: modulator English: modulator; buncher Dutch: modulatorbuis English: modulator tube Dutch: modulator-demodulator English: modulator-demodulator: modem Dutch: modulatorrooster English: buncher grid Dutch: module English: module; building-block Dutch: modulecohesie English: module strength Dutch: moduleren English: to modulate Dutch: modulerende elektrode English: modulating electrode Dutch: modulering English: keying Dutch: modulo-n-controle English: modulo n check Dutch: modulus English: module; modulus Dutch: modus English: mode; modal value Dutch: modus ponens English: modus ponens Dutch: modus tollens English: modus tollens Dutch: moduul English: module; modulus Dutch: moederbestand English: master file Dutch: moederchip English: master chip Dutch: moederdocument English: mother document Dutch: moederkaart English: backplane Dutch: moederklok English: master clock Dutch: moederlak English: master lacquer Dutch: moederloog English: mother lye; mother liquor Dutch: moedermateriaal English: parent material Dutch: moedernegatief English: master negative; master Dutch: moederpatroon English: master drawing; print master Dutch: moeilijk English: difficult; hard troublesome; difficult-to- machine Dutch: moeilijkheid English: difficulty Dutch: moeilijkheidsgraad English: degree of difficulty Dutch: moeite English: trouble; pains Dutch: moersleutel English: wrench; spanner Dutch: moervalproef English: nut-fall test Dutch: mof English: sleeve; socket Dutch: moffelen English: to bake; to stove Dutch: moffelhars English: baking resin; stoving resin Dutch: moffellak English: baking enamel; stoving enamel; enamel coating Dutch: moffeloven English: baking oven; stoving oven Dutch: moffelprimer English: baking primer; stoving primer Dutch: moffelverf English: baking paint; stoving paint Dutch: mogelijke voorziening English: optional feature Dutch: mogelijke waarheid English: contingent truth Dutch: mogelijkheid English: possibility; facility Dutch: molaire polarisatie English: molar polarization Dutch: molasse English: molasses Dutch: moleculair English: molecular Dutch: moleculair gewicht English: molecular weight Dutch: moleculaire geleiding English: molecular conductance Dutch: moleculaire modellen English: molecular models Dutch: moleculaire rek English: molecular strain Dutch: molecuul English: molecule Dutch: molybdeensulfide English: molybdenum disulphide Dutch: moment English: instant; moment; moment of force; moment of momentum; angular moment; torque; turning moment; twisting moment Dutch: momentaan monster English: instantaneous sample Dutch: momentaan vermogen English: instantaneous power Dutch: momentane amplitude English: instantaneous amplitude Dutch: momentane bemonstering English: instantaneous sampling Dutch: momentane spanning English: instantaneous voltage Dutch: momentane stroom English: instantaneous current Dutch: momentarm English: moment arm Dutch: momentbelasting English: instantaneous load Dutch: momenteel English: momentary; instantaneous Dutch: momentele frequentie English: instantaneous frequency Dutch: momentele spanning English: instantaneous voltage; transient voltage Dutch: momentele waarde English: instantaneous value Dutch: momentenschakelaar English: snap switch Dutch: momentomvormer English: torque converter Dutch: momentversterker English: torque amplifier Dutch: monadische bewerking English: monadic operation; unary operation Dutch: monadische operator English: monadic operator Dutch: monauraal English: monaural; monophonic Dutch: monaurale opname English: monophonic recording Dutch: monaurale weergave English: monophonic playback Dutch: mondstuk English: nozzle Dutch: mond-tot-mond reclame English: word-of-mouth advertising Dutch: monitor English: display unit; monitor; monitoring receiver Dutch: monitorfaciliteit English: monitoring facility Dutch: monitorprogramma English: monitor program; monitoring program Dutch: monitorsysteem English: monitor system Dutch: mono English: mono; monophonic Dutch: mono-atomair English: monatomic Dutch: mono-atomair molecule English: monatomic molecule Dutch: monobrid circuit English: monobrid circuit Dutch: monobutylglycolether English: ethylene glycol monobutyl ether Dutch: monocel English: monocell Dutch: monochromatisch English: monochromatic; monochrome Dutch: monochromatisch licht English: monochromatic light Dutch: monochroom English: monochrome; black-and-white Dutch: monochroom signaal English: monochrome signal Dutch: monodisciplinair English: mono-disciplinary Dutch: mono-ethylglycolether English: ethylene glycol monoethyl ether Dutch: monofonie English: monophony Dutch: monofonisch English: monophonic Dutch: monografie English: monography Dutch: monokristal English: monocrystal; single crystal Dutch: monokristallijn English: single crystal Dutch: monolayer English: monolayer Dutch: monolithisch English: monolithic Dutch: monomeer English: monomer Dutch: monometalliek English: monometallic Dutch: monomethylglycolether English: ethylene glycol monomethyl ether Dutch: monomoleculaire laag English: monolayer Dutch: monoscoop English: monoscope Dutch: monosignaal English: mono signal; M-signal Dutch: monosomsignaal English: mono sum-signal Dutch: monostabiel English: monostable Dutch: monostabiele trekker English: monostable trigger circuit; monostable multivibrator; kipp relay; flip-flop Dutch: monostereo English: mono-stereo Dutch: monostyreen English: monostyrene Dutch: monotekening English: mono drawing Dutch: monotekeningsysteem English: mono-drawing system Dutch: monotoets English: mono button Dutch: monotonie English: monotony Dutch: monotoon English: monotone; monotonous Dutch: monotoon redeneren English: monotonic reasoning Dutch: monoverzameltekening English: collective mono-drawing Dutch: monster nemen English: to take a sample; to draw a sample; to sample Dutch: monsterstuk English: test piece; sampling unit Dutch: monsterverdeling English: sample division Dutch: monsterverwerking English: sample preparation Dutch: montage English: mounting; fitting; assembly; assembling; editing; dubbing Dutch: montage in voetje English: header Dutch: montageafdeling English: assembly department Dutch: montageband English: assembly line Dutch: montagebeugel English: assembly bracket Dutch: montagebus English: assembly bush Dutch: montagedoorn English: assembly mandrel Dutch: montagedraad English: assembly wire; connecting wire Dutch: montagefout English: error in assembly; error in mounting; assembly fault Dutch: montagegemak English: ease of mounting; convenience of mounting Dutch: montagegereedschap English: assembly tool; mounting tool Dutch: montagekosten English: assembly cost; installing cost Dutch: montagemachine English: assembly machine; mounting machine Dutch: montagemal English: assembly jig; mounting jug Dutch: montagemateriaal English: mounting material; mounting hardware Dutch: montagepen English: mounting pin Dutch: montageplaat English: chassis; mounting plate; pan; header Dutch: montagepositief English: assembly positive Dutch: montageprogramma English: linkage editor Dutch: montageraam English: mounting frame; cradle Dutch: montageschema English: assembly diagram Dutch: montageslede English: building-in bracket Dutch: montagesnoer English: assembly flex; connecting flex Dutch: montagesteun English: mounting support Dutch: montagestraat English: transfer line; assembly line Dutch: montagetafel English: assembly table; mounting table Dutch: montagetapeind English: mounting stud Dutch: montagetijd English: mounting time; installing time Dutch: montagevoorschrift English: assembly instructions; mounting instructions Dutch: Montague-grammatica English: Montague grammar Dutch: Monte-Carlomethode English: Monte-Carlo method Dutch: monteren English: to link; to mount; to fit; to seat; to assembly; to edit Dutch: Moog synthesizer English: Moog synthesizer Dutch: morsbraam English: overflow Dutch: morseconus English: morse cone; morse taper Dutch: morsekegel English: morse cone; morse taper Dutch: morseketting English: morse chain Dutch: morsen English: to spill Dutch: mortier English: mortar Dutch: MOS-condensator English: MOS capacitor Dutch: MOS-transistor English: MOS transistor Dutch: motivatie English: motivation; drive Dutch: motivatiemiddelen English: motivators Dutch: motor English: motor; engine Dutch: motoraandrijving English: motor drive Dutch: motoras English: motor spindle; motor shaft Dutch: motorbegrenzingsbeugel English: motor-stop bracket Dutch: motorbelasting English: motor load; engine load Dutch: motoreenheid English: motor unit Dutch: motor-en-vertraging English: geared motor Dutch: motorgenerator English: motor generator; rotary converter Dutch: motorhuis English: motor housing; motor frame Dutch: motorische zenuw English: motor nerve Dutch: motoriseren English: to motorize Dutch: motormaaier English: power mower Dutch: motormontagefreem English: motor frame Dutch: motorolie English: engine oil Dutch: motorreductor English: motor reducer; reducing motor Dutch: motorregeling English: motor control; speed control Dutch: motorsnaarschijf English: motor pulley Dutch: motorstoring English: motor trouble; motor defect; engine trouble; motor-originated interference Dutch: motortoerental English: engine speed; motor speed; motor rpm; engine rpm Dutch: motorwikkeling English: motor winding Dutch: moutkiemmeel English: grist Dutch: mozaïekdrukker English: stylus printer; dot printer Dutch: mozaïekelektrode English: mosaic electrode Dutch: mozaïekpatroon English: tessellation Dutch: mps op twee niveaus English: two-level mps Dutch: mps-indicator English: mps indicator Dutch: mps-item English: mps item Dutch: mps-product English: mps item Dutch: M-signaal English: M-signal Dutch: mu English: amplification factor; mu Dutch: muis English: mouse; linearity control Dutch: muizennest English: rats nest Dutch: Mullenproef English: Mullen bursting test Dutch: multi-anode buis English: multianode tube Dutch: multibandbestand English: multi-reel file; multi-volume tape file Dutch: multibandeenheid English: multiband device Dutch: multichipcircuit English: multichip circuit Dutch: multicyclisch lezen English: multi-cycle feeding Dutch: multidisciplinair English: multidisciplinary Dutch: multidrop English: multidrop Dutch: multifunctieprincipe English: multi-function principle Dutch: multigebruik English: multi-usage Dutch: multikanaaloverdracht English: multi-channel transfer Dutch: multiplex English: multiply; plywood; multiplex Dutch: multiplexen English: to multiplex Dutch: multiplexer English: multiplexer Dutch: multiplexeren English: to multiplex Dutch: multiplexkanaal English: multiplex channel Dutch: multiplexmethode English: multiplexing Dutch: multiplexsignaal English: multiplex signal Dutch: multiplexverwerking English: multiplexing Dutch: multipliceerraam English: multiplication frame Dutch: multipliceren English: to multiply; to step-and-repeat Dutch: multiponsing English: multipunch Dutch: multiprocessor English: multiprocessor Dutch: multiprogrammeren English: multiprogramming Dutch: multiprogrammering English: multiprogramming Dutch: multipunt English: multipoint Dutch: multischakelaar English: multiswitch Dutch: multischijfbestand English: multi-volume disc file Dutch: multischroefextruder English: multi-screw extruder Dutch: multitasking English: multitasking Dutch: multivariabel proces English: multivariable process Dutch: multiverwerking English: multiprocessing Dutch: multivibrator English: multivibrator Dutch: multiwing English: multiwing Dutch: mumetaal English: mu-metal Dutch: Munsell kleurnummer English: Munsell colour number Dutch: muntstempel English: coining tool Dutch: musicassette English: musicassette Dutch: mutatie English: mutation; transaction Dutch: mutatiefrequentie English: activity ratio Dutch: mutatietest English: mutation test Dutch: muting-circuit English: muting circuit Dutch: muting-filter English: muting filter Dutch: muting-schakelaar English: muting switch Dutch: muurbevestiging English: wall mounting Dutch: muurcontactdoos English: socket outlet; wall socket Dutch: muurisolator English: wall insulator Dutch: muziek op band English: music on tape Dutch: muziek op plaat English: music on disc Dutch: muziekapparatuur English: musical instruments Dutch: muziekband English: music tape Dutch: muziekcassette English: music cassette Dutch: muziekcontrole English: musical test Dutch: muziekgroef English: recorder groove Dutch: muziekinstrument English: musical instrument Dutch: muziekleer English: musical science; musicology Dutch: muziekliefhebber English: music lover Dutch: muziekstandaard English: music-stand Dutch: muziekvermogen English: music power Dutch: mylar English: mylar Dutch: mylarband English: mylar film Dutch: n-1 complement English: diminished radix complement; radix-minus-one complement Dutch: na English: after; downstream Dutch: naad English: seam; joint Dutch: naadloos English: seamless; jointless Dutch: naaf English: hub; boss; nave Dutch: naald English: needle; stylus; pointer; index Dutch: naaldbuis English: stylus cantilever Dutch: naalddruk English: stylus pressure; stylus force Dutch: naalddrukfijnregeling English: stylus-pressure fine tuning Dutch: naalddrukgrens English: stylus-pressure limit Dutch: naalddrukinstelling English: stylus-pressure adjustment Dutch: naalddrukmeter English: stylus-pressure gauge Dutch: naaldimpuls English: needle pulse Dutch: naaldklep English: needle valve Dutch: naaldklikker English: stylus reverse Dutch: naaldkooi English: needle cage Dutch: naaldkras English: needle scratch; needle talk Dutch: naaldlanding English: stylus landing; stylus setdown Dutch: naaldopening English: needle gap Dutch: naaldpuls English: spike Dutch: naaldpulsonderbreker English: spike suppressor Dutch: naaldpunt English: needle tip; stylus tip Dutch: naaldpuntmassa English: tip mass Dutch: naaldpuntradius English: stylus-tip radius Dutch: naaldreiniger English: stylus cleaner Dutch: naaldrol English: needle roller Dutch: naaldrollager English: needle-roller bearing Dutch: naaldruis English: needle scratch; needle talk Dutch: naaldtaatslager English: needle thrust bearing Dutch: naaldverstuiverklep English: needle-spray valve Dutch: naam English: name; identifier Dutch: naamconstante English: name constant Dutch: naamplaat English: name plate Dutch: naar beneden doorgeven English: back-tell Dutch: naar binnen snappen English: to snap inward Dutch: naar elkaar toe English: towards each other; converging Dutch: naar keuze English: optional; at choice; at option Dutch: naast English: beside; alongside; by the side of; adjacent to Dutch: naast elkaar plaatsen English: to juxtapose Dutch: naast-elkaarplaatsing English: juxtaposition Dutch: nabeeld English: after image Dutch: nabestellingssysteem English: reorder system Dutch: nabewerken English: to finish; to post-process Dutch: nabewerking English: finishing; post-processing Dutch: nabewerkt English: finished Dutch: nabijheid English: vicinity; proximity Dutch: nabijheidsdetector English: proximity detector Dutch: nabijheidsgevoeligheid English: close-talking sensitivity; close-talking response Dutch: nabijheidssensor English: proximity sensor Dutch: nabijheidsverliezen English: losses due to proximity Dutch: nablijven English: hangover Dutch: nabootsen English: to imitate; to emulated; to simulate; to copy Dutch: nabootsing English: imitation; simulation; emulation Dutch: nabootsrobot English: playback robot Dutch: naboren English: to finish-drill Dutch: nabuurkanaal English: adjacent channel Dutch: nachtkijken English: scotopic vision Dutch: nadeflectie English: post-deflection Dutch: nadelig English: disadvantageous; harmful Dutch: naderingsschakelaar English: proximity switch Dutch: nadichtingsbad English: sealing bath Dutch: nadraaien English: to finish-turn; to fine-turn Dutch: n-adresinstructie English: n-address instruction Dutch: n-adresopdrachtvorm English: n-address instruction format Dutch: nadrukdoorn English: plug-type squeezing mandrel Dutch: nadrukgereedschap English: press-on tool Dutch: nadrukken English: to restrike; to flange Dutch: nadrukstempel English: restriking tool Dutch: nafactureren English: post-invoicing Dutch: nafocussering English: refocusing; post-deflection focusing Dutch: nafrezen English: to finish-mill Dutch: naftaline English: naphthalene; naphthaline Dutch: nagaan English: to trace; to verify; to examine; to check Dutch: nagalm English: reverberation; reverbeo Dutch: nagalmapparatuur English: reverberation equipment; reverbeo equipment Dutch: nagalmeenheid English: reverberation unit; reverbeo unit Dutch: nagalmen English: to reverberate Dutch: nagalmkamer English: reverberant room; reverberant chamber Dutch: nagalmtijd English: reverberation time Dutch: nagalmtoets English: reverberation key; reverbeo key Dutch: nagalmversterker English: reverberation amplifier; reverbeo amplifier Dutch: nagedrukt English: restruck Dutch: nagefreesd English: finish milled Dutch: nagel English: nail; rivet Dutch: nagelen English: to mail Dutch: nageslepen English: finish ground Dutch: nagesneden English: sheared; trimmed Dutch: nagloeien English: to afterglow Dutch: naharden English: to reharden; to post-cure Dutch: naïeve natuurkunde English: naive physics Dutch: naijlen English: to lag Dutch: naijling English: lag Dutch: nalichtcompensatie English: afterglow compensation; persistence compensation Dutch: nalichteffect English: afterglow effect; persistence effect Dutch: nalichtende verf English: luminous paint Dutch: nalichting English: afterglow; phosphorescence; persistence; after-image Dutch: nalichttijd English: afterglow; persistence Dutch: naloop English: lag Dutch: nalopen English: to check; to inspect; to lag Dutch: nalopende belasting English: lagging load Dutch: nalopende stroom English: lagging current Dutch: nalopende verwerking English: trailing decision Dutch: nano English: nano Dutch: nano-ampère English: nanoampere; millimicroampere Dutch: nano-ampèremeter English: millimicroammeter Dutch: nanofarad English: nanofarad; millimicrofarad Dutch: nanogeheugen English: nanostore Dutch: nanohenry English: nanohenry; millimicrohenry Dutch: nano-instructie English: nano-instruction Dutch: nanoseconde English: nanosecond; millimicrosecond Dutch: nanoseconde-impuls English: nanosecond pulse; millimicrosecond pulse Dutch: nanovoltmeter English: millimicrovoltmeter Dutch: napolijsten English: final polishing; high lustre finish; mirror finishing; colour buffing; colouring Dutch: naponsen English: to shave Dutch: naprocessor English: postprocessor Dutch: naregelen English: to readjust; to realign; to post-align Dutch: naslagwerk English: reference work; reference book; reference Dutch: naslijpen English: to finish-grind Dutch: nasnijden English: to shear; to trim; to shave Dutch: nasnijstempel English: shaving tool Dutch: naspannen English: to retension Dutch: naspeurbaarheidsmatrix English: traceability matrix Dutch: naspeuren English: to trace Dutch: naspeuring English: trace Dutch: naspoelen English: to rinse out Dutch: naspoor English: caster Dutch: nastellen English: to readjust Dutch: nasynchronisatie English: post-synchronization; post-sync; post-scoring; dubbing Dutch: nat reinigen English: wet cleaning Dutch: nat slijpen English: wet grinding; wet polishing Dutch: nationale organisatie English: national organization Dutch: natmaken English: to moisten; to wet; to humidify Dutch: natrimmen English: to retrim Dutch: natrium English: sodium Dutch: natriumaluminaat English: sodium aluminate Dutch: natriumcarbonaat English: sodium carbonate Dutch: natriumhydroxide English: sodium hydroxide; caustic soda Dutch: natriumkopercyanide English: sodium copper cyanide Dutch: natriumlaurylsulfonaat English: sodium lauryl sulphonate Dutch: natriumoleaat English: sodium oleate Dutch: natriumsilicaat English: sodium silicate Dutch: natriumzilvercyanide English: sodium silver cyanide Dutch: natronhydraat English: sodium hydrate Dutch: natronkalk English: soda lime Dutch: natronloog English: caustic soda; solution of sodium hydroxide Dutch: natronloogelektrolyt English: caustic soda electrolyte Dutch: natronwaterglas English: sodium silicate Dutch: natsterkte English: wet strength Dutch: natte accu English: wet battery Dutch: natte batterij English: wet battery Dutch: natte cel English: wet cell Dutch: natte distillatie English: wet distillation Dutch: natte elco English: wet elco Dutch: natte tantaalelco English: liquid electrolyte tantalum capacitor Dutch: naturel English: natural Dutch: natuurgetrouw English: high fidelity Dutch: natuurgetrouw geluid English: high fidelity sound Dutch: natuurhars English: rosin; natural resin Dutch: natuurkarton English: Fourdrinier bristol Dutch: natuurlijke kleuren English: natural colours Dutch: natuurlijke logaritmen English: natural logarithms; Napierian logarithms Dutch: natuurlijke stemming English: natural tuning; pure tuning Dutch: natuurlijke-taalbegrip English: natural language understanding Dutch: natuurzijde English: silk Dutch: nauw English: narrow; tight; close Dutch: nauwe passing English: interference fit Dutch: nauwe tunnel English: duct Dutch: nauwer worden English: pinching Dutch: nauwkeurig English: accurate Dutch: nauwkeurigheidswaarde English: accuracy rating Dutch: nauwkeurigste schatter English: most unbiassed estimator Dutch: nauwsluitend English: tight; close-fitting Dutch: naversnelling English: post-acceleration; post-deflection acceleration; afteracceleration Dutch: naversnellingsbuis English: post-acceleration tube Dutch: naverwerking English: postprocessing Dutch: naverwerkingsprogramma English: postprocessor Dutch: navigeren English: to navigate Dutch: navoelen English: to re-check manually Dutch: navraag English: enquiry; inquiries Dutch: navraagteken English: enquiry character: ENQ Dutch: nawerkingsbeeld English: picture persistence; retained image Dutch: nawrijven English: to polish Dutch: nazorg English: after-sales service; support; follow-up Dutch: n-basis English: n-type base Dutch: n-complement English: radix complement; noughts complement; true complement Dutch: nde harmonische English: nth harmonic Dutch: neen-verkopen English: stock-outs Dutch: neergaande beweging English: downward motion; downward movement Dutch: neergaande leiding English: downlead; feeder; feed line Dutch: neergaande verbinding English: downlink Dutch: neergeslagen English: precipitated; deposited Dutch: neergeslagen metaal English: deposited metal; coating metal Dutch: neerklapbaar English: collapsible Dutch: neerklappen English: to fold down; to collapse Dutch: neerslaan English: to precipitate; to deposit Dutch: neerslag English: precipitate; deposit; precipitation; deposition Dutch: neerslagbereik English: plating range; deposition range Dutch: neerslagelektrode English: precipitation electrode Dutch: neerslagsnelheid English: plating speed; rate of deposition; deposition rate Dutch: neerslagstrooiing English: precipitation scatter Dutch: neerslagverdeling English: deposit distribution Dutch: negatie English: negation; not-operation; Boolean complementation; inversion Dutch: negatie-element English: negator Dutch: negatief beeld English: negative image Dutch: negatief gaande English: negative going Dutch: negatief ion English: negative ion Dutch: negatief scheef English: negatively skew Dutch: negatief testen English: negative testing Dutch: negatiefhouder English: negative holder Dutch: negatie-indicator English: negation indicator Dutch: negatieteken English: negation character Dutch: negatieve aarde English: negative ground Dutch: negatieve bias English: negative bias Dutch: negatieve elektrode English: negative electrode Dutch: negatieve geleider English: negative conductor Dutch: negatieve impedantie English: negative impedance Dutch: negatieve lading English: negative charge Dutch: negatieve logica English: negative logic Dutch: negatieve matrijshelft English: negative mould half; bottom force Dutch: negatieve modulatie English: negative modulation Dutch: negatieve plaat English: negative plate Dutch: negatieve potentiaal English: negative potential Dutch: negatieve resistentie English: negative resistance Dutch: negatieve ruimtelading English: negative space charge Dutch: negatieve scheefheid English: negative skewness Dutch: negatieve spanning English: negative voltage Dutch: negatieve speling English: interference Dutch: negatieve terminal English: negative ve (–ve) Dutch: negatieve transmissie English: negative transmission Dutch: negatieve valentie English: negative valence Dutch: negatieve voorraad English: negative stock Dutch: negatieve voorspanning English: negative bias; grid bias; bias Dutch: negatieve weerstand English: negative resistor Dutch: negeerteken English: ignore character; error character Dutch: negencomplement English: nines complement; complement of nine Dutch: negenhoek English: nonagon Dutch: negenproef English: casting out nines Dutch: nek English: neck Dutch: Nen poort English: nand gate Dutch: neocognitron English: neocognitron Dutch: neocortex English: neocortex Dutch: neodymium English: neodymium Dutch: neon English: neon Dutch: neonbuis English: neon bulb; neon tube Dutch: neonbuis-flip-flop English: neon-bulb flip-flop Dutch: neonbuislogica English: neon-bulb logic Dutch: neonbuispoort English: neon-bulb gate Dutch: neongas English: neon gas Dutch: neonlamp English: neon lamp Dutch: neontriode English: neon triode Dutch: neopreen English: neoprene Dutch: neper English: neper Dutch: Neperiaanse grondtal English: Napierian Base Dutch: Neperiaanse logaritme English: Napierian logarithm Dutch: nerf English: grain Dutch: nest English: nest Dutch: nestel English: thimble Dutch: nesten English: to nest Dutch: nestend niveau English: nesting level Dutch: net; netten English: network; mains; net; networks Dutch: netaansluiting English: mains connection; net connection Dutch: netapparaat English: mains receiver; network equipment; mains-operated equipment; net equipment Dutch: netbedrijf English: mains operation Dutch: netbrom English: mains hum Dutch: netcontactdoos English: mains socket; walls socket; net socket Dutch: netcontactstop English: mains plug Dutch: neteldoek English: muslin Dutch: netelektrode English: wire-gauze electrode; net-shaped electrode Dutch: netfilter English: mains filter Dutch: netfiltercondensator English: mains-filter capacitor Dutch: netfrequentie English: mains frequency; power frequency; supply frequency Dutch: netheid English: neatness; tidiness; cleanness; cleanliness Dutch: netkoppeling English: mains coupling; interconnection Dutch: netlijn English: exchange line Dutch: netlijnsignalering English: exchange line signalling Dutch: netomvormer English: mains converter Dutch: netpatroon English: interference pattern Dutch: netpunt English: node Dutch: netschakelaar English: mains switch; power on/off switch Dutch: netschakeling English: mains circuit Dutch: netsmoorspoel English: mains choke; line choke Dutch: netsnoer English: mains lead; mains flex; line cord Dutch: netspanning English: mains voltage; line voltage Dutch: netspanningsvariaties English: mains fluctuations; mains-voltage variations Dutch: netsteker English: mains plug Dutch: netstoorspanning English: mains interference voltage Dutch: netstraling English: mains radiation Dutch: netstroom English: line current; mains current Dutch: netto belasting English: net load Dutch: netto capacitantie English: net capacitance Dutch: netto component English: net component Dutch: netto gewicht English: nett weight; net weight Dutch: netto impedantie English: net impedance Dutch: netto inductantie English: net inductance Dutch: netto prijs English: nett price; net price Dutch: netto reactantie English: net reactance Dutch: netto resisentie English: net resistance Dutch: netto spanning English: net voltage Dutch: netto stroom English: net current Dutch: nettobehoefte English: net requirement Dutch: nettobehoeftebepaling English: netting Dutch: netto-belastingmethode English: net load method Dutch: nettoverandering MRP English: net change MRP Dutch: nettoversterking English: net gain Dutch: nettoverzwakking English: net loss Dutch: nettransformator English: mains transformer Dutch: netvlies English: retina Dutch: netvoeding English: mains supply; mains power supply; mains-operated; mains-powered Dutch: netwerkbesturing English: network control Dutch: netwerkconstante English: network constant Dutch: netwerkfilter English: network filter Dutch: netwerkinrichting English: networking Dutch: netwerklaag English: network layer Dutch: netwerkmodel English: network model Dutch: netwerkplanningsysteem English: network planning system Dutch: netwerkserver English: network server Dutch: netwerksimulator English: network simulator; network analyzer Dutch: netwerksynthese English: network synthesis Dutch: netwerkwijde code English: call-directly code: CDC Dutch: netwisselspanning English: AC mains voltage Dutch: netzekering English: mains fuse Dutch: neuriet English: axon Dutch: neuristor English: neuristor Dutch: neurocomputer English: neurocomputer Dutch: neurodendron English: dendrite Dutch: neurofilosofie English: neurophilosophy Dutch: neurolinguïstiek English: neurolinguistics Dutch: neuron English: neuron Dutch: neuronaal netwerk English: neural network Dutch: neuroon English: neuron Dutch: neurozender English: neurotransmitter Dutch: neutraal English: neutral; inert Dutch: neutraal grijsfilter English: neutral density filter: ND filter Dutch: neutralisatie English: neutralization Dutch: neutralisatiegetal English: neutralization number; neutralization value Dutch: neutralisatiesignaal English: neutralizing signal Dutch: neutraliseerzout English: neutralizing salt Dutch: neutraliseren English: to neutralize Dutch: neutraliserend circuit English: neutralizing circuit Dutch: neutrodyne English: neutrodyne Dutch: neutrodynisatie English: neutralization Dutch: neutrodyniseren English: to neutralize Dutch: nevel English: vapour Dutch: nevelen English: to atomize; to spray-dust Dutch: nevelfluxen English: airless spray-fluxing Dutch: nevelfluxmachine English: airless spray-fluxing machine Dutch: nevelsmering English: mist lubrication; atomized lubrication Dutch: nevelspuit English: atomizer Dutch: nevenmerk English: supplementary trade mark Dutch: nevenproduct English: by-product; co-product Dutch: nevenverschijnsel English: side-effect Dutch: newton English: newton Dutch: newtonring English: newton ring Dutch: Newtonse vloeistof English: Newtonian liquid Dutch: n-gebied English: n-region; n-type region Dutch: n-geleiding English: n-type conduction Dutch: nibbel English: nibble Dutch: niet afgeleid English: primitive Dutch: niet afgeleid element English: primitive element Dutch: niet gecompenseerd English: uncompensated Dutch: niet geplande uitgifte English: unplanned issue Dutch: niet geplande uren English: non-scheduled hours Dutch: niet in orde English: to be out of order Dutch: niet uitgevoerde order English: back order Dutch: niet voldane vraag English: disserviced demand Dutch: niet-aanraakbaar English: inaccessible; non-hazardous Dutch: niet-aantoonbaar English: non-demonstrable; intangible; imponderable Dutch: niet-aanwijsbaar English: non-demonstrable; intangible; imponderable Dutch: niet-actief kanaal English: idle channel Dutch: niet-actief teken English: inactive character Dutch: niet-actieve toestand English: idle state Dutch: niet-afgeschermd English: non-screened; non-shielded Dutch: niet-afkrijtend English: non-chalking; chalk resisting Dutch: niet-afwasbaar English: non-washable Dutch: nietapparaat English: stapler Dutch: niet-bedekt English: non-covered; non-coated Dutch: niet-bederfelijk English: unperishable Dutch: niet-behandeld met English: non-treated with Dutch: niet-beschikbare tijd English: out of service time Dutch: niet-bewerking English: not-operation; negation; Boolean complementation; inversion Dutch: niet-circuit English: not circuit Dutch: niet-contacterend English: non-contacting; touchless Dutch: niet-corrodeerbaar English: non-corrodible Dutch: niet-destructief English: non-destructive Dutch: niet-destructieve test English: non-destructive test Dutch: niet-deterministisch English: non-deterministic Dutch: niet-doorlopend gat English: blind hole Dutch: niet-effectieve tijd English: ineffective time Dutch: niet-elastisch English: non-elastic Dutch: niet-element English: not element; negater; inverter Dutch: nieten English: to staple Dutch: niet-en English: nand Dutch: niet-en bewerking English: non-conjunction; nand operation; not-and operation; not both operation; sheffer stroke operation; stroke operation Dutch: niet-en circuit English: nand circuit Dutch: niet-en element English: not-and element; nand element Dutch: niet-en poort English: not-and gate; nand gate Dutch: niet-en poort English: nand gate Dutch: niet-functie English: not function Dutch: niet-geaard English: non-earthed Dutch: niet-geautoriseerd English: unauthorized Dutch: niet-geïsoleerd English: non-insulated Dutch: niet-gelaagde taal English: unstratified language Dutch: niet-gelegeerde anode English: non-alloy anode Dutch: niet-geleidend English: non-conducting Dutch: niet-geleider English: non-conductor Dutch: niet-gestabiliseerd English: unregulated Dutch: niet-giftig English: non-toxic Dutch: niet-hardbaar English: non-hardenable Dutch: niet-herstelbaar English: unrecoverable Dutch: niet-inductief English: non-inductive Dutch: niet-ionisch English: nonionic Dutch: nietje English: staple Dutch: niet-kristallijn English: non-crystalline Dutch: niet-lineair English: non-linear Dutch: niet-lineaire functie English: non-linear function Dutch: niet-lineariteit English: non-linearity Dutch: nietmachine English: stapler; stapling machine Dutch: niet-meetbaar English: intangible Dutch: niet-mengbaar English: immiscible Dutch: niet-metaal English: nonmetal Dutch: niet-metalliek English: non-metallic Dutch: niet-of poort English: nor gate Dutch: niet-omkeerbaar English: non-reversible Dutch: niet-onaanzienlijk English: not inconsiderable Dutch: niet-ontstoord English: interference not suppressed Dutch: niet-ontvlambaar English: non-flammable Dutch: niet-opgewerkt English: plain Dutch: niet-planair English: nonplanar Dutch: niet-poort English: not gate Dutch: niet-procedurele taal English: declarative language; non-procedural language Dutch: niet-professioneel English: domestic Dutch: niet-reflecterend English: non-reflecting Dutch: niet-resident English: non-resident Dutch: niet-resonerend English: nonresonant Dutch: niet-roestend English: rustproof; non-corrodible; stainless Dutch: niet-schuimend English: non-foaming Dutch: niet-sinusvormige golf English: nonsinusoidal waveform Dutch: niet-terugkerend English: non-recurring; non-recurrent Dutch: niet-toevallig English: non-random Dutch: niet-uitgehard English: non-cured; uncured Dutch: niet-uitwisbaar English: non-erasable Dutch: niet-uitwissend lezen English: non-destructive reading Dutch: niet-variabel English: non-variable Dutch: niet-verblindend English: non-dazzling; glare-free Dutch: niet-vergelend English: non-yellowing Dutch: niet-vergrendelbaar English: non-locking; non-latching Dutch: niet-verspanend English: non-cutting Dutch: niet-verwisselbaar English: non-reversible; direction of flutes obligatory Dutch: niet-vluchtig English: non-volatile Dutch: niet-vluchtig geheugen English: nonvolatile storage Dutch: niet-volgespoten English: short shot Dutch: niet-wisbaar English: non-erasable Dutch: nieuw English: new; fresh; virgin Dutch: nieuwbenoemd English: newly appointed Dutch: nieuwbouw English: new building; new construction Dutch: nieuwheid English: newness Dutch: nieuwzilver English: German silver; new silver Dutch: nijpen English: to pinch Dutch: nijpend English: acute Dutch: nijptang English: pincers Dutch: nijverheidsonderwijs English: technical education; industrial training Dutch: nikkelachtig English: nickelous Dutch: nikkelanode English: nickel anode Dutch: nikkelbad English: nickel bath; nickel plating solution Dutch: nikkelbrons English: nickel bronze Dutch: nikkel-cadmiumbatterij English: nickel-cadmium battery Dutch: nikkel-cadmiumcel English: nickel-cadmium cell Dutch: nikkelchroom English: nickel chromium; nichrome Dutch: nikkelchroomstaal English: nickel chrome steel Dutch: nikkelhoogglansbeits English: bright nickel dip Dutch: nikkelkoper English: nickel copper Dutch: nikkelstaal English: nickel steel Dutch: niobium English: columbium; niobium Dutch: Nipkow schijf English: Nipkow disc Dutch: nippel English: nipple; punch Dutch: nippelbreuk English: punch fracture Dutch: nippelplaat English: punch plate Dutch: nis English: niche; recess Dutch: nit English: nit Dutch: nitreeroven English: nitriding oven Dutch: nitreerstaal English: nitrided steel Dutch: nitreerzout English: nitrating salt Dutch: nitreren English: to nitrate; to nitrify; to nitride Dutch: nitreus English: nitrous Dutch: nitride English: nitride Dutch: nitriet English: nitrite Dutch: nitrobenzeen English: nitrobenzene Dutch: nitrocelluloseverf English: nitrocellulose paint; cellulose nitrate paint Dutch: nitrosynthetisch English: nitro synthetic Dutch: niveau English: level; rank; data level; state Dutch: niveau-aanwijzer English: level indicator Dutch: niveaubegrenzing English: automatic gain control: AGC Dutch: niveaubesturing English: level control Dutch: niveaubuis English: DC restoring diode Dutch: niveaucode English: level code Dutch: niveaudetector English: level detector Dutch: niveaudiode English: DC restoring diode Dutch: niveaugelijkrichter English: clamping rectifier Dutch: niveaukromme English: level curve Dutch: niveauplan English: level schedule Dutch: niveauregelaar English: equalizer Dutch: niveauregeling English: equalization Dutch: niveaurooster English: level schedule Dutch: niveautriode English: DC restoring triode Dutch: niveauverschil English: difference of level; channel balance Dutch: nivelleren English: to level Dutch: nivellering English: levelling; equalization Dutch: n-kanaal English: n-type channel Dutch: n-kanaal-MOSFET English: n-channel MOSFET Dutch: n-niveau-adres English: n-level address Dutch: noch-circuit English: nor circuit Dutch: noch-noch English: not-or Dutch: noch-noch-bewerking English: not-or disjunction; not-or operation; neither nor operation; dagger operation Dutch: noch-noch-element English: not-or element; not-or gate Dutch: noch-poort English: nor gate Dutch: noch-schakeling English: nor circuit Dutch: nodig English: necessary Dutch: nodulair English: ductile iron; nodular (iron) Dutch: noduul English: nodule Dutch: Nof-poort English: nor gate Dutch: nog te lassen laspunt English: welding point Dutch: nok English: cam; boss; projection; peg Dutch: nokbediend English: cam-operated; cam-driven; cam-controlled Dutch: nokcirkel English: cam circle Dutch: nokhals English: shoulder of cam Dutch: nokkenas English: cam shaft Dutch: nokkendiagram English: cam diagram Dutch: nokkenpers English: cam-operated press Dutch: nokkenschijf English: cam disc Dutch: noklengte English: cam length Dutch: nokoverbrenging English: cam transmission Dutch: nokprofiel English: cam profile; cam contour Dutch: nokrol English: cam-follower roller Dutch: nokrolpen English: cam-roller pin Dutch: noktrommel English: cam drum Dutch: nomenclatuurstandaard English: nomenclature standard Dutch: nominaal English: nominal; rated Dutch: nominaal contrast English: overall contrast ratio Dutch: nominaal signaal English: rate signal Dutch: nominale bandbreedte English: nominal bandwidth Dutch: nominale inhoud English: nominal dimension; nominal size; basic size Dutch: nominale vertraging English: nominal delay Dutch: nominale waarde English: nominal value; rated value Dutch: nonchalance English: casualness; carelessness Dutch: nonchalant English: casual; careless; lax Dutch: non-cumulatief English: non-cumulative; exclusive or Dutch: non-equivalentie English: non-equivalence; exclusive-or operation; modulo two sum; addition without carry Dutch: non-ferro English: non-ferrous Dutch: non-ferrometaal English: nonferrous metal Dutch: noniljoen English: nonillion Dutch: noniusaflezing English: vernier reading Dutch: noniuscondensator English: vernier capacitor Dutch: noniusverdeling English: vernier graduation Dutch: noniusweerstand English: vernier resistor Dutch: non-selecte getallen English: random numbers Dutch: nood English: need; necessity; distress Dutch: noodbericht English: distress message Dutch: nooddeur English: emergency door Dutch: noodfrequentie English: distress frequency; air-ground communication emergency frequency Dutch: noodhulp English: temporary assistance; temporary hand Dutch: noodmaatregel English: emergency measure; makeshift; expedience Dutch: noodoplossing English: emergency measure; makeshift; expedience Dutch: noodoproep English: distress call Dutch: noodschakelaar English: emergency switch Dutch: noodsignaal English: distress signal Dutch: noodsituatie English: emergency; emergency conditions Dutch: noodsprong English: last resource Dutch: noodstop; noodstoppen English: emergency stop; emergency stops Dutch: noodtrap English: fire escape Dutch: noodverband English: patch Dutch: noodverkeer English: distress traffic Dutch: noodzakelijke waarheid English: necessary truth Dutch: noodzaken English: to compel; to force Dutch: noordpool English: north pole Dutch: noord-zuidcorrectie English: north-south correction Dutch: Norbit bouwsteen English: norbit circuit block Dutch: norit English: activated carbon Dutch: norm English: norm; standard Dutch: normaal English: normal; perpendicular Dutch: normaal waterniveau English: low water level Dutch: normaalbak English: bin; standard bin; tote box; tote pan; standard container Dutch: normaaldoorsnede English: normal section Dutch: normaaldrukhoek English: normal angle of pressure Dutch: normaalgloeien English: to normalize Dutch: normaalkegel English: normal cone Dutch: normaaloplossing English: normal solution Dutch: normaalstempel English: standard die-set Dutch: normaalstempelhuis English: standard die-set Dutch: normaaltijd English: standard time Dutch: normaaltoeslag English: standard allowance Dutch: normaalwand English: standard partitioning; standard partition wall Dutch: normaanduiding English: standard indication Dutch: normale bezetting English: normal activity level Dutch: normale distributie English: normal distribution; Gaussian distribution Dutch: normale grens English: standard limit Dutch: normale impedantie English: normal impedance Dutch: normale keuring English: normal inspection Dutch: normale kromme English: normal curve Dutch: normale somverdeling English: cumulative normal distribution Dutch: normale tekst English: clear text Dutch: normale verdeling English: normal distribution; Gauss distribution Dutch: normale vraag English: regular demand Dutch: normalisatie English: standardization; normalization; normalizing Dutch: normalisatieproces English: standardization process Dutch: normaliseren English: to standardize; to normalize Dutch: normaliteit English: normality Dutch: normatief English: normative Dutch: normblad English: standard Dutch: normcyclus English: standards life cycle Dutch: normeren English: to normalize Dutch: normvastheid English: conformance Dutch: normvertaler English: translator Dutch: normvoorraad English: norm stock; standard stock Dutch: nortonkast English: norton gearbox Dutch: notatie English: notation Dutch: notatiestandaard English: notation standard Dutch: notenbalk English: staves Dutch: notitieboekcomputer English: notebook computer; note book Dutch: notulen English: minutes; record of proceedings; proceedings Dutch: nouveauté English: novelty Dutch: n-overgangen English: n-transitions Dutch: novotext English: synthetic resin bonded fabric: SRBF Dutch: npnp-eenheid English: npnp device Dutch: npn-transistor English: npn transistor Dutch: np-overgang English: np junction Dutch: N-switch dekking English: N-switch coverage Dutch: N-switch testen English: N-switch testing Dutch: NTC-weerstand English: NTC-resistor Dutch: NTSC-driehoek English: NTSC-triangle Dutch: NTSC-lijn English: NTSC-line Dutch: NTSC-systeem English: NTSC-system Dutch: n-tupel English: n-tuple Dutch: n-type English: n-type Dutch: N-type geleiding English: N-type conduction Dutch: N-type halfgeleider English: N-type semiconductor Dutch: N-type materiaal English: N-type material Dutch: NuBe-bestand English: NC-file Dutch: NuBe-gegevens English: NC-data Dutch: nucleaire kracht English: nuclear force Dutch: nucleaire voortstuwing English: nuclear propulsion Dutch: nul English: null; zero Dutch: nulaanwijzing English: zero indication; zero reading Dutch: nulafstelling English: zero adjustment Dutch: nulafwijking English: zero error Dutch: nulas English: zero axis Dutch: nulbelasting English: zero load Dutch: nulcapacitantie English: zero capacitance Dutch: nulcapaciteit English: zero capacitance Dutch: nulcomponent English: zero-frequency component; DC component Dutch: nulenergie English: zero energy Dutch: nulfase English: zero phase Dutch: nulfrequentie English: null frequency Dutch: nulhypothese English: null hypothesis; chance hypothesis Dutch: nulimpedantie English: zero impedance Dutch: nulinductantie English: zero inductance Dutch: nulinsteller English: zero adjuster Dutch: nulinstelling English: zero adjustment; zero set Dutch: nulinterferentie English: zero interference Dutch: nulinvoer English: zero input Dutch: nulklem English: zero terminal Dutch: nullast English: zero load; no-load Dutch: nullastimpedantie English: no-load impedance; open-circuit impedance; blocked impedance Dutch: nullastkarakteristiek English: no-load characteristic; open-circuit characteristic Dutch: nullastspanning English: no-load voltage; open-circuit voltage Dutch: nullaststroom English: no-load current; open-circuit current Dutch: nullastverlies English: no-load loss; open-circuit loss Dutch: nullastvermogen English: no-load power Dutch: nullenonderdrukking English: zero suppression Dutch: nulmodulatie English: zero modulation Dutch: nulniveau English: zero level Dutch: nulpagina English: page zero Dutch: nulpunt; nulpunt [1] English: zero point; null point; zero Dutch: nulpuntverschuiving English: zero offset Dutch: nulreactantie English: zero reactance Dutch: nulreferentiepunt English: zero reference point Dutch: nulresistentie English: zero resistance Dutch: nulruis English: zero noise Dutch: nulserie English: 0-series Dutch: nulsignaal English: zero signal Dutch: nulstand English: zero position; zero condition; zero state; nought state Dutch: nulstandhefboom English: reset crank; reset lever Dutch: nulstroom English: null current; zero current; no-current Dutch: nulterugstelknop English: zero-reset button Dutch: nulterugstelling English: zero reset Dutch: nultijd English: zero time Dutch: nultoestand English: zero state Dutch: nuluitgangssignaal English: zero output signal; zero output; nought output signal; nought output Dutch: nuluitvoer English: zero output Dutch: nulverloop English: zero drift Dutch: nulvermogen English: zero power Dutch: nulvertraging English: zero delay Dutch: nulvoorraden English: zero inventories Dutch: numeriek English: numerical; numeric Dutch: numeriek woord English: numeric word Dutch: numerieke aflezing English: numerical display; numeric readout Dutch: numerieke bits English: numerical bits Dutch: numerieke code English: numeric code Dutch: numerieke methode English: numerical method Dutch: numeroteur English: numbering stamp Dutch: nummer English: number Dutch: nummerstempel English: numbering stamp Dutch: nummervolgorde English: sequence Dutch: nut English: usefulness; utility Dutch: NutriNormAkker-systeem English: NutriNormAkker system Dutch: nutsbedrijf English: utility Dutch: nuttig English: useful; effective Dutch: nuttig effect English: useful effect; efficiency Dutch: nuttige bandbreedte English: useful bandwidth; effective bandwidth Dutch: nuttige inhoud English: useful capacity Dutch: nuttige lading English: useful load; payload Dutch: nuttige ruimte English: actual usable space Dutch: nuttige slag English: effective travel Dutch: nuttigheidsfactor English: efficiency Dutch: n-verontreiniging English: n-type impurity Dutch: n-voudig English: n-tuple Dutch: n-voudig English: n-ary Dutch: nylonkoppeling English: nylon coupling Dutch: nylonlager English: nylon bearing Dutch: Nyquistdiagram English: Nyquist diagram Dutch: Nyquistfilter English: Nyquist filter Dutch: Nyquistflank English: Nyquist edge; Nyquist slope Dutch: obeche English: obeche Dutch: object English: object; project Dutch: object van een klasse English: class object Dutch: object-attributen English: object attributes Dutch: objectbeeld English: object view Dutch: objectbeheersgroep English: Object Management Group: OMG Dutch: object-beheerssysteem English: object management system Dutch: objectbemiddelaar English: object broker Dutch: objectcode English: object code Dutch: objectdiensten English: object services Dutch: objecteigenaar English: object owner Dutch: object-georiënteerd English: object-oriented: OO Dutch: objectief English: objective Dutch: objectieve beoordeling English: objective evaluation Dutch: objectinterface English: object interface Dutch: objectmodel English: object model Dutch: objectmodule English: object module Dutch: objectmoduul English: object module Dutch: objectnaam English: object name Dutch: objectniveau English: object level Dutch: objectprogramma English: object program Dutch: objectrealisatie English: object creation Dutch: objectrelatie English: object relationship Dutch: objectsysteem English: object system Dutch: objecttaal English: object language Dutch: objecttype English: object type Dutch: objectvernietiging English: object destruction Dutch: obligatielogica English: obligation logic Dutch: observeerbaarheid English: observability Dutch: Occam's mes English: Occam's razor Dutch: occlusie English: occlusion Dutch: occurrentie English: occurrence Dutch: octaaf English: octave Dutch: octaafband English: octave band Dutch: octaafkoppelaar English: octave coupler; pitch control Dutch: octaal cijfer English: octal digit Dutch: octaal getal English: octal number Dutch: octade English: octet Dutch: octalvoetbuis English: octal valve base; octal tube base Dutch: octboom English: oct tree Dutch: octode English: octode Dutch: octodebuis English: octode tube Dutch: Octree-methode English: Octree method Dutch: oculair English: ocular; eyepiece Dutch: odometrie English: odometry Dutch: oerknaltest English: big-bang test Dutch: oersted English: oersted Dutch: of-circuit English: or circuit Dutch: of-element English: or element Dutch: O-fenanthroline English: O-phenantroline Dutch: off line English: off-line Dutch: offer English: sacrifice Dutch: off-line English: off-line Dutch: off-line apparatuur English: off-line devices; off-line equipment Dutch: off-line systeem English: off-line system Dutch: off-line verwerking English: off-line processing Dutch: offset English: offset Dutch: offsetmachine English: offset machine; offset printing machine Dutch: offsetprocédé English: offset operation Dutch: offsetspanning English: offset voltage Dutch: offsetstroom English: offset current Dutch: of-poort English: or gate Dutch: of-schakeling English: or circuit Dutch: ogenblikkelijk English: instantaneous Dutch: ogenblikswaarde English: instantaneous value Dutch: ohm English: ohm Dutch: ohm-centimeter English: ohm-centimeter Dutch: ohmmeter English: ohmmeter Dutch: ohms English: resistive Dutch: ohms component English: ohmic component Dutch: ohms contact English: ohmic contact Dutch: ohms verlies English: ohmic loss Dutch: ohmse component English: ohmic component; resistive component Dutch: ohmse responsie English: ohmic response Dutch: ohmse weerstand English: ohmic resistance Dutch: ohmweerstand English: ohmage Dutch: okoumé English: gaboon Dutch: olieachtig English: oily Dutch: oliedicht English: oil tight Dutch: olie-diëlectricum English: oil dielectric Dutch: oliedruk English: oil pressure Dutch: oliedrukcontrolelamp English: oil-pressure warning light Dutch: oliedrukschakelaar English: oil-pressure switch; hydraulic switch Dutch: oliegetal English: oil value; oil number Dutch: oliehardend English: oil-hardening Dutch: olie-isolatie English: oil insulation Dutch: oliekamer English: oil well Dutch: olieopslagplaats English: oil store Dutch: oliepeilglas English: oil gauge glass Dutch: oliepot English: oil cup Dutch: oliesiccatief English: linoleate; linoleate drier Dutch: olievernis English: oil lacquer; oil varnish Dutch: olieverversen English: oil change Dutch: oliezijdeband English: oil silk band Dutch: oliezuur English: oleic acid Dutch: om en om gestapeld English: stacked alternately Dutch: om en om monteren English: to mount alternately Dutch: om en om stapelen English: to stack alternately Dutch: om en om stapeling English: alternate stacking Dutch: ombouw English: conversion; redesign; casing Dutch: ombouwen English: to convert; to adapt; to reconstruct Dutch: ombuigen English: to bend; to bend over Dutch: omcoderen English: to recode Dutch: omcodering English: recoding Dutch: omconstrueren English: to redesign Dutch: omdraaien English: to reverse; to invert Dutch: omfelsen English: to flange; to fold Dutch: omflenzen English: to flange; to bend over Dutch: omgebogen golf English: refracted wave Dutch: omgekeerd English: inverted; reverse Dutch: omgekeerd beeld English: inverted image Dutch: omgekeerd evenredig English: inversely proportional Dutch: omgekeerd verenigbaar English: reversely compatible Dutch: omgekeerd verwerken English: backtracking Dutch: omgekeerd zoeken English: backtrack search Dutch: omgekeerde doorslag English: reverse breakdown Dutch: omgekeerde L-antenne English: inverted L antenna; inverted L aerial Dutch: omgekeerde lijst English: push-down stack Dutch: omgekeerde positie English: inverted position Dutch: omgeschreven English: circumscribed Dutch: omgeving English: ambient; environment; surroundings; medium Dutch: omgevingsfactoren English: environmental factors Dutch: omgevingslicht English: ambient light Dutch: omgevingsniveau English: ambient level Dutch: omgevingsruis English: ambient noise Dutch: omgevingsruisniveau English: ambient noise level Dutch: omgevingsveiligheid English: environmental security Dutch: omgevormd in English: converted into Dutch: omhoogbrengen English: to raise Dutch: omhoogconverter English: up-converter Dutch: omhoogdrukken English: to force up Dutch: omhooggetrokken English: pullup Dutch: omhoogklappen English: to fold up Dutch: omhoogomvormer English: up-converter Dutch: omhoogomzetter English: up-converter Dutch: omhoogtransformeren English: to step up Dutch: omhullen English: to envelope; to encapsulate; to enclose; to cover; to sheathe Dutch: omhullende English: envelope Dutch: omhullende detectie English: envelope detection Dutch: omhullende detector English: envelope detector Dutch: omhullende doos English: boundary box Dutch: omhulling English: envelope; package; encapsulation; enclosure; cover; sheath Dutch: omhullingskromme English: envelope; enveloping curve Dutch: omhullingsoperatie English: skinning Dutch: omhulsel English: case; casing; coating cover; jacket; wrapping; envelope; sheath Dutch: omkantelen English: to topple over; to overturn Dutch: omkasten English: to re-encase Dutch: omkasting English: re-encasing Dutch: omkeeraanslag English: reversing dog Dutch: omkeerbaar English: reversible Dutch: omkeerbaar proces English: reversible process Dutch: omkeerbare teller English: reversible counter Dutch: omkeerbare transductor English: reversible transducer Dutch: omkeerbeweging English: reversing motion Dutch: omkeerinrichting English: reversing device Dutch: omkeerkoppeling English: reversing coupling; reverse clutch Dutch: omkeerpomp English: reversing pump Dutch: omkeersignaal English: reversing signal Dutch: omkeren English: to invert; to reverse Dutch: omkering English: reversal; inversion Dutch: omklapbaar English: hinged Dutch: omklappen English: to reverse; to collapse; to change over Dutch: omkleden English: to cover; to sheathe Dutch: omkleding English: covering; sheathing Dutch: omkralen English: to bead; to crimp; to curl Dutch: omkraling English: bead; curl Dutch: omkrimpen English: to shrink on Dutch: omkrullen English: to curl up Dutch: omlaag English: downwards Dutch: omlaag drukken English: to force down Dutch: omlaag houden English: to keep down Dutch: omlaaggetrokken English: pulldown Dutch: omlaagomzetter English: down-converter Dutch: omlaagtransformeren English: to step down Dutch: omleggen English: to fold; to bend over; to weld; to throw over; to fit Dutch: omlegging English: by-pass Dutch: omlegstuk English: shift piece Dutch: omleiden English: to divert; to bypass Dutch: omleiding English: diversion; bypass; work-around Dutch: omlijsting English: surround Dutch: omloop English: revolution; circuit; circulation Dutch: omloopbaan English: orbit Dutch: omloopkoeling English: circulating cooling Dutch: omloopsmering English: circulating lubrication Dutch: omloopsnelheid English: velocity of circulation; stock turnover rate; rotating inventory frequency Dutch: omlooptijd English: cycle time; turn-around time Dutch: ompakken English: to re-package Dutch: omplooien English: to fold Dutch: ompolen English: to reverse Dutch: ompoling English: polarity inversion; reversal of polarity; pole reversal; pole changing Dutch: omrekenen English: to convert Dutch: omrekening English: conversion Dutch: omrekeningsfactor English: conversion factor Dutch: omrekentabel English: conversion table Dutch: omringend English: surrounding Dutch: omroep English: broadcast Dutch: omroepdienst English: broadcasting service Dutch: omroepsatelliet English: broadcast satellite Dutch: omroepstation English: broadcasting station Dutch: omroepstudio English: broadcasting studio Dutch: omroepzender English: broadcast station; broadcast transmitter Dutch: omroeren English: to stir; to agitate Dutch: omschakelaar English: change-over switch Dutch: omschakelbaar English: switchable Dutch: omschakelbus English: change-over socket Dutch: omschakelen English: to change over; to switch over Dutch: omschakeling English: change-over; switch-over Dutch: omschakelkoppel English: change-over torque Dutch: omschakelkracht English: change-over force Dutch: omschakelmogelijkheid English: change-over facility Dutch: omschakelniveau English: switching level Dutch: omschakelplaat English: tapping plate Dutch: omschakelrelais English: switching relay Dutch: omschakelsnelheid English: fall-back speed Dutch: omschakeltijd English: commutation time; switching time Dutch: omscholing English: retraining Dutch: omschrijven English: to describe; to circumscribe Dutch: omschrijving English: description; circumscription Dutch: omschrijvingsrecord English: header record Dutch: omslaan English: to overturn; to turn over; to change; to turn; to lay around; to reverse; to apportion Dutch: omslachtig English: redundant Dutch: omslachtigheid English: redundancy Dutch: omslag English: change; turn; reversal; apportionment; transfer; cover; envelope Dutch: omsloten hoek English: included angle Dutch: omsluiten English: to embrace; to enclose Dutch: omsmelten English: to remelt; to melt down Dutch: omsnoeringsband English: strapping strip Dutch: omsolderen English: to change connections Dutch: omspannen English: to envelope; to re-set Dutch: omspannen hoek English: envelope angle; subtended angle; angle of contact Dutch: omspanning English: envelopment; re-setting Dutch: omspanningsboog English: arc of wrap; arc of contact; angle of wrap; angle of contact Dutch: omspinnen English: to cover Dutch: omspoelen English: to rinse; to flush; to flow around Dutch: omspoten English: extrusion-coated Dutch: omstandigheden English: conditions Dutch: omstandigheid English: circumstance; condition Dutch: omstelkosten English: change-over costs Dutch: omstelling English: re-setting; set-up Dutch: omtrek English: circumference; perimeter; periphery; contour Dutch: omtrekcirkel English: tip circle Dutch: omtrekkracht English: peripheral force; circumferential force Dutch: omtreksnelheid English: peripheral velocity; circumferential velocity; peripheral speed Dutch: omtreksnijder English: blanking punch Dutch: omvallen English: to topple over; picture tilt Dutch: omvang English: size; dimensions; extent; scope; scale; volume Dutch: omvatten English: to comprise Dutch: omvlechten English: to braid Dutch: omvlechting English: braid Dutch: omvormen English: to convert; to transform Dutch: omvormer English: converter; transducer Dutch: omvormerefficiëntie English: transducer efficiency Dutch: omvormfrequentie English: conversion frequency Dutch: omvorming English: conversion; transformation Dutch: omwentelingssweep English: rotation sweep Dutch: omwentelingsvertraging English: rotational delay Dutch: omwikkelen English: to envelop; to wrap; to cover Dutch: omwikkeling English: wrap-around Dutch: omwikkelmethode English: wrapping method Dutch: omwinden English: to envelop; to wrap; to cover Dutch: omwisselbaar English: interchangeable Dutch: omwisselen English: to change; to interchange; to exchange Dutch: omzeilde vergrendeling English: interlock bypass Dutch: omzeilde versperring English: interlock bypass Dutch: omzeilen English: to obviate; to override Dutch: omzet English: turnover; sales Dutch: omzetcijfer English: turnover; sales figure Dutch: omzetgrootte English: turnover volume; sales volume Dutch: omzetplanning English: turnover planning; sales planning Dutch: omzetstijging English: increase in revenue; turnover increase; sales increase Dutch: omzetten English: to fold; to change; to transform; to convert (into); to sell; to reverse; to convert Dutch: omzetter English: converter; transducer; transformer; translator Dutch: omzetting English: folding; change; transformation; conversion; reversal Dutch: omzettingsmethode English: method of conversion Dutch: on line English: on-line Dutch: onaangebroken English: unbroken; unopened Dutch: onaangelengd English: undiluted Dutch: onaangetast English: unattacked Dutch: onaannemelijk English: unacceptable; improbable; implausible Dutch: onaansprakelijk English: non-liable Dutch: onaantrekkelijk English: unattractive Dutch: onaanvechtbaar English: indisputable; unchallengeable Dutch: onachtzaam English: careless; negligent Dutch: onafgebroken English: continuous; uninterrupted Dutch: onafgehandeld English: unfinished Dutch: onafgekort English: unabbreviated Dutch: onafgeleverd English: non-delivered; undelivered Dutch: onafgeroepen English: non called-off Dutch: onafgeschermd English: unscreened; unguarded; unshielded Dutch: onafgeschuind English: unbevelled; unchamfered Dutch: onafgetekend English: non-signed; unscribed Dutch: onafgewerkt English: unfinished Dutch: onafgewikkeld English: unsettled; unfulfilled Dutch: onafhankelijk van English: independent of Dutch: onafhankelijke vraag English: independent demand Dutch: onafhankelijkheid English: independence Dutch: onafneembaar English: undetachable Dutch: onafscheidbaar English: inseparable Dutch: onafwisbaar English: indelible Dutch: onbalans English: disparity; unbalance; out-of-balance; offset Dutch: onbedekt English: uncovered; unlined Dutch: onbedrukt English: blank; unprinted Dutch: onbedrukte schaal English: scale blank Dutch: onbegrensd English: unlimited Dutch: onbegrijpelijk English: unintelligible Dutch: onbeheersbaar English: uncontrollable Dutch: onbeheerst proces English: process out of control Dutch: onbekend English: unknown Dutch: onbekend niveau English: unknown level Dutch: onbekende grootheid English: unknown quantity Dutch: onbekende toestand English: unknown state Dutch: onbekleed English: unlined; uncovered; unsheathed Dutch: onbekrachtigd English: non-energized; non-excited; unconfirmed Dutch: onbeladen English: unladen Dutch: onbelast English: unloaded; under no-load; at no-load; idle; tax-free Dutch: onbelast draaien English: no-load running Dutch: onbelaste Q English: unloaded Q Dutch: onbelaste zender English: unloaded transmitter Dutch: onbelemmerd English: unobstructed; unhampered Dutch: onbemand English: unmanned; unattended Dutch: onbenut English: unused Dutch: onbeperkt English: unlimited; unrestricted Dutch: onbereikbaar English: inaccessible; unattainable Dutch: onbeschadigd English: undamaged Dutch: onbeschermd English: unprotected; unscreened; unguarded Dutch: onbeschreven English: virgin; virginal Dutch: onbeschreven medium English: virgin medium Dutch: onbeslist English: undecided; unsettled Dutch: onbespeeld English: unrecorded; virgin Dutch: onbestelbaar English: undeliverable Dutch: onbetrouwbaarheid English: unreliability Dutch: onbevoegde demontage English: tampering Dutch: onbevoegde gebruiker English: unauthorized user Dutch: onbevoegde toegang English: unauthorized access Dutch: onbewerkt English: unprocessed; unmachined; plain; idle; unoccupied Dutch: onbrandbaar gemaakt English: fire-proofed; flame-proofed Dutch: onbrandbaar maken English: to fire proof; to flame proof Dutch: onbreekbaar English: unbreakable Dutch: onbruikbaar English: useless; unfit for use; unusable Dutch: onbruikbaarheid English: uselessness; inutility; unusefulness; ineffectiveness; immobilisation (of vehicle) Dutch: onbuigbaar English: unbendable Dutch: onbuigzaam English: unbendable; inflexible Dutch: oncontroleerbaar English: unverifiable Dutch: ondeelbaar English: indivisible Dutch: onder de maat zijn English: to be under size Dutch: onder druk houden English: to hold under pressure Dutch: onder druk staan English: to be under pressure Dutch: onder een hoek English: at an angle Dutch: onder rembours zenden English: to send cash on delivery Dutch: onder voorbehoud English: with a reserve; under reservation Dutch: onderaan English: at the bottom; at the font Dutch: onderaanbesteden English: to subcontract Dutch: onderaannemen English: to subcontract Dutch: onderafzuiging English: bottom exhaust Dutch: onderbaas English: charge hand Dutch: onderbak English: base Dutch: onderbelast English: underloaded Dutch: onderbelasting English: underloading Dutch: onderbelichten English: to under-expose Dutch: onderbelichting English: under-exposure Dutch: onderbezet English: underloaded; partly employed Dutch: onderbreekrem English: pause brake Dutch: onderbreektoets English: pause control; quick stop; stand-by switch Dutch: onderbreken English: to break; to interrupt Dutch: onderbreker English: contact breaker Dutch: onderbrekercontact English: contact breaker Dutch: onderbreking English: break; interruption; interrupt Dutch: onderbrekingsmasker English: interrupt mask Dutch: onderbrekingstoets English: break key Dutch: onderbrekingsverzoek English: interrupt request Dutch: onderbrekingswachttijd English: interrupt latency Dutch: onderbroken HF English: keyed RF Dutch: onderbroken lijn English: broken line Dutch: onderbuffer English: bottom buffer; bottom cushion Dutch: onderbuigblok English: lower bending block Dutch: onderdeel English: piece part; part; component; component part; component unit; lower part; bottom part Dutch: onderdeken English: underblanket Dutch: onderdelenbevoorrading English: parts replenishment Dutch: onderdelenbibliotheek English: component library; parts library Dutch: onderdelencarrousel English: rotating magazine for components Dutch: onderdelenleverancier English: components supplier; parts supplier Dutch: onderdelenstructuur English: part structure Dutch: onderdelenvoorziening English: components supply; parts supply Dutch: onderdelenzijde English: component side Dutch: onderdompelen English: to immerse; to dip Dutch: onderdompeling English: immersion; dip Dutch: onderdoorlaatfilter English: low-pass filter Dutch: onderdrukken English: to blank; to suppress Dutch: onderdrukking English: suppression; blanking Dutch: onderdrukkingsdiode English: suppressor diode Dutch: onderdrukkingsduur English: blanking interval Dutch: onderdrukkingseenheid English: limiter Dutch: onderdrukkingsfactor English: suppression factor Dutch: onderdrukkingsfilter English: suppression filter Dutch: onderdrukkingsimpuls English: blanking pulse Dutch: onderdrukkingsniveau English: blanking level Dutch: onderdrukkingsperiode English: blanking period Dutch: onderdrukkingsrooster English: suppression grid Dutch: onderdrukkingssignaal English: blanking signal Dutch: onderdrukte draaggolf English: suppressed carrier Dutch: ondereinde English: lower end; bottom end Dutch: onderetsen English: undercutting; underetching Dutch: onderetsing English: undercut; undercutting; underetching Dutch: onderfineer English: back veneer Dutch: ondergaan English: to be subjected to; to suffer; to experience Dutch: ondergeëtst deel English: undercut; lateral etch Dutch: ondergenoemd English: undermentioned; mentioned below Dutch: ondergrens English: bottom limit; limit; lower boundary; lower limit; lower design limit Dutch: ondergrensspanning English: lower limit voltage Dutch: ondergronds English: underground Dutch: onderhandelen English: to negotiate Dutch: onderhandeling English: negotiation Dutch: onderhanden voorraad English: physical stock Dutch: onderhanden werk English: work-in-progress; work-in-process: WIP Dutch: onderhevig English: subject; susceptible; liable Dutch: onderhevig aan English: subject to; susceptible to; liable to Dutch: onderhoud English: maintenance Dutch: onderhoudslus English: service loop Dutch: onderhoudsmiddelen English: floor maintenance materials; floor polishing materials Dutch: onderhoudsprogramma English: maintenance programme Dutch: onder-index English: subscript Dutch: onderisolatie English: underinsulation Dutch: onderkant English: bottom; lower side; underside Dutch: onderkoeling English: under-cooling Dutch: onderkritisch English: subcritical Dutch: onderkritische demping English: underdamping Dutch: onderlaag English: underlayer; undercoat Dutch: onderlager English: lower bearing Dutch: onderlegblok English: supporting block Dutch: onderlegdeken English: underblanket Dutch: onderlegmal English: bottom jig Dutch: onderlegplaat English: shoe; washer plate; plate washer Dutch: onderlegring English: washer Dutch: onderlegschijf English: washer; washer plate; plate washer Dutch: onderling communiceren English: to interface Dutch: onderloop English: underflow Dutch: onderloopexceptie English: underflow exception Dutch: ondermaat English: undersize Dutch: ondermal English: lower jig Dutch: ondermatrijs English: lower mould Dutch: ondermodulatie English: undermodulation Dutch: ondernemingsactiviteit English: enterprise activity: EA Dutch: ondernemingsdefinitie English: enterprise engineering Dutch: ondernemingsgegevens English: enterprise data Dutch: ondernemingsleiding English: corporate management Dutch: ondernemingsnetwerk English: enterprise network Dutch: ondernemingsobject English: enterprise object Dutch: ondernemingsplanning English: enterprise planning; overall planning; corporate planning Dutch: ondernemingsraad English: works committee; joint consultative committee; industrial committee Dutch: ondernemingsstructuur English: corporate structure Dutch: onder-nul temperaturen English: sub-zero temperatures Dutch: onderontwikkeling English: underdevelopment Dutch: onderplaat English: bottom plate; lower plate; bolster plate; bolster underproduction Dutch: onderproductie English: underproduction Dutch: onderprogramma English: subprogram; subroutine Dutch: onderroest English: underrusting; underrust; filiform corrosion Dutch: onderroestproef English: underrusting test; filiform-corrosion test Dutch: onderschatten English: to underestimate; to undervalue Dutch: onderscheid English: difference; distinction Dutch: onderscheiden English: to distinguish; to discern; distinctive Dutch: ondersnijding English: undercut Dutch: onderspanning English: undervoltage Dutch: onderste English: lower; bottom Dutch: onderste bocht English: lower bend; bottom bend Dutch: onderste dode punt English: bottom dead centre Dutch: onderste gedeelte English: lower part; lower portion Dutch: onderste grensmaat English: lower limit of size Dutch: onderste opspanplaat English: bottom clamping plate Dutch: onderste regelgrens English: lower control limit Dutch: onderste zijband English: lower sideband Dutch: onderstel English: underframe; undercarriage Dutch: onderstempel English: lower die; bottom die; bottom tool Dutch: ondersteund English: supported Dutch: ondersteunend bureau English: helpdesk Dutch: ondersteuningsdomein English: support domain Dutch: ondersteuningsmal English: supporting jig Dutch: ondersteuningssoftware English: support software Dutch: onderstroom English: undercurrent Dutch: onderstuk English: bottom piece; bottom part; lower part; underpart Dutch: ondertekenen English: to sign Dutch: ondertiteling English: subtitling Dutch: onderverdeling English: subdivision; minor division; subdivisions; breakdown Dutch: onderverzekering English: underinsurance Dutch: ondervlak English: bottom face Dutch: ondervraagpost English: enquiry station; inquiry station Dutch: ondervraagtaal English: query language: QL Dutch: ondervrager English: interrogator Dutch: ondervraging English: interrogating Dutch: onderwater English: underwater Dutch: onderweg English: in transit; in pipeline Dutch: onderwerpen aan English: to subject to Dutch: onderwijs English: education; instruction; tuition Dutch: onderwijshulpmiddelen English: educational aids Dutch: onderzee English: undersea Dutch: onderzeekabel English: submarine cable Dutch: onderzettafel English: table base Dutch: onderzijde English: bottom; lower side; underside Dutch: onderzoeken English: to examine; to test; to investigate; to inspect; to research Dutch: onderzoekingswerk English: research Dutch: onderzoeksvoorschrift English: test specification Dutch: onderzone English: lower curtate Dutch: ondeugdelijk English: faulty; defective; unsound; unsubstantial Dutch: ondicht English: leaking; porous Dutch: ondiep English: shallow Dutch: ondoelmatig English: inefficient Dutch: ondoordringbaar English: impermeable; impervious; impenetrable Dutch: ondoorschijnend English: non-translucent; opaque Dutch: ondoorschijnendheid English: opacity Dutch: ondoscoop English: ondoscope Dutch: ondubbelzinnig English: unambiguous Dutch: ondubbelzinnig maken English: disambiguation Dutch: onduidelijk English: indistinct; unclear; ambiguous Dutch: ondulatie English: ondulation Dutch: oneconomisch English: uneconomic Dutch: onedel metaal English: base metal Dutch: oneffen English: uneven Dutch: oneffenheid English: unevenness; asperity; roughness Dutch: oneindig English: infinite Dutch: oneindig lang English: infinite Dutch: oneindige bezetting English: infinite loading Dutch: oneindige populatie English: infinite population Dutch: onelastisch English: inelastic Dutch: oneven English: odd; uneven Dutch: oneven harmonische English: odd harmonic Dutch: oneven-bit pariteit English: odd parity Dutch: onevenredig English: disproportionate Dutch: onevenredig met English: disproportionate to Dutch: onevenredigheid English: disproportionality Dutch: onevenwijdig English: out of parallel Dutch: onevenwijdigheid English: out of parallel Dutch: ongeacht English: irrespective of; regardless of Dutch: ongebalanceerd English: unbalanced Dutch: ongebleekt English: unbleached Dutch: ongeblust English: unslaked Dutch: ongebluste kalk English: quick lime Dutch: ongeboord English: undrilled Dutch: ongebruikt English: unused; idle; unemployed Dutch: ongedempt English: undamped; non-damped; non-attenuated; continuous Dutch: ongedoopt English: non-doped Dutch: ongefilterd English: unfiltered Dutch: ongegrond English: non-primed Dutch: ongehinderd English: unhampered; unobstructed Dutch: ongekleurd English: non-coloured Dutch: ongekoeld English: uncooled Dutch: ongekoppeld English: off-line Dutch: ongeldig English: invalid; void Dutch: ongelegeerd English: unalloyed Dutch: ongelijk English: unequal Dutch: ongelijkmatig English: uneven; non-uniform Dutch: ongelijknamig English: unlike Dutch: ongelijmd English: non-glued Dutch: ongeluk English: accident Dutch: ongemak English: inconvenience Dutch: ongemoduleerd English: unmodulated Dutch: ongemoduleerde stroom English: unmodulated current Dutch: ongeoorloofde toegang English: between-the-lines entry Dutch: ongeordende boom English: unordered tree Dutch: ongeordende lijst English: unordered list Dutch: ongerief English: inconvenience Dutch: ongeschikt English: unsuitable Dutch: ongeschoolde English: unskilled hand Dutch: ongeschoolde arbeider English: unskilled worker Dutch: ongestabiliseerd English: unstabilized Dutch: ongestabiliseerd net English: rough mains Dutch: ongetolereerde maat English: untoleranced dimension Dutch: ongevaarlijk English: harmless Dutch: ongeverfd English: unpainted Dutch: ongevoelig English: insensitive; insusceptible Dutch: ongevoelig voor English: insensitive to; insusceptible to Dutch: ongevoeligheid English: insensitivity; insusceptibility Dutch: ongewapend beton English: plain concrete Dutch: ongewapende oog English: unaided eye Dutch: ongewenst English: unwanted; undesirable Dutch: ongewenste overspraak English: far-end crosstalk: FEXT Dutch: ongewild English: unintentional Dutch: ongezond English: unhealthy; insalubrious; unsound Dutch: ongezuiverd English: unpurified; unrefined Dutch: ongunstig English: unfavourable Dutch: onherstelbaar English: irreparable; beyond repair Dutch: onhoorbaar English: inaudible Dutch: onhoorbaar geluid English: silent sound Dutch: oningevuld English: empty; blank Dutch: oningevuld medium English: blank; empty medium; blank medium Dutch: onkritisch English: uncritical Dutch: onleesbaar English: illegible; unclear Dutch: onleesbaarheid English: illegibility Dutch: on-line apparatuur English: on-line devices; on-line equipment Dutch: on-line systeem English: on-line system Dutch: on-line verwerking English: on-line processing Dutch: onmeetbaar English: immeasurable; surd Dutch: onmiddellijke gegevens English: immediate data Dutch: onmogelijke route English: infeasible path Dutch: onmogelijkheid English: impossibility Dutch: onnauwkeurig English: inaccurate Dutch: onnauwkeurigheid English: inaccuracy Dutch: ononderbroken English: continuous; uninterrupted Dutch: onontbeerlijk English: indispensable Dutch: onontbrandbaar English: non-inflammable; non-flammable Dutch: onontvlambaar English: non-inflammable; non-flammable Dutch: onooglijk English: unsightly Dutch: onoplosbaar English: insoluble Dutch: onopzettelijk English: unintentional; inadvertent Dutch: onpartijdig English: impartial Dutch: onpartijdigheid English: impartiality Dutch: onproductief English: unproductive Dutch: onproductieve uren English: unproductive hours Dutch: onregelmatig English: irregular; erratic; uneven Dutch: onregelmatig wissen English: intermittent erasure Dutch: onregelmatigheid English: irregularity Dutch: onrond English: out of round Dutch: onrondheid English: unroundness; out of roundness Dutch: onschadelijk English: harmless; innocuous Dutch: onschatbaar English: invaluable; inestimable Dutch: onscheidbaar English: inseparable Dutch: onscherp beeld English: non-sharp picture; blurred picture; fuzzy picture Dutch: onstabiel English: astable; instable; unstable Dutch: onstabiel circuit English: astable circuit Dutch: onstabiele toestand English: unstable state Dutch: onstabiliteit English: instability; unstability Dutch: onsymmetrisch English: unsymmetric; unbalanced; asymmetric; dissymmetrical Dutch: ontbinden in factoren English: to resolve into factors Dutch: ontbinding in factoren English: factoring Dutch: ontblokken English: to deblock Dutch: ontbramen English: to deburr; to deflash; to degate Dutch: ontbraming English: burr removal; deburring; deflashing Dutch: ontbrandbaar English: inflammable; combustible Dutch: ontbrandbaarheid English: inflammability Dutch: ontbranden English: to take fire Dutch: ontbreken English: to be lacking; to be missing Dutch: ontbrekende onderdelen English: missing parts Dutch: ontcijferinrichting English: descrambler Dutch: ontdooiautomaat English: automatic defroster Dutch: ontdooien English: to defrost; to thaw Dutch: ontdooiingsmechanisme English: defrosting mechanism Dutch: ontdooiwater English: defrost water Dutch: ontfuzzificeren English: to defuzzify Dutch: ontgassen English: to degas Dutch: ontgassingsmiddel English: degassing medium Dutch: ontgiften English: waste water treatment Dutch: ontgrendeld English: unlocked; unlatched Dutch: ontgrendelen English: unlock; unlatch; release Dutch: ontgrendeltijd English: release time Dutch: ontharden English: to soften; to temper Dutch: onthardingsmiddel English: softening agent Dutch: ontkalkingsmiddel English: decalcifier Dutch: ontkleuren English: to decolourize Dutch: ontkleuring English: decolourization Dutch: ontkleuringspoeder English: decolouring powder Dutch: ontkolen English: to decarbonize; to decarburize Dutch: ontkolende atmosfeer English: decarburizing atmosphere Dutch: ontkoppelcommando English: disconnect command: DISC Dutch: ontkoppelcondensator English: decoupling capacitor; by-pass capacitor Dutch: ontkoppeldoorlooptijd English: disengagement time Dutch: ontkoppelen English: to decouple; to disengage; to declutch; to disconnect Dutch: ontkoppelfase English: disengagement phase Dutch: ontkoppelfilter English: decoupling filter Dutch: ontkoppelingsvoorraad English: decoupling stock Dutch: ontkoppelinrichting English: decoupler Dutch: ontkoppelnetwerk English: decoupling network Dutch: ontkoppelpoging English: disengagement attempt Dutch: ontkoppelpunt English: decoupling point: DP Dutch: ontkoppelpuntpositie English: decoupling point position Dutch: ontkoppeltijd English: release time Dutch: ontkoppelvoorraad English: decoupling stock Dutch: ontkoppelweerstand English: decoupling resistor Dutch: ontlaadbuis English: discharge tube Dutch: ontlaadkarakteristiek English: discharge curve Dutch: ontlaadpuls English: discharge pulse Dutch: ontlaadsnelheid English: rate of discharge Dutch: ontlaadspanning English: discharge voltage Dutch: ontlaadstroom English: discharge current Dutch: ontlaadtijd English: discharge time Dutch: ontlaadweerstand English: discharge resistor; bleeder resistor Dutch: ontlaadweg English: discharge path Dutch: ontlaatbad English: tempering bath; annealing bath Dutch: ontlaatdoorn English: annealing pin Dutch: ontlaatoven English: tempering furnace Dutch: ontlaatzout English: tempering salt Dutch: ontladen English: to discharge; to unload Dutch: ontlader English: discharger Dutch: ontlading English: discharge; firing Dutch: ontladingsflitslamp English: discharge flash bulb Dutch: ontladingskromme English: discharge curve Dutch: ontladingspunt English: firing point Dutch: ontladingssnelheid English: discharge rate; speed of discharge Dutch: ontladingstijd English: discharging time Dutch: ontlastbeugel English: relief bracket Dutch: ontlastbocht English: relief loop Dutch: ontlasten English: to relieve; to discharge Dutch: ontlasting English: relief; discharge Dutch: ontlastnok English: relief cam Dutch: ontlastpen English: shedder pin Dutch: ontleden English: to decompose; to parse Dutch: ontleder English: parser Dutch: ontleding English: decomposition Dutch: ontledingsboom English: parse tree Dutch: ontledingsprogramma English: parser Dutch: ontluchten English: to vent; to de-aerate Dutch: ontluchting English: venting; de-aeration Dutch: ontluchtingsgat English: vent hole Dutch: ontluchtingskanaal English: vent Dutch: ontluchtingsklep English: vent valve Dutch: ontluchtingskraan English: vent tap; air release tap; vent plug Dutch: ontluchtingsrooster English: de-aerating grille; ventilation grille Dutch: ontmagnetiseren English: to demagnetize; to degauss Dutch: ontmantelen English: to dismantle Dutch: ontmantelingslengte English: unsheathed length Dutch: ontmengen English: to break; to separate; to dissociate Dutch: ontmenging English: breaking; separation; dissociation Dutch: ontnikkelbad English: denickling bath; stripping bath for nickel Dutch: ontoelaatbaar English: impermissible Dutch: ontologie English: ontology Dutch: ontpakken English: to unpack Dutch: ontregeld English: out of adjustment; deranged Dutch: ontregeling English: derangement Dutch: ontroesten English: to de-scale; to derust; to remove rust Dutch: ontroesting English: rust removing; rust removal Dutch: ontroestingsbad English: rust remover; rust removing dip Dutch: ontrollen English: to unwind Dutch: ontslaan English: to dismiss; to lay off Dutch: ontsluiten English: retrieve Dutch: ontsmetten English: to disinfect Dutch: ontsmettingsmiddel English: disinfectant; antiseptic Dutch: ontsnapfaciliteit English: escape facility Dutch: ontsnappen English: to escape Dutch: ontsnappende lucht English: escaping air Dutch: ontspannen English: to release; to expand; to relieve the stress; to unstress; to ease; to relax; to recreate Dutch: ontspanning English: release; expansion; stress release; relaxation; recreation Dutch: ontspanningsdoeleinden English: recreational purposes Dutch: ontspanningshoek English: angle of relief Dutch: ontspanningsschakelaar English: release switch Dutch: ontstaan English: to originate; to arise; to be generated Dutch: ontstaansproces English: realization process Dutch: ontsteekspanning English: starting voltage; ignition voltage Dutch: ontsteektemperatuur English: ignition temperature Dutch: ontsteken English: to ignite; to strike Dutch: ontsteker-elektrode English: igniter electrode Dutch: ontsteking English: firing; ignition Dutch: ontstekingsafstellamp English: ignition timing light Dutch: ontstekingsanalisator English: ignition analyzer Dutch: ontstekingselektrode English: excitation electrode Dutch: ontstekingspunt English: firing point Dutch: ontstekingstijdstip English: ignition timing Dutch: ontstoord English: interference suppressed; noise suppressed Dutch: ontstoren English: to suppress interference; to suppress noise Dutch: ontstoringscondensator English: anti-interference capacitor; suppression capacitor; suppressor Dutch: ontstoringsdiode English: interference inverter Dutch: ontstoringspakket English: anti-interference material; suppression pack Dutch: ontstoringsspoel English: anti-interference coil; suppression coil Dutch: ontstoringsweerstand English: suppression resistor Dutch: onttinnen English: to de-tin; to untin; to tin strip Dutch: onttinvloeistof English: tin stripper Dutch: onttrekken English: to extract; to withdraw from; to draw from; to extract from Dutch: onttrekkingen English: extractions Dutch: ontvangapparaat English: receiver Dutch: ontvangbaar English: receivable Dutch: ontvangen English: to accept; to receive Dutch: ontvangende elektrode English: acceptor Dutch: ontvangeraansluitkabel English: receiver connecting cable Dutch: ontvangerdetector English: receiver detector Dutch: ontvangeringang English: receiver input Dutch: ontvangerplaatsing English: receiver location Dutch: ontvangersituatie English: receiver location; receiver situation Dutch: ontvangerwissel English: receiver decoupler; receiver signal-splitter; receiver band-separator; receiver frequency-separator Dutch: ontvangerzijde English: receiver end; receiving end Dutch: ontvangst English: reception; receipt; acceptance Dutch: ontvangstantenne English: receiver antenna; receiver aerial; receiving antenna; receiving aerial Dutch: ontvangstcondities English: receiving conditions Dutch: ontvangstcontrole English: acceptance inspection; receiving inspection; incoming inspection Dutch: ontvangstdoorlooptijd English: receiving lead time Dutch: ontvangstgebied English: reception area Dutch: ontvangstkanaal English: receiving channel Dutch: ontvangstkeuring English: acceptance inspection; receiving inspection; incoming inspection Dutch: ontvangstkwaliteit English: reception quality; as-received quality Dutch: ontvangststation English: receiver station Dutch: ontvangstzijde English: receiver end; receiving end Dutch: ontvet English: degreased Dutch: ontvetten English: to degrease; solvent spray degreasing; solvent power washing Dutch: ontvetting English: degreasing; cleaning; grease removal; solvent spray degreasing; solvent power washing Dutch: ontvettingsbad English: degreasing bath; degreasing solution; cleaning bath; cleaning solution; soak clean Dutch: ontvettingsinstallatie English: degreasing installation; degreasing plant; cleaning installation; degreaser; cleaner Dutch: ontvettingsmiddel English: degreaser; degreasing agent; cleaner Dutch: ontvettingssnelheid English: rate of cleaning; cleaning rate Dutch: ontvlambaar English: flammable; inflammable Dutch: ontvlambaarheid English: flammability; inflammability Dutch: ontvlamming English: inflammation Dutch: ontvlammingspunt English: flash point Dutch: ontvochtigen English: to dehumidify; to dewet Dutch: ontvochtiger English: dehumidifier; dewetting agent Dutch: ontvochtiging English: dehumidification; dewetting Dutch: ontvouwen English: to unfold; to develop; to deploy Dutch: ontwarren English: to disentangle Dutch: ontwateren English: to drain; to dewater Dutch: ontwatering English: drainage; dewatering Dutch: ontwerp English: design; draft Dutch: ontwerpanalyse English: design analysis Dutch: ontwerpautomatisering English: design automation: DA Dutch: ontwerpbasis English: design basis Dutch: ontwerpbeoordeling English: design review; design assessment Dutch: ontwerpbeschrijving English: design description Dutch: ontwerpbestand English: design file Dutch: ontwerpbureau English: design office Dutch: ontwerpcompatibiliteit English: design compatibility Dutch: ontwerpcontrole English: design verification Dutch: ontwerpdiscipline English: design discipline Dutch: ontwerpdocumentatie English: design documentation Dutch: ontwerpdoelstelling English: design objective Dutch: ontwerpdossier English: design documentation Dutch: ontwerpeenheid English: design unit Dutch: ontwerpelement English: design element Dutch: ontwerpentiteit English: design entity Dutch: ontwerpfaciliteiten English: design facilities Dutch: ontwerpfase English: design phase Dutch: ontwerpgeometrie English: design geometry Dutch: ontwerpgroep English: design group Dutch: ontwerpkwaliteit English: quality of design Dutch: ontwerpmethode English: design method Dutch: ontwerpniveau English: design level Dutch: ontwerpnormblad English: draft standard Dutch: ontwerpoperator English: design operator Dutch: ontwerpoptimalisatie English: design optimization Dutch: ontwerpparameter English: design parameter Dutch: ontwerpproces English: design procedure Dutch: ontwerpregel English: design rule Dutch: ontwerpregelcontrole English: design rules checking: DRC Dutch: ontwerpspecificatie English: target specification; tentative specification; design specification Dutch: ontwerpstrategie English: design strategy Dutch: ontwerpsynthese English: design synthesis Dutch: ontwerpsysteem English: design system Dutch: ontwerptaal English: design language Dutch: ontwerptechniek English: design technique Dutch: ontwerpverificatie English: design verification Dutch: ontwerpwijziging English: engineering change Dutch: ontwijken English: to avoid; to escape Dutch: ontwikkelaar English: developer; engineer; designer Dutch: ontwikkelbad English: developer bath; developing bath Dutch: ontwikkelen English: to develop; to evolve; to engineer Dutch: ontwikkelgereedschap English: development tools Dutch: ontwikkeling English: development; expansion; engineering Dutch: ontwikkelingsafdeling English: development department; engineering department; R&D department Dutch: ontwikkelingsland English: developing country; emerging country Dutch: ontwikkelingsopdracht English: development assignment Dutch: ontwikkelingsplanning English: development planning Dutch: ontwikkelingsprogramma English: development program Dutch: ontwikkelingsproject English: development project Dutch: ontwikkelingsstadium English: development stage Dutch: ontwikkelingsstuklijst English: engineering bill-of-material; designers parts list Dutch: ontwikkelingstest English: development testing Dutch: ontwikkelingswerk English: development; developmental work Dutch: ontwikkelmachine English: developer machine Dutch: ontwikkelmethode English: development method Dutch: ontwikkelsysteem English: development system Dutch: ontwikkeltank English: developer tank; developing tank Dutch: ontwrichten English: to dislocate Dutch: ontzadigd English: desaturated Dutch: ontzadigen English: to desaturate Dutch: ontzadiging English: desaturation Dutch: ontzet English: distorted; out of alignment Dutch: ontzetten English: to become distorted Dutch: ontzinken English: to dezincify; to strip Dutch: ontzouten English: to desalt Dutch: onuitvoerbaar English: impracticable; impractical Dutch: onuitwisbaar English: indelible; non-erasable Dutch: onuitwisbaar geheugen English: non-erasable storage Dutch: onveilig English: unsafe; insecure Dutch: onveiligheid English: unsafety; insecurity Dutch: onveranderbaar English: unchangeable; unalterable Dutch: onveranderlijk English: invariable Dutch: onveranderlijkheid English: invariance Dutch: onverantwoordelijk English: irresponsible Dutch: onverdraagzaam English: incompatible Dutch: onverdund English: undiluted Dutch: onverenigbaar met English: incompatible with; inconsistent with Dutch: onverhoeds English: unintentional; inadvertent Dutch: onverkoopbaar English: unsalable Dutch: onverkoopbaarheid English: unsalability Dutch: onverkrijgbaar English: unobtainable; unavailable Dutch: onvermijdbaar English: unavoidable Dutch: onverpakt English: non-packaged Dutch: onverstaanbaar English: inaudible; unintelligible Dutch: onversterkt English: non-amplified; unstrengthened; non-reinforced Dutch: onvertind English: untinned Dutch: onvertraagd English: real time Dutch: onvertraagd verwerken English: real time processing Dutch: onvervangbaar English: irreplaceable Dutch: onvervormd English: undistorted; distorsionless Dutch: onvervormde golf English: undistorted wave Dutch: onverzadigd English: unsaturated Dutch: onverzadigde werking English: unsaturated operation Dutch: onverzeepbaar English: non-saponifiable; unsaponifiable Dutch: onverzwakt English: unattenuated; unweakened Dutch: onvlak English: out of flat Dutch: onvlakheid English: out of flatness; non-planarity Dutch: onvoldoende English: insufficient; unsatisfactory; inadequate Dutch: onvolkomen English: imperfect; incomplete Dutch: onvoltooide paradox English: imperfect paradox Dutch: onvoordelig English: uneconomical; disadvantageous Dutch: onvoorzien English: unforeseen; unanticipated Dutch: onvoorziene uitgaven English: contingencies Dutch: onweegbare factoren English: imponderable factors Dutch: onzeker English: uncertain Dutch: onzekerheidsbeginsel English: uncertainty principle Dutch: onzuiver English: impure; inaccurate; imperfect; untrue Dutch: onzuivere schatter English: biassed estimator Dutch: onzuivere steekproef English: biassed sample Dutch: onzuivere toets English: biassed test Dutch: onzuiverheid English: impurity; inaccuracy; imperfection; out of true; out of truth; bias Dutch: oogbescherming English: eye protection; eye shield Dutch: oogbeveiliging English: eye protection Dutch: oogbout English: eye bolt Dutch: oogkabelschoen English: eye cable tag Dutch: ooglens English: crystalline lens Dutch: oogloep English: ocular magnifying glass Dutch: oogmoer English: eye nut Dutch: oogvermoeidheid English: eye strain; eye fatigue Dutch: oogwit English: sclera Dutch: oorafdruk English: ear mould; ear mold; earmold; impression Dutch: oorbeschermers English: ear mufflers; ear muffs Dutch: oormagneet English: ear magnet Dutch: oorschelp English: headphone Dutch: oorsprongsaanduiding English: indication of origin Dutch: oorspronkelijk English: original; primitive Dutch: oorspronkelijk adres English: presumptive address Dutch: oorspronkelijk element English: primitive element Dutch: oorstukje English: earpiece Dutch: oortelefoon English: earphone; headphone Dutch: oortelefoonaansluiting English: earphone connection Dutch: oorzaak/gevolgdiagram English: cause and effect diagram Dutch: oorzakelijkheid English: causality Dutch: oost English: east Dutch: oost-westcorrectie English: east-west correction; E-W correction Dutch: op afstand English: remote Dutch: op de markt brengen English: to market Dutch: op de regels ponsen English: normal stage punching Dutch: op dit gebied English: in this field; within this scope Dutch: op het oog English: to the eye Dutch: op het oog hebben English: to envision Dutch: op incidentele basis English: on an occasional basis Dutch: op lengte snijden English: to cut to the required length Dutch: op maat brengen English: to size Dutch: op maat knippen English: to cut to size; to cut to length Dutch: op nul instellen English: to set at zero Dutch: op nul stellen English: to clear Dutch: op nul zetten English: to zero Dutch: op peil brengen English: to level; to top up; to bring up to the mark; to condition; to recondition; to replenish Dutch: op peil houden English: to keep up to the mark; to maintain the concentration Dutch: op rangnummer schikken English: to sequence Dutch: op regels gebaseerd English: rule-based Dutch: op schaal brengen English: to scale Dutch: op schaal getekend English: drawn to scale Dutch: op zicht English: at sight; on demand; on presentation Dutch: opaalglas English: opalescent glass; opaline Dutch: opbergen English: to store; to stow; to stow away Dutch: opberging English: storage; stowage Dutch: opbergruimte English: storage space; storage compartment Dutch: opbergtijd English: filing time Dutch: opbeuren English: to tilt Dutch: opblazen English: to bloom; blooming Dutch: opboren English: to re-bore Dutch: opbouw English: building-up; up-building; erection; development; installation; setting-up; set-up; structure Dutch: opbouwcomponent English: surface mounted device Dutch: opbouwcontactdoos English: surface-mounted outlet; surface-mounted socket Dutch: opbouwcycli English: build cycles Dutch: opbouwdoos English: surface-mounted outlet; surface-mounted socket Dutch: opbouwen English: to build up; to erect; to develop; to bootstrap; to install; to set up Dutch: opbouwmaat English: staggered dimension Dutch: opbouwmontage English: surface mounting Dutch: opbouwschema English: coil diagram Dutch: opbouwtechnologie English: surface mounted technology: SMT Dutch: opbouwtijd English: building-up time; formation time Dutch: opbreken English: to fracture Dutch: opbrengst English: gain; yield; output; produce; delivery Dutch: opbuigen English: to bend upward Dutch: opdampen English: to deposit by evaporation; to metallize Dutch: opdampen English: to vaporize Dutch: opdamping English: vacuum deposition; metallizing; metal evaporation; vacuum evaporation Dutch: opdampingsbron English: evaporation source Dutch: opdampproces English: vacuum deposition process; metallizing process Dutch: opdeling English: breakdown Dutch: opdraaien English: to screw on; to turn up; to advance; to jack up; to wind up Dutch: opdrachtadres English: instruction address Dutch: opdrachtadresregister English: instruction address register Dutch: opdrachtcode English: instruction code Dutch: opdrachtcyclus English: instruction cycle Dutch: opdrachtdefinitie English: instruction statement Dutch: opdrachtdekking English: statement coverage Dutch: opdrachtelement English: operand Dutch: opdrachtencode English: instruction code Dutch: opdrachtenmodus English: command mode Dutch: opdrachtenrepertoire English: instruction set; instruction code Dutch: opdrachtentaal English: command language Dutch: opdrachtenteller English: sequence control register; instruction address register; control register; control instruction register Dutch: opdrachtformaat English: instruction format Dutch: opdrachtfunctie English: statement function Dutch: opdracht-gestuurd English: command-driven Dutch: opdrachtinhoud English: statement body Dutch: opdrachtlengte English: instruction length Dutch: opdrachtreeks English: instruction set Dutch: opdrachtregister English: instruction register; control register Dutch: opdrachtset English: instruction set Dutch: opdrachtteller English: instruction counter Dutch: opdrachttijd English: execution time; instruction time Dutch: opdrachtvorm English: instruction format; order structure Dutch: opdrachtwoord English: instruction word Dutch: opdrijven English: to float; to run up; to send up; to screw up Dutch: opdrijving English: floatation; flotation; run-up; screw-up Dutch: opdruk English: print; impression Dutch: opdrukgereedschap English: press-on tool; printing tool Dutch: opdrukken English: to press-on; to print Dutch: opdrukkracht English: press-on force; push-on force Dutch: opduwen English: to push up Dutch: opeen English: on one another; on each other; together Dutch: opeenhopen English: to heap together; to mass together Dutch: opeenhoping English: massing together; accumulation Dutch: opeenstapelen English: to pile; to stack Dutch: opeenstapeling English: pile; stack; piling stacking; accumulation Dutch: opeenvolgend English: successive; consecutive; subsequent Dutch: opeenvolging English: succession; sequence Dutch: open English: open-ended Dutch: open English: open; incomplete; non-terminated; non-matched Dutch: open architectuur English: open architecture Dutch: open circuit English: open circuit Dutch: open component English: open component Dutch: open draad English: open wire Dutch: open kring English: open circuit Dutch: open las English: incomplete joint; incomplete solder joint Dutch: open lijn English: open line Dutch: open lus English: open loop Dutch: open magazijnsysteem English: open inventory system Dutch: open magneetsysteem English: open magnet system Dutch: open onderprogramma English: open subroutine Dutch: open spanning English: open-circuit voltage Dutch: open stempel English: open tool Dutch: open subroutine English: open subroutine Dutch: open systeem English: open system Dutch: open uitsnijstempel English: open blanking tool Dutch: open vakverdeling English: open-cell partition Dutch: open vuur English: open fire; naked flames Dutch: openbaar net English: public network Dutch: openbuigen English: to bend open Dutch: opendraaien English: to open; to turn on Dutch: opendrukken English: to push open; to force open Dutch: opengewerkt model English: cutaway model Dutch: opening English: opening; aperture Dutch: openingshoek English: opening angle; beam width; angle of aperture Dutch: open-lussysteem English: open loop system Dutch: openlusversterking English: open-loop gain Dutch: opensturen English: to open Dutch: openwerken English: to cut away Dutch: operand English: operand Dutch: operateur English: operator Dutch: operatiecode English: operation code; order code Dutch: operationeel plan English: operational plan Dutch: operationeel testen English: operational testing Dutch: operationele besturing English: operational control Dutch: operationele eenheid English: operational unit Dutch: operationele fase English: operational phase Dutch: operationele ondergang English: thrashing Dutch: operationele research English: operations research; operational research: OR Dutch: operationele ruimte English: operational space Dutch: operationele status English: compute mode; operate mode; operational state Dutch: opfrisfrequentie English: refresh rate Dutch: opfrissen English: to refresh Dutch: opgaande slag English: upstroke Dutch: opgaande verbinding English: uplink Dutch: opgeblazen beeld English: blooming picture Dutch: opgebogen English: bent upward Dutch: opgeborgen English: stored Dutch: opgedampt English: deposited by evaporation; metallized; vacuum deposited Dutch: opgedragen pose English: command pose Dutch: opgeklapt English: raised; folded-up; swung-up Dutch: opgekomen spanning English: pull-in voltage Dutch: opgenomen English: absorbed; recorded; incorporated Dutch: opgenomen stroom English: current consumption; current drain; power consumption Dutch: opgenomen vermogen English: power consumption; input power; wattage dissipation Dutch: opgeperst English: pressed-on Dutch: opgeroepen gebruiker English: called user Dutch: opgeroepen partij English: called party Dutch: opgeroepen programma English: called program Dutch: opgeroepen station English: called station Dutch: opgerold English: rolled-up Dutch: opgeslagen programma English: stored program Dutch: opgesloten English: locked; retained Dutch: opgesomd type English: enumerated type Dutch: opgespannen English: clamped; chucked Dutch: opgesteld English: arranged; set-up; drafted; edited Dutch: opgestoken English: plugged-on Dutch: opgeteld English: added (up) Dutch: opgevouwen English: folded-up Dutch: opgevuld English: filled-up; packed Dutch: opgewarmd English: heated-up Dutch: opgewerkt English: raised; generated; embossed; finished Dutch: opgewikkeld English: taken-up Dutch: opgroeien English: electroforming; galvanoforming Dutch: opgroeimethode English: plating transfer method; additive transfer method Dutch: opgroeiresist English: plating resist Dutch: ophaalspoel English: correcting coil; peaking coil Dutch: ophalen English: to fetch; to retrieve Dutch: ophalen van lage tonen English: bass boost; bass lift Dutch: ophangband English: suspension strap Dutch: ophangbeugel English: suspension bracket Dutch: ophangbout English: suspension bolt Dutch: ophangen; ophangen [4] English: to suspend Dutch: ophanggat English: suspension hole Dutch: ophanghaak English: suspension hook Dutch: ophanging English: suspension Dutch: ophangnaaf English: handle fitting Dutch: ophangplaat English: suspension plate Dutch: ophangputje English: dimpie for gripping Dutch: ophangrek English: suspension rack Dutch: ophangtouwtje English: suspension rope Dutch: ophangveer English: suspension spring Dutch: ophaspelen English: to reel Dutch: opheffen English: to override Dutch: opheffing English: elimination; remedy; lifting; relief; neutralization; release; cancellation Dutch: opheffingspuls English: unblanking pulse Dutch: ophopen English: to heap together; to mass together Dutch: opinieonderzoek English: opinion survey Dutch: opjager English: booster Dutch: opkalefateren English: to patch up Dutch: opklapbaar English: folding; hinged; collapsible Dutch: opklappen English: to fold up; to raise; to swing up Dutch: opklemmen English: to camp on Dutch: opkleuren English: to regain colour; to raise the colour of Dutch: opklimmend English: ascending Dutch: opknappen English: to rework Dutch: opkolen English: to carbonize; to carburize Dutch: opkomen English: to ooze; to emerge; to float; to leaf Dutch: opkomer English: riser; out-gate Dutch: opkomst English: attack Dutch: opkomsttijd English: attack time Dutch: opkrimpen English: to shrink on Dutch: opkrullen English: to curl Dutch: oplaadbaar English: chargeable; rechargeable Dutch: oplaadcondensator English: charging capacitor Dutch: opladen English: to charge; to load Dutch: opleggen English: cleardown; to support; to place on; to impose Dutch: oplegging English: support; bearing; imposition Dutch: opleglengte English: supported length; span Dutch: oplegmal English: supporting jig Dutch: oplegplaat English: support plate; stock support Dutch: oplegpunt English: bearing point Dutch: opleiden English: to educate; to train Dutch: opleidingsprogramma English: education program; training programme Dutch: oplichten English: to lift; to light up; to fluoresce; to luminesce Dutch: oplichtende verf English: fluorescent paint; luminescent paint Dutch: oplichttijd English: rise time Dutch: oplijmen English: to glue on Dutch: oploop English: rise; run-on Dutch: oploopkant English: run-on side Dutch: oploopstoel English: take-up device Dutch: oplopen English: to rise; to increase; to ascend; to run-up Dutch: oplopend English: ascending; incremental Dutch: oplosbaar in water English: water soluble Dutch: oploselektrode English: sacrificial anode Dutch: oplosmiddeldamp English: solvent vapour Dutch: oplosmiddellijm English: solvent-type adhesive Dutch: oplossend vermogen English: resolving power; resolution; definition Dutch: oplossing English: dissolution; dissolving; solution Dutch: oplossingsgericht English: goal-driven Dutch: oplosvermogen English: solvent power; solvency Dutch: oplosviscositeit English: dissolving viscosity Dutch: opmaak English: format; markup; lay out Dutch: opmaakcode English: edit code Dutch: opmaakmasker English: edit word Dutch: opmaakopdracht English: editing statement Dutch: opmaakprogramma English: editor; edit program Dutch: opmaakteken English: layout character; format effector Dutch: opmaking English: editing Dutch: opmerking English: comment; remark; observation; note Dutch: opname English: absorption; recording; shot; exposure; fixture; jig; support Dutch: opname-automatiek English: automatic recording level control Dutch: opnamecorrectie English: recording correction Dutch: opnamekwaliteit English: recording quality Dutch: opnameniveau English: recording level Dutch: opnameplaat English: nesting plate Dutch: opnameruis English: recording noise Dutch: opnamespanning English: record voltage Dutch: opnamestrip English: record strip Dutch: opnamevergrendelknop English: recording interlock button Dutch: opnameversterker English: recording amplifier Dutch: opneem/weergeefkop English: record/playback head: rp head Dutch: opneem/weergeeftoets English: record/playback key: rp key Dutch: opneemapparaat English: pick-up device; lifting device; recorder; transducer; transmitter Dutch: opneembuis English: camera tube; pick-up tube Dutch: opneemgat English: locating hole; pilot hole Dutch: opneemindicator English: recording level indicator Dutch: opneemkanaal English: recording channel Dutch: opneemkarakteristiek English: recording characteristic; spectral characteristic; taking characteristic Dutch: opneemkop English: record head Dutch: opneemplaat English: nesting plate Dutch: opneemproces English: recording process Dutch: opneemschijf English: pick-up disc Dutch: opneemsterkteregelaar English: recording volume control Dutch: opneemsterkteregeling English: recording volume control Dutch: opneemtechniek English: recording technique Dutch: opneemtoets English: record button Dutch: opneemverliezen English: recording losses Dutch: opnemen English: to tape Dutch: opnemen in programma English: to write Dutch: opnemen uit programma English: to read Dutch: opnemer English: recorder; transducer; transmitter; sensor Dutch: opnemer/weergever English: recorder/reproducer Dutch: opnemerkop English: pick-up head; phono cartridge; audio head Dutch: opnemertransformator English: pick-up transformer Dutch: opnieuw gebruiken English: to reuse Dutch: opnieuw instellen English: to reset Dutch: opnieuw starten English: to restart Dutch: opnieuw vergroten English: blowback Dutch: opnieuw verwerken English: to rework; to reprocess Dutch: opofferen English: to sacrifice Dutch: opofferingselektrode English: sacrificial anode Dutch: oppersen English: to press on Dutch: oppervlakbewerking English: surface machining Dutch: oppervlakkig English: superficial; on the surface Dutch: oppervlakkig redeneren English: shallow reasoning Dutch: oppervlakmodel English: surface model Dutch: oppervlakmodellering English: surface modelling Dutch: oppervlakte English: area; surface area Dutch: oppervlakte-actief English: surface active Dutch: oppervlakte-afwerking English: surface finish Dutch: oppervlaktebehandeling English: surface treatment; surfacing Dutch: oppervlakte-eenheid English: unit area Dutch: oppervlaktegesteldheid English: surface condition Dutch: oppervlaktegolf English: surface wave Dutch: oppervlaktegolffilter English: surface-wave filter Dutch: oppervlakte-inductie English: surface induction Dutch: oppervlakteruwheid English: roughness of surface; surface roughness Dutch: oppervlakteweerstand English: surface resistance Dutch: opplakken English: to stick to; to glue on; to affix Dutch: oppoetsen English: to rub up; to give a rub-up; to brush up; to polish Dutch: opraken English: to run out; to run short of Dutch: oprekfunctie English: stretch function Dutch: oprekken English: to stretch; to expand; to widen out Dutch: oprekmal English: stretching jig; expanding jig Dutch: oprichten English: to erect; to dress; to form; to create; to install Dutch: oproep doorschakelen English: follow-on call Dutch: oproepbesturingsteken English: call control character Dutch: oproepbotsing English: call collision Dutch: oproepen English: to call; to prompt Dutch: oproepend programma English: calling program Dutch: oproepend station English: calling station Dutch: oproepende partij English: calling party Dutch: oproepfrequentie English: calling frequency Dutch: oproep-geblokkeerd English: call barred Dutch: oproeping English: calling Dutch: oproeplijst English: call list Dutch: oproepprogramma English: calling sequence Dutch: oproepregistratietijd English: call filing time Dutch: oproepschema English: call graph Dutch: oproepseconde English: call-second Dutch: oproepselectietijd English: call selection time Dutch: oproepsignaal English: calling signal; call-up signal Dutch: oproepteken English: call sign; prompt Dutch: oproeptekenassociatie English: call-sign linkage Dutch: oproeptracering English: call tracing Dutch: oproepverzoektijd English: call request time Dutch: oproepvrijgavetijd English: call release time Dutch: oproeren English: to stir; to agitate Dutch: oprollen English: to roll up; to coil Dutch: opruimen English: to clear; to clear away; to clear up; to ream; to countersink Dutch: opruimer English: reamer Dutch: opruiming English: clearing; clearance; removal; reaming Dutch: opruimingsverkoop English: clearance sale Dutch: opruwen English: to roughen Dutch: opschilderen English: to paint; to repaint Dutch: opschonen English: purge Dutch: opschrift English: heading; label; inscription; legend Dutch: opschrijven English: to write down; to note down; to take down Dutch: opschroeven English: raise; increase; screw on; force up Dutch: opschuifbeweging English: advancing movement Dutch: opschuiflengte English: length of feed; feed length Dutch: opschuifmechanisme English: feed mechanism; advancing mechanism Dutch: opschuiven English: to move; to move up; to advance; to feed; to push on; to push up Dutch: opschuren English: to regrind Dutch: opslaan English: to store; to rise in price; to go up Dutch: opslag English: storage; addition; allowance; raise Dutch: opslagadministratie English: storage administration Dutch: opslagdichtheid English: packing density Dutch: opslaggebied English: save area Dutch: opslaggeheugen English: memory; storage Dutch: opslaggroep English: storage group Dutch: opslagkosten English: cost of storage; storage cost Dutch: opslaglocatiebestand English: bin location file Dutch: opslagmedium English: volume Dutch: opslagorgaan English: store; storage; memory Dutch: opslagplaats English: yard; storage place; stock point Dutch: opslagruimte English: storage space Dutch: opslagtechnieken English: storage techniques Dutch: opslagtemperatuur English: storage temperature; TSTG Dutch: opslagtijd English: storage time Dutch: opslijpen English: to regrind Dutch: opslingereffect English: amplification effect Dutch: opslingerfactor English: magnification factor Dutch: opslingering English: resonant rise; voltage gain; voltage amplification Dutch: opsluitbeugel English: locking bracket; retaining bracket Dutch: opsluitbout English: locking bolt; retaining bolt Dutch: opsluiten English: ducting; to lock; to retain; to confine; to be trapped Dutch: opsluitgroef English: retaining groove; clamping groove Dutch: opsluiting English: locking; retaining; confinement; entrapment Dutch: opsluitkraag English: retaining collar Dutch: opsluitmoer English: locking nut; retaining nut Dutch: opsluitpen English: retaining pin Dutch: opsluitrand English: locking bush; locking ring Dutch: opsluitring English: retaining ring Dutch: opsluitschroef English: locking screw; retaining screw Dutch: opsluitveer English: locking spring; retaining spring Dutch: opsmelten English: to melt on; to reflow Dutch: opsommen English: to sum up; to enumerate; to summarize Dutch: opsommingstype English: enumeration type Dutch: opspanblok English: clamping block Dutch: opspanbout English: clamping bolt Dutch: opspangereedschappen English: fixtures Dutch: opspaninrichting English: fixture; clamping device; work-holding device Dutch: opspanklem English: clamping fixture; clamp Dutch: opspankracht English: tensioning force; clamping force Dutch: opspanmoer English: clamping nut Dutch: opspanning English: clamp; chuck; fixture; clamping; chucking fixing; stretching Dutch: opspanplaat English: clamping plate; clamping platen Dutch: opspanrand English: clamping edge Dutch: opspanschroef English: clamping screw Dutch: opspantafel English: clamping table Dutch: opspatten English: to splash Dutch: opspeelfrictie English: take-up friction in R/P mode Dutch: opspoelen English: to spool; to wind; to wind up; to coil; to rinse Dutch: opspoelingseffect English: proximity effect Dutch: opspoelingsverlies English: losses due to coiling Dutch: opspoelinrichting English: take-up feature Dutch: opspoeltrommel English: fast-wind drum Dutch: opspoelwiel English: fast-wind wheel Dutch: opsporen English: to trace; to detect; to locate Dutch: opsporing English: trace; tracing; detection; location Dutch: opstaand English: raised; upright Dutch: opstapelen English: to stack; to pile Dutch: opsteekknop English: press-on knob; push-on knob Dutch: opsteekproef English: plug-on test Dutch: opsteken English: to push on; to press on; to square off the corners Dutch: opstellen English: to arrange; to set up; to erect; to establish; to draft; to draw up Dutch: opsteller English: installer; erector; drafter; framer Dutch: opstelling English: establishment; drafting Dutch: opsteltijd English: set-up time Dutch: opstoppen English: to stop up; to fill up; to obstruct; to congest Dutch: opstopping English: stopping up; filling up; obstruction; congestion Dutch: opstrijken English: to brush; to lay on Dutch: opstrijksel English: display Dutch: opstuiken English: to upset Dutch: opstuiven English: to dust; to powder; to be raised Dutch: optakelen English: to hoist up Dutch: optekenen English: to note; to take down; to record Dutch: optelgetal English: augend Dutch: optellen English: to add Dutch: optellen bij English: to sum with Dutch: opteller English: adder Dutch: opteller-aftrekker English: adder-subtractor Dutch: optelling English: addition Dutch: optelnetwerk English: adder network Dutch: optelschakeling English: adder circuit; adder; adding circuit Dutch: opteltijd English: add time Dutch: opteltrap English: adder stage; counter stage Dutch: optillen English: to lift Dutch: optimaal English: optimal; optimum Dutch: optimale belasting English: optimum load Dutch: optimale koppeling English: optimum coupling Dutch: optimale kwaliteit English: optimal quality Dutch: optimale spanning English: optimum voltage Dutch: optimale stroom English: optimum current Dutch: optimalisatie English: optimization Dutch: optimalisator English: optimizer Dutch: optimaliseren English: to optimize Dutch: optimaliseringsmodel English: optimized model Dutch: optimisatie English: optimization Dutch: optimiseren English: to optimize Dutch: optimum English: optimum Dutch: optioneel English: optional Dutch: optionele stop English: optional stop Dutch: optisch aangepast English: optically adapted Dutch: optisch filter English: optical filter Dutch: optisch gedeelte English: optical part Dutch: optisch glas in bulk English: bulk optical glass Dutch: optisch kleurenfilter English: optical colour filter Dutch: optisch meten English: to measure optically Dutch: optisch schriftlezen English: optical reading; optical character recognition: OCR Dutch: optisch systeem English: optical system Dutch: optisch teken English: optical character Dutch: optisch zicht English: line of sight Dutch: optische collector English: optical collector Dutch: optische communicaties English: optical communications Dutch: optische computer English: optical computer Dutch: optische detector English: optical detector Dutch: optische geluidstaster English: optical sound reproducer Dutch: optische koppeleenheid English: optical coupler Dutch: optische lezer English: optical character reader; optical reader Dutch: optische modus English: optical mode Dutch: optische schijf English: optical disc Dutch: optische stroom English: optical flow Dutch: optische vezel English: optical fibre Dutch: optische vezelgolfpijp English: fiber-optic waveguide Dutch: optische vezelkabel English: fiber-optic cable Dutch: optische vezelterminal English: fiber-optic terminus Dutch: opto-elektronica English: optoelectronics Dutch: optransformator English: step-up transformer Dutch: optransformeren English: upward transformation; step-up Dutch: optreden English: to perform; to occur; to drop-in Dutch: optrekken English: to lift; to raise; to draw-up; to accelerate Dutch: optreksnelheid English: draw-off speed Dutch: optrompen English: to flare; to widen Dutch: opvangbak English: receiving bin; pan; trough; sump; swarf collector Dutch: opvangbuis English: receiving tube; output pipe Dutch: opvangen English: to catch; to intercept; to capture; to pick up; to receive; to absorb; to take; to compensate; to collect; to intercept Dutch: opvanglijn English: intercepting trunk Dutch: opvloeien English: wetting Dutch: opvoeren English: to raise; to increase; to bring up; to boost; to increase; to lift Dutch: opvoerhoogte English: lift; head Dutch: opvouwen English: to fold up Dutch: opvouwen van fouten English: fault collapsing Dutch: opvraagtaal English: query language Dutch: opvullen English: to fill; to fill up; to fill out; to fill in; to pack; to level; to pad Dutch: opvullend vermogen English: levelling; surface levelling Dutch: opvullende werking English: filling properties; levelling action Dutch: opvulling English: filler; padding Dutch: opvulling met sterren English: asterix protection Dutch: opvulplaat English: spacer; packing plate; shim Dutch: opvulrecord English: dummy record Dutch: opvulring English: spacer ring Dutch: opvulschuifje English: adaptor Dutch: opvulstuk English: filling piece; packing piece; spacer Dutch: opvultijd English: padding time Dutch: opwaarts English: upwards; upward Dutch: opwaarts signaal English: uplink signal Dutch: opwaartse frequentie English: uplink frequency Dutch: opwaartse slag English: upward stroke; upstroke Dutch: opwaartse verbinding English: uplink Dutch: opwarmbaar English: reheatable Dutch: opwarmblokkeerspanning English: heating blocking voltage Dutch: opwarmen English: to warm up; to heat up Dutch: opwarming English: warming-up; heating-up Dutch: opwarmsnelheid English: warming-up rate Dutch: opwarmtijd English: warming-up time Dutch: opwekken English: to generate Dutch: opwekking English: generation Dutch: opwerken English: to use up; to finish; to lift; to raise Dutch: opwikkelen English: to wind up; to coil; to real Dutch: opwikkelmechanisme English: wind-up mechanism; take-up mechanism Dutch: opwikkelmotor English: take-up motor Dutch: opwikkelremkoppel English: braking torque on taking up Dutch: opwikkelspoel English: take-up reel Dutch: opwinden English: to wind up; to coil; to real Dutch: opwindmechanisme English: coiling mechanism; winding mechanism; take-up mechanism Dutch: opzet English: design; scheme; framework; intention Dutch: opzetbeugel English: starting bracket Dutch: opzetdiameter English: dropping diameter Dutch: opzetlengte English: fed length; length of feed Dutch: opzetmechanisme English: set-up mechanism; indexing mechanism; positioning mechanism Dutch: opzetnauwkeurigheid English: feed accuracy Dutch: opzetschijf English: set-up disc; locating disc; indexing cam Dutch: opzetslede English: feed slide Dutch: opzetstuk English: attachment Dutch: opzetten English: to design; to arrange; to lay-out; to conceive; to set up; to bend up; to fold Dutch: opzoeken English: to search Dutch: opzoektabel English: lookup table Dutch: opzoeten English: to smooth Dutch: opzuigen English: to suck Dutch: opzuiveren English: to true; to true up Dutch: opzwellen English: to swell up Dutch: orakel English: oracle Dutch: oranje-cyaanas English: purple boundary; orange-cyan axis Dutch: orde van afmetingen English: range of sizes Dutch: ordegrootte English: magnitude; order of magnitude Dutch: ordenen English: to order; to re-order Dutch: ordening English: putting in order; arrangement; planning; ordering; organization; ordering Dutch: orderacceptatie English: order acceptance Dutch: orderachterstand English: order backlog; back orders Dutch: orderadministratie English: order administration Dutch: orderannulering English: order cancellation Dutch: orderbeheer English: ordering Dutch: orderbesturing English: order control Dutch: orderbevestiging English: order confirmation Dutch: orderdatum English: order date Dutch: orderevaluatie English: order clearing Dutch: orderexplosie English: order explosion Dutch: ordergrootte English: order size Dutch: orderinformatie English: order information Dutch: orderinvoer English: order entry Dutch: orderkosten English: ordering costs Dutch: orderoverzicht English: order survey Dutch: orderpikker English: order picker; order selector Dutch: orderplanning English: order scheduling Dutch: orderportefeuille English: order file; orders on hand Dutch: orderregel English: line item Dutch: ordersysteem English: ordering system Dutch: ordertoezegging English: order promise Dutch: ordertraceerbaarheid English: order traceability Dutch: orderuitvoering English: order filling; order completion Dutch: orderverwerking English: order processing Dutch: orderwijzigingsverzoek English: order change request Dutch: ordinaal English: ordinal Dutch: ordinaat English: ordinate Dutch: ordinaat van een punt English: ordinate of a point Dutch: orgaan English: element; unit; organ Dutch: orgaanbesturingsteken English: device control character Dutch: organisatieadviseur English: management consultant Dutch: organisatieanalyse English: organization analysis Dutch: organisatiebeeld English: organization view Dutch: organisatiebeleid English: organizational policy Dutch: organisatiedeskundige English: organization expert; management consultant Dutch: organisatie-eenheid English: organization unit Dutch: organisatiegids English: organization manual; management guide Dutch: organisatiekundige English: organization theorist Dutch: organisatiemodel English: organization model Dutch: organisatieniveau English: organizational level Dutch: organisatieprincipe English: organization principle Dutch: organisatieproblemen English: organisational problems Dutch: organisatietechniek English: organization technique Dutch: organisatorisch English: organisational Dutch: organisatorische cel English: organizational cell Dutch: organisch English: organic Dutch: organisch oplosmiddel English: organic solvent; organic degreasing solvent Dutch: organiseren English: to organize Dutch: organisme English: organism Dutch: orgel English: organ Dutch: oriëntatie English: estimate; orientation Dutch: oriëntatieprijs English: orientation price Dutch: oriënteren English: to orient; to orientate Dutch: originele drager English: original carrier type Dutch: originele TPD English: original TPD Dutch: orthikon English: orthicon Dutch: orthocyclisch wikkelen English: orthocyclic winding Dutch: orthogonale assen English: orthogonal axes Dutch: orthografisch English: orthographic Dutch: oscillatie English: oscillation Dutch: oscillatorbuis English: oscillator valve; oscillator tube Dutch: oscillatorcircuit English: oscillator circuit Dutch: oscillatorfrequentie English: oscillator frequency Dutch: oscillatorgedeelte English: oscillator section Dutch: oscillatorgolflengte English: oscillator wavelength Dutch: oscillatorkring English: oscillator circuit Dutch: oscillatorschakeling English: oscillator circuit Dutch: oscillatorseriespoel English: oscillator series coil Dutch: oscillatorsignaal English: oscillator signal Dutch: oscillatorspoel English: oscillator coil Dutch: oscillatorstraling English: oscillator radiation Dutch: oscillatorstroom English: oscillator current Dutch: oscillatortrap English: oscillator stage Dutch: oscillatortrimmer English: oscillator trimmer Dutch: oscilleren English: to oscillate Dutch: oscillerend circuit English: oscillating circuit Dutch: oscillerend kristal English: oscillating crystal Dutch: oscillerende beweging English: oscillating movement Dutch: oscillerende diode English: oscillating diode Dutch: oscillerende omvormer English: oscillating transducer Dutch: oscillograaf English: oscillograph Dutch: oscillogram English: oscillogram; pattern Dutch: oscilloscoop English: oscilloscope Dutch: oscilloscoopbuis English: oscilloscope tube Dutch: osmiridium English: osmiridium Dutch: osmotisch English: osmotic Dutch: ossepootolie English: neat's foot oil Dutch: oud rose English: old rose Dutch: oud-archief English: dead files Dutch: ouder English: parent Dutch: ouderatoom English: parent atom Dutch: ouderdom English: age Dutch: ouderdomsvoorzieningen English: old-age provisions Dutch: ouderen English: to age Dutch: oudering English: ageing; aging Dutch: ouderingsproef English: ageing test; aging test Dutch: ouderklasse English: parent class Dutch: outilleren English: to equip Dutch: outlet English: outlet Dutch: output meter English: output meter Dutch: ovaal English: oval; elongated Dutch: ovaalheid English: ovality Dutch: ovaalmeter English: oval gauge Dutch: ovaliteit English: ovality Dutch: oven English: oven; furnace Dutch: ovenbekleding English: oven lining; furnace lining Dutch: ovencement English: fire-proof cement Dutch: ovendrogend English: oven-drying Dutch: ovenlading English: oven charge; furnace charge Dutch: ovenproef English: oven test Dutch: over de gehele lengte English: the whole length Dutch: over een hoek buigen English: to fold through an angle Dutch: over een lengte van English: across a length of Dutch: overall-doorlaatkromme English: overall band-pass curve Dutch: overall-karakteristiek English: overall characteristic Dutch: overbelast English: overloaded Dutch: overbelastbaar zijn English: to have an overload capacity Dutch: overbelastbaarheid English: overload capacity Dutch: overbelaste oscillator English: overloaded oscillator Dutch: overbelaste versterker English: overloaded amplifier Dutch: overbelasterbegrenzer English: overload limiter Dutch: overbelasting English: congestion; overload Dutch: overbelastingsproef English: overload test Dutch: overbelastingsrelais English: overload relay Dutch: overbelastingstijd English: overload time Dutch: overbelicht English: over-exposed Dutch: overbelichten English: to over-expose Dutch: overbelichting English: over-exposure Dutch: overbezetting English: overloading; overload Dutch: overbrengbaar English: transmissible Dutch: overbrengen English: to transmit; to move; to transfer; to convey Dutch: overbrenger English: transducer Dutch: overbrenging English: transmission; transfer Dutch: overbrengingscontrole English: copy check Dutch: overbrengingssysteem English: transmission system Dutch: overbrugd T-filter English: bridged T-filter Dutch: overbruggen English: to bridge; to jumper; to by-pass Dutch: overbrugging English: bridging; by-passing Dutch: overbruggingsdraad English: jumper wire Dutch: overbruggingsfilter English: by-pass filter Dutch: overbruggingskabel English: jumper cable Dutch: overbruggingsverlies English: bridging loss Dutch: overcompleet English: surplus Dutch: overdag English: in the daytime; by day Dutch: overdekken English: to cover Dutch: overdimensionering English: overdesign Dutch: overdistilleren English: to distil over Dutch: overdraagbaar English: portable Dutch: overdraagfilm English: transfer film Dutch: overdrachtsfunctie English: transfer function Dutch: overdrachtsimpedantie English: transfer impedance Dutch: overdrachtsmedium English: bearer Dutch: overdrachtsprocedure English: transmission procedure Dutch: overdrachtssnelheid English: data rate; transfer rate Dutch: overdrachtstijd English: transfer time Dutch: overdrachtsweg English: transmission path Dutch: overdrachtsysteem English: transmission system Dutch: overdragen English: to transfer; to transmit; to carry Dutch: overdrager English: junctor; transducer Dutch: overdrukeffect English: copying effect Dutch: overdrukken English: to draw down; to reprint Dutch: overdwars English: transverse; crosswise Dutch: overeenkomen English: to agree; to correspond; to conform; to match Dutch: overeenkomend English: corresponding; matching Dutch: overeenstemmen English: to agree; to correspond; to conform; to match Dutch: overerving English: inheritance Dutch: overflow-functie English: overflow function Dutch: overgang English: transition; junction; fillet; change-over Dutch: overgangsbarrière English: junction barrier Dutch: overgangsnetwerk English: transition network: TN Dutch: overgangspassing English: location fit; transition fit Dutch: overgangsstroom English: transient current Dutch: overgangsweerstand English: contact resistance Dutch: overgebleven English: surviving Dutch: overgieten English: to pour from ... into ...; transfer from ... to ... Dutch: overhalen English: to pull; to pull over; to persuade Dutch: overhandigen English: handover Dutch: overhang English: overhang Dutch: overhangen English: to hang over Dutch: overhangend English: hanging-over Dutch: overhead projector English: overhead projector Dutch: overheadtijd English: overhead time Dutch: overheersen English: to dominate Dutch: overheidsinstanties English: public authorities Dutch: overhellen English: to be inclined; to lean over Dutch: overhevelen English: to siphon Dutch: overhoeks English: diagonal Dutch: overkapping English: roof; covering Dutch: overkops afwikkelen English: overcheek flying off Dutch: overkritisch English: hypercritical; supercritical Dutch: overkritisch koppelen English: to over-couple Dutch: overkritische demping English: overdamping Dutch: overlangs English: longitudinal; lengthwise Dutch: overlap English: overlap; lap Dutch: overlapmetallisatie English: overlay metallizing Dutch: overlapnaad English: lap joint Dutch: overlappen English: to overlap Dutch: overlapping English: overlap; overlapping Dutch: overlast English: nuisance; annoyance Dutch: overlay English: overlay Dutch: overlay-stuurprogramma English: overlay supervisor Dutch: overlay-transistor English: overlay transistor Dutch: overleggen met English: to consult with Dutch: overloop English: overflow; overtravel Dutch: overloopexceptie English: overflow exception Dutch: overloopgroef English: flash groove Dutch: overloopklep English: escape valve; overflow valve Dutch: overloopschakelaar English: overflow indicator Dutch: overlopen English: to overflow; to over-run; to blend Dutch: overmaat English: oversize; excess; redundancy; excess Dutch: overmagnetiseren English: to remagnetize Dutch: overmatig English: excessive Dutch: overmodulatie English: overmodulation Dutch: overmoduleren English: to fade in and out; to overlap; to overmodulate Dutch: overname English: override Dutch: overnamekarakteristiek English: transfer characteristic Dutch: overneembody English: transfer body Dutch: overneemgaasje English: transfer screen Dutch: overneemmal English: transfer jig Dutch: overneemmethode English: plating transfer method; additive transfer method Dutch: overneemvorm English: transfer form Dutch: overplaatsing English: transfer Dutch: overpompen English: to pump over; transfer pumping Dutch: overschakelen English: to change over; to switch over; to change gear Dutch: overschakeling English: switch over; gear changing Dutch: overschatten English: to over-estimate Dutch: overschot English: surplus; remainder Dutch: overschot of tekort English: surplus or shortage Dutch: overschotvoorraad English: surplus stock Dutch: overschrijden English: to exceed; to transgress Dutch: overschrijding English: exceeding; transgression Dutch: overschrijdingskans English: probability of exceeding of limits Dutch: overshoot English: overshoot Dutch: overslaan English: to flash over; to overlap; to tranship; to skip Dutch: overslagpunt English: transfer point; transhipment location; transhipment area Dutch: overslagspanning English: flash-over voltage Dutch: overspraak English: cross talk; crosstalk Dutch: overspraakdemping English: crosstalk attenuation; cross-talk damping Dutch: overspraakkoppeling English: crosstalk coupling Dutch: overspraakweerstand English: crosstalk resistance Dutch: overspreekdemping English: crosstalk attenuation; cross-talk damping Dutch: overspreken English: to crosstalk Dutch: overspringen English: to jump; to bridge Dutch: oversprong English: skip Dutch: overspuiten English: to cover with; to apply a subsequent coat; to repaint Dutch: overstaand English: opposite Dutch: overstapstand English: step-over position Dutch: overstek English: overhang Dutch: overstromen English: overflowing Dutch: overstroming English: flood; flooding; overflow; overflowing Dutch: overstroom English: overcurrent; excess current; overflow Dutch: overstroomrelais English: overload relay; overcurrent relay Dutch: oversturen English: to overload; to overdrive; to ship Dutch: oversturing English: overloading; overdriving; overmodulation Dutch: oversturingsgrens English: overload limit Dutch: oversturingsmarge English: overload margin Dutch: oversturingsniveau English: overload level Dutch: overtemperatuur English: excess temperature Dutch: overtijd English: past due Dutch: overtollig English: excess; surplus Dutch: overtollige voorraad English: excess stock Dutch: oververhitten English: to overheat Dutch: oververhitting English: overheating; excessive heating Dutch: oververzadigd English: oversaturated Dutch: oververzadiging English: oversaturation; colour overload Dutch: oververzekering English: overinsurance Dutch: overvloedig elektron English: excess electron Dutch: overwegen English: to consider Dutch: overweging English: consideration Dutch: overwerk English: overtime; overtime work; overwork Dutch: overwerktijd English: overtime Dutch: overwinnen English: to conquer; to overcome Dutch: overwissen English: to cross-erase Dutch: overwissing English: cross-erasure Dutch: overzeefabriek English: overseas factory Dutch: overzeemarkt English: overseas market Dutch: overzeezending English: overseas shipment Dutch: overzetprogramma English: translating program; translator; translater Dutch: overzetten English: to translate Dutch: overzicht English: overview; review; summary; synopsis; survey Dutch: overzicht English: survey Dutch: overzichtsblad English: survey sheet Dutch: overzichtsprogramma English: map program Dutch: oxaalzuur English: oxalic acid Dutch: oxidabel English: oxidizable Dutch: oxidatiebestendig English: oxidation resistant Dutch: oxidatiemiddel English: oxidant Dutch: oxidatiereactie English: oxidation reaction Dutch: oxidedikte English: oxide thickness Dutch: oxidedispersie English: oxide dispersion Dutch: oxideerbaar English: oxidizable Dutch: oxideerbare stof English: oxidizable material Dutch: oxideermiddel English: oxidizing agent Dutch: oxidefilm English: oxide film Dutch: oxidehuid English: oxide film; layer of oxide; oxide scale Dutch: oxidelaag English: oxide layer; oxide film Dutch: oxidemasker English: oxide mask Dutch: oxideren English: to oxidize Dutch: oxidevrij English: free from oxide Dutch: ozaliet English: diazo transparency Dutch: ozokeriet English: ozokerite Dutch: paar English: pair; couple; set a few Dutch: paardekracht English: horse power Dutch: paars English: violet; purple Dutch: pad-analysator English: path analyzer Dutch: padanalyse English: path analysis Dutch: paddekking English: path coverage Dutch: paddestoel English: mushroom; guiding tool Dutch: padding English: padding Dutch: paddingafwijking English: padding deviation; tracking error Dutch: paddingcapaciteit English: padding capacitance Dutch: paddingcondensator English: padding capacitor; padder capacitor; padder Dutch: padnaam English: path name Dutch: padsensibilisatie English: path sensitizing Dutch: paduitdrukking English: path expression Dutch: paginakader English: page frame Dutch: pagina-overgang English: page breakage Dutch: paginatabel English: page table Dutch: paginawisseling English: page swapping Dutch: pagineren English: to page Dutch: paginering English: paging Dutch: paginering op verzoek English: demand paging Dutch: pagineringsroutine English: pager Dutch: pak English: package; parcel Dutch: pak-en-plaats English: pick-and-place Dutch: pak-en-plaats robot English: pick and place robot Dutch: pakje English: parcel Dutch: pakjesplank English: parcel shelf Dutch: pakken English: grasp; grip; engage with Dutch: pakkerij English: packaging department; packing department Dutch: pakket English: package; packet; parcel; set Dutch: pakkethoofd English: packet header Dutch: pakketlichaam English: packet body Dutch: pakketmodus English: packet mode Dutch: pakketschakeling English: packet switching; packet switching network Dutch: pakkingbout English: gland bolt Dutch: pakkingdrukker English: gland; gland nut Dutch: pakkingkraan English: gland cock Dutch: pakkingmoer English: gland nut Dutch: pakkingrand English: packing face Dutch: pakkingschijf English: shim Dutch: pakkingsgraad English: component density Dutch: paklijst English: packing list Dutch: pakmachine English: packing machine; packaging machine Dutch: pakpapier English: wrapping paper Dutch: paktouw English: string; cord; twine Dutch: pal English: pawl; catch Dutch: PAL-blok English: PAL-block Dutch: palettelescoopdoos English: pallet-telescope box Dutch: palissanderhout English: rosewood Dutch: palletstroom English: pallet flow Dutch: PAL-lijn English: PAL-line Dutch: palmitinezuur English: palmitic acid Dutch: palmolie English: palm oil Dutch: palmpitolie English: palm-kernel oil; palm-nut oil Dutch: palrad English: ratchet; ratchet pawl Dutch: PAL-schakelaar English: PAL-switch; line switch; line phase switch; subcarrier phase switch Dutch: palsteun English: pawl support; catch support Dutch: PAL-systeem English: PAL-system Dutch: pan English: pot; pan; tile; case Dutch: paneel English: desk; panel; platform; printed board; printed circuit board; print panel Dutch: paneelhouder English: printed-board holder; PC-board holder Dutch: paneelstekerbus English: panel socket; bulkhead socket Dutch: pannen English: to pan Dutch: panorama English: panorama Dutch: panoramascherm English: panoramic display Dutch: panorameren English: to pan Dutch: panoramisch English: panoramic Dutch: pap English: paste Dutch: papierbak English: waste-paper bin Dutch: papierband English: paper tape Dutch: papierbekleding English: paper covering Dutch: papierbekleed English: paper-covered Dutch: papiercondensator English: paper dielectric capacitor; paper capacitor Dutch: papieren stofzak English: paper dust-bag Dutch: papierfabriek English: paper mill Dutch: papierisolatie English: paper insulation Dutch: papierloos inkopen English: paperless purchasing Dutch: papiermachine English: paper machine; papermaking machine Dutch: papieromwikkeling English: paper wrapping Dutch: papierpap English: paper pulp Dutch: papierplakband English: gummed paper tape Dutch: papierpulp English: paper pulp Dutch: papiersnipper English: chad; chip Dutch: papiersprong English: paper throw Dutch: papierstrook English: paper strip Dutch: papiervoering English: paper lining Dutch: papierwol English: paperwool Dutch: papje English: paste Dutch: paraattas English: everready case Dutch: parabolisch English: parabolic Dutch: parabolische reflector English: parabolic reflector Dutch: paraboolantenne English: parabola antenna; parabola aerial Dutch: paraboolspanning English: parabolic voltage Dutch: paraboolstroom English: parabolic current Dutch: paraboolvormige stroom English: parabolic current Dutch: parafaseversterker English: paraphase amplifier Dutch: paraferen English: initial Dutch: paraffine English: paraffin wax Dutch: paraffine-olie English: paraffin oil; liquid paraffin Dutch: paraffinepapier English: waxed paper; paraffin paper Dutch: paraffineren English: to paraffin Dutch: parallaxmiswijzing English: parallax error Dutch: parallel English: concurrent; parallel Dutch: parallel aan English: parallel to Dutch: parallel aansluiten English: to connect in parallel; to connect in shunt Dutch: parallel lopen English: to run parallel Dutch: parallel maken English: to parallelize Dutch: parallel poortcircuit English: parallel gate circuit Dutch: parallel schakelen English: to connect in parallel Dutch: parallel-architectuur English: parallel architecture Dutch: parallelas English: parallel axis Dutch: parallelbewerking English: parallel operation Dutch: parallelcapacitantie English: parallel capacitance Dutch: parallelcircuit English: parallel circuit Dutch: parallelcomputer English: array computer; parallel computer Dutch: parallelcondensatoren English: parallel capacitors Dutch: parallelle constructie English: parallel construct Dutch: parallelle inductoren English: parallel inductors Dutch: parallelle instelling English: collimation Dutch: parallelle Q English: parallel Q Dutch: parallelle resistentie English: parallel resistance Dutch: parallelle resonantie English: parallel resonance Dutch: parallelle uitvoering English: concurrent/parallel processing Dutch: parallelle verwerking English: parallel processing Dutch: parallelle weerstanden English: parallel resistors Dutch: parallelliteit English: parallelism Dutch: parallelliteitsfout English: out of parallel Dutch: parallellogram English: parallelogram Dutch: parallelopteller English: parallel adder Dutch: parallelplanning English: parallel planning Dutch: parallelschakelaar English: parallel switch Dutch: parallelschakeling English: parallel circuit; parallel connection; shunt connection Dutch: parallelsnoer English: parallel flex Dutch: parallelstekerbus English: parallel socket Dutch: paralleltijd English: parallel time Dutch: paralleluitgang English: parallel output Dutch: parallelverwerking English: parallel processing Dutch: parallelvoeding English: shunt feed Dutch: parameter English: parameter Dutch: parameterisering English: parametering Dutch: parameterlijst English: parameter list Dutch: parameter-polymorfisme English: parameter polymorphism Dutch: parameterwoord English: parameter word Dutch: parametrisch English: parametric Dutch: parametrisch ontwerpen English: parametric design Dutch: parametron English: parametron Dutch: parasitair English: parasitic Dutch: parasitair component English: stray component Dutch: parasitair element English: parasitic element Dutch: parasitaire capaciteit English: stray capacitance Dutch: parasitaire oscillatie English: parasitic oscillation Dutch: parasitaire oscilleren English: parasitic oscillation Dutch: parasitaire stroom English: stray current Dutch: parasitaire transistor English: parasitic transistor Dutch: parasitaire weerstand English: stray resistance Dutch: parelcondensator English: bead capacitor Dutch: parelessence English: pearl essence Dutch: parellijm English: pearl glue; granular glue Dutch: parelmoer English: mother of pearl Dutch: parelmoereffect English: mother-of-pearl effect Dutch: parende delen English: mating parts Dutch: pareto-analyse English: pareto analysis; pareto-analysis; twenty-eighty rule Dutch: pari�tale kwab English: parietal lob Dutch: parkeerlicht English: parking lamp; side light Dutch: parkeersignaal English: camp-on-busy signal Dutch: parkeren English: camp-on Dutch: parkeren met nabellen English: camp-on-busy: COB Dutch: parkeriseren English: to parkerize Dutch: parser English: parser Dutch: part English: part; portion Dutch: participant English: actor Dutch: partieel model English: partial model Dutch: partieel niveau English: partial level Dutch: parti�le afgeleide English: partial derivative Dutch: parti�le regressie English: partial regression Dutch: partij English: batch; lot Dutch: partijbestand English: batch file Dutch: partijgrootte English: lot size; batch quantity Dutch: partijkwaliteit English: lot quality Dutch: partijomvang English: lot size Dutch: partijverpakking English: packaging quantity Dutch: partitie English: partition Dutch: partitioneren English: to partition Dutch: partitionering English: partitioning Dutch: partnerschap English: partnership Dutch: pas English: fitting Dutch: pashuls English: adaptor Dutch: pasmaken English: to make fit; to true up Dutch: pasmaken in English: to make fit into Dutch: passen English: to fit Dutch: passen bij English: to match Dutch: passen in English: to fit in; to be a fit in Dutch: passen om English: to fit around Dutch: passen op English: to fit on; to be a fit on Dutch: passen over English: to fit over Dutch: passend English: fitting; toned well Dutch: passend maken English: to make fit; to true up Dutch: passief English: passive; liability Dutch: passief circuit English: passive circuit Dutch: passief component English: passive component Dutch: passief netwerk English: passive network Dutch: passieve modulator English: passive modulator Dutch: passieve transducer English: passive transducer Dutch: passing English: fit Dutch: passingeenheid English: unit of fit Dutch: passingsoort English: class of fit Dutch: passingstelsel English: fit system; class of fit Dutch: passingtolerantie English: fit tolerance Dutch: passiveerbad English: passivating bath; passivating dip Dutch: passiveerlaag English: passivating coat Dutch: passiveren English: to passivate Dutch: passiveringsbad English: passivating bath; passivating dip Dutch: passtuk English: adapter Dutch: pasta English: paste Dutch: pastille English: pellet; platine; slug; ornamental disc Dutch: pastillepers English: tabletting machine Dutch: pastilleren English: to tablet Dutch: pasvlak English: face; joint face Dutch: patent English: patent Dutch: patentaanvrage English: patent application Dutch: patentbureau English: patent office Dutch: patenthouder English: patentee Dutch: patentrecht English: patent right; patent fee Dutch: patentstrook English: patent slip Dutch: patentverlenging English: patent grant Dutch: patineren English: to patinate Dutch: patrijs English: punch Dutch: patroon English: pattern; picture; drawing; cartridge; employer Dutch: patroongeneratie English: pattern generation Dutch: patroongenerator English: pattern generator Dutch: pauze English: pause; break; rest Dutch: pauzeknop English: pause control; pause key; pause button; stand-by switch; quick-stop control Dutch: pauzeren English: to pause Dutch: pauzeschakelaar English: sound-off switch; interval circuit Dutch: pauzestrip English: quick-stop strip Dutch: pauzetoets English: pause control; pause key; pause button; stand-by switch; quick-stop control Dutch: PA-versterker English: public-address amplifier: PA amplifier Dutch: p-collector English: p-type collector Dutch: p-dopingsring English: p-annular band Dutch: pedaal English: pedal; treadle; foot lever Dutch: pedaaldruk English: pedal pressure Dutch: pedaalhefboom English: pedal lever Dutch: pedaalkracht English: pedal force Dutch: pedaalweg English: pedal travel Dutch: peer English: pear; bulb Dutch: peervormig English: pear-shaped Dutch: peil English: level; mark Dutch: peilen English: to gauge; to sound; direction finding Dutch: peilglas English: gauge glass; level gauge Dutch: peilhoek English: bearing Dutch: peilhoekdiscriminatie English: bearing discrimination Dutch: peiling English: bearing; gauging; sounding; direction finding Dutch: peilingsintersectie English: bearing cut Dutch: pelkracht English: peeling force Dutch: pelsterkte English: peeling strength; peel strength Dutch: Peltiereffect English: Peltier effect Dutch: pen English: pin; peg; plunger; pivot; pen Dutch: penaanslag English: peg stop Dutch: penas English: tenon spindle Dutch: pen-compatibel English: pin-compatible Dutch: penconfiguratie English: pin configuration Dutch: pencontact English: pin connector Dutch: pencontactdoos English: fixed pin connector Dutch: pencontactstop English: free pin connector Dutch: pendelen English: call splitting Dutch: pendichtheid English: pin density Dutch: pen-en-gat verbinding English: mortise-and-tenon joint Dutch: penetratie English: penetration Dutch: penetratiegraad English: penetration degree Dutch: penfrees English: cylindrical cutter; tenoner; tenon cutter Dutch: pengat English: pin hole; mortise; female tenon Dutch: pengatkaliber English: plug gauge; mortise gauge Dutch: pengatmachine English: slot mortising machine Dutch: pengeleiding English: pinfeed; pin guide Dutch: penkaliber English: plug gauge Dutch: pennaam English: pin name Dutch: pennenbed English: bed-of-nails Dutch: pennenbord English: pin board Dutch: pennummer English: pin number Dutch: penplotter English: penplotter Dutch: penplug English: pin plug Dutch: penponssysteem English: port-a-punch Dutch: penschroefdraadkaliber English: screwthread plug gauge Dutch: pensioen English: pension Dutch: pensioenfonds English: pension fund; retirement fund; superannuation fund Dutch: pensleutel English: pin spanner Dutch: pensleutelmoer English: pin-spanner nut Dutch: pentode English: pentode Dutch: pentode-eindtrap English: pentode output stage Dutch: pentodetransistor English: pentode transistor Dutch: penverbinding English: pin connection; pin joint; pivoted joint; tenon joint Dutch: penwiel English: cog wheel Dutch: percent English: percent Dutch: percentage English: percentage; per cent Dutch: percentage vervorming English: percent distortion Dutch: percentagestuklijst English: percentage bill-of-material Dutch: perceptiedomein English: perception domain Dutch: perceptor English: perceptor Dutch: perceptron English: perceptron Dutch: perchloorethyleen English: perchlorethylene; perchloroethylene Dutch: perchloorzuur English: perchloric acid Dutch: percussie English: percussion Dutch: percussielassen English: percussion welding Dutch: percussieritme English: percussion rhythm Dutch: perfect English: perfect Dutch: perfect kristal English: perfect crystal Dutch: perfectief onderhoud English: perfective maintenance Dutch: perfectioneren English: to perfect Dutch: perforatie English: perforation Dutch: perforatiegereedschap English: perforating tool Dutch: perforatierij English: perforation row Dutch: perforatieril English: perforated score Dutch: perforatiestempel English: perforating tool Dutch: perforator English: perforator; file punch Dutch: perforeren English: to perforate Dutch: performatief English: performative Dutch: pergamijnpapier English: glassine paper Dutch: pericyclo�de English: pericycloid Dutch: perifere apparatuur English: peripheral equipment; peripherals Dutch: periferieapparaat English: peripheral equipment Dutch: periferieoverdracht English: peripheral transfer Dutch: perimeter English: perimeter Dutch: periode English: period; repetend; cycle Dutch: periodeduur English: period Dutch: periodenaantal English: number of cycles; periodicity Dutch: periodiciteit English: periodicity; frequency Dutch: periodiek English: periodic; periodical; cyclic; cyclical Dutch: periodiek dichtslaan English: motor boating Dutch: periodiek monster English: periodic sample Dutch: periodiek onderzoek English: routine inspection Dutch: periodiek uitdoven English: to quench Dutch: periodieke afwijking English: periodic deviation Dutch: periodieke demping English: periodic damping Dutch: periodieke grootheid English: periodic quantity Dutch: periodieke kromme English: periodic curve Dutch: periodieke telling English: cycle counting Dutch: periodieke voorraad English: periodic inventory Dutch: perkamentpapier English: parchment paper Dutch: perliet English: perlite Dutch: perlocutie English: perlocution Dutch: perlocutionair English: perlocutionary Dutch: permanent geheugen English: permanent memory Dutch: permanent magnetisme English: permanent magnetism Dutch: permanente magneet English: permanent magnet: PM Dutch: permanente opslag English: permanent storage Dutch: permanente voorraad English: perpetual inventory Dutch: permeabiliteit English: permeability Dutch: perminvar English: perminvar Dutch: permuteren English: to permute Dutch: peroxide English: peroxide Dutch: peroxidegetal English: peroxide number Dutch: persband English: reinforcing band Dutch: persbediener English: press operator Dutch: persbelasting English: press load Dutch: persbewerking English: pressing operation; moulding operation Dutch: persblokcondensator English: press-block capacitor; roll-block capacitor Dutch: perscapaciteit English: press capacity Dutch: perscilinder English: compressed-air cylinder Dutch: perscyclus English: pressing cycle; moulding cycle Dutch: persdoorn English: press arbor Dutch: persdruk English: pressure Dutch: persen English: to press; to mould Dutch: persen op English: to press on; to force on Dutch: persen over English: to press over; to force over Dutch: perserij English: pressing shop; moulding department Dutch: persfreem English: press frame Dutch: persgeleiding English: press slide Dutch: persgereedschap English: press tool Dutch: persgieten English: to die-cast; die casting; to compression-mould; compression moulding Dutch: persgietmachine English: die casting machine; compression moulding machine Dutch: persgietstuk English: die casting Dutch: persglas English: pressed glass; moulded glass Dutch: pershoogte English: delivery head Dutch: persistentieprobleem English: persistence problem Dutch: perskamer English: delivery chamber Dutch: perskracht English: pressure Dutch: persluchtcilinder English: compressed-air cylinder Dutch: persluchtkraan English: compressed-air cock Dutch: persluchtleiding English: compressed-air line Dutch: persluchtplunjer English: pneumatic adaptor Dutch: persluchtschema English: compressed-air diagram Dutch: persluchtslang English: compressed-air hose Dutch: persluchtspuit English: compressed-air gun Dutch: persluchtstopcontact English: pneumatic coupler Dutch: persmassa English: moulding compound Dutch: persmateriaal English: moulding material Dutch: persmatrijs English: die; mould Dutch: persmoer English: press-in nut Dutch: personeelsbeheer English: personnel management; labour management Dutch: personeelsbehoefte English: personnel needs Dutch: personeelsbeleid English: personnel management; employment policy Dutch: personeelsbeoordeling English: personnel evaluation Dutch: personeelsbezetting English: workforce; manpower; headcount; staff; staffing; manpower levels Dutch: personeelschef English: personnel officer; personnel manager Dutch: personeelsgebrek English: personnel shortage Dutch: personeelsgegeven English: personnel record Dutch: personeelsplanning English: personnel planning Dutch: personeelssterkte English: work force; manpower Dutch: persoonlijke inzet English: personal commitment; personal involvement Dutch: perspassing English: interference fit; press fit; force fit Dutch: perspin English: plunger Dutch: perspoeder English: moulding powder Dutch: persproduct English: pressing; moulding Dutch: persslag English: delivery stroke; compression stroke; press stroke Dutch: persslede English: slide; ram Dutch: perssmeedstuk English: press forging Dutch: perssnelheid English: pressing speed; speed of press Dutch: persstempel English: die set Dutch: persstoter English: ram; slide Dutch: perstafel English: press bed Dutch: perstijd English: pressing time; moulding time Dutch: persvoet English: press base Dutch: pertinax English: pertinax Dutch: PERT-systeem English: PERT-system Dutch: peta English: peta Dutch: Petri-net English: Petri net Dutch: Petri-schaal English: Petri dish Dutch: petroleum English: petroleum; petroleum oil; paraffin; paraffin oil; kerosene Dutch: petroleumfornuis English: kerosene range; kerosene gas stove Dutch: p-gebied English: p-region; p-type region Dutch: Philipsschild English: Philips emblem Dutch: philitiseren English: to resinize; to resinify Dutch: pH-meting English: pH-measurement Dutch: phonschaal English: phon scale Dutch: pH-papier English: pH-paper Dutch: pianodraad English: piano wire; music wire Dutch: pianoscharnier English: piano hinge Dutch: piccolo English: piccolo Dutch: pick-up arm English: tone arm; pick-up arm Dutch: picnic English: picnic Dutch: pico English: pico Dutch: picovoltmeter English: picovoltmeter Dutch: PID besturingsapparaat English: PID controller Dutch: piek English: peak; spike Dutch: piekamplitude English: peak amplitude Dutch: piekanalyse English: spike analysis Dutch: piekanode(plaat)stroom English: peak anode (plate) current Dutch: piekanodestroom English: anode peak current Dutch: piekbegrenzer English: clipper Dutch: piek-dalverhouding English: peak-to-valley ratio; peak-to-trough ratio; top-dip ratio Dutch: pieken English: to peak; to spike Dutch: piekfactor English: peak factor; crest factor Dutch: piekfilter English: peak filter Dutch: piek-piekspanning English: peak-to-peak voltage Dutch: piekspanning English: peak voltage Dutch: piekspanningsmeetkop English: peak-voltage probe Dutch: piekstroom English: peak current Dutch: piekuur English: busy hour Dutch: piekvervorming English: peak distortion Dutch: piekwaarde English: peak value; crest value Dutch: piekweerstand English: peaking resistor Dutch: piepen English: to squeak; to whistle Dutch: pi-filter English: pi-type filter Dutch: piggyback English: piggyback Dutch: pigmenteren English: to pigment Dutch: pigmentgehalte English: pigment content Dutch: pigmentkleurstof English: pigment; colouring matter Dutch: pigmentsuspensie English: pigment suspension Dutch: pignon English: pinion Dutch: pi�zo-di�lektrisch English: piezodielectric Dutch: pi�zo-elektriciteit English: piezo electricity Dutch: pi�zo-elektrisch English: piezo-electric Dutch: pi�zoresistentie English: piezo-resistance Dutch: pijl English: arrow Dutch: pijldiagram English: arrow diagram; network Dutch: pijlhoogte English: rise of arc Dutch: pijlrichting English: direction of arrow; arrow direction Dutch: pijltandwiel English: herringbone gear Dutch: pijngrens English: threshold of pain Dutch: pijnlijkheid English: soreness Dutch: pijp English: duct; pipe Dutch: pijpbocht English: pipe bend Dutch: pijpdraad English: pipe screwthread; pipe thread Dutch: pijpkoppeling English: pipe coupling Dutch: pijplijn English: pipeline Dutch: pijplijnbesturing English: pipeline control Dutch: pijplijndoorlooptijd English: pipeline lead time Dutch: pijplijnsectie English: pipeline section Dutch: pijplijnvoorraad English: pipeline stock Dutch: pijporgel English: pipe organ Dutch: pijpreiniger English: pipe cleaner Dutch: pijpsleutel English: box spanner Dutch: pikfunctie English: pick function Dutch: pikken English: to pick Dutch: piklijst English: picking list Dutch: pikopdracht English: pick order Dutch: pilaar English: pillar Dutch: pilootsignaal English: pilot signal Dutch: piloottoon English: pilot tone Dutch: pilot-project English: pilot project Dutch: pilot-studie English: pilot study Dutch: pilot-systeem English: pilot system Dutch: pincetlassen English: tweezer welding Dutch: pin-diode English: pin diode Dutch: pingelen English: engine knock Dutch: pin-up condensator English: pin-up capacitor Dutch: PIP English: Present Illness Program: PIP Dutch: pipet English: pipette Dutch: pipetteren English: to transfer by means of a pipette; to pipette off; to pipette in Dutch: pistool English: gun Dutch: pitting English: pitting; pin-point porosity Dutch: p-laag English: p-layer Dutch: plaat English: plate; slab; sheet; board; platen; record; disc; disk; picture; illustration Dutch: plaataandrukker English: pressure pad; blank holder; loading arm; disc hold-down Dutch: plaatafstand English: plate spacing Dutch: plaatafstelling English: plate tuning Dutch: plaatafwipnok English: record pusher Dutch: plaatanode English: plate anode; sheet anode; slab anode Dutch: plaatantenne English: plate antenna; plate aerial Dutch: plaatband English: wide strip Dutch: plaatbankwerker English: sheet metal worker Dutch: plaatbatterij English: plate battery Dutch: plaatbelasting English: plate load Dutch: plaatcondensator English: plate capacitor Dutch: plaatdiameteraftaster English: record diameter scanner; index finger arm; pick-up positioning arm; velocity trim arm; pick-up positioning rod Dutch: plaatdikte English: sheet thickness; plate thickness; panel thickness Dutch: plaatexcentriciteit English: record eccentricity Dutch: plaatgaas English: expanded metal Dutch: plaatgeleiding English: plate conductance Dutch: plaatijzer English: plate iron; sheet iron Dutch: plaatje English: image; plate; disc; wafer Dutch: plaatkarakteristiek English: plate characteristic Dutch: plaatkerko English: plate ceramic capacitor Dutch: plaatknipmachine English: shearing machine; shear Dutch: plaatknippen English: sheet metal cutting; plate shearing Dutch: plaatkring English: plate circuit Dutch: plaatleidingstempel English: stripper-guided tool Dutch: plaatmal English: plate jig Dutch: plaatmetaalschroef English: sheet metal screw Dutch: plaatmodulatie English: plate modulation Dutch: plaatmoer English: speed nut Dutch: plaatoppervlak English: plate area Dutch: plaatpulsmodulatie English: plate pulse modulation Dutch: plaatresistentie English: plate resistance Dutch: plaatruis English: record surface noise Dutch: plaats bieden aan English: to accommodate Dutch: plaats innemen English: to occupy space; to take up space Dutch: plaats van bestemming English: destination office Dutch: plaatsbepaling English: positioning; locating Dutch: plaatsbesparing English: space saving Dutch: plaatschaar English: plate shears Dutch: plaatschroef English: sheet metal screw Dutch: plaatselijk afgedekt English: locally masked Dutch: plaatselijk verhard English: zone toughened Dutch: plaatsgebrek English: lack of space Dutch: plaatsing English: location; locating; installation; erection; placement Dutch: plaatsingsalgoritme English: placement algorithm Dutch: plaatskeuze English: site selection Dutch: plaatspanning English: plate voltage Dutch: plaatspanningsapparaat English: power supply unit Dutch: plaatspoel English: disc coil Dutch: plaatsruimte English: room; space; floor space Dutch: plaatstijdomzetter English: dynamiciser Dutch: plaatstoep English: offset shelf Dutch: plaatstolerantie English: positional tolerance Dutch: plaatstroom English: plate current Dutch: plaatswinst English: space saving Dutch: plaattank English: plate tank Dutch: plaatval English: record drop Dutch: plaatvalmechanisme English: record dropping mechanism Dutch: plaat-voedingsspanning English: plate supply voltage Dutch: plaatweerstand English: plate resistor Dutch: plaatwikkeling English: plate winding Dutch: plak English: wafer Dutch: plakband English: adhesive tape; gummed paper tape Dutch: plakbandmachine English: tape dispenser Dutch: plakbewerking English: wafer processing Dutch: plaketiket English: adhesive label Dutch: plakkaatverf English: lithographic colour; distemper Dutch: plakken English: to stick; to glue; to be sticky; to be tacky; to tape seal Dutch: plakkenzagen English: wafering Dutch: plakkerig English: sticky; tacky Dutch: plaklap English: stiffening cloth Dutch: plaklas English: lap joint; dry joint Dutch: plakmal English: gluing jig; splicing jig; editing jig; cutter box; splicer; splicing device Dutch: plakmiddel English: adhesive; glue Dutch: plakplaatje English: sticker Dutch: plakweerstand English: plaque resistor Dutch: plamuren English: to fill Dutch: plamuur English: filler Dutch: plamuurmes English: filling knife; stopping knife Dutch: plan English: concept; map; plan; schedule Dutch: planair English: planar Dutch: planaire transistor English: planar transistor Dutch: planeetaandrijving English: planetary gear Dutch: planeetoverbrenging English: planetary gear Dutch: planeren English: to planish; to size Dutch: planetair tandwiel English: planetary gear Dutch: plangroep English: plan group Dutch: planimetrie English: planimetry Dutch: plankier English: foot board; platform Dutch: planmatig English: systematic Dutch: plannen English: plans; to schedule; to plan Dutch: plannen in blokken English: block scheduling Dutch: plannenmaker English: planner Dutch: planner English: planner Dutch: planning English: planning Dutch: planning van de vraag English: supply planning Dutch: planning van onderhoud English: schedule maintenance Dutch: planningalgoritme English: planning algorithm Dutch: planningaspect English: planning aspect Dutch: planningbureau English: planning office; planning department Dutch: planningfunctie English: planning function Dutch: planninghorizon English: planning horizon Dutch: planninglijst English: planning sheet Dutch: planningmethode English: planning method Dutch: planningmethodiek English: planning methodology Dutch: planningmodel English: planning model Dutch: planningniveau English: planning level Dutch: planningperiode English: planning period Dutch: planningserie English: planning batch Dutch: planningsprogramma English: scheduler Dutch: planningstadium English: scheduling stage Dutch: planningstuklijst English: planning bill-of-material Dutch: planningsysteem English: planning system Dutch: planningtechniek English: planning technique Dutch: plano-doos English: plano box; collapsed box; knocked-down box Dutch: planstandaard English: plan standard Dutch: plantenlijm English: vegetable glue Dutch: plasmadiode English: plasma diode Dutch: plasmascherm English: plasma panel Dutch: plastic basis English: plastic basis; plastic-based Dutch: plasticiteit English: plasticity Dutch: plastiek English: plastic Dutch: plastiek profielband English: welt Dutch: plastificeren English: to plasticize Dutch: plastisch effect English: plastic effect Dutch: plat bestand English: flat file Dutch: platdrukken English: to flatten; to planish; to roll Dutch: platenaandrukarm English: record loading arm; balancing arm; levelling arm; pressure arm; record ballast arm Dutch: platenbankje English: offset shelf Dutch: platendrukker English: loading arm Dutch: platenhoes English: record sleeve; sleeve Dutch: platenreiniger English: disc cleaner Dutch: platenrondwals English: plate bending rollers Dutch: platenschaar English: tinmans shears Dutch: platensnijmachine English: disc recorder Dutch: platenspeler English: record player Dutch: platenspil English: record spindle; pivot; mandrel Dutch: platenwisselaar English: record changer Dutch: platform English: platform Dutch: platinachloorwaterstof English: chloroplatanic acid Dutch: platinadoostechniek English: platinum box technique Dutch: platinametalen English: platinum metals Dutch: platineervloeistof English: silver plating liquid Dutch: platte beitel English: flat chisel Dutch: platte condensator English: flat capacitor Dutch: platte houder English: flat package; flatpack Dutch: platte kop English: flat head Dutch: platte optische kabel English: flat optical cable Dutch: platte spoel English: disc coil Dutch: platte tang English: flat pliers Dutch: plattegrond English: plan Dutch: plattelandsgebied English: rural area Dutch: platteren English: metal cladding Dutch: plattespoelwikkeling English: disc-coil winding Dutch: platte-vorm generatie English: flat-pattern generation Dutch: playback robot English: playback robot Dutch: pletbaar English: malleable Dutch: pletgereedschap English: flattening tool Dutch: pletstempel English: flattening tool Dutch: pletten English: to flatten; to planish; to roll Dutch: pletterij English: rolling mill Dutch: pletwals English: flattening roll Dutch: plexiglas English: plexiglass Dutch: pliodynatron English: pliodynatron Dutch: pliotron English: pliotron Dutch: ploeg English: shift; groove Dutch: ploegenarbeid English: shift work Dutch: ploegenarbeider English: shift worker Dutch: ploegenbeitel English: grooving cutter Dutch: ploeg-en-messing English: tongue-and-groove Dutch: ploegverbinding English: tongue-and-groove joint Dutch: plooi English: fold; wrinkle; crease Dutch: plooibaar English: wrinkling; pliable; foldable Dutch: plooien English: to fold; to wrinkle; to crease Dutch: plooihouder English: blank holder Dutch: plooimachine English: bending machine Dutch: plot English: plot Dutch: plotbestand English: plot file Dutch: plotter English: plotter; plotting table; output table Dutch: plug English: plug Dutch: plugbaar English: pluggable; plug-in Dutch: plug-compatibel English: plug compatible Dutch: pluggen English: to plug Dutch: plughouder English: socket Dutch: plug-in eenheid English: plug-in unit Dutch: plug-in-component English: plug-in component Dutch: plug-in-spoel English: plug-in coil Dutch: plugklep English: plug seating Dutch: plugkraan English: plug cock Dutch: pluizen English: to lint; to fluff Dutch: pluizenfilter English: lint filter Dutch: pluizenzeef English: lint filter Dutch: plumbicon English: plumbicon Dutch: plumbiconbuis English: plumbicon tube Dutch: plumbizout English: plumbic salt Dutch: plumbozout English: plumbous salt Dutch: plunjer English: plunger; piston; ram; force plug Dutch: plunjerafdichting English: plunger seal Dutch: plunjergeleiding English: plunger guide; ram guide Dutch: plunjerpersen English: plunger moulding Dutch: plunjerplaat English: plunger retainer plate Dutch: plunjerslag English: plunger stroke Dutch: plunjerveer English: plunger spring Dutch: plunjerventiel English: rotary slide valve Dutch: plus English: plus Dutch: plus aan massa English: positive earth Dutch: plus/min-stuklijst English: add/delete bill-of-material Dutch: plus-drie code English: excess-three code Dutch: pluskant English: plus side; positive side Dutch: pluspool English: positive pole; plus terminal Dutch: pluspunt; plus-punt English: plus terminal; merit; advantage; plus; asset Dutch: plusteken English: plus sign Dutch: plusverbinding English: plus terminal Dutch: p-n junctie English: p-n junction Dutch: p-n overgang English: p-n junction Dutch: p-n verbinding English: p-n junction Dutch: pneumatisch English: pneumatic; air-operated Dutch: pneumatische pers English: pneumatic press Dutch: pn-grensvlak English: pn boundary Dutch: pnip-transistor English: pnip transistor Dutch: pn-junctie English: pn junction Dutch: pn-junctiediode English: pn-junction diode Dutch: pnp-transistor English: pnp transistor Dutch: poederachtig English: powdery Dutch: poederblusser English: dry chemical fire extinguisher Dutch: poederijzer English: iron dust Dutch: poederijzerkern English: powdered-iron dust core; dust core; iron-cored slug Dutch: poederlijm English: powder adhesive Dutch: poederspuiten English: powder coating; powder spray coating Dutch: poedervormig English: powdery; pulverized; pulverulent; in powder form Dutch: poetsband English: cleaning tape Dutch: poetsbeugel English: redress bracket; erasure bracket Dutch: poetsdoek English: cleaning cloth; cleaning rag Dutch: poetsen English: to clean; to polish; to rub up; to brush up; to erase Dutch: poetskatoen English: waste cotton Dutch: poetslap English: cleaning cloth; cleaning rag Dutch: poetsmiddel English: cleaning agent; detergent Dutch: poetspasta English: polishing paste; cleaning paste Dutch: poetsveer English: erase spring Dutch: pointer English: pointer Dutch: Poissondiagram English: Poisson chart Dutch: Poissonverdeling English: Poisson distribution Dutch: poka-yoke English: poka-yoke Dutch: polaire configuratie English: polar configuration Dutch: polaire modulatie English: polar modulation Dutch: polarisatie English: polarization Dutch: polarisatiefilter English: polarizing filter Dutch: polarisatiemodulatie English: polarization modulation Dutch: polarisatierichting English: direction of polarization; polarization direction Dutch: polarisatiespanning English: polarizing potential; polarization voltage Dutch: polarisatiestroom English: polarization current Dutch: polarisatieweerstand English: polarization resistance Dutch: polarisator English: polarizer Dutch: polariseren English: to polarize Dutch: polariteit English: polarity Dutch: polariteitsmerkteken English: polarity mark Dutch: polariteitsmeter English: polarity meter Dutch: polariteitsomkeerder English: polarity inverter Dutch: polijstaarde English: tripoli Dutch: polijstautomaat English: automatic polisher Dutch: polijstbaar English: polishable; suitable for polishing Dutch: polijstbaarheid English: suitability for polishing; polishability Dutch: polijstbad English: polishing bath Dutch: polijstband English: polishing belt Dutch: polijstbank English: polishing lathe Dutch: polijstbehandeling English: polishing operation; buffing operation Dutch: polijstbereik English: polishing range Dutch: polijstbewerking English: polishing operation; buffing Dutch: polijsten English: to polish; to buff; polishing; buffing; fine polishing; mopping; mirror finishing; cut and colour buffing Dutch: polijsthulpstuk English: polishing attachment; vitrifier Dutch: polijstmachine English: polishing machine; buffing machine Dutch: polijstmiddel English: polishing agent; buffing agent Dutch: polijstmiddelrest English: polishing residue; polishing dirt Dutch: polijstpapier English: polishing paper Dutch: polijstpasta English: polishing paste; polishing compound Dutch: polijstpoeder English: polishing powder Dutch: polijstschijf English: polishing disc; buffing disc Dutch: polijsttrommel English: tumbling barrel Dutch: polijstvet English: polishing grease Dutch: polijstwerking English: polishing action; polishing effect Dutch: politoer English: French polish Dutch: polsen English: polling Dutch: polyacrylaathars English: polyacrylic resin Dutch: polyamidehars English: polyamide resin Dutch: polycarbonaat; PC English: polycarbonate Dutch: polyeder English: polyhedron Dutch: polyederrepresentatie English: polyhedron representation Dutch: polyestercondensator English: polyester capacitor Dutch: polyesterhars English: polyester resin Dutch: polyesterharsverf English: polyester resin paint Dutch: polyesterlak English: polyester lacquer Dutch: polyetheen English: polythene; polyethylene Dutch: polyethyleen English: polyethylene Dutch: polyform English: polyform Dutch: polygoon English: polygon Dutch: polygoonrepresentatie English: polygon representation Dutch: polymeerbad English: polymer bath Dutch: polymerisaat English: polymerisate Dutch: polymerisatie English: polymerization Dutch: polymeriseren English: to polymerize Dutch: polymethacrylaat English: polymethacrylate Dutch: polymethacrylaathars English: polymethacrylic resin Dutch: polymethylmethacrylaat English: polymethyl methacrylate Dutch: polymorf English: polymorphic; polymorphous Dutch: polymorf systeem English: polymorphic system Dutch: polymorfe installatie English: polymorphic installation Dutch: polymorfe procedure English: polymorphic procedure Dutch: polynomiale verdeling English: multinomial distribution Dutch: polynomiograaf English: polynomiograph Dutch: polynomiumstelling English: multinomial theorem Dutch: polynoom English: polynomial function; polynomial Dutch: polystyreen English: polystyrene Dutch: polystyreencondensator English: polystyrene capacitor Dutch: polystyreenoplossing English: polystyrene solution Dutch: polystyreenschuim English: expanded polystyrene Dutch: polystyrol English: polystyrene Dutch: polysulfide English: polysulphide Dutch: polysulfon English: polysulphone Dutch: polytetrafluorethyleen English: polytetrafluoroethylene: PTFE Dutch: polyurethaandraad English: polyurethane-covered wire Dutch: polyurethaanhars English: polyurethane resin Dutch: polyvinyl English: polyvinyl Dutch: polyvinylacetaal English: polyvinyl acetal; polyvinyl acetate Dutch: polyvinylbutyraal English: polyvinyl butyral Dutch: polyvinylchloride English: polyvinyl chloride: PVC Dutch: polyvinylchloridebuis English: PVC sleeve; PVC tube Dutch: polyvinylchloridedraad English: PVC-covered wire Dutch: polyvinylchloridekous English: PVC sleeve; PVC tube Dutch: polyvinylchlorideverf English: polyvinyl chloride paint; PVC paint Dutch: polyvinylfluoride English: polyvinyl fluoride Dutch: polyvinylformaal English: polyvinyl formal Dutch: polyvinylformaaldraad English: polyvinyl formal-covered wire Dutch: pompaanzuiging English: pump suction; pump intake Dutch: pompafdichting English: pump seal Dutch: pompafvoer English: pump discharge Dutch: pompen English: to pump; to evacuate; to exhaust Dutch: pompfilter English: pump filter Dutch: pompfrequentie English: pump frequency Dutch: pomphuis English: pump housing Dutch: pompklep English: pump valve Dutch: pomposcillator English: pump Dutch: pomppersleiding English: pump delivery pipe Dutch: pompspanning English: pump voltage Dutch: pompvermogen English: pump capacity Dutch: pompzuigleiding English: pump suction pipe Dutch: poneren English: to posit Dutch: pons English: punch Dutch: ponsbaan English: punching track Dutch: ponsband English: paper tape; punched tape; perforate tape; perforated tape; punched paper tape Dutch: ponsbandaftaster English: pecker Dutch: ponsbandcode English: paper-tape code Dutch: ponsbandkaart English: verge-perforated card; verge-punched card; marginal punched card Dutch: ponsbandleesmachine English: tape reader; paper-tape reader Dutch: ponsbandlezer English: tape reader; paper-tape reader Dutch: ponsbandponsmachine English: tape punch Dutch: ponsbed English: die bed Dutch: ponsbreuk English: punch fracture Dutch: ponsconcept English: source document; punch document Dutch: ponsdoordrukker English: piercing and extruding punch Dutch: ponsdop English: slug; wad Dutch: ponsen English: to punch; punching Dutch: ponsgaatje English: code hole Dutch: ponsgat English: die hole Dutch: ponsgebied English: punch area Dutch: ponsgedeelte English: punch area Dutch: ponsgereedschap English: punching tool; piercing tool Dutch: ponshouder English: punch holder Dutch: ponsing English: punching Dutch: ponskaart English: punched card; card; hollerith card Dutch: ponskaartenapparaat English: punched-card machine Dutch: ponskaartenapparatuur English: punched-card equipment; unit record equipment Dutch: ponskaartenbestand English: punched-card file Dutch: ponskaartenlezer English: punched-card reader; card reader Dutch: ponskaartenponser English: card punch Dutch: ponskaartensysteem English: punched-card system Dutch: ponskaartrecord English: punched-card record Dutch: ponskolf English: punch shank Dutch: ponskop English: punch head Dutch: ponsmachine English: punching machine; piercing machine; punch; keypunch Dutch: ponsmatrijs English: punching die Dutch: ponsnippel English: punch Dutch: ponsplaat English: punch holder; punch-holder plate Dutch: ponsplankje English: spot punch; unipunch Dutch: ponspositie English: code position; punching position Dutch: ponsstation English: punching station; punch station Dutch: ponsstempel English: piercing punch; blanking punch Dutch: ponsstift English: punch knife Dutch: ponster English: card-punch girl Dutch: ponstypiste English: card-punch operator Dutch: ponsvak English: tier Dutch: pool English: pole; pool Dutch: poolas English: polar axis Dutch: poolomschakelaar English: pole changer Dutch: poolomschakeling English: pole-changing; pole reversal Dutch: poolschoen English: pole shoe; pole piece Dutch: poolschoenpakket English: pole-shoe packet Dutch: poolsterkte English: pole strength Dutch: poolvlak English: pole face Dutch: poolwikkeling English: pole winding Dutch: poort English: gate; port Dutch: poortaansluiting English: gate terminal Dutch: poortafvoerspanning English: gate-drain voltage Dutch: poortbuffer English: gated buffer Dutch: poortbuis English: gate tube Dutch: poortcircuit English: gate circuit Dutch: poorten English: to gate; gating Dutch: poort-flip-flop English: gated flip-flop Dutch: poortimpedantie English: gate impedance Dutch: poortimpuls English: gate pulse Dutch: poortmatrix English: gate array Dutch: poortniveaumodel English: gate level model Dutch: poortschakeling English: gate circuit Dutch: poortselector English: port selector Dutch: poortsignaal English: gate signal; keying signal; gating signal Dutch: poortsimulatie English: gate level simulation Dutch: poortstroom English: gate current Dutch: poortterminal English: gate terminal Dutch: poorttoewijzing English: gate assignment Dutch: poortversterker English: gate amplifier Dutch: poortverwisseling English: gateswap Dutch: poot English: leg; foot; pin; terminal; lead Dutch: pootjesmal English: jig Dutch: popnagel English: pop rivet Dutch: poppen English: to pop Dutch: populatie English: population; universe Dutch: populatieparameter English: population parameter Dutch: populatievariantie English: population variance Dutch: populier English: popular Dutch: pop-up menu English: pop-up menu Dutch: POR-doorlooptijd English: POR lead time Dutch: poreus English: porous Dutch: pori�n English: pores Dutch: pori�nvuller English: porefiller Dutch: porositeit English: porosity. porousness Dutch: porselein English: porcelain; china Dutch: porseleinaarde English: porcelain clay; china clay; kaolin Dutch: porseleinen isolator English: porcelain insulator Dutch: porseleinen kroes English: porcelain crucible Dutch: portaalfreesmachine English: portal milling machine Dutch: portaalkraan English: gantry crane Dutch: portaalpers English: H-form press; straight-side press Dutch: portabiliteit English: portability Dutch: portiervanger English: doorstriker Dutch: positief English: positive Dutch: positief gaande English: positive going Dutch: positief getal English: positive number Dutch: positief ion English: positive ion Dutch: positief kristal English: positive crystal Dutch: positief rooster English: positive grid Dutch: positief scheef English: positively skew Dutch: positiefhouder English: positive holder Dutch: positienotatie English: positional representation; positional notation Dutch: positiesensor English: position sensor Dutch: positiestelsel English: positional representation; positional notation Dutch: positieteller English: location counter Dutch: positieve aarde English: positive ground Dutch: positieve bias English: positive bias Dutch: positieve elektrode English: positive electrode Dutch: positieve lading English: positive charge Dutch: positieve logica English: positive logic Dutch: positieve matrijs English: positive mould Dutch: positieve matrijshelft English: positive mould half; top force Dutch: positieve modulatie English: positive modulation Dutch: positieve piek English: positive peak Dutch: positieve plaat English: positive plate Dutch: positieve potentiaal English: positive potential Dutch: positieve resistentie English: positive resistance Dutch: positieve speling English: clearance Dutch: positieve terminal English: positive ve (+ve) Dutch: positieve voorraad English: positive stock Dutch: positieve weerstand English: positive resistor Dutch: positioneren English: to position Dutch: positron English: positron Dutch: POSIX English: portable operating system interface for different computers Dutch: post onvoorzien English: contingencies Dutch: postconditie English: postcondition Dutch: postdictie English: postdiction Dutch: posteren English: to plant Dutch: postmortem dump English: postmortem dump Dutch: postmortem programma English: post mortem program Dutch: postnummer English: item number Dutch: post-processor English: post processor Dutch: postscript English: postscript: PS Dutch: postzegelpaneel English: postage stamp board Dutch: posyndraad English: posyn wire Dutch: pot English: pot; race; ball race; socket Dutch: potas English: potash Dutch: potdicht English: hermetically closed Dutch: potentiaalbarri�re English: potential barrier Dutch: potentiaalsprong English: potential jump Dutch: potentiaalval English: potential drop Dutch: potentiaalverschil English: difference of potential; potential difference Dutch: potentiaalverval English: potential gradient Dutch: potentie English: capability Dutch: potenti�le energie English: potential energy Dutch: potenti�le klant English: potential customer; prospective customer; prospect Dutch: potenti�le koper English: prospective buyer; would-be buyer Dutch: potgat English: blind hole Dutch: potkern English: pot core Dutch: potloodhardheid English: pencil hardness Dutch: potloodhardheidsproef English: pencil-hardness test Dutch: potmeter English: potentiometer Dutch: povindraad English: polyvinyl formal-covered wire Dutch: pragmatiek English: pragmatics Dutch: praktijken English: practices Dutch: praktijkopleiding English: in-service training; on-the-job training Dutch: preactiviteitsplanning English: pre-activity plan Dutch: preadvies English: report Dutch: precedentie-grammatica English: precedence grammar Dutch: precies-op-tijd English: just-in-time: JIT Dutch: preciseren English: to specify Dutch: precisie English: precision; accuracy Dutch: precisiegieten English: investment casting Dutch: precisiegietmatrijs English: investment casting mould Dutch: precisieonderdelen English: precision parts Dutch: precisie-potmeter English: precision potentiometer Dutch: preconditie English: precondition Dutch: predikaat English: predicate Dutch: predikatencalculus English: predicate calculus Dutch: predikatenlogica English: predicate logic Dutch: prefabricage English: prefabrication Dutch: prefixbewerkingsteken English: prefix operator Dutch: prefixnotatie English: Lukasiewiecz notation; Polish notation; prefix notation Dutch: pre�mfase English: pre-emphasis Dutch: premieberekening English: bonus calculation; premium calculation Dutch: premieuur English: bonus hour Dutch: prentdrager English: print support Dutch: prentmontage English: printed circuit Dutch: prentmontage-eenheid English: printed circuit board Dutch: prentonderbreking English: print-conductor interruption Dutch: prentpaneel English: printed wiring board: PWB Dutch: prentplaat English: circuit board; circuit card Dutch: prentplaat English: printed circuit board: PCB Dutch: prentspoor English: print conductor; printed conductor; print track Dutch: prentzijde English: print side Dutch: preparaat English: preparation; metallographic specimen Dutch: prepareren English: to prepare Dutch: preprocessor English: preprocessor Dutch: prescriptieve methode English: prescriptive method Dutch: presentatie-aspect English: presentation aspect Dutch: presentatie-entiteit English: presentation entity Dutch: presentatielaag English: presentation layer Dutch: presentatietaal English: presentation language Dutch: prespaan English: press board Dutch: prestatie English: performance; output Dutch: prestatiebeoordeling English: performance appraisal; merit rating Dutch: prestatieberekening English: output calculation; performance calculation Dutch: prestatie-indicator English: performance indicator Dutch: prestatiekloof English: performance gap Dutch: prestatiekromme English: performance curve Dutch: prestatielijn English: operating line Dutch: prestatiemaatstaf English: performance rating Dutch: prestatiesimulator English: performance simulator Dutch: prestatiespecificatie English: performance specification Dutch: prestatietest English: performance test Dutch: prestatievermogen English: capacity; working capacity Dutch: preventieve controle English: preventive inspection Dutch: priem English: squeezing mandrel; awl; piercer Dutch: prijsbederf English: price spoilage Dutch: prijsbeheersing English: price control Dutch: prijsbeleid English: pricing policy Dutch: prijsberekening English: price calculation Dutch: prijsbeweging English: price movement Dutch: prijscourant English: price list Dutch: prijsdaling English: price drop; fall in price Dutch: prijsklasse English: price class Dutch: prijsopgave English: quotation; quote Dutch: prijsovereenkomst English: price agreement Dutch: prijspolitiek English: price policy Dutch: prijsstop English: price stop Dutch: prijsverhoging English: price increase; rise in price Dutch: prijsverlaging English: price reduction; price cutting Dutch: prijsverschil English: price difference; difference in price Dutch: prikgereedschap English: pricking tool Dutch: prikkeling English: irritation Dutch: prikklok English: time clock Dutch: prikplaat English: tack plate Dutch: primair circuit English: primary circuit Dutch: primair elektron English: primary electron Dutch: primair proces English: primary process Dutch: primair programma English: primary program Dutch: primair vermogen English: primary power Dutch: primaire arm-assen English: arm primary axes Dutch: primaire basisgroep English: basic group Dutch: primaire capacitantie English: primary capacitance Dutch: primaire cel English: primary cell Dutch: primaire eenheid English: primary device Dutch: primaire emissie English: primary emission Dutch: primaire impedantie English: primary impedance Dutch: primaire inductantie English: primary inductance Dutch: primaire ingang English: primary input Dutch: primaire kleur English: primary colour; primary Dutch: primaire kleurspanning English: primary colour voltage Dutch: primaire kring English: primary circuit Dutch: primaire resistentie English: primary resistance Dutch: primaire spanning English: primary voltage Dutch: primaire spoel English: primary coil Dutch: primaire stroom English: primary current Dutch: primaire taak English: primary task Dutch: primaire uitgang English: primary output Dutch: primaire wikkeling English: primary winding Dutch: primer English: primer Dutch: primitief English: primitive Dutch: primitief gegevenstype English: primitive data type Dutch: primitief symbool English: primitive symbol Dutch: primitieve taken English: primitive tasks Dutch: principale interface English: principal interface Dutch: principeschema English: circuit diagram; schematic diagram; principle chart Dutch: principieel English: in principle Dutch: printafdeling English: printed-circuit manufacturing department Dutch: printeiland English: soldering land; terminal land Dutch: printen English: to print Dutch: printer-plotter English: dot-matrix plotter Dutch: printserver English: print server Dutch: printspoel English: print coil Dutch: printspoor English: print conductor; printed conductor; print track Dutch: prioriteitenbesturing English: priority control Dutch: prioriteitenplanning English: priority planning Dutch: prisma English: prism; vee-block; vee-fixture; vee-way Dutch: prismablok English: vee-block Dutch: prismafrees English: double equal-angle milling-cutter Dutch: prismatisch gewricht English: prismatic joint Dutch: priv� netwerk English: private network Dutch: pro anal English: analytical reagent; reagent grade Dutch: pro forma factuur English: pro forma invoice Dutch: pro memorie English: under examination Dutch: pro mille English: per mille; per thousand Dutch: pro rata English: pro rate; proportionally Dutch: proberen English: to try; to determine by trial and error Dutch: probleemanalyse English: problem analysis Dutch: probleemdefinitie English: problem definition Dutch: probleemgebied English: problem domain Dutch: probleem-gerichte taal English: problem-oriented language: POL Dutch: probleemoplosser English: problem solver Dutch: probleemprogramma English: problem program Dutch: probleemstelling English: problem posing Dutch: probleemtoestand English: problem state Dutch: problematiek English: problemacy Dutch: procedure English: procedure; recipe Dutch: procedure-afdeling English: procedure division Dutch: procedurebeleid English: procedure policy Dutch: procedurebestand English: procedure file Dutch: procedureel programma English: procedural program Dutch: procedurele cohesie English: procedural cohesion Dutch: procedurele kennis English: procedural knowledge Dutch: procedurele opdracht English: procedural statement Dutch: procedurele regel English: procedural rule Dutch: procedurele semantiek English: procedural semantics Dutch: procedurele taal English: procedural language; procedure-oriented language Dutch: procedurele toevoeging English: procedural attachment Dutch: procedurenaam English: procedure name Dutch: procedure-opdracht English: procedure statement Dutch: procedure-oproep English: procedure call Dutch: procedurestap English: procedure step Dutch: procedureverwijzing English: procedure reference Dutch: procent English: per cent; percent Dutch: procentueel English: percentage; proportional; pro rata Dutch: procesbegrenzingen English: process capability Dutch: procesbeheer English: process management Dutch: procesbesturing English: process control Dutch: procesbewaking English: process monitoring Dutch: procescomputer English: process computer Dutch: procescontrole English: process inspection Dutch: procescyclus English: process cycle; process sequence; operation cycle; operation sequence Dutch: procesgedrag English: process behaviour Dutch: procesgemiddelde English: process average Dutch: procesgericht English: process-oriented Dutch: procesindustrie English: process industry; processing industry Dutch: proces-layout English: process layout Dutch: proceslijst English: process list Dutch: procesmatige fabricage English: process-oriented manufacturing Dutch: procesmatige productie English: process flow production Dutch: procesontwerp English: process design Dutch: procesoptimalisering English: process optimization Dutch: procesparameter English: process parameter Dutch: procesplan English: process plan Dutch: processchema English: process chart Dutch: processimulatie English: process simulation Dutch: processpecificatie English: process specification Dutch: processtandaard English: process standard Dutch: processymbool English: process symbol Dutch: processynchronisatie English: process synchronization Dutch: procestijd English: process time Dutch: procestoestand English: process status Dutch: procestolerantie English: process tolerance Dutch: procesuren English: process hours Dutch: proc�d� English: process Dutch: produceren English: to produce; to manufacture; to fabricate Dutch: product English: product; item Dutch: product/marktmatrix English: product/market matrix Dutch: product/marktmengsel English: product market mix Dutch: productallocatie English: product allocation Dutch: productanalyse English: product analysis Dutch: productassortiment English: product range; range of products; product line; product portfolio Dutch: productautomatisering English: product automation Dutch: productbeheer English: product management Dutch: productbeheersing English: product control Dutch: productbestand English: part file Dutch: productboom English: product tree Dutch: productcode English: product code Dutch: productconfiguratie English: product configuration Dutch: productcyclus English: product life cycle Dutch: productdefinitie English: product definition Dutch: productdiversificatie English: product diversification Dutch: productdocumentatie English: product documentation Dutch: producteenheid English: unit of product Dutch: productengroep English: product group Dutch: productenpakket English: product range Dutch: productfamilies English: product families Dutch: productgericht English: product-oriented Dutch: productgradatie English: product grade Dutch: productgroep English: product group Dutch: productie English: production; manufacture; fabrication; output; yield Dutch: productie op order English: production to order Dutch: productie op voorraad English: production for stock Dutch: productieallocatie English: production allocation Dutch: productieapparaat English: production facilities Dutch: productieartikelgroep English: production article group: PAG Dutch: productiebeheer English: production control Dutch: productiebesturing English: production control Dutch: productiebibliotheek English: production library Dutch: productiebudget English: production budget Dutch: productiebureau English: production-control department; production office Dutch: productiecel English: production cell Dutch: productiecentrum English: production centre Dutch: productiecyclus English: production cycle Dutch: productiedag English: production day Dutch: productiedocument English: production document Dutch: productieduur English: run duration Dutch: productief English: productive Dutch: productiefactor English: production factor; factor of production Dutch: productiefase English: run phase; target phase Dutch: productiegemiddelde English: process average Dutch: productiegroep English: production group Dutch: productieherverdeling English: production redistribution Dutch: productiehoeveelheid English: production quantity; production output Dutch: productie-indicator English: release-for-production indicator Dutch: productiekaart English: production card Dutch: productiekosten English: cost of production; production cost; production costs Dutch: productiekostenbudget English: production-cost budget Dutch: productiekwaliteit English: quality of conformance; quality of manufacture; quality of production Dutch: productielijn English: production line; manufacturing line Dutch: productiemoduul English: production module Dutch: productieniveau English: production level Dutch: productiepatroon English: production pattern Dutch: productieplaats English: work center; place of production; production site Dutch: productieplan English: master plan; master schedule; production plan Dutch: productieproces English: production process; manufacturing process Dutch: productieprogramma English: production program; production schedule; production programme Dutch: productieregel English: production rule Dutch: productieregeling English: production control Dutch: productierooster English: production schedule Dutch: productieserie English: production batch; production run Dutch: productieseriegrootte English: production batch Dutch: productieserievoorraad English: production batch stock Dutch: productiesnelheid English: production rate Dutch: productiestadium English: production stage Dutch: productiestroomanalyse English: production flow analysis Dutch: productiestructuur English: production structure Dutch: productiestuklijst English: production bill-of-material Dutch: productiesysteem English: production system Dutch: productieteam English: production team Dutch: productietechniek English: production engineering Dutch: productietempo English: rate of production; production rate Dutch: productieterminal English: production terminal Dutch: productieuur English: production hour Dutch: productieve tijd English: productive time Dutch: productieve uren English: productive hours; production hours Dutch: productieverhoging English: production increase Dutch: productieverlaging English: production decrease Dutch: productievoetlijn English: production baseline Dutch: productievoorbereiding English: production preparation; process planning; manufacturing preparation Dutch: productinformatie English: product information Dutch: productinformatiemodel English: product information model Dutch: productintegriteit English: product integrity Dutch: productiviteitsfactor English: productivity factor Dutch: productiviteitsschil English: productivity shell Dutch: productklasse English: product class Dutch: productkosten English: product costs Dutch: productkwaliteit English: product quality Dutch: product-layout English: product layout Dutch: productlevenscyclus English: product life cycle Dutch: productlijst English: product listing Dutch: productmengsel English: product mix Dutch: productmodel English: product model Dutch: productmodulator English: product modulator Dutch: productondersteuning English: product support Dutch: productontwerp English: product design Dutch: productontwikkeling English: product development; product engineering Dutch: productplan English: product plan Dutch: productregel English: multiplication law Dutch: productserie English: product batch Dutch: productseriegrootte English: product batch Dutch: productspecificatie English: product specification Dutch: productstadium English: product stage Dutch: productstrategie English: product strategy Dutch: productstructuur English: product structure Dutch: productstructuurbeheer English: product structure management Dutch: producttechnologie English: product technology Dutch: producttekening English: product drawing Dutch: producttype English: product type Dutch: producttype-indicator English: product type indicator Dutch: productvariant English: product variant Dutch: productvoetlijn English: product baseline Dutch: productvoorstel English: product proposal Dutch: proefband English: test belt; test tape Dutch: proefbank English: test bench; test stand Dutch: proefbuisje English: test glass; test tube Dutch: proefdruk English: proof; test pressure Dutch: proeffabricagecentrum English: pilot plant Dutch: proeffabriek English: pilot plant; pilot factory Dutch: proeffilm English: test film Dutch: proefmodel English: pilot model; trial model; test model Dutch: proefneming English: trial; test Dutch: proefnummer English: specimen copy Dutch: proefobject English: test unit Dutch: proefondervindelijk English: empirical Dutch: proeforder English: trial order Dutch: proefpaneel English: test panel Dutch: proefpartij English: pilot lot Dutch: proefpersing English: trial moulding Dutch: proefplaatje English: test plate; test panel; test sample; test specimen Dutch: proefproduct English: sample product; experimental product; prototype Dutch: proefserie English: pilot lot; trial run; trial series; pilot run Dutch: proefspanning English: test voltage; test stress Dutch: proefspuiting English: sample molding Dutch: proefstadium English: experimental stage Dutch: proefstation English: pilot station Dutch: proefstuk English: test piece; test unit; test specimen Dutch: proefterrein English: proving ground Dutch: proefuitzending English: test transmission Dutch: proefzending English: trial shipment; test shipment Dutch: professioneel product English: professional product Dutch: profiel English: profile; section; contour Dutch: profielbuis English: monitoring tube Dutch: profieldraaien English: profile turning; contour turning Dutch: profielfrees English: profile cutter; contour cutter Dutch: profielfreesbank English: profile milling machine Dutch: profielgaten English: profiled holes Dutch: profielijzer English: section iron Dutch: profiellijst English: moulding Dutch: profielprojector English: profile projector Dutch: profielslijpen English: profile grinding; contour grinding Dutch: profielslijprol English: profile grinding wheel Dutch: profielsnaar English: section belt Dutch: profielstrip English: sectional strip Dutch: profielverschuiving English: addendum modification Dutch: profielzaag English: contour saw Dutch: profileren English: profile; contour; contour milling Dutch: prognose English: prognosis; forecast Dutch: prognosefout English: forecast error Dutch: prognosehorizon English: forecast period Dutch: prognosetermijn English: forecast period Dutch: prognoseverbruik English: forecast consumption Dutch: programma English: program; programme; routine Dutch: programma-aanhef English: program header Dutch: programma-aanlooptijd English: programme lead Dutch: programmabesturing English: program control Dutch: programmabibliotheek English: program library Dutch: programmablok English: program block Dutch: programmacilinder English: program drum Dutch: programmaduur English: programme term Dutch: programma-eenheid English: program unit Dutch: programma-einde English: end of program Dutch: programmagegevens English: program data Dutch: programma-gestuurd English: program controlled Dutch: programma-inspectie English: walkthrough Dutch: programma-instructie English: program instruction Dutch: programmakaart English: program-control card Dutch: programmaklok English: timer dial Dutch: programmakwaliteit English: program quality Dutch: programmalus English: program loop Dutch: programmamodule English: programming module Dutch: programmamogelijkheden English: program possibilities Dutch: programmamutatie English: program mutation Dutch: programmanetwerkschema English: program network chart Dutch: programmaniveau English: program level Dutch: programma-ontwerptaal English: program design language: PDL Dutch: programma-opdracht English: program instruction; programming statement Dutch: programmapakket English: program package Dutch: programmaparameter English: programme parameter; program parameter Dutch: programmaperiode English: programme period Dutch: programmaproduct English: program product Dutch: programmaschakelaar English: program switch Dutch: programmaspecificatie English: program specification Dutch: programmastap English: program step Dutch: programmastatus-woord English: program status word: PSW Dutch: programmastop English: program stop Dutch: programmastroomschema English: block diagram Dutch: programmastructuur English: program structure Dutch: programmasyntaxis English: program syntax Dutch: programmasynthese English: program synthesis Dutch: programmatekst English: program text Dutch: programmatuurproduct English: software product Dutch: programmatuursysteem English: software system Dutch: programmatype English: programme type Dutch: programma-uitdraai English: program listing Dutch: programma-uitwisseling English: exchange of programs Dutch: programmavariabele English: program variable Dutch: programmavergadering English: programme meeting Dutch: programmaverificatie English: program verification; debugging Dutch: programmawissel English: programmed switch Dutch: programmeerarm English: programming arm Dutch: programmeerbaar English: programmable Dutch: programmeereenheid English: programming unit Dutch: programmeerfilm English: programming film Dutch: programmeermechanisme English: programming mechanism Dutch: programmeermethode English: programming technique; programming method Dutch: programmeerschijf English: programming disc Dutch: programmeersysteem English: programming system Dutch: programmeertechniek English: programming technique Dutch: programmeren English: to program; to set up; to code Dutch: programmering English: programming Dutch: programmeringsfout English: bug Dutch: programmeringspaneel English: teach pendant Dutch: programmeringsplan English: programming schedule Dutch: programmeringssysteem English: programming system Dutch: programmeur English: programmer Dutch: programmeur-analist English: programmer-analyst Dutch: progressie English: progression Dutch: progressie-test English: progressive test Dutch: projectbeheer English: project management Dutch: projectco�rdinatie English: project coordination Dutch: projecteren English: to project Dutch: projectfile English: project file Dutch: projectgarantie English: project assurance Dutch: projectieapparaat English: projector Dutch: projectiebuis English: projection tube Dutch: projectielassen English: projection welding Dutch: projectiescherm English: projection screen Dutch: projectiestand English: projection position Dutch: projectiesysteem English: projection system Dutch: projectievlak English: projection plane Dutch: projectstatus English: project status Dutch: projectstuurgroep English: project steering group Dutch: proloog-breekpunt English: prolog breakpoint Dutch: promethium English: promethium Dutch: promillage English: permillage Dutch: promotie English: promotion; advancement Dutch: promotiekansen English: chances of promotion; chances of advancement Dutch: promotiestelsel English: system of promotion Dutch: prompte levering English: prompt delivery Dutch: prop English: plug; stopper; bung; slug; prop; wad Dutch: propaan English: propane Dutch: propaangas English: propane gas Dutch: propaganda English: propaganda Dutch: propagatie English: propagation Dutch: propagatieconstante English: propagation constant Dutch: propagatiefactor English: propagation factor Dutch: propagatierichting English: direction of propagation Dutch: propagatiesnelheid English: velocity of propagation Dutch: propagatietijd English: propagation time Dutch: propagatievertraging English: propagation delay Dutch: propageren English: to propagate Dutch: propanol English: propanol Dutch: proper English: clean Dutch: propionzuur English: propionic acid Dutch: proportie English: proportion Dutch: proportionaliteit English: proportionality Dutch: proportioneren English: to proportion Dutch: propositie English: proposition Dutch: propositie-calculus English: propositional calculus Dutch: propositie-logica English: proposition logic Dutch: propositionele logica English: propositional logic Dutch: proprioceptief English: proprioceptive Dutch: propyleen English: propylene Dutch: prospectus English: prospectus; leaflet; folder Dutch: prototype-ontwikkeling English: prototyping Dutch: prototyping English: prototyping Dutch: provisie English: commission Dutch: provisorisch English: provisional; temporary; make-shift Dutch: Pruisisch blauw English: Prussian blue; Berlin blue Dutch: pseudocode English: pseudocode Dutch: pseudo-instructie English: pseudo instruction Dutch: pseudo-opdracht English: pseudo-instruction Dutch: pseudo-opdrachtvorm English: quasi-instruction form; pseudo-instruction form Dutch: pseudo-variabele English: pseudo variable Dutch: psychophysische kleur English: psychophysical colour Dutch: p-type English: p-type Dutch: p-type geleiding English: p-type conduction Dutch: p-type halfgeleider English: p-type semiconductor Dutch: p-type materiaal English: p-type material Dutch: publicatie English: announcement; publication Dutch: publiceren English: to announce; to publish; to issue Dutch: publiek English: public; audience Dutch: puck English: puck Dutch: puimsteen English: pumice; pumice stone Dutch: puimsteenpoeder English: ground pumice; pumice powder Dutch: pukkel English: pimple Dutch: pulldown English: pull-down Dutch: pulldown weerstand English: pull-down resistor Dutch: puls English: pulse Dutch: pulsamplitudemodulatie English: pulse-amplitude modulation Dutch: pulsatie English: pulsation Dutch: pulsator English: pulsator Dutch: pulsbreedte English: pulse width Dutch: pulsbreedtemodulatie English: pulse-width modulation Dutch: pulscodemodulatie English: pulse-code modulation Dutch: pulsduur English: pulse duration Dutch: pulsduurmodulatie English: pulse-duration modulation Dutch: pulsen geven English: to generate pulses Dutch: pulseren English: to pulsate Dutch: pulserend English: pulsing Dutch: pulserende laserstraal English: pulsing laserbeam Dutch: pulserende spanning English: pulsatory voltage; pulsating voltage Dutch: pulserende stroom English: pulsating current Dutch: pulsering English: pulsation Dutch: pulsflank English: pulse edge Dutch: pulsinterval English: pulse interval Dutch: pulskop English: pulse head Dutch: pulsmodulatie English: pulse modulation Dutch: pulsomkeerder English: pulse inverter Dutch: pulsopstelling English: pulse arrangement Dutch: pulstijd English: pulse width; pulse time Dutch: pulstijdmodulatie English: pulse-time modulation Dutch: pulstransformator English: pulse transformer Dutch: pulstrein English: pulse train; spike train Dutch: pulsversterker English: pulse amplifier Dutch: pulsvorm English: pulse waveform Dutch: punaise English: drawing pin Dutch: punctuatie English: punctuation Dutch: puntaanspuiting English: restricted gating Dutch: puntbeitel English: single-point tool Dutch: puntbelasting English: point load; point-concentrated load; concentrated load Dutch: puntboor English: flat drill Dutch: puntbron English: point source Dutch: puntcode English: dotcode Dutch: puntconglomeratie English: point cloud Dutch: puntcontact English: point contact Dutch: puntcontactdiode English: point-contact diode Dutch: puntcontact-elektrode English: whisker Dutch: puntcontactjunctie English: point-contact junction Dutch: puntcontacttransistor English: point-contact transistor Dutch: puntendiagram English: scatter diagram Dutch: puntenmatrix English: dot matrix Dutch: puntenstelsel English: mark system Dutch: puntfrees English: profiled single-lip cutter Dutch: puntfrequentie English: dot frequency Dutch: puntig English: pointed Dutch: puntimpedantie English: point impedance Dutch: puntingrijping English: point contact Dutch: puntjesmatrix English: dot matrix Dutch: puntkleurwisselsysteem English: dot sequential system Dutch: puntlading English: point charge Dutch: puntlagering English: point bearing Dutch: puntlakken English: to resinize Dutch: puntlas English: spot weld Dutch: puntlaskop English: spotwelding head Dutch: puntlasmachine English: spotwelding machine; spotwelder Dutch: puntlassen English: to spot weld Dutch: puntnummer English: issue number Dutch: punt-puntbedrading English: point-to-point wiring Dutch: puntraster English: dot pattern Dutch: puntroestvorming English: pitting Dutch: puntsgewijs English: point by point Dutch: puntslag English: puncture; punch Dutch: puntstreeplijn English: chain line Dutch: punt-tot-punt robot English: point-to-point robot Dutch: punt-tot-punt systeem English: point-to-point system Dutch: puntuitvoering English: point version Dutch: puntwisselsysteem English: dot sequential system Dutch: pureerschijf English: masher Dutch: purper English: purple Dutch: purperlijn English: line of purples; purple boundary Dutch: pushen English: to push Dutch: push-pull English: push-pull Dutch: push-pull geluidsspoor English: push-pull recording track Dutch: push-pull sturing English: balanced operation; push-pull operation Dutch: putcorrosie English: pitting Dutch: putje English: indentation; dimple; dent; pit; depression Dutch: p-verontreiniging English: t-type impurity Dutch: Pyrexglas English: Pyrex glass Dutch: pyriet English: pyrite Dutch: pyrofosforzuur English: pyrophosphoric acid Dutch: pyrokoperbad English: pyro copper bath Dutch: pyrotechniek English: pyrotechnics Dutch: Q-band English: Q band Dutch: Q-cijfer English: Q-figure Dutch: Q-detector English: Q-detector Dutch: Q-meter English: Q-meter Dutch: Q-modulatie English: Q modulation Dutch: Q-referentieoscillator English: Q-reference oscillator Dutch: Q-signaal English: Q-signal; quadrature signal Dutch: QSIM-algoritme English: Qualitative Simulation algorithm Dutch: quad English: quad Dutch: quadboom English: quad tree Dutch: quadrafonie English: quadraphonics; quad-sound Dutch: quadrafonisch geluid English: quadraphonic sound; quad-sound Dutch: quadricorrelator English: quadricorrelator Dutch: quad-stereo English: quad-stereo; quadraphonics Dutch: quad-stereocassette English: quad-stereo cassette Dutch: quad-stereoplaat English: quad-stereo disc Dutch: quam English: quadrature modulation: quam Dutch: quanten English: quanta Dutch: quantisatiefactor English: quantization factor Dutch: quantisering English: quantization Dutch: quantum English: quantum Dutch: quantumelektrodynamica English: quantum electrodynamics Dutch: quantumelektronica English: quantum electronics Dutch: quantumgetal English: quantum number Dutch: quantummechanica English: quantum mechanics Dutch: quantumplanning English: quantity planning Dutch: quantumsprong English: quantum jump Dutch: quantumtheorie English: quantum theory Dutch: quarto English: quarto Dutch: quasi-negatief English: quasi negative Dutch: quasi-positief English: quasi positive Dutch: quasi-willekeurig English: quasi random Dutch: queue English: queue Dutch: Q-vector English: Q-vector Dutch: Q-vermenigvuldiger English: Q-multiplier Dutch: qwerty toetsenbord English: qwerty keyboard Dutch: R en D planning English: research and development planning Dutch: R+-boom English: R+-tree Dutch: Raad English: Board; Council Dutch: raad English: council; advise Dutch: raadgevend bureau English: consulting agency Dutch: raadgevend technicus English: consulting engineer; engineering consultant Dutch: raakcirkel English: tangent circle Dutch: raakpositie English: tangent position Dutch: raakpunt English: point of contact; point of tangency; tangent point Dutch: raakvlak English: tangent plane; mating face; abutting face; adjacent face Dutch: raam English: window; frame Dutch: raamantenne English: frame antenna; frame aerial; loop; loop antenna Dutch: raamgevoeligheid English: frame-antenna sensitivity; frame-aerial sensitivity Dutch: raamplanning English: master scheduling Dutch: raamveiligheid English: guard Dutch: raamventilator English: window fan Dutch: raamwerksysteem English: framework system Dutch: raamzaag English: frame saw Dutch: raapolie English: rape seed oil Dutch: rabat English: discount; rebate; rabbet Dutch: race English: race Dutch: radarfrequentie English: radar frequency Dutch: radarinstallatie English: radar installation Dutch: radarscherm English: radar screen; radar display Dutch: radarstation English: radar station Dutch: raderen English: to erase; to scratch out Dutch: radiaal English: radial; radian Dutch: radiaalband English: radial tyre; radial tire Dutch: radiaalboor English: radial drill Dutch: radiaalboormachine English: radial drilling machine Dutch: radiaalboren English: radial drilling; radial grinding Dutch: radiaallager English: radial bearing Dutch: radiale belasting English: radial load Dutch: radiale convergentie English: radial convergence Dutch: radiatie English: radiation Dutch: radiatorafsluiter English: radiator valve Dutch: radiatorvuldop English: radiator filler cap Dutch: radicaal English: radical Dutch: radioactief English: radioactive Dutch: radioactief element English: radioactive element Dutch: radioactieve stoffen English: radio-active substances Dutch: radioactiviteit English: radio-activity Dutch: radioamateur English: radio amateur; ham Dutch: radioamateurapparatuur English: radio-amateur equipment; ham gear Dutch: radioantenne English: radio antenna; radio aerial Dutch: radiobericht English: radio message Dutch: radiobesturing English: radio control Dutch: radiobuis English: radio valve; radio tube Dutch: radiocommunicaties English: radio communications Dutch: radiocontact English: radio communication; radio contact Dutch: radiodistributie English: radio distribution Dutch: radio-elektronica English: radionics Dutch: radiofabriek English: radio factory Dutch: radiofrequentie English: radio frequency Dutch: radiogolf English: radio wave Dutch: radiogram English: radiogram Dutch: radiogrammofoon English: radio-gramophone; radiogram Dutch: radiohorizon English: radio horizon Dutch: radiohut English: radio shack; radio cabin; hamshack Dutch: radio-interferentie English: radio interference Dutch: radiokast English: radio cabinet Dutch: radiolamp English: radio valve; radio tube Dutch: radiometrie English: radiometry Dutch: radiomonteur English: radio mechanic; radio technician Dutch: radio-omroep English: broadcast service Dutch: radio-onderdelen English: radio components Dutch: radio-ontvanger English: radio receiver; radio set; radio apparatus; radio Dutch: radio-ontvangst English: radio reception Dutch: radio-opname English: recording from radio Dutch: radioprogramma English: radio program Dutch: radioreparateur English: radio repairman Dutch: radiosignaal English: radio signal Dutch: radiospectrum English: radio spectrum Dutch: radiostation English: radio station Dutch: radiostoring English: radio interference Dutch: radiotechnicus English: radio engineer Dutch: radiotechniek English: radio technology; radio engineering Dutch: radiotelefonie English: radio telephony Dutch: radiotelegrafie English: radio telegraphy Dutch: radiotoestel English: radio receiver; radio set; radio apparatus Dutch: radio-uitzending English: radio broadcast; radio transmission Dutch: radioverbinding English: radio communication; radio contact Dutch: radioverkeer English: radio traffic; radio intercourse Dutch: radiozender English: radio transmitter Dutch: radiozendstation English: radio broadcasting station; radio transmitting station Dutch: radiozendtoestel English: radio transmitter Dutch: radium English: radium Dutch: radius English: radius; fillet Dutch: radiuscondensator English: Rd capacitor Dutch: radiusmeter English: radius gauge Dutch: radiusvector English: radius vector Dutch: radix English: radix; base Dutch: radixnotatie English: radix notation; radix scale Dutch: radux English: radux Dutch: rafel English: fray Dutch: rafelen English: to fray; to ravel; colour fringing Dutch: rafelig English: frayed; ravelled; ragged picture Dutch: raffineren English: to refine Dutch: rail English: rail; busbar Dutch: railmontage English: rail mounting Dutch: rake schatter English: efficient estimator Dutch: rakel English: squeegee Dutch: raken English: to touch; to make contact Dutch: ramen English: to estimate Dutch: raming English: estimation; estimate; forecast Dutch: rammel English: rattle Dutch: rand English: edge; border; boundary; shroud Dutch: randaardestekker English: rim-earth plug Dutch: randaarding English: rim earthing; earth bonding Dutch: randafsnijstempel English: trimming tool Dutch: randapparaat English: peripheral Dutch: randapparatuur English: peripheral equipment; peripherals Dutch: randbesturingsorgaan English: peripheral control unit; synchronizer Dutch: randconnector English: edge connector Dutch: randeffect English: edge effect Dutch: randelement English: boundary element Dutch: randen English: to rim; to curl; to bead Dutch: randflits English: edge flare Dutch: randgeaard English: rim-earthed Dutch: randgebied English: fringe area Dutch: randgeponste kaart English: border-punched card Dutch: randlassen English: seam welding; edge welding Dutch: random English: random Dutch: random aftasting English: random scan Dutch: random legstempel English: crimping tool; curling tool; beading tool Dutch: random ruis English: grass Dutch: random toegang English: random access Dutch: random-access geheugen English: random-access memory: RAM Dutch: randoverbrenging English: peripheral transfer Dutch: randplakmal English: rim gluing jig Dutch: randponskaart English: edge-notched card; edge-punched card Dutch: randscherpte English: edge acuity Dutch: randscheur English: edge crack Dutch: randsnijmachine English: trimming cutter Dutch: randverdikkingen English: built-up edges Dutch: randvoorwaardenmodel English: constraint model Dutch: randzone English: fringe area; edge region Dutch: rangcorrelatie English: rank correlation Dutch: rangeerproeven English: shunting tests Dutch: rangekaart English: range chart Dutch: rangeren English: to shunt; to marshal Dutch: rangnummer English: number Dutch: rangschikken English: to arrange; to range; to classify; to class; to order; to re-order Dutch: rangschikking English: arrangement; classification; re-ordering; ordering; layout; ranking Dutch: rapporteren aan English: to report to Dutch: rapportering English: reporting Dutch: rapportstandaard English: report standard Dutch: raspvijl English: rasp file Dutch: raster English: graticule; lattice; raster; frame; filed; grid; basic grid; screen Dutch: rasterachterstoep English: frame back porch Dutch: rasterafbuiging English: vertical deflection Dutch: rasteraftasting English: frame scanning; vertical scanning; frame san; field scan; raster scan Dutch: rasteramplitude English: frame amplitude; vertical amplitude Dutch: rasterautomaat English: automatic vertical hold Dutch: rasterbeeldstation English: raster display Dutch: rasterbestand English: raster file Dutch: rastercentrering English: raster centring Dutch: rastercompensatie English: raster compensation Dutch: rasterdeflectie English: frame deflection; field deflection Dutch: rasterdruk English: screen printing; half-tone printing Dutch: rastereenheid English: basic grid unit Dutch: rastereindbuis English: frame output valve; frame output tube Dutch: rasterfrequentie English: frame frequency; vertical frequency; field frequency Dutch: rasterfrequentiedeler English: field divider Dutch: rastergat English: grid hole Dutch: rastergrafiek English: bit-mapped graphics; raster graphics Dutch: rasterimpuls English: frame pulse Dutch: rasterinstelling English: raster setting; raster adjustment Dutch: rasterlineariteit English: frame linearity; vertical linearity Dutch: rasternegatief English: screen negative; grating negative Dutch: rasteronderdrukking English: frame suppression Dutch: rasteropname English: screen exposure Dutch: rasteroscillator English: frame oscillator Dutch: rasterpositief English: screen positive Dutch: rasterpunt English: grid point Dutch: rastersteek English: grid spacing; pitch Dutch: rastersynchronisatie English: frame synchronization; field synchronization; frame sync Dutch: rasterterugslag English: frame flyback Dutch: rastertijdbasis English: frame time base; vertical time base Dutch: rastertransformator English: frame transformer Dutch: rastervervorming English: raster distortion Dutch: rastervoorstoep English: frame front porch Dutch: rastervorm English: shape of raster Dutch: rasterwerk English: lattice; screen work Dutch: ratel English: rattle; ratchet; pawl Dutch: ratelboor English: ratchet drill; ratchet brace Dutch: ratelhandgreep English: ratchet handle Dutch: ratelsleutel English: ratchet spanner; ratchet wrench Dutch: ratiodetector English: ratio detector Dutch: ratiodetectorkromme English: ratio-detector curve Dutch: rationetwerktechniek English: ratio network technique Dutch: rauwe lijnolie English: raw linseed oil Dutch: Rawl-plug English: Rawl plug Dutch: ray casting English: ray casting Dutch: R-boom English: R-tree Dutch: RC-blok English: RC network; RC section Dutch: RC-combi English: RC combination Dutch: RC-filter English: RC filter; resistance-capacitance filter Dutch: RC-koppeling English: RC coupling; resistance-capacity coupling Dutch: RC-kring English: resistance-capacitance circuit Dutch: RC-lid English: RC section Dutch: RC-link English: RC network; RC section Dutch: RCL-kring English: resistance-capacitance-inductance circuit Dutch: RC-meetbrug English: RC measuring bridge Dutch: RC-netwerk English: RC network Dutch: RC-oscillator English: RC oscillator; resistance-capacitance oscillator Dutch: RC-tijdconstante English: RC time constant Dutch: RC-tijdschakeling English: RC time circuit Dutch: RCT-logica English: resistor-capacitor-transistor logic Dutch: reactantiebuis English: reactance valve; reactance tube Dutch: reactantiefactor English: reactance factor Dutch: reactantiemodulator English: reactance modulator Dutch: reactantieschakeling English: reactance circuit Dutch: reactantietransistor English: reactance transistor Dutch: reactie English: reaction; response Dutch: reactief English: reactive Dutch: reactief verstuiven English: reactive sputtering Dutch: reactiesignaal English: response signal Dutch: reactiespoel English: reaction coil Dutch: reactiestarter English: trigger Dutch: reactiestartpunt English: triggering point Dutch: reactietijd English: reaction time; response duration; response time Dutch: reactieve belasting English: reactive load Dutch: reactieve grondlak English: catalyst primer Dutch: reactieve planning English: reactive planning Dutch: reactieve stroom English: reactive current Dutch: reactieve verzwakker English: reactive attenuator Dutch: reactieve volt-ampère English: reactive volt-ampere Dutch: reactievrij English: non-reactive Dutch: reactievrije belasting English: non-reactive load Dutch: reactiewarmte English: heat of reaction Dutch: read-only geheugen English: read-only memory: ROM Dutch: reageerbuisje English: test tube Dutch: reageermiddel English: reagent; reacting agent Dutch: reageren English: to react; to respond to; to answer Dutch: reagerend poeder English: reacting powder Dutch: realisatie English: implementation Dutch: realisatiedatum English: completion date Dutch: realiseerbaar English: realizable; feasible Dutch: real-time English: real time: RT Dutch: real-time besturing English: real-time control Dutch: real-time computer English: real-time computer Dutch: real-time monitor English: real-time monitor: RTM Dutch: real-time procesbeheer English: real-time process management Dutch: real-time systeem English: real-time system Dutch: real-time verwerking English: real-time processing: RTP Dutch: Reber grammatica English: Reber grammar Dutch: rebooten English: to reboot Dutch: recalescentie English: recalescence Dutch: recapitulatie English: summary; recapitulation Dutch: recapituleren English: to summarize Dutch: recept English: recipe; formula Dutch: recht English: straight; right Dutch: recht gemeten English: unweighted measurement Dutch: recht tandwiel English: spur gear; straight-toothed gear Dutch: rechtbuigen English: to bend straight; to straighten out Dutch: rechtdraads English: with the grain Dutch: rechte English: straight line Dutch: rechte deel English: straight portion Dutch: rechte hoek English: square angle; straight angle Dutch: rechte kartel English: straight knurl Dutch: rechte kegel English: right cone Dutch: rechte komslijpsteen English: straight cup grinding wheel Dutch: rechte naad English: straight seam Dutch: rechte snijder English: straight punch Dutch: rechte-lijnbewerking English: straight-line operation Dutch: rechte-lijnfrequentie English: straight-line frequency Dutch: rechte-lijngolf English: straight-line wavelength Dutch: rechten voorbehouden English: rights reserved Dutch: rechter- English: right; right-hand: RH Dutch: rechterbenedenhoek English: right-hand bottom corner Dutch: rechterbovenhoek English: right-hand top corner Dutch: rechterkant English: right-hand side Dutch: rechterspoel English: right-hand reel; right-hand spool Dutch: rechterzijaanzicht English: right-hand view; right-hand end view Dutch: rechtgeleider English: guide Dutch: rechtheidfout English: out of straight Dutch: rechthoekgenerator English: square-wave generator Dutch: rechthoekige golf English: rectangular wave Dutch: rechthoekimpuls English: square wave; square pulse Dutch: rechthoekintegratie English: rectangular integration Dutch: rechthoekspanning English: square-wave voltage Dutch: rechtlijnig English: rectilinear Dutch: rechtmaken English: to straighten; to straighten out Dutch: rechtop English: upright Dutch: rechtopstaand beeld English: erect image Dutch: rechtopstaande positie English: erect position Dutch: rechts English: right; right-hand Dutch: rechts gelijkhouden English: right adjust Dutch: rechts lijnen English: right justify Dutch: rechts stuur English: right-hand drive Dutch: rechtse draad English: right-hand thread Dutch: rechtse spoed English: right-hand lead Dutch: rechtse spoedrichting English: right-hand lead Dutch: rechtse tandrichting English: right-hand lead Dutch: rechtsgangig English: right-hand Dutch: rechtsom English: to the right; clockwise Dutch: rechtstandig English: vertical; perpendicular; upright Dutch: rechtstelband English: head alignment test tape Dutch: rechtstreekse levering English: direct delivery Dutch: rechtstreekse opdracht English: direct instruction Dutch: rechtstreekse toegang English: direct access Dutch: rechttrekken English: to straighten Dutch: rechtuitontvanger English: straight receiver; TRF-receiver; tuned radio frequency receiver Dutch: rechtvaardige beloning English: equitable remuneration Dutch: rechtzetten English: to adjust; to readjust; to correct; to rectify Dutch: reciprocerend English: reciprocating Dutch: reciprociteitsprincipe English: reciprocity principle Dutch: reciprociteitstheorema English: reciprocity theorem Dutch: reciproque English: reciprocal Dutch: reclame English: advertising; propaganda; chasing; complaint Dutch: reclameren English: to complain; to chase Dutch: reclametelevisie English: commercial television Dutch: recombinatie English: recombination Dutch: recombinatiesnelheid English: recombination rate Dutch: recompatibel English: recompatible Dutch: recompatibiliteit English: reverse compatibility; recompatibility Dutch: reconstructie English: reconstruction Dutch: recorder English: recorder Dutch: recorderhobbyist English: recorder hobbyist; recordist Dutch: recordgeheugengebied English: record storage area Dutch: recordindeling English: record layout Dutch: recordmarkering English: record mark Dutch: recordtussenruimte English: inter record gap: IRG; record gap Dutch: rectificatie English: rectification; correction Dutch: rectificeren English: to rectify; to correct Dutch: recurrent algoritme English: recurrent algorithm Dutch: recurrent programmeren English: recurrent programming Dutch: recurrente macro English: recurrent macro Dutch: recursief English: recursive Dutch: recursief proces English: recursive process Dutch: recursieve functie English: recursive function Dutch: recursieve routine English: recursive routine Dutch: recursieve subroutine English: recursive subroutine Dutch: recursiviteit English: recursion Dutch: redden English: to preserve; to dump; to save; to rescue Dutch: reddingswerk English: rescue work Dutch: reden English: reason; motive Dutch: redeneersysteem English: inference engine Dutch: redmiddel English: expedient; makeshift Dutch: reduceerkraan English: reducing valve Dutch: reduceerstempel English: reducing tool Dutch: reduceerventiel English: reducer Dutch: reduceren English: to reduce Dutch: reducerende atmosfeer English: reducing atmosphere Dutch: reductiemiddel English: reducing agent; reducer Dutch: reductietransformator English: stepdown transformer Dutch: reductieverhouding English: reducing gear ratio Dutch: redundante informatie English: redundant information Dutch: redundantie English: redundancy Dutch: redundantiecontrole English: redundancy check Dutch: reed English: reed Dutch: reedschakelaar English: reed switch Dutch: reëel adres English: real address Dutch: reëel beeld English: real image Dutch: reëel deel English: real part Dutch: reëel getal English: real number Dutch: reëel type English: real type Dutch: reeks English: array; set; suite; sequence; progression; series Dutch: reeksbestand English: array file Dutch: reekselement English: array element Dutch: reeksindex English: array index Dutch: reeksnaam English: array name Dutch: reeksomschrijving English: array declaration Dutch: reeksuitdrukking English: array expression Dutch: reële constante English: real constant Dutch: reële opslag English: real storage Dutch: reële werkwijze English: real mode Dutch: reet English: chink; crevice Dutch: referentiebenaming English: reference designator Dutch: referentieblok English: reference block Dutch: referentiediode English: reference diode Dutch: referentiedraaggolf English: reference carrier Dutch: referentie-elektrode English: reference electrode Dutch: referentiefase English: reference phase Dutch: referentiegat English: datum hole; reference hole Dutch: referentie-integriteit English: reference integrity Dutch: referentiekader English: frame of reference; reference framework Dutch: referentielijn English: datum line; reference line Dutch: referentiemaat English: benchmark Dutch: referentiemodel English: reference model Dutch: referentieniveau English: reference level Dutch: referentieoproep English: call by reference Dutch: referentieoscillator English: reference oscillator Dutch: referentiepositie English: index point Dutch: referentiepunt English: benchmark; datum point; reference point Dutch: referentierand English: guide edge Dutch: referentiesignaal English: reference signal; CW reference signal Dutch: referentiespanning English: reference voltage; reference supply Dutch: referentiesysteem English: datum system; reference system Dutch: referentietest English: bench test Dutch: referentietijd English: reference time Dutch: referentieversterker English: reference amplifier Dutch: referentieverzameling English: master file Dutch: referentievlak English: datum plane; reference plane Dutch: referentiewaarde English: reference value Dutch: referentiewit English: reference white Dutch: reflecteren English: to reflect Dutch: reflectiecoëfficiënt English: reflection coefficient Dutch: reflectiegolf English: reflected wave Dutch: reflectie-impedantie English: reflected impedance Dutch: reflectieverlies English: reflection loss; return loss Dutch: reflectievermogen English: reflectivity; reflective power Dutch: reflectievervorming English: multipath distortion Dutch: reflectieweerstand English: reflected resistance Dutch: reflectometer English: reflectometer Dutch: refracteren English: to refract Dutch: refractie English: refraction Dutch: refractiviteit English: refractivity Dutch: regel English: rule; line Dutch: regel van Bayes English: Bayes' rule Dutch: regelaar English: control; regulator; controller; trimmer Dutch: regelaftasting English: line scanning Dutch: regelapparatuur English: control devices; regulating equipment; control equipment Dutch: regelas English: adjusting spindle Dutch: regelautomaat English: control automaton Dutch: regelbaar English: adjustable; controllable; regulable; variable Dutch: regelbare weerstand English: variable resistor Dutch: regelbereik English: adjusting range; adjustment range Dutch: regelbestand English: rule base Dutch: regelbesturingsteken English: carriage control character Dutch: regelbuis English: regulating valve; control valve Dutch: regelchecker English: rule checker Dutch: regeldiode English: regulating diode; control diode; regulator diode Dutch: regeldrukker English: printer; line printer; line-at-a-time printer Dutch: regeldrukker English: line printer Dutch: regeleenheid English: control unit; control; regulating unit Dutch: regelen English: to control; to schedule Dutch: regelen English: to control; to regulate; to adjust; to set; to readjust; to organize; to arrange; to settle Dutch: regelfunctie English: control function Dutch: regelgebied English: regulating range; control range Dutch: regelgrens English: control limit Dutch: regelgrenzen English: control limits Dutch: regeling English: adjustment; setting; control; readjustment; regulation; organization; arrangement; settlement Dutch: regelinrichting English: control equipment Dutch: regelkarakteristiek English: regulating curve; regulating characteristic Dutch: regelkast English: control box Dutch: regelkern English: adjusting core; slug Dutch: regelknop English: control; control knob; adjusting knob Dutch: regelkring English: control circuit; control loop Dutch: regelkromme English: regulating curve Dutch: regellus English: control loop Dutch: regelmaat English: regularity Dutch: regelmatig English: regular Dutch: regelmoer English: adjusting nut Dutch: regelnummer English: line number Dutch: regelopmaakprogramma English: line editor Dutch: regeloppervlak English: ruled surface Dutch: regelorgaan English: control element; control organ Dutch: regelpaneel English: control panel Dutch: regelparameter English: regulatory parameter Dutch: regelprobleem English: control problem Dutch: regelproces English: control process Dutch: regelschakeling English: control unit Dutch: regelschroef English: adjusting screw Dutch: regelsnelheid English: control rate Dutch: regelspanning English: control voltage Dutch: regelspoel English: adjustment coil Dutch: regelstift English: adjusting core; slug Dutch: regelsysteem English: control system Dutch: regeltijd English: control time Dutch: regeltoestel English: control equipment Dutch: regeltransformator English: variable transformer Dutch: regeltrap English: control stage Dutch: regelventiel English: control valve Dutch: regelweerstand English: rheostat; control resistor Dutch: regelwerking English: control action Dutch: regelwikkeling English: control winding Dutch: regen English: rain; rainfall Dutch: regenboog English: rainbow; iris Dutch: regenbuien English: showers Dutch: regeneratie English: regeneration Dutch: regeneratie van de MRP English: regeneration MRP Dutch: regeneratiespoor English: regenerative track; revolver track Dutch: regeneratietijd English: regeneration period Dutch: regeneratieve detector English: diode detector Dutch: regeneratieve planning English: regenerative planning Dutch: regenerator English: regenerator; repeater Dutch: regenereren English: to regenerate Dutch: regenererend English: regenerative Dutch: regensensoren English: rain sensors Dutch: regeringscontract English: government contract Dutch: regeringsinstantie English: government body; governmental authorities Dutch: regeringssteun English: government backing; government-backed Dutch: regiekamer English: central control room Dutch: regieorder English: regie order Dutch: regievoorraad English: regie stock Dutch: regionaal programma English: regional program Dutch: regionale dekking English: regional coverage Dutch: regionale zender English: regional transmitter Dutch: register English: register; stop Dutch: registercapaciteit English: register length Dutch: registerschakelaar English: register switch Dutch: registratie English: registration; recording Dutch: registratiecircuit English: sensing circuit Dutch: registreerapparaat English: recorder Dutch: registreren English: to register; to record; to sense Dutch: reglement English: regulations; rules Dutch: regressie-analyse English: regression analysis Dutch: regressiecoëfficiënt English: regression coefficient Dutch: regressief testen English: regression testing Dutch: regressielijn English: regression line Dutch: regressietest English: regression test Dutch: regulateur English: regulator Dutch: regulator English: regulator; governor; speed governor Dutch: reguleren English: to regulate; to control Dutch: regulering English: regulation; control Dutch: reguleringsprogramma English: scheduler Dutch: reikwijdte English: range; coverage; reach; span of control Dutch: rein English: clean; pure Dutch: reine stemming English: natural tuning; pure tuning Dutch: reinigen English: to clean; to purify Dutch: reinigend gegloeid English: purification by means of annealing Dutch: reinigende werking English: cleaning action Dutch: reiniging English: cleaning; purification Dutch: reinigingsband English: cleaning tape Dutch: reinigingskracht English: cleaning power Dutch: reisetui English: travel pouch Dutch: rejecthefboom English: reject lever Dutch: rejectknop English: reject knob Dutch: rek English: bay; rack; shelf; elongation; stretch Dutch: rekbaar English: elastic; ductile; extensible; extendible Dutch: rekbank English: draw bench Dutch: rekbeweging English: rack movement; rack motion Dutch: reken/beslissingsectie English: arithmetic-logical section Dutch: rekenautomaat English: computer; automatic computer Dutch: rekencentrum English: computer centre Dutch: rekenen English: to calculate; to compute; arithmetic Dutch: rekenende ponsmachine English: calculating punch; multiplying punch; multiplier Dutch: rekening English: account; bill; invoice Dutch: rekening-courant English: account current Dutch: rekenkunde English: arithmetic Dutch: rekenkundig adres English: arithmetic address Dutch: rekenkundig circuit English: arithmetic circuit Dutch: rekenkundige bewerking English: arithmetical operation; arithmetic operation Dutch: rekenkundige functie English: arithmetic function Dutch: rekenkundige opdracht English: arithmetic instruction; arithmetic statement Dutch: rekenkundige relatie English: arithmetic relation Dutch: rekenkundige som English: arithmetic sum Dutch: rekenliniaal English: slide rule Dutch: rekenmachine English: calculator; computer Dutch: rekenopdracht English: arithmetical instruction Dutch: rekenorgaan English: arithmetic unit; arithmetic organ Dutch: rekenregister English: arithmetic register Dutch: rekenschema English: algorithm Dutch: rekensectie English: arithmetic section Dutch: rekensnelheid English: computing speed Dutch: rekenstatus English: compute mode; operate mode Dutch: rekentuig English: computer Dutch: rekenversterker English: operational amplifier; computing amplifier Dutch: rekenwerk English: figure-work; calculations Dutch: rekken English: rubber banding; to stretch Dutch: rekkenwagen English: trolley with racks Dutch: rekkracht English: stretching force Dutch: rekmeter English: extensometer Dutch: rekproef English: stretching test Dutch: rekruteren English: recruit; recruiting Dutch: rekruteren uit English: to recruit from Dutch: rekvastheid English: resistance to elongation Dutch: relaiscontact English: relay contact Dutch: relaislogica English: relay logic Dutch: relaisspoel English: relay coil Dutch: relaisstation English: relay station; link transmitter Dutch: relaisversterker English: relay amplifier Dutch: relatie English: relation; relationship Dutch: relatief adres English: relative address Dutch: relatielabeling English: pegging Dutch: relatietype English: relationship type Dutch: relatieve adressering English: relative addressing; relative coding Dutch: relatieve energie English: relative energy Dutch: relatieve fout English: relative error Dutch: relatieve frequentie English: relative frequency Dutch: relatieve gevoeligheid English: relative sensitivity; relative response Dutch: relatieve helderheid English: relative brightness; relative luminosity Dutch: relatieve instructie English: relative instruction Dutch: relatieve steilheid English: relative slope Dutch: relatieve vertraging English: relative delay Dutch: relationeel model English: relational model Dutch: relationele algebra English: relational algebra Dutch: relationele calculus English: relational calculus Dutch: relationele database English: relational data base: RDB Dutch: relationele operator English: relational operator Dutch: relaxatie English: relaxation Dutch: relaxatieoscillator English: relaxation oscillator Dutch: relaxatietijd English: relaxation time Dutch: relayeerstation English: relay station Dutch: reliëfdruk English: embossed printing; raised printing Dutch: reliëfschakelaar English: crisper switch Dutch: relineatie English: line translation; line transformation Dutch: reluctantie English: reluctance; magnetic resistance Dutch: remanent English: remanent Dutch: remanentie English: remanence Dutch: remanentiekromme English: remanence curve Dutch: rembeugel English: brake bracket Dutch: rembours English: reimbursement Dutch: remedie English: remedy Dutch: remelektrode English: decelerating electrode; retarding-field electrode Dutch: remhefboom English: brake lever Dutch: reminstelling English: brake adjustment Dutch: remissie English: remission Dutch: remissiefactor English: reflectance; luminance factor; reflection factor Dutch: remklepel English: blocking loop Dutch: remlicht English: stop light Dutch: remmen English: to brake; to apply the brake; to check Dutch: remmende factoren English: checks Dutch: remmer English: inhibitor Dutch: remodulatie English: remodulation Dutch: remodulator English: remodulator Dutch: remoliestandindicator English: brake-fluid level indicator Dutch: rempaardekrachten English: brake horsepower Dutch: remplaat English: brake plate Dutch: remplacemarkt English: replacement market Dutch: remrooster English: suppressor grid Dutch: remschuif English: brake slide Dutch: remstang English: brake rod Dutch: remstof English: inhibitor Dutch: remstroom English: brake current Dutch: remtijd English: deceleration time; braking time Dutch: remveer English: brake spring Dutch: remveld English: brake field; retarding field Dutch: remverhouding English: brake ratio Dutch: remvertraging English: brake retardation Dutch: remvlak English: brake surface Dutch: remvloeistofreservoir English: brake reservoir; brake-fluid reservoir Dutch: rendabel English: cost-effective; profitable; paying Dutch: rendement in MRP English: efficiency in MRP Dutch: rendementsverloning English: efficiency payment Dutch: renderen English: pay; pay off; yield a return; be profitable Dutch: rendezvous English: rendezvous Dutch: renium English: rhenium Dutch: rentevoet English: rate of interest; interest rate Dutch: reorganisatie English: reorganization Dutch: reorganiseren English: to reorganize Dutch: reostaat English: rheostat Dutch: reparatie English: rework; repair Dutch: reparatiekosten English: repair costs Dutch: reparatiemal English: repair jig; test stand Dutch: reparatieonderdelen English: service parts Dutch: reparatietijd English: repair time Dutch: reparatiewerkplaats English: repair shop Dutch: repareren English: to repair Dutch: repassierpers English: shaving press Dutch: repassierstanzpers English: blanking and shaving press Dutch: repeat order English: repeat order Dutch: repeterende fabricage English: repetitive manufacturing Dutch: replicatie English: replication Dutch: report program English: report program Dutch: reportage English: reporting Dutch: reportagewagen English: reporting van Dutch: repository English: repository Dutch: representatiestandaard English: representation standard Dutch: representeren English: to represent Dutch: repressief English: repressive; corrective Dutch: repressief onderhoud English: corrective maintenance Dutch: reproduceerbaarheid English: repeatability; reproducibility; repetitive producibility Dutch: reproduceren English: to reproduce Dutch: reserve English: reserve; back-up Dutch: reserveapparatuur English: standby equipment Dutch: reservecapaciteit English: reserve capacity Dutch: reserve-exemplaar English: back-up copy Dutch: reservegereedschap English: spare tools Dutch: reservemachine English: alternate machine Dutch: reservespoor English: alternate track Dutch: reservetank English: reserve tank; stand-by tank; holding tank Dutch: reservevoorraad English: reserve inventory; reserve stock Dutch: reservoir English: reservoir; container; tank; receptacle Dutch: reset English: to reset Dutch: resident English: resident Dutch: resident segment English: resident segment Dutch: residu English: residue Dutch: residuale besturing English: residual control Dutch: residuwaarde English: residual value Dutch: resistentie English: resistance Dutch: resistief English: resistive Dutch: resolutie English: resolution Dutch: resolutiepiramide English: resolution pyramid Dutch: resolver English: resolver Dutch: resonantiecircuit English: resonant circuit Dutch: resonantie-effect English: resonance effect Dutch: resonantiefrequentie English: resonance frequency; resonant frequency Dutch: resonantieholte English: resonant cavity Dutch: resonantiekring English: resonance circuit; tuned circuit; resonant circuit Dutch: resonantiekromme English: resonance curve Dutch: resonantielijn English: resonant line Dutch: resonantiestroom English: resonant current Dutch: resonator English: resonator Dutch: resoneren English: to resonate; to reverberate; to resound Dutch: resoneren met English: to resonate to; to be in resonance with Dutch: resonerend English: resonant Dutch: resonerend filter English: resonant filter Dutch: resonerend seriefilter English: series-resonant filter Dutch: resonerende leiding English: resonant line Dutch: responsie English: response; sensitivity; susceptibility Dutch: responsiekromme English: response curve Dutch: responsiesnelheid English: response rate Dutch: rest English: rest; remainder Dutch: restant English: remainder; rest Dutch: restbrom English: residual hum Dutch: restcapaciteit English: residual capacitance Dutch: resten English: to remain; to be left Dutch: resteren English: to remain; to be left Dutch: restfout English: residual error Dutch: restgehalte English: residual content Dutch: restkoppel English: residual torque Dutch: restkracht English: residual force Dutch: restlading English: residual charge Dutch: restmagnetisme English: residual magnetism Dutch: restmodulatie English: residual modulation Dutch: restpartij English: residual quantity Dutch: restrictie English: restriction Dutch: restsignaal English: residual signal; uncontrollable signal Dutch: restsmering English: dry-film lubrication Dutch: restspanning English: residual voltage; residual stress Dutch: reststroom English: residual current Dutch: restwaarde English: residual value Dutch: restweerstand English: residual resistance Dutch: restzijband English: vestigial sideband Dutch: restzijbandfout English: vestigial sideband error Dutch: restzijbandsysteem English: vestigial sideband system Dutch: resultante English: resultant Dutch: resultatenrekening English: profit and loss account; earnings statement Dutch: resulteren English: to result Dutch: resulteren uit English: to result from Dutch: resulterend signaal English: resultant signal Dutch: resulterend tripel English: resultant triad Dutch: resulterende kleur English: resultant colour Dutch: resumé English: summary; resume; abstract Dutch: rete-algoritme English: rete algorithm Dutch: retentietijd English: retention period Dutch: reticle English: reticle Dutch: reticulaire massa English: reticular formation Dutch: reticule English: reticle Dutch: retina English: retina Dutch: retoer English: return Dutch: retort English: retort Dutch: retortoven English: retort furnace Dutch: retouche English: retouching; touch up; rework Dutch: retoucheren English: to retouch; to touch up Dutch: retour English: return Dutch: retour door de aarde English: ground return Dutch: retourbon English: return note Dutch: retourcircuit English: returncircuit Dutch: retourgoederen English: returns; goods returned Dutch: retourneren English: to return Dutch: retourpunt English: return point Dutch: retoursignaal English: backward signal Dutch: retourverpakking English: returned empties; returnables Dutch: retractie English: retraction Dutch: retro-actief English: retro-active Dutch: retrospectief English: retrospective Dutch: retrospectieve trace English: retrospective trace Dutch: reuk English: smell; odour; sense of smell Dutch: reukvrij English: inodorous; odourless Dutch: reversmicrofoon English: lapel microphone Dutch: revideren English: to revise; to review; to overhaul Dutch: revisie English: revision; review; overhaul Dutch: revolveraanslag English: turret stop Dutch: revolverdraaibank English: turret lathe; capstan lathe Dutch: revolverkop English: turret; turret head Dutch: revolverslede English: turret slide Dutch: revolversupport English: turret rest Dutch: RF-interferentie English: radio-frequency interference Dutch: RF-oscillator English: radio-frequency oscillator Dutch: RF-stroom English: radio-frequency current Dutch: RF-transistor English: radio-frequency transistor Dutch: RF-versterker English: radio-frequency amplifier Dutch: rheologisch English: rheological Dutch: rheostaat English: rheostat Dutch: rhochrematica English: rhochrematics Dutch: rhodanide English: thiocyanate; sulphocyanide Dutch: rhombische antenne English: rhombic antenna; rhombic aerial Dutch: rhutenium English: ruthenium Dutch: rib English: rib; edge Dutch: ribbe English: rib; edge Dutch: ribbel English: rimple Dutch: ribbelig English: rimpled Dutch: ribbenwals English: serrated roll; grooved roll Dutch: ribbe-operator English: edge operator Dutch: ribzijde English: ribbed silk Dutch: richel English: ledge; ridge; corrugation Dutch: richtantenne English: directional antenna; directional aerial Dutch: richtapparatuur English: straightened equipment Dutch: richtbank English: straightener Dutch: richtblok English: straightening block; locating block Dutch: richtdatum English: target date Dutch: richtdiode English: directional diode Dutch: richteffect English: directivity; directive effect; directional effect Dutch: richten English: to straighten; align (to); to position; to locate; to orient; to point Dutch: richtfilter English: directional filter Dutch: richtgetal English: target Dutch: richting English: direction; hand; orientation Dutch: richtingaanwijzer English: traffic indicator; indicator; trafficator Dutch: richtingdiagram English: directional diagram Dutch: richtingfactor English: directivity factor Dutch: richtinggevoeligheid English: directivity; directionality Dutch: richtinghoren English: directional hearing Dutch: richtingindex English: directional gain; directivity index Dutch: richtingkarakteristiek English: directional response pattern Dutch: richtingsignaal English: steering signal Dutch: richtingstoestel English: collimator Dutch: richtingverlies English: angular deviation loss Dutch: richtingzoeker English: direction finder; gradient Dutch: richtkarakteristiek English: directivity pattern Dutch: richtkoppeldoos English: directional coupler Dutch: richtlijn English: directive; line Dutch: richtmal English: locating jig; positioning jig; straightening jig Dutch: richtpen English: locating pin Dutch: richtplaat English: aligning plate Dutch: richtprijs English: pilot price; orientation price; target price Dutch: richtpunt English: locating point Dutch: richtsnoer English: guide; guiding principle Dutch: richtwaarde English: orientation value; typical value Dutch: richtwals English: roller straightener Dutch: ricineenstandolie English: castor oil Dutch: riem English: belt; strap Dutch: riemaandrijving English: belt drive Dutch: riemeinde English: belt end Dutch: riemlas English: belt joint Dutch: riemoverbrenging English: belt transmission Dutch: riempart English: belt part Dutch: riemslip English: belt slip Dutch: riemspanner English: belt tensioner Dutch: riemspanning English: belt tension Dutch: rietjesspoel English: straw coil Dutch: riffelen English: to serrate Dutch: rij English: row; string; array Dutch: rijafstand English: row pitch; array pitch; driving distance Dutch: rijbaan English: track Dutch: rijcomfort English: ride Dutch: rijconstructie English: solderless gang construction Dutch: rijgdraad English: thread Dutch: rijgpen English: threading pin Dutch: rijk aan English: rich in Dutch: rijkeuze-impuls English: emitter pulse Dutch: rijklaar gewicht English: kerb weight Dutch: rijplateau English: skid Dutch: rijproef English: road test Dutch: rijvariabele English: string variable Dutch: ril English: crease; corrugation; groove; ridge Dutch: rilgroef English: ribbing groove Dutch: rillen English: to crease; to flute; to corrugate; to bead Dutch: rimpel English: wrinkle; crease; ripple Dutch: rimpelamplitude English: ripple amplitude Dutch: rimpelen English: to ripple; to wrinkle; to crease Dutch: rimpelfrequentie English: ripple frequency Dutch: rimpellak English: ripple paint; wrinkle paint Dutch: rimpellakken English: to ripple finish; to wrinkle finish Dutch: rimpelspanning English: ripple voltage Dutch: rimpelstroom English: ripple current Dutch: ring English: ring; washer; race; band Dutch: ring en kogel English: ring and ball Dutch: ringanker English: ring armature Dutch: ringbout English: ring bolt Dutch: ringcircuit English: ring circuit Dutch: ringdeuvel English: annular dowel Dutch: ringkaliber English: ring gauge Dutch: ringleiding English: induction loop; ring line Dutch: ringmagneet English: ring magnet Dutch: ringmodulator English: ring modulator Dutch: ringnetwerk English: ring network Dutch: ringoscillator English: ring oscillator Dutch: ringsleutel English: ring spanner Dutch: ringvormig English: annular Dutch: ringvormige spuitmond English: annular nozzle Dutch: ringwikkeling English: annular winding Dutch: riolering English: sewerage Dutch: riool English: sewer; drain Dutch: riskant English: risky; hazardous Dutch: ritme English: rhythm Dutch: ritmische generatie English: rhytmogenesis Dutch: ritsel English: rustle Dutch: ritselen English: to rustle Dutch: ritselvrij English: free from rustle; rustle-free Dutch: ritsen English: to mark; to scribe Dutch: rivaliteit English: contention Dutch: RL-kring English: resistance-inductance circuit Dutch: robbenerf English: seal grain Dutch: robijn English: ruby Dutch: robot English: robot; automaton Dutch: robotarm English: robotic arm Dutch: robotbaan English: robot path Dutch: robotgrijper English: robot gripper Dutch: robotica English: robotics Dutch: robotisering English: robotization Dutch: robotprogrammering English: textual language programming Dutch: robotsysteem English: robot system Dutch: robottaal English: robotic language Dutch: robuust English: robust Dutch: rod English: rod Dutch: rode signaal English: red signal Dutch: rode vlek English: red spot; red area Dutch: roepen English: to call Dutch: roepletter English: calling letter; call letter; call signal Dutch: roepnaam English: call sign Dutch: roer English: steering wheel Dutch: roerarm English: mixing arm Dutch: roerbak English: mixing vessel Dutch: roerder English: stirrer; agitator; stirring rod Dutch: roeren English: to stir; to agitate Dutch: roerketel English: mixing drum Dutch: roestbestrijding English: rust prevention Dutch: roesten English: to rust; to corrode Dutch: roestig English: rusty; rusted Dutch: roestkleur English: rusty colour Dutch: roestlaag English: rust film Dutch: roestpuntjes English: pitting Dutch: roestvast English: stainless; rust-proof Dutch: roestverwijdering English: rust removal; derusting Dutch: roestvlek; roestpok English: rust stain; rust spot Dutch: roestvorming English: rusting; rust formation Dutch: roestvrij English: stainless; rust-proof; non-rusting Dutch: roestvrij maken English: rust removing; derusting Dutch: roestwerend English: anti-corrosive; anti-rust; rust-preventing; rust-roof; rust-inhibiting Dutch: roestwerend middel English: rust-preventing agent; rust inhibitor Dutch: roestwerende massa English: rust-preventing compound Dutch: roestwerende olie English: rust-preventing oil Dutch: roet English: soot; carbon black Dutch: roetkleurig English: soot-coloured Dutch: roffel English: ruffle Dutch: rol English: ruffle; roller; reel; coil; castor; pulley; role Dutch: rolapparaat English: rolling tool Dutch: rolblokcondensator English: roll-block capacitor; press-block capacitor Dutch: rolbuigen English: curling; beading Dutch: rolbuigstempel English: curling die; beading die Dutch: rolhefboom English: roller lever Dutch: rollager English: roller bearing Dutch: rollen English: to roll; to scroll Dutch: rollen van het beeld English: picture slip Dutch: rollenketting English: roller chain Dutch: rollentafel English: roller table Dutch: rollenvoeding English: roll feed Dutch: rolmiddellijn English: roller diameter Dutch: rolnaadlassen English: seam welding Dutch: rolschaar English: slitting rollers; rotary slitter-scorer Dutch: rolveger English: carpet sweeper Dutch: rolvertinnen English: roller tinning Dutch: rond English: round; circular Dutch: ronde English: round; cycle Dutch: ronde anode English: round anode; stick anode Dutch: ronde cassette English: circular tray Dutch: ronde grondstem English: round basic tone Dutch: ronde kabel English: tubular cable Dutch: ronde solostem English: round solo tone Dutch: ronde vijl English: round file Dutch: rondheidfout English: out of round; roundness error Dutch: rondijzer English: bar stock Dutch: ronding English: rounding; curve Dutch: rondje English: land Dutch: rondkoppeltest English: loopback test Dutch: rondkopschroef English: roundhead screw Dutch: rondleiding English: guided tour Dutch: rondlopende overdracht English: end-around carry Dutch: rondlopende rand English: rim Dutch: rondom English: all round; around Dutch: rondomgeheugen English: random-access store; uniformly accessible store Dutch: rondomgevoeligheid English: random sensitivity; random-incidence response Dutch: rondommicrofoon English: omnidirectional microphone Dutch: rondpompen English: to pump in closed circuit; to pump round; to circulate Dutch: rondprofielsnaar English: circular section belt Dutch: rondschaar English: curved shears; bent snips Dutch: rondschuifbewerking English: cyclic shift; end-around shift Dutch: rondslijpbank English: cylindrical grinder; cylindrical grinding machine Dutch: rondslijpmachine English: cylindrical grinder; cylindrical grinding machine Dutch: rondsnijden English: circle cutting Dutch: rondsnijmachine English: circle shear Dutch: rondstraal English: directional pattern Dutch: rondstraaldiagram English: directional pattern Dutch: rondtellen English: to roll out; to read out Dutch: rondvuur English: sparking Dutch: rondzending English: domestic filed test Dutch: rondzingen English: acoustic feedback Dutch: ronken English: to drone; to throb Dutch: röntgen English: roentgen Dutch: röntgenapparaat English: X-ray apparatus; Roentgen apparatus Dutch: röntgenbuis English: X-ray tube Dutch: röntgeninspectie English: X ray inspection Dutch: röntgenlaser English: X ray laser Dutch: röntgenspectra English: X ray spectra Dutch: röntgenspectrometer English: X ray spectrometer Dutch: röntgenstraal English: X-ray; Roentgen ray Dutch: röntgensysteem English: X ray system Dutch: rood beeld English: red picture Dutch: rood raster English: red raster Dutch: rood vlak English: red area Dutch: roodaandeel English: red component Dutch: roodachtig English: redish Dutch: roodfilter English: red filter Dutch: roodgloeiend English: red hot Dutch: roodgloeihitte English: red heat Dutch: rood-groen-blauw English: red-green-blue: RGB Dutch: roodijzererts English: hematite Dutch: roodinformatie English: red information Dutch: roodinhoud English: red content Dutch: roodkanon English: red electron gun; red gun Dutch: roodsignaal English: red signal Dutch: roodverschilsignaal English: red-difference signal; R-Y signal; V-signal Dutch: roodvideosignaal English: red video signal Dutch: rookkanaal English: smoke duct Dutch: roomklopper English: cream whipper Dutch: rooster English: grid; grille; grill; lattice; time-table; grating; raster; plan; planning; schedule Dutch: rooster aan massa English: grounded grid Dutch: roosterbatterij English: bias battery Dutch: roosterbesturing English: grid control Dutch: roostercondensator English: grid capacitor Dutch: roosterconstante English: lattice constant Dutch: roosterdetectie English: anode bend detection Dutch: roosterdetector English: grid-leak detector Dutch: roosterdipmeter English: grid dip meter Dutch: roosterdiposcillator English: grid dip oscillator Dutch: roosterdissipatie English: grid dissipation Dutch: roosteremissie English: grid emission Dutch: roosteren English: to grill; to toast; to schedule Dutch: roosterexcitatie English: grid excitation Dutch: roostergevoeligheid English: grid sensitivity Dutch: roosterimpedantie English: grid impedance Dutch: roosterkring English: grid circuit Dutch: roosterlekweerstand English: grid-leak resistor; grid leak Dutch: roostermaas English: grid mesh Dutch: roostermodulatie English: grid modulation Dutch: roosterpatroon English: cross-hatch pattern Dutch: roosterprogramma English: scheduler Dutch: roosterruimte English: working grid bias Dutch: roostersignaal English: grid signal Dutch: roosterspanning English: grid voltage Dutch: roosterstopweerstand English: grid stopper Dutch: roosterstroom English: grid current Dutch: roosterstroombegrenzer English: grid-current limiter Dutch: roosterstroomdetectie English: grid-current detection Dutch: roosterstructuur English: grid mesh; lattice structure Dutch: roostertank English: grid tank Dutch: roostervoorspanning English: bias voltage; grid bias Dutch: roosterweerstand English: grid resistor Dutch: rose English: pink Dutch: rotatieas English: axis of rotation Dutch: rotatiemotor English: rotary engine Dutch: rotatiepomp English: rotary pump Dutch: rotatierobot English: spherical robot Dutch: rotatiesweep English: rotation sweep Dutch: rotatiewrijving English: rotational friction Dutch: roteren English: to rotate Dutch: roterend English: rotating; rotary Dutch: roterend drukken English: to spin over Dutch: roterend felsen English: to spin over; to rivet rotatingly Dutch: roterende beweging English: rotary motion Dutch: roterende omvormer English: rotary converter Dutch: roterende zuigermotor English: rotary piston engine Dutch: rotor English: rotor Dutch: rotorafdekplaat English: rotor-cover plate Dutch: rotorafneemplaat English: rotor-contact plate Dutch: rotoras English: rotor spindle; rotor shaft Dutch: rotorblik English: rotor lamination Dutch: rotorbuis English: rotor tube Dutch: rotorbus English: rotor bush Dutch: rotorgroef English: rotor slot Dutch: rotorkern English: rotor core Dutch: rotorlamel English: rotor lamination Dutch: rotorpakket English: rotor packet Dutch: rotorplaat English: rotor plate; rotor vane Dutch: rotorschijf English: rotor disc Dutch: rotorstaaf English: rotor rod Dutch: rotorstrip English: rotor strip; biscuit Dutch: route English: path; route Dutch: routekaart English: line-route map Dutch: routeren English: to route Dutch: routeringskaart English: route card Dutch: routeringskanaal English: routing channel Dutch: routeringslijst English: route sheet Dutch: routeringspercentage English: completion ratio Dutch: routeschema English: flow chart Dutch: routing English: routing Dutch: rozekransvoet English: rosary base Dutch: R-signaal English: red signal; R-signal Dutch: R-T transformatie English: Request-Target transformatie Dutch: RT-logica English: resistor-transistor logic Dutch: rubber English: rubber Dutch: rubberafdichtmassa English: rubber sealing compound Dutch: rubberbodem English: rubber mat Dutch: rubberiseren English: to rubberize Dutch: rubberkussen English: rubber pad Dutch: rubberloodkabel English: rubber-covered lead cable Dutch: rubbermagneet English: rubber-covered magnet Dutch: rubbermat English: rubber mat Dutch: rubberschijf English: moulded rubber pad Dutch: rubberstempel English: rubber stamp Dutch: rubriceren English: to classify Dutch: rubriceren onder English: to class under Dutch: rubriek English: heading; class; group; division; field; section Dutch: rudimentair English: rudimentary Dutch: rug English: back; ridge; rib Dutch: rug-aan-rug testen English: back-to-back testing Dutch: rug-aan-rug verbinding English: back-to-back connection Dutch: rug-aan-rug zaagtand English: back-to-back sawtooth Dutch: ruggegraat English: backbone; spine Dutch: ruggemerg English: spinal cord Dutch: ruggespraak English: consultation Dutch: ruggespraak houden English: to refer to; to consult Dutch: ruggesteun English: back; backrest; backing; support Dutch: rugleuning English: backrest; back Dutch: rugpapier English: back paper Dutch: rugzitting English: rear seat squab Dutch: ruif English: rack Dutch: ruim English: room; spacious; capacious; loose; wide; ample Dutch: ruim lopende passing English: loose running fit; loose fit Dutch: ruime passing English: clearance fit; loose fit Dutch: ruimen English: to ream; to empty; to clear out Dutch: ruimer English: reamer Dutch: ruimte English: slot; space; clearance play; accommodation; convenience; capacity Dutch: ruimtebenutting English: space utilization Dutch: ruimtebesparing English: saving of space; space economy Dutch: ruimtecommunicatie English: space communication Dutch: ruimtegebrek English: lack of space; lack of room Dutch: ruimtegolf English: sky wave; space wave Dutch: ruimtehoek English: solid angle Dutch: ruimte-indeling English: layout; arrangement Dutch: ruimte-inhoud English: cubic capacity Dutch: ruimtelading English: space charge Dutch: ruimteladingsgebied English: space-charge region Dutch: ruimteladingsstroom English: space current Dutch: ruimtelijk effect English: spatial effect; auditory perspective Dutch: ruimtelijk geordend English: geographically deployed Dutch: ruimtelijk lichaam English: solid Dutch: ruimtelijk model English: solid model Dutch: ruimtelijke bezetting English: spatial occupancy; spatial enumeration Dutch: ruimtelijke oriëntatie English: orientation in space; spatial orientation Dutch: ruimtelijke resolutie English: spatial resolution Dutch: ruimtemaat English: measure of capacity; cubic measure Dutch: ruimteresonantie English: room resonance Dutch: ruimteschip English: spacecraft; space ship Dutch: ruimtetechnologie English: space technology Dutch: ruimtetekort English: space shortage Dutch: ruimtetijd English: space-time Dutch: ruimtevaart English: space flight Dutch: ruimtevaartprogramma English: space program Dutch: ruimtevarend English: space-born Dutch: ruimtevoertuig English: spacecraft; space vehicle Dutch: ruis in beeld English: snowy picture Dutch: ruis/signaalverhouding English: signal/noise ratio Dutch: ruisafstand English: signal/noise ratio Dutch: ruisanalyse English: noise analysis Dutch: ruisanalyse-instrument English: noise analyzer Dutch: ruisarm English: low-noise Dutch: ruisbijdrage English: noise component Dutch: ruisblokkeringscircuit English: squelch circuit Dutch: ruisblokkeringssignaal English: squelch signal Dutch: ruiscomponent English: noise component Dutch: ruisdiode English: noise diode Dutch: ruisdynamiek English: signal/noise ratio Dutch: ruisfactor English: noise factor Dutch: ruisfilter English: noise filter; scratch filter Dutch: ruisgenerator English: noise generator Dutch: ruisgetal English: noise figure Dutch: ruismeter English: noise meter Dutch: ruisniveau English: noise level Dutch: ruisonderdrukker English: noise suppressor Dutch: ruisonderdrukking English: noise suppression; noise reduction Dutch: ruisproef English: noise test Dutch: ruispuls English: noise pulse Dutch: ruissignaal English: noise signal Dutch: ruisspanning English: noise voltage Dutch: ruistemperatuur English: noise temperature Dutch: ruistest English: power handling capacity test Dutch: ruisvermogen English: noise power Dutch: ruisvrij English: noise-free; noiseless Dutch: ruit English: rhom; diamond; lozenge; graticule; pane; window pane; shield Dutch: ruiter English: tab Dutch: ruitesproeier English: screen washer Dutch: ruitewisser English: screen wiper Dutch: ruitewisserbediening English: screen-wiper control Dutch: ruitewissereffect English: windshield-wiper effect Dutch: ruitewissersproeier English: wash-and-wipe Dutch: ruitjeskrasproef English: cross-cut scratch test Dutch: ruitkartel English: diamond knurl Dutch: ruitverdeling English: graticular division Dutch: ruitvervorming English: rhombic distortion Dutch: ruitvormig rooster English: diamond lattice Dutch: ruitwerk English: graticule Dutch: ruk English: jerk; pull; tug Dutch: rukken English: to pull; to jerk Dutch: rukken aan English: to pull at; to jerk at Dutch: rukkerig English: jerky Dutch: run English: run Dutch: Runge Kutta methode English: Runge Kutta method Dutch: runner English: runner; slider Dutch: run-out list-systeem English: run-out list system Dutch: runtijd English: run time Dutch: runtime-systeem English: runtime system Dutch: rust English: rest; break; rest-pause Dutch: rustcomponent English: quiescent component Dutch: rustcontact English: normally-closed contact Dutch: rusten op English: to rest on; to be supported by; to bear against Dutch: rustfactor English: relaxation factor Dutch: rustfrequentie English: idling frequency Dutch: rustspanning English: idling voltage Dutch: ruststand English: rest position Dutch: ruststroom English: idling current; zero current; quiescent current Dutch: rusttijd English: dwell time Dutch: rusttoeslag English: relaxation allowance Dutch: rusttoestand English: hold mode; hold; idle state; quiescent state; state of rest; condition of rest; quiescent condition; steady state; idling power Dutch: rustwaarde English: quiescent value Dutch: rustwerkpunt English: quiescent operating point Dutch: Rutherford-atoom English: Rutherford atom Dutch: ruw English: rough; coarse; black; unmachined; raw; crude Dutch: ruw behandelen English: to handle roughly Dutch: ruw monster English: gross sample Dutch: ruw product English: unfinished product Dutch: ruw schatten English: to estimate roughly Dutch: ruw voorontvetten English: to pre-degrease; to pre-clean; to remove the bulk of the soil Dutch: ruwe granulariteit English: coarse granularity Dutch: ruwe voeding English: unstabilized supply Dutch: ruwen English: to roughen Dutch: ruwijzer English: pig iron Dutch: ryotron English: ryotron Dutch: sabelkromheid English: warp Dutch: sabelvormigheid English: cupping Dutch: saccharine English: saccharin Dutch: saffiaanleer English: morocco; morocco leather Dutch: salariëren English: to salary; to pay Dutch: salariëring English: remuneration Dutch: salaris English: salary; wages; wage; pay Dutch: salarisbureau English: salary department; payroll department Dutch: salariscommissie English: salaries committee Dutch: salarisherziening English: salary revision; salary adjustment Dutch: salariskorting English: salary reduction Dutch: salarisnorm English: salary standard; scale of salaries Dutch: salarisstaat English: salary list Dutch: salarisverhoging English: salary increase Dutch: salarisverlaging English: cut in salaries; salary cut; salary reduction Dutch: salarisvoorstel English: salary proposal Dutch: salarisvoorwaarden English: salary conditions Dutch: salderen English: to balance Dutch: salmiak English: sal ammoniac Dutch: salpeter English: saltpetre Dutch: salpeterzuur English: nitric acid Dutch: salpeterzuurbeits English: nitric-acid pickle Dutch: salvo English: burst Dutch: salvoamplitude English: burst amplitude Dutch: salvodiscriminator English: burst discriminator Dutch: salvofilter English: burst-gating circuit Dutch: salvopoort English: burst gate Dutch: salvopoortsignaal English: burst-gate signal; burst-flag signal Dutch: salvoscheider English: burst separator Dutch: salvosignaal English: burst signal; burst Dutch: salvosleutelschakeling English: burst-gating circuit Dutch: salvosleutelsignaal English: burst-gating pulse Dutch: salvoversterker English: burst-amplifier Dutch: samen opwikkelen English: to wind simultaneously Dutch: samen verpakken English: to pack together Dutch: samenbinden English: to bind together; to tie together Dutch: samenbouw English: assembly Dutch: samenbouwen English: to assemble Dutch: samenbrengen English: to bring together Dutch: samendraaien English: to twist together Dutch: samendrukken English: to compress; to squeeze; to press together; to press onto each other Dutch: samendrukking English: compression; squeezing; pressing together Dutch: samenflansel English: patchwork Dutch: samenflansen English: to patch together; to knock together; to concoct Dutch: samengaan English: to go together; to be compatible; to agree; to tally; to be attended by; to be accompanied by Dutch: samengedrukt beeld English: compressed picture Dutch: samengesteld English: composed; constituted; assembled; constructed; compiled; compound; composite Dutch: samengesteld object English: compound object Dutch: samengesteld onderdeel English: assembled part Dutch: samengesteld product English: assembled product Dutch: samengesteld systeem English: composite system Dutch: samengesteld type English: composite type Dutch: samengestelde antenne English: beam array Dutch: samengestelde kaart English: composite map Dutch: samengestelde kromme English: composite curve Dutch: samengestelde ligger English: composite girder Dutch: samengestelde matrijs English: split mould Dutch: samengestelde toon English: complex sound Dutch: samengestelde vorm English: combination bias Dutch: samenhang English: cohesion; coherence; context; connection; relationship; association; correlation Dutch: samenhangend English: coherent; contextual; connected; related; associated; correlated; connectance Dutch: samenhechten English: to fasten together; to staple; to glue together; to bond together Dutch: samenklemmen English: to clamp together Dutch: samenkleven English: to stick together Dutch: samenklinken English: to rivet together; to harmonize Dutch: samenklonteren English: to clot; to coagulate Dutch: samenknijpen English: to compress; to squeeze Dutch: samenknopen English: to tie together Dutch: samenkoeken English: to cake together Dutch: samenkomst English: meeting; getting together; assembly; junction; convergence Dutch: samenkopppelen English: to couple together; to link together Dutch: samenleving English: society; community Dutch: samenlopen English: to converge; to meet; to join Dutch: samenlopende worm English: mating worm Dutch: samenmengen English: to mix; to mix together Dutch: samennemen English: to take together Dutch: samenpakken English: to take together; to pack together Dutch: samenpassende delen English: mating parts Dutch: samenpersen English: to press together Dutch: samenplakken English: to glue together Dutch: samenrollen English: to roll together Dutch: samenschakelen English: to connect together Dutch: samensmelten English: to melt together; to merge; to fuse; to amalgamate Dutch: samenstellen English: to compose; to constitute; to assemble; to construct; to compile Dutch: samenstellen uit English: to compose of Dutch: samenstellend deel English: constituent Dutch: samenstellende delen English: component parts; constituent parts; constituents; components Dutch: samenstelling English: composition; constitution; assembly; construction; compilation Dutch: samentrekken English: to contract; to concentrate; to join; to unite Dutch: samentrekking English: contraction; concentration; joining; uniting Dutch: samenvallen met English: to coincide with Dutch: samenvatten English: to sum up; to summarize; to recapitulate Dutch: samenvatting English: summary; summing-up; recapitulation Dutch: samenvloeien English: to merge; to blend Dutch: samenvoegen van takken English: branch merging Dutch: samenvoeging English: junction; union; combination; collating; merging; assembling; coalescence Dutch: samenvouwbaar English: collapsible; folding Dutch: samenvouwen English: to fold; to fold up Dutch: samenwerken English: to work together; to act together; to cooperate; to collaborate; to mate Dutch: samenwerkend wiel English: mating gear Dutch: samenwerking English: cooperation; collaboration; working together; acting together; mating Dutch: sanctie English: sanction Dutch: saneerder English: garbage collector Dutch: saneren English: reorganize; reconstruct; re-engineer; to put on a sound basis; remediate; redevelop; clean up Dutch: sanering English: garbage collection; reorganization; reconstruction; re-engineering; putting on a sound basis Dutch: sapeli English: sapele Dutch: satelliet English: satellite Dutch: satellietantenne English: satellite antenna; satellite aerial Dutch: satellietcentrale English: community dial office: CDO Dutch: satellietcommunicatie English: satellite communication Dutch: satellietstation English: satellite station Dutch: satellietsteunzender English: satellite relay Dutch: satellietverbinding English: satellite link Dutch: satellietvermogen English: satellite power Dutch: satellietvervoer English: satellite delivery; satellite orbiting Dutch: satineren English: to satin; to glaze Dutch: scalair English: scalar Dutch: scalair item English: scalar item Dutch: scalair objecttype English: scalar type object Dutch: scalair product English: dot product Dutch: scalaire bewerking English: scalar process Dutch: scalaire computer English: scalar computer Dutch: scalaire functie English: scalar function Dutch: scalaire uitdrukking English: scalar expression Dutch: scalaire variabele English: scalar variable Dutch: scalaire verwerking English: scalar processing Dutch: scannen English: to scan Dutch: scanning English: scanning Dutch: scantest English: scan-test Dutch: scenario English: scenario; script Dutch: schaaf English: plane; slicer; shredder Dutch: schaafbank English: carpenter's bench; planing machine; planer; shaper Dutch: schaafbankarm English: planer ram; shaper ram Dutch: schaafbeitel English: planing iron; planing tool; shaping tool Dutch: schaafbewerking English: planing operation Dutch: schaafmachine English: carpenter's bench; planing machine; planer; shaper Dutch: schaafmes English: planing iron Dutch: schaafsel English: shavings Dutch: schaakbordpatroon English: checker board pattern Dutch: schaal English: scale; dial; station scale; tuning dial Dutch: schaal van Rankine English: Rankine scale Dutch: schaal van Réaumur English: Reaumur scale Dutch: schaalaandrijving English: dial drive; scale drive Dutch: schaalaanwijzing English: reading Dutch: schaalachtergrond English: dial background; scale tray; reflector; scale backing Dutch: schaalaflezing English: reading Dutch: schaalafwijking English: deviation from dial; dial deviation Dutch: schaalbak English: dial background; scale tray; reflector; scale backing Dutch: schaalbedrukking English: dial printing; scale printing Dutch: schaalbereik English: dial range; scale range Dutch: schaaldeel English: division; scale division Dutch: schaalfactor English: scale factor; scaling factor Dutch: schaalfout English: dial error; scale error Dutch: schaallengte English: dial length; scale length Dutch: schaalmodel English: scale model Dutch: schaalopening English: scale aperture Dutch: schaalplaat English: scale Dutch: schaalstreepje English: dial mark; scale mark Dutch: schaalverdeling English: graduation; scale marks Dutch: schaalverlichting English: dial lighting; scale lighting Dutch: schaalverlichtingslamp English: pilot lamp; dial lamp Dutch: schaar English: scissors; shear; shears; link; linkage Dutch: schaarbeweging English: link motion Dutch: schaarblad English: shear blade Dutch: schaars English: scarce; rare Dutch: schaarste English: shortage; scarcity Dutch: schacht English: shank Dutch: schachtboor English: shank drill; twist drill Dutch: schadelijk English: harmful; detrimental; injurious; noxious Dutch: schadelijk geluid English: harmful noise Dutch: schadelijk voor English: harmful to Dutch: schaduw English: shadow Dutch: schaduwcompensatie English: shading compensation Dutch: schaduwcorrectie English: shading Dutch: schaduwgenerator English: shading generator Dutch: schaduwmasker English: shadow mask Dutch: schaduwmaskerbuis English: shadow-mask tube Dutch: schakel V-riem English: link V-belt Dutch: schakelaar English: contactor; switch; sampler Dutch: schakelaarhuis English: switch casing Dutch: schakelaarschuif English: switch slide Dutch: schakelaarvet English: switch grease Dutch: schakelalgebra English: switching algebra Dutch: schakelapparatuur English: switch gear Dutch: schakelarm English: switch arm Dutch: schakelas English: switch spindle Dutch: schakelautomaat English: switch Dutch: schakelbaar English: switchable Dutch: schakelband English: stop foil; switch foil Dutch: schakelbeugel English: switch bracket Dutch: schakelblok English: switch block Dutch: schakelbord English: switch board; plug-board; patch-board; patch-panel; problem-board Dutch: schakelcentrum English: switching centre Dutch: schakeldetector English: switching detector Dutch: schakeldiode English: switching diode; booster diode Dutch: schakeldoos English: conduit box Dutch: schakeldraad English: connecting wire; hook-up wire Dutch: schakeldrempelwaarde English: selection ratio Dutch: schakelduur English: switching speed Dutch: schakeleenheid English: switch unit Dutch: schakelelement English: switch element; circuit element; control element Dutch: schakelen English: to switch; to connect; sampling Dutch: schakelen met cellen English: cell switching Dutch: schakelfolie English: metal switch-leader Dutch: schakelfrequentie English: sampling frequency Dutch: schakelfunctie English: switching function; logic function Dutch: schakelgedeelte English: circuiting section Dutch: schakelhefboom English: switch lever Dutch: schakelimpuls English: switching pulse; sampling pulse Dutch: schakelimpulsgenerator English: sampling-pulse generator Dutch: schakeling English: circuitry; circuit; connection; switching Dutch: schakelkaart English: circuit board Dutch: schakelkam English: stepped slide Dutch: schakelkast English: switch box; control box; junction box Dutch: schakelkern English: switch core Dutch: schakelklik English: switching click Dutch: schakelklok English: timer; time-switch Dutch: schakelkoppel English: switching torque Dutch: schakelkracht English: switch operating force; switch actuating force Dutch: schakellogica English: switching logic Dutch: schakelnetwerk English: switching network Dutch: schakelnok English: switch cam Dutch: schakelpakket English: spring bank; spring assembly Dutch: schakelpaneel English: switch board; control panel; jack panel; plug board Dutch: schakelproces English: switching process Dutch: schakelproef English: switching test; controls actuating test Dutch: schakelprogramma English: switching program Dutch: schakelrelais English: switching relay Dutch: schakelrichting English: switching sense Dutch: schakelschema English: circuit scheme; plugging chart Dutch: schakelschokken English: switching surges Dutch: schakelschuif English: switch slide Dutch: schakelsignaal English: control signal; drive signal Dutch: schakelsimulatie English: switch level simulation Dutch: schakelsnelheid English: switching speed; switching rate Dutch: schakelspanning English: switching voltage Dutch: schakelstroom English: switch current Dutch: schakelstroomstoot English: switch surge Dutch: schakelstuk English: stop foil; switch foil Dutch: schakelsysteem English: circuitry Dutch: schakeltheorie English: switching theory Dutch: schakeltijd English: switching time Dutch: schakeltraject English: differential Dutch: schakeltransistor English: switching transistor Dutch: schakeltrap English: switch step Dutch: schakelvariabele English: switching variable; logic variable Dutch: schakelvlak English: switch pad; switch face Dutch: schakelwals English: drum controller Dutch: schakering English: shade; graduation; variegation Dutch: schalen English: to scale Dutch: schapevet English: lanolin Dutch: scharnieras English: pivot; hinge pin Dutch: scharnierbeugel English: hinge bracket Dutch: scharnierbeweging English: hinge movement Dutch: scharnierblad English: hinge flap; hinge leaf Dutch: scharnieren English: to hinge; to be hinged; to pivot; to be pivoted Dutch: scharnierend English: hinged; hinging Dutch: scharnierend chassis English: hinged chassis Dutch: scharnierende stang English: hinging bar Dutch: scharniergat English: pivot hole Dutch: scharniergewricht English: hinge joint Dutch: scharnierpen English: pivot; hinge pin Dutch: scharnierpunt English: hinge point; pivoting point; pivot Dutch: scharnierverbinding English: hinged connection; hinge joint Dutch: schatten English: to estimate; to value; to appraise; to gauge Dutch: schatter English: estimator, valuer; appraiser Dutch: schatting English: estimation; estimate; valuation; appraisal Dutch: schattingsafwijking English: deviation of estimation Dutch: schattingsfunctie English: estimator Dutch: schaven English: to plane; to chafe; to scrape Dutch: schaven langs English: to chafe against Dutch: schavielen English: chafing Dutch: scheduling English: scheduling Dutch: scheef English: oblique; skew; out of true; out of alignment Dutch: scheefheid English: obliquity; skewness; out of trueness; out of alignment Dutch: scheefstaan English: to be cocking; to be out of true; to be out of alignment Dutch: scheeftrekken English: to pull out of alignment; to pull out of true; to warp; to become warped Dutch: scheerapparaat English: shaver Dutch: scheerbeitel English: shaving cutter Dutch: scheerblad English: blade; cutting blade Dutch: scheereenheid English: shaving unit Dutch: scheerhoofd English: shaving head; shaver head Dutch: scheerhoofdbeugel English: shaving-head bracket; shaver-head bracket Dutch: scheerkap English: shaving-cutter guard Dutch: scheerkop English: shaving head; shaver head Dutch: scheerunit English: shaving unit Dutch: scheiden English: to separate; to part; to isolate; to divide; to sort; to shift Dutch: scheidingsbit English: framing bit Dutch: scheidingscondensator English: blocking capacitor; isolating capacitor Dutch: scheidingsdiode English: isolating diode Dutch: scheidingsfilter English: separating filter; dividing network; crossover filter Dutch: scheidingsfout English: resolution error Dutch: scheidingsisolatie English: separating insulation Dutch: scheidingslaag English: separating layer Dutch: scheidingslijn English: dividing line; partition line; parting line; line of demarcation Dutch: scheidingsschakelaar English: isolating switch; isolator Dutch: scheidingsteken English: delimiter; separator; separating character; data delimiter; information separator Dutch: scheidingstrap English: buffer stage; separator stage Dutch: scheidingsvariac English: isolating variac Dutch: scheidingsverlies English: isolation loss Dutch: scheidingsweerstand English: isolating resistor Dutch: scheikundig English: chemical Dutch: scheikundige English: chemist Dutch: scheitrechter English: separating funnel Dutch: schel English: shrill; bright Dutch: schellakverf English: shellac paint Dutch: schellakwas English: lac wax Dutch: scheluw English: twisted; warped Dutch: schema English: diagram; graph; schematic diagram; scheme; schedule; schema Dutch: schema in een database English: data base scheme Dutch: schemarestrictie English: schema restriction Dutch: schemasymbool English: schematic symbol Dutch: schematekening English: artwork; schematic diagram Dutch: schematisch English: schematic; schematical; skeleton; diagrammatical Dutch: schematisch overzicht English: skeleton survey; schematic survey Dutch: schepgaasje English: dipping screen Dutch: scheplichaam English: dipping body Dutch: schepsolderen English: spot soldering; scoop soldering Dutch: scheptank English: dipping tank Dutch: schepvorm English: dipping form; dipping mould Dutch: scheren English: to shave Dutch: schering English: warp Dutch: scherm English: screen; guard; protector; cover plate Dutch: schermcircuit English: screen circuit Dutch: schermdiameter English: screen diameter Dutch: schermdissipatie English: screen dissipation Dutch: schermmodulatie English: screen modulation Dutch: schermopmaakprogramma English: screen editor Dutch: schermregeneratie English: screen regeneration Dutch: schermrooster English: screen grid Dutch: schermroosterbuis English: tetrode Dutch: schermroostermodulatie English: screen-grid modulation Dutch: schermroosterspanning English: screen voltage; screen-grid voltage Dutch: schermroosterstroom English: screen current Dutch: schermspanning English: screen voltage Dutch: schermspiegel English: metal backing Dutch: schermstroom English: screen current Dutch: schermuitloper English: screen terminal Dutch: schermweerstand English: screen resistance Dutch: scherp English: sharp; acute; keen; fierce; strict; stringent; highly selective; highly discriminating Dutch: scherp berekende prijs English: closely calculated price Dutch: scherpe afbreking English: sharp cutoff Dutch: scherpe vlam English: stiff flame; sharp flame Dutch: scherpen English: to sharpen; to whet Dutch: scherpfilter English: notch filter Dutch: scherphoekig English: acute-angled Dutch: scherpklinkend English: shrill Dutch: scherpsteldiameter English: cocking diameter Dutch: scherpstellen English: to focus; to cock Dutch: scherpstelling English: focusing; cocking Dutch: scherpte English: sharpness Dutch: scherptediepte English: depth of focus Dutch: scherpte-instelling English: focusing Dutch: scherpteregelaar English: focusing control Dutch: scherpteverlies English: loss of sharpness; loss of definition Dutch: schets English: sketch; outline; diagrammatic drawing Dutch: schetsblok English: sketchpad Dutch: schetsen English: to sketch; to outline Dutch: schetsmatig English: schematic; schematical; skeleton; diagrammatical Dutch: schetsnummer English: mounting plate; gusset; gusset plate Dutch: scheur English: crack; tear Dutch: scheuren English: to crack; to tear Dutch: scheurlijn English: axis with breaks Dutch: scheurproef English: tear test Dutch: scheurstrip English: tear-off strip Dutch: scheurtjes English: cracks; scratches; fissures; crevices Dutch: scheurvast English: tear-resistant; crack-resistant Dutch: scheurvastheid English: tear resistance; crack resistance Dutch: scheurverschijnsel English: fracture phenomenon Dutch: scheurweerstand English: resistance to cracking; crack resistance; tear resistance; tearing strength Dutch: scheve sinuslijn English: oblique sine line Dutch: schiften English: to sort; to sort out; to sift; crawling; creeping; beading; contracting; cissing; floating; flooding Dutch: schijf English: dial; disk; slice; dial; blade; wafer; floppy disk Dutch: schijfanode English: disc anode Dutch: schijfbestand English: disc file Dutch: schijfcondensator English: disc capacitor Dutch: schijfdiode English: disc diode Dutch: schijfeenheid English: disc unit Dutch: schijffrees English: side and face cutter; side mill; side milling cutter Dutch: schijfgeheugen English: disc memory; magnetic disc store; magnetic disc; disc; disc storage; disc store Dutch: schijfgeheugeneenheid English: disc-storage drive Dutch: schijfgelijkrichter English: disk rectifier Dutch: schijfje English: wafer Dutch: schijfmagneet English: disc magnet Dutch: schijfsorteerprogramma English: disc sort program Dutch: schijfsysteembesturing English: disc system management Dutch: schijfveld English: disc field Dutch: schijfvormig English: disc-shaped Dutch: schijfweerstand English: disk resistor Dutch: schijnactiviteit English: dummy Dutch: schijnbaar English: apparent Dutch: schijnbaar vermogen English: apparent power Dutch: schijnopdracht English: dummy instruction Dutch: schijvengeheugen English: magnetic disc store; magnetic disc; disc; disc storage; disc store Dutch: schijvenpakket English: disc pack Dutch: schil English: peel; skin; shell Dutch: schildembleem English: shield emblem; escutcheon Dutch: schilfer English: flake; scale Dutch: schilferen English: to flake; to scale Dutch: schimmel English: mould; fungus Dutch: schimmelgroei English: fungus growth; moulding; mould growth Dutch: schimmelwerend English: fungicidal Dutch: schliff English: metallographic specimen; microsection Dutch: Schmitt-trigger English: Schmitt trigger Dutch: schoepenwiel English: blade wheel Dutch: schoffelen English: shearing Dutch: schok English: jolt; shock Dutch: schokabsorberend English: shock-absorbing Dutch: schokbestendig English: shock-resistant; impact-resistant Dutch: schokbreker English: shock-absorber Dutch: schokdemper English: shock-absorber Dutch: schokexcitatie English: shock excitation Dutch: schokgevaar English: shock hazard Dutch: schokken English: to shock; to shake; to jolt Dutch: schokkerig English: jerky Dutch: schokproef English: shock test; bump test Dutch: schoktafel English: shock table; bump table Dutch: schokvast English: shock-resistant; impact-resistant Dutch: schokvastheid English: shock resistance; impact resistance Dutch: scholen English: to train Dutch: scholing English: training; education Dutch: schommelbeweging English: wobble motion; oscillatory motion; rocking motion Dutch: schommelen English: to wobble; to oscillate; to swing; to rock; to fluctuate; to vary Dutch: schommeling English: wobbling; oscillation; swinging; swing; fluctuation; variation Dutch: schommelserie English: swing set Dutch: schone kamer English: cleanroom Dutch: schooltelevisie English: educational television; school television Dutch: schoon seizoenpatroon English: clean seasonal pattern Dutch: schoonblazen English: to blow clean Dutch: schoonborstelen English: to brush clean Dutch: schoongemaakte stand English: cleared condition Dutch: schoonhouden English: to keep clean; to clean Dutch: schoonmaakmiddel English: cleaning agent Dutch: schoonmaakpersoneel English: cleaning-staff Dutch: schoonmaakster English: office cleaner Dutch: schoonmaken English: to clean; to clear Dutch: schoonwasresultaat English: washing performance Dutch: schoor English: strut; brace Dutch: schoorsteen English: chimney; chimney stack Dutch: schoorsteenbevestiging English: chimney mounting Dutch: schoorsteenmontage English: chimney mounting Dutch: schootcomputer English: laptop computer Dutch: schor English: raspy Dutch: schorheid English: raspiness Dutch: schot English: partition; shot Dutch: schotel English: dish Dutch: schotelklep English: poppet valve; mushroom valve Dutch: schotelslijpsteen English: dish grinding wheel Dutch: schotelveer English: cupped spring washer; Belleville washer Dutch: schotelvormig English: dish-shaped Dutch: Schotseruitpatroon English: cross-hatch pattern Dutch: Schottky barrierdiode English: Schottky barrier diode Dutch: Schottky-defect English: Schottky defect Dutch: Schottky-diode English: Schottky diode Dutch: Schottky-effect English: Schottky effect Dutch: Schottky-ruis English: Schottky noise Dutch: schouderriem English: shoulder strap Dutch: schraapijzer English: scraper Dutch: schraapmes English: scraper Dutch: schraapsel English: scrapings Dutch: schraapstaal English: scraper Dutch: schranken English: to set oblique; to set; to tilt Dutch: schrapen English: to scrape; to grate; to shred Dutch: schraper English: scraper; grater; shredder Dutch: schrapmachine English: peeler Dutch: schrappen English: to delete; to cancel Dutch: schrapteken English: delete character Dutch: schrenspapier English: grey paper Dutch: schrift English: writing; handwriting; script; recording Dutch: schriftelijk English: by letter; in writing; postal correspondence Dutch: schrifteren English: to inscribe Dutch: schriftlezen English: character recognition Dutch: schriftlezer English: character reader Dutch: schriftteken English: graphic; graphic character Dutch: schrifttekenlezen English: character recognition Dutch: schrijfbeletimpuls English: inhibit pulse Dutch: schrijfblokkering English: write lock-out Dutch: schrijfdichtheid English: recording density Dutch: schrijfimpuls English: write pulse; writing pulse; full write pulse Dutch: schrijfinkt English: writing ink Dutch: schrijfkop English: writing head; write head; record head Dutch: schrijfmachine English: typewriter; character-at-a-time printer Dutch: schrijfstang English: type bar Dutch: schrijfsteunimpuls English: enable pulse Dutch: schrijfstift English: tracer; recorder pin; stylus Dutch: schrijfvlek English: scanning spot Dutch: schrijfwiel English: type wheel Dutch: schrijfwijze English: style of writing; spelling; orthography; notation Dutch: schrijlings English: astride Dutch: schrijven English: to write; to scan; to trace Dutch: schrijver English: writer; author; recorder Dutch: schrikkerig English: jerky Dutch: schril English: sill; strident; glaring Dutch: schroef English: screw; helix; vice; propeller Dutch: schroefaftasting English: helical scan Dutch: schroefas English: shaft Dutch: schroefbeugel English: screw bracket Dutch: schroefbevestiging English: screwed fastening Dutch: schroefbeweging English: helical motion Dutch: schroefblad English: propeller blade Dutch: schroefboor English: screw augur Dutch: schroefbout English: screw bolt Dutch: schroefdeksel English: screw cap Dutch: schroefdop English: screw cap Dutch: schroefdraad English: screwthread; thread; thread of a screw Dutch: schroefdraadkaliber English: screwthread gauge Dutch: schroefdraadprofiel English: screwthread profile Dutch: schroefdraadrollen English: screwthread rolling Dutch: schroefdraadsnijden English: screwthread cutting Dutch: schroefgang English: lead; start Dutch: schroefgat English: threaded hole; tapped hole Dutch: schroefkern English: threaded core; slug Dutch: schroefknop English: screw knob Dutch: schroefkooi English: screw carrier Dutch: schroefkop English: screw head Dutch: schroefkoppeling English: screw coupling Dutch: schroeflijn English: helical line Dutch: schroefmal English: screwing jig Dutch: schroefnippel English: threaded nipple Dutch: schroefoog English: screw eye Dutch: schroefpatroonhouder English: screw cartridge holder Dutch: schroefpers English: screw press; fly press Dutch: schroefsleutel English: wrench; spanner Dutch: schroefsluiting English: screw plug; screw cap Dutch: schroefspil English: lead screw Dutch: schroeftransporteur English: screw conveyor Dutch: schroefveer English: coil spring; helical spring Dutch: schroefveerophanging English: helical-spring suspension Dutch: schroefvormig English: helical Dutch: schroefwiel English: helical gear Dutch: schroefwinding English: helix Dutch: schroeven op English: to screw on Dutch: schroevendraaierpal English: screwdriver pawl Dutch: schrompelen English: to sink Dutch: schroot English: scrap; scrap metal Dutch: schubvormig English: scale-like; flake-like; flaked Dutch: schudbak English: shaking tray Dutch: schudden English: to shake Dutch: schudgewicht English: bulk density Dutch: schudgoot English: shaker conveyor Dutch: schudinrichting English: shaking device Dutch: schudmachine English: shaking machine; agitator Dutch: schudvolume English: bulk volume Dutch: schudzeef English: vibrating strainer; shaking strainer; shaking screen Dutch: schuif English: slide; slider; valve; sliding lid; bolt; vernier Dutch: schuifafsluiter English: slide valve Dutch: schuifas English: sliding shaft Dutch: schuifbaar English: slidable Dutch: schuifbelasting English: shear load Dutch: schuifbeweging English: sliding motion; sliding movement Dutch: schuifbewerking English: shift Dutch: schuifblok English: slide block Dutch: schuifbus English: sliding bush Dutch: schuifcode English: chain code Dutch: schuifcontact English: slide contact Dutch: schuifdak English: sliding roof Dutch: schuifdeksel English: sliding lid; side lid Dutch: schuifdeur English: sliding door; sliding panel Dutch: schuifdoos English: sleeve and box Dutch: schuifgewicht English: sliding weight; rider weight Dutch: schuifgoot English: chute Dutch: schuifhamer English: tack-hammer Dutch: schuifkabel English: Bowden cable; control cable Dutch: schuifkerneenheid English: permeability tuner Dutch: schuifkernspoel English: permeability tuning coil Dutch: schuifknop English: slide knob Dutch: schuifkoppel English: sliding torque Dutch: schuifkoppeling English: sliding clutch Dutch: schuifkracht English: sliding force Dutch: schuiflade English: drawer; rack-type panel Dutch: schuifmaat English: vernier calipers; caliper gauge Dutch: schuifmagneet English: slide magnet Dutch: schuifmal English: sliding jig Dutch: schuifnok English: sliding cam Dutch: schuifpaneel English: sliding door; sliding panel Dutch: schuifpasser English: slide caliper Dutch: schuifpassing English: sliding fit Dutch: schuifpen English: sliding pin Dutch: schuifpotentiometer English: slide potentiometer; slide pot Dutch: schuifpuls English: shift pulse Dutch: schuifregister English: shift register; shifting register Dutch: schuifregisterteller English: shift-register counter Dutch: schuifrij English: chain Dutch: schuifring English: sliding ring Dutch: schuifschakelaar English: slide switch Dutch: schuifslede English: slide Dutch: schuifstang English: sliding rod Dutch: schuifstrip English: slide strip Dutch: schuifvast English: shear resistant Dutch: schuifverbinding English: sliding connection; sliding joint Dutch: schuifvlak English: sliding surface Dutch: schuifweerstand English: slide resistor; shear resistance; slide-wire resistor Dutch: schuim English: foam; scum Dutch: schuimachtig English: foamy Dutch: schuimblaasje English: foam bubble Dutch: schuimblusapparaat English: foam extinguisher Dutch: schuimbuffer English: foam cushion Dutch: schuimen English: to foam; to froth Dutch: schuimfluxen English: foam fluxing Dutch: schuimkunststof English: foam plastic Dutch: schuimkunststofband English: foam-plastic tape Dutch: schuimmiddel English: foaming agent; blowing agent Dutch: schuimplastiek English: foam plastic Dutch: schuimpolystyreen English: foam polystyrene Dutch: schuimproces English: foaming process Dutch: schuimrubber English: foam rubber Dutch: schuimspaan English: skimmer Dutch: schuimvorming English: foaming; frothing Dutch: schuimwerend English: anti-foaming; anti-foam Dutch: schuin English: inclined; oblique; slanting; sloping; bevelled Dutch: schuin aflopen English: to slope; to slant Dutch: schuin afsnijden English: to cut bias; to cut to the bias; to cut obliquely; to bevel; to chamfer Dutch: schuin houden English: to tilt; to hold in oblique position Dutch: schuin plaatsen English: to place obliquely; to place in inclined position Dutch: schuin staan English: to slant; to slope; to be inclined Dutch: schuine kartel English: helical knurl Dutch: schuine kegel English: oblique cone Dutch: schuine komslijpsteen English: taper cup grinding wheel Dutch: schuine las English: scarf joint Dutch: schuine stand English: oblique position; inclined position; sloping position Dutch: schuine streep English: oblique stroke; fractional bar; virgule Dutch: schuine vertanding English: helical Dutch: schuinspooraftasting English: helical scan Dutch: schuinte English: slope; taper Dutch: schuitje English: boat Dutch: schuiven English: to slide; to shift Dutch: schuren English: to grind; to scour; to rub; to polish; to finish; to sand; to linish; to chafe along; to abrade Dutch: schurende werking English: abrasive action Dutch: schutkoker English: protective cap; cover; chassis, guard Dutch: schutlaag English: backing Dutch: schuurband English: sanding belt; grinding belt Dutch: schuurborstel English: scrubber; scrubbing brush Dutch: schuurkatoen English: abrasive cloth; emery cloth Dutch: schuurlinnen English: abrasive cloth; emery cloth Dutch: schuurmachine English: grinding machine; refining machine; refiner; abrader Dutch: schuurpapier English: abrasive paper; emery paper; glasspaper; sandpaper Dutch: schuurpoeder English: scouring powder; abrasive powder Dutch: schuurschijf English: abrasive disc; sanding disc; grinding wheel Dutch: schuurtafel English: sanding table Dutch: schuurvast English: abrasion-resistant Dutch: schuurvastheid English: abrasion resistance; resistance to abrasion Dutch: schuurvloeistof English: scouring liquid Dutch: schuurwerking English: abrasive action Dutch: scoop English: scope Dutch: S-correctie English: S-correction Dutch: scriptietaal English: scripting language Dutch: sealen English: to seal Dutch: secondair English: secondary Dutch: secondaire draaggolf English: subcarrier Dutch: secondaire emissie English: secondary emission Dutch: secondaire kleur English: secondary colour Dutch: secondaire spoel English: secondary coil Dutch: secondaire wikkeling English: secondary winding Dutch: secretariaat English: secretariat; secretarial services Dutch: sectie-aanhef English: section header Dutch: sectiehoofd English: section leader Dutch: sectienaam English: section name Dutch: secundair circuit English: secondary circuit Dutch: secundair elektron English: secondary electron Dutch: secundair geheugen English: backing store; backing storage Dutch: secundair vermogen English: secondary power Dutch: secundaire draaggolf English: subcarrier Dutch: secundaire emissie English: secondary emission Dutch: secundaire emitter English: secondary emitter Dutch: secundaire impedantie English: secondary impedance Dutch: secundaire inductantie English: secondary inductance Dutch: secundaire pols-assen English: wrist secondary axes Dutch: secundaire spanning English: secondary voltage Dutch: secundaire stroom English: secondary current Dutch: secundaire weerstand English: secondary resistance Dutch: sediment English: deposit; sediment; settlement; precipitation Dutch: sedimentair English: sedimentary Dutch: sedimentatie English: sedimentation; settlement Dutch: segment English: segment; section; chapter Dutch: segmentatie English: segmentation Dutch: segmenteren English: to segment; to section; to partition Dutch: segmentschakelaar English: segment switch Dutch: seignettezout English: sodium potassium tartrate; Rochelle salt Dutch: sein English: signal; flag; sentinel Dutch: seinen English: to signal; to flag; to wire; to cable Dutch: seinsleutel English: hand key Dutch: seismisch English: seismic Dutch: seismograaf English: seismograph Dutch: seizoenanalyse English: seasonal analysis Dutch: seizoencomponent English: seasonal component Dutch: seizoencorrectie English: seasonal correction Dutch: seizoeneffect English: seasonal effect Dutch: seizoenfactor English: seasonal factor Dutch: seizoenfluctuaties English: seasonal fluctuations Dutch: seizoenindex English: seasonal index Dutch: seizoenpatroon English: seasonal pattern Dutch: seizoenpercentage English: seasonal percentage Dutch: seizoenproductie English: seasonal production Dutch: seizoenschommeling English: seasonal fluctuation Dutch: seizoentrendpatroon English: clean seasonal pattern Dutch: seizoenverkopen English: seasonal sales Dutch: seizoenvoorraad English: seasonal inventory; seasonal stock Dutch: seizoenvraag English: seasonal demand Dutch: selectantie English: selectance Dutch: selecteren English: to select; to extract Dutch: selectie English: selection Dutch: selectiecriteria English: selection criteria Dutch: selectiecriterium English: selection criterion; search key Dutch: selectief English: selective Dutch: selectiepuls English: selector pulse Dutch: selectieve dump English: selective dump Dutch: selectieve fading English: selective fading Dutch: selectieve inductie English: selective induction Dutch: selectieve oproep English: selective call Dutch: selectieve trace English: selective trace Dutch: selectieve versterker English: selective amplifier Dutch: selectieve wisoperatie English: selective erase Dutch: selectiviteit English: selectivity Dutch: selectiviteitskromme English: selectivity curve Dutch: selector English: selector Dutch: seleencel English: selenium cell Dutch: seleengelijkrichter English: selenium rectifier Dutch: selenium English: selenium Dutch: seleniumdiode English: selenium diode Dutch: semantisch netwerk English: semantic network; association network Dutch: semantische fout English: semantic error Dutch: semi-bankwikkelen English: scrambled winding Dutch: semi-directioneel English: semidirectional Dutch: semi-mechanisch English: semi-mechanical Dutch: semi-professioneel English: semi-professional Dutch: sensibilisator English: sensitizer Dutch: sensor English: detector; sensor Dutch: sensorbesturing English: sensory control Dutch: sententie English: sentence Dutch: separaat English: separate Dutch: separaat verzenden English: to send separately; to send by separate post; to send under separate cover Dutch: separatie English: detection Dutch: separator English: separator Dutch: sequent English: sequential Dutch: sequente analyse English: sequential analysis Dutch: sequente toets English: sequential test Dutch: sequentie English: sequence Dutch: sequentieel geheugen English: sequential memory; sequential storage Dutch: sequentieel proces English: sequential process Dutch: sequentiële aftasting English: sequential scanning Dutch: sequentiële besturing English: sequential control Dutch: sequentiële cohesie English: sequential cohesion Dutch: sequentiële logica English: sequential logic Dutch: sequentiële opdracht English: sequential instruction Dutch: sequentiële processor English: sequential processor Dutch: sequentiële schakeling English: sequential circuit Dutch: sequentiële verwerking English: sequential processing Dutch: serge English: serge Dutch: serie English: series; lot; batch; serial; suite Dutch: serie schakelen (in) English: to connect in series Dutch: seriecapacitantie English: series capacitance Dutch: seriecircuit English: series circuit Dutch: seriecondensator English: series capacitor Dutch: seriecondensatoren English: series capacitors Dutch: seriediodedetector English: series diode detector Dutch: seriedoos English: series-feed tap Dutch: seriedozensysteem English: series-feed tap system Dutch: serieel-parallel English: serial-parallel Dutch: seriefabricage English: batch production; serial production; quantity production Dutch: seriefabricageproces English: batch fabrication process Dutch: seriefout English: systematic fault Dutch: seriegewijs English: lot for lot; serial; in series Dutch: seriegewijze fabricage English: lot for lot manufacturing Dutch: seriegrootte English: lot size; batch size; batch quantity; size of series Dutch: seriegroottevoorraad English: batch stock; lot-size stock Dutch: seriegroottewachttijd English: stacking waiting time Dutch: serie-impedantie English: series impedance Dutch: serie-inductantie English: series inductance Dutch: serie-inductoren English: series inductors Dutch: seriële constructie English: serial construct Dutch: seriële overdracht English: serial transfer Dutch: serielengte English: run length Dutch: serie-massaproductie English: batch-mass production Dutch: seriemodulator English: series modulator Dutch: seriemontage English: series assembly; serial assembly Dutch: serienummerbeheer English: lot number control Dutch: serieopteller English: serial adder Dutch: serieparallel English: serial-parallel Dutch: serieparallelcircuit English: series-parallel circuit Dutch: serieplanning English: series scheduling Dutch: serieproductie English: batch production; serial production; quantity production Dutch: serieresistentie English: series resistance Dutch: serieresonantie English: series resonance Dutch: serieschakeling English: series connection; series circuit Dutch: seriesplitsing English: lot splitting Dutch: seriespoel English: series coil Dutch: serie-stukproductie English: batch-job production Dutch: serieterugkoppeling English: series feedback Dutch: serietraceerbaarheid English: lot traceability Dutch: serieverliesweerstand English: equivalent series resistance Dutch: serievoeding English: series feed Dutch: serieweerstand English: series resistor Dutch: serieweerstanden English: series resistors Dutch: seriewerk English: repetition work Dutch: seriewikkeling English: series winding Dutch: servet English: serviette; napkin Dutch: service-afdeling English: service department Dutch: servicedocumentatie English: service documentation Dutch: servicedoeleinden English: servicing purposes Dutch: servicegegevens English: service data Dutch: servicegenerator English: service generator Dutch: servicehandboek English: service manual Dutch: service-interval English: service interval Dutch: serviceman English: service man Dutch: servicen English: to service; servicing Dutch: service-onderdeel English: service item Dutch: service-onderdelen English: service parts Dutch: serviceopdruk English: service printing Dutch: serviceprentpatroon English: ghost print Dutch: serviceproduct English: service item Dutch: serviceschakelaar English: service switch; norma-service switch Dutch: servicetas English: servicing bag Dutch: servicetijdvak English: service period Dutch: servicevoorraadlijst English: service stock list Dutch: servicewobbulator English: service wobbulator Dutch: servicing English: servicing Dutch: servlet English: servlet Dutch: servobesturing English: servo control Dutch: servobestuurde robot English: servo-controlled robot Dutch: servogedeelte English: servo section Dutch: servo-integrator English: servo integrator; velocity servo; velodyne Dutch: servolus English: servo loop Dutch: servomanipulator English: servomanipulator Dutch: servomechanisme English: servo-mechanism Dutch: servomotor English: servomotor; actuating motor; actuator Dutch: servoregeling English: servo control Dutch: servostabiliteit English: servo stability Dutch: servosysteem English: servo system; closed loop control system Dutch: servotechniek English: servo technique Dutch: servotheorie English: servo theory Dutch: servovermenigvuldiger English: servo multiplier; potentiometer multiplier Dutch: servoversterker English: servo amplifier Dutch: sferische afwijking English: spherical aberration Dutch: sferische robot English: polar robot; spherical robot Dutch: shell English: shell Dutch: shellprogramma English: shell program Dutch: shell-script English: shell script Dutch: sherardiseren English: sherardizing Dutch: shunt English: shunt Dutch: shuntcircuit English: shunt circuit Dutch: shuntcompensatie English: shunt compensation Dutch: shuntcondensator English: shunt capacitor; by-pass capacitor Dutch: shunteffect English: shunting effect Dutch: shunten English: to shunt Dutch: shuntmotor English: shunt motor Dutch: shunt-terugkoppeling English: shunt feedback Dutch: shuntweerstand English: shunt resistor Dutch: siccatief English: siccative; drying oil; drier Dutch: sier opzetstukken English: overriders Dutch: sierchroom English: decorative chromium; ornamental chromium Dutch: sierdeksel English: decorative cover; ornamental cover Dutch: sierglansbewerking English: decorative brightening; ornamental brightening Dutch: sierkap English: decorative cap; ornamental cap Dutch: sierkoord English: decorative cord; ornamental cord Dutch: sierlaag English: decorative layer; ornamental layer Dutch: sierlijst English: decorative frame; ornamental frame Dutch: siermateriaal English: decorative material; ornamental material; ornamental trim; decorative trim Dutch: sierplaat English: decorative plate; ornamental plate Dutch: sierprofiel English: decorative profile; ornamental profile Dutch: sierraam English: decorative frame; ornamental frame Dutch: sierrand English: decorative frame; ornamental frame Dutch: sierrooster English: decorative grille; ornamental grille Dutch: sierschijf English: decorative disc; ornamental disc Dutch: sierstrip English: decorative strip; ornamental strip; finisher Dutch: siervenster English: decorative window; ornamental window; escutcheon Dutch: sierverchromen English: decorative chromium plating; ornamental chromium plating Dutch: siervergulden English: decorative gold plating; ornamental gold plating Dutch: sigarenaansteker English: cigar lighter Dutch: sigma-telling English: sigma-count; S-count Dutch: signaalafstand English: signal distance; hamming distance Dutch: signaalamplitude English: signal amplitude Dutch: signaalbemonstering English: signal sampling Dutch: signaalbron English: signal source Dutch: signaalbuffer English: latch Dutch: signaalcomponent English: signal component Dutch: signaaldempingseenheid English: attenuator Dutch: signaaldiode English: signal diode Dutch: signaaldistributie English: signal distribution Dutch: signaalfrequentie English: signal frequency Dutch: signaalgeneratie English: keying Dutch: signaalgenerator English: signal generator Dutch: signaalgolf English: signal wave Dutch: signaalimpuls English: signal pulse Dutch: signaalinjector English: signal injector Dutch: signaalinterferentie English: intersymbol interference Dutch: signaalinvoermethode English: signal injection method Dutch: signaalkanaal English: signal channel Dutch: signaalklok English: alarm clock Dutch: signaalkring English: signal circuit Dutch: signaalmengapparaat English: signal mixer Dutch: signaalmengsel English: composite signal Dutch: signaalniveau English: signal level Dutch: signaalniveaudiagram English: signal level diagram; level diagram Dutch: signaalomhullende English: signal envelope Dutch: signaalomkering English: signal inversion Dutch: signaalomvorming English: signal conversion; signal transformation; signal normalization Dutch: signaalomzetter English: inverter Dutch: signaalontleding English: signal decomposition Dutch: signaalopvanger English: data sink Dutch: signaaloverdracht English: signal transfer; signal transmission Dutch: signaalpad English: signal path Dutch: signaalreflecties English: signal reflections Dutch: signaalruimte English: signal space Dutch: signaalspanning English: signal voltage Dutch: signaalsplitsing English: signal splitting Dutch: signaalsterkte English: signal intensity; signal strength Dutch: signaalstoot English: burst Dutch: signaalstroom English: signal current Dutch: signaalsturing English: signal drive Dutch: signaalverdeler English: signal splitter Dutch: signaalverlies English: signal loss Dutch: signaalvermogen English: signal power Dutch: signaalvernieuwing English: signal regeneration Dutch: signaalverslechtering English: signal degradation Dutch: signaalversterking English: gain; signal gain Dutch: signaalvertragingstijd English: signal delay time Dutch: signaalverwerker English: signal processor Dutch: signaalverwerking English: signal processing Dutch: signaalverzwakker English: attenuator Dutch: signaalverzwakking English: loss; signal attenuation Dutch: signaalvoerend English: signal-carrying Dutch: signaalvolger English: signal tracer Dutch: signaalvolgmethode English: signal-tracing method Dutch: signaalwisselspanning English: AC signal voltage Dutch: signaalzoeker English: signal tracer Dutch: signaleren English: to signalize; to monitor; to post Dutch: signalering English: signalling; monitoring; posting; observation; pointing out; identification; calling attention to; drawing attention to Dutch: signaleringsgrenzen English: signalling limits Dutch: signatuur English: signature Dutch: signatuuranalyse English: signature analysis Dutch: significant cijfer English: significant figure; significant digit Dutch: significantieniveau English: significance level Dutch: significantietoets English: significance test Dutch: silicaat English: silicate Dutch: silicaatbedekking English: silicate coating Dutch: silicaatverf English: silicate paint Dutch: silicagel English: silicagel Dutch: silicium op saffier English: silicon on sapphire: SOS Dutch: siliciumblok English: silicon die Dutch: siliciumcarbide English: silicon carbide Dutch: siliciumcompiler English: silicon compiler Dutch: siliciumdiode English: silicium diode Dutch: siliciumgelijkrichter English: silicon-controlled rectifier; silicon rectifier Dutch: siliciumijzer English: silicon iron Dutch: siliciumjunctiediode English: silicon junction diode Dutch: siliciumoxide English: silicon oxide Dutch: siliciumplaatje English: silicon specimen Dutch: siliciumplak English: silicon wafer Dutch: siliciumswitch English: silicon-controlled switch Dutch: siliciumtransistor English: silicon transistor Dutch: silicon English: silicone Dutch: silicone English: silicone Dutch: siliconenmatrijs English: silicon mold Dutch: siliconeren English: to siliconize Dutch: siliconhars English: silicone resin Dutch: siliconolie English: silicone oil Dutch: siliconpasta English: silicone paste; silicone compound Dutch: siliconrubber English: silicone rubber Dutch: siliconrubberkous English: silicone-rubber sleeve Dutch: siliconverf English: silicone paint Dutch: siliconvernis English: silicone varnish Dutch: siliconvet English: silicone grease Dutch: simplexalgoritme English: simplex algorithm Dutch: simplexkanaal English: simplex channel Dutch: simplexsysteem English: simplex system Dutch: simplexverbinding English: simplex circuit Dutch: simplificatie English: simplification Dutch: simulatie in ware tijd English: real-time simulation Dutch: simulatiemethode English: simulation method Dutch: simulatiemodel English: simulation model Dutch: simulatietaal English: simulation language Dutch: simulator English: simulator; simulator program Dutch: simuleerprogramma English: simulator program Dutch: simultaan English: simultaneous Dutch: simultaangeheugen English: parallel storage; parallel memory Dutch: simultaansysteem English: simultaneous system Dutch: simultaanvolgsysteem English: sequential simultaneous system Dutch: simultane besturing English: concurrent control; simultaneous control Dutch: simultane bewerking English: concurrent processing; simultaneous operation Dutch: simultane productie English: simultaneous engineering; concurrent production; concurrent engineering Dutch: simultane recursie English: simultaneous recursion Dutch: simultane verwerking English: interleaving; simultaneous processing Dutch: sinaasappelschileffect English: orange-peel effect Dutch: singelband English: webbing Dutch: sintel English: slag; dross Dutch: sinter English: sinter Dutch: sinteren English: to sinter Dutch: sinterglas English: sintered glass Dutch: sintermatrijs English: sintering matrix; sintering mould Dutch: sintermetaaltechniek English: sintered-metal technology Dutch: sinteroven English: sintering furnace; sintering oven Dutch: sinusbeeld English: sine wave Dutch: sinusgenerator English: sine-wave generator Dutch: sinusgolf English: sine wave Dutch: sinuskromme English: sine curve Dutch: sinuslijn English: sine curve; sine wave; sine line; sinusoid Dutch: sinusoïdaal English: sinusoidal Dutch: sinusoïde English: sinusoid Dutch: sinusoscillator English: sine-wave oscillator; sine-wave generator; harmonic oscillator Dutch: sinussignaal English: sine-wave signal; sinusoidal signal Dutch: sinusspanning English: sine-wave voltage; sinusoidal voltage Dutch: sinustoon English: sinusoidal tone Dutch: sinustrilling English: sinusoidal oscillation Dutch: sinusvermogen English: sinusoidal power Dutch: sinusvormig English: sinusoidal; sine-shaped Dutch: sipboren English: jig boring Dutch: siphon English: siphon Dutch: sisal English: sisal Dutch: situationele calculus English: situational calculus Dutch: sjabloneerinkt English: stencil ink Dutch: sjabloneerverf English: stencil paint Dutch: sjabloneren English: to stencil; physical masking Dutch: sjabloon English: stencil; lettering guide; templet; template Dutch: sjirpen English: to chirp Dutch: sjorren English: to lash Dutch: sjorring English: lashing Dutch: skeletachtig English: skeletal Dutch: skeletachtig plan English: skeletal plan Dutch: skinplate English: skinplate Dutch: slaafprocessor English: slave processor Dutch: slaan English: to strike; to blow; to beat; to whip; to strand; to loop round Dutch: slaapkwab English: temporal lobe Dutch: slaapziekte English: sleeping sickness Dutch: slag English: stroke; blow; strand; twist; turn; travel; revolution; beat; wobble; run-out Dutch: slagafstelling English: stroke adjustment Dutch: slagarbeid English: impact energy Dutch: slagbegrenzing English: stroke limitation Dutch: slagbreedte English: stroke Dutch: slagbuigproef English: impact-bending test Dutch: slagcijfer English: figure punch Dutch: slagduur English: beat Dutch: slagen English: to succeed; to be successful Dutch: slagenteller English: revolution counter Dutch: slaggewikkelde spoel English: cross-wound coil; universal wound coil Dutch: slaglengte English: length of stroke Dutch: slagletter English: letter punch Dutch: slagmechansime English: shuttle Dutch: slagmes English: chopper Dutch: slagmolen English: hammer mill; disintegrator; crusher Dutch: slagpers English: impact moulding press Dutch: slagproef English: impact test Dutch: slagruismolen English: cross beater mill Dutch: slagschaar English: guillotine shears Dutch: slagschaduw English: cast shadow Dutch: slagschijf English: traversing cam Dutch: slagschroef English: hammer-drive screw Dutch: slagsterkte English: impact strength Dutch: slagtrekproef English: impact tensile test Dutch: slagvastheid English: impact strength; impact resistance Dutch: slagverstelling English: stroke adjustment Dutch: slagvolume English: swept volume; stroke volume Dutch: slagwikkelen English: cross-winding; universal winding Dutch: slagwikkelspoel English: cross-wound coil; universal wound coil Dutch: slagzin English: slogan Dutch: slakinsluiting English: slag inclusion Dutch: slakkenwol English: slag wool Dutch: slakvorming English: slag formation Dutch: slang English: hose; hosepipe; tube Dutch: slangklem English: hose clip; hose clamp Dutch: slangkraan English: hose cock Dutch: slangpilaar English: hose coupling Dutch: slangtuit English: hose spigot Dutch: slangtule English: hose socket Dutch: slangwartel English: attachment for hose; union Dutch: slanke client English: thin client Dutch: slapte English: slackness Dutch: slechte plek English: blemish Dutch: slecht-geïnformeerd English: ill-informed Dutch: slede English: slide; carriage; saddle; slide rail; ram; cradle Dutch: slede-en-nok English: slide-and-cam Dutch: sledestofzuiger English: tank vacuum cleaner Dutch: sleepcontact English: slider; wiper; slide contact Dutch: sleepdraad English: slide wire Dutch: sleepring English: slip ring; collector ring Dutch: sleepsolderen English: surface soldering; drag soldering Dutch: sleepveer English: slip spring Dutch: sleepwijzer English: sliding pointer Dutch: slepen English: to track Dutch: sleuf English: groove; slit; slot Dutch: sleufcel English: slot cell Dutch: sleufgat English: slotted hole Dutch: sleufisolering English: slot insulation Dutch: sleufkop English: slotted head Dutch: sleufvormige groeven English: slotted grooves Dutch: sleutel English: key; wrench; clef Dutch: sleutelbuis English: key valve Dutch: sleutelen English: to gate out; to key Dutch: sleutelfrequentie English: keying frequency Dutch: sleutelimpuls English: keying pulse; gating pulse Dutch: sleutelpositie English: key position; key post Dutch: sleutelschakelaar English: key switch; key-operated switch Dutch: sleutelsignaal English: gating pulse; keying pulse; gating signal Dutch: sleutelstation English: key station Dutch: sleuteltrap English: keyer stage Dutch: sleutelwijdte English: width across flats; dimension across flats Dutch: sleutelwoord English: keyword; key word Dutch: sleutelwoordparameter English: keyword parameter Dutch: sleuven English: to slit; to slot; to groove Dutch: sleuven frezen English: to slot Dutch: sleuven zagen English: to slot Dutch: slib English: sludge; mud; slime Dutch: slibachtig English: sludgy; muddy; slimy Dutch: slibafzetting English: sludge deposit; slime deposit Dutch: slibkrijt English: elutriated chalk Dutch: slibvorming English: sludge formation; slime formation Dutch: sliert English: thread Dutch: slijk English: mud; dirt; sludge Dutch: slijp- en polijstdoos English: buffing and polishing accessories Dutch: slijpbaar English: grindable Dutch: slijpbank English: grinding machine; grinder Dutch: slijpbarstje English: grinding crack; polishing crack Dutch: slijpbewerking English: grinding operation Dutch: slijpbraam English: grinding burr Dutch: slijpdiepte English: grinding depth Dutch: slijpdruk English: grinding pressure Dutch: slijpeffect English: grinding effect Dutch: slijpen English: to grind; to sharpen; to polish Dutch: slijper English: grinder; grinding machinist Dutch: slijperij English: grinding shop Dutch: slijpfout English: grinding defect Dutch: slijphoek English: grinding angle Dutch: slijphulpstuk English: grinding attachment Dutch: slijpkant English: grinding edge; abrasive edge Dutch: slijpkop English: grinding-wheel head Dutch: slijpkras English: grinding score Dutch: slijpkwaliteit English: grinding quality Dutch: slijpmachine English: grinding machine; grinder Dutch: slijpmal English: grinding jig Dutch: slijpmiddel English: grinding medium; abrasive Dutch: slijpolie English: grinding oil; abrasive oil Dutch: slijppasta English: grinding compound Dutch: slijppatroon English: finish pattern; surface pattern Dutch: slijppoeder English: grinding powder; abrasive powder Dutch: slijpproces English: grinding process Dutch: slijpproducten English: work to be ground; ground products Dutch: slijprendement English: grinding efficiency; grinding performance Dutch: slijprichting English: direction of grinding Dutch: slijpschijf English: grinding wheel; abrasive wheel Dutch: slijpsel English: grinding chip; grindings Dutch: slijpsnelheid English: grinding speed Dutch: slijpspoor English: grinding mark Dutch: slijpsteen English: grinding wheel; abrasive wheel Dutch: slijptoegift English: grinding allowance Dutch: slijptolerantie English: grinding tolerance Dutch: slijpvlak English: grinding face Dutch: slijpwerking English: grinding action; abrasive action Dutch: slijten English: to wear Dutch: slijtlaag English: wear layer Dutch: slijtvastheid English: wear resistance; resistance to wear Dutch: slingeramplitude English: amplitude of oscillation Dutch: slingerapparaat English: pendulum device Dutch: slingerbeweging English: oscillatory motion; pendulum motion Dutch: slingeren English: to oscillate; to swing; to run-out; to wobble; to be out of true; to be out of centre; to rock; to bump; to roll Dutch: slingerfrequentie English: frequency of oscillation Dutch: slingergroef English: lead-out groove Dutch: slingering English: oscillation; swing; run-out; wobble; out-of-trueness; eccentricity; rocking; bumping; throw; total indicator movement Dutch: slingerperiode English: period of oscillation Dutch: slingerproef English: wobble test Dutch: slingerrobot English: pendular robot Dutch: slingerschijf English: swinging wheel; oscillating wheel Dutch: slingertijd English: time of oscillation Dutch: slingertolerantie English: run-out tolerance; wobble tolerance Dutch: slingervrij English: wobble free; free of runout Dutch: slinken English: to shrink; to diminish; to become depleted Dutch: slip English: slip Dutch: slipgevaar English: risk of skidding; risk of slip Dutch: slipgrens English: limit of slip Dutch: slipinrichting English: slipping device Dutch: slipkoppel English: slipping torque Dutch: slipkoppeling English: slip-action clutch; slip coupling; slipping clutch Dutch: slipkrachtmeter English: slip force meter Dutch: slippen English: to skid; to slip Dutch: sliprol English: slip roller; slip pulley Dutch: slipsleutel English: slip wrench Dutch: slipvrij English: non-slip; non-slipping Dutch: slipzekerheid English: slipping security Dutch: slobgat English: slotted hole; elongated hole Dutch: slof English: sleeve; shoe; guide shoe; slide block Dutch: sloop English: pillow case; demolition; breaking up; scrap Dutch: sloopwaarde English: scrap value Dutch: slopen English: to scrap; to dismantle; to break up; to demolish; disassembly Dutch: slordig English: scruffy; untidy; careless Dutch: slot English: lock; end; conclusion; close; slot Dutch: slotconclusie English: final conclusion Dutch: slotfase English: final phase; closing stage Dutch: slotopmerking English: concluding remark; concluding observation Dutch: slotplaat English: apron Dutch: slotschroef English: coach bolt Dutch: sluier English: fog; scum Dutch: sluierdistributie English: fading distribution Dutch: sluiereffect English: fading Dutch: sluiervorming English: fogging Dutch: sluimerschakelaar English: slumber switch Dutch: sluipstroom English: sneak current Dutch: sluipweg English: sneak path Dutch: sluitbeweging English: closing motion Dutch: sluitdop English: cap Dutch: sluitdruk English: closing pressure; clamping pressure Dutch: sluitersnelheid English: shutter speed Dutch: sluiterwerking English: shutter operation Dutch: sluithaak English: fastening; fastener Dutch: sluithefboom English: locking lever; closing lever Dutch: sluiting English: closure; fastening; locking; turning-off; conclusion; close; fitting; close-down; shut-down; bridging Dutch: sluitkracht English: closing force; clamping force Dutch: sluitmaat English: reference dimension Dutch: sluitmoer English: lock nut Dutch: sluitnok English: locking cam; cam lock Dutch: sluitnokpen English: cam-lock stud Dutch: sluitplaat English: closing plate; square washer; washer plate Dutch: sluitveer English: lock spring Dutch: sluitvlak English: land area Dutch: sluitzijde English: movable platen side Dutch: smaakvrij English: tasteless Dutch: smakeloos English: tasteless Dutch: smal spoor English: narrow track Dutch: smalbandig English: narrowband Dutch: smalbandschakelaar English: narrow-band switch Dutch: smalle band English: narrowband Dutch: smalle bandbreedte English: narrow bandwidth Dutch: smalle-bandas English: narrow-band axis Dutch: smeden English: to forge Dutch: smeedbaar English: forgeable; malleable Dutch: smeedhamer English: forging hammer Dutch: smeedstaal English: forged steel Dutch: smeedstempel English: swaging tool Dutch: smeedstuk English: forging Dutch: smeer English: grease Dutch: smeerapparaat English: lubricator; lubricating device Dutch: smeergroef English: lubricating groove Dutch: smeerinrichting English: lubricator; lubricating device Dutch: smeermengsel English: lubricating mixture Dutch: smeernippel English: oil nipple; grease nipple Dutch: smeerolie English: lubricating oil Dutch: smeerplaat English: lubricating plate Dutch: smeerpot English: grease cup Dutch: smeerpunt English: lubricating point Dutch: smeersysteem English: lubricating system Dutch: smeervet English: grease; lubricating grease Dutch: smeervoorschrift English: lubricating instructions Dutch: smelt English: melt Dutch: smeltbaar English: fusible Dutch: smeltdraad English: fuse wire Dutch: smelten English: to melt; to fuse; to liquefy; to smelt Dutch: smeltindex English: melting index Dutch: smeltketel English: melting pot Dutch: smeltkroes English: crucible; melting pot Dutch: smeltlas English: fusion weld Dutch: smeltlassen English: fusion welding Dutch: smeltlegering English: fusible alloy Dutch: smeltmassa English: compound; melting compound Dutch: smeltmetaal English: fusible metal Dutch: smeltoven English: melting furnace Dutch: smeltpatroon English: cartridge fuse Dutch: smeltpatroonhouder English: cartridge-fuse holder Dutch: smeltpot English: melting pot Dutch: smeltproces English: melting process; fusion process Dutch: smeltpunt English: melting point; melt point; point of fusion Dutch: smelttemperatuur English: melting temperature; fusing temperature Dutch: smelttraject English: melting range; fusing range Dutch: smeltveiligheid English: fuse Dutch: smeltwarmte English: melting heat; fusion heat Dutch: smeltwater English: melt water Dutch: smeren English: to lubricate; to grease; to oil; to smear Dutch: smerig English: dirty; filthy; soiled Dutch: smering English: lubrication; greasing; oiling; smearing Dutch: smetteloos English: spotless; stainless Dutch: smeuren English: to smear; to smudge Dutch: smoorklep English: choke Dutch: smoorschakeling English: suppressor Dutch: smoren English: to choke Dutch: snaar English: belt; cord; string Dutch: snaaromlegger English: shift piece Dutch: snaaroverbrenging English: belt transmission Dutch: snaarprofiel English: belt section; belt profile Dutch: snaarschijf English: pulley Dutch: snaarspanning English: belt tension Dutch: snaartrommel English: drum Dutch: snaarwiel English: pulley Dutch: snaarwielbeugel English: pulley bracket Dutch: snapfunctie English: snap function Dutch: snap-offdiode English: snap-off diode Dutch: snappen English: to snap Dutch: snapshot dump English: snapshot dump Dutch: snapslot English: snap lock Dutch: snavelkromme English: beak curve Dutch: snede English: cut; edge; cutting edge; slice Dutch: sneeuw English: snow Dutch: sneeuwerig English: snowy Dutch: sneeuwploegeffect English: snowplow effect Dutch: sneeuwvrij English: snow-free Dutch: snel English: fast, rapid; speedy,; quick Dutch: snel afbrekend English: quick break Dutch: snel contact makend English: quick make Dutch: snel Ethernet English: fast Ethernet Dutch: snel opspoelen English: fast winding Dutch: snel selecteren English: fast select Dutch: snelbuffet English: quick-service department Dutch: sneldraaiend English: high-speed; fast-running Dutch: sneldraaistaal English: high-speed steel Dutch: sneldrogend English: fast-drying; quick-drying Dutch: snelfix onderdelen English: quick-lock components Dutch: snelheid English: speed; rapidity; quickness; fastness; rate; velocity Dutch: snelheidsaanwijzer English: speed indicator Dutch: snelheidsafstelling English: speed adjustment Dutch: snelheidsafwijking English: speed deviation Dutch: snelheidsbereik English: speed range Dutch: snelheidsconstante English: velocity constant Dutch: snelheidsdiagram English: velocity diagram Dutch: snelheidseffect English: rate effect Dutch: snelheidsfactor English: velocity factor Dutch: snelheidsfout English: velocity error Dutch: snelheidsgrens English: speed limit Dutch: snelheidskiezerhandle English: speed-selector lever Dutch: snelheidslichter English: velocity trip Dutch: snelheidsmodulatie English: velocity modulation Dutch: snelheidsmodulatiebuis English: velocity-modulated tube Dutch: snelheidsomschakelaar English: speed-change switch Dutch: snelheidsomschakeling English: speed change Dutch: snelheidsregelaar English: speed control; speed governor Dutch: snelheidsregeling English: speed control Dutch: snelheidsschakelaar English: speed selector Dutch: snelheidsvariatie English: speed variation Dutch: snelheidsverandering English: speed change Dutch: snelkoker English: quick cooker Dutch: snelkoppeling English: quick-connect coupling; speed coupler Dutch: snelle jank English: flutter Dutch: snelle omstelling English: single minute exchange; speedy change-over Dutch: snelle overdracht English: highspeed carry; fast transfer Dutch: snelle tijdconstante English: fast time constant: FTC Dutch: snellopend English: fast-running; high-speed; fast Dutch: snellopende pers English: high-speed press Dutch: snelroerder English: high-speed stirrer; quick stirrer Dutch: snelscheerapparaat English: speed shaver Dutch: snelsnijkwaliteit English: fast-machining grade; free-cutting grade Dutch: snelsnijstaal English: fast-machining steel; free-cutting steel Dutch: snelstaal English: high-speed steel: HSS Dutch: snelstoprem English: pause brake Dutch: snelstoptoets English: pause control; quick stop; stand-by switch Dutch: snelverkoperen English: high-speed copper plating Dutch: snelvernikkelen English: high-speed nickel plating Dutch: snelverzilveren English: high-speed silver plating Dutch: snelweger English: automatic scales Dutch: snelwerkend English: quick-acting Dutch: snijapparaat English: cutting device; cutting apparatus Dutch: snijbeitel English: cutting stylus; cutting tool Dutch: snijbeweging English: cutting motion Dutch: snijbewerking English: cutting operation Dutch: snijblok English: stock-and-dies Dutch: snijbrander English: cutting torch; flame cutter Dutch: snijbuigmatrijs English: pierce, blank and form die Dutch: snijbuigpons English: lancing and bending punch; cropping and bending punch Dutch: snijbuigstempel English: cutting-off and bending tool Dutch: snijcapaciteit English: cutting capacity Dutch: snijcirkel English: cutting circle Dutch: snijcompensatie English: cutter compensation Dutch: snijden English: to cut; to intersect; to slice Dutch: snijden uit English: to cut from Dutch: snijder English: cutter; punch Dutch: snijdiepte English: depth of cut Dutch: snijding English: intersection Dutch: snijdoordruknippel English: piercing and extruding punch Dutch: snijdoortrekpons English: piercing and extruding punch Dutch: snijfilm English: cutting film; cut-and-strip film; strip-coat film; scribing film Dutch: snijgat English: pierced hole Dutch: snijgereedschap English: cutting tool; cutting device; cutting apparatus Dutch: snijgroef English: cut groove Dutch: snijhoek English: cutting angle Dutch: snij-ijzer English: die Dutch: snij-inrichting English: cutter Dutch: snijkant English: cutting edge; cut edge Dutch: snijkracht English: cutting force Dutch: snijlijn English: intersecting line; line of cut Dutch: snijmes English: cutter; cutting knife Dutch: snijpickup English: cutting head Dutch: snijprofiel English: cutting profile Dutch: snijpunt English: intersection; point of intersection Dutch: snijrichting English: direction of cutting; cutting direction Dutch: snijschijf English: cutter Dutch: snijsnelheid English: cutting speed Dutch: snijspleet English: clearance; clearance between punch and die Dutch: snijstaal English: tool steel Dutch: snijstempel English: cutting tool; piercing tool; blanking tool; shearing tool Dutch: snijtand English: cutter; cutting tooth Dutch: snijtrekstempel English: cutting and drawing die Dutch: snijverlies English: cutting loss; kerf Dutch: snijvlak English: cutting face; cut surface; plane of intersection Dutch: snijvloeistof English: cutting liquid Dutch: snijwerking English: cutting action Dutch: snijwerktuig English: cutting tool Dutch: snipper English: cutting; clipping; scrap; chip Dutch: snipperbak English: chip box Dutch: snipperdag English: odd day; day off Dutch: snoeien English: to prune Dutch: snoeimes English: pruning shears Dutch: snoer English: cord; flex; lead; flex-cord; flexible; patch-cord; patch-lug; plug; wire; string; bead Dutch: snoer compleet English: cordset Dutch: snoerhaak English: flex hook Dutch: snoerhouder English: cord holder; flex holder; lead holder Dutch: snoerloos English: cordless Dutch: snoerloze verbinding English: cordless plug Dutch: snoerontlasting English: cord relief; flex relief; cord clamping; cord anchorage Dutch: snoeropwikkelaar English: flex winder Dutch: snoerset English: cordset Dutch: snoerverbinding English: cord connection; flex connection Dutch: snuffelaar English: browser Dutch: snuifklep English: snifting valve Dutch: sociaal-economisch English: social-economic Dutch: sociale verzekeringen English: social insurances Dutch: soda English: soda; sodium carbonate Dutch: sodaoplossing English: soda solution Dutch: soepel lopen English: to run smoothly Dutch: soepelheid English: pliableness; flexibility; elasticity; smoothness Dutch: soevereinen English: to countersink Dutch: software-applicatie English: software application Dutch: software-architectuur English: software architecture Dutch: software-asset English: software asset Dutch: softwarebibliotheek English: software library Dutch: softwarebus English: software bus Dutch: softwarecompatibel English: software compatible Dutch: softwarediversiteit English: software diversity Dutch: software-engineering English: software engineering Dutch: softwaregereedschap English: software tool Dutch: software-item English: software item Dutch: softwarekarakteristiek English: software characteristic Dutch: softwarekenmerk English: software feature Dutch: softwaremetingen English: software metrics Dutch: softwaremonitor English: software monitor Dutch: softwareproduct English: software product Dutch: softwarerepository English: software repository Dutch: softwaresysteem English: software system Dutch: softwaretestincident English: software test incident Dutch: softwarevergaarbak English: software repository Dutch: sokkel English: base Dutch: soldeerafschermlak English: solder resist; solder stop-off Dutch: soldeeraftrekkracht English: pull-off strength after soldering Dutch: soldeerbaar English: solderable Dutch: soldeerbad English: solder bath Dutch: soldeerbadproef English: solder-bath test Dutch: soldeerbestendigheid English: soldering resistance Dutch: soldeerbout English: soldering iron Dutch: soldeerboutpunt English: soldering bit; soldering iron tip Dutch: soldeerbusje English: soldering bush Dutch: soldeerdraad English: soldering wire; wire solder Dutch: soldeerdruppel English: solder drop Dutch: soldeerfelslip English: riveting solder tag Dutch: soldeergereedschap English: soldering tool; soldering tools Dutch: soldeerglas English: solder glass Dutch: soldeerhars English: resin flux; soldering flux Dutch: soldeerkant English: soldering side Dutch: soldeerknobbel English: solder blob Dutch: soldeerkussen English: pressure pad during soldering Dutch: soldeerlegering English: solder alloy; brazing alloy Dutch: soldeerlip English: solder tag; solder lug; solder terminal Dutch: soldeerloos English: solderless Dutch: soldeermachine English: soldering machine Dutch: soldeermal English: soldering jig Dutch: soldeermaskerverf English: soldering masking paint Dutch: soldeermessing English: soldering brass; hard solder Dutch: soldeernaad English: soldered seam Dutch: soldeernippel English: solder nipple Dutch: soldeeroog English: solder eyelet Dutch: soldeeropstelling English: equipment Dutch: soldeerpasta English: resin flux; soldering paste Dutch: soldeerpen English: soldering pin Dutch: soldeerplaats English: solder point; solder joint; thermojunction Dutch: soldeerpoeder English: soldering powder Dutch: soldeerpunt English: solder point; solder joint Dutch: soldeerrek English: terminal strip; connecting strip Dutch: soldeerstaaf English: solder stick; solder bar Dutch: soldeerstrip English: terminal strip; connecting strip Dutch: soldeertekening English: solder plan Dutch: soldeertin English: solder; soft solder; soldering tin Dutch: soldeertransformator English: soldering transformer Dutch: soldeerveer English: solder spring Dutch: soldeerverbinding English: soldered joint; solder joint Dutch: soldeervet English: soldering grease; soldering paste Dutch: soldeervlak English: soldering surface; soldering face; soldering land; soldering pad Dutch: soldeervloeimiddel English: soldering flux; flux; solder flux Dutch: soldeerwater English: soldering water; soldering fluid Dutch: solenoïde English: solenoid; single layer coil Dutch: solide English: solid; substantial; strong; reliable Dutch: solospel English: solo playing Dutch: solostem English: solo voice Dutch: somber English: sombre Dutch: somcontrole English: summation check Dutch: somfrequentie English: sum frequency Dutch: somkanaal English: integrating channel Dutch: somkromme English: cumulative frequency curve Dutch: sommatie English: summation Dutch: sommeerpunt English: summing junction Dutch: sommeerschakeling English: adder circuit; adder Dutch: sommeertrap English: mixing stage Dutch: sommeren English: to sum Dutch: sommerende integrator English: summing integrator Dutch: sommering English: summation; summing Dutch: somregel English: addition law; law of addition Dutch: somsignaal English: sum signal Dutch: somspanning English: sum voltage Dutch: somvector English: sum vector Dutch: somversterker English: summing amplifier Dutch: sonde English: probe; sonde Dutch: sondemicrofoon English: probe microphone Dutch: sonderen English: to probe Dutch: sondering English: probing Dutch: sonoor English: sonorous Dutch: sonorisatie English: sonorisation Dutch: sonoriseren English: to sonorize Dutch: soort English: kind; sort Dutch: soortcode English: designator Dutch: soortelijk volume English: specific volume Dutch: soortelijke dichtheid English: specific density; density Dutch: soortelijke eluctantie English: reluctivity Dutch: soortelijke geleiding English: conductivity; specific conductivity Dutch: soortelijke massa English: specific mass Dutch: soortelijke weerstand English: resistivity Dutch: sop English: suds; soapy water; soapy leather Dutch: sopfilter English: suds filter Dutch: sopniveau English: suds level Dutch: sopverdunning English: suds dilution Dutch: sorteerband English: sorting belt Dutch: sorteergegeven English: control field Dutch: sorteermachine English: sorter Dutch: sorteerveld English: control field Dutch: sorteren English: to sort Dutch: sortering English: sorting; assortment; range Dutch: sorteringsconflict English: order clash Dutch: souplesse English: pliableness; flexibility; elasticity; smoothness Dutch: spaan; spanen English: chip; skimmer; chips Dutch: spaanafnemend English: chip removing; metal removing Dutch: spaanafvoer English: chip removal; chip disposal Dutch: spaanderplaat English: wood chipboard; chipboard Dutch: spaangroef English: rake angle; rake Dutch: spaanloos English: without metal removal Dutch: spaanruimte English: chip clearance Dutch: spaanwerking English: chip straining Dutch: spaarbad English: drag-out bath Dutch: spaarbeits English: inhibitor; pickling inhibitor; inhibition agent Dutch: spaardiode English: booster diode; efficiency diode Dutch: spaarschakelaar English: economy switch Dutch: spaarschakeling English: dimmer circuit Dutch: spaarspoelbad English: drag-out rinse Dutch: spaartransformator English: autotransformer Dutch: spanapparaat English: stretching device Dutch: spanbeugel English: clamping bracket Dutch: spanbout English: clamping bolt Dutch: spanbus English: clamping bush Dutch: spandraad English: tie-wire; bracing wire; guy Dutch: spangereedschap English: clamping tool Dutch: spanhuls English: spring dowel; clamping pin Dutch: spaninrichting English: clamping device; fixture; work-holder; tensioning device Dutch: spankop English: chuck Dutch: spankracht English: tensile force; tension; clamping force; elastic force Dutch: spanmoer English: tightening nut; securing nut Dutch: spannen English: to clamp; to stretch; to strain; to tension; to tighten; to tauten Dutch: spanner English: tensioner Dutch: spanning English: voltage; tension; stress; pressure Dutch: spanning aanleggen English: to connect a voltage to; to apply a voltage to; to feed a voltage to Dutch: spanning over English: voltage across Dutch: spanningsafhankelijk English: voltage dependent Dutch: spanningsafname English: voltage tapping; voltage take-off Dutch: spanningsbegrenzer English: voltage limiter Dutch: spanningsbegrenzing English: voltage limiting Dutch: spanningsbereik English: voltage range; voltage rating Dutch: spanningsbeveiliging English: voltage protection; surge arrester Dutch: spanningsbron English: voltage source; voltage supply; power source Dutch: spanningscarrousel English: voltage adapter Dutch: spanningscoëfficiënt English: voltage coefficient Dutch: spanningscyclus English: voltage cycle Dutch: spanningsdaling English: decrease in voltage Dutch: spanningsdeler English: voltage divider Dutch: spanningsdeling English: voltage division Dutch: spanningsdetector English: voltage detector Dutch: spanningsgevoeligheid English: response to voltage; voltage sensitivity Dutch: spanningsimpuls English: voltage pulse Dutch: spanningskalibrator English: voltage calibrator Dutch: spanningsklem English: voltage terminal Dutch: spanningskromme English: voltage characteristic; voltage curve Dutch: spanningsmaximum English: maximum voltage Dutch: spanningsmeter English: voltmeter Dutch: spanningsmeting English: voltage measurement Dutch: spanningsminimum English: minimum voltage Dutch: spanningsniveau English: voltage level Dutch: spanningsomschakelaar English: voltage adapter Dutch: spanningsomvormer English: voltage converter; transformer Dutch: spanningspiek English: voltage peak Dutch: spanningsproef English: voltage test Dutch: spanningsreeks English: range of stress Dutch: spanningsregelaar English: voltage control; voltage regulator Dutch: spanningsregeling English: voltage control; voltage regulation Dutch: spanningsrimpel English: voltage ripple Dutch: spanningssprong English: voltage jump; voltage step Dutch: spanningsstabilisatie English: voltage regulation; voltage stabilization Dutch: spanningsstabilisator English: voltage stabilizer; voltage regulator Dutch: spanningsstijging English: voltage rise Dutch: spanningsstoot English: voltage surge; impulse Dutch: spanningsstroomkromme English: voltage-current curve Dutch: spanningstransformator English: voltage transformer Dutch: spanningsval English: voltage drop Dutch: spanningsvariatie English: voltage fluctuation; variation in voltage Dutch: spanningsverandering English: voltage change Dutch: spanningsverdubbelaar English: voltage doubler Dutch: spanningsverdubbeling English: voltage doubling Dutch: spanningsverhouding English: voltage ratio Dutch: spanningsverlies English: voltage loss; loss of tension Dutch: spanningsverloop English: voltage curve; voltage gradient Dutch: spanningsverschil English: difference in voltage; potential difference; difference of potential; voltage difference Dutch: spanningsversterker English: voltage amplifier Dutch: spanningsversterking English: voltage amplification; voltage gain Dutch: spanningsverval English: voltage gradient Dutch: spanningsverzwakking English: voltage attenuation Dutch: spanningsvoeding English: voltage feed Dutch: spanningsvorm English: voltage form; waveform Dutch: spanningsvrij gegloeid English: stress-relieved annealed; stress-relieved Dutch: spanningsvrij gloeien English: to stress-relieve; stress relief treatment Dutch: spanningswaarde English: voltage Value; voltage rating Dutch: spanningvoerende delen English: current-carrying parts; live parts Dutch: spanplaat English: clamping plate Dutch: spanraam English: stretcher Dutch: spanring English: tensioning ring; clamping ring Dutch: spanrol English: tensioning roller; tensioning idler Dutch: spanschroef English: tightening screw Dutch: spanstift English: spring dowel; clamping pin Dutch: spantafel English: stretching device; clamping table Dutch: spantang English: collet chuck; collet Dutch: spanveer English: tension spring Dutch: spanwiel English: tensioning wheel Dutch: spanwijdte English: span Dutch: spanzaag English: frame saw Dutch: spat English: spatter; splash; speck Dutch: spatbol English: globular splash glass Dutch: spateffect English: spatter effect Dutch: spatel English: spatula Dutch: spatellepel English: spatula spoon Dutch: spatetsmachine English: splash-etching machine; splash etcher Dutch: spatglas English: cover glass Dutch: spatie English: space; spacing Dutch: spatiëren English: to space Dutch: spatten English: spatter; splash Dutch: spatwaterdicht English: splashproof Dutch: speciaal teken English: special character; additional character; symbol Dutch: speciaal type English: special type Dutch: speciaalgereedschap English: special-purpose tool Dutch: speciaalpers English: special-purpose press Dutch: specialist English: specialist; expert Dutch: specificatie English: specification; entry Dutch: specificatieblad English: specification sheet Dutch: specificatieboom English: specification tree Dutch: specificatielijst English: specification list Dutch: specificatienormen English: specification standards Dutch: specificatieopdracht English: specification statement Dutch: specificatietaal English: specification language Dutch: specificatievorm English: entry format Dutch: specificeren English: to specify; to detail; to itemize Dutch: specifiek English: specific Dutch: specifiek niveau English: particular level Dutch: specifieke lijn English: dedicated line Dutch: specifieke opmaak English: specific markup Dutch: specifieke schakeling English: dedicated circuit Dutch: specifieke taal English: special-purpose language Dutch: specifieke weerstand English: resistivity Dutch: spectraal English: spectral Dutch: spectraalanalyse English: spectral analysis Dutch: spectraalverkamming English: frequency interlacing Dutch: spectrale dichtheid English: spectral density Dutch: spectrale kleur English: spectral colour; spectrum colour Dutch: spectrale kleursoort English: spectrum colour Dutch: spectrofotometer English: spectrophotometer Dutch: spectrografisch English: spectrographic Dutch: spectrometer English: spectrometer Dutch: spectroradiometer English: spectroradiometer Dutch: spectroscoop English: spectroscope Dutch: spectrumgebied English: spectrum range Dutch: spectrumkromme English: spectral curve Dutch: speculatieve voorraad English: speculation stock Dutch: speednut English: speednut Dutch: speelduur English: playing time Dutch: speelfrictie English: play friction; playback friction Dutch: speelgoed English: toy; plaything Dutch: speelgoedsysteem English: toy system Dutch: speelklaar English: ready for playback Dutch: speellade English: console Dutch: speelproef English: playing test; operating test Dutch: speelruimte English: clearance; play; allowance; slack; float; latitude; margin Dutch: speelstrip English: playback strip Dutch: speeltechniek English: playing technique Dutch: speelwiel English: capstan idler wheel Dutch: speermaat English: measuring rod; slip gauge Dutch: speerpuntproject English: spear-head project Dutch: speerpunttechnologie English: key-technology Dutch: spekkerzuur English: spekker acid Dutch: speksteenpoeder English: steatite powder; soap-stone powder Dutch: spelen English: to play Dutch: spelerdek English: player deck Dutch: spelergedeelte English: player deck; player section Dutch: spelerplank English: player mounting board Dutch: speling English: play; clearance; space for motion; slack; float Dutch: spelingsafstand English: clearance distance Dutch: spelingtolerantie English: variation of fit Dutch: spelingvrij English: without play; play-free Dutch: spelregel English: rule of play; rule of the game Dutch: speltheorie English: theory of games Dutch: spercondensator English: blocking capacitor; isolating capacitor Dutch: sperdemping English: protection between outputs; isolation Dutch: sperfactor English: rejection factor; blocking coefficient Dutch: sperfilter English: band-stop filter; rejection filter; band-rejection filter; band-elimination filter; wave trap; rejector circuit Dutch: sperfineer English: veneer underlay; cross-band Dutch: sperkring English: rejection filter; rejector circuit; stopper circuit; wave trap Dutch: sperkringspoel English: coil for rejection filter Dutch: sperlaag English: barrier layer Dutch: sperlaagcapacitantie English: junction capacitance Dutch: sperren English: to block; to lock; to stop; to inhibit Dutch: sperrichting English: reverse direction; back direction Dutch: sperrichtingsstroom English: back current Dutch: sperschakeling English: blocking circuit Dutch: sperspanning English: back voltage; inverse voltage; reverse voltage Dutch: sperspanningsval English: reverse voltage drop Dutch: sperstroom English: backward current; current; reverse current; inverse current Dutch: sperstroomsterkte English: reverse-current intensity Dutch: spervoorspanning English: reverse bias Dutch: sperweerstand English: reverse resistance Dutch: sperzuigkring English: wave-trap and absorption circuit Dutch: spettereffect English: spatter effect Dutch: spetteren English: to spatter-finish Dutch: speurprogramma English: trace program Dutch: spie English: key Dutch: spieas English: spline-shaft Dutch: spiebaan English: key-way; key-seating Dutch: spiebaanfrees English: key-way cutter; key-seating cutter Dutch: spieën English: to key Dutch: spieënstaal English: medium carbon steel Dutch: spiegel English: mirror; label area Dutch: spiegelantenne English: reflector antenna; reflector aerial Dutch: spiegelbeeld English: mirror image Dutch: spiegelbeeldschakelaar English: mirror image switch Dutch: spiegelen English: to mirror Dutch: spiegelend polijsten English: to polish to mirror-finish; to mirror-finish Dutch: spiegelende reflectie English: specular reflection Dutch: spiegelfrequentie English: image frequency Dutch: spiegelglans English: high gloss Dutch: spiegelglanzend English: high gloss; mirror bright; high lustre; high lustrous Dutch: spiegelglas English: plate glass Dutch: spiegelkast English: mirror box Dutch: spiegelonderdrukking English: image rejection Dutch: spiegelselectie English: image rejection Dutch: spiegelstelsel English: set of mirrors Dutch: spiegelverhouding English: image ratio Dutch: spiegelvormend English: leafing Dutch: spiegelvorming English: leafing Dutch: spiegleuf English: key-way; key-seating Dutch: spiegleuffrees English: key-way cutter; key-seating cutter Dutch: spierug English: spline Dutch: spijker English: nail Dutch: spijkerkop English: nail head Dutch: spijkertang English: nail puller Dutch: spijl English: bar Dutch: spil English: spindle; arbor; pivot Dutch: spilkop English: spindle head Dutch: spilneus English: spindle nose Dutch: spilpers English: spindle press; fly press Dutch: spiraal English: spiral; coil; helix Dutch: spiraalaftasting English: helical scanning Dutch: spiraalboor English: twist drill Dutch: spiraalbuis English: flexible metallic tube; tube coil Dutch: spiraaldraad English: spiral wire; coiled wire Dutch: spiraalfrees English: helical mill; helical cutter Dutch: spiraalgroef English: spiral groove; helical groove Dutch: spiraallijn English: helix; spiral line Dutch: spiraalsgewijs English: spirally; spiral-wise; helically Dutch: spiraalsnoer English: retractile cord; coiled cord Dutch: spiraalspoed English: helical feud; helical pitch Dutch: spiraaltandwiel English: helical gear Dutch: spiraalveer English: spiral spring; coil spring; coiled spring, volute spring Dutch: spiraalvormig English: spiral; spiral-shaped; helical Dutch: spiraalvormig model English: spiral model Dutch: spiritus English: spirit Dutch: spits English: pointed; sharp; point; tip; peak; top; forward Dutch: spitsvijl English: pointed file Dutch: spleet English: gap; clearance; slit; slot; fissure; split; crevice; crack; chink Dutch: spleetafzuiging English: slot exhaust Dutch: spleetbreedte English: gap width Dutch: spleetcorrosie English: crevice corrosion Dutch: spleetlengte English: gap length Dutch: spleetmateriaal English: gap material Dutch: spleetmondstuk English: crevice tool Dutch: spleetrand English: gap edge Dutch: spleetsluiter English: focal-plane shutter Dutch: spleetverlies English: gap loss Dutch: spleetzuigmond English: crevice nozzle Dutch: splijting English: fission Dutch: splijtnagel English: bifurcated rivet Dutch: splijtplaat English: splitter-plate Dutch: splijtsterkte English: splitting strength; tensile strength perpendicular to the plane Dutch: splijtstof English: fission material Dutch: spline English: spline Dutch: splinter English: splinter Dutch: splintervrij English: free from splinters; splinter-proof; shutter-roof Dutch: splitpen English: split pin; cotter pin Dutch: splitring English: split ring Dutch: splits English: splice Dutch: splitsdoos English: bridger gap Dutch: splitsen English: to split; to split up; to divide; to subdivide; to splice; to fork; to bifurcate Dutch: splitsen van een order English: order splitting Dutch: splitsing English: splitting; splitting up; division; subdivision; splicing; bifurcation Dutch: splitsingspunt English: junction point Dutch: splitter English: splitter Dutch: splitter/transformator English: splitter/transformer Dutch: splitter/versterker English: amplified splitter Dutch: spoed English: pitch; urgency; thread Dutch: spoedbehandeling English: urgency treatment Dutch: spoedbestelling English: rush order; rush delivery Dutch: spoedbus English: threaded brush Dutch: spoedhoek English: lead angle; pitch angle Dutch: spoedopdracht English: rush order Dutch: spoedorder English: rush order; urgent order Dutch: spoedrichting English: hand Dutch: spoedverloop English: lead reduction; difference in lead Dutch: spoedwerk English: rush work Dutch: spoedzending English: urgent shipment Dutch: spoek English: spook Dutch: spoel English: coil; reel; spool Dutch: spoelaftakking English: coil tap Dutch: spoelapparaat English: open-reel recorder; rinsing machine Dutch: spoelas English: reel spindle Dutch: spoelbak English: rinsing tank; rinse tank Dutch: spoelblad English: coil specification sheet Dutch: spoelbus English: coil can Dutch: spoelcyclus English: rinsing cycle Dutch: spoeldiameter English: reel diameter Dutch: spoeldissipatie English: coil dissipation Dutch: spoeldraad English: coil wire Dutch: spoeldrager English: coil base Dutch: spoelen English: to wind; to rinse; to wash; to flush; to spool Dutch: spoelencassette English: reel-to-reel cassette Dutch: spoelenrecorder English: reel-to-reel recorder; open-reel recorder Dutch: spoelflens English: coil flange; spool flange Dutch: spoelframe English: coil frame; bobbin Dutch: spoelfreem English: coil frame; bobbin Dutch: spoelgang English: rinsing cycle Dutch: spoelhouder English: coil base; coil holder Dutch: spoelhuis English: coil housing Dutch: spoelkern English: core; slug Dutch: spoelkoker English: coil former; coil bobbin; form; coil form Dutch: spoellichaam English: coil former; coil bobbin; form Dutch: spoelmachine English: rinsing machine Dutch: spoelmechanisme English: winding and rewinding mechanism Dutch: spoelmicrofoon English: moving-coil microphone Dutch: spoelmiddel English: rinsing agent; flushing agent; rinse aid Dutch: spoelpapier English: coil paper Dutch: spoelproces English: rinsing process; washout process Dutch: spoelrecorder English: open-reel recorder; reel-to-reel recorder Dutch: spoelrol English: pulley Dutch: spoelronde English: rinsing cycle Dutch: spoelschotel English: reel disc Dutch: spoelschotelbasis English: reel-disc base Dutch: spoelstrip English: fast-wind strip Dutch: spoeltijd English: fast-wind time Dutch: spoeluitloper English: coil lead Dutch: spoelvergrendeling English: reel lock; hub lock Dutch: spoelvoet English: coil base Dutch: spoelvorm English: coil shape Dutch: spoelwater English: rinsing water Dutch: spoelweerstand English: coil resistance Dutch: spoelwikkelmachine English: coil winding machine; coil winder Dutch: sponning English: rabbet; rebate; slot; groove; mortise Dutch: sponsrubber English: sponge rubber Dutch: spontane desintegratie English: spontaneous disintegration Dutch: spook English: spook Dutch: spoolen English: to spool Dutch: spooler English: spooler Dutch: spoor English: track; conductor; trace; trace amount; railway; railroad Dutch: spoorafstand English: track pitch; track-to-track spacing Dutch: spoorbreedte English: track width; track Dutch: spoorinstelling English: track adjustment Dutch: spoorkeuzeschakelaar English: track selector Dutch: spoorwagen English: wagon; railway wagon Dutch: sporadische storing English: sporadic fault; intermittent fault Dutch: sporen English: to run true; to track right Dutch: sporengroep English: band Dutch: spotcorrectie English: aperture correction Dutch: spotfrequentie English: spot frequency Dutch: spotjamming English: spot jamming Dutch: spotmodulatie English: spot modulation Dutch: spotwobbelen English: to spot wobble Dutch: spouwmes English: riving knife Dutch: spraakanalyse English: voice analysis Dutch: spraakdigitalisering English: voice digitizing Dutch: spraakfilter English: voice filter Dutch: spraakfrequenties English: voice frequencies Dutch: spraakgenerator English: voice generator Dutch: spraakherkenning English: voice recognition; speech recognition; speech understanding Dutch: spraaksynthese English: voice synthesis Dutch: spraakversterker English: speech amplifier Dutch: spreekspoel English: voice coil; speech coil Dutch: spreekwijze English: locution Dutch: spreiden English: to spread; to interleave; to unpack Dutch: spreidend vermogen English: throwing power; uniformity of layer thickness Dutch: spreiding English: spread; spreading; scatter; dispersion Dutch: spreidingsbreedte English: range Dutch: spreidingscoëfficiënt English: scatter coefficient Dutch: spreidingsgrenzen English: limits of variation Dutch: spreidingshoek English: angle of divergence Dutch: spreidingsindex English: dispersion index Dutch: spreidingsparameter English: parameter of dispersion Dutch: spreidingsverlies English: spreading loss Dutch: spreidingsvermogen English: throwing power Dutch: spreidspectrum English: spread spectrum Dutch: sprietantenne English: telescopic antenna; telescopic aerial; set-op antenna; set-top aerial; rod antenna; rod aerial Dutch: springen English: to jump; to spring; to bounce; to branch; to burst; to crack; to blow Dutch: springsignaal English: step-function signal Dutch: springveer English: spring ring; spiral spring; coil ring Dutch: springweerstand English: spring resistor; fuse resistor Dutch: springzender English: jumping-frequency transmitter Dutch: sproeiarm English: spray arm Dutch: sproei-elektrode English: sparking electrode; brushing electrode Dutch: sproeien English: to spray; to wash; brushing; corona discharge Dutch: sproeier English: atomizer; spray; sprayer; sprinkler; screen washer; jet Dutch: sproei-etsmachine English: spay-etching machine; spray etcher Dutch: sproei-ontlading English: brush discharge; brushing; corona; corona discharge Dutch: sproeipijp English: spray pipe Dutch: sprong English: jump; leap; bound; spring; control transfer; controlled transfer; branch; skip; skipping Dutch: sprongconditie English: branch condition Dutch: sprongfunctie English: step function Dutch: spronginstructie English: branch instruction; jump instruction Dutch: sprongkarakteristiek English: step-function response; transient response Dutch: sprongopdracht English: branch; branch instruction; jump instruction; control transfer instruction; transfer instruction Dutch: sprongpunt English: branch point Dutch: sprongresponsie English: step response Dutch: sprongverval English: droop Dutch: sprongweergave English: gradient reproduction Dutch: spuit English: spray; sprayer; syringe Dutch: spuitapparaat English: spray device Dutch: spuitbaarheid English: suitability for spraying Dutch: spuitbek English: spray nozzle Dutch: spuitbus English: spray Dutch: spuitcompartiment English: spray compartment Dutch: spuitdoorn English: extrusion mandrel Dutch: spuiten English: to spray; to spray paint; to paint-spray; to squirt; to spray wash; to spray clean; to jet clean Dutch: spuitfles English: spray bottle Dutch: spuitgieten English: to die cast; die casting; transfer moulding; injection moulding Dutch: spuitgietmachine English: die-casting machine; injection-moulding machine Dutch: spuitgietmassa English: die-casting mass; die-casting compound; injection-moulding compound; transfer-moulding compound Dutch: spuitgietmatrijs English: diecasting matrix; diecasting mould; transfer mould; injection mould; high-pressure diecasting mould Dutch: spuitgietmessing English: die-casting brass Dutch: spuitgietpers English: die-casting machine; injection-moulding machine Dutch: spuitgietplunjer English: injection plunger Dutch: spuitgietproduct English: die casting; injection moulding Dutch: spuitgietstuk English: die casting; injection moulding Dutch: spuitgietzink English: die-casting zinc Dutch: spuitinrichting English: spray installation Dutch: spuitkanaal English: die channel Dutch: spuitkop English: extrusion head Dutch: spuitmachine English: spraying machine; extruder Dutch: spuitmal English: spraying jig Dutch: spuitmasker English: spray mask Dutch: spuitmassa English: die-casting mass; die-casting compound; injection-moulding compound; transfer-moulding compound Dutch: spuitmatrijs English: die-casting matrix; die-casting mould; injection mould; transfer mould Dutch: spuitmiddel English: spray; spraying agent Dutch: spuitmond English: nozzle Dutch: spuitmondstuk English: spray nozzle Dutch: spuitneus English: nozzle Dutch: spuitontvetten English: spray degreasing Dutch: spuitopening English: nozzle opening Dutch: spuitpen English: extruding punch Dutch: spuitpers English: transfer-moulding press Dutch: spuitpersen English: to transfer-mould; transfer moulding Dutch: spuitpersmatrijs English: transfer mould Dutch: spuitplamuur English: spray filler Dutch: spuitpot English: extruding die Dutch: spuitslang English: hose; spray hose Dutch: spuitspoelbad English: spray rinse; spray will Dutch: spuitstuk English: nozzle Dutch: spuitverf English: spraying paint Dutch: spuitvloeistof English: spraying liquid Dutch: sputteren English: to sputter; to spatter; cathode sputtering Dutch: sputterweerstand English: sputtering resistor Dutch: sQ-systeem English: sQ system Dutch: S-signaal English: S-signal Dutch: sS-systeem English: sS system Dutch: staaf English: bar; rod; pin; stick; round bar Dutch: staafanode English: bar anode Dutch: staafantenne English: rod antenna; rod aerial; ferroceptor Dutch: staafbatterij English: flashlight battery; torch battery, tubular cell Dutch: staafgevoeligheid English: ferroceptor sensitivity; ferrite-aerial sensitivity; rod-aerial sensitivity Dutch: staafijzer English: bar iron; iron bars; rod iron Dutch: staafje English: rod; pin; stick Dutch: staafjes zien English: scotopic vision; noctovision Dutch: staafmagneet English: bar magnet; magnetic bar; rod magnet Dutch: staafmateriaal English: bar stock Dutch: staal English: steel; sample Dutch: staalachtig English: steely; steel-like Dutch: staalband English: steel band; steel strip Dutch: staalbandklem English: seal Dutch: staalblauw English: steel-blue Dutch: staalborstel English: steel brush; wire brush Dutch: staalconstructie English: steel structure Dutch: staaldraad English: steel wire; wire rope Dutch: staaldraad omdoen English: to strap Dutch: staaldraadborstel English: wire wheel brush Dutch: staaldraadkabel English: wire cable; wire rope Dutch: staalkabel English: steel cable; wire rope Dutch: staalplaatanode English: sheet-steel anode Dutch: staalsoort English: kind of steel Dutch: staalstralen English: shot blasting; steel grit blasting; shot peening Dutch: staalstrip English: steel strip Dutch: staand English: standing; upright Dutch: staand bad English: still bath; still tank Dutch: staande braam English: vertical flash; vertical burr Dutch: staande start English: standing start Dutch: staande-golfverhouding English: standing-wave ratio: SWR Dutch: staart English: tail; lower bend; bottom bend; anode bend; trailing end Dutch: staartaandrijving English: tail drive Dutch: staartlabel English: trailer label Dutch: staartrecord English: trailer record Dutch: staartstroom English: tail current Dutch: staat English: state; condition; status; list; schedule; record Dutch: stabiel English: stable; steady Dutch: stabiel element English: stable element Dutch: stabiele eenheid English: stable device Dutch: stabiele toestand English: stable state Dutch: stabilisatie English: stabilization; regulation Dutch: stabilisatieschakeling English: stabilizing circuit; stabilizer circuit; regulating circuit Dutch: stabilisatiespanning English: stabilizing voltage; regulating voltage Dutch: stabilisatieweerstand English: ballast resistor Dutch: stabilisator English: stabilizer Dutch: stabiliseren English: to stabilize; to regulate Dutch: stabiliteit English: stability; steadiness Dutch: stabiliteitsfactor English: stability factor Dutch: staccato English: staccato Dutch: stadium English: stage; state Dutch: stadsgas English: town gas; city gas Dutch: stadsnetwerk English: metropolitan area network: MAN Dutch: stadswater English: tap water; city water; mains water Dutch: staffel English: token Dutch: staforganisatie English: staff organization Dutch: stagnatie English: stagnation; hold-up; obstruction Dutch: stagneren English: to stagnate Dutch: staken English: to cease; to stop; to strike Dutch: stalen hangconstructie English: suspended steel structure Dutch: stambestand English: master file Dutch: stam-etswerk English: artwork master Dutch: stamleiding English: trunkline Dutch: stamoplossing English: standard solution Dutch: stampafval English: scrap from stampings Dutch: stampbraam English: stamping burr; blanking burr Dutch: stampen English: to pitch; to stamp; to pierce; to punch; to blank; to crush; to pulverize; to reduce to powder Dutch: stampende beweging English: pitch Dutch: stamperij English: stamping shop Dutch: stampgereedschap English: stamping tool; piercing tool; blanking tool Dutch: stampproduct English: stamping; blank Dutch: stamprichting English: direction of stamping; direction of piercing; direction of blanking Dutch: stamrecord English: master record Dutch: stand English: position; status; stand; booth; level height Dutch: standaard English: standard; stand; support Dutch: standaard condensator English: standard capacitor Dutch: standaard cyclus English: standard cycle Dutch: standaard deviatie English: standard deviation Dutch: standaard formaat English: standard size Dutch: standaard fout English: standard error Dutch: standaard frequentie English: standard frequency Dutch: standaard gedragscode English: code of ethics standard Dutch: standaard indeling English: standard layout Dutch: standaard inkoopprijs English: standard purchase price Dutch: standaard kaliber English: reference gauge Dutch: standaard kosten English: standard costs Dutch: standaard lichtbron English: standard source; luminator for colorimetry Dutch: standaard maat English: standard gauge; standard measure; standard size Dutch: standaard methode English: method standard Dutch: standaard microfoon English: standard microphone Dutch: standaard monster English: standard sample; reference sample Dutch: standaard ontwerp English: standard design Dutch: standaard pakket English: standard package Dutch: standaard plaat English: standard record; standard disc Dutch: standaard prijs English: standard price Dutch: standaard product English: standard product; off-the-shelf product; stock product Dutch: standaard schakeling English: standard circuit Dutch: standaard seriegrootte English: standard batch quantity: SBQ Dutch: standaard snelheid English: standard speed Dutch: standaard systeemactie English: standard system action Dutch: standaard tijd English: standard time Dutch: standaard tolerantie English: standard tolerance Dutch: standaard toonhoogte English: standard pitch Dutch: standaard type English: standard type Dutch: standaard uitrusting English: standard equipment Dutch: standaard voorschrift English: standard specification Dutch: standaard voorstelling English: standard form Dutch: standaard waarnemer English: standard observer Dutch: standaard wit English: standard white Dutch: standaardafmeting English: standard dimension Dutch: standaardartikel English: stock item Dutch: standaardasmethode English: standard-shaft practice Dutch: standaardbadoplossing English: standard-bath solution Dutch: standaardband English: standard tape Dutch: standaardcel English: standard cell Dutch: standaard-gatmethode English: standard-hole practice Dutch: standaardisatie English: standardization Dutch: standaardiseren English: to standardize Dutch: standaard-PAL English: standard-PAL Dutch: standalone English: stand alone Dutch: standby English: standby Dutch: standby redundantie English: standby redundancy Dutch: stander English: support; stand Dutch: standolie English: stand oil; bodied oil Dutch: standpunt English: point of view; standpoint Dutch: standtijd English: tool life; life; standing time Dutch: stang English: rod; bar Dutch: stangafdrukeenheid English: bar printer Dutch: stangenstelsel English: linkage Dutch: stangenveelhoek English: polygon linkage Dutch: stangoverbrenging English: linkage Dutch: stank English: smell; bad smell Dutch: stank voor dank English: to get small thanks for one's pains Dutch: stankafsluiter English: stench trap Dutch: stankloos English: inodorous; odourless Dutch: stannaat English: stannate Dutch: stannaatbad English: stannate bath; stannate solution Dutch: stanniet English: stannite Dutch: stannigehalte English: stanni content Dutch: stanniool English: tin foil Dutch: stannogehalte English: stanno content Dutch: stans English: die Dutch: stansdegel English: platen Dutch: stansen English: to die cut; to cut; to punch; to blank; gangpunching Dutch: stansmachine English: die cutter; cutting machine; punching machine; blanking machine; gang punch Dutch: stansmes English: dinking die; dinking punch Dutch: stansmodel English: punch pattern Dutch: stansproduct English: stamping; die-cutting; blank Dutch: stap English: step Dutch: stapel English: stack; pile; heap Dutch: stapelaanwijzer English: stack, pointer Dutch: stapelbak English: stackable container Dutch: stapelbord English: pallet Dutch: stapeldiagram English: compound bar chart Dutch: stapelen English: to stack; to pile Dutch: stapelfout English: stacking fault Dutch: stapelgeheugen English: push-down store; stack; nesting store; cellar; running accumulator Dutch: stapelhoogte English: stacking height Dutch: stapeling English: stacking; piling Dutch: stapelmal English: stacking jig; piling jig Dutch: stapelpijp English: stacking trough; piling trough Dutch: stapelplaat English: stacking plate; piling plate Dutch: stapelplank English: stacking board; piling board Dutch: stapelproef English: stacking test; piling test Dutch: stapelrooster English: stacking grid Dutch: stapelschakelaar English: disc built-up switch Dutch: stapelsteker English: adapter Dutch: stapelwachttijd English: stacking waiting time Dutch: stappencircuit English: step circuit Dutch: stappenrelais English: stepping relay Dutch: stappenverzwakker English: step attenuator Dutch: stapsgewijs English: stepwise; in steps; in stages; successively; step by step Dutch: stapsgewijze bewerking English: single-step operation; step-by-step operation Dutch: star English: rigid Dutch: starheid English: rigidity Dutch: starre ordergrootte English: fixed order size Dutch: starten English: to start; to trigger; to initiate Dutch: starterslot English: starter lock Dutch: startkoppel English: starting torque Dutch: startmotor English: starter; starting motor Dutch: startpen English: starting pin Dutch: startstrip English: starting strip Dutch: starttijd English: starting time Dutch: starttoets English: start key; start button Dutch: statampère English: statampere Dutch: statcoulomb English: statcoulomb Dutch: statement English: statement Dutch: state-of-the-art English: state of the art Dutch: statfarad English: statfarad Dutch: stathenry English: stathenry Dutch: statica English: statics Dutch: statief English: stand; support; tripod Dutch: stationair English: stationary Dutch: stationsnamenschaal English: sial; station scale Dutch: statisch breekpunt English: static breakpoint Dutch: statische analyse English: static analysis Dutch: statische binding English: static binding Dutch: statische collector English: static collector Dutch: statische compliantie English: static compliance Dutch: statische convergentie English: static convergence Dutch: statische druk English: static pressure Dutch: statische dump English: static dump Dutch: statische eenheid English: static device Dutch: statische eigenschap English: static characteristic Dutch: statische fout English: static error Dutch: statische klasse English: static class Dutch: statische lading English: static charge Dutch: statische methode English: static method Dutch: statische ontlading English: static discharge Dutch: statische oplading English: static buildup; static charging Dutch: statische voltmeter English: static voltmeter Dutch: statiseerder English: staticiser Dutch: statisticus English: statistician Dutch: statistisch English: statistical Dutch: statistisch testen English: statistical testing Dutch: statistische controle English: statistical check Dutch: statistische grootheid English: statistic Dutch: statmho English: statmho Dutch: statoersted English: statoersted Dutch: statohm English: statohm Dutch: stator English: stator Dutch: statorblik English: stator lamination Dutch: statorkern English: stator core Dutch: statorpakket English: stator packet Dutch: statorplaat English: stator plate; stator vane Dutch: statorspoel English: stator coil Dutch: statorstrip English: stator strip; biscuit Dutch: statuscode English: status code Dutch: statusconsistentie English: state consistency Dutch: statusintegriteit English: state integrity Dutch: statusrapport English: status report Dutch: statvolt English: statvolt Dutch: statweber English: statweber Dutch: stearine English: stearin Dutch: stearinezuur English: stearic acid Dutch: steatiet English: steatite Dutch: steekbeitel English: firmer chisel; gouge; cutter; cutting tool Dutch: steekbreedte English: pitch width Dutch: steekcontact English: plug contact Dutch: steekhoogte English: pitch height Dutch: steekleiding English: feeder line Dutch: steeklengte English: pitch length Dutch: steekpasser English: dividers Dutch: steekproef nemen English: to sample Dutch: steekproefamplitude English: sample range Dutch: steekproefexemplaar English: sample unit Dutch: steekproefgetal English: sample number Dutch: steekproefgrootte English: sample size Dutch: steekproefkeuring English: sampling inspection Dutch: steekproefmediaan English: sample median Dutch: steekproefneming English: sampling Dutch: steekproefomvang English: amount of inspection; sample size Dutch: steekproefonderzoek English: sampling enquiry; sampling investigation Dutch: steekproefparameter English: sample statistic Dutch: steekproefplan English: sample plan Dutch: steekproefruimte English: sample space Dutch: steekproefschema English: sampling plan; sampling inspection plan Dutch: steekproefsgewijs English: at random; on a random basis; by means of a spot check; by means of a random check; on the basis of random samples Dutch: steekproefsysteem English: sampling Dutch: steekproeftabel English: sampling table Dutch: steekproefvariantie English: sample variance Dutch: steekproefverdeling English: sampling distribution Dutch: steekproefvoorschrift English: sampling instructions Dutch: steeksleutel English: open-ended spanner Dutch: steekveer English: spring washer Dutch: steekverbinding English: plug-and-socket connection Dutch: steekvlam English: shooting flame; tongue of fire Dutch: steel English: handle; shank; neck Dutch: steelhechter English: handle holder Dutch: steelstofzuiger English: upright vacuum cleaner Dutch: steelvijl English: needle file Dutch: steen English: stone; brick; wheel; die Dutch: steenachtig English: stony Dutch: steendruk English: lithography; lithographic printing Dutch: steenkool English: coal; pit coal Dutch: steil English: steep; erect; upright; very straight Dutch: steile flank English: steep side Dutch: steilheid English: steepness; slope; mutual conductance; variable-u; mu; remote cut-off Dutch: steilheidsmeter English: mutual-conductance tester Dutch: steker English: plug Dutch: stekerbus English: jack; socket; socket; hub; pin-bushing Dutch: stekerbusafdekplaat English: socket mask Dutch: stekerbusbeugel English: socket bracket Dutch: stekerdeksel English: plug cover Dutch: stekerdoos English: wall socket; socket outlet; wall receptacle; tap Dutch: stekerhuis English: plug housing Dutch: stekerpaneel English: plug strip Dutch: stekerpen English: plug pin Dutch: stekerpenplaat English: plug-pin plate Dutch: stekerschuif English: plug slide Dutch: stekervoet English: plug base Dutch: stel English: set; deck; pack Dutch: stelbeugel English: adjusting bracket Dutch: stelblok English: adjusting block Dutch: stelbout English: set screw Dutch: stellage English: scaffold; stage; rack; stand Dutch: stellen English: to place; to erect; to set [1]; to adjust; to assume; to determine; to pose Dutch: steller English: setter Dutch: stelmoer English: adjusting nut Dutch: stelpen English: dowel pin Dutch: stelring English: adjusting ring; collar Dutch: stelschroef English: adjusting screw; set screw; grub screw Dutch: stelsel English: system; scheme; numeration; set Dutch: stelspie English: adjusting wedge Dutch: steltijd English: setting time Dutch: stemmen English: to tune Dutch: stemming English: mood; tuning Dutch: stempel English: die; press tool; punch and die; punch, stamp; mark Dutch: stempel met leidingpen English: pillar-guided tool Dutch: stempelconstructie English: die construction Dutch: stempelen English: to stamp; to mark Dutch: stempelhouder English: punch holder; punch plate Dutch: stempelhuis English: die set Dutch: stempelhuis bovenplaat English: die-set top plate Dutch: stempelhuis onderplaat English: die-set bottom plate Dutch: stempeling English: stamping; marking; mark Dutch: stempelinkt English: stamping ink; stamp-pad ink Dutch: stempelkussen English: stamping pad; stamp-pad Dutch: stempelmaker English: die maker Dutch: stempelpasta English: marking paste Dutch: stempelplaat English: punch holder; punch plate Dutch: stempelraam English: screen frame Dutch: stempelstaal English: tool steel; punch steel Dutch: stempelverf English: marking paint Dutch: stempelvernis English: marking lacquer; marking varnish Dutch: stempelzuur English: marking acid Dutch: stemvork English: tuning fork Dutch: stemvork-FET English: tuned-gate FET Dutch: stemvorkgenerator English: tuning-fork oscillator Dutch: stenen pot English: stone jar Dutch: stengel English: stem Dutch: steradiaal English: steradian Dutch: stercodering English: star rating Dutch: sterdriehoekschakelaar English: star-delta switch; star-delta connection Dutch: stereo English: stereo; stereophonic Dutch: stereo op band English: stereo on tape Dutch: stereo op plaat English: stereo on disc Dutch: stereoachtcassette English: stereo-eight cartridge Dutch: stereoadapter English: stereo decoder Dutch: stereoapparaat English: stereo apparatus Dutch: stereoapparatuur English: stereo equipment Dutch: stereobalans English: stereo balance Dutch: stereobanddek English: stereo tape deck Dutch: stereobandopnemer English: stereo tape recorder Dutch: stereocassette English: stereo cassette Dutch: stereocassetterecorder English: stereo cassette recorder Dutch: stereochemie English: stereochemistry Dutch: stereoconsole English: stereo console Dutch: stereodecoder English: stereo decoder Dutch: stereoeffect English: stereo effect; stereophonic effect Dutch: stereoexpanderknop English: stereo expander button Dutch: stereofiel English: stereophile Dutch: stereofonie English: stereophony Dutch: stereofonisch English: stereophonic; stereo Dutch: stereofonische opname English: stereophonic recording Dutch: stereogeluid English: stereo sound Dutch: stereografie English: stereography Dutch: stereografisch English: stereographic Dutch: stereogram English: stereogram Dutch: stereogrammofoon English: stereo gramophone Dutch: stereohoofdtelefoon English: stereo headphone Dutch: stereohulpsignaal English: stereo signal; steering signal; S-signal Dutch: stereolithografie English: stereo-lithography: SL Dutch: stereometrie English: stereometry Dutch: stereo-ontvanger English: stereo receiver Dutch: stereo-ontvangst English: stereo reception; stereophonic reception Dutch: stereopentaplug English: stereo five-pin plug Dutch: stereophoob English: stereophobic Dutch: stereoplaat English: stereo disc Dutch: stereoplatenspeler English: stereo record player Dutch: stereoscheiding English: stereo reparation Dutch: stereoscoop English: stereoscope Dutch: stereosignaal English: stereo signal; S-signal Dutch: stereotapedek English: stereo tape deck Dutch: stereotiep English: stereotype; literal; figurative constant; stereotyped; standard; stock Dutch: stereotuner English: stereo tuner Dutch: stereotyperen English: to stereotype Dutch: stereotypie English: stereotypy; stereotype printing Dutch: stereouitzending English: stereo broadcast Dutch: stereoversterker English: stereo amplifier Dutch: stereovoorversterker English: stereo preamplifier Dutch: stereowisselaar English: stereo record changer Dutch: stergewikeld English: Y-wound Dutch: stergreep English: star-grip handle Dutch: steriel English: sterile Dutch: sterische hindernis English: steric hindrance Dutch: sterk English: strong Dutch: sterk getypeerde taal English: strongly typed language Dutch: sterk signaal English: strong signal; large signal Dutch: sterk vergroot English: strongly magnified; greatly magnified Dutch: sterke-armschaafbank English: shaping machine; shaper Dutch: sterkstroom English: heavy current; high-tension current Dutch: sterkte English: strength; resistance; intensity; volume; loudness; power Dutch: sterkteregeling English: gain control; volume control Dutch: stermoer English: star nut Dutch: sternetwerk English: star network Dutch: sterschakeling English: star connection Dutch: stervormig English: star-shaped; radially arranged Dutch: sterwiel English: star wheel Dutch: stethoscoop English: stethoscope Dutch: stethoscoopkoptelefoon English: stethoscope headphones Dutch: steun English: support; arm rest; foot rest; assistance; stay; heel rest; tone-arm rest Dutch: steunbalk English: supporting beam; brace; strut Dutch: steunband English: reinforcement band Dutch: steunbeugel English: supporting bracket; support Dutch: steunblok English: supporting block Dutch: steunbout English: stay bolt Dutch: steunen English: to support; to assist; to back; to promote; to rest on Dutch: steunkolom English: support pillar Dutch: steunlat English: reinforcement strip Dutch: steunmal English: supporting jig Dutch: steunpen English: supporting pin Dutch: steunplaat English: support plate; supporting plate; backing plate; back-p plate Dutch: steunrib English: supporting rib Dutch: steunsoftware English: scaffolding Dutch: steunstrip English: supporting strip Dutch: steunvlak English: supporting surface; bearing face Dutch: steunzender English: relay transmitter; radio relay Dutch: stevig English: strong; solid; robust; sturdy; firm; tight; secure Dutch: stift English: pin; needle; pivot; stylus Dutch: stiftlassen English: stud welding Dutch: stiftsleutel English: pin wrench; socket wrench Dutch: stifttap English: grub screw Dutch: stiftvijl English: pillar file Dutch: stijf English: rigid; stiff Dutch: stijfheid English: rigidity; stiffness Dutch: stijfheidsmatrix English: stiffness matrix Dutch: stijfheidsproef English: rigidity test; stiffness test; compliance test Dutch: stijfsel English: starch Dutch: stijfseloplossing English: starch solution Dutch: stijfte English: rigidity; stiffness Dutch: stijgen English: to rise; to ascend; to go up; to increase Dutch: stijgend English: rising; ascending; increasing Dutch: stijging English: rise; ascent; increase Dutch: stijgingshoek English: lead Dutch: stijgtijd English: rise time Dutch: stijgtijd van een puls English: pulse rise time Dutch: stijve koppeling English: rigid coupling; stiff connection Dutch: stikken English: to suffocate; to stitch Dutch: stiknaad English: stitched seam Dutch: stiknaald English: stitching needle Dutch: stiksel English: stitching Dutch: stikstofhoudend English: nitrogenous Dutch: stil English: still; motionless; silent; quiet Dutch: stileren English: to stylize Dutch: stille afstemming English: squelch tuning; quiet tuning Dutch: stille gordel English: silent zone; skip distance Dutch: stille groef English: silence groove Dutch: stille inschakeling English: mute start Dutch: stilleggen English: to hold up; to close down; to shut down Dutch: stillegging English: stoppage; shutting down; suspension Dutch: stilliggen English: to lie still; to be at standstill; to be idle Dutch: stilstaan English: to be stationary; to stand still; to be at a standstill; to be idle Dutch: stilstaand beeld English: still picture; still frame Dutch: stilstandtijd English: unused time Dutch: stiltekegel English: cone of silence Dutch: stiltezone English: zone of silence Dutch: stilzetten English: to stop Dutch: stilzetting English: stoppage Dutch: stimulans English: stimulans Dutch: stimulatie English: stimulation Dutch: stimuleren English: to stimulate Dutch: stimulus English: stimulus Dutch: stip English: dot; point; speck; spot Dutch: stippelen English: to dot Dutch: stippenscherm English: phosphor-dot screen Dutch: stipraster English: dot pattern Dutch: stiprastergenerator English: dot-pattern generator Dutch: stipstreeplijn English: dash-and-dot line; chain dotted line Dutch: stipt English: punctual; strict Dutch: stiptheid English: punctuality; promptness; strictness Dutch: stipulatie English: stipulation Dutch: stirlingmotor English: stirling engine Dutch: stochastiek English: stochastics Dutch: stochastisch English: stochastic; aleatory Dutch: stochastisch model English: stochastic model Dutch: stochastische database English: probabilistic database Dutch: stock-out English: stock-out Dutch: stoel English: chair; bracket; cradle Dutch: stoep English: porch Dutch: stof English: matter; substance; material; cloth; subject; subject-matter; dust Dutch: stofafdichting English: dust seal Dutch: stofafscherming English: dust protection Dutch: stofafzuiging English: dust extraction; dust collection Dutch: stofbestrijding English: dust control; dust prevention Dutch: stofbril English: goggles; eye preservers Dutch: stofdeeltje English: particle of matter; dust particle Dutch: stofdeksel English: dust cover Dutch: stofdicht English: dust-proof; dust-tight Dutch: stofdoek English: duster Dutch: stofdroog English: dust dry Dutch: stoffelijk English: material Dutch: stoffen English: to dust Dutch: stofferen English: to upholster; to furnish Dutch: stoffering English: upholstery; furnishing; fitting Dutch: stoffig English: dusty Dutch: stoffilter English: dust filter Dutch: stofgehalte English: dust content; percentage of dust Dutch: stofhoes English: dust cover Dutch: stofjas English: overall Dutch: stofkamer English: dust chamber Dutch: stofkap English: dust cap Dutch: stofketel English: dust tank; canister Dutch: stofmasker English: dust mask; breathing mask Dutch: stofophoping English: dust accumulation Dutch: stofopneming English: dust removal Dutch: stofplaatje English: dust plate Dutch: stofproef English: dust test Dutch: stofvrij English: dust-free; free from dust; dust-proof; dustless Dutch: stofvrije ruimte English: dust-free room Dutch: stofwerend English: dust-preventing Dutch: stofzak English: dust bag; dirt bag Dutch: stollen English: to solidify Dutch: stolling English: solidification Dutch: stollingstraject English: solidification range Dutch: stollingswarmte English: heat of solidification Dutch: stolp English: glass cover; bell-jar; bell Dutch: stolpunt English: solidifying point Dutch: stolselvermindering English: restricted gating Dutch: stomen English: to steam Dutch: stommel English: rumble Dutch: stomp English: blunt; obtuse; butt Dutch: stompe lasnaad English: butt weld Dutch: stompe punt English: flat point Dutch: stomplassen English: butt welding Dutch: stookgas English: heating gas Dutch: stookmengsel English: baking mixture Dutch: stoomafsluiter English: stop valve Dutch: stoombad English: steam bath Dutch: stoombuis English: steam pipe Dutch: stoomcursus English: intensive course Dutch: stoomdestillatie English: steam distillation Dutch: stoomdicht English: steam-tight Dutch: stoomdruk English: steam pressure Dutch: stoomhamer English: steam hammer; power-hammer Dutch: stoomketel English: steam boiler Dutch: stoomkracht English: steam power Dutch: stoomleiding English: steam line; steam pipes Dutch: stoomoxidatie English: steam oxidation Dutch: stoomregelaar English: steam control; steam controller Dutch: stoomspiraal English: steam coil; steam heating coil Dutch: stoomstralen English: pressure steam cleaning Dutch: stoomstrijkijzer English: steam iron Dutch: stoomtoevoer English: supply of steam Dutch: stoomverwarming English: steam heating; heating by steam Dutch: stoorafstand English: signal/noise ratio Dutch: stooreffect English: interference effect Dutch: stoorfactor English: interference factor Dutch: stoorfilter English: noise filter Dutch: stoorfrequentie English: interfering frequency; spurious frequency Dutch: stoorgevoelig English: susceptible to interference; sensitive to interference; susceptible to trouble Dutch: stoorgevoeligheid English: susceptibility to interference; sensitivity to interference; susceptibility to trouble Dutch: stoorimpuls English: noise pulse; interference pulse Dutch: stoorkanaal English: interfering channel Dutch: stoorkastje English: interference box Dutch: stoornis English: disturbance; interference Dutch: stoorniveau English: noise level; interference level Dutch: stoorongevoelig English: insusceptible to interference; insusceptible to trouble Dutch: stoorongevoeligheid English: insusceptibility to interference; noise immunity; insusceptibility to trouble Dutch: stoorpatroon English: interference pattern Dutch: stoorsignaal English: noise signal; interference signal Dutch: stoorspanning English: noise voltage; interference voltage; disturbing voltage Dutch: stoorstraling English: interfering radiation Dutch: stoorveld English: interference filed Dutch: stoorvrij English: interference-free; noise-free; undisturbed Dutch: stoorzender English: jamming station Dutch: stoot English: impact; shock; surge; pulse; push; jerk; jolt Dutch: stootbelasting English: impact load; shock load Dutch: stootblok English: stop; buffer block; setting block; stop block Dutch: stootkussen English: buffer Dutch: stootopwekking English: impulse excitation Dutch: stootplaat English: buffer plate Dutch: stootrand English: buffer edge; stop shoulder; crash pad Dutch: stootsgewijs English: intermittent; pulsating; jerkily; by jerks and jolts; impulsive; in batches Dutch: stootspanning English: pulse voltage; surge voltage; transient voltage; impact stress Dutch: stootvast English: impact-resistant; shock-resistant Dutch: stop English: stop; stopper; plug; buffer Dutch: stopband English: stopband Dutch: stopbus English: stuffing box Dutch: stopcontact English: socket; plug socket; wall socket; socket outlet Dutch: stopfles English: stopper bottle Dutch: stoplicht English: stop-light Dutch: stoplijst English: adjusting strip Dutch: stoplus English: loop stop Dutch: stopmassa English: filling compound Dutch: stopmes English: putty knife Dutch: stopopdracht English: hold order Dutch: stoporder English: fill-in order; stop order Dutch: stoppasta English: filling paste Dutch: stoppen English: to stop; to halt Dutch: stopper English: parasitic suppressor Dutch: stopstand English: stop position Dutch: stopstrip English: stop strip Dutch: stoptijd English: stop time Dutch: stoptoestand English: stop Dutch: stoptoets English: stop key; stop button Dutch: stopwas English: filling wax; bee glue Dutch: stopzetten English: to stop; to bring to a standstill; to cease; to close down; to shut down; to switch off Dutch: stopzetting English: stoppage; closing down; shutting down; close-own; shut-down; cessation; switching off Dutch: storen English: to disturb; to interfere Dutch: storend geluid English: noise; disturbing sound Dutch: storing English: jamming; outage; disturbance; interference; interruption; hindrance; failure; breakdown; trouble; fault; malfunction; defect; downtime Dutch: storingsarm English: antiparasitic; low noise; anti-interference Dutch: storingsarme microfoon English: anti-noise microphone; noise-cancelling microphone Dutch: storingsbegrenzer English: noise limiter; interference limiter Dutch: storingsbegrenzing English: noise limitation Dutch: storingsbeschermend English: fail-soft Dutch: storingsbestendig English: fail-safe Dutch: storingsbron English: noise source; interference source Dutch: storingsfilter English: noise filter Dutch: storingsfrequentie English: failure rate Dutch: storingsgevoelig English: susceptible to interference; sensitive to interference Dutch: storingsniveau English: noise level Dutch: storingsonderdrukker English: noise inverter Dutch: storingsonderdrukking English: interference suppression; noise inversion; interference absorption Dutch: storingsongevoelig English: insusceptible to interference; insusceptible to trouble Dutch: storingsongevoeligheid English: noise immunity Dutch: storingsregeling English: failure control Dutch: storingstoestand English: failure mode Dutch: storingsveilig English: fail safe Dutch: storingsverslag English: failure report Dutch: storingsvrij English: interference-free; noise-free; undisturbed; trouble-free Dutch: storingsvrije werking English: trouble-free operation Dutch: storingsvrijheid English: noise immunity Dutch: storingzoeken English: faultfinding Dutch: storingzoeker English: faultfinder Dutch: storm English: gale; storm Dutch: stort English: blackplate; tinned sheet-iron Dutch: stortbak English: shoot; chute Dutch: stortbui English: shower; downpour Dutch: storten English: to dump; to shoot Dutch: stortgat English: shooting hole Dutch: stortgoederen English: bulk goods Dutch: stortgoot English: shoot; chute Dutch: stortplaats English: dump; dumping place; dumping site; dumpsite (US); waste site; rubbish tip; landfill site Dutch: stortregen English: torrential rain Dutch: storttrechter English: hopper Dutch: stortvloed English: rush; inrush; flood; deluge; avalanche Dutch: stoten English: to push; to strike; to bump Dutch: stoten tegen English: to push against Dutch: stoter English: ram; slide; tappet; knock-out; ejector Dutch: stoterbus English: tappet Dutch: stotergeleiding English: ram guiding Dutch: stoterspeling English: ram clearance Dutch: stoterstang English: plunger rod Dutch: straal English: radius; ray; beam; flash; jet; squirt; stream Dutch: straalaandrijving English: jet propulsion Dutch: straalafbuiger English: beam deflector Dutch: straalafbuiging English: beam deflection Dutch: straalafbuigingsbuis English: beam-deflection tube Dutch: straalaftasting English: beam scanning Dutch: straalantenne English: beam antenna; beam aerial Dutch: straalbrekend English: refractive Dutch: straalbreking English: refraction Dutch: straalconcentratiebuis English: beam power tube Dutch: straaldeler English: stream interaction amplifier; beam deflector amplifier; flow divider Dutch: straaldraad English: beam lead Dutch: straaldraadisolatie English: beam-lead isolation Dutch: straalelement English: heating element; heating coil Dutch: straalgeheugen English: beam store Dutch: straalhoek English: beam angle; radian Dutch: straalkachel English: radiant heater; reflector heater Dutch: straalmodulatie English: beam modulation Dutch: straalmodulator English: beam modulator Dutch: straalonderdrukking English: beam suppression Dutch: straalpijp English: nozzle Dutch: straalsgewijs English: radial; radially arranged Dutch: straalsplitser English: beam splitter Dutch: straalstroom English: beam current Dutch: straalstroombegrenzer English: beam-current limiter Dutch: straalstroominstelling English: beam-current adjustment Dutch: straalvector English: radius vector Dutch: straalventilatorkachel English: radiant fan heater Dutch: straalverbinding English: radio link; microwave radio link; radio-beam link Dutch: straalvormig English: radiated Dutch: straalwarmte English: radiant heat Dutch: straalwerking English: jet action Dutch: straalzender English: radio-beam transmitter; radio relay Dutch: straf English: penalty; severe; strict; stringent Dutch: strak English: clean-cut; smooth; straight; stark; tight; taut; plain Dutch: strak oppervlak English: smoothed surface Dutch: strak spannen English: to pull taut; to tauten; to tighten Dutch: strakheid English: smoothness Dutch: stralen English: to radiate; to blast Dutch: stralenbundel English: beam Dutch: stralenbundelgeheugen English: beam store Dutch: stralend oppervlak English: radiating surface Dutch: stralenvanger English: beam trap Dutch: stralingscentrum English: center of radiation Dutch: stralingsdiagram English: radiation pattern; directivity pattern Dutch: stralingsdichtheid English: radiance; radiation density Dutch: stralingselement English: radiating element; radiant element Dutch: stralingsenergie English: radiation energy; radiant energy Dutch: stralingsgevoeligheid English: radiant sensitivity Dutch: stralingsimpedantie English: radiation impedance Dutch: stralingsintensiteit English: radiant intensity Dutch: stralingslamp English: radiation lamp Dutch: stralingsmeter English: radiation meter; bolometer Dutch: stralingsmeting English: radiation measurement Dutch: stralingsoppervlak English: radiating surface Dutch: stralingsstroom English: radiant flux Dutch: stralingsveld English: radiation field Dutch: stralingsverliezen English: radiation losses Dutch: stralingsvrij English: radiation-free Dutch: stralingswarmte English: radiant heat Dutch: stralingsweerstand English: radiation resistance Dutch: stramien English: net; netting; canvas Dutch: strategielaag English: strategic layer Dutch: strategisch English: strategic; strategical Dutch: strategisch model English: strategic model Dutch: strategische goederen English: strategic goods Dutch: strategische planning English: strategic planning Dutch: strategische voorraad English: strategic inventory; strategic stock Dutch: stratificatie English: stratification Dutch: streefcijfer English: target figure Dutch: streek English: region; area; district; stroke Dutch: streelwiel English: fingertip wheel; fingertip control; thumb wheel Dutch: streep English: stripe; line; streak; smear; strip; mark; hyphen; fractional bar; oblique stroke Dutch: streep en punt English: dash and dot Dutch: streepfineer English: striped veneer Dutch: streepjescodedichtheid English: bar code density Dutch: streepjescodering English: bar coding Dutch: streepjescodesymbool English: bar code symbol Dutch: streepjescodeteken English: bar code character Dutch: streeplijn English: broken line; dashed line; chain line Dutch: streepnummer English: version number Dutch: streeppatroon English: bar pattern Dutch: streepraster English: cross-hatch pattern Dutch: streeprastergenerator English: cross-hatch generator Dutch: streep-stiplijn English: chain dotted line; dash-and-dot line Dutch: streep-stippellijn English: chain dotted line; dash-and-dot line Dutch: streepverlenging English: streaking Dutch: strekbank English: stretcher-leveller Dutch: strekgrens English: elastic limit Dutch: strekken English: to stretch; to elongate; to straighten; to stretch-form; to level; to unwind Dutch: strekking English: sense; meaning; signification; tenor; object; aim; purpose; scope; character Dutch: streklas English: butt welding Dutch: strekmachine English: leveller; levelling machine Dutch: strekpers English: stretcher Dutch: stremmen English: to curdle; to coagulate; to solidify; to block; to stop; to obstruct Dutch: stremming English: curdling; coagulation; solidification; blocking; stoppage; obstruction Dutch: streng English: severe; strict; stringent; austere. skein; strand Dutch: strepen English: to stripe; to streak; to become smeary Dutch: streperig English: streaky Dutch: strijkdikte English: brushing thickness Dutch: strijkdroog English: iron-dry Dutch: strijken English: to iron; to brush Dutch: strijken langs English: to brush; to graze; to pass over Dutch: strijkers English: strings Dutch: strijkijzer English: iron; flat iron Dutch: strijkijzerhandgreep English: flat-iron grip Dutch: strijkinstrument English: stringed instrument Dutch: strijklaag English: coating Dutch: strijklicht English: floodlight Dutch: strijkmachine English: ironing machine Dutch: strijkmes English: doctor knife Dutch: strijkoppervlak English: ironing surface Dutch: strijktemperatuur English: ironing temperature Dutch: strijkwarmte English: ironing heat Dutch: strike-bad English: strike; flash; strike solution; flash solution Dutch: striplijn English: strip line Dutch: strippen English: to strip; to strip off Dutch: stripsnelheid English: stripping rate Dutch: striptang English: stripper; stripping pliers; wire stripper Dutch: stripversterker English: strip amplifier Dutch: stroboscoop English: stroboscope Dutch: stroboscopisch English: stroboscopic Dutch: stroef English: stiff; non-slipping; rigid Dutch: strokarton English: strawboard Dutch: strokensnijden English: slitting Dutch: strokensnijder English: slitter Dutch: stromen English: to flow; to stream Dutch: stromend water English: running water Dutch: stroming English: flow; current; tendency; trend Dutch: stromingsdiagram English: flow chart Dutch: stromingsmechanica English: fluid mechanics; fluidics Dutch: stromingspad English: flow path Dutch: stromingsrichting English: direction of flow Dutch: stromingssnelheid English: flow rate Dutch: stromingsversterker English: fluid amplifier Dutch: strontium English: strontium Dutch: strooibits English: drop-in Dutch: strooicapaciteit English: stray capacitance Dutch: strooien English: to spread; to scatter Dutch: strooi-inductantie English: stray inductance Dutch: strooiing English: spread; dispersion; scatter; leakage Dutch: strooiveld English: stray filed; leakage field Dutch: strook English: strip; band Dutch: strookaanvoer English: strip feed Dutch: strookbreedte English: strip width Dutch: strookdiagram English: bar chart; histogram Dutch: strookgeleider English: strip guide Dutch: strookgeleiderpen English: strip-guide pin Dutch: strookinvoer English: strip feed Dutch: strookleiding English: strip guide Dutch: strooklichter English: strip lifter Dutch: strookmateriaal English: strip stock; strip material Dutch: stroom English: current; flow Dutch: stroomafname English: current consumption; decrease in current; collection of current Dutch: stroomafnemer English: collector Dutch: stroomanalyse English: flow analysis Dutch: stroombaan English: circuit Dutch: stroombereik English: current rating; current range Dutch: stroombesparing English: saving in current Dutch: stroombesturing English: flow control Dutch: stroombron English: current source; power source; source of current Dutch: stroombuik English: current loop Dutch: stroomdiagram English: flow diagram Dutch: stroomdichtheid English: current density Dutch: stroomdief English: false cathode Dutch: stroomdoorgang English: current flow; current passage Dutch: stroomdraad English: current-supply wire; contact wire Dutch: stroomdrager English: current carrier Dutch: stroomgebruik English: current consumption; current drain Dutch: stroomgeleider English: conductor Dutch: stroomgevoeligheid English: current sensitivity; response to current Dutch: stroomimpuls English: current pulse Dutch: stroominductie English: current induction Dutch: stroomketen English: circuit; electric circuit Dutch: stroomkosten English: power cost; cost of current Dutch: stroomkring English: circuit; electric circuit Dutch: stroomkringschema English: circuit diagram Dutch: stroomlevering English: current supply; provision of current Dutch: stroomlijnen English: streamline Dutch: stroomloop English: current flow Dutch: stroomloos English: dead; currentless; without current Dutch: stroomloos proces English: process without current; electroless plating Dutch: stroomloos schakelen English: to incorporate in a DC blocking circuit; to incorporate in an AC blocking circuit Dutch: stroomloos vergulden English: electroless gold plating Dutch: stroomloos vernikkelen English: electroless nickel plating Dutch: stroommaximum English: maximum current Dutch: stroommeter English: ammeter; current meter; flow meter Dutch: stroommeting English: current measurement; flow measurement Dutch: stroomminimum English: minimum current Dutch: stroomnetwerk English: flow network Dutch: stroomomkeerder English: commutator Dutch: stroomonderbreking English: current interruption; interruption of current Dutch: stroomopdracht English: flow order Dutch: stroomregelaar English: current regulator Dutch: stroomrendement English: current efficiency Dutch: stroomrichting English: direction of current flow; flow direction; direction of current Dutch: stroomrover English: false cathode Dutch: stroomruis English: current noise Dutch: stroomschema English: flow diagram; flow chart Dutch: stroomschemaprogramma English: flowcharter Dutch: stroomsnelheid English: current velocity; rate of flow; flow rate Dutch: stroomsoort English: flow type; kind of current Dutch: stroomspanningsbron English: signal source Dutch: stroomsterkte English: current; current strength; current intensity; amperage Dutch: stroomstoot English: current surge; current rush; surge current Dutch: stroomstoring English: power breakdown; power outage Dutch: stroomterugkoppeling English: current feedback Dutch: stroomtoevoer English: current supply Dutch: stroomtransformator English: current transformer Dutch: stroomtrekken English: to draw current Dutch: stroomvanger English: false cathode Dutch: stroomvariatie English: current change; current variation Dutch: stroomveiligheid English: current fuse Dutch: stroomveld English: current field Dutch: stroomverbruik English: power consumption; current consumption; current drain Dutch: stroomverdeler English: distributor Dutch: stroomverdeling English: current distribution; current velocity distribution Dutch: stroomverlies English: current loss Dutch: stroomversterking English: current amplification; current gain Dutch: stroomverzadiging English: current saturation Dutch: stroomverzwakking English: current attenuation Dutch: stroomvloei English: current flow Dutch: stroomvoeding English: current feed Dutch: stroomvoeren English: to carry a current Dutch: stroomvoerend English: current carrying; live Dutch: stroomvoerende delen English: current-carrying parts; live parts Dutch: stroomvoorziening English: power supply; current supply Dutch: stroomvorm English: current type; type of current; form of current Dutch: stroomwaarde English: current value Dutch: stroomweg English: current path Dutch: stroomwisselaar English: commutator Dutch: strop English: strap; sling; bad bargain Dutch: stropapier English: strawpaper Dutch: stroperig English: syrupy; viscous Dutch: stroperigheid English: viscosity Dutch: stroplaat English: strawboard Dutch: structureel model English: structural model Dutch: structureel testen English: structural testing Dutch: structurele dekking English: structural coverage Dutch: structuur English: structure; texture; logic Dutch: structuur van Kripke English: Kripke structure Dutch: structuur van reeksen English: structure of arrays Dutch: structuurconflict English: structure clash Dutch: structuurdeel English: structure member Dutch: structuurkaart English: structure chart Dutch: structuurreeks English: array of structures Dutch: ST-systeem English: ST system Dutch: stub English: stub Dutch: studiereis English: study tour Dutch: studio English: studio Dutch: studiocamera English: studio camera Dutch: studiokwaliteit English: studio quality Dutch: studio-opname English: studio recording Dutch: studio-opnemer English: studio recorder Dutch: studiotechniek English: studio technique Dutch: studio-uitrusting English: studio equipment Dutch: stug English: stiff; rigid Dutch: stugheid English: stiffness; rigidity Dutch: stuikdruk English: upsetting pressure Dutch: stuiken English: to upset; to stake Dutch: stuikhoogte English: upsetting height Dutch: stuikkracht English: upsetting force Dutch: stuiklas English: butt weld Dutch: stuikmachine English: upsetting machine Dutch: stuikstempel English: heading tool; upsetting die Dutch: stuikverbinding English: butt joint Dutch: stuit English: stop Dutch: stuiten English: to stop; to arrest; to strike; to bound; to bounce Dutch: stuiven English: to dust Dutch: stuk English: piece; part; section; length; document; paper; defective; out of order Dutch: stukarbeider English: piece-worker Dutch: stukdraaikoppel English: destructive torque Dutch: stukfabricage English: job production; unit production Dutch: stukfamilie English: family of parts Dutch: stukgaan English: to become defective; to go out of order; to break; to go to pieces Dutch: stuklijst English: parts list; bill-of-material; list of parts Dutch: stuklijst op tekening English: parts list on drawing Dutch: stuklijstbestand English: bill-of-material file Dutch: stuklijstprocessor English: bill-of-material processor Dutch: stuklijststructurering English: bill-of-material structuring Dutch: stukloon English: piece-wages; piece-rates Dutch: stukloonsysteem English: piece-rate system Dutch: stuknummer English: item number Dutch: stukproductie English: job production; unit production; job shop production Dutch: stukspecificatie English: parts specification Dutch: stuksprijs English: unit price Dutch: stuktekening English: detail drawing; component drawing; part drawing Dutch: stuktrekkracht English: destructive pulling force Dutch: stukuur English: piece-work hour Dutch: stukwerk English: piece-work Dutch: stukwerker English: piece-worker Dutch: sturing English: control; drive Dutch: stut English: prop; support; strut; stay; shore Dutch: stutten English: shore; stay; support; prop up; brace Dutch: stuur English: steering wheel Dutch: stuurafvoerspanning English: gate-drain voltage Dutch: stuurbuis English: control tube; control valve Dutch: stuurcilinder English: control electrode; modulator electrode; focusing cup; concentration cup; cathode cup; Wehnelt cylinder Dutch: stuurcircuit English: drive circuit; gate circuit Dutch: stuurcommando English: control command Dutch: stuurelektrode English: control electrode; gate electrode; modulator electrode; gate Dutch: stuurelement English: driver element Dutch: stuurfrequentie English: control frequency; driving frequency Dutch: stuurfunctie English: control function Dutch: stuurgegevens English: control information Dutch: stuurgelijkrichter English: control rectifier Dutch: stuurimpedantie English: driver impedance; gate impedance Dutch: stuurimpuls English: trigger; trigger pulse; control pulse Dutch: stuurinductantie English: driver inductance Dutch: stuurknuppel English: joystick Dutch: stuurkring English: control circuit; gate circuit Dutch: stuurkunde English: cybernetics Dutch: stuurlus English: control loop Dutch: stuurontvanger English: pilot receiver Dutch: stuurponsing English: designation punching; control punching; control hole; function hole; control punch Dutch: stuurponsingselector English: digit selector; digit filter Dutch: stuurproces English: control process Dutch: stuurpuls English: drive pulse; trigger; trigger pulse; control pulse Dutch: stuurregelkring English: drive control Dutch: stuurrooster English: control grid Dutch: stuurroostermodulatie English: grid modulation Dutch: stuurroosterspanning English: control-grid voltage Dutch: stuurschakelaar English: control switch; master switch; drive circuit; control circuit; driver Dutch: stuursignaal English: control signal; drive signal; gate signal Dutch: stuurspanning English: control voltage; control circuit voltage; driving voltage; drive voltage; operating voltage Dutch: stuurspoor English: control track Dutch: stuurstroom English: control current; driving current; gate current Dutch: stuurstroomketen English: control-current circuit; driving-current circuit Dutch: stuurstroomkring English: control-current circuit; driving-current circuit Dutch: stuurteken English: control character; functional character Dutch: stuurterminal English: gate terminal Dutch: stuurtrafo English: driver transformer Dutch: stuurtransformator English: driver transformer Dutch: stuurtransistor English: driver transistor Dutch: stuurtrap English: driver; control stage; driver stage Dutch: stuurvermogen English: driving power Dutch: stuurweerstand English: driver resistance Dutch: stuurwiel English: steering wheel Dutch: stuurwikkeling English: control winding; driver winding Dutch: stuurzender English: pilot transmitter Dutch: stuwdistributiesysteem English: push distribution system Dutch: stuwen English: to propel; to thrust; to stem; to stow; to push Dutch: stuwing English: propulsion; thrust; stowage Dutch: stuwkracht English: thrust Dutch: stuwsysteem English: push system Dutch: styreen English: styrene Dutch: styreenbutadiëen English: styrene-butadiene Dutch: styroflex English: styroflex Dutch: styroflexcondensator English: styroflex capacitor Dutch: styropor English: stryropor Dutch: subatomaire deeltjes English: subatomic particles Dutch: subblok English: record Dutch: subblokindeling English: record layout Dutch: subblokmarkering English: record mark Dutch: suberietring English: suberite ring Dutch: subharmonische English: subharmonic Dutch: subjectieve helderheid English: luminosity; subjective brightness Dutch: subjectieve kwaliteit English: subjective quality Dutch: sublaag English: sub-layer Dutch: sublijst English: subarray Dutch: sublimeren English: to sublimate Dutch: submicron English: submicron Dutch: submicron-technologie English: submicron technology Dutch: submillimetergolven English: submillimeter waves Dutch: submodulator English: submodulator Dutch: subnormaal English: sub-normal Dutch: sub-optimaal English: sub-optimal Dutch: subpaneel English: individual board Dutch: subprogramma English: subroutine Dutch: subroutine English: subroutine Dutch: subroutine-opdracht English: subroutine statement Dutch: subroutine-oproep English: subroutine call Dutch: subroutinetrace English: subroutine trace Dutch: subsamenstelling English: sub-assembly Dutch: subset English: subset Dutch: substantie English: substance; matter Dutch: substitueren English: to substitute Dutch: substraat; substraten English: substrate; substrates Dutch: substraatplak English: substrate wafer Dutch: substraatrooster English: substrate lattice Dutch: subsysteem English: sub-system Dutch: subsysteemspecificatie English: sub-system specification Dutch: subtractieve methode English: subtractive transfer method; etched-oil transfer method Dutch: subtractieve modulatie English: downward modulation Dutch: subtropisch English: subtropical Dutch: subtype English: subtype Dutch: sudanrood English: sudan red Dutch: sudanviolet English: sudan violet Dutch: sudanzwart English: sudan black Dutch: suffix English: suffix; subscript Dutch: suffixnotatie English: suffix notation Dutch: sulfaat English: sulphate; sulfate Dutch: sulfaatas English: sulphate ash Dutch: sulfaatcelstof English: sulphate cellulose Dutch: sulfamaatbad English: sulfamate bath; sulfamate solution Dutch: sulfer English: sulphur Dutch: sulfide English: sulphide; sulfide Dutch: sulfiet English: sulphite; sulfite Dutch: sulfietcelstof English: sulphite pulp; sulphite cellulose Dutch: sulfiethoutcelstof English: sulphite wood pulp; sulphite cellulose Dutch: sulfietloogpoeder English: sulphite liquor powder Dutch: super English: super; superheterodyne Dutch: superfijnen English: to superfinish Dutch: supergebruiker English: superuser Dutch: supergeleider English: superconductor Dutch: superheterodyne English: superheterodyne Dutch: supericonoscoop English: supericonoscope; image iconoscope Dutch: superimpositie English: superimposition Dutch: superklasse English: superclass Dutch: superminicomputer English: superminicomputer Dutch: supermodulatie English: supermodulation Dutch: superorthicon English: superorthicon; image orthicon Dutch: superponeren English: to superimpose; to superpose Dutch: superpositie English: superimposition; superposition Dutch: supersonisch English: supersonic Dutch: superstuklijst English: super bill-of-material Dutch: supertype English: supertype Dutch: supervisieprogramma English: executive program; supervisor; supervisory program Dutch: superwing English: superwing Dutch: supplementshoek English: supplementary angle Dutch: support English: support; tool holder; tool post Dutch: surplus English: surplus; excess Dutch: surveillant English: invigilator; watch dog Dutch: suspensiepolymerisatie English: suspension polymerization Dutch: S-vervorming English: S-distortion Dutch: S-vormige vertekening English: S-type distortion Dutch: sweep English: sweep Dutch: sweepoperatie English: sweep operation Dutch: sweetware English: sweetware Dutch: switch English: switch Dutch: switchen English: to switch Dutch: sycomore English: sycamore Dutch: symbolenbibliotheek English: symbol library Dutch: symbolenrij English: symbol string Dutch: symbolentabel English: symbol table Dutch: symbolisch adres English: symbolic address Dutch: symbolisch bestand English: symbolic file Dutch: symbolische bewerking English: symbolic operation Dutch: symbolische codering English: symbolic coding Dutch: symbolische computer English: symbolic computer Dutch: symbolische debugger English: symbolic debugger Dutch: symbolische koppeling English: symbolic link Dutch: symbolische logica English: symbolic logic Dutch: symbolische naam English: symbolic name Dutch: symbolische naspeuring English: symbolic trace Dutch: symbolische opdracht English: symbolic instruction Dutch: symbolische parameter English: symbolic parameter Dutch: symbolische taal English: symbolic language Dutch: symbolische uitvoering English: symbolic execution Dutch: symbolische verwerking English: symbolic processing Dutch: symbool English: glyph; symbol Dutch: symboolsubstitutie English: symbol substitution Dutch: symmetrie English: symmetry; balance Dutch: symmetrieas English: axis of symmetry; symmetry axis Dutch: symmetriefout English: error of symmetry Dutch: symmetriekraal English: symmetry bead Dutch: symmetrievlak English: symmetry surface Dutch: symmetrisch English: symmetrical; balanced Dutch: symmetrische golf English: symmetrical wave Dutch: symmetrische verdeling English: symmetrical distribution Dutch: synaps English: synaps Dutch: synaptische kloof English: synaptic gap Dutch: synchro English: synchro; magslip Dutch: synchrone aftasting English: synchronous scanning Dutch: synchrone baan English: synchronous orbit; geostationary orbit Dutch: synchrone bewerkingen English: synchronous operations Dutch: synchrone demodulator English: synchronous demodulator Dutch: synchrone detector English: synchronous detector Dutch: synchrone klok English: synchronous clock Dutch: synchrone logica English: synchronous logic Dutch: synchrone poort English: synchronous gate Dutch: synchrone satelliet English: synchronous satellite Dutch: synchrone transmissie English: synchronous transmission Dutch: synchrone verwerking English: synchronous working Dutch: synchronisatie English: synchronization Dutch: synchronisatiedetector English: synchronization detector Dutch: synchronisatiefout English: synchronization error; race Dutch: synchronisatie-impuls English: synchronizing pulse; sync pulse Dutch: synchronisatiekanaal English: synchronization channel; sync channel Dutch: synchronisatiekop English: synchronization head Dutch: synchronisatieniveau English: synchronizing level; sync level Dutch: synchronisatiepiek English: synchronization peak; sync peak Dutch: synchronisatiepuls English: sync pulse Dutch: synchronisatiescheider English: synchronization separator; sync separator Dutch: synchronisatiesignaal English: synchronization signal; sync signal; synchronizing signal Dutch: synchronisatiespanning English: synchronizing voltage Dutch: synchronisatiespoor English: synchronization track Dutch: synchronisator English: synchronizer Dutch: synchroniseren English: to synchronize Dutch: synchronisme English: synchronism Dutch: synchroon netwerk English: synchronous network Dutch: synchroonbandopnemer English: synchronous tape recorder Dutch: synchroondemodulator English: synchronous demodulator Dutch: synchroondetectie English: synchronous detection Dutch: synchroonmotor English: synchronous motor Dutch: synchroonversterker English: synchronous amplifier Dutch: synergetica English: synergetics Dutch: synoniem English: synonym; synonymous Dutch: syntactische fout English: syntactic error Dutch: syntactische ontleder English: syntactical analyzer Dutch: syntactische regels English: syntax rules Dutch: syntax English: syntax Dutch: syntaxtaal English: syntax language Dutch: synthese English: synthesis; building-up Dutch: synthetisch English: synthetic; synthetical Dutch: synthetische relatie English: synthetical relationship Dutch: synthetische vezel English: synthetic fibre; rayon blends Dutch: synthetiseringseenheid English: synthesizer Dutch: systeem English: system; format; configuration Dutch: systeemaanpak English: systems approach Dutch: systeemanalyse English: system analysis; systems analysis Dutch: systeemarchitectuur English: system architecture Dutch: systeembeheergroep English: systems-management group Dutch: systeembeheersentiteit English: system management entity Dutch: systeembeschrijving English: systems description Dutch: systeembibliotheek English: system library Dutch: systeemdegradatie English: system degradation Dutch: systeemelement English: resource Dutch: systeemgedachte English: systems concept Dutch: systeemgekozen waarde English: default Dutch: systeemgeneratie English: system generation Dutch: systeeminvoering English: systems introduction Dutch: systeemkennis English: systems knowledge Dutch: systeemkiezer English: system selector; standard selector Dutch: systeemkosten English: systems cost; system costs Dutch: systeemlevenscyclus English: system life cycle Dutch: systeemmanagement English: systems management; management of systems Dutch: systeemmodel English: system model Dutch: systeem-objectmodel English: system object model: SOM Dutch: systeemontwerp English: system design; systems design; systems engineering Dutch: systeemontwerper English: systems designer; systems engineer Dutch: systeemontwerpgroep English: systems-design group Dutch: systeemontwikkeling English: system development; system engineering Dutch: systeemprestatie English: system performance Dutch: systeemprofiel English: system profile Dutch: systeemprogramma English: system program Dutch: systeemprogrammeur English: system programmer Dutch: systeemrapportage English: audit trail Dutch: systeemschakeling English: system switching; standard switching Dutch: systeemschijf English: system pack Dutch: systeemselector English: system selector Dutch: systeemsoftware English: system software Dutch: systeemspecialist English: systems specialist Dutch: systeemspecificatie English: system specification Dutch: systeemstuklijst English: system parts list Dutch: systeemvertaler English: television-standard converter Dutch: systeemwals English: system selector Dutch: systeemwijde gegevens English: system wide data: SD Dutch: systeemwijde potentie English: system wide capability Dutch: systematische fout English: systematic error; biassed error; bias Dutch: systematiseren English: to systematize Dutch: systematisering English: systematizing Dutch: systemenkiezer English: standard selector; system selector Dutch: systolische matrix English: systolic array Dutch: taai English: tough; tenacious; ductile; viscous; viscid Dutch: taai vervormbaar English: ductile Dutch: taaiheid English: toughness; tenacity; ductility; viscosity Dutch: taak English: task; job; duty; role; responsibility; function; assignment Dutch: taakanalyse English: job analysis Dutch: taakelement English: task element; work element Dutch: taakgericht roosteren English: task-centered scheduling Dutch: taakinhoud English: task content; work content Dutch: taaklaag English: task layer Dutch: taaknaam English: task name Dutch: taakopdracht English: work assignment Dutch: taakprogramma English: task program Dutch: taakprogrammering English: task programming Dutch: taakroulering English: job rotation Dutch: taakstadia English: task states Dutch: taakstadium English: task state Dutch: taakstelling English: task setting Dutch: taakvariabele English: task variable Dutch: taakverbreding English: job enlargement Dutch: taakverdeling English: division of labour; allocation of duties Dutch: taakverrijking English: job enrichment Dutch: taakverruiming English: job enlargement; jog enrichment Dutch: taakvorming English: task assignment; work assignment Dutch: taalcode English: language code Dutch: taalconstructie English: language construct Dutch: taalgebied English: language area Dutch: taalkundige ontleding English: parsing Dutch: taalnummer English: language number Dutch: taalopdracht English: language statement Dutch: taalregel English: language rule Dutch: taalstandaard English: language standard Dutch: taalsymbool English: language symbol Dutch: taaltrainer English: language trainer Dutch: taats English: pivot; journal Dutch: taatsblok English: thrust block Dutch: taatslager English: pivot bearing; thrust bearing Dutch: taatslagerschroef English: thrust-bearing screw Dutch: taatspot English: heel socket Dutch: taatsschroef English: pivot screw Dutch: tabel English: array; table; tabular statement; tabulation Dutch: tabellarisch English: tabular; tabulated Dutch: tabelleermachine English: tabulating machine; tabulator; accounting machine Dutch: tabelleren English: to tabulate; to print totals only Dutch: tabellering English: tabulation Dutch: tabelraadpleging English: table look-up Dutch: tabelzoekopdracht English: table look-up instruction Dutch: tablet English: tablet; pellet; slug Dutch: tabletteermachine English: tablet compressing machine; pelletizer Dutch: tablettenmachine English: tablet compressing machine; pelletizer Dutch: tabletteren English: to pellet; to pelletize Dutch: tabulatieteken English: tabulation character Dutch: tabulator English: tabulator stop; tablet compressing machine; pelletizer Dutch: tabuleerteken English: tabulation character Dutch: tachofrequentie English: tacho frequency Dutch: tachogenerator English: tachogenerator Dutch: tachospanning English: tacho voltage Dutch: tactiele sensor English: tactile sensor Dutch: tafel English: table; base; bench; platen; bed Dutch: tafelapparaat English: desk-top apparatus; table set Dutch: tafelblad English: table top; table leaf; table flap Dutch: tafelboormachine English: bench drill; bench drilling machine Dutch: tafeldraaibank English: bench lathe Dutch: tafelmodel English: table-top version; bench model Dutch: tafelplotter English: flatbed plotter Dutch: tafelschaafbank English: planing machine Dutch: tafelschaafmachine English: bench planer Dutch: tafelslijpmachine English: bench grinder Dutch: tafelstandaard English: table stand Dutch: tafelstatief English: table stand Dutch: tak English: branch; leg Dutch: takel English: hoist; tackle Dutch: takelen English: to hoist up Dutch: takstroom English: branch current Dutch: takvoedingskabel English: branch feeder cable Dutch: talg English: tallow Dutch: talk English: talc; talcum; tallow Dutch: talstelsel English: numerative system; radix notation; radix scale Dutch: tampon English: tampon; plug Dutch: tampondrukken English: tampon printing Dutch: tamponneerverf English: stippling paint Dutch: tamponneren English: to stipple; to mat Dutch: tand English: tooth; cog; prong Dutch: tandboog English: quadrant Dutch: tanddiepte English: tooth depth Dutch: tandempotmeter English: tandem potentiometer Dutch: tanden (aantal) English: number of teeth Dutch: tandenborstel English: toothbrush Dutch: tandflank English: tooth flank Dutch: tandfreesbank English: gear cutter Dutch: tandhoek English: helix angle; tooth angle Dutch: tandholte English: tooth space Dutch: tandingrijping English: tooth engagement; tooth meshing Dutch: tandkern English: tooth core Dutch: tandketting English: toothed chain; chain belt Dutch: tandkop English: tooth head; tooth tip Dutch: tandkopcirkel English: tip circle Dutch: tandkopspeling English: tooth-tip clearance Dutch: tandkrans English: gear ring Dutch: tandkuil English: tooth space Dutch: tandomtrek English: tooth outline; tooth contour Dutch: tandprofiel English: tooth profile Dutch: tandrad English: gear; gear wheel; toothed wheel; cog-wheel Dutch: tandradpomp English: rotary geared pump; gear pump Dutch: tandrichting English: lead Dutch: tandriemschijf English: timing-belt pulley Dutch: tandring English: toothed lockwasher Dutch: tandschroeflijn English: tooth helix Dutch: tandsegment English: toothed segment; gear segment Dutch: tandvoet English: root Dutch: tandvorm English: tooth shape Dutch: tandwiel English: gear; gear wheel; toothed wheel; cog-wheel Dutch: tandwiel en heugel English: rack and pinion Dutch: tandwielkast English: gear box Dutch: tandwielnaaf English: gearwheel hub Dutch: tandwieloverbrenging English: gearing; gear transmission Dutch: tandwielpakket English: gear train Dutch: tandwielpomp English: gear pump Dutch: tandwielschaar English: swing frame Dutch: tandwielschakeling English: gear-change Dutch: tandwielslijpen English: gear grinding; gear shaving Dutch: tandwielsmeer English: gear lubricant Dutch: tandwijdte English: base tangent length Dutch: tang English: pincers; nippers; pliers; collet chunk Dutch: tangenapparaat English: pincers feeding device Dutch: tangentenboussole English: tangent galvanometer Dutch: tangentiaal English: tangential Dutch: tangentiaalbeitel English: tangential turing tool Dutch: tangentiële aftasting English: tangential tracking Dutch: tangentiële toonarm English: tangential tone arm Dutch: tank English: tank Dutch: tankbekleding English: tank lining Dutch: tankinhoud English: tank capacity Dutch: tantaaldetector English: tantalum detector Dutch: tantaalelco English: electrolyte tantalum capacitor Dutch: tantaalpoeder English: tantalum powder Dutch: tantaalzuur English: tantalic acid Dutch: tap English: stud; axle pin; trunnion; tap; branch; journal; tenon Dutch: tap en gat English: mortise and tenon Dutch: tapbeitel English: mortise chisel Dutch: tapboor English: mortise drill Dutch: tapbout English: tap bolt Dutch: tape English: tape Dutch: tapeind English: stud Dutch: tapen English: taping Dutch: tapgat English: mortise; mortice; tapped hole; bung-hole Dutch: tapijtborstel English: carpet brush Dutch: tapijtklopper English: carpet beater Dutch: tapkraan English: bibcock; drain cock Dutch: tapmachine English: tapping machine Dutch: tapmal English: tapping jig Dutch: tappen English: to tap Dutch: taps English: tapered; taper; conical Dutch: tapsheid English: taper Dutch: tarief English: tariff; rate Dutch: tariefbureau English: rate-fixing department Dutch: tariefsteller English: rate-fixer Dutch: tariefstelling English: rate-fixing Dutch: tarra English: tare; tare weight Dutch: tas English: carrying case; everready case; bag; pile Dutch: taster English: feeler; scanner; sensor; trip pawl; record dia scanner; record dia sensor Dutch: tasterhefboom English: trip-pawl lever; record dia selector lever Dutch: tasterpoetsbeugel English: trip-pawl wiper; record dia selector cancelling arm Dutch: tastsensor English: touch sensor Dutch: taxonomisch redeneren English: taxonomic reasoning Dutch: Taylorisme English: Taylorism Dutch: Taylor-stelsel English: Taylor system Dutch: T-balk English: T-beam; tee-beam Dutch: T-bout English: T-bolt; tee-bolt Dutch: te hoog ramen English: to overestimate Dutch: te laag ramen English: to underestimate Dutch: te weten English: namely; viz.; to wit Dutch: teak English: teak; teak-wood Dutch: technetium English: technetium Dutch: technicum English: technical school Dutch: techniek English: technique; technics; technical science; engineering Dutch: technisch adviseur English: technical adviser; consulting engineer; engineering consultant Dutch: technisch glanzen English: industrial brightening Dutch: technisch magazijn English: technical store Dutch: technisch management English: technical management Dutch: technisch verchroomd English: technical chromium plated; industrial chromium plated; hard chromium plated Dutch: technisch vergulden English: industrial gold plating; engineering gold plating Dutch: technische database English: engineering data base: EDB Dutch: technische hulp English: technical assistance; technical aid Dutch: technische indicator English: technical indicator Dutch: technische informatie English: technical information; engineering data Dutch: technische kennis English: technical knowledge; technical know-how; engineering skill Dutch: technische kwaliteit English: technical quality Dutch: technische praktijk English: engineering practice Dutch: technische sector English: technical sector Dutch: technische standaard English: technical standard Dutch: technische varianten English: technical variants Dutch: technische wijziging English: engineering change Dutch: technologisch English: technological Dutch: technologisch milieu English: technological environment Dutch: technoloog English: technologist Dutch: teepol English: teepol Dutch: teer English: tar; fragile; delicate Dutch: teerbase English: tar base Dutch: TEFLON English: polytetrafluoroethylene: PTFE Dutch: tegelijk English: at a time; at the same time; simultaneously Dutch: tegen elkaar wegvallen English: to cancel each other Dutch: tegencenter English: headstock centre; tailstock centre Dutch: tegencontrole English: countercheck Dutch: tegendruk English: back pressure; counter-pressure Dutch: tegen-emk English: back-emf; counter-emf Dutch: tegenfase English: antiphase; opposite phase; reverse phase Dutch: tegenfrictie English: counter-friction; LH-reel friction Dutch: tegengaan English: to check; to arrest; to stop; to prevent Dutch: tegengalm English: echo Dutch: tegengesteld English: opposite; opposed; reversed Dutch: tegengestelde ladingen English: unlike charges Dutch: tegengewicht English: counterweight; counterbalance; counterpoise Dutch: tegenhouden English: to stop; to check; to hold up; to impede; to retard; to obstruct; to retain; to arrest; to support; to hold down; to detain; to hold back Dutch: tegenkoppel English: counter-torque; reverse torque Dutch: tegenkoppeleffect English: negative-feedback effect Dutch: tegenkoppelen English: to feedback negatively; back coupling Dutch: tegenkoppelfactor English: negative-feedback factor Dutch: tegenkoppeling English: negative feedback; degeneration; degenerative feedback; reverse feedback; inverse feedback; back coupling Dutch: tegenkracht English: opposite force Dutch: tegenlast English: counterweight; counterbalance; counterpoise Dutch: tegenmaatregel English: counter-measure Dutch: tegenover English: opposite; facing Dutch: tegenover elkaar staan English: to be opposite each other; to be opposed Dutch: tegenovergelegen English: opposite Dutch: tegenovergesteld English: opposite; opposed; reversed Dutch: tegenoverliggend English: opposite; opposing; facing Dutch: tegenoverliggende lus English: back lobe Dutch: tegenpal English: counter-pawl; counter-catch Dutch: tegenspanning English: counter-voltage Dutch: tegenstrijdig English: in conflict; adverse to each other; opposed; opposite; contradictory Dutch: tegenstroom English: counter-current; back-current; counter-flow; back-flow Dutch: tegenvoorspanning English: reverse bias voltage; reverse bias Dutch: tegenwerken English: to counteract; to oppose Dutch: tegenwicht English: counterweight; counterbalance; counterpoise Dutch: tegenzijde English: opposite side; back Dutch: teken English: sign; symbol; mark; character Dutch: tekenaap English: pantograph Dutch: tekenattribuut English: character attribute Dutch: tekenbestand English: plot file Dutch: tekenbewerking English: character operation Dutch: tekenbit English: sign bit Dutch: tekenbord English: drawing stand Dutch: tekencijfer English: sign digit Dutch: tekendichtheid English: character density Dutch: tekendriehoek English: set square Dutch: tekendrukker English: character printer Dutch: tekenen English: to draw; to sign; to mark Dutch: tekengereedschap English: drawing instrument; drawing implements Dutch: tekenhaak English: T-square Dutch: tekenherkenning English: character recognition Dutch: tekening English: drawing; sketch; figure; figuring Dutch: tekeningenpakket English: set of drawing sheets Dutch: tekeningformulier English: drawing sheet Dutch: tekeningkast English: drawing cabinet Dutch: tekeningnummer English: drawing number Dutch: tekeninkt English: drawing ink Dutch: tekenmachine English: drawing machine; drafting machine; plotter Dutch: tekenmal English: French curve; template Dutch: tekenmateriaal English: drawing material Dutch: tekenomkeerder English: sign changer; inverter; sign reverser Dutch: tekenplank English: drawing board Dutch: tekenpotlood English: drawing lead; drawing pencil Dutch: tekenprimitief English: drawing primitive Dutch: tekenrij English: character array; character string Dutch: tekens English: character set Dutch: tekens per inch English: characters per inch: cpi Dutch: tekens per seconde English: characters per second: cps Dutch: tekensamenstelling English: character assembly Dutch: tekensoort English: character font Dutch: tekentafel English: drawing table; drawing stand; plotting board Dutch: tekentype English: character type Dutch: tekenvariabele English: character variable Dutch: tekort English: shortage; deficiency; short supply; want; lack; deficit Dutch: tekort bij levering English: short delivery; deficiency in the quantity Dutch: tekorten English: shortage Dutch: tekortenchasseur English: shortage chaser Dutch: tekst English: text; caption; letter-press; context Dutch: tekstbestand English: text file Dutch: tekstboek English: text book Dutch: teksteditor English: text editor Dutch: tekstgeneratie English: text generation Dutch: tekstopmaakprogramma English: text editor; text formatter Dutch: tekstplaat English: text plate Dutch: tekstraam English: title block Dutch: tekstschrijven English: copy-writing Dutch: tekstueel English: textual Dutch: tekstveld English: text field Dutch: tekstverwerking English: word processing: WP Dutch: telbuis English: counter tube Dutch: telbuisversterker English: indicator-tube amplifier Dutch: telefoneren English: to telephone Dutch: telefoniemodulatie English: voice modulation Dutch: telefonisch English: telephone; telephonic; by telephone; over the telephone Dutch: telefoon English: telephone; receiver Dutch: telefoonbeantwoorder English: telephone answerer Dutch: telefoonconferentie English: conference call Dutch: telefoonlijn English: telephone line Dutch: telefoonmonitor English: telephone monitor Dutch: telefoonmontagedraad English: telephone assembly wire Dutch: telefoonspoel English: telephone adapter; telephone coil Dutch: telefoontje English: phone call Dutch: telegraferen English: to telegraph; to wire; to cable Dutch: telegrafisch English: telegraphic; wire; wired; by telegraph Dutch: telegram English: telegram; wire; cable; cablegram Dutch: telelens English: telelens Dutch: telemeter English: telemeter Dutch: teleprinter English: teleprinter Dutch: telerecording English: telerecording Dutch: telescoopantenne English: telescopic antenna; telescopic aerial Dutch: telescooparm English: telescopic arm Dutch: telescopisch English: telescopic Dutch: teletext English: teletext Dutch: teletype English: teletype Dutch: televiseren English: to televize Dutch: televisieantenne English: television antenna; television aerial Dutch: televisieapparaat English: television receiver; television set; TV receiver; telly Dutch: televisieband English: television band Dutch: televisiebeeld English: television image; television picture; television scene Dutch: televisiecamera English: television camera; telecamera Dutch: televisiefilm English: telefilm Dutch: televisiefrequentie English: television frequency Dutch: televisie-industrie English: television industry; TV industry Dutch: televisiekanaal English: television channel Dutch: televisiekanaalsignaal English: television-channel signal Dutch: televisiekijken English: televiewing Dutch: televisiekijker English: television watcher; televiewer; viewer Dutch: televisielijn English: television line Dutch: televisienorm English: television standard Dutch: televisieomroep English: television broadcast Dutch: televisieontvanger English: television receiver; television set; TV receiver; telly Dutch: televisieontvangst English: television reception; TV reception Dutch: televisieopname English: television recording Dutch: televisiescherm English: television screen Dutch: televisiesignaal English: television signal Dutch: televisiestandaard English: television standard Dutch: televisiestation English: television station; TV station Dutch: televisiesteker English: television plug Dutch: televisiestoring English: television interference Dutch: televisiestudio English: television studio; TV studio Dutch: televisietechnicus English: television engineer; TV engineer Dutch: televisietechniek English: television technique; television engineering Dutch: televisieuitzending English: television broadcast; telecast; television transmission Dutch: televisieuniversiteit English: television university; university of the air; open university Dutch: televisiezender English: television transmitter Dutch: televoltmeter English: televoltmeter Dutch: telex(bericht) English: telex Dutch: telexapparaat English: teletypewriter Dutch: tellen English: to count Dutch: teller English: counter; adder Dutch: telling English: count; counting; numbering; adding up; addition Dutch: tellurium English: tellurium Dutch: telluur English: tellurium Dutch: telmechanisme English: counter mechanism Dutch: telpuls English: count Dutch: telpunt English: count point Dutch: telwerk English: digital counter; tape-position indicator; accumulator; addition work Dutch: temperatuuraanpassing English: temperature adaptation Dutch: temperatuurbegrenzing English: temperature limitation Dutch: temperatuurbereik English: temperature range Dutch: temperatuurbestendig English: temperature-resistant Dutch: temperatuurbrosheid English: temper brittleness Dutch: temperatuurcoëfficiënt English: temperature coefficient Dutch: temperatuurcompensatie English: temperature compensation Dutch: temperatuurdaling English: drop in temperature; fall in temperature Dutch: temperatuurdrift English: temperature-sensitive drift; temperature frequency change Dutch: temperatuurgevoelig English: susceptible to temperature Dutch: temperatuurgrens English: temperature limit Dutch: temperatuurinstelling English: temperature setting; temperature adjustment Dutch: temperatuurkeuzeschijf English: temperature dial; temperature selector Dutch: temperatuurmeter English: temperature gauge Dutch: temperatuurmeting English: temperature measurement Dutch: temperatuurproef English: temperature test Dutch: temperatuurprofiel English: temperature profile Dutch: temperatuurregelaar English: temperature control Dutch: temperatuurschakelaar English: thermal cut-off; temperature selector Dutch: temperatuurschok English: thermal shock Dutch: temperatuurschommeling English: temperature fluctuation; fluctuation in temperature Dutch: temperatuurspeelproef English: running test at ... degrees Celsius Dutch: temperatuurstijging English: temperature rise; rise in temperature Dutch: temperatuurstrip English: temperature strip Dutch: temperatuurtraject English: temperature range Dutch: temperatuurvariaties English: temperature variations Dutch: temperatuurvast English: temperature-resistant Dutch: temperatuurvastheid English: temperature resistance Dutch: temperatuurveiligheid English: thermal fuse Dutch: temperatuurverandering English: change in temperature Dutch: temperatuurverlaging English: reduction in temperature Dutch: temperatuurverloop English: temperature behaviour; effect of temperature; temperature curve Dutch: temperatuurverschil English: difference in temperature Dutch: temperatuurwijziging English: alteration in temperature Dutch: temperatuurwisselingen English: temperature fluctuations; variations in temperature Dutch: temperatuurwisselproef English: temperature cycling test; alternating temperature test Dutch: temperen English: to temper; to anneal; to soften; to tone down; to subdue Dutch: tempering English: tempering; annealing; softening; toning-down; subduing Dutch: temperoven English: tempering furnace Dutch: tempo English: tempo; speed; pace; rate; movement Dutch: temporeel English: temporal Dutch: temporeel schakelen English: temporal switching Dutch: ten gevolge van English: in consequence of; as a result of Dutch: ten koste van English: at the expense of; to the detriment of Dutch: ten uitvoer brengen English: to carry out; to put into execution Dutch: tendens English: tendency; trend Dutch: tendentie English: tendency Dutch: tenietdoen English: to eliminate; to cancel; to nullify; to skip Dutch: tentoonspreiden English: to display Dutch: tentoonstellen English: to exhibit; to show; to display Dutch: tentoonstelling English: exhibition; display; showing Dutch: ter keuze van klant English: at option of customer Dutch: ter oriëntatie English: for your guidance Dutch: tera English: tera Dutch: terahertz English: terahertz: THz Dutch: terhandstelling English: handing over; delivery Dutch: term English: term Dutch: termijnorder English: forward order Dutch: ternair English: ternary Dutch: terraseffect English: terrace effect Dutch: terreinafbakening English: definition of scope; terms of references Dutch: tertiair English: tertiary Dutch: tertiaire spoel English: tertiary coil Dutch: terts English: third Dutch: terugbrengen English: to bring back Dutch: terugbrengen tot English: to reduce to Dutch: terugbrengveer English: return spring Dutch: terugbuigen English: to bend back Dutch: terugdraaien English: to turn back; to rotate in reverse; to reverse Dutch: terugdrukken English: to press back; to push back Dutch: terugdrukpen English: return pin Dutch: terugdrukveer English: return spring Dutch: teruggaan English: to return; to go back Dutch: teruggaande slag English: back stroke; return stroke Dutch: teruggang English: going back; return Dutch: teruggekoppelde brug English: bridge feedback Dutch: terughaalveer English: return spring Dutch: terughalen English: to withdraw Dutch: terugkaatselektrode English: repeller Dutch: terugkaatsen English: to reflect; to bounce of Dutch: terugkaatsingshoek English: angel of reflection Dutch: terugkeeradres English: link; return; return address Dutch: terugkeercode English: return code Dutch: terugkeermodificator English: link; return Dutch: terugkeeropdracht English: link; return Dutch: terugkeerpunt English: re-entry point Dutch: terugkeerwaarde English: return value Dutch: terugkeren English: to return; to recur Dutch: terugkerend English: returning; recurrent; recurrring Dutch: terugkomen English: to come back; to return Dutch: terugkoppeldemping English: feedback attenuation Dutch: terugkoppelen English: to feedback; to couple back Dutch: terugkoppelfactor English: feedback factor Dutch: terugkoppelimpedantie English: feedback impedance Dutch: terugkoppelimpuls English: feedback pulse Dutch: terugkoppeling English: feedback; generation Dutch: terugkoppelingscyclus English: feedback cycle Dutch: terugkoppelingsfactor English: feedback factor Dutch: terugkoppelingslijn English: feedback bus Dutch: terugkoppelingssignaal English: feedback signal Dutch: terugkoppelkring English: feedback circuit Dutch: terugkoppellus English: feedback loop Dutch: terugkoppelspanning English: feedback voltage Dutch: terugkoppelspoel English: feedback coil; coupling coil Dutch: terugkoppelweg English: feedback path Dutch: terugloop English: reflux; backflow; decrease; fall Dutch: terugloopbeweging English: return movement Dutch: teruglooptoets English: carriage return character: CR Dutch: teruglopen English: to run back; to flow back; to fall; to decrease; to drop Dutch: terugmelding English: back annotation Dutch: terugoproepen English: callback Dutch: terugplaatsen English: place back; replace Dutch: terugregelcircuit English: feedback circuit Dutch: terugregelen English: to adjust back Dutch: terugschakelen English: to change down Dutch: terugschuiven English: to push back; to move back; to slide back Dutch: terugslag English: flyback; retrace; return trace; return stroke; rebound; setback; check; kickback Dutch: terugslagimpuls English: flyback pulse Dutch: terugslagklep English: non-return valve Dutch: terugslagkraan English: non-return valve Dutch: terugslaglijnen English: flyback lines; re-trace lines Dutch: terugslagonderdrukking English: blanking Dutch: terugslagtijd English: flyback period Dutch: terugslagveer English: return spring Dutch: terugslagventiel English: non-return valve Dutch: terugslagverhouding English: flyback ratio Dutch: terugslagverlies English: retrace loss; flyback loss Dutch: terugspatiëren English: to backspace Dutch: terugspoelstrip English: rewind strip Dutch: terugspoeltoets English: rewind key; rewind button Dutch: terugspoeltrommel English: rewind drum Dutch: terugspoelwiel English: rewind wheel; rewind pulley Dutch: terugspringen English: to spring back; to leap back; to rebound Dutch: terugstelactie English: reset action Dutch: terugstelimpuls English: reset pulse Dutch: terugstellen English: to backspace; to reset; to clear; to unset Dutch: terugstelpuls English: reset pulse Dutch: terugstelteken English: backspace character Dutch: terugsteltijd English: reset time Dutch: terugstoten English: to repel Dutch: terugstraalantenne English: backfire antenna; backfire aerial; endfire antenna; endfire aerial Dutch: terugstromen English: to flow back Dutch: terugstroming English: backflow; reflux; return flow Dutch: terugsturen English: to send back; to return Dutch: terugtitrering English: return-titration; back-titration Dutch: terugtoetsen English: to backspace Dutch: terugtrekken English: to withdraw; to retract Dutch: terugtrekking English: rollback Dutch: terugvalsnelheid English: fall-back speed Dutch: terugveren English: to spring back; to rebound; to recover Dutch: terugvering English: springback; rebound; recovery Dutch: terugveringshoek English: angle of recovery; angle of springback Dutch: terugvloeien English: to flow back Dutch: terugvloeiing English: backflow; reflux; reflow Dutch: terugvloeikoeler English: reflux condenser Dutch: terugvoer via aarde English: ground return Dutch: terugvoeren English: to lead back; to feedback Dutch: terugvuurantenne English: backfire antenna; backfire aerial; endfire antenna; endfire aerial Dutch: terugwaarts afboeken English: to backflush Dutch: terugwaarts herstel English: backward recovery Dutch: terugwaarts ketenen English: backward chaining Dutch: terugwaarts plannen English: back scheduling; backward planning; backward scheduling Dutch: terugwerking English: negative feedback Dutch: terugwijzen English: to rechange to previous state Dutch: terugwinnen English: recuperate; extract; regenerate; recover Dutch: terugwinning English: recovery; recuperation; extraction; regeneration Dutch: terugzenden English: to send back; to return Dutch: terugzendverpakking English: returnables Dutch: terugzetten English: to push back; to pull back Dutch: terugzoeksysteem English: retrieval system Dutch: tesla English: tesla Dutch: Tesla-spoel English: Tesla coil Dutch: test English: checkout; test Dutch: testapparaat English: test apparatus; tester Dutch: testarchitectuur English: test set architecture Dutch: testbaar ontwerpen English: design for testability: DFT Dutch: testbaarheid English: testability Dutch: testbaarheidsanalyse English: testability analysis Dutch: testbeeld English: test pattern; test chart Dutch: testbeeldgenerator English: test-pattern generator Dutch: testbeeldsignaal English: test-pattern signal Dutch: testdekking English: test coverage Dutch: testdiaprojector English: test slide projector Dutch: testdocumentatie English: test documentation Dutch: testdoelstelling English: test objective Dutch: testdriver English: test driver Dutch: testeenheid English: test unit Dutch: testen English: to test; to prove Dutch: testen van de syntax English: syntax testing Dutch: testen van draden English: thread testing Dutch: testen van een eenheid English: unit testing Dutch: testen van een pad English: path testing Dutch: testen van een systeem English: system testing Dutch: testen van grenzen English: stress testing Dutch: testen van opdrachten English: statement testing Dutch: testen van prestaties English: performance testing Dutch: testfabriek English: pilot plant Dutch: testfase English: test phase Dutch: testfilm English: test film Dutch: testgegevens English: test data Dutch: testgeneratieprogramma English: test generator Dutch: testgroep English: test set Dutch: testharnas English: test harness Dutch: test-hulpprogramma English: debugger Dutch: testincidentverslag English: test incident report Dutch: testitem English: test item Dutch: testitem-verslag English: test item transmittal report Dutch: testkaart English: test card Dutch: testkabel English: test lead Dutch: testlijn English: test line Dutch: testlog English: test log Dutch: testmeettechniek English: test measurement technique Dutch: testmodel English: prototype; mockup; test model Dutch: testomgeving English: test environment Dutch: testontwerp English: test design Dutch: testoscillator English: test oscillator Dutch: testoscilloscoop English: test oscilloscope Dutch: testpatroon English: test pattern Dutch: testpatroongeneratie English: test pattern generation: TPG Dutch: testplaat English: test record; test disc Dutch: testproces English: test case Dutch: testprocesgenerator English: test case generator Dutch: testprocesspecificatie English: test case specification Dutch: testprogramma English: debugger; test program; test routine; diagnostic routine; testing program Dutch: testprojector English: test projector Dutch: testpunt English: test point Dutch: testrapport English: test report Dutch: testreeks English: test case suite Dutch: testresultaat English: outcome Dutch: testscript English: test script Dutch: testscriteria English: test criteria Dutch: testserie English: test set Dutch: testsignaal English: test signal Dutch: testsignaalgenerator English: test-signal generator Dutch: testspecificatie English: test specification Dutch: teststaaf English: test prod; test rod Dutch: teststap English: test step Dutch: teststation English: test station Dutch: testtafel English: testing table; test bench Dutch: testtechnicus English: tester Dutch: testuitvoering English: test execution Dutch: testvector English: test vector Dutch: testvergelijker English: test comparator Dutch: testverslag English: test record; test report Dutch: testvingerproef English: test-finger test Dutch: testwoord English: logatom Dutch: tetrachloorkoolstof English: carbon tetrachloride Dutch: tetraëder English: tetrahedron Dutch: tetrafluorethyleen English: tetrafluoroethylene: TFE Dutch: tetrahydrofuraan English: tetrahydrofurane Dutch: tetrakaidecaëder English: tetrakaidecahedron Dutch: tetrode English: tetrode Dutch: tetrodetransistor English: tetrode transistor Dutch: teveel English: excess Dutch: teweegbrengen English: to bring about; to set up; to create; to induce Dutch: tewerkgesteld zijn English: to be employed Dutch: tewerkgestelde English: employee; person employed Dutch: textiel English: textile; fabric Dutch: T-gleuf English: T-groove; tee-groove; T-slot Dutch: thalamus English: thalamus Dutch: thallium English: thallium Dutch: thematische kaart English: thematic map Dutch: theorema English: theorem Dutch: theorema van Gauss English: Gauss' theorem Dutch: theoreticus English: theorist Dutch: theoretisch English: theoretic; theoretical Dutch: theoretische maat English: theoretical size Dutch: therblig English: therblig Dutch: thermiek English: thermics Dutch: thermion English: thermion Dutch: thermionenfysica English: thermionics Dutch: thermionisch English: thermionic Dutch: thermionische buis English: thermionic tube Dutch: thermionische detector English: thermionic detector Dutch: thermionische emissie English: thermionic emission Dutch: thermionische kathode English: thermionic cathode Dutch: thermionische stroom English: thermionic current Dutch: thermisch English: thermic; thermal Dutch: thermisch behandeld English: heat treated Dutch: thermisch beveiligd English: flame-proof Dutch: thermisch evenwicht English: thermal equilibrium Dutch: thermisch neutron English: thermal neutron Dutch: thermisch vertind English: hot tinned; hot tin dipped Dutch: thermisch vertinnen English: hot tinning; hot tin dipping Dutch: thermisch verzinken English: hot dip galvanising; hot zinc dipping Dutch: thermische beveiliging English: thermal cut-out; flame protection; thermal guard Dutch: thermische emissie English: thermionic emission Dutch: thermische energie English: thermal energy Dutch: thermische geleiding English: thermal conductivity Dutch: thermische resistentie English: thermal resistance Dutch: thermische ruis English: thermal noise; Johnson noise Dutch: thermische schakelaar English: thermal switch Dutch: thermische weerstand English: thermal resistance; thermal resistor Dutch: thermodrift English: temperature-sensitive drift; temperature frequency change Dutch: thermo-elektriciteit English: thermo-electricity Dutch: thermo-elektrisch English: thermo-electric Dutch: thermofuse English: thermal fuse Dutch: thermohardend English: thermosetting Dutch: thermoharder English: thermosetter; thermoset Dutch: thermojunctie English: thermojunction Dutch: thermokoppel English: thermo-couple Dutch: thermokoppelbrug English: thermocouple bridge Dutch: thermomicrofoon English: thermal microphone; hot-wire microphone Dutch: thermoplacdraad English: heat-bonding wire; thermoplac wire Dutch: thermoplast English: thermoplastic Dutch: thermoplastisch English: thermoplastic Dutch: thermostaat English: thermostat Dutch: thermostaatregeling English: thermostat control; thermostatic control Dutch: thermostatisch English: thermostatic Dutch: thiosulfaat English: thiosulphate Dutch: thio-ureum English: thiourea Dutch: thixotropie English: thixotropy; false body Dutch: thoron English: thoron Dutch: thou English: one thousands of an inch Dutch: thread English: thread Dutch: thuispositie English: home position Dutch: thuiswerker English: home worker Dutch: thymolblauw English: thymol blue; thymol sulphone phthalein Dutch: thymolftaleïne English: thymol phthalein Dutch: thyratron English: thyratron Dutch: thyristor English: thyristor Dutch: ticonal English: ticonal Dutch: tien-complement English: tens complement; complement of ten Dutch: tiendelig English: decimal Dutch: tiendelig stelsel English: decimal system Dutch: tiener English: teenager Dutch: tienhoek English: decagon Dutch: tienjarenplan English: ten-year plan Dutch: tientallig English: decimal Dutch: tientallig cijfer English: decimal digit Dutch: tientallig stelsel English: decimal system; decimal notation; decimal numeration Dutch: tienvoud English: decuple Dutch: tienvoud van English: ten times Dutch: tijd- en kostenstudie English: time and cost study Dutch: tijd opnemen English: to time; to clock Dutch: tijdabscis English: time abscissa Dutch: tijdanalyse English: timing analysis Dutch: tijdas English: time axis; time base Dutch: tijdbasis English: time base; timebase Dutch: tijdbasisafbuiging English: timebase deflection Dutch: tijdbasisapparatuur English: timebase equipment Dutch: tijdbasisfrequentie English: timebase frequency; sweep frequency Dutch: tijdbasisgenerator English: timebase generator Dutch: tijdbasislijn English: timebase; timebase line; sweep Dutch: tijdbasispaneel English: timebase PB board Dutch: tijdbasisschakeling English: timebase circuit Dutch: tijdbasisspanning English: timebase voltage Dutch: tijdbesparing English: time saving; economy of time; saving of time Dutch: tijdbesteding English: time spending Dutch: tijdbestek English: space of time; span of time Dutch: tijdconsequentie English: timing consequence Dutch: tijdconstante English: time constant Dutch: tijdcyclus English: time cycle Dutch: tijddomein English: time domain Dutch: tijdelement English: time element Dutch: tijdelijk English: temporary; transient Dutch: tijdelijk geheugen English: temporary storage Dutch: tijdelijk opheffen English: to override Dutch: tijdelijke magneet English: temporary magnet Dutch: tijdelijke routines English: transient routines Dutch: tijdgebonden logica English: temporal logic Dutch: tijdgebonden taal English: temporal language Dutch: tijdgebrek English: lack of time Dutch: tijdgrens English: time fence; time limit; limit of time Dutch: tijdige levering English: timely delivery; on-time delivery; delivery on time Dutch: tijdige verwerking English: real-time operation; real-time working Dutch: tijdinstelling English: time adjustment Dutch: tijdintegraal English: time integral Dutch: tijdkarakteristiek English: transient response Dutch: tijdklok English: time recorder; time-clock; time-recording clock; timer; time switch Dutch: tijdlimiet English: time limit Dutch: tijdloon English: time wages Dutch: tijdmaat English: time measure Dutch: tijdmeting English: time measurement; timing Dutch: tijdmodulatie English: time modulation Dutch: tijdplaatsdiagram English: time-place diagram Dutch: tijdplaatsomzetter English: staticiser Dutch: tijdreeks English: time series Dutch: tijdreeksanalyse English: time series analysis Dutch: tijdsafhankelijk English: time-dependent Dutch: tijdschaalfactor English: time-scale factor Dutch: tijdschakelaar English: time switch; timer Dutch: tijdschakeling English: timer Dutch: tijdscharen English: time-sharing Dutch: tijdsdeel English: time slot Dutch: tijdsduur English: period of time; time interval; length of time; time bucket Dutch: tijdseenheid English: unit; unit of time; unit time Dutch: tijdsegment English: time slice Dutch: tijdsfactor English: time factor Dutch: tijdsgebeurtenis English: time event Dutch: tijdsignaal English: time signal Dutch: tijdsimulatie English: timing simulation Dutch: tijdsimulator English: performance simulator Dutch: tijdsinterval English: time interval Dutch: tijdsnelheiddiagram English: time-velocity diagram Dutch: tijdsperiode English: time bucket Dutch: tijdstudie English: time study Dutch: tijdsvertraging English: delay; time delay Dutch: tijdtabel English: time table Dutch: tijdvak English: period (of time) Dutch: tijdverdeling English: time division; time-sharing Dutch: tijdverificatie English: timing verification Dutch: tijdverificator English: timing verifier Dutch: tijdverlet English: unoccupied time; loss of time from work Dutch: tijdverlies English: loss of time Dutch: tijdverloop English: time lapse; period of time; space of time Dutch: tijdverschil English: difference in time Dutch: tijdvertraging English: time delay Dutch: tijdvertragingsorgaan English: transport delay unit; transport unit; delay unit Dutch: tijdvolgorde English: time sequence Dutch: tijdvolgordediagram English: time-travel diagram; time-traverse diagram Dutch: tijdwinst English: gain in time Dutch: T-ijzer English: T-iron; tee-iron Dutch: tikken English: to tick; to click; to type Dutch: tikken tegen English: to tap; to tap against Dutch: tikklok English: time recorder Dutch: tillen English: to lift Dutch: tilt English: tilt Dutch: tiltregelbereik English: tilt-control range Dutch: tiltregeling English: tilt control Dutch: timbre English: tone colour; timbre Dutch: timen English: to time Dutch: time-sharing English: time-sharing Dutch: time-sharing computer English: time-sharing computer Dutch: timing English: timing Dutch: timingsignaal English: timing signal Dutch: timmerhout English: timber Dutch: timmerman English: carpenter Dutch: tin English: tin Dutch: tinbad English: tin bath; tinning bath; tin plating solution Dutch: tinbekleding English: tin coating Dutch: tinfluorboraat English: tine fluorborate; stannous fluorborate Dutch: tinfolie English: tin foil Dutch: tinhoudend English: tin-bearing; stanniferous Dutch: tinklodder English: solder lump Dutch: tinlaag English: tin coat Dutch: tinring English: tin-solder ring; soft-solder ring Dutch: tinsoldeer English: tin solder; soft solder Dutch: tinsoldeerstaaf English: tin-solder stick; soft-solder stick Dutch: tint English: tint; tone; shade; he Dutch: tintcoördinaat English: tint co-ordinate Dutch: tip English: tip; bit; corner Dutch: tipmassa English: tip mass Dutch: tiptoets English: touch control Dutch: titaan English: titanium Dutch: titaanwit English: titanium white Dutch: titel; hoofdtitel English: title; heading Dutch: titelblok English: title block Dutch: titelspecificatie English: header entry Dutch: titer English: titre; normality Dutch: titervloeistof English: titre liquid Dutch: titrage English: titration Dutch: titratie English: titration Dutch: titreervloeistof English: standard solution Dutch: titreren English: to titrate Dutch: TL-buis English: fluorescent lamp; fluorescent tube Dutch: T-moer English: T-nut; tee-nut Dutch: tochtdeur English: swing door Dutch: tochtraampje English: quarterlight Dutch: tochtvrij maken English: draught proofing Dutch: tochtvrije jalouzie English: draught-excluding shutter; draught-excluding outer cover Dutch: toebehoren English: accessories; attachment Dutch: toebinden English: to tie up Dutch: toedraaien English: to close; to turn off Dutch: toegang English: access; entry; entrance; admission Dutch: toegangsbesturing English: access control Dutch: toegangscatalogus English: access list Dutch: toegangscategorie English: access category Dutch: toegangscijfer English: access digit Dutch: toegangsfase English: access phase Dutch: toegangsinitiator English: access originator Dutch: toegangskoppeleenheid English: access coupler Dutch: toegangslijn English: access line Dutch: toegangsmethode English: access method Dutch: toegangsperiode English: access period Dutch: toegangspoging English: access attempt Dutch: toegangspoort English: access gateway Dutch: toegangsprotocol English: access protocol Dutch: toegangsserver English: access server Dutch: toegangssnelheid English: access rate Dutch: toegangssucces English: access success Dutch: toegangsverzoek English: access request Dutch: toegepast English: applied Dutch: toegestaan English: allowed; permissible Dutch: toegestane afwijking English: authorized deviation Dutch: toegevoegd English: added; appended Dutch: toegevoegde record English: addition record Dutch: toegevoegde waarde English: added value; value-added Dutch: toegewezen capaciteit English: dedicated capacity Dutch: toegewezen frequentie English: assigned frequency Dutch: toegewezen kanaal English: allocated channel Dutch: toegewezen materiaal English: allocated material Dutch: toegewezen voetlijn English: allocated baseline Dutch: toegift English: allowance; encore Dutch: toekennen English: to allow; to assign; to set Dutch: toeklapbaar English: collapsible Dutch: toeklappen English: to fold Dutch: toekomstig English: future Dutch: toekomstige order English: future order Dutch: toekomstverwachtingen English: future expectations Dutch: toelaatbaar English: allowable; permissible Dutch: toelaatbaarheid English: permissibility; allowability; admissibility Dutch: toelaatbare slijtage English: permissible wear; maximum wear allowable Dutch: toelaten English: to admit; to permit Dutch: toelating English: admission; entrance Dutch: toeleverancier English: subcontractor Dutch: toelevering English: subcontractors' supplies; contracted-out supplies Dutch: toeleveringsbedrijf English: subcontractor Dutch: toeleveringsproces English: subcontracting process Dutch: toelichten English: to elucidate; to explain; to exemplify Dutch: toelichting English: explanation; elucidation Dutch: toelopen English: to taper; to taper off towards the point Dutch: toemaat English: overmeasure Dutch: toemaken English: to close; to shut Dutch: toename English: growth; increase; expansion; augmentation; rise Dutch: toenemen English: to expand; to augment; to increase; to grow Dutch: toenemend English: growing; increasing; expanding; augmenting Dutch: toenijpen English: to pinch up; to clench Dutch: toepasbaarheid English: applicability; application possibilities Dutch: toepassen English: to apply; to use; to introduce; to adopt Dutch: toepassing English: application; use; introduction; adoption Dutch: toepassingsdomein English: application domain Dutch: toepassingseenheid English: application unit Dutch: toepassingsgerichte IC English: application-specific IC: ASIC Dutch: toepassingslaag English: application layer Dutch: toepassingsmiddelen English: application resources Dutch: toepassingsprotocol English: application protocol Dutch: toer English: tour; revolution: rev; turn Dutch: toerekenbaarheid English: accountability Dutch: toerenbereik English: speed range Dutch: toerenregelaar English: speed regulator; speed control Dutch: toerenschijf English: stroboscopic disc Dutch: toerental English: number of revolutions: rpm Dutch: toerentalbereik English: speed range Dutch: toerentalfijnregeling English: rpm fine tuning Dutch: toerentalregeling English: speed regulation; speed control Dutch: toerentalstabilisering English: speed stabilization Dutch: toerenteller English: revolution counter; rev counter; turns counter Dutch: toerusten English: to equip; to fit out Dutch: toespitsen English: sharpen Dutch: toespraak English: address; speech Dutch: toespraak houden English: to deliver an address; to make a speech Dutch: toestaan English: to allow; to admit; to permit Dutch: toestand English: condition; state; mode of motion; situation Dutch: toestandsdiagram English: state diagram; state chart Dutch: toestandsgebeurtenis English: state event Dutch: toestandsgegevens English: state data Dutch: toestandsmachine English: state machine Dutch: toestandsovergang English: state transition Dutch: toestandsschema English: state diagram; state graph Dutch: toestandsschemadiagram English: state chart diagram Dutch: toestandsvariabele English: state variable Dutch: toestel English: set; receiver; apparatus; appliance; device; gadget; attachment; equipment; extension Dutch: toestelantenne English: set-top antenna; set-top aerial Dutch: toestelcontactdoos English: appliance inlet Dutch: toesteltransformator English: matching transformer Dutch: toestromen English: to flow in; to enter Dutch: toestroming English: influx; inflow; entry Dutch: toeter English: hooter; motor-horn Dutch: toets English: key; button; push button Dutch: toetsaanslag English: touch; key-stroke Dutch: toetsafdekplaatje English: push-button escutcheon Dutch: toetsbediening English: key control Dutch: toetsbeugel English: key bracket Dutch: toetscontact English: key v=contact Dutch: toetsdruk English: key pressure Dutch: toetseenheid English: key unit Dutch: toetsen English: to assay; to test; to check; to verify Dutch: toetsenbord English: keyboard Dutch: toetsenbordblokkering English: keyboard lock-up Dutch: toetshefboom English: key lever Dutch: toetsing English: assaying; testing; checking; verifying; test Dutch: toetsingsgrootheid English: test statistic Dutch: toetsingsnorm English: testing standard Dutch: toetsoppervlak English: key surface Dutch: toetsschuif English: push-button slide Dutch: toetsstang English: push-button rod Dutch: toetsstuk English: test piece Dutch: toevallig English: accidental; random; aleatory; stochastic Dutch: toevallige bewegingen English: random fluctuations Dutch: toevallige connector English: fortuitous conductor Dutch: toevallige vervorming English: fortuitous distortion Dutch: toevallige wissing English: accidental erasure Dutch: toevalsspreiding English: chance variation Dutch: toevalsvariabele English: random variable; stochastic variable; aleatory variable Dutch: toevoegen English: to add; to attach Dutch: toevoegen aan English: to add to Dutch: toevoeging English: addendum; addition; appendix Dutch: toevoegsel English: addition; appendix Dutch: toevoer English: supply; feed; input Dutch: toevoerapparaat English: feed apparatus; feeding device Dutch: toevoerbron English: supply source Dutch: toevoerbuis English: supply pipe; supply tube Dutch: toevoercapaciteit English: supply capacity Dutch: toevoerelektrode English: source Dutch: toevoeren English: to supply; to feed; to feed; to apply; to inject Dutch: toevoerfout English: misfeed Dutch: toevoergoot English: feed trough; feed chute Dutch: toevoerinrichting English: feeding device Dutch: toevoerkanaal English: supply channel Dutch: toevoerleiding English: supply line; feed line; supply pipe; supply lead; intake Dutch: toevoermagazijn English: hopper; magazine Dutch: toevoermatrijs English: transfer chamber Dutch: toevoerpijp English: supply pipe Dutch: toevoerpunt English: supply point Dutch: toevoerregelaar English: supply regulator; feed regulator Dutch: toevoerregeling English: supply regulation; feed regulation Dutch: toevoerslang English: inlet hose Dutch: toevoerspanning English: supply voltage Dutch: toevouwbaar English: collapsible Dutch: toevouwen English: to fold up; to fold Dutch: toewijzen English: to allocate; to appropriate; to allot; to apportion; to assign; to reserve Dutch: toewijzing English: allocation; appropriation; allotment; apportionment; assignment; reservation Dutch: toewijzing via naam English: assignment by name Dutch: toewijzingscommissie English: appropriation committee Dutch: toewijzingsopdracht English: assignment statement Dutch: toezenden English: to forward; to send; to send forward Dutch: toezicht English: supervision; oversight; surveillance; control; inspection; attendance Dutch: toggelen English: call splitting Dutch: token bus English: token bus Dutch: token transmissie English: token passing Dutch: tokenbestand English: token file Dutch: tokkeleffect English: pizzicato effect Dutch: tokkelen English: to knock; to chuck Dutch: tokospoel English: toko coil Dutch: tolerantie op English: tolerance on Dutch: tolerantiebreedte English: tolerance range Dutch: tolerantie-eenheid English: unit of tolerance; unit tolerance Dutch: tolerantie-eis English: tolerance requirement Dutch: tolerantiefactor English: tolerance factor Dutch: tolerantiegebied English: tolerance range; tolerance field; tolerance zone Dutch: tolerantieklasse English: class of tolerance Dutch: tolerantiemidden English: mid-tolerance Dutch: tolerantiestelsel English: limit system Dutch: tolerantieveld English: tolerance range; tolerance field; tolerance zone Dutch: tolerantiewaarde English: tolerance value Dutch: tolereren English: to tolerate Dutch: tombak English: tombac Dutch: ton English: barrel; ton; oblique barrel; hundred thousand units of a currency Dutch: tonaliteit English: tonality Dutch: tonautomaat English: automatic barrel plating equipment Dutch: tondeuse English: trimmers; clipper Dutch: tondeuse-opzetstuk English: clipper attachment Dutch: tonen English: to show; to prove; to demonstrate; to display; to exhibit Dutch: toner English: toner Dutch: tongfrequentie English: reed frequency Dutch: tongrelais English: reed relay Dutch: tongvijl English: double half-round file Dutch: tongvormig English: tongue-shaped Dutch: tonica English: tonic; fundamental; keynote Dutch: tonisch English: tonic Dutch: ton-kilometer English: ton-kilometre Dutch: tonlager English: spherical-roller bearing Dutch: tonnage English: tonnage Dutch: tonvervorming English: barrel distortion; positive distortion Dutch: tonvormige vertekening English: barrel distortion; positive distortion Dutch: toon English: tone; pitch Dutch: toonaangevend English: leading; representative Dutch: toonaard English: key Dutch: toonafstand English: interval Dutch: toonarm English: tone arm Dutch: toonarmas English: tone-arm shaft Dutch: toonarmashefboom English: tone-arm shaft lever Dutch: toonarmhoogte English: tone-arm height Dutch: toonarmkabel English: tone-arm cable Dutch: toonarmlift English: tone-arm lift Dutch: toonarmlifthefboom English: tone-arm lift lever; tone-arm raising lever Dutch: toonarmpositie English: tone-arm position Dutch: toonarmsteun English: tone-arm rest Dutch: toonarmzwenking English: tone-arm excursion; tone-arm travel Dutch: toonas English: capstan Dutch: toonasmotor English: capstan motor Dutch: toonbankartikelen English: counter-sale articles Dutch: toonbereik English: tonal range Dutch: toonfrequentiemeter English: audio-frequency meter Dutch: toonfrequenties English: voice frequencies Dutch: toongebied English: tonal range Dutch: toongenerator English: audio generator; AF generator; audio signal generator Dutch: toonhoogte English: pitch Dutch: toonkamer English: show room Dutch: toonkleur English: tone colour Dutch: toonknip English: tone-control switch Dutch: toonkop English: pick-up head; phono cartridge; audio head Dutch: toonloos English: toneless; unaccented Dutch: toonopnemer English: pick-up Dutch: toonopwekking English: tone generation Dutch: toonregelaar English: tone control Dutch: toonregeling English: tone control; tone adjustment Dutch: toonrol English: pinch roller; pinch wheel Dutch: toonrolhefboom English: pinch-roller lever Dutch: toonschaal English: scale; musical scale Dutch: toonschakering English: variation of tone; shade of tone colour Dutch: toonsoort English: key Dutch: toonsterkte English: sound strength; tone volume Dutch: toonweergave English: tonal reproduction Dutch: toonwiel English: tacho generator Dutch: toonzaal English: show room Dutch: toonzuiverheid English: purity of tone; tonal purity Dutch: top English: top; peak; summit; crest; tip; apex; hump Dutch: topbelasting English: top load; peak load Dutch: topcirkel English: tip circle Dutch: top-dalverhouding English: top-dip ratio; peak-to-valley ratio; peak-to-trough ratio Dutch: top-down English: top-down Dutch: top-down ontwerp English: top-down design Dutch: top-down testen English: top-down testing Dutch: top-down verbinding English: top-down connection Dutch: tophoek English: apex angle; vertical angle Dutch: topkring English: top circuit Dutch: topleiding English: top management Dutch: topmal English: topping jig Dutch: top-nul English: peak-to-zero Dutch: topografische kaart English: topographic map Dutch: topologie English: topology Dutch: topologische ruimte English: manifold Dutch: toppen English: to top Dutch: topprestatie English: top performance; peak performance; record performance Dutch: toppunt English: summit; apex; acme; perfection; pinnacle Dutch: topspeling English: top clearance Dutch: topspleet English: major clearance Dutch: topstroom English: peak current Dutch: topstroomamplitude English: peak-current amplitude Dutch: top-top English: peak-to-peak: pp Dutch: top-top afstand English: peak-to-peak Dutch: top-top amplitude English: peak-to-peak amplitude Dutch: top-top niveau English: peak-to-peak level Dutch: top-top waarde English: peak-to-peak value Dutch: topvermogen English: peak power Dutch: topwaarde English: peak value; amplitude; crest factor Dutch: topwaardemeter English: peak-value indicator Dutch: topzwaar English: top-heavy Dutch: tor English: transistor Dutch: tordeergereedschap English: twisting tool Dutch: tordeerlip English: twist lug Dutch: tordeermechanisme English: twisting mechanism Dutch: tordeerstaafje English: twisting rod; torsion rod Dutch: torderen English: to twist; to wrench Dutch: tordering English: twist; wrench Dutch: toren English: record dia selector housing Dutch: torenveer English: spiral spring; coil spring; coiled spring, volute spring Dutch: torsiebladveer English: torsion leaf spring Dutch: torsiegolven English: torsion waves Dutch: torsiekracht English: torque Dutch: torsiemoment English: torsional moment; torque Dutch: torsieproef English: torsion test Dutch: torsieschroefveer English: helical torsion spring Dutch: torsiestaafveer English: torsion-bar spring Dutch: torsiesterkte English: torsional strength Dutch: torsieuitvoering English: twist-prong version Dutch: torsieveer English: torsion spring Dutch: torsievertragingslijn English: torsion delay line Dutch: torusvormige spoel English: torodial coil Dutch: tot aan de rand gevuld English: filled to the brim Dutch: tot op heden English: to date Dutch: tot poeder malen English: to pulverize Dutch: tot stand brengen English: to establish Dutch: totaal English: total; total sum; total amount; sum total; overall; complete; all-in Dutch: totaaldoorlaatkromme English: overall response curve Dutch: totaalindruk English: overall impression; general impression Dutch: totaalkaart English: summary card Dutch: totaalniveau English: overall level; system level Dutch: totaalplan English: aggregate plan Dutch: totaalserie English: total series Dutch: totaalserieproduct English: product life quantity Dutch: totaalstuklijst English: summarized bill-of-material Dutch: totale breedte English: overall width Dutch: totale energie English: total energy Dutch: totale karakteristiek English: overall characteristic Dutch: totale markt English: total market Dutch: totale prognose English: aggregate forecast Dutch: totale speelruimte English: total float Dutch: totale versterking English: overall gain Dutch: totale voorraad English: aggregate inventory Dutch: totalen afdrukken English: to print totals only Dutch: touw English: rope; string; twine; cord Dutch: touwtjeseffect English: curling Dutch: toxisch English: toxic; toxical Dutch: TPD vrijgaveprocedure English: release procedure of TPD Dutch: traag English: inert; slow; delayed Dutch: traag lopende voorraad English: slow moving stock Dutch: traagheid English: inertia; mass inertia; slowness Dutch: traagheidsbelasting English: inertial loading Dutch: traagheidsorgaan English: lag unit Dutch: traagheidsvertraging English: inertial delay Dutch: traagvloeibaar English: viscous Dutch: trace van variabelen English: variable trace Dutch: traceringslijst English: where-used list Dutch: tractiebatterij English: traction battery Dutch: trafo English: transformator Dutch: trage loper English: slow mover Dutch: training English: training; practice Dutch: traliewerk English: grating Dutch: transactieanalyse English: transaction analysis Dutch: transactiematrix English: transaction matrix Dutch: transcoder English: transcoder Dutch: transconductantie English: transconductance Dutch: transcriberen English: to transcribe Dutch: transcriptie English: transcription Dutch: transductor English: transducer; transductor Dutch: transductorbuis English: transducer tube Dutch: transductorversterker English: transducer amplifier Dutch: transfercilinder English: transfer chamber; pot Dutch: transfergieten English: to transfer-mould; transfer moulding Dutch: transferpers English: transfer-moulding press; transfer press Dutch: transferpersen English: to transfer-mould; transfer moulding Dutch: transferpot English: transfer chamber; pot Dutch: transfertijd English: transfer time Dutch: transfervertolker English: transfer interpreter Dutch: transfluxor English: transfluxor Dutch: transformatiefunctie English: transformation function Dutch: transformatiematrix English: transformation matrix Dutch: transformator English: transformer Dutch: transformatorbak English: transformer case Dutch: transformatorblik English: transformer lamination Dutch: transformatorbrom English: transformer hum Dutch: transformatorkoppeling English: transformer coupling Dutch: transformatorloos English: transformerless Dutch: transformatorverlies English: transformer loss Dutch: transformatorwikkeling English: transformer winding Dutch: transformeren English: to transform Dutch: transiënt English: transient Dutch: transiënte analyse English: transient analysis Dutch: transiënte responsie English: transient response Dutch: transiënte verstoring English: hit Dutch: transistantie English: transistance Dutch: transistor/diodetester English: transistor/diode checker Dutch: transistorbasis English: transistor base Dutch: transistorbezetting English: transistor complement Dutch: transistoreindpaar English: matched pair of output transistors Dutch: transistorelement English: transistor element Dutch: transistoremitter English: transistor emitter Dutch: transistorgestuurd English: transistor-controlled Dutch: transistorisatie English: transistorization Dutch: transistoriseren English: to transistorize Dutch: transistormeetapparaat English: transistor tester; transistor checker Dutch: transistoroscillator English: transistor oscillator Dutch: transistorpaar English: pair of transistors Dutch: transistorschakeling English: transistor circuit Dutch: transistortester English: transistor tester; transistor checker Dutch: transistortheorie English: transistor theory Dutch: transistorversterker English: transistor amplifier Dutch: transitoir English: transitory Dutch: transitomagazijn English: transit store Dutch: transitron English: transitron Dutch: translatie English: translation Dutch: translatiesweep English: translation sweep Dutch: transmissieapparaat English: transmission equipment Dutch: transmissiekanaal English: transmission channel Dutch: transmissieleiding English: transmission line Dutch: transmissielijn English: transmission line Dutch: transmissienorm English: transmission standard Dutch: transmissierouteteken English: transmission control character Dutch: transmissiesnelheid English: bit rate; speed of transmission; transmission speed Dutch: transmissieversterking English: transmission gain Dutch: transmitteren English: to transmit Dutch: transparant English: transparent; transparency Dutch: transparante verf English: transparent paint; clear lacquer Dutch: transparantie English: transparence Dutch: transponder English: transponder Dutch: transport English: transport; transportation; carriage; transfer; amount carried forward Dutch: transportbestendigheid English: transport resistance Dutch: transportdienst English: transport service Dutch: transportdoorlooptijd English: transit lead time Dutch: transporteerbaar English: transportable Dutch: transportefficiency English: transport efficiency Dutch: transporteren English: to transport; to carry; to convey; to transfer; to carry forward Dutch: transportfunctie English: transport function Dutch: transportgaatjes English: feed holes Dutch: transportmechanisme English: transport mechanism Dutch: transportplanning English: transport planning Dutch: transportschroeven English: shipping bolts; transit screws Dutch: transporttijd English: transport time Dutch: transportverpakking English: shipping packaging Dutch: transputer English: transputer Dutch: transversaal English: transversal; transverse Dutch: trap English: section; stage; staircase; stairs; degree; step Dutch: trapbeugel English: stepped bracket Dutch: trapeziumbeeld English: trapezoid figure Dutch: trapeziumcorrectie English: keystone correction Dutch: trapeziumdraad English: buttress screwthread; acme screwthread Dutch: trapeziumfout English: trapezium distortion; keystone distortion Dutch: trapeziumintegratie English: trapezoidal integration Dutch: trapeziumvervorming English: trapezium distortion; keystone distortion Dutch: trapezoïdaal English: trapezoidal Dutch: trapezoïdale golf English: trapezoidal wave Dutch: trapezoïde English: trapezoid Dutch: trapgevoeligheid English: stage sensitivity Dutch: trapjescircuit English: stair-step circuit Dutch: trapjeseffect English: aliasing Dutch: trapjesgolf English: stair-step wave Dutch: traploos verstelbaar English: infinitely adjustable; infinitely variable Dutch: trapschaar English: foot-operated shears Dutch: trapschijf English: step pulley; stepped pulley Dutch: trapsgewijs English: cascaded; gradual; by stages; in stages; by steps; step by step; gradually Dutch: trapversterking English: stage gain; stepped amplification Dutch: trapverzwakking English: stage loss Dutch: trapvormige spanning English: staircase voltage; stepped voltage Dutch: traverseerarm English: traversing arm Dutch: traverseermachine English: traversing machine Dutch: traverseermechanisme English: traversing mechanism Dutch: traverseerschijf English: traversing cam Dutch: traverseren English: to traverse Dutch: trechter English: funnel; hopper; sprue; gate Dutch: trefcode English: hit code Dutch: trefelement English: target Dutch: treffen English: to strike; to hit Dutch: trefplaat English: target Dutch: trefwoord English: keyword; reference; word heading Dutch: trek English: pull; draw; jerk; draught; feature; line; characteristic; stroke Dutch: trek- en drukmeter English: tension and pressure meter Dutch: trekbaar English: drawable Dutch: trekbank English: drawbench; drawing machine; tensile-strength tester; tensile tester Dutch: trekbelasting English: tensile load Dutch: trekbewerking English: drawing operation Dutch: trekblok English: shaping die Dutch: trekbout English: draw bolt Dutch: trekbreuk English: tensile fracture Dutch: trekbreukspanning English: tensile breaking stress Dutch: trekbreuksterkte English: tensile breaking strength Dutch: trekbuigspanning English: tensile bending stress Dutch: trekbuigsterkte English: tensile bending strength Dutch: trekdiepte English: depth of draw; drawing depth Dutch: trekdoorn English: drawing punch Dutch: trekdoos English: draw box Dutch: trekdruk English: drawing pressure Dutch: trekdrukproef English: compression tensile test Dutch: trekfreesbank English: pull broaching machine Dutch: trekfrezen English: to broach Dutch: trekgat English: die hole; air hole; vent hole Dutch: trekgrens English: tensile limit; ultimate tensile stress Dutch: trekisolator English: glass insulator Dutch: trekken English: to pull; to draw; to jerk; to draw current; tearing; warping; to attract Dutch: trekkend part English: driving part; pulling part; leading part Dutch: trekker English: puller; tractor; trigger Dutch: trekker met oplegger English: articulated vehicle Dutch: trekkerij English: wire drawing works; wire drawing department Dutch: trekking English: random sample; test sample; random test; experimental sounding; sample Dutch: trekklem English: pulling clamp Dutch: trekkoord English: pull cord Dutch: trekkromme English: tension curve Dutch: treklipje English: tab Dutch: trekmagneet English: draw magnet Dutch: trekmatrijs English: drawing die Dutch: trekmessing English: drawing brass Dutch: trekmeter English: tension meter Dutch: treknippel English: drawing punch Dutch: trekolie English: oil for wire drawing Dutch: trekpen English: drawing punch; drawing pen Dutch: trekpers English: drawing press Dutch: trekplooi English: drawing pleat Dutch: trekproducten English: drawing products Dutch: trekproef English: tensile-strength test; tensile test Dutch: trekrichting English: direction of pulling; direction of drawing Dutch: trekrol English: pinch roll Dutch: trekslagproef English: impact tensile test Dutch: treksmeer English: drawing grease Dutch: treksnelheid English: pulling speed; rate of pulling; drawing speed; rate of drawing Dutch: trekspanning English: drawing stress; tensile stress Dutch: trekstaaf English: tensile test bar; test bar Dutch: trekstang English: draw bar; draw rod; pull rod; draw link; drag link; tie rod; tie bar Dutch: treksteen English: drawing die; die block Dutch: trekstempel English: drawing tool; drawing die Dutch: treksterktemeter English: tensile tester Dutch: treksterkteproef English: tensile test Dutch: treksysteem English: pull system Dutch: trekvastheid; trekvast English: tensile strength; high-tensile Dutch: trekveer English: tension spring Dutch: trekverhouding English: drawing ratio Dutch: trekvermoeidheid English: tensile fatigue Dutch: trekvet English: drawing grease Dutch: trekvloeispanning English: yield stress in tension Dutch: trekvrij English: unwarpable; warp-proof Dutch: trekwals English: drawing roller Dutch: trekwerk English: drawing products Dutch: trendcorrectie English: trend correction Dutch: trendlijn English: trend line Dutch: trendniveau English: trend level Dutch: triaalplanning English: ABC planning Dutch: tribologie English: tribology Dutch: trichlooraethyleen English: triclorethylene; trichloroethylene Dutch: trie English: trie Dutch: trigger English: trigger Dutch: triggeren English: to trigger Dutch: triggerspanning English: trigger voltage Dutch: triggertransformator English: pulse transformer Dutch: triggertrap English: pulse transformer Dutch: trigonometrisch English: trigonometric Dutch: trikresylfosfaat English: tricresyl phosphate Dutch: trilapparaat English: vibrator Dutch: trilbeweging English: vibratory movement; vibration; vibrating motion Dutch: trildiesel English: electronically switched diesel Dutch: trilholte English: resonator cavity; cavity Dutch: trilholte-oscillator English: cavity resonator Dutch: triljoen English: trillion; quintillion Dutch: trillen English: to vibrate; jitter Dutch: triller English: vibrator Dutch: trilleromvormer English: vibrator; vibratory converter; chopper Dutch: trillerstoring English: vibrator interference Dutch: trillertransformator English: vibrator transformer Dutch: trillerveer English: vibrator reed Dutch: trilling English: dither; vibration; oscillation Dutch: trillingsamplitude English: amplitude of vibration Dutch: trillingsdemping English: vibration damping Dutch: trillingsduur English: period of vibration; period of oscillation Dutch: trillingsfrequentie English: frequency of oscillation; frequency of vibration Dutch: trillingskring English: resonant circuit; tank circuit; oscillator circuit; resonator; tuned circuit Dutch: trillingsomzetter English: vibrator; vibratory converter; chopper Dutch: trillingsperiode English: period of vibration; period of oscillation Dutch: trillingsvermoeidheid English: vibrational fatigue Dutch: trillingsvrij English: vibration-free; vibrationless; without vibration Dutch: trilomvormer English: vibrator; vibratory converter; chopper Dutch: trilplaat English: diaphragm Dutch: trilproef English: vibration test Dutch: trilsoldeerbout English: vibratory soldering-iron Dutch: trilspoelmicrofoon English: moving-coil microphone Dutch: triltafel English: vibrating table Dutch: trilvast English: vibration-resisting Dutch: trilvastheid English: vibration resistance; resistance to vibration Dutch: trilveer English: vibrator reed Dutch: trilvrij English: vibration-free; vibration-proof Dutch: trilvullen English: to hopperfeed Dutch: trilvuller English: vibratory hopper Dutch: trilwals English: vibrating roller Dutch: trimblok English: trimming block Dutch: trimetrische projectie English: trimetric projection Dutch: trimfrequentie English: trimming frequency; aligning frequency Dutch: trimfunctie English: trim function Dutch: trimgereedschap English: trimming tool Dutch: trimmal English: trimming jig Dutch: trimmen English: to trim; to align; to adjust Dutch: trimmer English: trimmer Dutch: trimmercondensator English: trimmer capacitor Dutch: trimschroevendraaier English: trimming rod; trimming screwdriver Dutch: trimsleuf English: trimming slot Dutch: trimvork English: trimming fork Dutch: trinatriumfosfaat English: trisodium phosphate Dutch: trinoscoop English: trinoscope Dutch: trio English: trio; triad; triplet Dutch: triode English: triode Dutch: triodedetector English: triode detector Dutch: triode-eindtrap English: triode output stage Dutch: triode-hexode English: triode-hexode Dutch: triode-pentode English: triode-pentode Dutch: triodevoltmeter English: triode voltmeter Dutch: trioxide English: trioxide Dutch: tripel English: triad Dutch: triplex English: three-ply; plywood; triplex Dutch: triplexer English: triplexer Dutch: triplexglas English: triplex glass Dutch: triplexplaat English: three-ply board Dutch: triplo English: triplicate Dutch: troebel English: turbid; cloudy; milky Dutch: troebelheid English: turbidity; cloudiness; milkiness Dutch: troebelingspunt English: cloud point Dutch: trombone English: trombone Dutch: trommel English: drum; barrel; horizontal barrel; tub; tin; tin box; turret Dutch: trommel met gaatjes English: perforated tub; perforated barrel Dutch: trommelbad English: barrel plating solution; plating barrel; barrel Dutch: trommelbeweging English: drum action; barrel agitation Dutch: trommeldeksel English: drum lid Dutch: trommeleenheid English: drum unit Dutch: trommelen English: to barrel; to barrel finish; to tumble Dutch: trommelfactor English: drum factor Dutch: trommelgeheugen English: magnetic drumstore; magnetic drum; drum; drum storage Dutch: trommelnikkelzout English: nickel salt for tumbling Dutch: trommeloven English: rotating oven Dutch: trommelplaat English: drum plate Dutch: trommelplotter English: drum plotter Dutch: trommelpolijsten English: to barrel polish; to rumble; to tumble; to rotofinish; to barrel finish Dutch: trommelsnelheid English: drum speed Dutch: trommelsysteem English: drum system Dutch: trommelvulling English: drum load; barrel load Dutch: trommelwasmachine English: drum washing machine Dutch: trommelzendtoestel English: drum transmitter Dutch: tromp English: flare Dutch: trompet English: trumpet; funnel; flare Dutch: troostiet English: troostite Dutch: tropenbestendig English: tropic-proof; tropic-resistant Dutch: tropenklimaat English: tropic climate; tropical climate Dutch: tropenproef English: cyclic humidity test Dutch: tropenuitvoering English: tropical version Dutch: tropenvast English: tropic-proof; tropic-resistant Dutch: tropenvastheid English: tropic resistance Dutch: tropisch klimaat English: tropic climate; tropical climate Dutch: trucfilm English: special effects film Dutch: trucmengapparaat English: trick mixer Dutch: trucopname English: trick recording Dutch: tructoets English: superimpose switch; trick button Dutch: trunk English: trunk Dutch: trunkverbinding English: trunk link Dutch: T-schakelaar English: tee switch Dutch: tsjirpen English: to chirp; to cheep Dutch: T-stuk English: T-piece; tee-piece; tee Dutch: tuba English: tuba Dutch: tube English: tube; can Dutch: tubulair English: tubular Dutch: tuidraad English: guy wire Dutch: tuidraadklem English: guy clamp Dutch: tuien English: to guy; to stay Dutch: tuikabel English: guy wire Dutch: tuiklem English: guy clamp Dutch: tuikous English: guy-wire thimble Dutch: tuimelaar English: tumbler; bell crank; rocker Dutch: tuimelapparaat English: tumbler Dutch: tuimelen English: to tumble Dutch: tuimelinrichting English: tumbler; bell-crank system; rocker system Dutch: tuimelschakelaar English: tumbler switch; toggle switch Dutch: tuingereedschappen English: garden tools; gardening implements Dutch: tuit English: spout; lip; nozzle; spigot Dutch: tuner English: tuner Dutch: tuner/versterker English: tuner/amplifier Dutch: tunergedeelte English: tuner section Dutch: tungsten English: tungsten Dutch: tunnel English: duct; tunnel Dutch: tunnelconsole English: odds-and-ends box Dutch: tunneldiode English: tunnel diode Dutch: tunneldipmeter English: tunnel dipper Dutch: tunneloven English: conveyor oven Dutch: tupel English: tuple Dutch: turbulent English: turbulent; eddy Dutch: turbulentieversterker English: turbulence amplifier Dutch: turfstaatje English: tally; tally sheet; score Dutch: turing-test English: Turing test Dutch: turnkey English: turnkey Dutch: turnkey systeem English: turnkey system Dutch: turquoise English: turquoise; cyan Dutch: turven English: to tally Dutch: tussen English: between; among Dutch: tussen ligende laag English: crossply Dutch: tussenafstand English: intermediate distance; spacing Dutch: tussenas English: intermediate shaft Dutch: tussenbehandeling English: intermediate treatment Dutch: tussenbewerking English: intermediate operation Dutch: tussencondensator English: interstage capacitor Dutch: tussencontact English: intermediate contact Dutch: tussendiode English: interstage diode Dutch: tussenflens English: intermediate flange Dutch: tussenfrequentie English: intermediate frequency Dutch: tussengeheugen English: cache memory Dutch: tussenglans English: medium gloss Dutch: tussenkabel English: intermediate cable Dutch: tussenkring English: interstage circuit; interstage Dutch: tussenlaag English: intermediate layer; precoat; undercoat; underlying metal; cross-band; crossply Dutch: tussenlaag van papier English: interleaved with paper Dutch: tussenlassen English: to insert Dutch: tussenlegplaatje English: shim; washer Dutch: tussenliggend English: intervening; separating Dutch: tussenmaat English: intermediate size Dutch: tussenmontageplaat English: sub-plate; sub-chassis Dutch: tussenmuur English: partition wall; dividing wall Dutch: tussenopslagplaats English: intermediate storage Dutch: tussenpauze English: interval of time Dutch: tussenperiode English: intermediate period; interim period Dutch: tussenplaat English: intermediate plate; separating plate; loading shoe; thrust plate; packing plate Dutch: tussenplaatsen English: to interpose Dutch: tussenpoos English: interval Dutch: tussenpositie English: intermediate position Dutch: tussenproduct English: intermediate product; half-finished product Dutch: tussenprogramma English: interlude Dutch: tussenrad English: idler wheel; drive idler Dutch: tussenruimte English: interval; interspace; intermediate space; interstice; gap Dutch: tussenruimteteken English: gap character Dutch: tussenruimteverlies English: gap loss Dutch: tussenschakel English: intermediate link; connecting link; intermediary Dutch: tussenschakelaar English: intermediate switch Dutch: tussenschakeldemping English: insertion loss Dutch: tussenschakelen English: to insert; to interpose Dutch: tussenschakeling English: insertion; interposition Dutch: tussenschakelverlies English: insertion loss Dutch: tussenschieten English: to interleave Dutch: tussenschot English: partition; dividing wall; screen Dutch: tussenslag English: intercycle; control cycle Dutch: tussenspel English: interlude Dutch: tussenstadium English: intermediate stage Dutch: tussenstand English: intermediate position; middle-position; mid-position Dutch: tussenstuk English: distance piece; spacer Dutch: tussentekeninterval English: intercharacter interval Dutch: tussentransformator English: interstage transformer Dutch: tussentrap English: intermediate stage Dutch: tussenverdeler English: intermediate distributor Dutch: tussenvoegen English: to insert; to interpolate Dutch: tussenvoeging English: insertion; interpolation Dutch: tussenvoegnotatie English: infix notation Dutch: tussenvoorraad English: intermediate stock; bank; float Dutch: tussenvorm English: intermediate form; hybrid; compromise; cross Dutch: tussenwand English: partition wall; dividing wall Dutch: tussenwiel English: idler wheel; idler; intermediate wheel Dutch: tussenwielbeugel English: idler-wheel bracket; intermediate-wheel bracket Dutch: tussenwielsnaarschijf English: intermediate-wheel pulley; idler-wheel pulley Dutch: tussenzetten English: to interpose Dutch: TV English: television: TV; tele Dutch: TV-beschermruit English: implosion guard Dutch: TV-frequentie English: TV frequency Dutch: TV-kanaal English: TV channel Dutch: TV-kijken English: TV-viewing; televiewing Dutch: TV-kijker English: TV viewer; televiewer Dutch: T-vormig netwerk English: tee network Dutch: T-vormige verbinding English: tee junction Dutch: TV-producent English: TV producer Dutch: TV-regisseur English: TV director Dutch: TV-systeem English: TV system; TV standard Dutch: TV-toneel English: TV drama Dutch: TV-zender English: TV transmitter Dutch: twaalfhoekig English: dodecagonal Dutch: twee-aderig English: double-core; twin-core; two-core Dutch: twee-aderige kabel English: twin-cable; double-core cable Dutch: twee-adresopdrachtvorm English: two-address instruction format Dutch: twee-anode diode English: double-anode diode Dutch: twee-assig English: biaxial; two-axle; twin-shaft Dutch: twee-bakkensysteem English: two-bins system; two-bin system Dutch: twee-componenten lak English: two-components lacquer; two-cans lacquer; two-pack lacquer; two-package lacquer; twin-pack lacquer Dutch: tweede macht English: square Dutch: tweede programma English: second program Dutch: tweede-generatietaal English: second generation language: 2GL Dutch: tweedelig English: two-part; divided; dual Dutch: tweedeling English: dichotomy Dutch: tweedelingsselectie English: dichotomizing search Dutch: tweedemachtswortel English: square root Dutch: tweede-orde effening English: second order smoothing Dutch: tweedeurs English: two-door; tudor Dutch: tweedimensionaal English: two-dimensional: 2D; bidimensional Dutch: tweedraadsleiding English: two-wire line Dutch: twee-elementsantenne English: two-element antenna; two-element aerial Dutch: twee-etage-antenne English: tow-stack antenna; two-stack aerial Dutch: tweefasegelijkrichter English: full-wave rectifier Dutch: tweefasegelijkrichting English: two-phase rectification; full-wave rectification Dutch: tweegangig English: two-start; two-thread Dutch: tweehoekig English: two-angled; biangular Dutch: tweejarenplan English: two-year plan Dutch: tweekanaalstereo English: two-channel stereo Dutch: tweekleurig English: two-coloured; bi-coloured Dutch: tweeknopsafstemming English: dual control tuning; double-control tuning Dutch: tweelingantenne English: broadside stacking antenna; broadside stacking aerial Dutch: tweemaal zo helder als English: twice as bright as Dutch: tweepersoonsdeken English: double blanket Dutch: tweeploegenstelsel English: two-shift system; double-shift system Dutch: tweepolig English: bipolar; two-pole; double-pole; dipole Dutch: tweepolige steker English: two-pin plug Dutch: tweepuntsmeting English: tow-point measurement Dutch: tweerichtingenbus English: bidirectional bus Dutch: tweerichtingenstroom English: bidirectional current Dutch: tweerichtingloop English: bi-directional motion Dutch: tweerichtingskabel English: bidirectional cable Dutch: tweerichtingsstroming English: bidirectional flow Dutch: tweespillig English: two-spindle Dutch: tweesporenband English: twin-track tape; two-track tape Dutch: tweesporenbandopnemer English: tow-track tape recorder Dutch: tweesporenkop English: two-track head Dutch: tweesporensysteem English: two-track system Dutch: tweestandenschakelaar English: double-throw switch; two-way switch Dutch: tweetaktmotor English: two-stroke engine; two-cycle engine Dutch: tweetallig stelsel English: binary notation Dutch: tweetoerig English: two-speed Dutch: tweetoppig English: double-peaked; double-humped Dutch: tweetoppige verdeling English: bimodal distribution; double-peaked distribution Dutch: tweetrapsversterker English: two-stage amplifier Dutch: twee-uit-vijf code English: two-out-of-five code Dutch: tweevlaksantenne English: stacked antenna; stacked aerial Dutch: tweevoetstoon English: two-foot tone Dutch: tweevoud English: double Dutch: tweevoudig English: duplex; twofold; double; dual Dutch: tweevoudige steekproef English: duplicate sample Dutch: tweevoudige toestand English: bistate Dutch: tweewaardig English: bivalent Dutch: tweewaardige eenheid English: two-state device Dutch: tweewaardige logica English: two-state logic Dutch: tweewals English: twin-roll mill Dutch: tweewegafsluiter English: two-way valve Dutch: tweewegcommunicatie English: two-way communication Dutch: tweeweginteractie English: mixed initiative interaction Dutch: tweeweginterface English: mixed initiative interface Dutch: tweewegkraan English: two-way cock Dutch: tweewegversterker English: two-way amplifier Dutch: tweezijdig English: two-sided; on both sides; double-faced; two-side; double-ended; bilateral Dutch: tweezijdige toets English: two-sided test Dutch: tweezijdige versterker English: bilateral amplifier Dutch: tweezuilenpers English: two-column dieing press Dutch: twintig-tachtig regel English: twenty-eighty rule Dutch: twisten English: to twist Dutch: type English: type; grade Dutch: type-arm English: type bar Dutch: typebeperking English: assortment reduction; variety reduction; type reduction; type limitation Dutch: type-interface English: type interface Dutch: type-n English: n-type Dutch: typenummer English: type number Dutch: type-object English: type object Dutch: type-p English: p-type Dutch: typering English: typing Dutch: typestempel English: type stamp Dutch: typewisselteken English: font-change character Dutch: U-apparaat English: receiver without supply transformer Dutch: U-balk English: U-beam; channel beam Dutch: U-bocht English: U-bend Dutch: U-buis English: U-tube Dutch: UCS-driehoek English: UCS colour triangle Dutch: UCS-systeem English: Uniform Chromaticity Scale system Dutch: UHF/VHF-vertaler English: UHF-to-VHF translator Dutch: UHF-antenne English: UHF antenna; UHF aerial Dutch: UHF-buis English: UHF tube Dutch: UHF-condensator English: UHF capacitor Dutch: UHF-diode English: UHF diode Dutch: UHF-omvormer English: UHF converter Dutch: UHF-transistor English: UHF transistor Dutch: UHF-tuner English: UHF tuner Dutch: U-ijzer English: channel iron Dutch: uit English: out; turned off; switched off Dutch: uit elkaar staan English: to be apart; to be spaced Dutch: uit elkaar wijken English: to go apart Dutch: uit fase English: out of phase Dutch: uit het midden English: off centre; eccentric Dutch: uit voorraad leverbaar English: available from stock Dutch: uitademingsventiel English: outlet valve Dutch: uitbalanceren English: to balance; to equilibrate Dutch: uitbalancering English: balancing; balance; equilibration Dutch: uitbeelden English: to represent; to depict Dutch: uitbesteed item English: sub-contracted item Dutch: uitbijten English: to corrode; to eat into; to eat out; to etch Dutch: uitbijter English: maverick; outlier; extreme value; outlying observation Dutch: uitbijting English: corrosion; eating into; eating out; etching Dutch: uitbijtmiddel English: etchant; mordant; etching agent Dutch: uitbleken English: to bleach Dutch: uitblussen English: to extinguish; to put out Dutch: uitboren English: to bore out; to drill out; to drill open Dutch: uitbouw English: addition; extension; built-out addition; wing; annex; annexe; development Dutch: uitbouwbaar English: upgradable Dutch: uitbreidbaar English: extendable; expandable; open-ended; extensible Dutch: uitbreidbaarheid English: extendability; extensibility Dutch: uitbreidbare database English: extendable database Dutch: uitbrokkeling English: disintegration Dutch: uitbuigen English: to bend outwards Dutch: uitbuiggereedschap English: bending tool Dutch: uitbuigrichting English: bending direction Dutch: uitdelen English: to distribute; to allot; to hand on Dutch: uit-de-pas-relais English: out of step relay Dutch: uitdiepen English: to deepen; to deepen out; to recess Dutch: uitdieping English: recess; depression Dutch: uitdoen English: to put out; to turn out; to turn off; to switch off Dutch: uitdraai English: listing; output Dutch: uitdraaien English: to bore; to unmesh; to screw out; to unscrew; to undo Dutch: uitdrijven English: to expel; to force out; to float Dutch: uitdrogen English: to dry out; to dry up Dutch: uitdruipen English: to drain Dutch: uitdrukapparaat English: ejector Dutch: uitdrukgereedschap English: ejector Dutch: uitdrukken English: to express; to state; to force out; to press out; to eject; to squeeze; to flange Dutch: uitdrukker English: ejector Dutch: uitdrukking English: expression; statement; forcing out; pressing out; ejection; squeezing; flanging Dutch: uitdrukkingsmiddel English: means of expression Dutch: uitdrukpen English: ejector pin; knock-out pin; push-out pin Dutch: uitdrukprent English: ejector mark Dutch: uitdruppelen English: to drip out Dutch: uitdunnen English: to thin; to thin out Dutch: uitduwen English: to express; to state; to force out; to press out; to eject; to squeeze; to flange Dutch: uiteen English: apart; separated Dutch: uiteendrukken English: to force apart Dutch: uiteenhalen English: to take to pieces; to take apart; to dismantle; to disassemble Dutch: uiteenhouden English: to keep apart Dutch: uiteenlopen English: to diverge; to differ Dutch: uiteenlopend English: diversified; diverging Dutch: uiteennemen English: to take to pieces; to take apart; to dismantle; to disassemble Dutch: uiteenrafelen English: to disentangle Dutch: uiteenvallen English: to disintegrate; to fall to pieces; to fall apart Dutch: uiteinde English: end; extremity Dutch: uiterste English: extreme; ultimate; uttermost Dutch: uiterste grens English: extreme limit Dutch: uiterste spanning English: ultimate stress Dutch: uiterste stand English: uttermost position; rightmost position Dutch: uiterste waarde English: extreme value; maximum value; limit Dutch: uit-fasespanning English: out-of-phase voltage Dutch: uit-fasestroom English: out-of-phase current Dutch: uitfilteren English: to filter out; to bypass; to discriminate; to reject Dutch: uitfrezen English: to mill out; to cut out Dutch: uitgaaf English: publication; issue; edition; expense Dutch: uitgaan English: to go out; to die out Dutch: uitgaand signaal English: outgoing signal Dutch: uitgaande goederen English: outgoing goods Dutch: uitgaande slag English: outward stroke Dutch: uitgaande verbinding English: outgoing lead Dutch: uitgang English: exit; output; port Dutch: uitgangsbelasting English: fan-out Dutch: uitgangsbesturing English: output control Dutch: uitgangsbuffer English: output buffer Dutch: uitgangscapacitantie English: output capacitance Dutch: uitgangscapaciteit English: output capacity Dutch: uitgangscircuit English: output circuit Dutch: uitgangscondensator English: output capacitor Dutch: uitgangscontrole English: outgoing inspection Dutch: uitgangsdeur English: exit-door Dutch: uitgangsdikte English: initial thickness Dutch: uitgangsefficiëntie English: output efficiency Dutch: uitgangsgeleiding English: output conductance Dutch: uitgangsgrootheid English: output variable Dutch: uitgangsimpedantie English: output impedance Dutch: uitgangskarakteristiek English: output characteristic Dutch: uitgangsklem English: output terminal Dutch: uitgangskristal English: host crystal Dutch: uitgangslijn English: datum line Dutch: uitgangsmateriaal English: basic material; starting material Dutch: uitgangsniveau English: output level Dutch: uitgangsopdracht English: exit Dutch: uitgangsplak English: starting wafer Dutch: uitgangsprogramma English: exit program; source program Dutch: uitgangspunt English: exit point; starting point; point of departure; basis; datum point; reference point Dutch: uitgangsregeling English: output control Dutch: uitgangsroutine English: exit routine Dutch: uitgangssignaal English: output signal; output Dutch: uitgangsspanning English: output voltage Dutch: uitgangsstand English: starting position; initial position Dutch: uitgangsstekerbus English: output socket Dutch: uitgangsstroom English: output current Dutch: uitgangsstuurvermogen English: output capability Dutch: uitgangsterminals English: output terminals Dutch: uitgangstransducer English: output transducer Dutch: uitgangstransductor English: output transductor Dutch: uitgangstransformator English: output transformer Dutch: uitgangstransistor English: output transistor Dutch: uitgangstrap English: output stage Dutch: uitgangsvlak English: datum plane; reference plane Dutch: uitgangsvoorraadpunt English: outbound stock point Dutch: uitgangsweerstand English: output resistance Dutch: uitgassen English: outgassing Dutch: uitgave English: publication; issue; edition; expense Dutch: uitgebalanceerd English: balanced Dutch: uitgebreid English: extensive; wide; elaborate Dutch: uitgehaald English: removed; drawn off; dragged out; unloaded Dutch: uitgeoefende druk English: applied pressure Dutch: uitgeput English: exhausted; depleted Dutch: uitgerichte pose English: alignment pose Dutch: uitgeslagen lengte English: developed length Dutch: uitgesproken blauw English: pronounced blue Dutch: uitgestraald vermogen English: radiated power Dutch: uitgetrokken lengte English: length at full load Dutch: uitgeven English: to dispatch; to publish; to issue; to spend; to expend; to give out Dutch: uitgevoerd laspunt English: weld joint; weld point Dutch: uitgezonden bericht English: broadcast Dutch: uitgieten English: to pour out; to cast; to pour Dutch: uitgiettemperatuur English: pouring temperature; casting temperature Dutch: uitgifte English: issue; order; work order Dutch: uitgiftedatum English: date of issue Dutch: uitgiftedoorlooptijd English: issue cycle Dutch: uitgiftelijst English: dispatch list Dutch: uitgiftemethodiek English: dispatching method Dutch: uitgifteregel English: dispatching rule Dutch: uitgloeien English: to anneal; to calcine Dutch: uithaalsnelheid English: draw-off speed; dragout speed Dutch: uithaalverliezen English: draw-off losses; dragout losses Dutch: uithalen English: to remove; to draw off; to drag out; to unload Dutch: uithardingstijd English: hardening time; setting time; curing time Dutch: uithollen English: to hollow out; to recess; to pocket Dutch: uitholling English: hollow; recess; cavity; pocket Dutch: uithonen English: to hone out Dutch: uithouden English: to hold out; to stretch out; to stand; to endure; to bear; to support Dutch: uithoudingsproef English: endurance test Dutch: uiting English: utterance Dutch: uitkammen English: to debug Dutch: uitkasten English: to decase; to uncase; to dismantle Dutch: uitkiezen English: to choose; to select Dutch: uitklinken English: to release; to disengage; to disconnect; to trip; to decay Dutch: uitknippen English: to cut out; to shear out Dutch: uitkoken English: to boil out; to boil off Dutch: uitkomen English: to be launched; to be brought out; to be released; to protrude; to project; to prove correct; to come true Dutch: uitkomst English: result; outcome; yield Dutch: uitkoppelen English: to disengage; to disconnect Dutch: uitkotteren English: to bore out Dutch: uitkrabben English: to scratch out Dutch: uitkristalliseren English: to crystallize out Dutch: uitlaat English: exhaust; outlet; discharge Dutch: uitlaatemissie English: exhaust emission Dutch: uitlaatklep English: outlet valve; exhaust valve Dutch: uitlaatopening English: discharge; discharge opening Dutch: uitlaatventiel English: outlet valve Dutch: uitladen English: to unload; to discharge Dutch: uitlading English: working width; distance between the centres Dutch: uitlappen English: to lap out Dutch: uitleeslamp English: readout lamp Dutch: uitleespuls English: readout pulse Dutch: uitlegfaciliteit English: explanation facility Dutch: uitlekken English: to drop out; to drip out; to leak out; to drain out; to ooze out Dutch: uitlezen English: to roll out Dutch: uitlichten English: to lift out; to extract Dutch: uitlijnen English: align; line up; justify; adjust Dutch: uitlogen English: to lixiviate; to leach Dutch: uitloop English: run-out; slow-down; outfeed; outlet; outflow; orifice Dutch: uitloopbeker English: flow cup; Ford cup Dutch: uitloopgroef English: lead-out groove; run-out groove Dutch: uitlooptijd English: running-out time; slowing-down period; stop delay Dutch: uitlooptrechter English: chute Dutch: uitlopen English: to run out; to slow down; to feed out; to wear away; to open into; to taper off Dutch: uitloper English: lead-out; termination; terminal; trailer Dutch: uitloperverwisseling English: pinswap Dutch: uitluchten English: to air Dutch: uitmiddelpuntig English: eccentric; off centre Dutch: uitmonden English: to open into; to merge into Dutch: uitmonsteren English: to equip Dutch: uitmonstering English: equipment Dutch: uitneembaar English: detachable; removable Dutch: uitnemen English: to remove; to take out; to unload Dutch: uitoefenen English: to exert Dutch: uitpakken English: destuffing; to unpack Dutch: uitperiode English: off period Dutch: uitponsen English: to punch out; to cut out; to blank out Dutch: uitproberen English: to try-out; to test Dutch: uitpuilen English: to bulge Dutch: uitputten English: to exhaust; to deplete Dutch: uitputtend testen English: exhaustive testing Dutch: uitputting English: exhaustion; depletion; run-out Dutch: uitputtingslaag English: depletion layer Dutch: uitrekbaar English: stretchable Dutch: uitrekenen English: to calculate; to compute; to figure out; to work out Dutch: uitrekken English: to stretch; to extend; to elongate; to draw out Dutch: uitrekking English: extension; stretching; elongation; drawing out Dutch: uitrichten English: to align; to line up; to locate; to orient Dutch: uitrichtfunctieteken English: alignment function character Dutch: uitrusten English: to equip; to fit out; to fit with Dutch: uitrusting English: equipment; outfit; controls and convenience features Dutch: uitschakelarm English: velocity trip arm Dutch: uitschakelbaar English: switchable Dutch: uitschakelbeugel English: switching-off bracket; trip bracket Dutch: uitschakeldiameter English: tripping diameter Dutch: uitschakelen English: to switch off; to disconnect; to cut out; to disengage; to disconnect; to trip; to release; to eliminate; to suppress; to exclude Dutch: uitschakelfout English: switch-off error Dutch: uitschakelgroef English: trip groove; lead-out groove Dutch: uitschakelhefboom English: velocity trip lever; shut-off lever; disengaging lever; switch-off lever Dutch: uitschakeling English: shutdown; switching off; disconnecting; cut-out; disengaging; shutoff Dutch: uitschakelkracht English: switch-off force; disengaging force Dutch: uitschakelnok English: trip dog Dutch: uitschakelpal English: velocity trip pawl Dutch: uitschakelpen English: trip-out pin Dutch: uitschakelpunt English: velocity trip point Dutch: uitschakelstang English: disengaging rod; switch-off rod Dutch: uitschakelstroomstoot English: switch-off surge Dutch: uitschakelveer English: switching-off spring Dutch: uitscheerdiepte English: closeness of shave Dutch: uitscheiden English: to separate; to precipitate; to stop; to cease Dutch: uitscheiding English: precipitation; separation Dutch: uitschenken English: to pour out Dutch: uitscheuren English: to tear Dutch: uitschieten English: to slip Dutch: uitschieter English: outlier; extreme value; outlying observation; spike Dutch: uitschroeven English: to screw out; to unscrew Dutch: uitschuifbaar English: extensible; expanding; sliding; telescopic; telescoping Dutch: uitschuifbaar rooster English: slide-out shelf Dutch: uitschuifgeleiding English: slide-out frame Dutch: uitschuiven English: to extend; to draw out; to lengthen; to pull out; to telescope Dutch: uitseinen English: to transmit Dutch: uitslaan English: to hammer out; to beat out; to lance; to develop; to unfold; to open out; to deflect; to effloresce; to exude; to sweat Dutch: uitslagstempel English: blanking tool Dutch: uitsleepverliezen English: draw-off losses; dragout losses Dutch: uitslepen English: to remove; to draw off; to drag out; to unload Dutch: uitslijpen English: to grind out Dutch: uitslijten English: to wear out; to wear away Dutch: uitslingeren English: ringing; to decay; to die out; to centrifuge Dutch: uitslingertijd English: decay time Dutch: uitsluitingsclausule English: exclusion clause Dutch: uitsmeren English: to spread Dutch: uitsnijbuigstempel English: blanking and bending tool; blanking and forming tool Dutch: uitsnijden English: to cut out; to blank Dutch: uitsnijding English: cut-out; blank; blanked piece Dutch: uitsnijgatenstempel English: piercing and blanking tool Dutch: uitsnijrand English: cut-out edge; cutting edge Dutch: uitsnijstempel English: blanking tool Dutch: uitsnijtrekstempel English: blanking and drawing tool Dutch: uitsoevereinen English: to countersink Dutch: uitsorteren English: select; pull; screening; sieving; sifting; weed out; sort Dutch: uitspannen English: to unclamp Dutch: uitsparen English: to economize; to save; to leave; to provide; to save out Dutch: uitsparing English: notch; saving; economizing; economy; cut-out; recess Dutch: uitspatten English: to splash out Dutch: uitspoelen English: to rinse; to flush Dutch: uitspreiden English: to spread; to spread out Dutch: uitspringen English: to project; to jump out Dutch: uitspringende delen English: projecting parts; protruding parts Dutch: uitspuiten English: to clean out Dutch: uitstaan English: to bulge; to stand out; to endure; to bear; to stand Dutch: uitstallen English: to display Dutch: uitstampen English: to stamp out; to punch; to pierce; to blank Dutch: uit-stand English: off position Dutch: uitstansen English: to cut out; to blank out Dutch: uitsteekmaat English: head protrusion Dutch: uitsteeksel English: projection; protuberance; projecting part Dutch: uitsteken English: to cut out; to slot out Dutch: uitsteken boven English: to project beyond Dutch: uitsteken buiten iets English: to project from; to protrude from; to extend from Dutch: uitstekend English: excellent; projecting; protruding Dutch: uitstekende delen English: projecting parts; protruding parts Dutch: uitsterven English: to decay; to die out; to die; to die away; to fade away Dutch: uitstorten English: to pour out; to discharge Dutch: uitstoten English: to push out; to knock out; to eject Dutch: uitstralen English: to radiate; to emit; to dissipate Dutch: uitstraling English: radiation; emission; dissipation Dutch: uitstralingshoek English: angle of radiation Dutch: uitstralingsvermogen English: radiating power; radiating capacity Dutch: uitstralingswarmte English: radiant heat Dutch: uitstrekken English: to stretch Dutch: uitstrijken English: to brush out; to spread; to spread with a brush; to daub; to smooth; to flatten out Dutch: uitstrijkrendement English: coverage; mileage Dutch: uitstromen English: to flow out; to stream out Dutch: uitstroombeker English: flow cup; efflux cup; Ford cup Dutch: uitstroommeter English: flow-out meter; viscometer; efflux meter Dutch: uitstuiken English: to upset Dutch: uitstulpen English: to bulge Dutch: uitstulping English: bulge; protuberance Dutch: uitsturen English: to send out; to despatch Dutch: uitsturing English: drive to full power Dutch: uittreden English: to egress Dutch: uittree-arbeid English: work function Dutch: uittreewisselteken English: shift-out character Dutch: uittrekbaar English: telescopic; retractable; extractable Dutch: uittrekbare antenne English: telescopic antenna; telescopic aerial Dutch: uittrekgereedschap English: pull-out tool; expander tool Dutch: uittrekhaak English: extracting hook Dutch: uittrekken English: to pull out; to extract; to withdraw; to break down; to explode Dutch: uittrekking English: pulling out; extraction; withdrawal; breakdown; explosion Dutch: uittrekkracht English: extraction force; pull-out force; withdrawal force Dutch: uittrekproef English: extraction test; withdrawal test Dutch: uittrekschakelaar English: pull-out switch Dutch: uittreksel English: extraction; abstract; excerpt; summary; extract Dutch: uittrekstaat English: exploded view Dutch: uittrektekening English: exploded view Dutch: uitturven English: tallying Dutch: uitval English: arisings; failure; power cut; power outage; rejects; spoiled work; spoilage; rework; scrap Dutch: uitvalgat English: clearance opening; scrap hole Dutch: uitvallen English: to fail Dutch: uitvaller English: dropout Dutch: uitvalpercentage English: percentage defective; percentage of rejects; rejects percentage Dutch: uitvalsfactor English: reject factor Dutch: uitvalsverhouding English: reject rate Dutch: uitvaltijd English: fault time; down time Dutch: uitvalverlies English: dropout Dutch: uitvijlen English: to file out Dutch: uitvinden English: to invent; to find out; to discover Dutch: uitvinder English: inventor Dutch: uitvinding English: invention Dutch: uitvlakken English: erase; wipe out; rub out; blot out; obliterate Dutch: uitvloeien English: to flow; to flow out Dutch: uitvlokken English: to flocculate Dutch: uitvoer English: output; lead-out; exportation; export Dutch: uitvoeras English: output shaft Dutch: uitvoerassertie English: output assertion Dutch: uitvoerbaar English: practicable; feasible; workable Dutch: uitvoerbaar bestand English: executable file Dutch: uitvoerbaar pad English: feasible path Dutch: uitvoerbaar programma English: executable program Dutch: uitvoerbare inhoud English: executable content Dutch: uitvoerbare instructie English: executable statement Dutch: uitvoerbepaling English: export regulation Dutch: uitvoerbeperkingen English: export restrictions Dutch: uitvoerbesturing English: direct system output writer Dutch: uitvoercertificaat English: export licence; export permit Dutch: uitvoercontigent English: export quota Dutch: uitvoerder English: executer; contractor Dutch: uitvoerdomein English: output domain Dutch: uitvoereenheid English: output device; output unit Dutch: uitvoeren English: to export; to execute; to carry out; to perform; to complete; to fill; to lead out; to output Dutch: uitvoerend niveau English: operator level Dutch: uitvoerend programma English: executive program Dutch: uitvoergebied English: output section; output area; output block Dutch: uitvoerig English: detailed; circumstantial; comprehensive; elaborate; full; exhaustive Dutch: uitvoerimpuls English: output pulse Dutch: uitvoeringscyclus English: execution cycle Dutch: uitvoeringsefficiëntie English: execution efficiency Dutch: uitvoeringsfase English: execution cycle; operation phase; implementation phase; execution phase Dutch: uitvoeringsmodus English: running mode Dutch: uitvoeringsopdracht English: execute statement Dutch: uitvoeringsschema English: operation plan Dutch: uitvoeringstaal English: object language Dutch: uitvoeringstijd English: execution time; run time Dutch: uitvoeringstrace English: execution trace Dutch: uitvoeringsvolgorde English: execution sequence Dutch: uitvoerkanaal English: output channel Dutch: uitvoermedium English: output medium Dutch: uitvoermodus English: output mode Dutch: uitvoermoduul English: output module Dutch: uitvoerorgaan English: output unit Dutch: uitvoerprogramma English: output program; output routine Dutch: uitvoerregel English: output line Dutch: uitvoersignaal English: output signal Dutch: uitvoervariabele English: output variable Dutch: uitvoerwaarde English: output value Dutch: uitvoerwerkwijze English: output mode Dutch: uitvreten English: to corrode; to eat away Dutch: uitvullen English: to justify Dutch: uitwaaieren English: to fan out Dutch: uitwalsen English: to roll out; to flare; to expand Dutch: uitwassen English: to wash out Dutch: uitweg English: way out; way of escape Dutch: uitwegen English: to weigh out Dutch: uitwendig English: external; outside; outward; extraneous Dutch: uitwendig onbelast English: free length Dutch: uitwendige luidspreker English: external loudspeaker Dutch: uitwendige maat English: outside dimension Dutch: uitwendige middellijn English: outside diameter Dutch: uitwendige versterker English: external amplifier Dutch: uitwendige weerstand English: external resistance Dutch: uitwerken English: to work out; to elaborate Dutch: uitwerpbeveiliging English: ejection-safety device Dutch: uitwerpeenheid English: ejector unit; knock-out unit Dutch: uitwerpen English: to eject; to knock out; to kick out Dutch: uitwerper English: ejector; knock-out; kicker Dutch: uitwerping English: ejection; knock-out Dutch: uitwerpmontageplaat English: ejector mounting plate Dutch: uitwerpplaat English: ejector plate; knock-out plate; knocker pad Dutch: uitwerpplunjer English: ejector rod Dutch: uitwerpprent English: ejector mark Dutch: uitwerpstang English: ejector rod Dutch: uitwijken English: to move sideways; to deflect; to deviate; to diverge Dutch: uitwijking English: deviation; moving sideways; deflection; divergence Dutch: uitwiskop English: erase head Dutch: uitwisselbaarheid English: interchangeability; replaceability; exchangeability Dutch: uitwisselen English: to interchange; to exchange; to replace Dutch: uitwisseling English: interchange; exchange; replacement Dutch: uitwisselingscircuit English: interchange circuit Dutch: uitwisselingsformaat English: exchange format Dutch: uitwissen English: to erase; to wipe out; to rub out; to obliterate; to efface; to delete Dutch: uitwissend lezen English: destructive reading Dutch: uitwissing English: wiping out; rubbing out; erasure; erasion; obliteration; removal; deletion Dutch: uitwrijven English: to rub out Dutch: uitzakken English: to sediment; to settle; to deposit; to sag; to bulge Dutch: uitzakking English: sagging; bulging Dutch: uitzaksel English: deposit; sediment; settlement Dutch: uitzenden English: to send out; to transmit; to broadcast; to emit Dutch: uitzendfrequentie English: broadcast frequency Dutch: uitzending English: broadcast; sending out; transmission; emission; broadcast operation Dutch: uitzendversterker English: broadcast repeater Dutch: uitzetbaar English: expansible; expandable Dutch: uitzetgegevens English: blank dimensions Dutch: uitzetmaten English: blank dimensions Dutch: uitzetten English: to turn off; to switch off; to expand; to extend; to swell; to plot; to lay off; to lay out; to set off Dutch: uitzetting English: expansion; extension; distension; swelling; plotting; laying off; laying out; setting off Dutch: uitzettingskracht English: expansive force; expansion force Dutch: uitzettingsvermogen English: expansive power; expansion power Dutch: uitzicht English: prospect; chance; expectation; outlook; visibility; view Dutch: uitzoeken English: to pick out; to select; to choose; to seek out; to search out; to examen; to sort; to sort out Dutch: uitzonderen English: to except Dutch: uitzonderingsbeginsel English: exception principle Dutch: uitzonderingstoestand English: exception condition Dutch: uitzonderlijke vraag English: abnormal demand Dutch: uitzoomen English: to zoom out; to zoom Dutch: uitzwenken English: to swing out Dutch: uitzweten English: to exude; to sweat Dutch: U-kern English: U-core Dutch: U-las English: U-weld Dutch: ultra English: ultra Dutch: ultracentrifuge English: ultracentrifuge Dutch: ultrahoog English: ultra-high Dutch: ultrakort English: ultra-short Dutch: ultralineair English: ultralinear Dutch: ultramarijn English: ultramarine Dutch: ultrarood English: ultra-red Dutch: ultrasone communicatie English: ultrasonic communication Dutch: ultrasone detector English: ultrasonic detector Dutch: ultrasone energie English: ultrasonic energy Dutch: ultrasone frequentie English: ultrasonic frequency Dutch: ultrasone geluidsgolf English: ultrasonic sound wave; supersonic sound wave Dutch: ultrasone generator English: ultrasonic generator Dutch: ultrasone golven English: ultrasonic waves Dutch: ultrasone inspectie English: ultrasonic inspection Dutch: ultrasone omvormer English: ultrasonic transducer Dutch: ultrasone schakelaar English: ultrasonic switch Dutch: ultrasone technologie English: ultrasonics Dutch: ultrasone trilling English: ultrasound Dutch: ultrasonisch English: ultrasonic Dutch: ultrasoon English: ultrasonic; supersonic Dutch: ultrasoon filter English: ultrasonic filter Dutch: ultrasoon lassen English: ultrasonic welding Dutch: ultrasoon reinigen English: ultrasonic cleaning Dutch: ultrasoongenerator English: ultrasonic generator Dutch: ultraviolet; UV English: ultraviolet; UV Dutch: ultrawit English: ultra-white Dutch: ultrazwart gebied English: blacker-than-black region Dutch: U-modulator English: U-modulator Dutch: U-naad English: U-weld Dutch: unidirectioneel English: unidirectional Dutch: uniek onderdeel English: unique item Dutch: uniek standaardproduct English: unique standard product Dutch: unificatie English: unification Dutch: unifiëren English: to unify Dutch: uniforme golfpijp English: uniform waveguide Dutch: uniforme lijn English: uniform line Dutch: uniforme productcode English: uniform product code: UPC Dutch: uniforme verdeling English: uniform distribution Dutch: uniformiteit English: uniformity Dutch: unijunctietransistor English: unijunction transistor Dutch: unipolair English: unipolar Dutch: unipolaire puls English: unipolar pulse Dutch: unipolaire transistor English: unipolar transistor Dutch: univalent English: univalent Dutch: universaliteit English: universality; compatibility Dutch: universeel English: universal Dutch: universeel component English: general-purpose component Dutch: universeel filter English: universal filter Dutch: universeel materiaal English: universal material Dutch: universeelklem English: universal clamp Dutch: universeelmeter English: universal measuring instrument; universal meter; AVO meter; multimeter Dutch: universeelontvanger English: multi-standard receiver Dutch: universele brug English: universal bridge Dutch: universele buis English: multipurpose tube Dutch: universele coördinaat English: world coordinate Dutch: universele diode English: general-purpose diode Dutch: universele planning English: universal planning Dutch: universele productcode English: universal product code Dutch: universele slijpbank English: universal grinder Dutch: universele theorie English: universal theory Dutch: universele transistor English: general-purpose transistor Dutch: universele wikkeling English: universal winding Dutch: UNTIL-clausule English: UNTIL-clause Dutch: U-pijp English: U-pipe Dutch: U-profiel English: U-profile; channel section Dutch: uraniummetalen English: uranium metals Dutch: uren per uur English: hours per hour Dutch: urenteller English: hours counter; elapsed time counter Dutch: ureumformaldehyde English: urea formaldehyde Dutch: ureumformaldehydeverf English: urea formaldehyde paint Dutch: ureumgehalte English: urea content Dutch: ureumphilite English: urea philite Dutch: urgent English: urgent; pressing Dutch: urgentie English: urgency Dutch: urgentielijst English: urgency list Dutch: U-staal English: channel steel Dutch: U-stuk English: U-piece Dutch: utiliteiten English: utilities Dutch: utiliteitsprogramma English: utility; utility program Dutch: utiliteitsroutine English: utility routine Dutch: uurkosten English: hour cost Dutch: uurloon English: time-wage; hourly wage Dutch: uurloontarief English: time-rate; hourly rate Dutch: uurloonwerker English: time-worker Dutch: uurproductie English: hour production; output per hour Dutch: uurtarief; uurtarieven English: hourly rate; hourly rates Dutch: uurwerk English: timepiece; movement; works; clockwork; clock [2] Dutch: UV-bestendigheid English: UV steadiness; UV resistance; UV stability Dutch: U-vormig English: U-shaped Dutch: vaag English: blurred; hazy; vague; fuzzy Dutch: vaag maken English: to fuzzify Dutch: vaalgroen English: pale green Dutch: vaan English: vane Dutch: vaardig English: proficient; skilled Dutch: vaardigheid English: proficiency; skill; ability Dutch: vaas English: vase Dutch: vaatwasmachine English: dish washer Dutch: vaatwerk English: vessels; dinnerware; tableware Dutch: vacature English: vacancy; vacant place Dutch: vacuüm opheffen English: to eliminate the vacuum Dutch: vacuüm trekken English: to apply vacuum; to form a vacuum Dutch: vacuüm zuigen English: to apply vacuum; to evacuate Dutch: vacuümbelichtingsbuis English: vacuum exposure frame Dutch: vacuümbuis English: vacuum tube; vacuum valve; hard tube; hard valve; thermionic valve Dutch: vacuümbuisoscillator English: vacuum-tube oscillator Dutch: vacuümbuisversterker English: vacuum-tube amplifier Dutch: vacuümbuiszendeenheid English: vacuum-tube transmitter Dutch: vacuümcondensator English: vacuum capacitor Dutch: vacuümdepositie English: deposition by evaporation; metallization; vacuum deposition Dutch: vacuümdiode English: vacuum diode; hard diode Dutch: vacuümimpregneren English: vacuum impregnating Dutch: vacuümkraan English: vacuum cock; vacuum valve Dutch: vacuümmeter English: vacuum gauge Dutch: vacuümopdampen English: to deposit by evaporation; to metallize Dutch: vacuümoven English: vacuum oven Dutch: vacuümpomp English: vacuum pump Dutch: vacuümregelaar English: vacuum control; vacuum controller Dutch: vacuümswitch English: vacuum switch Dutch: vacuümverdamping English: vacuum evaporation Dutch: vacuümvormen English: vacuum forming Dutch: vader English: parent Dutch: vader/zoon relatie English: parent/child relationship Dutch: vader-kind relatie English: parent-child relation Dutch: vage logica English: fuzzy logic Dutch: vakantie English: holidays; vacation Dutch: vakantiesluiting English: vacation shutdown Dutch: vakbekwaam English: skilled Dutch: vakbekwaamheid English: professional aptitude; professional skill; competence; ability; professional competence Dutch: vakblad English: professional journal; technical journal Dutch: vakcursus English: training course; vocational training course; professional training course Dutch: vakdiscipline English: engineering discipline Dutch: vakkennis English: technical knowledge; expert knowledge; experience Dutch: vakkundig English: skilled; professional; specialist; expert Dutch: vakopleiding English: professional training; vocational training; technical training Dutch: vaktaal English: technical language; technical jargon Dutch: vakterm English: technical term; professional word Dutch: vakverdeling English: partition Dutch: val English: trap; fall; drop Dutch: valentie English: valence; valancy Dutch: valentieband English: valence band Dutch: valentie-elektron English: valence electron Dutch: valhoogte English: hight of drop; height of fall; drop height Dutch: valideren English: to validate Dutch: vallen English: to drop; to fall Dutch: vallen en opstaan English: trial and error Dutch: valproef English: drop test Dutch: valse fout English: false error Dutch: valse kathode English: false cathode Dutch: valse oscillatie English: spurious oscillation Dutch: valse zijbanden English: spurious sidebands Dutch: valtafel English: drop table Dutch: valuator English: valuator Dutch: valuta English: value; currency; due Dutch: van onder-naar-boven English: bottom-up Dutch: van onderop herplannen English: bottom-up replanning Dutch: vandiktebank English: thicknessing machine; thicknesser Dutch: vandikteschaafbank English: thicknessing and planing machine; thicknessing planer Dutch: vangdiode English: catching diode; clamping diode Dutch: vangdraad English: antenna; aerial; false wire; guard wire Dutch: vangen English: ducting; to catch; to capture; to intercept Dutch: vanggebied English: pull-in range; lock-in range Dutch: vanginrichting English: call tracing Dutch: vangpen English: catch pin Dutch: vangrooster English: suppressor grid Dutch: vanzelf English: of oneself; spontaneously; of one's own accord Dutch: vaporisatie English: vaporization Dutch: varactor English: varactor Dutch: varactordiode English: varactor diode Dutch: varactor-flip-flop English: varactor flip-flop Dutch: varactorversterker English: varactor amplifier Dutch: varco English: variable capacitor; gang capacitor; gang condenser Dutch: variabel bestelpunt English: floating order point Dutch: variabel blokformaat English: variable block format Dutch: variabel component English: adjustable component Dutch: variabel verbruik English: usage variance Dutch: variabele English: variable; variate Dutch: variabele capaciteit English: variable capacitance: varicap Dutch: variabele condensator English: variable capacitor; gang capacitor; gang condenser Dutch: variabele inductor English: variable inductor Dutch: variabele kosten English: variable costs; product costs Dutch: variabele opbrengst English: variable yield Dutch: variabele spoed English: variable pitch Dutch: variabele tijdschaal English: variable-time scale Dutch: variabele weerstand English: adjustable resistor; variable resistor Dutch: variabelenkeuring English: inspection by variables; variables inspection Dutch: variabiliteit English: variability Dutch: variac English: variable transformer; variable converter Dutch: variantenplanning English: variant planning Dutch: variantie-analyse English: variance analysis; analysis of variance: ANOVA Dutch: variantieverhouding English: variance ratio Dutch: variatiegrenzen English: limits of variation Dutch: variator English: variator; variable speed gear Dutch: varicapdiode English: varicap diode Dutch: variëren English: to vary Dutch: variëren tussen English: to vary between; to range between Dutch: varistor English: varistor Dutch: vaseline English: petroleum jelly; vaseline Dutch: vast English: fixed; fast; fastened; tightened; stationary; firm; solid Dutch: vast akkoord English: fixed chord Dutch: vast blokformaat English: fixed block format Dutch: vast component English: fixed component Dutch: vast decimaalteken English: fixed point Dutch: vast diëlectricum English: solid dielectric Dutch: vast gaffelwiel English: fixed-frame wheel Dutch: vast gegeven English: fixed datum Dutch: vast geplande order English: firm planned order Dutch: vast programma English: fixed programme Dutch: vast snoer English: fixed flex; fixed cord Dutch: vast station English: fixed station Dutch: vast woord English: reserved word; keyword Dutch: vastafgestemd English: fixed-tuned Dutch: vastbakken English: to cake Dutch: vastbedraad English: fixed-wired; hardwired Dutch: vastbinden English: to fasten; to bind fast; to make fast; to tie up Dutch: vastdraaien English: to tighten; to turn tight Dutch: vaste activa English: fixed assets Dutch: vaste afstroopplaat English: fixed stripper Dutch: vaste bedrading English: hardwire Dutch: vaste condensator English: fixed capacitor Dutch: vaste cyclus English: fixed cycle; canned cycle Dutch: vaste frequentie English: fixed frequency Dutch: vaste grootheid English: constant value Dutch: vaste inductor English: fixed inductor Dutch: vaste komma English: fixed point Dutch: vaste kop English: headstock Dutch: vaste kosten English: fixed costs; constant costs; period costs Dutch: vaste leiplaat English: fixed stripper Dutch: vaste lengte English: fixed length Dutch: vaste locatie-opslag English: fixed location storage Dutch: vaste logica English: fixed logic Dutch: vaste matrijsplaat English: fixed plate; stationary mould platen Dutch: vaste passing English: interference fit Dutch: vaste post English: fixed station Dutch: vaste spoel English: fixed reel Dutch: vaste stemming English: fixed tuning Dutch: vaste steun English: permanent support Dutch: vaste stof English: solid matter; solid; solid state Dutch: vaste verbinding English: fixed connection Dutch: vaste waarde English: fixed value Dutch: vaste weerstand English: fixed resistor Dutch: vaste wisselkop English: headstock Dutch: vaste-bodemuitharding English: solid ground curing Dutch: vaste-bodemverharding English: solid ground curing Dutch: vaste-kommagedeelte English: fixed-point part; fractional part; significant digits; coefficient; mantissa Dutch: vaste-lastweerstand English: bleeder Dutch: vaste-plaats-layout English: fixed position layout Dutch: vaste-planopdracht English: firm planned order: FPO Dutch: vastestofbuis English: solid-state tube Dutch: vastestofelektronica English: solid state electronics Dutch: vastestoffysica English: solid state physics Dutch: vastestofgehalte English: solids content Dutch: vastestofontwerp English: solid-state design Dutch: vastestoftechnologie English: solid state technology Dutch: vastgehouden oproep English: call hold Dutch: vastgestelde belasting English: rated load Dutch: vastgrijpen English: to grip; to grasp Dutch: vasthaken English: to hook; to attach; to get caught Dutch: vasthechten English: to attach; to fasten Dutch: vasthouden English: to hold; to keep in place; to keep in position; to hold up; to detain; to retain Dutch: vasthoudstatus English: hold mode; freeze mode; interrupt mode Dutch: vasthoudtijd English: holding time; set-up time Dutch: vasthoudwerkwijze English: hold mode Dutch: vastkitten English: to cement Dutch: vastklemmen English: to clamp; to grip Dutch: vastkleven English: to stick; to stick fast Dutch: vastklinken English: to rivet Dutch: vastknopen English: to tie Dutch: vastleggen English: to fix; to establish; to lay down; to record; to tape; to record on tape; to store Dutch: vastlegging English: fixing; establishment; laying down; recording; taping; storing; storage Dutch: vastliggen English: to be fixed; to be established; to be laid down; to be recorded; to be taped Dutch: vastlijmen English: to glue; to glue together; to bond Dutch: vastlopen English: to jam; to get stuck; to seize; to bind; clipping; to bottom Dutch: vastmaken English: to attach; to fasten; to make fast; to secure; to tighten; to fix Dutch: vastnieten English: to affix by stapling Dutch: vast-open English: stuck-open Dutch: vastplakken English: to stick Dutch: vastplakken op English: to stick on; to affix to Dutch: vastschroeven English: to tighten with screws; to fasten with screws; to screw down Dutch: vastsolderen English: to secure by soldering Dutch: vastzetinrichting English: locking device; securing device Dutch: vastzetklem English: clamp; locking clamp Dutch: vastzetmoer English: lock nut Dutch: vastzetpen English: locking pin Dutch: vastzetschroef English: lock screw Dutch: vastzetten English: to lock; to confine Dutch: vastzitten English: to be fixed; to be fastened; to be secured; to be tight; to be stuck; to be jammed; to be seized Dutch: vat English: container; vessel; drum; barrel; handle Dutch: vat krijgen op English: to get hold on; to get grip on Dutch: vat verliezen op English: to lose one's grip on; to lose one's hold on Dutch: vatten English: to seize; to catch Dutch: VDR-weerstand English: voltage-dependent resistor Dutch: vector English: vector Dutch: vectoraftasting English: vector scan Dutch: vectorbewerking English: vector processing Dutch: vectorcomputer English: vector computer Dutch: vectordiagram English: vector diagram Dutch: vectorfase English: vector phase Dutch: vectorfunctie English: vector function Dutch: vectorgrafiek English: vector graphics Dutch: vectorieel English: vectorial Dutch: vectoriële optelling English: vectorial addition Dutch: vectorisch English: vectorial Dutch: vectorische som English: vector sum Dutch: vectoriseren English: to vectorize Dutch: vectorlengte English: vector length Dutch: vectorproduct English: cross product Dutch: vectorscherm English: vector display Dutch: vectorscoop English: vectorscope Dutch: vectorscoopbeeld English: vectorscope display Dutch: vectorveld English: vector field Dutch: vectorverversing English: vector refresh Dutch: vectorverwerking English: vector processing Dutch: veeg English: smear; spot; stain; hangover; tailing Dutch: veelheid English: multitude; multiplicity Dutch: veelhoek English: mesh; polygon Dutch: veelomvattend English: comprehensive; vastly Dutch: veel-op-één English: many-to-one Dutch: veel-op-één associatie English: many-to-one association Dutch: veelterm English: polynomial Dutch: veelvlak English: polyeder Dutch: veelvormig English: multiform; multifaceted; polymorphic Dutch: veelvuldig English: numerous; frequent Dutch: veelzijdig English: versatile Dutch: veem English: warehouse Dutch: veer English: spring; ferry Dutch: veeraandrijving English: spring drive Dutch: veerbelasting English: spring load Dutch: veerbeugel English: spring bracket Dutch: veerblad English: spring blade; spring leaf Dutch: veerclip English: spring clip Dutch: veercontact English: spring contact Dutch: veerdruk English: spring pressure; compression Dutch: veerdrukmeter English: spring-pressure gauge; spring balance Dutch: veerhard English: spring hard Dutch: veerhouder English: spring holder; spring clip Dutch: veerkracht English: elasticity; resilience; resiliency; spring force; spring resilience Dutch: veerkrachtig English: elastic; resilient Dutch: veerpasser English: spring bows Dutch: veerplaat English: spring plate Dutch: veerpot English: die-cushion; spring-loaded die-cushion; pneumatic die-cushion Dutch: veerring English: spring ring; spring washer Dutch: veerschotel English: spring cup; hollow cam Dutch: veerspanning English: spring tension Dutch: veerstrip English: spring strip Dutch: veertienvlak English: tetrakaidecahedron Dutch: veerweerstand English: spring resistor Dutch: veerweger English: spring-pressure gauge; spring balance Dutch: veerwerking English: spring action Dutch: vegen English: to rub; to brush; hangover; tailing; smears Dutch: vegerig English: smeared Dutch: veilig English: safe; secure Dutch: veiligheid English: safety; security; fuse; cutout; safety valve Dutch: veiligheidscapaciteit English: safety capacity Dutch: veiligheidscondensator English: safety capacitor Dutch: veiligheidscontact English: safety contact Dutch: veiligheidsdeksel English: safety lid; safety cover Dutch: veiligheidsdeur English: safety door Dutch: veiligheidsglas English: safety glass Dutch: veiligheidsgordel English: safety harness; safety belt [2]; safety strap Dutch: veiligheidsgroef English: safety groove Dutch: veiligheidshalve English: for safety; for security; for safety's sake Dutch: veiligheidshelm English: safety helmet; hard hat Dutch: veiligheidshouder English: fuse holder Dutch: veiligheidsmaatregel English: safety measure; measure of safety; safety precaution Dutch: veiligheidsmarge English: safety margin; margin of safety Dutch: veiligheidspal English: safety catch Dutch: veiligheidsplaat English: fuse plate Dutch: veiligheidsruit English: implosion guard Dutch: veiligheidsschakelaar English: safety switch; safety cutout; safety relay Dutch: veiligheidsschakeling English: safety cutout; safety circuit Dutch: veiligheidsscherm English: safety screen; safety guard; guard Dutch: veiligheidsterminal English: guard terminal Dutch: veiligheidstijd English: safety time Dutch: veiligheidsvoorraad English: safety stock Dutch: veiligheidsvoorschrift English: safety instructions; safety regulations Dutch: veiligheidsweerstand English: safety resistor Dutch: vel English: sheet; skin Dutch: veldaftasting English: field scan Dutch: veldbekrachtiging English: field excitation Dutch: veldbepaling English: field definition Dutch: veldbus English: field bus Dutch: veldeffect English: field effect Dutch: veldeffectbuis English: field-effect tube Dutch: veldeffect-transistor English: field-effect transistor: FET Dutch: veldemissie English: field emission Dutch: veldionisatie English: field ionization Dutch: veldkromming English: field curvature Dutch: veldmagneet English: field magnet Dutch: veldmarkering English: field mark Dutch: veldonderzoek English: field research Dutch: veldrichting English: field direction Dutch: veldslagmanagement English: battle management Dutch: veldspoel English: field coil Dutch: veldsterkte English: field intensity; field strength Dutch: veldsterktemeter English: power meter; field-intensity meter; field-strength meter Dutch: veldsterktevariatie English: field-strength variation; fading Dutch: veldverloop English: field-strength distribution; field pattern Dutch: veldweerstand English: field resistor Dutch: veldwikkeling English: field winding Dutch: velg English: rim; felloe; felly Dutch: velgmaat English: rim size Dutch: velvorming English: skin formation Dutch: Venndiagram English: Venn diagram Dutch: venster English: window; gap; aperture; gate Dutch: vensterafknotting English: window clipping Dutch: vensterkaart English: aperture card Dutch: venstermanager English: window manager Dutch: venstermontage English: window-mounting; window-fitting Dutch: vensterponskaart English: aperture card Dutch: venstersysteem English: window system Dutch: ventiel English: (air) valve Dutch: ventielafsluiter English: valve Dutch: ventielslang English: valve hose Dutch: ventilatie English: ventilation; extract ventilation; intake ventilation Dutch: ventilatiejalouzie English: louver; shutter Dutch: ventilatiekoker English: ventilation shaft; exhaust shaft Dutch: ventilatieopening English: vent hole; vent Dutch: ventilatierooster English: ventilation grid Dutch: ventilatiesleuf English: ventilation slot Dutch: ventilatiesnelheid English: rate of ventilation Dutch: ventilatievoorziening English: ventilation provision; fresh air supply Dutch: ventilator English: fan; ventilator Dutch: ventilatorblad English: fan blade Dutch: ventilatordeksel English: fan cover Dutch: ventilatorhuis English: fan casing; fan shroud Dutch: ventilatorjalouzie English: fan shutter Dutch: ventilatorkachel English: fan heater Dutch: ventilatorschakelaar English: fan switch Dutch: ventileren English: to ventilate Dutch: verafontvangst English: distant reception Dutch: verafselectiviteit English: spurious response; rejection ratio Dutch: veranderen English: to change; to alter Dutch: veranderen in English: to change into Dutch: verandering English: change; alteration Dutch: veranderlijk English: changeable; unsteady; variable Dutch: veranderlijke kosten English: variable costs Dutch: verankeren English: to anchor Dutch: verankering English: anchoring; anchorage Dutch: verankerplaats English: anchoring member Dutch: verantwoordingsstuk English: voucher Dutch: verassen English: to reduce to ashes; to incinerate Dutch: verband English: connection; strength; rigidity; coherence; cohesion; relation; relationship; context Dutch: verbandkist English: emergency case; first-aid kit Dutch: verbandpost English: first-aid station; dressing station Dutch: verbandstapelen English: interlocking stacking Dutch: verbeteren English: to improve; to rectify; to correct Dutch: verbetering English: improvement; rectification; correction Dutch: verbinden English: to attach; to join; to connect; to unite; to link; to bond; to combine; to compound Dutch: verbinder English: connector Dutch: verbindingenbord English: connection box Dutch: verbindingsbeugel English: connecting bracket; adapter link Dutch: verbindingsdeur English: communication door Dutch: verbindingsdraad English: lead; connecting wire Dutch: verbindingsencryptie English: link encryption Dutch: verbindingsgang English: connecting passage; communication passage Dutch: verbindingsinstructie English: linkage instruction Dutch: verbindingskoppeling English: link coupling Dutch: verbindingslijn English: net Dutch: verbindingslijst English: netlist Dutch: verbindingsmateriaal English: connecting material Dutch: verbindingsmotor English: connection engine Dutch: verbindingsniveau English: link level Dutch: verbindingsopbouw English: call setup Dutch: verbindingsopbouwtijd English: call setup time Dutch: verbindingspad-analyse English: path analysis Dutch: verbindingsplaat English: connecting plate Dutch: verbindingsprotocol English: link protocol Dutch: verbindingspunt English: junction Dutch: verbindingsschakel English: connecting link Dutch: verbindingsschalm English: connecting link Dutch: verbindingssnoer English: load; flex; cord; connecting flex; patch-cord; patch-plug Dutch: verbindingsstaaf English: connecting rod Dutch: verbindingsstrip English: interconnecting strip Dutch: verbindingsstuk English: connecting piece; connecting member; ferrule; valance Dutch: verblijftijd English: dwell time Dutch: verboden zone English: forbidden band Dutch: verbonden lijst English: linked list Dutch: verborgen bestand English: hidden file Dutch: verborgen knooppunten English: hidden nodes Dutch: verborgen laag English: hidden layer Dutch: verborgen lijnen English: hidden lines Dutch: verborgen oppervlak English: hidden surface Dutch: verbrandbaar English: combustible Dutch: verbranden English: to burn; to combust; to incinerate Dutch: verbranding English: burning; combustion; incineration Dutch: verbrandingsproces English: combustion process Dutch: verbrandingsproduct English: combustion product Dutch: verbreden English: to widen; to flare; to expand Dutch: verbreeksignaal English: clear-forward signal Dutch: verbreken English: to break; to interrupt; to cut off; to cancel Dutch: verbreking English: break; cancellation Dutch: verbrokkelen English: to crumble Dutch: verbronzen English: bronze plating; bronze deposition Dutch: verbrossing English: embrittlement Dutch: verbruik English: consumption; usage Dutch: verbruiken English: to consume; to use; to use up; to exhaust Dutch: verbruiker English: consumer; user Dutch: verbruiksartikel English: article of consumption; consumer good Dutch: verbruiksgoed English: article of consumption; consumer good Dutch: verbruiksmarkt English: consumer market Dutch: verbruiksmeter English: supply meter Dutch: verbruikstempo English: usage rate Dutch: verbruiksverliezen English: utilization losses Dutch: verbruiksvraag English: consumptive demand; consumer demand Dutch: verbruikte lucht English: stale air Dutch: vercadmiummen English: cadmium plating; cadmium deposition Dutch: verchromen English: to chrome plate; to chrome deposit; to chromium plate; chrome plating; chromium plating; chromium deposition Dutch: verchromen in tonnen English: barrel chromium plating Dutch: verchroombad English: chrome plating bath; chrome plating solution Dutch: vercijferen English: to encrypt Dutch: vercijfering English: encryption Dutch: vercobalten English: to cobalt plate Dutch: verdampen English: to evaporate; to vaporize; to be vaporized Dutch: verdamper English: evaporator; vaporizer Dutch: verdamping English: evaporation; vaporization Dutch: verdampingsfactor English: evaporation factor Dutch: verdampingskoeling English: evaporation cooling Dutch: verdampingsverlies English: evaporation loss Dutch: verdeelbord English: distribution board Dutch: verdeeldoos English: junction box Dutch: verdeelelement English: distribution element Dutch: verdeelkast English: distribution box; junction-box; distribution frame Dutch: verdeelkop English: indexing head; dividing head Dutch: verdeelnet English: distribution network Dutch: verdeelniveau English: distribution level Dutch: verdeelniveauregelaar English: distribution equalizer Dutch: verdeelpasser English: dividers Dutch: verdeelplaat English: tapping plate; terminal plate; indexing plate Dutch: verdeelplug English: distribution plug Dutch: verdeelpunt English: distribution point Dutch: verdeelstuk English: manifold Dutch: verdeelsysteem English: distribution system Dutch: verdeelversterker English: distribution amplifier Dutch: verdelen English: to divide; to split up; to distribute Dutch: verdeler English: distributor; divider; signal splitter; distribution board Dutch: verdeleras English: distributor shaft Dutch: verdelerdemping English: distributor attenuation Dutch: verdelerkast English: distributor; junction-box Dutch: verdelernet English: distribution network; distributor network Dutch: verdelernok English: distributor cam Dutch: verdeling English: distribution; division; dividing up; splitting up; partitioning Dutch: verdelingsdichtheid English: frequency density; distribution density Dutch: verdelingsfunctie English: distribution function Dutch: verdelingskromme English: distribution curve Dutch: verdichten English: to compress; to condense; to densify Dutch: verdienen English: to earn Dutch: verdienste English: earnings; merit Dutch: verdienstewaardering English: merit rating Dutch: verdiepen English: to recess; to sink; to deepen Dutch: verdiept plaatsen English: to lower; to recess Dutch: verdikken English: to thicken Dutch: verdikkingsmiddel English: thickening agent; thickener Dutch: verdraaien English: to distort; to twist; to wrench Dutch: verdraaiing English: rotation; displacement; distortion; twist; twisting; wrenching Dutch: verdragen English: to stand; to endure Dutch: verdrievoudigen English: to treble; to triple Dutch: verdrievoudiger English: tripler Dutch: verdrijven English: to expel Dutch: verdringer English: impeller; lobe Dutch: verdubbelaar English: doubler Dutch: verdubbelen English: to double Dutch: verdubbelingscircuit English: push-push multiplier Dutch: verdubbeltrap English: frequency doubler Dutch: verduidelijken English: to explain; to clarify; to elucidate; to make clear Dutch: verduidelijking English: explanation; elucidation; illustration; clarification Dutch: verdunbaar English: thinnable Dutch: verdund English: rarefied; diluted; thinned down Dutch: verdunnen English: to rarefy; to dilute; to thin down Dutch: verdunnen tot English: to dilute up to; to dilute to Dutch: verdunner English: thinner; diluent Dutch: verdunning English: dilution; rarefaction; thinning down Dutch: verdunningsmiddel English: thinner; diluent Dutch: veredeld aluminium English: refined aluminum Dutch: veredelen English: to refine; to upgrade; to improve; to work up; to finish Dutch: vereenvoudigd English: simplified; reduced Dutch: vereenvoudigen English: to simplify; to reduce Dutch: vereenvoudiging English: simplification; reduction Dutch: vereffenen English: to settle; to adjust; to accommodate; to smooth; to balance; to clear off Dutch: vereffeningsinrichting English: equalizer Dutch: vereffeningsorgaan English: equalizer Dutch: vereffeningsstroom English: compensating current Dutch: vereisen English: to require Dutch: veren English: to spring; to be elastic Dutch: verenbandstaal English: spring steel Dutch: verend English: springy; sprung; spring-loaded; spring-mounted; elastic; resilient Dutch: verend blok English: spring-loaded block Dutch: verend gemonteerd English: spring-mounted; spring-loaded Dutch: verend opstellen English: to float; to spring-load Dutch: verend scharnier English: spring hinge Dutch: verend scheerhoofd English: floating head; sprung head Dutch: verende aanslagvinger English: spring-mounted finger stop Dutch: verende afstroopplaat English: spring stripper Dutch: verende afstroopring English: spring stripper Dutch: verende contactbus English: spring-contact socket Dutch: verende drukring English: pressure washer Dutch: verende kop English: sprung head; floating head Dutch: verende leiplaat English: spring stripper Dutch: verende ophanging English: spring suspension Dutch: verende sluitring English: spring washer Dutch: verende steunpen English: spring-mounted support pin Dutch: verende tandring English: toothed lockwasher Dutch: verendraad English: spring wire Dutch: verengen English: to narrow Dutch: verenigbaar English: compatible; consistent; consonant Dutch: verenigbaarheid English: compatibility; consistency; consonance Dutch: verenigen English: to aggregate; to connect; to unite; to gang; to join Dutch: vereniging English: join; union Dutch: verenpakket English: spring packet Dutch: verenpakketschakelaar English: spring-packet switch Dutch: verenstaal English: spring steel Dutch: veresteren English: to esterify Dutch: verestering English: esterification Dutch: verfafbijter English: paint remover; stripper; paint stripping agent Dutch: verfafbijtmiddel English: paint remover; stripper; paint stripping agent Dutch: verfbedekking English: coat of paint; paint coat Dutch: verfcabine English: paint booth Dutch: verfchemicus English: paint chemist Dutch: verffilm English: paint film Dutch: verfgereedschap English: painting utensils; painter's tools Dutch: verfijnen English: to refine Dutch: verfijning English: refinement Dutch: verfilmen English: to film Dutch: verfkwast English: paint brush; painting brush Dutch: verflaag; verfbedekking English: coat of paint; paint coat Dutch: verfmenger English: paint mixer Dutch: verfpapje English: colour paste Dutch: verfpasta English: colour paste Dutch: verfpot English: paint pot; paint container Dutch: verfproduct English: paint product; painted product Dutch: verfraaien English: to improve; to embellish Dutch: verfraaiing English: improvement; embellishment Dutch: verfreservoir English: paint cup; container; tank Dutch: verfrol English: paint roller Dutch: verfspuit English: spray gun; paint spray Dutch: verfspuiten English: paint spraying; spray painting Dutch: verfstandaardplaatje English: standard test panel Dutch: verfstof English: pigment; dry colour; colour Dutch: verfsysteem English: paint system Dutch: verfvlek English: paint stain Dutch: verfvoorschrift English: painting instruction Dutch: verfwals English: roll mill; roller mill; paint mill Dutch: verfwaren English: painting materials; surface coating materials Dutch: verfzeef English: paint strainer Dutch: vergaarbak English: repository Dutch: vergaderen English: to meet; to gather Dutch: vergaren English: to gather; to collect Dutch: vergassen English: to gasify Dutch: vergelen English: to yellow; to grow yellow Dutch: vergelijkbaar English: comparable Dutch: vergelijken English: to compare; to match; to check Dutch: vergelijkend onderzoek English: benchmark; comparative examination; comparative investigation Dutch: vergelijkende proef English: comparative test; benchmark test Dutch: vergelijker English: comparator Dutch: vergelijkingscijfers English: comparative figures; comparable figures Dutch: vergelijkingsdefinitie English: comparison definition Dutch: vergelijkingsnorm English: standard of comparison Dutch: vergelijkingsoperator English: comparison operator; relational operator Dutch: vergelijkingsschaal English: scale of comparison Dutch: vergelijkingsweerstand English: standard resistor; reference standard resistor Dutch: vergemakkelijken English: to facilitate; to make easier Dutch: vergiftig English: poisonous; toxic Dutch: vergissing English: mistake; error Dutch: vergrendelbaar English: lockable Dutch: vergrendelbeugel English: locking bracket Dutch: vergrendelde naam English: locked name Dutch: vergrendelen English: to lock; to latch; to interlock Dutch: vergrendeling English: acquisition; interlock; locking; interlocking; latching Dutch: vergrendelingstijd English: acquisition time Dutch: vergrendelknop English: locking button Dutch: vergrendelkruk English: locking handle Dutch: vergrendelschijf English: locking disc Dutch: vergrendelschuif English: locking slide Dutch: vergrendelstang English: locking bar Dutch: vergrendelstrip English: locking strip Dutch: vergrootglas English: magnifying glass; magnifier Dutch: vergrote tijdschaal English: extended time scale; slow-time scale Dutch: vergroten English: to increase; to augment; to enlarge; to magnify; to expand; to extend Dutch: vergroter English: enlarger Dutch: vergroting English: enlargement; magnification; increase; augmentation; extension; addition; expansion Dutch: vergrotingsapparaat English: enlarger Dutch: vergrotingsverhouding English: blowback ratio Dutch: vergulden English: to gold plate; gold plating Dutch: verhandeling English: discourse Dutch: verharden English: to harden; to harden through; to dry to hardness; to set; to cure Dutch: verharding English: hardening; hardening through; hard drying; drying to hardness; setting; curing Dutch: verhardingsmiddel English: hardener; hardening agent; curing agent Dutch: verharsen English: to resinify Dutch: verharsing English: resinification Dutch: verhelpen English: to remedy; to rectify; to remove Dutch: verhitten English: to heat; to warm up Dutch: verhitting English: heating; warming-up Dutch: verhogen English: to raise; to heighten; to increase; to augment; to enlarge; to promote Dutch: verhoging English: increment; raising; raise; heightening; increase; augmentation; enlargement; promotion Dutch: verhoogd gedeelte English: raised portion Dutch: verhoogd vlak English: raised area Dutch: verhouding English: ratio; relation; relationship; proportion Dutch: verhoudingscijfer English: ratio; proportional figure Dutch: verhoudingsdetector English: ratio detector Dutch: verhoudingsgetal English: rate; ratio; proportional number Dutch: verhuren English: to let; to hire out; to lease; to rent; to let upon lease Dutch: verhuur English: letting; hiring out; leasing Dutch: verhuursysteem English: leasing system Dutch: verificatie English: verification; examination; audit Dutch: verifiëren English: to verify; to examen; to audit Dutch: verijzeren English: to iron plate Dutch: vering English: elasticity; resilience; springiness; springing; suspension Dutch: verjongen English: to narrow; to reduce Dutch: verkeerd English: wrong; erroneous; mistaken; reversed Dutch: verkeerde aanpassing English: mismatching Dutch: verkeersader English: traffic artery Dutch: verkeerscentrum English: traffic centre Dutch: verkeerslawaai English: traffic noise Dutch: verkeerspatroon English: traffic pattern Dutch: verklaren English: to explain; to expound; to elucidate; to make clear; to state; to declare Dutch: verklarend English: explanatory; expository; elucidating; clarifying Dutch: verklarend leren English: explanation-based learning Dutch: verklaring English: explanation; exposition; elucidation; clarification; statement; declaration Dutch: verkleinde schaal English: reduced scale Dutch: verkleinde tijdschaal English: fast-time scale Dutch: verkleinen English: to make smaller; to reduce; to minimize Dutch: verkleining English: making smaller; reduction; minimizing; minimization Dutch: verkleiningstechniek English: miniaturization Dutch: verkleuren English: to discolour; to fade; to lose colour Dutch: verkleuring| English: discolouration; discolouring; fading; losing colour Dutch: verkleuringsproef English: colour-fastness test Dutch: verklikker English: tell-tale Dutch: verkolen English: to carbonize Dutch: verkoop English: sale; sales; turnover Dutch: verkoopactie English: sales drive; sales promotion Dutch: verkoopactiviteiten English: sales activities Dutch: verkoopapparaat English: sales force Dutch: verkoopbureau English: sales office; selling office Dutch: verkoopcampagne English: sales campaign; selling campaign Dutch: verkoopfiliaal English: sales branch Dutch: verkoopgesprek English: sales talk Dutch: verkoopkanaal English: channel of distribution; sales channel Dutch: verkoopmethode English: sales method; selling method Dutch: verkoopniveau English: sales level Dutch: verkoopomzet English: sales turnover; volume of sales Dutch: verkooppatroon English: sales pattern Dutch: verkooppersoneel English: sales staff; selling staff Dutch: verkoopplaats English: place of sale; retail outlet Dutch: verkoopplan English: sales plan Dutch: verkoopplanning English: sales planning Dutch: verkoopprijs English: sales price Dutch: verkoopprognose English: sales forecast; sales forecasting Dutch: verkoopprogramma English: sales program Dutch: verkoopquotering English: sales quota Dutch: verkoopteam English: selling team Dutch: verkopen English: to market; to sell Dutch: verkoper English: seller; salesman; sales representative; sales rep; shop assistant Dutch: verkoperen English: to copper; to copper plate; coppering; copper plating Dutch: verkoperen in tonnen English: barrel copper plating Dutch: verkopersmarkt English: seller's market Dutch: verkort adres English: abbreviated address Dutch: verkort antwoord English: abbreviated answer Dutch: verkort kiezen English: abbreviated dialing: ABD; compressed dialing Dutch: verkort netnummer English: abbreviated dialing number Dutch: verkorte adresaanroep English: abbreviated address calling Dutch: verkorten English: to shorten; to abbreviate; to reduce Dutch: verkorting English: shortening; abbreviation; reduction Dutch: verkregen pose English: attained pose Dutch: verkrijgbaar English: obtainable; procurable; available Dutch: verkrijgbaar bij English: obtainable at; obtainable from; procurable from; available at; supply Dutch: verkrijgbaarheid English: obtainability Dutch: verkrijgen English: to obtain; to acquire; to gain Dutch: verladersbericht English: shipping note Dutch: verlagen English: to lower; to reduce; to decrease; to cut; to cut down Dutch: verlaging English: lowering; reduction; decrease; cut; cut-down; pulling Dutch: verlengbaar English: extensible; renewable Dutch: verlengbuis English: extension tube Dutch: verlengde English: extension; prolongation Dutch: verlengde speelduur English: extended play: EP Dutch: verlengen English: to lengthen; to prolong; to extend; to elongate; to renew; to continue Dutch: verlenging English: lengthening; elongation; prolongation; extension; renewal; continuation Dutch: verlengingskabel English: extension cable Dutch: verlengkabel English: extension lead; extension cord Dutch: verlengmast English: extension mast Dutch: verlengsnoer English: extension lead; extension flex; extension cord Dutch: verlengstuk English: extension; extension piece Dutch: verlet English: loss of time; lost hours Dutch: verlichten English: to light; to illuminate; to lighten; to ease; to relieve; to facilitate; to diminish; to mitigate Dutch: verlichting English: lighting, illumination, lightening, easing, relief, facilitation, diminution, mitigation Dutch: verlichtingsapparatuur English: lighting fitting Dutch: verlichtingslamp English: lighting lamp; illumination lamp; pilot lamp; dial lamp Dutch: verlichtingssterkte English: illumination; illuminance; lighting intensity; screen brightness Dutch: verlichtingssysteem English: illuminating system; illumination system Dutch: verlichtingstechniek English: lighting engineering Dutch: verlies English: dropout; loss; dissipation Dutch: verlieshoek English: loss angle Dutch: verliesloos English: lossless; dissipationless Dutch: verliesloze compressie English: lossless compression Dutch: verliesvrij English: lossless; dissipationless Dutch: verliesweerstand English: equivalent resistance Dutch: verloden English: to lead; to lead coat; to lead plate; lead plating; lead deposition Dutch: verloden in tonnen English: barrel lead plating Dutch: verloningsnummer English: wage number Dutch: verloodtinnen English: lead-tin alloy plating; solder plating Dutch: verloopknie English: reducing bend Dutch: verloopnippel English: reducing nipple Dutch: verlooppijp English: reducing pipe Dutch: verloopplug English: adapter Dutch: verlooppons English: stepped punch Dutch: verloopschalm English: reducing link Dutch: verloopsnijder English: stepped punch Dutch: verloopsok English: reducing socket Dutch: verloopsteker English: adaptor; reducing plug Dutch: verloopstuk English: reducer; adapter; reducing piece; reducing adapter; reducing fitting Dutch: verlopen English: to drift; to progress; to vary; to fluctuate; to expire; to be tapered; to be reduced; to wander; to decline; to decay; to merge; to blend; to elapse Dutch: verloten English: randomization Dutch: vermeerderen English: to increase; to augment Dutch: vermeerdering English: increase; augmentation Dutch: vermelden English: to mention; to state; to specify Dutch: vermelding English: mention; statement; specification Dutch: vermengbaar English: mixable; miscible Dutch: vermengen English: to mix; to blend Dutch: vermenging English: mix; mixture; mixing; blending Dutch: vermenigvuldiger English: multiplier Dutch: vermenigvuldiging English: multiplication; duplication; manifolding Dutch: vermenigvuldigingsbuis English: multiplier tube Dutch: vermenigvuldigtal English: multiplicand Dutch: vermessingen English: to brass; to brass plate; brass plating; brass deposition; electrobrassing Dutch: vermijdingsroutering English: avoidance routing Dutch: vermiljoen English: vermillion; cinnabar Dutch: verminderde keuring English: reduced inspection Dutch: verminderen English: to reduce; to diminish; to decrease Dutch: vermindering English: decrease; diminution; reduction Dutch: verminken English: to mutilate Dutch: verminkte steekproef English: defective sample Dutch: vermoeidheidsbreuk English: fatigue fracture Dutch: vermoeidheidsgrens English: fatigue limit; fatigue limiting range of stress Dutch: vermoeidheidsmachine English: fatigue testing machine Dutch: vermoeidheidsspanning English: fatigue stress Dutch: vermoeidheidssterkte English: fatigue strength Dutch: vermoeidheidsweerstand English: fatigue resistance Dutch: vermoeien English: to fatigue Dutch: vermoeiingsgrens English: fatigue limit; fatigue limiting range of stress Dutch: vermogen English: capital (IFRS) Dutch: vermogensbandbreedte English: power bandwidth Dutch: vermogensbehoefte English: capital requirements Dutch: vermogensbuis English: power tube Dutch: vermogensdichtheid English: power density Dutch: vermogensdissipatie English: power dissipation Dutch: vermogenseenheid English: power pack; power unit Dutch: vermogensfrequentie English: power frequency Dutch: vermogensgevoeligheid English: response to power Dutch: vermogenskromme English: power curve Dutch: vermogenslijn English: power line Dutch: vermogenslijnfilter English: power-line filter Dutch: vermogensoverdracht English: power transfer Dutch: vermogenspentode English: power pentode Dutch: vermogenstransistor English: power transistor Dutch: vermogenstriode English: power triode Dutch: vermogensverbruik English: power consumption Dutch: vermogensverliesfactor English: power-loss factor Dutch: vermogensverlieskromme English: power derating curve Dutch: vermogensversterker English: power amplifier Dutch: vermogensversterking English: power amplification; power gain Dutch: vermogensverzwakking English: power attenuation Dutch: vermogensweerstand English: power resistor Dutch: vermogenswinst English: power gain Dutch: vernauwen English: to narrow; to constrict; to contract Dutch: verneembaar English: perceptible; audible Dutch: vernevelen English: to atomize; to mist Dutch: vernielen English: to destroy Dutch: vernieuwde MRP English: regeneration MRP Dutch: vernieuwde planning English: regenerative planning Dutch: vernieuwen English: to renew; to change; to replace; to renovate Dutch: vernieuwing English: renewing; renewal; change; replacement; renovation Dutch: vernikkelen English: to nickel; to nickel plate; nickel plating; nickel deposition; nickelling Dutch: vernikkelen in tonnen English: barrel nickel plating Dutch: vernis English: varnish; clear lacquer Dutch: vernissen English: to varnish; to lacquer Dutch: verontreinigde stof English: contaminated material Dutch: verontreiniging English: contamination; pollution; nuisance; soiling; dopant; impurity; doping Dutch: veroorzaakt English: occupied Dutch: veroorzaken English: to cause; to occasion Dutch: verouderd English: out of date; obsolete; aged Dutch: verouderen English: to become obsolete; to become out of date; to age Dutch: veroudering English: ageing; aging Dutch: verouderingstest English: ageing test; aging test Dutch: verpakken English: to package; to pack Dutch: verpakking English: packaging; packing; package; container Dutch: verpakkingsafdeling English: packaging department Dutch: verpakkingsafmetingen English: packaging dimensions Dutch: verpakkingsdichtheid English: packaging density Dutch: verpakkingseenheid English: packing unit Dutch: verpakkingsinstructies English: packaging instructions Dutch: verpakkingskosten English: packaging cost Dutch: verpakkingsmachine English: packaging machine Dutch: verpakkingsmaten English: packaging dimensions Dutch: verpakkingsmethode English: packaging method Dutch: verpakkingsontwerper English: packaging designer Dutch: verpakkingsstraat English: packaging line Dutch: verpakkingsstuklijst English: packaging bill-of-material Dutch: verpakkingsvoorschrift English: packaging instructions Dutch: verpakmachine English: packaging machine Dutch: verpend bij montage English: dowelled on assembly Dutch: verpennen English: to dowel; to pin Dutch: verplaatsbaar English: displaceable; removable; movable; mobile; portable; transportable; relocatable Dutch: verplaatsbaar adres English: relocatable address Dutch: verplaatsbare code English: relocatable code Dutch: verplaatsen English: to displace; to move; to remove; to transfer; to shift; to relocate; to translate Dutch: verplaatsing English: displacement; moving; removing; removal; transfer; shift; relocation Dutch: verplaatsingsdocument English: move ticket Dutch: verplaatsingskaart English: move card Dutch: verplaatsingsopdracht English: move order Dutch: verplaatsingsopnemer English: displacement transducer; displacement transmitter Dutch: verplaatsingsstroom English: displacement current Dutch: verplaatsingstabel English: relocation dictionary Dutch: verplaatstijd English: transit time Dutch: verplicht English: obligatory; mandatory Dutch: verplichting English: commitment; commit Dutch: verpompen English: to circulate Dutch: verponsen English: to punch Dutch: verrekenen English: to make a miscalculation Dutch: verrekenprijs English: standard price Dutch: verrhodineerd English: rhodium clad Dutch: verrichten English: to perform; to carry out; to execute; to do Dutch: verrichting English: performance; operation; activity Dutch: verrijdbaar English: travelling; removable; movable; mobile Dutch: verrijken English: to enrich Dutch: verroesten English: to rust; to get rusty; to corrode; to become corroded Dutch: verruimen English: to widen; to enlarge; to ease; to facilitate; to extend; to amplify; to spread Dutch: verruiming English: widening; enlargement; easing; facilitation; amplification; spreading Dutch: vers English: fresh; new Dutch: vers water English: fresh water Dutch: verschaffen English: to provide; to furnish; to supply; to procure Dutch: verschalen English: to rescale Dutch: verscheidene English: different; various; several; some; a few Dutch: verschepen English: to ship Dutch: verscherpen English: to tighten; to intensify; to accentuate Dutch: verscherpte keuring English: tightened inspection Dutch: verscherven English: to interleave Dutch: verscherving English: interleaving Dutch: verschieten English: to fade; to discolour; to lose colour Dutch: verschijnsel English: phenomenon; symptom; sign; indication Dutch: verschil English: difference; discrepancy; disagreement; dispute; offset Dutch: verschilfase English: differential phase Dutch: verschilferen English: to peel off; to scale off; to flake Dutch: verschilfrequentie English: difference frequency; beat frequency Dutch: verschilkanaal English: difference channel Dutch: verschillen English: to differ; to be different Dutch: verschillende English: different; various; several; some; a few Dutch: verschilmaat English: discrepancy Dutch: verschilpunt English: point of difference Dutch: verschilsignaal English: difference signal Dutch: verschilspanning English: difference voltage Dutch: verschilversterker English: differential amplifier Dutch: verschilversterking English: differential gain Dutch: verschoven verbinding English: link off-set Dutch: verschuiven English: to drag; to shift; to displace; to move; to postpone; to defer; to put off; to dislocate Dutch: verschuiving English: offset; shift; shifting; displacement; moving; postponement; putting off; dislocation Dutch: verschuivingsmagneet English: blue lateral magnet Dutch: verschuivingsstroom English: displacement current Dutch: verse lucht English: fresh air Dutch: verse-luchtkap English: breathing hood Dutch: versie English: version; type Dutch: verslag English: report; account Dutch: verslechteren English: to deteriorate; to degrade; to worsen; to impair Dutch: verslechtering English: deterioration; degradation; worsening; impairment Dutch: versleutelapparatuur English: cipher equipment Dutch: versleutelde spraak English: encrypted voice Dutch: versleutelgroep English: cipher group Dutch: versleuteling English: encryption Dutch: versleutelmodus English: cipher mode Dutch: versleutelsysteem English: cipher system Dutch: verslijten English: to wear; to wear out; to become worn Dutch: versluierde tekst English: cipher text Dutch: versmelten English: to melt down; to fuse; to melt; to melt together; to blend; to merge Dutch: versnellen English: to accelerate; to speed up; to quicken Dutch: versneller English: accelerator Dutch: versnelling English: acceleration; speeding-up; quickening; gear Dutch: versnellingsanode English: accelerating anode Dutch: versnellingsbak English: gear box Dutch: versnellingselektrode English: accelerating electrode Dutch: versnellingshandel English: gear lever Dutch: versnellingsrooster English: accelerating grid Dutch: versnellingsspanning English: accelerating voltage Dutch: versnijden English: dilute; water down [2] Dutch: versnijder English: extender; filler Dutch: versnijdingsmiddel English: extender; filler Dutch: versoberen English: to retrench; to economize Dutch: versobering English: austerity; retrenchment; economizing; economies Dutch: versolderen English: solder plating; lead-tin alloy plating Dutch: verspaanbaar English: machinable Dutch: verspanen English: to machine; to remove metal; machining; metal removal Dutch: verspanende bewerking English: machining operation; metal-removing operation Dutch: verspaning English: machining; metal removal Dutch: verspannen English: to reset Dutch: verspillen English: to spoil; to waste; to dissipate Dutch: verspilling English: waste; wastage; dissipation; spoilage Dutch: verspreiden English: to spread; to distribute; to diffuse; to disseminate; to emit Dutch: verspreiding English: spread; spreading; distribution; diffusion; dissemination; emission Dutch: verspringen English: to jump; frequency jumping; to be staggered; to recede; to move Dutch: verspringfout English: ambiguity error Dutch: verstafgelegen English: most distant; most remote Dutch: verstek English: mitre; mitre joint Dutch: verstekgeleider English: protractor for mitring Dutch: versteklassen English: bevel welding Dutch: versteknaad English: mitre joint Dutch: verstekwerk English: mitring work Dutch: verstekzagen English: to mitre cut; to mitre saw; mitre-sawing; mitring Dutch: verstelbaar English: adjustable; regulable; adaptable; variable Dutch: verstelkoppel English: operating torque Dutch: verstellen English: to repair; to mend; to adjust Dutch: verstelling English: repair; mending; adjustment Dutch: verstelplaat English: adjusting plate Dutch: verstelschroef English: adjusting screw; set screw Dutch: verstelspanning English: offset voltage Dutch: verstelstroom English: offset current Dutch: verstemd English: detuned Dutch: verstemde kringen English: stagger-tuned circuits Dutch: verstemmen English: to detune Dutch: verstemming English: detuning Dutch: versterken English: to amplify; to reinforce; to strengthen; to stiffen; to magnify; to work harden; to intensify Dutch: versterker English: amplifier; intensifier; repeater Dutch: versterkerbuis English: amplifier valve; amplifier tube Dutch: versterkergedeelte English: amplifier section Dutch: versterkeringang English: amplifier input Dutch: versterkerinstallatie English: amplifier installation; amplifying equipment Dutch: versterkermodule English: amplifier module; amplifier strip Dutch: versterkerpentode English: amplifier pentode Dutch: versterkerschakeling English: amplifier circuit Dutch: versterkerstrip English: amplifier module; amplifier strip Dutch: versterkertrap English: amplifier stage Dutch: versterkeruitgang English: amplifier output Dutch: versterkervermogen English: amplifier power Dutch: versterking English: amplification; reinforcement; strengthening; hardening; stiffening; magnification; work-hardening; intensification; gain; shroud Dutch: versterkingsafname English: gain reduction Dutch: versterkingsband English: reinforcement band Dutch: versterkingsdraad English: reinforcement wire Dutch: versterkingsfactor English: amplification factor; gain factor Dutch: versterkingsfunctie English: gain function Dutch: versterkingsgetal English: gain; power gain Dutch: versterkingskromme English: amplification curve; gain characteristic Dutch: versterkingslat English: reinforcement strip Dutch: versterkingsmethode English: push-push Dutch: versterkingsrand English: reinforcing edge; bead Dutch: versterkingsregelaar English: gain control Dutch: versterkingsregeling English: gain control Dutch: versterkingsrib English: reinforcing ridge; strengthening rib Dutch: versterkingsrug English: reinforcing ridge; strengthening rib Dutch: versterkingstrap English: amplification stage Dutch: versterkingsverloop English: gain characteristic; amplification curve Dutch: verstevigen English: to strengthen; to reinforce; to stiffen; to rigidize; ruggedizing; work-hardening; consolidation Dutch: versteviging English: shroud Dutch: verstijven English: to stiffen; to rigidize; to solidify; to coagulate; to congeal; to freeze Dutch: verstikken English: to choke; to suffocate Dutch: verstikken door vocht English: to decay Dutch: verstikkend English: choking; stifling Dutch: verstoffelijking English: reification Dutch: verstoppen English: to stop up; to choke; to clog; to obstruct Dutch: verstopping English: stoppage; choke; obstruction Dutch: verstoring English: disturbance; glitch Dutch: verstouwen English: to stow Dutch: verstouwing English: stowage Dutch: verstrekken English: to provide; to supply; to quote a price; to make a quotation; to furnish with information Dutch: verstrijkbaarheid English: brushability Dutch: verstrijken English: to brush; to elapse; to pass; to expire Dutch: verstrooien English: to scatter; to disperse; to spread; to entertain; to divert; to distract Dutch: verstrooiing English: diffusion; scattering; dispersion; spread; diversion; entertainment; distraction Dutch: verstuiven English: to spray; to atomize; to pulverize; to sputter Dutch: verstuiver English: spray; sprayer; atomizer; pulverizer Dutch: verstuiving English: spraying; atomizing; pulverizing; atomization; pulverization; sputter Dutch: verstuivingstechniek English: sputtering Dutch: versturen English: to send off; to despatch; to ship; to wire Dutch: vertaalbaar English: translatable Dutch: vertaalbureau English: translation agency Dutch: vertaalprogramma English: compiler; processor; translator; language translator Dutch: vertakken English: to branch Dutch: vertakking English: branching; branch; ramification Dutch: vertakkingsopdracht English: branch instruction Dutch: vertakkingspunt English: branchpoint Dutch: vertakt circuit English: branch circuit Dutch: vertakte bemonstering English: nested sampling Dutch: vertalen English: to translate; to compile Dutch: vertaler English: translator; translating program; translater Dutch: vertaling English: translation; conversion Dutch: vertaling toepassen English: to apply correction factor Dutch: vertanden English: to tooth; to generate teeth; to hob teeth; to indent; to scarf; to joggle Dutch: vertanding English: toothing; hobbing of teeth; generation of teeth; indenting; scarfing; joggling Dutch: vertegenwoordigen English: to represent Dutch: vertegenwoordiger English: representative Dutch: vertekenen English: to draw wrong; to distort Dutch: vertekening English: drawing wrong; distortion Dutch: vertex English: vertex; edge Dutch: verticaal English: vertical; perpendicular; normal Dutch: verticaal domein English: vertical domain Dutch: verticaal hergebruik English: vertical reuse Dutch: verticaal kanaal English: vertical channel Dutch: verticaal signaal English: vertical signal Dutch: verticaal-amplitude English: vertical parabola; field parabola Dutch: verticaal-parabool English: vertical parabola; field parabola Dutch: verticaal-tilt English: vertical tilt; field tilt Dutch: verticale afbuiging English: vertical deflection Dutch: verticale afbuigplaten English: vertical deflection plates Dutch: verticale afbuigspoel English: vertical deflection coil Dutch: verticale amplitude English: vertical amplitude Dutch: verticale definitie English: vertical definition; vertical resolution Dutch: verticale eindtrap English: vertical output stage Dutch: verticale freesmachine English: vertical milling machine Dutch: verticale grootheid English: vertical quantity Dutch: verticale integratie English: vertical integration Dutch: verticale lineariteit English: vertical linearity Dutch: verticale MOSFET English: vertical metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor Dutch: verticale organisatie English: vertical organization Dutch: verticale pariteit English: lateral parity Dutch: verticale polarisatie English: vertical polarization Dutch: verticale registratie English: vertical recording; hill and dale recording Dutch: verticale tijdbasis English: vertical time base; frame time base Dutch: verticale veldsterkte English: vertical field strength Dutch: verticale versterker English: vertical amplifier Dutch: verticale versterking English: vertical amplification; vertical gain Dutch: verticale weerstand English: upright-mounted resistor Dutch: vertices English: vertices Dutch: vertind koperdraad English: tinned copperwire Dutch: vertinnen English: to tin plate; to coat with tin; to electro-tin; to tin; to tin dip; tin plating; tin deposition; electro-tinning; tinning; tin dipping Dutch: vertolken English: to interpret Dutch: vertolker English: interpreter Dutch: vertolking English: interpretation Dutch: vertolkingsprogramma English: interpreter Dutch: vertoning English: show; performance Dutch: vertragen English: to delay; to decelerate; to retard; to reduce; to slow down; to slow up; to slacken Dutch: vertragende kracht English: decelerating force; retarding force Dutch: vertrager English: inhibitor Dutch: vertraging; uitstel English: deceleration; retardation; delay; reduction; slowing down; slowing up; slackening; lag Dutch: vertragingscircuit English: delay circuit Dutch: vertragingscompensatie English: delay equalizing; delay compensation Dutch: vertragingselement English: delay element Dutch: vertragingskast English: reduction gear; reducer Dutch: vertragingskracht English: decelerating force; retarding force Dutch: vertragingskring English: delay circuit Dutch: vertragingslijn English: delay line Dutch: vertragingsmodulatie English: delay modulation: DM Dutch: vertragingsmotor English: geared motor Dutch: vertragingsnetwerk English: delay network Dutch: vertragingspad English: delay path Dutch: vertragingsrapportage English: delay reporting Dutch: vertragingsrelais English: delay relay; slow-action relay Dutch: vertragingsschakelaar English: delay switch Dutch: vertragingstijd English: delay time Dutch: vertragingstrap English: delay stage Dutch: vertragingsvereffening English: delay equalizer Dutch: vertragingsvervorming English: delay distortion; late distortion; phase-delay distortion Dutch: vertrouwd met English: familiar with Dutch: vervaardigen English: to make; to produce; to manufacture; to construct; to build Dutch: vervaardiging English: making; production; manufacture; construction; building Dutch: vervaardigingseisen English: producibility requirements Dutch: vervagen English: to blur; to become blurred; to dim; to become dimmed; to fade; to fade away Dutch: vervaging English: fading Dutch: vervagingsmarge English: fade margin Dutch: verval English: decay; deterioration; breakdown; disintegration; fall; drop; gradient; slope Dutch: vervaldatum English: due date Dutch: vervaldatumregel English: due date rule Dutch: vervangbaar English: replaceable; interchangeable Dutch: vervangen English: to replace; to supersede; to substitute; to replace Dutch: vervangen A door B English: to substitute B for A Dutch: vervangen door English: to replace by; to supersede by; to substitute by; to replace with Dutch: vervanging English: substitution; supersession; displacement; replacement Dutch: vervangingscapaciteit English: dummy capacitance; equivalent capacitance Dutch: vervangingscondensator English: substitution capacitor Dutch: vervangingsinductor English: substitution inductor Dutch: vervangingskosten English: cost of replacement; replacement cost Dutch: vervangingskring English: equivalent circuit Dutch: vervangingslucht English: replacement air Dutch: vervangingsschakeling English: equivalent circuit Dutch: vervangingsschema English: equivalent-circuit diagram Dutch: vervangingsweerstand English: equivalent resistance; dummy resistor; substitution resistor Dutch: verveelvoudigen English: to multiply; to multiplicate; to manifold; to duplicate Dutch: verveloos English: paintless Dutch: verven English: to paint; to dye Dutch: verven met rol English: roller painting Dutch: verven met spuit English: spray painting Dutch: verversen English: to renew; to change; to ventilate Dutch: ververssnelheid English: refresh rate Dutch: verviervoudiger English: quadrupler Dutch: vervijfvoudiger English: quintupler Dutch: vervilten English: to felt Dutch: vervlakken English: to fade away Dutch: vervlechten English: to interlace; to rebraide Dutch: vervliegen English: to evaporate; to volatilize; to vanish; to dissipate; to go off Dutch: vervlochten English: interlaced Dutch: vervloeien English: to melt; to blend; to merge; to run Dutch: vervluchtigen English: to volatilize; to evaporate Dutch: vervoer English: transport; transportation; carriage Dutch: vervoerbaar English: transportable Dutch: vervoeren English: to carry; to transport; to convey Dutch: vervoersdienst English: transport service Dutch: vervoersmiddel English: means of carriage; means of transport; means of conveyance Dutch: vervolg op English: in continuation of; further to Dutch: vervolgblad English: sequence sheet Dutch: vervolg-stop English: go/no go Dutch: vervolgverkopen English: repeat business Dutch: vervolmaken English: to perfect; to bring to perfection Dutch: vervormbaar English: deformable; ductile Dutch: vervormbaarheid English: deformability; ductility Dutch: vervormde sinusgolf English: distorted sine wave Dutch: vervormen English: to deform; to twist; to transform; to distort Dutch: vervorming English: casting; deformation; twisting; transformation; distortion Dutch: vervormingsarbeid English: deformation work Dutch: vervormingsarm English: low-distortion Dutch: vervormingsmeter English: distortion meter Dutch: vervormingsvrij English: distortion-free Dutch: vervormingsweerstand English: resistance to deformation Dutch: vervormproef English: mechanical loading test Dutch: vervroegen English: to advance; to put forward Dutch: vervuilen English: to pollute; to contaminate; to soil Dutch: vervuiling English: contamination; pollution; soiling; dirtying Dutch: vervuilingsbeheersing English: pollution control Dutch: verwaarloosbaar English: negligible Dutch: verwaarlozen English: to neglect; to ignore Dutch: verwacht resultaat English: expected outcome Dutch: verwachte vraag English: expected demand Dutch: verwantschap English: relation; relationship Dutch: verward raken English: to become entangled Dutch: verwarmen English: to heat; to warm Dutch: verwarming English: heating warming Dutch: verwarmingsapparaat English: heater; heating appliance Dutch: verwarmingsbron English: heating source Dutch: verwarmingscapaciteit English: heating capacity Dutch: verwarmingsdraad English: heating wire Dutch: verwarmingsinstallatie English: heating installation; heating system Dutch: verwarmingskachel English: heater Dutch: verwarmingskanaal English: heating channel Dutch: verwarmingskussen English: heating pad Dutch: verwarmingsmal English: heating jig Dutch: verwarmingsmantel English: heating jacket Dutch: verwarmingsmat English: heating mat Dutch: verwarmingsoppervlak English: heating surface Dutch: verwarmingsplaat English: hot plate; warming plate Dutch: verwarmingsregeling English: heating control Dutch: verwarmingsspanning English: heater voltage Dutch: verwarmingsspiraal English: heating spiral; heating coil Dutch: verwarmingsstroom English: heater current Dutch: verwarmingssysteem English: heating system Dutch: verwarmingsvermogen English: heater power Dutch: verwarren English: to entangle; to throw into confusion; to confound; to confuse Dutch: verwarren met English: to confound with; to confuse with Dutch: verwateren English: to water; to water down Dutch: verweken English: to soften Dutch: verweking English: softening Dutch: verwekingsgrens English: softening limit Dutch: verwekingspunt English: softening point Dutch: verwekken English: to generate Dutch: verweren English: to weather; to breakdown; to deteriorate; to disintegrate Dutch: verwering English: weathering; breakdown; deterioration; disintegration Dutch: verwerkbaar English: processable; workable Dutch: verwerkbaarheid English: processability; workability; working properties Dutch: verwerkelijken English: to realize Dutch: verwerken English: to process; to work; to work up; to use; to consume; to handle; to cope with; to deal with; to absorb; to digest; to assimilate Dutch: verwerkend systeem English: processor Dutch: verwerkingsactiviteit English: processing activity Dutch: verwerkingsapparaat English: processor Dutch: verwerkingsapparatuur English: processing equipment; hardware Dutch: verwerkingscapaciteit English: operating capacity; processing capacity; handling capacity; throughput Dutch: verwerkingscondities English: operating conditions Dutch: verwerkingsduur English: run time Dutch: verwerkingseenheid English: processing unit; processor Dutch: verwerkingsfout English: execution error Dutch: verwerkingsgang English: pass; run Dutch: verwerkingskosten English: handling cost; handling charges; handling expenses; processing cost; operating costs Dutch: verwerkingsmodus English: operation mode Dutch: verwerkingsomgeving English: operating environment Dutch: verwerkingsstroom English: job stream; run stream Dutch: verwerkingssysteem English: processing system Dutch: verwerkingstechniek English: operating technique; processing technique Dutch: verwerkingstijd English: execution time; processing time Dutch: verwerkingswijze English: processing mode Dutch: verwerpelijk English: objectionable Dutch: verwervingsstuklijst English: procurement bill-of-material Dutch: verwervingstijd English: procurement time Dutch: verwijden English: to widen; to enlarge; to expand; to flare Dutch: verwijderbaar English: removable; detachable Dutch: verwijderd English: distant; remote Dutch: verwijderen English: to remove; to eliminate; to eject; to detach; to delete Dutch: verwijdering English: evacuation; removal; elimination; deletion; ejection; detachment Dutch: verwijsblad English: reference sheet Dutch: verwijzen (naar English: to refer (to) Dutch: verwijzer English: pointer Dutch: verwisselbaar English: exchangeable; replaceable; interchangeable Dutch: verwisselbaarheid English: interchangeability Dutch: verwisselen English: to exchange; to replace; to interchange; to swap Dutch: verwisseling English: swap Dutch: verworvenheid English: achievement Dutch: verwringen English: to wrench; to twist; to distort Dutch: verzachten English: to soften; to relax; to mitigate Dutch: verzadigd English: saturated; satiated Dutch: verzadigdheid English: saturation Dutch: verzadigen English: to saturate; to satiate Dutch: verzadiging English: saturation; satiation; satiety; purity; chroma Dutch: verzadigingsdiode English: saturation diode Dutch: verzadigingsflux English: saturation flux Dutch: verzadigingsfout English: saturation fault; saturation error Dutch: verzadigingsgraad English: degree of saturation; colorimetric purity Dutch: verzadigingsmatrix English: saturation matrix Dutch: verzadigingspercentage English: per cent saturation Dutch: verzadigingspunt English: saturation point; satiety point Dutch: verzadigingsregelaar English: saturation control Dutch: verzadigingsregeling English: saturation control Dutch: verzadigingssignaal English: saturation signal Dutch: verzadigingsspanning English: saturation voltage Dutch: verzadigingsstroom English: saturation current Dutch: verzadigingswaarde English: saturation value Dutch: verzamelbak English: accumulation bin; collecting bin; collecting container; repository Dutch: verzamelcijfer English: total Dutch: verzameld schrijven English: to gather write Dutch: verzameldoos English: multi-unit box; collective box Dutch: verzamelen English: to collect Dutch: verzameling English: collection; set Dutch: verzameling middelen English: resource set Dutch: verzameling tekens English: character set Dutch: verzamellens English: converging lens; condensing lens Dutch: verzamellijst English: summary list Dutch: verzamelmagazijn English: marshalling store Dutch: verzamelnegatief English: composite negative Dutch: verzamelpaneel English: multiple board Dutch: verzamelpositief English: composite positive Dutch: verzamelrail English: collecting rail; busbar Dutch: verzeepbaar English: saponifiable Dutch: verzegelen English: to seal Dutch: verzekeraar English: insurer; underwriter Dutch: verzekeren English: to insure; to guarantee; to assure; to secure; to safeguard Dutch: verzekering English: insurance; assurance; guarantee Dutch: verzekeringspamflet English: insurance leaflet Dutch: verzendadvies English: advice note Dutch: verzendbriefje English: move ticket Dutch: verzenddatum English: date of shipment; date of despatch Dutch: verzenddocumenten English: shipping documents Dutch: verzenden English: to ship; to send; to despatch; to dispatch; to forward Dutch: verzender English: shipper; sender Dutch: verzendfrequentie English: shipping frequency Dutch: verzendfunctie English: ship-from function Dutch: verzendgereedmaken English: to prepare for shipment Dutch: verzendhoeveelheid English: norm supply quantity Dutch: verzending English: shipment; dispatch; despatch; forwarding; sending Dutch: verzendinstructies English: shipping instructions; forwarding instructions Dutch: verzendlijst English: shipping list Dutch: verzendmonster English: shipping sample Dutch: verzendopdracht English: shipping order Dutch: verzendproef English: transport test Dutch: verzepen English: to saponify; to soapify Dutch: verzepingsgetal English: saponification number; saponification value Dutch: verzetten English: to shift; to move; to remove; to displace Dutch: verzilveren English: to silver plate; to silver; silver plating; silver deposition; silvering; electro-silvering; to cash; to encash; to collect Dutch: verzilveren in tonnen English: barrel silver plating Dutch: verzilvervloeistof English: silvering fluid Dutch: verzinkboor English: counterboring tool; counterbore; countersinking tool; countersink drill Dutch: verzinkboren English: to counterbore; to countersink Dutch: verzinken in tonnen English: barrel zinc plating Dutch: verzonken English: countersunk; flush; flush-mounted Dutch: verzonken montage English: flush mounting Dutch: verzuim English: omission; neglect; oversight; absenteeism Dutch: verzwakken English: to weaken; to attenuate; to impair Dutch: verzwakker English: attenuator Dutch: verzwakking English: attenuation; weakening; impairment Dutch: verzwakkingsweerstand English: reducing resistance; shunt resistance Dutch: vestiaire English: cloak-room; changing room Dutch: vestigen English: to establish; to set up Dutch: vestigingsfactor English: localizing factor Dutch: vestigingsplaats English: locality; location Dutch: vestigingsplanning English: establishment planning Dutch: vet English: fat; grease; tallow; fatty; greasy; bold; heavy; solid Dutch: vetachtig English: fatlike; greaselike Dutch: vetalcoholsulfonaat English: fatty alcohol sulphonate Dutch: vetbestanddeel English: fatty matter; oily substance Dutch: vetbestendig English: grease-proof; grease-resistant Dutch: vetdicht English: grease-proof; grease-tight Dutch: vetdop English: grease cap Dutch: veterkous English: cotton sleeve Dutch: vetgedrukt English: printed in bold type; printed in heavy type Dutch: vetgehalte English: fat content; fatty matter Dutch: vetoplosbaar English: fat-soluble Dutch: vetpapier English: waxed paper; grease paper Dutch: vetpot English: grease pot; lubricator; grease cup Dutch: vetspuit English: grease gun; lubricator Dutch: vetten English: to grease; to ink Dutch: vettig English: fatty; greasy Dutch: vetvlek English: grease mark; grease stain Dutch: vetvrij English: free of grease; grease-free Dutch: vetvrij papier English: greaseproof paper Dutch: vetzuur English: fatty acid Dutch: vezel English: fibre; grain Dutch: vezelabsorptie English: fiber absorption Dutch: vezelbekleding English: fiber cladding Dutch: vezelbuffer English: fiber buffer Dutch: vezeldispersie English: fiber dispersion Dutch: vezeldistributieframe English: fiber distribution frame: FDF Dutch: vezelen English: to fiber; to fibre; to fray Dutch: vezelisolatiebuis English: fibrous insulating sleeve Dutch: vezelkanaal English: fiber channel Dutch: vezelkern English: fiber core Dutch: vezelkoppeling English: jointed fiber Dutch: vezelloze isolatiebuis English: fibreless insulation sleeve Dutch: vezeloptica English: fiber optics: FO Dutch: vezeloptiek English: fiber-optic Dutch: vezelopto-elektronica English: fiberoptronics Dutch: vezeloverspraak English: fiber crosstalk Dutch: vezelplaat English: fibreboard; fibre plate Dutch: vezelrichting English: fibre direction; grain direction Dutch: vezelstructuur English: fibre texture; fibre structure Dutch: vezeltransmissie English: fiber transmission Dutch: vezelverstrooiing English: fiber scattering Dutch: vezelvlies English: bonded fibre tissue Dutch: VHF/UHF-tuner English: combined VHF/UHF tuner Dutch: VHF/VHF-vertaler English: VHF-to-VHF translator Dutch: VHF-antenne English: VHF antenna; VHF aerial Dutch: VHF-kanalenkiezer English: VHF tuner Dutch: via English: via; by way of; through Dutch: vibrato English: vibrato Dutch: vibrator English: vibrator Dutch: vibratron English: vibratron Dutch: vibreren English: to vibrate Dutch: vicattemperatuur English: vicat temperature Dutch: videobandbreedte English: video bandwidth; vision bandwidth Dutch: videoblok English: video block Dutch: videodemodulator English: video demodulator Dutch: videodetectie English: video detection Dutch: videodetector English: video detector Dutch: videodynamiekomvang English: video dynamic range Dutch: video-eindbuis English: video output valve; video output tube Dutch: video-eindtrap English: video output stage Dutch: videofoon English: videophone Dutch: videofrequentie English: video frequency; vision frequency Dutch: videofrequentieband English: video-frequency band; vision-frequency band Dutch: videogelijkrichter English: video detector; video rectifier Dutch: videogenerator English: video generator Dutch: video-informatie English: video information Dutch: videokop English: video head Dutch: videomonitor English: video monitor Dutch: videoniveau English: video level Dutch: video-output English: video output Dutch: videoplaat English: video disc; video disk Dutch: videoratel English: video rattle Dutch: videorecorder English: video recorder; television recording unit Dutch: videorecorderuitgang English: video-recorder output Dutch: videorecording English: video recording Dutch: videosignaal English: video signal; vision signal Dutch: videospanning English: video voltage Dutch: videospectrum English: video spectrum Dutch: videospoel English: video coil Dutch: videotext English: videotext Dutch: videotrap English: video stage Dutch: video-uitgangstrap English: video output stage Dutch: videoversterker English: video amplifier Dutch: videoversterking English: video amplification Dutch: videowedstrijd English: video recording contest Dutch: vidicon English: vidicon Dutch: vidiconbuis English: vidicon tube Dutch: vidiconfilmaftaster English: vidicon film scanner Dutch: vierde macht English: fourth power Dutch: vierde-generatie taal English: fourth generation language Dutch: vierdeurs English: four-door; fordor Dutch: vierdraadscircuit English: four-wire circuit Dutch: vierdraadsversterker English: four-wire repeater Dutch: vierhoek English: quadrangle Dutch: vierjarenplan English: four-year plan Dutch: vierjarenplanning English: four-year planning Dutch: vierkanaalstereo English: four-channel stereo; quadraphonics; quad-sound Dutch: vierkantbout English: square-head screw Dutch: vierkantmoer English: square nut Dutch: vierkantprofielsnaar English: square-section belt Dutch: vierkantscontrole English: crosscheck Dutch: vierkantsfactor English: squareness ratio Dutch: vierkantstelling English: crosscheck Dutch: vierkolomspers English: four-column press Dutch: vierlaagsdiode English: four-layer diode Dutch: vierlagendiode English: four-layer diode Dutch: vierledig English: quadrinomial Dutch: vierpolig English: four-pole; quadripolar; tetrapolar Dutch: vierpool English: quadrupole Dutch: vierpoolsnetwerk English: quadripole network Dutch: viersledenpersstempel English: four-slide tool Dutch: viersporenband English: four-track tape Dutch: viersporenbandopnemer English: four-track recorder Dutch: viersporenkop English: four-track head Dutch: viersporensysteem English: four-track system Dutch: viertaktmotor English: four-stroke engine Dutch: viervlak English: tetrahedron Dutch: viervoetstoon English: four-foot tone Dutch: viervoud English: quadruple; fourfold Dutch: vierwaardig English: quadrivalent Dutch: vierwegafsluiter English: four-way valve Dutch: vierweg-laadbord English: four-way pallet Dutch: vierwegschuifventiel English: four-way slide valve Dutch: vierzuilenpers English: four-column dieing press Dutch: vijandige omgeving English: hostile environment; adverse environment Dutch: vijfde-generatietaal English: fifth generation language: 5GL Dutch: vijfhoekig English: pentagonal Dutch: vijfjarenplan English: five-year plan Dutch: vijfvlak English: pentahedron Dutch: vijl English: file Dutch: vijlborstel English: file brush; file card Dutch: vijlen English: to file Dutch: vijzel English: jack; screw-jack; mortar Dutch: viltdruk English: felt pressure Dutch: viltkussen English: felt pad Dutch: viltring English: felt ring Dutch: viltschijf English: felt pad; felt disc Dutch: viltstift English: felt pen; pentel Dutch: vingeraanslag English: finger stop Dutch: vingerbediening English: finger control; finger-tip control Dutch: vingerfrees English: end mill Dutch: vingerlengtecorrectie English: S-correction Dutch: vingermoer English: thumb nut Dutch: vingeroefeningen English: finger exercises Dutch: vingerschroef English: thumb screw Dutch: vingertoppen English: fingertips Dutch: vingerzetbank English: hand-operated brake press Dutch: vinyl English: vinyl Dutch: vinylacetaat English: vinyl acetate Dutch: vinylbutyraat English: vinyl butyrate Dutch: vinylchloride English: vinyl chloride; vinylidene chloride Dutch: violet English: violet Dutch: violoncel English: cello; violoncello Dutch: virtueel English: virtual Dutch: virtueel adres English: virtual address Dutch: virtueel beeld English: virtual image Dutch: virtueel geheugen English: virtual memory; virtual storage Dutch: virtueel orgaan English: virtual device Dutch: virtueel werkstation English: virtual workstation Dutch: virtuele afbeelding English: virtual representation Dutch: virtuele grondkleur English: non-physical primary Dutch: virtuele Java-machine English: Java virtual machine: JVM Dutch: virtuele kathode English: virtual cathode Dutch: virtuele kleurpunten English: virtual reference stimuli Dutch: virtuele machine English: virtual machine Dutch: virtuele methode English: virtual method Dutch: virtuele nul English: virtual earth Dutch: virtuele onderdrukker English: virtual suppressor Dutch: virtuele opslag English: virtual storage Dutch: virtuele realiteit English: virtual reality Dutch: virtuele ruimte English: cyberspace Dutch: virtuele werkruimte English: virtual workspace Dutch: viscometer English: viscometer Dutch: viscositeitsmeter English: viscometer; viscosity meter Dutch: viseren English: to visa Dutch: visgraatanalyse English: fishbone analysis Dutch: visgraatdiagram English: cause and effect diagram; fishbone diagram Dutch: visgraatkraal English: fish-spine bead Dutch: visiofoon English: picturephone Dutch: viskeus English: viscous Dutch: viskeus glansbad English: viscous bright dip Dutch: visserijband English: trawler band Dutch: visualisatie English: visualization Dutch: visualiseringsstation English: display unit Dutch: visueel English: visual Dutch: visueel rendement English: luminous efficiency Dutch: visuele controle English: visual inspection; visual check Dutch: visuele gewaarwording English: visual sensation Dutch: visuele sensor English: visual sensor Dutch: visuele weergave English: display Dutch: vitrine English: show case; display case Dutch: vizier English: viewfinder Dutch: vizierzoeker English: view-finder Dutch: vlag English: flag; sentinel Dutch: vlaggen English: hangover; tailing Dutch: vlak English: plane; surface; face; facet; flat; level; smooth; plane Dutch: vlak gedeelte English: flat region; flat portion; plateau Dutch: vlak laadbord English: flat pallet Dutch: vlak steeleinde English: plain sheared end Dutch: vlak van aangroeiing English: growing interface; plane of growth Dutch: vlak van doorsnede English: cutting plane Dutch: vlak verloop English: flat trend Dutch: vlak verlopen English: to be flat Dutch: vlak(je) English: facet Dutch: vlakapparaat English: leveller Dutch: vlakband English: planing machine; planer Dutch: vlakbeitel English: flat chisel; facing tool Dutch: vlakboor English: flat-ended drill Dutch: vlakdruk English: planography Dutch: vlakfrees English: facing cutter; face mill Dutch: vlakgewikkeld English: ends squared Dutch: vlakhamer English: smoothing hammer; planishing hammer Dutch: vlakheid English: flatness; levelness; smoothness; planeness; planarity Dutch: vlakheidsfout English: out of flat Dutch: vlakkaliber English: caliper gauge Dutch: vlakke anode English: flat anode Dutch: vlakke diffusie English: planar diffusion Dutch: vlakke diode English: planar diode Dutch: vlakke frees English: flat mill Dutch: vlakke groefschijf English: box cam Dutch: vlakke karakteristiek English: flat response Dutch: vlakke koppeling English: close coupling Dutch: vlakke transistor English: planar transistor Dutch: vlakken English: to flatten; to level; to plane; to face Dutch: vlakkenmodel English: surface model Dutch: vlakmaken English: to flatten; to level; to plane Dutch: vlak-patroon generatie English: flat-pattern generation Dutch: vlakplaat English: surface plate; face plate; marking-off plate Dutch: vlakschaafmachine English: surface planer Dutch: vlakschaven English: surface planing Dutch: vlakschuurhulpstuk English: finishing sander attachment Dutch: vlakschuurmachine English: power finishing sander; surface sander Dutch: vlakslijpen English: surface grinding; surfacing Dutch: vlakslijpwerk English: surface grinding work Dutch: vlakstellen English: to level Dutch: vlakstempel English: flattening tool; planishing punch Dutch: vlakstraal English: wide-fan pattern; flat jet Dutch: vlakstraler English: flat-nozzle sprayer Dutch: vlakstrijken English: to smooth; to smooth out; to straighten out Dutch: vlaktafel English: surface table Dutch: vlaktedruk English: specific pressure; surface pressure Dutch: vlaktemaat English: square measure; surface measure Dutch: vlakvijl English: flat file Dutch: vlakvullen English: shape filling Dutch: vlakwals English: planishing roll Dutch: vlakwaterpasstellen English: to level Dutch: vlakweerstand English: sheet resistance Dutch: vlam English: flame; grain Dutch: vlamboog English: arc Dutch: vlambooglassen English: arc welding Dutch: vlamboogoven English: arc furnace Dutch: vlamdovend English: self-extinguishing; flame-extinguishing Dutch: vlamdovend materiaal English: flame-retarding material Dutch: vlamharden English: flame hardening Dutch: vlamroet English: furnace black Dutch: vlamstralen English: flame annealing Dutch: vlasscheven English: flax shavings Dutch: vlasvezel English: flax fibre Dutch: vlasvezelplaat English: flax board Dutch: vlechten English: to braid; to weave; to strand; to rebraide Dutch: vleeskleur English: flesh tone; flesh colour; flesh tint Dutch: vleeskleurig English: flesh-coloured Dutch: vleeslade English: meat tray Dutch: vleeslijm English: hide glue Dutch: vleesmolen English: mincer Dutch: vleesvak English: meat keeper Dutch: vlek English: stain; spot; mark; dirt-mark; speck; spot Dutch: vlekkeloos English: spotless; stainless; impeccable Dutch: vlekken English: to stain; to spot; to soil Dutch: vlekkenmiddel English: stain remover; spotting agent Dutch: vlekkerig English: spotty; blotched; stained Dutch: vlekvrij English: spotless; stainless Dutch: vlerk English: screening frame Dutch: vleugel English: wing; vane; bar; grand piano Dutch: vleugelknop English: barred knob Dutch: vleugelmoer English: wing nut; winged nut Dutch: vleugelschroef English: wing screw; winged screw Dutch: vleugelwijdte English: wingspan; wingspread Dutch: vliegertouw English: string; twine; kite-line Dutch: vliegwielaardingsveer English: flywheel discharge-spring Dutch: vliegwieleffect English: flywheel effect Dutch: vliegwielinstelling English: flywheel adjustment Dutch: vliegwielschakeling English: flywheel circuit Dutch: vlieringantenne English: loft antenna; loft aerial Dutch: vlies English: skin; membrane; film Dutch: vlieseline English: bonded fibre tissue Dutch: vliesfilm English: thin film Dutch: vliesfilmgeheugen English: thin-film store Dutch: vliesgeheugen English: thin-film store Dutch: vloei English: flow Dutch: vloeibaar hout English: plastic wood Dutch: vloeibaar kristal English: liquid crystal Dutch: vloeibaar maken English: to liquefy; to fluidize Dutch: vloeibaar staal English: molten steel Dutch: vloeibaarheid English: fluidity; liquidity Dutch: vloeibare laser English: liquid laser Dutch: vloeibare was English: liquid wax Dutch: vloeien English: to flow; to level Dutch: vloeiend English: fluent; smooth Dutch: vloeiend verlopend English: bending Dutch: vloeiende laag English: levelling layer Dutch: vloeiende lijn English: flowing line Dutch: vloeiforceerbank English: flow spinning lathe Dutch: vloeigedrag English: flow behaviour Dutch: vloeigetal English: flow number Dutch: vloeigraad English: flow Dutch: vloeigrens English: flowing point; yield point; yield value Dutch: vloeilijn English: fillet; flow line; weld-mark Dutch: vloeimiddel English: flux; soldering flux; flow-promoting agent Dutch: vloeimiddelkern English: flux core Dutch: vloeiproef English: flow test Dutch: vloeipunt English: flow point; yield point Dutch: vloeistofcompartiment English: liquid compartment Dutch: vloeistoffilter English: liquid filter Dutch: vloeistofgekoeld English: liquid cooled Dutch: vloeistofmanometer English: liquid manometer Dutch: vloeistofmechanica English: fluid mechanics Dutch: vloeistofniveau English: liquid level; fluid level; solution level Dutch: vloeistoftransmissie English: fluid drive Dutch: vloeistuk English: fillet surface Dutch: vloeiwaarde English: flow index; cup low Dutch: vloerbedekking English: floor covering; flooring Dutch: vloerbelasting English: floor load Dutch: vloerboener English: floor polisher Dutch: vloerborstel English: floor brush Dutch: vloeronderhoud English: floor maintenance Dutch: vloeroppervlak English: floor area; floor space Dutch: vloerplanbesturing English: shop floor control: SFC Dutch: vloerruimte English: floor space; floor area Dutch: vloerschrobber English: floor scrubber Dutch: vloerstatief English: tripod; floor stand Dutch: vloer-tot-vloer-tijd English: floor-to-floor-time Dutch: vlokken English: to flock; to flocculate Dutch: vlokkengrafiet English: flake graphite Dutch: vlokvormig English: flocculent Dutch: vlonder English: platform; working platform Dutch: vlotten English: to float; to progress; to make headway Dutch: vlottend glijlager English: floating sleeve bearing Dutch: vlottend lager English: floating bearing Dutch: vlottende voorraad English: float Dutch: vlotterschakelaar English: float-operated switch Dutch: vlotverhouding English: dry laundry/water ratio Dutch: vluchtig English: volatile; hasty; rapid; superficial Dutch: vluchtig object English: transient object Dutch: vluchtig worden English: to volatilize Dutch: vluchtige fout English: transient error Dutch: vluchtigheid English: volatility; hastiness; rapidity; superficiality Dutch: V-modulator English: V-modulator Dutch: vocabulaire English: vocabulary Dutch: vocht English: humidity; moisture; liquid; fluid Dutch: vochtafgifte English: release of moisture Dutch: vochtafstotend English: moisture-repellent; damp-proof; moisture-proof Dutch: vochtbestendig; VB English: damp-proof; moisture-resistant; MR Dutch: vochtbestendigheid English: moisture resistance Dutch: vochtdeeltje English: moisture particle Dutch: vochtdicht English: damp-proof; moisture-proof Dutch: vochtgehalte English: moisture content; moisture percentage Dutch: vochtgevoelig English: moisture-sensitive Dutch: vochtgevoeligheId English: sensitivity to moisture Dutch: vochthoudend English: moisture-holding Dutch: vochtig English: humid; moist; damp Dutch: vochtig maken English: to moisten; to make moist Dutch: vochtige doek English: damp cloth; moist cloth Dutch: vochtigheid English: humidity; moistness; dampness; moisture Dutch: vochtigheidsmeter English: hygrometer; aerometer Dutch: vochtinwerking English: moisture action; thickness swelling Dutch: vochtkast English: humidity cabinet; humidity chamber Dutch: vochtlade English: humidity drawer Dutch: vochtmeter English: hygrometer; aerometer Dutch: vochtonttrekking English: abstraction of moisture; extraction of moisture Dutch: vochtopname English: absorption of moisture; moisture absorption Dutch: vochtopnemend English: moisture absorbing Dutch: vochtopneming English: absorption of moisture; moisture absorption Dutch: vochtproef English: humidity test; moisture test Dutch: vochtsensor English: fluid sensor Dutch: vochtvast English: moisture proof Dutch: vochtvlek English: damp stain Dutch: vochtvrij English: free from moisture; moisture-free Dutch: vochtvrij bewaren English: to store free from moisture Dutch: vochtweger English: aerometer Dutch: vochtwerend English: moisture repellent; damp-proof; moisture-proof; moisture resistant Dutch: vocoder English: voice coder Dutch: voeden English: to feed; to power; to supply; to advance; to input; to nourish; to nurse; to cherish; to foster Dutch: voedingsaansluiting English: feed connection; supply connection; power connection Dutch: voedingsapparaat English: stock feeder Dutch: voedingsapparatuur English: power-supply equipment Dutch: voedingsas English: feed shaft; power shaft Dutch: voedingsband English: feed belt Dutch: voedingsblok English: supply block Dutch: voedingsbron English: power supply; supply source Dutch: voedingsdraad English: feed wire Dutch: voedingseenheid English: power supply; supply unit; power unit; feed unit; advance unit Dutch: voedingsfilter English: power-supply filter Dutch: voedingsfunctie English: feed function Dutch: voedingsgedeelte English: power supply section; supply section Dutch: voedingsgeluid English: supply sound Dutch: voedingsgoot English: feed chute Dutch: voedingsinrichting English: feed device; feed mechanism Dutch: voedingskabel English: feeder; feeder cable; feed cable; power cable; power lead Dutch: voedingskanaal English: feeder channel Dutch: voedingskast English: supply box; power box; power-supply unit Dutch: voedingsklep English: feed valve Dutch: voedingslaag English: power layer Dutch: voedingsleiding English: feed line; supply line Dutch: voedingslijn English: feeder; feeder cable; power connection Dutch: voedingsnet English: supply mains Dutch: voedingspaneel English: supply section PC board; supply section control panel Dutch: voedingspomp English: feed pump; supply pump Dutch: voedingsprint English: supply PC board Dutch: voedingspunt English: feed point Dutch: voedingsregeling English: feed regulation; feed control Dutch: voedingsrichting English: direction of feed Dutch: voedingsrol English: feed roll Dutch: voedingsschakeling English: supply circuit Dutch: voedingsslang English: feed hose Dutch: voedingssnelheid English: feed rate: F Dutch: voedingsstroom English: supply current Dutch: voedingstransformator English: mains transformer; power transformer; supply transformer Dutch: voedingsvermogen English: supply power Dutch: voedingswals English: feed roll Dutch: voegen English: to join; to connect Dutch: voegmachine English: jointer Dutch: voelarm English: plunger Dutch: voelbaar English: palpable; sensible; perceptible Dutch: voelen English: to feel; to gauge; to sense Dutch: voeler English: feeler; feeler gauge; gauge; sensor; sensing bulb; tracer Dutch: voelmaat English: feeler gauge Dutch: voeren English: to carry current; to feed; to supply; to take to; to carry to; to convey to; to line; to conduct; to carry on; to manage; to run Dutch: voering English: lining Dutch: voermiddel English: vehicle Dutch: voerstraal English: radius vector Dutch: voertaal English: medium; language employed Dutch: voet English: foot; base; console; rate; lower bend; bottom bend; anode bend; tube base Dutch: voet(af)druk English: footprint Dutch: voetbediening English: foot operation Dutch: voetcirkel English: root circle; dedendum circle Dutch: voetdruk English: footprint Dutch: voetenbankje English: footstool Dutch: voetgekoppeld English: base-coupled Dutch: voetkaars English: foot-candle Dutch: voetklavier English: pedal section Dutch: voetkoppelcapaciteit English: base-coupling capacity Dutch: voetkoppelcondensator English: base-coupling capacitor Dutch: voetkoppeling English: base coupling; foot-operated clutch; foot-actuated clutch Dutch: voetlambert English: foot-lambert Dutch: voetlijn English: base line Dutch: voetlijnbeheer English: base-line management Dutch: voetlijndocument English: base-line document Dutch: voetnoot English: footnote Dutch: voetpedaal English: pedal; treadle; foot lever Dutch: voetplaat English: base plate; bed plate Dutch: voetpunt English: low end; base; foot Dutch: voetpuntsweerstand English: base impedance Dutch: voetrem English: foot brake Dutch: voetschakelaar English: foot control; foot switch Dutch: voetsteun English: foot rest Dutch: voetstoots English: random Dutch: voetstuk English: base; plinth; socle Dutch: vogeltongvijl English: riffler file Dutch: vol English: full; solid Dutch: volautomatisch English: fully-automatic Dutch: volbelast English: fully loaded Dutch: volbezet English: fully loaded; fully occupied Dutch: voldoen aan de eisen English: meet the requirements; comply with requirements Dutch: voldoende English: sufficiently; adequate; satisfactory; sufficient; enough; up to the mark; plenty of Dutch: voldoende zijn English: to suffice Dutch: volduplex English: full duplex Dutch: volduplex systeem English: full-duplex system Dutch: volgafsnijstempel English: cutting-off and piercing tool; cropping and piercing tool Dutch: volgbol English: track ball Dutch: volgbriefje English: delivery order; stores requisition form Dutch: volgen English: to follow; to trace; to track; to respond; to watch; to attend; to monitor Dutch: volgfaciliteit English: monitoring facility Dutch: volgieten English: to fill Dutch: volgkaart English: detail card Dutch: volgkruis English: cross hairs; tracking cross Dutch: volglijnkleurensysteem English: line sequential colour television system Dutch: volgnauwkeurigheid English: tracking accuracy Dutch: volgnummer English: serial number; running number; consecutive number Dutch: volgorde English: sequence; order; order of succession Dutch: volgordebepaling English: sequencing Dutch: volgordebesturing English: sequence control Dutch: volgordediagram English: sequence diagram Dutch: volgordeschema English: sequence diagram Dutch: volgordesymbool English: sequence symbol Dutch: volgpers English: multi-stage press Dutch: volgpuntkleurensysteem English: dot sequential system Dutch: volgrecord English: member record Dutch: volgreeks English: sequence; series Dutch: volgsnijbuiger English: follow-on cutting and bending tool Dutch: volgsnijstempel English: follow-on cutting tool Dutch: volgstation English: tracking station Dutch: volgstempel English: follow-on tool; progressive tool; multi-stage tool Dutch: volgsysteem English: tracking system; sequential colour television system Dutch: volgtijdelijk English: sequential; time-sequential Dutch: volgtijdig English: sequential Dutch: volguitsnijstempel English: blanking and piercing tool Dutch: volgversterker English: distribution amplifier; repeater amplifier; bridging amplifier Dutch: volgzaamheid English: compliance Dutch: volkomen English: complete; perfect Dutch: volladen English: to load up Dutch: vollast (bij -) English: at full load Dutch: vollastbedrijf English: full-load operation Dutch: vollaststroom English: full-load current Dutch: volle draad English: threaded over full length Dutch: volle uitslag English: maximum indication; maximum reading; full reading; full scale deflection: FSD Dutch: volle uitsturing English: full modulation; full-drive Dutch: volledig English: complete; full; full-time; full scale Dutch: volledig associatief English: fully-associative Dutch: volledig beeldsignaal English: composite signal; composite video signal Dutch: volledig kleursignaal English: composite colour signal; colour video signal Dutch: volledig videosignaal English: composite picture signal; composite video signal Dutch: volledige draaggolf English: full carrier Dutch: volledige leesimpuls English: full read pulse Dutch: volledige superpositie English: colour registration Dutch: volledige tracering English: full pegging Dutch: volledigheid English: completeness; fullness Dutch: volledigheidscontrole English: completeness check Dutch: volle-last spanning English: full-load voltage Dutch: volle-last stroom English: full-load current Dutch: volle-last vermogen English: full-load power Dutch: vollopen (laten -) English: to fill Dutch: volmaakt English: perfect Dutch: volmaken English: to fill; to fill up; to perfect; to bring to perfection Dutch: volponsen English: over-punching Dutch: volschrijven English: to write a complete raster; to scan to correct aspect ratio Dutch: voltage English: potential; voltage Dutch: voltageval English: brownout Dutch: voltampère English: volt-ampere Dutch: Volta's principe English: Volta's principle Dutch: voltmeter English: voltmeter Dutch: voltohmmeter English: volt-ohmmeter Dutch: voltooide oproep English: completed call Dutch: voltooien English: to complete Dutch: voltooiingscode English: completion code Dutch: voluitsturing English: full-drive Dutch: volumebereik English: volume range Dutch: volumedelen English: parts by volume Dutch: volumegewicht English: weight by volume Dutch: volumekrimp English: volume shrinkage Dutch: volumemodel English: volume model Dutch: volumeprocent English: percent by volume Dutch: volumeregelaar English: volume control Dutch: volumeregeling English: volume control; volume adjustment Dutch: volumesnelheid English: volume velocity Dutch: volumesweep English: volume sweep Dutch: volumetrisch English: volumetric; volumetrically Dutch: volumeverhouding English: proportions by volume Dutch: volumineus English: voluminous; bulky Dutch: volumineuze voorwerpen English: unyielding objects Dutch: von Neumann-computer English: von Neumann machine Dutch: vonk English: spark Dutch: vonkafstand English: sparking distance Dutch: vonkbrug English: flashover; spark gap Dutch: vonkbrugmodulator English: spark-gap modulator Dutch: vonkbrugoscillator English: spark-gap oscillator Dutch: vonkdoorn English: spark erosion electrode Dutch: vonkduur English: spark length Dutch: vonkelektrode English: spark electrode Dutch: vonken English: to spark; to arc Dutch: vonkenboog English: electric arc; arc Dutch: vonkenbrug English: spark gap Dutch: vonkenenergie English: spark energy Dutch: vonkenergie English: spark energy Dutch: vonkerosie English: spark erosion Dutch: vonkerosiemachine English: spark-erosion machine Dutch: vonkfrequentie English: spark rate; spark frequency Dutch: vonkmachine English: spark-erosion machine Dutch: vonkonderdrukker English: spark suppressor Dutch: vonkontlading English: spark discharge; arcing Dutch: vonkverspaning English: spark erosion; spark machining; spark discharge machining; electrical discharge machining Dutch: vonkverspaningsmachine English: spark-erosion machine Dutch: vonkvorming English: arcing; spark formation Dutch: vonkvrij English: sparkless Dutch: vonkzender English: spark transmitter Dutch: voor de weerstand English: ahead of the resistor Dutch: voor zijn English: to be ahead of schedule Dutch: vooraanslag English: front stop Dutch: voor-achter-verhouding English: front-to-back ratio Dutch: vooraf English: beforehand; in advance Dutch: vooraf gaand aan English: prior to Dutch: vooraf opslaan English: to prestore Dutch: voorafbeelding English: electron image Dutch: voorafgaand English: preceding; leading Dutch: voorafgaande nullen English: leading zeroes; left zeroes Dutch: voorarbeid English: preliminary work; preparatory work Dutch: voorbaat (bij -) English: in anticipation; in advance; beforehand Dutch: voorbehandelen English: pretreatment; pretreat Dutch: voorbehoedend English: preventive Dutch: voorbehoedmaatregel English: preventive measure; precaution Dutch: voorbeitsbad English: cleaning dip; fire-off dip; preliminary dip; scaling dip; fizz Dutch: voorbereid English: premeditated Dutch: voorbereiden English: to prepare; to edit Dutch: voorbereidend English: preparatory; preliminary; preparative Dutch: voorbereidingstijd English: preparation time Dutch: voorberekening English: precalculation Dutch: voorbericht English: preface; foreword; preliminary call Dutch: voorbespeelde band English: prerecorded tape Dutch: voorbespeelde cassette English: prerecorded cassette; musicassette Dutch: voorbesprekeningen English: preliminary discussions Dutch: voorbewerken English: to prepare; to preprocess; to rough-machine Dutch: voorbewerking English: preliminary operation; preparation; preprocessing; preparatory treatment; rough-machining Dutch: voorbij deze grens English: past this limit; beyond this limit Dutch: voorbijschieten English: to overshoot Dutch: voorbuffer English: front cushion Dutch: voorbuigen English: to prebend Dutch: voorbuiggereedschap English: prebending tool Dutch: voorcalculatie English: pre-calculation (estimating) Dutch: voorcalculeren English: to precalculate; to estimate Dutch: voorcompiler English: precompiler Dutch: voorcontrole English: pretest; precheck Dutch: voorcorrectie English: pre-equalization Dutch: voordeel English: advantage; benefit; profit Dutch: voordelig English: advantageous; profitable; favourable Dutch: voordoen English: to put on; to occur; to arise; to show how to do it Dutch: voordraaien English: to rough-turn Dutch: voordracht English: lecture; paper; address; speech; presentation; representation; proposal; recommendation; recital Dutch: voordragen English: to represent; to propose; to put forward; to recommend; to give a recital Dutch: voordrogen English: to predry Dutch: voordroogoven English: predrying oven Dutch: voordroogtijd English: predrying time; flash-off time Dutch: vooreinde English: front; front end Dutch: voorflank English: leading edge Dutch: voorforceren English: to pre-spin Dutch: voorfrezen English: to rough-mill Dutch: voorfront English: front Dutch: voorgaand English: previous Dutch: voorgalvaniseren English: to preplate; to precoat Dutch: voorganger English: predecessor Dutch: voorgeheugen English: cache memory Dutch: voorgelakt English: prepainted Dutch: voorgeleider English: guide Dutch: voorgeleiding English: guide; stock guide Dutch: voorgemoduleerd English: premodulated; prerecorded Dutch: voorgemonteerd English: pre-assembled; prefabricated Dutch: voorgenoemd English: above mentioned Dutch: voorgeschakeld systeem English: front-end system Dutch: voorgift English: allowance; handicap Dutch: voorgrondprogramma English: foreground program Dutch: voorgrondverwerking English: foreground processing Dutch: voorhanden English: in stock; on hand; available Dutch: voorhof English: store float large parts Dutch: voorhoofdskwab English: frontal lobe Dutch: voorijlen English: to lead Dutch: voorijlimpuls English: leading pulse Dutch: vooringesteld element English: preset element Dutch: vooringestelde teller English: preset counter Dutch: voorinstellen English: to preset Dutch: voorinstraling English: pick-up Dutch: voorionisatie English: pre-ionization Dutch: voorkant English: front; frontal face Dutch: voorkeur English: preference; priority Dutch: voorkeurreeks English: preferred series Dutch: voorkeursgetal English: preferred number Dutch: voorkeurslocatie English: primary location Dutch: voorkeursoorsprong English: preference origin Dutch: voorkeursrichting English: preferred direction Dutch: voorkeursverpakking English: preferred packaging Dutch: voorkeursysteem English: preferred system Dutch: voorkomen in English: to occur in Dutch: voorlader English: front-loading model Dutch: voorleggen English: to submit; to present; to bring before; to propound Dutch: voorlichting English: instruction; enlightenment Dutch: voorloop English: lead Dutch: voorlooptijd English: lead time Dutch: voorlopen English: to lead Dutch: voorlopig English: provisional; preliminary; tentative; provisionally; tentatively; for the time being Dutch: voorlopig ontwerp English: preliminary design Dutch: voorlopig tarief English: estimated rate Dutch: voorlopig-ontwerptaal English: program/preliminary design language: PDL Dutch: voormagnetisatie English: premagnetization; bias; magnetic biasing Dutch: voormagnetiseren English: to premagnetize; to bias Dutch: voornaamste English: main; chief; principal Dutch: voornaamwoordelijk English: pronominal Dutch: voornamelijk English: mainly; chiefly; principally Dutch: voorontsteking English: pre-ignition; advanced ignition Dutch: voorontvetten English: to preclean; to predegrease; to rough-clean; precleaning; preliminary cleaning; predegreasing; rough-cleaning Dutch: voorontwerp English: draft; preliminary design Dutch: voorontwikkeling English: predevelopment Dutch: vooropleiding English: preliminary training Dutch: voorover English: forward Dutch: vooroverhellen English: to lean over; to hang over; to incline forward Dutch: vooroverleg English: preliminary consultations Dutch: voorplaat English: front plate Dutch: voorprocessor English: preprocessor Dutch: voorprojectie English: previewing Dutch: voorraad in bestelling English: stock on order Dutch: voorraad in ontvangst English: receiving stock Dutch: voorraad onderweg English: stock in transit/clearing; sailing stock Dutch: voorraad voeren English: to carry a stock Dutch: voorraadadministratie English: stocks accounts department Dutch: voorraadbak English: stock bin; holding tank Dutch: voorraadbeheersfunctie English: stock control function Dutch: voorraadbeheersing English: stock control Dutch: voorraadbeheersstelsel English: stock-control system; inventory-control system Dutch: voorraadbeleid English: stock policy; inventory policy Dutch: voorraadbestelling English: stock order Dutch: voorraadbesturing English: stock control; inventory control Dutch: voorraadbezit English: inventory holding Dutch: voorraaddiagram English: stock chart Dutch: voorraadfunctie English: stock function; inventory function Dutch: voorraadgegevens English: stock data; inventory data Dutch: voorraadhoogte English: stock level; inventory level Dutch: voorraadhouder English: stockist; storekeeper Dutch: voorraadhouding English: stocking Dutch: voorraadinkrimping English: inventory shrinkage Dutch: voorraadinvestering English: stock investment Dutch: voorraadkamer English: bondroom Dutch: voorraadketen English: chain of stocks Dutch: voorraadkosten English: carrying costs; stock-carrying costs Dutch: voorraadlijst English: stock record Dutch: voorraadmanagement English: stock management; inventory management Dutch: voorraadnorm English: stock norm Dutch: voorraadopname English: stock taking Dutch: voorraadplaats English: stock site Dutch: voorraadplanning English: stock planning; inventory planning Dutch: voorraadpolitiek English: stock policy; inventory policy Dutch: voorraadpositie English: stock position Dutch: voorraadprogramma English: stock programme Dutch: voorraadstaat English: physical inventory count Dutch: voorraadverbruik English: inventory usage Dutch: voorraadverschil English: stock difference Dutch: voorraadvorming English: creation of stocks; stock-piling; stock build-p Dutch: voorraadwaardering English: stock valuation Dutch: voorradig English: in stock; on hand; supply Dutch: voorrand English: front edge Dutch: voorrang English: preference; priority Dutch: voorrekken English: to prestretch Dutch: voorrichten English: to prealign; to prestraighten; to preposition Dutch: voorrichtgereedschap English: prealigning tool Dutch: voorruit English: windscreen; wind shield Dutch: voorruitstijlen English: windscreen pillars Dutch: voorruitverwarming English: screen heating Dutch: voorruwen English: to roughen Dutch: voorschakelapparaat English: ballast; battery eliminator Dutch: voorschakelweerstand English: series resistor; swamping resistor; reductor Dutch: voorschijn komen (te) English: to appear; to manifest themselves Dutch: voorschrift English: instructions; prescription; specification; regulations; requirements; directions; order Dutch: voorschrijven English: to prescribe; to regulate; to require; to direct; to order; to specify Dutch: voorslag English: proposal; suggestion Dutch: voorslijpen English: to rough-grind Dutch: voorsnijden English: to rough-cut Dutch: voorspannen English: to pretension; to prestretch; to prestress; to bias Dutch: voorspanning English: bias voltage; pretension; prestretch; prestress; bias Dutch: voorspeld resultaat English: predicted outcome Dutch: voorspelhorizon English: forecast horizon Dutch: voorspellen English: to forecast; to predict Dutch: voorspelling English: forecast; prediction Dutch: voorspellingsgebied English: prediction region; prediction belt Dutch: voorspellingsinterval English: prediction interval Dutch: voorspelmethode English: forecasting method Dutch: voorspoelen English: to pre-rinse; pre-rinsing Dutch: voorstand English: ahead of schedule Dutch: voorste English: forward; front Dutch: voorste kasthelft English: front cabinet half Dutch: voorstel English: proposal; suggestion; motion; proposition; recommendation Dutch: voorstellen English: to propose; to suggest; to recommend; to move; to represent; to present; to demonstrate Dutch: voorstelling English: representation; conception; notion; performance; presentation; demonstration Dutch: voorstoep English: front porch Dutch: voorstudie English: preliminary study Dutch: voortbewegen English: to move; to drive; to propel Dutch: voortbrengen English: to produce Dutch: voortbrenging English: production Dutch: voortduren English: to continue; to go on; to last Dutch: voortdurend English: continuous; constant; permanent; continued; continually; continuously Dutch: voortdurend wisselen English: continuous changing Dutch: voortdurende voorraad English: perpetual inventory Dutch: voortgaan English: to continue; to go on; to proceed; to progress Dutch: voortgang English: progress; advance Dutch: voortgangsrapportage English: aggregate reporting Dutch: voortijdig wisselen English: preliminary changing; premature cycling Dutch: voortijdige afsluiting English: abort Dutch: voortijdige stop English: abend Dutch: voortkomen (uit) English: to arise from; to result from; to proceed from Dutch: voortplanten English: to propagate; to transmit; to impart Dutch: voortplanting English: propagation; transmission; imparting; travel Dutch: voortplantingssnelheid English: velocity of propagation Dutch: voortplantingstijd English: propagation (delay) time Dutch: voortrap English: pre-stage Dutch: voortrimmen English: to pretrim; to prealign Dutch: voortschrijden English: to proceed; to progress; to advance; to move on Dutch: voortstuwen English: to propel; to drive Dutch: voortvloeien (uit) English: to arise from; to result from; to flow from Dutch: voortvloeisel English: result; outcome Dutch: voortzetten English: to continue; to go on with; to carry on; to proceed with; to extend; to prolong Dutch: vooruit English: forward; in advance Dutch: vooruitbestelling English: advance order; forward order Dutch: vooruitgang English: progress; advance; improvement Dutch: vooruitlopend besluit English: leading decision Dutch: vooruitplannen English: forward scheduling Dutch: vooruitslag English: predeflection Dutch: vooruitspoelstrip English: forward strip; forward-wind strip Dutch: vooruitverstelling English: fore-adjustment Dutch: vooruitzicht English: prospect; front view; front visibility Dutch: voorval-gestuurd English: event driven Dutch: voorverguldbad English: goldstrike bath Dutch: voorverkoperen English: pre-copper plating; copper undercoating; copper strike Dutch: voorvernikkelen English: pre-nickel plating; nickel flash; nickel strike Dutch: voorverpakt English: prepacked Dutch: voorversterker English: preamplifier: preamp Dutch: voorvertinnen English: to pretin Dutch: voorverwarmen English: to preheat; to warm up; preheating Dutch: voorverwarmer English: preheater; prewarmer Dutch: voorverwerking English: preprocessing Dutch: voorverzilveren English: pre-silver plating; silver flash; silver strike Dutch: voorvoegnotatie English: prefix notation; polish notation Dutch: voorvormen English: to preform Dutch: voorvulling English: front loading Dutch: voorwaarde English: condition; term Dutch: voorwaardelijke sprong English: conditional jump Dutch: voorwaarts English: forward Dutch: voorwaarts herstel English: forward recovery Dutch: voorwaarts ketenen English: forward chaining Dutch: voorwaarts redeneren English: forward reasoning Dutch: voorwaartse delta English: forward delta Dutch: voorwaartse kinematica English: forward kinematics Dutch: voorwaartse koppeling English: feed forward Dutch: voorwaartse slag English: forward stroke Dutch: voorwaartsgaande golf English: forward wave Dutch: voorwaartskoppeling English: feedforward; forward connection Dutch: voorwassen English: to prewash Dutch: voorwerpsafstand English: object distance Dutch: voorwerpskleur English: object colour Dutch: voorwiel English: front wheel Dutch: voorwielophanging English: front suspension Dutch: voorwoord English: foreword; preface Dutch: voorzetapparaat English: UHF converter; battery eliminator Dutch: voorzichtig English: prudent; cautious; careful Dutch: voorzichtigheid English: prudence; discretion; caution Dutch: voorzichtigheidshalve English: by way of precaution Dutch: voorzien English: foresee; expect; anticipate Dutch: voorziening English: expectation; anticipation; supply; covering; catering; provision Dutch: voorzieningsperiode English: lead time Dutch: voorzijde English: front; frontal face; face Dutch: voorzitting English: front seat Dutch: voorzorg English: precaution; foresight Dutch: voorzorgsmaatregel English: precaution; precautionary measure Dutch: vorderen English: to progress; to make progress; to advance; to demand; to claim Dutch: vorkheftruck English: forklift truck; forklift Dutch: vorkoscillator English: fork oscillator Dutch: vorkstuk English: manifold Dutch: vormbaar English: mouldable Dutch: vormen English: to form; to deform; to shape; to mould; to be; to constitute; to train Dutch: vormfactor English: form factor Dutch: vormfout English: deviation of form; error of form Dutch: vormgeperst English: moulded; form-pressed Dutch: vormgever English: industrial designer; stylist Dutch: vormgeving English: industrial design; styling; stylization Dutch: vormgieten English: to die cast; to mould Dutch: vormgips English: plaster of Paris Dutch: vorming English: formation; forming; shaping; deforming; moulding; casting; die-casting; training; education; constitution; creation; generation Dutch: vorming van English: formation of Dutch: vorming van gordijnen English: sagging; curtaining; crawling Dutch: vorming van zakkers English: sagging; curtaining; crawling Dutch: vormlassen English: shape welding Dutch: vormloos English: shapeless; formless; amorphous Dutch: vormpersen English: to mould; to form-press Dutch: vormplaat English: forming plate Dutch: vormsmelten English: shape melting Dutch: vormstempel English: forming punch Dutch: vormstuk English: packaging part; moulded product Dutch: vormvast English: form-retaining Dutch: vormvastheid English: dimensional stability Dutch: vormverandering English: change in shape; deformation Dutch: vormverlies English: loss of shape Dutch: vormvijl English: shaped file; bow file Dutch: vormvullend vermogen English: mould-filling properties Dutch: vormzand English: moulding sand Dutch: vorst English: frost Dutch: vorstbestendig English: frost-proof; frost-resistant; frost-free Dutch: vorstgevaar English: danger of frost Dutch: vorstvrij English: frost-proof; frost-resistant; frost-free Dutch: vouw English: crease; fold Dutch: vouwantenne English: folding antenna; folding aerial Dutch: vouwbaar English: pliable; collapsible Dutch: vouwblad English: folder Dutch: vouwdeur English: folding door Dutch: vouwdipool English: folded dipole Dutch: vouwdoos English: folding carton; folding box Dutch: vouwen English: to fold; to bend Dutch: vouwfilter English: folded filter; pleated filter Dutch: vouwnaad English: folding seam; folded seam Dutch: vouwproef English: folding test Dutch: voxel English: volume pixel; voxel Dutch: vraagbeleid English: demand management Dutch: vraagcurve English: demand curve Dutch: vraagelasticiteit English: elasticity of demand Dutch: vraagfilter English: demand filter Dutch: vraagonzekerheid English: demand uncertainty Dutch: vraagpatroon English: demand pattern Dutch: vraagprijs English: price asked; price quoted; suggested price Dutch: vraagsnelheid English: demand rate Dutch: vraagstelling English: inquiry; posing of problem; questioning Dutch: vraagstuk English: problem Dutch: vrachtton English: freight ton Dutch: vrachtvliegtuig English: cargo plane Dutch: vrachtvrij tot English: carriage paid to: CPT Dutch: vragen en beantwoorden English: handshake Dutch: vragenlijst English: questionnaire; inquiry form Dutch: vreemd lichaam English: foreign body Dutch: vreten English: to score; to grade Dutch: V-riem English: V-belt Dutch: V-riemschijf English: V-belt pulley Dutch: vrieskast English: refrigerator Dutch: vrieskist English: freezer Dutch: vriesproces English: freezing process Dutch: vriespunt English: freezing point Dutch: vriespuntverlager English: freezing-point depressor Dutch: vriesruimte English: deep-freeze compartment Dutch: vriesvak English: freezer compartment Dutch: vriesvrij English: frost-proof Dutch: vriesweer English: frosty weather Dutch: vrij English: clear; free; floating; vacant Dutch: vrij chloor English: free chlorine Dutch: vrij elektron English: free electron Dutch: vrij formaat English: free format Dutch: vrij gekozen route English: free ranging route Dutch: vrij geluidsveld English: free sound field Dutch: vrij glasoppervlak English: free glass area Dutch: vrij kanaal English: free channel Dutch: vrij net English: free net Dutch: vrij raster English: clear raster Dutch: vrij van English: free from; free of Dutch: vrij woord English: condition name Dutch: vrijblijven (van) English: to clear; to remain clear of Dutch: vrijdragend English: self-supporting Dutch: vrijdragende elco English: self-supporting elco Dutch: vrije (ladings)drager English: free carrier Dutch: vrije impedantie English: free impedance Dutch: vrije lading English: free charge Dutch: vrije lakfilm English: support-free lacquer film Dutch: vrije slag English: idle stroke; pre-travel Dutch: vrije speelruimte English: free float Dutch: vrije stempel English: open tool Dutch: vrije val English: free fall Dutch: vrije variabele English: free variable Dutch: vrije voorraad English: free stock Dutch: vrije-lijnaanwijzer English: clear indicator Dutch: vrije-lijnbericht English: clear message Dutch: vrije-lijncollisie English: clear collision Dutch: vrije-lijnsignalering English: free-line signalling Dutch: vrije-ruimteverlies English: free space loss Dutch: vrijgave English: clearing; release Dutch: vrijgavebeheer English: release management Dutch: vrijgaveniveau English: release level Dutch: vrijgaveplan English: release plan Dutch: vrijgave-procedure English: release procedure Dutch: vrijgavesignaal English: clear signal Dutch: vrijgavetijd English: release time Dutch: vrijgeefonderzoek English: release investigation Dutch: vrijgeefsignaal English: enabling signal Dutch: vrijgeeftest English: release test Dutch: vrijgegeven TPD English: released TPD Dutch: vrijgegeven versie English: released version Dutch: vrijgekomen jodium English: disengaged iodine; liberated iodine Dutch: vrijgestampt English: cut free Dutch: vrijgeven English: to cleardown; to release Dutch: vrijheidsgraad English: degree of freedom: DOF Dutch: vrijkomen English: to be liberated; to be set free; to be disengaged; to be released; to become vacant Dutch: vrijliggen (van) English: to lie clear off Dutch: vrijloop English: freewheel; clearance; free running Dutch: vrijloopfrequentie English: free-running frequency Dutch: vrijloopkoppeling English: freewheel clutch; free-engine clutch; overrunning clutch Dutch: vrijloopwiel English: idler wheel Dutch: vrijlopen English: to run clear Dutch: vrijmaaksignaal English: enabling signal Dutch: vrijmaken English: to release; to free; to liberate; to clear; to liberalize; to disengage Dutch: vrijsnijden English: to lance Dutch: vrijsnijstempel English: lancing tool Dutch: vrijstaand English: free-standing Dutch: vrijwaringsbewijs English: letter of indemnity Dutch: vrij-zuurgehalte English: free-acid content Dutch: V-snaar English: V-belt Dutch: vuil English: dirty; soiled; contaminated; polluted; fouled; dirt; soil; contaminant Dutch: vuil deeltje English: dirt particle Dutch: vuilgroen English: ashen green Dutch: vuilmaken English: to make dirty; to soil; to contaminate Dutch: vuilnis English: garbage; refuse; waste Dutch: vuilophoping English: dirt accumulation; dirt building-up Dutch: vuilverbrander English: waste incinerator Dutch: vuistregel English: rule-of-thumb Dutch: vulblok English: filling block Dutch: vulcijfer English: gap digit Dutch: vuldop English: filler cap Dutch: vulfactor English: space factor Dutch: vulgas English: filling gas Dutch: vulgewicht English: shot weight Dutch: vulinrichting English: hopper Dutch: vulkanisaat English: vulcanisate Dutch: vulkaniseren English: to vulcanize Dutch: vullen English: to fill; to charge; to load; to pad; to character fill Dutch: vullen met nullen English: to zerofill; to zeroise Dutch: vullend vermogen English: filling properties Dutch: vulling English: filing; load; charge; refill; filler; spacer; shim Dutch: vulmachine English: filling machine; filler Dutch: vulmassa English: filling compound; filler Dutch: vulmetaal English: filler metal Dutch: vulopgave English: poundage; claim Dutch: vulplaat English: loading shoe; loading tray; filling plate; spacer; lining plate Dutch: vulstem English: filling voice Dutch: vulstuk English: filling piece; packing piece; spacer Dutch: vultijd English: padding time Dutch: vultrechter English: funnel; filling funnel; hopper; feed hopper; chute Dutch: vurenhout English: deal; white wood Dutch: vuurbestendig English: fire-proof; fire-resisting; refractory Dutch: vuurleiding English: command guidance Dutch: vuurvast; vuurvaste English: refractory; noncombustible; incombustible; flameproof; fireproof Dutch: vuurvastheid English: fire resistance Dutch: vuurvertinnen English: hot tinning; hot tin dipping Dutch: vuurverzinken English: hot dip galvanising; hot spelter galvanising Dutch: waaier English: propeller; fan; impeller Dutch: waaierpomp English: vane pump Dutch: waakvlam English: pilot flame; bypass Dutch: waar English: merchandise; goods; articles; wares; true Dutch: waarde English: value; utility Dutch: waarde van de voorraad English: inventory valuation Dutch: waardeanalyse English: value analysis Dutch: waardebepaling English: determination of the value; valuation Dutch: waardeberekening English: calculation of value Dutch: waardedaling English: fall in value; depreciation Dutch: waarde-eenheid English: unit of value Dutch: waardeketen English: value chain Dutch: waardeloos English: worthless; valueless Dutch: waardemeter English: standard of value; value denominator Dutch: waarde-oproep English: call by value Dutch: waarderen English: evaluate; assess; estimate the value of; appraise; estimate; rate; value; judge Dutch: waardering English: evaluation; assessment; judgement; valuation; estimation; appraisal; rating; appreciation Dutch: waardeschatting English: estimation of value; appraisement Dutch: waardeschommeling English: fluctuation in value Dutch: waardestijging English: rise in value; appreciation Dutch: waardevermeerdering English: appreciation; increase in value Dutch: waardevermindering English: depreciation; decrease in value Dutch: waardeverschil English: difference in value Dutch: waardigheid English: valence Dutch: waargenomen kleur English: perceived colour Dutch: waarheid English: truth Dutch: waarheidstabel English: truth table Dutch: waarheidswaarde English: truth value Dutch: waarneembaar English: perceptible; noticeable Dutch: waarneembaarheid English: perceptibility Dutch: waarneembaarheidsgrens English: limit of perceptibility Dutch: waarnemen English: to observe; to notice; to perceive; to hold office for; to act temporarily; to deputize Dutch: waarneming English: observation; perception; temporary performance of duties Dutch: waarnemingsformulier English: tally-sheet Dutch: waarnemingsfout English: observational error; error of observation Dutch: waarnemingsuitkomst English: observed value Dutch: waarschijnlijke fout English: probable error Dutch: waarschijnlijkheid English: probability; likelihood Dutch: waarschijnlijkheidswet English: law of chance Dutch: waarschuwen English: to warn; to caution; to notify Dutch: waarschuwing English: warning; caution; notification; notice Dutch: waarschuwingsgrenzen English: warning limits Dutch: waarschuwingslabel English: warning label Dutch: waarschuwingslampje English: warning light; pilot light; signal light Dutch: waarschuwingsplaatje English: warning plate Dutch: waarschuwingsstrook English: warning slip Dutch: waas English: haze; fog Dutch: waasvormig English: blooming; hazing Dutch: wacht English: guard Dutch: wachtlijst English: waiting-list; queue Dutch: wachtrijtheorie English: queuing theory Dutch: wachtstation English: wait station Dutch: wachttijd English: waiting time; waiting period Dutch: wachttijdtheorie English: queuing theory; theory of queues Dutch: wachttijdverhouding English: queue ratio Dutch: wachturen English: waiting time; waiting hours Dutch: wachtwoordprotectie English: password protection Dutch: wafel English: wafer Dutch: wafelen English: to stipple planish; to stipple Dutch: wafelpen English: wafered punch; stippled punch Dutch: wafelproductie English: wafer fabrication Dutch: wafelstempel English: stipple planishing tool Dutch: wafelstructuur English: honeycomb structure Dutch: wagen English: vehicle; trolley; truck; wagon; van; lorry; carriage Dutch: wagenbesturing English: carriage control Dutch: wagenbesturingsbandje English: carriage-control tape Dutch: wagenterugloop English: carriage return Dutch: walkie-talkie English: walkie-talkie Dutch: walm English: smoke Dutch: wals English: roll; roller; rolling machine; rolling mill; roller mill; road roller; waltz Dutch: walsdruk English: roll pressure Dutch: walsen English: to roll Dutch: walserij English: rolling mill Dutch: walshuid English: rolling scale; mill scale; rolling skin Dutch: walshuid verwijderen English: to descale; scale removal; descaling Dutch: walspolijsten English: roll polishing; mill finishing Dutch: walsproduct English: rolled product Dutch: walsrichting English: direction of rolling; rolling direction; direction of grain Dutch: walsrol English: roller; roll Dutch: walsspleet English: roll gap Dutch: walsvoeding English: roll feed Dutch: wanbeheer English: mismanagement; bad management Dutch: wandboormachine English: wall drilling machine Dutch: wandcontactdoos English: socket outlet; outlet; wall socket Dutch: wandeffectelementen English: wall attachments elements Dutch: wandmontage English: wall-mounting; wall-fitting Dutch: wandventilator English: wall fan Dutch: wang English: flange; cheek Dutch: wankant English: dull edge; bad level; wane edge; wany edge Dutch: wankelen English: to reel; to sway Dutch: wankelfrequentie English: turn-over frequency Dutch: wankelmotor English: wankel engine Dutch: wanklank English: dissonance; note of discord; jarring note Dutch: wanorde English: disorder Dutch: wanordelijk English: disorderly; disordered; disarranged; untidy Dutch: wanverhouding English: disproportion Dutch: wapeningssysteem English: reinforcing system Dutch: ware aarde English: true ground Dutch: ware grootte English: actual size; true size Dutch: ware tijd English: real time; problem time; physical system time Dutch: waren English: wares; goods; products; commodities; merchandise Dutch: warenhuis English: department store; discount store; chain store Dutch: warm English: hot; warm Dutch: warm aandrukken English: to press-on hot; hot pressing Dutch: warm buigen English: to hot bend; hot bending Dutch: warm gefelst English: hot riveted Dutch: warm gewalst English: hot rolled Dutch: warm ingebrand English: hot burned Dutch: warm ingedrukt English: hot pressed-in; hot-foil printed; roll-leaf stamped; hot impressed Dutch: warm omleggen English: to heat seal Dutch: warm ponsen English: hot stamping; to hot stamp; to hot blank; to hot pierce; to hot punch; hot blanking; hot piercing; hot punching; hot blanking Dutch: warm spoelbad English: hot rinse Dutch: warmbeitel English: hot chisel Dutch: warmbewerking English: hot working Dutch: warmdraaien English: to warm up; to become overheated Dutch: warme las English: hot junction Dutch: warmeluchtkam English: hot-air comb Dutch: warmpersen English: to hot press; hot pressing Dutch: warmstampen English: hot stamping; to hot stamp; to hot blank; to hot pierce; to hot punch; hot blanking; hot piercing; hot punching; hot blanking Dutch: warmstansen English: hot stamping; to hot stamp; to hot blank; to hot pierce; to hot punch; hot blanking; hot piercing; hot punching; hot blanking Dutch: warmteafgever English: heat emitter Dutch: warmteafgifte English: heat emission Dutch: warmteafvoer English: heat removal; heat dissipation Dutch: warmteafvoereenheid English: heat remover Dutch: warmtebenutting English: utilization of heat Dutch: warmtebestendig English: heat-resistant Dutch: warmte-eenheid English: thermal unit Dutch: warmte-effect English: thermal effect Dutch: warmte-energie English: thermal energy; heat energy Dutch: warmte-evenwicht English: thermal equilibrium Dutch: warmtegeleidbaarheid English: thermal conductivity Dutch: warmtegeleidend English: heat-conducting; thermally conductive Dutch: warmtegeleiding English: heat conduction Dutch: warmtegeleidingsklem English: heat-conducting clamp; heatsink Dutch: warmtegevend English: heat-giving; heat-producing Dutch: warmtegevoelig English: heat-sensitive Dutch: warmtegradiënt English: heat gradient Dutch: warmtehardend English: heat-cure Dutch: warmtehuishouding English: thermal management; thermal control Dutch: warmte-isolatie English: thermal insulation Dutch: warmtelamp English: heat lamp Dutch: warmteleer English: thermodynamics Dutch: warmteontwikkeling English: development of heat; evolution of heat; generation of heat Dutch: warmteopnemer English: heat absorber Dutch: warmteopneming English: heat absorption Dutch: warmteopwekking English: heat generation Dutch: warmteproef English: heat test Dutch: warmteregeling English: heat control; heat regulation Dutch: warmteschok English: thermal shock Dutch: warmtestroom English: heat flow Dutch: warmtetegel English: heat-retaining tile; hot-plate Dutch: warmtetoevoer English: heat supply Dutch: warmtetraagheid English: heat lag Dutch: warmteuitstraling English: heat radiation; emission of heat Dutch: warmteuitwisselaar English: heat exchanger Dutch: warmtevast English: heat-resistant Dutch: warmtevastheid English: heat resistance Dutch: warmteverlies English: heat loss; loss of heat Dutch: warmteweerstand English: heat resistance; thermal resistance Dutch: warmvervormbaar English: hot formable Dutch: warmvervormbaarheid English: suitability for hot forming Dutch: warmvervormen English: hot forming; thermoforming Dutch: warmwaterroller English: heat-retaining roller Dutch: warren English: randomization Dutch: wartel English: union; gland nut; swivel Dutch: wartelmoer English: union nut; coupling nut; swivel nut Dutch: was English: wax; laundry Dutch: wasautomaat English: washing machine Dutch: wasbenzine English: dry-cleaning naphta Dutch: wasbeweging English: twin-tub combination Dutch: wascompartiment English: washing compartment Dutch: wasem English: steam Dutch: wasfles English: wash bottle; bubbler Dutch: wasgang English: washing run Dutch: wasgelegenheid English: lavatory accommodation; washing accommodation Dutch: wasgoed English: laundry; load Dutch: wasmachine English: washing machine; washer Dutch: wasmiddelconcentratie English: detergent concentration Dutch: waspapier English: wax paper; waxed paper Dutch: waspoeder English: washing powder; detergent Dutch: wasproces English: washing process Dutch: wasprogramma English: wash cycle Dutch: wassen English: to wash; to launder; to grow; to rise Dutch: wastabel English: washing table Dutch: wastemperatuur English: washing temperature Dutch: wastijd English: washing time Dutch: wastrommel English: washing drum; tub Dutch: wasverdeling English: wax distribution; wax spread Dutch: wasvermogen English: washing capacity Dutch: wasvoorschrift English: washing instructions Dutch: waswater English: wash water Dutch: waswerking English: washing action Dutch: wateraarde English: water ground Dutch: waterabsorptie English: water absorption Dutch: waterafscheider English: water separator Dutch: waterafstotend English: water repellent Dutch: waterafvoer English: water outlet; drain; drainage; water extraction Dutch: waterbad English: water bath Dutch: waterbak English: water tank Dutch: waterbatterij English: water battery Dutch: waterbeits English: water stain Dutch: waterbestendig English: waterproof Dutch: watercondensator English: water capacitor Dutch: waterdamp English: water vapour Dutch: waterdampdicht English: water vapour proof Dutch: waterdicht English: watertight; waterproof Dutch: waterdichtheid English: watertightness; Waterdichtheid; waterproofness; water density Dutch: watergehalte English: water content; percentage of water Dutch: watergeleider English: water guide Dutch: waterglas English: water-glass Dutch: watergordijn English: water curtain Dutch: waterhardend English: water-hardening Dutch: waterharding English: water hardening Dutch: waterhoudend English: hydrous Dutch: waterhuishouding English: water control; water management Dutch: waterig English: aqueous Dutch: waterkanaal English: water channel Dutch: waterkoeling English: water cooling; water jacket Dutch: waterkolom English: head of water Dutch: waterkraan English: water tap Dutch: waterkrachtstation English: hydroelectric power station Dutch: waterleiding English: water works; water main; water line; water pipe Dutch: waterlek English: water leak Dutch: waterlijm English: water glue Dutch: watermantel English: water jacket Dutch: waterniveau English: water level Dutch: waterniveauregelaar English: water-level control Dutch: waterontharding English: water softening Dutch: wateronthardingsmiddel English: water softener Dutch: wateroplosbaar English: water soluble Dutch: wateropname English: water absorption Dutch: waterpas stellen English: to level Dutch: waterpassen English: to level Dutch: waterpassing English: levelling Dutch: waterpaszetting English: levelling Dutch: waterpomp English: water pump Dutch: waterreiniging English: water purification Dutch: waterrem English: water brake Dutch: waterreostaat English: water rheostat Dutch: waterstofatoom English: hydrogen atom Dutch: waterstofbrosheid English: hydrogen embrittlement; hydrogen brittleness Dutch: waterstofperoxide English: hydrogen peroxide Dutch: waterstofvrij gegloeid English: hydrogen-free annealed Dutch: waterstraal English: water jet Dutch: watertoevoer English: water supply Dutch: watertoevoerslang English: water inlet hose Dutch: watervalmodel English: waterfall model Dutch: watervast English: water-resistant Dutch: waterverdringend English: water-displacing; dewatering Dutch: waterverdringer English: water displacer; dewatering fluid; water displacing liquid; waterdip lacquer Dutch: watervervuiling English: water pollution Dutch: watervrij English: water-free; anhydrous Dutch: waterweerstand English: water resistor Dutch: wat-indien analyse English: what-if analysis Dutch: watje English: piece of wadding; piece of cotton wool Dutch: watt English: watt: W Dutch: wattage English: wattage Dutch: watt-decibelconversie English: watt-decibel conversion Dutch: watten English: wadding Dutch: wattmeter English: wattmeter Dutch: wattseconde English: watt-second Dutch: Wattsnikkelbad English: Watts solution; Watts nickel solution; Watts-type bath Dutch: wattstroom English: watt current Dutch: wattuur English: watt-hour Dutch: wattverbruik English: wattage Dutch: wazig English: hazy; foggy; cloudy; blurred; indistinct; fuzzy; vague Dutch: weber English: weber Dutch: wedijverend leren English: competitive learning Dutch: weefsel English: fabric; textile; woven fabric; web; tissue; texture Dutch: weefselkleefband English: adhesive-fabric tape Dutch: weegbaar English: weighable; ponderable Dutch: weegbrug English: weigh bridge; platform scale Dutch: weegfactor English: weighing factor Dutch: weegflesje English: weighing bottle Dutch: weegglas English: areometer Dutch: weegmachine English: weighing machine Dutch: weegtoestel English: weighing apparatus Dutch: week English: soft; soak Dutch: weekijzer English: soft iron Dutch: weekijzermeter English: soft-iron meter; moving-iron meter Dutch: weekloon English: weekly wage; weekly wages Dutch: weekmaken English: to soften; to plasticize Dutch: weekplan English: week plan Dutch: weekproductie English: weekly production; weekly output Dutch: weeksoldeer English: soft solder Dutch: weekstempel English: week mark Dutch: weer English: weather; again; once more Dutch: weerbestendig English: weather-resistant; weatherproof Dutch: weergalm English: reverberation Dutch: weergave English: reproduction; playback; display Dutch: weergavebrom English: playback hum Dutch: weergavegetrouwheid English: quality of reproduction; fidelity of reproduction Dutch: weergavekarakteristiek English: playback response; playback characteristic; reproducing characteristic Dutch: weergavekromme English: playback response; playback characteristic; reproducing characteristic Dutch: weergavekwaliteit English: quality of reproduction Dutch: weergavepoort English: view port Dutch: weergaveroutine English: trace routine Dutch: weergavespanning English: playback voltage Dutch: weergaveversterker English: playback amplifier Dutch: weergeefapparaat English: reproduction device Dutch: weergeefbuis English: picture tube; cathode ray tube; kinescope Dutch: weergeefdraaitafel English: transcription turntable Dutch: weergeefkanaal English: playback channel Dutch: weergeefkarakteristiek English: playback response; playback characteristic; reproducing characteristic Dutch: weergeefkop English: playback head Dutch: weergeefkwaliteit English: quality of reproduction Dutch: weergeeftoets English: playback key; play button Dutch: weergeefverliezen English: playback losses Dutch: weergegeven beeld English: reproduced picture Dutch: weergeven English: to list; to reproduce; to playback; to represent; to render; to reflect; to state; to return; to restore; to give back Dutch: weergever English: reproducer Dutch: weergeving English: reproduction; playback; representation; rendering; reflection; statement; return; restoration Dutch: weerkaatsen English: to reflect; to rebound Dutch: weerkaatsing English: reflection; rebound Dutch: weersinvloed English: influence of the weather Dutch: weersomstandigheden English: weather conditions Dutch: weerspiegelen English: to reflect Dutch: weerstaan English: to resist; to withstand Dutch: weerstand English: resistance; resistor; fuse Dutch: weerstandsbank English: decade resistance instrument Dutch: weerstandsbrug English: resistance bridge; Wheatstone bridge Dutch: weerstandsdekadenbank English: decade resistance instrument Dutch: weerstandsdiode English: resistor diode Dutch: weerstandsdraad English: resistance wire Dutch: weerstandseenheid English: unit of resistance Dutch: weerstandskromme English: resistance curve Dutch: weerstandslasmachine English: resistance welder Dutch: weerstandslegeringen English: resistance alloys Dutch: weerstandsmatrix English: impedance matrix Dutch: weerstandsmetaal English: resistance metal Dutch: weerstandsmeten English: resistance measurements; R-measuring Dutch: weerstandsmeter English: ohmmeter Dutch: weerstandsmoment English: section modulus Dutch: weerstandsspanning English: resistive voltage Dutch: weerstandsstroom English: resistive current Dutch: weerstandsval English: resistance drop Dutch: weerstandsverhouding English: ratio of resistance Dutch: weerstandsvermogen English: resistivity Dutch: weerstandsvervanger English: dummy resistor; substitution resistor Dutch: weerstandswaarde English: resistance value Dutch: weerstandszuil English: resistance pillar Dutch: weg English: away; way; path; route; travel; distance; road Dutch: weg van English: away from; clear of Dutch: weg/tijd-diagram English: space/time diagram Dutch: wegbergen English: to put away; to store away Dutch: wegblazen English: to blow away Dutch: wegborstelen English: to brush off Dutch: wegcontact English: roadholding Dutch: wegdampen English: to evaporate Dutch: wegdrukken English: to push away; to push aside Dutch: wegdrukken van speling English: to eliminate the play Dutch: wegens English: on account of; in consequence of; due to Dutch: weggesneden English: cut-away Dutch: weggewerkt English: concealed Dutch: weggooiverpakking English: throw-away package; disposable package Dutch: weging English: weighing; weighing (lett.); loading Dutch: weglating English: ellipsis Dutch: weglengte English: path length Dutch: wegligging English: roadholding Dutch: wegslepen English: ground-off Dutch: wegslijpen English: to grind off Dutch: wegsterven English: to die away; to die out; to die down; to decay Dutch: wegvallen English: to break off; to drop out; to cease to exist; to be left out; to be omitted Dutch: wegwerpafval English: waste Dutch: wegwerppatroon English: disposable cartridge; expendable cartridge; throw-away cartridge Dutch: wegwerpstofzak English: disposable dust bag Dutch: wehnelt English: control grid; wehnelt Dutch: wehneltcilinder English: wehnelt cylinder; modulator electrode Dutch: wehneltuitsturing English: wehnelt drive Dutch: weigeren English: to refuse; to fail; to refuse to act; to fail to work Dutch: weinig actieve kool English: low-active carbon Dutch: wekelijks English: weekly; every week; once a week Dutch: weken English: to soak Dutch: wekmechanisme English: alarm mechanism Dutch: weksignaal English: alarm signal Dutch: Wener kalk English: French chalk Dutch: wensprijs English: wanted reference price Dutch: wensvoorraad English: standard stock Dutch: wentelen English: to turn Dutch: wereldcoördinaten English: world coordinates Dutch: wereldwijde puls English: earth-wide pulse Dutch: werk English: work; employment; job Dutch: werkadres English: operand Dutch: werkautorisatie English: work authorization Dutch: werkbaas English: foreman Dutch: werkbad English: working bath Dutch: werkbak English: container; bin; treating tank Dutch: werkbank English: bench; work bench Dutch: werkbankslijpmachine English: power grinder Dutch: werkbelasting English: working load; workload Dutch: werkbereik English: working range Dutch: werkbesparend English: labour-saving; work-saving Dutch: werkbesparing English: saving of labour; economy of labour Dutch: werkbestand English: work file Dutch: werkbezetting English: work load Dutch: werkbias English: operating bias Dutch: werkbon English: workslip Dutch: werkbril English: industrial goggles; industrial spectacles; safety goggles Dutch: werkcel English: cell; work cell Dutch: werkdiepte English: working depth Dutch: werkduur English: work duration; run duration Dutch: werkeenheden English: units of work Dutch: werkeenheid English: unit of labour Dutch: werkelijk English: real; actual Dutch: werkelijk adres English: actual address Dutch: werkelijk gegeven English: literal Dutch: werkelijk vermogen English: active power Dutch: werkelijk volume English: actual volume Dutch: werkelijke capaciteit English: demonstrated capacity Dutch: werkelijke code English: actual code Dutch: werkelijke kosten English: actual costs Dutch: werkelijke maat English: actual size; true size Dutch: werkelijke productie English: actual volume Dutch: werkelijke snelheid English: true speed Dutch: werkelijke voorraad English: actual stock Dutch: werkelijke vraag English: actual demand Dutch: werkelijke waarde English: actual value Dutch: werkelijkheid English: reality Dutch: werkeloos English: unemployed; inactive; idle Dutch: werkeloosheid English: unemployment Dutch: werken English: to work; to function; to run; to operate; to warp; to become warped Dutch: werken aan English: work on; working on Dutch: werken in staand bad English: still plating Dutch: werken op English: to act on Dutch: werken op batterijen English: to be battery-operated; to be battery-powered Dutch: werkende delen English: moving parts; working parts Dutch: werkenveloppe English: workspace envelope Dutch: werker English: worker Dutch: werkfase English: working phase; operating phase; run phase; running phase; target phase; object phase Dutch: werkfrequentie English: operating frequency Dutch: werkgebied English: field of activity; scope; working space; working area; working store Dutch: werkgeefster English: employer Dutch: werkgeheugen English: working storage; working store Dutch: werkhouding English: posture Dutch: werkindeling English: operation layout Dutch: werkingsbeginsel English: working principle; operating principle Dutch: werkkarakteristiek English: characteristic; curve Dutch: werkkleding English: working clothes Dutch: werkkracht English: worker; hand; capacity for work; working power Dutch: werkkrachten English: workers; labour; manpower Dutch: werkkring English: position; post; employment; occupation; sphere of action; scope; field of work Dutch: werkkwalificatie English: labour grade Dutch: werklastbeheersing English: balancing work load: BW Dutch: werklengte English: load length Dutch: werkloon English: wages; pay Dutch: werkloos English: unemployed; idle; inactive Dutch: werkloosheid English: unemployment; idleness; inaction; inactivity Dutch: werkmachine English: working machine; target computer; object computer; target configuration; object configuration Dutch: werkman English: workman; worker; labourer Dutch: werkmeester English: foreman Dutch: werkmethode English: working method; method of working; procedure Dutch: werkmodule English: object module Dutch: werkmodus English: working mode Dutch: werkmotivatie English: work motivation Dutch: werkomgeving English: work area; working environment Dutch: werkontleding English: job analysis Dutch: werkopdeling English: work-breakdown Dutch: werkopdrachtprioriteit English: order priority Dutch: werkoppervlak English: working area Dutch: werkplaatsbeheer English: shop floor control: SFC Dutch: werkplaatsbesturing English: shop floor control: SFC Dutch: werkplaatsindeling English: workshop layout Dutch: werkplaatsinrichting English: shop lay-out Dutch: werkplaatskalender English: shop calender Dutch: werkplaatskaliber English: workshop inspection gauge Dutch: werkplaatsmicroscoop English: workshop microscope Dutch: werkplaatspakket English: shop packet Dutch: werkplaatsplanning English: shop planning Dutch: werkplaatstechniek English: workshop practice Dutch: werkplaatsuitrusting English: workshop equipment Dutch: werkplan English: operating plan; plan of action; plan of working; plan of work; plan of activity; work plan Dutch: werkplek English: work area Dutch: werkploeg English: gang of workers; working shift Dutch: werkpositie English: operative position Dutch: werkprogramma English: working program; action program; object program Dutch: werkpunt English: working point; point of operation; operating point Dutch: werkrooster English: time table Dutch: werkruimte English: working space Dutch: werkset English: working set Dutch: werkslag English: power stroke; working stroke Dutch: werkspanning English: operating voltage; working voltage Dutch: werkstaat English: operation master list Dutch: werkstand English: working position; operating position Dutch: werkstation English: work station Dutch: werkstroom English: workflow Dutch: werkstroombeheersing English: workflow management Dutch: werkstructurering English: work structuring; job enrichment Dutch: werkstukdetector English: part detector Dutch: werkstukfeeder English: part feeder Dutch: werkstukhouder English: workholder; partholder Dutch: werkstukprogramma English: part program Dutch: werkt in de lengte op English: acts endwise on Dutch: werktaak English: appointed work; task Dutch: werktafel English: work table; bench; desk Dutch: werktank English: plating tank Dutch: werktekening English: engineering drawing; detailed drawing; working drawing Dutch: werktemperatuur English: operating temperature; working temperature; service temperature Dutch: werktempo English: tempo of work; pace; work rate Dutch: werktuig English: tool; instrument; apparatus; implement Dutch: werktuigbouw English: machine construction Dutch: werktuigkunde English: mechanical engineering Dutch: werktuigkundige English: engineer; mechanical engineer Dutch: werkuitgifte English: dispatching; work issuing Dutch: werkuitgiftelijst English: dispatch list Dutch: werkuitgiftemagazijn English: work issuing store Dutch: werkuur English: working hour; hour of work Dutch: werkvereenvoudiging English: work simplification Dutch: werkvermogen English: capacity; working capacity Dutch: werkverslag English: work report Dutch: werkverzoek English: work request Dutch: werkvlak English: working surface Dutch: werkvloer English: shop floor; workplace Dutch: werkvolgorde English: sequence of operations Dutch: werkvoorbereider English: manufacturing engineer; job preparator Dutch: werkvoorbereiding English: process planning; manufacturing engineering: ME; work preparation; manufacturing preparation Dutch: werkvoorraad English: working stock Dutch: werkweerstand English: load resistor Dutch: werkwijze English: mode; working method; mode of working; procedure; operating principle Dutch: werkzaam English: active; industrious; laborious; employed; engaged Dutch: werkzame stroom English: effective current Dutch: werkzame winding English: active coil Dutch: wervelen English: to whirl; to eddy Dutch: werveling English: whirl; eddy; swirl; vortex Dutch: wervelsinteren English: fluidized bed coating Dutch: wervelstroom English: eddy current; eddy flow Dutch: wervelstroomkoppeling English: eddy-current clutch Dutch: wervelstroomrem English: eddy-current brake Dutch: wervelstroomverliezen English: eddy-current losses Dutch: wervelversterker English: vortex amplifier Dutch: west English: west Dutch: wet van Ampère English: Ampere's law Dutch: wet van Beer English: Beer's law Dutch: wet van Brewster English: Brewster's law Dutch: wet van Coulomb English: Coulomb's law Dutch: wet van de gemiddelden English: law of averages Dutch: wet van het magnetisme English: law of magnetism Dutch: wet van Joule English: Joule's law Dutch: wet van ladingen English: law of charges Dutch: wet van Ohm English: Ohm's law Dutch: wet van Pareto English: twenty-eighty rule Dutch: wetenschap English: science; knowledge Dutch: wetsteen English: whetstone Dutch: wetten English: to whet; to hone Dutch: wetten van Kirchhoff English: Kirchhoff's laws Dutch: weven English: to weave Dutch: weverschaar English: weaver's scissors Dutch: Wheatstonebrug English: Wheatstone bridge Dutch: Whetstone English: Whetstone Dutch: whisker English: whisker Dutch: Whitworth schroefdraad English: Whitworth screwthread Dutch: widget English: widget Dutch: widia English: widia; tungsten carbide Dutch: wiebelen English: to wobble Dutch: wiegstuk English: cradle Dutch: wiel English: wheel; gear Dutch: wielafdrukeenheid English: wheel printer Dutch: wielbelasting English: wheel loading Dutch: wielkast English: wheel well Dutch: wielmoersleutel English: wheel brace Dutch: wielschijf English: wheel disc; gear blank Dutch: wielsensoren English: wheel sensors Dutch: wieltrekker English: wheel puller Dutch: wielvlucht English: castor Dutch: wigvormig English: wedge-shaped Dutch: wigvormigheid English: wedge-shaped; wedge-form Dutch: wijd English: wide; loose Dutch: wijd netwerk English: wide area network: WAN Dutch: wijkend English: receding Dutch: wijksteenzuur English: tartaric acid Dutch: wijnzuur English: tartaric acid Dutch: wijzen English: to point Dutch: wijzer English: pointer; index; indicator; needle; hand Dutch: wijzerinstrument English: dial instrument Dutch: wijzerplaat English: dial Dutch: wijzers van de klok English: hands Dutch: wijzerslag English: pointer stroke Dutch: wijzerspin English: pointer mechanism Dutch: wijzerthermometer English: dial thermometer Dutch: wijzervariabele English: pointer variable Dutch: wijzerverloop English: pointer drift Dutch: wijzigen English: to change; to alter; to modify Dutch: wijzigen in English: to change into Dutch: wijzigingsbeheer English: change management Dutch: wijzigingsbesluit English: change note: CN; legislative amendment; change note (CN); amending Decision; amending Act Dutch: wijzigingscijfer English: change digit; change figure Dutch: wijzigingsdatum English: change date Dutch: wijzigingsdump English: change dump Dutch: wijzigingselement English: modifier Dutch: wijzigingsgraad English: rate of change Dutch: wijzigingsletter English: change letter Dutch: wijzigingsnota English: notice of revision: NOR Dutch: wijzigingsnummer English: modification figure Dutch: wijzigingsstatus English: change status; revision status Dutch: wijzigingsteken English: indication of change Dutch: wijzigingsvoorstel English: change proposal: CP Dutch: wikkel English: wrapper; wrapping; banderole Dutch: wikkelapparaat English: winding apparatus Dutch: wikkelas English: winding shaft Dutch: wikkelbegin English: beginning of winding; start of winding Dutch: wikkeldoorn English: winding mandrel Dutch: wikkeldoornklem English: winding-mandrel clamp Dutch: wikkeldraad English: winding wire Dutch: wikkeleinde English: end of winding; finish of winding Dutch: wikkelen English: to wind; to wrap up Dutch: wikkelen met spoed English: progressive winding Dutch: wikkelfout English: winding error Dutch: wikkelgegevens English: winding data Dutch: wikkelgereedschap English: winding tool Dutch: wikkeling English: winding Dutch: wikkelingsfactor English: winding factor Dutch: wikkelkaart English: winding-data sheet; winding specification Dutch: wikkelkast English: headstock Dutch: wikkelkop English: winding head Dutch: wikkellaag English: winding layer Dutch: wikkellengte English: winding length Dutch: wikkelmachine English: winding machine; winder Dutch: wikkelmal English: winding jig; winding mandrel Dutch: wikkelopstelling English: winding setup Dutch: wikkelpapier English: wrapping paper Dutch: wikkelproef English: winding test Dutch: wikkelrichting English: direction of winding; direction of helix; winding direction Dutch: wikkelschema English: winding specification Dutch: wikkelschrede English: advance pitch Dutch: wikkelslede English: guide mechanism Dutch: wikkelsnelheid English: winding speed; rate of winding Dutch: wikkelspoed English: winding pitch; pitch Dutch: wikkelstand English: winding position Dutch: wikkelvenster English: winding window Dutch: wikkelverhouding English: winding ratio Dutch: wikkelvinger English: wire guide Dutch: wikkelvolgorde English: winding sequence Dutch: wild gericht gewikkeld English: semi-scramble wound Dutch: wild gewikkeld English: scramble wound Dutch: wild wikkelen English: scramble winding Dutch: willekeurig English: arbitrary; casual; immaterial; any; random Dutch: willekeurig bestand English: hash table Dutch: willekeurige getallen English: random numbers Dutch: willekeurige ruis English: random noise Dutch: willekeurige spreiding English: random distribution Dutch: willekeurige storing English: random failure Dutch: willekeurige toegang English: random access Dutch: willekeurige voeding English: random feed Dutch: willekeurige wikkeling English: random winding Dutch: Winchester-schijf English: Winchester drive Dutch: windbelasting English: wind load Dutch: winddroog English: wind-dried; air-dried Dutch: winden English: to wind; to coil Dutch: windgeruis English: wind noise Dutch: winding English: thread; coil; turn Dutch: window English: window Dutch: windsnelheid English: wind velocity Dutch: windtunnelproef English: wind-tunnel test Dutch: winkelopeningsuren English: shop hours Dutch: winkelprijs English: shop price; retail price; price to the public Dutch: winkelsluitingstijden English: shop closing hours Dutch: winkelvoorraad English: shop inventory Dutch: winnaar-krijgt-de-pot English: winner-take-all Dutch: winst English: profit; gain; benefit; advantage Dutch: winstaanwending English: allocation of profit Dutch: winstgevend English: profitable; remunerative; profit-yielding Dutch: winstinhouding English: retention of profits Dutch: wipaanslag English: trip stop Dutch: wipdiode English: four-layer diode Dutch: wipplaatje English: swing plate Dutch: wipschakelaar English: rocker switch; tumbler switch Dutch: wiptransistor English: thyristor Dutch: wis/was-automaat English: wash/wipe automatic Dutch: wisafstand English: erase level Dutch: wisbaar English: delible; effaceable; erasable Dutch: wisdemping English: erase damping Dutch: wisfrequentie English: erase frequency Dutch: wiskop English: erase head Dutch: wiskundig model English: mathematical model Dutch: wiskundige controle English: mathematical check Dutch: wiskundige functie English: mathematical function Dutch: wiskundige logica English: mathematical logic Dutch: wiskundige statistiek English: mathematical statistics Dutch: wismagneet English: erase magnet Dutch: wisoscillator English: erase oscillator Dutch: wissel English: points; switch; bill; bill of exchange: B/E Dutch: wisselaar English: changer; record changer; auto-turntable Dutch: wisselaarplank English: changer mounting board Dutch: wisselas English: change spindle; changer spindle Dutch: wisselbaar English: changeable Dutch: wisselbak English: gearbox Dutch: wisselcontact English: make-and-break contact Dutch: wisselcyclus English: change cycle Dutch: wisselen English: to change; to change record; to cycle; record-changing; cycling Dutch: wisselend English: varying; fluctuating; alternating Dutch: wisselende belasting English: cyclic loading; alternating loading; varying load Dutch: wisselende polariteit English: alternating polarity Dutch: wisselhefboom English: changing lever Dutch: wisseling English: change; alternation; fluctuation Dutch: wisselproef English: colour phase alternation Dutch: wisselschakelaar English: double-throw switch Dutch: wisselsein English: flag; sentinel Dutch: wisselspanning English: alternating voltage; AC voltage Dutch: wisselspanningsmeter English: AC voltmeter; alternating-current voltmeter Dutch: wisselspanningsteken English: AC symbol; alternating-current symbol Dutch: wisselstartpal English: cycle actuating pawl Dutch: wisselstroom English: alternating current: AC; alternating current Dutch: wisselstroomapparatuur English: AC equipment Dutch: wisselstroomgenerator English: AC generator; alternating-current generator; alternator Dutch: wisselstroomkring English: AC circuit; alternating-current circuit Dutch: wisselstroommachine English: AC machine; alternating-current machine Dutch: wisselstroommotor English: AC motor; alternating-current motor Dutch: wisselstroomomvormer English: AC transducer Dutch: wisselstroomsignaal English: AC signal; alternating-current signal Dutch: wisselstroomspanning English: AC voltage Dutch: wisselstroomsturing English: AC drive; alternating-current drive Dutch: wisselstroomtheorie English: AC theory; alternating-current theory Dutch: wisselstroomtransport English: AC transmission Dutch: wisselstroomvermogen English: AC power Dutch: wisselstroomweerstand English: alternating-current resistance; AC resistance Dutch: wisselteken English: escape character: ESC Dutch: wisselvallig English: uncertain; unstable Dutch: wisselveld English: alternating-current field; AC field Dutch: wisselwiel English: change wheel Dutch: wissen English: to clear; to erase; to wipe; to delete Dutch: wissignaal English: erase signal; erasure signal Dutch: wissing English: wiping; deletion; erasure Dutch: wisstroom English: erase current Dutch: wisvergrendeling English: erase interlock Dutch: wit licht English: white light Dutch: wit voorwerp English: white object Dutch: witbalans English: white balance Dutch: witbandfilter English: white-band filter Dutch: witcompressie English: white compression Dutch: witcorrectie English: white correction Dutch: witcorrectiefilter English: white-correction filter Dutch: witexpansie English: white stretching Dutch: witgebied English: white region Dutch: witinstelling English: white adjustment Dutch: witkalk English: whitewash; lime wash Dutch: witniveau English: white level Dutch: witpunt English: illuminant; whitening point Dutch: witte doos English: white box Dutch: witte was English: white laundry; white clothes; whites Dutch: witte-box test English: white-box testing Dutch: witvector English: white vector Dutch: witwasprogramma English: white-wash program Dutch: wobbelbox English: wobbulator Dutch: wobbelen English: to wobble; to wobbulate Dutch: wobbelfrequentie English: wobbulating frequency; sweep frequency Dutch: wobbelmeetzender English: wobbulator; wobbulated signal generator; sweep signal generator; swept-frequency signal generator Dutch: wobbeloscillator English: wobbulator Dutch: wobbelsignaal English: wobbulator signal; sweep signal Dutch: wobbulator English: wobbulator; wobbulated signal generator; sweep signal generator; swept-frequency signal generator Dutch: wolfraamcarbide English: tungsten carbide Dutch: wolfraamstaal English: tungsten steel Dutch: wolfraamzuur English: tungsten acid Dutch: wolkschaduw English: black spot Dutch: wolschaal English: wool scale Dutch: woord English: word; full word Dutch: woorddeel English: syllable; catena; bite; byte; slab Dutch: woordgeheugen English: word organized store Dutch: woordlengte English: word length; machine word length Dutch: woordmarkering English: word mark Dutch: woordmerk English: word mark Dutch: woordmerkteken English: word mark Dutch: woordperiode English: word period; word time Dutch: woordtijd English: word time Dutch: woordvlak English: digit plane Dutch: worm English: worm; screw Dutch: wormaandrijving English: worm drive Dutch: wormas English: worm shaft Dutch: wormkast English: worm gearbox (Jakob Vlietstra); reduction gear unit (LinkUp manual) Dutch: wormoverbrenging English: worm gear; worm-geared transmission; worm-gear transmission Dutch: wormroerder English: worm stirrer; agitator Dutch: wormvertraging English: worm reducer Dutch: wormwielkast English: worm gearbox Dutch: wortel English: root; radix; radical Dutch: wortelas English: radical axis Dutch: wortelfineer English: butt veneer Dutch: wortelknooppunt English: root node Dutch: wortelproces English: root process Dutch: wortelschema English: root schema Dutch: wortelsegment English: root segment Dutch: worteltrekken English: to extract a root Dutch: wrijfbehandeling English: rubbing process; plating by rubbing Dutch: wrijven English: to rub; to polish; to rub to powder; to pulverize Dutch: wrijving English: rubbing; polishing; friction Dutch: wrijvingsarbeid English: frictional energy Dutch: wrijvingsblok English: friction block Dutch: wrijvingsconstante English: constant of friction Dutch: wrijvingscontact English: frictional contact Dutch: wrijvingskoppel English: friction torque Dutch: wrijvingskoppeling English: friction clutch Dutch: wrijvingskracht English: frictional force Dutch: wrijvingsslijtage English: frictional wear Dutch: wrijvingsvlak English: friction surface Dutch: wrijvingswerking English: frictional action Dutch: wrijvingswiel English: friction wheel Dutch: wrikken English: to jerk; to lever; to prize; to prize off Dutch: wringen English: to twist; to wrench Dutch: wringijzer English: twisting tool; setting tool; tap wrench Dutch: wringing English: torque; twisting; torsion Dutch: wringingskracht English: torsional force Dutch: wringingsweerstand English: torsional resistance Dutch: wringingswerking English: twisting action Dutch: wringproef English: torsion test Dutch: X Window systeem English: X Window system Dutch: X121 protocol English: X121 protocol Dutch: X-21 modem English: X-21 modem Dutch: X-25 modem English: X-25 modem Dutch: X400 protocol English: X400 protocol Dutch: X500 protocol English: X500 protocol Dutch: X-afbuiging English: X deflection; horizontal deflection Dutch: X-as English: abscissa; X axis; timebase Dutch: X-Athena widget English: X Athena widget: XAW Dutch: X-band English: X band Dutch: X-bibliotheek English: X library: Xlib Dutch: X-client English: X client Dutch: X-component English: X component Dutch: X-coördinaat English: X coordinate Dutch: xerografie English: xerography Dutch: xerografisch English: xerographic Dutch: X-gebruikersinterface English: X user interface: XUI Dutch: X-kanaal English: X channel Dutch: X-las English: double vee weld; double V weld Dutch: X-naad English: double vee joint; double V joint Dutch: X-paneel English: X board Dutch: X-plaat English: X plate Dutch: X-positie English: X position Dutch: X-protocol English: X protocol Dutch: X-richting English: X direction Dutch: X-server English: X server Dutch: X-signaal English: X signal Dutch: X-techniek English: X technique Dutch: X-terminal English: X terminal Dutch: X-versterker English: X amplifier Dutch: X-versterking English: X gain Dutch: XView English: XView Dutch: X-Y oscilloscoop English: X-Y scope Dutch: XYZ-configuratie English: XYZ configuration Dutch: Y-afbuiging English: Y deflection Dutch: yagi-antenne English: yagi antenna; yagi aerial Dutch: Y-as English: Y axis Dutch: Y-coördinaat English: Y-coordinate Dutch: Y-kanaal English: Y channel Dutch: Y-naad English: Y joint Dutch: yoke-ring English: yoke ring Dutch: Y-plaat English: Y plate Dutch: Y-richting English: Y direction Dutch: Y-signaal English: Y signal Dutch: Y-versterker English: Y amplifier Dutch: z van Fisher English: Fisher's z Dutch: zaadgetal English: seed Dutch: zaagbank English: saw bench Dutch: zaagbeugel English: saw frame; saw bow Dutch: zaagblad English: saw blade Dutch: zaagdiepte English: depth of cut Dutch: zaagfrees English: slitting cutter; slitting saw Dutch: zaaggleuf English: saw cut Dutch: zaaglijst English: indented bill-of-material Dutch: zaagmachine English: saw; sawing bench Dutch: zaagmeel English: sawdust Dutch: zaagsel English: sawdust; swarf Dutch: zaagsnede English: saw cut; slot; saw slot Dutch: zaagtafel English: saw table; saw bench Dutch: zaagtand English: saw tooth Dutch: zaagtandafbuigspanning English: saw-tooth deflection voltage Dutch: zaagtandafbuigstroom English: saw-tooth deflection current Dutch: zaagtandcyclus English: saw-tooth cycle Dutch: zaagtandfrequentie English: saw-tooth frequency Dutch: zaagtandgenerator English: saw-tooth generator Dutch: zaagtandkoppeling English: saw-tooth coupling Dutch: zaagtandkromme English: saw-tooth waveform Dutch: zaagtandoscillator English: saw-tooth oscillator Dutch: zaagtandspanning English: saw-tooth voltage Dutch: zaagtandstroom English: saw-tooth current Dutch: zaagtandsysteem English: variable area track Dutch: zaagtandvormig English: saw-tooth shaped; saw-toothed; saw-tooth Dutch: zaagvijl English: saw file; three-square file Dutch: zaak English: business; concern; matter; affair; transaction; deal Dutch: zaalakoestiek English: room acoustics; architectural acoustics Dutch: zacht English: soft; mild; low; gentle; slow Dutch: zacht document English: soft copy document Dutch: zacht ijzer English: soft iron Dutch: zacht koperdraad English: soft copperwire Dutch: zacht staal English: mild steel Dutch: zacht water English: soft water Dutch: zachte koppeling English: soft link Dutch: zachte storing English: fail soft; soft failure Dutch: zachtgegloeid English: fully annealed Dutch: zachtgesoldeerd English: soft soldered Dutch: zachtgetrokken English: soft drawn Dutch: zachtmaken English: to soften Dutch: zachtsoldeer English: soft solder; tin solder Dutch: zachtsoldeerstaaf English: tin-solder stick Dutch: zachtsolderen English: soft soldering Dutch: zadelspoel English: saddle-shaped coil Dutch: Z-afbuiging English: Z deflection Dutch: zagen English: to saw; to cut Dutch: zak English: bag; pocket; valley; dip Dutch: zakformaat English: pocket size Dutch: zakgat English: blind hole Dutch: zakken English: to fall; to sag; to come down; to sink Dutch: zakkers English: sags Dutch: zakmodel English: pocket model Dutch: zalmkleurig English: salmon coloured Dutch: zandbak English: sandbox Dutch: zanddeeltje English: particle of sand Dutch: zanderig gevoel English: gritty feel Dutch: zandloper English: hourglass; egg-timer Dutch: zandstralen English: to sand-blast Dutch: zandstraler English: sand-blaster Dutch: Z-as English: Z axis Dutch: Z-coördinaat English: Z coordinate Dutch: zee English: maritime; sea Dutch: zeef voor sortering English: screen; riddle Dutch: zeef voor vloeistoffen English: strainer Dutch: zeefdoek English: sieve cloth; straining cloth Dutch: zeefdruketsmethode English: silkscreen etching method; screen-printing etching method Dutch: zeefdrukken English: to silk-screen; to screen-print; silkscreening; screen-printing Dutch: zeefdrukraam English: silkscreen frame; screen-printing frame Dutch: zeefdrukrakel English: squeegee Dutch: zeefdrukscherm English: silk-screen; screen; printing screen Dutch: zeefdruktafel English: silkscreen table; screen-printing table Dutch: zeefdrukverf English: silkscreen paint; screen-printing paint Dutch: zeefgaas English: sieve gauze; wire gauze; screen wire; screen pack Dutch: zeefrest English: sieve remainder; sieve residue; strain residue; strain remainder Dutch: zeeklimaat English: sea climate Dutch: zeelucht English: sea air Dutch: zeem English: chamois-leather; wash-leather Dutch: zeemleer English: chamois-leather; wash-leather Dutch: zeepbak English: detergent receptacle; detergent reservoir Dutch: zeeppoeder English: soap powder; powder soap Dutch: zeepschuim English: soap lather Dutch: zeeptoevoer English: detergent supply Dutch: zeepwater English: soapy water Dutch: zeer giftig English: highly toxic Dutch: zeer grote resistentie English: very high resistance Dutch: zeer hoge frequentie English: ultrahigh frequency: UHF; very high frequency: VHF Dutch: zeer hoogfrequent English: ultrahigh frequency Dutch: zeer kort bereik English: very short range Dutch: zeer laagfrequent English: ultralow frequency Dutch: zeer lage frequentie English: ultralow frequency: ULF; very low frequency: VLF Dutch: zeer lage resistentie English: very low resistance Dutch: zeer significant English: highly significant Dutch: zeer snel relais English: high-speed relay Dutch: zeer snelle flip-flop English: high-speed flip-flop Dutch: zeer zwaar English: very heavy Dutch: zeer zwak English: very weak Dutch: zeeverontreiniging English: sea pollution Dutch: zeewaardige verpakking English: seaworthy packaging; sea-proof packaging Dutch: zegellood English: lead seal; lead Dutch: zegelwas English: sealing wax Dutch: zekeren English: to lock; to secure; to fuse Dutch: zekerheid English: certainty; sureness; security; surety; reliability; safety; confidence Dutch: zekerheidscoëfficiënt English: safety factor Dutch: zekerheidsfactor English: certainty factor Dutch: zekering English: fuse; lock Dutch: zekeringdoos English: fuse box Dutch: zekeringhouder English: fuse holder Dutch: zekeringkast English: fuse box Dutch: zelfaanpassing English: self-adaptation Dutch: zelfaanzuigend English: self-priming Dutch: zelfafstellend English: self-adjusting Dutch: zelfbediening English: self-service Dutch: zelfbedieningswinkel English: self-service store Dutch: zelfbekrachtigend English: self-energizing Dutch: zelfbeschouwing English: introspection Dutch: zelfbeschrijvend English: self-descriptive Dutch: zelfbijstellend English: self-aligning Dutch: zelfblussend English: self-extinguishing Dutch: zelfborgend English: self-locking Dutch: zelfborgende moer English: self-locking nut Dutch: zelfcontrolerende code English: error checking code Dutch: zelfcorrigerend English: self-correcting Dutch: zelfdiagnose English: self-diagnosis Dutch: zelfdichtend English: self-sealing; self-tightening Dutch: zelfdovend English: self-extinguishing Dutch: zelfdragend English: self-supporting Dutch: zelffinanciering English: self-financing; autofinancing Dutch: zelfgedocumenteerd English: self-documented Dutch: zelfhardend English: self-hardening; self-curing Dutch: zelfhechtend English: self-adhesive Dutch: zelfherstellend English: self-healing Dutch: zelfherstellende lus English: self-resetting loop; loop operation Dutch: zelfinductie English: self-inductance; self-induction Dutch: zelfinstellend English: self-adjusting; self-aligning; self-setting Dutch: zelfklemmend English: self-tightening Dutch: zelfklemmende band English: self-adhesive tape; pressure-sensitive tape Dutch: zelfklevend etiket English: self-adhesive label; pressure-sensitive label Dutch: zelfklevend plakband English: self-adhesive tape; pressure-sensitive tape Dutch: zelfklevende lijm English: permanent adhesive; pressure sensitive adhesive Dutch: zelflerend English: self-learning Dutch: zelflerende robot English: learning robot Dutch: zelflichtgevend English: self-luminous Dutch: zelfontbranding English: self-combustion; self-ignition; spontaneous combustion; spontaneous ignition; auto-ignition Dutch: zelfontlading English: self-discharge Dutch: zelfopenend English: self-opening Dutch: zelfopsluitend English: self-locking Dutch: zelfoscillatie English: self-oscillation; self-excited oscillation Dutch: zelfoscilleren English: to self-oscillate Dutch: zelfregeling English: self-adjustment; self-regulation Dutch: zelfregistrerend English: self-registering; self-recording Dutch: zelfregulerend English: self-regulating Dutch: zelfreinigend English: self-cleaning Dutch: zelfreparatie English: self-repair Dutch: zelfscherpend English: self-sharpening Dutch: zelfsluitend English: self-locking; self-closing Dutch: zelfsmerend English: self-lubricating; self-oiling Dutch: zelfsmering English: self-lubrication Dutch: zelfsnappend slot English: snap lock; spring lock Dutch: zelfsnijdend English: self-cutting Dutch: zelfspannend English: self-tensioning; self-adjusting Dutch: zelfstandig English: self-dependent; independent; self-reliant Dutch: zelfstarten English: to bootstrap Dutch: zelfstartend English: self-starting; self-triggering Dutch: zelfstartend programma English: bootstrap Dutch: zelfstellend English: self-adjusting Dutch: zelfstoppend English: self-stopping; autostop Dutch: zelftappend English: self-tapping Dutch: zelftapper English: self-tapping screw; self-tapper Dutch: zelftest English: self-test Dutch: zelfuitrichtend English: self-aligning Dutch: zelfverwijzing English: self-reference Dutch: zelfverzadiging English: self-saturation Dutch: zelfvoedend English: self-feeding Dutch: zelfwerkend English: self-acting; automatic Dutch: zendamateur English: ham; old man Dutch: zendantenne English: transmitting antenna; transmitting aerial Dutch: zendbereik English: transmission range Dutch: zendbuis English: transmitter tube; transmitter valve; transmitting tube; transmitting valve Dutch: zenden English: to send; to despatch; to ship; to forward; to transmit Dutch: zender English: sender; transmitter; signal generator Dutch: zenderafstemming English: transmitter tuning Dutch: zenderfrequentie English: transmitter frequency Dutch: zenderhulpdraaggolf English: transmitted subcarrier Dutch: zenderkant English: transmitter end; sending end Dutch: zenderrichting English: transmitter direction Dutch: zendersignaal English: transmitter signal Dutch: zenderuitval English: transmitter failure; transmitter outage Dutch: zendervermogen English: transmitter power Dutch: zendervoeding English: transmitter supply Dutch: zenderzijde English: transmitter end; sender end Dutch: zending English: shipment; sending; despatch; forwarding; consignment; lot; consignments Dutch: zendingenkosten English: expenses on exports Dutch: zendingenplanning English: shipments scheduling Dutch: zendinginformatie English: shipment notice Dutch: zendinstallatie English: transmitting installation Dutch: zendontvanger English: transceiver; citizen's band two-way radio Dutch: zendrichting English: direction of transmission Dutch: zendstation English: broadcast station; transmitting station Dutch: zendtijd English: hours of transmission Dutch: zendtoestel English: transmitting apparatus; sending apparatus; transmitter Dutch: zenerdiode English: zener diode; breakdown diode Dutch: zener-doorslag English: zener breakdown Dutch: zenereffect English: zener effect Dutch: zenerimpedantie English: zener impedance Dutch: zenerspanning English: zener voltage Dutch: zenerstroom English: zener current Dutch: zenuwcel English: neuron Dutch: zenuwstroom English: nerve current Dutch: zeskant English: hexagon Dutch: zeskante stiftsleutel English: hexagon wrench Dutch: zeskantig English: hexagonal Dutch: zeskantmoer English: hexagonal nut; hex nut Dutch: zespolig English: six-pole Dutch: zestientallig stelsel English: hexadecimal notation Dutch: zesvlak English: hexahedron Dutch: zetbank English: brake press; folding machine; angle folder; angle bending machine Dutch: zetbewerking English: forming operation Dutch: zetten English: to put; to place; to set; to erect; to put up; to build; to fold; to set Dutch: zetting English: setting; set; folding; arrangement; tonality Dutch: zeven English: seven; to sieve; to strain; to screen Dutch: zevenhoek English: heptagon; septagon Dutch: zich genoodzaakt zien English: to be compelled to Dutch: zich herhalen English: to repeat oneself; to recur Dutch: zich inwerken English: to work oneself in Dutch: zich onttrekken aan English: to evade Dutch: zich onveilig voelen English: to feel insecure Dutch: zich verzekeren van English: to secure; to obtain; to procure Dutch: zicht English: horizon; view; visibility Dutch: zicht voortplanten English: to travel Dutch: zichtbaar English: visible; perceptible; apparent Dutch: zichtbaar spectrum English: visible spectrum Dutch: zichtbaar worden English: to show up; to appear Dutch: zichtbare informatie English: visual information Dutch: zie ommezijde English: please turn over: PTO Dutch: ziekteverzuim English: sickness absence; absenteeism Dutch: ziel English: soul; core; kernel; magnetic core; nucleus Dutch: zigzag steek English: zigzag stitch Dutch: zijband English: sideband Dutch: zijbandfilter English: sideband filter Dutch: zijbandfrequentie English: sideband frequency; side frequency Dutch: zijbandinterferentie English: sideband interference Dutch: zijbandonderdrukking English: sideband suppression Dutch: zijbandsignaal English: sideband signal Dutch: zijbandtafel English: side-belt table Dutch: zijbandtransmissie English: sideband transmission Dutch: zijbandvector English: sideband vector Dutch: zijbuffer English: lateral cushion Dutch: zijde English: side; face; silk Dutch: zijdegaas English: silk gauze Dutch: zijdeglans English: satin gloss Dutch: zijdeglanzend English: satin finished Dutch: zijdelings English: lateral; sideways; indirect; mediate Dutch: zijdruk English: lateral pressure Dutch: zijdrukcompensatie English: side-thrust compensation Dutch: zijkant English: side; side edge; side face Dutch: zijkniptang English: side-cutting pliers; side cutters; side-cutting nippers Dutch: zijlicht English: side light; quarterlight Dutch: zijlob English: sidelobe Dutch: zijnsleer English: ontology Dutch: zijpaneel English: side panel; side PC board Dutch: zijsnijder English: side-cutting punch; trimming punch; notching punch Dutch: zijspeling English: lateral play Dutch: zijstrip English: side strip Dutch: zijstuk English: side piece Dutch: zijvlak English: side face; lateral face Dutch: zijwaarts English: lateral; sideward; sideways Dutch: zijwaartse speling English: lateral play Dutch: zilverachtig English: silvery; argentine Dutch: zilveranode English: silver anode Dutch: zilverbad English: silver bath; silver-plating solution Dutch: zilverpapier English: silver paper; tin foil; silver foil Dutch: zilversoldeer English: silver solder Dutch: zilversolderen English: silver soldering Dutch: zilverstaal English: silver steel Dutch: zinkaluminaatfosfor English: zinc aluminate phosphor Dutch: zinkbad English: zinc bath; galvanising bath Dutch: zinkbedekking English: zinc coating Dutch: zinkclorideoplossing English: zinc-chloride solution; killed spirit Dutch: zinkgeel English: zinc chromate; zinc yellow; zinc chrome; citron yellow Dutch: zinkgermaniumfosfor English: zinc germanate phosphor Dutch: zinkgietblok English: zinc ingot Dutch: zinkiseren English: hot zinc spraying Dutch: zinkoxide English: zinc oxide Dutch: zinkplaat English: zinc sheet Dutch: zinkpoeder English: zinc powder; zinc dust Dutch: zinksilicaatfosfor English: zinc silicate phosphor Dutch: zinkspuitgieten English: zinc die casting Dutch: zinkspuitwerk English: zinc die casting Dutch: zinksulfidefosfor English: zinc sulfide phosphor Dutch: zinkwit English: zinc white Dutch: zirconiumkoper English: zirconium copper Dutch: zitten English: to sit; to fit; to be located Dutch: zitting English: seat; session; meeting; squab Dutch: Z-meter English: Z meter Dutch: zoekarm English: access arm Dutch: zoekbalk English: reference bar Dutch: zoekbundel English: fan beam Dutch: zoekbus English: pilot bush Dutch: zoekcyclus English: search cycle; seek Dutch: zoeken English: to search; to seek; to look for Dutch: zoekende stand English: lead-in position; piloting Dutch: zoeker English: pilot; leader; pilot pin; finder; viewfinder; researcher Dutch: zoekergat English: locating hole Dutch: zoekernok English: locating cam Dutch: zoekerpen English: pilot pin Dutch: zoekgebied English: search space Dutch: zoeknok English: aligning key; locating key Dutch: zoekoscillator English: search oscillator Dutch: zoekpen English: pilot pin Dutch: zoekspoel English: search coil Dutch: zoem(geluid) English: buzz Dutch: zoet English: sweet; fresh; smooth Dutch: zoetschaaf English: smoothing plane Dutch: zoetwaterdompelproef English: fresh-water immersion test Dutch: zolder English: loft; attic; ceiling Dutch: zone English: zone; curtate; region; range Dutch: zonebits English: zone bits Dutch: zoneponsing English: zone punch Dutch: zonesmelten English: zone refining; zone melting Dutch: zonlicht English: sunlight Dutch: zonnebatterij English: solar battery Dutch: zonnebril English: sun glasses Dutch: zonneflux English: solar flux Dutch: zonneklep English: sun visor Dutch: zonnekracht English: solar power Dutch: zonneproef English: solar radiation test Dutch: zonnespectrum English: sun spectrum; solar spectrum Dutch: zonnevlekken English: sunspots Dutch: zonnewarmte English: solar heat Dutch: zoolplaat English: sole plate Dutch: zoom English: zoom Dutch: zoomen English: to zoom Dutch: zoomlens English: zoomlens Dutch: zoon English: child Dutch: zoonversie English: child version Dutch: zootje ongeregeld English: kludge Dutch: zorgvuldig English: careful; meticulous Dutch: zout English: salt Dutch: zoutafzetting English: deposit of salt; salt deposition Dutch: zoutbad English: salt bath Dutch: zoutbadharding English: salt-bath hardening Dutch: zoutdamp English: salt mist Dutch: zoutneerslag English: saline deposit; deposit of salt Dutch: zoutniveau-indicator English: salt-level indicator Dutch: zoutoplossing English: salt solution; saline solution Dutch: zoutsproeiproef English: salt-spray test Dutch: zoutvrij English: salt-free Dutch: zoutwaterbestendig English: salt-water resistant Dutch: zoutwaterproef English: salt-water test Dutch: zoutzuurbeitsbad English: hydrochloric acid pickle; muriatic acid pickle Dutch: Z-parameters English: Z parameters Dutch: Z-profiel English: Z profile Dutch: zuigbuis English: suction tube Dutch: zuigdistributiesysteem English: pull distribution system Dutch: zuigeinde English: suction end; suction side Dutch: zuigen English: to pull; to suck Dutch: zuigend inlopen English: high-precision fit Dutch: zuiger English: piston; plunger; bucket Dutch: zuigerbeweging English: piston motion Dutch: zuigermotor English: reciprocating engine Dutch: zuigerpen English: gudgeon pin Dutch: zuigerpomp English: piston pump Dutch: zuigerstang English: piston rod; connecting rod Dutch: zuigerverplaatsing English: piston displacement Dutch: zuigerweg English: piston travel Dutch: zuigfilter English: suction filter Dutch: zuigkop English: cleaning head Dutch: zuigkracht English: suction power; cleaning power Dutch: zuigkrachtregelaar English: suction control Dutch: zuigkrachtregeling English: suction-power control Dutch: zuigkring English: acceptor circuit; absorption circuit Dutch: zuigkwast English: soft brush Dutch: zuigleiding English: suction pipe; suction line Dutch: zuigluchtregelaar English: suction-air control Dutch: zuigmond English: nozzle Dutch: zuigopening English: suction inlet; suction intake Dutch: zuigperspomp English: double-acting pump Dutch: zuigslang English: suction hose Dutch: zuigsoldeerbout English: suction soldering iron; solder sucker Dutch: zuigsysteem English: pull system Dutch: zuigvermogen English: suction power; suction capacity Dutch: zuig-vraag strategie English: demand/pull strategy Dutch: zuigwerking English: suction action Dutch: zuil English: pillar; column; post Dutch: zuilenstempel English: pillar-guided tool Dutch: zuinig English: economical Dutch: zuinigheid English: economy Dutch: zuiver English: clean; pure; correct; accurate; true; net; nett; clear Dutch: zuiver haaks English: dead square Dutch: zuiver lopen English: true running Dutch: zuiver lopende passing English: precision running fit Dutch: zuiver rond English: truly round Dutch: zuivere gelijkspanning English: pure direct current; pure DC Dutch: zuivere schatter English: unbiassed estimator Dutch: zuiveren English: to clean; to purify; to clear of impurities; to refine; to debug Dutch: zuiverheid English: cleanness; purity; correctness; accuracy; trueness Dutch: zuiverheidsgraad English: degree of purity; percentage of purity Dutch: zuiverheidsmagneet English: purity magnet Dutch: zuivering English: cleaning; purification; refining; refinement; debugging Dutch: zustermaatschappij English: associated company Dutch: zuur verkoperd English: acid copper-plated Dutch: zuur verkoperen English: acid copper-plating Dutch: zuur vertind English: acid tin-plated Dutch: zuur vertinnen English: acid tin-plating Dutch: zuur verzinken English: acid zinc-plating Dutch: zuurbad English: acid bath; acid solution Dutch: zuurbeitsbad English: acid dip; acid-pickling solution Dutch: zuurbeitsen English: acid pickling Dutch: zuurbestendigheid English: acid resistance Dutch: zuurcatalysator English: acid catalyst Dutch: zuurdamp English: acid fume Dutch: zuurdip English: acid dip; acid bath Dutch: zuuretsen English: acid pickling; acid etching Dutch: zuurgehalte English: acid content Dutch: zuurgetal English: acid value; acid number Dutch: zuurgraadmeter English: acidimeter; pH meter Dutch: zuurharden English: acid curing Dutch: zuurhardend English: acid-curing Dutch: zuurheid English: acidity Dutch: zuurheidsgraad English: acidity Dutch: zuurhoudend English: acidic; acidiferous Dutch: zuurkast English: fume-cupboard; fume chamber Dutch: zuurkoperbad English: acid copper bath Dutch: zuurmeter English: acidimeter; pH meter Dutch: zuurproef English: acid test Dutch: zuurstofarm English: poor in oxygen Dutch: zuurstofcilinder English: oxygen cylinder Dutch: zuurstofgebrek English: oxygen deficiency Dutch: zuurstofgehalte English: percentage of oxygen Dutch: zuurstofrijk English: rich in oxygen Dutch: zuurstofverbinding English: oxide; oxygen compound Dutch: zuurvast English: acid-proof; acid-resisting Dutch: zuurvormend English: acid-forming Dutch: zuurvorming English: formation of acid Dutch: zuurvrij English: acid-free; free from acid Dutch: zuurvrij vertind English: acid-free tin-plated Dutch: zuurvrij vertinnen English: acid-free tin-plating Dutch: zuurweger English: acidometer; acidimeter; acetometer; hydrometer; battery tester Dutch: Z-versterking English: Z gain Dutch: Z-vormige vertekening English: Z-shaped distortion Dutch: zwaai English: sweep; swing Dutch: zwaaicircuit English: sweep circuit Dutch: zwaaien English: to swing; to sweep Dutch: zwaaifrequentie English: sweep frequency Dutch: zwaaigenerator English: sweep generator Dutch: zwaai-oscillator English: sweep oscillator Dutch: zwaaiperiode English: sweep period Dutch: zwaaisignaal English: sweep signal Dutch: zwaaispanning English: sweep voltage Dutch: zwaaitijd English: sweep time Dutch: zwaar English: heavy; difficult; severe; demanding; exacting; serious; grave Dutch: zwaar lopen English: to drag; to run heavily Dutch: zwaar water English: deuterium oxide; heavy hydrogen Dutch: zwaar waterstof English: deuterium Dutch: zwaarspaat English: barytes; heavy spar Dutch: zwaarte English: heaviness; weight; severity Dutch: zwaartekracht English: gravity; gravitational force Dutch: zwaartekrachtvoeding English: gravity feed Dutch: zwaartekrachtwerking English: gravitational action Dutch: zwaartepunt English: centre of gravity; chief point; centroid Dutch: zwak English: weak; feeble; faint; fragile; delicate Dutch: zwak signaal English: weak signal Dutch: zwakheid English: weakness; feebleness; faintness; fragility; delicacy Dutch: zwakke ontvangst English: weak reception Dutch: zwakstroom English: weak current; feeble current; low tension current Dutch: zwaluwstaarten English: dovetailing Dutch: zwaluwstaartfrees English: dovetail cutter Dutch: zwaluwstaartgat English: dovetail mortise Dutch: zwaluwstaartgeleiding English: dovetail guide Dutch: zwaluwstaartpen English: dovetail tenon Dutch: zwaluwstaartverbinding English: dovetail joint Dutch: zwam English: fungus; mould; mildew Dutch: zwanenhals English: swan-neck; siphon trap; stench trap Dutch: zware eisen English: severe requirements; exacting requirements; stringent requirements Dutch: zware perspassing English: press fit Dutch: zwart English: black Dutch: zwart lichaam English: blackbody Dutch: zwart na het wit English: black after white Dutch: zwart vernikkelen English: black nickel plating Dutch: zwart worden English: to turn black Dutch: zwarte achtergrond English: black faced Dutch: zwarte wijzerplaat English: black faced Dutch: zwarter-dan-zwart English: blacker-than-black Dutch: zwarting English: blackening Dutch: zwartniveau English: black level Dutch: zwartniveaudiode English: black-level diode Dutch: zwartniveau-instelling English: black-level control Dutch: zwartregeling English: black control Dutch: zwartruis English: black noise Dutch: zwartsel English: blacking Dutch: zwartsignaal English: black signal Dutch: zwartstraling English: blackbody radiation Dutch: zwartweergave English: black recording Dutch: zwart-wit English: black-and-white: B&W; black-white: B/W; monochrome Dutch: zwart-witbeeld English: black-and-white picture; monochrome picture Dutch: zwart-witinformatie English: black-and-white information; monochrome information Dutch: zwart-witontvanger English: black-and-white receiver; monochrome receiver Dutch: zwart-witontvangst English: black-and-white reception; monochrome reception Dutch: zwart-witovergang English: black-to-white transition Dutch: zwart-witsignaal English: black-and-white signal; monochrome signal Dutch: zwart-wittelevisie English: black-and-white television; monochrome television Dutch: zwart-wituitzending English: black-and-white transmission; monochrome transmission Dutch: zwart-witzender English: black-and-white transmitter; monochrome transmitter Dutch: zwavel English: sulphur; sulfur Dutch: zwavelbloem English: flowers of sulphur Dutch: zwaveldamp English: sulphur vapour Dutch: zwavelgehalte English: sulphur content Dutch: zwavelhoudend English: sulphurous Dutch: zwavelig English: sulphurous Dutch: zwavelkoolstof English: carbon disulphide Dutch: zwavelwaterstof English: hydrogen sulphide Dutch: zwavelzuurbeitsbad English: sulphuric acid pickle Dutch: zweet English: sweat; perspiration Dutch: zwellen English: to swell; to expand Dutch: zwelmiddel English: swelling agent Dutch: zwelpedaal English: swell pedal Dutch: zweltube English: shrink mounted tubing Dutch: zwenkantenne English: rotatable antenna; rotatable aerial Dutch: zwenkas English: swivel axle Dutch: zwenkbaar English: swivelling Dutch: zwenkbeweging English: swivelling motion Dutch: zwenken English: to turn around; to swing around Dutch: zwenkwiel English: caster; swivelling roller; swivelling wheel Dutch: zwerfcapacitantie English: stray capacitance Dutch: zwerfcomponent English: stray component Dutch: zwerfinductantie English: stray inductance Dutch: zweten English: to sweat; to perspire; to exude Dutch: zweven English: to float; to be suspended Dutch: zwevende deeltjes English: floating particles; suspended particles; particles in suspension Dutch: zwevende meetbrug English: floating bridge; floating measuring bridge Dutch: zwevende voeding English: non-earthed supply Dutch: zweving English: beating; wow and flutter; beat Dutch: zwevingsfrequentie English: beat frequency Dutch: zwevingsoscillator English: beat-frequency oscillator; beat oscillator: BFO Dutch: zwevingstoestel English: heterodyne Dutch: zwikschakelaar English: rolling-spring switch Dutch: zwitterion English: zwitterion